U.S. ARMY A IB FOSSES - HldiaJrilttation af 40ar f>a£ualtu£ ANTONIO AVIATION CADET CENTER SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY LIBRARY OFFICER LT. COLONEL M. P. STARR, M.C- CHIEF OF MEDICAL SERVICE LIBRARIAN HENRIETTA FORGE* SCHADE JLX.L C.JL The preparation of this bibliography was an outgrowth of requests received by the Medical Library for the latest material on rehabili- tation. An attempt was made to give a general survey of the field, and, in some instances list articles of specific interest to the Medical Staff of this hospital. No attempt was made to list books before 1939, nor periodical articles before 1941. The entries included terminate with findings through June, 1943. References to foreign language periodicals were omitted. This bibliography does not include references to tuberculosis, sight, hearing, and advanced psychopathic states. The library was limited, in compilation, to the following sources: THE BOOKLIST CUMMULATIVE BOOK INDEX aUARTERLT CUMMULATIVE INDEX MEDICUS KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS USED AH. J. HUNT. DEFICIENCY American Journal of Mental Deficiency. 372-374 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. AM- J. PSY. American Journal of Psychiatry. The American Psychiatric Association, 9 Rockefeller Plasa, N. Y. AM. J. M. SC. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 600 South Washington Sq., Philadelphia. ARCH. PHYS. THERAPY Archives of Physical Therapy. American Congress of Physical Therapy, Suite 712, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. ARCH. SURQ. Archives of Surgery. American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. BRIT. J. PHYS. MED. British Journal of Physical Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, 4, 5, A 6 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, London, W. C. 2. BRIT. M. J. British Medical Journal. British Medical Association House, 19 Tavistock Sq., London, W. C. 1. CLEVELAND CLIN. QUART. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2020 E. 93rd St., Cleveland. CONN. MED. J. The Connecticut State Medical Journal. 54 Church St., Hartford. DIS. NERV. SYSTEM /Diseases of the Nervous System. 277 Broad- way, N. Y. ILLINOIS M. J. Illinois Medical Journal. 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. ILLINOIS PSYCHIAT. J. The Illinois Psychiatric Journal. Depart- ment of Public Welfare, Springfield, Illinois. INDUS. HYQ. POUND- OF AM. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America. 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh. INDUST. MED- Industrial Medicine. 606 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. J.OF ABN.& SOCIAL PSYCHOL Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 374 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. J. A. M. A. Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion. 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 1 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS USED (Continued) J. HEALTH & PHY. ED. Journal of Health and Physical Education. 1801 16th St., N, W., Washington, D. 0. J. MAINE M. A. Journal of the Maine Medical Association. Congress Bldg., 142 High St., Portland. J. MENT. SC. Journal of Mental Science. 104 Gloucester Place, Portman Sq. , London, W, I. J. HOY ARMY M. CORPS Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. A. M. D. 2, War Office, Whitehall, London, S. W. 1. J. ROY. INST. HEALTH Journal of the Royal Institute of Public &• HYQ. Health and Hygiene Incorporating Journal of State Medicine. 28 Portland Place London, W. 1, MANPOWER REV. Manpower Review. United States War Man- power Commission, Washington, D. C. M. PRESS Medical Press and Circular. 7 &• 8 Henri- etta St., Convent Garden, London, W. C. 2. MENT. HYG. Mental Hygiene. 372-374, Broadway, Albany, N. Y. MIL. SURGEON Military Surgeon. 7th and Independence- Ave., S. W., Washington, D. C. MINN. MED. Minnesota Medicine, 2642 University Ave. , St. Paul. MOD. HOSP. Modern Hospital. 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. MONTHLY LABOR REV. Monthly Labor Review. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. N’WEST. M. . Northwest Medicine. 230 Cobb Bldg., Seattle, Wash. OCCUP. THERAPY Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation. Williams & Wilkins Co., Mt. Royal and Guil- ford Aves., Baltimore, POST-GRAD. M. J. The Post-Graduate Medical Journal. 1 Wimpole St., London, W. 1. PROC. STAFF MEET , Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of MAYO CLIN. the Mayo Clinic. Rochester, Minn. PUB- HEALTH NURSING Public Health Nursing. 1790 Broadway, N. Y. 2 KEY TO AEBREVI ATIONS USED (Continued) SOUTH. M. J. Southern Medical Journal. Empire Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. TRI-STATE M. J. Tri-State Medical Journal. Room 218, First National Bank Bldg., Shreveport, La. U. S. NAV. BUL. United States Naval Medical Bu 1 let in, Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. WAR MED. War Medicine. American Medical Associa- tion, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. WEST Y. MED. J. West Virginia Medical Journal. Box 1031, Char leston. 3 REHABILITATION OP WAR CASUALTIES Preliminary Bibliography SAACC Medical Library BOOKS 1. Doherty, W. B. & D. D. Runes, Rehabilitation of the War Injured, A Symposium. N. Y. Philosophical Library. 1943. This symposium is perhaps the best compilation issued to date on the various phases of rehabilitation; therefore, the table of contents is listed below. Denny-Brown, The Sequelae of War Head Injuries; McKissock, Rehabili- tation of the Head Injuries; Cairns, Rehabilitation After Head Injuries; Cobb, Speech Disorders and Their Treatment; Jefferson, et al, Re- habilitation after Injuries to the Central Nervous System; Minski, Psychological Reactions to Injury; Norris, Malingering/ Mosby, Re., socialization: The Aim of Therapy for Psychotic Patients. NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY RECONSTRUCTIVE AND PLASTIC SURGERY Gillies, Practical Uses of the Tubed Pedicle Flap; Miller, Plastic Surgery; Smith, Some Refinements in Reconstructive Surgery of the Face; Blair, Relation of the Early Care to the Final Outcome of Major Face Wounds in War Surgery; May, The Correction of Scars; Sheehan, Burns and Their Treatment; Safian, Failures in Rhinoplastic Surgery- Causes and Prevention; Straith, Reconstruction About the Nasal Tip; Cinelli, Nasal Artresias; McDowell, et al, A Review of Reconstructive Surgery of the Face; Maliniac, Free Skin Grafts versus Flaps in Surface Defects of Face and Neck; Hughes, A New Method for Rebuilding a Lower Lid; Doherty, Orbital Implants; Kazanjian, Jaw Reconstruction; Gillies, Nursing in Plastic Surgery and Maxillo-Facial Injuries; Greeley, Re- constructive Otoplasty. OTHCPEDICS Kelhara, Some Aspects of the Problem of Amputation Stumps in Relation, to Limb Fitting;,Mitchell, The After-care of Amputations; Anopol, Leg Lengthening; Smith-Petersen, Anthroplasty of the Hip - A New Method; Kosmati, Transplation of a Toe to Replace a Thumb, Following Nikola- doni's Method. PHYSIOTHERAPY Woods, Rehabilitation in the British Emergency Medical Service; Wat- 4 PHYSIOTHERAPY (Continued) son-Jones, Rehabilitation in the Royal Air Force; Moulding, Rehabili- tation of Injured Air Crews in Great Britain; Krusen, Rehabilitation of the Chronically Disabled with Special Reference to the Use of Physical Measures; Holmes, Hydrotherapy as a Means of Rehabilitation; Mennell, Massage, Movements and Exercises in the Treatment of Nerve Suture and Repair; McMurray, Uses and Abuses of Splints and Other In- struments in the Treatment of Nerve Lesions. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Martin, Graduated Exercise in Tuberculosis; Griffith, Medical and Hospital Service Experience with Disabled Veterans of World War II; Qirdlestone, Occupational Therapy for the Wounded; Kersley, Craft Analysis in Occupational Therapy; Kratz, Re-education of the War Wounded; Johnstone, Industrial Participation in the Rehabilitation of tne War Wounded; Bluett, Vocational Rehabilitation of the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Ex-serviceman; Lennox, et al, Employment of Epileptics; Briggs, Prescribed Occupational Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation for the Tuberculous; Kayne, Rehabilitation of the Tuberculous in Eng- land; McDougall, Problems Involved in the Rehabilitation of the Dis- abled in England; Lanckenau, Rehabilitation by Modern Methods of Exer- cise; Davenport, Rehabilitation in Non-recoverable Eye Cases; Duke- Elder, Rehabilitation in Ophthalmic Cases. 1. White, Vascular and Neurologic Lesions In Survivors of Shipwreck. 2. Abbott, Q. K.,, Physical Therapy in Nursing Care. Wash. D. C. Rev.& Herald Pub. Co. 1941. 3. Clayton, E. B., Actinotherapy and Disthermy for the Student. London. Bailliere. 1940 4. Prampton & Rowell, Education for the Handicapped. 2v. World Bk Co. 1938-1940. 5. Haworth &■ McDonald, Theory of Occupational Therapy for Students and Nurses. Baltimore. The Williams & Wilkins Co. 1943. 6. Kovacs, Richard, Electrotherapy and Light Therapy; with the Essen- tials of Hydrotherapy and Mechanotherapy. Philadelphia. Lea & Pe- biger. 1942. 7. Krusen, P. H., Physical Medicine. Philadelphia. Saunders. 1941,. 8. Levy, H., Back to Work! Toronto. Ryerson Press. 1941. 9. MacCurdy, John Thompson, The Structure of Morale N. Y. MacMillan 1 943. MISCBLLANOUS 5 BOOKS (Continued) 10. Occupational Counseling Techniques. U. S. Employment Service. N. Y. Am. Bk. Co. 11. Occupational Therapy Yearbook. N. Y. Occup. Therapy Assn. 1943,. 12. Sands, Physiotherapy; Injuries to Joints. Paber. 1939. 13. Slavson Introduction to Group Therapy. N. Y. Commonwealth Fund. 1943. 14. WTeiss, Edward and English, 0. S,, Psychosomatic Medicine (The Clinical Application of Psychopathology to General Medical Problems). Philadelphia. Saunders. 1943. 15. Worster, Elements of Physical Therapy. California. College Pub. Co. 1942. 16. Yearbook of Physical Therapy. Chicago. Year Bock Co. 1936-1942. PERIODICAL ARTICLES 1. Albee, P. H., Problems in Employing Physically Handicapped, Illi- nois M. J. 83:251-257, Apr. 1943. 2. Allen, R. P., Work of Red Cross in Postwar Medical Rehabilitation, J. A. M. A. 122:26-27, May 1, 1943. 3. Bailey, L. D., After-care of Acute Medical Diseases, Practitioner 149:81-88, Aug. 1942. 4. Bainbridge, Capt. W. S., (Med. Corps, U. S. Naval Reserve), The Forward March of Physical Medicine, Mil. Surgeon 92:365-372, Apr. 1943. 5. Barnes, S. S., Value of Motion Pictures; Organization of Movie De partment, Occup. Therapy 21:169-174, June 1942. 6. Bartle, H., Employment and Placement of Handicapped Persons, J. A. M. A. 121:1002-1003, Mar. 27, 1943. 7. Bauwens, P., Physical Therapy - Planning for Future, Brit. J. Phys. Med. 5:152-15r7, Nov. - Dec. 1942. 8. Billings, P., Quoted by Cotton, P. J., The Need for War-trained Physiotherapy Experts in the Hospital, Mod. Hosp. 14:101-102, Feb. 1920. 9. Bonsteel, R. M., Recreation-occupational Therapy Project at State Hospital under W. P. A. Auspices, Ment. Hyg. 24:552-565, Oct. 1940. 10. Bradford, C. H. , Considerations for Evaluation of Physical Disa- bilities, Mil. Surgeon 92:25-31, Jan. 1943. 11. British Plan for Training the Disabled, Monthly Labor Rev. 54: 407-408, Peb. 1942. 12. Brookes, T. P. and Leydig, S. M., Simple Aids for Active Motion of Fractured Hips, Arch. Phys. Therapy 24:288-290, May 1943. 6 PERIODICAL ARTICLES (Continued) 13. Brophil, G. R., Occupational Therapy - Reaction while Resting, Occup. Therapy, 21:25-32, Peb. 1942. 14. Burbank, B. and Porsee, J. H., Bomb Blast Injuries, Mil. Surgeon 93:124-132, Aug. 1943. 15. Burt, H.., Occupational Therapy - Re-education of Arthritic, J. Roy. Inst. Health & Hyg. 5:33-40, Peb. 1942 16. Cairns, H,, Rehabilitation after Injuries, U, S, Nav, M. Bui, 41:231-236, Jan. 1943. 17. Cameron, K., Occupational Therapy for War Neuroses, Lancet 2:659- 660, Nov. 23, 1940. 18. Casson, E., Occupational Therapy in Nerve Lesions; Psychologic and Physical Aspects. Brit, J. Phys. Med. 5:27-33, Peb. 1942. 19. Chester, E. P., Rehabilitation and War Effort, Conn. M. J. 7:66-67, Jan. 1943. 20. Rehabilitation of Disabled Connecticut Worker Conn. Med. J. 5:191-192, Mar. 1941. 21. Cooksey, P. S., Rehabilitation in General Hospitals, M. Press 209: 164-166, Mar. 17, 1943. 22. Coulter, J. S., Occupational Therapy in the Army, Occup. Therapy 21:161-164, June 1942. 23., Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation, J. A. H. A. 121:866-867, Mar. 13, 1943. Arch, Phys. Therapy 24:295-298, May 1943. 24. and Carter, H. A., Need for Physical Therapy Tech niciana, War Med. 2:824-829, Sept. 1942. 25. Crile, G., et al, Shock, Exhaustion and Restoration in War, Cle- veland Clin. 9uart. 10:3-9, Jan. 1943. 26. Leaver, G. Q., and Brown, M. B., Making Man Power; Vocational Rehabilitation of those Handicapped by Cerebral Palsy, Arch. Phys. Therapy 23:719-728, Dec. 1942. 27. Dick, A. C., et al, Physical Placement Program for Large Plant, Indust. Med. 12:303-305, May 1943. 28. Dilcer, D. P., What Occupational Therapy can do for the Mentally Defective, Am.J. Ment. Deficiency 47:203-208, Oct, 1942. 29. Duthie, J. J. and MacLeod, J. G., Rehabilitation after Meniscectomy Experience at Army Convalescent Depot, Lancet 1:197-199, Peb. 13, 1943. 30. Engh, 0. A., Occupational Therapy - Postural Deformities of Lower Extremeties, Occup. Therapy 21:226-227, Aug. 1942. 7 PERIODICAL ARTICLES (Continued) 31. Pinucane, D. L, , Occupational Therapy - Relationship to Rehabili- tation, Occup. Therapy 21:157-160, June 1942. 32. George, I. L. and Allen, C. E., Rehabilitation at Baton Rouge Re- finery, Indust. Med. 10:83-87, Mar. 1941. 33. Gilbreth, L. M., Place of Motion Study in Rehabilitation Work, Occup Therapy 22:61-64, Apr. 1943. 34. Girdlestone, Q. R., Occupational Therapy for Wounded, Brit. J. Phys. Med. 5:91-93, May - June 1942. 35. Griffith, C. M., Medical and Hospital Service Experience with Dis- abled Veterans of World War II, Mil. Surgeon 92:135-140, Peb. 1943. 36. Griffiths, H. E. , Principles of Occupational Thejapy in Treatment of Injured, Post-Grad. M. J. 19:2-7, Jan. 1943. 37. Qunzburg, Physical Medicine in Industry and War, Brit. J. Phys. Med. 3:168-171, Sept. 1940. 38. Hagan, M. and Duval, A. M., A Practical Red Cross Program for the Social Rehabilitation of Psychiatric Casualties in the U. S. Navy, Am. J. Psy. 100:105-108, July 1943. 39. Hamilton, D. M., et al, Hospital Treatment of Psychoneurotic Dis- orders, Am. J. Psy.,, 99:243-247, Sept. 1942. 40. Harvey, V. K. and Luongo, E. P., Physically Handicapped in Indus- trial Establishments of the Government; Possibilities for their Increased Placement, J. A. M. A. 121:100-107, Jan. 9, 1943. 41. Hauptman, A., Group Therapy for Psychoneuroses, Dis. Nerv. System 4:22-25, Jan. 1943. 42. Holmblad, E. C., Rehabilitation of Permanently Injured Workers, Arch. Phys. Therapy 24:214-219, Apr. 1943. Pub. Health Nursing 35: 204-2C7, Apr. 1943. 43. Houlding, R. N., Rehabilitation of Injured Air Crews in Great Bri- tain, Brit. M. J. 2:429-433, Sept. 1941. 44. Kaiser, H., Occupational Therapy in General Hospital with Orthopedic Cases from Physical Therapy Point of Virw, Occup. Therapy 19:1-8, Peb. 1940. 45. Kenny, R., Rehabilitation in West Virginia,, West Va, Med. J. 37: 359-362, Aug. 1941. 46. Kersley, G. D. , Craft Analysis, Brit. J. Phys. Med. 5:133-140, Sept. - Oct. 1942. 47. Kessler, H. H., The Cineplastic Operation in Rehabilitation of Am- putation Cases, Mil. Surgeon 93:281._285, Sept. 1943. 48. Employability of Physically Handicapped, Indus. Hyg. Pound, of Am. Proc. 6:58-60, 1941. 8 PERIODICAL ARTICLES (Continued) 49. Kraus, H. , Muscle Rehabilitation by Active Motion, Arch. Phys. Therapy 24:151-157, Mar. 1943. 50. Krusen, P. H., Physical Measures for Treatment of the Disabled, Mil. Surgeon 86:391-393, Apr. 1940 51. Wartime Physical Rehabilitation I,Proc., Staff Meet., Mayo Clin. 18:320-326, Sept. 8, 1943; II, 18:344-352, Sept. 22, 1943. 52. and Elkins, E. C., Teaching of Physical Medicine-- in Relation to the War Effort, War Med. 3:367-385, Apr. 1943. 53. Lanckenau, N. I., Rehabilitation by Modern Methods, Brit. J. Phys. Med. 6:12-15, Jan. - Feb. 1943. 54. Large, S.-D. , Rehabilitation (Physical Education &• Training), J. Roy. Army M. Corps 80:167-181, Apr. 1943. 55. Layman, J. W., Problems of Adjustment Referred to General Hospitals of the Army, J. of Abnorm. & Social Psychol. (Supp. ) 38:155-164, Apr. 1943. 56. Lewis, A., Social Effects of Neurosis (Occupational Study of Neuro- tics Discharged from the Army), Lancet 1:167-170, Feb. 6, 1943. 57. McAfee, L. B., Hearings Before the Com. on Military Affairs, U. S. Senate, 77th Congress, 2nd Session on H. R. 7633, U. S. Printing Of- fice, Publication No. 79790, Wash. D. C. , 1942, P. 5 (Energency) Courses lor Physical Therapy Aides.). 58. McCormick, D. W., Physical Reconstruction