A CENTURY OF PRINTING THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS IN PENNSYLVANIA 1685-1784 BY CHARLES R. HILDEBURN VOL. II. 1764-1784 PHILADELPHIA MDCCCLXXXVI The Issues of the Press IN PENNSYLVANIA. 1764. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in St. Peter's | and Christ-Church Parish, in Philadelphia, from De- | cember 25, 1763, to December 25, 1764. By Caleb | Cash, Clerk, and James Weyley, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. 1936 AN | ACCOUNT | of | Two | Terrible | Fires. | Which hap- pened in the City of | Brotherly-Love, ] On Friday the 26th of October. | ... | .... | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MDCCXLIV. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7, (1). l. c. p. 1937 [Cut.] THE ADDITION to the Epitaph, without the Copper- Plate. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. A burlesque in the form of a prayer, by David James Dove? AN ADDRESS | Lately presented to | J[oseph] G[alloway] Esq. I [Philadelphia: Printed by William Bradford. 1764.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1939 AN | ADDRESS | Of Thanks to the Wardens of Christ Church and St. Peters, and the Reverend | W[illiam] S[mit]h, D.D. Pro- vost of the College and Tool to the P[roprieto]r, and J[aco]b | D[uch]e, A.M. and MV.D. from F[rancis] A[liso]n D.D. and J[oh]n E[win]g in their | own Name and in the Name of all the Presbyterian Ministers in Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1940 4 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 THE | ADDRESS | of the | People call'd Quakers, | In the Province of Pennsylvania, | To John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant- Governor of the said | Province, &c. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the Bible-in- | Heart in Second-street, a little below the | Friend's Meeting-House. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 11. 1941 In defence of their conduct towards the Indians and the settlers. They were charged with being " profuse to Savages, and carefully avoiding to contribute to the Relief and Support of the distressed Families on the Frontiers." AN | ADDRESS | to the | Freeholders | and | Inhabitants | of the | Province | of | Pennsylvania. | In Answer to a Paper called | The Plain Dealer. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Anthony Armbruster, at the | German and English Printing- Office ; in | Mor avian-Alley. 1764. | 8vo. pp. 12. l. c. p. 1942 ADVERTISEMENT, and not a Joke. | A Speech there is, which no Man spoke : | [Philadelphia: William Bradford.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1943 AGUECIIEEK. (A.) The Universal American Almanac for 1765. By Andrew Aguecheek. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1764. 1944 ©3® I (Srrettung£= | £anb (Sotted | ben ivilben | Wleere^SBclten; | SSunberbar ertviefen an einer | Slnno 1735 ben lOben October | von 2lltona nadj fionbon fcE>if= | fenben | Germantown : | Gedruckt bey Chr. Saur, 1764. | 16mo. pp. 14. h. s. p. 1945 | ©ie $reyt;alter | unb @inivo(;ner | ©er | Stabt unb County beutfefyer Elation. | [Philadelphia.-] Gedruckt [bey Anton Armbruester,] im Jahre 1764. | 4to. pp. 4. l. c. p. 1946 0©0i@ 2l»C©C an bie beutfefyen bcr Stabt unb County ipfyilabetyljna von etlidjen von U;ren SanbSleuten. [n. p. 1764.] 1947 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 5 2l9?9)?©9f | uber | ©in nod; nie erfybrt unb gefefyen 2Bunber | X£;ier in | genannt | unb (Straufp | $ogel, | £>erau$ gegeben von eincr | ®eutfd;en ©efeUfcfyaft frcver unb | getreuer Seiner (3 to A | Srittanifcfyen Tcajeftat. | town .-] Gedruckt [bey Christoph jShwr] in diesem Jahr. [1764.] | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 1948 ANNO Quarto | Georgii III. Regis. | An Act for preventing Tumults and riotous | Assemblies, and for the more speedy and ef- | fectual punishing the Rioters. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin.] Folio, pp. 4. 1949 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnse Britannia, Franciee & Hiberniae, | Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1763, in | the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-fourth Day of March, 1764. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- | Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 315-330. + And from thence continued . . . to the | Thirtieth Day of May, 1764. | Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 333-358. + And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-second Day of September, 1764. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 361-369. h. s. p. 1950 ©$9?© | 21919?©®© an bie ®eutfd;en | | bcr | Stabt unb ©ountty | | Philadelphia, gedruckt [hey Anton Armbruester] in der Arch-Strasse | 1764 | 8vo. pp. 8. ii. s. p. 1951 AN | ANSWER | to | Mr. Franklin's | Remarks | on a late | Protest. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at his Book- | Store, in Market-street, adjoining the London Coffee-house. | M.DCC.LXIV. | 8vo., pp. 22. h. s. p. 1952 AN | ANSWER, | to the | Pamphlet | Entituled the Conduct of the Paxton Men, | impartially represented: Wherein the un- | 6 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 generous Spirit of the Author is Mani- | tested, &c. And the spotted Garment | pluckt off. | | | | | | | | | | | | . | Philadelphia: Printed by Anthony Armbruster, | in Moravian Alley, 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 28. n. s. p. 1953 AN | ANSWER | to the | Plot. | : Anthony Arm- bruster. 1764.] Narrow folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1954 Ten verses not very complimentary to Franklin. AUTENRIETH. (F. W.) 3fterftt)urbige bon $. 2B. @[;rlid)en Slbfunft, gottlofen £ebeii, unb gericfytlicfyen £obe, al3 eiue§ berlorueu unb ioieber gefunbcnen <Sol;n§. Philadelphia: Anthon Armbruester. 1764. 1955 THE | AUTHOR | of | Quaker Unmask'd, | strip'd | Start Naked, | Or The | Delineated | Presbyterian | Play'd | Hob With. | Philadelphia. | Printed \by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 12. n. s. p. 1956 Charges Franklin with the authorship of the Quaker Unmasked. [BARTON. (Thomas).] The | Conduct | of the | Paxton-Men, | impartially represented: | With some | Remarks | on the | Nar- rative. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Steuart. MDCCLXIV. | Second title: The Conduct of | The Paxton-Men, | Impartially represented; | The Distresses of the Frontiers, and the | Com- plaints and Sufferings of the People fully | stated; and the Methods recommended by the wisest | Nations, in such Cases, seriously consider'd. | With some | Remarks upon the Narrative, | Of the Indian-Massacre, lately publish'd. | Interspers'd with several interesting Anecdotes, relating to the | Military Genius, and Warlike Principles of the | People call'd Quakers : Together with proper Reflec- | tions and Advice upon the whole. | In a Letter from a Gentleman in one of the | Back-Counties, to a Friend in Philadelphia. | | | | | | . | | | | | | . | ... | .... | Philadel- phia : | Printed by A. Steuart, and sold by John Creaig, Shop- | keeper in Lancaster. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (2), 24. h. s. p. 1957 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 7 A | BATTLE! A Battle! | A Battle of Squirt, | Where no man is kill'd, | and no man is hurt! | To the Tune of three blue Beans, | in a blue Bladder; | Rattle Bladder Rattle. | To which is added, | The Quaker's Address, | And the | School-Boy's Answer | To an insolent Fellow | Who accus'd him of Stealing his Cherries. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | Sold by Edward Merefield, at the Corner of | Arch-Street, and opposite the Church-Burying- | Ground, in Philadelphia. 1764. | 8vo. pp. 20. The following title appears on page 17 : King Wampum. | Or | Harm Watch, | Harm Catch. | And the Lord departed from Is ... 1, | and hehold He went a Whore- | ing after his own Invention un- | til his abominable Iniquity was | found out. | [Printed by Anthony Arm- bruster.'] Sold by Edward Mer efield, at the Corner | ofi Arch-Street, and opposite the Church- [ Rurying-Ground, in Philadelphia. 1764. | A BATTLE! a Battle! a Battle a Squirt; | Where no Man is kill'd, and no Man is hurt! | To the Tune of | Three new blue Beans, in a new blue blown Bladder ; | rattle Bladder rattle Bladder! | To which is added, | The | Quaker's Address, versi- fy'd; | and | King Wampum, on Harm watch Harm | catch. | | | | | .-] Printed [fy/ Andrew Steuart\ and sold, at the Blue-Nose, near | Brazen-Nose-College, Ger- mantown. [1764.] | Sm. 12mo. pp. 11, (1), 1 Plate, n. s. p. 1959 The plate is an etching-probably by Jas. Claypoole-divided in two compart- ments, that to the left illustrative of "King Wumpum," and the other of "A battle, a battle," &c. The Paxton Boys are seen approaching from the country, and the Philadelphians, under the command of a Quaker, are drawn up to defend the Barracks, supported by a piece of artillery manned by Jos. Pox and another Quaker. Franklin stands on the right, exclaiming, "Fight Dog! fight Bear! you're both my Friends, By you I shall attain my Edns : For I can never be content till I have got the Government." BOSTWICK. (D.) A Fair and Rational Vindication, of the Right of Infants to the Ordinance of Baptism. By David Bost- wick, A.M. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 1960 THE BRITISH Plutarch; or Biographical Entertainer. Be- ing a Select Collection of the Lives at large of the most Emi- nent Men, Natives of Great Britain and Ireland; from the Reign of Henry VIII. to George II. Adorned with Copper Plates. In Six Volumes. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 1961 8 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 A CATECHISM for the use of the Baptist Churches. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1764. 1962 C. (G.) A | Little Looking-Glass | For the Times; | Or, | A brief Remembrancer | for | Pennsylvania. | Containing | Some serious Hints, affectionately addressed to People of | every Rank and Station in the Province : | With an Appendix, by Way of Supplication to | Almighty God. | By G. C. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 1963 THE | CHARTER, | Laws, | and | Catalogue of Books, | of the | Library Company | of | Philadelphia. | . . . . | Philadel- phia : | Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. | M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo, pp. 1-26, 1-150. h. s. p. 1964 THE | CHEAT Unmask'd: | Being | A Refutation | Of that Illegitimate | Letter, | Said to be wrote by | A Clergyman in Town: | In a true Copy of | A Letter | from that | Clergyman to his Friend. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Henry Miller] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo pp. 8. l. c. p. 1965 THE CLOVEN Foot Discovered. Ephrata. 1764. + Phila- delphia : Andrew Steuart. 1764. 1966 A CONFERENCE between the D[evi]l and Doctor D[ov]e. | Together with the Doctor's Epitaph on himself. | [Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1967 Headed by a copper plate. A CONFESSION of Faith. Adopted by the Philadelphia Baptist Association. 1742. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1764. A | DECLARATION | and | Remonstrance | Of the distressed and bleeding Frontier Inhabitants | Of the Province of Penn- sylvania, | Presented by them to the Honourable the Governor and | Assembly of the Province, | Shewing the | Causes | Of their late Discontent and Uneasiness and the | Grievances | Under which they have laboured, and which they humbly pray 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 9 to | have redress'd. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by William Bradford] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. 18. h. s. p. 1969 DELAWARE. Anno Quarto | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly begun at | New-castle, in the Government of the Counties | of New-castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Dela- | ware, the Twentieth Day of October, in the | Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George the Third, King of Great-Britain, | &c. Annoque Domini 1763, and continued by | Adjournments till the Thirty-first Day of March | follow- ing, The following Acts were passed by | the Honourable John Penn, Esq., Governor; | [Wilmington: James Adams, 1764.] Folio, pp. 83-97. + Anno Quinto | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly begun | at New-castle, | | in the | Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George the Third, . . . | . . . 1764, The | following Act was passed | | [IW.] pp. 99-106. l. 1970 | ©ggjj £errn (Buvernbr | unb bet fammlung | bet | iibergebene | (Srftarung | unb | | von ben | bebrdngten unb in £obe3gefafyr ftefyenben | Ginivotmern an ben ©renjen biefer proving: | SBorin | bie Urfadjen | itjrer lebtfyeringen | Unjufriebenfyeit unb Summers | angejeigt tverben: | <5amt ben | Sefdjiverungen, | bie fie auSgeftanben fyaben, unb um beren Slbfcfjaffung | fie unterttjdnig bitten. | 2lu3 bem Snglifcfyen uberfefct I [Philadelphia .•] Gedruckt [bey Henrich Miller] im Jahr 1764. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 1971 A translation of No. 1969, supra. A | DIALOGUE, | Between | Andrew Trueman, | And | Thomas Zealot; | About the killing the Indians | At | Can- nestogoe | And | Lancaster. | Printed at Ephesus. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764.] Sm. 8vo. pp, 7. h. s. p. 1972 A | DIALOGUE, | Between | Andrew Trueman, | and | Thomas Zealot; | About the killing the Indians | At Cannestogoe | And | Lancaster. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. n. y. h. s. 1973 The copy in the New York Historical Society shows traces of an imprint, which has had the ink wiped from the type before printing. II.-2 10 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 A | DIALOGUE, | Containing some Reflections on the late | Declaration and Remonstrance, | Of the Back-Inhabitants of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | With a serious and short Address, to those | Presbyterians, who (to their dishonor) have | too much abetted, and conniv'd at the late | Insurrection. | By a Member of that Community. | . . . | . . . | ... | .... | Philadelphia, printed,: | [by Andrew Steuart] And sold by all the Pamphlet-sellers. M,DCC,LXIV. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 1974 DICKINSON. (J.) "Last Tuesday morning Mr. Galloway carried a writing containing some reflections on me, to a printer in this city, .... [Philadelphia: Printed by W. Bradford. 1764.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 1975 A reply to the broadside published by Galloway, signed John Dickinson, and dated September 29. DICKINSON. Ginc | 91etc, | gefyalten | in bcm £aufe ber bcr iprotnnj | am 24teu 9Jialy 1764. | 93mi | ©idiufou, | einem ber TOglieber be3 fur | Gauntly | Jkl; Giclegeufyeit einer 33ittfd;riftz bie auf 23efetd be§ | aufgefefct, unb bamate in Ueberlegung genonv | men mar, morin Seine $dniglid)e Tlajeftat urn eine | SSeranberung be£ ®uvernement£ biefer er; | fud;t mirb. | 9JHt einer $orrebe | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | 2Iu§ bem Gnglifd;en fiber; fe(jt, uad) ber jmetyten 2Iuflage. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich | Miller, in der Zwey ten-Strasse. [1764.] | 8vo. pp. xvi, 35. DICKINSON. A | Reply | To a Piece called | the | Speech | Of Joseph Galloway, Esquire. | By | John Dickinson. | . . . | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, | At his Book-Store, in Market-street, adjoining the | London Coffee-House, M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. iv, 45, xiii. DICKINSON. A | Speech, | Delivered in the House of As- sembly of the Province of | Pennsylvania, May 24th, 1764. | By John Dickinson, Esq; | One of the Members for the County of Philadelphia. | On Occasion of a Petition, drawn up by Order, and then | under Consideration, of the House; praying His Majesty for a | Change of the Government of this Province. 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 11 | With a Preface. | | | | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at his | Book-Store adjoining the London Coffee-House. | M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. xii, 30. + The Second Edition. [Ibid.\ 8vo. pp. xv, 30. h. s. p. 1978 DOCK. (C.) <Sd)uk£)rbnung. $on German- town: Christoph Saur. 1764. 8vo ? pp. 54. 1979 Title from Haven's List. See No. 2522, infra., which according to Mr. S. W. Pennypacker, is the earliest edition of Dock's Rules. [DODSLEY. (Robert)] Fragments of the Chronicles of Kathan Ben Saddi. Constantinople, 5707. Philadelphia: 1764. 1980 Title from Haven's List. [DOVE. (David James)] The | Quaker unmask'd; | or | Plain Truth: | Humbly address'd to the Consideration of all the | Freemen of Pennsylvania. | . . . | .... | ... | ... . | Phila- delphia: | Printed [6y Andrew Steuart] in the Year of our Lord, M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 15. h. s. p. 1981 Attributed to Franklin. See No. 1956, supra. The real author's name has been ascertained from contemporaneous memorandum on the title page of a copy in the " Moravian Archives" at Bethlehem. [DOVE.] The | Quaker unmask'd; | or, | Plain Truth: | Humbly address'd to the Consideration of all the | Freemen of Pennsylvania. | ... | .... | ... | .... | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, in | Second-Street. 1764. | 16mo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 1982 The last page contains a list of fifteen pamphlets relating to the Paxton Boys to be sold by the printer. THE ELECTIOK a Medley, Humbly Inscribed to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrility. | Philadelphia: 1764. Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1983 Engraved on copper, with a view of the election at the top. 12 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 AN ESSAY on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Great Britain in North America. Philadelphia: 1764. 1984 See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 22970. [ESTEN. (Cornelius)] To the Public. [Philadelphia: 1764.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 1985 Against bribery. Contains two pages of doggerel verse. tnerfinurbige , betreffenbe bie $erft>ed)f elung beg Governments, geridjtct an bie beutfcfyen (Siulvol;ner bcr ]3cn= ftylfcanien. Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Anton Armbruster in der Aert- Strasse. 1764. 1986 Title from Seidenstreker's Bibliography. EXPLANATORY Remarks on the Assembly's | Resolves, published in the Pennsylvania Gazette, No. 1840. | [Philadel- phia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764.] Folio, pp. 2. h. s. p. 1987 In support of the Assembly's resolution asking for the substitution of a Royal for the Proprietary Government of the Province. FINLEY. (S.) The successful Minister of Christ dis- | tinguished in Glory. | A | Sermon, | Occasioned by the Death of the Reverend | Mr. Gilbert Tennent, | Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Congre- | gation, in Philadelphia. | Preached on the 2d Day of September, 1764. | By Samuel Finley, D.D. | President of the College of New-Jersey. | ... | .... | Phila- delphia. | Printed and Sold by William Brad- | ford, at his Book- Store in Market-Street, | adjoining the London Coffee-House. | M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. 28, xv, xvi. c. 1988 Dr. Finley's Sermon is followed by " A | Funeral | Eulogy, | Sacred to the Memory of the late Reverend | Gilbert Tennent, A.M. | Pastor of the Second Pres- byterian Church in | Philadelphia." | pp. xvi. " Wrote by a young Gentleman of Philadelphia." FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1765. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington; James Adams. 1764. 1989 [FRANKLIN. (Benjamin)] Cool Thoughts | on the | Present Situation I of our I Public Affairs. I In a Letter to a Friend in the 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 13 Country. | Philadelphia: | Printed by W. Dunlap. M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 1990 First published as a Supplement to the Pennsylvania Journal, No. 1116, Ap'l 26, 1764. [FRANKLIN.] Cool Thoughts | on the present | Situation | of our | Public Affairs. | In a Letter to a Friend in the Country. [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by A. Steuart at the Bible-in- | Heart. M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 20. n. y. h. s. 1991 [FRANKLIN.] A | Narrative | of the late | Massacres, | in | Lancaster County, | of a | Number of Indians, | Friends of this Province, | By Persons Unknown. | With some Observations on the same. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. 31. ii. s. p. 1992 FRANKLIN, proteftation | gegen bie SefteUung | .Sperm Senjamin $rantlinS git einent Slgenten fur | biefe Probing. | [Followed by] merfungen | fiber eine neulicbe | protection | gegen bie SefteUung | .Sperm Senjamin gu einem Slgenten fur | biefe probing. | [ Ger- mantown: Christoph Saur. 1764.] Folio, pp. (4). The Protest occupies the first page, the other three being filled with Franklin's Remarks upon it. [FRANKLIN.] Remarks | on a late | Protest | Against the Appointment of | Mr. Franklin an Agent | for this Province. | [Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1764.] 8vo. pp. 7. ii. s. p. 1994 GALLOWAY. (J.) ©ie | 9iebe, | £errn (BattomapS, | eineS ber SUitglieber beS $aufeS fur | Sauntp, | Bur SeanL mortung | ©er SRebe melcpe £r. Botm ©idinfon | gepalten | im $aufe ber Slffemblp ber probing | Pennfplbanien, am 24ten Diab, 1764. | Sep (Belegenpeit enter Sittfcprift, melcpe auf Sefepl | beS $aufeS aufgefe£t, unb bamalS in Ueberlegung ge= | nommen mar, morin Seine $bnig= licpe Wiajeftat urn | ein anftatt beS proprietors (Bus | bernements erfudjt mirb. | 9Rit einer Sorrebe. | ... | ... | .... | 2luS bent Cnglifcfien iiberfebt. | Gedruckt und zu finden 14 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 bey Henrich | Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. [1764.] | 8vo. pp. xliv, (4), 46. 1995 GALLOWAY. The | Speech | Of | Joseph Galloway, Esq; | One of the Members for Philadelphia County: | In Answer | To the Speech of John Dickinson, Esq; | Delivered in the House of Assembly, of the | Province of Pennsylvania, May 24, 1764. | On Occasion of a Petition drawn up by Order, and | then under the Consideration of the House; | praying his Majesty for a Royal, in lieu of | a Proprietary Government. | . . . . | Phila- delphia: | Printed and sold by W. Dunlap, in Market-street. | MDCCLXIV. | 8vo. pp. xxxv, (3), 45. + The Second Edition. GALLOWAY. To the | Public. | Philadelphia, September 29, 1764. | [Philadelphia: 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1997 Galloway's answer to Dickinson's charge that his Speech of May 24 was never spoken. I I Wlagajien, | Dber: | 2Iu3 ben Scfyaben ber <Sd)rifftge(e£;r= | ten jum gelefyrt, bargereidjteS | 2Ilte§ unb BieueS. | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1764. | 8vo. h. s. p. 1998 Collation. Title 1 1. Preface, pp. (4) Magazein pp. 406. (Numbers 1-50.) Register pp. (4) Herlichkeit Gottes in der Natur, aus Pf. 104. pp. (4). The first religious periodical printed in America. It ceased to appear in 1770. (BCSJtSll© | BBarnung | gegen bie | Socfbogel, | ©amt einer 2InL ivort auf bie anbere SInrebe | an bie beutfcfye $ret;balter ber Stabt unb | County bon z | burdj Germanicus | . . . . | Philadrl- phia, gedruckt im Jahr 1764. | 8vo. pp. 15. h. s. p. 1999 HABERMANN. (J.) (Sfyrif'tlidje | Bkorgens unb | Blbenb (Bebater, | 2luf atte £age in ber SBocfyen, | ©urd) | D. 3jofk Habermann. | Saint anbern fcfybnen | (Bebatern, | 2Bie and) | D. BleumannS | Stern alter (Bebat unb | fdjbnen | 9Jlorgen= Slbcnb? u. anbern | fiiebern. | Germanton: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey | Christoph Saur. 1764. | 24mo. 62, 55. 2000 HAYES. (R.) The Negociator's Magazine: Or the Most Authentic Account yet published of the Monies, Weights and 1764 15 IN PENNSYLVANIA Measures, of the Principal Places of Trade in the known World. By Richard Hayes. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2001 AN | HISTORICAL | Account, | of the late | Disturbance, | between the Inhabitants; | Of the Back | Settlements; | Of Penn- sylvania, | and the Philadelphians, &c. | Impartially related by a well Wisher. | Printed at Pome, by A. 8. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2002 This was the second edition. I have not met with the first. AN | HISTORICAL | Account, | of the late | Disturbance, | between the Inhabitants | Of the Back | Settlements; | Of Penn- sylvania, | and the Philadelphians, &c. | Impartially related by a well Wisher. | gggr The Second Edition, may be called a Pira- | cy. I said Printed at Rome; I meant | nothing but + Printed in Second - Street, by | Andrew Steuars - Stockfish. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in | Moravian-Alley. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2003 SBeftyreibung Von ben fiefctyin ge= ftyefyenen Unntyen giviftyen ben @imvo(mern b. 'jpenntylvanien u. benen ju . . . aug bem Sngliftyen ing Philadelphia, gedruckt bey Anton Arm- bruester. 1764. Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. 2004 | Olatyrityt | von bem | neulity in fiancafter ©aunty burty unbefante | auggefityrten | 331utbabe | uber eine | Slnjafyl 3nbianer, | meltye $reunbe biefer tvaren. | 2JMt einigen fyinju gefiigten | 2lnmertungen. | Slug bem Sngliftyen uberfefct. | [Ephrata?] G-edruckt im Jahr 1764. | 8vo. pp. 31. h. s. p. 2005 ©@91 | | SImericaniftye | ©alenber, | 2Iuf bag 3a(;r | . . . | . . . | 1765. | (SBeltyeg ein gemein bon 365 £agen ift.) | | | | | | | ... | ... | . . . | . . . . | Bum fieben unb tyjanfcigften mal fyeraug gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . . [1764.] 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2006 16 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 [HUNT. (Isaac) ] A | Letter | From a Gentleman | in | Transilvania | To his Friend in America giving some Account | of the late disturbances that have happen'd in that | Govern- ment ; with some Remarks upon the | political revolutions in the Magistracy, and the | Debates that happened about the change. | Humbly inscribed to Counsellor Quondam | By his Friend | Isaac Bickerstaff, of the Middle Temple. | | | | | | | | | New-York, [Philadelphia:'] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 12. 2007 JOHNSON. (J.) The | Advantages and Disadvantages | of the | Marriage-State, | As entered into with | Religious or Irreligious Persons: | Represented under the Similitude of a | Dream. | By the Reverend Mr. John Johnson. | The Seventh Edition. | Phila- delphia : | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the Bible-in-Heart, in | Second- street : M,DCC,LXIV. | ... | .... | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. f. 2008 KINNERSLY. (E.) A | Course | of | Experiments, | In that curious and entertaining Branch of | Natural Philosophy, called | Electricity; | Accmpanied with explanatory Lectures: | In which Electricity and Lightning, will | be proved to be the same Thing. | By Ebenezer Kinnersley, M.A. | Professor of English and Oratory, | in the College and Academy of | Phila- delphia. | [Philadelphia;] Printed by A. Armbruster, MDCCLXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2009 | 2Bie fie ju 9iom au§ SBefefyl an ber £anfcleV=£fyur ftefyet. | [Ephrata: 1764?] Folio, 1 leaf. a. s. p. 2010 A | LETTER | From a Clergyman in Town; | Vindicating himself against the | Malevolent Aspersions | Of a late Pamphel- teer Letter-Writer. | [Philadelphia:] Printed [by Andrew Steuart] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2011 Relates to the Rev. Wm. McClanachan, and in part to the Paxton Boys. A | LETTER | from | A Gentleman | at | Elizabeth-Town, | to his Friend in | New-York. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Steuart, MDCCLXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. a. s. p. 2012 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 17 A reply to Charles Read's Letter to John Ladd, in defence of the Paxton Men. Signed W. P., which, from its tone, might stand for " Wrathy Presbyterian." A | LETTER, | from | Batista Angeloni, | Who resided many Years in London, | To his Friend | Manzoni. | Wherein the Quakers are politically and religiously | considered. | To which is added, | The Cloven-Foot discovered. | . . . . | Printed at Caro- lina : | [Philadelphia: ?] And sold by Edward Mer efield, at the Comer of | Arch-street, and opposite the Church Burying-Ground, | in Philadelphia. [1764?] | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2013 A | LETTER, | from | Batista Angeloni, | Who resided many Years in London, | To his Friend | Manzoni. | Wherein the Quakers are politically and religiously | considered. | To which is added, | The Cloven - Foot discovered. | . . . . | Ephrata : | Re-printed, and sold by several Store-Keepers in the | County of Lan- caster. [1764.] | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2014 LOCKE. (J.) A | Letter | Concerning | Toleration. | By John Locke, Gent. | The Fourth Edition. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, in Market- | street. 1764. | 16mo. pp. 77. f. 2015 | 2Barnung§gefang | ben | | Dber | 91btl;ige | ber fogenannten | ©etreuen SBarnung gegen bie Sodvbgel, :c | Gedruckt [bey Henrich Miller] am 29ten September, im Jahr 1764. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 8. 2016 (Numb. I.) A | LOOKING-GLASS | for | Presbyterians. | Or | A brief Examination of their Loyalty, Merit, | and other Qualifications for Government. | With some Animadversions on the Quaker | unmask'd. | Humbly Address'd to the Consideration | of the Loyal Freemen of | Pennsylvania. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed [by Anthony Arm- bruster] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | 8vo. pp. 18. H. s. p. 2017 A | LOOKING - GLASS, | for | Presbyterians. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | [Cut.] [Philadelphia .•] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster.] in the Year MDCCXLIV. [1764] | 8vo. pp. 43. h. s. p. 2018 ii.-3 18 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 Title 1 leaf. Dedication 1 leaf. A Looking-Glass, &c., Numb. I. pp. 5 to 12. Numb. II. pp. 13 to 23. Appendix. The Substance of a Council ... at Lancaster, August the 28th 1764 by . . . Presbyterian Ministers, . . . pp. [27] to 34. A Dia- logue between a Churchman and a Presbyterian pp. 35-38 ; Letter from a Gentle- man in Transylvania: pp. 38-43. Perhaps by Isaac Hunt. MARKHAM, (J.) and G. JEFFERIES. The | Citizen and Countryman's | experienced | Farrier. | Containing, | I. The most best approved Method of Ordering, Dieting, Ex- | ercising, Purg- ing, Scouring, and Cleansing of Horses; Al- | so choice Restora- tives to chear the Heart, procure an Appe- | tite, and to clear the Lungs and Pipes, so as to strengthen | Wind, and give large Breath to the Running or Race-Horse. | II. A certain sure Method to know the true State of any | Horse's Body, as to Sickness or Health. | III. The true Shape of a Horse explained : With choice Di- | rections for buying. | IV. An experienced and approved Method for Raising of Horses, | as to Ordering, Keep- ing, &c. Also Mares, Colts and Stali- | ons. | V. A Sure and certain Rule to know the Age of any Horse, from | one Year to ten, with good Observations as he further ad- | vances in Years. | VI. The best and experienced Way of keeping the common | Hackney, or Hunting Horse, so as to keep him lively, chear- | ful, free from Colds, Strains, Windgalls, and gross Hu- | mours. | VII. An approved Method of Purging, Bleeding and Feeding | Cattle; with choice approved Receipts for the Diseases they | are incident to; with Signs to know the Disease, and Direc- | tions for the Use of Medicines. | To all which is added, | A valuable and fine Collection of the surest and best Receipts | in the known World for the Cure of all Maladies and Distem- | pers that are incident to Horses of what Kind soever, with Di- | rec- tions to know what is the Ailment, or Disease. | By J. Markham, G. Jefferies, and | Discreet Indians. | London, Printed; and, | Wilmington, Re-printed, and Sold by James | Adams, at his Printing- Office, 1764. | 16mo. pp. 364. h. s. p. 2019 THE | MAY Be | Or Some | Observations | Occasion'd by reading a Speech deliver'd in | the House of Assembly, the 24th of May | last, by a certain eminent Patriot. | ... | .... | . . . 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 19 Philadelphia: | Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Arch - street. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7. h. s. p. 2020 91CII s Slmericaniffyer Calenber, auf bag iyafyr 1765. Philadelphia: Anton Armbruester. 1764. 2021 976'U® | SInrebe | an bie | ®eutfd;en | in | bilabetyfna ©aunty, 2C. | . . . . [Philadelphia.-] Gedruckt [bey II. Miller] zur Zeit und in dem Jahr, | Da einer wider'n andern war. [1764.] | 4to. pp. (4). h. s. p. 2022 33erbefferte= unb 3uverlctyige 2Imericanifd;e Calenber 2luf bag 1765[te (tyrifti. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1764. 2023 THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | Jan- uary 1, 1764. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2024 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2025 NORCOTT. (J.) Baptism | discovered, | Plainly and Faith- fully, according to | the Word of God. | Agreeable to the Glorious Pattern given by our | Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. | To the Ex- amples of Thousands baptized | after they believed. | Recorded in Sacred Scripture. | By John Norcott, | A Servant of Jesus Christ, and of His Church. | The Fifth Edition, with Amendments. | Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the Bible-in- | Heart, in Second-Street. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 47, (1). 2026 OBSERVATIONS | On a late | Epitaph, | In a Letter from a Gentleman in the | Country, | To his Friend in Philadelphia : | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Arch- street, | by whom all Manner of Printing-work is | done, both in Eng- lish and German, with | the greatest Accuracy and Expedition. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2027 THE ORIGINAL States of Thirty One Baptist Churches whose Messengers An- | nually meet in Association at Phila- delphia. | [Philadelphia: 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. ' 2028 20 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 THE | PAXTON BOYS, | a | Farce. | Translated from the Original French, | By a Native of Donegall. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year, MDCCLXIV. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2029 THE | PAXTON Boys, | A | Farce. | Translated from the Original | French, | By a Native of Donegall. | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Anthony Armbruster, | at the German and English Printing- | Office; in Mor avian-Alley. 1764. | 16mo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 2030 THE | PAXTON Boys, | a | Farce. | Translated from the Original French, | By a Native of Donegall. | [n. p. 1764?] 8vo. pp. 8. c. 2031 This reprint of the preceding is without a title page, and may not be from any press in Pennsylvania. The only copy I have seen is in the Library of Congress. THE PAXTON Expedition. Inscribed to the Author of the Farce, by H. D. | [Philadelphia: 1764.] l. c. p. 2032 A copper plate, representing the citizens of Philadelphia at the Court House in arms to repel the Paxton Boys. With six doggerel verses. THE | PAXTONIADE. | A | Poem. | By Christopher Gym- nast, Esq; | With the Prolegomena and Exercitations of | Scriblerus. | [Philadelphia:] Printed [6y Anthony Armbruster,] in the Year, 1764. | Sm. 4to. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2033 THE | PAXTONIADE. | A | Poem. | By Christopher Gym- nast, Esq; | With the Prolegomana and Exercitations of | Scriblerus. | The Second Edition. | Printed word for word, from the first Grand Edition. | Philadelphia: Printed and sold by | John Morris, opposite the three Reapers in Third-street. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2034 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 2035 Numbers 1828 (Jan. 5, 1764) to 1879 (Dec. 27, 1764), four pages each, with extra sheets of four pages to Numbers 1842, and 1843. Title and Imprint as in No. 1232, supra. 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 21 THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. h. s. p. 2036 Numbers 1100 (Jan. 5, 1764) to 1151 (Dec. 27, 1764), four pages each, with extra half sheets of two pages each to Numbers 1100, 1101, 1108-1110, 1112-1115, 1118- 1123, 1126-1130, 1138, 1140-1145, 1150 and 1151, and a "Supplement" of two pages to No. 1116. Title and imprint as in No. 1693, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1765. Phila- delphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2037 A PETITION to the King. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764. 2038 Hall says 300 copies were printed by the firm. No doubt a petition for revocation of the Proprietary Charter. PIKE. (S.) and S. HAYWARD. Important Cases of Con- science Answered at the Casuistical Lecture, in Little St. Helen's Bishopgate Street. By Samuel Pike and Samuel Hayward. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2039 THE | PLOT. | By way of a | Burlesk, | To turn F[rankli]n out of the Assembly; between | II [ockley]. and P [ugh]; Proprietary Officers, being two | of the Wiser [Conrad Weiser] Sort. | [Philadelphia: Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year 1764. | Narrow folio, 1 leaf. 2040 POWELL. (T.) The Writing Master's Assistant. By Thomas Powell. Philadelphia ? 1764. 2041 A PRIMER; Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764. In a statement of account rendered Franklin by Hall, it is said that between 1749 and 1765, thirty-five thousand one hundred Primers were printed. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esq; | Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, | and Counties of New- Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. [1764.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 2043 A proclamation against the " Paxton Boys," dated January 2, 1764. 22 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 PROCLAMATION. [Boy al Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esq; | Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, | and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. [1764.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 2044 Proclamation offering rewards for Indian scalps, &c., dated July 7, 1764. "For every Male Indian Enemy above Ten years old, who shall be taken prisoner 150 Spanish Dollars. For every Female Indian Enemy, and every Male under Ten years 130 Pieces of Eight. And for the Scalp of every Male Indian Enemy above the age of Ten years, produced as Evidence of their being killed 134 Pieces of Eight, and for the Scalp of every Female Indian Enemy above the age of Ten years, 50 Pieces of Eight." PSALTERSPIEL. ©a§ Heine. | ©abibifdje | ipfalterfyiel | ©er | $inber | | 2Ilten unb Sicuen | (Shifted® efangen 2IUcn ivafyren | :begieri; | gen Oanglingen ber 2Bei£l;eit, | Bn; fonberfyeit aber | ©enen ©emeinben be3 £errn, gum | ©ienft unb ©ebraud) niit $lcifi jufammen | getragen, | Unb in $orm | unb ©rbnung, | Diebft einem boppelten, nufclidien unb ber | SKaterien fyalben notligen, | Siegifter, | Bunt britten mat an§ £id;t gegeben. | Ger- mantown, gedruckt bey Christoph Sauer, 1764. 12mo. pp. (6), 570, (24), 4. h. s. p. 2045 THE | QUAKER Vindicated; | or, | Observations | on | A late Pamphlet, | entituled, | The Quaker Unmask'd, | or, | Plain Truth. | | | | | | | | | . \Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Andrew Steuart] in the Year MDCCLXIV. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2046 THE | QUAKERS Assisting | To preserve the Lives of the Indians in the | Barracks, | Vindicated | And proved to be con- sistant with Reason, agreeable | to our Law, hath an inseperable Connection | with the Law of God, and exactly agreeable with | the Principles of the People call'd Quakers. | | | . | ... | .... | Philadelphia: Printed by Anthony Armbruster, | in Moravian Alley, 1764. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2047 THE | QUAKERS | Assisting, | To preserve the Lives of the Indians, in the | Barracks, vindicated : Shewing | wherein, the 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 23 Author of the Quaker Un- | mask'd, hath turned King's Evi- dence; im- | peached himself, and cleared the Quakers | from all the heavy Charges he hath Publish- | ed against them. | . . . | | | | | | . | Number II. | Phila- delphia: | Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MDCCLXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 12. l. c. p. 2048 BAND ALL. ([John]) The Semi - Virgilian Husbandry, de- duced from various experiments: Or, an Essay towards a new Course of National Farming. By Mr. Randall. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2049 READ. (C.) Copy of a | Letter | From Charles Read, Esq; | To | The Hon : John Ladd, Esq; | And his Associates, Justices of the Peace for the | County of Gloucester. | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Andrew | Steuart, at the Bible-in-Heart, in Second- street, | (Price 3 old Pennies.') 1764. | 8vo. pp. 8.+The Second Edition. h. s. p. 2050 READ. Copy of a | Letter | From Charles Read, Esq; | To | The Hon: John Ladd, Esq; | And his Associates, Justices of the Peace for | the County of Gloucester. | The Third Edition. | [Cut] | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the Bible-in- | Heart, in Second-street. M,DCC,LXIV. | Of whom may be had, all the Pamphlets that | have been publish'd on the same Subjects. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. n. y. h. s. 2051 her STeutfdjien ©efettfdmft in Ger- mantown. Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur. 1764. 8vo. pp. 8. 2052 REMARKS | on the | Quaker Unmask'd; | Or Plain Truth found to be Plain Falshood: | Humbly address'd to the Candid. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by John Morris, oppo- | site the Three Reapers, in Third-Street. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2053 REMARKS | Upon The | Delineated Presbyterian | Play'd Hob With; | or | Clothes | For a | Stark Naked | Author. | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Anthony Armbruster, | at 24 1764 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS the German and English Printing- | Office; in Moravian- Alley. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. n. s. p. 2054 ROUSSEAU, (J. J.) Emilius and Sophia: Or, A New System of Education. Translated from the French of Mr. J. J. Rous- seau, Citizen of Geneva. By the Translator of Eloisa. In Four Volumes. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764. 2055 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket | Almanack | For the Year 1765. | Fitted to Use of Penn- | sylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | With several useful Additions. | By R. Saunders, Phil. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by B. Franklin, | and D. Hall. [1764.] | 24mo. pp. (24). c. 2056 Hall says the number of Pocket Almanacs printed for the years 1752 to 1765, inclusive, was 25,735. SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Al- manack | ... | ... [... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | . . . | ... | For the | Year of our Lord 1765: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | | | | | | . J . . . | . . . | . . . . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). According to Hall statement of the partnership account, 141,257 Poor Richard's Almanacs were printed for the years 1752 to 1765, inclusive. [SAUR. (Christopher)] ©3?i© I 3U biefer fyocfyftnbttnge SBarnung unb ©rinnerung an bie frepc ©inivobner ber | ftylvanien von ©inem, bcm bie SBofylfalnt be£ £anbe3 angelegen unb barauf bebad)t ift. | [ Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1764.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2058 A | SCENE | in the first Act | of the new | Farce. | Published as a Specimen. | . . . . | [Philadelphia:] Printed: | [by Anthony Arm- bruster] Tn the first Year of the New Hegira | Secundus, the Paxtonian Expedition. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. L. c. p. 2059 THE | SCRIBLER | Being a | Letter | From a Gentleman in Town | To his | Friend in the Country, | concerning the present State of Public | Affairs; | with a | Lapidary Character. | . . . . 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 25 | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MDCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 2060 This is a reply to the epitaph on Franklin, and concludes with an imitation of it in a " Lapidary Character" of Dr. Wm. Smith. Srtyabenften Tiajeftat | im 9tatf>z | nafye ficfy | 5Diefe bemutfyigfte 33orftettung unb Sitte | bon | Seiner SJlajeftat gefyorfamfbgetreuen Untertfyanen, ben fretyen | Sunvoiniern ber | [Philadelphia: Anton Armbruester. 1764.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2061 A | SERIOUS | Address, | To | Such of the Inhabitants of | Pennsylvania, | As have cannived at, or do approve of, the | late Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster; | or the Design of killing those who are | now in the Barracks at Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] for the Author, 1764. | 16mo. pp. 12.4-The Second Edition. ii. s. p. 2062 A SERIOUS | Address, | To such of the Inhabitants of | Pennsylvania, | As have connived at, or do approve of, the | late Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster, | or the Design of killing those who are now | in the Barracks at Philadelphia. | Re-printed from the First Edition (printed by Mr. | Armbruster) and diligently compared and revised with | the same. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in-Heart, in Second- street, 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2063 A SERIOUS | Address, | To such of the | Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, | As have connived at, or do approve of, the late | Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster; or the | Design of kill- ing those who are now in the Bar- | racks at Philadelphia. | The Demand for this Piece has been so great, that this Fourth | Edition is call'd for in a few Days! | To which is now added, | A Dialogue between | Andrew Trueman and Thomas Zealot, | About the killing the Indians at Connestogoe and Lancaster. | (An Excellent Piece !) | Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, in | Second-street. M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2064 THE | SQUABBLE, | a | Pastoral Eclogue. | By Agricola. | ii.-4 26 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 The Second Edition. | [Philadelphia.•] Printed [by Anthony Arm- bruster] in the Year MDCCLXIV. | 4to. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2065 THE | SQUABBLE; | A | Pastoral Eclogue. | By Agricola. | With a curious and well-design'd Frontispiece. | Printed [from The First Edition.') | By Andrew Steuart, in Second-street, Phila- delphia. [1764.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2066 The Frontispiece, which, by the way, is on page 4, is a rude metal cut representing " Thyrsis, with a Pr*sb*t*rian Nose," and " Corin, with a Q**k*ronian Nose." STEUART. (A.) The Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket Al- manac for 1765. By Andrew Steuart. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1764. 2067 THE | SUBSTANCE, | of a | Council | Held at Lancaster August the 28th 1764. By | a Committee of Presbyterian Min- isters | and Elders deputed from all Parts of Penn- | sylvania, in order to settle the ensuing E- | lection of Members for the Assembly. | Published, | At the Request of their respective | Congregations. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MDCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 19. l. c. p. 2068 THE SYNOD of New York and Philadelphia vindicated. In a Reply to Mr. Samuel Harker's Appeal to the Christian World. By a Member of the Synod. Philadelphia: William Dunlap, 1764. 2069 Soofungen bet Sriiber (Sememe fur ba§ Satyr 1765. 2070 Henry Miller printed 400 copies of an index, of about twelve pages, to the edition printed in Germany. [TERSTEEGEN. (Gerhard)] | 2lntyangen | an (Sott, | etn | Unterrictyt | be3 | 2l(bertu§ SJtagnug, | getoefenen Sifctyoff3 | ju | 9iegen£>burg. | Germantown gedruckt bey | Christoph Saur, 1764. | Sm. 16mo. pp. (7), 56. h. s. p. 2071 [Penn Arms.] TO the | Commissioners | and | Assessors, | 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 27 of | Chester County, | for the Year 1764. | [ Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2072 A return of the tax paper in doggerel verse, in double columns. TO the | Freeholders | and | Electors | Of the City and County of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764.] Folio, pp. 2. l. c. p. 2073 An Anti-Franklin election address. TO the Freeholders and other Electors for the City | and County of Philadelphia, and Counties of Chester and | Bucks. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1764.] Folio, pp. (2). An Anti-Proprietory election address. TO the | Freemen | of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2075 An attack upon the new " Militia Law," dated Sept. 28, 1764. TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1765. By John Tobler. Wilmington: James Adams. 1764. 2076 TRUE Copy of a | Letter, | from a | Member of St. P[au]l's, | to an | Intimate Friend: | Shewing the real Source from which | the present Wranglings in that Congre- | gation have sprung. | ;] Printed [fy/ Andrew Steuart] in the Year M,DCC,LXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2077 THE | TRUE QUAKER, | Reproving the | False One. | Or | Them that would be counted | Quakers, and are not: | So set forth | By John Buffin, former Bookseller | in the Jerseys, and Pennsylvania. | Being his Third Impresion. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia, printed [by Anthony Armbruster] for the Author accord- | ing to Copy. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 17. l. c. p. 2078 TUNES | in | Three Parts, | For the several metres in Dr. Watts's | version of the Psalms; some of which tunes | are new. This Collection of tunes is | made from the works of eminent 28 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 mas- | tors; consisting of six tunes for short me- | tre; eight for common metre; seven for | long metre; and a tune for each special | metre. | To which are added the gamut, with | directions to learners of music. | The second adition, Price Is. 6d. stitched. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Arch-Street, 1764. | 12mo. pp. viii, 43, (1). h. s. p. 2079 THE | UNIVERSAL | Peace-Maker, | or | Modern Author's | Instructor. | By Philanthropos. | Philadelphia: Printed by Anthony Armbruster | in Moravian Alley, 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 15. 2080 33M ber | | ®eg | 2lpoftolifcf>en | 3el;eu SBiidjer, | SBie fie ber Abdias anfanglid; in ber 4xbrdifd)er | Spracfye be- fdjriebeu, ©utropiug abet ing ©riedjifcfye | unb Slfricanug ing £ateiuifd;e iiberfefcte l;abcn, | 2Beld?en bann Wolfgangus Lazius aug alten Seri | = | benten aud; betygefuget l;at | ©ag Seben beg Slpoftelg Matthaei | unb beg fyeiligen SJlarci, Slementig, Cipriani unb | 2Ipot= linarig; | Dhmmeljro fitr einige unpaffionirte fiieblfaber SBatndjeit ing ©eutfd;e | uberfefcet; Slebft etlicben | 9kerdmiirbigen Sieben $efu, bie man | jmar nid;t in ben ©vangelien, aber bep anbern bemdprten | Scribenten finbet: | Slud; ber Smarter = ®efd;id;te ber peiligen unb l;od>= berufymten erften Skartprin unb | Slpoftolifdjen Jungfrau Specla. | Vormals in Amsterdam; nun aber in Ephrata ge- | druckt durch die Briiderschaffit auf Kosten der | Bruder in Canegotshiken, im Jahr 1764. | 16mo. 388, 52. 2081 Appended to this work, with separate paging (1-52), but continuous signatures, is the Gospel of Nicodemus, which has the following title: Des | Jiingers Nicodemi | Evangelium | von unsers Meisters und | Hey lands Jesu Christi Ley- | den und Auferstehung. | Ephrata: | Gedruckt im Jahr MDCCLXIV. | 16mo. pp. 52. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1763, and continued by Adjournments. | Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall, at the | New Printing-Office near the Market. MDCCLXIV. | Folio, pp. 113. h. s. p. 2082 WEATHER WISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1764 IN PENNSYLVANIA 29 1765. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: William Dunlap. 1764. 2083 WHEREAS the Number of poor in and around this City, is at | present great, and every Year increasing; and as for want of Employment, many | of them, especially in Winter, are re- duced to great Straits, and rendered | burthensome to their Neighbours; therefore, in order to alleviate their Wants, by finding | them Employment, it is proposed to erect a Linen Manufactory, in or near this City; | and for that End the fol- lowing Articles are agreed on, viz. | [Philadelphia: 1764.] Folio, pp. 2. l. c. p. 2084 WIDDER. (P.) @r. Cfyriu. £rn. 2Bibber3, eljmaligen 9ieformirtcn $ird)enratfy3 unb in 9Jlannfyeim, SecfyS unb jlvanjig Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1764. [WILLIAMSON. (Hugh)] The | Plain Dealer: | Or, | A few Remarks upon | Quaker-Politicks, | And their Attempts to | Change the Government | Of Pennsylvania. | With | Some Ob- servations on the false and | abusive Papers which they have | lately publish'd. | Numb. I. | To be continued. | Philadelphia: | Printed, [by Andrew Steuart\ Anno MDCCLXIV. | 16mo. pp. 19. THE | PLAIN Dealer: | Numb. II. | Being a | Tickler, | For the leisure Hour's Amusement of the Author of | Cool Thoughts. | Wherein the Force of his several Arguments in Favour | of a Change of Government is stated in a clear | Light and accommodated to the Comprehension of Readers | of every capacity. | By X. Y. Z. Gentleman. | To be continued. | Philadelphia: | Printed [by Andrew Steuart] in where Numb. I. may be had. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 16. THE | PLAIN Dealer: | or | Remarks on Quaker Politics | In Pennsylvania. | Numb. III. To be continued. | By W. D. Author of No. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed, [by William Dunlap] Anno MDCCLXIV. | 8vo. pp. 24. [WILLIAMSON.] The | Plain Dealer; | Numb. I. | Or, | A Few Remarks upon | Quaker-Politicks, | and their attempts to | Change the Government of Pennsylvania. | With some Ob- servations on the false and abusive | Papers which they have lately publish'd. | To be Continued. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Stewart, at the Bible-in-Heart, in Second- | street; of whom ail the succeeding Numbers may be had; and | all other political Pamphlets 30 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1764 that have been publish'd since the Commencement of the present Disputes. [1764.] | 8vo. pp. 16. n. y. h. s. 2087 [WILLIAMSON.] Wliat is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a | Gander. | Being | A small Touch in the Lapidary Way. | Or | Tit for Tat, in your own Way. | An Epitaph | On a certain great Man. | Written by a departed Spirit and now | Most humbly inscrib'd to all his dutiful Sons and | Children, Who may hereafter chose to dis- | tinguish him by the Name of | A Patriot. | | | | | | | Phila- delphia, printed [6y A. Armbruster] in Arch-Street 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. n. s. p. 2088 WILSON. (S.) The Ordinance of Baptism, set in a clear light, by the late learned and pious Mr. Samuel Wilson, of London. The Third Edition. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1764. 2089 WISTER. (J.) $efanntmad)ung I [$Bon $ofyanne$ 2Bi§ter, 2tyotftefer ju ©ermantotvn! | Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1764.] 12mo. pp. (4). h. s. p. 2090 [WITHERSPOON. (John)] A Letter from a Blacksmith, to the Ministers and Elders of the Church of Scotland; in which the manner of public Worship in that Church is con- sidered; its Inconveniences and Defects pointed out and methods for removing them humbly proposed. Philadelphia: William Dunlap. 1764. 2091 [YOUNG. (Edward)] Resignation. | In Two Parts, | and | A Postscript. | To Mrs. B[oudinot.] ... | .... | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Re-printed: By W. Bradford, at | the Comer of Market and Front-Streets. | M.DCC.LXIV. | 8vo. Half title 1 1. pp. 74. 2092 The Postscript was written by Miss Eliz. Graeme, afterwards Mrs. Ferguson. 32B@2) maftrftafte neue 3e^unscn von ganft befonbem | $immete= 3eicfyen, | 2Beld>e3 crftere | fid; bet) ber unb Seeftabt 9iiga in Siflanb jugetragen, attivo | fel;r Vide SDlenfcLen, am £immel einen ©arg, feurige 9iuti)en, 3 ©obtenfityfe, cine | Sdflange unb gefefyen. ©aft jiveftte ift gefefyen tvorbcn ju $irfd)berg, 4 | SJleilen Von ber Stabt 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 31 unb $eftung Clbiug, unb jefm Wleilen Von ber $auf; unb | $anbeL ftabt ©aubig gelegen, attivo nemlid; Vom 6 jum 7 9Jiat) 1763 biefeS | = Beidjien, 48. Stunben lang tnit einem ftarcfen 23lifc unb ©onuer; | fdjfiag geftanben. | 2Belcfye3 au$ nacfyfolgenben tnit tnefyrerm juetfefyen iff. | [Cut.] | Philadelphia gedruckt bey Anton Armbruester in Moraevien Alley, 1764. | Sm. 4to. pp. 4. h. s. p. 2093 B2B&£$$ ©ibtyllen. | SBeiffaguugen, | 33iel tvunberbarer Bufunft, von Sin; | fang bi3 jum Cube ber SBelt | befagenb, | Slud} ber von Saba, bem $onig | Salomon get(;ane | SBie and} | Wiertlicber fiinftiger ©inge, Von St. S3rb | gitten, GtyriHo, Sftetfyobio, $oad}imo, S3ruber 9leiu= | fyarb, 3ol;anne Bicfytenberger, unb S3ruber Bacob au§ | bejcfyrieben. | [Cut of St. Brigitta.] | Phila- delphia, gedruckt und zu haben bey A. Arm- | bruester und N. Hassel- bach, in Aforaevien I Ally naechst der Bruder Kirche . . . . [1764?] | 8vo. 2094 1765. AN ACCOUNT | Of a surprising | Phcenomenon, | Which appeared in the Sky at the City of Phi- | ladelphia and different Parts of Pennsylva- | nia, on Saturday the 2d. of February 1765. | ... | .... | [Cut] | Philadelphia, printed by Anthony Armbruster in Arch-Street 1765. | This may be depended upon for Truth. | 4to. pp. 4. l. c. p. 2095 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Bu- | rials in Christ-Church and St. Peter's Parish, | in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1764, to De- | cember 25, 1765. By Caleb Cash, Clerk, and | James Weyley, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2096 ACT of Parliament commonly called The Billeting Act. Philadelphia: William Punlap. 1765. 2097 AN | ADDRESS | to the | Rev. Dr. Alison, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, and | others, Trustees of the Corporation for the Relief | of Presbyterian Ministers, their Widows and Children: | Being | A Vindication | of the | Quakers | From the Aspersions of the said Trustees | in their Letter published in the London Chronicle, | No. 1223. | To which is prefixed, the said Letter. 32 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1765 | By a Lover of Truth. | . . . . | [Philadelphia:] Printed [by William Dunlap] in the Year 1765. | 16mo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Letter, pp. i-iii; text, pp. 1-47. h. s. p. 2098 AGUECIIEEK. (A.) The Universal American | Almanack, | or yearly | Magazine. | | | | For the Year of our Lord 1766. | | | | . | Being the 2d after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. | [20 lines.] | By Andrew Aguecheek, Philom. | Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in- Hcart, in Second-street. [1765.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). l. c. p. 2099 O bie | £)eutfcfycii, | borncmlirf} bie jiim SBaljlen bcrccfytigen, | in ipiylabclplya; 53ud§= unb Gountly | Philadelphia, Gcdruckt bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. | Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2100 ANNO REGNI | Georgii III. | Regis | Magnse Brittanite, Francise, & Ilibernue, | Quinto. | At the Parliament begun and hold- | en at Westminster, the Nine- | teenth Day of May, Anno. | Dom. 1761, in the First Year | of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George the Third, | by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France, and Ireland, | King, Defender of the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by several Prorogations to | the Tenth Day of January 1765, being the Fourth | Session of the Twelfth Parliament of Great-Britain. | London: Printed by Mark Basket, Printer to the King's Most | Excellent Majesty: And, re- printed by William | Dunlap, at the Newest-Printing- Office, in Market- | Street, Philadelphia. [1765.] | 8vo. pp. 40. l. c. p. 2101 The title of the Act on page 3, is, " An Act for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, and other Duties, in the British Colonies and Plantations in America, towards further defraying the Expences of defending, protecting, and securing the same &c. This is the celebrated " Stamp Act;" there were probably several edi- tions printed in Philadelphia. ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnse Britannite, Francite & Hibernise, | Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1764, in | the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 33 Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Fifteenth Day of February, 1765. | [Penn ftms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- | Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 373-410. ft-And from thence continued . . . to the | Eighteenth Day of May, 1765. | [ZiztZ.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 413- 428.ft-And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-first Day of September, 1765. | Title, 1 leaf; pp. 431-448. 2102 | auf | $rn. $rdnflin3 | 2lntnerdungen | uber ein ofnx= langft l;ernu§gcfoinniene§ | | Scbreiben, | Ueberfefct au3 bent ©nglifcfyen. | [Germantown .-] Gedruckt [bey Christoph taj im Jahr 1765. | 16mo. pp. 27. 2103 ARNDT. (J.) ©e3 | ©ottfeligen imb | Setters, | 2lrnb£ | SBeilanb | ©eneral- SuperintenbentenS be£ | $urftentfyum£ Siineburg, J iparabiefc | ©drtiein, | gnr llebung be3 tvafyren | £)urd; | (Beiftreicfye ©ebater, | in bie (Seele ju | 91ebft einem tvafyrfyafftigen SBeridft, | tva3 fid; mil biefeni 23ud;lein benb | ttnirbigeg jugetragen, | Wiit ber $orrebe be$ | 2lut(;ori3 felbften. | Germantown; | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1765. | 24mo. pp. (34), 531, (11). ii. s. p. 2104 AT a general Meeting of the Merchants and Traders .... [Philadelphia: 1765.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2105 Dated, " Philadelphia, November 7, 1765." A form of a non-importation agree- ment circulated for signatures. BACIIMAIR. (J. J.) A Complete German Grammar. By John James Bachmair. Philadelphia: 1765. 2106 Title from Haven's List. See No. 2745, infra. BEVERIDGE. (J.) Epistolse Familiares | et | Alia qusedam Miscellanea. | Familiar Epistles, | and | Other Miscellaneous Pieces, | Wrote originally in Latin Verse, | By John Beveridge, A.M. | Professor of Languages in the College and Academy | of Philadelphia. | To which are added several Translations into English | Verse, by different Hands, &c. | . . . . | Philadelphia. ii.-5 34 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1765 | Printed for the Author by William Bradford, at the London Coffee- | House, at the Corner of Market and Front-Streets. | M,DCC,LXV. | 8vo. pp. xi, 88. h. s. p. 2107 A | CATALOGUE | of | Books, | Belonging to the | As- sociation Library Company | of | Philadelphia: | Alphabetically digested. | To which is Prefixed, | the | Articles | of the said Company, &c. | Philadelphia.: | Printed by William Bradford, at the Comer of Mar- | ket and Front-Streets. M.DCC.LXV. | 8vo. pp. 68. h. s. p. 2108 A | CATALOGUE | of | Books, | belonging to the | Union Library Company | of | Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-street. MDCCLXV. | 8vo. pp. xxiv, 40. ii. s. p. 2109 A CATECHISM. Philadelphia : B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1765. Four thousand copies, according to Hall's account rendered to Franklin, were printed about 1765. fiutfyeri, mit bcr Drbnung beg unb bent 2Burtembergifd>en $inber=(Seamen, zc. ivie and; S)er Ungednberten 2lug3purgifd>en (Sonfcffion, zc. 3um ©cbraud) ber $ugenb unb Sllten. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1765. 2111 THE | CHRISTIAN Letter | To | Presbyterian, Church & Quaker. | | | | . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia, printed by Anthony Armbruster, I in Arch-Street, 1765. I Sin. 8vo. pp. 12. h. s. p. 2112 COLLECTION of Hymns, By Watts, Willison and Gillis. Wilmington: James Adams. 1765. 2113 Saturday, September 21, 1765. Num. 1 | THE CONSTITU- TIONAL Courant. | Containing Matters interesting to Liberty, and no wise repugnant to Loyalty. | : Andrew Steuart. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2114 A reprint from the original issued at New York. 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 35 THE COUNTER Medley: Being a proper answer to all the dunces of the Medley, and their abettors. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765. 2115 CRISP. (S.) A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel. By Stephen Crisp. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765. 2116 [DICKINSON. (John)] Friends and Countrymen. | phia. William Bradford. 1765.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2117 An Address by John Dickinson urging opposition to the Stamp Act, published Dec. 5, 1765. [DICKINSON.] The | Late Regulations | Respecting the | British Colonies | on the Continent of | America | considered, | In a Letter from a Gentleman in Philadelphia | to his Friend in London. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at the Comer of | Market and Front-Streets. M.DCC.LXV. | 8vo. pp. 38. h. s. p. 2118 [DULANEY. (Daniel)] Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British colonies. Philadelphia: ? B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1765. 2119 The existence of a Philadelphia edition is doubtful. THE ELECTION. Humbly Inscribed to the Saturday- Nights Club in Lodge Alley. Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2120 About 150 lines of blank verse engraved on copper, with a picture of the election at the top. ELLWOOD. (T). Davideis. By Thomas Ellwood. Wilming- ton: James Adams. 1765. 2121 ©3® ©9JS©© $rud)t | ber | £eutfd)en (Befettfd)aft. | (Sin £anbs= (Befeb | SBorin nod) fernere fnnju | getban iverben gu bemjenigen | iveld)e3 ben ©itul fiibret „ ©in £anbe§= ®e= | „ fe| morin verboten ivirb baft von ben | „ ©eutfd)en fo ivoljl al£ anbern | „ren nid)t ju viele mit einanber in ein | „<Sd)iff 36 1765 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS gepactt unb fueler ubergebradjt | „tt>erben mbgen," nebft einem 2lu§jug au3 | bemfelben £anb3=®efefc. | 2Iuf SBerorbming ber £eutfd)en feUfctyaft | 2lu3 bent (Snglifcfyen | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur. 1765. | 8vo. pp. 15. n. s. p. 2122 | Sluterridjt, | 2Bie bie | Confirmation, | iff: | ©ie | Crneurung | SDlit benenjenigen toelcfye ba§ er= | fte inal juni geben | iuotten, | ben | gefamten ©vangelifd) SBurtembergifcfyen | ftircfyen | 3ur 33efferung ber ©emeinbe Clotted an= | juftelleii. | 9Jlit 45ocf> $urftl. gnabigftem | Privilegio. | Gedruckt inStuttgard und Tuebingen, in Phila- | delphia nachgedrukt bey Anton Armbruester in der | Raess-Strasse, im Jahr 1765. | 24mo. pp. 1-51?; 1-57. n. s. p. 2123 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1766. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams, 1765. 2124 FRANKLIN. (W.) The Answer of his Excellency William Franklin, Esq; Governor ... | ... of New Jersey, to the invidious Charges of the Proprietary Party, con- | tained in a Libel, read by Mr. James Biddle, Clerk of the Common Pleas for the County of | Philadelphia, on Saturday last, and afterwards published and industriously dispersed through the | Province. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2125 Printed also in the Pennsylvania Gazette, Oct 3, 1765. A | FULL and True | Relation, | of | Count Martini, in Silesia, | Who was transformed into a Dog, all but the Head, which you will see | in the Cut, hereunto annexed. | Was occa- sioned by way of striving for Worldly Pelf, ruining his | Sub- jects, and Blaspheming his Lord and Creator. | . . . | . . . | .... | [Cut.] ... | .... | Philadelphia, Printed by Anthony Armbruster, 1765. | Sm. 4to. pp. 4. l. c. p. 2126 [GALLOWAY. (Joseph)] Advertisement. | Philadelphia, December 20, 1765. | To the Publick. | [Philadelphia: B. Frank- lin, and D. Hall. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2127 Galloway's denial of the charge that he opposed the transaction of Judicial busi- ness except on " Stampt Paper." 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 37 £)£$(£ 2Biffenfd)aften | untcr bem | ©in Xraum. | 2Iu3 bem HIten Stud ber ©elefyrten £>re£bnifcfyen | Slnjeigen auf ba§ 1762. I Philadelphia, Nachdruckt bey Henrich Miller. 1765. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2128 GODFREY. (J.) Juvenile Poems | on | Various Subjects. | With the | Prince of Parthia, | A | Tragedy. | By the late | Mr. Thomas Godfrey, Junr. | of Philadelphia. | To which is pre- fixed | Some Account of the Author and his Writings. | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Second - Street. | MDCCLXV. | 4to. pp. xxvi, (2), 223. • h. s. p. 2129 HALBERT. (H.) The | Last Speech and Confession, | of | Henry Halbert, | Who was executed at Philadelphia, October | 19, 1765, for the inhuman Murder of the | Son of Jacob Wool- man. | To which is added, | A Letter from the Criminal to the Father of the | murdered Son. | | | | | . | .... | Philadelphia: Printed by Anthony Arm- | bruster, in Race- Street. [1765.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2130 THE HEIDELBURG Catechism, in English. Translated from the German, for the use of the Reformed and other schools. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765. 2131 | | 2lmericanifd)e | Salenber, | 2Iuf ba£ Satjr | ... | ... | 1766. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | . | 3um unb mal tyerauS gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | ... | ... . [1765.] | 4to. pp. (48). ii. s. p. 2132 HONEYCOMB. (W.) Pseud. No. I. | The | Bee. | By | Wil- liam Honeycomb. | Tuesday February 12th. 1765. | ... | ... . | [Philadelphia;] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year M,D,CC,LXV. | (This Paper will be published weekly.) | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8.+Number II. pp. 9-16.+Number HI. pp. 17-22, Advertise- ment, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2133 [HUNT. (Isaac)] A | Humble Attempt | at | Scurrility. | In Imitation of | Those Great Masters of the Art | the Rev. Dr. 38 1765 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS S th; the Rev. Dr. Al[iso]n; the Rev. | Mr. Ew[i]n[g]; the Irreverend D. J. D[o]ve, and the Heroic | J[oh]n D[ickiiiso]n, Esq; | Being a | Full Answer | to the | Observations | on | Mr. H[ughe]s's | Advertisement. | By Jack Retort, Student in Scurrility. | Quilsylvania: Printed, 1765. [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster.'] | 8vo. pp. 42, Errata, 1 leaf. ii. s. p. 2134 i Attributed to William T. Franklin (who was born about 1760 !) in the catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical Society, and elsewhere, when the absurdity of the statement had been noticed, to Governor William Franklin. It was, however, one of the several scurrilous productions of the pen of Leigh Hunt's father. Hunt was graduated at the College and Academy of Philadelphia in 1763, and in 1765 applied to the Trustees to be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts, but was refused on technical grounds. In 1766 he renewed his request, which was refused on the grounds of his being the " author and publisher of several scurrilous and scan- dalous pieces," among which were "A Letter from a Gentleman in Transylvania" (see No. 2002, supra) and the " Exercises for Scurrility Hall," &c. [HUNT.] The | Substance | of an | Exercise, | Had this Morning in | Scurrility-Hall. | [Philadelphia:] Printed [by Andrew Steuarf] in the Year, M,DCC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 6. h. s. p. 2135 No. II. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | . . . | . . . | .... | [Philadelphia:] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MDCC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7 No. III. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | With a Dialogue between the Professor [D. J. Dove] and | Sir John Brute. | [Sir J. St. Clair, Bart.] | | [Philadelphia .-] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MD,CC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7, (1). No. IV. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | . . . | . . . | .... | [Philadelphia .•] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MD,CC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. No. V. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | . . . | . . . . | [Philadelphia ;] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MD,CC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7. No. VI. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | With the Reasons of their Publication. | ... | .... | [Philadelphia ;] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MD,CC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7. No. VII. | A Continuation | Of the | Exercises, | in | Scurrility Hall. | [Phila- delphia .•] Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year MD,CC,LXV. | Sm. 8vo pp. 8. No. VIII. | A | Dialogue, | between the Giant | Polypheme | and his Son | Jack Nothing: | On Occasion of his Eye being put out by a | Stranger: with a Dedica- tion to Sir John Brute. | | | | | | | | Printed at 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 39 Constantinople, [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster] in the Year 1696. [1765.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. O ! JUSTITIA. | [Cut.] | A | Complete Trial. | God gives, and takes away, | Well, | Justice Shall Take Place. | [Phila- delphia : Anthony Armbruster, 1765.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 2136 THE | LAMENTATION, | of | Pennsylvania, | On Account of the Stamp-Act, together with the Prayer of J[oh]n | H-ws. [Hughes.] | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2137 A LAMENTATION over Zion, on the Declension of the Church. Wilmington: James Adams. 1765. 2138 A LAMPOON on Modern Scribblers. | [Philadelphia: An- thony Armbruster. 1765 ?] Narrow Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2139 LAND-OFFICE, 17th of June, 1765. | [Philadelphia: 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2140 Notice, signed William Peters, Secretary, of certain changes in the mode of taking up large quantities of land in Pennsylvania. LATELY imported, and to be sold by | David Hall, | At the New-Printing-Office, in Market-street, Philadelphia, the following Books, .... | [Philadelphia..: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2141 [LEE. (Arthur)] An Essay in Vindication of the Continental Colonies of America from a Censure of Mr. Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments. With some Reflections on Slavery in General. By An American. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765. 2142 LUCIFER'S Decree, | After a Fray. | Or, | A Friendly Warn- ing to all Persons | Of | Whatsoever Station, Nation, or Qualifica- tion, | In the City of Deceit, | And Province of Transylvania. | | | | | The Mysterious Truth. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed in the Year, 1765. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 7, (1). l. c. p. 2143 40 1765 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS MAGNA Britania her Colonies Reduc'd. | [Philadelphia: 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2144 A copper plate, engraved in line, of the well-known Female figure with her limbs cut off. With 34 lines (also engraved) of " Explanation" and a Moral. " Engraved in Philadelphia," says Du Simitiere. The original part, an etching 2J by 4| inches, designed by Franklin, was engraved and printed on the back of Message Cards used by him. [MILLER. (Peter)] A | Dissertation on | Mans Fall, | Trans- lated from the High-German Original. | [Cut.] | Printed: Ephrata, Anno MDCCLXV. | Sold at Philadelphia by Messieurs Christoph | Marshal and William Dunlap. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 37. 2145 THE MERCHANTS and Traders of the City of Philadelphia, taking into their Consideration the melancholy State | of the North American Commerce ... | ... do unanimously agree. | [Philadelphia : 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2146 The Non-importation agreement. MORGAN. (J.) A | Discourse | Upon the Institution of | Medical Schools | In America; | Delivered at a Public Anni- versary Commence- | ment, held in the College of Philadelphia | May 30 and 31, 1765. | With a | Preface | Containing, amongst other things, | The Author's | Apology | For attempting to in- troduce the regular mode of | practicing Physic in Philadelphia; | By John Morgan M.D.: | Fellow of the Royal Society at London; Corre- | spondent of the Royal Academy of Surgery at | Paris; Member of the Arcadian Belles Lettres So- | ciety at Rome; Licentiate of the Royal Colleges of | Physicians in London and in Edinburgh; and | Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine | in the College of Philadelphia. | Philadel- phia: | Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the | Corner of Market and Front-Streets, M,DCC,LXV. | 8vo. pp. vii, i-xxvi, (2), 1-63. h. s. p. 2147 9lmerifanifd)er Galenber, auf ba3 $al;r 1766. Philadelphia: Anton Armbruester. 1765. 2148 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 41 £>@9? 93erbeffert= unb SImericamfcfye (Sa= lenber 2luf ba§ 1766fte Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1765. 2149 A | NEW | Song. | To the Tune of "Hearts of Oak, &c." | [Philadelphia : 1765 ?] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2150 " Then join Hand in Hand brave Americans all, By uniting We stand, by dividing We fall; In so Righteous a Cause let us hope to succeed, For Heaven approves of each generous Deed." A NEW Song Suitable to the Season. [Philadelphia: 1765.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2151 Three verses and chorus, headed by a picture of three persons at a table, &c. En- graved on copper. THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | January 1, 1765. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall, 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2152 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765. 2153 A NUMBER of the Inhabitants of this City, desirous of encouraging the Poor ... | ... did . . . form themselves into a Company ... | ... to manufacture ... | . . . coarse Linen. | [Philadelphia: 1765.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2154 Articles of Agreement proposed to be signed for the purpose. OPPRESSION. A Poem. By an American. With Notes by a North-Briton. Philadelphia? William Bradford. 1765. 2155 First published in London, and reprinted in Boston and New York. The title here given may be from an advertisement of one of these editions. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 2156 Numbers 1880 (Jan. 3, 1765) to 1931 (Dec. 26, 1765), four pages each, with an extra sheet of four pages to Numbers 1911 and 1923. The latter appeared in mourn- ii.-6 42 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1765 ing, and in place of 1924, a half sheet (1 leaf) headed "No Stamped Paper to he had," was issued. The next issue (No. 1925) is called " Remarkable Occurances" and contains four pages. With number 1926 the regular heading was resumed. Title and imprint as in No. 1693, supra, until No. 1924, the substitutes for which and for 1925, and the remaining numbers printed during the year were issued without an imprint. This was done to avoid responsibility for violating the Stamp Act. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. h. s. p. 2157 Numbers 1152 to 1203, four pages each, with an extra half sheet of two pages to No. 1193 ; Title and imprint as in No. 1693, supra. THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Pocket Almanack | For the Year 1766. | Calculated for the Use of the Province | of Pennsylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by IP. Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. [1765.] | 24mo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 2158 The last twelve pages contain " The Substance of the Act of Parliament, entitled ' An Act for granting certain Stamp Duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America.' " It was issued in July to escape the tax. [PETERS. [Richard)] Dialogue, &c. | For the Commencement in the College of | Philadelphia, | May 30th, 1765. | [Philadelphia: W. Dunlap. 1765.] 8vo. pp. 4. ii. s. p. 2159 The original manuscript in the author's handwriting is in the possession of D. McN. Stauffer, Esq., of New York City. THE PLAN | Of a Performance of | Solemn Musick; | To be in the Hall of the College of | Philadelphia, | On Wednesday Evening, April 10th, 1765, | For the Benefit of the Charity- Schools. | [Philadelphia: W. Dunlap. 1765.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 2160 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. | By the Mayor, Recorder, and Aidermen, and the | Commissioners for paving and cleansing the Streets, &c. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2161 Notice that a scavenger had been appointed, and extracts from the Act of As- sembly. A Philadelphia: B. Franklin, andD. Hall. 1765. 2162 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 43 Between March, 1765, and Feb. 1, 1766, Two thousand Primers were printed by Hall for the firm's account. THE | QUAKERS Grace, Prayer, | and | Thanksgiving, | On Sunday Sixth, Tenth Month, 1765, for their late Victory over the Rebels, | in their Province of Quylsylvania, in electing Law- Makers for the same. | [Philadelphia : Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. ' l. c. p. 2163 RHYMES Relating to the present Times, &c. Philadelphia: Printed for the Author and sold by W. Dunlap. 1765. 2164 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket | Almanack | For the Year 1766. | Fitted to the Use of Penn- | sylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | With several useful Additions. | By R. Saunders, Phil. | Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Franklin, | and D. Hall. [1765.] | 24mo. pp. (24). c. 2165 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Al- manack | | | | | | | | | . | .... | For the Year of our Lord 1766: | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. [1765.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). The edition consisted of Nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-one copies. [SAUR. (Christopher)] 2Bert(;efte £anbe3=£eute, | Sonberlid) tn SBucfo unb 23erd£ = Cauntl;! | [Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1765.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2167 SHORT. (T.) Medicina Britannica. By Thomas Short. Phila- delphia : B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1765. 2168 [SMITH. (William)] An | Historical Account | of the | Ex- pedition | Against the | Ohio Indians, in the Year 1764. | Under the Command of | Henry Bouquet, Esq; | Colonel of Foot, and now Brigadier General in America. | Including | His Trans- actions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their pris- oners, | and the preliminaries of Peace. | With an | Introductory Account | Of the Proceeding Campaign, and Battle at Bushy- 44 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1765 Run. | To which are annexed | Military Papers, | Containing | Reflections on the war with the Savages; a method of forming frontier settle- | ments; some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fight- | ing men, towns, distances and different routs. | The whole illustrated with a Map and Copper- plates. | Published from authentic Documents, by a Lover of his Country. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the London | Coffee-House, at the corner of Market and Front-streets. M.DCC.LXV. | 4to. pp. (2), xiii, 71, 2 maps, 1 plate, h. s. p. 2169 THE STAMP Act. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765. 2170 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, June 20, 1765. There were probably several other editions published in Philadelphia, for one of which see No. 2101, supra. STEUART. (A.) The Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket Al- manac for 1766. By Andrew Steuart. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1765. 2171 TENNANT. (G.) The Blessedness of Peace-Makers repre- | sented; and the Danger of Persecution | considered; | In two | Sermons, | On Mat. v. 9. | Preach'd at Philadelphia, the 3d Wednesday | in May, 1759, before the Reverend the Synod, of | New-York and Philadelphia, | By | Gilbert Tennant, A.M. | . . . | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House, the comer of Mar- | ket and Front-streets. M,DCC,LXV. | 8vo. pp. 50. l. c. p. 2172 TO the | Freeholders and Electors | Of the Province of Pennsylvania. I \ Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765.1 Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2173 An anti-Franklin election address. "You have seen how the same faction have gratified an ambitious man in frequent embassies to England, under pretence of extinguishing a flame designedly kindled by himself! And . . . how this man, altho' he originally crept into confidence under the character of a commonwealth's man ' with the cry of our constitution and charter rights in his mouth' returned from England an arrant courtier and state tool; . . . determined to maintain himself and his associates here in power by a total change of our government and surrender of our charter." It is signed "James Biddle," and was perhaps written by him. 1765 IN PENNSYLVANIA 45 William Franklin, in his reply, says the principal Officers of the Government em- ployed " the Clerk of the Court [James Biddle] to read it aloud to the Public." TO the | Freeholders | And other Electors of Assembly-Men, for | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2174 A Franklin election circular. TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1766. Wilmington : James Adams. 1765. 2175 THE | TRUE State | of the | Case | between | John Fenwick, Esq; | and | John Edridge & Edmund Warner, | concerning | Mr. Fenwick's Ten Parts of his | Land in West-New-Jersey, | in America. | London, Printed in the Year 1677. And | Phila- delphia, Re-printed by Andrew Steuart,for | John Hart, MDCCLXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2176 VOTES and Proceedings of the Assembly. Philadelphia: B. Franklin. 1765. 2177 WATKINSON. (E.) An | Essay | upon | Oeconomy. | The Fourth Edition. | By | Edward Watkinson, M.D. | Rector of Little Chart in Kent. | . . . . | London, Printed: | Re-printed and Sold at the Newest Printing - Office, near the Market, | Philadelphia: | M.DCC.LXV. | 8vo. pp. 35. 2178 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | (On an entire New Plan.) | For the Year of our Lord, | 1766. | Being the Second after Leap Year. | [24 lines.] | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadelphia: Printed by W. Dunlap, | at the Newest-Printing-Office, in Market-Street. [1765.] I Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). l. c. p. 2179 WESLEY. (J.) Primitive Physic, or An easy and natural Method of curing most Diseases. By John Wesley. The 12th Edition. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1765. 2180 WHITEFIELD. (G.) A Collection of Hymns for Social Wor- ship, More particularly designed for the use of the Tabernacle Con- 46 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 gregation in London. By George Whitefield, late of Pembroke College, Oxford, &c. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765. WHITEFIELD. The Two First Parts of his Life with his Journals, revised, corrected, and abridged. By George White- field. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1765. 2182 THE WHITEOAK Anthum, taken from the | Pilgrims Prog- ress. Newly translated from | the Original Dutch, By Mr. Sagasity. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Narrow Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2183 WILLISON. (J.) Young Communicant's Catechism. By J. Willison. Wilmington: James Adams. 1765. 2184 [WITHERSPOON. (John)] A | Letter | from a | Blacksmith, | to the | Ministers and Elders | of the | Church of Scotland. | In which the Manner of Public Worship in that Church | is con- sidered ; its Inconveniences and Defects pointed out; | and Methods for removing them humbly proposed. | | | . . . . | . . . . | The Fourth Edition. | London Printed: | Philadel- phia Reprinted, and Sold by Andrew | Steuart, in Second-street, 1765. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 51, (1). c. 2185 YOUR attendance at the Court House. . . . | [Philadelphia : 1765.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2186 Call for a public meeting in regard to non-iinportation, dated " Philadelphia, November 6, 1765." 1766. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Bu- | rials in Christ-Church Parish, in Philadelphia, | from December 25, 1765, to December 25, 1766. | By Caleb Cash, Clerk, and James | Weyley, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2187 AN ACT for the better Employment, Relief | and Support of the Poor, within the City of Philadel- | phia, the District of South- wark, the Townships of Moya- | mensing and Passyunk, and the 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 47 Northern Liberties. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1766.] Folio, pp. 4. l. c. p. 2188 ADVERTISEMENT. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Pro- posals, | For Printing by Subscription, | A General History of the Lives | Raised and propogated by the Pr-y Faction, since the Year 1753; | with Remarks; in Four Volumes, in Folio. | [Phila- delphia : 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2189 A Franklin election squib. Probably by Isaac Hunt. AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American | Almanack, | or yearly | Magazine. | ... | ... | ... | .... | For the Year of our Lord 1767; | ... | ... | ... | .... | Being the 3d after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. | [19 lines.] | By Andrew Aguecheek, Philom. | Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in- Heart, in Second-street, between Market and Arch | streets, near Coombe's Alley. [1766.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2190 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1767. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766. 2191 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magme Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Sexto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1765, in | the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Ad- journments to the | Eighth Day of February, 1766. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by David Hall, at the New- | Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 451-485.-(-And from thence continued ... to the | Twentieth Day of September, 1766. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVI. | Title, 1 leaf; pp. 489-498. 2192 THE ASSOCIATION Letter. | [Philadelphia. 1766.] Folio, pp. (2). 2193. 48 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 Letter from, and Minutes of, the Baptist Association of Churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c. BENEZET. (A.) A | Caution | and | Warning | to | Great Britain | and | Her Colonies, | in | A Short Representation | of the | Calamitous State | of the | Enslaved Negroes | in the British Dominions. | Collected from various Authors, and submit- | ted to the Serious Consideration | of all, and more especially of Those in | Power. | By Ant. Benezet. | Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, | in Second-street. MDCCLXVI. | 8vo. pp. 35. h. s. p. 2194 THE | BIRTH, Parentage, and Education, | of | Praise-God Barebone. | To which is added, | An Election Ballad, | or | the Lamentation of Miss *******. |A true but doleful Ditty. | ;] Printed [by Andrew Steuart] for Jack Northwester, at the | Sign of the White-Oak in Heart of Oak | Street, MDCCLXVI. | 8vo. pp. 16. 4- [Ibid.] 8vo. pp. 17. l. c. p. 2195 The ballad refers to Dickinson's defeat as a candidate for the Assembly, and the whole of this Hudibrastic performance was probably aimed at Dickinson by Isaac Hunt. BLAIR. (J.) Animadversions on a Pamphlet entitled " Thoughts on the Examination and Trials of Candidates for the sacred Min- istry," in a Letter to the unknown Author. By Rev. John Blair, M.A. Philadelphia: 1766. 12mo. pp. 44. 2196 Title from Sabin's Dictionary. BUCHANAN. (G.) De Juri Regni: Or The due right of Gov- ernment, by way of a dialogue betwixt George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland; by the said George Buchanan, and translated out of the original Latin into English, by Philalethes. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1766. 2197 BUELL. (S.) A Faithful Narrative of the Remarkable Revival of Religion in East-Hampton on Long-Island. In the Year of our Lord 1764. With Some Reflections. By Samuel Buell, A.M. Minister of the Gospel there. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766. 2198 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 49 CHALONER. (R.) The Morality of the Bible : Extracted from all the Canonical books both of the Old and New Testament. By R. Chaloner. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1766. 2199 THE | CHARTER, | Laws, | Catalogue of Books, | List of | Philosophical Instruments,&c. | of the | Juliana Library-Company, | in | Lancaster. | To which are prefixed, | Some Reflections on the Advantages of Knowledge; the | Origin of Books and Li- braries, shewing how they | have been encouraged and patronized by the Wise and Virtuous | of every Age. | With | A Short Ac- count of its Institution, Friends and Benefactors. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | Published by Order of the Di- rectors. | Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. MDCCLXVI. | Sq. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; pp. 1-56. h. s. p. 2200 THE CHILD'S Best Instructor in Spelling and Reading. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766. 2201 CHILDS. (I.) The | Vision | of | Isaac Childs, | Which he saw in the Year 1757, | concerning | Pennsylvania, | The Land of his Nativity. | (Never published before this Year 1766.) | To which is annexed, | The Explanation. | [Philadelphia: 1766.] 12mo. pp. 12. l. c. p. 2202 CHRISTIAN Piety, | freed | From the many Delusions | of | Modern Enthusiasts | Of all Denominations. | By Philalethes. | The Third Edition. | With | The Life of Armelle Nicholas. | London: Pointed. | Philadelphia: | Reprinted by Henry Miller, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXVI. | 16mo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 2203 A COLLECTION of Hymns, for Social Worship. Extracted from various Authors, and published by the Revd. Mr. Madan, and the Revd. Mr. Whitefield. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1766. 2204 A | CONGRATULATORY, | Letter, | To | Mr. G[arne]r. | In | Philadelphia. | | | | | | [Philadel- phia :~\ Printed by [Anthony Armbruster} in the Year 1766. I Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2205 ii.-7 50 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 CONSIDERATIONS upon the Rights of the Colonists to the Privileges of British Subjects, Introduced by a brief Review of the Rise and Progress of English Liberty, And concluded with some Remarks upon our present Alarming Situation. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766. 2206 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Sexto | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly begun at | New-castle, in the Government of the Conn- | ties of New-castle, Kent and Sussex, upon | Dela- ware, the Twentieth Day of October, | in the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George the Third, King of | Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1766, | The following Acts were passed by the Ho- | nourable John Penn, Esq; Governor; | [Wilmington: Jam.es Adams. 1766.] Folio, pp. 107-123. l. 2207 A | DEMONSTRATION | of the | Uninterrupted Succession | and | Holy Consecration | of the first | English Bishops. | Being | An Extract from Mr. Ward's Second | Canto of his England's Reformation. | With an Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix, con- | taining the solemn Funeral Song of the Native Irish. | Very useful for all Christians. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed [by Andrew Steuart] in the Year M,DCC,LXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 47. l. c. p. 2208 [DICKINSON. (John)] An | Address | to | The Committee of Correspondence | in | Barbadoes. | Occasioned by a late letter from them | to | Their Agent in London. | By a North American. ... | .... | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at | his Book-Store in Market-Street, adjoining the | London Coffee- House. M,DCC,LXVI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. vi, 18. 2209 DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: D. Hall. 1766. 2210 The edition, two thousand copies, was more than half printed at the dissolution of the partnership between Franklin and Hall. EVANS. (N.) The Love of the World incompatible with the Love of God: A Discourse. Preached upon I John H. 15, 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 51 16, 17. By the Rev. Nathaniel Evans. Philadelphia : Henry Miller. 1766. 8vo. pp. 22. 2211 [FENELON. (F. Salignac de la Mothe)] The Uncertainty of a | Death-Bed | Repentance, | Illustrated under the Character of Penitens, | [Germantown: Christopher Sower. 1766.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 16. f. 2212 FOUR | DISSERTATIONS, | on the | Reciprocal Advantages | of a | Perpetual Union | between | Great-Britain | and her | American Colonies. | Written | For Mr. Sargent's Prize-Medal. | To which (by Desire) is prefixed, | An Eulogium, | Spoken on the Delivery of the Medal | at the Public Commencement in the College of | Philadelphia, May 20th, 1766. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee-House. M,DCC,LXVI. | Sm. 8vo. n. s. p. 2213 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; List of subscribers, pp. iii.-x.; Preface, pp. i.-viii. ; Eulo- gium by William Smith, D.D., pp. 1-12; Dissertation, by John Morgan, M.D. ; Title and Dedication, pp. (2), text, pp. 1-45 ; Essay, by Stephen Watts, pp. 47-77; Dissertation III., by Joseph Beed, pp. 79-104; Dissertation IV., by Francis Hop- kinson, pp. 105-112. FOX. (T.) The Wilmington | Almanack, | or | Ephemeries, | for | The Year of our Lord, 1767: | (On an exceeding good Old Plan.) | Containing | The Motions of the Sun and Moon; the true Places | and Aspects of the Planets; the rising and setting | of the Sun; and the rising setting and southing of the Moon.-Also, | The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of | the Weather, rising and setting of the Planets, | | Length of Days and Nights, Fairs, Courts, Roads, | Quakers General Meetings, &c. Together with | useful Tables, chrono- logical Observations, and en- | tertaining Remarks, in Prose and Verse. Likewise, | The Continuation of Mr. Hervey's Thoughts on the | Starry Heavens.-An Hymn to God.-A Piece on | Liberty;-on Justice ;-on Health; on Sincerity; | -Virtuous Love and Lust; A Vision.-A Revd. | D r's Lamentation for the Loss of his Hearing. | Valuable Receipts, &c. &c. &c. | Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees, and a Meridian of | near five Hours West from London; but may, without | sensible 52 1766 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS Error, serve all the Northern Colonies. | By Thomas Fox, Philom. | Wilmington, Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1766.] | Sm. 8 pp. (40). 2214 FRANKLIN. (B.) ®ie | Wrfycrung | ©octor benjamin $ran!lin3 | von ber | SBerfammlung | be£ | bet ©emeinen | von Glroftbrittamen, | bie ®tampeL2lct, 2C. betreffenb. | 2ln£ bem (Snglifcfyen t'ibcrfetst. | Philadelphia,, Gedruckt und zu finden bey H. Miller, | in der Zweyten-Strasse. 1766. | 8vo. pp. 43. h. s. p. 2215 [FRANKLIN.] The Examination of Doctor | Benjamin Franklin, before an | August Assembly, relating to the Re- peal of | the Stamp-Act, &c. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1766.] 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2216 FRIENDS, Brethren, and Countrymen, | If the memory of your ancestors, your own honour, and that of your Posterity, pos- | sess ... a just affection in your bosoms, ... | ... | . . . Consider the irrevocable disgrace. ... | ... of Pennsylva- nia, . . . should | her . . . Sons call into her Assembly, the author of Americanus, the | . . . Advocate for American Slavery . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1766.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2217 An anti-F ranklin election address, issued Sept. 30, 1766. FROM the | Merchants and Traders | Of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania; | to the | Merchants and Manufacturers | Of Great Britain. | [Philadelphia: 1766?] Folio, pp. (3). 2218 [GARRIGUES. (Samuel)] Philadelphia, May 19, 1766. | To the Printers of the Pennsylvania Gazette. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1766.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2219 Samuel Garrigues' reply to John Macpherson's vindication. [GODDARD. (William)]. Philadelphia, December 23,1766. | Proposals, | For Printing by Subscription, | In Four Pages, large Folio, on a beautiful Letter, and good Paper, | The Pennsylvania Chronicle, | and | Universal Advertiser. | [Philadelphia : William Goddard. 1766.] Folio, pp. (2). n. y. h. s. 2220 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 53 The " Proposals" occupy one page, the other contains specimens of Goddard's various types. A GRAND | Chorus, | To be sung on the Fourth of June, being His | Majesty's Birth Day; at an Enter- | taimnent on the Banks of Schuylkill, by | a large Company of the Inhabitants of the | City of Philadelphia | [Philadelphia: 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. HAYES. (A.) A | Legacy, | or | Widow's Mite; | Left by | Alice Hayes, | To | Her Children and others. | Being a Brief | Relation of her Life; | With an | Account | of some | Of her Dying Sayings. | The Second Edition. | | | London, printed: And | Philadelphia, Re-printed by Andrew Steuart, at | the Bible-in-Heart, in Second-street, MDCCLXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 48. HAYES. (A.) A | Legacy, | or | Widow's Mite; | Left by | Alice Hayes, | To | Iler Children and others. | Being a Brief | Relation of her Life; | With an | Account | of some | Of her Dying Sayings. | The Third Edition. | ... | ... . | London, printed: And | Philadelphia, Re-printed by Andrew Steuart, at | the Bible-in-Heart, in Second-street, MDCCLXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 44. ft-. | be§ Staatgboten | 9?euja(g£-$erfe, | bet) feinen refp. | (Jeefyrten | abgelegt | ben 6ten Jenner, 1766. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1766.] Sm. Folio, 1 leaf. 2224 | | 2ltnericanifd)e | Galenber, | 2luf ba§ W | | I 1767. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | | neun unb mal tyerau$ gegeben. | [Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . . [1766.] 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2225 [HOPKINSON. (Francis)] A Psalm of | Thanksgiving, | Adapted to the Solemnity of | Easter : | To be performed on Sunday, the 30th of March, | 1766, at Christ-Church, Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2226 [HOPKINSON. (Thomas)] An | Exercise, | containing | a | Dialogue and two Odes | Performed at the public Commence- ment in the College of | Philadelphia, May 20th, 1766. | Philadel- 54 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 phia: | Printed by W. Dunlap, in Market-Street, M,DCC,LXVI. | Sm. 4to. pp. 8. ii. s. p. 2227 The Pa. Journal, June 5, 1766, says it was written chiefly hy Thos. Hopkinson. [HUME. (Sophia)] Extracts | from | Divers antient Testi- monies of | Friends and others, corresponding with | the Doctrines of Christianity, recommended to | the Consideration, First, Of Ministers. | Secondly, Elders. Thirdly, To every | Member of the Church, who makes a plain | outward Appearance; as a Touch- stone from the Spirit of Christ, through his Servants, to | try our Practice by; First, In the Education | of our Children, and In- struction of our Fami- | lies in Religion. Secondly, In getting and Spend- | ing Riches; in Buildings, and furnishing them | and our Tables. Thirdly, In Marriages, and | costly Entertainments at the same. Fourthly, | In paying Tithes. | Fifthly, In Trades or Occu- | pations, and Merchandize. | [ Wilmington: James Adams. 1766?] 16mo. pp. 85, (1). h. s. p. 2228 JOYFUL News | to | America, | a | Poem. | Expressive of Our more than ordinary | Joy, on the Repeal of the | Stamp-Act. | Together-with the | Praise of Liberty, | And | Two Acrosticks. [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Andrew Steuart] in the Year 1766. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. F. 2229 bc§ feligen ©. Martin Sutlers. Philadelphia. Gedruckt and zu haben bey Anton Armbruester in der Raesz-strasse, ohnweit dem griinen Baum. 1766. 2230 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. LAW. (W.) An | Extract | from a | Treatise | By William Law, M.A. | Called, | The Spirit of Prayer; | or, | the Soul rising out of the Vanity of | Time, into the Riches of Eternity. | With | Some Thoughts | on the Nature of War, | and its Repugnancy | to the Christian life, &c. &c. | Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Mil- ler, | in Second-Street. MDCCLXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 48. 2231 L[ETCIIWORTII]. (T[homas]) A | Morning and Evening's | Meditation, | or, a | Descant | on the | Times. | A | Poem. | By T. 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 55 L. | | | | | | | . | .... | London, Printed. | Philadelphia, Re-printed and Sold by B. \ Franklin, and D. Hall. 1766. | 8vo. pp. 58. f. 2232 The edition consisted of five hundred copies. MACPHERSON (J.) Mount-Pleasant, May 5, 1766. | Mr. David Hall. | That Duty incumbent on every honest Man, to vin- dicate his Character. . . . | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2233 John Macpherson's defence against a charge of retaining a stray horse. METHOD of Hearing Sermons to Advantage. Philadelphia: 1766. 2234 Title from Haven's List. MUHLENBERG. (H[enrich]) ©in 3eu9 bon ber (Bute unb Cruft (sic) (BotteS gegen fein in alten unb neuen unb be3 Rolfes Unbanfbarfeit, gelegentlid) be§ £>an!fefte§ toegen 2Iuf= fyebung ber <Stempcl=2Icte 1. 2luguft 1766. $on £od)to. $. 9)liif)lenberg. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1766. 2235 2Imericatiifd;er ©alenber, auf bag 3at;r 1767. Philadelphia: Anton Armbruster. 1766. 2236 93erbeffert= unb Snbertafiige | 2lmericanifd)e | ©alenber | 2Iuf bag 1767fte iyatir Cljrifti, | SBeldteg ein gemein $at)r bon 365 £agen ift. | | | | | | ... | ... . | 28ie and; | Cine furje $efd)reibung alter ©uropaifdten fianber unb Staaten, 2C. 2C. | ... | .... | 3um tterauggegeben. | 3toet)te 2luftage. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . . [1766.] | 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2237 The first page contains a rude copy of Heap's View of Philadelphia, and also a half title " Philadelphischer Calender," &c. The first edition has not been met with. A third edition was announced in Miller's paper of Jan. 26, 1767. A | NEW Song, | On the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, Tune, | A 56 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 late worthy Old Lyon. I [Philadelphia: 1766.1 Narrow Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2238 THE | NEW-YEAR | VERSES, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the | Pennsylvania Gazette to the Customers. | Janu- ary 1, 1766. | [ Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2239 THE NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766. 2240 NOW in the Press, and will be speedily published, | The Life and Adventures | of a certain | Quaker Presbyterian Indian | Colonel. | To which will be added, | The Qualifications necessary to entitle a Man to the dignified Name | of a modern moderate Quaker. | By Tim Trimmer. | \Philadelphia: 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. An election squib aimed at John Dickinson. <POTO3<53<5<W<5 | SBunbaXSpiel, | fid? | 3n biefen lenten geiten un& in benen 2lbenb= | lanbifdjen 2BelL£fyeiIen, ein SBorfpiel | ber nenen SBelt I;cworgetl;an. | 33eftel;enb in einer neuen ©ammlung anbdd;tid;cr unb junt £ob | be3 grofen (Sotted eingeridjp teter geiftlidjer, unb efyebeffen | jum £l;cil publicirter Sieber. | [Cut.] | Ephratce: Typis dp Consensu Societatis A : I): MDCCLXVI. | 4to. pp. 9, (1), 472, (6). h. s. p. 2242 For the first edition, see Addenda. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. h. s. p. 2243 Numbers 1932 (Jan. 2,1766) to 1983 (Dec. 25,1766), four pages each, with an extra half sheet of two pages to No. 1948, and " Supplements," of 1 leaf to No. 1951, of two pages to Numbers 1954 and 1975, and of four pages to 1968 and 1977. Title as in No. 1692, supra. No imprint on Numbers 1932 to 1936. The imprint of No. 1937 is: Philadelphia: Printed by David Hall, at the New Printing-Office, | near the Market. | This was continued till No. 1950, when it was changed to the form given in No. 2308, infra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. h. s. p. 2244 Numbers 1204 to 1255, four pages each, with extra half sheets of two pages each to Numbers 1237, 1246, and 1248, and " Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 1204, 1766 PENNSYLVANIA 57 1207, 1209, 1212, 1218, 1221, 1225, 1239, 1241, and 1242. Title and imprint as in No. 1693, supra, until the latter was changed, in No. 1239, to the form given under No. 2317, infra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1767. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1766. 2245 [Cut.] . . . ben 19ten 1766. | [Phila- delphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2246 An account of the arrival of the news of the repeal of the Stamp Act, in German, headed by an allegorical cut, under which are twenty-six lines of verse disposed in two columns. POLITICAL | Debates. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | A Paris, | Chez J. W. Imprimeur, Rue du Colombier | Fauxbourg St. Germain, a VHotel de Saxe. | MDCCLXVL | " [Prix 30 Nows.]" | Avec Appro- qation Privilege. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 18. Printed either in Philadelphia or New York, I think by W. Dunlap. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, and Counties of New- Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Phila- delphia : Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the New Printing- | Office, near the Market. [1766.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2248 Against settlers upon Indian Lands, dated Sept. 23, 1766. RAY. (N.) The Importance of the Colonies of North America, and the Interest of Great Britain with regard to them considered; together with Remarks on the Stamp Duty. By Nicholas Ray. Philadelphia: ? David Hall. 1766. 2249 A | RECEIPT | To make a | Speech. | By J[oseph] G[alloway], J&scpnre. \ [Philadelphia: William Bradford. 1766.] 4to. 1 leaf. | | ber | sTeutfcfyen ©efeUfdjaft | in | | Germantown | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1766. | 8vo. pp. 8. 2251 ROBERTS. (D.) Some | Memoirs | Of the Life of | John Rob- erts. | Written by his Son | Daniel Roberts. | The Fifth Edition. | ii.-8 58 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1766 | | | London and Bristol: Printed. | Philadelphia: Reprinted | by Henry Miller. | And Sold by Janies Der Kinderen, | in Strawberry-Alley. 1766. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 67. h. s. p. 2252 ROMAINE. (W.) Twelve Sermons upon the Law & the Gospel. By William Romaine. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1766. 2253 RUSSEL (R.) Seven | Sermons; j viz. | I. Of the Unpardon- able | Sin against the Holy- | Ghost; or, The Sin | unto Death. | II. The Saint's Duty and | Exercise : In two Parts. | Being an Ex- hortation | to, and Directions for | Prayer. | III. The Accepted Time | and Day of Salvation. | IV. The End of Time, | and Be- ginning of E- | ternity. | V. Joshua's Resolution | to serve the Lord. | VI. The Way to Heaven | made Plain. | VII. The Future State of | Man ; or, A Treatise of | the Resurrection. | A Funeral Sermon. | By Robert Russel, | At Wardhurst in Sussex. | The Fifty-Second Edition. | .Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by W. Bun- lap, at the | Newest-Printing- Office, the South Side of the | Jersey Market, MDCCLXVI. | 12mo. pp. 172. a. s. p. 2254 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket | Almanack | For the Year 1767. | Fitted to the Use of Penn- | sylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | With several useful Additions. | By R. Saunders, Phil. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and | W. Sellers. [1766.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 2255 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved : | Being an | Alma- nack | | | | | | | | | | . . . | For the | Year of our Lord 1767 : | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1766.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 2256 [SCOUGAL. (Henry)] The | Life of God | in the | Soul of Man : | or, the | Nature and Excellency | of the | Christian Re- ligion. | Also | An Account of the Beginnings and Advan- | ces of a Spiritual Life, | With | A Recommendatory Preface by | Gilbert Burnet, Late Lord Bi- | shop of Sarum. | Philadelphia: | 1766 IN PENNSYLVANIA 59 Printed and Sold by W. Dunlap, | in Market-Street, M.DCC.LXVL | Sm. 12mo. pp. xxiv, 196. 2257 SIX Arguments | Against Chusing | Joseph Galloway | An As- semblyman at the ensuing Election; | Addressed to himself by one heretofore his Friend. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1766?] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2258 STEUART. (A.) The Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket Alma- nac for 1767. By Andrew Steuart. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1766. 2259 fioofungen ber $ruber=@emeine fur ba§ 3a(;r 1766. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1766. 2260 Henry Miller, in January, printed 400 copies of an index, and in February the same number of copies of changes to the " Watch Words" for 1766. TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Al- manac for 1767. Wilmington: James Adams. 1766. 2261 A TRUE State of the Establishment of the Church of England in the Province, by the Royal Charter ... to the . . . Pro- prietor of Pennsylvania, &c. By a Layman and member of the Church of England. Philadelphia : 1766. 2262 TUCKER. (J.) Interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies. By Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester. Philadelphia: 1766? 2263 Title from Haven's List. No doubt intended for Tucker's True Interest of Great Britain, first printed at Gloucester in 1774, and reprinted in Philadelphia in 1776. = ober ■ftantenbudjier, nacb ber ridjtigen 23ucfyftabier=2lrt. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1766. 2264 VOTES and Proceedings of the House of Representatives. Philadelphia: D. Hall and W. Sellers. 1766. 2265 unb ivafyrfcfyeinlicfie SBegebenfyeiten auf ungeftempfelten papier, tveil fein geftempfelteS ju fyaben ift. [n. p. dated March 5, 1766.] 2266 60 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 Title from Seidens ticker's Bibliography. WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1767. Philadelphia: William Dunlap. 1766. 2267 1767. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Bu- | rials in the United Churches of Christ-Church | and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia, from December | 25, 1766, to December 25, 1767. By Caleb | Cash, Clerk, and James Weyley, | Sexton. | 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2268 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptized | in the Baptist Church, in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1766, | to December 25, 1767. By Samuel Burkloe, Sexton. | Philadelphia: 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2269 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second | Presbyterian Church, in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1766, | to December 25, 1767. By Adam Hope, Sexton. | 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2270 AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American Almanac for 1768. By Andrew Aguecheek. Philadelphia: Andrew Stewart. 1767. 2271 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1768. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2272 THE AMERICAN Pocket Almanac for 1768. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2273 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magme Britannise, Francife & Hibernise, | Septimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Phila- delphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1766, in | the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 61 Adjournments to the | Twenty-first Day of February, 1767. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVH. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 501-538.+And from thence continued ... to the | Twentieth Day of May, 1767. | [Boyal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by William Goddard, at the New | Printing-Office, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXVII. | Title, 1 leaf; pp. 541-583, (1).+And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-sixth Day of September, 1767. | Title, 1 leaf; pp. 587-593. 2274 | iff: | ©tlicfye fd)bne | (Sfjriftltcfye | Sieber, | 2Bie fie in bem ®efang= | niifl ju Saffau in bcm (Scblof? | bon ben <Sd)toedjer=SBrubern, unb | bon anberen red)tglaubigen (Stjriften | Inn unb l;er gebidrtet ioorben. | 2IHen unb jeben (Sfyriften inch | diet Religion fie fetyen, unpar= | tbetiifd) faft nut lid). | iRebft einein 2lnfyang bon fiinff £ie= | bern. | $um britten inal aufgelegt in i£ennftylbanien. | German- town: | Gedruckt, und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1767. | 16mo. pp. (10), 812, (6), 96. h. s. p. 2275 AUTHENTIC Account of the Proceedings of the Congress held at New York in 1765, on the Subject of the American Stamp Act. Philadelphia: 1767. 8vo. pp. 37. 2276 Title from Haven's List. BENEZET. (A.) A | Caution | and | Warning | to | Great- Britain, | and | Her Colonies, | in | A Short Representation | of the | Calamitous State | of the | Enslaved Negroes | in the British Dominions. | Collected from various Authors, and submitted to the | Serious Consideration of all, more | especially of Those in Power. | To which is added, | An Extract of a Sermon, preached by the Bishop of | Gloucester, before the Society for the Propagation | of the Gospel. | By Anthony Benezet. | Phila- delphia : Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sei- | lers, at the New Printing- Office, in Market-street. | MDCCLXVII. | 16mo. Half title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 52. h. s. p. 2277 bon ben Srubern im in bem giiridjer 62 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 (Bebiet toegen ber toeldfe uber fie ergangen finb. German- town : Christoph Saur. 1767. 2278 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. This was not, I think, a separate publi- cation, but only a part of the matter appended to the " Ausbund," No. 2275, supra. A | BILL | in the | Chancery of New-Jersey, | At the Suit of | John Hunt, | against ] William Earl of Stirling, | And Others, | Proprietors of the Eastern Division of the Province | of New-Jer- sey. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, at the New Printing-Office, | in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXVH. | Folio, pp. 21. h. s. p. 2279 BLAIR. (J.) The | New Creature | Delineated. | In a | Sermon, | Delivered in Philadelphia, | February 26,1767, | By John Blair, A.M. Minister of the | Gospel at Fag's Manor. | Published at the Request of a Number of the | Hearers. | . . . | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at | the Lon- don Coffee-House. | M,DCC,LXVII. | 8vo. pp. 32. c. 2280 BOSTON. (T.) Sermons and Discourses on Several important Subjects in Divinity. By the late Reverend and Learned Mr. Thomas Boston, Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2281 [BROOKS. (Seth)] A | Plowman's Complaint | against a | Clergyman: | Being a | Letter | to the | Baptist Association | at | Philadelphia. | Written by an alient Baptist Dissenter. | . . . | | | Philadelphia: | Printed [by W. and T. Bradford] for the Author. | M.DCC.LXVII. | 8vo. pp. vii, 27. l. c. p. 2282 BY Authority. | By the American Company, | at the New Theatre in Southwark; on Tuesday | The Seventh of April, will be presented, by Particular Desire, | A Tragedy called | Romeo and Juliet, | Romeo by Mr. Hallam, | Mercutio by Mr. Douglass, | Capulet by Mr. Morris, | Fryar Lawrance by Mr. Allyn, | Mountague by Mr. Tomlinson. | [42 lines.] [Philadelphia: 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2283 CATECHISM. The Assembly's Shorter Catechism explained, 2278 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 63 by Way of Question and Answer. In two parts. By some Minis- ters of the Gospel. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. $@91 3WW Sutfyeri, mit bet Drbnung be£ $eil3, unb bent SBurtembergifcfyen $urjen $inber=Seamen, ober 2c., foie and; ber Ungednberten SonfeBion, unb einer 3Ut3a^e ber 7 SBufpSpfalmen. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller, 1767. 2285 CHANDLER. (T. B.) An Appeal to the Public, in behalf of the Church of England in America. By Thomas Bradbury Chandler, D.D. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1767. 2286 THE | CHARACTER | of | Eusebius : | Containing | Remarks | on a late | Pamphlet, | intitled, | True Pleasure, Chearfulness, and | Happiness, the immediate Conse- | quence of Religion, fully and | concisely proved. | In a Letter from Atticus to his Friend. | | | | | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William f Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXVII. | 8vo. pp. 19. h. s. p. 2287 A | COLLECTION | of some | Writings | Of the most noted of the | People called Quakers, in their Times. | Collected together, in order that such who profess that Way | now may compare their Sentiments with those of their | Forefathers, as they term them, or such as were deem- | ed worthy Ancients, whose writings have been approv- | ed of by the Society in general. | Philadelphia, | Printed \by W. and T. Bradford] for the Compiler, 1767. | 8vo. pp. 34. h. s. p. 2288 DAILY Conversation with God, | Exemplified in the | Holy Life | of | Armelle Nicholas, | A poor ignorant Country Maid in | France, commonly known by the Name of | The Good Armelle, | Deceas'd in Bretaigne in the Year 1671. | Done out of French. | .... | London: Printed. | Philadelphia: | Reprinted by Henry Miller, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXVII. | 12mo. pp. 16. 2289 [DE FOE. (Daniel)] The | Dreadful Visitation: | In a | Short Account | of the | Progress and Effects | of the | Plague, | The last 64 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 Time it spread in the City | of London, in the Year 1665 ; | Ex- tracted | From the Memoirs of a Person who | resided there during the whole Time of | that Infection: | With | Some Thoughts on the Advantage which would | result to Christianity, if a Spirit of Im- partiality | and true Charity was suffered to preside amongst | the several religious denominations, &c. | | | | Phila- delphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, | MDCCLXVII. | 16mo. pp. 16. ii. s. p. 2290 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Septimo | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly begun at | New-castle, in the Government of the Conn- | ties of New-castle, Kent and Sussex, upon | Dela- ware, the Twentieth Day of October, | in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our So- | vereign Lord George the Third, King of | Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1767, | The following Acts were passed by the Ho- | nourable John Penn, Esq; Governor; | [ Wilmington: James Adams. 1767.] Folio, pp. 125-131. 2291 THE | EMPTINESS and Vanity | of | A Life | Spent in the Pursuit of Worldly Profit, | Ease or Pleasure, | compared with | A Life | Wholly employed in endeavouring to gio- | rify God, and do good to Mankind: | Illustrated in | An Extract | of the | Life and Death | Of the pious Lady | Elizabeth Hastings. | With | Some Remarks on the Universality | of the Love of God to Man- kind. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Second,-Street, | MDCCLXVII. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2292 ERSKINE. (E.) Sermons and Discourses upon the Most Im- portant and Interesting Subjects. By the late Reverend Mr. Eb- enezer Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Sterling. In Four Volumes. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2293 AN | EXERCISE, | containing | a | Dialogue and two Odes, | Performed at the Public Commencement in the College | of Phila- delphia, November 17, 1767. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, in Market-Street. [1767.] | Sm. 4to. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2294 The Dialogue was written by Thomas Coombe. Pa. Chronicle, Nov. 23, 1767. 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 65 EXTRACT | From an Address | in the | Virginia Gazette, | of March 19, 1767. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1767.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. h. s. p. 2295 EXTRACT of a Letter, | Wrote by a pious Person, describing the Progress of the | Soul in her Spiritual Warfare, as typically pointed | out in the Travels of the Children of Israel | from Egypt to Canaan, particularly treating of | the barren and fruitfill Wil- derness State, &c. | [Philadelphia: 1767?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. 2296 THE FAMILY | Prayer Book | containing | Morning and Evening | Prayers, | for Families and private Persons, | To which are annexed Directions for a de- | vout and decent be- haviour in the publick Wor- | ship of God; more particularly in the Use | of Common Prayer appointed by the | Church of England: | Together with the Church Catechism. | Collected and published chiefly for the Use of the | Episcopal Congregations of | Lancaster, Pequea, and Caerracoon (?). | . . . . | Ephrata: Printed for William Barton. MDCCLXVH. | 2297 I am indebted to the Rev. Joseph Henry Dubbs, D.D., of Lancaster, for the above title. He supposes the copy of the Prayer-Book from which it was taken now to be in the Lenox Library, in New York City. FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1768. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams. 1767. 2298 [FOTHERGHjL. (Samuel)] Two | Discourses | and | A Prayer, | publickly delivered | On Sunday the 17th and Tuesday | the 19th Days of May, 1767. | At the Quakers Yearly Meeting, | At the Fryers, in Bristol. | The whole taken down in Characters, | By a Member of the Church of England. | To which is added, a Preface. | Bristol Printed; And | Philadelphia Be-printed, and sold by Andrew | Steuart, at the Bible-in-Heart, in Second-street. [1767 ?] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 30. h. s. p. 2299 THE GENUINE Letter from the Baptist Association met in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1767. 2300 GOODLET. (J.) A | Vindication | of the | Associate Synod, n.-9 66 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 | upon the | Head of their Principles | about the | Present Civil Government: | Against | The gross Misrepresentations and Reproaches by which | they are abused in the Supplement to a Performance, | intituled, Act, Declaration and Testimony, &c. by | the Reformed Presbytery. | In which | It is proven, con- trary to the shameless Pretences of the pre- | tended Reformed Presbytery, That an owning of the | present Civil Government is agreeable to the Principles | and Practice of our Reformers; and of our Martyrs, in | the bloody Reigns of Charles II. and James II. | By Mr. John Goodlet, Minister of the | Gospel in the Associate Congregation at Sanquhar. | Edinburgh, Printed: | Philadelphia, Reprinted by D. Hall, and, | W. Sellers, at the New Printing-Office, near | the Market, MDCCLXVH. | 8vo. pp. 115, (3). THE GOSPEL Explained According to the iii Chapter of St. John, and 3d Verse, &c. Delivered in five Propositions. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1767. 2302 HARTLEY. (T.) 2lu§jug au§ einer Otebe | £boma§ | eine§ SeE>rer§ ber (Snglifcfyen | uber | bie Whfgbegriffe, | bie Religion, 2c. | betreffenb. | bent @nglifd)en iiberfefet. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, | in der Zweyten-strasse. 1767. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2303 THE HEIDELBERG Catechism; Translated from the German into English, by the New York Synod. Philadelphia: Anthony Arm- bruster. 1767. 2304 | | Slmericcmifcbe | ©alenber, | 2Iuf ba§ $al;r | . . . | . . . | 1768. | (SBelcfyeg ein bon 366 Sagen iff.) | | | | | | | | | . . . | . . . . | gum mal berauS gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . . [1767.] | 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2305 LYON. (J.) Urania: Or, A choice collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems and Hymns, from the most approved Authors: With some entirely new. In two, three and four parts. By James Lyon, A.M. Philadelphia : 1767. 2306 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 67 "A new and neat Edition" was advertised in the Pa. Journal, Nov. 19, 1767. See No. 1743, supra. McEWEN. (W.) Grace and Truth; or, The Glory and Fulness of the Redeemer displayed. In an attempt to explain, illustrate, and enforce the most remarkable Types, Figures, and Allegories of the Old Testament. To which is added, Thoughts on Various Subjects. By the late Reverend Mr. William McEwen, Minister of the Gospel at Dundee. Philadelphia: W and T. Bradford. 1767. 2307 HENRICH MILLER, | SBuctybrutfer in ber Bioetytemflraffe, | jivifctyen ber 9iee3= unb SBeim [traffic, | gegeniiber $errn Sotyn SufenS, bent (General - Banbmeffier, | §at folgenbe 33ud?er ju verfaufen: | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1767.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2308 THE | MINISTERS, Elders, and Messengers, | from the several Churches Baptized on | Profession of Faith, in Pennsylvania, and | Provinces adjacent, Met in Annual | Association in Philadelphia, the | 13th, 14th, and 15th Days of October, | Anno Domini 1767. | To the several Churches, we relate unto, do send our | loving Salu- tation. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia, Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street. [1767.] | Folio, pp. (3). 2309 I Americanifctye | Stabt unb £anb | Calenber, | Auf ba§ SZr I • - - I - - • I 1768. | (2Selctye3 ein Sctyalt= $afyr Von 366. £agen ift.) | | | | | | . . . | | | | | | | $um gunfjetyeiiben tnatyl an3 Sictyt gegeben. | Philadelphia gedruckt und zu haben bey Anton Armbruester in der Raesz-Strasse, | ohnweit dem gruenen Baum- Wirth ; auch sind solche zu haben bey Andreas Geyer, Buch- | binder in der Second-strasse, bey Ludwig Lawman in Lancaster, bey Bern- hard Holzinger | in Yorktaun, bey Kraft Huener in Rieding, bey Wil- helm Baesz und Henrich Landes in An- | weil, bey Michael Hofman und Jacob Huth in Neu-yorck, und bey Mr. Laschy in Ger- | manton, bey Mr. Hochstrasser, Kraemer in Albanien, bey Henrich Miller, Kraemer in Neu- | Germanton in Neu-Jersey, und andern auswaertigen Kraemem. [1767.] | 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2310 33erbeffiert- unb juVerlafffige | Americanifctye | 68 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 ©alenber | 2Inf bag 1768fte Sfyrifti, | 2Seld;eg ein Sd)alt=3al)r 366 £agen iff. | | | | | | | | 2Bie and; | Sine furje $iftorifd)e 9llad)ridd von ber Staatgfhigfyeit nnb bcm SinflnB | $rantreid;g, feitbem bag £aug fclbige tone 2C. 20. | ... | .... | Bum Scdjgtenmal (;erauggegcben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . . [1767.] | 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2311 THE | NEW-YE AR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry the Pennsylva- | nia Gazette to the Customers. | January 1,1767. | [Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2312 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2313 PENNINGTON. (Edward) A Description of Pennsbury Manor, which, as attorney for Ann Penn, he offers to sell. [Philadelphia. 1767.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 2314 It sets forth Ann Penn's title to the estate and gives some descriptive and his- torical details concerning it. (January, M.DCC.LXVII.) (Numb. 1.) | THE | PENNSYLVA- NIA : Chronicle, | And Universal • Advertiser. | Containing the freshest Advices, : both Foreign and Domestic; | with a Variety of other Matter, : useful, instructive and entertaining. | . . . . | Monday, January 26,1767. (Vol. I.) | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by William Goddard, at the New-Printing-Office, in Market- Street, near | the Post-Office, and opposite Mr. John Wister's, where Subscriptions, Advertisements, Articles and Letters | of Intelligence are gratefully received for this Paper, and where all Manner of Printing Work is performed with Care, | Fidelity and Expedition. | Folio, pp. 4. ii. s. p. 2315 Numbers 1 (Jan. 26, 1767) to 54 (Jan. 18 to 25, 1768) of four pages each, except Number 46, which is only two pages, pp. 1-214. There are unpaged " Postscripts" of two pages each to Numbers 5, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 37, 38, 42, and 45, and "Postscripts Extraordinary," of two pages each, dated Oct. 28, and Nov. 11, 1767. In the centre of the heading is a large cut of the Koyal Arms. The dotted lines indicate the division of the wording which its insertion caused. Additions were made to the imprint in Numbers 5 and 42. 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 69 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. Philadelphia: Printed by David Hall, and William Sellers, | at the New Printing-Office, near the Market. | h. s. p. 2316 Numbers 1984 (Jan. 1, 1767) to 2036 (Dec. 31, 1767) four pages each, with "Sup- plements" of two pages each to Numbers 1989, 1991, 1993, 1997, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, and 2016. Title as in No. 1692, supra. Imprint as above until No. 2002, when it was changed to the form given in No. 2381, infra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, at the Comer of Front and Market-Streets, where | Persons may be supplied with this Paper at Ten Shillings a Year. And where Advertisements are taken in. | Folio. Numbers 1256 (Jan. 1, 1767) to 1308 (Dec. 31, 1767) four pages each, with extra half sheets of two pages each to Numbers 1256, 1258 to 1262, 1264 to 1271, 1273 to 1277, 1279 to 1284, 1286 to 1289, 1292 to 1297, 1299 to 1301, and 1304 to 1308 ; extra sheets of four pages each to Numbers 1302 and 1303; and " Supplements" of four pages each to Numbers 1278 and 1285. Title as in No. 1693, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1768. Phdadel- phia: W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2318 OS'iXS® I | unb ipropfyeten | ®avib3, | SBerbeutfdjit | | i. Wrtin Sutfyern: | 9Jiit | furfcen | Summanen, | unb | ■JtotfJgften i£arallelen. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Anton | Armbruster, in der Raesz-Strasse, | 1767. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 350, (10). ii. s. p. 2319 [ROWE. (Elizabeth)] The | History | of | Joseph; | A | Poem. | In Ten Books. | By a Female Hand. | To which is added, | The Hermit; A Poem : | And | An Essay on the Creation. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by David. Hall, and | William Sellers. 1767. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-66. 2320 RUSTON. (T.) An Essay on Inoculation for the Small Pox. Wherein the Nature of the Disease is explained, the various Methods of Preparation that have been practised in America are critically examined, and that which the Author has found, from his own experience, to be most successful, is clearly laid down. With an Appendix, containing a Chymical Examination of Mr. Sutton's 70 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1767 Medicines. By Thomas Ruston, M.D. Philadelphia : W. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2321 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket | Almanack | For the Year 1768. | Fitted to the use of Penn- | sylvania and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | By R. Saunders, Phil. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and IF. Sellers. [1767.] | 24mo. pp. (24). 2322 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack | For the | Year of our Lord 1768 : | Being Bissextile, or Leap- Year. | | | | 1 | | | | . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1767.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 2323 SMITH. (R.) The Principles of Sin and Holiness, And the Conflict Between these in the Heart of Believers. In Two Ser- mons, Preached by Robert Smith, A.M. Minister of the Gospel at Pequea. Philadelphia: IF. and T. Bradford. 1767. 2324 STATEMENT of the Case respecting the Controversy between New York and Massachusetts respecting the Boundaries of these States. Philadelphia: 1767. 2325 Title from Haven's List. STEUART. (A.) The | Gentleman and Citizen's | Pocket Al- manack, | By Andrew Steuart, Bookseller. | For the Year 1764. | | | | | | | | | | Phila- delphia : | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in-Heart, in Second- street. [1767.] | 24mo. pp. (24), 1 leaf folded. 2326 DIE | T-zEGLICHEN | Loosungen | der | Briider-Gemeine | Fur das Jahr | 1767. | Gedruckt bey Bethlehem in der Fork Della- war. Bey Johann Brandmiller. MDCCLXVH. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; PP- h. s. p. 2327 THOUGHTS | on the | Nature of War, | and its | Repugnancy | to the | Christian Life. | Extracted from a Sermon, | on the 29th November, 1759; | Being the Day of Public Thanksgiving | for the Successes obtained in the late War. | With | Some Extracts | 1767 IN PENNSYLVANIA 71 from the Writings of Will. Law | and Th. Hartley, both Clergy- men | of the Church of England, on the Neces- | sity of Self- Denial, and bear- | ing the Daily Cross, in order to be true | Fol- lowers of Christ. | | | | | | Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, | in Second-Street. MDCCLXVT. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 30. h. s. p. 2328 This title was accidentally misplaced. It should have appeared in 1766. TOBLER. (J.) The | Pennsylvania | Town and Country-man's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, 1768 : | Being Bissex- tile or Leap-Year. | [20 lines.] | By John Tobler, Esq; | Wilming- ton, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, and to be had in | Philadelphia of Jonathan Zane and William Wilson, | both in Second-street, between. Chesnut- and Arch-street. [1767.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). 2329 A TRANSLATION of a Passage from the Letters of Julius, an antient Italian Missionary, residing in China, of the Manner there of draining and flooding their Rice and Grass Lands along the Sides of Tide Rivers. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1767. TRUE | Pleasure, Chearfulness, | and | Happiness, | The im- mediate Consequence of | Religion | Fully and concisely proved. | With some Remarks on the | Theatre. | Addressed to a Young Lady in | Pennsylvania. | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the Lon- don Coffee-House. M.DCC.LXVH. | 8vo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 2331 WSiTS® | | SSor | | Stuber, | SBoburd? man felbige, | ®urd) ©otteg Ginabe, | | SBeifen unb anleiten | mbge | 3U Gfyrifto; | Sluf baft er fie umfafye, fierce | unb fegne, | $n unb Sttngfeit; | Slug Biebe, jum Bob (Sotteg, | Slug bem SJlunbe ber Unmimbigen bargeftellet. | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1767. | 24mo. pp. 48. h. s. p. 2332 SIsS3 = 6s ober Slamenbiidjer, nad) ber rid)tig= [ten S3ud)[tabier - Slrt. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1767. 2333 VOTES and Proceedings of the Assembly. Philadelphia: D. Holland W. Sellers. 1767. 2334 72 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 WATTS. (I[saac]) Hymns | and | Spiritual Songs. | In Three Books. | I. Collected from the Scriptures. | II. Composed on Divine Subjects. | III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. | By I. Watts, D.D. | The Twentieth Edition. | | | | | .... | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and | W. Sellers, at the New-Printing- | Office, | in Market-street. MDCCLXVH. | 24mo. pp. xiii, 1-281, (4). h. s. p. 2335 WEATHER WISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | . . . | For the Year of our Lord, 1768. | Being Bissextile, or Leap- Year. | [26 lines.] | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadel- phia: | Printed and Sold by W. Dunlap, at the | Newest-Printing-Office, in Market-Street. [1767.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). l. c. p. 2336 WITHERSPOON. (J.) Ecclesiastical | Characteristics: | Or the | Arcana of Church-Policy. | Being an | Humble Attempt, | to open the | Mystery of Moderation. | Wherein is shewn, | A plain and easy Way of attaining to the Character of | a Moderate Man, as at present in Repute in the | Church of Scotland. | The Seventh Edition. | By John Witherspoon, D.D. | London: Printed, | Phila- delphia : | Re-Printed, by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the Lon- don Coffee-House. | M,DCCLXVII. | 8vo. pp. 60. h. s. p. 2337 1768. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Bu- | rials in the United Churches of Christ-Church | and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia, from December | 25, 1767, to December 25, 1768. By Caleb | Cash, and William Young, Clerks, and Janies | Weyley, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1768.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2338 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials of the Second | Presbyterian Church, in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1767, | to December 25,1768. By Adam Hope, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1768.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2339 AN ADDRESS to the Merchants, Freehold- | ers, and all other the Inhabitants of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania in particular, 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 73 and the | Southern Colonies in General. | [Philadelphia: William Goddard? 1768.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2340 An Anti-Non-Importation address, signed " An Englishman," who says, " The es- tablishment of a Bishop or Bishops, would, amongst other things, have this very ex- cellent effect, that it would draw the attention, and awaken the jealousy of the [New England] Puritans, who would give their spleen some vent, in discharging it upon the ceremonies, forms, &c., of the church, . . . and this will answer as good an end as stuffing a skin to amuse a puppy, to prevent his worrying the sheep." THE FOLLOWING | ADDRESS | Was read at a Meeting of the Merchants, at the Lodge, in Philadelphia, on Monday, | the 25th of April, 1768. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1768. Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2341 Recommending a renewal of the Non-Importation agreement. AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American Almanac for 1769. By Andrew Aguecheek. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1768. 2342 ALLEN (B.) An Address to the Vestrymen, Church- Wardens, and Parishioners of All-Saints, in Frederick County, Maryland. In which the Author's Conduct is explained, and his Character vindicated from the Aspersions thrown upon it in the Maryland Gazette. By Bennet Allen, Chaplain and Agent to the Right Honourable the Proprietary, in Maryland. Phila- delphia : William Goddard. 1768. 2343 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1769. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2344 THE AMERICAN Pocket Almanac for 1769. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2345 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magme Britanniae, Francite & Hibernise, | Octavo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October; Anno Domini 1767, in | the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by n.-10 74 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 Adjournments to the | Twentieth Day of February, 1768. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and, W. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVIIL | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 597-636. + [Boyal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by William Goddard, at the New | Printing- Office, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXVIIL | Folio, pp. 44, 1 leaf. 2346 THE | BAPTIST Association, | held | In Philadelphia, | the 11th, 12th and 13th Days of October, Anno Domini 1768; | To the Churches thereunto belonging. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia, Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-street. [1768.] | Folio, pp. (3). CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, May 4,1768, by Robert Bell. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1768. 2348 CIIAUNCY. (C.) The Appeal to the Public Answered, In Be- half of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America; containing Re- marks on what Dr. Thomas Bradbury Chandler has advanced, on the four following Points, The Original and Nature of the Episco- pal Office. Reasons for sending Bishops to America. The Plan on which it is proposed to send them. And the Objections against sending them obviated and refuted. Wherein the Reasons for an American Episcopate are shown to be insufficient, and the Objec- tions against it in full force. By Charles Chauncy, D.D. and Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Boston. Philadelphia : W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2349 CIIAUNCY. A Letter to a Friend, Containing Remarks on cer- tain Passages in a Sermon Preached by the Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Landaff, before the incorporated So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary-Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary Le-Bow, February 20,1767. In which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies. By Charles Chauncy, D.D. Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Boston. Philadelphia: W. and, T. Bradford. 1768. 2350 CHESAPEAK. | [Philadelphia: 1768.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 18 +• In favor of a canal between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 75 A COPY of a Letter from a Gentleman in Virginia, | To a Merchant in Philadelphia. | 1768.] Folio, pp. (2). In regard to violations of the Non-Importation agreement by Philadelphia merchants. CROSSWELL. (A.) Observations on Bishop Warburton's Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Feb. 21,1766. By Andrew Crosswell. Philadelphia: 1768. 8vo. 2353 Title from Haven's List. [DICKINSOK. (John)] Letters | from a | Farmer | in | Penn- sylvania, | to the | Inhabitants | of the | British Colonies. | Phila- delphia: | Printedby David Hall, and William Sellers. | MDCCLXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 71. + The Second Edition. | [Ibid.~\ 8vo. pp. 71. 2354 The first edition was published in March and the second in June following. The publication of these letters produced a greater sensation throughout the colonies than anything ever before printed. They appeared simultaneously in the Pennsylvania Chronicle and Gazette, in twelve issues, beginning on Dec. 3, 1767 ; towards the close of the series the Chronicle was a few days ahead of the Gazette and Journal, which joined the others with numbers one and two, on the 10th of Dec. They were promptly reprinted in nearly all the twenty-five papers then published on the conti- nent, Miller's and Sower's German papers and the Boston Evening Post being among the exceptions. The latter paper published a series of letters in reply, and Goddard (Partnership, p. 16) hints that Galloway also wrote a series of letters in answer to the Farmer, which were not, however, published. The publication of the letters in the Chronicle led to a breach between the partners,-Galloway, Wharton, and Goddard, which resulted finally in the latter's overthrow. The Town Meeting held in Boston, March 17, 1768, voted that " The Thanks of the Town be given to the Author." " This," says the Pa. Gazette, " is the first Honour of the kind ever given by a City to any person in America." Other towns in New England followed the example of Boston ; in New York, the " Author of the Farmer's Letters" was a toast at public dinners ; in Pennsylvania, when Dickinson appeared in Court, proceedings were delayed by the presentation of complimentary addresses from the Grand Juries. From Maryland and the southern colonies came addresses from Grand Juries and other public bodies. The French edition says thirty editions were printed in America within six months. This statement may have in- cluded the newspaper reprints, as only eight in pamphlet form are now known to have been printed in America. Two editions were also published in London and one in Dublin. A long notice in the Monthly Review, vol. xxxix., concludes, " If reason is to decide between us and our colonies, in the affairs here controverted, our Author, whose name the advertisements inform us is Dickinson, will not perhaps easily meet with a satisfactory refutation." 76 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 [EDWARDS. (Morgan)] The | Customs of primitive churches; | or | A set of propositions relative to name, matterials, constitu- tion, power, | officers, ordinances, rites, business, worship, dis- cipline, government, &c. | of a church; to which are added their proofs from scripture; and his- | torical narratives of the manner in which most of them have been re- | duced to practice. | . . . | | | | | : Andrew Stcuart. 1768.] 4to. pp. 110. 2355 The reverse of the title-page contains a list of errata. The only copy I have seen contains what appears to be a cancelled title-page: " Customs of the churches; | Or | A set of propositions relative to the name, matterials, constitutions, pow- | ers, officers, ordinances, rites, business, worship, discipline, govern- | ment, &c., of a church ; to which are added their proofs from | scripture; and historical narratives of the manner in which some have | been reduced to practice." | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | . . . . | [n. p. n. d.J. On the reverse is an "Advertisement" of 16 lines. This attempt to formulate the ritual of the Baptist Church was written by Rev. Morgan Edwards, who had a few copies printed for private distribution among the Ministers and Elders of that sect, " with an earnest request that each of them will consider the plan ; mend it; or propose abetter." It does not seem to have met with a favorable reception, and the Philadelphia Association, in their Letter for 1774, express their disapproval. EXTRACTS | From the Proceedings | of the | Court of Vice- Admiralty | in | Charles-Town, South-Carolina; | In the Cause, | George Roupell, Esq; v. the Ship Ann and Goods: | With a few | Explanatory Remarks. | To which is subjoined, some | General Observations | on | American Custom-House Officers, | and | Courts of Vice-Admiralty. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . . . | . . . . | America: | W. and T. Bradford.] Printed, Anno Domini, M,DCC,LXVIII. | 4to. pp. iv, 20. 2356 [FOTHERGILL. (Samuel)] The | Prayer of Agur, | illus- trated in | A Funeral Discourse: | And the | Advantages Resulting | from an | Early and Stedfast Piety. | Preached extempore, | By the Author of Two Discourses, and a | Prayer. | Publickly delivered at the Quakers Yearly | Meeting, in Bristol. | The whole taken down in Characters, | By a Member of the Church of England. | Bristol, Printed: | Philadelphia, Re-printed, and sold bp D. Hall, | and W. Sellers, at the New Printing-Office, | opposite the Jersey Market. MDCCLXVHI. | 8vo. pp. 43. h. s. p. 2357 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 77 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1769. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams. 1768. 2358 THE FREEMEN ... of Philadelphia are desired | to attend at the State-House ... | ... to consider of proper Instructions to ... | our Representatives on the present and alarming critical situation | of these Colonies. | 1768.] 4to. 1 leaf. Dated 11 Philadelphia, Saturday, July 30, 1768." FROM our | Yearly Meeting, | Held in London, by Adjourn- ments, from | the 23d Day of the Fifth Month, 1768, to | the 28th of the same, inclusive, | To the ensuing Yearly-Meeting of Friends, for | Pennsylvania and New Jersey. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, | in Market-street. [1768.] | Folio, pp. 2. m. s. 2360 THE GENUINE Letter from the Baptist Association met in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1768. 2361 GOLDSMITH. (0.) The | Traveller: | or, a | Prospect of Society. | A Poem. | Containing | A Sketch of the Manners | of | Italy, | Switzerland, | France, | Holland, | and | Britain. | To which is added, | True Beauty: A Matrimonial Tale. | Likewise, | The Adventures of Tom Dreadnaught. | Who served as a Soldier, and also as a Sailor, | in the Late War. | By Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. | Author of the Vicar of Wakefield, &c. | America : : Robert Bell.~\ Printed for every Par chaser, | MDCCLXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 24. n. y. h. s. 2362 GRIFFITH. (J.) Some | Brief Remarks | upon sundry | Important Subjects, | Necessary to be understood and attended to by all | professing the Christian Religion. | Principally ad- dressed to | The People called Quakers. | By John Griffith. | London, Printed: | And Wilmington, Re-printed, by James Adams, | M.DCC.LXVIII. | 8vo. pp. (8), 89. n. s. p. 2363 THE | GROUND and Nature | of | Christian Redemption. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, at the Newest | Printing-Office, on the South Side of the Jersey Market, | the third Door below Second-street, 1768. | 12mo. pp. 28. l. c. p. 2364 78 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 ©(£91 (£ated)i?mu?, <5amt ber $au?? ©afel. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1768. 2365 ©@9i | £©(£<£)=©(£U©(5(£f)(£ | Sltnericanifdje | Galenber, | 9Iuf ba? $abr | 91acb ber ®nabenreid)cn (Seburtl; unfer? | f)crrii unb 3efu (Hjrifti | 1769. | (SBeldie? ein gemein 3abr bon 365 ©agen ift.) | $n fid; (>a(tenbc; ©ie 2Bod;en=©age; ben ©ag be? 9Jtonat(i?; ©age ivelcfye | bemercft iuerben; ©e? 9)lonb? Slufc unb Untergang; ©e? 9)lonb? geicfycn un& ®ra^I Wionb? SSirtel: 2Iff>ecten ber ghaneten faint ber 2Bitterung; bef 7 ©eftirn? | Slufgang, unb Untergang; ©er (Sonnen 2Iuf= unb Untergang; ©er | $enu?, | be? 9)torgcn= obcr 2lbenb=ftern? | 2lnf= unb Untergang. llebft ber= | fcfriebenen anbern 93erid;tcn; Srfldrung ber Bcicbcn, 2Iberlafp©itfflein, 2ln= | seigung ber Gourtcn, $arcn, 2C. 2C. | (£ingeridjtet bor 40 ©rob 91orber= SBreite, fonberlid; bor | $ebod; an benen angrenfcenben Banbcn ofnie merflicben Unterfdneb ju gebraudjen. | $um ein unb brebfcigften mat fyerau? gcgeben. | Germantown: Ge- druckt and zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . . [1768.] 4to. pp. (48). H. s. p. 2366 JANEWAY. (J.) Heaven upon Earth or the Best Friend in the Worst Times. By Rev. James Janeway. Philadelphia: Benjamin Mecom. 1768. 2367 [JOHNSON. (Samuel)] The | History | of | Rasselas, | Prince of Abissinia. | An Asiatic Tale. | The Two Volumes complete in One. | Volume the First. | | . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | America: | Printed for every Purchaser. | MDCCLXVIH. | 12mo. pp. 192, 1 plate. h. s. p. 2368 The " Frontispiece" is an etching called " A Perspective View of Grand Cairo." It is a very crude performance by some local workman, Dawkins or perhaps Clay- poole. The first volume ends on page 94, and is followed by the title to the second volume, of which the reverse is blank. Rasselas ends on page 188, and is followed by The | Voyage | of | Life. | By Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. | Author of the Rambler, Rasselas, &c. | pp. 189-192. ©3® ©@3£© | ber | 33ruber=®emeine, | unb infonberfyeit | ber 5tinber, | fur ba? $a(;r | 1769. | | | | Phila- delphia: Gedruckt \bey Henrich Miller] im Jahr, 1768. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (39). 2369 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 79 A | LETTER, | concerning | an | American Bishop, &c. | to | Dr. Bradbury Chandler, | Ruler of St. John's Church, in | Elizabeth - Town. | In Answer to the | Appendix | Of His | Ap- peal to the Public, &c. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed, [by W. and T. Bradford'] A.D. 1768. | 8vo. pp. 19. h. s. p. 2370 LIBERTY. | A | Poem. | By Rusticus. | . . . . | Philadelphia : | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXVIII. | 4to. pp. 27. h. s. p. 2371 @$97 £$@© | Von bem | @rg = $retyl)eitg= folyi | SBihjelnt Sweden, | bem Urfyeber ber £bbl. ©tybgenoffenfcfmft. | Samt einem anbern £iebe | von bem | Urfprung unb ber SdUueijer. | [Cut.] | Philadelphia, | Nach einem Schweizerischen Exemplar treulich nachge- | druckt, und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in | der Zweyten-strasse. 1768. | 16mo. pp. (16). ii. s. p. 2372 LIVINGSTON. (W.) A Letter To the Right Reverend Father in God John, Lord Bishop of Landaff; Occasioned by some Passages in his Lordship's Sermon, on the 20th of Febru- ary, 1767, in which the American Colonies are loaded with great and undeserved Reproach. By William Livingston. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2373 @$97 W7@97S72BU97S$(S@97 £raum, | ber im $afyr I?57 Von einer gemiffen betreffenb ghylabetyfyia, | gum erftenmal, unb bann eilf $al)ren mieberum von | ber nemlicfyen traumet ivorben. | [Germantown: Christopher Saur. 1768.] 4to. pp. (2). ii. s. p. 2374 MONTAGUE. (M. W.) Additional Volume to the Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague. Phila- delphia: Robert Bell. 1768. 2375 ®@97 97@U@<S£@, SBerbefferL unb guVerldfjige 2lmericanifd;e @a= lenber 2Iuf bag 1769[te $a(;r Cbrifti. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1768. 2376 NEW JERSEY. [Royal Arms.] | By his Excellency | Wil- liam Franklin, Esquire, | | | | A Proclamation. 80 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 | Philadelphia: Printed by William Goddard, in Market-Street. [1768.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2377 The house of the Treasurer of East Jersey having been broken into, the Gov- ernor offered £50 reward for the apprehension of the Robbers. NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1768. 2378 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2379 OLD | Mr. Dod's | Sayings. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXVIII. | 12mo. pp. 11. f. 2380 THE | PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle, | and | Universal Ad- vertiser. | From February 1, 1768, to January 23, 1769. | .... | Volume II. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, in Market-Street. | 4to. h. s. p. 2381 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; text, in numbers of eight pages each, pp. 1-452; with unpaged 11 Postscripts" of two pages each, to Numbers 55, 57, 78, 98, and 106 ; of four pages each to Numbers 58, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, and 97 ; of eight pages each to Numbers 60, 61, 69, 70, and 71; and " Postscripts Extraordinary" of two pages each to Numbers 93 and 96. These " Postscripts" vary in size from octavo to folio. " Postscripts" to many numbers are regularly paged. The paper was modelled after the London Chronicle, to which, however, it was much superior in appearance and contents. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. Philadelphia: Printed by David Hall, and William Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. | h. s. p. 2382 Numbers 2037 (Jan. 7, 1768) to 2088 (Dec. 29, 1768), four pages each, with "Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2038 to 2050 inclusive, 2052, 2053, 2056 to 2067 inclusive, 2069, 2070, 2072 to 2076 inclusive, 2079, 2080, 2082, and 2084; of four pages to Numbers 2051, 2054, and 2055 ; " Supplement Extraordinary" to No. 2066 ; and " Postscripts" of 1 leaf to Numbers 2067 and 2068, and of two pages to 2071, and 2073 to 2079 inclusive. Title as in No. 1693, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. h. s. p. 2383 Numbers 1309 (Jan. 7, 1768) to 1360 (Dec. 29, 1768), four pages each, with extra half sheets of two pages each to Numbers 1309-13, 1315-17, 1319, 1325-28, 1338, 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 81 1341-42, 1344, 1347, and 1353-60 ; "Supplements" of two pages each to 1314, 1316, 1322, 1332-34, 1336-37, 1339, 134&-46, and 1349-51 ; "Supplements" of four pages each to 1318, 1320-25, 1329-31, 1335, and 1352; " Postscripts" of one leaf to 1318 and 1338; "Postscripts" of two pages to 1347 and 1348. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Pocket Almanack | For the Year 1769. | Being the First after Bissextile | or Leap Year. | Calculated for the Use of the Province | of Pennsylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by IF. and T. | Bradford at the London Coffee-House. [1768.] | 24mo. pp. (26). ii. s. p. 2384 THE | POWER and Grandeur | of | Great-Britain, | founded on | The Liberty | of the | Colonies, | and | The Mischiefs at- tending the Taxing them by Act | of Parliament | Demonstrated. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Goddard, at the New Printing- | Office, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 22. ii. s. p. 2385 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander-in- Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and | Counties of New- Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware. | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. 1768. | Folio, 1 leaf. ii. s. p. 2386 Dated March 16, 1768. Offering a reward for the apprehension of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, who had been rescued from jail at Carlisle, where they were confined upon a charge of having murdered ten Indians. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief | of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties | of New- Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and IF. Sellers. [1768.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2387 Proclamation of a Robbery of the Treasurer of New Jersey, dated Aug. 6, 1768. See No. 2376, supra. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By the Honourable | ii.-n 82 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and | Counties of New- Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and IE Sellers. ["1768.1 I Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2388 Proclamation of an Act imposing the penalty of death on any person then settled, or who should thereafter settle on land not purchased from the Indians, who shall fail to remove therefrom within thirty days after notice being given to him. ©S9i | | ©e£ | unb i£ropl;eten | ©avibS, | Verteutfd)et Von [ D. Okartin Sutler. | 9)lit tureen Summarien, ober | jebe£ | 9JHt | Vielen parallel en ober gleidien | Sdjrifft = Stetten. | Germantown zum filnfften mat ge- | druckt bey Christoph Saur, 1768. | 24mo. pp. 252. h. s. p. 2389 ©691 | | be3 | $onig3 unb | ©avib$, | $erteutfd)et von | ©. 9kartin Sutler. | SDlit | Summarien, ober 3m | bait jebe£ ; | tvie and; | Vielen ober gleidjlam | tenbcn Scfyriftftetten. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. 1768. | 24mo. pp. 252. 2390 JOSEPH REED, Defendant, vs. John Reed. Argument for the Defendant in Error. Philadelphia : 1768 ? 4to. pp. 28. 2391 Title from Haven's List. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1769. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers, 1768. 2392 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Al- manack | | | | | | | | | . | ... | For the | Year of our Lord 1769: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1768.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). SCHABALIE (J. P.) ©ie | SBanblenbe Seel, | ©a<§ iff: | Gicfyrftd; | ber | SBanblenben Seelen mit Slbain, | 9loal; unb Simon 6leo!pl)a3; | Verfaffet bie | ©efdjicfyten von ©rfdjaffung ber | 2Belt an, biji 511 unb nad; ber | $erivuftung | ©arau3 orbentlid) ju 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 83 erfefyen, toie eine | -EDlonarcfne unb auf bie anbere gefolget, | ivie biefe angefangen, jene abet bergangen, | unb and) ber auSfiityr- Iic£>e 33erlauff ber | 3erftbl)rung | ®urd) | Sofjann Sdfabalie | in 9tieberlanbifd)er Spracb befcfyrieben; | Slnjefco aber in bie £od;beutfd;e Spracb iiberfept | bon | 33. 33. 33. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden, bey Christoph Saur, 1768. | 16mo. pp. (8), 463, (25). h. s. p. 2394 SERMONS, | or, | Declarations, | Made | by some of the | Ancient Preachers | amongst the | People called Quakers, | viz. | Stephen Crisp. | William Dewsbury. | William Penn. &c. | Taken in Short Hand, as they were delivered | by them. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by John Dunlap, on the | south side of Market-Street, the third | Door below Second-Street. MDCCLXVHI. | 12mo. pp. 71. 2395 A SHORT and True | Account | Of a | Young Youth; | Born in Philadelphia of honest and true | Christian Parents; who was taken a- | way by an Angel the 31st of January | 1768. up to the Ccelestical Parts, | where the Lord of Host show'd her | great Wonders and supernatural Things. | . . . | | | | | Translated from the German. | Philadelphia printed by Anthony Arm- | bruster in Third-street, 1768. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2396 SIEGVOLCK (G. P.) ©aS bon | $efu (M;rifto | ©em 9tid;ter ber Sebenbigeu unb ber ©obten, | 2I(Ier (Sreatur ju prebigen befofylene | Gnrige Sbangelium, | 33on ber burd; 2$n erfuubenen | Cioigen @r= lofung, | SBoburd; atteS, ioa§ ba fjeiffet ©eufel, Si'inbe, | unb ©ob enblidj gantj unb gar berniddiget, unb | alfo aUe (Befcfibpfe, bie bon (Bott fefyr gut erfcfyaffen ivor; | ben, nad) gnugfam geoffenba(;rter (Bott; lichen Straff- | (Bered;tigfeit, toieberum in ipre uranfdnglidie 9iei= | nigfeit unb Seligfeit gebrad;t iverben fotten; | 2lHen -DRndjeii unter alien 97ationen, unb Neligh | onS = ioeldje beffen SdjaU Ijbren, infonberlieit | aber benen, iveld;e eS ju nelynen, unb fid; ju ei= | ner fyeiligen ($egem£iebe gegen ben fo liebreid;en | (Bott erioeden laffen toollen. | 2lnje£o | 33or benen ndcfjfMnfteljenben, ja bep benen bereits angegan; | genen (Beridden fiber biefe gegen- iuartige | SBelt, | ©ntioeber ju 33efel;rung unb 84 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1768 Starching in bent (Buten, | ober ju ibrer SBerftocfimg unb 9ieiffmacfyung juni | ®erid)te; au§ erbartnenber Biebe Vertiinbiget; an unjefy; | Iicf> vielen Drten burd) biefen ©nuf berbeffert, unb | nebft eineS | 9leuen (SapiteR uber Uebr. II. v. 16. | oom | ©amen 2lbratyi | fyanblcnb, Vermefyret, | von | Georg $aul SiegVoIcf, | einem einfaltigcn Sdjmler ber 2Bei§t>eit. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1768. | 16mo. pp. (9), 175. h. s. p. 2397 SOME Brief Remarks upon sundry important Subjects, princi- pally addressed to the People called Quakers. Wilmington: James Adams. 1768. 2398 SOME | Observations | of | Consequence, | In Three Parts. | Occasioned by the | Stamp-Tax, | Lately imposed on the | British Colonies. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by Hall and Sellers ?] for the Author, MDCCLXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 80. l. c. p. 2399 STEUART. (A.) The | Gentleman and Citizen's | Pocket Al- manack, | By Andreav Steuart, Bookseller. | For the Year 1769. | Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania and | the neighbouring Provinces. | Containing | Many useful Lists and Tables, | not in any other Almanack printed | on the Continent. | This Almanack contains more than | double the Quantity of any other Pocket- | Almanack printed in this Place. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in-Heart, in Second-street. [1768.] | 24mo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2400 ©3® Boofungen ber Q3riiber=Genieine fur ba£ $al;r 1768. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1768. 2401 In February, Miller printed 500 copies of this work for the Moravians. ©3® | ©$GB3&!qO | Boofungen | ber | SBruber=@emeine | fur ba$ | 1769. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt [bey Henrich Miller] im Jahr 1768. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (46). h. s. p. 2402 TO the Public. | Philadelphia: Printed by William Goddard. [1768.] | 4to. 1 leaf. H. s. p. 2403 Signed " Pacificus," and dated " July 25,1768." An answer to a " Letter from a Gentleman in Virginia. " 1768 IN PENNSYLVANIA 85 TO the | Public. | [Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1768.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2404 Signed "Pacificus," and dated " Philadelphia, July 16, 1768." Relates to the renewal of the " Non-Irnportation Agreement." TOBLER. (J.) The | Pennsylvania | Town and Country-Man's | Almanack, | for | The Year of our Lord, 1769, | Being the First after Leap-year. | [21 lines] | By John Tobler, Esq; | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1768.] | Sin. 8vo. pp. (40). THE Trial of Frederick Calvert, Esq; Baron of Baltimore, in the Kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape on the Body of Sarah Wood- cock. Philadelphia : W. and T. Bradford. 1768. 2406 VERSES, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry the Pennsylva- | nia Gazette to the Customers. | Ode on the New Year. | January 1, 1768. | [Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1768.] Folio, 1 leaf. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini, 1767, and continued by Adjournments. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Goddard, at the New Printing- | Office, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXVHI. | Folio, pp. 137. 2408 THE WHOLE Duty of Woman, by a Lady. Written at the Desire of a Noble Lord. The Fourth Edition, corrected. Phila- delphia : Hall and Sellers. 1768. 2409 WOOLMAN. (J.) Considerations | on | Pure Wisdom, | and | Human Policy; | on | Labour; | on | Schools; | And on the right use of the | Lord's outward Gifts. | By John Woolman. | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, opposite the Jersey Market. 1768. | 16mo. pp. 28. n. y. ii. s. 2410 86 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 1769. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Bn- | rials in the United Churches of Christ-Church | and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia, from December | 25, 1768, to December 25,1769. By Caleb | Cash, and William Young, Clerks, and James | Weyley, and George Stokes, Sextons. | : 1769.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2411 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptisms in the Baptist Church, Dec. 25,1768, to Dec. 29,1769. Philadelphia: 1769. 2412 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church, Dec. 25, 1768, to Dec. 25, 1769. Philadelphia: 1769. AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American Almanac for 1770. By Andrew Aguecheek. Philadelphia: Thomas Magee? 1769. 2414 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1770. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2415 THE AMERICAN Magazine. Philadelphia: W. and T. Brad- ford. 1769. 8vo. Preface, pp. ii; text, pp. 1-328; 1 plate. 2416 This magazine, edited by Lewis Nichola, was begun in January, and continued until September. Sixteen pages of the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society were appended, separately paged, to each number except the first. See No. 2491, infra. Page 38 is followed by 44, and page 67 by 69. The plate which should face page 80 represents " The Manner of Fowling in Norway." It is probable that no title-page was printed. The title of the cover of the first number is : Number I. of | The | American | Magazine) | or | General Repository, | For January, 1769. | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee House. THE AMERICAN Pocket Almanac for 1770. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford, 1769. 2417 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnae Britanniae, Fran cite & Hiberniae, | Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1768, in | the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by 1769 IN PENNSYLVANIA 87 the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- fender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the | Eighteenth Day of February, 1769. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall and W. Sellers, at the j New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 639-737, (1). + And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-seventh Day of May, 1769. | [Z5i7Z.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 741-744. + And from thence continued ... to the | Thirtieth Day of September, 1769. | [LW.J Title, 1 leaf; pp. 749-754. ANNO REGNI | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniee, | Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1768, in | the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- fender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the | Eighteenth Day of February, 1769. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXIX. | Folio, pp. 101. + And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-seventh Day of May, 1769. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 105-108, (1). h. s. p. 2419 be§ DrbenS bet Philadelphia: [Dieterich in Goettingen.] 1769. 2420 From the French by J. A. Stark. Title from Weller's Die failschen Druckorte. BEATTY (C.) The Journal of a Two Months Tour; With a view of Promoting Religion, among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of introducing Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains. To which are added, Remarks on the Language and Customs of some particular tribes among the Indians, with a brief account of the various at- tempts that have been made to civilize and convert them, from the first settlement of New-England to this day. By Charles Beatty, A.M. Philadelphia? 1769. 2421 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, Aug. 31, 1769. 88 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Some | Serious and Awful | Con- siderations, | Recommended to All, particularly the Youth, | In | A Representation of the Uncertainty of a | Death-Bed Repentance. | Also some | Christian Instructions, | Agreeable to the Precepts of our blessed Saviour | Jesus Christ; | Under the Character of a devout Parent | advising his Children. | Extracted from a late pious Author. | . . . | . . . | | | | | Philadel- phia, : | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Second-street, two | Doors below the Corner of Chestnut-street. [1769.] | 12mo. pp. 48. n. s. p. 2422 [BUSIIE. (Gervase Parker)] The | Case | of | Great-Britain | and | America, | addressed to the King, | and both | Houses of Parliament. | | | | | | London: Printed, | Philadelphia, Pe-Printed by William and Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. MDCCLXIX. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 16. CATALOGUE of a Circulating Library, kept by Thomas Bradford. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2424 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction by Robert Aitken. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1769. 2425 CATALOGUE of Books, | to be sold, by | Public Auction, | at the | City Vendue-Store, | In Front-Street: | Notice of the Time of Sale will be given in the Public Papers. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2426 CATALOGUE of the Library of the late David James Dove. To be sold at Auction by Robert Bell, May 8,1769. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1769. 2427 CATALOGUS | von | rnefyr aU 700 meift ®eutfd)en | 33ud)ern, | 2BeId)e entmcber jufammen ober | 511 SBerfaufen [tub. | fpgT' 2Bo felbige ju fefyen finb, folcfyeS fan man | erfafyren bety Skitier, Sucftbruder | in ber gegcniiber 3kordVien= | Slflet), 511 ; bety ioelcfyem biefer | Catalogus ju fyaben iff, mie and; bep £errn | (Sfyriftopl) Saur, in ©ermantaun. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1769?] 16mo. pp. (32). h. s. p. 2428 CHANDLER. (T. B.) The Appeal Defended; Or the pro- posed American Episcopate Vindicated, In Answer to the ob- 1769 IN PENNSYLVANIA 89 jections and misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncey, and others. By Thomas Bradbury Chandler. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1769. 2429 CHURCHILL. (C.) Charles Churchill's Works. In two Volumes. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2430 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, Jan. 19, 1769, as "This day is published and ready for the Subscribers." DELAUNE. (T.) A Plea for the Non-Conformists. In three Parts. By Thomas Delaune. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2431 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Octavo | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly begun at | New-castle, in the Government of the Conn- | ties of New-castle, Kent and Sussex, upon | Dela- ware, the Twentieth Day of October, | in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our So- | vereign Lord George the Third, King of | Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1768, | the following Acts were passed by the Ho- | nourable John Penn, Esquire, Governor; [June 16, 1769.] | James Adams. 1769.] Folio, pp. 133-153. l. 2432 [DICKINSON. (John)] Letters | from a | Farmer | in | Penn- sylvania, | to the | Inhabitants | of the | British Colonies. | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee-House. M,DCC,LXIX. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 104. h. s. p. 2433 A | DISCOURSE | publickly delivered | By a Female Friend, | From Old England, | In the Friends Meeting-House, in Pine- Street, | Philadelphia, | On the Third Day of the 5th Month, 1769: | Also, | A Prayer, | By Another Friend: | The Whole taken down in Characters | (at the Time | they were spoken) | By William Darragh: | To which is added, | A Short Preface, | By the Editor. | Philadelphia: | Printed in the Year M,DCC,LXIX. | 8vo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 2434 ii.-12 90 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 DISCOURSES on Several Subjects. Philadelphia: John Dun- lap. 1769. 2435 Title from Haven's List. EDWARDS. (J.) A Treatise concerning Religious Affec- tions, in three Parts. By Jonathan Edwards. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1769. 2436 EIGHT Dollars Reward. | Run-Away | Last Sunday Hight, Two Servant Boys, from the Subscribers, living in Philadelphia; | [Philadelphia: 1769.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2437 Dated "Philadelphia, July 24, 1769." And signed "Peter Sutter and David Cuming." EVERY Man his own Lawyer. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1769. 2438 AN | EXTRACT | of | Miss Mary Gilbert's | Journal. | With | Some Account of the Lady | Elizabeth Hastings, &c. | . . . | | | | | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Re- printed and Sold by David | Hall, and William Sellers. | MDCCLXIX. | 16mo. pp. viii, 66. 2439 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1770. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1769. 2440 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington | Almanack, | or | Ephemeris, | for | The Year of our Lord, 1770, | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | [22 lines.] | By Thomas Fox, Philom. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1769.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). 2441 FROM the | Meeting for Sufferings, | In London the 10th Day of the Third | Month, 1769, | To Friends ... in North America. | [Followed by] From our Meeting for Sufferings, | held at Phila- delphia, | For Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, the 1st | Day of the Ninth Month, 1769, | To our Friends and Brethren in these and the adjacent | Provinces. | [Philadelphia: 1769.] Folio, pp. 2. Two letters against Non-Importation agreements. 1769 IN PENNSYLVANIA 91 THE GENTLEMAN and Citizen's Pocket Almanac for 1770. Philadelphia: William JEvitt. 1769. + The Second Edition. 2443 I | bet | £age | be§ | 9Jtaifd)en = | Von | ber SftartersSBocfye an | bU | ju Seiner £immelfafyrt. | Philadel- phia, Gedruckt im Jahr 1769. | Bey Henrich Miller zu haben mit oder ohne | Wilcocks Honig- | Tropfen. | 16mo. pp. 88. ii. s. p. 2444 Thomas Wilcocks' Honig-Tropfen, which was appended, was printed at " Leipzig und Ebersdorf," in 1757. [GREEN ? (Jacob)] The Controversy Between Great-Britain and her Colonies Reviewed; The several Pleas of the Colonies in support of their Right to all the Liberties and Privileges of British Subjects, and to Exemption from the Legislative Authority of Parliament stated and considered; And the Nature of their Con- nection with, and Dependence on Great-Britain, shewn upon the Evidence of Historical Facts and Authenticated Records. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2445 " My own father wrote a pamphlet entitled, as well as I can recollect, Observations on the Present Controversy between Great Britain and her American Colonies." Life of Ashbel Green, p. 46. GUALDO. (J.) Philadelphia, November 21, 1769. | To the Philharmonical | Merchants, and others. [Philadelphia: 1769.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2446 Mr. Gualdo's announcement of his Concerts on Thursday during the winter. THE HERMIT of New-Jersey; a Collection of Poetical Essays; an Ode to Liberty, and a Dialogue between Lorenzo and the Her- mit, on Human Happiness. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1769. THE HISTORY of Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas. Interspersed with Historical Anecdotes. Translated from the French. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2448 H. (G.) I saw the other day, in the Pennsylvania Chronicle, a short state of the Connecticut people's claim to the lands at 92 1769 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS Wioming, .... [ Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2449 Signed G. H., and dated May 1, 1769. An argument against the Connecticut claim to the Wyoming region. DAVID HALL, | At the New Printing-Office, in Market-street, Philadelphia, has to dis- | pose of, Wholesale and Retail, the fol- lowing Books, &c. | [Philadelphia: D. Half and W. Sellers. 1769.] | Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2450 | | Slmericanifdje | (Salenber, | 2Iuf bag W I ... I ... I 1770. I . . . I . . . I ... I ... I ... I | | | | | 3um unb bretyfiigften mat lier= aug gcgcben. | [Germantown: Gedrucktund zu jinden bey Christoph Saur. | ... | ... . [1769.] | 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2451 IMPORTED in the Last Vessels from London, and to be Sold by | William and Thomas Bradford, | Printers, Booksellers, and Stationers, | At their Book-Store in Market-Street, adjoining the London Coffee-House; | or by | Thomas Bradford, | At his House in Second-Street, one Door from Arch-Street, ... | ... | A large and neat Assortment of | Books and Stationary. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2452 Contains the titles of over 400 works in every department of literature. ©3® bet Jlriiber = ©emeine, unb infonberfyeit ber $inber, fur bag $al)r 1770. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1769. 2453 LIBERTY, | a | Poem, | lately found in a bundle of papers, | said to be written by | A Hermit in New-Jersey. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, in Market- Street. | MDCCLXIX. | Sm. 4to. pp. 12. l. c. p. 2454 LIFE truly painted in the History of Tommy and Harry. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1769. 2455 [MACGOWAN. (John)] Priestcraft Defended. | A | Sermon | occasioned by the | Expulsion | of | Six Young Gentlemen | from the | University of Oxford. | For | Praying, Reading and 1769 93 IN PENNSYLVANIA Expounding the Scriptures. | Humbly Dedicated to | Mr. V[ice] C[hancello]r and the H[ea]ds of II[ouse]s. | By Their Humble Servant, | The Shaver. | The Sixth Edition. | London, Printed. | Philadelphia, | Re-printed, and Sold, by William and Thomas Brad- ford | At the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXIX. | 8vo. pp. v, 25. MARTES'. (A.) America. | A | Poem. | By Alexander Martin, Esq; | | | | | | To which is added, | Liberty. | A | Poem. | By Rusticus. | . . . . | The Second Edition longe emendatior priore: | Likewise from Mr. Addison, in Praise of Li- | berty with Something suitable to the Times. | [Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart. 1769?] 12mo. pp. 28. 2457 THE MERCHANTS of this City are earnestly requested to meet at | the Coffee-House, on Monday. . . . | [Philadelphia: 1769. | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2458 Call for a Non-Importation meeting, dated Feb. 4, 1769. MINUTES | of | Conferences, | held at | Fort-Pitt, | In April and May, 1768, | under the direction of | George Crogan, Esquire, | Deputy Agent for Indian Affairs, | with the | Chiefs and Warriors | of the | Ohio and other Western Indians. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Goddard, at the New Printing- | Office, in. Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXIX. | Folio, pp. 22. h. s. p. 2459 MINUTES | Of the | Philadelphian | Association | in MDCCLXIX. | Germantown: | Printed by Christopher Sower, 1769. | Sm. 4to. pp. 7. 2460 MONTAGUE. (M. W.) Poetical Works of Lady Mary Wort- ley Montague. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1769. 2461 [MOSS.] (C.) A | Sermon | Preached before | The House of Lords, | in the | Abbey Church | of | Westminster, | On Monday, January 30, 1769. | Being the Day appointed to be observed as the Day | of the Martrydom of King Charles I. | By the Right Reverend Father in God | Charles Lord Bishop of St. David's | London Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed, and sold by Joseph | 94 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 Crukshank, in Second-street, two Doors below | the Comer of Chestnut- street. 1769. | 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 2462 [MURREY. (James)] Sermons | to | Asses. | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest- | Printing-Office in Market-street, MDCCLXIX. | 12mo. pp. 114. " These curious Sermons have been so well received by the Publick, that an Edition of One Thousand Copies has been sold within two months." Pennsylvania Chronicle, Dec. 25, 1769. In the earlier advertisements it is said of these Sermons that they were " supposed to be written by the ingenious Dr. F[ranklin]." [MURREY.] Sermons | to | Asses. | The Fourth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest Print- | ing- Office in Market-street, MDCCLXIX. | 12mo. pp. 63, (1). 2464 MS | OiCUS | Seftament. | UnferS | $errn unb 45etJanbe3 | Sefu (Sfyrifti, | $erteutd)et | 33on | D. Martin Sutler. | | $ebe3 CapitclS tureen | Summarien, | 2lud; betygefiigten bielen ridjtigen | | 2Iuflage. | Germantown: | Gedrucktund zufinden bey Christoph Saur, 1769. | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-529, (3). 2465 ©C91 SBerbcffert= unb BuberlaBige 2Imcricanifd)e ©ah enber 2luf ba§ 1770[te ©fyrifti. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1769. 2466 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1769. 2467 THE | NEW-YEAR | VERSES, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | [Phila- delphia : Hall and Sellers. 1769.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2468 NEW -YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769. 2469 A | NORTH Briton | Extraordinary: | Containing | A Concise and Comprehensive Review of | English and Scottish History, concerning im- | portant Events relative to the Union of the two | Kingdoms - Commerce - National Independency- | and the Grand Cause of Liberty: By which | it is clearly demonstrated 1769 IN PENNSYLVANIA 95 that the Scots Hation (both | in Words and Actions) hath always been strenuous | and warm Assertors of the Liberties of the People: | Likewise some Observations on Property-Revenue | Officers- Pensioners-and rapacious Courtiers. | Written by | A Young Scotsman, | Formerly a Volunteer in the Corsican Service. | . . . | ... | .... | Third Edition, with Additions. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia : Re-printed by John Dunlap, | at the Newest Printing- Office, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXIX. | 12mo. pp. 50. l. c. p. 2470 OBSERVATIONS | on the | Angina Maligna: | Or, the | Putrid and Ulcerous Sore Throat. | With a | Method | Of Treating it. | By A Lover of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee- House. M.DCC.LXIX. | 8vo. pp. 7. 2471 By Dr. Rush? " The description of the disease, which would now be called diph- theria," says Dr. W. F. Atlee, " is admirable. The treatment advised is very remark- able, inasmuch as it denounces bleeding in all cases of the disease, and is the one generally adopted nowadays." It was published in Nichola's American Magazine for 1769, and the only known copy, now in the Library of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia, is from the same type, the paging having been altered and a title-page added. THE | PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle, | and | Universal Advertiser. | From January 23, 1769, to January 22, 1770. | . . . . | Volume III. | [Royal Arms.] Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, and Company, in Market-Street. | 4to. Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-428. h. s. p. 2472 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. n. s. p. 2473 Numbers 2089 (Jan. 5, 1769) to 2140 (Dec. 28, 1769), four pages each, with "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 2090, 2091, 2093, 2095, 2096, 2101, 2105, 2121, 2132, and 2134, of four pages to Numbers 2106, 2107, 2108, and 2110; " Post- scripts" of 1 leaf to Numbers 2089 and 2124, and of two pages to No. 2138. Title and imprint as in No. 2382, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. n. s. p. 2474 Numbers 1361 (Jan. 5, 1769) to 1412 (Dec. 28, 1769), four pages each, with ex- tra half-sheets of two pages each to Numbers 1362, 1364 to 72, 1374 to 76, and 1380 to 1410; " Supplement Extra" of one leaf, to 1361 ; " Supplements" of two pages each to 1373-74, 1377, 1393, 1409-10; " Supplements" of four pages to 1378-79 ; " Post- script" of one leaf to 1403 ; and " Postscripts" of two pages to 1365 and 1398. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. 96 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Pocket Almanack | For the Year 1770. | (Being the Second after Bissextile | or Leap-Year.) Cal- culated for the Use of the Province | of Pennsylvania, and the neighbour- | ing Provinces. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold, by IF. and T. I Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. T1769.1 I 24mo. pp. (28). h. s. p. 2475 THE | PENNY Post, | Containing Fresh News, Advertise- ments, Useful Hints, &c. | No. I. Monday, January 9,1769. | [Phil- adelphia Printed and Sold by Benjamin Mecom, opposite the Pres- byterian Meeting, in Arch-street. | 8vo. pp. (4). l. c. p. 2476 Numbers 1 to 9 (Jan. 27, 1769), four pages each except the last two, which con- tain only two pages. It was published three times a week. PETERS. (R.) A | Sermon, | preached | In the New Lutheran | Church of Zion, | in the | City of Philadelphia, | At the In- stance of the Ministers, Wardens, | and Vestry-Men, of the incor- porated Congrc- | gation of St. Michael's, | On the 26th Day of June, 1769. | By the Revd. Mr. Richard Peters, | Rector of Christ- Church and St. Peter's, in | the said City. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest Printing-Office, | in Market-street, the Third Door below Second-street. | M.DCC.LXIX. | 8vo. pp. 37. 2477 POOR WILL'S Almanac for 1770. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1769. 2478 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, | and Counties of New- Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Phil- adelphia : Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. 1769. | Folio, 1 leaf. Against the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming, dated May 16,1769. [ROOSEN. (Gerhard)] | ®einutl)§=@efpracb | $on bcm | ($eiftlid)en unb feligmacbenben | ©lauben, | Unb | Srfdntnuf) ber 2Barl;eit, fo ju | ber ©ottfeligfeit fufyret in ber | be§ eivigen £ebcn§, | Tit. iv. 1. | $n | unb Slnttnort fur bie anfommenbe | genb, ivoburd) biefelbe ju einer Ijeilfamen | nwcfjte | unb gebraebt tverben. | . . . | . . . | | | | Ephratw Typis Societatis Anno MDCCLXIX. | 8vo. pp. 168. 2480 1769 IN PENNSYLVANIA 97 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1770. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: D. Hall, and IE Sellers. 1769. SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved : | Being an | Alma- nack | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |.. . . | ... | ... | . . . | For the | Year of our Lord 1770 : | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and, Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1769.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 2482 THE | SENTIMENTS | and | Plan | Of the Warren | Associa- tion. | Germantown: | Printed by Christopher Sow er, 1769. | 4to. pp. 4. An Association of Baptists, formed Sept. 8, 1767, at Warren, in Rhode Island. SEEGVOLK. (G. P.) Von | $efu Gftrifto | ®em 9iid)ter ber Seftenbigen unb ber | Sifter Creatur ju prebigen ftefotjlene | (Sivige Cvangelium, | SSon ber burd; 3$n erfunbenen | Cttrigen ©rlofung, | SBoburd; afte3, iva£ ba fyeiffet, Teufel, Slinbe, | £ofte unb £ob enblicft gan£ unb gar Vernidftiget, unb | alfo afte bie Von (Bott feljr gut erfdfaffen ivor; | ben, itad) gnugfam geoffenftafyrter (Bott; lichen Straff; | <3ered)tigfeitz tvieberum in iftre uranfanglidje Slei; | nigteit unb Seligfeit geftractrt werben {often; | Slften SJlenfljen unter alien Slationen, unb Sleligi; | ivelcfye beffen Scfyaft fjoren, infonberfyeit | after benen, ivelcfte e3 gu $eRjen nelnnen, unb fid; ju ei= | ner Ijeiligen (Begen=Siefte gegen ben fo liebreidjen | (Bott ertveden laffen tvoften. | | SSor benen nfidifMnftefycnben, ja ftety benen ftereiU angegan; | genen erfd>redlid>en (Beridften lifter biefe gegentvartige SBelt, | Cntiveber ju ifyrer S3etel;rung unb Stardung in bent (Buten, | ober 3ufalR=2Beife ju iftrer SBerftodung unb Sieiffmacfmng | jum (Beridite; au§ erftarmenber Siefte Verfiinbiget; an unjel); | lid) Vielen Drten burd; biefen ©rud Verfteffert, | unb neftft eine§ | Sieuen GapitelS lifter Ilebr. II. v. 16. | vom | ©amen Slftrafya | Ijaitblidj, vermefyret, | Von | (Beorg SiegVold, | einem einfdltigen ©duller ber $immlifd)en 2Bei£f)eit. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1769. | 16mo. pp. (9), 1-175. h. s. p. 2484 SMITH. (W.) Some | Account | of the | Charitable Corpora- tion, | lately erected | For the Relief of the Widows and Chil- | dren of Clergymen, in the Communion of the | Church of England IT.-13 98 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1769 in America; with a Copy of | their Charters, and fundamental Rules. | And also a | Sermon, | Preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, Octo- | her 10, 1769, before the said Corporation, | on Occasion of their First Meeting. | By William Smith, D.D. Provost of the | College and Academy of Philadelphia. | Published by Order, for the Benefit of the Charity. | Philadelphia : | Printed by 1). Hall, and W. Sellers, op- | posite the Jersey Market. MDCCLXIX. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 48. a. s. p. 2485 STANLY. (J. W.) John Wright Stanly's | Reply | to | A Few Observations, | lately Published | By Jonathan Cowpland. | Philadelphia: Printed [by Henry Miller] in the Month of June, 1769. | 12mo. pp. 22, (1). n. y. n. s. 2486 [STANLY.] Remarks | on | Scurrility and Oppression. | Philadelphia: | Printed in the Year MDCCLXIX. | 8vo. pp. 8. 2487 Soofungen ber 33rubcr=(3entcine fur ba§ 3at>r 1770. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1769. 2488 [TERSTEEGEN. (Gerhard)] (3eiftlid)e3 | 33lumen = (Bartlein | 3nniger Seelen; | Ober | <5d)lufp9feimen | 23etracfytungen unb Sieber | Uber allerfyanb 2Babrl;eiten be§ | Snntoenbigen (Sf>riftentfnim$; | $ur Crwedung, Starching | unb (Srquidung | in bent | 33crborgenen Seben | Skit Stirifto in (Bott; unb bermetjrte Edition. | SRbft ber | Sotterie. | Germantown, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Chris- toph Saur. | 1769. | 24mo. pp. (12), 517, (29). 2489 TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Al- manac for 1770. By John Tobler. Wilmington: James Adams. 1769. 2490 THE | TRANSACTIONS | of the | American Philosophical Society, &c. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1769.] 8vo. pp. 118, 2 plates. l. c. p. 2491 Published in monthly parts as a supplement to the American Magazine, see No. 2416, supra. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 99 the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1768, and, continued by Adjournments. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Goddard, at the New Printing- | Office, in Market- Street. | MDCCLXIX. | Folio, pp. 109. 11. s. p. 2492 WEATHER WISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1770; | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | [24 lines.] | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadelphia : | Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest-Print- | ing-Office, the South Side of the Jersey Market, and three | Doors below Second-street. [1769.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). l. c. p. 2493 WHITEFIELD. (G.) Letterto his Excellency Governor Wright; giving an account of the Steps taken relative to Converting the Georgia Orphan House into a College; with the Correspondence between the Archbishop of Canterbury and Mr. Whitefield. By the Rev. George Whitefield. Philadelphia: 1769. 2494 WOOLMAN. (J.) First Book for Children. By John Wool- man. The Third Edition. Philadelphia: 1769. 2495 This Title and the preceding are from Haven's List. See No. 3138, infra. 1770. AH ACCOUNT of the Births and Bu- | rials in the United Churches of Christ-Church | and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1769, to December 25, 1770. By Caleb | Cash, and William Young, Clerks, and James | Weyley, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptisms in the Baptist Church, from Dec. 25, 1769, to Dec. 25, 1770. Philadelphia: 1770. 2497 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church, to Dec. 25, 1770. Philadelphia: 1770. 2498 THE ADVENTURES of a Black Coat, containing a series of remarkable occurrences and entertaining incidents; as related by itself. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1770. 2499 100 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American Almanac for 1771. By Andrew Aguecheek. Philadelphia: William Evitt. 1770. THE ALPHABET. | Roman Letters. |ABCDEFGHIJK LMNO | PQRSTUVWXYZ. | abc defghij klmnop qr s | t u v w x y z. | Italian Letters. | ABCDEFGHIJKLM A | 0 PQRSTUVWXYZ. | ab c defghij klmnop qr st | uvwxyz. | English Letters. I apppmwa U VIV X fl S. I Double Letters. | ct ff ffi th fi fl. sb sh si sk si ss ssi st & &c. | Vowels. | a e i o u y. | Dipthongs. | ai au aw ay, ea ee ei eo ew ey, ie, oa oi oo | ou ow oy, ua ue ui uo uy. | \_Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1770.] 24mo. pp. 47. h. s. p. 2501 This school-book was printed by Miller for the Moravians according to an entry in their Bethlehem Ledger dated Oct. 18, 1770. THE | AMERICAN Calendar; | or, an | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1771. | (Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year.) | Fitted to the Latitude of 40 Degrees North, and near | Five Hours West from London; but may, with- | out sensible Error, serve all the Northern Pro- | vinces. | Containing, | The Motions of the Sun and Moon; the true Places | and Aspects of the Planets; the Rising and Setting | of the Sun; the Rising, Set- ting, and Southing of | the Moon; the Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, | Rising, Setting, and Southing of the Planets; Judg- | ment of the Weather; Festivals, and other Re- | markable Days; Quakers Yearly Meetings; Fairs; | Courts; Table of Interest; Roads, &c. &c. | Also, | An Essay in Praise of Husbandry; On the Raising and | Dressing of Hemp; To a Friend after a Debauch, An | Epigram; Receipts for the Cure of Disorders in Sheep; | Anecdote of the famous Mr. Sydney; Love and Wine, | an Epi- gram ; A Lady ridiculed for Gaming; A humour- | ous Account of one Day's Expedition; New Methods of | killing Bugs and Fleas; A New and approved Method of | Planting Potatoes ; Char- acter of a Miser, a Story founded | on Fact; December, an Ode; Genealogical List of the | Royal Family of GreatBritain; Births and Marriages of | the Sovereign Princes of Europe; A List of the Civil and | Military Establishment in America; Ode on Time, &c. 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 101 | By Philo Copernicus. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Wil- liam f Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. [1770.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (48). l. c. p. 2502 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Francise & Hiberniae, | Deeimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Phila- delphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1769, in | the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-fourth Day of February, 1770. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXX. | Folio, pp. 34. And from thence continued ... to the | Six- teenth Day of May, 1770. | [Tbid.J Title, 1 leaf; pp. 37-38. 4~ And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-ninth Day of September, 1770. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 41-50. 2503 BARCLAY. (R.) The | Anarchy | of the | Ranters, | And other Libertines; | The | Hierarchy | of the | Romanists, | and other | Pretended Churches, equally refused and re- | fated, in a two-fold Apology for the Church | and People of God, called in Derision, Quakers. | Wherein | They are vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confu- | sion on the one Hand, and from such as calumniate them with Tyranny | and Imposition on the other; shewing, that as the true and pure Prin- | ciples of the Gos- pel are restored by their Testimony ; so is also the an- | tient Apos- tolick Order of the Church of Christ re-established among | them, and settled upon its right Basis and Foundation. | By Robert Bar- clay. | | | | | Philadelphia: | Be-printed by Joseph Crukshank, | MDCCLXX. | 8vo. h. s. p. 2504 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii.-vii.; Contents, 1 page; text, pp. 1-111. See Numbers 2573 and 2578, infra. CATALOGUE of Second-hand Greek and Latin Classics for sale by Robert Bell. Philadelphia : Robert Bell. 1770. 2505 102 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, October 25,1770. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1770. 2506 CATALOGUE of old Physical and Surgical Authors to be sold at the prices marked therein. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1770. CATALOGUS Eorum qui in Collegio Novae Caesarea Laurea . . . donati sunt, 1748-1770. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. Folio, 1 leaf. 2508 THE SHORTER CATECHISM of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Philadelphia: Robert Aitkin. 1770. 2509 From entries in Robert Aitkin's " Waste Book" it would seem that he printed the above, as well as The Longer Catechism ; Mother's Catechism ; Father's Catechism; Church of England Catechism; and the Proofs of the Catechism, before 1771. M | C2I£CC$3<59Jme; | fel | D. Martin | Diebft | ®en Gkivbtmlicfyen 9korgen= Uifcly unb | 2lben betfyern. | SBelcbem | ©ie Drbnung be§ | in einem Siebe, in furjen Oangen, in grag | unb SInttvort, unb in finer $Uabc(Ie; | 2Bie and} | ©a§ SBiirtenibergifcbe | $urje $inber | ®ie Confirmation, Seicfyt, Communion; | ©ebetber, Sieber, :c. | bebgefuget; | Unb | ®ie Ungednberte | 2lug3purgifd)e Confeffion, | 3ngleid)en ba3 Chilbene 2L2PC ber Jlinber | angetmnget ift. | gum Ciebraud) bcr $ugenb unb 2llten. | Siebente Sluflage. | Philadelphia.: Gedruckt und zu finden bey | Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-Strasse. 1770. | Sm. 12mo. pp. (4), 144. 2510 THE | CHARTER, | Laws, | and | Catalogue | of | Books, | of the | Library Company | of | Philadelphia. | With a Short Ac- count of the Library prefixed. | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Second-street. | M,DCC,LXX. | 8vo. pp. 38, (316). ii. s. p. 2511 CHRIST'S Temptations real Facts, or a defence of the Evan- gelical History. Philadelphia: Peter Barker ? 1770. 2512 [CLUNY. (Alexander)] The | American Traveller: | con- taining | Observations | on the | Present State, Culture and Commerce | of the | British Colonies in America, | And the 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 103 further Improvements of which | they are capable; | with | An Account of the Exports, Imports and Returns | of each Colony respectively,-and of the Numbers | of British Ships and Sea- men, Merchants, Traders | and Manufacturers employed by all collectively: | Together with | The Amount of the Revenue arising to Great-Britain | therefrom. | In | A Series of Letters, | Written originally to the | Right Honourable the Earl of ********| By an Old and Experienced Trader. | [Phila- delphia .-] Printed [by Crukshankand Collins] in the Year MDCCLXX. 16mo. pp. 89, (1). ii. s. p. 2513 [CRISP. (Stephen)] A | Short History | of a | Long Travel | from | Babylon | to | Bethel. | The Eighth Edition. | Philadel- phia : | Printed, and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Second-street, and by Benjamin Ferriss, | Stationer and Book-binder in Wilmington. [1770?] | 12mo. pp. 24. ii. s. p. 2514 DAVID. (E.) Offers of Christ | No Gospel Preaching. | To which is added, | A Word of Advice | to | A young Gospel Minister. | Written in Verse, | By Enoch David. | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author ; | By Henry Miller, in Second-street. 1770. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 2515 DAVIES. (R.) An | Account | of the | Convincement, Exer- cises, | Services and Travels, | of that | Ancient Servant of the Lord, | Richard Davies. | With | Some Relation of Ancient Friends, | and the Spreading of Truth in | North-Wales, &c. | The Third Edition. | London Printed; And, | Philadelphia Re- printed by Joseph | Crukshank, and Isaac Collins, | in Third-street, opposite the Work-house. | M,DCC,LXX. | 24mo. pp. (24), 257, 6, (1). DEIGENDESCH. (J.) 97ad>rid;ter3: | Ober | unb auf= ridjrtige? | 9?o^2Irfeneb: | 33ud;lein. | toelcfyetn bie tneiften innerlicfye | 3lrandbeiten unb dufferlidje Buftanbe | ber aufg beutlicEje be- fcbrieben unb | erfldret foerben: | ©amt SRtyfugung ber barju gefybrigen | unb notl;igften - SRittel unb approbate | Recepte ein jeber Buftanb toirb ni5t(;ig | l;aben, unb mit beutlicfrer 2Inn>ei= | fung ber= fefyen. | Slud; ttrirb gelefyret einige Composita | felbften ju madden, infon= berl;eit ba3 sympateti- | [die unb beffen Applicirung, ivie | aucb 104 1770 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS ber $retyfdjmitt mit bcm | SUettemStocf; | 2Beld)em aimed; betygefuget cin | 2lnfyang bon Slrtmetyen, | famt einem bienlicfyen 9ic; gifter. | Sitter mit $leij3 jufammen getragen, unb in ben | $Drud berfertiget | bon | (Sincm <5d)arffrid)ter | $ol;anne§ ©eigenbefd;. | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur. 1770. | 24mo. pp. 209, (7). 2517 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Nono | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly | begun at New-castle, in the Govern- | ment of the Counties of New-castle, | Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, the | Twentieth Day of October, (and continued by Adjournment to the Twen- | ty-fourth of March following,) in the | Ninth Year of the Reign of our So- | vereign Lord George the Third, | King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1769, the following Acts | were passed by the Honourable John | Penn, Esquire; Governor; . . . . | [ Wilmington: James Adams. 1770.] Folio, pp. 155-222. l. 2518 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Decimo | Georgii IH. Regis. | At a General Assembly | . . . | . . . | . . . | Twentieth Day of Octo- ber, in the | Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George the Third, | . . . 1770 . . . and continued by Ad- | journ- ment to the Third of Novem- | ber following, the following Act was passed by the Honourable John | Penn, Esquire, Governor; . . . . | [Wilmington: James Adams. 1770.] Folio, pp. 223-227. DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: T. and W. Bradford. 1770 ? 12mo. + Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1770. 2520 A DISCOURSE upon Perfection and Universal Redemption: To which is added, Discourses on the following Subjects, viz. 1. On Original Sin; shewing wherein Original Sin is. 2. On Election and Reprobation ; shewing wherein they each stand. 3. On Baptism; occasioned by the Reading of Two Sermons on Matth. xxviii. 19, shewing the Weakness of the Author, and his Misapplication of Water Baptism, which never was more than a Type of Christ's Baptism. And A further Discourse on the same Text of Scripture; wherein it is shewed, that Christ could not mean elementary Water; neither can the Text of Scripture 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 105 be taken literally, as it stands recorded. By the Author of a former Discourse on Perfection and Universal Redemption. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1770. 2521 DOCK. (C.) Cine | ©infdltige unb gruublid; abgefaftte | <5djml= Drbnung, | ©arinnen beutlidj vorgeftelt ftnrb, auf toelcfye | SBeifje bie 5tinber nid;t nur in benen in 6d;u= | leu geivbfmlidien fiefyren beftenS angebracfit, | fonbern and; in ber £el;re ber Sottfeligfeit | foofyl miter; ricfdet tverben nwgen. | 2lus £iebe ju bent menfdiltdien ©efddedrt auf= gefefct burd; ben | ftwfylerfatyrnen unb lang geubten <Sd)ulniei[ter, | ©od. | Hub burd) einige be3 gemeinen 33eften3 | bem ©rud iibergeben. | Germantown: | Gedrucktundzufinden bey Christoph Saur, 1770. | 8vo. pp. (8), 54. + The Second Edition, n. s. p. 2522 EDWARDS. (M.) A | New-Year's-Gift. | Being a sermon delivered at Phila- | delphia, on January 1, 1770; | and published for rectifying some | wrong reports, and preventing | others of the like sort; but chiefly | for the sake of giving it another | chance of doing good to them | who heard it. | By Morgan Edwards, A M. Fel- | low of Rhode Island college, and | minister of the Baptist church in | Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Second- | Street, two Doors below Chestnut-Street. [1770.] | 8vo. pp. 14. l. c. p. 2523 ED AV ARDS. Materials | towards | A History of the Amer- ican Baptists, | in xii volumes. | By Morgan Edwards, A.M. | Fellow of Rhodeisland college, and Overseer | of the Baptist church in Philadelphia. | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, and | Isaac Collins, MDCCLXX. | 16mo. 2524 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; 1 plate, Title and Advertisement to Vol. I. pp. (2); Ad- vertisement [Preface], pp. i.-iv. ; text, pp. 5-132; Errata, pp. 133-134. The title to Vol. I. is as follows: Materials | towards a history of the | Baptists in Pennsylvania hoth Bri- | tish and German, distinguished into | Firstday Baptists | Kerthian Bap- tists | Seventhday Baptists | Tuncker Baptists | Mennonist Baptists. | Vol. I. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, and | Isaac Collins, MDCCLXX. | The first historical work written and printed in Pennsylvania, and one of the most valuable contributions to our local history extant. It is not only an epitome of Baptist history, but is replete with biographical and genealogical data relating to the early settlers of the Province who were connected with that sect. It was probably not a financial success, and the second volume was not issued till 1792.-Materials | towards a history of the | Baptists in Jersey; | distinguished into ii.-14 106 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 | Firstday Baptists, | Seventhday Baptists, | Tuncker Baptists, | Rogerene Baptists. | Vol. II. | By Morgan Edwards, A.M. | And Quondam Fellow of R. I. College. | | | Philadelphia : | Printed by Thomas Dobson, at the Stone- | House, in Second-Steet. | MDCCXCII. | 12mo. pp. 155, (1). H. s. p. The History of the Baptists in Rhode Island was printed in the sixth volume of the Collections of the Rhode Island Historical Society, and of the Delaware Baptists in the Pennsyl- vania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. IX. A small edition of the latter was struck off separately. Mr. Horatio Gates Jones has in manuscript the volumes relating to Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. EXTRACT | From an Address | in the | Virginia Gazette, | of March 19, 1767. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1770?] 16mo. pp. 4. 2525 An Anti-slavery address to the Virginia Assembly. ©3® I | (H;riften s'Jpflicfyt, | ©arinnen | (Scfyonc (SJeiftreicfye | (debater, | ©armit | Sicfy fromme = 311 | alien $eiten unb in alien | tl;en trbften fbnnen. | Ephrata, | Drucks u. Verlags der Bruederschaft. | Anno MDCCLXX. | 12mo. pp. 99, (1). h. s. p. 2526 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1771. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1770. 2527 FISHER, (G.) The | American Instructor: | Or, | Young Man's Best Companion. | Containing | Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, in an | easier Way than any yet published; and how to qualify any Person | for Business, without the Help of a Master. | Instructions to write Variety of Hands, with Copies both in Prose | and Verse. How to write Letters on Business or Friendship. | Forms of Indentures, Bonds, Bills of Sale, Receipts, Wills, | Leases, Releases, &c. | Also Merchants Accompts, and a short and easy Method of Shop and | Book-keeping; with a De- scription of the several American | Colonies. | Together with the Carpenter's plain and exact Rule; Shewing how | to measure Car- penters, Joiners, Sawyers, Bricklayers, Plaisterers, | Plumbers, Masons, Glasiers and Painters Work. How to un- | dertake each Work, and at what Price; the Rates of each Com- | modify, and the common Wages of Journeymen; with Gunter's | Line and Cogges- hal's Description of the Sliding-Rule. | Likewise the Practical 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 107 Gauger made Easy; the Art of Dialing, and | how to erect and fix any Dial; with Instructions for Dying | and Colouring, and making Colours. | To which is added, | The Poor Planters Physi- cian. | With Instructions for Marking on Linnen; how to Pickle and Pre- | serve; to make divers Sorts of Wine; and many excel- lent Plaisters | and Medicines, necessary in all Families. | And also | Prudent Advice to young Trademen and Dealers. | The whole better adapted to these American Colonies, than | any other Book of the like Kind. | By George Fisher, Accomptant. | The Fifteenth Edition Revised, and Corrected. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by John Dunlap, at the Newest | Printing-Office, in Market- Street, M,DCC,LXX. | 24mo. pp. v, 390, 1 plate. h. s. p. 2528 THE | FOLLY and Vanity | of | A Life spent in the Pursuit of | Worldly Profit, Ease or Pleasure, | compared with | A Life wholly employed in | endeavouring to glorify God, and do | Good to Mankind; | illustrated in | Some Account | Of the pious Lady | Elizabeth Hastings, | and of | Armelle Nicolas, | A poor ignorant Country Maid in France, | Commonly known by the name of | The Good Armelle. | . . . | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest | Printing- Office, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXX. | 12mo. pp. 24. 2529 FOR the Benefit of Miss Storer. | By Authority. | Never Acted There. | By the American Company, | At the Theatre in South- wark, On Friday | Next, the Thirtieth of March, will be presented A Comedy, written by | Sir Richard Steele, called, | The Tender Husband, | [17 lines.] | To which will be added a Farce, (Not per- form'd this Season) called, | Miss In Her Teens. | 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2530 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington | Almanack, | or | Ephemeris, | for | The Year of our Lord, 1771, | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | Containing | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | .... | The continuation of Mr. Harvey's Thoughts on the | Starry Heavens.-A Comparative View of | the Faculties of the Mind and Body, in order to il- | lustrate the Spirituality of the Soul.-Thoughts | Political and Moral, viz. On Subversion of Go- | vernment;-Infringment of Liberty;-Free- 108 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 dom ; | -Conduct of Superiors;-A Country's Greatness; | - Duty of a King;-Effects of Oppression ;-Ef- | fects of two great Inequality among the Members | of a Community;-True Oecon- omy;-Education; | -Duty to the Public;-True Courage, &c. &c. &c. | | | | By Thomas Fox, Philom. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1770.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). [FRANCKE. (August Hermann)] ®er | fyeilige unb fid)ere | ©laubenSWeg | eine3 | @bangelifd)en (Stiffen. | | | | . . . . | ©ie 3ft)etpte Sluflage. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, | in der Zweyten-strasse. 1770. | The | Holy and Sure | Way of Faith | of an | Evangelical Christian. | . . . | | | | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in | Second-Street. MDCCLXX. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2532 German and English on alternate pages. See No. 1804, supra. FRANCKE. (M.) (Sinfdltige | £e(;r = Setracfytungen, | unb furb= | ®lauben§= | beftintnifj | be$ gottfeligen £ebrer3 | WHcfyael | SBetylanb geiuefenen 53orftef)er§ | bet £duffer=®emeine in ©anaftogoe. | 9?un gum genteinen Seften bent ©rutf iibergeben. | Ger- mantown: Gedruckt bey | Christoph Saur, 1770. | 16mo. pp. 47, (1). FRANKLIN, (Benjamin) and John NEUFFVILLE. Letters, | To the Merchants Committee of Philadelphia, | Submitted to the Consideration of | The Public. | : 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2534 THE FRIENDLY Instructor; or, a Companion for Young La- dies and Young Gentlemen : In which their Duty to God, and their Parents, their Carriage to Superiors and Inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive Lessons, are recommended. In plain and familiar Dialogues. With a recommendatory Preface, by the Reverend Dr. Doddridge. The Seventh Edition. Phila- delphia : Hall and Sellers. 1770. 2535 FROM the | Merchants and Traders | Of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, | To the | Merchants and Manufactur- 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 109 ers | Of Great Britain. | [Philadelphia.: W. and T. Bradford. 1770.] Folio, pp. (3). l. c. p. 2536 " A brief view of the restrictions and burthens on our Trade," signed by 204 merchants, &c. THE GENTLEMAN and Citizen's Pocket Almanac for 1771. Philadelphia: William Britt. 1770. 2537 A GERMAN Freeholder, to his Countrymen. | [Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2538 An Anti-Galloway election circular. GESSNER. ([Solomon]) The | Death | of | Abel. | In | Five Books. | Attempted from the | German of Mr. Gessner. | Ten- don, Printed; | Philadelphia, Re-printed and Sold by Joseph | Cruk- shank, and Isaac Collins, in Third-street, | opposite the Work-house, M,DCC,LXX. | 12mo. pp. 106. f. 2539 GODDARD. (W.) Advertisement. | [Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2540 Dated Philadelphia, August 1, 1770, and signed by Wm. Goddard, in answer to Towne's To the Public, and announcing the forthcoming of " The Partnership," &c. GODDARD. The | Partnership: | or the | History | of the | Rise and Progress | of the | Pennsylvania Chronicle, &c. | wherein the Conduct of Joseph Gallo-way, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House | of Representatives of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, Mr. Thomas Wharton, sen. | and their Man Benjamin Towne, my late | Partners, with my own, is properly delineated, | and their calumnies against me fully refuted. | By William God- dard. | . . . | No. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Goddard, in Arch-street, between | Front and Second Streets. | M,DCC,LXX. | 8vo. pp. 24. + No. II. pp. 25-64. + Postscript to Numb. II. pp. 65- 72. + The Second Edition. + The Third Edition. 2541 DAVID HALL, | At the New Printing-Office, in Market-street, Philadelphia, has to dis- | pose of, Wholesale and Retail, the fol- lowing Books, &c. | [Philadelphia: D. Hall, and W. Sellers. 1770.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2542 110 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 HAMMOND. (W.) Advice | to | Youth: | Being the Instruc- tions of a Father to a Son, | On several interesting Occasions, | a | Poem. | By William Hammond. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Evitt, at his Printing- Office, at the | Sign of the Bible-in-Heart, in Strawberry-Alley. MDCCLXX. | 4to. pp. 13, (1). 2543 bcr (StaatSbote | pfefylung | an feine refy. ©eefyrten Stnnblente, | betjm ©intritt in ba§ 1770. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. ©(&R | | Slmericanifcfje | Galenbcr, | 2Inf ba§ W | ... | ... | 1771. | | | | | | . ... | . . . | | | 3um brel; unb bretjfsigften mat tjeranS gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | ... | ... . [1770.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2545 THE INHABITANTS of the City of New York, having broke their | Non-Importation Agreement, . . . | . . . the Inhabitants of this City and County, | are . . . requested to meet at the State House, on | Saturday next, . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. lleaf. Dated Philadelphia, July 12, 1770. JACKY and Maggy's Courtship. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1770. "" 2547 M Siebente Slnflage. Philadel- phia: Henrich Miller. 1770. 2548 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. KEARSLEY. (J.) A | Narrative, | of many | Facts, relating to the late disputed Will of | Samuel Flower, Esq; | published with a view to defend an | Injured Reputation, | and to remove | Ill-Grounded Prejudices. | By Dr. John Kearsley, Junr. | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by J. Crukshank, and I. Collins, in Second-street, two Doors below Chestnut-street. | M,DCC,LXX. | 4to. pp. 16. l. c. p. 2549 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 111 KENNEDY. (R.) To the worthy Tradesmen, Artificers, Me- chanics, &c. Electors of the City and | County of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2550 Robert Kennedy soliciting the office of Sheriff, dated Oct. 1, 1770. | | bet | Sriiber = ©enteiue, | fur bag $afyr | 1771. | entfyaltenb | tauter SBorte | uuferg | liebeu $erru unb | ... | .... | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1770. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. (64). n. s. p. 2551 A LETTER | From a Gentleman travelling through | Bucks County, to his Friend in | Town. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, pp. (4). l. c. p. 2552 Against the removal from Newtown to Bristol of the County-seat of Bucks Co. LIBERTY. A Poem. In Imitation of Churchill. Philadel- phia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. 2553 THE | LIFE | and | Confession | of | Herman Rosencrantz; | Executed in the City of Philadelphia, on the 5th Day | of May, 1770, for Counterfeiting and Uttering the | Bills of Credit of the Province of Pennsylvania. | In which is an Account who were his | Confederates. | Taken from his own Mouth, in one of the Cells of the | Gaol, a short Time before he was Executed; and,by | his Re- quest Published, as a Warning to all others. | ... | .... | Phil- adelphia : Printed [6y Joseph Crukshanlc] for James Chattin, and Sold by him | at Mr. Graham's in Second-street, the second Door from | Market-street Corner, and next Door to Mr. Miles, Jeweller. [1770.] | 8vo. pp. 10, (1). n. y. ii. s. 2554 "The sale of 2000 of this Piece makes it necessary that a new impression be struck off." Pa. Journal, June 7, 1770. | ©efdnge | ber | 33ruber=Gemeinen | aufg neue | retoibirt. | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1770. | 16mo. pp. 48. 2555 [LIVINGSTON. (William)] A Review of the Military Opera- tions in North-America; From the Commencement of the French 112 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. 2556 [MACPHERSON (John)] Letter to John Dickinson, Esq; | [Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1770.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 2557 Dated Philadelphia, November 13, 1770. [MACPHERSON. (John)] Macpherson's | Letters, &c. | Phila- delphia: | Printed for the Author,[by Wm. Britt] in the Year 1770. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. vii, 105,1 leaf of Errata, h. s. p. 2558 MANY respectable Freeholders ... of this City . . . justly alarmed at the Resolutions . . . of the Dry Goods Importers, . . . . [Philadelphia : 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2559 Call for a public meeting, dated " Thursday, September 27, 1770." MANY respectable Freeholders, &c. [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2560 A reprint of the preceding, with proceedings and resolves of the meeting. Dated " Philadelphia, Thursday, September 27, 1770." I I ®efang; | SBucE) | Bur | Uebung ber (Bottfeligfeit | in 649 Sl;riftlid)en unb £ro[treid)en | unb ©efangen | D. 9Rartin SutfierS. | unb anbrer | ©ottfeliger Seljrer, | Drbentlid) in XII. Verfaffet, | Unb mit nbtfyigen -Re; giftern and; einer SSergeidmif? | unter tveldie STituI bie im Slnfyang befinblid)en Sieber geljbrig: | 2lud; gur befbrberung | be§ fo $ird)en= aR | 3Rit erbaulidjen | SRorgen; 2lbenb; SBcidit; unb | Communion;©ebdtlein bermel;ret. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1770. | 12mo. pp. (12), 490, (15), 13, 82, (1). h. s. p. 2561 MARMONTEL. ([Jean Frangois]) The | History | of | Beli- sarius, | the heroick and humane | Roman General. | A Man who possessed the most immoveable Fidelity, and practised | the most disinterested Patriotism, in the Court of a weak Empe- | ror, sur- rounded by a Junto of as corrupt and abandoned Mini- | sters, as ever enslaved and disgraced Humanity; whose Malice | and Envy 1770 113 IN PENNSYLVANIA remained unsatiated, till by misrepresentation and per- | jury they accomplished the Downfal of this greatest and most ex- | cellent of all human Beings, in whose amiable and exalted | Character every Virtue exists that is admirable or desirable, | in the | Sage Lawgiver, | Brave Hero, | Noble Patriot, | Profound Politician, | Exploring Philosopher, | Sober Citizen, | Judicious Farmer, | Honest Lawyer, | Or in the most humble, | And most perfect Di- vine. | A New Translation from the French of M. Marmontel, | Member of the Royal Academy. | Philadelphia : Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-street. | MDCCLXX. | 12mo. pp. viii, 135. 2562 [MECOM. (Benjamin)] Philadelphia, Sept. 11, 1770. | [Phila- delphia: Benjamin Mecom. 1770.] Sm. 4to. pp. (2). h. s. p. 2563 A printed letter from a nephew of Benjamin Franklin, to the Mayor, Recorder, and Aidermen : "Sir, Be pleased to permit me to inform you, that I have been in this City, a few Months more than two Years, during which Time I have endeavoured to get constant Employment at my own Business, but being disappointed, my Wife (the Bearer hereof) has been frequently advised to apply to your Worship for a Recom- mendation to his Honour the Governor, to grant us a Licence to sell spirituous Liquors by small Measure, at a House we have now liv'd in almost a Quarter, where such Sale has been continued. We are not fond of the Prospect it affords, farther than as it may contribute to support a Number of young growing Children, whose Welfare we would earnestly and honestly endeavour to secure. If you, Sir, after Inquiry, should judge we are improper Persons to recommend, in this Case, I have only to desire that you will excuse the Application from Your respectful humble Servant, Benjamin Mecom, Printer." MILTON. (J.) An old | Looking-Glass | for the | Laity and Clergy | of all denominations, | Who either give or receive Money under Pretence | of the Gospel: | Being | Considerations | touch- ing | The likeliest Means to remove Hirelings out of the | Church of Christ. | Wherein are also discoursed of | Tythes, | Church-Fees, Church-Revenues, | Christenings, | Marriages, | Burials, | and | Whether any Maintenance of Gospel-Servants | ought to be settled by Law. | By John Milton, Author of Paradise Lost. | With the Life of Milton: | Also large Extracts from his Works, concerning Bishops. | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed for Robert Bell, and sold by J. Crukshank, and | I. Collins, Printers in Third-street. M,DCC,LXX. | 12mo. pp. i-x, 1-74. h. s. p. 2564 ii.-15 114 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 MINUTES | of the | Philadelphian Association | In MDCCLXX. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1770.] Sm. 4to. pp. 8. [MURREY. (James)] Sermons to Asses. The Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1770. 2566 $@9? 91©U©SX©, $erbeffert= unb Suverliifjige | 2lntericanifd)e | ©alenber | 2luf ba§ 1771[te ©tyrifti, | 2Beld)e§ ein getnein Von 365 £agcn ift. | | | | | | | . | 2Bie mid; | ©inc 9tacbrid)t Von America; nebft Vcrfdjnebcnen | Studen, 2C. 2C. | | | gum 2ld;tenmal I;erau§gegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt mid zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. | | | . [1770.] | 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2567 THE NEW ENGLAND Primer improved. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1770. 2568 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1770. 2569 THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | [Philadel- phia: Hall and Sellers. 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2570 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. 2571 £)$© | 2Uoe | bcr $ungfraulid;en $eufd)fyeit | tvelcfye (Bott giebet alien, bie ba | [tub au3 betn (Blauben an ben | Sefum; | SBobet; geleliret ioirb, ivie | biefe£ | (BeivdcbS | mit ©fyrifti £)ornen=©ron, | 2ll£ | ©inent unijaunet iverben miiffe, | bamit e3 nidjt Von bcr f)bd}ft;fd)dbHd;en, | gifftigen $leifd;e£=£uft verber= | bet iverbe. | (Befammlet unb | von | (Bratiano ©f)riftopl;i(o. | | | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1770. | 16mo. pp. 303, (1). h. s. p. 2572 PENN. (W.) A Brief | Account | of the | Rise and Progress | Of the People called | Quakers, | in which | Their Funda- mental Principle, Doctrines, Worship, | Ministry and Discipline, 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 115 are plainly declared. | With a Summary Relation | Of the Former Dispensations of God in the | World by Way of Intro- duction. | .... | The Sixth Edition. | By William Penn. | Phila- delphia : | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank. | MDCCLXX. | 8vo. Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Epistle, pp. (2) ; Contents, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-88. The first of " Three Treatises," No. 2598, infra. It is, however, sometimes found sepa- rately. THE PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle. Folio, pp. 1-210. 2574 Numbers 159 (Jan. 29, 1770) to 210 (Jan. 21, 1771), four pages each. Title as in No. 2315, supra, but in smaller type and with a smaller cut of the Royal Arms. The imprint varies frequently. Until No. 183, it was printed by Goddard and Towne, but from that Number Towne's name was withdrawn. The paper was printed in three columns on a smaller folio sheet than during the first year. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 2575 Numbers 2141 (Jan. 4,1770) to 2192 (Dec. 27, 1770), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2141, 2146 to 2152, 2158 to 2172, 2174 and 2175, and " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 2152, 2157, 2158, 2160, and 2161, and of two pages to No. 2159. Title and imprint as in No. 2382, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 2576 Numbers 1413 (Jan. 4, 1770) to 1464 (Dec. 27, 1770), four pages each, with extra half sheets of two pages to Numbers 1416, 1437, 1439, 1440, 1442, 1446, 1448, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1454, 1456, 1458, 1460, and 1461 ; "Supplements" of two pages to Num- bers 1413, 1419 (misnumbered 1491), 1420, 1422 to 1426, 1429, 1433, 1435, 1445, and 1449, of four pages to Numbers 1430 and 1444; " Postscripts" of two pages to Num- bers 1424 and 1430. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1771. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. 2577 PIKE. (J.) An | Epistle | to the | National Meeting | of | Friends, | in | Dublin, | Concerning good Order and Discipline in | the Church. | Written by Joseph Pike. | Philadelphia: | Re- printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1770. | 8vo. pp. 24. n. s. p. 2578 See Numbers 2598 and 2573, infra. POOR Robin's Almanac for 1771. Philadelphia: William Evitt. 1770. 2579 116 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 POOR Will's Almanac for 1771. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1770. 2580 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1771; | Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania, | and the neighbouring Prov- inces. | Containing, | A great Variety of useful Lists | and Tables. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Cruk- | shank, in Third-street, near the Harp- | and- Crown Tavern, and opposite the | Work-House. [1770.] | 24mo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 2581 . . . A RIDDLE. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2582 An election squib signed " A "White Oak." Du Simitiere's copy is dated in ink " 7ber, 1770." ROBERTSON. (W.) The | History | of the | Reign | of | Charles the Fifth, | Emperor of Germany; | And of all the King- doms and States in Europe, | during his Age. | To which is pre- fixed, a View of the | Progress of Society | In Europe, | From the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the | Beginning of the Six- teenth Century. | Confirmed by | Historical Proofs and Illustra- tions. | In Three Volumes. | By William Robertson, D.D. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Volume the First. | America: [Philadelphia.-] Printed for the Subscribers, [by Robert Bell.~\ | M,DCC,LXX. | 8vo. 2583 Collation : Advertisement, 1 leaf; Dedication to the English Edition, pp. (2); Dedication of the American Edition, pp. (2) ; Contents, pp. (10); Preface, pp. v.- viii.; Title to the " Progress of Society," 1 leaf; text, pp. 360.-(-Volume the Second. [I6id.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (14); text, pp. 374.-|-Volume the Third. [76 id.] 8vo. Advertisement, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; List of Subscribers, pp. (19); Address from the Publisher, pp. (6); Contents, pp. (14); text, pp. 351 ; Adver- tisement, 1 page; Index to Progress of Society, pp. (14); Index to Charles V. pp. (45). [ROOSEN. (Gerhard)] (S(iriftlid)e3 | (BemiitbS = (Sefprdd) | 23on bcm | ©eiftlicben imb | ©laubcn, | Unb | ©rfdntnufj bet 2Bar(;eit, | fo 511 ber ©ottfeligfeit fiifyret in | ber Coffining be£ eftngen | £eben3, Tit. I, i. | 2In£ £id)t gegeben | $n $rag unb 2lnfivort fur bie anfommenbe 3u= | genb, ivoburd) biefelbe ju einer (;eilfamen £e= | ben$=Uebung mbd;te geretfjt unb gebradd | iverben, | Ser 2Barl)eit 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 117 jnm SBeften. | Ephrata: Typis Societatis | Anno MDCCLXX. | 12mo. pp. 248. h. s. p. 2584 Printed with " Der Ernsthaffte Christen-Pflicht. " The paging is begun anew, but the signatures are continuous. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1771. By Rich- ard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1770. 2585 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack | For the | Year of our Lord 1771: | Being the Third after Leap- Year. | | | | | | | | | . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1770.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 2586 SAUVAGES, (Francois Bossier de) and (-) PULLIEN. Direc- tions | for the | Breeding and Management | of | Silk-Worms. | Extracted from the Treatises of | The Abbe Boissier de Sauvages, and Pullien. | With a | Preface, | giving some | Account | Of the Rise and Progress | of the | Scheme | For encouraging the | Cul- ture of Silk, | In Pennsylvania, and the adjacent Colonies. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, and Isaac Collins. | M,DCC,LXX. | 8vo. pp. xv, (1), 32. n. s. p. 2587 [SEARSON. (John)] Two | Discourses | Delivered in the Prison of | Philadelphia, | On the two following Texts; | Matthew xv. 25. | ... | Isaiah xlv. 15 | ... | .... | By a Lay-Man of the Church of England. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by William Evitt, at the Sign of the | Bible-in-Heart, in Strawberry-Alley, for the Benefit of I the Prisoners of the said Prison. [1770.] I 8vo. pp. 17. n. y. h. s. 2588 SECCOMBE. (J.) ©me ju ben 3ten 1770 gefyaltene an ber = 3teformirte ©emeine ju Suneburg in -ftoVa ©cotia, bet> ber Drbinatwn be§ Sfyrto. Srnin Otomcaio Gomingoe. ©urd) Tiag. $ol)n ©eccombe; nebft einem 2ln(;ange. bem @nglifd)en Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1770. 2589 Advertised in Der Pennsylvanische Staatsbote, Feb. 5, 1770. 118 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 SEVEN Hints | For all who will take them. | By | A Church of England-Man. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] l. c. p. 2590 Anti-Non-Importation circular signed " J. S." M. Hillegas says published July 17, 1770. A SHORT but serious Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsyl- vania, by a Well wisher to his King and Country. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1770. 2591 A SHORT Narrative of the Massacre in Boston, perpetrated by a party of Soldiers under the command of Captain Preston of the 29th Regiment. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1770. 2592 SMITH. (W.) An | Account | of the | Charitable Corpora- tion, | lately erected | For the Relief of the Widows and Chil- | dren of Clergymen, in the Communion of | the Church of Eng- land in America; with a | Copy of their Charters, and Funda- | mental Rules. | And also a | Sermon, | Preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, | October 10, 1769, before the said Corpora- | tion, on Occasion of their First Meeting. | By William Smith, D.D. Provost of | the College and Academy of Philadelphia. | Published, by Order, for the Benefit of the Charity. | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, | opposite the Jer- sey Market. MDCCLXX. | 8vo. pp. 56. l. c. p. 2593 A | SOLILOQUY. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | [Phil- Printed [by John Bunlap] in the Year 1770. | 4to. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 15. l. c. p. 2594 SPERBER. (J.) Kabalisticae precationes, b. i. fcfybne Oebete, bcnen mid; beigefiiget b. i. Sinleitung jur ttjabren Srfenntnifa be£ breieinigen unb bcr Olatur, 2C. Philadelphia: 1770. 2595 Title from Weller's Die falschen Druckorte. STEVENSON. (R.) Military Instructions for Officers. By Roger Stevenson. Philadelphia: 1770. 12mo. 2596 Title from Haven's List. Probably misdated 1770 for 1776. 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 119 | fioofungen | bet | Sruber=(Bemeine | fur ba§ 2>al)r | 1771. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1770. 8vo. pp. (58). ii. s. p. 2597 THREE | Treatises, | in which | The Fundamental Principle, | Doctrines, Worship, Ministry | and Discipline of the People called | Quakers, | are plainly declared. | The first, | By William Penn, in England; | The second, | By Robert Barclay in Scotland; | The third | By Joseph Pike, in Ireland. | Philadelphia: | Be-printed by Joseph Crukshank, | MDCCLXX. | 8vo. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2598 The three tracts are sometimes met with separately, and will be found under their respective authors. When found together, some copies contain a list of books, &c., " To be Sold by Benjamin Ferris ... in Wilmington," pp. (4). TO the Free and Patriotic Inhabitants of the City of | Philad. & Province of Pennsylvania; | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. Dated "May 31st, 1770," and signed "A Lover of Liberty and a Mechanic's Friend." TO the Freeholders, Merchants, Tradesmen and Farmers, of the City and County of Philad. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. " A Freeholder," against indiscriminate Non-Importation, dated "Sept. 26,1770." In answer to " A Tradesman" 's address of the 24th of Sept. TO the Inhabitants of the City and County of | Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2601 " A Pennsylvanian" in favor of Non-Importation. " The New Yorkers have be- trayed a Meanness and Cowardice in deserting us in the present important Juncture, which wants a name." TO the Merchants, and Traders, of | the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2602 Address in favor of a Non-Importation agreement. TO the Merchants Committee, the Dry Goods Merchants, &c. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2603 In favor of home manufactures. Signed " An American," and dated " Philadel- phia, May 12, 1770." 120 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1770 TO the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2604 Philadelphus against Non-Importation agreements. TO the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1770.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2605 Messrs. Semple, Bartram, Steuart, and Wilson's acknowledgment of having violated the Non-Importation agreement, dated " June 30 and July 4, 1770." TO the | Tradesmen, Farmers, and other Inhabitants of the City and County I of Philadelphia. I [Philadelphia: 1770.1 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2606 " A Tradesman" in favor of Non-Importation, dated " Northern Liberties, Sep- tember 24, 1770." TOBLER (J.) The | Pennsylvania | Town and Country- man's | Almanack, | for | The Year of our Lord, 1771, | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | [21 lines.] | By John Tobler, Esq; | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1770.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). 2607 TOWNE. (Benjamin) To the Public, and particularly the kind Customers | of the Pennsylvania Chronicle, &c. | [Phila- delphia: 1770.] Folio, pp. (2). 2608 THE TRADESMEN, Artificers and other Inhabitants | . . . are ear- | nestly requested to attend at the State House on | Wednesday . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1770.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2609 Dated " Philadelphia, May 22, 1770." A call for a public meeting. THE TRIAL of His R. II. the D[uke] of Cumberland] for Criminal Conversation with Lady Harriet G[rosverno]r. To which is Prefixed, an Introductory Discourse upon the ancient and modern Punishments of Adultery, and the uncommon Prog- ress of that Crime. Including all the Letters which have passed between his Royal Highness and her Ladyship, and were read in Court. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1770. 2610 TWO Letters from Brutus to the Duke of Cumberland. Philadelphia: William Evitt. 1770. 2611 1770 IN PENNSYLVANIA 121 UNIVERSAL Restitution, a Scripture doctrine. Proved in several letters wrote on the nature and extent of Christ's King- dom. Philadelphia: Peter Barker? 1770. 2612 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1769, and continued by Adjournments. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, | MDCCLXX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 113-201. h. s. p. 2613 WE, the Shopkeepers of Philadelphia, and Places adjacent, | whose Names are hereunto subscribed, labouring under many and great | Difficulties in the present languishing Condition of Trade in this City, | partly owing to the unrestrained Liberties of Ven- dues, have found it necessary | and expedient to come into an Agreement not to purchase any Goods so exposed to | publick Sale, .... | [18 lines.] | Philadelphia, Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-street. [1770.] | 4to. 1 leaf. + The same in German. [TA'J.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2614 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1771; | Being the Third after Leap- Year. | [25 lines.] | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadel- phia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, at the | Newest-Printing- Office, the South Side of the Jersey | Market, and Three Doors below Second-street. [1770.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 2615 WESLEY. (J.) Primitive Physic, or an easy and natural Method of curing most Diseases. The Fourteenth Edition. By John Wesley. Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank. 1770. 12mo. pp. xviii, 83. 2616 WHEATLEY. (P.) An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of that celebrated Divine and eminent servant of Jesus Christ the Rev. Geo. Whitefield. By Phillis Wheatley. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1770. 2617 WITHERSPOON. (J.) Practical Discourses on the Leading Truths of the Gospel. By John Witherspoon, D.D. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1770. 2618 ii.-16 122 1771 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS WOOLMAN. (J.) Considerations | on the | True Harmony | of | Mankind; | And how it is to be maintained. | By John Wool- man. | | | | | Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, | in Third-Street, MDCCLXX. | 12mo. pp. 33. 2619 WOOLMAN. An | Extract | from | John Woolman's | Jour- nal in Manuscript, | concerning the | Ministry. 1770?] 8vo. pp. 7. f. 2620 ZIGUERER. (C.) £fyeologifd)eg | Sebenfen | gur | SBeantivortung bcr $rage: | SBofyer bag 33erberben ber | ftenfyeit in Sefjr unb Seben fontmc? | bon | Cl;riftian Biguercr, | Sprcbiger ju Giriifd), in @rau- biinbten | Berlin, Gebruckt bey L. Winter, 1769. | Philadelphia, Nach- gedruckt und zu finden bey | Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. 1770. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 46. 2621 1771. AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptisms in the Baptist Church. Philadelphia: 1771. 2622 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: 1771. 2623 AN | ACT | for the | Relief | of the | Poor. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and, Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sei- | lers, at the New-Printing- Office, near the | Jersey-Market. | MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 30. h. s. p. 2624 AGUECHEEK. (A.) The Universal American | Almanack, | or yearly | Magazine. | | | | For the Year of our Lord 1772, | Being Bissextile or Leap - Year. | [22 lines.] | By Andrew Aguecheek, Esq; Philom. | Philadelphia: Printed by William | Evitt, at the Bible-in-Heart, in Strawberry-Alley, | opposite the Bull's-Head Tavern. [1771.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2625 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1772. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2626 | I ©alenber | 21uf bag 1772fte Satyr (Styrifti, | £BBeId)eg ein SctyalPSaty* von 366 iagen ift. | Cnttyaltcnb | 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 123 ©ie 2Bocf>eu= 9tamen= unb $eber=Tage, | £)er Sonnen unb be3 SJlouben 2Iuf= unb Untergang, bie 9Jlonb£= | SBiertel unb 3eidun, bag Staffer in | unb anbere gefobbnlicbe (Salenber= Slrbeit; | 28ie and) | Sinige unb anbere ARoralifcbe ©tilde. | bet = (Segenb berecfniet. | Ephrata, mit Bewilligung der Bruederschaft gedruckt von Albert Conrad Reben. [1771.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). 2627 ANDERSON". (W.) The History of France, during the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. By Walter Anderson, D.D. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia ? 1771. 2628 Advertised by W. and T. Bradford for more than eighteen months, but probably referring to an English edition. ANN0 Regni | Georgii HI. Regis, | Magnse Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Undecimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1770, in | the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Ninth Day of March, 1771. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold bg I). Hall, and W. Sellers at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 53-153, (1). + And from thence continued . . . to the | Twenty-fifth Day of September, 1771. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 157-165. h. s. p. 2629 BATES. (W.) The | Harmony | of the | Divine Attributes, | in the | Contrivance and Accomplishment | of | Man's Re- demption | by the | Lord Jesus Christ: | or, | Discourses | Wherein is shewn | How the Wisdom, Mercy, Justice, Holiness, Pow- | er, and Truth of God are glorified in that | great and blessed Work. | By William Bates, D.D. | . . . . | London, Printed: | Wilmington, Reprinted, and Sold by | James Adams, in Market- street, 1771. | 16mo. pp. iv, 501, (11). n. 8. p. 2630 BELL. (Robert) Proposals for reprinting Ferguson's Essay on the History of Civil Society. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1771. 124 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 BELL. Proposals for reprinting Hume's History of England, in eight volumes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1771. 2632 BENEZET. (A.) Some | Historical Account | of | Guinea, | Its Situation, Produce and the general Dis- | position of its Inhab- itants. | With | An inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the | Slave-Trade, its Nature and lament- | able Effects. | Also | A Re- publication of the Sentiments of seve- | ral Authors of Note, on this interesting | Subject; particularly an Extract of a | Treatise, by Granville Sharp. | By Anthony Benezet. | . . . | . . . | . . . | Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Druk- | shank, in Third-street, opposite the Work-house. | M,DCC,LXXI. | 12mo. h. s. p. 2633 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (3); Introduction, pp. i.-iv.; text, pp. 1-144; Extract, &c., pp. 1-53 ; Index, pp. (6). The " Extract" has the following title : Extract | from a | Representation | of the | Injustice | and | Dangerous Tendency | of tolerating | Slavery, | or | Admitting the least Claim of private Pro- | perty in the Persons of Men in England. | By Granville Sharp. | London: Printed MDCCLXIX. | Philadelphia: Re-printed by Joseph Cruk- | shank, in Third-street, opposite the Work-house. | MDCCLXXI. | [BLACKBURNE. (Francis)] A Critical | Commentary | on | Archbishop Seeker's Letter | to the | Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, | concerning | Bishops in America. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, at the | Newest Printing-Office, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXI. | 8vo. pp. 72. BLACKSTONE. (W.) Commentaries | on the | Laws | of | England. | In Four Books. | By | Sir William Blackstone, Knt. | One of his Majesty's Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. | Re- Printed from the British Copy, | Page for Page with the Last Edi- tion. | America: | Printed for the Subscribers, | By Robert Bell, at the late Union Library, in Third-street, | Philadelphia. MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. pp. (12), 485. + Book the Second. | \Ibid.~\ MDCCLXXI. pp. (8), 520, xix. h. s. p. 2635 For the third and fourth volumes, see 1772. CADOGAN. (W.) A | Dissertation | on the | Gout, | and all | Chronic Diseases, | jointly considered, | As proceeding from the 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 125 same Causes; | What those Causes are; | And | A rational and natural Method of Cure | proposed. | Addressed to all Invalids. | By William Cadogan, | Fellow of the College of Physicians. | . . . . | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Be-printed and Sold by | William and Thomas Bradford. | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. pp. v, 51. CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, October 7, 1771. Philadelphia: Bobert Bell. 1771. 2637 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, December 2, 1771. Philadelphia: Bobert Bell. 1771. 2638 CATALOGUE | of | Drugs, | Chymical and Galenical | Prepa- rations, | Shop Furniture, | Patent Medicines, | and | Surgeons In- struments, | sold by | John Day, and Co. | Druggists and Chymists, | in | Second-Street, | Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. pp. 33. 2639 DEIGENDESCII. (J.) 9tacf)ri(f)terfS, ober = SBucfylein. ©eigenbefcfy. 3iveite 2luflage. Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1771. ' 2640 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. DIMSDALE. (T.) The | Present Method | of | Inoculating | for the | Small-Pox. | To which are added, | Some Experiments, instituted with a | View to discover the Effects of a similar | Treat- ment in the Natural Small-Pox. | By Thomas Dimsdale, M.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, for John Sparhawk, | MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. pp. 82. 2641 DUCII1L (J.) Human Life a Pilgrimage: | Or | The Christian a Stranger and | Sojourner upon Earth: | A | Sermon, | Occa- sioned by the Death of the | Hon. Bichard Penn, Esq; | One of the Proprietaries of the Province | of Pennsylvania: | Preached be- fore the united Congregations of | Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in the City | of Philadelphia, on Sunday, April xxi. 1771. | By the Keverend | Jacob Duche, A.M. | Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall andW. Set- | lers. MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. pp. iv, 19. l. c. p. 2642 126 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 ELMER. (J.) Dissertatio Medica, | Inauguralis, | de | Sitis in Febribus Causis | et Remediis. | Quam, | Sub Moderamine Viri admodum Reverendi | Gulielmi Smith, S. T. P. | Collegii et Acad- emiae Philadelpliiensis | Praefecti, | Ex per illustrium Curatorum Auctoritate, | nee non | Amplissimae Collegii et Academiae Fac- ultatis decreto, | Deo ter Optimo Maximo Annuente, | Pro Gradu Doctoratus, | summisque in Medicina lionoribus et privileges | rite ac legitime consequendis, | Eruditorum examini subjectam sustinuit | Jonathan Elmer, M.B. | Novo-Caesariensis | Ad diem 28 Junii, horalocoque solitis. | | | Philadelphiae, | Apnd llenricum Miller. | MDCCLXXI. | Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-23. a. p. s. 2643 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1772. Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1771. 2644 MR. FAULKS, | The Noted Performer in Horsemanship. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2645 Advertisement of Faulks's performances, dated "Philadelphia, Sept. 23, 1771." FOX. (T.) The Wilmington | Almanack, | or | Ephemeris, | for | The Year of our Lord 1772. | Being Bissextile or Leap- Year. | Containing | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | Philosophical Enquiries concerning the Vir- | tues of Tar Water, &c. By Dr. George | Berkley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne, in Ireland.- | Thoughts on Various Subjects.-On the Dissec- | tion of a Body.-Ode to Gratitude.-The Spring, | &c. &c. &c. | | | | By Thomas Fox, Philom. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1771.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2646 [FOTHERGILL. (Samuel)] The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and a Divine Communion recommended and enforced, in a Sermon publicly delivered at a meeting of the People called Quakers, held in Leeds, the 26th of the Sixth Month, commonly called June, 1769. Philadelphia ; Joseph Orukshank. 1771. 2647 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 127 FURMAN. (Moore) 2ln bcG publicum. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller, 1771.] Folio, pp. (4). h. s. p. 2648 FURMAN. To the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, pp. (2). ii. s. p. 2649 In answer to " Wikoff's Appeal," specifically charging Wikoff with selling adulterated rum. THE GENTLE Shepherd. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1771. THE GENTLEMAN and Citizen's Pocket Almanac for 1772. Philadelphia: William. Pritt. 1771. 2651 GOLDSMITH. ([Oliver]) The | Deserted Village, | a | Poem. | By | Doctor Goldsmith. | London: Printed. | Philadelphia: Re- printed, | Ry William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee- house. | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. iv, 22. 2652 GRAVINES. (- de) The Ladies' Friend. By M. de Gravines. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1771. 8vo. pp. 80+. 2653 GURNALL. (W.) The | Christian | in | Compleat Armour: | Or, a | Treatise | of the | Saints War against the Devil. | Wherein | A Discovery is made of that Great Enemy of God | and his People, in his Policies, Power, Seat of his Empire, | Wicked- ness, and chief Design he hath against the Saints. | A | Magazine Opened, | From whence the Christian is furnished with Spi- | ritual Arms for the Battle, helped on with his Armour, and | taught the Use of his Weapon, together with the happy Issue | of the whole War. | By William Gurnall, M.A. | formerly Pastor of the Church of Christ at Lavenham, in Suffolk. | The Seventh Edition, carefully corrected. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Cruk- shank,for John McGibbons. [1771.] | 8vo. pp. 8ff. h. s. p. 2654 [HARMER. (Thomas)] Observations on Divers Passages of Scripture, Placing many of them in a light altogether new, ascer- taining the meaning of several not determinable by the methods commonly made use of by the learned, and proposing probable conjectures on others, different from what have been hitherto recommended to the attention of the curious; grounded on cir- 128 1771 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS cumstances incidentally mentioned in books of Voyages and Travels into the East. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. A HISTORY and Defence of Magna Charta. Containing a Copy of the Original Charter at large, with an English Translation; The Manner of its being obtained from King John. With its Preservation and Final Establishment in the Succeeding Reigns; with an Introductory Discourse, Containing a short Account of the Rise and Progress of National Freedom, from the Invasion of Caesar to the present Times. Also the Liberties which are con- firmed by the Bill of Rights, &c. To which is added, An Essay on Parliaments, Describing their Origin in England, &c. Philadel- phia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2656 | ££)(££ * | 2lmericanifd)e | Galcnbcr | 2luf ba£ | ... | ... | 1772. | (2Beld;e§ ein <5(fjalL$afyr von 366 £agen ift)| . | | | | | | | | 3uin Viet unb brevfjigften mal fyerauS gegcben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu linden bey Christoph Saur. I . . . I . . . (1771.1 I Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). ii. s. p. 2657 HOSKINS. (J.) The | Life | and | Spiritual Sufferings | of | That Faithful Servant of Christ | Jane Hoskins, | A Public Preacher among the People called | Quakers. | Never before printed. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Britt, at his Printing- | Office, the Sign of the Bible-in-Heart, in Strawberry- | Alley, opposite the Bull's Head Tavern. | M,DCC,LXXI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 31, (1). f. 2658 HUSSEY. (J.) The | Glory of Christ | Vindicated, | in the | Ex- cellency of his Person, Righteousness, | Love and Power. | Being | An Explication of the Mystery which was kept Secret | since the World began. | Wherein the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity is ma- | nifcst in the Glory-Man, the Lord Jesus, and that bearing | the Filth of Sin, in his sufferings, was Part of the Atonement | he made to God for the Elect. | It is likewise demonstrated, | That an Interest in Christ is founded alone, upon | the free, absolute Love of the Father, Son, and Spirit. | Proving | That their free Grace- Union, according to God's An- | cient Settlements of their Su- 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 129 preme Relation to Christ, was | never destroyed by their natural Relation and Fall in Adam. | To which is added, | The spiritual Operations of the Holy Ghost, as | the immediate Spring, Life and Source of all practical Reli- | gion. | The Whole containing, | A concise, and comprehensive Answer, to a Book en- | titled, The Saint's Treasury; or Christ the | most Excellent. | Wrote Origi- nally by Joseph Hussey, Minister of the Gospel of | Christ, at Cambridge, and now faithfully abridged. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, for John Me Gibbons. [1771.] | 8vo. pp. 8 +. IRWIN. (Thomas) To the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2660 In reply to Wikoff's " Appeal," charging Wikoff with selling adulterated rum. KEYSER. (J. G.) Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hun- gary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorraine. By John George Keyser. In Four Volumes. Philadelphia:? 1771. 2661 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, March 7, 1771, as "just published and to be sold by W. and T. Bradford." This I think, however, refers to an imported edition. K[ING]'S | Answer | to | Junius. | Taken from an English Paper. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and sold by William Goddard, in | Arch-Street, between Front and Second | Streets. | MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 2662 THE Lancaster Almanac for 1772. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1771. 2663 ber Sriiber = (Bemeine, unb infonberbeit ber .ftinber, fur ba£ 3n['r 1772. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1771. ©SIS bi ®enua in feiner ivafyren Oriiffe. Philadelphia: [Donatus in Luebeck.] 1771. 2665 Title from Weller's Die falschen Druckorte. LOTTERY. December 6, 1771. | Christiana-Bridge Land & Cash | Lottery, | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2666 Scheme of a lottery for disposing of 48 Plantations in the Province of Penna, ii.-17 130 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 LOTTERY. Dover Land and Cash | Lottery, | To be Drawn in Dover, in the County of Kent, on Delaware, For Disposing of certain Valuable and Improved Farms, and Tracts of Land, with Stock, Mills, &c. | situate on the River Saint Croix, in the Town- ship of Newport, and Province of Nova Scotia. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2667 LOTTERY. Christiana Bridge, March 23, 1771. | The Ad- venturers in the Second Class of the New-Ark Land and | Cash Lottery, are desired to call upon the managers who | signed their respective Tickets, ... | . . . that they may get them renewed in the Third Class; . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1771.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2668 LOTTERY. New-Ark Land and Cash | Lottery, | In New Castle County on Delaware, | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. Scheme of a lottery to dispose of certain property in Lancaster Co. LOTTERY. Christiana Bridge, July 13, 1771. | Newcastle Lottery, | Instituted by the Friends of the | American China Manufactory, | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2670 LOTTERY. Pettie's Island | Land and Cash | Lottery, | . . . | . . . The Drawing will begin as soon as the Tickets are | dis- posed of, ... | [signed] W. M. [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio 1 leaf. + . . . The Drawing will begin on the First Day of | July, 1771, . . . | [signed] William Masters. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio 1 leaf. + . . . The Drawing shall begin on Monday, the | Twenty-first Day of October, 1771, under the Inspection of Wil- liam Heysham, | John Chevalier, Abraham Beeckley, and Thomas Bond, Jun. . . . | [signed] William Masters. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2671 LOTTERY. Advertisement. | For the Satisfaction of the Ad- venturers | in Pettie's Island Land and Cash | Lottery, . . . | . . . | . . . the Drawing will . . . begin on | Monday, the 9th Day of September next, . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1771.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2672 LOTTERY. New-Castle, June 15,1771. | A | Scheme | of a | Lottery, | For raising . . . Three Hundred and Seventy-five Pounds 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 131 . . . | to discharge a Debt upon the Methodist Preaching-House, | in Philadelphia; and towards the Building a Preaching-House in | New-Castle County. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. [MACPHERSON. (John)] A | Pennsylvania Sailor's | Letters, | alias the | Farmer's Fall: | With Extracts from a Tragic Com- edy, called | Hodge Podge improved: | Or, | The Race Fairly Run. | The Author's Sympathy for an innocent Woman, pre- | vents his publishing the Whole of that Dramatic Piece. | . . . | .... | Number I. | Philadelphia : | Printed for the Author, [by Robert Bell.] 1771. | 8vo. pp. 64. l. c. p. 2674 [MACPHERSON.] To be Published and Sold, by | William Woodhouse, | ... | ... | Every Saturday, until a Pamphlet is complete, | A | Pennsylvania Sailor's Letters; | alias the | Farmer's Fall. | [Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1771.] 4to. 1 leaf. MANY members of the Library Company of Philadelphia, .... | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2676 Call for a meeting of the Stockholders to consider the question of a new building. MARY Somerville. A Tale. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1771. 2677 MINUTES | Of the | Philadelphian Association | in MDCCLXXI. | [Philadelphia : Henry Miller. 1771.] Sm. 4to. pp. 8. 2678 NELSON. (John) The | Case | of | John Nelson. | Written by Himself. | | | | The Third Edition. | Wilmington, | Printed by James Adams, in Market-street, 1771. | 16mo. pp. 32. unb | 2ltnericanifd)e | Galenber | Sluf bn§ 1772fte Sfyrifti, | 2BeId)e§ ein <5d)alfr3afyr Von 366 £agen iff. | [12 lines.] | 3uni 3e(mtentnal l)erau3gegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees- strasse. | | | | | . [1771.] | 4to. pp. (56). THE | NEW-ENGLAND | Primer | Enlarged. | For the more easy attaining the true | Reading of English. | To which is added, 132 1771 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS | The Assembly's Catechism. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, in Market-street, 1771. | Sm. 16mo. pp. (80). On the reverse of the first leaf is a portrait ? of Geo. III. Mr. J. P. Wickersham, in his History of Education in Pa., p. 195, says an edition of The New England Primer was printed at Germantown, in 1771, by Christopher Sower. A NEW Song, in high Vogue in Northampton | County, in the Province of Pennsylvania. | Printed for the Author, Anno Domini 1771. | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2682 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1771. 2683 THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | [Phila- delphia: Hall and Sellers, 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2684 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2685 NOW in the Press and speedily will be Published | by | John Dunlap, | | | | | All the | Poetical Writing, and some other Pieces, | Of the Rev. Nathaniel Evans, A.M. | [Phila- delphia : John Dunlap. 1771.] Folio, pp. (2). n. s. p. 2686 NOW in the Press. | . . . | . . . | The true art of mixing every kind of Wine and Spirits, | [Philadelphia: 1771.] 4to. 1 leaf. See Wikoff, to whom it relates, Furman, and Irwin. OBSERVATIONS on the late Law for re- | gulating the Nightly Watch, fixing Lamps, and taking care of the Pumps, | in the City of Philadelphia-humbly offered to the Consideration of | the In- habitants of the said City. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. OTTOLENGHE. (J.) Directions | for breeding | Silk-Worms, | Extracted from a Letter of | Joseph Ottolenghe, Esq; | Late Superintendent | of the | Public Filature | in | Georgia. | Phil- adelphia : | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXI. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 2689 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 133 PEMBERTON. (E.) A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. George Whitefield. By Ebenezer Pemberton, D.D. Philadel- phia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2690 (January, M.DCC.LXXI.) (Number 211.) | THE | PENNSYL- VANIA Chronicle, | and | Universal Advertiser. | Monday, Jan- uary 28, 1771. (No. I, of Vol. V.) | Philadelphia: Printed by Wil- liam Goddard, at the New Printing- Office, in Arch-Street, between Front and, Second Streets, where Subscriptions, | (at Ten Shillings per Annum) Advertisements, Articles and Letters of Intelligence are gratefully received for this Paper, and where all manner of Print- | ing Work is performed with Care, Fidelity and Expedition-Blanks and Hand-Bills, in par- ticular are done on the shortest Notice, in a neat and correct Manner. | Folio, pp. 1-204. h. s. p. 2691 Numbers 211 (Jan. 28, 1771) to 261 (Jan. 13, 1772), four pages each, with unpaged " Postscripts" of two pages each to Numbers 226, 250 to 253, and 255. The cut of the Royal Arms was withdrawn from the title. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 2692 Numbers 2193 (Jan. 3, 1771) to 2244 (Dec. 26, 1771), four pages each, with "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 2207, 2208, 2209, 2213, 2217, 2226, and 2236 ; " Postscripts" of 1 leaf to Numbers 2211 and 2212, and " List of Prizes," one leaf to No. 2205. Title and imprint as in No. 2382, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 2693 Numbers 1465 (Jan. 3, 1771) to 1516 (Dec. 26, 1771), four pages each, with ex- tra half-sheets of two pages to Numbers 1468 to 1472, 1476, 1477, 1479 to 1483, 1486 to 1490, 1492 to 1497, 1500, 1501, 1503, 1504, 1505, and 1509 to 1516; " Supple- ments" of one leaf to No. 1484, two pages to Numbers 1467, 1478, 1485, and 1502, of four pages to Numbers 1491 and 1507 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 1479, 1485, and 1507, of two pages to Numbers 1483 and 1508. Title and imprints as in No. 2317, supra. October, 1771. Numb. 1. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA : Packet; | and • the | General • Advertiser. | Monday, • October 28th, 1771. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest Printing-Office, in Market-Street, where | Subscriptions at Ten Shillings per Annum, Advertisements, $c. are thankfully received for this Paper. | Folio. h. s. p. 2694 Numbers 1 (Oct. 28, 1771) to 10 (Dec. 30, 1771), four pages each, with "Supple- ments" of two pages each to every number. The title is divided by a cut of a ship, as indicated by the dotted lines. 134 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1772. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2695 PHIPPS. (J[oseph]) Brief | Remarks | on the | Common Arguments | Now used in Support of divers | Ecclesiastical Im- positions | In this Nation, | Especially as they relate to | Dis- senters. | By J. Phipps. | | | Norwich Printed: And | Philadelphia: | Be-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, MDCCLXXI. | 12mo. pp. 27. ii. s. p. 2696 See Two Treatises containing Seasons why Quakers do not pay Tythes, &c., of which this is the second. Although separately paged the signatures are continuous. POTTS. (J.) Dissertatio Medica | inauguralis | de | Febrihus | Intermittentibus, | Potentissimum Tertianis; | quam, | sub moderamine viri admodum reverendi, | Gulielmi Smith, S. S. T. P. | Collegii et Academia; Pennsylvaniensis Prsefecti; | Ex Cura- torum Perillustrium auctoritate, | nec non | Amplissimae Collegii et Academise Facultatis decreto; | Deo Maximo Annuente, | Pro Gradu Doctoratus, | summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis | rite et legitime consequendis; | eruditorum examini subjectam sustinuit | Jonathan Potts, M.B. | Pennsylvaniensis. | Ad Diem 28 Junii, hora locoque solitis. | ... | .... | Philadel- phice: | Typis Johannis Dunlap. | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. pp. vii, 37. POOR Robin's Almanack for 1772. Philadelphia: William Pritt. 1771. 2698 POOR Will's Almanac for 1772. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1771. 2699 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1772. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1771. 2700 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief qf the Province of Pennsylvania, and | Counties of New- Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware. | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. 1771. | Folio, 1 leaf. 2701 Offering a reward for the apprehension of Lazarus Stewart, and others of Lan- caster County, for the murder of Nathan Ogden, dated " Feb. 9, 1771." 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 135 REASONS | why | The People called | Quakers | do not pay | Tythes. | London Printed: And, | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Third-Street, MDCCLXXL | 12mo. pp. 10. THE | ROYAL Spiritual | Magazine; | or | The Christian's ] Grand Treasure. | By several Divines. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank for John | M' Gibbons. [1771.] 8vo. pp. vi, 24 +. ii. s. p. 2703 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1772. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1771. 2704 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1772. By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and TV. Sellers. 1771. SCHABALIE (J. P.) ©ie | SBanblenbe (Seel, | ©a§ ift: | ©ejprad; | ber | SEBanblenben Seelen mit 2lbam, | 3ioal; unb (Simon (SleopljaS; | verfaffet bie | (3efd>idRen Von Srfdjaffung ber | 3Belt an, bift ju unb uad; ber | 33erivuftung $erufalem3. | ©arau§ orbentlid) ju erfeljen, ivie cine | 9)tonardne unb auf bie anbere gefolget, | tvie biefe angefangen, jene aber Vergangen, | unb and; ber au£fufyr= lidje 33erlauff ber | 3erftol;rimg | ©urd> | ipfftlip (Scbabalie | in Olieberlanbifdjer (Sprad; befdirieben; | Slnjefto aber in bie (Sprad; iiberfeftt | von | 33. 33. 33. | ©ie 2luflage. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden, bey Christoph Saur, 1771. | 16mo. pp. (8), 463, (23). 2706 SHARP. (G.) Extract | from a | Representation | of the | Injustice | and | Dangerous Tendency | of tolerating | Slavery, | or, | Admitting the least Claim of private Pro- | perty in the Persons of Men in England. | By Granville Sharp. | London: Printed MDCCLXIX. | Philadelphia: Re-printed by Joseph Cruk- | shank, in Third-street, opposite the Work-house. | MDCCLXXI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 53. l. c. p. 2707 SPROUTT. (J.) A | Discourse, | occasioned | By the Death of the Reverend | George Whitefield, A.M. | Late Chaplain to the Right Honourable the | Countess of Huntingdon; | delivered October 14, 1770, | In the Second Presbyterian Church, in | the 136 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 City of Philadelphia, | By | James Sproutt, A.M. | Pastor of the said Church. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by TP and T. Brad- ford, at the | London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. Half- title, 1 leaf; pp. 25. 11. s. p. 2708 STACKHOUSE. (T.) A New History of the Bible. By Thomas Stackhouse. Philadelphia:? 1771. 2709 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, March 7, 1771, et seq., as "Just published and to be sold by W. and T. Bradford.'' Referring, I think, to an imported edition. STERNE. ([Laurence]) Yorick's Sentimental Journal through France and Italy. By the late celebrated Dr. Sterne, of double entendre memory. Two volumes in one. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1771. 2710 STEUART. (J.) An Inquiry into the Principles ot Political (Economy: Being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Nations. In which are particularly considered Population, Agriculture, Trade, Industry, Money, Coin, Interest, Circulation, Banks, Exchange, Public Credit, and Taxes. By Sir James Steuart, Bart. In Three Volumes. Philadelphia: IF. and T. Bradford. 1771. 2711 Soofungen ber $ruber;®emeine fur ba§ Satyr 1772. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1771. 2712 THOUGHTS on Government; applicable to the present State of America. Philadelphia: 1771. 2713 Title from Haven's List. This tract was not printed till 1776. See No. 3477, infra. TILTON. (J.) Dissertatio Medica, | inauguralis | Quam | Sub Moderamine Viri admodum reverendi | Gulielmi Smith, S. T. P. | Collegii et Academiee Philadelphiensis Praefecti, | Ex Cura- toruni Auctoritate perillustrium | Nec non | Amplissimae Col- legii et Academies Facultatis decreto. | Deo optimo maximo annuente, | Pro Gradu Doctoris, | Summisque in Medicina Honoribus et Privi- | legiis rite et legitime consequendis, | Eru- ditorum Examini Subjectam sustinuit | Jacobus Tilton, M.B. | Doveriensis apud Delaware, | Ad Diem 28 Junii hora locoque 1771 137 IN PENNSYLVANIA solitis. | .... | Philadelphia: | Typis G-ulielmi f Thoma Bradford, | M.DCC.LXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; pp 23. TISSOT. ([Simon Andre]) Advice | to the | People in General, | with | Regard to their Health: | But particularly cal- culated for those, who are the | most unlikely to be provided in Time with the best | Assistance, in acute Diseases, or upon any sudden | inward or outward Accident. | With | A Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Remedies, | and the plainest Directions for preparing them | readily. | Translated from the French Edi- tion of | Dr. Tissot's Avis an Peuple, &c. | Printed at Lyons; with all the Notes in the former | English Editions, and a few additional ones. | By J. Kirkpatrick, M.D. | ... | ... | .... | The Fourth Edition revised and corrected. | With some further additional Notes and Prescrip- | tions. | Philadelphia: | Printed [by John Dunlap~\ for John Sparhawk. | M,DCC,LXXI. | 8vo. pp. xviii, (4), 1-307. h. s. p. 2715 TO the Citizens of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2716 In reply to "A Piece . . ." addressed "To the Inhabitants of Philadelphia," in answer to " Observations on the late Law for Regulating the Nightly Watch, &c." The Author of which labors to prove that " The Servants of the Public are wrong- fully, maliciously and falsely charged with misapplying the Public Money." TO the Inhabitants of | Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2717 In regard to the cost of maintaining the public pumps and the nightly watch. TO the Merchants and other Inhabitants of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2718 " A Friend to Trade" recommending canals between the Susquehanna and the Schuylkill, and the Chesapeake and the Delaware, dated "Dec. 13, 1771." TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1772. By John Tobler. Wilminyton: James Adams. 1771. 2719 TRANSACTIONS, | of the | American | Philosophical Society, | held at | Philadelphia, | for promoting | Useful Knowledge. | ii.-18 138 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1771 Volume I. | From January 1st, 1769, To January 1st, 1771. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | Lon- don Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXI. | Sq. 8vo. pp. i-xxviii, i-xix, 1-116, 1-340, 5 plates. h. s. p. 2720 A TRUE and Faithful | Narrative | of the | Modes and Meas- ures pursued | at the Anniversary Election, for Representa- | fives, of the Freemen of the Province of | Pennsylvania, held at New- town, in and for | the County of Bucks, on Monday the first Day | of October, Anno Domini 1770. | By a Bucks County Man. | | ... | .... | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by William God- dard, in Arch-street, | between Front and Second streets. 1771. | 8vo. pp. 7. h. s. p. 2721 TWO | Treatises, | containing | Reasons | why | The People called Quakers | do not pay | Tythes | and other | Ecclesiastical Impositions. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, MDCCLXXI. | 12mo. h. s. p. 2722 Collation: Title 1 leaf; Reasons why the Quakers do not pay Tythes, pp. 10; Phipps' Brief Remarks, &c., pp. 27. USEFUL Tables, whereby the Money of England is reduced into Money of Portugal; and the Money of Portugal reduced into English Money. Also the Coins, Weights and Measures of both Kingdoms, compared. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1771. 2723 VOTES and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania. Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno Domini 1770, and continued by Adjournments. [Royal Arms.] Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Henry Miller. MDCCLXXI. Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 205-300. 2724 WATT'S Complete Spelling Book. The Tenth Edition. PM- adelphia f 1771. 2725 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, March 7,1771, as "just published and to he sold by W. and T. Bradford." WAY. (N.) Dissertatio Medica, | inauguralis, | de | Variolarum Insitione. | Quam, | Sub Moderamine Reverendi admodum Viri | 1771 IN PENNSYLVANIA 139 Gulielmi Smith, S. S. T. P. | Collegii et Academiae Philadelphiensis | Praefecti, | Ex perillustrium Curatorum Auctoritate, | nec non | Amplissimae Collegii et Academiae Facultatis decreto, | Deo ter op- timo maximo annuente, | Pro Gradu Doctoratus, | Summisque in medieina honoribus et privilegiis | rite ac legitime consequendis, | Eruditorum examini subjectam sustinuit | Nicolaus Way, M.B. | Wilmingtoniensis apud Delaware. | Ad diem 28 Junii, hora locoque solitis. | Philadelphiae, | Apud Henricum Miller. | MDCCLXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2); pp. 19. l. c. p. 2726 WEATHER-WISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1772; | Being Leap-Year. | [27 lines.] | By Abraham Weather wise, Gent. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, at the | Newest-Printing-Office, in Market-Street. [1771.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 36. l. c. p. 2727 ©O 2BO bet ©ottfeligfeit ober ©mpfinbungen unb ©rfaljrungen ini (Sfyriftentfyum auf bent SBege gum Himmel. Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1771. 2728 Title from Seidensticker's Bibliography. WIKOFF. (Isaac) An Address to my Fellow Citizens. | [Phila- delphia: 1771.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2729 WIKOFF. To the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, pp. (4). l. c. p. 2730 Isaac Wikoff's reply to Moore Furman's charge of selling poor rum. | Tiel; = Slrgnet; = 33ud;z | morin entfycdten | bie SBartung unb ipflege, | fomol alg | bie unb | I. ©er ipferbe, | II. ©eg 9tinboiel;eg, | III. ©er <5d)aafe, | IV. ©er Sdjmeine; unb | V. ©er (Banfe unb filter. | Slug ben <5d)riften bemafyrteften | unb berer meldje bie SSielp gudd getrieben unb | befd)rieben l;aben, nut ?yleif5 jufammen getragen; | Unb | jum SlUgetneinen befonberg aber gum ©ebraud) | beg fianbmanng fyeraug gegeben. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse. 1771. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (10), 184. h. s. p. 2731 140 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 THE YOUNG Clerk's Vade Mecum, or complete English Law Tutor. The Seventh Edition. Philadelphia:? 1771. 2732 Advertised " To be sold by W. and T. Bradford," in the Pa. Journal, Feb. 14, 1771. The edition printed in New York by Hugh Gaine is no doubt there referred to. 1772. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's in | Philadelphia, from New-Year's Day, 1771, to New-Year's Day, | 1772. By Caleb Cash, and William Young, Clerks, | and James Weyley, and George Stokes, Sextons. [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's in | Philadelphia, from December 25, 1771, to December 25, | 1772. By Caleb Cash, and William Young, Clerks, | and Jacob Digle, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2734 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials | in St. Paul's Church, in Philadelphia, from | December 25, 1771, to December 25, 1772. | By Alexander Hall, Clerk, | James Harris, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2735 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: 1772. 2736 By Charles Wilson, | Sexton of the Baptist Church in Phila- delphia. | AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's, in Phila- | delphia, from New-Year's Day, 1771, to New-Year's Day, 1772. | [Philadelphia:] Printed by William JEvitt, at the Bible-in- Heart in Strawberry-Alley. [1772.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2737 AN ACT for raising a Fund to pay the Damages, done by Dogs within the City and County of Philadelphia, and the County of Bucks. Philadelphia: D. Hall, and W. Sellers. 1772. 2738 AN ADDRESS from the Clergy of New-York and New- Jersey, to the Episcopalians in Virginia; Occasioned by some 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 141 late Transactions in that Colony, relative to an American Epis- copate. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1772. 2739 AITKEN'S | General American | Register, | and the | Gentle- man's and Tradesman's | complete | Annual Account Book, | and | Calendar, | For the Pocket or Desk; | For the Year of our Lord, | 1773. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, | For R. Aitken, bookseller, opposite the | London-coffee-house, Front-street. [1772.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (110); Second title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-64. 2740 The second title is as follows: Aitken's | General American | Register, | for the | Year of our Lord | 1773. | Philadelphia: | Printed | by Joseph Crukshank, | . . . THE | AMERICAN Calendar; | or, an | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1773. | (Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year.) | [25 lines.] | By Philo Copernicus. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William f Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. [1772.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36 ?). l. c. p. 2741 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Fran cite & Hibernite, | Duodecimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1771, in | the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- fender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the | Twenty-first Day of March, 1772. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and IF. Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 169-286, 2. + And from thence continued ... to the | Nineteenth Day of September, 1772. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 289-290. h. s. p. 2742 ARMSTRONG. (J.) The Oeconomy of Love; A Poetical Essay. By John Armstrong. Philadelphia : William Mentz. 1772. -f- The Second Edition. [Ibid.] 2743 ©3® | her | ©efeHfcJjaft | ber | Stabt unb Gaunttj 5J3f)i(abelpf)ia. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees-strasse. [1772.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2744 142 1772 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS BACIIMAIR. (J. J.) A Complete | German Grammar, | in | Two Parts. | The First Part | containing | The Theory of the Language | through all the Parts of Speech; | The Second Part | is | The Practice in as ample a Manner | as can be desired. | The Third Edition, | Greatly Altered and Improved. | By John James Bachmair, M.A. | To which is added | An Appendix, | containing | I. An Index of German Words similar in Sound but of | different Orthography and Signification. II. Names of the | most common Occupations and Trades, as also the Names | of the Materials and Implements, &c. thereto belonging. | III. Explication of a German Proverb. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Reprinted, and Sold by | Henry Miller, in Pace-Street. MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-313 ; Index, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2745 BELL. (Robert) To the Encouragers of Literature : The Third Volume of Blackstone's Commentaries is now Published, and the fourth Volume being now in the Press, will be Published with great expedition; and as many of the Subscribers to this book have expressed an earnest desire for an American edition of An Interesting Appendix to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries, . . . The Editor always attentive to the Desire of the Public and ever willing to gratify the growing Taste for the Advancement of Literature in America, Proposeth to publish by subscription the above .... [Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1772.] 8vo. 1 leaf. [BENEZET. (Anthony)] A | Mite cast into the Treasury: | Or, | Observations | on | Slave-Keeping. | | | Philadel- phia, Printed 1772. | To be had at most of the Booksellers in Town. | 12mo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 2747 [BENEZET.] A | Mite | cast into the | Treasury: | Or, Ob- servations | on | Slave-Keeping. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, | between Second and Third-Streets. [1772.] | 12mo. pp. 24. p. 2748 BLACKSTONE. (W.) Commentaries | on the | Laws | of | England. | Book the Third. | By | Sir William Blackstone, Knt. | One of his Majesty's Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. | Re- printed from the British Copy, | Page for Page with the Last 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 143 Edition. | America: | Printed for the Subscribers, | by Pobert Bell, at the late Union Library, in Third-street, | Philadelphia. MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (5); text, pp. 1-455, (1); Ap- pendix, pp. i-xxvii. -f- Book the Fourth. | [7A'<7.] 8vo. List of Subscribers, pp. (22); Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (5); text, pp. 1-436; Appendix, pp. i-vii; Index, pp. (39). h. s. p. 2749 BLACKSTONE. An interesting | Appendix [ to | Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries | on the | Laws of England. | Contain- ing, | I. Priestley's Remarks on some | Paragraphs in the Fourth Volume | of Blackstone's Commentaries, | relating to the Dissent- ers. | II. Blackstone's Reply to | Priestley's Remarks. | III. Priest- ley's Answer to | Blackstone's Reply. | IV. The Case of the late Election | of the County of Middlesex eonsi- | dered on the Princi- ples of the Con- | stitution and the Authorities of | Law. | V. Fur- neaux's Letters to the | Hon. Mr. Justice Blackstone | concerning his Exposition of the | Act of Toleration, and some Posi- | tions relative to Religious Liberty, | in his celebrated Commentaries on | the Laws of England. | VI. Authentic Copies of the Ar- | gu- ment of the late Hon. Mr. Jus- | tice Foster in the Court of Jud- | ges Delegates, and of the Speech | of the Right Hon. Lord Mans- | field in the House of Lords, in | the Cause between the City of | London and the Dissenters. | America: | Printed for the Sub- scribers, | By Pobert Bell, at the late Union-Library, in Third-street, | Philadelphia. MDCCLXXH. | 8vo. h. s. p. 2750 Collation: General Title, 1 leaf; Priestley's Remarks, Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. i.-iv.; text, pp. 5-34; Blackstone's Reply, Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 37-47 ; Priestley's Answer, Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 51-56 ; Case of the Middlesex Election, Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 59-119; Furneaux's Letters, Title, 1 leaf; Preface to 2d edition, pp. iii.-v. : Preface to 1st edition, pp. vii.-xii. ; text, pp. 1-119; Appendix, Half-title, p. 121 ; Advertisement, pp. 122-126 ; Dodson's Letter, p. 127; Foster's Argument, pp. 128- 135; Appendix 2, Half-title, 1 leaf; Mansfield's Speech, pp. 139-155 ; Advertisement, 1 page. There are copies on large paper. The several title-pages are as follows: Priestley. (J.) Remarks | on | Some Paragraphs | In the Fourth Volume of | Dr. Blackstone's Commentaries on the | Laws of England, | relating to | The Dis- senters. | By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. | . . . | . . . . | [Imprint as in the general title.] [Blackstone. (William)] A | Reply | to | Dr. Priestley's | Remarks | on the | Fourth Volume | of the | Commentaries | on the | Laws of England. | By the | Author of the Commentaries. | [Imprint as in the general title.] 144 1772 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS Priestley. An | Answer | to | Dr. Blackstone's | Reply | to | Remarks | on the | Fourth Volume | of the | Commentaries | on the | Laws of England. | By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. | [Imprint as in the general title.] [Blackstone.] The | Case | of the | Late Election | for the | County of Mid- dlesex, | considered | On the Principles of the Constitution, | and the | Authorities of Law. | [Imprint as in the general title.] For the title to Furneaux's Letters, see infra. No. 2881. See also No. 2859, infra, and No. 3072, infra. BLACKSTONE. The | Law | of | Crimes and Misdemeanors. | With the means of their | Prevention and Punishment. | Ex- hibiting, | The Pleas of the State against the Offenders of Society, | Under the following heads : | I. The general nature of Crimes and Punishments. | II. The Persons capable of committing Crimes. | III. Their several degrees of Guilt, as Principals or Accessories. | IV. The several species of Crimes, with the punishment an- nexed to each | by the Law. | V. The means of preventing the perpetration of Crimes. | VI. The method of inflicting those Pun- ishments, which the Law has | annexed to each several Crime and Misdemeanor. | Containing a Valuable Code of Criminal Law; Being | the Complete Book, of the Celebrated Judge | Black- stone's Commentaries on Public Wrongs. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Fobert Bell, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2751 The fourth volume of Blackstone, with an additional title-page, as above given. Collation as in No. 2750, supra, excepting the list of subscribers, which is omitted. BUCHAN. (W.) Domestic Medicine; | or, the | Family Phy- sician : | Being an attempt | To render the Medical Art more gen- erally | useful, by shewing people what is in their own | power both with respect to the Prevention | and Cure of Diseases. | Chiefly | Calculated to recommend a proper attention to | Regimen and Simple Medicines. | By | William Buchan, M.D. | . . . | . . . | | | | To which is added, | Dr. Cadogan's Disserta- tion on the Gout. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by John Dunlap, for B. Aitken, at his | Book-Store, nearly opposite the London Coffee-House, | in Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXII. | 8vo. h. s. p. 2752 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Advertisement, pp. iii.-vii., 1 p. blank; Contents, pp. (3), 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-368 ; Cadogan on the Gout, pp. iv., 39 (1). For title of Cadogan's tract, see No. 2753, infra. 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 145 CADOGAN. (W.) A | Dissertation | on the | Gout, | and all | Chronic Diseases, | jointly considered, | As proceeding from the same Causes; | What those Causes are; | and | A rational and natu- ral Method of Cure | proposed. | Addressed to all Invalids. | By William Cadogan, | Fellow of the College of Physicians. | . . . . | Philadelphia : | Printed [by John Dunlap'] for and Sold by R. Aitken, at his Book-Store, | nearly opposite the London-Coffee-house, in Front- street. [1772.] | 8vo. pp. i-iv, 1-39, (1). h. s. p. 2753 CANDID Remarks | on | Dr. Witherspoon's Address | To the Inhabitants of | Jamaica, | And the other West-India Islands, &c. | In a Letter to those Gentlemen. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed [by Wm. Goddard] in the Year MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 59; Errata, 1 page. 2754 CATALOGUE of New and Old Books for Sale by William Woodhouse. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1772. 2755 Ephrata. 1772. 2756 [Cut.] WILLIAM COATES, | Takes this method of ac- quainting the Public . . . | . . . that he has for Sale, . . . | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest | Printing-Office, in Market-street. [1772.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2757 COOKINGS. (G.) The | Conquest of Canada, or the Siege of Quebec : An Historical Tragedy of Five Acts. By George Cockings. Philadelphia: William Magill. 1772. 2758 Some by old Words to fame have made pretence, | . . . | . . . .... | THE CONSTABLES of the City beg leave to present their respectful | compliments to Mr. Isaac Gray, . . . . | [Phila- delphia: 1772.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2759 Mr. Gray having paid his fine to escape service as constable, was included in the published list of Acting Constables. He published a card in the Gazette, No. 2274. This handbill, dated 11 Philadelphia, July 25, 1772," ridicules the card, particularly the " Latin sentence" by which it is preceded. CUMBERLAND. (R.) The Fashionable Lover. By Richard Cumberland. Philadelphia: William Laplain. 1772. 2760 ii.-19 146 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 Advertised in the Pa. Packet, Sept. 14, 1772, as " now in the press," and by Robert Macgill in the Pa. Gazette, Feb. 10, 1773. CUMBERLAND. (R.) The West Indian, a Comedy. By Richard Cumberland. Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1772. 2761 Also advertised in the Pa. Gazette, Feb. 10, 1773, by Robert Macgill, possibly referring to another edition. CUMBERLAND. The | West Indian: | a | Comedy. | As it is performed at | the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. | By Richard Cumberland. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1772. 2762 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Undecimo | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly | begun at New-Castle, in the Govern- | ment of the Counties of New-Castle, | Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, the | Twentieth Day of October, in the | Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George the Third, | King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoque | Domini 1771, and contin- ued by Ad- | journment to the Thirteenth of June | following, the following Acts were | passed by the Honourable Richard Penn, Esq, Governor . . . . | [ Wilmington: Janies Adams. 1772.] Folio, pp. 229-278. l. 2763 THE DEVIL upon Crutches in England; or Night Scenes in London; a satyrical work, Written upon the plan of the celebrated Diable Boiteux of Monsieur Le Sage. In two parts. By a Gen- tleman of Oxford. Philadelphia: William Evitt. 1772. 2764 DILWORTH. (T.) A Spelling Book. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1772. 2765 This edition consisted of 10,000 copies. [DODSLEY (Robert)] The Oeconomy of Human Life. Phil- adelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1772? 2766 EDWARDS. (J.) The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended; evidences of its Truth produced: And arguments to the contrary answered. By the Reverend Jonathan Edwards. Wilmington: James Adams. 1772. 2767 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 147 ELMER. (J.) A | Funeral Eulogium; | Sacred to the Memory | Of the late Reverend | William Ramsay, A.M. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | By Jonathan Elmer, M.D. j Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, | in Market-street, MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. pp. 18. n. y. h. s. 2768 ERSKINE. (R.) Gospel Sonnets. By Ralph Erskine. Phila- delphia: Robert Aitken. 1772. 2769 EVANS. (N.) Poems | on | Several Occasions, | with | Some other Compositions. | By Nathaniel Evans, A.M. | Late Missionary (appointed by the Society for Pro- | pagating the Gospel) for Gloucester County, | in New-Jersey; and Chaplain to the Lord Vis- | count Kilmory, of the Kingdom of Ireland. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXII. | 8vo. pp. xxviii, 160, 24, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2770 FALK. (N. D.) The Ready Observator; Or an Infallible Method for determining the Latitude at Sea : By Altitudes of the Sun, At any Time of the Day, either Fore-noon or After-noon, Independent of a Meridional Observation. By N. D. Falk. Philadelphia : W. and. T. Bradford. 1772. 2771 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1773. Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1772. 2772 FELLOW Citizens, | and | Countrymen. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2773 • An Election circular, dated Oct. 1, 1772, and headed by a ticket composed of John Dickinson, Michael Hillegas,0 Joseph Parker,0 Israel Jacobs,0 John Cox, junr., Jon- athan Roberts,0 Charles Thomson, and George Gray,0 for the Assembly, and Samuel Shoemaker0 and Thomas Mifflin,0 for Burgesses. " Most of the above named . . . have declined accepting ... on this Occasion ... if when chosen they should re- fuse to serve, let them be forever considered as pusillanimous Men, who either neglect or dare not stand forth to save their oppressed Country. As no Tickets are wrote to be delivered at the State-House, it is requested, that every Gentleman, who approves of the above List will please to write a few spare Tickets to furnish his Friends with." The seven candidates marked ° were elected. A | FEW Reasons | in favour of | Vendues. | [Philadelphia : Henry Miller. 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2774 148 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington | Almanack, | or | Ephemeris, | for | The Year of our Lord 1773, | Being the First after Leap-Year. | Containing | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | Extracts, from a late Publication, intituled, | The Family Physician; shewing People what is in | their own Power both with respect to the Prevention | and Cure of Diseases.-Also approved Re- | ceipts for the Glanders and many other Disorders in | Horses, &c. | ... | ... | .... | By Thomas Fox, Philom. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1772.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 2775 [FRENEAU. (Philip)] A | Poem, | on the | Rising Glory | of | America; | being an | Exercise | Delivered at the Public Com- mencement at | Nassau-Hall, September 25, 1771. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, for P. Aitken, [ Bookseller, opposite the London- Coffee- | House, in Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXH. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 27, (1). Attributed to Judge H. H. Brackenridge, and also to Brackenridge and Freneau jointly. In the edition of Freneau's Poems, printed on his own press and under his supervision at Monmouth in 1809, this poem is given a prominent place without any reference being made to Brackenridge's share in its composition. On the title- page of Brackenridge's Poem on Divine Revelation, that piece is said to be " By the same person who on a similar occasion . . . delivered a small poem on the rising glory of America." This may have been the ground on which the last-named poem was attributed to Brackenridge. But as it admits of the construction that he only read or recited the earlier poem, of which Freneau claims the sole authorship, I have placed it under the latter's name. THE FRIENDS of Liberty and Justice think it necessary, at this Juncture, to re- | publish the following Piece, which made its Appearance some Time ago in the | New-York Journal, and which was written by a Gentleman of dis- | tinguished Merit in the City of New-York. | [Philadelphia: W. Goddard, 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. An anti-Galloway election circular, very laudatory of William Goddard. 97eu = bermelirt - unb vollftdubigeg | ®efang= £htd), | 2Borinnen fowoljl bie | ipfalnien ©abibg, | 9tacb | D. Ambrosii Bobwafferg, | l;in unb wieber oerbeffert, | 2l(g and, | 730. augerlefener alter unb neuer | ©eiftreicfyen Biebern | begriffen finb, | SBelcbe anjebo fdnitlid) | in benen 9teforinirten $ird)eu | ber 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 149 | unb tnetyreren anbern ben fianben 511 finben ge= | brauctyticty, in Drbnung eingettyeilt, | 2Iucty | 9Jc it ben Catectyignw unb | erbaulictyen ©ebdtern Verfetyen. | ©ritte Sluffage. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, | 1772. | 16mo. 1 plate; pp. (2), 404, (8), 18, 58 +• h. s. p. 2778 GUTHRIE. (W.) A New Geographical, Historical and Com- mercial Grammar. By William Guthrie. Philadelphia:? 1772. Advertised by Robert Aitken in the Pa. Journal, Feb. 6, 1772, as just published, but probably referring to an English edition. [GOLDSMITH. (Oliver)] The | Vicar | of | Wakefield: | A Tale. | Supposed to be written by Himself. | . . . . | Vol. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed for William Mentz, and sold by | most of the Booksellers in America. | M,DCC,LXXH. | 12mo. pp. 92. + Vol. II. | [Ibid.~] | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 95-180. h. s. p. 2780 GREEN. (E.) Slothfulness reproved, | and | Example of the Saints proposed | for Imitation: | A | Sermon, | Occasioned by the Death of the Reverend | Mr. William Ramsay, M.A. | Who de- parted this Life November 5, 1771. | In the 39th Year of his Age. | Delivered at | Fairfield, in Cohansie, | December 9, 1771. | By Enoch Green, A. M. | Philadelphia: | Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sel- lers, | in Market-street, MDCCLXXH. | 8vo. pp. 32. n. y. h. s. 2781 HAWLES. (J.) The Englishman's Right: A Dialogue be- tween a Barrister at Law, and a Juryman ; setting forth the An- tiquity, Use, Office, and just Privileges of Juries, by the Law of England. By Sir John Hawles, Kt. Philadelphia:? 1772. 2782 The advertisement in the Pa. Chronicle, March 9, 1772, may refer to the New York edition. | | Slmericanifctye | Salenber, | 2luf bag Satyr | ... | ... | 1773. | (SBelctyeg ein gemein Satyr Von 365 Stagen ift.) | | | | | | | | | | | | Bum fixnf unb bret;fjigftetx mat tyeraug gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . [1772.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2783 150 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 INVITATION | Serieuse | aux | Habitants | des | Illinois. | [Philadelphia: IF. and T. Bradford. 1772.] 8vo. pp. 15. 2784 " A Philadelphie MDCCLXXII," says Du Simitiere. It is signed " Un Habi- tant des Kaskaskia." JONES. (S.) Resignation, a Funeral Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Isaac Eaton, A.M. late Minister of the Bap- tist Church, at Hopewell, in New-Jersey; preached at Hopewell, by Samuel Jones, A.M. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1772. 2785 THE LANCASTER Almanac for 1773. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1772. 2786 | | ber | Stuber = ©emeine | fur bag $al;r | 1773. | ... | .... | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1772. | 8vo. pp. (72). h. s. p. 2787 fifr Philadelphia : [Kanter in Koenigsberg.'] 1772. 2788 Title from Weller's Die falschen Druckorte. LOTTERY. Pettie's Island | Cash | Lottery, | [Philadelphia: J. Dunlap. 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2789 Scheme of a lottery to assist in finishing a Presbyterian Church, in Norrington Township, a German Lutheran Church, in Whitpain Township, the Newark Acad- emy, and for the benefit of three School-masters in Philadelphia. LOTTERY. Pettie's - Island | Land and Cash | Lottery, | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2790 Scheme of a lottery for disposing of several Houses and Lots in Lancaster, Penna. LOTTERY. Pettie's - Island | Lottery, | For disposing of a great Variety of curious Pictures, Jewellery, &c. &c. | [Philadel- phia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2791 LOTTERY. New-Castle, February 6, 1772. | Scheme | of a | Lottery, | For . . . | the Building | A Methodist Preaching House | In New-Castle County; and to discharge a Debt upon 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 151 the | Preaching - House | In Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2792 MADEN. (M[artin]). A Scriptural Comment upon the Thirty- Nine Articles of the Church of England. By Rev. M. Maden. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1772. 2793 THE MIRACULOUS Power of Clothes; Or, the Dignity of the Taylors. Being an Essay on the words Clothes Make Men. Philadelphia: William Mentz. 1772. 2794 TG91 WUGS£G, 33erbeffert= unb guberlafcige 2lmericanifd)e Gal- enter auf bas> 1773[te Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1772. 2795 | | 2Iniueifung | ober | Setylnilffe bor ©eutfcfye | inn Gnglifcfy 311 lemen: | 2Bic e£ bor 9teu=2lnfonunenbe unb an= | bere im £anb gebolirnc £anb= unb | iueld;en in ber Gnglifd;en earache erfafyrene unb geubte | <5d)ulmei[ter unb Pre- ceptores ennangelen, | bor ba§ be- | qiienifte eradjtet ioorben; mit ifjrer geioofynlicfyen 2Ir= | beit unb SBerdseug erlautert. | Slebft einer | Grammatic, | $or biejenigen, loeldie in anbern Spracfyen unb | beren erfabren finb. | ®ritte Sluflage. | Germanton: | Gedruckt und zu bekommen bey Christoph Saur 1772. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Vorrede, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-262; A | Short Appendix | to a | German Grammar, | pp. (4). h. s. p. 2796 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1772. 2797 THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Pennsyl- | vania Gazette to the Customers. | January, 1772. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2798 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1772. 2799 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1772. 2800 152 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 OTTO. (Johann Henrich.) Sin geiftlid) £icb | auf $aul (Springs $elb[tmorb | nrit | einer | So fid; hn 1772, im SJlonat September in | Sancdfter Sauntp, Socattico £aunfd;ip, jutrug. | [n. p. 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2801 THE PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle. Folio, pp. 1-212. 2802 Numbers 263 (Jan. 27, 1772) to 314 (Jan. 16,1773), four pages each, with unpaged " Postscripts" of two pages each to Numbers 277, 279, and 300. Title as in No. 2691, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 2803 Numbers 2245 (Jan. 2, 1772) to 2297 (Dec. 30,1772), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2245, 2246, 2248, 2249, 2251, 2252, 2254, 2255, 2257 to 2264, 2268 to 2272, 2274, 2276, 2277, 2279, 2283, 2285 to 2293, 2295, and 2296; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 2259 and 2283, and of two pages to No. 2287. Title and imprint as in No. 2382, supra, except last number. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 2804 Numbers 1517 (Jan. 2, 1772) to 1569 (Dec. 30, 1772), four pages each, with extra half-sheets of two pages all but Numbers 1517, 1530,1531,1548,1551,1558,1559, and 1568; "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 1517, 1530, 1531, 1548, 1551, 1558, and 1559 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 1531, 1532, and 1534. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 2805 Numbers 11 (Jan. 6, 1772) to 62 (Dec. 28, 1772), four pages each, with " Supple- ments" of four pages to Numbers 26 and 51, and of two pages to all the other num- bers; and a " Postscript" of one leaf to No. 53. Title and imprint as in No. 2694, supra, until No. 53, when " Vol. II." was inserted in the first line of the title between the date and number. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1773. Philadel- phia: IE and T. Bradford. 1772. 2806 THE | PLAIN Path | to | Christian Perfection, | shewing | That we are to seek for Reconciliation and | Union with God, solely by renouncing our- | selves, denying the World, and follow- ing our | Blessed Saviour, in the Regeneration. | Translated from the French. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-street, 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 153 | opposite the Work-House. | MDCCLXXH. | Sm. 8vo. pp. i-xi, 1- 124,1-16. h. s. p. 2807 Translated, compiled, and with a preface by Anthony Benezet. The last sixteen pages begin with, " To the foregoing testimonies of the happiness of a life spent in the service of God, may be added that of a faithful servant of Christ from amongst ourselves, to wit, David Brainard," &c. This is entered in my " List" as printed in 1774, ends on page 10, and is followed by " The following experience of some men of note," &c., pp. 11-14 ; and an " Extract from a letter wrote by the Earl of Essex," &c., pp. 15-16. POOR WILL'S Almanac for 1773. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1772. 2808 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | for the Year 1773; | . . . | ... | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by J. Crukshank, | at his Printing- Office, in Third-street, | opposite the Work- House. [1772.] | 24mo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 2809 PRIESTLEY, (J.) Experimental Philosophy; containing the History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light and Colours. The Second Volume. By Joseph Priestley. Phil- adelphia: 1772. 2810 Title from Haven's List. PROJET d'une representation sur les ordonnances somptuaires. Par un Patriote. A Philadelphie: [Geneve.] 1772. 2811 Title from Weller's Dlefalschen Druckorte. JOHN RHEA | Desires to return his Thanks to all . . . who have ... | . . . countenanced his proposed Plan of a Pott and Pearl Ash | Works; . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. In reply to the protest of the Soap-Boilers. RULES | and | Constitutions | of the | Society | Of the Sons of | St. George. | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, Junior, | in Front-street, at the lower Corner of | Black-horse Alley. M,DCC,LXXH. | 8vo. pp. 28. l. c. p. 2813 [RUSH. (Benjamin)] Sermons | to | Gentlemen | upon | Tem- perance | and | Exercise. | | | | | | | it.-20 154 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 | . | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market- Street. | M.DCC.LXXH. | 8vo. pp. 44. l. c. p. 2814 In Aitken's Ledger, Feb. 4, 1772, Dunlap is charged for stitching 102 Rush's Sermons. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1773. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1772. 2815 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved; | Being an | Alma- nack | | | | | | | . | . . . | ... | . . . | For the | Year of our Lord 1773: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | . . . | | | | | | | | .... | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and, Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. [1772.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 2816 SELLERS. (R.) An | Account | of the | Sufferings | of | Rich- ard Sellers, | Of Keinsey, a Fisherman, | Who was pressed in Scarborough-Piers, in the | Time of the two last Engagements be- tween the | Dutch and English, in the Year 1665. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, | opposite the Work-House, MDCCLXXII. | 12mo. pp. 26. f. 2817 A SERMON on the present Situation of Affairs of America and Great Britain. Written by a Black; and printed at the request of several persons of distinguished characters. Philadelphia: 1772. 8vo. pp. 11. 2818 Title from Haven's List. STANTON. (D.) A | Journal | of the | Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours, | of a | Faithful Minister | of | Jesus Christ, | Daniel Stanton, | Late of Philadelphia, in the Province of | Pennsylvania. | With the Testimony of the Monthly-Meeting of | Friends in that City concerning him. | | | | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Third- | street, opposite the Work-House. | MDCCLXXII. | 8vo. pp. xvii, 184, 4, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2819 STEPHENS. (G. A.) Lecture upon Heads. By George Alexander Stephens. Philadelphia: Samuel Dellap. 1772. 2820 1772 IN PENNSYLVANIA 155 THE SENATORS, A Poem: Or, A Candid Examination into the Merits of the Principal Performers of St. Stephen's Chapel. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1772. 2821 | I Soofungen | ber | | fur bag $al)r | 1773. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1772. | 8vo. pp. (55). h. s. p. 2822 [TERSTEEGEN (Gerhard)] ®ie Straft | ber | £iebe Cfyrifti, | 2Inge£>riefen unb angefoiefen | in eiuer | ©rtoedungg = | Ueber bie SBorte i£auli | 2 Sorintln 5, 14. | ©ie £iebe ©fjrifti briuget ung alfo. | ©efyalten | ben 18ten October, 1751. | ju Wifylfyeim an ber 9?ufyr; | llnb | auf verfdjnebener $reunbe | aufgefcfyrieben, | Unb bem ©rud ubergeben, | ®. Z. <St. | grvetyte 2Iuftage. | Essen, Gedruckt von J. C. Straube, 1752. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Pees-strasse, 1772. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 64. TO All | Farmers and Tradesmen, | Who want good Settle- ments for themselves and Families, especially | those lately arrived, or that may yet come, from Scotland or Ireland. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest Printing- Office | in Market-Street. 1772. | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2824 Recommending Central New York. TO the | Freemen | Of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia : 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2825 " A. P." on the Excise Law, dated in manuscript by Du Simitiere, Feb. 18,1772. Michael Hillegas noted on his copy " said to be by Thomas Mifflin." TO the | Freemen | of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2826 " Civis" on the Excise Law, dated in manuscript by Du Simitiere, Feb. 21, 1772. TO the Inhabitants of the City of | Philadelphia, and Parts adjacent. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2827 Protest of the Soap-Boilers against John Rhea's methods of procuring ashes, dated " 15th February, 1772." 156 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1772 TO the printur of the Penselvaney Kronical. | [Philadelphia : 1772.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2828 An anti-excise, &c., election squib, signed " Terence sweep," and dated by Du Simitiere, Oct. 1, 1772. TO the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] 4to. 1 leaf. 2829 Address in favor of canals between the Susquehanna and Schuylkill, and Dela- ware and Chesapeake, dated " Philadelphia, January 15, 1772." TOBLER. (J.) The | Pennsylvania | Town and Country-man's | Almanack, | for | The Year of our Lord 1773, | Being the First after Leap-Year. | [22 lines.] | By John Tobler, Esq; | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams. [1772.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 2830 A TRADESMAN'S Address to his Countrymen. | [Phila- delphia: 1772.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2831 "A Tradesman" on the Excise Law, dated " March 2, 1772." TURFORD. (H.) The | Grounds | of a | Holy Life: | Or | The Way by which many who | were Heathens, came to be Renowned | Christians; and such as | are now Sinners, may come to be | numbered with Saints; by little | Preaching. | To which is added, | Paul's Speech | to the | Bishop of Cretia. | As also, | A True Touch-stone or Trial | of Christianity. | By Hugh Turford. | The Tenth Edition. | Philadelphia. | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Third-street, opposite the Work-House, 1772. | Sm. 12mo. pp. viii, 123. f. 2832 THE UNIVERSAL Almanac for the Year of our Lord, 1773; Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. [1772.] 2833 A second edition was advertised in the Pa. Packet, Feb. 15, 1773. [VANSANT. (John)] To the Public. | [Philadelphia: 1772.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 2834 A statement of his business troubles which led to his imprisonment, dated " Phil- adelphia Gaol, the 12th of the 10th Month, 1772." 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 157 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representa- tives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1771, and con- tinued by Adjournments. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Race-Street. | MDCCLXXIL | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 303-412. h. s. p. 2835 The votes were also issued weekly by Miller. WALKER. (R.) Sermons on Practical Subjects. By the Rev. Robert Walker. Philadelphia}: Robert Aitken. 1772. 2836 Printed by Crukshank for Aitken. Some copies were printed on extra fine paper. WEATIIERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1773. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1772. 2837 WILLISON. (J.) Songs for Children. By the Rev. John Willison. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1772. 2838 [WITHERSPOON. (John)] Address | to the | Inhabitants | of | Jamaica, | and other | West-India Islands, | In Behalf of the | College of New-Jersey. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at | the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXII. | 8vo. pp. 27. h. s. p. 2839 [WOOLMAN. (John)] An | Epistle | to the | Quarterly and Monthly I Meetings of Friends. I [Philadelphia: ? 1772.] 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 2840 1773. AN | ABSTRACT | of the | Proceedings | of the | Corpora- tion | For the Relief of the | Widows and Children | of | Clergy- men, | In the Communion of the Church of England | In America. | Philadelphia, Printed: | By James Humphreys junior, | in Front- street, M,DCC,LXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 52. h. s. p. 2841 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in | Philadelphia, from December 25, 1772, to December 25, 1773. | By Matthew White- 158 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 head, and William Young, | Clerks, and Jacob Digle, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2842 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in St. Paul's Church. Philadelphia: 1773. 2843 AN ACCOUNT of the Baptisms and Burials in the Baptist Church. Philadelphia: 1773. 2844 AN ACCOUNT of Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: 1773. 2845 THE ADVENTURES of Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, containing an account of the great number of characters and shapes he has appeared in, both before and after his preferment to that high office. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1773. 2846 ADVERTISEMENT. [Signed S. Bogle.] Philadelphia: 1773. AITKEN. ([Robert]) Aitken's | General American | Register, | and | Calendar, | For the Year | 1774. | Philadelphia: | Printed for R. Aitken, Bookseller, | Stationer, and Bookbinder, op- | posite the London-Coffee- | House, Front-Street. [1773.] | 12mo. pp. 200, (4). THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1774. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1773. 2849 SIH bie guten Sinfootyner in | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1773.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 2850 Dated " Jan. 5, 1773," and signed " Publicus." For the English edition, see No. 2939,infra. THE | ANCIENT Testimony | of the | People called Quakers, | reviv'd. | By the Order and Approbation of the Yearly | Meet- ing, held for the Provinces of Penn- | sylvania and New-Jersey, 1722. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market- street. MDCCLXXIII. | 12mo. pp. 64, (3). h. s. p. 2851 Printed with Barclay's Catechism. See No. 2853, infra. ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannia, Francise & Hibernise, | Decimo Tertio. | At a General Assembly 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 159 of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Phila- delphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1772, in | the Twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-sixth Day of February, 1773. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXIII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 293-355, (1). + And from thence continued . . . to the | Twenty-eighth Day of September, 1773. | [Ibid.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 359-364. h. s. p. 2852 [BARCLAY. (David)] A | Catechism | and | Confession of Faith, | Which containeth a true and Faithful Account | of the Principles and Doctrines of the Peo- | pie called Quakers. | To which is added, | the | Ancient Testimony | Of the said People reviv'd, | With some of the Rules of the Discipline Established | among them. | Extracted from the Minutes of their Yearly Meet- ings. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | street, between Second and Third street. | MDCCLXXIII. | 8vo. 2853 Collation : General Title, 1 leaf; Barclay's Catechism, Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (6) ; Text, pp. 1-147; Contents, pp. (3); Ancient Testimony, Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-64; List of Books, pp. (3). The title to Barclay's Catechism is as follows: A | Catechism | and | Confession of Faith, | Approved of and Agreed unto, by the Gen- eral Assembly | of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles, | Christ himself Chief Speaker in and among them. | Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the | Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the | Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully | called by the Name of Quakers ; yet are found in the one | Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly de- | monstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, (without Con- | sequences or Commentaries) which are here collected, and in- | serted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar | Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest | and lowest Capacities. | To which is added, | An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other | Professors. | By Robert Barclay. | The Tenth Edition. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Cruk- shank,in | Market-street. MDCCLXXIII. | For the title to the Ancient Testimony, see No. 2851, supra. The edition consisted of 1000 copies. [BELL. (Robert)] Observations relative to the Manufactures of Paper | and Printed Books in the Province of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia; Robert Bell. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2854 160 1773 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS BELL. Proposals for printing by Subscription John Leland's History of Ireland, in four volumes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1773. 2855 ROBERT BELL'S Sale Catalogue of a Collection of New and Old Books, for the Fall of the Year 1773. Containing above Fifteen Hundred Volumes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1773. BELL. To the Sons of Science in America Robert Bell, Book- seller of Philadelphia, notifieth, that in the fall of this present year 1773, he will Publish by Subscription Ferguson's Essay on the History of Civil Society : Robert Bell. 1773.] 8vo. 1 leaf. 2857 BENEZET ? (A.) Brief Considerations upon Slavery, and the Expediency of its Abolition. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia: 1773. 8vo. ? pp. 16. 2858 Title from Haven's List, in which it is said of this tract, "The same. Burling- ton." I have not met with a Philadelphia edition, if there be one. The tract printed at Burlington with the above title is anonymous, and was certainly not written by Benezet. BLACKSTONE. (W.) An interesting | Appendix | to | Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries | on the | Laws of England. | .... | [28 lines in two columns.] | America: | Printed for the Subscribers, | by Robert Bell, . . . | Philadelphia, MDCCLXXIH. | 8vo. h. s. p. 2859 General title and collation as in No. 2750, supra. The special titles are also ex- actly the same except Priestley's Remarks, which has an additional quotation of two lines, and the Case of the Late Election, to which is added " By the Author of | Com- mentaries on the Laws of England." | See No. 2881, infra, and No. 3072, infra. BLAIR, (R.) and ([Thomas]) GRAY. The | Grave. | A | Poem. | By Robert Blair. | To which is added | An | Elegy | Written in a Country | Church-Yard. | By Mr. Gray. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, Book-seller | and Stationer, Opposite the London Coffee-house, | in Front-Street. M,DCC,LXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 31, (1). BY the Medium of the Curious Numerical Machine, invented by the ingenious Mr. Cox, are to be disposed of, | the follow- 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 161 ing Two Hundred and Fifty Lots of ornamented rich Plated Goods, | Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. Dated " Philadelphia, Dec. 9, 1773." CADOGAN. (W.) An | Essay | upon | Nursing, | and the | Management of Children, | From their Birth to Three Years of Age. | By William Cadogan of Bristol, M.D. | In a Letter to one of the Governors of | the Foundling Hospital. | Published by Order of the General Committee for | transacting the Affairs of the said Hospital. | The Fifth Edition, with Additions. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Pe-printed and Sold by | William and Thomas Bradford, at the London | Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXHI. | 8vo. pp. 36. h. s. p. 2862 A CARD. | Philadelphia: 1773.] Sm. 4to. 1 leaf. 2863 " The Public present their Compliments to Messieurs James and Drinker." Call- ing on them to renounce in writing to be left at the Coffee House their Commissions under Tea tax Act. THE CHRISTIAN (Economy. Translated from the original Greek of an old manuscript, found in the island of Patmos, where St. John wrote his book of Revelation. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. 1773. 2864 COLLES. (C.) Syllabus | Of a Course of Lectures in | Natural Experimental Philosophy. | By Christopher Colles. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1773.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2865 A | CONFESSION | of | Faith | put forth by the | Elders and Brethren | of many | Congregations | of | Christians, | (Baptized upon Profession of their Faith) | In London and the Country. | Adopted by the Baptist Association met at | Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1742. | The Seventh Edition | To which are added, | Two Articles viz. Of Imposition of Hands, and | Singing of Psalms in public Worship. | Also | A short Treatise of Church Discipline, | . . . | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, at the Newest | Printing-Office,in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 12mo. pp. vii, 56, (2), 31. h. s. p. 2866 ii.-21 162 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 CRISP. (S.) Sermons | or | Declarations, | made by | Stephen Crisp, | one of the | Antient Preachers | amongst the | People called Quakers. | Taken in Short Hand, as they were delivered by him. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Orukshank, in Third- | street, opposite the Work-House. | MDCCLXXHI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 60. 2867 CUMBERLAND. (R.) The Fashionable Lover; A Comedy. By Richard Cumberland. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1773. + Philadelphia: Robert Macgill. 1773. 2868 A DISSERTATION on the Laws of Excise, In which the arguments urged in their favour by Publicus will be considered, and the dangerous consequences, resulting from them to Liberty and Commerce will be pointed out. By Causidicus Mercatorius. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1773. 2869 Advertised in the Pa. Packet, Feb. 8, 1773, as "shortly to be published." DELAWARE. Anno Regni Duodecimo | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly | begun at New-Castle, . . . | . . . | ... | Twentieth Day of October, (and con- | tinned by Ad- journment to the Twelfth | of April following) in the Twelfth | Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George the Third, King of | Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini | 1772, the fol- lowing Acts were | passed by the Honorable Richard | Penn, Esquire, Governor; . . . . | [Wilmington: James Adams. 1773.] Folio, pp. 279-286. l. 2870 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Decimo Tertio | Georgii TH. Regis. | At a General Assembly | begun ... | . . . | . . . | Twentieth Day of October, in the | Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord George the Third, | . . . | . . . 1773, the following Acts | were passed by the Honorable John | Penn, Governor; . . . . | [ Wilmington: James Adams. 1773.] Folio, pp. 287-299. l. 2871 DELICI2E Ephratcnses, | Pars I. | Dber be§ elgtvurbigen terg | ($ottred)t, | SBetylanb StiffterS unb bc§ (SfndfL lichen £)rben$ | ber ©infamen in Ephrata in Pennsylvania, | CBeiftlicfye 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 163 9Rben. | | | | . . . . | Ephratce: Typis Societatis, Anno MDCCLXXIH. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 8, 340. h. s. p. 2872 THE DEVIL upon Crutches, or Night Scenes in London. Philadelphia: Robert Bell ? 1773. 2873 A | DIALOGUE, | spoken at opening the Public | Grammar- School | At Wilmington, on Tuesday, October 26. 1773. | [ Wilmington : James Adams. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2874 DILWORTH. (T.) The | Schoolmasters Assistant: | Being a | Compendium of Arithmetic, | both | Practical and Theoretical, | In Five Parts. | Containing | I. Arithmetic in Whole Numbers, | wherein all the common Rules, | having each of them a suf- ficient | Number of Questions, with their | Answers, are method- ically and | briefly handled. | II. Vulgar Fractions, wherein se- | veral Things, not commonly met | with are there distinctly treated | of, and laid down in the most | plain and easy Manner. | III. Decimals, in which among other | Things, are considered the Extrac- | tion of Roots, Interest, both Sim- | pie and Com- pound ; Annuities, Re- | bate, and Equation of Payments. | IV. A large Collection of Questions, | with their Answers, serving to | exercise the foregoing Rules; | together with a few others, both | pleasant and diverting. | V. Duodecimals, com- monly called | Cross Multiplication; wherein | that Sort of Arithmetic is tho- | roughly considered, and rendered | very plain and easy; together | with the Method of proving all | the foregoing Operations at once | by Division of several Denomi- | nations, without reducing them | to the lowest Term mentioned. | The Whole being delivered in the most familiar Way of Ques- tion and An- | swer, is recommended by several eminent Mathe- maticians, Accomptants, | and Schoolmasters, as necessary to be used in Schools by all Teachers, who | would have their Scholars thoroughly understand, and make a quick | Progress in Arith- metic. | To which is prefixt, An Essay on the Education of Youth; humbly | offer'd to the Consideration of Parents. | The Seventeenth Edition. | By Thomas Dilworth, | Author of the New Guide to the English Tongue; Young Book- | keeper's 164 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 Assistant; &c. &c. and Schoolmaster in Wapping. | | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Orukshank, in | Third-street, opposite the Work-house, MDCCLXXIII. | 12mo. Portrait, 1 leaf; pp. i-xiv, (10), 1-192, 1 folded leaf. n. s. p. 2875 A FAITHFUL Narrative of the Conversion and Death of Count Struensee, late Prime Minister of Denmark; together with Letters from his Parents to him, and also a Letter of his own; wherein he relates how he came to alter his Sentiments of Religion. Published by D. Munter, an eminent Divine, who was ordered by the King to prepare him for Death. To which is added, the History of Count Enevold Brandt, from the Time of his Imprisonment to his Death. Together with two Anonymous Letters, found in his Pocket-book, wherein he was forewarned of what happened to him four Months after; and likewise an Exact Copy of his Sentence. The Whole translated from the original German. Embellished with Heads and Coats of Arms of both the unhappy Counts. Philadelphia: Robert Bell? 1773. 2876 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1774. Philadelphia : John Punlap. 1773. 2877 FERGUSON. (A.) An Essay on the History of Civil Society. By Adam Ferguson. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1773. 2878 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1774. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams. 1773. 2879 FRUHAUF. (D.) S3efd)reibung | bet beVorftel;enben | Partial | fo bent | Meridian ju unb America | fidjtbar fetyi ftrirb, | ben 7ten 2lpril, ini 3abr 1773. | $on ©aniel $rii(;auf. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees-strasse, 1773. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 16. , l. c. p. 2880 FURNEAUX. (P.) Letters | To the Honourable | Mr. Justice Blackstone, | concerning | His Exposition of the Act of Tolera- tion, | and | Some Positions relative to Religious Liberty, | in his celebrated | Commentaries on the Laws of England. | By Philip 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 165 Furneaux, D.D. | The Second Edition with Additions, | and | An Appendix, containing Authentic Copies of the Argument | of the late Honourable Mr. Justice Foster in the Court of Judges De- | legates, and of the Speech of the Kight Honourable Lord Mans- field | in the House of Lords, in the Cause between the City of London | and the Dissenters. | America: | Printed for the Sub- scribers, | By Robert Bell, at the late Union Library, in Third-street, | Philadelphia. MDCCLXXHI. | 8vo. pp. xii, 155, (1). 2881 Issued as part of " An interesting Appendix to Blackstone's Commentaries," No. 2750, supra. See also No. 2859, supra, and No. 3072, infra. There are copies on large paper. GARRICK. (D.) The Irish Widow. By David Garrick. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. Philadelphia: John. Dunlap. 1773. + Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior- 1773. + Philadelphia: Robert Macgill. 1773. 2882 ANDREAS GEYER, | 23ud)binber in ber 3WeVten=ftraffe/ iiafyc | bet> ber 2lrd)-ftraffe, | £at niit ben Stiffen ©entfdy lanb folgenbe $iid)er befomen, | 2Belcfye er fur billige berfatifen ivirb, naml. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller, 4to. lleaf. 2883 GOLDSMITH. ([Oliver)] She Stoops to Conquer. | Or the | Mistakes of a Night. | A | Comedy. | As it is Acted at the | Theatre Royal | In Covent Garden. | Written by | Doctor Gold- smith. | Philadelphia. | Re-printed and sold by John Dunlap, | in Mar- ket-street. | MDCCLXXHI. | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 page; Prologue, Epilogue, &c., pp. (3); text, pp. 1-75. 2884 GOLDSMITH. The Vicar of Wakefield. By the celebrated Dr. Goldsmith. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. 1773. 2885 " Printed on fine Pennsylvania made paper." GOOD Public Roads, are of the greatest Utility . . . . | [Phila- delphia: 1773.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2886 A new road to the westward having been laid out by order of the Governor, and there being no Public money to defray the expense, the citizens of Philadelphia are requested to contribute towards its completion. 166 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 A GREAT Variety of Ornamental, Rich Pla- | ted Goods, Just Imported by Samuel Bogle, | [Philadelphia : Henry Miller. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2887 Dated " Philadelphia, November 27, 1773." GREGORY. (J.) A Father's Legacy to his Daughters. By John Gregory. Philadelphia: 1773. 12mo. 2888 Title from Haven's List. Perhaps intended for No. 3217, infra. FRANCIS IIASENCLEVER, | $n bcm morin ficonfyarb ■SRcIcfyior cfycbcm gcmofmt I;atz in | bcr 3mct;tcnffitraffic, bcr 91cc§= unb 2lrd>= | [traffic, ju | £at neulid) folgcnbc fdjmue Sammlung von 23ud)ern | au§ ©cutfcblanb erfyaltcn, | SBclcfyc cr urn bittigftcn ffiheifc Vcrfaufcn Witt, naml. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1773.] Folio, pp. (2). n. s. p. 2889 ©O | | 2Imcricani[d)c | Calcnbcr, | 2Iiif ba§ W | . . . | . . . | 1774. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | gum [cd)3 unb brctyffitigften mat l)craii§ gcgcbcu. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Chris- toph Saur. | | . [1773.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2890 INHABITANTS of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2891 Call for a Public Meeting to take measures to prevent the landing of Tea, dated "October 13, 1773." JOSEPHUS. (F.) The | Works | of | Flavius Josephus: | Translated into English, by | Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. | Viz. | I. The Life of Josephus. Writ- | ten by himself. | II. The Antiquities of the Jews. | In Twenty Books. | HI. His Book against Aprion, in | Defense of the said Antiquities | of the Jews. In Two Parts. | IV. Their Wars with the Ro- | mans. In Seven Books. | V. The Martyr bow of the Mac- | cabees. As also | All carefully revised and compared with the original Greek. | To which are prefixed, | Two Discourses, and several Remarks and Observa- | tions upon Josephus. | The Seventh Edition. | Vol. I. | London, Printed, | Philadelphia: | Tie-printed,, by W. and T. Bradford, for John Mc- Gibbons. | MDCCLXXHI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-520. 2892 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 167 The second volume was not issued till October, 1774, and the third and fourth did not appear till October, 1775. I have met with the first volume only. The last two volumes may have been printed by James Humphreys, jun. KEMPIS. (T. a) ©er Heine | $cmpi§, | obcr | furje <Spritd)e | unb | ©ebatlein, | au§ benen meifteng unbcfaun= | ten SBerHein | be3 | Thomae a Kempis | jufammen getragen | jur Srbauuug bcr Clemen. | $unfte unb Vcnuefyrte 21uflage. | Germantown, | gedruckt u. zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1773. | 16mo. pp. (10), 155,1 plate, ii. s. p. 2893 THE LANCASTER Almanac for 1774. Lancaster. Francis Bailey. 1773. 2894 [Royal Arms.] LANCASTER County, to wit: | To the | Elec- tors | Of the Borough and | County of Lancaster. | Lancaster: Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's-Street. [1773.] | Folio, 1 leaf. Proclamation by F. Stone, Sheriff, of an election to fill a vacancy in the Assembly. ©3© | | ber | | fiirba§$al;r | 1774. | ... | ... . | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, ini Lahr 1773. | 8vo. pp. (71). h. s. p. 2896 A LETTER from the Country, | To a Gentleman in Philadel- phia. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2897 " Rusticus" on the Tea tax, dated " Fairview, Nov. 27, 1773." Probably by John Dickinson. LOTTERY. Philadelphia, September 23,1773. | Pettie's-Island | Cash Lottery, | [Philadelphia : 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2898 Scheme of a lottery to raise £1100.12.6 for the purpose of securing and improving a Public Vineyard. LOTTERY. Pettie's Island | Cash Lottery, | In Three Classes. | Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2899 Scheme of a lottery to raise £2000 for the American Glass Manufactory at Man- heim. LOTTERY. The German Charitable Society's | Lottery, | On Petty's Island, in Two Classes. | [Philadelphia : 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. 168 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 MARVEL. (Andrew) PsewtZ. No. I. | Philadelphia, June 10th, 1773. | To my Fellow Citizens, | Friends to Liberty, | and | Enemies to Despotism. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2901 In answer to " A Philadelphian" 's address, dated " May 29, 1773." It is in op- position to the proposed Market-Houses in Market Street. The next following tract is on the same subject. MARVELL. Andrew Marvell's | Second | Address | to the | Inhabitants of Ppiladelphia. [szc.] ... | ... | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: Printed Anno 1773. | 8vo. pp. 16. 2902 MINUTES | of the | Philadelphian Association | In MDCCLXXIII. | [Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller. 1773.] Sin. 4to. pp. 8. 2903 MORE. (II.) Search | after | Happiness: | A | Pastoral Drama. | By | Miss Hannah More. | Performed by some young Ladies of Bristol, in | England. | | | | | . | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed, | and Sold by all the Printers and Book-Sellers, [1773.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (4), 29, (3). 2904 [MURREY. (James)] Sermons | to | Doctors in Divinity; | being the | Second Volume | of | Sermons to Asses. | Philadel- phia: | Re-printed, and sold by John Dunlap, | in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. viiiy 144. l. c. p. 2905 SBerbefferU unb 3ubcrldfiigc | 9lmericanifd)e | (Salenbcr | 2Iuf ba§ 1774fte (Stirifti, | 2Beld;c£ ein geniein $al)r bon 365 £agen i[t. | [12 lines.] | 3nm 3ivMftennial fyerauSgegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, . . . | | | | . [1773.] | 4to. pp. (48 ?). h. s. p. 2906 THE NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chronicle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1773. 2907 THE NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1773. 2908 THE NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1773. 2909 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 169 THE | NEW-YE AR | Verses, | Of the Printers Lads, who carry about the Penn- | sylvania Gazette to the Customers. | January 1773. | Hall and Sellers. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. 2910 OETINGER. (F. C.) gfrebigt von ber tveinenben Seele 33on $. @. ©etinger. Philadelphia : 1773. 2911 Title from Weller's Die falschen Druckorte. THE PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle. Philadelphia: William. Goddard. Folio, pp. 1-208. h. s. p. 2912 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, at the New Printing- | Office, near the Market. | 2913 Numbers 2298 (Jan. 6,1773) to 2349 (Dec. 29, 1773), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of four pages to Numbers 2309, 2313, 2314, 2316, 2328, 2333, 2334, 2335, and 2338, and of two pages to all the others except Numbers 2318, 2324, 2344, and 2347 ; and " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 2346 and 2348, and of two pages to No. 2324. Title as in No. 1693, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 2914 Numbers 1570 (Jan. 6, 1773) to 1621 (Dec. 29, 1773), four pages each, with extra half-sheets of two pages to Numbers 1577 to 1580 (misnumbered 1560), 1587, 1594, 1596, 1604, 1605, 1613, and 1620; "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 1576, 1580, 1582, 1592, 1597, 1598, and 1602 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 1575, 1584, 1618, and 1620, of four pages to No. 1611; and " Christmas Box" of one leaf to No. 1620. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 2915 Numbers 63 (Jan. 4, 1773) to 114 (Dec. 27, 1773), four pages each, with " Supple- ments" of four pages to Numbers 78 and 81, and of two pages to all the other numbers from 63 to 104 inclusive ; and a " Postscript" of one leaf to No. 113, and one of two pages to No. 112. Title and imprint as in No. 2694, supra, until No. 105, when they were changed to the form given in No. 3076, infra, and the paper was enlarged and a fourth column added. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1774. Phila- delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1773. 2916 PERSONAL Slavery | Established, | By the Suffrages | of | Custom and Right Reason. | Being a full | Answer | To the gloomy and visionary Reveries, of all | the fanatical and enthusi- ii.-22 170 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 astical Writers on | that subject. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 26. 2917 POOR WILL'S | Almanack, | fortlie | Year of our Lord, 1774; | Being the second after Leap-Year, and the 14th Year of | the King's Reign, till October 26. | Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees, and a Meridian of near five | Hours West from London. | Containing, | The Motions of the Sun and Moon; the true Places | and Aspects of the Planets; the Rising and Setting of | the Sun; the Rising, Setting, and Southing of the | Moon; the Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Rising, | Setting, and Southing of the Planets; Length of Days, | Judgment of the Weather; Festivals, and other Re- | markable Days; Table of Tide; Tables of Interest, | Table of the Value and Weight of Coins; Quakers | Yearly Meetings; Fairs, Courts, Roads, &c. | Also, | A liquid Remedy for decayed Teeth, Sir Ilans | Sloane's Eye-salve; On Drunkenness; Contentment | and Avarice; and a Variety of other useful and en- | tertaining Matter. | Philadelphia : | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, | between Second and Third Streets, and opposite the Presbyterian | Meeting-House. [1773.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). ii. s. p. 2918 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1774. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1773. 2919 PORTEUS. (B.) Death: | A | Poetical Essay. | By Beilby Porteus, M.A. | Fellow of Christ College. | The Fourth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Robert Pell, in Third-street, | And Sold bu I William Woodhouse, in Front-street. I MDCCLXXIII. I 8vo. pp. 20. l. c. p. 2920 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, | Kent and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1773. | Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 2921 Against settlers on land not yet purchased from the Indians, dated "Sept. 20, 1773." 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 171 GEORG CHRISTOPH REINHOLDT, | Member in ber WlarfDffraffe, neben bem 511m | $aren, 511 £>at folgenbe Sucker 511 Qkrfaufen: | [Philadelphia: Hen- rich Miller. 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2922 ROBERTS. (D.) Some | Memoirs | Of the Life of | John Rob- erts. | Written by his Son | Daniel Roberts. | The Sixth Edition. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, between Second and Third | Streets. MDCCLXXHI. | 12mo. pp. 57, (2). 2923 [RUSH. (Benjamin)] An | Address | to | The Inhabitants | of the | British Settlements, | on the | Slavery of the Negroes | in | America. | The Second Edition. | To which is added, A | Vindi- cation of the Address, | in Answer to a Pamphlet entitled, " Slavery | not forbidden in Scripture ; or, a Defence of the | West India Planters." | By a Pennsylvanian. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 28,1 leaf. f. 2924 [RUSH.] An | Address | to | The Inhabitants | of the | Brit- ish Settlements | in | America, | upon | Slave-Keeping. | The Second Edition. | To which are added, | Observations on a Pam- phlet, entitled, | " Slavery not forbidden by Scripture; or, A | De- fence of the West-India Planters." | By a Pennsylvanian. | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. | M.DCC.LXXIH. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 28, 1 leaf. RUSH. Experiments | and | Observations | on the | Mineral Waters | of | Philadelphia, Abington, | and Bristol, | In the Province of Pennsylvania. | Read June 18, 1773, before the American Philo- | sophical Society, held at Philadelphia. | By Benjamin Rush, M.D. | Professor of Chemistry in the College of | Philadelphia. | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, junior, | Tn Front-street. | MDCCLXXHI. | 8vo. pp. 30. h. 8. p. 2926 172 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 The waters of Abington, and Bath, near Bristol, were much resorted to till near the middle of the present century. The fame of the supposed " Philadelphia Mineral Water," on the disagreeable taste and fetid smell of which Dr. Rush has much to say, was short-lived. The true cause of these qualities being soon discovered to arise not from mineral sources, but from one which put an immediate stop to the use of the water, and made its advocates and their disciples a subject of ridicule. [RUSH.] A | Vindication | of the | Address, | To the Inhabi- tants of the British | Settlements, on the Slavery of | the Negroes in America, in An- | swer to a Pamphlet entitled, | " Slavery not Forbidden | by | Scripture; | Or a Defence of the West-India | Planters from the Aspersions | thrown out against them by the Author | of the Address." | | | | | | | | | | By a Pennsylvanian. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 54. f. 2927 This was appended to the second edition of Rush's Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket | Almanack | for the Year 1774. | | | | | By R. Saunders, Phil. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall, and | Sellers. [1773.] | 24mo. pp. 24. SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack | For the | Year of our Lord 1774: | | | | | | | | | | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1773.] Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). n. s. p. 2929 SHIPLEY. (J.) A | Sermon | Preached before the | Incor- porated Society | for the | Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; | at their | Anniversary Meeting | in the | Parish Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, | On Friday, February 19, 1773. | By the Right Reverend | Jonathan Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, | Phila- delphia : | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-street, | And Sold by | William Woodhouse, in Front-street. | MDCCLXXIH. | 8vo. Half- title, &c. pp. (2); Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-20. l. c. p. + Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1773. 2930 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 173 SLAVERY | not forbidden by | Scripture. | Or a defence | of the | West-India Planters, | From the Aspersions thrown out against | them, by the author of a pamphlet, entitled, | " An Address to the inhabitants of | the British settlements in Amer- ica, upon | Slave - Keeping. | By a West-Indian. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | . | Philadelphia. | Printed \by John Sparhawk] M,DCC,LXXIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. iii, 30. l. c. p. 2931 SMITH. (W.) An | Oration, | Delivered, January 22 1773, | before | The Patron, Vice-Presidents | and Members | of the | American | Philosophical Society, | held at | Philadelphia, | for promoting | Useful Knowledge. | By William Smith, D.D. | One of the Secretaries of the said Society, and Provost of the | College of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 4to. pp. 15. n. s. p. 2932 SOMMERS. ([John, Baron]) The Judgment of | Whole Kingdoms and Nations, | Concerning the | Rights, Power and Prerogative | of | Kings, | and the | Rights, Priviledges, and Properties | of the | People: | Shewing | The Nature of Govern- ment in general, both from | God and Man. An Account of the British Go- | vernment; and the Rights and Priviledges of | the People in the Time of the Saxons, and since the Con- | quest. The Government which God ordain'd over the Children | of Israel; and that all Magistrates and Governors proceed from | the People, by many Examples in Scripture and History; and the | Duty of Magistrates from Scripture and Reason. An Ac- count | of Eleven Emperors, and above Fifty Kings depriv'd for their | evil Government. The Right of the People and Parlia- ment of | Britain, to Resist and Deprive their Kings for | evil Government, by King Henry's Charter; and likewise in Scot- land, | by many Examples. | The Prophets and ancient Jews were Strangers to absolute Pas- | sive-Obedience. Resisting of Arbitrary Government | is allow'd by many Examples in Scrip- tures ; by most Nations; and | by undeniable Reason. | A large Account of the Revolution; with several | Speeches, Declara- tions, and Addresses; and the Names and | Proceedings of Ten Bishops, and above Sixty Peers, concern'd | in the Revolution 174 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 before King James went out of England. | Several Declarations in Queen Elizabeth's Time of the Clergy | in Convocation, and the Parliament | who assisted, and justified the Scotch, French, and Dutch, in Re- | sisting of their Evil and Destructive Princes. | By Lord Sommers. | The Eleventh Edition Corrected. | Phila- delphia : | Re-printed, and sold by John Dunlap, | in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 156, (1). h. s. p. 2933 [STERNE. (Laurence)] Letters | from | Yorick to Eliza. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Re-printed, by John Dunlap, | in Market-street, | M,DCC,LXXIII. | 12mo. pp. 71. l. c. p. 2934 | I Soofungen | ber | 33riiber=(Bemeine | fur ba§ Babr | 1774. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Ja.hr 1773. | 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 2935 THE TEA-SHIP being arrived, every Inhabitant, . . . | . is desired to meet at the | State-House . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1773.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2936 Dated " Monday Morning, December 27, 1773." [TERSTEEGEN. (Gerhard)] (Beiftlid)e§ | tinmen - (Bartiein | <5eelen; | Ober turje | ScffiufpS'ieinten, | Wrad)tungcn unb Sieber | Heber aUerfjanb T9a(;rl;citen be£ | Jyntvenbigen (S(;riftentl;uni§; | Bur | ©rivecf'iing, Stdrhmg unb Grquidung | in bem | Oerborgenen Seben mit Sljrifto | in (Bott; | Blebft bcr | $roinnten Sotterie. | Secfyfte unb Vermetjrtc 2luflage. | Germantoum, | gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, | 1773. | 24mo. pp. (12), 547. n. s. p. 2937 TO the | Advocates | for | Ministerial Oppression. | [Philadel- phia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2938 " Clodius" on the Tea tax. TO the | Commissioners | Appointed by the East-India Com- pany, | for the Sale of | Tea, in America. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2939 " Scsevola" warning the Commissioners not to act. 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 175 TO the | Delaware Pilots. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] 4to. 1 leaf. The Committee for Tarring and Feathering's warning to Pilots not to bring up the Tea Ship Polly, Capt. Ayres. TO the | Delaware Pilots. | [And] To | Capt. Ayres. | [Philadel- phia : 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2941 The Committee on Tarring and Feathering's renewal of the warning to the Pilots, and threatening Capt. Ayres with " Ten Gallons of liquid Tar, and the Feathers of a dozen wild Geese," dated "Nov. 27, 1773." TO the | Delaware | Pilots. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2942 The Committee for Tarring and Feathering warning pilots not to bring up the Tea Ship Polly, Capt. Ayres, dated " Dee. 7, 1773." TO the Freemen of America. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2943 " Mucius" on the Tea tax. TO the Freemen, Citizens of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2944 " A Philadelphian' ' in support of the project to erect market sheds in Market Street, dated " May 29, 1773." To the Freemen, Citizens of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2945 " A Philadelphian" against the action of the Corporation in occupying the river ends of the streets with wharfs, and renting them, dated " June 16, 1773." TO the | Freemen | of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2946 " Regulus" on the Tea tax. TO the Freeholders and Freemen, | In Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2947 " A Countryman" against the Tea tax, dated " Chester County, October 14,1773." 176 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1773 TO the Good People of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, pp. (3). l. c. p. 2948 " Publicus" in defence of the Excise Law, dated " January 5, 1773." TO the | Tradesmen, Mechanics, &c. | Of the Province of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 2949 " A Mechanic" on the Tea tax, dated " December 4, 1773." TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1774. By John Tobler. Wilmington: James Adams. 1773. 2950 TOPLADY. (A. [Montague]) The Doctrine of Absolute Pre- destination Stated and Asserted: With a Preliminary Discourse on the Divine Attributes. Translated in great measure from the Latin of Jerom Zanchius. By Augustus Toplady. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1773. 2951 THE | UNIVERSAL | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1774; | Being the Second after Bissextile or Leap- | Year. (The Fourteenth Year of the Reign of | King George III.) | Con- taining ; | The Motions of the Sun and Moon; | The true Places and Aspects of the Planets; | The Rising and Setting of the Sun- And, | The Rising, Setting and Southing of the Moon. | Also, The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judg- | ment of the Weather, Rising and Setting of the | Planets, Length, Increase and Decrease of Days | and Nights, Equation of Time, Fairs, Courts, | Roads, &c. Together with useful Tables, chrono- | logical Observations, and entertaining Remarks. | Fitted to the Latitude of Forty De- grees North, and | near Five Hours West from London; but may, with- | out material Error, serve all the Northern Colonies. | Phil- adelphia : | Printed Sold by James Humphreys, jun. | in Front-street, at the Corner of Black-horse Alley. [1773.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1772, and continued by Adjournments. | [Royal Arms.| Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by 1773 IN PENNSYLVANIA 177 Henry Miller, in Race-Street. | MDCCLXXIII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 415-498. h. s. p. 2953 VOTES | of the | House of Representatives. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Race-Street. [1773.] Folio, pp. 41 +. h. s. p. 2954 Issued weekly, in parts of from two to eight pages each. The first imprint is on page 25. With the third part the date was regularly inserted thus : " From Monday, January 18 to Saturday, January 23, 1773," &c. VOTES | of the | House of Representatives, | From Thursday, October 14, to Saturday, October 16, 1773. | \_Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1773.] Folio, pp. 4. h. s. p. 2955 Continued weekly to December 24, 1773, pp. 17. WATTS. (I.) Divine Songs, attempted in easy Language for the use of Children. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank for Robert Aitken. 1773. 2956 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1774. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1773. WESLEY. (J.) Primitive Physic, or an easy and natural Method of Curing most Diseases. By John Wesley. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1773. 2958 WHITTENHALL. ([Edward]) A | Short Introduction | to | Grammar, | For the Use of the | College and Academy | in | Philadelphia: | Being a New Edition of | Whittenhall's Latin Grammar, | With many Alterations, Additions and Amend- | ments, from antient and late Grammarians. | The Second Edition. | | | | Philadelphia, Printed; | By James Humphreys, junior, | For the College and Academy of Philadelphia, | and Sold by him at his Printing-office, at the | lower Comer of Black-horse Alley, in Front- | street. MDCCLXXIH. | Sm. 8vo. pp. i-v, 1-145. 2959 The author's name is variously spelled on different editions of his works. THE WITS of Westminster, A New Select Collection of Jests, Bon Mots, Humorous Tales, Brilliant Repartees, Epigrams, and ii.-23 178 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS other sallies of Wit and Humour. Chiefly New and Original. By a Member of the Cal cannon Club. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1773. 2960 YOU are earnestly requested to meet a Number of the Free- | holders of this City, at John Little's, ... | ... to consider of the | best Method, to prevent the Mayor and Commonalty from car- | rying their present Intentions, of erecting Shambles in High- | Street, into Execution. | [Philadelphia: 1773.] 4to. 1 leaf. Dated " Philadelphia, June - 1773." 1774. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in St. | Paul's Church, in Philadelphia, from Decern- | her 25, 1773, to Decem- ber 25, 1774. By Alex. | Hale, Clerk, and James Harris, Sexton. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2962 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Congregations of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in | Philadelphia, from December 25, 1773, to December 25, 1774. | By Matthew Whitehead, and William Young, Clerks, | and Jacob Diegel, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptisms in the Baptist Church. Philadelphia: 1774. 2964 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: 1774. 2965 ACT of the Associate Presbytery in Pennsylvania, for a Public Fast. At Philadelphia, the seventh Day of November, one thou- sand seven hundred and seventy-four Years. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 2966 Reprinted at Glasgow in 1775. By an entry in Aitken's Ledger, July 29, 1777, it would seem that he had not been paid for printing this tract up to that time. ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 2967 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 179 Aitken's Ledger during 1774 contains the following charges : April 24. Wilday and Montgomery for printing 100 copies of Abraham Ritchie's Advertisement. May 11. Ezekiel Letts, tailor, for printing 200 folio Advertisements. June 21. George Bartram, for printing 500 large folio Advertisements. ADVERTISEMENT. Millstones to be sold by Clarkson and Bonsall. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 2968 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1775. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1774. 2969 AMERICAN CHRONICLES. The first Book of the Arne- | rican Chronicles of the | Tinies. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Towne. [1774.] | 8vo. pp. 70. l. c. p. 2970 Chapters I. to VI., of twelve pages each, except II., which contains only ten, and III. only eleven pages. The imprint appears at the end of each chapter. The first was issued in October, the second in November, the third and fourth in Decem- ber, 1774, and the fifth and sixth in February, 1775. A third edition of the first chapter was announced. AMERICANUS | examined, | and his | Principles | Compared with those of the | Approved Advocates | for | America, | By a Pennsylvanian. | Philadelphia: | Printed in the year, MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 2971 2191 bie | bcr <5tabt unb (Sauntt; | [PAzfe- delphia: Henrich Miller. 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2972 On the Boston Port-Bill. ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise Fran cite & Hibernite, | Decimo Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Phila- delphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1773, in | the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-second Day of January, 1774. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, at the | New Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXIV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 367-407, (1). + [Continued to July 23, 180 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 1774.] pp. 409-411. + And from thence continued ... to the | Twenty-ninth Day of September, 1774. | [Z6/J.] Title, 1 leaf; pp. 413-436. h. s. p. 2973 | au£ ben | ©timmungen | unb | SBerfyanbluugen | be£ | Olmericanifcfyen | | Win Seften fianbe, | ©efyaltcn 311 belplya, ben 5ten ©ept. 1774. | ©ntl)altenb | ©ie Sill ber 9ied)ten, cine £ifte von 33e= | fclpverben, gelegentlicfye Scfyluffe, cine | Slbbreffe an be3 33olf Von ©hoBbrih | tannien, unb ein 9)icinorial an bie ©in- | ivofyner ber Srittifdy2lnicricanifd)en | ©olonien. | auf 33efel;l be£ ©ongreffeS; | unb au§ bent ©nglifcfyen uberfefct. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu haben bey Henrich Miller, | 1774. | 16mo. pp. 76. h. s. p. 2974 BACHMAIR. (J. J.) The German Grammar. By John James Bachmair. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1774. 2975 BARKER. (P.) Vmdicize Veritates: Or, A Further Testi- mony to Theses Theologize, being an illustration of the fifth and sixth theological propositions, which are defended by Robert Barclay, in his Apology, for the true church divinity, as the same is held forth and preached, by the people called Quakers. By Peter Barker, M.S. Professor of truth and the plain lan- guage in the most unholy courts of Star-Chamber and Inquisi- tion of the Quaker Church in North America. Philadelphia: Peter Barker. 1774. 2976 [BELL.] (Robert) Philadelphia, January 17th, 1774. | Memo- randum. | The more Books are sold, the more will be sold, is an established | Truth, well known to every liberal Reader, and to every Bookseller of Experience; | Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774.] Folio, 2 leaves. l. c. p. 2977 In support of a petition to the Assembly to authorize Book auctions in Phila- delphia. BELL. (R.) Proposals by Robert Bell for Printing by Sub- scription Lectures on Materia Medica, by William Cullen, M.D. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2978 BELL. (R.) Proposals | For Printing by Subscription, | the | Catholic Christian | Instructed. | In the | Sacraments, Sacrifice, 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 181 Ceremonies, and Observances of the | Church. | By way of | Question and Answer. | By R[ichard] C[halloner.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. (4). 2979 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] The | Mighty Destroyer | Displayed, | In some Account of the | Dreadful Havoc made by the mistaken Use as | well as Abuse of | Distilled Spirituous Liquors. | By a Lover of Mankind. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, between Second | and Third Streets, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 48. h. s. p. 2980 [BENEZET.] The | Potent Enemies | of | America | Laid Open: | Being | Some account of the baneful effects attending the use of | Distilled Spirituous Liquors, | and the | Slavery | of the | Negroes. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. [1774.] | 16mo. pp. (2). This is only a general title-page to two pamphlets separately printed for Benezet. See Wesley, No. 3134, infra, and the preceding. B[ERNARD] (F[rancis]) The | Causes | of the | Present Dis- tractions | in | America | explained: | In | Two Letters | to a | Merchant | In London. | ByF-. B-. | .-] Printed[by Wi and T. Bradford] in the Year 1774. | 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 2982 BOSTWICK. (D.) A Fair and Rational Vindication of the right of Infants to" the ordinance of Baptism. By David Bost- wick, A.M. Wilmington: James Adams. 1774. 2983 [BRACKENRIDGE. (Hugh Montgomery)] A | Poem | on | Divine Revelation; | being an | Exercise | Delivered | At the Public Commencement | at | Nassau-Hall, | September 28.1774. | By the same Person, who on a similar occasion, Sept. 25. 1771. | delivered a small Poem on the rising Glory of America. | Phila- delphia : | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, Bookseller, | opposite the Jjondon-coffee-house, | Front-street. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. (6), 22. l. c. p. 2984 In Aitken's Ledger, sales of this pamphlet are always entered as Brackenridge's Poem on Divine Revelation. In later life the author was well known as Judge Hugh Henry Brackenridge. In his first acknowledged work, No. 3678, infra, his 182 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 name appears as Hugh Montgomery Brackenridge, and in his second, No. 3856, infra, as Hugh M. Brackenridge. His son, in reprinting the latter as by H. H. Brackenridge, alludes to the former as also by his father. Judge B. also called him- self Hugh Montgomery B. in the advertisement of his School at Frederick Town, Md., which appeared in the Pa. Gazette, May 2, 1778. BROOKE. ([Henry]) Juliet Grenville: | Or, the | History | of the | Human Heart. | Three volumes in two. | By Mr. Brooke. | Vol. I. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed, for John Sparhawk, | and John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 293. J- Vol. II. | [Ibid.~] | 12mo. pp. 276. l. c. p. 2985 BUCHAN. (W.) Domestic Medicine; | Or, the | Family Phy- sician : | Being an Attempt | To render the Medical Art more gen- erally useful, by | shewing people what is in their own power both with re- | spect to the Prevention and Cure of Diseases. | Chiefly | Calculated to recommend a proper attention to | Regimen and Simple Medicines. | By William Buchan, M.D. | Of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. | . . . | | | | The Second American Edition, | with considerable Additions, by the Author. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, | For R. Aitken, at his Book-Store, opposite the | London Coffee-House, in Front- Street. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. xxiv, 461. n. s. p. 2986 [CARTWRIGHT. (Edmund)] Armine | and | Elvira. | A | Legendary Tale. | In Two Parts. | Philadelphia, Re-printed | By James Humphreys, junior, in Front-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 30, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 2987 Printed with More's Search after Happiness (see No. 3061, infra), but the pagination and signatures are begun anew, and it is sometimes found separately. CATALOGUE of New and Old Books, to be sold by Auction, by Robert Bell, Bookseller, and Professor of Book-Auctioneering, on Monday the Seventh of February, 1774. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2988 CATALOGUE of Books to be Sold at Auction March 14,1774. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2989 CATALOGUE of Books to be Sold at Auction on May 19th, 1774. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2990 1774 183 IN PENNSYLVANIA CATALOGUE of Books to be Sold at Auction on December 16th, 1774. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2991 THE CHILD of Nature, a Philosophical Novel. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 2992 COLMAN. (G.) The Man of Business. A Comedy. By George Colman. Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1774. 2993 COLMAN, and D. GARRICK. The Clandestine Marriage. By George Colman and David Garrick. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 2994 COMMITTEE Chamber, December 6, 1774. | [ Philadelphia : 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 2995 Resolves of the Committee of Philadelphia in regard to the 10th Article of the Association of the General Congress, requiring the opening of all packages of goods imported after Dec. 1st. A | COMPENDIOUS | History | of the | World, | from | The Creation to the Dissolution | of the Roman Republic. | Compiled for the use of Young Gentlemen | and Ladies. | Embellished with Variety of Copperplates. | Vol. II. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, | bookseller, opposite the | Coffee-house, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 16mo. pp. 176, 7 plates. 2996 COOKE'S Voyage round the World. In Two Volumes. Phila- delphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 8vo. 2997 COOMBE. (T[homas]) The Harmony between the Old and New | Testaments respecting the Messiah: | Being the Substance of | Two Sermons | Preached before the United Congre- | gations of Christ-Church and | St. Peter's, Philadelphia, | On Christmas- Day, 1773; | And | On the Sunday when a Collection was | made for the relief of the Poor of those | Congregations. | By T. Coombe, M.A. | Chaplain to the Most Noble the Marquis of | Rockingham, and one of the Assistant Ministers | of Christ- Church and St. Peter's. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIV. j 12mo. pp. 59. n. y. h. s. 2998 184 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 THE COUNTRY-MAN'S Almanac for 1775. Lancaster: Stewart Herbert, junior. 1774. 2999 THE COUNTING-HOUSE Almanac for 1775. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3000 [DE FOE. (Daniel)] The | Dreadful Visitation, | in a | Short Account of the Progress and Effects | of the | Plague, | The last time it spread in the city of London, in | the year 1665, extracted from the memoirs | of a person who resided there during the | whole time of that infection. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank on the North side | of Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets. | MDCCLXXIV. | 16mo. pp. 16. 3001 A | DIALOGUE, | between | A Southern Delegate, | and | His Spouse, | on his return from | The Grand Continental Congress. | A Fragment, | inscribed | To the Married Ladies of America, | By their most sincere, | And affectionate Friend, | And Servant, | Mary V. V. | Printed in the Year M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 14. Said to have been printed in Philadelphia, but I think it came from the Press of James Rivington in New York. [DICKINSON. (John)] An | Essay | on the Constitutional Power of | Groat-Britain | over the Colonies in | America; | with the | Resolves | of the | Committee | for the Province of | Penn- sylvania, | and their | Instructions | To their Representatives | in Assembly. | Philadelphia: | Printed and, Sold, by William and Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. vii, 127, (1). h. s. p. 3003 [DICKINSON.] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, To the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Philadelphia: 1774. 3004 Title from Sabin's Dictionary and Haven's List. The former says there are copies in the libraries of Harvard College and Congress, but these proved to be copies of a London edition with the following imprint: Philadelphia printed, and London re- printed, MDCCLXXIV. From this I think it has been assumed that there was an edition printed during 1774 in Philadelphia, and as I have been unable to find a trace of it, I do not believe that there ever was such an edition. DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3005 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 185 DIRECTIONS | for the | Gulph and River | of | St. Lawrence, | with | some occasional | Remarks, | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 36. h. s. p. 3006 [DRINKER. (John)] Observations | on the late | Popular Measures, | Offered to the serious Consideration of the sober | In- habitants of Pennsylvania, | By a Tradesman of | Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: I Printed for a Tradesman. I MDCCLXXIV. I 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 3007 [DUCHE. (Jacob)] Observations | on a | Variety of Subjects, | Literary, Moral and Religious; | In a Series of | Original Letters, | Written by a Gentleman of Foreign | Extraction, who resided some Time in | Philadelphia. | Revised by a Friend, to whose Hands the | Manuscript was committed for Publication. | Philadel})hia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | 12mo. pp. x, 241, (1). EIGHT Propositions respecting the closing of the Port of Bos- ton. [Philadelphia? 1774.] 4to. 3009 AN | EPISTLE | from our | Yearly-Meeting, | Held at Phila- delphia, for Pennsylvania and | New-Jersey, by Adjournments, from the 24th | Day of the 9th Month, to the 1st of the 10th | Month, inclusive, 1774 : | To our Friends and Brethren in these and the | neighbouring Provinces. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1774.] Folio, pp. 4. f. 3010 EPITAPH, &c. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 3011 Two mock epitaphs, the first on Alexander Wedderburne, and the second on Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. | berer burcfy | Samuel SBranb | Uerubten ganfe un= menjcbb | cfyen £l;aten, | unb | feiner berauf erfolgten | | | | | Slnbere Sluflage. | 2Beld)er ein erbaulicfyer unb benen mei= | [ten unbefanter gefang bepgefiigt morbcn. | Ijancaester: Gedruckt und zu fin- | den bey Francis Bailey. 1774. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 34 ff. l. c. p. 3012 ii.-24 186 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 AN EXAMINATION into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention, held in Philadelphia, September, 1774. Philadelphia: 1774. 3013 Title from Haven's List, and the Catalogue of the Library Company of Phila- delphia. Upon examination of the volume referred to by the latter, it proves to be : The | Congress | Canvassed : | Or, | An Examination | into | The Conduct of the Delegates, | at their | Grand Convention, | Held in Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. | Addressed | To the Merchants of New-York. | By A. W. Farmer. | Author of Free Thoughts, &c. | [six lines.] | Printed in the Year M,DCC,LXXIV. | It was not printed in Philadelphia, but, like other tracts by Isaac Wilkins (A Westchester Farmer), by James Rivington in New York. THE EXAMINATION of Baron Messeres and Mr. Iley, at the Bar of Parliament, on the same account and at the same time with Dr. Marriot. Philadelphia,: James Humphreys. 1774. 3014 EXTRACTS | From the | Votes and Proceedings | Of the American Continental | Congress, | Held at Philadelphia on the | 5th of September, 1774. | Containing | The Bill of Rights, a List of Griev- | ances, Occasional Resolves, the | Association, an Address to the People | of Great Britain, and a Memorial | to the Inhabitants of the British | American Colonies. | Published by order of the Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William, and Thomas Bradford, | October 27 th, M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-23, 1-50. ii. s. p. 3015 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1775. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1774. 3016 PENNING. (D.) ©er | (Befd)ivinbe 9?cd)ncr. | ©ber: be§ | £dnb? Ier£ niitdidjer (Befmlfe; | in | unb SBerfauffung allcrlet) | d)en foivofd im ©roffen ®leinen. | ba auf einmal gejeigt ivirb j ©er 2Bert() von aUerley SBaaren ober <5ad)en, | von cincm SBiertel ipcn£ bi§ auf 19 Schilling | unb 9 ipenS; unb von einem | ®attc, $ufd)el, 2C. bi3 auf 10,000. | Unb folcbe§ auf cine fo IeicE>te 2Seife, ba§ fid) eine | bie fonft nidjt§ von ber Oiediem firnft ge= | lernt bat, bod) barnad) ricfden fan, unb bem ber | redjnen fan, ift e§ eine gefdjtvinbe anjeigc, ivo= | burdj er 9)ii'd)e unb 3eit erfpaljrt. | $n ber englifd)en Spradje jum 7ten mat IjerauSgegeben | 1774 187 IN PENNSYLVANIA burd> ©aniel penning. | unb mm Verbeffert, ©eutfcf) cm3 fiicfyt gebradjt. | Germantown: | gedruckt und zu finden bey Christ. Saur, 1774. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (280). H. s. p. 3017 PENNING. The | Ready Reckoner; | Or | Trader's most useful Assistant, | In | Buying and Selling all Sorts of Commodi- ties | either Wholesale or Retail. | Shewing at one View | The Amount or Value of any Number or Quantity | of Goods or Mer- chandise from one Farthing to Twen- | ty Shillings, either by the long or short Hundred, | half Hundred or Quarter, Pound or Ounce, Ell or | Yard, &c. &c. | In so plain and easy a Manner, that Persons quite unac- | quainted with Arithmetic may hereby ascertain the | Value of any Number of Hundreds, Pounds, Ounces, | Ells or Yards, &c. at any Price whatever: And to | the most ready in Figures, it will be equally useful | by saving much Time in casting up what is here cor- | rectly done to their Hand. | The Seventh Edition, | With Additions on Bord and Timber Measure, | Brick Work, and Gauging by the Pen and Slip-Rule. | By Daniel Penning, | London Printed: Germantown Reprinted by | Christopher Sower. 1774. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (280). 3018 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1775. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams. 1774. 3019 THE FREEHOLDERS | and other | Electors, | In the City of Philadelphia, in the Northern Liberties, and District | of South- wark, | Are requested to attend at Ten o'clock to-morrow morn- ing at the | State-House, | | | 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3020 A call for a meeting to "chuse a Committee, agreeable to the Resolves of Con- gress," elated " Nov. 11, 1774." FRIENDS, Countrymen, | and Fellow-Electors. | Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3021 An Election circular, dated by Du Simitiere Oct. 1, 1774. THE | GARDEN of the Soul: | Or, a | Manual | of | Spiritual Exercises | and | Instructions | for | Christians who (living in the | World) aspire to Devotion. | The Seventh Edition, Correction. | 188 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS London: Printed. | Philadelphia: Re-printed, | by Joseph Orukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. [1774?] | 36mo. pp. 364. 3022 The first Roman Catholic prayer-hook printed in English in America. Dr. J. Gilmary Shea, to whom I am indebted for an opportunity of examining a copy, writes, " My grandmother gave me her father's Garden of the Soul, telling me that it was printed a couple of years before her birth (i.e. 1776)." The imprint indicates that it could not have been printed before the middle of the year 1772, as Crukshank's office was not in Market street until about June of that year. (WSO® = 91eu = Vermeljrt = unb vollftdnbige§ | ©efangs 23ud), | SBorinnen foivoljl bie | ©avib£, | | D. Ambrosii Bobivafferg, | Ueberfefcung tjin unb mieber verbeffert, | 3ll§ and) | 730. auSerlefener alter unb neuer | (9ei[treid)en Biebem | begriffen [tub, | 2BeId)e anjefco fiimtlid) | in benen Sieformirten Stirdien | ber < | unb mefyreren anbern angranbeus ben Sanben gu fingen | gcbrducblid), in Drbnung eingetfyeilt, | Slud) | SJlit bem <Qet)belbergifd)en SatedjUmo unb | erbaulicfyen (Bebatern Verfeljen. | S3ierte Sluflage. | Philadelphia : | zu finden bey Ernst Ludwig Baisch, in der zweyten- | Strasse, nahe bey der Rees-Strasse. 1774. | 24mo. pp. 1-192, (2), 1-480, (11), 1-72. h. s. p. 3023 This book was printed in Germany. For the American editions, see Numbers 1301, 1896, and 2778, supra. bon ber 2}fal£ - (Brafin (Benobefa. Lancaster : F. Bailey. 1774. 3024 [GILLIES. (John)] The Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend George Whitefield, M. A. Philadelphia: Printed for the Subscribers. 1774. 3025 GRUBER. (E. L.) @b er barb Bubivig ®ruber§ | (Brunbforfcbenbe | $ragen, | iveld)e benen | neuen | ini SBitgenfteinfdjen, in- fonber= | l;eit gu beantivorten vorgelcgt ivaren, | fammt: | betygefiigten unb einfaltigcn Sluts | Horten auf biefelben, vormaU fd;riftlid; | l;erau§ gegeben von einem | Aufridjtigen Mitglieb | ber ©emeinbe gu SBitgenftein, | gum bffentlicfyen ©rucf bcforbert. | Bioetyte Sluflage. | Germantown, | gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1774. | 24mo. pp. 58. h. s. p. 3026 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 189 WILLIAM HALL, | At the New Printing-Office, in Market- street, Philadelphia, has to dispose of, | Wholesale and Retail, the following | Books, &c. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1774.] Folio, pp. (2). ii. s. p. 3027 HAPPINESS, A Characteristic Poem. Written by a Gentle- man of Newcastle upon Tyne in Old England. Philadelphia: Robert Bell ? 1774. 3028 [HITCHCOCK. (Robert)] The Macaroni. A Play. Phila- delphia : William Woodhouse. 1774. 3029 | I Sltnericcmifcbe | (Salenber, | 2luf ba£ W | | | 1775. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Bunt fieben unb mal (;erau§ gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Chris- toph Saur. | ... | ... . [1774.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 3030 [HOPKINSON. (Francis)] A | Pretty Story | written in the | Year of our Lord 2774, | By | Peter Grievous, Esq; | A. B. C. D. E. | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 29 + The Second Edition. [/6zt/.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 32. h. s. p. 3031 IN Committee, December 14,1774. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. 3032 Notice from the Committee of Philadelphia, " to discourage the Killing and Sale of Ewe Mutton and Lamb." Philadelphia. | IN Congress, Thursday, September 22, 1774. | Resolved, | That the Congress request the Merchants . . . | . . . not to send to | Great Britain any Orders for Goods, . . . . | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by W. and T. Bradford. [1774.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3033 [JEFFERSON. (Thomas)] A | Summary View | of the | Rights | of | British America. | Set forth in some | Resolutions | Intended for the | Inspection | Of the present | Delegates | Of the | People of Virginia, | Now in | Convention. | By a Native, and Member of the | House of Burgesses. | Williamsburg: Printed: | Philadel- phia : Re-Printed by John Durdap. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 23. 190 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS JINGLE. (Bob) The | Association, &c. | of the | Delegates of the Colonies, | at the | Grand Congress, | Held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1,1774, | Versified, and adapted to Music, | Calculated | For Grave and Gay Dispositions; | with a short | Introduction. | By Bob Jingle; | Poet Laureat to the Colonies. | . . . | . . . . | Printed in the Year M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 22. l. c. p. 3035 Printed in Philadelphia, according to Sahin and the J. Carter Brown Catalogue. In my opinion it was printed at New York, by James Rivington. JOURNAL | of the | Proceedings | of the | Congress, | Held at Philadelphia, | September 5, 1774. | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London 'Coffee- House. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-144. h. s. p. 3036 THE LADIES Memorandum-Book, or Daily Pocket-Journal, for the Year 1775. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3037 THE LANCASTER Almanac for 1775. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1774. 3038 THE LAST solemn Confession and Declaration of John Hurrin, and Alexander Buchan, who were executed at Easton, Northampton County, in the Province of Pennsylvania, on the first of January, 1774. The first for Murder committed in the Year 1768, and the last for a late Burglary committed at Easton. Containing a Particular Account of the many Thefts, &c. they have been guilty of from their Childhood, and by which they have been unhappily led, as it were stop by step, to this igno- minious and untimely End. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 3039 [LEE. (Arthur)] A | True State | of the | Proceedings | In the Parliament of Great Britain, | and | In the Province of Massachusetts Bay, | relative to | The Giving and Granting the Money of the People of that Pro- | vince, and of all America, in the House of Commons, in | which they are not represented. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1774.] Folio, pp. 24. 3040 1774 191 IN PENNSYLVANIA See E. II. Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, Vol. I. pp. 262. Attributed to Franklin when first published. See Pa. Gazette, Sept. 21, 1774. [LEE.] A | True State | of the | Proceedings | in the | Par- liament of Great Britain | and in the | Province of Massachusetts Bay, | relative to | The Giving and Granting the Money of the | People of that Province, and of all America, | in the House of Commons, in which they are not | represented. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- Street, between | Second and Third Streets. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 39. l. c. p. 3041 [LEE. (Charles)] Strictures | on a | Pamphlet, | entitled | a | " Friendly Address | to | All Reasonable Americans, | on the | Subject of our Political Confusion." | Addressed to the | People of America. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Cofee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 15. l. c. p. 3042 I | ber | Sriibcr - ©enteine | fur ba£ $af;r | 1775. | ©ntfyaltcnb | tauter SBorte unferS licbcit £erm | unb | .... | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1774. | 8vo. pp. (60). ii. s. p. 3043 LELAND. (T.) The | History | of | Ireland | from the | Invasion of Henry IT. | With a | Preliminary Discourse | on the | Antient State of that Kingdom. | By Thomas Leland, D.D. | Senior Fellow of Trinity College, and Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia and New York: | Printed by Hugh Gaine, Robert Bell. | and John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXLV. | 8vo. pp. (4), xliv, 456. + Vol. II. [Ibid.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 601. + Vol. in. [Ibid.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 359. + Vol. IV. [Ibid.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 372, (50). ii. s. p. 3044 LETTER | From a Virginian, | to the | Members of the Con- gress | to be held | At Philadelphia, | on | The first of September, 1774. | [Philadelphia: H. Miller] Printed in the Year 1774. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-29. n. y. ii. s. 3045 A | LETTER | to the | Inhabitants | of the | Province | of | Quebec. | Extract from the Minutes of the Congress. | Philadelphia : 192 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | October, 1774. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 37-50. h. s. p. 3046 Published as part of No. 3015, supra. LETTER to the People of Great Britain from the Delegates of the American Congress. [Philadelphia: 1774.] 8vo. pp. 16. 3047 Title from Sabin's Dictionary, No. 40,508. LETTRE | adressee | Aux Habitans | de la Province | de | Quebec, | Ci-devant le Canada. | De la part du Congres General de 1'Ame- | rique Scptentrionale, tenu & Philadelphie. | Imp rime & publie par Ordre du Congres. | A Philadelphie, | De I'Imprimeric de Fleury Mesplet. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. 18. [BILL O. (George)] The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell. Philadelphia : John Douglas M'Dougall. 1774. THE LIVES of the Apostles. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3050 LOTTERY. Wind Mill Island | Cash Lottery. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3051 Scheme of a lottery to raise £5250, for the purchase and improvement of public landings on the Delaware front of Philadelphia. LOTTERY. January 17,1774. | Supplement | to the | Ameri- can Flint Glass Manufactory Pettie's Island | Cash Lottery. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3052 LOTTERY. Philadelphia, March 24, 1774. | The Managers | of the Delaware | Lottery, | for the | College of | New-Jersey, &c. | Have . . . resolved to begin the drawing of | said Lottery at New-Castle, on Monday the 23d of May next. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3053 LOTTERY. List of the Prizes drawn in the Delaware Lot- tery. Philadelphia: 1774. 3054 MACK. (A.) $ur£e unb einfdltige SBorfteUung | bet duffern, abcr bod) fyeiligen | sJRd)tcn | unb | Drbnungen | be$ | £cmfe$ (Slotted, | 1774 193 IN PENNSYLVANIA bet tvafyre | $efu$ (Sfyriftu3 | beofftfen, unb in feh | nem STeftament fcfyriftlid) l;inter(affen. | vorgefteHt in einent ®efprad)= | unter $ater unb Sobn, | burcl; | $rag unb 2lnttvort, | von | 2l(ej-anbcr ARacf, | einent SKitberuffenen, 311 bcm groffen | 2lbenbntafyl. | Biuetyte 9luf(age. | Germantown, | gedruckt u. zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1774. | 24mo. pp. (22), 133, (1). h. s. p. 3055 A | MANUAL | of | Catholic Prayers. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia : | Printed, for the Subscribers, | By Robert Bell, Book- seller, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 272 +, 1 plate. MARSHALL. (W.) The Propriety of Singing the Psalms of David, in New Testament Worship. A Sermon Preached at Middle-Octorara, April 13th, 1774, at the opening of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. By William Marshall. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3057 [MASON. (William)] Methodism displayed, and Enthusiasm detected ; intended as an Antidote against, and a Preservative from the delusive Principles and unscriptural Doctrines of a Modern Sett of seducing Preachers : And as a Defence of our regular and orthodox Clergy, from their unjust Reflections. Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Romaine, the Rev. Mr. Jones, &c. Philadelphia: William Woodhouse. 1774. 3058 A MELANCHOLY Narrative of the unhappy Samuel Brand, who was executed at Lancaster, in the Province of Pennsylvania, on the 18th Day of December, 1773, for the barbarous and in- human Murder of his only Brother; containing a succinct Ac- count of his Person, Parentage, Principles and temper, inter- spersed with some interesting Reflections, moral and religious. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1774. 3059 MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association | held in Philadelphia, | October the 12th, 13th, 14th, 1774. | \Philadelphia: Henry Mil- ler. 1714.] Sq. 8vo. pp. 11. l. c. p. 3060 [MORE. (Hannah)] Search | after | Happiness: | A | Pas- toral Drama. | And | Armine and Elvira: | A | Legendary Tale ; 11.-25 194 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 | In Two Parts. | Bristol: Printed. | Philadelphia, Re-printed. | By James Humphreys, junr. in Front-Street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Search after Happiness, pp. 1-62 ; Cartwright's Armine and Elvira, pp. 1-30; 1 plate. The title to More's Drama is as follows: Search | after | Happiness : | A | Pastoral Drama. | As it was performed by some young Ladies | of Bristol, in England. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | The Fourth Edi- tion. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by James Humphreys, junior, | in Front-street. MDCCLXXIV. | Some copies are called " The Fifth Edition." But these differ in no other respect from the one described. Cartwright's poem was issued separately. For title, &c., see No. 2987, supra. [MURRAY. (James)] New | Sermons | to | Asses. | By the Author of Sermons to Asses. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: John Sparhawk. 1774. 8vo. pp. 94. 3062 ©691 91GU6S©6, WFcfferL unb guberldjuge | Slmcricanifctye | Galenber | 2Iuf bag 1774[tc $atyr Gtyrifti, | [13 lines.] | gum ©rely jetyntenntal tyerauggegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, . | | | | . [1774.] | 4to. pp. (48). ii. s. p. 3063 A NEW Journal of a voyage round the World. Performed in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, in his Majesty's ship En- deavor, Captain James Cook. Undertaken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge, at the desire of the Royal Society: Containing all the Occurrences of the Voyage, with Descriptions of several new dis- covered Countries, in the Southern Hemisphere, with account of their soil and productions, and of many singularities in the struc- ture, apparel, customs, manners, policy, manufactures, &c. of the inhabitants. To which is added, a Vocabulary of the language of the Otahitee. Philadelphia : John Douglas M'Dougall. 1774. NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Chroni- cle. Philadelphia: William Goddard. 1774. 3065 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1774. 3066 THE NEW-YEAR'S | Verses | Of Those who carry the | Penn- sylvania Journal | To the Customers. | Philadelphia, January 1, 1774. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 195 THE | NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of the Printer's Lads, who carry the | Pennsylvania Packet | To the Customers. | January 1st, 1774. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. 3068 OGILVIE. (J.) Providence. An Allegorical Poem. By John Ogilvie, A.M. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1774. 3069 OPIFERQUE per Orbem Dicor. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1774. 3070 An Advertisement, by Benjamin Duffield, of some kind of " quack medicine." Aitken charged £2.5.0 for printing 100 copies. [ORTON. (Job)] Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of the late Rev. Philip Doddridge, of Northampton. Philadel- phia: Robert Bell. 1774. 3071 THE | PALLADIUM of Conscience; | or, the | Foundation of Religious Liberty displayed, asserted, and established, | agreeable to its true and genuine Principles, above the reach of all petty Tyrants, | who attempt to Lord it over the Human Mind. | Con- taining, | Furneaux's Letters to Blackstone. | Priestley's Remarks on Blackstone. | Blackstone's Reply to Priestley. | And | Black- stone's Case of the Middlesex Election; | With some other curi- ous Tracts, worthy of high Rank in every | Gentleman's Literary Repository. | Being a necessary Companion for every Lover of Religious Liberty. | And an | Interesting Appendix | to | Black- stone's Commentaries | on the | Laws of England. | America: | Printed for the Subscribers, | Bp Robert Bell, at the late Union Library, in Third-street, | Philadelphia, MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. Advertisement, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf. 3072 The Third edition of An interesting Appendix to Blackstone's Commentaries, with a new general title. For a collation, see No. 2750, supra. The special titles, except to Furneaux's Letters, are dated 1773, and are precisely the same as in the second edition, No. 2859, supra. The title to Furneaux's Letters is also dated 1773, but the spacing is somewhat different. Pages 97-119 of the Case of the Late Election, &c., the title-page, Prefaces, and pp. 1-4 of Furneaux's Letters (Signatures N to K), were reprinted for this edition, which is in other respects the same as the second edition. THE PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle. h. s. p. 3073 196 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 Numbers 367 (Feb. 1, 1774) and 368 (Feb. 8, 1774), four pages each. Title as in No. 2691, supra. The imprint is as in No. 2912, supra, except the difference in spacing made necessary by the use of a larger type. No. 368 contains Goddard's valedictory. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 3074 Numbers 2350 (Jan. 5, 1774) to 2401 (Dec. 28,1774), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of four pages to Numbers 2361, 2367, 2368, 2374, and 2392, and of two pages to all the others except Numbers 2352, 2365, 2375, 2377, and 2379 to 2384 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 2365, 2369, and 2373, and of two pages to Numbers 2375, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2383, 2386, 2393, and 2394, and an extra sheet of four pages to No. 2390. Title and imprint as in No. 2913, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 3075 Numbers 1622 (Jan. 5, 1774) to 1673 (Dec. 28, 1774), four pages each, with extra sheets of four pages to Numbers 1649 and 1663, extra half-sheets of two pages to Numbers 1658 to 1662, 1666, and 1668 to 1673; "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 1640, 1646 to 1648, 1650, 1651, and 1654, and of four pages to No. 1638 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 1641, 1643, 1645 (Quarto), 1647, 1648, and 1654, of two pages to Numbers 1632, 1637, 1645, 1646, 1650, 1651, 1658, and 1659, and " Postscript Extraordinary" of two pages to No. 1650. Title as in No. 2317, supra, until 1651, when a cut of a divided snake, with the motto " Unite or die," was substituted for the old cut in the heading. Imprint as in No. 2317, supra. Vol. III. Numb. 115. | DUNLAP'S | PENNSYLVANIA: Packet. | Or,: the | General 'Advertiser. | Monday, - January 3d, 1774. | ' 3076 Numbers 115 to 166 (Dec. 26, 1774), four pages each, large folio, printed in four columns. There are " Postscripts" of two pages to Numbers 118, 124, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138 to 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 152, 153, 154, 156 to 160, 162, 164, and 165, of four pages to No. 144, of one leaf to No. 162, and two " Postscripts" of two pages to No. 150. " Postscripts Extraordinary" of two pages to Numbers 144, 147, and 152. A new cut of a ship appears in the title. Imprint as in No. 2694, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1775. Philadel- phia : W. and T. Bradford. 1774. 3077 THE PHILADELPHIA Newest Almanac for 1775. Phila- delphia : Robert Aitken. 1774. 3078 PHILADELPHIA, September 1st, 1774. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3079 " A Tradesman," against Non-Importation, beginning with five lines from Milton's translation of Euripides. 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 197 POMP. (Nicholas]) | | ber fiefyre | be§ | ©migen @Vangelium£: | SBomit | beutlicfy gegeiget tvirb, | Ta| man bie SBieberbringung | alter fringe in ber (jeiligen Scfyrift, | vergeblid) | 2luf SBegefyren vieter gum ©rutf | befbrbert | von | 9i. V.D.M. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, | 1774. | 16mo. pp. xvi, 200. . n. s. p. 3080 POOR Will's Almanac for 1775. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1774. 3081 POOR Will's Pocket Almanack for 1775. Philadelphia: Jo- seph Crukshank. 1774. 3082 A | PRESENT | for an | Apprentice: | Or, a | Sure Guide | To gain both | Esteem and Estate. | With Rules for his Conduct to his | Master, and in the World. | More especially, while an Apprentice, his Behavi- | our after he is free, Care in setting up, Com- | pany with the Ladies, Choice of a Wife, Be- | haviour in Courtship, and Wedding-Day, | Complaisance after Marriage, Education of | Children, &c. | By a late Lord-Mayor of London. | London, Printed ; | Philadelphia: Pe-printed by J. | Crukshank, for James Williamson, | Bookbinder in Wilmington. | MDCCLXXIV. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 83. ii. s. p. 3083 [PRIESTLEY. (Joseph)] An Address to Protestant Dis- senters of all Denominations, on the approaching election of Members of Parliament, with respect to the state of Public Lib- erty in general, and American Affairs in particular. Wilmington : James Adams. 1774. 3084 [PRIESTLEY.] An | Address | to | Protestant Dissenters | of all Denominations, | On the Approaching Election of | Members of Parliament, | With Respect to the State of | Public Liberty in General, | and of | American Affairs in Particular. | London, Printed. | Philadelphia, Be-printed: | And Sold by James Humphreys, junr. | In Front-street. MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 3085 PROCLAMATION. [Boyal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New- | Castle, Kent 198 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS and Sussex, on Delaware, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1774. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3086 Against the Connecticut settlers, dated " Feb. 28, 1774." PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | . . . | . . . | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia : Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1774.] | Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3087 Dated " July 14, 1774." Reward for the apprehension of the murderers of an Indian. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | . . . | . . . | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1774. | Folio, 1 leaf. 3088 Dated " Sept. 15, 1774." Extending the authority of Pennsylvania to the Mary- land boundary. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | . . . | . . . | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1774. | Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3089 Dated "Oct. 12, 1774." Against the encroachments of Lord Dunmore on the western lands of Pennsylvania. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | John Penn, Esquire, | . . . | . . . | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1774. | Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3090 Dated "Nov. 2, 1774." Revoking the Proclamation of Sept. 15th. QUINCY (J.) Observations | on the | Act of Parliament | com- monly called the | Boston Port-Bill; | with | Thoughts | on | Civil Society | and | Standing Armies. | By Josiah Quincy, junior. | | | | . | Philadelphia. | Printed for John Spar- hawk. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 60. n. s. p. 3091 THE RATES of Porterage and Carriage, &c. to any Parts of the City and Suburbs, proper to be stuck up in Taverns, Stores, Shops, &c. &c. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 199 REED. (J.) An | Explanation | of the | Map of the City and Liberties | of | Philadelphia. | By John Reed. | Philadelphia: | Printed for the A uthor, and Sold by Mr. Nicholas Brooks, in Se- | cond-Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 4to. pp. 24, (8), 23, (9). ii. s. p. 3093 [ROBINSON, (Matthew-Baron Rokeby.)] Considerations | on the | Measures Carrying On | with respect to the | British Colonies | in | North America. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Be-printed and Sold by Benjamin Towne, | near the Coffee House. MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 60. RULES | and | Constitutions | of the | Society of Englishmen, | and | Sons of Englishmen, | Established at Philadelphia, for the Ad- | vice and Assistance of Englishmen in | Distress. | [Cut.] Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Towne. | MDCCLXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. n. y. h. s. 3095 RUSH. (B.) An | Oration, | Delivered February 4, 1774, | be- fore the | American Philosophical | Society, | held at | Philadel- phia. | Containing, | An Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicine | among the Indians in North-America, | and | A com- parative View of their Diseases and Reme- | dies, with those of civilized Nations. | Together with an Appendix, containing | Proofs and Illustrations. | By Benjamin Rush, M.D. | Professor of Chemistry in the College of Philadelphia. | | | | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. [1774.] | 8vo. pp. 118. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1775. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1774. 3097 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved; | Being an | Alma- nack | | | | | | | . | ... | ... | ... | For the | Year of our Lord 1775: | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | . . . | | | | | | | | .... | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1774.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). ii. s. p. 3098 200 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 SAY, (T.) and I. WATTS. The | Visions | of a certain | Thomas Say, | Of the City of Philadelphia, | which he saw in a | Trance : | To which is added, another | Vision. | By the late Reverend | Isaac Watts, D.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold by, William Mentz, | near the Great Lutheran Church. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 23. l. c. p. 3099 " Whereas a certain William Mentz has printed and published for sale without my knowledge or consent, ' The Vision of Thomas Say,' which is but an incorrect and imperfect part of what I propose to make public. And as I never intended what I had wrote on that head to be published during my life, all persons are desired not to en- courage the said Mentz in such wrong proceeding. Thomas Say." Pa. Journal, March 2, 1774. Watts' Vision begins on page 11 with a separate title, as follows : A | Near Prospect | of | Heaven, | seen in a | Vision. | By the late Reverend | Isaac Watts, D.D. | [Imprint as in general title.] THE SCHOOL for Husbands, a Sentimental Novel. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 3100 | I Sin bie | (Siniuotmer | ber | | Quebec. | au3 bem bc3 | Philadelphia, | Gedrucktundzuhaben bey Henrich Miller, | 1774. | 8vo. pp. (2), 63-76. [SCOTT. (Sarah)] The Man of Real Sensibility; or the His- tory of Sir George Ellison. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 3102 SCOTT. (W.) 0 Temporal O Mores! | or | The best New Year's Gift | for a | Prime Minister, | Being the Substance of two Sermons preached at a | few small Churches only, and published at the | repeated Request of the Congregations, | By the Rev. Wil- liam Scott, M.A. | Late Scholar of Eton, | Dedicated to Lord North. | The Pulpit was refused at eight of the most capital Churches | in London. | Philadelphia: | Reprinted and sold by Ben- jamin Towne. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. xii, 20. l. c. p. 3103 A | SERMON | on | Tea. | . . . | . . . | [Cut.] | . . . | . . . | ... | .... | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey. [1774?] | 8vo. pp. 8. c. 3104 SETHONIA, a Tragedy. Philadelphia: John Sparhawk. 1774. 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 201 SHARP. (G.) A | Declaration | of the | People's Natural Right | to a | Share in the Legislature, | which is the | Funda- mental Principle | of the | British Constitution of State. | By Granville Sharp. | ... | .... | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Reprinted | And sold by Benjamin Towne, in Front-street, near | the Coffee-House. 1774. | 8vo. pp. 21. + London, Printed: | Philadel- phia, Reprinted | And sold by John Dunlap, at the Newest Printing- Office, | in Market-Street. 1774. | 8vo. pp. 21. l. c. p. 3106 [SHIPLEY. (Jonathan)] A | Speech | Intended to have been spoken | on the | Bill | for | Altering the Charters | of the | Colony of Massachusetts Bay. | The Third Edition. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and Sold, by William and Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. vi, 29. h. s. p. 3107 [SHIPLEY.] A | Speech | intended to have been spoken | By the Bishop of St. Asaph, | on the | Bill | for | Altering the Charters | of the | Colony of Massachusetts Bay. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, Reprinted and Sold by | Benjamin Towne, in Front- Street, near the | Coffee-House. [1774.] | 8vo. pp. 18. h. s. p. 3108 SHIPLEY. A | Speech, | intended to have been spoken | on the | Bill | for altering the Charters | of the Colony of | Massachusetts Bay. | By the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shipley, | Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. | Though it is not above three weeks since this piece | appeared first in America, this is the Fifth | Edition; besides several in England, where | it sold at One Shilling Sterling. | Lancaster: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey. | MDCCLXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 3109 THE | SINGULAR and Diverting Behaviour | of | Doctor Marriot, | His Majesty's | Advocate General: | Who was Ex- amined concerning the Religion and Laws of | Quebec : | And found means from his incomparable | Wit and Subtilty, | To defeat the Purposes for which he was brought to the | Bar of Parliament, | on the 3d of June, 1774. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by James Humphreys junr. in Front- | street. 1774. Price Four- pence. | 16mo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 3110 ii.-26 202 1774 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS SIR, | You are desired to attend a Special Meeting of | the Committee this - at - | o'Clock, precisely, at the Carpenter's Hall. | To - | [Philadelphia : 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. 3111 SIR, | You are desired to attend a Special Meeting of the | Committee at the Philosophical Hall, . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3112 Call for a meeting of the Committee of Philadelphia "to consider of the Sub- scriptions for Boston." [SMITH. (William)] An | Examination | of the | Connecticut Claim | to | Lands in Pennsylvania. | With | An Appendix, containing Extracts and Copies | taken from Original Papers. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Oruk shank, in Market Street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-93, 1-32, 1 map. STERNE. (L.) The | Works | of | Laurence Sterne, A.M. | Prebendary of York, | and | Vicar of Sutton on the Forest, | and of | Stillington, near York. | With the | Life of the Author. | In Five Volumes. | Vol. I. | London printed. | Phila- delphia, re-printed; | By James Humphreys, junior, | in Front-street. MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. xiv, 370, 1 plate. + Vol. H. [Ibid.] 12mo. pp. 348. + Vol. HI. [Ibid.] 12mo. pp. 270; List of Books, pp. (2). + Vol. IV. [Ibid.] 12mo. pp. 257. + Vol. V. [Ibid.] 12mo. pp. 250; Advertisement and List of Subscribers, pp. (5). [STERNE.] The | Sermons | of | Mr. Yorick. | In Two Vol- umes. | Volume I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, junr. | [1774.] 12mo. pp. 270. + Volume II. | Ibid.] 12mo. pp. 257. THE STORY of ./Eneas and Dido burlesqued: By a Gentle- man of South Carolina. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 3116 ©3® I £$@£$@£@91 | £oofungen | bcr | SBruber=@emeine | fur bag $abr | 1775. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1774. | 8vo. pp. (55). h. s. p. 3117 TENNENT. (W.) An | Address, | occasioned by the | Late Invasion of the | Liberties | of the ] American Colonies | by the | 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 203 British Parliament, | Delivered in Charlestown, South Carolina. | By William Tennent, A.M. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William and. Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 3118 THOMAS. ([Antoine Leonard]) Essay | on the | Character, | Manners, and Genius | of | Women | in different Ages. | Enlarged from the French of Mr. Thomas. | By Mr. Russell. | In Two Vol- umes. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by II. Aitken, Book- | seller, opposite the London-Cofee- | House, Front-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | 12mo. pp. v, (2), 124. + Vol. II. 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, 1 leaf; pp. 129, (2). L. c. p. 3119 TO the | Electors | and | Freeholders | of the | City of Phila- delphia. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3120 Election circular concerning the choice of four additional members of the As- sembly from Philadelphia on May 1st. TO the Inhabitants of the Township of | | Philadelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, junior, in Front-street. [1774.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3121 A circular to the people of Chester County, calling upon them to meet at Chester and choose a Committee, with certain " Propositions" agreed upon at a meeting held at that place June 18, 1774. TO | The Manufacturers and Mechanics of | Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, | and District of Southwark. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3122 Call for a public meeting to aid the people of Boston, dated " June 8, 1774." TO the Philadelphians, on the Abandonment of the non-impor- tation Resolution, in New York. Philadelphia : July 14, 1774. Signed a " Pennsylvanian." Title from Haven's List, which follows, I suppose, the Catalogue of the Library Company of Philadelphia. The broadside described in the latter is dated " 1770," and will be found No. 2601, supra. TO the | Representatives | of the | Freemen | Of the Counties of Chester, Bucks, and Philadelphia, | Now met at the State- House. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] 4to. 1 leaf. L. c. p. 3124 204 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 " A great Number of your Constituents," in regard to Indian affairs, dated " Chester County, May 9, 1774." TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1775. By John Tobler. Wilmington: James Adams. 1774. 3125 [TOWGOOD. (Micaiah)] A Calm and plain Answer to the Enquiry, " Why are you a Dissenter from the Church of Eng- land ?" Containing some remarks on its doctrine, spirit, consti- tution, and some of its offices and forms of devotion. By the author of the Dissenting Gentleman's Letters to White. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junior. 1774. 3126 THE | UNIVERSAL | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1775; | . . . |. . . | . . . |. . . | . . . | . . | . . | . . . |. . . | | | | . | .... | The ingenious D. Rit- tenhouse, A.M. has a- | gain favour'd us with the Calculations for this Al- | manack. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed f Sold by James Humphreys, jun. | in Front-street, at the Corner of Black-horse Alley. [1774.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3127 VIAUD, (P.) and W. FALCONER. The | Surprizing | yet real and true | Voyages | and | Adventures | of | Monsieur Pierre Viaud. | A French Sea-Captain. | To which is added, | The Shipwreck. | A Sentimental and Descriptive Poem, | In Three Cantos. | By William Falconer, an English Sailor. | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell in Third-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. h. s. p. 3128 Collation : Advertisement, 1 leaf; 1 plate; General Title, 1 leaf; Title to Viaud, 1 leaf; French Editor's Preface, pp. vii.-viii.; Griffith's Preface, pp. ix.-x. ; Certifi- cate, pp. xi.-xii. ; text, pp. 1-144; Title to "The Shipwreck," 1 leaf; Argument, &c., pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-108. The title to Viaud is as follows: The | Surprizing | yet real and true | Voyages | and | Adventures | of | Monsieur Pierre Viaud, | A Native of Bordeaux, and Captain of a Ship. | Translated from the French | By Mrs. Griffith. | Author of Henry and Frances. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | The title to " The Shipwreck" is as follows : The | Shipwreck. | A Sentimental and Descriptive Poem. | In Three Cantos. | By | William Falconer. | An English Sailor. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia; | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 1774 IN PENNSYLVANIA 205 VOTES and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania. Met at Philadelphia, the Four- teenth of October, Anno Domini, 1773. [Royal Arms.] Phil- adelphia : Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Pace - Street. MDCCLXXIV. Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 501-578. h. s. p. 3129 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Beginning the Fifteenth Day of October, 1744. | Volume The Fourth. | [Penn Arms.] Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Race-Street. | MDCCLXXIV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 856. h. s. p. 3130 VOTES | of the | House of Representatives, | From Wednes- day, December 29,1773, to Saturday, January 8, 1774. | [Philadel- phia: Henry Miller. 1774.] Folio, pp. 19-23. h. s. p. 3131 Continued weekly to January 22, and from July 18 to July 23, and from Sept. 19 to -, pp 51 or 52. Votes of the new Assembly from Oct. 14 to Dec. 24, 1774, pp. 53-74. WEATHER WISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1775; | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | (The Fifteenth Year of the Reign of King George III.) | Con- taining, | The Motions of the Sun and Moon ; | the true | Places and Aspects of the Planets; | the | Rising and Setting of the Sun; | And the Rising, Setting and Southing of the Moon; | Also, | The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of the | Weather, Rising and Setting of the Planets, Length | of Days and Nights, &c. &c. | Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees, and a Meridian | of near five Hours West from London. | By Abraham Weather- wise, Gent. | *** Our kind customers are requested to observe, that the | ingenious David Rittenhouse, A.M. of this city, has | favoured us with the astronomical calculations of our Al- | manack for this year, therefore they may be most firmly | relied on. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, at the | Newest-Printing- Office, in Market-Street. [1774] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 36. h. s. p. 3132 [WELLS. (Richard)] A few | Political Reflections | sub- mitted | To the Consideration | of the | British Colonies, | by | A Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 86. a. p. s. 3133 206 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1774 WESLEY. (J.) Thoughts | upon | Slavery. | By John Wesley, A.M. | ... | . . . | .... | London, Printed: | Re-printed in Phila- delphia, with notes, | and sold by Joseph Crukshank. | MD,CC,LXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 83. h. s. p. 3134 This was printed as the second tract of Benezet's Potent Enemies of America laid open, hut is found sometimes separately. WHEATLEY. (P.) Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley. Philadelphia: ? W. and T. Bradford. 1774. 3135 Advertised in the Pa. Journal, June 15, 1774. Probably referring to the London edition. WILCOCKS. (T.) £fyoma 2Bilcod3 fbftlicfyer $onig - £ropfen au§ bent $elfeu Sfyrifto: Dber, @in furje§ 2Bort ber Srmabnung an atte unb Sunber. 2Beld;em angefydnget iff, be§ foeilanb vor; trefflicfyen ©eutfcfyen ©otteggeletnten $errn 2Iuguft german $ranten£ fyeiliger unb ®lau6en§=2Beg eine§ (Svangelifcfyen (Stiffen. 3n Snglifd) unb 2)eutfd)er Sprad)e gcbrudt. Philadelphia: Henrwh Miller, 1774. 3136 [WILSON. (James)] Considerations | on the | Nature | and the | Extent | of the | Legislative Authority | of the | British | Parliament. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. pp. iv, 35. h. s. p. 3137 WOOLMAN. (J.) A First Book for Children, A. B. C. D. &c. Much useful reading being sullied and torn by Children in Schools before they can read, this Book is intended to save unnecessary expense. By John Woolman, The Third Edition, enlarged. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Second-street; and by Benjamin Ferriss, Stationer and Bookbinder, in Wilmington. [1774 ?] 48mo. ? pp. 16 ? 3138 Title from Smith's Catalogue of Friends' Books. The year assigned is undoubtedly wrong, as Crukshank removed from Second Street in 1770. See No. 2495, supra. WOOLMAN. The | Works | of | John Woolman. | In Two Parts. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 16mo. 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 207 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Testimony of Friends in Yorkshire, pp. iii-xiv; Title to Journal, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-250 ; Title to Part II., 1 leaf; text, pp. 253-436. The special titles are as follows: A | Journal | of the | Life, Gospel Labours, | and | Christian Experiences | of that | Faithful Minister | of | Jesus Christ, | John Wool- man, | Late of Mount-Holly, in the Province of | New-Jersey. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market Street, | between | Second and Third Streets. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | -The | Works | of | John Woolman. | Part the Second. | Containing his Last Epistle and his | other Writings. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | THE | YOUNG Clerk's | Magazine: | Or, | English Law- Repository: | Containing, | A Variety of the most useful Pre- cedents | of Articles of Agreement, Bonds, Bills, Re- | cog- nizances, Releases, Letters and Warrants | of Attorney, Awards, Bills of Sale, Gifts, | Grants, Leases, Assignments, Mortgages, Sur- | renders, Jointures, Covenants, Copartner- | ships, Charter- parties, Letters of Licence, Com- | positions, Conveyances, Parti- tions, Wills, and | all other Instruments that relate to Publick | Business. | With | Necessary Directions for making Distresses for Rent, | &c. as the Law between Landlord and Tenant | now stands. | To which is added, | The Doctrine of Fines and Recoveries, and their | Forms. | Together with | Those of Com- mon Writs, Affidavits, Memorials for | registering Deeds, &c. in Middlesex; as also a | choice Collection of Declarations in the King's | Bench and Common Pleas. | The Fifth Edition, revised and corrected. | London Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re- printed by John Dunlap and Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXIV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (2); pp. 303. 1775. AN ACCOUNT of the Bap- | tisms and Burials in all the | Churches and Meetings in | Philadelphia. From Dec. 25, 1774, | to December 25, 1775. | By their respective Clerks and Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3141 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the | United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in Phi- | ladelphia, from December 25, 1774, to December 25, 1775. By | Matthew 208 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 Whitehead, and William Young, Clerks, and | Jacob Diegel, and George Stokes, Sextons. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the St. Paul's Church. Philadelphia: 1775. 3143 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials and Baptisms in the Baptist Church. Philadelphia: 1775. 3144 AN ACCOUNT of the Burials in the Second Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: 1775. 3145 ACCOUNT of the Commencement | in the | College of Philadelphia, | May 17, 1775. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] 8vo.pp. 15. THE | ACTS of Assembly | of the | Province | of | Pennsyl- vania, | Carefully compared with the Originals. | And an | Ap- pendix, | Containing such Acts, and Parts of Acts, relating to | Property, as are expired, altered or repealed. | Together with | The Royal, Proprietary, City and Borough Charters; | and the Original Concessions of the Honourable | William Penn to the First Settlers of the Province. | Published by Order of Assembly. [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street, between | Front and Second-streets. MDCCLXXV. | Folio, pp. xxi, 536, 22, (12), 3. h. s. p. 3147 Edited by Joseph Galloway. The Appendix has the following title : An | Appendix: | Containing a | Summary | of such | Acts of Assembly | As have been formerly in Force within this Province, | For Regulating of Descents, | And Trans- ferring the Property of Lands, &c. | But since expired, altered or repealed. | With Notes upon Divers of them, by the late Learned in the | Law, Chief Justice Kinsey. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. MDCCLXXV. | AN | ADDRESS | of the | Presbyterian Ministers, | of the | City of Philadelphia, | to the | Ministers | and | Presbyterian Congregations, | in the County of | | In | North Carolina. | Philadelphia: Printed MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. 8. N. y. h. s. 3148 THE ADDRESS of | Liberty, | To the Buckskins of PennsyL 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 209 vania, on hearing of the | intended Provincial Congress. | [Phila- delphia: 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3149 An anti-Revolutionary address in doggerel verses, dated " Jan. 7, 1775." THE ADDRESS of the Lords and Commons to | his Majesty, on the present State of America, &c. | [Philadelphia;] Printed by John Dunlap. [1775.] | 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3150 AN | ADDRESS | of the | Twelve United Colonies | of | North-America, | By their | Representatives | in | Congress, | To the People of | Ireland. | Philadelphia : | Printed by TP. and T. Bradford, 1775. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-10. l. c. p. 3151 ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1775. 3152 The following entries appear in Aitken's Ledger during 1775 : April 29. Matthew Clarkson for printing 100 Advertisements for Anthony Duche. June 27. Somerville and Noble for printing 200 quarto Advertisements, and 4000 Price Currents. August 3. Peter Wright for printing 400 Advertisements. September 4. Estate of John Inglis for reprinting 200 quarto Advertisements. September 9. John Willis for printing 100 Advertisements. ALEXANDER. (W.) History of Women. By William Alex- ander. Philadelphia: 1775. 12mo. 3153 Title from Haven's List. [ALLEN. (-)] An | Oration, | Upon the Beauties of Liberty; | Or the Essential Right of the Americans. | Delivered | At the Second Baptist-Church in Boston. | Upon the last Annual Thanks- giving. | Humbly dedicated to the Right-Honourable the | Earl of Dartmouth. | Published at the Request of many. | Micha VII. 3. | | | | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, in High-Street, | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 21. 3154 " Boston, Thursday, December 10, 1775. Last Thanksgiving, P.M. Mr. Allen, a British Bostonian, preached a Sermon at the Rev. Mr. Davis's Baptist Meeting House from Micah VII. 3." Essex Gazette, Dec. 15, 1775. Perhaps Jolley Allen, who is noticed in Sabine's Loyalists. THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1776. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1775. 3155 ii.-27 210 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 O bie | Cmii'vbner von | von | ®en Slbgeorbncten ber $ei> einigtcn Colonien | ■iRetvfyantyfdjdre, 9ifyobe= | Ctylanb nnb Connecticut, Item | tyorf, ber | -ftiebern CJraffdjaften an ber ©elaivare, | DJlartylanb, SBirginten, 91orb? nnb (Sub; | Carolina, itn ClenerakCongrefj ju gHjila; | pfyia, [.szc] ben 16ten WtaV, 1775. | ■Jtebft ber | SJteinung be£ @enerat=Con= greffeS, | betreffenb | Cineni Cntfcfylufj be$ ber ®e= | meinen von ©rofcbrittannien, | Von 20[ten$ebruarV, 1775. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu bekommen bey Henrich Miller, in | der Rees-strasse, 1775. | 16mo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3156 AN | ANECDOTE | Recommended to the Friends. | [Phila- delphia: 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3157 The Presbyterians in New Jersey, by raising a religious question, succeeded in de- feating a Quaker " of known Abilities and good Reputation," for a seat in the Assembly. ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britanniae, Fran- cine & Hiberniae, | Decimo Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadel- phia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1774, in | the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Eighteenth Day of March, 1775. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, at the | New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 439-464. + And from thence ... to the | Twenty-Ninth Day of June, 1775. | [Ibid.] + And from thence ... to the | Thirtieth Day of September, 1775. | [Ibid.] I have not been able to ascertain whether any of the acts passed by the last Colo- nial Assembly, which met Oct. 14, 1775, and was continued by several adjournments to Sept. 26, 1776, were ever separately printed. ARTICLES of Association in Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1775.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. + [The same in German. Ibid.] 3159 ARTICLES | of | Capitulation, | Made and entered into be- 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 211 tween Richard | Montgomery, Esquire, Brigadier Ge- | neral of the Continental Army, and the Citi- | zens and Inhabitants of Montreal . . . . | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3160 AT a Meeting of the | Committee | Of Inspection and Observa- tion of the County | of Lancaster, ... on the 29th Day of May, 1775. | Lancaster: Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's Street. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3161 Against violence to persons whose " religious tenets forbid their forming military associations." Printed also in German. BARCLAY. (R.) An Apology for the true Christian Divinity; being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doc- trines of the People called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. The Ninth Edition. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Joseph Cruk- shank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets. 1775. 8vo. pp. 574. 3162 BARTLET. (J.) The | Gentleman Farrier's Repository, | of | Elegant and approved Remedies | for the | Diseases of Horses; | In Two Books. Containing, | I. The Surgical; II. The Medical Part of | Practical Farriery; | Also, | Directions for the proper Treatment of Post | Chaise and other Horses, after violent Exer- cise. | With suitable Remarks on the Whole. | To which are now added; | Observations on broken-winded Horses, enclea- | vouring to prove the Seat of that Malady not | to be in the Lungs. | . . . | | | . | The Third Edition. | By J. Bartlet, Sur- geon. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street, between Second and Third | Streets. M,DCC,LXXV. | 12mo. pp. xii, 293; Advertisement, pp. (3). l. c. p. 3163 BAT WELL. (D.) A | Sermon, | Preached at York-Town, | Before Captain Morgan's and Captain | Price's Companies of Riile-Men, | On Thursday, July 20, 1775. | Being the Day recom- mended by the | Honorable Continental Congress | for | A Gen- eral Fast | throughout the | Twelve United Colonies | Of North- America. | By Daniel Batwell, M.A. | Published by Request. 212 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 20. l. c. p. 3164 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Remarks on the Nature and bad Effects I of Spirituous Liquors. I [Philadelphia: 1775?] 12mo. pp. 12. f. 3165 [BENEZET.] Serious Reflections affectionately recom- | mended to the Well-disposed of every | Religious Denomination, particularly | those who mourn and lament on ac- | count of the Calamities which attend | us; and the insensibility that so gene- | rally prevails. | [Philadelphia: 1775?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 3. f. 3166 [BELL. (Robert)] Proposals for Printing by Subscription, Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician, with the Elements of the Practice of Physic. By John Gregory, M.D. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1775. 3167 BIBLIA, | iff: | £)ie ganje | <5d)rift | Sllten uub Pencil £eftamentg, | 9'iacb ber teutfcfyen Ueberfefcung | D. SDlartin £uff;er3, | 9kit vorgcf extern hirfcen | eine§ jeben Gapitete, | ivie aucf) mit ridjtigen | Summanen unb Vielen Sdiriftftedcu | auf ba§ atterforgfdb tigfte Verfefyen, | Dead} benen betvafyrteften unb neuften Slufgaben | mit groffem | Sammt eiuer SBorrebe | Von | D. 3ot;ann ©ottlieb $aber, | SBurtemb. Dberfiofprebiger, Gon= fiftorials | Staff;, ©eneraD Superintenbcnten unb Slbbteu | be3 &lv[ter£ Slbelberg. Philadelphia, | zu finden bey Ernst Ludwig Baisch, | in der zweyten Strasse nahe bey der Rees-Strasse. 1775. | 8vo. pp. (32), 909, 265, (4). 3168 Title from O'Callaghan's American Bibles, which see for collation. [BURGH. (James)] The | Art | of | Speaking. | Containing, | I. An Essay; in which are given Rules for expres- | sing properly the principal Passions and Humours, | which occur in Reading, or public Speaking; | and | II. Lessons taken from the Ancients and Moderns, | (with Additions and Alterations, where thought use- | ful) exhibiting a Variety of Matter for Practice; the | emphatical Words printed in Italics; with Notes of | Direction referring to the Essay. | To which are added, | A Table of the 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 213 Lessons; | and | An Index of the various Passions and Humours | in the Essay and Lessons. | | | | | The Fourth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by P Aitken Bookseller, | opposite the London - coffee - house, | Front - street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | .... | 12mo. 299, (11). l. c. p. 3169 BURGH. Political | Disquisitions; | or, | An Enquiry into public Errors, Defects, | and Abuses. Illustrated by, and estab- lished upon | Facts and Remarks, extracted from a Variety | of Authors, Ancient and Modern. | Calculated | To draw the timely Attention of Government | and People, to a due Consideration of the | Necessity, and the Means, of Reform- | ing those Errors, Defects, and | Abuses; of Restoring the | Constitution, and Sav- | ing the State. | By J. Burgh, Gentleman; Author of the Dig- nity of | Human Nature, and other Works. | Volume the First. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street; and | William Woodhouse, in Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. pp. xxiii, (8), 486, (2). -f- Volume the Second. [Ibid.~\ pp. vii, (7), 477, (3). + Volume the Third and Last. [Ibid.~\ pp. (16), 460, (54). BURKE. (E[dmund]) Speech | of | E. Burke, Esq; | on | American Taxation, | April 19, 1774. | The Third Edition, j London, printed: | Philadelphia, reprinted and sold by Benjamin | Towne, in Front-street, near the Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. iv, 76. l. c. p. 3171 BURKE. The Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq; on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. Philadelphia: Benjamin Towne. 1775. 3172 From the advertisement in the Pa. Gazette, Sept. 20, 1775, it is prohahle that James Humphreys, jr., also reprinted both these speeches. BY an Express arrived at Philadelphia on Saturday evening, | last we have the following account of the battle at Charles- town, on Saturday the 18th of | June, Instant. | June 26th, 1775. Lancaster: Printed by Francis Bailey. | Folio, 1 leaf. ii. s. p. 3173 BY an Express just arrived, we have the following. | [Phila- delphia Printed by John Bunlap. [1775.] | 8vo. lleaf. l. c. p. 3174 214 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 Dated "Philadelphia, April 26, 1775. Wednesday, 12 o'clock." Additional particulars of the battle of Lexington, &c. BY the Lord Hyde Packet, Captain Jefferies, arrived at New- | York in six weeks from Falmouth, we have | His Majesty's most gracious | Speech, | To both Houses of Parliament. | On Wednes- day, November 30, 1774. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3175 Dated "Philadelphia, February 3, 1775." BYBNES. (Daniel) A Short Address to the English Colonies in North America, on a Fast Day. Wilminqton: 1775. Folio, pp. 2. 3176 Title from Haven's List. CARMICHAEL. (J.) A Self-defensive War lawful, proved in a Sermon, preached at Lancaster, before Captain Ross's Company of Militia, June 4, 1774, by the Rev. John Carmichael. Lancas- ter : 1775. 3177 CARMICHAEL. A | Self-defensive War | Lawful, | proved in | A Sermon, | Preached at Lancaster, before Captain Ross's | Company of Militia, in the Presbyterian | Church, on Sabbath Morning, June 4, 1775. | By the Rev. John Carmichael, A.M. | Now published at the Request of the Author, and corrected by | himself from the Copy printed at Lancaster; | Humbly offered to the Perusal of the Military Asso- | ciators of the City, Liberties and County of Phi- | ladelphia. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed [by Henry Miller] for and Sold by John Dean, Bookbinder, | in Laetitia-Court. 1775. | 8vo. pp. 34. 3178 CATALOGUE. The | Second Part | of the | Catalogue | of | Books, | of the | Library Company | of | Philadelphia. | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by R. Aitken, Bookseller, opposite | the London Coffee-House, Front-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 67. 3179 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction by Robert Bell, January 18, 1775. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1775. 3180 Bell advertised another sale to take place on Nov. 23, 1775. 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 215 [CHANDLER. (Thomas Bradbury)] The Strictures on the Friendly Address examined, and a refutation of its principles at- tempted. Addressed to the People of America. Philadelphia: 1775. 8vo. pp. 14. Two editions. 3181 Title from Haven's List, where the same tract is also attributed to Lieut. Henry Barry. Haven has probably followed a very slovenly piece of work in Sabin's Dic- tionary. Under T. B. Chandler, Sabin has given a title as above, but with the follow- ing imprints, &c.: " Printed in the Year 1775, 8vo, pp. 14. -}- [Another edition.] Philadelphia. 1775. 8vo.," and adds P, meaning that these pamphlets are in the Philadelphia Library. That Library possesses four or five copies of a tract (proba- bly by Lieut. Henry Barry) with the following title : The | General, | attacked | By a Subaltern: | Or the | Strictures | on | The Friendly Address | Examined, | and | a Refutation of its Principles | attempted. | Addressed to the People of America. | . . . . | Boston, Printed: | New-York, re-printed by James Rivington. [n. d.] | 8vo. pp. 11. From this it is apparent where Sabin's title came from. The Philadelphia Library also contains four or five copies of an edition of Lee's reply to Chandler, with the following title and imprint: Strictures | on a | Pamphlet, | entitled | a | " Friendly Address | to | All Reasonable Americans, | on the | Subject of our Political Confusions." | Addressed to the | People of America. | | | Printed in the Year 1775. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf, pp. 15-25. Paging and signatures in continuation of Barry's tract, the title and first two pages forming the last four pages of sheet B. This shows the source of Sabin's first imprint. Whoever made up the title for him had a pamphlet containing two tracts on oppo- site sides of a question (each of which has a title-page), and took part of the title of the first tract and the imprint of the second to make up his description. This style of cataloguing recalls acriticism on Macaulay's way of handling the evidence against Sir Elijah Impey, which the critic said was very much the same as if we added to a verse in the New Testament which says, " And Judas went and hanged himself," Christ's command on another occasion, " Go thou and do likewise." CHEW. (S.) The | Speech | of | Samuel Chew, Esq. | Chief Judge of the Counties of Newcastle, Kent and | Sussex, on Dela- ware. | On the | Lawfulness of Defence against an | armed Enemy. | Delivered from the Bench to the Grand | Jury of the County of Newcastle, | Nov. 21,1741. | First Published at the request of said Grand Jury; and now re-pub- | lished by desire of several Gen- tlemen. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by P. Aitken, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3182 COOMBE. ([Thomas]) Edwin: | Or the | Emigrant. | An Eclogue. | To which are added | Three Other Poetical Sketches. | By the Rev. Mr. Coombe. | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 4to. pp. 24. 3183 216 1775 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS COOMBE. A | Sermon | Preached before the Congregations of | Christ Church and St. Peter's, | Philadelphia, | On Thursday, July 20, 1775. | Being the Day recommended by the | Honorable Continental Congress | for | A General Fast | throughout the | Twelve United Colonies | Of North-America. | By Thomas Coombe, M.A. | Chaplain to the Most Noble the Marquis | of Rockingham. | Published by Request. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-29. ii. s. p. 3184 There was a second edition, which differs only from the first in the substitution on the title-page of "The Second Edition," for "Printed by Request." It was re- printed at Newport, Rhode Island. For a notice of the author, see Appendix to In- scriptions in St. Peter's Church-Yard, Philadelphia, 1879. THE | CRISIS. | Number I. | [Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1775.] 8vo. pp. 8. + Number XIV. | Saturday, April 22, 1775. | [lbid.~\ pp. 113-119. + Number XV. l. c. p. 3185 This is a reprint of an English publication very strongly in favor of the Americans, of which Towne reprinted the fifteen numbers of eight pages each. I have seen only fourteen. The fifteenth was advertised in the Pa. Evening Post, Nov. 25, 1775. A second edition of the following title was advertised by Towne, Nov. 23, 1775. A | CRISIS | Extraordinary. | Wednesday, August 9, 1775. | [Philadelphia : B. Towne. 1775.] 8vo.pp. 16. l. c. p. 3186 CROWLEY. (A.) Some Expressions of Ann Crowley, daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary Crowley, of London, during her last illness. With an introductory Testimony concerning her, from the family. Philadelphia? Joseph Crukshank? 1775. 3187 Advertised in the Pa. Packet, Feb. 6, 1775, as "just published by Joseph Cruk- shank, and may be had of Isaac Collins, in Burlington." I have seen a " Third Edi- tion" of this tract, "Burlington: Printed by Isaac Collins. 1775." The first and second editions were published in London in 1774, and it is not unlikely that Cruk- shank's advertisement refers to Collins's edition. CULLEN. (W.) Lectures | on the | Materia Medica, | as delivered | By William Cullen, M.D. | Professor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh. | Now Published by Permission of the Author, | And with many Corrections from the Collation of 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 217 different | Manuscripts by the Editors. | America : | Printed for the Subscribers, by Pobert Bell, | next Door to St. Paul's Church, Third- Street, Philadelphia. | MDCCLXXV. | 4to. pp. i-viii, 1-512. 3188 A | DECLARATION | by the | Representatives | of the | United Colonies | of | North-America, | now met in | General Congress | at | Philadelphia, | Seting [.szc] forth the Causes and Necessity of their | taking up | Arms. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, 1775. | 8vo. pp. (2), 13. n. s. p. 3189 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Decimo Quarto | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly | begun at New-Castle, in the Govern- | ment of the Counties of New-Castle, | Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, the | Twentieth Day of October, in the | Four- teenth Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord George the | Third, King of Great-Britain, &c. | Annoque Domini 1774, (and continu- | ed by Adjournments to the Twenty- | first of August following) the follow- | ing Acts were passed by the Ho- | norable John Penn, Esq; Gover- | nor. | [Wilmington: James Adams. 1775.] Folio, pp. 301-351. c. 3190 DELAWARE. Anno Regni Decimo Quinto | Georgii III. Regis. | At a General Assembly be- | gun at New-Castle, in the Government | of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and | Sussex, upon Delaware, the Twentieth | Day of October, in the Fifteenth Year | of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George the Third, King of Great- | Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1775, the | fol- lowing Act was passed by the Ho- | norable John Penn, Esq; Governor. | [ Wilmington : James Adams. 1775.] Folio, pp. 353- 355, 336-337 [for 356-357]. c. 3191 The last Law passed in the Three Lower Counties, under the Provincial Govern- ment. The error in the paging is continued in the Laws of the next Assembly, which sat from Oct. 28, 1776, to Feb. 22, 1777. A DESCANT on the Command, Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. Written in a Letter to a Friend. By a Wellwisher to Truth. Wherein the Ministerial Office is considered in a just Light. Philadelphia: Robert Bell? 1775. " 3192 n.-28 218 1775 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1775. 3193 Aitken's Ledger shows sales of 3000 copies in January and February, 1775. DIRECTIONS | For Manouvres, to be Performed by the Brigade composed | of the Three City Battalions, on Tuesday, the Fourteenth | of November, 1775. | \Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3194 [DODSLEY. (Robert)] The Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land from the Reign of William the Conqueror (first King of England) down to his present Majesty George the Third. By Nathan Ben-Saddi. Lancaster: Stewart Herbert, jun. 177b. Phil- adelphia: Robert Bell and Benjamin Towne. 1775. 3195 DUCHE. (J.) The | American Vine, | A | Sermon, | Preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, | before the honourable | Conti- nental Congress, | July 20th, 1775. | Being the day recommended by them | For a General Fast | throughout the | United Eng- lish Colonies | of America. | By the Reverend | Jacob Duche, M.A. | Philadelphia. | Printed by James Humphreys, junior. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 34. h. s. p. 3196 DUCIlfL The Duty of Standing Fast in our | Spiritual and Temporal | Liberties, | A | Sermon, | Preached in Christ-Church, | July 7th, 1775. | Before the First Battalion of the City | and Liberties of Philadelphia; | And now published at their Request. | By the Reverend | Jacob Duche, M.A. | Philadelphia. | Printed and Sold by | James Humphreys, junior, \ The Corner of Black-horse Alley, Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. (4), iv, 25. 3197 AN | EARNEST Address | to such of | The People called Quakers | As are Sincerely Desirous of | Supporting and Main- taining | the | Christian Testimony | of their | Ancestors. | Occa- sioned by aPiece, intituled, | " The Testimony of the People Called Quakers, given | forth by a Meeting of the Representatives | of said People, in Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, | held at Philadel- phia the Twenty-fourth Day of | the First Month, 1775." | . . . | 1775 219 IN PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia, I Printed for John Douqlas JPDouqal, 1775. I Sm. 8vo. pp. 56. n. s. p. 3198 ELLWOOD. (T.) The | History | of the | Life | of | Thomas Ellwood: | Or, | An Account of his Birth, Education, &c. | with divers Observations on his Life and Manners when a | Youth: And how he came to be convinced of the Truth; | with his many Sufferings and Services for the same. | Also, | Several other re- markable Passages and Occurrences. | Written by his own Hand. | To which is added, | A Supplement | by J[oseph] W[yeth.] . . . . | The Fourth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 16mo. pp. 24, 360. 3199 ENSLIN. (Gr. E.) | ber | ©vangelien unb Gpifteln. | Dber: | $erbinbung | bet | eVangelifd)= unb epiftolifcbeu £ejte | auf aHe | $efte, Sonus unb getyertage, | nebft einigen | | entlvorfen von | M. (Beorg Graft GnSlin, | yi SBolfenfyaufen ofyniveit Tubingen. | Skit einer SSorrebe von | L>. (S£;riftopb Sartorius, | orbentlicfyen bfentlicfyen fiefjrer ber ®otteSgela[>rt= fyeit, and) Superattenbenten | beS Stiffs in Tubingen. | Skit gndb. (Benelynigung beS 2Burtembergifd)en Gonfiftorii. | Phila- delphia : | Bey Ernst Inidwig Baisch, in der zweyten Strasse nahe der Bees-Strasse. | MDCCLXXV. | Sq. 8vo. pp. (16), 708, 142, 1 leaf. Printed in Germany, as were the Bible and Hymn-Book sold by Baisch. AN | EPISTLE | from the | Meeting for Sufferings, | Held in Philadelphia for Pennsylvania and | New-Jersey, the 5th Day of the First Month | 1775; | To our Friends and Brethren in these and the | adjacent Provinces. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio,pp. 3. THE | EPISTLE | from the | Meeting for Sufferings in Lon- don. | To Friends and Brethren in New-England. | [Followed by] The Epistle from the Yearly-Meeting held in London by Ad- | journments, from the 5th of the 6th Month, 1775, to the 10th | of the same, inclusive. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, pp. (2). f. 3202 THE | EPISTLE | from the | Yearly-Meeting, | Held in Lon- don, by Adjournments, from | the 5th of the Sixth Month, 1775, to 220 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 the | 10th of the same, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and Monthly- Meetings of Friends | in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. | \Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, pp. (4). f. 3203 AN | ESSAY | upon | Government, | adopted by | The Ameri- cans. | Wherein, | The lawfulness of revolutions, are De- | mon- strated in a Chain of consequences | from the Fundamental Prin- ciples of society. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by the Booksellers. | MDCCLXXV. | 12mo. pp. 125. h. s. p. 3204 AN | EXERCISE; | Containing, | a | Dialogue and Two Odes | Set to Music, | for the | Public Commencement, | in the | Col- lege of Philadelphia, | May 17th, 1775. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3205 AN EXPRESS arrived at Five O'clock this Evening, by which we have the | following Advices ; | Watertown, Wednesday Morn- ing, near ten of the clock. | To all Friends of American Liberty, . . . . | Lancaster: Printed by Francis Bailey. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3206 Dated " Philadelphia, April 25th, 1775." This account of the Battle of Lexing- ton was issued at Lancaster on April 26th. EXTRACT of a letter wrote by the Earl of Essex, to his | par- ticular friend the Earl of Southampton, some- | time before his death. | \_Philadelphia: 1775?] 12mo. pp. 12. f. 3207 One of Benezet's numerous tracts, published without date. It contains besides extracts from letters by John Locke, Count Oxenstiern, David Brainerd, and others, Locke's Universal Prayer and The Hermit, a Poem. EXTRACTS | from the | Votes and Proceedings | Of the American Continental | Congress, | Held at Philadelphia, Septem- ber 5, 1774. | Containing | The Bill of Rights, a List of Griev- ances, | Occasional Resolves, the Association, an | Address to the People of Great-Britain, | A Memorial to the Inhabitants of the | British American Colonies, and a Petition | to the King. | To which is added, | The Proceedings of the | Provincial Convention, | Held at Philadelphia, January 23,1775. | Published by order of 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 221 the Provincial Convention. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 80. h. s. p. 3208 FATHER Abraham's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1776 ; | Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania, | and the neighbour- ing Provinces. | Containing, | A great Variety of useful Lists | and Tables. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by J. Dunlap, at | the Newest Printing-Office, in | Market-street. [1775.] | 24mo. pp. (48). LA FERME | de | Pensylvanie. | Les Avantages | De la Vertu. | Plan | D' Instruction | Pour le Peuple; | Avec quelques Observations sur la Liberte | du Commerce des Grains. | . . . . | A Philadelphie, | Et a Paris, | Chez Ribou, Libraire, Cloitre Saint- Germain VAuxerrois, attenant VEglise | a la Nouveaute. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 24mo. pp. xii, 96. n. s. p. 3210 FOX. (T.) The Wilmington Almanac for 1776. By Thomas Fox. Wilmington: James Adams. 1775. 3211 [FRENEAU. (Philip)] A I Voyage I to I Boston. I A I Poem. | | | | | | | By the Author of American Liberty, a Poem: General | Gage's Soliloquy, &c. | Philadelphia : | [Printed by Benjamin Towne.'] Sold by William Wood- house, | in Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 24. 3212 FRESH Intelligence. | Monday, November 6, 1775. | Philadel- phia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3213 Probably issued as a Postscript to the Pa. Packet. An account of Lord Dun- more's proceedings in Virginia. [GALLOWAY. (Joseph)] A Plan of a proposed Union be- tween Great Britain and the Colonies. Philadelphia ? 1775. 3214 Title from Haven's List, where, however, it is erroneously attributed to Samuel Galloway. This mistake is probably copied from the title of the London edition of Chandler's " What think ye of the Congress now ?" This plan was laid before Con- gress Sept. 28, 1774. It was reprinted in "Observation," &c., No. 3427, as "First printed at New York." LES GOUT Anecdotes. A Philadelphie : Fleury Mesplet. 1775. 222 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 GREGORY. ([John]) A | Father's Legacy | to his | Daughters. | By the late | Dr. Gregory, | Of Edinburgh. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Pe-printed by John Dunlap, | In Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. i-viii, 1 leaf, 1-132. n. s. p. 3216 HANCOCK. (J.) An | Oration: | Delivered March 5, 1774 | at the | Request of the Inhabitants | of the | Town of Boston: | To Commemorate the Bloody | Tragedy of the Fifth of | March, 1770. | By the Honorable John | Hancock, Esquire. | Philadelphia: J. Douglas M'Dougall, 1775. 8vo. pp. 24. 3217 HANSON. (T.) The | Prussian Evolutions | in | Actual En- gagements; | both in | Platoons, Sub, and Grand-Divisions; | Ex- plaining, | All the different Evolutions, and Manoeuvres, in Firing, | Standing, Advancing, and Retreating, which | were exhibitted before his present Majesty, | May 8, 1769; and before John Duke of | Argyle, on the Links of Leith, near | Edenburgh, in 1771. | With some Additions, since that Time, | explained with Thirty Folio Copper-Plates. | To which is added, | The Prussian Manual Exercise: | Also | The Theory and some Practices of Gunnery. | By Thomas Hanson, Adjutant to the 2d Battalion. | And Teacher of part of the American Militia. | Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, by J. Doug- | lass McDougall, Printer, Book-biner and Sta- tioner, at | his Shop in Chestnut-Street, three Doors below Second- | Street. [1775.] | Sq. 8vo. h. s. p. 3218 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 page ; List of Subscribers, pp. (5); Preface, pp. i.-iv. ; text, pp. 1-64; Second title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-56 ; 30 folded plates. The second title reads : Book | The Second, | containing | The Theory and Practice | of | Gunnery. | With some Methods | of the | English Larbartary. | Philadelphia: | Printed for Thomas Hanson, by J. Douglas | M' Dougall, Printer, Book-binder and Stationer | at his Shop in Chestnut-Street, three Doors below | Second-Street. | HAUSAM, (A.) S. CULBERTSON and J. SMITH. [Phila- delphia: 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3219 Three depositions, dated " May 26, 1775," subscribed by Anthony Hausam, Sam- uel Culbertson, and Jacob Smith, before Isaac Davis, " one of his Majesty's Justices for" Chester County, setting forth that " William Moore, of Moore Hall, had said that some of the Congress had taken into their Heads to send an Army against the King's Troops, for which they were Fools and damned Rascals ; and that Moore said the People of Boston were a vile set of Rebels, that he wondered the Magistrates of 1775 223 IN PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia did not commit every man to Prison who associated or mustered, that he was determined to commit to Prison every person who would associate near him, if they should be sixty," &c. HILL. (J[ohn]) The | Old Man's Guide | To | Health and Longer Life: | With Rules for | Diet, Exercise, and Physic ; | for | Preserving a Good Constitution | and | Preventing Disorders in a Bad One. | By J. Hill, M.D. | Member of the Imperial Academy. | London, Printed; | Philadelphia: Re-Printed by John Dunlap, | In Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 48. l. c. p. 3220 | .SqD&Sq s ©eutf(f)= | 2Imericanifd)e | (Salenber, | 2Iuf ba3 | | | 1776. | (2Belcfye3 ein von 366 £agen ift.) | | | | | | | | | | | | . | 3nm acfd unb mat (jeraug gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . . [1775.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 3221 HUGHES. (J.) Letters | of | Abelard | and | Heloise. | To which is prefix'd a particular Account of their | Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes. | By the late John Hughes, Esq. | To which is now first added, | The Poem of Eloisa to Abelard. | By Mr. Pope. | Philadelphia: | Printed for Samuel Delap. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 12mo. pp. 124, 1 plate. 3222 HUNT. (I.) The | Political Family: | Or a | Discourse | pointing out the | Reciprocal Advantages, | Which flow from an uninterrupted Union between | Great-Britain and her Amer- ican Colonies. | By Isaac Hunt, Esquire. | Numb. I. | [Cut.] | Phil- adelphia: | Printed, Dy Janies Humphreys, junior. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. 32. l. c. p. 3223 The cut on the title is an engraving of two pitchers at sea, with the motto, "If we strike we break." IN Congress, | Monday, June 12, 1775. | Philadelphia: Printed by William dp Thomas Bradford. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3224 Recommending the observance of Thursday, July 20th, as a day of " Humilia- tion, Fasting, and Prayer." 224 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 IN Congress, June 12, 1775. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3225 Recommendation by Congress that July 20th be observed as a Fast-Day, and an address " To the oppressed Inhabitants of Canada." Dated " Philadelphia, June 15." IN Congress. | December 6, 1775. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by J. Dunlap. [1775.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3226 In answer to a " Proclamation issued from the Court of St. James's on the Twenty- Third day of August last." | | unb | £iebe§ = Uebung | finer Seelen gegen ®ott | unb beffen (Begemvart. | fturb unb einfaltig entroorffen unb | angetoiefen | Sion unb vor eine Seele, fo nacfy (Bob | te£ (Begenivart unb Slereinigung | burd) [cine ©nabe ift begierig | roorben. | Partheno- polis: [Ephrata.-] Gedruckt Anno 1775, | vor Jacob Kimmel. | 16mo. pp. 80. ii. s. p. 3227 JONES. (D.) Defensive War in a just Cause | Sinless. | A Sermon, | Preached | On the Day of the Continental Fast, | at | Tredyffryn, in Chester County, | by | The Rev.d | David Jones, A.M. Published by Request. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller. 1775. | 8vo. pp. 27. h. s. p. 3228 JOURNAL | of the | Proceedings | of the | Congress, | held at | Philadelphia, | May 10, 1775. | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and. Sold, by William and Thomas | Bradford, at the London Coffee- House. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; List of Delegates, pp. iv; text, pp. 1-239. h. s. p. 3229 | | Von ben | ber | fur bie | | NB. ©iefe Sdfrif tift crftlid) al§ ein Slnfyang 311 finer | gebnnft tvorben, betitelt, ®efe£ ber gretyfyeit, iveld)e bet; bent ©ruder in (Snglifcf) | ju fyaben ift. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu haben bey Henrich Miller. 1775. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3230 LEE. (Charles) Letters of Major-General Lee to Earl Percy and General Burgoyne; with their Answers. Philadelphia? James Humphreys, junr. 1775. 3231 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 225 Advertised with the Speeches of Edmund Burke (see Numbers 3171 and 3172, supra) in the Pa. Ledger, Oct. 21, 1775. As the latter probably refer to pamphlets printed by Towne, the above perhaps has reference to Rivington's edition of these Letters. | I her | SBriiber- (Semeiue | fur ba3 $afyr | 1776. | ©ntfyaltenb | tauter SBorte unfer§ lieben £errn | uub | .... | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1775. | 8vo. pp. (68). h. s. p. 3232 LETTRE | Addressee | AuxIIabitans | Opprimes de la Province | de | Quebec. | De la port du Congres General de 1'Amerique Sep- | tentrionale, tenu A Philadelphie. | Fleury Mesplet. 1775.] 8vo. pp. 7. l. c. p. 3233 THE | LIEE | of the late | Earl of Chesterfield: | Or, the | Man of the World. | Including | His Lordship's principal Speeches in Parlia- | ment; his most admired Essays in the Paper | called The World; his Poems; and the | Substance of the System of Education | Delivered in a | Series of Letters to his Son. | Lon- don, Printed: | Philadelphia, Pe-printed for John Sparhawk. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. iv, 388. h. s. p. 3234 LOWTH. (R.) A | Short | Introduction | to | English | Gram- mar. | With | Critical Notes. | By the Right Reverend | Robert Lowth, D.D. | Lord Bishop of Oxford. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by R. Aitken Bookseller, opposite the London | Coffee-House, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 12mo. pp. xii, 132. H. s. P. 3235 MAGAW. (S.) A | Discourse | Preached in Christ-Church, | Philadelphia, | On Sunday, October 8th, 1775. | By the Rev. Sam- uel Magaw, M.A. | of Kent County, on Delaware. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Story and Humphreys, | in Norris's Alley, near Front-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 14. h. s. p. 3236 THE | MANUAL Exercise, | As Ordered by His | Majesty, | In 1764. | Together with | Plans and Explanations, | of the Method generally practis'd | at | Reviews and Field-Days, &c. | Wilmington, | Printed by James Adams, at his Printing-Office | in High-street, M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 37, (2?). h. s. p. 3237 II.-29 226 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 THE | MANUAL | Exercise, | As Ordered by His | Majesty, In 1764. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold, by William and Thomas Bradford, at the London Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. 8 +. n. y. h. s. 3238 THE MANUAL Exercise as ordered by his Majesty in 1764. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1775. 3239 THE | MANUAL Exercise, | As Ordered by His | Majesty, | In 1764. | Together with | Plans and Explanations, | of the Method generally practised | at | Reviews and Field-Days, &c. | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 3240 THE | MIDDLE Line: | Or, | An Attempt | to | Furnish Some Ilints | For ending the | Differences | subsisting | Between Great- Britain and the Colonies. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-Street. M.DCC.LXXV. | 12mo. pp. 48. l. c. p. 3241 MINUTES | of the | Philadelphian Association | In MDCCLXXV. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller. [1775.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. 11. 3242 MONTGOMERY. (J.) A | Sermon, | preached at | Christiana Bridge and Newcastle, | The 20th of July, 1775. | Being the day appointed by the | Continental Congress, | As a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, | and Prayer. | Published by Request. | By Joseph Montgomery, A.M. | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, junr. | The Corner of Black-Horse Alley, Front-street. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. pp. 30. h. s. p. 3243 MORE, (Hannah) and [Edmund] CARTWRIGHT. The Search after Happiness, A Pastoral Drama. By Miss Hannah More. With Armine and Elvira, A Legendary Tale, in Two Parts. By Mr. Cartwright. The Second Edition. Philadelphia : James Humphreys, jun. 1775. 3244 ©SIS SICUS | ©eftament | unferS | £>errn unb $etylanbe§ | Sfyrifti, | Siad) ber ©eutfd)en Ueberfefcung | D. Martin Sutlers, | tnit 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 227 furgem | eine§ jeben Cartels, | unb vottftanbiger | Slntoeifung gleidter ®d; rift; Stetten. | 2Bie and) | alter Sonus unb g-eftddgigen | ©Vangelien unb Spifteln. | Siebente Sluflage. | Germantown, | Gedruckt and zufinden bey Christoph Saur, 1775. | 16mo. pp. 529, (3). 3245 According to O'Callaghan, some copies of this edition are incorrectly called 11 Sechte Auflage." ©691 ItCUCSxC, 91erbeffert= unb 3uberldfnge | 2Imericdnifdje | 6alenber | 2Iuf bag 1776fte 3abr 6l;rifti, | 2Beld;cg ein Von 366 ©agen ift. | [12 lines.] | 3um SBiergefyntenmal fyerauggegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, . . . | | | | . [1775.] | 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 3246 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1775. 3247 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1775. 3248 THE NEW-YEAR | Verses, | Of Those who Carry the | Penn- sylvania Packet | To the Customers. | Philadelphia, January, 1775. | [Philadelphia : John Punlap. 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3249 ©3© | | Von bem | 2Bunber=2Befen | (Sotteg | vor, in unb nadj ber Sd;bpfung, | gum | Scfyauen, (Blauben unb Ser; trauen | an ben | ivafyren einigen (Bott. | Serfen vorgeftettet, | unb auf | Segeliren unb Soften guter $reunbe gum | ©rud befbrbert. | Anno 1775. | 12mo. pp. 48. h. s. p. 3250 This title is included in Seidensticker's Bibliography. In my opinion it was printed in Germany. PENN. (W.) Argumentum ad Hominem: | Being an ] Extract | From a Piece intitled, | England's present Interest considered, | with | Honour to the Prince, | and | Safety to the People. | In Answer to this one Question: | What is most Fit, Easy and Safe at this Juncture of Affairs to | be done, for quiet- ing of Differences, allaying the Heat of | contrary Interests, and making them subservient to the | Interest of the Government, and consistent with the Pros- | perity of the Kingdom? | By 228 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 William Penn, | Founder of the Province of Pennsylvania. | To which are added, | Some Extracts from the Writings | of divers Authors, more particularly re- | commended to the Notice of the People | called Quakers. | Philadelphia: | Printed \by John Dunlap ?] in the Year M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 28. h. s. p. 3251 THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Evening Post. | MDCCLXXV. | Volume I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Towne, in Front- Street. [1775.] | 4to. pp. (2), 604. 3252 Published on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 3253 Numbers 2402 (Jan. 4, 1775) to 2453 (Dec. 27, 1775), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of four pages to Numbers 2409, 2413, and 2416, and of two pages to all the others except 2407, 2448, 2450, 2452, and 2453; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Num- bers 2418, 2429, and 2445, and of two pages to Numbers 2406, 2411, 2416, and 2418. Title and imprint as in No. 2913, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 3254 Numbers 1674 (Jan. 4, 1775) to 1725 (Dec. 27, 1775), four pages each, with extra half-sheets of two pages to Numbers 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1684, 1685,1687, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1697,1698, 1701, 1703, 1705, 1710, and 1712; "Supplements" of two pages to Numbers 1678, 1682, 1683, 1686, 1689, 1690, and 1700 ; " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 1678, 1679, and 1690 ; and of two pages to Numbers 1683 (March 8), 1683 (March 9), and 1688. No. 1709 is misnumbered 1708. Title with the cut of the divided snake until 1715, when the old cut was rein- troduced. Imprint as in No. 2317, supra. January 28, 1775. Numb. I. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA : Ledger: | Or the Virginia, Maryland, • Pennsylvania, & New- Jersey | Weekly : Advertiser. | Saturday, : January 28, 1775. | Philadelphia : Printed by James Humphreys, junr. in Front-street, at the Corner of Black- | horse Alley:-Where Essays, Articles of News, Advertisements, fc. are gratefully received and impartially inserted. | Folio. 3255 Number I. (Jan. 28,1775) to XLIX. (Dec. 30, 1775), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of one leaf to Numbers 5 and 6, and of two pages to Numbers 3, 8, 12, and 25. A cut of the royal arms divides the title, as indicated by the dotted lines. In No. 2 the words, " And | where Subscriptions are taken in for this Paper, at Ten Shillings per Year," were added to imprint. 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 229 THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Magazine : | Or, | American | Monthly Museum. | MDCCLXXV. | Volume I. [Vignette.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by B. Aitken, printer and bookseller, | opposite the London Coffee-house, Front-street. [1775.] | 8vo. pp. 625; Index, pp. (5); 15 plates. h. s. p. 3256 THE PENNSYLVANIA Mercury. Philadelphia: Printed by Storey and Humphreys. Folio. 3257 This paper was begun in April, 1775, and was discontinued in December, the publishers having been burnt out. See Thomas's History of Printing. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 3258 Numbers 167 (Jan. 2,1775) to 208 (Dec. 25, 1775), four pages each, with " Post- scripts" of one leaf to Numbers 171, 202, 207, and 216; of two pages to Numbers 173, 175, 176, 177, 179 to 183, 186, 187 (two Postscripts, one dated " May 24"), 188, 191, 193, 194, 195, 198 to 201, 204, and 211; and one of four pages to No. 182. Title and imprint as in No. 3076, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1776. Philadel- phia: IE and T. Bradford. 1775. 3259 THE | PETITION | of the [ Continental Congress | to the | King. | And | General Gage's Letter | to the Honorable | Peyton Randolph, Esq; | In Answer to one wrote by the Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by 'William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 133- 144. ' 3260 An Appendix to the Journals of the Congress of 1774. THE PHILADELPHIA Newest Almanac for 1776. Phila- delphia : Robert Aitken. 1775. 3261 [PHIPPS. (Joseph)] To the Youth | of | Norwich Meeting. | \Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1775.] Sm. 12mo. pp. 12. F. 3262 The first page contains a preface dated " Lancaster | Quarterly-Meeting. | First Month, 1775." PITT, (William - Earl of Chatham.) The | Speech, | Of the Right Honourable | The Earl of Chatham, | in the | House of 230 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 Lords, | January 20th, 1775. | On a Motion for an Address to His | Majesty, to give immediate orders for remov- | ing his Troops from Boston forthwith, in order | to quiet the minds and take away the apprehensions of | His good Subjects in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3263 PITT. | (SJrafen Von (Hjatliam | 9lebe, | gefyalten | im £aufe bet £orb3, | ben 20ftcn Jenner, 1775, | $ety ©elegenfyeit eine§ SBorfcfylagg, | ju einer | 2Ibbreffe an Seine SJlajeftat ben $bnig, | ®afc berfelbe unverjitglid) 33efet;Ie ertfyeilen mbge | feine £ruppen von 33ofton fogleid) tvegjujie= | fyen, urn bie ©emntfyer feiner gnten Unter= tfyanen | in America ju berufngen, unb ifne 33eforgniffe | au§ bem 2Bege ju fcfyaffen. I Philadelphia, | Gedruckt and zu haben bey Henrich Miller, in der | Pees-strasse. 1775. | 3264 POOR Will's Almanac for 1776. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1775. 3265 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1776. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1775. 3266 PORTEUS. (B.) A Review of the Life and Character of Arch- bishop Seeker. By Beilby Porteus, D.D. Philadelphia:? 1775. From some entries in Robert Aitken's Ledger it seems possible that an edition was printed in Philadelphia, but they may have referred to that printed in New York in 1773, or to a London edition. THE | PRESENT Situation | of | Affairs in North-America. | A Poem. | [Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1775.] 8vo. pp. 8. 3268 PROCEEDINGS | of the | Convention, | for the | Province | of | Pennsylvania, | held at | Philadelphia, | January 23, 1775, and continued | by Adjournments, to the 28th. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, | at the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 10. l. c. p. 3269 PROCLAMATION. G. [Boyal Arms.] R. | By the Honoura- ble | John Penn, Esquire, | . . . | . . . | A Proclamation. | Phila- 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 231 delphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. [1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3270 Dated "April 8, 1775." Eevoking the Proclamation of Nov. 2, 1774, and re- proclaiming the extension of authority to the Maryland Lines. [RAYNAL. (William Thomas Francis)] The | Sentiments | of a | Foreigner, | on the | Disputes | of | Great-Britain with America. | Translated from the French | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, junior; | in Front-Street. M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 27, (1). h. s. p. 3271 RESOLUTIONS directing the Mode of Levying Taxes on Non- Associators in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1775. Printed in English and German by order of the Assembly. Minutes Nov. 25, 1775. RITTENHOUSE. (D.) An | Oration, | Delivered February 24, 1775, | before the | American | Philosophical Society, | held at | Philadelphia, | for promoting | Useful Knowledge. | By David Rit- tenhouse, M.A. | Member of the said Society. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 4to. pp. 27. h. s. p. 3273 [ROBINSON, (Matthew - Baron Rokeby.)] Appendix | to the | Considerations | on the | Measures Carrying On | with re- spect to the | British Colonies | in | North America. | Philadelphia. | Reprinted and Sold by Benjamin Towne, | near the Coffee-House. M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 19. l. c. p. 3274 ROMANS. (B.) It is Proposed to Print, | A | . . . | Map, | From Boston to Worcester, Pro- | vidence and Salem. | Shewing the Seat of the present unhappy Civil War in | North-America. | Author, Bernard Romans. | [Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1775.] 8vo. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3275 Dated "Philadelphia, July 12, 1775." RULES | and | Articles, | for the better | Government | of the | Troops | Raised, or to be raised, and kept in pay by and at | 232 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 the joint Expence of the | Twelve united English Colonies | of | North-America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, 1775. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3276 RULES | For establishing Rank of | Precedence amongst the | Pennsylvania Associators. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1775.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 12. h. s. p. 3277 Also printed in German, as were Numbers 3159 and 3272, supra. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1776. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1775. 3278 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Alma- nack | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | . . . | . ... | ... | . . . | For the | Year of our Lord 1776: | Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. | . . . | | | | | | | | .... | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1775.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3279 [SAYRE. (John)] From the | New-York Journal. | [Philadel- phia: 1775.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 6. f. 3280 The Rev. John Sayre's letter to the Committee of Fairfield, Conn., giving his reasons for refusing to sign the " Continental Association." Probably reprinted for Anthony Benezet. I be§ | (Sbangelifd) = £utl)erifd) unb Sleformirten | | ioie aud) | ber Seaniten ber 5£eutfd)en ($efeUfd)aft | in ber Stabt iptn(abefy(na, | an bie | £eutfd)en ©intoofyner | ber binjen | bon ''Reiotyorf unb 97orb=Sarolina. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees-strasse, | 1775. | 16mo. pp. 40. 3281 THE SEVERAL Assemblies of New Jersey, | Pennsylvania and Virginia, having re- | ferred to the Congress a resolution of the House of | Commons of Great Britain, which resolution | is in these words: | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1775.] 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3282 The resolution (which expressed the sentiments of the House of Commons in regard to the taxes imposed by Colonial Assemblies being approved by the King) is followed by the opinion of Congress, signed John Hancock, and dated "July 31, 1775." 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 233 SEVERAL Methods | of making | Salt-Petre; | recommended to the | Inhabitants | of the | United Colonies, | by their | Repre- sentatives | In Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by TP. and T. Bradford. 1775. | 8vo. pp. 12. l. c. p. 3283 In Haven's List the authorship of this tract is attributed to W. Shewell. SHARP. (A.) ©er (SJcinfc QSerbefferte Dffirb = 2lmericcniifdje (Salenbcr, auf bcO 1776fie $afyr (Sfyrifti. gum Srftenmal fyerauSgegebeu unb berfertiget VonSIutfyonl; Sfyarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1775. 3284 SHARP. The Lancaster Almanac for 1776. By Anthony Sharp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1775. 3285 [SHIPLEY. (Jonathan)] A Speech Intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charter of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Bishop of St. Asaph. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1775. 3286 A SHORT and sincere Declaration, | To our Honorable As- sembly, and all others in high or low Station of Admi- | nistra- tion, and to all Friends and Inhabitants of this Country, to whose I Sio-ht this may come, be they English or Germans. I [n. p. 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3287 A Mennonite protest against military service, presented to the Assembly Nov. 7, 1775. SMITH. (W.) A | Sermon | On the Present Situation of | American Affairs. | Preached in Christ-Church, | June 23, 1775. | At the Request of the Officers of the | Third Battailion of the City of | Philadelphia, and District of Southwark. | By William Smith, D.D. | Provost of the College in that City. | Philadelphia. | Printed and Sold by | James Humphreys, junior, | The Corner of Black-horse Alley, Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. (4), iv, 32. n. s. p. + Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, in High-street, | M,DCC,LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 17. h. s. p. 3288 STANHOPE, (Philip Dormer - Earl of Chesterfield.) Letters, Written by the late Earl of Chesterfield to his son Philip Stan- ii.-30 234 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 hope. In Four Volumes. Philadelphia? James Humphreys, jun. 1775. 3289 Advertised in the Pa. Ledger Sept. 2d, and by Dunlap in the Packet about the same time. Perhaps both refer to an English edition. STEVENSON. (R.) Military | Instructions | for | Officers | Detached in the Field: | Containing, | A Scheme | for forming | A Corps of a Partisan. | Illustrated | With Plans of the Manoeuvres | necessary in carrying on the | Petite Guerre. | . . . . | By Roger Stevenson, Esq; | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, Printer and | Bookseller, opposite the London Coffee- | House, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXV. | . . . . | 12mo. l. c. p. 3290 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication to Gen. Washington, by the Editor, pp. (4); Contents, pp. (2) ; Preface, pp. i.-vii. ; 1 blank page ; text, pp. 1-232 ; Index, pp. (4) ; Plates, i. to xii. The editor was Hugh Henry Ferguson, who was then re- siding at Graeme Park, the property of his wife, the well-known Mrs. Ferguson. SWAN. (A.) A | Collection | of | Designs | in | Architecture, | containing | New Plans and Elevations of Houses, | for general use. | With | A great Variety of Sections of Rooms; from a | common Room, to the most grand and magnificent. | Their | Decorations, viz. Bases, Surbases, Architraves, Freezes, | and Cornices, properly inrichcd with Foliages, Frets and Flowers, | in a New and Grand Taste. | With | Margins and Mouldings for the Panelling. All large enough for Practice. | To which are added, | Curious Designs of Stone and Timber Bridges, | Ex- tending from Twenty Feet to Two Hundred and Twenty, in One Arch. | Likewise some Screens and Pavilions. | In Two Volumes. | Each containing Sixty Plates, curiously engraved on Copper. | Designed by Abraham Swan, Architect: | And Engraved, by John Norman. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by R. Bell, Bookseller, next Door to St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | Folio. 3291 I have only met with a fragment of the first volume, consisting of the title-page, dedication, preface, and two pages of the text, in all ten pages, with the first ten plates. The dedication by Bell and Norman to John Hancock and the members of the Continental Congress, is headed with a copper-plate. 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 235 I I Sofungen | ber | $riiber=(Sememe | fur ba§ $al)r | 1776. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, im Jahr 1775. | 8vo. pp. (60). h. s. p. 3292 THE TESTIMONY of the People | called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the | Representatives of said People, in Pennsyl- vania | and New-Jersey, held at Philadelphia the twenty- | fourth Day of the first Month, 1775. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. ii. s. p. 3293 "We . . . publicly declare against every usurpation of power and authority, in opposition to the laws and government, and against all combinations, insurrections, conspiracies, and illegal assemblies, and as we are restrained from them by the consci- entious discharge of our duty to almighty God, 'by whom kings reign, and princes decree justice,' we hope ... to maintain our testimony against any requisitions . . . inconsistent with our religious principles, and the fidelity we owe to the kingin his gov- ernment." THIS Day is Published, and to be Sold by | John Dunlap, | In Market-street, Philadelphia, | A Father's Legacy | to his | Daugh- ters. | By the late | Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3294 TO the | Associators | of the | City of Philadelphia. | [Philadel- phia: 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3295 Dated by Du Simitiere, May 18, 1775. Advocating the adoption of a " Hunting Shirt" as part of the Associators' uniform. TO the | King's most Excellent Majesty | In Council, | The Humble | Petition | and | Memorial | Of The | Assembly of Jamaica | (Voted in Assembly, on the 28th of | December, 1774.) | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at | the London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 3296 TO the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, of the | sev- eral Companies of Associators, belonging to the | City and Lib- erties of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, pp. (2). 3297 Urging the Associators to sign the Articles of Agreement given out by the Assembly. TO the | Representatives of the Freemen of the Province of 236 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1775 | Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met. | The Address of the People called Quakers. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] Folio, pp. (2). 3298 An anti-Revolutionary address dated " 10th mo. 26th, 1775." ... | .... | TO the Three Generals, | with Scotch Orders, on their | Voyage to North-America. | . . . . | Critical and faithful Extracts from Colonel | Cavallier's Memoirs of the Wars | of the Cevennes, or Lower Lan- | guedoc, in his own handwriting, and | in the French language. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1775.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3299 From the London Evening Post, 29th of April, 1775. TOBLER. (J.) The Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's Almanac for 1776. By John Tobler. Wilmington: James Adams. 1775. 3300 [TRUMBULL. (John)] M'Fingal: | A Modern | Epic Poem. | Canto First, | or | The Town-Meeting. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Brad- | ford, at the London Coffee- House, 1775. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 40. h. s. p. 3301 All published at this time. See J. H. Trumbull's Origin of McFingal. THE | TWELVE United Colonies, | By their Delegates in | Congress, | To the Inhabitants of | Great Britain. | [Philadel- phia : W. and T. Bradford. 1775.] 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3302 No title-page, signed by John Hancock, President, and attested by Charles Thom- son, Secretary, Philadelphia, July 8, 1775. THE | UNIVERSAL | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1776; | [16 lines.] | Philadelphia: | Printed f Sold by James Humphreys, jun. | in Front-street, at the Corner of Black-horse Alley. [1775.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). ii. s. p. 3303 VOTES | of the | House of Representatives, | From Monday, February 20, to Saturday, February 25, 1775. | [Colophon.] Phil- adelphia: Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Race-street. [1775.] | Folio, pp. 75-80. h. s. p. 3304 Continued weekly to March 18, and from May 1 to May 13, and from June 19 to 1775 IN PENNSYLVANIA 237 June 30, and from Sept. 18 to Sept. 30, pp. 75-123. Votes of the new Assembly, from Oct. 14 to Nov. 25, pp. 124-172. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Beginning the Fourteenth Day of October, 1758. | Volume The Fifth. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Pace-Street. | MDCCLXXV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 560. h. s. p. 3305 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, | Anno Domini 1774, and continued by Adjournments. | \Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Pace-Street. | MDCCLXXV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 581-682. h. s. p. 3306 [WARREX. (Mercy)] The | Group, | a | Farce : | As lately Acted, and to be Re-acted, to the Wonder | of all superior Intel- ligences ; | Nigh Head Quarters, at | Amboyne. | In Two Acts. | Jamaica, Printed; | Philadelphia, Pe-printed; | By James Humphreys, junior, in Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXV. | 16mo. pp. 16. 3307 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1776; | Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. | (The Sixteenth Year of the Reign of King George HI.) | . . . | | | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | . . . | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dun- lap, at the I Newest-Printinq-Office, in Market-Street. [1775.1 I Sm. 8vo. pp. 36. h. s. p. 3308 Prof. Seidensticker refers to Miller's newspaper as authority for saying that an edi- tion of this almanac was presented by Dunlap in German. The advertisement in the Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote of Oct. 27, 1775, frequently inserted before and after that date, is always the same, and is not, in my opinion, sufficient to warrant such an assertion. WOOLMAN. (J.) The | Works | of | John Woolman. | In Two Parts. | The Second Edition, j Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | M.DCC.LXXV. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3309 238 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Testimony of Friends in Yorkshire, pp. iii.-xvi.; Title to Journal, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-250; Title to Part II., 1 leaf; text, pp. 253-432. The title to the Journal is, except the date, the same as in the first edition, No. 3139, supra. The title to Part II. is also the same, except the date and the spacing of the sixth and seventh lines. [ZUBLY. (Johann Joachim)] Great Britain's | Right to tax her | Colonies. | Placed in the clearest Light, | By a Swiss. | . . . . | [Philadelphia ? 1775.] 8vo. pp. 55. 3310 Printed in Philadelphia, according to the Catalogue of the Library Company of Philadelphia and Haven's List. Upon examining the four copies of the tract referred to by the former, I found one bearing a London imprint and that the other three were of the same edition, but all lacked the title-page. The author's name is given in Miller's Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote, Oct. 20, 1775. ZUBLY. The Law of Liberty. | A Sermon | on | American Affairs, | preached | At the Opening of the Provincial | Congress of Georgia. | Addressed | To the Right Honourable | The Earl of Dartmouth. | With an Appendix, | Giving a concise Account of the Struggles of | Swisserland to recover their Liberty. | By John J. Zubly, D.D. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, 1775. | Also to be had of Messieurs Bradford, in Phila- | delphia; Noel and Hazard, at New York; William Scott, on the Bay, in Charles- Town, | South- Carolina; and at Mr. Bard's Store, at Sa- | vannah, Georgia. | 8vo. pp. xx, 41, List of Book (1). 3311 1776. ' AN ACT, | Directing the Mode and Time of electing Justices of the | Peace for the City of Philadelphia, and the several and | respective Counties in this Common-wealth, and for other Purposes | therein mentioned. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Polio, pp. 3. l. c. p. 3312 ADAMS. (S.) An | Oration | Delivered at the State-House, | in | Philadelphia, | to | A very numerous Audience; | On Thursday the 1st of August, | 1776; | By Samuel Adams, | Member of the 0 (jr611(3P£ll | | of* | The 5k5k5k5k5k5k of America. | . . . | . . . | | | | Philadelphia 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 239 Printed; | London, Re-printed for J. Johnson, No. 4, | Ludgate-Hill. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 42. 3313 " An undelivered oration. See Wells' Life of Adams, vol. ii. p. 439; vol. iii. p. 403. There is no Philadelphia edition." Menzies' Catalogue. ADVERTISEMENT. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Melchior Steiner and Charles Cist. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3314 Dated " Feb. 28, 1776," and signed " William Dewees, Sheriff." Notice, in Eng- lish and German in parallel columns, of an election to fill a vacancy in the Assembly, caused by the resignation of Benjamin Franklin. ADVERTISEMENT. P/«7aJeZp/m: Robert Aitken. 1776. 3315 Aitken, in his Ledger, on Oct. 3d, charges Matthew Clarkson for printing 1004 advertisements of the Prize Schooner Peter, and on Nov. 2d, for printing 100 adver- tisements of Beal Estate. AN AFFECTIONATE | Address | to the | Inhabitants | of the | British Colonies | in | America. | By a Lover and Friend of Mankind. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | phia .-] Printed [by W. and T. Bradford] in the Year M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. vi, 55. ii. s. p. 3316 ©O : | ©ber | (Sine @rive<fung3 = gufcfyrift an ba§ Von | liber ben neuerlicfyen ®d)luf$ be3 urn alle von ber tone ©rofcbrittannien | fyergeleitete ARacfjt unb (Befvalt ganjlidj abjufcfyaffen. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1776.] 4to. pp. (4). ii. s. p. 3317 THE ALARM: | Or, | An Address to the People of Penn- sylvania, | On the late Resolve of Congress, for totally suppress- ing all | Power and Authority derived from the Crown of Great- Britain. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776.] 4to. pp. 4. 3318 Du Simitiere says, " Distributed on Sunday, May 19th, 1776, in Philadelphia." ©21® | Seugnifi | unb bie | ($runb= | ®d£e | be$ SBolfeS | fo man Duafer nennet, | erneuert, | $n be3 | $onig$ unb ber 9ie= gierung; | unb | SBegen ben nunmefyr fyerrcfyenben Unru= | (jen in biefem unb anbern ©fyeilen von America. | 2In ba§ 93olf liberljaupt gericfytet. | 1776 240 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS Germantown, gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, dem | Juengern, auf Kosten der Verfasser. 1776. | 8vo. pp. 8. n. s. p. 3319 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1777. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776. 3320 2I9k(S9l3£9f9(i3S6£® 9teid;§= StaatS? &rieg3= <5ieg§= nnb (9e= auf ba£ 1777. 3um ©rftenmal Lancaster: Matthias Bartgis. 1776. 3321 2191 bie unb ©etneinen ber verfdyebcnen (Sompanicn 2lffociator§, | bie jur Stabt unb ben $ret$eiten von gefydren. | [Philadelphia.: Henrich, Miller. 1776.] Folio, pp. (2). 3322 THE | ANCIENT Testimony | and | Principles of the People called Quakers, | renewed, | with respect to the | King and Govern- ment ; | and | Touching the Commotions now prevailing in these and other Parts of | America. | Addressed to the | People in Gen- eral. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, pp. 4. n. s. p. 3323 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnee Britannise, Fran- cine & Hibernise, | Decimo Sexto. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1775, in | the Six- teenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George III. by the Grace of God, of Great | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Ad- journments to the Sixth of April, 1776. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Hall and Sellers, at the | New Printing- Office near the Market. | MDCCLXXVI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3324 3U1913® 2l9t3@3®@9i I fvn bent I | ber | (Convention | be3 | Staats Von Spennfylvanien, | (Befyalten ju ben $unf= gefyttten Xag 3ult;, 1776. I Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu haben bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees-strasse, 1776. | Folio, pp. 67. h. s. p. 3325 AN | APOLOGY | For the People called Quakers, | Contain- ing some Reasons, for their not complying with human Injuncti- | ons and Instructions in Matters relative to the Worship of God. | Published by the Meeting for Sufferings of the said People at 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 241 Philadelphia, in pursuance of the | Directions of their Yearly Meeting, held at Burlington, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, the | 24th Day of the Ninth Month, 1756. | [At the end :] Ke-pub- lished by the Direction of the Meeting for Sufferings, held at Philadelphia the | 27th of the Fourth Month, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshankffn Market-street. [1776.] | 4to. pp. 4. THE | APT | of making | Common Salt. | Particularly adapted to the Use of the | American Colonies. | With | An Extract from Dr. Brownrigg's Treatise on the Art | of making Bay-Salt. | De- tached from the Pennsylvania Magazine for March 1776. | Phila- delphia : | Printed by P. Aitken, Printer and Bookseller, opposite | the London Coffee-House, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 7, 1 plate. l. c. p. 3327 Aitken sold 1000 copies to William Hooper, 500 to George Walton, and 300 to Thomas Stone. ASTLEY. (P.) The Modern | Riding-Master: | Or, a | Key to the Knowledge of the Horse, | And | Horsemanship; | with sev- eral | Necessary Rules for Young Horsemen. | By Philip Astley, | Riding-Master, | Late of His Majesty's Royal Light Dragoons. | Adorned with various Engravings. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, Printer | and Bookseller in Front-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | (Price Eighteen Pence). | 12mo. pp. 40. 3328 AT | A Meeting, | Held at the Philosophical Society-Hall, on Thursday Evening, | October 17th, 1776. | Colonel Bayard unani- mously chosen Chairman. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, pp. (2). Resolutions against the new Constitution. AT a Meeting of a Number of the Citizens | of Philadelphia, at the Philosophical Society's Hall, November the 2d, | Samuel Howell, Chairman, | Jonathan B. Smith, Secretary, | It was unani- mously Resolved, to publish the following Address to the | In- habitants of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3330 A protest against the creation of the Council of Censors. II.-31 242 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 AT | A Meeting | Of a Number of the Citizens of Philadel- phia, | In the Philosophical Society-Hall, the 8th | of November, 1776. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3331 Instructions to the Representatives of the City of Philadelphia, in Assembly, to procure certain modifications of the Constitution of 1776, published for the consider- ation of the Citizens. AUX | Habitants | De la Province du Canada. | [A Philadel- phie:~\ Chez Fleury Mesplet $ Charles Berger. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3332 Letter from Congress, dated " A Philadelphie, le 24 Janvier, 1776," and signed " John Hancock, President." The imprint is omitted on some copies. ROBERT BARCLAYS | geologic | Dber [ $ertfyeibigung$= ®d;rift | ber ivatiren Cljriftlidjen | ($otte£gelaf)rt(;eit, | 2Bie fold)e | unter bem $olf, fo man au§ Gpott | Quafer, | ba§ ift, gitterer nennet, | Vorgetragen unb mirb. | Dber | ®bttige Srfldrung unb Settling ifyrer | unb fiefyren, burd; vide au§ ber | <£eil. Sdirift, ber gefunben SBernunft, unb ben 3eug= | niffen fo mold alter aU neuer rulynten (Scribenten | gejogene SBeioeifitfmmer. 9lebft einer griinbli- | d;en Seanttvortung ber ftarfften Cimvurffe, | fo gemeiniglid) iviber fie gebraudjrt | iverben. | Slnjefso uadi ber gtvetyten £ateinifd)en unb neunten ©nglifdfen $erau£gebung ganfc von neuem in3 ®eutfct>e | Germantown: | Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, dem. Juengem, 1776. | 16mo. pp. 797, (25). h. s. p. 3333 BAXTER. (R.) The Saint's Everlasting Rest. By Richard Baxter. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1776. 3334 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Thoughts | on the | Nature of War, &c. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 8vo. pp. 24. 3335 Du Simitiere ascribes it to Benezet, with the date 1776. (See the copy in the Li- brary Co. of Philadelphia, 791, D.) Appended to several copies I have met with is the letter from the Rev. John Sayre, described as No. 3280, supra. BIBLIA, | ©a§ ift: | Tie ganje (Svttlidfe | <5d)rift | 2IItcn unb 31euen | TeftamentS, | nad) bcr Teutfdjen | Tiartin fiutfyerg; | 9Jiit jcbe§ (Sapitel§ furjcn Summarien, and; | bepgefiigten vielen unb rid)tigen : | 91ebft cinem 2Inl;ang | britten unb 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 243 Vierten Ora, imb be3 | britten $ucf)£ ber 9)lacca6der. | ©ritte 2luflaqe. I Germantown: I Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1776. | 4to. h. s. p. 3336 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Vorrede, 1 page; Verzeichnisz aller Bucher des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 1 page; Old Testament, &c., pp. 1-992; New Testament, pp. 1-277 ; Register, pp. (3). The title to the New Testament is as follows : Das Neue | Testament | unsers | Herrn und Heylandes | Jesu Christi, | nach dor Deutschen Uebersetzung | Dr. Martin Luthers, | mit kurzem | Inhalt eines jeden Capitels, | und vollstiindiger | Anweisung gleicher Schrift-Stellen. | Wieauch | aller Sonns- und Fest-tagigen | Evangelien und Episteln. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1776. | LES BIGARRURES d'un citoyen de Geneve et ses conseils dedies aux Americains. 2 tomes. A Philadelphie: [ Winterthur.] 1776. 3337 BLACKWELL. (T.) Schema Sacrum: | Or, a | Sacred Scheme | of | Natural and Revealed | Religion. | By Thomas Blackwell. | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at the | Printing and Post- Offices, near the Market. | MDCCLXXVI. | Sm. 8vo. h. s. p. 3338 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Second Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (2) ; Preface, pp. i.-iv. ; text, pp. 1-331; Subscribers, pp. i.-xxix. The second title reads: Schema Sacrum : | Or, a | Sacred Scheme | of | Natural and Revealed Religion: | Making | A Scriptural Rational Account | of | These Three Heads: | As First, of Creation, and that both in its Eternal Causes and | Springs in the Deity; and in the Wonderful Divine Pro- cedure, | in the Six Days Work. | And Secondly, Of the Whole Complex Eternal Scheme of Divine | Predestination ; as comprehending the whole great Events re- | lative to Angels and Men, with respect to Time and Eternity. | And Thirdly, Of the Wise Divine Procedure, in Accomplishing | the whole Parts of the foresaid Scheme. | In Discoursing of all which Heads, the several Principal Difficul- | ties made by the great Pretenders to Reason in our Day; against the Doctrine of the World's Creation by God ; the eter- | nal Decrees of Divine Predestination; the constitution of Adam | as the Moral Head and Representative of all his Posterity; the | Divine Permission of the Fall of Man. The real and proper | Satisfaction of Justice by the Substitution and Obedience of | our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Name and Room of the Elect: | Together with the alledged Unaccountableness of the Superna- | tural Operations of the Holy Ghost in the Regeneration and | Sanctification of the Elect of God : | Are all particularly Considered, Cleared and Removed by Answers | and Arguments, founded upon Infallible Scripture and Solid | Reason. | By Thomas Blackwell. | | | | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at the | Printing and Post-Offices, near the Market. | MDCCLXXVI. | [BRACKENRIDGE. (Hugh Montgomery)] The | Battle | of 244 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 | Bunker's-Hill. | A Dramatic Piece, | Of Five Acts, | In Heroic Measure. | By a Gentleman of Maryland. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. 1 plate, pp. (8), 5-49, (1). h. s. p. 3339 [BRAXTON. (Carter)] An | Address | to the | Convention | of the | Colony and Ancient Dominion of | Virginia; | on the | Subject of Government in general, and recommending | a particu- lar Form to their Consideration. | By a Native of that Colony. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 25. l. c. p. 3340 BROWN. (J.) A Pocket English Dictionary; containing Ex- planations of the most difficult Words, which are commonly made use of in the English Language. By John Brown, M.D. Phila- delphia: Robert Bell. 1776. 3341 Advertised in the Pa. Gazette, Sept. 25, 1776. Perhaps referring to an edition printed elsewhere. BY an Express arrived yesterday from South Carolina, we have | the following intelligence. | B. Towne. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. y. h. s. 3342 An account of the attack on Fort Sullivan, dated " Philadelphia, July 20,1776." BY an Express, just arrived from New- | York, we have | His Majesty's | Most Gracious Speech, | To Both Houses of | Parlia- ment, | On Friday, October 27, 1775. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3343 Dated " Philadelphia, January 8, 1776, 10 O'Clock, A.M." [CARTWRIGHT. (John)] American Independence | the | Interest and Glory | of | Great Britain; Containing | Arguments which prove, that not only in Taxation, | but in Trade, Manufac- tures, and Government, | the Colonies are entitled to an entire Independency on | the British Legislature; and that it can only be | by a formal Declaration of these Rights, and forming | there- upon a friendly League with them, that the true | and lasting Welfare of both Countries can be promoted. | In a Series of Let- 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 245 ters to the Legislature. | | | | | | | | | | | | Philadelphia, | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 125. [CHALMERS. (George)] Plain Truth; | addressed to the | Inhabitants | of | America, | Containing, Remarks | On a Late Pamphlet, | entitled | Common Sense. | Wherein are shewn, that the Scheme of Independence | is Ruinous, Delusive, and Impracti- cable : That were | the Author's Asseverations, Respecting the Power of | America, as Real as Nugatory; Reconciliation on | liberal Principles with Great Britain, would be | exalted Policy: And that circumstanced as we are, | Permanent Liberty, and True Happiness, can only be | obtained by Reconciliation with that Kingdom. | Written by Candidas. | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and. Sold by R. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. + The Second Edition. h. s. p. 3345 Collation: The Printer to the Public, pp. (2); Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2) • Introduction, 1 page; Memorandum, 1 page; text, pp. 1-66 ; Rationalis, pp. 67-78; Cato's [2d] Letter, pp. 79-84; Advertisement, pp. (2). Re-printed: Title as above with the addition of a one-line Latin quotation. Collation: The Printer, &c., pp. (2); Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2); Introduction, 1 leaf; text, pp. 9-74 ; Ration- alis, pp. 75-86; Cato, pp. 87-96. Congress on the Rights of Englishmen (Letter to the Inhabitants of Quebec), pp. (6) ; Title to Additions to Plain Truth, 1 leaf; Ad- ditions, pp. 97-136. The collation of the second edition is the same, except that the reverse of the Introduction is occupied by a " Memorandum" concerning a Third Edition. The title-page differs, in the substitution of " Honorable Connections," for "Reconciliation," in the seventeenth line; the addition of the words "The Second Edition," and the omission of the Latin quotation. The title to the Additions is as follows : Additions | to | Plain Truth; | addressed to the | Inhabitants | of | America, | Containing, further Remarks | On a Late Pamphlet, | entitled | Common Sense : | Wherein, | Are clearly and fully shewn, that American Independence, | is as illusory, ruinous, and impracticable, as a liberal | reconciliation with Great Britain, is safe, honorable, | and expedient. | Written by the Author of Plain Truth. | . . . | | | | | | [Imprint as in first title.] The authorship of this tract has been attributed to Alexander Hamilton (but not till about 1792, and then only by his political enemies); to the Rev. Charles Inglis, on a supposition which is effectually disposed of by Mr. Franklin Burdge (Magazine of American History, ii., 59-60) ; to Joseph Galloway on no evidence at all; contem- poraneously to Richard Wells, of Philadelphia, who immediately denied the charge ; and to George Chalmers. It is scarcely necessary to say that the tenor and style of the tract are too much at variance with Hamilton's opinions and writings to allow him to be suspected of being the author by any unprejudiced person. In regard to Joseph Galloway, if the dedication to his old enemy, Dickinson, is not suffi- 246 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 cient, the laudatory references to the Proprietary Government of Pennsylvania are enough to preclude the slightest credence to the claim put forth for him. The writer's style, allusions to the eastern shore of Maryland (where Chalmers resided), admiration of a proprietary (the Maryland as well as Pennsylvania) form of govern- ment, and ardent Presbyterianism, all point to him as the author. His immediate ap- pointment by the Government, on his arrival in England, to a lucrative office, and employment as a political writer, are more credibly explained by such a service as the production of " Plain Truth" than by any individual losses which he might have sustained through his loyalty. The second edition is announced as just published in the Pa. Gazette, May 8, 1776. Some copies of the Additions are partly printed on a coarse blue paper. In these there is generally pasted on the back of the title a slip of blue paper containing the following : " To Every Purchaser. The impossibility of obtaining White, constituted the law of necessity for part of these Additions to appear in Blue. The Philosopher reacheth beyond outward appearances.-The Patriot sur- mounteth every difficulty. And the Bookseller industriously attempteth business, agreeable to the prescriptions and decrees of the British and American Laws of Freedom concerning the Liberty of the Press. Third Street, April 24th, 1776." CIVIL Prudence, recommended to the Thirteen United Colo- nies of North-America. Philadelphia : Samuel Dellap. 1776. 3346 Advertised in the Pa. Evening Post, Aug. 14, 1776, perhaps referring to the edition printed at Norwich, Conn. CL AIPAC. ([Louis Andre de la Mamie de]) L' Ingenieur de Campagne : | Or, | Field Engineer. | Written in French | By the Chevalier de Clairac, | And Translated | By Major Lewis Nicola. | To which is added, | By Way of Appendix, | A Short Treatise on Sea Batteries, shew- | ing their Defects, and an At- tempt | to remedy them. | Likewise, | An Explanation of all the Technical Terms used in | the Work, | By the Translator. | Illus- trated with a variety of copper-plates. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Printer and | Bookseller, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVL | 8vo. l. c. p. 3347 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Advertisement and Directions, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-256 ; Errata, &c., pp. (2) ; 39 folded plates. COMMITTEE Chamber, Philadelphia, May 18, 1776. | delphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3348 " On application of a number of the Inhabitants requesting the call of a meeting of the City and Liberties to be held at the State House, on Monday morning. The Committee give Notice that a meeting will be held at the aforesaid Time and Place." 1776 247 IN PENNSYLVANIA A COMPLETE Tutor for the Fife. Philadelphia: 1776. 3349 THE | CONSTITUTION | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania, | as established by | The General Convention | Elected for that Purpose, | And held at Philadelphia, | July 15th, 1776, | And continued by Adjournments | to September 28, 1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 32. h. s. p. 3350 DALRYMPLE. (C.) Extracts | from a | Military Essay, | containing | Reflections | on the | Raising, Arming, Cloathing and Discipline | of the | British Infantry and Cavalry. | By Campbell Dalrymple, Esq; | Lieut. Colonel to the King's own Regiment of Dragoons. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Humphreys, Bell, and Aitken. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 31, 8 plates, l. c. p. 3351 [DALRYMPLE. (Sir James)] The | Rights | of | GreatBritain Asserted | against the | Claims of America: | Being an | Answer | to the | Declaration | of the | General Congress. | Said to be Written by Lord George Germaine. | London Printed: Philadelphia | Be-Printed, and Sold by B. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 92, 1 folded leaf, (4). h. s. p. 3352 DE FOE. (D.) Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel De Foe. Phila- delphia: Bobert Bell. 1776. 3353 DIRECTIONS to sail into and up Delaware Bay. | [Philadel- phia: 1776?] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3354 AN | EPISTLE | from our | Yearly-Meeting, | Held in Phila- delphia, for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, | and the Western Parts of Maryland and Virginia, by | Adjournments, from the 21st Day of the Ninth Month, to | the 28th of the same, inclusive, 1776. | To our Friends and Brethren of the several Quarterly and Monthly | Meetings, in these and the adjacent Provinces. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, pp. 4. l. c. p. 3355 THE | EPISTLE | from the | Yearly-Meeting | in | London, | Held by Adjournments, from the 27th of the Fifth Month to the 1st | of the Sixth Month 1776, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and 248 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 Monthly Meetings of Friends and Brethren in | Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, pp. 4. 3356 The last two pages contain An Epistle from the London Yearly Meeting " To Friends at their Yearly-Meeting at Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey." AN ESSAY of a Declaration of Rights, | Brought in by the Committee appointed for that Purpose, and now under | the Consideration of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3357 AN | ESSAY | of a | Frame of Government | for | Pennsyl- vania. | Philadelphia. | Printed by Ja.mes Humphreys, junior. | M,DCC,LXXVL | 8vo. pp. 16. 3358 AN EXERCISE, containing a Dialogue and two Odes set to Music. Philadelphia: 1776. Sm. 8vo. 3359 Title from II. A. Brady's Catalogue, lot 410. EXTRACT of a Letter from an Officer of Distinction in the | American Army. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3360 This report of atrocities committed in New Jersey by British soldiers was pub- lished by order of the Council of Safety. It was also printed in the Pa. Packet, Dec. 27, 1776. EXTRACT of a Letter from New-Town, (Bucks County,) December 27. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3361 An account of the Battle of Trenton. EXTRACTS | from the | Journals of Congress, | relative to the | Capture and Condemnation of Prizes, | and the | Fitting out Privateers; | together with the | Rules and Regulations of the Navy, | And Instructions to the | Commanders of Private Ships of War. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dnnlap, | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-45. h. s. p. 3362 EXTRACTS from the Proceedings of the | Provincial Con- 3359 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 249 ference of Committees for the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Held at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, June 18, 1776. | [Col- ophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street. [1776.]. | 4to. pp. 6. h. s. p. 3363 EXTRACTS | from the | Votes | of the | House of Assembly, | Of the Province of | Pennsylvania; | Containing | Rules and Regulations | for the better Government of the | Military Asso- ciation in | Pennsylvania, the Articles | of said Association, and, the Re- | solutions directing the Mode of le- | vying Taxes on Non-Associators | in Pennsylvania. | Published by Order of the Committee of Safety. | Philadelphia: | Printed by IE and T. Brad- ford. [1776.] | 8vo. pp. 20. a. p. s. 3364 THE FALL | of | British Tyranny: | Or, | American Liberty | Triumphant. | The First Campaign. | A Tragi-Comedy of Five Acts, | as lately planned | At the Royal Theatrum Pandemonium, | at St. James's. | The Principal Place of Action in America. | Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, | near Arch-street. MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. viii, 66. h. s. p. 3365 Said to have been written by "Mr. Laycock, of Philadelphia." FATHER Abraham's | Pocket Almanack | For the Year 1777; | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. [1776.] | 24mo. pp. 24. 3366 FOUR | Letters | on | Interesting Subjects. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. (2), 24. a. s. p. 3367 Be Liberty thine. [Cut.] | THE FREEHOLDERS and Inhab- itants | Of the respective Townships, in Lancaster County, quali- fied | by the Laws of the Province to vote for Members | of As- sembly, | Are required to meet . . . . | Lancaster, Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's Street. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3368 Notice of an Election, signed "John Eerree, Sheriff," and dated "Lancaster, April 4th, 1776." II.-32 250 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 FREYLINGHAIJSEN. (J. A.) Drbnung be§ <£>et;>R, nebft einem 23ergeidjmifj ber micfytigften $ern' Spriidje bet Sdnift, barin bie bornelynften gegriinbet finb, line and; einem fogenannten ©ulbenen 21, 23, G, unb ©ebetlein. SDenen Ginfaltigen nnb Unerfal;rnen gum 23eften IjerauSgegcben bon 3ol;ann 2Inaftafiu3 Phila- delphia: Henrich Miller. 1776. 3369 GENERAL Orders, | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. 3370 Dated " Head-Quarters, Philadelphia, Dec. 14,1776," and signed "Israel Put- nam, Major General." Appointing Col. Griffin, Adjutant-General, &c. Issued on Putnam's taking command in Philadelphia. GENTLEMEN and Fellow Soldiers. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3371 An address to the Pennsylvania Associators in favor of signing the regulations directed by the Assembly. THE | GENUINE Principles | of the Ancient | Saxon, or Eng- lish | Constitution. | Carefully collected from the best Authori- ties ; | With some Observations, on their peculiar | fitness, for the United Colonies in general | and Pennsylvania in particular. | By Demophilus. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 46. h. s. p. 3372 GESSNER. (S.) ®er Uob 2IbeU in funf ©efdngen. 23on Salomon (Befjner. Germantown. Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, dem Juengern. 1776. Sm. 8vo. pp. 157. h. s. p. 3373 HABERMANN. (J.) Gfyriftlicfie | 9Jlorgen= unb | 2lbenb;(Bebater, | auf alle Stage in ber SBocfyen, | burcb | D. $ol;ann Habermann. | Santini anbcrn fcbbnen | ©ebatern; | mie aud) | D. 9leumann§ | $ern alter (debater | unb fdjonen | 9)lorgcn; 2Ibenb= unb an- | bern fiiebern. | Germantown, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1776. | 24mo. pp. 1-62, 1-55. h. s. p. 3374 HEAD-QUARTERS, Philadelphia, Dec. 13th, 1776. | [Philadel- phia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3375 Signed " Israel Putnam, Major General." " The General will consider every attempt to burn the City of Philadelphia as a Crime of the blackest Dye." 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 251 HIS Majesty's | Most Gracious Speech | To Both Houses of Parliament, | On Friday, October 27, 1775. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall f Sellers. [1776.] | 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3376 HIS | Majesty's | most gracious | Speech, | To both Houses of Parliament, on Friday October 27, 1775. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, [1776.] | 4to. 1 leaf. 3377 THE HISTORY of Little Goody Two-Shoes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1776. 3378 | = ©eutfd); | | (Salenber, | 2Iuf ba§ 3at;r | | | 1777. | (2Belcf>e§ ein gemein Von 365 Shagen ift.) | . . . . | £mn neun unb mat fyeraug gegeben. | German- town: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur. | . . . | . . . [1776.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 3379 HOME, (Henry - Lord Kames.) Six Sketches | on the | History of Man. | Containing, | The Progress of Men as Indi- viduals. | I. The Diversity of Men, and of Languages. | II. Of Food, and Population. | III. Of Property. | IV. The Origin and Progress of Commerce. | V. The Origin and Progress of Arts. | VI. The Progress of the Female Sex. | With an Appendix, | Concerning, the Propagation of Animals, and the Care of | their Offspring. | By Henry Home, Lord Kaims, [szc.] | Author of the Elements of Criticism. | Philadelphia: | Sold by R. Bell, in Third- Street, and R. Aitken, in Front-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. v-vi; Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-262; (2). h. s. p. 3380 IN Assembly, | Thursday, December 5,1776. P.M. | [Philadel- phia-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3381 " Resolved unanimously, That a Committee he appointed to bring in a Bill or Draught of a Militia Law." IN Assembly, December 12,1776.] | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3382 Resolution offering Bounties to Volunteers. 252 1776 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS IN Assembly, December 24,1776. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3383 An " Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania" on the approach of the British Army. IN Committee Chamber, May 16, 1776. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3384 Recommendation " to all the Inhabitants of this City to forbear any kind of Insult to Quakers who will not observe the Fast recommended by Congress. This Com- mittee hold Liberty of Conscience to be sacred." IN Committee, | Of Inspection and Observation. | February 5th, 1776. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3385 " This Committee do hold up to the World, . . . John Drinker, Thomas and Samuel Fisher as Enemies to their Country" for refusing to receive the Bills of Credit emitted by Congress. Signed " Peter Z. Lloyd, Secretary." IN Congress, | Saturday, March 16, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3386 Recommending Friday, May 17th, as a day of "Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer." IN Congress, | March 23, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3387 Preamble and five Resolutions concerning the fitting out of Privateers. IN Congress, April 3, 1776. [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. y. h. s. 3388 Resolution concerning Privateers. IN Congress, May 6, 1776. [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. Instructions to commanders of American vessels. IN Congress, | May 15, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3390 Preamble and resolution recommending the " Assemblies and Conventions of the United Colonies, where no Government sufficient to the exigencies of their Affairs has been hitherto established, to adopt such Government as shall . . . best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents." 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 253 IN Congress, July 4, 1776. | A Declaration by the Representa- tives of the United States | of America, in General Congress As- sembled. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3391 A broadside edition of the Declaration of Independence. IN Congress, July 19, 1776. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. pp. (3). h. s. p. 3392 A resolution recommending the Convention of Pennsylvania to hasten the March of the Associators into New Jersey, with order of the same date from the Convention to the Colonel or Commanding Officer of the Battalion of the County of -. IN Congress, | October 3d, 1776. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3393 " Kesolved that 5,000,000 Dollars be immediately borrowed," &c. IN Convention for the State of Pennsylvania. | Friday, August 9, 1776. | [Philadelphia : 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3394 Rations allowed for the men in the " Flying Camp." IN Convention | for the State of Pennsylvania. | Saturday, August 10, 1776. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3395 Seven Resolutions. The first orders the whole of the State Militia to march into New Jersey. The second exempts the Associators of several western counties from the effect of the first. The others relate to the "Flying Camp." IN Convention | for the State of Pennsylvania. | Friday, August 16, 1776. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. Three Resolutions concerning deserters from the Associators. IN Convention | for the State of Pennsylvania. | Thursday, Sep- tember 26, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, near Arch-street. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3397 A resolution of the Convention altering the time for holding the election for members of Assembly. IN Council of Safety. | Philadelphia, October 14,1776. | [Phila- delphia : John Dunlap. 1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. a. p. s. 3398 254 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 " The Hessians have embarked from Staten-Island. Have your Battalion in perfect Readiness to march at the shortest Warning." IN Council of Safety, | Philadelphia, November 14th, 1776, | 12 o'Clock, Thursday. | [Philadelphia.•] Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3399 Circular letters to the commanding officers of the several battalions of militia. " We have certain Intelligence that the Enemy has actually sailed from New York Five Hundred Ships for this city, . . . you will march all your Battalion to this City without the least Delay." Some copies were issued without an imprint. IN Council of Safety, November 27, 1776. | To the Freemen of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3400 Call for a public meeting at the State-House, signed " David Rittenhouse, Vice- President." IN Council of Safety, | December 3, 1776. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. [1776.] | 4to. 1 leaf. Appointing a committee to collect " all the old great coats, coats, surtouts, jackets and breeches from the inhabitants which they can spare." IN Council of Safety, | Philadelphia, December 8,1776. | [Phil- adelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3402 Calling out the Militia. " The Enemy are at Trenton, and all the City Militia are marched to meet them." IN Council of Safety, | Philadelphia, December 13, 1776. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | 4to. 1 leaf. 3403 Notice of General Putnam's having taken command in Philadelphia. IN Council of Safety, | Philadelphia, December 23, 1776. | [Philadelphia;] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. An address on the approach of the British Army. IN the Committee for Lancaster County, Feb. 29, 1776. | [Lan- caster : Printed by Francis Bailey, 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3405 Two resolves adopted Feb. 29 and March 1, relative to Military Associators, signed "J. Yeates, Chairman." 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 255 [INGLIS. (Charles)] The True | Interest of America | Impar- tially Stated, | in certain | Strictures | On a Pamphlet intitled | Common Sense. | By an American. | | | | | | | | | | | | Philadelphia. | Printed and Sold by James Humphreys,jun. | The Comer of Black- horse Alley Front-street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 71. + The Second Edition. | [Ibid.~] 8vo. pp. 71. H. s. p. 3406 JONES. (J.) Plain Concise | Practical Remarks, | on the treat- ment of | Wounds and Fractures; | To which is Added, An Ap- pendix, | on | Camp and Military Hospitals; | principally | De- signed, for the Use of young Military and Naval Surgeons, | in North-America. | By John Jones, M.D. | Professor of Surgery, in King's College, New York. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street, | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 114, 1 leaf. JOURNAL | of the | Congress, | of the | United States | of | America; | continued. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold, by William and Thomas | Bradford, at the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-218. h. s. p. 3408 THE | JOURNALS | of the | Proceedings | of | Congress. | Held at Philadelphia, | From January to May, 1776. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by R Aitken, Bookseller, opposite the | London Coffee- house, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3409 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Journal for January, pp. 1-93; Title, 1 leaf; Journal for February, pp. 1-70; Title, 1 leaf; Journal for March, pp. 73-146; Journal for April, pp. 147-237. The second title is : The | Journals | of | Congress. | For Feb- ruary, 1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold, by R. Aitken, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | This edition appears to have been issued in monthly parts. Aitken says of it, "I was ordered [in April, 1776] to print no more in this large type, and to begin a new edition beginning with the session of Congress, which rendered the sale of the above abortive, meantime, I sold 80 copies. I also sold 14 reams of this edition to Benjamin Flower, for the use of the army for cartridges at 30s. per ream." JOURNAL | of the | Proceedings | of the | Congress, | held at | Philadelphia, | May 10, 1775. | Wilmington, | Printed and Sold by James Adams, in High-street, 1776. | 8vo. pp. 110. h. 3410 LAMB ART, (Richard - 6th Earl of Cavan.) A | New System | of | Military | Discipline, | Founded upon Principle. | By a 256 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 General Officer. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, Printer and Bookseller, | opposite the London Coffee-House, Front- Street. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | Price, in Boards, One Dollar,-Bound, Ten Shillings. | 8vo. pp. 267, (1). h. s. p. 3411 LAMONT, (- de) and (-) DE LA VALLIERE. The | Art of War, | containing, | I. The Duties of all Military Officers in actual Service; includ- | ing necessary Instructions, in many capital Matters, by the | Knowledge of which, a Man may soon become an Ornament | to the Profession of Arms. By Monsieur De Lamont, Town- | Major of Toulon. | II. The Duties of Soldiers in General; including necessary ] Instructions, in many capital Matters, by remaining Ignorant | of which, a Man who pretends to be a Soldier, will be every | Day in danger, of bringing Disgrace upon himself, and ma- | terial Injury, to the Cause of his Country. | III. The Rules and Practice of the greatest Generals, in the | Manoeuvres of encamping, marching, order of Battle, | fighting, attacking, and defending strong Places, with the | Manner of sur- prising Towns, Quarters, and Armies; ex- | hibiting what is most requisite to be known, by all who | enter into the | Military Ser- vice. | By the Chevalier de La Valiere. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (5); Advertisement, 1 page ; Title to La- mont's work, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii.-v.; Introduction, pp. vii.-xi.; text, pp. 13-61; Title to the Duties of Soldiers, 1 leaf; Preface, 1 leaf; text, pp. 67-143 ; Title to La Valliere's work, 1 leaf; Preface, 1 leaf; text, pp. 149-264. The several title-pages are as follows : Lamont. The | Art of War, | containing, | The Duties | of all | Military Offi- cers, | In Actual Service ; | Including necessary Instructions in many capital Mat- ters, | by the Knowledge of which a Man may soon become an | Ornament to the Profession of Arms. | Written by Monsieur De Lamont, Town Major of Toulon. | [Imprint as in general title.] The | Art of War, | containing, | The Duties | of | Soldiers in General, | In Ac- tual Service; | Including necessary Instructions in many capital Matters, | by re- maining Ignorant of which, a Man will be every | day in danger, of bringing Dis- grace upon Himself and j material Injury, to the Cause of his Country. | Written by a French Officer. | [Imprint as in general title.] ■ La Valliere. The | Art of War, | containing, | The Rules and Practice | of the | Greatest Generals, | in the | Manoeuvres, | Of encamping, marching, order of Battle, fighting, attacking, | and defending strong Places, with the Manner of sur- prising | Towns, Quarters, and Armies; exhibiting what is most | requisite to be 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 257 known, by all who enter into the | Military Service. | By the Chevalier De La Valiere. | [Imprint as in general title.] Brunet mentions an edition of these three works published at the Elzevir press in 1671. I have followed his spelling of La Valliere's name. LINN. (W.) A | Military | Discourse, | delivered in | Carlisle, | March the 17th, 1776, | to | Colonel Irvine's Battalion of Regu- lars, | and a very respectable number of the | Inhabitants. | Pub- lished at the request of the Officers. | By William Linn, A.M. Chaplain. | ... | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed in the Year MDCCLXXVI. | 12mo. pp. 23. l. c. p. 3413 LIST of the Sub-Committees, appointed by the | Committee for the city and liberties of Philadelphia, to | superintend the sev- eral districts of said city, &c. | \_Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3414 Signed by " Jonathan B. Smith, Secretary," and dated " February 26, 1776." THE | MANUAL | Exercise, | as ordered by | His Majesty, | In the Year 1764. | Together with, | Plans and Explanations of the | Method generally Practised at Re- | views and Field-Days. | With Copper Plates. | Philadelphia: | Sold by J. Humphreys, R. Bell, and R. Aitken. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 35, (1), 2 plates. MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association, | Held at the Scots Plains, in the State of New Jersey, | October 15th and 16th, 1776. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Race-street. [1776.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. 7. 3416 MINUTES | of the | Proceedings | of the | Convention | of the | State of Pennsylvania, | Held at Philadelphia, the Fifteenth Day of July, 1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Race-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | Folio, pp. 67. h. s. p. 3417 The Convention, besides framing a Constitution, exercised both legislative and executive powers; assuming, in fact, the government. The Proceedings as printed in the collection of Pennsylvania Conventions, issued in 1836, containing only the matter relating to the Constitution. This edition was issued in weekly parts. MORTON. (P.) An | Oration, | Delivered at the King's Chapel in Boston, | April 8, 1776, | On the Re-Interment of the n.-33 258 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 Remains of the late | Most-Worshipful Grand-Master | Joseph Warren, Esquire, | President of the late Congress of this Colony, | and | Major-General of the Massachusetts Forces; | Who was Slain in the Battle of Bunker's Hill, | June 17, 1775. | By Perez Morton, M.M. | Boston, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed | by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXNVI. | 4to. pp. 16. 3418 NECESSARIES; | best | Product | of | Land; | best | Staple | of | Commerce. | Philadelphia: | Printed by James Humphreys, junr. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 17, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3419 This was in opposition to the proposed introduction of Silk-culture and Wine- making in Pennsylvania, for which there had been a popular outcry started five or six years before. Du Simitiere says only 12 copies were printed. WUC, $erbe[fert= unb | 9Imericanifd)e | Calenber | 2Iuf ba§ 1777fte $a(;r (Sfyrifti, | ein (Bemeiii gabr bon 365 £agen ift. | [12 lines.] | gum l;erau§gegebeu. | Phila- delphia, G-edruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, ... | ... | | | . [1776.] | 4to. pp. (48). h. s. p. 3420 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Evening Post. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1776. 3421 NEW - YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1776. 3422 NEW - YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776. 3423 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ledger. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. 1776. 3424 NEW - YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776. 3425 [NICHOLA. (Lewis)] A | Treatise | of | Military | Exercise, | calculated | for the Use of the Americans. | In which every Thing that is supposed can be of Use | to them, is retained, and such Manoeuvres, as are | only for Shew and Parade, omitted. | To which is added | Some Directions on the other Points | of 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 259 Discipline. | Philadelphia; | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second- street, | near Arch-street. MDCCLXXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. viii, 91, (1), 9 plates. l. c. p. 3426 OBSERVATIONS: | On the | Reconciliation | of | Great- Britain, | and the | Colonies; | In which are exhibited, Argu- ments | for, and against, that Measure. | By a Friend of American Liberty. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 40. ii. s. p. 3427 The " Plan of an American Compact with Great Britain, first published in New York," occupies pp. 33-40. AN ORDINANCE | For the Appointment of | Justices of the Peace | For the State of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3428 AN ORDINANCE | of the State of Pennsylvania, | Declaring what shall be Treason, and for Punishing the same, | and other Crimes and Practices against the State. | Philadelphia: Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, near Arch-street. [1776.] ] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3429 AN ORDINANCE | for rendering the Burthen of Associators and Non- | Associators in the Defence of this State as nearly | equal as may be. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1776.] Folio, pp. (3). ii. s. p. 3430 A PROPOSED ORDINANCE | of the State of Pennsylvania, | Declaring what shall be Treason, and for Punishing the same, | and other Crimes and Practices against the State. | Philadelphia : Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. [PAINE. (Thomas)] The American Crisis. | Number I. | By the Author of Common Sense. | [Philadelphia: Styner and Cist. 1776.] 8vo. pp. 8. ii. s. p. 3432 [PAINE.] Common Sense; | addressed to the | Inhabitants | of | America, | On the following interesting | Subjects. | I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in general, | with concise Re- marks on the English Constitution. | II. Of Monarchy and Heredi- 260 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 tary Succession. | III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. | IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some mis- | cellaneous Reflections. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by P. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-79 ; Adver- tisement, 1 page. ii. s. p. 3433 Bell advertised a second edition in Pa. Evening Post, Jan. 27, 1776. (See Sa- bin's Dictionary for a number of editions printed elsewhere.) [PAINE.] Common Sense; | addressed to the | Inhabitants | of | America, | On the following interesting | Subjects. | I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in general, | with concise Re- marks on the English Constitution. | II. Of Monarchy and Heredi- tary Succession. | III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. | IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some mis- cel- | laneous Reflections. | A New Edition, with several Additions in the Body of | the Work. To which is added an Appendix; to- gether | with an Address to the People called Quakers. | N. B. The New Addition here given increases the Work | upwards of one Third. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia printed. | And sold by W. and T. Bradford. [1776.] | 8vo. h. s. p. 3434 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-50. The Appendix begins in the middle of page 37. A Postscript, which is added to the introduction of the first edition, is dated " Philadelphia, February 14, 1776." [PAINE.] Common Sense; | with the whole | Appendix: | The | Address | to the | Quakers : | Also, the | Large Additions, And | A Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery, | just arrived from the Elysian Fields; and an American | Dele- gate in a Wood, near Philadelphia: | On the Grand Subject of | American Independancy. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by B. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. ii. s. p. 3435 Collation : Half-title and Advertisement, pp. (2); General title, 1 leaf; Title to Common Sense, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-79 ; Advertisement, 1 page ; Large Additions to Common Sense, Title and Verses, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 81-147, (1) ; Bell to the Public, pp. (2); Dialogue, Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 5-16. The title-page to Common Sense differs from that of the first edition, No. 3433, supra, only in the spacing of the 12th and 13th lines, and by the addition of "The Third Edition." The title of the Additions is given in No. 3439, infra, and the title of the Dialogue is No. 3437, infra. 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 261 [PAINE.] Common Sense : | Addressed to the | Inhabitants | of | America. | On the following interesting | Subjects. | I. Of the origin and Design of Government in general, | with concise Re- marks on the English Constitution. | II. Of Monarchy and Heredi- tary Succession. | III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. | IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some | miscellaneous Reflections. | A New Edition, with several Addi- tions in the Body of | the Work : To which is added an Appen- dix ; toge- | ther with an Address to the People called Quakers. | The Fourth Edition. | ... | ... | .... | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's-Street. [1776.] | 8vo. pp. 63. 3436 [PAINE.] A | Dialogue | between | The Ghost | of | General Montgomery | Just arrived from the Elysian Fields; | and an | American Delegate | In a Wood | near | Philadelphia. | phia:'] Printed, and Sold by B. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. Advertisement, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 5-16. 3437 [PAINE.] ©efunbe SBernunft | an bie | Sintoofyner von Slmerifa, | fiber folgenbe tvicfytige Gegenftaube: | I. bem Urfyrung unb ber 2lbfidjt ber 9?e= | gierung iiberfyaupt, mit furjen 2Inmerfun= | gen uber bie ©nglifcfye £anbgverfa[fung. | II. 23on 9J?onard;ie unb Srbfolge. | III. ©ebanfen fiber ben gegenlvdrtigen guftanb | Slmericanifcfyer 2lnge= legenfyeiten. | IV. 5Bon ber Starfe von America, mit | einigen Vermifcfyten 23etracf>tungen. | Jlebft | Cinem 2lnfyang, unb einer $ufd)rift an bie | Sleprcifentantcn beg SBolfg, bag ben Stamen | Duafer fi'Qret. | | | | 2lu§ bem Gnglijcben | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner und Carl Cist, in | der Zweyten-strasse. 1776. | 8vo. pp. viii, 70. h. s. p. 3438 [PAINE.] Large | Additions | to | Common Sense; | Ad- dressed to the inhabitants of America, | On the following inter- esting subjects. | I. The American Patriot's Prayer. | II. Amer- ican Independancy defended, by Candidus. | III. The Propriety of Independancy, by Demophilus. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | TV. A Review of the American Contest, with some | Strictures on the King's Speech. Addressed to all | Parents in the Thirteen United Colonies, by a | Friend to Posterity and Mankind. | V. Letter to Lord Dartmouth, by an English American. | VI. Observations 262 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 on Lord North's Conciliatory Plan, | by Sincerus. | To which are added and given | An Appendix to Common Sense; Together with an Ad- | dress to the People called Quakers, on their Testi- mony | concerning Kings and Governments, and the present | Commotions in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by R. Bell,in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | pp. 79-147, (1). h.s.p. 3439 Little, if any part, of this collection was the work of Paine. The essays were mostly gathered up by Bell, who issued the pamphlet about the 20th of February, 1776. [PENN. (William)] To the | Children of Light | in this | Generation, | Called of God to be Partakers of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ, | the Lamb of God, and Light of the World. | \_Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. pp. 4. f. 3440 Put forth by the Meeting for Sufferings to discourage assistance to the Revolu- tionary cause. THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Evening Post. | MDCCLXXVI. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Towne, in Front-Street. [1776.] | 4to. pp. (2), 618. 3441 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 3442 Numbers 2454 (Jan. 3, 1776) to 2501 (Nov. 27,1776), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2455, 2458, 2460, 2462, 2464, 2466 to 2469, 2471, 2472, 2476, 2480, 2485, 2496, and 2498. Publication was suspended from Nov. 27, 1776, to Feb. 5, 1777. Title and imprint as in No. 2913, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 3443 Numbers 1726 (Jan. 3, 1776) to 1773 (Nov. 27, 1776), four pages each, with a "Supplement" of two pages to No. 1476; a " Postscript" of one leaf to No. 1744 and one of two pages to No. 1727, and a quarto leaf to No. 1745. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. The publication of the paper was suspended from Nov. 30, 1776, until Jan. 29, 1777. THE PENNSYLVANIA Ledger. 3444 Numbers L. (Jan. 6, 1776) to XCVII. (Nov. 30, 1776), four pages each, with a "Supplement" of one leaf to No. 54, and one of two pages to No. 62. Title and imprint as in No. 3255, supra, until No. 74, when the royal arms were withdrawn from the former. The publication of the Ledger was suspended with No. 97, until October 10, 1777. 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 263 THE PENNSYLVANIA Magazine. Philadelphia: Robert Ait- ken. 1776. 8vo. pp. 5-344, 5 plates. h. s. p. 3445 The magazine ended with the number for July. No title-page or index appear to have been issued. On page 74 is given for the first time in America the Manual Alphabet for the Deaf and Dumb, with an article upon its use. THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET. 3446 Numbers 219 (Jan. 1,1776) to 268 (Dec. 27,1776), four pages each, except the last two, which are only two pages, with " Postscripts" of one leaf to No. 237 ; of two pages to Numbers 220, 224, 229, 231, 233 to 236, 238 to 240, 243, 245, 254, 258, 262, 264, and 265 ; " Supplements" of one leaf to No. 245, and of two pages to No. 240, and an " Extra" of one leaf to No. 221. Title as in No. 3076, supra, until No. 234, when the old cut of the ship was restored. This was changed in No. 236 to a new and smaller cut of the same kind. From No. 234 the size of the sheet was reduced, and the paper printed in three columns. Imprint as in No. 3076, supra. The pub- lication of the paper was suspended between Nov. 26 and Dec. 18. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1777. Philadel- phia : W. and T. Bradford. 1776. 3447 POOR Will's Almanac for 1777. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1776. 3448 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1777; | . . . | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by J. Crukshank, | m Market-street, opposite the Presby- | terian Meeting house. [1776.] | 24mo. pp. (24). n. s. p. 3449 PRICE. (R.) Observations | on the | Nature | of | Civil Lib- erty, | the | Principles | of | Government, | and the | Justice and Policy | of the | War with America. | To which is added, | An | Appendix, | containing | A State of the National Debt, an Esti- mate of the Money | drawn from the Public by the Taxes, and an Account of the | National Income and Expenditure since the last War. | | | By Richard Price, D.D. F.R.S. | London Printed, 1776. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and Sold by John Punlap, at the Newest | Printing-Office, in Market-Street. [1776.] | 8vo. pp. 71. h. s. p. 3450 PRIMA | Morum & Pietatis | Prsecepta. | Viz. | I. Dicta sep- tem sapientum e Grsecis. | II. Gulielmi Lilii Monita psedagogica. 264 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 | III. Dion. Catonis Disticha moralia. | IV. Joan. Sulpitii Veru- lani de moribus & civili- | tate Puerorum Carmen. | V. Rudi- menta Pietatis, sire, Oratio Dominica, | Symbolum Apostolicum & Decalogus; item | duorum Sacramentorum, Baptismi & Sacrse | Coense Domini Institutiones. | Quibus accessit. | Summula Cata- chismi ad piam Juniorum Edu- | cationem apprime utilis; | Item, | Prsecipua Capita Christianse Religionis, desumpta e sacra | Scriptura Veteris ac Novi Testament!. | ... | ... | .... | Phila- delphia: | Apud B. Aitken, Anno Domini | M.DCCLXXVI. | 12mo. pp. 34. h. s. p. 3451 PROCEEDINGS | of the | Provincial Conference | of | Com- mittees, | of the | Province of Pennsylvania; | Held at the Car- penter's Hall, | at | Philadelphia. | Began June 18th, and con- tinued by adjournments to | June 25,1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed by W. and T. Bradford. [1776.] | 8vo. pp. 31. l. c. p. 3452 THE | PROCESS | for | Extracting | and | Refining | Salt- Petre, | According to the Method practised at the | Provincial Works in Philadelphia. | Published by Order of the Committee | Of Safety. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee House. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 8. 3453 THE PROGRESS of the British and Hessian Troops through New Jersey, | has been attended with such scenes of Desolation and Outrage, as would | disgrace the most barbarous Nations | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3454 An account of outrages committed on women in New Jersey. Published to excite opposition to the British. Dated " Bucks County, December 14, 1776." THE PROPOSED Plan or Frame of | Government for the Common- | Wealth or State of Pennsyl- | vania. | (Printed for Consideration.) | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776.] Folio, pp. 12. h. s. p. 3455 THE PROTEST | Of divers of the Inhabitants of this Prov- ince, in behalf of themselves and others. | To the Honorable the Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia: 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3456 1776 265 IN PENNSYLVANIA Dated by Du Simitiere, " Philadelphia, May 20, 1776." Against the Provincial Assembly continuing to act as a Legislative body. RATIONALIS. A Reply to Common Sense. Philadelphia: 1776. 3457 Title from the Catalogue of Library Company of Philadelphia. This is not a sep- arate publication, but is the first of Bell's addenda to Chalmers's Plain Truth, form- ing pp. 75-86 of that pamphlet. REFLECTIONS | of a few | Friends of the Country, | upon several | Circumstantial Points; | In a Conference between Sandy, Pady, | Simon and Jonathan, and the Parson : | Or | A Looking-Glass | for the | Americans. | . . . | . . . | ... | ... . | Philadelphia, | Printed by [Henry Miller] for the Author, 1776. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 48. l. c. p. 3458 = 5Berfaffung Von ipennftylvanien. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1776.] 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3459 | Militaire, | Concernant | La Police | et | La Discipline, | Que doivent observer les Troupes qui sont on seront | dans la suite levees & payees par les Treize | Colonies Unies de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. | Traduit de 1'Anglais, Par F. Daymon. | A Philadelphie; | Chez Fleury Mesplet f Ch. Berger, | Imprimeurs f Libraires. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 39. 3460 REMARKS | on | A Late Pamphlet | entitled | Plain Truth. | By | Rusticus. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market- Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 31. n. s. p. 3461 ©3® her SBereinigten Staaten | von 2lme= rica, ini ©ongrefa Verfammlet, | 2ln ba3 SBolf ilberfyaupt unb an bie ©intvofyner ipennfylvaniena | unb ber angrenjenben Staaten | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3462 THE REPRESENTATIVES of the United States of | Amer- ica, in Congress assembled, | To the People in General, and particularly to the Inhabitants | of Pennsylvania, and the adjacent States. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3463 "We think it our Duty to address a few Words of Exhortation to you in this important Crisis," &c. " Philadelphia, December 10, 1776." ii.-34 266 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 RESOLUTIONS directing the Mode of levying Taxes on Non- Associators. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776. 3464 RUDDIMAN. (T.) The | Rudiments | of the | Latin Tongue: | Or, a | Plain and easy Introduction | to | Latin Grammar. | Wherein | The Principles of the Language are | Methodically digested both in English and | Latin. | With | Useful Notes and Observations, explaining the Terms | of Grammar, and farther improving its Rules. | To which is added, by the Publisher, | Several useful Extracts from Ross's Latin Grammar, which | renders this Edition more complete, than any hitherto | pub- lished. | By Tho. Ruddiman, M.A. | The First American Edition with Additions. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by P. Aitken, opposite the London I Coffee-House. Front-Street. 1776. I 12mo. pp. 126. h. s. p. 3465 RULES | and | Articles | for the better | Government | of the | Troops | Raised, or to be raised and kept in pay by | and at the expence of the United | States of | America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 36. h. s. p. 3466 RULES and Articles for the Government of the Pennsylvania Forces. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776. 3467 Adopted by the Assembly April 5, 1776, together with the " Rules" next men- tioned. They were also printed in German. RULES and Regulations for the better Government of the Mil- itary Association in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1776. 3468 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1777. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1776. 3469 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Al- manack | | | | | | | | | . | ... | For the | Year of our Lord 1777: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | | | | | | | | | . . . . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1776.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36 ?). c. 3470 1776 267 IN PENNSYLVANIA SCHNEEBERGER. (A. and B.) ®a§ Sfaben =®efd>rety, burd) Sr. 2lnbrea3 <5d)neeberger | auf Antetum, 1776. | 8vo. 2 pp. ©ie Stimme ber ©urteltaube, burd) <5d). Barbara | Scfyneeberger auf Antetum. [n. p.] 1776. | 8vo. 2 pp. 3471 SHARP. (A.) ©er (Sfanfc 97eue Serbefferte 9?orb = 2Imertcauifd)e Galenber, auf ba§ 1777fte 3abr Cfyrifti. gum gtvetytenmal fyerau§= gegebeu unb verfertiget bon 2lntfyonb Sfjarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1776. 3472 SHARP. The Lancaster Almanac for 1777. By Anthony Sharp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1776. 3473 SIMES. (T.) The | Military Guide | for | Young Officers, | By | Thomas Simes, Esq. | Author of the Military Medley. | In Two Volumes. | Vol. I. | London, Printed. | Philadelphia, | Re-printed by J. Humphreys, R. Bell, and | R. Aitken, Printers and Booksellers. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. + Volume the Second. | 8vo. Collation: Volume I. Title, 1 leaf; Advertisement, pp. (2) ; Contents, pp. (4) ; text, pp. 1-384 (misprinted 284); 2 folded leaves ; Index, pp. (5). Volume II. Title, 1 leaf; 2d Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. (188); 1 plate. The second title is as follows: A New | Military, Historical, | and | Explanatory | Dictionary : | Including the | Warriors Gazetteer of Places remarkable | for Sieges or Battles. | By Thomas Simes. | Philadelphia: | Sold by Humphreys, Bell, and Aitken. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | SMITH. (W.) An | Oration | In Memory of | General Mont- gomery, | and of the | Officers and Soldiers, | Who Fell with Him, December 31,1775, | before | Quebec; | Drawn up (and Delivered February 19th, 1776.) | At the Desire of the | Honorable Conti- nental Congress, | By William Smith, D.D. | Provost of the Col- lege and Academy | of Philadelphia. | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-44. l. c. p. 3475 STILLMAN. (S.) Death, the last Enemy, destroyed by Christ. | A | Sermon, | Preached, March 27,1776, | before | The Honor- able | Continental Congress ; | on the Death of | The Honorable | Samuel Ward, Esq. | one of the | Delegates from the Colony | of 268 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 Rhode-Island, | who died of the Small-Pox, in this city, | (Phila- delphia) March 26, JEt. 52. | Published at the desire of many who heard it. | By Samuel Stillman, M. A. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 28. SWIETEN. ([Geraard] van) The | Diseases | incident to | Armies. | With the | Method of Cure. | Translated from the Original of | Baron Van Swieten, | Physician to their Imperial Majesties. | To which are Added; | The Nature and Treatment, | of | Gun-Shot Wounds. | By John Ran by, Esquire, Surgeon general | to the British Army. | Likewise, | Some brief directions, to be | observed by Sea Surgeons | in engagements. | Also, | Pre- ventatives of the Scurvy at Sea. | By William Northcote, Sur- geon, | many years in the sea-service. | Published, for the Use of Military, and Naval Surgeons | In America. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by P. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 164. l. c. p. 3477 Baron van Swieten's work ends on page 112, and is followed by a work with the following title-page: Northcote, (W.) and J. Ranby. Extracts | from the | Marine Practice | of | Physic and Surgery. | With some brief directions to be | observed by sea-surgeons | in engagements, &c. | By William Northcote, Surgeon, | many years in the sea- service. | Including, | The Nature and Treatment, | of | Gun-Shot Wounds. | By John Ranby, Esquire; surgeon general | to the British Army. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by R. Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | THOUGHTS | on | Government: | Applicable to | The Present State | of the | American Colonies. | In a Letter from a Gentleman | To his Friend. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Bunlap. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 28. l. c. p. 3478 TO our Friends and Brethren in religious Profession, in | these and the adjacent Provinces. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. pp. (2). " Signed in . . . behalf of the Meeting for Sufferings, . . . 20th day of the Twelfth Month, 1776, John Pemberton, Clerk." " That we may with Christian firm- ness and fortitude withstand and refuse to submit to the arbitrary injunctions and ordinances of men, who assume to themselves the power of compelling others, either in person or by other assistance, to join in carrying on war." One of the inoppor- tune epistles put forth by some members of the Society of Friends, the persistent repetition of which largely influenced their being sent to Virginia. 1776 IN PENNSYLVANIA 269 TO the Associators of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1776.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3480 Dated " War Office, Nov. 14, 1776." " Congress have received Intelligence that a Fleet of the Enemy, consisting of several hundred sail, were yesterday discovered near Sandy-Hook, steering to the Southward. . . . immediately put yourselves in array and march by Companies and Parts of Companies . . . with the utmost Expe- dition to this City." TO the | Electors | and | Freeholders | of the ] City of Phila- delphia. | [Philadelphia : 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3481 Dated by Du Simitiere, "Philadelphia, April 30, 1776." Issued on the election of four additional Assemblymen from Philadelphia, in favor of the selection of men of moderate views. TO the Free and Independent Electors | of the City of Phila- delphia. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3482 Signed " Philirenseus. " Du Simitiere dated his copy " Philadelphia, November 5, 1776." An election circular in support of the " Constitution of 1776." TO the Privates of the several Battalions of Military | Associ- ators in the Province of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. pp. 3. l. c. p. 3483 " Signed by Order of the Committee of Privates, Samuel Simpson, President." The second and third pages contain '1 The Protest of the Committee of the Privates of the Military Association belonging to the City and Liberties of Philadelphia," against the appointment by the Assembly of two Brigadier-Generals to command the Associators, as recommended by Congress. TO the Public. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1776.] Sm. folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3484 The officers of the Pennsylvania Navy, concerning the " many misrepresenta- tions . . . circulated respecting the quantity of ammunition, and other circum- stances relating to the condition of the Gallies at the time of the late engagement" with the " Roebuck." TO the several Battalions of Military Associators | in the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] Folio, pp. (2). 3485 Signed by Thos. Nevil, John Chaloner, James Canmon, Andrew Epley, and Wil- liam Thorne, Committee of Correspondence, dated " June 26, 1776," in regard to the choice of officers. 270 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1776 TO the Tories. | [Philadelphia: 1776.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3486 An election circular signed " Old Trusty," and dated " Tuesday, April 30, in the Year of our Lord 1776, and in the third Year of the Union." TOUSTAIN DE RICHEBOURG. Pro aris et focis. Par Toustain de Richebourg. A Philadelphie d'Amorique et non d'Ame- rique. [Prance.] 1776. w. 3487 TUCKER. (Josiah) The True | Interest of Britain, | Set Forth in Regard | to the | Colonies; | And the only Means of | Living in Peace and Harmony with Them, | Including Five dif- ferent Plans for effecting this desirable | Event. | By Jos. Tucker, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. | Author of the Essay on the Advan- tages and Disadvantages | which respectively attend France and Great-Britain, with | regard to Trade. | To which is added by the Printer, A few more Words, | on the Freedom of the Press in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 66; A few more Words, pp. (4); Advertisement, pp. (2). J- The Second Edition. 3488 THE UNIVERSAL Almanac for 1777. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. 1776. 3489 VIEW | of the | Title | to | Indiana, | A Tract of Country | on the | River Ohio. | Containing | Indian Conferences at John- son-Hall, in May, 1765 - the | Deed of the Six Nations to the Proprietors of Indiana - the | Minutes of the Congress at Fort Stanwix, in October and | November, 1768 - the Deed of the Indians, settling the | Boundary Line between the English and Indians Lands - | and the Opinion of Counsel on the Title of the Pro- | prietors of Indiana. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second- | street, near Arch-street. MDCCLXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 46. l. c. p. 3490 VOTES | of the | House of Representatives, | From Monday, February 12, to Saturday, February 17, 1776. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Race-Street. [1776.] | Folio, pp. 173-175. h. s. p. 3491 Continued weekly to April 6, and from May 20 to June 15, 1776, pp. 173-265. 1776 271 IN PENNSYLVANIA The Assembly adjourned to meet on August 26, and on August 28 they adjourned until Sept. 23. They sat until the 26th of Sept., when the Provincial Assembly " rose" for the last time. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Beginning the Fourteenth Day of October, 1767. | Volume The Sixth. | [Penn drms.] Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Pace-Street. | MDCCLXXVI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 766,1 leaf. h. s. p. 3492 WATTS. (I.) Horse Lyricse. Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. In Three Books. By Isaac Watts, D.D. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1776 ? 3493 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack | For the Year of our Lord | 1777; | Being the First after Leap- Year. | | | | | | | | | | | | | .... | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Bunlap, at the | Newest-Printing-Office, in Market-Street. [1776.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 32 +. l. c. p. 3494 WETTENHALL. (E.) Grsecse | Grammaticse | Institutio Compendiaria. | In usum Scholarum. | Auctore | Edv. Wettenhall, D.D. | Nuper Episcopo Kilmor. & Ardag. | Philadelphia. | Printed and Sold | By James Humphreys, junr. | M,DCC,LXXVI. 12mo. pp. (4), 93. 3495 WITHERSPOON. (J.) The Dominion of Providence over the Pas- | sions of Men. | A | Sermon | preached | At Princeton, | On the 17th of May, 1776. | Being | The General Fast ap- pointed by the Congress | through the United Colonies. | To which is added, | An Address to the Natives of Scotland residing in | America. | By John Witherspoon, D.D. | President of the College of New-Jersey. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, Printer and | Bookseller, opposite the London Coffee- | House, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; pp, 1-78; Errata, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3496 [YOUNG. (Arthur)] Rural Oeconomy: | Or Essays on the | Practical Parts of Husbandry. | Designed to explain several of 272 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 the most important Me- | thods of conducting Farms of various kinds; includ- | ing many Useful Hints to Gentlemen Farmers, rela- | five to the (economical Management of their Business. | Containing, among other enquiries, | Of that Proportioned Farm, | which is of all others the | most profitable. | The best Method of conduct- | ing Farms that consist all of | Grass, or all of Arable Land. | The Means of keeping the most | Cattle the Year round on a | given quantity of Land. | The cheapest way of manuring | Land. | Considerations on the cecono- | mical conduct of Gentle- men | Farmers. | The comparative Profit of farm- | ing different Soils. | Of Experimental Agriculture. | Of the New Husbandry. | Of the Management of Borders | of Arable Fields. | Of period- ical Publications con- [ cerning Rural Oeconomics. | To which is added, | The Rural Socrates, | Being Memoirs of a Country Phi- losopher, | By the Author of the Farmer's Letters. | . . . | . ... | The Second Edition. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed and Sold | By James Humphreys, junr. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 245, (1). h. s. p. 3497 The Rural Socrates was written by Hans Caspar Hirzel, a Swiss physician. THE YOUNG Clerk's Vade Mecum: Or, Complete Law Tutor. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1776. 3498 ZEISBERGER. (D.) Essay | of a | Delaware - Indian and English | Spelling-Book, | for the | Use of the Schools | of the | Christian Indians | on Muskingum River. | By David Zeisberger, | Missionary among the Western Indians. | Philadelphia, | Printed by Henry Miller. 1776. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (2), 113. n. s. p. 3499 1777. THE | ACCOMPLISH'D Maid. | A new | Comic Opera. | As it is performed at the | Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. | The Music by | Signior Niccolo Piccini. | ... | ... | .... | Phila- delphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 61, (1). h. s. p. 3500 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1777. 3501 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 273 AN ACT | To discourage Desertion, and to punish all such Persons as shall harbour or | conceal Deserters. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3502 AN | ACT | to regulate the | Militia | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 32. l. c. p. 3503 ACT. A Supplement to the Act | intitled "An Act to regu- late the | " Militia of the Common-Wealth of | "Pennsylvania." [ Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1777.] 8vo. pp. 4. l. c. p. 3504 ACT. A Supplement to the Act,intitled, "An Act to | "regu- late the Militia of the Common-Wealth of Pennsylvania." | [Phila- delphia .-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3505 ACT. Supplement to an Act for amending the several acts for electing Members of Assembly. Philadelphia: Steiner and Cist. 1777. 8vo. pp. 8. 3506 Title from Sabin's Dictionary, No. 60,651. Probably the same as No. 3569, infra. I gur | SItwrbnung | ber | SJHlitj | bcr | 9tepublif gkntD ftjlvanien. | bem (Snglifcfyen | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, in der Zweyten-strasse, | nahe bey der Arch-strasse. 1777. | 8vo. pp. 28. l. c. p. 3507 ADDENDA to the Rural Socrates. Philadelphia: James Hum- phreys, junr. 1777. 3508 Announced as in the Press at the end of Young's Rural Economy, and in the Pa. Journal, July 16, 1777. " Essays on Field Husbandry," by Jared Elliot, were also announced as in the press, in both advertisements. AN | ADDRESS | of the | Convention | of the | Representa- tives | of the | State | of | New-York | to their | Constituents. | Philadelphia: I Printed by John Dunlap. I M,DCC,LXXVII. I 12mo. pp. 12. l. c. p. 3509 AN ADDRESS to General St. Clair's Brigade at Ticonderoga. Philadelphia : Styner and Cist. 1777. 3510 ii.-35 274 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 AN | ADDRESS | to the | Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, | By | Those Freemen, of the City of Philadelphia, | who are now con- fined in the | Mason's Lodge, | By virtue of | A General Warrant, | Signed in Council | by the | Vice President | of the | Council of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Pell, in Third- Street. | MDCCLXXVH. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Quotation,! leaf; | pp. 1-52. h. s. p. 3511 ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1777. 3512 Aitken's Ledger contains during 1777 charges for printing the following adver- tisements, &c.: Feb. 10. 200 copies Gen. Weedon's Advertisement from Head Quarters. Feb. 11. 200 copies Maj. Nichola's Advertisement for Returns, &c. Feb. 23. 500 copies Notices for Matthew Clarkson. June 2. 200 copies Gen. Mifflin's Advertisement, 4to. Sept. 24. Vanuxem's Circular Letter (in French). Folio. ADVERTISEMENT. | A Return of Waggons and Horses | in Philadelphia, Germantown, and the | Country about is to be given ... to | the Quarter Master General, | | | | | | | | . | Philadelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3513 Dated 11 Philadelphia, October 10, 1777." ADVERTISEMENT. | The Inhabitants of Philadelphia, Ger- man- | town and the Country about, are required to give | . . . | ... | ... a Return of | the Number of Horses, Waggons, Teams, and | Carts in their Possession. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: Printed by B. Towne, in Front- street. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3514 ALL Gentlemen | Sailors | Desirous of rendering themselves useful to their Country, let them | repair on Board His Majesty's armed Ship the | Vigilant, | Captain Christian, | Commander; | | | | | | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. | . . . [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3515 ALL Gentlemen | Volunteers, | Who have a Desire to serve on Board the Stanley armed Brig, | belonging to His Majesty's 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 275 Ship the | Roebuck, | . . . | Will meet with the warmest en- couragement | [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3516 Dated " December 30, 1777." ALL Persons having in their Possession any | Kind of Stores and Provisions, belonging to | the Rebel Army, are . . . required to report ... | to the Quarter-Master or Commissary-General, | | | | | | Philadelphia, September 29, 1777. [Printed by James Humphreys, junr.~\ 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3517 ALL Persons having in their Possession Rum, | or any kind of Spirituous Liquors, are here- | by ordered to report the same to the Commissary- | General, before Twelve o'Clock To-morrow. | | | | Philadelphia : Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3518 Dated " Commissary-General's Office, Philadelphia, October 6, 1777." ALL the Male white Inhabitants residing | &c. [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3519 A printed form of a call for a public meeting " to chuse by Ballot, one Captain, two Lieutenants, one Ensign, and two Persons to be stiled Court-Martial Men, " Signed " George Henry, Lieutenant of the City of Philadelphia," and dated " April 23, 1777." (Salenber. ®er £in<fenb= unb Stotpernb= | eilfertigqliegenb; unb laufenbe Slmericanifcfye 9teidf£-$olf, | ®a§ ift bet 2IHerneuefte= SSerbefferte unb BuVerldfiigfte. | 2Itnerifanifdfe 9teidj3= Staat£; unb | | Salenber, | 2Iuf ba3 nadf ber (Bnabenreicfyen ©eburt unferS | £errn unb £etylanbe§ 3>efu Ctjrifti, | 1778. | ein von 365 £agen, ba§ jtoel;te uadi bem Scfiatt $alfr ift, | barmen entlfalten | ®ie SBodfem Wftonat3= unb Skerftviirbigt Stage; be3 9Jlonb£ 2luf= unb Un= | tergang; feine geidfen, (Brabe, unb SBiertel; bie 2Ifpecten ber ipianeten, faint ber | 2Bit= terung ; be£ Siebengeftirn£ Slufgang Siibptab unb Untergang ; 2Iuf= unb Untergang ber Sonnen; nebft ber ober bem l;ot;en SBaffer ju | ghjnlabelptna, 9r?eu=9)orf unb anbern in America | Unb anbere geivbtmlidfe (Salenber' 2lrbeit. | ivie audf | Unterfdjneblicfye furbgefafite tounberlirfie ; nebft vielen | verfcfriebenen merP 276 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 foiirbigen Stiiden, 2c. 2c. | SBornemhd) nod; bem beredjmet; | in ben angrenjenben Sanbfcfyafften ofyne nterflicfyen Unterfdjieb jn gebraudieii. | 3um givetytenmal fyeran£gegeben. | Lancaster, Gedruckt and zu finden bey Matthias Bartgis, in der Koenigin- | Strasse nahe bey deni Court-Hausz. | | | . [1777.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (38). 3520 The title is on the fifth page. In place of the cut on the first page is an abridged title, as follows : Der | Allerneueste Nord- | Americanische | Calender, | Aufdas Jahr | | | 1778. | | | | | | Lancaster, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Matthias Bartgis. | 9X9X bie fyodjgeefyrten ©lieber bet | Slffembty, | ©e3 OtnntS. | OKemorial Derjdnebener Sintoofyner ber (Brafffdjaft £aiv cafter | giebtmit afler gebiifyrenben $od)ad)tung 311 erfennen. | [Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3521 APOCALYPSE de Chiokoyhikoy, Chef des Iroquois, Sauvages du Nord de 1'Amerique. Ecrite par lui-meme vers 1'an de Fere Cretienne 1305. Traduite en Frangois sur 1'original Iroquois. Avec un commentaire pour 1'intelligence des endroits les plus difficiles du Texte, soigneusement revu et corrige sous les yeux du Congres general des Colonies Unies. Publie par ordre du Congres general. A Philadelphie, [Paris,] Chez IE Roberdson, Imprimeur Ordinaire des Colonies ConJederees. 1777. 8vo. pp. iv, 111. ARTICLES | of | Confederation | and | Perpetual Union | between the | States | of | New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode- | Island and Providence Plantation, Con- | necticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsyl- | vania, Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, | North-Carolina, South-Carolina and Geor- | gia. | Lan- caster: | Printed by Francis Bailey. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | Folio, pp. 26. a. p. s. 3523 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Serious Reflections affectionately recommended | to the Well-disposed of every Religious De- | nomination, particularly those w7ho Mourn | and Lament on account of the Calamities | which attend us; and the insensi- bility that | so generally prevails. | [Philadelphia: 1777?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. f. 3524 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 277 W9) feiner ©ycettenj | (3. SBafdjnngton, @fq. | ©eneral unb oberfter SBefefylSfiaber liber bie ®bl- | fer ber vereinigteu Staaten Von America. | Lancaster: Gedruckt bey Frantz Bailey, in der Koenigs-Strasse. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3525 Dated " Dec. 20, 1777." For the same in English, see No. 3610, infra. [BRACKENRIDGE. (Hugh Montgomery)] The | Death | of | General Montgomery, | at the | Siege of Quebec. | A Tragedy. | With an Ode, in honour of the Pennsylvania Militia, and | the small band of regular Continental Troops, who sustained the | Campaign, in the depth of winter, January, 1777, and repulsed the | British Forces from the Banks of the Delaware. | By the Author of a Dramatic Piece | on the Battle of Bunker's-Hill. | To which are added, | Elegiac Pieces, | Commemorative of distin- guished Characters. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street, | Next Door to St. Paul's Church. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 79, (5), 1 plate. 3526 [BRACKENRIDGE.] The | Death | of | General Montgom- ery, | In Storming the | City of Quebec. | | | | . | | | | To which are added, | Elegiac Pieces, | Commemorative of Distinguished Characters. | By different Gen- tlemen. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street, | . . . . | M,DCC,LXXVII. | 8vo. 3527 Collation: Half-title, 1 page; explanation of plate, 1 page ; 1 plate ; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2); The Author to pp. (2) ; Prologue, pp. (2); Dramatis Personas, 1 leaf; text, pp. 9-53 ; An Ode, pp. 55-64; Elegiac Pieces, Half-title, 1 leaf; pp. 67-79, (2). [BURGOYNE. (John)] The | Maid | of the | Oaks : | A new | Dramatic Entertainment. | As it is performed at the | Theatre- Royal, in Drury-Lane. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVIL | 8vo. pp. 67, 1 blank page, (4). h. s. p. 3528 BURTON. (R.) The Fables of AEsop, with his Life, to which are added Morals and Remarks, accommodated to the youngest capacities. By Robert Burton. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777. 278 1777 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS CATALOGUE of Books to be Sold at Auction by Robert Bell December 18th, 19th and 20th. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777. ober burger llnterridjt Sefyre, foie berfelbe in benen Oleformirten unb Scfyulen ber Spffalg, and; anberfodrtg getrieben foirb, mit geugniffen ber ©cfyrift erflartunb beftdtigt. Philadelphia: Steiner und Cist. 1777. 3531 ©er Kleine | GatedjtemuS | beg fel. | ©r. DJlartin £utt;erg, | nebft | ben gefobfynlidjen 9Korgen= ©ijcfy; unb | 2Ibenb= ©ebateru. | SBobety | ©ie Drbnung beg in einem | £iebe, in tureen in $rac\ | unb 2lntfoort, unb in | eincr ©abelle, | foie aucb | ber 3n(;ait ber Shrift | in Gerfen, | (ynjugcfuget. | Bum Gebraud) ber $ugenb. | 9iebft einem | SInfyang ber fieben §Bufp | ipfalmen, einem geiftlicben £ieb, | unb bag @inmalg=(£ing. | Germantown, | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, jun. | und Peter Saur, 1777. | 24mo. pp. (4), 140 +. h. s. p. 3532 CHAD'S Eord, September 11, 1777. 5 O'Clock, P.M. | Phila- delphia, Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3533 Letters from Robert H. Harrison and General Washington to John Hancock, an- nouncing the loss of the battle of Brandywine. COLMAN, (G.) and D. GARRICK. The Clandestine Marriage. By George Colman and David Garrick. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777. 3534 THE | CONSTITUTION | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania, | as established by the | General Convention | Elected for that Purpose, | And held at Philadelphia, | July 15th, 1776, | And continued by Adjournments | to September 28, 1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVH. | 12mo. pp. (6), 3-18. h. s. p. 3535 CONTINENTAL NAVY BOARD. 3536 Robert Aitken's Ledger contains the following charges against the Board : Feb. 17. 300 Copies of an Advertisement for Seamen. Feb. 26. 250 Copies of Letters and Orders for Continental Vessels. April 1. 150 Copies of a Resolve of the Marine Committee. 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 279 April 12. 150 Copies of the Rules and Regulations. Aug. 11. 100 copies of a Quarto Advertisement for the encouragement of the Navy in the River. CROXALL. (S.) The Fables of PEsop and others, translated into English; with instructive applications. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1777. 3537 " This is the first edition of Croxall's JEsop's Fables printed in America. It contains 196 fables, and a neat engraving before every fable." Pa. Packet, May 13, 1777. DAY and Night | Signals; | for the | Fleet | Belonging to the State of | Pennsylvania: | Under the Command of | - Esquire. | Published by Order of the Navy Board. | Philadelphia : | Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the | London Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXVII. | Sq. 8vo. 17 leaves. h. s. p. 3538 The day signals, painted by hand, are given in the margins of leaves 2-14. A DESCRIPTION of the Attack on Fort Sullivan, in a Letter from Sir Peter Parker to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Ad- miralty, and an extract of a Letter from Lieut. Gen. Clinton to Lord George Germaine, containing an account of the proceedings of the British fleet and army, before and after their Defeat at Sullivan's Island. Philadelphia: Daniel Humphreys. 1777. 3539 This was annexed " to A Plan of the Attack. Engraved from the original printed in London." DOBBS. (F.) The | Irish Chief; | or, | Patriot King. | A new | Tragedy. | Performed at the Theatre in Smock-Alley, | Dublin. | Written by Francis Dobbs. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 58, (2). DODSLEY. (R.) The | Blind Beggar | of | Bethnal Green. | [Cut.] | A Dramatic Performance : | With several Instructive and Entertaining Pieces. | By Robert Dodsley, Author of the Original Fables. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 108. h. s. p. 3541 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 page; Persons, 1 page ; The Blind Beggar, pp. 7-26 ; The King and the Priest, pp. 27-35; Poems and 280 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 Essays, pp. 37-76; Pleasure the Best Religion, pp. 77-86; Epistle to Mr. Pope, pp. 87-90 ; A Matrimonial History, pp. 91-108. DODSLEY. Select Fables | of | JEsop | And other Fabulists. | In Three Books. | Containing, | I. Fables from the Antients. | II. Fables from the Moderns. | III. Original Fables newly In- vented. | By Robert Dodsley. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; pp. 371, (1). l. c. p. 3542 THE | EPISTLE | from the | Yearly-Meeting | in | London, | Held by Adjournments, from the 19th of the Fifth Month 1777, | to the 24th of the same, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great- | Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. | [Philadelphia: 1777.] Folio, pp. 4. r. 3543 Contains also the Epistle " To Friends at their Yearly Meeting at Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey." THE FARMERS and others | Are desired and required to bring in and deliver at His | Majesty's Magazines in this City, what Cattle, Sheep, | and Forage they can spare, for which they will be paid at the | following Rates- | Philadelphia, Printed by Janies Humphreys, Junr. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3544 Dated 11 Commissary General's Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 10." FATHER Abraham's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1778; | Being the Third Year of the Indepen | deuce of America. | Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania and the | Neighbouring States. | Containing | (Besides a Number of useful Lists, &c.) | The Arti- cles of Confederation | and Perpetual Union | Between the States of America, | As proposed by Congress to the Legisla- | tures of the different States. | Lancaster: | Printed by John Dunlap, | In Queen-Street. [1777.] | Sm. 16mo. pp. (32). n. s. p. 3545 FIVE or Six Hundred | Blankets | Are Wanted for the Troops. | | | | [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. 3546 Dated " Philadelphia, October 31, 1777." 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 281 FRANKLIN. (B.) La Science du bonhomme Richard, on moyen facile de payer les impots. Par Benjamin Franklin, traduit de 1'anglais par Quetant et Lecuy. A Philadelphia: [Pans.] 1777. FRESH Important Intelligence, | Just arrived from the North- ern Army. | Lancaster, Printed by Francis Bailey. [1777.] | Folio, pp. (2). a. p. s. 3548 Dated "Sept. 23, 1777." GENERAL Orders. | Head-Quarters, Morris Town, January 22, 1777. | Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3549 GENERAL Orders. | Philadelphia, April 11. 1777. | phia : Robert Aitken. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3550 Aitken, in his Ledger, on April 11, 1777, charges Major Lewis'Nichola for print- ing 150 General Orders in Folio, and on April 14 for printing 100 General Orders, signed by Schuyler, in quarto, and on April 16 for printing 100 General Orders, signed by Nichola, in quarto. GENERAL Return of Philadelphia Troops. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1777. 3551 Aitken, in his Ledger, on June 2, 1777, charges Major Lewis Nichola for printing 600 copies in folio. SBoUfidubigeS | Marburger | (Befangbud), | jur liebung ber (Bottfeligfeit, | in 680 d)riftlid)cn unb troftreicfyen | unb ©efdngen | £rn. ©. Uiartin Sut(;er§, | unb anbrer ©ottfeliger &et»rer. | Drbcntlid; in XII. £(;eile Verfaffet. | 2lud; mit ndtfyigen giftern unb ciner | Verfeljen, unter ivelcfye Dittel bie ini 2ln(;ang | lidien Sieber geljibrig: | 2ludi jur Scfbrberung | bc§ fo $ird)en= ate 5pribat = ®otte§bienfte§, | sDiit erbaulid)en | Wlorgcm 2lbenbs SBeid)t= unb | Communion ' ©ebdtlein verniefyret. | giinfte unb Vermetjrte Kufiage. | Germantown: | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1777. | 16mo. pp. (14), 522, (16), 14, 56. h. s. p. 3552 GRANDMAISON. (- de) A Treatise | on the | Military Ser- vice, | of | Light Horse, | and | Light Infantry, | In the Field, and in fortified Places. | By Major General De Grandmaison, | For- ii.-36 282 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 merly a Captain, with the Rank of Lieutenant | Colonel of Cav- alry, in the Voluntiers of Flanders. | Translated from the French, by Major Lewis Nichola. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. u. s. p. 3553 Collation : Half-title and Advertisement, pp. (2) ; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, &c., pp. (2); Contents and Advertisement, pp. (2); text, pp. 5-228. GLORIOUS | Authentic Intelligence. | October 21, 1777. | Lancaster, Printed by Francis Bailey. [1777.] | Folio, pp. (2). 3554 Announcement of Burgoyne's surrender. HASELDEN. (T.) The Seaman's Daily Assistant. Philadel- phia : Joseph Crukshank. 1777. 3555 HINTS and Instructions concerning the Collecting and Levy- ing of the | Money paid to Substitutes in the Militia of Pennsyl- vania. | [Philadelphia: 1777 ?] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3556 HIS Excellency the | Commander in Chief | Having been pleased to appoint Mr. Francis | Gilbert, and Mr. John Hender- son, | Wardens for the Port of Philadelphia. | All Masters of Vessells and Others concerned | are hereby ordered to obey them as such. | [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3557 Dated " 4th December, 1777." I ©eutfcfrs I 2lmericanif(6e I Salenber, I 2luf bag W | ... | ... | 1778. | | | | | | . | | | | | | . | £um vierjigften mat fyeraug gegeben. | Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur,jun.und Peter Saur. | . . . | . . . [1777.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (48). HOME. ([John]) Alonzo | and | Ormisinda. | Anew | Tragedy | In Five Acts. | As it is performed at the | Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. | Written by Mr. Home, | Author of the Tragedy of Douglas. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold,by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. j 8vo. pp. 67, (2). 3559 HURT. (J.) The Love of our Country. | A Sermon, | preached before | The Virginia Troops | in New-Jersey. | By John Hurt, 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 283 Chaplain. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, | six Doors above Arch-street. | MDCCLXXVIL | 8vo. pp. 23. l. c. p. 3560 IN Congress, | April 11, 1777. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3561 Appointing a " Committee ... to make diligent enquiry respecting the truth of information just given to Congress, of a quantity of provisions being laid up in . . . Philadelphia." With the resolutions of the State Board of War on the same subject. IN Congress, | April 14, 1777. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. a. s. p. 3562 Appointing a Committee of three to confer with the authorities of Pennsylvania on the threatened invasion of that State, followed by the Report of the Committee, on the following day. IN Council. | Philadelphia, April 9, 1777. | To the People of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second- street, near Arch-street. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3563 An address on a rumored movement of the Royal troops towards Philadelphia. IN Council. | Philadelphia, July 9, 1777. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3564 Pt- circular letter to the County Magistrates requesting a return of names of persons qualified " to take care of the Billeting and providing for the poor People who shall be sent out of Philadelphia, and to take an account of all the Flour, Wheat, Grain or other Stores, that they may find lodged in any Mills or Store-houses, within twenty miles westward of the Delaware." IN Council. | Philadelphia, 28th July, 1777. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3565 Circular letter to the Lieutenants of the Counties. Ordering the Militia to be called out on the expected arrival of the British in Delaware Bay. IN Council. | Philadelphia, September 4,1777. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, near Arch-street. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3566 A resolution that arms or blankets, taken into the field, by the Militia, and cap- tured or unavoidably lost, shall be paid for by the State. 284 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 IN Council of Safety. | Philadelphia, January 22, 1777. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3567 " Resolved that Colonel Melcher, Barrack-Master General, be directed to quarter the Militia upon the Non-Associators in this City." In English and German. IN Council of Safety. March 11, 1777. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1777. Folio. 3568 Aitken, on March 13, 1777, charges the Council for printing 150 copies of their orders respecting the cleaning of Houses in which troops were quartered. See Colo- nial Records, xi. 144. IN General Assembly. | Thursday, June 5th, 1777. | delphia .-] Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street. [1777.] | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 3569 A Bill entitled " A Supplement to the Act, entituled, An Act for amending the several Acts for electing Members of Assembly," "printed for the Consideration of the Public." IN General Assembly, | Friday, June 6, 1777. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, pp. 2. h. s. p. 3570 A Bill entitled " A Supplement to the Act, entitled An Act directing the mode of Collecting the Fines imposed on persons who do not meet and exercise, in order to learn the Art Military, according to the Resolves of the late Assembly of Penn- sylvania," " printed for public consideration." IN General Assembly, | For the State of Pennsylvania. | Thurs- day, June 12,1777. P.M. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3571 " Resolved, That this House will recommend it to the Inhabitants of this Com- mon-Wealth, to give their Sense of the present Dispute respecting the calling of a Convention," to amend the Constitution. IN General Assembly | For the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia. | Tuesday, June 17, 1777. P.M. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3572 A Bill entitled " An Act to empower the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the State of Pennsylvania to pay out of the monies which remain in their hands, and cannot be again lent out for want of borrowers, unto the Treasurer of this State, 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 285 any Sum not exceeding Thirty Thousand Pounds, with Directions to replace the same," " printed for public consideration." IN General Assembly. | Monday, September 15, 1777. A.M. | Philadelphia: Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, near Arch- street. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3573 A Bill entitled " An Act to impower the Supreme Executive Council of this Commonwealth, to provide for the Security thereof in special Cases where no Pro- vision is already made by Law," " printed for public consideration." IN Pursuance of a Writ to me | directed, . . . . | : Henry Miller. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3574 Notice of a special election to elect representatives for Philadelphia County, in place of John Dickinson, George Gray, Thomas Potts, and Isaac Hughes, who had not taken their seats. Printed in English and German in parallel columns. JOURNALS | and | Proceedings | of the | General Assembly | Of the Common-Wealth of | Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Banlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | Folio, pp. 100. l. c. p. 3575 Issued in eight parts, of which the last, pp. 83-100, were printed at Lancaster by Francis Bailey. Some of these parts are headed " Minutes | of the | General Assembly," | &c. JOURNALS | of | Congress. | Containing the | Proceedings | From Sept. 5. 1774. to Jan. 1. 1776. | Published by order of Con- gress. | Volume I. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by P. Aitken, Bookseller, Front-street, | M.DCC.LXXVII. | 8vo. Title and Authorization, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-310; Index, pp. (12). 3576 JOURNALS | of | Congress. | Containing the | Proceedings | | In the Year, 1776. | Published by order of Congress. | Volume II. | Philadelphia : | Printed and sold by B. Aitken, Bookseller, Front- street. | M.DCC.LXXVII. | 8vo. Title and Authorization, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-513 ; Index, pp. (22). n. s. p. 3577 Aitken was ordered to print this edition in April, 1776. (See No. 3409, supra.) There were to have been 700 sets, but Aitken says, " I printed 800 copies of the second volumes, 50 were carried to Lancaster, and committed to the care of Mr. Dunlap. I find of the 750 other copies only 532 were delivered. I allow 218 copies as they have been lost or embessled." 286 1777 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS KELLY. (II.) The | Romance | of | An Hour: | A new | Comedy, | Of Two Acts. | As it is performed, with universal Ap- plause, at the | Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. | Written by | Hugh Kelly, Esq; of the Middle Temple | Author of False Deli- cacy, a Word to the Wise, | Clementina, The School for Wives, &c. &c. | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. 3578 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Advertisement, pp. (2); Prologue, 1 leaf; Dramatis Personae, 1 leaf; text, pp. 11-49; Epilogue, pp. (2); List of Books, PP- (0- LAWS | enacted in a | General Assembly | of the | Representa- tives | of the | Freemen | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsyl- vania. | Begun and held at Philadelphia the Twenty-eighth day of November, | A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- six, and continued by adjournments | to the Twenty-first day of March, A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred and | Seventy- seven. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | Folio, pp. 48, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3579 LAWS | enacted in a | General Assembly | of the | Representa- tives | of the | Freemen | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Penn- sylvania. | Begun and held at Philadelphia the Tenth day of May, | A.D. One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven, and | continued by adjournment to Lancaster, until the Fourteenth | day of October, A.D. One Thousand, Seven Hundred and | Seventy Seven. | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Kings- Street. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 51-65, 1 leaf. MARSHALL. (-) Comedy in Embryo. By Miss Marshall. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777. 3581 MILTON. (J.) Paradise Lost. | A | Poem, | in | Twelve Books. | The Author | John Milton. | With the Life of Milton. | By Thomas Newton, D.D. | ... | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | MDCCLXXVH. | 8vo. 3582 Collation : Half-title and List of Books, pp. (2) ; 1 plate ; Title, 1 leaf; Tonson to Lord Sommers, 1 page; Marvel's Poem, pp. (2); The Verse, 1 page; Arguments 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 287 of the 12 books, pp. 9-15; text of Books I. to XI., pp. 1-328. Vol. II. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; The Stationer to the Reader, from the first edition, 1 page; " Contents of the second Volume," 1 page ; Half-title to Poems, 1 leaf; Book XII., Paradise Lost, pp. 329-350; Index, pp. (32) ; Life of Milton, pp. 383-444; L'Al- legro, Il Penseroso, Lycidas, Sonnets and Poems, pp. 445-474; Paradise Regained, pp. 475-545 ; Samson Agonistes, pp. 547-603 ; Comus, pp. 605-640. The title to the second volume is as follows: Paradise Regain'd. | A | Poem, | in | Four Books. | To which are added, | Samson Agonistes: | And | Poems on Several Occasions. | The Author | John Milton. | With the Life of the Author. | By Thomas Newton. D.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | The collation given of the second corresponds with the printed " Contents of the second Volume." The portrait of Milton is a very good specimen of John Norman's work. This is the first American edition of Milton's Poems. ©@3? 93erbeffert= unb Buberlafjige Slmericanifcfye Gab cnber auf ba3 1778fte $al)r (Sfyrifti. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1777. 3583 THE NEW England Primer. Philadelphia: Pobert Aitken. 1777. 3584 THE NEW | Testament | Of our Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ: | Newly Translated out of the | Original Greek; | And with the former | Translations | Diligently compared and revised. | Appointed to be read in Churches. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by | R. Aitken, | Printer $ Bookseller, | Front-Street. | 1777. | 12mo. pp. 353, (1). h. s. p. 3585 The first edition of the New Testament printed in English in America. The imprint is in a rude type-metal cut. NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Even- ing Post. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1777. 3586 All the newspapers suspended publication on the approach of the British in No- vember, 1776 ; the Evening Post was, however, not only the last to stop, but was the first to resume. It is possible that some of the other papers issued " New-Year Verses." NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1777. 3587 NEW YORK. The | Constitution | of the | State | of | New- York. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Styner and Cist, in 288 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 Second-street, | six Doors above Arch-street. | MDC CL XXVII. | 8vo. pp. 32. l. c. p. 3588 NEWS. | Lancaster, Printed by Francis Bailey. [1777.] | Folio, pp. (2). a. p. s. 3589 Probably issued in lieu of a regular newspaper. Dated " Nov. 1, 1777." NO Person whatever is to presume to remove | any Merchan- dise or Goods of any Kind out | of the City, without first ob- taining Leave ... | | | | [Philadelphia: Ja,mes Humphreys, junr. 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3590 Dated " Philadelphia, October 1, 1777." NOTICE is hereby Given, | To all Seamen and Others, | Be- longing to any of His Majesty's Ships | . . . now in or about this Town, | to give themselves up to the Commanding Officer | of the Delaware Frigate; ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3591 Dated " Philadelphia, October 8, 1777," and signed " J. Watt." NOTICE is hereby Given, | To all Seamen and able-bodied | Landsmen, | Desirous to serve the King ... | ... to repair to the . . . | . . . Delaware Frigate, . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3592 Dated "Philadelphia, October 10, 1777," and signed "J. Watt, Commanding Officer." NOTICE | Is Hereby Given, | To the Merchants, Adventurers, and Masters of | Vessels, that a Report of their Cargoes is to be | made to the Quarter-Master-General, or his Deputies, | before they land any Part of it: . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. | In Market-street, between Front and Second-streets. [1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3593 Dated " Philadelphia, November 24, 1777." OBSERVATIONS on the Slaves and the Indented Servants, in- listed | in the Army, and in the Navy of the United States. | [Phil- adelphia:] Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-Street, near Arch- Street. [1777.] | Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 3594 1777 289 IN PENNSYLVANIA [PAINE. (Thomas)] The | American Crisis. | Number II. | By the Author of | Common Sense. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold by Styner and Cist, in | Sceond-street, six doors above Arch-street. | | | [1777.] | 8vo. pp. 9-24. -|- Number III. | [Z557.] 8vo. pp. (2), 27-56. + Number IV. [7Z5/.] Where it may be had Gratis. Also at the Coffee-House. | 8vo. pp. 57-60. h. s. p. 3595 THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Evening Post. | MDCCLXXVII. | Volume III. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Towne,in Front- Street. [1777.] | 4to. pp. (2), 606. 3596 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. h. s. p. 3597 Numbers 2502 (Feb. 5, 1777) to 2533 (Sept. 10,1777), four pages each. Title and imprint as in No. 2913, supra. The publication of the paper was suspended on the approach of the British, and the press and materials removed to York, where the paper was printed from Jan. to June, 1778. These papers were not numbered. Publication was again suspended from June, 1778, to Jan., 1779, when the regular issue of the paper was resumed, and numbered in continuation from Sept. 10, 1777. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 3598 Numbers 1774 (Jan. 29, 1777) to 1807 (Sept. 17, 1777), four pages each. Title and imprint as in No. 2317, supra. The publication of the paper was suspended from Sept. 17, 1777, until about Dec. 23, 1778. October 10, 1777. Number XCVIH. | THE | PENNSYL- VANIA : Ledger: | Or • the | Weekly • Advertiser. | Friday : October 10, 1777. l. c. p. 3599 Numbers XCVIII. (Oct. 10, 1777) to CXIV. (Dec. 31, 1777), four pages each, except Numbers 98, 107, 109, 111, and 113, which contain only two pages. Imprint as in No. 3255, supra., until No. 104, when it was changed to the form given in No. 3769, infra. In No. 106 the title was also changed to the form there given, and with this issue the paper began to appear twice a week. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 3600 Numbers 269 (Jan. 4, 1777) to 304 (Sept. 9, 1777), four pages each, except Nos. 269 to 272, which are only two pages. The publication of the paper was resumed at Lancaster on Nov. 29, and continued weekly. These issues were not numbered. Title and imprint of the papers printed in Philadelphia as in No. 3446, supra; of those printed at Lancaster as in No. 3770, infra. ii.-37 290 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 PENNSYLVANIA War-Office, April 13th, 1777. | [Philadel- phia .•] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3601 A letter from Henry Fisher, of Lewes, giving an account of the movement of British men-of-war in Delaware Bay, published by the Board of War. PENNSYLVANIA War-Office, | Philadelphia, April 17th, 1777. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3602 Appointing a committee of fifty to remove " all the Provisions and other Stores now in this City," &c. PENNSYLVANIA War-Office, | Philadelphia, May 2d, 1777. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3603 Resolutions ordering 4000 blankets to be collected ; fixing the quota to be supplied by the city of Philadelphia and the several counties, and appointing commissioners to carry out the resolutions. THE | PHILADELPHIA | Almanack | For the Year 1778 | Calculated | For Pennsylvania and the | neighbouring Parts | To which is Added some useful Tables. | [Engraved on Copper by J. Norman. 1777 ?] 24mo. pp. 20. Plan of the City, 1 leaf folded. h. s. p. 3604 THE | PLEA | of the | Colonies | On the Charges brought against them by | Lord Mansfield, and Others, | in a letter to | His Lordship. | By a Native of Pennsylvania. | London, Printed in the Year MDCCLXXVI. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3605 Collation : Half-title, 1 leaf; 1 plate ; Explanation, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-38 ; List of Books, pp. (2). Reprinted from the second London edition. The first appeared in 1775. POOR Will's Almanac for 1778. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1777. 3606 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1778; | . . . | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by J. Crukshank, | in Market-street, opposite the | Butcher's Shambles. [1777.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 3607 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 291 PR15SERVATIF centre les mensonges politiques, addresse & 1'auteur des observations sur les dangers de la patrie. A Phila- delphie: [Genhve.] 1777. w. 3608 PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency | George Washington, Esq; | General, and Commander in Chief, of all the Forces of the | United States of America. | Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3609 Dated " Head Quarters, Morris Town, January 25th, 1777." Commanding all persons who have taken British protections, certificates, or passports, to surrender the same. PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency | George Washing- ton, Esquire, | General and Commander in Chief of the Forces | of the United States of America. | ... | ... I hereby enjoin and require all Persons | residing within seventy Miles of my Head Quarters to | thresh one Half of their Grain by the 1st Day of February, | and the other Half by the 1st Day of March next ensuing, | . . . | . . . | | . | Given under my Hand, at Head Quarters, near | the Valley Forge, in Philadelphia County, this 20th | Day of December, 1777. | G. Washington. | . . . | . . . . | Lancaster; Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3610 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | Philadelphia; Printed by James Humphreys, junr. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3611 Dated " 28th of September, 1777," warning persons who have taken advantage of the proclamation of Aug. 27, offering Security and Protection, not to forfeit their Pre- tensions by their future conduct. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3612 Dated " 1st of Oct., 1777," requiring all persons to take the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty before Oct. 25th. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir 292 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3613 Dated " the 8th of October, 1777," offering a land bounty to recruits for the Pro- vincial Corps then raising. PROCLAMATION. Sine burcb (Seine SjceHenj, Sir SBilliatn <£)oive, fitter | bom 33ab, General unb £)berbefetytefyaber, :c. zc. zc., berau3= gegebene | Proclamation. | Philadelphia, gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, junr. und Peter Saur. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3614 Dated " 8th October, 1777," offering a land bounty to recruits for the Provincial corps then raising. PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclama- tion. | [Philadelphia: 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3615 Dated " the 8th of October, 1777," offering free pardon to deserters who surrender themselves before December the 1st. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.} By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia : James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3616 Dated " 7th of November, 1777," exemplary Punishment shall be inflicted on all Persons, who shall be found guilty of taking the Property of others unwarrantably. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3617 Dated "the 24th of November, 1777," requiring shipmasters to make oath as to the Quantity and Quality of Liquors imported by them. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Anns.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. | in Market-street, between Front and Second-streets. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3618 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 293 Dated " 4th of December, 1777," appointing Joseph Galloway, Superintendent- General. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3619 Dated "4th of December, 1777," appointing Joseph Galloway, Superintendent of Imports and Exports in Philadelphia, regulating the manner and restricting the kind of goods to be imported, &c. PROCLAMATION, [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3620 " For the Suppression of Vice and Immorality," issued December 14, 1777. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arm.] By His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3621 Dated the " 18th of December, 1777." Relating to importation of goods by vessels in His Majesty's service. PROCLAMATION. By the Supreme Executive Council | of the Common-Wealth of Pennsylvania. | A Proclamation. | [Phila- delphia : Hall and Sellers. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3622 Dated " March 7, 1777," recommending the observance of the 3d of April as a Fast Day, &c. PROCLAMATION. By the Supreme Executive Council | of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | Phila- delphia : Printed by Siyner and Cist, in Second-street, near Arch-street. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3623 Issued Sept. 10, 1777, on the approach of the British. Kleine | ©abibijcfye | ipfalterfyiel | ®er | Stinber 3ion3, | bon Sllten unb 9Ruen au£erle[enen | ©ei[te3=@efdngen, 294 1777 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS | 2lffen tvafyren | gen Sdugliugeu ber | bcrtjeit uber | SDenen (Bemeinben be3 £errn, | 311111 £>ieu[t unb ©ebraucfy mit 311; | fammen getragen | in gegemvdrtigffieliebiger $orm unb Drbnung, | 9Rbft einem bretyfddjen, barju nffijicfyen unb ber | HJlaterien fyalben nbtfyigen | 9?egifter. | Bum bierten mal an§ Sicfyt gegeben. | Germantown, qedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1777. I 16mo. pp. (6), 572, (22 +). h. s. p. 3624 REGULATIONS, | Under which the Inhabitants may pur- chase the enume- | rated Articles, [viz: Rum, Molasses, Salt, and Medicines.] mentioned in the Proclamation of His | Excellency Sir William Howe, . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3625 Dated " Philadelphia, December 8, 1777," and signed " Joseph Galloway, Super- intendent General." THE FOLLOWING REMONSTRANCE, was this Day pre- sented | to the President and Council, by the Hands of their Secretary. | To the President and Council of Pennsylvania. | The Remonstrance of | Israel Pemberton, John Hunt, and Samuel Pleasants, | [Philadelphia:] Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3626 Dated "4th. 9th mo. 1777." THE | RISE | and | Continuance | of the | Substitutes, | in the | Continental Army. | Containing, Extracts | I. From the Journals of Congress. | II. From the Committee of Congress. Appointed to confer | with the President, and Members of the Supreme Executive | Council, of the Common-Wealth of Penn- sylvania, the Board | of War of said State, and the Delegates representing the same | in Congress, concerning the Authority which should be | deemed eligible to be exercised during the recess of the | Council and Assembly. | HI. From the Pennsyl- vania War-Office. | IV. From a Declaration of the Rights of Pennsylvania. | V. From the Plan or Frame of Government. | VI. From the Militia Act of Pennsylvania. &c. &c. | With the Opinion of several Eminent Lawyers. | | | | | . . . | . . . . | Published for the Use of all, Who are yet capable of noticing, the | proper discriminations, which will eternally exist 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 295 between | Right and Wrong. | Philadelphia: | Hinted and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVIL | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-18. l. c. p. 3627 [RUSH. (Benjamin)] Observations | upon the present | Gov- ernment | of | Pennsylvania. | In | Four Letters | to the | People of Pennsylvania. | . . . | | | | | | ... | .... | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, | six doors above Arch-street. MDCCLXXVIL | 8vo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 3628 On the last page of some copies are four lines of errata. SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1778. By Richard Saunders, Phil. York- Town: Hall and Sellers. 1777. 3629 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanac for 1778. By Richard Saunders, Philom. York-Town: Holland Sellers. 1778. 3630 SELECT Essays : | Containing : | The Manner of raising and | dressing Flax, and Hemp. | Also, The whole Method of | Bleach- ing or Whitening | Linen-Cloth. | Likewise, Observations on | the Management of Cows | and Sheep. | The Manner of raising Rad- | ishes, Turnips, Cabbage | and other such Plants. | And an En- quiry, concerning | the materials that may be | used in making Paper. | With, Valuable Dissertati- | ons on other useful Subjects. | Collected from the Dictionary of Arts and | Sciences, and from various modern Authors. | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Raid's Church, in Third- Street, Philadelphia. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3631 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface and Contents, pp. (2) ; List of Books, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-159 ; List of Books, 1 page ; 1 folded plate. SEVEN | Rational | Sermons, | on the following subjects, | viz. | I. Against Covetousness. | II. On the Vanity of this Life. | III. Against Revenge. | IV. Of Mirth and Grief. | V. The Cruelty of Slandering in- | nocent and defenceless Women. | VI. The Duty of Children. | VII. Advantages of Education. | Written in Eng- land, by a Lady, the Translatress of Four ] Select Tales from Mar- 296 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 montel. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. | 8vo. pp. 77, (1). h. s. p. 3632 SHARP. (A.) Ter (Sanb SRue SBerbefferte 3iorb = SImericanifcEie Ghlenber, auf ba§ 1778fte Gtjrifti. $um Trittenmal fjerauSgegeben unb Verfertiget von 2lntl;onl; Sfyarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1777. ' 3633 A second edition was advertised in Das Pennsylvanische Zeitungs-Blatt, Feb. 11, 1778. SHARP. (A.) The Lancaster Almanac for 1778. By Anthony Sharp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1777. 3634 SHARP. (A.) The | Lancaster | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1778. | Being the Third Year of American | Independency. | Fitted to the use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring States. | Containing | A | variety of useful Lists and | Tables. | By An- thony Sharp, Philom. | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, | who is removed from the North to | the South-Side of King-Street, | a few doors below the Market. [1777.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 3635 STANDING Orders for the Garrison | of Philadelphia. | adelphia : Robert Aitken. 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3636 Signed by Lewis Nichola, Town Major, and dated by DuSimitiere May 31, 1777. Aitken, on June 2, charges Nichola £6 for printing 600 copies. According to his Ledger for this and other work done for Nichola, amounting to £52.13.11, he was never paid for. STEVENS. (G. A.) Songs, Comic, Satyrical, and Sentimental. By George Alexander Stevens. Philadelphia : Robert Bell. 1777. Advertised in the Pa. Ledger, Nov. 26, 1777. Fine paper copies were sold for two dollars. Common paper ones at fifty cents less. A TESTIMONY given forth from our Yearly-Meeting, | held at Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, by Ad- | journments, from the 29th Day of the Ninth Month to the 4th | of the Tenth Month, inclusive, 1777. | [Philadelphia: 1777.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3638 A disavowal of the " Spank-Town Yearly-Meeting" address. 1777 IN PENNSYLVANIA 297 TEITCRO duce nil desperandum. | First Battalion of Pennsyl- vania Loyalists. | | | All Intrepid Able-bodied | Heroes, | Who are willing to serve His Majesty . . . | | | . have now | an Opportunity of manifesting their Spirit, | | . | | | | | | Each Volunteer will receive, ... a Bounty | | | | | | | [Philadelphia: 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3639 THOMSON. (J.) The | Seasons: | Containing, | Spring. Au- tumn. | Summer. Winter. | With | Poems on Several Occasions. | By | James Thomson. | To which are added, | An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. | | | | | . | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Pobert Bell, in Third-Street, | Next Door to St. Paul's Church. | MDCCLXXVH. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-251, (3). 3640 TO the Congress. | The Remonstrance of the Subscribers, | Citizens of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia;] Printed by Robert Bell, in Third Street. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3641 Dated "5th, 9 mo. 1777." TO the Freemen of the Common Wealth of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3642 Call for a meeting of persons who have procured substitutes to serve in the Army, dated " Philadelphia, June 18th, 1777." TO the | Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777.] Folio, pp. 2. l. c. p. 3643 Dated " Mason's Lodge, Sept. 9, 1777." A copy of the Resolution of the Council ordering the Quakers and other persons confined in the Free-Mason's Lodge, to be sent to Virginia, followed by " The Remonstrance and Protest of the Subscribers." TO the President and Council of Pennsylvania. | The Remon- strance of the Subscribers, Freemen, | and Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia, now confined in | the Free-Mason's Lodge. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 3644 Dated " September 5th, 1777." it.-38 298 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1777 TO the Public. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3645 Dated " Pennsylvania War-Office, May 2d, 1777." Names of persons appointed throughout the State to make an assessment of Blankets for the use of the Troops. A TORY Medley. | [Philadelphia : 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3646 By Francis Hopkinson? The characters are "The Broker," William Smith; " The Printer," James Rivington ; and " The Quaker," Samuel Rhodes Fisher. It consists of four songs and a " Medley." A | TREATY | and | Convention, | for the | Sick, Wounded, and Prisoners of War, | of the | Land Forces of His Majesty ] The King of Great-Britain, | and of | His Most Christian Majesty. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. [1777.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 16. WANTED, | A Number of Hands to | Cut Wood | During the Winter Season, for the Use of the | Army. | | | | . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1777.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3648 Dated " Philadelphia, November 1, 1777." WASHINGTON. (G.) An intercepted original Letter | from General Washington to | his Lady, in the Year 1776. | [Philadel- phia : 1777.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3649 Du Simitiere says, "Spurious: wrote in London by a Mr. Randolph of Virginia." WATTS. (I.) Horse Lyricse: Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. In Three Books. By Isaac Watts, D.D. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1777. 3650 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1778; | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | | | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | . . . | . . . | | | | Lancaster: | Printed and Sold by John Dun- lap, at his | Printing-Office, in Queen Street. [1777.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. a. s. p. 3651 YOUNG. (E.) The | Complaint; | Or | Night-Thoughts | on 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 299 | Life, Death, and Immortality. | By the Reverend | Edward Young, LL.D. | To which are added, | A Poetical Paraphrase | on part of the Book of Job; | and his | Poem on the Last Day. | . . . | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVH. | 8vo. Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, lleaf; Preface, 1 leaf; A Panegyric, &c.,pp. (2); Night-Thoughts, pp. 1-295; Paraphrase, pp. 297-309; Notes, pp. 311-316; Poem on the Last Day, Title, 1 leaf; Verses, &c., pp. (4) ; text, pp. 323-357 ; List of Books, pp. (3). The Poem on the Last Day has the following title-page: A | Poem | on the | Last Day. | In Three Books. | By the Reverend | Edward Young, LL.D. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed, and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVII. | I for I SBerfammlung | for 9leprdfentanten | be§ | (StaateS von 91eiot>orf | an bie, | iveldfe fie bagn foftellt fyafon. | 2Iu§ font Snglifdfen ilforfefjt. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, in der Zweyten- | strasse, nahe bey der Arch-strasse, 1777. | 8vo. pp. 21. 1778. A Son Excellence, | Son Excellence Le Ministre | Plenipoten- tiaire de France | Aupres des Etats Unis de 1'Amerique. | [Phila- delphie: 1778 ?] Folio, pp. (4). l. c. p. 3654 " Epitre. A mon Jardin," in verse. The first page is occupied with the dedication in prose. AX ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1778. AN ACT for the regulation of Waggons, Carriages and | Pack- Horses for the Public Service. | [Lancaster: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 3656 AN ACT for the regulation of Waggons, Carriages and | Pack- Horses for the Public Service. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3657 AN ACT to prevent Forestalling and Regrating, and to | encourage Fair Dealing. | [Lancaster: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, pp. (2). a. p. s. 3658 300 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 ACT. A | Farther | Supplement | to the | Act | Entitled | "An Act to regulate the Militia | "of the Common-Wealth of Penn- | "sylvania." | Lancaster: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Queen- street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3659 ACT. A further Supplement to the Act intitled, " An Act directing the mode | and time of electing Justices of the Peace for the city of Philadelphia | and the several Counties in this Commonwealth, and for other pur- | poses therein mentioned. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3660 ACT. A Supplement to the Act intitled, " An Act for the further secu- | rity of the Government." | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3661 AN | ADDRESS of the Congress | to the | Inhabitants of the United States of America. | York- Town: Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3662 ADDRESS of the Congress | to the | Inhabitants of the United States of America. | Lancaster, printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3663 Dated " May 9, 1778," published May 14. ALL Gentlemen | Sailors, | That are able and willing to serve His Majesty, | . . . | Let them Repair on Board | . . . | The Pearl, | John Linzee, Esq; Commander; | | | | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. . . . | [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3664 Issued Feb. 4,1778. ALL | Loyal Seamen | or | Able-Bodied Landmen, | Desirous of Serving his Majesty | ... | ... on Board the Galley | Phila- delphia, | | | | Will meet with every Encouragement . . . | . . . | ... | .... | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. . . . [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3665 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1779. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1778 ? 3666 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 301 THE AMICABLE Fire Company are re- | quested to meet at the Cross Keys | | at Six o'Clock this Even- | ing . . . | . . . . | [Philadelphia: 1778.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3667 Dated "Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 1778." [ANSTEY. (Christopher)] The Election Ball. In Poetical Letters, from Mr. Inkle at Bath, to his Wife at Gloucester, with a Poetical Address to John Miller, Esq. Philadelphia: James Rob- ertson. 1778. 3668 THE | ARTICLES, | Published by Congress, | of a | Treaty of Amity and Commerce, | and of a | Treaty of Alliance | Between the Crown of France | And these United States, | Duly entered into and executed at Paris, on | the 6th day of February last, by a Minister | properly authorized by his Most Christian | Majesty on the one part, and the Commissi- | oners of Congress on the other part. | Also the | Articles | of | Confederation and Perpetual | Union | Between the United States of America, as pro- | posed by Congress to the Legislatures of the | different States. | Lancas- ter : Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Sm. 12mo. l. c. p. 3669 Collation : Title, 1 page ; Treaty, pp. 2-12 ; Articles of Confederation, pp. (13) ; Lists of Members of Congress, Pennsylvania Assembly, &c., pp. (4). The Articles of Confederation and lists are from Father Abraham's Pocket Almanack for 1778. nod) fur £)rben3= unb -Jlidjitorbentente bet Wtab. Saglioftro. Philadelphia : [Wittekind in JEisenach.'] 1778. w. 3670 AVIS an Public. To the Public. Dffentlid)e Sefanntmadjmng. | Imprimb a Philadelphie par Henri Miller, | 1778. | Folio, 1 leaf. 3671 Printed in French, English, and German, in three parallel columns, with imprints under each column. " Colonel De la Balme, a French Officer, . . . has begun to erect about 28 miles from Philadelphia, a Row of Workshops, where such ... as are destitute . . . may ... by means of their own Labour, overcome the Difficulties of their MisfortunesThe Diet is to be : Before going to work a Crust of good Bread, or a Biscuit, and a Glass of the best Rum ; Breakfast, Fruit, Potatoes and broil'd Meat; For Dinner, Soup and boil'd Meat; Supper, Soup and roasted Meat. Fresh Meat shall be served as much as can be, and from time to time some Beer or Cyder." BECCARIA. ([Cesare Bonesana,] Marquis di) An | Essay | on | Crimes | and | Punishments. | Written by the | Marquis Bee- 302 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 caria, | of Milan. | With a | Commentary, | Attributed to Mon- sieur De Voltaire. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by II. Bell, next Door to St. Paul's | Church, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. l. c. p. 3672 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (4); Preface, pp. 5-10; Introduction, pp. 11-14; text, pp. 15-269; Sharp's Remarks, Half-title, and quota- tion, pp. (2); Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. 275-288; text, 289-348 ; Rousseau on Duel- ling, pp. 349-352; Index, pp. (3); Advertisement, 1 page. The title to Sharp's tract is as follows : Remarks | on the | Opinions | of | Some of the most celebrated Writers | on | Crown Law, | respecting the due distinction between Manslaughter and Murder: | Being an Attempt to shew, | That the plea of sudden Anger | cannot remove the imputation | and guilt of Murder, when a | Mortal Wound is wilfully given | with a Weapon : | That the indulgence allowed by | the Courts to voluntary Man- | slaughter in Rencounters, and | in sudden Affrays and Duels, | is indiscrimi- nate, and without | foundation in Law : | And that impunity in such cases | of volun- tary Manslaughter is | one of the principal causes of | the continuance and present in- | crease of the base and disgrace- | ful practice of Duelling. | To which are added, some thoughts | on the particular case of the | Gentlemen of the Army, when | in- volved in such disagreeable | private differences. | With a Prefatory Address to the Reader, concerning the | Depravity and Folly of modern Men of Honour, falsely so called ; | including a short account of the Principles and Design of the | Work. | By Grenville Sharp. | Philadelphia: j Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | BENEZET. (A.) A first Book for Children. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. Note, When the above alphabets are defaced, this leaf may be pasted upon the cover, and that on the other side used. By An- thony Benezet. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by J. Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets. 1778. 16mo. pp. 16 ? 3673 Title from Smith's Catalogue of Friends' Books. [BENEZET.] Serious | Considerations | On several Important | Subjects; | viz. | On War and its Inconsistancy with the | Gos- pel. | Observations on Slavery. | And | Remarks on the Nature and bad Effects of | Spirituous Liquors. | [12 lines.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, . . . | . . . 1778. | 12mo. pp. 48. [BENEZET.] Serious Reflections affectionately recommended | to the Well-disposed of every Religious De- | nomination, par- ticularly those who Mourn | and Lament on account of the Calam- 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 303 ities | which attend us; and the insensibility that | so generally prevails. | [Philadelphia: 1778?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. h. s. p. 3675 [BENEZET.] Some | Necessary | Remarks | on the | Educa- tion | of the | Youth | in the Country-parts of this, and | the neighbouring | Governments. | [Philadelphia: 1778?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. ii. s. p. 3676 [BERTIE, (Willoughby -] Earl of Abingdon.) Thoughts | on the | Letter | of | Edmund Burke, Esq; | to the | Sheriffs of Bristol, | on the | Affairs of America. | By the Earl of Abingdon. | Oxford, Printed: | Lancaster, Re-printed, | And Sold by John Dun- lap, | In Queen-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 30; Adver- tisement, pp. (2). ii. s. p. 3677 A second edition was advertised in the Pa. Packet, June 3, 1778. BRACKENRIDGE. (H. M.) Six | Political | Discourses | founded on | the | Scripture. | By Hugh Montgomery Bracken- ridge. | | | | | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey. [1778.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 88. l. c. p. 3678 BROOKE. (II.) Gustavus Vasa, | The | Deliverer of his Country. | Inscrib'd | To his Excellency | General Washington, | Commander in Chief of the Forces of the Thirteen | United States of America. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Written by | Henry Brooke, Esq, | Author of the Fool of Quality, of the History of Juliet | Grenville, &c. &c. &c. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Paul's Church in Third- Street. | M.DCC.LXXVIH. | 8vo. pp. 88, (8). h. s. p. 3679 [BROWN. (William)] Pharmacopoeia | Simpliciorum | et | Efficaciorum, | in usum | Nosocomii Militaris, | ad exercitum | Foederatarum America Civitatum | pertinentis; | Hodiernse nostrse inopise rerumque | angustiis, | Foroci hostium ssevitise, belloque crudeli ex inopinato | patriee nostrse illato debitis, | Maxime accommodata. | Philadelphice: | Ex Officina Styner f Cist. MDCCLXXVIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 32. l. c. p. 3680 This was the first Pharmacopoeia published in the United States. A second edition was issued in 1781. 304 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 BY Order of His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | Gen- eral and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Philadelphia : Printed by James Humphreys, Junior. | . . . [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. 3681 Issued Jan. 15, 1778, requiring " all Merchants and Others to make a true return to the Barrack Master of Blankets and Rugs in their possession." BY Order of His Excellency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. 3682 Signed "Daniel Wier, Commissary General," dated " 22d of Feb., 1777." "It being expedient that a sufficient Quantity of Forage and Pasturage should be pro- vided for the Use of the Horses in His Majesty's Service," &c. CALENDRIER de Philadelphie, on constitutions de Sancho Pansa et du bonhomme Richard de Pensylvanie. Philadelphie : [Pans.] 1778. 3683 Title from Weller's Die Jalschen Druckorte. Which also notes an edition printed "En Pensylvanie, 1778," and another "A Philadelphie, 1779," and says " Par Bar- beu du Bourg." CAMILLA. | His Majesty's Ship | The Camilla | Wants Men. | ... | .... | Philadelphia.-] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. . . . [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3684 A CARD. | To the Electors of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia: 1778.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3685 Issued, says Du Simitiere, " October 13, 1778, in answer to a paragraph, signed an Elector, in the Pa. Packet, Oct. 16, 1778." CATALOGUE of a small collection of Sentimental Food to be exhibited at Auction by Robert Bell, on the 15th, 16th and 17th of January. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3686 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction at Samuel Del- lap's Auction Room, on Jan. 15th, and six or seven following evenings. Philadelphia: 1778. 3687 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, May 21, 22, and 23. Philadelphia : Robert Bell. 1778. 3688 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 305 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, by Robert Bell, April 23, 24, and 25. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3689 CATALOGUE of the Books in Bell's Circulating Library, Con- taining above 2000 volumes. Philadelphia : Robert Bell. 1778. 3690 DAVYS. (P.) Adminiculum Puerile, or an Help for School Boys. By P. Davys. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. ? 1778. Advertised in the Pa. Packet, Sept. 24, 1778, to be sold by John Dunlap. This was just after the sale of the confiscated effects of Humphreys, and it was probably from his press. DE FOE. (D.) The | True Born | Englishman. | A Satyr. | By Daniel D'Foe. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed in the Year MDCCLXXVIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 38. l. c. p. 3692 DESCRIPTION | of | Counterfeit Bills, | Which were done in Imitation of the True Ones ordered by the Honorable | the Con- tinental Congress, | Bearing Date 20th May, 1777, and 11th April, 1778. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3693 DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1778. 3694 DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1778. 3695 DIRECTIONS to sail into and up Delaware Bay. | [Philadel- phia : 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3696 Dated by Du Simitiere Feb. 9, 1778. [Royal Arms.] | DRAUGHT of a Bill | For declaring the In- tentions of the Parliament of Great Britain, | concerning the Ex- ercise of the Right of imposing Taxes within | His Majesty's Colonies, Provinces, and Plantations in North- | America. | [Phil- adelphia .•] Printed by Macdonald and Cameron, in Chestnut-Street, a few Doors above the Barrack-Office. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3697 THE | ELDERS and Messengers | of the several | Baptist Churches, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Being met II.-39 306 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 in Association at Hopewell, in | New Jersey, October 13th and 14th, 1778; | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sel- lers. [1778.] | Sm. 4to. pp. 7. 3698 THE | EPISTLE from the Yearly-Meeting | in London, | Held by Adjournments, from the 8th of the Sixth | Month 1778, to the 13th of the same, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and Monthly Meet- ings of Friends in Great- | Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. | [Phil- adelphia : 1778.] 4to. pp. 4. F. 3699 Contains also the Epistle to the Yearly Meeting in Philadelphia. EVANS. (I.) A | Discourse, | delivered, j on the 18th Day of December, 1777, the Day of | public thanksgiving, | Appointed by the | honourable | continental congress, | By the Reverend Israel Evans, A.M. | Chaplain to General Poor's Brigade. | And now published at the request of the General and Officers of the said Brigade, | To be distributed among the Soldiers | gratis. | Lancas- ter : | Printed by Francis Bailey. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | 12mo. pp. 24. 3700 F ATHER Abraham's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1779; | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by J. Dunlap. [1778.] | 24mo. pp. (24). 3701 FIVE Hundred Pounds | Reward. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3702 A handbill in French and English, offering the above reward for the recapture of the " Virginia built pilot boat St. Louis," which had been seized and carried off by the crew. Signed " Anthony Marmajou," and dated " July 16, 1778." FOR the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans | of the Army. | On Monday | [Jan. 19.] . . . | Will be Represented, at the Theatre in Southwark, | A Comedy, Called | No One's Enemy | But his Own, | and | The Deuce is in Him. | . . . . | Phil- adelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3703 [FOTHERGILL. (Samuel)] Repent and be converted: | A | Sermon | Preached at a Meeting of the People called | Quakers, 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 307 1768. | Also The | Heads of a Sermon, | Preached at Horsley- down Meeting, upon the close of | a visit to Friends Families in that Quarter, the 19th | of the Eleventh Month, 1769. | Philadel- phia : | Printed, and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | street, between Second and Third-street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 31. [FRANKLIN. (Benjamin)] La Science | Du Bonhomme Rich- ard, | on | Moyen Facile | De Payer les Impots. | Traduit de 1'Anglois. | Seconde Edition, | exactement semblable a la premiere. [Cut.] | A Philadelphie. | Pt se trouve | A Paris, chez Ruault, Li- braire, | rue de la Harpe, 1778. | 24mo. pp. 151; List of Books, &c., pp. (5). + Troisieme Edition, | . . . . | A Philadelphie: | Se vend a Paris, | chez Ruault, . . . . | MDCCLXXVIH. | 24mo. pp. 151, (5). a. s. p. 3705 Translated by Quetant and Leeuy, and printed at Lausanne, according to Wel- ler's Die Jalschen undfinguten Druckorte. FROM our General Spring Meeting of | Ministers and Elders, held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, by Ad- journments, | from the 21st of the Third-month to the 24th of | the same, inclusive, 1778. | To our Friends and Brethren in Re- ligious Profession. | [Philadelphia: 1778.] Folio, pp. 2. f. 3706 GARRICK. (D.) The | Lying Valet. | A | Comedy in two Acts. | Written | By David Garrick, Esq. | Printed at the Desire of some of the Officers in the American Army, who | intend to exhibit at the Play-house, for the Benefit of Families | who have suffered in the War for American Liberty. | Philadelphia: | Printed by R. Bell, next Door to St. Paul's Church, Third-street. | MDCCLXXVIH. | 8vo. pp. 23, (1). h. s. p. 3707 THE GENTLEMAN and Lady's Pocket Memorandum Book for 1778. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, jun. 1778. 3708 THE GENTLEMEN | Merchants and Citizens ] Are requested to meet on Business of Import- | ance, This Evening. [Philadel- phia: 1778.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3709 Dated " Monday Morning, May 25, 1778." 308 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 jfoifcfien doctor 33eale, unb bem $efyenuno. Lan- caster : Theophilus Cossart. 1778. 3710 GREGORY. (John) A Father's Legacy to his Daughters. By Dr. John Gregory. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3711 [GREY. (Isaac)] A Serious | Address | to | Such of the People called | Quakers, | On the Continent of North-America, | As pro- fess Scruples relative to the present Government: | Exhibiting | The ancient real Testimony of that People, concerning | Obedi- ence to Civil Authority. | Written before the Departure of the British Army | from Philadelphia, 1778. | By a Native of Penn- sylvania. | To which are added, for the Information of all rational | Enquirers, | An Appendix, | consisting of | Extracts from an Essay concerning Obedience | to the Supreme Powers, and the Duty of Subjects in all | Revolutions, published in England soon after the Revolu- | tion of 1688. | Philadelphia: | Printed by R. Bell, next Door to St. Paul's Church, Third-street. | M.DCC.LXXVHI. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3712 Collation : Advertisement, 1 page ; Introduction, pp. (3); Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-24. Appendix, pp. 25-41; Advertisement, 1 page ; Note, 1 leaf. [GREY.] A Serious | Address | to | Such of the People called | Quakers, | on the | Continent of North-America, | as profess | Scruples relative to the present Government: | Exhibiting | The ancient real Testimony of that People, concerning | Obedience to Civil Authority. | Written | Before the Departure of the British Army from Philadelphia, 1778, | By | A Native of Pennsylvania. | To which are added, | For the Information of all rational En- quirers, | An Appendix, | consisting of | Extracts from an Essay concerning Obedience | to the Supreme Powers, and the Duty of Subjects in all | Revolutions, published in England soon after the Revo- | lution of 1688. | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, at the North-east Corner of | Race- and Second-streets, MDCCLXXVUI. | 8vo. pp. 48. h. s. p. 3713 HIS Majesty's Ship | Liverpool, | Being Hauled off from the Wharf, | . . . | . . . every Man absent from her [is to] immedi- ately repair | on Board. | | | | | | Phila- 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 309 delphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junior, | . . . [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3714 | .gCXL'Q - | SImericanifctye | Saleuber, | 2Iuf ba£ Satyr | Dlacty bet (Bnabenreictyen ©eburt unfer3 | £errn unb £etylanbe£ Sefu Styrifti | 1779. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | gum ein unb vieqigften mal tyerauS gegeben. | Philadelphia : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Johann Dunlap, in der Markt-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . 1778.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (32). h. s. p. 3715 At the sale of Saur's confiscated effects, Dunlap bought the cuts and type of Saur's Almanac, and called his first issue the 41st edition. The lines omitted are nearly the same as in Saur's Almanac for 1777. HUME. (D.) The | Life | of | David Hume, Esq; | The Philos- opher and Historian, | Written by Himself. | To which are added, The | Travels of a Philosopher, | Containing | Observations on the Manners and Arts of various Nations, in | Africa and Asia. | From the French of M. le Poivre, | Late Envoy to the King of Cochin-China, and now Intendant of | the Isles of Bourbon and Mauritius. | Philadelphia; | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIH. | 8vo. h. s. p. 3716 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Life of Hume, pp. 3-8; Letter from Adam Smith, pp. 9-13 ; Title to Travels of a Philosopher, 1 leaf; text, pp. 17-62; Contents and List of Books, pp. (2). The Travels of a Philosopher has the following title-page : Travels | of a | Philosopher: | Containing | Observations | on the | Manners and Arts | of | Various Nations, | in | Africa and Asia. | From the French of M. le Poivre, | Late Envoy to the King of Cochin-China, and now Intendant of | the Isles of Bourbon and Mauritius. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | IN Congress. April 23, 1778. | York-Town. Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1778.] | Sm. Folio, 1 leaf. n. y. h. s. 3717 " Resolved, That it be recommended to the . . . States, to pass Laws pardoning such of their Inhabitants as levied war against . . . these States, or aided the Enemy, ... as shall surrender themselves." IN Congress, May 2,1778. I [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] 8vo. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3718 310 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 Resolutions authorizing the Managers of the United States lottery to employ agents in each State, and ordering the list of winning numbers to he printed. IN Congress, | 27th May, 1778. | Establishment of the | Amer- ican Army. | York- Town: Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Folio, pp. (2). a. p. s. 3719 391 bet (general SIffembty | von | <5am£tag3, ben 28ten gloVember, 1778. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, am Eckt von der Rees- und Zweyten-strasse. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. IN General Assembly of Pennsylvania, | Tuesday, September 1,1778. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3721 A Bill entitled " An Act for the recovery of the duties on negroes and mulatto slaves, which on the fourth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, were due to this state, and have since accrued and for appointing a Collector of the said duties," " printed for public consideration." In General Assembly | Friday, September 4, 1778. | Philadel- phia: Printed bu John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1778.] I Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3722 A Bill entitled " A further Supplement to the Act entitled, ' An Act for the reg- ulation of Waggons, Carriages and Pack-Horses for the public service,' " "printed for public consideration." IN General Assembly | Monday, September 7,1778. | [Philadel- phia: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3723 A Bill entitled "A Supplement to the Act intitled, 'An Act for the further security of the Government,' " " printed for public consideration." IN General Assembly | Of Pennsylvania, | Saturday, Novem- ber 28, 1778. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3724 Resolution directing the manner of voting by the people " for a Convention" and "against a Convention," and defining the points to be determined by the Conven- tion. Printed also in German. 5000 copies in each language were ordered to be struck off. IN General Assembly, | Thursday, December 3, 1778. P.M. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3725 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 311 A Bill entitled " An Act to establish and regulate Vendues in the City of Phila- delphia, the Northern Liberties thereof, and the District of Southwark," "printed for public consideration." JEWELS and Diamonds for Sentimentalists, Now on sale at Bell's Book-Store, next door to St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3726 JOURNALS | of | Congress. | Containing | the | Proceedings | From January 1, 1776, to January 1,1777. | Published by order of Congress. | Volume II. | York-Town: [Pennsylvania) | Printed by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXVIH. | 8vo. pp. (2), 1-520, i-xxvii. JOURNALS | of | Congress, | containing | the | Proceedings | From January 1st, 1777, to January 1st, 1778. | Published by order of Congress. | Volume III. | Philadelphia-. | Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | 8vo. pp. 603; Index to Vol. III., xxii; Index to Vol. I. pp. (12). h. s. p. 3728 KUNZE. (J. C.) G'inige | @kbid)te unb Sieber | von | Sfyriftobfy $unje, | @V. Sut6. $£l)Uabefy(na, in | rifa. | Philadelphia : | Gedrucktund zufinden bei Christoph und Peter Saur, | 1778. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (42), 132, (1). h. s. p. 3729 LAWS | enacted in | The Second | General Assembly | of the | Representatives | of the | Freemen | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania. | At the Sitting which began at Lancaster on the Twenty- | seventh day of October, A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Seventy-seven, and continued by adjournment to the second | day of January, A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred and | Seventy-eight. | Lancaster: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Queen-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIH. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 71-100. -|- Laws | Enacted in the Second Sitting | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | [Lancaster: John Dunlap. 1788.] pp. 101-132. + Laws | Enacted in the Third Sitting . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | [Lancaster: John Dunlap. 1778.] pp. 133-136. + Laws | Enacted in the Fourth Sitting | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778.] pp. 137-164. h. s. p. 3730 312 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 LAWS | Enacted in the Third | General Assembly | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which met at Philadelphia, | On Monday the twenty-sixth Day of October, in the | Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Seventy-Eight, | And in the Third Year of the Independence of the United | States of North America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXVIH. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 167-177, (1). 3731 LETTERS | from | General Washington, | To several of his Friends in the | Year 1776. | In which are set forth, | A fairer and fuller View | of | American Politics, | Than ever yet transpired, | Or the Public could be made acquainted with | through any other Channel, | Together with | The Reverend Jacob Duche's (late | Chaplain to the Congress) Letter to Mr. | Washington, and an Answer to it, by | Mr. John Parke, a Lieutenant-Colonel in | Mr. Washington's Army. | [Philadelphia;] Printed in the Year 1778. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 52. l. c. p. 3732 (By Permission.) | A | LIST | of the | General and Staff Offi- cers, | and of the | Officers in the several Regiments | serving in North-America, | Under the Command of His Excellency General | Sir William Howe, K.B. | With the Dates of their Commissions as they Rank | in each Corps and in the Army. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Macdonald f Cameron, a few | doors above the Barrack- Office, | MDCCLXXVIH. | 8vo. pp. 56. 3733 A LIST | of the | Fortunate Numbers | in the | First Class | of the | United States Lottery. | [Colophon.] Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1778.] | 8vo. pp. 55. l. c. p. 3734 LOUIS, | By the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre, | To All who shall see these Presents, | Greeting. | [Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1778?] 4to. pp. (2). l. c. p. 3735 Announcement of the appointment of C. A. Gerard to be Minister to the United States. unb 9?eformirte 31 SB G unb Seamen' SBud)er, fur Stinber, ivelcfje anfangen 311 lernen. Lancaster: Frantz Bailey. 1778. 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 313 MACKAY. (F.) American Liberty | Asserted: | Or | British Tyranny | Reprobated: | In | A Discourse, delivered on Wednes- day, the 22d Day | of April, 1778, to the Officers and Soldiers of Ge- | neral Woodford's Brigade. | By Fitzhugh Mackay, Chaplain. | . . . | .... | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, near the Court-House. | MDCCLXXVIII. | Sin. 8vo. pp. 16. c. 3737 McKEAN. (T.) A | Charge | delivered to the | Grand-Jury, | By the Honourable | Thomas McKean, Esquire, | Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, | At a Court of Oyer and Terminer, | and Gen- eral Gaol Delivery, held at | York, for the County of York, on the 21st | Day of April, 1778; and published | at the special Request of the said Grand- | Jury. | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in King's-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 18. c. 3738 A MANUAL of Catholic Prayers, and other Christian Devo- tions for the use of those Roman Catholics who ardently aspire after salvation. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3739 Advertised in the Pa. Evening Post, Dec. 28, 1778, with the following: " N. B. At said Bell's may be had Holy Bibles, for the pocket or the family, with the Psalms of the Presbyterians." HENRICH MILLERS, beg SBiicfybrucferg in | nbtfiige $orftettung | an bie ©eutfrfien in zc. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3740 MINUTES | Of the Second | General Assembly | of the | Com- mon-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which met at Lancaster, on Monday, October | Twenty-Seventh, A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Seventy-seven. | Lancaster: | Printed by John Dun- lap, in Queen-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVIII. | Folio, pp. 116. 3741 The Minutes of the 1st sitting occupy 41 pages ; of the 2d, pp. 43-76 ; of the 3d, pp. 77-86; of the 4th, pp. 87-116. The last two were probably printed by Dunlap in Philadelphia. MINUTES | of the Third | General Assembly | of the | Com- monwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | which met at Philadelphia, | On Monday the Twenty-sixth Day of October, A.D. One | Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight; | And in the Third Year | of ii.-40 314 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 the | Independence of America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. | MDCCLXXVIIL | Folio, pp. 154. 3742 The first sitting, issued in four parts, occupies pp. 3-34 ; the second sitting, issued in twelve parts, pp. 35-118 ; and the third sitting, issued in eight parts, pp. 118-154. The first page of the last sitting was numbered 118, instead of 119, and the error was corrected by leaving a blank page after 140. Some of the sheets have Dunlap's im- print, and he, no doubt, printed the whole volume. The second and third sittings extend to Oct. 10, 1779. MISCELLANIES | for | Sentimentalists: | Containing, | I. Life of David Hume, written by himself. | II. Travels of a Philos- opher, by Le Poivre. | III. Principles of Politeness, and of Know- ing | the World, by Lord Chesterfield. | IV. Maxims and Moral Reflections, by the | Duke De La Rochefoucault. | V. Travels of the Imagination; a true Journey | from Newcastle to London, by J. Murray. | VI. American Independence, an Ever- | lasting De- liverance from British Tyranny, by Phi- | lip F-u. | VII. The humble Confession, Declaration, Recan- | tation, and Apology of Benjamin | Towne, Printer in Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3743 A general title-page to volume of pamphlets, all of which will be found elsewhere under the authors' names, except Numbers II. and VI., which were issued with Numbers I. and V. respectively. [MURRAY. (James)] The | Travels | of the | Imagination; | A true Journey from | Newcastle to London. | To which are added, | American Independence, | an | Everlasting Deliverance | from | British Tyranny: | A Poem. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVIIL | 8vo. pp. 126; List of Books, pp. (2). h. s. p. 3744 The poem by Philip Freneau occupies pp. 114-126, and has the following title- page : American | Independence, | an everlasting | Deliverance | from | British Tyranny. | A Poem. | By Philip F-, Author of the American Village, | Voyage to Boston, &c. | | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXVIIL | SBerbefferU unb Buberlafcige | 2Imerb canifcfye | (5taatg:(5alenber | 2Iuf bag 1779fte Satyr Styrifti, | SBelctyeg bag 1778 315 IN PENNSYLVANIA britte nad) bent unb ein (Semein | von 365 £agen ift. | [12 lines.] $um SIcfytjefyntenmal l;erau3gegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Henrich Miller, | | | . . . | . . . . [1778.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (40?). h. s. p. 3745 THE NEW ENGLAND Primer. Philadelphia : Robert Aitken. 1778. 3746 THE NEW Testament, for the Use of Schools. Philadelphia : Robert Aitken. 1778. 3747 Advertised in the Pa. Packet, Nov. 3, 1778. NEW Year's Verses, | Addressed to the Kind Customers | of the | Pennsylvania Evening Post, | By the Printer's Lads who carry about the same. | Thursday, January 1,1778. | [Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3748 NEW-YEAR'S Verses | of those who deliver the | Pennsylva- nia Ledger | To the Subscribers. | Philadelphia, [Printed by James Humphreys, junr.~\ January 1, 1778. | Narrow folio, 1 leaf. 3749 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Lancaster: John Dunlap. 1778. 3750 It is probable that no Carrier's Verses were printed by Hall and Sellers, and almost certain that none were issued by the Bradfords on New-Year's Day, 1778. ON Friday Next, | The Tenth Day of April, | At the Theatre in Southwark, ] For the Benefit of a Public Charity | will be repre- sented, | The Wonder, | A Woman keeps a Secret: | To which will be added | A Trip to Scotland. | The Characters by the Officers of the Army | and Navy. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Hum- phreys, Jun. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3751 ON Friday next, | [April 24.] | | ] Will be Repre- sented, A Comedy called | The Wonder, | A Woman keeps a Secret! | To which will be added, by particular Desire, a Farce called the | Mock Doctor. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Hum- phreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3752 ON Friday next, | [May 1.] ... | ... | ... | Will be Repre- 316 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 sented, A Comedy called | The Liar, | To which will be added, a Farce called | A Trip to Scotland. | Philadelphia : Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3753 ON Monday, | [Jan. 26.] ... | | | Will be repre- sented a Comedy | called the | Minor, | To which will be added, The | Deuce is in him. | . . . . | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. | [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3754 ON Monday, [ [Feb. 16.] | | | Will be represented a Comedy | called the | Constant Couple. | To which will be added, | Duke and no Duke. | . . . . | Philadelphia, Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3755 ON Monday, | [March 2.] | | | Will be repre- sented a Comedy | called the | Constant Couple. | To which will be added, The | Mock Doctor. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3756 ON Monday, | [March 9.] | | | Will be repre- sented a Comedy | called | The Inconstant. | To which will be added, The | Mock Doctor. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3757 ON Monday, | [March 16.] | | | Will be repre- sented a Comedy | called | The Inconstant. | To which will be added, A Farce called | Lethe. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Jun. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3758 ON Monday, | [March 16.] | | | Will be repre- sented a Comedy | called | The Inconstant. | To which will be added, The | Mock Doctor. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Jun. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3759 ON Monday Next, | [March 30.] | | | Will be represented | The First Part of | King Henry IV. | To which will be added, A Farce called | Lethe. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Jun. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3760 ON Monday next, | [April 13.] . . . | . . . | . . . | Will be 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 317 represented, A Comedy called | The Wonder, ( A Woman keeps a Secret! | To which will be added, | A Trip to Scotland. | Philadelphia: Printed bu James Humphreys, Jun. [1778.] I Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3761 OK Wednesday, | [March 25,] | | | Will be rep- resented | The First Part of | King Henry IV. | To which will be added, the | Mock Doctor. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Jun. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3762 OK Wednesday next, | [May 6.] | | | Will be represented, A Comedy called | The Liar, | To which will be added, a Farce called | Duke and Ko Duke. | Philadelphia : Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3763 [PAIKE. (Thomas)] The | American Crisis. | Kurnber V. | Addressed to | General Sir William Howe. | By the | Author of Common Sense. | Lancaster: | Printed by John Dunlap, | M,DCC,LXXVHI. | (Price 2s. 6d. single-2s. by the quantity.) | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 63-88. h. s. p. 3764 " The Crisis, No. 6, which is ready for the press, will be published as soon as pos- sible." Pa. Gazette, June 13,1778. PAIKE. To the Public. | \_Philadelphia: B. Towne ? 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 3765 In regard to a publication signed " Plain Truth." THE | PEKKSYLVAKIA | Evening Post. | MDCCLXXVHI. | Volume IV. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Towne, in Front- Street. [1778.] | 4to. pp. (2), 458. 3766 After the entry of the British into Philadelphia, the Post was suspended for two weeks. THE | PEKKSYLVAKIA Gazette. | Saturday, January 17, 1778. | [Colophon.] York-Town: Printed by Hall and Sellers. | Sm. Folio. h. 3767 The publication of the Gazette was, I believe, resumed at York, Pennsylvania, about December, 1777. It was probably published weekly, on Saturday, until June 318 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 20th, 1778. Until May it was a small folio of four pages in double columns. From May 2d it resumed its former size, and the title is as in No. 1693, supra. The papers issued on May 23, June 6 and 10, were only two pages each. There were " Postscripts" of one leaf quarto to the papers for May 2 and 9, and there was a regular issue on Wednesday, June 10th. None of these papers were numbered. The Gazette of Sept. 10, 1777, is No. 2533, and that of Jan. 5, 1779, No. 2534. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 3768 The publication of this paper, which was suspended Sept. 17, 1777, was resumed about December 23, 1778. Numbers 1808 and 1809 were published before 1779. January 3, 1778. Numb. CXV. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA • Ledger: | Or the • Philadelphia | Market-Day • Advertiser. | Saturday, • January 3,1778. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Hum- phreys, Jun. in Market-street, between Front and Second- | streets, and nearly opposite the Guard-house:-By whom Essays, Articles of News, Advertisements, fc. are gratefully received, | and impartially inserted: And where Subscriptions are taken in for this Paper. | Folio. 3769 Numbers CXV. (Jan. 3, 1778) to CLV. (May 23, 1778), four pages each, except Numbers 117 and 125, which contain two pages, and No. 120, six pages, with " Sup plements" of two pages to Numbers 131, 132, and 135; "Extra Supplements" of four pages to Numbers 131 and 139, and of two pages to No. 132, and a "Post- script" of two pages to No. 134. Published on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The paper was discontinued just before the evacuation of the city by the British. Hum- phreys was declared a traitor, and his property confiscated by the State authorities. THE | PENNSYLVANIA j Packet, | Or j the | General j Advertiser. | Wednesday, January 7,1778. | Lancaster: Printed by John Dunlap, in Queen-Street. | Folio. 3770 The old cut of the ship was retained, as indicated by the dotted lines. Published without numbers, weekly, on Wednesdays, to June 17, with additional numbers on Monday, March 9, Saturday, May 23, and Saturday, June 6 ; with a " Supplement" of two pages, dated Jan. 29; a" Postscript" of four pages, dated April 25; and a " Packet Extraordinary" of four pages, dated May 14. The publication was sus- pended from June 17 to July 4, when it was resumed at Philadelphia, and the paper was issued " every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday" during the rest of the year. There was an " Extra" of four pages issued on Dec. 21. The paper for July 6 consists of one leaf only. From July 4 the imprint is as given in No. 3927, infra, and from July 16 the title is as there given. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1779. Philadel- phia : Thomas Bradford. 1778. 3771 1778 319 IN PENNSYLVANIA 1778. | 1 Stutf. | ©21® | : Slat. | Ober: • Sammlung | ® vivo bl 2ln§ivdrtig= aU @in= • l;dmifcl)er | 3JHtttoodj3, ben 4 $ebruar. | [Colophon.] Diese Zeitung wird alle Mittwochen ausgegeben von Frantz Bailey, in der Koenig s- Strasse, nahe beym | Markt, allwo allerhand Buchdrucker-Arbeit in Eng- Usch- und Deutscher Sprache verfertiget wird. [1778.] | Folio, pp. (4). Continued to No. 21 (June 24, 1778), or perhaps later. Four pages each, with a " Beylage" of two pages to No. 6, and one of 1 leaf quarto to No. 12. Staatacourier. Philadelphia: Christoph und Peter Saur. 1778. 3773 See Seidensticker's Bibliography under 1778, and Schlozer's Briefwechsel, III. pp. 260-267. THE PHILADELPHIA Pocket - Almanac for 1779. Phila- delphia: John Norman. 1778. 3774 A PLAN for Liquidating Certain Debts of the State of Pennsylvania, collecting Arrearages with greater Expedition, restoring Confidence in the Government, and providing the Quota of Federal Supplies, [n. p. 1778.] Folio, pp. 6. 3775 This title is No. 60,392 in Sabin's Dictionary, and is probably dated ten or more years too early. THE | POLITICAL Duenna: | A | Comic Opera, | In Three Acts, | As it is performed by the Servants of his | Britannic Majesty, | With Lord North's Recantation. | To which are added, | A Letter to Mr. John Wesley on his calm Address to the Ame- | ricans. Supposed to be written by the celebrated Junius. | A Letter from an Irish Gentleman in London to his Friend and | Countryman, in his Britannic Majesty's Service, in Amer- ica. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Paul's Church, in Third-street. | M.DCC.LXXVHI. | 8vo. pp. 56. h. s. p. 3776 POOR Will's Almanac for 1779. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1778. 3777 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1779. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1778. 3778 320 1778 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS POPE. (A.) An | Essay | on | Man. | In Four Epistles. | By Alexander Pope, Esq; | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | street, between Second and Third-street. | MDCCLXXVIH. | 12mo. pp. (8), 38, (5.) l. c. p. 3779 [PRATT. (Samuel Jackson)] The | Pupil | of | Pleasure; | exhibiting, | The Adventures of a Man of Birth, Figure, Fortune, | and Character, ardent in the Pursuit of Pleasure, much | de- lighted with, attracted by, and formed upon the | Chesterfieldean System. | Two Volumes complete in One. | By Courtney Mel- moth. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Pobert Bell, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 154; 157, (1). 3780 This general title is followed by a second title : '1 The | Pupil | of | Pleasure. | In a Series of Letters. | By | Courtney Melmoth. | In Two Volumes. | Volume the First. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-Street | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | pp. 154. Volume the Second. | [Ibid.] pp. 157, (1). [PRATT.] Travels for the Heart, written in France. By Courtney Melmoth. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia : Robert Bell. 1778. 3781 PRICE. (R.) Additional Observations | On the Nature and Value of | (Civil Liberty, | and the | War with America: | Also | Observations on Schemes for raising Mo- | ney by Public Loans: | An Historical Deduction and Analysis of the | National Debt: | And a brief Account of the Debts and | Resources of France. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | By Richard Price, D.D. F.R.S. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed by Holland Sellers. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. pp. i-x, 1-122, 1 folded leaf. h. s. p. 3782 PRICE. The | General Introduction | to the | Two Tracts | on | Civil Liberty, | the | War with America, | and the | Finances of the Kingdom. [ By Richard Price, D.D. F.R.S. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-printed by Hall and Sellers. | M,DCC,LXXVIH. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. xiv, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3783 PROCEEDINGS | of a | General Court Martial, | Held at Brunswick, | In the State of New-Jersey, | by order of | His 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 321 Excellency | General Washington, | Commander in Chief) Of the Army of | The United States of America, | For the Trial of | Major General Lee. | July 4th, 1778. | Major General Lord Stirling, President. | Philadelphia : | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXVIH. | Folio, pp. 62. h. s. p. 3784 Four sheets of this trial were printed by Aitken for Dunlap. PROCEEDINGS | of a | General Court Martial, | Held at Major General Lincoln's Quarters, | Near Quaker-Hill, | In the State of | New-York, | By Order of his Excellency | General Washington, | Commander in Chief | Of the Army of | The United States of America, | For the Trial of | Major General Schuyler, | October 1, 1778. | Major General Lincoln, President. | Philadelphia.: | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXVIH. | Folio, pp. 62. l. c. p. 3785 PROCEEDINGS | of a | General Court Martial, | Held at White Plains, | In the State of | New-York, | By Order of his Excellency | General Washington, | Commander in Chief | Of the Army of | The United States of America, | For the Trial of | Major General St. Clair, | August 25, 1778. | Major General Lincoln, President. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXVIH. ( Folio, pp. 52; 1 Folded map. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By His Excellency Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. | in Market-street, between Front and Second-streets. [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3787 Dated " 12th of Jan., 1778," " Naval Stores are known to be in this city, which maybe needed for his Majesty's Service, all persons are to report such articles in their possession to the Quartermaster General before Jan. 19th." PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By Order of His Excel- lency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. | Proclamation. | Philadelphia: James Humphreys, junr. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3788 Dated "9th of January, in the 18th year of his Majesty's Reign," signed by "Jos. Galloway," directing that "No Person shall appear in the street after the Evening Tattoo till the Revellie in the Morning without a Lantern." it.-41 322 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By Order of His Excel- lency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. . . . [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3789 Dated "11th of January, 18th year of his Majesty's Reign," signed " Jos. Gal- loway," " That as all the Wood in the Neck of Land south of Philadelphia will be needed by H. M.'s Troops, all person are forbidden cut any wood in the Neck afore- said." PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By Order of His Excel- lency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | General and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. | Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: Jaynes Humphreys, junr. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3790 Dated " 4th of Feb. in 18th year of his Majesty's Reign," signed " Will. Erskine, Q. M. G.," directing "all Persons having Waggons, Carts or Horses to a return of them within five days." PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By Order of His Excel- lency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | . . . | Proclamation. | [Phila- delphia .-] Printed by Macdonald ft Cameron, in Chesnut-Street, a few Doors above | the Barrack-Office. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3791 Signed by " Jos. Galloway," dated " 23d of March," " ill-disposed Persons under Pretence of bringing in Provisions have gone up and down the Delaware taking by force the property of His Majesty's loyal Subjects," &c. PROCLAMATION. [Royal Arms.] | By Order of His Excel- lency | Sir William Howe, K.B. | . . . | Proclamation. | [Phila- delphia .-] Printed by Macdonald Cameron, in Chesnut-Street, a few Doors above | the Barrack-Office. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3792 Signed by "Jos. Galloway," dated " 23d of March, 1778," "Whereas the Cart Ways of the Streets, Lanes, and Alleys of Philadelphia, are much incommoded with Mud, Dirt and other Filth," &c. PROCLAMATION. By the Hon. Major General Arnold, Commander in Chief of the forces of the United | States of America, in the city of Philadelphia, &c. | A Proclamation. | [n. p. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. y. h. s. 3793 Dated "June 17, 1778." Concerning the protection of property. 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 323 PROCLAMATION. By the Hon. Major General Arnold, Commander in Chief of the forces of the United | States of America, in the city of Philadelphia, &c. | A Proclamation. | [n. p. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3794 Dated "July 19, 1778." Proclaiming Martial Law. A PROCLAMATION. | Lancaster, Printed by John Dunlap, [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3795 Dated " May 9, 1778." Issued by Congress against American Privateers attack- ing neutral vessels. PROCLAMATION. Pennsylvania, ss. | A Proclamation. | By the Supreme Executive Council of the Common-Wealth | of Pennsylvania. | Lancaster, Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 3796 Dated " May 8, 1778." Summoning certain persons to surrender themselves before June 25th, or be attainted of treason. On the reverse is "A Proclamation," | of Congress against American privateers seizing neutral vessels, dated " York," May 9, 1778. PROCLAMATION. Pennsylvania, ss. | A Proclamation. | By the Supreme Executive Council of the Common-Wealth | of Pennsylvania. | Lancaster: Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3797 Dated " May 21, 1778." Warning certain persons therein named to surrender themselves before July 6, 1778, or be attainted of high treason. PROCLAMATION. Pennsylvania, ss. | A Proclamation. | By the | Supreme Executive Council | of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia : Printed by John Dunlap, in Market- Street. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3798 Dated " Oct. 30, 1778." Warning certain persons therein named to surrender themselves before Dec. 15, 1778, or be attainted of high treason. PROCLAMATION. Pennsylvania, ss. | By the | Supreme Executive Council | of the | Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | a | Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3799 Dated " Nov. 26, 1778," appointing Dec. 30 as a Fast-Day. 324 1778 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS QUEEN'S | Rangers. | AH young and able-bodied | Men, | (Seafaring Men excepted) | Who are desirous of serving their King | | | . . will receive | their full Bounty .... | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Jun. | . . . [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3800 RECUEIL | des | Loix Constitutives | des | Colonies Angloises, | confederees | sous la denomination | D'fitats-Unis | de 1'Ame- rique-Septentrionale. | Auquel on a joint les Actes d'Independance, | de Confederation & autres Actes du Congres | general, traduit de 1'Anglois. | Dedie & M. le Docteur Franklin. | A Philadelphie, | Et se vend a Paris, rue Dauphine, | Chez Cellot $ Jombert, fils jeune; | Libraires, la seconde porte cochere a | droite, au fond de la Cour. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 24mo. h. s. p. 3801 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2); Advertisement, pp. (2) ; Contents, pp. (3); Population of U. S. 1775, 1 page ; text, pp. 1-370. This translation, by Claude Ambrose Regnier ?, was printed at Paris. It contains the constitutions of six States. ©alenber auf ba§ 1779fte Satyr Ctyrifti. Bum (Srften mal tyerauSqegeben. Jjancaster, gedruckt und zu finden bey Theophilus Cossart, und Companie. 1778. 3802 ROCHEFOUCAULD. ([Francois,] Due de la) Maxims | and | Moral | Reflections | By the Duke | De La Rochefoucault. | Printed according to the New Edition, revised and | improved at London in 1775. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, next Door | to St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXVHI. | 8vo. pp. 142; List of Books, pp. (2). h. s. p. 3803 THE ROYAL Pennsylvania Gazette. | Published by James Robertson in Front-Street, between Chesnut and Walnut-Streets. | Phil- adelphia, Tuesday, March 3,1778. (Number I.) | Folio, pp. 4. Numbers 1 to 25 (May 26, 1778), four pages each, except Numbers 2, 4, and 6, with a " Gazette Extraordinary" of four pages to No. 9. In No. 7 the title was changed to (Number VII.) | The • Royal | Pennsylvania • Gazette. | Thursday • March 24, 1778. | A cut of the Royal Arms was introduced, as indicated by the dotted lines. Robertson was a follower of the Royal Army, and left Philadelphia with it. 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 325 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1779. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1778. 3805 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Al- manack | [10 lines] | For the | Year of our Lord 1779: | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1778.] | 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3806 [SHARP. (Anthony)] ©er 9ieue SBerbefferte | 91orb=2Imeri= canifcfye | ©alenber, | auf ba§ 1779fte $al;r (Sfyrifti, | 2Beld)e£ ein ge= mein von 365 ©agen ift. | Unb entfyalt | ©ie SBocfyem s Seamen soever unb anbere bem £anb= | man ju ttriffen nii|lid)e unb merhvurbige ©age. | 2Bie and;: | ©er Sonnen unb be§ 9Jtonbe3 2luf= unb Untergang; bie 2Ifyecten ber 2ln= | jeige ber SBitterung, ber $lutl), ober fml;en SBaffer ju | be§ Siebengeftirno Slufgang, unb Untergang: | SBerecfmet Vvrnemlid; uad; ber $Pennftylvanifd)en babet) aber | in £anb= fdjaften ofyne mertlidien Unterfdjneb ju gebraucfyen: | ©iefem [inb noct) betygefiiget, einige angenetnne, nufclidje unb lefyrreidje ©rjefdumgen, [amt anberen | 6alenber=2lrbeiten. | 3um SBierten mat fycrauSgegeben | unb Verfertiget Von ©avib 9iitten(;ouge, A.M. | Lancaster: G-edruckt und zu finden bey Francis Bailey, in der Koenigs-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . [1778.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). 3807 Not having had an opportunity to personally examine a copy of one of this series of almanacs until the work was in press, the compiler was led to suppose hy the ad- vertisements in the newspapers that the pseudonym of Anthony Sharp appeared on the title- page, and the whole series has been entered under that name. SHARP. The Lancaster Almanac for 1779. By Anthony Sharp. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1778. 3808 SHARP. The Lancaster Pocket Almanac for 1779. By An- thony Sharp. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1778. 3809 A SOLEMN | Warning | by the | Associated Presbytery, | in | Pennsylvania: | Addressed to | All Persons intowhose Handsit may come | in these United States; particularly to the | People under their Inspection. | Wherein | The great Sin, Danger and 326 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 Duty of | the Inhabitants of the Land, are pointed | out and de- clared. | | | . | Lancaster: | Printed by Francis Bailey. [1778.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 27. l. c. p. 3810 SOME Observations relating to the Establishment of Schools, agreed to by the Committee, to be laid for consideration before the Yearly Meeting. : 1778.] Folio, pp. 2 ? 3811 Signed, on behalf of the Committee, by Anthony Benezet and Isaac Zane 9 mo. 29, 1778, with a Recommendation by the Yearly Meeting, dated 10 mo. 2, 1778. Title from Smith's Catalogue of Friends' Books. STANHOPE, (Philip Dormer - Earl of Chesterfield.) Princi- ples | of | Politeness, | and of | Knowing the World; | By the late | Lord Chesterfield. | Methodised and digested under distinct Heads, with Additions, | by the Reverend Dr. John Trusler: | Containing | Every Instruction necessary to complete the Gentle- man and Man of | Fashion, to teach him a Knowledge of Life, and make him well | received in all Companies. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Robert Bell, next Door to | St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXVHI. | 8vo. pp. 88. h. s. p. 3812 STANHOPE. Select Letters, written by the late Right Hon- ourable Philip Domer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq; Late Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3813 STERNE. (L.) The Koran, containing the Life, Character, and Sentiments of Tria Juncta in Uno, M.N.A. or Master of No Arts. By Laurence Sterne. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3814 STERNE. Letters to his most intimate Friends. By Laurence Sterne. Published by his Daughter. In Three Volumes. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1778. 3815 [TERMS of Enlistment of the Officers and Seamen of the sev- eral Row-Galleys established on the Delaware by Admiral Howe, n. p. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3816 THEATRE. | For very particular Reasons, | The Play, | Ad- 1778 IN PENNSYLVANIA 327 vertised for | Monday next, must be | Postponed. | Philadelphia: James Humphreys, June. [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3817 Dated " Saturday, February 28, 1778." THEATRE. | On Account of the Indisposition | of one of the Actresses, | The Play, | Which was to have been | Performed | On Friday, | . . . | Is obliged to be | Postponed. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by James Humphreys, junr. . . . [1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. Dated "April 8, 1778." THEATRE. | This Week being Passion Week, | It is thought Proper to | Postpone | The Play | Advertised | For Monday the Thirteenth Instant, | Till Monday the 20th ... | ... . [Philadel- phia : 1778.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3819 Dated " Philadelphia, April 12, 1778." TO Be Sold | By Public Auction, | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3820 The household furniture of Samuel Shoemaker, now seized and confiscated to the State. TO the | Inhabitants | Of the States of | Pennsylvania, New- Jersey and Delaware. | Lancaster: Printed by John Dunlap, in Queen-Street, | near the Court-House. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3821 Kates to be paid for provisions, &c., for the Army. Dated " Jan. 30, 1778," and signed "Geo. Washington." TO the | Militia of Pennsylvania. | [ Philadelphia: Macdonald and Cameron. 1778.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3822 A Tory address, signed " Nestor." TREATIES | of | Amity and Commerce, | and of | Alliance | Eventual and Defensive, | between | His Most Christian Majesty | and the | Thirteen United States | of America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXVHI. | 4to. h. s. p. 3823 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Title to Treaty of Alliance, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-10; Title to Treaty of Commerce, 1 leaf; text, pp. 11-34. 328 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1778 UNITED States Lottery; | The Scheme is, | That this Lottery consist of four Classes, of One Hundred Thousand Tickets each. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. [1778.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3824 VICTOR. (II. B.) New and Complete Instructions for the Violin. By II. B. Victor. Philadelphia: 1778. 3825 Victor projected other volumes for the Flute, Guitar, and Harpsichord. Also a Dictionary explaining such Foreign words as occur in Music. Pa. Ledger, Jan. 31, 1778. The music was engraved by John Norman. VOLTAIRE. ([Frangois Marie Arouet] de) The | Man | worth | Forty Crowns | of | M. De Voltaire. | Translated from the French. | With | Notes, Historical and Critical. | By T[obias] Smollett, M.D. and T[homas] Francklin. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third-street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. pp. 116, (4). h. s. p. 3826 VOLTAIRE. The Princess of Babylon. By Voltaire. Phila- delphia : Robert Bell. 1778. 3827 VOLTAIRE. The Pupil of Nature. By Voltaire. Philadel- phia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3828 VOLTAIRE. Zadic. By Voltaire. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1778. 3829 WANTED | by the | Barrack-Master, | A Number of | Wood- Cutters. | | | | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. | .... [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3830 Dated by Du Simitiere Jan. 15, 1778. WATTS. (I.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1778. 3831 WATTS. The Psalms of David. Imitated &c. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1778. 3832 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1779. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1778. 3833 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 329 WHEN the | Chimneys | of the | Barracks | Of the different Regiments want Sweeping, | They are to apply to | Christian Apple. | Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junior. | . . . [1778.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3834 Dated "January 7, 1778." [WITHERSPOON. (John)] | | | | | .... | The humble confession, declaration, recantation, | and apology of Benjamin Towne, | Printer in Philadelphia. | [Phila- delphia: Robert Bell. 1778.] 8vo. pp. 5, (1). h. s. p. 3835 ZIMMERMANN. ([Johann Georg von]) Strictures | on | Na- tional Pride. | Translated from the German of | Mr. Zimrhermann. | Physician in Ordinary | To His Britannic Majesty at Hanover. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Bell, at the Circulating | library, next door to St. Paul's Church, | in Third- street. | M.DCC.LXXVIII. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii-iv; Contents, pp. vii-viii; text, pp. 9-274; Index, pp. (5); Advertisement, 1 page. 3836 1779. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1779. AN ACT | To appoint a Representation for the City of Phila- delphia, and the several Counties in this Com- | mon-Wealth, in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants in each. | Phila- delphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3838 THE | ACTS | of the | General Assembly, | of the | Common- Wealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Enacted into Laws, since the Decla- ra- | tion of Independence on the Fourth Day | of July, A.D. 1776. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. MDCCLXXIX. | Folio, 1 leaf. . 3839 A title-page for the " Session Laws" of the first two Assemblies. THE ADDRESS of the Committee of the City and | Liberties of Philadelphia, to their Fellow-Citizens throughout the United ii.-42 330 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 States. | Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3840 AD YE. (S. P.) A | Treatise | on | Courts-Martial. | Contain- ing, | I. Remarks on Martial-Law, and | Courts-Martial, in gen- eral. | II. The Manner of Proceeding against | Offenders. | To which is added | An | Essay | on | Military | Punishments and Rewards. | By Stephen Payne Adye, | Captain in the Royal Regi- ment of Artillery, and | Judge-Advocate of the British Army in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, opposite the | Coffee-House, Front-Street. | MDCCLXXIX. | 12mo. pp. 136. R. AITKEN, | Printer, | [12 lines.] The following | Books printed by R. Aitken, | Are to be Sold Single or by the Dozen. | Robert Aitken. 1779?] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3842 ALLEN. (E.) A | Narrative | of | Colonel Ethen Alien's | Captivity, | From the Time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, on | the 25th Day of September, in the Year 1775, to the Time of his | Exchange, on the 6th day of May, 1778 : | Containing, | His Voyages and Travels, | with the most remark- able Occurrences respecting himself, and many | other Continental Prisoners of different ranks and Characters, | which fell under his Observation, in the Course of the same; | particularly the Destruc- tion of the Prisoners at New York, by | General Sir William Howe, in the Years 1776 and 1777. | Interspersed with some Politi- cal Observations. | Written by himself, and now published for the Information of the | Curious of all Nations. Price Ten Paper Dollars. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | 8vo. pp. 46. 3843 ALLEN. A Narrative | of | Colonel Ethan Allen's | Captivity, | From the time of his being taken by the Bri- | tish, near Mon- treal, on the 25th day of | September, 1775, to the time of his ex- | change on the sixth day of May, 1778, con- | taining his | Voy- ages and Travels, | With the most remarkable occurrences re- spect- | ing himself, and many other Continental pri- | soners of different ranks and characters, | which fell under his observation in the | course of the same; particularly the destruc- | tion of the 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 331 prisoners at New York, by gene- | ral sir William Howe, in the years 1776 and | 1777, interspersed with some political oh- | serva- tions. | Written by himself, and now published for the | information of the curious of all nations. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed for and sold by William Mentz, | in Cherry Alley. 1779. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 64. a. p. s. 3844 THE AMERICAN Calendar for 1780. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1779. 3845 | unb | Salenber | 2Iuf ba§ 1780fte $al)r Gbrifti, | 2®elcfye§ ein bon 366 £agen ift. | 9lad) bem ijknnftyfoanifcfyen berecfynet; | $ebod) in ben angrenjenben Staaten ofyne merflidjen Unter= | fd)eib ju gebraucfyen. | Sum ©rftenmal gegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Steiner und Cist, in | der Zwey ten-strasse, vier Haeuser oberhalb der Rees-strasse. [1779.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3846 2191 ba§ 23olf in | (Suffer 23rief. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1779.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 3847 ANSWER to Gre-Ma-Chre. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. ANSWER to the Banks of the Dee. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3849 BANDOT. (S.) Discours prononce le 4 Juillet, jour de 1'Anni- | versaire de 1'Independence, dans 1'Eglise Catholique, | par le Reverend Pere Seraphin Bandot, Recollet, | Aumonier de Son Excellence Mr. Gerard, Ministre | Plenipotentiare de France aupres des Etats Unis de | 1'Amerique Septentrionale. | A Phila- delphie, de I'Imprimerie de Steiner f Cist. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. THE BANKS of the Dee. A Song. Philadelphia : B. Towne. 1779. 3851 THE BATTLE of Monmouth. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3852 BEAUMARCHAIS. (P. A. C. de) Observations sur le Memoire 332 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 justificatif de la cour de Londres. Par Pierre Auguste Caron de Beaumarchais. A Londres et Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1779. 3853 Title from Weller's Die falschen Druckorte. For a translation, see No. 4079, infra. [BENEZET. (Anthony)] An Essay towards the most easy introduction to the Knowledge of the English Grammar, com- piled for the Pennsylvania Spelling Book. [Philadelphia: 1779 ?] 12mo. pp. 6 ? 3854 Title from Smith's Catalogue of Friends' Books. I have placed it in 1779, but the date is very uncertain. BENEZET. The | Pennsylvania | Spelling-Book, | or | Youth's friendly Instructor and | Monitor: | Or an easy Plan, for exciting the Attention, | and facilitating the Instruction of Children | and others, in Spelling and Reading; and | ac- quainting them with the essential Parts of | Orthography, Point- ing, &c. | As also, training their Minds to early Sentiments | of Piety and Virtue. | More particularly calculated for the use of Pa- | rents, Guardians and others, remote from | Schools; in the private Tuition of their | Children, and illiterate Domesticks, &c. | The Second Edition, Improved and enlarged. | Compiled by Anthony Benezet. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank in Market- | Street, between Second and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXIX. | 12mo. pp. 168. h. s. p. 3855 BRACKENRIDGE. (H. Montgomery]) An | Eulogium | of the | Brave Men | who have | Fallen in the Contest | with | Great-Britain: | Delivered on Monday, July 5. 1779. | Before | A Numerous and Respectable Assembly of Citizens and Foreign- ers, | in the German Calvinist Church, Philadelphia. | By Hugh M. Brackenridge, A.M. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | 4to. pp. 25. l. c. p. 3856 GENERAL BURGOYNE'S Defeat. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3857 THE | CASE | of the | Sloop Active, &c. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1779.] 4to. pp. 27. a. s. p. 3858 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 333 Probably printed in connection with the Proceedings of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania against Benedict Arnold (see No. 3935, infra), who was accused of champerty in this case. For a meagre account of the almost romantic story of the capture of this vessel, the lengthy legal proceedings which grew out of it, and the important political questions to which it gave rise, see Westcott's Historic Mansions of Philadelphia, p. 260. CATALOGUE of a Collection of Books, about 900 volumes, to be sold at Sheriff's Sale, March 4. Philadelphia: 1779. 3859 CHURCHMAN. (J.) An | Account | of the | Gospel Labours, | and | Christian Experiences | of a | Faithful Minister | Of Christ, | John Churchman, | Late of Nottingham in Penn- sylvania, deceased. | To which is added a short Memorial of the Life and | Death of a fellow Labourer in the Church, our valu- able | Friend Joseph White, late of Bucks County. | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, on | the North side of Market-Street, between | Second and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXIX. | 8vo. pp. i-vii, 1 blank page, 1-256. h. 's. p. 3860 The "Testimony" concerning Joseph White occupies pp. 250-256, the remainder of the volume is mostly filled with Churchman's autobiography. CIRCULAR Letter. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1779. 3861 In March, 1779, Aitken printed two Circular Letters for Bache and Shee. A | CIRCULAR Letter | from the | Congress | of the | United States of America | to their | Constituents. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honorable the Congress. [1779.] | 8vo. pp. 12. h. s. p. 3862 COMMITTEE for the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. | \Philadelphia: 1779?] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3863 An election ticket. The Committee consisted of 120 members. COMMITTEE-Room. | May 28. 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3864 Regulating the price of provisions. The following order was for the same purpose. COMMITTEE-Room. | May 31st, 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3865 334 1779 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS COMMITTEE Room, | June 10, 1779. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3866 A circular letter to the Counties on the formation of local Committees similar to that of Philadelphia. COMMITTEE Room, | June 18, 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3867 Signed " John Swift, Secretary." Regulating the prices of provisions and labor. COMMITTEE-Room, | June 26, 1779. | Philadelphia, Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3868 Prices of various articles for the month of July, as fixed by the Committee. CONSIDERATIONS | on the | Mode and Terms | of a | Treaty of Peace | with | America. | . . . . | London, Printed 1778: | Phila- delphia: Re-printed, and Sold by Hall | and Sellers. MDCCLXXIX. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 3869 DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1779. 3870 In the Pa. Gazette, March 31, 1779, Bell offers Dilworth's spelling-book by the dozen, hundred, or thousand copies. Hall and Sellers published an edition in July, and Crukshank another in December of this year. DODGE. (J.) A | Narrative | of the | Capture and Treatment | of | John Dodge, | By the English at Detroit. | Written by Him- self. | Philadelphia: | Printed by T. Bradford, at the Coffee-House. | MDCCLXXIX. | 12mo. pp. 22. l. c. p. 3871 ECHO from the Temple of | Wisdom, | announced by | Mes- sieurs Common Truth, S.S.T.P. | Common Honesty, C.P.S. | Common Law, L.L.D. | And " Common Sense, Secretary to For- eign | Affairs, and Author of all the Writings | Under the Signa- ture of Common Sense| or a | Constitutional Answer and Refutation | of an | Address to Mr. Silas Deane, | Approved of and agreed unto by a Majority of | Delegates in General Congress, | Of Senators, Orators, Grammarians, Rhetoricians, | Logicians, Lawyers, |Critics, Politicians, | Patriots, Public Spirited Whigs, Connoisseurs, | Casuists, Divines, and Republicans; | Mr. Com- 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 335 mon Sense himself Chief Speaker | in and among them. | In a Series of Letters, | By Socrates, Father of the House of | Con- gress. | | | | | | | Philadelphia: Printed in the Year | 1779. | 8vo. pp. 51, (1). l. c. p. 3872 THE | ELDERS and Messengers | of the several Baptist Churches, | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | Being met in Association at Philadelphia October 12th and 13th, 1779. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by David C. Claypoole. [1779.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. 7. 3873 THE | EPISTLE | from the | Yearly-Meeting | in | London, | Held by Adjournments, from the Twenty-fourth of the Fifth Month | 1779, to the Twenty-ninth of the same, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in GreaLBritain, | Ireland, and elsewhere. | Philadelphia : 1779.] 4to. pp. 4. 3874 [ESTAING. (Charles Hector Theodat, Comte d')] Declara- tion | Addressee | Au nom du Roi | a tons les anciens Frangois | De 1'Amerique Septentrionale. | [Colophon.] A Philadelphie, De I'Tmprimere de Francois Bailey, Rue du Marche. [1779.] | Folio, pp. 3, (1). l. c. p. 3875 EVANS. (I.) A | Discourse, | delivered | At Easton, | On The 17th of October, 1779, | to the | Officers | and | Soldiers | Of the Western Army, | After their Return from an Expedition against | the Five Nations of hostile Indians. | By the Reverend Israel Evans, A.M. and | Chaplain to General Poor's Brigade. | Now Published at the particular Request of the Generals | and Field Officers of that Army. | And to be distributed among the Soldiers. -Gratis. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Thomas Bradford, at the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | 8vo. pp. 40. l. c. p. 3876 FAME let thy Trumpet Sound. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3877 FATHER Abraham's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1780 ; | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. [1779.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 3878 336 1779 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS FELLOW Citizens, | Remember the proceedings on Mon- | day Morning at the Coffee-House, and on Tuesday | at the Town- Meeting. | The Liberty of the Press and | Freedom of Speech were then both | violently attacked. | Change both Men and Measures, or Ruin inevi- | tably awaits us. The late public Insult offered to | the French Nation, through their Officer in this | City, sufficiently warrants this Caution. | Monday, | August 2d, 1779. | [Philadelphia: 1779.] | 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3879 THE FEMALE Whig. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3880 THE GAMESTER. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. GENERAL Militia Orders. | Philadelphia, October 27, 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] I Folio, pp. 2. h. s. p. 3882 GERMAN Newspaper. Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben von Johann Dunlap, in der Englischen und Deutschen Buchdruckerei. | Folio. 3883 I have met with only the second leaf of a number of this paper, issued in February. GRE-Ma-Chre. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. HASELDEN. (T.) The Seaman's Daily Assistant. By Thomas Haselden. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1779. 3885 | | 2Imericanifd)e | (Salenber, | 2Iuf ba§ gain | . . . | . . . | 1780. | [12 lines.] | gum tfvty unb tnergig= [ten mal fyerauS gegebeu. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Johann Dunlap, in der Markt-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . [1779.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (32). H. s. p. 3886 HOPKINSON. (F.) The Battle of the Kegs. By Francis Hopkinson. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3887 IN Committee, July 14, 1779. | | | | | To our Fellow-Citizens. | Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Bradford, at the Coffee-House. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3888 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 337 Signed " William Henry, Chairman." A plan for stopping the emission of paper money. IN Council. | Philadelphia, February 3d, 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, in Front-street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. Resolutions exhibiting the charges of illegal and oppressive conduct against General Benedict Arnold, upon which the Attorney-General was directed to prosecute him. IN Council. | Philadelphia, May 28th, 1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by John Punlap, in Market-street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. " Whereas it has been represented to this Board, that divers persons of suspicious characters, and to whom inimical practices are imputed, and also divers who are charged with forestalling and engrossing, have lately been restrained in their liberty, . . . Resolved, That the Magistrates of the City be requested and directed to order the Sherilf ... to transmit . . . without delay, a list of all such persons." IN Council. | Philadelphia, July 8,1779. | Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 3891 Irregularities and Abuses having lately happened in the Public Markets, "Re- solved, That the Justices, High Sheriff, and Constables, be directed to attend at the Market, for the Preservation of the public Peace." IN Council, | Philadelphia, October 13, 1779. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3892 A circular letter to the Lieutenants of the counties, ordering the Militia to rendezvous at Trenton. IN Council. | Philadelphia, October 26, 1779. | To the Mer- chants and Traders of | Philadelphia, and particularly the | Im- porters and Holders of Salt. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 6, 1 leaf. 3893 IN General Assembly, | Saturday, February 13, 1779. | Phila- delphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1779.] | Folio, pp. (3). 3894 A bill entitled " An Act to raise the Supplies for the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine, published for consideration." IN General Assembly, | Of Pennsylvania. | Thursday, April 1, 1779. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, 1 leaf. 3895 ii.-43 338 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 A bill entitled " An Act for the regulation of the Markets in the City of Phila- delphia, and for other purposes therein mentioned," " printed for public considera- tion." THE | INDEPENDENT & Constitutional | Ticket, | for a Gen- eral Committee, | Of the City of Philadelphia . . . . | [Philadel- phia: Francis Bailey. 1779.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3896 INSTRUCTIONS to the Agents | for Forfeited Estates. | Phil- adelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3897 JOURNALS | of | Congress, | from | Friday January 1st, | to | Monday February 1st, 1779. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, Printer to | the Congress of the United States of America. | MDCCLXXIX. | Folio, pp. 12. h. s. p. 3898 JOURNALS | of | Congress, | from | Monday, February 1st, | to | Monday, March 1st, 1779. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honorable the Congress of | the United States of America. [1779.] | 8vo. pp. 50. h. s. p. 3899 Journals | of | Congress | from | Monday, March 1st, | to | Tuesday, March 30th, 1779, inclusive. | [ Ibid.'] 8vo. pp. 56. -f- Journals | of | Congress, | from | Wednesday, March thirty-first, | to | Saturday, April tenth, 1779, | inclusive. | [Ibid.] pp. 24. Continued Weekly to Dec. 31, 1779, 38 parts in all. JOURNALS | of | Congress, | containing | the | Proceedings | From January 1st, 1778, to January 1st, 1779. | Published by order of Congress. | Volume IV. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honorable the Congress. [1779.] | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-748; Index, pp. i-lxxxix; Appendix, pp. (4). LAWS | Enacted in the Second Sitting | of the Third | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Monday the first day of | Febru- ary, A. D. One thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, | and continued till Monday the fifth day of April of the same year. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. 177-228. + Laws | Enacted in the Third Sitting | | | | | | . . . | . . . . | [Ibid.] pp. 229-260. h. s. p. 3901 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 339 LAWS | Enacted in the First Sitting | Of the Fourth | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which met at Philadelphia, on Monday the twenty-fifth day of October, in | the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine. I [Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1779.1 Folio, pp. 261- 280, 1 leaf. 3902 THE LIBERTY Tree. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. MAGAW. (S.) A | Sermon | preached in | Christ-Church, | Dover, | On Monday, December 27th, 1779, | Being the Anni- versary of | St. John the Evangelist; | At the Request of and Before | The General Communication of | Free and Accepted | Masons | of the | Delaware State: | By Samuel Magaw, A.M. | Philadelphia : | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. [1779.] 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 3904 MANSON. (D.) A New Primer. By David Manson. Phila- delphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1779. 3905 MINUTES | of the | First Session, | of the Fourth | General Assembly | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. 154-176, 1 leaf. 3906 No title-page. The minutes of the second sitting are paged 180-235 ; of the third sitting, 236-251: and of the fourth sitting, 252-298. The first page should have been numbered 155, and the error was corrected by dropping 300 from the paging. [MORRIS. (Gouverneur.)] Observations | on the | American Revolution. | Published | According to a Resolution | of Con- gress, | By their Committee. | For the | Consideration of those who are desirous | of comparing | The Conduct of the opposed Parties, | and | The several Consequences which have | flowed from it. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXXIX. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 122. MORRIS. (Robert) To the Citizens of Pennsylvania. | Phila- delphia: Printed by Hall £ Sellers. [1779.] | Folio, pp. (2). 3908 In defence of his management of the public accounts. 340 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 THE MOTE Point of Finance, | or the | Crown Land equally divided. | [Philadelphia: 1779.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3909 Signed " Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus," and dated "Phila., Sept. 21, 1779." MULLER. (J.) A | Treatise | of | Artillery: | Containing | I. General Constructions of | Brass and Iron Guns used | by Sea and Land, and their | Carriages. | II. General Constructions of | Mortars and Howitzers, | their Beds and Carriages. | III. Dimen- sions of all Car- | riages used in Artil- | lery. | IV. Exercise of the Regi- | ment at Home, and Ser- | vice Abroad in a Siege or | Battle. | V. Its March and Encamp- | ment, Ammunition, | Stores, and Horses. | VI. Lastly, The necessary | Laboratory Work for | Fire-Ships, &c. | To which is prefixed, | An Introduction, | with | A Theory of Powder applied to | Fire-Arms. | With large Additions, Alterations, and | Corrections, | According to the Second London Edition. | By John Muller, | Professor of Artil- lery and Fortification, | And Preceptor of Engineering, &c. to his Royal Highness the | late Duke of Gloucester. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, | For John Norman, Engraver. 1779. | 8vo. l. c. p. 3910 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (4) ; Introduction, pp. i.-xl. ; text, pp. 1-215 ; 32 plates (Frontispiece, 3 tables of piles of shot and plates i. to xxviii.). 2)0 unb Serbeffcrte | 2lmericanifdjie | Staat§; Cnlenbcr | 2luf bn§ 1780[tc (Sljrifti, | 28eldje$ ein von 366 $tagcn iff. | [12 lines.] | $um 3>vangigftenmal fyeraiiSgegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Henrich Miller, in der Rees- strasse, zwischen | der Zweyten- und Dritten-strasse, und gerade gegen- ueber Moraeviaen-Ally. [1779.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (40 ?). h. s. p. 3911 THE NEW RECRUIT, or the Gallant Volunteer. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3912 THE NEW ENGLAND Primer enlarged. Philadelphia: Styner and Cist. 1779. " 3913 Hall and Sellers published an edition in January, and Crukshank another in December. 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 341 THE NEWEST American Primer. Philadelphia: Styner and Cist. 1779. 3914 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Even- ing Post. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3915 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1779. 3916 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1779. 3917 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779. 3918 NORTH CAROLINA. The | Constitution, | or | Form of Government, | Agreed to, and Resolved upon, | by the | Repre- sentatives of the Freemen | of the | State | of | North-Carolina, | Elected and chosen for that particular Purpose, | In Congress as- sembled, at Halifax, | The Eighteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- Six. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 16. n. s. p. 3919 NOUGARET. (P. J. B.) Eloge de Voltaire. Par Pierre Jean Baptiste Nougaret. A Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1779. w. 3920 NOUGARET. Le bon Frere, parodie de Castor et Pollux. Par P. J. B. Nougaret. A Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1779. w. 3921 NOUVELLES nouvelles en vers. A Philadelphie. 1779. 3922 ON General Wayne's taking Stony Point. A Song. Philadel- phia: B. Towne. 1779. 3923 THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Evening Post. | MDCCLXXVIX. | Volume V. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Benjamin Towne, in Front- Street. [1779.] | 4to. pp. (2), 258. 3924 January, 1779. Numb. 2534. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Gazette, | and | Weekly Advertiser. | Tuesday, January 5,1779. | 342 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, at the New-Printing- | Office, near the Market. | Folio. 3925 Numbers 2534 to 2585 (Dee. 29, 1779), four pages each. January 6, 1779. Number 1810. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA Journal | and | Weekly Advertiser. | Wednesday, January 6, 1779. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Thomas Bradford, at the Corner of Front and Market Streets, where | Persons may be supplied with this Paper at Fifty Shillings a Year, and where Advertisements are taken in. | 3926 Numbers 1810 (Jan. 6, 1779) to 1320 (Dec. 29, 1779), four pages each. Number 1822 is misnumbered 1282, and this error was carried on for several years. The papers for April 28 and May 5 are both numbered 1286, and this error was not corrected. Saturday, January 2, 1779. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA : Packet. [ Or • the | General Advertiser | (Price Fifteen single, One Shilling by the quantity. Published every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday.) | Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, in Market-street. [1779.] | Folio. 3927 Jan. 2 to Dec. 30, 1779, 157 numbers of four pages, including a " Packet Extraor- dinary," of Sept. 10th. There is a " Supplement" of one leaf to the paper of Sept. 2d, and also a " Packet Extraordinary" of one leaf to the same issue ; of this there were two editions. There is also a " Packet Extraordinary" of two pages to the paper of Feb. 23d ; an additional half-sheet of one leaf to the paper of July 6th; and a " Postscript" of one leaf to that of Dec. 16th. The price of the paper was omitted from the title of the issue of March 23d, and on and after Oct. 5th. From March 25th to Oct. 3d it was 11 Price 2s. 6d. single, 2s. by the quantity." THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1780. Phila- delphia : Thomas Bradford. 1779. 3928 PERRIN. (J.) A | Grammar | of the | French Tongue, | grounded upon the | Decisions of the French Academy, | wherein all the | Necessary Rules, Observations, and Examples | are | Ex- hibited in a Manner intirely New. | By John Perrin. | . . . . | According to the Second Edition, | printed at London. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street, | .... | M.DCC.LXXIX. | 8vo. pp. xii, 1 leaf, 320. h. s. p. 3929 1779. Numb. I. | (StaatSregifter. | 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 343 Gntbcdtenb | 5Dic neueften 9?ad)rid)ten von ben merfivurbigften unb 2lii§lnnbifd;en | $rieg§= unb $rieben^SBegebenfyeiten; | uebft Verfduebenen cmbcrn Slnjeigen. | 9)Httlvod;3, ben 21 | Diese Zei- tung wird alle Mittwochen heraus gegeben von Steiner und Cist, Buch- druckem, in der Zweyten-strasse, vier Haeuser | oberhalb der Bees- Strasse; fur Zwey Schillinge und Seeks Pens beym einzelnen Stuck, und Zwey Schillinge beyni Dutzend. [1779.] | Folio, pp. (4). a. p. s. 3930 This was the successor of Miller's paper. It was continued until about 1781, and was succeeded by Steiner's Philadelphische Correspondenz. POOR Will's | Almanack, [for the | Year of our Lord, 1780 ; [15 lines.] | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market Street, between Second and Third-Streets. [1779.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3931 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1780. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1779. 3932 A PRIMER. Philadelphia: Walters and Norman. 1779. 3933 " Adorned with a beautiful head of general Washington and other copper plate cuts." Pa. Evening Post, June 28, 1779. This was the first portrait of Washing- ton engraved in America. PROCEEDINGS | of the | General | Town-Meeting, | held | In the State-House Yard, | in the | City of Philadelphia. | On Monday the Twenty-Sixth, | And by Adjournments to | Tuesday the Twenty-Seventh of July last. | Philadelphia: ] Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 26. 3934 PROCEEDINGS | of the | Supreme Executive Council | of the | State of Pennsylvania | In the Case of | Major General Arnold. [Philadelphia ;] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | 4to. pp. 11. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.'] | By His Excel- lency the President, and Council of | the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3936 Dated " April 2, 1779." " Whereas there is just Cause to believe that our cruel and inveterate Enemies, despairing of the Conquest of America by open and manly 344 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 Force, are about to adopt the mean and savage Policy of Distress and Depredation," &c., &c. PROCLAMATION. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3937 By Congress, appointing the first Thursday of May to be a " Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer." Signed " John Jay, President," and dated " March 20, 1779." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By His Excel- lency the President, and Council of | the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 3938 Dated " April 16, 1779." Appointing the first Thursday in May to be a Fast Day. PROCLAMATION. By the Honorable George Bryan, Esquire, Vice-President, and the Supreme Executive Council of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1778. Folio, 1 leaf. 3939 Dated " Oct. 11, 1779." Laying an embargo for thirty days. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | A PROCLAMATION | By His Ex- cellency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the | Supreme Ex- ecutive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia:] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. 3940 Dated 11 June 22, 1779." Warning certain persons therein named to surrender themselves before August 5th, or be attainted of high treason. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] By His Excel- lency Joseph Reed, Esq; President, and the Su- | preme Execu- tive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Proclama- tion. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3941 Against the " Fort Wilson" rioters, dated " Oct. 6,1779." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] By His Excel- lency Joseph Reed, Esq; President, and the Supreme Executive | 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 345 Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. Concerning the Virginia Boundary Line, dated "Dec. 28, 1779." [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | A PROCLAMATION | By His Ex- cellency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the | Supreme Ex- ecutive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia:] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779. | Folio, 1 leaf. 3943 Dated " April 30, 1779." Laying an embargo on outward-bound vessels for 15 days, in order that the State Ship of War should obtain its complement of men. [REED. (Joseph)] Remarks | on | Governor Johnstone's Speech | In Parliament; | with | A Collection | of all the | Letters and Authentic Papers, | relative to | His Proposition to engage the Interest of one of | the Delegates of the State of Pennsylva- | nia, | in the Congress of the States of Ame- | rica, to promote the Views of the British | Commissioners. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Francis Bailey. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | 4to. pp. 61. h. s. p. 3944 REGULATIONS | for the | Order and Discipline | of the | Troops | of the | United States. | Part. I. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-street. | MDCCLXXIX. | 12mo. pp. 154, (9), 8 plates. l. c. p. 3945 REPORT | of | Commissioners | for | Settling a Cartel | for the | Exchange of Prisoners. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Clay- poole | Printer to the Honorable the Congress of | the United States of America. | MDCCLXXIX. | 8vo. pp. 20. a. p. s. 3946 REPORT | of the | Committee of the Assembly, | On the State of the | Public Accounts, 1777 and 1778. | [Colophon.] Philadel- phia: Printed by John Dunlap, in | Market-street. [1779.] | Folio, pp. 67. l. s. p. 3947 REPORT | of the | Committee of the Assembly, | On the State of the | Public Accounts, 1779. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1779.] | Folio, pp. 39. h. s. p. 3948 REPORTS | of the | Board of Treasury | Relative to Finance, ii.-44 346 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 | [Of the United States.] [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779 ?] Folio, 7 leaves. l. c. p. 3949 3)0 Galenber auf ba§ 1780fte 3af>r (Sfyrifti. Bum Btuetyten mal (;erau3gegeben. Lancaster, gedruckt und zu finden bey Theophilus Cossart und Companie. 1779. 3950 ROBERDEAU. ([Daniel]) At a General Meeting of the Citizens | of Philadelphia, and Parts adjacent, at the State-House Yard in this City, on | Tuesday the 25th of May 1779, General Roberdeau was unanimously requested | to take the Chair; who introduced the Business with the following Address: | Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1779.] | Folio, 1 leaf. Meeting in regard to appointing a Committee to regulate the retail prices of rum, sugar, flour, coffee, and tea. ROSLIN Castle. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3952 [SAINTE-CROIX. (Guillaume Emanuel Joseph de)] De 1'etat, et du sort des colonies des anciens peuples. A Philadelphie: [Part's.] 1779. 3953 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1780. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1779. 3954 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack For the | Year of our Lord 1780: | Being Bissextile or Leap- Year. | | | | | | | | | . | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1779.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 3955 THE | SCHOOL | for | Scandal. | A | Comedy. | . . . | . . . | | | | | The Third Edition. | London: Printed. | Philadelphia; | Be-printed and Sold by Thomas Bradford, at the | Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. iii-iv; Dramatis Personae, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-46. 3956 A political adaptation of Sheridan's play. 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 347 SHARP. (A.) ©er (Bcmfj 9Zeue $erbefferte 'ftorb = 2Imericanifd)e Galeuber, auf bag 1780fte Jjafyr Cfyrifti. Bum guuftenmal berauggegebeu unb berfertiget bon Slutfumt) (Sfyarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1779. 3957 SHARP. The Lancaster Almanac for 1780. By Anthony Sharp. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1779. 3958 SHARP. The Lancaster Pocket Almanac for 1780. By An- thony Sharp. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1779. 3959 SIR, | You are returned one of the Overseers of the Poor | [Philadelphia : 1779.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3960 Notice of election and a list of the Overseers, dated " Philadelphia, March 13, 1779." A SOLDIER and his Lady, or Tom and Kate. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3961 SOME | Account | of | Isaac Shoemaker, | of the | Township of Cheltenham, in the County of Philadel- | phia, (Son of John Shoemaker of the same place) | who departed this Life on the 31st. day of the se- | venth month 1779, in the twenty-fifth year of his | Age. | [Philadelphia: 1779?] 8vo. pp. 8. 3962 STEUBEN. ([Frederick William Augustus,] Baron) For the | Use of the Militia | Of Pennsylvania. | An | Abstract | Of a System of | Military Discipline: | Framed by | The Hon. the Baron Steuben, | Major General and Inspector General of the | Armies of these United States. | Approved by | His Excellency General Washington. | Confirmed by | The Hon. the Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXIX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 38. l. c. p. 3963 ©3® I I Soofungen | ber | Srubergemeine | fur bag Ba(;r | 1780. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, in der Zweyten-Strasse. [1779.] | 8vo. pp. (58). h. s. p. 3964 TAXATION Royal Tyranny, | Or the errors of the American 348 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1779 Congress demonstrated by | a geometrical axiom. | [Philadelphia-: 1779.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3965 Signed " Vox Populi," and dated " Phila., Sept. 22, 1779." [TICKELL. (Richard)] Anticipation. | Containing the Sub- stance of His Majesty's | Most Gracious Speech | to both | Houses of Parliament. | On the | Opening of the approaching Session; | Together | With a full and authentic Account of the Debates, which will | take Place in the House of Commons, on the Motion for the | Address, and the Amendment. | With Notes. | (First published three Days before the Opening of the Session.) | | | The Sixth Edition. | London, Printed; | Philadel- phia : | Re-printed and Sold, by T. Bradford, at the Corner of Front | and Market Streets. 1779. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Advertisement, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-33. l. c. p. 3966 TO the inhabitants of Pennsylvania in general, and particularly | those of the city and neighbourhood of Philadelphia. | [Phila- delphia: Thomas Bradford. 1779.] Folio, pp. 2. l. c. p. 3967 "Signed by order of a meeting of tanners, curriers, and cordwainers, held at the Committee room, 11th day of July, 1779. James Roney, Chairman." TO the | Inhabitants | of the | United States of America. | Philadelphia: Printed by David C. Claypoole, Printer to the | Honor- able the Conqress of the United States of America. [1779.] I Folio, pp. (2). l. c. p. 3968 An address on the situation of the country, dated " May 26, 1779." THE | UNITED States | Magazine: | A | Repository | of | History, Politics | and | Literature. | Volume I. | For the Year, 1779. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Francis Bailey, in Front- street. [1779.] | 8vo. pp. 506. h. s. p. 3969 Edited by Hugh Montgomery Brackenridge, better known as Hugh Henry B. " It abounds in curious and interesting original matter relative to the American Revolution." VINCENT. (-) Lettres d'un membre du congres Americain 1779 IN PENNSYLVANIA 349 a divers membres du Parlement d'Angleterre. A Philadelphie, [Pans.] 1779. w. 3970 VOUS etes prie de la part | du Ministre Plenipotentiare de | France, d'assister au Te Deum, | qu'il sera chanter Dimanche 4 de | ce Mois, a midi dans la Chapelle | Catholique neuve pour celebrer | 1'Anniversaire de 1'Independance | | . . . . [ A Philadelphie, De V Imprimere de Francois Bailey, Rue da Marche. [1779.] j Sm. 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3971 AVAR and Washington. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. " 3972 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1780; | Being Bissextile or Leap- Year, | And the Fifth Year of American | Independence. | . . . | ... | .... | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by John Dunlap, | In Market-Street. [1779.] Sm. 8vo. pp. (32). h. s. p. 3973 [WEBSTER. (Pelatiah)] An | Essay | on | Free Trade | and | Finance, | humbly offered to the | Consideration | of the | Public. | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Thomas Bradford, at the Coffee-House. I M.DCC.LXXIX. I 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 3974 [WEBSTER.] A Second | Essay | on | Free Trade | and | Finance, | humbly offered to the | Consideration | of the | Public. | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Thomas Bradford, at the Coffee-House. I M.DCC.LXXIX. I 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 3975 WHEN- America first at Heaven's Command. A Song. Phil- adelphia : B. Towne. 1779. 3976 WHEN the Cares of Day. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. ' 3977 WHEREAS the rapid and alarming depreciation of the currency 350 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 . . . . Philadelphia: Printed by F. Bailey,in Market-Street. [1779.] | Sm. folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 3978 Signed " Blair McClenaghan, Chairman of the Committee for enquiring into the State of Trade," and dated by Du Simitiere, Phila., Aug. 10, 1779. A resolution calling upon retail tradesmen to send in "an attested Account of the Prices they severally sold for or charged at in the Year 1774." GENERAL WOLFE. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3979 THE WORLD Turned Upside Down. Moral Essays in Verse. Decorated with 34 copper plate cuts. Philadelphia: Walters and Norman. 1779. 3980 YE Fair Married Dames. A Song. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1779. 3981 1780. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1780. AN | ACT | for the | Regulation | of the | Militia | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania. | Published by Order of the | General Assembly. | Thomas Bradford? 1780.] 8vo. pp. 20. l. c. p. 3983 003681WW | unb | Calenber | Sluf ba$ 1781fte (Sfyrifti, | ein ©eineineS $al)r iff von 365 Xagen. | ... | ... | .... | Sum Sivetytenmal l;eran3 gegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Steiner und Cist, in | der Zweyten-strasse, vier Haeuser oberhalb der Rees-strasse. [1780.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 3984 BARCLAY. (R.) An Apology for the True Christian Divinity; being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doc- trines of the People called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. The Tenth Edition. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1780. 3985 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Christian Piety : | By Philalethes. | With Extracts from different Authors. | Philadelphia: 1780?] 12mo. pp. 36. f. 3986 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 351 [BENEZET.] An | Extract | from a | Treatise | on the | Spirit of Prayer, | or | The Soul rising out of the Vanity of Time into the Riches [ of Eternity. | With some | Thoughts on War: | Remarks on the Nature and bad effects of the use | of Spirituous Liquors. | And ] Considerations on Slavery. | . . . | | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- street, | between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXX. | 12mo. pp. 84. f. 3987 [BENEZET.] Notes on the Slave Trade, &c. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1780?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 3988 BENEZET. Observations | sur | L'Origine, | Les Principes, | et | L'Establisement en Amerique, | De la Societe | Connue sous la Denomination | de | Quakers ou Trembleurs: | Extrait de divers Auteurs. | Rediges, principalement, en faveur des Strangers. | Par Antoine Benezet, | A Philadelphie. | Chez Joseph Crukshank, dans la Rue du Marche, entre | la Seconde et la Troisieme Rue. | MDCCLXXX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 36. h. s. p. 3989 [BENEZET.] Serious Reflections affectionately recommended | to the Well-disposed of every Religious De- | nomination, particularly those who Mourn | and Lament on account of the Calamities | which attend us; and the insensibility that | so gen- erally prevails. | [Philadelphia : 1780 ?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. f. 3990 The first three pages are the last three of Christian Piety, renumbered but not re-set. BENEZET. A Short | Account | of the People called | Quakers; | Their Rise, Religious Principles and Settlement | in America, | Mostly collected from different Authors, for the | In- formation of all serious Inquirers, particularly | Foreigners. | By Anthony Benezet. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, between | Second and Third-streets. | M,DCC,LXXX. | 8vo. pp. 27. h. s. p. 3991 BENEZET. A Short | Account | of the People called | Quakers; | Their Rise, Religious Principles and Settle- | ment in 352 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 America, | Mostly collected from different Authors, for | the In- formation of all serious Inquirers, | particularly Foreigners. | The Second Edition. | By Anthony Benezet. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Orukshank, in Market-street, be- | tween Second and Third- streets. [3780?] | 12mo. pp. 36. 3992 [BENEZET.] Short Observations on | Slavery, | Introductory to some Extracts from | the writing of the Abbe Raynal, | on that im- portant Subject. | [Philadelphia: 1780?] 12mo. pp. 12. m. s. 3993 [BENEZET.] Some | Necessary | Remarks | on the | Educa- tion | of the | Youth | in the Country-parts of this, and | the neighbouring | Governments. | [Philadelphia: 1780?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. f. 3994 THE BLESSED Effects of a Holy Life and | Daily Conversa- tion with God, | exemplified in a short Extract of the Life | of Amelie Nicolas, a poor | ignorant Country Maid. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Orukshank. 1780?] 12mo. pp. 12. f. 3995 One of Benezet's tracts, without date or imprint. [BRISSOT de Warville. (Jean Pierre)] Testament | Politique | de | L'Angleterre. | A Philadelphie: [Paw?] | M.DCC.LXXX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 88. ii. s. p. 3996 B[ROOK.] (M[ary]) Reasons | for the | Necessity | of | Silent Waiting, | in order to the | Solemn Worship of God. | To which are added, | Several Quotations from | Robert Barclay's Apology. | ByM. B. | London: Printed. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed, by Joseph Orukshank, in Market- | street, between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXX. | 8vo. pp. 32. f. 3997 BUCHANAN. (J.) A | Regular | English Syntax. | Wherein is exhibited | The Whole Variety | of | English Construction, | properly exemplified. | To which is added | The elegant Manner of arranging Words, and | Members of Sentences. | The Whole re- duced to Practice, | For the Use of private young Gentlemen and Ladies, | as well as of our most eminent Schools. | By James 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 353 Buchanan. | From the London Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-Street. | M.DCC.LXXX. | 8vo. pp. xxiii, 165, (1). H. s. p. 3998 BUMBO. (J.) The American Almanac for 1781. By Jacob Bumbo. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1780. 3999 [BURGH. (James)] The | Art | of | Speaking. | Containing, | I. An Essay; in which are given Rules for expres- | sing properly the principal Passions and Humours, | which occur in Reading, or public Speaking; and | II. Lessons taken from the Ancients and Moderns, | (with Additions and Alterations, where thought use- | ful) exhibiting a Variety of Matter for Practice; the | emphatical Words printed in Italics; with Notes of | Direction referring to the Essay. | To which are added, | A Table of the Lessons; | and | An Index of the various Passions and Humours | in the Essay and Lessons. | ... | ... | ... | .... | The Fifth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed, and sold by R. Aitken, in Market- | street, three doors above the Coffee-house. | M.DCC.LXXX. | 12mo. pp. 277, (11). 4000 CARR& (-) A Table of French Verbs. Together with re- marks on particular irregularities. By Mr. Carre. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1780. 4001 CATALOGUE of a Collection of valuable Books to be sold by Auction at the House of David Franks, Nov. 1, 1780. Philadel- phia: Robert Bell. 1780. 4002 A CATALOGUE of the Library of the Late Reverend Francis Alison, D.D. To be sold at Auction August 31, 1780. Philadel- phia : John Dunlap ? 1780. 4003 CRISP. (S.) An | Epistle | to | Friends | Concerning the Present and Succeeding | Times. | Being a Faithful Exhortation and Warning to all | Friends, who Profess the Truth, to beware of the | manifold Wiles of the Enemy, and to stand Armed | in the Light of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, | (against his As- saults) that so they may be ready | to Answer the Call and Re- quirings of the Lord. | Also something signified of the Misery of n.-45 354 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 the Sue- | ceeding Times, that all may he Prepared, and | that the Evil Day may not overtake any unawares, | but such as turn away their Ear from Counsel. | By one who is a Traveller in the way of Peace, and hath | Good will towards all Men, and more especially to the | Household of Faith, Stephen Crisp. | | | London: Printed in the Year, 1666. And now [ Re-printed (being the Sixth Edition) and Sold, by | J. Crukshank, in Market-Street, Philadelphia. 1780. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 36. n. y. h. s. 4004 DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: Steiner and Cyst. 1780. + Phil- adelphia : John Dunlap. 1780. 4005 EXTRACT from an | Address | in the | Virginia Gazette, | Of March 19, 1767. | By a respectable Member of the Community. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1780.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. 4006 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1781. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1780. 4007 [FOTHERGILL. (Samuel)] The | Necessity | and | Divine Excellency | of a | Life | of | Purity and Holiness, | Set forth with pathetic Energy, by an eminent Minister of the | Gospel amongst the People called Quakers. | In | Seven Discourses | and | Three Prayers, and an Epistle | to his | Brethren in Religious profession in the Island of Tortola. | Now collected and re-published, that the instructive and important | Truths therein contained, may be spread and become more | generally useful. | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street between | Second and Third-Streets. 1780. | 8vo. pp. 148. h. s. p. 4008 Several of the tracts in this volume have separate title-pages, as follows: Two | Discourses | and a | Prayer, | puhlickly delivered | On Sunday the Seventeenth and Tuesday the | Nineteenth Days of May, 1767, | At the Quakers Yearly Meeting, | At the Fryers, in Bristol. | The Whole taken down in Characters, | By a Member of the Church of England. | To which is added, a Preface. | The Fifth Edition. | [Imprint as in general title.] Pp. 17-51. The | Prayer of Agur, | illustrated in a | Funeral Discourse: | And the | Advantages Resulting [from an | Early and Stead- fast Piety. | Preached extempore, [ By the Author of Two Discourses and a Prayer. | Puhlickly delivered | At the Quaker's Yearly-Meeting, in | Bristol. | . . . | . . . . | The Third Edition. | [Imprint as in general title.] Pp. 53-90. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, | and a Divine Communion, recommended and 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 355 inforced, in | A | Sermon | publicly delivered | At a Meeting of the People called Quakers, | held | In Leeds, the 26th of the Sixth Month, commonly | called June, 1769. | Carefully taken down in characters at the | same time, by James Blakes, Jun. | [Imprint as in general title.] Pp. 91-116. Repent and be converted: | A | Sermon | preached at a | Meeting of the People called Quakers, 1768. | Also the | Heads of a Sermon, | preached | At Horsleydown Meeting, upon the close of a visit | to Friends Families in that Quarter, the 19th of the | Eleventh Month, 1769. | [Imprint as in general title.] Pp. 117-148. THE GENTLEMAN and Lady's Pocket Memorandum Book and Almanac for 1781. Philadelphia: William Mentz. 1780. 4009 GRIFFITH. (J.) A | Journal | of the | Life, Travels, and Labours | in the | Work of the Ministry, | of | John Griffith, | Late of Chelmsford in Essex, in Great Britain, | formerly of Darby, in Pennsylvania. | London Printed: | Philadelphia: Re- printed | By Joseph Orukshank in Market-street, | between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXX. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Testimony, pp. i-iv; Journal, pp. 1-426. h. s. p. 4010 | | Americanize | Galenber, | Auf ba§ $afyr | ... | ... | 1781. | [12 lines.] | gum brety unb viergigften mal fyerauS gegebeu. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Johann Dunlap, inder Markt-strasse | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . [1780.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (32). h. s. p. 4011 State of Pennsylvania. | IN General Assembly, | Thursday, September 21, 1780. [Philadelphia .-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Folio, pp. 3. 4012 A Bill entitled "An Act for establishing a Land-Office, and for the other pur- poses therein mentioned," " printed for public consideration." JENYNS. (S.) A | View | of the | Internal Evidence | of the | Christian Religion. | ... | .... | By Soame Jenyns, Esq. | The Eighth Edition, corrected. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Joseph Orukshank, in Market-street, | between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXX. | 8vo. pp. 76. h. s. p. 4013 JOURNALS | of | Congress, | from | January 1st, 1780, | to | January 1st, 1781. | Published by Order of Congress. | Phila- 356 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 delphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honorable the Congress. [1780.] | 8vo. pp. 403. h. s. p. 4014 Issued in monthly parts. KOPPELBERGER (J.) (gin neue§ £icb, | ivelcl;e3 auf cine fon= berbarc 2lrt gemacfyt iff, menu man ben crftcn SBucfyftaben von jcbcm 33erfe | nimmt; oom erften bi» jum 93crfe an bucfyftabirtg ben Seamen | „ Seonarb Detweiler/' | iveld;e§ auf fein gemadd morbcu iff, Von einem ©id)ter mit 9iamcu | $ol;anne3 | [n. p. 1780 ?] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4015. LAWS | enacted in the | Second Sitting | of the fourth | Gen- eral Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania. | Which Commenced at Philadelphia, on Wednesday the 19th day | of January, in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hun- dred | and eighty. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1780.] Folio, pp. 283-365, (1). + Laws | enacted in the | Third Sitting | . . . | . . . | ... | ... | | | [Ibid.'] Folio, pp. 367-384. + Laws | enacted in the | Fourth Sitting | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... | .... | [Ibid.] pp. 385-394, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4016 LAWS | Of the First Sitting of the Fifth | General Assembly | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which met at Phila- delphia, on Tuesday, the twenty-third | Day of October, in the Year One thousand se- | ven hundred and eighty. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Folio, pp. 397-417, (1). 4017 LEE. (A.) Extracts | from a | Letter | written to the | Presi- dent of Congress, | by the Honorable | Arthur Lee, Esquire, | In Answer to a Libel published in the Pennsylvania Gazette | of the Fifth of December, 1778, | by | Silas Deane, Esquire. | In which every Charge or Insinuation against him in that | Libel, is fully and clearly refuted. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey. | M.DCC.LXXX. | Sm. 4to. pp. 74. h. s. p. 4018 LEE. Observations | on certain | Commercial Transactions | in | France, | Laid before Congress. | By | Arthur Lee, Esquire. Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-street. M,DCC,LXXX. | Sm. 4to. pp. 51. * h. s. p. 4019 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 357 [McNUTT. (A -)] Considerations | on the | Sovereignty, In- dependence, | Trade and Fisheries | of | New Ireland, | (Formerly known by the Name of Nova Scotia) | and the | Adjacent Islands: | Submitted to the | European Powers, | That may be engaged in settling the Terms of Peace, | among the Nations at War. | Pub- lished by Order of the Sovereign, Free | and Independent Com- monwealth of | New Ireland. | [Philadelphia: Pobert Aitken.. 1780.] 12mo. pp. 24. ii. s. p. 4020 [McNUTT.] The | Constitution | and | Frame of Government Of the Free and Independent | State and Commonwealth | of | New Ireland, | As prepared by the special Direction | of the Peo- ple, for the Consider- | ation of their Convention, when | met. | Composed by those who are invested with | proper Authority for that Purpose. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by R. Aitken, | for the Free and Independent State of | New Ireland. | [1780.] 12mo. pp. 39, 1 blank page, Advertisement, pp. (5). h. s. p. 4021 [McNUTT.] To the Inhabitants of the State of New Ireland, and all others on both Sides of the Atlantic, who | are interested in the great and important Contest betwixt the rising Empire of North America | and the Island of Great Britain. [Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1780.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4022 MATLACK. (T.) An | Oration, | Delivered March 16, 1780, | before the | Patron, Vice-Presidents and Members | of the | American | Philosophical Society, | held | At Philadelphia, | for promoting | Useful Knowledge. | By Timothy Matlack, Esquire, | A Member of the said Society and Secretary of the Supreme Executive Council | of the State of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-Street. M.DCC.LXXX. | 4to. pp. 27. h. s. p. 4023 [MAUDUIT. (Israel)] Strictures | on the | Philadelphia | Mischianza or Triumph | upon leaving | America Unconquered. | With | Extracts, containing the Principal Part of a | Letter pub- lished in the American Crisis. | In order to shew, | How far the King's Enemies think his General | deserving the Public Honours. | N. B. A flattering Account of this Mischianza was pub- | lished 358 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 in the Philadelphia Gazette, and copied into the | Morning Post of the 13th of July last; and a larger one | by a still more flatter- ing Panegyrist, may be found in the | Gentleman's Magazine for August last. | London Printed: | Philadelphia, | Re-Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 22. 4024 MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association, | Held at Philadel- phia, October 17 and 18, 1780. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by R. Aitken, Bookseller, three Doors above the Coffee-House, Market-Street, [1780.] | Sm. 4to. pp. 4. 4025 MINUTES | Of the First Sitting of the Fifth | General As- sembly | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which met at Philadelphia, on Monday the Twenty-third day of | Octo- ber, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Eighty. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Folio, pp. 301-357. l. c. p. 4026 The minutes of the second sitting, issued in 1781, are paged 359-434; of the third sitting, 435-473; and of the fourth sitting, 475-496. MORNING | Prayer. | [Colophon.] [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Sm. 4to. 10 leaves. 4027 For use at the University of Pennsylvania. Printed in script-type on one side only. THE NEW | Testament | Of our Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ. | Newly translated out of the | Original Greek; | And with the former | Translations | Diligently Compared and Revised. | Appointed to be Read in Churches. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, in Market- | Street. M,DCC,LXXX. | 12mo. pp. (347). 4028 THE NEW Testament. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1780. Advertised in the Pa. Gazette, March 8, 1780. NEW-YEAR'S | Verses, | For the Lad who carries | The Evening Post. | [Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1780.] Narrow folio, 1 leaf. a. a. s. 4030 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 359 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1780. 4031 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Journal. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1780. 4032 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1780. 4033 [PAINE. (Thomas)] The | Crisis | Extraordinary. | [Col- ophon.] Philadelphia: | Sold by William Harris at his store in Second- | street, five doors below Market-street. | {Price Four Dollars single, or Thirty Six | Dollars the Dozen.} | 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. + The Second Edition. 4034 "On the subject of taxation," dated "Philadelphia, October 6, 1780." It is number X of the collected edition. Pages 15 and 16 contain a postscript on Arnold's treason, which is omitted in the collected edition. A second edition was announced in the Pa. Packet, Oct. 31, 1780. In some copies the words " at his store" are omitted from the imprint. [PAINE.] Public Good, | being | An Examination | Into the Claim of Virginia to the | Vacant Western Territory, | and | Of the Right of | The United States to the Same. | To which is added, | Proposals for laying off a new State, | to be applied as a Fund for carrying on | the War, or redeeming the | National Debt. | By the Author of Common Sense. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXX. | 8vo. pp. 38. THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 4036 Numbers 2580 (Jan. 5, 1780) to 2637 (Dec. 27, 1780), four pages each. Title and imprint as in No. 3925, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 4037 Numbers 1321 (Jan. 5, 1780) to 1372 (Dec. 27, 1780), four pages each. Title and imprint as in No. 3926, supra, until No. 1340, when the former was changed back to the old form of No. 2914, supra, and until 1747, when the imprint was changed to the form given in No. 4136, infra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 4038 Jan. 1 to Dec. 30, 1780, 120 or 121 numbers, of four pages each, of which the paper of April 6th is called a " Packet Extraordinary," as is one (No. 691) of the two 360 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 papers dated Dec. 19th (the other of the same date is No. 690). After the first of April the paper was issued only twice a week, but in none of the six copies which I have examined is there any paper between Sept. 12th and 19th, while the regular semi-weekly issue calls for a paper on Sept. 16th, it is for this reason that I say about 120 or 121 papers. With the paper for Dec. 2d (which has the day of the week Tuesday, instead of Saturday, as it ought to have been) the numbering of the paper was resumed, and the papers for December are Numbers 684 to 694, two of which, Numbers 690 and 691, were issued on Dec. 19th. Title and imprint as in No. 3928, supra, until April 8th, when the last line of the former was changed to " Published every Tuesday and Saturday." The imprint was changed, Oct. 17th, to " Phila- delphia : Printed and Sold by John Dunlap and David C. Claypoole." THE | PENNSYLVANIA | Pocket Almanac, | For the Year 1781, | Being the First after Bissextile or | Leap-Year. | Calcu- lated for the Use of the State of | Pennsylvania, and the neigh- bour- | ing States. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Thomas Brad- I ford, at his Book-Store, adioininq I the Coffee-House. [1780.1 | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 4039 PERRIN. (J.) The | Practice | of the | French Pronunciation | alphabetically exhibited : | Wherein | The several Sounds of the Letters are distinguished, and the | Words which have the same Sound are placed in one Class: | With two | Spelling Vocab- ularies, | French and English. | By John Perrin. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Styner and Cist, in Second-Street, | four Doors above Race-Street. | MD,CC,LXXX. | 8vo. pp. iv, 108. n. s. p. 4040 PL AN | for | Conducting | the | Hospital Department of the | United States. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honourable the Congress. [1780.] | 8vo. pp. 8. 4041 PLAN | for | Conducting | the | Inspector's Department of the | United States. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honourable the Congress. [1780.] | 8vo. pp. 8. 4042 PLAN | For Conducting | The Quartermaster General's | De- partment, | Agreed to In Congress, | July 15th, 1780. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honourable the Congress. | M,DCC,LXXX. | 8vo. pp. 15. l. c. p. 4043 THE | PLAIN Path | to | Christian Perfection, | shewing | That we are to seek for Reconciliation and | Union with God, 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 361 solely by renouncing ourselves, | denying the World, and follow- ing our Blessed | Saviour, in the Regeneration. | Translated from the French. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third Streets. | MDCCLXXX. ] 12mo. pp. xi, 91. f. 4044 POOR Will's | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1781; | Being the First after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | | | Phila- delphia : | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market Street, between Second and Third-Streets. [1780.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). 4045 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1781; | Phil- adelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank. [1780.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 4046 PRINCIPLES and Articles | Agreed on by the Members of the | Constitutional Society, | In Philadelphia; | And Proposed for the Consideration of the Lovers and Supporters of Civil Go- | vern- ment in other Parts of the State. | Philadelphia: Printed by Fran- cis Bailey, in Market-Street. [1780.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4047 PROCEEDINGS | of a | Board | of | General Officers, | Held by Order of | His Excellency Gen. Washington, | Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States | of America. | Respect- ing | Major John Andre, | Adjutant General of the British Army. | September 29, 1780. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXX. | 8vo. Half-title, 1 leaf; pp. 21. l. c. p. 4048 The half-title reads: Proceedings | of a | Board of General Officers, | Held by Order of His Excellency General | Washington, Commander in Chief of | the Army of the United States of America: | Respecting Major Andre, Adjutant Gene- | ral to the British Army, Sept. 29, 1780. | To which are Appended, The Several | Letters which passed to and from New- | York on the Occasion, &c. | Published by Order of Congress. | PROCEEDINGS | of a | General Court Martial | of the Line, | Held at Raritan, | in the State of | New-Jersey, | By Order of his Excellency | George Washington, Esq. | General and Com- ii.-46 362 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1780 mander in Chief | Of the Army of | The United States of America, | For the Trial of | Major General Arnold, | June 1, 1779. | Major General Howe, President. | Published by Order of Con- gress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXX. | Folio, pp. 55. h. s. p. 4049 PROCLAMATION'. [Arms of Pennsylvania.'] | By His Excel- lency Joseph Reed, Esq; President, and the Su- | preme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia:] Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1780. | Folio, 1 leaf. Dated "April 16, 1780." Offering £1000 reward for "the Author, Printer or Publisher of a seditious Paper, dated ' Philadelphia, April 14, 1780,' and signed ' Slow and Sure.' " PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] By His Excel- lency | Joseph Reed, Esq. President, | And the Supreme Executive Council, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1780.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4051 Dated "April 22, 1780." Offering a reward of $3000 for every Indian or Tory Prisoner, and $2500 for every Indian Scalp. PROPOSALS by the Philadelphia Baptist Association for print- ing by subscription an Abridgment of Dr. Gill's Exposition. Philadelphia: 1780. Folio. b. m. 4052 SO Ocnbcr auf bag 1781fte gum Written mat fierauSgegeben. Lancaster, gedruckt und zu finden bey Theophilus Cossart und Companie. 1780. 4053 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1781. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1780. 4054 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack [10 lines] | For the | Year of our Lord 1781: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1780.] | 8vo. pp. (36). 4055 THE SENTIMENTS of an | American Woman. | [Philadel- phia: John Dunlap. 1780?] Folio, pp. (2). ii. s. p. 4056 1780 IN PENNSYLVANIA 363 SHARP. (A.) ®er ©an£ Oleue SBerbefferte 91orb; Slniericcmifcbe Calenber, auf ba3 1781fte 3abr Cfjrifti. £uin <5ecf)§tenmal l;erau§= gegebeu unb Verfertiget Von Slnttyonty olyirp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1780. 4057 SHARP. The Continental Almanac for 1781. By Anthony Sharp. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1780. 4058 SHARP. The Continental Pocket Almanac for 1781. By Anthony Sharp. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1780. 4059 A SHORT | VINDICATION | of the | Religious Society called Quakers, | Against the Aspersions of a nameless Writer in the Pennsylvania Packet of the | 12th Instant. | [Philadelphia: 1780.] 4to. pp. 4. h. s. p. 4060 SLOW and Sure. Philadelphia: 1780. Folio? 1 leaf. 4061 Copies of a seditious paper, dated "Philadelphia, April 14, 1780," and signed " Slow and Sure," were pasted up at several street corners. President Reed offered £1000 reward for the arrest of the author. See Colonial Records, xii. 319. TABLE | for | The Payment | of | Principal and Interest of | Loans, | agreeable to | The Resolutions | of | Congress, | of | The twenty-eighth day of June, | 1780. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole, | Printer to the Honourable the Congress. | M,DCC,LXXX. | 8vo. pp. 23. a. s. p. 4062 | | fioofungen | ber | SBrubergemeine | fur bus | 1781. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, in der Zweyten-Strasse. [1780.] | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. (62). n. s. p. 4063 TO the | Citizens | of | Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1780.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4064 An Anti-Constitution address, signed " By Order of the [Constitutional] Society, Richard Bache, Chairman." TO the Public. | [Philadelphia .-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] I 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4065 Dated "Phila., July 29, 1780," and signed by "David Schaffer, Isaac Melcher, and Adam Melcher," whose estates had been seized as the property of Andrew Allen. 364 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 WEATIIERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1781. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1780. [WEBSTER. (Pelatiah)] A Fourth | Essay | on | Free Trade | and | Finance, | humbly offered to the | Consideration | of the | Public. | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, opposite the Jersey | Market. MDCCLXXX. | 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 4067 The Third Essay was published in the Penna. Packet, Jan. 6th and 8th, 1780. [WEBSTER.] A Fifth | Essay | on | Free Trade | and | Fi- nance, | humbly offered to the | Consideration of the Public. | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXX. | 8vo. pp. 23. 1781. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia : 1781. State of Pennsylvania. | AN ACT | Directing the Mode of adjusting and settling the Payment of Debts | and Contracts en- tered into and made between the first Day of January, One thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, and the | first Day of March, One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. | [Philadelphia : T. Bradford. 1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. 4070 State of Pennsylvania. | AN ACT for the repeal of so much of the Laws of | this Commonwealth as make the Continental Bills of | Credit and the Bills emitted by the Resolves or Acts of | the Assemblies of the said Commonwealth a Legal | Tender, and for other purposes therein mentioned. | [Philadelphia: T. Bradford. 1781.] Folio, pp. (2). n. s. p. 4071 AN | ADDRESS | from the | Baptist Church, | in | Philadel- phia, | to their | Sister Churches | of the same denomination, | throughout the | Confederated States | of | North America. | Drawn up by a Committee of the Church, | appointed for said 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 365 Purpose. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, at Pope's Head, | .... | M,DCC,LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 4072 AN ADDRESS | To those of the People called Quakers, who have been | disowned for Matters religious or civil. | Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Bailey. [1781.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4073 From the Meeting of "Free Quakers, Philadelphia, 4th mo. 24th, 1781." ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1781. Aitken, in his Ledger, on Feb. 2d, charges William Nicholls for printing 1920 Advertisements, and on May 18, John Kean, of York, Pa., for printing 500 Adver- tisements. I unb | Salenber | 2Iuf ba§ 1782[te | ... | ... | ... | .... | $um Written; mal fyerauS gegebeu. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Melchior Steiner, in | der Rees-strasse, zwischen der Zweyten- und Dritten-strasse. [1781.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4075 I £aug= unb 2Sirt(;fd;aft§= | (Salenber | Sluf ba§ 1782fte Gfirifti, | ... | ... | ... | .... | 3um ©ritten; mal fyerau£ gegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Carl Cist, in der | Markt-strasse, zwischen der Vierten- und Fiinf'ten-strasse. [1781.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4076 This appears to be identical with the preceding in every respect, except the imprint. ARRANGEMENT | of the | Pennsylvania | Line, | January 17, 1781. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.'] Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey. [1781.] | 16mo. pp. 15. l. c. p. 4077 [BARTON. (William)] Observations | on the | Nature and Use | of | Paper-Credit; | and the | Peculiar Advantages | to be derived from it, in | North-America: | From which are inferred the Means of | Establishing and Supporting it, | including | Proposals for Founding | a | National Bank. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by R. Aitken, at Pope's Head, | Three Doors above the Coffee House, in Market Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 4078 The words " and sold" do not appear in the imprint of some copies. 366 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 [BEAUMARCHAIS. (Pierre Auguste Caron de)] Observations | on the | Justificative Memorial | of the | Court of London. | Paris, Printed by the Royal Authority. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 4to. pp. 129. Translated by P. S. Du Ponceau. See No. 3853, supra. [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Notes on the Slave Trade. | phia: Joseph Crukshank. 1781.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. f. 4080 [BENEZET.] Short Observations on | Slavery, | Introduc- tory to some Extracts from | the writing of the Abbe Raynal, | on that important Subject. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1781?] 12mo. pp. 12. f. 4081 BIDDLE. (0.) An | Oration, | Delivered the Second of March, 1781, | at the request of the | American | Philosophical Society | for promoting | Useful Knowledeg, | Before the said Society | And a large and respectable Assembly of | Citizens and Foreign- ers. | By Owen Biddle, | One of the Secretaries to the said Society. | Philadelphia: | Published by Order of the Society, and | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 4to. pp. 36. BROWN. (W.) Pharmacopoeia | Simpliciorum & Efficaciorum, | in usum | Nosocomii Militaris, | ad exercitum | Foederatarum Americse Civitatum ] pertinentis; | Hodiernse nostrse inopise | re- rumque Augustiis, | Feroci hostium ssevitiae, belloque | crudeli ex inopinato patriae nostrae | illato debitis, | Maxime accommodata. | Auctore Gulielmo Brown, M.D. | Editio Altera. | Philadelphia: | Ex Officina Coroli Cist. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 12mo. pp. 32. 4083 Sicrmabnungcn an einige S3riiber Shm bcm Skiiber (Scbbag. Philadelphia: [Logan in Petersburg.'] 1781. w. 4084 BUMBO. (J.) The | American | Almanac, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1782. | (Being the Second after Bissextile or Leap- Year.) | Containing, | The Motions of the Sun and Moon; the true Places | and Aspects of the Planets; the Rising and Setting | of the Sun; the Rising, Setting, and Southing of | the Moon; the 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 367 Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, | Rising, Setting, and Southing of the Planets ; | Judgment of the Weather; Festivals, and other | Remarkable Days, Quakers Yearly Meetings, Courts, | Roads, &c. &c. | Also, | A Variety of useful and enter- | taining Matter. | Fitted to the Latitude of 40 Degrees North, and near | Five Hours West from London; but may, without | sensible Error, serve all the Northern States. | By Father Jacobus Bumbo. | Phil- adelphia: | Printed by T. Bradford and P. Hall, and | Sold at the Book-store, adjoining the Coffee-House. [1781.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, Oct. 23. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1781. 4086 THE SHORTER CATECHISM, for the use of Baptist Congre- gations. Philadelphia: Bobert Aitken. 1781. 4087 A CONFESSION of Faith, Put forth by the Elders and Breth- ren Of many Congregations of Christians (Baptized upon Profes- sion of their Faith) In London and the Country. Adopted by the Baptist Association met at Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1742. The Eighth Edition. To which are added, Two Articles viz. Of Im- position of Hands, and Singing of Psalms in Publick Worship, Also A Short Treatise of Church Discipline. Philadelphia: Bobert Aitken. 1781. 4088 CONSIDERATIONS | on the Subject of | Finance. | In which the causes of the depreciation of the Bills | of Credit emitted by Congress are briefly stated | and examined, and a Plan pro- posed for restoring | Money to a certain, known value. | [Philadel- phia: 1781.] 8vo. pp. 16. l. c. p. 4089 THE | CONSTITUTION | of the | Common-Wealth | of | Pennsylvania, | As established by the General Convention | elected for that Purpose, and held at Phi- | ladelphia, July 15th, 1776, and continued | by Adjournments to September 28th, 1776. | To which is Prefixed, | The Confederation | of the | United States of America. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 67. 4090 THE | CONSTITUTIONS | of the | Several Independent 368 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 States | of | America; | the | Declaration of Independence; | the | Articles of Confederation | between the said States; | the | Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty | and the United States of America. | Published by order of Congress. | Philadel- phia: | Printed by Francis Bailey,in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Authorization, 1 leaf; pp. 3-226. 4091 Two hundred copies were printed by order of Congress. CULLEN. (W.) First Lines | of the | Practice of Physic, | For the Use of Students, | in the | University of Edinburgh. | By William Cullen, M.D. & P. | Vol. I. | According to the Second Edition, | Printed at Edinburgh. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Steiner and Cist. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Sub- scribers, pp. (2); From the Editor (Benjamin Rush), 1 leaf; Preface, pp. ix-x; Contents, pp. xi-xv; text, pp. 1-388. 4092 DILWORTH. (T.) The | Schoolmasters Assistant: | Being a | Compendium of Arithmetic, | both | Practical and Theoretical. | In Five Parts. | Containing | I. Arithmetic in Whole Numbers, | wherein all the common Rules, | having each of them a suffi- cient | Number of Questions, with their | Answers, are methodi- cally and | briefly handled. | II. Vulgar Fractions, wherein se- | veral Things, not commonly met | with, are there distinctly treated | of, and laid down in the most | plain and easy Manner. | III. Decimals, in which, among | other Things, are considered the | Extraction of Roots; Interest, | both Simple and Compound ; | Annuities, Rebate, and Equa- | tion of Payments. | IV. A large Collection of Questi- | ons, with their Answers, serv- | ing to ex- ercise the foregoing | Rules; together with a few | others, both pleasant and di- | verting. | V. Duodecimals, commonly call- | ed Cross Multiplication; where- | in that Sort of Arithmetic is | thoroughly considered and ren- | dered very plain and easy; to- | gether with the Method of prov- | ing all the foregoing Operations | at once by Division of several | Denominations, without reduc- | ing them to the lowest Term | mentioned. | The Whole being delivered in the most familiar Way of Question and | Answer, is recommended by several eminent Mathematicians, Ac- | comptants, and Schoolmasters, as necessary to be used in Schools 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 369 by all | Teachers, who would have their Scholars thoroughly un- derstand, | and make a quick Progress in Arithmetic. | To which is prefixt, | An Essay on the Education of Youth ; humbly offered to the | Consideration of Parents. | By Thomas Dilworth, | Author of the New Guide to the English Tongue; Young Book-Keeper's | Assistant, &c. &c. and Schoolmaster in Wapping. | Philadelphia: [ Printed and Sold by -R. Aitken, Bookseller, in Market-Street, | Three Poors above the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 8vo. Por- trait, 1 leaf; pp. 220, 1 leaf folded. h. s. p. 4093 THE | DISCIPLINE | of the | Society of Friends, | by some styled the | Free Quakers, | Unanimously agreed to in their Meeting for Business, | held in Philadelphia, on the Sixth Day of the | Eighth Month, 1781. | Francis Bailey. 1781.] Folio, pp. (4). h. s. p. 4094 [DODSLEY. (Robert)] The | Oeconomy | of | Human Life. | In Two Parts. | Part the First. | Translated from an Indian Manuscript, | written by an ancient Bramin. | To which is pre- fixed, | An Account of the Manner in which | the said Manuscript was discovered. | In a Letter from an English Gentleman, | now residing in China, to the Earl of ***. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, | at Pope's Head, Three Doors above | the Coffee- House, Market Street. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 107, (1). + Part the Second. | Translated from an Indian Manuscript, | found soon after that which contained the | original of the first part, and written by | the same hand. | in | A second Letter from an English Gentle- | man, residing in China, to the Earl of ***. | [I6frZ.] Sm. 12mo. pp. 131, (1). f. 4095 [DODSLEY.] The | Oeconomy | of | Human Life. | Trans- lated from an Indian Manuscript, | written by an ancient Bramin. | To which is perfixed, | An account of the manner in which the | said Manuscript was discovered. | In | A Letter from an English Gentleman, | now residing in China, to the Earl of ***. | Philadel- phia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street, be- tween Second and | Third-streets. 1781. | 18mo. pp. xii, (2), 54. -fr The | Oeconomy | of | Human Life. | Part the Second. | Translated from an Indian Manuscript, | found soon after that which con- ii.-47 370 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 tained | the original of the first part, and writ- | ten by the same hand. | In | A second Letter from an English | Gentleman, resid- ing in China, to the | Earl of ******. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street, between Second, and | Third-streets. 1781. | 18mo. pp. iv, (2), 70. 4096 AN EPISTLE from Titus to Timothy. | Quillsylvania; delphia:'] Printed for the Author. [1781.] | Srn. Folio, 1 leaf. 4097 Doggerel lines on a rencounter between Whitehead Humphreys and Timothy Matlack, in Market-street, on Jan. 1, 1781. AN | EULOGIUM | on | General Washington | being ap- pointed | Commander in Chief | of the | Federal Army in Amer- ica. | Philadelphia : | Printed and sold by B. Towne in | Pewter Platter Alley. 1781. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 15. a. p. s. 4098 EXTRACT of a Letter from Trenton, dated Jan. 20. | 1781. | \Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole. 1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 4099 An account of the British intrigue with the revolted Pennsylvania Line. Dated " Philadelphia, January 22, 1781." FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1782. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1781. 4100 [FORRESTER. (James)] The | Polite Philosopher: | Or, | An Essay on the Art which makes a Man | happy in himself, and agreeable to others. | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | The Ninth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and sold by T. Bradford | and P. Hall. | MDCCLXXXI. | 18mo. pp. 54. l. c. p. 4101 Wednesday, April 25, 1781. Number I. | THE | FREEMAN'S : Journal: | Or, • the | North American • Intelligencer. | Open to All Parties, but Influenced by None. | Philadelphia, Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street, between Third and Fourth-Streets. | Folio. 4102 Numbers I. (April 25, 1781) to XXXVI. (Dec. 26, 1781), four pages each, with " Postscripts" of one leaf to Numbers 22, 23, 24, 30, and 31, and one of two pages to No. 23. A cut of "Justice" divides the title, as indicated by the dotted lines. 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 371 [FRENEAU. (Philip)] The British Prison-Ship: | A | Poem, | In Four Cantoes. | 1 The Capture, ~ 2 The Prison-Ship, iz. an o < g Prison-Ship, continued. 4 The Hospital-Prison-Ship. | To which is added, | A Poem on the Death of Capt. N. Biddle, | who was blown up, in an Engagement with the | Yarmouth, near Barbadoes. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 23. FROM the Monthly Meeting of Friends, | Called by Some | The Free Quakers, | Held by Adjournment at Philadelphia, on the 9th Day of the 7th Month, | 1781. | To those of our Brethren who have disowned us. | 1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. 4104 A GENTLEMAN just arrived from New-York, has favoured us with a | Paper, printed there, containing the following Intelli- gence. I [Philadelphia .•] Printed by David C. Clai/poole. F1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. a. s. p. 4105 Dated "Philadelphia, Wednesday Evening, February 7, 1781." The King's Speech at the opening of Parliament. GREGORY. ([John]) A | Father's Legacy | to his | Daugh- ters. | By the late | Dr. Gregory, | of | Edinburgh. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, | at Pope's Head Three Doors above | the Coffee House, Market Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 114, (2). f. 4106. GRIFFITH. (J). Some | Brief Remarks | upon sundry | Im- portant Subjects, | Necessary to be understood and attended to by all | professing the Christian Religion. | Principally addressed to | the People called Quakers. | By John Griffith. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia, | Re-printed | By Joseph Crukshank in Market-street, | between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (4); Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-112. 4107 [GROSVERNOR. (Benjamin)] The Mourner, or the Afflicted relieved. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1781. 4108 372 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 HALE. (Thomas) To the | Friends of Liberty and | the Con- stitution. | [Philadelphia: 1781.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4109 HELMUTH. (J. II. C.) Cntpfinbitngen | be§ | | in | einigen fiiebern | von | 3uft (Styriftian | Suttyerifctyen ''prebigcr in ]Btyilabetytyia. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, | nahe bey der Dritten-strasse. 1781. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (8), 81, (3). n. s. p. 4110 | ' | SImericanifctye | Salcnbcr, | 2lnf ba§ 3>atyr | ... | ... | 1782. | [12 lines.] | gum bier unb bicrjigftcu inal tyerauS gegeben. | Philadelphia : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Johann Dunlap, in der Markt-strasse. | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... [1781.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (32). n. s. p. 4111 [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | TN Council, | Philadelphia, March 10, 1781. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by F. Bailey. [1781.] | Sm. folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4112 A Resolve prescribing the form of receipt to be taken by the Recruiting Commis- sioners, for the Bounty of £9 granted to men enlisting for the war prior to 1780. Signed " T. Matlack, Secretary." IN Council, | May 4,1781. | [Philadelphia .-] Printed by F. Bailey. [1781.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4113 An address, signed "Joseph Reed, President," in defence of the resolution of Council regulating the rate of exchange between specie and Continental paper money. INTELLIGENCE from the Southward. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by David C. Glaypoole. [1781.] [Price Three Dollars.) | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4114 Dated " Philadelphia, March 31, 1781." Gen. Greene's account of the battle of Guilford. The depreciation of Continental paper is shown by the price of this broadside. JANEWAY. (J.) A Token for Children. By James Janeway. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1781. 4115 JOURNALS | of | Congress, | from | January 1st, 1780, | to | January 1st, 1781. | Published by Order of Congress. | Philadel- phia: | Printed by David C. Glaypoole, Printer to the Honorable the 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 373 Congress. [1781.] | 8vo. pp. 403; Index, pp. xxxviii; Appendix, pp. (3). h. s. p. 4116 JOURNALS | of | Congress, | and of the | United States | In Congress Assembled. | For the Year 1781. | Published by Order of Congress. | Volume VII. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 522, (4), Ixxix. 4117 [KUNZE. (Johann Christoph)] ©tftmg | Oom | red)ten £ebeu§ to ege. [Cut.] | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt und zu findcn bei Melchior Steiner. 1781. | 8vo. pp. (12), 1-243. 4118 KUNZE, ©in SBort | fiir ben | $erftcmb unb bn§ | bom | redjten unb gebanten | Bebeu&uege | bon (SI;riftopI; A.M. | @b. ju in Slorbamerifa. | Philadelphia: | Ge- druckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Peesstrasse, zwischen | der zweiten und dritten Strasse. 1781. | 8vo. pp. (8), 243, 1 leaf. ii. s. p. 4119 LAWS | Enacted in the Second Sitting | of the Fifth | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which Commenced at Philadelphia, on Tuesday the sixth | day of Febru- ary, in the year of our Lord One thousand | seven hundred eighty and one. | [Philadelphia:] Printed by John Dunlap. [1781.] Folio, pp. 395-432, (2), for 419-456, (2). + Laws | enacted in the Third Sitting, | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | [Ibid.] pp. 459-476. + Laws | enacted in the Fourth Sitting | | | | | | | . [Ibid.] pp. 477-488. MINUTES | of the | First Session, | of the | Sixth General Assembly, | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Monday, the twen- | ty-second Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One | thousand seven hundred eighty and one. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-street. | MDCCLXXXI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 499- 712. ii. s. p. 4121 The first sitting occupies pp. 499-562, the second sitting, pp. 563-650, and the third sitting, pp. 651-712. The second and third sittings were held in 1782. MINUTES | of the | Philadelphian | Baptist Association, | In 374 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 M.DCC.LXXXI. | [Colophon.] [Philadelphia.-] Printed by R. Aitken, in Market-Street. [1781.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. 8. 4122 THE MONTHLY Meeting of Friends, called by some | The Free Quakers, | (Distinguishing us from those of our Brethren who have disowned us) | Held at Philadelphia, the fourth Day of the 6th Month, 1781. | To our Friends and Brethren in Penn- sylvania, New- | Jersey, and elsewhere. | [Philadelphia: 1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4123 MORGAN. ([John]) Conclusion of doctor Morgan's | Remarks on doctor Shippen's | feeble Attempts to Vindicate | himself. | [Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole. 1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. 4124 Probably issued as a Supplement to the Pa. Packet, Jan. 6, 1781. Part of a very bitter personal controversy, which began to appear in the Packet in July, 1780. THE NEW ENGLAND Primer. Philadelphia: T. Bradford and P. Hall. 1781. 4125 THE NEW | Testament | Of our Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ: | Newly Translated out of the | Original Greek; | And with the former | Translations | Diligently compared and revised. [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Bookseller, | opposite the Coffee-House, Front-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 12mo. pp. (335). h. s. p. 4126 Not paged. Signatures A to CC, 12 pp. each, and Dd, 11pp. This is the New Testament of the Bible issued by Aitken in 1782, see No. 4184, infra. O'Callaghan notes a misprint (thy for the) in 1 Tim. iv. 16. THE NEW Testament. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1781. Advertised in the Pa. Gazette, Aug. 29, 1781. NEW YEAR'S | Verses, | For the printer's lads who carry | The Evening Post | To the customers. | [Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1781.] | Narrow folio, 1 leaf. a. a. s. 4128 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1781. 4129 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 375 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1781. 4130 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole. 1781. 4131 OBSERVATIONS | upon the | Effects | of certain late | Polit- ical | Suggestions, | By the Delegates of Georgia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Aitken, Bookseller, in Market-Street, | .... | M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. 4to. pp. 10, 1 leaf folded. l. c. p. 4132 Relates to the commercial importance of Georgia, and the means of recovering it from the British. [PAINE. (Thomas)] Plain Facts: | Being | An Examination | into the | Rights of the Indian Nations of America, | to their respective Countries; | and | A Vindication of the Grant, | from | The Six United Nations of Indians, | to | The Proprietors of In- diana, | against | The Decision | of the | Legislature of Virginia; | Together with | Authentic Documents, | proving | That the Ter- ritory, Westward of the Allegany | Mountain, never belonged to Virginia, &c. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Aitken, Book- seller, in Market- | Street, Three Doors above the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 164, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4133 THE PENNSYLVANIA Evening Post. Philadelphia'. B. Towne. 1781. a. a. s. 4134 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 4135 Numbers 2638 (Jan. 3, 1781) to 2689 (Dec. 26, 1781), four pages each. Title and imprint as in No. 3925, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Thomas Bradford. 4136 Numbers 1373 (Jan. 3, 1781) to 1452 (Dec. 29, 1781), four pages each. Title as in No. 2914, supra. Imprint as above, until No. 1390, when it was changed to " Phil- adelphia: Printed and Sold by T. Bradford and P. Hall." This was changed in No. 1399 to the form given in No. 4230, infra. In July they began to appear twice a week. Tuesday, January 2,1781. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA Packet, 376 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 | or, the | General Advertiser. | Vol. X.) Published every Tues- day and Saturday. (Numb. 690. | Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by David C. Claypoole. | Folio. 4137 Numbers 695 (Jan. 2, 1781) to 826 (Dec. 29, 1781), four pages each, with " Post- scripts" of one leaf to No. 768, and to one of the two numbers 797 ; of three pages to June 9 (misnumbered 780 for 740), and of four pages to No. 741. No. 740 is misnumbered 780; the papers for March 17 and 20 are both numbered 716 ; those of Oct. 16 and 18, 795; and those of Oct. 23 and 25, 797. The paper for Nov. 17 is misdated 15, and it and the regular Nov. 15 are both numbered 807. This error, as well as that of two numbers 716, were corrected in the succeeding pages, but the other cases of duplication do not seem to have been detected. After No. 741 the paper was published three times a week, necessitating a slight change in the title. The imprint was slightly changed in No. 816. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1782. Phila- delphia: Thomas Bradford. 1781. 4138 PERRIN. (J.) Instructive and Entertaining | Exercises | with the | Rules of the French Syntax. | By John Perrin. | . . . . | Phil- adelphia: | Printed by Charles Cist, in Market-Street, near | Fifth- Street. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. v, 216,1 leaf folded. 4139 (Sorrefponbcm. Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1781. Folio. 4140 This paper, begun about May 1, 1781, was continued until about 1796. There is an imperfect file of it in the collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. ©ebanfen bon bet OZatur ber <5pradj= jeid)en. Philadelphia: [Bichenberg in Frankfurt.'] 1781. w. 4141 A PLAIN | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1782; | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | Shewing, | The Days of the Month; the Days of the Week; | The | Time of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon; | Full and Change of the Moon; Rising, Setting and | Southing of some of the Planets; Equation of Time; | Eclipses; Tide Table; Roads, &c. | Also, | A Variety of Essays, in | Prose and Verse. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-Street, between Second | and Third- Street. [1781.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4142 POOR Will's | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1782; 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 377 | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | | | | | | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-Street, between Second | and Third-Street. [1781.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4143 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1782. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1781. 4144 PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] By His Excel- lency Joseph Reed, Esq; President, and the Su- | preme Execu- tive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Procla- mation. | [Philadelphia:] Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1781.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4145 Dated " May 11, 1781." Eecommending the acceptance of the Paper Currency for all kinds of debts. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By His Excel- lency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the Supreme | Execu- tive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Procla- mation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. [1781.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4146 Dated "July 14, 1781." Prohibiting Eeceivers of Taxes from accepting coun- terfeit British Half-pence. Kleine | ®avibifd)e | ipfalterfyiel | ber | $inber I 2XIten | ®eifte§s®efdngen, | 2Itten toafrcen | Sduglingen ber 2Bei3fyeit, | $nfon= aber | ©enen ©enteinben be§ $errn, | junt ©ienft unb (Sebraud) mit $leifj | fanimen getragen | in gegenhidrtig=beliebiger $orm unb Drbnung, | 91eb[t einem breipfacfyen, barju nufclidjen unb | ber Skciterien fyalben nbtfyigen | 9?egi[ter. | Philadelphia: | Cedruckt bey Steiner und Cist. 1781. | 16mo. pp. (6), 575, (23). h. s. p. 4147 REED. (Joseph) My late Engagements of a public Nature have prevented my taking earlier Notice of a Report . . . That I had been or was concerned in trading in New York .... [Philadel- phia : Francis Bailey. 1781.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4148 REED. The following Paper having been much misrepresented ii.-48 378 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 . . . . | Philadelphia: Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. [1781.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4149 In defence of his address of Jan. 15, 1781, concerning raising by subscription the money to pay the Pennsylvania Troops. REMARKS | Upon a Pamphlet intitled | " An Address | From the | Baptist Church in Philadelphia, | To their | Sister Churches of the same | Denomination, | Throughout the Confederated | States of North America." | In which some Mistakes are rectified, | And the | Matters of Fact set in a true Light. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Ben. Towne. 1781. | Sm. 4to. pp. 28. h. s. p. 4150 REPORT | Of the Committee of the Assembly, on the state of the | Public Accounts, | For the Year One thousand seven hun- dred and eighty. | \_Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1781.] | Folio, pp. 46. h. s. p. 4151 ©O | | (Salenbcr, | 2luf bag 1782fte $a(;r | 2BeId;e£ ein geniein von 365 Xagen iff. | Unb entlyfit | £>ie 2Bod;eiv 9Jionat§ - Lennen - unb $eiper=£age, | be§ 9Jionben 2Inf= unb Untergang; feine Beidjcn, (Brabe unb SBiertel; | bie 2lfpeeten bcr faint bcr SBitterung; be§ Sieben; | geftirnS 2Iufgang, unb Untergang; 2Iuf= unb | Untergang ber Sonnen; nebft ber $Iutf) ober bent | l;o(;en SBaffcr ju : | 2Bie and; | angenefyme unb le(;rreid;c Stude, | nebft £abeUen, 2c. 2c. 2c. | Unb anbere geivotmlidfe (Salcnber - SIrbeit. | Cingcricbtet vor ben 40ften ©tab ber 9iorbersBreite; fonberlid) | vor ; fann aber bod; in ben angrenjenben £anb= | fefyaften otnic merflidien Untcrfd;eib gebrauefyt iverben. | 3um SSierten mat (;erau§ gegeben. | Lancaster, Gedruckt and zu finden bey Theophilus Cossart und Companie, | nahe bey der Prison, und gerade gegen ueber den drey gruenen Baeumen. | Sq. 8vo. pp. (32). RESOLUTIONS, | Acts and Orders | of | Congress, | For the Year 1780. | Volume VI. | Published by Order of Congress. | \Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. [1781.] | 8vo. pp. 257, xliii. RUSH. (B.) The | New Method | of | Inoculating | for the | Small Pox; | delivered | in a Lecture in the Uni- | versity of Philadelphia, | Feb. 20th, 1781. | By Benjamin Rush, M.D. | Philo- 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 379 delphia, Printed by Charles Cist, | in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXL | 12mo. pp. 28. 4154 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1782. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1781. 4155 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved: | Being an | Almanack | [10 lines] | For the | Year of our Lord 1782 : | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1781.] | 8vo. pp. (36). ii. s. p. 4156 SAUR. (C.) @in @infdltige§ 9f?einx=(Sebicfyte, melcfyeS (Sfyriftopfy | <5aur gemacbt l;at auf feinen '■Ramen unb | burt»=©ag, aR er fecfygig $al)r alt ivar ben 26ften | September, 1781. | [n. p. 1781.] 8vo. pp. 4. SHARP. (A.) ©er (3an£ 9leue SSerbefferte Dtorb = 2Imericanifd)e Galenber, auf ba3 1782fte $afyr Sfyrifti. 3um Sicbentenmal peraiR= gegeben unb Verfertiget Von 2lntfyonp Styarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1781. 4158 SHARP. The | Continental | Almanac, | [Cut] | for the | Year of our Lord, 1782 : | Being the Second after Leap-Year. | The Seventh Year of American Independence. | By Anthony Sharp, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey, in | Market-street, between Third and Fourth-streets. [1781.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). ii. s. p. 4159 SHARP. The Continental Pocket Almanac for 1782. By Anthony Sharp. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1781. 4160 A SHORT Introduction to Latin Grammar, for the use of the University and Academy of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Charles Cist. 1781. 4161 [STANHOPE, (Philip Dormer - Earl of Chesterfield.)] Lord Chesterfield's | Advice to his Son, | on | Men and Manners: | Or, a new | System of Education. | In which the | Principles of Politeness, | the art of acquiring a | Knowledge of the World, | with every | Instruction necessary to form a | Man of Honour, 380 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1781 Virtue, Taste, | and Fashion, | are laid down in a | Plain, Easy, Familiar Manner, | adapted to every | Station and Capacity. | The whole arranged on a | Plan entirely New. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Pe-printed and Sold | by T. Bradford and P. Hall. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 18mo. pp. i-viii, 1-126. l. c. p. 4162 | fioofungen | ber | Srubergemeine | fur ba§ | 1782. | Philadelphia, | (dedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Bees-Strasse. [1781.] | 8vo. ii. s. p. 4163 Collation: Title and " Vorrede," pp. (2) ; Die Taglichen Loosungen, pp. (62); Die Taglichen Lehrtexte, pp. (69); Tageregister, pp. (3). . . . | | | | | | | . . . . | TO the President and Executive Council, the General | Assembly of Pennsylvania, and others whom it may | concern; | The following Representation on Behalf of the | People called Quakers. | delphia : 1781.] Folio, pp. (3). l. c. p. 4164 Dated " 12mo. 6th, 1781," and at the end " 11th mo. 22d." TO the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in | General Assembly met. Divers Freemen of the said Commonwealth beg Leave | to shew, | [Philadelphia: 1781.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4165 A petition from the "Free Quakers," presented Dec. 2, 1781. TO the Representatives of the Freemen | of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | in General Assembly met. | The Memorial and Remonstrance of Isaac Howell and White Matlack, | in behalf of themselves, and others, who have been disowned by the People called | Quakers, &c. | [Philadelphia: 1781.] Folio, pp. (4). 4166 WATTS. (I.) Divine Songs for Children. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1781. 4167 WATTS. The Psalms of David, Imitated, &c. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1781. 4168 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1782. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1781. 1781 IN PENNSYLVANIA 381 WEBB. (E.) A | Letter | from | Elizabeth Webb | to | An- thony William Boehm, | with his | Answer. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, M,DCC,LXXXI. | 12mo. pp. 44. h. s. p. 4170 [WESLEY. (Charles')] Hymns | for | those that seek | and | those that have | Redemption | in the | Blood | of | Jesus Christ. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Melchior Steiner. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | 12mo. pp. 65, (4). h. s. p. 4171 WESLEY. (J.) Hymns | and | Spiritual Songs, | intended for the use of | Real Christians, | of all denominations. | By John Wes- ley, M.A. | Late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Mel- chior Steiner. | M,DCC,LXXXI. | 12mo. pp. 136, (4). h. s. p. 4172 WESLEY. (J. and C.) A | Collection | of | Psalms and Hymns. | Published by John Wesley, M.A. | Fellow of Lincoln- College, Oxford; | and | Charles Wesley, M.A. | Student of Christ- Church, Oxford. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Melchior Steiner, | M,DCC,LXXXL | 12mo. pp. 144, (4). h. s. p. 4173 [WHARTON. (Charles Henry)] A | Poetical Epistle | to his Excellency | George Washington Esq. | Commander in Chief of the | Armies of the United States | of America, | from | An In- habitant of the State of Maryland. | London Printed: | Philadelphia Re-printed and sold | By George Kline, | In Third-Street, near Arch- Street. 1781. | 12mo. pp. 10. 4174 WINCHESTER. (E.) The | Seed | of the | Woman | Bruising the Serpent's Head. | A Discourse | delivered at the | Baptist Meet- ing House, | in | Philadelphia, Sunday April 22, 1781. | By El- hanan Winchester. | Published by Request. | Philadelphia: Printed \by B. Towne] in the Year | 1781. | 8vo. pp. 58. ii. s. p. 4175 Collation ; Sermon, pp. 18 ; Attempt to collect the Scripture Passages in favour of Universal Eedemption, pp. 19-35; The Objections brought from the Scriptures against that Doctrine, pp. 36-58. No. 4150, supra, may have been written by Winchester. 382 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 1782. AN ACCOUNT of Births and Burials | in the | United Churches of Christ Church and St. | Peter's, in Philadelphia, | From December 25, 1781, to December 25, 1782. | By William Young, Clerk, and George Stokes, Sexton. | Philadelphia: 1782.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4176 ACT of the Associate Reformed Synod, | for a | Public Fast. | At Philadelphia, 1st November, 1782. | Philadelphia .•] Printed by Pobert Aitken, in Market Street, near the Coffee House. [1782.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4177 jur ber jur notfyleibenber ©eutfcfyen betyfteurenben ©eutfcfyen ©efellfcfyaft in ipennftylbanien. Phila- delphia: Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner .... 1782. 8vo. pp. 30. THE | ACTS | of the | General Assembly | of the | Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, | Carefully compared with the Originals. | And an | Appendix, | Containing the Laws now in Force, passed between the 30th | Day of September, 1775, and the Revolution. | Together with | The Declaration of Independence; the Consti- tution of the State of | Pennsylvania; and the Articles of Confed- eration of the United | States of America. | Published by order of the General Assembly. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Phila- delphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey, | in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | Folio. a. s. p. 4179 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Authorization, &c., 1 leaf; The Declaration, pp. i.-vi.; Constitution, pp. vii.-xxi. ; Articles of Confederation, pp. xxii.-xxxi. ; Directions to Binder, 1 page; text, pp. 1-527; Index, pp. i.-viii. Edited by Thomas McKean, and generally known as McKean's Laws. | $au3= unb 2Birtbfd;aft§= | Galenber | 2litf bn§ 1783fte Gtnifti, || |j.... | gum $ierten= mal (;erau§'gcgcben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Melchior Steiner, | in der Rees-strasse, zwischen der Zweyten- und Dritten-strasse. [1782.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4180 | $au£* unb | Galenber | 2Iuf ba§ 1783[te Gtyrifti, | | | | . . | gum $ierten= 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 383 mat fyerau3 gegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Carl Cist, | | . [1782.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4181 The first fourteen pages are identical with the preceding. Throughout the rest of the pages the reading matter is generally different. [BASSVKLE. (N. J. II. de)] Reflexions d'un instituteur sur un roman int. Adele et Theodore [de Madame de Genlis]. A Phil- adelphie: [Paris.] 1782. w. 4182 BENEZET. (A.) The | Plainness and Innocent Simplicity | of the | Christian Religion. | With | Its salutary Effects, compared to the corrupting Nature | and dreadful Effects of War. | With | Some Account of the blessing which attends on a Spirit influenced by | divine Love, producing Peace and Good-Will to Men. | Collected by Anthony Benezet. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, between Second and | Third-streets. | MDCCLXXXH. | 12mo. pp. 48. n. s. p. 4183 THE | HOLY BIBLE, | Containing the Old and New | Testa- ments : | Newly translated out of the | Original Tongues; | And with the former | Translations | Diligently compared and revised. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.] Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, at Pope's | Head, Three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXII. | 24mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. (1114). Not paged. Signatures A to Zz (omitting J, V, and W), 24 pp. each, and Aaa, 10 pp. The Title is really the first leaf of A, but it is followed by an inset of two pages, containing the proceedings in Congress, and the names, &c., of all the Books of the Bible. 2 Kings vii. 12, contains a misprint, not for now. The sixth chapter of Hosea is numbered vii. This was the first Bible printed in English in America. For title and collation of the New Testament see No. 4126, supra. BOND. (T.) Anniversary Oration, | Delivered May 21st, | before the | American Philosophical Society, | held in Philadel- phia, | For the Promotion of Useful Knowledge. | For the Year 1782. | By Doctor Thomas Bond, | Vice-President of that Society. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. [1782.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 34. l. c. p. 4185 3foifd)en <5. 9Kaj. bem $aifer Sofepty bcm 384 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 Btociteu unb 3- bcm jn £rier, toegen ber heifer; licfyen 9ieligion§=(Sbifte. bem $ranjdfifd)en. Philadelphia: BeiJohn Hurter. 1782. w. 4186 BUMBO. (J.) The | American | Almanac, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1783. | (Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap- Year.) | [14 lines.] | By Father Jacobus Bumbo. | Philadelphia: | Printed by T. Bradford, in Front-Street, four | Doors below the Coffee- House. [1782.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4187 THE | CASE | of the | Episcopal Churches | in the | United States | Considered. | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M,DCC,LXXXIL | 8vo. pp. 35; Errata, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4188 CATALOGUE of a Collection of Books belonging to the Rev. Robert Smith, of South Carolina, and Mr. James Cannon, de- ceased, late of this city. To be sold at Auction, April 24th. Philadelphia : Francis Bailey ? 1782. 4189 CATALOGUE of a Curious and Valuable Collection of Books, to be sold on Oct. 11th. Philadelphia. 1782. 4190 CATALOGUE of a Gentleman's very valuable library to be Sold at Auction, Oct. 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th and 26th. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1782. 4191 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, Jan. 30th. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1782. 4192 Other book sales by Bell were advertised for May 1 and Nov. 2. On each occa- sion " Printed Catalogues [were] to be had at the Sale." CLARKE. (J.) Erasmi | Colloquia Selecta; | or, the | Select Colloquies | of | Erasmus. | With an | English Translation, | as literal as possible. | Designed for the Use of Beginners in the Latin Tongue. | The Eighteenth Edition. | By John Clarke, | Author of the Essays upon Education and Study. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Orukshank, | in Market-Street, between Second and | Third-Streets. MDCCLXXXII. | 12mo. pp. v, 222. 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 385 [DUPONT DE NEMOURS. (Pierre Samuel)] Memoirs | sur | La Vie et les Ouvrages | de | M. Turgot, | Ministre d'Etat. | Premiere Partie. | | | | Philadelphie. [Pans.] 1782. | 16mo. pp. i-viii, 1-148. + Seconde Partie, | Contenant son Ministere aux Finances & | sa Retraite. | [Ibid.] 16mo. pp. 268. DU SIMITIERE. (Pierre Eugene) American Museum. | [Philadelphia.•] Printed by John Dunlap. [1782.] | 4to. 1 leaf. 4195 A descriptive handbill, dated " June 1, 1782." EPITAPH. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Sreet, 1782. | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4196 Mock epitaph on George III. EVANS. (I.) A | Discourse | delivered | Near York in Vir- ginia, | on the | Memorable Occasion | of the | Surrender of the British Army | to the | Allied Forces of America and France, | before | The Brigade of New-York Troops and the Division of | American Light-Infantry, under the Command of the | Marquis de la Fayette. | By Israel Evans, A.M. | Chaplain to the Troops of New Hampshire. | (On the 13th day of December, the day of General Thanksgiving, this Dis- | course, nearly in its present form was delivered in the second Presbyterian | church in Phila- delphia. The author is indebted for its publication to the | generosity of a number of gentlemen in this city; and it is prin- cipally in- | tended for the gratification of the brave soldiery fighting in the cause of | America and mankind.) | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-street. I M.DCC.LXXXII. I 8vo. pp. 45, (1). h. s. p. 4197 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1783. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1782. 4198 THE FREEMAN'S Journal. 4199 Numbers XXXVIII. (Jan. 2, 1782) to LXXXVIII. (Dec. 23, 1782), four pages each, with a " Postscript" of one leaf to No. 56. Title and imprint as in No. 4102, supra. In No. 53, the words "Vol. II. | Price, Six-Pence," are introduced in the title under the cut, and in No. 54, "Vol. II." was placed above it. ii.-49 386 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 GOLDSMITH. (O.) The Deserted Village. By Oliver Gold- smith. Philadelphia: 1782. 4200 GRAVINES. (- de) The Ladies Friend. By Monsieur de Gravities. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1782. 4201 ©O ; 2Imericamfd)e Salenber, 2Iuf bag $afyr 1783. Philadelphia: Johann Dunlap. 1782. 4202 THE | INDEPENDENT Gazetteer; | or, the | Chronicle of Freedom. | ... | .... | Numb. I) Saturday, April 13, 1782. (Price Six-pence.) | Philadelphia: Printed by E. Oswald, at his Printing-Office, near the Bunch of | Grapes Tavern, in Third-Street, where Subscriptions, at Three Dollars per Annum, Essays, Articles of Intelligence, | $c. for this Paper, are gratef ully received.-Advertisements of no more Length than Breadth, are inserted | the first Three Weeks for one Dollar, and for every Continuance after, one third of a Dollar ; those exceeding a Square, | are inserted in the same Proportion. | Folio. 4203 Numbers 1 (April 13, 1782) to 52 (Dec. 28, 1782), four pages each, with " Supple- ments" of two pages to Numbers 5 and 52. From the 14th of September to the end of the year the paper was issued twice a week. INTELLIGENCE from the Moon; found on board one of the Dutch East Indiamen, captured by Commodore Johnstone. Phila- delphia: Theophilus Cossart. 1782. 4204 JOURNALS | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | Beginning the twenty-eighth Day of November, 1776, and | Ending the second Day of October, 1781. | With the | Proceedings | of the several | Committees and Conventions, | Before and at the Commencement of the | Amer- ican Revolution. | Volume the First. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.] Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXXH. | Folio. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-698, for 697, (1). h. s. p. 4205 JOURNALS | of | Congress. | Containing | the | Proceedings | From January 1, 1779, to January 1, 1780. | Published by Order of Congress. | Volume V. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M,DCC,LXXXH. | 8vo. pp. 464, (15), Ixxiv. 4206 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 387 KUNZE. (J. C.) Sine von ben 2lbfid)ten unb bem $ortgange ber $on Sfyriv. Gbriftobfy Philadelphia. 1782. 4207 LAWS | enacted in | The Sixth | General Assembly | of the | Representatives | of the | Freemen | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | At the Sitting which commenced at Phila- delphia on Monday, | the Twenty-second Day of October, and continued by Adjourn- | ment to Friday, the Twenty-eighth Day of December, A.D. | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty- one. | Vol. II. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market- street. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | Folio, pp. 8. + Laws | Enacted in the Second Sitting | | | | | | | | [J7JJ.] pp. 9-81, (2). + Laws | Enacted in the Third Sitting j | | | | | | . | [Ibid.] pp. 85-110, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4208 LAWS | enacted in | The Seventh | General Assembly | of the | Representatives | of the | Freemen | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | At the Sitting which commenced at Philadel- phia, on Monday, | the Twenty-eighth Day of October, and con- tinued by Adjourn- | ment to Wednesday, the Fourth Day of December, A.D. | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty- two. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXXH. | Folio. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 115-126. 4209 LYTTELTON. (T.) Letters | of the late | Thomas Lord Lyt- telton : | With | His Poems on several Occasions, | and | A Sketch of his Lordship's Character. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Pobert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | 8vo. pp. 80. 4210 [MACKENZIE. (Henry)] Julia de Roubigne, | A Sentimental Novel. | In a Series of Letters. | Published by | The Author of The Man of Feeling, | and The Man of the World, j In Two Vol- umes. | Vol. I. | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia, Printed by Charles Cist, | in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXH. | 16mo. pp. viii, 111. + Vol. H. pp. iv, 119. l. c. p. 4211 MACKENZIE. The Man of Feeling. By Henry Mackenzie. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1782. 4212 1782 388 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS [MACPHERSON. (John)] An | Introduction | to the | Study of Natural Philosophy. | [Philadelphia: 1782.] Folio, pp. (2). 4213 MARTIN. (H.) A | Narrative | of a | Discovery | of a | sovereign specific, | for the cure of | Cancers. | With several other improvements lately | made in Medicine. | With a | Postscript, | on a singular case of a | Stone | taken out of the Tongue. | By Hugh Martin, | Physician and Surgeon in the American Army. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken. | M.DCC.LXXXII. | 8vo. pp. 15. 4214 MINUTES | of the | First Session, | of the | Seventh General Assembly, | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania; | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Monday, the | twenty-eighth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord | One thousand seven hun- dred and eighty-two. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. [1782.] | Folio. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 715-968. h. s. p. 4215 The first session occupies pp. 715-780, the second, pp. 781-883, and the third, which sat until Sept. 26, 1783, pp. 883-968. The first page of the last Session should have been 885. MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association, | Held in Philadel- phia, October, 1782. | [Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1782.] Sq. 8vo. pp. 8. 4216 SBerbeffert- unb Buberlafnge | Slmericanifctye | Catenber, | 2Iuf bag 1783[te Satyr Gtyrifti, | 2Beld;eg ein (Semein Satyr bon 365 £agen iff. | £)arin enttyalten | ©ie 9Bod;etv 9)lonattyg= unb SJlerfttmrbige £age; be£ SJlonben | 2luf; unb Untergang; feine Seictyen, (Srabe, unb 33iertel; bie Slfpecten ber | famt ber SBitterung; beg Siebem geftirng Slufgang, Subplafc | unb Untergang; 2luf= unb Untergang ber Sonne; nebft ber | $lutty ober bem tyotyen Staffer ju ; | Unb anbere (Salenber=21rbeit. | SBornemlicty natty bem ftylbanifctyen berectynet; | Sebocty in ben angrenjenben Staaten otyne merflictyen Unterjctyeib ju gebrauctyen. | 3um Crftenmal gegeben. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu haben bey Joseph Orukshank, in der Markt-strasse. [1782.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4217 9tCUSWdtS=$erfe | beg | ber Cor= 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 389 refponbenj. | $Den Iften 1782. | [Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1782.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4218 THE | NEW Testament | of our | Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ, | newly translated out of the | Original Greek : | And with the | Former Translations diligently | compared and revised. | Appointed to be read in Churches. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Jo- seph Crukshank, in Market-Street, | between Second and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXXIL | 12mo. pp. (452). 4219 THE | NEW Testament | of our | Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ, | newly translated out of the | Original Greek: | And with the | Former Translations diligently | compared and revised. | Appointed to be read in Churches. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Jo- seph Crukshank, in Market-Street, | between Second and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXXIL | 12mo. pp. (440). 4220 NEW-Year Verses of the Carriers of the Freeman's Journal. Philadelphia : Francis Bailey. 1782. 4221 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Even- ing Post. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1782. 4222 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1782. 4223 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: T. Bradford and P. Hall. 1782. 4224 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole. 1782. 4225 PAINE. (T.) Letter | addressed to the | Abbe Raynal | on the | Affairs of North-America. | In which | The Mistakes in the Abbe's Account | of the | Revolution of America | are corrected and cleared up. | By Thomas Paine, M.A. | of the University of Pennsylvania, and author of the Pamphlet | and other Publica- tions, entitled, " Common Sense." | Philadelphia: | Printed by Mel- chior Steiner, in Race-street, | near Third-street. | And Sold by Robert Aitken, Bookseller, in Market- | street, three Doors above the Coffee- 390 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 House. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | 8vo. Half-title,! leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. i-iv; text, pp. 5-77. H. s. p. + The Second Edition. a. p. s. 4226 PAINE. A Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on his Speech, July 10, 1782, respecting the acknowledgment of American Inde- pendence. By Thomas Paine. Philadelphia: 1782. 8vo. 4227 The American Crisis, No. XIV. THE PENNSYLVANIA Evening Post. Philadelphia: B. Towne. 1782. a. a. s. 4228 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 4229 Numbers 2690 (Jan. 2,1782) to 2741 (Dec. 24,1782), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2694, 2698, 2699, 2702 to 2705, 2727, 2728, and 2735, of four pages to No. 2701 ; and " Postscripts" of two pages to Numbers 2696, 2719, and 2732. Title and imprint as in No. 3925, supra, until No. 2735; when the former was changed to the form given in No. 4334, infra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. Philadelphia: Printed by T. Bradford and P. Hall. Advertisements, <fc. for this Paper, | are received at the Book-Store in Market-street, adjoining the Coffee-House, or the Printing-Office in Laetitia-Court. | 4230 Numbers 1453 (Jan. 2, 1782) to 1554 (Dec. 28, 1782), four pages each, with a " Postscript" of two pages to No. 1488. Published on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Title as in No. 2914, supra. After No. 1498 Hall's name was omitted in the imprint, and the spacing somewhat changed. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 4231 Numbers 827 (Jan. 1,1782) to 983 (Dec. 31, 1782), four pages each, with a " Sup- plement" of one leaf to No. 914; " Postscripts" of two pages to Numbers 933 and 935, and one of one leaf to No. 950. Published three times a week. Title and imprint nearly the same as in No. 4137, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1783. Philadel- phia: Thomas Bradford. 1782. 4232 A PLAIN | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1783; | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | Shewing, | The Days of the Month; the Days of the Week; | The | Time of the Rising and 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 391 Setting of the | Sun and Moon; | Full and Change of the Moon; Rising, Setting and Southing | of some of the Planets; Equation of Time; Eclipses; | Friends Yearly Meetings; Table shewing the Value | and Weight of Coins; Table of Interest; Table of Tide; | Roads, &c. | Also, | A Variety of Essays, in | Prose and Verse. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market- Street, between Second | and Third-Street. [1782.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). POOR Will's | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1783; | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | . . . | . . . . [1782.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). a. s. p. 4234 POOR Will's | Pocket Almanack, | For the Year 1783. | Phil- adelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank. [1782.] | 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 4235 [PRATT. (Samuel Jackson)] Emma Corbett: | Exhibiting | Henry and Emma, | the | Faithful Modern Lovers, | as | de- lineated by themselves, | In their Original Letters. | Published by Courtney Melmoth. | Author of the Pupil of Pleasure, &c. &c. | | | | | . | Three Volumes Complete in One. | Philadelphia; | Printed and Sold by Pobert Bell, in Third- Street. | MDCCLXXXH. | 8vo. pp. 48. + The Second Volume. | [_ZW.] 8vo. pp. 48. + The Third and Last Volume. | [Z6/Z.] 8vo. pp. 48. l. c. p. 4236 " Founded upon incidents which occurred at or near Philadelphia in the winter of 1777." PROCEEDINGS | of a | General Court Martial, | Held at Philadelphia, | In the State of | Pennsylvania, | By Order of his Excellency | General Washington, | Commander in Chief | Of the Army of | The United States of America, | For the Trial of | Major General Howe, | December 7, 1781. | Major General Baron Steuben, President. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIL | Folio, pp. 31. h. s. p. 4237 PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Pennsylvania, 392 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 ss. | By the President and Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadel- phia:'] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1782.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 4238 Dated " Nov. 20, 1782." On the observance of Sunday. PROPOSALS | To Amend and Perfect the Po- | licy of the Government | of the United States of | America; | Or, | The ful- filling of the Prophe- | cies in the latter Bays, com- | menced by the Indepen- | dence of America. | Containing, A new Mode of Elec- | tions, with a Method of Supporting | Government without taxing or | fining the People. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | [Philadelphia.-] Printed [by B. Towne] for the Author, 1782. | 12mo. pp. 36. a. p. s. 4239 RAYNAL. ([William Thomas]). The | Revolution | of | America. | By the Abbe Raynal, | Author of the philosophical and political history of the establish- | ments, and commerce of the Europeans in both the Indies. | Price Half a Dollar. | Phila- delphia: | Printed for Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | 8vo. pp. 72. h. s. p. -|- The second edition, | Price One Dollar. | [Ibid.] 8vo. pp. 72. l. c. p. 4240 ©alenber auf ba§ 1783fte Satyr ©tyrifti. $um $unfftenmal tyeraug gegeben. Philadelphia: Theophilus Cossart. 1782. 4241 REGULATIONS for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. Part I. Philadelphia: Charles Cist? 1782. 12mo. pp. 77, (1), iv, 8 plates. 4242 ROBIN ([Claude C.]) Nouveau | Voyage | dans | L'Amerique Septentrionale, | en 1'annee 1781; | et | Campagne | de Farmee | De M. le Comte de Rochambeau. | Par M. l'Abbe Robin. | A Philadelphie, | Et se trouve a Paris, | Chez Moutard, Imprimeur- Libraire de la Reine, | de Madame, et de Madame Comtesse d'Artois, | rue des Mathurins, Hotel de Cluni. | M.DCC.LXXXH. | 16mo. pp. ix, 222. l. c. p. 4243 RULES and Articles | for the | Better Government | of the | Troops raised, or to be raised, | And kept in Pay, | By and at 1782 IN PENNSYLVANIA 393 the Expense of the | United States | of | America. | Philadelphia: Printed in the Year | 1782. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 39. h. s. p. 4244 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1783. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1782. 4245 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved : | Being an | Almanack [10 lines] | For the | Year of our Lord 1783 : | Being the Third after Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1782.] | 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4246 A | SERMON, | On the Present Situation of | the Affairs of | America | and | Great-Britain. | Written by a Black, | And printed at the Request of several Persons of | distinguished Char- acters. | Philadelphia: | Printed by T. Bradford and P. Hall. | M,DCC,LXXXH. | 8vo. pp. 11. h. s. p. 4247 SEWARD. ([Anna]) Monody | on | Major Andre, | Who was executed at Tappan, | November -1780. | By | Miss Seward. | To which are added, | Major Andre's | Letters, | Addressed to Miss Seward, when at his 18th Year. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Enoch Story, in Third | Street, Third Door from Chestnut-street. [1782.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 56. n. y. h. s. 4248 SHARP. (A.) ©er 9?eue SBerbefferte 9?orb - Slmericanifcfye Salenber, auf ba§ 1783fte (Sfyrifti. 3um Slcfjtenmal l)erau3gegeben unb berfertiget bon Slntfyonty (Sfyarp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1782. 4249 SHARP. The Continental Almanac for 1783. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1782. 4250 SHERIDAN. (R. B.) The Real and Genuine School for Scandal. By Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1782. 8vo. pp. 64. l. c. p. 4251 A SHORT | Account | of the | Convincement | of | Edward Andrews. | [Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1782?] Sm. 8vo. pp. 4. F. 4252 ii.-50 394 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1782 SIBYLLJE American8e | genethliacum | Ludovico XVII. | Regni Gallici Delphino | Prognosticum. | Philadelphia: | Apud Benjaminum Towne. | M,DCC,LXXXII. | 4to. pp. 16. l. c. p. 4253 SMITH. (R.) The | Obligations | of the | Confederate States of North America | To Praise God. | Two Sermons. | Preached at Pequea, December 13th, 1781, the | day recommended by the honourable Congress to | the several States, to be observed as a Day of | Thanksgiving to God, for the various inter- | positions of his providence in their favour, during | their contest with Great Britain, particularly those | of the present year, crowned by the capture of | Lord Cornwallis with his whole army. | By Robert Smith, A.M. | Minister of the Gospel at Pequea. | Published by Request. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXII. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, 1 leaf; pp. 1-36. c. 4254 STANHOPE, (Philip Dormer - Earl of Chesterfield.) The Principles of Politeness. By Lord Chesterfield. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1782? 4255 | | fioofungen unb | ber | 33ri'iber= genuine | fur bci§ Jyafyr | 1783. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, nahe | bey der Dritten-strasse. 1782. | 8vo. pp. (51), (63). ii. s. p. 4256 "Die taglichen Lehrtexte," pp. (63), in the copy examined were printed in Ger- many. THOMAS. (D.) The | Novelty of Novelties examined: | or, | The New System of Religion compared | with Ancient Scrip- tures, | and | Found to be contrary to them all. | Being | some friendly Remarks on Mr. Winchester's late | Sermon, | entitled | The Seed of the Woman bruising the Serpent's Head. | By David Thomas. A.M. | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author. [by B. Towne.} | M,DCC,LXXXII. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. 37. 4257 TO the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1782.] 4to. pp. 7. l. c. p. 4258 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 395 Signed " A Freeholder." Du Simitiere writes on it, " For the Election of October, 1782. THE UNIVERSE, a miscellany, or moral view of the Intel- lectual World, and the Analogy of Nature. Philadelphia: Theoph- ilus Cossart. 1782. 4259 Advertised in the Freeman's Journal, Oct. 2, 1782, as "to be published by sub- scription, if a sufficient number of sentimentalists should offer to encourage the publication." WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord | 1783; | Being the Third after Leap-Year, | And the Eighth Year of American | Independence. | . . . | . . . | .... | By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. [1782.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (32). h. s. p. 4260 WINCHESTER. (E.) The Outcasts Comforted. | A Sermon | Delivered at the University in Philadelphia, | January 4, 1782, | To the Members of the | Baptist Church, | Who have been rejected by their Brethren, | For holding the Doctrine of | The final Res- toration of all | Things. | By Elhanan Winchester. | Published at the earnest Desire of the Hearers. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed [by B. Towne,] in the Year 1782. | 8vo. pp. 18. h. s. p. 4261 1783. AN ACCOUNT of the barbarous Murder of Col. Crawford, and the miraculous escape of Dr. Knight and John Slover, from Captivity with the Indians in 1782. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4262 AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1783. ADDRESS | and | Recommendations | to | The States, | by | The United States in Congress | assembled. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M,DCC,LXXXHI. | 8vo. h. s. p. Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Address, pp. 3-14 ; Estimate of the National Debt, 1 page ; Report, pp. 1-9 ; Estimate of the Produce of the Import on Imported Articles, 396 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 1 page; Extract of a Letter from Franklin, 1 page; Letter from the Minister of France, pp. 1-3 ; Contract with France, pp. 1-6 ; Contract with Holland, pp. 1-5 ; Address, &c., of the Army, pp. 1-4 ; Extract of a Letter from Washington, &c., pp. 1-20. In some copies the last part is expanded to 26 pages by the insertion of additional matter. ADVENTURES of a Hackney Coach. Philadelphia: Enoch Story. 1783. 4265 ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1783. The following charges appear in Aitken's Ledger during 1783 : May 16. Lewis Grant. To printing 100 Advertisements £.0.15.0 Jul? 20-1 John Kean, of Yorktown. I To Printin§ and PaPer 5' 00 Nov. 2. J I To printing Advertisement 1. 0.0 Sept. 22. William Turnbull. To printing 100 Advertisements 10.0 Sept. 23. 1 Matthew Clarkson. J To printing 250 Circular Letters 1. 5.0 Oct. 22. J I To printing Advertisement 2.10.0 Nov. -. Peter January. To printing 100 Advertisements of his house in Spruce St. AHIMAN Rezon | abridged and digested : | As a | Help to all that are, or would be | Free and Accepted Masons. | To which is added, | A Sermon, | Preached in Christ-Church, Phila- delphia, | At a General Communication, | Celebrated, agreeable to the Constitutions, on | Monday, December 28, 1778, as the Anniver- | sary of St. John the Evangelist. | Published by Order of | The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, | By William Smith, D.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers. | M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. 1 plate; pp. i-xvi, 1-166. h. s. p. 4267 THE ALTERNATIVE. | The | Constitution | and a | Roasted Turkey; | or | A new Constitution | with | Buttermilk and Pota- toes | for | Mechanics. | [Philadelphia: 1783.] 4to. 1 leaf. 4268 An election poster, dated by Du Simitiere Oct. 14, 1783. | unb | Calenber | 2luf ba§ 1784fte Safyt Sfyrifti, | 2Beld)e3 ein ift Don 366 £agen. | . . . | . . . | .... | gum IjerauS gegeben. | Philadel- phia : G-edruckt und zu haben bey Melchior Steiner, | . . . . [1783.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4269 I ©tabt unb Sanb | Galenber | 2luf ba§ 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 397 1784fte Safir | 2Beld)e§ ein <Sd)alt=$a(u: ift | Von 366 Xagen. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt and zu haben, bey haben Carl Cist, in der Markt-strasse, | zwischen der Vierten und Fuenften-strasse. [1783.] Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4270 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] Notes on the Slave Trade, &c. | [Philadelphia: Enoch Story. 1783.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. f. 4271 BENEZET. A Short | Account | of the People called | Quakers; | Their Rise, Religious Principles and | Settlement in America. | Mostly collected from different Authors, for | the in- formation of all serious Inquirers, | particularly Foreigners. | The Third Edition. | By Anthony Benezet. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Enoch Story, at his Printing-Office, | m Strawberry-Alley, opposite Trot- ter's Alley. | MDCCLXXXIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 40. f. 4272 BENEZET. Stuber 33ericf>t | von ben Seuten, bie mem | Dudfer | nennet; | Sfyrem Urfimmg, ifjrcit 9ieligion3grunbeu, | unb von ifyrer 9lieberlaffung in America. | 9)lei[tent(;eii» au§ Verfcfnebeuen 2lutore$ fammen ge= | jogen, jum Unterricbt alter aufriefytigen 9tacl>forfcf)er, | unb infonberfjeit fur 2lu§lanber. | ©urct) Sinton S3enejet. | 3Iu§ bem @nglifd)en | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees- strasse. 1783. | 12mo. pp. 45. h. s. p. 4273 [BOISGELIN. (Jean de Dieu Raymond de Cuce de)] Recueil de pieces direrses en vers. A Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1783. 4274 BROWNELL. (A.) Enthusiastical | Errors, | Transpired and detected, | By Abner Brownell, | In a Letter to a Father, | Benja- min Brownell. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | [Philadelphia?] Printed [by B. Towne?] for the Author, in the Year 1783. | 8vo. pp. 44. f. 4275 BUCHANAN. (J.) A | Regular | English Syntax. | Wherein is exhibited | The Whole Variety | of | English Construction, | properly exemplified. | To which is added | The elegant Manner of arranging Words, | and Members of Sentences. | The Whole reduced to Practice, | For the Use of private young Gentlemen and | Ladies, as well as of our most eminent | Schools. | By James 398 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 Buchanan. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Charles Cist, in Market | Street. M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. xxxi, 197. BUMBO. (J.) The American Almanac for 1784. By Jacobus Bumbo. Philadelphia: T. Bradford. 1783. 4277 BURKE. (2E.) An | Address | to the | Freemen | of the | State of South-Carolina. | Containing Political Observations on the following | Subjects, viz. | I. On the Citizens making a tempo- rary Submission to the British | Arms, after the reduction of Charlestown in 1780. | II. On Governor Rutledge's Proclamation of the 27th of | September, 1781. | III. On the Mode of conduct- ing the Election, for the Assembly | at Jacksonborough. | IV. On the Exclusion Act, which cuts off the Citizens from | the Rights of Election. | V. On the Confiscation Act. VI. On the Amerce- ment Act. | VII. The Conclusion, with Remarks to prove the Ne- cessity of | an Amnesty, or Act of Oblivion. | By Cassius. | Sup- posed to be written by yEdanus Burke, Esquire, | one of the Chief Justices of the State of South-Carolina. | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | Price one-third of a Dollar. MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 32. 4278 BURKE. Considerations | on the | Society or Order | of | Cin- cinnati ; | Lately Instituted | By the Major-Generals, Brigadier- Generals, and | other Officers of the American Army. | Proving that it creates | A Race of Hereditary Patricians, | or | Nobility. | Interspersed with remarks | On its Consequences to the Free- dom | and Happiness of the Republic. | Addressed to the People of South- | Carolina, and their Representatives. | By Cassius. | Sup- posed to be written by vEdanus Burke, Esquire, | one of the Chief Justices of the State of South-Carolina. | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | Price, one-sixth of a Dollar. M,DCC,LXXXHI. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 4279 [CADWALADER. (John)] A | Reply | to | General Joseph Reed's | Remarks | on a | Late Publication | in the | Independent Gazetteer, | With some Observations on his | Address | to the | People of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by T. 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 399 Bradford, in Front-Street, the Fourth | Door below the Coffee-House. MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 54. n. s. p. 4280 CATALOGUE. Just published and now selling at | Bell's Book-Store, in Third-Street, | Price one quarter of a Dollar. | A | Catalogue | of a large | Collection | of | New and Old | Books, | in | Arts, Sciences, and Entertainment, | for | Persons of all De- nominations, | With the selling Price Printed to each Book; [ Now on Sale, at said Bell's Book-Store, | near St. Paul's Church, in Third-Street. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 88. h. s. p. 4281 Containing, besides advertisements of a dozen of Bell's more recent publications, the titles of 2421 works and 21 maps and atlases which he had for sale. CATALOGUE of a Collection of scarce and valuable Books, belonging to a gentleman just arrived from Europe, with the price of each book affixed. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4282 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, Feb. 19. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1783. 4283 Other book sales by Bell were advertised for May 6, Oct. 30, Nov. 13, and Dec. 3. On each occasion " Printed Catalogues [were] to be had at the Sale." CATALOGUE of the Circulating Library of William Pritchard. Philadelphia: 1783. 4284 THE COMPOSITORS and Distributors of the Independent Gazetteer, | humbly address the following Verses on the New- Year, | 1783, to the Customers. | [Philadelphia: Fleazer Oswald. 1783.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4285 [CRAWFORD. (Charles)] The | Christian: | A | Poem; | in | Four Books. | To which is prefixed a | Preface in Prose | In Defence of Christianity; | with an | Address | to the | People of America. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-Street, between Second and | Third- Streets. MDCCLXXXIH. | 12mo. pp. xl, 111. l. c. p. 4286 [CRAWFORD.] Liberty: | A | Pindaric Ode. | . . . . | Phila- 400 1783 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS delphia: | Printed for the Author, by Robert Aitken, at Pope's Head | in Market-Street. ] M.DCC.LXXXIII. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 16. 4287 CRAWFORD. A Poem on the Death of Montgomery. By Charles Crawford. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken ? 1783. 4288 [CRAWFORD.] A | Poetical | Paraphrase | on our | Saviour's Sermon | on the | Mount. | . . . | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author, by Robert Aitken, at Pope's Head, | in Market Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 4to. pp. 24. ii. s. p. 4289 CROXALL. (S.) The Fables of 2Esop and others. With instructive applications, and a print before each Fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. The Second American Edition. Philadel- phia: Robert Aitken. 1783. 4290 CULLEN. (W.) First Lines of the Practice of Physic. Part II. Containing Nervous Diseases. By William Cullen, M.D. Phila- delphia : Charles Cist. 1783. 4291 CUNNINGHAM. (L.) The | Case of the Whigs | who | Loaned their Money on the Public | Faith | Fairly Stated. | In- cluding | A Memento for Congress to review their | Engage- ments, and to establish the Honour and | Honesty of the United States of America. | By Letitia Cunningham. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. [ M,DCC,LXXXTII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 51. l. c. p. 4292 ... | | | | THE | DEFINITE Treaty, | Be- tween Great-Britain and the United States of America, sign- | ed at Paris the 3d day of September, 1783. | Philadelphia: Printed by David C. Claypoole, in Market-street. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 4293 Dated " New-York, November 26." " Last Sunday night arrived the Lord Hyde Packet, in 47 days from Falmouth." [ELLIS. (William)] An Authentic | Narrative | of a | Voyage | to the | Pacific Ocean : | Performed by | Captain Cook, and Captain Clerke, | in His Britannic Majesty's Ships, | The Resolu- tion, and Discovery, | In the Years, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. | Including, A faithful account of all their Discoveries in 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 401 this | Last Voyage, the Unfortunate Death of Captain Cook, at | the Island of O-why-ee, and the return of the Ships to | Eng- land under Captain Gore. | Also A Large Introduction, | Ex- hibiting, an Account of the several Voyages round the | Globe; with an abstract of the principal expeditions to | Hudson's Bay, for the Discovery of a North-West-Passage. | By an Officer on Board the Discovery. | Volume the First. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | Price two thirds of a Dollar. M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 229, (1); Advertisements, pp. (2). The first volume, which ends on page 112, is followed by the title (1 leaf) and text (pp. 115-229) of the second volume. FATHER, Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1784. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1783. 4295 [FLETCHER. (John)] An | Appeal | to | Matter of Fact and Common Sense. | Or a | Rational! Demonstration | of [ Man's corrupt and lost Estate. | [14 lines.] | Bristol: Printed, | Philadel- phia : | Re-printed by Melchior Steiner, | in Race-Street, near Third- Street. | M.DCC.LXXXHI. | 12mo. pp. 271. h. s. p. 4296 [FOTHERGILL. (Samuel)] The | Necessity | and | Divine Excellency | of a | Life | of | Purity and Holiness, | Set forth with pathetic Energy, by an eminent Minister of the | Gospel amongst the People called Quakers. | In | Seven Discourses | and Three Prayers, and an Epistle, | to his | Brethren in Religious Profession in the Island of Tortola. | Now collected and re- published, that the instructive and important | Truths therein contained, may be spread and become more | generally useful. | .... | The Second Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, | between Second and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 148. h. s. p. 4297 For the first edition see No. 4008, supra. There are four separate titles, as in the first edition, which do not differ greatly from those described. The Prayer of Agur is called " The Fourth Edition," and the last two titles are dated " 1784." THE FREEMAN'S Journal. 4298 Numbers LXXXIX. (Jan. 1, 1783) to CXLI. (Dec. 31, 1783), four pages each, ii.-51 402 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 with a " Postscript" of two pages to No. 129. Title and imprint as in No. 4102, supra, until No. 138, when the latter was slightly changed. FRY. (J.) Select Poems, containing Epistles, &c. occasionally written on various subjects. To which is now added, the history of Elijah and Elisha. By John Fry. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruk- shank. 1783. 4299 FULLER. (S.) Some | Principles and Precepts | of the | Christian Religion. | By Way of Question and Answer. | Recom- mended to Parents and Tutors | for the Use of Children. | By Samuel Fuller. | | | | | | | . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market- street, between Second | and Third-streets. MDCCLXXXIH. | Sm. 12mo. pp. ix, (6), 48. h. s. p. 4300 [GURNEY. (John)] An | Affectionate | Address | to the | Youth | of | Norwich Monthly Meeting. | | | | . | .... | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | . . . | . . . 1783. | 12mo. pp. 36. n. s. p. 4301 The Half-title reads, " Two | Epistles | to the | Youth | of | Norwich Monthly- Meeting, | in | Great-Britain." | Gurney's Address, which ends on page 27, is fol- lowed by Joseph Phipps' To the Youth of Norwich Meeting, the title of which will be found under No. 4338, infra. ' Wiericanifcfye Calenber, auf 1784. Philadelphia: Johann Dunlap. 1783. 4302 [HOLROYD, (John Baker - Earl of Sheffield.)] Observations | on the | Commerce | of the | American States | with | Europe and the West Indies; | Including the several Articles of | Import and Export. | Also, an | Essay | on | Canon and Feudal Law. | By John Adams, Esquire; | Ambassador Plenipotentiary, from the | United and Independent States of North America, | To their High Mightinesses the States General of the | United Prov- inces of Holland. | To which is Annexed, the Political Character of the said | John Adams, Esquire; | By An American. | Price Half a Dollar. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. 4303 Collation: General title, 1 leaf; Title to Observations, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-43; 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 403 Title to Adams' Essay, 1 page ; text, pp. 45-58; Character of Adams, pp. 58-62 ; Additional Notes on American Commerce, by Lord Sheffield, pp. 68-73 ; Short Dis- sertation upon Commerce, pp. 73-77; List of Books, 1 page. The second title is as follows: Observations | on the | Commerce | of the | American States | with | Europe and the West Indies ; | Including the several Articles of | Import and Export. | Price Half a Dollar. | [Imprint as in general title.] The third title is : An | Essay | on | Canon and Feudal Law. | By John Adams, Esquire; | Ambassador Plenipo- tentiary, from the | United and Independent States of North America, | To their High Mightinesses the States General of the | United Provinces of Holland. | To which is annexed, the Political Character of the said | John Adams, Esquire; | By an American. | [Imprint as in general title.] Sheffield's Observations were issued separately. HOPKINS. (S.) An Inquiry concerning the future State of those who die in their Sins. By Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Philadel- phia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4304 [HUMPHREYS. (David)] The | Glory | of | America; | or, | Peace triumphant over War: | A | Poem. | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author, by E. Oswald and D. Humphreys, | at the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXHI. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 4305 IN Assembly, | Tuesday, December 2d, 1783, A.M. | [n. p. 1783.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4306 Report of the Committee relative to the Preparations to be made for Public Demonstrations of Joy, on the Peace, with a " description of the Triumphal Arch and its Ornaments." THE INDEPENDENT Gazetteer. 4307 Numbers 53 (Jan. 4, 1783) to 113 (Dec. 27, 1783), four pages each, with a " Sup- plement" of two pages to No. 75, and "Postscripts" of two pages to Numbers 101 and 102. During February and March the paper was published twice a week, but it appeared only once a week during the other ten months. Title and imprint as in No. 4203, supra, until No. 75, when the latter was changed to Philadelphia : Printed by E. Oswald, and D. Humphreys, at the Coffee-House, | | | .... | The imprint was slightly changed in No. 106 and the paper was enlarged by the addition of a fourth column. JOHNSON. (J[ohn]) The | Advantages | and | Disadvantages | of the | Marriage State; | As entered into with religious or ir- religious Persons. | Represented under the Similitude of a Dream. | By J. Johnson. | The Seventh Edition. | Philadelphia ; | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | ... | ... 1783. | Sold also by Lot Tripp, near New-Milford, | Connecticut. | 12mo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 4308 404 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 JONES. (S.) The Doctrine of the Covenants. | A | Sermon | Preached | at | Pennepeck in Pennsylvania, | September 14,1783. | Wherein is shewn | That there never was a Covenant of Works | made with Adam; nor any other Covenant | ever made with Man, respecting Things purely | of a Spiritual Nature. | By Sam- uel Jones A.M. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 55. h. s. p. 4309 JOURNAL | of the | Council | of | Censors, | Convened, at Philadelphia, on Monday, the | Tenth Day of November, One Thousand Seven | Hundred Eighty and Three. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | Folio, pp. 179. The journal extends to September 25, 1784. JOURNAL | of . the | United States | In Congress Assembled, | containing | The Proceedings | tfrom | The First Monday in November 1782, | to | The First Monday in November 1783, | Volume VIII. | Published by Order of Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 489, xxxvi. h. s. p. 4311 KEMPIS. (T. a) Of the | Imitation | of | Christ: | In Three Books. | Translated from the Latin | of Thomas A Kempis. | By John Payne. | London: Printed, | Philadelphia: Be-Printed | And Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street, between Second | and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 12mo. pp. 44, 211. h. s. p. 4312 LAWS | Enacted in the Second Sitting | of the Seventh | Gen- eral Assembly | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the Fifteenth | Day of January, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven | Hundred Eighty and Three. | [Colophon.] \_Philadelphia.-] Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1783.] | Folio, pp. 127-184, for 183. + Laws | En- acted in the Third Sitting | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | [n. p. 1783.] pp. 185-254, (2). h. s. p. 4313 LAWS | Enacted in the First Sitting | Of the Eighth | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia on Monday the twenty- | seventh Day 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 405 of October, in the Year of our Lord One | Thousand Seven Hun- dred Eighty and Three. | [Colophon.] [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Thomas Bradford. [1783.] | Eolio, pp. 255-270, 1 leaf. 4314 LESLIE. (C.) A | Short and Easy | Method | with the | Deists. | Wherein the certainty of the Christian | Religion is demon- strated. | In a Letter to a Friend. | By Mr. Charles Leslie. | Phil- adelphia : | Re-printed for a Society of Gentlemen by Robert Ait- ken, in | Market-Street, the third door above the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 12nio. pp. 36. h. s. p. 4315 MACKENZIE. ([Henry]) The | Man | of the | World. | A New Work of Entertainment, | By Mr. Mackenzie, | of Edinburg. | Author of Julia de Roubigne, | And of the Man of Feeling. | | | | | The First Volume. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 48. + The Second Volume. [Ibid.] 8vo. pp. 48. + The Third and Last Volume. [Ibid.] 8vo. pp. 64. l. c. p. 4316 MANUEL de franc-magons et des franc-magonnes. | Philadel- phie: [Paris.] 1783. w. 4317 MINUTES | of the | First Session | of the | Eighth General Assembly | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Monday, the Twenty- | seventh Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One | Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-three. | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXXHI. | Folio, pp. 361, 3. The first sitting occupies pp. 3-82 ; the second, pp. 83-252 ; and the third, pp. 253-361. The second and third sittings were held in 1784. MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association, | Held at Philadel- phia, October, 1783. | [Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1783.] Sq. 8vo. pp. 7. 4319 MOLLINEUX. (M.) Fruits of Retirement, or, Miscellaneous Poems, Moral and Divine. By Mary Mollineux. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1783. 4320 MOORE. (J.) A | View | of | Society and Manners | in | 406 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 France, Switzerland, | Germany, and Italy: | With | Anecdotes relating to some Eminent Characters. | By John Moore, M.D. | During his Travels through those Countries, with his | Grace, the present Duke of Hamilton. | ... | ... | .... | The First Volume. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 100. + Number Second. 8vo. pp. (6), 107-190. + Number Third. 8vo. pp. (5), 196-281, (1). A | View | of | Society and Manners | in | Italy: | With | Anecdotes re- lating to some Eminent Characters. | By John Moore, M.D. | During his Travels through those Countries, in the years | 1777 and 1778, with his Grace, The present | Duke of Hamilton. | . . . | . . . . | The First [should be Second] Volume. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | MDCCLXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 117,1 leaf. + Number Second. 8vo. pp. (8), 129-239. + Number Third. 8vo. pp. (4), 249-358, 1 leaf. 4321 THE MOTHER'S Catechism, on the plan of the Rev. Mr. Willison, containing the great foundation doctrines of the Chris- tian Religion in short questions and answers. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4322 [MURRAY. (James)] Sermons | to | Ministers of State. | By the Author of, | Sermons to Asses. | Dedicated to Lord North, Prime Minister of | England, for the use of the religious, political, | and philosophical Rationalists, in Europe, and | America. | . . . | | | | Price Half a Dollar. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third Street. | MDCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 79, (1). h. s. p. 4323 MS 91CUC | £eftament | unferS | -Sperrn unb | $efu Sfyrifti, | nud) ber $Deutfd;en | D. SRartin £utl;er$. | | Snfyalt eineg jeben (Scqntete, | unb | SMftanbiger Olnweifung gteicber Sdjriftftetteu. | 2Bie and; | utter Sonn= unb | (St>an= gelien unb (Spiftetn. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees- | strasse, nahe bey der Dritten-strasse. 1783. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Verzeichniss der Bucher des Neuen Testaments, 1 leaf; pp. 1-533 ; Register, pp. (5). h. s. p. 4324 - SBerfe | be§ | £erumtrdger3 ber Sor= 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 407 refyonbenj. | ©en 1783. | Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1783.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4325 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Freeman's Journal. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4326 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Ga- zette. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1783. 4327 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1783. 4328 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole. 1783. 4329 OBSERVATIONS | on a | Late Pamphlet, | entituled, | " Con- siderations upon the Society | or Order of the Cincinnati;" | clearly evincing the | Innocence and Propriety | Of that Honour- able and Respectable | Institution. | In Answer to Vague Con- jectures, False Insinuations, | and Ill-founded Objections. | By an Obscure Individual. | | | | | | | . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | Price, one-fourth of a Dollar. M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 28; Advertisement, pp. (4). h. s. p. 4330 PENINGTON. (I.) Select Pieces | on | Religious Subjects, | first published | About the Middle of the | Last Century. | By j Isaac Penington. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-Street, between Second and | Third-Streets. MDCCLXXXHI. | 8vo. pp. i-iv, 1 leaf, 3-98, (2). h. s. p. 4331 PENN. (W.) Primitive Christianity | revived, ] By William Penn. | Also, | Select Essays | on | Religious Subjects, | from the | Writings | of | Isaac Penington. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third-Streets. | MDCCLXXXHI. | 8vo. h. s. p. 4332 Collation : General title, 1 leaf; Title to Primitive Christianity, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-66 ; Title to Select Pieces by Penington, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii.-iv. ; Epistle, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-98 ; List of Books, pp. (2). For the title to Penington's tract see No. 4331, supra. 408 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 PENN. Tender | Counsel and Advice, | by way of | Epistle, | To all those who are sensible of | Their Day of Visitation, | And who have received | The Call of the Lord, | By the light and spirit of his Son in their | hearts, to partake of the great salva- | tion, where-ever scattered throughout | the world; Faith, Hope and Cha- | rity, which overcome the world, | be multiplied among you. | By William Penn. | The Fifth Edition. | Phila- delphia: I Printed by Enoch Story, in I Strawberry Alley. 1783. I 12mo. pp. 49. 4333 January. 1783. Numb. 2740. | THE | PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. | Wednesday, January 29, 1783. | [Colophon.] Philadel- phia : Printed by Hall and Sellers, at the New-Printing- | Office, near the Market. | 4334 Numbers 2742 (Jan. 1, 1783) to 2794 (Dec. 31, 1783), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2744, 2751, 2759, 2777, and 2782, of four pages to Numbers 2753 and 2778; and " Postscripts" of two pages to Numbers 2761 and 2768, and of four pages to No. 2754. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Bradford. Advertisements, fc. for this Paper are re- | ceived at the Book-Store in Front-street, Four Doors below the Coffiee-House, or at the Printing-Office in Laetitia-Court. | 4335 Numbers 1554 (Jan. 1, 1783) to 1656 (Dec. 31,1783), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 1624, 1628, 1635, 1636, 1638 to 1640, 1643, 1645 to 1647 (misnumbered 1646), 1650, and 1652. The papers for Feb. 1 and 5 are both numbered 1653, and for June 14 and 18 are both numbered 1600, and these errors are not corrected. No. 1616 is misnumbered 1619, but this mistake was corrected in the next number. Published twice a week. Title as in No. 4230, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet. 4336 Numbers 984 (Jan. 2, 1783) to 1640 [1140] (Dec. 30, 1783), four pages each, with a "Postscript" of one leaf to No. 1099. No. 1100 is misnumbered 1600, and this error is carried to the end of the year. Title and imprint as in No. 4231, supra, until No. 1607, when they were changed to the form given in No. 4516, infra, and the paper was enlarged by the addition of a fourth column. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1784. Philadel- phia : Thomas Bradford. 1783. 4337 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 409 PHIPPS. (J.) The | Original and Present State | of | Man, | Briefly Considered; | wherein is shewn, | The Nature of his Fall, and the Necessity, Means, and | Manner of his Restoration, through the Sacri- | flee of Christ, and the sensible Operation of | the Divine Principle of Grace and Truth, | held forth to the World | by the | People called Quakers. | To which arc added, | Some Remarks on the Arguments of Samuel | Newton, of Nor- wich. | By Joseph Phipps. | . . . | ... | .... | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: Re-Printed | And sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market- Street, between Second and | Third-Streets. MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. (4), 209. h. s. p. 4338 A PLAIN Almanac for 1784. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1783. 4339 POOR Will's | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1784; | Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. | | | | | . Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | . . . | . . . [1783.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4340 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1784. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1783. 4341 POWNALL. (T.) A Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of America. By Thomas Pownall. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1783. 4342 PROCLAMATION. By the United States in Congress | Assembled, | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia: Printed by David C. Claypoole. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4343 Dated "Sept. 22,1783." Forbidding the purchase of land from the Indians. PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency | Elias Boudinot, Esquire, | President of the United States in Congress Assembled. | A Proclamation. | Philadelphia, Printed by David C. Claypoole. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4344 " Whereas a body of armed Soldiers in the service of the United States, and quartered in the Barracks of this City, having mutinously renounced their obedi- ii.-52 410 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 ence to their Officers, did . . . proceed, ... in a hostile and threatening manner, to the Place in which Congress were Assembled, and did surround the same with Guards : . . . and whereas the said Soldiers still continue in a state of open Mu- tiny and Revolt, so that the Dignity and Authority of the United States would be constantly exposed to the repetition of Insult, .... I do therefore, . . . hereby summon the honourable the Delegates ... to meet in Congress ... at Princeton, in the State of New-Jersey." Dated " Philadelphia, June 24, 1783." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.'] | By the Presi- dent of the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4345 Signed " John Dickinson," and dated " Jan. 6, 1783," announcing the Judgment of the Court of Commissioners, appointed to determine the controversy between Pennsylvania and Connecticut, in regard to the settlement of Wyoming. " We are unanimously of Opinion, that the State of Connecticut has no Right to the Lands in Controversy." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By the Presi- dent and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4346 Dated "March 6, 1783." Concerning the "boundary between this State and Virginia." PROCLAMATION. By the United States of America | In Congress Assembled. | A Proclamation, | Declaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by Sea as by Land, agreed upon between the United | States of America and His Britannic Majesty; and en- joining the Observance thereof. | Philadelphia, Printed by David C. Claypoole. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4347 Dated "April 11, 1783." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By the Presi- dent and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation, | Declaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by Sea as by Land, agreed upon between | the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty; and enjoin- ing the | Observance thereof. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] I Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4348 Dated "April 16, 1783." 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 411 PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Pennsylvania, ss. | By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadel- phia .•] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 4349 Dated " July 24,1783." Offering a reward for the apprehension of the murderer of James Molineaux. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Pennsylvania, ss. | By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadel- phia:] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. 4350 Dated " July 26,1783." Offering a reward for the apprehension of Moses, Abra- ham, Levi, and Malin Doan. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By the Presi- dent and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania. | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4351 Dated " July 31, 1783." Against settlers on vacant lands north of the west branch of the Susquehanna, and west of the Ohio. PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | By the Presi- dent and The Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania. | A Proclamation. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by Francis Bailey. [1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4352 Dated " Aug. 30, 1783." Concerning counterfeit " British Half-Pence." PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Pennsylvania, ss. | By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Philadel- phia : Francis Bailey. 1783.] | Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4353 Dated " Oct. 30, 1783." Appointing the 2d Thursday in December as a day of Public Thanksgiving. ■ THE | PSALMS | of | David, | In Metre: | Allowed by the Authority of the General Assem- | bly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be | sung in Congregations and Families : | With an | Analysis, | Or brief View of the Contents of each Psalm, 412 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 taken from the | Exposition of Mr. Matthew Henry, Author of | the Commentary on the Bible. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIH. | 16mo. pp. 398. [REED. (Joseph)] Remarks | on a | Late Publication | in the | Independent Gazetteer; | with a | Short Address | to the | People of Pennsylvania | on the Many | Libels and Slanders | which have | Lately Appeared against the Author. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 72. h. s. p. 4355 A second edition was advertised in the Pa. Gazette, Feb. 25, 1783. RICHARDSON. (J.) An | Account | of the | Life | of that | Ancient Servant of Jesus Christ, | John Richardson, | Giving a Relation of many of | his Trials and Exercises in his Youth, and | his Services in the Work of the Ministry, | in England, Ireland, America, &c. | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street, between Second | and Third- streets. MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. i-vi, 1-236; List of Books, pp. (2). l. c. p. 4356 Bichardson's autobiography is preceded by a brief sketch of his father, and the " Testimonies" of two Quaker Meetings. ROBERTS. (D.) Memoirs of the Life of John Roberts, alias Hayward. By Daniel Roberts. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1783. 4357 ROBIN. [(Claude C.)] New Travels | through | North-Amer- ica: | In a Series of Letters; | Exhibiting, the History of the Victorious Campaign of the | Allied Armies, under his Excel- lency General Washington, | and the Count de Rochambeau, in the Year 1781. | Interspersed with political, and philosophical Observations, upon | the genius, temper, and customs of the Americans; Also | Narrations of the capture of General Bur- goyne, | and Lord Cornwallis, with their Armies; | and a variety of interesting particulars, which occurred, | in the course, of the | War in America. | Translated from the original of the Abbe Robin; | one of the Chaplains to the French Army in America. 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 413 | | | | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXHI. Price Two Thirds of a Dollar. | 8vo. pp. 112. h. s. p. 4358 [ROBIN.] Voyage | dans | L'Amerique Septentrionale, | en 1'annee 1781, | et | Campagne | De 1'Armee | De M. le Cte. de Rochambeau. | A Philadelphie, [Pans.] | 1783. | 16mo. pp. 192. [RUSH. (Benjamin)] Observations upon the present Govern- ment of Pennsylvania. In Four Letters to the People of Penn- sylvania. First printed in the year 1777. Philadelphia: Charles Cist. 1783. 4360 RUSH. A | Syllabus | of a | Course | of | Lectures | on | Chemistry, | for the | Use of the Students of Medicine | in the College of Philadelphia. | By Benjamin Rush, M.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Charles Cist, | in Market-Street, | M.DCC.LXXXHI. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 39, 1 leaf folded. a. p. s. 4361 [SAINT-VICTOR. (L. G. de)] Recueil precieux de la magon- nerie adonhiramite. Par un chevalier de tons les ordres magon- niques. A Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1783. w. 4362 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1784. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers. 1783. 4363 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved : | Being an | Almanack [10 lines.] | For the | Year of our Lord 1784: | Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] | By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1783.] | 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4364 SCHMETTOW. (W. F. von) Slud; [yrcigincnte. $on 2B. ft. Von (Sdqnettoiv. Philadelphia: [Hammerich inAltonai] 1783. w. 4365 [SCOTT. (Helenus)] The | Adventures | of an East-India | Rupee. | Wherein are interspersed, | Various Anecdotes | Asiatic, and European. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Price Half a Dollar. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street, | M,DCC,LXXXHI. | 8vo. pp. 64. l. c. p. 4366 414 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 A | SERMON | on the | Evacuation | of | Charlestown. | By an | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author, and Sold by Will. Woodhouse, | in Front-street, next Door to the Old Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 16. n. y. h. s. 4367 SHARP. (A.) ©er (3an£ Olcue $8erbefferte Oiorb ? 2lmericanifd)e Salenber, auf bag 1784[te 3abr (Sfyrifti. 3unl 5Reuntenmal fyeraug= gegeben unb verfertiget Von 2lntl)onty <5l;arp, Philom. Lancaster: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4368 SHARP. The Continental Almanac for 1784. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1783. 4369 SHERIDAN. (T.) A | Rhetorical Grammar | of the | English Language, | Calculated solely for the Purposes of Teaching | Pro- priety of Pronunciation, | and | Justness of Delivery, | In That Tongue, | by the | Organs of Speech. | By Thomas Sheridan, A.M. | Author of the Lectures on Elocution. | The American Edition is published under the Inspection of | Archibald Gamble, A.M. Professor of English | and Oratory, in the University of Penn- sylvania. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third | Street, and Francis Bailey, in Market Street. | M,DCC,LXXXHI. | Sm. 8vo. pp. xvi, 218, (2). h. s. p. 4370 SMITH. (Francis) To Captain Alexander Patterson, | acting as a Justice of the Peace for Northumber- | land County, in Wy- oming. | [n. p. 1784.] Sm. folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4371 Dated " Northampton County, 15th Nov. 1783." STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Andrew Kachline, Esq. | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Bucks County, | deceased, | From the time of his appointment, March 1780, until the time of his | death in the spring, 1781. | In which is exhibited the amount of the fines he received within that | period, and accounted for: | Together with lists, shewing the sums paid by the persons respective- | ly, of whom the same were received: | Likewise the amounts of fines outstanding, and the appropriation and | dis- posal of the monies collected. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 415 Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee- | House, in Market Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 14. h. s. p. 4372 A | STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Archibald Thompson, Esquire, | late a | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Philadelphia County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-41. ii. s. p. 4373 STATE of the Accounts of Benjamin Brannon, Esq. | late a Sub-Lieutenant of Chester County, from the time of his Appoint- | ment in March 1777, until the time of his Resignation in De- cember fol- | lowing. | \Philadelphia: 1783.] 8vo. pp. 3. 4374 STATE of the Accounts of Col. Adam Hubly, Lieutenant of Lancaster County, and the several Sub-Lieutenants, from March 1781, to January 1782. Lancaster? 1783. 8vo. pp. (101). 4375 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Col. George Smith, | A Sub- Lieutenant of the County of Philadelphia. | In which is exhibited, for the information of the Pub- | lie, the Amount of the Fines received and accounted | for by him, between March 1777, and April 1780 ; | Together with Lists of the Fines composing the same, | and the Names of the Persons from whom received, | re- spectively arranged in Companies and Classes. | Likewise, the Disbursements out of those Monies, and | Payments thereof into the Treasury. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market- Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 72. h. s. p. 4376 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Jacob Engle, Esquire, | late a | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Philadelphia County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-128. h. s. p. 4377 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Jacob Morgan, Senior, | late | Lieutenant | of | Berks County, | From March 1777 to March 1780. | In which is exhibited the amount of the monies received by him with- | in that time for militia fines, and accounted for: | To- gether with lists shewing by whom they were paid; and the a- | mount of fines incurred within that period, which were not received 416 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 | by him but are outstanding, (except the exercise fines of the first | four battalions for the year 1779, the returns of which as repre- | sented were not made to him, but delivered to his successor.) | Likewise the application of the monies, and payments thereof to the | Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market-street. [ M.DCC.LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 54. h. s. p. 4378 A | STATE | of the | Accounts | of | John Gill, Esquire, | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Bucks County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 17. STATE | of the | Accounts | of | John Hay, Esquire, | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | York County, | From the time of his ap- pointment under the militia law in March | 1777, to the first of March 1780. | In which is set forth the amount of the fines re- ceived within that pe- | riod from delinquents of the 2d and 3d bat- talions, for non- | performance of militia duty and exercise: | To- gether with Lists shewing the names of the persons by whom | payments have been made, and the sums received from | them respectively. | Likewise the disbursements made by him, and the payments to | the Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee- | House, in Market Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 12. h. s. p. 4380 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | John Lacey, Junior, | and | George Wall, Esquire, | late | Sub-Lieutenants | of the | County of Bucks, | As they have been liquidated and settled. | In which is exhibited, for the information and satisfaction of the pub- | lie, the amount of the fines received by them, and accounted for | from March 1777 to March 1780, from the fourth battalion; | With lists of the names of the persons, and the sums paid by them | re- spectively, arranged in the order of their companies and classes : | Likewise the disbursement and appropriation of the monies thus | collected. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee- | House, in Market Street. | M,DCC,LXXXHI. | 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 4381 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Joseph Hart, | Esquire, | 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 417 Lieutenant | of | Bucks County, | From the time of his appointment in March 1780, to the 1st of | March, 1783 ; | In which is set forth the amount of the fines incurred within that pe- | riod by delin- quents of the 1st battalion, for non-performance of | militia duty and exercise, and the outstanding fines due thereby, | before his appointment, agreeable to lists delivered by the late | Lieutenant of the said county. | Together with lists shewing the names of the persons by whom pay- | ments have been made, and the sums re- ceived from them respectively. | Likewise the disbursements made by him, and the payments to the | Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, in Market Street, | near the Coffee House. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 4382 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Lewis Gronow, Esquire, | late a | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Chester County, | From March 1777, to March 1780, as they have been adjusted and | settled; in which is set forth the amount of the monies received | by him for fines incurred within the period aforesaid, and | accounted for. | To- gether with Lists shewing the names of the persons from whom the | same were received, and the sums paid by them respectively, ar- | ranged in the order of the companies: | Likewise the dis- bursements and payments made to the Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXXIIL | 8vo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 4383 STATE of the Accounts of Peter Richards, Esq; late a Sub- Lieutenant of Philadelphia County. Philadelphia: 1783. 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 4384 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Robert Smith, Esquire, | Lieu- tenant | of I Chester County, | From March 1777, to March 1780, as they have been adjusted and | settled; in which is exhibited the amount of the monies received | by him for fines incurred within that time, and accounted for | from the 4th and 7th battalions of Chester county militia. | Likewise lists shewing by whom the same were paid; also the dis- | bursements of the money, and the payments thereof to the treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Rob- ert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXXIIL | 8vo. pp. 12. h. s. p. 4385 II.-53 418 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 A | STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Samuel Dewees, Esq; | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Philadelphia County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | MDCCLXXXIIL | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-23. 11. s. p. 4386 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Thomas Levis, | a | Sub- Lieutenant | of | Chester County, | From March 1777 to March 1780. | As they have been adjusted and settled; in which is ex- hibited the | amount of the monies received by him for fines in- curred within | that time in Col. Davis's battalion of militia; and accounted for. | Together with Lists shewing by whom the same were paid. | Likewise his disbursements and payments thereof into the Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXXUI. | 8vo. pp. 11. n. s. p. 4387 STATE of the Accounts | of Wm. Antes, Esq. Sub Lieutenant | of Philadelphia County, as they have been | settled and ad- justed. | Philadelphia: 1783.] 8vo. pp. 17. H. s. p. 4388 A | STATE | of the | Accounts | of | William Coats, Esquire, | Lieutenant | of | Philadelphia County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, in Market Street, | near the Coffee House. | MDCCLXXXIIL | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 28. n. s. p. 4389 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise, | for | Berks County, | From the 4th of August 1774, (to which time they were settled by | the Committees of Accounts of As- sembly) until the 24th of No- | vember 1781. | In which is ex- hibited, | The Amount of the Monies received by them re- spectively, and ac- | counted for; | Also, Lists shewing the names of Persons from whom Excise became | due, and was received. | Likewise the Payments made thereof to the Treasurer. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee- | House, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 7. h. s. p. 4390 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise, | for | Chester County, | From August 1, 1776, to August 10, 1782. | In which is exhibited, | The Amount of Excise received and ac- 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 419 counted for, | and a List of the Persons by whom the same was paid, | and the Sums received from them respectively. | Likewise, | The Payments to the Treasury. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Fran- cis Bailey, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 4. 4391 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise, | for | Cumberland County, | From the 10th of August 1774, (to which time they | were settled by the Committees of Accounts of Assem- | bly and the Ballances paid) until the 20th of Janu- | ary 1783. | In which is exhibited, | The Amount of the Monies re- ceived by them re- | spectively, and accounted for; | Also, Lists shewing the names of Persons from whom | Excise became due, and was received. | Likewise, the Payments made thereof to the Treasurer. | Philadelphia, | Printed by F. Bailey, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 7. h. s. p. 4392 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise, | for | Lancaster County, | From the Twenty-eighth of February, One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Seventy-six (to which Time they have been settled by the | Committees of Assembly, and the Ballances paid) until the Tenth | Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-two: | In which is exhibited, | The Amount of the Monies received and accounted for: | Also, | Lists, shewing the Names of the Persons from whom Excise | became due, and was received: | Likewise, the Payments made to the State Treasurer. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. | M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. pp. 11. h. s. p. 4393 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise | for | Northampton County. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXXIH. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf, pp. 12. h. s. p. 4394 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors | Of Excise | for | The Counties | of | Bedford, Northumberland, Westmoreland and | Washington. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 4. STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise | for | York County, | From the 1st of August, 1774, (to which 420 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 time they have been settled | by the late Committees of Accounts of Assembly) to the 31st | of May, 1781. | In which is set forth the amount of the monies received by them re- | spectively on ac- count of the Excise of the said county, with lists | shewing by whom the same were paid; likewise the payments | made to the Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, in Market Street, | near the Coffee House. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 8. 4396 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | The lion. George Wall, Es- quire, | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Bucks County, | From 20th March 1780, to the 1st April 1783. | In which is exhibited the Amount of the Monies received by him for | Militia Fines, and accounted for: | Together with Lists, shewing by whom they were paid; like- wise the | Application and Payment of the Monies. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the | Coffee-House, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 34. h. s. p. 4397 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the late | Lieutenant and Sub- Lieutenants | of | Lancaster County, | From March 1777, to the 15th Feb. 1780. | Shewing the amount of fines received by them respectively, | and accounted for; the persons from whom | re- ceived ; and the application and pay- | ment of the money, j Phil- adelphia : | Printed by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,L XXXIII. | 8vo Title, 1 leaf; pp. 77, (1). h. s. p. 4398 STATE of the Accounts of the late Lieutenant and Sub-Lieu- tenants of Northampton County, . . . from March 1777 to Sep- tember 4, 1779. [Colophon.] .-] Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1783.] 8vo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 4399 TABLES | for | The Payment | of | Principle and Interest | of Loans, | agreeable to | The Resolutions | of | Congress | of | The twenty-eighth day of June, | 1780. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by T. Bradford | in Front Street, the fourth door from | the Coffee- House. 1783. | 18mo. pp. 36. 4400 ©3® I I Soofungen nnb fiefyrtejte | bet | 33ritber= gemeine | fur ba§ I 1784. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, nahe | bey der Dritten-strasse. 1783. | 8vo. pp. (128). h. s. p. 4401 1783 IN PENNSYLVANIA 421 THREE | Letters | addressed to the | Public, | on | The follow- ing Subjects: | I. The Nature of a Foederal Union.-The Powers vested in | Congress, and therein of Sovereignty. | II. The civil and military Powers.-The Dispute between | General Greene and Governor Gerard, respecting Flags of | Truce. | III. The public Debt.-The Act of Confederation defective-a remedy suggested. -The Five per Cent. Import Act con- | sidered and recommended. | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by T. Bradford, the fourth Door | below the Coffee-House, 1783. | 8vo. pp. 28. h. s. p. 4402 Signed " Tullius," and dated " Charles-Town, May 5th, 1783." s I wian bernomcn bon eineni SJlenfcfyen, ber bon bcm £ob ift tvieber fotnen. | £>ie 9)ielobie tfmt fo anfangen: Snenber fonimt gegangen. | [n. p. 1783 ?] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4403 Said to have been written "by old Dr. Fahnestock, certainly he was the Doctor that relieved the spirit mentioned in the Hymn. A. II. Cassell." TURFORD. (II.) Grounds of a Holy Life. By Hugh Turford. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1783. 4404 I unb | Outer Oiatl; | an bie | Sintoofyner ®eutfcf>lanb3, | befonberS in | | | | | | . . . . | Phila- delphia, Gedruckt bey Carl Cist, in der | Markt-strasse, 1783. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 35. h. s. p. 4405 WASHINGTON. (G.) A | Circular Letter, | from | His Ex- cellency | George Washington, ] Commander in Chief | of the | Armies of the | United States | of | America; | Addressed to the Governors of | the several States, on his | resigning the Command of the | Army, and retiring from pub- | lie Business. | Philadel- phia : | Printed by Robert Smith, jun. | back of the Fountain Inn, be- | tween Second and Third streets. [1783 ?] | 16mo. pp. 51, (1). 4406 I have followed the date given in the Menzies Catalogue, which is, however, in my opinion, several years too early. WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanac for 1784. By Abraham Weather wise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1783. 422 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1783 WEBB. (E.) ©inige | ®lauben§= | Selentniffe | unb gottlidje | | in cincm (Senb=fcBrcx6en | von | Slijabetfya SBebb | an | Sinton SBilbelm 23bl;m, | Sapcttan jum (SJeorg Von T>ane= mart, | 1712. | 3lu§ bcr (Snglifdjen Spracbe von $. 9Jt. | 3m 3al;r 1783. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Carl Cist, in der | Markt-Strasse, 1783. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 55. h. s. p. 4408 WEBB. A | Letter | from | Elizabeth Webb | to | Anthony William Boehm, | with his | Answer. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | m Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIII. | 12mo. pp. 44. h. s. p. 4409 [WEBSTER. (Pelatiah)] A | Sixth Essay | on | Free Trade | and | Finance; | Particularly shewing what | Supplies of Public | Revenue may be drawn from | Merchandize, | Without injur- ing our Trade, or burdening our | People. | Humbly offered to the Public. | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by T. Bradford, in Front-street, three Doors be- | low the Coffee-House. MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 32. ii. s. p. 4410 [WEBSTER.] A | Dissertation | on the | Political Union | and | Constitution | of the | Thirteen United States, | of | North- America : | Which is necessary to their Preservation and Happi- ness, | humbly offered to the Public, | By a Citizen of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by T. Bradford, in Front-street, three Doors below | the Coffee-House, MDCCLXXXIII. | 8vo. pp. 47. h. s. p. 4411 & enn eigentlirf) in ben Stloftcrn bcr SBettelmijncfye 511? Philadelphia: [Stettin in Ulm.] 1783. w. 4412 WINCHESTER. (E.) The | Gospel | of | Christ | No Cause of Shame: | Demonstrated in two Discourses on | the Subject. | By Elhanan Winchester. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Towne. 1783. | 8vo. pp. 140. h. s. p. 4413 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 423 1784. AN ACCOUNT of the Births and Burials in the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Philadelphia: 1784. ACCOUNTS | of | Pennsylvania. | Volume I. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1784.] 8vo. h. s. p. 4415 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Advertisement and Contents, pp. (2); Index, pp. 1-17. General title and index to 17 pamphlets printed in 1783 and 1784, which are separately described. AN ADDRESS | of the | Council of Censors | to the | Free- men of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Hall and Sellers. [1784.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4416 ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken., 1784. 4417 The following charges appear in Aitken's Ledger during 1784 : March 6. Ebenezer Hazard. Printing 3 quires sheet Advertisement. March 7. John Kean, Yorktown. Printing advertisement. May 23. Matthew Clarkson. Printing 100 Advertisements, Ship Rudolph. July 15. William Turnbull. Printing 100 Advertisements. Sept. -. The same. Printing 100 Advertisements. Sept. 9. Turnbull and Marsenie. Printing 60 Hand-Bills, of a Sloop for Halifax. Sept. 9. Thomas Leiper. Printing 1000 folio Advertisements. Oct. 2. Matthew Clarkson. Printing Advertisements of the Brig General Wash- ington, for Virginia. Oct. 21. John Shields. Printing 480 Large folio crammed Advertisements. Oct. 22. John Purdon. Printing 500 folio Advertisements. Dec. 7. Clement Biddle. Printing 50 Advertisements. AN ALARM. | To the Freemen and Electors of | Penn- sylvania. | [Philadelphia: 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4418 | $aug= unb 2Birt^aftg; | Salenber | 2Iuf bag 1785fte Stirifti, | SBeldjeg ein gemein gatir ift von 365 £agen. | | | | gum Sed)gtenmal fyeraug gegeben. | Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu haben bey Melchior Steiner, | . . . . [1784.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4419 I unb £anb | Calenber | 2luf bag 1785fte ga(;r (Sfjrifti, | 2Beld)eg ein ©emeineg; gain: ift | von 365 £agcn. | Philadelphia: | G-edruckt und zu haben bey Carl Cist, in der | Zwey- ten-strasse, nah bey der Rees-strasse. [1784.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). 424 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 ANDERSON. (J.) Letters. By the Rev. John Anderson. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1784. 4421 AN ARITHMETICAL Card. Philadelphia: Sold by William Poyntell. 1784. 4422 AT a Meeting at the Council Chamber, | 15th September, 1784. | [Philadelphia: 1784.] Sm. Folio, 1 leaf. 4423 A Resolve directing surveys to be made in the counties of Westmoreland, Wash- ington, and Fayette, to persons claiming title under the laws of Virginia. AT a Meeting of Clergymen and Lay-Delegates from sundry Congregations of the Episcopal Church in the State of Penn- sylvania, held ... in Philadelphia on . . . 25th . . . May, 1784. [Philadelphia: 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4424 BAILEY'S | Pocket Almanac, | being an | American | Annual Register, | For the Year of our Lord 1785; | And of the Empire the Tenth. | The First after Bissextile. | . . . | . . . . | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey, | at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. [1784.] | Sm. 16mo. pp. (80), 1 map, 1 plate. 4425 BEATTIE. (J.) The | Minstrel: | Or, | The Itinerant | Poet, and Musician. | A Descriptive Poem, | On the | Progress of Genius; | In Two Books. | By James Beattie, L.L.D. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... | | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 38. h. s. p. 4426 BEATTIE. Poems on several Occasions. By James Beattie. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1784. 4427 BELKNAP. (J.) The | History | of | New-Hampshire. | Volume I. | Comprehending the events of one complete | Cen- tury, from the discovery of the | River Pascataqua. | By Jeremy Belknap, A.M. | Member of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia | for promoting useful Knowledge. | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author by Robert 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 425 Aitken, in | Market Street, near the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. viii, 361, Ixxxiv. h. s. p. 4428 The second volume was printed at Boston in 1791, and the third in 1792, when the first volume was reprinted. BELL'S | Address | to every | Free-Man; | but especially to the | Free Citizens | of | Pennsylvania, | Concerning, A | Tyran- nical Embargo, | now laid upon the | Free-Sale of Books by Auction. | [15 lines.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Pobert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. Price four Pence. | 8vo. pp. 7, (1). | [Ibid.] 8vo. pp. 15, (1). l. c. p. 4429 BELL'S | Memorial | on the | Free Sale of Books: | To which are added | Sentiments | on what is | Freedom, | and what is | Slavery. | By a Farmer. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,I)CC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 52. 4430 [BENEZET. (Anthony)] A | Collection | of | Religious | Tracts, | Plainly setting forth the great | Truths of the Gospel, | For the Instruction of the Youth and others | particularly those of the | Black People. | [16 lines.] | Philadelphia: | Printed by Enoch Story, in | Strawberry-Alley. M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 72. f. 4431 [BENEZET.] In the life of the lady Elizabeth | Hastings, . . . | [Philadelphia: Enoch Story. 1784.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. f. 4432 [BENEZET.] Some | Observations | on the | Situation, Dis- position, | and | Character | of the | Indian Natives | of this | Continent. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Phil- adelphia : | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 59. l. c. p. 4433 BINGHAM. (W.) A | Letter | from an | American, | Now resident in London, | to a | Member of Parliament, | On the Sub- ject of the | Restraining Proclamation; | and containing | Strict- ures | on | Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet, | on the | Commerce | of the | American States. | Said to be written by William Bingham, n.-54 426 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 Esquire; | late Agent for the Congress of the United States | of America, at Martinico. | To which are added, | Mentor's Reply to Phocion's Letter; | with some Observations on Trade, | addressed to the Citizens of New-York. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 48. Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Bingham's Strictures, pp. 2-16 ; Mentor's Reply to Phocion's Letter, pp. 17-24; Phocion's Second Letter, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 29-48. The title to the last is as follows: Colonel Hamilton's | Second Letter, | from | Phocion | to the | Considerate Citizens | of | New York, | On the Politics of the Times, | In Consequence of the Peace : | Containing Remarks on | Mentor's Reply, | [Imprint as in general title.] Sahin says Bingham's tract was issued in 1783. BLAIR. (H.) Lectures | on | Rhetoric | and | Belles Lettres. | By Hugh Blair, D.D. | One of the Ministers of the High Church, and Professor of | Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University | of Edinburgh. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Aitken, at Pope's Head in | Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 4to. pp. viii, 1-454, (12). l. c. p. 4435 BLAESER. (P.) ©in SBrief, SBeilanb Von $eter 33Iafer an feinen $reunb Wlicfiael SBillmefter, 33ud;bruder in ©ennantotvn, morin er itynt cinen Script ertfyeilt mie iimi in feiner (Begenb ergangen ift, baft man iftm mie and) anbern, feineS tugenbfamen SetragenS ftalbcn ben Un 91amen ©trailer beftgelegt fyabe ic. [n. p. about 1784.] 4436 [BORDLEY. (John Beale)] A | Summary View | of the | Courses of Crops, | in the Husbandry | of | England & Mary- land ; | with | A Comparison | of their Products; | and | a System of | Improved Courses, | proposed | for Farms in America. | Printed by Charles Cist, at Philadelphia: | MDCCLXXXIV. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 4437 A | BRIEF View | of the | Accounts | of the | Treasury of Pennsylvania, | From the time of the commencement of the Revo- lution to the | First of October, 1781: | Extracted from the books of the Comptroller-General, and | by him laid before the General Assembly, agreeable to the | directions contained in the 17th sec- tion of the Act for me- | thodizing the department of accounts, passed the 13th day | of April, 1782. | In which is exhibited, | The 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 427 monies in the Treasury at the commencement, the seve- | ral re- ceipts and payments during that time, and the balance | on hand at the end thereof: | Also, | The Accounts of the State Treasurer, con- tinued from the said | First of October, 1781, to the First of Oc- tober, 1782: | Likewise, | The accounts of the several counties for their taxes to October | 1782, continued from the report of the Com- mittee of Ac- | counts of Assembly for the year 1781: | Together with, | The state of the outstanding debts, due by the counties for | their deficiencies in payment of taxes. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Hall and Sellers. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 237. 4438 BUCHAN. (W.) Domestic Medicine: | Or, a | Treatise | on the | Prevention and Cure | of | Diseases | by | Regimen and Sim- ple Medicines. | With | An Appendix, containing a Dispensatory | for the Use of Private Practitioners. | By William Buchan, M.D. | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. | Carefully Corrected from the latest London Edition, | To which is now added, a Complete Index. | Philadelphia: | Printed for Joseph Crukshank, Robert Bell, and James Muir, | of Philadelphia: And for Robert Hodge, of New- York. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 540. BUMBO. (J.) The | American | Almanac, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1785. | (Being the first after Leap-Year.) | [14 lines.] | By Father Jacobus Bumbo. | Philadelphia: | Printed by T. Brad- ford, in Front-Street, the | fourth Door below Market-street. [1784.] I Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). h. s. p. 4440 BURKE. ([Edmund]) Mr. Burke's Speech on the 1st De- cember 1783, upon the question for the Speaker's leaving the chair, in order for the House to resolve itself into a Committee on Mr. Fox's East-India Bill. Philadelphia : Thomas Bradford. 1784. BY the United States | in Congress Assembled. | April 30, 1784. | [Philadelphia: 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4442 Recommending the States to empower Congress to prohibit the importation of merchandise in vessels of subjects of foreign powers who shall not enter into treaties of Commerce. A | CANDID Examination | of the | Address | of the | Minor- 428 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 ity | of the | Council of Censors | to the | People of Pennsylvania: | Together with | Remarks upon the Danger and Inconveniences | of the principal Defects of the Con- | stitution of Pennsylvania. | By One of the Majority. | Philadelphia: | Printed in the Year 1784. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 4443 CARVER. (J.) Three Years | Travels, | through the | Interior Parts of North America, | for more than | Five Thousand Miles, | containing, | An Account of the great Lakes, and all the Lakes, | Islands, Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Minerals, | Soil, and Veg- etable Productions of the North-West | Regions of that vast Con- tinent; | with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, Reptiles, | In- sects, and Fishes, peculiar to the Country. | Together with a concise | History of the Genius, Manners, and | Customs of the Indians | Inhabiting the Lands that lie adjacent to the Heads and to the | Westward of the great River Mississippi; | and an | Ap- pendix, | Describing the uncultivated Parts of America that are the | most proper for forming Settlements. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the Provincial Troops in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, | and Robert Bell, in Third-street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. xxi, 217. 4444 THE | CASE | of our | Fellow-Creatures, | the | Oppressed Africans, | respectfully recommended to | The Serious Considera- tion | of the | Legislature | of | Great-Britain, | By the People called Quakers. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, ... | .... | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 13, (3). CATALOGUE of Books for sale by Jackson and Dunn. Phil- adelphia : Robert Aitken. 8vo ? pp. 10 ? 4446 CATALOGU'D of Books for sale by William Prichard. Phil- adelphia : 1784. 4447 CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction April 8. Phil- adelphia : Robert Bell. 1784. " 4448 Other book sales by Bell were advertised for April 15th and 22d. CATALOGUE of Books to be sold at Auction, on March 11,12 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 429 and 13, by Alexander Boyd and John Bayard, Auctioneers. Phil- adelphia : 1784. 4449 CATALOGUE of a Collection of Modern Erudition, to be sold at Auction by Alexander Boyd. Philadelphia: 1784. 4450 A CATALOGUE of French, Latin, English, German, and Dutch Books for sale by Boinod and Gaillard. Philadelphia: 1784. A CATALOGUE of several Hundred New and Old Medical Works, for sale by Robert Bell. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1784. ®©91 $£©391© | | beg fel. | Martin £utl;er$, | nebft | ben gehwfynlicfyen 9)lorgem £ifdj>= unb | 2lbenb* (Bebatern. | 9Bobet; | ®ie ©rbnung be§ in einem | £iebe, in furjen Safcen, in $rag unb Slntmort, | unb in eincr Babette, | trie and; ber | 3nt>alt ber Scfyrift | in Gerfen, | | $um (Bebraud; ber $ugenb. | 91ebft einem | 2Inl;ang ber fieben 33ufp$picdmen, | einem geiftlidjen £ieb, unb ba§ | ©inmal ©in§. | Philadelphia: | G-edruckt und zu haben bey Klein und Reynolds, | in Carter's-Alley, in der Zweyten- strasse, | zwischen der Chesnass und Walnuss-strasse. | 1784. | 24mo. Title, 1 leaf; Inhalt und Ordnung, pp. (2); Text, pp. 1-139, (1). ©©91 $£©391© Germantown: Leibert und Billmeyer. 1784. 4454 CHAMBAUD. (L.) Fables Choisies, | A 1'usage des Enfants, | et | Des autres personnes qui commencent A. | apprendre | La Langue Frangoise, | Avec un Index alphabetique de tons les mots | traduits en Anglois. | Par L. Chambaud. | A Philadelphie: | Chez Charles Cist, M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. v, (3), 93, 66. 4455 A | CHOICE | Collection | of | Hymns, | from | Various Au- thors, | adapted to | Publick Worship: | Designed for the edifica- tion of the | pious of all Denominations; but more | particularly for the use of the Bap- | tist Church in Philadelphia. | Philadel- phia: | Printed by Enoch Story, Jun. living in | Strawberry-Alley. 1784. | 12mo. pp. 180. 4456 A | CIRCULAR Letter, | addressed | To the State Societies | of the | Cincinnati, | by | The General Meeting, | Convened at 430 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 Philadelphia, May 3, 1784. | Together with | The Institution, | As altered and amended. | Philadelphia: | Printed by E. Oswald a,nd D. Humphreys, at the | Coffee-House. M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 8. l. c. p. 4457 THE | CONSTITUTION | of the | Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, | as established by the | General Convention. | Carefully compared with the original. | To which is added, | A | Report of the Committee | appointed to enquire, | " Whether the Constitu- tion has been preserved inviolate in every Part, and | " whether the legislative and executive Branches of Government, have per- | " formed their Duty as Guardians of the People, or assumed to themselves | " or exercised other or greater Powers, than they are intitled to by the | " Constitution." | As adopted by the | Council of Censors. | Published by their Order. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, | in Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 64. h. s. p. 4458 CO[O]MBE. (T[homas]) The | Peasant | Of Auburn, | Or, the Emigrant, | A Poem. | By T. Combe, D.D. | ... | .... | [Cut.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Enoch Story, Jun. [1784 ?] | 8vo. pp. 48. l. c. p. 4459 COPIES | of | Sundry Petitions, &c. | presented by | Isaac Aus- tin, | setting forth | His Claim to the New Ferry, | in the | City of Philadelphia. | As also, | Copies of Sundry Petitions, &c. | from | George A. Baker, | drawn forth | In Consequence of the Claim of said | Isaac Austin. | Philadelphia, | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, Market Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 35. CRANZ. (A. F.) (Styarafteriftif ober (Seindlbe cm§ bem jeG lebenben Berlin. 21. Crany Philadelphia: [Hesse in Berlin.'] 1784. LE COURRIER de 1'Amerique. A Philadelphie: Boinod et Gaillard. 1784. 4462 " Boinod and Gaillard, Booksellers, at the solicitation of their friends to publish a newspaper in the French language, inform the public that they have digested a plan of publication, which they are distributing gratis." Pa. Gazette, June 30, 1784. Scharf and Westcott's History of Philadelphia gives the title of this paper as above, and says it was commenced but had only a short existence. 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 431 CRAWFORD. (C.) Observations I upon I Negro-Slavery. I | | | | | | | The Author | Charles Crawford. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and Third- | Streets. MDCCLXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 24. 4463 CRAWFORD. Poems on various Subjects. By Charles Craw- ford. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1784. 4464 DAVIDSON. (R.) Geography Epitomized; or a Description of the Terraqueous Globe, attempted in Verse. By Robert Da- vidson. Philadelphia: 1784. 4465 DAY (T.) Fragment of an Original Letter on the Slavery of the | Negroes; Written in the Year 1776, by Thomas Day, Esq. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4466 DECLARATION and Testimony of the Doctrine and Order of the Church of Christ, adopted by the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Bobert Aitken. 1784. 4467 DESLON. (C-.) Observations sur les deux rapports des Commissaires nommes par S. M., pour 1'examen du magnetisme animal. Par C. Deslon. A Philadelphie: [Pans.] 1784. 4468 DILWORTH. (T.) The | Schoolmasters Assistant: | Being a | Compendium of Arithmetic, | both | Practical and Theoretical. | In Five Parts. | Containing. | I. Arithmetic in Whole Num- bers, | wherein all the common Rules, | having each of them a sufficient | Number of Questions, with their | Answers, are methodically and | briefly handled. | II. Vulgar Fractions, wherein se- | veral Things, not commonly met | with, are there distinctly treated | of, and laid down in the most | plain and easy Manner. | ITT. Decimals, in which, among other | Things, are considered the Extrac- | tion of Roots; Interest, both Sim- | pie and Compound; Annuities, Re- | bate, and Equation of Payments. | IV. A large Collection of Questions, | with their Answers, serving to | exer- cise the foregoing Rules; | together with a few others, both | pleasant and diverting. | V. Duodecimals, commonly called | 432 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 Cross Multiplication; wherein that | Sort of Arithmetic is thor- oughly | considered, and rendered very | plain and easy; together with | the Method of proving all the | foregoing Operations at once by | Division of several Denominati- | ons, without reducing them to the | lowest Term mentioned. | The Whole being de- livered in the most familiar Way of Question and | Answer, is recommended by several eminent Mathematicians, Accomptants, | and Schoolmasters, as necessary to be used in Schools by all Teachers, who | would have their Scholars thoroughly under- stand, and make a quick | Progress in Arithmetic. | To which is prefixt, An Essay on the Education of Youth; humbly | offered to the Consideration of Parents. | By Thomas Dilworth, | Author of the New Guide to the English Tongue; Young Book-keeper's | Assistant; &c. &c. and Schoolmaster in Wapping. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | . | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph (Jrukshank, in Market-Street, | between Second and Third-Streets. MDCCLXXXIV. | 12mo. Portrait? 1 leaf; pp. xiv, (10), 192, 1 folded leaf. h. s. p. 4469 DISCOURS sur 1'origine, les progres et les revolutions de la franche-ma9onnerie philosophique. A Philadelphie : [Pam.] 1784. DUFFIELD. (G.) A | Sermon, | Preached in the | Third Pres- byterian Church, | in the | City of Philadelphia, | On Thursday, December 11, 1783. | The day appointed by the United States in Congress | assembled, to be observed as a day of thanksgiving, for | the restoration of peace; and the establishment of our In- | dependence, in the enjoyment of our rights and pri- | vileges. | By George Duffield, A.M. | Pastor of the said Church. | Published at the request of the Committee of the said | Congregation. | . . . | | | | | Philadelphia : | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 28, (2). n. y. h. s. 4471 ELLIOT. (J.) The | Medical | Pocket-Book; | For Those Who Are, | And For All Who Wish, To Be, | Physicians. | Containing a short but plain Account of the | Symptoms, Causes, and Methods of Cure, | of the Diseases incident to the Human | 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 433 Body: | Including such as require | Surgical Treatment: | To- gether with the | Virtues and Doses of Medicinal | Compositions and Simples. | Extracted from the best Authors, | And digested into Alphabetical Order. | By John Elliot, M.D. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Pell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 74. 4472 AN | ENQUIRY | into | Public Abuses, | arising for Want of a | Due Execution of Laws, | provided for the | Suppression of Vice, | in the | State of New-Jersey: | Calculated to draw the Attention of | the Executive Authority, and | People at large, to the Necessity of an | united Exertion, that may produce a | Reformation. | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Hall and Sellers; also sold by | Isaac Collins, Printer in Trenton; Thomas Red- | man, Haddonfield; and John Redman, in Salem. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 22. 4473 AN | ESSAY | on | Matter. | In Five Chapters. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | Philadelphia: Printed for the Author. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Apology, pp. (2); Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-26. 4474 AN ESSAY on the Causes of the Decline of the Foreign Trade. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1784. 4475 DRcobemi, | Dber: | Sericbt | 5Bon bem | £eben | ©fyrifti, | 2Set(f>e£ | Nicodemus, | ©in Rabbi unb Dberfter ber Siiben, | befcfyrieben, | 28ie er felbft gefefyen unb erfafyren, | 2Beil er ein 9tad»folger unb fyeimlicfyer Slinger Sefu I Sfyrifti getvefen; | and) finb | 23iel fcfyone (Stride unb ©efdndde | babep gu finben, | 2Beld)e bie Cbnngeliften nicfyt befcfjrieben tyaben. | 91ebft einer | $on einem Rabbi unb Dberften ber Siiben, | SBeldjer bffentlid) befannt: | G(;riftu3 (Betted <Sotm fety | 2lu£ be3 £m. Philippi Kegelii. jum (Seiftlictyer | 2Beg=2Beifer nacb bem fnmmlifdjen SBatterlanbe :c. | genommen. | 2Bie bann and; | ®ie erfdjredlidjen ®traf= fen unb Qiagen | ber XII. Subifdjen Stdmme. | Lancaster, Gedrucla bey Jacob Bailey. 1784. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 247. h. s. p. 4476 THE EVERY Thing, or an History of the Late War in Amer- ii.-55 434 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 ica, in Miniature, in Two Odes, or Poems, to be said or sung. By Crispianus. Philadelphia: 1784. 4477 FATHER Abraham's Pocket Almanac for 1785. Philadelphia : John Dunlap. 1784. 4478 FEMALE Fortitude, or the Power of Love. Philadelphia: Kline and Reynolds. 1784. 4479 FENELON. Les | Aventures | de | Telemaque, | Fils d'Ulysse, | Par Messire | Francois de Salignac | de la Mothe Fenelon, | Precepteur de Messeigneurs les Enfans de France, & depuis, Archeveque de Cambray, &c. | Nouvelle Edition | Avec des Notes & des Remarques pour 1'intelligence | de la Mythologie & de ce Poeme. | A Philadelphie | Chez Boinod et Gaillard. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 24mo. pp. i-xl, 1-448, 11 plates. 4480 FOR Sale at Public Vendue, | On Thursday the 10th Day of March, at the late Dwelling House of | Pierre Eugene du Simitiere, Esq. | .... | The American Museum. | Philadelphia, Printed by Charles Cist, at the Corner of Front and Arch-streets. [1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4481 The Catalogue comprises 36 lots. Under No. 17 is grouped the Americana, most, if not all, of which was bought for the Library Company of Philadelphia, which thereby obtained some of the most valuable books and pamphlets now in its posses- sion. FOX. (G.) A | Looking-Glass ] for the | Jews: | Wherein | They may clearly see that the Messiah is come, | by the Prophets in the Old Testament (above | Sixteen Hundred Years since) and the manifest | Testimonies since. | And also, | They may see their own Blindness and Ignorance | of their own Prophets, and of the Messiah | unto this Day. | By which my desire is, | They may turn to Him, that their Eyes may be opened, | that they may see Him whom they have pierced. | Written by George Fox, | in the year of our Lord, 1674. | London, Printed: | Philadelphia: | Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | Street, between Second and | Third- Streets. 1784. | 12mo, pp. 44; List of Books, &c., pp. (4). 4482 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 435 THE FREEMAN'S Journal. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head in Market-Street. | 4483 Numbers CXLII. (Jan. 7,1784) to CXCII. (Dec. 29, 1784), four pages each, with a " Supplement" of two pages to No. 144. Title as in No. 4102, supra. ©ebanfen uber bie fogenannte " SInrebe bon ber | SJlinoritat iin 9tat() ber ©enforen," benen fret;en unb ©eutfcfyen $Bur= | gern be§ <5taat3 bon iibergeben bon | ©inem fretyen ©eutfcfyen Siirger be# <Staat§. | [Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1784.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 4484 GOETHE. ([Johann Wolfgang von]) The Sorrowsand Sym- pathetic Attachments of Werth er : a German Story, in a Series of Letters. By Mr. Goethe, Doctor of the Civil Law. In Two Vol- umes. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1784. 4485 HAMILTON. ([Alexander]) A | Letter | from | Phocion, | to the | Considerate Citizens | of | New York, | on the Politics of the Times, | in Consequence of the Peace. | Said to be written by Colonel Hamilton, | late Aid to his Excellency General Washing- ton, | and a Member of the American Congress. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 13. h. s. p. -f- [ZWJ.] 8vo. pp. 15, (1). l. c. p. 4486 " Letters on the Stage," pp. 13-15, and List of Books, 1 page, added by the printer, probably mark a second edition. Hamilton's second Letter from Phocion was advertised as separately published in the Pa. Gazette, April 14, 1784. I have only met with it as an addendum to Bingham's Strictures on Lord Sheffield, No. 4419, supra. THE HAPPY Man. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1784 4487 In June, 1784, Aitken printed 100 copies for James Slatter, Pedler. HELTON. (J.) Reasons | for quiting the | Methodist Society; | Being a | Defence | of | Barclay's Apology. | In answer to | A Printed Letter | to a | Person | joined with the | People Called Quakers. | In a Letter to a Friend. | By John Helton. | The Third Edition, corrected. | . . . . | Dublin: Printed | Philadelphia: | Re- printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, | between Second, and Third-streets. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 56. r. 4488 436 1784 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS IIILLIARD-D'AUBERTEUHj. (-) Mis Mac Rea, | Roman | Historique, | Par M. Hilliard D'Auberteuil. | [Cut.] | A Phila- delphie. [Pans.] | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | Sm. 12mo. pp. i-xii, 1-146. THE | HISTORY | of the | Old and New | Testament, | inter- spersed with | Moral and Instructive | Reflections, | chiefly taken from | The Holy Fathers. | From the French. | By J. Reeve. | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia: | Printed by M. Steiner, in Pace-street, | For C. Talbot, late of Dublin, Printer and Bookseller. 1784. | 8vo. pp. vi, (2), 536 for 436. n. s. p. 4490 " Reeve's History of the Bible was a translation, more or less abridged, of what is known as La Bible de Royaumont. It is attributed generally to Louis Isaac le Mais- tre, better known as de Sacy, who died at Pompone, 1684; but is ascribed by others to Nicolas Fontaine, who was imprisoned with Sacy. They were both Jansenists. The Rev. Joseph Reeve was an English Jesuit. He died at Ugbrook Park, England, in 1820." J. Gr. Shea, LL.D. The volume contains a long list of subscribers. | | 2lmericamfd)e | Calenbcr, | 2luf ba§ $al;r | 1785. | [11 lines.] | gum Crften mal fyeraug gegeben. | German- town : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Leibert und Billmeyer. | | . | . . . . [1784.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. (40). ii. s. p. 4491 A continuation of the series begun by the first Christopher Sower in 1738. Dun- lap, who purchased the confiscated effects of the younger Sower in 1778, disposed of his interest in the Almanac to Leibert and Billmeyer in 1784, and it was continued by them for many years. [HOLME. (Benjamin)] A Serious | Call | in | Christian Love | to all | People, | To turn to the | Spirit of Christ | in themselves; | That they may come to have a right Understanding of the | Things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him | acceptably: With some Observations on the following | Heads; | 1. The Uni- versality | of God's Love in | sending His Son to | die for all Men. | 2. The Holy Scrip- | tures. | 3. Worship. | 4. Baptism. | 5. The Supper. | 6. Perfection. | 7. The Resurrection. | 8. Swearing. | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in | Market-street between Second | and Third-streets. [1784 ?] | 8vo. pp. 58. h. s. p. 4492 HUTCHINS. (T.) An | Historical Narrative | and | Topo- graphical Description | of | Louisiana, | and | West-Florida, | 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 437 comprehending the | River Mississippi with its Principal Branches | and Settlements, and the Rivers Pearl, | Pascagoula, Mobile, Perdido, | Escambia, Chacta-IIatcha, &c. | The | Climate, Soil and Produce | whether | Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral; | with | Di- rections for Sailing into all the Bays, Lakes, Harbours and Rivers on | the North Side of the Gulf of Mexico, and for Navigating between the | Islands situated along that Coast, and ascending the Missis- sippi River. | By Thomas Hutchins, | Geographer to the United States. | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author, and sold by Robert | Aitken, near the Coffee-House, in | Market-street. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 94, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4493 ILLUMINATIONS | for | legislators, | and for | sentimental- ists; Containing, | I. Sentiments on what is Freedom, and | what is Slavery, By a Farmer. | II. Sentiments on Liberty, ex- hibited in | Observations on the Revolution of America, | By Abbe Raynal. | HI. Sentiments on Government, Law, Arbitrary Power, Liberty, | and Social Institutions, | By John James Rous- seau, originally of Geneva. | IV. Sentiments on Government, and | on the English Constitution. | By J. L. De Lolme, Advocate, and Citizen of Geneva. | . . . . | Re-published by Robert Bell, Printer, Book-seller, | Book-Auctionier, and Provedore to the Sentimentalists in | America. | [Philadelphia .-] Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. (4), 52. State of Pennsylvania. | IN the Council of Censors, | Friday, September 24th, 1784, P.M. | The draught of an Address from this Council to the Freemen of the Common- | wealth of Penn- sylvania, read Yesterday, and laid on the Table for considera- | tion, was taken up for a second reading, and the same being con- sidered was | adopted as follows; viz. | [Colophon.] Philadel- phia: Printed bu Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head. [1784.] I Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 4495 THE INDEPENDENT Gazetteer. 4496 Numbers 114 (Jan. 3, 1784) to 165 (Dec. 24, 1784), four pages each, with a " Sup- plement" of one leaf to No. 117. Title as in No. 4203, supra, and imprint as in note to No. 4307, supra, until No. 138, when it was changed to Philadelphia: Printed by Eleazer Oswald, at the Coffee-House, | | | | 438 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 toie & unter Siemens XIII entbecft, unter Siemens XIV unterbrucft unb unter $piuS VI nod) fortfdjjleidft. Phila- delphia : [Hartmann in Wien.] 1784. w. 4497 JOHNSON. (S.) Abridgment of the Lives of the British Poets. Parts I. II. and III. Cowley, Denham, and Milton. By Samuel Johnson. Philadelphia. 1784. 4498 JOURNAL | of the | Committee of the States: | Containing | The Proceedings | from | The First Friday in June, 1784, | to | The Second Friday in August, 1784. | Published by Order of Congress. | [Philadelphia.-] Printed by John Dunlap. | Printer to the United States in | Congress Assembled. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 47. h. s. p. 4499 JOURNAL | of the | United States | In Congress Assembled: | Containing | The Proceedings | from | The Third Day of No- vember, 1783, | to | The Third Day of June, 1784. | Volume IX. | Published by Order of Congress. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, | Printer to the United States in | Congress Assembled. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 317, xviii. h. s. p. 4500 KENRICK. (W.) A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Lan- guage. By William Kenrick. Philadelphia: Robert Bell. 1784. KUNZE. (J. C.) Cine | Slufforberung | an ba3 | SSolf (BotteS in SImerifa | jum | frozen unb ©anfeii. | 2ln bem von einem @r= laucfyten GongreS ivcgen erfyaltenen $riebcn§ unb | erlangter Unab= lyingigteit auf ben llten December, 1783, au§; | gefcfyriebenen iDanL feftc in bet Jirctje ju | vorgefteUt, unb auf SBerlangen Verfclyebener | 3ul;brer bem ©rud iibergeben, | nebft bem, | 2lnl;ange einer anbern | anlidfen Srcl;alt3, unb an bem ®anL unb Cottage | be£ 3are3 1779 gefyalten, von | 3obami Gljriftopl) fringe, | ber l)eil. Sdjtrift ©octor, iprofeffor ber orient, unb ber beutfcfyen | Spracfye auf ber UniVcrf. ju ipinlabelpfyia unb | Gv. Sutler, bafelbft. | Phila- delphia : | Gedruckt bei Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, zwischen | der Zweiten- und Dritten-strasse. 1784. | 8vo. pp. 101. h. s. p. 4502 | $ragen | Ueber bie | Gtyriftlicfye | ®lauben3=£efyre. | iftacfy | <£eil. <Scf>rift=3cugnib | beantivortet unb beivafyret. | ®en Gfyriftlidjen 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 439 ®lau&en3;(S(f)itlern | 311 einem anfanglidjien Unterrid)t | mifjid) ju ge= brauclen. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Carl Cist, in der | Zweyten- strasse, 1784. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (10), 140. h. s. p. 4503 LANGHORNE, ([John]) and [Edmund] CARTWRIGHT. The | Fables | of | Flora. | By Mr. Langhorne. | with | Armine | and | Elvira. | A Legendary Tale, by Mr. Cartwright. | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. h. s. p. 4504 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, &c., pp. (2); Fables, pp. 1-26; Armine, &c., pp. 27-43 ; Advertisement, 1 page. LAWS | Enacted in the Second Sitting | Of the Eighth | General Assembly, | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the | thirteenth Day of January, in the Year of our Lord, One | Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty and Four. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Bradford. [1784.] | Folio, pp. 271-368, i-iii. + Laws | Enacted in the Third Sitting | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | | | [Ibid.'] pp. 371-399, i-ii. h. s. p. 4505 LAWS | Enacted in the First Sitting | Of the Ninth | General Assembly, | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia, on the twenty-fifth | Day of October, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Eighty-Four. | [Colophon.] [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Thomas Bradford. [1784.] | Folio, pp. 401-415, (1). h. s. p. 4506 Pages 402 and 403 are misnumbered 442 and 443. The publication of the " Ses- sion Laws" was continued in folio until 1801, and since then in octavo. LESSONS for Lovers. By Ovid Americanus. To which is added The Thunder Storm, a Poem. Philadelphia : Robert Bell, 1784. 8vo. pp. 35. 4507 THE | LIFE | and | Adventures | of | Ambrose Gwinett, | Ap- prentice to an Attorney at Law, | Who for a Murder which he never committed, was tried, | condemned, executed, and hung in chains, in Old England; yet | lived many Years afterwards, and in his Travels found the | Man in the West-Indies actually alive; 440 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 for the supposed | Murder of whom he had been really executed. | Demonstratively proving that | Condemnations upon circum- stantial Evidence are injurious | to Innocence, incompatible with Justice, | and therefore ought always to be discountenanced espe- cially | in Cases of Life and Death. | To which is Added, | An Account of John Matthieson, an ingenious | Scotsman, lately executed in London, for | forging the Notes of the Bank of Eng- land. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 32. l. c. p. 4508 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Life of Gwinett,pp. 3-16 ; Life of Matthieson, pp. 17- 22 ; A Narrative of the Extraordinary Adventures of four Russian Sailors, who were cast away, and lived six Years on the Desert Island of East-Spitzenbergen, pp. 23-32. THE | LIFE | Travels | and | Adventures, | of | Edward Wortley Montague Esq; | Son to the most famous Traveller, | Lady Mary Wortley Montague, | Exhibiting | His very ex- traordinary Transactions in England, France, | Italy, Turkey, Arabia, Egypt, and the | Holy Land: | With Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the | Oriental World. | Volume the First. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 40. + Volume the Second. [Ibid.] 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 43-90. l. c. p. 4509 ©21® unb 9teformirte 21. 23. G. unb 2lamen= bucfdein. Germantown: Leibert und Billmeyer. 1784. 4510 MACKLIN. (C.) The | True-Born Irishman; | or the | Irish Fine Lady. | A | Comedy | in | Two Acts. | By Mr. Charles Mack- lin, | Author of Love a-la-mode, the True-Born | Scotchman, &c. | Philadelphia: | Printed by William Spotswood. | 1784. | 12mo. pp. 36. 4511 MAGAW. (S.) A | Sermon | delivered in | St. Paul's Church, | On Saturday, December 27, 1783, | The Anniversary of | St. John the Evangelist; | (For the Benefit of the Poor) | by direc- tion, and in the presence of | the Ancient and Honorable Frater- nity | of | Free and Accepted Masons | Of the several Lodges | in | Philadelphia. | By Samuel Magaw, D.D. | Vice-Provost of the University of | Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 32. h. s. p. 4512 1784 441 IN PENNSYLVANIA MANSON. (D.) A New Primer. By David Manson. Phila- delphia: Hobert Aitken. 1784. 4513 [MARKOE. (Peter)] The | Patriot Chief. | A | Tragedy. | | | | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Author, and sold by Wm. Prichard, | at his Circulating Library, and Book-Store, in Market-Street, | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. (4), 70. MARSHALL. (W.) Religions Instruction to the Rising Gen- eration. | A | Catechism | for | Youth, | containing the | Prin- ciples | of | Practical Religion : | Agreeable to the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures exhibited in | the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger and ] Shorter Catechisms. | To which is added | a | Catechetical Explanation | of | Sundry Terms belong- ing to Religion, | Alphabetically digested : | In which are specified the distinguishing Tenets of the various De- | nominations of Christians and religious Sects that now appear. | By William Marshall, A.M. | Minister of the Gospel to the Scots Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. | | | | | | Phila- delphia: | Printed for the Author, and sold by Robert Aitken, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. iv, 172. 4515 The Catechism has a separate title-page, with the date 1783. MENDENHALL. (T.) Tables of Difference of Latitude and Departure, constructed to every quarter of a Degree of the Quad- rant, and to answer for all Distances from one-tenth of a Perch or Mile to twelve hundred; particularly suited to the purposes of Land Surveying. By Thomas Mendenhall. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1784. 4516 MINUTES | of the | Baptist Association, | Held at New-York, October, 1784. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken, at Pope's Head, Market Street. [1784.] | Sq. 8vo. pp. 8. 4517 MINUTES | of the | First Session | of the Ninth | General Assembly | of the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which commenced at Philadelphia on Monday, the | Twenty Fifth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord, | One Thousand Seven Hun- dred and Eighty Four. | [Arms of Pennsylvania.'] | Philadelphia: | ii.-56 442 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head | in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | Folio, pp. 402. h. s. p. 4518 The first session ends on page 103, the second on page 328, and the third on page 402. The Assembly sat until Sept. 23, 1785, and the Minutes of the second and third sessions were not printed till 1785. A | MONODY | In Honor of the | Chiefs | Who have fallen in the Cause of | American Liberty, | Spoken at the Theatre, | in | Philadelphia, December 7, 1784. | With the Vocal Accompany- ments: | And | A Rondelay, | Celebrating | American Indepen- dency. | .... | .-] Printed by Thomas Bradford. [1784.] | Sm. 4to. pp. 8. 4519 Not delivered till Dec. 14. The vocal parts were sung by a " Lady." A very rare tract, but few having been printed. NARRATIVE concerning the maintenance of the Reformation Testimony, Approved by the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylva- nia. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken. 1784. 4520 A | NARRATIVE | of the | Captivity | and | Sufferings | of | Benjamin Gilbert | and his | Family; | Who were surprised by the Indians, and taken from | their Farms, on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania, | In the Spring, 1780. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, | between Second and Third-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 96. h. s. p. 4521 The authorship of this Narrative has been attributed to Thomas Austin and to William Walton. See Comly's Hist, of Byberry, Memoirs of the H. S. P., Vol. II., Part II., p. 195. Benjamin Gilbert was probably the author of Numbers 1109 and 2523, supra, and the tract ascribed to him in the additional titles under 1769. be3 £erumtrdger3 ber $l;ilabety(ufdje Sorrefpons bony 2)en Iften 1784. Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1784. NEW-YEAR | Verses, | For those who carry the | Pennsylva- nia Gazette | To the | Customers. | January, 1, 1784. | phia : Hall and Sellers. 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4523 NEW-Year Verses of the Carriers of the Freeman's Journal. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey. 1784. 4524 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 443 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Independent Gazet- teer. Philadelphia: E. Oswald and D. Humphreys. 1784. 4525 NEW-YEAR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Jour- nal. Philadelphia: Thomas Bradford. 1784. 4526 NEW-YE AR Verses of the Carriers of the Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia : David C. Claypoole. 1784. 4527 ©3© 5 ungarifd)e ber gefcfyufyten 2luguftiner -SRoncfye. Philadelphia: 1784. w. 4528 OVID. Les Heroides d'Ovide. [Traduit par J. R. de Boisgelin.] A Philadelphie: [Puns.] 1784. + Les Heroides du galant Ovide. A Philadelphie: [Puns.] 1784. w. 4529 THE PENNSYLVANIA Gazette. 4530 Numbers 2795 (Jan. 7,1784) to 2847 (Dec. 29,1784), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages to Numbers 2800, 2805, 2811, 2817, 2819, 2825, 2827, 2835, and 2844. Title and imprint as in No. 4334, supra. THE PENNSYLVANIA Journal. 4531 Numbers 1657 (Jan. 3, 1784) to 1761 (Dec. 29, 1784), four pages each, with " Sup- plements" of two pages each to Numbers 1708, 1712, 1715, 1719 to 1722, 1727, 1728, 1739, 1740, 1744, and 1750. Number 1754 is misnumbered 1755, and the error is not corrected. Published twice a week. Title and imprint as in No. 4335, supra. THE | PENNSYLVANIA Mercury | and | Universal Adver- tiser. | Price Six-pence. Friday, August 20, 1784. Numb. I. | Philadelphia: Printed, by Daniel Humphreys, at the New Printing- Office in Dock-street, near the Drawbridge; where Advertisements, | Articles and Letters of Intelligence, tfc. are gratefully received, and every kind of Printing- Work performed with Diligence and Dispatch. | Folio. Numbers 1 to 20 (Dec. 31, 1784), four pages each. THE PENNSYLVANIA Packet, | And General Advertiser. | Thursday, January 1, 1784. | Vol. XIII.) Published every Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. Price Six-Pence. (Num. 1641. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed and sold by David C. Claypoole, in Market-street. | Folio. 444 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 The Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser. | Price Four Pence.) Tuesday, September 21, 1784. (No. 1755. | [Colophon.] Philadelphia: Printed and sold by John Dunlap and David C. Clay- poole, on the South side of Market-street, the third | House East of Second-street, where Subscriptions, Advertisements, fic. for this Paper are thankfully received. | Folio. 4533 Numbers 1641 (Jan. 1, 1783) to 1842 (Dec. 31, 1784), four pages each. The paper for Aug. 24 is misnumbered 1745 for 1743, and that for Nov. 12 is misnumbered 1790 for 1800. The first of these errors was immediately corrected, but the other was car- ried on through the year. The imprint was slightly changed in Numbers 1697 and 1703. On Sept. 21 (No. 1755) the Packet became the first daily paper issued in America, with title and imprint as above. It is now represented by the North American. THE PENNSYLVANIA Pocket Almanac for 1785. Phila- delphia: Thomas Bradford. 1784. 4534 THE PHILADELPHIA Price Current, | Published by Sub- scription every fourteen Days, in which are contained the Prices | of Merchandise, Duties on Importation and Exportation, regu- lated by John Mac- | pherson, Broker, with the assistance of Twenty eminent Merchants, Fac- | tors, and Others; likewise, the Course of Exchange, the Premiums of Insurance | to and from the most considerable Places of Trade. And as Pennsylvania Currency | is not understood in all parts of Europe, &c. Mr. Macpherson has set down the | Value of all Commodities in Spanish milled Dol- lars, and the Ninetieth Parts of a | Spanish milled Dollar. | [Phil- adelphia : 1784.] Folio, pp. (2). h. s. p. 4535 I have met with only three numbers, viz.: Nos. 1, 15, and 29. THE | PHILADELPHIAD; | or, | New Pictures of the City: | Interspersed with a candid review and display of some first-rate | Modern | Characters | Of Both Sexes : | Delineated in a friendly and satirical manner, and containing | sketches of the materials that distinguish the following | places, viz. | Court-House, Hos- pital for Lunatics, | New-Jail, Bell's-Book-Store, | Theatre, State- House, and | Bagnio, Coffee-House. | With other entertaining An- ecdotes, humorous, | moral and sentimental. | Vol. I. | . . . | . . . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Editor by Kline f Reynolds, 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 445 and sold | at their Printing- Office, in Carter's-alley, and by all the | Booksellers tn Town and Country. 1784. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 83. + Vol. II. \Ibid.\ Sm. 8vo. pp. 59, (1). h. s. p. 4536 A PLAIN Almanac for 1785. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1784. 4537 PLATTES. (G.) A Discovery of | Subterranean Treasure: | Containing | Useful Explorations. | Concerning all Manner of Mines and Minerals, from the Gold to the | Coal; with plain Di- rections and Rules for the finding of them in | all Kingdoms and Countries. | In which | The Art of Melting, Refining and Assay- ing of them is plainly | Declared, so that every ordinary man, that is moderately ingeni- | ous, may with small charge presently try the value of such Ores, | as shall be found either by Rule or by Accident. | Whereunto is added | A Real Experiment whereby every ignorant man may presently try | whether any piece of Gold that shall come to his hands be True | or Counterfeit, without de- facing or altering the form thereof, | and more certainly than any Goldsmith or Refiner could formerly | Discern. | Also a | Perfect way to try what colour any Berry, Leaf, Flower, Stalk, | Root, Fruit, Seed, Bark, or Wood will give: With a Perfect | way to make Colours that they shall not stain nor fade like | ordinary Colours. | Very necessary for every one to know, whether he be a Traveller by | Land or by Sea, in what Country, Dominion, or Plantation soever | he shall either sojourn or Inhabit. | By Mr. Gabriel Plattes. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 37, (3). N. y. h. s. 4538 A POCKET Memorandum Book; Or Daily Journal for 1785, with various useful tables. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1784. THE | POLITICAL Establishments | of the | United States | of | America, | in | A Candid Review of their Deficiencies. | To- gether | With a Proposal of Reformation, | Humbly Addressed | To the Citizens of America. | By a Fellow Citizen. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 28. h. s. p. 4540 446 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 POOR Will's | Almanack, | for the | Year of our Lord, 1785 ; | Being the First after Leap-Year. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, | | . [1784.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4541 POOR Will's Pocket Almanac for 1785. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank. 1784. 4542 PRIESTLEY. (J.) An | Appeal | to the | Serious and Candid Professors | of | Christianity. | On the following Subjects. | I. The Use of Reason in Matters of Religion. | II. The Power of Man to do the Will of God. | III. Original Sin. | IV. Election and Repro- bation. | V. The Divinity of Christ, and | VI. Atonement for Sin by the Death of Christ. | By Joseph Priestly, L.L.D. F.R.S. | and a Lover of the Gospel. | To which are added, | A concise History of the Rise of those Doctrines : | And the | Triumph of Truth; | Being An Account of the | Trial of Mr. E. El wall, | For Heresy and Blasphemy, at Stafford Assizes. | ... | .... | Phila- delphia : | Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 57, (1). h. s. p. 4543 The Appeal ends on page 33, and is followed by Elwall's Trial, which ends on page 41. On page 42 there is a new title : A | General View | of the | Arguments | for the | Unity of God ; | from Reason, from the Scripture, | and from History. | Containing, | I. Arguments from Reason against the Trinitarian Hypothesis. | II. Arguments from Reason against the Arian Hypothesis. | III. Arguments against the Trinitarian and the Arian Hypothesis | from the scriptures. | IV. Arguments from History against the Deity, and pre- | existence of Christ; or a summary View of the Evidence | for the primitive Christians having held the doctrine of | the simple Hu- manity of Christ. | V. Maxims of Historical Criticism, by which the proceeding | Articles may be tried. | By Joseph Priestley, L.L.D., E.R.S. | [Imprint as above.] PROCLAMATION. [Arms of Pennsylvania.] | Pennsylvania, ss. | By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, | A Proclamation. | [Phila- delphia: Francis Bailey. 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4544 Dated " March 24,1784." Offering a reward for the murderer of Richard Marple. PROCLAMATION. By the President and the Supreme Ex- 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 447 ecutive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | A Proc- lamation. | : 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4545 Dated 11 Jan. 22, 1784," announcing the conclusion of the Peace of Paris. PROCLAMATION. Pennsylvania, ss. | By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth | of Penn- sylvania, | A Proclamation. | \_Philadelphia: 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. Thomas Learning, Jr., and Elizabeth Houston, having been robbed in Penn Street, Southwark, £300 reward was offered for the apprehension of the robbers. Dated " May 15, 1784." ©(591 | | bc§ | | unb | ]3ropl;eten ©avibs, | Ver= beutfdjet non | ©. -JRartin Sutler | tnit fursen Sumarien ober $n= | fycdt jebeg ]Bfalmen. | Unb mit vielen | ober gleicfyen SdjriffP fteUen. | (Srfte 2luflage. | Germanton | gedruckt bey Leibert und Bill- meyer. | 1784. | 24mo. pp. 252. h. s. p. 4547 ©3© | | ber | 9iepublif glenm fplvanien | foie folcfye von ber ju bem £foed | unb | Vom 15ten Snip, bi§ 511m 28[ten September, 1776, | von ©agsu ©ag in ]3pilabe(plna gepaltenen | (General Convention | foorben. | 2Iu§ bem Cng; lifepen iiberfebt. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Francis Bailey, in der Marckt-strass' | se, zwischen der Britten- und Vierten-strasse. 1784. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 47. 4548 ©3© | | ber | 9iepublif gJenn= fplvanien, | foie fold;e von ber | ©eneral Convention, | bie su bem $foed erfodplet | unb | Vom 15ten3ulii, 1776, bis jum 28ften September, 1776, | in Sppilabelppia gepalten fourbe, | Veftgefefjt foorben. | 2lu3 bem ©ng; lifepen iiberfeUt. | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, nahe | bey der Dritten-strasse. 1784. | 8vo. pp. 49. 4549 Contains also (pp. 19-49): " Der Bericht der Committee des Baths der Censoren." See No. 4458, supra. REPORT | of the | Committee | of the | Council of Censors, | appointed to enquire, | " Whether the Constitution has been pre- served inviolate in every Part, and | " whether the legislative and executive Branches of Government, have per- | " formed their Duty 448 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 as Guardians of the People, or assumed to themselves | " or exer- cised other or greater Powers, than they are intitled to by the | " Constitution| On the | Executive Branch of Government. | As Adopted by the said Council. | Published by their Order. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, | in Market-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 15. h. s. p. 4550 A | REPORT | of the | Committee | of the | Council of Cen- sors, | appointed to enquire, | " Whether the Constitution has been preserved inviolate in every | " part, and whether legislative and executive branches of | " government have performed their duty as guardians of the | " people, or assumed to themselves or exercised other or | " greater powers, than they are entituled to by the Constitu- | " tion." | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, | in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 27. l. c. p. 4551 RULES | for the | Regulation | of the | Society for the Relief | of Free Negroes, and | others, unlawfully held in Bon- | dage. | Instituted in Philadelphia in the Year 1784. | To which are pre- fixed, | The Acts of the General Assembly | of Pennsylvania, re- specting the gradual | Abolition of Slavery. | Philadelphia : | Printed by Joseph Orukshank, . . . | . . . | . . . MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 16. l. c. p. 4552 [RUSH. (Benjamin)] Considerations | upon the present | Test-Law | of | Pennsylvania: | Addressed to the Legislature | and Freemen of the State. | Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sel- lers. | MDCCLXXXIV. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 23. n. s. p. 4553 SAUNDERS. (R.) A Pocket Almanac for 1785. By Richard Saunders, Phil. Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1784. 4554 SAUNDERS. Poor Richard improved : | Being an | Alma- nack | [10 lines] | For the | Year of our Lord 1785: | Being the First after Leap-Year. | [9 lines.] By Richard Saunders, Philom. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. (36). h. s. p. 4555 an tneinen Gruber ju 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 449 uber tneiuen britteu 2lufenttyalt ju 2lug$burg. Philadelphia: [Nuernberg.] 1784. w. 4556 [SERVAN. (J. Al. A.)] Apologie de la Bastille. Par un homme en pleine campagne. A Philadelphie : [Lusanne.] 1784. SHARP. (A.) ®er ©ants SSerbefferte | 9?orb=2lmericanifctye | Salenber | 2tuf ba§ 1785fte Satyr (Styrifti, | 2Selctye§ ein gemein Satyr Von 365 STagen ift. | Unb enttydlt, | ®ie 2Boctyen= 9)ionatty§= Otamem $eper unb anbere bem £anb= | man ju tviffen niitjlictye unb merfivurbige Stage; be3 9ftonben 21uf= unb | Untergang; feine Beictyen, ($rabe unb Siertel; bie Slfpecten bet | neten, famt ber SBitterung; be3 Siebem geftirnS Slufgang, <5ub= | plats unb Untergang; 2luf= unb Untergang ber Sonneu; nebft | ber $lutty ober bem SBaffer ju ; | Unb anbere gembtynlictye Galenber = SIrbeit. | 2Bie aucty: | Serfctyiebene angenetyme Stiicfe; (Befctyictyten, 2C. 2C. | SBerectynet Vomemlicty natty ber ipennfplvanifctyen = ©egenb; | Spotty in ben angren= genben Banbfctyaften otyne merflictyen Unterfctyeib gu gebrauctyen. | Bum Betynbenmal tyerauSgegeben | unb verfertiget von SInttyonp Styarp, Philom. | Lancaster, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Francis Bailey, in der Koenigs-strasse. | | | | | . [1784.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (36). 4558 SHARP. The Continental Almanac for 1785. By Anthony Sharp. Philadelphia: Kline and Reynolds. 1784. 4559 SMITH. (Devereaux) To the People of Pennsylvania. | [Phila- delphia: 1784.] Folio, 1 leaf. 4560 [SMITH. (William)] An | Account | of] Washington College, | in the | State of Maryland. | Published by Order of the Visitors and Governors of the | said College, for the Information of its Friends and | Benefactors. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Joseph Orukshank, in | Market-street, between Second and | Third streets. MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 50, 1 plate. a. p. s. 4561 STAN CLIFF. (J.) An | Account | of the | Trial | of | Doctor Joseph Priestley, | For the horrid Crime of High-Treason | against the | King of Heaven and Earth, | and Supreme Governor of | the United States of | North-America. | (Delivered under the ii.-57 450 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 Similitude of a Dream) | By John Stancliff, Minister of the Gos- pel. | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Charles Cist,in Arch- Street, | the North-east Corner of Fourth-Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 4562 STANCLIFF. The | Riddle | of | Riddles unriddled. | A | Sermon | preached in | Philadelphia, July the 15th, 1784. | By John Stancliff, | Minister of the gospel. | Philadelphia: Printed for the author. | 1784. | 8vo. pp. 27. 4563 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Adam Orth, Esq. | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Lancaster County. | From the time of his last Settlement, Aug. | 1778, to March 1780, and for the out- | standing fines, incurred before the time | last mentioned in the several Battalions | throughout the County to the 1st of | April 1783. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 23. h. s. p. 4564 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Andrew Boyd, Esq. | a | Sub- Lieutenant | of | Chester County. | From March 1777, to March 1780. | In which is exhibited. | The amount of the Monies re- ceived by him for Fines incurred | within that Time in the 8th Battalion of militia, and accounted | for. Together with Lists shewing by whom the same were paid, | so far as these Lists were obtained. | Likewise, | His Disbursements and Payments thereof into the Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. I MDCCLXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 12. STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Conrad Foos, | Collector of Excise, | Berks County, | From November 24th 1781, to the 22d of August | 1783. | In which is exhibited, | The Excise accruing within said time the monies received | by the said Collector on account thereof. And | the sums yet due. | Together, | With the Payments made to the Treasurer of the State. | Philadelphia: I Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 6. h. s. p. 4566 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Edward Bartholomew, | Col- lector of Excise | for the | City and County of Philadelphia, | 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 451 From the Time of his Appointment, Nov. 21, | 1782, to the 22d of Nov. 1783. | In which is exhibited, | The Amount of the Monies received by him, on account of Excise ac- | crued before his Appointment; and the Amount of Monies received | on ac- count of Excise accruing within the period aforesaid; together | with a list of the Persons by whom the same were paid. | Also the Payments thereof to the Treasurer. | Likewise the Excise accruing since the Time of his Appointment, which | is repre- sented to be yet outstanding. | And the amount of the Quantity exported. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 25. 4567 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Jacob Barnitz Esquire, | Col- lector of Excise, | York County, | From November 20th 1782, to the 1st of May | 1784. | In which is exhibited, | The Excise ac- cruing within said time the monies received | by the said Collector on account thereof. And | the sums yet due. | Together, | With the Payments made to the Treasurer of the State. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee- | House, in Market street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 4568 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Jesse Jones, Esq. | Late Collector of Excise | for | Northampton County. | Philadel- phia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 4. h. s. p. 4569 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | John Buchanan Esquire, | Collector of Excise, | Cumberland County | From the 20th of January to the 25th of April | 1783. | In which is exhibited, | The Excise accruing within said time the monies received | by the said Collector on account thereof. And | the sums yet due. | Together, | With the Payments made to the Treasurer of the State. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Robert Aitken, three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 7. STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Joshua Anderson, Esq. | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Bucks County. | From March 1780, to April 1783. | In which is set forth the Amount of the Fines re- ceived within that | Period from Delinquents of the Fourth Bat- 452 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 talion, for non-per- | formance of Militia Duty and Exercise. To- gether with Lists | shewing the Names of the Persons by whom Payments have been | made, and the Sums received from them respectively. Likewise | the Disbursements made by him, and the Payments to the Trea- | sury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market Street. | M,DCCLXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 38. h. s. p. 4571 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Samuel Cunningham, Esq. | late | Collector of Excise | for | Chester County. | From August 10, 1782, to Nov. 7, 1783, and | until he ceased to act as Collector. | In which are exhibited. | The amount of the Monies received and accounted for: also, Lists | shewing the names of the Persons from whom Excise became | due, and was received. | Likewise, | The Payments made to the State Treasurer. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | MDCCLXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 6. h. s. p. 4572 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | Thomas Strawbridge, Esq. | late | Sub-Lieutenant | of | Chester County. | From the time of his appointment under the Militia Law in | March 1777, to the 8th of April 1778. | In which is set forth the Amount of the Fines received within that | Period from Delinquents of Col. Evans's Battalion, for | non-performance of Militia Duty and Exercise: | Together with Lists shewing the Names of the Persons by whom Pay- | ments have been made, and the Sums received from | them respectively. | Likewise, the Disbursements made by him, and the Payments to the | Treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 7. STATE | of the | Accounts | of | William Crispin, Esq. | late | Collector of Excise | for the | City & County of Philadelphia. | Devised and Settled. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market Street. | MDCCLXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 4574 STATE | of the | Accounts | of | William Hay, Esq. ] Collector of Excise | for | Lancaster County. | From August 10, 1782, to August 10, 1783. | In which is exhibited. | The amount of the 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 453 Monies received and accounted for: also Lists | shewing the names of the Persons from whom Excise became | due, and was received. | Likewise, | The Payments made to the State Treasurer. | Phila- delphia : | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market Street. | MDCCLXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 11. h. s. p. 4575 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Collectors of Excise, | for | Bucks County, | From the 1st of July, 1776 (to which time the Accounts of the Excise of the said County, | have been settled and paid) to the 21st of | November, 1783. | In which is exhibited, | The Excise accruing with said time the monies re- | ceived by the respective Collectors on account there- | of. And the sums yet due. | Together, | With the Payments made to the Treasurer of the State. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXLV. | 8vo. pp. 18. h. s. p. 4576 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Lieutenant and Sub- Lieutenants | of | Chester County. | From March 1780, to April 1783. | In which is exhibited. | The amount of the Monies received for fines, by them respective- | ly, and accounted for; with lists of the persons by whom the | same were paid, arranged in the order of their companies and | classes. | Likewise, | Their disburse- ments and payments to the treasury. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market Street. | MDCCLXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 88. a. s. p. 4577 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Lieutenant & Sub Lieuten- ants | of the | City of Philadelphia, | and | Liberties. | From March 1777, to April 1783. | Wherein is exhibited, the amount of the fines paid by the six bat- | taiions of infantry, and the artillery battalion, which were in- | curred within that time, for non-per- formance of militia duty, | and exercise. Together with lists, shewing from whom the same | were received, arranged in the order of battalions, companies, | and classes. Likewise, the ac- counts of disbursement and | appropriation thereof. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's Head, | in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 165. h. s. p. 4578 STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Lieutenant & Sub-Lieu- 454 1784 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS tenants | of | Westmoreland County. | From March 1777, to April 1783. | For Fines incurred by sundry persons for non-performance of | their tour of duty, when thereunto called, agreeable to | the several militia laws; for monies received on account of | those lines ; for payments ordered by council placed in their | hands for the defence of the frontiers; and for the appro- | priation and dis- bursement thereof. | Philadelphia : | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXIV. [1784.] | 8vo. pp. 18. STATE | of the | Accounts | of the | Sub-Lieutenants | of | Washington County, | From the 28th March 1781, when the | County was erected, to the 1st April | 1783. | And of the | Lieutenant of the said County, | From the Time aforesaid, to the 27th of | October 1783. | For Fines incurred by sundry Persons for non-performance of | their Tour of Duty agreeable to the Militia Law; for Mo- | nies received on account of those fines; for Payments ordered | by Council; and for the appropriation and Disbursement of | the Monies received. | Philadelphia: | Printed by F. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, in Market-Street. | M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 8. h. s. p. 4580 S2I@S23US.Jq | be3 | | bet | Senforen, | 23erfammlet gu belpfyia, | 2lm Montage, ben Befynten November, Sin Saufenb Sieben £unbert | unb ©rety unb 2l<f>Uig. | 2Iu§ bcm Snglifcfyen | Philadelphia: | Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-strasse, nahe bey der Dritten-strasse. 1784. | Folio, pp. 147. 4581 THOUGHTS on Taxation, in a Letter to a Friend. With Ob- servations on the consequences resulting from the proposed plan, humbly addressed to the good people of the State of New York. Philadelphia: 1784. 4582 TO the | Citizens of Pennsylvania. | Printed, by Hall and Sellers. [1784.] | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4583 In regard to the withdrawal from the Assembly of nineteen members on the third reading of a supplement to the Test-law, " Signed, in behalf and by order of the Majority, George Gray, Speaker." And dated " Assembly Chamber, September 29, 1784. 1784 IN PENNSYLVANIA 455 TO the Freemen of Pennsylvania. | [Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers. 1784.] Folio, pp. 12. h. s. p. 4584 Seasons for dissent of a minority of the Council of Censors on a resolution to print the report of a committee appointed to investigate the conduct of the Legisla- ture. | | | TO the | General Assembly of Pennsylva- nia. | The | Representation | of | A Number of the Citizens of Philadelphia, Members of the | Religious Society of the People called Quakers. | [Philadelphia: 1784.] Folio, pp. 2. l. c. p. 4585 Against the repeal of the Law against theatrical performances, dated " 1st mo. 31st, 1784." TO the real Patriots and Supporters of American | Indepen- dence. | [Philadelphia: 1784.] Sm. 4to. 1 leaf. L. c. p. 4586 Dated " Philadelphia, June 28, 1784."' " An Independent Patriot," on the sur- render of Chevalier Longchamp to the Court of France. THE UNITED States Journal or the Continental Advertiser. Philadelphia: ? 1784. 4587 Announced in July, 1784, as to he published on Mondays, after a sufficient num- ber of subscribers' names had been received by the projector, Andrew Brown, with whom were associated Boinod and Gaillard and Charles Cist. THE UNIVERSAL FRIENDS' Advice. Philadelphia: Fran- cis Bailey. 1784. 4588 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Father Abraham's Almanack for 1785. By Abraham Weatherwise. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1784. 4589 [WEDDERBURN. (-)] Inkle & Yarico, | an | Opera, | as performed with great applause, | At the Theatre Royal,-London. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold at F. Story's office, in Fourth- | Street, nearly opposite the Indian Queen Tavern. [1784.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. 66. 4590 [WHARTON. (Charles Henry)] A | Letter | to the | Roman Catholics | of the | City of Worcester, | from the | Late Chaplain 456 THE ISSUES OF THE PRESS 1784 of that Society. | Stating the Motives which induced him to re- linquish their Commit- | nion, and become a Member of the Prot- estant Church. | | | | | | | | . | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed, by Robert Aitken, at the Sign of Pope's Head in | Market Street, near the Coffee-House. | M.DCC.LXXXIV. | 8vo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 4591 At the end, "Entered according to Act of Assembly." This is the earliest example of copyright in America I have met with. WINCHESTER. (E.) The | Divinity of Christ, | Proved from the | Scriptures | of the | Old and New Testament. | In several | Letters to a Friend. | By Elhanan Winchester. | . . . . | phia: B. Towne. 1784.] | 8vo. pp. 39. a. s. p. 4592 (Sefdycbte von Slmbrofe ©ivinnett. 2Iu3 bcm ©nglifden. Philadelphia: Charles Cist. 1784. 4593 THE | YOUNG Man's | Magazine, | containing | the substance of | Moral Philosophy, | and | Divinity: | Selected from the works of the most | eminent for Wisdom, Learning, | and Virtue, among the | Ancients and Moderns. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | | Philadelphia: | Printed by Enoch Story, in Strawberry- | Alley, about mid-way. M,DCC,LXXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 35. 4594 ADDENDA. 1696. ©CS'i Virden - ©ngel. Philadelphia: [Ger- many.'] 1696. 4595 This and the four following titles, as well as several others marked w., are from Weller's Falschen Druckorte. 1700. [DIPPEL. (J. C.)] 233ein unb Del in bie SBunben beg geftaupten ber Philadelphia, durch Nicodemum Pamz philum. [Bielcke in Jena.] 1700. w. 4596 1703. ©S3? burcfy bie gottlofe 53erful;rer unb 2C. in gbttlid;en @ifer entbrannte Philadelphia: [Germany.] 1703. 4597 Crbrterung, ivorinnen ber $erfatf beg fogenannten ijeutigen Sfyriftentfyumg meiftentfyeilg beftefye. Philadelphia: [Ger- many.] 1703. w. 4598 1707. eineg djriftlidygefinnten £at;en bon ber SBereinigung ber proteftantifdjen unb reforniirten $ird;en. Philadelphia: [Germany.] 1707. w. 4599 1718. AN ACT | Passed in a | General Assembly | of the | Province of Pennsilvania, | Begun at Philadelphia the Fourteenth Day of Octber | and continued by Adjournments till the twenty-second | of February, in the Fourth Year of His Majesties Reign | Annoq; Domini 1717. | [Royal Arms.] | Philadelphia; | Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford at the Sign of the | Bible, in the Second Street. | MDCCXVIII. I Folio, pp. 6. h. s. p. 4600 ii.-58 457 458 ADDENDA. GUELDIN. (S.) 2lpologie bet unfdndbig oerbaddig gemadjten ju 23ern. $on Samuel ©ulbin. Philadelphia: 1718. w. 4601 1721. NEW JERSEY. Speeches and Addresses during the sitting of the Assembly, begun at Burlington, the 28th day of February 1721, with the Acts and Laws of that Session. [Philadelphia .•] Printed by Andrew Bradford. 1721. Folio, pp. 32. 4602 1725. EDWARD HORNE'S Letter to Jo- | seph England, concern- ing James | Steel and Thomas Shute. | [Philadelphia: Andrew Brad- ford. 1725.] Folio, pp. 4. h. s. p. 4603 1729. im ber ®eiftlidy£obten unb ®eiftlidp£ebenbigen. Philadelphia: [Germany?'] 1729. w. 4604 A | JOURNAL | of the | Votes and Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Anno Domini, 1728. | [Philadelphia: Andrew Bradford. 1729.] Folio, pp. 60. h. s. p. 4605 Issued at four different times ; the first three parts have the imprint at the end of each. » WEISS. (G. M.) Der In Der Americanischen Wildnusz, &c. Von Georg M. Weiss, Prediger. Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey An- drew Bradfordt. 1729. 12mo. pp. 29. 4606 Title from the Catalogue of Dr. W. Kent Gilbert's sale of Feb., 1873, lot 1494. 1730. [DIPPEL. (J. C.)] (Bciftlidbe | Fama, | mitbringenb | Derfcfnebene | 9lad)ridden | unb | (Befdndde | Don | gottlidjen ©rioedungen unb $iily | rungen, SBerden, 2Begen | unb ©ericfden, | aUgemeincn unb befonberen 33egebenl;eiten, | bie jum 9ieid) (Slotted gel;bren. | @r[te3 Stud | . . . . | Gesammlet und gedruckt | in Philadelphia [Buedingen] | 1730. | 16mo. pp. 80. h. s. p. 4607 ADDENDA. 459 1731. [DIPPEL. (J. C.)] (Beiftlicfjje | Fama, | | | . | . . . | | | | | $foetyte3 Stiid. | . . . . | Gesammlet und gedruckt | in Philadelphia [Bttedingen.] 1731. | 16mo. pp. 112. + ©ritteS (Stud. [Ibid.] pp. 112. + $ierte3 Stud. [Z6z<7.] pp. 96. + Stud. [Ibid.] 1731. pp. 120. h. s. p. + <5ed)te3 Stud. [Ibid.] 1732. 4608 THE VOTES, &c. of the House of Representatives of Penn- sylvania. Oct. 14,1730, to Sept. -1731. Philadelphia: B. Frank- lin and H. Meredith. 1731. Folio, pp. 80. h. s. p. 4609 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on Thursday the Fourteenth of | October, Anno Dom. 1731, and con- tinued by adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- | Office near the Market. M,DCC,XXXI. | Folio, pp. 36. h. s. p. 4610 1732. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on Saturday the Fourteenth of | October, Anno Dom. 1732, and con- tinued by Adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- | Office near the Market. M,DCC,XXXH. | Folio, pp. 14 +. h. s. p. 4611 1734. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October | Anno Dom. 1734, and continued by Adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- | Office near the Market. M,DCCXXXIIH. | Folio, pp. 30 +. H. s. p. 4612 1738. PADLIN. (Benjamin.) (Sine | (Sonafymmg, | Sin $unge unb Sllte: | $u einer | SIngeljeucfyelten | $l)re£ unb 460 ADDENDA. 3uftanbe$. | $urfclicfi aug Sngelanb nad; SImerita gefanbt, unb ioegen feiner SBicfitigfeit | 2lu3 bent ©nglifd;en in£ ©eutfdje treidid) 23on einem Biebljaber bet | Germanton Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Sauer. 1738. | Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4613 1740. SSorftellung | SSom -mangel redder | $inber= 3ucfyt, | Unb | 2Bie folcfye mare, | unb $einben gum macfybentfen. | 2lu§ gebrungenem ©emutlje bargeleget, | Unb al§ eine SBetylage gu bet Sermon, bon | ber bienlidy | | | | | | [ GermantownGedruckt [bey Christoph aS7zzzz',J im Jahr 1740. | 16mo. pp. 32. h. s. p. 4614 MY dear | Fellow-Traveller, | Here hast Thou | A Letter, | Which | I have wrote to Thee out of the Fulness | of my Heart | And | With many Tears | For Thy Salvation's sake; | And | The Lamb of God | Hath sprinkled it with His Blood, | That it will be profitable for Thee, | If Thou abidest by thy Heart. | Or now findest thy Heart. | [Philadelphia: B. Franklin. 1740 ?] Sm. 12mo. pp. 23. h. s. p. 4615 1741. LAW. (W.) ©ie | ©riinbe unb Urfadjen | ©er (Sfyriftlidien | SBiebers geburtl), | ©ber | ©ie | ©urdj (Sfyriftum, | ©argelegt gu einer SBetradjtung bor | atte 33efenner unb (Slotted. | $on | SBittiam Bam. | 2Iu£ bem Snglifdjen in§ ©eutfdje uberfebt. | Germanton: | Ge- druckt bey Christoph Saur, 1741. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Einleitung, pp. (2); text, pp. 95. 4616 1742. BECHTEL. (J.) Surber | (SatedySmuS | $or | (Semeinen | 2lu§ ber 9teformirten Religion | 3b | Pennsylvania, | ©ie fid) gum alien SBerner Synodo | batten: | | bon | 3b(?anne§ SBeddeln, | ©ienern be§ 2Bort3 ®otte§. | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, | 1742. | 24mo. pp. 44. h. s. p. 4617 This edition of Bechtel's Catechism was printed in Germany. BECHTEL. A Short | Catechism | for some | Congregations of Jesus | Of the | Reformed Religion | In Pennsylvania, | Who ADDENDA. 461 keep to the ancient Synod of Bern; | Agreeable to | The Doctrine | Of the | Moravian Church. | First published | In German, | By John Bechtel, | Minister of the Word of God. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Isaiah Warner, almost opposite | to Charles Brockden's in Chesnut- | Street. MDCCXLII. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 36. 4618 CREAGHEAD. (A.) A | Discourse | concerning the | Cov- enants: | Containing | The Substance of Two Sermons, | preached at Middle-Octarara, | January 10 and 17. 1741, 2. | Upon Joshua IX. 15. | By Alexander Creaghead. | [4 lines.] Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Franklin for the Author. 1742. | 8vo. pp. 48. 4619 [ZINZENDORFF. (Nikolaus Ludwig von)] Oratio. [Phila- delphia : B. Franklin. 1742.] Sm. Folio, pp. 4. h. s. p. 4620 An address presented to Gov. Thomas by Zinzendorff on his arrival in Penn- sylvania. 1745. [ECKELIN. (Israel)] lOOWB unb 9?egel | eine§ OtreiterS $efu | toeld)er in bie etvige | bet Verlibet ift. | Ephrata. Anno. MDCCXLV. | Folio, 1 leaf. 4621 This is the same as No. 926, supra. 1746. ADVERTISEMENT. | [Philadelphia : B. Franklin. 1746.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4622 Geo. Harrison's " Marble Shop, at the Sign of the Mason's Arms." Dated " July 14." 1748. [BURGH. (James)] Britain's | Remembrancer. | Being | Some Thoughts on the proper | Improvement of the present | Juncture. | The Character of this Age and | Nation. | A brief Viow from History, of | the Effects of the Vices which | now prevail in Britain, upon | the greatest Empires and States | of former Times. | Remarkable Deliverances this | Nation has had in the most | imminent Dangers; with sui- | table Reflections. | Some Hints, shewing, what is | in the Power of the several | Ranks of People, and of every | Individual in Britain, to do | to- 462 ADDENDA. ward securing the State | from all its Enemies. | The Seventh Edition. | London: Printed. | Philadelphia: Re-printed by Godhard | Armbrister for B[enjamiri\. L[ay]. and are to be sold by him, | and the Printer hereof, 1748. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 47. l. c. p. 4623 I gugabe jum flud;tigen ipater. Philadelphia: [Blochberg in Leipzig.'] 1748. w. 4624 beg (Soetug Von ipennftylvanien. Philadel- phia: 1748. 4625 Title furnished by the Rev. Jos. Henry Dubbs, D.D., of Lancaster. 1749. LUTHER. (M.) The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and J. Boehm. 1749. 4626 I am indebted to the Rev. B. M. Schmucker, of Pottstown, for this and several other similar titles. 1751. TO the | Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of | Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, | and America. | \_Philadelphia: 1751.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 8. f. 4627 The report of a committee of the Yearly Meeting, on the Act of Parliament for regulating the Calendar, with a four-page testimony from the London Meeting for Sufferings against the " Heathenish" names of the days and months. 1754. DAVEKPORT. (J.) The Faithful Minister Encouraged. A Sermon. By the Rev. James Davenport. Philadelphia: James Chattin. 1754. 4628 Webster's History of the Presbyterian Church, p. 542. | | 2Beld;eg fid) | biefen lenten unb £agen | $n benen 21bcnb=£dnbifdjen SBelLXtyeilen alg ein | fpiel bet neuen SBelt fervor getfyan. SBeftefyeiibe | $n einer gan£ neuen unb ungemeinen <5ing= | 2lrt auf 2Beife ber Snglifdjen unb fyitnnv | lifdjen (Sfyoren eingeridjtet. | ©a bann bag £ieb 9Jiofig unb beg Naming, tvie and; bag fyofye £ieb <5aloino= | nig famt nod) ntelfrern 3eug= nuffen aug ber SBibel unb anbern | in lieblidje DJielobven gebrad;t. ADDENDA. 463 SBobety nicfyt foeniger ber 3uruf ber | Smut be3 SammS, fammt bet 3U; bereitung auf ben fyerrlicfycn | trefflicfy Praefigurirt toirb. | 2l(Xe3 nad> Gboren ®efang3=28eife mit viel SOM'ibe unb grofent $leif£ auSgefertiget von einem | | ®er fonft in biefer SBelt iveber 91amen nod; £itul fucbet. | [Cut.] | Ephrata Sumptibus Societatis : | 1754. | Folio, Title, 1 page; Chor-Gesaenge, pp. 1-212; Regis- ter, 1 page. 4629 The only copy I have met with of this volume, once the property of Sister Barbara, of the Ephrata community, is one of the most remarkable specimens of Pennsylvania bookmaking. The text begins on the reverse of the title. The page, not quite 14 inches in length, contains usually six lines of type, besides the heading, every two lines being divided by spaces of three inches, which are filled with manuscript music for four voices. The end of each musical phrase is marked by more or less elaborate penwork in two or three colors, amounting occasionally to an illumination, generally in the shape of a floral design. 1756. OATH to be administered to all such Persons as enter into the King's Service, in the Pay of the Government of Pennsylvania, [n. p. about 1756.] 4to. 1 leaf. 4630 1757. DILWORTH. (T.) A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: 1757. 4631 TO the Freeholders of the County of | Philadelphia. | phia : B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1757.] Folio, pp. (2). 4632 An election address. 1758. [DAWS. (P.)] Adminiculum Puerile : | Or, an Help for | School-Boys. | Containing | I. Fundamental Exercises for Young Beginners. | H. English Examples fitted to the Syntax-Rules of the | Lord Bishop of Cork's Grammar, with some | Annotations. | III. Some necessary Cautions to prevent Mistakes which | Boys are generally guilty of in making Latin. | IV. English for Latin Verses. | V. Some Examples of Themes in English, with larger | Discourses on Subjects. | VI. Three Indexes: The first con- taining all the Words | in the Fundamental Exercises: The second, 464 ADDENDA. those | under the Syntax-Rules and Cautions : And the third | those in the Verses with Latin for them. | To which is subjoined | 1st, The Syntax Rules. 2d, A Prosody. And 3d, All | the short Examples of Clark's Introduction. | ... | .... | Dublin printed: | Philadelphia Re-printed by W. Dunlap, \for the Use of the College and Academy there. | 1758. | 16mo.pp. (10), 119, (47), 17. 4633 FRANCKEL. (D. II.) Cine | | ioegen be§ ttrid)tigen unb tounberboUen | Sieg3, | toelcfyen | <Sr. itonigl. Olcaj. in | am 5ten December, 1757. | uber bie, ber nad) ifym toeit iiberlege: | no, gefamte | Oefterreicf)ifd;e 2Irmee in | ©cfylefien, | breifttourbig ten. | gefyalten | am Sabbatfy ben lOten beffelben Okonats | in ber $uben Scfyule 511 Berlin | Von | ©abib grande! | Dber 9labbi. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu haben das Stueckfuer 6 Pentz | bey Anton Armbruester. [1758.] j 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 4634 1759. | - 33iid)= | (ein§ | i£om bit. | b. i. | Cin SBerfud) 311 einem | £ofung3=SBud)el an§ | ber 33ibel fiir <5ie | 2Iuf3 $afyr 1758. | Barby | Gedruckt im Jahr 1758. | Zurn andern mahl gedruckt zu Philadelphia. [1759 ?] | Sm. 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (4); Losungs, pp. (117). 11. s. p. 4635 trait!] et Convention | pour les | Malades, Blesses et Pri- sonniers de Guerre des Troupes de Terre, | de Sa Majeste tres Chretienne, et de Sa Majeste | Britannique. | A | Treaty and Con- vention | for the | Sick, Wounded, and Prisoners of War, of the Land Forces, | of His Majesty the King of | Great Britain | and of | His Most Christian Majesty. | Philadelphia: | Printed by W. Dunlap, at the Newest-Printing-Office | on the South Side of the Jersey Market. 1759. | 8vo. pp. 24? 4636 ob etma bie (leutigen eurobaifd)en Golfer £uft fyaben mbefden bereinft ober ivemgftenS ju iverben. Philadelphia: \Schwerin.~\ 1759. w. 4637 1760. bon ber ber 2Baffeiv unb Oertrage. Philadelphia: 1760. w. 4638 ADDENDA. 465 ERSKINE. (R.) Gospel Sonnets; | or, | Spiritual Songs. | In Six Parts. | I. The Believer's Espousals. | II. The Believer's Joint- ure. | III. The Believer's Riddle. | IV. The Believer's Lodging. | V. The Believer's Soliloquy. | VI. The Believer's Principles. | Concerning | Creation and Redemption, | Law and Gospel, | Justi- fication and Sanctification, | Faith and Sense, | Heaven and Earth. | The Ninth Edition. | In which the Holy Scriptures are extended. Not to be | found in any former Edition. | By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, | Minister of the Gospel at Dumfermline. | Edinburgh: Printed. | Philadelphia: Re-printed by W. Dunlap, at the | Newest- Printing- Office in Market-Street, for G. Noel, | Book-seller in New-York, M,DCC,LX. | 12mo, pp. 1-22, 1-363. h. s. p. 4639 LEYDT. (J.) AATIOEAEY0EPIA EIS EIPilNUN | i.e. | Ware Vryheyt tot Vrede | ofte | Berigt, | Hoe | Onderhandeling, Vrede | en Vereniging Zoekende | gepasseerd is : | en Wat den Ge- lukkigen ITrtslag | gestremd heeft | mitsgaders. | Een Verde- diging | van het | Examineren en Promoveren | door de Coetus verrigt: | De Gronden aanwyzende waarap het gedaan is. | Door Johannes Leydt, | Predicant te Nieuw Brunswyck, &c. | . . . | . . . | | | | | | | | Ye Philadelphia. | By Hendrik Miller; in de Tweede-straat; | in 't tweede Huys van de Rees-straat; 1760. | 4640 1761. ADVERTISEMENT. | {Philadelphia: 1761.] 4to. 1 leaf. 4641 Dated " Phila., Jan. 29, 1761," and signed " Richard Peters and Richard Hock- ley." 11 All persons settled in the Proprietaries' Manor of Springton are to take notice that their plantations will be exposed at public vendue unless they come and agree with us, the Proprietaries' Agents, before May next." LUTHER. (M.) The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther. Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1761. 4642 WEATHERWISE. (A.) Mr. Weatherwise's | Pocket-Alma- nac, | (On an entire New Plan.) | For 1762. | Being the Second after Bissextile, | or Leap-Year. | Containing, | The Sun's Rising and Setting; the Ri- | sing, Setting and Southing of the | Planets; the Lunations, Conjuncti- | ons, Eclipses, Judgment of the | Weather; remarkable Days; High | Water at Philadelphia; ii.-59 466 ADDENDA. Quakers | Yearly Meetings, Fairs, Courts, | Roads, a Table of the Value and | Weight of Coins, &c. | By A. Weatherwise, Gent. | Printed and sold by W. Dunlap, | at the Newest Printing-Office, on | the South Side of the Jersey-Mar- | ket, Philadelphia. [1761.] 24mo. pp. (24). h. s. p. 4643 1762. I | 2lnmeifung | Dber | $or bie £eutfd)en | Um | @nglifd) ju lernen: | 2Bie eg vor neu=2lnfoinmenbe unb anbere | im Sanb gebofyrne £anb= unb - Sente, | toeld)e in bet @mglifd)en <5prad)e erfafyrene unb | geiibte (Sdjmlmeifter unb Pre; ceptores ermans | gelen, nor bag bequemfte erad)tet tvorben; | mit ifyrer gemblmlid)en Slrbeit unb | erlautert. | 9?ebft einer | Gram- matic, | $or biejenigen, | 2BeIcE>e in anbern (Spradjen unb beren | erfafyren finb. | Germanton. | Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1762. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (4), 287, (4). h. s. p. 4644 CATECHISMUS, | Ober j $urfcer Unterricbt | Ci;ri[tlid)er Sefyre, | 2Bie berfelbe in benen | 9?eformirten SHrcfjen unb (Sdjmlen | ®er | (Sl;ur= $urftlid)er $falb, | 2lucb anbermertg, getrieben mirb. | 9Jlit Beugniffen ber fyeitiger Scfyrift | ertlart unb beftatigt. | 'liacb Vorfyergegangener Col- lation mit ben alten | Sjentplarien. | Philadelphia. | Gedruckt bey Peter Miller und Comp. | M,D,CC,LXII. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Prelim- inary Matter, pp. 1-14 ; text, pp. 1-344. 4645 LEYDT. (J.) Ware | Vryheyt | tot | Vrede, | Verdedigd | Tegen de zo genoemde | Kortbondige Wederlegginge | der voor- gevende | Liefhebbers van Waarheyt en Vrede; aanwyzende | Dat zy de Tsamen voeginze van Waarheyt en Vrede | niet gelukkig ge- troffen, nog de Coetus Verga- | deringe, nog derzelver Authoriteyt om te Exa- | mineren en Promoveren gelijt hebben. | Door | Jo- hannes Leydt, | Predicant te Nieuw Brunswyk, &c. | | . | ... | ... | .... | Te Philadelphia. | Gedrukt by Hendrik Miller, in de Twede Straat. | MDCCLXII. | 4646 1763. THE | CHRISTIAN'S Duty, | To | Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar's, | Considered; | With Regard to the Pay- ment of the present | Tax of Sixty Thousand Pounds granted to 467 ADDENDA. | the King's Use. | In which all the Arguments for the Non-pay- | ment thereof are examined and refuted: | Addressed to the Scrupulous among the People | called Quakers. | By a Lover of his King and Country. | Philadelphia, Printed; Parthenopolis: \ Ephrata:] I Pe-printed by J. Georqe Zeisiqer, I MDCCLXHI. I 16mo. pp. 28. h. 4647 | @£9t£3@.£@ $urtjtoeilid)e ©eutfcfje; | Slmericanifdje | ®e= fd)id)t£ unb £au3 | Calenber, | 2luf ba§ | 9lad) ber ®nabenreid)en ©eburt unferS | £errn unb £et)lanbe!§ Sefu ©fyrifti | 1764. | (meld;e§ ein bon 366 Xagen ift) | Darinnen | Drbentlid) angejeiget ioerben bie 2Bod)en Sage, | ber Sag be§ | DJionatS, ber SontagS 23udy ftaben, famt ben ©bangelien, bie 91eue unb 2Ilte Beit be§ | 9konb§ SSiertel, ber ipicmeten £auf, unb mut(>maf3lid)e SBitterung, ber Sonnen 2tuf= unb Unter= | gang, ber $enu3 (be3 ■Jftorgen; unb 2lbenb=Stern£) 2luf= unb llntergang be§ 9konb§ | Btfd)en unb ®rab, beffen 2Xnf= unb Untergang, be3 7* ©eftirnS Slufgang, Sub unb | Untergang, (Midrung ber Beid)en, Slnjeigung ber 2lber-laf$ Saffel, @our= | ten. Batjrmardte ober $aren, 2Iuflaufung ber $lutfy (ober STeibe in | 2C.) einige £iftorie bon Biftigen 2BelLl)dnbel. | @inge= riditet auf ben 40ten Grab Slorber; | 33reite, fonberlid) | $or gknnfyh banien, bod) and) in ben angranjenben Banben olme fonberlidjen | Um terfcbeib ju gebraudjen. | Bam Cfyrftenmal f)erau§ gegeben. | T-Schesnuet- Huell: Gedruckt und zu haben bey N. Hasselbach. | Auch sind solche zu heben bey G. Christoph Peinhold, Buchbinder, in Philadelphia in | der Second-strasse, und bey A. Armbruester und bey den auswaertigen Kraemem. | Sm. 4to. pp. (40). 4648 A | HYMN-BOOK | for the | Children | Belonging to the Brethren's | Congregations. | Taken chiefly out of the German | Little Book. | In three Books. | . . . . | Philadelphia, | Printed [by Henry Miller] in the Year MDCCLXHI. | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. i-xxx; text (of the first book), 1-64. h. s. p. 4649 | £@<£91 - I ber | 23ruber=(3eineine | unb infonberljeit | ber | $inber | 2lu§ ben Sriefen ipauli | an bie ©emeinen | au§ ben £eiben | Btbetfle Sluflage, | jum (Bebraucf) | be3 3al;r£ | 1764. | . . . | . . . . | Gedruckt zu Philadelphia \bey Henrich Miller], 1763. | 8vo. pp. (48). h. s. p. 4650 468 ADDENDA. ©$S | £2l(B£$S.£S9? | Soofungen | ber | 23ruber:@emeine | fiir bag $a(;r | 1764. | Gedruckt zu Philadelphia [bey Henrich Miller], 1763. | 8vo. pp. (46); Register, pp. (9). h. s. p. 4651 A | WORD in season | To all protestants of all denominations throughout Great Britain, | Ireland, and America; | Or | Genuine Christianity and popish bigotry always the | same. | As exemplified in the late martyrdom and conduct of the Reverend | Mr. Rochette, and three Noblemen, who were executed with | him at Thoulouse in France, Feb. 19. 1762, on account of | their attachment to the protestant religion. | In | A letter, written the day after, by a Per- son who was an eye-witness | of the bloody transaction. | . . . | | | | | London printed, Philadelphia Reprinted | by Anthony Armbruster, in Race-street. [1763.] | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 2-7. h. s. p. 4652 1764. Sine luftige | | liber bie lefctgefdjefyene Unrufyen in $pf)ilabelbl;ia. | [Philadelphia : Henrich Miller. 1764.] 4to. 1 leaf. 4653 BARKLY. (Gilbert) A Representation to the Public, of Af- aires between Gilbert Barkly of Philadelphia, and John Hay of Quebec. Philadelphia: 1764. 4654 HAY. (John) Answers | to a | Printed Libel, | entitled | " A Representation to the Public, of Affaires | " between Gilbert Barkly of Philadelphia, and John | " Hay of Quebec." | [Philadel- phia:? 1764.] Folio, pp. (4). h. s. p. 4655 Dated "Quebec, 22d October, 1764." Probably printed and circulated in Phila- delphia. Sin fcfybn tueltlid) | I [Philadelphia: Anton Armbruester. 1764.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4656 1765. HILLIARD | Magna. | Being the Life and Adventures | of | Moll Placket-Hole. | With a prefatory Dialogue, and some moral | Reflections, on the Whole. | ... | ... | ... | .... | [Phila- delphia :~\ Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the Year 1765. | 8vo. pp. 7. h. s. p. 4657 ADDENDA. 469 | be§ (StaatSboten | 5Reujaf>r§ = $erfe, | feinen refp. | (Seefyrten | uberreicfyt | ber Iten Jenner, 1765. | [Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4658 [Cut.] A | NEW Song, j About Miss Ketty, leaving the Coun- try to the Tune | Derry down, down, down, Derry down. | [Phil- adelphia : Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Narrow folio, 1 leaf. 4659 THIS | POEM, | Humbly dedicated to Sir Q- C-o. at his Study over a | Pot of Charcole. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Arm- bruster. 1765.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 4660 A lampoon on Isaac Hunt. A | PROPHECY, | or a | Warning to all Sinners. | [Philadel- phia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Sm. Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4661 A | WO and A Warning, | or | The three cruel Mothers. | Chap. II. | [Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1765.] Narrow folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4662 1766. GOOD News for America. | To the Sons of Liberty. | [Phila- delphia: Anthony Armbruster. 1766.] Folio, 1 leaf. n. s. p. 4663 On the repeal of the Stamp Act. JOYFUL News for America, ] And the downfall of the Stamp- Act; | [Philadelphia: 1766.] Narrow folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4664 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has two copies of this song, at the end of one of which is : 11 Composed hy Thomas Plant, Poet from London." 1767. ®ie | ing SBaffer gefattene | | al§ | ber (Beift ber ©naben ober Selbft | Serlangnung unb be§ (BebdtS, | tvelcfie ber | Clifa | mieber fcfwimmenb macfjet | mil | einem abgefdjnittenen Steden ber neueren | unb befoeglifdjen | Slufrufyrungen | jur 2Iufraffung | ttrieber auf§ nene in SBalbe fo mender [ fcfybnen 3eu9; niffen ba§ geiftlicfye | Sautjolj nad; 91ortfyburft | ju fatten | um eine | gbttlicbe SBofmung in feliger | 2lbgefcfriebenfeit auffertigen 311 laffen. | gedruckt 1767. | 16mo. 4665 Collation : Die Holtz-fallende Axt, pp. 56; Vergleichlicher Beschluss zum Geistl. Liebes-Zwang, pp. 57-87; Chamberlain's Errinnerung an die Englische Nation, 470 ADDENDA. pp. 88-114; and Die alles selig neu und herrlich nachrende Stimme Gottes, pp 115- 124. The Rev. Joseph Henry Dubbs, D.D., of Lancaster, to whom I am indebted for this title, says, " The place of publication is not mentioned, but it is evidently American." MATHER. (C.) The Everlasting Gospel. The Gospel of Jus- tification by the Righteousness of God, as it is held and preached in the Churches of New England. Expressed in a brief Discourse on that important Article ; made at Boston in the Year 1699. By Cotton Mather. The Second Edition. Philadelphia: 1767. 18mo. Title from Sabin's Dictionary, 46,310. £>$(5 | | fieofungen | ber | Gruber = (Semeine | fur ba§ I 1768. | Philadelphia, Gedruckt [bey Henrich Miller} im Jahr 1767. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. (42). h. s. p. 4667 1769. [GILBERT. (Benjamin.)] A Discourse shewing that there can be no Salvation to the Soul who doth not know a Being made perfect in this Life. Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1769. 4668 1770. ADVERTISEMENT. Philadelphia: 1770. 4669 In doggerel verse, by Louis Fay, perruquier, etc., dated "Nov. 1770." Sabin, No. 23,941. ARTICLES | Agreed upon by those Members of the Unitas | Fratrum whose Names are hereunto subscribed, | making Pro- vision for the Support of their | Widows. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1770.] Folio, pp. 8. h. s. p. 4670 In English and German in parallel columns. 1771. AN | EPISTLE | from our | Yearly-Meeting, | Held in Lon- don, by Adjournments, | from the 20th of the Fifth Month, 1771, | to the 25th of the same, inclusive. | [Philadelphia: 1771.] Folio, pp. 3. l. c. p. 4671 RULES | of the | Brotherly Association | for the | Support of ADDENDA. 471 Widows. | [Philadelphia: Henry Miller. 1771 ?] 8vo. Half title, 1 leaf; pp. 8, 2. h. s. p. 4672 A reprint of the rules of an English Moravian charitable society. 1773. [RUSH. (Benjamin)] An | Address | to | The Inhabitants | of the | British Settlements | in | America, | upon | Slave-Keep- ing. | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap in Market- | street. M.DCC.LXXin. | 8vo. pp. (2), 30. 4673 SHEWEN. (W[illiam]) Counsel | to the | Christian-Traveller: | Also, | Meditations and Experiences | made public, | As a Tes- timony to the right Way of | God, revealed and made known in this the Day | of his glorious Appearing in his People; that | they may be encouraged to walk therein to the | End thereof. | The Fifth Edition, Revis'd and Corrected. | To which is Added, | A Treatise concerning Thoughts and Imaginations, Good and | Evil; also, a few Words concerning the Life of a Christian, | and Chris- tian Worship. | By W. Shewen. | ... | ... | .... | Dublin, Printed; And, | Lancaster, Be-printed by Francis Bailey \for Caleb Johnson. | MDCCLXXIII. | 8vo. pp. xv, 95. h. s. p. 4674 1774. AT a Meeting at the Philosophical Society's Hall on Friday, June 10th, and then by Adjournment on Satur- | day, of the Com- mittee and a Humber of respectable Inhabitants called in from all Societies in Town, to | devise, consult, and deliberate upon Prop- ositions, to be laid before the General Meeting of the Inhabitants. | The following Propositions were unanimously agreed on. | [Philadelphia: 1774.] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4675 CHAMBERLAIN. (T.) 9lad)brudlid)e | = Stimme | unb | von | an alle bofjljafte Siinber auf ©rben; | Dber Syomas | £efcte £eid)en 9iebe | tbeld)e er nur einen 2lugenblid bor feinen | Cube, jur aUgemeinen Crbauung, bor | einer boiler (Bemeine abgelegt. | Sammt: | Ciner befonberen 9lad)rid)t berfcfyiebener mers | iourbiger Singe, welcfje feine ©hrtourber Slurs | bon feinen 2lbfd;ieb au3 biefer 28elt in einem | ©efidjt gefeljen, beffen eigentlid;e Sluflbfung 472 ADDENDA. | i(;m ebenfalte tourbe. | Bweite Sluflage. | 2lu3 bcm ©nglifdjen in3 | Germantown, gedruckt von Christoph Saur, jun. 1774. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 22. 4676 I am indebted to the Rev. Jos. Henry Dubbs, D.D., of Lancaster, for this title. [DODSLEY. (Robert)] The | Chronicle | of the | Kings of England, | from the Reign of | William the Conqueror, | First King of England, | down to | His present Majesty George III. | Containing a true History of their | Lives, and the Character which | they severally sustained, whe- | ther in Church or State, in | the Field, or in private | Life. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Robert Bell | and Benjamin Towne. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 119. h. s. p. 4677 [KELLY. (Hugh)] The | School for Wives: | A | Comedy. | As it is performed at the | Theatre-Royal | in | Drury-Lane. | The Sixth Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and Sold by John Dunlap, | in Market-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 16mo. pp. 101. h. s. p. 4678 LUTHER. (M.) ®er Heine be§ fel. £)r. Qftarttn £utl)er£. Philadelphia: Henrich Miller. 1774. 4679 1775. COMMITTEE, | For the City of Philadelphia and Northern Liberties, to be and continue until the 16th | day of February A.D. 1776, and no longer. | [Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford, 1775. Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4680 An election ticket. There are several others of the same period in the DuSmitiere Broadsides belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, June 7, 1775. | [Philadelphia: 1775.] 4to. 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4681 Proceedings of the Philadelphia Committee concerning Capt. Torrance and Blair McClenaghan, who were suspected of importing and selling Irish linen. 1776. DISCOURS de son Excellence Monsieur Jean Hancock, Presi- dent du Congres de Philadelphie. A Philadelphie: MDCCLXXVI. 8vo. pp. 32. 4682 " A rare and curious satirical brochure." Sabin, No. 30,176. ADDENDA. 473 FOSTER. (AV.) True Fortitude delineated. | A | Sermon, | Preached at Fags Manor, | to | Captain Taylor's Company | of | Recruits, | on the | Lord's Day, February 18th, 1776, | (And now published by Request) | By the | Rev. William Foster, A.M. | . . . | . . . . | Philadelphia: | Printed by John Dunlap, in Market- Street. | M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo. pp. 24. l. c. p. 4683 ©3® Sibel. Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1776. 24mo. pp. (24), 463, (21 +). h. s. p. 4684 PHILADELPHIA, May 20. I [Philadelphia: 1776.1 Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 4685 Proceedings of a public meeting in favor of Independence. 1777. EXTRACT uit de Dag-Registers van het Noord-Amerikaansche Congres, Betrekkelyk tot het neemen en verbeurdverklaaren van Scheeps-Pryzen en het uitrusten van Kaapers; benerens de Or- donnantien en Schikkingen der Zee-Vwot, ende Instruction voor de Bevelhebbers der Particuliere Oorlogschepen. Philadelphia: 1777. 8vo. pp. 48. 4686 This title is No. 23,510 of Sabin's Dictionary, in which it also again appears as No. 55,429, with 1775 instead of 1777 as the date of publication. It is a translation of No. 3362, supra. 1779. APOLOGUE des Franc-Magons, par le Frere **** Membre de la Loge ** Ecossaise de P *. A Philadelphie, I'an 5651. [1779.] 12mo. pp. (8), 119. 4687 BRACKENRIDGE. (II. M.) Cine | fiobrebe | auf biejenigen | tapfern banner, | tvelcfye | in bem Streit | mit | ®rof§;33rittannien | gefallen: | ©efyalten am SJtontag ben 5ten Snip, 1779. | $or | einer jal)[reid)en unb anfefynlicfyen $erfatnmlung bon | Wirgern unb 2Iu3ldnbern, in ber ®eutfd)en | 'ftefornrirten $ird)e gu | $on 2R. SBradenribge, A.M. | | | . | Philadelphia, | Gedruckt bey Steiner und Cist, in der Zweyten-strasse, | zwischen der Rees- und Wein-strasse. [1779.] | 16mo. pp. 24. 4688 ii.-60 474 ADDENDA. 1780. L'AM£RIQUJADE. Poeme. A Philadelphie. [Amsterda7n?'\ 1780. 8vo. pp. 22. 4689 LETTERS | on | Appreciation. | [Philadelphia: Thomas Brad- ford. 1780.] 8vo. pp. 20. h. s* p. 4690 1781. | aux Anglois, | ou | Observations | d'un niembre | des feats Unis de 1'Amerique, | a divers ministres d'An- gleterre, | Traduit par M. D. B * * *. | A Philadelphie. [ Paris ?] M.DCC.LXXXI. | 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Errata, 1 leaf; pp. 108. [MAGAW. (Samuel)] A | Sermon, | Preached in Christ- Church, Dover; | before | the | General Communication | of | Free and Accepted | Masons | of the | Delaware State: | On Wed- nesday, December 27th, 1780. | Being the | Anniversary | of | St. John the Evangelist. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David C. Claypoole. | M.DCC.LXXXI. | 8vo. pp. 16. h. s. p. 4692 1782. THE | EPISTLE | from the | Yearly-Meeting, | in | London, ] Held by Adjournments, from the 20th of the Fifth Month 1782, | to the 25th of the same, inclusive. | To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great- | Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. | [Philadelphia: 1782.] Folio, pp. 4. l. c. p. 4693 LUTHER. (M.) ©er Heine CatcdHgnnig beg fel. ©r. Martin £utl;erg. Philadelphia: Melchior Steiner. 1782. 4694 SOUTH CAROLINA. Acts Passed at a General Assembly Begun and Holden at Jacksonsburg, in the State of South Caro- lina, on the 8th of January, 1782, continued to the 26th day of February of the same Year. Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. 1782. Folio. 4695 1783. [BENEZET. (Anthony)] $8ranntetoein | unb | SSerberben. | [Phila- delphia: Carl Cist. 1783.] 12mo. pp. 22. h. s. p. 4696 475 ADDENDA. ESQUISSE | Interessant | du Tableau fidele des causes qui out occasione | les revolutions actuelles de 1'Amerique sep- | tentrion- ale, ornee d'Anecdotes historiques & | politiques sur la naissance de la R6publique | des treize Provinces- | Unies de 1'Amerique, | centre le Roi d'Angleterre, avec da demons- | tration des objets interessants qui regardent | chaque etat des Provinces-Unies, telle qu'elle | se trouve fixee par la traits fait a Versailles | entre les Puissances belligerantes & ses Al- | lies, le 20 Janvier, 1783. | Revu & corrige a Versailles. | A Philadelphie. MDCCLXXXHI. j 8vo. pp. 124. 4697 For this, as well as numerous other titles in this volume, I am indebted to Mr. "William C. Lane, of Harvard College Library. PHILADELPHIA, August -1783. | [Philadelphia: 1783.] Sm. Folio, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 4698 Circular Lettei' from the Whig Committee, on the election. RECKETT, (W.) and J. GOUGH. Some | Account | of the | Life and Gospel Labours, | of | William Reckett, | Late of Lin- colnshire in Great-Britain. | Also, | Memoirs | of the | Life, Re- ligious Experiences, | and | Gospel Labours, | of | James Gough, | Late of Dublin, deceased. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, | in Market-street, between Second | and Third- streets. 1783. | 12mo. h. s. p. 4699 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Life of Reckett, pp. 1-164 ; Memoirs of Gough, pp. i.- xxiv., 1-182 (2). The special title-pages are as follows : Some | Account | of the | Life | and | Gospel Labours | of | William Reckett. | London, Printed: | Philadel- phia: Re-printed | By Joseph Crukshank, in Market- | street, between Second and Third streets. 1783. | Memoirs | of the | Life, | Religious Experiences, | and | Labours in the Gospel, | of | James Gough, | Late of the City of Dublin, deceased. | Compiled from his original Manuscripts, by his | Brother John Gough. | Dublin, printed in 1782. ] Philadelphia: Re-printed | By Joseph Crukshank, | | . 1783. | REMARKABLE Particulars in the Life of the Rev. John Newton. Philadelphia: 1783. 4700 Title from the Catalogue of the Loganian Library. The volume of pamphlets, of which this was one, cannot now be found. CORRIGENDA. ANNO Regni | Georgii | Regis. | Magnee Britannia, Francia & Hibernia | Novo. | At a Sessions of the General Assembly for the Pro- | vince of New-Jersey begun the Five and twentieth Day of | May, 1725. and continued to the 23th of August follow- ing, | at which time the following Acts were passed and Pub- | lished. | [Royal Arms.] | Printed and sold by William Bradford in New- York and by | Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia, 1725. | Folio, pp. 24. n. y. h. s. 257 EVANS. (D.) The | Minister of Christ, | and the | Duties of his Flock; | As it was Delivered in a | Sermon | At Abington in Pensilvania, | December 30. 1731. | At the Ordination of | Mr. Richard Treat | To the Gospel Ministry there. | With an Ap- pendix of the Questions then pub- | lickly proposed, and the Charges given. | Published at the Request of some of the Au- ditory. | By David Evans, Minister at Tredyffren. | . . . | . . . | | | | Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Franklin, 1732. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 108. 438 VOTES &c. of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia, October 14, 1733. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1734. Folio, pp. 61. h. s. p. 495 [ROWE. (Eliza)] The | History | of | Joseph. | A | Poem. | In Ten Books. | By a Female Hand. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, 1739. | 16mo. pp. 63. 605 476 477 CORRIGENDA. TENNENT. (G.) The | Danger | of | An Unconverted | Min- istry. | Considered in a | Sermon | On Mark vi. 34. | Preached at Nottingham, in Pennsylvania, | March 8. Anno 1739-40. | By Gilbert Tennent, A.M. | And Minister of the Gospel in New- Brunswick, | New-Jersey. | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | Philadelphia: | Printed by Benjamin Franklin, | In Market-street, 1740. | 16mo. pp. 31. 661 LAW. (W.) The | Grounds and Reasons | of | Christian Re- generation, | or, the | New-Birth. | Offer'd to the Consideration of | Christians and Deists. | By William Law, M.A. | London, Printed. | Philadelphia Reprinted, by Andrew | Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible, in | Front-Street, MDCCXLI. | 16mo. Title, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. (3); text, pp. 1-95. h. s. p. 710 ANTES. (Henrich) 33efanntmad)ung. | [Germantown: Christoph Saur. 1742.] 4to. 1 leaf. h. s. p. 744 EDWARDS. (J.) The | Distinguishing Marks | Of a Work of the | Spirit of God. | Applied to that Uncommon Operation that | has lately appeared on the Minds of many of | the People of this Land: | With a particular Consideration of the extraordi- nary | Circumstances with which this Work is attended. | A Dis- course | Delivered at New-Haven, September 10th, 1741. | Being the Day after the Commencement; | And now published at the earnest Desire of many | Ministers and other Gentlemen that heard it; with | great Enlargements. | By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. | Pastor of the Church of Christ at Northampton. | With a Preface by the Rev. Mr. Cooper of Boston. | . . '. | . . . | . . . . Boston, Printed: | Philadelphia, Be-printed and Sold by Benjamin | Franklin, in Market-Street, 1742. | Sm. 8vo. pp. i-xvi, 1-84. 760 | Sieber | sBon | $ett)lef)em, | $um Gebraud) | $or atte3 ma3 arm iff | 2Ba§ flein unb gering iff. | Germantown, gedruckt hey Chris- toph Saur. 1742. | 24mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-128; Register, pp. (10). 765 BECHTEL. (J.) En kort | Catechismus | For ndgra | Jesu Foersamlingar | Utaf then | Reformerta Religionen | Uti Penn- 478 CORRIGENDA. sylvania, | Som halla sig til tliet Berniska Synodo; | Hwilket ar | Enligit med Larone uti then | MaehriskaKyrkian. | Forst utgifwen i thet Tyska Spraket | Af Johanne Bechtel, | Guds Ords Tienare. | Philadelphia : | Tryckt hos Benjamin Franklin, | Aohr 1743. | Sm. 12mo. pp. 35. h. s. p. 803 GILLESPY. (G.) Remarks | upon | Mr. George Whitefield, | proving | Him a Man under Delusion. | . . . | . . . | . . . | | ... | .... | By George Gillespy, | Minister of the Gospel, in the County of | New-Castle, in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed by B. Franklin, for the Author. 1744. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 24. h. s. p. 880 ®UGB®G91(S | Slepffel | $n | (Silbern (Sdjalen | Dber : | (Scfydne unb nufclicfye | SBorte unb 2BafyrIieiten | $ur ©ottfeligfeit. | Gntfyalten | 3n (Sieben | bie in biefent jufamen geftellet finb; | Diemlid;, $n: | (1) 9JMcf>aet Sattlerg u. Slcten; (2) £fyo= | ma von $mbroid)g 93efantnufj unb Sriefen; (3) <Sufan= | na von £eftament unb 33rief; (4) Dkattlna Gervag | unb Sonrab 9tod;g Senb= Sriefen ; (iveld;e atte aug ben | ©efangnuffen gefcfyrieben.) (5) ■fteunjefyen ©laubeng- | Dlrticulen; (6) Gfyriftlicfyen ®ebetl;en, famt $urfteUung | beg (Bebetfyg eineg ©otttofen unb $rommen; (7) Gi= | nem Unterridjt von Singen bet Gtjriften. | Dlebft angefyangten SSorreben, | unb einem jiveV; fatten | Ephrata, im Jahr des Heils, 1745. | 16mo. pp. (8), 519, (14). h. s. p. 932 There were two title-pages printed for this volume. The copies most frequently met with contain but one of them ; occasionally a copy is found with both. | Unterricfyt | 23on ber | Ginfammlung beg 2Billeng ber | Seelen burcb bie [title ®ebdtg= | 2lnbad)t in bie ©egeiv | ivnrt ©otteg, | ang £id)t gegeben | aug Biebe ju alien (Seelen, ivelcfie | gen iverben Von bent verborgenen | Magneten bet Biebe | ©otteg, | Von einem ©dpiler | ber in ®ott verborgenen | ®ebdtg=2Inbad;t | Germanton gedruckt [bey Christoph im Jahr, 1746. | 24mo. pp. 131. h. s. p. 995 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representa- tives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Met at Philadelphia, on CORRIGENDA. 479 the Fourteenth of October, | Anno Dom. 1745, and continued by Adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- | Office near the Market, M,DOC,XLVI. | Folio, pp. 59. h. s. p. 996 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, | Anno Dom. 1746, and continued by Adjournments. | [Penn vims.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- | Office near the Market, M,DCC,XLVII. | Folio, pp. 36, 1 leaf. h. s. p. 1043 BOEHM. (J. P.) ©er 9?eformierten Stirdj>ert | in | $ird)en=£)rbnungz | SSetcbe | im 3abr 1725. von D. Joann Philipp Bohm, ba= | mafylg Von ben berfainmelten ©liebern her Sieformierten $ird>en einfyeUig erwatilten | aufgefteUet, unb bor ber SRcnge ber ©Heber borgelefen, ioeld;e alle ©Heber vor | unb gut geljalten, unb and; toiUig angenomtnen fyaben. Siad; 6riodl;lung | ber noting ge= adrten Slelteften aber unb mit gefammtlicben Static berfelben | Sin bie | SBofylebrlinirbige unb | Herren, | ©er <£)od)=(Sln> ttmrbigen Classe bon Amsterdam | Correspondirenbe | Gualterus Du Bois, unb Henricus Boel | ju Sieu=3)ordz | unb | Vincentius Antonides bon Sangen ©planb | jur Censur ubergeben. | SBeldje | ©iefelbe an gebadjrte Classe bon Am- | ster= dam iiberfdiidt, bon biefer SSerfamnilung bor gut unb | ftifftHd; erfennet unb erlaubt. Unb barauf and) bet; benen aufgerid;teten ©etneinben feft gefteh | let ioorben. Unb ttnirben big £>ief>er berfdnebene unter biefe Drbnung fid; submittirte Sle- | formierte ©emeinben in gutem $rieben regieret. | SBeilcn aber | ®a§ bon benen unb (Sl;riftlid;en (Stynoben bon <5ub- unb Slurbs | £oUanb bertvidigte Coetus ber Reform, in Pennsylvanien, ben 28 Sept. | bi£ 1748ften 3al;r§ in Philadelphia feinen unb jdl;rlid;en Sip gel;altenz unb biefe | Sfynte befannt gemadrte $irdj)ens£)rbnung bor niiplid; unb lieplfain angemerdet, fo t>at | biefeg @. Coetus einftimmig befdjoffen, biefelbe ju eine§ jeben ©liebeg ber -iReformier; | ten $irdjen Sladjridjt bffentlid) ini ©rud ju befbrbern; loeld;eg ju be= | tverdfteUigen bag gantje Cliriourbige Coetus iiberlaffen, an | D. Johann 480 CORRIGENDA. Philipp Bohm, jum $alcfner = SdBvam, Providenz | unb Witpen, p. t. Coetus Prfeses. | Philadelphia, gedruckt bey Gotthard Armbriester, wohnhafft in der Arch-strasse, 1748. | Sq. 8vo. pp. (8), 1-14. h. s. p. 1049 MYSTISCHER | baS ift ein nor ber alten Blatur unb 93er= | nunfft unb ©igenfyeit verborgener | <5eelen = Spiegel, | SBoritmen ein Von (Bott | ergriffeneS unb erleudjteteS | (Bemiitl) fan, | ivaS bie Seele beS Bftenfdjen im 2lbfall | Von (Bott nor eine £ebenS - (Beftalt | befommen; | Unb tvaS bie Seele im 2lnfang ibjrer Seuen; | (Beburt auS ber gbttlicben Blatur in ifyren | SufpUebung erlanget, nelnnlid), emen | (Siffrigen @rnft | burd; bie erften Slnjiinbungen ber $euer;(Beftal; | ten beS imvenbigen $euer=@ifferigen | gers uadi (Bott; meldfeS aber nod; | nidft bie fanffte gbttlidfe fiidftS; | (Beburt ift. | Unb foie nidit anberft, als im bemutfyigen | ©rfinden beS 2BillenS in (Bottom | SBiHen erft bie £idj>tS=(Beburt er; | erbofyren tvirb, | Dime ioeldje (Beftalt bie Seele nid;t fan ju | (Bott in fein £id}t;9teid) jur 9iul;e eingefyen. | (Be= fdjrieben auS SrfantnuS unb ©rfafyrung. | Germanton gedruckt bey Chris- toph Saur, | 1748. | 16mo. pp. 62. h. s. p. 1067 LISCHY. (J.) . $acob £ifdH;3 | Oieformirten | givetyte | declaration | Seines SinneS, | an feine | 9leformirte Religions- (Benoffen | in | ipenfylvanien. | 2Iuf SBegefyren guter $reunbe fyerauS gegeben. | Germanton, gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1748. | Sq. 8vo. pp. 20. h. s. p. 1082 | unb Sinfaltige | 2lntveifung | 2Sie folcfje (But; | ioillige ©eelen 511 | verljalten l;aben, | melcbe | dlieils von ben groben 2Belt;(Beiftem | unb £od;3Sbgeln jum | dlieilS | Son benen Unlautern Seelen=2Bcrbern | unb BlebemSuldern unter guten ® di ein | ju ifyrer Bladifolge gereifcet, gelocfet, an; | gefoditen unb iibertauffen tver; ben. | dargelegt | 3ur Sermaljrung, unb | SBarnung Von @inem | durd; Sdjjaben (Bemutlj. | | | | | . | .... | Germanton gedruckt bey Christoph Sauer | 1749. | 16mo. pp. 40. h. s. p. 1162 VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Met at Philadelphia, on the CORRIGENDA. 481 Fourteenth of October, | Ann Dom. 1748, and continued by Adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New | Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCXLIX. | Folio, pp. 57, (1). h. s. p. 1164 CLARKE. (R.) The | Prophetic Numbers | of | Daniel and John | calculated; | In order to shew the Time, | when the | Day of Judgement | for | This First Age of the Gospel, is to be ex- pected: And the Setting up the | Millennial Kingdom | of | Je- hovah and his Christ. | By Richard Clarke, | Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. | The Third Edition, with Additions. | | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Wm. Bradford, at the Corner of | Front and Market-Streets, M,DCC,LIX. | 8vo. pp. 24. 1623 | | Von | 2Karia le | unb | Barbara fieininger, | SBetcfje Viertfyalb $af)r unter ben | bianern gefangen geivefen, unb am 6ten SDtap | in biefer Stabt glutflid) angefommen. | Slug intern eignen 9)lunbe niebergefcfyrieben unb | jum ©rucf beforbert. | Philadelphia gedruckt and zu haben in der teut- | schen Buchdruckerey das Stueck vor 6 Pentz. | M,DCCLIX. | 8vo. pp. 14. h. s. p. 1626 M. TOBIAS WAGNERS | 2Xbfcbiebg=Diebe | an feine £utf>erifdj>e | (Semeinben in Penn- | sylvanien | SBelcfye er ju unterfcfyieblicfyen I alg alle 14. £ag ober 4. | 28od)en bebienet; vornefmilicf) in | 1. Slicfymonb Von 1743. big 1759. | 2. Slugcombaner von 1749. big 1759. | 3. SBinbfor Von 1758. big 1759. | 4. Garltottm Von 1749. big 1755. I 5. Sancafter Von 1751. big 1753. | 6. Sent Von 1745. big 1750. 7. ©ulvefyafin von 1743. big 1746. | 8. Slllemdngel Von 1749. big 1754. | 9. ©er $ird)e von 1744. big 1746. | 10. greunbg $ird)e von 1744. big 1746. | 11. Von 1744. big 1746. | 12. (Slfafc Von 1748. big 1752. | 13. Oteabing etlid)e mal angenommen, etlicfye | malabge= bancft. | Ephratce Typis Societatis | MDCCLIX. | Sm. 8vo. pp. 39. h. s. p. 1651 MARTIN. (Jacob) | ©ineg SBriefg ober eine Slnttvort auf bie $ra9e: I afle •JHenfcfyen bie jur Seelirfifeit gelaugen, ing intvenbige £eben miiffen | berfejt iverben? | [Ephrata: 1760?] Folio, 1 leaf. l. c. p. 1685 ii.-61 482 CORRIGENDA. VOTES | and | Proceedings | of the | House of Representatives | of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Met at Philadelphia, on the Fifteenth of October, Anno | Domini 1759, and continued by Adjournments. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New-Printing-Office, | near the Market. MDCCLX. | Folio, pp. 58. h. s. p. 1705 ABEL. (T.) Subtensial Plain | Trigonometry, | Wrought with a | Sliding-Rule, | With | Gunter's Lines: | And also | Arith- metically, | In a very concise Manner. | And this Method apply'd to Navigation, | and Surveying. | To which is added, | I. Men- suration of Masons Work. | II. A Solution of Rota, or Aristotle's Wheel. | III. A brief Discourse upon Gravity. | By Thomas Abel, | Of Bourn in Lincolnshire, Old England. | Philadelphia: Printed and Sold for | the Author, by Andrew Steuart, 1761. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; To the Reader, and Contents, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-86; 7 plates. h. s. p. 1709 LAMPE. (F. A.) D. Fried. Adolph Lampens | $n feinem Seben erftgetvefenen £l;eologia | forte ju Utrecfyt, nadifycr abet 511 | unb fefyr geiftreidjen ©iencrS be§ gbttlicben | 2Borte§ in ber Seformirten :c. | 9Rit fyofyem Staaten 5primlegio. | Bn erft an ba§ Bicfyt gcfonuncne, unb in ber pollan; | bifd)= unb Scbulcn ein= gefi'djrte, | Crfte | 28a()rbeite;9)lild), | $iir Sduglinge am 2Htar unb Ser; ftanb. | (©ber furfcgefajjte ®runb=£efyren be§ 9?e= | formirten Gbriftcn; tfyunte.) | 2Iuf3 nene nadjgefefjen, von einigen bundelfcfyei; | nenben gef&ubert, and; in etmaS | vermefyrt unb mit ber Sorrebe be§ $£rebiger£ bet) | ber ©emeine 311 3ln= | iueil in | Dr. THdmel Stapled, | unter Sortviffen be3 ©fyrftmrb. | fd;en (Sbtu3z | Bum ©rud befbrbcrt, unb verlegt Von | | Philadelphia, G-edruckt bey Anton Armbrue- | ster, in Moraevien-Ally. 1762. | Sm. 8vo. Title, 1 leaf; Texts, 1 folded leaf; Vorrede und Notes, pp. (4); text, pp. 1-40. 1823 AGUECIIEEK. (A.) The Universal American | Almanack, | or Yearly | Magazine. | | | | For the Year of our CORRIGENDA. 483 Lord 1764; | | | | | Being Bissextile, or Leap- Year. | [20 lines.] | By Andrew Aguecheek, Philom. | Philadel- phia : Printed by Andrew Steuart, at the | Bible-in-Heart, in Second- street. [1763.] | Sm. 8vo. pp. (40). l. c. p. 1867 AN | AUTHENTICK Account | of the | Proceedings | against | John Wilkes, Esq; | Member of Parliament for Aylesbury, | And late | Colonel of the Buckinghamshire Militia. | Containing | All the Papers relative to this interesting Affair, from that Gen- | tieman's being taken into Custody by his Majesty's Messengers, | to his Discharge at the Court of Common Pleas. | With | An Abstract of that precious Jewel of an Englishman, | The Habeas Corpus Act. | Also | The North Briton, No. 45. | Being the Paper for which Mr. Wilkes was sent to the Tower. | Addressed to all Lovers of Liberty. | London, Printed. | Philadelphia, Re-Printed: And to be Sold | by W. Dunlap, in Market-Street, M,DCC,LXIII. | 8vo. pp. 48. h. s. p. 1872 [GRUB13. (Bernard Adam)] Dellawserisches | Gesang-Biich- lein. | [Near Bethlehem: J. Brandmueller. 1763.] | Sm. 8vo. 1897 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has recently acquired the first eight pages of a copy of this curious work. HARKER. (S.) An | Appeal | from the | Synod | of | New- York and Philadelphia, | to the | Christian World, | relating to the Censure and Sentence of the | said Synod, in their last Ses- sion at Phila- | delphia, against the Rev. Mr. Samuel | Harker, Pastor of the Church at Black- | River, in East-Jersey. | Written by himself. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by William Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXIH. | 8vo. pp. 40. m. 1899 TUNES | in | Three Parts, | For the several Metres of Dr. Watts's | Version of the Psalms ; Some of which | Tunes are new. | Price One Shilling and 6 d. stitch'd. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in | Moravian Alley, 1763. | 12mo. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-43, (1). h. s. p. 1930 Sftercfivurbige | | betreffenbe bie beg | ©overmnentg. | an bie beutfd)e | ©infoofyner | ber 484 CORRIGENDA. | Philadelphia, gedruckt bey Anton Armbruester in der Aert- | Strasse, 1764. | Sm. 4to. pp. 4. h. s. p. 1986 COLMAN. (G.) The | Man of Business, | a | Comedy. | As it is acted at the | Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. | By George Colman. | . . . . | The Third Edition. | Philadelphia: | Re-printed and sold by John Dunlap, | in Market-street. | MDCCLXXIV. | 12mo. pp. 82. h. s. p. 2993 ©GDI ($0373 93erbefferte | 91orb Oericanifdie | Galenber, | 3)e§ | 1778[ten 3al;re§ ©fyrifti, | ift | ©affelbe ein gemein $al)r non 365 £agen, | Unb enttjaelt | ®ie SBodjem 9?amen; $et>er unb anbere bem £anb= | man ju toiffen nufclicfye unb merfmurbige £age. | 2Bie and; | ®er (Sonnen unb be§ 3Jionb§ 2luf= unb untergang; bie 2If!pec= ten ber gUaneten 2In= | geige ber SBitterung, ber $lutfy ober be3 fyofyen 2Saffer§ ju | unb SiebengeftirnS 2lufgang (Subplafc unb Untergang. | $eredmet vornemlid; nad) ber gkunftylvanifcfjen §immel§= ($egenb, babety aber | in angrenjenben £anbfd)aften otme merflidjen unter- ju gebraudjen: | ©iefem finb nod; betjgefiiget einige angenefyme, unb lefyreidje Srjetdungen, famt anberen | Salenber 2lrbeiten. | Bum ©ritten mat fyerauSgegeben unb oerfertiget von ©ottlieb $immete= 53etvunberer. | Lancaster, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Franz Bailey in der Koenigs-strasse. | Auch koennen die auswaertigen Kraemer damit bedient werden bey den Herrn George Reynold, in Phil- | adelphia; A. Witman und A. Schlaegel, in Reading; Caspar Schnebely, in Lebanon ; Georg | und Johann Kean, in York-taun; Nicholas Reidenaur, in Baltimore, und andern. [1777.] | Sm. 4to. pp. (44). h. s. p. 3633 Page xi., line 10, for 1714 read 1744. Page xiii., line 24, for Coffart read Cossart. No. 175, for 1725 read 1722. No. 253, for Memoral read Memorial. No. 375, for Parry read Perry. No. 714, note,/or Ansonius read Ausonius. No. 723 should be omitted, as, upon examination of the copy in the Philadelphia 485 CORRIGENDA. Library (in whose printed catalogue it is said to have been printed in Philadelphia), it proves to be a fragment of a volume of sermons printed by J. P. Zenger in New York. No. 763 was not written by Gruber. No. 790, after Pennsylvania add Journal. No. 824, for Gueldins read Gueldin. No. 828, for Schrfftimaessiges read Schrifftmaessiges. No. 838, for pp. 66 read pp. 61. No. 916, for Biessel read Beissel. No. 918 should be omitted, as it is only a variation of No. 600. No. 957, add pp. 54. No. 1013, Collation : With a slip between pp. 4 and 5, containing three additional verses to the 5th Hymn, and between pp. 44 and 45, one leaf containing " Der 80. Psalm." No. 1100, for aufgeseszt read aufgesetzt. No. 1111, for pp. (10). read Title, 1 leaf; To the Honourable, &c., 1 leaf; pp. 1-10. No. 1165, for 1747 read 1749. No. 1174, for Salignae read Salignac. Nos. 1187, 1225, 1266, 1312, 1482, for Moore read More. Nos. 1199 and 1221, for Thompson read Thomson. No. 1219, the German paper referred to by Prof. Seidensticker in his bibliography is not that of 1751, and therefore no exception should have been taken to the title given by him. Nos. 1222, 1471, 1901, 3886, 4202, for Deutch read Deutsch. No. 1231, before Oder insert Anweisung. No. 1243, for Zubley read Zubly. No. 1251, for 233 read 223. No. 1262, note, for Beardley read Beardsley. No. 1287, for Allens read Allen. No. 1372, for Mages read Magens. No. 1416, for (62) read (61). No. 1491, for Patterns read Paternus. No. 1582, note, for Moon read Moore. No. 1688, for Eingericteter read Eingerichteter. No. 1726 was written by the Rev. Hugh Neill. No. 1744, for Lyttleton read Lyttelton. No. 1771, for pp. 17 read pp. 27. No. 1804, for Frantz read Francke. No. 1859, for [1765.] read [1762.]. No. 1873, for Baiba read Barba. No. 1890 was written by Francis Hopkinson. No. 1897, for (J. A.) read (B. A.). No. 1925 was written by S. How. No. 1926, for School read Schools. No. 1930, note, for 1764 read 2079. No. 2010, for Lantzley read Cantzley. No. 2016, for [Henrich Miller] read Anton Ambruester. 486 CORRIGENDA. No. 2021, for Americanisher read Americanischer. No. 2085, for ehmaligen read ehemaligen. No. 2123, for Auterricht read Unterricht. Nos. 2149, 2466, 2795, 3583, for zuverlaszige read zuverlaeszige. No. 2278, for Bcricht read Bericht. No. 2788, for Litder read Lieder. No. 2801, for Helbstniord read Selbstmord. No. 2853, for David read Robert. No. 3026 was written by Alexander Mack, and not by E. L. Gruber. No. 3670, for fur read fuer. No. 3911, for Reugestellte read Neugestellte. No. 3924, for MDCCLXXVIX. read MDCCLXXIX. No. 4110, for Empsindungen read Empfindungen. No. 4218, for Neujahns read Neujahrs. No. 4269, for Ainenicanischer read Americanischer. No. 4274, for direrses read diverses. No. 4598, for Kuntze read Kurtze. No. 4621, for Eckelin read Eckerlin. INDEX. The titles printed in these volumes are indexed under the names of the authors, when such names are given. Anonymous works are indexed under the first words of their titles. References are made to the numbers given to the titles in the regular order in which they appear, and not to the pages on which they are described. Almanacs, Lotteries, New-Year Verses, and News- papers are grouped under those heads without cross-references. Numbers marked with an * will be found in the Corrigenda. In all cross-references the catchword referred to is printed in small caps. A. of the life of J. Fothergill, 1362. - of the life of J. Richardson, 4356. - of the money received, 736. - of the new in- vented Penna, fire-places, 878. - of the robberies, 1202. - of the sufferings of R. Sellers, 2817. - of the treaty at Albany, 959. - of the trial of Priestley, 4562. - of the voyages of Com. Walker, 1778. - of two terrible fires, 1937. -of Washing- ton Coll., 4561. ACCOUNTS of Penna , 4415. ACRELIUS. Israel, 1447, 1448. ACT and Aets see Delaware. Maryland. New Jersey. Parliament. Pennsyl- vania. So. Carolina. ACT of the Associate Presbytery, 2966. - of the Associate Reformed synod, 4177. ACTS of the rebels, 1034. ADAMS, John -, 4303. Samuel -, 3313. ADDENDA to rural Socrates, 3508. ADDITION to the epitaph, 1938. ADDITIONAL charter, 1393. - Observa- tions, 3782. - volume, 2375. ADDRESS and recommendations, 4264. - from the Baptist ch , 4072. - from the clergy, 2739. - lately presented, 1939. - occasioned by the late invasion, 3118. - of liberty, 3149. - of thanks, 1940. - of the committee, 3840. - of the Con- gress, 3662, 3663. - of the convention, 3509. - of the council, 4416. - of the Lords, 3150. - of the people, 1941. - of the Presbyterian ministers, 3148. - of the twelve, 3151. - to Gen. St. Clair's brigade, 3510. - to my fellow citizens, 2729. - to protestant dissenters, 3084, 3085. - to the committee, 2209. - to A. B. C. u. buchstabierbuch, 570. AAN den eerwaarden do. Johannes Leydt, 1918. ABEL. Thomas, 1709* ABERMALIGER, vorschlag, 749. ABGEFORDERTE relation, 1710. ABHANDLUNG von der unverletzlichkeit, u. s. w. 4638. ABINGDON, Earl of, see Bertie. ABRIDGMENT and collection of acts of Maryland, 1619. - of Hopkins's histori- cal memoirs, 1531. -of the lives of Br. Poets, 4498. ABSTRACT from Berkeley's treatise, 919. - of a letter, 83. - of the proceedings, 2841. - or abridgment of the laws, 79. ACCOMPLISH'D maid, 3500. ACCOUNT of a surprising phenomenon, 2095. - of the apparition, 1000. - of the apprehending, trial, Ac., of two grand criminals, 212. - of the baptisms and burials, 3141. - of the barbarous murder, 4262. - of the births and burials in Christ ch. (and St. Peter's after 1763), see in each year from 1746 to 1784. - of births and burials in St. Paul's ch., see in each year from 1772 to 1775. - of the burials and baptised in Baptist ch., see in each year from 1767 to 1775. - of the burials in 2d Presbyterian ch., see in each year from 1767 to 1775. -of the charitable corpora- tion, 2593. - of the commencement, 3146. - of the convincement of R. Davies, 1251, 2516. -of the distances, 1391, -of the gospel labours of J. Churchman, 3860. - 487 488 INDEX the convention, 3340. - to the freehold- ers and inhabitants, 1942. - to the free- holders of New Jersey, 1866. - to the freemen, 4278. - to the inhabitants of Jamaica, 2839. -to the inhabitants of Penna., 3511. - to the inhabitants of the British settlements, 2924, 2925, 4673. - to the merchants, 2340. - to the people, 1532. - to the principal inhabitants, 1880. - to the Rev. Dr. Alison, 2098. - to the vestrymen, 2343. - to those of the people, 4073. - to those Quakers, 1449. ADMINICULUM puerile, 3691, 4633. ADVANTAGES and disadvantages of mar- riage, 1738, 2008, 4308. ADVENTURES of a black coat, 2499. - of a Hackney coach, 4265. - of an East In- dia Rupee, 4366. - of Bamfylde Moore Carew, 2846. ADVERTISEMENT, 93, 118, 304, 334, 360, 471, 496, 741, 1394, 1512, 2540, 2847, 2967, 3152, 3314, 3315, 3512, 4074, 4266, 4417, 4622, 4641, 4669. - a return of wagons, 3513. - against a fair at Centre square, 8. -and not a joke, 1943. -millstones, &c. 2968. - of collector of excise, 472. - proposals for printing, 2189. - the in- habitants, 3514. - to the public, 2127. ADVICE and caution, 432. - and informa- tion, 295. - of Evan Ellis, 1728. - to his children, 162. - to the freeholders,497. - to the people, 2715. - to youth, 2543. ADYE. Stephen Payne-,3841. AFFECTIONATE address to the inhabitants, 3316. -address to the youth, 4301. AGREEMENT between W. Smith and others, 1614. AHIMAN Rezon, 4267. AITKEN. Robert3842. ALARM oder eine erweckungs-zuschrift, 3317. -or an address, 3318. -sounded, 646. - to the freemen, 4418. - to un- converted sinners, 687. ALEXANDER. William-, 3153. ALISON. Francis -, 1573, 2098, 4003. ALL gentlemen sailors, 3515, 3664. - gen- tlemen volunteers, 3516. - loyal seamen, 3665. - persons, 3517, 3518. -slave- keepers, 556. - the male white inhabi- tants, 3519. - things come alike, 950. ALL'S well, 1868. ALLEIN. Joseph, 687. ALLEN. Mr. -, 3154. Bennet -, 2343. Ethan -, 3843, 3844. Joseph -, 1287. ALLEN teutschen, 793. ALLMACHTIGE errettungs-hand Gottes, 1945. ALMANACS will be found under the years (catchwords in small capitals) indicated by the dates following the titles, <fcc. by Andrew Aguecheek, 1759-1771. Robert Aitken, 1772-1773. Samuel Atkins, 1685. Francis Bailey, 1784. William Ball, 1741-1758. ALMANACS. William Birkett, 1728-1751. Matthew Boucher, 1733-1744. Jacobus Bumbo, 1780-1784. Edward Eaton, 1688. Thomas Fox, 1763-1775. Benjamin Franklin, see Saunders. G. G., 1751. Thomas Godfrey, 1729-1735. Theophilus Grew, 1734 & 1751. John Hughes, 1724-1725. John Jerman, 1720-1759. Daniel Leeds, 1686-1693. Felix Leeds, 1726-1730. Titan Leeds, 1715-1745. Thomas More, 1745-1756. Richard Saunders, 1732-1784. Anthony Sharp, 1775-1784. Andrew Steuart, 1761-1768. Jacob Taylor, 1702-1745. Thomas Thomas, 1759-1761. John Tobler, 1754-1775. Abraham Weatherwise, 1758-1784. Aitken's General American Register, 1772- 1773. Almanac for 1727. American -, by Titan Leeds, 1715-1745. American -, " Felix Leeds, 1726-1730. American -, " Matthew Boucher, 1733- 1737, 1743-1744. American -, " John Jerman, 1720-1759. American -, " Jacobus Bumbo, 1780- 1784. American Calendar, 1766-1779. American Country -, by T. More, 1745- 1756. American Pocket -, 1767-1769. Americanische Calender, 1771. Americanische Reichs-Staats, Ac., Calen- der, 1776-1777. Americanischer Haus u. Wirthschafts Cal- ender, 1779-1784. Americanischer Stadt u. Land Calender, 1783-1784. Astronomical Diary, 1722. Bailey's Pocket-, 1784. Barbadoes -, by T. Grew, 1751. Calender, 1763. Calendrier de Philadelphie, 1778. Continental -, by A. Sharp, 1780-84. " Pocket-, by A. Sharp, 1780- 1781. Counting House -, 1774. Country-man's -, 1774. Ehrliche kurtzweiliche Deutsche Ameri- canische Geschichts u. Haus Calender, Number 4648. Father Abraham's -, by A. Weatherwise, 1758-1767, 1769-1784. Father Abraham's Pocket -, 1769-1784. Gantz Neue Verbesserte Nord-American- ische Calender von A. Sharp, 1775- 1784. Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket -, by A. Steuart, 1761-1768. 489 INDEX. ALMANACS. Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket -, 1769- 1771. Gentleman and Lady's Pocket Memoran- dum Book, 1778 & 1780. Hoch-Deutsche Americanische Calender, 1738-1784. Kalendarium Pennsilvaniense, by S. At- kins, 1685. Ladies Memorandum Book, 1774. Lancaster -, 1771-1774. Lancaster -, by A. Sharp, 1775-1779. Lancaster Pocket - by A. Sharp, 1777- 1779. Neu-Eingerichteter Americanische Cal- ender, 1746-1752, 1754-1767. Neue, Verbessert- u. Zuverlaszige Ameri- canische Calender, 1782. Neueste, Verbessert- u. Zuverlaszige Americanische Calender 1762-1779. New Jersey -, by W. Ball, 1741-1758. Pennsylvania -, by T. Godfrey, 1731- 1735. Pennsylvania-, by J. Taylor, 1702-1745. Pennsylvania -, by T. Thomas, 1759-1761. Pennsylvania Pocket -, 1759-1784. Pennsylvania Town and Countryman's -, by J. Tobler, 1754-1775. Philadelphia -, 1777. Philadelphia Newest -, 1774-1775. Philadelphia Pocket-, 1778. Plain -, 1781-1784. Pocket -, by R. Saunders, 1740-1784. Pocket memorandum Book, 1784. Poor Richard's -, by R. Saunders, 1732- 1746. Poor Richard improved -, by R. Saun- ders, 1747-1784. Poor Robin's -, 1741-1757; 1770-1771. Poor Will's -, by W. Birkett, 1729-1751. Poor Will's -, 1769-1784. Poor Will's Pocket -, 1770-1784. Republicanische Calender, 1778-1782. Sheet Almanacs, 1736 and 1741. Teutsche Pilgrim, 1730-1732. Universal -, 1772-1776. Universal American -, by A. Aguecheek, 1759-1771. Weatherwise, Pocket -, Number 4643. Wilmington -, by T. Fox, 1763-1775. ALONZO and Ormisindi, 3559. ALPHABET. The, 2501. AAHOEAEY0EPIA EI2 EIPIINIIN, 4640. ALSO sang ihrem Gotte, 742. ALTE zeugnisz, 3319. ALTERNATIVE. The, 4268. AMERICA, 2457. - in tears, 1713. AMERICAN crisis, 3432, 3595, 3764. - in- dependence, 3344. - instructor, 399, 1062, 1298, 2528. - liberty, 3737. - magazine, 688, 1513, 2416. - museum, 4195. - traveller, 2513. - vine, 3196. AMERICANUS examined, 2971. AMERIQUAIN aux anglois, L', 4691. AMERIQUIADE, L', 4689. II.-62 AMICABLE fire co., 3667. AN das publicum, 2648. - das volk, 3847. - die deutschen, 2100. - die einwohner der stadt, 2972. - die einwohner von Irland, 3156. - die freyhalter, 1946. - die guten einwohner, 2850. - die hoch- geehrten glieder der Assembly, 3521. - die unter-officers und gemeinen, 3322. ANARCHY of the ranters, 1516, 2504. ANCIENT testimony of the Quakers, 2851, 3323. ANDERE anrede, 1947. ANDERSON. John, 4421. Walter -, 2628. ANECDOTE recommended, 3157. ANGENEHME opfer, 1402. ANGENEHMER geruch, 1450. ANHANG zu dem charter, 860. ANHANGEN an Gott. Das, 2071. ANIMADVERSIONS on a pamphlet, 2196. - on the reasons, 752. ANLEITUNG zur englischen sprache, 1169. ANMERKUNGEN uber ein wunder thier, 1948. ANMUTHIGE erinnerung, 1684. ANNERCH ir cymru, 173. ANNIVERSARY oration, 4185. ANNO regni, see Acts or Laws of Delaware. New Jersey. Parliament. Pennsylva- nia. ANREDE an die deutschen freyhalter, 1951. ANSTEY. Christopher, 3668. ANSWER of Wm. Franklin, 2125. - to a printed libel, 4655. - to Gre-Ma-Chre, 3848. -to Lewis Evans' letter, 1452. - to Franklin's remarks, 1952. - to the banks of the Dee, 3849. - to the Bp. of London's pastoral, 611. - to the conduct of the Paxton men, 1953. - to the plot, 1954. ANTES. Henrich, 744. ANTI-Christ and sadducee, 31. ANTI-paedo-rantism, 1022. - defended, 1186. ANTICIPATION, 3966. ANTIDOTE. The, 251. ANTIENT testimony of the Quakers, 194. ANTWORT auf Franklins anmerckungen, 2103. APOCALYPSE de Chiokoyhikoy, 3522. APOLOGIE de la Bastile, 4557. - des franc-majons, 4687. - des ordens der freimaurer, 2420. APOLOGY for the Quakers, 1453, 3326. - for the true Christian divinity, 3162, 3985. APOSTOLISCHE kirchen-engel, 4595. APPEAL defended, 2429. - from the synod, 1899. - from the 28 judges, 39, 40, 41. - to matter of fact, 4296. - to the public, 2286. - to the public answered, 2349. - to the serious, 4543. APPENDIX to the considerations, 3274. APPROVED minister of God, 1128. ARCADIA, 1826. ARCHBISHOP of Cambray's dissertation on pure love, 576, 1174. 490 INDEX. ARGUMENTUM ad hominem, 3251. ARITHMETICAL card, 4422. ARMINE and Elvira, 2987, 3061, 3244, 4504. ARMS TRONG. John, 913, 2743. ARNDT. Johannes, 1204, 2104. ARRANGEMENT of the Penna. Line, 4077. ARSCOT. Alexander, 420, 435, 573. ART of contentment, 1331. - of making common salt, 3327. - of preaching, 607, 725, 1853. - of preserving health, 913. - of speaking, 3169, 4000. - of war, 3412. ARTICLES agreed upon, 4670. - of agree- ment, 455, 549. - of association, 3159. - of capitulation, 3160. - of confedera- tion, 3523. - of faith, 1372. - pub- lished by Congress, 3669. ARTIKEL der patriotischen gesellschaft, 2744. ASS in the lion's skin, 1871. ASSEMBLY'S catechism, 1113, 1347. - shorter catechism, 2284. ASSOCIATION letter, 2193. - of the dele- gates, 3035. ASTLEY. Philip, 3328. AT a council, 745. - a general meeting of the citizens, 3951. - a general meeting of the merchants, 2105. - a meeting at the council chamber, 4423. - a meeting at the Philosophical Society's hall, 3329, 4675. - a meeting of a number of the citizens, 3330, 3331. - a meeting of cler- gymen, 4424. - a meeting of the com- mittee, 3161. - the cockpit, 1454. ATKINS. Samuel,!. AUCH fragmente, 4365. -noch etwas, 3670. AUFFORDERUNG an das volk Gottes, 4502. AUFRICHTIGE nachricht, 773. AUSBUND, 746, 1205, 2275. AUSZUGaus dem Stimmungen, 2974. -aus einer rede Thomas Hartley's, 2303. AUTENRIETH. F. W., 1955. AUTHENTIC account of the proceedings, 1872*, 2276. - narrative, 4294. AUTHOR of the Quaker unmasked, 1956. AUX habitants, 3332. AVENTURES de T616maque, 4480. AVIS au public, 3671. AVTIIENTISCHE nachricht, 747. - rela- tion, 747. BARTLET. J., 3163. BARTON. Thomas, 1398, 1957. William-, 4078. BASSVILLE. N. J. II. de, 4182. BATCHELORS-hall, 431. BATES. William, 2630. BATTLE! A. A battle ! of squirt, 1958, 1959. - of Bunker's hill, 3339. - of Monmouth, 3852. - of the kegs, 3887. BATWELL. Daniel, 3164. BAXTER. Richard, 1874, 3334. BEATTIE. James, 4426, 4427. BEATTY. Charles, 1248, 1517, 2421. BEAUMARCHAIS. P. A. C. de, 3853, 4079. BECCARIA. Caesar B., 3672. BECHTEL. Johann, 749, 750, 803*, 4617, 4618. BECKETT. William, 393. BEE. The, 2133. BEGGAR, and no beggar, 1118. BEISSEL. Conrad, 323, 324, 394, 915, 916, 917, 1249. BEKANNTMACHUNG, 658, 2090. BELKNAP. Jeremy, 4428. BELL. Robert, 2505, 2507, 2631, 2632, 2854 to 2857, 2977 to 2979, 3167, 3686, 3690, 3726. 4281, 4429, 4430, 4452. BENEZET. Anthony, 1618,1658, 1785,1786, 1875, 2194, 2277, 2328, 2422, 2633, 2747, 2748, 2858, 2980, 2981, 3165, 3166, 3335, 3524, 3673 to 3676, 3854, 3855, 3986 to 3994, 4080, 4081, 4183, 4271 to 4273, 4431 to 4433, 4696. BENKENDORFF. Henry, 1290. BERICHT von den briidern, 2278. BERKELEY. George, 919. BERKS Co., 4378, 4390, 4566. BERNARD. Francis, 2982. BERTIE. Willoughby -, Earl of Abingdon, 3677. BESCHREIBUNG dcr bevorstehenden par- tial monds-finsternisz, 2880. -derwahren kirche, 920. -des evangeliums Nicodemi, 1047. - von dem friedensschlusz mit Tie- diuskung, 1518. BETTLER und doch kein bettier. Ein, 1399. BEVERIDGE. John, 2107. BEY seiner excellenz G. Waschington, 3525. BIBLIA das ist: die heilige schrift, 804, 1877, 3168, 3336. BIDDLE. Owen, 4082. BIGARRURES d'un citoyen de Geneve, 3337. BILL, entituled, an act for raising fifty thou- sand pounds, 1400. - for better regulating the nightly watch, 805. - for the better raising the money, 595. - in the Chan- eerv of New Jersey, 2279. BINGHAM. William, 4434. BIRTH, parentage, and education, of Praise- God Barebone, 2195. BISHOP of London's last pastoral, 631. BISSIT. Joseph, 1619. BLACKBURNE. Francis, 2634. BLACKSTONE. William, 2635, 2746, 2749, 2750, 2751, 2859. B. BACIIMAIR. John James, 2106, 2745, 2975. BALBA. Albaro Alonzo, 1873. BALL. Thomas, 392. BANDOT. Seraphin, 3850. BANKS of the Dee, 3851. BAPTISM discovered, 2026. BAPTISMON didaches, 218. BAPTIST asso., 2347. - catechism. 78. BARCLAY. Robert, 269, 1289, 1516, 2504, 2853, 3162, 3333, 3985. BARKER. Peter, 2976. BARKLY. Gilbert, 4654. INDEX. 491 BLACKWELL. Thomas, 3338. BLAESER. Peter, 4436. BLAIR. Hugh, 4435. John -, 1715, 2196, 2280. Robert -, 2860. Samuel -, 692, 752, 753, 807, 864, 865, 1341. BLAKENEY. William, 967, 1005. BLAND. Humphry, 967, 1005. BLENMAN. Jonathan, 551. BLESSED effects of a holy life, 3995. BLESSEDNESS of peace-makers, 2172. BLIND beggar. The, 3541. BLOOD will out, 32. BLUTIGE, schau-platz. Der, 1050. BOCKETT. Elias, 214. BOEHM. Johann Philip, 754, 1049*. BOGLE. Samuel, 2887. BOINOD and Gaillard, 4451. BOISGELIN. Jean de, 4274. BOLINGBROKE, see St. John. BOLTON. Robert, 1291. BOMB search'd. The, 104. BON frere. Le, 3921. BOND. Thomas, 4185. BOOKS imported by David Hall, 1620. - just imported by W. Bradford, 1401. BORDLEY. John Beale, 4437. BOSTON. Thomas, 2281. BOSTWICK. David, 1576, 1960, 2983. BOURBON. Armand de -, prince of Conti, 1345. BOWNAS. Samuel, 327, 1342. BRACKENRIDGE. Hugh M., 2984, 3526, 3527. 3678, 8856, 4688. BRADFORD. Thomas, 2424. William-,9. Col. William -, 1401, 1660. "William and Thomas -, 2452. BRADY. Nathaniel, see Tate. BRAGHT. Tieleman J. van, 1050. BRAINERD. David, 968. BRANNTEWEIN und verderben, 4696. BRAXTON. Carter, 3340. BRIDLE for the ass, 1716. BRIEF account of some lent, 1445. - ac- count of the life of Caleb Smith, 1878. - account of the rise and progress, 2573. - and general account of the life of White- field, 669. - answer to two papers, 33. - apology, 156. - considerations, 2858. - examination, 378. - exhortation, 30. - history, 1438. -instruction, 1879. -nar- rative, 1483. - remarks, 2696. - testi- mony, 86, 265. - view, 4438. BRIEF, weiland von Peter Blaser. Ein, 4436. BRIEFWECHSEL zwichen kaiser Joseph II. und dem kurfiirsten zu trier, 4186. BRISSOT. Jean P„ 3996. BRITAIN'S mercies, 997. - remembrancer, 1006, 4623. BRITISH Plutarch, 1961. - prison ship, 4103. BROMLEY. Thomas, 1621. BROOK. Mary, 3997. BROOKE. Henry, 2985, 3679. BROOKS. Seth, 2282. BROTHERLY love recommended, 1101. BROWN. John, 1880, 3341. William -, 3680, 4083. BROWNELL. Abner, 4275. BRUDER LICHE vermahnungen, 4084. BRUDERLIED. Das, 1456. BUCHAN. Alexander, see Hurrin. W. OVSO 90Sfi 4.129 BUCHANAN. George,2197. James-,3998, 4276. BUCHLEIN vom Sabbath. Das, 323. BUCKS Co., 4372, 4379, 4381, 4397, 4571, 4576. BUDD. Thomas, 2, 33, 34, 54, 55. BUELL. Samuel, 2198. BULKELEY. Gershom, 14. John -, and J. Cummins, 1519. BULL. William, 621. BUNYAN. John, 1343,1344, 1402, 1403. BURDON. William, 503. BURGESS. Daniel, 235. BURGH. James, 1006, 3169, 3170, 4000, 4623. BURGOYNE. John, 3528. BURKE. JSdanus, 4278, 4279, 4330. Ed- mund -, 3171, 3172, 4441. BURNET. William, 195. BURNYEAT. John, 3. BURR. Aaron, 1404, 1457. BURTON. Robert, 3529. BUSHE. Gervase P., 2423. BY an express, 3173, 3174, 3342,3343. - au- thority, 2283. - his excellency Elias Bou- dinot, 4344. - h. e. Geo. Washington, 3609, 3610. - h. e. Joseph Reed, 3941, 3942, 4050, 4051, 4145, 4146. - h. e. Sir Wm. Howe, 3611 to 3621, 3787. - h. e. the President, 3936, 3938. - h. e. Wm. Franklin, 2377. - order of h. e. Sir Wm. Howe, 3681, 3682, 3788 to 3792. - Sir Wm. Keith, 230. -the American com- pany, 2283. - the Hon. Col. John Evans, 100. - the Hon. Geo. Bryan, 3939. - the Hon. Geo. Thomas, 718, 778, 894, 991. - the Hon. James Hamilton, 1150, 1151, 1195, 1236, 1760, 1761. - the lion. James Logan, 560. - the Hon. John Penn, 2043, 2044, 2388, 2479, 2701, 2921, 3086 to 3090, 3270. - the Hon. Maj. Gen. Arnold, 3793, 3794. - the Hon. Patrick ' Gordon, 285, 348, 376. - the Hon. Rob- ert Hunter Morris, 1497. - the Hon. the President, 543, 1033. - the Lord Hyde Packet, 3175. - the Mayor, Recorder, &c., 2161. - the medium of the curious machine, 2861. - the President, 4238, 4346 to 4353, 4544 to 4546. - the Pro- prietaries, 575, 596. - the Proprietary, 71. - the Supreme Executive Council, 3622, 3623, 3799. - the United States in Congress, 4343, 4347, 4442. - way of a scripture interpretation, 1904. - Wm. Keith, 163. BYRNES. Daniel, 3176. 492 INDEX. c. CATECHISM, 2110. - and confession of faith, 269, 1289, 2853. - for the use of Baptist churches, 1962. CATECHISMUS, 1882, 3531, 4645. CATHARINE and Petruchio, 1790. CATO Major, 1578. CATO'S moral distichs, 505. CAUSES of the present distractions, 2982. CAUTION and warning, 2194, 2277. CERTAIN agreements and concessions, 1664. CHAD'S Ford, September 11 (1777), 3533. CHALKLEY. Thos., 126, 197, 1121, 1351. CHALMERS. Geo., 3345. CHALONER. R., 2199. CHAMBAUD. L., 4455. CHAMBERLAIN. Thos., 1405, 1459, 4676. CHANDLER. T. B., 2286, 2429, 3181. CHARACTER of a righteous ruler, 534. - of Eusebius, 2287. - preaching, &c., of Whitefield, 624. CHARAKTERISTIK oder gemalde, 4461. CHARGE delivered from the bench to the grand jury, 206, 540. - delivered May 17 (1757), 1561. - delivered to the grand jury, 3738. CHARITABLE plea. A, 975. CHA RTER, laws, catalogue <fcc., of the Juli- ana Library, 2200. - laws and catalogue of the Library Co. of Burlington, 1577. - laws and catalogue of the Library Co. of Phila., 1521, 1964, 2511. - of Maryland, 255. - of Penna., 236, 694. - of the Library Co. of Phila., 969. CHARTERS and acts of assembly of Penn- sylvania, 1791, 1792. - of Penna, and Philn TRS CHATTIN. James, 1520. CHAUNCY. Chas., 2349, 2350. CHEAT unmask'd. The, 1965. CHESAPEAK, 2351. CHESTERFIELD. Lord, see Stanhope. CHEW. Sam., 695, 756, 3182. CHILD of nature, 2992. CHILD'S best instructor, 2201. - new play- thing, 1522. - new spelling-book, 1718. CHILDS. Isaac, 2202. CHOICE collection of hymns, 810, 4456. - collection out of the psalms, 598. CHRIST besuchet oft und gerne. Ein, 1051. - triumphing, 704. CHRIST'S certain and sudden appearance, 665. - eternal word, 591. - light, 877. spirit, 1667. -temptation, 2512. CHRISTEN reise. Eines, 1343,1344. CHRISTIAN'S duty, 1460, 4647. CHRISTIAN. The, 4286. -confession, 298. - education, 1352. - epistle, 29. -faith, 42. - incomplete armor, 2654. - laid forth, 1810. -letter, 2112. -ceconomy, 2864. - pattern, 1136. - piety, 2203, 3986. CHRISTIANITY of the Quakers, 20, 140. CHRISTLICHE hiilender. Der, 2756. - morgen- und abend gebater, 2000, 3374. CADOGAN. William, 2636, 2753, 2862. CADWALADER. John, 4280. Thomas -, 922. CALL to the unfaithful, 876. CALM and plain answer, 3126. CAMBRAY. Archbishop of Crambay's dis- sertation on pure love, 576, 1174. CAMILLA, 3684. CANDID examination, 4443. - narrative, 1321. - remarks, 2754. CAPTAIN O'Blunder, 1787. CARD. A, 2863. - to the electors, 3685. CARMICHAEL. John, 3177. CARRE. -, 4001. CARTWRIGHT. Edmund, 2987, 3061, 3244, 4504. John -, 3344. CARVER. Jonathan, 4444. CASE of Great-Britain, 2423. - of Isaac Taylor, 196. - of John Nelson, 2679. - of Mr. T. Lawrence, 1679. - of our fel- low-creatures, 4445. - of the Episcopal churches, 4188. - of the German Protes- tant churches, 1292. - of the heir at law, 270. - of the people called Quakers, 215. - of the sloop Active, 3858. - of the whigs, 4292. CATALOGUE of a circulating library, 2424. - of a collection of books, 3859, 4189. - of a collection of modern erudition, 4450. - of a collection of scarce, &c., books, 4282. - of a collection of valuable books, 4002. - of a curious and valuable collection, 4190. - of a gentleman's library, 4191. - of a small collection, 3686. - of a very curious collection of prints, 1458. - of above 2000 vols., 1622. - of books belonging to the Association Library, 2108. - of books belonging to the Library Co. of Phila., 693. See Charter. - of books belonging to the Union Library, 1346, 2109. - of books for sale, 1717, 4446,4447. - of books just imported, 1660. - of books to be sold at auction, 923, 1208, 1661, 2348, 2425, 2426, 2506, 2637, 2638, 2989 to 2991, 3180, 3530, 3687 to 3689, 4086, 4192, 4283, 4448, 4449. - of books to be sold by Jas. Chattin, 1520. - of books which will begin to be sold, 1209. - of choice and valuable books, 867. - of drugs, 2639. - of French, Latin, &c., books, 4451. - of new and old books, 2755, 2988. - of old physical and surgical authors, 2507. - of second- hand Greek, <fcc., classics, 2505. - of sev- eral hundred, 4452. - of the books in Bell's, 3690. - of the circulating library, 4284. - of the Library Co. of Phila., 458, 504. See Charter. - of the library of D. J. Dove, 2427. - of the library of the Rev. F. Alison, 4003. CATALOGUS bibliothecae loganianae, 1662. - eorum qui in collegio Novae Caesarea, 2508. - von mehr als 700 meist Deutschen biichern, 2428. INDEX. 493 CHRISTLICHES gemiiths-gesprach, 2480, 2584. CHRONICLES of the Kings, 874, 1980, 3195, 4677. CHUBB. Thos., 970. CHURCH catechism explained, 1081. CHURCHILL. Charles, 2430. CICERO. M. T., 868, 1578. CIRCULAR letter, 3861. - letter addressed to the state societies, 4457. - letter from his excellency Geo. Washington, 4406. - letter from the Congress, 3862. - schreiben, 1250. CITIZEN and countryman's experienced far- rier, 2019. CIVIL prudence, 3346. CLAESSE. Lawrence, 132. CLAIRAC. Chev. de, 3347. CLANDESTINE marriage, 2994, 3534. CLARK. Thos., 1406. CLARKE. John, 4193. Richd. -, 1623*. Wm. -, 1407. CLAYPOOLE. Jas., 59. CLEAR light put out, 818. CLOVEN foot discovered, 1966. CLUNY. Alex., 2513. COATES. Wm., 2757. COOKINGS. Geo., 2758. GOLDEN. C., 396, 696. COLLECTION of a hundred notable things, 300. - of all the laws of Pennsylvania, 757. -of charters, 622. -of designs, 3291. of elegiac poems, 299. - of hymns, 2113, 2181, 2204. - of psalm tunes, 1902. - of psalms and hymns, 4173. - of religious tracts, 4431. - of sermons, 929. - of some writings, 2288. - of the works of T. Chalkley, 1121, 1351. COLLES. Chris., 2865. COLMAN. Ben., 609, 869. Geo. -, 1719, 2993. - and D. Garrick, 2994, 3534. COMEDY in embryo, 3581. COMMENTARIES on the laws, 2635, 2749. COMMITTEE chamber, 2995, 3348. - for the city, 3863, 4680. - room, 3864 to 3868. COMMON sense, 3433 to 3436. COMMON-WEALTH of Utopia, 1313. COMPASSIONATE call, 1304, 1305. COMPENDIOUS extract, 758. - history, 2996. COMPLAINT ; The, or night-thoughts, 3652. COMPLETE German grammar, 2106, 2745. - letter writer, 1720. - tutor for the fife, 3349. COMPOSITORS and distributors, 4285. CONCLUSION of doctor Morgan's remarks, 4124. CONDUCT of the eighteen Presbyterian min- isters, 1721. - of the Paxton men, 1957. CONDUCTOR generalis, 179, 1122, 1173. CONFERENCE between the D[evi]l and Doctor D[ov]e, 1967. CONFESSION of faith (Baptist), 811, 1968, 2866, 4088. - of faith (Keithian), 60. - of faith (Presbyterian), 924. CONFUSION is fallen, 1845. - von Tulpe- hocken, 759. CONGRATULATORY letter, 2205. CONGRESS between the beasts, 1052. -, see In Congress. CONQUEST of Canada, 2758. CONSIDERATIONS on keeping negroes, 1863. - on pure wisdom, 2410. - on the measures, 3094. - on the mode and terms, 3869. - on the nature and extent of leg- islative authority, 3137. - on the present test-law, 4553. - on the propriety of im- posing taxes, 2119. - on the society of Cincinnati, 4279. - on the sovereignty, &c., of New Ireland, 4020. - on the sub- ject of finance, 4089. - on the true har- mony, 2619. - upon the rights of the colonists, 2206. CONSPIRACY of Catiline, 301. CONSTABLES of the city, 2759. CONSTITUTION and frame of government of New Ireland, 4021. - of the common- wealth, 3350, 3535, 4090, 4458. - of the state of New York, 3588. - or form of government of North Carolina, 3919. CONSTITUTIONAL Courant, 2114. CONSTITUTIONS of the Free-Masons, 479. - of the public academy, 1123. - of the several independent states, 4091. CONTINENTAL Navy Board, 3536. CONTINUATION of the account of the Penna. Hospital, 1722. -of Whitefield's journal, 670, 671, 737, 738. CONTRIVANCES. The, 1793. CONTROVERSY between Great Britain and her Colonies, 2445. COOKE'S voyage, 2997. COOL thoughts, 1990, 1991. COOMBE. Thos., 2998, 3183, 3184, 4459. COPIE eines brief, 1685. COPIES of some original papers, 326. - of sundry petitions, 4460. COPY of a letter from a gentleman, 2352. - of a letter from Chas. Read, 2050, 2051. - of a letter from Quebec, 1007. COUNCIL with the Indians, 870. COUNSEL to the Christian-traveller, 4674. COUNTER medley, 2115. - testimonial, 43. COUNTRYMAN'S lamentation, 1794. COURSE of experiments in electricity, 2009. COURT of fancy, 1808. CRAFTSMAN. The, 235. CRANZ. A. F., 4461. CRASSHOLD. Krishtian, 1972. CRAWFORD. Chas., 4286 to 4289, 4463,4464. CREAGHEAD. Alex., 4619. CRISIS. The, 262, 3185. - extraordinary, 3186, 4034. CRISP. Stephen, 35, 36,180, 216, 1053, 1210, 1293, 1353, 1408, 1795, 2116, 2514, 2867, 4004. CRITICAL commentary, 2634. CROSSWELL. And., 2353. CROXALL. Sam., 3537, 4290. CUDGELL to drive the devil out, 1883. 494 INDEX. CULLEN. Win., 2978, 3188, 4092, 4291. CUMBERLAND. Richd., 2760, 2761, 2762, 2868. CUMMINGS. Arch., 397, 534, 553, 623. CUNNINGHAM. Lretitia, 4292. CURIOSITIES of common water, 208, 899. CURRIE. Wm., 1054, 1055. CURSE of cowardice, 1624. - of Meroz, 1526. CUSTOMS of primitive churches, 2355. CYDER-MAKER'S instructor, 1796. CYD-GORDIAD, 408. DELICLE ephratenses, 2872. DELL. William, 218, 1625, 1667, 1668. DE LOLME. J. L., 4494. DEM hochedlen herrn guvernbr u. f. u. iiber- gebene erklarung und vorstellung. Eine, 1971. DEMONSTRATION of the uninterrupted succession, 2208. DESCANT on the command, 3192. DESCRIPTION and use of the globes, 1302. - of counterfeit bills, 3693. - of the at- tack on Fort Sullivan, 3539. DESERTED village, 2652, 4200. DESLON. C., 4468. DETECTION detected, 1560. - of injurious reasonings, 1470. DETERMINATION of the case of Story and Hoskins, 214. DEVIL upon crutches, 2764, 2873. DEVOUT exercises, 946, 1381. DEWSBURY. William, 625. DIALOGUE between a blind man and death, 579, 1180. - between a southern delegate, 3002. - between Andrew Trueman, 1972, 1973. - between Evangelist, 817. - be- tween Freeman, 328. - between Mr. Rob- ert Rich, 237. - between the ghost, 3437. - between two countrymen, 872. - between two gentlemen, 873. - betwixt a burgo- master, 219. - betwixt a learned divine, 220. - containing some reflections, 1974. - for the commencement, 2159. - on peace, 1887. - shewing what's therein, 252. - spoken at opening, 2874. DIALOGUES, between a minister, 699. DICKINSON. John, 1975 to 1978, 2117, 2118, 2209, 2354, 2433, 3003, 3004. Jona- than -, 67, 507, 1212, 1462. Rev. Jona- than -, 813. DIEJENIGEN anmerkungen, 795. DILWORTH. Thomas, 1523, 2210, 2520, 2765, 2875, 3005, 3193, 3694, 3695, 3870, 4005, 4093, 4469, 4631. W. H. -, 1725. DIMSDALE. Thomas, 2641. DIPPEL. Johann Conrad, 4596, 4607, 4608. DIRECT guide to the French language, 1553. DIRECTIONS for breeding silk-worms, 2689. - for manouvres, 3194. - for the breed- ing and management of silk-worms, 2587. - for the gulph, 3006. - how to hear a sermon, 672. - to sail into, 3354, 3696. DISCIPLINE of the Society of Friends, 4094. DISCOURS de son excellence Jean Hancock, 4682. -prononc6 le 4 Juillet, 3850. - sur 1'origine, 4470. DISCOURSE concerning paper money, 854. - concerning the conversion of the heathen, 1700. - concerning the covenants, 4619. - delivered at Easton, 3876. - delivered near York, 4197. - delivered on 18th day of December, 3700. - occasioned by the death of Whitefield, 2708. - on mis- takes, 1628. - on several important sub- jects, 952. - on the preparation of the D. DAILY conversation with God, 697, 1354, 1797 2289. DALRYMPLE. Campbell, 3351. James-, 3352. DANCK-predigt. Eine, 4634. DANGER of an unconverted ministry, 661. - of breaking Christian unity, 553. - of spiritual pride, 951. DANIEL Leeds justly rebuked, 91. DAVENPORT. James, 871, 1461, 4628. DAVID. Enoch, 2515. DAVIDEIS, 1214, 1296, 1357, 1800, 2121. DAVIDSON. Robert, 4465. DAVIES. Richard, 1251, 2516. Samuel -, 1056, 1294, 1409, 1624, 1723, 1724. DAVIS. Jonathan, 1124. William -, 72, 217. DAVYS. P., 3691, 4633. DAWSON. W., 1355. DAY. Thomas, 4466. John -, & Co., 2639. DAY and night signals for the fleet, 3538. DE Juri Regni, 2197. DE 1'etat, et du sort des colonies des anciens peuples, 3953. DEALER'S companion, 1671. DEATH, 2920. - of Abel, 1807, 2539. - of General Montgomery, 3526, 3527. - the last enemy, 3476. DECLARATION addressee au nom du Roi, 3875. - and remonstrance, 1969. - and testimony, 4467. - by the representatives, 3189. - of the people's natural right, 3106. - of the Presbyteries, 812. - of what God has done, 1666. DEED of settlement, 1211. DEFENCE of Dr. Thompson's discourse, 1221, - of the legislative constitution, 341. - of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill's observations, 509. DEFENSIVE war in a just cause, 3228. DEFINITE treaty. The, 4293. DE FOE. Daniel, 363, 624, 1885, 2290, 3001, 3353 3692. DEIGENDESCH. Johannes, 2517, 2640. DELAP. Samuel, 1356. DELAUNE. Thomas, 2431. DELAWARE. Laws of -, Collections, 698, 1252, 1886 ; Session, 480, 506, 1886, 1970, 2207, 2291, 2432, 2518, 2519, 2763, 2870, 2871, 3190, 3191. INDEX. 495 body, 1199. - preached in Christ church, 3236. - publickly delivered, 2434. - shewing that there can be no salvation, 4668. - upon Heb. xiii., 181. - upon perfection, 2521. - upon the institution of medical schools, 2147. DISCOURSES on several subjects, 2435. DISCOVERY of subterranean treasure, 4538. - of the mystery, 44. DISEASES incident to armies, 3477. DISPLAY of God's special grace, 813. DISSERTATIO medica inauguralis, 2643, 2697, 2714, 2726. DISSERTATION on man's fall, 2145. - on the gout, 2636, 2753. - on the laws of excise, 2869. -on the political union, 4411. DISTINCT notions of the plague, 221. DISTINGUISHING mark of a work of the spirit, 760. DIVINE conduct, 1732. - government, 1281. - songs, 567, 1165, 1569. 2956, 4167. DIVINITY of Christ, 4592. DOBBS. Francis, 3540. DOCK. Christopher, 1979, 2522. DOCTRINE of absolute predestination, 2951. - of absolute reprobation, 198. - of bap- tisms, 1625. - of Christianity, 1098. - of the covenants, 4309. - of water bap- tism, 1726. DOCTRINES of predestination, 753. DODD. W., 1727. DODGE. John, 3871. DODSLEY. Robert, 874, 1213, 1253, 1980, 2766, 3195, 3541, 3542, 4095, 4096, 4677. DOMESTIC medicine, 2752, 2986, 4439. DOMINION of Providence, 3496. DOUBLE disappointment, 1798. - honour due, 1517. DOVE. David James, 1579, 1981, 1982. DOVER. William, 1295. DRAUGHT of a bill for declaring the inten- tions of Parliament, 3697. DREADFUL visitation, 1885, 2290, 3001. DRINKER. John, 3007. DUCHE. Jacob, 1888, 2642, 3008, 3196, 3197. DUFFIELD. Benjamin, 3070. George -, 4471. DULANY. Daniel, 2119. DUNLAP. William, 1661. DUPONT de Nemours. P. S., 4194. DURCH die gottlose verfiihrer, 4597. - seine excellenz Sir W. Howe, 3614. DURHAM. Ebenezer, 1580. DU SIMITIERE. Pierre E., 4195, 4481. DUSS. Jacob Fred., 973. DUTTON. Anne, 814. DUTY of standing fast, 3197. DYLANDER. John, 700. EATON. Isaac, 1410, 2785. ECCLESIASTICAL characteristics, 2337. ECHO from the temple of wisdom, 3872. ECKERLIN. Israel, 925 to 927, 4621. ECONOMY, see (Economy. EDGAR and Emmerline, 1799. EDWARDS. Jonathan, 760,1008,1057, 2436, 2767. Morgan 1889, 2355, 2523, 2524. EDWIN, 3183. EHEBUCHLEIN, 394. EHEMALS verdorrete. Die, 597. EHRENWURDIGEN lehrers David Imries send schreiben, 1474. EIGHT dollars reward, 2437. - propositions, 3009. EINFALTIGE lehr-betrachtungen, 2533. - u. griindlich abgefaszte Schul-ordnung, 2522. - warnungs- u. waehter-stimme, 707. EINFALTIGES reim-gedichte, 4157. ELDERS and messengers of the Baptist churches, 3698, 3873. ELECTION. The, 1983, 2120. -ball, 3668. ELEGIAC poem, 2617. ELEGY on the death of Mary Broadwell, 398. - on the much lamented Aquila Rose, 203. ELEMENTA philosophica, 1262. ELIXIR Magnum, 1524. ELLIOT. John, 4472. ELLIS. Evan, 1728. William-, 4294. ELLWOOD. Thomas, 1214, 1296, 1357, 1800, 2121 3199. ELMER. Jonathan, 2643, 2768. ELOGE de Voltaire, 3920. ELWALL. E., 4543. EMILIES and Sophia, 2055. EMMA Corbett, 4236. EMPFINDUNGEN des herzens, 4110. EMPTINESS and vanity, 2292. ENGELBRECHT. Hans, 875. ENGLAND'S timely remembrancer, 1405. ENGLISH dictionary, 238. ENGLISHMAN'S right, 2782. ENQUIRY into public abuses, 4473. - into the value of Canada, 1730. ENSLIN. Georg Ernst, 3200. ENTDECKTE geheimniisz. Das, 1125. ENTHUSIASTICAL errors, 4275. EPICTETUS, 364. EPISTLE for general service, 25. - from John Burnyeat, 3. - from our general spring meeting, 1411. - from our or the yearly meeting at Burlington, 222, 302, 481, 974. London, 3203, 3356, 3543, 3699, 3874, 4671, 4693. Phila., 4, 80, 103, 112, 1058, 1126, 1215, 1358, 1669, 1729, 3010, 3355. - from the meeting for sufferings, 3201, 3202. - from Titus, 4097. - of caution, 182. -of cau- tion and advice, 1359. - of tender love, 36. - to Friends, 4004. -to the national meet- ing, 1552, 2578. - to the quarterly and monthly meetings, 80, 2840. See From and Yearly. EPISTOLJE familiares, 2107. E. EARNEST address, 3198. EASTBURN. Benj., 198. Robert1581. 496 INDEX. EPITAPH, 3011, 4196. EPITRE a mon jardin, 3654. ERASMI colloquia selecta, 4193. ERINNERUNGandie Englischenation,!459. ERNSTHAFFTE christen-pflicht, 928, 2526. ERNSTLICHE ermahnung. Eine, 4613. ERNSTLICHER ruff, 1015. ERRATA, 1890. ERSCHEINUNGEN der geister, 908, 1059, 1443. ERSKINE. Ebenezer, 929, 2293. Ralph -, 626, 701, 929, 2769, 4639. ERSTE frucht der Teutschen gesellschaft, 2122. ERSTER theil der theosophischen lectionen, 1249. ERZAEHLUNGEN von Maria le Roy und Barbara Leininger, 1626. ERZEHLUNG Samuel Brands thaten, 3012. - von den triibsalen, 1468. ES ist noch recht am end, 1801. ESQUISSE int6ressant, 4697. ESSAY in vindication of the continental colonies, 2142. - of a declaration of rights, 3357. - of a Delaware hymn book, 1897. - of a Delaware Indian spelling-book, 3499. - of a frame of government, 3358. - on conduct, 1256, 1299, 1365. - on crimes, 3672. - on free trade, 3974. - on inoculation, 2321. - on man, 1032, 1091, 1695, 3779. - on matter, 4474. - on the causes, 4475. - on the character, <fcc., of women, 3119. - on the constitu- tional power, 3003. - on the expediency of inoculation, 1481. - on the gospel ministry, 1892. - on the history of civil society, 2878. - on the illiac passion, 696. - on the pleurisy, 786. - on the trade, 1984. - on the West India dry-gripes, 922. - towards the most easy, 3854. - upon government, 3204. - upon nursing, 2862. - upon oeconomy, 2178. ESTAING. Comte d', 3875. ESTAUGH. John, 876. ESTEN. Cornelius, 1985. ETHICA, 1262. ETLICHE merkwiirdige punkten, 1986. - zu dieser zeit, 797. ETWAS vom rechten lebenswege, 4118. EULOGIUM of the brave men, 3856. - on Washington, 4098. EVANGELIA und episteln, 1670. EVANGELISCHER unterricht, von der con- firmation, 2123. EVANGELISCHES zeugnusz, 1243,1254. EVANGELIUM Nicodemi, 1047, 4476. EVANS. David, 437, 438, 1060. Evan -, 94. Israel -, 3700, 3876, 4197. Lewis - 1412, 1463. Nathaniel -, 1802, 2211, 2686, 2770. EVERARD. John, 1525. EVERLASTING gospel, 1326, 4666. EVERY man his own doctor, 482, 535. - man his own lawyer, 2438. - man's right to live, 857. - thing, 4477. EXAMINATION and refutation, 761. -into the conduct, 3013. - of Baron Messeres, 3014. - of Dr. Benj. Franklin, 2216. - of Mr. Barclay's principles, 970. - of the Connecticut claim, 3113. EXAMINER. The -, 826. - examined, 850. EXCELLENT priviledge of liberty, 7. EXERCISE, containing a dialogue and ode, 1736, 1813, 1891. - containing a dialogue and two odes, 2227, 2294, 3205, 3359. EXHORTATION and caution, 61. - to the clergy, 397. - to the inhabitants of S. C., 1076, 1077. EXPERIMENTAL philosophy, 2810. EXPERIMENTS and observations, 2926. EXPLANATION of the map of Philadelphia, 3093. EXPLANATORY remarks, 1987. EXPOSTULATION with Thomas Lloyd, 37. EXPOSTULATORY letter, 1335. EXPRESS arrived at five o'clock, 3206. EXTRACT aus des conferenz-schreibers regis- tratur, 747. -aus unsers conferenz-schrei- bers protocoll, 747. - from a representa- tion, 2707. - from a treatise, 1681, 2231, 3987. - from an address, 2295, 2525, 4006. - from John Woolman's journal, 2620. - of a letter from an officer, 3360. - of a let- ter from New Town, 3361. - of a letter from Trenton, 4099. - of a letter wrote by a pious person, 2296. - of a letter wrote by the Earl of Essex, 3207. - of Mary Gil- bert's journal, 2439. - of sundry pas- sages, 673. - of the minutes, 508. - uit de dag-registers, 4686. - von der regis- tratur, 815. EXTRACTS from a letter, 4018. - from a military treatise, 3351. - from divers an- tient testimonies, 2228. - from the journals of Congress, 3362. - from the laws, 627. - from the minutes, 816. - from the pro- ceedings, 2356, 3363. - from the votes and proceedings, 3015, 3208. -from the votes of the House, 3364. - of several treatises, 1345. F. F. H., 628. FABLES Choisies, 4455. - of JSsop, 3529, 3537, 4290. - of Flora, 4504. FAIR and rational vindication, 1960, 2983. FAITH absolutely necessary, 623. FAITHFUL minister encouraged, 1461, 4628, - ministers, 1255. - narrative of the conversion, 2876. -narrative of the many dangers, 1581. - of the remarkable re- vival, 2198. - warning, 35. FALCONAR. Magnus, 598, 629, 702, 703, 817. FALCONER. William, 3128. FALGATE. Israel, 1671. FALK. N. D., 2771. FALL of British tyranny, 3365. INDEX. 497 FALSE judgment of a yearly meeting con- demned, 45. - judgments reprehended, 54 - news, 101. FAMA. Der, 1127. FAME let thy trumpet sound, 3877. FAMILY instructor, 624. - prayer book, 2297. FAREWELL sermon, 293. FARMER'S companion, 1747. FARMERS and others, 3544. FARRIER'S dispensatory, 223. FASHIONABLE lover, 2760, 2868. FAST sermon at Newark, 1404. FATAL consequences of the unscriptural doc- trine, 1297. FATHER'S legacy. A., 2888, 3216, 3711, 4106. FAULKS. Mr., 2645. FELLOW citizens, 2773, 3879. FEMALE fortitude, 4479. - whig, 3880. FENELON. F. de Salignac de la Mothe, 576, 1174, 1464, 1672, 2212, 4480. FENNING. Daniel, 3017, 3018. FERGUSON. Adam, 2878. FERME de Pensylvanie. La, 3210. FEW political reflections. A, 3133. - rea- sons, 2774. - words, 329. FIFTH essay on free trade, 4068. FIGHTING sailor turn'd Christian, 254. FINLEY. James, 1892. Samuel -, 630, 704, 818, 819, 975, 1061, 1128, 1255, 1360, 1526, 1988. FIRST battalion, 3639. - book for children, 2495, 3138, 3673. - book of the American chronicles, 2970. - lines of physic, 4092, 4291. FISHER. George, 399, 1062, 1298, 2528. Samuel -, 877. FIVE hundred pounds reward, 3702. - or six hundred blankets, 3546. - sermons, 998. FLAVEL. John, 820. FLEMING. Wm. and Eliz., 1465 to 1468. FLEMMING. Robert, 821. FLETCHER. John, 4296. FOLLOWING address, 2341. -paper, 4149. - remonstrance, 3626. FOLLY and vanity, 2529. FOR sale at public vendue, 4481. - the benefit of Miss Hallam, 1361. - the bene- fit of Miss Storer, 2530. - the benefit of the widows, 3703. - the service of truth, 95. - the use of the militia, 3963. FORCING a maintenance, 126. FORRESTER. James, 4101. FOSTER. William, 4683. FOTHERGILL. John, 1362. Samuel -, 2299, 2357, 2647, 3704, 4008, 4297. FOUR discourses, 1563. - dissertations, 2213. - letters, 3367. FOURTH essay on free trade, 4067. FOX. George, 15, 81, 89, 4482. FRAGMENT of an original letter, 4466. - of the chronicles, 1582, 1980. FRAME. Richard, 38. II.-63 FRAME of government of Penna., 16. FRANCKE. August Hermann, 1804, 2532. Michael -, 2533. FRANKEL. David Hirchel, 1894, 4634. FRANKLIN. Benjamin, 365,510, 511, 706, 822, 867, 878, 976, 1009, 1010, 1063, 1129, 1216, 1363, 1394, 1583, 1952, 1990 to 1994, 2088, 2103, 2144, 2215, 2216, 2534, 3547, 3705. William -, 2125. FREAME. John, 1364. FREDERICK II. of Prussia, 1584. FREE gift of the clergy, 232. - grace, 734, 735. - grace in truth, 700. - grace in- deed, 705. - grace with a witness, 702. FREEHOLDERS and inhabitants, 3368. - and other electors, 3020. FREEMEN, 2359. FREILINGHUYSEN. Theod. Jac., 1011. FREIMUTHIGE und unpartheyische ge- danken, 930. FRELL. George, 1064. FRENCH convert. The, 1065,1217. -school book, 392. FRENEAU. Philip, 2776, 3212, 4103. FRESH important intelligence, 3548. -in- telligence, 3213. FREY. Andreas, 1066. FREYLINGHAUSEN. Johann Anastasius, 3369. FREYMUETHIGE gedanken, 4484. FRIENDLY advice, 114, 346. - instructor, 931, 1175, 2535. FRIENDS and countrymen, 2117. - breth- ren and countrymen, 2217. - countrymen, and fellow electors, 3021. - of Liberty, 2777. FROM our general spring meeting, 3706. - our yearly meeting at London, 2360. - our yearly meeting at Phila., 554, 1627. - the meeting for sufferings, 2442. - the mer- chants, 2218, 2536. - the monthly meet- ing, 4104. - the New-York journal, 3280. FROMMEN lotterie. Der, 905,1241. FRUEHAUF. Daniel, 2880. FRUEHLING ist herbey gekomme. Der, 577. FRUITS of a father's love, 312. - of re- tirement, 373, 407, 4320. FRY. John, 1256, 1299, 1365, 4299. FUENFF schone geistliche lieder, 1257. FULL and true relation, 2126. FULLER. Samuel, 1300, 4300. FULLFILLING of the scriptures, 821. FUNCK. Henrich, 879, 1895. FUNDAMENTAL truths of Christianity, 46. FUNERAL eulogium, 1480, 2768. - ser- mon, 953. FURMAN. Moore, 2648, 2649. FURNEAUX. Philip, 2881. FURTHER account, 999. G. G. J., see Galloway. GALERM. J. B., 1469. 498 INDEX. GALLOWAY. Joseph, 1939, 1995 to 1997, 2127.2250, 2258, 3214. GAMESTER. The, 3881. GANTZE psalter. Der, 2319. GARDEN of the soul, 3022. GARRICK. David, 2882,.2994, 3534, 3707. GARRIGUES. Samuel, 2219. GEBAHNTE pilgerstrasze. Die, 1472. GEDANKEN eines christlich-gesinnten layen, 4599. GEDICHTE und lieder. Einige, 3729. GEFAHR bey unbekehrten predigern. Die, 662. GEHEILIGTEN Wissenschaften unter dem kreutze. Die, 2128. GEHEIMER seelenspiegel. Ein, 1067. GEISTLICH lied auf Paul Springs selbst- mord, 2801. GEISTLICHE fama, 4607, 4608. GEISTLICHER irrgarten, 1805. GEISTLICH ES blumen-gartlein, 1039, 2489, 2937. -magazien, 1998. GELLATLY. Alexander, 1470, 1585. GENERAL Burgoyne's defeat, 3857. - Wolfe, 3979. GENERAL cause of all hurtful mistakes, 713. - epistle given forth by the Quakers, 4. - introduction, 3783. - magazine, 706. - militia orders, 3882. - orders, 3370. - orders, headquarters, Morris Town, 3549. - orders, Philadelphia, 3550. - return of Philadelphia troops, 3551. GENTLE shepherd, 2650. GENTLEMAN farrier's repository, 3163. - just arrived from New-York, 4105. GENTLEMAN'S pocket-farrier, 503. GENTLEMEN and fellow soldiers, 3371. - merchants and citizens, 3709. GENUINE letter, 2300, 2361. - principles of the ancient Saxon constitution, 3372. GEOGRAPHICAL, historical, political, &c., essays, 1412, 1463. GEOGRAPHY epitomized, 4465. GEORGE Keith once more brought to the test GERARD. C. A., 3735. GERINGEN berieht. Eines, 823. GERINGER schein. Ein, 1012. GERMAN freeholder, 2538. - grammar, 2975. GESAENG, Das, dor einsamen und verlas- senen turtel-taube, 1013. GESCHICHTE der tage des menschen-sohnes, 2444. - von der Pfaltz-Grafin Genovesa, 3024. GESCHWINDE reehner. Der, 3017. GESPRACH im reiche, u. s. w., 4604. - zwischen einem jiingling und einem alten. Ein, 1366. GESPRAECH zwischen Doctor Beale, und dem jehemmo, 3710. - zwischen einem fluechtigen vater und einem clerico, 628. GESSNER. Solomon, 1807, 2539, 3373. GESUNDE vernunft, 3438. GETRE UE warnung gegen die lockvbgel,1999. GETREUER warnungs brief, 754. GEWISSENHAFFTE vorstellung vom man- gel rechter kinder-zucht, 4614. GEYER. Andreas, 2883. GIBBONS. Thos., 1732. GIBSON. Edmund, 631. GILBERT. Benjamin, 1069, 2521,4521,4668. Mary -, 2439. GILLESPIE. George, 512, 632, 633, 880*. GILLIES. John, 3025. GLAUBENS-bekentnisse, 4408. GLORIOUS authentic intelligence, 3554. GLORY of America, 4305. - of Christ, 2659. GLUCKLICHE geniigsamkeit der stillen im lande, 1040. GODDARD. William, 2220,2540, 2541. GODFREY. Thomas, 1808, 2129. GOD'S mercy surmounting man's cruelty, 327, 1342. - protecting providence, 69, 507, 1212. GOETHE. J. W., 4485. GOETTLICHE liebes-andacht, 1176. - liehes und lobes gethbne, 402. GOLDSMITH. Oliver, 2362, 2652, 2780, 2885, 4200. GOOD advice to youth, 87. - man's charac- ter and reward, 1502. - news for America, 4663. - order in Penna, and New Jersey, 2. - public roads, 2886. GOODLET. John, 2301. GORDON. John, 1586. Patrick-, 271, 272, 303, 330, 367, 368, 401. Thomas -, 224, 634. GOSPEL explained, 2302. - family-order, 81. - of Christ no cause of shame, 4413. - ordinances, 121. - sonnets, 626, 2769, 4639. - times, 119. GOTTLICHE beschiitzung. Die, 1462. GOTTSELIGEN und hocherleuchteten lehrers Johann Arndt, paradiesi-gartlein, 2104. GOUT anecdotes. Les, 3215. GOVERNMENT of the church, 787. GOVERNOUR'S message, 367. - speech, 84. GRACE and truth, 2307. - of our Lord, 2647. GRJECjE grammaticse, 3495. GRAMMAR of the French tongue, 3929. GRAMMATICA anglicana, 1070. GRAND chorus, 2221. GRANDMAISON. - de, 3553. GRANT. Thomas, 1587. GRANTS, concessions, and original constitu- tions of New-Jersey, 1596. GRAVE. The, 2860." GRAVINES. M. de, 2653, 4201. GRAY. Isaac, 2759. Thomas -, 2860. GREAT Britain's right to tax her colonies, 3310. GREAT Christian doctrine, 2767. - duty of public worship, 1767. - love of God man- ifested, 273. - Scots prophet, 1605. - variety of ornamental rich plated goods, 2887. INDEX. 499 GREEN. Enoch, 2781. Jacob -, 2445. GREGORY. John, 2888, 3167, 3216, 3294, 3711, 4106. GRE-Ma-Chre, 3884. GREW. Theophilus, 1302. GREY. Isaac, 3712, 3713. GRIFFITH. Benjamin, 1022, note. John -, 2363, 4010, 4107. GROSSE gebet-buch. Das, 1303. GROSVERNOR. Benjamin, 4108. GROUND and nature of Christian redemp- tion, 2364. GROUNDS and reasons of Christian regener- ation, 710. - of a holy life, 1329, 2832, 4404. GROUP. The, 3307. GRUBE. B. A., 1897, 1898. GRUBER. Johann Adam, 707, 747, 762, 763. GRUENDLICHER unterricht von den metal- len, 1873. GRUENDLICHES zeugniisz. Ein, 1072. GRUNDE und ursachen der christlichen wieder-geburth, 4616. GRUNDLICHE anweisung, 1071. GUALDO. J., 2446. GUELDENE A. B. C. Das, 1177. - aepffel, 932. GUELDIN. Samuel, 824, 4601. GURNALL. William, 2654. GURNEY. John, 4301. GUSTAVUS Vasa, 3679. GUTHREY. William, 825. GUTHRIE. William, 2779. GUYSE. John, 1733. HARRIS. Matthias, 1527. HARRISON. Robert H., 3533. HARTLEY. Thomas, 1628, 2303. HASELDEN. Thomas, 3555, 3885. HASENCLEVER. Francis, 2889. HAUSAM. Anthony, 3219. IIAWLES. John, 2782. HAY. John, 4655. HAYES. Alice, 2222, 2223. Richard -, 2001. HAYWARD. Samuel, see Pike. HEAD-QUARTERS, Philadelphia, Dec. 13th (1776). 3375. HEAVEN upon earth, 2367. HEIDELBERG catechism, 2304. HEIDELBURG catechism, 2131. HEILIGE und sichere glaubensweg. Der, 1804, 2532. HEINOUS sin of drunkenness, 674. HELMUTH. J. H. C., 4110. HELP for parents, 437. HELTON. John, 4488. HENRY. Matthew, 636. HERESIE and hatred, 62. HERMIT. The, 1307. - of New Jersey, 4247. HEROIDES d'Ovide. Les, 4529. HERRLICHE erscheinung, 1923. HERRN Pyrlai Ausruf-Zeddel, 744. HERUMTRAGERS des staatsboten, 2224. See New Year verses. HERVEY. James, 1178, 1259, 1673. HEYDELBERGISCIIE catechismus, 2365. HILDEBRAND. Johannes, 764, 827, 828, 1366. HILL. Hannah, 127, 133, 141. John -, 3220. HILLIARD D'Auberteuil, 4489. HILLIARD Magna, 4657. HINTS and instructions, 3556. HIRTENLIEDER von Bethlehem, 765. HIS Excellency, 3557. - Majesty's most gracious speech, 515, 3175, 3376, 3377. - Majesty's ship Liverpool, 3714. HISTORICAL account of the expedition, 2169. - account of the late disturbance, 2002, 2003. - memorial, 1811. - narra- tive and topographical description, 4493. HISTORISCH E beschreibung von den letzthin geschehenen unruhen, 2004. - nachricht von dem neulich in Lancaster caunty, 2005. HISTORY and defence of Magna Charta, 2656. - of Belisarius, 2562. - of Di- odorus Siculus, 239. - of France, 2628. - of Hypolitus, 2448. - of Ireland, 3044. - of Joseph, 605, 2320. - of little Goody Two-Shoes, 3378. - of New-Hampshire, 4428. -of Rasselas, 2368. - of the five Indian nations, 396. - of the kingdom of Basaruh, 199. - of the life of Thomas Ellwood, 3199. - of the old and new Tes- tament, 4490. - of the Quakers, 350. - of the reign of Charles V., 2583. - of the war in America, 1768. - of the wars of Charles XII., 240. - of women, 3153. H. H. E., 273. G. -, 2449. HABERMANN. Johann, 1303, 1734, 1809, 2000, 3374. HALBERT. Henry, 2130. HALE. Matthew, 331, 635. Thomas -, 4109. HALL. David, 1304, 1305, 1588, 1620,2141, 2150, 2450, 2542. Joseph -, 1810. Wil- liam -, 3027. HAMILTON. Alexander, 4434, 4486. Dr. Alexander-, 1221. Andrew -, 282. HAMMOND. William, 2543. HANCOCK. John, 3217, 4682. Rev. John -, 826. HANSON. Elizabeth, 327,1342. Thomas-, 3218. HAPPINESS, a characteristic poem, 3028. - of rewarding enemies, 1503. HAPPY man. The, 4487. HARKER. Samuel, 1899, 1900, 2069. HARMER. Thomas, 2655. HARMONIE der evangelien und episteln, 3200. HARMONY between the old and new Testa- ments, 2998. - of the divine attributes, 2630. - of the Gospels, 1898. 500 INDEX. HITCHCOCK. Robert, 3029. HOBURG. Christian, 1073. HOCH-edlen grafen von Chatham rede. Des, 3264. HOCHERLEUCHTETEN theologi Johann Arndts, Wahre Christenthum, 1204. HOCIIMANN. E. C., 831. HOCHREUTNER. Johann Jacob, 1075. IIOECHSTMERKWUERDIGE propheze- yung, 1675. HOLLATZ. David, 1472. HOLME. Benjamin, 440, 1015, 4492. HOLROYD. John Baker, 4303. HOLTZ-fallende axt, 4665. HOLY and sure way, 1804, 2532. - Bible. The, 4184. - Bible in verse, 1340. HOME. Henry, 3380. John -, 3559. HONEST man's interest, 274. HONESTY. Obadiah, 1529, 1530. HONEYCOMB. William, 2133. HONOUR of the gout, 441. HOPKINS. Samuel, 1531, 1532, 4304. HOPKINSON. Francis, 1736, 1813 to 1815, 1902, 2213, 2226, 3031, 3887. Thomas -, 2227. HOR2E lyricas, 3493, 3650. HORNE. Edward, 304, 4603. HOSKINS. James, see Story. Thomas. Jane -, 2658. HOWE. Robert, 4237. Sir William-, 3733. HUGHES. -,516. John-, 3222. HUMAN life a pilgrimage, 2642. HUMBLE attempt at scurrility, 2134. - attempt to promote, 1008. -attempt to- wards the improvement of Psalmody, 1928. - confession, <fcc., of Benjamin Towne, 3835. HUME. David, 3716. Sophia-, 1076, 1077, 2228 HUMPHREYS. David, 4305. HUNT. -, 2135. Isaac -, 2007, 2134, 3223, 4660. HURT. John, 3560. HUSBANDMAN'S guide, 200. HUSBANDS. Herman, 1737. HUSSEY. Joseph, 2659. HUTCHINS. Thomas, 4493. HYMN-book for the children, 4649. HYMNS and sacred poems, 668. - and spiritual songs, 789, 2335, 3831, 4172. - for those that seek, <tc., redemption, 4171. IMPORTED in the last vessels, and to he sold by William and Thomas Bradford, 2452. IMRIE. David, 1473, 1474. IMRIE'S letters, 1816. IN Assembly, Congress, Council, Ac., see under the year, 1774, 1775,1776,1777, 1778, 1779, 1781, 1783. - der Americanischen wildnusz, 4606. - the life of the lady Eliza- beth Hastings, 4432. INDEPENDENT & constitutional ticket, 3896. - whig, 224, 634. INDIAN tale, 486. INDUCEMENT to right thinking, 1676. INDWELLING of the spirit, 675. INGENIEUR de Campagne, 3347. INGLIS. Charles, 3406. John -, 1904. INHABITANTS of Pennsylvania, 2891. - of the city of New-York, 2546. INHALT von den verschiedenen conferentzen, mit den Indianern. Der, 1533, 1534. INKLE & Yarico, 4590. INQUIRY concerning the future state, 4304. - into the principles of political economy, 2711. INSTRUCTIONS for right spelling, 89. - to the agents, 3897. INSTRUCTIVE and entertaining exercises, 4139. INSTRUCTOR. The, 1677. INTELLIGENCE from the moon, 4204. - from the southward, 4114. INTERCEPTED original letter. An, 3649. INTEREST of Great Britain, 1678, 2263. - of New Jersey, 832. INTERESTING appendix to Blackstone's commentaries, 2750, 2859. INTRODUCTION to the study of natural philosophy, 4213. INVITATION serieuse, 2784. INWENDIGE glaubens- und liebes-uebung, 3227. IRENICUM ecclesiasticum, 1156. IRISH chief. The, 3540. - widow, 2882. IRWIN. Thomas, 2660. IT is proposed to print, 3275. J. JACKSON. Richard, 1678. JACKY and Maggy's courtship, 2547. JACOBS kampff- und ritter-platz, 536. JAMES. Philip, 579, 1180. Thomas-, 1132, 1181. JANEWAY. James, 1133, 2367, 4115. JEALOUS wife, 1719. JEDER sein eigener doctor, 1134. JEFFERIES. G., see Markham. J. JEFFERSON. Thomas, 3034. JEFFRYS. John, 1309. JEMMY Carson's collection, 1817. JENINGS. Samuel, 68, 70. JENKINS. Obadiah, 517. JENYNS. Soame, 4013. JESUITENGIFT, 4497. I. I saw the other day, &c., 2449. IDEA of the English school, 1216. ILLUMINATIONS for legislators, 4494. IMPARTIAL reflections, 1903. - relation of dispute between Gurdon Saltonstal and John Rodgers, 85. IMPENETRABLE secret, 1131. IMPORTANCE of the colonies of North America, 2249. IMPORTANT cases of conscience, 2039. INDEX. 501 JESUS the crucifyed man, 72. JETZT ist mein vieler schmertz, 1818. JEWELS and diamonds for sentimentalists, 3726. JINGLE. Bob, 3035. JOHNSON. John, 1738, 2008, 4308. S. -, 1311. Samuel -, 1262, 2368, 4498. JONES. David, 3228. John-, 3407. Sam- uel -, 2785, 4309. JOSEPH of Arimathea, 1819. JOSEPHUS. Flavius, 2892. JOURNAL of a two months tour, 2421. - of a voyage from Gibraltar, 612. - of a voyage from London, 676. -of the cap- tivity of Jean Lowry, 1683. - of the life, travels, <fcc., of Daniel Stanton, 2819. -of the life, travels, &e., of John Griffith, 4010. - of the votes, 184, 243 to 245, 276, 277, 3036, 3229, 3408, 3410, 4310, 4311, 4499, 4500, 4605. JOURNALS of the House, 4205. - of the lives of Bownas and Richardson, 1631. -of the Proceedings of Congress, 3409, 3575 to 3577, 3727, 3728, 3898 to 3900, 4014, 4116, 4117, 4206. JOVIAL crew. The, 1820. JOYFUL news, 2229, 4664. JUDGMENT given by twenty eight Quakers, 63. - of whole kingdoms and nations, 2933. JULIA de RoubignS, 4211. JULIET Grenville, 2985. JURISDICTION of the Court of Chancery, 538. JUST and plain vindication, 278, 279. - arrived from London, 883. - published and now selling at Bell's, a catalogue of new and old books, 4281. - rebuke, 34, 287. JUVENILE poems, 2129. KEYSER. John George, 2661. KINDER bibel. Die, 4684. - biichlein, 1416, 4635. K[ING]'S answer, 2662. KINNERSLEY. Ebenezer, 639 to 641,1017, 2009. KLAGEN eines theils, 1822. KLARE und gewisse wahrheit, 1018. KLEINE catechismus. Der, 885, 1139, 1264, 2111, 2230, 2285, 2510, 3532, 4453, 4454, 4679, 4694. - Darmstadtische catechis- mus, 1884. - Davidische psalterspiel. Das, 895, 1697, 2045, 3624, 4147. - harfe. Die, 1306. - katechismus. Der, 2548. - Kempis. Der, 1183, 2893. KNOWLEDGE of salvation, 1641. KOFFLER. John F/ed., 1680. KOPPELBERGER. Johannes, 4015. KORAN. The, 3814. KORT catechismus. En, 803. KRAFT der liebe Christi. Die, 2823. KUNZE. Johann Christoph, 3729, 4118, 4119, 4207, 4502. KURTZE beschreibung des lebens u. todtes von J. Schmiedlein, 1094. - beschreibung einer langen reise, 1053, 1408. - erbrter- ung, 4598. - und einfaltige vorstellung, 3055. -unterweisung, 2332. -vermitte- lungs-schrift, 1079. - verteidigung der lantern wahrheit, 1080. - vorstellung des theils von Africa, 1875. KURTZER begriff zu Gott zu beten, 1477. - catechismus, 4617. - u. erbaulicher auszug, 1073. KURTZGEFASZTE priifungen der lehre des ewigen evangeliums, 3080. KURZE anzeigen von dem verfahren der con- vention, 3325. - apologie der pietisten zu Bern, 4601. - fragen ueber die christliche glaubens-lehre, 4503. KURZER bericht von den leuten, die man Quaker nennet, 4273. - catechismus, 750. KURZGEFASZTE historische nachricht von den kampfen der Schweitzer, 3230. KABALISTICAE precationes, 2595. KALENDARIUM Pennsilvaniense, 1. KATECHISMUS, 1821. KAWANIO che keeteru, 1476. KEACH. Benjamin, 202. KEARSLEY. John, 1224, 1679. John -, jr., 2549. KEIMER. Samuel, 203, 334, 335, 370. KEITH. George, 17, 21 to 23, 39 to 55, 62 to 64, 82, 94. Sir William -, 146,147, 153, 227, 246, 247, 278, 279, 283, 286. See also George Keith. KEMPER. Henry, 1415. KEMPIS. Thomas a, 1136, 1137, 1183, 2893, 4312. KENNEDY. Archibald, 1369. Robert -, 2550. KENRICK. William, 4501. KERN alter und neuer, Geistreicher, lieder, 1258. KEY opening a way, 143. K. L. LA CHAISE. Father, 13. LA VALLIERE. -, 3412. LABOUR in vain, 1591. LADIES' friend, 2653, 4201. LADY errant inchanted, 425. LAMBART. Richard, 3411. LAMENTATION, of Pennsylvania, 2137. over Zion, 2138. LAMONT. -, 3412. LAM PEN. Frederick, 1823. LAMPOON on modern scribblers, 2139. LAND office, 1905, 2140. LANDMAN NS advocat, 1739. LANGHORNE. John, 4504. LARGE additions to common sense, 3439. LARGER catechism, 1348, 1788. 502 INDEX. LAST solemn confession, &c., of John Hurrin, and Alexander Buchan, 3039. - speech and confession of Henry Halbert, 2130. - summons, 1854. - Tuesday morning Mr. Galloway, 1975. LATE association for defence, encourag'd, 1102, 1103. - association for defence far- ther encourag'd, 1104, 1105. - regulations respecting the British colonies, 2118. LATELY imported, and to be sold by David Hall. 2141. LATIMER. Hugh, 1740. LATTER part of the charge, 463. LAUTERE wahrheit. Die, 1009. LAW and gospel, 1060. - of crimes, 2751. - of liberty, 3311. LAW. William, 710, 1681, 2231, 4616. LAWFULNESS, excellency, and advantage of instrumental musick, 1906. - of de- fensive war, 1478. LAY. Benjamin, 556. LEA MING. Aaron and Jacob Spicer, 1596. LEBEN gottes in der seele des menschen. Das, 1437, 1500. - und heroische thaten des konigs von Preuszen, 1725. LEBENS-regul, 2010. LECTURE upon heads, 2820. LECTURES on rhetoric, 4435. - on the materia medica, 3188. LEE. Arthur, 2142, 3040, 3041, 4018, 4019. Charles -, 3042, 3231, 3784. LEECHMAN. William, 1632. LEEDS. Daniel, 12. LEGACY. A, 2222, 2223. - for children, 127, 133, 141. LEHR-text, 2369, 2453, 2664. LEHR-texte, 2551, 2787, 2896, 3043, 3232, 4650. LEICHENPREDIGT, 979. LEICHT-predig. Eine, 1044. LEININGER. Barbara, 1626. LELAND. Thomas, 3044. LESLIE. Charles, 4315. LESSONS for lovers, 4507. LETCHWORTH. Thomas, 2232. LETTER addressed to the Abbe Raynal, 4226. - concerning an American bishop, 2370. - concerning toleration, 2015. - from a blacksmith, 2091, 2185. - from a clergy-man in the country, 90. - from a clergyman in town, 2011. - from a coun- tryman, 520. - from a gentleman, 2552. - from a gentleman at Elizabeth-town, 2012. - from a gentleman in England, 1824. - from a gentleman in Philadelphia, 339, 769, 1536. - from a gentleman in Transilvania, 2007. - from a tradesman in Lancaster, 1680. - from a Virginian, 3045. - from an American, 4434. - from Batista Angeloni, 2013, 2014. - from Ben- jamin Jones, 1370. - from E. Kinnerslev, 639. - from Elizabeth Webb, 4170, 4409. - from David Imrie, 1473. -from Father La Chaise, 13. - from James Davenport to Jonathan Barber, 871. - from Lewis Thurnstein, 858. - from Mrs. Anne Dut- ton, 814. - from one in the country, 205. - from Phocion, 4486. - from Ralph Ers- kine to Whitefield, 701. - from Sir Wil- liam Keith, 246. -from the country, 2897. - from the Presbyterian ministers of Bos- ton to the Baptists at Providence, 229. - from the Rev. Dr. Colman to the Rev. Mr. Williams, 869. - from Whitefield to a di- vine in Boston, 1114. - from Whitefield to a friend, 677. - from Whitefield to some church members, 678. -from White- field to the religious societies, 613. - from Whitefield to Wesley, 739. - from William Bull, 621. - occasioned by the perusal of a paper, 340. -of a farmer, 1741. -on the office and duties of a Protestant ministry, 1439. - to a friend, 249, 630, 1224, 2350, - to a friend in Ireland, 197. - to a friend in the country, 510. - to his ma- jesty's justices, 147. - to John Dickin- son, 2557. - to Kinnersley, 643. - to Sir William Keith, 286. - to the Bishop of Landaff, 2373. - to the Earl of Shelburne, 4227. - to the inhabitants, 3046. - to the people of Great Britain, 3047. - to the people of Pennsylvania, 1682. - to the rev. brethren, 632. - to the rev. Dr. Chauncy, 958. - to the rev. Jenkin Jones, 640. - to the reverend the minis- ters, 1017. - to the Roman Catholics, 4591. LETTERS, 4421. - between Theophilus and Eugenio, 1019. - from a farmer, 2354, 2433, 3004. -from General Washington, 3732. - from the dead, 1184. - from Yorick, 2934. - of Abelard, 3222. - of Major-General Lee, 3231. - of the late Thomas Lord Lyttelton, 4210. - on ap- preciation, 4690. - on the spirit of patriot- ism, 1152. - to Blackstone, 2881. - to his excellency Governor Wright, 2494. - to his most intimate friends, 3815. - to the merchants, 2534. - written by the late Earl of Chesterfield, 3289. LETTRE addressee aux habitans de Quebec, 3048, 3233. LETTRES d'un membre du congres, 3970. LETZTE privat-erklarung ffir Pennsylvania, 770. - wille des printzen Diederichs von Anhalt Dessau, 1336. - zugabe, 4624. LEWIS. John, 1081. LEYDT. Johannes, 4640, 4646. LEX Parliamentaria, 138. LIBERTY, 2371, 2454, 2553, 4287. - of the spirit, 1642. -tree, 3903. LIDENTUS. J. A., 1478. LIEBES-echo einiger versammelten seelen, 762. LIEBREICHER zuruf, 1185. LIEDER fiir freimaurer, 2788. LIFE, adventures, &c., of Duncan Cameron, 1479. - and adventures of Ambrose Gwin- ett, 4508. - and character of a strange he monster, 282. - and confession of Herman INDEX. 503 Rosencrantz, 2554. - and confession of John Myrick, 1417. - and death of the righteous, 1888. - and spiritual sufferings of Jane Hoskins, 2658. - of David Hume, 3716. - of God in the soul of man, 2257. - of Nicholas Mooney, 1265. - of the late Earl of Chesterfield, 3234. - travels and adventures of Edward Wortley Mon- tague, 4509. - truly painted, 2455. LILLIPUT, 1825. LILLO. George, 3049. LINN. William, 3413. LISCHY. Jacob, 835, 1082, 1138. LIST of the general and staff officers, 3733. - of the sub-committees, 3414. LITTLE looking-glass, 1963. LITURGISCHE gesange, 2555. LIVES and characters of Sejanus and Pro- tesilaus, 489. - of the Apostles, 3050. LIVINGSTON. William, 1480, 2373, 2556. LLOYD. -, 1826. David-, 250,341. LOBREDE auf diejenigen tapfern manner, 4688. LOCKE. John, 2015. LOCKNER. Christoph, 1659. LOCKV0GEL warnungsgesang, 2016. LOGAN. James, 206, 251 to 253, 283, 463, 505, 540, 712, 868. LONDON merchant. The, 3049. LONGCHAMP. Chev., 4586. LOOKING-Glass for Jews, 4482. - for modern deists, 342. - for Presbyterians, 2017, 2018. LORD Chesterfield's advice to his son, 4162. LOTTERY, 2666 to 2673, 2789 to 2792, 2900, 3051 to 3054. -the, 1579. LOTTO di genua, 2665. LOUIS, By the grace of God, King of France and Navarre, 3735. LOVE his own rival, 1827. - of our coun- try, 3650. - of the world, 2211. - to Christ a necessary qualification, 901. LOVIGNY. J. B., 1020. LOWRY. Jean, 1683. LOWTII. Robert, 3235. LUCIFER'S decree, 2143. LUDOVICI a Thflrenstein, h. e. Epistola, 796. LURTING. Thomas, 254. LUSTIGE aria. Eine, 4653. LUTHER. Martin, 885, 980, 1139, 1264, 1884, 2111, 2230, 2285, 2510, 2548, 3532, 4453, 4454, 4626, 4642, 4679, 4694. LUTIIERISCHE und reformirte ABC und namen-biicher, 3736. - und reformirte A. B. C. und namen-biich-lein, 4510. LYING valet. The, 3707. LYON. James, 1743, 2306. LYTTELTON. George, 1744. Thomas -, 4210. MACGOWAN. John, 2456. MACK. Alexander, 1684, 3026, 3055. MACKAY. Fitzhugh, 3737. McKEAN. Thomas, 3738. MACKENZIE. Henry, 4211, 4212, 4316. MACKLIN. Charles, 4511. MACLEANE. Lauchlin, 1481. McNUTT. A., 4020, 4021, 4022. MASONS. Franc-, 4317, 4687. MACPHERSON. John, 2233, 2557, 2558, 2674, 2675, 4213. MACPHERSON'S letters, &c., 2558. MADEN. Martin, 2793. MADNESS of mankind, 1360. MAGAW. Samuel, 3236, 3904, 4512, 4692. MAGNA Britania her colonies reduc'd, 2144. MAID of the Oaks, 3528. MAN of business, 2993. - of feeling, 4212. - of real sensibility, 3102. - of the world, 4316. - worth forty crowns, 3826. MANNERS of the times, 1828. MANSON. David, 3905, 4513. MANUAL exercise, 3237 to 3240, 3415. - of Catholic prayers, 3056, 3739. MANUEL de franc-magons, 4317. MANY members of the Library, 2676. - respectable freeholders, 2559, 2560. MARKHAM. J., 2019. MARKOE. Peter, 4514. MARKS of the new birth, 614. MARMAJOU. Anthony, 3702. MARMONTEL. J. F., 2562. MARRIAGE of Cana, 791. MARRIOT. Doctor, 3110. MARSHALL. Miss, 3581. William-,3057, 4515. MARTIN. -, 1685*. Alexander -, 2457. Hugh -, 4214. MARVELL. Andrew, 2901, 2902. MARY Somerville, 2677. MARYLAND, 150, 255. MASON. William, 3058. MATERIALS towards a history, 2524. MATHER. Cotton, 4666. Increase -, 836. MATLACK. Timothy, 4023. White -, see Free Quakers, 4166. MAUDUIT. Israel, 4024. MAULE. Thomas, 83, 95, 120. MAXIMS and moral reflections, 3803. MAY Be. The, 2020. MECHANICK'S address, 1745. MECOM. Benjamin, 2563. MEDICAL pocket-book, 4472. MEDICINA Britannica, 1240, 2168. MEDITATIONS and contemplations, 1178. MEIN heyland der bist mir, 582. MELANCHOLY narrative, 3059. MELCHER. Isaac and Adam, see Schaffer. David. MEMOIRS of the life of John Roberts, 4357. - of the life of Philip Doddridge, 3071. - of the life of Whitefield, 3025. - sur la vie, &c., de Turgot, 4194. MEMORABLE account, 375. MEMORANDUM, 2977. M. MACARONI. The, 3029. McEWEN. William, 2307. M'FINGAL, 3301. 504 INDEX. MEMORIAL addressed to the sovereigns, 4342. - between jest and earnest, 27. - containing a summary view of facts. 1537. - from James Logan, 253. - humbly shewing, 170. MENDENHALL. Thomas, 4516. MERCHANTS and traders, 2146. - and trader's security, 1746. -of this city, 2458. MEREDITH. John, 372. MERKWURDIGE geschichte der belehrung von J. F. Dusz, 973. - nachricht, 1955. MERKWURDIGER traum, 2374. MESSAGE of Gov. Barnard, 1592. - to the Governor, 771. METHOD for prayer, 636. - of hearing ser- mons, 2234. METHODISM anatomiz'd, 1907. - dis- played, 3058. MIDDLE line, 3241. MIGHTY destroyer displayed, 2980. MILITARY discourse, 3413. - glory of Great-Britain, 1830. - guide, 3474. - instructions, 2596, 3290. - treatise, 1653. MILLER. Henrich, 2308, 3740. Peter -, 2145. MILTON. Abraham, 1747. John -, 2564, 3582. MINISTER of Christ and his flock, 438. MINISTERS, elders, and messengers, 2309. MINISTRY of reconciliation, 1673. MINSTREL. The, 4426. MINUTES of Conferences, 1538 to 1540,1593, 1634, 1748, 1908, 2459. - of the Baptist association, 3060, 3416, 4025, 4216, 4319, 4517. - of the General Assembly of Penna., 3417, 3741, 3742, 3906, 4026, 4121, 4215, 4318, 4518. - of the Philadelphian asso- ciation, 2460, 2565, 2678, 2903, 3242, 4122. MIRABILIA dei inter indicos, 968. MIRACULOUS power of clothes, 1749, 2794. MIRROR of divine love, 256. MIS Mac Rea, 4489. MISCELLANIES for sentimentalists, 3743. MR. David Hall, 2233. - Franklin, the abso- lute and obvious necessity, &c., 1063. - George Keith's account, 82. - Trueman's observation, 546. MISTISCHES und kirchliches zeuchniisz, 827. MITE cast into the treasury, 1588, 2747, 2748. MODERN poemander, 972. - riding-mas- ter. 3328. MODEST apology, 343. - enquiry, 365. - narrative of grievances that inhabitants of N. York lie under by the proceedings of Jacob Leysler, 28. - reply, 309. - vin- dication of the late New-Jersey assembly, 936. MOLLINEUX. Mary, 373, 407, 4320. MONODY in honor of the chiefs, 4519. - on Major Andr6, 4248. MONTAGUE. Mary Wortley, 2375, 2461. MONTGOMERY. Joseph, 3243. Richard-, 3475. MONTHLY meeting of free Quakers, 4123. MOORE. John, 541, 4321. William -, 1541, 1591. MORALITY of the Bible, 2199. MORE. Hannah, 2904,3061, 3244. Thomas -, 1313. MORE just vindication, 283. MORGAN. Abel, 408, 1022, 1186. John -, 2147, 2213, 4124. Joseph -, 121, 713. MORNING and evening's meditation, 2232. - and evening prayer, 132. - prayer, 4027. MORRIS. Gouverneur, 3907. Lewis -, 837, 886. Morris -, 344, 353. Robert -, 3908. MORRISON. John, 1202. MORTON. Perez, 3418. MOSS. Charles, 2462. MOST remarkable prophecy, 1686. MOTE point of finance, 3909. MOTHER'S catechism, 4322. MOURNER. The, 4108. MUHLENBERG. Henrich, 2235. MULLER. John, 3910. MURRAY. James, 2463, 2464, 2566, 2905, 3062, 3744, 4323. MURTAGH O'Lavery, 1831. MY dear fellow-traveller, 4615. - late en- gagements of a public nature, &c., 4148. - lords, 664. MYSTERY of iniquity, 411. MYSTICHE abhandlung, 915. NACHDRUCKLICHE buss-stimme und warnungs-posaune, 4676. NACIIKLANG zum gesang der einsamen turtel taube, 1419. NACHRICHTERS, 2517. - oder rosz-artz- ney-buchlein, 2640. NAKSKOW. P. S., 1372. NARRATIVE concerning the maintenance, 4520. - of a discovery of a specific for cancers, 4214. - of Ethen Alien's cap- tivity, 3843, 3844. - of many facts, 2549. - of the captivity of'Benjamin Gilbert, 4521. - of the capture of John Dodge, 3871. -of the late massacres, 1992. -of the life of John Lewis, 1687. - of the sufferings of W. and E. Fleming, 1465 to 1468. - of the unhappy life, &c., of Sam- uel Stoddard, 1832. NATURALISATIONSFORM, 1750. NATURE and design of Christianity, 887, 1484. NECESSARIES; best product of land, 3419. NECESSARY truth, 1099. NECESSITY and divine excellency of a life of purity, 4008, 4297. - of keeping the soul, 955. - of praising God, 954. - of religious violence, 526. - of studying to be quiet, 902. - of thankfulness, 903. NEGOCIATOR'S magazine, 2001. NEISSER. George, 773. N. INDEX. 505 NELSON. John, 2679. NEU - EINGERICHTETES gesang-buch, 1834. - trauer-lied, 4403. - vermehrt und vollstandiges gesang-buch, 1301, 1896, 2778, 3023. - vermehrtes gesang der ein- samen turtel-taube, 1835. NEUE anrede an die Deutschen in Philadel- phia, 2022. - buecher und waarin sind bey Christoph Lochner zubekommen, 1659. - charter von Penna., 809. - Testament, 938, 1421, 1752, 1910, 2465, 3245, 4324. NEUES lied. Ein, 4015. NEUFFVILLE. John, 2534. NEUN und neunzig mystische sprache, 324. NEVILL. Samuel, 1268. NEW and complete guide, 644. - and com- plete instructions for the violin, 3825. - creature delineated, 2280. - England primer, 1543, 2568, 2681, 3584, 3746, 3913, 4125. - England psalter, 888. - Eng- land's spirit of persecution, 64. - geo- graphical, historical, <fcc., grammar, 2779. - guide to the English tongue, 1523, 2210, 2520, 3005, 3193, 3694, 3695, 3870, 4005, 4631. -history of the Bible, 2709. -hus- bandry to New-England, 56. - Jersey, 2279, 2377. - Jersey session laws, 345, 409, 444, 445, 464, 490, 603, 645, 774, 838, 983, 984, 1142,1143,1189, 1227, 1228,1268, 1269,1314,1374,1422 to 1425,1486 to 1488, 1544 to 1546. -journal of a voyage around the world, 3064. - list of the army, 1753. - manual exercise, 967, 1005. - method of inoculating. 4154. - primer ,3905, 4513. - recruit, 3912. - rules to be observed in the army, 1597. - sermons, 3062. - set of copies, 1926. - song, 2150, 2151, 2238, 2682, 4659. - system of military disci- pline, 3411. - Testament, 3585, 3747,4028, 4029, 4126, 4127, 4219, 4220. - travels through North-Am erica, 4358. - version of the psalms, 124, 467. - Year verses of the carriers of the several newspapers will be found under New in every year indicated by the dates, as follows : American Weekly Mercury, 1741-1746. Freeman's Journal, 1782-1784. Independent Gazetteer, Numbers 4285 and 4525. Pennsylvania Chronicle, 1768-1774. - Evening Post, 1776-1782. - Gazette, 1743-1784 (for 1742, Number 792, and for 1768, Number 2407). - Journal, 1745-1784 (for 1744, Num- ber 909). - Ledger, 1776 and 1778. - Packet, 1772-1784. Philadelphischen Correspondenz, 1782-1784. Staatsbote, Numbers 2224, 2544, and 4658. NEW Year's gift, 2523. - York, constitu- tion of, 3588. NEWEST American Primer, 3914. NEWS, 3589. II.-64 NEWSPAPERS will be found under each year, as indicated by the dates following the titles : American Weekly Mercury, 1719- 1746. COURRIER DE l'AmERIQUE, 1784. Freeman's Journal, 1781-1784. German and English Gazette, G. Arm- bruster's, 1751. German Newspaper, G. Armbruster's, 1748; A. Armbruster's, 1762 ; and J. Dunlap's, 1779. High Dutch Pennsylvania Journal, 1743. Hoch-Deutsch Pennsylvanische Ges- chicht-Schrieber, 1739. Independent Gazetteer, 1782-1784. Lancaster Gazette, 1752. Pennsylvania Chronicle, 1767-1774. - Evening Post, 1775-1782. - Gazette, 1729-1784, see Universal Instructor. - Journal, 1743-1784, see Weekly Ad- vertiser. - Ledger, 1775-1778. - Mercury, 1775 and 1784. - Packet, 1771-1784. Pennsylvanische Zeitungs-Blat, 1778. Pennsylvanischer Staatscourier, 1778. Penny Post, 1769. Philadelphia Price Current, 1784. Philadelphische Correspondenz, 1781. - Staatsbote, see Woechentliche, P. S. - Zeitung, Franklin's, 1732; Franklin and Armbruster's, 1755 and 1757. Philadelphischer Staatsregister, 1779. Royal Pennsylvania Gazette, 1778. United States Journal, 1784. Universal Instructor, 1728-1729, see Pennsylvania Gazette. Prospectus of -, 334. Weekly Advertiser, 1742, see Pennsyl- vania Journal. Woechentliche Philadelphische Staatsbote, 1762. NEWTON. John, 4700. NICHOLA. Lewis, 3426. NIESSEN. G. D., 73. NO person whatever is to presume to remove, 3590. NOBLE. Job, 646. NOCH mehr zeugniisse der wahrheit, 1026. NOETICA, 1262. NORCOTT. John, 2026. NORRIS. Isaac, 114, 309, 310, 311, 319, 346. NORTH Briton extraordinary, 2470. NORTHCOTE. William, 3477. NOSUM nosorum, 1840. NOTE-maker noted, 841. NOTES on the slave trade, 3988, 4080, 4271. NOTICE, 715. - is hereby given to all sea- men and able-bodied, 3592. - is hereby given to all seamen and others, 3591. - is hereby given to the merchants, 3593. 506 INDEX. NOUGARET. P. J. B., 3920, 3921. NOUVEAU voyage dans L'AmSrique Septen- trionale, 4243. NOUVELLES nouvelles, 3922. NOVELTY of novelties, 4257. NOW in the press, 2241, 2686, 2687. NUETZLICHE anweisung. Eine, 1231,2796. NUMBER of the inhabitants. A, 2154. NUTZLICHE anweisung. Eine, 4644. OPIFERQUE per orbem dicor, 3070. OPPRESSION, 2155. ORATIO, 4620. ORATION delivered at the King's Chapel, 3418. - delivered at the State Bouse, 3313. - delivered February 4,1774, 3096. - delivered February 24, 1775, 3273. - delivered January 22, 1773, 2932. -de- livered March 5, 1774, 3217. -delivered March 16, 1780, 4023. - delivered the second of March, 1781, 4082. - in mem- ory of General Montgomery, 3475. - upon the beauties of liberty, 3154. ORDINANCE for rendering the burthen of the associators equal, 3430. - for the ap- pointment of justices, 3428. - of baptism, 2089. - of the state of Penna, declaring what shall be treason, 3429. ORDNUNG des heyls, 3369. ORIGINAL and present state of man, 4338. - states, 2028. ORTON. Job, 3071. OSTERREICIIISCH-ungarische provinz der geschuhten Augustiner mbnche, 4528. OTTO. Johann Henrich, 2801. OTTOLENGHE. Joseph, 2689. OUTCASTS comforted, 4261. OVERTURE presented to the Synod, 382. OWEN. John, 1317. O! JUSTITIA, 21.36. - Tempora, 3103. OATH to be administered, 4630. OBLIGATIONS of the confederate states, 4254. OBSERVATIONS on a late epitaph, 2027. - on a late pamphlet, 4330. - on a variety of subjects, 3008. - on Bishop Warbur- ton's sermon, 2353. - on certain commer- cial transactions, 4019. - on divers pas- sages, 2655. - on some fatal mistakes, 1934. - on the act of Parliament, 3091. - on the American revolution, 3907. - on the Angina Maligna, 2471. - on the commerce of the American states, 4303. - on the conversion of St. Pau], 1744. - on the inslaving of negroes, 1618, 1658. - on the justificative memorial, 4079. - on the late and present conduct of the French, 1407. - on the late law, 2688. - on the late popular measures, 3007. - on the na- ture and use of paper-credit. 4078. - on the nature of civil liberty, 3450. - on the reconciliation, 3427. - on the slaves and the indented servants inlisted, 3594. - relative to the manufactures of paper and printed books, 2854. - sur L'Origine de la society de Quakers, 3989. - sur le m6- moire justificatif, 3853. - sur les deux rap- ports, 4468. - upon beauty, 1027. - upon negro-slavery, 4463. - upon the effects, 4132. - upon the present govern- ment, 3628, 4360. OBSERVATOR'S trip, 284. ODE on the late glorious successes, 1802. - on the prospect of peace, 1756. OECONOMY of human life, 1213, 1253, 2766, 4095, 4096. - of love, 2743. OETINGER. F. C., 2911. OF religious melancholy, 541. - the imita- tion of Christ, 4312. OFFENBAHRUNG von dem wunder-wesen Gottes, 3250. OFFERS of Christ, 2515. OFFICE, duty, &c., of sheriffs, 171. OFFT hast du mir zugeruffen, 583. OGILVIE. John, 3069. OLD looking-glass, 2564. - maid. The, 1839. - man's guide, 3220. - Mr. Dod's sayings, 1691, 2380. ON Friday, on Monday, on Wednesday, see 1778. - General Wayne's taking Stony Point, 3923. - the death of John Wag- staffe, 1706. o. p. PADLIN. Benjamin, 4613. PAINE. Thomas, 3432 to 3439, 3595, 3764, 3765, 4034, 4035, 4133, 4226, 4227. PALLADIUM of conscience, 3072. PALMER. John, 19. PAMELA, 896. PANEGYRICK. A, 1841. PAPER concerning disturbances in Christ church, 942. - containing exceptions, 1028. PAPIST'S curses, 842. PARABLE. A, 207. PARADIESISCHE aloe, 2572. PARADISE Lost, 3582. PARADISISCHES Wunder-Spiel, 2242, 4629. PARAPIIRASTICAL exposition, 66. PARLIAMENT. Act of, 111,358, 417, 2097, 3697. PARTICULAR consideration of the Querists, 692. PARTICULARS of an Indian treaty, 172, 186. PARTNERSHIP. The, 2541. PASTORIUS. Francis Daniel, 84. PATERN of Christian education, 1491. PATRIOT chief, 4514. PAXTON Boys, 2029 to 2031. - expedition, 2032. r > PAXTONIADE. The, 2033, 2034. PEACE and union recommended, 1573. PEASANT of Auburn, 4459. PEMBERTON. Israel, 3626. INDEX. 507 PENINGTON. Isaac, 4331. PENN. Hannah, 286. Richard -, 2642. William -, 7, 85,143, 162, 312, 1377, 2573, 3251, 3440, 4332, 4333. See General epistle, <tc., 4. PENNINGTON. Edward, 2314. PENNSYLVANIA. A poem, 1492. Acts of assembly of -, see infra, Laws. Charter of -, 236, 694. Charters of -, 755. Char- ters and acts of assembly of -, 1791, 1792. Collection of charters of -, 622. Constitu- tion of -, 3350, 3535,4090, 4458. Laws of -, collections, 79, 128, 336, 757, 1665, 1791, 3147, 4179. Laws of -, sessional, will be found under each year, as Acts, 1712-1715 ; Laws, 1718; Acts, 1719-1729; Anno, 1730- 1776; Laws, 1777-1784. Laws of -, special acts, 389, 960, 1286,1392,1511, 1613, 2188, 2624, 2738, 3312, 3502, 3503 to 3507, 3656 to 3661, 3838, 3983, 4070, 4071, 4178. - Magazine, 3256, 3445. - primer, 1430. - sailor's letters, 2674. - spelling-book, 3855. - war-office, 3601 to 3603. See In Assembly. Minutes. Proclamations. Votes. PEOPLE'S right to election, 14. PERRIN. John, 3929, 4040, 4139. PERRY. Edward, 375. PERSONAL affliction, 1384. - slavery, 2917. PERSUASIVE to repentance, 807. -to the right use of the passions in religion, 1701. PETERS. Richard, 559, 1234, 2159, 2477. PETITION of the Continental Congress, 3260. - to the King, 2038. PHARMACOPOEIA, 3680, 4083. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11 (1770), 2563. - June 7 (1775), 4681. - May 20 (1776), 4685. - August (1783), 4698. See Com- mittee. PI1ILADELPHIAD. The, 4536. PHILALETHES, see Benezet. PHILANTHROPISCHE gedanken, 4141. PHILLIPS. John, 66. PHIPPS. Joseph, 2696, 3262, 4338. PIKE. Joseph, 1552, 2578. Samuel-,2039. PITT. William, 3263, 3264. PLAIN concise practical remarks, 3407. - dealer, 2086, 2087. - facts, 4133. - path to Christian perfection, 2807, 4044. - short catechism, 21. - truth, 1010, 3345. PLAINNESS and innocent simplicity of the Christian religion, 4183. PLAN for conducting the hospital, 4041. - for conducting the inspector's department, 4042. - for conducting the quartermaster general's department, 4043. - for liqui- dating certain debts, 3775. - of a perform- ance, 2160. - of a proposed union, 3214. PLATTES. Gabriel, 4538. PLEA for the Non-Conformists, 2431. - of the colonies, 3605. - of the innocent, 55. PLOT. The, 2040. PLOWMAN'S complaint, 2282. POCKET English dictionary, 3341. POEM on divine revelation, 2984. - on the death of Montgomery, 4288. - on the rising glory of America, 2776. - on visiting the Academy, 1327. POEMS on several occasions, 650, 2770, 4427. - on various subjects, 3155, 4464. POETICAL epistle, 4174. - paraphrase, 4289. - works of Lady Montague, 2461. POIVRE. M. le, 3716. POLITE philosopher, 1602, 4101. POLITICAL debates, 2247. - disquisitions, 3170. -duenna, 3776. - establishments, 4540. - family, 3223. POMP. Nicholas, 3080. POOR orphans legacy, 492. POPE. Alexander, 1032, 1091, 1695, 3779. PORTEUS Beilby, 2920, 3267. POTENT enemies of America, 2981. POTTS. John, 1845. Jonathan -, 2697. POWELL. Thomas, 2041. PO W ER and grandeur of Great-Britain, 2385. POWNALL. Thomas, 4342. PRACTICAL discourses, 1727, 2618. - ex- position of the New Testament, 1733. PRACTICE of the French pronunciation, 4040. PRATT. -, 3781. Samuel Jackson -, 3780, 4236. PRAYER of Agur, 2357. PREDESTINATION consistent with general liberty, 1900. PREDIGT von der weinenden seele Jesu, 2911. - welche ein Schweitzer, ein reformirter prediger in S. Carolina bey Charlestaun gehalten, 1167. PREFACE to a memorial, by William Moore, 1541. PREFONTAINE. Peter Papin de, 1553. PRESBYTERIAN and independent churches in New England, 17. PRESENT for an apprentice, 1149, 3083. - method of inoculating, 2641. - situation of affairs, 3268. - state of New England, 19. PRESERVATIF contre les mensonges poli- tiques, 3608. PRESERVATIVE from the sins and follies of childhood, 911. PRETENDED antidote proved poyson, 22. PRETTY story, 3031. PRICE. Richard, 3450, 3782, 3783. PRIESTCRAFT defended, 2456. PRIESTLEY. Joseph, 2750, note, 2810, 3084, 3085, 4543. PRIMA morum & pietatis praecepta, 3451. PRIMER, 2042, 2162, 3933. PRIMITIVE Christianity revived, 4332. - physic, 2180, 2616, 2958. PRINCESS of Babylon, 3827. PRINCIPLES and articles of the Constitu- tional Society, 4047. - of politeness, 3812, 4255. - of sin and holiness, 2324. PRO aris et focis, 3487. PROCEEDINGS of a board of general offi- cers, 4048. - of a general court martial 508 INDEX. for trial of Maj. Arnold, 4049. - of a gen- eral court martial for trial of Maj. Gen. Howe, 4237. - of a general court martial for trial of Maj. Gen. Lee, 3784. - of a general court martial for trial of Maj. Gen. St. Clair, 3786. - of a general court mar- tial for trial of Maj. Gen. Schuyler, 3785. - of some members of Assembly, 347. - of the Convention, 3269. - of the general town-meeting, 3934. - of the provincial conference, 3452. - of the Supreme Ex- ecutive Council of Penna., 3935. PROCESS for extracting and refining salt- petre, 3453. PROCLAMATION, 71,100,163, 230, 285,348, 376, 543, 560, 718, 778, 894, 991, 1033, 1150, 1151, 1195, 1497, 1761, 2043, 2044, 2248, 2377, 2386, 2387, 2479, 2701, 2921, 3086 to 3089, 3090, 3525, 3609 to 3623, 3787 to 3799, 3936 to 3943, 4050, 4051, 4145, 4146, 4238, 4343 to 4353, 4544 to 4546. PROGRESS of the British, 3454. PROJET d'une representation, 2811. PROPHECY, 4661. -lately discoursed, 1917. PROPHETIC numbers of Daniel and John, 1623. PROPOSAL for promoting useful knowledge, 822 PROPOSALS, 1496. - by Robert Bell for printing by subscription lectures, 2978. - by the Philada. Baptist Association, 4052. - for printing a large bible, 9. - for printing by subscription lectures, 3167. - for printing by subscription Leland's his- tory, 2855. - for printing by subscription the Catholic Christian, 2979. - for print- ing by subscription the Penna. Chronicle, 2220. - for reprinting Ferguson's essay, 2631. - for reprinting Hume's history, 2632. - for traffick, 151. - relating to education, 1129. - to amend and perfect the policy, 4239. PROPOSED ordinance of the state of Penn- sylvania, declaring what shall be treason, 3431. - plan or frame of government, 3455. PROPRIETY of singing the psalms, 3057. PROSPECTUS of a lottery, 335. PROTEST of divers of the inhabitants, 3456. PROTESTANT'S danger. The, 1433. PROTESTATION gegen die bestellung Herrn Benjamin Franklins, 1993. - of the mem- bers, 779. - presented to the synod, 719. PROTEUS ecclesiasticus, 97. PROVIDENCE, 3069. PRUSSIAN evolutions, 3218. PSALM of thanksgiving, 2226. PSALMS of David, 387, 667, 733, 1334, 1570, 1707, 3832, 4168, 4354. PSALTER. Der, 980, 1554, 1696, 1846, 1847, 2389, 2390, 4547. PUBLIC good, 4035. PUGH. Ellis, 173, 313. PULLIEN, see Saurages. PUPIL of nature, 3828. - of pleasure, 3780. PUSEY. Caleb, 74, 91, 96, 97, 101, 104, 105, 107. Q. QUAKER unmasked, 1981, 1982. - vindi- cated, 2046. QUAKERS assisting, 2047, 2048. - grace, 2163. QUALIFICATIONS, characters and duties of a minister, 1410. QUEEN'S rangers, 3800. QUERISTS. The, 647. - Part III., 720. QUINCY. Josiah, 3091. R. RABEN-geschrey. Das, 3471. RAMSAY. William, 2768, 2781. RAN BY. John, 3477. RANDALL. John, 2049. RATES of porterage, 3092. RATIONALIS, 3457. RAWLE. Francis, 174, 258, 287. RAY. James, 1034. Nicholas -, 2249. RAYNAL. Abbe, 4494. William Thomas-, 3271, 4240. READ. Charles, 2050, 2051. READING no preaching, 1762. READING, Philip, 1433. READY observator, 2771. - reckoner, 3018. REAL and genuine school for scandal, 4251. - Christian's hope in death, 1509. REASON against coition, 1196. - forquit- ing the Methodist society, 4488. - for the necessity of silent waiting, 3997. - why the people called Quakers do not pay tythes, 2702. RECEIPT to make a speech, 2250. RECKETT. William, 4699. RECUEIL de pieces direrses, 4274. - des Loix, 3801. - prficieux de la maconnerie adonhiramite, 4362. REDE, gehalten in dem hause der Assembly der provinz Pennsylvanien (1764). Eine, 1976. - Herrn Joseph Galloways, 1995. - von den absichten der Deutschen gesells- cbaft, 4207. REED. John, 3093. -Joseph, 2213, 2391, 3944, 4148, 4149, 4280, 4355. REEVE. Joseph, 4490. REFLECTIONS of a few friends, 3458. - xon courtship and marriage, 976, 1583. REFLEXIONS d'un instituteur surun roman, 4182. REFORMIRTEN kirche in Pennsylvanien kirchen-ordnung. Der, 1049. REFORMIRTER oder Heidelberger kate- chismus, 1275. REFUTATION of three opposers of truth, 23. REGELN der Teutschen gesellchaft, 2052, 2251. - undarticuls zu besserer regierung ihro majestat garden, 1556. INDEX. 509 REGIERUNGSVERFASSUNG der republik, 4548, 4549. REGIMENTS-verfassungvon Pennsylvanien, 3459. REGISTER office. The, 1848. REGLEMENT militaire, 3460. REGUL und richt-schnur eines streiters Jesu Christi, 926. REGULAR English syntax, 3998, 4276. REGULATIONS for the order and discipline of the troops, 3945, 4242. - under which the inhabitants, 3625. REINHOLDT. Georg Christoph, 2922. RELATION of a remarkable Providence, 1434. - of the misfortunes, 1469. RELAXATION of war, 1584. RELIGION and patriotism, 1409. - of the ancient Brachmans, 1276. RELIGIOUS courtship, 363. - instruction, 4515. REMAINDER of the observations, 522. REMARKABLE particulars in the life of John Newton, 4700. REMARKS on a late pamphlet entitled plain truth, 3461. - on a late protest. 1994. - on a late publication, 4355. - on Gov. Johnstone's speech, 3944. - on Lord Bo- lingbroke's letters, 1259. - on scurrility and oppression, 2487. - on several pas- sages of Whitefield's sermons, 649. - on Sir Win. Keith's vindication, 288. - on some articles, 1356. - on the late proceedings, 349. - on the nature of spirituous liquors, 3165. - on the Quaker unmask'd, 2053. - on Zenger's tryal, 551. - upon a pam- phlet, entitled, a letter to a friend, 523. - upon a pamphlet intitled an address from the Baptist Church, 4150. - upon a protes- tation, 729. - upon the advice to free- holders, 314. - upon the Bishop of Lon- don's pastoral letter, 653. - upon the defence of Mr. Hemphill's observations, 517. - upon the delineated Presbyterian, 2054. - upon the manner and form of swearing, 1406. - upon Whitefield, 880. - which the author, 799. REMONSTRANCE of Obadiah Honesty, 1529, 1530. REPENT and be converted, 3704. REPLY to a piece called the speech, 1977. - to Joseph Reed's remarks, 4280. REPORT of commissioners for settling a car- tel, 3946. - of the committee of the As- sembly, 3947, 3948,4151. - of the com- mittee of the Council of Censors, 4550, 4551. REPORTS of the Board of Treasury, 3949. REPRASENTANTEN der Vereinigten Sta- aten von America, im congress versammlet, 3462. REPRESENTATION to the public, 4654. REPRESENTATIVES of the United States, 3463. RESIGNATION, 2092. - a funeral ser- mon, 2785. RESOLUTIONS, 4153. - directing the mode of levying taxes, 3272, 3464. RESTITUTION. Eine, 1895. REVEREND Mr. Smith vindicated, 1501. REVIEW of the life and character of Arch- bishop Seeker, 3267. - of the military op- erations in N. America, 2556. REVISAL of the intreagues, 377. REVOLUTION of America, 4240. RHEA. John, 2812. Nee 2827. RHETORICAL Grammar, 4370, 4501. RHYMES relating to the present times, 2164. RICHARDSON. John, 1631, 4356. Samuel -, 896. RICHTSCHNUR und regel eines streiters Christi. Der, 4621. RIDDLE, 2582. - of riddles unriddled, 4563. RIGHTS of Great Britain asserted, 3352. RIMIUS. Henry, 1321. RISE and continuance of the substitutes, 3627. RITTENHOUSE. David, 3273. RITZEMA. Johannes, 1918. ROBERDEAU. Daniel, 3951. ROBERTS. Daniel, 1277, 1322, 2252, 2923, 4357. ROBERTSON. William, 2583. ROBIN. -, 4359. Claude C. -, 4243,4358. ROBINSON Crusoe, 3353. ROBINSON. Matthew, 3094, 3274. ROCHEFOUCAULD. Due de la, 3803. ROGERS. John, 86. ROMAINE. William, 1641, 2253. ROMANCE of an hour, 3578. ROMANS. Bernard, 3275. ROOSEN. Gerhard, 2480, 2584. ROSE. Aquila, 650. ROSLIN castle, 3952. ROUSSEAU. J. J., 2055, 4494. ROWE. Eliza, 605*. Elizabeth -, 946, 1381, 2320. ROWLAND. John, 953, note. ROYAL primer, 1323. - spiritual magazine, 2703. RUDDIMAN. Thomas, 3465. RUDIMENTS of the Latin tongue, 3465. RUFENDE wachter stimme. Eine, 1035. RULES and articles for the better govern- ment of the troops, 3276, 3466, 4244. - and articles for the government of the Penna, forces, 3467. - and constitutions of the society of Englishmen, 3095. - and constitutions of the society of the Sons of St. George, 2813. - and regulations for the better government of the military asso- ciation in Penna., 3468. - for establishing rank, 3277. - for the regulation of the Society for relief of free negroes, 4552. - for the St. Andrew's Society, 1237. - of the Brotherly Association, 4672. RURAL oeconomy, 3497. RUSH. Benjamin, 2814, 2924, 2926, 2927, 3096, 3628, 4154, 4360, 4361, 4553, 4673. RUSSEL. Robert, 2254. 510 INDEX. RUSTON. Thomas, 2321. RUTTY. John, 1642. gregations, 1765. - part of the catalogue, 3179. SECRETARY'S guide, 562. SEED of the woman bruising the serpent's head, 4175. SEINER koniglichen erhabensten majestat, 2061. SELECT essays, 3631. - fables of jEsop, 3542. - letters, 3813. - pieces on re- ligious subjects, 4331. - poems, 4299. SELF-DEFENSIVE war, 3177, 3178. - disclaimed and Christ exalted, 1576. SELIGER marter-stand der ersten Christen, 1290. SELLERS. Richard, 2817. SEMI-VIRGILIAN husbandry, 2049. SEMPLE. -, 2605. SENATORS. The, 2821. SENDSCHREIBEN an meinen bruder, 4556. SENTIMENTS and plan of the Warren Asso- ciation, 2483. - of a foreigner, 3271. - of an American woman, 4056. SERIOUS address, 2062, 2063, 2064. - ad- dress to people of Church of England, 1309. - address to such of the people called Quakers, 3712, 3713. - appeal to all the people in N. England, 47. - call, 440, 4492. - considerations on several impor- tant subjects, 3674. - considerations on the present state of affairs, 1369. - reflec- tions affectionately recommended, 3166, 3524, 3675, 3990. - reflections on the times, 1559. SERMON against divisions, 633. - deliv- ered at Nassau-Hall, 1723. - delivered at the forks of Brandywine, 1715. - deliv- ered in St. Paul's church, 4512. - ex- plaining the duties of Christian subjects, 1447. - on I. Chronicles xxix., 1771. - on education, 1234. - on Luke, viii., 723. - on man's primitive state, 1056. - on tea, 3104. - on the death of Whitefield, 2690. - on the evacuation of Charles- town, 4367. - on the important doctrine of regeneration, 625. - on the present situation of affairs, 2818, 3288, 4247. - on the resurrection, 782. - preached at Burlington, 1157. - preached at Chris- tiana Bridge, 3243. - preached at Fin- nick (1662), 825. - preached at ordina- tion of Dani. Lawrence, 1042. - preached at Philadelphia, 1106, 1158. - preached at York-town, 3164. - preached before the congregations, 3184. - preached before the House of Lords, 2462. - preached be- fore the Incorporated Society, 2930. - preached before the Presbytery of New Cas- tle, 1294. -preached before the Synod of N. York, 1457. - preached in Christ church, Dover, 3904, 4692. - preached in Christ church, Philadelphia, 1440. - preached in Greenwich, 994. - preached in Radnor church, 1054. - preached in St. Peter's in Lewis, 152 7. - preached in the college of Philadelphia, 1889. - s. ST.CLAIR. Maj. Gen., 3786. ST. JOHN. Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, 1152. SAINT-VICTOR. L. G. de, 4362. SAINT'S everlasting rest, 1874, 3334. SAINTE CROIX. G. E. J. de, 3953. SALUTATION to the Britains, 313. SANDIFORD Ralph, 378, 411. SATAN stripp'd, 819. SATAN'S harbinger encountered, 74. SAUER, see Sower. SAUR. Christopher, see Sower. Christopher. SAUVAGES. F. B. de, 2587. SAY. Thomas, 3099. SAYRE. John, 3280. SCENE in the first act, 2059. SCHABALIE. Johann P., 1921, 2394, 2706. SCHAFFER. David, 4065. SCHEMA sacrum, 3338. SCHMETTOW. W. F., 4365. SCHMIEDLEIN. Jacob, 1094. SCHNEEBERGER. Andreas, 3471. SCHON lied von Wilhelm Thellen, 2372. - weltlich lied, 4656. SCHOOL for husbands, 3100. - for scandal, 3956. - for wives, 4678. SCHOOLMASTERS assistant, 2875, 4093, 4469. SCHREIBEN an die einwohner, 3101. -des Evan. Luth, und Ref. kirchen-raths, von N. York und N. Carolina, 3281. SCHRIFFTMASSIGES zeuchnusz, 828. SCHULDIGSTES liebes- und ehren-Denk- mahl, 1769. SCHUL-ordnung, 1979. SCHUYLER. Maj. Gen., 3785. SCHWANEN gesang, 1075. SCIENCE. A poem, 1814,1815. - du bon- homme Richard. La, 3547, 3705. SCOTCH psalms, 1038. SCOTT. Helenus, 4366. Sarah -, 3102. William -, 3103. SCOUGAL. Henry, 259, 412, 1437, 1500, 2257. SCOURGE. Humphrey, 1606. SCRIBLER. The, 2060. SCRIPTURAL comment, 2793. SCRIPTURE-instruction, 1364. SEAGRAVE. Robert, 653, 1095. SEAMAN'S daily assistant, 3555, 3885. SEARCH after happiness, 2904, 3061, 3244. SEARSON. John, 2588. SEASONABLE account of the dying-words of some young-men, 75. - advice, 379. SEASONS. The, 3640. SECCOMBE. John, 2589. SECKER. Archbishop, 2634. SECOND edition of, A Remonstrance, 1530. - essay on free trade, 3975. - letter from E. Kinnersley, 641. - letter to the con- INDEX. 511 preached in the New Lutheran church, 2477. - preached in the Third Presby- terian church, 4471. - preached in Wood- bury, 1248. - to the Indians, 1096. - upon justification, 730. SERMONS, 1740. - and discourses, 2281, 2293. -of Mr. Yorick, 3115. -on im- portant subjects, 1607. - on practical sub- jects, 2836. - on various subjects, 679. - or declarations, 2395, 2867. - to doc- tors in divinity, 2905. - to gentlemen upon temperance, 2814. - to ministers of State, 4323. - to asses, 2463, 2464, 2566. SERVAN. J. M. A., 4557. SETHONIA, 3105. SEVEN hints, 2590. - rational sermons, 3632. - sermons, 2254. SEVERAL assemblies. The, 3282. -meth- ods, 3283. SEWARD. Anna, 4248. SEWEL. William, 350. SHAM beggar, 1851. SHARP, Gilbert, 3672. Granville -, 2707, 3106. SHE stoops to conquer, 2884. SHEFFIELD. Lord, see Holroyd. J. B. SHEPHERD. Thomas, 848. SHERIDAN. Richard Brinsley, 4251. Thomas -, 4370. SHEWEN. William, 87, 88, 4674. SHIPLEY. Jonathan, 2930, 3107 to 3109, 3286. SHOEMAKER. Isaac, 3962. SHORT address, 1508, 3176. - account of that part of Africa, 1785, 1786, 1876. - account of the convincement of Edward Andrews, 4252. - account of the people called Quakers, 3991, 3992, 4272. - and easy method with deists, 4315. - and faithful narrative of revival of religion, 864. - and sincere declaration, 3287. - and true account, 2396. - but serious ad- dress, 2591. - catechism, 1311, 4618. - confession of faith, 478. - description of Penna., 38. - discourse proving the Jew- ish Sabbath, 372. - easy and comprehen- sive method, 1766, 1922. - hand book, 351, 380. - history of a long travel, 216, 1210, 1293, 1353, 2116, 2514. - introduc- tion to English grammar, 3235. - intro- duction to grammar, 1852, 2959. - in- troduction to Latin grammar, 4161. - narrative of the extraordinary work at Camhuslang, 772. - narrative of the mas- sacre in Boston, 2592. - observations on slavery, 3993, 4081. - reply to White- field's letter, 724. - treatise on visible kingdom of Christ, 1132, 1181. - vindica- tion of Quakers, 4060. SHORT. Thomas, 1240, 2168. SHORTER catechism, 459, 1120, 1349, 1350, 1663. 1789, 2509, 4087. SIBYLLAS American® genethliacum Ludo- vico XVII., 4253. SIEGVOLCK. Paul, 1326, 2397. SIEGVOLK. Georg Paul, 2484. SIGENISCHE katechismus. Der, 1097. SIMES. Thomas, 3474. SINCERE convert, 848. SINGULAR and diverting behaviour, 3110. SIR, you are desired to attend, 3111, 3112. - you are returned, 3960. SIX arguments, 2258. - political dis- courses, 3678. - sketches on history of man, 3380. SIXTH essay on free trade, 4410. SLAVERY not forbidden, 2931. SLOTHFULNESS reproved, 2781. SLOW and sure, 4061. SMALL catechism, 4626, 4642. SMALRIDGE. George, 607, 725, 1853. SMITH. -, 783. Devereaux -, 4560. Francis-,4371. Jacob-,3219. John-, 208, 899, 1098. Josiah -, 654. Robert -, 1560, 1645, 2324, 4254. Samuel -, 1099. William -, 1327, 1384, 1438 to 1440, 1501, 1561 to 1563, 1700, 1767, 1854, 2169, 2485, 2593, 2932, 3113, 3288, 3475, 4267, 4561. SMOLLET. Tobias, 1768. SOLDIER and his lady. A, 3961. SOLEMN warning by the Associated Presby- tery, 3810. - warning to the secure world, 663. SOLILOQUY. A, 2594. SOME account of Isaac Shoemaker, 3962. - account of the charitable corporation, 2485. - account of the life and labours of W. Rcckett and Jas. Gough, 4699. - account of the Penna. Hospital, 1363. - brief observations, 107. - brief remarks, 2363, 2398, 4107. - considerations on keep- ing of negroes, 1389. - considerations relating to the Christian religion, 420, 435, 573. - expressions of Ann Crowley, 3187. -fruits of solitude, 1377. -gospel treasures, 1525. - historical account of Guinea, 2633. - memoirs of John Roberts, 1277, 1322, 2252, 2923. - memoirs of Thomas Tryon, 1775. - miscellany obser- vations on witchcrafts, 58. - necessary and important considerations, 331. - necessary precautions, 315. -necessary remarks on education, 3676, 3994. - observations of consequence, 2399. -observations on pro- ceedings against Mr. Hemphill, 511. -ob- servations on the Indian natives, 4433. - observations on Whitefield, 655. - obser- vations relating to schools, 3811. - ob- servations upon detection detected, 1585. - of the fundamental truths of Christianity, 48. - of the many false assertions of Wm. Davis, 94. - principles and precepts, 1300, 4300. - queries, 656. - queries sent to Whitefield, 1124. -reasons and causes of the late seperation, 49. - remarkable pro- ceedings, 260. - remarks, 1166. - re- marks on a late pamphlet, 105. - remarks on a speech, 726. - remarks on Abel Morgan's answer, 1155. - remarks on Kinnersley's two letters, 657. - remarks 512 INDEX. on religion, 1737. - remarks upon the times, 727. -remedies proposed, 174. - serious and awful considerations, 2422. SOMMERS. John. Baron, 2933. SONGS, comic, satyrical, and sentimental, 3637. - for children, 2838. SORROWS of Werther, 4485. SOUL-saving gospel truths, 836. SOUTH CAROLINA. Acts passed at a Gen- eral Assembly (1782), 4695. SOUTH EBY. William, 76, 135, 144. SOUTHERLAND. Thomas, 32. SOWER. Christopher, 658, 1100, 2058, 2167, 4157. SPEECH delivered from the Bench, 311. - delivered in the House of Assembly (1764), 1978. - intended to have been spoken, 3107 to 3109, 3286. -of E. Burke, 3171, 3172. - of George Thomas, 587. - of John Wright, 740. - of Joseph Galloway, 1996. - of Lewis Morris, 837. - of Patrick Gordon, 271, 272, 303, 330, 368, 401. - of Samuel Chew, 695, 756, 3182. -of Sir Wm. Keith, 247. - of the Earl of Chatham, 3263. - of the speaker of the House of Commons, 659. -of Wm. Burnet, 195. SPEECHES and addresses, 4602. - of Lewis Morris, 886. SPELLING book, 1855, 2765. SPERBER. J., 2595. SPICER. Jacob, see Leaming. A. SPIEGEL der eheleute, 1646. - der Tauffe, 879. SPIRIT of contradiction. The, 1856. -of the hat, 59. SPIRIT'S teaching, 388. SPIRITUAL songs, 784. SPROUTT. James, 2708. SQUABBLE. The, 2065, 2066. STACKHOUSE. Thomas, 2709. STAMP Act. The, 2170. STANCLIFF. John, 4562, 4563. STANDING orders for the garrison, 3636. STANHOPE. P. D., 3289, 3812, 3813, 4162, 4255. STANLY. J. W., 2486, 2487. STANTON. Daniel, 2819. STATE of the accounts of Adam Hubly, 4375. - Adam Orth, 4564. - Andrew Boyd, 4565. -Andrew Kachline, 4372. -Archi- bald Thompson, 4373. - Benjamin Bran- non, 4374. -Conrad Foos, 4566. -Ed- ward Bartholomew, 4567. - George Smith, 4376. -George Wall, 4397. -Jacob Barnitz, 4568. -Jacob Engle, 4377. - Jacob Morgan, 4378. - Jesse Jones, 4569. - John Buchanan, 4570. -John Gill, 4379. -John Hay, 4380. -John Lacey, Jr., 4381. - Joseph Hart, 4382. - Joshua Anderson, 4571. -Lewis Gronow, 4383. - Peter Richards, 4384. - Robert Smith, 4385. - Samuel Cunningham, 4572. - Samuel Dewees, 4386. -Thomas Levis, 4387. - Thomas Strawbridge, 4573. - William Antes, 4388. - William Coats, 4389. - William Crispin, 4574. - Wil- liam Hay, 4575. STATE of the accounts of the collectors of excise of Bedford Co., 4395. - Berks Co., 4390. -Bucks Co., 4576. -Chester Co., 4391. - Cumberland Co., 4392. - Lan- caster Co., 4393. - Northampton Co., 4394. - York Co., 4396. STATE of the accounts of the lieut. and sub- lieuts. of Chester Co., 4577. - City of Philadelphia, 4578. -Lancaster Co., 4398. - Northampton Co., 4399. - Washington Co., 4580. - Westmoreland Co., 4579. STATE of the case, 68. - of the proceedings, 261. STATEMENT of the case, 2325. STEELE. Richard, 262. STEINER. J. Conrad, 1280, 1769, 1923. STEPHENS. G. A., 2820, 3637. STERNE. Laurence, 2710, 2934, 3114, 3115, 3814, 3815. STEUART. James, 2711. STEUBEN. Baron, 3963. STEVENS. G. A., 2820, 3637. STEVENSON. Roger, 2596, 3290. STILLMAN. Samuel, 3476. STIRREDGE. Elizabeth, 289. STODDARD. Samuel, 1832. STORY of A3neas and Dido, 3116. STORY. Thomas, 214. STRENGTH and weakness, 289. STRICTURES on a pamphlet, entitled a " Friendly Address," 3042. - on national pride, 3836. - on the " friendly address," 3181. - on the Philadelphia Mischianza, 4024. STULTA est Clementia, 316. SUBSTANCE and scope of both Testaments, 1159. - of a council held at Lancaster, 2068. - of an exercise, 2135. SUCCESSFUL minister of Christ distin- guished in glory, 1988. SUFFICIENCY of the Spirit's teaching, 1925. SUM of religion, 635. SUMMARY view, 3034, 4437. SUPPLEMENT to free grace with a witness, 703. SURPRIZING yet real and true voyages, 3128. SWAN. Abraham, 3291. SWEDES petition, 187. SWIETEN. Geraard, 3477. SYLLABUS of a course of lectures in natural philosophy, 2865. - of a course of lectures on chemistry, 4361. SYNOD of N. Y. and Phila. vindicated, 2069. T. TABLE for the payment of loans, 4062. of French verbs, 4001. TABLES for the payment of loans, 4400. of difference of latitude, 4516. 513 INDEX. TAGERUCH des raths der censoren, 4581. TAGLICHEN loosungen, 2070, 2260, 2327, 2401, 2402, 2488, 2597, 2712, 2822, 2935, 3117, 3292, 3964, 4063, 4163, 4561, 4667. - loosungen und Lertexte, 4256, 4401. TATE. Nath., 124, 467. TAXATION royal tyranny, 3965. TAYLOR. Frances, 4. TEA-SHIP being arrived. The, 2936. TEACHINGS of God, 820. TEMPLE of wisdom, 12. TEMPORAL interest, 469. TENDER counsel and advice, 4333. TENNENT. Gilbert, 526, 609, 661 to 663, 729, 730, 761, 850, 901 to 904, 950 to 955, 994, 1101 to 1106, 1156 to 1161, 1281, 1502, 1503, 1607, 1701, 2172. John -, 786. William -, 609, 3118. TERRORS of the Lord, 1160. TERSTEEGEN. Gerhard, 905, 1039, 1040, 1107, 1241, 2071, 2489, 2823, 2937. TESTAMENT of the twelve patriarchs, 210. - politique de L'Angleterre, 3996. TESTIMONY against a false & absurd opin- ion, 50. - against prophaneness, 76. - and caution to Quakers not to be concerned in worldly government, 67. - given forth from yearly meeting, 3638. - of the peo- ple called Quakers, 3293. TEUCRO duce, 3639. TEUTSCH und Englische grammatic. Eine, 1041. TEUTSCIIEN kriegsartikel. Die, 1564. THANKSGIVING sermon, 1894. THE Christian soldier's duty, 1562. THEATRE, 3817, 3818, 3819. THEOLOGISCHES bedenken, 2621. THIS being the anniversary of his Majesty's birth-day, 227. - day is published, 3294. - poem, 4660. THOMAS. Ant. L., 3119. David -, 4257. Gov. George -, 587, 664. Martha -, 299. THOMSON. Adam, 1199. James -, 3640. John -, 382, 787. THORNE. William, 1926. THOUGHTS on government, 2713, 3478. - on taxation, 4582. - on the letter of Ed- mund Burke, 3677. - on the nature of war, 2328, 3335. - upon slavery, 3134. THREE letters addressed to the public, 4402. - letters from Whitefield, 680. - letters to Whitefield, 609. - treatises, 2598. - years travels, 4444. TICKELL. Richard, 3966. TILLOTSON. John, 956. TILTON. Jacobus, 2714. TISSOT. Simon AndrG, 2715. TIT for tat, 1606. TO Alexander Patterson, 4371. - all farm- ers and tradesmen, 2824. - all true pa- triots, 318. - be published, 2675. - be sold by public auction, 3820. - Friends a mournful word, 77. - Morris Morris, 353. - my fellow citizens, 2901. - my friends in Penna., 588. - my respected friend, II.-65 319. -our friends and brethren, 3479. - Robert Jordan and others, 712. - the ad- vocates, 2938. - the associators, 3295, 3480. - the children of light, 3440. - the citizens of Penna., 3908,4064, 4583. - the citizens of Philada., 2716. - the commis- sioners, 2939. - the commissioners and as- sessors, 2072. - the Congress, 3641. -the Delaware pilots, 2940, 2941, 2942. - the electors and freeholders, 3120, 3481. - the electors of Lancaster, 2895. - the eneour- agers of literature, 2746. - the free and independent electors, 3482. - the free and patriotic, 2599. - the freeholders and electors, 2073,2074, 2173,2174. -the free- holders and freemen, 320, 2947. - the freeholders merchants, 2600. - the free- holders of Penna., 788, 851. - the free- holders of Philada., 4632. - the free- holders to prevent mistakes, 321. - the freemen of America, 2943. - the freemen of Penna., 2075, 2825, 2826, 2946, 3642, 4584. - the freemen of Philada., 2944, 2945. - the friends of Liberty, 4109. - the general assembly of Penna., 4585. - the good people of Penna., 2948. - the Hon. Patrick Gordon, 291, 292, 354, 383. - the Hon. Wm. Keith, 146, 153. - the inhab- itants of Penna., 1108, 1580, 3643, 3967, 4258. -the inhabitants of Philada., 2601, 2717, 2827. - the inhabitants of the state of New Ireland, 4022. - the inhabitants of the states, 3821. - the inhabitants of the township, 3121. - the inhabitants of the United States, 3968. - the king's most excellent majesty, 3296. - the man- ufacturers and mechanics, 3122. - the merchants, 2602, 2603, 2718. - the mili- tia, 3822. - the non-commissioned officers and privates, 3297. - the people of Penna., 4560. - the Philadelphians, 3123. - the Philharmonical merchants, 2446. - the president, 3644, 4164. - the printers, 2219. -the printur, 2828. -the privates, 3483. - the public, 1985,1997, 2127, 2403, 2404, 2604, 2605, 2608, 2649, 2660, 2730, 2829, 2834, 3484, 3645, 3671, 3765, 4065. - the quarterly, 4627. - the real patri- ots, 4586. - the representatives. 57, 3124, 3298, 4165,4166. - the several battalions of military associators, 3485. - the sons of science in America, 2857. - the three generals, 3299. - the tories, 3486. - the tradesmen, farmers, 2606. - the trades- men, mechanics, 2949. - the worthy trades- men, 2550. - the youth of Norwich Meet- ing, 3262. - William Denny, 1565. TOD Abels. Der, 3373. - eine seligkeit, 1448. TODD. John, 1928. TOKEN for children, 1133, 4115. TOMKINS. John, 265. TOPLADY. Augustus, 2951. TORY medley. A, 3646. TOUCH of the times, 370. 514 INDEX. TOUSTAIN de Richebourg, 3487. TOWGOOD. Micaiah, 3126. TOWNE. Benjamin, 2608, 3835. TRACTATGEN von der geringschatzung un- seres natiirlichen lebens, 906. TRADESMAN'S address, 2831. TRADESMEN, artificers, 2609. TRADITIONS of the clergy, 451. TRAITE et convention, 4636. TRANSACTIONS of the American Philo- sophical Society, 2491, 2720. TRANSLATION of a German letter, 1571. - of a passage, 2330. TRAVELLER. The, 2362. TRAVELS for the heart, 3781. - of the imagination, 3744. - through Germany, 2661. TREAT. Richard, 1042. TREATIES of amity and commerce, 3823. TREATISE against deists, 512. - concern- ing marriage, 416, 590. - concerning re- ligious affections, 1057, 2436. - of artil- lery, 3910. -of military exercise, 3426. - of substensial plain trigonometry, 1709. - on courts-martial, 3841. - on the law- fulness of defensive war, 1055. - on the military service, 3553. - shewing the need we have to rely upon God, 1109. TREATY and convention, 3647. - between the government of New Jersey and the In- dians, 1504. - between the president and council of Penna., 1110. - held at Lancas- ter, 907. - held by commissioners, 1111. - held with the Indians, 852, 1328. - of friendship, 564. - of peace and friend- ship, 189. TREUHERTZIGE erinnerung und warnung. 1415, 1506. - und einfaltige anweisung, 1162. TRIAL of Frederick Calvert, 2406. - of his R. H. the Duke of Cumberland, 2610. - of spirits, 1668. TRIBUTE to Caesar, 120. TRIUMVIRATE of Pennsylvania, 266. TRUE and faithful narrative, 2721. - and impartial state, 1649. - and particular relation, 1163. -born Englishman, 3692. - born Irishman, 4511. - copy of a gen- uine letter, 1774. - copy of a letter, 2077. - copy of an inimitable doggrel, 1929. - copy of three judgments, 51. - fortitude delineated, 4683. - interest of America, 3406. - interest of Britain, 3488. - pleasure, chearfulness and happiness, 2331. - Protestant, 1095. - Quaker, 2078. - - state of the case, 2176. - state of the case of R. Richardson, 1442. - state of the establishment of the church of England, 565, 2262. - state of the proceedings, 3040, 3041. TRUMBULL. John, 3301. TRUTH and innocency defended, 52. - res- cued from forgery and falshood, 70. - vindicated, 1069. TRYON. Thomas, 1609. TUCKER. Josiah, 2263, 3488. TUNES in three parts, 1930, 2079. TURFORD. Hugh, 1329. TWELVE sermons, 2253. - united colonies to the inhabitants of G. Britain, 3302. TWENTY considerations against sin, 1291. TWO discourses, 2588. - discourses and a prayer, 2299. - first parts of life of Whitefield, 2182. - following depositions, 355. - Indian treaties, 356. - last ser- mons, 559. -letters from Brutus, 2611. - letters written by Samuel Crisp, 180, 1795. -sermons preached at Burlington, 1161. - treatises, 2722. u. UMGEWENDETE BIBEL. Die, 965. UNANIMITY and public spirit, 1398. UNCERTAINTY of a death-bed repentance, 1464,1672, 2212. UNITED States magazine, 3969. UNIVERSAL friends' advice, 4588. - peace- maker, 2080. - restitution, 2612. UNIVERSE. The, 4259. UNPARTHEYISCHE gedancken, 1282. UNTERRICHT von der einsammlung des nrillpnQ QQS UNTERSUCHUNG, u. s. w., 4637. UPRIGHT lives of the heathen, 686. UPSHER. Thomas, 77. URANIA, 1743, 2306. URSTANDLICHE und erfahrungs-volle hohe zeugniisse, 916. USEFUL miscellanies, 1295. - questions, 1287. - tables, 2723. USEFULNESS of consideration, 956. V. VALEDICTORY address to the candidates, 1724. VALUE of a child, 1330. VANSANT. John, 2834. VENN. Henry, 1331. VERBESSERTE A-B-C- oder namenbiicher, 2264, 2333. VERHANDLUNGEN des Coetus von Penn- sylvanien, 1567, 4625. VERIlORUNG Benjamin Franklins, 2215. VERSAMELINGE van eenige keur-texten, 1011. VERSCHIEDENE alte und neuere geschich- tcn von erscheinungen der geister, 908, 1443. - christliche wahrheiten, 1100. VERSES of the printer's boy, 909. VERSES of the printers lads, 2407. VIAUD. Pierre, 3128. VICAR of Wakefield, 2780, 2885. VICTOR. H. B., 3825. V1ERTE general-versammlung, zu German- town, 747. 515 INDEX. VIEW of society and manners, 4321. -of the calumnies, 385. -of the internal evi- dence of the Christian religion, 4013. - of the scandals, 386. - of the title to In- diana, 3490. VINCENT. -, 3970. Thomas -, 665. VINDICATION of the address, 2927. - of the associate Synod, 2301. - of the Brethren, 865. - of the charitable plea, 1061. - of the legislative power, 250. - of the reverend commission, 527. - of Whitefield's doctrine, 629. VINDICI2E veritates, 2976. VIRIS Praecellentissimis, 1776, 1859, 1931. VIRO Praeclarissimo, 1704. VISION concerning seperation among Friends in Old England, 53. - of Isaac Childs, 2202. - of Isaac Watts, 130. VISIONS of a certain Thomas Say, and Isaac Watts, 3099. VISITATION sermon, 393. VITAL Christianity, 259, 412. VOLLSTANDIGES Marburger gesangbuch, 1633, 1829, 2561, 3552. VOLTAIRE. -, 3826, 3827, 3828, 3829. VOM cometen, 971. VON dem wahren, ewigen friedsamen reiche Christi, 1064. - der historia des aposto- lischen kampffs, 2081. - Georg Weitfields predigten, 681, 682, 683. - Jesu Christo aller creatur zu predigen befohlene ewige evangelium, 2397, 2484. VOORBIDD1NG ein eider christen's plicht, 684. VORSPIEL der neuen-welt, 452. VOTES of the House of Representatives, 306, 333, 415, 430, 470, 528, 547, 566, 589, 610, 666,731,732,853,910, 996,1043, 1112, 1164, 1200, 1242, 1283, 1284, 1332, 1333, 1386, 1387, 1444, 1507, 1568, 1610, 1650, 1705, 1777, 1932, 2082, 2177, 2265, 2334, 2408, 2492, 2613, 2724, 2835, 2953, 2954, 2955, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3304, 3305, 3306, 3491, 3492, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612. VOUS etes prig, Ac., 3971. VOYAGE dans L'AmSrique septentrionale, 4359. - to Boston, 3212. - to the South Seas, 1519. WARNENDE wachter stimm. Eine, 1138. WARNING of the presbytery, 1388. WARNUNGS-schreiben, 1107. WARREN. Mercy, 3307. WASHINGTON. George, 3533, 3649, 3732, 4406. See Proclamations. WATKINSON. Edward, 2178. WATTS. -, 2725. Isaac -, 130, 387, 567, 667, 733, 789, 911, 1113, 1165, 1334, 1569, 1570, 1707, 2335, 2956, 3099, 3493, 3650, 3831, 3832,4167,4168. John-, 78. Ste- phen -, 2213, note. WAY. Nicholaus, 2726. WAY to health, 1609. -to the Sabbath of Rest, 1621. WAYS and means for the inhabitants of Dela- ware to become rich, 258. WE, the shopkeepers of Philadelphia, 2614. WEBB. Elizabeth, 4170, 4408, 4409. George -, 431. Thomas -, 1653. WEBBE. John, 854. WEBSTER. Pelatiah, 3974, 3975,4067,4068, 4410, 4411. WEDDERBURN. -, 4590. WEG der Gottseligkeit. Der, 2728. WEIN und oel, 4596. WEISER. Conrad, 1571. WEISS. Georg M., 4606. WEISSHEIT Gottes. Die, 568. WELLFARE. Michael, 568, 569. WELLS. Richard, 3133. WELTON. Richard, 293. WERTHESTE landes-leute, 2167. WESLEY. Charles, 4171. John -, 705, 734, 735, 2180, 2616, 2958, 3134, 4172. John and Charles -, 668, 4173. WEST Indian, 2761, 2762. WEST. Moses, 416, 590. WETTENHALL. Edward, 2959, 3495. WHARTON. Chas. Henry, 4174, 4591. WHAT is sauce for a goose, 2088. - think ye of Christ? 615. WHEATLEY. Phillis, 2617, 3135. WHEEL in the middle of a wheel, 1645. WHEN America first at heaven's command, 3976. - the cares of day, 3977. - the chimneys, 3834. WHEREAS great quantities of English cop- per half-pence, 855. - the number of poor, 2084. - the rapid and alarming de- preciation of the currency, 3978. WHITEFIELD. George, 611 to 616, 670 to 685, 737 to 739, 791, 958, 997, 998, 999, 1114, 1166, 1335, 1445, 1508, 1934, 2181, 91R? 9491 WHITEHEAD. George, 29. WHITEOAK anthum, 2183. WHITTENHALL. Edward, 2959, 3495. WHOLE Duty of Woman, 2409. WIDDER. Philip, 2085. WIE geht es denn eigentlich in den klbstern der bettelmonche zu ? 4412. WIKOFF. Isaac, 2729, 2730. WILCOCKS. Thoma, 3136. WILKES. John, 1872. w. WAGNER. M. Tobias, 1651. WAHRE und wahrscheinliche begebenheiten, 2266. WAHRER bericht, 794. WAHRHEIT und guter rath, 4405. WALKER. -, 1778. Robert -, 2836. WANDEL eines einsamen. Der, 927. WANDLENDE seel. Die, 1921, 2394, 2706. WANTED a number of hands to cut wood, 3648. - by the barrack-master, 3830. WAR and Washington, 3972. - with the devil, 202. WARE vryheyt tot vrede, verdedigd, 4646. WAREING. Elijah, 1706. 516 INDEX. WILLARD. Samuel, 58. WILLIAMSON. -, 2088. Hugh -, 2086, 2087. WILLISON. J.. 2184. John2838. WILSFORD. John, 25, 30. WILSON. James, 3137. Samuel-, 2089. WINCHESTER. Elhanan, 4175, 4261, 4413, 4592. WISDOM of God, 569, 1632. WISE and foolish virgins, 616. WISTER. Johannes, 2090. WITHERSPOON. John, 2091, 2185, 2337, 2618, 2754, 2839, 3496, 3835. - WITS of Westminster, 2960. WO and a warning, 4662. WOHLBEGRGNDETES bedenken, 856. WO H L-eingerichtetes vieh-arzney-buch, 2731. WOOLMAN. John, 1389, 1863, 2495, 2610, 2620, 2840, 3138, 3139, 3309. WOOLSTON. Thomas, 232. WOOL VERTON. Charles, 388, 591, 686. WORD in season. A, 4652. WORKS of Flavius Josephus, 2892. - of John Woolman, 3139, 3309. - of Lau- rence Sterne, 3114. - of Samuel Blair, 1341. WORLD turned upside down, 3980. WORLDLY business no plea for neglect of religion, 685. WORT fur den verstand und das herz, 4119. WRIGHT. John, 740. WRITING master's assistant, 2041. WUDRIAN. M. V., 1864. WUNDER ohne inassen. Das, 1780. WUNDERBAHRE buszfertige seelensorger. Der, 1337. WUNDERBARE geschichte von Ambrose Gwinnett, 4593. WUNDERTHAETIGE kraft der kleider, 1781. YEARLY meeting, see Epistle, and From - verses, 792. YORICK'S sentimental journal, 2710. YORK Co., Penna. State of accounts of col- lector of excise for -, 4396, 4568. State of accounts of sub. lieut. of -, 4380. YOU are earnestly requested, 2961. YOUNG. Arthur, 3497. Edward -, 2092, 3652. YOUNG clerk's magazine, 3140. - clerk's vade mecum, 2732, 3498. - communi- cant's catechism, 2184. - man's compan- ion, 211. - man's magazine, 4594. YOUR attendance at the court house, 2186. YOUTH'S entertaining amusement, 1355. - instructor, 1317. z. ZADIC, 3829. ZEISBERGER. David, 3499. ZENGER. John Peter, 1483. ZEUGNISZ der bruderschaft in Zion, 764. - der wahrheit, 1935. - eines betriibten, 763. - von der giite, 2235. ZIGUERER. Christian, 2621. ZIMMERMANN. J. G., 3836. Z1NZENDORFF. N. L. von, 793 to 799, 857, 858, 4620. ZIONITISCHEN stiffts I. Theil, 917. ZIONITISCIIER weyrauchs-hiigel, 617. ZU dieser zeit hbchstnbthige warnung und erinnerung. Eine, 2058. - Halifax den 3, July 1770 gehaltene predigt. Eine, 2589. ZUBLY. J. J., 1044, 1167, 1243, 1509, 3310, 3311. ZUSCHRIFT aus der versammlung der rep- rasentanten des staates von Newyork, 3653. ZUVERLASSIGE beschreibung der dritten conferenz, in Oley, 747. ZWEY wahrhafte neue zeitungen von him- mels-zeichen, 2093. ZWOLFF sibyllen weissagungen, 2094. YE fair married dames, 3981. Y. END OF VOLUME II.