BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. I BY LOUIS N. WILSON, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF V CHILD STUDY. BY LOUIS N. WILSON, * 1 Librarian, Clark University. Gbe Clarft IflniversitB press, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, April, 1898. REPRINTED FROM THE PEDAGOGICAL SEMINARY. COPYRIGHT BY G. STANLEY HALL, 1898. O. B. WOOD, PRINTER, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY.1 As Librarian of Clark University, I have received hundreds of requests by letter for references on Child Study, and am constantly required to assist special investigators here. To meet this de- mand I have drawn up the following list of books, memoirs and brief articles up to date, selected from a far larger list kept here. The alphabetical arrangement by authors has been chosen be- cause it brings together the contributions of each writer, but to make the bibliography of use for topical reference there is ap- pended at the end an index of the more important subjects arranged under the leading captions. Under section II the titles of the leading serial publications dealing with Child Study are given ; under section III the Re- ports, Serial Studies, and Transactions of Societies, and, finally, under section IV, a brief list of current text books on themes most nearly allied to the work in this field. For a larger bibli- ography, which is contemplated, I should be glad to receive other publications, titles, or suggestions. This list represents works of all degrees of merit, for I have chosen to err on the side of inclusion rather than of exclusion, and have tried to meet the needs of teachers and parents as well as psychologists. In the brief notes appended to the publications I have had the assistance of several members of the Psychological depart- ment who have kindly looked over the list. I am also indebted to the Bibliographies of Professor Earl Barnes (No. 22), Dr. W. H. Burnham (No. 8)5), Dr. A. F. Chamberlain (No. 95), Dr. O. Chrisman (No. 105), Dr. G. S. Hall and J. M. Mans- field (No. 210), Dr. E. M. Hartwell (No. 222), Professor Will S. Monroe (No. 321),the Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office (No. 590), the Transactions of the Illinois Society for Child Study (No. 559), to Mr. Frederic Burk, whose paper in the current issue of the American Journal of Psychology has 109 titles on the growth of children, and to a list of titles on the various phases of adolescence kindly sup- plied by Dr. G. S. Hall, who is preparing a book on this subject. Bibliography can be had on application by mail for the sum of 50 cts. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. I. 1. Adler, Felix The moral instruction of children. Int. Ed. Se- ries. Vol. 21. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1892. pp. 270. Valuable, instructive and inspiring. 2. Adler, Mrs. Felix Hints for the scientific observation and study of children. Reprint from The Teacher. 51 E. 9th St., N. Y., 1891. pp. 15. 3. Child study in the family. Child Study Monthly, July- August, 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 138-151. 4. Alcott, l/ouisa M. Comic tragedies. Roberts Bros., Boston, 1893. pp. 317. A collection of dramas written by girls for a study of dramatic activity. 5. Aldrich, Auretta R. Children: Their models and critics. Harper and Bros., N. Y., 1893. pp. 158. 6. Aldrich, T. B. The story of a bad boy. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 33d ed. pp. 261. Supposed to be largely autobiographical. 7. Allen, Mrs. J. G. Child study and religious education. Child Study Monthly, Oct., 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 289-293. 8. Child study from the mother’s standpoint. Rochester, N. Y., 1896. pp. 36. 9. Allen, Mary Wood Child study in the home. A series of articles in the North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb. First article Sept., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 128-130. 10. Allport, Frank Tests for defective vision in school children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Sept., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 150-159. xi. Atkins, T. Benjamin Out of the cradle into the world, or self-education through play. The Sterling Co., Columbus, O., 1895. pp. 364. 11a. Atkinson, F. W. Child study in secondary schools. School Review, Sept., 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 461-466. 12. Babcock, W. H. Games of Washington children. Am. Anthro- pologist, July, 1888. Vol. 1, pp. 243-284. 13. Baldwin, J. Mark Bashfulness in children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1894. Vol. 8, pp. 434-441. 14- Mental development in the child and the race. Methods and processes. The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1895. pp. 496. 15- Social and ethical interpretations in mental develop- ment. A study in social psychology. The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 574. 16. Balliet, Thomas M. Manual training: its educational value. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., Sept.-Dec., 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 60-75. 17* Barnes, Farl Feelings and ideas of sex in children. Ped. Sem., March, 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 199-203. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 3 18. Theological life of a California child. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 442-448. This is the first careful inductive study of children’s ideas of God, heaven, etc. It is pregnant with suggestion to mothers and teachers. 19. A study on children’s drawings. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 455-463. Suggestive for a new dispensation in methods of teaching drawing. 20. Punishment as seen by children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol.3,pp. 235-245. See also Proceedings N. E. A.,1895. pp.914-924. An inductive study presenting facts of which parents and teachers should not be ignorant. 21. The art of little children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 302-307. 22. Studies in education. A series of ten numbers devoted to child study and the history of education. Stanford Univer- sity, Cal., 1896-97. pp. 400. (See No. 557.) Especially important both as showing methods of study and for results contributed. The most important of Professor Barnes’s studies are contained in this volume. 23. Barnes, Mary Slielclon The teaching of local history. Ed. Rev., N. Y. Dec. 1895. Vol. 10, pp. 481-488. 24. Studies in historical method. D. C. Heath and Co., Bos- ton, 1896. pp. 144. Several chapters deal with the historic sense in children and primitive people. 25. Bartholomai, F. Psychologische Statistik. Allg. Schulzei- tung, 1871. Anfange des 'fastens, Sehens und Horens des Kindes (nach Sigismund u. Frobel). Jahrb. d. Vereins f. wissenschaftl. Padag. IV. 26. Bartholomai U. Schwabe Der Vorstellungskreis der Ber- liner Kinder beim Eintritt in die Schule. Berl.Stadt. Jahrb.,1879. Almost the pioneer work of child study in the school. 27. Barns, Annie Howes The history of a child’s passion. The Woman’s Anthropological Soc., Washington, D. C., March 2, 1895. pp. 8. Study of a child’s passion for collecting bottles. 28. Methods and difficulties of child study. Forum, Sept., 1895. Vol. 20, pp. 113-119. 29. Bashkirtseff, Marie The journal of a young artist. Trans. by Mary J. Serrano. Cassell and Co., N. Y., 1889. pp. 434. An introspective study of early girlhood. 30. Behnke, E. and Brown, E. The child’s voice: its treatment with regard to after development. A. N. Marquis and Co., Chicago, 1885. pp. 109. A poorly printed, but valuable contribution. 31. Bell, Alex. Graham Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race. Mem. Nat’l Acad. Sc., 1883. Wash- 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. ington, 1884. Reprint, Washington, D. C., 1885. pp. 86, with a chart. An important statistical study. 32. Bentley, Ella Hart Sex differences that have been brought out by child study. North Western Monthly,Lincoln,Neb.,Nov., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 257-261. 33. Bergmann, H. Statistische Erliebungen. H. Bohlau, Weimar, 1891. pp. 23. 34. Bergstrom, John A. An experimental study of some of the conditions of mental activity. Am. Jour, of Psy., Jan., 1894. Vol. 6, pp. 247-274. on psychic fatigue. 35. Beyer, Henry G. The influence of exercise on growth. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Sept., Dec., 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 76-87. The most important contribution to the subject yet made. 36. Bezold, Friedrich Schuluntersuchungen iiber das kindliche Gehororgan. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1885. pp. 94. One of the most important scientific investigations of the hearing of school children. 37. Binet, Alfred Perceptions d’enfants. Revue Philosophique, Dec., 1890. Vol. 30, pp. 582-611. 38. Recherches sur les mouvements chez quelques jeunes enfants. Revue Philosophique, March, 1890. Vol. 29, pp. 297-309- 39. La perception des longueurs etdesnombres chez quelques petits enfants. Revue Philosophique, July, 1890. Vol. 30, pp. 68-81. 40. La mesure des illusions visuelles chez les enfants. Revue Philosophique, July, 1895. Vol. 40, pp. 11-25. 41- La peur chez les enfants. L’Annde Psychologique. Vol. 2, 1895. pp. 223-254. 42. Binet, A. et Henri, V. De la suggestibility naturelle chez les enfants. Revue Philosophique, Oct., 1894. Vol. 38, pp. 337-348. 43. Boas, Franz Anthropological investigations in schools. Ped. Sem., June, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 225-228. Also in Science, June 26, 1891. Vol. 17, pp. 351-352. 44- The growth of children. Science, May 6 and 20, 1892. Vol. 19, pp. 256-257; 281-282; Dec. 23, 1892. Vol. 20, pp. 351- 352. 45- The correlation of anatomical or physiological measure- ments. Am. Anthropologist, July, 1894. Vol. 7, pp. 313-324. 46. Zur Anthropologie der Nordamerikanischer Indianer. Verhandlungeu der Berliner Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, l895- pp. 367-411- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 5 47- On Dr. Wm. T. Porter’s Investigations of the growth of the school children of St. Louis. Science, March i, 1895. N. S. Vol. 1, pp. 225-230. 48. Growth of first-born children. Science, April 12, 1895. N. S. Vol. 1, pp. 402-404. 49- Indianische Sagen von der nordpacifischen Kiiste Amer- ikas. A. Asher and Co., Berlin, 1895. pp. 363. Exhaustive. Excellent for comparative purposes. 50. The limitations of the comparative method of anthro- pology. Science, Dec. 18, 1896. N. S. Vol. 4, pp. 901-908. Ought to be read by every teacher. 51. The growth of children. Science, April 9, 1897. N. S. Vol. 5, pp. 570-573- 52. Remarks on the theory of anthropometry. Papers on Anthropometry, pp. 16-22. (See No. 551.) 53. Bohannon, E. W. A study of peculiar and exceptional chil- dren. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. 3-60. Of great and immediately practical importance for every teacher and parent. 54. Bolton, H. C. The counting-out rhymes of children, their an- tiquity, origin, and wide distribution. A study in folk-lore. N. Y., 1888. pp. 123. A classic work. 55. Bolton, T. Li. The growth of memory in school children. Am. Jour, of Psy., April, 1892. Vol. 4, pp. 362-380. 56. Rhythm. Am. Jour, of Psy., Jan., 1894. Vol. 6, pp. 145-238. Important and comprehensive. 57. Boone, Kichard G. Child traits in the adult. Inland Educa- tor, Sept., 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 65-68. 58. Bowditch, H. P. The growth of children. Eighth annual re- port of the State Board of Health of Mass., 1877. Vol. 8, pp. 275*323- Reprinted in Papers on Anthropometry, Am. Statis’l Ass’n., Boston, 1894. pp. 65-116. With 15 plates and tables. The first report of the classic studies of growth by this investigator. Specially important. 59. The growth of children. A supplementary investigation with suggestions in regard to methods of research. Tenth annual report of the State Board of Health of Mass., Jan., 1879. Boston, 1879. Vol. 10, pp. 33-62. 11 tables. Devoted chiefly to determining the effects of nutrition and race upon growth- 60. Relation between growth and disease. Trans, of the Am. Med. Ass’n, 1881. Collins, Printer, Phila. Reprint, pp. 9. 61. The physique of women in Massachusetts. 21st Annual Report State Board of Health of Mass., 1889. Boston, 1890. Vol. 21, pp. 287-304. Also reprinted. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 62. The growth of children studied by Galton’s method of precentile grades. 22d Annual Rep. State Board of Health of Mass., 1890. Boston, 1891. Vol. 22, pp. 479-522. Also reprinted. 63. Bowles, Mary E. Emotions of deaf children compared with emotions of hearing children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, PP- 330-334- 64. Bramliall, Mae St. Jolin The wee ones of Japan. Harper and Brothers, N. Y., 1894. pp. 137. Interesting and instructive for comparison. 65. Brewer, W. H. The instinctive interest of children in bear and wolf stories. Proc. Am. Ass’n Adv. Sci., Salem, Mass., 1894. Vol. 42, pp. 309-311. 66. Brown, Elmer E. Notes on children’s drawings. Univ. of Cal. Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1. Published by the University, Berkeley, Cal., 1897. pp. 75. Contains four detailed observations of individual children for several years. 67. Brown, H. W. Some records of the thoughts and reasonings of children. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 358-396. 68. Bruns,!/. Die Hysterie im Kindesalter. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Nerven-und Geisteskrank- heiten. Bd. 1, Heft 5 und 6. Halle, 1897. 69. Bryan, W. L. On the development of voluntary motor ability. Am. Jour, of Psychology, Nov., 1892. Vol. 5, pp. 125-204. An important scientific contribution to the science of development. 7°- Child study, systematic and unsystematic. The Child Study Monthly, May, 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 13-21. 7!- Suggestions on the study of children. Inland Educator. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. and Sept., 1895. Vol 1, pp. 21-23! 94-95. 72. Bryan, W. L. and Harter, Nohle Studies in the physiology and psychology of the telegraphic language. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., Jan., 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 27-53. 73. Bryant, Mrs. Sophie Experiments in testing the character of school children. Jour. Anthrop. Inst., Nov., 1885. Vol. 15, pp. 338-349- 74. Buckman, S. S. Babies and monkeys. 19th Century, Eond., Nov., 1894. Vol. 36, pp. 727-743. Also in Pop. Sci. Mo., Jan., 1895. Vol. 46, pp. 371-388. 75- Burdette, Roht. J. and others Before he is twenty. Five perplexing phases of the boy question considered by Robt. J Burdette, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Edward W. Bok, Mrs. Bur’ ton Harrison, and Mrs. Lyman Abbott. Fleming H. Revell Co., N. Y., 1894. pp. 104. Burgerstein, Leo. See Axel Key (No 264). 76. Burgerstein und Netolitzky Handbuch der Scliulhygiene. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 7 Mit 154 Abbildungen. Weyl’s Handbuch der Hygiene. Part I, Vol. 7. Jena, 1895. pp. 429. Shares with the treatise of Eulenberg and Bach (No. 144) the distinction of being the best handbook of school hygiene. 77. Burk, Frederic L. Teasing and bullying. Ped. Sem., April, 1897. Vol. 4, pp. 336-371. 78. Burnett, Frances H. The one I knew best of all. A memory of the mind of a child. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1893. pp. 325. First appeared in Scribner’s Magazine, Jan.-June, 1893. Vol. 13. (Autobiographical.) 79. Burnham, Wm. H. The study of adolescence. Ped. Sem., June, 1891. Vol 1, pp. 174-195. The most important brief introduction to the study of the adolescent problem. 80. Observation of children at the Worcester Normal School. Ped. Sem., June, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 219-224. 81. Outlines of school hygiene. Ped. Sem. June, 1892. Vol. 2, pp. 9-71. 82. A scheme of classification for child study. Ped. Sem., March, 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 191-198. 83. Individual differences in the imagination of children. Ped. Sem., March, 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 204-225. 84. Child study as the basis of pedagogy. Add. and Proc. of the N. E. A., Chicago, July 25-28, 1893. Pub. by the Ass’n, N. Y., 1895. pp. 718-720. 85. Motor ability in children: development and training. 64th Annual Meeting Am. Inst, of Instruction, Bethlehem, N. H., July 9-12, 1894. Am. Inst, of Instruction, Boston, 1894. pp. 127-140. Discussion of same. pp. 140-150. 86. Bibliographical notes to lectures in school hygiene. Worcester, Mass., 1897. pp. 11. Privately printed in connection with a special course of lectures on a part of the field. 87. Suggestions from the psychology of adolescence. School Review, Chicago, Dec., 1897. Vol 5, pp. 652-665. 88. Butler, N. M. Is there a new education? Ed. Rev., N. Y., Jan. 1896. Vol. 11, pp. 58-71. 89. The meaning of infancy and education. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Jan., 1897. Vol. 13, pp. 58-75. 90. Carter, R. Brudenell Report on the vision of children attend- ing elementary schools in Dondon. Eyre and Spottiswoode,Don- don, 1896. pp. 16. 91. Cattell, James McK. Tests of the senses and faculties. Ed. Rev., N. Y., March, 1893. Vol. 5, pp. 257-265. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 92. Cattell, J. McK. and Farrand Li. Physical and mental meas- urements of the students of Columbia University. Psychol. Rev., Nov., 1896. Vol. 3, pp. 618-648. 93. Chaille, Stanford E. Infants, their chronological progress. New Orleans, Med. and Surg. Jour., June, 1887, N. S. Vol. 14, pp. 893-912. 94. Cliamberlain, A. F. Notes on Indian child language. Am. Anthropologist, July, 1890. Vol. 3, pp. 237-241; July, 1893. Vol. 6, 321-322. The only study on the subject yet published. 95. The child and childhood in folk-thought. (The child in primitive culture.) Macmillan and Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 464. Contains an excellent bibliography of over 550 titles. The only work in English treating of the child’s place in the history of the race. The result of wide anthropological reading. 96. Champneys, F. H. Notes on an infant. Mind, Jan., 1881. Vol. 6, p. 104-107. 97. Chance, W. Children under the poor law: their education, training and after care, together with a criticism of the report of the departmental committee on metropolitan poor law schools. London, 1897. pp. 443. 98. Charming-, Walter The importance of physical training in childhood. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Oct., 1895. Vol. 10, pp. 262-272. 99- The significance of palatal deformities in idiots. Jour. of Mental Science, London, Jan., 1897. Vol. 43, pp. 72-84. 100. Chapin, H. D. Child study in the hospital. A record of 600 cases. Forum, March, 1894. Vol. 17, pp. 125-128. 101. Chrisman Oscar Secret language of children. Science, Dec. 1, 1893. Vol. 22, pp. 303. Child Study Monthly, Sept., 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 202-211. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb., Oct., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 187-193. 102. The hearing of children. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2. PP- 397-441- A very valuable of the different investigations up to date of its publication. 103. Child study, a new department of education. Forum, Feb., 1894. Vol. 16, pp. 728-736. 104. One year with a little girl. Fd. Rev., N. Y., Jan., 1895. Vol. 9, pp. 10-26. 105. Paidologie. Entwurf zu einer Wissenschaft des Kindes. B. Vopelius, Jena, 1896. pp. 96. Contains a bibliography 517 titles. 106. How a story affected a child. Child Study Monthly, April, 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 650-661. A good lesson of adult indiscretion. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 9 107. Christopher, W. S. Three crises in child life. Child Study- Monthly, Dec., 1897. Vol. 3, pp. 324-335. xo8. Clapp, H. L. Scientific method with children. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Nov., 1893. Vol. 44, pp. 57-68. 109. Clarke, Edward H. The building of a brain. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1874. 4th ed., pp. 153. no. Sex in education : or, a fair chance for girls. Hough- ton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1886. 17th ed. pp. 181. A classic work still important. in. Clams, Albrecht Ueber Aphasie bei Kindern. Teubner, Leipzig, 1874. pp. 32. 112. CloilSton, T. S. The neuroses of development. (Morison Lec- tures for 1890.) Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1891. pp. 138. A suggestive contribution to the psychology of adolescent development. Very important. 113. Developmental insanities and psychoses. Thedelirium and night terrors of children. The insanities of puberty and ado- lescence. Tuke’s Dictionary of Psy. Med. Vol. 1, pp. 357-371. 114. Cohn, H. The hygiene of the eye in schools. An English translation. Ed. by W. P. Turnbull. Simpkin, Marshall and Co., London, 1886. pp. 236. Contains 7 pp. of “ literature ” and many important practical suggestions. 115* Lehrbuch der Hygiene des Auges. Urban u. Schwar- zenberg, Wien u. Leipzig, 1892. pp. 855. 116. Comby, J. Les maladies de croissance. (Extrait des Archives medecine.) Asselin et Houzeau, Paris, 1890. pp. 42. 117. Compayre, G-. L’Evolution intellectuelle et morale de l’enfant. Hachette et Cie, Paris, 1893. pp. 371. 118. The intellectual and moral development of the child. Trans, by Mary E. Wilson. Int. Ed. Series. Vol. 35. D. Ap- pleton and Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 298. 119. Culin, S. Street games of Brooklyn. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, July-Sept., 1891. Vol. 4, pp. 221-237. A model essay. 120. Exhibit of games in the Columbian Exhibition. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, July-Sept., 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 205-227. 121. Dat'fner, Franz Das Wachstum des Menschen. Antropol- ogische studie. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1897. pp. 129. 122. Daniels, Arthur H. The new life: a study of regeneration. Am. Jour, of Psychology, Oct., 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 61-106. A co-ordination of the anthropology of adolescence with the theology of conversion. 123. Darwin, Charles. Biographical sketch of an infant. Mind, July, 1877. Vol. 2, pp. 285-294. Useful for comparison with the later life of the same child. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 124. David, J. W. Uber die Schwankungen in der geistigen Ent- wickelung des Kindes. 3te Internatioualer Congress fUr Psy- chologic in Miinchen, 1896. Miinchen, 1897. pp. 449-453. 125. Dawson, George E. A study in youthful degeneracy. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. 221-258. 126. Del and, Margaret The story of a child. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1892. pp. 226. 127. Dewey, John Psychology of infant language. Psychol. Re- view, N. Y., Jan., 1894. Vol. 1, pp. 63-66. 128. Donaldson, H. H. Education of the nervous system. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Feb., 1895. Vol. 9, pp. 105-121. 129. The growth of the brain. A study of the nervous system in relation to education. The contemporary Science Series. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1895. pp. 374. The best and most scientific account of brain development with two final chapters on education. 130. Donkin H. Bryan The diseases of childhood (Medical). Charles Griffin & Co., Eondon, 1893. pp. 433. 131. Dorsey, J. O. Games of the Teton-Dakota children. Am. Anthropologist, Oct., 1891. Vol. 4, pp. 329-344. One of the few really good studies of Indian games. 132. Down, J. Lang'don On some of the mental affections of childhood and youth.J. and A.Churchill, Eondon, 1887. pp. 307. A presentation of the medical aspects of the education of mentally defi- cient children. 133. Dresslar. F. B. Fatigue. Ped. Sem., June, 1892. Vol. 2, pp. 102-106. 134- Studies in the psychology of touch. Am. Jour, of Psychology, June, 1894. Vol. 6, pp. 313-368. Earle, Alice Morse (See No. 524.) 135- Eaton, Susie W. Children’s stories. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 334-338. 136. Egger, M. E. Observations et reflexions sur le d6veloppement de l’intelligence et du langage chez les enfants. A.Picard,Paris, 1887. pp. 102. I37- Ellis, A. Caswell Sunday school work and Bible study in the light of modern pedagogy. Ped. Sem., June, 1896. Vol. 3, PP- 363-412. !38- Suggestions for a philosophy of education. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 159-201. Attempts a digest of the most important practical results of child study up to its date, and especially before adolescence. 139. Ellis, A. C. and Hall, G. S. A study of dolls. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1896, Vol. 4, pp. 129-175. An important inductive and reminiscent study on the development of the play instinct. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 11 140. Emminghaus, H. Die psychischen Storungen des Kindes- alters. (Reprint from Handb. d. Kinderkrankheiten.) H. Laupp, Tubingen, 1887. pp. 293. A standard book on the subject. 141. Enebuske, Claes J. An anthropometrical study of the effects of gymnastic training on American women. Papers on Anthro- pometry, pp. 47-57. 142. Pedagogical gymnastics. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., June, 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 81-88. 143. Diagram of working capacity and resistance as mani- fest in gymnasium exercises. Report Tenth Annual Meeting A. A. A. P. E., 1895. pp. 11-18. 144. Eulenberg u. Bach Schulgesundheitslehre. Das Schulhaus und das Unterrichtswesen vom hygienischen Standpunkte. J. J. Heines, Berlin, 1891. pp. 636. A revised edition of this standard handbook is now being published. 145. Fackenthal, Katharine The emotional life of children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 319-330. 145. Fahrner, Dr. Das Kind und der Schultisch. F. Schulthess, Zurich, 1865. pp. 64. An important classic. 147. Fewkes, J. W. Dolls of the Tusayan Indians. Intern. Arch. f. Ethnographie, 1894. Vol. 7, pp. 45-73. Also issued as a re- print, Leiden, 1894. 30 pp. 40, with 5 colored plates. Valuable for comparative purposes. 148. Fitz, George W. A study of types of respiratory movements. Jour, of Experimental Med., N. Y., Nov., 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 677- 692. Reprint, pp. 16, with a plate. 149. A study of measurements in curvature of the spine. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Sept., 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 185-187. 150. Play as a factor in development. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Boston, Dec., 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 209-215. 151. Fitz, H. G. Free-hand drawing in education. Pop. Sci. Month- ly, Oct., 1897. Vol. 51, pp. 755-765. Reprint, pp. 11. 152. Fletcher, Alice C. Glimpses of child life among the Omaha Indians. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, July-Sept., 1888. Vol. 1, pp. 115-123. 153. Fletcher, Robert Human proportion in art and anthropome- try. Moses King, Cambridge, Mass., 1883, pp. 37. (With a bib- liography. Important.) 154. Fotliergill, J. M. The physiologist in the household. Part 1. Adolescence. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, 1880. pp. 24. 155. Fougeray, Hamon flu et Coiietoux, E. Manuel pratique des d’enseignement aux enfants anormaux 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. (sourds-muets, aveugles, idiots, b£gues, etc.,) mdthodes—statis- tique—institutions—legislation, etc. Preface du Dr. Bourneville. F. Alcan, Paris, 1896. pp. 288. 156. Frear, Caroline Imitation: A study based on E. H. Russell’s observations. Ped. Sem., April, 1897. Vol. 4, pp. 382-386. 157. Friedrich, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Einfliisse der Arbeits- dauer und der Arbeitspausen auf die geistige Leistungsfahigkeit der Schulkinder. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, Dec., 1896. Band 13, pp. 1-53. 158. Froebel, Friedrich Pedagogics of the kindergarten ; or, his ideas concerning the play and playthings of the child. Trans, by Josephine Jarvis. Int. Education Series, Vol. 30. D. Ap- pleton and Co., N. Y., 1895. pp. 337 and 13 plates. 159. G-allaudet, E. M. Values in the education of the deaf. Ed. Rev., N. Y., June, 1892. Vol. 4, pp. 16-26. 160. G-altoil, Francis (Editor) Life history album. Prepared by direction of the collective investigation committee of the Brit. Med. Ass’n. Macmillan and Co., London, 1884. pp. 172. One of the best of many now before the public. 161. Remarks on replies by teachers to questions respecting mental fatigue. Jour. Anthrop. Institute, April, 1888. Vol. 18, pp. 157-167. 162. On the principles and methods of assigning marks for bodily efficiency. Nature, Oct. 31, 1889. Vol. 40, pp. 649-653. 163. Useful anthropometry. Proc. of the Am. Ass’n for Adv. of Phys. Ed. 6th Annual Meeting, April, 1891. Ithaca, N. Y., 1891. Vol. 6, pp. 51-57 164. Garbini, Adriano Educazione fisica del bambino. Verona, 1889. pp. 212. 165* Evoluzione della voce nella infanzia. G. Franchini, Verona, 1892. pp. 53. 166. Evoluzione del senso cromatico nei bambini. Verona, 1894. The most exhaustive treatment of the subject yet published. 167. Evoluzione del senso olfattivo nella Infanzia. Archivio per l’Antrop. e la Etnol. Firenze, 1896. Vol. 26, pp. 239-286. 168. Gayley, Julia G. The classics for children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 342-346. 169. Gelpke, Theodor Die Augen der Elementarschiiler und Ele- mentarschiilerinnen der Haupt- und Residenzstadt Karlsruhe. Fine statistisclie Untersuchung. H. Laupp, Tubingen, 1891. pp. 136. 170. Genzmer, Alfred Untersuchungen iiber die Sinneswalirneh- mungen des neugeborenen Menschen. Halle, 1882. pp. 28. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 13 171. Gihon, Albert L. Physical measurements. Wood’s Refer- ence Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. Wm. Wood and Co., New York, 1887. Vol. 5, pp. 667-673. 172. Gilbert, J. Allen Experiments on the musical sensitiveness of school children. Studies from the Yale Psy. Lab., Oct., 1893. Vol. 1, pp. 80-87. 173. Researches on the mental and physical development of school children. Studies from the Yale Psy. Lab., Nov., 1894. Vol. 2, pp. 40-100. Remarks on same by Dr. E. W. Scripture, pp. 101-104. A careful study of development in a large number of school children. 174. Researches upon school children and college students. Univ. of Iowa Studies in Psychology. Iowa City, la., 1897. Vol. 1, pp. 1-39. 175. Godkin, E. G. The illiteracy of American boys. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Jan., 1897. Vol. 13, pp. 1-9. 176. Goethe, Johann W. von Autobiography. From the Ger- man by John Oxenford. Cambridge edition, 2 vols. Estes and Lauriat, Boston, 1883. Full of suggestion and interest. 177. Goltz, B. Buch der Kindheit. (Selbstbiographie.) O.Janke, Berlin, 1847. 4th ed., pp. 532. (A classic.) 178. Gomme, Alice B. Children’s singing games, with the tunes to which they are sung. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1894. pp. 70. {'Old nursery standards.) 179. The international games of England, Scotland and Ireland, with tunes, singing rhymes, and method of playing according to the variants extant, and recorded in different parts of the kingdom. London, 1894. Vol. 1, pp. 453. Valuable for comparative purposes. 180. Greenwood, J. M. Oil children’s vocabularies. Annual re- port of the Kansas City public schools. Kansas City, Mo., 1887. PP- 52-65. 181. Heights and weights of children. Am. Public Health Ass’n Rep., 1891. Republican Press Ass’n, Concord, N. H., 1892. Vol. 17, pp. 199-204. 182. Griesbach, H. Energetik und Hygiene des Nerven-Systems in der Schule. R. Oldenbourg. Miinchen und Leipzig, 1895. pp. 97. Reports important tests of fatigue by means of the aesthesiometer. 183. Grimard, Ed. L’enfant, son pass6, son avenir. Hetzel et Cie., Paris, pp. 388 A suggestive, though somewhat disconnected book. 184. Groos, Karl Die Spiele der Thiere. G. Fischer, Jena, 1896. PP- 359- A very valuable study preliminary to a promised work on the plays of children. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 185. Groszmann, M. P. E. A working system of child study for schools. C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1897. pp. 70. 186. de Guimps, Roger Pestalozzi, his life and work. Trans, by J. Russell from the second French edition. Int. Education Ser., vol. 14. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1890. pp. 438. (See particularly pp. 62-72.) 187. Gulick, Luther Manual for physical measurements. Int. Com. Y. M. C. A., N. Y., 1897. pp. 48. 188. Guttzeit, Johannes Grundziige einer Gesundheitspflege der Kindesseele. W. Besser, Leipzig, 1895. pp. 80. 189. Gutzmann, H. Des Kindes Sprache und Sprachfehler. Ge- sundheitslehre der Sprache fur Elteru, Erzieher und Aerzte. J. J. Weber, Leipzig, 1894. pp. 264. 190. Die praktische Anwendung der Sprachphysiologie beim ersten Leseunterricht. Mit einer Tafel. Samml. von Abh. aus dem Geb. der Pad. Psy. u. Phys. Band I, Heft 3. Reuther u. Reichard, Berlin, 1897. pp. 52. Practical suggestions by a distinguished specialist. 191. Hall, G. Stanley The moral and religious training of children. Princeton Review, Jan., 1882. Vol. 10, pp. 26-48. 192. The education of the will. Princeton Review, Nov., 1882. Vol. 10, pp. 306-325 Reprinted in Ped. Sem., June, 1892. Vol. 2, pp. 72-89. 193. Contents of children’s minds on entering school. Princeton Review, May, 1883. Vol. 11, pp. 249-272. Reprinted by E. L. Kellogg and Co., N. Y. 194. The moral and religious training of children and adol- escents. Ped. Sem., June, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 196-210. 195. The study of children. (Privately printed.) N. Somer- ville, Mass., 1883. pp. 13. 196. Overpressure in schools. Nation, Oct. 22, 1885. Vol. 41, pp. 338-339- 197- The story of a sand pile. Scribner’s Magazine, June, 1888. Vol. 3, pp. 690-696. Reprinted by E. L. Kellogg and Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 20. Price 25 cents. 198. Children’s lies. Am. Jour, of Psy., Jan., 1890. Vol. 3> PP- 59-7°- Ted- Sem., June, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 211-218. 199- Toy life in a Massachusetts country town thirty years ago. Proc. Am. Antiq. Soc., Worcester, Mass., Oct. 21, 1890. New Series, vol. 7, pp. 107-128. 200. Notes on the study of infants. Ped. Sem., June, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 127-138. 201. Health of school children as affected by school build- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 15 ings. Report of the Proc. of the Dept, of Supt. held in Brook- lyn, N. Y., Feb., 1892. pp. 163-172. 202. Child study as a basis for psychology and psychologi- cal teaching. Rep. Commissioner of Ed., 1892-93. Washington, D. C., 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 357-358; 367-370. 203. Child study the basis of exact education. Forum, Dec., 1893. Vol. 16, pp. 429-441. 204. Child study in summer schools. Regents Bulletin, Univ. of the State of N. Y., No. 29. July, 1894. Regents Report, 108. Albany, 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 333'336- 205. Practical child study. Jour, of Ed., Dec. 13, 1894. Vol. 40, pp. 391-392. 206. Generalizations and directions for child study. North Western Jour, of Ed., July, 1896. Vol. 7, p. 8. 207. A study of fears. Am. Jour. Psy., Jan., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 147-249. His fullest topical study. 208. Topical Syllabi, 1894-1805. I. Anger; II. Dolls; III. Crying and Laughing; IV. Toys and Playthings ; V. Folk- Lore Among Children ; VI. Early forms of Vocal Expression ; VII. The Early Sense of Self; VIII. Fears in Childhood and Youth; IX. Some Common Traits and Habits; X. Some Com- mon Automatisms, Nerve Signs, etc.; XI. Feeling for Objects of Inanimate Nature ; XII. Feeling for Objects of Animate Na- ture ; XIII. Children’s Appetites and Foods ; XIV. Affection and its Opposite States in Children ; XV. Moral iand Religious Experiences. 1895- I. Peculiar and Exceptional children, with E. W. Bo- hannon ; II. Moral Defects and Perversions, with G. E. Dawson ; III. The Beginnings of Reading and Writing, with Dr. H. T. Lukens ; IV. Thoughts and Feelings about Old Age, Disease and Death, with C. A. Scott; V. Moral Education, with N. P. Avery ; VI. Studies of School Reading Matter, with J. C. Shaw ; VII. Courses of Study in Elementary Grammar and High Schools, with T. R. Crosswell; VIII. Early Musical Manifesta- tions, with Florence Marsh; IX. Fancy, Imagination, Reverie, with E. H. Lindley ; X. Tickling, Fun, Wit, Humor, Laughing, with Dr. Arthur Allin ; XI. Suggestion and Imitation, with M. H. Small; XII. Religious Experience, with E. E. Starbuck ; XIII. Kindergarten, with Miss Anna E. Bryan and Miss Lucy Wheelock ; XIV. Habits, Instincts, etc., in Animals, with Dr. R. R. Gurley ; XV. Number and Mathematics, with D. E. Phil- lips ; XVI. The Only Child in the Family, with E. W. Bohannon. 1896- I. Degrees of Certainty and Conviction in Children, with Maurice H. Small ; II. Sabbath, and Worship in General, with J. P. Hylan ; III. Migrations, Tramps, Truancy, Running 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. Away, etc., vs. Love of Home, with L. W. Kline ; IV. Adoles- cence, and its Phenomena in Body and Mind, with B. G. Lancas- ter ; V. Examinations and Recitations, with John C. Shaw ; VI. Stillness, Solitude, Restlessness, with II. S. Curtis ; VII. The Psychology of Health and Disease, with Henry H. Goddard ; VIII. Spontaneously Invented Toys and Amusements, with T. R. Crosswell ; IX. Hymns and Sacred Music, with Rev. T. R. Peede ; X. Puzzles and their Psychology, with Ernest H. Lind- ley ; XI. The Sermon, with Rev. Alva R. Scott; XII. Special Traits as Indices of Character and as Mediating Likes and Dis- likes, with E. W. Bohannon ; XIII. Reverie and Allied Phe- nomena, with G. E. Partridge; XIV. The Psychology of Health and Disease, with H. H. Goddard. 1897-08. I. Immortality, with J. Richard Street; II. Psycho- logy of Ownership vs. Loss, with Linus W. Kline ; III. Memory, with F. W. Colegrove ; IV. Humorous and Cranky Side in Educa- tion. with L. W. Kline; V. The Psychology of Shorthand Writing, with J. O. Quautz; VI. The Teaching Instinct, with D. E. Phil- lips; VII. Home and School Punishments and Penalties, with Chas. H. Sears; VIII. Straightness and Uprightness of Body, by G. Stanley Hall; IX. Conventionality, with Albert Schinz ; X. Local Voluntary Association among Teachers, with Henry D. Sheldon; XI. Motor Education, with E. W. Bohannon; XII. Heat and Cold, by G. Stanley Hall; XIII. Training of Teachers, with W. G. Chambers; XIV. Educational Ideals, with Lewis Edwin York ; XV. Water Psychoses, with Frederick E. Bolton; XVI. The Institutional Activities of Children, with Henry D. Sheldon; XVII. Obedience and Obstinacy, with Tilmon Jenkins; XVIII. The Sense of Honor Among Children, with Robert Clark. Leaflets, of from one to four pages each, privately printed at Worcester, Mass., upon the results of which 35 studies have been printed in the Am. Jour, of Psychology and the Pedagogical Seminary. See also Ellis, A. C. and Hall G. S. (No. 139.) 209. Hall, G. S. and Allin, A. The psychology of tickling, laugh- ing, and the comic. Am. Jour, of Psy., Oct., 1897. Vol. 9, pp. 1-41. 210. Hall, G. S. and Mansfield, John M. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1886. pp. 309. (The study and observation of chil- dren. pp. 85-92.) 211. Hall, Mrs. W. S. First 500 days of a child’s life. Child Study Monthly, Nov., Dec., 1896, Jan., Feb., March, 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 330. 394, 458, 522, 586 and 650. 212. Halleck, Reuben I*. The education of the central nervous system. A study of foundations, especially of sensory and motor training. The Macmillian Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 258. Suggestive and helpful. Somewhat popular. 213. The bearings of the laws of cerebral development and modification on child study. Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 833-843. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 17 214- Hancock, John A. A preliminary study of motor ability. Fed. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 9-29. Very widely read and quoted; a fine piece of work. 215. The relation of strength to flexibility in the hands of men and children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 308-313. 216. Children’s ability to reason. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Oct., 1896. Vol. 12, pp. 261-268. 217. Mental differences of school children. Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 851-859. 218. Harrison, Elizabeth A study of child nature from the kin- dergarten standpoint. Kindergarten College, Chicago, 1891. pp. 207. 219. Hartlancl, E. S. The science of fairy tales. An inquiry into fairy mythology. London, 1891. pp. 372. The best presentation of the subject extant. 220. Hartmann, Berthold Die Analyse des kindlichen Gedan- kenkreises als die naturgemasse Grundlage des ersten Schulun- terrichts. Hermann Graser, Annaberg, 1890. pp. 116. One of the earlier and most important studies of the contents of children’s minds. 221. Hartwell, Edward M. On the physiology of exercise. Bos- ton Med. and Surg. Jour., March 31 and April 7, 1887. Vol. 116, pp. 297-302; 321-324. 222. Preliminary report on anthropometry in the U. S., with a provisional list of works, articles,books and tables, relat- ing to anthropometry in the U. S.; including 117 titles arranged in classes I-VI. Quar. Pub. of the Am. Statist’l Ass’n. New series, 24. Vol. 3, Dec., 1893, pp. 554-568. Class II. Titles 4-33 relate to the anthropometry of children. See also Papers on Anthropometry, pp. 1-15. (No. 551.) 223. Application of the laws of physical training to the prevention and cure of stuttering. Proc. of the Intern. Cong, of Ed., Chicago, 1893. Proc. N. E. A., 1893. pp. 739-749. 224. Report of the director of physical training, Boston Normal Schools. School Document, No. 8, Boston, 1894. pp. 151. Contains special study of correlation of growth and death rates of Boston children ; also a study of stuttering as a developmental school disease. 225. Report of the director of physical training. Reprinted from School Document, No. 4, Boston, 1895. pp. 82. Contains a special study of the seating of school children in relation to their height, etc. The best monograph yet published on the subject of school seating. 226. Bowditch’s law of growth and what it teaches. Re- printed from the Tenth Annual Proc. of the Am. Ass’n for the Adv. of Physical Ed., Concord, N. H., 1896. pp. 8. (No. . pp. 23-30.) 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 227. Physical training, its function and place in education. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Boston, Sept., 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 133-151. 228. Haskell, Ellen M. Imitation in children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 30-47. 229. Child observations. First series : Imitation and allied activities. With an introduction by E. H. Russell. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1896. pp. 267. An unclassified collection of observations made by the pupils of the Wor- cester Normal School. 230. Hasse, Paul Die Ueberbiirdung unserer Jugend auf den hoheren Eehranstalten mit arbeit im Zusammenhange mit der Entstehung von Geistesstorungen. F. Vieweg u. Sohn. Braun- schweig, 1880. pp. 92. 231. Hellwig', Bernhard Die vier Temperainente bei Kindern. Hire. Aeusserung und Behandlung in Erziehung und Schule. J. Esser, Paderhorn, 1888. 232. Hemmen, H". Das Stottern. Statistik, Folgen, Abhiilfe. Ein Beitrag zur Heilpadagogik. St. Paulus-Gesellschaft. Luxem- burg, 1890. pp. 56. 233 Herrainz, I). Gregorio Tratado de antropologia y pedagogia. Madrid, 1896. pp. 564. One of the first fruits of Child Study in Spain. 234. Herrick, Mary A. Children’s drawings. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 338.339. 235. Heydner, Georg Beitrage zur Kenntnis des kindlichen See- lenlebens. R. Richter, Leipzig, 1894. pp. 96. 236. Hitchcock, E. Physical measurements, fallacies, and errors. Proc. Am. Ass’n for Adv. of Physical Ed., 1887. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1887. Vol. 3, pp. 35-42. 237. The anthropometric manual of Amherst College. (These tables are issued each year in pamphlet form and are of great value. Amherst, Mass.) 238. Hitchcock, E. and Seelye, H. H. An anthropometric man- ual, giving the average and physical measurements and tests of male college students and methods of securing them. Amherst, Mass., 1889. pp. 37. 239. Holden, Edward S. On the vocabularies of children under two years of age. Trans. Am. Philol. Ass’n, 1877. pp. 58-68. Reprint. Case, Lockwood and Brainard Co., Hartford, Ct., 1878. 240. Holmes, Bayard A study of child growth, being a review of the work of Dr. Wm. T. Porter, of St. Louis. N. Y., Med. Jour., Oct. 6, 1894. Vol. 60, pp. 417-423. 241. Holmes, Marion E. The fatigue of a school hour. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 213-234. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 19 242. Holt, L. Emmett The care and feeding of children. A cate- chism for the use of mothers and children’s nurses. D. Apple- ton and Co., N. Y., 1894. pp. 66. 243. Hornbrook, Adelia R. The pedagogical value of number forms. A study. Ed. Rev., N. Y., May, 1893. Vol. 5, pp. 467-480. 244. Howard, F. E. The child voice. Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 784-790. 245. Howells, W. D. Aboy’stown. Harper and Bros., N.Y. pp. 247. Largely personal reminiscence. 246. Hoyt, Win. A. The love of nature as the root of teaching and learning the sciences. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 61-86. 247. Hughes, James L. Educational value of play. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Nov., 1894. Vol. 8, pp. 327-336. 248. Humphreys, Milton W. A contribution to infantile lin- guistics. Trans. Am. Philol. Ass’n, 1880. Case, Eockwood and Brainard Co., Hartford, Ct., 1880. Vol. II, pp. 5-17. 249. Hurd, Henry M. Some mental disorders of childhood and youth. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Sept. 20, 1894. Vol. 131, pp. 281-285. Reprint. The Friedenwald Co., Baltimore, 1895. pp. 16. 250. Hurll, Estelle M. Child life in art. Joseph Knight Co., Bos- ton, 1895. pp. 176. 251. Jacohi, Mary P. Applications of psychology to education. Ed. Rev., N. Y., June, 1891. Vol. 2, pp. 1-27. 252. Jastrowr, Joseph The psychological study of children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., March, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 253-264. 253. A statistical study of memory and association. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1891. Vol. 2, pp. 442-452. 254. Jeffreys, B. Joy Color-blindness: its dangers and its detec- tion. Houghton, Osgood and Co., Boston, 1879. pp. 312. 255. Report of the examination of 27,927 school children for color-blindness. School Document No. 13. Rockwell and Churchill, Boston, 1880. pp. 9. 256. Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 97-133. A suggestive study of about 500 plays of children, grouped so as to teach each school branch. 257. Contributions to the psychology and pedagogy of feeble-minded children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 246-301. 258. Johnson, John, Jr. Rudimentary society among boys. Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Historical and Political Science, 2d Series, No. 11. Baltimore, 1884. pp. 56. Reprint of same. McDonogh, Md., 1893. pp. 66. Remains the best study on the subject. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 259- The savagery of boyhood. Pop. Sci. Mo., Oct., 1887. Vol. 31, pp. 796-800. 260. Johnson, Richard O. Deaf mutes and their education. In- land Educator, Nov., 1895. Vol. 1, 215-221; Jan., 1896. Vol. r, 338-341; Feb., 1896. Vol. 2, 11-16; March, 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 77-78; April, 1896. Vol. 2, 131-134. 261. Just, Karl Der Wechsel der Stimmung im Gemiitsleben des Kindes. Jahrbuch des Vereins fur wissenschaftl. Padag. Bleyl and Kaemmerer. Dresden, 1894. Vol. 26, pp. 201-210. 262. Kafemann, R. Schuluntersuchungen des kindlichen Na- sen- und Rachenraumes. Kafemann, Danzig, 1890. pp. 29. 263. Kennedy, Helen P. Effect of high school work upon girls during adolescence. Ped. Sem., June, 1896. Vol. 3, pp. 469- 482. (Menstruation.) 264. Key, Axel Schulhygienische Untersuchungen. In deutscher Bearbeitung. Herausgegeben von Dr. Eeo Burgerstein. E. Voss, Hamburg, 1889. pp. 346. 265. Die Pubertatsentwickelung. Verhandl. des X. Inter- nal Med. Cong., 1890. Berlin, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 66-130. Gives a condensed statement of the results of the investigations by the Swedish Commission into the growth, diseases and hygienic conditions of 15,000 boys and 3,000 girls. 266. Kiefer, Konrad Die Natur des Kindes hinsichtlich seiner sittlichen und intellektuellen Anlage. F. Reinboth, Eeipzig, 1897. pp. 73. 267. Kirkpatrick, E. A. An experimental study of memory. Psychol. Rev., Nov., 1894. Vol. 1, pp. 602-609. 268. Koch, J. Lu A. Psychopathische Minderwertigkeiten. Otto Maier, Ravensburg, 1893. pp. 427. 269. Kotelmann, Ludwig Ueber Schulgesundheitspflege. Handb. d. Erz. u. Unterr. f. hohere Scliulen. Miinchen, 1895. Zweiter Band. 2 Abt. pp. 225-395. 270. Kratz, H. E. Characteristics of the best teachers as recog- nized by children. Ped. Sem., June, 1896. Vol. 3, pp. 413-418. 271. Krohn, W. O. The most critical period of school life. Child Study Monthly, June, 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 33-44. 272- Practical child study; how to begin. Child Study Monthly, Dec., 1895. Vol. x, pp. 161-176. 273- Nervous diseases of school children. Child Study Monthly, April, 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 354-368. 274. Kroner, Traugott Ueber die Sinnesempfindungen der Neu- geborenen. Grass, Barth and Co., Breslau, 1882. pp. 14. 275- Kussmaul, Adolf Untersuchungen iiber das Seelenleben des BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 21 neugeboreneu Menschen. 2 Aufl. A. Moser, Tubingen, 1884. PP- 32. Still remains an important scientific contribution. 276. Laing, Mary E. Child study. A teacher’s record of her pupils. Forum, May, 1894. Vol. 17, pp. 340-344. 277. Lancaster, E. G. The psychology and pedagogy of adoles- cence. Ped. Sem., July, 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 61-128. Reviews the literature upon the subject, and gives the results of an inves- tigation by the questionnaire method. 278. von Lange, Emil Die normale Korpergrosse des Menschen von der Geburt bis zum 25. Lebensjahre nebst Erlauterungen iiber Wesen und Zweck der Skala-Messtabelle zum Gebrauche in Familie, Schule und Erziehungs-Anstalten. J. F. Leh- mann, Miinchen, 1896. pp. 38. (With two measuring charts, which should be in every family and school.) 279. Lesshaft, P. De de l’enfant dans la familie et de sa signification. A. Schulz, Paris, 1894. pp. 268. A very good presentation of the child-type theory. 280. Leuba, James H. A study in the psychology of religious phenomena. Am. Jour. Psy., April, 1896. Vol. 7, pp. 309-385. Attempts an analysis of conviction of sin and conversion. 281. Lewis, Henry K. The child, its spiritual nature. The Mac- millan Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 222. 282. Levy, Miriam B. How the man got in the moon. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 317-318. 283. Lincoln, I>. F. Anthropometry individualized. Reprinted from Mind and Body, May, 1896. pp. 8. (Also printed in No. 547.) Points out important lines for research. 284. The motor element in education. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., June, 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 65-72. 285. Linde, Antonius von der Kaspar Hauser. Eine neuge- schichtliche Legende. Chr. Limbarth, Wiesbaden, 1887. 2 vols., pp. 408-416. 286. Lindley, E. H. A preliminary study of some of the motor phenomena of mental effort. Am. Jour. Psy., July, 1896. Vol. 7, pp. 49i_5i7- A study of automatic movements in co-ordinated and incipient chorea. 287. A study of puzzles with special reference to the psy- chology of mental adaptation. Am. Jour. Psy., July, 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 431-493- A careful and suggestive study. 288. Lindley, E. H. and Partridge, G. E. Some mental autom- atisms. Ped. Sem., July, 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 41-60. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 22 289. Lobisch, J. E. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Seele des Kin- des. Haas, Wien, 1851. pp. 134. 290. Loffler, Helene Mutter und Kind. Rathgeber fur die Wochen und Kinderstube. Hoffmann und Ohnstein, Leipzig, 1882. pp.221. 291. Loinbroso, Paola Saggi di psicologia del bambino. Torino e Roma, 1894. pp. 284. One of the best studies of childhood ever written. 292. L’instinct de la conservation chez l’enfant Revue Philosophique, Oct., 1896. Vol. 42, pp. 379-390. 293. Lord, Frances and Emily Mother’s songs, games and stories. (Froebel’s Mutter und Kose Lieder), W. Rice, London, 1890. Text, pp. 212. Music, pp. 75. 294. Loti, Pierre The romance of a child. Translated by Mary L. Watkins. Rand, McNally and Co., Chicago, 1891. pp. 179. A suggestive reminiscent study. 295. Loucll, Mary Difference between children and grown up peo- ple from the child’s standpoint. Ped. Sem., July, 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 129-135. 296. Luckey, G. W. A. Comparative observations on the indirect color range of children, adults, and adults trained in color. Am. Jour, of Psychology, Jan., 1895. Vol. 6, pp. 489-504. This study suggests a means of making a reasonably accurate examina- tion of a child’s color sense. 297- Children’s interests. North Western Monthly. Lin- coln, Neb. Vol. 7, pp. 67, 96, 133, 156, 221, 245, 306, and 335. 298. Child study in its effects upon the teacher. Child Study Monthly, Feb., 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 230-247. 299. Lines of child study for the teacher. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Nov., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 340-347. Also in Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 826-833. 300. Lukens, Herman T. Preliminary report on the learning of language. Ped. Sem., June, 1896. Vol. 3, pp. 424-460. 3QI- A study of children’s drawings in the early years. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. 79-110. The best study yet made in this field. 302. Child study for superintendents. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Feb., 1897. Vol. 13, pp. 105-120. 303. Mackenzie, Morell The hygiene of the vocal organs. Mac- millan and Co., London, 1886. pp. 223. 304. Maitland, Louise M. What children draw to please them- selves. Inland Educator, Sept. 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 77-81. One of the most valuable and practical studies for pedagogy. 3°5- Manton, W. P. The development of the young child with reference to exercise. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Sept. 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 174-184. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 23 306. Marenholtz-Bulow, (Baroness.) The child and child nature. 5th ed. Sonnenschein and Co., London, 1890. pp. 186. 307. Marro, Antonio La pubertk studiata nell’ uomo e nella donna in rapporto all’ antropologia, alia psichiatria, alla-pedagogia ed alia sociologia. Fratelli Bocca, Torino, 1898. pp. 507. The best discussion to date. Many charts and tables. 308. Marsh, Harriet A. Child study in the mothers’ club. Robt. Smith Printing Co., Lansing, Mich., 1896. pp. 31. Helpful pamphlet for mothers’ clubs. Price 15 cts. Address Miss H. A. Marsh, Hancock School, Detroit, Mich. 309. A new aspect of child study. Ped. Sent., July, 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 136-145. 310. Meyer, Adolf On the observation of mental abnormalities in school children. Child Study Mo., May, 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 1-12. 311. Suggestions to those beginning the systematic obser- vation of children. Child Study Monthly, June, 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 45-49. 312. Meyer, Bertha The child physically and mentally. Advice of a mother according to the teaching and experience of hy- gienic science. Trans, by F. Salomon. M L. Holbrook and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 155. 313. Mill, John Stuart Autobiography. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y., 1887. pp. 313. A study of child and adolescent thoughts, feelings and actions. 314. Minot, C. S. Growth. Reference Hand-book of the Med. Sciences. Wm. Wood and Co., N. Y., 1886. Vol. 3, pp. 394-400. 315. Monroe, Will S. Feeble-minded children in the public school. An address read before the Ass’n of Med. Officers of Am. Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons at Fort Wayne, Ind., May, 1894, and reprinted from the Proc. of the Ass’n. Westfield, Mass., 1897. pp. 11. An investigation of over 10,000 California children with reference to the percentage of mentally dull children in the public schools. 316. (Editor.) Comenius’ school of infancy. An essay on the education of youth during the first six years. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1896. pp. 99. One of the earliest methodical treatises on the first years of the child’s life. 317. Historic sense of children. Jour of Ed., Boston, June 24, 1897. Vol. 45, pp. 406-407. Gives the basis of the child’s belief in historical facts. 318. The social sense in childhood. Jour, of Ed., Boston, Nov. 18, 1897. Vol. 46, pp. 291-292. A study of the kinds of chums children like the best. 319. Child study and school discipline. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 451-456. Presents the question of testifying against evil doers. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 320. Class responsibility. N. Y. Teachers’ Quarterly, N. Y., Dec., 1897. Vol. 1, pp. 316-318. Gives the views of over 3,000 school children on this question. 321. Bibliography of education. Int. Education Series. Vol. 42. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 202. One section devoted to child study, but gives only the books and pam- phlets published in English. 322. Moon, Scliuyler B. Measurements of the boys of the Mc- Donough School for the years 1888-1891 ; arranged in order of height, summed and averaged. Also a percentile table for 115 boys 13-14 years of age. McDonough, Md., 1892. pp. 46. Indicates the lines of physical growth of orphans. 323. The growth of boys. Reprinted from the Proc. Am. Ass’n for the Adv. of Physical Ed. Republican Press Ass’n, Concord, N. H., 1896. pp. 9, 5 plates. (No. 547. pp. 19-23.) 324. Moore, Kathleen Carter The mental development of a child. Psy. Rev. Monograph Supp. No. 3, Oct., 1896. The Macmillan Co., N. Y. pp. 150. A careful study by a mother of her own child during the first three years of its life. 325. Morrison, W. I>. Juvenile offenders. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 317. The most comprehensive recent treatment. 326. Mosher, Eliza M. Habitual postures of school children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Nov., 1892. pp. 339-349. 327. Motet, Auguste Ees faux des enfants devant la justice. Bailliere et fils, Paris, 1887. pp. 20. 328. Moulton, A. R. Body weight and mental improvement. Am. Jour, of Insanity, Oct., 1894. Vol. 51, pp. 209-220. 329. Mulford, Henry J. The throat of the child. Ed. Rev., N. Y., March, 1897. Vol. 13, pp. 261-272. 330. Muller, George Spinal curvature and awkward deportment; their causes and prevention in children. English edition. The Scientific Press, Ltd., 428 Strand, London, 1894. pp. 88. 331. Mumford, Alfred A. Survival movements of human infancy. Substance of an address given before the Manchester Branch of the British Association for Child Study, March 2, 1897. Brain, London, Autumn, 1897. (No. 79.) Vol. 20, pp. 290-307. 332. Murray, J. Clark The education of the will. Ed. Rev., N. Y., June, 1891. Vol. 2, pp. 57-68. 333- decker de Saussure, Mine. Education progressive ou dtude du cours de la vie, d’une notice sur la vie et les Merits de l’auteur. 6e Edition. Gamier Fr£res, Paris, n. d. 2 vols., PP- 347, 572- The best of the older French studies of education and development. The appendix contains one of the earliest systematic records of infant life made by a mother. 334- Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. Harper and Bros., N. Y., 1884. pp. 242. 335. Nicolay, Fernand Les enfants mal Aleves. Etude psycholo- gique, anecdotique et pratique. Perrin et Cie., Paris, 1890. pp.530. Very discursive but suggestive. 336. Oppenlieim, Nathan Why children lie. Pop. Sci. Mo., July, 1895. Vol. 47, pp. 382-387. 337. Osborn, F. W. Ethical contents of children’s minds. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Sept., 1894. Vol. 8, pp. 143-146. 338. O’Shea, M. V. Physical training in the public schools. Atlan- tic Monthly, P'eb., 1895. Vol. 75, pp. 246-254. 339- Method and scope of child study for teachers in service. Child Study Monthly, Nov., 1895. Vol. i, pp. 129-134. Also Proc. N. E. A., 1895. pp. 924-928. 340. Educational values in the elementary school. Pop. Sci. Mo., March, 1896. Vol. 48, pp. 675-686. A suggestive paper, based largely upon recent studies of fatigue. 341- Child study. Chautauquan, June, 1896. Vol. 23, pp. 302-307. 342. The training of childhood. Outlook, May 15, 1897. Vol. 56, pp. 164-167. 343- Interests in childhood. Child Study Monthly, Oct., 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 266-278. Also Proc. N. E. A., 1896. pp. 873-881. 344. When character is formed. Pop. Sci. Mo., Sept., 1897. Vol. 51, pp. 648-662. 345- Some aspects of drawing. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Oct., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 263-284. 346. The purpose, scope, and method of child study. Jour. of Pedagogy, Syracuse, N. Y., Dec., 1897. Vol. 11, pp. 9-23. 347. Ottolenghi, S. Da sensibilita e l’eta. Arch, di psichiat. To- rino, 1895. Vol. 16, pp. 540-551. 348. Ouroussov, Mary (Princess.) Education from the cradle. Translated by Mrs. E. Fielding. George Bell and Sons, Lon- don, 1890. pp. 168. 349. Patrick, G. T. W. The memory in education. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1892. Vol. 4, pp. 463-474. 350. Is child study practicable for the teacher? Proceed- ings of the N. E. A., Denver, Colo., 1895. pp. 906-914. 351. Panlsen, Ed. Ueber die Singstiinme der Kinder. Archiv fiir die ges. Physiologie, Aug., 1895. Vol. 6r, pp. 407-426. Based on the study of several thousand children. 352. Peckham, Geo. W. The growth of children. Sixth Annual BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 25 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. Rep. State Bd. of Health of Wis., 1881. Madison, Wis., 1882. Vol. 6, pp. 28-73. Reprint pp. 46. With 9,500 children of school age it parallels Dr. Bowditch’s study of Bos- ton children. (See No. 58.) 353. Various observations on growth. 7th Annual Rep. Wis. State Board of Health, 1882. Madison, Wis., 1883. Vol. 7, pp. 185-188. 354. Peckliam, Grace Infancy in the city. Pop. Sci. Mo., March, 1886. Vol. 28, pp. 683-689. 355. Percy, J. F. Causes of deafness in school children and its in- fluences upon education. Child Study Monthly, Oct., 1895. Vol. 1, pp. 97-109. > 356. Perez, Bernard morale des le berceau. F. Alcan, Paris, 1888. pp. 320. 357. The first three years of childhood. Ed. and trans. by Alice M. Cristie. With an introduction by Janies Sully. C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1889. pp. 294. Collection of notes, valuable chiefly as data. 358. Le caract£re de l’enfant a l’homme. F. Alcan, Paris, 1892. pp. 308. 359. L’enfant de trois & sept. ans. 3e Edition revue et aug- ments d’un supplement. F. Alcan, Paris, 1894. pp. 330. 360. Phillips, D. E. Genesis of number-forms. Am. Jour, of Psy., July, 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 506-527. 361 Number and its application psychologically consid- ered. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 221-281. A new view of both the psychology and pedagogy of the subject. 362. Pierce, John M. Interest of the child in physical training. Am. Physical Ed. Rev., March, 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 19-21. 363. Ploss, H. Das kleine Kind vom Tragbett bis zum ersten Schritt. Ueber das Legen, Tragen und Wiegen, Gehen, Stehen uud Sitzen der kleinen Kinder bei verschiedenen Volkern der Erde. L. Fernau, Leipzig, 1881. pp. 121. 364. Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte der Volker. Anthro- pologische Studien. Leipzig, 1884. 2 vols., pp. 394, 478. A classic. Exhaustive and suggestive. 365. Pollock, F. An infant’s progress in language. Mind, July, 1878. Vol. 3, pp. 392-401. 366. Porter, W. T. The physical basis of precocity and dullness. Trans, of the Acad, of Sci., St. Louis, Mo. Issued March, 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 161-181. Also Am. Physical Ed. Rev., Sept., 1897. Vol. 2, pp. 155-173. 367- On the application to individual school children of the means derived from anthropological measurements by the gener- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 27 alizing method. Paper read Sept. 16, 1893, before the Internat. Statist. Inst., at Chicago. Quarterly Publications of the Am. Statist. Ass’n. Boston, Dec., 1893. Vol. 3, pp. 576-587. 368. The growth of St. Louis children. Trans, of the Acad. of Sci., St. Louis, Mo. Issued April 14, 1894. Vol. 6, pp. 263- 380, 46 plates. See also papers on anthropometry. (See No. 551, pp. 58-64.) 369. The use of anthropometrical measurements in schools. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Feb., 1896. Vol. 11, pp. 126-133 (See also No. 547. PP- 158-164.) 37°- The relation between the growth of children and their deviation from the physical type of their sex and age. Trans, of the Acad, of Science of St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., 1893. Vol. 6> pp-233-250. 371- Ueber Untersuchungen der Schulkinder auf die Phy- sischen Grundlagen ihrer geistigen Entwickelung. Read in Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie, und Ur- geschichte, 15 July, 1893. Zeits. f. Ethnologie, Berlin, 1894. PP- 337-354- 372. Potel, Maurice De l’accroissement en poids des enfants nes avant terme. Soc. d’Editions Scientifiques. Paris, 1895. pp. 40. 373. Poulsson, Emilie. Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten. (18 plays with music.) D. Lotlirop Co., Boston, 1893. pp. ir- regular. 374. Powell, F. M. Backward and mentally deficient children.. Child Study Monthly, March, 1896. Vol. 1, op. 290-305. 375- Preyer, W. The mind of the child. Part 1. The senses and the will. (Translated by H. W. Brown.) D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1888. pp. 346. 376. The mind of the child. Part 2. The development of the intellect. (Translated by H. W. Brown.) D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1889. pp. 3x7. 377- Die gesitige Entwickelung in der ersten Kindheit. Union, Stuttgart, 1893. pp. 201. 378. Mental development in the child. (Translated by H. W. Brown.) D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 170. 379- Die Seele des Kindes, Beobachtungen iiber die geistige Entwickelung des Menschen in den ersten Lebensjahren. Vierte Aufl. L. Fernau, beipzig, 1895. pp. 462. 380. Die Psychologie des Kindes. Verhandlungen des 3te Internat. Congress fur Psychologie in Miiuchen, 1896. J. F. Lehmann, Miinchen, 1897. pp. 80-94. 381. Prior, Mary I). Notes on the first three years of a child. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 339-341. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 382. Proudfoot, A. H. A mother’s ideals. A kindergarten mother’s conception of family life. Pub. by the author, 1400 Auditorium, Chicago, 1897. pp. 270. 383. Queyrat, F. L’imagination et ses varies chez l’enfant. F. Alcan, Paris, 1893. pp. 162. 384. Raelilmaim, E. Physiologisch-psychologische Studien liber die Entwickelung der Gesichtswahrnehmungen bei Kindern und bei operierten Blindgeborenen. Zeits. f. Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, Feb., 1891. Vol. 2, pp. 53-96. 385. Rassier, M. Valeur du des enfants en justice. Lyons, 1893. pp. 88. 386. Rauber, A. Homo sapiens ferus oder die Zustande der Ver- wilderten in ihrer Bedeutung fur Wissenschaft, Politik und Schule. Biologische Untersuchung. Zweite Aufl. Leipzig, 1888. pp. 134. A valuable chapter. 387. Renkauf, A. Abnorme Kinder und ihre Pflege. H. Beyer u. Sohne, Langensalza, 1893. pp. 19. 388. Riccardi, A. Antropologia e pedagogia. Parte Prima. In- troduzione ad una scienza della educazione (Osservazioni psico- logiche; ricerche statistiche ; misure antropologiche, ecc.). Mo- dena, 1892. pp. 172. A valuable study of child-sociology. 389. Ricci, Corrado. L’arte dei bambini. N. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1887. pp. 84. Very suggestive. (For condensed translation see No. 21.) 390. Richter, Gustav Unterricht und geistige Ermiidung. Eine schulmannische Wiirdigungder Schrift Kraepelins “ Ueber geis- tige Arbeit.” Lehrproben und Lehrgange, Halle A. S., Oct., 1895, Heft 45. pp. 1-37. 391. Richter, Jean Paul Levana; or, the doctrine of education. Trans, from the German. With a short biography of the author and his autobiography. George Bell and Sons, London, 1889. pp. 413. Child-life interpreted by an author who did not forget his childhood. 392. Risley, S. I>. Defective vision in school children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., April, 1892. Vol. 3, pp. 348-354. 393. Roberts, Charles A manual of anthropometry, or a guide to the physical examination and measurement of the human body. With final report of the Anthropometric Committee of 1882-83. J. and A. Churchill, London, 1878. pp. 54. 394. Robinson, L. Darwinism in the 19th Century, Nov., 1891. Vol. 30, pp. 831-842. 395. Infantile atavism. Brit. Med. Jour., Dec. 5, 1891, II. pp. 1226-1227. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 29 396. The primitive child. N. A. Review, Oct., 1894. Vol. 159, pp. 467-478. 397. Rousseau, J. J. Emile; a treatise on education. Translated by W. H. Payne. Int. Education Ser., vol. 20. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 355. Selections from the same, by Jules Steeg. Trans, by Eleanor Worthington. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1888. pp. 157. 398. Royce, Josiah Mental defect and disorder from the teacher’s point of view. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 209-222 ; 322-331; 449-463. 399. The imitative functions and their place in human na- ture. Century Magazine, May, 1894. Vol. 48. (N. S. Vol. 26.) pp. I37-I45. 400. Russell, E. H. Observation and experiment essential in peda- gogical inquiry. The Academy, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept., 1889. Vol. 4, pp. 335-348. 401. The study of children at the State Normal School, Worcester, Mass. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 343-357. 402. Exceptional children in school. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 431-442. 403. Blanks for the study of children. State Normal School, Worcester, Mass. (See also No. 229.) 404. Ryerson, G. S. Defective vision in the public schools. (Re- sults of examination of 5,253 children in Toronto. Paper read March 22, 1890.) Trans. Canadian Inst., 1889-90. Toronto, 1891. Vol. 1, pp. 26-27. 405. Sachs, B. A treatise on the nervous diseases of children, for physicians and students. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, 1895. pp. 666. 406. Schallenberger, Margaret E. A study of children’s rights as seen by themselves. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 87-96. A careful scientific study. 407. Schechter, S. The child in Jewish literature. Jewish Quar- terly, vol. 2, London, 1889. 408. Scholz, Friedrich Die Charakterfehler des Kindes. Eine Erziehungslehre fur Haus und Schule. E. H. Mayer, Leipzig, 1891. pp. 233. 409. Schubert, Conrad Elternfragen, eine notwendige Erganzung der Hartmannschen psychologischen Analyse. Aus dem Pad. Universitats-Seminar zu Jena. Fiinftes Heft. H. Beyer and Sohne, Langensalza, 1894. pp. 80-140. 410. Schubert, P. Die Steilschrift wiihrend der letzen fiinf Jahre. Zeits. f. Schulgesundheitspflege, Apr., 1895. Vol. 8, pp. 193-215 411. Scliultze, Fritz Die Sprache des Kindes. Eine Anregung zur 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. Erforschung der Gegenstandes. E. Gunther, Leipzig, 1880. pp. 46. 412. Scliusclmy, H. Uber die Nervositat der Schuljugend. Gus- tav Fischer, Jena, 1895. pp. 31. 413. Scliliyten, C. Influence des variations de la temperature at- mospherique sur l’attention volontaire des dl&ves. Recherches expdrimentales faites dans les ecoles primaires d’ Anvers, 1895- 1896. Bull, de l’Acad. Roy. des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1896. 3e sdrie, vol. 52, pp. 315-326, with two plates. 414. Scott, Colin A. Old age and death. Am. Jour, of Psy., Oct., 1896. Vol. 8, pp. 67-122. 415. The psychology of puberty and adolescence. Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 843-851. 416. Scovil, Elizabeth F. The care of children. H. Altemus, Phila., 1895. pp. 348. 417- Scripture, E. W. Tests on school children. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Jan., 1893. Vol. 5, pp. 52-61. 4!8. Aims and status of child study. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Oct., 1894. Vol. 8, pp. 236-239. 419. Scudder, H. M. Childhood in literature and art, with some observations on literature for children. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1894. pp. 245. 420. Search, P. W. (Editor.) The Holyoke schoolchildren’s Christ- mas annual, 1897. A budget of Christmas stories by real boys and girls. The first Christmas Annual of the girls and the boys of the Holyoke schools. Holyoke, Mass., 1897. pp. 96. Price 25c. 421. Seaver, E. P. Truants and incorrigibles. Ed. Rev., N. Y., May, 1894. Vol. 7, pp. 423-438. 422. Seaver, Jay W. Anthropometry and physical examination. Pub. by the author, New Haven, Conn., 1896. pp. 200. Biblio- graphy, pp. 3. 423. Seg-llin, Edward Idiocy and its treatment by the physiolog- ical method. Wm. Wood & Co., N. Y., 1866. pp. 457. . work is the basis of most of the instruction of feeble-minded children in America. 424- Prenatal and infantile culture. Pop. Sci. Mo., Nov., 1876. Vol. 10, pp. 38-43. 425- The psycho-physiological training of an idiotic hand. Archives of Medicine, N. Y., 1879. Vol. 2, pp. 149-156, with plate. 426. The psycho-physiological training of an idiotic eye. Archives of Medicine, Dec., 1880. Vol. 4, pp. 217-233, with 2 plates. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 31 427. Rapport et memoires sur des enfants nor- maux et anormaux. F. Alcan, Paris, 1895. pp. 376. 428. Seligmuller, Adolph Wie bewahren wir uns und unsere Kinder vor Nervenleiden. Eduard Trewendt, Breslau, 1891. pp. 60. 429. Semmig', Hermann Das Kind, Tagebuch eines Vaters. 2te Aufl. Hartung und Sohn. Rudolstadt, 1876. pp. 240. 430. Sergi, Giuseppe Un primo passo alia pedagogia scientifica e la carta biografica. Enrico Trevisini, Milano, pp.35. 431. Shaw, Edward R. Vertical script and proper desks as related to education. Proc. Am. Assoc., Adv. of Phys. Ed., iotli Ann. Meeting, April,1895. Concord, N.H.,1896. pp.110-123. (No. 547.) 432. Some observations upon teaching children to write. Child Study Monthly, Feb., 1896. Vol. t, pp. 226-229. 433. A comparative study on children’s interests. Child Study Monthly, July, August, 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 152-167. 433 a- The employment of the motor activities in teaching. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1896. Vol. 50, pp. 56-67. 434. Shaw, John C. A test of memory in school children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. 61-78. 435. What children like to read. W. Va. School Journal, Charleston, W. Va., Oct., 1897. Vol. 17, pp. 5-6. 436. Shinn, Milicent W. The visible world of a little child. The IJniv. of Cal. Mag., March, 1893. Vol. 1, pp. 13-18. 437. Notes on the development of a child. Univ. of Cal. Studies. Pub. by the Univ., Berkeley, Cal., 1893. pp. 178. An excellent collection of classified notes on a single child. 438. The baby’s mind : a study for college women. A paper presented to the Ass’n of Collegiate Alumnae, Oct., 27, 1894. Series 2, No. 52, pp. 11. Very valuable studies of a single child. 439. Shuttleworth, G. E. Mentally deficient children : their treat- ment and training. H. K. Lewis, London, 1895. pp. 140. Deals with the mental and physical characteristics of mental deficiency. 440. Siegert, Gustav Problematische Kindesnaturen; eine Studie fur Schule und Haus. Voigtland, Leipzig, 1889. pp. 79. 441. Die Periodicitat in der Entwickelungder Kindesnatur. Voigtland, Leipzig, 1891. pp. 92. 442. Problem der Kinderselbstmorde. Voigtland, Leipzig. 443. Sigismund, Berthold Kind und Welt. Vatern, Miittern und Kinderfreunden gewidmet. I. Die fiinf ersten Perioden des Kindesalters. F. Vieweg u. Sohn, Braunschweig, 1856. pp. 221. A delightfully written work. 444. Kind und Welt: fur Eltern und Lehrer, sowie fur 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. Freunde der Psychologie mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen neu herausgegeben von Clir. Ufer. F. Vieweg u. Sohn, Braunschweig, 1897. pp. 199. 445. Sikorsky, M. Du ddveloppement du langage chez les eufants. Archives de Neurologie, Nov., 1883. Vol. 6, pp. 319-336. 446. Simpson, Walter G-. A chronicle of infant development and characteristics. Jour, of Mental Science, July, Oct., 1893. Vol. 39. PP- 378-389; 498-505- 447- Slack, H. W. Mirror writing and left-handedness. (Author incorrectly given in the Pedagogical Seminary as M. Strack.) Ped. Sem., March, 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 236-244. 448. Small, Maurice H. The suggestibility of children. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. 176-220. A comprehensive and valuable study of imitation. 449. Smith, Jessie R. The story of Washington. A children’s book by children. Illustrations by the children themselves. W. B. Harison, N. Y., 1896. pp. 30. 450. Four true stories of life and adventure. (Stories of Columbus, Capt. John Smith, Miles Standish, and Benjamin Franklin, written by children.) W. B. Harison, N. Y., 1897. pp. 106. 451. Springer, Maurice Da croissance, son r61e en pathologie. Essai de pathologie F. Alcan, Paris, 1890. pp. 196. 452. stableton, J. K. Study of boys entering the adolescent period of life. Series of articles in the North Western Monthly, Lin- coln, Neb., begun in the issue for Nov., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 248-250. 453. Starbuck, Edwin Diller A study of conversion. Am. Jour, of Psy., Jan., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 268-308. 454- Some aspects of religious growth. Am. Jour, of Psy., Oct., 1897. Vol. 9, pp. 70-124. 455. stenzl, Anton Ansteckende Kiuderkrankheiten. Belehrung iiber deren Erkenntuiss nebst einem Anliang iiber Diatetik und Prophylaxis. Karl Graeser, Wien, 1883. pp. 39. 456. Stevenson, R. R. Child’s play. Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers. C. Kegan Paul & Co., London, 1881. pp. 237-260. 457- A child’s garden of verses. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1893. pp. 101. 458. Stockton-Hougli, J. Statistics relating to 700 births (white) occurring in the Philadelphia Hospital, between 1865 and 1872. Phila. Med. Times, 1885-86. Vol. 16, pp. 92-94. 459- Stratton, George M. Child study and psychology. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Sept., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 132-139. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 460. Street, J. R. A study in language teaching. Ped. Sem., April, 1897. Vol. 4, pp. 269-293. Comparing different current methods of teaching modern languages,with criticism. 461. A study in moral education. Ped. Sem., July, 1897. Vol. 5, pp. 5-40. 462. strumpell, Ludwig Die padagogische Pathologie oder die Lehre von den Fehlern der Kinder. Versuch einer Grundlegung fiirgebildete Aeltern, Studirende der Padagogik, Dehrer, sowie fur Schulbehorden und Kinderarzte. Georg Bohme, Leipzig, 1890. pp. 225. 463. Sudboroilgh, Mrs. G. B. What children imitate. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb. Vol. 7, pp. 99, 136, 162, 226, 300 and 332. 464. Sully, J. Babies and science. Cornhill Mag., May, 1881. Vol. 43. PP- 539-554- 465. Baby linguistics. Eng. Illustrated Mag., Nov., 1884. Vol. 2, pp. 110-118. 466. The service of psychology to education. Ed. Rev., N. Y., Nov., 1892. Vol. 4, pp. 313-327. 467. Studies of childhood. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 527. The most important of the author’s contributions to the subject. 468. Children’s ways. Being selections from the author’s Studies of Childhood with some additional matter. D. Apple- ton and Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 193. 469. Taine, M. De l’acquisition du langage chez les enfants et dans l’espfece humaine. Revue Philosophique. Jan., 1876. (The ac- quisition of language by children. Translation of above. Mind, April, 1877. Vol. 2, pp. 252-259.) 470. Talbot, Mrs. Emily (Editor.) Papers on infant development. Pub. by the Education Dept, of the Am. Soc. Sci. Ass’n, Jan., 1882. pp. 52. A collection of brief miscellaneous papers. 471. Tarbell, G. G. On the height, weight, and relative rate of growth of normal and feeble-minded children. Proc. 6th An- nual Session, Ass’n of Med’l Officers, Am. Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Persons. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Phila., 1883. pp. 188-189, with diagram. 472. Taylor, Henry L. American childhood from a medical stand- point. Pop. Sci. Mo., October, 1892. Vol. 41, pp. 721-732. 473. Taylor, Jolm M. The insane disorders of childhood. Archives of Pediatrics, Feb., 1894. Vol. 11, pp. 100-115. Reprint pp. 16. 474. Thurber, Charles H. Hints on child study. Also study of children’s hopes. Rept. of State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Al- bany, N. Y., 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 977-1042. (See No. 556.) 33 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 475- The relation of child study to Sunday school work. North Western Monthly, Sept., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 137-141. 476. Tiedemann, D. Beobachtungen iiberdie Entwickelungder See- lenfahigkeiten bei Kindern. O. Bonde, Altenburg, 1897. pp. 56. Contains a bibliography of 14 pp., by Chr. Ufer. Originally published in 1782. An English trans. of the French edition of 1863, published by C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1890. pp. 46. Price, 15 cts. 477. Tolstoi, L. Boyhood, adolescence and youth. Translated by Constantine Popoff. Elliott Stock, London, 1890. pp. 480. American translation by Isabel F. Hapgood. T. Y. Crowell and Co., N. Y., 1886. pp. 244. A searching reminiscent study of boyhood. 478. Tracy, Frederick The language of childhood. Am. Jour. Psy., Oct., 1893. Vol. 6, pp. 107-138. 479- The psychology of childhood. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1894. pp. 170. 480. Truper, J. Psychopathische Minderwertigkeiten im Kindes- alter. Ein Mahnwort fur Eltern, Eehrer und Erzieher. C. Bertelsmann, Gutersloh, 1893. pp. 90. Discusses the care and training of mentally dull children, and their legal responsibility. 481. Tsanoff, Stoyan V. Educational value of the children’s play- grounds. A novel plan of character building. Pub. for the author, 1305 Arch St., Phila., Pa., 1897. pp. 203. 482. Tucker, Mrs. E. F. The development of the number sense. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb. Vol. 7, pp. 70, 101, 158, 248, 302 and 333. 483. Tucker, M. S. Pedonomics. Child Study ‘ Monthly, April, 1896. Vol. 1, pp. 368-373. 484. Ufer, Christian Geistesstorungen in der Schule. EinVortrag, nebst 13 Krankenbildern. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1891. pp. 50. 485. Ueber Sinnestypen und verwandte Erscheinungen. (Heft 3 der Beitrage zur padagog. Pathopsychologie.) Beyer u. Sohn, Langensalza, 1895. pp. 20. 486. Ueber Handschrift und Individualitat bei Schulkin- dern. Verhandlungen des 3te Intern. Congress fur Psychologie zu Mtinchen, 1896. J. F. Lehmann, Miinchen, 1897. pp-442-443. 487- Kinderpsychologie. Ency. Handb. d. Padagogik, von W. Rein. Langensalza, 1897. Band 4, pp. 113-123. See also No. 476. 488. Utfelmaim, Julius Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child. Por the use of students, physicians, sanitary officials, teachers and mothers. Edited by Mary Putnam Jacobi, M. D., translated by Harriot R. Milinowski. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, N. Y., 1891. pp. 221. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 489. Van Liew, C. C. Some educational bearings of the principle of imitation. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb., Dec., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 320-327. 490. Vaughn, Marion The mother’s record of the physical, mental and moral growth of her child for the first fifteen years. D. Lothrop Co., Boston, 1882. 491. von Vierordt, Karl Physiologie des Kindesalters. Reprint from Handb. d. Kinderkrankheiten. H. Laupp, Tubingen, 1881. pp. 496. A standard; cf. also his Physiologische Daten u. Tabellen. 492. Wagner, Charles Youth. Translated by Ernest Redwood. Dodd, Mead, and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 291. 493. Ward, Effle M. Geographic interests of children. Education, Boston, Dec., 1897. Vol. 18, pp. 235-240. An account of the places which 4,000 school children would like most to visit, and the reasons given for desiring to visit certain places. 494. Warner, Charles D. Being a boy. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1894. pp. 244. 495. Warner, Francis Recurrent headaches in children. Brain, Oct., 1880. Vol. 3, pp. 309-313. Reprint, W. Clowes and Sons, London, 1880. pp. 5. 496. Physical expression: its modes and principles. Int. Sci. Series, vol. 51. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1886. pp. 372. 497. The anatomy of movement: a treatise on the action of nerve centers and modes of growth. Three lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons. K. Paul, Trench and Co., London, 1887. pp. 135. 498. The children : how to study them. F. Hodgson, Lon- don, 1887. pp. 80. 499. Deviations from normal development among 50,000 children. Jour, of the Anthrop’l Institute. iSession, June 13, 1893. London, 1894. Vol. 23, pp. 206-214. 500. A method of examining children in schools as to their development and brain condition. Brit. Med. Jour., Sept. 22, 1888. Vol. 2 for 1888, pp. 659-660. 501 Muscular movements in man and their evolution in the infant. Jour. Mental Science, April, 1889. Vol. 35, pp. 23-44. 502. A course of lectures on the growth and means of train- ing the mental faculty. Delivered in the Univ. of Cambridge. Macmillan and Co., N. Y., 1890. pp. 222. 503. Report to the Brit. Med. Ass’n and Charity Organiza- tion Soc. of London, on the physical and mental condition of 50,000 children seen in 106 schools of London. Rep. of the Com- missioner of Ed. for 1890-91. Washington, 1894. Vol. 2, pp. 1081-1138. 35 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 504. An inquiry as to the physical and mental condition of school children. Reprint from the Brit. Med. Jour., March 12-19, 1892. Brit. Med. Ass’n, London, 1892. pp. 14. 505. Report on the scientific study of the mental and phy- sical conditions of childhood. With particular reference to children of defective constitution, and with recommendations as to education and training. (The report is based upon the examination of 50,000 children seen in 1888-91, and of another 50,000 seen in 1892-94.) Pub. by the Committee, Parkes Mu- seum, Margaret St. W., London, 1895. pp. 117. 506. The study of children and their school training. The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1897. pp. 264. Gives a very popular statement of the results of his previous studies. 507. West, Gerald M. Eye tests on children. Am. Jour. ofPsy., Aug., 1892. Vol. 4, pp. 595-596. 508. Worcester school children. The growth of the body, head and face, Science, Jan. 6, 1893. Vol. 21, pp. 2-4. 509. Anthropometrische Untersuchungen liber die Schul- kinder in Worcester, Mass., Amerika. Archiv fiir Anthropologie. Braunschweig, July, 1893. Vol. 22, pp. 13-48. 510. The anthropometry of American school children. Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology, 1893. The Schulte Pub. Co., Chicago, 1894. pp. 50-58. 5XI* Wliitney, A. S. Some practical results of child study. Child Study Monthly, May, 1896. Vol. 2, pp. 14-21. 512. Wiener, Christian Das Wachsthum des menschlichen Kor- pers. Vortrage gehalten im naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe, 1890. pp. 3-23. 513. Wiggin, Kate D. The relation of the kindergarten to the public school. C. A. Murdock and Co., San Francisco, 1881. PP- 25. 5*4- Children’s rights. A book of nursery logic. Hough- ton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1893. pp. 235. 515. Williams, Lillie A. How to collect data for studies in genetic psychology. Ped. Sem., June, 1896. Vol. 3, pp. 4x9-423. 516. Wilmartli, A. W. A report on the examination of one hun- dred brains of feeble-minded children. Alienist and Neurolo- gist, Oct., 1890. Vol. ii, pp. 520-533. Reprint, St. Louis, Mo., 1890. pp. 16. 517. Wiltse, Sara E. Stories for kindergartens and primary schools. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1885. pp. 75. 5i8- Hearing. (Sound blindness.) Under “ Experimental.” Am. Jour, of Psy., Aug., 1888. Vol. 1, pp. 702-705. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 37 519- Mental imagery of boys. Under “Observations on General Terms,” Am. Jour, of Psychology, Jan., 1890. Vol. 3, pp. 144-148. 520. The place of the story in early education, and other essays. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1892. pp. 132. 521. A brave baby. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1894. pp. 142. 522. A preliminary sketch of the history of child study in America. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895. Vol. 3, pp. 189-212. 523. A preliminary sketch of the history of child study for the year ending Sept., 1896. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896. Vol. 4, pp. m-125. 524. [Winslow, Anna Green] Diary of Anna Green Winslow, a Boston school girl of 1771. Edited by Alice Morse Earle. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, 1894. pp. 121. 525. Wolfe, H. It. The color vocabulary of children. Univ. of Nebraska Studies, July, 1890. Vol. 1, pp. 205-234. 526. Study of children. Education, Boston, Dec., 1890. Vol. 11, pp. 201-207. 527. Common defects of school children. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb. Vol. 7, pp. 22, 69, 137, 161 and 274. 528. Heredity. North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb., Oct., 1897. Vol. 8, pp. 200-205. 529. Wolff, Hermann Ueber das Seelische im Kinde. F. Temp- sey, Prag., 1881. pp. 35. 530. Worrell, J. P. Deafness among school children. Transac- tions Ind. State Medical Soc. 33d Annual Seesion, Indian- apolis, Ind., 1883. pp. 25-33. Examined 491 children ; 72 imperfect in both ears, 53 in one ear. 531. Wyckoff, Adelaide E. Constitutional bad spellers. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 448-450. 532. Infant study in the class-room. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893. Vol. 2, pp. 454-455- 533. Yale, Leroy M. (Editor.) Nursery problems. Contemp. Pub. Co., N. Y. and Phila., 1893. pp. 274. 534. Yoder, A. H. The study of the boyhood of great men. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894. Vol. 3, pp. 134-156. (Two hundred biogra- phies). 535. Young, A. G. School hygiene and schoolhouses. 7th Ann. Rep. Maine State Bd. of Health, Augusta, Maine, 1892. pp. 83- 399- The most comprehensive report yet made by any State Board of Health. Very valuable. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. II. JOURNALS. 536. American Journal of Psychology Edited by G. Stanley Hall, E. C. Sanford and E. B. Titchener. Commenced in Nov., 1887, now in its 9th volume. Quarterly, each vol. about 600 pages. J. H. Orpha,Worcester, Mass. Subscription price $5.00 a year. 537. American Physical Education Review Published quar- terly by the committee on publication and information of the council of the A. A. A. P. E. Am. Association for the Advance- ment of Physical Education, Boston. Vols. 1-2, 1896-97. Price $1.50 per annum. 538. The Child Study Monthly Edited by W. O. Krohn and Alfred Bayliss. The Werner Co., Chicago. Monthly, except July and Aug. Now in its third vol. $1.00 a year. 539. The Educational Review Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. Founded, 1891. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y. Monthly, except July and Aug. Price $3.00 a year. 540. Jalirbuch des Vereins fur Wissenschaftliche Pada- gogik hrsg. v. Th. Ziller, Eangensalza, 1869-92. hrsg. v. Th. Vogt, Dresden, 1892. Bleyl and Kammerer. 540a. Journal of Pedagogy Edited by Albert Leonard. Now in its 1 ith vol. Syracuse, N. Y. Quarterly. Price $1.50 a year. 540b. Journal of Psycho-astlienics Edited by A. C. Rogers, Faribault, Minn. Commenced Sept., 1896. Published quar- terly. Price $1.50 a year. Devoted to the care and training of feeble-minded and epileptic children. 541. Die Itinderfehler Zeits. f. Padagogische Pathologie und Therapie in Haus, Schule und sozialem Eeben. Herausgege- ben von J. E. A. Koch, Chr. Ufer, Dr. Zimmer, und J. Triiper. Beyer und Sohne, Langensalza. Vol. 1, 1896. Vol. 2, 1897. Six Nos. a year. (See Review of above by C. C. Van Liewin Ed. Rev., N. Y., Dec., 1897. Vol. 14, pp. 508 ff. Devoted to the interests of defective children. Although published in German, the contributors represent every country in the world.) 542. The North Western Monthly, Lincoln, Neb. Issued monthly. Now in its 8th volume. $1.50 a year. Has an excellent “ Child Study Department,” conducted by Prof.G.W. A. Luckey of the Univ. of Nebraska. The issue for July, 1896, is devoted en- tirely to the general subject of child study. The issue for July, 1897, to the physical child, health, food, exercise, etc. 543- The Pedagogical Seminary A quarterly international record of educational literature, institutions and progress. Ed- ited by G. Stanley Hall. J. H. Orpha, Worcester, Mass. Com- menced Jan., 1891. Now in its 5th volume. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, con- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 39 tain only 3 numbers each, and cost $25.00 unbound. Subscrip- tion price to vol. 5 $4.00. Has reviewed most of the titles men- tioned in this list. 544. The Psychological Review Edited by J. McKeen Cattell and J. Mark Baldwin. Commenced Jan., 1894. The Macmillan Co., N. Y. Published bi-monthly. Price $4.00 a year. 545. Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Padagogischen Psychologie und Physiologie Her- ausgegeben von H. Schiller und Th. Ziehen. Reuther und Reichard, Berlin, vol. 1,1897. 546. Zeitschrift fur Schulgesundheitspflege Redigiert von Dr. L. (Kotelmann. L. Voss, Hamburg. Commenced in 1888- Monthly. Devoted to school hygiene in the broad sense. Con- tains many reports of school children. To be edited in the future by Fr. Erismann, of Zurich. Price $2.00 a year. III. REPORTS, SERIAL STUDIES, AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 547- Am. Ass. for the Advancement of Physical Education Report of the ioth Annual Meeting, N. Y., April, 1895. Repub. Press Ass’n, Concord, N. H., 1896. pp. 228. Contains many ex- cellent papers from the physical side. The vol. may be procured from Dr. G. W. Fitz, Cambridge, Mass. Price socts. 548. Handbook of the Minnesota Child Study Association, containing suggestions for the study of children. Printed by the Ass’n for the use of Members. Winona, Minn., 1897. pp. 60. With History and Constitution of the Association. S. H. Rowe, Sec’y, Winona, Minn. Price socts. 549. Michigan Manual of Child Study Issued by the depart- ment of public instruction. Robt. Smith and Co., State Printers, Lansing, Mich., 1896. pp. 32. Sent gratis. Apply to Supt. J. Hammond, Lansing, Mich. 550. National Congress of Mothers The work and words of the first annual session held at Washington, D. C., Feb., 1897. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 2d ed., 1897. pp. 285. Contains a list of books (pp. 275-280), with prices, and gives information of interest to mothers’ clubs. Price 35 cts. 551. Papers on Anthropometry Am. Statis’l Ass’n, Boston, 1894. pp. 116, and 15 tables. An important pamphlet. Contains articles by Drs. Boas, Bowditch, Enebuske, Hartwell, Hitchcock and Porter. Also a bibliography on anthropometry in the U. S., in- cluding 117 titles. May be obtained of Davis R. Dewey, Ph. D., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Boston. Price 50 cts. 552. Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. Commenced 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. in 1876. Contains many valuable papers on care and training of feeble-minded children. May be obtained from A. C. Rogers, M. D., Faribault, Minn. 553. Proceeding's of tlie National Educational Association Child study department, 1894, pp. 995-1023; 1895, pp. 891-943; 1896, pp. 836-892 ; 1897, pp. 278-297 ; 585-603 ; 825-869. The pro- ceedings have of late years reported many papers on child study as the National Association has accorded recognition to the child study section. Irwin Shepard, Sec’y and Treas., Winona, Minn. Price $2.00 per vol. 554. Report of the Committee on Color Vision Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Harrison and Sons, St. Martin’s Lane, July, 1892. Vol. 51, pp. 281-396, with 2 colored plates. 555. Report of tlie Commissioner of Education Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Contains many valua- ble child study articles in the later volumes. Report for the year 1892-93 (vol. 1, pp. 357-391), contains an article on child study, with a bibliography of 232 titles. 556. Report of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, New York The 42nd and 43rd annual reports (1896 and 1897), contain about 100 pages each of reports and original articles on child study. Reprints of these papers by State Supt. Charles R. Skinner of Albany, N. Y., form valuable reports of special investigations in child study. 557. Studies in Education Edited by Earl Barnes. Contains many very suggestive and valuable articles on child study, such as methods of studying children, by Earl Barnes. A study of children’s own stories, by Clara Vostrovsky. Eight articles on discipline, by Earl Barnes. The development of the his- torical sense in children, by Mary Sheldon Barnes. Bibliogra- phies of child study, by Earl Barnes and C. J. C. Bennett. A study of children’s superstitions, by Clara Vostrovsky. A study on children’s interests, by Earl Barnes. Children’s ambitions, by Hattie Mason Willard. Children’s sense of money, by Anna Kohler, etc., etc. Earl Barnes, Stanford University, 1896-97. pp. 400. Price, in paper $1.50, in cloth $2.00. 558. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory Ed- ited by E. W. Scripture, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. Vol. 1, 1892-93 ; issued Oct. 1, 1893, pp. 100; vol. 2, Nov. 1, 1894, pp. 124; vol. 3, 1895, pp. no ; vol. 4, 1896, pp. 141. 559. Transactions of the Illinois Society for Child Study Vol. 1, 1894-95, 4 nos.; vol. 2, 1896. 560. Transactions of the Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography Eyre and Spottiswoode, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 41 London, 1892. pp. 273. Contains, in addition to other valua- ble papers, one volume on infancy, childhood and school life. 561. University of Iowa Studies in Psychology Edited by G. T. W. Patrick and J. Allen Gilbert. Published annually. The Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Vol. 1 (issued June, 1897), pp. 92. Price 50 cts. Contains three original studies and gives a review of some recent literature on fatigue in school children, right and left handedness, etc. 562. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Kongresses fur Ferienkolonien und verwandte Bestrebungen der Kinderhy- gieine in Zurich am 13 u. 14, August, 1888. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1889. pp. 115. IV. WORKS OF STANDARD REFERENCE ON ALLIED TOPICS. 563. Bain, Alexander The emotions and the will. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1876. pp. 604. 564. The senses and the intellect. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1879. pp. 714. 565. Mind and body : the theories of their relation. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1882. pp. 200. 566. Baldwin, J. Mark Handbook of Psychology. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y., 1892. 2 vols., pp. 343 ; 394. 567. Elements of psychology. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 373. 568. Ball, Sir Robert S. A manual of scientific enquiry, prepared for the use of officers in her majesty’s navy and travellers in general. 5th ed. Eyre and Spottiswoode, Eondon, 1886. pp. 450. Directions to travellers how to collect data, by eminent experts. 569. Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriften-Bitteratur Fr. Andra’s Nachfolger, Leipzig, 1897. Vol. 1 for 1896, pp. 184. Price $1.75. A German Poole. Indexes 277 German periodicals. 570. Binet, Alfred L’Annde psychologique. par M. Alfred Binet avec la collaboration de MM. H. Beaunis et Th. Ribot, Paris. Vols. 1-3, 1894-96. Published about June. Each volume contains an excellent bibliography of the psychological publi- cations of the year. 571. Brinton, Daniel G. Races and peoples. Lectures on the science of ethnography. N. D. C. Hodges, N. Y., 1890. pp. 313. 572. Carpenter, William B. Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind and the study of its morbid conditions. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1874. pp. 737. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 573- Claus and Sedgwick Text book of Zoology. 2d ed., Mac- millan and Co., London and N. Y., n. d. 2 vols., pp. 615; 352. 574. Clouston, T. S. Clinical lectures on mental diseases. J. and A. Churchill, London, 1887. pp. 643. 575. Darwin, Charles Origin of species. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1878. pp. 458. 576. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1878. pp. 688. 577* The expression of the emotions in man and animals. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 374. 578. Drummond, Henry The ascent of man. James Pott and Co., N. Y. 3d ed. 1894. pp. 346. 578 a. Edinger, Ludwig Vorlesungen iiber den Bau der nervhsen Centralorgane des Menschen und der Thiere. F. C. W. Vogel, Leipzig, 1896. pp. 386, with 258 figures. 579. Ellis, Havelock The criminal. Contemporary Science Series. Walter Scott, London. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1890. PP- 337- 580. Man and woman. A study of human secondary sexual characters. Contemporary Science Series. Walter Scott, Lon- don. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1897. pp. 398. 581. Euler, Carl Encyklopadisches Handbuch des gesamten Turn- wesens und der verwandten Gebiete. Herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Euler. 3 vols. Wien and Leipzig, 1894-1896. 582. Ferrier, David The functions of the brain. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1886. pp. 498. 583. Fleclisig, Paul Gehirn und Seele. Veit and Co., Leipzig, 1896. pp. 112. (See also the phrenology of Gall and Flech- sig’s doctrine of association centres in the cerebrum, by Lew- ellys F. Barker, M. B., in Bull, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, vol. 8, No. 70. Baltimore, Jan., 1897. pp. 7-14.) 584. Galton, Francis Inquiries into human faculty and its devel- opment. Macmillan and Co., London, 1883. pp. 387. 585- Natural inheritance. Macmillan and Co., London and N. Y., 1889. pp. 259. 586. Geddes, P. and Thompson, J. A. The evolution of sex. Contemporary Science Series. Walter Scott, London. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1894. pp. 322. 587. Gerliardt, C. Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. C. Gerhardt. Zweite umgearbeitete und ver- mehrte Auflage. H. Laupp, Tubingen. 6 vols., 1878-1893. 588. Horsley, Victor The structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord. Chas. Griffin and Co., London, 1892. pp. 223. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 43 589. Howell, W. H. American Text Book of Physiology. ByDrs. H. P. Bowditch, J. G. Curtis, H. H. Donaldson, W. H. Howell, F. S. Dee, W. P. Lombard, G. Lusk, W. T. Porter, E. T. Reichert and H. Sewall. Edited by Wm. H. Howell. W. B. Saunders, Phila., 1896. pp. 1052. 590. Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-Gen- eral’s Office, U. S. Army Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Vols. 1-16, 1880-95. New series, vols. 1-2, 1896-97. (A monumental work and a credit to the nation.) 591. Index Medicus A monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world. Edited by Dr. John S. Billings and Dr. Robert Fletcher. Published by the editors, Washing- ton, D. C., monthly. Vol. 1 issued in 1879. Vol. 19 issued in 1897. 592. James, William Principles of Psychology. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y., 1896. 2 vols., pp. 689; 704. 593. Koelliker, A. Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. W. Englemann, Leipzig, 2 vols., 1889 and 1896. pp. 409; 874. 594. Kraepelin, Emil Psychologische Arbeiten. Erster Band, mit 13 Figuren im Text. W. Englemann, Leipzig, 1896. pp. 678. 595. Kussmaul, Adolf Die Storungen der Sprache. Versuch einer Pathologie der Sprache. F. C. W. Vogel, Leipzig, 1877. pp. 299. 596. Ladd, George T. Elements of physiological psychology : a treatise of the activities and nature of the mind from the physical and experimental point of view. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1887. pp. 696. 597. Psychology, descriptive and explanatory. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1894. pp. 676. 398. Lubbock, John On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals, with special reference to insects. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y. pp. 292. 599. Ants, bees, and wasps. A record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1882. pp. 448. 5 plates. 600. Luys, J. The brain and its functions. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1882. pp. 327. 600a. Mercier, Charles The nervous system and the mind. Mac- millan and Co., London, 1888. pp. 374. 601. Minot, Charles S. Human Embryology. Wm. Wood and Co., N. Y., 1892. pp. 815. 602. Moll, Albert Hypnotism. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. Contemporary Science Series. Walter Scott, London. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1897. pp. 448. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 603. Morgan, C. Lloyd Animal life and intelligence. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1891. pp. 512. 604. An introduction to comparative psychology. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1894. pp. 382. 605. Psychology for teachers. With a preface by J. G. Fitch. E. Arnold, London, 1894. pp. 251. 606. Habit and instinct. Edward Arnold, London, 1896. PP- 35i- 607. Morris, Malcolm The book of health. Edited by Malcolm Morris. Cassell and Co., N. Y., 1884. pp. 1079. Contains chap- ters, by various English writers, upon the throat, eye, ear, and the influence of food, stimulants, exercise, dress, climate, etc., on health. 608. Notes and Queries on Anthropology for the use of trav- ellers and residents in uncivilized lands. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Fleet St., London, pp. 146. 609. Paulsen, Friedrich Introduction to philosophy. Trans. from the 3d German edition by Frank Thilly. Henry Holt and Co., N. Y., 1895. pp, 437. 610. Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences Being a complete and convenient work of reference for information upon topics belonging to the entire range of scientific and prac- tical medicine, and consisting of a series of concise essays, and brief paragraphs, arranged in the alphabetical order of the top- ics of which they treat. Prepared by writers who are experts in their respective departments. Edited by Albert H. Buck, M. D. 8 volumes. William Wood and Co., N. Y., 1885-87. 611. Regis, E. A practical manual of mental medicine, Press of Am. Jour, of Insanity, Utica, N. Y., 2nd ed., 1894. pp. 692. 612. Rein, W. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Padagogik. He- rausgegeben von W. Rein. Beyer und Sohne, Langensalza, 1894. Now in course of publication. The 1st volume appeared in 1894, and the 4th volume (down to Myopie) in 1897. Contains numerous articles on child study. 613. Ribot, Th. Heredity : a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes and consequences. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1889. pp. 393. 614- The psychology of attention. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 1890. pp. 121. Price 25 cts. 615- Diseases of memory. Trans, by W. H. Smith. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1893. pp. 209. 616- The diseases of the will. Trans, by M. M. Snell. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 1894. pp. 134. Price 25 cts. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. 45 617. The diseases of personality. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 1896. pp. 157. Price 25 cts. 618. The psychology of the emotions. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1897. pp. 455. 619. Romanes, George J. Animal intelligence. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1883. pp. 520. 620. Mental evolution in animals. With a posthumous essay on instinct, by Charles Darwin. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1884. pp. 411. 621. Mental evolution in man: origin of human faculty. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1889. pp. 452. 622. Ross, James On aphasia. Being a contribution to the sub- ject of the dissolution of speech from cerebral disease. J. and A. Churchill, London, 1887. pp. 128. 623. Sanford, Edmund C. A course in experimental psychology. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1897. pp. 449. 624. Schmidt, Emil Anthropologische Methoden. Anleitung zum Beobachten und Sammeln fUr Laboratorium und Reise. Veit and Co., Lepzig, 1888. pp. 336. 625. Spencer, Herbert The principles of psychology. D. Apple- ton and Co., N. Y., 1883. 2 vols., pp. 642 ; 648. 626. Sprockhoff, A. Grundziige der Anthropologie fur hohere Lehr- anstalten, Lehrer-Seminare und Lehrer, sowie zur Selbstbeleh- rung fur Jedermann. Der Korper des Menschen. Carl Meyer, Hannover, 1892. pp. 292. 627. Stanley, Hiram M. Studies in the evolutionary psychology of feeling. Macmillan and Co., N. Y., 1895. pp. 392. 628. Stewart, G. N. A manual of physiology. With practical ex- ercises. Numerous illustrations, including 5 colored plates. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, 1896; also Medical Pub. Co., Cleveland, O. pp. 796. 629. Sully, James Outlines of psychology, with special reference to the theory of education. D. Appleton and Co., N. Y., 1884. pp. 7x1. 630. Titchener, E. B. An outline of psychology. The Macmil- lan Co., N. Y., 1896. pp. 352. 631. A primer of psychology. The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1898. pp. 314. 632. Topinard, Paul Elements d’anthropologie Dela- haye et Lecrosnier, Paris, 1885. pp. 1157. 633. Tuke, D. Hack Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, giving the definition, etymology, and synonyms of the terms used in medical psychology, with the symptoms, treatment, and pathol- ogy of insanity, and the law of lunacy in Great Britain and 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILD STUDY. Ireland. Edited by D. Hack Tuke, M. D., London. J. and A. Churchill, 1892. 2 vols., pp. 1-642 ; 643-1477. Contains many articles on the pathological conditions of child life. 634. Van Geliuchten, A. Anatomie du systeme nerveuxde l’hom- me. Deuxi£me Edition, avec 619 figures dans le texte. Dieu- donn6, Louvain, 1897. pp. 941. 635- Vierordt, Hermann Anatomische, Physiologische und Phy- sikalische Daten und Tabellen zum Gebrauche fiir Mediciner. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1888. pp. 303. 636. Weber, Alfred History of philosophy. Translated from the 5th French edition by Frank Thilly. Charles Scribner’s Sons, N. Y., 1897. pp. 630. 637. Weismann, August Essays upon heredity and kindred bio- logical problems. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1889. pp. 455. 638. Whitaker, J. Ryland Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord. 2d ed. E. and S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1892. pp. 173. 639. Wundt, Wilhelm Grundziige der Physiologischen Psycholo- gic. 4th ed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1893. 2 vols., pp. 600; 684. (Professor E. B. Titchener, of Cornell University, is pre- paring an English translation of this standard text book in physiological psychology.J 640. Outlines of Psychology. Trans, by C. H. Judd. W. Englemann, Leipzig, 1897. pp. 342. Gustav E. Stechert, N. Y. City. Price $2.00. 641. Ziehen, Theodor Introduction to physiological psychology. Translated by C. C. Van Liew and Otto Beyer. Macmillan and Co. N. Y., 1895. pp. 305. SUBJECT INDEX. Abnormal, 310, 427, 499. Adolescence, 4, 6, 17, 18, 29, 30, 32, 53, 68, 75, 77, 79, 87, 109, no, 112, 113, 116, 122, 132, 154, 173, 174, 192, 194, 198, 207, 249, 259, 261, 263, 265, 271, 277, 307, 386, 415, 452, 477, 492, 494, 557, 574- Ambitions, 474, 534, 556, 557. American Indians, 46, 49, 152. Animals and Insects, 598, 599, 603, 619, 620. Anthropological, 6, 29,31,43,45,46, 49,50,52,78,95,122,126,176,199, 233, 245, 294, 313, 363, 364, 388, 391, 568, 571, 6°8, 624, 626, 632, Anthropometry, 35, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 58, 59, 6o, 61, 62, i2i, 141, 149, 153, 162, 163, 171, 173, 174, 181, 187, 222, 223, 236, 237, 238, 240, 278, 283, 322, 323, 352, 353, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 393, 422, 429, 507, 509, 510, 551, 558, 635. Aphasia, in, 622. Art, 19, 21, 66, 234, 250, 389, 419, 557- Association, 253. Atavism, 74, 77, 207, 394, 395, 396. Attention, 413, 614. Autobiographical, 6, 29, 78, 126, 176, 199, 245, 294, 313, 477, 494, 524- Bashfulness, 13. Bibliographies, 22, 86, 95, 105, 210, 222, 321, 557, 559, 569, 570, 590, 591- Blind, 155, 384. Brain, 109, 128, 129, 213, 500, 582, 583, 588, 593, 600, 600a, 634, 638. Bravery, 521. Bullying, 77. Character, 73, 344, 358. Child evidence, 327, 385. Child in literature, 407, 419. Child literature, 420, 449, 450. Chorea, 286. Color and color sense, 166, 254, 255, 296, 525, 554, 558, 623. Color Blindness, 254, 255. Comenius, 316. Conversion, 122, 280, 453, 454. Crime, 325, 421, 579. Crying, 107. Darwinism, 394, 575, 576, 577. Deaf and deafness, 63, 102, 155, 159, 260, 355, 530. Death, 414. Defective children, 53, 155, 387, 398, 402, 462, 473, 480, 484, 499, 503, 505, 552, 560, 633. Degeneration, 125. Delinquents, 325. Dependent children, 97. Development, 150. Discipline. See Punishment. Disease, 60, 68, 100, 111, 112, 113, 116, 125, 130,132, 249, 455, 495, 587, 607, 610, 611, 622. Dolls, 78, 139, 147. Dramatic Instincts, 4. Drawing, 19, 21, 66, 151, 234, 301, 304, 345, 389- Ear, 36, 102, 607. Emotions, 27, 41, 63, 145, 207, 209, 563, 577, 592, 618, 627. Ethics, 15, 337. Exceptional children, 53, 208, 402. Exercise, 35, 141, 143, 221, 305. Eye, Eyesight, 10, 25, 90,114, 115, 169, 384, 392, 404,426, 507, 554, 607, 612, 623. Faculties. See Senses. Fairy Tales, 219. Fatigue, 34, 133, 143, 157, 161, 182, 230, 241, 286, 340, 390, 413, 561. Fears, 41, 113, 207. Feeble Minded, 257, 315, 516, 552. Feeling, 627. See also Emotions. Folk-lore. See Myths. Food, 242, 607. Firstborn, 48. Froebel, 293. Geographic Interests, 493. Growth, 35, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 58, 59, 60, 62, 109, 116, 121, 129, 153, 173, 181, 187, 211, 224, 226, 236, 237, 238, 240, 278, 305, 314, 48 SUBJECT INDEX. 322, 323, 328, 352, 353, 366, 368, 370. 37G 372, 45D 47i. 490. 497. 502, 508, 510, 512, 551, 558, 561. Gymnastics, 141, 142, 143. Habit and Instinct, 603, 606, 619, 620. Hand, 425, 447. Hauser, Casper 285. Headache, 495. Health, 76, 201, 607. Hearing, 25, 31, 36, 63, 102, 260, 355, 518, 530. Heredity, 528, 585, 603, 606, 613, 619, 620, 621, 637. Historic sense, 24, 317, 557. History of Child Study, 522, 523. Home, 3, 8, 9, 268, 279, 443. Human embryology, 601. Hygiene, 76, 81, 86, 114, 115, 144, 145, 188, 201, 264, 269, 303, 312, 488, 535, 560. Hypnotism. 42, 448, 602. Hysteria, 68. Idiocy, 99, 155, 423, 426, 427. Illiteracy, 175. Illusions, 40. Imagination, 83, 383, 519, 584. Imbecility, 249. Imitation, 156, 228, 229, 399, 463, 489-. Incorrigibles, 421. Infants, 74, 89, 93, 95, 96, 123, 127, 130, 160, 170, 200, 211, 239, 242, 248, 324, 331, 333, 348, 354, 357, 365, 381, 394, 395, 4i6, 424, 436, 437, 438, 446, 458, 464, 465, 470, 521, 532, 533, 587- Instincts, 27, 65. See also Habit and Instinct. Interests, 37, 65, 297, 343, 433, 557. Kindergarten, 158, 218, 293, 373, 382, 513, 517. Language, 72, 94, 95, 101, 127, 136, 180, 189, 190, 239, 248, 292,300, 365, 411, 445, 460, 465, 469, 477, 478. Laughing, 209. Lefthandedness, 447. Lies, 198, 336. Manual Training, 16. Mathematics. See Number. Memory, 55, 253, 267, 349, 434, 615. Mental automatisms, 288. Mental defect, 230, 249, 257, 268, 315, 374, 423, 439, 47L 48o, 516, 574- Mental development, 14, 15, 117, 118, 124, 136, 173,174, 193, 217, 220, 235, 251, 252, 253, 257, 266, 281, 286, 289, 324, 328, 333, 356, 359. 366, 374. 375, 380, 381, 409, 436, 438, 440, 441, 485, 502, 503, 504, 505, 564, 572, 578, 583, 584, 588, 600, 606, 620, 621, 634, 638. Mental fatigue, 34. Mirror writing, 447. Money sense, 557. Moral and religious training, 1, 117, 118, 122,137, 191, 192,194, 198, 208, 266, 356, 461. See also Religion. Mother, 290, 293, 308, 312, 382, 549, 550, 557- Mothers’ clubs, 308, 549. Motor ability, 69, 85, 208, 214, 215, 284, 433a, 501. Motor ideas, 16, 38. Motor training, 284. Movements, 38. Music, 172. Myopia. See Eye. Myths and mythology, 49, 54, 95, 219, 282. Nature study, 246. Nervous diseases, 273,405,412,423. Nervousness, 412, 428. Nervous system, 128, 182, 212, 600a, 634. Neurasthenia, 273, 405. Newborn child, 274, 275. Number and number forms, 39, 243, 360, 361, 482. Offenders, 325. Old Age, 414 Overpressure, 196, 230. Palatal Deformities, 99. Passions, 27. Peculiar Children, 53, 108. Perception, 26, 37, 39, 40, 193, 220, 246, 433- Pestalozzi, 186. Philosophy, 609, 636. Philosophy of Education, 139. Physical training, 98, 141, 142, 143, 162, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 338, 362, 547. 581. Physiology, 589, 628, 634, 635. Play, 78, 139, 150, 158, 184,197, 373, 148. Plays and Games, 4, 11, 12, 54, 119, 120, 131, 137, 150, 178, 179, 184, 199, 247, 256, 258, 293, 334, 373, 456, 481. SUBJECT INDEX. 49 Playthings, 147, 152. Poetry, 457. Postures, 74, 326, 330. Precocity, 366. Prematurely born, 372. Primitive child, 396. Psychology, 202, 251, 252, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 570, 572, 592, 594, 596, 597, 604, 605, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 621, 623, 625, 627, 629, 630, 631, 639, 640, 641. Punishment, 20, 319, 320, 557. Puzzles, 287. Race Psychology, 14, 15, 95, 571. Reading, 168, 435. Reasonings, 67, 216. Religion and religious ideas, 1, 7, 18, 280, 281, 453. 454,475- See also moral and relig. training. Reminiscent, 176, 199, 245, 294, 313, 456, 477, 494. Respiration, 148. Rhythm, 54, 56, 441. Rights, 406, 514. Schoolhouses, 535. Secret languages, 101. Senses and Faculties, 91, 92, 170, 274, 275, 564, 598, 599, 603, 606, 619, 620, 621. Sex, 17, 31, 32, no, 557, 576, 580, 586. Sight. See Eye. Singing. See Voice. Smell, 167. Social sense, 15, 258, 318, 320, 406, 599- Songs, 293, 334. Speech, 30, 189, 190, 223, 232, 239, 244, 248, 292, 303, 329, 365, 411, 445, 460, 465, 469, 478, 595, 622, Spelling, 531. Spinal curvature, 149, 326, 330. Stammering. See Stuttering. Story, 65, 106, 135, 219, 420, 449, 450, 520, 557- Stuttering, Stammering, 223, 232. Suggestibility, 42, 448. Suicide, 442. Summer Schools, 204. Sunday School, 137, 475. Superstitions, 49, 282, 557. Syllabi, 195, 208. Taste, 25. Teacher, 270, 298, 299,302,339, 350, 433a> 605, 629. Teasing, 77. Technique of Child Study, 2, 3, 9, 28, 43, 50, 52, 70, 71, 80, 82, 83, 103, 105, 108, 160, 162, 163, 185, 202, 206, 208, 272, 283, 299, 308, 309, 310, 311, 339, 341, 346, 349, 393, 4oo, 401, 403, 416, 418, 422, 429, 474, 475, 506, 510, 515, 522, 523- 526, 556, 557- Temperament, 231. Thoughts, 67. Throat 329, 607. See also Voice. Tickling, 209. Topical Syllabi, 208. Touch, 134. Tragedies, 4. Truants, 421. Vision. See Eye. Voice, 30, 165, 208, 244, 261, 303, 351. See also Throat. Volition, 69. Will, 69, 192, 332, 563, 592, 616. Women, 61. Worcester State Normal School, 80, 401, 403. Writing, 410, 431, 432, 447, 486. Zoology, 573.