ALLIED GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA „ An Annotated Bibliography of the Southwest Pacific and Adjacent Areas VOLUME i The Netherlands and British East Indies and the Philippine Islands 8th AUGUST, 1944 ALLIED GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA An Annotated Bibliography of the Southwest Pacific and Adjacent Areas VOLUME I The Netherlands and British East Indies and the Philippine Islands 8th AUGUST, 1944 General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, 8th August, 1944. This publication consists of a Bibliography of books and writings on the Southwest Pacific and adjacent areas, which may be readily referred to in Australia. The Bibliography has been prepared for the use of the armed services, and the annotations have been restricted to subjects of military interest. A map has been included showing the area covered by this volume. command of GENERAL MacARTHUR. R. K. SUTHERLAND, Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Chief of Staff. Official: C. A. WILLOUGHBY, Brigadier General, G.S.C., Asst. Chief of Staff, G-2. FOREWORD In planning military action to recover the vast areas north of Australia which had fallen to the enemy assault in the initial phase of the Pacific war, it early became apparent that outside of such areas themselves there existed no central fount of geographical information essential to such purpose The Allied Geographical Section, Southwest Pacific Area, was thereupon created as an inter-allied organisation charged with research for source material reasonably available and necessary adequately to fill this void This bibliography is a condensation of the results of the exhaustive investigation of this organisation into the resources of seventy libraries and scientific and cultural societies in Australia Its compilation has been made possible only through a combination of thorough and painstaking research on the part of the Allied Geographical Section and the enthusiastic support of leading librarians enlisted in furtherance thereof. In its finished form it truly becomes a literary monument to inter-allied effort and cooperation — a monument that will serve the purposes of peace no less than it has those of war. I take this opportunity to express my grateful acknow- ledgment to Lieutenant-Colonel W. V. Jardine-Blake of the Australian Army and his staff of co-workers in the Allied Geographical Section for outstanding service, and ray deep appreciation to all civilian agencies and voluntary col- laborators without whose generous support this important .. work could "not have been accomplished. DOUSES Mac ARTHUR 8 August 1944 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE NETHERLANDS AND BRITISH EAST INDIES AND THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CONTENTS PAGE Foreword List of Contributing Libraries Introduction Netherlands East Indies—General 1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 39 Sumatra and Surrounding Islands 40 Java and Madura 87 Dutch Borneo 136 Sarawak and Brunei 156 British North Borneo 165 Philippine Islands 172 Celebes 196 Lesser Sunda Islands 217 Portuguese and Dutch Timor 235 1 lalmahera and Morotai 245 Bum, Ceram, Kei and Aru Islands 254 Southwestern Islands 267 Southeastern Islands 274 Dutch New Guinea 279 Map of area covered by the Bibliography, showing sub- divisions Inside Back Cover LIST OF CONTRIBUTING LIBRARIES The compilation of this bibliography has been made possible by the co-operation of the following Libraries:— AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Canberra. Commonwealth Parliamentary Library, Canberra. Department of External Affairs, Canberra. National Library, Canberra. NEW SOUTH WALES; Australian Museum, Sydney. British Medical Association (N.S.W. Branch), Sydney. Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Sydney. Department of Agriculture, Sydney. Forestry Commission, Sydney. Herbarium, Sydney. Institution of Engineers, Sydney. Linnean Society of N.S.W., Sydney. Mines Department, Sydney. Mitchell Library, Sydney. Municipal Library, Sydney. Observatory, Sydney. Public Health Department, Sydney. Public Library, Sydney. Public Works Department, Sydney. Royal Society of N.S.W., Sydney. School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney. Teachers’ College, Sydney. University of Sydney. VICTORIA: Australian Institute of International Affairs, Melbourne. Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. British Medical Association (Victorian Branch), Melbourne. British Trade Commission, Melbourne. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, East Melbourne. Department of Agriculture, Melbourne. Department of Defence Library, Melbourne. Geological Survey, Mines Department, Melbourne. Observatory, Melbourne. National Herbarium, Melbourne. National Museum, Melbourne. Parliamenary Library, Melbourne. Public Library, Melbourne. Royal Australian Ornithologists’ Union, Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. Royal Zoological and Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Melbourne. State Electricity Commission, Melbourne. University of Melbourne. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Research and Pathology, Melbourne. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Parliamentary Library, Adelaide. Public Library, Adelaide. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Adelaide. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide. South Australian Museum, Adelaide. University of Adelaide. Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide. QUEENSLAND: Bureau of Seasonal Forecasting, Crohamhurst. Forestry Service, Brisbane. Geological Service, Brisbane. Government Botanist, Brisbane. Oxley Memorial Library, Brisbane. Public Library, Brisbane. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Queensland Parliamentary Library, Brisbane. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Brisbane. Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane. School of Arts, Brisbane. University of Brisbane. WEST AUSTRALIA: Department of Agriculture, Perth. Forestry Department, Perth. Geological Survey. Perth. Mines Department, Perth. Public Library, Perth. Royal Society of West Australia, Perth. University of Perth. West Australian Museum and Art Gallery, Perth. Geological Survey, Mines Department, Hobart. Public Library, Hobart. Public Library, Launceston. Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston. TASMANIA: Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Tasmanian Museum, Hobart. University of Hobart. INTRODUCTION THIS work provides a selection of geographical literature available in Australia considered to be of use for military purposes. The Bibliography will be published in four volumes; Volume 1—The Netherlands and British East Indies and the Philippine Islands. Volume 2—The Mandated Territory of New Guinea, Papua, the British Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides and Micronesia. Volume 3—Malaya, Thailand, Indo China, the China coast and the Japanese Empire. Volume 4—Supplement. The method of arrangement is considered most suitable for the purpose it is designed to serve. The literature is sub- divided into geographical areas. Within each of these the material is listed alphabetically by authors, followed by the title and a brief indication of the contents. Where photographs, maps and charts occur, these have been listed separately. This is followed by the names of the Libraries in which the publication is to be found. The material has been collected and annotated for the greater part by the staffs of the various co-operating Libraries. Since the present publication was originally intended for use within the Allied Geographical Section only, complete bibliographical uniformity has not been attempted. So far as possible, however, the following rules have been observed: Where the individual author is unknown, entries are listed most frequently under the name of the corporate author, but occasionally they have been entered under the name of the periodical or the title of the publication. Double surnames are entered under the latter part of the surname. Several items by the same author are listed chronologically by date of publication. The scope of the Bibliography has certain limitations, but is considered sufficiently wide to fulfil the requirements of Allied Services desiring information on the various areas. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES GENERAL 1 — A.H.H. Shipping in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. m. No. 4, 1935, pp 70-84. Contents: History of navigation in the N.E.l. Con- nections with Europe before and since the opening of the Suez Canal; with the U.S.A. and with other parts of the world. Navigation within the Archipelago. Photographs: 37 photographs mostly reproductions of old prints. Copy in NFFIS Library. 2 AUSTRALIAN ARMY Handbook of instruction in colloquial Malay. Aust Mil Forces, 3rd Aust Corps, 26 Sep 1942, pp 153. Contents: 15 lessons in Malay. Fnglish-Malay, Malay-English vocabularies. Copy in AGS Library. 3 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The Dutch East Indies. Melbourne, Australian Insti- tute of International Affairs, 1940, pp 30. (World Affairs Papers, No. 1). ■Contents: A collection of factual background information. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; University Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Institute of International Affairs Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 4 —BACCHUS, C. W. The backbone of Netherlands India’s economic life. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 1, 1925, pp 19-21. Contents: The development of agriculture in the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Natives returning from work in the rice fields. Country road near Lembang, Preanger, in a tea-growing region. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 5 — BARKER. Dr. S. The live-stock in the Netherlands Indies and the Veterinary Service. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Insti- tute of Amsterdam, Vol. 11., No. 3, 1939, pp 193-202. Contents: Distribution of live-stock, numbers pes sq km and per 100 inhabitants. The Veterinary Service. Copies in NFFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 6—BAUER, L. S. Ipecacuanha. In: The Netherlands Indies, Voi. iv. No. 4, 1936, pp 61-64. Contents: Botanical description of ipecacuanha and cultivation notes; the harvest; the possibilities of cultivating the product in the NEI; exporting and importing countries; use of ipecacuanha root; mar- ket prices, packing, stocks. Copy in NFFIS Library. 7 —BAUER, L. S. Djamba noyet (cashew)-. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 6, 1936, pp 126-128. . Contents'. Botanical description of the cashew nut trees and cultivation notes; production and trade; recommendation for growing it in the NEI, as a commercial exportable crop. Copy in NFFIS Library. 8—BEAUFORT, L. F. de Zoology and zoogeography. In: Rutten L.M.R.— Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 133- 148. Contents'. This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It gives a scientific survey of the Netherlands Indies and the results of scientific research in the Archipelago. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 9 — BEMMELEN, R. W. van Delfstoffen van Nederlandsch-lndie als grondstoffen der inheemsche industrie. (The minerals of the Nether- lands Indies as raw materials for native industry.) In: Nederlandsch-Indische Geografische Mededeelin- gen, Vol. i, 1941, Supplement, pp 9. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses the possibilities of local indus- tries based on mineral raw materials of the NFL Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; National Library, Canberra. 10— BESIER, A. A. H. A review of the balance of trade of the Netherlands Indies from 1929 to 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 7, 1935, pp 179-182, 190-192. Contents: Comparative studies of the composition and volume of the foreign trade of the NEI. Copy in NFFIS Library. 1 11 —BESIER. A. A. H. Countries of origin and destination of goods imported and exported from the NI. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 7, 1935, pp 183-186; Vol. iv. Nos. 10-11, 1936, pp 205-209. Contents: Discusses the direction of the foreign trade of the NEI. Copy in NEFIS Library. 12 —BESIER, A. A. H. The provisional balance of trade in the Netherlands Indies, 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 10-11, 1936, pp 201-204. Contents: Survey of the balance of trade of the NEI. Copy in NEFIS Library. 13 — BIJL, D. Life insurance business in the Netherlands Indies. In; Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 4, 1938, pp 286-297. Contents: The population of the NEI (figures for racial groups, density, percentage of adults, age- groups combined with whether born in the NEI or elsewhere, income groups, occupations); the insur- ance business with white people, Chinese and natives. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 14 — BLOOMENDAAL, H. N. Chemistry threatens tropical products. Part n. In: Bulletin of the Tropical Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. ii, No. 3, 1939, pp 203-217. Contents: Possible competition of synthetic and sub- stitute substances with exports from NEI—mineral oil products, vegetable oils, fats, oil seeds, sugar and starch products, tobacco, tea, coffee and cocoa, fibres, cinchona bark and quinine, resins, essential oils, spices, hides, tannins and tannin extracts, metals and ores. Copies in NEFIS Library. 15 —BOEKE. J. H. The structure of Netherlands Indian economy. New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942, pp 201. Contents: Pt. 1. Characteristics and component fac- tors of colonial society; significance of NI society; indigenous Eastern society, its character and funda- mentals; some economic categories in the village community; native holdings in Java. Pt. 2. Economic contact between the colonial groups; penetration of money economy into the village community; general characteristics of the economic contact between Eastern and Western colonial groups; contact be- tween Western agricultural enterprises and village economy; economic contrasts between Eastern and Western elements; colonial trade and money traffic; native rubber growing as an example of native pro- duction for export; the Indian land markets; the labour market; wage labour in the Outer Provinces. Pt. 3. Vital colonial questions; theories regarding the population problem; the population problem in connection with native agriculture; the NI trade balance and the drain theory. An authoritative study of the basic problems of NEI economics. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 16 — BOEKE. J. H. Vergelijking van Nederlandsch-lndie met Britisch- Indie op economisch gebied. (Comparison of Nether- lands Indies with British India from the economic angle.) In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlviii, 1931, pp 153-180. (In Dutch). Contents: The economics of Netherlands and British India, their similarities and dissimilarities. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 17— BOER, Dr, M. G. de De Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij. (The Royal Packet Navigation Co.) Reprint from “Geschiedenis der Amsterdamsche Stoomvaart,” Amsterdam, 1922, pp 90. (In Dutch). Contents: Chapters on the foundation of the KPM: its first years 1891-1899; the KPM in the 20th century. Photographs: Several sketches, mainly of ships: SS van Overstraten in the Bay of Gorontalo; SS van Overstraten in the Bay of Taroena; KPM ship at the pier of Macassar; the Nogera on the Barite River; hospital of the KPM at Weltevredcn. Maps: Two maps of the NEI, showing tiie KPM .lines in 1891 and 1921. Copies in NEFIS Library and Mr. Hendriks’ col- lection at NEFIS. 18 — BOTHE, A. C. D. Ores and mining. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. i. No. 8, 1920, pp 177-189. Contents: Notes on mines in the Netherlands. Photographs: Railway yards at Doerian; mill of the Redjang Lebong Company; Sanah Loento. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney, and NEFIS Library. 19-BRAAK, C. The climate of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Rutten, L. M. R. Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 50-64. Contents: This article is a section of a book prepared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It deals briefly with the climate of the Indies. Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 20 — BRAAK, C. Earthquakes. In: Rutten L. M. R. Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 75-79. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It gives a krief account of the earthquakes in the Indies. Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian, Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 2 21 — BRACCONIER, A. de Het bibliotheek-vraagstuk in Nederlandsch - Indie. (The library problem in the NEI.) In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. xix. No. 2, 1934, pp 63-72. (In Dutch). Contents: Development of the libraries of the NEI. Photographs: The library in the Botanical Gardens, Buitenzorg; the people’s library at Sajoeran, Prian- gan; the people’s library, Tamanpoestaka; kiosk of “Balai Poestaka” Itinerant Library at Poerwokorto. Copy in NEFIS Library. 22 —BROEK, Tan O. M. Economic development of the Netherlands Indies. New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942, pp 168. Contents: Chapter 1, Introduction; 2, Historical Background; 3, The Islands and Their People; 4, Indies Commodities and the World Market; 5, Recent Changes in Economic Policy; 6, Industrial Develop- ment; 7, Foreign Trade; 8, Post-War Prospects. Preface: The main object of the book is to depict the vicissitudes of production and trade in recent decades and to appraise the meaning of these changes. The survey has incorporated all available relevant material until December, 1941. Map: Small-scale sketch map of the Netherlands Indies. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; University Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; University Lib- rary, Adelaide; NEFIS Library. 23 — BRINIO East Indian arrows and poisons. In: Java Gazette, Vol. iv, No. 12, 1935, pp i-iv. Contents: The article describes some of the poisons used, and gives illustrations of the weapons used. Copy in NEFIS Library. m 24—BROEK, Jan O. M. The economic development of the outer provinces of the Netherlands Indies. In: Geographical Review, Vol. xxx, 1940, pp 187-200. Contents: A useful survey of recent economic development in the Outer Provinces, especially Sumatra. Diagrams: Graph showing areas planted with prin- cipal crops in each administrative division of the Outer Provinces (with map of divisions); percentage of NI in world export of some commodities, 1929 and 1936; native population 1817-1937. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Bris- bane; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide: Royal Geographical Society of South Aus- tralia Library, Adelaide; University Library, Ade- laide; University Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 25 — BROUWER. H. A. The geology of the Netherlands East Indies: Lec- tures delivered as exchange-professor at the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1921-22; recorded and prepared by Laurence M. Gould. 8vo. New York, Macmillan Co., 1925, Vol. xii, pp 160. (University of Michigan Studies: Scientific Series, Vol. in.) Contents: Major relief features and their origin; historical geology; major tectonic features; volcanoes and earthquakes; economic geology; bibliography. Photographs-. Many photographs, mostly of geologic interest. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Ade- laide; University Library, Perth. 26— BROUWER, H. A. Geology of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Rutten L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 101-125. Contents: Phis article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It gives a brief account of the geological structure of the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 27 —BROWN, J. Macmillan The Dutch East: sketches and pictures. London, Kegan Paul, 1914, pp 222. (Reprinted articles from the Sydney “Morning I lerald” and other newspapers.) Contents: (By chapter headings.) The Keystone of Indonesia (Java); Island of Alien Empires and Arts (Java); A Romance of Religion (Bali); Oil (Balik Papan); Archipelago of Tears (Sanguir); Opium and Pawnshops; King Copra; Artificial Policies and Empires (Banda); Pirates and Empires (Celebes); An Islet Paradise; Some Illusions About the Tropics; Overlords of the Archipelago; Birds of Paradise; The Curse of Sago; The Dutch in the East; A For- gotten Outpost (Kissa). Photographs: 74 half and full-page half-tone plates. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Univer- sity Library, Adelaide. 28 —BRUGMANS. Dr. I. J. The spread of the Dutch language in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol, i. No. 2, 1938, pp 81-93. Contents: History of the spread of the Dutch language in the NEI. The knowledge of Dutch among Europeans, natives and alien Asiatics accord- ing to the census returns of 1930. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Me* bourne. 3 29- BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL DES DOUANES Netherlands East Indies, 1936, 1937, No. 63, pp 98. Brussels, 1937. Contents'. The customs tariff law of December 29, 1933, as subsequently amended. Import tariff. 1st Supplement: Ordinance dated August 13. 1937, modifying the import tariff. 2nd Supplement: Extract from ordinance dated November 18, 1937, modifying the import tariff. Copy in NEFIS Library. 30 —BUREAU FOR AGRICULTURAL CRISIS AFFAIRS Reports on native rubber cultivation. In: The Netherlands Indies, various vols. Contents: 21st report, Vol. in. No. 16, 1935, pp 144- 147; 22nd report, Vol. in. No. 12, 1935, pp 304-305; 23rd report, Vol. in. No. 20, 1935, pp 471-475; 24th report, Vol. m, No. 24, 1935, pp 553-556; 25th report, Vol. iv, No. 8, 1936, pp 153-156; 26th report, Vol. iv. No. 12, 1936, pp 232-238; 27th report, Vol. iv. No. 15, 1936, pp 274-277; 28th report, Vol. iv. Nos. 20, 22, 1936, pp 44-50; 29th report, Vol. v, No. 2, 1937, pp 36-43. For the reports for earlier periods, see under LUYTJES and KROON, and for later periods see under THE NETHERLANDS INDIES, report on native rubber cult. Copy in NEFIS Library. 31—BUREAU FOR AGRICULTURAL CRISIS AFFAIRS Government intervention in the estate cultivation. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 6, 1937, pp 72-79. Contents: Government intervention concerning the production of sugar, tea and cinchona on estates in 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 32 —BUREAU OF COMMERCE Exporters’ Directory, 1936. Batavia, pp 139. Contents: Some statistical data on the NE1; prin- cipal banks; shipping and communications: railways, airways, highways; weights, measures and coinage; hints for commercial travellers. Alphabetical lists of exporting firms, of products and respective exporting firms and products handled. Photograph: Rice field with Mt Salak in the back- ground. Copy in NEFIS Library. 33 —BUREAU OF COMMERCE (Crisis Import and Export Bureau)—Resources of commercial policy in 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 5, 1937, pp 42-45. Contents: Outline of the commercial policy pursued by the Government in 1936. List of measures regu- lating imports 1933-37. Copy in NEFIS Library. 34 —BUREAU OF LABOUR Social welfare measure. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 3, 1937, pp 59-61. Contents: Brief survey of salary and wages, the labour market, unemployment benefits and relief, and social legislation in 1936. (Continued under “Social Condition” for 1937, in Vol. vi, No. 5, pp 15-17, and 1938 in Vol. vn. No. 3, pp 25-27.) Copy in NEF1S Library. 35 —BUREAU OF THE AGRICULTURAL SERVICE Government and the plantation industry in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 4, 1938, PP 2-7. Contents: The Government restriction measures with reference to estate agriculture in 1937. (The same subject is dealt with for 1938, in Vol. vn. No. 1, 1939, pp 16-27). Copy in NEF1S Library. 36 — BUREAU OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND FISHERY SERVICE The estate products of native grown commercial crops in 1936. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 66-71. Contents: Exports and prices of estate and native grown crops in 1936. The same subject is dealt with for 1934 in Vol. in. No. 9, 1935, pp 221-226, by Kroon, A. H. J., and Ploeg, J. van der. Copy in NEFIS Library. 37—BUREAU VOOR DE BESTUURSZAKEN DER BUITENBEZITTIN GEN De Buitenbezittingen 1904-14, Part 1. (Bureau for the affairs of the outer possessions: The Outer Pos- sessions, 1904-14). Mededeelingen van het Bureau voor de Buitenbezittingen bewerkt door het Encyclo- paedist Bureau All X, Deel 1. (In Dutch). Contents-. Report on the development of the Outer Possessions during the period 1904-14. 1. Report of the Dept for Interior Administration on the organisation of administration, police, taxation, income from the land, loan system, agrarian affairs, colonisation. 2. Dept, of Public Works: Report on harbors, roads, irrigation. 3. Dept of Government Enterprises: Report on postal services, railways, mines, transport and the salt monopoly. 4. Finance Dept: Report on the budget and on the opium trade. 5. Dept of Justice: Law, inspection of working con- ditions. 6. Dept of Education and Divine Service; Report on schools and missions. 7. Dept of Agriculture, Manufacture and Trade: Native and European agriculture, bush exploita- tion, fisheries, stock raising and veterinary ser- vice, manufacture. The position of the Dutch East Indies with regard to world traffic. Trade. 8. Dept of Shipping; Sea transport and port move- ment. The development of coastal shipping. Photographs'. Many photographs of the,area, includ- ing native life, etc. Maps: Many maps covering oilfields, railways, roads, etc. Copy in NEFIS Library. 38 —BYLMER, Dr. H. J. T. Population. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 663-666. Contents: Brief survey of the peoples of the NEI. Photographs: Kampong on the Island of Nias, Sumatra; Dajak chief (Borneo); Sudanese children. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 39 — CAMPBELL. SIR EDWARD T. The Dutch East Indies. Reprint from the Proceed- ings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol. xxxii. Part I, 1942, pp 9. Contents: Abstract of a lecture, treating in a very general way, race and religion of the natives, admin- istration, education and public health, climate, agri- culture, minerals, volcanoes, fauna and flora, native fruits, communications. Gives travel time from Batavia to different places by steamer and by air. Copy in Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library. Melbourne. 40 —CARTER. W. L. Kapok, the floating miracle. In; Geographical Maga- zine, Vol. xn, 1940-41, pp 66-72. Contents: A brief description of the cultivation and use of kapok in the NEI. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates of kapok trees and processing of the product. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Brisbane; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Ade- laide; Royal Geographical Society of Australia Lib- rary, Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 41 —CATALOGUS Van de Bibliotheek van het Departement van Bin- nenlandsch Bestuur. (Catalogue of the Library of the Department of Home Affairs). Batavia, 1911. Supplement 1, till August 1, 1911. Batavia, 1911, pp 55. (In Dutch). Contents: Library catalogue, containing titles of publications, most of which relate to the NEI. Copy in NEFIS Library. 42 — CATALOGUS Van de gewestelijke bibliotheek ten kantore van den Gouverneur der Molukken te Amboina. (Catalogue of the Provincial Library of the Bureau of the Governor of the Moluccas at Amboina). Ambon, 1928, pp 168. Supplement I, May 1930, pp 167. (In Dutch). Contents: Contains valuable list of publications on the NEI in general and more especially on the Moluccas. Copy in NEFIS Library. 43 —CENSUS OF 1930 In the Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi, Europeans in the Netherlands Indies. Batavia, 1933. Contents: Census returns concerning number and distribution of the European population; countries of origin; age, civil condition, families and houses; nationalities and races; literacy; occupations; religion; infirmities; Europeans on ships and in the region of “simplified enumeration’’; Europeans in neighbour- ing tropic countries. Copy in NEE IS Library. 44 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR STATISTIEK Statistisch zakboekje voor Nederlandsch-Indie, 1938 (Statistical pocket-book for the Netherlands Indies, 1938), pp 180. Batavia, 1938. (In Dutch). Contents: Statistical tables for climate and rainfall; population (historical survey, composition in 1930, movement); education and health service, adminis- tration, police and justice; production, labour, foreign trade, communications, money and banking, price level; finances, consumption, recreation tour- ism, Makka pilgrimage, the consulates of foreign powers in the NEI and of the NE1 abroad. Copy in NEF1S Library. (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 45 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR STATISTIEK Statistisch Jaaroverzicht voor Nederlandsch-Indie, 1932, 1936, 1938. (Statistical survey for the Nether- lands Indies for 1932, 1936, 1938). Copy in Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 46 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR DE STATISTIEK Mededeelingen. (Reports of the Central Bureau of Statistics). No. 79: Jaaroverzicht van den in- en uitvoer van Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende het jaar 1928, Part II. Buitengewesten. (Annual survey of the imports and exports of the Dutch Indies in 1929, Part 11—Outer Possessions). No. 84: Jaaroverzicht van den in- en uitvoer van Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende het jaar 1928. Part iv, Gewestelijke statistiek der Buitengewesten. (Annual survey of the imports and exports of the Dutch Indies in 1928. Part iv, provincial statistics of the Outer Possessions). No. 87: Jaaroverzicht van den in- en uitvoer van Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende het jaar 1929. Part II. Buitengewesten. (Annual survey of the imports and exports of the Dutch Indies in 1929. Part II—Outer Possessions). (In Dutch). Contents; Tables of import's and exports, the main countries of origin or destination, and the main ports through which the imports and exports pass. Copy in NEE IS Library. 47 CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR STATISTIEK Grootte der Nederlandsch-Indische Koopvaardijvloot in 1929-40. (The size of Netherlands Indies merchant fleet in 1929-40). In: Economiseh Weekblad, Vol. x. No. 42, 1941, pp 1980-1981. (In Dutch). Contents: Number and size of the steamers and motor boats and of the sailing vessels of the Nether- lands Indies merchant fleet in the period 1929-40. Copy in NEE IS Library. 48 CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR STATISTIEK Overzicht van oogst aanplant en voedselsituatie in Nederlandsch Indie over September, 1941. (Survey of the harvest planting and food situation in the Netherlands Indies during September, 1941). In: Economisch Weekblad, Vol. x, No. 45, 1941, pp 2108- 2113. (In Dutch). Contents: General survey with special remarks on the different regions. The same subject is dealt with for October 1941 in Vol. x, No. 49, 1941, pp 2287-2290. Copy in NEFIS Library. 49 —CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The trade between the Netherlands Indies and British India in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 10, 1938, pp 15-16. Contents: Discussion of the trade with British India in 1937 and comparison with the year 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 50— CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The stoppage of the tapping on rubber estates of the first group. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 1, 1935, pp 27-28. Contents: Data concerning the tappable plantings not yet tapped at the end of each month. June to November 1934. Results of the Rubber Restriction Measures in 1934. Copy in NEFIS Library. 51- CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The trade between the Netherlands Indies, and the United States in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1938, pp 17-18. Contents: Survey of the trade between the Nether- lands East Indies and the United States in 1937 and comparison with the trade in 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 52 —CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The trade of the Netherlands Indies with Japan in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 7, 1938, pp 19-21. Contents: Trade with Japan in 1937 and comparison with 1936. The same subject is dealt with for 1938 in Vol. vn, No. 7, 1939, pp 1-6. Copy in NEFIS Library. 53 —CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The trade of the Netherlands Indies with Germany in 1937. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi, No. 9, 1938, pp 2-4. Contents: The article surveys the trade between the Netherlands East Indies and Germany in 1937 and compares it with 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 54 —CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The balance of trade of the Netherlands Indies, 1935-38. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 2, 1939, p 3. Contents: Survey of the exports and imports of the Netherlands East Indies in 1935-1938 according to weight and to value. Copy in NEFIS Library. 55 —CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS I he number of licenses for using wireless receiving sets in the Netherlands Indies during 1927-38. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn, No. 7, 1939, p 3. Contents: Shows the rapid increase in the number of licenses. Copy in NEFIS Library. 56 —CLIFTON, VIOLET MRS. Islands of Queen Wilhelmina. London, Constable, 1927, Vol. xvi, pp 288. Contents; Account of a journey through the Nether- lands East Indies as a tourist. Photographs: Illustrate native life and unidentified typical scenery. Map-. Small scale map of the Indies showing author’s route. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ Col- lege Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide. 57 —COHEN. H. The course of market prices of the principal Nether- lands Indian products in 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 5, 1937, pp 46-58. Contents: Survey of the course of market prices of cereals, starches, oils and fats, sugar, colonial consumption of luxury articles, spices, rubber, fibres, hides and skins, gums and resins, tin and petroleum. Copy in NEFIS Library. 58 —COLIJN, H. Neerlands Indie; land en volk, geschiedenis en be- stuur, bedrijf en samenleving; onder leiding van H. Colijn. (Netherlands Indies: land and people, history and government, business and social life; edited by H. Colijn). 2nd edition, 4to. 2 vols. Amsterdam, Uitgevers-Maatschappij Elsevier, 1913, Vol. vn, pp 379, 395. (In Dutch). Contents: Geographical survey by J. F. Niermeyer; Searchlights over Insulinde, by M. Wagenwoort; Races and languages in the Archipelago, by H. Kern; Social conditions and institutions, by T. J. Bezemer; The means of livelihood of the native people, by J. E. Jasper; Religion—Animism, by A. W. Nieu- wenhuis; Religion—Hinduism, by 11. Kern; Moham- medanism, by G. Snouck Hurgronje; Foreign orien- tals, by H. P. N. Muller; New Guinea, by H. A. Lorentz; The Portuguese in the Archipelago, the East India Company, Daendels, Raffles, by J. E. Heeres; State Policy in regard to external posses- sions, by H. Colijn; Extension of our dominion since 1816, by E. B. Kielstra; Character of our colonial administration, especially in relation to Java, by C. J. Hassleman; The Government, by E. Moresco; Irrigation and agriculture, by H. J. W. van Lawick; The mining industry, by T. F. A. Delprat; Coinage, trade, banking, by G. Vissering; Education, by J. H. Abendanon; The Protestant Church, Protestant mis- sionary bodies, their fields of work and results, by J. W. Gunning; The Roman Catholic Church and its mission to the natives, by P. J. van Santen; Some natural science institutions, by J. J. K. van Enthoven; Means of communication by water, by A. C. Zeeman; Means of communication by land, by E. B. Kielstra; Land and sea power, by F. C. Hering; European social life, by H. P. H. Muller. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 6 59 — COMMISSION FOR COMMERCIAL CROPS lies lies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, Nos. 11/12, 1937, pp 33-36. Contents: Botanical description of Amorphophallus variabilis (Ilea Ilea) and other species of the kind. Utility Mannane contents, anatomical examination, selection, cultivation, technique, marketing possi- bilities. Copy in NEFIS Library. 60 — CRAANDIJK. C. Het werk der Nederlandsche opnemingsvaartuigen in den O. I. Archipel, 1920-25. (The work of the Dutch survey ships in the E.I. Archipelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlvii, 1925, pp 9-10. (In Dutch). Contents: A list of surveys made during the period. Map: General view of surveys in Netherlands Indies, scale 1 : 10,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 61 — DAMMERMAN. Dr. K. W. The fauna. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 679-683. Contents: Brief survey of the more remarkable animals in the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Phantom animal, flying fox (Kalong), Tree marten, musang or Luwak, Orang Utan. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 62 —DAVIDIS, G. and ZAAYER. I. W. Kumis Kuching and Temu Lawak. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 1, 1936, pp 13-21. Contents: Discussion of two of the principal repre- sentatives of the native medicinal herbs in the Netherlands East Indies. Export data. Experience obtained in their cultivation and preparation on Government Rubber Estate, Tjipetir. Copy in NEFIS Library. 63 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS The Netherlands Indies. Batavia, about 1939, pp 40. Contents: Brief survey of the Netherlands East Indies, geography, area, population, soil, climate, Government, finance, banking system, agriculture (sugar, rubber, coffee, tea cinchona bark, oil palms, coconut, cordage fibres, kapok, cocoa, pepper, rice), irrigation, estate organisation, forestry, live-stock, fishery, mining, industry, commerce, traffic and trans- portation, education, colonisation, public health ser- vice, statistics (foreign trade, 1937). Photographs: Tea estate with shade trees; coffee tree in bloom; mixed plantation of kapok and pine- apples; harvesting oil palm fruit; native fishing boat —sunset in the tropics; bomber of the Royal Nether- lands Navy. Map: The Netherlands East Indies and neighbouring countries. Copy in NEFIS Library. 64 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS The Netherlands Indian minor industry during the first half of 1938. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1938, pp 12-17. Contents'. Discussion of the seasonal fluctuations in the purchasing power of the native consumer and climatological phenomena. Surveys of the ' native umbrella industry, furniture industry, woodworking, and proa construction, earthenware and bricks, leather and rubber industry, metal industry, batik industry, weaving, tobacco and cigarette industries, soap industry, essential oils and fireworks factories. Photographs'. Native pottery; batiking cloth for native dressing, imprinting batik cloth. Copy in NEFIS Library. 65 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS The export trade of the Netherlands Indies in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 4, 1938, pp 3-18. Contents'. Survey of the export trade (of the Nether- lands Indies) and comparison with the trade in pre- ceding years, for the following commodities—cassava, cinchona, coffee, maize, vegetable oils and oil seeds, pepper, sugar, rubber, tobacco, tea. The same subject is dealt with for 1938 in Vol. vn. No. 4, 1939, pp 18-36. Copy in NEFIS Library. 66 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Section of Industry—The native industry in the third quarter of 1938. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 12, 1938, pp 9-13. Contents'. Survey of the Batik industry, plaiting works, umbrella industry, metal industry, soap indus- try, earthenware, tanneries and leather factories, tobacco industry, furniture and woodworking indus- try, and essential oils. Photographs: Agel palms; decorating agel mats with Chinese brushes; drying native-cut tobacco; trans- port of native tobacco to the drying sheds; har- vesting native tobacco. Copy in NEFIS Library. 67 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Section of Industry—The industrial production of the Netherlands Indies in 1938. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 5, 1939, pp 3-12. Contents: General survey of the Netherlands East Indies industries. Government supervision of indus- trial policy and law. Copy in NEFIS Library. 68 — DETH, W. Van Public works. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 653-658. Contents: Describes the activities of the Public Works Dept, including roads and bridges, irrigation, drainage and dykes, harbour works. Photographs: View of Tandjong Priok; Quay of the Ocean Steamship Co., Tandjong Perak (Soura- baya); Road in the mountains of Sumatra. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 7 69 —DEUSS, Dr. I. I. B. Tanning materials. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n, No. 8, 1921, pp 124-125. Contents-. Production and export of tanning mate- rials, mangrove barks, cutch or mangrove tannin (Gambir) in the period 1908-1916, in the different parts of the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 70 —DEUSS, Dr. J. J. B. Essential oils. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n, No. 11, 1921, pp 374-376. Contents: Kinds and extraction methods of essential oils with special regard to the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 71 —DEVRIES, Dr. E. and PRINGGODIGDO, R, M. A. K. The course of prices for the Netherlands Indian products in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 8, 1935, pp 204-212. Contents'. Discusses the prices of grains, starches, oils, fats and sugar, the position of stocks and prices of the most important articles of diet. Colonial delicacies. Spices, rubber, fibres, hides, gums and resins, petroleum, tin. The course of prices in the shipping harbours and consumption centres. Copy in NEFIS Library. 72—DIJK, P. van Over de inzending van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie aan de Wereldtentoonstelling te Parijs van 1878, (On the contribution sent by the Mines Dept of Netherlands Indies to the World Exhibition at Paris in 1878). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch, Verhandelingen, 1879, Deel i, pp 117-125. (In Dutch). Contents; Description of the contribution exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1878, Map: Plan of Batavia, showing progress of the plan for a water supply by artesian wells, scale 1 ; 20,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 73 —DINGER, Dr. I. E. Yellow fever. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Aynsterdam. Vol. n. No. 3, 1939, pp 218-230. Contents: The centres of the yellow fever. The danger of its spreading to the Netherlands East Indies, especially through aviation. Preventive measures taken. Copy in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 74 —DIVISION OF COMMERCE The products of the Dutch East Indies. Kapok. In; Buitenzorg, about 1927, pp 7. Contents: Number of estates and production; crops and preparation; trade, qualities and application of kapok. Photographs: Harvesting of kapok fruits; kapok cleaning plant in Java; separating the fibre from seeds, pod and core. Copy in NEFIS Library. 75— DIVISION OF COMMERCE Batavia.—Cassava, kapok, Java sugar, tin, the hat industry; Vanilla, pepper, timber, tea, petroleum, coffee, palm oil. Batavia, about 1931. Contents'. Folders of 4 pp text and map of the Netherlands East Indies, with brief information on production and exports. Copy in NEFIS Library. 76 — DIEMBATAN The story of rubber and the rubber boom in the Netherlands Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vu. No. 1, 1926, pp 15-21. Contents'. Rubber cultivation in the Netherlands East Indies since 1876, the main rubber districts in the Netherlands East Indies; the seeds used, the manner of cultivation; the capital invested, the marketing of rubber, the development of native rubber. Photographs'. 6 views of work on rubber estates; House of Allah at Medan, Sumatra; Street of Medan. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 77 —DULAURER, T. P. L. Fe Recherches sur la legislation des peuples oceaniens, 1869. (Researches on the legislation of Oceanic peoples, 1869). In: Law Pamphlets, cx, reprinted from Revue ethnographique, Vol. L, pp 51-66, 199- 218, 329-352. (In French). Contents'. Description of the political constitution among Malays, their civil laws, their commercial laws, their penal laws. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 78 — ECONOMISCH WEEKBLAD Departement van Economische Zaken voor Neder- landsch-lndie. (Economic weekly for the Nether- lands Indies). Vol. x. Nos. 41-49, October 11 to December 6, 1941. (In Dutch). Contents'. Weekly reports on production—commerce, finances, market reports for Batavia and Soerabaya. Government regulations of an economic nature. Special articles are listed under their authors, in the areas covered. Copy in NEFIS Library. 79 — ECONOMISCH WEEKBLAD De ontwikkeling van het Kantoor voor den Handel. (The development of the Bureau of Commerce). In: Economiseh Weekblad, Vol. x. No. 42, 1941, pp 1914-1919. (In Dutch). Contents'. Survey of the organization and sphere of work of the Bureau of Commerce since its estab- lishment in 1933. Copy in .NEFIS Library. 80 — ECONOMISCH WEEKBLAD De huidige aspecten van den bevolkingsrubber- uitvoer. (The present aspects of the export of native rubber). In: Economisch Weekblad, Vol x. No. 49, 1941, pp 225-286. (In Dutch). Contents: Export quota and exports for January - October and November-December, 1941, for the different restriction districts. Copy in NEFIS Library. 81 — EERDE, J. C. van De oudste berichten omtrent den Indischen Archipel. (The oldest reports relating to the Indian Archi- pelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 577-592. (In Dutch). Contents: Early Chinese accounts of the Nether- lands East Indies. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 82 — EERDE, J. C. van Ethnography and demography. In Rutten L.M.R. —Science in the Netherlands East Indies, pp 349-374. Contents: This article is a section of a book prepared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It deals briefly with population problems, native customs, native administration, hygiene, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 83 — ELIAS, W. H. J. The Netherlands Indian national debt in 1935. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 9, 1936, pp 188-190. Contents: Review and analysis of the floating and the funded debt of the Netherlands East Indies in 1935. The same subject is dealt with for 1936 in Vol. v. No. 4, 1937, pp 10-14; for 1937, Vol. vi, No. 3, 1938, pp 9-13; for 1938, Vol. vn. No. 4, 1939. pp 6-10. Copy in NEFIS Library. 84 —EMERSON, RUPERT Malaysia: A study in direct and indirect rule. New York, Macmillan Co., 1937, pp 536. Contents: The following chapters relate to the Netherlands East Indies: Chap 1—The setting of the problem. Chap 2—Historical background. Chap 8— The Dutch forward movement. Chap 9—Indirect rule in the NEI. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide. 85 —EMERSON, RUPERT The Netherlands Indies and the United States World Peace Foundation, Boston, 1942 (“America Looks Ahead,” No. 6), pp 92. Contents: The author of this pamphlet was asked “to state the interests of the United States and other nations in the future of the Netherlands East Indies, and to present in broad outline his conclusions as to the kind of approach that this country should take in the future reconstruction of peace in that corner of the Pacific area.” Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Uni- versity Library, Melbourne. 86 — EMST, P. van The cultivation of tea in the Netherlands Indies. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 19, 1935, pp 456-461. Contents: The history of the cultivation of tea in the Netherlands East Indies. Areas of production and amounts produced by estates and native growers during the years 1929 to 1934. Price movement, 1929-1934. Exports from the principal tea producing countries, 1930-1934. Tea exports from the NEI to the different continents, 1930-1934. Photographs: Tea bush ready for the pluck; Panorama of a Preanger tea estate (with cinchona as a secondary product); two views of a Java tea estate; three views inside a factory (rolling, sorting and packing of tea). Copy in NEFIS Library. 87 — ENCYCLOPAEDIE VAN NEDERLANDSCH-iNDIE . . . Samengesteld door P. A. van der Lith (and others), (Encyclopaedia of the Netherlands Indies compiled by P. A. Van der Lith (and others), 4 Vols. 8vo. ’s Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1896-1905. Also 2nd edition with additions and amplifications. Vols. 1-8. ’s Gravenhage, Mar- tinus Nijhoff, 1917-1939 (in progress). (In Dutch). Contents: Description of all parts of the Nether- lands East Indies, products, trade, religions, history, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide: NEFIS Library. 88 —ESCHER, B. G. Over het indirecte verband tusschen het vulkanisme in Nederlandsch-lndie en de streek van negatieve anomalie van Vening Meinesz. (On the indirect relation between vulcanism in the Netherlands East Indies and the band of negative anomaly of Vening Meinesz). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. l, 1933, pp 727- 740. (In Dutch). Contents: (1) Introduction; (2) The volcanic hearth: (3) Flows in the substratum; (4) The profile of Java (Tengger Mts) and the band of negative anomaly Bibliography. Photographs: 8 diagrams. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 89 — ESHUIS, W. (Ir.) Protection of wild life in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. ii. No. 4, 1939, pp 291-307. Contents: History of the protection of wild life in the Netherlands East Indies Legislation, List of nature and game reserves. Maps: Nature and game reserves in Java and in Sumatra. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 90 — EVERDINGEN. E. van Terrestrial magnetism. In: Rutten L.M.R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 46-49. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It contains a brief discussion of the subject. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 91 —EVERDINGEN. E, van Oceanography and maritime meteorology. In. Rutten L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 69-74. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It contains a brief discussion of the subject. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth- 92— FERREE, I. Veekralen en groettentuinen. (Cattle kraals and vege- table gardens). In: Orgaan van der Nederlandsch- Indies Officiersvereeniging, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1936, pp 70-74; No. 4, 1936, pp 114-119; No. 5, pp 148-152; No. 6, pp 181-186. (In Dutch). Contents: Instruction when and how to establish cattle kraals and vegetable gardens for garrisons; and how to manage them; with special regard to the garrisons of Samarinda, Balikpapan and Tarakan (E Borneo). Copy in NEFIS Library. 93 —FEVRELL. Th. Relations between the Dutch East Indies and Sweden. In; Sluyter’s Monthly, East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 10, 1921, pp 295-300. Contents: The Swedish Consul General at Batavia describes in a popular way the trade relations between Netherlands East Indies and Sweden. Photographs: Java’s coast near Tjilatap, on the south coast; Bay of Kolono Dale (Celebes); KPM steamers at Makassar Harbor; Harbor view at Gorontalo (Celebes); Harbor view at Semarang (Java); View of Menado. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 94 —FISCHER, Dr. I. A. Hospital accommodation in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. m. No. 1, 1939, pp 24-35. Contents: The distribution of hospitals over the Netherlands East Indies, their capacity and the number of bed-days available annually. Poli-clinics; special hospitals. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 95 —FLU. P. C. Medical science. In: Rutten, L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 207-226. Contents: A brief summary of medical work in the Netherlands East Indies. This article is a section of a book prepared and published for the conveni- ence of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Con- gress. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 98 —FORESTRY SERVICE The financial outcome of the Forestry Service in 1938. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 6, 1939, pp 17-20. Contents: Income and expenditure in the years 1929- 1939. Production, sale and stocks in hand, 1936- 1938. Copy in NEF1S Library. 97 —FRUIN, Dr. Th. A. Popular and rural credit in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1938, pp 106-115. Contents: The demand for credit and its unorganised supply. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 98 — FURNIVALL. J. S. Netherlands India: a study of plural economy. .Cam- bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1939, pp 502. Contents: By chapter headings: (1) Indonesia to 1600; (2). The East India Company, 1600-1800; (3) The years of confusion, 1795-1815; (4) The years of unrest, 1815-1830; (5) The culture system, 1830- 1850; (6) The transition to liberalism, 1850-1870; (7) Liberalism, 1870-1900; (8) Efficiency, welfare and autonomy; (9) Administrative and political reforms; (10) Economic progress; (11) Social economy; (12) Some effects of the crisis of 1929; (13) Plural economy: “A concise treatise of the political, social and economic history and develop- ment of that part of the Tropical Far East that has been for more than three centuries under Dutch sovereignty.” The author has drawn on a very wide range of Dutch and other sources as well as on his own administrative experience in Burma. Maps: 6 small-scale sketch maps. For a review of this book, see Schrieke, J. J.—Plural Economy and Federative Society in the Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. in. No. 1, 1939, pp 14-23. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Uni- versity Library, Perth. 99 — GEERLINGS, Dr. H. A. Prinsen Sugar in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 1, 1935, pp 20-22. 10 Contents: The world sugar industry, with special regard to the Netherlands East Indies. The same subject is dealt with for 1935, Vol. m, No. 27, 1935; and Vol. iv, Nos. 1/2, 1936, pp 11-13. Copy in NEFIS Library. 100 —GELDEREN, J. van The recent development of economic foreign policy in the Netherlands East Indies. London, Long- mans, Green, 1939 (Publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva), pp 90. Contents: By chapter headings: (1) Economic developments especially after the war (1914-1918); (2) Import problems; (3) Economic co-operation between the Netherlands and the Netherlands East Indies; (4) Regulation of production and imports; (5) Treatment of foreigners and foreign capital; (6) General conclusions and aspects. A short survey of political aspects of Netherlands East Indies economics. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Ade- laide. 101 — GELDEREN, S. van Netherlands East Indies motor traffic. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in. No. 4, 1934, p 128. Contents: Number of vehicles, the Road Traffic Act, 1933. Copy in NEFIS Library. 102 —GENT, L. F. van Prof. Dr. J. J. A. Muller, 1856—May 2, 1926. In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 75-83. (In Dutch). Contents: An appreciation of Prof. Muller’s work on the occasion of his 70th anniversary. List of his publications, many of them connected with the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 103 — GENT. L. F. H. D. H. Bosboom, 1849—22 October, 1929. In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 80-92. (In Dutch). Contents: Biography of H. D. II. Bosboom on the occasion of his 80th anniversary, with special regard to his activities in the Netherlands East Indies, and with list of his publications. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 104 —GENT, L. F., van PENARD W. A. RINKES, Dr. D. Indie in Woord en Beeld (The Indies in word and pictures). Pictorial Netherlands East Indies. Wel- tevreden, 1924, pp 176. (In Dutch). Contents: A picture atlas of the Netherlands East Indies. The brief accompanying text treats in eight chapters the history, country and people, religion and education, art and sciences, native agriculture, the principal cultivations, trade and industry and means of communication. Photographs: Many photographs taken throughout the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 105 —GEOLOGISCHE OVERZICHTSKAART Van den Nederlandsch-lndischen Archipel, scale 1 : 1,000,000 (General geological map of the Nether- lands Indies Archipelago). To be published in 21 sheets, 12 of which had appeared up to 1939. (In Dutch). The maps, each with an introduction, appear in the Jaarboek van bet Mtjnwezen in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen. A key map to the whole Nether- lands Indies, scale 1 : 15,000,000, showing the areas covered by the separate sheets was published in Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandscb-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1915, 2e gedeelte. Atlas, Kaart n. In this bibliography separate entries are made for each sheet and accompanying introduction to facili- tate reference under each region. The entries for the 12 sheets are as follows: Jaarboek, Verhandlingen— 1915 2 Sheet xvn, Brouwer, H. A. — Java, Madoera, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa. 1916 2 Sheet xv, Es L. J. C. van Junior—Lam- pongs, Straat Soenda, Bantam. 1918 2 Sheet ix, Es L, J. C. van—West Borneo en Billiton. 1919 1 Sheet i, Zwierzycki, J.—Noord Sumatra. 1919 1 Sheet vn, Zwierzycki, J. — Tapanoeli, Sumatra’s west coast. Sumatra’s east coast. 1925 2 Sheet ii, Scrivenor, J. B.—British Malaya. 1927 1 Sheets xiv, xxi, Zwierzycki, J.—Oost- Nederlandsch-Nieuw Guinea. 1927 1 Sheet xx, Zwierzycki, J.—Aroe, Kai- en Tenimbar-Eilanden. 1929 Sheet xvi, ’t Moen C. W. A. P.—Midden Java. 1929 Sheet vm, Zwierzycki, J. — Midden Sumatra, etc. 1930 3 Sheet xm, Zwierzycki, J.—Vogelkop. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney (sheet xx). 106 —GERHARZ. J. W. De radiodienst ten behoeve van de militaire lucht- vaart (The wireless service for the military air force). In: Indisch Militaire Tijdscbrift van de Krijgsknn- dige Vereeniging, Vol. 70, No. 6, 1939, pp 526-535. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the development of the wireless service for military aircraft in the Netherlands East Indies since its beginning in 1922. Copy in NEE IS Library. 107 —GOGH, F. van Origin and development of the rubber cultivation in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 1, 1938, pp 22-26. Contents: Early history. The cultivation of Hevea brasiliensis in the Netherlands East Indies by natives and on estates. Copy in NEF1S Library. 108 — GONGGRIIP. I. W. Soil management and density of population in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Congres International de Geographic, Amsterdam, 1938, tome n, Travaux da la Section in, pp 397-404. Contents: The author discusses the factors princi- pally at work in the deterioration of the soil of the Netherlands Last Indies; compares these conditions with some in other parts of the world, and states the methods applied in the Netherlands East Indies to maintain the productivity of the soil. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 109 — GOTZ, F. F. F. Railways in the Netherlands Indies, with special reference to the island of Java. In; Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n, No. 4, 1939. vv 267-290. Contents: History of railway construction in the Netherlands East Indies; Lines and rolling stock; Receipts and expenses from 1929 to 1937; The com- petition of the road traffic; Measures to overcome the effects of the depression; The railway service. Map: Railway map of Java and Madoera. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 110 —GREAT BRITAIN Admiralty—Naval Intelligence Department. A manual of Netherlands India (Dutch East Indies). London, 1918, pp 548. Contents: A detailed survey of the Netherlands East Indies. Chapter headings: (i) Introduction and general survey; (n) Physical geography and geology; (in) Climate; (iv) Vegetation and animals; (v) Inhabitants; general considerations; (vi) Inhabitants of Java; (vn) Inhabitants of the outer possessions; (vin) Government and administration; (ix) Genera! economic considerations; (x) Economic products of Java; (xi) Economic products of the outer posses- sions; (xii) Communications: shipping and ports; (xi11) Communications: roads, railways, posts, etc.; (xiv) History to 1914-1918; (xv) History from 1818 to the present time. This contains a very full account of the geological and geographical structure of the various parts of the Netherlands East Indies. Map: Netherlands India. Scale 1 : 12,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Sydney (1920 edition); Public Library, Melbourne; Department of Defence Library, Mel- bourne. 111 — GROENEVELDT, W. P. Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malacca, com- piled from Chinese sources. Batavia, 1876, pp 144. Contents: Translations from old Chinese sources con- cerning Java, Sumatra, Borneo, the islands east of these, and the Malay peninsula. Smaller adjacent islands are described under each of these heads. Copies in University Library, Adelaide; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 112 — HALKEMA, H. W. Road development in the Netherlands East Indies. In; Java Gazette, Vol. vm, No. 1, 1939, pp 19-22. Contents: The growth of roadways under the influ- ence of motor traffic. Photographs: Many photographs, chiefly on roads throughout the area. Copy in NEFIS Library. 113 —HALL, Cf. C. J. I. van Coffee selection in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vcl. 1. No. 2, 1938, pp 135-143. Contents-. Selection work of coffee robusta, and a few remarks on some other species. Copies in NEF1S Library: University Library, Mel- bourne. 114 — HANDWIIZER Voor Telegramadressen en verkoorte ambtstitels, 1941. (Manual of telegraph addresses and abbrevi- ated official titles for use in telegrams), pp 167. (In Dutch). Copy in NEFIS Library. 115 —HART. G. H. C. Towards economic democracy in the Netherlands Indies. New York, Netherlands Information Bureau, 1942, pp 123. (Booklets of the Netherlands Informa- tion Bureau, No. 8). Contents; By chapter headings: 1, Birth of a Nation; 2, Problem Sinister; 3, Freedom Oversteps; 4, Levers to Democracy; 5, Staff of Life; 6, The Land Beyond; 7, Warp, Woof and Welfare; 8, Red Lights and Green Lights. Photographs: 14 full-page half-tone plates, includ- ing irrigated rice fields; settlers clearing jungle; paddy stacks; settlers’ home, Sumatra; weaving; rubber-tapping. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; AGS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 116 —HART. G. H. C. Recent development in the Netherlands Indies: In: Geographical Journal, Vol. xcix, 1942, pp 81-101. Contents: A very brief general survey of the NE1, stressing their importance at the present time. Copies in the National Library, Canberra; Queens- land Museum Library, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Syd- ney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of T asmania Library, Hobart. 117 —HARTOGH. Dr, C. Education in Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 642-647. Contents: Survey of the school system of the NEI. Photographs: More advanced secondary school, Djokjakarta; Medical University, Weltevreden; Dutch Vernacular School, Poerworedjo; Four groups of school children; Pupils of the Roman Catholic school at Laham (SE Borneo); Salvation Army school at Bora; Department of Public Worship and Education, Weltevreden. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 12 118 — HAVERKAMP. P. Zeevaartkundige tafels voorzein van een korte verk- laring van de Inrichting en het gebruik. (Nautical tables provided with a brief explanation of the arrangement and use), 's Gravenhage, Departement van Defensie, 1934, pp 304. (In Dutch). Contents: Nautical tables. Copy in NEFIS Library. 119—HAYNES. A. S. The rural hygiene conference in Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1937, pp 282-284. Contents: Report of the conference of Eastern Nations held from August 3 to 13, 1937, in Java, to consider rural hygiene on a basis of rural recon- structions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 120 —HINTE, I. van De industriele ontwikkeling van Nederlandsch Oost- Indie. (Industrial development of the Netherlands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xui, 1925, pp 349-385. (In Dutch). Contents: Introduction; native industry; Western industry; the problem of industrialisation; bib- liography. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. 121—'! HOEN. Dr. H. The domestic animals of the Indian Archipelago; the buffalo; native cattle. In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. 18, 1933, pp 306-310, and Vol. xix, 1934, pp 31-39. Contents: The use of the buffalo in the NEI. The breeding of native cattle. Photographs: Cattle pen and buffalo market (in Vol. xvm) and Kerapan steer, Madura, steer races at Besuki, team of racing steers, bull fight (in Vol. xix). Copy in NEFIS Library. 122 — HOFSTEDE, N. W. Gedachten over de verdediging van Nederlandsch- Indie. (Thoughts on the defence of the NEI). In: Indisch Militair Tijdschrift, Vol. 72, No. 6, 1941, pp 555-63, Part n. No. 9, pp 865-74, Part v. (In Dutch). Contents: On the task of the NEI army and the organisation of the infantry units in Java. Rules for scouting patrols. Copy in NEFIS Library. 123 —HOGEZAND. H. E. van De Topographische Dienst in 1940. (The Topographic Service in 1940). In: Indisch Militair Tijdschrift, Vol, lxxii. No. 6, pp 539-44. (In Dutch). Contents: Summary of the work done by the topo- graphic survey of the NEI in 1940. The work in- cludes: Geodetic work in Sumatra and Borneo; first mapping; aerophotogrammetic survey, reambulation; publication of maps; reproduction work; special activities. Copy in NEFIS Library. 124 — HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPV A ART Statistiek van de scheepvaart in Nederlandsch-Indie over het Jaar 1935, 1936, 1937 and 1938. (Shipping statistics in the Dutch East Indies for 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938). Batavia, 1936-1939. (In Dutch). Contents-. Arrival of ships in different ports in the respective years and during the last ten years in the principal ports. Nationality of ships arriving in the Dutch Indies. Ships sailing on a Dutch-Indian pass- port. Shipping accidents. Copy in N'EFIS Library. 125— HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART Berichten aan Zeevarenden, 1938, (Information for Navigators). (In Dutch). Contents-. Advice about navigation in the waters of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, New Guinea, Mo- luccas, Lesser Sunda Islands, including Timor. Copy in NEFIS Library. 126 —HUIZINGA. Dr. J. Medical care in Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 648-652. Contents'. The work of the Public Health Service, inaugurated in 1911 under the name of Civil Medi- cal Service. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library. Sydney. 127 — HULSHOFF. Dr. D. J. The desirability and possibility of industrialisation in the Netherlands Indies. In; Congres Interna- tional de Geographic, Amsterdam, 1938, Vol. n, Travaux de la Section me, pp 581-586. Contents'. Agrarianisation and Javanese colonisation have their limitations and to raise the welfare of the NE1 industrialisation is needed. The latter can be effected either by promoting mechanised indus- tries or by stimulating handicrafts. Most raw mate- rials are lacking for both types of industries which work mainly for the island market. The need for cheap capital for mechanised industries. Labour con- ditions, Government protection by import restrictions. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 128 —HUNGER, F. W. T. The course of market prices of the principal Nether- lands products in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 10-11, 1936, pp 213-220. Contents'. Discusses the prices of cereals, starches, oils, and fats, sugar, foodstuffs, colonial luxury pro- ducts, spices, rubber, fibres, skins, gums and resins, tin and petroleum. Copy in NEFIS Library. 129—HYDRICK. J. L. Intensive rural hygiene work in the Netherlands East Indies. New York, Netherlands Information Bureau, 1942, pp 83. (Booklets of the Netherlands Information Burean, No. 7). Contents: A full description of the organisation and work of the Public Health Service of the NEI reprinted with revisions from a report of the Service published in 1937. 13 Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 130 —INDISCHE KRIJGSKUNDIGE VEREENIGING Indisch Militair Tijdschrift, Vol. lxx, No. 6, 1939, Vol. lxxii, Nos. 6, 9, 10, 1941. (Indian Association of Military Science—Indian Military Monthly). (In Dutch). Contents; The relevant articles are listed under the areas concerned, by author. Copy in NEFIS Library. 131 - INTER-OCEAN A Dutch East Indian magazine covering Malaysia and Australasia (Monthly), 4to. Batavia. Incorporating Sluyter’s Monthly, which see also. From July 1932 incorporated in Java Gazette. The last-named contains few articles of geographical value and is not as well illustrated as its predecessors. It contains one or two photographic supplements illus- trating places in Java and Sumatra. Mitchell Library, Sydney (Vol. iv, No. 3 to Vol. xin. No. 6, March 1923-June 1932); Public Library, Melbourne (Vol. v, No. 6-Vol. x-in. No. 6, June 1924- June 1932); NEFIS Library (Vol. xi, No. 1-Vol. xn. Nos. 8, 11-Vol. xin, Nos. 1-4 and 6, January 1930, August, November, 1931, January-April, June 1932). 132—INTER-OCEAN The Netherlands East Indies as the centre of inter- national interests. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn, Nos. 5 and 6, 1926, pp 255-259, 318-321. Contents; Abstract from the official government communication; Open Door Policy. Export articles, direction of exports, foreign capital interests in pro- duction, foreign interests in the petroleum industry; interests of foreign banks; Dutch banks and estates; foreign shipping interests; foreign capital and the agricultural industry on Sumatra’s east coast. In Java: share of various countries in the Java sugar industry, transport of oil products, shipping to USA. Photographs: Java Bank, Batavia; KPM steamers in Tandjong Priok; Banjermasin, port of Borneo; Cultivation of coffee, tea and sugarcane; Transport of sugar cane; Chinese steamer at wharf at Sambas, Borneo; KPM steamer at Pontianok, Borneo. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 133 —INTER-OCEAN Special number (surveying the economics and social life of the Dutch East Indies). In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 586-700. • Contents: Separate articles by van Deth W, on public works and by Lam H. J. on flora have been indexed apart from this entry. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 134 — INTER-OCEAN Modern transportation in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, No, 8, 1929, pp 341- 346. Contents: Describes in a very general way the modern means of transportation, by land, sea and air, employed in the Netherlands East Indies and their important part in the development of the country and its industries. Photographs: KPM steamer lying in the road of Batjan; State railway in the Preanger Mts; Fokker plane of the Royal Dutch East Indies; airways above a volcano crater; motor road in Java. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 135 —JANSEN. F. The country’s finances in 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 4, 1937, pp 6-9. For 1937, Vol. vi. No. 3, 1938, pp 6-8. For 1938, Vol. vn, No. 4, 1939, pp 2-5. Contents: Survey of the finances of the Netherlands East Indies for 1936 (1937 and 1938). The same subject is dealt with for 1937 in Vol. vi. No. 3, 1938, pp 6-8, and for 1938 in Vol. vn. No. 4, 1939, pp 2-5. Copy in NEFIS Library. 136 —JANSEN, Dr. B. C. P. Food in the tropics. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. 1, 1938, pp 56-62. Contents: The native diet in the tropics does not differ appreciably either in quantity or value from that of temperate climates. Lack of vitamins occurs with the use of highly polished rice and the scarcity of milk. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 137 —JAVA GAZETTE The opening of the “Volksraad” (People’s Council). ]uly 1932. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 1, 1932, pp '13-18. Contents: Speech of the Governor-General on the world crisis and economic measures. Photographs: On the way to the Volksraad; palace of the Volksraad and various photographs of the ceremony. Copy in NEFIS Library. 138 —JAVA GAZETTE 13th Annual General Meeting of the British Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands East Indies, 8th |uly, 1932. In; Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 2, 1932, pp 85-92. Contents; Economic conditions of the Netherlands East Indies and their foreign trade in 1931. Copy in NEFIS Library. 139 —JAVA GAZETTE Australian Letter. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 7, 1933, pp 346-347. Contents: Australian-Netherlands East Indies trade balance. Australian exports to the Netherlands East Indies in 1930-1931 and 1931-1932. Copy in NEFIS Library. 140 —JAVA GAZETTE Commercial wireless in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. n. No. 4, 1933. Supplement. Contents: History and development of the wireless services in the Netherlands East Indies. 14 Photographs: Rantja Eke, wireless station, Ban- doeng; Malabar wireless station, Bandoeng; trans- mitting and receiving apparatus at Bandoeng; two 80kw short wave transmitters. Copy in NEFIS Library. 141—JAVA GAZETTE Measures taken in Netherlands India to implement the rubber export regulation agreement. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in. No. 2, 1934, pp 58-60. Contents: The ordinances and regulations promul- gated by the Netherlands Indies Government in 1934. Control of production and exports; export quotas; method of calculating standard production; licenses; stocks; export duty on native rubber. Copy in NEFIS Library. 142 —JAVA GAZETTE Native races of the Netherlands Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. iv. No. 2, 1935, pp 1-4. Contents: Brief account of the different Malay and Papuan tribes. Photographs: Mid-Java types; Soendanese girl; Balinese girl; Mt Dyaks; Poonang girl; Papuans; Balinese group; Batak types; Batak women. Copy in NEFIS Library. 143 —JAVA GAZETTE Flying in the Netherlands Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1937, pp 52-54. Contents: History of aviation to and in the Nether- lands East Indies. Entry and exit. Customs. Pro- hibited area. Meteorological information. Aero- dromes and landing grounds.. Charges for their use. Climate. Cross-country routes. Night flying. List of maps. Shell aviation service. Copy in NEFIS Library. 144—JAVA GAZETTE The cultivation of tea in the Netherlands Indies. In; Java Gazette. Vol. vi, No. 5, 1937, pp 155-156. Contents: Cultivation and manufacture of tea. World trade in tea. Tea restrictions. World consumption of tea. Copy in NEFIS Library. 145 —JAVA GAZETTE Palm oil. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 6, 1937, pp 187. Contents: The palm oil industry of the Nether- lands East Indies and the countries to which it is exported. Copy in NEFIS Library. 146 —JAVA GAZETTE Kapok. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 7, 1938, pp213. Contents: Cultivation, treatment and uses of kapok. Copy in NEFIS Library. 147 —JAVA GAZETTE The Netherlands East Indies as coffee producers. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 12, 1938, pp 384. Contents: History of the coffee industry in the Netherlands East Indies. Recent trends in trade and price. Copy in NEFIS Library. 148 — JAVA GAZETTE Pepper. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vn, No. 4, 1938, pp 139-140. Contents: History of the pepper trade, its cultiva- tion; the pepper trade in the Netherlands East Indies in 1913, 1929, and 1936. The world stocks. Copy in NEFIS Library. 149 —JAVA GAZETTE The Netherlands East Indies as petroleum producers. In; Java Gazette, Vol. vu. No. 7, 1939, pp 232-233. Contents: History of the petroleum industry in the Netherlands East Indies. Petroleum exports since 1910; oil production and manufacture of the vari- ous derivatives in 1936; exports of 1937 according to destination. Copy in NEFIS Library. 150 —JAVA GAZETTE Commercial policy of the Netherlands Indies. In; Java Gazette, Vol. vn. No. 8, 1939, p 258. Contents: Review of the book by Professor Dr. A. Neytzell de Wilde and J. Th. Moll (1936), entitled “The Netherlands Indies during the Depression.” The Crisis Import Ordinance of 1933, and the enactments of 1933 and 1935 regulating the admission of aliens. Copy in NEFIS Library. 151 —JAVA GAZETTE Estate rubber in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vn. No. 9, 1939, pp 289-290. Contents: Investments in Netherlands Indies rubber plantations in 1912 and 1930. Percentage of area planted with rubber by companies of different nationality. Area of estate and of native rubber since 1902. Improvement of rubber cultivation. Cost of production. Copy in NEFIS Library. • 152 —JAVA GAZETTE The Netherlands East Indies as tin producers. In; Java Gazette, Vol. vm. No. 8, 1942, p 255. Contents: The tin industry of the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 153 —JAVA MOTOR CLUB Handboek voor Toerisme in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Handbook for tourism in the Netherlands East Indies). Semarang, pp 244. (In Dutch). Contents: General advice to motorists. For Java: alphabetical list of places which can be reached by motor car; lists of hotels and passangrahans; springs and spas, antiquities and other sights; inland ferries; inter-local telephone offices; regulations for driving on certain roads. For Madoera: alphabetical list of places which can be reached by motor car; lists of passangrahans, springs and spas; sights; inter- local telephone offices; a trip through Bali sights. 15 For Sumatra: lists of hotels; passangrahans, sights, springs and spas, excursions; ferries, traffic regula- tions, telephone offices. For Celebes: lists of hotels, passangrahans, springs and spas, ferries, telephone offices. For other Outer Possessions: lists of hotels, passangrahans, telephone offices. Transport of motor cars by railway and boat, and loading and unload- ing facilities. Maps: Bali; plan of Sabang; Medan-Padang road and its branches. Copy in NEFIS Library. 154 —JONG, EILEEN van ZYLLDE The Netherlands East Indies and Japan. Nether- lands Information Bureau, New York, 1942, pp 24. (Booklets of the Netherlands Information Bureau, No. 3). Contents: General discussion of the relations between Japan and Netherlands East Indies up to 1941. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 155 —JONGH, A. C. de Toelichting bij het schema eener algemeene geolo- gised legenda voor Nederlandsch-Indie. (Elucidation of scheme of a general geological map legend for the Netherlands Indies). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch Indie, Verhandlingen, 1930, 3de Gedeelte, pp 56-70. (In Dutch with sum- mary in English). Contents: A survey of the systematisation of the cartography of the Netherlands Indies. Plate 11 illustrates the scheme of geological map representa- tion. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 156 —IONGH, A. C. de De publicistische werkzaamheid van den Indischen Geologischen Dienst en hare huidige belemmering (The publications of the Indian Geological Service and its present difficulties). In: Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp 399-406. (In Dutch). Contents: A brief history of the official publications of the Geological Service. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 157 —KEASBERRY. BENJAMIN SCOTT The origin of the Malay race. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi11, No. 6, 1927, pp 323-326. Contents: Myths connected with the origin of the Malay race. Photographs: Native types from the Netherlands East Indies; children at Bandjermasin; girl in Batavia: family in Ambon; girl in Ambon; Bataks of Sumatra; Javanese Batik maker. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 158 — KEMMERLING, G. L. De actieve vulkanen van den Nederlandsch-lndischen Archipel in 1928-1929. (The active volcanoes of the Netherlands Indies Archipelago in 1928-1929). in; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 468. (In Dutch). Contents: A survey of volcanic activity during the years 1928-1929. Bibliography. Photographs: Five half-tone plates. Map: Paloewah Island, scale 1:100,000, showing zone of ash and lava. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 159 — KENNEDY. RAYMOND The ageless Indies. New York, John Day, 1942, pp 208. Contents: A good popular account of the Indies, with special reference to the native population. Chapter headings: The Islands; The Past; The Indonesians; The Dutch; The Wealth; The Future. Maps: The Pacific area; tribes and peoples of the Indies: The East Indies. (All small scale). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 160 —KENNEDY. RAYMOND Islands and peoples of the Indies. Smithsonian Insti- tution. War Background Studies, 1943, pp 63. Contents'. Geography, climate and general informa- tion of the Indies. Photographs'. The enormous Bromo crater in eastern Java (Smeru in background); landscape in Bali; entrance to a Batak village, Sumatra, showing earthen fortifications; Minangkabau longhouse, Sumatra; Toba Batak village,■ Sumatra; house in Nias; Men- tawei longhouse; one of the various types of Borneo longhouses; Sadang burial caves, Celebes, chiselled in face of a cliff; stone tombs, Sumba; palace of the Sultan of Siak, East Sumatra; village in central Flores: street scene in Batavia, showing steam tramcars. Maps: Small scale maps of the East Indies, showing, peoples of Sumatra; peoples of Java; peoples of Borneo: peoples of Celebes; islands and peoples of the Lesser Sundas; islands and peoples of the Moluccas. Copies in AGS Library; NEF1S Library. 161 — KIST. F. I. The Geo-political and strategic importance of the waterways in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 4, 1938, pp 252-262. Contents: The position of the Netherlands East Indies with regard to Japan’s sphere of expansion. The tensions caused by differences in the densities of population. The importance of traffic roads, also as strategic roads. The upkeep of these roads through the Netherlands Indies Dept, of the Navy. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 162—KLUTE, FRITZ, ed. Handbuch der geographischen Wissenschaft: Vorder- und Siidasien in Natur, Kultur und Wortschaft. (Handbook of geographical knowledge: near and 16 south Asia, nature, culture and economics). Pots- dam, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, 1937, pp 570. (In German). Contents: Chapter vn. The Malay Archipelago, by Walter Behrman, pp 72. Gives a general geographi- cal survey of the region (physical geography, climate, flora and fauna, peoples), followed by detailed des- scriptions of each island. Photographs: 48 small but very clear and well- selected half-tone plates and four full-page colour reproductions of paintings. Maps: Further India and Malay Archipelago, scale 1:18,000,000. (Inset: Java, scale 1:9,000,000); small- scale diagrams of the tectonic lines, fault lines, isobars and wind directions, temperature and rain- fall at selected stations, afforestation, population density, rainfall in Java, increase in population of Java compared with Ceylon (graph), land utilisation around Medan; relief map of Borneo, scale 1:10,000,000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 163 — K.N.I.L.M. Intercontinental air express. February, August- November 1938, December 1939. K.N.I.L.M. Air Ex- press, January-July 1940. Contents: A monthly published by the K.N.I.L.M. first under the title Intercontinental air express, then under title Air express, to encourage tourism by air in the NEI. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr, Hendriks’ collection). 164 — K.N.I.L.M. The Royal Netherlands Indies Airways. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 1, 1937, pp 1-11. Contents: History and services of the K.N.I.L.M. Photographs: Plane over typical NEI landscape; aerial view of business section of Batavia; aerial view of mountain resort Kopeng, near Salatiga; rice fields and rice mill near Garoet, West Java; Djam- pangan estate with rubber and tea, West Java; Mer- api, near Jogjakarta; rice fields in Bali; oil refinery Soengei Gerong near Palembang; Walahir irriga- tion works near Drawang, West Java. Map: K.N.I.L.M. air lines in connection with world traffic. Copy in NEFIS Library. 165 —KOLONIAAL INSTITUUT, AMSTERDAM Bulletin, Vol. i, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 1937-1938, Vol. u, Nos. 3, 4, 1938-39, Vol. in. No. 1, 1939-1940. Contents: The relevant articles are listed under their authors. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 166 —KONINKLIJK MAGNETISCH EN METEOROLO- GISCH OBSERVATORIUM BATAVIA Vulkanische verschijnselen en aardbevingen in den Oost-lndischen Archipel, waar genomen gedurende het Jaar 1925. (Also for 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933). Aardbevingen in den Oost-lndischen Archipel, waar genomen gedurende het Jaar 1935 (1939). (Volcanic phenomena and earth movements in the East Indian Archipelago observed in the year 1925. Earth move- ments in Indian Archipelago observed in the year 1925. Earth movements in 1935 (1939). Reprints from Natuurkundig Tijdschrift, Vols. 86, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, Series A, No. 42 (1941) of Observatorium Publication. (In Dutch). Contents: Catalogue of volcanic activities and earth- quakes, bound in one volume. Copy in NEFIS Library. 167—KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUN- DIG GENOOTSCHAP Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, Series 1, Vols. 1-7 (1876- 1883); Series n, Vols. 1-57, pt 2 (1884-1940). Pub- lication suspended owing to war). (In Dutch). Contents: In addition to the articles listed, this con- tains regularly a bibliography, book reviews and reports of geographical news relating to the Nether- lands East Indies. Articles have been listed under the area with which they deal, and according to author. Complete set in the National Library, Canberra. 168 —KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDR1JKSKUN- DIG GENOOTSCHAP Atlas van tropisch Nederland. KNAG, Amsterdam, 1938. Printed in Batavia by Netherlands Indies Topographical Service. (In Dutch).- Maps: Maps of the Netherlands Indies (East and West) with gazetteer. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Pub- lic Library. Adelaide. 169 —KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUN- DIG GENOOTSCHAP De zeen van Nederlandsch Oost-lndie. (The seas of the Netherlands East Indies). 4to. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1922, Vol. ix, pp 507. (In Dutch). Contents: Historical introduction, by S. P. 1’Honore Naber; The depths of the seas, with depth chart, by G. F. Tydeman; Temperature, salinity, density and gas content of the sea-water, by W. E. Ringer; Maritime meteorology and seasons, by J. P. van der Stok; Biology of the sea, by Max Weber and A. Weber -van Bosse; Geology, by G. A. F. Molen- graaff; Coast description of the East Indian Archi- pelago, by J. M. Phaff; The description of the coasts is detailed and important. It covers pp 359- 494 and has an index, pp 495-506. Maps: Many maps and charts. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Melbourne. 170 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ The “Paketvaart” Atlas of the Netherlands Indian Archipelago. Obi. 4to. Amsterdam, printed by J. H. De Bussy (n.d.) about 1910. (In Dutch). Contents-. Maps and photographs of different parts of the Indies. Photographs-. Bay of Gorontalo; Petjaloekan River; the sandsea with Bromo and Semeroe; Sindanglaja; Tjibodas; road in Deli; cataract at Soengei Poear; Grotto at Protokojo. Maps: Dutch East Indies (scale 1:18,000,000). Java (1:2,000,000). Borneo (1:6,500,000). East Java 17 (I ; 2,000,000). Borneo (1 : 6,500,000). Sumatra (1 ; 4,000,000). Celebes and Little Sunda Islands (1:6,500,000). Moluccas and Dutch New Guinea (1 ; 6,500,000). Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; AGS Library. 171 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Official K.P.M. Yearbook. 1937-1938. Batavia, 1937, pp 321. Contents: pp 23-98 describe the Netherlands East Indies from the tourist point of view, including information on communications, ports, possible trips, principal firms, etc., including Dry Dock Co., Tand- jong Priok. Photographs: Many half-tone plates. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Perth. 172 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPII Dienstregeling voor het jaar 1939. (Service regula- tions for the year 1939). pp 112. (In Dutch). Contents: Time table of the shipping service of the K.P.M. in 1939. Distance tables for all K.P.M. lines (in sea miles). Active wireless stations. The same subject is dealt with for 1940 and 1941. Map: K.P.M. lines. Copy in NEFIS Library. 173 —K.P.M. GAZETTE Vol. i, Nos. 2-7, 9-11, 1935. Koninklijk Paketvaart Maatschappij, Batavia, 1935. Contents: Articles and photographs for the tourist. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 174 —K.P.M. GAZETTE Arts and crafts of the Netherlands Indies. In: K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. i. No. 12, pp 285-312. Contents: Richly illustrated description of native arts and crafts in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 175 — KOOLHAAS, D. R., and P. A. ROWAAN The properties of the cananga, patchouli and vetiver oils of the Netherlands Indies. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. v, Nos. 7/8, 1937, pp 42, 43. Contents: Exports of these oils 1926-36, methods of production and physical and chemical properties. Copy in NEFIS Library. 176 —KOPPEL. C. van de The resins, dama and copal and their industrial uses in America. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 20/22, 1936, pp 24-33. Contents: The article deals with the botanical and geographical origin of damar and copal and the commercial grades; the exports of these resins from the Netherlands East Indies and the American con- sumption of these and similar resins, including syn- thetic resins. The industrial uses of NEI resins. Photographs: Transport of copal (Celebes); old (wrong) method of tapping Agatha in the Moluccas; tapping and collecting damar; sorting copal (Macas- sar); collectors of damar in Acheen (North Suma- tra); right method of tapping damar Putih (Shorea javanica—K and V. Acheen); right method of tap- ping copal (Celebes). Copy in NEFIS Library. 177 —KOPPEL, C, van de Forestry in the Outer Provinces of the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1938, pp 33-34. Contents: The forest administration in the Outer Provinces was established in 1908. The total forest area of the Outer Provinces is estimated at 120 million hectares, 68% of the whole extent. The estab- lishment of forest reserves for hydrological reasons and to maintain timber supply. The exploitation of hard woods and soft woods. Reforestation of the highlands; the minor forest products. Copies in NEFIS Library and University Library, Melbourne. 178 — KOPSTEIN, Dr. FELIX A zoologist and his camera in the tropics. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 1, 1928, pp 29-36. Contents: Selection of photographs from the author’s book. Photographs: Different types of animals found in the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 179—KROON, A. H. J, The coffee market during the fourth quarter of 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 7, 1935, pp 68-69. Contents: Discusses the market conditions of coffee. Copy in NEFIS Library. 180 —KROON, A. H. J.. and I. van der PLOEG Estate products and native grown commercial crops in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 9, 1935, pp 221-226. Contents: Exports and prices of estate and native- grown crops in 1934. Photographs: Drying copra in the sun; view of a citronella oil factory. Copy in NEFIS Library. 181—LAM, Dr. H. J. Flora. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 672-678. Contents: Survey of the vegetation of the Nether- lands East Indies. Photographs: Gigantic cactus grown near Lawang (Java); mountain Tjemara zone (Casuarina) on Mt Merapi; Wynkoops Bay and the estuary of the Tjimandiri in West Java, seen from the east; along the route to the Papandajan. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 182 —LAMSTER. J. C. Spelling van aardrijkskundige namen in Neder- landsch Indie. (Spelling of geographical names in the Netherlands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk- 18 Nederlandscb Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliii, 1926, pp 391-396. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of the second revised edition of the List of Geographical Names in the Nether- lands Indies. Copies in National Library. Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, 1 lobart. 183 — LAMSTER, J. C. Handelsreizen in Oost-lndie, voor 2000 jaar. (1 rad- ing voyages in the East Indies 2000 years ago). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandscb Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 991-998. Contents: Notes on early Chinese voyages in 1st century, B.C. Map: Probable Chinese trade route to the East Indies in 1st century, B.C. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 184 —LANDHEER. BARTHOLOMEW The Netherlands East Indies comes of age. New York, Netherlands Information Bureau, 1941, PP 15. (Booklets of the Netherlands Information Bureau, No. I). Contents: Describes briefly the war preparations of the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 185 —LANGEN. Dr. C. D. de Medical training in the Indies. In; Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 2, 1938, pp 125-134. Contents: The history of medical training, and the aims and methods of training natives in the medical field. Copies in NEEIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 186 —LAST, H. van GALEN The Netherlands Indian State Railways in 1936. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 95-96. Contents: Brief survey of the State railway net finan- cial results, traffic, technical service and available stocks and new purchases. (This is a continuation of a series of articles on rail- ways and tramways—the preceding one being by Willebrand—The Netherlands Indian Railways in 1934 and the following one being by Willebrand and entitled—The private railways and tramways in 1936). Copy in NEEIS Library. 187 —LAST, H. van GALEN, and WILLEBRAND, D. The Netherlands Indian railways and tramways in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 6, 1938, pp 16-18. Contents: These two articles conclude a yearly sur- vey for 1934 and 1936. The preceding articles are by Willebrand, Galen Last and Willebrand. The same subject is dealt with for 1939 in Vol. vn. No. 6, 1939, pp 3-9. Copy in NEEIS Library. 188 — LEEUW, G. van der Primitieve religie in Indonesie; een overzicht (Primi- tive religion in Indonesia; a survey). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandscb Aardrijkskundig Genoots- chap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 873-887. (In Dutch). Contents: A lecture to the 8th Colonial Summer School for Geographers, Amsterdam, 1927, on primi- tive religion. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 189 — LEVERT. H. J. The money, credit, exchange and stock markets in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 7, 1935, pp 169-173. Contents; Discussion of the money market in the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Batavia building of the Netherlands East Indies Excompto Mij; chartered building in Batavia; new building of the Factorij (Netherlands Trading Society) in Batavia; Chamber of Commerce building in Batavia. Copy in NEEIS Library. 190 — LIAT, DJIE TING The trade relations between the Netherlands Indies and China. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 21, 1935, pp 496-501. Contents: Survey of the trade between Netherlands East Indies and China in the period between 1928 and 1934. Copy in NEF1S Library. 191 — LIGTHART, Th. The Netherlands Indies and the world crisis. In; Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 10, 1933, pp 486-490. Contents: European and native production and mar- keting in the Netherlands East Indies as affected by depression. Copy in NEEIS Library. 192 —LITH, A. van De Topografische Dienst onder J. J. K. Enthoven. (The Topographical Service under J. j. K. Entho- ven). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvi, 1920, pp 79-86. (In Dutch). Contents: The author describes the work of Enthoven at head of the Topographical Service, especially the greater centralisation of the survey work; the rais- ing of the Topographical Service to an independent unit of the army, the expansion of the field of work, and the first publication of the Jaarverslag (annual report). Copies in NEEIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 193 —LUYMES, I. L. H, De hydrographische opneming van den O. I. Archipel. (The hydrographical survey of the East Indies Archi- pelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandscb Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliv, 1927, pp 177-208. (In Dutch). Contents: A historical and general survey of marine surveying in the Netherlands East Indies. 19 Map: Work of the Naval survey ships in the Nether- lands East Indies in 1927. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 194 —LUYMES. J. H. L. Het werk der Nederlandschen opnemingsvaartuigen in den Oost Indischen Archipel, 1930-1935. (The work of the Dutch survey ships in the East Indian Archi- pelago, 1930-1935). In; Tijdscbrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp 105-107. (In Dutch). Contents: A brief outline of work in nautical sur- veying, 1930-1935. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 195 —LUYMES, J. Hydrography. In: Rutten, L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 65-67. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It gives a brief summary of hydrographic work in the Nether- lands East Indies. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 196 — LUYTJES, A„ and KROON, A. H. J. 21st report on native rubber cultivation. In; Nether- lands Indies, Vol. m. No. 6, 1935, pp 144-147 (22nd report, Vol. in. No. 12, 1935, pp 304-305; 23rd report, Vol. hi. No. 20, 1935, pp 471-475; 24th report, Vol. m, No. 24, 1935, pp 553-556; 25th report, Vol. iv. No. 28, 1936, pp 153-156). Contents: Quarterly reports. Deals with exports, prices, reports for different regions. Photographs: Well planted rubber trees on planta- tion in Sumatra (Vol. in. No. 12); native rubber plantation (Vol. in. No. 20); small holder with family (Vol. m. No. 20); wet rubber in slabs being transported by prahu to market in Borneo; rubber market near a coastal shipping centre of West Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library. 197 —M, t. Onze niet rechtstreeks tot het leger behoorende korpsen. (Our corps not directly belonging to the army). In; Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Officiersvereeniging, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1937, pp 88-90. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the different corps composed of natives of a given area and commanded by native officers. The newly formed native corps Prajoda, on Bali. Photographs: Applicants for the Prajoda on Bali; the “camp” at Karangasem, Bali; the Resident of Bali and Lombok reviewing the Detachment Gianjar. Copy in NEFIS Library. 198 —MAANEN, D. van Some notes on irrigation in the Dutch East Indies. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. i. No. 12, 1920, pp 503-509. Contents'. Brief text to accompany photographs. Photographs: Bandjar-Tjahjana works; head sluice Singomerto and main canal; Bandjar-Tjahjana works, reinforced concrete syphon through Linggo- moerto ravine; scouring sluice, Singgomerto, open; movable weir, Siwatoe in Tjokrojasan draining canal; Bandjar-Tjahjana works, main canal between first tunnel and syphon under Meran river; movable weir and lock Rentong Tjimanoek; Pemali works; iron aqueduct and bridge Pontjol. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 199 — MAASSEN, Dr. C. C. J. Javanese agricultural migration to the Outer Pro- vinces. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n, No. 3, 1939, pp 183-192. Contents: Assisted immigration of Javanese agri- culturists to the Outer Provinces in 1935-1939. Advice for large-scale colonisation. Photographs: Group of prospective colonists ready for departure from Java; two views of the jungle in the process of being cleared; irrigated seed beds of rice; provisional hut in new settlement; new village under construction. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 200 — MANSCHOT. J. H. The exchange, money and stock markets in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 9, 1936, pp 191- 195. Contents: Survey of the exchange, money and stock market of the Netherlands East Indies in 1935. The same subject is dealt with for 1936 in Vol. v, No. 4, pp 15-21. Copy in NEFIS Library. 201—MANSCHOT, N. J. The financial condition of the estate tea cultivation in the Netherlands Indies from 1928 to 1933 inclu- sive. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 14, 1935, pp 356-361. Contents: Survey of the changes since 1928 in the financial structure and the general position of the estate tea cultivation with special regard to Java. Photographs: Experimental station for the tea indus- try in Buitenzorg; large tea factory in the mountains of Java; interior of a factory; plucking tea on an extensive plantation in Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 202 — MANSCHOT. N. J. The financial position of the plantation tea industry in the Netherlands Indies under restriction. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 3, 1937, pp 6-13. Contents: Review of the changes in the financial position of the plantation tea industry in the Nether- lands East Indies and particularly in Java, and mainly as a result of the international restriction agreement of 1933. Copy in NEFIS Library. 203 —MANTEL. P. G. De beteekenis der militaire luchtvaart voor de defensie van Nederlandsch Indie. (The importance 20 of the military air-force for the defence of the Netherlands Indies). In: Indisch Militair Tijd- schrift, Vol. 70, No. 6, 1939, pp 470-482. (In Dutch). Contents: The importance of aircraft in the defence, with special regard to the NE1. Copy in NEE1S Library. 204 —MAUTNER. W. The Netherlands Indies and the world tin supply. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 11, 1938, pp 3-8. Contents: Survey of the world’s tin production and the Netherlands East Indies’ share in it since 1900. The development of the tin industry in the Nether- lands East Indies. Exports, stocks and consumption of tin. Price movement of tin. The tin restrictions. Photographs: Electrical dredger on Banka; tin pit near Soengeiliat; tin mine near Buntok (Banka). Copy in NEE1S Library. 205 —MAUTNER, W. The world position of the Netherlands Indies in the petroleum industry. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1938, pp 11-16. Contents: Share of the Netherlands East Indies in the world production of crude oil since 1857 (begin- ning of the industry in the Netherlands East Indies). Oil resources of the world and of the Netherlands East Indies. The geographical position (distances from the Netherlands East Indies production regions and ports of shipment to ports of arrival, compared with those from other production and consumption centres). Survey of the separate branches of the Netherlands East Indies petroleum industry. The exports from the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEELS Library. 206 —MAYER, I. A. The foreign trade of India and its commerce with the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 22, 1935, pp 516-518. Contents: Survey of India’s foreign trade 1929-1934, with special regard to the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 207 — MEIJER, Dr. Th, M„ and KOOLHAAS. Dr. D. R. Temu Lawak—The Rhizone of Curcuma Xanthorr- hiia, An. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 7/8, 1937, pp 32-36. Contents: A drug, temu lawak, from the Netherlands East Indies is described. Its history is given, to- gether with its botanical description. The cultiva- tion and the preparation of the drug, its chemical constituents and its therapeutic value are also touched upon. Photographs: Five views of the plant and its parts. Cony in NEFIS Library. 208 — MEINESZ. F. A. Vening Gravity anomalies in the East Indian Archipelago. In; Geographical Journal, Vol 77, 1931, pp 323-337. Contents: This is a scientific account of the sub- marine journey referred to in No. 209 annotation. Map: East Indian Archipelago, showing gravity anomalies, scale 1 ; 10,000,000. Two profiles—1 south- ward from Java, 2 across Talaur Archipelago. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Lib- rary, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 209 — MEINESZ. F. A. Vening By submarine through the Netherlands East Indies In: Geographical Journal, Vol 77, 1931, pp 338-349. Contents: This submarine journey was undertaken for a scientific investigation of gravity anomalies to obtain data in regard to tectonic activity. The scientific side was dealt with in an article in the same volume, pp 323-337. There were three trips, one in the eastern part of the Archipelago, one round the island of Celebes, one round Sumatra. This is a general description of places and people visited. Photographs: Many photographs of the area. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 210 — MERENS. M. M. The maritime routes in and through the Nether- lands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 2, 1938, pp 94-105. Contents: The sea-borne traffic in the Netherlands East Indies (inter-island and inter-port traffic). Trade from and to the Netherlands East Indies. Through traffic (not touching at any Netherlands East Indies port). Copies in NEF1S Library; University Library, Melbourne. . 211 —MEYER. Dr. Th. M., and KOOLHAAS. Dr. B. R. Kumis Kuching. Orthosiphon Stamineum Denth, a valuable diuretic and remedy against kidney stone. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, Nos. 7/8, 1937, PP 37-42. Contents: A drug, kumis kuching, is described, together with remarks on its cultivation and pluck- ing. Its pharmacological value and its chemical constituents. Photographs: Six pictures of the plant and its parts. Copy in NEE IS Library. 212 —MILLER. H. ERIC The rubber industry. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No 3, 1932, pp 131-135. 21 Contents: The rubber industry in the Netherlands East Indies. Describes tapping, different types of plantation in general terms, no statistics. Photographs: European rubber estate; tapping rub- ber; aerial view of a European rubber estate in Java; rubber trees planted as shade trees for Robusta coffee; rubber trees mixed with coffee shrubs. Copy in NEFIS Library. 213—MOHR. E. C. JUL De bodem der tropen in het algemeen, en die van Nederlandsch-lndie in het bijzonder. (The soil of the tropics in general, and of the Netherlands Indies in particular). Two vols. Amsterdam, de Bussy, 1933-1938. (In Dutch). Contents: Vol. i has two parts. The first part is general and is annotated below; the second part deals with Bali, Celebes and the Lesser Sunda Islands and is annotated under these areas. Vol. n is in four parts. The first part deals with the Lesser Sunda Islands and New Guinea, the second part with some islands of the Moluccas, Halmaheira, Celebes, Borneo, Bangka and Billiton; the third part with Sumatra, and the fourth part with Java and Madoera. The annotations for these appear under their respective areas. Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney: Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Waite Agricultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide. 214 —MOHR, E. C, JUL De bodem der tropen in het algemeen, en die van Nederlandsch-lndie in het bijzonder. (The soil of the tropics in general, and of the Netherlands Indies in particular). Eerste Stuk (first part). 8vo. Amsterdam, de Bussy, 1933. (Koninklijke Vereeni- ging Koloniaal Instituut, Amsterdam, Mededeeling No. 31, Afd. Handelsmuseum No. 12), pp 130. (In Dutch). Contents: Soil formation, climate, soil temperature, soil moisture, rainfall, evaporation, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Waite Agri- cultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide. 215 —MOHR, Dr. E. C, JUL The relation between soil and population density in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Congres Inter- national de Geographie, Amsterdam, 1938, Tome n, Travaux de la Section me. Contents: The author shows that the population density depends on the fertility of the soil; under the climatic conditions the soil is leached rapidly; only the presence of young volcanoes makes possible a dense population by providing fresh soil. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 216 —MOHR, E. C. JUL Climate and soil in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 4, 1938, pp 241-251. Contents: Description of the equatorial climate of the Netherlands East Indies. Soil erosion and accumulation by water and wind. Soil regeneration by active volcanoes. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 217—MO JET, J. J. Met leger in Nederlandsch-lndie. (The army in the Dutch .Indies). In: Wetenschappelijk Jaarhericht 1936, Vereeniging ter Beoefening van de Krijgs- wetenschap, Vol. 26, pp 372-416. (In Dutch). Contents: Organisation of the army, strength, national defence, service obligation, the different types of troops, military administration, veterinary service, topographic service. Copy in NEFIS Library. 218 —MOLENGRAAFF, G. A. F. The coral reefs in the East Indian Archipelago: their distribution and mode of development. In: Pacific Science Association—Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Science Congress, 1929, Vol. iia, pp 55-89. Contents: Types of coral reefs, distribution, coral reefs of the Sunda shelf, the Spermonde shelf, Sahul shelf, coral reefs in the south of Macassar Strait, the Kalu Kalukuang Island, the Postilion Is, the Paternoster Island, coral reefs on the west coast of Sumatra, the Laars Islands and the atoll de Bril, the atoll on the Zandbuis banks, the Island of Kabia or Baars Island, the Angelica shoal, the Muaras reef, the atoll of Gisser, and the Ceram-laut archi- pelago, the coral island of Pasigi. Maps: Map showing the distribution of coral reefs in the East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 10,000,000; Sapuka atoll; Postiljon Islands, scale 1 : 400,000: barrier reefs and atolls in Macassar Strait, scale I : 3,750,000; atoll of the Tiger Island, scale 1 : 400,000; atoll of the Zandbuis banks, Paternoster Island, elevated atoll Palau Dana near Savu, Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 219 —MORESCO. E. The new constitution of the Netherlands Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 5, 1927, pp 249-254, Contents: The constitution according to the act of 1925. Photographs: Six views from the assembly of the Volksraad. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 220 —MORRELL, CHARLES M. The position of the Netherlands East Indies in world economics. In: Java Gazette, Vol. v. No. 4, 1936, pp 119-121. Contents: Percentage of some of the Netherlands East Indies products to total world products. Dutch and British co-operation in regard to the rationalising of certain products. Copy in NEFIS Library. 221 — MORSHUIS, N. C. J. The Netherlands Indian national debt in 1934, In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 7, 1935, pp 163-168. Contents-. The floating and consolidated debts of the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: The Java Bank in Batavia; Depart- ment of Finance, Waterloo Square, Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library.. 22 222—MULLER. HENDRIK P. H, De Europeesche samenleving. (European social life). In; Colijn H.—Neerlands Indie, 1913, Vol. n, pp 371-383. (In Dutch).' Contents: A short description of the social life of Europeans in the Netherlands Indies. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 223 —NATURE PROTECTION IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Compiled by the Section, of Nature Protection of the Government Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg. Copy- right, 1938, Department of Economic Affairs, Batavia, pp 63. Contents: An account of Netherlands nature reserves in considerable detail by various authors. Position and area of each are given, and the animals, vegeta- tion and terrain are discussed. Includes excellent terrain photographs. Copies in Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne; National Museum Lib- rary, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Bris- bane; Public Library, Adelaide. 224 — NATUURKUNDIG TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR NEDER- LANDSCH INDIE Vol. n-c (1851-1940). (In Dutch). Contents'. Articles on all branches of science. A selection only of those on geography or related sub- jects have been listed separately, under the area con- cerned and the author. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane (Vols 4-97, incomplete set); Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane (Vols 2-50); Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Syd- ney: Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth (Vol. 63 + ). 225 — NAUTICA Orgaan van de Vereeniging van Gezagvoerders en Stuurieden in Nederlandsch-lndie. (Journal of the Association of Captains and Ships’ Officers), Vol. 28, No. 2, 1941, pp 37-68. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Foundation “Nether- lands on the Sea.” The work of the hostel service. Copy in NEFIS Library. 226 — NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL LINE Netherlands India Old and New—Vol. 18, 1933, March, August; Vol. 19 (1934), January, February, Amsterdam. Contents-. Articles in this journal are written for the tourist and have been listed under the area con- cerned and the author. Photographs-. State railway stop “Lebakdjero, Java”; March 1933, Vol. 18; North Coast of Atjer Sumatra, the waterfall of the Kroeeng Olim at Meureu- doe, September, 1933, Vol 18; the high level plain of Roeteng, Flores. September 1933, Vol. 18. Copy in NEFIS Library. 227 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Algemeen proefstation voor den landbouw; Mede- deelingen, Vols. 1-11/13-15, 17-19, 1919-1925. (General agricultural experimental stations—Journal). (In Dutch). Contents; Reports of work done at the agricultural experimental stations throughout the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 228 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den landbouw. (a) Lijst van mededee- lingen van het algemeen proefstation voor den land- bouw 1912-1939. (List of reports of the general agri- cultural experimental station 1912-1939). (b) Vers- lagen en mededeelingen. ’s Gravenhapp 1938, Nos. 1-3. 1. Lijst van officieele personen, instellingen en vereeni- gingen op land—en tuinbouwgebied. 2. De econo- mische toestand van den landbouw in 1936-1937. en andere onderwerpen. 3. Verslag over den land- bouw in Nederland over 1937. Reports and informa- tion, ’s Gravenhage 1938, Nos. 1-3. (1. List of official personnel, institutions and societies connected with agriculture and horticulture. 2. The economic situa- tion of agriculture in 1936-1937 and other subjects. 3. Report on agriculture in Holland in 1937). (In Dutch). Copy in Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne. 229 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw—Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen . . . Amsterdam. Separate entries have been made for each article under the authors and in the areas concerned. Libraries holding this journal are indicated at the end of the respective annotation. 230 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Post, telegraaf en telefoongids, Juli, 1939. (Post, telegraph and telephone directory of the Nether- lands East Indies, July 1939). (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the postal services, list of post offices, foreign mail connections and tariffs; list of telegraph tariffs with other countries; list of telegraph offices. List of land and mobile stations. Newspapers entitled to receive press telegrams. List of local and district telephone nets. Tariffs for wireless telephone talks. Telephone tariff. Copy in NEE IS Library. 231 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Regeering van: Tien jaar Japansch gewroet in Neder- landsch Indie. (Ten years of Japanese underground activities in the Netherlands Indies). Batavia, 1942, pp 204. (In Dutch). Contents: The 300 years of Dutch Rule in . the Netherlands East Indies and the Open Door Policy. Japan’s aspirations to leadership in Asia. Japanese propaganda for preparing an invasion of the Nether- lands East Indies. Its economic assault on the Netherlands East Indies espionage. The Kobayashi Mission. Direct preparations for invasion by Japan- ese Government Department. There is also an abridged edition in English under the title of “A decade of Japanese underground activities in the Netherlands East Indies.” Copy in NEFIS Library. 232 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE GEOGRAFISCHE MEDEDEELINGEN Vol. i, 1941. (All published). Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig, Genootschap, Batavia, 1941. (In Dutch). Contents: Published as a continuation of the Tijd- schrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskunlig Genootschap after the invasion of Holland, and con- tains similar material Copy of Parts 1 (January) and VI (November) only in National Library, Canberra; University Lib- rary, Brisbane; National Museum Library, Melbourne. 233 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE OFFICERS VEREENI- GING Orgaan van de Nederlandsch Indische Officiersvereeni- ging (Journal of the Netherlands Indies Officers’ Association), Vols. 20, 1935, Nos. 4-11; 21, 1938, Nos. 2-12; 22, 1937, Nos. 1-12; 23, 1938, Nos. 1, 3-7, 9-12; 24, 1939, Nos. 1-3, 5-12; 25, 1940, Nos. 1, 5, 6. Bandoeng Visser & Co. (In Dutch). Contents: Articles mainly of strategic interest have been filed according to the areas with which they deal. Copy in NEFIS Library. 234 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE OFFICIERSVEREENI- GING Wijzigingenblad op gegevens omtrent de verschillende garnizoenen op Java en de Buitengewesten. Uitgave 1933. (Corrections to the directory concerning the different garrisons on Java and the Outer Possessions, edition 1933). In; Orgaan van de Nederlandsch In- dische Officiersvereeniging, 1936, Vol. 21, Supp. to Nos. 10, 11. (In Dutch). Contents: Corrects and brings up to date the informa- tion supplied in 1933. Copy in NEFIS Library. 235 — NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES Year books and handbooks of the Netherlands East Indies, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1930, Batavia Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1930. Contents: Topography, climate, flora and fauna, population, public health and education, Govern- ment and public finance, money and banking, agri- culture, natural resources and industry, trade and commerce, communications. The 1920 edition con- tains a special article on Netherlands East Indies harbours illustrated by plans. Photographs: Many photographs of topographical interest, nature life, etc. Maps: Malay Archipelago, scale 1 ; 10,000,000, Nether- lands East Indies, showing self-governing and directly- governed territories; electric power generating and transmission systems in West Java, scale 1 : 2,000,000; airlines in Netherlands East Indies. In the 1920 edition the following plans illustrate the article on harbours; Tandjon Priok; Sourabaja; Semarang; Tjilatjap; Macassar, Emmahaven; Bela- wan, Sabeng; all to scale of 1 : 20,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney (1920 only); University Library, Brisbane (1916-1919 only); Public Library, Perth (1905-1921 and 1923 only): Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Melbourne; NEFIS Library (1920 and 1924 only). 236 — NETHERLANDS INDIES Department of Agriculture, industry and commerce: Netherlands East Indies—San Francisco committee. Pamphlets 33 items. Batavia 1914. Contents: Nos. 1, Netherlands East India; geo- graphical and ethnological. 2, System of govern- ment and legislation and the administration of justice. 3, The civil medical service. 4, Credit facilities for the natives. 5, Some facts about the public finances. 6, Education. 7, Agriculture and technical education. 8, Scientific information. 9, Posts, telegraphs and telephones. 10, Transport and ship- ping facilities. 11, Architecture. 12, Irrigation. 13, forest service. 14, Money and banking system. 13 Minerals. 16, Agriculture in its legal social and geographical aspects. 17, Commerce. 18, Notes on the labour conditions and recruiting of labour. 19, Java tea, 20 (missing). 21, Java cane sugar industry. 22, Some fac.ts about tobacco. 23, Fibres. 24, Cinchona. 25, Products of the cassava. 26, Hat industry. 27, Spices. 28, Rubber. 29, Petroleum. 30, Essential oils. 31, Damar and copal. 32, Tan- ning materials. 33, Oils and oil-containing seeds. 1 hese pamphlets as a whole give a very comprehen- sive picture of the Indies, especially from the economic and agricultural aspect, in 1914. Photographs: A number of half-tone plates of crops, industrial processes, animals, etc. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney. 237 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Fortnightly—Vol. in, 1935, Nos. 1-24; Vol. iv, 1936, Nos. 1-22; Vol. v, 1937, Nos. 1-12 (monthly from this year on); Vol. vi, 1,938, Nos. 1-12, Vol. vn, 1939, Nos. 1-7. Batavia. Contents: A review of the country, its economics and commerce. The relevant articles are listed under the areas concerned, and the author. Copy in NEFIS Library. 238 — THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The economic condition of the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, Nos. 1/2, 1935, pp 1-5. Tables pp 30-36. (Regular monthly feature). Contents; Monthly survey of the economic condi- tions in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 239 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES A review of the economic situation in the Nether- lands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 2, 1935, pp 277-280. Contents: The article includes data up to the middle of April 1935, and deals with Government measures, new industries, foreign relations, money circulation, exports and imports, trade balance, price levels, native agriculture and unemployment. Copy in NEFIS Library. 240 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The Chinese and other non-indigenous Orientals in the Netherlands Indies. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 2, 1935, pp 283-291. Contents; Review of the results of the census of 1930. Photographs: Many photographs of Chinese life in Java and Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 241 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The Netherlands Indies as a supplier of tropical agricultural products. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m, No. 3, 1935, pp 41-57. Contents: Share of the Netherlands East Indies in world exports and world production of various agricultural products, 1925-1933. Photographs: Numerous photographs of plantations, rubber, tea, sugar, etc. Copy in NEFIS Library. 242 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The provisional balance of trade of the Netherlands Indies in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 4. 1935, pp 65-67. Contents: Trade movements of the Netherlands East Indies from 1926-1934. Discussion of the various items of imports and exports. Copy in NEFIS Library. 243 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Declaration of the Government on rubber restriction. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 4, 1935, pp 85-87. Contents: Abstract of the Government declaration made in the Volksraad. The international course of rubber restriction and its course in the Nether- lands East Indies. Stabilisation of rubber price. Photographs: Lump rubber in balls; rubber in blankets and bark-crepe. Copy in NEFIS Library. 244 THE NETHERLANDS -INDIES Imports and exports of the Netherlands Indies. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 5, 1935, pp 117-118. Contents: Imports and exports from and to the various countries of origin and destination in the period from 1931-1934. Table on p 122. Copy in NEFIS Library. 245 THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Measures relating to commercial policy in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 8, 1935, pp 193-195. Contents: Statutory enactments concerning the traffic of goods and the clearing between the Netherlands East Indies and other countries. Copy in NEFIS Library. 246 — THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Government intervention on behalf of the more important agricultural products. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. in. No. 9, 1935, pp 227-230. Contents: Crisis measures taken by the Government on behalf of sugar, tea, cinchona and rubber. Photograph: Harvesting cinchona bark in the Preanger. Copy in NEFIS Library. 247 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Shipping between the Netherlands Indies and Europe, America and other countries, and the inter-island traffic in the archipelago in 1934. In; The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. in. No. 9, 1935, pp 238-239. Contents: Shipping conditions and freights in 1934. Copy in NEFIS Library. 248 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The organisation of the kapok export. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 10, 1935, pp 268- 271. Contents: Discussion of the draft bill concerning the Government intervention in the interests of the kapok industry. Photographs: Four views showing processing of kapok. Copy in NEFIS Library. 249 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The influence of prevailing market condition on native agriculture. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. II, 1935, pp 277-280. Contents: Discussion of retail prices, money and credit circulation and fiscal income during the first quarter of 1935. Copy in NEFIS Library. 250 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Agricultural products during the first quarter of 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. hi. No. 12, 1935, pp 306-315. Contents: Quarterly report on agricultural produc- tion and price movements. Continued for second quarter of 1936 under title in report on agricultural economics for the second quarter of 1936, Vol. iv. Nos. 16, 17, pp 320-332. Photographs-. Many photographs of native life. Copy in NEFIS Library. 251—THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Government measures in the kapok situation. The opening of the kapok centre. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 16, 1935, pp 387-390. Contents: Report of the speech of the Director of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands East Indies Government, Mr. Hart, on the occasion of the opening of the kapok centre in Samarang. Copy in NEFIS Library. 252 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The production, importation, exportation and con- sumption of coconut products during 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 18, 1935, pp 431-436. Contents: The article discusses the relative signifi- cance of the native-grown and estate-grown coconut production; the coconut oil industry; the exporta- tion of coconut products; the significance of the Netherlands East Indies as a provider of coconut products for the world market. Copy in NEFIS Library. 253 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Rice mills in the Netherlands Indies in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 21, 1935, pp 502-505. 25 Contents: Data for 1934 compared with that for 1933 of number of rice mills, quantities of raw materials milled, quantity of rice obtained and dis- posed of, separately, for Java, Borneo, Sumatra and other islands. Photographs: Primitive milling in native village; native-owned rice mill in Sumatra; Chinese-owned mill in Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 254 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The weaving of hats as a household industry. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 23, 1935, pp 535-539. Contents: Origin and development of the hat weaving industry in the Netherlands East Indies. The export of pandan and of bamboo hats from 1928-1934. Photographs: Seven pictures of hat weavers at work. Copy in NEFIS Library. 255 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The “Sugar Regulations for 1936” in the Volksraad. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 4, 1936, pp 65-70. Contents: Motivation of the Government’s inter- vention in the sugar industry. The interests of the people and social provisions regulating the produc- tion and distribution. Decisions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 256— THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The KPM and what it has done for the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 5, 1936, pp 96-101. Contents: The importance of the Royal Packet Navigation Co. for the economic development and colonisation of the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: KPM building in Batavia; unloading a prahu in the Moluccas; KPM wharf in the inner harbour of Tandjong Priok. Map: Road of Amurang (North Celebes). Copy in NEFIS Library. 257— THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The development of industry in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 5, 1936, pp 116-125. Contents: The share taken by Lindeteves-Stokvis (constructional iron works, paint factory, Nivat drums). Photographs: Tea factory built by Lindeteves; hos- pital in the Minahassa; tea factory in the Preanger; girder-span railway bridge; light motor bridge in the jungles of Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 258 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The rice market in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 10/11, 1926, pp 210-212. Contents: Price movements of rice in 1935. Copy in NEFIS Library. 259 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Trade protection measures in 1935. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. iv, Nos. 10/11, 1936, pp 221-224. Contents: Survey of the measures for the protection of the major industries and' promotion of indigenous industries of the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 260 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The railways in the Netherlands Indies in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 12, 1936, pp 239-243. Contents: Survey of the State railways; the extent of their net; the financial results; receipts, disburse- ments, traffic, technical service; stocks and pur- chases of material; survey of the private railways and tramways in Java and of the Deli Railway Co. in Sumatra. Photographs: Viaduct in the Preanger Mts; uphill in the mountains; railway bridge; entrance to a Preanger tunnel. Copy in NEFIS Library. 261—THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Industrial production in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 12, 1936, pp 244-249. Contents: The article gives a general review of the industrial production, a survey of the native and factory industries, and an outline of the general industrial policy. The same subject is dealt with for 1936 in Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 82-87; for 1937 in Vol. vi. No. 6, 1938, pp 2-9. Copy in NEFIS Library. 262 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Report on agricultural economics for the second quarter of 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 16/17, 1936, pp 320-332 (Continued from Agri- cultural products during the first quarter of 1935 in Vol. m. No. 12, pp 306-315). Contents: Quarterly review of the general trend of events and its influence on agriculture in general and on the more important crops; rice and maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, peanuts, soya beans, sugar, rubber, tea, coffee, pepper, kapok, tobacco, citronella oil, cotton, copra, kapok seed oil, palm oil, cacao. Photographs: Many photographs of native life. Copy in NEFIS Library. 263 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Tourism in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 18/19, 1936, pp 6-19. Contents: History and activities of the Travellers’ Official Information Bureau. Photographs: Numerous photographs of tourist interest. Copy in NEFIS Library. 264 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Kapok. Some technical data of interest and recent applications of Javanese “Tree Cotton.” In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, Nos. 18/19, 1936, pp 27-30. Contents: Percentages by weight of the various com- ponent parts of the kapok pod; the use made of seeds, cores and husks; description of some uses of kapok. 26 Photographs: Kapok plantation together with cocoa; Various species of kapok trees; Harvesting the kapok; Kapok plot; branch with buds and blossoms. Copy in NEFIS Library. 265 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Arts and crafts of the Netherlands Indies; gold and silver. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 20-22, 1936, pp 1-23. Contents: Historical review, materials used, tech- nique of the native gold and silver smiths; the present centres of their art—Kota Geden near Jok- jakarta, Bali, Kendary in Celebes, and minor centres in Sumatra and Java. Photographs: 42 specimens of gold and silver work. Copy in NEFIS Library. 266 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Ocean traffic between the Netherlands Indies and other countries in 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 88-94. Contents: The article gives a general survey of the subject, and discusses in some detail traffic between Netherlands East Indies on one hand and Europe, North America, British India and Persian Gulf, China and Japan, South and East Africa, Australia and New Zealand, on the other, as well as the interinsular trade in 1936, and the interinsular trade in some of the most important articles during the period 1932-1936. The same for 1937 in Vol. vi, No. 6, pp 10-15; for 1938, Vol. vn. No. 5, pp 13-17. Copy in NEFIS Library. 267 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The people’s credit system in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1938, pp 2-10. Contents: Description of the institutions which take charge of the people’s credit system. The organisa- tion of the General People’s Credit Bank. The rela- tive position of the General People’s Credit System with reference to other government services and in- stitutions. The credits of the General People’s Credit Bank. Photographs: A rural bank; A “Desa” bank; A rice “lungung” (a loan bank). Copy in NEFIS Library. 268 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Report on native rubber cultivation over the second half of 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1938, pp 19-25. Contents: Survey of the prices, export, working of the individual restriction system and local reports on native rubber. Report for first half of 1938 is in Vol. vi, No. 8, 1938, pp 15-22. Photographs: Plantings at different stages. Copy in NEFIS Library. 269 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Preventing the Mediterranean fruit fly from enter- ing the Netherlands Indies. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 7, 1938, pp 22-25. Contents-. The article describes the general signifi- cance of the fruit fly and for the Netherlands Indies in particular, the protective measures taken against its importation, the increasing danger of imports and the new requirements concerning the importation of fruit. Copy in NEF1S Library. 270 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Javanese colonisation in the Outer Provinces. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1938, pp 13-18. Contents: The conditions of successful colonisation. Javanese agricultural colonisation as a means of de- veloping the Outer Provinces. Photographs: Colonists embarking; Children in the new village; Festive means in welcome of new arrivals; Fighting the virgin forests; Laying irriga- tion conduits. Copy in NEF1S Library. 271— THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Promoting the cultivation of commercial crops. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1938, pp 19-22. Contents: Plans for the cultivation of new com- mercial crops were inaugurated in 1930 and an ad- visory commission was established in 1933. Survey of the research work done with regard to the pro- duction and marketing possibilities of certain desic- cating oils, essential oils, fibres, paper flax, cellulose, insecticides, tanning barks, foodstuffs, luxuries, medi- cinal herbs and plants. Copy in NEFIS Library. 272— THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The manufacture of krupuk in Sidoardjo for the foreign market. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi, No. 11, 1938, pp 10-11. Contents: Description of the raw materials, the preparation, the varieties of krupuk, the quality, manufacture and commerce, domestic sales and ex- port and packing. Copy in NEFIS Library. 273 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Method of agriculture and the reclaiming of waste lands and swamps in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 11, 1938, pp 18-22. Contents: Description of the agricultural methods in cultivated areas (ladang, sawah, tegalan cultiva- tions, horticulture, cultivation of export crops, European estate agriculture). Description of the re- claiming of waste lands (clearing and reafforesta- tion) and of swamps. Photographs: Ladang being laid out along a steep incline; Rice harvesting with the native sickle; Pre- paration of rubber in field; Planting a combined rubber lay-out; Rice cultivation in the Residency of Palembang. Copy in NEFIS Library. 274 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Soya bean in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 12, 1938, pp 3-6. Contents: Imports and production in the Nether- lands East Indies of soya bean in 1930-1937; ex- ports and price movements, 1936-1938. Copy in NEFIS Library. 27 275 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The Parindra and its economic organisation. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol, vi, No. 12, 1938, pp 14-17. Contents: History of the Partij Indonesia Radja (Larger Indonesian Party), abbreviated to Parindra, and history of the co-operative movement in the Netherlands East Indies. The co-operation between Government and Parindra for the promotion of economic co-operation amongst the native popula- tion. Copy in NEFIS Library. 276 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES New possibilities in working up and marketing Netherlands Indian fruit. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 1, 1939, pp 4-6. Contents: Inquiry into the possibility of establishing a fruit juice industry in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. . 277 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The cultivation and preparation of some Nether- lands Indian herbs. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 2, 1939, pp 10-14. Contents: Remarks on the cultivation and use of kumis kuching (Orthosiphon stamineus Bent.), temu lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhima An.) and labu merah (Cucurbite moschata Duch.). Copy in NEFIS Library. 278 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Tea propaganda in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 2, 1938, pp 16-20. Contents: History (since 1929) and organisation of the tea propaganda in the Netherlands East Indies, and the increase in tea consumption. Copy in NEFIS Library. 279 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES List of the principal hotels. Batavia, 1937, pp 16. Contents: List of hotels in alphabetic order, stating cable address, height above sea level, number of rooms, rates, and sports available. Copy in NEFIS Library. 280 —THE NETHERLANDS INFORMATION BUREAU The Netherlands East Indies: Holland carries on. New York, Netherlands Information Bureau (1940), pp 67. Contents: A collection of short articles and pictorial material on the war and the Indies. Photographs: 88 half-tone plates. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 281 — ODENKIRCHEN, Th. J. The private factory industry in Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, 1928, pp 623-628. Contents: The difficulties of industrialization in the Netherlands East Indies. The existing factory in- dustries. Photographs: Sugar mill, Java; Interior of a sugar mill; two views of old-fashioned labour methods; Batik dyeing; Sugar plantation. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 282 — ODENKIRCHEN. Th. I. Australian trade delegation. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 12, 1933, pp 577-580. Contents: Lecture to the Australian Trade Delega- tion of the Netherlands India’s trade with Australia up to 1932. Copy in NEFIS Library. 283 — ODENKIRCHEN. Th. J. The influence of the depression on the importation of certain groups of articles into the Netherlands Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. iv, No. 1, 1935, pp 29-31. Contents: Comparison of the imports of different groups of goods over the period 1928-1933. Copy in NEFIS Library. , 284 — ODENKIRCHEN, Th. J. The influence of the depression on the importation of certain groups of articles in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 1/2, 1936, pp 14-27. Contents: The changes in the import figures (gross weight and value) in the period 1928-1935 are dis- cussed in connection with the principal consumers of the goods imported (native or European), means of transport, means of production and material used in the production of new articles. Copy in NEFIS Library. 285 — OORLOGSVERORDENINGEN 1941 War Regulations, 1941. Three parts, i. 26 Decem- ber 1940—26 February 1941; u, 26 February 1941— 26 May 1941; in, 26 May 1941—20 August 1941. (In Dutch). Contents-. Reprints from the Nederlandsch-Indische Staatsbladen (Netherlands Indies Gazetteer), con- cerning wartime regulations. Copy in NEFIS Library. 286 — OORLOGVOORSCHRIFT GENEESKUNDIGE DIENST Voorschrift betreffende den militaire geneeskundigen dienst in Nederlandsch-Indie op voet van oorlog. (Instruction for the military medical service in the Dutch Indies on a war footing). Batavia, 1937, pp 158 (In Dutch). Contents: The Army Medical service, command and organisation, the medical service in the opera- tional region, and outside it (clearance stations, camp and base hospitals, etc.). The task of the Netherlands East Indies section of the Dutch Red Cross. Copy in NEFIS Library. 287 — ORANIE De toekomst van de rubberwinning in Neder- landsch—Indie. (The future of rubber production in the Netherlands East Indies). In: Oranje, July 2, 1943, pp 2 (In Dutch). 28 Contents: America and synthetic rubber after the war. The price question. Political influence. Hevea may still have a future. Copy in NEFIS Library. 288 —OSSENBRUGGEN, F. D. E. van Verwantschaps-en huwelijksvormen in den Indischen archipel. (Forms of kinship and marriage in the Indian Archipelago). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol xlvii, 1930, pp 212-229. (In Dutch). Contents'. A comparative study of native custom, read to the 10th Geographical Conference at Am- sterdam, 28 December, 1929. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 289 — OVERBEEK, Ir. P. van Onze koopvaardijverliezen en de scheepsbouw in Xederlandsch-lndie. (Our merchant navy losses and shipbuilding in the Netherlands East Indies). In: Zeemacht, Vol. i. No. 12, 1941, pp 971-977. (In Dutch). Contents-. The Netherlands merchant navy at the outbreak of war and the tonnage lost. The possi- bility of shipbuilding in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 290 —PACIFIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Science Congress, Java, May-June 1929. 8vo. Batavia-Bandoeng, 1930. Contents'. Relevant material is listed under authors of papers—Bemmelen (in Sumatra Section) and Molengraaff (see foregoing) and where no author is given, under Pacific Science Association (see below). Photographs: Buildings of the Technical Faculty at Bandoeng, seen from the air; Biologists embarking at Verlaten Island; The wireless station, Malabar; The biologists before the rest-house at Tjibodas; The Boro Budur, seen from the air; The crater- lake of the volcano “Kloet”; The Wega and the Rumphius in the Bay of Krakatau. Maps: Geotectonic map of the Netherlands East Indies, by J. Zwierzycki, scale 1;5,000,000; The Tengger Mts., scale 1:100,000, Contour interval 100 meters, depth of sea in fathoms. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary, Adelaide. 291 —PACIFIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Historical review of the development of the tele- graph, telephone and radio services in the Pacific. In: Pacific Science Association—Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Science Congress, 1929, Vol. Ha, pp 363-407. Contents: Includes Netherlands Indies cable and radio services, and those of British Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, Philippine Is., Japan, etc. Map: Interinsular cable and wireless system of the Netherlands Indies, 1928. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: University Library. Adelaide. 292 — PANNEKOEK, Dr. A. J. Some karst regions in the Netherlands Indies. In: Nederlandsch Indische Geografische Mededeelingen, deel I, aflevering I, 1941, pp 16-19. Contents: Karst phenomena in various limestone regions of the Netherlands East Indies as examples for karstic cycle of erosion. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Museum Lib- rary, Melbourne. 293 — PANNEKOEK, Dr. A. J. Met relief van den zeebodem en de dieptekaarten van den Indischen Archipel. (The bottom configuration of the seas and the bathymetrical charts of the Netherlands East Indies). In; Nederlandsch Indische Geografische Mededeelingen, deel I, ailevering 4, 1941, pp 77-91. (In Dutch). Contents: The author attempts to construct new depth lines for some of the more intricate areas. Discusses the bathymetrical chart of the N.E.I. based on 30,000 soundings produced by the Snellius Expedition, 1929-30. Another chart (PL 1) differing from the above based on the same soundings is in- cluded. Text Figures'. 9 figures, chiefly sections of chart. The Flores Sea after van Kessel and after Snellius; The area more than 5,000 meters deep in the South- ern Banda Sea, after van Kessel; Morphological division of the basins in the eastern part of the archipelago, after Kuenen; The northern Banda Sea; The southern Banda Sea; The southern Mol- ucca Sea; The sea around the Talaud 1. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 294 — PATOT. A. TISSOT van De kaarteering van Nederlandsch-Indie: overzicht over het tijdvak 1920 t/m 1929. (The mapping of Netherlands Indies: report for the period 1920-1929.) In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijks- kundig Genootschap. Vol. xlviii, 1931, PP 887-904. (In Dutch). Contents'. Describes the progress in the mapping of the Netherlands East Indies from 1920-1929, and the position on 1 January, 1930. Map: State of mapping of the Netherlands Indies, scale 1:10,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 295 — PRILLWITZ, P. M. Cultivation measures taken in connection with the tea restriction. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 3, 1937, pp 30-34. Contents'. Examination of the four groups of meas- ures applied; measures with regard to plucking, measures with regard to pruning. Alteration in the manuring programme and re-plantmg. Copy in NEFIS Library. 296 — PRINGGODOGDO, R. M. A. K. The balance of payments of the Netherlands Indies in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 7, 1935, pp 174-178. 29 Contents: Analysis of the balance; receipts and dis- bursements; provision for the shortage. The same subject is dealt with for 1935 in Vol. iv. No. 9, 1936, pp 196-200. Photograph: Chamber of Commerce building in Sourabaya. Copy in NEFIS Library. 297 —PROCUREUR-GENERAL BIJ HET H.O.N. IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE Bepalingen betreffende de uitoefening van het recht van vereeniging en vergadering in Nederlandsch- Indie. (Instructions concerning the carrying out of the right to form societies and to assemble.) Wel- tevreden, 1928, pp 40. (In Dutch). Contents; Instructions to the administrative and police officers concerning the right to form societies and hold meetings. Copy in NEFIS Library. 298 — PULLE, A. A. Vegetation. In; Rutten, L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 164-185. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It dis- cusses briefly the different types of vegetation in the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 299 — PUTTEN. H. J. van The financial policy of the Netherlands and the Netherlands East Indies Governments. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi, No. 3, 1937, pp 92-94. Contents: The financial policy after 1929. Copy in NEFIS Library. 300 — RAASVELDT, A. F. The department of government industries. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 11/12, 1928, op. 629-636. Contents: Reviews the industries now in the hands of the Department. They are: State railway and tramway service; postal, telegraph and telephone service; water-power and electricity; Banka tin mines; coal mines; gold mining enterprises; Govern- ment printing office; salt monopoly; postal savings bank. Photographs: Many photographs of local interest. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 301—REITSMA, S. A. Van Stockum’s travellers’ handbook for the Dutch East Indies, 12mo. The Hague, W. P. van Stockum & Son, 1930, pp xi, 615. Contents: Introduction; general review of the Dutch East Indies; Java and Madura: general review and local description; Sumatra: general review and local description: Bali and Lombok: general review and local description; the other islands. Includes topog- raphy, climate, flora and fauna, population, social life, government, education, agriculture, mining, industry and trade, banking, transportation, arts and crafts, etc. Photograph: Sternwheeler Negara with side-prow on the Barito River. Maps: Many maps of all areas covered in this handbook. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 302 — RINKES, Dr. D. A.. ZALINGE, N. van and ROEVER, J. W. de Het Indische boek der zee. (The Indian book of the sea). 2nd edition, Batavia, 1925, pp 312. Contents: A textbook on oceanography, with special regard to the seas of the Netherlands East Indies. It treats with physics and biology of the sea, navi- gation, the Dutch merchant navy and the maritime defences of the Netherlands East Indies. Yachting in the Netherlands East Indies. The final chapter discusses the sea and navigation in history and literature. Photographs: Numerous photographs from different parts of the Netherlands East Indies. Maps: Route of the KPM in the Netherlands East Indies; Routes of the Java-China-Japan lines; West- gat of Soerabaya. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 303 — ROELOFFS, J. W. The cashew nut. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 1, 1938, pp 27-29. Contents: Anarcardius occidentale Linn—Djamboe monjet. Its appearance, utility, cultivation, prepara- tion and marketing. Copy in NEFIS Library. 304—-RONKEL, Ph. S. van Language and literature. In: Rutten, L. M. R.— Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 329-348. Contents: A brief discussion of the different languages in the Netherlands Indies and the litera- ture. This article is a section of a book prepared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. It deals briefly with the different languages in the Netherlands Indies, and the literature. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 305 —ROOIJ, NELLY de The reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipeligo, Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria, 8vo. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1915, pp xiv, 384. Contents: This is the first of two volumes on the reptiles of the Netherlands Indies. It contains de- scriptions of all the reptiles that have been recorded from the Netherlands Indies. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 30 306 ROON, J. van De beteekenis der stereo-autogrammetrie voor de opneming en kaarteering, in het bijzonder voor die van Nederlandsch-lndie. (The significance of stereo- autogrammetry in surveying and cartography, especi- ally in the Netherlands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xui, 1925, pp 64-77. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses the application of stereo- autography to the cartography of the area, and re- fers to examples. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 307 —ROON, J. van De geografische waarde van het Jaarverslag van den Indischen Topografischen Dienst. (The geographical value of the annual report of the Indies Topo- graphical Service). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlii, 1926, pp 65-73. (In Dutch). Contents: A review of the annual reports since 1905. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 308 —ROON, J. van Geografische lengten in Nederlandsch-lndie. (Geo- graphical longitudes in the Netherlands Indies). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliv, 1927, pp 351-376. (In Dutch). Contents: Traces the history of the determination of longitude in the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 309 — ROON, J. van Het grondgebied van Nederlandsch-lndie: de be- hoefte aan een historisch administratieven atlas. (The territory of Netherlands Indies: the need for an historical-administrative atlas.) In: Tijdschrift Kon- inklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliv, 1927, pp 602-612. (In Dutch). Contents: A sketch of the administrative history of the Netherlands Indies. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 310 —ROOS, RES A The tin market in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 6, 1936, pp 109-110. Contents: Price indices of the most important metals 1925-1935. World consumption of tin in the same period. The tin market in 1935. Copy in NEFIS Library. 311 —ROOS, R. De geschiedenis der Militaire Luchtvaart. (The his- tory of the Military Air Force). In: Indisch Mili- tair Tijdschrift, Vol. 70, part 6, 1939, pp 483-495. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the Air Force in the Nether- lands East Indies, since its beginning in 1914. Copy in NEFIS Library. 312—ROTGANS, G. E. The economic conditions of the Netherlands Indies in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 9, 1936, pp 177-183. Contents: The article deals with Government meas- ures, money circulation, value and weight of exports and imports, trade balance; number of workers and output per worker in various branches of industry. Copy in NEF1S Library. 313 —ROTGANS. G, E. The national finances in 1935. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 9, 1936, pp 184-187. Contents: Survey of the national finances of the Netherlands East Indies in 1935. Copy in NEF1S Library. 314—ROTHE, Dr. CECILIE Industrial development and home consumption in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. I, 1938, pp 1-13. Contents: The promotion of industries and especially handicrafts as a means of increasing the buying power of the natives, thus strengthening the home market. The sale of industrial products from Java to the Outer Provinces, 1936 and 1937. Copies in NEE IS Library; University Library, Melbourne. 315 — ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Netherlands overseas territories. (Information De- partment papers, No. 28). London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1941, pp 92. Contents: A concise factual survey of the Nether- lands overseas territories. Map: Outline map of the Netherlands Indies, show- ing railways, shipping and air routes, scale 1:20,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Mel- bourne; Australian Institute of International Affairs Public Library, Adelaide; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 316 —RUTTEN, L. M. R. Science in the Netherlands East Indies; ed. by L. M. R. Rutten, 8vo. Amsterdam,'printed by de Bussy for the Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Amsterdam (“I.C.O.” Committee), 1928. pp vm, 432. Contents: This book was prepared and published for the convenience of visitors to the fourth Pacific Science Congress. It gives a scientific survey of the Netherlands Indies and the results of scientific re- search in the Archipelago. The relevant articles by specialists are listed separately under their authors, in this section of the bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne: Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Perth. 317—RYRIE, SIR GRANVILLE Australia. A general sketch of the Commonwealth and her trade with the East Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 2, 1932, pp 76-79. 31 Contents: Australia’s trade with the Netherlands East Indies, 1926-1927, 1930-1931; the kind of goods bought and sold. Copy in NEFIS Library. 318 —SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. The development of the production of agricultural export crops in Netherlands India during the last thirty years. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol, ix. No. 11/12, 1928, pp 616-621. Contents: Comparison of production and exports in 1898 and 1927. The rising importance of native agriculture and of agriculture in the Outer Posses- sions. The exports in 1926 in tons and in percentage of the world exports. Photographs: Five pictures of cultivated plants. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney. 319—SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. Review of the rubber trees planted on estates in the Netherlands Indies according to the origin of the planted material. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. I, 1935 pp 23-26. Contents: General review. Rubber grafts and seed- lings according to years of planting. Comparison of the still existing rubber plantings and the reported replantings. Comparison of the areas planted to grafts in the Netherlands Indies and Malaya. Photographs: Young rubber plantation not yet tapped commercially. Copy in NEFlo Library. 320 — SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. Native agriculture in 1934. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 8, 1935, pp 213-215. Contents: Weather conditions and effects of the crisis on native agriculture. Photographs: Of agricultural interest. Copy in NEFIS Libray. 321—SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. The consumption of coffee in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 1/2, 1936, pp 1-3. Contents: From the statistics available it appears that coffee consumption in the Netherlands East Indies is about one-third of the production. There seems to have been no reduction in consumption during 1928-1934. The increased consumption of tea seems to be in addition to the consumption of coffee. Copy in NEFIS Library. 322 — SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. World production and consumption of cassava articles. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 13, 1936, pp 262-269, Nos 14/15, pp 292-294. Contents: Definitions of cassava (manioc) and cas- sava products. The producing countries. The share of the Netherlands East Indies in the world ex- portation of the different cassava products. The world consumption of cassava articles. Photographs: Five views of cassava in different stages. Copy in NEFIS Library. 323 — SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A., and EMST, P. van Flow the Netherlands Indies is providing its own requirements in agricultural products. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 5, 1935, pp 103-115, No. 6, pp 136-143, No. 10, pp 261-267. Contents: Production, consumption and foreign trade of food products, luxuries and raw materials. Photographs: Many views of agricultural products and their production. Copy in NEFIS Libary. 324 — SCHEPERS. Ir. J. H. G. Professor Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans en diens werk- zaamheden als Chef van den Geografischen Dienst. (Professor J. A. C. Oudemans and his work as head of the Geographic Service.) In: Jaarverslag van den Topografiscben Dienst, Vol. xvm, 1922, pp 77-120. (In Dutch). Contents: Appreciation of the work done by Oude- mans in connection with the determination of the geographical longitude of Menado, Kema, Boeton, Ternate and Makassar in 1852-1853; expeditions for the determination of the geographical co-ordinates in the Netherlands East Indies; determination of the longitude of Batavia; triangulation of Java. Maps: Primary triangles of Java; Base triangle nets of Simplak/ Logantong, and Tangail. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Ade- laide. 325 — SCHEPERS, H. J. G., and MEINESZ, F. A., Vening Geodesy and topography in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Rutten, L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands East Indies, 1928, pp 38-45. Contents: Triangulation, astronomical observations, precision levelling, topographical survey, land revenue survey, the maps, the reproduction office. This article is a section of a book prepared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australasian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Industrial and Scientific Re- search Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 326 -- SCHOEPPEL. F. A. Commerzielles Handbuch von Nederlandsch—Indien. 8vo. Wien, Lechner, 1907, (Kaiserlich-konigliche geo- graphische Gesellschaft in Wien, Abhandlungen. Band 6, No. 2, pp xii, 301. (In German). Contents: Includes chapters on population, geo- graphy, products, politics, trade, native arts, etc. Photographs: The Tenger Mts. with the Bromo and the Sand Sea (2 views). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 327 —SCHOLTE, G. The import and export of the Netherlands Indies, during the first half of 1936 with reference to the countries of origin and destination. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. v. No. I, 1937, pp 36-41. Contents: Survey of the foreign trade of the Netherlands East Indies. The same subject is dealt with for 1936 in Vol. v. No. 5, 1937, pp 34-41. Copy in NEFIS Library. 328— SCHOLTE, G. Origin and destination of the Netherlands Indian import and export during 1937. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 8, 1938, pp 23-25. Contents: The article describes the geographic dis- tribution of the Netherlands East Indies in the course of 1937 and compares it with the years 1935 and 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 329 —SCHOLTE, G. The balance of trade in the Netherlands Indies for 1938. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vu, No. 3, 1939, pp 10-15.. Contents: Survey of the imports and exports in 1938 and of the export excess. Copy in NEFIS Library. 330 —SCHOTT, GERHARD Die natiirliche Eigenschaften des Meerwassers in abgeschlossenen Becken, besonders von Niederlandisch- Ostindien. (The natural characteristics of the sea waters in enclosed basins, especially in Netherlands East Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xl, 1923, pp 482-497. (In German). Contents: Deals with temperature, chemical com- position, salinity, etc., of sea water. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 331 — SCHRIEKE, Dr. B. J. O. The educational system in the Netherlands Indies, In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. 1, 1938, pp 14-24. Contents: The history of education in the Nether- lands East Indies. The reorganisation of the school system 1907-1915. Secondary’ education of high school and college level, graduate schools of univer- sity level for technical personnel (school of engin- eering in Bandoeng, 1920, school of law in Batavia, 1924, school of medicine, 1927). Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne, 332 — SCHRIEKE, Dr. J. J. The administrative system of the Netherlands Indies. In; Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Am- sterdam, Vol. ii. Nos. 3 and 4, pp 165-183, 245-266. Contents: The constitution of the Netherlands East Indies; the population; establishment of the institu- tion and office of the Governor General; guidance from the Home country; the administrative system (the Council of the Netherlands East Indies, the High Court, the departmental heads; Provincial and local administration, the Volksraad, the Board of Audit). The native community, native states, new autonomous communities. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 333 — SCHRIEKE, J. J, Plural economy and federative society. In; Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. m. No. 1, 1939, pp 14-23. Contents: Review of the book entitled Netherlands India: a study of plural economy, by J. S. Furnivall, 1939. Copies in NEFIS Library; University Library, Mel- bourne. 334 — SHADLER, A. C. Timber potentialities of Netherlands India. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n, 1921, PP 101-105. Contents: A survey of the timber potentialities of Netherlands India. Photographs-. Mostly of timber logs floating down rivers; In the jungle (Borneo). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 335 — SCHOLTE. G. The provisional balance of trade of the Nether- lands Indies for 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 5, 1937, pp 25-33. Contents: Survey of the balance of trade in the Netherlands East Indies in 1936. The same subject is dealt with for 1937 in Vol. vi. No. 3, 1938, pp 17-22. Copy in NEFIS Library. 336 — SHEPHERD, JACK Industry in South East Asia. New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941, pp 133. Contents: Chapter 3, Industry in Netherlands India, (pp 35-85) gives an account of recent industrialisa- tion. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney; Australian Institute of International Affairs Library, Melbourne; University Library, Ade- laide. 337 —SIBINGA, G. L. SMIT Wegener’s theorie en het opstaan van den Oostelijken O. 1. Archipel. (Wegener’s theory and the origin of the eastern Netherlands Indies Archipelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xuv, 1927, pp 581-598. (In Dutch). Contents: Introduction; difficulties in the theory of contraction and the Alpine analogy; Application of Wegener's, basic theory; The double arc of the Moluccas; Possibilities of explanation and utility of this working hypothesis. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 338 SIBINGA, G. L. SMIT Geologic en zwaartekracht in den Indischen Archi- pel: critische beschouwing over eenige recente pub- licaties van prof. Dr. J. FI. F. Umbgrove. (Geology and gravity in the Indian Archipeligo: critical ex- amination of some recent publications of J. H. F. Umbgrove). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. Lit, 1935, pp. 515- 524. (In Dutch). Contents: An examination of the early geological history of the Archipelago, and of the light thrown on it by the gravity survey. 33 Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart, 339 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY EAST INDIAN MAGAZINE Batavia. Contents: This is a popular monthly magazine which was afterwards incorporated in Inter-Ocean. Photographs: Many photographs throughout the area covered by the magazine. Copies of Vol. 1-3, No. 2, May 1920—February 1923 in the Mitchell Library, Sydney, and Vol. 2. Nos. 7-12, July—December 1921 in NEFIS Library. 340 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY EAST INDIAN MAGAZINE Present and future utilisation of hydraulic power. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. I, 1920, pp 417-424. Contents: 'The value of this article is for its photographs. Photographs: Views of the Tji Peles, Tji Kapoen- doeng and the falls at Tjoeroegbetoeng; Tjatoer val- ley hydraulic installation. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 341 —SMITS, Ir. E. D. Economic aspects for white farmers in the Nether- lands Indies. In: Congres International de Geo- graphic, Amsterdam, 1938, Tome II, Travaux de la Section 11C, pp 328-332. Contents: Prospects for white farmers are not promising. The native farmer is highly efficient in producing the crops which need no further pro- cessing. Plantation crops which need much capital invested in machinery cannot be produced economi- cally on a small scale. The best results are obtained by white farmers by combining dairy farming with vegetable growing. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 342 — SMITS, Ir, M. B. Population density and soil utilisation in the Netherlands Indies. In: Congres International de Geographic, Amsterdam, 1938, Tome II, Travaux de la Section IHC, pp 500-506. Contents: Discusses the influence of European gov- ernment on population density and soil utilization; introduction of new crops, construction of large irrigation works, opportunities for labour on Euro- pean plantations; the growth of towns due to traffic movement caused by native and plantation production; the growth of factory industry in the young urban centres. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 343 —SODY, H. J. V. De adjag (cuon Javanicus Desmarest). In: Natuur- kundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxix, 1929, pp 210-290. (In Dutch). Contents: Introduction; description and systema- tics; biology; distribution and inroads on game and cattle; desirability and method of combating. A very detailed monograph of this wild dog. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Aus- tralia Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth (Vol. 63 + )- 344 — SOESMAN, J. R. De Kalifaatskwestie in Nederlandsch-Indie. Uaar involed op het godsdienstig denken van den Indofies- ier en op het partijwezen in den Archipel. (The Kali- phate question in the Netherlands Indies. Its in- fluence on the religious thinking of the Indonesians and on the party system in the Archipelago). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Ofjiciersver- eemging, Vol. xxiv, No. 9, pp 253-262; 10, 1929, pp 364-375. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the origin and history of the Kaliphate. The influence of the Kaliphate question on the party system in the Dutch Archipelago. Copy in NEFIS Library. 345 — SOLOMONS. E. V. The jubilee of the Rotterdam Lloyd. In: ]ava Gaz- ette, Vol. ii. No. 1, 1933, pp 1-4. Contents-. History of the company since 1828. Photographs: New passenger booking-office at the Koningsplein, Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library. 346 —SOMERZ. Dr. J. M. De Nederlandsch - Indische Zelfbesturen. Hun waarde en bevoegdheden aan de hand der nieuwe zelfbestuursregelen. (The Netherlands India self- government. Its value and rights according to the new self-government rules.) In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Ofjiciersvereeniging, Vol. 24, No. 8, 1939, pp 161-170. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of the new self-government rules of 14 September, 1938. Copy in NEFIS Library. 347 —STEENIS. C. G. C, J. van Maleische vegetatieschetsen 1 en II: toelichting bij de plantengeografische kaart van Nederlandsch Oost- Indie. (.Malay vegetation sketches 1 and II; ex- planation of the botanical map of the Netherlands East Indies). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp. 25- 67, 171-203, 363-398. (In Dutch). Contents: The map referred to is the vegetation map published in Atlas van Tropisch Nederland. Section headings; Introduction; Compilation of physiognomic map; Existing vegetation maps of Netherlands East Indies; Purpose of physiognomic map; Fable of classification of vegetation types; General remarks; Remarks on the map; Soil and flora; Influence of the climate on the flora of Java; Regional description of vegetation types (cata- logue of 175 species of types with full notes on habitat, etc.); Bibliographies to various sections. Photographs: 10 half-tone plates illustrating types of vegetation; numerous photographs of the area. Maps: Connection between population density and forest percentage; Distribution of species Nepenthes; Morsala Island, showing distribution of camphor (Dryobalanops) and rasak (Shorea sp.); West boundary of eucalyptus forests, Lesser Sunda Is- lands; All these are small scale sketch maps to il- lustrate text only.) Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 34 348 STIRUM, COUNT van LIMBURG The Netherlands East Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in. No. 4, 1938, pp 127-130. Contents: Address by the author to the Royal Em- pire Society, giving a succinct but comprehensive outline of all the aspects, political and economic, of the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 349 — STOEHUYZEN. W. A. W. The Netherlands Indian import trade in 1937. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 4, 1938, pp 19-23. Contents: The import trade of the Netherlands East Indies in 1937 and comparison with that of the preceding year. Copy in NEFIS Library. 350 — STROOMBERG, Dr. I. J'he Netherlands East Indies in world’s commerce. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 11/12, 1928, pp 637-641. Contents: Trade in the East Indies, 1875-1927. The direction of imports and exports. Photographs: M. S. Christiaan Huygens leaving the harbor of Tandjong Priok; M. S. Indrapora leaving same harbor; Building of the Division of Commerce, Buitenzorg; Steamer at K.P.M. Quay, Sourabaya; Steamer leaving the harbor of Tandjong Priok; One of the buildings of the Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney. 351—SWART, Dr. A. G. N. Rubber in the Netherlands Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 4, 1928, pp 226-290. Contents: The rubber industry in the Netherlands Eiast Indies; the capital invested according to nation- alities; the share of Netherlands East Indies native and plantation rubber in the world production 1919- 1926. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney. 352 —TEERINK, C. G. I. Het civiel bestuur in den tegenwoordigen tijd. (Civil administration in the present time). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Ofjiciersvereen- iging, Vol. 20, 1935, Nos. 7, pp 318-319; 8, pp 363-367; 9, 396-398; 10, 441-444. (In Dutch). Contents: The duties of a civil administrator; his tour of inspection, the use of his power, care for state of nutrition, health in the kampongs, educa- tion; settling of the population in kampongs, con- trol of the administration; taxation; compulsory services (road building, etc.). Copy in NEFIS Library. 353 —TERGAST, C. C. W. Chr. Proposed sugar regulations for 1936 and subsequent years. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 3, 1936, pp 51-56. Contents: Discussion of the motives leading to fur- ther Government intervention; the subjects to be regulated and the construction of the draft regula- tions. Short summary of the regulations formulated. Copy in NEFIS Library. 354 TERGAST, C. C, W. Chr. The sugar regulations during 1936. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. v, No. 2, 1937, pp 2-24. Contents: Discussion of the sugar regulations and their effects on the industry. Photographs: Numerous photographs of the activities connected with sugar growing and production. Map: Java showing anticipated sugar production and sugar factories, 1937. Copy in NEF1S Library. 355 — TJOKROADISOERI, R. M. P. SOERACHMAN Industrial production of the Netherlands Indies in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol in. No. 9, 1935, pp 235-237. Contents: Survey of the trend in the manufacturing industry during 1934. Photographs: Interior of modern machine shop in Java. Copy in NEF1S Library. 356 — TOFOGRAFISCHE DIENST Jaarverslag van den Topografischen dienst in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Annual report of the Topo- graphic Service in the Netherlands Indies). (In Dutch). Contents: Reports on the field activity, reproductive activity and various articles listed separately under their authors. Copies in NEF1S Library, Vol. in, 1907, Vol. xxxi (1909-1935 excepting 1924, Vol. xxxm, 1937); Mitchell Library, Sydney (Vol. xx, 1924); Geological Survey Library, Melbourne (Vol. xvm, 192?''; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne (Vols. xv, 1919; xvm, 1922; xx, 1924); Public Library, Adelaide (from Vol. xvi, 1920); Geological Survev Library, Perth (Vols. xv-xix, 1919-1923). 357 —TOURISM IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Vol. 9, No. I; Vol. 13, No. 3 (January-February 1934-1938); Vol. 14, No. 2 (1939); Vol. 16, No. 1 (1940). 4to. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Information Bureau. Contents: A lavishly illustrated tourist publication, with excellent photographs of cities, towns and countryside. Special numbers are listed under the relevant areas. Photographs: Many photographs of information to travellers. Maps: Numerous maps of Java and some of Timor. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks) holds Vols 2, Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6. Vol. 12, Nos. 1, 2; Vol. 13, Nos. 1, 3. 358 —TOURIST BUREAU, WELTEVREDEN Pasanggrahans in the Netherlands Indies. Edition 1929-1930, Supplement and Erata, edition, 1930, Batavia, 1930. Contents: List of pasanggrahans in the different Residencies or Governments, giving for each tariff, number of rooms, with remarks on how to reach them. Copy in NEFIS Library. 359 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU The Netherlands Indies. A Jubilee Album. Batavia, 1933. 35 Contents-. Tourist literature, with chapters on Gov- ernment and people, mountains and sea, animal life, arts and crafts, flowers and fruits, trees, some cities of Java, hotels and rest houses, out-door life, native sports, Sumatra, Java, native plays, Bali, coral gardens. Photographs: Richly illustrated with photographs and colour prints, but without stating the localities of the photographs. Copies in NEFIS Library; Teachers' College Library, Sydney. 360 — UMBGROVE, J. H. F. Het Neogeen in den Indischen Archipel. (The Neogene period in the Indian archipelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 769-833. (In Dutch). Contents-. A study of the geological history of the Netherlands East Indies. Each part of the area is dealt with in turn. Map-. The Netherlands East Indies in Neogene period, a table of stratification. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; University Library, Sydney. 361—UMBGROVE, J. H. F. Tijd en type der tertiaire plooiingen binnen de zone van sterk negatieve afwijkingen der zwaartekracht in den Indischen Archipel. (Time and type of the tertiary folds within the zone of strongly negative deviations of gravity in the Indian archipelago). In; 7 ijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol u, 1934, pp 20-34i (In Dutch). Contents-. On the geological history of the archi- pelago. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 362 — UMBGROVE, J. H. F. Over het opstaan van den Indischen Archipel. (On the origin of the Indian Archipelago). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp 17-24. (In Dutch). Contents-. Discusses the geological origin of the archipelago. Map-. Malav Archipelago, showing (a) geological history and (b) isostatic anomalies. (No scale, but less than 1:10,000,000). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of 'Tasmania Library, Hobart. 363 — VALKENBURG, Dr. S. van De ta£k van den geograaf bij den Topografischen Dienst, (The task of the geographer in the Topo- graphic Service). In; Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, vol. xvn, 1921, pp 73-75. Contents; Discusses the threefold task of the geo- grapher in connection with the topogr-’nhical service; Geographical advice to the map makers at the head office; promotion of geomorphological know- ledge among those engaged in the survey; detailed geomorphological studies of special areas. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 364 — VANDENBOSCH, AMRY I he Dutch East Indies: its government, problems and politics. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1941. (First ed. 1933), pp 446. Contents: By chapter headings: (1) Land and people; (2) Social and economic structure; (3) Re- ligion; (4) Dutch Colonial policy; (5) Parliament- ary control; (6) The Ministry of Colonies; (7) The Governor General’s Office; (8) The Volksraad; (9) Governmental reorganisation; (10) Native states; (11) The Civil Service; (12) Law and Judiciary: (13) Education; (14) Commercial policy; (15) Land policy; (16) Welfare policy; (17) Taxation and fi- nance; (18) The national awakening; (19) Police and defence; (20) World politics; (21) The Dutch East Indies and japan. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Australian Institute of International Affairs Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Ade- laide; University Library, Adelaide; University Lib- rary, Perth; University Library, Hobart; NEFIS Library. 365— VEEN, H. van der Wireless telephony in the Netherlands Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in, No. 4, 1934, pp 1-4. Contents-. Details of the circuits now in operation. Photographs'. Power room Malabar Transmitting station; Commercial wireless short-wave receiver; Power Amplifier stage of a short wave transmitter: the Malabar wireless stations. Copy in NEFIS Library, 366 — VERMEER, H. J. Selamal Djalan Populaire handleiding voor de Maleische taal in de Praktijk. (Popular guide to the Malay language for practical use), pp 120. (In Dutch). Copy in NEFIS Library. 367 —VISSER, Dr. S. W. Physical geography of the Netherlands Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, vol ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 667-671. Contents-. Vulcanism, earthquakes, and climate of the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Mount Merapi; Cloud cap of Mt. Scembing; Two views of tropical rainfall; Land- slides caused by earthquakes off the coasts of Lake Singkarah; Cloud effects in the tropics. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney. 368 VISSER, Dr. S. W. Standaardtijden in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Standard times in Netherlands Indies). In; Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. l, 1933, pp 70-72. (In Dutch). Contents: Deals with the problem of time zones in the Netherlands East Indies. Map-. Standard times in the Netherlands Indies. (Small scale, showing zones). Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Lib- rary, Hobart. 369 —VOGEL. L. de Transportation in the Netherlands Indies by road and air in 1934. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 9, 1935, pp 249-253. 36 Contents-. Survey of road and air transport in 1934, giving number of motor vehicles, consumption of petrol, air service lines, and air traffic figures. Photographs-. New mountain motor road in Sumatra. Five views of plains. Copy in NEFIS Library. 370 —VOOGD, A. The Netherlands Indian import trade in 1938. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 4, 1939, pp 11-17. Contents'. General remarks, review of the import trade with special regard to textiles, metals, small wares and provisions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 371 — VREEBURG, H. A. De technische dienst der luchtvaart-afdeeling van 1914 tot 1939. (The technical service of the air- craft section from 1914-1939). In; Indisch Militair Tijdschrift, Vol. 70, pt 6, 1939, pp 336-346. (In Dutch). Contents: Historical survey of the technical service connected with the military aircraft of the Nether- lands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 372 —VUUREN, L. van Geographical aspect of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Rutten, L. M. R.—Science in the Netherlands Past Indies, 1938, pp 1-37. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress and deals with world position from a social point of view; world position from a physical point of view; Natural features, population problem; Agriculture, climate and rainfall, exports. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 373 —WALLACE, A. R. The Malay Archipelago. 2 vols. London, Macmillan & Co.. 1869. Contents: Although an old publication, it is not surpassed as an authoritative and reliable account of the islands and their inhabitants from Singapore in the west to Dutch New Guinea in the east. Each island, its native population, their modes of living, the fauna, flora and geology in general are all dis- cussed in a most able and easily understood manner. There are. 2 maps and many illustrations. Copies in National Museum, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; University Library, Sydney; University Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth (1893 ed.); Public Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 374 —WALLE, N. van der Een en ander over gifslangen en slangengif (Random notes on venomous snakes and snake venom). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxix, 1929, pp 183-233. (In Dutch). Contents: List of the commonest Netherlands Indies poisonous snakes, descriptions of species, proportions of fatalities to known bites, etc. Photographs: Six full page half-tone plates and 8 line drawings of different types of poisonous snakes. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 375 WAMSTEKER. A. J. The national finances in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 7, 1935, p 164. Contents: The budget of the Netherlands East Indies for 1934. Copy in NEF1S Library. 376 — WAMSTEKER, A. J. The salt and opium monopolies in 1936. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 5, 1937, pp 62-63. Contents-. Survey of the salt and opium monopoly in 1936 and comparison with earlier years. The same subject for 1937 and 1938 is dealt with in Vol. vi. No. 5, 1938, pp 11-14, and Vol. vn. No, 6, 1939, pp 14-16 respectively. Copy in NEF1S Library. 377 —WEEL, K. M. van Meteorological and hydrographical observations made in the western part of the Netherlands East Indies archipelago. In: Treubia, Vol. 4, 1923, pp 1-559. Contents; An important detailed work with many charts and diagrams; on pp 37-8 is a list of pertinent literature on these subjects. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne. 378 —WELCH, H. J. The tea industry 1922-1931. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 8, 1933, pp 409-411. Contents-. World production and consumption, the world’s planted area. Copy in NEFIS Library. 379 —WENT, F. A. F. C. General botany. In; Rutten, L.M.R.—Science in the Netherlands Past Indies, 1928, pp 149-163. Contents: This article is a section of a book pre- pared and published for the convenience of visitors to the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, and deals with the botany of the Netherlands East Indies in general terms. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum, Sydney; Council for Scientific and Indus- trial Research Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 380 — WESTRA, Dr. H. The general administration of Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 607-610. Contents-. Outline of the administration and govern- ment of the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Offices of the Raad van Indie at Wellevreden; Provincial building of West Java in Batavia; house of the National Archives of Nether- lands Indies, Batavia. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 381—WESTRA, Dr. H. The Forestry Service in 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 5, 1937, pp 63-64. 37 Contents'. Data concerning forest area, afforestation, production, sales and financial results in 1936. Copy in NEFIS Library. 382 — WETENSCHAPPELIJK JAARBERICHT Vereeniging ter Beoefening van de Krijgsweteh- schap. Vol. 26, 1936, pp 420. (In Dutch). Contents: Articles on tactics, technical auxiliary services, air-war, arms technique, motor service, intendance, chemical war, army fleet. The last article on the army in the Dutch Indies is listed under its author—Mojet, J. J.—in this section of the bibliography. Copy in NEFIS Library. 383 — WIGGERS, C. J. The produce trade of the Dutch East Indies, before, during and after the war. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, 1921, PP 117-120. Contents-. Export figures for the years 1913-1919 for copra. Photographs-. View of the harbour at Tandjong Perak: View of the coal yards at Tandjong Priok: Harbour and docks in the background. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 384 —WILDE, Dr. A. NEIJTZELL de Dutch policy in the East Indies. In: Java Gazette, Vol. ii, No. ID, 1934, pp 393-395. Contents: Early policy; new agrarian policy; Euro- pean capital; amelioration; rise of nationalism; de- centralisation; constitution act; the depression; over-population. Copy in NEFIS Library. 385 —WILDE, Dr. A. NEIJTZELL de The Netherlands as a colonial power. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vm. No. 12, 1938, pp 380-383. Conte,nts\ History of the Netherlands East Indies. The East India Company. The economic develop- ment. The effects of the economic crisis. Copy in NEFIS Library. 386 — WILLEBRAND, D. The Netherlands Indian railways in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 9, 1935, pp 240-243. Contents: Lines in exploration, financial results, per- sonnel of the State and private railways and tram- ways in 1934. For continuation of this article, see under LAST, van Galen. Photographs: Terminus of the State railways, Tand- jong Priok. Copy in NEFIS Library. 387 —WILLEBRAND. D. The private railways and tramways in 1936. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 97-98. Contents: Brief survey of the private railways of Java, the Deli Railway Coy., the city' tramways of Batavia and the east Java Electric tramways at Soerabaya. This article is part of a series by LAST, van Galen, and Willebrand. Copy in NEFIS'Library. 388 —WIT, T. Changes in the international tea trade. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 3, 1937, pp 14-17. Contents: History of the tea trade, review of the world consumption and survey of the different markets. Copy in NEFIS Library. 389 —WIT, J. The official regulation of tea restriction in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 3, 1937, pp 25-30. Contents: Brief outline of the main characteristics of the tea restrictions scheme in the Netherlands East Indies and of the application of restriction to the Estate industry and to the native industry. Copy in NEFIS Library. . 390 — ZEEMACHT Vol. i. No. 12, August, 1941, pp 955-1048. Soerabaia. Contents: A monthly journal which contains articles on shipping, navigation, the merchant fleet. The relevant articles are listed under their authors for the areas concerned. Copy in NEFIS Library. 391—ZUYLAND, W. Improvement in the market for oil-bearing seeds and fruits and for oils and fats. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 6, 1936, pp 111-114. Contents: Survey of the market in 1934 and 1935 and comparison with conditions in 1911-13 and 1928. Copy in NEFIS Library. 392 — ZWAAN, I. P. KLEIWEG de Opvattingen der Inlanders in onze Oost omtrent de schadelijke invloeden der geesten van onvoldragen en doodgeboren voldragen kinderen. (Beliefs of the inland people of our East concerning the harmful influence of ghosts of premature and still-born children). In: Tijdschrift KoninkUjk Ncderlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol, xlv, 1928, pp 62- 75. (In Dutch). Contents: An investigation of the beliefs of the peoples of the Netherlands East Indies, in relation to abortion. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 393 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. Geotectonic map of the Netherlands Hast Indies (with introduction by J. Zwierzycki), 2 sheets. Scale I : 5,000,000. In: Jaarhoek van het in Ncderlandsch Indie—Verhandelingen, 1929, pp 347- 371. (In Dutch, with summary in English). Contents: Description of the salient geological fea- tures shown on the Geotectonic map of the Nether- lands East Indies. Copies in Geological Survey, Hobart: Geological Survey, Melbourne; Geological Survey, Perth; Pub- lic Library, Melbourne. 38 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 1—BELCHER, Sir E. Notes on the Andaman Islands. In; Transactions of the Ethnological Society, London, Vol. v, 1866-1867, pp 40-49. Contents: History, topography of the coast of the islands along the eastern side, customs of the people, material, culture. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Public Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne. 2 —BROWN, A. R. Notes on the languages of the Andaman Islands. In; Anthropos, Vol. ix, 1914, pp 36-52. Contents: This is a purely linguistic article. Maps: Maps of the Andaman languages and tribes. Copies in the Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library. Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 3 —MAN, E. H. The Nicobar Islands and their people. 8vo. Guild- ford, Billing and Sons, 1933, pp 186. Contents: Island characteristics, personalities, social laws, habits, customs, huts, hearth and home, arts and crafts, sports and pastimes, coconut palm, food and drink customs, feasts and festivals. Photographs: Native types, homes, etc. Map: Two excellent maps of Nicobar Islands and the Andamans. Copies in University Library. Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; National Library, Canberra. 4- MAN, E. H. On the aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman Is- lands. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological In- stitute, London, Vol. xn, 1882, pt. 1, pp 69-116, pt. 2, pp 117-174, pt 3, pp 327-434. Contents: General treatment of people, culture, the islands and economic life, language. Photographs: Native canoe; native types. Map: Map of the Andaman Islands illustrating the distribution of the tribes. Copies in the Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne: Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia Library, Adelaide. 5 —MAN. E. H. On the Andaman Islands and their inhabitants. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Lon- don, Vol. xiv, 1884, pp 253-272. Contents-. Topography, climate, harbours, waters, origin of people; history, administrative, dialects (no vocabulary), population (3,500 for whole group), islands, agriculture. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney; Public Lib- rary, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Can- berra; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Ade- laide, 8 —MAN, E. H. A brief account of the Nicobar Islands with special reference to the inland tribe of Great Nicobar. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. xv, 1885, pp 428-451. Contents: Description of the people, contact with white and other people; material culture and customs. Photographs: Group of Shorn Pen, Ganges Harbour; Shorn Pen hut, Laful. Map: Sketch map of the Nicobar Islands. Copies in the Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide. 7— MAN, E. H. The Nicobar Islanders. In; Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. xvm, 188, pp 354-394. Contents: Topography (brief), history, people and culture. Photographs: Shorn Pen types; natives of the Cen- tral Group; Natives of Teressa and Bompoka; Na- tives of the coast of the Great Nicobar. Map: Nicobar Islands showing the distribution of dialects, 1887. Copies in the Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Syd- ney: Public 'Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane: National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 8 —MOYNE, Lord Walkabout, a journey in lands between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. London, Wm. Heinemann Ltd.. 39 Contents: Lord Moyne’s journey has for its main objects the collection of ethnological material for the British Museum and live animals for the zoo. There is a very brief description of his visits to these islands. Photographs: Beehive hut. Car Nicobar; Chowra Beach, Chowra, landing through the , surf; Onge canoe. Little Andaman. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Lib- rary, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 9- UNITED STATES Hydrographic Office—Sailing directions for Malacca Strait and Sumatra. 1932. Washington, pp 612. Sup- plements 1942. Contents: Includes the whole island of Sumatra and adjacent islands, and the Andaman and Nicobar Is- lands. Latest edition, with (in the supplement) the corrections and additions from date of publication (October 1932) to January I, 1942, and those issued between January 1, 1942, and August 5, 1942. Copy in NEFIS Library. 40 SUMATRA AND SURROUNDING ISLANDS 1 — ADAM, T. Die Orang Lahut, an den Kiisten Ost-Sumatras. (The Orang Lahut on the East Sumatra coast). In: Mit- teilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. lviii, 1928, pp 284-289. (In German). Contents : Brief description of the people and customs. Photographs: Physical types. Copies in the Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney. 2— ADAM. T. Die Kubus, die Waldmenschen Sumatras. (The Kubus, the forest people of Sumatra). In: Mitteilun- gen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. xvm, 1928, pp 290-300. (In German). Contents: Brief description of the people and customs. Photographs: Physical types. Copies in the Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney. 3 — AERNOUT. W. A. J. Verslag over eene geologisch-mijnbouwkundige ver- kenning van de Karimata-eilanden. (Report on a geological and mining investigation of the Karimata Islands). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1920, Iste gedeelte, pp 305-320. (In Dutch). Contents: A geological description of the Karimata Islands, which are off the southeast coast of Sumatra. Map: General geological map of the Karimata Is- lands, scale 1 : 200,000. In Atlas volume for 1920. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 4 — AKKERINGA, J. E. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinertsaders op het eiland Billiton. (Report of a search for tin ore veins on the island of Billiton). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1873, deel II, pp 3-72. (In Dutch). Contents: Report giving geological history, morphol- ogy, stratigraphy, topography, etc. Maps: Sketch of Brang, scale 1 ; 2,000. Location of the investigations near Tadjouw Mt. about 300 metres northeast of the Tadjam Mts, scale 1 :4,000; Part of Billiton, scale 1 ; 100,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 5 — AKKERINGA, J. E. Rapport van het Distrikt Blinjoe (Report of the District of Blinjoe). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- weien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel I, pp 41-148. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes geographical and geological de- scription and description of economic minerals. Map: Geognostic and mining map of the island of Bangka, District of Blinjoe, scale 1 ; 60,000, Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 6 — ALLEN, W. E, and CUPP. E. E. Plankton diatoms of the Java Sea. Leyden, E. 1. Brill, 1935. Contents: A scientific study on tropical fish. Copy in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 7— ANDERSON. John Acheen and the ports of the north and east coasts of Sumatra, with incidental notices of the trade in the eastern seas, and the aggressions of the Dutch. Lon- don, Allen, 1840, pp 240. Contents: History of the British-Dutch rivalry in North Sumatra and the trade carried on by the different ports. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 8— ANDERSON. R. P. Anak Krakatau in its third year. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi. No. 9, 1930, pp 423-425. Contents: Description of a trip by air, from Weltev- reden over the Anak Krakatau. Photographs: Island of Krakatau showing the steep north face; Aerial view of the crater of Anak Krak- atau; Aerial view of an explosion from the Anak Krakatau; Lighthouse at Anjer Kidoel seen from the ground. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 9 —BALL, Sir R. The eruption of Krakatau. In: National Geographic Magazine, Vol. xm. No. 6, 1902, pp 200-204. Contents: A detailed scientific account of the erup- tion of Krakatau, which after months of sinister activity, culminated on 27th August, 1883, in the most frightful natural catastrophe ever recorded. Copy in University Library, Queensland. 41 10 - BANNINK. J. C. A. Grepen uit Atjeh-oorlog (Items from the Atjeh war). In; Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Off icier s- vereeniging, Vol. 21, 1936, Nos. 7, pp 234-237; 8, pp 280-284; 10, pp 354-359; 11, pp 390-391; 12, pp 430- 433. Vol. 22, 1937, Nos 5, pp 178-182; 6, pp 211-213; 7, pp 280-282; 8, pp 302-304; 9, pp 346-352; 10, pp 382-385; 11, pp 414-432; 12, pp 447-452. Vol. 23, 1938. No. 1, pp 6-9. Vol. 24, 1939, No. 5, pp 175-178. (In Dutch). Contents: Items in the Atjeh war with details of the terrain. Copy in NEFIS Library. 11—BAREN, J. van De flora der vulkanische terreinen op Java en Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 6, and Sumatra). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvi, 1909, pp 436-439. (In Dutch). Contents: A short note on the flora types of the extinct and active volcanoes of Java and Sumatra. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane. 12 —BARTLETT, Harley Harris The sacred edifices of the Batak of Sumatra. 8vo. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan Press, 1934. (Occasional contributions from the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Michigan, No. 4), pp 31. Contents: An anthropological study of the sacred edifices of the Batak people, giving description of them and their function. Photographs: 31 plates of the edifices with descrip- tions. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Syd- ney; National Library, Canberra; National Museum Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide. 13 — BEAK. W, H. Boekit Kaba. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 3, 1932, pp 105-112. Contents: Popular account of a journey to the crater of Boekit Kaba near the town of Tjoeroep, Sumatra. Very short description, stating how travelled. Photographs: Mostly of types of country passed through. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 14 — BEMMELEN. R. W. van The origin of Lake Toba, N. Sumatra. In: Pacific Science Association, Proceedings of the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, 1929, Vol. 11 a, pp 115-124. Contents: Geographical description, geological de- scription and history. Maps: Geologic sketch of Lake Toba. scale 10km: lin. Isometric block diagram of Lake Toba. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary. Adelaide. 15 — BEMMELEN, R. W. van Geologische waarnemingen in de Gajoland en (N. Sumatra). (Geological observations in the Gajo lands, North Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- we%en in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1930, 3de Gedeelte, pp 71-94. (In Dutch). Contents: Geography, morphology, stratigraphy, tectonics, geological history. Maps: Geological sketch map of a part of the Gajo lands. Scale 1 : 200,000. With 2 profiles. Photographs: Quartz sandstone, old tertiary in the W, in Hilang, southwest of Loekoep. Shows the stream running through sandstone rocks. Most of the illustrations are of geological interest only. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 16— BEMMELEN. R. W. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 ; 200,000. Toelichting bij blad 6 (Kroei). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 6; Kroei). 8vo. Bandoeng. N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933 (Nederlandsch - Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw). pp 61. (In Dutch). Contents; Morphology, stratigraphy, geology, tec- tonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Map: The off-flow of the watershed between the W Warkoek and the W. Semangka. Copies in. Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Library, Hobart. 17— BEMMELEN. R. W. van De undatie-theorie: hare afleiding en hare toepassing op het Westelijk deel van den Soendaboog. (The undation theory: its deduction and its application to the western end of the Sunda arc). In: Natuur- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-lndie, Vol. xcn, 1932, pp 85-242. (In Dutch with summary in English). Contents: In the second part of this paper, the geological history of the western part of the Sunda arc, and especially of South Sumatra, is examined. Maps: Isometric block diagram of Lake Ranau, scale 1 :250.000; Sketch map of South Sumatra, scale 1 : 4,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 18 —BEMMELEN. R. W. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 ; 200,000. Toelichting bij blad 10 (Batoeradja). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1:200,000; explanation of sheet 10, Batoeradja). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1932. (Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 45. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals, springs, bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne: Geological Library, Melbourne; Geo- logical Library, Hobart. 19 —BEMMELEN. R. W. van De tektonische structuur van Zuid - Sumatra, in verband met de aardbeving van 25 Juni 1933. (The 42 tectonic structure of South Sumatra, in relation to the earthquake of 25 June 1933). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xciv, 1934, pp 7-14. (In Dutch, with English summary). Contents: The author draws a parallel between the tectonic movements of South Sumatra and those of the South-West United States. Map: Block diagram illustrating the structure of Southwest Sumatra. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 20 — BEMMELEN, J. F. van and HOOYER, G. B. Guide through Netherlands India. 8vo. London, Thomas Cook & Son, 1906, pp xii, 254. Contents: General descriptive guide. Photographs: Small and not very clear views in Sumatra. Map: Padang Uplands, scale 1:450,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 21 —BERLAGE. H. P. De aardbeving in Zuid- Sumatra van 25 Juni 1933 waarnemingen in het epicentrale gebied. (The earth- quake in South Sumatra of 25th June 1933. Observa- tions in the epicentral region). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xciv, 1934, pp 15-36. (In Dutch, with English summary). Contents: The earthquake centred on the long north- west depression in the Barisan ME, Southwest Sumatra. The damage is described. Photographs: 10 half-tone plates illustrating earth- quake damage. Maps: 2 outline maps illustrating location and direction of shock. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 22 — BEZEMER, T. J. Door Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie: Schetsen van land en volk; met een inleiding van J. F. Niermeyer. (Through the Netherlands East Indies: sketches of land and people; with an introduction by J. F. Nier- meyer). 4to. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1906, pp xv, 640. (In Dutch). Contents: Visit to Acheh, the Achinese, Deli and tobacco cultivation, the Bataks, Padang and the Padang highlands. Across Sumatra, Batavia and Buitenzorg, the Wayang, means of livelihood of the natives, through the Preanger Regencies to the volcano of Gedeh, to the territories of the princes of Central Java, the Hindoos and their religious systems, Hindoo colonisation in Java, Borobodoer and Parabaram, through east Java; From Macassar along the west and north coasts to Amoerang, life ♦of the Makassars and Boeginese and the Toradjas, Minahassa; Ternate and Batjan, Ambon and the Oeliassers, the Southwestern and Southeastern Islands, ancestor worship in Indonesia, Boeroe and Ceram; on the coast of Netherlands New Guinea, the Banda group, etc. Topographical details are given. Photographs: Numerous photographs of Sumatra. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane. 23 —BLINK. H. Opkomst en ontwikkeling van Sumatra als econo- misch - geographisch gebied, met schetskaartjes; uitgave van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Economische Geographic. (Origin and development of Sumatra as an economic-geographic region, with sketch maps: publication of the Netherlands Society for Economic Geography). 8vo. ’s-Gravenhage, Moulon & Co.; 1926, pp iii, 140. (In Dutch). Contents; Sumatra before 1824, geography, geology, climate, vegetation, the people and economic con- ditions, division of Sumatra into provinces, eco- nomic conditions since 1824, communications, money and credit, production, labour conditions, distribu- tion, agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, min- ing manufactures, water power, trade, harbours, the free port of Sabang. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 24 —BOCK. Carl The head-hunters of Borneo; a narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito; also, journeyings in Sumatra. 2nd ed. London, Sampson Low, 1882, pp 344. Contents: Journal of a journey from Tangaroeng across Borneo to Bandjermasin (pp 1-256) and of a visit to Sumatra in 1878. Photographs'. 30 coloured lithographs and woodcuts. Map-. South East Borneo illustrating M. Bock’s journey, scale 1" : 40 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamen- tary Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geo- graphical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Launceston. 25 — BRASTAG! Issued by Grand Hotel Brastagi. Contents'. Tourist pamphlet (folder). Photographs'. Views of Brastagi and native types. Copy in NEE IS Library. 26 — BRAU DE ST. POL LIAS Forty-five years in Sumatra. In: Inter-Ocean, vol. vnt. No. 5, 1927, pp 275-280. Contents: Translation from the author’s book; De France a Sumatra, published in 1884, giving a por- trayal of Sumatra half a century ago. Photographs: On the coast of northern Sumatra; Coolie quarters at a Deli tobacco plantation; Sawahs in the interior of Java; Deli tobacco strung on Anak- ■Kayeus; Cable ferry in the NEI; Batak tribesmen, Central Sumatra; Native-built bridge in Sumatra. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 43 27 — BRINIO The Isle of Nias. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol, xu. No. 3, 1931, pp 123-130. Contents: Brief text accompanying the photographs. Photographs: Main road through Central Nias; the Ojo River; Native houses of Nias; Man from Nias; Pig skulls and idol in the house of the village headman in the Bawomataluwo Kampong; War dance at the harvest festival; Interior of the house of the Radja at Bawomataluwo. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 28—BRITISH ADMIRALTY Malacca Strait Pilot. Second edition, 1934. Hydro- graphic Department, London, 1934, pp 430. Supple- ment No. 6, 1942. Contents: Also includes general information, a glos- sary and some information relating to charts. Copy in AGS Library. 29 —BRITISH ADMIRALTY Eastern Archipelago Pilot, Vol. iv, 2nd edition, 1939. Hydrographic Department, London, 1939, pp 252. Supplement No. 2 (1941). Contents: Also contains general information on Christmas and Cocos Islands. Glossaries of native and Dutch words and information on charts. Copy in AGS Library. 30 —- BROEK, I. van den The Netherlands Indies as a producer of tin. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. m. No. 1, 1939, pp 52-69. Contents: The position of tin in world economics. The tin region of the NEI (Banka, Billiton, Singkep, Riouw Archipelago, possibly also the east coast of Sumatra). History of production in the three islands under exploitation. I he technique of tin produc- tion. I he NEI’s share in world production. Prices. Copies in NEE1S Library; University Library, Melbourne. 31 — BROERSMA, R. Economical importance of Palembang. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, June, 1922 pp 423-427. Contents: Brief note on the commercial activities of Palembang. Photographs: Stue view of the Benteng; The Pasar or market along the Moesi; Native boats and houses. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 32 —BROUWER, H. A. Bijdrage tot de geologic van boven-Kampar en Rokan-streken, midden-Sumatra. (Contributions to the geology of the upper Kampar and Rokan dis- tricts). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- land sch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1913 pp 130-170 (in Dutch). Contents: Includes a geographical review of the districts. Map: Geological sketch map of a part of the upper Kampar and Rokan districts, scale 1 : 300,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 33 —BUCKLER, Walter An unconventional trip to Sumatra. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 6, 1932, pp 255-259. Contents: Description of the town of Medan. Photographs'. Malay paddlers in canoes; The Sul- tan’s palace in Medan; The municipality - Medan; Entrance to a Chinese temple, Medan. Copy in NEFIS Library. 34 — BUNNEMEYER, A. H. B. To the everlasting fires of Mt. Marapi. In; Sluyter's Monthly Fast Indian Magazine, August, 1922, pp 115-12E Contents'. Brief description of Marapi volcano near Fort de Kock. Photographs-. Road to Kotta Gedang; Mountain lake near the summit of the Singgalang (2 views); Stone plain at the foot of the Marapi summit; View of the Karbouwengat (showing the Si Anok River)' Near the edge of the active crater. Copy in Mitchell Libraiy, Sydney. 35 —BUNNEMEYER, A. H. B. A botanist’s rambles in Banka Island. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. iv. No. 6, 1923, pp 358-363. Contents: Brief descriptive notes, with small photo- graphs showing vegetation. Photographs'. Toboali harbour; Coast near Toboali; Road to Toboali. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 36 —CABATON, A. Java, Sumatra and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies: trans. by Bernard Miall. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911, pp 376. Contents'. Chapter 1 Historical sketch; 2 Generalities. Photographs'. 47 half-tone plates, including views of Sumatra. Map: East India Islands, scale 1" : 150 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Uni- versity Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary ■Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; University Library, Perth; Parliamentary Library, Perth. 37 — CENSUS Census of 1930 in the Netherlands Indies. Vol iv. Native population in Sumatra. Batavia, 1935. Contents: Census returns for Sumatra and surround-’ ing islands. Numbers, sex, density, race migration, civil conditions and age, heads of families and types of houses in Sumatra’s west coast; heads of house- 44 holds, literacy, cults and religions, physical defects, occupations. Copy in NEFIS Library. 38 — CLEMENS. V. K. A few notes on the Padang highlands. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. v, No. 3, 1924, pp 188-189. Contents: Several photographs with short descrip- tive text. Photographs: General view of the Karbouwen Gat; View of the Singgalang at Fort de Kock; View towards the sea near Padang. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 39 — COLLET, Octave I. A. Terres et peuples de Sumatra. (Lands and peoples of Sumatra). 4to. Amsterdam, Societe d’Edition Elsevier, 1925, pp xvi, 562. (In French). Contents: Hydrography, topography, climate, vege- tation, flora and fauna; history, government and administration, commerce an.d trade, communications, agriculture; population, manners and customs, language, arts and crafts, religion; forests and their denizens'; Atjeh and the Gayo country, Batak lands, the east and west coasts, Minangkabau, Palembang and Djambi, Lampong districts, the island barrier (on the west), Sumatra and the Low countries relation of the Netherlands government and the people. Bibliography. Photographs: Numerous views of different parts of Sumatra. Maps: Sumatra, according to the documents of the Cartographic Institute (Batavia, 1922), scale 1 : 2,000,000. Shows boundaries, railways, and planned railways, roads passable for carriages, local roads. Inset: Map showing post, telegraph and telephone offices, railways, boundaries, cables and telegraph and telephone lines, automobile services, navigation routes, etc. Maps showing orography, hydrography, rainfall, development of principal methods of communication, production and exportation, demography, languages, social regimes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library. Melbourne: Public Library, Adelaide. 40 —CORDES, I. H. Rapport van het district Pangkal - Pinang, eiland Bangka. (Report on the district of Pangkal-Pinang. .Bangka). In: Jaarboek van het in Neder- land sch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1878, deel 1, PP 89-126. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report of the district. Map: Geognostic mining map of the island of Bangka, district of Pangkal - Pinang, scale 1 ; 60,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 41 —CORDES. J. H. Rapport over het onderzoek naar het delfstoffelijk productief vermogen van het district Koba, eiland Bangka. (Report on the possibility of the produc- tion of economic minerals in the district of Koba. island of Bangka). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-lndie Verhandelingen, 1885, pp 67- 115. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a brief topographical description. Maps: Geognostic and mining map of the island of Bangka, Koba district, surveyed by J. A. Huguenin, P. J. A. Renaud, G. P. A. Renaud and J. H. Cordes. 4 sheets, scale I : 60,000. Includes many details such as small streams, footpaths, etc. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 42 — COULTAS, W. W. On trade conditions in the east coast of Sumatra and Atjeh Provinces of Sumatra. Supplement to: Economic conditions in the NEI by H. A. N. Bluett. Department of Overseas Trade, No. 550, London, 1933, pp 139-164. Contents: Commercial summary. Trade of east coast of Sumatra, industry, communications, social ques- tions. Atjeh report for 1932. Copy in British Trade Commissioner’s Library, Melbourne. 43 — D—HELDEN Series De oudste geschiedenis van den kraton en zijn verdere ontwikkeling tot het huidige Koeta - Radja sinds onze vestiging van 24 Januari 1874 tot 24 Januari 1939. (Hero series. The earliest history of the Kraton and its further development to the present Koeta-Radja since our establishment from 24th January, 1874, to 24th January, 1939). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch - Tndische Ofjiciers- vereeniging, Vol. 24, No. 7, 1939, pp 8-21; No. 8, 1939, pp 115-140. (In Dutch). Contents: Contribution to the history of Koeta- Radja, in Atjeh. Copy in NEE IS Library. 44 —DELI PLANTERS ASSOCIATION Elet Tabaksgebied ter oostkust van Sumatra in Woord en Beeld. (The tobacco region of the east coast of Sumatra in words and pictures). Batavia, J925, pp 74. (In Dutch). Contents: Chapters on Medan as the centre of the tobacco growing region on the east coast of Sumatra: on the cultivation of tobacco, the rivers, roads and railways. An excursion to the high level plain. Photographs: Numerous photographs of Sumatra, Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 45 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS The Netherlands Indies. Batavia (about 1939), pp 40. Contents: Brief survey of the NEI, geography, area, population, soil, climate, government, finance, bank- ing system, agriculture (sugar, rubber, coffee, tea, cinchona bark, oil palms, coconut, cordage fibres, kapok, cocoa, pepper, rice), irrigation, estate organ- ization. forestry, live-stock, fishery, mining, indus- try, commerce, traffic and transportation, education, colonization, public health service, statistics (foreign trade. 1937). Photographs: Batak homestead; Native homesteads in Nias; Bamboo bridge and native dwellings; Lema- tang fall between Lahat and Pagaralam. Copy in NEFIS Library. 46 — DEPARTMENT OF OVERSEAS TRADE PUBLICA- TIONS, London No. 550, 1933. BLUETT, H. A. N.—Economic con- ditions in the NEI. Supplement—On trade conditions in the East coast of Sumatra by W. W. COOLTAS. 45 No. 637, 1936. LARKINS, L. B. S.—Economic con- ditions in the NEI. Supplement—On trade conditions in the East coast of Sumatra by H. Bruce HEN- DERSON. No. 703, 1938. CAREY, G. N. Economic conditions in the NEI. Supplement—On trade conditions in the East coast of Sumatra by H. Bruce HENDERSON. The supplements dealing with Sumatra have been listed under their respective authors. Copy in British Trade Commissioner’s Library, Melbourne. 47 — DERSJANT. V. Het kalksinterkomplex Dolok Tinggiradja—Sumatra’s Oostkust. (The calcareous intercalations Dolok Ting- giradja, Sumatra’s east coast). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxu, 1926, pp 125- 129. (In Dutch). Contents: Calcareous intercalation formations near the road Bangoepoerba-Seriboidolok; description and explanation of their origin in connection with hot springs. Photographs: Calcareous sinter. Map: Dolok Tinggiradja, scale 1:2,000. Copies in NEF1S Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 48 — DIECKMANN. W. Praetertiaire goudafzettingen en de hieruit voortge- komen stroomgoudbeddingen in het gebied tusschen de rivieren Rawas (Residentie Palembang) en Tabir (Residence Djambi). (Pretertiary gold deposits and the resulting river gold strata in the territory between the rivers Rawas (Residency of Palembang) and Tabir (Residency of Djambi). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnweien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, le gedeelte, pp 78-135, and Atlas, pl x and xi. (In Dutch). Contents: The article discusses the geology and mineralogy of the area. Photographs: Types of river valleys in Upper Djambi; Goldwashing in the recent river gravel of the Mesoemai, near Soengei Manaoe; Digging for a road near Bangko; Old native tunnels of the Tarn- bang Djaroeng, upper part of the Asai, Djambi. Maps: Sketch map of part of the gold-bearing territory in Upper Djambi. River gold deposits along the Merangin and in the Pangkalan Djamboe region. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 49 —DIENST VAN DEN MIJNBOUW IN NEDER- LANDSCH-INDIE Onderzoekingen naar de Mogelijk Winbare Hoeveel- heden Zwavel in Kraters van verschillende vulkanen in den Nederlandsch - Oost - Indischen Archipel. (Research concerning the possibility of exploitable quantities of sulphur in the craters of different volcanoes in the NEI Archipelago). In: Verslagen en mededeelingen betreffende Indische Delfstoffen in hare Toepassingen, No. 17, Weltevreden, 1925, pp 37. (In Dutch). Contents: Reports on the sulphur deposits in the Kewah Poetih and other craters of Preanger, in the Goenoeng Tjeremai (Residency of Tjerebon), in the Dieng Mts. (Residency of Kedoe), Java; on the west coast of Sumatra, in North Celebes (Mina- hassa), and the Oena-Oena Islands and on Flores. Maps: Map of the crater Sorikmarapi, scale 1:2,000; Sections through the crater Sorikmarapi; Boring profiles in the crater Sorikmarapi. Copy in Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 50 —DIES!. P. H. van Rapport van het distrikt Soengeiliat. (Report on the district of Soengeiliat). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel 11, pp 3-70. (In Dutch). Contents; Includes a geographical and geological description. Map: Geognostic and mining map of the island of Bangka, district of Soengeiliat, scale 1 : 60,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 51 — DIEST. P. H. Van Rapport van het distrikt Merawang, eiland Bangka. (Report of the district Merawang, Bangka Island). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwe%en in Nederlandsch- Indie, 1873, deel i, pp 3-104, 241-243. (In Dutch). Contents: Geography, topography, geology, miner- alogy, description of ore-bearing valleys and plains. Map; Geognostic - mineralogical map of the island of Bangka, district of Merawang, according to the survey of P. H. van Diest, 1861-1865, scale 1 : 60,000. Shows highways, dykes for water reservoirs, canals, locality of ore deposits, villages, boundaries, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 52 —DIEST. P. H. van Verslag der onderzoekingen aan den heuvel Sam- bong Giri, eiland Bangka. (Account of the examina- tions of the hill, Sambong Giri, island of, Bangka). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnweien in N ederlandsch- Indie, 1873, deel 1, pp 187-193. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report of investigations on the island of Bangka. Map: Geognostic sketch of the hill, Sambong Giri, scale 1 : 5,000. Shows footpaths, dykes, canals. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 53 — DIEST, P. H. van Verslag der onderzoekingen aan den heuval Salinka. (Report of the investigations on Salinka Hill). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnweien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1873, deel II, pp 145-149. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on mining and geological investi- gations on Salinka Hill, Pankal Pinang District, Bangka. Map: Sketch of the Salinka Hill, scale 1 : 10,000. Inset; Excavations carried out, scale I ; 5,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 54 — DJEMBATAN The state railways of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 570-577 and 609. 46 Contents: The development of the railway system of the NEI. The management and the services of the Government railways of Java. Photographs: Views on the railways of Sumatra and Java. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 55 — DJEMBATAN The story of rubber and the rubber boom in the Netherlands Indies. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 1, 1926, pp 15-21. Contents: Rubber cultivation in the NEI since 1876, the main rubber districts in the NEI; the seeds used, the manner of cultivation, the capital invested, the marketing of rubber, the development of native rubber. Photographs: Six views of work on rubber estates; House of Allah at Medan, Sumatra; Street at Medan. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 56 —DIIK, P. van Zwartkolen in en nabij de Baai van Tapanoeli. (Black coal in and near the Bav of Tapanoeli). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwe%en in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandehngen, 1875, deel II, pp 97-120. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of the black coal deposits in and around the Bay of Tapanoeli. Map: Bay of Tapanoeli, scale 1 : 150,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 57 —DIIK, P. van Ontginbare kolen in de ommelanden van Benkoelen. (Productive coal in the surroundings of Benkoelen). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1875, deel 11, pp 121-154 (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the coal deposits around Ben- koelen. Map: Coalfield of Boekit Soenoer. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 58 —DOOP. J. E. A. den Deli en Karp-vlakte als lahar-product. (Deli and Karo plateau as a lahar formation). In: Natuur- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxii, 1922, pp 208-214. (In Dutch). Contents: Explains the geomorphology of the Karo plateau and the Deli area as composed mainly of lava flows from Lake Toba. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 59 — DOOTIES. F. J. J. Deli, the land of agricultural enterprises. In: Bulle- tin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. 1, 1938, pp 45-55. Contents: Description of the Deli plantations (east coast of Sumatra), at the foot of the Bukit Barisan range, the geology of the region, climate, population, government and administration of justice, medical service and hygienic measures. Photographs: Kampong Pinem, a hamlet in the Karo country; A mosque at Medan, Deli; A palace of the Sultan of Deli, Medan. Map: Sketch showing the site of Deli (estates area) on the east coast. Copies in University Library, Melbourne; NEF1S Library. 60 — DOUP. A. Heldenserie. Van Heutsz, tijdens de Pidie-expeditie, 1898. (Hero series, Van Heutsz during the Pidi expedi- tion 1898). In: Orgaan van de Ncderlandsch-Indische O/Jiciersvereeniging, Vol. 25, No. 1. 1940, pp 15-28. (In Dutch). Contents-. Description of the Pidi expedition, Atjeh, Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 61 — EASTON, N. Wing Eenige nadere opmerkingen aangaande de geologic van het Toba-Meer en omgeving. (Some closer ob- servations concerning the geology of the Toba Lake and vicinity). Map. In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wjzen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetcnschappelijk Ce- de cite, 1895, deel 11, pp 148-157. (In Dutch). Contents: Geology of Lake Toba region with dis- cussion of the origin of the lake. Map: Hypothetical representation of the origin of the Toba Lake and vicinity, scale 1 ; 800,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 62 — EASTON, N. Wing Een geologische verkenning in de Toba-landen. (A geological survey in the Toba lands). In: Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Weten- schappelijk gedeelte 1894, pp 99-163. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes sections on topography and general geology. Maps: Geological survey of the division Toba and Silindoeng and the peninsula Samosir by N. Wing Easton (no scale). A plate of profiles and eye- sketches in the vicinity of Toba Lake follows this map. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 63 — ENCYCLOPAEDISCH BUREAU Sumatra’s West Coast illustrated. 8vo. Weltevreden, The Encyclopaedical Department, 1920, pp 98. Contents: This is an English translation of Sumatra's Westkust in beeld, also published in 1920. Photographs: Numerous views of Sumatra. Maps: Motor road Medan-Padang, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Province, Residentie, of Sumatra’s west coast, scale 1 ; 750,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane. 64 — ENTER. J. Het Wichelboek der Bataks van Sumatra. (The witch- craft book of the Bataks of Sumatra). In: Nether- lands India Old and New, Vol. 18, March, 1933, pp 103-111. (In Dutch). ■Contents: The witchcraft among the Bataks. 47 Photographs: Batak girl; Batak with copper arm- ring; Toba-Batak kampong, Residency Tapanoeli. Copy in NEE IS Library. 65 —ERB, J. Beitriige zur Geologic und Morphologie der Sudlichen Westkiiste von Sumatra. (Contributions to geology and morphology of the southwest coast of Sumatra). In: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde, 1905, No. 4, pp 251-284. (In German). Contents: Results of observations near Bencoelen. Chiefly geological, but with many notes on nature of coast and river mouths. Photographs: Many photographs of the Bencoelen area. Map: Sketch of mouth, Aier Keduring (Manna district). Copies in University Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Uni- versity Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 66 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Bijdrage tot de kennis van de stratigraphic van het tertiair in de residentie Bantam (Contributions to knowledge of the stratigraphy of tertiary in the Residenecy of Bantam). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1915, 2de gedeelte, pp 133-234. (In Dutch). Contents: The study includes a comparison between the stratigraphy of Sumatra and Java. Photographs: Numerous photographs of Sumatra, including geological formations. Maps: Geological sketch map of a part of South Bantam by L. J. C. van Es, scale 1 : 50,000; the map shows geological formations and also rivers, streams, paths and footpaths. Profiles of geological forma- tions illustrated by this map are given on Plate XI, scale 1 ; 100,000; Geological sketch map of south- east Bantam, by L. J. C. van Es, scale 1 ; 200,000. In Atlas volume for 1915. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Pub- lic Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 67 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior De voorhistorische verbindingen van land en zee in den Oost-Indischen Archipel en de invloed daarvan op de verspreiding der diersoorten (The prehistoric relationships of land and sea in the East Indian Archipelago, and their influence on the spread of animal species). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de ge- deelte, pp 255-304'. (ln\ Dutch). Contents: Discussion of prehistoric movements of land masses in the East Indian archipelago, showing their effects on the distribution of the animals in the area. Map-. The map of the archipelago shows presumed prehistoric land masses and has little other topo- graphical interest. In Atlas volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 68 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Verk- larende tekst bij Blad XV, Lampongs, Straat Soenda Bantam. (General geological map of the Netherlands East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Ex- planatory text to Sheet XV, Lampongs, Sunda Strait, Bantam). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 55-140. (In Dutch). Contents; Explanatory notes to the map under the chapter headings of stratigraphy and tectonics. Bibliography. Map: Lampongs Sunda Strait, Bantam, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Shows geological formations, warm springs, gas springs, oil springs, crater walls and faults. In Atlas volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 69 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior De tektoniek van de westelijke helft van den Dost- Indischen Archipel. (The tectonics of the west half of the East Indian Archipelago). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelin- gen, 1917, 2de gedeelte, pp 5-145. (In Dutch). Contents: This article deals with the tectonics of Java, Sumatra, islands west of Sumatra, islands east of Sumatra and Borneo. Bibliography. Map: Geotectonic sketch map of the west part of the East Indian Archipelago, 4 sheets, scale 1 ; 2,500,000. In Atlas volume for 1917. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library. Hobart. 70 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-lndischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Verk- larende tekst bij Blad IX, West Borneo en Billiton. (General geological map of the Netherlands East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explanatory text to sheet IX, West Borneo and Billiton). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 1-35. (In Dutch). Contents; This article deals with the stratigraphy, historical geology and tectonics of the area. (An appendix on economic minerals by L. J. C. van Es and G. Bouwmeester follows on pp 36-64). Map: Billiton, Southwest Borneo, scale 1 : 1,000,000. In Atlas volume for 1918. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 48 71 — ES, L. J. C. ran. Junior Geologisch - technische onderzoekingen, 1929-1930. (Geological technical investigations). In: faarboek van bet Mijnweten in Nederland sch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 79-171, 1930, pp 79-240. (In Dutch). Contents: This is a series of articles with sections on reservoir dams, hydrology and ground conditions by L. J. C. van Es, H. Grondijs, T. Nelissen and J. N. W. Nash, which are noted in the various areas with which they deal. Later studies are noted under Nederlandsch Indie-Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Na- tional Research Council Library, Sydney; Geologi- cal Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 72 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Studies of landing grounds for aircraft. In: Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, various pp. Contents: List of studies; 1, Pakanbaroe landing ground, Government, east coast of Sumatra, pp 225- 9; 2, Pangkalanbrandan landing ground, Govern- ment, east coast of Sumatra, p 229; 3, Langsar land- ing ground, Government, Atjeh, p 230; 4, Sabang landing ground, Government, Atjeh, pp 231-2. Map; Location of Pakanbaroe landing ground situ- ated 10 km along the Pakanbaroe-Bangkinang road, scale 1 ; 5.000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 73 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Onderzoek Pensangan Delta, Gouvernement Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden (The Pensangan Delta investi- gation, Atjeh Government and dependencies). In: Jaar- boek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch - Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 121-133. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of works to drain the delta of the Pensangan River. Map-. Lower stream region of the Pensangan River, scale 1 ; 200.000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library. Hobart. 74 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Watervoorziening Oeleeheue, Gouvernement Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden. (Water supply for Oeleeheue, Government of Atjeh and Dependencies). In: Jaar- boek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandscb-Indie Alge- meen gedeelte, 1930, pp 199-203. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief description of the water supply for this area with incidental topographical details. Map-. Map of springs in the mountain country south- west of Koetaradja, scale 1 : 100,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library. Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 75 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior Geologisch - technische onderzoekingen, 1931. (Geo- logical technical investigations). In: Jaarboek van bet in Nederlandsch - Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 83-176. (In Dutch). Contents: These investigations are divided into reser- voir dams, hydrology and ground conditions. Separate entries are made for studies of localities of any length and accompanied by maps under the areas covered and the names of the authors—H. Grondijs, J. M. W. Nash and K. G. R. Schmidt. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 76 — ES, L. J. C. van. Junior, and BOUWMEESTER, G. Aanhangsel bij de geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch Dost - Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Blad IX, West Borneo en Billiton over nuttige delfstoffen. (Appendix to the general geo- logical map of the Netherlands East Indian Archi- pelago, scale 1 ; 1,000,000. Sheet IX West Borneo and Billiton, on economic minerals). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 36-64. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the minerals of economic value to be found in West Borneo and Billiton. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 77 —ESCHER. B. G. Krakatau in 1883 en in 1928. (Krakatau in 1883 and 1928). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aard- rijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 715- 743. (In Dutch). Contents; Introduction; phenomena of the 1883 eruption and their interpretation; geomorphology of the Krakatau group; Products of the 1883 erup- tion; Eruption of December 1927-May 1928 and a glimpse into the future of Krakatau. Bibliography. Map: Sketch map of the Krakatau group, scale 1 : 100,000. Eleven diagrams. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 78 — ESHUIS, W. Junior Protection of wild life in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. ii. No. 4, 1939, pp 291-307. Contents: History of the protection of wild life in the Netherlands East Indies Legislation. List of nature and game reserves. Maps: Nature and game reserves in Java; Nature and game reserves in Sumgj**-wv6TcaL Copies in NEF1S L>tfrJ«^< University*4fcn1iy-ary, Melbourne. 79 — EVERWIIN, It Verslag van een onderzoelt ■ eenige eilanden behoorende tot de Residentie Riouw. (Report of a search for tin ore on some islands belonging 49 to the residency of Riouw). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel II, pp 73-126. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description with incidental topographical references. Map: Geognostic survey of the southeast coast of Singkep, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 80 —EVERWIIN, R. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinadcrs in het dis- trict Djeboes, eiland Bangka. (Account of an exam- ination of tin lodes in the district of Djeboes, Bangka Island). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1873, deel I, pp 151-155. Contents: Brief report of the geology of the district, with few topographical details. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 81—EVERWIIN. R. Verslag van een onderzoekingsreis in het rijk van Siak. (Account of a journey of investigation in the kingdom of Siak). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1874, deel I, pp 83-155. (In Dutch). Contents: Topography, geology, vegetation, miner- alogy, population, villages, etc. Map: Siak and Kampa Rivers, Sumatra’s east coast, scale 1 : 450,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 82 — FENNEMA, B. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 8. Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van kwikerts bij den berg Sombong. . . . zoomede aan de riviertjes Tapir en Sade-Talang. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 8. Investigation of the occurrence of mercury ore near Mt. Sombong . . . as well as in the streams Tapir and Sade-Talang). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1876, deel I, pp 35-70. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report with brief topographical notes. (Mt. Sombong is near Sibelaboe). Maps: Geognostic map of Sibelaboe and vicinity, scale 1:25,000. Insets: Map of the mercury ore deposit on the river Tapir, and profiles. Profiles also on separate sheet. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 83 —FENNEMA. H. Onderzoek naar tinerts in het gebied der boven Banjoeassin. (Search for tin ore in the region of the upper Banjoeassin). In .Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1878, deel II, pp 233-235. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the region, with incidental topographical notes. (The upper Banjoe- assin is in the Residency of Palembang). Map: Map of the search for tin ore in the upper Banjoeassin, near Doessen Dawas, scale 1 : 5,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 84 — FENNEMA. R. Verslag van een onderzoek van het kolenterrein ran- dom den Boekit Soenoer in de ommelanden van Bengkoelen. (Report on an investigation of the coal terrain around the Boekit Soenoer in the country adjacent to Bengkoelen). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch - Indie, V erhandelingen, 1885, pp 5-66. (In Dutch). Contents: This article includes a topographical description of the area. Maps: Coalfield around the Boekit Soenoer, with profiles and plan of Moeara Sinapoer, scale 1 : 20,000; Inset; General map, scale 1:500,000; Profiles with plan of Boekit Soenoer, scale 1 ; 2,000. Among the profiles is a longitudinal profile of the route of the road from Moeara Simpoer to Pinanding, length scale 1 : 20,000, height scale 1 : 5,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 85— FENNEMA, R. Topographiscbe en geologische beschrijving van het noordelijk gedeelte van het Gouvernement Sumatra’s Westkust. (Topographical and geological descrip- tion of the northern part of the district west coast of Sumatra). In-.Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Indie, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, 1887, pp 129-252. (In Dutch). Contents; Description of the topography and geology of north part of Sumatra’s west coast. Maps: Geological map of the northern part of Sumatra’s west coast by R. Fennema. This map is followed by 4 plates of eye-sketches and profiles. The eye-sketches are as follows: Boal Boeli from Binanga, close to Merantjardjai; Dolok Dsaoet with the plateau of Sinindong seen from Binanga; Tele- man seen from Loeboek:Sariek; Malintang seen from Oedjoeng Gading; Ma’lintang seen from Sawah; Crater of Soriek Berapi (with ground plan). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 86 — FLUYT, P. C. M. The significance of the Panglong workings in the residency of Rhio and the division of Benkalis. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 20, 1935, pp 476-482. Contents: Statistical data referring to the Panglong exploitation (timber, firewood, charcoal) of private forest for exportation principally to Singapore. Coastal region of Sumatra and islands. Photographs: Numerous photographs of forests and the timber industry. Copy in NEFIS Library. 87 —FOCK, Dirk The labour problem in the Dutch East Indies. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 1, 1928, pp 37-41. Contents: The need of contract labour in Sumatra, the labour inspection service, the possibility of settlement in Sumatra after the expiry of the labour contract, and the need of emigration for over- populated Java. Photographs: Sorting room of a tea factory in Java; Lea estate in the Preanger District Java: Koba Tin Mine on Bangka. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 50 88 — FORBES, Rosita Flying Dutch. In: Geographical Magazine, Vol. iv, 1936-37, pp 89-106. Contents: Describes a journey by air-liner from Karachi to Macassar. The route traversed Sumatra from Deli and Java. Photographs: 20 half-tone plates from aerial photo- graphs. Map: Small scale sketch map of route. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; University Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide; Royal Geo- graphical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 89 — FRIJLING. H. Geologisch-mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in den omtrek van de Asahen- en Koealoe-rivieren, Tobalanden, Oost-Sumatra. (Geological - mineralogical investiga- tion in the neighbourhood of the Asahen and Koealoe Rivers, Toba land, East Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1925, deel 11, pp 153-173. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, coal occurrences. Photographs: Landscape, showing in background Dk Soeroengan, Soeanan, Perdoeaan and A. Goelan- gan; The river A. Mamak Batoe near Simorea. Maps: Geological sketch map of the surroundings of the upper Asahan and upper Koealoe Rivers, scale 1 : 50,000, with section Dk. Sirea Rea to A. Pertapaan; Map of the coal occurrence in A. Koealoe on the A. Rantau, with section A. Koealoe to S. Teroesan, scale 1 ; 5,000. In Atlas volume for 1925. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geologi- cal Survey Library, Hobart. 90 —GENERAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS Batavia (Java). May, 1920, second bulletin. Pub- lished by the Executive Committee. 8vo. Batavia, printed by Javasche Boekhandel en Drukkerij, 1920, PP 56. Contents: Information about committees, list of subjects and names of contributors, proposed excur- sions, etc. Photographs: Photographs of buildings and well drilling. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 91—GEORGE. Adele By motor car through Java and Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. II, No. 9. 1920, pp 228-232. Contents: Motor trip along Java’s north coast (Soerabaya-Grisee-Lamongan-Tjepoe, the BPM oil centre, Semarang-Cheribon-Lembang Bandung across Mt. Masigit to Tjandjur-Sindanglaja-Buitenzorg) and through Sumatra (Medan - Brastagi - Harangaul to Lake Toba-Fort de Kock-Durian coal mine). Photographs: Market scene at Fort de Kock, west coast Sumatra; On the road to Lake of Manindjan, west coast; Palace of the Sultan of Deli, Medan, east coast; Mosque with holy pond near Fort de Kock. west coast. Copy in NEFIS Library. 92 —GREAT BRITAIN Foreign Office: Historical Section. Sumatra. (Hand- book No. 72). London, 1919. Contents: Geography, physical and political; Political history; Social and political conditions; economic conditions; Islands off the west coast; Chapter 1 contains the following sub-headings: Position and boundaries, surface, coasts and river system, climate, sanitary conditions, race and language and popula- tion. Chapter 4 includes information on products, communications, principal towns, etc. Copies in External Affairs Department Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Department of Defence Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Adelaide. 93 — GRONDIJS. H. Landingsterrein Oedjoeng Karang Noord. Residentie Sumatra’s Westkust. (Landing ground Oedjoeng Karang North, Residency of Sumatra’s West coast). In; Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen Gedeelte, 1920, pp 174-176. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of an aerodrome about 9 km north of Padang. Map: Location of the Oedjoengkarang-north landing ground, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- very Library, Perth. 94 —GRONDIJS. H. Afschuivingen in het S.S. track Lahat-Loeboekling- gan Residency Palembang. (Landslides in the rail- road track Lahat - Loeboeklinggan, Residency of Palembang). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch - Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 172-174. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the landslides in a cutting of this track, Lahat-Loeboeklinggan. Map: Location of the landslide near point 95 on the Lahat-Loeboeklinggan line, scale 1 : 1,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 95 —HAGEN, B. Die Orang Kubu auf Sumatra. (The Orang Kubu on Sumatra). 8vo. Frankfurt am Main, Joseph Baer, 1908, pp xxvii, 209. (In German). Contents: The Orang Kubu are a forest people, inhabiting the region northwest of Palembang. The greater part of the work is an anthropological study, but some geographical description of the area is given in pp 1-27. Photographs: Orang Kubu, a forest people; The Kubu village, Muara Bahar; The Kubu village, Ikan Lebar: Native types. 51 Maps: Orang Kubu region northwest of Palembang, scale 50 km : If". Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 96 — HAGEN. B. Die Gajolander auf Sumatra. (The Gajos of Sumatra). In: Jahresherichte des Frankfurter Vereins fur Geographic und Statistik, 1903, pp 29-85. With map after p 218. (In German). Contents; Ethnological study. Photographs: Studies of native heads. Map: Sketch map of North Sumatra. Copy in University Library, Brisbane. 97- HALL, Melvin A. By motor through the east coast and Batak high- lands of Sumatra. In: National Geographic Maga- zine, Vol. xxxvn, 1920, pp 69-102. Contents: The author drove from Belawan to Lake Toba and back, and gives a good deal of information about the roads at that time. Photographs: 28 half-tone plates, including roads, houses, vegetation. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Aus- tralia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 98 — HARDERS, J. E. Een tocht van Overste van Daalen door de Gajo, Alas en Bataklanden 1904. (The expedition of Colonel van Daalen through Gajo, Alas and Batakland in 1904). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Off icier svereeniging, Vol. 24, No. 6. 1939, pp 214-221 (In Dutch). Contents: The march through the lake district of Takingon to the Gajo-Loeos. The battle in the Gajo-Loeos. The expedition to the Alas Land, the battle there and the expedition through the Batak land. Map: Map showing route of the expedition. Copy in NEE IS Library, 99 —HARTERT, E. Aus den Tabakspflanzungen und Wfildern in N-Ost Sumatra. (On tobacco plantations and forests in NE Sumatra), In: Deutsche Geographische Blatter, Vol. xiv. Part 2, 1891, pp 107-116. (In German). Contents: Notes on the tobacco lands and the forests of Northeast Sumatra; On palm varieties and their uses; Fauna, vegetation, native and Chinese labour, etc. Copy in University Library, Brisbane. 100 —HARTING, A. Verslag van een mijnbouwkundig-geologisch onder- zoek in de omstreken van Tambang-Sawah. (Report on a mining and geological enquiry in the sur- roundings of Tambang-Sawah). In:' Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelin- gen, 1929, pp 229-264. (In Dutch). Contents: The investigations were made in 1924- 1927 around Tambang-Sawah (Southwest Sumatra). There is a brief section on topography and survey, with a rainfall chart, 1920-1927. Photographs; Of geological formations, mountain streams and small waterfalls. Maps: Geological map of the surroundings of Tam- bang-Sawah, scale 1 :20,000; sketch map showing location, scale 1 : 250,000; Geological sketch map of Boekit Boeboeng-Seblat, scale I : 50,000; Ketenong terrain, scale 1:2,000. A. Mirah terrain. In Atlas volume for 1929. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 101- HARTMANN, E. Over de geologic van de Lampongsche Districten in het zuidelijk deel van Palembang, Zuid-Sumatra. (On the geology of the Lampong Districts and the southern part of Palembang, South Sumatra). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 2de Gedeelte, 1915, pp 90-132. (In Dutch). Contents-. Geological description of the area. Bibli- ography. Maps: Geological sketch map of the Lampong, Districts and South Palembang by E. Hartmann, scale 1 : 500,000, with profiles. In Atlas volume for 1915. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Pub- lic Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library. Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 102 — HARTMANN, E. Geologisch rapport over het kolenvoorkomen in de mijnconcessies “Soekamarinda” en “Boenian” en het tusschen deze beide gelegen kolenveld “Ajor Serillo,” gelegen in de onderafdeeling Lamatang - Oeloe, Residence Palembang. (Geological report on the occurrences of coal in the mining concessions ‘‘Soekamarinda’’ and “Boenian” and in the coalfield “Ajer Serillo” lying between them, situated in the sub-division Lematang-Oeloe, Residency of Palem- bang). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte. pp 108-140. (In Dutch). Contents: A brief topographical introduction is given. Maps: Geological maps of the mining concessions and profiles. In Atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Librarv. Melbourne: Public Library, Melbourne; Public. Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library. Perth: Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 103 —HAZENWINKEL, J. C. A rhino hunt in Sumatra. In; Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 5, 1932, pp 1-8.- 52 Contents: A hunting trip in the Sumatran jungle— mainly description of animals. Very brief descrip- tion of the jungle. Photographs: Doesoen on the Ogan River; Lema- tang River near Moeari Enim, with Mt. Serillo in the distance; Road from Lahat to Pagaralam. Copy in NEE IS Library. 104 —HAZENWINKEL, J. C. De Koeboe’s van Zuid Sumatra. (The Koeboe of South Sumatra). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift 1'oor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol, xcv, 1935, pp 110-117. (In Dutch. Contents: Ethnological notes comprising origin, dis- tribution. physical type, history, language, etc., food, marriage, religion, medicine. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 105 —HAZENWINKEL, J. C. Wild animals of Sumatra. In: Java Gazette, Vol. v, No. 1, 1936, supplement pp 4. Contents: Summary description of some of the rarer specimens living in the Sumatran jungles. Photographs: Animate of the jungle. Copy in NEE IS Library. 106 — HELBIG, K. Studien auf Sumatra und Nias. (Studies of Sumatra and Nias). In; Z eitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin, 1934, Nos. 3/4, pp 102-123. (In German). Contents: Account of a visit to the Bataks of Lake Toba, which region is described as one of the most geologically interesting of Sumatra. Geological observations and notes on history, climate, vegeta- tion, wifd animal life, etc. Description of Lake Toba and the Batak people, their customs and beautiful houses and of Nias and its inhabitants. Photographs: Include landscapes. Toba village and Old Man of Toba. Map: Geological sketch map of the area. Copies in University Library, Brisbane; University Library, Sydney; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide. 107 —HENDERSON, H. Bruce On trade conditions in the east coast of Sumatra, 1935 and 1936-1937. In: Department of Overseas Trade, Nos. 637, 1936, pp 99-122; 703, 1938, pp 103-125. Contents: Report on general economic situation, trade, local industries, communications, unemploy- ment. Copy in British Trade Commissioner’s Library, Melbourne. 108 — HERWERDEN. I. H. H. van Het dalen van eilandjes op de Oostkust der Mentawei eilanden bewesten Sumatra. (Subsidence of islets off east coast of Mentawei Island, west of Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederland sch Aardrtjks- Jzundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 792-793. (In Dutch). Contents; Report on rapid subsidence of the islets Siberoet, Sipore, Djawa and North Pageh, with note that others charted in this area are now completely submerged. Reference to charts in Seamen’s Guide to East Indies, 1904, Part 1. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library. Brisbane. 109 —HESSE, Richard Die Niederschlagsverhiiltnisse in Niederliindisch- Indien zwischen 5° nordlicher und 5° siidlicher Breite. (Rainfall conditions in Netherlands Indies between 5° N. lat. and 5° S, lat). In: Petermann s Geo- graphische Mitteilungen, 1921, PP 257-260. (In German). Contents: An account of rainfall conditions in the Netherlands East Indies between 5° N. and 5° S. latitudes. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 110 —HEYNE, Benjamin Tracts, historical and statistical, on India, with journals of several tours through various parts of the Peninsula; also an account of Sumatra in a series of letters. London, R. Baldwin and Black, Parry & Co., 1814, pp 462. Contents; The letters on Sumatra are found on pp 365-440. They describe a visit to Bencoelen, Marlborough, colonial life in these places, the pro- duction and trade of Sumatra. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne, 111 — HINTE, J. van De excursie van het internationaal aardrijkskundig congres naar Nederlandsch-Indie. (Excursion of the International geographical congress to the Nether- lands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lvi,’ 1939, pp 85-97. (In Dutch). Contents-. A general account of a five-weeks tour,, covering Java, Bali and Sumatra, with references to recent literature. Photographs: 4 small half-tone plates, including plantation in Dairiland, west of Lake Toba. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 112 —HIRSCHI. H. Geographisch-geologische Skizze vom Nordrand von Sumatra. (Geographical, geological sketch of North Coast of Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 741-763. (In German). Contents: A scientist’s survey, chiefly geological, of the region adjoining the north coast of Sumatra from Atjeh to Langkat. A description of rivers and lakes is included and a brief note on communica- tion with a list of roads and tracks. Photographs: A view from Mt. Blene, Salamanga, towards the Pevet Sagoe range, with Meureudoe valley on left; Looking north from Mt. Si Top Top (Rodjo Socket); Oil station on Aroe Bay, Langkat; 53 Military camp in Tampoer (Gajo) on the Poenti delta. Map: Geological and topographical sketch map of Sumatra north coast. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane. 113 —HORN. C. W. A. P. Verslag over het onderzoek der tertiaire petroleum- terreinen ter oostkust van Atjeh. (Report on the investigation of the tertiary petroleum terrains on the east coast of Atjeh). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1919, Iste gedeelte, pp 163-229. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, stratigraphy, oil indications, tectonics. Photographs: Source of the Aloee Beloeroeng, boulder field of clay sandstone, mica sandstone division; Intensive folding of the thinly-deposited clay stones on the north bank of the Tamiang River near Kwala Simpang. Maps: General geological map of the petroleum ter- rain Atjeh 11, on the east coast of Atjeh, in 5 sheets, scale, 1 ; 100,000. Roads and footpaths are shown; Profiles accompanying the general geological map. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane (without Atlas); Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 114 —HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART. Batavia Getijtafel voor de Palembang river voor het jaar 1942 (Tide Table for the Palembang river for 1942). Batavia. 1941. (In Dutch). Tide tables also for Aroe Bay, Pulu Sembilan Channel, 1942, and Belawan (Deli)-Channel, 1942. Copy in NEFIS Library. 115 — HOOP. A. N. J. Thomassen a Thuessink van der Door de lucht naar Indie. (By air to the Indies). 8vo. Amsterdam, Scheltens and Giltay, 1925, pp 343. (In Dutch). Contents: Record of a flight from Holland to the Netherlands Indies, Octcbcr-November, 1924, under the auspices of the Comite Vliegtocht Nederland- Indie; air communication in the Netherlands Indies, air communication between Holland and the Indies. Photographs: Landing near Muntok; Above the primeval forest of Sumatra; The coast of Sumatra (Djambi); Telok-Betong (aerial view); Lampong bay (aerial view); A naval flying boat that accom- panied us over the Strait of Sunda (aerial view). Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne: University Library, Adelaide. 116 — HOOP. A. N. I, Thomassen a Thuessink van der Megalithische oudheden in Zuid-Sumatra. (Mega- lithic remains in South Sumatra). 4to. Zutphen, W. J. Thieme, 1932, pp xii, 191. (Text is in English). Contents: An account of the stone images, dolmens and other remains in South Sumatra, which, since 1931, have been under Government protection. Chapters 1-4 describe their situation in order in which a traveller, traversing the country by the main roads, would find them. Chapters 5-6 describe the images and discuss their age and meaning, and the remaining chapters deal with the lesoengbatoe and trough upright stones, tetraliths and stone avenues, dolmens, stonecists, terrace - graves, pit- marked stones and diverse remains, orientation of the megaliths. Maps: From Boekit Serelo to Karangdalen; From Tandjoengsirih to Pematang; From Airdingin to Tebatgoenoeng; From Nanding to Kebonagoeng; From Pageralam to Moearapajong; Batoetjawang; Kebanagoeng; Tjoeroep; From Oedjanmas to Tand- joengsakti; Pagerdewa near Noearadoea Kisam; Lake Renau; Batoeberak and Anatatai; Talang Padang; Kosala and Lebak Sibedoeg; Salak Datar and Tji Artja. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 117 —HORSFIELD. Thos. Banka Island. In; Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch- Indie, Vol. 13, 1851, pp 50-66, 273-291; Vol. 14, 1852, pp 321-326. Contents: A survey of Banka and its minerals; many topographical detail's. Copy in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 118 — HORSTING. L. H. C. Een en ander over de Permalins van Noord-Habin- sarah. (Remarks on the Permalins of North Habin- sarah). In: faarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. ix, 1913, pp 163-170. (In Dutch). Contents: The origin of the religious sect of the Permalins, their teachings, distribution, Tapanoeli manners and attitude. Photographs: Permalin Kampong Hoeta Godang; Chief of the Permalins with wife; The elders of the Permalins; Sacred dance of the women; Musicians of the Permalins; Kampong group. Copy in NEFIS Library. 119 —HORSTING, L. H. C. De vulkaan Gg Sibajak. (The volcano Gg Sibajak). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. ix, 1914, pp 170-173. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of an ascent of the Sibajak from Medan. Photographs: The summits 2095 and 2057 seen from pillar P. Ill, Deleng Pinto; Crater lake, with Deleng Sinaboeng in the background; Block 100 metres SSW from Point 895; Transport of the instruments through the Sibajak crater; Crater wall between Points 2057 and 2006; Deleng Sibajak seen from Kampong Brastagi. Map: The Deleng Sibajak, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 120 —HORSTING. L. H. C. De bezetting van het primaire driehoekspunt P. 117 Gg. Oeloe Besitant (Sumatra’s Oostkust). (The setting of the primary triangle point P. 117 Gg. Deloe Besitang (Sumatra’s east coast). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xi, 1915, pp 301-306. (In Dutch). 54 Contents: Description of the expedition from Koela Simpang to the top (1870 metres) of the Gg. Oeloe Besitang on the border between Atjeh and Sumatra’s east coast. Photographs: Fording the Sei Sekoendoor; Carrying the praus over a raft obstructing the river. Copy in NEFIS Library. 121 —HORSTING, J. H. L. Roughing it in the jungle of North Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Dec., 1920, pp 534-538. Contents: Popular account of life in the jungle. Photographs: Typical country scenes. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 122 — HORSTING, L. H. C. Roughing it in the wilds of Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Mombiy East Indian Magazine, February, 1923, pp 104-107. Contents: Popular account of life in the wilds of Sumatra. Photographs: Village scene, Rokan River; Scenes of the Rokan River; Jungle near Si Kapas. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 123 — HORSTING, L. H. C. Bagan Api-Api. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. iv. Nos. 9, 10, 1923, pp 630-632, 691-693. Contents: Brief description of Bagan Api-Api. Photographs: The Customs Office; Street scene; Typical road; Old part of Bagan; Mud road; Fish- ing boats and a village scene. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 124 — HOVIG, P. De goudertsen van de Lebongstreek, Benkoelen. (The gold ores of the Lebong district, Benkoelen). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1912, pp 87-276. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes topographical and geological des- cription of the area. Photographs: G. Boeboeng seen from Moeara Aman; G. Boeboeng seen from the top of G. Seblat; Former open seam at Lebong Donok. Maps: General and geological maps of the Lebong district. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 125 — HUGEL, Anctole, Baron von The land of Bataks. In: Geographical Journal, Vol. vn, 1896, pp 75-82, 175-183. Contents: A review of von Brenner’s "Besuch bei den Kannibalen Sumatras,” 1894, giving in summary form his description of the geography, resources and people of the land of the Karo Bataks and Lake Toba in North Sumatra. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Forestry Commission Library, Sydney: Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Par- liamentary Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Uni- versity Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart (1st part missing). 126 — HUGUENIN. J. A. Rapport van het District Taboali, eiland Bangka. (Report on the District Taboali, Island of Bangka). In; Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel I, pp 81-184. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a geographical and geological des- cription of the District of Taboali, Bangka, and descriptions of tin ore bearing valleys. Maps: Geognostic and mining map of the island of Banka, district of Taboali, in two sheets, scale I : 60,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 127 — IDENBURG, Abraham G. A. Systematische grondkaarteering van Zuid-Sumatra. (Systematic soil survev of southern Sumatra). Arn- hem, G. W. van der Weil & Co., 1937, pp 168. (In Dutch with English summary). Contents-. Deals with a soil survey carried out from 1928-1933, Very sparse population in area surveyed and very few roads. Describes the coastal swamps, peneplains, hills, swampy plateaux and mountains of the area, climate and its effect on the soil, geology and vegetation. Map: South Sumatra, scale I : 500,000, showing route and places where samples of the soil were taken. Copy in Waite Agricultural Research Institute Lib- rary, Adelaide. 123 — INTER-OCEAN State railways of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Intcr-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 570-577. Contents: Brief text to accompany the photographs. Photographs: Airscape in West Java . . . route from Batavia to Bandoeng, view of railway line; Horse- shoe bridge near Tjilama station; Station Tebakdjero (highest point on line) east of Bandoeng; Railway along the lake of Singkar. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 129 — ENTER-OCEAN Gambir or catechu production in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 3, 1926, pp 144-146. Contents: The cultivation of Uncaria gambir for extracting tanning material in Sumatra and Borneo. Exports 1915-1924 to Europe, USA, and Singapore. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 130 — INTER-OCEAN Sumatra. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, No. 11, 1930, pp 537-544. Contents: Brief text to accompany the photographs. 55 Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, 1 iobart. 134 —JACOBSON, E. J. Het eiland Simaloer: etymologic van de geografische namen en eenige opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de overzichtskaart van Atjeh en onderhoorigheden. (The island of Simaloer; etymology of the geo- graphical names and some remarks on the general map of Atjeh and Dependencies). In: Tijdscbrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xxxiv, 1917, pp 265-277. (In Dutch). Contents: The author discusses and translates many place names in the dialect of the district of Tapah. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 135 —JANSEN, P. J, Verslag eener geologisch-mijnbouwkundige verken- ning der Atjeh-vallei gedurende het jaar 1902. (Report on a geological and mining investigation of the Atjeh valley in the year 1902). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in NederJandsch-Indie, 1903, pp 179- 184. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on a geological and mining inves- tigation of the Atjeh valley in 1902. Map-. Geological map of the valley of Great Atjeh by P. J. Jansen, scale 1 : 200,000. Profiles. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library. Melbourne. 136—JANSEN, P. J. and others Ertsonderzoekingen in Atjeh en onderhoorigheden. (Ore investigations in Atjeh and its dependencies). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Ivdie, Verhandelingen, 1919, Iste gedeelte, pp 130-162. (In Dutch). Contents: Ore investigations in Atjeh and its depen- dencies. Map: General map of the ore and coal deposits of the west coast of Atjeh, scale 1 ; 500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Geological Survey Library, Brisbane (without atlas); Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 137 —JAVA GAZETTE Padang and the Padang Highlands. In; Java Gazette, Vol. n, No. 11, 1934, pp 1-4. Contents: Brief description of Padang for the tourist. Photographs: Apenberg with small harbour-light at its foot; View from the road to Broengoos Bay near the Emmahaven lighthouse; Bridal party in the Padang Highlands; The “English graves” on the shore at Padang; Clock tower in the Market Square at Fort de Kock; Menangkabau house at Alahan Pandjang; The banks of Lake Singkarak; Buffalo carts. Copy in NEFIS Library. Photographs: Mountain road near Sibolga; Chief with dancing girls from the Lampong district; Zig- zag road in South Sumatra; Tobo Lake near Haran- gault; Batak medicine man with staff; Batak girl in festive dress; Sulphur lake and steam fissures in the Sibajak volcano, near Brastagi; Batak houses; Batak man in front of his house. Copy in NEFIS Library. 131 —INTER-OCEAN Through South Sumatra with rifle and camera. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xii. No. 6, 1931, pp 249-254. Contents: Description of an elephant hunt in South Sumatra. Photographs: Wounded elephant; Hunters waiting for the elephant; After the hunt; On board the Tjikadoe. Copy in NEFIS Library. 132 —JAARBOEK VAN HET MIJNWEZEN IN NEDER- LANDSCH-INDIE Korte beschrijving van het petroleumgebied van midden- noordw'est- en Noord - Beneden - Djambi. (Short description of the petroleum region of middle, northwest and north lower Djambi). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 141-201. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the petroleum region of middle northwest and north lower Djambi. Maps: General geological maps of the petroleum region of central, northwest and north lower Djambi, ■with profiles. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide: Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library. Hobart. 133 — JAARBOEK VAN HET MIJNWEZEN IN NEDER- LANDSCH-INDIE Verslag over het onderzoek der tertiaire petroleum- terreinen in de onderafdeeling, Bireuen, Lho Seu- mawe, en in een gedeelte van Lho Soekon, ter Noord- kust van Atjeh (Terrain "Atjeh 1”). (Account of the investigation of the tertiary petroleum regions in the subdivisions of Bireuen, Lho Seumawe and in a part of LhQ Soekon, on the north coast of Atjeh (region "Atjeh I”). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, Iste gedeelte, pp 208-275. (In Dutch). Contents: Geology, tectonics and oil indications. Photographs: Lime sandstone hills with oyster- bed in "hoofdfossiel-horizont” on the Tjot Tng di laga Mane; Boundary of the Operculina-zone and brown coal-zone in the Kr. Goentji-Sawang, near the mouth of the A. Kala; Lowest waterfall of the Kr. Beureugang, in agglomerate; Middle course of the Kr. Sawang with tuff sandstone denudation; Boun- dary clay denuding on the upper course of the Kr. Pira (Lho Soekon). Maps: Geological survey maps of the area with profiles. In Atlas volume for 1917. Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal 56 138 —JAVA GAZETTE The earthquake in South Sumatra. In: Java Gazette Vol. it. No. 2, 1933, p 52. Contents: Photographs of the damage done by the earthquake on June 29, 1933, at Kota Agoeng.^ Copy in NEFIS Library. 139 —JAVA GAZETTE Palembang, the capital of South Sumatra. In: Java Gazette, Vol. n. No. 12, 1934, pp 1-4. Contents: Description of the town for tourists. Photographs: Many photographs of Palembang and its environs. Copy in NEFIS Library. 140 —JAVA GAZETTE The east coast of Sumatra. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vi. No. 11, 1937, pp 337-339. Contents: The economic structure of the east coast of Sumatra; tobacco, rubber, tea, palm oil, fibre; capital investments; petroleum; native production; working conditions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 141 —JAVA GAZETTE Laut Fawar; the wonderful lake. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in. No. 5, 1934, pp i-iv (Supplement). Contents: Description of the crater lake Laut Tawar, in north Sumatra. Photographs: Views of the lake and valleys nearby. Copy in NEFIS Library. 142 —JAVA MOTOR CLUB Handbook voor toerisme in Nederlandsch - Indie. (Handbook for tourism in the Netherlands Indies). Semarang, pp 224. (In Dutch). Contents: General advice to motorists. Lists of hotels, passangrahans, sights, springs and spas, excursions, ferries, traffic regulations, telephone offices. Maps: Plan of Sabang; Road of Medan-Padang and its branches. Copy in NEFIS Library. 143 —JONG, J. K. de Een en ander over Enggano. (Random notes on Enggano). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- landsch-Indie, Vol. xcvin, 1938, pp 3-46. (In Dutch). Contents: Full description of a visit in 1936 to the island of Enggano off the southwest coast of Sumatra: topography, fauna and flora. Bibliography. Map: Sketch map showing villages and routes, scale 1 : 230,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 144 — JONGH, A. C. de Korte mededeelingen over Indische delfstof-afzet- tingen, II, Puimsteenen op de Krakatau-eilanden. (Short reports on Indies mineral deposits. II. Pumice stones on the Krakatau Islands). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verbandeltngen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 39-47. (In Dutch). Contents; Report on pumice stone on Krakatau Islands, with maps. Photographs'. Steep southwest coast of Krakatau in 1916; Type of a ravine mouth on the south coast of Krakatau (sectional drawing); Krakatau, seen from the south outer end of Verlaten Island (eyesketch); Long Island seen from the Krakatau basin (eye- sketch). Maps; Karakata or Krakatau Island, scale 1 : 50,000 —a sketch map of Krakatau Island indicating geo- logical formations and variations in surveys of the coastline in 1883, 1908 and 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 145—JONGH, C. A. de Verslag over het tinertsonderzoek in de V Kota en aangrenzende streken gedurende de jaren 1911-1916. (Account of the tin ore investigation in the V Kota and adjacent regions during the years 1911-1916). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, Iste gedeelte, pp 312-358. (In Dutch). Contents-. Historical introduction, topography, dis- tribution of the tin ore, bore investigation, etc. Photograph: Ore region on the Soengei Lau. Maps: Sketch map of the territory examined for tin ore in the V Kota and surroundings, Middle Suma- tra, scale 1 : 100,000; Survey map of bore country Singalan-Lipai, scale 1 : 20,000; Survey map of bore country near Kotarena, scale 1 :20,000. In Atlas volume for 1917. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart, 146 —JONGH, D. de Over het v'oorkomen van goud- en tinerts op en langs de oostkust van het district Merawang. (On the occurrence of gold and tin ore on and along the east coast of the district of Merawang). In; Jaar- hoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, W etenschappelijk gedeelte, 1885, pp 161-175. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the occurrence of gold and tin ore on and along the east coast of the district of Merawang. Maps: Merawang, a part of the Batoe-Ampar valley, scale 1 ; 2,500; geological sketch of the east coast of the district of Merawang; scale 1 : 25,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 147 — KAHLER, Dr, Hans Sichule Texten (Sichule Texts). Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- sten en Wetenschappen, Part i.xxiv, Bandoeng, 1940, pp 41. (In Dutch). 57 Contents: Stories told by a native of the village of Lamame, on the west coast of Simalur Island, in the Sichule region. The Sichule language of the texts is spoken in the Salang and Sichule regions which form a strip stretching across the centre of the island from the west to the east coast. Copy in NEFIS Library. 148 —KAMPEN, P. N. van The amphibia of the Indo-Australasian archipelago. Leiden. E. J. Brill, 1923, pp 304. Contents: Lists and descriptions of 254 species with index of distribution. Photographs: 29 line-blocks from drawings. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 149 — KEMMERLING. G. L. L. Uit Indie’s vulkaanrijk. (From the volcano realm of the Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxix, 1922, pp 1-41. (In Dutch). Contents: A short survey of the results of vulcano- logical research during the preceding few years. The volcanoes and volcanic phenomena in the Residencies of Sumatra-West Coast (north part) and Tapanoeli (Danau Manindjau, G. Tandikat, G. Merapi, G. Ophir, G. Sorik Merapi, other sulphur fields and hot springs; Eruption of Mt. Keloet, 19-20 May, 1919; Mt. Merapi; Mt. Semaroe; Mt. Bromo; Mt. Lamon- gan (6-7 December 1921); On the forecasting of volcanic disasters. Photographs: Six half-page half-tone plates of vol- canoes and surroundings. Map: Area covered by flows from Mts. Semaroe, Bromo and Lamongan, scale 1 :750,000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 150 — KEMP, P. H. van der Sumatra in 1818. ’s Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1920, pp 323. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the British-Dutch rivalry in Sumatra in 1818 based on the original sources. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 151 — KLEIN. W. C. De oostoever van het Toba-meer in Noord Sumatra. (The east shore of Lake Toba in North Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, Iste gedeelte, pp 136-191. (In Dutch). Contents: Geology, tectonics, volcanoes, decomposi- tion and hydrology. Photographs: Numerous photographs of the area. Maps: Geological map of the surroundings of Lake Toba (North Sumatra) by W. C. Klein; Samosir, south, east and north shore, respectively, according to N. Wing Easton and W. Volz, shows rest- houses; Survey map of the Toba Lake region, scale I : 100,000, shows highroads, horse tracks, footpaths, Toba road under construction, railroads and tram- ways in operation and under construction, con- tours, watershed around the lake; Detailed geologi- cal map of the environs of Prapat, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 152—KOCH. Izn, J. R. Sabang. In: Aus Fernen Landen, Jahrgang I, No. 5, 1903, pp 102-104. (In German). Contents: Brief description of Sabang. Photographs: View of the Sabang Harbour Bay; Russian fleet in Sabang Bay. Copy in Australian Museum Library, Sydney. 153 —KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKS- KUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP Editorial Board—Mededeelingen over Nederlandsche onderzoekingstochten in onze kolonien. (Reports on Dutch explorations in our colonies). Nias. In: Tijd- schrijt Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 810, 811, 1029, 1243. (In Dutch). Contents: Account of a visit to Nias Island (west of Sumatra) by Dr. de Zwaan, who made ethnological, zoological and botanical observations. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 154 — KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE LUCHTVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Touring the tropics at top speed. Contents: The regular services of the K.N.l.L.M. The aeroplanes used. Description of Java from the air. The beauty of Bali. The Toradja lands. Written for the tourist. Photographs: Native dwellings on the Moesi River, Palembang; Native craft on the Moesi River, Palem- bang; Toradja House; Toradja women. For photo- graphs of other areas, see this annotation in the section concerned. Copy in NEFIS Library. 155 —KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Pleasure trips over sea and land to Sumatra. Welte- vreden, pp 57. Contents: Tourist folder recommending trips to Padang and Medan. By overland route from Medan to Fort de Kock; a round trip through South Suma- tra. Tables of steamer, railway and bus services. Photographs: Numerous photographs of Sumatra. Map: Sumatra, with railways, motor roads and rivers. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ Collection). 156—KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Romance calling: Java, Bali, Sumatra, Nias, Siam, Indo-China, pp 40. Contents: Modernistic paintings of native life by Carl Shreve and journalistic text praising in flow- ing colours- the fascination of travel in the Far East. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ Collection). 157 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ North Sumatra. In; K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. i. No. 3, pp 46-72. Contents: Chapter on the population of northern Sumatra; Laut Tawar; round Lake Toba; a trip from Medan to Padang; European estate agricul- ture in Sumatra; the fauna of North Sumatra. Photographs: Numerous photographs. Map: North Sumatra with main railways and motor roads. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ Collection). 158 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Nias and Mentawai. In: K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. I, No. 10, pp 229-251. Contents: The peoples, customs ancf arts and crafts of Nias and the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra. Photographs: Numerous photographs of Nias and Mentawai. Map: Nias and Mentawai Islands. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ Collection). 159 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Volcanoes in the Netherlands Indies. In: K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. i. No. 11, pp 255-282. Contents: Description of some of the more important volcanoes of the Netherlands East Indies for the tourist. Photographs: An explosion of the Krakatao; Small eruption of the Krakatao; Mount Sibayak near Brastagi; Merapi near Fort de Kock; Crater Kaba near Bencoolen. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ Collection). 160 —KOPS, G. F. de Bmyn Overzicht van Zuid-Sumatra. (Survey of South Suma- tra). 8vo. Amsterdam, J. H. de- Bussy, 1919. Zuid Sumatra Instituut, pp vm, 166. (In Dutch). Contents: Geography, climate, flora, fauna, topo- graphy, the people, Javanese colonization, history, organisation of government, justice, ethnology, law, education, religion, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing, cattle, industry, mining, communications. Photographs: Numerous photographs of the area showing various industries. Map: Map of South Sumatra; communications, scale 1 :2,500,000, shows roads, regular services of sea- going ships along rivers, regular services of river steamers or motorboats, regular services only during the west monsoon, state railways in operation and under construction; projected railways and railways to be extended, or to have side-lines in the future, principal harbours or roadsteads for sea-going steamers, steam navigation lines. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 161—KORTUM, H. A. L. K. Een en ander over de kuststreek van de Onder- afdeeling Beneden-Langkat. (Remarks on the coast of the subdivision Lower Langkat). In: jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 257-261. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the coast of Sumatra be- tween the mouths of the Soengai Balbalan and Soen- gai Karang Gading, on the Strait of Malacca. Fishing methods. Map-. Coast of the subdivision Lower Langkat, scale I : 200.000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 162—K.P.M. Java-Australia-Line. Issued by K.P.M., May 1937. Contents: Travel booklet showing a number of views of Sumatra, Java, and Bali. Copy in AGS Library. 163 — K.P.M. The “Paketvaart” atlas of the Netherlands Indies Archipelago. Amsterdam, Batavia. Contents: Maps and pictures of the Netherlands East Indies—Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes, Moluc- cas, Dutch New Guinea and Lesser Sundas. Photographs: Cataract at Soengei Poear (Sumatra); Padang Upperlands; Road in Deli (Sumatra). Maps: Dutch East Indies, scale 1 : 18,000,000 show- ing steamship lines of the K.P.M. railways and tram- ways; Sumatra, scale 1 :4,000,000 showing main roads, railroads, tramways, boundaries of residences and volcanic mountains. Copy in AGS Library. 164 — KREEMER, J. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek van Atjeh en onder- hoorigheden. (Scientific investigation of Atjeh and its dependencies). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxiv, 1917, pp 153-168, 397-401, 738-748. (In Dutch). Contents: Letters written during a scientific expedi- tion in Atjeh between 25th July 1916 and 12th May 1917. Includes a considerable amount of general information on the area, but nothing specifically topographical. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 165 — KREEMER. J. Een Franschman over Sabang. (A Frenchman on Sabang). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xuv, 1927, pp 265-272. (In Dutch). Contents: Review of “Le port de Sabang” by H. Moreau, Gives some information about Padang Harbour. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 166 — KRUISHEER, A. Uit den pioniertijd. Ter Atjeh’s Noordkust in 1902- 1903.- (From pioneer times. On Atjeh’s north coast in 1902-1903). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch- Indische Officiersvereeniging, Vol. xx, No. 4, 1935, pp 151-154, No. 6, pp 259-261. (In Dutch). Contents: Third and fourth (final) parts of a.series of articles on the action in 1903, April and May. Copy in NEFIS Library. 167 — KRUISHEER, A. De expeditie naar Sigli in Augustus 1897. (The Expedition to Sigli in August 1897). In; Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Officiervereeniging, Vol. 59 23, No. 4, 1938, pp 119-123, No. 5, pp 163-167. (In Dutch). Contents: Detailed description of the military opera- tion against Sigh on the Malacca Strait. Map: The region between Sigh and Pakan Baroe; Sigli and environs. Copy in NEFIS Library, 168 —KRUYT. Albert C. Een bezoek aan de Mentawei-eilanden. (A visit to the Mentawei Islands). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xu, 1924, pp 19-49. (In Dutch). Contents: A comprehensive ethnological study, made during February 1921, covering all aspects of native life. Map: The Mentawei Islands, scale 1 : 3,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 169 —KUNST. Jaap Music in Nias. In; Internationales Archiv fiir Ethno- graphic. Bd. xxxvm. Heft i, 1939. Contents: A study of music on the island of Nias, with a few topographical observations. The map of Nias bears no topographical detail and the other maps show the distribution of musical instruments in the Malay Archipelago. The photographs show types of natives and instruments. There is a useful bibliography at the end. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide. 170 —LAAN. R. ter First impressions of a new world. In: Sluyter's Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 9, 1921, pp 215-218. Contents: The value of the article lies in its photographs. Photographs: The shores of the Isle of Pulu Weh (North Sumatra); floating dock at Sabang Harbour; View of Pulu Weh’s coast line; Waterfront at Sabang Harbour. Copy in NEFIS Library. 171 —LAMBERS, B. J. Enkele aanteekeningen omtrent de afvloeing van het Tobameer. (Some remarks on the outlet of Toba Lake). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 96-97. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Asahan River and its valley. Photographs: Tangga valley; The Aer Ponot join- ing the Asahan River; Asahan River above the Wilhelmina Falls; Asahan River and Ponot Falls. Map: The outlet of Toba Lake, scale 1 : 100,000. (The Asahan Valley between Forsea and Tangga, showing roads and paths). Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 172 —LEEUWEN, W. Doclers van The new flora in the isle of Krakatau. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, September 1920, pp 281-284. Contents: Brief description of the vegetation on Krakatau. Photographs: View of Krakatau from the beach of Forsaken Island; View of Forsaken Island, Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 173 — LEFEVRE, J. J. Van Si Lalahi via Sidikalang en Salak naar Baroes. De Pakpaklanden. (From Si Lalahi by Sidikalang and Saiak to Baroes. The Pakpak Lands). In: /aarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. vn, 1911, pp 217-222. (In Dutch). Contents; Description of the bridle-path from Si Lalahi on the western shore of Toba Lake to Baroes on the Indian Ocean, Description of the Pakpak Lands and their inhabitants (region of the head- waters of Lai Rensoeon Lai Sembilin and Lai Kombi, all three tributaries of the Simpangkiri, and of the Lai Ordi, tributaries of the Tjenendang-Simpang kanan). Map: Northwest part of the Residency Tapanoeli scale 1 ; 500,000. Copy in NEF1S Library. 174 —LEHMANN, Herbert Kulturgeographische Wandlungen in Sudost-Sumatra. (Culture geographical changes in Southeast Sumatra). In: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde iu Berlin, August 1933, Nos. 5/6. pp 161-175. (In German). Contents: Geographical description of Southeast Sumatra, in relation to its culture. Copies in University Library, Brisbane; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 175 —LEHMANN, Herbert Die Bevolkerung der Insel Sumatra. (The popula- tion of the island of Sumatra). In: Petermann’s Mitteilungen, 1938, pp 3-15. I. (In German). Contents: Details of the population of Sumatra. Maps: Population distribution in Sumatra accord- ing to the 1930 census, drawn by Herbert Lehmann, scale 1 :2,000,000. Insets; Distribution of Chinese in Sumatra, scale 1 : 4,650,000; Density of the popula- tion according to sections, scale 1 :4,650,000. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Public Library. Melbourne: University Library, Adelaide. 176 —LITH, A. van Een en ander over basismetingen en kort verslag van de basismeting bij Sampoen, Residentie Oost- kust van Sumatra. (Remarks on base measurements and a brief report on the base measurements at Sampoen, residency East Coast of Sumatra). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. vi, 1910, pp 209-255. (In Dutch). Contents: Method and instrument of base measure- ments, base measurements in the Netherlands East Indies, the measurements at Sampoen. Photographs: Several photographs in and around Sampoen. Map: Map of the base strip, Base; length section Copy in NEF1S Library. 60 177—LLOYD MAIL Vol. in. No. 6, October 1933; Vol. iv. Nos. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, July 1934-March 1935; Vol. v. Nos. 4, 12, August 1935, April 1936; Vol vi, Nos. 2, 11, June 1936, March 1937; Vol. vn. Nos. 1, 3, May, July 1937. Contents: A monthly magazine for the tourist. Photographs: Many photographs of different parts of Sumatra. Map: Vol. vi, No. 11. Map of the Government east coast of Sumatra showing present area of tobacco cultivation. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 178 — LOEB. E. M. Patrilineal and matrilineal organisation in Sumatra. The Batak and the Minangkabau. In: American Anthropologist. Vol. 35, No. 1, 1933, pp 16-50. Contents: Describes the social organisation of the Bataks and Minangkabau. Map: Sumatra, showing linguistic divisions. Copies in University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Sydney. 179 — LOEB, E. M. Patrilineal and matrilineal organisation in Sumatra: The Minangkabau, In; American Anthropologist, Vol. 36, No. 1, 1934, pp 26-56. Contents: Derivation of the name, history of the "Kingdom.” Own Government system. Descent, social classes, property, land, criminal law, kinship terminology, kinship usage, marriage restrictions, divorce, childbirth, treatment of children, puberty ceremonies, names, division of labour, the patrilineate and the matrilineate. Makes comparison with other parts of the Pacific. Copies in University Library, Sydney; Public Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne. 180—LOEB. Edwin M. and HEINE-GELDERN, Robert Sumatra: its history and people, by E. M. Loeb. The archaeology and art of Sumatra by R. Heine- Geldern. 8vo. Wien, Verlag des Institutes fiir Vol- kerkunde der Universitat, 1935. (Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, Vol. 3). Contents: Geography, climate, fauna; races and peoples; economic life, society, religion. The islands west of Sumatra, Nias, Mentawei Island, Engano. Archaeology and art of Sumatra. Bibliography. Photographs: Toba Lake; Fort de Kock; Minang- kabau Highlands; Jungle, Mentawei Island; Women fishing, Sikakap Strait, Mentawei; Siberut (Ment- awei) village on river; Town of Taikako, Pageh, Mentawei Island; Siberut, canoes on beach; Pageh (Mentawei); communal house; Stupa at Muara Takus, Kampar district. Copy in Mitchell Library. Sydney. 181 —LOHUIZEN, H. I. van Verslag over het onderzoek van een gedeelte van het landschap Langkat, oostkust van Sumatra. (Report on an investigation of a part of the Langkat dis- trict, east coast of Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwefen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1921, Iste gedeelte, pp 56-94. (In Dutch). Contents: General geological survey of part of Lang- kat district, east coast of Sumatra. Maps: General geological map of the petroleum terrain Langkat on the east coast of Sumatra, after surveys by C. W. A. P. ’t Hoen, H. Frijling, H. J. van Lohuizen and others, roads and footpaths shown, profiles inset on sheet 2, scale 1 : 100,000. In Atlas volume for 1921. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 182 —LUCIEER. A. I. Het kindertal bij de volkeren van Nederlandsch-Indie buiten Java. (The birthrate among the peoples of the Netherlands East Indies, except Java). In Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskun- dig Genootschap, Vol. xu, 1924, pp 540-563. (In Dutch). Contents: Introduction, statistics, natural causes of low birth rate, conclusion. The same author examines all the factors making for a low birth-rate. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 183 —MAASS, Alfred Durch Zentral Sumatra. (Through Central Sumatra). Bd. 1. 4to. Berlin, Wilhelm Susserott, 1910, pp xxxi, 851. (In German). Contents: Geography, geology, fauna and flora, agriculture, history, communications, industry, the people, manners and customs, rites and ceremonies, social organisation, arts and crafts, religion, language, etc. Photographs: Many photographs of Central Sumatra. Map: Central Sumatra, scale 1 ; 900,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 184 —MAASS, Allred Quer durch Sumatra: Reise-Erinnerunge.n. (Across Sumatra: recollections of travel). 2nd revised and enlarged edition. 8vo. Berlin, B. Behr's Verlag (F. Feddersen), 1917, pp xviii, 177. (In German). Contents: Geography, fauna and flora, climate, the people, the matriarchate, law, manners and customs,, etc. Photographs: Oranje Hotel in Padang; Padang, with Apen Mountain; The Anei Gorge; Market place in Fort de Kock; A part of the market place in Pajakombo; Rest house in Talang Ampat; Village street in Pasar Tjurup; The bank of the Klingi; Palembang. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 185—MAASS, Allred Reise nach den Mentawi Inseln. (Journey to the Mentawi Islands). In: Verhandelungen der Gesell- schaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin, Vol. xxv, 1898, No. 4, pp 177-189. (In German). Contents: An account with many descriptive details of a visit to the Mentawi Islands. Notes on people, houses, customs, etc. Copies in University Library. Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Uni- 61 versity Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne. 186 —MAASS. Alfred Padang. In; Aus Fernen Landen, Jahrgang i. No. 3, 1903, pp 55-58; No. 4, pp 80-86. (In German). Contents: Description of Padang. Photographs: Rice fields in the Padang hills; The Sing-dang; Merapi crater. Copy in Australian Museum, Sydney. 187 —MAASS, Alfred Durch Zentral-Sumatra. In: Zeitschrift fur Eth- nologic, Vol. xn, 1909, pp 143-166. (In German). Contents: Material culture in Central Sumatra. Photographs: 29 plates of objects of art. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Adelaide. 188 — MAASEN. C. C. J. Javanese agricultural migration to the Outer Provinces. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. 3, 1939, pp 183-192. Contents: Assisted immigration of Javanese agri- culturists to the outer provinces in 1935-1939. Advice for large-scale' colonisation. Photographs: Group of prospective colonists ready for departure from Java. Two views of the jungle in the process of being cleared; Irrigated seed beds of rice; Provisional hut in new settlement; New village under construction. Copies in NEF1S Library; University Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Brisbane. 189 —MAIER. R. E. P. De triangulatie van het eiland Batam, benevens enkele gegevens omtrent land en volk. (The triangu- lation of the island of Batam, with some remarks on land and people). In; Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xv. No. 2, 1919, pp 147-158. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the triangulation work, and observations on the coastline, topography, vil- lages, agriculture, inhabitants. Photographs: Coastal villages of Bajan, Boeloeh and Akar; terminal point of the base. Map: The triangulation net of Batam Island, scale 1 :3,000,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 190 — MANN, William N. and MANN, Lucile Q. Around the world for animals. In: National Geo- graphical Magazine, Vol. lxxiii, 1938, pp 665-714. Contents: Describes an animal collecting expedition under the auspices of the National Geographical Society and the Smithsonian Institute. The expedi- tion had its headquarters at Pemangsiantar, North Sumatra, and also included a six weeks’ journey through the Eastern Archipelago, visiting Makassar, Ambon, Ceram. Photographs: 33 black and white and 23 coloured half-tone plates of different parts of Sumatra. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Brisbane; Parliamentary Library, Bris- bane; University of Queensland Library, Brisbane: Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston; Public Library, Hobart 191 — MANNHARDT. F. G. Verslag over de resultaten van het gcologisch- mijnbouwkundig onderzoek der Tanjoeng-kolen- velden. (Report on the results of the geological and mining investigation of the Tandjoeng coalfields). In; Jaarhoek van het in N ederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 67-107. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological and mining investigation of the Tandjoeng coalfields which lie in the Residency of Palembang on the left bank of the Enim River. Geological history, minerals, etc., with few topo- graphical details. Photographs: Ajer Nipai, tributary of the Ajer Lematang, Residency of Palembang—shows a water- fall over a deposit of brown coal. Maps: Geological maps of the coalfields and sur- roundings. In Atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 192 —MARSDEN, William The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the Government, laws, customs and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural products, and a relation of the ancient political state of that island. 3rd edition. London, Longman, Burst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1811, pp 479. Contents: A comprehensive study of Sumatra based on the knowledge at the beginning of the 19th century. Map: Sumatra. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Hobart; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide. 193 — MAUTNER, W. Sumatra tobacco in the world market. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 13, 1936, pp 256-261. Contents: The organisation of production and mar- keting of Sumatra tobacco. Export to the different countries; prices and yields of the crop, 1932-1934; Financial results of the four main concerns, 1913- 1936. Photographs: Half-grown Deli wrapper leaf tobacco and drying sheds; Office of the Deli Cultuur Maat- schappij, Medan; Deli tobacco in seed bed; Young Deli tobacco plants after they have been set out; Sorting and bundling of leaves in the sheds after fermentation and drying. Copy in NEE IS Library. 62 194 —MAUTNER. W. The Netherlands Indies, and the world tin supply. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 11, 1938, pp 3-8. Contents: Survey of the world’s tin production and the Netherlands East Indies’ share in it since 1800; The development of the tin industry in the Nether- lands East Indies; Exports, stock and consumption of tin; Price movement of tin; The tin restrictions. Photographs: Electrical dredger on Banka; Tin pit near Soengeiliat; Tin mine near Buntok (Banka). Copy in NEE IS Library. 195 —MEDAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual report for 1939, Vol. 28. De Oostkust van Sumatra in 1939. (The east coast of Sumatra in 1939). (In Dutch). Contents: Annual report of the Chamber of Com- merce. The economic situation. Imports and exports. European agriculture and native products. T ransportation. Copy in NEFIS Library. 196 —MENTEN, I. a Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinerts op het eiland Singkep. (Report of a search for tin ore on the island of Singkep). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- voeien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel II, pp 145-171. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes topographical details on the valleys explored. Maps: Island of Singkep, scale 1 : 75,000; Productive part of the Dabo valley on the island of Singkep, scale 1 ; 10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 197 —METZ, Th. Java. Sumatra. Bali: Uber Kolonialpolitik im tropischen Holland. (Java, Sumatra, Bali; colonial politics in tropical Holland). 8vo. Leipzig, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung, 1932, pp 79. (In German). Contents: Dutch methods of administration, the Dutch and the natives, the Dutch and the Germans in the Netherlands Indies, the Javanese, agriculture, volcanoes, education, Dutch co-operative organiza- tions, communications, modern buildings, etc. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 198 — MINISTERS VAN DEFENSIE Zeemansgids voor Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie, deel 1. Westelijk gedeelte van den Oost-Indischen Archipel. (Nautical guide for the Netherlands East Indies, Part i. Western part of the East Indian Archipelago). Maps, ’s Gravenhage, 1929. 6th Edition, pp 469, with Verbeterblad (supplement), 1933. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes the whole of Sumatra and neigh- bouring islands, parts of Borneo and Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 199 —MIOBERG, Eric Forest life and adventures in the Malay Archipelago; translated from the Swedish by A. Barwell. 8vo. London, Allen & Unwin, 1930, pp 201. Contents-. Big game and other fauna of Borneo, the orangutan, the Proboscis-monkey., the tarsier, the goat-antelope, the pangolin; birds of the primeval forests, edible birds’ nests, snakes: hunting for sweet honey; insects of Borneo and Sumatra, forests of Borneo, pitcher-plants, how the natives of Borneo gather camphor and rubber, fruits (mangosteen, durian, breadfruit, pawpaw, mango and sugar palm), sago production in Borneo, tobacco growing in Sumatra, the rubber industry, coffee, tea, etc. Photographs: Desolate landscape on the top of the Sibayah volcano . . . to the right the outlines of the Sinaboeng volcano. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 200 — MOERMAN. C. Verslag van een geologisch-mijnbouwkundigen ver- kenningstocht in een gedeelte der residentien Ben- koelen en Palembang, zuid Sumatra. (Report of a geological mining investigation journey in a part of the residencies of Benkoelen and Palembang, South Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen. 1915, Iste gedeelte, pp 33-198. (In Dutch). Contents: Topographical description; geological description; tectonics, useful minerals. Maps: Geological map of a part of the Residencies of Benkoelen and Palembang, Sumatra, prepared by C. Moerman, scale 1 : 200,000, in 4 sheets. Besides indicating geological formations, the map shows heights in meters and lines of watersheds. Profiles of geological formations in various localities and a cross-section of Sumatra, from the Indian Ocean to the Rawas River, southwest to northeast. Horizon- tal scale 1 ; 200.000, vertical scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Pubic Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 201 — MOHR. E. C. Jul. De bodem der tropen in het algemeen, en die van Nederlandsch-Indie in het bijzonder, Deel n, derde stuk. (The soils of the tropics in general and those of the Netherlands Indies in particular, Vol. n, 3rd part). With maps and illust. 8vo. Amsterdam, De Bussy, 1937. (Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut, Amsterdam, Mededeeling No. xxxi, Afd. Handelsmuseum No. 12), pp vi, 343-572. (In Dutch). Contents-. Soil-forming minerals, climate, decom- position and types of soil, estimation and utilization of soils, river basins of the easterly lowlands of Central and South Sumatra. Photographs: Numerous topographical photographs. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Waite Agricul- tural Research Institute Library, Adelaide. 202 — MOHR. E. C. JuL Tropical soil forming processes and development of tropical soils, with special reference to Java and Sumatra. Translated from Pendleton, R. L.: “De Grond van Java en Sumatra.” Contents: Discussion of the rocks, which can serve as the raw material for the formation of soils. Climates. Methods of weathering of rocks. Stages 63 of weathering and soil formation. The main types of soils to be expected in Java and Sumatra. Copies in the Waite Agricultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide; University of Queensland Library, Brisbane; University Library, Melbourne. 203 — MOORE, R. Sumatra—a ribbon of colour. In; National Geo- graphic Magazine, Vol. lvii. No. 2, 1930, pp 11-16. Contents: Series of coloured photographs, including two views of Karbouwengat (or Water buffalo) Valley. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 204— MOORE, W, Robert Among the hill tribes of Sumatra. In: National Geographic Magazine, Vol. lvii, 1930, pp 187-227. Contents'. Description of a trip from Emmahaven near Padang, northward through the highlands to Sibolga, and thence across the island by Lake Toba and to Belawan. Photographs-. Several topographical photographs. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney: Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library. Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Ade- laide: Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 205 —MORRELL, Charles M. Dutch planters in Sumatra. In: Java Gazette, Vol. iv. No. 7, 1935, pp 245-246. Contents'. School broadcast of the BBC. Copy in NEE IS Library. 206 — MOSZKOWSKI, Max Auf neuen Wegen durch Sumatra; Forschungsreisen in Ost und Zentral Sumatra, 1907. (By new ways through Sumatra: explorations in East and Central Sumatra, 1907). 8vo. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohmer), 1909, pp xvii, 328. (In German). Contents; Geography, climate, the Sultanate of Siak, native manners and customs, arts and crafts, weapons, houses, forests, flora and fauna, native culture and religion, social organization, agriculture, evolution of housing, art and music; List of the chief timbers of the Sumatran forests; List of the most important medicinal and magicai plants. Natives as carriers; loads and payments. Photographs-. Numerous views of the area. Maps: Siak, adapted from Dutch maps, scale 1 :400,000; shows footpaths, bridle paths, planta- tions, etc.; the Rovan States, scale 1 : 400,000, shows footpaths, bridle paths, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 207 — MOSZKOWSKI, M. Reisen in Ost und Zentral-Sumatra. (1 ravels in East and Central Sumatra). In: Zeitschnft der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin, 1909, No 9, pp 583-608. (In German). Contents'. General geographical and climatic observa- tions. Notes on natives and customs, methods of cultivating. Descriptions in some detail of the Siak region—its radja and people, villages, etc., of the River region, with names of villages of the Rokan States (the region of the two Rokan rivers) where rice sawahs were in cultivation. Tigers abound in this region. Copies in University Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Uni- versity Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 208 —MUSPER, K. A. F. R. Indragiri en Pelalawan; uitkomsten van het mijn- bouwkundig-geologisch onderzoek in de jaren 1922- 1926. (Indragiri and Pelalawan; results of the min- ing and geological investigation in the years 1922- 1926). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1927, Iste gedeelte, pp 1-247. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a topographical review', reports of surveys of the Oembilin basin, Lisoen-Kwantan- Lalo mountains, with the Oedjoeng Boekit-Serasah chain, Limau Mts., Tigapoeloe Mts., S. Retch river region and the tertiary hill country. Photographs'. Rapid near Silokat; Rapid near Lorn- patan; Rapid on the B. Kwantan, Kederasan Tinggi. Maps: Geological sketch maps of the area. In Atlas volume for 1927. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 209 — MUSPER. K. A. F. R. Beknopt verslag over de uitkomsten van nieuwe geologische onderzoekingen in de Padangsche boven- landen. (Brief report of the results of new geological investigations in the Padang Highlands). In; Jaar- hoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1929, pp 265-331. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of new geological investigations in the Padang Highlands in Central West Sumatra, between Lake Singkarak and the Lisoen Mts. Bibliography. Photographs: Several views of the Padang High- lands. Maps: Sketch maps and profiles. In Atlas volume for 1929. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 210 —MUSPER, K. A. F. R. Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 ; 200,000. Toelichting bij blad 15 (Praboemoelih). (Geological 64 map of Sumatra, scale 1 ; 200,000; explanation of sheet 15 (Praboemoelih). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933 (Nederlandsch-Indie Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 41. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, stratigraphy, tectonics, use- ful minerals. Bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 211 —MUSPER, K. A. F. R. Een bezoek aan de grot Soeroeman Besar in het Gocmaigebergte, Palembang, Zuid-Sumatra. (A visit to the Soeroeman Besar cave in the Goemai range, Palembang, South Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Konin- klijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. li, 1934, pp 521-531. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of some limestone caves in South Sumatra. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates of caves. Maps: Sketch map of neighbourhood of Soeroeman Besar cave, scale 1 :3,000, showing limestone area. Sketch of the course of the underground river of Soeroeman Besar, scale I : 10,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 212 —MUSPER. K. A. F. R. * Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1:200,000: Toeiichting bij blad 16 (Lahat). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 ; 200,000: explanation of sheet 16 (Lahat)). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1937 (Nederlandsch-Indie Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp HO. (In Dutch). Contents: Orography, stratigraphy, tectonics, useful minerals, springs. Bibliography. Photographs: Several views of the area. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 213 —NASH. James M. W. Twee vliegtochten naar den Krakatau. (Two flights to Krakatau). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk \eder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 498-505. Contents: Two reconnaissance flights over Krakatau, 27 January and 3 February, 1929. Photographs: 9 half-tone plates — aerial views of Krakatau. Map: Krakatau group before 1928, scale 1 : 100,00; Surroundings of the point of eruption, 1927-1928, scale 1 : 50,000 (before and after the eruptions). Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 214 —NATURE PROTECTION IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Compiled by the Section of Nature Protection of the Government Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg, 1938. Department of Economic Affairs, Batavia, pp 63. Contents: Position and area of the nature reserves, and discussion of the animals, vegetation and ter- rain. The following articles deal with Sumatra: The Orang Utan, by Dr. K. W. Dammerman; The lime- stone sinter terraces of the Tinggi Radja on the east coast of Sumatra, by Dr. C. G. G. J. Steenis: The game reserve, South Sumatra, by Jr. F. W. Rappard and A. Hoogerwerf; List of nature and game reserves in the Netherlands East Indies, May, 1936. Photographs: Topographical views and photographs of animals. Maps: Map of the game reserve, South Sumatra,, scale I : 2,000,000; Map of the nature and game reserves in Sumatra, scale 1 : 10,000,000. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 215 —NEDERLAND MAH. Vol. 3, Nos. 9, 11 (September and November, 1936); Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1938; Vol. 6, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, January, March—May, August, 1939. Contents: A monthly magazine for the tourist. Photographs: Vol. 3, No. 8. Rhino hunting in Sumatra, 4 photographs; No. 9, In “Market Street,” Sabang; Traders stall at the quay of the free- harbour of Sabang; The new park at Sabang; Vol. 6, No. 3, The Harau Gorge; No. 8, Fishing from the beach, Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 216— NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL LINE Travel guide, pp 25-48. Contents: The trip Belawan-Sabang-Colombo. The stellar heavens. Maps: Map of the Belawan-Sabang-Colombo route; Map of the constellations of the northern and southern hemispheres; Map of the equatorial con- stellations. Copy in NEFIS Library. 217 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw—Geologische kaart van Sumatra; schaal 1 :200,000. Toeiichting bij blad 1-10, 13, 15, 16. (Geological map of Sumatra: scale 1 :200,000. Explanation of sheets 1-10, 13, 15, 16). 13 vols. 8vo. Bandoeng and Batavia, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, and Landsdrukkerij, 1931-1937. (In Dutch). List of sheets: 1. Teloekbetoeng, 1931, with profile: G. Dander to W. Sekampoeng. (Zwierzycki, J.). 2. Kotaagoeng, 1931, with profile: W. Samang to W. Sekampoeng. (Zwierzycki, J.). 3. Bengkoenat, 1932, with profiles; W. Ngaras to W. Mapandang, and W. Nabah to Semangka, B. (Westerveld, J.). 4. Soekedana, 1931, with profile: W. Kandis Besar to W. Penet. (Tuijn, J. van). 5. Kotaboemi, 1931, with profile: W. Ilahandbadak to W. Ranems. (Westerveld, J.). 6. Kroei, 1933, with profiles: W. Palembang to W. Perahoe, and Baai v. Kroei to W. Tahmi. 7. Bintoehan, 1937, with profiles: A. Selalajang to W. Selaboeng, and A. Sambat-kanan to S. Sam- bat-katan. (Raalten, H. C. van). 65 8. Menggala, 1934, with profile; W. Teroesan to S. Boeaja-kanan. (Tuijn, J. van). 9. Gedongkatoe, 1937, with profile: W. Linta to L. Rarangan. (Tuijn, J. van). 10. Batoeradja, 1932, with profiles: A. Saka to Pg. Matangkeras, and W. Roeas to W. Seliam. 13. Wiralaga, 1934, with profile: Toel Boho to S. Leompoer (Tuijn, J. van). 15. Praboemoelih, 1933, with profile: A. Kisam to Tamiang-Ant and A. Lintahan to A. Lematang (Musper, K. A. F. R.). 16. Lahat, 1937, with profile: A. Belinau-besar to A. Nenggara, and G. Isau-lsal to A. Ipoeh. (Musper, K. A. F. R.). The separate texts explaining these sheets are listed under their respective authors. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne (2 and 5 missing). 218 — NEDERLANDSCH INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw, Gouvernements steen- kolenontginning nabij Sawah Loentoe, Ombilinmijnen. (Government coal production near Sawah Loentoe, Ombilin mines). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1912, pp 198- 220. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on Government coal production near Sawah Loentoe, Oembilin mines. Photograph; Exterior view of the central electrical station, the Oembilin coalfield. Map: Ombilin or Oembilin coalfield, scale 1 : 80,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 219 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE OFFICIERSVEREENIG- ING Bij het 60-jarig jubileum van de militaire bezetting te Samalanga. (On the 60th anniversary of the mili- tary occupation of Samalanga). In: Orgaan van de N ederlandsch-Indische Officiersvereeniging, Vol. 22, No. 8, 1937, pp 312-316. (In Dutch). Contents: Reminiscences of the occupation of Sama- langa in Atjeh, in August, 1877. Copy in NEFIS Library. 220 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw, Beveiliging van den weg Kalibakoeng-Bodjong tegen afschuivingen, Residence Pekalongan. (Protection of the road Kalibakoeng- Bodjong against landslides, Residency of Pekalongan). In -. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 96-100. (In Dutch). Contents: Short description of the measures taken to prevent landslides on the Kalibakoeng-Bodjong road. Maps: Geological map of the vicinity of the landslip terrain on the Kalibakoeng-Bodjong road, scale I : 10,000; Landslip terrain on the Kalibakoeng- Bodjong road, scale 1 : 4,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 221 — NEEB. E. A. Verslag omtrent het onderzoek naar tinafzetlingen in een gedeelte van Midden-Sumatra. (Report of an investigation of tin deposits in a part of central Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, 1902, pp 113-145. (In Dutch).. Contents: Geological survey of tin deposits, central Sumatra, districts of V Kota, 111 Kota Kampar di I Hr, IV Koto di Moedik Pangkn Kota Baharoe, VI Hot and Rokan Kiri, IV Kota. Maps: Geological survey map of the provinces V Kota, 111 Kota Kampar, IV Kota di Moedik, VII Kota Kampar di llir, VI Kota Kampar di Moedik, Pangkn Koto Baharoe, VI Koto en Rokan Kiri, IV Koto, in 2 sheets, scale 1 ; 100,000. Compiled by E. A. Need. Profiles on third sheet. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library. Melbourne. 222 — THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Mining in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 9, 1935, pp 321-334. Contents: Production and foreign trade of the Netherlands Indies concerning tin, coal, petroleum, gold, silver and other minerals. The same subject is dealt with for 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1938, in Vol. iv. Nos. 10/11, pp 225-226; Vol. v, No. 6, pp 80-81; Vol. vi, No. 5, pp 8-10; Vol. vn. No. 3, pp 22-24, respectively. Photographs-. Vol. m. No. 9. Modern tin dredger in Banka; Pouring tin into moulds, Banka; Vol. iv. No. 10, Entrance to the Rantau-Panjang colliery; Refinery of the Bataafsche Petroleum Mij. at Tjipu; Borneo native washing sand for diamonds. Copy in NEE IS Library. 223 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Tourism in the Netherlands Indies in the spring of 1936. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, No. 8, 1936, pp 159-169. Contents-. Description of a Netherlands East Indies tour made by passengers of a round-the-world cruise. Photographs: Views in Java and Sumatra. Copy in NEE IS Library. 224 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The railways in the Netherlands Indies in ITo. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 12, 1936, pp 239-243. Contents: Survey of the State railways; the extent of their network; the financial results, receipts, dis- bursements, traffic, technical service, stocks and pur- chases of material. Survey of the private railways and tramways in Java and of the Deli Railway Coy. in Sumatra. Photographs: Viaduct in the Preanger Mts.; Uphill in the mountains; Railway bridge; Entrance to a Preanger tunnel. Copy in NEE IS Library. 225 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Arts and crafts of the Netherlands Indies, gold and silver. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, Nos. 20/22, 1936, pp 1-23. Contents: Historical review, materials used, tech- nique of the native gold and silversmiths, the 66 present centres of their art—Kota Geden near Jacjakarta, Bali, Kendari in Celebes, and minor centres in Sumatra and Java. Photographs: 42 specimens of gold and silver work. Copy in NEFIS Library. 226 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Agricultural colonisation and the population of Java. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 8, 1938, pp 6-14. Contents: The population development in Java is compared with that in other countries, especially England and Japan. Organised Javanese agricultural colonisation in the Outer Provinces. Photographs: Javanese emigrants; Children of the colonists; Cleared forest area with huts; Clumps of trees left for shade; Reclaiming the land; Rice seed plants on a recently opened up area. Copy in NEFIS Library. 227 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Javanese colonisation in the Outer Provinces. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1938, pp 13-18. Contents: The conditions of successful colonisation; Javanese agricultural colonisation as a means of developing the Outer Provinces. Photographs: Colonists embarking; Children in the new village; Festive meal in welcome of new arrivals; Fighting the virgin forest; Laying irrigation conduits. Copy in NEFIS Library. 228—THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Vulcanological Survey. Bulletins Nos. 1, 3, 5-78, 80-89, 1927-1939. Bandoeng. Contents: Brief surveys of the volcanoes in Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands and Northern Moluccas. Photographs: Views of volcanoes, some aerial views. Maps: Maps of different volcanoes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart; Public Library, Melbourne (except 10, 14, 87-89). 229 —NEUMANN. J. B. De Mentawei eilanden. (The Mentawei Islands). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvi, 1909, pp 181-213. (In Dutch). Contents: A systematic description: i. General, ii. Geographical description. Section ii. includes a de- tailed topographical account of each island. Map: Sketch map of Mentawei Islands, scale 1 :920.000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 230 — OPPENOORTH, W. F. F. and ZWIERZYCKI. J. Geomorfologische en tektonische waarnemingen als bijdrage tot verklaring van de landschapsvormen van Noord-Sumatra. (Geomorphological and tectonic observations as a contribution to the explanation of the landscape forms of North Sumatra). In: Jaar- boek van het in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, Iste gedeelte, pp 276-311. (In Dutch). Contents: The interior lands, the recent tertiary hill land, the coastal plain. Photographs: Many views around Northeast Peusangan. Map; Delta of the Kr. Djamboe Aje. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 231 — PANNEKOEK, A, J. Het weergeven van de plaatsen op topografische overzichtskaarten. (The representation of localities on topographic maps). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxxm, 1937, pp 90-116. (In Dutch). Contents: The author discusses the methods of sim- plification in representing geographical facts in small- scale maps, giving many examples from the Nether- lands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 232 — PATOT, A. Tissot van De hydrografie van het Goemaigebergte. (The hydro- graphy of the Goemai mountains). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, 1919, pp 120-129. (In Dutch). Contents: The Goemai mountains are a branch of the Bt. Barisan and stretch from the Moesi north of the mouth of the Lintang to the Lematang south of Lahat. Description of the geology, geomorphology and hydrography of the region. Maps: Geological map of the Goemai mountains, scale 1 : 300,000; Section across the Goemai moun- tains. Copies in NEFIS Library; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 233 — PEDERSEN. Hugo V. Durch den Indischen Archipel. Fine Kunstlerfahrt. (Through the Indian Archipelago. An artist’s trip). Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1962, pp 304. (In German). Contents: Travel impressions and sketches by the painter-author from Java and Sumatra. Photographs: Sketches by the author illustrating native types, houses, vehicles, implements. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 234 —PEEKEMA. Wlbo Colonization of Javanese in the Outer Provinces of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Geographical Journal. Vol. ci, 1943, pp 145-153. Contents: Colonization in Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes. Photographs: Irrigation works at Trimurdjo; Mwtro: house of chief of the district. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Vic- toria Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Lib- rary, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Pub- lic Library, Hobart. 235 — PEMBROKE. J. H. The land of eternal fires. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 9, 1926, pp 501-506. 67 Contents: The volcanoes and earthquakes of the Netherlands East Indies and the research carried on in vulcanology and seismology. Photographs: Earthquake damage in Sumatra, July 1926; Entrance to Padang Pandjang after the earth- quake; Destruction along the railway track at Pa- dang Pandjang: Damaged railway yards and station at Padang Pandjang. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 236 — PHILIPPI. H. Morphologische en geologische aanteekeningen bij de kaart van Zuid-Sumatra. (Morphological and geological remarks bn the map of South Sumatra). Part 1. In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 182-207. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphological and geological description of the Ranau Lake and its environs. Maps: Ranau Lake and its environs, scale 1 : 100,000; Eight sections across the Ranau Lake, scale 1:100,000; Sections across the Barisan ridge: Map of the Bari- san mountains, scale 1 : 400,000. Geological map and section of Ranau Lake and environs. Copy in NEFIS Library. 237 — PHILIPPI. H. Morphologische en geologische aanteekeningen bij be kaart van Zuid-Sumatra. (Morphological and geo- logical remarks on the map of South Sumatra). Part II. In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 154-167. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphological and geological interpretation of Benkoelen and environs. Photographs: Boulder Kaboelck tumbled down into the bed of the A. Sindoer: Two geological cross- sections. Maps: Morphological map of the region; part of the Residency of Benkoelen, scale 1 : 200,000; Geological map of part of the Residency Benkoelen, scale 1 : 200,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 238 — PONTOPPIDAN. H. Verslag van een reis naar het eiland Enggano. (Account of a journey to the island of Enggano). In: faarboek van het in Nederlandsch- lndie, Verhandelingen, 1913, pp 36-38. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief geographical and geological survey with notes on roads and maps. Map: Geological sketch map of the island of Eng- gano, by J. H. Juda, scale 1 ; 200,000. Shows K.P.M. anchorages, roads and footpaths as well as natural features. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 239 — PONTOPPIDAN. H. Verslag over de aardbeving op 26 June 1914 in de Residentie Benkoelen. (Report on the earthquake on 26 June 1914 in the Residency of Benkoelen). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- lndie, Verhandelingen, 1914, 2de gedeelte, pp 78-89. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the 1914 earthquake in Benkoelen. Photographs: These show damage to buildings only. Maps: Sketch map of the earthquake at Benkoelen of 25/26 June 1914, scale 1 ; 1,000; Seismographic map of Benkoelen Residency illustrating the earth- quake of 26th June, 1914. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane: Geological Survey Library, Brisbane: Public Library, Melbourne; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne: Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart: Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 240 — POSEWITZ, Theodor Die rezenten Bildungen auf der Insel Bangka. (4116 recent formations on the island of Bangka). In: Petermanns Gcographiscbe Mitteilungen, 1886, pp 197-202. (In German). Contents4. Description of alluvial formations on Bangka. Map4. Map of alluvial formations on Bangka by Dr. Th. Posewitz, scale 1 : 1,400,000. Inset: 2 cross- sections through Bangka and through the strait dividing Bangka from Sumatra. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne. 241— PRICE, Willard The spirits of Batak Land (Sumatra). In: Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 49, 1942, pp 12-23. Contents: A brief authoritative account of the habits and beliefs of the peoples of Sumatra. There is a series of excellent photographs showing the people, their houses and villages. Some idea of the terrain is given by the photographs, and the matter is dis- cussed broadly in the article. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne. 242 — PRILLWITZ, F. W. The productivity of tea estates in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v. No. 3, 1937, pp 36-37. Contents: The average hectare production in the different production areas of Java and Sumatra. It is greater on recent volcanic than on leteritic soils and therefore increases with altitude. Map: Average production of the tea estates in West Java per hectare, January 1935, scale 1 : 500,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 243 —RAALTEN, H. C. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; Toelichting bij blad 7 (Bintoehan). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 : 200,000: explanation of sheet 7 (Bintoehan)). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1937, pp 34. (Nederlandsch-lndie, Dienst van den Mijn- bouw). (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, stratigraphy, tectonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 244 — REITSMA, S. A. Gedenkboek der staatsspoor-en tramwegen in Neder- landsch-Indie, 1875-1925. (Memorial book of the 68 State railways and tramways in Netherlands India, 1875-1925). Weltevreden, 1925, pp 216. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the rail and tramways in the periods from the first constructions to the beginnings of their exploitation, in the exploitation periods before and since 1894. Their organization, staff, outfit (way and superstructure, bridges, signalling, rolling stock, fuelling, workshops, electric railways, tariff, financial results). Photographs: Many views along the railway tracks. Map: Railway map of Sumatra for 1925. For list of maps for Java and Celebes, see this annotation in these respective areas. Copy in NEFIS Library. 245 —REITSMA. S. A. The development of South Sumatra. In: Inter- Ocean. Vol. vm, No. 3, 1927, pp 158-161. Contents: The new South Sumatra railway from Palembang to Pandjang (Oosthaven). Photographs: The first train arriving at Blambangen Oempoe; mountain scenery and bridge; a South Sumatra mountain. Map: The new South Sumatra railway. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 246 — REITSMA-Brutel de la Riviere, M. A. From coast to coast. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 12, 1926, pp 693-700. Contents: Description of trips across Sumatra. Photographs: Bay of Tapanuli; The Karbourengat; View of the village of Tarating; Suspension bridge in the Padang highlands; On the road from Paja- kumbo to Pakan Baru; Lake Toba at Prapat. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 247 — REITSMA-Brutel de la Riviere, M. A. From coast to coast. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 1, 1927, pp 26-32. Contents: A tourist trip from Belawan to Deli. Photographs: Manindjau Lake, Antokan Canyon, with the Indian Ocean in the distance; Native mar- ket at Fort de Kock; Waterfall in Aneikloof; The Harakkloof; Toba Lake, near Prapat; Emmahaven; Batak houses at Soeki-Soeki. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 248 — REITSMA-Brutel de la Riviere. M. A. A traveller in South Sumatra. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 4, 1927, pp 211-214. Contents: Tourist impressions from South Sumatra. Photographs: Lake Ranau and the Seminoeng moun- tain; Gold mines at Moeara Aman, southwest coast; Native boats on a river; Village of Nertapati, the northern terminus of the South Sumatra railway; Pulu Weh, off the coast of Sumatra. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 249 — REITSMA-Brutel de la Riviere, M. A. To the Padang Highlands (Sumatra). In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. x. No. 4, 1929, pp 121-124. Contents: Brief text accompanying the photographs. Photographs: Barau canyon near Pajacombo; Anei gorge and railway tunnel on the west coast; Earth- quake damage in Padang Pandjang; Karbouwengat (Caraboa canyon) near Fort de Kock. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 250 — REITSMA-Brutel de la Riviere, M. A. In the land of the Batak. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, No. 4, 1929, pp 129-132. Contents: Brief text accompanying the following photographs. Photographs: Karebatak rice store near Brastagi; Batak village house near Lake Toba; Menangkabau village; Menangkabau women. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 251 — RENAUD. G. P. A. Rapport van het district Soengeiselan, eiland Bangka. (Report on the district of Soengeiselan, Island of Bangka). In: Jaarboek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, 1874, deel I, pp 3-81. (In Dutch). Contents: Topography, geology, mineralogy, tin-ore bearing valleys and rivers. Maps: Geognostic-mineralogical map of the island of Bangka, district of Soengeiselan. Scale 1 : 60,000. Shows aqueducts, footpaths, villages, abandoned villages, highways, and byways, dykes, etc., in 2 sheets. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 252 —RENAUD. G. P. A. and FENNEMA, R. Uitkomsten van het onderzoek naar petroleum in Beneden Langkat. (Results of a search for petroleum in Lower Langkat). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen. in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1890, deel it, pp 1-90. (In Dutch). Contents: Two reports on a search for petroleum in Lower Langkat. Maps: Map illustrating the search for petroleum in Lower Langkat, scale 1 :20,000. General map of the projected connection of the petroleum area with the landing place of Babaian, scale 1 ; 100,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 253 — RENAUD. P. J. A. Zakelijk bericht omtrent een onderzoek naar steen- kolen ter westkust van Atjeh. (Summary report of a search for coal on the west coast of Atjeh). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedeelte, 1885, pp 131-157. (In Dutch). Contents: Short report of investigations for coal on the west coast of Atjeh. Map: Geological map of Tampar Toeam, west coast of Atjeh, scale 1 : 10,000. Inset: general map of the terrain between Tampar Toean and Ajer Pinang, scale 1 : 50,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 254 —RIPLEY. S. Dillon The mysterious island of Nias. In: Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 46, 1940, pp 40-95. Contents: Description and discussion of natives of Nias, their beliefs and general way of life. Photographs: Native types and villages. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne. 69 255 —ROEGES. E. J. A. F. De vulkaan Koenjit. (The Koenjit volcano). In; Jaarverslag van den Tppografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 95. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief text to the new map of the volcano, one of the summits of the Barisan Mts., and better known under the name of G. Belirang. Map: Goenoeng Koenjit (Division Painan, District Karintji), scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 256 — ROEGES. E. J. A. F. Aanteekeningen bij de kraterkaarten van de G. Singgalang en de G. Tandikat. (Remarks on the crater maps of the G. Singgalang and the G. Tandi- kat). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 121-122. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief text to the maps of two craters in the Residency of Sumatra’s west coast. Maps: Goenoeng Singgalang, scale 1 : 10,000; Goenong Tadikat, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 257 —ROELEN. J. M. L. Uit de praktijk. Eenige orders betreffende het patrouilleeren in Atjeh. (Some orders concerning patrolling in Atjeh from practical experience). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Officiersvereeni- ging, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1936, pp 60-68. (In Dutch). Contents: Patrol order from the Commandant’s order No. 2 of Atjeh and order of the Detachment Commander concerning duties in the garrison, before the start, on patrol, in bivouac, and on return. Copy in NEFIS Library. 258 —ROLOFF. M. Die Menangkabau-Malaien auf Sumatra. (The Men- angkabau-Malays in Sumatra). In: Deutsche Geo- graphische Blatter, Vol. xxxi, 1908, pp 15-35. (In German). Contents: A study, chiefly ethnological, of the people inhabiting the Padang region, west coast of Sumatra. Their houses, character, customs, etc. Copy in University Library, Brisbane. 259 —RONKEL, S. van Palembang, the Venice of the East. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 11, 1921. pp 369-373. Contents: Description of a visit to Palembang from the tourist point of view. Photographs: View of the shores of the Palembang River; View of the waterfront; Moslem temple; The fish market; Chinese temple. Copy in NEFIS Library. 260 —RONKEL. S. van Medan-Ddi, and something about tobacco. In: Sluy- ter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, December, 1922, pp 408-412. Contents: Short description of tobacco growing and processing. Photographs: Miauhuys Road; Kesawahan; Pano- ramic view of the palace of the Sultan of Deli; Famous mosque with minaret on the outskirts of the town; Station of the Deli Railroad Company. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 261 — ROON, J. van De driehoeksnetten van Sumatra; lineaire afmetingen, orienteering en altimetrie. (The triangulation of Sumatra: linear dimensions, orientation and altitude measurement). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvii, 1930, pp 9-22. (In Dutch). Contents-. A discussion of the technical problems involved in the trigonometrical survey of Sumatra. Map-. The triangulation of Java, scale 1 : 6,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 262 — ROTTERDAM LLOYD ROYAL MAIL LINE Java and Sumatra tours, pp 64. Contents-. Guide-book for tourists for the trip from Southampton through the Suez Canal and to Ceylon. Brief description of what the traveller can see in Java and Sumatra. Specimen tours "in both islands. Photographs: Rapids of the Progo River; S.S. Slamat at Sabang; Mountain river—Anei Pass near Fort de Kock; “Lonely Giant’’ (isolated hill)—Karbouwen- gat; Two views of houses in Padang Pandjang; Hindu Temple, Tfandi. For list of photographs for Java see annotation under this area. Copy in NEF1S Library. 263 — ROUFFAER. G. P. Verandering der monden van de Peusangan Rivier, Noord-Atjeh, Sumatra. (Changes in the mouths of the River Peusangan. North Atjeh, Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nrderlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 564-568. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of changes in the delta of the great Peusangan River by which the waters of the highland lake, Laoet Tawar, find their outlet to the sea. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane. 264 —ROUX. C. C. F. M. le Boegineesche zeekaarten van den Indischen Archipel: taalkundige aanteekeningen (van) Dr. A. A. Cense. (Buginese charts of the Malay Archipelago, with linguistic notes by A. A. Cense). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp 687-714. (In Dutch). Contents; Describes and discusses the known Bugin- ese charts. Photographs: Half-tone facsimile of Buginese charts. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 265 — ROY. J. J. E. Quinze ans de sejour a Java, et dans les princi- pals iles de 1’archipel de la Sonde, 2nd edition, Tours, A. Marne, 1863, pp 347. (In French). Contents: Description of Java, Billiton, Sumatra and Celebes by an officer in the Dutch Service. Copy in National Library, Canberra, 70 266— ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. The Island of Sumatra. Issued by the Royal Packet Navigation Co., Amsterdam, 1939. Contents: Description of the people and natural beauty of Sumatra, written for the tourist. Descrip- tion of an automobile trip from Medan to Padang. Photographs: Sumatra jungle; Laut Tawar; Part of the Soeoh valley; Road from Kepahiang to Bencoe- len; Lake Toba; Kaba crater near Bencoelen; Erup- tion of the Krakatau; The Dempo peak; Sibajah volcano; Road near Pagar Alam; Lake Ranau; Carabao Canyon; Soebang Pass; Moesi River, Palem- bang; Sea Coast. Map: K.P.M. tourist routes. Copy in NEFIS Library. 267 — RUBINFELD, James Netherlands Indian bauxite and the Japanese alu- minium industry. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 22, 1935, pp 526-527. Contents: World production of bauxite in 1933 and 1934. The outlook of bauxite exportation from Batam and Bintam in the Riouw archipelago to japan. Copy in NEFIS Library. 268 — RUBINFELD, James The international prospects of bauxite. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi, No. 7, 1938, pp 15-18. Contents: The outlook of the bauxite industry in the island of Poeloe Bintang and the Riouw archi- pelago. Photographs: Loading installation, with bunkers and loading bridges, on Bintang (Port of Soingkal, Kolak); Digging into a bauxite layer by means of a dry dredger; Loading ore to a ship with load- ing bridges; Loading bridge with conveyor belt. Copy in NEFIS Library. 2B9 — SANTESSON. C. G. Pfeilgifte und ethnographische Notizen von dem Mentawei Archipel, Ostindien, (Arrow poisons and ethnographical notes of the Mentawei Archipelago ethnological notes of the Mentawei Archipelago, East Indies). In: Ethnos, Vol. 4, 1939, pp 129-146. (In German). Contents: Race and social organization of the Men- tawei Islanders, weapons, health, food and drink, houses, religion, gography, communications. Arrow poisons. Photographs: Typical Mentawei House (Sioban); The Big House (Oomah); Dug-out canoe. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide. 270 —SAPPER. Karl Seismische und semivulkanische Ereignisse in Siid- Sumatra, 1933. (Seismic and semi-volcanic occur- rences in South Sumatra, 1933). In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1934, pp 260-261. (In German). Contents: Very brief report on volcanic activity in South Sumatra in 1933. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 271 — SCHAUENSEE, Rodolphe Meyer de and RIPLEY, Sidney Dillon Zoological results of the George Vanderbilt Sumatran expedition 1936-1939, Parts 1 and III. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Vol. 91, 1939, pp 311-368, 399-413. Contents'. Report on birds from South Sumatra and Nias. Briefly describes position and size of islands and gives maximum altitudes.: (Part II is purely technical). Photographs: 14 showing types of country and villages. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Pub- lic Library, Melbourne; Australian Museum Library, Sydney: Linnean Society of New South Wales Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide; Geo- logical Survey Library, Perth. 272 — SCHELLE. C. J. van Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 7. Over het voor- komen van looderts aan de rivier Talang. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 7. On the occurrence of lead ore on the Talang River). In; Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandel- ingen, 1876, deel 1, PP 15-33. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report of the area south of the village Soengei-Aboe in the Alahan-Pandjang Dis- trict, west coast of Sumatra. Maps: Geological sketch maps of the area. Copy in the Mitchell Library, Sydney. 273 — SCHELLE, C. J. van Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 9. Over het voor- komen van ijzer- en kopererts bij het dorp Panin- gahan, XX. (Kotta’s Sumatra’s West Coast, Report No. 9. On the occurrence of iron and copper ore near the village of Paningahan, XX Kotta’s). In: ]aarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel I, pp 3-19. (In Dutch). Contents'. Report on a mineral survey of part of Sumatra’s west coast with some topographical details. Maps'. Geognostic map of the ore district of Panin- gahan, scale 1 : 5,000. Inset. A map of a part of the district, scale 1 : 5,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 274 — SCHEPERS, I. H. G. Kort overzicht van de primaire en secundaire tri- angulate van de Oostkust van Sumatra. (Brief summary of the primary and secondary triangula- tion of Sumatra’s east coast). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 137- 152. (In Dutch). Contents'. Historical survey of the triangulation works; the primary triangle net and its orientation; secondary measurings; altitude calculations. Map: The primary and secondary triangulation of Sumatra’s east coast, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 275 — SCHEPERS, J. H. G. Schietloodafwijkingen in Nederlandsch Indie. (De- flections of the plumWine in the Netherlands Indies). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. 22, 1926, pp 113-124. (In Dutch). 71 Contents: Discussion of the primary triangle net and the deflections of the plumbline in Java and Sumatra. Maps: Primary triangle net of Java and Sumatra. Scale 1 ; 6,000,000. Plumbline deflections in Java and Sumatra. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 276 — SCHEPERS, J. H. G. De bepaling van de geografische lengten van de astronomische punten op Sumatra met behulp van draadlooze tijdseinen. (The determination of the geographical longitude of the astronomical points in Sumatra by means of wireless time signals). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvin, 1922, pp 125-146. (In Dutch). Contents: Instruments and methods used in the determination of the geographical longitude of astro- nomical points in Sumatra. Copies in NEFIS Library; Geological Survey Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne: Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 277 — SCHEPERS, J. H. G. Onderzoek naar den invloed der aardbeving van 1926 op eenige primaire punten ter Sumatra’s west- kust. (Research on the influence of the earth- movement in 1926 on some primary points of Suma- tra’s west coast). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xxvi, 1930, pp 89-94. (In Dutch). Contents: Investigation whether differences in the position of primary points according to the old and new measurements are due to earth movements. The author comes to the conclusion that the differences are well within the error limits. Map: The primary triangles in the region affected by the earth movement, 1926, Sumatra’s west coast. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 278 — SCHEPERS. J. H. G. Kritisch onderzoek van het primaire driehoeksnet van Sumatra en vaststelling van het plan voor de vereffening van dit net. (Critical examination of the primary triangle net of Sumatra and determination of the plan for the adjustment of that net). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxvi, 1930, pp 95-110. (In Dutch). Contents: Study of the triangulation of Sumatra and the connections of its triangle net with that of Java. Maps: Primary triangulation net of Sumatra’s west and east coast. The base nets of Sampoen (1910) and Padang (1883 and 1927). Primary triangulation net of Sumatra, scale 1 ; 7,500,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 279 — SCHNITGER, F. M. Forgotten kingdoms in Sumatra. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1939, pp 228. Contents: A popular account of archaeological ex- plorations and of episodes in Sumatran history. Scattered topographical data are given on Palem- bang, the Batang Hari River, the Kampar River, Padang Lamas, Samair Island (Lake Toba) and Nias. Photographs: 41 half-tone plates of antiquities. Maps: Hindoo antiquities in Sumatra: Plan of ruins Soengi Langsat (Batang Hari): Megalithic remains in Sumatra. (All sketch maps only). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 280 — SCHNITGER, F. M. Het grootste Hindoe-beeld van Sumatra. (The great- est Hindu statue of Sumatra). (Soengi Sangsat). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardnjkskundig Genootschap, Vol. liv, 1937, pp 570-575. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the statue from an archaeo- logical point of view. Photographs: 5 half-tone plates of archaeological interest only. Map: Sketch map of country inland from Padang. (No scale). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 281 - SCHREIBER. A. Die Insel Nias. In: Petermanns Geographische Mit- teilungen, 1878, pp 47-50. (In German). Contents: General geographical description. Map: Special map of the island of Nias, mainly after the surveys of J. T. R. Nagel, the map of Rosenberg and details of E. J. Sillem, by A. Peter- mann, scale 1 :360,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales, Library, Sydney, Public Lib- rary, Melbourne. 282 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. De vulkaan Kaba. (The Kaba volcano). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. x, 1914, pp 149-169. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Kaba Mts., and the changes observed between 1893 and 1914. Photographs: Views and sections of the mountains. Maps: Kaba Lama and Kaba Baroe in 1893; The two craters of the Kaba in 1876; The crater Vogelsang in 1876; The crater Vogelsang in 1893; The craters of the Kaba volcano in 1914, scale 1 ; 100,000 (Resi- dency Benkoelan). Copy in NEFIS Library. 283 — SCHURMANN. H. M. E. Kjokkenmoddinger und Palaolithicum in Nord- Sumatra. (Kitchen middens and palaeolithic remains in North Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xLVin, 1931, pp 905-923. (In German). Contents: A report of the author’s excavations at Bindjai-Tamiang, near Medan from 1927-1929. Photographs: 15 half-tone plates of palaeolithic objects. Maps: Sketch map of portion of the northeast coast of Sumatra, showing location of kitchen middens, scale 1 :2,000,000; General map of environs of excavated middens at Bindjai, scale 1 : 150,000, de- tailed sketch showing physical characteristics,, marshes, etc., covering coast and immediate hinter- land between Ijoe and Ajer Masin rivers. 72 Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 284 — SCRIVENOR. !. B. Geologische overzichtskaart van het schiereiland Malakka en omgeving: Blad II van de Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch-Indischen Archipel. (Geological map of British Malaya issued as Folio II of the general geological map of the Netherlands East Indies). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1925, 2de gedeelte, pp 81-96, Atlas Plaat IV. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the map which shows areas adjacent to Malacca Strait in Malaya and Sumatra. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 285 — SEELHORST, Georg Australien und Sumatra. 2nd Edition. Augsburg, 1886, pp 417. (In German). Contents: The book deals mainly with Australia and New Zealand. In an appendix a trip into the interior of Sumatra is described, pp 368-417. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 286 — SIMON. Gottfried The progress and arrest of Islam in Sumatra. Lon- don-New York, Marshall Bros., 1912, pp 328. (Trans- lated from the German by Miss E. I. M. Boyd). Contents: A Christian missionary presents in this book the factors that have led so many pagans to accept Islam; the moral and religious conditions of pagans who have become-Mohammedan; and deals with the conversion of the Mohammedans to Christianity. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 287 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY EAST INDIAN MAGAZINE Bencoolen. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Maga- zine, March 1921, pp 179-188. Contents: Description of Bencoolen, on the west coast of Sumatra. Photographs: Street scenes; Sunrise from the top of Mt. Kaba; In the crater of Mt. Kaba. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 288 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY EAST INDIAN MAGAZINE Some hard facts about the east coast of Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, April 1921, pp 287-293. Contents: The value of the article lies in the accompanying photographs, which are of typical scenes on the east coast. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 289 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY EAST INDIAN MAGAZINE Roadbuilding in the island of Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, January 1923, pp 44-47. Contents: General account of road building in Sumatra. Photographs: Bridge across the Soengei Leman in Bencoolen; The Korintji Road, Sumatra. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 290 —SMITH, Irving G. Medan. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, No. 6, 1930, pp 285-287. Contents: Brief text accompanying the photographs. Photographs: Chinese gate at Medan; General Post Office, Medan; Esplanade at Medan; Commercial house at Medan. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 291 —SMITH. Irving G. Achin. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 10, 1931, pp 449-452. Contents: Reminiscences of the early contact of the Achinese people of northwest Sumatra with the whites. Photographs: Achin monument at Koeta-Radja; Achinese man; building the road to Gle Groeten; The way to Gle Groeten completed. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 292 —SNOUCK HURGRONJE. C. De Atjehers; uitgegeven op last der Regeering. ( The Achehnese; published by order of the Government). 2 vols., 4to. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1893-1894, pp xx, 512, xv, 438. (In Dutch). Contents: Distribution of the people, forms of govern- ment and administration of justice; Achinese calen- dars, festivals and seasons, agriculture, navigation and fishery, laws relating to land and water; domestic life and law; learning and sciences; literature; games and pastimes, religion. Maps: Map of Great Acheh, shows boundaries, steam tramways, roads, footpaths, settled places, ricefields, marshes, lakes, heights, etc., scale 1 : 200,000. Map of Acheh and dependencies, showing boundaries, lakes, marshes, etc., scale 1 : 1,500,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 293 —SNOUCK HURGRONJE. C. Het Gajoland en zijne bewoners; met een over- zichtskaart van de Gajo- en Alaslanden. (Gajoland and its inhabitants; with a survey map of Gajo and Alas lands). 4to. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1903, pp xx, 452. (In Dutch). Contents: Geography, topography, vegetation, agri- culture, the people (races, social organization), chief- tains, law, manners and customs, family life, villages, marriage, hereditary rights, religion, agriculture, cattle breeding, trade and other means of subsistence. Complete and detailed descriptions of country and people, village by village. Photographs: View of Laut Tawar, from the west side; discharge of the Pensangan River from Laut Tawar, near Takengon; house under construction at Kebajakan; Meresah to Kebajakan; Mesegit at Kebajakan; view of Bintang; view of Isaq. Map: Survey map of Gajo and Alas lands, scale 1 :200,000; shows boundaries, footpaths, settled places,’ mosques, hot springs, lakes, marshes, moun- tains, with heights, craters, etc. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 294 —SNOUCK HURGRONJE, C. The Achehnese; translated by the late A. W. S. O’Sullivan, with an index by R. J. Wilkinson, 2 vols. 4to. Leyden, late E. J. Brill, 1906, pp xxvi, 439, vi, 384. 73 Contents: Distribution of the people, forms of govern- ment and administration of justice; Achehnese calen- dars, and administration of justice; Achehnese calen- dars, festivals and seasons, agriculture, navigation and fishery, laws relating to land and water; domestic life and law; learning and science; litera- ture; games and pastumes; religion. This book is a translation of No. 292. __ Photographs: Kampong folk in the market of Ku- taradja; The Mosque of Indrapuri; Sultan’s tombs at Kuta Radja. Maps: Acheh and its dependencies, scale 1 : 900,000. Shows boundaries, steam tramways, military high roads, light military roads, footpaths; residences of governors and officials, other places, military posts, mountain heights, anchorages, low-water marks, aqueducts, 3-fathom lines, lakes, marshes, lagoons, swamps, lighthouses, rocks, reefs, sandbanks. Great Acheh and the neighbouring littoral states, scale 1 ; 300,000. Shows steam tramways, carriage roads, light military roads, footpaths, boundaries, military posts, villages, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne. 295 — BRANDING. G. The Cameron highlands. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 5, 1933, p 251. Contents: Four photographs without text. Photographs: General view of the site cleared for erection of houses (Government experimental planta- tion in the background); party of Sakais; Sakai hut—chief of tribe with family; Sakai man and boy. Copy in NEE IS Library. 296- SPORRIJ, I. I. Het N. W. Gajoland (Het meergebied). (Northwest Gajoland—The lake region). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 2lb- 232. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Gajoland, the interior mountain region of Atjeh, and its inhabitants. Photographs: Panorajna of the Ketol valley (Koeto Glimo); view of the Bay of Toweran; Laut Tawar, with the Takengon in background; Misdjid at Keba- jakan; Gajo house; rice stamping ground and rice shed; Gajo pottery; Gajo women in festive dress; panorama of Takangon. Map: Northeast Atjeh, scale 1 : 6,000,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 297 —STEENIS, C. G. G. J. van Exploraties in de Gajolanden; algemeene resultaten der Losir-expeditie, 1937. (Exploration in Gajo land; general results of the Losir expedition, 1937). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lv, 1938, pp 728-801. (In Dutch). Contents: The purpose of the expedition was pri- marily botanical, but a detailed account is also given of the topography of the area. Sectional head- ings: 1. Object of the botanical exploration; 2. Pre- liminaries; 3. Sketch of topography of Gajoland: 4. Ascent of Mt. Losir; 5. Journey to Goh Lemboeh; 6. Ascent of Boer ni Geumpang or Mt. Kemiri; 7. Journey to the Kapi lands, Paja Kapi, Laset Tiga Sagi and Pasir Leser; 8. Summary of general re- sults; 9. Planto-geographic implications of the col- lections from the Gajo mountain bush between 1400 and 2000 metres; 10 Summary of preliminary analysis of the Gajo mountain flora above 2000 metres. Photographs: Many photographs of the country showing vegetation. Maps: Sketch map of northern Sumatra showing route of expedition, scale 1 : 2,666,666; Sketch map of Gajo land, scale 1 ; 400,000, indicating approximate contours! Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 298 — STEENVELT. G. A. P. van Aanteekeningen betreffende het eiland Samosir, Afdee- ling Bataklanden, Residentie Tapanoeli. (Remarks on the island of Samosir, Division Batakland, residency of Tapanoeli). In: Jaarverslag van den Topogra- fischen Dienst, Vol. vi, 1910, pp 298-307. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the island Samosir, in Toba Lake, and of its inhabitants. Photograph: View of Toba Lake with Samosir from Silalahi. Map: Samosir, scale 1 : 200,000, with triangle points and horse-path. Copy in NET IS Library. 2995— STERN. C. E. Die semivolkanischen Explosionen des Pematang Bata in der Soeoh-Senke (Slid Sumatra) im Jahre 1933. (The semi-volcanic eruptions of Pematang Bata in the Soeoh basin, South Sumatra, in 1933). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie Vol. xciv, 1934, pp 46-69. (In German). Contents: Describes volcanic phenomena following the earthquake of 25th June, with some topographi- cal description. Photographs: 5 half-tone plates illustrating eruptions. at Pematang Bata. Maps: Outline locality map, Soeoh basin before and after the eruptions, scale 1 : 200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 300 —STEIGER, H. G. von Resultaten van geologisch-mijnbouwkundige verkenn- ingen in een gedeelte van Midden-Sumatra. (Results, of geological and mining investigations in a part of Central Sumatra). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- weien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1920, Iste gedeelte, pp 87-200. (In Dutch). Contents: The area dealt with is the region drained by the rivers S. Kampar, S. Siak and S. Rokem. Topograpical review (including sections on boun- daries, map material, ways of approach by water and land). Geomorphology (including a review of the mountain terrain and river system). Stratigraphy. Maps: Geological sketch map of Central Sumatra, by H. G. von Steiger, in 5 sheets, scale 1 : 200,000. Shows locations of drinking water, warm springs, and petroleum springs as well as geological forma- tions. Sheet 5 consists of profiles, scale 1 : 200,000. In Atlas volume for 1920. 74 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Ho- bart; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 301 —STOOP. A. Het transport der Oembilin steenkolen naar Suma- tra’s Westkust. (Transport of coal from Ombilin to Sumatra’s west coast). In; jaarhoek van het Mijn- in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1884, pp 151-218. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of the transport facilities for coal from Padang to the Oembilien River. Map: Middle Sumatra, scale 1 : 100,000; shows trans- port facilities for coal from Padang to the Oembilien River. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 302 — STRAELEN. V. van Resultats scientifiques du .voyage aux Indes Orien- tals Neerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique, Vol. !. Introduction. (Scientific results of the journey to the Netherlands East Indies by T.R.H. Prince and Princess Leopold of Belgium. Vol. i. Introduction). Bruxelles, Memoires du Musee Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Hors serie, 1933, pp 222. (In French). Contents: Morphology; Barissan Mts; coastal plains; nature of east coast soils; volcanoes; deposits of volcanic ash; seismic notes; lacustrine basins; high plateaux; forests and plantations; flooded forests; Rafflesia arnoldi, the big parasitic plant; conifers: ficus, fauna; Bataks, Minangkabaus, Gajos; Atjeh; Palembang. Photographs: Numerous photographs and plates of Sumatra. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 303 —SWINGLE. Walter H. Clymania and burkillanthus new genera, also three new species of Pleisospermium (rutaceae-auranthioi- deai). In: journal of the Arnold Arboretum, Vol. 20, 1939, pp 250-263. Contents: Clymania bears a sweet fruit the size of a large lime and is already cultivated by the natives. This makes it of unusual interest for trial as a new citrus fruit tree. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Botanical Gar- dens Library, Brisbane; National Herbarium, Lib- rary, Melbourne; Department of Agriculture Library, Sydney: Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search Library, Melbourne. 304 —SZEKELY. Ladislao Tropic fever. The adventures of a planter in Sumatra. London, H. Hamilton Ltd. Contents: Description of life on a tea and rubber plantation in Sumatra, in the form of a novel. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Launceston. 305 — TAVERNE, N, J. M. Bijdrage tot de geologic van de Gajo-Lesten en aan- grenzende gebieden. (Contributions to the geology of the Gajo-Lesten and adjoining districts). In; Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, V erhandelingen, 1921, Iste gedeelte, pp 162-186. (In Dutch). Contents; Description of the author’s journey in the mountainous area in the Atjeh Division of North Sumatra, in the vicinity of Mt. Bandahara, Wilhel- mina Mts. is included in this geological survey. Photographs: Andesite mountain east of Meloewak bivouac; Dolomite with quartz veins and pressure splits in the Goerah; dead solfatara field east of Meloewak bivouac; lime inter-deposits west of Dj. Batoe (view of a mountain stream). Maps; Contributions to the geology of the Gajo- Lesten and adjoining regions, by N. J. M. Taverne, scale 1 : 150,000. Shows footpaths. Profiles inset through Mt. Bandahara and Mt. Misigit. In Atlas volume for 1921. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart (minus map). 306 — TIDEMAN, J. Land en volk van Bengkalis. (Land and people of Bengkalis). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nether- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lii, 1935, pp 788-816. (In Dutch). Contents: An economic and ethnological survey of the division of Bengkalis, on the Straits of Malacca. The land and its sources of wealth, the soil, the rivers, history, primitive tribes, the Malay popula- tion, the Chinese, villages, land tenure, administra- tion, population statistics. Map: Division of Bengkalis, scale 1 : 1,300,000, show- ing administrative boundaries, roads (actual and pro- jected), and ethnological distribution (outline map only). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 307 —TIDEMAN, I. Djambi. Koninklijke Vereeniging “Koloniaal Insti- tuut,” Mededeeling No. xlii, Serie Samenvattende Overzichten van Gewestelijke gegevens, No. 1. Amster- dam, 1938, pp 397. (In Dutch). Contents: Report based on original memoirs, mainly of recent years (1930-1936), though also earlier ones (back to 1903). Section 1. Geographical description (site, river system, surface features and geology, climate, flora and fauna); Section 2, Historical survey; Section 3. Population, statistics, native tribes, housing, character of the native, weapons; Section 4. Cul- tural conditions; languages, customs, religions, schooling; Section 5. Social conditions, including law and agricultural matters. Section 6. Economic conditions; primary and secondary production, rights and protection of bush, country trade, transport by land, river, air, sea (inch ports), post and tele- graph. Section 7. National defence. Section 8. Politi- cal conditions. Section 9. Financial conditions. Maps-. Map of the residency of Djambi, with place names and boundaries; Map of the residency of Djambi showing rivers and mountains; Geological map of Djambi (scale for these three 1 : 1,700,000); Map of the roads and Adat associations of Djambi, scale 1 : 750,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 308 — TIIDSCHRIFT VOOR NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Editorial—The Karimon Islands. In: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xvn, 1855, pp 147-159. Contents: A detailed description of the two islands at the southern entrance to the Straits of Malacca. Copy in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 309 —TILLEMA. H. F. Kromoblanda. Over ’t vraagstuk van het wonen in Kromo’s groote land. (Coloured and white; on the problem of living in the coloured’s great land). Vbl. v/n, pp 417-960 ’s Gravenhage, 1912. (In Dutch). Contents: This is volume 5 of Tillema’s work Kromo- blanda. It is a detailed study of the housing con- ditions in Sumatra and Java. Photographs: Many photographs of dwellings and surroundings. Maps: Map of the Toba Lake; Map of the Batak country; Plan of a Lampong kampong in Kalianda, scale 1 : 2,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 310 —TOBLER. A. Voorloopige mededeeling over de geologic der Resi- dentie Djambi. (Preliminary report on the geology of the residency of Djambi). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1910, pp 1-29. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief summarised report on the geology of the Djambi district. Full report published in Verhandelingen, 1919, Deel 3. (See next entry). Map: Geotectonic sketch map of Djambi and adjoin- ing districts. Scale 1 : 1,000,000. Plaat I. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 311 —TOBLER. A. Korte beschrijving der petroleum terreinen gelegen in het zuid-oostelijk deel der Residentie Djambi, Sumatra. (Short description of the petroleum ter- rains situated in the southeastern part of the resi- dency of Djambi, Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1911, pp 12-39. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief description of Djambi petroleum areas with few topographical details. Maps: 19 general geological maps. In Atlas volume for 1911. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 312 —TOBLER, A. Geologic van het Geomaigebergtc, Residence Palem- bang, Zuid-Sumatra. (Geology of the Geomai Mts., residency of Palembang, South Sumatra). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwefen in Nederlandscb-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1912, pp 6-86. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a section on orography and hydro- graphy and an appendix on the petrographical des- cription of the volcanic stones by E. Gutzwiller. Maps: Geological sketch map of the Geomai Moun- tains, scale 1 ; 100,000. Profile to accompany above map. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 313 —TOBLER, A. Djambi-Verslag; uitkomsten van het geologisch- mijnbouwkundige onderzoek in de Residentie Djambi 1906-1912. (Djambi report; results of the geological- mineralogical investigation in Djambi residency,. 1906-1912). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1919, deel 3 (with) Portefeuille met bijlagen (supplement), 1922. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of survey, geology, tectonics, mineralogy. Photographs: Many topographical views of Djambi. Maps: Several sketch and geological maps of the area. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library,, Hobart. 314 —TOURIST BUREAU WELTEVREDEN Short guide to Sumatra: with a more complete des- cription of the Padang Highlands. Weltevreden, pp 176. Contents: Description of Sumatra (volcanoes, rivers,, climate, fauna, flora, population, neighbouring islands). The towns of Sumatra. The Padang High- lands. Time tables and itineraries. Photographs: Numerous photographs. Maps: Road map, route Medan-Padang, scale- 1 :2,000,000. Shows resthouse and hotels: Topo- graphic map of Padang Highlands; Map of Suma- tra in two parts; scale 1 ; 1,500,000. Shows posts of officials and smaller towns, motor and secondary roads, horse and footpaths, motor service, rail and tramways, hotels, resthouses, heights and distances. Copies in NEF1S Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 315 —TOURIST BUREAU BATAVIA Sumatra day by day, pp 26. Contents: Tourist pamphlet for Sumatra giving in- formation on various places of interest in Sumatra and Nias. Photographs: Old Menangkabau chief; Rising mists of the Lake of Marindjau; Native house at Matour (Padang Highlands); Lake Singkarak; Anei canyon; Waterfall in Harau Canyon. Copy in AGS Library. 76 316 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Sumatra. Contents: Tourist pamphlet. Photographs: Batak village; View on Lake Toba from Hoeta Gindjang; Lake Toba with Prapat Peninsula; Mount Sinaboeng; Road from Emmahaven to lighthouse; Carabao canyon Fort de Kock with Mt. Merapi; Shore between Padang and Boengoes Bay. Copy in NEFIS Library. 317 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Sumatra, pp 92. Contents: General survey, history, transportation, economics, description of a journey from Kotta Rajah in the north to Telok Belong (Oosthaven) in the Southeast. Text and illustrations stress the tourists’ point of view. Photographs: Many photographs of Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 318 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Visit Java, Bali, Sumatra, 2 editions. Contents-. Tourist pamphlet, folder. Photographs: In 1st edition: Panorama of Lake Toba from Hoeta Gindjang; Carabao canyon. 2nd edition; Lake Toba; Anei canyon between Padang and Fort de Kock. Copy in NEFIS Library. 319 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU People of the Netherlands Indies. In: Tourism in The Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi. No. 5, 1936. (Special issue). Contents: Brief survey of the peoples of the Nether- lands East Indies after the census of 1930. Photographs: Native types. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 320 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Railway Number. In: Tourism in The Netherlands Indies. Vol. xi. No. 6, 1936, pp 26. (Special issue). Contents: The service of the railways of Java and Sumatra, a programme for sight-seeing by rail. Photographs: Plateau of Brastagi; Anei gorge show- ing rack railway and bridge; Peninsula of Prapat with Lake Toba in background. Copies in NEFIS Library; AGS Library. 321 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Airways Number. In: Tourism of The Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn. No. 1, 1937, pp 30. Contents: Travel booklet with pictures showing various scenes in Sumatra and Java. Photographs: Aerial views of Sabang, Medan, Pra- pat, Pladjoe (near Palembang, one of the great oil centres, shows oil storage tanks). Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collec- tion) ; AGS Library. 322 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Hotel Number. In: Tourism of The Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn. No. 4, 1937. Contents: Description of some hotels and their site, for the tourist. Photographs: Hotels in Medan, Brastagi, Fort de Kock, Lahat. Yacht harbour at Prapat Hotel, Lake Foba; Peninsula of Prapat in Lake Toba; View from the terrace of Park Hotel at Fort de Kock. Copy in NEFIS Library. 323 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Lakes Number. In: Tourism in The Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn. No. 5, 1937. Contents; Description of the most beautiful lakes of the Netherlands East Indies for the tourist. Photographs: Lake Toba near Prapat (4 views); Lake Tawar near Takengon in Acheen; Outlet of Lake Tawar into the Peusangan River; Lake Toba from a spot near the Dairie road; Lake Toba near Baligo; Fruit market at Karanggaul on Lake Toba; Siehan on Lake Toba; Twilight on Lake Singkarak, Padang Highlands; Lake Kawa near Kabandjahe on the Brastagi Plateau in Deli; Denau di Baroeh near Alahan Pandjang, Padang Highlands; Two views of Lake Korintji, southwest coast of Sumatra; Lake Ranau with Mount Rajah, South Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 324 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Glimpses of native life. In: Tourism in The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. xm. No. 1, 1938. Contents: Photographs of people from Sumatra, java and Bali at work. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 325 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Medan, the capital of Deli. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 10, 1933, pp 1-4. Contents: Description of Medan for the tourist. Photographs: Town hall; Karobatak rice store near Brastagi; Batak girl; Peak of the Sibayak (7300ft); Swimming pool at Grand Hotel, Brastagi; Native roadside rest house at Brastagi. Copy in NEFIS Library. 326 — TREUBIA Set of 28 Charts. In: Treubia, Vol. iv, Liv. 1-4, 1917. Contents: Charts of Java Sea, South China Sea and Malacca Strait. Also bathymetrical chart of Java Sea. Copy in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 327 — TUIJN, J. van Geclogische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 : 200,000; toelichting bij blad 4 (Soekadana). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 ; 200,000; explanation of sheet 4, Soekadana). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1931, Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw. pp 15. (In Dutch). Contents-. Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart, 77 328 — TUIJN, J. van Over een recente daling van den zeespiegel in Neder- landsch-Oost-Indie. (On a recent fall of the sea level in the Netherlands Indies). In; Tijdschrijt Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 89-99. (In Dutch). Contents: Evidence for a recent sinking of the ocean level from Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Bibliography. Map: Outline map of Sumatra, Java and Borneo, scale 1 : 10,000,000. Showing portions where there is evidence of recent raising. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 329 —TUIJN. I. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; toelichting bij blad 8 (Menggala). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 8, Menggala). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij. 1934. Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 24. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Photograph: Footpath halfway between Talangbatoe and Oembilin Toel. Salak; Landscape about 2 km. to the southwest of Boedjoek. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 330 —TUIJN. J. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; toelichting bij blad 13 (Wiralaga). (Geological map Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 13, Wiralaga). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1934, Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 28. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Photographs: Landscape to the south of the Mesoedji near Oembilin Basoeng; View from Tg Kelapa on the border of the “Lebak” district along the S. Menang towards the south; Along the S. Menang; Boeginpoepoeran to the south of Wiralaga. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 331 —TUIJN. J. van Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000. Toelichting bij blad 9 (Gedongratoe). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 9, Gedongratoe). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdruk- kerij, 1937. Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Photographs: Types of landscape. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 332 — TWENTIETH CENTURY IMPRESSIONS Of Netherlands India; its history, people, com- merce, industries, and resources; editor-in-chief— Arnold Wright. Assistant editor—Oliver T. Break- spear. 4to. London, Lloyd’s Greater Britain Pub- lishing Co. Ltd., 1900, pp 606. Contents-. History, by Arnold Wright; Constitution, government, administration and law, by J. de Groot; Finance, by J. Paulus; Archaeology, by S. M. Pleyte, T. van Erp, Ph. S. van Ronkel; Imports, exports and shipping; Means of communication: railways and tramways, Netherlands India railways, Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij, posts, telegraphs and telephones, roads and bridges; Population: origin, languages, manners and customs, by C. M. Pleyte and C. Thieme; Ecclesiastical: Dutch Protestant Church and missions; Roman Catholic mission; The Salvation Army; Education, by N. J. Verweij; Flealth and hospitals; The press, by E. F. E. Douwes-Dekker; Native arts and handicrafts, by J. E. Jasper; Naval and military forces; Police; Mines and mining ad- ministration, by J. K. van Gelder; Climate, by C. Braak; Forests and flora of Java, by Th. Valeton; Irrigation in Java; Agriculture, by W. J. Gallois; The rubber industry; Sugar industry in Java, by J. J. Flazewinkel; Tobacco; Coffee, by R. A. Eek- hout; Tea, by R. A. Kerkhoven; Cinchona, by P. von Leersum; Bambo hats; The island of Java; Batavia; Towns of western and central Java; Semarang; Sourabaya; Sumatra; Dutch Borneo; Information for tourists. Photographs: Many views of Sumatra. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 333 — UKERS, William H. Java and Sumatra. 8vo. New York, the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Co., 1926 (Little Journey Series), pp 63. Contents: A visit to Sumatra’s east coast (general description, visits to tea, coffee, rubber and oil- palm estates). The Sumatra tea industry. A visit to Java (general description, the tea industry). Photographs: Many illustrations of Sumatra. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 334—UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing directions for Sunda Strait and NW coast of Borneo and off-lying dangers. 3rd edition, 1934. pp 542. H.O. No. 126. Contents: Includes the Sunda Strait, the straits be- tween Sumatra and Borneo and the west and north- east coasts of Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library. 335 — UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing directions for Malacca Strait and Sumatra. 1932. Washington, pp 612. Supplements 1942. Contents: Includes the whole island of Sumatra and adjacent islands, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Latest edition, with (in the supplement) the corrections and additions from date of publica- tion (October 1932) to January 1, 1942, and those issued between January 1, 1942, and August 5, 1942. Copy in NEFIS Library. 336 —V Wenken voor patrouilles op Sumatra’s Westkust (Minangkabau). (Hints for patrols on Sumatra’s West Coast, Minangkabau). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Off icier svereeniging, Vol. 21, No. 7, 1936, pp 244-248. (In Dutch). 78 Contents: The “adat” systems of the autocratic Koto- Pilian and the democratic Bodi-Tjaniago groups, and how to deal with the natives. Copy in NEF1S Library. 337 — VALKENBURG. S. van Geomorphologische beschouwingen over de Pa- dangsche bovenlanden. (Geomorphological observa- tions on the Padang Highlands). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvir, 1921, PP 76- 103. (In Dutch). Contents: The geology of the Padang highlands; description of the geomorphological units; coastal plain. Western Boekit Barisan Mts.; the granite mass of Poelasan-Plepat; the Kamang Mts. and the eastern border Mts.; the Ombielin basin; the longi- tudinal valley, the tuff plains north of the Marapi and Sago. Photographs: Geological photographs showing erosion, etc. Maps: Several maps of the area. Copies in NEF1S Library; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 338 — VERBEEK, O. Eerste verslag over een onderzoek naar kolen op het eiland Nias. (First account of a search for coal on the island of Nias): In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1874, deel i, pp 157-163. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief account of the first search for coal in the island of Nias. Maps: Coal-bearing terrain on the Glora River, scale 1 : 10,000; Map of Goenoeng Silolie and environs, scale 1 : 50,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 339 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. Topographische en geologische beschrijving van een gedeelte van Sumatra’s Westkust. (Topographical and geological description of a part of Sumatra’s west coast). 8vo, with booklet of plans, etc., and portfolio of maps. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1883, pp xx, 674. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the area drained by the Oembielin or Loeantan River, the area drained by the Batang Ilari. Political divisions; most important towns and mountains of the various divisions with their heights. The area drained by the Sinamar and the area drained by the Kampar. Political divi- sions. Most important towns and mountains of the various divisions of the district of Paja Koemboeh with heights. Maps: Geological and topographical maps. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne. 340 — VERBEEK, R. D. M. Sumatra’s Westkust, Verslag No. 3; Het Oembilin- kolenveld in de Padangsche bovenlanden. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 3. The Oembilin coalfield in the Padang Highlands. In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1875, deel II, PP 3-96. (In butch). Contents'. Report on the Oembilin coalfield in the Padang Highlands, with some topographical details. Maps: Several maps of the area. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne (maps only). 341 — VERBEEK. R. D. M, Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 5. Geologische beschrijving van het eiland Nias. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 5. Geological description of the island of Nias). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, V erhandelingen, 1876, deel I, pp 3-13. (In Dutch). Contents-. Geological description of Nias with some topographical details. Maps: Geological map of the northern part of the island of Nias, scale 1 ; 100,000; Inset: outline of whole island, scale 1 : 500,000, and profile. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 342 —VERBEEK, R, D, M. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 6. Geologische beschrijving van het Siboemboen-Gebergte. (Suma- tra’s west coast. Report No. 6. Geological descrip- tion of the Siboemboen Mountains). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1876, deel II, pp 51-79. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the Siboemboen mountains, with topographical notes. Maps: Geognostic map of the Siboemboen Mts., scale 1 : 10,000. Sketch map of geological forma- tions in the Silaka, Loera Palam and Timboelan Rivers. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 343 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 10. Geologische be- schrijving van de landstreek tusschen Siboga on Sipirok, Residence Tapanoli. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 10. Geological description of the region between Siboga and Sipirok, residency of Tapanoli). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel I, pp 21-37. (In Dutch). Contents: Detailed geological description with topo- graphical notes of the region between Siboga and Sipirok, Tapanoli. Photographs: Siboga and the bay of Tapanoli: litho- graph. (Taken from Pontjang Ketjil). Map: Preliminary geognostic map of the district between Sibogan Padang Sidempoean and Sipirok, scale 1 : 250,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 344 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 11, IJzererts bij den Goenoeng Bessi, in de nabijheid van Fort van der Capellen, Afdeeling Tanar-Datar. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 11, Iron ore near the Goenoeng Bessi in the neighbourhood of Fort van der Capellen, Division of Tanar Datar). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel I, pp 39-44. (In Dutch). Contents'. Report oft iron ore deposits near the Goenoeng Bessi, in the Padang Highlands. 79 Map: Geotectonic map of the Goenoeng-Bessi, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 345 —VERBEEK. R. D, M. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 12. Kolen bij Indrapoera. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 12. Coal near Indrapoera). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- we%en in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel 1, pp 45-50. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the coal deposits near Indra- poera and Tapau. Map: Geognostic map of Indrapoera, and Tapau, scale 1 : 250,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 346 — VERBEEK. R. D. M. Sumatra’s Westkust. Verslag No. 13. De vulkaan Atar. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 13. The volcano Atar). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen 1877, deel I, pp 51-67: 1879, deel II, pp 173-182. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report on the volcano Atar. Map: Atar volcano, scale 1 : 10,000. (In Verhandclin- gen, 1877, deel 1). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 347 —VERBEEK. R. D. M. Sumatra’s Westkust, Verslag No. 15. De vulkaan Koelit-Manis. (Sumatra’s west coast. Report No. 15. The volcano Koelit-Manis). In; Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1879, deel II, pp 179-182. (In Dutch). Contents: Short geological report on the volcano koelit Manis with some topographical details. Map: Geological map of the volcano Koelit-Manis, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 348 —VERBEEK. R. D. M. Voorloopig verslag over een geologischen verken- ningstocht door Bengkoelen en Palembang, 1876. (Pre- liminary report of a geological journey of investi- gation through Bengkoelen and Palembang, 1876). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1877, deel II, pp 111-135. (In Dutch). Contents: Summarised report of a geological survey through Bengkoelen and Palembang, in 1876, with topographical details. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 349 —VERBEEK. R. D. M. Voorloopig verslag over een geologischen verken- ningstocht door de Lampongsche Districten en een gedeelte van Palembang, 1877. (Preliminary report on a geological journey of investigation through the Lampong districts, and in part of Palembang, 1877). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1878, deel 1, pp 185-200. (In Dutch). Contents: Summarised report on the geology of the Lampong districts and of part of Palembang. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 350 — VERBEEK, R. D. M. Topographische en geolcgische beschrijving van Zuid- Sumatra bevattende de Residentien van Bengkoelen, Palembang en Lampongsche Districten. (Topographi- cal and geological description of South Sumatra, including the residencies of Bengkoelen, Palembang and the Lampong Districts). In: Jaarhoek van hat Mtjnwefen in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1881, deel I, pp 3-215. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the topography and geology of South Sumatra, including the Zutphens Islands, Rakata Island and the volcanoes Kaba, Tjoendoeng and Vogelsang. Maps: Geological maps, plans and eyesketches. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 351 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. Aanvullingen en verbeteringen. . . . bij de topo- graphische en geologische beschrijving van Zuid-Suma- tra. ... in het Jaarboek. . . . 1881, deel I. (Additions and corrections to the topographical and geological description of South Sumatra. . . in the Yearbook 1881, Part 1). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1887, pp 129-154. (In Dutch). Contents: Additional notes and corrections to the article annotated immediately above. Maps: The Ranau in the residency of Palembang, scale 1 : 50,000 (followed by a plate of sections). Corrected parts of the map of South Sumatra, scale 1 : 500,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 352 —VERBEEK. R. D. M. Geologische beschrijving van Bangka en Billiton. (Geological description of Bangka and Billiton). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1897. (In Dutch). Contents: General geographical and topographical description. Maps: Geological sketch map of Bangka and Billi- ton, scale 1 : 1,000,000; geological map, scale 1 : 300,000; Geological map of Billiton, in 4 sheets, scale 1 : 100,000; General map of Bangka; in 2 sheets of geological profiles; Geological map of the islands in the Caspar Straits, scale 1 ; 200,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 353 — VILLA, E. M. de A new route to the Padang Highlands. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. x, No. 10, 1929, p 419. Contents: Description of the road from Fort de Kock to Pakan Baroe, giving distances and ferries. Photographs: The road between Moeara Nahat and Rantau Berangin, showing the Kampar Kiri River and the road tunnel. Ferry across the Kampar Kiri River at Rantau Berangin. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne: National Library, Canberra. 354 — VISSER, S. W. and AKKERSDTJK. M. E. De aardbevingen in de Padangsche bovenlanden. (The earthquakes in the Padang highlands). In: Natuur- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxvii, 1927, pp 36-79. (In Dutch, summary in English). 80 Contents: Describes a series of severe earthquakes in the Padang Highlands on 28th June, 1926. The area affected was that between Alahan Pandjang, Fort de Kock, Padang and Pajakoemboeh. Photographs: 22 half-page, half-tone plates, mainly of damaged buildings, especially at Padang Pand- jang. Includes subsidence of lake shore at Malolo, and at Tandjong Temok and Gadoeng Batoe; bridge near Soemanih; landslides opposite kampong Tengah and in the Karbouwengat. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 355 —VOLZ, Wilhelm Nord-Sumatra: Bericht iiber eine im- Auftrage der Humboldt-Stiftung der Koniglich-Preussischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren, 1904-1906, ausgefiihrte Forschungsreise. Bd. I. Die Bataklander. Bd. 11. Die Gajolander. (North Suma- tra; account of a journey of investigation carried out under the auspices of the Humboldt Foundation of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences of Berlin in the years 1904-1906. Vol. i: the Batak lands; Vol. 2; the Gajo lands). 8vo. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1909-1912, pp xxi, 396, xxi, 428. (In German). Contents: Geography, topography, geology, vegeta- tion, villages, communications, density and distribu- tion of population, development of the people, weapons and knives, cannibalism, art of the Batak people, future development of the people, Batak music, political conditions in Atjeh and Gajoland, future development of the Gajo people; the fauna of Sumatra; detailed topographical descriptions. Photographs: Profusely illustrated. Maps: The Karo and Pakpak-Batak lands in North Sumatra, scale 1 : 200,000, shows travel routes, 1898 and 1905, villages, markets, waterfalls, heights, etc.; Geological outline sketch of the Karo and Pakpak- Batak lands in Central Sumatra, scale 1 :400,000; Outline sketch of the distribution of primeval forest and cultivation land in the Karo and Pakpak lands, scale 1 : 600,000; Map of the Gajo and Alas lands, scale 1 :400,000, shows settlements, rest places, tri- angulation points, roads, boundaries, heights, etc.; Geological map of Gajo and Alas lands, scale 1 : 400,000. Shows settlements, triangulation points, roads, boundaries, heights, etc. Outline sketch of the Toba lands, scale 1 : 1,250,000; Geological outline sketch of Great Atjeh, scale 1 : 575,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 356 —VOLZ. Wilhelm Die Battak-Lander in Zentral Sumatra. (The Batak lands in Central Sumatra). In: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft jur Erdkunde, Berlin, 1907, No. 10, pp 662-693. (In German). Contents: Geography, geology, the people (manners and customs, villages, religion). Photographs: Numerous photographs of landscape. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide. 357 — VUUREN. L. van Eerste maatregelen in pas geannexeerd gebied; met beschrijving der Pak Pak landen (Dairilanden) en schetskaart 1 ; 250,000. (First measures in newly annexed territory: with description of Pak Pak lands (Dairi lands) and sketch map, scale 1 ;250,000). 8vo. Semarang, G. C. T. van Dorp & Co., 1910, pp iii, 84. (In Dutch). Contents-. Necessity for annexation, choice of form of government, geographical description, administra- tion of justice, communications, economic conditions, genealogy of the Pak Pak-landers. Map: Sketch map of the Pak Pak-lands, scale 1 : 250,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 358 —VUUREN, L. van Met Toba-meer. (Lake Toba, Sumatra). In: Tijd- schrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xl, 1923, pp 279-285. (In Dutch). Contents: Short history of discovery, and descrip- tion from the point of view of water-power. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 359 —WALCOTT, Arthur S. Java and her neighbours: a traveller’s notes in Java, Celebes, the Moluccas and Sumatra. New York, Putnam, 1914, pp 339. Contents-. Notes of a three months’ trip. Chapters: 1. Plistorical sketch; 2. Weltevreden; 3. Old Batavia; 4. Buitenzorg, and the botanical gardens; 5. By the north coast to Sourabaya, Solo; 6. Cruise to Celebes; 7. Minahassa district, North Celebes; 8. Ternate; 9. The Moluccas; 10. Tosari and the Tengger vol- canoes; 11. Ruined temples of Central Java; 12. Djok- jakarta; 13. Garoet and the Preanggers; 14. The West Preanggers; 15. Sumatra: descriptive and historical; 16. Up the west coast of Sumatra to Padang; 17. The Padang Highlands; 18. Ports of North Sumatra. Photographs-. 74 half-tone plates. These are of little or no topographical interest. Map: Sketch map of Malay Archipelago. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Department of Defence Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide. 360 — WEEL, K. M. van Meteorological and hydrographical observations made in the western part of the Netherlands East Indies archipelago. In: Trcubia, Vol. 4, 1923, pp 1-559. Contents: An important detailed work with many charts and diagrams. On pp 37-38 is a list of per- tinent literature on these subjects. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 361—WELLAN, J. W. J, Zuid-Sumatra: economisch overzicht van de gewesten Djambi, Pa'embang, de Lampoengsche districten en Benkoelen. (South Sumatra: economic survey of the provinces of Djambi, Palembang, the Lampoeng districts and Benkoelen). 8vo. Wageningen, H. Weenman & Zonen, 1932, pp xvii, 507. (In Dutch). Contents: Topography, hydrography, climate, rain- fall, geology, soils, flora, fauna. The people: popula- 81 tion statistics, nationality, colonization, native races (their social organization, marriage, divorce, heredi- tary rights, language, script, literature, education, religion, health). History, government, administra- tion of justice, agriculture, forestry, cattle industry, fishing and hunting, industry (fabrics, petroleum industry, mining, ship building, ceramics, etc.), trade, finance, communications. Photographs: Many views of the country. Maps: Many maps showing topography, roads, etc. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 362 — WELLAN, J. W. J. Het eiland Berhala bij Djambi. (The island of Berhala, near Djambi). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 847-861. (In Dutch). Contents: Short historical study, with descriptions, of this island midway between Singkep and the mouth of the Djambi. Maps: Reproductions of 3 charts dated 1753, 1899 and 1909. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 363 — WELLAN. J. W. J. Criwyaya, 1250 jaren geleden gesticht. (Criwyaya, founded 1250 years ago). In: Tijdschrift, Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. li, 1934, pp 248-402. (In Dutch). Contents: Medieval history and archaeology of Palembang. Photographs: 4 full-page half-tone plates including Regatta in the capital of Palembang, on Queen’s birthday. Map: Hindu antiquities in the capital of Palembang. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 364 —WERBATA. J. C. D. De vulkanen Soembing en Laboeh. (The volcanoes Soembing and Laboeh). In: faarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 98-99. (In Dutch). ' Contents: Brief text accompanying the new maps of two volcanoes in the Barisan Mountains. Maps: Goenoeng Soembing (division Bangko, Dis- trict Serampas), scale 1 : 10,000. Danau Goenoeng Laboeh (Division Painan, district Kerintji, scale 1 : 10,000). Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 365 —WERBATA, J. C. D. Het meer op den G. Toedjoeh. (The lake of the G. Toedjoeh). In; faarverslag van den Topografi- schen Dienst, Vol. xxm, 1927, pp 133-134. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief text accompanying the new map of the lake on the G. Toedjoeh in the Barisan Mts., District Boengo, Residency Djambi. Map: The crater lake of the Goenoeng Toedjoeh, scale 1 : 50,000. Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; 366 — WESTENENK, L. C. Memorie van overgave van den aftredenden Resi- dent van Benkoelen. (Memorandum of the handing over by the retiring Resident of Benkoelen). 4to. Semarang G. C. T. van Dorp & Co., 1922. (Encyclo- paedist Bureau—Mededeelingen van het Bureau voor de Bestuurszaken der Buitengewesten, AH. 28), pp xv, 221. (In Dutch). Contents'. Geography, minerals, flora and fauna, climate and rainfall, history, the people (race, social organization, speech and writing, religion, the native community, customs, economic condition, dwellings, arms and fighting, etc.), produce, government and administration, communications, politics, relation to the government of the Netherlands Indies, statistics. Photographs: Many photographs showing country, industries, etc*. Map: Benkoelen Residency, scale I : 750,000, 1922. Shows roads serviceable for motorcars, similar roads under construction, unhardened roads, bridle-paths, footpaths, Decauville paths, boundaries, telegraph and telephone lines, provincial, division and subdivi- sion capitals, lighthouse, harbours, K.P.M. steam- ship connections, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: University Library, Sydney: University Library, Brisbane. 367 — WESTERVELD, J. Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; toelichting bij blad 3 (Bengkoenat): met eene korte agrogeologische beschrijving door J. Szemian. (Geo- logical map of Sumatra, scale 1 : 200,000: explanation of sheet 3 (Bengkoenat), with a short agrogeological description by J. Szemian). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933. Nederlandsch-lndie— Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 44. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, economic geology, climate, agriculture, quality of soils. Biblio- graphy. Photographs: Lower course of the W. Banbang in recent neogene: new Kampoeng Soekamarga; Lower course of the W. Pintau, seen from the bridge over the river downwards: Bar at the mouth of the W. Ngamboer-pangkalan; Bar of white arenaceous quartz at the mouth of the W. Baroe. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 368 — WESTERVELD. J. Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1 :200,000; toelichting bij blad 5 (Kotaboemi). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 5, Kotaboemi). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1931. (Nederlandsch-lndie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 28. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, tectonics, economic, geology, bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 369 —WILMINK, W. Het autoverkeer ter Sumatra’s westkust. (Motor traffic on the west coast of Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlviii, 1931, pp 753-759. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the development of motor trans- port in West Sumatra. 82 Map-. Sketch map of the west coast residency show- ing average traffic (in tons per month) for 1929. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 370 —WIRZ. Paul Nias, die Insel der Gotzen; Bilder aus dem west- lichen Insulinde. 66 Bilder; eingeleitet von Paul Wirz. (Nias, the island of idols: pictures from west- ern Insulinde. 66 pictures with introduction by Paul Wirz). 12mo. Ziirich-Leipzig, Orell Fiissli Verlag, 1929 (Schaubiicher 29; hrsg. Dr. Emil Schaeffer), pp 16, and 66 plates. (In German). Contents-. Brief text on the gods of Nias. Photographs: Photographs of idols together with a few views. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 371—WITKAMP. H. Het profiel van den Piek van Kerintji. (The profile of Kerintji Peak). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxii, 1922, pp 215-221, (In Dutch). Contents: A short description, illustrated with line sketches from various angles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 372 — WITKAMP, J. Reisindrukken uit Kerintji. (Travel notes from Kerintji). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xl, 1923, pp 259- 278. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the district of Kerintji, west central Sumatra. Topography, climate, people, customs, products. Photographs-. Several views around Kerintji. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 373 —WITKAMP, H. De G. Beloeh en de G. Moerai in Zuid-Koetai. (Beloeh and Moerai Mts. in South Koetai, Sumatra). In: Tijdschrift Koninkhjk Nederlandsch Aardrijks- kundig Genootschap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 635-641. (In Dutch). Contents; Notes on two mountains to the southeast of the Makaham River, on either side of the Nja- watan River, near Samboeam. Photographs: Kenohan Beloe from the north; Mt. Moerai from the north. Map: Sketch map of Mts. Beloe and Moerai, scale 1 : 50,000, from observations by H. Witkamp. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 374 —WRIGHT, Arnold, and BREAKSPEAR, Oliver T. Twentieth Century impressions of Netherlands India; >ed. by A. Wright and O. T. Breakspear, For details of contents and photographs, see under TWENTIETH Century Impressions of Netherlands India, No. 332 in this section. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 375 —WYDENES, M. Ooslwoud Along future trails of civilisation. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vii. No. 10, 1926, pp 561-569 and 594. Contents: Description of a motor trip from Tand- jong Balei to Balige and a climb to the resthouse at Adian Lange. Photographs: Several views. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 376 —WYDENES, M. Ocstwoud Future trails of civilisation. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 10, 1927, pp 636-637. Contents: Description of an excursion to the Moeloet Harimau ( Tiger mouth waterfall) in eastern Sumatra. Photographs-. Moeloet Harimau or Tiger Mouth Falls in the Asahan valley, eastern Sumatra; Minia- ture waves in the pool below the falls. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 377— WYDENES, M. Oostwoud A jungle chronicle. In: Inter-Ocean. Vol. ix, No. 1, 1928, pp 43-46. Contents: A visit to the village of Pangkalan Pasir situated on the Sumatran coast north of the Roepat Straits and opposite the island of Ketan. Photographs: The Tjantik on a mud-bank in the Roepat Straits; Dwelling of the village elder of Pangkalan Pasir; Natives with the one boat of the village; Bush near Pangkalan Pasir. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 378 —WYDENES, M. Oostwoud Bagan Si-Api Api. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 8, 1928, pp 443-448. Contents; Description of the city of Bagan Si Api Api, situated on the estuary of the Rokan River on the east coast of Sumatra. Photographs; Pole quarter at Bagan; Another pole- district, with a view of the Rokan; Fishing nets; Rokan River near Bagan; High water at the “boom” of Bagan. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 379 —ZIEGLER, E. C. I. Verslag over de resultaten van het geologisch mijn- bouwkundig onderzoek van het Kendi-Ringin kolen- vcld, Residentie Palembang. (Report on the results of the geological mining investigation of the Kendi- Ringin coalfield, residency of Palembang). In: Jaar- bock van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Ver- handelingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 141-189. (In Dutch). Contents: A brief topographical introduction is g'ven to this geological-mining report on the Kendi- Ringin coalfield. Bibliography. Maps: Geological map of the Kendi-Ringin coal- field, scale 1 : 12,500 (on the left bank of the River Enim). Profiles on the Kendi-Ringin coalfields, scale 1 : 10,000; Transverse sections of coal deposits 83 and borings, scale 1 :400; Geological map with coal deposits, scale 1 : 25,000. In Atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 380 —ZIEGLER, K. G. O. Verslag over het onderzoek der asfaltterreinen bij Tandjoeng Laoet, Residentie Palembang. (Report of an investigation of the asphalt terrains near Tand- joeng Laoet, residency of Palembang). In; Jaar- hoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Ver- handelingen, 1920, Iste gedeelte, pp 33-69. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report on the investigation of the asphalt terrains in the northwest of Palembang, between the Bantoeng and Pangkalan Balai Rivers. Maps: Geological map of the terrain between Balai Poekit and S. Pangkalan Balai, scale 1 ; 20,000; Asphalt terrains of Balai Boekit, S. Resan, Rimboe Platoe, A. Angat, A. Tating, scale 1 : 1,000; Asphalt terrain of Boejoet Sam, scale 1 : 2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 381—ZIMMERMAN, A. Krakatao. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 2, 1928, pp 74 and 89-96. Contents: Brief text to accompany the photographs. Photographs: Eight views of the eruption of the Krakatao early in 1928. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney. 382 — ZIMMERMAN, A. Blazing a motor trail through Sumatra. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. vin. No. 11, 1927, pp 612-614. Contents: Brief description of a motor trip by General Motors from Telok Betang, through Meng- gala, Martapoere, Lahat, Moeara, Tebo, Telok Koe- wali, Fort van der Capellen, Padang, Sibolga, Prapat, Medan, Langsar, Biruen to Kotaladjer. Photographs: Nine photographs showing the diffi- culties encountered by the first motorist across Sumatra. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 383 — ZWAAN, J. P. Kleiweg de Die anthropologischen Ergebnisse der Sumatra-Reise des Herm. A. Maass. (Anthropological results of H. A. Maass’s journey in Sumatra). In: Zeitschrift fur Ethnologic, Vol. xu, 1909, pp 167-180. (In German). Contents: A specialised anthropological study. Photographs: Physical types. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 384 —ZW A AN, J. P. Kleiweg de Bijdrage tot de anthropologic der Mentaweiers. (Con- tribution to the anthropology of the Mentawei Islanders). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxiv, 1919, pp 877-901. (In Dutch). Contents: Concerned only with anthropometry. Tables of measurements and photographs of skulls. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 385 —ZWAAN, J. P. Kleiweg de L’ile de Nias et ses habitants. (The island of Nias and its inhabitants). In: Revue Anthropologique, Vol. lx, 1930, pp 4-6, 116-135. (In French). Contents-. Topographical notes (brief), coastal con- ditions, people and culture. Photographs-. 9 photographs of people and carved gods in stone and wood. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Uni- versity Library, Sydney. 386 — ZWIERZYCKL J. Toba Lake, a touristical and geological sketch. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, June 1920, PP 130-137. Contents'. Description of Lake Toba from the tour- ist’s and geologist’s point of view. Photographs: In Sumatra’s mountain districts; views of Lake Toba. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 387 — ZWIERZYCKL I. Geologische beschrijving van het eiland Poeloe We in de onderafdeeling We der afdeeling Groot Atjeh. (Geological description of the island Poeloe We in the subdivision We of the division of Great Atjeh). In: faarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 1-10. (In Dutch). Contents-. Geological description of Poeloe We, the largest of the islands off the northwest corner of Sumatra. Photographs: Panorama of the island Poeloe We seen from a point a little to the south of Tjot Ba’oe (legend on the photograph marks the various points and bays, etc.); view of the northwest peninsula seen from Goeha Sarang (outline drawing only). Map: Geological map of Poeloe We by J. Zwierzycki and G. A. Hogenraad, scale 1 ; 50,000. Contours and water springs are shown. In Atlas volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 388 — ZWIERZYCKL J. Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Toelicht- ing bij blad VI1, Tapanoeli, Sumatra’s Westkust, Sumatra’s Oostkust. (General geological map of the 84 Netherlands East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explanation to Sheet VII, Tapanoeli, Sumatra’s West Coast, Sumatra’s East Coast). In; Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1919, Iste gedeelte, pp 72-129. (In Dutch). Contents: Topographical introduction, stratigraphy, tectonics, volcanoes. The map and text do not extend right to the east coast, but to the east coastal region. Copies in Mitchell Library. Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological "Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 389 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-lndischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Toe- lichting bij Blad I, Noord Sumatra. (Geological sketch map of the Netherlands East Indian Archi- pelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explanation to sheet I, North Sumatra). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1919, Iste gedeelte, pp 11-71. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphological introduction, stratigraphy, tectonics, volcanoes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 390 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. Verslag over een geologische verkenning van het jong-tertiaire gebied van noordwest-Atjeh in de onder- afdeelingen Meurendoe en Pidie en de afdeeling Groot Atjeh, Terrein Atjeh III. (Report on a geological investigation of the early tertiary region of north- west Atjeh in the sub-divisions Meurendoe and Pidie and the Division Great Atjeh, Terrein Atjeh III). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1919, 1st gedeelte, pp 230-249. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on geological investigations in the area, with a topographical introduction. Photographs: Conglomerate sandstone in bordering clay. Gle Malinteung on the Kr. Baro, south-south- west of Sigli; Oedjoeng Batoe Poeteh on the north coast of Great Atjeh; deposited tufa on the Kr. Beuratjan, southwest of Meurendoe; volcanic agglo- merate Pedropunt, on the north coast of Great Atjeh. Map: General geological map of the early tertiary region Atjeh HI in northwest Atjeh according to the surveys of W. J. Twiss and J. Zwierzycki, in 4 sheets, footpaths shown. In Atlas volume for 1919. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane (Atlas missing); Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 331 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-lndischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Toe- lichting bij blad VII, Midden-Sumatra, Bangka, Riouw-eilanden. (General geological map of Nether- lands Indies Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explana- tion to sheet VI11. Centra! Sumatra, Bangka and Riouw Islands). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1929, pp 73-157. (In Dutch with a summary in English). Contents-. Morphology, stratigraphy, structural geo- logy, economic geology. Lists of volcanoes and anti- clines. Map: Central Sumatra, Bangka and Riouw Islands, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Shows geological formations, occurrence of minerals, anticlines, volcanoes, and head watersheds. Heights of volcanoes are given. Section of Sumatra from west to east coast through Mt. Merangin and Tiga Poeloeh Mts., running in a northeasterly line, scale length, 1 : 1,000,000 height 1 : 500,000. In Atlas volume for 1929. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 392 — ZWIERZYCKI, J, Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal 1:200,000; toclichting bij blad 1 (Teloekbetoeng). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet 1, Teloekbetoeng). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V, Maks and V. D. Klits, 1931. Nederlandsch-Indie,. Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 30. (In Dutch). Contents-. Historical introduction, morphology, geo- logy, tectonics, useful minerals, iron deposits, biblio- graphy. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 393 — ZWIERZYCKI. J. Geologische kaart van Sumatra, schaal I : 200,000; toelichting bij blad 11 (Gotaagoeng). (Geological map of Sumatra, scale 1 :200,000; explanation of sheet II, Kotaagoeng). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1932. Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 30. (In Dutch). Contents-. Morphology, geology, tectonics, useful minerals, bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 394 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. and IONGMANS, W. J. Die Ergebnisse der palaobotanischen Djambi-Expe- dition, 1925. Die geologischen Ergebnisse von J. Zwierzycki; Die palaobotanischen Ergebnisse von W. J. Jongmans. (Results of the paleobotanical Djambi Expedition, 1925. Geological results by J. Zwierzycki. Paleobotanical results by W. J. Jong- mans). Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1935, pp iv, 201. (Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen), 1930, 2de gedeelte. (In Dutch). Contents-. Sections on morphology, stratigraphy, granite and tectonics. Photographs: The Merangin gorge in the vicinity of the mouth of the Karig; Granite hill northwest of Doesoenbaroe, Merangin; Plant bearing layers on Merangin Island opposite the mouth of the Titimerant; Hard tufted sand layer on the Merangin; 85 Conglomerate layer on the Merangin; Merangin gorge at the mouth of the Teloen A; Merangin gorge near Koloentoengnaotoea; Tufa landscape near Landangsawah; Plant bearing layers on the Karing. Maps; Geological map of the plant bearing permo- carbons in Djambi, prepared by J. Zwierzycki, scale 1 : 30,000. Profiles of geological formations are inset; Review of the location of the finding of the geological specimens, scale 1 : 10,000. A map of the Merangin River near Teloek Gedang and Kloentoeng- naoetoea, contours indicated by isohypsen 5 metres apart. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 395 — ZWIERZYCKI, J. and POSTHUMUS, R. De Palaeobotanische Djambi-expeditie. (The palaeo- botanic Djambi expedition). In; Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliii, 1926, pp 203-216. (In Dutch). Contents; Extracts from reports of a palaeontologi- cal expedition on the Merangin River, Djambi Residency. Maps: Locality map, scale 1 :400,000; Geological sketch map of area investigated, scale 1 : 266,666. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 86 JAVA AND MADURA 1 — A.H.H. The growing importance of Batavia as an industrial city. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 1, 1935, pp 6-19. Contents: Birth and growth of Batavia. Population. Commercial development. Industry in the “Com- pany” days, during the second half of the 19th cen- tury, during the last years of that century. The Chinese in industry. Tandjong Priok. The 20th century to the end of the war. Industrialization of Java and Batavia’s growing share. Building industry, transportation facilities, recent industrial develop- ment of Batavia. Photographs: Many photographs of various localities. Map: Greater Batavia. Copy in NEF1S Library. 2 — A.H.H. The temples around Jogjakarta. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 6, 1937, pp 393-401. Contents: Description of the temples and the work of the Archaeological Service of the Netherlands Indies in restoring them. Part 1: The Borobudur, Chandi Pawon ana Chandi Mendoot; Part II: Kala- san Prambanan and Sewu. Photographs: Views of details of the temples. Copy in METIS Library. 3 — A.H.H. The Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 14, 1935, pp 349-353. Contents: Description and history of the Botanical Gardens. Photographs: 8 views of the Gardens. Copy in METIS Library. 4 — ALARDUS A Javanese market place. In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. xix, 1934, pp 73-79. Contents: Life in the new bazaar, Pasar Baru, of Bandoeng. Photographs: Egg vendor; native types. Copy in METIS Library. 5 —ANDERSON. A. W. The Gedeh-Pangerango. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 600-604 and 609. Contents: Advice to tourists how the ascent of the Gedeh Pangerango can best be made. Photographs: A number of views of Mt. Gedeh— Pangerango, including some from the air. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 6 —ANDERSON. R. P. The veiled mountains of Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, No. 4, 1925, pp 221-224 and 238. Contents; Advice to mountain climbers as to the best hours to start, equipment, etc. Photographs: Mountain summit with crater; Mt. Salak seen from the Puntjak Pass; A mountain at dawn. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 7 —ANDERSON. R. P. The Patoeha. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn, No. 6, 1926, pp 333-336. Contents: Description of the Patoeha volcano in West Java, 7000ft high, 25 miles SSW of Bandoeng, and of an excursion to its summit. Photographs: A series of views of Mt. Patoeha, in- cluding some of the craters from the air. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 8 —ANDERSON. R. P. The Slamat, 11,140ft. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 12, 1926, pp 688-691. Contents: Description of an ascent of the Slamat. Photographs: Views of Mt. Slamat, including one from the air. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne: Mitchell Library, Sydney. 9 —ANDERSON. R. P. Mighty sentinels of West Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 2, 1928, pp 75-80. Contents: Description of the summits of West Java, without any indication as to the ways of reaching the summits. Photographs: Views of Mts. Tjikorai, Tangkoeban- Prahoe, Goentoer, Kawa Poetih, Patoeha, and Gedeh, including one from the air. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 10 —ANDERSON. R. P. The Salak Mountain. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 8, 1928, pp 449-450. Contents: Brief description of an ascent of the Salak from Batavia. Photographs: Two views of Mt. Salak. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 87 11 —ANDERSON, R. P. The Soembing and Sindoro. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, No. 10, 1929, pp 415-418. Contents: Describes, for the tourist, a trip to the twin mountains of middle Java. Photographs: Views of Mts. Soembing and Sindoro, including some from the air. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 12 —ANDERSON. R, P. Some aspects of the mountains of Java. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. xi. No. 10, 1930, pp 475-477. Contents: A broadcast talk for tourists. Photographs: Goenoeng Lemongan; Camping on the Lemongan; Road and low hills; A landscape; Streamer cloud. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 13 — ARNDT, Leonard The volcano called Keloet. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, No. 12, 1930, pp 573-579. Contents: Description of the eruption and flood of 1919 and of the Keloet drainage scheme. Photographs: A series of views of Mt. Keloet, includ- ing some from the air. Gopies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 14 — BAANDA, P. J. van Native coast life in Bantam. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi. No. II, 1930, pp 548-556. Contents: Text to accompany photographs. Photographs: A series of coastal views of Bantam, West Java. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 15 — BABUT, Jules Felix Batel: ou la Hollande a Java. 2 vols. The Hague, Belinfante fr&res, 1869. (In French). Contents: A description of Java in the form of a novel. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 16—BALSEM, C. F. Night trains in Java. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn, No. 2, 1926, pp 82-84. Contents: The reasons why night trains are not needed in Java. Photographs: View of the line connecting east and west Java; Batavia-Djocja Express crossing the con- crete viaduct between Mr. Cornelis and Manggarai near Weltevreden. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 17 — BANDOENG Mooi Bandoeng. Gids voor Bandoeng en omstreken. (Beautiful Bandoeng. Guide for Bandoeng and en- virons). Bandoeng, Visser & Co., 1930, pp 78. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Bandoeng and excursions from Bandoeng. Map: Bandoeng and environs. Copy in NEFIS Library. 18 —BANDOENG VOORUIT Situatie en wandelkaarl van den Papandajan. (Situation and tourist map of the Papandajan). De Vereeniging “Bandoeng Vooruit.” Contents-. Road map of the Papandajan; Map show- ing the roads from Bandoeng to the Papandajan; Panorama of the Papandajan. Copy in NEFIS Library. 19 —BANNER, Hubert S. Romantic Java as it was and is: a description of the diversified peoples, the departed glories and strange customs of a little-known island, etc. Lon- don, Seeley, Service and Co., 1927, pp 282. Contents-. The author gives a discursive account of life in Java based on 12 years’ residence. Chapter headings: 1. Javanese past and present; 2. Make believe royalty and hollow pomps; 3. The Javanese as a fighting man; 4. Up-country life and village ways; 5. More about village ways; 6. Literature and the drama; 7. Art, music and the dance; 8. Batick and Batickers; 9. The glamour of the mountains; 10. Volcanoes and eruptions; 11. Ancient temples and ruined shrines; 12. A temple legend; 13. Vegetable and animal life; 14. Superstitions about animals; 15. Celebrations and ceremonies; 16. Spells and potions; 17. Native servants and their ways; 18. Sport and sportsmen; 19. Motoring and motorists; 20. Early settlers and their struggles; 21. The native as a nationalist; 22. Some present-day problems of the Dutch colonists; 23. The British in Java history; 24. Sidelights on commercial life; 25. As it was and is; 26. The lighter side of life in Java. Photographs; 27 half-tone plates and 13 line sketches of weapons, musical instruments, etc. Map-. Sketch map of Java. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 20 —BATAVIA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Batavia als handels-, Industrie- en woonstad. (Batavia as a commercial, industrial and residential centre). Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1937, pp 303. (In Dutch and English). Contents: The industrialization of the Netherlands East Indies; its population and administration. Short history of Batavia; its situation and growth; Batavia as a place of residence (hygienic conditions, modern homes, daily life, shopping districts, hotels, religious life, education, social life, sports, arts and sciences, libraries, news supply, the sights, the environs, the tourist traffic). Population and wage level. Public service. Traffic to, from and in Batavia. Batavia as a commercial and industrial centre; history, the hinterland, trade movement, international and long distance traffic, organisation of the import trade, the Pasar Gembir, consuls and trade commissioners, commercial and industrial institutions, lawyers and 88 notaries public, government regulations concerning business life. Summary of the commercial and indus- trial enterprises at Batavia. Photographs: Many photographs of various localities. Copies in National Library, Canberra; NEFIS Lib- rary (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 21—BEMMELEN, R. W. van Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 ; 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 36 (Bandoeng), met eene korte agrogeologische beschrijving door J. Szemian. (Geo- logical map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000. Explanation of sheet 36 (Bandoeng), with a short agrogeological description by J. Szemian). 8vo. 1934. (Neder- landsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 95). (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the relief features, the geologi- cal structure, tertiary and quarternary rocks, sedi- mentary and volcanic, useful minerals (iron ore, sulphur, building materials), springs of drinking water and thermal springs. Brief agrogeological description. Maps: Series of geological maps, sketches and diagrams. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne (map is missing); Public Library, Melbourne. 22 —BEMMELEN. R. W. van Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 66 (Karangkobar). (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000. Explanation of sheet 68 (Karangkobar). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1937. (Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 50. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, stratigraphy, intrusives, tec- tonics, useful minerals. Bibliography. Photographs: A series of panoramas. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 23 — BEMMELEN, R. W. van Dc Tengger strijdvraag. (The Tengger controversy). In; Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch- Indie. Vol. xc, 1930, pp 96-161. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes sections on the Soekapoera delta; Sapikerep valley; The Ngadisari bowl; The Tjemoro Lawang; The Sand-sea; The youngest vulcanism; Petrography. Photographs: Numerous photographs. Map: The Tengger, scale 1 : 100,000, contoured at 100 m. intervals; Profile of Tjemero Lawang. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 24 —BEMMELEN. R. W. van De undatie-theorie: hare afleiding en hare toepassing op het Westelijk deel van den Soendaboog. (The undation theory: its deduction and its application to the western end of the Sunda arc). In: Natuur- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xcn, 1932, pp 85-242. (In Dutch with summary in English). Contents: In the second part of this paper, the geo- logical history of the western part of the Sunda arc, and especially of South Sumatra, is examined. Maps: Isometric block diagram of Lake Ranau, scale 1 :250,000; Sketch map of South Sumatra, scale 1 : 4,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 25 — BEMMELEN. R. W. van De Ringgit Besar: een geplooide alkali-vulkaan in Oost-Java. (The Ringgit Besar; a folded alkali- volcano in East Java). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xcvm, 1938, pp 171-194. (In Dutch). Contents-. A geological history of the Ringgit Besar complex, with chemical analyses of rocks. Photographs: A series of geological pictures. Map: Geological sketch map of Loeroes-Ringgit Besar complex, scale 1 : 200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 26 — BEMMELEN. R. W. van Voorloopig bericht over de Semaroe-eruptie van September-October 1941. (Preliminary report on the eruption of Semaroe of September-October, 1941). In; Nederlandsch-Indie, Geografische Mededeelingen, Vol. i, 1941, pp 136-142. (In Dutch with English summary). Contents: A detailed account, with tables, of the eruption. Photographs: View from observation post at Ban- tengan up Besoek Semoet valley; Front of lava stream in Besoek Semoet on 28th September, 1941. Map: Southeast slope of Semaroe (contoured), scale 1 ; 50,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; University Librarv, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide. 27 — BEMMELEN. R. W. van Granitische intrusies in het zuidergebergte van West- Java. (Granite intrusions in the southern mountains of West Java). In: De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch- Indie, Section iv, Mijnbouw en Geologie, Vol. vm. No. 2, 1941, pp 9-18. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the quartz-dioritic intrusion, 60 km to the south of Bandoeng and of the grano- dioritic intrusion 40 km to the SSW of Tasikmalaja. Maps: Geological map of the intrusion in the val- leys of the Tjilajoe and Tjibodas, south of Ban- doeng; Section across the Tjibodas valley; Section across the region between Karangnoengal and the Indian Ocean; Geological map of the intrusion in the Pr. Tendjolaoet, south of Tasikmalaja; Terrace at 750-650 metres between the Tjibodas and the Bohak ridge. Copy in Institution of Engineers’ Library, Sydney. 89 28 —BEMMELEN. J. F. van. and HOOYER, C. B. Guide through Netherlands India. 8vo. London, Thos. Cook & Son, 1906, pp xii, 254. Contents: General descriptive guide. Photographs: Many photographs of various localities. Maps: Batavia and surroundings, scale 2 km: about Hin. Government Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg, scale 1 ; 80,000; Samarang and its surroundings, scale I : 35,000; Sourabaya and surroundings, scale 1 ; 40,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 29 — BEZEMER, T. T. Door Nederlandsch-Oost-lndie: schetsen van land en volk; met een inleiding van J. F. Niermeyer. (Through the Netherlands East Indies; sketches of land and people; with an introduction by J. F. Niermeyer). 4to. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1906, pp xv, 640. (In Dutch). Contents (of section dealing with Java): Batavia and Buitenzorg, the Wayang, means of livelihood of the natives, through the Preanger Regencies to the volcano of Gedeh, to the territories of the princes of Central Java, the Hindoos and their religious systems, Hindoo colonisation in Java, Boro- bodoer and Parabaram, through East Java. Topo- graphical details. Photographs: Many photographs of various Nether- lands East Indies localities. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane. 30 — BLOCHMAN. L. G. ’Neath Java’s sun. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 3, 1928, pp 144-148. Contents: A tourist’s description of the beauties of Java. Photographs: In an old quarter of Sourabaya; Side street in Solo; Country land near Batavia; Native street at Sourabaya. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 31—BLOCHMAN. L. G, Three weeks ’neath Java’s sun. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 9, 1922, pp 188- 193. Contents: A tourist’s notes on Java. Photograph: Rijswijk-Weltevreden. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 32 — BOER. C. N. de The development of the Java sugar industry since the depreciation of the guilder. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. v. No. 1, 1937, pp 12-20. Contents: Survey of the development of the sugar market during the preceding six months with special regard to the interests of the Java sugar industry. Photographs: Aerial view of a sugar factory near Sourabaya. Copy in NEFIS Library. 33 —BOON, P. D. Polygoonmetingen in de Residentie Batavia, Provintie West-Java. (Polygon measurings in the residency Batavia, Province West Java). In: Jaarsverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 109-117. (In Dutch). Contents: Historical survey of the trigonometrical survey of the residency Batavia. The polygon measurings begun in 1924. The registration of the polygon points. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 34 —BOON, P. D. Nadere mededeelingen betreffende de luchtfotogram- metrische proefkaarteering op de schaal 1 : 5,000 van een uitgestrekt vlak sawahterrein nabij Tangerang— Residence Batavia. (Further report concerning the aerophotogrammetric trial survey on the scale 1 : 5,000 of a large plain of sawah land near Tan- gerang—residency Batavia). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxv, 1929, pp 92-96. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of method of work, conclusions. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 35 —BOSCH. F. D. K. The Royal Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i, No. 2, 1938, pp 116-124. Contents: The history of the Royal Batavian Society and its periodical publications. Copy in NEFIS Library. 36 — BOSCH, C. A. van den Over lavagrotten (Lava caves). An abstract in Nederlandsch-Indische Geographische Mededeelingen, Vol. i, 1941, pp 27-35, 58-67. (In Dutch). Contents: The discovery of the lava caves and their description. Photographs: Showing position and structures. Map: Small scale map of the area. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra. 37 —BOSSE. P. M. van De verhoogde werking van den vulkaan Merapi in de jaren 1902 en 1903. (The increased activity of the volcano Merapi in the years 1902 and 1903). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Tudie, 1903, pp 185-189. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the activity of Mt. Merapi in the years mentioned. Photograph: Top of the volcano Merapi, 1903, taken from the east from a point on the old crater wall. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne. 38 —BRAAK. C. Het klimaat van den Idjen. (The climate of the Idjen Highlands). 4to. Batavia, Uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging bij G. KolfF., about 1920. (Het Idjen-Hoogland, monografie V), pp vii, 51. (In Dutch). Contents: Wind, rain, sunshine and clouds, tempera- ture and humidity, climate in general, statistics to 1917. 90 Maps: Idjen: observation stations; average yearly rainfall; monthly rainfall; absolute day-maximum of the rainfall. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane. 39 — BREDEN. Dee Java assignment. In; National Geographic Maga- zine, Vol. lxxxi, 1942, pp 89-119. Contents: A National Broadcasting Company repre- sentative tells of war preparations in Java. Photographs: 32 half-tone plates of views in and around Java, including some from the air. Map: Java, scale 1" : 150 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Teachers’ College Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia, Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 40 — BRINIO The Sundanese. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 4, 1932, pp 169-173. Contents: Habits and customs of the Sundanese who inhabit Pasoendan, the western part of Java. Photographs: Sundanese types; The holy village of Pamidjahan near Tasikmalaja; Women planting small rice plants. Copy in NEFIS Library. 41—BROUWER, H. A. De vulkaan Raoeng, Oost-Java, en zijne erupties. (The volcano Raoeng, East Java, and its eruptions). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1913, pp 51-87. (In Dutch). Contents: A geological account of some of the erup- tions of Mt. Raoeng. Photographs: Drawings of the volcano Raoeng after photographs. Map: The old Raoeng crater, prior to 1913 (no scale given). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 42 —BROUWER. H. A. Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1.000,000. Toe- lichting bij blad XVI1, Oost-Java, Madoera, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa. (General geological map of the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explanation of sheet XVII, East Java, Madoera, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1915, 2de gedeelte, pp 3-54. (In Dutch). Contents: Stratigraphy, tectonics. Map: Sheet XVII, East Java, Madoera, Bali, Lom- bok, Soembawa. Scale 1 : 1,000,000. Shows general geological formations and also crater walls. In Atlas volume for 1915. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 43 —BUCKLER. Walter A week in Batavia. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm, No. 6, 1932, pp 234-40. Contents: Sight-seeing in Batavia and surroundings. Photographs: A series of views in Batavia. Copy in NEF1S Library. 44 — BURGERLIJKE OPENBARE WERKEN IN NEDER- LANDSCH-INDIE Verslag over de Burgerlijke Openbare Werken in Nederlandsch-Indie over het jaar 1915. Bijlage van vijfde gedeelte; Bevloeiing, Afwatering en Waterkeer- ing Hoofdstuk IV, para. 2, Sidoardjo-werken. (Report on Civil Public Works in the Netherlands Indies for 1915. Supplement to part 5. Irrigation, water supply, dams, etc. Chapter IV, para 2, Works at Sidoardjo). (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the Sidoardjo delta before 1890 and the works carried out up to the end of 1915. Maps: Two maps of the delta in 1890 and after completion of works, showing layout of fish breed- ing tanks along coast of Madoera Strait. Copy in Public Library, Perth. 45 —CABATON. A. Java, Sumatra and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies: translated by Bernard Miall. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911, pp 376. Contents; Historical sketch; generalities. Photographs: Many photographs of Javanese native life, bridges, etc. Map: East India Islands, scale 1" : 150 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Uni- versity Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Austra- lasia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Launceston. 46 — CAMPBELL, Donald Maclaine Java: past and present; a description of the most beautiful country in the world, its ancient history, people, antiquities and products. 2 vols. London, Heinemann, 1915. Contents: A very comprehensive collection of materials on the history, antiquities, fruits, flora, ‘‘auna, minerals and industries of Java. The author was resident in Java for 23 years. °hotographs: Many photographs in Vols. i and n. Map: Geological and volcano chart of Java and Madoera, scale 1.1": 40 miles (in colour). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 47 —CENSUS OF 1930 IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Vol. m. Native Population in Central Java and the native states of Java. Vol. m. Native population in East Java. Batavia, 1934. 91 Contents: Census returns concerning numbers and density, increase, race, migration, civil conditions and age, types of houses and heads of families, literacy, religion, physical infirmities, occupations. Copy in NEFIS Library. 48 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR DE STATISTIEK Mededeelingen. (Reports of the Central Bureau of Statistics); Nos. 83 and 94: Jaaroverzicht van den in- on uitvoer van Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende het jaar 1929-1930. Deel 1 Java en Madoera. (Annual survey of the imports and exports of the Dutch Indies in 1929 and 1930, respectively. . Part 1 Java and Madoera). (In Dutch). Contents: Tables of imports and exports, the main countries of origin and destination, the main ports handling foreign trade. Trade balance of Java and Madoera. Copy in NEFIS Library. 49 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR DE STATISTIEK De bevolkingslandbouw in 1940. (Native agriculture in 1940). In: Economisch Weekblad, Vol. x, No. 42, 1940, pp 1986-1999. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of native agriculture in 1940 in Java and Madoera, in Bali and Lombok, and in the other Outer Possessions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 50 —CENTRAAL KANTOOR VOOR DE STATISTIEK Oogst en aanplant van de voornaamste bevolkings- landbouwgcwassen op Java en Madoera in September 1941. (Harvest and planting of the principal native crops in Java and Madoera in September 1941). In; Economisch Weekblad, Vol. x, No. 44, 1941, pp 2075-2080. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the conditions of agricultural production in Java and Madoera in September 1941. The same subject is dealt with for October 1941 in Vol. x, No. 47, 1941, pp 2181-2187 and 2202-2205. Copy in NEFIS Library. 51 — CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS The import and export of Java and Madoera in 1938. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 1, 1939, p 3. Contents: The value of the imports and exports in the period 1936-1938. Copy in NEFIS Library. 52 —CLIFFORD. S. F. Banjoewangi—"Scented Waters.” In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xii. No. 6. 1931, PP 260-262. Contents: The legend of how the river got its name of Banjoewangi. Photographs: View from the Kawah Idjen over the Idjen valley; Fishing prau of Banjoewangi; View from the Pasanggrahan on the Kawah Idjen. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 53 —COCK, H. H. de Tobacco culture in Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 2, 1927, pp 99-102. Contents: The cultivation methods of tobacco are described. Photographs: 6 views showing different stages in growing and preparing tobacco. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 54 -— CONINGH, Antoinette de A European woman's life in Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 5, 1932, pp 239-272. Contents: European homes, domestic and social life in Java. Photographs: Types of European houses and bungalows. Copy in NEE IS Library. 55— COOL. H. Eenige mededeelingen en beschouwingm naar aan- leiding van een onderzoek aan den kraterwand van den Kloet in Mei 1907. (Some remarks and observa- tions in connection with an investigation of the crater wall of the Kloet in May 1907). In: Jaar- boek van het Mijnwezen in Nederland sch-Indie, 1907, pp 185-233. (In Dutch). Contents: Notes of information gained from a geo- logical examination of the crater wall of the Kloet volcano. Photographs: 7 views of the volcano. Maps: General map of the terrain south of the G. Kloet, scale 1 : 100,000; Kloet crater lake, scale 1 : 500; Longitudinal section through AB and the brook, scale 1 ; 500; Kloet crater lake, scale 1:10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 56 —COOL. H. Verslag omtrent een onderzoek aan den Semeroe in vcrband met de ramp van Loemadjang. (Report of an investigation on the Semeroe in connection with the Loemadjang disaster). In: faarbock van het Mijnweien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedcclte, 1909, pp 297-331. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses the inundation; the volcanic phenomena observed on the Semeroe; the old lava streams and their rocks; erosion phenomena. Photographs: Many photographs of the area. Map: Map of a part of Loemadjang Division, resi- dency of Pasoeroean, scale I : 100,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library. Perth. 57 —COX. J. W. The Bruas Rhino. In: Inter-Occan, Vol. xn, No. 8, 1931, pp 363-374. Contents: Rhinoceros hunt in the Bruas valley in the Dindings District of the native state of Perak. Photographs: “Java’s First Point,” a part of Java where rhinos still live. Copy in NEFIS Library. 58 — CRUCQ. K. C. Chandi Panataran. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 1, 1932, pp 9-13. 92 Contents: Description of Chandi Panataran, situated about 8 miles from Blitar, the largest temple com- plex of East Java. Photographs: Naga temple; Krisnayana relief (2 views); General view of the terrain. Copy in NEF1S Library. 59 —DANES, J. V. Die Karstphiinomene in Goenong Sewoe auf Java. (Karst phenomena on Mt. Sewoe, Java). In: Tijd- schrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 247-260. (In German). Contents: A geological study of the limestone regions of Java and of Mt. Sewoe, in south central Java in particular. Map: Sketch of the geological conditions in the region between Djokjakarta and Patjitan, p 394. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 60 — DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS The Netherlands Indies. Batavia, about 1939, pp 40. Contents: Brief survey of the Netherlands East Indies* geography, area, population, soil, climate, government, finance, banking system, agriculture (sugar, rubber, coffee, tea, cinchona bark, oil palms, coconut cordage fibres, kapok, cocoa, pepper, rice), irrigation, estate organization, forestry, live-stock, fishery, mining, industry, commerce, traffic and transportation, education, colonization, public health service, statistics (foreign trade 1937). Photographs: A series of views in many parts of Java and the Netherlands Indies Copy in NEE IS Library. 61—DEZENTJE. Ernest Picturesque Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 2, 1931, pp 89-92. Contents: Brief commentary to four paintings by E. Dezentje which are reproduced in the article. Photographs: Sunset near Krawang; Waroeng Sorong near Buitenzorg; The Highlands; Back from the river. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 62 —DIENST VAN DEN MIJNBOUW IN NEDER- LANDSCH -INDIE Onderzoekingen naar de mogelijk winbare hoeveel- heden zwavel in kraters van verschillende vulkanen in den Nederlandsch-Oost-lndischen Archipel. (Re- search concerning the possibility of exploitable quan- tities of sulphur in the craters of various volcanoes in the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago). In: Verslagen en mededeelingen betreffende Indische delfstaffen en hare toepassingen. No. 17, Weltevreden, 1925, pp 37. (In Dutch). Contents: Reports on the sulphur deposits in the Kewah Poetih and other craters of Preanger, in the Goenoeng Tjeremai (res. Tjerebon), in the Dieng Mts. (res. Kedoe), on the west coast of Sumatra, in North Celebes (Minahassa) and the Oena-Oena Island, and on Flores. Maps: A series of maps and cross sections of volcanoes in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 63 —DIENST VAN DEN MIJNBOUW IN NEDER- LANDSCH -INDIE Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. (Geo- logical map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1938. (In Dutch). Maps-. Sheet 36: Bandoeng (Bemmelen, Dr. R. W. van); 109: Lamongan (Duyfjes, Ir. J.); 110: Mod- jokerta (Duyfjes, Ir. J.); 115: Soerabaja (Duyfjes, Ir. J. ); 116: Sidoardjo (Duyfjes, Ir. J.); 66: Karang- kobar (Bemmelen, Dr. R. W. van). Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 64 —DIES!, P. H. van Rapport van een voorloopig onderzoek naar het voorkomen van zink- lood- en koperertsen op den berg Sawal. (Report of a preliminary search for the occurrence of zinc, lead and copper ore on Sawal Mountain). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel II, pp 173-193. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes geological explorations on Mt. Sawal (in division of Galoe) with a view to the discovery of workable lead, copper and zinc. Map-. Sketch-maps explanatory to the text. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 65 — DIJK, P. van Geologische beschrijving van de Residentie Djokja- karta. (Geological description of the residency of Djokjakarta). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel I, pp 149-192. (In Dutch). Contents-. A description of the geological formations in the Djokjakarta residency, with topographical details. Map: Coalfield of Kali Songo, residency of Djokja- karta. No scale given. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 66 —DIJK, P. van Beschrijving van het marmer voorkomende in Pat- jitan. (Description of the marble occurring in Patjitan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, pp 193- 215. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes discovery of marble in the wild mountainous country on the south coast between Patjitan and Panggoel. Maps: Map and sketch of the locality. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 67 —DIJK. P. van Steenkolen van het Semarangsche. (Coal from the Samarang District). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1873, deel 11, pp 164-174. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the coal deposits near Semarang, on the north coast of Central Java. Maps: Coal in the Semarang district, scale 1:200,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 93 68 —DIJK, P, van Rapport omtrent de aardbevingen die in . . . 1865 en . . . 1872 de vlakte van Ambarawa . ._ . hebben geteisterd. (Report on the earthquakes which devas- tated the plain of Ambarawa in 1865 and 1872). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 1876, deel 1, pp 71-165; deel II, pp 3-49. (In Dutch). Contents-. An account of two disastrous earthquakes in this region. Maps: The plain of Ambarawa and general map of places affected by the earthquakes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 69—DIJK. P. van Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van aardolie in de nabijheid van Poerwodadi, assistent-residentie Gro- bogan. (Search for oil in the neighbourhood of Poerwodadi, sub-residency Grobogan). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhan- delingen, 1883, pp 359-369. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes oil prospecting near Poerwadadi (Central Java). Map: Ngemba Hill, division of Grobongan, Sama- rang residency, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 70 —DIJK. P. van Over de geologic van het noordelijke niet-vulkanische gedeelte van de residentie Sourabaya. (On the geology of the northern non-volcanic part of the residency of Sourabaya). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 1884, pp 5-76. (In French and Dutch). Contents: Greater part of text is a report in French on boring for artesian drinking water in vicinity of Grissee. Topographical descriptions of the sur- rounding localities are included. Maps: Northern part of the residence of Sourabaya in connection with artesian water supply in 1868. Geological profile. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 71—DIJK. P. van. and HUGUENIN, J. A. Verslag over de onderzoekingen naar de waarde der bruinkolen-lagen in de Afdeeling Lebak. (Report on the investigation of the value of the brown coal deposits in the division of Lebak). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwefen in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhan- delingen, 1877, deel I, pp 187-238. (In Dutch). Contents: The commercial possibilities of brown coal deposits at Lebak are discussed. Maps: Two of the Bodjong Manik coalfield, scale I : 10,000 and 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 72 — DJEMBATAN The State railways of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 570-577 and 609. Contents: The development of the railway system of the Netherlands East Indies. The management and the services of the Government railways of Java. Photographs: Ground and aerial views of railways and bridges in Java and Sumatra. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 73 — DJEMBATAN Modern globe trotting. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 2, 1926, pp 76-80. Contents; Recommends excursions in Java and des- cribes sight-seeing in Batavia. Photographs: Museum at Weltevreden; Repairing the nets at the Pasar Ikan; Palace of the Governor- General, Weltevreden; In front of the Weltevreden Museum. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 74 — DJEMBATAN Industrial Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 3, 1926, pp 136-141. Contents: Brief survey of the industrial assets of Java and of the Netherlands East Indies in general. Photographs: Five views of the interior of factories. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 75 —DOUGLAS. E. A. De uitbarsting van de Tangkoeban Prahoe in April 1910. (The eruption of the Tangkoeban Prahoe in April 1910). In; Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 1910, pp 80-86. (In Dutch). Contents; A description of the eruption in 1910 of Tangkoeban Prahoe, a volcano a few miles north of Bandoeng, West Java. Maps: Craters of the volcano Tangkoeban Prahoe, scale 1 : 10,000; Kawa Ratoe, one of the craters, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 76 —DOUGLAS, E. A. Onderzoek naar de oorzaken der grondwerking in een deel der spoorbaan Poerwakarta-Padaralang ten zuiden van de brug over de Tji Somang, (Inquiry into the reasons for the earth movements in a part of the railway Poerwakarta-Padaralang to the south of the bridge over the Tji SomangV In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, V er- handelingen. 1911. pp 227-244. (In Dutch). Contents-. An account of investigations into earth movements threatening the security of the railway track about 6 km south of Plered station. The Tji Somang forms the border between the residencies of Batavia and Preanger-regencies. Photographs: Bridge over the Tji Somang; upward movement of the earth and mud streams, Maps: The Poerwakarta-Padaralang railway and Tji Somang. scale 1 : 20.000; Condition of the terrain south of the bridge over the Tji Somang. scale 1 : 1,250. Shows contours, footpaths, etc. Copies in the Mitchell Library. Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library. Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library. Brisbane; Public Library. Melbourne; Geological Survey Library. Melbourne; Geological Survey Library. Hobart. 94 77 — DROOGLEEVER, W. W. B. Beschrijving van een gedeelte der zuidkust van de Residentie Preanger-Regentschappen, (Description of part of the south coast of the residency Pre- anger-regencies). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst. Vol. x, 1914, pp 187-196. (In Dutch). Contents: Topographical description of part of the south coast of the Preanger. Photographs: A series of views of the coast. Map: Part of the South coast of Preanger, scale 1 :250,000. Copy in NEE IS Library. 78 —DUYFJES. J. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 ; 100,000. Toelichting bij blad 109 ((Lamongan). (Geological map of Java, scale 1 ; 100,000, explanation of sheet 109, Lamongan). 8vo. Batavia. Landsdrukkerij, 1938. Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 54 (In Dutch). Contents: Morphological description, chapters on stratigraphy and tectonics of the region. The ex- ploration for oil; an iodine spring south of Ngim- bang. A hot spring near the G. Lantoeng. Economic utilisation of the limestone found in the region. Photographs: Geological studies illustrative of the text. Maps: The boundary between sediments and vol- canic material of the Poentjangan period. Geolog- ical map, Lamongan, scale 1 : 100,000. Profiles. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 79 —DUYFJES, J. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 110. (Modjokerto). (Geological map of Java, scale I : 100,000, explanation of sheet 110, Modjokerto). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1938. (Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 68. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, stratigraphy and tectonics of the region. The useful minerals (iodine springs with oil traces). Photographs: A series of geological studies. Maps: Geological map of Modjokerto, scale 1 : 100,000; profiles and sketch map. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 80 —DUYFJES, I. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 115 (Soerabaja). (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000, explanation of sheet 115, Soerabaja). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1938. (Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 73. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the morphology, strati- graphy and tectonics of the sheet Soerabaja. Useful minerals (oil, iodine, limestone). Photographs: A series of geological pictures illustrat- ing the text. Maps: Set of geological and sketch maps. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 81 — DUYFJES, J. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 116 (Sidoardjo). (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000, explanation of sheet 116, Sidoardjo). 8vo, Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1938. (Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 79. (In Dutch). Contents'. Topography, morphology, geology, useful minerals. Photographs: Series of views and geological studies. Maps: Set of geological maps and profiles. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 82 —DYKE. J. C. van In Java and the neighbouring islands. 8vo. New York, Charles Scribner, 1929, pp xii, 310. Contents: Sketches on Celebes, Borneo, the Moluccas, Bali and Java. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Brisbane; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 83 — EIBERGEN, P. Een merkwaardig polderland. (A remarkable drained marsh). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xliv, 1927, pp 506- 510. (In Dutch). Contents: An examination of the soil of an area on the south slope of Merapi, the '‘Woro triangle.” Map: Sketch map of the Woro triangle. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 84 —ES. Jr.. L. J. C. van Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Verk- larende tekst bij blad XV, Lampongs, Straat Soenda, Bantam. (General geological map of the Netherlands East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explana- tory text to sheet XV, Lampongs, Sunda Strait, Bantam). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 55-140. (In Dutch). Contents: Stratigraphy and tectonics. Map: General geological map of the vicinity of Sunda Strait.. In Atlas Volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 85 —ES, Ir.. L. J. C. van Bijdrage tot de kennis van de stratigraphic van het tertiair in de Residentie Bantam. (Contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy of the tertiary in the residency of Bantam). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1915, 2de gedeelte, pp 133-234. (In Dutch). Contents: The study includes a comparison between the stratigraphy of Sumatra and Java. Photographs: Many photographs of the area. Maps: Many maps of geological interest. In Atlas Volume for 1915. 95 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 86 — ES. Jr.. L. J. C. van De voorhistorische verbindingen van land en zee in den Oost-Indischen Archipel en de invloed daar- van op de verspreiding der diersoorten. (The pre- historic relationships of land and sea in the East Indian Archipelago, and their influence on the spread of animal species). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de Gedeelte, pp 255-304. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of prehistoric movements of land masses in the East Indian Archipelago, show- ing their effects on the distribution of the animals in the area. Map: The map shows presumed prehistoric land masses and has little other topographical interest. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 87 — ES. L. J. C. van De tektoniek van de westelijke helft van den Oost- Indischen Archipel. (The tectonics of the west half of the East Indian Archipelago). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1917, 2de gedeelte, pp 5-145. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of the tectonics of Java, Suma- tra, islands west of Sumatra, islands east of Sumatra and Borneo. Map: Geotectonic sketch map of the west part of the East Indian Archipelago, 4 sheets, scale 1 : 2,500,000. In Atlas Volume for 1917. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobait. 88 — ES, L. J. C. van De meteoriet van Meester Cornelis, Java. (The meteorite of Meester Cornelis, Java.). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 21-40. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the discovery of a large meteorite at Meester Cornelis, close to Batavia. Maps: Place where the meteorite was found. In Atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 89. — ES, L. J. C. van Geologisch-technische onderzoekingen, 1929- 1930. (Geological technical investigations, 1929-1930). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in N ederlandsc h-I ndie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 79-171; 1930, pp 79-240. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes sections on reservoir dams, hydro- logy and ground conditions. Separate entries are made for longer studies provided with maps under their authors: Es, L. J. C. van; Grondijs, H.; Nash, J. N. W.; Nelissen, T. For later studies, 1932-1938, see under Nederlandsch- Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 90 — ES, L. J. C. van Geologisch-technische onderzoekingen, 1931. (Geo- logical technical investigations, 1931). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 83-176. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes sections on reservoir dams, hydro- logy and ground conditions. Separate entries are made for studies of localities of any length and accompanied by maps under the names of their authors: Grondijs, H.; Nash, J. M. W.; Schmidt, K. G. R. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 91—ES, L. J. C. van Wadoek Tjikaro, Residentie Tegal. (Wadoek Tji- karo, residency of Tegal). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 86-88. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of the situation of a reservoir dam on the Tjikaro. Map: Dam Tjikaro, scale 1 : 2,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 92 — ES. L. J. C. van Wadoek Ranoe Woeroeng, Residentie Probolinggo. (Wadoek Ranoe Woeroeng, residency of Probo- linggo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 117-119. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of a projected reservoir dam. Map: Sketch map of the Ranoe Woeroeng. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 93 — ES. L. J. C. van Aardschuiving bij Tjisomang, Residentie Midden- Priangan. (Landslide near Tjisomang, residency of Central Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 142-146. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of a landslide and its probable, causes. 96 Map: The landslide terrain at Tjisomang, scale 1 : 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geologi- cal Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 94 — ES, L. J. C. van Wadoek Sitoe Lembang, Afdeeling Midden-Priangan. (Wadoek Sitoe Lembang, Division of Central Prian- gan). In: jaarboek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 83-85. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of the locality of the Wadoek Sitoe Lembang reservoir dam. Map: Locality of Sitoe Lembang, scale 1:10,000, and general map. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 95 — ES. L. J. C. van Filterputten van de drinkwaterwinning van Poer- wakarta, Afdeeling Krawang. (Filter wells of the water supply of Poerwakarta, Krawang Division). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 139-146. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the wells used to filter the water supply of Poerwakarta. Map: Map of Poerwakarta, scale 1 : 50,000. Sections and profiles. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 96— ES, L. J. C. van Wadoek Tjidjangkelok, Afdeeling Cheribon en Tegal. (Wadoek Tjidjangkelok, Division of Cheribon and Tegal). In: Jaarboek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 86-90. (In Dutch). Contents: Studies of the dams on the valleys of the Tjidjangkelok and Tjihoweh 11 and on the water- shed between them. Map: Reservoir Tjidjangkelok situation off the dam, scale 1 ; 2,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 97 — ES. L. I. C. van Studies in landing grounds for aircraft. In; Jaar- boek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929 various pp, 1930 various pp. Contents: List of studies: Andir landing ground, Residency Central Prian- gan, 1929, pp 141-142. Darmo landing ground, Residency Soerabaja, 1929, pp 157-158. Morokrembangan landing ground, Residency Soe- rabaja, 1929, pp 15B-160. Semplak landing ground, Division Buitenzorg, 1930, pp 203-204. Rembang landing ground. Division Rembang, 1930, pp 222-223. Malang landing ground, Division Malang, 1930, pp 223-224. Koepang landing ground, 1929, p 169. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 98-ES, L. J. C. van and T A VERNE, N. J. M. De Galoenggoeng en Telaga Bodas. (The Galoeng- goeng and Telaga Bodas). 4to. Weltevreden, Lands- drukkerij, 1924. (Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw—Vulkanologische Mededeelingen, No. 6). (In Dutch). Contents: The eruption of Galoenggoeng on July 17, 1918, and the following days. Galoenggoeng and Telaga Bodas. Photographs: Series of views of Mt. Galoenggoeng. Maps-. Set of maps and contours; various scales. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Adelaide. 99 — ESHUIS, Jr.. W. Protection of wild life in the Netherlands Indies. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. ii, 1939, pp 291-307. Contents-. History of the protection of wild life in the Netherlands East Indies. Legislation. List of nature and game reserves. Maps: Nature and game reserves in Java and Sumatra. Copies in NEF1S Library; University Library, Melbourne. 100 —ESSE VELD, H. and VEEN. A. G. van The medical laboratory at Batavia re-named "Eijk- man Institute” on its fiftieth birthday. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i. No. 4, 1938, pp 298-306. Contents: History of the Batavia Medical Labora- tory, now re-named after its first director, Professor Dr. C. Eijkman. Copies in NEF1S Library: University Library, Melbourne. 101 — EVERWIJN, R. and VLAANDEREN, C. R. Verslag van een onderzoek naar de ontginbaarheid van zwavel in de Preanger-Regentschappen, eiland Java. (Account of an investigation into the mining of sulphur in the Preanger regencies, Java). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1873, deel I, pp 105-140. (In Dutch). Contents: The commercial possibilities of sulphur mining in the Preanger with a chemical analysis of the mineral. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne. 102 — FEENSTRA, H. C. Air photography. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol iv. No. 7, 1923. pp 434-439. 97 Contents: An article on air photography. Photographs: Air views of Bandoeng and the Kawah Kamodjan, Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 103 —FENNEMA. R. De vulkanen Semeroe en Lemongan. (The volcanoes Semeroe and Lemongan). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedeelte, 1886, pp 5-130. (In Dutch). Contents: A geological description of two great East Java volcanoes. Photograph: A view of Semeroe after the eruption in April, 1885. Maps: Set of maps and profiles of volcanic region in East Java. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 104 —FENNEMA. R. De uitbarsting van den vulkaan Galoenggoeng . . . 1894. (The eruption of the volcano Galoenggoeng . . . 1894). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedeelte, 1895, deel 11, pp 58-84. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the eruption. A report of the same eruption by H. de Kock is appended to this article. Photographs: Galoenggoeng volcano soon after the eruption of October, 1894. Maps: The summit of the volcano Galoenggoeng after the eruption, scale 1 : 10,000, Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 105 — FENNEMA. R. De uitbarsting van den Tangkoeban Prahoe in Mei 1896. (The eruption of the Tangkoeban Prahoe in May 1896). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1910, pp 74-79. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of an eruption of the volcano Tangkoeban Prahoe, near Bandoeng. Map: The Tangkoeban Prahoe, 1896, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 106 —FOCK. Dirk The labour problem in the Dutch East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. No. 1, 1928, pp 37-41. Contents: The need for contract labour in Sumatra, the labour inspection service; the possibility of settlement in Sumatra after the expiry of the labour contract, and the need of emigration for over- populated Java. Photographs: Views on tea estate, and a tin mine. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 107 —FORBES. Rosita Flying Dutch. In: Geographical Magazine, Vol. iv, 1936-1937, pp 89-106. Contents: Describes a journey by air-liner from Karachi to Macassar. The route traversed Sumatra from Deli and Java. Photographs: Aerial views. Map: Small scale sketch map of route. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Teachers' College Library, Sydney; University Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geo- graphical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library. Adelaide; University Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 108 — FURNIVALL, L. I. S. The weaving industry in Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. v, No. 12, 1936, supplement, 4 pp. Contents'. The promotion of the native weaving industry by the Textile Institute at Bandoeng. Photograph: Girl weaving on native loom. Copy in NEFIS Library. 109 —GAADE, R. C. De top van den Goenoeng Lawoe. (The summit of Mt. Lawoe). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo graft sc hen Dienst, Vol. xvi, 1920, pp 87-92. (In Dutch). Contents'. Description of an ascent of Mt. Lawoe, residency Madioen, and comparison with the des- cription given by Junghuhn. Maps: Summit of Mt. Lawoe, scale 1 ; 10,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 110 —GAADE, R. C. De lucht-fotogrammetrische kaarteering van een vischvijver-complex ten noorden van Batavia op de schaal 1 :2,000. (The aerophotogrammetric survey of a fish-pond complex north of Batavia at the scale of 1 : 2,000). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xxm, 1927, pp 122-132. (In Dutch). Contents'. The article describes the preparatory work, the photographic survey, the map-making from the photographs, and discusses the results obtained. Photographs: Three aerophotographs of parts of the area. Maps: Maps of the fish-ponds north of Batavia. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 111 —GAADE. R. C. Mededeelingen betreffende de luchtfotogrammetrische proefkaarteering op de schaal 1 : 5,000 van een uit- gestrekt vlak sawahterrein nabij Tangerang, Resi- dence Batavia. (Report concerning the aerophoto- grammetric trial survey, scale 1 : 5,000 of a large plain of sawah land near Tangerang, residency of Batavia). In; Jaarverslag van den Topograftschen Dienst, Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 96-100. (In Dutch). Contents'. Description of method of work, the photo- graphic survey made, discussion of the results. Maps: Five aerophotographs of part of the area. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 112 —GARRETT. T. R. H. The natives of the eastern portion of Borneo and Java. In: Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. xlii, 1912, pp 53-67. Contents: A brief note on Banjarese, Orang Balik Papan. Orang Tarakan, Orang Bulongan, Bugis, Batavian Malay, and other physical anthropology. 98 Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Victoria Lib- rary, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide: Public Library, Perth. 113 —GERRITSEN, P. H. G. Enkele aanteekeningen bij de kaart van den Semeroe- top. (Some remarks on the map of the summit of the Semeroe). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, part 2, 1920, pp 100-101. (In Dutch). Contents: The changes of the summit of Mt. Semeroe observed in 1920, by comparing it with the map of 1911. Photographs: Views of the Semeroe crater. Map: Summit of Mt. Semeroe (Residency Pasde- roean), in 1920, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in NEFIS Library, Public Library, Adelaide. 114 —GENERAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS Batavia (Java). May 1920, second bulletin. Pub- lished by the Executive Committee. 8vo. Batavia, printed by Javasche Boekhandel en Drukkerij, 1920, pp 56. Contents: Information about committees, list of subjects and names of contributors, proposed excur- sions, etc. Photographs: Views of bridges, buildings and well- drilling. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 115 —GENT. L. F. van De landrentemetingen in de Residentien Kediri en Pasoeroean van Maart 1899 tot April 1906. (The land rent measurements in the residencies Kediri and Pasoeroean from March 1899 to April 1906). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. v, 1909, pp 219-227. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the work done in connection with the land-rent survey. Maps: Cadastral survey in Kediri and Pasoeroean and triangle network. Copy in NEFIS Library. 116 —GENT. L. F. van De Semeroe (Mt. Semeroe). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. v, 1909, pp 233-244. (In Dutch). Contents: Topographic survey of Mt. Semeroe, with special regard to the part played by the volcanic masses in the eruption of August 1909. Photographs: Several views and a panorama of the Tengger Mountains. Map: Semeroe, scale 1- : 20,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 117 —GENT. L. F, van De erfpachtperceelen in Zuid-Malang. (The heredi- tary lease lots of South Malang). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. vi, 1910, pp 258- 272. (In Dutch). Contents-. Survey of the origins and utilization of the allotments in hereditary lease in South Malang. Map: Hereditary lease allotments in South Malang. Copy in NEF1S Library. 118— GENT, L. F. van De afdeeling Banjoewangi. (The Division Banjoe- wangi). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. vn, 1911, pp 199-216. (In Dutch). Contents-. History, population, taxation, unexploited land, allotments in hereditary lease, labour, means of existence, the sawahs, the dry ground. Map: Soil utilization map of Banjoewangi, scale 1 : 500,000, showing allotments in hereditary lease, forest reserves and unproductive ground Copy in NEF1S Library. 119 — GENT. L. F. van De G. Semeroe (Mt. Semeroe). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. vn, 1911, pp 223- 226. (In Dutch). Contents: Changes in the shape of Mt. Semeroe since 1909. Photographs: Views of Mt. Semeroe and effects of eruptions. Maps: Top of Mt. Semeroe in 1909 and in 1911, scale 1 :20,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 120 —GENT. L. F. van De erfpachtperceelen in de Afdeeling Loemadjang (The allotments in hereditary lease in the Division Loemadjang). In: Jaarverslag van den Topogra- fischen Dienst, Vol. vni, 1912, pp 190-200. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Besoeks (torrents), the volcanic eruptions affecting the allotments in heredi- tary lease. The history of these allotments, their labour. Map: The allotments in hereditary lease in the Divi- sion Loemadjang, scale 1 : 200,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 121 — GENT. L. F. van De G. Lamongan (Mt. Lamongan). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. ix, 1913, pp 158-159. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the ascent of Mt. Lamon- gan on 13th November, 1913. Photographs: A number of views of Mt. Lamongan. Map: Craters of the G. Lamongan and G. Taroeb. scale 1 ; 10,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 122 — GENT, L. F. van Aardrijkskundige benamingen in Midden- en Dost- Java. (Geographical names in Central and East Java). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xi, 1915, pp 176-212. (In Dutch). Contents: Examples of geographical names connected with history (Hindoo, Islam, Balinese, Chinese, etc.); interpretation of the names of rivers, mountains, desas. Copy in NEFIS Library. 99 123 —GENT, L. F. van Aardrijkskundige benamingen in en om Batavia. (Geographical names in and around Batavia). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 274-283. (In Dutch). Contents: The history of Batavia as reflected in its geographical names. Copy in NEFIS Library. 124 —GENT. L. F. van Aardrijkskundige benamingen in West-Java. (Geo- graphical names in West-Java). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 168-215. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of the geographical names of West Java. Ancient names, the influence of Hindo> Buddism, local tradition and the attempt to explain it. Some ancient names; the influence of Islam, the contact with Europeans; emigration, etc., introduc- tion of an ordered administration; geographical names formed regularly; survey of the newer ter- minology (deserts, mountains, rivers and lakes islands, bays and capes). Copy in NEFIS Library. 125 —GENT, L. F. van Korte beschrijving van het Dieng-Plateau. (Brief description of the Dieng Plateau). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, 1919, pp h9-88. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the ancient Hindu monu- ments of the Dieng Plateau, Photographs: Views of the plateau and of Hindu monuments. Map: The Dieng Plateau, scale 1 : 50,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 126— GEORGE, Adel© By motor car through Java and Sumatra. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 9, 1920, pp 228-232. Contents: Motor trip along Java’s north coast (Soerabaya-Grisee-Lamongan-Tjepoe, the B.P.M. oil centre, Semarang-Cheribon-Lembang-Bandung across Mt. Masigit to Tjandjur-Sindanglaja-Buitenzorg) and through Sumatra (Medan-Brastagi-Harangaul to Lake Toba-Fort de Kock-Durian coal mine). Photographs: Views of Sumatra. Copy in NEFIS Library. 127— GEORGE. A. Things to be seen ’neath Java’s Mata Hari. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1921, pp 115-125. Contents: A tourist’s impressions. Photograph: Mt. Tangkoeban Prahoe. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 128 —GERTIS, A. Where the Hindus made their last stand. The Hindu fortress Kuta Bedah at Malang. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. II, 1925, pp 731-733. Contents: Relates the end of the fight of the Hindu against the Moslems. Photographs: A series of views of the locality. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 129—GILS, I. M. van Beschrijving van eenige meren en gevonden oudheden in de Residenties Preanger-Regentschappen en Cheri- bon. (Description of some lakes and antiquities that have been found in the Preanger and Cheribon resi- dencies). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 235-242. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief description of the lakes of Telaga- Patenggang, Sitoe-Lengkong, Telaga Sangiang, and statues of idols found there. Photographs: Views of Lake Pendjaloe and Hindu antiquities. Maps: Telaga Patenggang, scale 1 : 10,000; Sitoe Lengkong, scale 1 : 10,000; Telaga Sangiang, scale 1 ; 10,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 130 —GILS. I. M. van Een greep uit Cheribon’s verleden. (A selection from Cheribon’s past). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xiv, 1918, pp 151-156. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the tomb of Soenan Goe- noeng Rjati who introduced Islam to Java. Photographs: Views of the burial place. Maps: The Sultan’s tomb Goenoeng Djati, scale 1 ; 2,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 131—GODDARD, E. J. Reports on problems of tropical primary production in Java. Typescript 1929, pp 108. Contents: The author describes his itinerary, the area, population, agricultural pursuits, rainfall apd climate, transport, Government administration afid research. Estate and native cultivation. Genefal observations and recommendations with a view to a similar development of tropical agriculture in Queensland. Copy in Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 132 — GOENOENG. Njonja The mountain resorts of Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 7, 1933, pp 1-4. Contents: Description of some Javanese mountain resorts. Photographs: Views of Saragan, Tjisoeroepan, and Nongkodjadjar. Copy in NEFIS Library. 133 —GOTZ, F. F. F. Railways in the Netherlands Indies with special reference to the island of Java. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n. No. 4, 1939, pp 267-290. Contents: History of railway construction in the Netherlands East Indies. Lines and rolling stock; receipts and expenses from 1929 to 1937; the competi- tion of road traffic; measures to overcome the effects of the depression; the railway service. 100 Map: Railway map of Java and Madoera Copies in NEFIS Library; University of Queensland Library, Brisbane; University Library, Melbourne. 134 —GRANDJEAN, J. B. A crater journey in the vicinity of Bandoeng In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. iv. No. 7, 1923, pp 444-447, Contents: A description of a few of the many vol- canoes in the Preanger region. Photographs: Views of several of the volcanoes, in- cluding one from the air. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 135 —GREAT BRITAIN Foreign Office: Historical Section. Java (with Madura). Handbook No. 82. London, 1920, pp 97, Contents: 1. Geography, physical and political. 2. Political history. 3. Social and political conditions. 4. Economic conditions. Section 1. deals with the position and extent, surface, coasts and river system, climate, sanitary conditions, race and language, population. Section 4 includes information on com- munications and products. Copies in Department of External Affairs Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; Department of Defence Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library. Sydney; University Library, Adelaide. 136 —GREAT BRITAIN Admiralty — Hydrographic Department — Eastern Archipelago Pilot, Vol. iv. 2nd edition, 1939. Lon- don, 1939, pp 252. Supplement No. 2, 1941. Contents: Comprises the western end of Java, the southern and eastern coasts of Sumatra, Straat Soenda, Straat Banka. Gaspir Strait, Straat Kari- mata, the western coast of Borneo from Tanjong Sambar to the entrance of the Kleine Kapoeas River, the Riouw and Lingga Archipel, with the various routes leading to Singapore and the China Sea. Glossaries on native and Dutch words and informa- tion on charts. Copy in AGS Library. 137 — GREEN, Allan Rose of Malang. In: Java Gazette, Vol. iv. No. 11, 1936, pp 1-4. Contents: This is a description of a romance between native servants. Its value lies in the photographs. Photographs: A series of pictures in the vicinity of Malang. Copy in NEFIS Library. 138 — GROENHOF, G. P. Kort economisch overzicht van de districten in de Residentie Cheribon na afloop der Iste tienjaarlijksche herziening in 1919. (Brief economic survey of the districts of the residency Cheribon after the first ten years’ revision in 1919). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, part 2, 1919, pp 187- 213. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of industries and lines of com- munication in the districts of Cheribon. The average size of sawah and of tegellen property in each dis- trict per average family (of five). Copy in NEFIS Library. 139 — GRONDIJS, H. Wadoek Telaga Mendjer, Residentie Wonosobo. In: faarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 89-92. (In Dutch). Contents: An enquiry into the advisability of using Mendjer crater lake as a reservoir. Map: Wadoek Telaga Mendjar, Residency Wono- sobo, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 140 — GRONDIJS. H, Wadoek Sempor, Afdeeling Bagelen. (Wadoek Sem- per, Division of Bagelen). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnweien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 100-102. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the Sempor River and proposed reservoir. Map: The Sempor River, scale 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library. Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 141 —GRONDIJS. H. Wadoek Kali Kodak, Afdeeling Modjokerto. (Wadoek Kali Kodak, Division of Modjokerto). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in hi ederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 115-117. (In Dutch). Contents: Study of the location and vicinity of a projected reservoir dam. Map: Situation of Kali Kodak River, scale 1:7,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 142 — GRONDIJS. H. Watervoorziening Loerahgoeng, Afdeeling Cheribon. (Water supply Loerahgoeng, Cheribon Division). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 99-101. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the water supply for Loerahgoeng in the Cheribon Division, Central Java Map: The vicinity of Loerahgoeng, scale I : 50,000 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 143 — GRONDIJS, H. Catastrofe en herstel van de waterleiding van Jog- jakarta, Gouvernement Jogjakarta. (Collapse and reparation of the channel of Jogjakarta, Jogjakarta Government). In: Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 101- 112. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the water pipe line supply- ing Jogjakarta. Its collapse and reconstruction. Maps: Source region of the Kali Koening, scale 1 ; 5,000; Course of the Kali Koening, scale 1 : 5,000; Inset: General map, scale 1 ; 250,000. 101 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 144 — GRONDIfS, H. De aardbeving van Boemiajoe, Afdeeling Pekalongan. (The earthquake of Boemiajoe, Pekalongan Division). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 163-167. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of an earthquake in the Pekalongan Region, north coast of Central Java. Map: General map of the earthquake area in the vicinity of Boemiajoe, scale 1 : 100,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 145 — GRONDIJS, H. Tunneltrace bij het kratermeer Ngebel, Afdeeling Madioen. (Route of a tunnel near the crater lake Ngebel, Madioen Division). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 169-171. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes a tunnel on the railway near Ngebel, in the mountains above Madioen. Map: Vicinity of the Kali Djeram, scale 1 : 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 146 — GRONDIJS. H. and SCHMIDT, K. G. R. Aardschuiving tusschen Batoedjadjar en Tjihampelas in den weg Bandoeng-Tjililin, Afdeeling Midden-Pri- angan. (Landslide between Batoedjadjar and Tji- hampelas on the Bandoeng Tjililin road. Division of Central Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 205-208. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of a landslide on the Ban- doeng Tjililin road with a few topographical details. Map: Landslide on the government road Batoed- jadjar-Tjihampelas, scale 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth. 147 - GRONDIJS. H., and SCHMIDT, K. G. R. Wadoek Bantarkawoeng. In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 88-92. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of a reservoir dam in the Pekalongan Division, Central Java. Map: Reservoir dam, Pekalongan Division, scale 1 : 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 148 —GRONDIJS. H., and SCHMIDT. K. G. R. Wadoek Blembeng. In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 92-99, (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the icservoir dam, Wadoek Blembeng, in the Pekalongan Division, Central Java. Map: Reservoir dam, scale 1 ; 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne. 149 — GSOLLPOINTNER, K. Het Internationale breedtestation Batavia. (The international latitude station Batavia). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol, xxvi, 1930, pp 72-80. (In Dutch). Contents: The author discusses the choice of the place for the International Latitude Station, describes its site on the airfield Tjililitan, the buildings, instru- ments and staff and the state of development reached. Photographs: Instruments and buildings. Map: Batavia and environs. Section across the station ground, scale I ; 2,000. Copy in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 150— HAAN, F. de Oud Batavia. 2nd Edition. Bandoeng, A. C. Nix, 1935, pp 860 and vol. of plates. (In Dutch). Contents: By chapter headings; (1) Foundation; (2) To the death of Coen; (3) Development to 1650; (4) The Castle; (5) Walls, gates, squares, parks, canals and streets; (6) Public buildings; (7) The company’s factories, markets, warehouses; (8) Out- skirts, suburbs, resorts, Weltevreden; (9) Sugar and rack industries, Meester Cornelis, environs; (10) Slaves, inland population; (11) Foreign Orientals; (12) Mardijken and mixed bloods; (13) European citizens; (14) Houses; (15) Furniture; (16) Daily life; (17) Marriage and burial; (18) Transport; (19) Recreation; (20) Church, school, learning, the press; (21) Municipal affairs; (22) Sanitary conditions, statistics; (23) Trade. A magnificently produced historical survey. Photographs: Numerous fine collotype plates of furniture, houses, facsimiles, etc., of historical interest only. Copy in the National Library, Canberra. 151 —HAAR, C. ter Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 58 (Boemiajoe) met een korte agrogeologische beschrijving door J. Szemian. (Geo- logical map of Java, scale 1 ; 100,000. Explanation of sheet 58 (Boemiajoe), with a short agrogeological description by J. Szemian). 8vo. Nederlandsch- Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, 1934, pp 65. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, useful minerals, hot springs, climate, vegetation, agriculture, quality of soils. Maps: Two geological survey maps. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 152 — HALKEMA, H. W. Road development in the Netherlands East Indies In: Java Gazette, Vol. vm, No. 1, 1939, pp 19-22. Contents: The growth of roadways under the influ- ence of motor traffic. 102 Photographs: Set of views of roads in Java. Copy in NEF1S Library. 153 — HAMILTON. A. H. Temples of Central Java. Reprint from The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. m. Nos. 16/17, 1935, pp 20. Contents: Description of the old temples and of the restoration work achieved. Photographs: Views and details of the temples before and after restoration. Map: Map of the principal temple complexes of central Java. Copy in NEE IS Library. 154 —HARLOFF, Ch. E. A. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 67, Bandjarnegara. (Geological map of Java, scale I : 100,000; explanation of sheet 67, Bandjarnegara). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933, Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 47. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, useful minerals, hot springs, topography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 155 —HARLOFF, C. E. A. and PANNEKOEK, A. I. De omgeving van den Boroboedoer. (The surround- ings of Boroboedoer). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lvh, 1940, pp 13-23. (In Dutch). Contents: A topographical investigation of the neigh- bourhood of Borobudur. Situation, history of the question, Nieuwenkamp’s supposed lake; the shallow gullies near Borobudur, v conclusion. Map: The neighbourhood of Borobudur, scale 1 : 25,000 12.5m contours. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 156 —HARTLEY. H. The fruit of a fruitful land. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, No, 8, 1929, pp 329-332. Contents: Description of various fruits grown in Java and of Javanese fruit-dishes. Photographs: Different types of fruit. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 157 —HARTMANN, M. A. Die Vulkangruppe im Suedwesten des Salik-Vulkans in W. Java. (The volcanic group to the SW of Salik volcano in West Java). In; Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xcvm, 1938, pp 215-248. (In German). Contents: Description of Perbakti, Endoet or Wajang, Kiaraberes and Cagak volcanoes. Photographs: A series of views of the volcanoes. Maps: Salak volcanic range, scale 1 :200,000, with profile sketches. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 158 — HARTOGH. C. Education in Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 642-647. Contents'. Survey of the school system of the Nether- lands East Indies. PhotographI: Pictures of universities, schools and school-children in the N.E.l. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 159 — HEEK, I. G. B. van Rapport over een onderzoek in den krater van den vulkaan Papandajan. (Report of an investigation in the crater of the volcano Papandajan). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1906, pp 174-186. (In Dutch). Contents'. The results of a scientific investigation in the crater of Mt. Papandajan, West Java. Photographs'. Views of the volcano. Map: The volcano Papandajan, scale 1 : 20,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 160 — HEPWORTH, T. P. Holiday in Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. v, No. 12, 1924, pp 807-813. Contents: Brief description of a tourist's trip in Java. Photographs: A few typical scenes in Java. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 161 — HETZEL. W. H. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 ; 100,000. Toe- lichting bij blad 54, Madjenang. (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000. Explanation of sheet 54, Madjenang). 8vo. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1935. (Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw), pp 53. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, useful minerals, hot springs. Photographs: Studies of geological interest. Map: Geological sketch map of the western part of the basin of Bentarsari, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 162 — HINTE, I. van De excursie van het internationaal aardrijkskundig congres naar Nederlandsch-Indie. (Excursion of the international geographical congress to the Netherlands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. lvi, 1939, pp 85-97. (In Dutch). Contents: A general account of a five weeks’ tour, covering Java, Bali and Sumatra, with references to current literature. Copies in National Library, Canberra. Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart, 163 — #t HOEN, C. W. A. P. Verslag over de uitkomsten van een geologisch- mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in een gedeelte der Residentie Rembang. (Report on the results of a 103 geological mining investigation in a part of the residency of Rembang). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- we?en in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 202-254. (In Dutch). Contents: The results of geological and mining investigations near Rembang, East Java, with a few topographical details. Maps: General geological map of a part of North Rembang, scale 1 : 50,000; Coalfield Ngandang-Lodan. Sedan District, scale 1 : 20,000; Inset; 5 profiles of geological formations. In Atlas volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 164 —'t HOEN, C. W. A. P. Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Indischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Toelichting bij blad xvi, Midden-Java. (General geological map of the Netherlands Indies Archipelago, scale I ; 1,000,000. Explanation to sheet xvi. Central Java). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1929, pp 1-72. (In Dutch, with summary in English). Contents: Stratigraphy, structural geology, economic geology. Maps: Survey map of the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago, sheet xvi. Central Java, scale 1 : 1,000,000. In Atlas volume for 1929. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne, 165 — HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART, Batavia Getijtafel voor het westgat Soerabaja - Djamoeang Rif voor het jaar 1942. (Tide table for the west entrance of Soerabaja-Djamoeang Reef for the year 1942). pp 40. (In Dutch). Contents: Tide table. Copy in NEFIS Library. 166 —HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART, Batavia Getijtafel voor het oostgat Soerabaja, Karang Kleta, voor het jaar 1942. (Tide table for the east entrance of Soerabaja, Karang Kleta, for the year 1942). pp 40. (In Dutch). Contents: fide table. Copy in NEFIS Library. 167 —HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART, Batavia Getijtafel voor Tjilatjap voor het jaar 1942. (Tide table for Tjilatjap for the year 1942). pp 40. (In Dutch). Contents: Tide table. Copy in NEFIS Library. 168 — HOOP, A. M. J. Thomassen a Thuessink van der Door de lucht naar Indie. (By air to the Indies). 8vo. Amsterdam, Scheltens and Giltay, 1925, pp 343. On Dutch). Contents; Record of a flight from Holland to the Netherlands Indies, October-November, 1924, under the auspices of the Comite Vliegtocht Nederland- Indie; air communication in the Netherlands Indies; air communication between Holland and the Indies. Photographs: A series of pictures of the Indies from the air. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide 169 — HOOZE. J. A. Onderzoekingen in het kolenterrein bij Soekaboemi. (Investigations in the coal area near Soekaboemi). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1882, pp 5-65. (In Dutch). Contents'. Report of a search for coal near Soeka- boemi, West Java, with few topographical details. Map: Geological map of the coastal terrain near Soekaboemi; and general map of Preanger resi- dency. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 170— HORATIO Twin mountains of East Java. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn, No. 3, 1931, pp 131-134. Contents: Description of an ascent of Ardjoeno and Welirang, Photographs'. Views of Mts. Ardjoeno and Welirang. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 171 —HORATIO Smeroe’s noble head. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 4. 1931, pp 156-160. Contents; Description of an ascent of Java’s high- est mountain. Photographs: A series of views in the mountain region around Smeroe. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 172 — HORATIO Mount Raoeng. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 12, 1931, pp 572-574. Contents: Description of a climb up Mount Raoeng, 11,000 feet above the plain of Bondowoso, East Java. Photographs: Views of the crater of Mt. Raoeng. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 173 — HOESTTNK, J. Th. Aanteekeningen bij de kraterkaart van den G. Slamat. (Remarks on the crater map of Mt. Slamat). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxv, 1929, pp 97-99. (In Dutch). Contents: Changes in the summit of Mt. Slamat between 1910 and 1929. Description of the ascent. Photographs: A series of views illustrative of the text. Maps: Crater maps of Mt. Slamat in 1910 and 1929, scale 1 : 10,000; Sections across Mt. Slamat, 1929. Copy in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 104 Indie, Verhandelingen, 1880, deel I, pp 3-38. (In Dutch). Contents'. The search for coal in the Preanger, with a few topographical details. Map-. Part of the Preanger districts. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 180 —HYMANS, H. M. Reformative aims in the penal system of Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix. Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 659-662. Contents'. Description of the reformatory for juvenile delinquents at Tanah Tinggi, near Batavia. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 181 — INTER-OCEAN Through the granary of the east. From Batavia to Bandoeng via Buitenzorg-Soekaboemi. In; Inter- Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1925, pp 115-120. Contents'. Description of the trip for the tourist, including excursions from Buitenzorg to the tea estate Tjiapoes, to the crater of Mt. Salak, to the geysers of Tjisolok, from Soekaboemi to the falls of the Tjibeureum, to Njalindoeng, to Wijnkoops Bay and the hot springs at Tjisolok; from Sindang- laya to Telaga Warna and the Poentjak Pass, to Tjipanas, to Tjibodas, to the crater of the Gedeh and Pangerango. to the falls of the Tjibeureum Photographs: A series of views in West Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 182 — INTER-OCEAN Bandoeng, the mountain city of Netherlands India. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 3, 1925, pp 177-180. Contents: Description for the tourist, of Bandoeng and the following excursions from Bandoeng; to the bathing place Tjiampelas; to the falls of Dago; to Sangkoeriang; to the falls of Tjisaroea; to Penga- lengan; to Telaga Patengan and the craters Poetih, Patoeha, Tjiwedej and Tjiboeni; to the Tjoeroeg Halimoen; to Lembang and the crater of the Tangkoeban Prahoe. Photographs: A few views in and around Bandoeng. Copy in NEFIS Library. 183 — INTER-OCEAN In Java’s scenic paradise. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, No. 4, 1925,-pp 232-237. Contents: Guide for tourists; From Bandoeng to Garoet; excursions from Garoet to the crater of the Papandajan, to the Kawah Kamodjan, to the Telaga Bodas, to the Kawah Manoek, to the Lakes of Bagendit, Leles and the hot springs of Tjipanas, ascent of Mt. Tjikorai, to the lake of Pandjaloe, various automobile rides from Garoet. Photographs: Some typical Java scenes. Copy in NEFIS Library. 184 — INTER-OCEAN In Java’s volcanic paradise. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 5, 1925, pp 275-282. Contents: Series of photographs with short descrip- tive text describing the volcanoes and how to get to them. 174 —HORSTINK, J. Th. Poegerese toilers of the deep. In; Inter-Ocean. Vol. vim, No. 6, 1927, pp 346-347. Contents: Text accompanying two photographs of the sea coast at Poeger, a fishing village on the south coast of Java. Photographs: Coastal views at Poeger. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 175 — HORSTINK, J. Th. Reminiscences of Bantam. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. x. No. 8, 1929, pp 325-328. Contents: Impressions from Bantam and historical notes. Photographs: Minaret of Bantam; Part of the old fort; Old gun in the castle; Dutch graves of 1763; Old wall of the fort. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 176 HOUWINK, L. Verslag van een onderzoek naar aanleiding van de uitbarsting van den vulkaan Keloet . . . Mei 1901. (Report of an investigation into the cause of an eruption of the volcano Keloet . . . May 1901). In; jaarboek van bet in Nederland sc h-Indie, 1901, pp 122-136. (In Dutch). Contents: Findings of an enquiry into the causes of Mt. Keloet’s eruption in 1901. Map: Crater lake of the volcano Keloet, scale 1 ; 20,000 Map of Java showing area affected by the eruption. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 177 — HUBBARD, George Davis Industrialization for tropical regions. In: Congrts International de Geographie, Amsterdam, 1938, Tome n, Travaux de la Section me, pp 550-558. Contents: Discussion of the possibilities for indus- trialization in Java, the Philippines, Belgian Congo and India. The author considers that the lack of power resources disqualifies Java and the Philippines from becoming industrialized in the temperate zone sense. He sees the future of these and other tropical regions in improved primary production. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 178 — HUGUENIN, J. A. Verslag van het onderzoek naar kolenafzettingen in de Preanger regentschappen. (Report of the investi- gation of coal deposits in the Preanger districts). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1878, deel II, pp 99-116. (In Dutch). Contents: The search for coal in the Preanger, with a few topographical details. Map: Vicinity of the projected tunnel near the village Tjimenteng, Soekaboemi, scale 1 :20,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 179 — HUGUENIN. I. A. Verslag van het onderzoek naar kolenafzettingen in de Preanger regentschappen. (Report on an investi- gation of coal deposits in the Preanger districts). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch- 105 Photographs: A series of scenes in the volcanic regions. Copy in NEFIS Library. 185 — INTER-OCEAN Round about Sourabaya, East Java’s commercial centre. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 5, 1925, pp 299- 303. Contents: Advice to the tourist visiting Sourabaya; arrival, customs house, means of communication, general description, clubs, places of interest, excur- sions to Grissee, to the Island of Madoera, to Trawas and Patjet, etc. Photographs: Views in and around Sourabaya. Copy in NEFIS Library. 186 — INTER-OCEAN Tourist rambles in East Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, No. 6, 1925, pp 357-361. Contents: A tourist’s guide to Malang, Tosari, the Bromo and the Sand Sea. Photographs: Panoramic view of the Sand Sea taken from the summit of Mt. Papandajan. Copy in NEFIS Library. 187 — INTER-OCEAN In Sultanic Mid-Java, In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, No. 7, 1925, pp 426-429. Contents: A tourist’s guide to Djokjakarta, its places of interest, excursions to the Borobudur, to the Sultan’s graves at Pasar Gedeh and at Imogiri. A visit to Soerakarta. Photographs: A few views in Djokja, including one from the air. Copy in NEFIS Library. 188 — INTER-OCEAN State railways of the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 570-577. Contents: Brief description of the State railways from the tourist’s point of view. Photographs: Views on the Netherlands East Indies railways, including airscape in West Java. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 189 — INTER-OCEAN Grand drives in Weltevreden. 'In: Inter-Ocean, Vol, vii. No. 4, 1926, pp 209-214. Contents: Description of some beautiful parks in Batavia’s residential quarter. Photographs: Views in Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library. 190 — INTER-OCEAN The restaurants of Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 7. 1926, pp 389-396. Contents: Series of photographs with short descrip- tive text. Photographs: Some native restaurants in Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 191 — INTER-OCEAN When the waters are out; inundated java In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. vin. No. 3, 1929, pp 94-96. Contents: Brief description of the sparsely inhabited area of Bantam. Photograph: Bantam—flooded. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 192 — INTER-OCEAN The Soembing and Sindoro: twin mountains of Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 10, 1929, pp 415-418. Contents: Tourist’s description of the two mountains. Photographs: Views of Mts. Soembing and Sindoro. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 193 — INTER-OCEAN Netherlands Indies State railways. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, Nos. 11/12, 1929, pp 462-468. Contents: A brief description of the development of the State railways. Photographs: A number of views of railways and bridges. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: NEFIS Library. 194 — INTER-OCEAN Penandjoeng. In: Inter-Ocean. Vol. xi. No 1, 1930, pp 39-41. Contents: Description of the rest-place and national park on the peninsula of Penandjoeng, between Maurits Bay in the east, Dirk de Vries Bay and Bay of Parigi in the west, on the south coast of Java. Photographs: Aerial and other views of the penin- sula of Penandjoeng. Copy in NEFIS Library. 195 — INTER-OCEAN Waterfalls near the south coast. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi. No. 2, 1930, pp 84-85. Contents: Descriptions of some waterfalls in Java’s south coast mountains. Photographs: Studies of waterfalls. Copy in NEFIS Library. 196—INTER-OCEAN On the Tengger. The village of Djarak Idjau. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, No. 4, 1930, pp 163-167. Contents: Description of an excursion from Malang to Tengger. Photographs: Views in the Tengger region. Copy in NEFIS Library. 197 — INTER-OCEAN Along Java’s south coast. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, 1930, pp 192-193. Contents: Series of photographs, with short descrip- tive text. Photographs: Coastal views. Copy in NEFIS Library. 106 198 — INTER-OCEAN Ancient customs of the Javanese. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm, No. 4, 1932, pp 147-148. Contents: Procession of the holy flag of Djokja- karta to exorcise the plague at the town of Kotta Gede, Photographs: Two groups from the procession. Copy in NEFIS Library. 199 —IRELAND, Alleyne The far eastern tropics. Studies in the administra- tion of tropical dependencies. (Hong Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, French Indo China, Java, the Philippine Islands). London, Constable, 1905, pp 332. Contents: Studies on various phases of British, American, French and Dutch colonial policy and administration. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 200 —JAVA GAZETTE The Arabs of Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. I, No. 8, 1933, supplement. Contents: Brief account of the distribution of Arabs in Java and their modes of life. Photographs: Types of Arab dwellings. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Melbournev 201 —JAVA GAZETTE Evolution of public conveyances in Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. n. No. 5, 1933, pp 1-4. Contents: Street traffic in Javanese towns. Photographs: Old steam tram in Batavia, and other types of street vehicles. Copy in NEFIS Library. 202 —JAVA GAZETTE The Government of Jogjakarta. In: Java Gazette, Vo’, n. No. 7, 1934, pp 1-4. Contents : The temples, arts and crafts of Jogjakarta, Java. Photographs: Studies of native art. Copy in NEFIS Library. 203 —JAVA GAZETTE The Government of Surakarta. In: Java Gazette, Vol. ii. No. 8, 1934, pp 1-4. Contents: The town of Surakarta and its environs. Photographs: Typical views in the Surakarta Sultanate. Copy in NEFIS Library. 204 — JAVA GAZETTE Buitenzorg. In: Java Gazette, Vol. in. No. 1, 1934, PP 1-4. Contents: Description tor the tourist. Photographs: Views in and around Buitenzorg. Copy in NEFIS Library. 205 —JAVA GAZETTE Rice production of Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vm. No, 2, 1939, pp 59-60. Contents-. History of the cultivation of rice. Java’s rice production and foreign trade in rice. Rice growing in the Outer Possessions and the import sur- plus of milled rice from there. The rice policy of the Netherlands Indies Government. Photographs: Java rice fields. Copy in NEFIS Library. 206 —JAVA GAZETTE Java’s new airport. In; Java Gazette, Vol. vm, No. 3, 1939, p 86. Contents: Plans for an airport at Sourabaya. Photographs: Kali Perak, where flying boats will land. Map: The position of the new airport. Copy in NEFIS Library. 207 —JAVA GAZETTE Kroepoek. In: Java Gazette, Vol. vm, No. 4, 1939, p 119. Contents: Kroepoek is a native product made of tapioca flour and (for the best-known variety) shrimp. The manufacturing centre is the regency of Sidoardjo in the Province of East Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 208 —JAVA MOTOR CLUB Handboek voor toerisme in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Handbook for tourists in the Netherlands Indies). Semarang, pp 244. (In Dutch). Contents: General advice to motorists. For Java: Alphabetical list of places which can be reached by motor car; lists of hotels and passangrahans; springs and spas, antiquities and other sights; in- land ferries; inter-local telephone offices; regula- tions for driving on certain roads. For Madoera: Alphabetical list of places which can be reached by motor car; list of passangrahans, springs and spas; sights; inter-local telephone offices. (For Sumatra, Celebes, Outer Possessions, see annotation under this heading in these sections). Copy in NEFIS Library. 209 —JAVA MOTOR CLUB Afstandstabellen. (Tables of distances). 12th edition, pp 95. (In Dutch). Contents: Tables of distances in kilometres for Java and Madoera. Alphabetical lists of the sugar fac- tories and of the estates in Java with the distance to the nearest place. Copy in NEFIS Library. 210 —JAVA MOTOR CLUB Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera. (Automobile map of Java and Madoera). Contents: A photostat negative of motor map showing type of roads, railways, tramlines, etc. Also location of residents, etc. In three parts (6 photostat sheets), scale 1 : 500,000. Copy in AGS map files. 107 211 —JONG, I. A. de Megalithische oudheden op het Yang-hoogland. (Megalithic antiquities on the Yang highlands). In: fijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. liv, 1937, pp 22-29, 215-218. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of some of the antiquities to be found in the Idjen Highlands (East Java). Photographs: A series of views in the highlands. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 212 —IONKER, H. J. W. Verslag van een onderzoek naar het voorkomen van kolen bij Bedjong-Manik, distrikt Parong-Koedjang, afdeeling Lebak. (Report of a search for coal near Bodjong-Manik, district of Parong-Koedjang, divi- sion of Lebak). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1872, deel 11, pp 153-171. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on results of a search for coal in the Parong district. Map: Sketch of the coalfield near Bodjong-Manik, scale I : 25,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 213 —JURGEN, Phillip Terence On the edge of a crater. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine. Vol, 2, No. 11, 1921, pp 388-389. Contents : Description of an excursion to Tangkoeban Prahoe, an extinct volcano some seven miles from Bandoeng in the Preanger Regencies. Photographs: View of the crater and crater lake. Copy in NEFIS Library. 214 —JURGEN, Phillip Terence Bandoeng. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Maga- zine, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1922, pp 47-48. Contents: Brief description of Bandoeng from the tourist’s point of view. Photographs: Views of Bandoeng. Copy in Mitchell Library. Sydney. 215 JUSTESEN, P. Th. De Goenoeng Merapi in de Padangsche bovenlanden. (Mt. Merapi in the Padang highlands). In; Tijd- schrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxvn, 1920, pp 181-194. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes an ascent of Merapi in 1908, with notes on the topography. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates: I. From Parapatti ridge looking NW. 2. From summit of the “half- moon” looking SW. 3. From eastern rim of crater of Volcano F looking NE. 4. From top of “half- moon” looking E. Maps: Small scale locality map. Sketch map of Merapi by Verbeek (1878), scale 1 : 20,000. Sketch map of Merapi from Topograpische Dienst 1893, scale 1 : 26,667. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 216 — K, J. B. y.d. A visit to the falls of Tjianten. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xiii, No. 3, 1932, pp 113-115. Contents: Description of a trip from Weltevreden to the waterfall of the Tjianten, near Leuwiliang. Photographs: Views of the waterfall and river. Copies in NEF1S Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 217 —KALFF. S. The Wynkoops Bay. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 11, 1922, pp 360-362. Contents: Brief description of the bay on the south- west coast of Java. Photographs: 2 views of the bay. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 218 — KAMPEN. P. N. van The amphibia of the Indo-Australasian archipelago. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1923, pp 304. Contents: Lists and describes 254 species, with index of their distribution. Photographs: 29 line-blocks from drawings. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth 219 — KAROW. Jean Life in the mountains. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, 1921, pp 136-138. Contents: The beauty spots of the Javanese Mountains. Photographs: Views in the mountain regions. Copy in NEE IS Library. 220 — KEMMERLING. G. L. L. De aardbeving van Maos op 9-10 September 1916. (The earthquake of Maos on 9-10 September 1916). In: Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 11-24. (In Dutch). Contents: A report of an inquiry into the causes of an earthquake. A geographical and geological description of the locality Banjoemas to Schildpad- den Bay in South Central Java. The illustrations show the effect of the shocks on buildings. Maps: Sketch map of the earthquake region of Maos, 9-10 September 1916, scale 1 :200,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geologi- cal Survey Library, Hobart. 221 —KEMMERLING. G. L. L. Rapport omtrent een ijzerertsvoorkomen op dc hellingen van den Tangkoeban Prahoe, nabij Tjiater, Residentie Batavia, Pamanoekan- en Tjiasemlanden. (Report on the occurrence of iron ore on the slopes. 108 of the Tangkoeban Prahoe, near Tjiater, residency of Batavia, Pamanoekan and Tjiasem districts). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 3-8. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the discovery of iron ore on the slopes of the volcano Tangkoeban Prahoe, with few topographical details. Map: Iron ore deposits in the neighbourhood of the village Tjiater, residency of Batavia, scale 1 : 25,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 222 — KEMMERLING, G. L. L. Uit Indie’s vulkaanrijk. (From the volcano realm of the Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxix, 1922, pp 1-41. (In Dutch). Contents: A short survey of the results of vulcano- logical research during the preceding few years. Section A deals with volcanoes and volcanic phe- nomena in the residencies of Sumatra—west coast (north part), and Tapanoeli (Danau Manindjau, G. Tandikat, G. Merapj, G. Ophir, G. Sorik Merapi) sulphur fields and hot springs; Section B with the eruption of Mt. Keloet, 19-20 May 1919; Section C Mt. Merapi; Section D Mt. Semaroe; Section E Mt Bromo; Section F Mt. Lamongan; Section G renewed activity of Mt. Keloet, 6-7 December 1921; Section H on the forecasting of volcanic disasters. Map: Area covered by flows from Mts. Semaroe, Bromo and Lamongan, scale 1 : 750,000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 223 — KEMMERLING, G. L. L. Beschouwingen over de hernieuwde werking van den Merapi der Vorstenlanden van December 1930. (Con- siderations on the renewed activity of Merapi in the Sultanates in December 1930). In: Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlviii, 1931, pp 712-743. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the eruptions of 19th December 1930 and their preliminaries and results. Photographs: 10 views showing the course of the eruption and the principal lava flows. Map: West slope of Merapi, scale 1 : 100,000, show- ing course of lava streams, bridle tracks and foot- paths. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 224 —KERBOSCH, M. Some notes on Cinchona culture and the world con- sumption of quinine. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n, No. 1, 1935, pp 36- 51. Contents: History of the cinchona culture in Java, as well as in other tropical countries. Its market- ing. The problem of how to make the possible sur- plus production of Java available for combating malaria. Copies in NEFIS Library: University Library, Melbourne. 225 —KESSEL, P. J. B. van De weergave van bet oppervlakte-relief door middel van gekleurde hoogte-zones. (The representation of surface relief by means of coloured zones of alti- tude). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol, xxv, 1929, pp 116-122. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of Ostwald’s colour theory. The plastic effect of colours after Peucker. Practical application. Map; Trial sheet, scale 1 : 50,000 of sheet 37/xxxix of the map, scale 1 : 150,000, showing G. Pangrange and G. Cede in coloured zones of altitude. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 226 — KESSEL. P. J. B. van Proefnemingen met een instrument ter vervaardiging van blokdiagrammen. (Tests with an instrument for making block diagrams). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxv, 1929, pp 123-125. (In Dutch). Contents-. Description of an instrument for making of block diagrams from maps and of the method of work. Block diagrams given as examples. Block Diagrams: Idjen plateau, scale 1 : 150,000; Tengger caldera, scale 1 : 150,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 227 —KLOPPER. J. The engineering university of Bandoeng. In: Sluy- ter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. in. No. 9, 1922, pp 182-185. Contents: A description of the Department of En- gineering, Bandoeng University. Photographs: Views of the buildings, including an aerial view. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 228 —KNAPP, T. An ascent of the highest peak of Goentoer Moun- tain. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. in. No. 3, 1922, pp 214-217. Contents: A brief description of an ascent of the highest peak of Goentoer Mountain. Photographs: Views of Goentoer Mountain. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 229 — KONINKLIJK MAGNETISCH EN METEORO- LOGISCH OBSERVATORIUM Batavia. Jaarverslag 1933, 1936, 1937. (Annual Report). Stencilled copies. (In Dutch). Contents: Annual report on the activities of the Royal Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory of Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library. 230 — KONINKLIIK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUN- DIG GENOOTSCHAP Editorial Board. Met dalen van de eilanden op de noordkust van Java. (The subsidence of the 109 Sedoelang Islands, off the north coast of Java). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvm, 1911, PP 927-929. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the rapid submergence of some of these small scattered islands and of the subsidence of the sea bottom in the area. Many islets are individually described. Map: Sketch chart of these islands. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane. 231—KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUN- DIG GENOOTSCHAP De Paaldorpen in de Kinderzee. (Pile villages in the Kinderzee). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlviii, 1931, p 355. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of the fisherfolk inhabiting villages built on piles in the water of the Kinderzee, a large inlet on the Java south coast, near Tjilatjap, and of their forced migration inland when the silt- ing up of the river Tandoei deprived them of their livelihood. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 232 — KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSCH-IND1SCHE LUCHTVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Touring the tropics at top speed. Contents: The regular services of the K.N.I.L.M. The aeroplanes used. Description of Java from the air. The beauty of Bali. The Toradja Lands. Written for the tourist. Photographs: A fine series of views in the Nether- lands East Indies, including some from the air. Map: Map of the services of the K.N.I.L.M. Copy in NEFIS Library. 233 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Romance calling; Java, Bali, Sumatra, Nias, Siam, Indo-China, pp 40. Contents: Modernistic paintings of native life by Carl Shreve and journalistic text praising in flowing colours the fascination of travel in the Far East. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 234 —KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Java-Australia-Line. 1937. Contents: Travel booklet showing a number of views of Sumatra, Java and Bali. Photographs: A number of typical scenes in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in AGS Library. 235 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Some aspects of Java, 1938, pp 32. Contents: Prospectus and maps of Java for tourists. Photographs : A fine series of scenes in Java. Copies in NEFIS Library; National Library, Canberra. 236 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ The “Paketvaart” Atlas of the Netherlands Indian Archipelago, pp 24. Contents: Photographs and maps of the Archipelago. Photographs: Typical scenes in the Netherlands East Indies. Map: Java, scale 1 : 2,000,000, showing main roads, railroads, tramways, boundaries of residencies, vol- canic mountains. Copy in AGS Library. 237 — KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Volcanoes in the Netherlands Indies. In K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 11, pp 255-282. Contents: Description of some of the more important volcanoes of the Netherlands East Indies for the tourist. Photographs: A series of studies and views in the volcanic regions. Map: The principal volcanoes and mountains in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 238 — KOOLHOVEN. W. C. B. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000; toe- lichting bij blad 14 (Bajah). (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000; explanation of sheet 14 (Bajah). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933. Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst, van den Mijnbouw, pp 66. (In Dutch). Contents: Morphology, geology, useful minerals, etc., bibliography. Photographs: Valley and spring region of Tjibareno from Telaga. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 239 —KOP. G. G. van der Tandjong Priok. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol 1, 1920, pp 198-203. Contents: A description of the port of Batavia. Photographs: Shipping and wharves at Tandjong Priok. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 240 — KOP. G. G. van der Off the beaten path in East Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 9, 1925, pp 585-592. Contents: Brief text accompanying photographs. Photographs: A fine series of views in East Java. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 241 — KOP, G. G. van der Under the smoke of Java’s capital. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vii. No. 3, 1926, pp 147-154. Contents: Brief text accompanying eight artistic photographs of old Batavia. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 110 242 —KUENEN, H. Voorloopig resultaat van een onderzoek van de G. Penanggoenan bij Soerabaia. (Preliminary result of an investigation of Mt. Penanggoenan near Soera- baia). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aard- rijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvii, 1930, pp 48-51. (In Dutch). Contents: A short description based on a ten-day excursion in connection with the Snellius expedition. Photographs: 2 line profile sketches, one from the northeast and one from the southwest. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 243 —KUPERUS, C. The relation between density of population and utilization of soil in Java. In: Congr&s International de Geographic, Amsterdam, 1938, Tome n, Travaux de la Section me, pp 465-477. Contents: Attempts to explain the great differences occurring in the density of the population of Java on the basis of the utilization of the soil. Map: Density of population per regency in Java and Madoera according to the Census of 1930, scale 1 : 5,000,000. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 244 —LAMSTER, J. C. Het cadastrale triangulatiejiet van Oost-Preanger. (The cadastral triangulation net of East Preanger). In: faarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. m, 1907, pp 130-139. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the cadastral triangulation net in East Preanger. Map: (the cadastral triangulation net of East Pre- anger) ; scale, 1:650,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 245 —LAMSTER. J. C. Een "uitbarsting” van de modderwel Kesanga. (An eruption of the mud spring Kesanga). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 368-371. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of eruptions of July 1910 of mud springs near Gaboes, Central Java. Photographs: 2 full-page plates of mounds thrown up by mud spring. Map: Mud spring Kesanga, scale 1 :6,000; Mud Spring Kepathian, scale 1 ; 1,200. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; University Library, Sydney. 246 — LANDSDORP, A. J. Java’s fish ponds. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 9, 1928, pp 512-513. Contents: Brief text to accompany the photographs. Photographs: Typical “Bandoeng” fish pond and fishing scenes. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 247 —LATER. J. F. H. A. Java’s sacred places. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n. No. 10, 1922, pp 260-262. Contents'. An article on Mt. Njai Loroh Kxdul. Photographs: General view of the mountains; A coast scene. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 248 — LECLERCQ, Jules The mountain of the gods. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. viii. No. 4, 1927, pp 203-210. Contents: Description of an excursion to the Bromo for the tourist. Photographs: Views of and around the Bromo volcano. Copy in Public Library. Melbourne. 249 — LEEUWEN. W. Docters van The Botanical Gardens (at Buitenzorg). In; Sluyter's Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 1, May 1920, pp 20-27. Contents: A description of the botanical and experi- mental gardens at Buitenzorg. Photographs: Views of the Gardens. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 250 — LEEUWEN. W. M. Docters van De alpiene vegetatie van den Lawoe-vulkaan in Midden-Java. (The alpine vegetation of Lawoe vol- cano in Central Java). In: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol, lxxxv, 1925, pp 23-48. (In Dutch). Contents: A general topographical, climatic and botanical description of the mountain, followed bv a systematic list of flora. Photographs: 6 half-page, half-tone plates showing views of, and on, the mountain. Map: Contour line map of top of Mount Lawoe (no scale). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney. 251 —LEEUWEN. W. M. Docters van Die Vegetation der Insel Toppers Hoedje in der Sunda-Strasse. (The vegetation of the Toppers Hoedje island in Sunda Strait). In: Natuurkundig Tijd- schrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xciv, 1934, pp 149-169. (In, German). Contents: A short description of the island from a botanical point of view and a list with full descrip- tions of 50 species. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library1 Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 252 — LEKKERKERKER, C. De nieuwe bestuursindeeling van Java en Madoera. (The new administrative division of Java and Madoera). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 97- 111. (In Dutch). Contents: On the administrative organisation of Java and Madura. Map: Administrative divisions of Java and Madura (outline only). Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 253 — LEKKERKERKER, C. Java’s overbevolking. (Overpopulation of Java). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. liv, 1937, pp 866-895. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses Javanese population problems. Maps: Population density at 1930 census, scale 1 : 5,000,000. Increase in population between 1920 and 1930, scale I : 5,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 254 — LEKKERKERKER. C. The Portuguese Outer Church at Batavia. In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. 18, 1933, pp 89-101. Contents: Architecture of the Portuguese Outer Church in Batavia, and history of its community. Photographs: Views of the church and its sur- roundings. Copy in NEFIS Library. 255 —LLOYD MAIL Vol. m, No. 6. 1933; Vol. iv. Nos. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 1934-1935; Vol. v, Nos. 4, 12, 1935-1936; Vol. vi. Nos. 2, 11, 1936-1937; Vol. vn, Nos. 1, 3, 1937; Vol. vm, No. 3, 1938, Contents: Monthly journal published for the tourist. Photographs: Typical scenes in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 256 —LUDWIG. O, Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000; toe- lichting bij blad 30 (Poerwakarta), met een korte agrogeologische beschrijving door J. Szemian. (Geo- logical map of Java, scale 1 ; 100,000; explanation of sheet 30 (Poerwakarta), with a short agrogeological description by J. Szemian). 8vo. Bandoeng, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1933. Nederlandsch-Indie— Dienst van den Mijnbouw, pp 45. (In Dutch). Contents: Orography and hydrography, geology, useful minerals, agrogeology (climate, vegetation, agriculture, quality of soils). Photographs: Studies of geological interest in the Parang mountains. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 257 —MAANEN. D. van Some notes on irrigation in the Dutch East Indies. In: Sluyters Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 1, December 1920, pp 503-509. Contents: A brief description of some of the irriga- tion works in the Dutch East Indies. Photographs: A series of studies of irrigation works. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 258 —MAASEN, C. C. J. Javanese agricultural migration to the Outer Pro- vinces. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. n, No. 3, 1939, pp 183-192. Contents: Assisted immigration of Javanese agri- culturists to the Outer Provinces in 1935-1939. Advice for large-scale colonization. Photographs: A series illustrating the development of a new Javanese colony. Copies in University Library, Melbourne; NEF1S Library; University Library, Brisbane. 259 — MANNHARDT, F. G. Rapport omtrent het voorkomen van asphalt- en phosphaatafzettingen aan den voet van het Kromong- gebergte in het distrikt Palimanan der Residence Cheribon. (Report on the occurrence of asphalt and phosphate deposits at the foot of Kromong Mt. in the district Palimanan of the residency Cheribon). In: Jaarboek van het in N ederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 9-18. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief description of the asphalt and phos- phate deposits in the Cheribon residency. Maps: Geological sketch map of the terrain of the asphalt and phosphate deposits at the foot of Mt. Kromong, showing the location of deposits near the Waringin River and the tramline to Cheribon, scale 1 ; 20,000; profile through the line indicated. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 260 — MANSCHOT. N. J. The financial condition of estate tea cultivation in the Netherlands Indies from 1928-1933 inclusive. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 14, 1935, pp 356-361. Contents: Survey of the changes since 1928 in the financial structure and the general position of estate tea cultivation with special regard to Java. Photographs: Pictures illustrating aspects of the tea industry. Copy in NEF1S Library. 261—MANSCHOT, N. J. The financial position of the plantation tea industry in the Netherlands Indies under restriction. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 3, 1937, pp 6-13. Contents: Review of the changes in the financial position of the plantation tea industry in the Nether- lands East Indies and particularly in Java, mainly as a result of the international restriction agreement of 1933. Copy in NEFIS Library. 262 — MANSFELD, H. A. Verslag over de in het jaar 1872 te Batavia uitge- voerde artesische putboringen. (Report on the arte- sian well borings carried out at Batavia in the year 112 1872). In: Jaarboek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1873, deel II, pp 93- 144. (In Dutch). Contents: Artesian wells in Batavia in 1872. Map. Residency of Batavia, scale 1 :250,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 263 —MAUTNER, W. Java tobacco in the world market. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. iv, Nos. 16/17, 1936, pp 305-309. Contents: History of the Java tobacco industry; the organization of production; production and receipts 1847-1934; export to th.e different countries; financial results of the four large companies 1925-1935; the course of their shares 1900-1936. Photographs: Studies illustrating aspects of the tobacco industry. Copy in NEFIS Library. 264 —MAYER, L. Th. Een blik in het Javaansche volksleven. (A glance at Javanese native life). 2 vols. Leiden, E. J. Brill, pp 568. (In Dutch). Contents: Ethnographic survey of all sides of Javan- ese native life, evidently written at some early date (about 1870). Photographs: Native types; Wearing apparel and symbols worn to mark different rank. Copy in NEFIS Library. 265 —MEJAN. N. M. C. Verweij De landrente-belastingwerkzaamheden in 1910. (The land rent taxation work in 1910). In; Jaarverslag van den Topograftschen Dienst, Vol. vi, 1910, pp 145-207. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the work done in connection with taxation based on agricultural land in 1910. The same subject is dealt with for 1911 in Vol. vn, 1911, pp 127-197. Maps: Java and Madoera. Copy in NEFIS Library. 266 —METZ. Th. Java, Sumatra, Bali: Uber Kolonialpolitik im tropi- schen Holland. (Java, Sumatra, Bali: Colonial policy in tropical Holland). 8vo. Leipzig, Deutsche Wis- senschaftliche Buchhandlung, 1932, pp 79. (In Ger- man). Contents: Dutch methods of administration, the Dutch and the natives, the Dutch and the Germans in the Netherlands Indies, the Javanese, agriculture, volcanoes, education, Dutch co-operative organiza- tions, communications, modern buildings, etc. Photographs: Central Java landscape with the vol- cano Merapi. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 267 —METZ. Th. Batavia—Wie es der Fremdling sieht. (Batavia—as the stranger sees it). In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. 18, 1933, pp 293-297. (In German). Contents: Description of Batavia from the tourist’s point of view. Photographs: Views in and around Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library. 268 —MEYIER, J. E. de De vaarwaters naar Soerabaja. (The navigable fair- way to Soerabaya). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvii, 1910, pp 35-64, 218-246, 1002-1004. (In Dutch). Contents: A detailed survey of the sea approaches to Soerabaya, with an analysis of the changes in tides, channels and depths since these were first recorded; and recommendations regarding means to combat silting. Maps: Showing the approaches to Soerabaya from 1683 to 1906. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane. 269 — MINISTERIE VAN DEFENSIE Zeemansgids voor Nederlandsch-Oost-lndie. Deel I. Westelijk gedeelte van den Oost-Indischen Archipel. (Nautical guide for the Netherlands East Indies. Part I. Western part of the East Indian Archi- pelago). ’s Gravenhage, 1929. 6th edition, pp 469, with verbeterblad (supplement), 1933. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes the whole of Sumatra and neigh- bouring islands, parts of Borneo and Java. Copy in NEFIS Library. 270 — MINISTERIE VAN DEFENSIE Zeemansgids voor Nederlandsch-Oost-lndie. Deel II. Midden gedeelte van den Oost-lndischen ArchipeL (Nautical guide for the Netherlands East Indies. Part 11. Central part of the East Indian Archi- pelago). ’s Gravenhage, 1931. 6th edition, pp 599, with supplement. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes parts of Java, Borneo, Celebes and the western part of the Lesser Sunda Islands as far as 121° 10' E. Copy in NEFIS Library. 271— MOE, Kilmer O. Laying the corner stones in Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, 1925, pp 393-394. Contents: The author praises the Dutch effort in Java, especially the building of the great highway from Anjer on the Strait of Sunda in the west to a point opposite Bali in the south-east, under Mar- shall Daendels, and the encouragement of private enterprise after the Dutch system of cultivation had been abandoned. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 272 —MOE. Kilmer O. Cinchona, the crowning glory of the Dutch culture system. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1925, pp 83-84, 121. Contents: Discusses the origin of quinine; the intro- duction of cinchona into Java; the problem of re- afforestation. Photograph: Preparing the terraces on a cinchona estate in Java. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 113 273 —MOHR, E. C. Jul. De Bodem der tropen in het algemeen, en die van Nederlandsch-Indie in het bijzonder, Deel 11, vierde stuk: Java en Madoera. (The soil of the tropics in general, and of the Netherlands Indies in particular, Vol. 2, part 4: Java and Madura). 8vo. Amster- dam, Mededeeling No. 31, Afdeeling Handelsmuseum No. 12. (In Dutch). Contents: Soil formation, climate, soil temperature, soil moisture, rainfall, evaporation, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Waite Agri- cultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide, 274 —MOHR, E. C. Jul. Tropical soil-forming processes and development of tropical soils with special reference to Java and Sumatra. Translated from the Dutch “De Grond van Java en Sumatra,” 1930, by R. L. Pendleton. Mimeographed by College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, 1930. Contents: Discussion of the rocks, which can serve as the raw material for the formation of soils; Discussion of climates; Methods of weathering of rocks, stages of weathering and soil formation; The main types of soils to be expected in Java and Sumatra. Copies in Waite Agricultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide; University 'Library, Brisbane; University Library, Melbourne. 275 —MONNICH. A. F. Van grauwe grotten en bruisende bronnen in daar- mede verband houdende Javaansche legenden. (Dark caves and bubbling springs and Javanese legends connected with them). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 257-263. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Rengel cave (Residency Rembang, Division Bodjonegoro) and the Beron spring, the caves of Kawah Teroes and Kawah Lawa (Division of Toeban) and the legends connected with them. Photographs: Views of streams and caves. Copy in NEFIS Library. 276 —MONNICH. A. F. De vogelnestklippen van Karangbolong. (The birds’ nest cliffs at Karangbolong). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xiv, 1918, pp 157- 163. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the ceremonies and legends connected with the collection of birds’ nests. Copy in NEFIS Library. 277 —MOORE. W. Robert Through Java in pursuit of color. In; National Geographic Magazine, Vol. lvi, 1939, pp 333-362. Contents: A colour-photographer’s travels through Java. Photographs: A series of photographic studies. Map: Java, scale 1° ; 350 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library. Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 278— M. O. W On the Tengger. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol, xi. No. 4, 1930, pp 163-167. Contents: A description of the scenery in the Teng- ger mountains, East Java. Photographs: Typical scenes in the Terigger mountains. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 279 — M. O. W. On Mount Ardjoeno. The ruins of the Sepilar. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xii. No. 2, 1931, pp 67-72. Contents: Description of an excursion from Lawang to the temple ruins on Mt. Ardjoeno. Photographs: Views of the ruins, and their surroundings. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 280 — MUDDIMAN. A. B. Agricultural implements and machinery in Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 3, 1925, pp 152-155. Contents: Discusses native machines and imple- ments; sawah ploughs, Javanese etc., Javanese agricultural hand implements; estate imple- ments, tractors for sugar estates, windmills. Photographs: Agricultural scenes. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 281—NASH. J. M. W. Watervoorziening Pakis en omgeving, Afdeeling Malang. (Water supply Pakis and vicinity, Division of Malang). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 174- 176. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the Pakis water supply. Map: Sketch of the spring Soemberlebak. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 282 —NASH. J. M. W. Watervoorziening onderneming Gondang Tapen, Afdeeling Kediri. (Water supply for Gondang Tapen, Kediri Division). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 115-118. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the water supply at Gondang Tapen rubber estate, Southeast Java. Map: Vicinity of the rubber factory Gondang Tapen, scale 1 : 20,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sun vey Library, Hobart. 114 283 —NASH. J. M. W. Watervoorziening der stad Soerabaja. (Water supply of the town of Sourabaya). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 118-127. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the Sourabaya municipal water, supply. Maps: Location of Oemboelan springs and vicinity, scale 1 :3,000, showing water works. Location of the most important springs in the vicinity of Oemboelan, scale 1 : 100,000. Location of the Oem- boelan spring system, scale 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 284 —NASH. J. M. W. Capteering Soembarsari, Afdeeling Malang. (Har- nessing of the Soembarsari system, Malang Divi- sion). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 127-128. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the harnessing of the Soembarsari spring near Malang. Map: Location of the harnessed spring Soembarsari, scale 1 :2,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 285 —NASH. J. M. W. Watervoorziening onderneming Bandoeroto. (Water supply for the Bandoeroto estate). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 128-132. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the Bandoeroto water supply. Map: Vicinity of the rubber and coffee factory, Bandoeredjo, scale 1 :2,500 (Division of Malang). Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 286 —NASH, J. M. W. Watervoorziening onderneming Sido Moekti, Afdeel- ing Probolinggo. (Water supply for the Sido Moekti estate, Probolinggo Division). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwefen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 133-134. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the water supply to Sido Moekti coffee estate. Map: Vicinity of the coffee factory, Sido Moekti, scale I : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 287 —NASH, J. M. W. Watervoorziening Klampis en Sepoeloe. (Water sup- ply Klampis and Sepoeloe). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwefen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 136-138. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the Klampis and Sepoeloe water supplies in East Java. Map: Geological sketch map of the vicinity of Klampis and Sepoeloe, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Sur- vey Library, Hobart. 288 — NATURE PROTECTION IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Compiled by the Section of Nature Protection of the Government Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg, 1938. Department of Economic Affairs, Batavia, 63 pp. Contents; Position and area of the nature reserves, and discussion of the animals, vegetation and terrain. Dr. K. W. Dammermann; The Orang Utan. A. Hoo- gerwerf: Among Rhino and Javanese Wild Ox (Ban- teng) in the Oedjoeng Koelon Game Reserve. Dr. C. G. G. J. van Steenis: The Nature Reserve Gedch- Pangrango. Dr. C. G. G. J. van Steenis; The Nature Reserve of the Papandajan. Dr. M. and H. Bartels: The Hornbills. Dr. K. W. Dammermann: The Pangolin of Java. A. Hoogerwerf: Something concerning the White Ibis. List of Nature and Game Reserves in the Netherlands East Indies, May 1936. Photographs: A fine series of nature studies. Map: Nature and game reserves in Java, scale 1 : 5,000,000. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Lib- rary, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 289 — NEDERLAND MAIL Vol. 3, Nos. 9, 11, 1936; Vol. 5, No. 8, 1938; Vol. 6, Nos. I, 3, 4, 5, 8, 1939. Contents: A monthly magazine for the tourist; its chief value is in the photographs. Photographs: A fine- series of typical scenes. Copy in NEF1S Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 290 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000. Sheets 14, 30, 36, 54, 58, 66, 67. 109, HO, 115., 116). (In Dutch). The following is a list of the areas covered by the different sheets; 14. Bajah, 1932. 30. Poerwakarta, 1933. 36. Bandoeng, 1934, with profiles: Pr. Rantja- beloet to Pr. Batang, and Tjipoetat to Pr. Bilik. 54. Madjenang, 1934, with profiles: Tjileumeuh to Tjidjangkelok, and Tjisentrol to Garawangi. 58. Boemiajoe, 1934, with profile: Tjilangkap to K. Pondok. 66. Karangkobar, 1937, with profiles: K. Bodas to Watoepajoeng-rug and K. Pekatjangan to B limbing. 67. Bandjarnegara, 1933, with profiles K. Karanganjar to G. Midangan, and Djatimalang to K. Merawoe. 109. Lamongan, 1938, with profiles: K. Lamong to Soemberredjo, and K. Lamong to Grigis-Ant. 110. Modjokerto, 1938, with profiles: K. Poetat to K. Lamong, and K. Landean to K. Lamong. 115. Soerabaja, 1938, with profiles: K. Rowoto Boengoh-Ant, and Wonokrome-Kaneal to Bangkalan Ant. 116. Sidoardjo, 1938, with profiles; 115 K. Pikatan to Goenjangan-Ant, and K. Landean to Ratji-Koepal. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne (sheets 14-67 only). 291 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Geologische kaart van Java, schaal 1 : 100,000. Toelichting bij blad 14, 30, 36, 54, 58, 66, 67, 109, 110, 115, 116. (Geological map of Java, scale 1 : 100,000. Explanation to sheets 14, 30, 36, 54, 58, 66, 67. 109, 110, 115, 116). 11 vols. 8vo. Bandoeng and Batavia, N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits and Landsdrukkerij, 1933-1938. (In Dutch). The following is a list of authors for the sheets listed in the previous annotation: 14. Koolhoven, W. C. B. 30. Ludwig, O. 36. Bemmelen, R. W. van. 54. Hetzel, W. H. 58. Haar, C. ter. 66. Bemmelen, R. W. van. 67. Harloff, C. E. A. 109. Duyfjes, J. 110. Duyfjes, J. 115. Duyfjes, J. 116. Duyfjes, J. The annotations for each sheet have been listed under their authors. 292 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Verslag omtrent een verkenningsonderzoek van goud- of ander erts in de Residentie Besoeki. (Report of an investigation of reported occurrence of gold or other ore in the resi- dency of Besoeki). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedeelte, 1899, pp 115-142. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of a search for gold and other metals in the Besoeki residency, with a few topo- graphical details. Map: General geological map of a part of the south coast of the Division of Djember, Residency Besoeki (south coast of East Java), scale 1 : 20,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 293 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw: Geologisch - technische onderzoekingen. (Geological technical researches), 1932-1933, 1934-1935, 1936-1937, 1938. In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1932-1933, pp 33-82; 1934-1935, pp 19-45; 1936-1937, pp 51-100; 1938, pp 41-58. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes studies of reservoirs, hydrology and ground conditions. Separate entries are made for longer studies and are noted below under Neder- landsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw. For similar studies during the years 1929-1931, see under Es, L. J. C. van. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne (except 1938); Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Lib- rary, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 294 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Capteering der Boeloe- roto-bronnen, Blitar, Residentie Kediri. (Harnessing of the Boeloeroto springs, Blitar, residency of Kediri). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1932-1933, pp 52-57. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the harnessing of the Boeloeroto springs, Blitar. Maps: General map of the southwest slope of the G. Keloed, scale I ; 150,000. Harnessing of the Boe- loeroto springs, scale 1 :250. Copies in Mitchell 'Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 295 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Dnnkwatervoorziening voor Lodojo en omgeving, Residentie Kediri. (Drink- ing water supply of Lodojo and vicinity, residency of Kediri). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- land sch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1932-1933, pp 57-60. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of water supply to the Lodojo area. Map: Schematic geological general map of Lodojo and vicinity, scale 1 : 100,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 296 _ NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw: Bodemgesteldheid d< r Tjiloemoet-irrigatie-leiding bij Pagelaran, Residentie Buitenzorg. (Ground condition of the Tjiloemoet irrigation channel near Pagelaran, residency of Bui- tenzorg). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- land sch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1932-1933, pp 68-73. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the soil in the Tjiloemoet irrigation channel near Pagelaran. Map: General map of the Pasirkeroed channel, scale I : 2,000, Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 297 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Wadoek Ngasinam, Resi- dentie Bodjonigoro-Madioen. (Wadoek Ngasinam, residency of Bodjonigoro-Madioen). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1934-1935, pp 28-34. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of the dams and geology of the Ngasinam reservoir, Central Java. Map: Location of the Wadoek Ngasinam dam, scale 1 : 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, .Melbourne; Geological Survey Library. Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 298 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Afschuivingen bij het kunstwerk K.T.A. 10 in de Tjiasem-irrigatideiding, Residentie Batavia. (Landslides in the earthworks 116 K.T.A. 10 in the Tjiasem irrigation channel, resi- dency of Batavia). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1934-1935, pp 36-38. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the landslides in the Tjiasem irrigation channel. Map: Location map of the landslides in the earth- work K.T.A. 10 of the Tjiasem channel, scale I : 2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 299 NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Beveiliging van den weg Soemedang-Tomo tusschen km 60.6 en 61.9 tegen afschuivingen, Residentie Priangan. (Protection of the Soemedang-Tomo road between 60.6 and 61.9 against landslides, residency of Priangan). In; Jaar- boek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1934-1935, pp 38-41. (In Dutch). Contents: Means of preventing damage by land- slides to portion of the Soemedang-Tomo road. Map: Landslide terrain on the Soemedang-Tomo road between km 60.9 and 61.9, scale 1 ; 6,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 300 - NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Uitspoeling bij de brug over de Tji Nambo in den regentschapsweg Darmard- ja-Tomo, Residentie Priangan. (Washaway beside the bridge over the government road Darmardja- Tomo, Residency of Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1934-1935, pp 41-43. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of a washaway in the Dar- mardja-Tomo road. Map: Location of the lower bend of the Tjinambo, scale 1 : 5,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 301 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Trace veranderingen in de hoogspanningslijnen Toentang-Semarang der N.V.A.N.I.E.M., Residentie Semarang. (Route altera- tions in the high tension lines Toentang-Semarang of the N.V.A.N.I.E.M., residency of Semarang). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1934-1935, pp 43-45. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes the changes in the route of high tension lines between Toentang and Semarang. Maps: Proposed routes of high tension lines. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 302 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Wadoek Tjipanas, Resi- dentie Priangan (Wadoek Tjipanas, residency of Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 56-57. (In Dutch). Contents: A report on possible locations for a reser- voir damming of the Tjipanas which rises on the Tampomas and flows into the sea west of Indramojoe as the K. Tjemara. Maps: Showing possible dam locations. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 303 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Wadoek Darma, Resi- dence Cheribon. (Wadoek Darma, residency Cheri- bon). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 67-78. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of the location of the Wadoek Darma reservoir, residency of Cheribon. Map: Location of the dam Wadoek Darma, scale 1 :2,500, and geological sections. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 304 —- NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Tunnelproject zuiderge- bergte, ten zuiden van Toeloengagoeng, Residentie Kediri. (Tunnel project of the southern mountains to the south of Toeloengagoeng, residency of Kediri). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie. Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 78-91. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of a pronosed tunnel through the southern mountains between Toeloengagoeng and Popoh Bay. Map: The .southern mountains between the Rawah Bening and Popoh Bay, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library. Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo« logical Survey Library, Hobart. 305 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Scheuren in den fondeer- ingsbodem van de S.S. brug over de Tjiaroem bij Radjamandala, Residentie Priangan. (Crocks in the foundation soil of the R.R. bridge ovfer the Tjiaroem near Radjamandala, residency of Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, 91-94. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of faults in the soil founda- tions of the railway bridge over the Tjiaroem. 117 Map: Location map of the western head of the railroad bridge over the Tjiaroem, scale 1 : 1,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 306 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Beperking van het gevaar voor overstroming op het emplacement van het radiostation Malabar, Residentie Priangan. (Limi- tation of the danger of flooding over the emplace- ment of the Malabar radio station, residency of Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 94-96. (In Dutch). Contents: A discussion of the threat of flooding to Malabar radio station site. Map: Map of the emplacement of the Malabar radio station, scale I : 3,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 307 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Beveiliging van den weg Kalibakoeng-Bodjong tegen afschuivingen, Residentie Pekalongan. (Protection of the road Kalibakoeng- Bodjong against landslides, residency of Peka- longan). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1936-1937, pp 96- 100. (In Dutch). Contents: Suggests means of protecting the Kali- bakoeng road against landslides. Maps: The vicinity of the landslide terrain. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 308 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Wadoek Tjatjaban, Residentie Pekalongan. (Wadoek Tjatjaban, resi- dency of Pekalongan). In; Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1938, pp 41-48. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Wadoek Tjatjaban dam. Map: Location of. the Wadoek Tjatjaban dam, scale 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 309 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Noordelijkste dam- plaats Wadoek Ngasinam, Residentie Bodjonegoro. (Northernmost dam location of the Wadoek Ngasi- nam, residency Bodjonegoro). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1938, pp 48-51. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Wadoek Ngasinam dam. Map: Northern dam location of the Wadoek Ngasi- nam, scale 1 :2,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 310 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Aardschuiving bij Kg, Pasireurih, Residentie Priangan. (Landslide near Kg. Pasireurih, residency of Priangan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1938, pp 51-53. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of a landslide near Kg. Pasireurih. Map: Landslide terrain near Kg. Pasireurih, scale 1 : 7,500. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 311 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Aardschuiving bij Kg. Koebangapoe, Residentie Pekalongan. (Landslide near Kg. Koebangapoe, residency of Pekalongan). In: ]aarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1938, pp 53-55. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of a landslide near Pekalongan. Map: Landslide terrain near Kg. Koebangapoe, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne: Geological Survey Library. Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 312 —NELISSEN. T. Rawah Pening, Residentie Semarang. (Rawah Pening, residency of Semarang). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1929, pp 95-97. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of a projected reservoir dam. Map: Dam project Rawah Pening, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne. 313 —NETHERLANDS INDIA OLD AND NEW Vol. 18, March, August, 1933; Vol. 19, January, February, 1934. Amsterdam. Contents: A monthly journal, the relevant articles being noted under their authors for the areas con- cerned. Photographs: Railway station “Lebakdjero, Java” (March 1933). Copy in NEFIS Library. 314 —NETHERLANDS INDIES Vulcanological Survey. Bulletins Nos. 1, 3, pp 5-78, 80-89, 1927-1939. Bandoeng. Contents: Bulletins dealing with the various vol- canoes and volcanic activity in the Netherlands Indies. 118 Photographs: Views of some Netherlands East indies volcanoes. Maps: Several Netherlands East Indies volcanoes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne (except 10, 14, 87-89); Geological Survey Library, Hobart (1-89). 315 —NETHERLANDS INDIES STATE RAILWAYS Bird’s eye view of Java showing the principal main- line and inter-urban railways. Afdeeling Publiciteit Staatsspoorwegen. Map: A rough map of Java with no scale, showing various points of interest and the location of the railways. Copy in AGS map files. 316 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Provisional trade balance of Java and Madura for 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m. No. 3 1935, pp 58-59. Contents: Value and gross weight of imports and exports 1929-1934. Composition of imports and exports. Copy in NEFIS Library. 317 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The government policy in regard to sugar, narts 1 and 11. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in, No. 5, 1935, pp 95-105; Vol. in. No. 6, 1935, pp 123-129. Contents: The international sugar situation and its influence on the Java sugar industry. The measures to be taken. Photographs: Views illustrating various aspects of the sugar industry. Copy in NEFIS Library. 318—THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Mining in 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. m, No. 9, 1935, pp 321-334. Contents: Production and foreign trade of the Netherlands East Indies concerning tin, coal, petroleum, gold, silver, and other minerals, 1932-1934. The same subject is dealt with for 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938 in Vol. iv. Nos. 10/11, 1936, pp 225-226, Vol. v. No. 6, 1937, pp 80-81; Vol. vi, No. 5, 1928, pp 8-10; Vol. vn. No. 3, 1939, pp 22-24. Photographs: Entrance to the Rantau-Panjang col- liery. Refinery of the Bataafsche Petroleum Mij. at Tjipu, Vol. iv. No. 10, 1936. These articles refer also to mining in Sumatra and Borneo. For photographs of these areas, see annota- tion under the area concerned. Copy in NEFIS Library. 319 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The railways of the Netherlands Indies in 1935. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. No. 12, 1936, pp 239-243. Contents: Survey of the State railways; the extent of their network; the financial results; receipts, dis- bursements, traffic, technical service, stocks and purchases of material. Survey of the private rail- ways and tramways in Java and of the Deli Railway Coy. in Sumatra. Photographs; Views of Netherlands East Indies railways. Copy in NEF1S Library. 320 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Arts and crafts of the Netherlands Indies; gold and silver. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv. Nos. 20/22, 1936, pp 1-23. Contents'. Historical review, materials used, tech- nique of the native gold and silversmiths, the present centres of their art—Kota Geden near Jocjakarta, Bali, Kendari, in Celebes, and minor centres in Sumatra and Java. Photographs'. Specimens of gold and silver work. Copy in NEFIS Library. 321—THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Agricultural colonisation and the population of Java. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 8, 1938. pp 6-14. Contents'. The population development in Java is compared with that in other countries, especially England and Japan. Organized Javanese agricultural colonisation in the Outer Provinces. Photographs'. Illustrating stages in development of a new colony. Copy in NEFIS Library. 322 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The manufacture of krupuk in Sidoardjo for the foreign market. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi. No. 11, 1938, pp 10-11. Contents: Description of the raw materials, the preparation, the varieties of krupuk, the quality, manufacture and commerce, domestic sales and export and packing. Copy in NEFIS Library. 323 —THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The glass industry of Java. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. vi, No. 12, 1938, pp 7-8. Contents: Description of the glass industry in Batavia (two Chinese and an Arab factory) and Soerabaya (one Chinese and the Japanese factory)- Copy in NEFIS Library. 324 — NETHERLANDS INDIES ARMY AIR SERVICE Some cities of Java from the air. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 6, 1927, pp 333-340. Contents: Brief text accompanying the aerial photographs. Photographs: Air views of Java towns. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 325 — OCHSE. J. L„ and BRINK, R. C. B. van den Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies: edible tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and spices included. Buitenzorg, 1936. Contents: This is a revised 2nd edition of “Tropische groenten” translated into English, and is a survey of the indigenous and foreign plants serving as pot- herbs and side dishes. Deals fully with Java and Madura, but mention is made of many partial- 119 lars relating to neighbouring provinces. Text pro- vides, as well as the scientific, the popular names in Dutch, English, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese and Madurese. A separate register gives names used in the Dutch provinces outside Java and Madoera. Bibliography for each item is given as well as a general one. Copies in Waite Agricultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide; Government Botanist’s Library, Brisbane; Department of Agriculture Library, Syd- Colonial Sugar Refining Coy. Library, Sydney 326 — OPPENOORTH, W. F. F. Een prehistorisch cultuurcentrum langs de Solo- rivier. (A prehistoric culture centre on the Solo River). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. liii, 1936, pp 399- 411. (In Dutch). Contents: The articles described were found near the villages of Watsealang, Sidoredjo, Ngasinana and Ngandong. Photographs: Half-tone plates of prehistoric artifacts. Map: Sketch map of area contained in angle of Solo River between Trinl, Ngawi and Ngandong, scale 1 : 100,000 approx. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 327 — OPPENOORTH, W. F. F. Een nieuwe fossiele mensch van Java. (A new fossil man of Java). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 704-707. (In Dutch). Contents: Find of early skulj (Homo soloensis) on Bengawan Solo River, Central Java. Map: Sketch map of locality of finds (near Ngawi), scale 1 : 200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 328 — PADANG, M. Neumann van Over de Merapi uitbarsting 1930; een antwoord aan Kemmerling. (On the eruption of Merapi in 1930: a reply to Kemmerling). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 227-243. (In Dutch), Contents: A correction of several points of Kem- merling’s article in the same journal, Vol. xlviii, with a short postscript on terminology by A. C. de Jongh. Photographs: Pen and ink sketch of the western cone and top part of lava stream of 1922, drawn by W. Petroeshevsky in 1924. Maps: Merapi peak in 1920 and 1924. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 329 — PADANG, M. Neumann van De uitbarsting van den Merapi (Midddn-Java) in de jaren 1930-1931. (The eruption of Merapi (Central Java) in the years 1930-1931). Nederlandsch-lndie— Dienst van den Mijnbouw—Vulkanologische en Seis- mologische Mededeelingen, No. 12, 1933, pp viii, 1-II6. (In Dutch). Contents-. A full and comprehensive account of the disaster 1930-1931. Photographs: Air and other views illustrating the eruption and its results. Map: G. Merapi and surroundings, scale 1 ; 50,000. Contours at 125 m. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 330 —PAREN, I. van De klei van den bodem der Segara Anakan (Kin- derzee). (The clay from the bottom of the Kinder- zee). In: Jaarver slag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 93-95. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the physical properties, mineralogical composition and organic remains of the clay of the Kinderzee-Segara Anakan. It is a freshwater clay of mechanically disintegrated and perhaps chemically decomposed volcanic material. Photographs: Mud creek near the village built on piles. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 331—PATOT. A. Tissot van Enkele aanteekeningen over de secte der Samins. (Some remarks on the sect of the Samins). In: Jaar- ver slag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. x, 1914, pp 197-202. (In Dutch). Contents: The teachings of Samin, a peasant of the Desa Medalem on the Solo River, west of Tjepoe. Their social and purely religious ideas. Copy in NEFIS Library. 332 — PATOT. A. Tissot van Grotten in West-Kediri. (Caves in West Kediri). In; Jaarver slag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xx, 1924, pp 94-96. (In Dutch). Contents: A study of some curious caves in the Kediri district—which are believed to be of artificial construction: probably as a retreat or monastery for some long-vanished religious order. The article includes a general description of the locality. Photographs: The caves of Selamanglen, Selabale, and Trantjangen. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 333 — PATOT, A, Tissot van De bouw van het Wilisgebergte. (The formation of the Wilis Mountains). In: Jaarver slag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 112-121. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the Wilis Mountains (Resi- dencies of Madioen and Kediri), composed of the Manjoetan Mts. and of the Wilis Mts. in a nar- rower sense, the south-western lahar region, the tuff region of Ngebel, the northern lahar region, the east- ern foot. Vegetation and plantations of the whole region. 120 Photographs: Views of the Wilis complex from Soembermoening and Delopo. Map : The Wilis Mountains, scale 1 :250,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 334 — PATOT, A. Tissot van Enkele gegevens omtrent veranderingen in het ter- rein. (Some remarks on changes in the surface features). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst. Vol. xxiv, 1928, pp 101-108. (In Dutch). Contents: Short-term changes in the landscape of Middle Java, which would show in a scale of 1 : 5,000. Examples are taken from the coastline, rivers, changes due to men’s activities (extension of cultivation, construction of railways, roads, irriga- tion canals, factories, changes of watercourses, im- provement of cultivation, changes in the land hold- ings, change in the administrative divisions). Map: The river Kali Pemali in 1915 and in 1928, scale I : 50,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 335 — PEDERSEN, Hugo V. Durch den Indischen Archipel. Fine Kiinstlerfahrt (Through the Indian Archipelago. An artist’s trip). Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1902, pp 304. (In German). Contents: Travel impressions and sketches by the painter-author from Java and Sumatra. Photographs: Sketches by the author, illustrating native types, houses, vehicles, implements. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 336 — PEMBROKE, I. H. From medicine-man to thoroughly trained doctor. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn, No. 11, 1926, pp 623-629. Contents: Survey of the seventy-five years of medi- cal training (since 1851) in Java. Photographs: Aerial and other views of medical buildings. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 337 —PIGEAUD, Th. Javaansche voiksvertoningen: bijdrage tot de be- schrijving van land en volk. (Javanese folk plays; con- tribution to the description of land and people). 4to. Bandoeng, Uitgave Volkslectuur, 1938, pp 545. (In Dutch). Contents: Javanese art and its practice, mask plays, puppet-plays, horse dances, chorus dances and songs. Photographs: Ebeg, horse dance, in Kalibening Bandjarnagara. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 338 PLOEG, I. van der The native production of krossok tobacco in Java and its present market position. In: The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. v, Nos. 11/12, 1937, pp 12-31. Contents: The two methods of growing krossok tobacco. The harvested areas of native tobacco in Java and Madoera, 1932-1935. The tobacco cultivation in Java for the European market between 1870 and 1900. The development in Java of the native tobacco cultivation for the European market from 1900 to the present time. Complaints concerning the decline in the quality of Java krossok. The present market position of Java krossok tobacco.. Measures for improving the sale of it. Copy in NEFIS Library. 339 —PONDER, H, W. Java pageant. 8vo. London, Seeley Service, 1934, pp 30 j. Contents: A survey of the history, agriculture, irri- gation methods, customs, crafts, etc., of the Javanese people; descriptions of the sugar, tea, rubber and other important European plantation products, and general notes on life in the colony under Dutch administration. Photographs: Views of typical scenery. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Launceston. 340 —PONDER. H. W. Javanese panorama. 8vo. London, Seeley Service and Co., 1942, pp 263. Contents: An attractive general introduction to life in Java with the following chapter headings: 1. 'The “Lazy” native. 2. Native ways, food and fashions. 3. Wedding days. 4. More about marriage, birth and death. 5. The “Dessa.” 6. Life in a “Dessa.” 7. Religious medley. 8. Magic. 9. For feminists. 10. Batik dyeing and crafts. 11. A word about Eurasians. 12. Beast of burden and “pets.” 13. The glory of the garden. 14. On trees. 15. The “Kweek- erij.” 16. The great post road. 17. Ancient king- doms. 18. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Photographs: 26 half-tone plates illustrating native life and crafts. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 341 —POST. L. M. Breakfast at Bromo. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. x, No. 8, 1929, pp 319-320. Contents: Article written for the tourist, the value being in the photograph. Photograph: The Sand Sea. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 342 — PRILLWITZ, F. W. The productivity of tea estates in the Netherlands Indies. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. v, No. 3, 1937, pp 36-37. Contents: The average hectare production in the different production areas of Java and Sumatra. It is greater on recent volcanic than on lateritic soils, and therefore increases with altitude. Map: Average production of tea estates in West Java per hectare. Buitenzorg, January 1935, scale '1 : 500,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 343 — PUTTE, A. A. W. Fransen van de An automobile trip through East Java. In; Inter- Ocean, Vol. x, 1929, pp 191-196. 121 Contents: Description of a trip, for the tourist. Photographs: Some typical scenes. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 344 —QUINN, William Through the coral seas to Java. Author, Invercargill, New Zealand, 1920, pp 39. Contents: Fairly detailed account of a tourist trip to Java, reprinted from the “Southland Times,” Invercargill. Photographs: Some typical views. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 345—RANT, A. The cultivation of cinchona in Java. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 9, 1921, PP 221-225. Contents: Technique of the cinchona cultivation in Java. Photographs: Seven photographs illustrating pro- cesses in cultivation. Copy in NEFIS Library. 346 —REITSMA. S. A. Gedenkboek der Staatsspoor- en Tramwegen in Neder- landsch-lndie 1875-1925. (Memorial book of the State railways and tramways in Netherlands India, 1875- 1925). Weltevreden, 1925, pp 216. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the rail and tramways in the periods from the first constructions to the beginning of their exploitation, in the exploitation periods before and since 1894. Their organisation, staff, outfit (way of superstructure, bridges, signalling, rolling stock, fuelling, workshops, electric railways, tariff, financial results). Photographs: A fine collection of views in the Nether- lands Indies including many from the air. Copy in NEFIS Library. 347 — REITSMA. S. A. Bandoeng. The capital town of beautiful Preanger. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n. No. 10; 1921, pp 283-291. Contents : Description of the town by its Mayor. A “eulogy" of it and its possibilities. Gives popula- tion, railway statistics, short excursions from the city. Photographs: Views in and around Bandoeng. Copy in NEFIS Library. 348 — REITSMA. S. A. Sylvan glades and the sea. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol.vm, No. 2, 1927, pp 81-82. Contents: Travel notes on Wynkoops Bay, Java, for the tourist. Photographs: Views at Wynkoops Bay. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 349 — REITSMA. S. A. Bandoeng’s twentieth birthday. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm, No. 4, 1927, pp 193-195. Contents: The development of Bandoeng in its first twenty years. Photographs: Aerial and other views of Bandoeng Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 350 — REITSMA, S. A. A trip to the Idjen highlands. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 8, 1928, pp 455-461, Contents: Description of an excursion to the Idjen highlands, with a section on the geology and geo- morphology of the Kawab-ldjen after Kemmerling. Photographs: Views in the highlands. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 351 — REITSMA. S, A. A vacation trip to the Dieng plateau. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. x, No. 1, 1929, pp 26-28. Contents: Description for the tourist of a trip by motor car, on horseback and on foot, to the Dieng plateau. Photographs: Views in the Pagger Kandang moun- tains. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne, 352 — REITSMA-BRUTEL de la Riviere, Mrs. M. E. Off the beaten track in Java. In Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 3, 1927, pp 136-137. Contents: Description of the trip to Tjilaut Eureun, a south coast resort, for the tourist. Photographs: Views on the author's route. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 353 —RENESSE, A. M. N. van Harbor of Tandjong Priok, In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n. No. 5, 1921, pp 377-384. Contents: Description of the Port of Batavia. Photographs: Shipping and wharves. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 354 — RENESSE, A. M. N, van The harbor of Sourabaya. In: Sluyter's Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n, No. 10, 1922, pp 247-253. Contents: Brief description of the harbor at Sourabaya. Photographs: Views of Tandjong Perak and Sourabaya. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 355 - RENESSE. A. M. N. van Commercial importance of Semarang. In: Sluyter's Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. in. No. 5, 1922, pp 343-348. Contents: Description of Semarang as a commercial centre. Photographs: Views of the harbor and town. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 356—ROON. I. van Is het handhaven der Residentie-kaarten van Java en Madoera nuttig en wenschelijk? (Is the main- lenance of the maps of the residencies of Java and Madoera necessary and desirable?) In: Jaarverslag van den T opo grafischen Dienst, Vol. in, 1907, pp 140-150. (In Dutch). Contents: The author does not recommend publish- ing revised editions of the maps of the residencies, which were originally made in different projections. Copy in NEFIS Library. 357 —BOON. I. van De triangulatie van Java door den voormaligen Geografischen Dienst. (The triangulation of Java through the former Geographical Service). In: Jaar- verslag van den T opo grafischen Dienst, Vol. x, 1914, pp 174-186. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the triangulation of Java by Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans in the years 1875-1900. Maps: The triangles of the first order in Java and Madoera. The base triangle nets of Tangsil, Semplak and Logantoeng. Copy in NEFIS Library. 358 — ROON, J. van Enkele aanteekeningen omtrent het eiland Bawean. (Some remarks on the island of Bawean). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 264-273. (In Dutch). Contents: Remarks on the history of the island of Bawean, north of Java. Photographs: Series of views in Bawean Island. Copy in NEFIS Library. 359 — ROON, J. van Losse aanteekeningen omtrent het middendeel van den Goenoeng Kidoel. (Miscellaneous remarks con- cerning the middle section of Mt. Kidoel). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 250-261. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Goenoeng Kidoel in the Divisions Patjitan and Toeloengagoeng; the coast- line; history, administration and economic life of Patjitan. Photographs: A series of views of Mt. Kidoel. Copy in NEFIS Library. 360 — ROON, J. van De vermeende daling van de kustlijn van Djapara. ( I he supposed sinking of the coastline of Djapara). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijks- kundig Genootschap, Vol. xliv, 1927. pp 113-117. (In Dutch). Contents: The author rejects the hypothesis of a sinking of this area based on the heights of the trig stations in 1865-1866 and at present. Copies in National Library, Canberra: University Library, Sydney: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 361—ROON, I. van De driehoeksnetten van Sumatra; lineaire afmetingen, orienteering en altimetrie. (The triangulation of Sumatra; linear dimensions, orientation and altitude measurement). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk. Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvii, 1930. pp 9-22. (In Dutch). Contents; A discussion of the technical problems involved in the trigonometrical survey of Sumatra. Map\ The triangulalion of Java, scale 1 : 6,000,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 362 — ROTHE, Cecile Industrialization in Java as an indispensable condi- tion for maintaining the level of prosperity of the population. In: Congres International de Geographic, Amsterdam, Tome II, Travaux de la Section me, pp 594-600. Contents: Native handicraft and mechanised indus- tries in Java as a means of relieving Java popula- tion pressure. The present state of industry: its growing market in the Outer Possessions. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 363 — ROTTERDAM LLOYD ROYAL MAIL LINE Java and Sumatra tours, pp 64. Contents; Guide book for tourists for the trip from Southampton through the Suez Canal and to Ceylon. Brief description of what the traveller can see in Java and Sumatra. Specimen tours in both islands. Photographs: Series of typical scenes. Copy in NEFIS Library. 364 —ROY. J. J. E. Quinze ans de sejour a Java, et dans les principals iles de 1’archipel de la Sonde. (Fifteen years’ sojourn in Java and in the main Sunda Islands). 2nd edition. Tours, A. Marne, 1863, pp 347. (In French). Contents: Description of Java, Billiton, Sumatra and Celebes, by an officer in the Dutch Service. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 365 — RUBENKONING, H. D. Problems of the Java sugar industry. In; Inter- Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 7, 1928, pp 397-401. Contents: History of the sugar industry in Java. The competition with beet-sugar and with other cane-sugar producing countries. The outlook for 1928. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 366 — RUITER, J. W. E. de Het kratermeer van den G. Keloet. (The crater lake of Mt. Keloet). In: ]aarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. vm, 1912, pp 152-157. (In Dutch). Contents-. Description of the trip from Blitar to the Keloet; description of the crater and its lake. Photographs: Views of the crater lake. Maps: Area southwest of the G. Keloet (slope to Blitar), scale 1 : 125,000. Map of the crater lake, scale 1 ; 10.000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 367 —RUITER, J. W. E. de Het land Depok. (The Depok region). In: Jaarboek van den T opo grafischen Dienst, Vol. xn, 1916, pp 243-256. (In Dutch). 123 Contents: History and description of the Depok region, the plantations of Cornelis Chastelein who early in the 18th century bequeathed them to the community of his former Christian serfs. Map: Depok, scale 1 : 25,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 388 — RUTTER, J. W. E. de De workings- en ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van de particuliere landerijen ten westen van de Tji Manoek. (The origin and development of the privately owned land west of the Tji Manoek). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 262- 303. (In Dutch). Contents: The history of private land acquisition since 1917. Copy in NEFIS Library. 369 —RUITER, J. W. E. de Beknopt historisch overzicht van het land Buitenzorg. (Brief historical survey of the Buitenzorg area). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xm, 1917, pp 304-313. (In Dutch). Contents: The Buitenzorg area in 1745 and its de- velopment up to 1888, when the General Secretariat was transferred there from Batavia. Copy in NEFIS Library. 370— RUITER, J. W. E. de Hindoo oudheden nabij Buitenzorg. (Ancient Hindu monuments near Buitenzorg). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xiv, 1918, pp 132-140 (In Dutch). Contents: Descriptions of the monuments and their origins. Their situations and type of country where they are erected, and to be found. Photographs: Ancient stones and statues. Copy in NEFIS Library. 371— RUITER, J. W. E. do De G. Salak. (Mount Salak). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, part II, 1919, pp 159-165. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Mt. Salak, near Buitenzorg. Photographs: Views of G. Salak. Map: Crater of Goenoeng Salak, scale 1 : 10,000. Copy in NEFIS .Library. 372 —ST. MARC. R. Dubois The legend of the Battok. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 5, 1932, pp 201-205. Contents: A Javanese legend connected with the Battok volcano. Photographs: Views of the Sugar Loaf Battok and the Tengger Mts. Copies in Public Library. Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney, 373 — SALOMONSON, H. Travellers’ trails in Java. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 2. 1928, pp 106-110. Contents: Outline of what the unhurried traveller may expect to see in Java. Photographs: Typical Java scenes. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 374 — SCHAAFSMA, J. M. G. Pen en onder over de Segara Anakan (Kinderzee). (Remarks concerning the Segara Anakan—Children’s Lake). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxn, 1926, pp 130-134. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of the origin of the Segara Anakan. Description of the environs; the popula- tion, the villages built on piles. Photographs: Views of pile villages. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 375 —SCHEER, J. van der The use of citronella oil and its position in the Netherlands Indies and in the world market. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. iv, Nos. 18/19, 1936, pp 20-26. Contents: Export figures and the course of price of citronella oil from Java and from Ceylon. Total export from Java and export to Japan and China. The purposes for which citronella is used. Copy in NEFIS Library. 376 — SCHELTEMA, A. M. P. A. A short review of the native agriculture in Java and Madura in .1935, as it affected the annual crops. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol, iv. Nos. 14/15, 1936, pp 289-294. Contents: Survey of the weather in 1935, the use made of arable ground, the economic conditions amongst the agricultural population, the results of the harvest, the foodstuff situation. Copy in NEFIS Library. 377 — SCHEPERS, J. H. C. Schietloodafwijkingen in Nederlandsch-lndie. (Deflec- tions of the plumbline in the Netherlands Indies). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxn, 1926, pp 113-124. (In Dutch). Contents; Discussion of the primary triangle net and the deflections of the plumbline in Java and Sumatra. Maps: Primary triangle net of Java and Sumatra, scale 1 :6,000,000. Plumbline deflections in Java and Sumatra. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 378 — SCHMIDT, K. G. R. Herstelling van den verkeersweg Tjiandjoer-Poentjak bij Sindanglaja, Afdeeling Buitenzorg. (Reconstruc- tion of the motor-road Tjiandjoer-Poentjak at Sindanglaja, Division of Buitenzorg). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 145-149. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of reconstruction of motor- road at Sindanglaja and its deviation round the former lake drained by a landslide. Map: Vicinity of the road Tjiandjoer-Poentjak near Sindanglaja, scale 1 :4,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 124 379 — SCHMIDT. K. G. R. Trace voor een grondkabel op de onderneming Ting- gardjaja, Afdeeling Buitenzorg. (Route for a ground cable on the Tinggardjaja estate, Buitenzorg Divi- sion). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1931, pp 149-151. (In Dutch). Contents: Brief description of the route to be taken for the cable on the Tinggardjaja estate. Map: Location of the cable route on Tinggardjaja, scale 1 ; 15,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 380 —SCHOKKENKAMP, I. The production of the forests in the Netherlands Indies. In; Nederlandsch-Indische Geografische Me- dedeeltngen, Vol. i. Nos. 4, 5, 1941, pp 92-95, 111-116. (In Dutch). Contents: The value of the forests of Java from the hydrological point of view. Reserved and ex- ploited forests and forest land available for the extension of the agricultural area. The timber and other produce of the forests in the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne, 381 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. Beknopt historisch overzicht van opnemings-en kaart- eeringswerkzaamheden in de Residentie Batavia (oud). (Brief historical survey of the surveying and mapping activity in the residency of Batavia (old). In: Jaarverslag van de7i Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xi, 1915, pp 228-300. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the topographic survey in the old residency of Batavia (without Krawang Divi- sion), from the middle of the 18th century to 1914. Copy in NEFIS Library. 382 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. De Sitoe Tjirompang. (The Sitoe Tjirompang). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvin, 1922, p 147. (In Dutch). Contents; Brief account of the Sitoe Tjirompang, the crater lake of the G. Kiamis, in West Java, Map: The Sitoe Tjirompang (Preanger), scale 1 : 2,500. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 383 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. De Wajang-Windoe-Vulkaan. (The Wajang-Windoe volcano). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xix, 1923, pp 120-121. (In Dutch). Contents. Brief description of the Wajang and Windoe volcanoes in the Preanger. Photographs: Panoramas of Wajang-Windoe. Maps Mt. Wajang-Windoe, various scales. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 384 — SCHUITENVOERDER. H. J. K. Over de in de Bonne-projectie berekende kadastrale triangulatie-gegevens van de Preanger Regentschap- pen en over de herleiding daarvan tot polyeder- coordinaten in het nieuwe systeem. (On the cadastral triangulation figures of the Preanger regencies, cal- culated in the Bonne projection and how to derive from them the polyedre-coordinates of the new sys- tem). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xix, 1923, pp 160-174. (In Dutch). Contents'. Description of the work connected with the derivation of the polyedre coordinates for the cadastral map of the Preanger. Map-. Map of the triangles of the cadastral survey of the Preangers. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide, 385 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. De nauwkeurigheidswaterpassing van Java. (The pre- cision water-levelling of Java). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 122- 134. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the length, duration and costs of the primary water-levelling; the instruments used, the staff; preparations and observations, selec- tion and marking of the fixed points; the results obtained. Map: Java showing net precision levelling, scale 1 ; 5,000,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 386 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K. Het slik- en zoutwaterbron-complex Tjioejah nabij Tjiniroe, Zuid-Cheribon. (The mud and salt-water spring complex Tjioejah near Tjiniroe, South Cheri- bon). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxii, 1926, pp 135-136. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the mud volcanoes and salt-water springs north of Tjiniroe. Photographs: Mud volcanoes and salt-water springs, Tjioejah. Maps: The mud volcanoes and salt-water springs near Tjiniroe. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 387 — SCHUITENVOERDER, H. J. K., and REEK. P. H. van Over de in het oude Bonne-systeem berekende tri- angulatie-gegevens der Preanger Regentschappen en over de herleiding daarvan tot polyedre-coordinaten in het nieuwe systeem. (On the triangulation figures of the Preanger regencies, calculated in the old Bonne projection and on the derivation from them of the polyedre-coordinates of the new system). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, part II, 1919, pp 169-177. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the work connected with the derivation of the new polyedre coordinates from the Bonne system, and the linking up of the triangles of the Preanger with those of the adjoining triangu- lation nets. Map: Triangles in the Preangers. Copy in NEFIS Library. 388 — SCHUPPLI. H. Kort verslag over de geologische situatie van het Zuid-Rembangsche heuvelland. (Short report on the geological situation in the South Rembang hill country). In: Jaarhoek van het in Neder- land sc h-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1930, 3de gedeelte, pp 95-12$. (In Dutch). 125 Contents: Report on the geological situation in South Rembang hill country, Central Java. Map: Geological sketch map of the South Rembang hill country, scale 1 :200,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 389 — SINBAD OF THE TROPICS Contents: 8 pages of illustrations with brief text. Photographs: Scenes in the Netherlands East Indies and Singapore. Copy in NEFIS Library. 390 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY Semarang, future ocean harbor. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. i, October 1920, pp 359- 362. Contents: Description of Semarang on the north coast of Middle Java. Photographs: Views of shipping and wharves. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 391—SLUYTER'S MONTHLY Present and future utilization of hydraulic power. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. i, November 1920, pp 417-424. Contents: A review of the use of water-power in the Netherlands Indies. Photographs: Views of streams, falls and hydraulic installation. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 392 — SLUYTER'S MONTHLY Seven days’ tramp over the Semeroe. In; Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. n. No. 12, 1922, pp 428-433. Contents: Description of a trip to the Semeroe Mts. Photographs: Views on the slopes of the Semeroe. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 393 —SMITH, S. Watson The chronicle of the first world tour of the British Medical Association, 1935, pp 238. Contents: Chronicle and photographic record of the world tour (pp 97-108 and lxiv-xc) apd descriptions of the excursions across Bali (pp 177-180) and Java (PP 181-183). Photographs: Typical Java views. Copy in University Library, Melbourne. 394 —SODY, H. J. V. Naamlijst van de zoogdieren van Java. (Name list of the mammals of java). In: Natuurkundig Tijd- schrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. lxxxix, 1929, pp 160-166. (In Dutch). Contents: A list of names grouped according to zoological families. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 395 — SOERABAJA Telefoongids (Telephone Directory), Nos. 160, May 1941; 162, January 1942. (In Dutch). Copy in NEFIS Library. 396 — SOERABAJA Neerlands grootste koloniale handelshaven en koop- stad. (Netherlands greatest colonial commercial port and merchant city). Soerabaja, Het Standaardmon- sterhuis, 1925, pp 57. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the port of Soerabaja, its traffic, the Commerce Museum (Standaardmonster- huis). Photographs: Views of Soerabaja. Copy in NEFIS Library. 397 — SOEROTO. Nolo Evolution of the inhabitants of Java. The Hague, pp 32. Contents: Outline of the races, history and civilisa- tion of Java. Photographs: Typical scenes in Java. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 398 — SOLOMONS, E. V. Sacred graves. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 2, 1932, pp 1-4. Contents: Two tombs of Mohammedan saints in Batavia. Photographs: Views of sacred graves. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 399 — SOLOMONS. E. V. Javanese fisher folk. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 4, 1932. pp 1-4. Contents: Scenes in Pasar Ikan, Batavia’s fishery harbour. Photographs: Fishing scenes. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Mel- bourne. 400 —SPIERS. Paul Mount Raoeng. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi. No. 8, 1930, pp 378-381. Contents: Description of an excursion to Mount Raoeng, East Java, written for the tourist. Photographs: Views of Mt. Raoeng. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 401 —SPOON, W. Coconut fibre band made in Java. In; The Nether- lands Indies, Vol. vi, No. 10, 1938, pp 2-4. Contents: The making and utilization of coconut fibre band by a native industrial association of Wates,, near Jogakarta. Photographs: Weaving coconut fibre band. Copy in NEFIS Library. 126 402 — STEHN. C. E. and UMBGROVE. J. a F. Bijdrage tot de geologic der vlakte van Bandoeng. (Contributions to the geology of th& plain of Ban- doeng). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 301-314. (In Dutch with English summary). Contents: A study of the geological history and structure of the area. Photographs: Two views of Tji Taroem River Maps: Geological maps, contours and diagrams. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Lib- rary, Hobart. 403 — STIGAND, I. A. The volcano of Smeroe, Java. In; Geographical Journal, Vol. xxvm, 1906, pp 615-624. Contents: An account of the Tengger and an ascent of Smeroe. Photographs: Views of Smeroe. Map: The summit of Smeroe, before and after erup- tion of 1885. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Lib- rary, Sydney; Forestry Commission Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Hobart. 404 —STOOP, A. Een geologische verkenningstocht in de Residentie Probolinggo. (A geological exploration in the resi- dency of Probolinggo). In; faarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 1884, pp 217-229. (In Dutch). Contents: Account of a geological expedition in Probolinggo with topographical details. Map: Sketch map of a part of the residency of Probolinggo. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 405 — STRAELEN, V. van Resultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orien- tates N6erlandaises de LL.AA.RR. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique. Vol. I. Introduc- tion. (Scientific results of a journey to the Nether- lands East Indies by T.R.H. Prince and Princess Leopold of Belgium). Bruxelles, 1933. Memoires du Musee Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Hors serie, pp 222. (In French). Contents: General remarks on the places visited with notes on the flora and fauna, topography, ethnology, geology. Photographs: A very fine collection illustrating all aspects of the expedition. Copies in Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane 4 OS - STUTTER HEIM, W. F. The story of ancient Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vii. No. 8, 1926, pp 439-445. Contents; Prehistoric implements found in the Netherlands East Indies. The Hindoo settlements in Java. The arrival of the Moslems. Photographs: Some Hindoo objects of religious art. Maps: The oldest Hindoo settlements in southern Asia; Java in the Hindoo period. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 407 — STUTTERHEIM, W. F. The temple ruins of Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 684-688. Contents: Survey of the temples which have been wholly or partly restored in Java. Photographs: Some Java temples. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 408 — SUCHTELEN, Line van (nee Leembruggen) The legend of the Bromo. In; Gazette, Vol. i. No. 3, 1932, pp 1-4. Contents: The annual festival in the Sand Sea desert around Bromo volcano. Java. Photographs: Views of the Bromo. Copy in NEFIS Library. 409 — SWINGLE, Walter T. Limnocitrus, a new genus, also new species of Wen- zelia, paramignya and atalantia (rutaceae-auran- tioideae). In: Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, Vol. 21, 1940, pp 1-24. Contents: Botanical description of the new genus which is found in Java. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Department of Agriculture Library, Sydney; Government Botan- ist’s Library, Brisbane; National Herbarium Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 410 —T A VERNE. N. I. M. Vulkaanstudien op Java. (Studies on the volcanoes of Java). 4to. ’s Gravenhage, Algemeene Lands- drukkerij, 1926, pp x, 132. (Nederlandsch-lndie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, Vulkanologische en Seismolo- gische Mededeelingen, No. 7). (In Dutch). Contents: Geological studies of the volcanoes of Java, giving geological history, also a few topo- graphical details. Photographs: Views of a number of Java’s volcanoes. Maps: A series showing volcanic regions. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide. 411 — T A VERNE. N. I. M. and STEHN, Ch. E. De aardbevingen van Wonosobo op 12 November en 2 December 1924; en de aardbeving van Maos op 15 Mei 1923 (The earthquakes of Wonosobo on 12th November and 2nd December, 1924, and the earth- 127 quake of Maos on 15th May, 1923). 4to. Weltevre- den, Landsdrukkerij, 1925. (Nederlandsch-lndie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, Vulkanologische en Seis- mologische Mededeelingen, No. 8), pp vii, 28. (In Dutch). Contents: Accounts of the earthquakes listed in the title. Photographs: A number of views in volcanic regions. Maps: Map of the damaged territory and sketch map of the earthquake region of Maos, scale i : 250,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide. 412—TEED AHPA By jungle track and paddy field. 8vo. Liverpool, Henry Young and Sons, 1913, pp xvi, 179. Contents: The author travelled in Timor, Malaya and Java. Photographs: Koepang, Buitenzorg, Papandayan. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney, 413 —TILLEMA, H. F, Kromoblanda. Over 't vraagstuk van het wonen in Kromo’s groote land. (Coloured and white; on the problem of life in the coloured’s great land). Vol. v, part II, pp 417-960. 's Gravenhage. (In Dutch). Contents: This is a portion of a many volumed work. It gives a detailed study of the housing conditions in Sumatra and Java. Photographs: Types of dwellings and villages throughout Java. Copy in NEE IS Library. 414 — TOPOGHAFISCHE DIENST De G. Merapi, December 1909-Juni 1913. (Mt. Merapi, December 1909-June 1913). In; Jaarverslag van den Topograftschen Dienst, Vol. ix, part I, 1913, pp 160-162. (In Dutch). Contents: Recent changes in the top of Mt. Merapi. Photographs: Views of Mt. Merapi and Mt. Mas- djidanlama. Copy in NEE IS Library. 415 —TOPOGHAFISCHE DIENST Kort verslag betreffende de uitkomsten der in 1923 gehouden inspecties over de door de Stereographik- zentrale te Miinchen vervaardigde kaarten van stereofotogrammetrisch opgenomen terreinen op Java. (Brief report on the results of the inspection in 1923 of the maps made by the stereographical centre in Munich of area surveyed stereophoto- grammetrically in Java). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xix, 1923, pp 81-83. (In Dutch). Contents: The results obtained do not encourage the introduction of the stereophotogrammetric method of surveying, but in view of recent progress of aerostereophotogrammetry the last word has not been said in this matter. Copies in NEE1S Library; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 416 —TOPOGHAFISCHE DIENST Eenige aanteekeningen bij de nieuw vervaardigde kaart van den top van den G. Welirang. (Some re- marks on the newly-made map of the summit of Mt. Welirang. In: Jaarverslag van den 7'opo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xxm, 1927, pp 120-121. (In Dutch). Contents: Observations made during a survey of the craters of Mt. Welirang by some native students of surveying. Photographs: North wall of the Kawahdjere seen from Point 3138; Solfatara field of the Kawah Ploe- poeh; Goenoeng Kembar 11; G. Welirang with Mt. Kembar I in the foreground. Copies in NEF1S Library; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 417 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Come to Java. 3rd ed. 12mo. Batavia, G. Kolff, 1926, pp 329. Contents: A detailed guide book for tourists, with English Malay vocabulary. Photographs: A collection of small views of Java of little value. Maps: Small sketch map of Java and Madoera, scale 1 : 1,500,000. Shows main roads, motor roads, motor and other roads, rail and tramways, prin- cipal stations, boundaries of residencies, hot springs, bathing places, temples and ruins, volcanoes, rest- houses, hotels, mountain tops, heights, important places, etc. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 418 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Java, the wonderland. 8vo. Weltevreden, Official Information Bureau, about 1910, pp vi, 106. Contents: Malay language, Batavia, Buitenzorg, other towns, temples, the Boro Boedoer, the Dieng Plateau, Soerabaya, Tosari, the Bromo, the Sand Sea, etc. Photographs: Typical Java scenes. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 419—TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Buitenzorg. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Informa- tion Bureau. Contents: Tourist pamphlet. Photographs: Views from the Botanical Gardens. Copy in NEE IS Library. 420 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Batavia. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Information Bureau. Contents: Tourist pamphlet. Photographs: Streets and buildings in Batavia. Copy in NEE IS Library. 421 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Java. Principal daily train connections. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Information Bureau. Contents: Railway time-table. Copy in NEE IS Library. 128 422 —TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU See Java. 12mo. Batavia, 1939, pp iv, 60. Contents: General information, a trip through Java, etc. Photographs: Typical Java scenes. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; NEFIS Library. 423 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Visit Java, Bali, Sumatra. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Information Bureau, 2 editions. Contents: Tourist pamphlet. Photographs: Typical Java scenes. Copy in NEFIS Library. 424 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Java. Batavia, Travellers’ Official Information Bureau. Contents: Tourist pamphlet. Photographs: Scenes from Java. Maps: Java, the Netherlands East Indies. Copy in NEFIS Library. 425 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Picturesque Dutch East Indies. Batavia. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 1, 1925, pp 43-47. Contents: Short description of Batavia. Photographs: Steel spires of the cathedral at Welte- vreden most conspicuous in the town’s skyline. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 426 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Picturesque Dutch East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 2, 1925, pp 115-121. Contents: Description of a trip from Batavia to Bandoeng via Buitenzorg and Soekaboemi. Photographs: Cultivation studies. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 427 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Picturesque Dutch East Indies. Bandoeng. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 3, 1925, pp 177-180. Contents: Brief description of Bandoeng. Photographs: Buildings in Bandoeng; tea estate. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 428 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Picturesque Dutch East Indies. In Java’s scenic paradise. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 4, 1925, pp 232-237. Contents: Description of some of Java’s beautiful scenery. Photographs: Some Java scenes. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 429 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Picturesque Dutch East Indies. Round about Soura- baya. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi, No. 5, 1925, pp 299- 303. Contents: Brief description of Sourabaya and environs. Photographs'. Roads of Sourabaya, with shipping and street scenes. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 430 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Malang, the mountain city of East Java. In; Java Gazette, Vol. i, No. 3, 1932, pp 301-303. Contents'. Site, size and industries of Malang. Photographs'. Aloon-Aloon at Malang. Panorama of Songgoriti near Malang. Temple guard at Singo- sari near Malang. Tjandi “Kidal” at Toempang, near Malang. Copy in NEF1S Library. 431—TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Bandoeng number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. vn. No. 4, 1932. Contents'. Brief description of Bandoeng as an intro- duction to the photographs. Photographs'. Many photographs of Bandoeng and surroundings. Map: Road map of Bandoeng and surrounding mountains. Copy in NEF1S Library. 432 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Railways number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi, 1936. Contents'. The service of the railways of Java and Sumatra; a programme for sight-seeing by rail. Photographs: Numerous photographs of tracks and stations. Map: Map of Java in bird’s eye view. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr, Hendriks’ collection); Mitchell Library. Sydney. 433 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Volcanoes in Java number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi, No. 2, 1936. Contents: Important volcanic phenomena in recent years with a few notes on historic eruptions, list of active volcanoes in Java indicating heights, nearest town and best starting point for the climb. Also brief text to the photographs. Photographs: Some studies illustrating volcanic activity. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); AGS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 434 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Malang number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi. No. 3, 1936. Contents: A tourist booklet describing Malang. Various views of the city and nearbv country. Photographs: Views in and around Malang. Map: Malang and environs, showing railways, motor roads, resthouses, rivers, volcanoes. Copies in AGS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 435 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Peoples of the Netherlands Indies number of Tour- ism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi,. No. 4, 1936. 129 Contents: Brief survey of the peoples of the Nether- lands East Indies after the census of 1930. Photographs: Native types of the East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); Mitchell Library, Sydney. 436 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Airways number of Tourism in Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn. No. 1, 1937. Contents: Brief text accompanying the photographs. Photographs: Views in Java and the East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); AGS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 437 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Shipping number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn. No. 2, 1937. Contents: Recommendation to the tourist to travel in the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Ships of lines serving the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); Mitchell Library, Sydney. 438 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Hotel number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn, No. 4, 1937. Contents: Description of some hotels and their sites. Photographs: Hotels in the Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 433 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Lakes number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xn, No. 5, 1937. Contents: Description of the most beautiful lakes of the Netherlands East Indies. Photographs: Lake scenes in the Netherlands East Indies. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 440 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Glimpses of native life number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xm, No. 1, 1938. Contents: Photographs of people from Sumatra, Java and Bali at work. Copies in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); Mitchell Library, Sydney. 441 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Jogjakarta number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xm, No. 2, 1938. Contents: Description of Jogjakarta and environs. Photographs: Scenes in Jogjakarta and the neigh- bourhood. Map: Jogjakarta and environs. Copies in NEFIS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 442 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Preanger Mountains number of Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xm. No. 3, 1938. Contents: Brief text accompanying a great number of excellent photographs. Photographs: Views in the Preanger. Copies in NEF1S Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection); Mitchell Library, Sydney. 443 — TRIGHT, S. V. The Badoejs in South Bantam (Java). In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. x, No. 9, 1929, pp 363-370. Contents: Description of the customs of the little known tribes of the Badoejs, based on the observa- tions made during an excursion in 1928. Photographs: Studies of Badoejs and their monu- ments. Map: Dessa Kamakes district, showing its boundary, its villages and the “forbidden territory.” Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 444 —TUIJN, J. van Over een recente daling van den zeespiegel in Neder- landsch-Oost-Indie. (On a recent fall of the sea level in the Netherlands Indies). In: Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 89-99. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of evidence of a recent sinking of the ocean level from Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Map: Outline map of Sumatra, Java and Borneo, scale 1 : 10,000,000 showing portions where there is evidence of recent raising. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Lib- rary, Hobart. 445 _ TWENTIETH CENTURY IMPRESSIONS OF NETHERLANDS INDIA Its history, people, commerce, industries, and re- sources; editor-in-chief Arnold Wright; Assistant editor—Oliver T. Breakspear. 4to. London, Lloyd’s Greater Britain Publishing Coy., Ltd., 1909, pp 606. Contents: History by Arnold Wright. Constitution, government, administration and law, by J. de Groot. Finance, by J. Paulus. Archaeology, by S. M. Pleyte, T. van Erp, Ph. S. van Ronkel. Imports, exports and shipping: means of communication—railways and tramways, Netherlands India railways, Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij, posts, telegraphs and tele- phones, roads and bridges; Population; origin, languages, manners and customs, by C. M. Pleyte and C. Thieme; Ecclesiastical: Dutch Protestant Church and missions, Roman Catholic mission, the Salvation Army. Education, by N. J. Verweij. Health and hospitals. The Press, by E. F. E. Douwes-Dekker. Native arts and handicrafts, by J. E. Jasper. Naval and military forces. Police, mines and mining ad- ministration, by J. K. van Gelder. Climate by C. Braak. Forests and flora of Java, by Th. Valeton. Irrigation in Java. Agriculture, by W. J. Gallois. The rubber industry. Sugar industry in Java, by J. J. Hazewinkel. Tobacco. Coffee, by R. A. Eek- hout. Tea, by R. A. Kerkhoven. Cinchona, by P. van Leersum. Bamboo hats; the island of Java; Batavia; towns of western and Central Java; Somarang; Sourabaya; Sumatra; Dutch Borneo; information for tourists. Photographs: A very large collection of views. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 130 446 —UKERS, William H. Java and Sumatra. 8vo. New York, The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Co., 1926 (Little Journey Series), pp 63. Contents: A visit to Sumatra’s east coast (general description, visits to tea, coffee, rubber and oil- palm estates). The Sumatra tea industry. A visit to Java (general description, the tea industry). Photographs: Views of Java and Sumatra. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 447 —ULTEE, A. I. The mixed cultivation of Hevea and Robusta. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol n No. 7, 1921, pp 23-28. Contents: The author director of the Besoeki Experi- mental Station, Djember (Java), discusses the merits of the mixed cultivation of Robusta coffee and Hevea rubber. Photographs: Illustrate the transition from jungle to coffee estate. Copy in NEFIS Library. 448 — UMBGROVE, J. H. F. De Koraalriffen in de Baai van Batavia. (The coral reefs in the Bay of Batavia). 4to. Weltevreden, Landsdrukkerij, 1928. Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijnbouw, Wetenschappehjke Mededeelin- gen, No. 7), pp iii, 68. (In Dutch with summary in English). Contents: Life conditions of reef corals in general: data on this in the Bay of Batavia; formation of the reefs; form and manner of formation of the islands; ecology of the coral reef in the Bay of Batavia. Photographs: A large collection of air and other views. Maps: A series illustrating coral formations. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide: Geological Survey Library, Perth. 449 — UMBGROVE, J. H. F. De koraalriffen der Duizend-Eilanden (Java Zee). (The coral reefs of the Thousand Islands—Java Sea). 4to. Bandoeng. N. V. Maks and V. D. Klits, 1929, pp 50., (Nederlandsch-Indie, Dienst van den Mijn- houw, Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen), No. 12. (In Dutch with a summary in English). Contents: Geology, geomorphology, currents in the Java Sea. Geological history of the Java Sea. Photographs: Air and other views illustrating coral formation. Maps: ;Series illustrating the text. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 450 — UNITED STATES. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing directions for Sunda Strait and north- west coast of Borneo and offlying dangers. 3rd edi- tion, 1934, pp 542. Contents: Includes the Sunda Strait, the straits be- tween Sumatra and Borneo and the west and north- east coasts of Borneo. Copies in NEFIS Library; AGS Library. 451 —UNITED STATES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing directions for Celebes, Southeast Borneo, Java (except from Java Head to Batavia), and islands east of Java. 1933, 3rd edition, pp 628. Supplement to Hydrographic Office Publication No. 163, for 1942. Contents: Comprises most of Java, Southeast Bor- neo, Celebes, the lesser Sunda Islands and Timor. Copies in NEFIS Library; AGS Library. 452 — UTERMARK, W. L. Tourism in and around Djocja. In: Netherlands India Old and New, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1934, pp 21-30. Contents: Sight-seeing in Djocjakarta. Photographs: Views in and around Djocjakarta. Copy in NEFIS Library. 453 — VALKENBURG. S. van Met district Djampang-Koelon. (The district of Djampang-Koelon). In: Jaarverslag van den Topo- grafischen Dienst, Vol. xx, 1924, pp 61-69. (In Dutch). Contents: Geology, morphology, climate, people, agriculture, roads. Photographs: Views of the district. Maps: Djampang-Koelon, scale 1 ; 250,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 454 — VALKENBURG. S. van Het District Djampang-Wetan. (The Djampang-Wetan district). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxi, 1925, pp 83-94. (In Dutch). Contents: Geographical survey of the former Djam- pang-Wetan district, comprising the present dis- tricts Soekanangara, western part of Sindanbarang and nearly the whole of Djampang-tengah. The article deals with the topographical survey of the region, the geological structure, geomorphology, climate, population and native agriculture, European agriculture, lines of communication, tourism. Maps: Geological section across Djampang-Wetan. Geomorphological map, scale 1 : 500,000. Copy in NEFIS Library. 455 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. Rapport sur les Moluques; reconnaissances g6o- logiques dans la partie orientale de 1’Archipel des Indes Orientales Neerlandaises. (Report on the Moluccas: Geological reconnaissances in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago). In; Edition francaise du Jaarhoek van het Mijn- weien in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie, Tome 37, 1908, partie scientifique. Batavia, Imprimerie de I’Etat, 1908. (In French). Contents: Detailed account of the geology of the area. Maps: Series of geological maps and profiles. 131 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney (atlas only); Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Public Library, Launceston. 456 —VERBEEK, R. D. M. De nieuwe krater van den Lemongan. (The new crater of the Lemongan). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwe%en in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk gedeelte, 1899, pp 168-180. (In Dutch). Contents: A description of the newly-formed crater in Mt. Lemongan in 1898. Map: Lemongan volcano; maps and profiles, no scale given. Indicate changes due to an eruption in 1898. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 457 — VERBEEK. R. D. M. and FENNEMA. R Description geologique de Java et Madoera. 2 vols. and atlas. 8vo. Amsterdam, J. G. Stemler Cz., 1896, pp, 534 (xi), 535-1183, and atlas of 50 sheets. (In French). Contents: Topography, geology, volcanoes, useful minerals, fossils. Photographs: A large collection of geological studies. Maps: A series of geological maps and surveys. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 458 — VERBEEK, R. D. M. and FENNEMA. R. Nieuwe geologische ontdekkingen op Java. (New geological discoveries in Java). In: faarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1880, deel I, pp 217-261. (In Dutch). Contents: Discussion of new geological discoveries in Java. Maps: Geological maps illustrating the text. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 459 — VERVOORT, M. No melting pot in Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol vu Nos. 8/9, 1926, pp 457-464. Contents: Short text accompanying photographs of different types of the population of Java. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 460 — VERVOORT, M. and BERGER, H. Leaves from a Javanese album. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm, No. 5, 1927, pp 267-274. Contents: A set of artistic photographs. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 461 —VETH, P. J. Java: geographisch, ethnologisch. historisch. (Java: geography, ethnology, history). 2 vols. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1875-1878. (In Dutch). Contents: Vol. i covers the geography and ethnology and Vol. 2 deals with history. Map: Historical map of Java. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 462 — VlS-Janssen van Raay, Mrs. C The Tygersgracht. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vu. No. I, 1926, pp 35-37 and 46. Contents: Reminiscences of Old Batavia in the days of the East India Company. Photographs; Some views in Old Batavia. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 463 —VOLZ, W. The thoroughbred in Java. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 12, 1933, pp 1-4. Contents: Breeding results at Wanasari stud on the cinchona estate Nanasari. Photograph: Paddock and cinchona plantation. Copy in NEE IS Library. 464 —VOSKUIL, H. J. H. Titulatuur en waardigheidsteekenen in de Midden- Javaansche maatschappij. (Titles and emblems of rank in the native society of Central Java). In; Orgaan van de Nederlandsch-Indische Officiers- vereeniging, Vol. 21, No. 12, 1936, pp 433-445. (In Dutch). Contents: General survey of existing titles. The titles in the Mataram dynasty (Soerakarta, Wang- kee, Negaran and Pakoe Alaman Djokjakarta). Titles and predicates of the nobility. Titles and predi- cates of office-holders. Honorary and courtesy titles. Emblems of rank. Copy in NEE IS Library. 465 —VRIES. H M. de The importance of )ava seen from the air. Batavia, 1928, pp 328. Contents: The book is, in the main, a description of the different business enterprises, including estates, factories, transport concerns, etc. The text is merely an accompaniment to the excellent photo- graphs. Photographs: A fine collection of air-photographs of Java. Copies in AGS Library; NEE IS Library; Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra; De- partment of Defence Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne. 466 —VRIES, E. de and COHEN, H. The village shopkeeper in Java and Madura. In: Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, Vol. i, No. 4, 1938, pp 263-273. Contents: Currency in the village; cash income; shop- keeping as a trade; the nature of the transactions, retail trade and garden produce; retail trade and mixed diet turnover. Copies in NEF1S Library; University Library, Melbourne. 467 —VUUREN. L. van Bijdrage tot de topografie van de Residentie Soera- baia in de 13 e eeuw. (Contributions to the topo- graphy of the Soerabaia residency in the 13th century). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xu, 1924, pp 67- 81. (In Dutch). 132 Contents: Discusses topographical changes in the area, especially with reference to the Brantas River basin. Maps: Delta and basin of Kali-Brantas. Mt. Keloet. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 468 -— WADIA, Ardaser Sorabjee N. The belle of Bali: being impressions of a pleasure cruise to the Dutch East Indies via Cochin, Colombo. Penang and Singapore. 8vo. London, J. M. Dent and Sons, 1936, pp xvi, 112. Contents: General description of Bali, temples, bazaars, religion, art-crafts, music, dances; Boro- budur and Buitenzorg. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Hobart. 469 — WALCOTT. Arthur S. Java and her neighbours: a traveller’s notes in Java, Celebes, the Moluccas and Sumatra. New York. Putnam, 1914, pp 339. Contents: Notes of a three months’ trip. Chapter headings: 1. Historical sketch. 2. Weltevreden. 3. Old Batavia. 4. Buitenzorg and the botanical gar- dens. 5. By the north coast to Soerabaya, Solo. 6. Cruise to Celebes. 7. Minahassa district, North Celebes. 8. Ternate. 9. The Moluccas. 10. Tosari and the Tengger volcanoes. 11. Ruined temples of Central Java. 12. Djokjakarta. 13. Garoet and the Preanggers. 14. The West Preanggers. 15. Sumatra; descriptive and historical. 16. Up the west coast of Sumatra to Padang. 17. The Padang highlands. 18. Ports of North Sumatra. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Department of Defence Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 470 —WALL. V. I. van de Old Bantam and its monuments. In: Inter-Ocean, Yol. xii. No. 3, 1931, pp 107-113. Contents: Description of Fort Speelwijk, the ruins of the Sultan’s residences, the mosques and the holy graves at Bantam. Photographs: Views of Bantam. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 471—WALL. V. I. van de Old country houses in Batavia. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 12, 1931, pp 537-545. Contents: Description of some old country houses in the old-lndies, old-Dutch and Company styles. Photographs: Old houses in Batavia. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 472 —WEBSTER, H. Cayley Through New Guinea and the cannibal countries. 8vo. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1898, pp xvii, 387. Contents (of the section on the Indies): General descriptions of Bali, Lombok, Macassar, Amboyna, Banda, Kei and Am Islands, Netherlands New Guinea and Java, and of the manners and customs of the people; also of the birds, mammals, and butterflies collected, these being the object of the expedition. The book also covers the Mandated Territory of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Oxley Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; National Library, Can- berra; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Ade- laide; University Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 473 — WEEL. K. M. van Meteorological and hydrographical observations made in the western part of the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago. In: Treubia, Vol. 4, 1923, pp 1-559. Contents-. An important detailed work with many charts and diagrams. On pp 37-38 is a list of pertinent literature on these subjects. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 474 _ WHEATLEY, Ch. de Cock The holy grave of Tembayat. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm, No. 5, 1927, pp 260-265. Contents-. Description for the tourist of the temple of Tembayat near Djokjakarta. Photographs: Views of the grave. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne 475 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock Facts and fancies of rice cultivation. In: Inter- Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 10, 1927, pp 541-547. Contents: Legends connected with Javanese rice culture. The work connected with rice-growing Photographs: Rice planting studies. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne 476 — WHEATLEY, Ch. de Cock Marriage customs of Middle Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vm. No. 11, 1927, pp 601-606. Contents: Marriage customs in Soerakarta. Photographs: A royal marriage at Soerakarta, Copy in Public Library, Melbourne 477 _ WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock In the land of mystic gods. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 1, 1928, pp 15-18. Contents: Description of the temple ruins of Pram- banan, on the boundary line between the residencies of Soerakarta and Djocjakarta. Photographs: Temple ruins. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne 478 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock Village life in Java. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 3, 1928, pp 134-140. Contents: Description of Javanese village houses, household utensils, peasant life. Photographs: Studies of native life, Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 133 479 — WHEATLEY, Ch. de Cock Back of a cup of tea. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol, ix, No. 5, 1928, pp 263-268. Contents: The tea ceremony of the Chinese. The history of tea production in Java, The work of a tea estate. Photographs: Illustrating stages in tea manufacture. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 480 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock Terpsichorean studies of Middle lava. In: Inter- Occan, Vol. ix, No. 7, 1928, pp 375-380. Contents: Javanese dances and dancers, with special regard to the royal courts of Djokjakarta and Soerakarta. Photographs: Dancing groups. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 481 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock Scenes from an old-world kingdom. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 9, 1928, pp 507-51 1. Contents: Impressions from Djokjakarta. Photographs: Views of Djokjakarta. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 482 — WHEATLEY, Ch. de Cock The industrial arts and crafts of Middle Java. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, Nos. 11/12, 1928, pp 695-700. Contents: Description of the various native industrial arts. Photographs: Specimens of native work. Native workshop. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 483 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock When the fire-god speaks. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xii. No. 2, 1931, pp 58-65. Contents: Description of the eruption of the Merapi in December 1930, and of the damage caused by it. Photographs: Views of the Merapi. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 484 — WHEATLEY, Ch. de Cock In the realm of a mystic queen. In: Intcr-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 5, 1931, pp 203-211. Contents: Myths connected with the collection of edible birds’ nests in Java. Photographs: Views in the Karang Belong region. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 485 — WHEATLEY. Ch. de Cock The sacred shrines of Gresik. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn, No. 11, 1931, pp 511-515. Contents: History and monuments of the town of Gresik, situated on the straits of Madoera, on the highway on the north coast of Java. Photographs: Views of Gresik and its shrines. Copy in NEF1S Library. 486 — WHITEHEAD. John Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1893, pp 317. Contents: A detailed account of explorations in North Borneo and Palawan, with a visit to Java. The author was a field naturalist, and the appendix gives a full description of the specimens collected during four years. Photographs; Very fine coloured plates of birds, animals, and insects, and topographical lithographs from the author’s drawings. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 487 — WILDA, Johannes Reise auf S.M.S. Mowe. (Journey of the S.M.S. Mowe). Berlin, Allgemeiner Verein fur deutsche Literatur, 1903. (In German). Contents: The author went to the Mandated Terri- tory of New Guinea on the survey ship Mowe and returned to China, via Java on the Stettin. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 488 — WINSTEDT, Sir Richard Introduction to Java. In: Geographical Magazine, Vol. xiv, 1942, pp 222-233. Contents: A short historical sketch. Photographs-. Some Java scenes. Map: Sketch map of Java, scale 1.5 inches : 200 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamen- tary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Adelaide; Royal Geo- graphical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 489 — WIT, Augusta de Java: facts and fancies. London, Chapman and Hall, 1905, pp 329. Contents: A lavishly illustrated description of life in Java. Chapter headings: 1. First glimpses. 2. A Batavia hotel. 3. The town. 4. A colonial home. 5. Social life. 6. Glimpses of native life. 7. On the beach. 8. Buitenzorg. 9. In the hill country. 10. In the dessa. Photographs: Scenes in Java. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 490 - WITKAMP, H. Een voorkomen van granod.ioriet in Zuid-Priangan. (An occurrence of granodiorite in South Priangan). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijks- dundig Genootschap, Vol. lvi, 1939, pp 638-653. (In Dutch). Contents: An account of a number of geological traverses of the area, with much topographical information. 134 Map: Geological sketch map of area between Tjilak and Tjipantjong Rivers, scale 1 : 150,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 491—WOLVEKAMP, H. Onderzoek van den Telaga Bodas in de Afdeeling Tasikmalaja, Residentie Preanger - Regentschappen. (An investigation of the Telaga Bodas in the Tasik- malaja Division, residency of Preanger Regencies). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, Verhandelingen, 1913, pp 88-100. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of Telaga Bodas, a lake 1720 m. above sea level. Map: Telaga Bodas Lake, scale 1 : 50,000. Another map on a smaller scale shows surrounding country. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 492 —WRIGHT. Arnold and BREAKSPEAR. Oliver T. Twentieth century impressions of Netherlands India. Ed. by A. Wright and O. T. Breakspear. Contents: See Twentieth century impressions of Netherlands India, noted earlier, No. 445. 493 —WYDENES, M. Oostwoud Papandajan. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 5, 1928, pp 281-284. Contents: Description of a tourist excursion from Garoet to the Papandajan. Photographs: Views of Mt. Papandajan. Copy in. Public Library, Melbourne. 494—WYDENES, M. Oostwcud Tcsari jaunts. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 6, 1928, pp 341-347. Contents: Description of beauty spots around the health resort of Tosari. Photographs: Views of Tosari. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 495 —WYDZNES, M. Oostwoud Lali Djiwo. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. ix, No. 9, 1928, pp 485-498. Contents: Description of Lali Djiwo, a former hunt- ing lodge, now used as a tourist hut. Situated on Mount Arjuna, it is six hours on foot or four hours on horseback from Sourabaya. Photographs: Views of Lali Djiwo. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 496 —ZIEGLER, K. G. J. Kort bericht over het voorkomen van een graniet- gesteente in het stroomgebied van de Tji Hara, District Tji Langkahan, Afdeeling Lebak, Residence Bantam. (Short report on the occurrence of granite in the stream region of the Tji Hara, Tji Langkahan District, Lebak division, residency of Bantam). In; jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1916, 2de gedeelte, pp 48-54. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the granite found in Bantam in the region drained by the Tji Hara. Map: Situation map of an occurrence of granite in South Bantam, scale 1 : 50,000. In Atlas volume for 1916. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 497 —ZIEGLER. K. G. I. Verslag over de uitkomsten van mijnbouwkundig- geologische onderzoekingen in Zuid-Bantam. (Report on the results of geological mining investigations in South Bantam). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 41-153. (In Dutch). Contents: Special attention was paid to the Bodjong- manik brown coalfields, to the coalfields in South Bantam, and to the Tjimandiri field. Sections on the topography of each area are given. Maps: A series of geological map and profiles. In atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Royal Society of New South Wales Library. Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth: Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 135 DUTCH BORNEO 1-BALNER, L. and LEBZELTER. V. Zur Biologie und Anthrolopogie der Kenja in Nordost Borneo. (On the biology and anthropology of the Kenja in Northeast Borneo). In; Anthropos, Vol. xxx, 1935, pp 51-74, 495-508. (In German). Contents: Biological and anthropological notes on the Kenja, a tribe in Northeast Borneo. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Pub- lic Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 2 —BANKS, E. Seasonal rainfall in Borneo. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 363-371. Contents: A study of rainfalls in Malaysia (1921- 1933) with graphs. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney. 3—BARTLETT. Edward Butterflies of Borneo. 8 parts. Kuching, Sarawak, 1896. (Extracts from The Ethnological, Zoological and Botanical Note book of Sarawak). Contents: Lists 518 species from the collection in the Sarawak Museum, with short notes. Copy in the National Library, Canberra. 4 — BEMMELEN. R. W, van De geologic van het westelijke en zuidelijke deel van de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Geology of the western and southern part of the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 1939, pp 187- 328. (In Dutch, with summary in English). Contents: Geological description of the southern and western parts of the Western Division of Borneo. Bibliography. Maps: General geological map of the Western Divi- sion of Borneo except the Chinese districts and vicinity, Plaat I-Vl. The general geological map, scale 1 ; 250,000, Plaat VII-VIII. Profiles, Plaat IX. General map showing routes of the geological inves- tigation, etc., scale 1 : 1,500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 5 —BOCK. Carl The head hunters of Borneo: a narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito: also, jour- neyings in Sumatra. London, Sampson Low, 1882, 2nd edition, pp 344. Contents: Journal of a journey from Tangaroeng across Borneo to Bandjermasin (pp 1-256) and of a visit to Sumatra, in 1878. Photographs: 30 coloured lithographs, and woodcuts. Maps: Southeast Borneo to illustrate M, Bock’s journey, scale 1 in : 40 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Parliamen- tary Library, Brisbane: Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Lib- rary, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide: Public Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Launceston. 6 — BOSCHMA, H. Biological data, 1936. In: Snellius Expedition tn the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929- 1930, Vol. 6, pp 29. Contents: The nets and other apparatus for collect- ing the biological material, the localities in which the material was collected. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: National Library, Canberra. 7 — BOSCHMA, H. and KUENEN, Ph. H. Voyage, Chapter IV. Investigations on shore, 1938. In: Snellius Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 1, pp 169- 175. Contents: An account of the various expeditions at the different places where the expedition ship stayed. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 8 — BRINIO The Dyaks. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xi, No. 12, 1930. pp 587-594. Contents: Brief text accompanying photographs. Photographs: Dyak types. Dyak prahoe in the rapids. Dyak house. Dyak kampong. Houses for the dead. Idol in a Dyak kampong. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 9— BRYN. Halfden De indfodte paa Borneo. Carl Lumholtz’s materiale- antropologisk bearbeidet. (The natives of Borneo. Anthropological study of Lumholtz’s material). Kristiania, Jacob Dybwad, 1924, pp 87. (In Nor- wegian). Contents: An anthropometrical study based on Lum- holtz’s collection. Copies in National Library, Canberra: Mitchell1 Library, Sydney: Australian Museum Library, Syd ney; Public Library, Melbourne. 136 10 —CABATON. A. Java, Sumatra and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies; translated by Bernard Miall. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911, pp 376. Contents: Chapter 1. Historical sketch. Chapter 2. Generalities. Photographs: Rope ferry, Borneo. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Uni- versity Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamenary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Par- liamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; University Library, Perth; Public Library, Laun- ceston. 11 — DIECKMANN. W. De ijzerertsafzettingen van het Koekoesangebergte in Zuidcost-Borneo. (The iron ore deposits of the Koekoesan Mountains of Southeast Borneo). In Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1920. Iste gedeelte, pp 70-86. (In Dutch). Contents: Chiefly a description of the deposits, but a few details of topographical interest are given. Maps: Soengi Doewa in the Koekoesan Mountains, Southeast Borneo (with profiles), scale 1 :30,000. Plaat IX-X. Profiles on Plaat X of Soengi Doewa. Maps in atlas volume for 1920. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 12 —DIJK, P. van Onderzoek naar de ontginbaarheid van steenkolen . . . aan de Riam-Kanan. (Investigation into the pos- sibility of coal production on the Riam-Kanan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie. 1881, 2de gedeelte, pp 213-237. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report on coal deposits in Riam-Kanan which is in the Eastern Division. Maps: Geological map of the pitching lustre coal between the Goenoeng Djabok on the Riam-Kanan and Pengaren on the Riam-Kiwa, scale 1 : 100,000. Terrain of the Delf coal mine with hills Djalamadi and Djabok, scale 1 :20,000. Location, near the Riam-Kanan. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 13 —DIJK. P. van De bevaarbaarheid van de rivier Riam-Kanan tus- schen Karang-Intan en Martapoera, vergeleken met die van de rivier Riam Kiwa tusschen Pengarom en Martapoera. (The navigability of the River Riam- Kanan between Karang-Intan and Martapoera, com- pared with that of the River Riam-Kiwa between Pengarom and Martapoera). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1883, pp 39-59. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a section by J. H. Menten on the navigability of the Barito River from its mouth and up the Martapoera and Riam-Kiwa to Biwahan in the South and Eastern Divisions. Map: General map of the relative navigability of the rivers Riam-Kiwa and Riam-Kanan and of the River Martapoera past Bandjermasin to the Barito near Schans van Tijl, scale 1 : 100,000. Depths at low water in decimetres. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 14 — DOBKEN, B. G. Enkele aanteekeningen betreffende de in te voeren landrenteregeling in de Afdeeling Oeloesoengai Resi- dence Zuider-Ooster-Afdeeling van Borneo. (Some remarks concerning the land rent regulation to be introduced in the Division of Oeloesoengai, resi- dency South and East Division of Borneo). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvi, 1920, pp 95-98. (In Dutch). Contents-. The author gives the reasons why the tax paid on the rice fields is to be abolished and a land rent paid after Javanese pattern introduced. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 15 —DYKE. J. C. van In Java and the neighbouring islands. 8vo. New York, Charles Scribner, 1929, pp xii, 310. Contents-. Sketches of Celebes, Borneo, the Moluccas, Bali and Java. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne. 16 —EASTON. N. Wing Het voorkomen van koperertsen in den omtrek van Mandor. (The occurrence of copper ores in the region of Mandor). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, 1899, pp 143-167. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the area around Mandor with incidental topographical details. Map: The occurrence of copper ores in the region of Mandor, scale 1 : 50,000. Profiles and sketches of prospecting. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 17 —EASTON. N. Wing Had Borneo vroeger een woestijnklimaat? (Had Borneo once-a desert climate?). In: Tijdschrift Kon- inklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxxiv, 1917, pp 680-695. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses the formation of the sandstone hill country north of the Melawi River, Central Borneo. Map: Geological sketch map of part of West and Central Borneo, scale 1 : 2,000,000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 18 — ES. L. J. C. van De tektoniek van de westelijke helft van den Oost- Indischen Archipel. (The tectonics of the west half of the East Indian Archipelago). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelin- gen, 1917, 2de gedeelte, pp 5-145. (In Dutch). 137 Contents: Tectonic description of Java, Sumatra, islands to the west of Sumatra and to the east of Sumatra and Borneo. Bibliography. Map: Geotectonic sketch map of the west part of the East Indian Archipelago. 4 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000. In atlas volume for 1917, Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 19 — ES. L. I. C. van Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch- Oost-lndischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Ver- klarende tekst bij Blad IX, West-Borneo en Billiton. (General geological map of the Netherlands East Indian Archipelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Explanatory text to sheet IX, West Borneo and Billiton). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 1-35. (In Dutch). Contents: This article deals with the stratigraphy, historical geology and tectonics of the area mapped. Map: West Borneo and Billiton, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 20 — ES, L. J. C. van Geologisch-technische onderzoekingen (1929-1930). (Geological technical investigations). In; Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen Gedeelte, 1929, pp 79-171; 1930, pp 79-240. (In Dutch). Contents: This is a series of articles with sections on reservoir dams, hydrology and ground conditions by Van Es, L. J. C, Grondijs, H., Nelissen, T., and Nash, J. M. W., which are noted in the various areas with which they deal. For later studies, 1932- 1938, see under Nederlandsch-Indie—Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Copies in Mjtchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 21 —ES. L, J. C. van and BOUWMEESTER. G. Aanhangsel bij de geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch-Oost-lndischen Archipel, schaal 1 : 1,000,000. Blad IX, West-Borneo en Billiton, over nuttige delfstoffen. (Appendix to the general geo- logical map of the Netherlands East Indian Archi- pelago, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Sheet IX, West Borneo and Billiton, on economic minerals). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1918, 2de gedeelte, pp 36-44. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the minerals of economic value to be found in West Borneo and Billiton. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 22 — EVERWIJN, R. Verslag van de onderzoekingen naar kopererts in het gebied van Mandhor. (Report on the investiga- tions for copper ore in the Mandhor region). In; Jaarboek van het in N ederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1878, 2de gedeelte, pp 117-141. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the copper ore deposits in the Mandhor region, Western Division, with topographical details. Map: Geological sketch of Mandhor, scale 1:75,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 23 —EVERWIJN. R. Overzicht van de mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen . . . in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Review of the mining investigations in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het in Nederlandsch - Indie, Verhandelingen, 1879, Iste gedeelte, pp 3-116. (In Dutch). Contents: Report of mining activities and investiga- tions in the Western Division of Borneo. Map: Contribution to a geological map of the resi- dency, Western Division of Borneo, scale 1:1,000,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Melbourne. 24 —FERREE. J. Veekralen en groententuinen. (Cattle kraals and vegetable gardens). In: Orgaan van de Nederlandsch- Indische Officiersvereeniging, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1936, pp 70-74; No. 4, pp 114-119; No. 5, pp 148-152; No. 6. pp 181-186. (In Dutch). Contents: Instructions when and how to establish cattle kraals and vegetable gardens for garrisons; and how to manage them with special regard to the garrison of Samarinda, Balikpapan and Tarakan (East Borneo). Copy in NEFIS Library. 25 —FLUYT. P. C. M. Forest exploitation in Eastern Borneo during 1934. In: The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 13, 1935, pp 334-337. Contents: The progress made in 1934 in the exploi- tation of the forests of Borneo. The new timber felling ordinance. The work on the concession of the Nanya Ringyo Kabushiki Kaisha. Statistics on the exportation of lumber from East Borneo, 1926- 1934, to other parts of the Netherlands East Indies and to some foreign countries. Photographs: Several photographs of forest and lumber industry. Copy in NEFIS Library. 26 —FRYLING, H. Bijdrage tot de geologic van het landschap Kota- waringin en de Afdeeling Ketapang resp. gelegen in de Residenties Zuider- Ooster-, en Westerafdeelingen van Borneo. (Contributions to the geology of the Kotawaringin district and the Ketapang Division situated in the residencies of Southern, Eastern and Western divisions of Borneo, respectively). In: Jaarboek van het in N ederlandsch-Indie. 138 Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 210-223. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the geological work done in the areas mentioned. Maps: Geological sketch map of the subdivisions Matan, Kotawaringin and Sampit, with profiles, scale 1 : 1,000,000; prepared from the reports of H. Fry- ling, J. E. Loth, and J. W, H. Adam. In atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society ■of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 27 — GARRETT. T. R. H. The natives of the eastern portion of Borneo and Java. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. xlii, 1912, pp 53-67. Contents: Brief note on the Banjarese, Orang Balik- papan, Orang Tarakan, Orang Bulongan, Bugis. Batavian Malay; also on the physical anthropology of the people. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Pub- lic Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 28 — GENT, L. F. van Belastinghervorming in de Residentie Zuider- en Ooster-Afdeeling van Borneo. (Taxation reform in the residency South and East Division of Borneo). In; Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv. No. 2. 1919, pp 136-143. (In Dutch). Contents: Historical survey of agricultural taxation in South and East Borneo; agriculture and landed property in the Division Oeloe-Soengei. Photographs: Ornamental top of the Mesdjid at Kendangan. Malay dwelling in the Division Oeloe- Soengei. Grotto with sculpture in the hills near Kendangan. Copy in NEF1S Library. 29 —GOLLNER. E. R. D. Verslag over de uitkomsten van mijnbouwkundig- geologische onderzoekingen op Poeloe Laoet. (Report on the results of mining and geological investiga- tions on Poeloe Laoet). In; Jaarboek van het Mijn- uezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1921, Iste gedeelte, pp 4-55. (In Dutch). Contents: The report on the geology of this area which is off Southeast Borneo is preceded by a topographical description of the island. Maps: General geological map of the north part of P. Laoet, scale 1 : 50,000. Plaat 1 b-c. give profiles and sections of coal deposits. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart (minus map). 30— GOMES. E. H. Notes on sea Dyaks of Borneo. In: National Geo- graphic Magazine, Vol. xxn, No. 8, 1911, pp 695- 723. Contents; Historical and descriptive notes on Dyak people. Photographs: Native types; Houses; Blow pipes; Smoked heads; Making a dam for poisoning fish with tuba. Copy in University Library, Queensland. 31 —GREAT BRITAIN Foreign Office. Historical Section. Dutch Borneo. (Handbook No. 73). London, 1919. Contents: Chapter 1. Geography, physical and politi- cal. Chapter 2. Political history. Chapter 3. Social and political conditions. Chapter 4. Economic con- ditions. Chapter 1 contains sub-heads: Position and frontiers; surface, coast and river system; cli- mate; sanitary conditions; race and language; popu- lation. Chapter 4 includes material on communica- tions and products. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Depart- ment of Defence Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 32 —GREAT BRITAIN Hydrographic Department—Admiralty: China Sea Pilot, Vol. ii, op 280. First edition 1936. Supplement No. 2, 1939. Contents: Includes the western and northwestern coasts of Borneo, the Philippine Islands from Balabak Island to Cape Bojeador in Luzon, and the outlying islands and dangers of the southern and eastern parts of the China Sea. Copies in NEF1S Library; AGS Library. 33 — GREAT BRITAIN Admiralty — Flydrographic Department — Eastern archipelago pilot, Vol. iv, 2nd edition. London, 1939, pp 252. Supplement No. 2, 1941. Contents: Also contains general information on Christmas and Cocos Islands. Glossaries of native and Dutch words and information on charts. Copy in AGS Library. 34 — GROOT. C. de Verslag over de zuider- en oosterafdeeling Borneo. (Account of the southern and eastern division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, 1874, deel 11, pp 3-84. (In Dutch). Contents-. Topography, geology, mineralogy, coal. Map: A contribution to the geological map of the residency of the southern and eastern division of Borneo. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 35 — HARTMANN, M. A. Der Batoe Mesangat in Nord-Koetai; eine imposante. Vulkanruine in Borneo. (Batoe Mesangat, North Koetai; an impressive volcano ruin in Borneo). In; Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Vol. xcvn, 1937, pp 214-225. (In German). 139 Contents'. Describes the ascent of Batoe Mesangat and the exploration of the range of which it forms part, by the Koetai expedition of 1937. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates, giving views of Princess Juliana Peak and Prince Bernard Peak. Map-. Sketch map of Batoe Mesangat, Poh Range and Atan Borneo Range, scale 1 :400,000. (Showing little more than relative positions). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 36 —HELMS, L. V. Pioneering in the Far East. 8vo. London, W. H. Allen, 1882, pp 408. Contents: Description of customs and religion of the people, more in the nature of personal experiences than a detailed account. Maps: Map of Sarawak and Borneo (no scale). Copies in University Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide; Parlia- mentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide. 37 —HILLER. H. M. Manners and customs of the people of Southern Borneo; abstract of lecture delivered before the Geographical Society of Philadelphia. In: Geographi- cal Society of Philadelphia Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1901, pp 51-64. Contents: Topography, native manners and customs agriculture, food, trade, tribes and tribal government. Photographs-. Bahau house at Ana, Koetei River; Kyan Long house, Mendalam River. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 38 — HOLLAND Department of Colonies—Nota’s betreffende de land- schappen Sambas en Pontianak der Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Notes concerning the districts of Sambas and Pontianak in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxix, 1912, pp 192-210. (In Dutch). Contents; Notes on each district under the following headings: a. Boundaries, area and population; b. Mountains and rivers; c. Composition of the district, with list of villages; d. Nature of the country; e. Industry, agriculture, stock breeding, hunting and fishing, trade and navigation; f. Administration, its make-up and history, including the incomes of the chiefs; g. Treaties and proclamations affecting the district. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 39 — HOLLAND Department of Colonies—Nota’s betreffende zelf- besturende landschappen der Westerafdeeling van Borneo: Sintang, Koeboe, Simpang en Soekadana. (Notes concerning the self-governing districts of the Western Division of Borneo; Sintang, Koeboe, Sim- pang and Soekadana). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxix, 1912, pp 320-341. (In Dutch). Contents: Notes on each district under the following headings; a. Boundaries, area and population; b. Mountains and rivers; c. Composition of the district, with list of villages; d. Nature of the country; e. Industry, agriculture, stock breeding, hunting and fishing, trade and navigation; f. Administration, its. make-up and history, including the incomes of the chiefs; g. Treaties and proclamations affecting the district. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 40 — HOLLAND Department of Colonies—Nota’s betreffende hetland- schap Sekadau. (Notes on the district of Sekadau). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijks- kundig Genootschap, Vol. xxix, 1912, pp 666-680. (In Dutch). Contents-. Notes under the following headings; a. Boundaries area and population; b. Mountains and rivers; c. Composition of the district, with list of villages; d. Nature of the country; e. Industry, agriculture, stock breeding, hunting and fishing, trade and navigation; f. Administration, its make- up and history, including the incomes of the chiefs; g. Treaties and proclamations affecting the district. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 41 — HOOFDKANTOOR VAN SCHEEPVAART. Batavia Getijtafel voor de Barito voor het jaar 1942. „ „ „ Kleine Kapoeas (Pontianak), 1942. „ „ „ Koetei Rivier, 1942. „ „ „ Balikpapan, 1941 and 1942. (Tide Table for the Barito for 1942, „ „ „ „ Kleine Kapoeas (Pontianak), 1942. „ „ „ „ Koetei River for 1942. „ „ „ „ Balikpapan for 1941 and 1942). Copy in NEF1S Library. 42 — HOOZE, I. A. Onderzoek naar kolen in de Berausche landen ter oostkust van Borneo. (Investigation for coal in the Berau lands on the east coast of Borneo). In; Jaar- hoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1886, pp 5-105. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the Berau lands on the east coast of Borneo with special reference to the coal deposits. Maps: Coal terrain near Goenoeng Sawar in the kingdom of Sambalioeng, scale 1 : 5,000, with pro- files. (Location, east coast). Coal terrain opposite Poeloe Sepinang in* the Berau River, scale 1 : 10,000. The Berau River, scale 1 : 100,000 (missing from Mitchell set). Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 43 —HOOZE, I. A. Onderzoek naar kolen in het rijk van Koetai ter oostkust van Borneo. (Search for coal in the king- dom of Koetai in the east coast of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandscb-Indie. 1887, pp 5-94. (In Dutch). 140 Contents-. Geological report and topographical des- criptions of the Mahakam or Koetai River and adjoining lands. Maps: Coal investigations in the Kingdom of Koetai, 4 sheets, scale 1 : 10,000. The Mahakam or Loeti River, 2 sheets, scale 1 ; 50,000. Compiled by A. Hooze; followed by 3 plates of sections. Depths given in decimetres at low water. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 44 —HOOZE. I. A Nadere gegevens betreffende enkele kolenterreinen in Koetai. (More exact reports on coal terrains in Koetai). In; Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1888, 2de gedeelte, pp 325-336. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report on the coal deposits and terrain in Koetai. Maps: Map of Pelarang on the Koetai River, scale I : 2,500. Sketch map of the coal terrain near Sangga- Sangga on the Koetai River, scale 1 : 50,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 45 —HOOZE, J. A. Onderzoek naar kolen in de Straat Laut en aangren- zende landstreken. (Search for coal in Laut Strait and adjoining districts). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- we%en in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1888, 2de gedeelte, 337-429. (In Dutch), Contents: Geological description of Laut Strait and neighbouring districts w'ith special reference to coal. Maps: General map of a part of the Tanai and Boemboe lands, scale 1 : 200,000. Laut Island, north- ern part, 2 sheets, scale 1 : 10,000, with profiles, foot- paths as shown. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 46 —HOOZE, J. A. Kolen aan de oostkust van Borneo. (Coal on the east coast of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijn- wefen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1888, 2de gedeelte, pp 431-470. (In Dutch). Contents: Report on the coal deposits on the coast from St. Lucia Bay to Pamoikan Bay with some topographical details. Maps: St. Lucia Bay, scale 1 : 800,000. Coal deposits on the east coast of Borneo from the Koetai River to Laut Strait, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Insets—Balik- papan Bay, scale 1 :200,000; Adang Bay, scale 1 :200,000; Pamoekan Bay, scale 1 :200,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 47 —HOOZE. J. A. Topografische, geologische, mineralogische en mijn- bouwkundige beschrijving van een gedeelte der Afdeeling Martapoera . . . Borneo. (Topographical, geological, mineralogical, and mining description of a part of the Division of Martapoera . . . Borneo). 8vo. Amsterdam, pp xii, 431, 1893. IJaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1893). (In Dutch). Contents: A very comprehensive account of the district. Photographs: Geological sections only. The port- folio of maps which should accompany this volume is missing from Mitchell set. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 48— HOSE, Charles and McDOUGALL, William The pagan tribes of Borneo, a description of their physical, moral and intellectual condition, with some discussion of their ethnic relations. 2 vols. London, Macmillan, 1912. Contents; Hose was for 24 years in the Sarawak civil service, mainly in the Baram and Rejang dis- tricts. Chapter 1. Geography. 2. History. 3. General sketch of the peoples. 4. Material conditions of the pagan tribes. 5. Social system. 6. Agriculture. 7. Daily life of a Kayang long house. 8. Life on the rivers. 9. Life in the jungle. 10. War. 11. Handicraft. 12. Decorative art (Vol. n). 13. Ideas of spiritual existences and practices arising from them. 14. Ideas of the soul illustrated by burial customs, soul-catching and exorcism. 15. Animistic beliefs. 16. Magic, spells and charms. 17. Myths, legends and stories. 18. Childhood and youth of a Kayan. 19. The nomad hunters. 20. Moral and intellectual peculiarities. 21. Ethnology of Borneo. 22. Government. Photographs-. 211 collotype plates, mainly of native types of the various tribes, and of topographical interest. Maps: The eastern archipelago (outline); Borneo (outline), scale 1 inch : 120 miles; sketch map of Baram district, Sarawak, scale 1 inch : 15 miles; sketch map of Sarawak, scale 1 inch : 36 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; University Library Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide. 49 — INTER-OCEAN Borneo’s untouched stores of white coal. In; inter- Ocean, Vol. vu, No. 2, 1926, pp 102-103. Contents: Description of the rich "white” coal deposits in Borneo. Photographs: 4 views of the Riam Malanggar Fall on the Landak River, a tributary of the Kapoeas. Copy in NEFIS Library. 50 — INTER-OCEAN Gambir or catechu production in the Netherlands East Indies. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vu. No. 3, 1926, pp 144-146. Contents: The cultivation of Uncaria gambir for extracting tanning material in Sumatra and Borneo. Exports 1915-1924 to Europe, United States of America and Singapore. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 51 - INTER-OCEAN Borneo. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn, No. 11, 1931, pp 493-495. Contents: Brief description of some of the more interesting towns of Borneo for tourists. 141 Photographs: Dyak dance in Samarinda. Coastal Dyak in marriage costume, Samarinda. Tent prahu for passenger transportation, on the river near Bandjermasin. Copy in NEFIS Library. 52 — IONGEJANS, J. Ons mooi Indie. Hit Dajakland. (Our beautiful Indie. From Dajak land). Amsterdam, 1922, pp 290. (In Dutch). Contents: In the interior of Borneo. Along the Mahakam. In Apo Kajan. In Poedjoengan and Lepo. Maoet. In the Tidoeng lands. From Borneo’s lowlands. On the sea. Photographs: 79 photographs of native life and of topographical interest. Map: Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 53 — JONGH. W. D. Munniks de Aanteekeningen over de Tidoengsche Landen, Resi- dence Zuider- en Ooster-Afdeeling van Borneo. (Re- marks on the Tidoeng lands, residency South and Eastern Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1913, pp 22-35. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes a general description of popula- tion, coastal region and rivers. Map: General geological map of a part of the Tidoeng lands, Northeast Borneo, scale 1 : 500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Sur- vey Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 54 — KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP Editorial Board—Tochten naar boven-Boeloengan en de Apo-Kajan. (Journeys to the Upper Boeloengan and Apo-Kajan regions). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvii, 1910, pp 263-306. (In Dutch). Contents: Detailed accounts of four expeditions into the regions named (in Southeast Borneo), with much topographical information and notes on the people (especially Dayaks) of the region. Map: Sketch map of the Boeloengan and Apo- Kajan regions. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane. 55 — KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE LUCHT- VAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (K.N.l.L.M.)—Touring the tropics at top speed. Contents: The regular services of the K.N.l.L.M. The aeroplanes used. Description of Java from the air. The beauty of Bali. The Toradja Lands. Writ- ten for the tourist. Map: The services of the K.N.l.L.M. Copy in NEFIS Library. 56 — K.P.M. The "Paketvaart” Atlas of the Netherlands Indies Archipelago. K.P.M., Amsterdam - Batavia. Contents: Maps of the Netherlands East Indies in- cluding Java, scale 1 : 2,000,000. Show towns, roads, railroads, etc. Photograph: Warehouses of the Company at Gorontalo. Map: Borneo, scale 1 :6,500,000, showing roads, railroads, boundaries. Copy in AGS Library. 57 —K.P.M. GAZETTE Borneo Number. In: K.P.M. Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp 125-152. Contents: Chapters on the population, Dayak cus- toms; a trip across the island; the war dances; the fauna. Photographs: Many photographs of topographical interest, natives, etc. Map: Map of Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library. 53 — KROL, L. H. Over de geologic van een gedeelte van de Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. (On the geology of a part of the Southern and Eastern Division of Borneo). In; Jaarhoek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 281-367. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of part of the Southern and Eastern Division of Borneo. An area bounded on the north by the Negara River and Rantan River; on the east by the Koesan River from its source to the mouth; on the south by the Java Sea from the mouth of the Koesan to Cape Selattan; on the west by the Java Sea from Cape Selattan to Tandjong Boeroeng and the Barito River. A section on topography is given on pp 282-310. Photographs: Riam Koembang, upper course of the Sei Bahiwang, Koesan, Southeast Borneo. Shows “Large dolina in partly sepentinised earths of peri- dotite”—a water fall. Riam Raja in the South Ginang between Kembang Tandjong and Kahilaan. Southeast Borneo. Porphyritic breccia. View of a waterfall. Maps: Topographical and geological sketch map of the subdivision of Martapoera and Pleiari and ad- joining districts of the residency Southern and Eastern Division of Borneo, in six sheets, scale 1 : 100,000. With eye sketches. In atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 59 —KROL, L. H. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den oorsprong en de verspreiding der diamanthoudende afzettingen in Zuidoost-Borneo en van de opsporing en winning 142 van den diamant. (Contributions to the knowledge of the origin and extent of the diamond bearing deposits in Southeast Borneo and of the finding and mining of diamonds). In; Jaarboek van het Mijn- in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1920, Iste gedeelte, pp 250-304. (In Dutch). Contents'. Description of the diamond bearing deposits in Southeast Borneo. Maps: Occurrence of diamonds in the subdivision Martapoera and Pleiari and adjoining districts of the residency Southern and Eastern Borneo, scale 1 : 200,000. In Atlas volume for 1920. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queens- land Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Lib- rary, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 60 — KUENEN, Ph. H. Geological results, part 1. Geological interpreta- tion of the bathymetrical results. 1935. With plates. In; Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 5, part 1, pp 124. Contents'. Geological history and formations of the area investigated and its relation to the bathymetri- cal results. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 61—KUENEN, Ph. H. Geological results, part, 2. Geology of coral reefs, 1933. In; Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 5, part 2, pp 125. Contents'. Description of the reefs investigated, observations on coral growth, movement with rela- tion to the sea level, phenomena of the reef-flats, on the formation of atolls, summary of the prin- cipal results. Bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 62 — LEK, Lodewijk Oceanographic results, part 3. Die Ergebnisse der Strom- und Serienmessungen, 1938. (The results of tides and series measurements). In: Snellius-Expedi- tion in the eastern part of the Netherlands Indies, Vol. 2, part 3, pp (v), 169. (In German). Contents'. Apparatus, methods of work, anchor sta- tions, summary of the results, position of the ships at anchor stations. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 63 —LLOYD MAIL Vol. m. No. 6, October 1933; Vol. iv. Nos. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, July 1934-March 1935; Vol. v. Nos. 4, 12, August 1935, April 1936; Vol. vi, Nos. 2, 11, June 1936, March 1937; Vol. vn. Nos. 1, 3, May and July 1937. Contents'. A monthly magazine for the tourist. Photographs: Vol. vi. No. 2: View of lengthy, beauti- ful bay at Balikpapan, p 523; View of Lingkas, the harbour region of Tarakan, p 523; View of the fishers on board their prahus at the south point of Balikpapan Bay, p 524; Houses and Chinese hotel (centre) on the Bay of Balikpapan, p 526; Alongside the quay in the Martapoera River at Bandjermasin, p 526; Vol. vn, No. 3, Tropical jungle, p 99. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 64 — LOTH, J. E. Verslag over de resultaten van geologisch-mijnbouw- kundige verkenningen en opsporingen in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Report on the result of geological and mining surveys and investigations and explorations in the residency of the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- weien in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1918, Iste gedeelte, pp 224-280. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of a geological survey and exploration in the Western Division of Borneo. A topographical description of the area is included. Bibliography. Maps: Geological sketch map of a part of the resi- dency Western Division of Borneo (with profiles), two sheets, scale 1 : 500,000. Mountain profile look- ing from Mount Merdai in a northerly direction. Route map, giving the disposition of the Bt. Alat, plateau sandstone on the rocks of the Nelwai group. In atlas volume for 1918. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Geological Survey Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne; Pub- lic Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. 65 — LOW, Brooke The natives of Borneo. Edited bv H. L. Roth. In: Journal of the Anthropological institute, Vol. xxn, 1892, pp 22-64. Contents'. Land tenure and cultivation, habitations, slaves, clothing, etc., hunting, fishing, navigation, warfare and headhunting, music. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney: Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne. 66 —LUCIEER, A. J. Het kindertal bij de volkeren van Nederlandsch- Indie (buiten Java). (The birthrate among the people of the Netherlands Indies except Java). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xu, 1924, pp 540-563. (In Dutch). Contents'. 1. Introduction. 2. Statistics. 3. Natural causes of low birthrate. 4. Conclusion. The same author examines all the factors making for low birthrate. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 67 —LUMHOLTZ. Carl Through Central Borneo: an account of two years’ travel in the land of the headhunters between the 143 years 1913 and 1917. 2 vols. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1921. Conte?its: The author made a journey through Central Borneo up the Barito River to its head and down the Mahakam River. Journeys were also made up the Kayan River and the Mandawei River. He gives a detailed account of these journeys containing much useful topographical information and also descriptions of conditions of travel, food, fauna and flora and the natives. Photographs: 126 half-tone plates from photographs by the author, largely ethnological or dealing with natural history. Map: Sketch map of Borneo showing author’s routes, scale 1 : 3,000,000. Copies in the National Library, Canberra; Parlia- mentary Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Syd- ney; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide. 68 —MACKE. C. A. F. Resultaten van het geologisch - mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in Zuidoost-Borneo. (Results of the geo- logical and mining investigations in Southeast Borneo). (With appendix by C. W. A. P. ’t Hoen). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch- lndie, Verb and elingen, 1921, Iste gedeelte, pp 269-295. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological and mining report of South- east Borneo. Bibliography. Photographs: Numerous photographs of the coast and offlying islands. Maps: Geological sketch map of Poeloe Laoet and Tanah Boemboe, scale 1 : 200,000. (The map shows the island of P. Laoet and the southeast coast to Kloempang Bay). In atlas volume for 1921. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Hobart. (Map missing). 69 — MERENS, D. De Bem-Brem stroomversnellingen. (The Bem-Brem rapids). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xxvn, 1910, pp 529-558. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of explorations of the Bem- Brem River with much topographical detail. Photographs: Several photographs of the rapids. Map: Sketch map of the Bem-Brem rapids in the River Kajan, Southeast Borneo. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 70 —MERRILL. E. D. A bibliographic enumeration of Bornean plants. In special number of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, September 1921. 8vo. Singapore, printed by Fraser and Neave, 1921, pp 637. Contents: List with descriptions of plants of Borneo. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Botanical Gar- dens Library, Sydney; Government Botanist’s Lib- rary, Brisbane; University Library, Adelaide. 71 — MINISTERIE VAN DEFENSIE Zeemansgids voor Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie. Deel 1. Westelijk gedeelte van den Oost-Indischen Archipel. (Nautical guide for the Netherlands East Indies. Part 1. Western part of the East Indian Archi- pelago). ’s Gravenhage, 1929. Sixth edition, pp 469, with verbeterblad (supplement 1935). Contents: Includes the whole of Sumatra and neigh- bouring islands, parts of Borneo and Java. Copy in NEF1S Library. 72 — MINISTERIE VAN DEFENSIE Zeemansgids voor Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie. Deel II. Midden gedeelte van den Oost-lndischen Archipel. (Nautical guide for the Netherlands East Indies. Part II. Central part of the East Indian Archi- pelago). ’s Gravenhage 1931. Sixth edition, pp 599, with aanvullingsblad No. 3, 1939 (supplement to Part 11, 6th edition). Contents: Includes parts of Java, Borneo, Celebes and the western part of the Lesser Sunda Islands as far as 121° 10' east L. Copy in NEFIS Library. 73—MIOBERG. Eric Forest life and adventures in the Malay Archipelago; translated from the Swedish by A. Barwell. 8vo. London, Allen & Unwin, 1930, pp 201. Contents: Big game and other fauna of Borneo, the orang-utan, the proboscis-monkey, the tarsier, the goat antelope, the pangolin, birds of the primeval forests, edible birds’ nests, snakes, hunting for turtles and their eggs, flying frogs, fishes, hunting for sweet honey, insects of Borneo and Sumatra, forests of Borneo, pitcher-plants, how the natives of Borneo gather camphor and rubber, fruits (man- gosteen, durian, breadfruit, papaw, mango and sugar palm), sago production in Borneo, tobacco growing in Sumatra, the rubber industry, coffee, tea, etc. All in the localities of Borneo and Sumatra. Photographs: Many photographs of native life and of topographical interest. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 74 —MOHR, E. C. Jul. De bodem der tropen in het algemeen, en die van Nederlandsch-lndie in het bijzonder, deel II, tweede stuk. Eenige eilanden der Molukken, Halmaheira, Celebes, Borneo, Bangka en Billiton. (The soil of the tropics in general and of the Netherlands Indies in particular, Vol. 2, part 2. Some Islands of the Moluccas, Halmaheira, Celebes, Borneo, Bangka and Billiton). 8vo. Amsterdam, de Bussy, 1935. (Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut Amster- dam, Mededeelingen, No. 31, Afdeeling Handels- museum No. 12), pp vii, 143-342. (In Dutch). Contents: Soil-forming minerals, climate, decomposi- tion of minerals and types of soil, evaluation and utilization of the soil. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Waite Agri- cultural Research Institute Library, Adelaide. 144 75 —MONNICH, A. R. Langs Borneo’s Wegen. (Along Borneo’s roads). In: faarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xv, No. 2, 1919, pp 178-186. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of an expedition along the road Bandjermasin-Martapoera-Rantau-Kendangan- Amoentai-Tandjoeng, condition of the road (some 250 kilometres in length), remarks on the towns, inhabitants, economic activities, the continuation of the road from Tandjoeng by footpath to Balik- papan. Photographs: Bridge over the Martapoera River at Bandjermasin; Tambangans (boats) on the Marta- poera River; Mesdjid at Martapoera; Diamond mine; First washing of earth from a diamond mine; Second washing of earth from a diamond mine. Copy in NEFIS Library. 76 —MOULTON, J. C. A list of the butterflies of Borneo. Parts 3 (Lycae- nidae) and 4 (Papilonidae). In: Extracts from Journal of Straits Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, Nos. 60 (1911) and 67 (1914), pp 161. Contents: Parts 1 and 2, by Shelford, dealing with the Nymphalidae and Lemonidae, were published in Nos. 41 (1904) and 45 (1905). These are not in the National Library. Photograph: 1 plate (black and white half-tone) figuring 10 species. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 77 —NASH. J. M. W. Drinkwatervoorziening der hoofdplaats Pontianak, Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Drinking water supply of the town of Pontianak, residency West- ern Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Algemeen gedeelte, 1930, pp 189-196. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the drinking water supply for Pontianak. Map: Vicinity of Pontianak, scale 1 : 200,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian National Research Council Library, Sydney; Geo- logical Survey Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 78 —NATURE PROTECTION IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Compiled by the Section of Nature Protection of the Government Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg. Depart- ment of Economic Affairs, Batavia, 1938, pp 63. Contents: Position and area of the nature reserves, and discussion of the animals, vegetation and terrain. Includes a brief description of the native reserve at Mandor (West Borneo) by Ir. J. P. Schuitemaker. Photographs: Pitcher plants. Nepenthes ampullaria Jack; Typical vegetation on the sandstone plateau at Mandor; Nepenthes ampullaria, a common pitcher plant with narrow lid; Paphiopedilum Hookerae PfitZ; Dendrobium Hallierii, J.J.S. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Melbourne. 79—NEDERLAND MAIL Vol. 3, Nos. 9, 11, September and November 1936; Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1938; Vol. 6, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, January-August 1939. Contents: Monthly magazine for the tourist. Photograph: Funeral scenes depicted on the Dayak bamboo tube of funeral canoes. Copy in NEF1S Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 80 — NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE Dienst van den Mijnbouw. Geologisch-mijnbouw- kundige opneming van een gedeelte der Wester- afdeeling van Borneo. (Geological and mining sur- vey of a part of the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch- Indie, 1894, pp 94-130. (In Dutch). Contents: Includes topographical introduction and an examination of diamond bearing area. Map: Review of the diamond bearing terrain in Landak, scale 1 : 600,000. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 81—NETHERLANDS INDIES Mining in 1934. In; The Netherlands Indies, Vol. in. No. 9, 1935, pp 321-324. Contents: Production and foreign trade of the Netherlands East Indies concerning tin, coal, petrol- eum, gold, silver, and other minerals, 1932-1934. The same subject is dealt with for 1935 in Vol. iv. No. 10-11, pp 225-226; for 1936 in Vol. v, No. 6, pp 80-81; for 1937 in Vol. vi. No. 5, pp 8-10; for 1938 in Vol. vn. No. 3, pp 22-24. Copies in NEFIS Library. 82 — NIEUWENHUIS. A. W. Quer durch Borneo: Ergebnisse seiner Reisen in den Jahren 1894, 1896-1897 and 1898-1900; unter Mitarbeit von M. Nieuwenhuis-von Uxkull—Gulden- bandt. (Across Borneo, results of his journeys in the years 1894, 1896-1897 and 1898-1900). 4to. 2 vols. Leiden, late E. J. Brill, 1904-1907, pp xv, 493; xiii, 557. (In German). Contents: Account of three scientific expeditions and their ethnological, ethnographical, anthropological, medical, zoological, botanical, geological and topo- graphical results. The first part of the work covers the journey from Pontianak to Samarinda, across Borneo, and gives a picture of the conditions among the Bahau on the Kapuas and Mahakam; the second describes the expedition to the Kenja in the tribal territory of the Bahau, also the industry, trade, house-construction and art of these tribes. Photographs: Many photographs of area and native life. Maps: Basin of the Boengan, scale 1 ; 200,000; Map of the island of Borneo, scale 1 : 2,000,000. (Shows stations of officials, routes of journeys of 1896-1897 and 1898-1900); Map of the Upper Mahakam region, scale 1:1,000,000. Inset in above. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 83 — OPPENOORTH, W. F. F. Verslag der diepboringen op het eiland Boenjoe. (Report of the deep borings on the island of Boen- joe). In: Jaarhoek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1929, pp 158-186. (In Dutch). 145 Contents: Geological description of the borings on Boenjoe with few topographical details. Boenjoe Islands lie off the east coast of Borneo. Photographs: Mouth of the Sei Boeaja; Boekitten- gah station. (Opposite pp 162, 169 are photographs of boring operations in clearings in the forest). Maps: Structural map of the bore terrain, South Boenjoe, scale 1 ; 10,000; Plaat 1V-V are diagrams of sections of bore. In Atlas volume for 1929. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Geo- logical Survey Library, Hobart. 84 — PANNEKOEK, A. J. Het relief van den zeebodem en de dieptekaarten van den Indischen Archipel. (The bottom configura- tion of the seas and the bathymetrical charts of the Netherlands East Indies—Abstract). In; Neder- landsch-Indische Geografische Mededeelingen, Vol. i, part 4, 1941, pp 77-91. (In Dutch). Contents: Discusses the bathymetrical chart of the Netherlands East Indies, based on 30,000 soundings produced by the Snellius Expedition 1929-1930. Another chart (pi. 1) differing from the above, but based on the same soundings, is included. Maps: 9 text figures, chiefly sections of chart. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne. 85 —PEEKEMA, Wibo Colonization of Javanese in the Outer Provinces of the Netherlands East Indies. In; Geographical Journal, Vol. ci, 1943, pp 145-153. Contents: Colonization in Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes. Photographs: Irrigation works at Trimurdjo; Mwto: house of chief of the district. Copies in Public Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; University Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Uni- versity Library, Perth; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Public Library, Hobart. 86 —PERNE, E. The slavehunters of the Moluccas. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. No. 5, 1925, pp 290-295 and 304; No. 6, 1925, pp 337-342. Contents: Stories of former slave hunting in the islands. Photographs: River scenery of Southern Borneo; Descendants of pirates and their victims (Dayaks and other natives from Borneo); Baritu River near Banjermasin; Near the mouth of the Baritu River, Borneo; River near Banjermasin; Borneo, with old-fashioned Dutch drawbridge. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 87 —PINKE, F. Oceanographic results, part 2. Soundings and bathy- metric charts. Chapter I. Depth determinations 1935. In: Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. n, part 2, chapter 1, pp 68. Contents: Apparatus for wire and echo soundings, simultaneous depth soundings with wire, thermo- meters and echo, accuracy of soundings, ship’s reck- oning, accuracy of deep-sea charts. Map: Bottom section Manado Toea, scale about 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: National Library, Canberra. 88 — PINKE, F. Voyage, Chapter II. The expeditionary ship and the naval personnel's share; with appendix 3: the deep- sea anchorage equipment, by J. H. P. Perks, 1938. In: Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. i, pp 45-78. Contents-. Fitting out the ship, ship as survey vessel, requirements of expedition, preparation, description of equipment, personnel and duties, some nautical results, description of deep-sea anchoring equipment. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 89 — PLESSEN. Victor von The Dyaks of Central Borneo. In: Geographical Magazine, Vol. iv, 1936-1937, pp 17-34. Contents: The author lived for some months in a Dyak village. He describes the canoes, housing and customs of the people. Photographs-. 18 half-tone half-page plates of native types, houses and ceremonies, including view of river (unnamed); and liana bridge over river, show- ing vegetation on bank. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Librarv, Brisbane: Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Hobart. 90 — POEL, J. A. van der Het heilige graf te Taniran, Southeast Borneo. (The holy grave at Taniran, Southeast Borneo). In: Jaar- verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xvi, 1920, pp 93-94. (In Dutch). Contents: Story of the Moslem grave at Kampoeng Taniran, near the main road Kandangan-Barabai. Photographs: Front view and interior of the holy grave. Copies in NEF1S Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 91 — POSEWITZ, Theodor Borneo Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen, etc. (Borneo discoveries and explorations, etc.). Berlin, Friedlander, 1889, pp xxvii, 385. (In German). Contents: Includes a geological description’ of Borneo. Maps: Map of journeys of exploration in Borneo, drawn by T. Posewitz, scale 1:3,600,000. Three general geological maps of Borneo, also on small scale, follow. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 146 92 —PRAAG. H. van Through middle East-Borneo. In: Java Gazette, Vol. i. No. 4, 1932, pp 185-189. Contents: Journey from Sangkoelirang on the bay of the same name, across the mountains between Kutai and Berow, the Kayan Dyak tribe of the Poonangs. Photographs: Scene on the Kajan River; Native river craft; One of the rapids; Poonang girl; Poonang elder; Two groups of Poonangs; Matau symbol. Copy in NEFIS Library. 93 —PROVINSE. John H. Co-operative rice field cultivation among the Siang Dyaks of Central Borneo. In: American Anthropo- logist, Vol. 39, 1937, pp 77-102. Contents: Describes types of rice cultivation and the natives’ method of working. Siang people live in area Poeroek Tjahoe or upper Barito River, 114° 20'-l 14° 40' E. Copy in University Library, Sydney. 94 —RANT, H. F. E. Ilzererts in de Tanah Laut, Residentie Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. (Iron ore in Tanah Laut, residency Southern and Eastern Subdivisions of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1873, deel I, pp 141-150. (In Dutch). Contents: Description of the iron ore deposits in Tanah Laut. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 95 — RAVEN, H. C, “Makanan Malayu.” In; Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 34, 1934, pp 176-182. Contents: A good description of some of the foods in common use among the natives of Borneo and Celebes. Methods of obtaining and cooking them are given. Photographs: Many photographs. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 96 —RAY. S. H. The languages of Borneo. In; Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. i. No. 4, 1913, pp 1-196. Contents: A study of Borneo languages with vocabularies and bibliography. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney. 97 —REIJEN, W. van Roaring rapids. In; Inter-Ocean, Vol. xm. No. 6, 1932, pp 249-253. Contents: Canoe (prau) trips on the rivers and rapids of Central Borneo. Photographs; Carrying the canoe: In a rapid; Boulders blocking the stream; Canoe pulled from the bank by rattan cable; A rapid, some hundred feet hi"h. Copy in NEFIS Library. 98 — REITSMA, S. A. Gedenkboek der staatspoor- en tramwegen in Neder- landsch-Indie, 187 '925. (Memorial book of the State railway an vays in Netherlands India, 1875-1925). Wei ,_.i, 1925, pp 216. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the rail and tramways in the periods from the first constructions to the beginning of their exploitation, in the exploitation periods before and since 1894. Their organisation, staff, outfit (way and superstructure, bridges, signalling, rolling stock, fuelling, workshops, electric railways, tariff, financial results). Map: Railway map for South Borneo for 1925. Copy in NEFIS Library. 99 — RENESSE, A. M. W. van In the vast river basin of the Kapoeas. Some notes on the Western Division of Borneo. In: Sluyter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 11, 1921, pp 378-381. Contents: Popular description of the Western Divi- sion of Borneo: coastal plain, basin plain and moun- tains of the largest river, the Kapoeas, and its delta. The population figures for 1905 (Dajaks, Malays, Chinese, etc.). Economic activities. The harbours, of which Pontianak is the most important one. Photographs: The quay at Pontianak—Police Station at Pontianak; Public market at Pontianak; Dyak family from Sanggan (showing vegetation); Dyak war-prahu. Copy in NEFIS Library. 100 —REYEN. W. Of Dyaks and Kihams. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn, No. 11. 1931, pp 503-510; No. 12, 1931, pp 547-554: Vol. xm. No. 1, 1932, pp 17-24. Contents: Description of a trip through Central Borneo. Photographs: Many photographs of local interest, topographical, and native life. Copies in NEFIS Library (parts 1 and 3 only); Public Library, Melbourne. 101 — RIEL, P. M. van Voyage, Chapter I: Programme of research and pre- parations, 1937. In: Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 1, pp 1-36. Contents: Area of research, previous investigations, development of plan of expedition, members of expedition, the ship, trial trip and voyage to the Netherlands East Indies, stay in java before com- mencement of research, oceanographic investigations on voyage out. Bibliography. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 147 102 —RIEL, P. M. van Voyage, Chapter III: The voyage in the Netherlands East Indies (with a list of stations, a large route chart, and 16 detail charts), 1938, In; Snellius- Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies. 1929-1930, Vol. 1, pp 85-162. Contents: General remarks concerning the research; weather conditions; tracks of cruises; summary of observations and final remarks; ship’s position at ordinary and anchor stations. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 103 —RIEL. P. M. van Oceanographic results, part 2: Soundings and bathy- metric charts. Chapter 2: The bottom configuration in relation to the flow of the bottom water (with two large depth charts and 16 detail charts). 1934. In; Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 2, part 2, chapter 2, pp 63. Contents: Configuration of the sea floor, nature of the sea floor, summary of the principal results, future investigations, appendix. Bibliography, Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 104—-RIEL, P. M. van Ozeanographische Forschung in N. - Ostindien. (Oceanographic investigation in Netherlands East Indies). In: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde. Berlin, 1932, Nos. 5-6, pp 209-225. (In German). Contents: Results of the Snellius Expedition. Obser- vations of sea bottom, tides, depths, temperature, etc., with many graphs, tables and charts. Copy in University Library, Queensland. 105 —LE ROI, L. F. and CROES, G. O. Verslag van een onderzoek der lood- en zinkertsa'f- zetting aan de Kandawangen rivier in de Wester- afdeeling van Borneo. (Report of an investigation of the lead and zinc ore deposit in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhandelingen, 2de gedeelte, 1880, pp 3-13. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of the lead and zinc ore deposits in the western division of Borneo with topographical details. Maps: Geological map of a part of the country drained by the Kandawangen and Slamak Rivers, indicating the lead ore localities on the Samarajak River . . . by G. O. Croes . . , and L. F. le Roi, scale 1 : 20,000. Inset: General map, scale 1 : 500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 106 — ROON. J. van Stiefmoederlijke behandeling der kartografie Zuid- en Oost-Borneo (Stepmotherly treatment of the carto- graphy of South and East Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xliii, 1926, pp 517-525. (In Dutch). Contents: An historical review of the mapping of the area referred to. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart 107 — RUTTEN, L. Eruptiefgesteenten van den Moerai en den Beloeh en andere gesteenten uit Njawatan-gebied, Zuid- Koetai. (Volcanic rocks of Moerai and Beloeh, and other rocks from the Njawatan area, South Koetai, Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootscbap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 642-652. (In Dutch). Contents; A study of the specimens collected by H. Witkamp in 1925. Photographs: 5 half-tone plates of geological specimens. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 108 — RUTTEN, L. and RUTTEN-PEKELHARING, C. J. De omgeving der Balikpapan-baai. (The environs of Balikpapan Bay). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootscbap, Vol, xxvm, 1911, pp 579-601. (In Dutch). Contents: A detailed description of the bay, its islands, and the rivers flowing into it; the surround- ing and sparsely populated country and its people; Botany, geology, and stratigraphy of the region. Map: Balikpapan Bay. Copy in National Library, Canberra, 109 —RUTTEN, M. L. R. Reisherinneringen uit Noord-Koetei, bewesten de Sangkoelirangbaai. (Memories of travel in North Koetei westward of Sangkoelirang Bay). In: Tijd- schrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootscbap, Vol. xxxrx, 1917, pp 711-738. (In Dutch). Contents: The author was engaged on geological exploration for commercial companies west of Sang- koelirang Bay and north of the Rapak River in March-May 1913, and September 1915-May 1916 between Sekoeran River and Sangkoelirang Bay. The geological results are excluded from this article. Section headings: Introduction; Arrival at Sangkoe- lirang; Islands in Sangkoelirang Bay; Depth of Sang- koelirang Bay; Exports; Villages on Sangkoelirang Bay; Population; Forest paths; Rotting of wood; Iron-wood; Forest fires; Giant Aroides; Fallen trees; Coast west of Sangkoelirang; Rivers and mountains; Zoological remarks. Maps: Sketch map area between Sangkoelirang Bay and Sekoeran River, scale 1 : 250,000 (outline only, shows rivers); Sketch map of same area, extending further north and west, scale 1 : 1,000,000. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 110 —SCHELLE, C. J. van Verslag over het voorkomen van cinnabar bij de rivier Betoeng, zijtak der rivier Bojan aan de rivier Kapoeas in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Report on the occurrence of cinnabar on the Betoeng River, tributary of the Bojan River on the Kapoeas River in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het in Nederlandsch-lndie, Verhan- delingen, 1880, 2de gedeelte, pp 15-32. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological report on the occurrence of cinnabar on the Betoeng River with topographical details. Map: Sketch map of the Boenoet and Bojan Rivers, scale 1 : 100,000. 148 Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. Ill —SCHELLE C. J. van De geologische en mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (The geological and mining investigations in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1880, 2de ge- deelte, pp 33-41. (In Dutch). Contents: Survey of the geological mining work in the Western Division of Borneo. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 112—SCHELLE, C. J. van De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s Westkust, Verslag No. 1. Opmerkingen omtrent het winnen van delfstoffen. (The geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 1. Remarks on the production of economic minerals). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhan- delingen, 1880, Iste gedeelte, pp 263-288. (In Dutch). Contents: 1st report of a series on the geological and mining survey of part of Borneo’s west coast. This one deals with the production of economic minerals. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 113 —SCHELLE, C. J. van De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 2. Beschrijving der Chineesche goudmijn Sim-Pi-Toe. (The geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 2. Description of the Chinese gold mine Sim-Pi-Toe). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1882, pp 27-44. (In Dutch)- Contents: 2nd report. Description of the Sim-Pi-Toe gold mine which is on the Soengi Bani. on the west coast of Borneo. Map: Location of the gold mine Sim-Pi-Toe, scale 1 : 4,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 114 —SCHELLE. C. J. van De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 4. Onderzoek van goudaderen bij Sjoei-Tsiet. (The geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 4. Investigation of the gold veins at Sjoei-Tsiet). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1883, pp 5-36. (In Dutch). Contents: 4th report. Giving a geological descrip- tion of the gold veins at Sjoei-Tsiet. Map: Map of the occurrence of gold-bearing veins near Sjoei-Tsiet, scale 1 : 10,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 115 —SCHELLE, C. J. van Geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een ge- deelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 6. Onder- zoek naar cinnabar, etc., in het bovenstroomgebied der Sikajam Rivier. (Geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 6. Search for cinnabar, etc,, in the upper reaches of the Sikajam River). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-1 ndie, 1884, pp 123-149. (In Dutch). Contents'. 6th report. Geological survey on west coast of Borneo; and a search for cinnabar deposits in upper Sikajam River, Maps: Sketch of the River Sikajam, scale 1 : 500,000; Part of the upper stream region of the Sikajam River, scale 1:50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 116 — SCHELLE, C J. van Geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een ge- deelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 7. Over een onderzoek naar goudaderen en strooigoud in het Skadouw gebergte. (Geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 7. On search for gold veins and gold in Skadouw Moun- tains). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Ncder- landsch-Indie, 1884, pp 219-259. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological survey of Borneo’s west coast and description of gold prospecting in the Skadouw Mountains. Maps: Skadouw Mountains, scale 1 ; 250,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne, 117— SCHELLE, C. J. van Geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een ge- deelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 8. Voor- loopige onderzoekingen naar het voorkomen van cin- nabar in de Residence Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Geological and mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 8. Preliminary searches for the occurrence of cinnabar in the residency of the Western Division of Borneo). In; Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1884, pp 261-274. (In Dutch). Contents'. Geological study on Borneo’s west coast; and search for cinnabar near Loemar. Maps: Cinnabar deposits near Oedoik, scale 1:50,000; General map of cinnabar deposits near Loemar, scale 1:50,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 118 —SCHELLE. C. J. van Mededeeling omtrent de geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte der Residentie Wester- afdeeling van Borneo. (Report on the geological and mining survey of a part of the residency of the West- ern Division of Borneo). In: Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1884, pp 277-297. (In Dutch). Contents'. A geological survey of the area. Maps: General map of the northwest part of the residency of the Western Division of Borneo, scale 1:500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 149 119 —SCHELLE, C. J. van De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 9. Onderzoek naar goudaderen bij Melassan. (Geologi- cal and mining survey of Borneo’s west coast. Re- port No. 9. Investigation of gold veins near Melas- san). In; Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1885, pp 117-128. (In Dutch). Contents: 9th report. Geological investigation of the gold mines near Melassan with a topographical description of the area. Maps: Map of a gold-bearing quartz vein near Melassan, scale 1:500. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 120 — SCHELLE, C. J. van Mededeelingen omtrent de geologisch-mijnbouwkun- dige opneming van een gedeelte der Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Vervolg. (Report on the geological and mining survey of a part of the residency of the Western Division of Borneo. Con- tinuation). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1886, pp 109-132. (In Dutch). Contents: Geological description of part of the Western Division of Borneo with special reference lo mining. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. (Earlier report •was published in the Jaarboek for 1884, 2de gedeelte. This volume is missing from the Mitchell Library ■set). 121 — SCHELLE. C. J. van De vulkaan Melaboe der Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (The volcano Melaboe in the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, 1886, pp J33-143, (In Dutch). Contents; Geological description of the Melaboe volcano in the Western Division of Borneo. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 122 — SCHELLE, C. J. van De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s Westkust. Verslag No. 10. Onderzoek naar goudaderen bij Sikarim. (Geologi- cal mining survey of a part of Borneo’s west coast. Report No. 10. Inquiry concerning gold veins near Sikarim). In Jaarhoek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, 1887, pp 95-128. (In Dutch). Contents: 10th report. Search for gold veins near Sikarim, with some topographical details. Map: Map of the surroundings and prospecting works at Sikarim, scale 1:2,000. Includes footpaths. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 123 — SCHUTTE, F. C. A. Beschouwingen over de Afdeeling Midden-Doeson in de Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. (Notes on the Division of Central Doeson in the Southern and Eastern Divisions of Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- sdhap, Vol. xxxiv, 1917, pp 370-397. (In Dutch). Contents: A brief topographical and general descrip- tion of the area under the following headings: Geo- graphical description; Rivers; Trade route; Flora and fauna; Climate; Population; Means of liveli- hood, stock-breeding, mining, forest products, trade, industry, hunting and fishing; History and adminis- tration. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 124 — SCHWANER, C. A. L. M. Borneo; beschrijving van het stroomgebied van den Barito en reizen langs eenige voorname rivieren van het zuidoostelijk gedeelte van dat eiland. (Borneo; description of the valley of the Barito and journeys along some of the principal rivers of the southeast part of that island). 2 vols, P.N. van Kampen, Amsterdam. 1853-1854. (In Dutch). Contents; Volume 1 deals with the Barito, Volume 2 with the Kahajan. Details are given of the topo- graphy, population, products and communications of a number of villages in each valley. The author's travels fell in the years 1841-1848. Photographs: Numerous coloured lithos. Maps: Map of the scientific journeys in Borneo of Dr. C. M. Schwaner by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- Land en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch- Indie, 1853, scale 1:1,000,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 125 — SHADLER, A. C. Timber potentialities of Netherlands India. In: Sluy- ter’s Monthly East Indian Magazine, February, 1921, pp 101-105. Contents: An account of the timber wealth in the East Indies. Photographs; Mostly of timber logs floating down rivers; In the jungle. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 126 —SMITH, Irving M. Borneo’s Barito. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vn. No. 8, 1926, pp 448-456. Contents: Description of a trip on the Martapoera- Barito, and of the natives encountered. Photographs-. River steamer with barges attached about to sail upstream from Bandjermasin; Children; Malay school children; Malay boys of Bandjermasin flying kites; Cargo praouws on a tributary of the Barito; Building on the river bank; Malay children; Dyak on doorstep; Woman canoeist’s headdress; Mandjermasin. Copy in Public Library, Melbourne. 127 — SNELLIUS EXPEDITION The Snellius Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, under leader- ship of P.M. van Riel. 4to. Leiden, E. J. Brill, Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, 1933-1938. Contents-. Vol. 1: Voyage, pp viii, 177. Vol. 2: Oceanographic results, pt. 2, chapter 1, pp 68; chap- ter 2, pp 63; pt. 3, pp 169; pt. 4, pp 82. Vol. 3; Meteorological observations, pp (v). 111. Vol. 5: Geological results, pt. 1, pp 124; pt. 2, pp 125. Vol. 6: Biological data, pp 29. Annotations will be found under separate entries for sections of the work, under names of their authors, P. M. van Riel, F. Pinke, H. Boschma and P. H. Kuenen, L. Lek, S. W. Visser, P. H. Kuenen, H. Boschma. 150 Photographs: Various photographs of the area. Maps: Several charts. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney (Vol. 5, pt. 2 only); National Library, Canberra. 127A — SNELLIUS EXPEDITION Wetenschappelijke uitkomsten der Snellius Expeditie, onder leiding van P. M. Riel, verzameld in het oostelijke gedeelte van Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie aan boord van H.M. Willebrord Snellius, onder com- mando van F. Pinke, 1929-1930. Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij ter Bevordering van het Natuur- kundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Kolonien en het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap. (Scientific results of the Snellius Expedition under the leadership of P. M. van Riel, gathered in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies on board H.M. Willebrord Snellius, under the command of Lt. F. Pinke, 1929-1930. Published by the Society for Scientific Research in Netherlands Colonies and the Royal Netherlands Geographical Society). 4to. Leiden, E. J. Brill; Utrecht, Kemink en zoon, 1933- 1938. This is the Dutch title for the above annotation. For contents see former annotation. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney (Nos. 15 and 2 only). 128 — STIGAND. L. A. Some contributions to the physiography and hydro- graphy of Northeast Borneo. In: Geographical Journal, Vol. xxxvn, 1911, pp 31-42. Contents: A detailed description, with special refer- ence to the river systems, of the area on either side of the boundary of Dutch and British North Borneo, between the mouth of the Sambakong River and Cowie Harbour. Photographs: Profile sketches of mouth of Sibuku with Tenelik Island; New hill, Tenelik Island; Terrace of breccia on the bank in upper reaches of Kalabakang River. Maps: Part of Northeast Borneo, scale 1:1,000,000 (covering area between 117° 30'-118° 30' Longitude and 3° 30'-5° 30' Latitude); Part of Northeast Borneo, scale 1:250,000 (covering 117° 10'-117° 30' Longitude and 4°-4° 30' Latitude). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Mit- chell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Forestry Commission Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Uni- versity Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart; Public Library, Hobart. 129 — STRAELEN, V. van Resultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orien- tales Neerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique. (Scientific results of the voyage to the Netherlands East Indies by T.R.fL Prince and Princess Leopold of Belgium). Vol. i. Introduction. Bruxelles, Memoires du Musee Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Hors serie, 1933, pp 222. (In French). Contents: Brief description of Borneo, its oil-fields and vegetation; the Mahakam; the Dajaks. Photographs: Panorama of the harbour and petrol- eum installations of Balikpapan; Petrol tanks at Balikpapan; Clumps of Eichhornia floating on the Mahakam; Samarinda; A view behind Samarinda; A young Dajak in the valley of the Upper Mahakam; A Dajak warrior of the Upper Mahakam holding his wooden shield. Copies in Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane, 130 —TICHELMAN, G. L. De onderafdeeling Barabai (Zuider- en Ooster- afdeeling van Borneo). (The Subdivision of Barabai: Southern and Eastern Division of Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvii, 1931, pp 461-486, 682-711. (In Dutch). Contents: A full description of the area. 1. Topo- graphy, including physical features, roads and paths, villages, etc. 2. Attitude to Netherlands Indies Government. 3. Administration. 4. The people. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library. Hobart. 131 — TOPOGRAFISCHE DIENST Kort verslag omtrent de vaststelling op het terrein van een grensgedeelte in de Djagoeistreek tusschen Serawak en het landschap Sambas—Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Brief report concerning the determina- tion in the field of a part of the frontier in the Djagoei territory between Sarawak and the Sambas region—Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaar~ verslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol, xix, 1923, pp 91-102. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the Djagoei territory, the sur- vey in 1923, the commission. Photographs: European members of the British- Netherlands Border Commission in the bivouac near kampong Setaas; The new frontier-stone near the Batoe Aoem; Altitude measuring at the Poko Pa- joeng tree on top of the Djagoei ridge; Signal tree on the G. Besi, a summit of the Raja chains. Map: The Djagoei territory and the agreed boun- dary, scale 1:50,000. Copies in NEE IS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 132— TORRANCE, Arthur Junglemania: exploring the jungles for science. Sydney, Angus and Robertson 1933, pp 302. Contents: Adventures of a doctor in the tropics, pp 151-302 deal with Netherlands Borneo, partly on the Barito River; Geographical indications are vague, and the whole reads like fiction. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Uni- versity Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Launceston. 151 island of Java, Batavia; Towns of Western and Central Java; Semarang, Sourabaya; Sumatra; Dutch Borneo; Information for tourists. Photographs-. Numerous photographs of the locality. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 137 —UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Naval Air Pilot, No. 192: Borneo. Washington. Contents; Description of seaplane anchorages, etc. Copy in NEFIS Library. 138—UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing Directions for Sunda Strait and Northwest Coast of Borneo and Offlying Dangers. 3rd edition, 1934, pp 542, H.O. No. 126. Contents: Includes the Sunda Strait, the straits be- tween Sumatra and Borneo and the west and north- east coasts of Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library. 139 —UNITED STATES HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Sailing Direction for Celebes, Southeast Borneo, Java (except from Java Head to Batavia) and Islands east of Java. 1935, 3rd edition, pp 628. H.O. No. 163. Supplement to Hydrographic Office Publication, No. 163, for 1942. Contents: Comprises most of Java, Southeast Bor- neo, Celebes, the Lesser Sunda Islands and Timor. Copy in NEFIS Library. 140 —VERBEEK. R. D. M. Geologische beschrijving der districten Riam-Kiwa en Kanan. (Geological description of the districts of Riam-Kiwa and Kanan). In: Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1875, Iste gedeelte, pp 3-130. (In Dutch). Contents: A geographical and topographical review of the region Riam-Kiwa and Kanan which is in the vicinity of the mouth of the Barito River. Maps: Geological map of the districts of Riam-Kiwa and Kanan, scale 1 : 100,000; Geological map of the district between Bandjermasin and Martapoera, scale 1:100,000. Insets: General map, scale 1:2,000,000; Plan of the limestone cave Batoe Hapoe, scale 1:5.000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 141—VISSEH. S. W. Oceanographic results, part 4. Surface observations, temperature, salinity, density, 1938. In; Snellius- Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, 1929-1930, Vol. 3, part 4, pp (iii), 62. Contents: Sea surface temperature (measurements, corrections, present research, notes to Hamaker’s corrections, mean monthly values, diurnal variation, annual variation); surface salinity and density (measurements, frequency, diurnal variation, annual variation, geographical distribution, influence of rain upon the salinity); tables of position, tempera- ture, salinity and density. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 133 — TRAVELLERS' OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU Peoples of the Netherlands Indies. In: Tourism in the Netherlands Indies, Vol. xi, No. 5, 1936. Contents: Brief survey of the peoples of the Nether- lands East Indies after the census of 1930. Photographs: Native types in Borneo. Copy in NEFIS Library (Mr. Hendriks’ collection). 134 — TREUBIA Set of 28 charts. In; Treubia, Vol. iv, Liv. 1-4, 1917. Contents: Charts of Java Sea, South China Sea and Malacca Strait; also Bathymetrical chart of Java Sea. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of Queensland Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 135 — TUIJN, J. van Over een recente daling van den zeespiegel in Neder- landsch-Oost-Indie. (On a recent fall of the sea level in Netherlands East Indies). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 89-99. (In Dutch). Contents: Evidence of a recent sinking of the ocean level from Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Bibliography. Map: Outline map of Sumatra, Java and Borneo, scale 1 : 10,000,000, showing portions where there is evidence of recent raising. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 138 —TWENTIETH CENTURY IMPRESSIONS OF NETHERLANDS INDIA Its history, people, commerce, industries, and re- sources; editor-in-chief—Arnold Wright; assistant editor—Oliver T. Breakspear. 4to. London, Lloyd’s Greater Britain Publishing Coy. Ltd., 1909, pp 606. Contents: History, by Arnold Wright; Constitution, government, administration and law, by J. de Groot; Finance, by J. Paulus; Archaeology, by S. M. Pleyte, T. van Erp, Ph. S. van Ronkel; Imports, exports and shipping; Means of communication— railways and tramways, Netherlands India railways. Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij, post telegraphs and telephones, roads and bridges; Population: origin, languages, manners and customs, by C. M. Pleyte and C. Thieme; Ecclesiastical: Dutch Protestant Church and missions; Roman Catholic mission; the Salvation Army; Education, by N. J. Verweij; Health and hospitals; The press, by E. F. E. Douwes-Dekker; Native arts and handicrafts, by J. E. Jasper; Naval and Military forces; Police, mines and mining administration, by J. K. van Gelder; Climate, by C. Braak; Forests and flora of Java, by Th. Valeton; Irrigation in Java; Agricul- ture, by W. J. Gallois; The rubber industry; Sugar industry in Java, by J. J. Hazewinkel; Tobacco; CofTe, by R. A. Eekhout; Tea, by R. A. Kerkhoven; Cinchona, by P. van Leersum; Bamboo hats; the 152 142 —VISSER, S. W. Meteorological observations, 1936. In; Snellius- Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies, Vol. 3, pp (v), 113. Contents: Historical review of work in maritime meteorology; air-pressure, air temperature; sea water temperature; humidity, relative, absolute and wet bulb temperature; wind; state of the sea; rainfall; thunderstorms; clouds; optical phenomena —visibility, radiation, blue of the sky, halos and coronas, remarkable light phenomenon; general summary, tables. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; National Library, Canberra. 143 —VOS. E. P. de An Oriental coronation. Impressions from East Borneo. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. xn. No. 11, 1931, pp 496-502. Contents: Description of the coronation of Sultan Maulana Mohamed Djalal ’oedin, of Boelongan. Photographs: After the coronation; Lunch at Tand- jong Talas; Dyak boat races on the Boelangan River; Dyak dances; Javanese dancers; Palace of the princesses. Copy in NEF1S Library. 144 —VROKLAGE. B. A. G. Die Sozialen Verhaltnisse Indonesiens . . . Band 1. Borneo, Celebes und Molukken. (The social organ- isation of Indonesia, Vol. i, Borneo, Celebes and Moluccas). Verlag der Aschendorffschen Verlags- buchhandlung, 1936, pp xxxii, 532. 8vo. Munster. (Anthropos-Ethnologische Bibliothek, Band IV, Heft 1). (In German). Contents: Anthropological study of the social organ- isation of the different peoples of Borneo, Celebes and the Moluccas. A summary in English will be found in Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amsterdam, November 1937, pp 46-57. Maps: On small scale only. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 145 —WECHEL. P t© Erinnerungen aus den Ost- und West-Dusun-Landen (Borneo). (Memories from East and West Dusun Lands, Borneo). In: Internationales Archiv fur Eth- nographic, Bd. xxii, 1913-1914, Heft 1-3, pp 1-24, pp 43-58, pp 93-129. (In German). Contents: Chiefly an ethnological study; a topo- graphical description being given on pp 1-6. Photographs: Many photographs of topographical interest. Maps: Sketch map of the Subdivision Boentok (East and West Dusun), scale 1:500,000, shows villages, foot- paths, roads and overland route. (Insets: Barito, showing former arm of the river; Borneo, indicating location of Dusun district). Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 146—WEEL, K. M. van Meteorological and hydrographical observations made in the western part of the Netherlands East Indies Archipelago. In: Treubia, Vol. 4, 1923, pp 1-559. Contents: An important detailed work with many charts and diagrams. On pp 37-38 is a list of pertinent literature on these subjects. Copy in National Museum Library, Melbourne. 147 — WHITEHEAD. John Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Large folio. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1893, pp 317. Contents: A detailed account of explorations in North Borneo and Palawan, with a visit to Java. The author was a field naturalist, and the appendix gives a full description of the specimens collected during four years. Photographs: Very fine coloured plates of birds, animals and insects, and topographical lithographs from the author’s drawing; also woodcuts. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 148 —WITH AMP. H. Tocht naar den G. Beratoes of Pick van Balik- papan. (Journey to Mount Beratoes or Peak of Balikpapan). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 11-30. (In Dutch). Contents: A journey from Moeara Moentai on the Mahakam River, up the Bongan River to Mount Beroea (Borneo). Photographs: 4 half-page half-tone plates, including main road of Moeara Moentai; Moeara Moentai from the other side of the Mahakam River; Party on top of the G. Beratoes. Also line sketch profile of G. Pemantas and G. Beratoes from Balikpapan. Map: Bongan River, scale 1:200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 149 —WITKAMP, H. De Soengai Senjioer tot Moeara Lompa. (The River Senjioer up to Moeara Lompa). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 396-401. (In Dutch). Contents; Describes a journey along the Senjioer River (a tributary of the Kepala which flows into the Mahakam from the north side). Maps: Locality map, scale 1:5,000,000; Sketch map of Senjioer, scale 1:200,000, from compass observa- tions and distance estimates of H. Witkamp. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 150 — WITKAMP, H. Bij een voorloopige schets der Klindjau en Atan. (On a preliminary sketch of Klindjau and Atan). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijhs- 153 kundig Genootschap, Vol. xlii, 1925, pp 538-540. (In Dutch). Contents: Notes on the area between the Klindjau and Atan Rivers. (Part of the Mahakam system on the north side). Map: Sketch of the courses of the Klindjau and Atan Rivers. (No scale—'about 1:500,000). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 151 —WITKAMP. H. De Kedang Rantau (Oost-Borneo). (The Kedang Rantau, East Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 34-61. (In Dutch). Contents: A topographical description of a tributary of the Mahakam River. Photographs: 7 full-page half-tone plates. Maps: General map of lower Mahakam region, scale 1:2,750,000; The Kedang Rantau, drawn from hand compass observations and distance estimates of H. Witkamp, scale 1:200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 152—WITKAMP, H. Een tocht naar den G. Ketam (Borneo). (A journey to Mount Ketam, Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 412-439. (In Dutch). Contents: A journey undertaken in 1922 up Mount Ketam in Southeast Borneo, at the head of the Mahakam River. The journey from Moearapahoe is fully described stage by stage with short note on geology and economic potentialities. Photographs; Many photographs of native life, etc. Maps: Sketch map of routes from Moeara Pahoe to G. Ketam and return, scale 1 ;200,000, from hand compass observation and estimate of distance by H. Witkamp; 11 profile sketches. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 153 —WITKAMP, H. De Sabentoeloeng, Sedoelang en Menamang, zij- rivieren der Kedang Rantau (Borneo). (The Saben- toeloeng, Sedoelang and Menamang, tributaries of the Kedang Rantau). In; Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlv, 1928, pp 970-990. (In Dutch). Contents: A topographical description of each river followed by several notes on geology, population and economics. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates on views of the area. Maps: Diagrammatic sketch of upper course of Sedoelang and Menamang Rivers; Sketch map of Sabentoeloeng River, scale 1 ;200,000; Sketch map of Sedoelang and Menamang Rivers, scale 1:200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 154 — WITKAMP. H. De Djambajan-rivier. (The Djambajan River, Bor- neo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aard- rijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 186-222. (In Dutch). Contents: The author takes the reader up the river, a tributary of the Mahakam River, and then des- cribes the topography and geology of the area at length, with notes on the population, fauna and flora, and economic prospects. Photographs: 4 half-tone plates: Gitan village with cane drying; Native grave, with young man near Basap village; Petinggi Boewak and wife, Basap village; Stalactite formation in cave in G. Parong. Map: Sketch map of Djambajan River, from obser- vations with hand compass and estimate of distances by H. Witkamp, scale 1 ;200,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart, 155 — WITKAMP, H. Het kratermeer Bawang Aso. (The volcanic lake Bawang Aso, Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlvi, 1929, pp 359-367. (In Dutch). Contents: Describes a journey from the village of Tring, on the Mahakam River, to the lake. Maps: Route from Tring to Bawang Aso, scale 1:100,000; The volcanic lake (depths in metres), scale 1:5,000; East coast of Borneo, scale 1:5,000,000. (All sketch maps only). Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 156 —WITKAMP. H. Langs de Mahakam. (Along the Mahakam River, Borneo). In: Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. xlix, 1932, pp 30-55. (In Dutch). Contents: A detailed topographical description of the Mahakam River, East Borneo. Introduction; The delta; From Soengaimarian to Tenggarong; Tenggarong to Longiram; The river above Longi- ram; Brief geological survey. Map: The Mahakam River, scale 1:800,000. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 157 —WRIGHT, Arnold and BREAKSPEAR, Oliver T. Twentieth Century Impressions of Netherlands India; edition by A. Wright and O. T. Breakspear. See: Twentieth Century Impressions of Netherlands India, No. 136, above. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 158 —WUST. G. Die Erforschung der Bodenkonfiguration des Aus- tralischen Mittelmeeres. (Investigation of bottom 154 configuration of Australasia’s "Middle Sea”). In: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin, Nos. 9-10, 1936, pp 347-358. (In German). Contents; Depth studies by the Snellius Expedition with explanatory graphs and contour sketches. Copy in University Library, Brisbane. 159 — ZEIJLMANS van Emmichoven, C. P. A. De geologic van het centrale en oostelijke deel van de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (The geology of the central and eastern part of the Western Division of Borneo). In: Jaarhoek van het in Neder- landsch-Indie, Verhandelingen, 1939, pp 7-186. (In Dutch with summary in English). Contents: Geological description of the central and eastern parts of the Western Division of Borneo. Bibliography. Maps; General geological map of the Western Divi- sion of Borneo, except the Chinese districts and vicinity, scale 1:250,000. Profiles: General map show- ing routes of the geological investigation, etc., scale 1:1,500,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Public Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth. 155 SARAWAK 1 — ADAMS. P. M. Fines of the Land Dyaks of Landu. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, p 175. Contents: Lists of offences against native law and the penalties attached to them. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 2 —ADAMS, P. M. Fines and customs of Lundu and Sebuyon Dyaks. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, p 177. Contents: Lists of offences against native law and the penalties attached to them. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 3 —ADAMS. P. M. Fines and customs of Land Dyaks living in left- hand branch of South Sarawak, compiled in the presence and agreed to by all Chiefs at Pengkalan Ampat, May 1932. In; Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol, iv, part 2, 1933, p 179. Contents: Lists of offences against native law and the penalties attached to them. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 4 —ADAMS. P. M. Fines for Bukar Land Dyaks, including Munggu Babi, Lanehang, Jenan, Kakeng, Bahru, Tarad, Menyabet, Tian, Murut, Panchor and Ritu. In; Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933 p 181. Contents: Lists of offences against native law and the penalties attached to them. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney: National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 5 —ADAMS. P. M. Land Dyaks’ Fines List. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, p 183. Contents: Lists of offences against native law and the penalties attached to them. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 6—AIRMAN, R. G. Land Dyak fines. In; Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, p 255. Contents-. List of misdemeanours and their penalties. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library. Adelaide. 7 — ANDREINI, Capt. E. V. A Punan vocabulary. In: Sarawak Museum journal, Vol. iv. part 3, 1935, pp 261-262. Contents: English-Punan vocabulary. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library. Adelaide. 8 —BANKS, E. Edible birds’ nests in Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Report, No. 23, 1932, pp 3-9. Contents: An account of the birds’ nest industry in Sarawak. Descriptions of the caves where these are found and their location. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 9 —BANKS, E. Hoplology in Sarawak, In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 229-241. Contents: A study of the short swords or "parangs” used by the Borneo head-hunters; the materials used for the different types and their uses—apart from head-hunting. Photographs: Many types of swords. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 10— BANKS, E. Some Kalamantan vocabularies. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 257-259. Contents: English-Kalamantan vocabularies. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane: Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 156 11 — BANKS, E. Seasonal rainfall in Borneo. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 363-371. Contents: A study of rainfalls in Malaysia (1921- 1933), with graphs. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 12 —BANKS, E. Megalithic remains for Kelabit country. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 411-437. Contents: Description of antiquities found in this region. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 13 —BANKS, E. Native drink in Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 440-447.. Contents: The native “brew” and customs connected with it. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 14 —BANKS, E. Sketch map of central highlands of Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, facing p 500. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 15 —BANKS, E. Edible birds’ nests. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 517-522. Contents: An account of the industry. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 16 —BANKS. E. Edible turtle breeding. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 523-532. Contents: Account of turtle breeding ground in the Talang Talang Islands off the Sarawak coast. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney: National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 17 —BECCARI. Odoardo Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo: travels and researches of a naturalist in Sarawak. London, Constable, 1904, pp 424. Contents: Dr. Beccari visited Borneo to study its natural history, and especially its botany, in 1865- 1868. This book is based on notes made at that time, and gives especially full description of the flora and jungle travelling, and also considerable topographical detail for the region around Kuching and the Sarawak, Batang Lupar, Rejang and Bin- tulu Rivers. Fruits and other resources are also discussed. Photographs: 50 half-tone plates from photographs and 11 drawings. Maps: Sketch map of Borneo, scale 1 in : 150miles; Part of Sarawak (watershed of Sarawak River and Sadong), scale 1 in : 10 minutes approx; Sarawak showing author’s routes, scale 2 ins : 1 degree approx. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Launceston. 18 — BEECHMAN, Daniel A voyage to and from the island of Borneo; with a description of the said island, giving an account of the inhabitants, etc. London, T. Warner & J. Batley, 1718, pp 205. Contents: Detailed topographical information of the period. Copies in National Library, Canberra; MitcMl Library, Sydney; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; University Library, Adelaide. 19— BOULT, F. F. and MOULTON, J. C. Ethnological notes. Prohibition of deer’s flesh among Land Dyaks. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. i, 1911, pp 140-145. Contents: Some curious beliefs and customs among Dyaks in regard to deer meat. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 20 — BOYLE, Frederick Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1865, pp 324. Contents: A description of travels in Sarawak in 1863. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Par- liamentary Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide. 21—BROOKE. James. 1st Rajah ol Sarawak Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan, from (his) journals; together with a narrative of the operations of H.M.S. Iris, by Capt. Rodney Munday, R.N. London, Murray, 1848, 2 vols. Contents: Continues Keppel’s “Expedition of H.M.S. Dido.” Photographs: Lithograph plates and woodcuts. Maps: Charts of Gulf of Boni, Sarawak Pro.ince, NW coast of Borneo; Labuan. 157 Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; University Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Mel- bourne; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide. 22 — BROOKE, Lady, Ranee of Sarawak My life in Sarawak; prefaced by Sir Frank Swet- tenham. London, Methuen, 1913, pp 320. Contents: The authoress went to Sarawak as Ranee in the early 70’s. She gives an account of personal life there in the 70’s and 80’s with scattered topo- graphical descriptions. Photographs: 25 half-tone plates, mostly of a per- sonal character, including part of Datu Bay, near Santubong; Kuching Harbour; sunset behind Mt. Matang. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney, University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Austialasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Ade- laide; Public Library, Perth. 23 — BROOKE, Lady, 3rd Ranee of Sarawak The three white rajahs. London, Cassell. 1939, pp 304. Contents: A popular account of the life and work of the 3 Rajahs of Sarawak, and especially of the 3rd (Vyner Brooke), Photographs: 11 half-tone plates. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Launceston. 24 —BRYN. Halfdan De indfodte paa Borneo: Carl Lumholtz’s material antropologisk bearbeidet. (The natives of Borneo: anthropological study of Lumholtz’s material). Kristiania, Jacob Dybwad, 1924, pp 87. (In Nor- wegian). Contents: An anthropological study based on Lum- holtz’s collections. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Syd- ney; Public Library, Melbourne. 25 —BUCK. W, S. B. Vocabulary of Land Dyak—as spoken in Kampong Boyan, Upper Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Jour- nal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, pp 186-192, 193-218. Contents: Vocabulary of Land Dyak—English- Malay and Sarawak Malay-Malay. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne. 26 — DOUGLAS. R. S. Ethnological notes — the Muriks. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. i. No. 1, 1911, pp 146-148. Contents: Notes on a tribe living on the Baram River. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 27— DOUGLAS. R. S. An expedition to the Bah country of Central Borneo. In: Sarawak Museum Journal. Vol. i. No. 2, 1912, pp 17-29. Contents-. An account of an expedition with topo- graphical descriptions, notes on native customs, salt springs, a native salt “factory,” working methods, houses, religion, etc. Also some notes on climate. Map: Sketch map of Kalabit region. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 28 —DOUGLAS, R. S. Ethnological notes: some Murik words. In: Sara- wak Museum Journal, Vol. i. No. 2, 1912, pp 86-87. Contents: Short vocabulary of Murik words. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 29 —ELAM, E. H. Slakow and Larah Land Dyaks of Lundu. In; Sara- wak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 242- 251. Contents: A brief note on these tribes, with vocabularies. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 30 —ELAM, E. H. Land Dyaks of the Sadong District, Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 373-394. Contents: Notes on the customs, crafts (including bridge building), horses, agriculture, language, etc., of the Sadong Dyaks—vocabulary. Photographs: Native types, houses and storage barns. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 31—FURNESS. William Henry The home-life of Borneo head-hunters; its festival and folk-lore. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1902, pp xi, 197. Contents: An account of the Kayans and Kenyahs of the Baram district of Sarawak; their home-life, ceremonies, early training of a head-hunter, warfare and peace making, personal embellishment (tattooing, etc.); taboo; the Punans; tuba fishing. Photographs: Numerous photographs of the district and native life. 158 Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 32 — GEIKIE, I. S. A list of Sarawak minerals. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. i, 1911, pp 194-201. Contents: A brief account of Sarawak minerals and their location, with geological notes. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 33 —GOMES, Edwin H. Seventeen years among the Sea Dyaks of Borneo; a record of intimate association with the natives of the Bornean jungles. London, Seeley & Co., 1911, pp 343. Contents: Malay pirates; Sir James and Sir Charles Brooke; The Dyaks, their manner of life and character, head-hunting, social life, marriage, burial rites, missions; travelling in -Sarawak, river naviga- tion; omens and dreams; the witch-doctor, native remedies and Dyak charms, Dyak religion, feasts, sports, song and music, hunting and camphor work- ing, folk-lore, legends, customs, the Sea Dyak’s future in Sarawak. Maps: Northern Borneo, scale 100m ; about 2 ins. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra: Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 34 —GOMES. Edwin H. The Sea Dyaks of Borneo; with a chapter on mis- sionary work amongst the Dyaks by A. F. Sharp, 3rd edition. 8vo. London, S.P.G., 1917, pp (iv), 80. Contents: The Sea Dyaks; childbirth and children, marriage, daily life occupation, burial rites, omens, spirits, feasts, the witch-doctor, religion, missionary work. Photographs: St. John’s church and school, Merdang. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne. 35 —GOMES, E. H. Notes on Sea Dyaks of Borneo. In: National Geo- graphic Magazine, Vol. xxn. No. 8, 1911, pp 695-723. Contents: Historical and descriptive notes on Dyak people. Photographs: Native types, houses, blow pipes, smoked heads; Making a clam for poisoning fish with tuba. Copies in University Library, Brisbane; Parliamen- tary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Laun- ceston. 36 — GOULD. S. Baring and BAMPFYLDE, C. A. A history of Sarawak under its two white Rajahs, 1839-1908. London, Henry Southeran, 1909, pp 464. Contents: A fairly full history, written from official records. Bampfylde was an officer of the Sarawak Civil Service. Photographs; Numerous small half-tone plates, few of which have any topographical significance. Map: Sketch map of Sarawak, scale 1 in ; 30 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Syd- ney; Public Library, Melbourne; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth. 37 — GREAT BRITAIN COLONIAL OFFICE Annual report of the social and economic pro- gress of the people of the State of Brunei. Singapore and London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1927 to date. (Until 1933, title was “Report on the State of Brunei,” and until 1934 the imprint is that of the Government Printer, Singapore). (National Library has from 1927). Contents'. Contains the usual condensed administra- tive information, including, under Communications, information on roads. Appendices include rainfall and temperature records for each month at various points. Maps: Each issue includes “Sketch map of the State of Brunei,” scale 1 in: 12 miles, showing in colour metalled and earth roads, roads along sand beach, boundaries, and land utilisation (European rubber estates, native holdings, oil leases). Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane (1932-1938); Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney (1938); Colonial Sugar Refining Co.’s Library, Sydney (1933); Uni- versity Library, Adelaide (1929-1935); Public Library, Adelaide. 38 —GREAT BRITAIN—HYDROGRAPHIC DEPART- MENT-ADMIRALTY China Sea Pilot, Vol. n, with maps. First edition 1936, pp 280. Supplement No. 2, 1939; Supplement No. 4, 1941. Contents'. Includes the western and northwestern coasts of Borneo; the Philippine Islands from Bala- bak Island to Cape Bojeador in Luzon, and the offlying islands and dangers of the southern and eastern parts of the China Sea. Includes glossary of terms. Copies in NEE IS Library; AGS Library. 39 — HARRISSON. Tom (Editor) Borneo Jungle. An account of the Oxford Expedi- tion to Sarawak. London, Lindsay Drummond, 1938, pp 254. Contents: Account of the Oxford Expedition to Sarawak. Chapter headings; 1. Remembered jungle, by Tom Harrisson (a general account of the expedi- tion). 2. Borak and belles, by John Ford. 3. Where’s that head? by C. H. Hartley (a visit to Long Laput, Baram valley). 4. Beauty in Borneo, by Patrick M. Synge (description of the flora and of native arts and crafts). 5. The ascent of Mt. Mulit, by Edward Shackleton; Tribute to A. W. Moore. Appendices: I. History of expedition publication. 2. Survey by Shackleton. 3. Photography. 4. Meteorology, by P. W. Richards. 5. Zoology, by Harrisson and Hart- ley 6. Glossary of common Bornean terms. Photographs: The illustrations are excellent photo- graphs clearly reproduced, and might be of value for types of vegetation, etc., but are of little direct topo- graphical interest. 159 Maps: Maps of area investigated. Map of area around Mt. Dulit. (Reproduced from Geographical Journal). Expedition’s map of area investigated, scale 1.5 in. : 50 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Mitchell Library, Syd- ney; Public Library, Melbourne; Australian Institute of International Affairs’ Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 40 — HARRISSON. T. H. The Oxford University expedition to Sarawak, 1932. In: Geographical Journal, London, Vol. lxxxii, 1932, pp 385-410. Contents-. The object of the expedition was to make a detailed scientific survey of the Dulit Range area in Central Sarawak, Photographs: Numerous photographs of natives and of the district. Maps: Sketch map of area covered, scale 1 in : 30 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Australian Museum Library, Syd- ney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Mel- bourne: University Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library, Mel- bourne; Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Pub- lic Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide: Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 41 — HELMS, L. V. Pioneering in the Far East. 8vo. London, W. H. Allen, 1882, pp 408. Contents: A fair amount on Borneo describing customs and religions of people: more in the nature of personal experiences rather than a detailed account. Chapter headings as follows; Island of Bali, California, Cambodia and Siam, Borneo, China and Japan, Russia. Maps: Maps of Sarawak and Borneo. Copies in University Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Adelaide; Parlia- mentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide. 42 —HENRICH, Ruth No richer harvest; the story of the church in Borneo. 2nd edition. London, S.P.G., 1935, pp 68. Contents: The story of missionary life and wrork in the Anglican diocese of Labuan and Sarawak, description of Kuching, Dyak beliefs, manners and customs, etc. Photographs: Church of St, Michael and All Angels, Sandakan. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 43 — HOSE, Charles Natural man: a record from Borneo. 8vo. London, Macmillan & Co., 1926, pp xvi, 284. Contents: Anthropology, tribal and village life, arts and crafts, creeds and superstitions, morals, and mentality. Photographs: Many photographs of the district. Map: Sarawak, scale 50 miles : 2i inches. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney. 44—HOSE, Charles The field-book of a jungle-wallah: being a descrip- tion of shore, river and forest life on Sarawak. 8vo. London, Witherby, 1929, pp viii, 216. Contents-. The Baram River and the Baram Divi- sion, river navigation, forests, vegetation, birds, animals, fish, insects, products (agricultural and mineral), fruits, poison plants. Natives; manners and customs, superstitions, etc. Photographs-. A typical Sarawak jungle scene, Kapit Fort; A Sarawak out-station from the air. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Launceston. 45 — HOSE, Charles The natives of Borneo. In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. xxm, 1893, pp 156-172. Contents: Distribution of tribes in the Baram dis- trict northern Sarawak, economic life, hunting, fish- ing, material culture, houses, religion, arts and crafts, personal ornamentation, history. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Pub- lic Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 46 —HOSE, Charles In the heart of Borneo. In: Geographical Journal, Vol. vi, 1900, pp 39-62. Contents: Describes explorations during 16 years in the Baram district, Sarawak, and gives a detailed topographical description of the district. Photographs: 8 small and rather poor half-tones. Maps: Baram district: Sarawak, North Borneo, scale 1:500,000. Shows mountains, rivers and tracks. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Brisbane; Aus- tralian Museum Library, Sydney; Forestry Commis- sion’s Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Uni- versity Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Mel- bourne; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Univer- sity Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 160 47 — HOSE. Charles and McDOUGALL, William The pagan tribes of Borneo: a description of their physical, moral and intellectual condition, with some discussion of their ethnic relations, 2 vols. London, Macmillan, 1912. Contents: Hose was for 24 years in the Sarawak Civil Service, mainly in the Baram and Rejang dis- tricts. Chapter headings: 1. Geography. 2. History. 3. General sketch of the peoples. 4. Material con- ditions of the pagan tribes. 5. Social system. 6. Agriculture. 7. Daily life of a Kayang long house. 8. Life on the rivers. 9. Life in the jungle. 10. War. 11. Handicrafts. 12. Decorative art (Vol. n). 13. Ideas of spiritual existences and practices arising from them. 14. Ideas of the soul illustrated by burial customs, soul-catching and exorcism. 15. Ani- mistic beliefs. 16. Magic, spells and charms. 17. Myths, legends and stories. 18. Childhood and youth of a Kayan. 19. The nomad hunters. 20. Moral and intellectual peculiarities. 21. Ethnology of Borneo. 22. Government. Photographs-. 211 collotype plates, mainly of native types of the various tribes, and of topographical interest. Maps: The Eastern Archipelago (outline); Borneo (outline), scale 1 in : 120 miles; Sketch map of Baram district, Sarawak, scale I in: 15 miles; Sketch map of Sarawak, scale 1 in ; 36 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; University Library, Sydney. 48 —HUBBARD, I. M. Colonial government in Borneo. In: National Geo- graphical Magazine, Vol. xi. No. 9, 1900, pp 359-363. Contents: An appreciation of Charles Hose of the British Civil Service in Sarawak: his sympathetic methods quoted as a model for all colonial adminis- tration. Copy in University Library, Brisbane. 49 —IRELAND. Alleyn© The Far Eastern tropics. Studies in the administra- tion of tropical dependencies. (Hong-Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine Islands). London, Constable, 1905, pp 339. Contents: Studies on various phases of British, American, French and Dutch colonial policy and administration. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Adelaide. 50 — KEPPEL, Henry. Captain, R. N, The expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the suppression of piracy, with extracts from the journal of James Brooke. 3rd edition, with additional chapter by Walter K. Kelly, 2 vols. London, Chapman and Hall, 1847. Contents: The basic account of the establishment of the State of Sarawak. Photographs: Lithographed plates. Maps: Part of the Malayan archipelago; Plan of the Batang Lupar River, scale 1.5 in : 10 minutes; Plan of Labuan, scale 1.5 in : 2 miles. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Public Lib- rary, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; University Library, Hobart. 51 —LABUAN. Lord Bishop of On the wild tribes of the northwest coast of Borneo. In: Transactions of the Ethnological Society, Lon- don, Vol. n, 1863-1864, pp 24-34. Contents; History, topography (general), people, culture. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane. 52 —LEACH. D. L. The survey of Sarawak. In: Geographical Journal, Vol. c, 1942, pp 98-106. Contents: An account of the work of the official survey commenced in 1931. Gives a good account of the general nature of the topography and of con- ditions of working. Photographs: Good half-tone plates, 2 or 3 to page; Kuching, looking down river, northeast; Kuching, looking west; oilfield, Sarawak; Lutong oil refinery; Kapit government station, upper Rajang River; Upper Tinjar River; Dapoi River, Baram district; Rajong River near Song; Munga Babi, Land Dyak village near Kuching. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; University Library, Bris- bane; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Teachers’ College Library, Sydney; Aus- tralian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne: Geological Survey Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Ade- laide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Parliamentary Library, Adelaide; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Perth; Public Library, Hobart; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 53 —LOW, Hugh Sarawak; its inhabitants and productions. London, Richard Bentley, 1848, pp 416. Contents: The first comprehensive account. The author was engaged in botanical collection for 30 months. Photographs-. Woodcut plates. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Lib- rary, Sydney; Parliamentary Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Adelaide. 54 — LOW. Brooke The natives of Borneo. Edited by H. L. Roth. In; Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. xxn,, 1892, pp 22-64. Contents; Anthropological description of the natives, of Borneo, mainly of Sarawak. Land tenure ancf 161 cultivation, habitations, slaves, clothing, etc., hunt- ing, fishing, navigation, warfare, head-hunting, music. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Public Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 55 —MACE. N. List of Land Dyak words. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, p 253. Contents; A brief vocabulary. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 56 — MARINELEITUNG Handbuch fur das Siidchinesische Meer. (Pilot for the South China Sea). With maps. Second edition, 1928. Nachtrag (Supplement) Nr. 2043, 1939, pp 653. (In German). Contents-. Anambas and Natoeana Islands; Islands and reefs between Singapore and Hongkong; West coast of the Gulf of Siam; Northwest coast of Borneo; East coast of the Gulf of Siam; Southeast coast of Cochin China; Coast of Annam; Gulf of Tonkin; Hainan Island and Strait; South coast of China between Hainan Strait and Hongkong. Copy in NEFIS Library. 57 —MERRILL. E. D. A bibliogranhical enumeration of Bornean plants: special number of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, September 1921. 8vo. Singapore, printed by Fraser and Neave, 1921, pp 637. Contents: List with description of plants of Borneo. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney: Herbarium Library, Sydney; Government Botanist’s Library, Brisbane; University Library, Adelaide. 58 —MOULTON, J. C. Note on origin of Land Dyak villages of Sentah and Quop. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. I, No. 2, 1912, pp 88-90. Contents: Brief notes on the villages and their names. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 59—MOYNE, Lord Walkabout (a journey in lands between the Pacific and Indian Oceans; with introduction by A. C. Had- don, and appendix by A. J. E. Cave). London, W. Heinemann Ltd., 1936. Contents-. Lord Moyne’s journey through the Indies to New Guinea had for its main objects the collec- tion of ethnological material for the British Museum and live animals for the Zoo. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Brisbane; National Library, Canberra; Public Library, Melbourne; University Library, Melbourne; University Library, Perth. 60 —PACIFIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Science Congress, Java, May-June 1929. 8vo. Batavia-Bandoeng, 1930. Contents: Vol. 1: General part and reports on oceanography. Vols. 2a, 2b, 3, 4: Physical papers. Relevant material is listed under authors of papers. Maps-. Geotectonic map of the Netherlands East Indies, by J. Zwierzycki, scale 1 : 5,000,000. Copies in Mitchell Library, Sydney (Vols. 1, 2a-b); University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Mel- bourne; State Electricity Commission Library, Mel- bourne; University Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth. 61 —PACIFIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Historic review of the development of the telegraph, telephone and radio services in the Pacific. In: Pro- ceedings of the 4th Pacific Science Congress, 1929, Vol. 11a, pp 363-407. Contents-. Includes Netherlands Indies cable and radio services, and those of British Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, Philippine Islands, Japan, etc. Map: Interinsular cable and wireless system of the Netherlands Indies, 1928. Copies in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; University Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; State Electricity Commission Library, Melbourne; Uni- versity Library, Adelaide; University Library, Perth. 62 —PARNELL, E. and others Sarawak, its resources, trade, etc. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. v, No. 2, 1924, pp 92-112. Contents: Articles on Sarawak. Photographs: Illustrating native types, industries and towns. Copy in Mitchell Library, Sydney. 63 —PERNE, E. The slave-hunters of the Moluccas. In: Inter-Ocean, Vol. vi. Nos. 5, 6, 1925, pp 290-295 and 304, 337-342. Contents: Stories of former slave hunting in the islands. Photographs-. On the Sarawak River near Kuching. Copies in Public Library, Melbourne; Mitchell Library, Sydney. 64 —POLLARD, F. H. The Muruts of Sarawak. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, pp 139-155. Contents-. Notes on the history, origin, customs, agriculture and language’ of the Dusun people. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 65 —POLLARD. F. H. Comparative notes of Muruts and Kelabits. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 3, 1935, pp 223-227. 162 Contents: Notes on customs, language, etc., of the Kelabit as compared with those of the Muruts. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane: Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 66 — POLLARD, F. H. and BANKS. E. Teknonymy among Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelamantans, etc. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 4, 1937, pp 395-409. Contents: Native family titles among non-Dyak tribes in Sarawak. Photographs: Interior of Kayan house showing cantilever cross-beams. Map: Sketch map of Baram River showing distribu- tion of tribes. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane: Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 67 —RAVEN. H. C. “Makanan Malayu.” In: Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 34, 1934, pp 176- 182. Contents: A good description of some of the foods in common use among the natives of Borneo and Celebes. Methods of obtaining and cooking them are given. Copies in National Museum Library, Melbourne; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Lib- rary, Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria Library, Melbourne; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Linnean Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Royal Society of South Australia Library, Adelaide; Geological Survey Library, Perth; Royal Society of Tasmania Library, Hobart. 68 —RAY. S. H. The languages of Borneo. In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. i. No. 4, 1913, pp 1-196. Contents: A study of Borneo languages with vocabularies and bibliography. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 69 — ROTH, Henry Ling The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. 2 vols. London, Truslove and Hanson, 1896. Contents: Relates chiefly to Sarawak, but covers also British North Borneo. A valuable collection of source material usually quoted verbatim. Photographs: Over 550 half-tone and line illustrations of native types, costume, objects, etc. (None of topo- graphical interest). Maps: Sarawak and North Borneo, showing approxi- mate distribution of tribes. Scale 1 in : 50 miles. Copy in National Library, Canberra. 70 — ST. JOHN, Spencer Life in the forests of the Far East; or travels in Northern Borneo. 2nd edition, 2 vols. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1863. Contents: Detailed journals of his expeditions, in- cluding two ascents of Kinabalu and journey up Limbang River. Maps: NW coast of Borneo; district near Kinabalu; Limbang and Baram Rivers. These are sketch maps from the author’s observations. No scale is given. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Uni- versity Library, Adelaide; Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Library, Adelaide; Parlia- mentary, Adelaide, 1st edition 1862; Public Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Launceston. 71 —ST. JOHN. Spencer Wild tribes of the northwest coast of Borneo. In: Transactions, Ethnological Society of London, Vol. ii, 1863-1864, pp 232-248. Contents: Customs of the Sea Dyaks and Milanaus. Deaths, marriage, religion. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Royal Society of New South Wales Library, Sydney; Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Public Library, Melbourne. 72 —SARAWAK MUSEUM JOURNAL A vocabulary of Mukah Milano (several authors). In: Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 1, 1930, pp 87-130. Contents: Mukah-Milano—English vocabulary. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 73 —SARAWAK MUSEUM JOURNAL Rainfall in Sarawak. In; Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. iv, part 2, 1933, pp 219-221. Contents: Rainfall figures in Kuching (Sarawak) from 1876-1918. Average 1920-1925 and analysis of figures. Copies in Queensland Museum Library, Brisbane: Australian Museum Library, Sydney; National Museum Library, Melbourne; Public Library, Adelaide. 74 —SHELFORD. Robert W. C. A naturalist in Borneo. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1916, pp 331. Contents: A comprehensive general account of the natural history of Sarawak, where the author was curator of the museum from 1898 to 1905. Also des- cribes expeditions up the Sarawak River to Mt. Penrisen, around the mouth of the Trusan River, and up the Sadong River to Tabekang. Chapter headings: 1. Mammals. 2. Bird-notes. 3. Snakes. 4. Crocodiles, turtles and tortoises. 5. Cockroaches, mantises and stick insects. 6. Beetles. 7. Ants and plants. 8. Mimicry. 9. An expedition to Pen- risen. 10. Other expeditions. 11. Animal life of the shores. 12. Natives of Borneo. 163 Photographs: 32 half-tone plates, mainly of natural history and of topographical interest. Copies in National Library, Canberra; Parliamen- tary Library, Brisbane; Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne; Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia Library, Adelaide; Public Library, Laun- ceston. 75 —STAAL. J. The Dusuns of North Borneo. In: Anthropos, Vol. xx, 1925, pp 120-138, 929-951. Contents: This article deals with the social life and religion of the Dusuns. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Public Library, Sydne}'; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 76 —STAAL. J. The Dusun language. In; Anthropos. Vol. xxi, 1926, pp 938-951. Contents: Linguistics of the Dusun, a tribe in Northern Borneo. Copies in Australian Museum Library, Sydney; Pub- lic Library, Sydney; Mitchell Library, Sydney; Public Library, Melbourne. 77 — TOPOGRAFISCHE DIENST Kort verslag omtrent de vaststelling op het terrein van een grensgedeelte in de Djagoeistreek tusschen Sarawak en het landschap Sambas—Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Brief report concerning the determina- tion in the field of a part of the frontier in the Djagoei territory between Sarawak and the Sambas region—Western Division of Borneo). In\Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xix, 1923, pp 91-102. (In Dutch). Contents: History of the Djagoei territory, the sur- vey in 1923, the commission. Photographs: European members of the British- Netherlands Border Commission in the bivouac near Kampong Setaas. The new frontier-stone near the Batoe Aoem. Altitude measuring at the Poko Pajoeng tree on top of the Djagoei ridge. Signal tree on the G. Besi, a summit of the Raja chains. Maps: The Djagoei Territory and the agreed boun- dary, scale 1 : 50,000. Copies in NEFIS Library; Public Library, Adelaide. 73 — TOPOGRAFISCHE DIENST Verslag betreffende de fransche luchtfotogrammet- rische kaarteeringsmethode en de nabij Miri (Sara- wak) uitgevoerde luchtfotogrammetrische kaarteer- ing. (Report on the French aerophotogrammetric survey method and the aerophotogrammetric survey made at Miri—Sarawak). In: Jaarverslag van den Topografischen Dienst, Vol. xxn, 1926, pp 97-103.