APPLETONS’ LIBRARY MANUAL; CONTAINING A CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF UPWARDS OF TWELVE THOUSAND OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF KNOWLEDGE, IN ALL MODERN LANGUAGES. PART I. SUBJECTS—ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PART II. BIOGRAPHY, CLASSICS, MISCELLANIES, AND INDEX TO PART I. NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 200 BROAT3WAY. PHILADELPHIA: GEO. S. APPLETON, 148 CHESNUT-STREET. 1 8 4 7. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, By D. Appleton & Co., In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New-York. PBEFACE. The object of the Publishers of the following pages has been to present, in a collected form, indications of the most important works in every department of literature, arranged in such manner as admits of the most easy reference. Part I. consists of Subjects, alphabetically arranged, with the exception of Mathematics, Medicine, and Theology; all the subjects of these divisions are collected under those general heads, in preference to scattering them through the body of the work. Part II. comprises Select Biography, Classics, Collected Works, and an Index of Authors whose works appear in Part I. In the necessarily limited space devoted to the development of the plan, it is evident that but little of it could be occupied with the Curiosities of Litera- ture : the various Bibliographical works already extant amply suffice to make known their peculiar claims upon the attention of the Man of Letters. What has chiefly been attempted is, to exhibit under each head the extent of its litera- ture, so far as might serve the purposes of the general reader: to the Student, whose aim is exhaustive, the Bibliography of each subject, when known, being given, will direct him to sources whence he may supply the deficiencies that must necessarily exist in a work of limited extent, like the present. When- ever the question of omission has occurred, the unknown work has been retained in preference to the well known. Prices.—Books are subject to as many fluctuations of value as other articles of merchandise; but as it was considered desirable to affix prices to the titles whenever they could be ascertained, they must only be regarded as approxi- mate : those givqn, are generally the same at which the books were published; and will help to give some idea of the extent, &c., of any work in question: but as no list of prices can be permanently correct, those given are, for many reasons, to be preferred. Notwithstanding the great care and labour bestowed upon this book, the intelligent reader will notice many omissions, which it will be the Compiler’s care to supply in a Supplement: some typographical errors will also be evi- dent, but as they are so palpable, they will in no way impair the general integrity of the work. When it is considered that the work is made up of minutiae, it is a matter of gratulation that so few errors have crept in. American Works.—It has not been thought necessary to enter very fully "into the details of American Literature; there was no object to be gained by occupying the very limited space at command with chronicling books that are VI PREFACE. in every body’s hands, or which it is the Publishers’ special interest to make known through the usual channels : besides, there is reason to expect a special American Bibliography ere long, in which the genius and industry of the New World may be favourably exhibited in contrast with that of the Old. We are not without the hope that this compilation may exert a favourable influence in the Republic of Letters. The Student, through its aid, will be enabled to observe the extent of the subject of his inquiry, and the authors most worthy of his notice. The Man of Letters will be enabled to ascertain the comparative richness and poverty of the literature of his native tongue, and to enlarge the sphere of his labours, either by translation or the production of original works calculated to supply the deficiencies that exist in many branches of literature; while the Publisher will be enabled to recognize many important works with which he can enrich his stock of publications. Those engaged in the formation of libraries, we feel assured, will welcome the aid these pages can afford them. By the publication of an annual Supplement, in which all new works of permanent value shall find a place, as well as the more important omissions in the body of the work, it is intended it shall occupy a permanent place in the Library. To have added critical opinions or analyses of the contents of the various works enumerated, would, we are aware, have increased the value of this Manual; yet it could not have been done without increasing its bulk to an undue extent. In conclusion, the Publishers feel the present a fit occasion to return to their many friends and countrymen their warmest acknowledgments; and while they do not desire to exert any undue influence by this publication, to the prejudice of others in the trade, yet believing it to be an important con- tribution to the cause of human knowledge, and considering the great expense they have incurred in its preparation, they trust that their peculiar facilities for obtaining books from all parts of Europe, and their large stock, will induce the personal application of their friends. As this publication, from its peculiar plan, will develope new riches and corresponding desires on the part of the student, it is proper to state that any books found in this compilation may be obtained in the space of a few weeks, and at the lowest prices, through their agencies abroad. The steam communication now established between France and Germany enables them to execute orders with as great facility from the Continent, as formerly from England. D. APPLETON & CO. 200 Broadway, ' Oct. 1, 1847. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. A. Abdomen (Medicine). .... 220 Abipones, 1 Abyssinia (Nubia, Ethiopia). I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 1 II. History, 2 III. Language, ..... 2 Acts of the Apostles, .... 315 Acoustics 3 Adultery 315 Advent, 315 ./Esthetics, 3 Affghanistan (Cabul). I. Geography, Voyages and Travels, . 4 II. History, 5 III. Natural History, .... 5 Africa. I. Geography, 5 II. History and Antiquities, . . 7 Agriculture. I. Bibliography, .... 7 II. History, 7 III. Practical, 7 IV. Theoretical, 8 V. Implements, .... 8 Albania, (Travels in), .... 9 Albigenses (Waldenses, Vaudois), . 9 Alchemy, 9 Alpine Editions (Bibliography), . 9 Aldine Poets (Pickering’s Edition), . 9 Algje, 10 Algebra. I. History, 11 II. Treatises, 11 Algebraical Development, . . 213 Algebraical Equations, . . . 214 Algebraical Geometry, . . . 214 Algiers, 12 Alhambra, 12 Almanacs, 12 Alpaca, 12 Alphabet, 13 Amazons, 13 America. I. Bibliography, .... 13 II. North America, .... 14 III. South America, ... 14 IV. British America, .... 15 V. Natural History, ... 15 VI. Language, ..... 17 America, Church in, . . . . 315 American Indians, 17 Amphibia, 18 Amputation, 220 Ana, ....... 18 Analysis (see Chemistry), .... 94 Analytical Geometry, . . . 214 Anatomy (see Medicine), .... 220 Anatomy, Comparative, . . . 222 Anatomical Manipulation, . . . 223 Aneurysm, 223 Angling, 18 Anglo-Norman Literature, . . 19 Anglo-Saxon Church, .... 315 Anglo-Saxon History (see England), . 133 Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, 20 Animalcules, 21 Animals, . . . . . . .21 Animal Kingdom (see also Zoology), . 22 Anthems, 315 Anthology. Greek, ...... 22 Latin, 23 Anthropology (see also Ethnology, Man), 23 Antichrist, 316 Antigua, 23 Antilles, ...... 23 Antiquities, Christian, .... 316 Antiquities (Collections, Dictionaries, &c.), 23 Antiquities (Jewish), .... 316 Apocalypse, 317 Apocrypha, ...... 317 Apoplexy, 223 Arabia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 24 II. History, 25 VIII INDEX OF SBBJECTS. Arabia. III. Language and Literature, . . 25 1. Bibliography, .... 25 2. Grammars, Lexicons, Chresto- mathies, &c., ... 26 3. Literature, .... 27 4. Koran, .... 27 Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, . 28 Aramean, Syriac and Chaldaic Language and Literature, .... 29 Arboretum, Arboriculture, ... 30 Archaeology, 30 Archery, 30 Archipelago (Indian) 30 Architecture. I. Bibliography, .... 31 II. History, 31 III. General Treatises, Dictionaries, &c., 31 IV. Grecian, 33 V. Roman, 33 VI. Gothic and Church, ... 34 VII. Civil and Domestic, ... 36 Architects (Lives of), .... 39 Arctic Regions (Voyages in), . . 39 Argentine Republic, .... 40 Arians 317 Aristocracy, 40 Aristotelian Philosophy (see also Phi- losophy, 280), .... 40 Arithmetic 41, 214 Armenia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 41 II. History, 41 III. Language, 42 Arminianism, 317 Arteries (Medicine), .... 223 Articles of Faith (Theology), . . 317 Artillery (see also Gunnery, Naval Gun- nery). I. History, ... 42 II. Treatises, .... - 42 Arts, Fine (see also Painting, Sculpture). I. Bibliography, .... 43 II. History, 43 III. Essays, Criticisms, &c., . . 46 Arts (Decorative and Ornamental), . . 47 Arts and Manufactures, ... 48 Ashantee, 49 Asia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 49 II. History, 50 Asia-Minor. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 50 Assaying, 51 Assurance (Life), .... 51 Assyria. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 53 Astrology, 53 Athanasian Creed, .... 317 Astronomy. I. History, 53 II. General Treatises, ... 54 III. Atlases, 56 IV. Tables, Observations, . . 56 V. Catalogue of Stars, ... 57 VI. Astronomical Instruments, . 57 Atlantic Ocean, 53 Athens. Topography, Antiquities, &c., . 57 Atlases (Geographical), . . * . 58 Atonement, 318 Attributes, 318 Auscultation, 223 Australia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 59 II. History, 60 III. Language, 60 IV. Natural History, ... 60 Austria. History, &c., .... 61 Ava, 61 Azores, . 61 B. Babylon, 62 Baconian Philosophy, ... 62 Bactria (Bokhara), 62 Ballads. I. English, Welsh, Irish, Scotch, . 62 II. German, Servian, Bohemian, Swe- dish, Danish, Dutch, Icelandic, . 65 III. French, Spanish, Romaic, Persian, 66 Banks, Banking, 67 Baptism, . . . . . . 318 Barbary States (see also Algiers), . . 68 Barbadoes, 68 Basque Provinces. I. History, 68 II. Language, . . . .68 Beauty (see also . . 69 Belgium, 69 Bengali Language, .... 69 Bibles, 318 Biblical Bibliography, . . . 319 Biblical Cabinet 319 Bibliography. I. Introductions, .... 70 II. General Treatises, ... 71 III. Special, 71 Bile (Medicine), 224 Binomial Theorem, .... 214 Biography (see Part II.) Dictionaries, Collections, &c., . . 72 Ecclesiastical, .... 320 Birman Empire (see Ava), ... 73 Bleaching, 73 Blood (Medicine), 224 Blowpipe, 73 Bogota 73 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. IX Bogue’s European Library, . . 74 Bohemia (Literature of), . . . .74 Bohn’s Standard Library, . . 75 Bokhara, . . . ... .75 Bolivia, 76 Book-Binding, 76 Book-Keeping, 76 Borneo, 76 Botany, 76 Botany (Medical) 78 Botany (Fossil) 78 Brain, 224 Brazil. I. Geography, Voyages and Travels, 79 II. History, Statistics, &c., . . 79 III. Natural History, .... 80 Bread-Making 80 Breast (Medicine), 224 Brewing, 80 Bridge-Building, 81 Bridgewater Treatises, ... 81 British Museum Publications, . . 82 Brittany (Bretagne), .... 82 Buccaneers, 83 Buddhism, 83 Building, 83 Burgundy, 84 Byzantine Historians 84 Byzantium (Lower Empire), . . 85 C. Cabul (see Affghanistan), .... 4 Calendar, 85 Calico Printing 85 Calculus of Finite Differences, . 214 Calculus, Integral, .... 214 Calculus, Differential, . . . 215 Calculus (Medicine), .... 225 California, 85 Calotype (see Photography), . . . 284 Camden Society, .... 86 Canada, 88 Canary Isles, 88 Cancer (Medicine), 225 Carols, ....... 88 Carpentry, 88 Carriages, 89 Carthage, 89 Caspian Sea (see also Caucasus), . . 89 Catechism, 320 Catholic Faith, 320 Cattle (see also Ox, 271), ... 90 Celtic History and Literature, . 90 Cemeteries, 90 Ceylon. I. Geography, History, &c., . . 91 II. Language, .... 91 Chaldea (see Assyria, Babylon), . . 91 Chaldaic Language (see Aramean), . 29 Chants, 321 Chemistry. I. History 92 II. Elementary and General Treatises, 92 III. Applied Chemistry, ... 93 IV. Chemical Manipulation, . . 94 V. Chemical Analysis, ... 94 Chess, 95 Chest (Diseases of), .... 225 Chile, 96 Children, (Diseases and Management of), 225 China, I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 96 II. History, 97 HI. Language and Literature, . . 98 Chivalry, 99 Cholera, 225 Choral Service, 321 Christian’s Family Library, . . 322 Christianity (History of), . . . 322 Chronology, .... (323) 100 Chromatography, .... 99 Circassia, 101 Church Architecture, ... 34 Church Decoration, .... 323 Civilization, 101 Classics. I. Introductions to the Study, . 101 II. Editions, Collections, &c., . . 102 Climate, 226 Clinical Medicine, .... 226 Coal, 106 Coffee 106 Coins and Medals (Numismatics), . . 262 Collects, 323 Colonization, 106 Colossians, 323 Colour (in Painting) 106 Columbia 106 Commerce (History of, Dictionaries, &c.), 107 Commentaries (Biblical), . . . 318 Commercial Law, .... 108 CoNCHOLOGY, 108 Concordance (Biblical), . . 323, 324 Concordance to Shakspere, . . . 109 Conferences (Theology). . . . 324 Conic Sections, 215 Constipation (Medicine), . . . 226 Constitution (English) 109 Consumption (Medicine), . . . 226 Convocation (Theology), . . . 324 Cookery (see Domestic Economy), . 110 Coptic Language (see Egypt), . . 124 Corinthians, 324 Costume, 110 Cottage Architecture (see Architecture), 38 Cotton and Linen Manufacture, . Ill Councils (Theology), .... 324 X INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Courts Martial, 112 Craniology, 112 Creation 324 Creed (Apostles’), 324 Criticism (Biblical), 325 Crusades (History of), .... 112 Cuba 113 Culdees, 113 Curves 216 D. Daguerreotype (see Photography), . 284 Dancing, 113 Daniel (Theology), .... 325 Dante (Commentaries), .... 113 Deaf and Dumb (Instruction of), . . 114 Deformities (Medicine), .... 226 Democracy, 114 Dentistry (see also Teeth, 243). . . 226 Devotions (Manuals of), . . . 325 Diagnosis (Medicine), .... 227 Dialects (see English Language), . 139 Diatessaron (Theology), . . . 326 Dictionaries, 114 Dictionaries (Medical, &c.), . . . 227 Dictionaries (Theology), . . . 326 Dietetics, 227 Digestion, 227 Denmark (see Scandinavia). I. History, Geography, &c., . . 114 II. Language. .... 115 Differential Equations, . . . 216 Diplomacy, 115 Diplomatics (see Palaeography), . . 273 Discipline and Church Government, 326 Disease, 228 Distillation, 116 Doctrinal Divinity, .... 326 Doctrine of Development (Theology), 327 Dog, 116 Domestic Economy, .... 116 Draining (see Agriculture), ... 8 Drama and Dramatic Literature, . 117 Drawing and Perspective, . . 117 Dropsy, . 228 Druids, 138 Duelling, 118 Dyeing (see also Calico Printing), . . 118 Dynamics (see Mechanics;, . . . 216 Dysentery, ' 228 E. Ear, . 228 Earth (see Geology), . . . . 118 Ecclesiastes, 327 Eclectic Philosophy, . . . 118 Eddas, 118 Edinburgh Cabinet Library, . . 119 Education, 119 Egypt. I. Geography, Voyages and Travels, 120 II. History and Antiquities, . . 121 III. Language 122 Election (Theology), .... 327 Electricity, Magnetism, Electromag- netism, Galvanism 124 Electrotype. Electrometallurgy, 125 Embryology, 228 Encyclopedias, . . . . . 125 Encyclopedias (Medicine, &c), . . 229 Engineering and Surveying (see also Ge- odosy, Surveying), .... 128 England. I. Geography, Statistics, See., . 130 II. History, 130 III. Language and Literature, . 138 Engraving, 142 Enoch, 327 Entomology 142 Ephesians, 327 Epidemic, 229 Epilepsy, 229 Episcopacy, 327 Epistles (Theology), .... 327 Equations, 216 Erysipelas, . . , • . 229 Ethics, 143 Ethiopia (see Abyssinia), ... 1 Ethnology, 144 Etiquette (Medical), .... 229 Etruria, 144 Eucharist, 328 Europe (History of), .... 145 Evidences (Theology), .... 328 Exchanges (Commerce), .... 145 Exodus, 328 Eye, 229 Ezekiel, 328 F. Fables, 146 Fairy Mythology, 146 Falconry, 146 Fathers of the Church, . . . 328 Feet (Medicine), 230 Feigned Diseases, .... 230 Festivals and Fasts 330 Fever, 230 Fiction (History of), .... 147 Fine Arts, 43 Finland, 147 Fishes (Ichthyology), .... 192 Flanders (see also Netherlands), . . 147 Flemish Language ( do. ), . . 260 Florence (History of), .... 147 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XI Florida, 148 Food, ....... 148 Food (Adulterations of), . . . 148 Forensic Medicine, .... 148 Formulae (Mathematics), . . . 216 Fortification, 149 Fossils (see also Palaeontology), . . 149 Fractures (Medicine), .... 230 France. I. Geography, Statistics, Travels, &e., 150 II. History, Antiquities, &c., . . 151 III. Literature and Language, . . 151 Freemasonry, 159 Fresco Painting, .... 160, 272 Friesic Language, ... . 160 Fungi (Botany), 160 Furniture . 160 G. Gaelic Language, 161 Galatians (Theology)., .... 330 Galvanism (see Electricity), . . . 124 Gardening. I. General Treatises, .... 162 II. Flower Gardening, . . . 162 III. Fruit and Kitchen Gardening, . 163 IV. Landscape Gardening, . . 164 Gas Lighting and Manufacture, . . 164 Gaul (see also Celtic History), . . 164 Gazetteers (Geography), . . . 165 Genealogies Rheology), . . . 330 Genealogy (see Heraldry), . . . 180 Genesis 330 Geodosy (see also Engineering), . . 165 Geography (Biblical), .... 331 Geography. I. Dictionaries, Cyclopaedias, Systems, &c., 165 II. Physical and Mathematical, . . 166 III. History of, 166 IV. Atlases, 58 Geology, 167 Geometry, 216 Georgia (see also Caspian Sea). I. Geography, History, &c., . . 168 II. Language, . . . . . 168 Germany. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 169 II. History, 169 III. Literature, 170 Language, ..... 170 Gipsies, 172 Glass Manufacture, .... 172 Glass Painting, 172 Globes, 113 Glyphography 173 Gnosticism, 331 Gospels, 331 Gout (Medicine), 230 Government, 173 Grammar, Comparative (see also Philo- logy), 173 Grasses (Agriculture), .... 173 Gravitation, 173 Greece. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 174 II. History, 174 III. Literature and Language, . . 176 Greenland (see also Scandinavia). I. Geography, History, &c., . . 178 II. Language, 178 Guatemala (Central America), . . 178 GuideBooks (for Travellers), . . 178, 352 Gunnery (see also Artillery, Naval Gunnery), 179 Gunpowder, 179 H. Harmonies (Theology), .... 331 Hayti (see also Antilles), . . . 180 Head (Medicine), 231 Health, (do.) 231 Health (Public), .... 231, 351 Heart (Diseases of), . . . . 231 Heat (see also Thermometer), . . . 180 Hebrews (Theology), .... 332 Hebrew Poetry, ..... 332 Hebrew Language, .... 332 Heraldry and Genealogy. . . . 180 Hernia (Medicine), . . . . . 231 Herpetology, 182 Hexapla (Theology), .... 332 Hieroglyphics (see Egypt), . . . 183 Highlands, 302 Hindostan. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 183 II. History, Antiquities, Mythology, &c., 183 III. Language, 185 History. I. Introductions, Universal History, &c., 186 II. Ancient History, .... 187 III. Middle Ages, .... 187 IV. Modern, 188 History, Ecclesiastical, . . . 333 Holland. I. History, &c., 188 II. Language, 188 Homceopathy, 232 Horology, 189 Horse 189 Horticulture (see Gardening), . . 189 Hosea (Theology), 335 Huguenots 335 Hungary. I. History, &c., 189 II. Language, 190 Hydrocephalus, 232 XII INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Hydrodynamics. Hydrostatics, ..... 190 Hydraulics, 191 Pneumatics. 190 Hydrography (see also Geography, Nauti- cal Surveying), 191 Hydropathy, 232 Hymns (Theology) 335 I. Iceland. I. History 191 II. Language, ..... 191 Ichthyology, 192 India (Diseases of), .... 233 India (see Hindostan), .... 183 Inductive Sciences (see Natural Philoso- phy), 192 Infinitisimal Analysis, . . . 216 Inflammation (Medicine), . . . 233 Infusoria (see also Animalcules, 21), . 192 Inquisition, 335 Insanity, 233 International Law (see also Law of Na- tions) , 192 Intestines (Medicine), .... 234 Interpretation (Theology), . . . 335 Introductions ( do. ) . . 335 Inventions, History of (see also Patents), 192 Ireland. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 193 II. History and Antiquities, , . 193 III. Language, 195 Iron (Manufacture of, &c.), . . . 195 Iron Trade (History of), 196 Irritation (Medicine), .... 234 Isaiah, 336 Italy. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 196 II. History, 196 III. Language and Literature, . . 197 J. Jamaica (see Antilles), . . . 198 James (Theology), 336 Japan. I. History, Geography, &c., . . 199 IT. Natural History, . . . 199 III. Language, 199 Java. I. History, &c., 199 II. Natural History, .... 200 III. Language, 200 Jeremiah, 336 Jerusalem) 336 Jesuits, . . . . . . 336 Jews (History of), 337 Job, . . . . . . . 337 John, 338 Joints (Medicine), .... 234 Jonah, 338 Jurisprudence 200 Jurisprudence, Medical (see Forensic Me- dicine), J48 Justification, . . . . . . 338 K. Kidneys (Medicine), .... 234 Knights Templars, .... 200 Knighthood (see Chivalry), ... 99 Knight’s Industrial Guides, . . 200 Knight’s Weekly Volume, . . 201 Koran, 27 L. Landscape Gardening, . . . .164 Latin Language and Literature, . 202 Law, 203 Larynx (Medicine) 235 Law, Commercial (see also Mercantile Law) 108, 204 Law, Roman 296 Law of Nations (see also Diplomacy), . 204 Legislation (see also Government), . 204 Lent (Theology), . . . . 338 Libraries (see Bibliography), . . 204 Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, 339 Library of Entertaining Knowledge, 205 Library of the Fathers, . . . 329 Library of Useful Knowledge, . 205 Life Assurance, 51 Light (see Optics), . ». . . 264 Limits (Mathematics), .... 216 Literary History, .... 265 Lithography, 207 Lithotomy, Lithotrity, . . . 235 Liturgies, 339 Liver (Medicine), 235 Locomotive (see Steam Engine), . . 310 Logarithms, 217 Logic, .... . . 207 London, 207 Luke, (St.), . ... . . 340 Lungs (Medicine) 235 M. Machinery & Mechanism, . . . 208 Madagascar, . . . . . . 208 Madrigals, 208 Magic (see also Occult Sciences), . . 209 Magnetism (see also Electricity), . . 209 Magnetism, Animal (see Mesmerism), . 237 Mahratta Language, . . . . 209 Malabar, . . . .... 209 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XIII Malacca, 209 Malacology (see also Conchology), . . 210 Malta, 210 Mammalia, 211 Man (see also Anthropology, Ethnology), . 211 Mandchou Language, .... 313 Maritime Law (Mercantile Law), . 211 Mark, (St.), 340 Maroons, 212 Martin’s Colonial Library, . . . 212 Materia Medica, .... 235 Mathematics. I. History, 212 II. Dictionaries, General Treatises, &c. 213 III. Social Treatises, . . 213 Matthew, (St.), 341 Mauritius, 219 Measures (see Metrology, Weights and Mea- sures), 219 Mechanics, 217, 219 Medicine, 219,236 Medals & Coins (Numismatics), . . 262 Medical Jurisprudence (see Forensic Me- dicine), 148 Mensuration (Mathematics), . . 217 Mercantile & Maritime Law, 108, 204, 246 Mesmerism, 237 Metaphysics (see Philosophy), • . . 280 Meteorology, 246 Metrology (see also Weights and Measures), 247 Mexico. I. Voyages and Travels, . . 247 II. History, . . . . . 248 Microscope, 248 Military Art, 248 Military History, .... 249 Military Surgery, 237 Mill-Work, 249 Mineralogy, 250 Mining (Metallurgy), .... 250 Minnesingers (see also Ballads, 65), . 250 Miracles 341 Missions, 341 Mohammedanism, . ... 341 Moldavia (Wallaehia) 251 Mollusca, (Malacology), . . . 210 Monasticism 341 Mongolian Language, . . . 313 Monkish Historians of Great Britain, 251 Monuments, (Sepulchral), . . . 251 Moon (see Astronomy), .... 56 Morocco 252 Mosquito Shore 252 Murray’s Home & Colonial Library, 252 Murray’s Hand Books for Travellers, 179 Music (see also Organ, Violin Choral Service). I. History. 253 II. Theoretical Treatises, . . 254 Myology (Medicine), .... 237 Mysticism 342 Mythology, . .... 254 X. Naples, 255 Nativity (Theology), .... 342 Natural History (Theology), . . 342 Natural History, 255 Naturalist’s Library, . . . 256 Natural Philosophy (Physics). . . 257 Natural and Revealed Religion, . 342 Natural Theology 342 Nautical Surveying (see also Hydrogra- phy), 259 Naval Gunnery (see also Artillery, Gun- nery), . 259 Naval Architecture (see Ship Building), 305 Naval History, 259 Naval Tactics, 259 Navigation, 259 Needlework, 260 Nerves (Medicine), .... 238 Nervous System (Medicine), . . . 238 Netherlands (see also Belgium, Holland, &c.) I. History, 260 II. Language aud Literature, . . 260 Nestorians, 342 Newfoundland, 261 New Testament, .... 342 Newton’s Principia, .... 217 New Zealand 261 Nibelungen Lied, 171 Nonjurors (Theology), . . . 343 Normandy, 261 Northmen, 262 Norway (see also Scandinavia). I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 262 II. History, 262 Nosograpiiy (Medicine), . . . 238 Numismatics, 262 Nursery Rhymes, . 263 Nubia (see Abyssinia), . . . . 1 O. Obstetrics (Medicine), see also Pregnancy, Puerperal Fever, 238 Occult Sciences (see also Magic), . 263 Odontography, 239 Optics (see also Light), . . . 264 Oregon (see also California), . . . 264 Ordination, 343 Organs, 265 Osteology, 239 Oriental Society’s Publications (Texts), 265 Oriental Translation Fund (Publications of), . 265 Ornithology, 269 XIV INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ottoman Empire (see also Turkey), . 269 Ox (see also Cattle), .... 271 P. Painting. I. Elementary and Practical, . . 271 II. History and Criticism, . . 43, 272 Palaeontology (see also Fossils, Botany), 273 Paleography, 273 Palestine, 343 Paper Making 274 Paris, a 274 Parables (Theology), .... 343 Parker Society, (Publications of), . 344 Patents (see also Inventions), . . . 274 Pathology 239 Peerage (See Heraldry), .... 180 Percy Society’s Publications, . 275 Persia. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 277 II. History and Antiquities, . . 277 III. Language and Literature, . . 278 Perspective (see also Drawing), . . 279 Peru 279 Peter, (St.), 344 Pharmacy 239 Philippine Islands, 279 Philology (see also Ethnology), . . 279 Philosophy. I. History of, .... 280 II. Modern Systems, . . . 281 Phonography, 284 Photography, 284 Phrenology, 284 Physiognomy, 285 Physiology, 240 Picturesque, 285 Pig, .... s .. 285 Pneumatics, ...... 190 Poetry, . . . . . . . 285 Poetry, Sacred, ... . 344 Poland. I. History, ...... 286 II. Language 286 Political Economy 286 POLYGLOTTS 344 Polynesia (see also Australia, New Zealand), 287 Pompeii and Herculaneum, . . 288 Popes, (History of), 345 Porcelain Manufacture, . . . 288 Port Royal, 288 Portugal (see also Spain), . . . 289 Poultry (see Rural Economy), . . . 289 Pregnancy (Medicine), .... 240 Printing, 289 Prisons (see Punishment), . . . 290 Probabilities (Mathematics), . . . 218 Problems, ( do. ), . . . 218 Prophecies, Prophets, .... 345 Prophets, Minor, .... 345 Proverbs (Theology), .... 346 Proverbs, 290 Prussia, ....... 290 Psalms, 346 Puerperal Fever (Medicine), . . 240 Punishment, 290 Purgatory, 346 Pyrotechny, . 291 a. Quakers 346 R. Railways, 291 Ray Society, (Publications of), . . 291 Reynard the Fox, . , , 291 Reformation, (History of), . . . 346 Reptiles (see also Herpetology), . . 293 Resurrection (Theology),, . . . 347 Rhetoric, 293 Rheumatism (Medicine) 241 Rivers, 293 Road Making, 293 Romaic Language, .... 293 Romans (Theology), 343 Romances, 293 Romance Language (see also Troubadours), 294 Rome. I. Geography, Topography, &c., . 294 II. History, Antiquities, &c. . . 294 III. Literature, ... .. . 296 Roman Law, . . ... 296 Rural Economy, 296 Russia. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 296 II. History, . 297 III. Language and Literature, . . 297 Russian Church, 347 S. Sabbath, • 348 Sacraments, 348 Sacrilege, ...... 348 Sagas, 298 Sanscrit Language, .... 298 Sardinia, 299 Savings Banks, 299 Saxony, 299 Scalp, (Diseases of), 241 Scandinavia, 299 Scotland. I. Geography, Sic., .... 301 II. History, 301 III. Language, 302 Scrofula (Medicine), .... 241 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XV Sculpture, 302 Septuagint, 348 Sermons, 348 Servia, 303 Shakspere, 303 Shakspere Society (Publications of), . 304 Sheep, 305 Ship Building, 305 Sicily, 305 Silk Manufacture, 306 Skin (Medicine), 241 Slavonic Language and.Literature, . 306 Sleep, 241 Society, 306 Societies, Literary (see also Transactions), 306 South Seas (see also Polynesia), . . 306 Song of Solomon, 350 Spain. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 307 II. History, 307 III. Language and Literature, . . 308 Spine (Medicine), 242 Sports and Pastimes, .... 309 Stammering, 242 Stars (Catalogues of), .... 310 Stars (Maps of), 56 Statics, 218, 310 Statistics, 310 Steam and Steam Engine, . . . 310 Stenography 311 Stomach (Medicine), .... 342 Storms (see also Meteorology), . . 311 Sugar, 311 Sumatra, 311 Superstitions (Medicine), . . . 242 Surgery, 219, 242 Surveying (see also Gecdosy, 165 ; Engi- neering, 128), 312 Sweden. I. Travels, &c., .... 312 II. History, &c., .... 312 III. Language, &c., .... 312 Switzerland. I. Travels, &c., .... 312 II. History, 313 Sydenham Society, Publications of, 243 Symbols, Symbolism, .... 350 Syriac Language, .... 29 T. Tables (Mathematical), .... 218 Tamul Language, .... 313 Tartar Languages, .... 313 Taxidermy, 313 Technology (see also Arts and Manufac- tures), 314 Teeth (see also Dentistry, Odontography), 343 Telinga Language, .... 314 Testis (Medicine), .... 243 Teutonic Languages 314 Texas, 314 Theology. Subjects, alphabetically arranged, . 315 Miscellanies and Index, . . . 362 Thermometer, &c. (see also Heat), . 351 Thessalonians, ..... 350 Thorough-Bass (see also Music), . . 351 Tibetan Language, .... 351 Timothy (Theology), .... 350 Tools, 351 Towns (Health of) 231,351 Toxicology, 244 Transactions of Scientific and Lite- rary Societies, .... 352 Travellers’ Guide Books, . . 178, 352 Trees (see also Arboriculture), . . 352 Trigonometry, 218 Troubadours and Trouverks (see also Romance Language), . . . . 353 Tumours (Medicine), .... 244 Turkey (see also Ottoman Empire), . . 353 Turkish Language, .... 354 Turning, 354 Tuscany (see also Italy), . . . 355 Typography (see Printing), . . . 289 U. United States (see also America), 14, 355 Universities, 355 Urinary Organs (Medicine), . . . 244 Uterus, 244 V. Vaudois (see Albigenses), ... 9 Venereal Disease 245 Venezuela, 355 Venice, 355 Ventilation (see Warming), . . . 359 Veterinary Art (see also Horse), . 356 Vine (Grape), 163 Violin, 356 Voice, ' 357 Voyages and Travels, . . . 357 W. Waldenses (see Albigenses), ... 9 Wales. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 358 II. History, 358 III. Language and Literature, . 359 Wallachia (see Moldavia), . . 251 Warming and Ventilation, . . . 359 Weaving, 359 XVI INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Weights and Measures (see also Metro- logy), 360 West Indies, 360 Whale Fishery 360 Wine, 360 Wood Engraving, 360 Women (Diseases of), .... 245 Wool, 361 Y. Yucatan, . . 361 Z. Zechariah, 350 Zoology (see also Natural History), . 361 Zoophytes, 361 PART I. SUBJECTS-ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ABIPONES. DOBRIZHOFFER, (M.) Account of the Abipones of Paraguay. 3 vols. 8vo, 15s. ....... London, 1822 ABYSSINIA.—Nubia, Ethiopia. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.—II. HISTORY. —III. LANGUAGE. I. GEOGRAPHY. ARROWSMITH, (J.) Map of Nubia and Abyssinia. . London. RUSSELL, (Da.) Nubia and Abyssinia: comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History, fcp. 8vo, 5*. (Edin. Cab. Liby.) Edinburgh, 1833 BRUCE, (JAS.) Travels in Abyssinia. 7 vols. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. Edin., 1804 BRUCE, (J.) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. 18mo, 5*. London, 1839 VALENTIA, (Lord.) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, &c., in 1802—6. 3 vols. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. . London, 1811 HALLS, (J. J.) Life and Adventures of Nat. Pearce in Abyssinia. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. ....... London, 1831 SALT, (H.) Voyage to Abyssinia. 4to. . . . London, 1814 GOBAT, (S.) Three Years’ Residence in Abyssinia. 8vo. London, 1834 ISENBERG AND KRAPF. Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, detailing their Pro- ceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa, and Journeys in other Parts of Abyssinia, in the years 1839, 40, 41, and 42. To which is prefixed, a Geographical Memoir of Abyssinia and South-Eastern Africa. By Janies M’Queen, Esq.; grounded on the Missionaries’ Journals, and the Expedition of the Pacha of Egypt up the Nile. 8vo, 2 maps, 12s. . . London, 1843 BURCKHARDT, (J. L.) Travels in Nubia, etc. 4to. . London, 1822 HARRIS, (W. C.) The Highlands of Ethiopia: being the account of Eighteen Months Residence of a British Embassy at the Court of Shoa. 3 vols. 8vo. ........ London, 1844 ABYSSINIA.] 2 [ABYSSINIA. I. GEOGRAPHY.—(Continued.) JOHNSTON, (C.) Travels in Southern Abyssinia, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 8s. ........ London, 1844 COMBES ET TAMISIER. Voyage en Abyssinie, &c., 1835-37. 4 tom., 8vo. ....... Paris, 1839 RUPPEL, (E.) Reisen in Abyssinien. 2 vols. 8vo. Franckf., 1838—40 KATTE, (A. V.) Reise in Abyssinien in Jahr, 1836. 8vo, 6s. Stutt., 1838 ROCHET DE HLRICOURT, (M.) Voyage dans le Royaume de Shoa, etc., roy. 8vo, 16/. ....... Paris, 1841 LOBO, (Father.) Voyage to Abyssinia, with continuation by Le Grand. Transl. by Dr. Sami. Johnson. 8vo. . . . London, 1735 VOYAGE en Abyssinie pendant les Annees, 1839, 40, 41,42, 43,par Le- febvre, A. Petit, Quartin—Dillon et Vignaud—Relation historique, par Lefebvre. 8vo. Ce voyage est divisd en 4 parties : 1. Relation Historique, Documents sur le Com- merce et Question Colonial par Lefebvre, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. Calculs et Relevements, Observations de Physique et de Meteorologie, Statistique, Dictionnaire Geogra- phique, Ethnologie, Areheologie, par Lefebvre, 1 vol. 8vo. Ces deux premieres parties seront accompagnees de 50 planches. 3. Histoire Naturelle Botanique, classee et redigee d’apres les Notes de Dillon et Petit, par M. Richard, 2 vols. 8vo, et atlas. 4. Histoire Naturelle, Zoologie, par M. Prdvost; Entomologie, par M. Guerin ; Geologie, par M. Rohaut, 1 vol. 8vo, et atlas. L’ouvrage paraitra en 46 livraisons, savoir, douze de texte et trente-quatre de plan- ches, chaque livraison de texte formera un demi-volume, 7s Chaque livraison de planches, 12s. HOSKINS, (G. A.) Travels in Ethiopia. 4to, £3 13s. 6d. London, 183,5 RUPPEL, (E.) Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan, u. s. w. 8vo. Frankf. 1829 WADDINGTON, (GEO.) and Hanbury, (B.) Journal of a Visit to some parts of Ethiopia. 4to, £2 . . . . . . London, 1822 See Dr. Beke’s communication in Journ. of the Roy. Geographical Society of London, vol. XIV., also vols. XII. and XIII.—Ritter’s Africa.—Rifaud’s Voyage en Egypte.—Prem. Voy. a la recherche des sources du Bahr el Abiad, ou Nil Blanc. 8vo. Paris, 1842. McCulloch’s Geogr. Diet. GAU, (F. C.) Antiquites de la Nubie, ou monuments inedits des bords du Nil, situes autre la lre et la 2e cataracte. Folio, 63 planches. £6. Paris, 1821-27 CAILLIAUD, (F.) Voyage a Meroe, au fleuve Blanc, etc., 1819-22. 4 vols. 8vo., et 2 vols. folio, 150 planches et cartes, 300/. . Paris, 1826 II. HISTORY. LUDOLFUS, (.1.) History of Ethiopia. Folio. . London, 1682 See Prichard’s Phys. Hist. Mankind, Vol. 2. m. LANGUAGE. LUDOLFUS, (J.) Grammatica AUthiopica. 2nd ed. . Franc., 1702 Lexicon ASthiopico Latinum. ..... “ 1699 Grammatica Linguae Amharicae. .... “ 1698 Lexicon Amharico-Latinum, cum Indice Lat. . “ 1698 ISENBERG’S Amharic Grammar and Dictionary. EVANGELIA SANCTA in ling, amharicum vertit Abu-Rumi Habeesinus. ed. T. P. Platt. 4to. London, 1824 QUATUOE EVANGELIA JETHIOPICE. 4to. . “ 1826 MURRAY, (E.) Enoch Restitutus. 8vo. ... “ 1836 ABYSSINIA.] 3 [^ESTHETICS. III. LANGUAGE.—(Continued.) LAWRENCE, (R.) Libri Enoch prophetae versio Ethiop. 8vo. Oxon., 1838 HOFFMANN, (A. G.) Das Buch Henoch iibers. u. erkl. 2 vols , 8vo, 14s. Jena, 1833-38 THE ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA; or the Ethiopic version of the Apos- tolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church: with an English Transla- tion by the Rev. Thos. Pell Platt. 4to, 12s. . . London, 1834 ACOUSTICS. CHLADINI, (E. F. F.) Traite d’ Acoustique. 8vo, plates. Paris, 1809 HIGGINS, (W. M.) The Philosophy of Sound. 12mo. London, 1838 IIERSCHELL, (J. F. W.) Treatise on Sound, (in Encyclo. Metropo.) See also, Reid on Ventilation, Robinson’s Mechanical Philosophy, Biot’s Traitfi de Physique, Pouillet, Elements de Physique, &.C., Young’s Lectures on Natural Philosophy, Leslie’s Natural and Chemical Philosophy, Peschkl's Elem. Physics. SCHILLER, (F.) Philosophical and .Esthetic Letters and Essays. Trans- lated by J. Weiss. 8vo. ...... Boston, 1845 DE QUINCY, (M.) An Essay on Imitation in the Fine Arts. Translated by J. C. Kent. 8vo. ...... Lond., 1837 LESSING, (G. E.) Laocoon; or the Limits of Poetry and Painting. Translated by Ross. 8vo. ..... Ltfhd., 1838 AST, (G. A. F.) System der Kunstlehre oder Esthetik. 8vo. Leipzig, 1805 HEBENSTREIT, (W.) EncyclopSdie der Esthetik. Imp. 8vo. Wien, 1843 HEGEL, (G. F. W.) Vorlesungen uber der Esthetik. 3 vols. 8vo, jEI 16s. Berl., 1843 RICHTER, (J. P.) Vorschule der Esthetik. 3 vols. 12mo. Stutt., 1826 RITTER, (C.) Ueber die Principien der Esthetik. 8vo, 7s. Kiel, 1840 SOLGER, (K. F. W.) Vorles. Uber Esthetik. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1829 WEBER, (W. E.) Die Esthetik aus dem Geschichtspunkte gebildeter Freunde des Schonen. Part I. 8vo. . . . Darmstadt, 1834 SCHLIERMACHER. Vorlesungen Uber die Esthetik. 8vo. Berl., 1842 JEITTELES, (J.) Esthetisches Lexicon: ein alphab. Ilandbuch zur Theorie der Philosophie des Schone und der Schonen Kunst. 2 vols. 8vo. ......... Wien, 1836—7 NUSSLEIN, (F. A.) Lehrbuch der Esthetik, als Kunstwissenschaft. 2te umge. Aufl. von M. Furtmaier 8vo. . . Regcnsberg, 1837 LOMMATZCH, (Dr. B. H. C.) Die Wissenschaft des Ideals oder die Lehre von Schonen. 8vo. Berlin, 1835 BOUTERWEK, (F.) Esthetik. 3d edn. 2 vols. 8vo. . Gott., 1824 DURSCH, (D. G. M.) Esthetik oder die Wissenschaft des Schonen aus dem Christlichen Standpunkte. 8vo. . . . Tubingen, 1839 ENGEL, (J. J.) Reden Esthetische Versuche. (Schriften, Vol. IV.) FRIES, (J. F.) Handbuch der Praktischen Philosophie. Vol. 2. Re- ligionsphilosophie und philosoph. Esthetik. 8vo. . Jena, 1832 4 [affghanistan. AESTHETICS.—{Continued.) MUNDT, (G.) vEsthetik. Die Idee der Schonheit und des Kunstwerks im Liehte unserer Zeit. 8vo. ..... Berlin, 1845 RUGE, (A.) Die Platonische iEsthetik. 8vo. . . Halle, 1832 KRUG, (W. T.) System der theoret. Philosophic. (Vol. III.) Konigs., 1831 JOUFFROY, (T.) Cours d’Esthetique. Pr6c6d£ d’une preface, par P. Damiron. 8vo. Paris, 1843 TALIA. Principi di Estetica. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Venezia, 1827 See Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, Walker’s Analysis of Beauty in Wo- man, British and Foreign Review, No. XXV., Works of W. von Humboldt, &c. Schilling’s Aesthetic der Tonkunst, &c. AFFGHANISTAN.—Cabul. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN.—II. HIS- TORY.—III. NATURAL HISTORY. I. TRAVELS &c. CONOLLY, (A.) Journey to the North of India. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838 ELPHINSTONE, (M.) An Account of the Kingdom of Cabui and its de- pendencies, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. ..... London, 1839 VIGNE, (G. F.) Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzne, Cabui, and • Afghanistan. 8vo London, 1840 WOOD, (J.) Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. 8vo. ........ Jjmdon, 1841 ATKINSON, (S.) The Recent Operations of the British Forces in Aff- ghanistan ; consisting of Views of the most beautiful Scenery through which the Army passed. Drawn on stone by Louis Haghe. 26 Plates, royal folio, £4. 4s. half-bound; coloured and mounted as the original drawings, £10. 10s. ....... London, 1842 MASSON, (C.) Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanis- tan, and the Panjab; including a Residence in those Countries from 1826 to 1838. 3 vols. 8vo, £2 2s. .... London, 1842 ALLEN, (J. N.) Diary of a March through Sinde and Afghanistan,with the Troops under the Command of General Sir W. Nott, and Sermons delivered on several occasions during the Campaign of 1842. Post 8vo, 12s. ......... London, 1843 NASH, (C.) History of the War in Afghanistan, from its commencement to its close; including a general Sketch of the Policy, and the various cir- cumstances which induced the British Government to interfere in the Affairs of Afghanistan. Post 8vo, 12s. . . . London, 1843 GREENWOOD, (Lt.) Narrative of the late Victorious Campaign in Afghanistan, under General Pollock ; with Recollections of Seven Years’ Service in India. Post 8vo, 12s. .... London, 1844 EYRE, (V.) The Military Operations at Cabui:—with a Journal of an Imprisonment in Afghanistan, sm. 8vo, 12s. . . London, 1843 BURNES, (Sir A.) Cabool in 1836-37, and ’38. 8vo, plates, 18s. London, 1842 HAVELOCK, (H.) A Narrative of the War in Afghanistan in 1838-39. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1840 AFFGHANISTAN.] 5 [AFRICA. I. TRAVELS &c.—(Continued.) MOHAN LAL. Travels in the Panjab, Affghanistan, etc. 8vo, 16s. London, 1846 PRINSEP, (H. T.) Note on the Historical Results deducible from recent Discoveries in Affghanistan. 8vo, 15s. . . . London, 1844 WYLD, (JAS.) Map of Affghanistan, Cabul and the Panjab. London, 1842 See Journ. Geogr. Soc. of London, Calcutta Asiatic Journal, McCulloch’s Geog. Diet. n. HISTORY. NEAMET-ULLAH. The History of the Affghans. Translated from the Persian by Bemhard Dorn. 4to. . . . Loud., 1829 (Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund.) WILSON, (H. H.) Ariana-antiqua: a descriptive account of the An- tiquities and Coins of Affghanistan. 4to. . . . Land., 1841 CLODIUS, (J. C.) Chronicles of a Traveller; History of the Affghan Wars with Persia in the beginning of the last century. Translated by Mitford. 8vo Land., 1840 III. NATURAL HISTORY. See Irwin’s Memoir of the Climate, Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Affghanis- tan, in Calcutta Asiatic Journal, Nos. 93, 94. 95, 96, 97, also Papers by Hutton, Conolly, Postans, Griffith, &c., in Nos. 99, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 118, 139, Atkinson’s Expedition, Stc. AFRICA. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS.—II. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. L GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. NARRATIVE OF DISCOVERY AND ADVENTURE IN AFRICA, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; with Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. By Hugh Murray, Prof. Jameson, and J. Wilson. 3d ed. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo, 5s. . Edinburgh, 1840 (Edin. Cab. Liby.) McQUEEN, (J.) A Geographical Survey of Africa, its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Population, &c., with a map on an en- tirely new construction. 8vo, 18a. .... London, 1840 WALCKENAER, (C. A.) Hist. Gen. des Voyages (Afrique.) 8vo,/.52 50. Paris, 1826-31 WALCKENAER, (C. A.) Recherches geograph, sur l’interior de FAfrique septentrionale, comprenant l’histoire des voyages entrepis pour penetre dans l’int6rieur du Soudan, etc. 8vo, /.9. . . . Paris, 1821 PARK, (MUNGO). Journal of a Mission into the interior of Africa in 1805, with an Account of his Life. 4to. . . . London, 1815 (Reprinted New-York, H. Bro’s.) TUCKEY, (I. K.) Narrative of an Expedition to explore the Zaire, (or Congo,) in South Africa, in 1816. 4to. . . . London, 1818 AFRICA.] 6 [AFRICA. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, &ic.—(Continv<>d.) BEECHEY, (F. W. &, H. W.) Proceedings of the Expedition to Explore the Northern Coasts of Africa from Tripoli eastward, in 1821 and 1822, etc. 4to. ........ London, 1828 CAILLE, (R.) Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo, in 1824—28. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 10». . . . . . . London, 1830 DENHAM & CLAPPERTON. Travels and Discov. in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-24. 4 vols. 18mo. . . London, 1831 LANDER, (R. & J.) Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the Source of the Niger. 3 vols. l2mo. . . . . London, 1832 ALLEN, (Comm. Wm.) Picturesque Views on the River Niger, sketched during Lander’s last visit in 1832-3. Obi. 4to. . London, 1840 COOLEY, (W. D.) The Negro-land of the Arabs Examined and Ex- plained ; or an Inquiry into the Early History and Geography of Central Africa. 8vo, 8s. 6d. ...... London, 1841 BEECHAM, (J.) Ashantee and the Gold Coast. l2mo. “ 1841 LAIRD & OLDFIELD. Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of Africa by the River Niger. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1839 NIGER EXPEDITION: Journals of the Rev. J. F. Schon and Mr. S. Crowther, who, with the sanction of Her Majesty’s Government, accom- panied the Expedition up the Niger, in 1841, in behalf of the Church Missionary Society. Post 8vo, 6s London, 1842 TAMS, (G.) Visit to the Portuguese Possessions in South Western Africa. Trans, from the German, with an Introduction, &c., by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols. post 8vo, 21s. ....... London, 1845 RITTER, (C.) Die Erdkunde in Verhiiltniss zur Natur u. zur Geschichte der Menschen. Vol. I.—Africa. .... Berlin, 1847 PRITCHETT, (M.) Some Account of the African Remittent Fever which occurred on board H. M. S. Wilberforce, in the River Niger, and whilst engaged on service on the Western Coast of Africa ; comprising an In- quiry into the Causes of Disease in Tropical Climates. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1843 HARRIS, (W. C.) The Wild Sports of Southern Africa. 3rd. edit. roy. 8vo, £2 2s. ....... London, 1841 MARTIN, (R. M.) History, &c. of Southern and Western Africa. 12mo. (In Brit. Colonial Library.) London, 1844 STEEDMAN, (A.) Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior of South- ern Africa. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 4s. .... London, 1836 PRINGLE, (T.) Narrative of a Residence in South Africa. 8vo, 10s. 6d. L,ondon, 1835 ISAAC, (N.) Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, descriptive of the Zoolus. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 Is. .... London, 1836 KAY, (S.) Travels and Researches in Caffraria. 8vo,6s. . London, 1833 ARBOUSSET, (M. T.) et DAUMAS (F.) Relation d’un Voyage d’ex- ploration au Nord-est du Cap de Bon-Esperance, entrepis en 1836. 8vo. Paris, 1842 VOYAGE dans l’Afrique occidental, comprenant l’exploration du Senegal, depuls Saint-Louis jusqu’a la Falerme, au dela du Bakel, etc. ; execute en 1843 et 1844, par une commission composee de MM. Huard-Bessini&rea, Jamin, Raffenel, Peyre-Ferry et Pottin Patterson. Redigd et mis en ordre par Anne Raffenel. 8°, avec un atlas,/.20 . . . Paris, 1846 EL TOUNSY, (M.) Voyage au Darfour. trad, de l’Arabe par D. Perron. 8vo, 10s. Paris, 1841 [AFRICA. [agriculture. I. GEOGRAPHY. VOYAGES, Sic.—(Continued.) See also the travels of Campbell (J.), Latrobe (C. J.), Thompson (G.), Philip (J.), Moodie (J. VV. D.), Alexander (J. E.), Bowditch, etc., McCulloch’s Geograph. Diety., Journ. Geog. Society, Vol. XII. II. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. HEEREN, (A. H. L.) Reflections on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Ancient Nations of Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1838 H1STOIRE de l’Afrique, de Mohammed-Ben-Asi-El-Raini-El-K’airouani, traduite de l’Arabe, par Pellisir et Remusat. 4to, /.12 . Paris, 1845 EBN KHALDOUN. Hist, de l’Afrique sous la dynastie des Aghlabites, et de la Sicile sous la domination musulmane ;—texte Arabe, accompagnd d’une traduction franq. par Desvergers. 8vo. . . Paris, 1841 PAPENCORDT, (F.) Geschichte der Vandalischen Herrschaft in Africa. 8vo. ......... Berlin, 1837 LEO AFRICANUS, Geographical Historic of Africa, translated from the Arabic by J. Pory. Folio, map, 15s. . . . Londini, 1600 See also Abu-i-fed* Africa—La Croix, Relat. Univers. de l’Afrique—Cardonne, Hist, de l’Afrique, et de l’Espagne, sous la domination des Arabes. AFRICA. See also Abyssinia, Azores, Barbary States, Canary Islands, Madagas- car, Madeira, Mauritius. AGRICULTURE. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY.—II. HISTORY.—III. PRACTICAL. IV. THEORETICAL.—V. IMPLEMENTS. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY. See Loudon’s Encyclo. of Agriculture, Johnson’s Farmer’s Almanac for 1816. U. HISTORY OF MARIVAULT, (M. De). Precis de l’histoire gendrale de l'agriculture. 8vo, and 12mo. ....... Paris, 1837 III. PRACTICAL. BRITISH HUSBANDRY: exhibiting the Farming Practice in various parts of the United Kingdom 3 vols 8vo, £ 1 10s. 6d. . London, 1834 LOW, (D.) Elements of Practical Agriculture. 8vo, 2ls. .London, 1842 STEPHENS, (H.) The Book of the Farm. 3 vols. 8vo, plates, £4 10s. (Reprinted N. Y. 1846.) London, 1842-44 LOUDON, (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. 8vo, £2 10s. London, 1839 SPROULE, (J.) A Treatise on Agriculture. 8vo, 15s. . London, 1840 CLEGHORN, (J.) A System of Agriculture. 4to, plates. . Edin. JACKSON, (J.) A Treatise on Agriculture and Dairy Husbandry. 8vo. Edin. RHAM, (W. L ) Dictionary of the Farm. 8vo, 9s. 6d. . London, 1844 AGRICULTURE.] 8 [agriculture. III. PRACTICAL—( Continued.) BOUSSINGAULT, (J. B.) Rural Economy. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1845 (Reprinted New-York, 1845, D. A. & Co. $1 50.) JOHNSON, (C. W.) The Farmer’s Cyclopaedia and Dictionary of Rural Affairs. 8vo, £2 10s. ...... London, 1842 MAI SON R USTIQ UE au 19« siecle, encyclopddie de l’agriculture pratique, etc., par MM. Bailly et Malpeyre aind. 4 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1839 STEPHENS, (H.) A Manual of Practical Draining. By Henry Stephens, 2d ed. 8vo, 3s. Gd. ...... London, 1847 THAER, (A. D.) The Principles of Agriculture. Translated by VV. Shaw and C. W. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. . London, 1844 (Reprinted N. Y.) PETZHOLDT, (A.) Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemistry. Post 8vo, -Is. 6d. ....... London, 1844 (Reprinted N. Y.) Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of Great Britain, Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. IV. THEORETICAL AGRICULTURE. DONALDSON, (J.) A Treatise on Manures: their Nature, Preparation, and Application. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1842 FALKNER, (F.) The Muck Manual. 12mo, 5s. . London, 1843 JOHNSON, (C. W.) On Increasing the Depth of Soils. 8vo. . London. The Agricultural Fertilizer: being a Complete History of all the various kinds of Manure, with a description of the Land to which each is appli- cable. 8vo, 16s. ........ London. JOHNSTON, (J. F. W.) Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 8vo, 24s. .... . London, 1844—2d ed. 1847 (Reprinted N. Y. 1844.) MORTON. The Nature and Property of Soils ; their Connexion with the Geological Formation on which they rest; the best means of permanently Increasing their Productiveness ; and on the Rents and Profits of Agricul- ture. 4th ed., 8vo, 10s. ...... London, 1843 VAREMBEY. Lettres sur l’euphorimetrie, ou l’Art de mesurer la fertility de la terre, indiquant le choix des meilleurs assolements, en faisant con- naitre d’avance leurs produits et leur action sur le sol. 8vo. /.4. Paris, 1844 See Davy’s Agricul. Chemistry. Hannah on Waste Manures. Liebig's Agri- cultural Chemistry. V. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ANNUAL REGISTER of Agricultural Implements. By C. W. Johnson, and J. Hare. 12mo, cuts, Is. .... London, 1845 RANSOME, (J. A.) The Implements of Agriculture. 8vo, 9s. London, 1843 BOITARD, (M.) Collection complete de tous les instruments d’agriculture et de jardinage, anciens et modemes. 8vo, 106 planches,/. 12. Paris, 1844 VALCOUR, (P. L. De). Memoires sur l’agriculture et les instruments ara- toires et d’economie rurale. 8vo, avec atlas,/. 12. . . Paris, 1841 ALBIGENSES.] 9 [alchemy. ALBANIA—(Travels in.) HOBHOUSE, (Sir J. C.) Journey through Albania, &c., 1809-1810, 2 vols. 4to. ........ London, 1813 HOLLAND, (Dr. Hy.) Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, &c. 4to. London, 1815 HUGHES, (T. S.) Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1820 See Jour, of Geogr. Soc. vol. XII. Art. by Coant Karaczay. ALBIGENSES—(Waldenses, Yaudois.) ARNAUD, (H.) Glorious Recovery by the Yaudois of their Valleys. Translated by Acland: with a Compendious History of the People. 8vo, plates. ......... London, 1827 ALLIX, (J. P.) Remarks upon the History of the Albigenses. 8vo, 7s. Oxon, 1821 Remarks upon the History of the Churches of Piedmont. 7s. 6d. Oxon, 1821 RECHERCHES Historiques sur la Veritable Origine des Vaudois, et sur le Caractere de leurs Doctrines Primitives. 8vo. . . Paris, 1836 PEYRAN. Historical Defence of the Vaudois. Translated from the French. 8vo, 15s. London, 1826 FABER, (G. S.) History of the Waldenses. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1838 GILLY, (W. S.) Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Pied- mont, and Researches among the Vaudois, &c. 8vo, maps and plates, 18s. London, 1826 Waldensian Researches during a Second Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. 8vo, maps and plates, £1 Is. . . . London, 1831 PIUTCHINSON, (E.) The Vaudois: Observations made during a Visit in 1844. 1 vol. 8vo, map. ...... London, 1845 SISMONDI, (J. C. L.) History of the Crusade3 against the Albigenses in the 13th Century. 8vo, 5s. . .... London, 1826 MAITLAND, (S. R.) Facts and Documents relative to the Ancient Waldenses. 8vo, 16s. ...... London, 1832 Review of Fox’s History of the Waldenses. 8vo. . London, 1829 See also General History of Languedoc, Paris, 1730.—Jones’s History of Christian Church, &c. ALCHEMY. BARRETT, (F.) Lives of the Alchemistical Philosophers, with a Cata- logue of books in Occult Chemistry, and a selection of the most celebrated treatises on the hermetic art. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . . London, 1815 See Thomson’s History of Chemistry. ALDINE EDITIONS—(Bibliography.) RENOUARD, (A. A.) Annales de lTmprimdrie des Aide. 3d ed. 8vo, 15a Paris, 1834 ALDINE POETS—(Pickering’s Edition.) Fcp. 8vo, v. d. per vol. 5s London. AKENSIDE. With Memoir by Dyce. (Yol. 32 of Series.) ALDINE POETS.] 10 ALGJE. ALDINE POETS.—Continued. BEATTIE. With Memoir by Dyce. (Vol. 12 of Series.) BURNS. With Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. 3 vols. (Vol. 1: *1, 2.) BUTLER. With Life by Mitford. 2 vols. (Vol. 33 and 34.) CHAUCER. With Life by Sir H. Nicolas. 6 vols. (Vol. 47-52.) CHURCHILL. With Memoir by Tooke. 3 vols. (Vol. 44, 45, 46.) COLLINS. With Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. (Vol. 5.) COWPER. “ “ “ “ 3 vols. (Vol. 7,8,9.) DRYDEN. With Memoir by Mitford. 5 vols. (Vol. 21-25.) FALCONER. “ “ “ (Vol. 37.) GOLDSMITH. “ “ « (Vol. 16.) GRAY. “ “ “ (Vol. 38.) MILTON. “ “ “ 3 vols. (Vol. 17, 18, 19.) PARNELL. « “ « (Vol. 26.) PRIOR. “ « “ 2 vols. (Vol. 35,36.) POPE. With Memoir by Dyce. 3 vols. (Vol. 13, 14, 15.) SHAKSPEARE. With Memoir by Dyce. (Vol. 20.) SPENSER. With Memoir by Mitford. 5 vols. (Vol. 39-43.) SURREY & WYATT. With Memoir by Nicolas. 2 vols. (Vol. 10,11.) SWIFT. With Memoir by Mitford. 3 vols. (Vol. 27, 28, 29.) THOMSON. With Memoir by Nicolas. 2 vols. (Vol. 3, 4.) YOUNG. With Memoir by Mitford. 2 vols. (Vol. 30, 31.) WHITE, (II. KIRKE.) With Memoir by Nicolas. (Vol. 6.) ALGiE. HARVEY, (W. H.) A Manual of British Algre, containing Generic and Specific Descriptions of all the known British Species of Sea-Weed and Confervae, both Marine and Fresh-water. 8vo, 9s. . London, 1841 Phycologia Britannica ; or a History of British Sea-Weeds. £7 10s. London, 1847 Nereis Australis, or Illustrations of the Algas of the Southern Ocean ; being Figures and Descriptions of new or imperfectly known Sea-Weeds, collected on the Shores of the Cape of Good Hope, the extra-tropical Australian Colonies, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Antarctic Regions. Imp. 8vo, 100 col. plates, £4 4s London, 1847 HASSALL, (A. H.) History of the British Fresh-water Algas ; including Descriptions of the Desmideas and Diotomaceae. With upwards of one hundred plates, illustrating the various species. 2 vols. 8vo, £2 5s. London, 1845 GREVILLE, (R. K.) Algse Britannic®, or Description of the Marine and other articulated plants of the British Islands. 8vo, £2 2s. Edinb., 1830 AGARDII, (C. A.) leones Algarum-europ. (40 plates.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1835 Systema Algarum. 8vo. Lond., 1824 Species Algarum. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Gryph, 1828 (J.) Algae Maris Mcditerranei et Adriatici, observationes in diagno- sin specierum et dispositionem generum. 8vo,/.3 50. . Paris, 1842 KUTZING, (F. T.) Phycologia Gennanica, d. i. Deutschland Algen in biindigen Beschreibiingen. 8vo. .' . . . Nordh., 1845 ALGJE. 11 [ALGIERS. ALGtE.—(Continued.) KUTZING, (F. T.) Phycologia generalis, oder Anatomie, Physiologie und Systemkunde der Tange. . . . . . . 1843 POSTELS, (A.) & RUPRECHT, (F.) Ulustrationes Algarum in itinere circa orbem, an 1826-29, in Oceano-pacifico, ad Littora Rossica Asiatico Americana collect. 41 plates,folio,coloured,ill8 18s. Petersburgh, 1840 DECAISNE, (M.) Essais sur une classification des Algues et des polypiers calcifhres, etc. 8vo,/.4 Paris, 1843 I. HISTORY.—II. TREATISES, ALGEBRA. I. HISTORY. MONTUCLA, (J. E.) Histoire de Mathematiques. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1802 BOSSUT, (C.) Essai sur l’histoire gcrierale des Mathematiques. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. ........ Paris, 1810 COSSALI, (P.) Storia critica dell’Algebra. 2 vols. 4to. Parma, 1797 II. TREATISES. MORGAN, (A. De). Elements of Algebra. 8vo. . . London. Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and Algebra. 8vo. “ PEACOCK, (G.) Algebra. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 11s. 6d. Lond., 1843—45 PARKER, (J.) Arithmetic and Algebra. 8vo. . London, 1828 (In L. U. K.) WARREN, (J.) Treatise on the Geometrical representation of the Square Roots of Negative Quantities. 8vo, 5s. . . . Camb., 1828 MOHAMMED BEN MUSA’S Algebra. Arabic and English. Transl. by Dr. Rosen. 8vo. ...... London, 1831 (Orient. Transl. Fund.) REYNAUD, (M.) Train* d’ algtibre. 10th edn. 8vo,/.5. Paris, 1839 Application de 1’ algdbre a la g6om6trie et la trigonometric. 8vo. 0 Paris, 1819 BOURDON, (M.) Elemens d’ Alg(;bre. 9th edn. 8vo,/.8. “ 1843 Application d’ Algdbre a la gdometrie. 8vo,/.7 50. “ 1837 See also Treatises by Bland, Bridge, Hai.l, Hind, Hotson, Kelland, Pearson, Wood, Wrigiit, Brownlovv, Lardner, &c. ALGIERS. LORD, (P. B.) Algiers and Barbary. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1835 KENNEDY, (J. C.) Algeria and Tunis in 1845. An Account of a Journey made through the two Regencies. 2 vols. post 8vo, 21s. . 1846 MORGAN, (J.) Complete History of Algiers. 4to. London, 1731 BAUDE, (M.) 2 vols. 8vo. » . . Paris, 1840 BLOFIELD, (J. H.) Algeria, Past and Present; a Description of the Country ; its Inhabitants, Animals, Vegetables, &c. With a Review of its History, from the earliest period to the present time. From Notes made during a Personal Visit in 1843. 8vo. 12s. . . > 1844 BAVOUX, (E.) Voyage politique et descriptif dans le nord de l’Afrique. 2 vols. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1841—184— EXPLORATION Scientifique de l'Algerie, pendant les annties 1840,1841, 1842. Public par ordre du gouvemement etavec le concours d’une com- mission academique. folio Paris, 1845 ALGIERS.] 12 [alpaca. ALGIERS.—(Continued.) ROZET, ( .) Voyage dans la rdgence d'Alger, ou Descrip, du pays oc- cupde par l’armce franqaise en Afrique, conten. des observations sur la geo- graphic physique, la geologie, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, et atlas dc 31 planches, /. 33. ........... Paris. TABLEAUX de la Situation des Etablissements Franrjais dans 1’Algdrie. Paris, 1838 ENFANTIN, ( .) Colonization de PAlgerie. 8vo. . Paris, 1843 GOMOT, (F.) Guide du Voyageur en Algdrie, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1844 PEYSSONNEL ET DESFONTAINES. Voyages dans les rdgences de Tunis et d’Alger, publics par M. Dureau de la Malle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 WAGNER, (M.) Reisen in der Regentschaft Algier, in den J&hren, 1836- 38. 3 vols. 8vo Leipzig, 1841 GENET, (M). Algdrie historique, pittoresque et monumentale, etc., le texte par Berbrugger. 8vo. Paris, 1843 GALIBERT, (L.) Hist, de l’Algdrie, ancienne et modeme, depuisl’etablis- sement des Carthaginois, etc. Roy. 8vo, (plates and wood cuts),/.20. Paris, 1844 ESTRY, (IP). Histoire d’Alger, de son territorie et de ses habitants ; de ses difierents gouvernements, de ses pirateries et de ses guerres, depuis les temps le plus recules jusqu’a nos jours. 8vo. /.2 50. . . Paris. BERTHOUD, ( ) Etudes de mceurs algeriennes. El Hivnai. 4 vols. 8vo, 30s. ......... Paris, 1847 ALHAMBRA PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND SECTIONS OF THE ALHAMBRA. By Owen Jones, Architect. Vol. 1, colombier folio, with ornamental title- page, and letterpress descriptions of the plates, with a complete translation of the Arabic inscriptions, and an Historical Notice of the Kings of Granada, by M. Pasqual de Gayangos, plates, £14, half bound in morocco ; grand eagle size, half-bound in morocco, gilt edges, £24. London, 1842 DETAILS AND ORNAMENTS FROM THE ALHAMBRA. Drawn from Casts in his possession, one-half, quarter, and full size, by Owen Jones, Architect. Forming the second volume to the “ Plans of the Al- hambra.” In 2 parts, 25 plates each, printed in colours and gold, price, each, folio grand eagle, £5 5s.; colombier, £4 4s.; imperial (for manu- facturers), £3 3s London, 1842 SKETCHES AND DRAWINGS OF THE ALHAMBRA. Drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, R. J. Lane, A. R. Gauci, and J. F. Lewis. Folio, mounted, coloured, £10 10s London, 1835 See Murphy's Arabian Antiquities of Spain. ALMANACS. AMERICAN ALMANAC. 12mo. . . Boston, 1830-1847 THE BRITISH ALMANAC AND COMPANION. 12mo. London, 1828-1847 THE NAUTICAL ALMANAC. ALPACA. WALTON, (W.) The Alpaca : its Naturalization in the British Isles con- sidered as a National Benefit, and as an object of immediate utility to the Farmer and Manufacturer. Fcp. 8vo, 4s. 6d. . London, 1844 ALPHABET.] 13 [AMERICA. ALPHABET.—(Philology.) VOLNEY, (C. E.) L’alphabet Europeen appliqud aux Langues Asiatiques. 8vo Paris, 1819 KEY, (T. H.) The Alphabet with Essays on Good, Better, Best, Well; and other Philological papers. 1 vol. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . London, 1844 See also Latham on the English Language. ASTLE, (T.) On the Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hierogly- phic as Elementary, &c. 4to, plates. . . . London, 1803 SHAW, (H.) Alphabets, Numerals, and Devices of the Middle Ages. Imp. 8vo, 48 plates, tinted, 42s.; imp. 4to, full col’d., 84s. . 1845 SILVESTRE, (J. B.) Collection de soixante feuilles d’alphabets, histories et fleuronnes, tires des plus beaux manuscrits de l’Europe, etc. Folio./.60. (See Paleographie Universelle.) Paris. GESENIUS, (W.) Palilogr. Studien iiber phonic, u. punisc. Schrift. 4to. Leipzig, 1835 KOPP, (U. F.) Palaeographia Critica. 4 vols. 4to. Mannh., 1817-29 Bilder und Schriften der Vorzeit. 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1819-21 LEPSIUS, (R.) Zwei sprachvergleichende Abhandlungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1837 HAMMER, (J.) Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphics Explained, etc. in the Arabic Language,by Ahmad bin-Abubekr bin-Wahshik: and in Eng- lish by J. H. sm. 4to London, 1806 (“ Falsely attributed to this Arabian Author.”—S. de Sacy.) AMAZONS. GUYON. Histoire des Amazones, Anciennes et Modernes. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1740 AMERICA. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY. —II. NORTH AMERICA.— III. SOUTH AMERICA. —IV. BRITISH AMERICA. —V. NATURAL HISTORY.—VI. LANGUAGE. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY. KENNETT, (Bp.) Bibliotheca Americana; Primordia ; an attempt towards laying the foundation of an American Library. 4to. London, 1713 RICH, (O.) A Catalogue of Books, relating principally to America. Ar- ranged under the years in which they were printed. Part 1. A. D. 1500- 1600. Part 2. 1600-1700. 8vo, 16s. . . . London, 1832 Printed since 1700. Vol. 1. 1701-1800. Vol. 2. 1801-1830. 8vo. London, 1835-44 WARDEN, (D. B.) Bibliotheca Americana : being a choice Collection of Books, Maps, Engravings, and Medals, relating to North and South Ame- rica, and the West Indies. 8vo, 8s Paris, 1840 ASPINWALL, (J.) Bibliotheca America Septentrionalis ; being a choice Collection of Books relating to North America. 8vo, 6s. Paris, 1820 TERNAUX COMPANS, (H.) Bibliothdque Amdricaine, ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a 1’ Amerique, qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu’a l’an 1700. 8vo, 10s. 6d. ..... Paris, 1837 (HOMER, A.) Bibliotheca Americana ; or, a Chronological Account of the most Curious and Interesting Books, &c., upon the subject of North and South America. 4to. ..... London, 1789 AMERICA.] 14 [AMERICA. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY.—{Continued.) LUDEWIG, (H. E.) The Literature of American Local History ; a Bibli- ographical Essay. 8vo. ..... New- York, 1846 (Privately printed.) II. NORTH AMERICA, (U. S.)—( Vorlesungen uber Astronomie. 2 vols. 8vo, 13s. 6d. Wien, 1840 Die Wunder des Himmels. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, and Atlas of Plates, 4to, £1 - . Stutt., 1842 (C. L. v.) Theoretische u. prakt. Astronomie. 3 vols. 8vo, plates. Wien, 1821-26 LALANDE, (J. J.) Astronomie. 3 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1792 LAPLACE, (P. S.) Exposition du systeme du monde, pr6c6de de l’eloge de l’auteur par M. Fourier. 6eedn.4to. . . . Paris, 1835 Le meme ouvrage. 2 vols. 8vo. .... “ “ Traitd de inecanique celeste. 2e ed. 1829-30 (pour Vols. I, II) 1803 et 5 (Vols. Ill, IV) et 1825. 5 vols. 4to,/.150. . . . Paris. Mecanique celeste; translated with a Commentary, by N. Bowditch. 4 vols. 4to Boston, 1829-39 PONY&COULANT, ( de.) Thborie analytique du Systeme du monde. 4 vols. 8vo,f.4S- .....•• Paris, 1826—36 Traite 616m. de physique c61este, ou Precis d’astronomie theorique et pratique, servant d’introduction a l’6tude de cette science. 2 vols. 8vo, plates,/TO. ........ Paris, 1840 SOMERVILLE, (Mary.) On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences. 12mo London, 1837 Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. . . . “ 1831 BERNOULLY, (D.) Recherches physiques et astronomiques sur la cause physique de 1’inclination des plans des orbites des planetes par rapport au plan de l’equateur. 2nd edn. 4to,/l2. .... Paris. LE VERRYER, (U. J.) Memoire sur les variations seculaires des 616ments des orbites pour les sept planetes principales. Mercure, V6nus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne et Uranus. 8vo, /.3 50. . Paris, 1844 Developpeinents sur plusiers points de la Th6orie des perturbations des planetes. 8vo. . . • • • • • • 1841 (Connaissance de Temps pour 1844.) Th6orie de mouvement de Mercure. 8vo. . . . 1845 (Connaissance de Temps pour ,1847.) Recherches sur les mouvements d’Uranus. 8vo. . . 1846 Recherches sur les mouvements de la planete Herschell. 8vo. 1846 (Connaissance de Temps pour 1849.) ASTRONOMY.] 56 [ASTRONOMY. II. GENERAL TREATISES.—(Continued.) AIRY, (G. B.) Mathematical Tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the Earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of varia- tions, and the undulatory theory of optics, for the use of Students. 8vo. Camh., 1831 MEMOIRS OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 1811-1846. Vols. I.-XV. 4to. London. Monthly Notices of Ditto. 8vo. Land., 1831—4(1. CONNAISSANCE DES TEMPS, in 12mo. and 8vo. . Paris, 1678-1846 De MORGAN, (A.) An Explanation of the Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. 8vo, 5s London, 1836 JEANS, (H. W.) Rules in Plane and Spherical Trigonometry : with nu- merous Examples and Problems. 3s. 6d. . . . London, 1843 Solutions of the Astronomical and other Problems in the above vo- lume ; designed as an Introduction to Nautical Astronomy. 3s. 6d. « Rules for finding the Names and Positions of all the Stars of the First and Second Magnitude. Royal 8vo, 3s. 6d. . . London, 1845 BLUNT, (C. F.) The Beauty of the Heavens. 4to, plates, 28s. London, 1845 ARAGO, (M.) The Comet. Scientific Notices of Comets in general, &,c., translated from the French by C. Gold. 8vo, 4s. . London, 1833 RUMKER, (C.) Mittlere Oerter von 12000 Fix-Stemen fUr den Anfang von 1836. 2 parts, 4to, 24s. .... Hamb., 1843-45 BODE, (J. E.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss des gestimten Himmels. Edid. Enko Bremiker. 10th edn., 8vo. .... Berlin, 1844 MOON. BEER, (W.) & MADLER, (J. H.) Der Mond nach seinen komischen u. individuellen Verhiiltniss. od. allgemeine vergleichende Selenographie. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1837 HAUSEN, (P. A.) Fundumenta nova investigat orbit, verae quam Luna perlustrat. 4to Goth., 1838 BEER, (W.) & MADLER, (J. H.) Map of the Moon: Mappa Seleno- graphica. 4 sheets,folio Berlin, 1836 III. ATLASSES, MAPS. LUBBOCK, (J. W.) Six Maps of the Stars, including those of the Sixth Magnitude, laid down according to the Gnomonic Projection. In size 25 inches square. Plain, 15s. ...... London. With the Constellations coloured, 21s. The same on a smaller scale, 14 inches by 14, 3s. ; cold., 4s. 6d. (See De Morgan on Gnomonic Projection.) WYLD, (,!.)' Map of the Stars and Phenomena of the Universe. London. SCHWINCK, (G.) Mappa Ccelestis, sive tabulae quinque inerrantium sep- timum ordinem non excedentium et usque ad XXX gradum decl. austr. pertinentium, quas pro medio seculo XIX stereographice construxit. Imp. folio, £1 7s. ....... Leipzig, 1844 ARGELANDER, (D. F.) Neue Uranometrie. Dnrstellung der im mittlem Europa sichtbaren Sterne. Sternverzeichniss. folio (17 maps) with cata- logue. 8vo, 16s. Berlin, 1843 DIEN, (C.) Atlas des celestes, donnant le trace des mouve- ments apparents des planetes. 4to,/.16. . . . Paris, 1843 IV. TABLES, OBSERVATIONS, &c. MAURY, (M. F.) Astronomical Observations made during the year 1845, at the Naval Observatory, Washington. 8vo, vol. I. Washington, 1846 ASTRONOMY.] 57 [ATHENS. IV. TABLES, OBSERVATIONS, &c.—{Continued.) JOHNSON, (M. J.) Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1840, 1843. Vols. I.—IV., roy. 8vo, each 16s. . t . . . . . Oxford, 1843-45 HERSCHELL, (J. F. W.) Observations in the Southern Hemisphere. 4to. London, 1847 ARGELANDER, (F. W. A.) Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Stemwarte zu Bonn. Vol. 1, Durchmusterung d. Nordl. Himmels, zw. 45 u. Grad der Declination, in d. Jahren 1841-44. 4to, 18s. Bonn, 1846 BESSEL, (F. W.) Astronom. Beobachtungen auf der koniglichen Univer- sitats-Stemwarte in Konigsberg, von 12 Nov., 1813, — vols. fol. Konigsberg, 1813- Astronomische Untersuchungen. Vol. I., II., 4to. . Regiom., 1840-4 Tabulae Regiomont. reduct, observat. astronom. ab 1750 usque ad 1850. 8vo Regiom., 1840 SCHUMACHER, (H. C.) Astronomische Nachrichten. Vols. 1-22,4to. Altona, 1823-44 Sammlung von Hiilfstafeln. 8vo. “ 1845 LITTROW, (J. J.) Annalen der k. Stemwarte in Wien. 12 vols. folio, per vol. 14s. 6d Wien, 1813-30 V. CATALOGUES OF STARS. BAILY, (F.) On the Construction and Use of some new Tables for de- termining the Places of nearly 3000 Fixed Stars in Vol. II. of Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society of London. .... 1826 Catalogue of the Fixed Stars of the Brit. Association for the Advan. of Science, being an Enlargement of the Astron. Society’s Cat. of 1827. sm. folio, 63s. ........ London, 1845 FLAMSTEED, (Rev. John.) An account of, to which is added his British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged, by F. Baily. 4to. London, 1835 GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. A Catalogue of one thousand one hundred and twelve stars, etc. 4to. . . . London, 1833 See also the Catalogues of Groombridge, Johnson, Richardson, Struve’s Dorpat Cat., Bessel’s ZoneObser. VI. ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS. ABOUL HHASSAN ALI. Traite des instruments astronomiques des Arabes; traduit de l’Arabe sur le MSS. par J. J. 2 vols. 4to, /. 27. Paris, 1835 SI3DILLOT, (L. A.) Mdmoires sur les instruments astronomiques des Arabes. 4to. . . . . . { . . Paris, 1B41 See the various Treatises on Practical Astronomy. Brewster’s Optics; Prich- ard’s Optical Instruments in lAb. Usef, Knowl. ; Young's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, ed. 1845. ATHENS. TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, &c. WILKINS, (W.) Remarks on Topography and Buildings of Athens. 8vo. London, 1816 LEAKE, (W. W.) Topography of Athens ; with some remarks upon its antiquities. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 10». . . London, 1841 WORDSWORTH, (Rev. Dr. C.) Athens and Attica: Journal of a Resi- dence there. 8vo, 12s London, 1836 ATHENS.] 58 [atlases, geographical. TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, &c.—{Continued.) LOCKHART. Attica and Athens: an Inquiry into the Civil, Moral, and Religious Institutions of the Inhabitants, the Rise and the Decline of the Athenian Power, and the Topography and Chronology of Ancient At- tica and Athens. Translated from the German of K. O. Muller, Grote- fend, and others. 8vo, 9s. .... London, 1842 BOECKH, (Aug.) Urkunden iib. das Gewesen des Attischen Staats. 8vo, with Atlas, in folio. ....... Berlin, 1840 Public Economy of Athens. Translated by G. C. Lewis. 2nd. edn. 1 vol. 8vo, 12s. ....... London, 1842 SCHUMANN, (G. F.) De Comittiis Atheniensium. 8vo,9s. Gryph., 1819 A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians, in Three Books. Translated from the above: with a Complete Index. 8vo. Camb., 1838 AHRENS, (E. A. J.) De Athenarum Statu politico et literario. 4to. Gott., 1829 MULLER, (C. O ) Archftologische Mittheilungen aus Griechenland, he- rausg. von A. Scholl. 4to, vol. I. Athen’s Antiken-Sammlung 1. Plates, folio, 10s. ....... UranA/., 1843 See Architecture, Greece, &c. ATLASES, (Geographical.) JOHNSTON, (A. K.) National Atlas of Historical, Commercial, and Po- litical Geography ; constructed from the most recent and authentic sources ; accompanied by Maps, and Illustrations of the Physical Geography of the Globe, by Dr. Hy. Berghaus, and an Ethnographic Map of Europe, by Dr. Gustav Kombst, folio, half russia,£8 8s. . Edinburgh, 1844 THE SERIES OF MAPS, published by the Society for Diff. Useful Knowledge. 161 Maps, and 51 plans of Cities. 2 vols imp. 4to, hf. bd. £7 7s. ; coloured, £10 10s, INDEX to the Principal Places in the World (Modern) ; with reference to the Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. By the Rev. James Mickleburgh. 8vo, 5s. . . . . London, 1844 BLACK'S GENERAL ATLAS, comprising 61 Maps from the latest and most authentic sources, with Geographical Descriptions, and an Index of 56000 Names, folio, hf. bd. 56s. . . . Edinburgh, 1846 School Atlas of Modern Geography: a Series of Twenty-five Maps, constructed expressly for this work by W. Hughes, with a complete Index of Names, exhibiting the Latitude and Longitude of each Place, and a Reference to the Map. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . . . Edinburgh, 1846 SHARPE’S CORRESPONDING MAPS. A Series of Modern Maps, constructed upon a system of Scale and Proportion, from the most recent authorities, engraved on Steel by J. W. Lowry. Consisting of 54 Maps, size 18| inches by 14ij inches. Plain, 20s.; coloured, 30s. London, 1847-8 BUTLER. Atlas of Ancient Geography. 8vo, 12s. . London. D’ANVILLE’S Atlas of Ancient Geography, folio, .£4 4s. . “ WYLD’S Ancient Atlas. 4to, 12s “ HUGHES, (W.) Atlas of Scripture Geography. 4to, 10s. 6rols. 4to. ..... Madrid, 1829-30 ZAMALOCA, (J. A. de.) Historia de las naciones bascas. 3 vols. 8vo. Audi., 1818 STEPHENS, (C. B.) Political State of the Basque Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 WILKINSON, (H.) Sketches of Scenery in the Basque Provinces of Spain, with Selections of National Music, roy. 4to, col. plates, £2 2s. London, 1838 See Pbiohard’s Physical History of Mankind, Vol. III. n. LANGUAGE. YRIZAR Y MOYA. De l’Eusquere et de sea erderes, ou de la Langue Basque et de ses derives. Vols. I.—III., 8vo. . . Paris, 1841—43 BASQUE PROVINCES.] 69 [BENGALI LANGUAGE. II. LANGUAGE.—(Continued.) ASTARLOA, (D. Pueblo de.) Apologia de la Lengua bascongada, o ensayo critico-filosofico de su perfeccion y antiguedad sobre todas las que se conocen. 4to. ....... Madrid, 1803 HUMBOLDT, (W. v.) Prtifung der Untersuchung fiber d. Urbewohner Spaniens vermittels der vaskischen Sprache. 4to, 9s. 6d. Berlin, 1826 L&CLUSE, (F.) Elthon, idon, eilon, etc. 8vo. . Toulouse, 1826 D’ABBADIE, (T.) and CHAHO, (J. A.) Etudes Grammaticales sur la Langue Euskarienne. 8vo. ..... Paris, 1836 BEAUTY. HAY, (D. R) First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty. Post 8vo, 100 plates, 6s. . . . . . . ; . Edinburgh, 1846 Proportion; or, the Geometric Principle of Beauty analysed. Royal 4to, 17 plates, 25s ...... Edinburgh, 1843 The Principles of Beauty in Colouring Systematised. 8vo, 14 coloured examples, 21s, ....... Edinburgh, 1845 WALKER, (A.) Beauty; Illustrated by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman, etc. Plates, roy. 8vo, £1 Is. . London, 1835 (Reprinted New- York, 1844.) BELGIUM. TENNENT,_(J- E.) Belgium. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. . London, 1841 DICTIONNAIRE geographique, historique, statisque et admini3tratif de la Belgique. 8vo. ....... Bruxelles, 1831 HEUSCIILING, (X.) Essai sur la Statistique Generale de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1844 THOUIN. Voyage dans la Belgique, la Hollande, et l’ltalie, redige par le baron Trouvfi. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15. .... Paris, 1841 MAUVY, (Ana.) Prdcis de l’Histoire de la Belgique, &c. jusqu’a la re- union des principautes sous Philippe le Bon. 8vo. . Brux., 1837 MOKE, (II. K.) Histoire de la Belgique. 8vo. . . Gand., 1840 NOTHOMB, ( ) Essai historique et polit. s'ur la Revolution Belgique. 8 vo. ......... Bruxelles, 1833 HOFFMANN, (H.) Horse Belgicse : Hollandische Volkslieder. Parts I.- VIII., 8vo, 22s. Gd Breslau, 1831-45 POTTER, (De.) Revolution beige de 1828 a 1839, souvenirs personnels avec des pieces d’appui. 2s edition. 2 vols. 12mo,/.G. . Paris, 1844 CHRONIQUES BELGES inedites, Collection de, publiee par ordre du Gouvemement. Chronique de Philippe Mouskes, avec introduction par le Baron de Reiffenberg. 2 tom, 4to. . . . Bruxelles, 1836 See McCulloch’s Geographical Dictionary, and the authorities there quoted. Macgreqor’s Commercial Statistics. Murray’s Hand-Book, &c. See also .(Esthetics. Fine Arts. BENGALI LANGUAGE. HAUGHTON, (G. C.) Rudiments of Bengali Grammar. 4to, ill 10.?. London, 1821 A Glossary, Bengali and English, to explain the totaitihas, etc. 4to, 18s. ......... London, 1825 A Dictionary, Bengali and Sanscrit, explained in English. 4to. London, 1833 Bengali Selections with a Vocabulary. 4to, 18s. . “ 1822 BENGALI LANGUAGE.] 70 [BIBLIOGRAPHY. BENGALI LANGUAGE.—{Continued.) RAM CHONDRO SORMA. A Vocabulary of the Bengalee Language. 2d edn., sm. 8vo. ...... Calcutta, 1820 CAREY, (F.) A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language. 3 vols. 4to, .£5 5 s. Serampore, 1825 The same, abridged. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 5s. . . “ 1827 CAREY, (W.) A Grammar of the Bengali Language. 8vo. “ 1805 RAMKISSEN SAN. Vocabulary, English, Latin, and Bengalese, for the use of Students, sm. folio. ..... Calcutta, 1821 A VOCABULARY, Bengalee and English, by Mohunpersand Takoor. 8vo . . . Calcutta, 1815 BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. INTRODUCTIONS—II. GENERAL TREATISES.—III. SPECIAL. THE LONDON CATJ1 /.OOUE of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, prices, and publishers* names, from 1814 to 1840. 8vo, 21s. . lAnulon, 1846 THE PUBLISHER'S CIRCULAR, and General Record of British and Foreign Litera- ture ; containing a complete Alphabetical List of all new works published in Great Britain, and every work of interest published abroad, with their sizes, prices, &c. Vols. I.-X. 8vo. , London, 1837-47 • Published on the 1st and 15th of each month. 8s. per annum. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA FRANCE, ou Journal general de 1’Imprimerie et de la Librairie, et des cartes geographinues, gravures, lithographies et oeuvres de musiciue. Vols. I.-XXXVII. 8vo Paris, 181(M7 Published weekly, at 29 francs per annum. I. INTRODUCTIONS. HORNE, (T. H ) Introduct. to the Study of Bibliography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814 LUBBOCK, (J. W.) Remarks on the Classification of the Different Branches of Human Knowledge. 2nd ed. 8vo, 3s. . London, 1839 DIBDIN, (Rev. T. F.) The Library Companion. 8vo. “ 1824 The Bibliographical Decameron. 3 vols. 8vo. . . “ 1817 TAYLOR, (Isaac.) History of the transmission of Books to Modern Times. 8vo London, 1827 LABORDE, (Le Comte de.) De l’organisation des bibliotheques dans Paris. Huitidme lettre. Etudes sur la construction des Bibliotheques. 8vo. /.3. ......... Paris, 1845 CONSTANTIN, (L. A.) Manuel de Bibliothticonomie, instruction sur l’arrangement, la conservation et Tadministration des bibliotheques. 18mo. / 3. . . . . . . . . . . Paris, 1841 PEIGNOT, (G.) Manuel de bibliophile, ou traitd du choix des livres. 2 vols. 8vo. Dijon, 1823 NAMUR, (M. P.) Manuel des Bibliothecaires. 8vo. . Bruxelles, 1834 MARX, (R.) Handbuch fur Leihbiblioteken, oder Anleitung zur Bearbeit. e. Katalogs sowohl nach d. Verfass. als nach d. Titeln. 8vo. Karls., 1833 PETIT-RADEL, (L. C. F.) Recherches sur les Bibliotheques Anciennes et Modernes. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1819 MORTILLARO, (V.) Studio bibliografico. 2d edit. 8vo. Palermo, 1832 RITSCHL, (Dr. F.) Die Alexandrinischen Bibliotheken unter den ersten Ptolem&em. 8vo Breslay., 1838 GLRAUD, ( ) Essai sur les livres dans Pantiquite, particularlierement chez les Romains. 8vo. ...... Paris, 1840 BIBLIOGRAPHY.] 71 [bibliography. D. GENERAL TREATISES. CLARK, (Rev. Dr. A.) Bibliographical Dictionary and Miscellany. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1802-6 WATTS, (Dr. R.) Bibliotheca Britannica, or General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to. . . . . Edin, 1824 LOWNDES, (W. T.) Bibliographical Manual of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo. . London, 1834 The British Librarian, or Book Collector's Guide, &c. Class 1. Reli- gion. Parts I. to XI. London, 1839-42 BRUNET, (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de 1’Amateur de Livres, conte- nant. 1. Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 2. Un Table en forme de Catalogue Raisonne. 5 vols. 8vo, /.96. . Paris, 1842-44 PEIGNOT, (G.) Dietionnaire-raisonne de Bibliologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802-4 EBERT, (Dr. F. A.) Allgemein. Bibliographisches Lexicon. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1821-30 The same, translated. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1838 KAYSER, (C. G.) Vollstandiges Bucher Lexicon d. v. 1750 bis 1840 gedruckten Bucher. 7 vols. and Index, sm. folio, £8 8s. Leipzig, 1833-42 III. SPECIAL. BIBLIOTHEK der Schonwissenschaftlichen Literatur 1750 bis jetz. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. 6, 10s. 6d. Edinburgh. SPIERS, (A.) Manual of Commercial Terms in English and French; or. Collection in English and French of the Terms and Forms of Commerce in General, of Banking, Book- keeping, Stock Exchange Business, Political Economy, the Customs, Exchange, Finan- ces, Insurance, Commercial Law, Commercial Navigation, &c. ; with the Names of Mer- chandise, &c., Models of Checks, Invoices, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Receipts, Indorsements, &c., followed by a Series of Commercial Letters. 12mo, 4s. Qd. London, 1846 (Reprinted, New-York, 1847.) ANNUAIRE GENERAL DU COMMERCE, de l'Industrie, de la Ma- gistrature et de 1’Administration, Almanach des 500,000 Adresses et Almanach des Adresses de Paris, 1. par rues et par numeros de maisons; 2. par ordre alphabdtique ; 3. par profession. Ces deux Almanaehs rdunis en un seul par MM. Firmin Didot ne forment plus qu’une publication. Annee 1847. Neuvieme annee de sa publication. 4to, de 1800 pages, avec tableaux, etc., contenant la matRre de 30 volumes in 8vo, 21,9. Paris, 1847 Contenant: 1. la liste gene rale des addresses de Paris ; 2. la designation, pour Paris et les principales villes du monde, des Negotiants, Fabricants, inventeurs, etc., avec le detail du commerce de chacun d’eux ; 3. la liste des Magistrats, Administrateurs, etc. etc.; 4. la liste des Academies, Socihtes savantes, Chambres, Bourses, Cercles, Bib- liotheques et Musees, Journaux, Theatres, Bureaux de poste, Messageries, etc. etc. ; Tableaux complets des poids et mesures anciens et moderns ; 5. le Tarif des douanes complet; 6. l’Etat general des relais de poste ; 7. les principales foires du royaume ; 8. le Commerce et l’industrie de tous les pays etrangers, etc. etc. ; suivi d’une table geographique de plus de 20,000 localites ; de tous les Bureax de poste de France, etc. COMMERCE.] 108 [conchology. HISTORY OF, DICTIONARIES, Sic.—(Continued.) COSTELLO, (Miss.) Jaques Cour, the French Argonaut and his Times. 8vo, cuts, 14s. . . . . . , . London, 1847 DICTIOJVJW2IRE DU COMMERCE et, des Marchandises ; par MM, Blanque, Cheva- lier, Dubunfant, Francaur, Legentil, Say, etc. 2 vols. 4to, avec atlas,/.40. Paris, 1842 DICTIOJVN./iIRE UNIVERSELLE du Commerce, de la Banque et des Manufactures, par une societd, sous la direction de M. Monbrion. 2 vols. 4to. . Paris, 1837—10 HAUTERIVE et CASSY. Recueil des traites de Commerce et de Navigation de la France avec les puissances etrangeres, depuis la paix de Westphalie, suive du recueil des principaux traites de la meme nature conclus par les puissances etrangeres entre elles, de- puis la meme epoque (jusqu’a present) et termini: par laTheorie des traites de commerce entre les nations, par Bouchard: revu et consid. augm. par M. de Hoffmans et M. le Comte d'Hauterive. 10 vols. 8vo Paris, 1833-36 MAUROY. Du Commerce des Peuples de 1’Afrique septentrionale dans l’antiquite, le moyen age et les temps modernes, compare au Commerce des Arabes de nos jours. 8vo. /.4 Paris, 1845 See Boeckh’s Public Economy of Athens. Anderson’s Origin of Commerce. Macpherson’s Annals of Commerce. COMMERCIAL LAW. SMITH, (J. W.) A Compendium of Mercantile Law. 8vo, 25s. (Reprinted, New-York, 1847, D. A. & Co.) London, 1843 MASSE. Le Droit Commerciel. 8vo, Tome 1 to 5, each 7s. 6d. . . Paris, 1846 REI1DIE, (J.) Historical View of the Law of Maritime Commerce. 8vo, 14s. London, 1841 CI1ITT Y, (J.) A Treatise on the Law of Commerce and Manufactures, and the Contracts relating thereto. 4 vols. roy. 8vo, £6. 6s London. PARDESSUS, (M.J Cours de droit Commercial. 4th edn. 5 vols, 8vo. . Paris, 1831 Us et Coutumes de la mer, ou Collection des usages maritimes des peuples de l’antiquite et du moyen age. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846 CONCHOLOGY. SWAINSON, (W.) A Treatise on Malacology: or the Natural Classifi- cation of Shells and Shell-fish. fcp. 8vo. . . . London, 1840 CATLOW, (Agnes.) Popular Conchology ; or, the Shell Cabinet ar- ranged : being an Introduction to the Modem System of Conchology; with a Sketch of the Natural History of the Animals, an account of the Formation of the Shells, and a complete Descriptive List of the Families and Genera. Fcp. 8vo, with 312 woodcuts, 10s. 6d. . London, 1842 MACGILLIVRAY, (W.) Conchologist’s Text-Book ; embracing the Ar- rangements of Lamarck and Linnaeus, with a Glossary of Technical Terms : to which is added, a brief Account of the Mollusca. Sixth ed., fcp., engrav., 5s. . . . . .. . Glasgow, 1845 SOWERBY, (G. B.) A Conchological Manual. Illust. by 650 figures. 2d ed., 8vo. . . . . . . . . London, 1842 The Conchological Illustrations, or Coloured Figures of all the hitherto unfigured recent Shells. 8vo. .... London, 1832—40 WOOD, (W.) Index Testaceologicus ; or, a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean System ; with the Latin and English Names, References to Authors, and Places where found. Illus- trated with 2300 coloured figures. 2d ed., 8vo, ,£6. 17s. 6d. Lond., 1828 REEVE, (L.) Conchologia Systematica ; or, complete System of Con- chology : in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their Natural Organization and Habits. 2 vols. 4to, 300 plates, £7. 14s., with the plates coloured, £13. 2s. Lond., 1843 BROWN, (T.) Illustrations of the recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the Description and Localities of all the Species, Marine, Land, and Fresh Water, Drawn and Coloured from Nature. 2d edition, greatly enlarged, royal 4to, 59 plates, coloured, £3. 3s. . London, 1844 CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL.] 109 [CONSTITUTION, ENGLISH. CONCHO LOGY.—{Continued.) BROWN, (T.) The Elements ofFossil Conchology, according to the arrange- ment of Lamarck; with the newly-established Genera of other Authors. 12mo, 12 plates, 5s. . . . . . . . London, 1843 KIENER, (L. C.) Species general et iconographie des coquilles vivantes. 4to. ......... Paris, 1836-184- POTIEZ ET MICHAUD. Galerie des Mollusques, ou Catalogue methodique, descriptif et raisonne des mollusques et coquilles du Museum de Douai. 2 vols. 8vo, avec un Atlas de 74 planches, /.30. Paris, 1838-45 CHENU, (M.) Illustrations conehyliologiques ou description et figures de toutes les coquil- les connues, vivantes et t’ossiles, classees suivant le systeme de Lamarck, etc., folio, col. plates. Paris. DUCLOS, (P. L.) Histoire naturelle generale et particuliere de tous les genres de coquilles univalves marines it l’etat vivante et fossile, publ. par monographies. 1. genre olive, 33 planches,/.I 20. AGASSIZ, (L.) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques. 4to. . JVeuchdtel, 1840-42 FflRUSSAC, ( .) Hist. nat. generale et particuliere, des mollusques terrestres et pluvia- tiles, tant des especes que l’on tiouve aujourd’hui que des depouilles fossiles de celles qui n’existent plus, continue par G. P. Deshayes. 4to. Prix de chaque livraison/,15. Le meme ouvrage, folio, figures coloriees, /.30. Paris. SOWERBY, (T.) Conchyliologie mineralogique de la Grande Bretagne, ou Figures colori- ees et Description des debris de test aces ou de coquilles qui se sont conservees a diverses epoques et a (li fie rentes profondeurs; traduction revue et augmentee par L. Agassiz. 8vo, 600 planches coloriees. 8vo, /.200. . JVeuchdtel, 1838- BLAINVILLE, (D. de.) Manuel de Malachology et de Conchyliologie. 2 vols. 8vo. (Avec Atlas de 109 planches, noires,/.40 ; color. /.100.) Strasbourg, 1825 DESHAYES, (G. P.), Traite Elementaire de conchyliologie avec l’application de cette science a la geognosie. 2 vols. 8vo. Avec Atlas de 100 planches, noires, /.60; color. /.150 . Paris, 1839-45 Histoire naturelle des mollusques. 4to, avec un Atlas de 117 planches. 4to Paris, 1847 MOQ.U IN-TAN DON. Hist, naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France. 8vo, et Atlas de 14 planches, color. /.25. ....... Paris, 1847 MORELET, (A.) Descript, des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Portugal. 8vo, avec 14 pi. color. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1845 ORB1GNY, (A. d’.) Mollusques vivants et fossiles, ou Description des tontes les especes de Coquilles et de mollusques, classees suivant leur distribution classique et geographique. 10 vols. 8vo, avec un Atlas de 300 planches. Paris, 1847- Cet ouvrage sera publib en 60 livraisons de 5 planches avec texte. Prix de chaque livraison,/.3 50. CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL.—(See Theology.) CONCORDANCE.—(Shakspere.) CLARKE, (Mrs. C. C.) The complete Concordance to Shakspere ; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. Imp. 8vo, 46s. ....... London, 1846 CONIC SECTIONS.—(See Mathematics.) CONSTITUTION.—(English.) DE LOLME, (J. L.) The Constitution of England; with a Historical and Legal Introduction and Notes, by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1838 BOWYER, (G.) Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of England. 2d ed. royal 8vo,22s. ...... London, 1846 BROUGHAM, (Lord.) British Constitution. 8vo,3s. 6d. London, 1844 STEPHENS, (T.) The Book of the Constitution of Great Britain, etc. 8vo Glasgow, 1835 RUSSELL, (Lord John.) An Essay on the English Government and Con- stitution, from the Reign of Henry VII. to the present time. 2d ed. London, 1823 COOKERY.] 110 [COSTUME. CONSTITUTION, English.—{Continued.) ALLEN, (J.) Enquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. 8vo. ....... London, 1830 PALGRAVE, (Sir F.) Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth during the Anglo Saxon Period. 2 vols. 4to. . . London, 1832 ANSTEY, (T. C.) Guide to the History of the Law and Constitution of England ; con- sisting of Six Lectures delivered at the Colleges of St. Peter and Paul, Prior Park, Bath, in the presence of the Bishop and his Clergy. 8vo, 12s. . . . London, 1845 AIKEN, (P. F.) A Comparative View of the Constitutions of Great Britain and the Unit- ed States of America ; in Six Lectures. 12mo, 3s London, 1843 COOKERY.—(See Domestic Economy.) KITCHENER, (Dr.) The Cook’s Oracle and Housekeeper’s Manual. 12mo. ......... London, 1833 (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bros.) FRENCH DOMESTIC COOKER Y, combining Elegance with Economy ; describing new Culinary Implements and Processes ; the Management of the Table; Instructions for Carving; French, German, Polish, Spanish, and Italian Cookery, in Twelve Hundred Receipts. 12mo, 6s. (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bros.) London, 1846 SOYER, (A.) The Gastronomic Regenerator; a simplified and entirely new System of Cookery, with nearly Two Thousand Practical Receipts suited to the Income of all Classes; illustrated with numerous Engravings, and correct and minute Plans how Kitch- ens of every size are to be Constructed and Furnished. 4th ed. 8vo. 21s. London, 1847 FRANCATELLI, (C. E.) The Modern Cook: a Practical Guide to the Culinary Art, in all its Branches, adapted as well for the largest Establishments as for the nse of Private Families. 8vo, 15s London, 1846 (RUMOHR, F.) Konig’s Geist der Kochkunst. 12mo Stutt,, 1832 MANUAL OF HOMlF.OPATHIC COOKERY, designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under Homceopathic Treatment. Fcp. 8vo, 3s. 6d. . London, 1846 ROBINSON, (J.) The Whole Art of Curing, Pickling, and Smoking Meat and Fish, both in the British and Foreign Modes; with many useful Miscellaneous Receipts, with full Directions for the Construction of an economical Drying Chimney and Apparatus, on an entirely original plan. 12mo, 4s. 6d. . London, 1846 See Webster and Parkes’ Encyclo. of Domestic Economy. Knight’s Guides to Service. Donovan’s Domestic Economy, &c. COPTIC LANGUAGE, &e.—(See Egypt.) COSTUME. HOPE, (T.) The Costume of the Ancients, illustrated in 321 plates represent- ing Egyptian Greek, and Roman Habits and Dresses. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 45s. London, 1841 FAIRHOLT, (F. W.) Costume in England : a History of Dress, from the Earliest Period to the close of the Eighteenth Century ; to which is ap- pended an illustrated Glossary of Terms for all Articles of Use or Orna- ment worn about the Person. 8vo., 600 engravings on wood, 31s. 6d. London, 1846 WILTON, (Countess.) Book of Costume ; or, Annals of Fashion, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By a Lady of Rank. 8vo, nu- merous engravings on wood, 21s London, 1846 PLANCHE, (J. R.) History of British Costume. New edit., 2 vols. 12mo. 3s. . London, 1847 SHAW, (H.) Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the 7th to the 17th Century. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, £7. 7s. . . London, 1843 MARTIN, (C.) Civil Costume of England from the Conquest to the Pre- sent Period, from Tapestry, MSS., &c. 61 coloured plates, roy. 4to, 52s. 6d. . London, 1842 MEYRICK, (S. R.) and C. H. SMITH. The Costume of the Original Inhabitants of the British Islands, from the Earliest Periods to the Sixth Century, etc. folio. London, 1815 COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE.] Ill [COTTON MANUFACTURE. COSTUME.—(Continued.) HERBE, ( .) Costumes fran<;ais, civils, militaires et religieux, avec le meubles, les armures, l’architecture domestique, les ordres de chevalrie, les etendards, les sceaux, les sceptres, les couronnes et les blasons le plus his- toriques, depuis les Gaulois jusqu’en 1834 ; 3’apres les historiens et les monuments. Ouvrage compost de 21 notices historiques et de 106 planches coloriees representant 2,800 costumes, meubles, etc. folio,/. 126. Paris, 1840 F ERRARIO, (G.) II costume antico e moderno, o storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, seienze ed uganze di tutti i popoli antichi e moderni, provata coi mon- umenti dell’antichith, e rappresentata cogli analoghi disegni dal dotto G. F. 2a edit. — vols. 4to. y . Firenze, 1823-31 TIRON, (l’abbe.) Histoire et costumes des ordres religieux, civils et militaires. 2eedit., 2 vols. 8vo, 114 planches coloriees, /.40. Paris. COSTUMES Militaires francais, depuis l’organisation des premieres troupes regulieres en 1439 jusqu’en 1789. Dessins et texte par MM. Alfred de Marbot et Dunoyer de Normant. 300 planches in folio, coloriees, /.7 50 Paris, 1844 LACHAISE. Costumes de l’empire tnrc, avec des notes applicatives ; vues de Constanti- nople, des Dardanelles et de Smyrne prises en 1817-20. 4to, 61 pi. . Paris, 1821 LAMlSSANGllIRE, (J. de.} Costumes des femmes de Hambourg, du Tyrol, dela Holland, de la Suisse, de la Franconie, de l’Espagne, du royaume de Naples, etc. 4to, /.50. Paris, 1827 PINELLI, (B.) Raccolta di cento costumi antichi cavati dai monumenti e incisi all’ acqua forte, obi. folio, 59 pi * Roma, 1809 Nuova raccolta di 50 costumi pittoreschi, etc. obi. fol “ 1816 HELYOT, (le R. P.) Histoire abrege et Costumes colories de tous les ordres monastiques religieux et militaires des congregations seeulieres de l’un et de l’autre sexe qui ont ete etablis depuis l’origine du christianisme jusqu’U present; novelle edn., revue, etc., ornee de 100 planches representant plus de 300 costumes colories. 2 vols. 4to, /.60. Paris, 1830 HEFFNER, (J. v.) Trachten des Christlichen Mittelalters, nach gleichzei- tigen Kunstdenkmalen. 4to. . . . Mannheim, 1842-45 Abth. I. Bis z. XIII. Jahrh., parts 1-7, each 2s. “ II. Das XIV. u. XV. Jahrh., parts 1-7, each 2s. “ III. Das XVI. Jahrh., parts 1-6, each 2s. An edition on large paper, coloured, each 20s. COSTUMBUCH fur KUnstler, parts 1-15. 4to, 22s. 6ri. . . Dusseld., 1841 COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE.—(See Architecture p-38.) COTTON AND LINEN MANUFACTURE. BAINES, (Ed.) History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1833 URE, (A.) The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain systematically inves- tigated, and illustrated by 150 original figures; with an introductory view of its present state in foreign countries. 2 vols. post 8vo, 21s. London, 1836 MONTGOMERY, (J.) A Practical Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the United States of America ; and the state of the Cotton Manufacture of that country contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain, with comparative estimates of the cost of manufacturing in both countries: also, a brief Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufac- ture in America, and Statistical Notices of various Manufacturing Districts in the United States. 1 vol. 8vo, plates, 8s. 6d. . . Glasgow. The Theory and Practice of Cotton Spinning, or the Carding and Spinning Master’s Assistant. 3d ed., 8vo, plates, 9s. 6d. Glasgow, 1836 The Cotton Spinner’s Manual, or a Compendium of the Principles of Cotton Spinning, etc. l2mo, 2s. Glasgow. SCOTT’S Practical Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. 8vo, 12s. London, 1846 CHOIMET, (N.) Elements thdoriques et pratiques de la filature du lin et du chanvre. 8vo,/.10 Paris, 1841 COURTS MARTIAL.] 112 [crusades. COTTON AND LINEN MANUFACTURE.—{Continued.) COCIUELIN, (U.) Nouveau Traits complet de la filature du lin et du chanvre. 8vo, avec un atlas in-4 de 37 planches, /.36 Paris. RUNGE, (F. F.) Farbenchemie. Lehrbuch der praktischen Baumwollenfiirberei nach 8vo, 20s Berlin, 1834 See Calico Printing, Dyeing, Weaving, Ure’s Dictionary of Arts, &c. &c. COURTS MARTIAL. HUGHES, (R. M.) The Duties of Judge-Advocates: compiled from her Majesty’s and the Hon. East India Company’s Military Regulations, and from the Works of various Writers on Military Law. 8vo, 7s. London, 1846. ADYE, (S. P.) Treatise on Courts Martial. 12tno London, 1810 JAMES, (C.) Charges, &c. of General Courts Martial 1795 to 1820. 8vo, 25.?. I.ond., 1821 KENNEDY, (Major.) Remarks on Courts Martial. 12mo. . . London, 1805 McARTHUR, (J.) Practice of Courts Martial. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1813 SIMMONS, (T.) Remarks on the Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial. 2d edit. 8vo, 16s. ............ London, 1840 TYTLER, (A.'F.) Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 8vo. London, 1806 CRANIOLOGY. Bibliography. In Choclant’s Vorlesung iiber die Kranioskopie Oder Schiidellehre vor einem Kreise gebilde- ter Nichtiirzte gehalten. 8vo Dresden, 1844 MORTON, (S. G.) Crania iEgyptiaca; or, Observations on Egyptian Ethnography, derived from Anatomy, History, and the Monuments. (From the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 9.) 4to, 14 plates, 21s. ....... Philad., 1844 Crania Americana ; or, a Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America. Folio. Philad., 1839 CARUS, (C. G.) Atlas d. Cranioscopie, od. Abbildungen d. Schadel- u. Antlitzformen beriihmter od. sonst merkwiird. Personen. 4to. ..... Leipzig, 1845 SANDIFORT, (G ) Tabula; Craniorum divers, nation. Fasc. I.—III. Folio, j£4. Leid., 1838-43 CRUSADES, (History of.) KEIGHTLEY, (T.) The Crusaders, or Scenes, Events, and Characters from the Times of the Crusades. 12mo, 7s. . . London, 1847 MILLS, (C.) History of the Crusades. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822 VILLEHARDOUIN, (G. de.) Chronicle concerning the Conquest of Con- stantinople by the French and Venetians in 1204. Transl. by T. Smith. 8vo. ...... London, 1829 MICHAUD* (J.) Histoire des Croisades. 4rae ed., 6 Tom., 8vo, 42s. Paris, 1828 Bibliotheque des Croisades. 4 Tom. 8vo, 28s. . Paris, 1829 HEEREN, (A. H. L.) Essai sur l’lnfluence des Croisades. Trad, par Charles Villers. -8vo. ...... Paris, 1808 WILKEN, (F.) Geschichte der Kreuzzuge. 6 vols. 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1807-32 SYBEL, (H. von.) Geschichte des ersten Creuzzuge. 8vo. . . Dusseld., 1841 CHOISEUL-DAILLECOURT, (M. de.) De 1’Influence des Croisades sur les peuples de l’Europe. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1809 ROGER, (P,) La Noblesse de France aux Croisades. 8vo, plates, /.20. . Paris. KAUSLER, (E.) Geschichte der Kreuzziige u.d. Konigr. Jerusalem, a. d. Latein. d. Wil- helm v. Tyrus. 8vo, 9s, Slutt., 1844 RECEUIL DES HISTORTENS des Croisades, publid par le soins de l’academie des inscriptions et belles lettres. Folio. Par 's, 1844 Vol. I. Assises de la haute conr. /.36. “ It. Assises de la cour des bourgeois. /.36. “ III. Historiens occidentaux. Part I. Guilliaume de Tyr. /.54. CULDEES.] 113 [dante. CULDEES. JAMIESON, (J.) Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona, and of their Settlement in Scotland, England, and Ireland. 4to. Edin., 1811 CUBA. TURNBULL, (D.) Travels in the West; Cuba, with Notices of Porto Rico, etc. 8vo, 15s. London, 1840 ABBOTT, (A.) Letters written in Cuba. 8vo. . . Boston, 1829 NOTES ON CUBA ; containing an account of its Discovery and Early History, a description of the Face of the Country, its Population, Re- sources and Wealth ; its Institutions, and the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants ; with Directions to Travellers visiting the Island. l2mo. Boston, 1845 RAMON de la SAGRA, (M.) Histoire physique, politique «t naturelle de Pile de Cuba. 8vo, avec planches, folio. . . Paris, 1844 Mammjferes : Traduet. par M. S. Berthelot. Ornithologie, par Alcide d’Orbigny. The Physical and Political History. In 2 vols. 8vo, avec 19 planches, /.15. BEAUVALLON, (R. de.) L’He de Cuba. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1844 HUMBOLDT, (A. de.) Essai politique sur Pile de Cuba, etc. 2 vols. 8vo,/.17. Paris, 1827 Tableau Statisdque de Pile de Cuba, pour les annees 1825 k 1829. 8vo, /.3. Paris, 1831 See MacGregor’s Commercial Statistics. M’Culloch’s Dictionary of Com- merce, &e. s DAGUERREOTYPE.—(See Photography.) DANCING BLASIS, (C.) Art of Dancing ; comprising its Theory and Practice, and a History of its Rise and Progress from the Earliest Times. Transl. by R. Barton. 8vo, plates, 14s. ..... London, 1830 CELLARIUS. La Danse des Salons, dessins de Gavarni. 8vo, /.6 . Paris, 1846 MANUEL de la Danse, comprenant la theorie, la pratique, et l’histoire de cet Art. 18mo, planches, /.3 50. Paris. (Manuels Roret.) NOVERRE. Lettres sur les arts imitateurs et sur la danse en particulier. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807 DANTE.—(Commentaries.) Bibliography. BATINES, (Sion. C. de.) Bibliografia Dantesca, tradnzione italiana del Constantini. 8vo. Prato, 1844 ROSSETTI, (G.) Disquisitions on the Anti-Papal Spirit which produced the Reformation, its secret influence on the Literature of Europe in Gen- eral, and of Italy in Particular. Translated from the Italian by Miss C. Ward. 2 vols. 8vo. ...... London, 1832 FOSCOLO, (Ugo.) Discorso sulla Divina Commedia di Dante, sm. 8vo. London, 1841 ARRIVABENE, (F.) Secolo di Dante, Commento Storico. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Firenze, 1830 AZZOLINO, (P.) Introduzione alia storia della filosofia italiana ai tempi di Dante. 8vo. Rastia, 1830 BOCCACCI, (G.) Rubriche della Commedia di Dante Aligheri. 8vo. Venice, 1843 CANCELLIERI, (F.) Osservazioni sopra l’originalith della divina Commedia di Dante. 12mo. Roma, 1814 VARCHI, (B.) Lezione sul Dante. 6 vols. 8vo. .... Firenze, 1841 MISSIRINI, (M.) Rivista della vane Lezione della Divina Commedia, et Catalogo della piu importanti Edizioni. 8vo. Padova, 1832 OZANAM, (Dr. A. F.) Dante et la Philosophie Catholique an 13me Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1840 TOMMASEO, (N.) La Commedia di Dante Alighieri, col commento. 3 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1837 For Biographies and editions of the writings of Dante see Part II., art. Dante, DEAF AND DUMB.] 114 [DENMARK. DEAP1 AND DPTMB.—(Instruction of. KITTO, (J.) The Lost Senses. Vol. I. Blindness. Vol. II. Deafness. 2 vols. 18mo, 3s. ....... London, 1845 WATSON, (J.) Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. . London, 1809 PEET, (H. P.) A Vocabulary and Elementary Lessons for the Deaf and Dumb. 12mo. ...... New-York, 1844 SICARD, (i.’abbe.) Cours destruction d’un sourd muet, 8vo. Paris, 1800 Thdorie des signes pour l’instruction des sourds-muets. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808-14 GERANDO, (de.) De l’dducation des sourds-muets de naissance. 2 vols. 8vo, /.16. ........ Paris, 1827 BEBIAN. Manuel de l’enseignement pratique des sourds-muets, suivi de 1’art d’enseigner h parler aux sourds-muets par l’abbc de 2 vols. 3to, 32 pi., et 1 vol. 8vo,/.16. ...... Paris. DEMOCRACY. BROUGHAM, (Lord.) Political Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1844 TOCQUEVILLE, (M. de.) Democracy in America, transl. by H. Reeve. 2 vols. 8vo. . (Reprinted, New-York, 1836.) . . London, 1836 CHERBULIEZ, (A. E.) De la Democratic en Suisse. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843 LABITTE, (C.) De la democrat e chez les predicateurs de la Ligue. 8vo, /.6. ......... Paris, 1841 ALLETZ, (P. E.) De la Democratic nouvelle, ou des mceurs et de la puissance des classes moyennes en France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837 See Heeren’s Werke, vol. I. DIALECTS.—(See English Language.) DICTIONARIES.—The Dictionaries of Languages, Sciences, &c., will be found under the respective subjects. DIET.—(See Medicine.) DENMARK.—(See also Scandinavia.) I. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, &c.—II. LANGUAGE. I. HISTORY, &c. DUNHAM, (S.) History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 3 vols. 12mo, 18s. . . (Lardner’s Cyclo.) . . Lond., 1839-40 FELDBORG, (A.) Denmark Delineated, or Sketches of the Present State of that Country, roy. 8vo, plates, 7s. ... Edinb., 1824 GEOGEAPHIE et Statistique du Danemark avec ces dependences et des duches de Schleswig Holstein et Lunenbourg. Vol. I-, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1846 DAHLMANN, (F. G.) Geschichte von Dannemark. Yols. 1-3. Hamburgh, 1839-44 SUHM, (P. F.) History of Denmark (in Danish). 14 vols. 4to. Copenh., 1782-1828 MURRAY’S Handbook for North Europe—Russia, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, sm. 8vo, Maps London, 1847 DENMARK.] 115 [DIPLOMACY. I. HISTORY, &c.—(Continued.) BADEN, (G. L.) Denmarke Riges Historic (Fra Gamle Gorm til Christian VI. dod). Copenh., 1829-32 SCRIPTORF.S rerum Danicarum medii sevi, partim hactenus inedite, partim emendatius editi, ed. J. Langenbeck. 8 vols. folio, £8. .... Havn., 1772-1834 Wheaton’s History of the Northmen.—Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern, in Kdin. Cab. Lib’y. L’Univers Pittoresque. Conder’s Modern Traveller. Macgregor’s Commercial Statistics. II. LANGUAGE. RASK, (E.) Danish Grammar, with extracts in prose and verse. 12mo, 5s. ......... Copenh., 1830 DICTIONARY, (Pocket) of the Danish and English Languages. 18mo, 4s. ......... Leipzig, 1845 The same. French and Danish. 4s. .... “ 1845 The same. German and Danish. 4s. . . . . “ 1845 DANSK ORDBOG udgiven under videnskabemes selskabs Bestyrelse. (Moller, Viborg, Thoriacius and Muller.) 4 vols. 4to. Copenh., 1793-1825 MOLBECH, (C.) Dansk Ordbog, med en kort Oversigt af d. Dansk Sprogs historic. 2 vols. 8v0. ...... Copenh., 1833 SCHNEIDER, (F.) Danish and English Dialogues. 12mo, 3s. 6d. Copenh., 1834 THIELE, (J. M.) Danmarks Folkesagn. 2 vols. 8vo, 8s. “ 1843 BRESEMANN and JONES. Danish and English Dialogues. 8vo, 3s. Gd. Copenh., 1844 MARMIER, (X.) Histoire de la literature en Danemark et en Suede. 8vo. ......... Paris, 1839 PETERSEN, (N. M.) Det Danske, Norske og Svenske Sprogs historic. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. ...... Copenh., 1829-30 DIPLOMACY. Bibliography.—(See Martens and Kluber, infra.) FYNN, (R.) British Consuls abroad ; their Origin, Duties, &c. 12mo, 7s. 6d. ......... London, 1846 WARDEN, (D. B.) De l’origine, de la nature, des progrbs et de Pinfluence des etablissements consulaires, trad, de l’anglais. 8vo, /.5. Paris, 1815 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) The Diplomatists of Europe, transl. from the French. Edited by Major-General Monteith. fcp. 8vo, 6s. . London, 1845 CUSSY, (F. de.) Dictionnaire ou Manuel-lexique du Diplomate et du Con- sul. l2mo, 10s. 6d. ...... Leipzig, 1846 MARTENS, (C. de.) Manuel Diplomatique. 8vo. . Paris, 1822 the same edit., par M. de Hoffmanns. 3 vols. 8vo. . “ 1837 (Avec nne bibliographic.) GARDEN, (Comte de.) Traitb complet de diplomatic, ou theorie generate des relations exterieures des puissances de PEuro[>e. 3 vols. 8vo. .... Paris, 1833 Tableau historique de la Diplomatic, ou Expose des Faits accomplis de la Politique "finerale, depuis l’origine del’equilibreeuropeen jusqu’h nos jours. 8vo, one large sheet, 5s. Paris, 1846 MARTENS, (C. de), et F. de CUSSY. Recueil Mannel et pratique de Traitbs, Con- ventions et autres Aetes diplomatiques, sur lesquels sont etablis les Relations et les Rap- ports existant aujourd’hui entre les divers Etats souverains du Globe, depuis l’annbe 1760 jusqu’h l’epoque actuelle. 5 vols. 8vo, 5s. . . . . . Leipzig, 1845-7 DE KOCH. Hist, abregbe des Traitos de Paix, aug. et. contin. par F. Schoell. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-18 KLUBER. Droit des gens moderne de l’Europe. avec un supplement contenant une bibli- otheque choise du droit des gens. ‘2 vols. avo, /.13 Paris, 183] MEISELL, (H.) Cours de Style Diplomatique. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. . . Paris, 1823 DIPLOMATICS.] 110 [DOMESTIC ECONOMY. DIPLOMACY.—(Continued.) CALLIERES, (M. de.) De la Maniere de Negocier avec les Souverains. 2 vols. 12mo. London and Paris, 1750 IIAUTERIVE et CUSSY. Recueil des traites de Commerce, et de Navigation de la France avec les puissances etrangeres depuis la paix de Westphalie jusqu’a present. 10 vols. 8vo. ............ Paris, 1833—36 FLASSAN. Histoire gencrale et raison nee de la diplomatie francaise, ou de politique de la France depuis la fondation de la monarchic jusqu’k la fui du regne de Louis XVI. 2eedn. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811 W1CQUEFORT, (J. A.) L’amhassadeur etses functions, etc. 3 vols. 4to. La I/aye, 1724 WHEATON, (II.) Histoire des Progres dn Droit des Gens en Europe en Amerique, de- puis la paix de Westphalie jusqu’k nos jours. 2e edition, 2 vols. 8vo,/.]4. . Paris. History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America, from the Earliest Times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842, 8vo. - JVew-York, 1842 DUMONT, (J.) Corps universe! diplomatique du droit des gens, contenant nn recueil des traites d’alliance, de paix, de trcvt», de neutralite, du commerce, etc. faits en Eurojre de- puis A. D. 8C0 k 1731, etc. 8 tomes in folio,/.240 e 300. Amsterdam et La Haye, 1725-39 Chaque tome est divise en 2 ou 3 vol. There are Five Supplements, forming 11 vols. folio. WHEATON, (II.) Elements of International Law ; 3d edition, revised and corrected. 8vo Philad., 1846 DIPLOMATICS.—(See Palaeography.) DISTILLATION. DUMONT, (.T. S.) Recueil de procddes chimiques pour les liquides en gtlndral ou l’Art du distillateur-liquoriste, etc. l2mo,/.3. Lyons, 1846 MANUEL du Distillateur et Liquoriste. 18mo,/.3 50. . Paris. (Manuels Roret.) DUBRUNFAUT. Traitd complet de l’art de la distillation,contenant, dans un ordre inethodique les instructions thdorique et pratique les plus exactes et les phis nouvelles sur la preparation des liqueurs alcooliques avec les raisins, les grains, les pommes de terre, les fdcules et tous les vegetaux sucres ou farineux. 2 vols. 8vo,/.12. .... Paris. The Same translated. 8vo, 12s. . . . London, 1847 See Ure’s Dictionary of Arts. Donovan’s Domestic Economy. Hartley’s Wine and Spirit Merchant’s Guide, &c. Cooley’s Cyclo. of Practical Receipts. DOG. RICHARDSON, (H. D.) Dogs: their Origin and Varieties, Directions as to their General Management, with numerous Original Anecdotes; also simple instructions as to their treatment under Disease. 12mo, illustrated, 25c. . . . . . . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 MARTIN, (W.) The Dog. 18mo, Is. 6d. . . London, 1845 (Knight's Weekly Vol.) YOUATT, (W.) The Dog: their History, Qualities, Anatomy, Diseases, and Treatment. 8vo, woodcuts, 6s. . . . . London, 1845 (Reprinted, Pliilad.) NATURALISTS' LIBRARY. Dogs. 2 vols. 12mo. plates, 10s. London, 1840 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. WEBSTER & PARKES. An Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy ; comprising such subjects as are most immediately connected with House- keeping, as Building, Furnishing, Servants, Cookery, Dress, Carriages, Health, &c. 1 vol. 8vo, with nearly 1000 woodcuts, jC2. 10s. (Reprinted, N. Y., H. Bros.) London, 1844 DONOVAN, (M.) Domestic Economy. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 12s. “ 1830 (Lardner’s Cyclopardia.) draining.] 117 [drawing. DRAINING.—See Agriculture. DRAMA and DRAMATIC LITERATURE. SCHLEGEL, (A. W.) Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Trans- lated by J. Black. 12mo, 3s 6c?. .... London, 1846 (Bohn’s Standard Library.) HONE, (W.) Ancient Mysteries described, etc. 8vo, 8s. “ 1823 HAZLITT, (W.) Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. l2mo. ....... London, 18- (Reprinted N. Y„ W. & P.) View of the English Stage. 8vo. .... “ 1818 Lectures on the English Comic Writers. ]2mo. . “ 18- COLLIER, (J. P.) The History of English Dramatic Poetry: and Annals of the Stage. 3 vols. 8vo. ..... London, 1831 ULRICI, (H.) Shakspeare’s Dramatic Art, and his Relation to Calderon and Goethe. Translated from the Gorman. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1846 DONALDSON, (J. W.) The Theatre of the Greeks. 5th edn., 8vo, 16s. London, 1844 WILSON, (H. H.) Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindoos. 2 vols. 8yo. . . . - . . . . Calcutta, 1827 MAGNIN, (M. Ch.) Les origines da theatre moderne, ou histoire du genie dramatique depuis le Ierjusqu’i XVIe siticle, precedee d’une introduction nontenant des dtndes sur les origines du theatre antique. 8vo Paris, 1838 DRAWING, (and Perspective). WILLIAMS, (B.) Model Drawing from Solid Forms: combined with a Popular View of Perspective. 8vo, plates, 15s. . London, 1843 Instructions in Drawing for the Use of Elementary Schools. Nu- merous woodcuts. 8vo,3s. ..... London, 1843 GRANT, (H.) Drawing for Young Children. 18mo, 4s. London, 1837 COLE, (Hy.) First Exercises for Children in Light, Shade, and Colour. l8mo, 4s. ........ London, 1837 HARDING, (J. D.) Elementary Art. 3d ed., folio, 42s. London, 1846 Principles and Practice of Art. Folio, 63s. . London, 1845 HAYTER, (C.) Introduction to Perspective. 6th ed., 8vo, plates, 15s. London, 1844 TAYLOR, (Brook.) Principles of Linear Perspective. New ed., by J. Jopling. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. ..... London. JOPLING, (J.) The Practice of Isometrical Perspective. 2d ed.,8vo, 5s. London. SIMMS, (F. W.) Treatise on the principal Mathematical Drawing Instru- ments employed by the Engineer, Architect, and Surveyor. 2d ed., with a Description of the Theodolite, by H. J. Castle, and Instructions in Field Work. l2mo, woodcuts, 3s. 6d. .... London, 1845 GUIOT, (A.) Elements de perspective lineare, eomprenant la theorie et les procddes pra- tiques de cette science. 8vo, et Atlas de 37 pi., 15s Paris, 1845 LOCARD. Cours de dessin lineaire applique aux arts et it l’industrie. 8vo, and folio Atlas of Plates,/. 18. . . Paris,1847 ADHEMAR, (J.) Traite de Perspective it l’usage des artistes. Deuxiente edn. eorrigde et augmentde. 8vo, planches, /.16 . Paris, 1846 CHAPMAN’S American Drawing-Book for the Use of Schools, and for Home Instruction. 4to. ..... New- York, 1847 Part I. Primary and Elementary. 50c. Drawing Copy-Book. 4to. .... New- York, 1847 HAYDON, (B. R.) Lectures on Painting and Design. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1844-46 London. DRUIDS.] 118 [eddas. DRUIDS. » HIGGINS, (G.) The Celtic Druids. 4to. . . . London, 1827 DAVIES, (G.) The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids ascertained by National Documents. 8vo. .... London, 1809 TOLAND, (J.) History of the Druids, &c. 8vo. . Montrose, 1814 DUELLING. MILLINGEN, (J.) The History of Duelling, comprising Narratives of the most remarkable Personal Encounters, from the Earliest Period to the Present Times. 2 vols. 8vo, 2ls London, 1841 FOUGEROUX de CHAMPIGNEULLES. Histoire des duels ancicns et modernes. 2 vols. 8vo,/.12. ..... Paris, 1838 DYEING.—(See also Calico Printing.) A PRACTICAL TREATISE on Dyeing and Calico Printing; including the latest Inventions and Improvements ; also, a Description of the Origin, Manufacture, Uses, and Chemical Properties of the various Animal, Ve- getable, and Mineral Substances employed in these Arts, with an Appen- dix. By an Experienced Dyer, assisted by several Scientific Gentlemen. Royal, 8vo, 10 steel and numerous wood engravings. Neic-York, 1846 BERTHOLLET, (C. Z. and A. B ) Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching, with Notes, by Dr. Ure. New ed., 8vo, 12s. London, 1841 LEUCHS, (J.C.) Traite complet des la preparation et de 1’emploi des ma- tieres tinctoriaies des couleurs, trad, de l’allemand. 2 vols. 8vo,/.18. . . Paris. DUMAS. Precis de Part, de la teinture. 8vo,/.5 Parrs, 1847 (From Dumas’ Traite de Chimie appliqnd aux arts ) CHEVREUL, (M. B.) Cours tie chimie appliquee a la teinture 2 vols. 8vo,/.24. Paris. RIFFAULT, (M.) etu. Nouveau Manuel complet du teinturier,etc. Nouv.ed., 18mo, 3s. Paris, 1847 HOMASSEL. Cours theorique et pratique sur l’art de la teinture. 4e ed., 8vo. f.6. Paris. RUNGE, (F. F.) Farbenchemie, Lehrbucli der praktischen Baumevollenfiirberei nach chemischen Grundsiitzens. 8vo, 20s Berlin, 1834 See Ure’s Diet, of Arts. Parnell’s Applied Chemistry. DYNAMICS.—(See Mechanics.) EARTH.—(See Geology.) HIGGINS, (W. M.) The Earth; its Physical Condition aiffl Phenomena. 12mo. ......... London, 1837 (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bro's.) HUMBOLDT, (A. de.) Cosmos ; a Physical Description of the World. Translated by desire of the Author, under the superintendence of L. Col. E. Sabine. Vols. I. and II. 8vo London, 1846-7 MILNER, (Rev. T.) The Gallery of Nature: a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Creation, illustrative of the Wouders of Astronomy, Physical Geography, and Geology. With Eight highly finished Line Engravings ; Four Maps of the Stars, exhibiting the aspect of the Heavens throughout the Year; a Pianesphere of the Solar System ; the Phases of the Moon, and a Map of that Planet reduced from the Map of MM. Beer and Madler, of Berlin ; with many Hundred Vignettes and Diagrams on Wood, engraved in the first style of art. Sup. roy. 8vo, 18s London, 1847 ANSTED, (D. T.) The Ancient World, or Picturesque Sketches of Creation. sm. 8vo. illustrated, 12s London, 184V See Siiaron Turner’s Sacred History of the World, &c. ECLECTIC PHILOSOPHY. See the Works of Hegel. Cousin. Art. Philosophy, &c. EDDAS. PIGOTT, (G.) A Manual of Scandinavian Mythology: containing a Popular Account ol the two Eddas, &c. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1839 EDIN. CAB. LIBRARY.] 119 [EDUCATION. EDD AS.—(Continued.) DASENT, (G. W.) The Prose of the Younger Edda, translated. 8vo, 5s. ........ Stockholm, 1842 OEHLENSCHLAGER, (A.) The Gods of the North, an Epic Poem. Translated from the Danish into English Verse, by W. E. Frye. Royal 8vo, 14s. ........ London, 1845 EDDA R YTHMICA, seu antiqnior. 3 vols. 4to. . . . Hauniie, 1787-1828 EDDA Saemunda hinns Froda, &c., ex recens. E. C. Rask. curavit Afzelius. Siemund den Vises Edda, &c., ofverslitre af Afzelius, Snorra-Edda asamt Skaldu og Parmed fylg- jandi Ritgjordum, utgefin af R. K. Rask Snorre Sturleson’s Edda, &c. af Afzelius. 4 vols. 8vo Stockholm, 1818-19 GRIMM, (J. u. W.) Die Lieder der alien Edda. Herausg. u. erkl. Vol. 1-, 8vo, 8s. Berlin, 1815 HEIBERG, (J. L.l Nord. Mythologie ; ans d. Edda und Oehlenschliiger’s Mythol. Dicht- ungen dargestellt. 8vo Schleswig, 1826 LEG1S, (G. T.) Fnndgruben d. alten Nordens. 2 vols, 8vo, 26s. . Leipzig, 1829 Vol. I. Runien u. ihre Denkmiiler. “ II. Edda d. Stammmutter d. Poesie, Mythen u. Sagen a. d. Island. ETTMULLER, (L.) Lieder der Edda v. d. Nibelungen. 8vo. 4s. . Zurich, 1837 STUDACH, (J. L.) Stemunds. d. Weisen, od. d. iiltesten Norranischen Lieder. Aus d. Island, v. J. L. Studach. Vol. 1-, 4to, 13s. Numb., 1829 HAGEN, (F. v. D.) Lieder, Saemunds, herausg. v. F. v. d. Hagen. 8vo, 6s. Berlin, 1812 MAGNUSSEN, (F.) Den Aeldre Edda, en Samling of de nordiske Folks aeldeste Sagnog Sange. Overs, og fork!. F. Magnussen. 4 vols. 8vo, 38s. . . . Kopcnh., 1823 BERGMANN, (F. G.) Poiimes islandais, tires de 1’Edda de Ssomund, publics avec une traduction, des notes et un giossaire. 8vo Paris, 1838 See Percy’s Northern Antiquities, Vol. II. EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. 38 vols, 12mo, 3s. 6<1. each. Edinburgh, 1822-44 1. Discoveries, &c. in Polar Seas. 2. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. 3. Ancient and Modern Egypt. 4. Palestine, or the Holy Land. 5. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. 6. 7, 8. British India, to the Conclusion of the AtTghan War. 3 vols. 9. Progress of Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America. 19. Travels and Researches of Alexander von Humboldt 11. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 12. Nubia and Abyssinia ; Civil History, An- tiquities, Arts. Natural History, &e. 13. 14. Arabia, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 15. Persia, comprising Afighanistan and Be- looehistan. 10. Lives of Eminent Zoologists. 17. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. 18, 19, 29. China, from the Earliest Ages to to the Peace of Nanking 3 vols. 21. Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean. 22. Life of King Henry the Eighth. 23. 24. Scandinavia, a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 2 vols. 25, 26, 27. British America; with a full Detail of the best Modes of Emigra gration. 3 vols. 28. Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands. 29, 39, 31. Italy and the Italian Islands ; from the Earliest Ages. 3 vols. 32. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 33. Polynesia; an Acconnt of Islands in South Seas, including New Zealand. 34. Voyages Round the World, from the Death of Captain Cook. 35. 3d, 37. United States of America. 3 vols. 33. Travels of Marco Polo ; enlarged. EDUCATION. WHEWELL, (W.) Of a Liberal Education in General, and with particu- lar reference to the Leading Studies of the University of Cambridge. 8vo, 9s. . . . . . . ... London, 1845 Principles of University Education. 2d edit., 8vo. “ 1838 SEDGWICK, (A.) Discourse on the Studies of Cambridge University. 8vo. Cambridge, 1835 TAYLOR, (I.) Home Education. 8vo, 4s. . . London, 1842 (Reprinted, New-York, D. A. & Co.) EDUCATION.] 120 [EGYPT. EDUCATION.—(Continued.) GREEN, (J. H.) Mental Dynamics, or Groundwork of a Professional Edu- cation : the Hunterian Oration before the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Feb. 15, 1847. 8vo, 4s. . . . London, 1847 AMOS, (A.) Four Lectures on the Advantages of a Classical Education as an Auxiliary to a Commercial Education ; with a Letter to Dr. Whe- well upon the subject of his Tract “ On Liberal Education.” 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1846 WYSE, (T.) Education Reform ; or the necessity of a National System of Education. Vol. 1,8vo. .... ....... London, 1836 PRIAULX, (O. de.) National Education, its Principles and Objects exemplified in a Plan for a Normal School. 8vo, 6s. . . London, 1842 BARWELL, (Mrs.) Letters from Hofwyl on the Educational Institutions of Fellenberg. sm. 8vo. . . . London, 1842 COUSIN, (V.) Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia, translated by Mrs. Austin. 12mo London, 1835 On the State of Education in Holland, transl. by L. Horner. 8vo. . “ 1838 ANNUAIRE des Societes Savantes de la F'rance et de PEtranger, publie sous les auspices du Ministre de l’lnstruction publique. Premiere annee, 1846. roy. 8vo, 16s. Paris, 1847 TUF, SERIFS OF FVORIiS OJV EDUCATION, published by the Society for promot- ing Useful Knowledge, and the Central Society—viz. : The Schoolmaster, (by Ascham, Milton, &c.), 2 vols.; National Education, (by Hill), 2 vols.; Essays by the Central So- ciety, 3 vols. ; the Educator, or Prize Essays. 8 vols. fcp. 8vo, 25s. Land., 1836-39 FRITZ, (T.) Esquisse d’une systeme complet destruction et d’education, et de leur his- toire, avec indication des principaux ouvrages sur la pddagogique. 3 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg et Paris, 1840-43 See Reports on Education in Europe by Baciie and Mann. Minutes of the Commit- tee of Council on Education. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES.—III. LANGUAGE. EGYPT. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, &c. ST. JOHN, (J. A.) Egypt and Nubia : with numerous Illustrations. 8vo, 9s. ......... London, 1845 BELZONI, (G.) Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia, by W. Hamilton. 4to and Atlas. Land., 1820-22 HOSKINS, (G. A.) Visit to the great Oasis of the Lybian Desert, etc. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d, . . . . . . London, 1837 YYSE, (Col. II.) Operations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh, with an Account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1840 I1ENON, (V.) Voyage dans !a Basse et la Haute Egypt, pendant les Campagnes da Gen- era! Buonaparte. 2 vols. folio and folio Atlas of Plates. . . . Paris, 1802 Description de l’Egypt; ou Receuil des Observations et des Recherehes qui ont 6t4 faites en Egypt pendant l’Expedition de l’Armee Francaise. 26 vols. 8vo, and 12 vols. Plates in folio, new edit . Paris, 1820-30 CAILLAUD, (F.) Voyage & l’Oasis de Thebes et dans les deserts de la Thebiiide. folio. Paris, 1822 R1FAUD, (J. J.) Voyage en Egypt et en Nubie. folio. . . . Paris, 1830 Tableau de l’Egypte et de la Nubie, et des lieux circonvoisins. 8vo. . “ 1830 COMBES, (E.) Voyage en Egypte, en Nubie, dans les deserts de Beyonda, des Bicharys, etc. etc., accompagne d’une carte itindraire. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. . . Paris, 1846 CIIAMPOLLION, (le Jeune.) Lettres ecrites d’Egypte et de Nubia, en 1828-29. 8vo. Paris, 1833 SAINT-MAUR (Verninac de.) Voyage du Luxor en Egypte, pour transporter de Thebes it Paris, Pun des obelisques de Sesostris. 8vo. Paris, 1835 LEON de JOANNIS. Campagne pittoresque du Luxor. 2 vols. 8vo, et Atlas in folio. Paris, 1835 SONNINI. Voyage dans la haute et la basse Egypte. 3 vols. 8vo, et Atlas in 4to. Paris, 1800 PIETRO, (D. de.) Voyage historique en Egypte. 8vo “ 1818 Q.UATREMERE, (E.) Observat. sur quelques points de la geographie de PEgypte. 8vo. Paris, 1812 Memoires geogr. et histor. sur PEgypte. Vols. I.—II., 8vo. . . . “ 1811 EGYPT.] 121 [EGYPT. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c.—(Continued.) RU1ILE v. LILIENSTERN. Geograph. Darstellung zur iiltesten Geschichte u. Geogr. von /Ethiopien u. Algypten. 8vo. Berlin, lt§7 MINUTOLI, (H. F. von.) Reise zum Temple des Jupiter Ammon in der Lybischen Wiiste und nach ober rEgypten. 4to et atlas in folio Berlin, 1824 II. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &c. (a). Ancient. WILKINSON, (G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, in- cluding their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Agri- culture, Religion, and Early History ; derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculpture, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors. Illustrated by Drawings of those subjects. 5 vols. 8vo, 84s. ......... London, 1847 RUSSELL, (VV.) View of Ancient and Modern Egypt; with an Outline of its Natural History. 5s. (Edin. Cab. Lib’y.) .... Edinb., 1838 WATIIEN, (G. H.) Arts, Antiquities, and Chronology of Ancient Egypt; from Observa- tions in 1839. With Illustrations from Original Sketches, roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1842 SHARPE, (S.) The History of Egypt, from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A. D. 640. 8vo, 16a. ........ London, 1846 History of Egypt under the Romans. 1 vol. 8vo, 7s. ... “ 1842 Egyptian Inscriptions, from the British Museum and other sources 4to, 40s. London. OSBURN, (W.) Ancient Egypt ; her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible. Being an in- terpretation of tlie Inscriptions and Pictures which remain upon her Tombs and Temples; illustrated by very numerous engravings and coloured plates. 8vo, 14s. London, 1846 CORY, (I. P.) Chronological Enquiry into the Ancient History of Egypt: Mythological Enquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens. 8vo, 7s. (id. London, 1837 Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Chaldrean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, In- dian, Persian, and other Writers. 8vo, 2d edition, 21s. . . . London, 1832 He gives no less than nineteen Catalogues of the Egyptian Kings, with the various read- ings that occur in their different versions. HEEREN, (A. II. L.) Reflections on the Politics. Intercourse, and Trade of the Ancient Nations of Africa. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Vol. 2,—Egyptians. . . . Oxford, 1838 HAMILTON, (W.) fflgyptiaca ; or an Account of Ancient and Modern Egypt. 1 vol. royal 4to, and a folio Atlas of Plates. London, 1809 WHITE, (Jos.) AJgyptiaca ; or Observations on Certain Antiquities of Egypt, in two Parts. Part I. The History of Pompey’s Pillar Elucidated. Part II. AbrlollatiPs Ac- count of the Antiquities of Egypt, written in Arabic, A. D. 1203. Translated into Eng- lish and Illustrated with Notes. 4to London, 1801 LONG, (Geo.) Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, new edn. 2 vols. 12mo, 4s. 6d. London, 1846 (In Library of Entertaining Knowledge.) PRICHARD, (J. C.) An Analysis of Egyptian Mythology. To which is added, a Trans- lation of the Preliminary E sav prefixed by Prof. A. W. Von Schlegel, to the German edition of the same work. By James Yates, royal 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1819 SCHWENCK, (K.) Die Mythologie der Asiatischen Volker. Vol. 3, die Mythologie der yEgypter. 8vo, 13 plates, 6s. . . Frankf, 1847 MAKRIZI. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks do l’Egypte ; ecriteen Arabe parTaki-Eddin- Ahmed Makrizi. Traduiteen FranCais, et accompagnee de notes philosophiques, histo- riques, et geographiques, par M. Quatreraere. 4to, vol. I.— . . . Paris, 1837 (Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund.) Geschichte d. Copten. Arab, mit Uebers. u. Anm. herausg. v. F. Wiistenfeld. 4to, 9*. Oott., 1845 CAILLAUD, (F.) Recherches sur les artes et metiers, les usages de la vie civile et domes- tique des anciens peuples de 1’Egvpte, de la Nubie et de l'Ethiopie ; suvies de details sur les mrears et coutumes des peuples modernes des memes contrees. 4to. • . Paris, 1837 LETRONNE, (M.) Recherches pour servir h PHistoire de l'Egypte pendant la Domina- tion des Grecs et des Homans, &c. ........ Paris, 1823 Inscription grecque de Rosette; texte et traduction litterale, accompagne d’un com mentaire critique, historique et areheologique. 8vo. .... Paris, 1840 SAVARY, (M.) Lettres sur l’Egypte. 3 vols. 8vo. . “ 1798 BOECKH, (A.) Manetho u. d. Hundsstem-periode, ein Beitrag z. Geschichte d. Pha- raonen. 8vo, 9s Berlin, 1845 BOIILEN, (P. v.) Das alte 1 ndien mit besonderer Riicksieht auf Hgypten. 2vols. 8vo, 17s. 6d Konigsberg, 1831 EGYPT.] 122 [EGYPT. II. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &c.—{Continued.) BUNSEN, (C. C. J.) jEgyptens Stelle in der Weltgeschichte. Vols. I.—III., 8vo, 53 plates, 40s Hamb., 1844 GOULIANOF, (J. A.) Archeologid egyptienne, ou recherches sur l’expression des hiero- glyphs. Vols. I.-III., 8vo, 30s Leipzig, 1839 LEEMANS, (C.) Monumens Lgyptiens du musee d’antiquites des Pays-Bas it Leide. Parts 1-8, folio, each 24s. . ..'.... Leide, 1840-47 Description raisonne des monumens egyptiens. 8vo, 10s. . . “ 1840 RASK, (R.) Die alte ligypt. Zeitrechnung. 8vo Mtona, 1830 CHAMPOLLION le Jeune, (J. F.) Monuments de l’Egypte et de la Nubie, d’apres les dessins executes sur les lieux sous la direction de Champolion le jeune, et lea descrip- tions autographes qu’il en a redigees. etc. folio, /.500. . . . Paris, 1835-43 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC, (J. J.) Annales des Lagides, ou Chronologie des Roisgrecs d’Egypte, suecesseurs d’Alexandre le grand. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1819 SAINT-MARTIN, (J.) Nouvelles Recherches sur l’epoque de la mort d’Alexandre, etc. 8vo Paris, 1820 Observations sur “ Annales des Lagides,” par M. Saint Martin. 8vo. “ 1820 Le NORMANT, (Ch.) Musd? des Antiquitds lSgyptiennes. Recueil de Monumens Egyptiens, Architecture, Statuaire, et Peinture. folio Paris, 1841 ROSSELLINI, (J.) Monumenti dell’ Egitto e della Nubia designati della Spedizione Scientifico-literaria Toscana in Egitto ; distributiin ordine di materie, interpretati ed illus- trati. 8vo, and atlas, and 30 large folio plates. Pisa, 1840— HENRY, (D. M. J.) L’Egypte pharaonique, ou Histoire des institutions des Egyptiens sous leurs rois nationaux. 2 vols. 8vo, 29 planches,/. 15. . . . Parts, 1846 SCHWARTZE, CM. G.) Das alte iEgypten, oder Sprache, Geschichte, Religion u. Ver- fassung d. alt. yEgypt. Vol. I. Darstel. und Beurtheil. der vernehmsten Entzifferungs-Systeme der drei alt- Hgyptischen Schrift-Arten. Vol. I. in 2 parts. 4to, £8. . . . Leipzig, 1843 CHAMPOLLION le Jeune. L’Egypte sous le Pharaons, ou recherches sur la geogra- phie, la religion, la langue, les ecritures et l’histoire de l’Egypt avant l’invasion de Cam- byse. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, 1814 LEPSIUS, (R.) Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden des /Egypt. Alterthums, etc. (32 plates) imp. folio. Leipzig, 1846 Das Todtenbuch der oEgypten, nach d. Papyrus zu Turin. (79 plates), 4to. Leipzig, 1842 (b). Modern. LANE, (E. W.) An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833-4 and 1835, partly from Notes made during a former Visit to that Country in the years 1825-6-7 and 28. 2 vols. 12mo, 4s. 6d. . . . London, 1836 The same. 2 vols. 8vo, uniform with Wilkinson’s Ancient Egyptians. 18s. ......... London. 1842 POOLE, (Mrs.) The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo, during a residence there in 1842-13-44 and 45. 3 vols. 18mo. London, 1844—6 WILKINSON, (Sir G.) Modern Egypt and Thebes ; being a description of Egypt; with information for Travellers in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo, map and w’oodcuts, 42s. ..... London, 1844 Hand-Book for Egypt and Thebes, sm. 8vo, map. “ 1847 YATES, (W. II.) The Modern History and Condition of Egypt; its Climate, Diseases, and Capabilities : comprising the Proceedings of Mahommed Ali Pascha from 1829 to 1842 ; with Illustrations of Scripture History, the Fulfilment of Prophecy, and the Progress of Civilization in the East. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 34s. .... London, 1842 GOTJIN, ( ) L’Egypte au XIXe siecle Histoire militaire et politique, etc., de Mebemet- Ali, Ibrahim-Pacha, Soliman-Pacha. 8vO, plates, 12s. ; col. 15s. . . Paris, 1846 CLOT BEY. Aperca General surl’Egypte. 2 vols. 18mo. . . Bruxelles, 1838 HAMONT, (P. N.) L’Egypte sous Mehemet-AH. Populations, Gouvernemem, Institu- tions Publiques, etc. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15 Paris, 1843 BURCKHARDT, (J. L.) Arabic Proverbs, or Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, illustrated from their proverbial Sayings. 4to London, 1830 III*. LANGUAGE.—(Ancient and Modern.) IDELER, (J. L.) Hermapion, sive rudimenta hieroglyphicse vet. iEgypt. literat. 2 parts, impl. 4to, 54s. ..... Lips., 1841 EGYPT.] 123 [EGYPT. III. LANGUAGE.—( Continued.) CHAMPOLLION le Jetjne. De l’ecriture heratique des anciens Egyp- tians. folio. ........ Grenoble, 1821 Lettre it M. Dacier, relative h. 1’Alphabet des Hidroglyphes phonetiques. 8vo. Paris, 1822 deux Lettres it M. le due de Blacas d’Aulps relatives au Musee royal egyptien de Turin monuments historiques. 8vo Paris, 1824-26 sur le Systems hieroglyphique de MM. Spohn et Seyffarth. 8vo. . Florence, 1826 Preces du systeme hieroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens, au Re- cherches sur les elemens premiers de cette Venture saerde, sur leurs diver- ses combinaisons et sur les rapports de ce systeme avec les autres graphiques 6gyptiennes. 2e edition, 1 v. de texte. 8vo, et 1 v. de planches. ......... Paris, 1828 Pantheon Egyptien ; collection des personnages mythologiques de l’ancienne Egypte, d’apres les monumens; avec un texte explicatif. 4to. Paris, 1824- SPOHN, (F. A. G.) De Lingua et Literis Veterum iEgyptiorum. Acce- dunt Grammatica atque Glossarium iEgyptiacum. Editit et absolvit. G. Seyffarth. 4to. ....... Lipsiat, 1825-31 SEYFFARTH, (G.) Rudimenta Hieroglyphices, acced. explic. spec, glossar. et alphab. 4to, 45s. ..... Lips., 1826 Beitihge z. Kenntnis3 der Literat. Kunst. Mythol. u. Geschichte d. alte iEgypten. Parts I.—VI, £2. 10s. . . . Leipzig, 1826-34 YOUNG, (T.) An Account of some Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. 8vo. . . London, 1823 The rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the Ancient Enchorial Character, containing all the words of which the sense has been ascer- tained To which are prefixed a Memoir of the Author, and a Cata- logue of his Works and Essays. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . London, 1831 SALT, (H.) An Essay on Dr. Young’s and Champollion’s Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics. 8vo London, 1825 LOWE, (L.) The Origin of the Egyptian Language, proved by the Analy- sis of that and the Hebrew in an Introductory Essay, extracted from the Asiatic Journal. 8vo. ’ • London, 1837 LEPSIUS, (R.) Lettre sur l’alphabet hieroglyphique. 8vo. Rome, 1837 Le NORMANT, (C.) Recherches sur les hieroglyphes d’Horapollon. 4to. Paris, 1838 CORY, (I. P.) On the Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Nilous. Greek and English. 8vo, 7s. Gd. ...... London, 1840 DRUMANN, (W.) Untersuch. iiber Aegypt. od. d. Inschrift von Rosette. 8vo. Konigsb., 1823 GOULTANOF, (de.) Essai sur les hWroglyphes d’Horapollon, et quelques mots sur la Cabale. 4to. Paris, 1827 KOSEGARTEN, (G. L.) De prisca vEgyptioram literatura, etc. 4to. Vimar, 1828 LEEMANS, (C.) Monumens egypt, portant des legendes royales. 8vo, plates, 12s. J.eide., 1839 Papyrus 6gypt. demotique it transcript grecques. 4to, 52s. 6d. Papyrus egypt. funeraire. 4to, 65s. Horapollo, Hieroglyphica, var. lect. et vers. lat. annot. et ind. adj. C. Leemans. 8vo. 21s Amstcrd., 18.35 CHAMPOLLTON, le .Teune, (J. F.) Grammaire dgyptienne, ou principes gtineraux de 1’ecriture sacree egyptienne appliquee k la representation de la langue parlde. sm. fol. • Paris, 1836-41 Dictionnaire Egyptien en ecriture hieroglyphique ; public d’aprbs les manuscrits autographes. folio Paris, 1841-42 ROSSI, (I.) Etymologise a!gyptiac:e. 4to Romce, 1818 EGYPT.] 124 [electricity. III. LANGUAGE.—(Continued.) SALVOLINI, (F.) Analyse graroraaticale raisonnee de differens Textes anciens Egyp- tiens. 4to. Paris, 1836 Des principales expressions qui servent it la notation des dates snr les monuments de l’ancienne £gypte, d’apres l’inscriptioh de Rosette ; lettres & M. l’ablie Constanzo Gaz- zera. 8vo. Paris, 1832 PETTIGREW, (J. T.) A History of Egyptian Mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians : with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, Ac. 4to. London, 1834 Modern. PEYRON, (A.) Lexicon linguae Copticae. 4to, 45s. . Tour., 1835 Grammatica linguae Copticae. 8vo. “ 1841 “ These are the most copious Grammar and Lexicon of the Coptic Language extant.” Horne. TATTAM, (H.) A compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language, as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic Dialects, etc. 15s. London, 1830 Lexicon ZEgyptiaco-Latinum ex Veteribus Linguae AUgyptiacae Mon- umentis, et ex Operibus La Crozii, Woidii, etc.; cum Indice Vocum La- tinarum. 8vo, 28s. ...... Oxon., 1835 The Ancient Coptic Version of the Book of Job the Just. Translated into English. 8vo, 9s. ..... London, 1847 PARTHEY, (G.) Vocabularium Coptico-lat. et latino-copt. e Peyroni et Tattami lexicis, Ac. 8vo. ..... Berol., 1844 SCHWARTZE; (M. G.) Grammatica linguae Copticae ejusque dialecto- rum. 8vo. . . . . . . . Leipzig, 1847 PSALTERIUM COPTICE lingu. Memphit. translat. Ad. fid. cod. editit notisque instr. M. G. Schwartze. 4to. . . Lipsice, 1843 PSALTERIUM COPTICE. Ad cod. fid. recens. .T. L. Ideler. 8vo. Berlin, 1837 TEST AMENTUM NOVUM, Coptice. Editit Dr. M. G. Schwartze. Pars 1, vol. 1. Evang. Matthaei et Marci continens. 4to, 12s. Lipsice, 1838 QUATREMLRE, (M. E.) Recherches sur la langue et la literature d’Egypte. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1818 ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, ELECTRO-MAGNET- ISM, GALVANISM. LARDNER, (D.) A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. Edited and completed by C. V. Walker. 2 vols. 12mo, 5 plates, 12s. London, 1844 FARADAY, (M.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. Reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions, Ac. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 27s. London, 1839-44 STURGEON, (W.) Lectures on Electricity. 12mo, 100 woodcuts, 5s. London, 1842 A Course of Twelve Elementary Lectures On Galvanism ; illustrated with upwards of 100 Engravings of Experiments and Apparatus. By W. Sturgeon. 12mo, 5s. ..... London, 1843 ROGET, (M.) Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnet- ism. 8vo, 3s. 6d. (Lib’y Use. Knowl.) London, v. d. NOAD, (H. M.) Lectures on Electricity : comprising Galvanism, Magnet- ism, Electro-Magnetism, Magneto- and Thermo-Electricity. 300 wood- cuts, 8vo, 14s. ....... London, 1844 ELECTROTYPE.] 125 [ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. ELECTRICITY, &c.—(Continued.) LEITHEAD, (W.) Electricity; its Nature, Operation, and Importance in the Phenomena of the Universe. 12mo. . . London, 1838 HENRY, (J.) Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. 4to. Philad., 1839 BREWSTER, (Sir D.) A Treatise on Magnetism. 8vo, 6s. Edinb., 1837 FRANCIS, (G.) Electrical Experiments ; illustrating the Theory, Prac- tice, and Application of the Science of Free or Frictional Electricity: containing the methods of Making and Managing Electrical Apparatus of every description, with numerous illustrative engravings. 8vo, 3s. London, 1844 CUMMING, (J.) Manual of Electro-Dynamics, chiefly translated from the French of J. F. Demonferrand. 8vo, plates, 12s. Cambridge, 1827 MURPHY, (Rev. R.) Elementary Principles of the Theory of Electricity. 8vo, 7s. 6d. ........ Cambridge. BECQ.UEREL, (J. J.) Traite experimental de 1’electricite et du magnetisme, strive d’une expose de leurs rapports avec les actions ehimiques et les phenomenes naturels. 7 vols. 8vo, et atlas in 4to, /.72 50. Paris, 1838-184- Elemens d’electro-chimie appliquee aux sciences naturelles et aux arts. 8vo. /.7 50. Paris, 1843 et BRESCHET. Recherches sur la chaleur animale au moyen des appareils thermo- electriques. 4to, /.3 Paris. 1846 De La RIVE. Traite d’electricite appliquee aux arts, a la medicine et h la physiologie. 8vo, fig., /.8 Paris. NEUMANN, (F. E.) Die mathematischen Gesetze der inducirten elektrischen Strome. 4to, 3s. 6er Office, &c. : with Notes and Illustrations by Sir Henry Ellis. 3d Series, 2 vols. 8vo, two portraits, 21s. London, 1846 HALLIWELL, (J. O.) Letters of the Kings of England, now first collected from the Originals in the Royal Archives, and from other authentic sources, private as well as pub- lic. With an Historical Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 2 portraits, 21s. London, 1846 THE PARLIAMENTS and Councils of England, Chronologically arranged, from the Reign of William I. to the Revolution in 1688 . 8vo, 30s. . . London, 1839 SMITH, (H. S.) The Parliaments of England, from the 1st George I. to the Present Time. Yol. 1, Bedfordshire to Nottinghamshire inclusive. 12mo, 10s. (id. . London, 1844 TOWNSEND, (Wr. C.) Memoirs of the House of Commons, from the Convention Parlia- ment of 1688-9, to the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, 14s. London, 1843-4 PARLIAMENTARY History of England, from the Earliest Period, 1072, to 1803. By Cobbett, Wright, and others. 36 vols. roy. 8vo London, 1806-30 Debates, (Hansard’s,) from Nov. 1803 to the end of the Reign of George III., (1820). 41 vols. roy. 8vo. . ...... London, 1803—20 —— Debates, ( “ ) new series, from the Accession of George IV., 1820, to June 1829. 29 vols. roy. 8vo London, 1820-29 Debates, from 1830 to 1837, (Reign of William IV.). 38 vols. roy. 8vo. “ 1830-37 Debates from 1838 to 1845. 43 vols. roy. 8vo. .... “ 1838-45 ENGLAND.] 132 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—( Continued.) MIRROR of Parliament. PUBLICATIONS of the Reoord Commission. RYMER, (T.) Foedera, &c. 3 vols. in 6, folio. .... London, 1816-30 OLD ENGLAND, a Pictorial Companion and Key to every History of England. 2 vols. folio, 3000 woodcuts and 21 coloured plates, 45s. .... London, 1844-6 ANNUAL REGISTER, (Ilodsley’s), from 1758-1790. 32 vols. 8vo. “ “ 1791-1819. 29 vols. 8vo. Index to ditto, from 1758-1819. 8vo. “ 1820-1845. 25 vols. 8vo. WOOD, (Miss.) Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, from the com- mencement of the Twelfth Century to the close of the Reign of Queen Mary. Illustrated with Fac-simile Autographs. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. . . . London, 1846 BURKE. Correspondence of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke ; between the year 1744 and the period of his decease in 1797. Edited by Charles William, Earl Fitzvvilliam, and and Lieut.-General Sir R. Bourke. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s London, 1844 LODGE'S Portraits and Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Personages in British History. New edition, imperial 8vo, 10 vols. containing240 Portraits, £11. ; ditto, India proofs, £17. London, v. d. STRICKLAND, (Miss.) Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest; with Anecdotes of their Courts, now first published from Official Records aud other Au- thentic Documents, private as well as public. Vols. I.-X., 8vo, each 10s. 6d. (Reprinted, Philadelphia.) London, 1842-47 GRANGER, (J.) A Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great to 1688. 4 vols. 8vo. . London, 1804 SOUTHEY, (R.) Lives of the British Admirals : with an Introductory View of the Na- val History of Great Britain. 5 vols. sm. 8vo, 30.». . . . London, 1833-40 (Lardner’s Cyclopedia.) JAMES, (Wx.) Naval History of Great Britain ; with a continuation to the present time, by Capt. Chamier. 5 vols. 8vo, 54s London, 1836 NICOLAS, (Sir N. H.) A History of the Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution. Vol. 1, 8vo, pp. 494, 14s. . London, 1847- CAMPBELL, (Lord.) The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of George IV. First Series, in 3 vols., to the Revolution of 1688. 8vo, 42s. London, 1846 Second Series, vols. 4-5, 8vo, 30s “ 1846 (Reprinted, Philadelphia.) 2. History of Particular Periods. 1. ROMAN PERIOD : B. C. 55, to A. D. 449. HERBERT, (Hon. Alg.) Britannia after the Romans ; being an attempt to illustrate the Religious and Political Revolutions of that Province in the Fifth and succeeding Centuries. 2 vols. 4to, 30s. London, 1836-1841 TIIACKERY, (F.) Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Political State of Ancient Brit- ain under the Roman Emperors, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. .... London, 1843 HORSLEY, (J.) Britannia Romana; or, the Roman Antiquities of Great Britain. Folio. . London, 1732 See Eccceston’s Introduction to English Antiquities, and the Authorities there re- ferred to. 2. THE BRITISH PERIOD : to A. D. 584. POLYDORE VERGIL’S English History, translated. Vol. I. (the period prior to the Conquest), edited by Ellis. 4to, 6s. 6d. London, 1844 (Camden Society.) GILDAS’ Epistle Concerning Britain, and Nennius’ History of the Britons, translated by the Rev. J. A. Giles. 8vo, 8s. . London, 1841 (Monkish Historians.) GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH’S British History, translated by A. Thomson, and revised by Rev. ,T. A. Giles. 8vo, 10s. London, 1842 (Monkish Historians.) WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY’S Acts and Deeds of the Kings of England, and Me- moirs of His Own Time, translated by the Rev. J. Sharpe. 4to. . London, 1815 RITSON, (Jos.) The Life of King Arthur, from Ancient Historians and authentic Docu- ments. 8vo. London, 1825 THE CHRONICLE of the Kings of Britain, translated from the Welch copy attributed to Tysilio, with Notes and Dissertations by Rev. Peter Roberts. 4to. London, 1811 See List of Authorities in Eccleston’s Introduction to English Antiquities. ENGLAND.] 133 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—( Continued.) 3. ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD : A. D. 455, to A.D. 1066. PALGRAVE, (Sik F.) History of the Anglo-Saxons. 1 vol. l2mo, 5s. London, 1837 Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, during the A. S. Period. 2 vols 4to. ...... London, 1832 TURNER, (S.) The History of the Anglo-Saxons ; comprising the His- tory of England from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. 5th ed. 3 vols. 8vo, £2. 6s. ..... London, 1836 LAPPENBERG, (J. M.) Geschichte von England. Vol. 1, 8vo. Hamburgh, 1834 The same, translated by Benj. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845 COLLEN, (G. W.) Britannia Saxonica ; a Map of Britain during the Saxon Octarchy ; with Notices of the Saxon Period. 4to London, 1833 ENGLISH, (H. S.) Ancient History, English and French, exemplified in a Dissection of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 8vo. London, 1830 THE SAXON CHRONICLE, with an English Translation and Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory. To which are added Chronological, Topographical, and Glossarial Indexes : a short Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, &c., by the Rev. J. Ingram. 4to. London, 1823 CODEX DIPLOMATICUS A5vi Saxonici, opera Johannis M. Kemble. 8vo, vol. 1, (London), 1839. Vol. 2 London, 1840 (The Anglo-Saxon Charters.) ANCIENT LA fVS and Institutes of England ; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from Athelbert to Canute, with an English translation of the Saxon : the Laws called Edward the Confessor’s : the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Edward the First; also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the Seventh to the Tenth Century ; and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With a Compendious Glossary, &c. folio. . ... . London, 1840 Edited by Benjamin Thorpe, and published by the Record Commission. An Edition was published at the same time in 2 vols, 8vo. MACKENZIE, (Rev. H.) An Essay on the Life and Institutions of Offa, King of Mercia, A. D. 755-794. 8vo London, 1840 PHILLIPS, (G.) Versuch einer Darstellung d. Geschichte de Angle-sachsischen Rechts. 8vo Oott., 1825 SCHMIDT, (R.) Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen bis der Ursprung, mit der Uebersetzung. royal 8vo Leipzig, 1832 See Publications of the Allfric Society. Archatologia. Archaeological Journal. 4. THE NORMAN PERIOD TO THE CLOSE OF THE 13th CENTURY. Reigns of William I., II. Henry I. Stephen. Henry II. Richard I. John. Henry III. Edward I. THIERRY, (Aug.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by W. Hazlitt. With a Memoir, Portrait. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 7s. London, 1847 To this Edition is added for the first time, the important Appendix of Historical Documents, Portrait, and Memoir of the Author, &c. (Bogue’s European Library.) WACE, (Robt.) Master Wace, his Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, from the Roman de Rou. Translated with Notes, &c.,by Edgar Taylor. 8vo. ......... London, 1837 SHARPE, (J.) The History of the Kings of England, and the Modem History of the Kings of England, of William of Malmesbury. Trans- lated from the Latin. 4to. ..... London, 1815 FANTOSME, (J.) A Chronicle of the Wars between the English and the Scots in 1173-74. Translated, with Notes, &c., by F. Michel. 8vo. (Surtees Society.) jParis, 1840 MATTHEW de PARIS. Grande chronique de, traduite en framjais par A. Huillard-Breholles, accompagnee de notes, et pr<5ced6e d’une introduction par M. le due de Lynes. 9 vols. 8vo . . . Paris, 1840-41 LANGTOFT, (Peter.) Chronicle. Edited by Thomas Ilearne. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810 ENGLAND.] 134 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—(Continued.) RICHARD of DEVIZES’ Chronicle. 8vo, 8s London, 1844 (Monkish Historians.) RISHANGER, (Wm. de.) The Chronicle of, of the Baron’s Wars, A. D. 1263-65. Edited by J. O. Haliiweli. 4to London, 1840 (Camden Society.) * JAMES, (G. P. R.) History of Richard Cceur de Lion. 2 vols. 8vo. . “ 1842 (Reprinted, Philad., C. & H.) A FRENCH Chronicle of London, from the 44th of Henry III. to the 7th of Edward III., with copious English Notes, by J. G. Aungier. sm. 4to, 6s. . . London, 1844 (Camden Society’s Publications.) PHILLIPS, (G.) Englische Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte, seit der Ankunft der Norman- nen 1066-1189. 2 vols. 8vo Berlin, 1827-28 THOMSON, (R.) An historical Essky on the Magna Charta of King John ; to which are added the great Charter in Latin and English ; the Charters of liberties and confirmations granted by Henry III. and Edward I., etc., explanatory notes on their several privileges, a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manu- scripts, etc. 8vo. London, 1829 See also Ellis’s Introd. to Domesday Book. Nicolas’s Testamenta Vetusta. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825. 5. THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES. Reigns of Edward II., III. Richard II. Henry IV., V., VI. Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. FROISSART’S Chronicles of England, France and Spain, &c., new edi- tion, with 120 woodcuts, illustrative of Manners, Costume, &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 36s. . . . . . . London, 1845 Illuminations to Froissart’s Chronicles, fac-simiies from MSS. in the British Museum and Bibliotheque Royale. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, each 45s. . . . London. 1844-45 RASTELL, (J.) The Pastyme of the People. The Chronycle of Divers Realmys, and most especyally of the Realm of England. Edited by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 4to. London, 1811 HALLE, (Edwd.) Chronicle; containing the History of England during the Reign of Henry IV. and the Succeeding Monarchs to the End of the Reign of Henry VIII. 4to London, 1809 HARDYNGE, (Jno.) The Chronicle of Jhon Hardynge in Metre, fro the first Begyn- nyng of Englande, unto ye Reigue of Edward ye fourth, where he made an End of his Chronicle, etc. Edited by Sir II. Ellis. 4to. London, 1812 FABYAN, (Robt.) The New Chronicles of England and France, in 2 Parts, with a Bio- graphical and Literary Preface and Index, by Sir Hy. Ellis. 4to. . London, 1811 CHRONICLE of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of Edward IV., by John Wark- worth. now first printed, and edited by Haliiweli. sm. 4to. . . . London, 1839 (Camden Society.) THE CHRONICLES OF THE WHITE ROSE IN ENGLAND. A series of con- temporary records of the eventful reign of King Edward IV. 8vo, 12s. . l.ondon, 1843 (Monkish Historians.) HISTORIE OF THE ARRIVAL of Edward IV. in England, and the final! recoverye of his Kingdoms from Henry VI., 1471. sm. 4to. .... London, 1838 (Camden Society.) JAMES, (G. P. R.) A History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince, and of Various Events connected therewith, which occurred during the Reign of Edward III. King of England. 2d ed., 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, map 15s. London, 1839 WALPOLE, (H.) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. 4to. London, 1768 TYLER, (Rev. J. E.) Henry of Monmouth, or Memoirs and Character of Henry V. as Prince of Wales and King of England. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . l.ondon, 1838 NICOLAS, (Sir N. H.) A History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry V. into France in 1415. 2d edition. . , . Loud., 1832 POLYDORE VERGIL’S History of the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., now first printed in English from a MS. in the British Museum, by Sir H. Ellis, 4lo, 6s. (Camden Society.) l.ondon, 1844 HALSTED, (C. A.) The Life of Margaret Beaufort, Mother of King Henry VHth. 8vo. London, 1839 Life and Times of Richard the Third, as Duke of Gloucester and King of England : in which all the Charges against him are carefully investigated and compared with the Statements of the Cotemporary Authorities. 2 vols. 8vo, Portrait and other Illustrations, £1. 10s London, 1844 BACON, (Lord.) History of the Reigns of Henry VII., Henry VIII., and Queen Mary. 8vo. . v London, 1786 ENGLAND.] 135 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—( Continued.) RUTLAND PAPERS. Documents relating to the Coronation of Henry VII., the Field of the Cloth of Gold, and the Interviews of Henry VIII. with the Emperor, from the Duke of Rutland’s MS. Collections. Edited by VV. Jerdan. 4to, 4s. (id. London, 1842 (Camden Society.) PASTOJV LETTERS. Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Ed- ward IV., and Richard III., by various persons of rank or consequence; with Notes Historical and Explanatory, edited by John Fenn, new edition by A. Ramsay, sq. 8vo. London, 1841 6. THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary. Elizabeth. GRAFTON, (Rd.) A Chronicle at large, and Meere History of the Af- fayres of Englande, and Kinges of the same, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1809 TYTLER, (P. F.) Life of King Henry the Eighth, founded on authentic and original Documents, some of them not before published ; including an Historical View of His Reign ; with Biographical Sketches of Wolsey, More, Erasmus, Cromwell, Cranmer, and other eminent contemporaries. 2d ed. fcp. 8vo, 5s. , Edinburgh, 1838 THOMSON, (Mrs. A. T.) Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London, 1826 BENGER, (Miss.) Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. 2 vols. 8vo. J.ondon, 1821 RUSSELL, (Lord John.) Essay on theEnglish Government and Constitution from Henry VIII. to the Present Time. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1823 KEMPE, (A. J.) Losely MSS. and other Documents, illustrative of English History from Henry VIII. to James I. 8vo. . London, 1835 LODGE, (E.) Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, from Henry VIII. to James I. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. ........ London, 1838 CHRONICI.F. of Calais in the Reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. to the year 1540, by Richard Turpyn, now first printed, and edited by Nichols, curious plates. 6s. 6d. (Camden Society ) London, 1844 ANNALS of the first four years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir John Haywood,now first printed, and edited by Bruce, sm. 4to. London, 1840 (Camden Society.) R AUMER, (F.von.) Contributions to Modem History, from the British Mu- seum and State Paper Office. Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo. ........ London, 1836 NICHOLS, (Jno.) The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, etc. 3 vols 4to. ..... London, 1823 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo, por- traits, £1. 5s. London, 1826 NAUNTON, (Sir Robt.) Fragmenta Regalia. Memoirs of Elizabeth, her Court and Favourites. New ed. with notes, &e. 8vo. J.ondon, 1824 TYTLER, (P. F.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh ; founded on authentic and original Docu- ments, some of them never before published ; including a View of the most important Transactions in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. ; Sketches of Burleigh, Essex, Secretary Cecil, Sidney, S[iencer, and other eminent contemporaries : with a Vindication of his Character from the attacks of Hume and other writers. 3d ed. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. 5s. Edinburgh, 1840 THOMSON, (Mrs, A. T.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 8vo. . . I.ondon, 1830 BURGON, (J. W.) The Life and Times of Sir Tlios. Gresham : including Notices of many of his contemporaries : with illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. . . I.ondon, 1830 NICOLAS, (Sir H.) Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, K. G. Vice-Chamberlain and Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth ; including his Correspond- ence with the Queen and other distinguished Persons. 8vo, 15s. . London, 1846 F.OF.RTON' PAPERS. A Collection of Public and Private Documents, chiefly illustrative of the Timesof Elizabeth and Janies I., from the original MSS., the property of Lord Francis Egerton. Edited by J P. Collier, sm. 4to London, 1840 (Camden Society.) BENGER, (Miss.) Memoirs of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots, with Anecdotes of ihe Court of Henry II. during her Residence in France. 2d ed. 2 vols. post 8vo. 24s. London, 1823 STRICKLAND, (Miss.) Letters of Mary Queen of Scots, and Documents connected with her Personal History. 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 31s. 6d London, 1842 ENGLAND.] 136 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—(Continued.) LETTRES, Instructions et Memoires, de Marie Stuart, Reine d’Ecosse ; publics snr Ies Origineaux et les Manuscripts du State Paper Office de Londres et des Principales Ar- chives et Bibliotheques de l’Europe, et accompagnes d’un Resume Chronologique. Par le Prince A. Labanoff. 7 vols. 8vo. X4. 4s London, 1845 LETTERS OF MJIRY STUART, Q,ueen of Scotland, selected from the “ Recueil des Lettres de Marie Stuart;” together with the Chronological Summary of Events during the Reign of the Queen of Scotland, by Prince A. Labanoff, translated, with Notes, and an Introduction, by W. Turnbull. 8vo, 14s. . . . London, 1845 WRIGIIT, (T.) Queen Elizabeth and her Times; a series of Original Letters selected from the inerlited private correspondence of the Lord Treasurer Burghley, the Earl of Leicester, the Secretaries Walsingham and Smith, Sir Christopher Hatton, and most of the distinguished persons of the jieriod. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1838 CAVENDISH, (G.) The Life of Cardinal Wolsey, by George Cavendish, his Gentleman Usher, and Metrical Versions, from the Original Autograph Manuscript, with Notes, &c., by S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 8vo. Chiswick, 1825 NARES, (E.) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of the Rt. Hon. William Cecil, Lord Burghley. 3 vols. 4to, £9. 9s. ...... London, 1828- TYTLER, (P. F.) England under the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary, with the con- temporary History of Europe ; illustrated in a series of Letters never before printed, with Historical Introduction and Critical Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. . .. . London, 1839 BOWES, (Sir Geo.) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569. 8vo. . London, 1840 7. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Reions of James I. Charles I. The Interregnum. Reigns of Charles II. James II. William III. Mary. VAUGHAN, (Dr.) History of England under the House of Stuart, in- cluding the Commonwealth. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. . . London, 1840 (Lib. Use. Knowledge.) Memoirs of the Stuart Dynasty: including the constitutional and ec- clesiastical History of England from the Decease of Elizabeth to the abdi- cation of James II. 2 vols. 8vo. .... London, 1830 AIKEN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1823 JESSE, (.1. II ) Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, includ- ing the Protectorate. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . London, 1840 GOODMAN, (Bp.) The Court of King James I., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1839 D’EWES, (Sir Simonds.) The Autobiography and Correspondence of, during the Reigns of James I. and Charles I. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London, 1845 AMOS, (Andr.) The Great Oyer of Poisoning: the Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury in the Tower of London, and various matters con- nected therewith. From Contemporary MSS. 8vo, 15s. . . . London, 1846 CLARENDON, (Edwd., Earl of.) History of the Rebellion. 8 vols. 8vo, £3. 18s. ......... Oxford. The Same. 7 vols. l2mo, £1. 5s. . . . . London. The Same, with Life. 1 vol. roy. 8vo., .£1. Is. . “ The Same, with Portraits. 2 vols. roy. 8vo., £2. 15s. . “ GUIZOT, (F.) History of the English Revolution of 1640, from the Ac- cession of Charles I. to his Death. Translated by W. Hazlitt. 8vo, 3s. (id. (Bogue’s European Library ) London, 1845 (Reprinted, New-York, D. A. & Co.) COLLECTION de mdmoires relatifs it la revolution d’Angleterre, publide avec une intro- duction par M. Guizot. 25 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-25 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. 2d. ed.. 2 vols. 8vo, XI. 8s London, 1833 CAULFIELD, (J.) High Court of Justice, or Memoirs of the Regicides of Charles I. 4to. London, 1817 ASHBURNIIAM, (Col. John.) Narrative of his attendance on King Charles I. from Oxford to the Scotch army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830 DUGDALE. The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale, edited by William Hamper, with portrait and autographs. 4to ' London, 1827 CAREY, (H.) Memorials of the Great Civil War, from 1640 to 1652, edited from original letters in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1842 ENGLAND.] 137 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—(Continued.) VERNE Y PAPERS. Notes of Proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Charles I., taken by Sir Ralph Verney, Knt., edited by Bruce. 4to, 7s. 6d. . London, 1845 (Camden Society.) RUSHWORTH, (J.) Historical Collections, &c., from 1618-1648, with the Trial of the Earl of Strafford. 8 vols. folio. ....... London, 1659-1701 EVELYN, (Jno.) Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of Jno. Evelyn. Com- prising his Diary from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 SLINGSBY, (Str H.) & HODGSON, (Capt.j Memoirs during the Civil War. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. Edin., 1806 BURNET, (Bp.) History of His Own Times, roy. 8vo, 17s. . . London, 1838 I The Same, with 51 Portraits. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 42s. ... “ 1839 BURTON, (T.) Cromwellian Diary for 1656-59, with Introduction and Notes by Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1828 FORSTER, (J.) The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. With an Introduc- tory Treatise on the Popular Progress in English History. 5 vols. fcp. 8vo, with portraits of Pym, Eliot, Hampden, Cromwell, &c., £ 1. 10s. . . . London, 1831-1839 CARLYLE, (T.) Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. 8vo, 2d edn., 36s. (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P.) London, 1846 GODWIN, (W.) History of the Commonwealth of England, from its commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1824-8 GUIZOT, (F. P. G.) Memoirs of Monk, Duke of Albemarle. Translated with Notes by Stuart Wortley. 8vo. London, 1838 NUGENT, (Lord.) Memorials of Jno. Hampden. 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1832 MASERES, (Fr.) Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England in the Reign of Charles I., by writers who lived in the time of those wars, and were witnesses of the events which they describe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815 MEMOIRS of the Life of Col. Hutchinson, with original anecdotes, &c., and Memoir of Mrs. Hutchinson by herself. 4to London, 1806 (Reprinted in Bohn’s Standard Library.) BLENCOWE, (R. W.) Diary of the Times of Charles II., by the Hon. II. Sidney, after- wards Earl of Romney. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1843 PEPYS. The Life, Journals, and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, Secretary to the Admi- ralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. Including a Narrative of his Voyage and Residence at Tangier, &c., now-first published from the Originals. 2 vols. 8vo, por- trait, jEI. 8s. London, 1841 JAMESON, (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II. With an In- troductory View of the State of Female Society, and its Influence during that remarkable Reign. Comprising a series of 21 Portraits. 2 vols. 4to, £2. 5s. . London, v. d. CARREL, (A.) History of the Counter-Revolution in England for the Re-Establishment of Popery under Charles the Second and James the Second.—History of the Reign of James the Second, by the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. 3s. 6d, London, 1846 (Bogue’s European Library.) MARCHMONT PAPERS, illustrative of Events from 1685-1750. Selected by Sir G. H. Rose. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831 ROBERTS, (G.) The Life, Progresses, and Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, to his Capture and Execution : with a full account of the Bloody Assizes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. „ London, 1844 MACKINTOSH, (Sir J.) History of the Revolution in England in 1688: comprising a View of the Reign of James II., from his Accession to the Enterprise of the Prince of Orange. 4to, 31s. 6rf. London, 1834 MAZURE, (F. A. J.) Histoire de la Revolution de 1688, en Angleterre. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825 ELLIS, (G. A.) The Ellis Correspondence, now first published from the Originals, with Notes and a Prefaee. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828 DAHLMANN, (F. C.) History of the English Revolution, transl. from the German by H. E. Lloyd. ■ 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1844 GRIM BLOT, (P.) Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their Ministers. Illus- trating the Domestic and Foreign Policy of England during the period which followed the Revolution of 1688. Extracted from the Archives of France and England, and from Foreign Papers. 8vo. London., 1847 CAVENDISH. Sir II. Cavendish’s Debates of the House of Commons during the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, which met in May 1768, and was dissolved in June 1774, commonly called the Unreported Parliament. Now first published by J. Wright. Vol. I, 8vo, 25s. ........... London, 1843 TREVOR, (A. H.) The Life and Times of William III., King of England, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1835—36 ENGLAND.] 138 [ENGLAND. II. HISTORY.—( Continued.) VERNON, (J.) The Court and Times of William III., illustrated in a series of Letters addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Edited by G. P. R. James. 3 vols. 8vo, 42a. London, 1841 8. THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Reions of Queen Anne. Kings George I., II., III. MAHON, (Lord.) The History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix la Chapelle. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1836-38 ADOLPHUS, (J.) The History of England, from the accession to the de- cease of George III. Vols. 1-7, 14s. each. . . London, 1840-45 HUGHES, (T. S.) The History of England, from the accession of George III., 1760, to 1835. 7 vols. 8vo, .£3. 13s. 6d. . . London, 1836 THOMSON, (Mrs. A. T.) Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough and of the Court of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1839 JESSE, (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo, 42a. . . . . ' . . . . London, 1843 MEMOIRS OF SOPHIA DOROTHEA, Consort of George I. 2 vols. 8vo, 28a. London, 1845 MEMOIRS (Lord Hervey’s) of the Court of George II. and Queen Caroline. Edited by J. W. Croker. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . London, 1847 LETTERS of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, to Sir Horace Mann, His Britannic Ma- jesty’s Resident at the Court of Florence from 1760 to 1785. Now first published from the Original MSS. 6 vols. 8vo, 51a. London, 1846-7 WALPOLE. Memoirs of the Reign of King George II. By Horace Walpole. Edited from the Original MSS., with a Preface and Notes, by the late Lord Holland. 3 vols. 8vo, portraits, 36a. London, 1846 Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 4 vols. 8vo, 56a. ... “ 1844-5 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Annals of the Reign of George III., from 1760 to 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 WRAXALL, (Sir N. W.) Memoirs of his Own Times, from 1772 to 1784. 4 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1836 Posthumous Memoirs of his Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo, 24a. . . “ 1836 PICTORIAL History of England, during the Reign of George III.; being a History o'" the People, as well as a History of the Kingdom. By C. L. Craik and C. MacFarlane, as- sisted by other Contributors. 4 vols., with several hundred woodcuts, roy. 8vo, 80s London, 184144 BROUGHAM, (Lord.) Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. and IV. Two Series. 8vo London, 1839 III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1. History of. 2. Grammars, Dictionaries, Glossaries, &c. Bibliography. LOWNDES, (W. T.) Bibliographical Manual of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo. I.nndon, 1834 R1TSON, (J.) Bibliographia Poetica ; Catalogue of English Poets of the Xllth-XVIth Century, sm. 8vo. . London, 1802 GRIFFITH, (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Old English Poetry, &c. roy. 8vo. ...... London, 1815 MALONE, (Ed.) Catalogue of Early English Poetry, collected by, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library’, folio. Oxford, 183d RIMBAULT, (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, a Catalogue of Musical and Poetical Works, published in England in the 16lh and 17th Centuries, under the titles of ‘ Madri- gals,’ ‘Ballets,’ ‘Ayres,’ ‘Canzonets,’ &c. 8vo, 7a. (id. . . . London, 1847 1. History of, Collections, &c. CRAIK, (G. L.) Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Present Day. 6 vols. 18mo, 9.9. Loudon, 1844-45 WARTON, (T.) The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the XVIIIth Century, &c. New edit., revised by Taylor. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . . London, 1840 CHAMBERS, (R.) History of the English Language and Literature. 12mo. Edinb., 1837 ENGLAND.] 139 [ENGLAND. III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.—(Continued.) HIPPESLEY, (J. H.) Chapters on Early English Literature 8vo. London, 1837 WALPOLE, (H.) A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of Great Britain, with Lists of their Works : enlarged by Tiros. Park. 5 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1806 BRITISH ESSAYISTS: with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, by Alexander Chal- mers. 45 vols. 16mo London, 1808 With Prefaoes, &c., by Ferguson. 40 vols. 12mo. ... “ 1823 BRITISH POETS. (Whittingham’s Edition). 100 vols. 12mo. CHAMBERS’ Cyclopredia of English Literature. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 14s. Edinburgh, 1845 (Reprinted, Boston, 1847). IIALLAM’S Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 10th and 17th Centuries. 3 vols. 8vo, 2d edition London, 1842 (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bro’s.) SELECTIONS from the Edinburgh Review. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. . London, 1833 from the Quarterly Review “ 1847 WRIGHT, (T.) Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. post 8vo, 16s. . London, 1846 WRIGHT & HALLIWELL’S Reliquce Antique : Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, il- lustrating chiefly early English Literature and the English Language. 2 vols. 8vo. AT. 4s. London, 1844 It contains a large number of pieces in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Early English. HALLIWELL, (J. O.) Nuga* Poetics : Select Pieces of Old English Popular Poetry, il- lustrating the Manners and Arts of the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, F.R.S., &c. 12mo, 5s. London. PEGGE, (S.) Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding the Local Dialects of London and its Environs; whence it will ap|>ear, that the Natives of the Metropolis and its Vicinities have not corrupted the Language of their Ancestors ; in a Letter from Samuel Pegge to an Old Acqaintance and Co Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London. To which is added, a Supplement to Grose’s Provincial Glossary. Edited by the Rev. Henry Christmas. 3d ed., enlarged and corrected. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1844 DYCE, (Rev. A.) Select Specimens of British Poetesses, sm. 8vo. . London, 1825 CAMPBELL, (T.) Specimens of the British Poets, with Biographical and Critical No- tices. New edn., by P. Cunningham. 8vo, 15s. .... London, 1846 SELECT WORKS of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Withers. With Biographical Sketches by R. Southey. 1 vol. 8vo, 30s London, 1831 from Ben Johnson to Beattie. With Biographical and Critical Prefaces by Dr. Aikin. 1 vol. 8vo, 18s London, n. d. ELLIS, (G.) Specimens of the Early English Poets. 5th edition, 3 vols. 12mo, 18s. London, 1845 KERR, (J. B.) An Essay on the Archaeology of our popular phrases and Nursery Rhymes. New edn., 2 vols. 12mo London, 1837 CHAPPELL. (W.) A Collection of National English Airs, consisting of Ancient Song, Ballad and Dance Tunes, interspersed with Remarks and Anecdotes, and preceded by an Essay on English Minstrelsy ; the Airs Harmonized for the Pianoforte bv W. Crotch, A. Macfarlane, and J. Augustus Wade, folio s London, 1838 See Ballads, Bibliography, Carols, Nursery Rhymes, Publications of the Camden Society, Percy Society, &c. The Collected Works, &c. of English authors will be found in Part II. 2. Grammars-—Dictionaries.—Glossaries. Grammars. LATHAM, (R. G.) On the English Language. 8vo, 12s. London, 1840 Elementary English Grammar. 12mo, 4s. 6d. . “ 1843 ALLEN & CORNWALL. New English Grammar. 18mo,2s. Lond.,\84i DOHERTY, (H ) English Grammar on University Principles. 8vo, 6s. London, 1841 LOWTH, (Bp.) Introduction to English Grammar, with Critical Notes. 12mo. Land., 1702 MURRAY, (L.) An English Grammar. Various editions. WALLIS, (J.) Grammatica lingrne anglicanoe. 8vo. . . . Londini, 1763 MANDEVILLE, (H.) New English Reader: A Course of Reading for Common Schools and the Lower Classes of Academies, on a Scientific Plan ; being in part an abridgement of the author’s “ Elements of Read- ing and Oratory.” 12mo. . . New- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 ENGLAND.] 140 [ENGLAND. ID. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.—(Continued.) Synonyms. GRAHAM, (F.) English Synonymes classified and explained ; with Prac- tical Exercises for Schools and Private Tuition. Edited by Prof. Henry Reed. $1. . . . . New- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 CRABBE, (G.) English Synonymes explained, etc. 8vo. . . . London, 1823 PIOZZI. (H. L.) British Synonymy, or an attempt at regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1794 See Classical Museum, Philological Journal, &c. Dictionaries. REID, (A.) A Dictionary of the English Language ; containing the Pro- nunciation, Etymology, and Explanation of all Words authorized by emi- nent writers ; to which are added a Vocabulary of the Roots of English Words, and an accented list of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. With a Critical Preface by Henry Reed, Prof, of Eng. Lit. in the Univ. of Pa. 12mo, near 600 p., $1- . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1846 The attention of Professors, Students, Tutors, and Heads of Families is solicited to this volume. Notwithstanding its compact size and distinctness of type, it comprises forty thousand words. In addition to the correct orthoepy, this manual of words contains four valuable improvements: I. The primitive word is given, and then follow the immediate derivatives in alphabetical order, with the part of speech appended. II. After the primitive word is inserted the original term whence it is formed, with the name of the language from which it is derived. III. There is subjoined a Vocabulary of the Roots of English words, by which the accu- rate purport of them is instantly discoverable. IV. An accented List, to the number of fifteen thousand, of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names, is added. RICHARDSON, (C.) New Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to, X5. 5s. ....... London, 1837 The Same, abridged. 2d edn., 8vo, 18s. . . “ JOHNSON, (Dr. S.) Dictionary of the English Language. Edited by Todd. 3 vols. 4to, £7. 10s. ..... London, 1827 BOUCHER, (.7.) A Supplement to Johnson’s English Dictionary. Part I. 4to. London, 1807 ASH, (J.) A new and Complete Dictionary of the English Language. 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo. • London, 1795 BAILEY, (N.) Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 2d edn., edited by J. N. Scott, folio. London, 1764 BOUCHER, (J.) Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, a Supplement to the Dic- tionaries of the English Language. Parts I.-II., 4to London, 1832 BOOTH, (D.) Analytical Dictionary of the English Language. 4to, 30s. London, 1836 BELLAMY, (D.) A Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. . “ 1760 COCKERAM, (H.) An English Dictionary, or Interpreter of Hard Words. 8vo. London, 1632 COTGRAVE, (R.) A French and English Dictionary, with another in English and French. By Robert Sherwood, etc. folio London, 1673 COLES, (E.) A Dictionary ; English-Latin, and Latin-English. 4to. London, 1677 8vo, 18th edn “ 1772 GROSE, (F.) A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 8vo. . 1785 HALLIWELL, (J. O.) A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the reign of Edward I. 2 vols. 8vo, containing up- wards of 1000 pages, closely printed in double columns, j£2. 2s. . Ixmdnn, 1845-6 This work contains above 50,000 words, (embodying all the known scattered glossaries of the English language), forming a complete key for the reader of the works of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries and books of reference. Most of the principal Archaisms are illustrated by examples selected from early inedited MSS. and rare books, and by far the greater portion will be found to be original authorities. ENGLAND.] 141 [ENGLAND. III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.—(Continued.) HOLLYBAND, (C.) A Dictionarie, French and English. 4to. . . London, 1593 HULOET, (R.) Dictionarie, newly corrected, etc. folio. ... “ 1572 JAMIESON, (J.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, etc. 4 vols. 4to. Ectinb., 1808-24 JODRELL, (R. P.) Philology of the English Language. 4to, 21.9. . London, 1820 KNOWLES, (J.) Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language : to which is added a Vocabulary of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. New edit., 8vo, 10s. 6graphique de la G6orgie, d’apres 1’original autographe, par M. Brosset. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1841 LETTRES sur le Caucase, et la Georgie, in 1812. 8vo. . . . Hamb., 1816 CHROJV7QUE Georgienne. Traduit par M. Brosset. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1831 Lyall’s Travels in Russia. Klaproth’s Travels in the Caucasus, &c. n. LANGUAGE. KLAPROTH, (J.) Vocabulaire et grammaire de la langue gdorgienne. 8vo. ......... Paris, 1827 Kaukasische Sprachen. Anhang sur Reisen, etc. 8vo. Halle, 1814 BROSSET, (M.) L’art liberal, ou grammaire georgienne. 8vo. Paris, 1834 Elements de la langue georgienne. 8vo. . . “ 1837 TCHOUBINOFF, (D.) Dietionnaire Gdorgien Russe-Franqais. 4to, 30s. Petersburg, 1840 See Journal Asiatique. GERMANY.] 169 [GERMANY. GERMANY. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY.— III. LITERATURE.—IV. LANGUAGE. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. MURRAY’S Hand-Book for Travellers in Northern Germany. 8vo, maps, 12s. ......... London, 1846 Hand-Book for Southern Germany. 8vo, maps, 10s. “ 1846 LEHNIIART, (I.) Illustrations to Murray’s Hand-Books : a Series of Maps, Plans, Ta- bles, Ac. 8vo. Frankfort. Part I. North Germany, Holland, &c. 16s. “ II. South Germany. 12s. HAWKINS, (B.) Germany : the Spirit of her History, Literature, Social Condition, and National Economy. 8vo. . . London, 1838 GRANVILLE, (A. B.) The Spas of Germany. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1837 HEAD, (Sir F. B.) Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. 12mo. . “ 1836 HOWITT, (W.) The Student-Life of Germany, from the MSS. of Dr. Cornelius. 8vo. (Reprinted, Philad.) London, 1841 RUSSELL, (J.) Tour in Germany, in 1820-22. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Edin., 1825 DIEZ, (F. M.) Karte von Deutschland u. d. angriinzenden Landern, zum Reisegebrauch. 4 sheets folio in case, 12s Gotha, 1825 DELKESKAMP, (W.) Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Coin. 4to, 13s. (id. Frankfort, 1842 H. HISTORY. KOHLRAUSCH, (F.) History of Germany, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Translated from the last German edition, by James D. Haas. 8vo, 500 pages, with complete Index, $1 50. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 DUNHAM, (S. A.) The History of the Germanic Empire. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo, 18s. ........ London, 1834-35 MASCOU, (Dr. J. J.) History of the Ancient Germans, translated tyr Lediard. 2 vols. 4to. ...... London, 1833 GREENWOOD, (T.) The First Book of the History of the Germans: Barbaric Period. 4to, 52s. 6d. .... London, 1836 LUDEN. (H.) Geschichte des Teutsehen Volkes. Vols. 1-12, 8vo. Gotha, 1835-38 DUELER, (Ed.) Geschichte d. Deutschen Volkes. 3d edn., 8vo, 12s. Berlin, 1847 STENZEL, (G. A. H.) Geschichte Deutschland unter den Friinkischen Kaisern. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1828 PFISTER, (J. G.) Geschichte der Teutsehen. 5 vols. 8vo. . Hamburgh, 1829-35 BULAU, (F.) Geschichte Deutschland v. 1806-39. 8vo, 11s. . . Hamb., 1842 ARCHF.NIIOLTZ, {J- W. von.) Geschichte des siebenjahrigen Krieges in Deutschland. 2 vols. 8vo, 6s. 6d. Paris, 1833 Manuel de 1’auditeur du conrs d’Hindoustani, on themes graduees pour exercer k la conversation et au style epistolaire, accompagnks d’un vocabulaire francais-hindoustani. 8vo. ’ Paris, 1836 Histoire de la Litterature Hindoo et Hindoustani. (O. T. F.) roy. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Vol. I. Biographie et Bibliographie. HINDOSTAN.] 186 [history. III. LANGUAGE.—(Continued.) BAGH O BAIIAR; consisting of Entertaining Tales in the Hindustani Language. By Mir Amman, of Dihli, one of the learned Natives formerly attached to the College of Fort William, Bengal. New edition, collated with original Manuscripts, having the essential Vowel Points and Punctuation marked throughout; to which is added a Vocabulary of the Words occurring in the work. By Duncan Forbes, A. M., M. R. A. S. roy. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 HISTORY. I. INTRODUCTION, UNIVERSAL HISTORY, &c.—II. AN- CIENT.—-III. MIDDLE AGES.—IV. MODERN. I. INTRODUCTION, UNIVERSAL HISTORY, &c. TAYLOR, (W. C.) A Manual of Ancient and Modern History, compris- ing :— 1. Ancient History, containing the Political History, Geographical Position, and Social State of the Principal Nations of Antiquity, carefully digested from the Ancient Writers, and illustrated by the Discoveries of Modern Scholars and Travellers. 2. Modern His tory, containing the Rise and Progress of the Principal European Nations, their Political History, and the Changes in their Social Condition, with a History of the Colonies founded by Europeans. Revised, with Additions on American History, by C. S. Henry, D. D., Professor of History in the University of New-York. 8vo, 800 pages, $2 25 New- York, D. A. & Co., 1846 For convenience as a Class-Book, the Anoient or Modern portion can be had in sepa- rate volumes. KEIGHTLEY, (Tuos.) Outlines of History, from the Earliest Period. 12mo, 6s. London, 1836 MAUNDER, (S.) The Treasury of History and Geography ; comprising a general intro- ductory Outline of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, and a complete series of sepa- rate Histories of every Nation that exists or has existed in the World : in which is devel- oped their Rise, Progress, and Present Condition ; the Moral and Social Character of their respective Inhabitants; their Religion, Manners, and Customs; together with the Geo- graphical Position and Commercial Advantages of each country, their Natural Productions and General Statistics. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. . . . . . London, 1843 TYTLER. Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. By Professor Tytier (Lord Woodhouselee). New edition, revised, with considerable additions, copious notes, and a continuation to the present time, by T. E. Tomlins, roy. 8vo. 4s. (id. London, 1844 MULLER, (J.) History of the World, transl. from the German, revised by A. H. Everett. 4 vols. 12mo New- York, 1846 ROTTECK, (C. von.) The General History of the World from the Earliest Times until the Year 1831. Translated from the German, and continued to 1840. 4 vols, 8vo. Philad., 1842 UNIVERSAL HISTORY, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present. 60 vols. 8vo. London, 1779-84 Ancient, 18 vols. Modern, 39 vols. Supplement, 3 vols. QUI N, (E.) An Historical Atlas ; in a Series of Maps of the World as known at different periods, constructed upon a uniform scale, and coloured according to the political changes of each period. New edition, enlarged, and brought down to the present time. 4to, half- bound, j63. 3s. . . . . London, 1846 ANNUAL REGISTER ; or, a View of the History, Politics, and Literature of Each Year. 88 vols. 8vo London, 1758-1846 (Published annually at 16s. per vol.) BOSSUET. Discours sur l’histoire universelle. Various editions. DILLON, (l’abbe II.) Histoire universelle, contenant le synchronisme des histoires de tous les peuples contemporains, etc. Vols. l.-IX Paris, 1814-22 SPRUNER. Historisch. Geographischer Hand-Atlas, zur Geschichte der Staaten Europa’s vom Anfange des Mittelalters bis auf die neuste Zeit. 73 col. plates, containing several hundred Maps, Plans of Towns, Battles, &c., with Text, fol., 88s. . Gotha, 1846 MICHELET. Introduction a i’Histoire Universelle. 2d ed. 8vo,/.4. 50. . Paris. CANTU, (C.) Histoire universelle, trad, par E. Aroux. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843- SCHLOSSER, (F. C.) Weltgeschichte in zusainmenhiingenden Erzilhlungen. Vol. I -IV., part I. in 8 parts, 80s Frankfort, 1815-41 Weltgeschichte bearbeitet, von Dr. G. L. Kriegk. Vol. I.—II., 8vo. each 4s. (To Ire completed in 12 vols.) Leiptiff, 1844- BECKER, (R. F.) Weltgeschichte neu bearbeitet von J. W. Lobel, mit den Forsetzungen von J. G. Woltmann und C. A. Menzel. 14 vols. 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1842 HISTORY.] 187 [HISTORY. I. INTRODUCTION, UNIVERSAL HISTORY, &c.—(Continued.) LEO, (H.) Lehrbuch der Universalgeschichte. 4 vols. 8vo. . . Halle, 1839-40 Vol. I. Einleitung und die alte Gescbichte “ II. Die Geschichte des Mittelalters. *' III., IV. Die neuere Geschichte. 2 vols. Leitfaden fur den Unterricht in der Universalgeschichte. 4 parts, 8vo. Halle, 1838-40 DAI1LMANN, (C. F.) Forschungen auf den Gebiete der Geschichte. 3 vols. 8vo. Altona, 1822-23 DAUNOU, (P. C. F.) Cours d’etudes histonques. Vols. l-XV., 8vo, chaque/.8. (Will be completed in about 20 vols.) Paris, 1842-6 LERMINIER. Etudes d’histoire et philosophic. 2 tom. 8vo,/.14. . . Paris. SEGUR, (L. P. de.) Histoire universelle. contenant l’histoire ancienne, l’histoire romaine et d’histoire du Bas-Empire. 6e edn. 12 vols. 8vo, /.60. .... Paris. DICTIOjYJVAIRK Universel d’histoire et de geographie, contenant, etc., par M. N. Bouillet. 8vo,/.21. Paris, 1846 Ouvrage autorise par le conseil royal de l’instruction publique. HISTOIRE UNIVERSELIjE, par Dumont, Burette. Gaillardin et Magin, publiee en 5 parties. 13 vols. 12mo, /.45. 50. Paris, 1846 Histoire Anciene. 3 vols. 12mo /.10. 50 Histoire Romaine. 3 vols. 12mo. 10. 50 Histoire du Moyen age. 3 vols. 12mo 10. 50 Histoire Moderne. 2 vols. 12mo 7. 0 Histoire de France. 2 vols. 12mo 7. 0 SCHLEGEL, (F.) Lectures on the Philosophy of History, translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author by J. B. Robertson, Esq. 2d edn. sm. 8vo, 3s. 6cl. (Bohn’s Standard Library.) Eondon, 1846 MILLER, (Dr. G.) History philosophically illustrated, from the Fall of the Roman Em- pire to the French Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 BUCIIEZ, (P. J. B.) Introduction it la Science de {’histoire. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris. FERRARI, (J.) Essai sur les principeset les limites de la philosophic de l’histoire. 8vo,/.7. Paris, 1843 BUCHEZ. Introduction a la Science de l’histoire. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1842 II. ANCIENT. HEEREN, (A. H. L.) A Manual of Ancient History, particularly with regard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. Translated from the German. 8vo, 15s. Oxford, 1840 Historical Researches into jhe Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. Translated from the German. 6 vols. 8vo, £4. 5s. 6d. cloth Oxford, 1838 RALEIGH, (Sir W.) Works. 8 vols. 8vt> “ 1829 SEGUR, (L. P. de.) Histoire Universelle (ancienne.) 12 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1839 ROLI.IN. Histoire ancienne des Egyptiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyriens, des Medes et des Perses, etc., revue par Letronne. 12 vols. 8vo Paris, 1821 The same, translated, numerous editions. RAUMER, (F. von.) Vorlesungen iiber die alte Gescbichte. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. I.e.ipzisr, 1821 SC1ILOSSER, (F. C.) Universal-historische Uebersicht der Geschichte der alten Welt und ihrer Cultur. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s Frankfort, 1826-34 MANNERT, (K.) Handbuch der alten Gescbichte aus den Quellen bearbeitet. 8vo. Berlin, 1818 III. MIDDLE AGES. DES MICHELS. A Manual of the History of the Middle Ages, from the Invasion of the Barbarians to the Fall of Constantinople ; with Genealo- gical Tables of the Imperial Houses of Germany, of the Three French Dynasties, and of the Norman-Angevin Kings of England. Translated from the French, by T. G. Jones. 12mo, 5s. . . London, 1840 HALLAM, (H.) The History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 8th edn 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. ...... London, 1841 DUNHAM, ( ) The History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4 vols. l2mo, 24s. London, 1833-34 (Lardner’s Cyclopaedia.) HISTORY.] 188 [HOLLAND. III. MIDDLE AGES.—( Continued.) DIGBY, (K. H.) Mores Catholici, or Ages of Faith. New edn., 3 vols. roy. 8vo, 78s. London, 1845-47 MAITLAND, (S. R.) The Dark Ages. 8vo, 12s. ... “ 1844 COMYN, (Sir R.) History of the Western Empire from Charlemagne to Charles V. 2 vols. 8vo, 42s. ........... London, 1841 FRANTIN. Annales du Moyen age, depuis la decadence de l’empire romain jusqu’k la mort de Charlemagne, 8 vols. 8vo,/.40. Paris. See Froissart’s Chronicles, Monstrelet’s Ditto. IV. MODERN. ARNOLD, (Dr.) Lectures on Modern History, with an Introduction and Notes by Prof. Henry Reid. 12mo, $ 1 25. New- York, D. A. & Co., 1845 SMYTH, (W.) Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1841 SCHLOSSER. The History of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the German. 8vo, vols. I.-VI., 70s London, 1843-45 RAGON. Histoire generate des temps modernes, depuis la prise de Constantinople par les Turks (1453) jusqu’k la fin de la guerre d’Amerique, 1783. 5e. edn., 3 vols. 8vo,/.21. Paris, 1845-6 HOLLAND.—(Sec Netherlands.) I. HISTORY, &c.—II. LANGUAGE. I. HISTORY, &c. MURRAY’S Hand-Book for Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Northern Ger- many, and the Rhine, from Holland to Switzerland. 12mo, Map, 12s. London. DAVIES, (C. M.) The History of Holland, from the beginning of the Tenth to the end of the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 8vo. Land., 1842 GRATTAN, (T. C.) The History of the Netherlands, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Belgian Revolution, in 1830. sm. 8vo. London, 1830 BOS WORTH, (J.) The Origin of the Dutch: with a Sketch of their Lan- guage and Literature, roy. 8vo, 5s. ... London, 1836 GIGOT, (P.) de l’histoire de Hollande. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1820 BILDERDYK, (W.) Geschiedenis des Vaderlands uitgeg. door H. W. Tydeman. 8vo, Vols. I.-VIII. . . . Amsterdam, 1834-36 See Macgregor’s Commercial Statistics. L’Univers Pittoresque. n. LANGUAGE. VAN HASSENDONCK, (J. B.) Grammar of the Dutch Language, with Vocabulary, Dialogues, Idioms, &c. 12mo, 6s. . . London, 1823 SEWELL, (W.) Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary, by Buys. 2 vols. 4to. ....... Amsterdam, 1766 WERNINCK, ( .) New Dutch and English and English and Dutch Pocket Dictionary. sq. 12mo, 12s London, 1824 BOMHOFF, ( .) Dutch and English, and English and Dutch Dictionary. 2 vols. 12mo. 30s. Nimmegen, 1832 HOLTROP. English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary, hy A. Stevenson. 2 vols. 8vo, •£2 Dordrecht, 1823-24 WEILAND, ( .) Beknopt Nederduitsch Taalkundig Woordenboek. 5 vols. 8vo, £2. 15s. (Supplement, 1832.) Dordrecht, 1826-30 MARIN, (P.) Dictionnaire etc. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1793 VAN-MOOCK, (S. J. M.) Nouveau dictionnaire framjais et hollandais et holland-frantj. 8vo Zutphen, 1824- HOFFMAN von FALLERSELEBEN, (Dr. H.) Hors Belgicae. Hol- landische Volkslieder. 8vo. ..... Berlin, 1833 HOROLOGY.] 189 [HUNGARY. HOROLOGY. REID, (T.) Treatise on Clock and Watch Making. 2d edit., 8vo, 2ls. Glasgow, 1844 THOMSON, (A.) Time and Timekeepers. l2mo, 5s. London, 1S41 DENT on the construction of Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. 8vo, Is. 6d. London, 1843 YOUNG’S Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1845 CARPENTER, (W. B.) Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy, sm. 8vo. London, 1844 JURGENSEN. Memoires sur l’horologie exacte. 4to, /.6 Paris. Principes de l’exact mesure du temps par horologes, ou Resume des principes de con- struction des horologes pour la plus exact mesure du temps. 2d bdn., 4to, 17 pi., /.25. Paris. HORSE. STEWART, (J.) Stable Economy: a Treatise on the Management of Horses, in relation to Stabling, Grooming, Feeding, Watering, and Work- ing. By John Stewart, Veterinary Surgeon. With Notes and Additions, adapting it to American Food and Climate, by A. B. Allen. 12ino, illus- trated with 23 Engravings, $1 00. . . New-York, D. A. & Co. YOUATT, (W.) The History and Treatment of the Horse ; with a Trea- tise on Draught; showing the Power of the Horse, how calculated ; Dif- ference of opinion as to Wheels ; the Power of the Horse and Steam Car- riages compared, and their relative Expense ; real Action of the Horse in Walking, Trotting and Galloping ; the best Roads for Draught ; most Useful Direction of the Traces ; how best to load Carriages for easy Draught; Springs, Railways, Canals, &c. 8vo, illustrated with numer- ous cuts, 10s. (Reprinted, Philad., L. & B.) London, 1843 MILES, (W.) The Horse’s Foot, and how to keep it sound, with Illustra- tions. From the third London edition, 12mo, 25c. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 WINTER, (J. W.) The Horse in Health and Disease : or, Suggestions on his Natural and General History, Varieties, Conformation, Paces, Action, Age, Soundness, Stabling, Con- dition, Training, and Shoeing : with a Digest of Veterinary Practice. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 184G PERCIVALL, (W.) Hippopathology : a Systematic Treatise on the Disorders and Lame- nesses of the Horse ; with their modern and most approved methods of Cure. Vols. 1-3, 8vo, 14s. London, 184- -45 MORTON, (M. J. T.) On Calculous Concretions in the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Dog; being the substance of two Essays read before the Veterinary Medical Association. 8vo, plates, 6s London, 1844 GUNTHER, (F. A.) New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine ; or, the Ho- moeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other Domestic Ani- mals. Translated from the third German edition, with additions. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1846 D’ALTONS, (E.) Naturgeschichte des Pferdes. 2 vols. folio. . fViemar, 1812-19 Abbildungen Siimmtlichen Pferde-Racen, nach dem Leben gezeichnet, lithog. und herausg. von R. Kunst. folio, plates. Carlsruhe 1827 HORTICULTURE.—(See Gardening.) I. HISTORY, &c.—II. LANGUAGE. HUNGARY. I. HISTORY. PAGET, (J.) Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839 FRASER, (C.) History of the War in Bosnia, 1737-9. Transl. from the Turkish, roy. 8vo. (Orient. Transl. Fund.) London, 1830 MAILATH, (J.) Geschichte der Magyaren. 5 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1828 FESSLER, (J. A.) Geschichte der Ungam und ihrer Landsassen. 10 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1815-25 HUNGARY.] 190 [hydrodynamics. I. HISTORY.—(Continued.) SACY, (de.) Histoire generale de Hongrie, depuis la premiere invasion des Huns. 2 vols. 12mo. ..... Paris, 1778 SCHWARTNER. Statistique du Royaume de Hongrie : et trad, de l’allemand par M. Wacken. 3 vols. 8vo. Frankfort sur le Mein, 1815-16 RAGUSE. Voyage en Hongrie, en Transylvanie, etc. etc. 5 vols. 8vo, et Atlas, /.50. Paris. See L’Univers Pittoresque.—Beudant’s Voyage gdologique en Hongrie, 3 vols. 4to, et Atlas. Paris, 1822. II. LANGUAGE. GYAMARTHI, (S.) Affinitas linguae hungaricae cum linguis fennicae origin, grammatice demonstrata, necnon vocabularia dialectorum tartari- carum et slavicarum cum hungarica comparata. 8vo. Gott., 1799 DANKOYSKY, (G.) Magyricae linguae lexicon critico-etymolog. (latino- german.) e quo patefit, quae vocabula magyari e sua avita caucasia dia- lecto conservarint, quaeve a Slavis, uti Bohemis, Camiolis, Croatis, Illyriis, Polonis, Rupis, Serbis, Slavis, Pannoniis, Vendis, Valachis, porro a Graecis, Germanis, Italis, etc., adoptarint. 8vo. . . . Posonii, 1833 MARTON, (J.) Lexicon trilingue latino-hungarico-germanicum. 8vo. Vienna, 1822 LEXICON Valachio-latino-hungarico-germanicum, quod a pluribus aucto- ribus decursu triginta et amplius annorum elaboratum est. 8vo. Budce, 1825 MAILATH, (J.) Magyarische Sagen, Mahrchen, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 9s. 6d. Stutt., 1837 See also F. Verseghy, Neuverfasste ungarische Sprachlehre. 8vo. Pest., 1805. J. N. Revai, Elaboratior grammalica hungarica. 8vo. Pestini, 1803, etc. HYDRODYNAMICS. HYDROSTATICS, HYDRAULICS, and PNEUMATICS. Bibliography. YOUNG, (Dr. F.) A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. New edn., by the Rev. P. Kell and. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 24s. . . London, 1845 HYDROSTATICS. LARDNER, (Dr.) Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 12mo, 6s. London, 1840 MILLER, (W. H.) The Elements of Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 3d ed.8vo, plates, 6s. Cambridge, 1831 MOSELY, (H.) A Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 8vo, 12s. Cambridge, 1830 WEBSTER, (T.) The Theory of the Equilibrium Motion of Fluids. 8vo, 9s. Cambridge, 1838 FRANCCEUR. Principles of Hydrostatics. Translated from the French. 8vo, 5s. 6d. Cambridge, 1830 Reports of the British Association, 1833. Library of Useful Knowledge. Pes- chell’s Physics. Mueller’s Physics. Arnott’s Elements of Physics. HYDRAULICS. BEAUFOY, (M.) Nautical and Hydraulical Experiments. Vol. l,4to. London, 1834 EWBANK, (T.) A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for Raising Water, Ancient and Modern ; including the Progressive Development of the Steam Engine, illustrated by nearly 300 engravings. 18s New- York, 1842 LIBRARY of Useftil Knowledge. 3 vols. 8vo. . London, 1831—41 HYDROGRAPHY.] 191 [ICELAND. HYDRODYNAMICS, &c.—{Continued.) GAUSS. Principia generalia theoretic® figur® fluidorum in statu aoquilibrii. 4to. Gotting., 1830 PONCELET et LESBROS. Experiences hydrauliques sur les lois de l’6coulement de l’eau k travers les orifices rectangulaires verticaux k grandes dimensions entrepis k Metz. 4to, plates. Paris, 1832 GENIEYS, (M.) Essai sur les moyens de conduire, d’elever et de distribueur les eaux. 4to, et atlas in folio, 30 pi. Paris, 1829 EMY, (Col.) Du mouvement des ondes et des travaux hydrauliques maritimes. 4to, avec atlas. Paris, 1831 BEAUDEMOULIN, (L. A.) Recherches Theori-pratiques sur la fondation par immersion des ouvrages hydrauliques, et particulierement des ecluses. 4to,/.5. . Paris, 1829 AUBISSON de VOIS1NS, (J. F. d’.) Traite d’hydraulique k l’usage des ingenieurs. 2d edn., 8vo. Paris et Strasburg, 1840 VIOLLET, (J. B.) Theorie des puits artesiens, suive d’une instruction sur les moyens d’utiliser ces puits. 8vo. Paris, 1840 DELAISTRE. La Science de 1’ingenieur. 3 vols. 4to,/.40. . . “ 1825 PRONY. Nouvelle architecture hydraulique. 2 vols. 4to,/.90. . Paris, 1790-96 bLlIDOR. Architecture hydraulique. 4 vols. 4to,/.125. . . “ 1737 Le meme ouvrage nouvelle Edition, par Navier. Vol. 1-,/.45. . . “ 1819 LIND, (A. J.) Nouvelle architecture hydraulique. folio. . . . Munich, 1818 HYDROGRAPHY.—(See Geography.) BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPR6. An Introduction to the practice of Nautical Surveying and the construction of Sea Charts. Translated from the French, by Capt. Copeland, with an Appendix, etc. 4to, 34 plates. London, 1823 DUPERRY, ( ) Hydrographie nautique et physique. 4to, et Atlas, folio, de 52 cartes,/. 140 Paris. See Johnston’s Physical Atlas. HYDROPATHY.—(See Medicine.) ICELAND. AN HISTORICAL and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands ; with Illustrations of their Natural History. 1 vol. fcp. 8VO, 5s., cloth. (Edin. Cabinet Library.) Edinb., 1840 MACKENZIE’S Travels in Iceland, coloured plates. 4to, 12s. . . Edinb., 1811 HOOKER’S Tour in Iceland. Plates, 2 vols. 8vo, 9s. . . . London, 1813 HENDERSON, (E.) Journal of a Residence in Iceland, in 1814-15. 8vo. Edinb., 1818, Boston, 1831 TROIL, (U. v.) Letters on Iceland. 8vo. . . . . . London, 1780 MARMIER, (ML X.) Lettrcs sur 1’Islande. 8vo. .... Paris, 1839 GAIMARD. (P.) Voyage en Islande et en Greenland, ex6cutd pendant les an n pcs 1835 et 1836 sur la corvette la Recherche,—Litterature 6 vols. 8vo, avec 250 planches, /.480. Paris, 1839-43 HORREBON, (N.) Natural History of Iceland, trans. from the Danish, folio. London, 1758 SIGURDSON, (J.), and RAFN, (C. C.) Islendinga Sogur (Historical Monuments of Iceland. 2 vols. 8vo. Hafniar.. SCRIPTS HISTORICA Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum Borealium, latine reddita (a Sveinbjorn Egilson), et apparatu critico instructa, curante Societate regia antiquariorum septentrional. 12 vols. 8vo. Hafnite, 1828—16 H. LANGUAGE. RASK, (E.) A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue. Trans- lated from the Swedish of Erasmus Rask, by G. W. Dasent. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1844 IIALDERSON, (B.) Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, ex MSS. Arna Magnaeani, cura R. K. Raskii. 2 vols. 4to. . . Copenh., 1814 Publications of the Society of Northern Antiquaries. Memoirs or ditto, 1836-44, etc. ICHTHYOLOGY.] [inventions. ICHTHYOLOGY. SWA1NSON, (W.) The Natural History and Classification of Fish, Rep- tiles, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. .... London, 1838-39 Contents.—The Nature and Relation of Monocardian Animals; and more especially Fishes. A Sketch of the History and Bibliography of Ichthyology, with some Remarks on Collecting and Preserving Fishes. The Systematic Arrangement of Fishes. The Natural Arrangement of Fishes. The various Orders of Fishes. The Amphibians. The Reptiles. The Crocodiles, Tortoises, and Fish Lizards. The Serpents. The Lizards. The Characters and Descriptions of sixty-two New or little-known Species, &c. &c. YARRELL, (Wm.) On the Growth of Salmon in Fresh Water, with six coloured Illus- trations of the Fish of the Natural Size at various stages during the first two years. 12s. London, 1839 A History of British Fishes. 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo, 60s. London, 1841 This work, which contains a complete history of the Ichthyology of Great Britain, in- cluding many species never before noticed, is embellished with 203 Figures of Fishes, mostly taken from the objects themselves, and very many illustrative vignettes, drawn and engraved by the most eminent Artists ; and no pains have been spared to render it worthy of public estimation, the number of illustrations in the work being nearly 500. WILSON, (J.) Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes. 4to, 9s. Edinb., 1838 BEALE, (T.) The Natural History of the Sperm Whale. 12mo, 12s. London, 1838 BOCCIUS, (G.) A Treatise on the Management of Fresh-water Fish, with a View to making them a source of profit to Landed Proprietors. 8vo, with a Figure of the Spiegel, or Minor Carp, proposed to be introduced, 5s. .... London, 1841 FORBES, (E.) A History of British Star Fishes, Sea Urchins, and other animals of the Class Echinodermata. 8vo, 120 illustrations, 15s. . . . London, 1841 CUVIER, (G.), et VALENCIENNES. Hist. nat. des poissons, ouvrage oontenant plus de 5000 especes de ces animaux, decrites d’apres nature et distributes conformement k leurs rapports d’organisation, etc. .... ... Paris, 1840-44 Vols. I.-XVII. 4to, chaque en noir,/.28; colorit,/.48. De Pin 8vo, en noir,/.19 50 ; colorit, /.39 50. (To be completed in 20 vols.) AGASSIZ, (L.) Hist, naturelle des poissons d’eau dans de l’Europe centrale. folio. JVeuchatel, 1839- See Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom. Suppt. to Penny Cyclopaedia. Magazine of Natural History, &c. INDUCTIVE SCIENCES.—(See Natural Philosophy.) WHEWELL, (W.) The History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Ear- liest to the Present Time. 2d edition, 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. London, 1847 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their History. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s London, 1840 INDIA.—(See Hindostan.) INFUSORIA.—(See Animalcules, p. 2L) EHRENBERG, (C. G.) Organisation, systematik, und geographisches Verhaltniss der Infusionsthierchen. 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1830 INTERNATIONAL LAW. —(See Law of Nations.) INVENTIONS, History of. BECKMANN, (J.) A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 7s. (Bohn’s Standard Library.) • • London, 1846 PRITCHARD, (A.) A List of all the Patents for Inventions granted in England during the Present Century (to 1846). 12mo, 18s. London, 1847 NEWTON. List of all Patents for Inventions granted in England during the year 1844, alphabetically arranged according to the Names of Pa- tentees ; to which is added a Classified Index of the various Subjects to which the Patents belong. 8vo, 3s. ... London, 1845 INVENTIONS.] 193 [IRELAND. INVENTIONS.—{Continued.) DAUSON and DEMPSEY. The Inventor's Manual: a Familiar and Practical Treatise of the Law of Patents for Inventions. 8vo, 5s. London, 1843 NOEL et CARPENTIER. Nouveau dictionnaire des origines, inventions, et decou- vertes dans les arts, les sciences, la geographie, le commerce, Pagriculture, etc. 2e edn. aug. par M. Puissant fils. 4 vols. 8vo, /.18. ..... Paris, 1834 BOQ.UILLON, (N.) Dictionnaire des inventions et decouvertes depuis le commencement du monde jusqu k nos jours 12mo, /.3 50 Paris. DICTIOJVNJIIRE Chronologique et Raisonne des decouvertes, inventions, perfectionne- ments, observations nouvelles et importations en France, dans les sciences, la litterature, les arts, l’agriculture, le commerce et l’industrie de 1789 A la fin 1820. 17 vols. 8vo, /.85. Paris. DF.SCRIPTION des Machines et Precedes specifics dans le brevets d’invention, de per- fectionnement et d’importation dont la durde est expiree. Vols. I-LI. 4to, pl.7/.720. Paris, 1812-43 Vols. HI., LIII., LIV., 1844-1846, each /.20. PELOUZE. Secrets modernes des arts et metiers, extraits des joumaux industriels les pins estimes, des brevets d’invention, etc. 2e edn. 3 vols. 12ino, /.15. . . Paris. See Repertory of Patent Inventions, monthly, 36s. per annum. Newton’s London Journal, monthly, 30s. per annum. Mechanics’ Magazine. Le Brevet d’invention, monthly, &c. &c. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LANGUAGE, &c. IRELAND. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c. FRASER, (J.) A Hand-Book for Travellers in Ireland, descriptive of its Scenery, Towns, Seats, Antiquities, &c.: with numerous Statistical Ta- bles. Also an outline of its Mineral Structure ; a brief view of its Botany ; and information for Anglers. Third thousand, corrected and enlarged, post 8vo, 12s.; or, with numerous maps, 16s. Dublin, 1843 WAKEFIELD, (E.) An Account of Ireland, Statistical and Political. 2 vols. 4to London, 1812 CROKER, (T. K.) Researches in the South of Ireland, illustrative of the Scenery, Architectural Remains, Manners, and Superstitions of the Peas- antry, etc. 4to London, 1824 INGLIS, (H. D.) A Journey throughout Ireland in 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1834 BARTLETT, (W. H.) The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland, illustrated from Draw- ings by W. H. Bartlett; the literary portion of the work by N. P. Willis and J. Stirling Coyne, Esqrs. 2 vols. 4to, with Portrait, Map, and 120 other Illustrations, £3. 3s. London, 1842 HALL, (Mr. & Mrs. S. G.) Ireland : its Scenery, Character, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, illust. 53s. London, 1841-43 BARROW, (J. Jr.) Tour round Ireland in 1835. 12mo. . . “ 1836 GOUZ, (J. F. la Boullaye le.) Tour in Ireland, 1664. Edited by Crofton Croker. sm. 8vo. . , London, 1837 LETTERS on the Condition of the People of Ireland. By T. C. Foster, Esq. (The Times’ Commissioner) Reprinted, by permission, with additions and copious notes, from “ The Times ” newspaper. 2d ed. 8vo, 18s. . ... . London, 1846 KANE, (R.) The Industrial Resources of Ireland. 2d ed. post 8vo, 7s. “ 1845 BEAUMONT, (G. de.) L’lrlande, sociale, politique et religieuse. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 WILKINSON, (G.) Practical Geology and Architecture in Ireland. Royal 8vo, plates and woodcuts, 28s. ........ London, 1845 n. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. HOLT, (J.) Memoirs, written by himself; edited by Crofton Croker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838 MUSGRAVE, (Sir R.) Memoirs of the Rebellions in Ireland, including that of 1798. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1802 IRELAND.] 194 [IRELAND. IE. HISTORY.—( Continued.) D’ALTON, (T.) The History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1245 ; when the Annals of Boyle, which are adopted and embodied as the running text authority, terminate ; with a Brief Essay on the Na- tive Annalists and other sources for illustrating Ireland, and full Statis- tical and Historical Notices of the Barony of Boyle. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. Dublin, 1845 COMERFORD, (T.) History of Ireland, from the Earliest Time to the Invasion of Henry II. 4th ed. 8vo. .... Cork, 1807 GORDON, (Rev. J.) History of Ireland to the Union. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 * THE ANNALS OF IRELAND. Translated from the Original Irish of the Four Masters, by 0. Connellan. Edited, with Annotations, by the Translator and P. M’Dermott, with a Map showing the Names of all the Irish Princes and Chiefs, and the Territories possessed by each, from the 12th to the 16th Century ; also showing the Possessions and Titles of the Anglo-Norman, or Old Nobility of English descent, in Ireland. Accu- rately collected from authentic sources. 4to, 42s. . Dublin, 1847 MOORE, (Thos.) The History of Ireland. 4 vols. l2mo. Lond., 1838-46 (Lardner’s Cyclopaedia.) O’CONNELL, (Dane.) Memoir of Ireland, Native and Saxon. 2 vols. 8vo, vol. 1-, 10s. 6d London, 1843- SMYTII, (G. L.) Ireland, Historical and Statistical. Vols. 1-2, 22s. 6d. London, 1844—46 MARTIN. Ireland before and after the Union with Great Britain. 8vo, 10s. Gd. ........ London, 1844 TEEL1NG, (C. H.) Personal Narrative of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. sm. 8vo. London, 1828 TEMPLE, (Sir J.) History of the Irish Rebellion in 1641. Edited by Baron Maseres. 4to. London, 1812 BARRINGTON, (Sir J.) Historic Records and Secret Memoirs of the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. New ed., portraits, 8vo, 14s. . London, 1844 O’CONNOR, (C.) Dissertations on the History of Ireland. 3d ed. 8vo. “ 18— WARNER, (Rev. F.) History of Ireland, and of the Rebellion and Civil War. 2 vols. 4to. . , . . . . . ... London, 1763-7 MOUNTMORRES, (Lord.) History of the Principal Transactions of the Irish Parlia- ment from 1634-1666. 2 vols. 8vo. ..... London, 1792 O’CONOR, (M.) Military History of the Irish Nation : comprising a Memoir of the Irish Brigade in the Service of France, with an Appendix of Official Papers relative to the Brigade, from the Archives at Paris. 8vo, 9s Dublin, 1845 STAFFORD, (T.) Pacata Hibernia. History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. ...... Dublin, 1818 GRACE, (J.) Annals of Ireland, in Latin, with Translation and Notes by Rev. R, But- ler. 4to Dublin, 1842 O’DONOVAN, (J.) Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-many, commonly called O’Kelly’s Country, in the Original Irish, with Translation and Notes. 4to. ......... London, 1843 Battle of Magh Rath (Moira), from an ancient MS. in the Original Irish, with Trans- lation and Notes. 4to. . . . . . . . Dublin, 1843 LELAND, (Dr.) The History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II., with a Prelimi- nary Discourse on the Ancient State of that Kingdom. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1773 KEATING, (G.) A General History of Ireland, translated from the Irish by D. O’Connor. Folio. . . . . . . . . . London, 1723 Transl. by Wm. Haliday. 1 vol. 4vo. .... Dublin, 1811 O’HALLORAN, (S.) Introduction to an History of Ireland. 3 vols. 8vo. “ 1803 WEBB, (W.) Analysis of Ireland, with an Essay on Ireland. 8vo. . “ 1791 WARE, (Sir J.) History and Antiquities of Ireland. Edited by Walter Harris. 2 vols. folio Dublin, 1764 NARRATIVES illustrative of the Contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1693. Edited by T. C. Croker. 4to, 4s London, 1840 - (Camden Society.) IRELAND.] 195 [iron. II. HISTORY.—(Continued.) MORYSON, (F.) History of Ireland from 1599-1603. 2 vols. 8vo. . Dublin, 1735 ANCIENT Histories of Ireland, by Hanmer, Campion, Spenser, and Marlborough. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo Dublin, 1809 PETRIE, (G.) Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman Inva- sion ; comprising an Essay on the origin and uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, which obtained the Gold Medal and Prize of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. 1, 4to, numerous illustrations, 52s. 6d. . Dublin, 1845 See McCulloch’s Gazetteer, Sec. Dublin Penny Journal. III. LANGUAGE. O’DONOVAN, (J.) A Grammar of the Irish Language, published for the use of the Senior Classes of the College of St. Columba. 8vo, 6s. with engraved specimens from early Irish Manuscripts. . Dublin, 1845 O’REILLY, (E.) An Irish-English Dictionary, containing upwards of 20,000 Words that have never appeared in any former Irish Lexicon, with copious quotations from the most esteemed ancient and modem writers, etc. etc. 4to, 42s. ..... Dublin, 1817 VALLANCEY’S Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language. 8vo. London, 1772 Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. 8vo. . . Dublin, 1782 WALKER, (J. C.) Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, interspersed with Anecdotes, &c. 4to • . . . London, 1786 HISTORICAL SONOS of Ireland during the Revolution of 1688-9. Edited by T. C. Croker. sm. 8vo. (Percy Society.) London, 1839 BUNTING, (E.) The Ancient Music of Ireland, arranged for the Piano Forte, to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Irish Harp and Harpers, including an Account of the Old Melodies of Ireland. 4to, 31s. 6d. . . . . . London, 1840 IRON, (Manufacture of,) &c. MUSHET, (D.) Papers on Iron and Steel, Practical and Experimental: with copious illustrative Notes. 1 vol. royal 8vo, plates, 30s. London, 1840 HOLLAND, (J.) Manufactures in Metal. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. 18s. (Lardner’s Cyclopedia.) London, 1834 DODD. British Manufactures. 6 vols. (in 3) 9s. “ 1845 (Knight’s Weekly Volume.) GRANTHAM, (J.) Iron, as a Material for Ship-Building. 8vo, 6s. . London, 1842 TREDGOLD’S Experimental Researches on the Strength and other Properties of Cast Iron, with the Development of New Principles and Calculations deduced from them, and In- quiries applicable to Rigid and Tenacious Bodies generally. By E. Ilodgkinson. 2 vols. 8vo, with plates and diagrams, 24s. ... . . . London, 1842-46 FLACHAT, (E.) BARRAULT, (A.) et PlSTIET, (J.) Traitd de la fabrication de la fonte du fer et envisagee sous les rapports chimique, mecanique et commerciale. 2 vols. 4to, avec Atlas de 96 planches, /.200 Paris, 1846 WALTER et LABLANC. Metallurgie pratique du fer, ou atlas de machines, appareils et outils actnellement employes ;i la fabrication de la fonte etdu fer, etc. 4to, avec Atlas de 66 planches, /.140 Paris, 1838 PELOUZE. Art du maitre du forges, ou Traite theorique et pratique de l’exploration du fer et de ses applications anx different* agents de la mecanique et des arts. 2 vols. 12mo, et Atlas de 10 plates,/.9. Paris, 1828 MANUEL du Serrurier, ou Traite complet et simplifie de cet art. 18mo, pi. /.3. Paris. (Manuels Roret.) MANUEL du travail des metaux, fer et acier manufactures. 2 vols. 18mo,/.6, Paris. (Manuels Roret.) MANSON. Traitd du fer et de l’acier, contenant un systeme raison ne sur leur nature, la construction des fourneaux, les precedes suivis dans fes diffe rents travaux des forges et 1’emploi de ces deux metaux. 4to, 15 pi./.18 Paris. KARSTEN. Manuel de la metallurgie du fer, trad, de l’allemand par J. F. Cullman. 2e ddn. 3 vols. 8vo. /.21 Paris, 1830 BERTHEAUX. Le Parfait Serrurier, ou Traite complet des ouvrages faits en fer, orne- ments, batiments et beaux-arts, orne de planches ou se trouvent plus de 250 sujets pour barrieres, balustrades, rampes, serrnres simples, compliqudes, de suretd, secrets, etc. 8vo, /.9. Paris. See Ure’s Dictionary of Arts. IRON TRADE.] 196 [ITALY. IRON TRADE, (History of.) SCRIVENOR, (H.) History of the Iron Trade. 8vo, 15s. London, 1841 See McCulloch’s Dictionary of Commerce. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LAN GUAGE AND LITERATURE. ITALY. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c. SPALDING, (W.) Italy and the Italian Islands, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. 3 vols. 12mo, Maps, &c., 10s. 6d. London, 1841 VALERY. Historical, Literary, and Artistical Travels in Italy ; an accu- rate and complete Guide to Travellers and Artists. Translated by C. E. Clifton. 12mo, Map, 16s. London. Italy and its Comforts. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . “ HAND-BOOK (Murray’s) for Travellers in Northern Italy—States of Sar- dinia, Lombardy and Venice, Parma and Plazenza, Modena, Lucca, Mas- sa-Carrara, and Tuscany as far as the Val D’Amo. l2mo, Map, 12s. London. for Central Italy, Rome, the Papal States, and Cities of Etruria. Maps, 12mo, 15s. ....... London. for Southern Italy, Sicily, and Naples. Map, 12mo. . “ COGHLAN, (F.) Hand-Book for Italy, complete in 1 vol. ; including every Information explanatory of the Routes, Modes of Travelling, Money, Passports, Expenses at Hotels, and for an entire Tour, from recent Per- sonal Visits. 12mo, 10s. London, 1845 MATTHEWS, (H.) The Diary of an Invalid. 12mo. . . . London. 1835 EUSTACE, (Rev. J. C.) Classical Tour through Italy in 1802. 6th edn., 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1821 EVANS, (G. W. D.) Classic and Connoiseur in Italy and Sicily, with abridged transla- tion of Lanzi’s Storia Pittorica. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1835 FORSYTH, (J.) Antiquities, Arts, and Letters in Italy. 4th edn. . “ 1825 IIOARE, (Sir R. C.) Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily. 2d edn., 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 TAYLOR, (Miss C.) Letters from Italy to a younger Sister. 2 vols. 12mo. “ 1847 RAUMER, (F. von.) Italy and the Italians. 2 vols. 8vo. ... “ 1840 JANIN, (J.) Voyage en Italic. 12mo. Paris, 1839 BLUNT, (Rev. J. J.) Vestiges of Ancient Customs and Manners in Modem Italy and Sicily. 8vo. London, 1823 CRAMER, (Rev. J. A.) Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1826 MARIOTTI, (L.) Italy, Past and Present. 2d edn., 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 14s. London, 1846 SARTORIUS, (G.) Essai sur l’Etat des peuples d’ltalie sous le gouvernement des Goths. 8vo Paris, 1811 BROCKEDON, (W.) Italy : Classical, Historical, and Picturesque, imp. 4to, plates, £5. 10s London, 1843 ZUCCAGNI, (O.) Corografia fisica, storica e statistica dell’ Italia e delle sue isole. 8voet Atlas in folio. Firenze,, 1835- GROTEFEND, (G. F.) Zur Geographie u. Geschichte von Alt-Italien 5 Hefte, 4to. ffanov., 1842 See Conder’s Modern Traveller. L’Univers Pittoresque. MacGregor’s Commercial Statistics, &c. II. HISTORY, &c. SISMONDI, (J. C. L. de.) The History of the Italian Republics; or of the Origin, Progress, and Fall of Freedom in Italy, from A. D. 476 to 1805. sm. 8vo, 6s London, 1832 ITALY.] 197 [ITALY. II. HISTORY, &.c.—( Continued.') PROCTER, (G.) The History of Italy, from the Fall of the Western Empire to the Commencement of the Wars of the French Revolution. 2d ed., 8vo, 6s. ...... London, 1844 GUICCIARDINI, (F.) Storia d’ Italia, alia miglior lezione ridotta dal Prof. Rozini, con Prefaz. di C. Bolta. 6 vols. 8vo, 30s. ....... Paris, 1832 (Fac-simile dell’ edizione di Milano) emend, da Rolandi. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822 MICAL1, (G.) Storia degli Antichi Popoli Italiani. 3 vols. 8vo, 73s. (id. ; with Atlas in fol., £7. 7s Firenze, 1832 MOLINI, (G.) Documenti di Storia Italiana, cop. su gli. originali autent, &c., esistenti in Parigi. 2 vols. 8vo. ......... Firenze, 1836-7 ARCHIVIO Storico Italiano ; ossia Raccolta di opere e documenti, &c., risguard. la Storia d’ Italia. Vols. 1-. Firenze, 1842- LEO, (Dr. II.) Geschichte der Italiens hen Staaten (1568 bis 1830.) 5 vols. 8vo, 50s. Hamb., 1829-32 BOTTA, (C.) Storia d’ltalia, continuata da quella di Guicciardini sino al 1814. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832 ABEKEN, (Dr. VV.) Mittel-Italien vor den Zeiten rom. Herrschaft. 8vo. Stutt., 1843 GARZETTI, (G. B.) Della Storia e della condizione d’ltalia sotto il governo degli Im- peratori Romani. 3 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1838 FANIM, (C.) ' Histoire des Invasions des Sarrazins en Italy, de VII. au XI. siecle. Vol. 1,8vo. Paris, 1843- DU ROURE, (le Marquis.) Histoire du Thdodoric le Grand, roi d’ltalie, precddee d’une revue de ses auteurs, et conduite jusqu’k la fin de la monarchic Ostrogothique. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. ........... Paris, 1846 RANKfi, (L.) The History of the Popes of Rome, transl. by Mrs. Austin. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. (Reprinted, Philad., C. & H.) London, 1841 III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. OLLENDORFF, (H. G.) A New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Italian Language. With Additions and Corrections by Felix Foresti, Prof, of the Italian Language in the University of the City of New-York. 12mo, $1 50. . New- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 A Key to the above in a separate volame, uniform. FORESTI, (F.) Crestomazia Italiana : a Collection of Selected Pieces in Italian Prose, designed as a Class Reading-Book for Beginners in the Study of the Italian Language. 12mo, $1. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 GRAGLIA, (C.) A New Pocket Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, in Two Parts. Many new words and locations, with a com- pendious Elementary Italian Grammar, are now added. 18mo, 6s. London, 1840 BARETTI, (J.) A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. To which is prefixed, an Italian and English Grammar. 9th edition, cor- rected and improved, by C. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo, 26s. London, 1839 MEADOWS, (F.) Italian and English Dictionary. l8mo, 7s. “ 1844 DIZIONA RIO DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA. 7 vols. 4to, £7. 7s. Padova, 1827-30 VENERONI. Le Maine Italien, revue par Lauri. 8vo. . . . Lyons, 1830 BIAGIOLI, (G.) Grammaire Italien. 8vo. Paris, 1829 BARBER!. Grammaire des grammaires Italiens. 2 vols. 8vo. . . “ 1819 VOCABULARIO universale della lingua Italiana, compilato a cura della societa topo- grafica Tramater e comp. 4to Naples, 1829- DIZIONARIO portatile della lingua Italiana, composte da Fr. Cardinali. 2 vols. 8vo. Bologna, 1822 ALBERTI. Dictionnaire italien-franc. 2 vols. 4to Milano, 1826 CORMON. Dictionnaire portatif italien-franfais. 8vo Paris, 1840 BARBER!. Dictionnaire francais italien. 2 vols. 4to. ... “ 1838 TOMMASEO. Nuovo dizionario de Sinonimi della lingua italiana. 2 vols. 8vo, 35a. Hrenze, 1833 PEZZANA, (A.) Osservationi concementi alia lingua italianaed a’ suvi vocabolarii. 8vo. Parma, 1833 ITALY.] 198 [JAMAICA. m. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.—(Continued.) AQ.UILINO, (B.) Dizzionario technico-etimologico-filologico di tutti i vocaboli lisati nelle arte e mestieri, che trazzoni origine dal greco, ec., aceresciuto dall’ ah M. A. Marchi. 2 vols. 4to. Milano, 1829-33 CARENA, (G.) Osservazioni intornoai vocabularii della lingua Italiana, spezialmente per nuella parte che ragguarda alle definizioni delle cose concernenti la scienze naturali. 8vo. 1 Torino, 1831 DANTE, (see p. 113.) The Vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante Alighieri. Translated by the Rev. Henry Cary, A. M. With a Life of Dante, Chronological View of his Age, Additional Notes and Index. Illustrated with Twelve Steel Engravings, from Designs by John Flaxman, R. A., and a finely engraved Portrait. lOmo. SI 50. Mew-York, D. A. &. Co., 1847 TASSO. The Jerusalem Delivered, of Torquato Tasso. Translated into English Spense- rian verse, with a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiflten. Illustrated with a finely en- graved Portrait and several beautiful Steel Engravings. 16mo. Mew- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 I QUATTRO POETI ITALIAMI, Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso, etc. Royal 8vo, 1200 pp. portraits Paris. POETI DELL’ ETA MEDIA. Royal 8vo, 1200 pp. portraits, /. 18. . Paris, 1847 POETI ITALIAMI COMTEMPORAMEI Maggiori e Minori. Roy. 8vo, 1100 pp. portraits,/. 15. Paris, 1843 TF.ATRO ITALIAMO, anticoe moderno, concenni storici enote da A. Ronna. Royal 8vo, 1200 pp. portraits Paris. PROSATORI ITALIAMI, antichi e moderni, pei cura di Giuseppe Zviardini. 6 vols. in 3, 8vo, portraits Paris. Literary History. SISMONDI, (S. de.) History of the Literature of the South of Europe. Transl. by Thos. Roscoe. 2 vols. 12mo, Is. . . London, 1846 (Bohn’s Standard Library.) STEBBINGS, (Dr. H.) Lives of the Italian Poets. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. London, 1832 GINGUENE, (P. L.) Hist. Littdraire d’ltalie. 9 vols. avec continuation par Salfi, 5 vols. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-35 LOMBARDI, (Ant.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana nel XVIII. secolo. 4 vols. 8vo. Modena, 1827-30 Saggio sulla storia della letterat. Italiana nei primi 25 anni del secolo XIX. 8vo. Milano, 1831 MAFFE1, (G.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana, dall’ origine della lingua sino a nostri giorni. 3za ediz. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1834 TIRABOSCHI, (G.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana. 10 vols. 8vo. . “ 1805-13 Compendio della sua Storia della Letteratura Italiana. 5 vols. 8vo, 30s. Venezia, 1805 CORNIANI, (G.) I secoli della letteratura italiana dopo il suo risorgimento, commentario ragionato. 4 vols. 8vo Milano, 1833-34 UGONI, (C.) Della letteratura italiana nella seconda metk del secolo XVIII. 3 vols. 12mo. . . . . Brescia, 1820 LUCCHESINI, (C.) Della illustrazione della lingue antiche e moderne, e prineipalmente dell’ italiana procurata nel secolo XVIII. dagl’ Italiani. 8vo. . . Lucca, 1819 FERRARIO, (J.) Storia ed analisi degli antichi romanzi di cavalleria e dei poemi roman- zeschi d’ Italia, sulle cerimonie de’ cavellieri, sull cortid’ amore, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, /.96. Milano, 1828-29 JAMAICA.—(See Antilles.) PHILIPPO, (J. M.) Jamaica, its Past and Present State. 8vo, 8s. 6d. London, 1843 RENNY, (R.) History of Jamaica. 4to. . . . “ 1807 HAKEWILL, (J.) A Picturesque Tour in the Island of Jamaica. 4to. “ 1824 LONG, (E.) The History of Jamaica, or General Survey of the Ancient and Modern State of that Island. 3 vols. 4to, plates London, 1774 SLOANE, (Sir Hans.) Voyage to the Islands of Madeira, Barbados, Nieves, St. Christo- pher’s, and Jamaica, with the Natural History. 2 vols. folio. . . London, 1707-25 EDWARDS, (B.) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 ALCEDO, (A.) Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated from the Spanish, by G. A. Thomson. 5 vols. 4to, 50s. . London, 1812 GOSSE, (P. H.) The Birds of Jamaica, sm. 8vo, 10s. ... “ 1847 See Martin’s British Colonial Library. McCulloch’s Geog. Dictionary. P. Brown’s Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, folio, London, 1746. J. Lunan’s Hortus Jamaicensis. 2 vols. 4to, Jamaica, 1814, etc. JAPAN.] 199 [JAVA. JAPAN. I. HISTORY, &c.—II. NATURAL HISTORY.—III. LAN- GUAGE I. HISTORY, &c. MANNERS and Customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century ; de- scribed from recent Dutch Travellers. 8vo, 9s. 6d. . London, 1841 (Transl. by Mrs. Busk from Siebold and others.) KAEMPFER, (Dr. E.) History of Japan. Translated from the Dutch by J. G. Scheuchzer. 2 vols. folio. .... London, 1727 KING & LAY. Voyage to Japan, and the Malayan Archipelago. 2 vols. sm. 8vo New- York, 1839 GOLOWNIN, (Cart.) Memoirs of Captivity in Japan. 3 vols 8vo. London, 1824 CHARLEVOIX, (P.) Histoire et Description generate du Japon. 9 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1736 THUNBERG, (C. P.) Voyages au Japon, par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance, et les Isles de la Sonde, aug. des notes par L. Langles pt J. B. Lamarck. 4 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1796 RICORD, (Capt.) Voyage au Japon. 2 vols. 18mo. .... “ 1821 SIEBOLD u. NIPPON. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben und Schutzlandern. Parts I.-XV., folio. . ... Amsterd., 1832-1845 Voyage au Japon, execute pendant les annees 1823 A 1830, ou description physique, geographique et historique de l’empire japonais, d’Icgo, des lies Kuriles meridionales, de Krafto. de laCoree, des lies Lui Kui, etc., edition francaise redigee par MM. A. de Montry et R. Frassinet. 5 vols. 8vo, avec un atlas in folio de 130 plates, dont une partie coloriee. Paris, 1845 L’ouvrage sera publie en 22 Livraisons. Prix de chaque livraison, /.14. ANNALES des Empereurs du Japon, trad, du Japonnois-Cliinois, par M. Isaac Titsingh, revues, &c , par Klaproth, roy. 4to, 30s. Paris, 1834 < (Orien. Transl. Fund.) APERCV GENERAL des trois Royaumes, traduit de l’original Japonais-Chinois, par M. J. Klaproth. 8vo, 5 cartes, 15s. Paris, 1832 H. NATURAL HISTORY. SIEBOLD, (P. F.) Flora Japonica digessit J. G. Zuccarini. Vols. 1-, folio. Lugd. Bat , 1831-184- Fauna Japonica, elaborantibus C. J. Temminck. H. SchlegeT, et W. de Hann. folio. Lugd. Bat., 1834-1846 Mammalia fase. 1-2. Aves “ 1-2. Pisces “ 1-13. Crustacea “ 1-5. Chelonii, Ophidii, Saurii et Batrachii, 3 fasc. III. LANGUAGE. RODRIGUES, (le P.) Elements de la grammaire japonaise, traduits du portugais sur le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi, etc., par M. C. Landresse : precbdis d’une explica- tion des syllabaires par M. Abel Remusat. 8vo Paris, 1825 ARS GRAMMATICJE japonic® linguae, a Fr. Didaco Collado. . . Rome, 1632 DICTIONARIUMsive thesauri linguae japonic® compend. 4to. . . “ 1632 VOCABULARY, English and Japanese, and Japanese and English ; com- piled from native works, by W. H. Medhurst. 8vo, 16s. Batavia, 1830 JAVA. I. HISTORY, &C.—II. NATURAL HISTORY.—III. LAN- GUAGE. I. HISTORY, &c. RAFFLES, (Sir S.) History of Java. 2 vols. 4to. . London, 1817 HOGENDORP, (M. lb Comte.) Coup d’CEil snr l’Isle de Java et les autres Possessions Nberlandaises dans l’Archipel des Indes. 8vo. .... Bruxelles, 1830 STUERS, (F. V. A. de.) Memoires sur la guerre de Pile de Java, de 1825-30. 4to, et folio, atlas Lcyde, 1833 THORN, (W.) Memoir of the Conquest of Java, with subsequent opera- tions of the British forces in the Oriental Archipelago, to which is sub- joined a statistical sketch of Java. 4to. . . . London, 1815 JAVA.] 200 [knight’s GUIDES. II. NATURAL HISTORY. HORSFIELD, (Dr. T.) Zoological Researches in Java and the neighbour- ing Islands. 4to, 71 col. plates, 84s. . . . London, 1824 MACLEAY, (W. S.) Annulosa javanica. 4to. ... “ 1825 BLUME, (C. L.) Flora Javce, nec non insularum adjacentium. 3 vols. folio. Bruxelles, 1826-36 HI. LANGUAGE. HUMBOLDT, (W. von.; iiber Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1836 JURISPRUDENCE. Bibliography. ENGELMANN, (W.) Bibliotheca Juridica. Verzeichn. aller brauchbaren von 1750 bis 1839 erscheinenen Bucher. 8vo, 7s. 6d. Leipzig, 1840 SCHLETTER, (H. T.) Handbuch der jurischen u. staatswissenschaftl. Literatur. Vol. 1, parts 1-7. (Jurisprudence.) 8vo, 10s. Grimma, 1840 KRUG, (W. T.) Allg. Handworterbuch der philosophischen Wissenschaft nebst ihren Literatur und Gescbichte. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1832 AUSTIN, (Jno.) The Province of Jurisprudence determined. 8vo. London, 1832 GROTIUS. The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius, now first rendered into English by Chas. Herbert, of the Middle Temple, roy. 8vo, 31s. 6d. ....... London, 1844 L’HERMINIER. Philosophie du Droit. 2 vols. 8vo. .... Paris, 1831 JOUFFROY, (T.) Cours de droit nature!, etc. Vol. 1-2, 8vo. . . Paris, 1835 MATTER, (J.) De l’influence des lois sur les moeurs, et de l’influence des mceurs sur les lois. 2e ddn., 8vo. Paris, 1843 MONTESQUIEU. De l’esprit du lois. 4 vols. 8vo. .... Paris, 1820 Spirit of Law's, transl. 2 vols. 8vo, 14s. London, 1823 Commentaire sur l’Esprit du lois, par Destutt de Tracy, etc. 8vo. . Paris, 1819 KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. ADDISON, (C. G.) The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, etc. ........ London, 1842 KNIGHTHOOD.—(See Chivalry, p. 99.) KNIGHT’S INDUSTRIAL GUIDES. 18mo, Is. each. ........ London, 1847 Banker’s Clerk. Clerk. Cook. Cowherd. Dairy Maid. Farm Bailiff. Gardener. Governess. Groom and Coachman. Knight’s Guides to Service. Housemaid. Lady’s Maid. Laundry Maid. Maid of all Work. Nurse. Nursery Maid. Ploughman, Carter, &c. Poultry Maid. Shepherd. Knight’s Guides to Trades. 12mo. Baker. Carver and Gilder. Chemist and Druggist. Cooper. Confectioner. Farmer. Joiner and Cabinet Maker. Miller. Milliner and Dressmaker. Plumber, Glazier, &c. Printer. Shoemaker. Tailor. knight’s weekly volume.] 201 [landscape gardening. KNIGHT’S WEEKLY VOLUME 18mo, Is. 6d. each. Lord Brougham’s Statesmen of the Time of George III. 6 vols. Lord Brougham’s Dialogues on Instinct. 1 vol. Lord Brougham’s Treatises on the Objects, Pleasures, and Advantages of Science, and on Political Science. 1 vol. Lord Brougham's edition of Paley’s \ Natural Theology. / Sir C. Bell’s Dissertations on Natu- \ 4 vols. ral Theology and Treatise on l Animal Mechanics. ; Sir John F. Davis’s Chinese. 3 vols. Sir John F. Davis’s Sketches of China. 1 vol. Lord Nugent’s Lands, Classical and Sacred. 2 vols. Miss Martineau’s Feats on the Fiord. 1 vol. Miss Martineau’s Billow and the Rock. 1 vol. Mrs. Jameson’s Lives of the Painters. 2 vols. Knight’s Life of Caxton, the first English Printer. 1 vol. Knight’s Volume of Varieties. 1 vol. Knight’s Results of Machinery, and Capital and Labour. 1 vol. Lamb’s Tales from Shakspere, with Scenes selected by C. Knight. 2 vols. The Elephant, the Horse, and the Dog—the three Friends of Man. By C. Knight and W. Martin. 3 vols. Tasso’s Recovery of Jerusalem, translated by Fairfax ; with Lives of Tasso and Fairfax by C. Knight. 2 vols. Mind among the Spindles, a Selection from the Lowell Offering ; with Introduction by C. Knight. 1 vol. Memoirs of a Working Man ; with Preface by C. Knight. 1 vol. The Food of Man. By Dr. Lankester. 2 vols. History of Literature and Learning in Eng- land, with Specimens of the Principal Wri- ters. By G. L. Craik, A. M. 6 vols. Spenser and his Poetry. By G. L. Craik. 3 vols. Bacon and his Writings. By G. L. Craik. 3 vols. History of British Commerce. By G. L. Craik. 3 vols. The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. By G. L. Craik. 3 vols. The Lost Senses—Deafness and Blindness. By Dr. Kitto. 2 vols. Curiosities of Physical Geography. By W. Wittich. 2 vols. The Englishwoman in Egypt. By Mrs. Poole. 3 vols. Lane’s Modern Egyptians. 3 vols. Lane’s Arabian Tales and Anecdotes. Se- lected from the Arabian Nights. 1 vol. Moliere, Racine, and the French Classical Drama. By Madame Blaz de Bury. 2 vols. The Cid. By G. Dennis.—The Spanish Dra- ma. By C. II. Lewes. 2 vols. Life of Gresham, the Founder of the Royal Exchange. By C. Mac Farlane. 1 vol. Old England Novelets :—The Camp of Re- fuge—The Dutch in the Medway—A Le- gend of Reading Abbey. By C. Mac Far- lane. 4 vols. . . . London, 1844-^7 Popular Customs and Recollections of Italy. By C. Mac Farlane. 1 vol. Romance of Travel. By C. Mac Farlane. 2 vols. Professor Long’s Plutarch’s Lives. The Civil Wars of Rome. 5 vols. Chaucer—Pictures of English Life from Chau- cer—Canterbury Tales from Chaucer. By John Saunders. 3 vols. Rambles by Rivers. By James Thorne. 4 vols.—The Avon. 1 vol.—The Duddon ; the Mole ; the Arun, and Wey ; the Lea; the Dove, 1 vol.; the Thames, 2 vols. Historical Parallels. By A. Malkin, A. M. 3 vols. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. By A. Vieus- seux. 2 vols. The Industry of the Rhine. I. Agriculture. II. Manufactures. By T. C. Banfield. 2 vols. Hudibras and other Works of S. Butler : edited by A. Ramsay. I vol. Flowers and their Associations. By Miss Pratt. 1 vol. The Backwoods of Canada. By a Lady.— Oregon Territory. By the Rev. C. G. Ni- colay. 2 Vols. Biographical History of Ancient and Modern Philosophy. By G. H. Lewes. 4 vols. The Manufactures of Great Britain. By G. Dodd. 6 vols. Insect Architecture, and Bird Architecture. By James Rennie, A. M. 3 vols. Dr. Southwood Smith’s Philosophy of Health. 4 vols. Industry of the Rhine. Series II. Manufac- tures. By T. C. Banfield. 1 vol. The Field, the Garden, and the Woodland. By Miss Pratt. 1 vol. Popular Tumults Illustrative of the Effects of Social Ignorance. 1 vol. The Book of Table-Talk. By numerous con- tributors. 2 vols. The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. Illustrated by Female Examples. Being a Continuation of “The Pursuit of Know- ledge under Difficulties, illustrated by Anec- dotes.” By George L. Craik, A. M. 2 vols. Settlers and Convicts ; or, Recollections of Sixteen Years’ Labour in the Australian Backwoods. By an Emigrant Mechanic. 2 vols. Planche’s British Costume, from the Earliest Period to the commencement of the Present Century. 2 vols. The Epochs of Painting Characterised. A Sketch of the History of Painting, Ancient and Modern ; showing its gradual and vari- ous development from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. By Ralph N. Wornum. 2 vols. The Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Wor- thies. 72 Steel Portraits. 12 vols. The Cabinet History of England. By C. Mac Farlane. 26 vols. KORAN.—(See page 27.) LANDSCAPE GARDENING.—(See Page 164.) LATIN.] 202 [LATIN. LANDSCAPE PAINTING.—(See Painting.) LATIN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE. Grammars. ARNOLD, (T. K.) A First and Second Latin Book and Practical Gram- mar. Revised and carefully Corrected, by J. A. Spencer, A. M. 12mo, bound, 75 cents. The First Latin Book, or the Second Latin Book and Grammar, can be had separately. 50 cents each. New-York, D. A. &. Co., 1847 The chief object of this work (which is founded on the principles of imitation and frequent repetition) is to enable the pupil to do exercises from the first day of his beginning his accidence. Latin Prose Composition: A Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition. Revised and Corrected by J. A. Spencer, A.M. l2mo, bound, $1. ..... New- York. D. A. & Co., 1847 This work is also founded on the principles of imitation and frequent repetition. It is at once a Syntax, a Vocabulary, ajid an Exercise Book ; and considerable atten- tion has been paid to the subject of Synonymes. KEY, (T. H.) A Latin Grammar on the System of Crude Forms. By T. H. Key. Post 8vo, pp. 416, cloth, 8s • London, 1846 ZUMPT, (C. G.) School Grammar of the Latin Language. Translated and adapted to the use of the High School of Edinburgh, by L. Schmitz, Ph. D. 12mo, 4s. London, 1848 A Grammar of the Latin Language. Translated from the German, with additions, by the Rev. J. Kenriek, M.A. 5th ed., 8vo, 10s. fid. .... London, 1839 ANDREWS & STODDARD. A Grammar of the Latin Language, for the Use of Schools and Colleges. 12mo. Boston. KREBS, (J. B.) Guide to Writing Latin : consisting of Rules and Examples for Practice, from the German, by Sami. H. Taylor. 12mo Andover, 1845 DONALDSON, (J. W.) Varronianus: a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Phi- lological Study of the Latin Language. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . . . London, 1844 EICHENFELD kt ENDLICHER. Analecta grammatica maximam partem anecdota. 2 vols. 8vo. - . Vindobon STEVENSON, (R.) Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Algebraic Equations. 2d ed. 8vo, 6s. 6d. . . . Cambridge, 1835 HYMERS, (Dr.) Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations. 2d ed. 8vo, plates, 9s. 6d. ..... Cambridge, 1840 Algebraical Geometry WAUD. Treatise on Algebraical Geometry. 8vo, 5s. London, 1835 SCOTT, (W.) The Application of Algebra to Geometry, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, &c. 8vo. ..... London. Analytical Geometry. SCOTT, (W.) A Course of Analytical Geometry, including Conic Sec- tions, and the Differential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. London, 1846 GREGORY, (D. F.) Treatise on the Application of Analysis to Solid Geometry. Con- cluded by W. Walton. 8vo, 10s. 6d. ..... . Cambridge, 1845 HAMILTON, (H. P.) Principles of Analytical Geometry. 8vo, plates, 14s. “ 1826 HYMERS, (J.) A Treatise on Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions ; containing the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature. 2d ed. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Cambridge, 139 NARRIEN, (J.) Analytical Geometry ; with the Properties of Conic Sections, and an Appendix ; constituting a Tract on Descriptive Geometry, for the use of the Royal Mili- tary College. 8vo, 8s. 6d London, 1846 LESLIE, (Jno.) Geometrical Analysis and Geometry of Curve Lines. 8vo, 12s. Kdinb:, 1821 COMTE, (A.) Traite elem. de geometrie analytique h deux et h trois dimensions, con tenant toutes les theories gene rales de geometrie accessibles h l’analyse ordinaire. 8vo, /•7 50 Paris, 1843 Arithmetic.—(See p. 41.) Bibliography. De MORGAN, (A.) Arithmetical Books from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time; being brief notices of a large number of Works drawn up from actual inspection. sm. 8vo, 6s. . . London, 1847 PEACOCK, (Dn. G.) Arithmetic. (Encyclopedia Metropolitana: Pure Sciences Vol. 1.) De MORGAN, (A.) Arithmetic. 5th edn. 12mo, 5s. . . . London, 1846 HIND, (J.) Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, comprising the nature and use of Lo- garithms. 4th edn. 12mo, 4s. 6d. ....... Cambridge, 1842 BOURDON. Elements d’ arithmetique. 15e edn. 8vo Paris, 1837 REYNAUD. Arithmetique. 21e ddn. 8vo. “ 1838 Binomial Theorem. DOBSON. Illustration of the Binomial Theorem. 4to, Is. 6d. . Cambridge, 1840 Calculus of Finite Differences. HYMERS, (J.) Treatise on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differ- ences. 8vo, 10s. Cambridge, 1839 KUHFF, (H.) Elements of the Calculus of Finite Differences. 8vo, 4s. 6d. “ 1831 Calculus, Integral. HYMERS, (J.) A Treatise on Integral Calculus. Part 1, containing the Integration of Explicit Functions of one variable, together with the Theory of Definite Integrals of Elliptic Functions. 3d ed., enlarged. 8vo, 10s. 6d. ....... Cambridge, 1844 HIGMAN. Syllabus of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 parts. 8vo, 11s. 6d. Cambridge, 1826-28 MATHEMATICS.] 215 [MATHEMATICS. III. SPECIAL TREATISES.—(Continued.) A COLLECTION' of Examples on the Integral Calculus, in which every operation of each example is completely effected. 8vo Cambridge, 1835 CARNOT, (L. N. M.) Reflexions sur la Metaphysique du Calcul Infinitesimal. 3me 8vo Paris, 1839 See Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Art. Integral Calculus, by A. Levy. Calculus, Differential. BAILY, (J.) and LUND, (T.) A Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 8vo, 10s. 6d. ....... Cambridge, 1838 BROWNE, (Rev. A.) A Short View of the First Principles of the Differential Calculus. 8vo, 9s Cambridge. HYMERS, (J.) Treatise on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differ- ences. 8vo, plates, 10s . . Cambridge, 1839 O’BRIEN, (M.) Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. Cambridge. WALTON, (W.) A Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 8vo, 10s. (id. Cambridge, 1846 HIND, (J.) Digested Series of Examples in the Applications of the Principles of the Dif- ferential Calculus. 8vo, 8s Cambridge, 1832 Principles of the Differential Calculus, with its Application to Curves and Curve Sur- faces. 2d ed. 8vo, 16s Cambridge, 1831 MILLER, (W. II.) An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 3d ed. 8vo, plates, 6s. . . . . Cambriiige, 1843 Calculus, Integral and Differential. ANSELL, (C.) A Treatise on Differential and Integral Calculus. London, 1841-42 RITCHIE’S Differential and Integral Calculus. 2d ed. By .T. A. Spencer. 12mo, with Diagrams, 4s. 6d. .... London, 1846 GREGORY, (D. F.) Examples of the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Collected by D. F. Gregory. 2d edition, edited by Wm. Walton. 8vo, 4 plates, 18s. . . . Cambridge, 1846 HALL, (T. G.) An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, and the Calculus of Variations. 4th edn. 8vo, 12s. 6d. London, 1846 De MORGAN, (A.) A Treatise on the Calculus of Functions. 4to. London, 1836 The Differential and Integral Calculus, with Elementary Illustrations. 8vo, 10s. ........ London, 1842 LACROIX, (S. F.) Traits 61dmentaire de Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul Integral. 5me edn. 8vo. Paris, 1837 MOIGNO, (L’Abbe.) Lectins de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. Vol. 1-2, Part 1. 8vo, /.17 Paris, 1843-46 BOUCHARLAT, (M.) Elements de Calcul differentiel et de Calcul integral. 4eedn. 8vo. Paris, 1838 CAUCHY, (A. F.) Lecons de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral, redigee principale- ment d’apris leu methodes des et etendues aux travaux les plus recens de geometres ; par M. 1’abbe Moigno. - vols. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1844 See Encyclo. Metrop., Pure Sciences, Vol. 1-, Calculus by A. Levy, Conic Sections. WALLACE, (W.) A Geometrical Treatise on the Conic Sections ; with an Appendix containing Formulae for their Quadrature, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837 HAMILTON, (II. P.) An Analytical System of Conic Sections, designed for the use of Students. 5th edn. 8vo, 10s. fid. ....... Cambridge, 1843 HYMERS, (J.) Treatise on Conic Sections and the Application of Algebra to Geometry. 3d edn. 8vo, 9s London, 1845 WHEWELL. (W.) Doctrine of Limits, with its Applications: namely, Conic Sections; the Three First Sections of Newton, and the Differential Calculus. 8vo, 9s. Cambridge, 1841 MATHEMATICS.] 216 [MATHEMATICS. m. SPECIAL TREATISES.—( Continued.) Curves. HEARN, (G.) Researches on Curves of the Second Order, also on Cones and Spherical Conics, treated analytically, in which the Tangencies of Apollonius are investigated, and General Geometrical Constructions deduced from Analysis ; also, several of the Geometri- cal Conclnsions of M. Chasles are analytically resolved. Together with many Properties entirely original. 8vo, 5s London, 1846 Differential Equations. HYMERS, (J.) Treatise on Differential Equations, &c. 8vo, 10s. . Cambridge, 1839 OTTLEY. Treatise on the Differential Equations. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . “ 1832 Dynamics. WHEWELL, (W.) Dynamics. Part 1, on the Free Motion of Points, and on Universal Gravitation, including the Principal Propositions of Books I. and III. of the Principia. 3d edn. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Cambridge, 1836 Dynamics. Part 2, on the Constrained and Resisted Motion of Points, and on the Motion of a Rigid Body. 2d edn. 8vo, 12s. 6d. Cambridge, 1836 EARNSHAW, (S.) Dynamics; or, a Treatise on Motion: to which is added, a Short Treatise on Attractions. 3d edn. 8vo, 14s. Cambridge, 1844 Equations. MURPHY, (R.) The Theory of Equations. 8vo, 4s. 6d. Cambridge. LOCKHART, (J.) Resolution of Equations. 4to, 4s. 6d. Oxford, 1837 Formulae. BROOKE, (C.) A Synopsis of the Principal Formulae and Results of Pure Mathematics. 8vo, 15s Cambridge, 1829 Geometry. LARDNER, (Dr.) A Treatise on Geometry and its applications to the Arts. 12mo, 6s. . . ... . . . London, 1840 EUCLID ; the Elements of. By R. Simson, M. D. Twenty-fifth Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, 8s. ; 12mo, 5s . London, 1841 EUCLID; the Elements of. From the Text of Simson. Edited, in the Symbolical form, by R. Blakelock. 12mo, 6s. London, 1840 EUCLID; The Elements of. (The first three books). Translated from the Latin of the Right Rev. Thomas Elrington. D. D. To which is added a Compendium of Algebra. Designed for the use of Schools and private instruction. I2mo, 3s. 6d. . London. EUCLID ; a Companion to. With a set of improved figures. 12mo, 4s. . “ BLAND, (M.) Geometrical Problems, deducible from the first Six Books of Euclid, ar- ranged and solved, with an Appendix, containing the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 4th ed. 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1842 BRADLEY, (F.) Practical Geome'ry, Linear Perspective, and Projection; including Isometrical Perspective, Projection of the Sphere, and the Projection of Shadows : with Descriptions of the Principal Instruments used in Geometrical Drawing, &c. Illustrated by 8 plates. For the useof Artists, Architects, Engineers, Mechanics, &c. 8vo. London, 1834 See Algebraic Geometry, Analytical Geometry. Infinitesimal Analysis. CARNOT. Reflections on the Metaphysical Principles of Infinitesimal Analysis. Translated by Browell. 8vo, 5s. . . Oxford, 1832 Limits. WHEWELL, (W.) The Doctrine of Limits, with its Applications, &c 8vo, 9s. ' ' . . . . Camb., 1831 MATHEMATICS.] 217 [MATHEMATICS. III. SPECIAL TREATISES.—( Continued.) Logarithms. TABLES of Logarithms of Numbers, from One to Ten Thousand. Pub- lished under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useftd Knowledge. 12mo. London, 1839 TABLES of Six Figure Logarithms, containing the Logarithms of Numbers, front 1 to 10,000, and of Sines and Tangents for every minute of the Quadrant and every Six Se- conds of the First Two Degrees : with a Table of Constants, and formulae for the solution of Plane and Spherical Triangles. Superintended by Richard Farley, of the Nautical Almanac Establishment, sm. 8vo, 4s. 6d. . . . . . . London, 1840 SHORTREDE, (R.) Logarithmic Tables to Seven Places of Decimals, containing Loga- rithms to numbers from 1 to 120,000, numbers to Logarithms from 0 to l'OOOOO, Logarith- mic Sines and Tangents to every Second of the Circle, with Arguments in Space and Time, and New Astronomical and Geodesical Tables. Royal 8vo, A'4. 4s. Edinburgh, 1844 LALANDE, (J. J. F. de.) Tables de logarithmes pour les nombreset pour lessinus ; aug- mentees de la table de logarithmes de Gauss ; edition revue et augmentees par H. G. Kohler : Oer. and Fr. 8vo. Leipzig, 1832 Mechanics. SNOWBALL, (J. C.) The Elements of Mechanics. 8vo, 8s. 6d. Camb., 1845 PRATT, (H. J.) The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their Applications to Elementary Mechanics and Architecture, but chiefly to the Theory of Universal Gravitation. 2d ed.. revised and im- proved. 8vo, 21s. . . . . . . Cambridge, 1834 WHEWELL, (Dr.) Mechanical Euclid. Containing the Elements of Me- chanics and Hydrostatics, demonstrated after the manner of Geometry. 7th ed., 12mo, 4s. 6d.; or with Supplement, 5s. . Cambridge, 1843 WALTON, (W.) A Collection of Problems in illustration of the Principles of Theoretical Mechanics. 8vo, 16s Camb. CAMBRIDGE Course of Elementary Natural Philosophy, being the Demonstrations of the Propositions in Mechanics and Hydrostatics, in which those persons who are not Candi- dates for Honours, are examined for the Degree of B. A. 3d ed., 12mo, 4s. London. POISSON. Treatise of Mechanics. Translated by H. H. Harte, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. • Dublin. LAGRANGE. Mecanique Analytique. 2 vols. 4to,/.36. . . . Paris, 1811-15 Mensuration. SCOTT, (W.) Plane Trigonometry and Mensuration. 8vo. London, 1845 LUBBOCK, (W.) On Cask Guaging. 8vo. . . “ 1834 Newton’s Principia. EVANS, (J. H.) The First Three Sections of Newton’s Principia, with an Appendix, and the Ninth and Eleventh Sections. 2d edn., 8vo, 6s. Camb., 1837 WRIGHT, (J. M.) The Three First Sections of Newton’s Principia. Translated with Notes, &c. 8vo, 6s. ... Camb., 1830 Periodicals. CAMBRIDGE Mathematical Journal. Vols. 1-4, each 18s., 8vo. Cambridge, v. y. MATHEMATICIAN, edited by W. Rutherford, and S. Fenwick. Published every Four Months, at 3s. 6d. a Number. Nos. I-X. London, 1843- CAMBRIDGE and Dublin Mathematical Journal. 6 Nos. per annum, 2s. 6d. each. Cambridge, 1846- CRELLE, (A. L.) Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematic. 11 vols., 4to. Berlin, 1826-35 Bulletin des Sciences mathdmatiques, Annales de mathematiques. MATHEMATICS.] 218 [MATHEMATICS. III. SPECIAL TREATISES.—( Continued.) Probabilities.—(See Assurance, p. 51.) De MORGAN, (A.) An Essay on Probabilities, and on their application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. 12mo, 6s. London, 1838 (Lardner’s Cyclopaedia.) < GALLOWAY, (T.) A Treatise on Probability, sm. 8vo, 6s. “ 1829 QUETELET, (A.) Thdorie des probabilites appliquee aux sciences mor- ales et politiques. 8vo, avec tableau statistiques. f.8. . Paris, 1846 LAPLACE, (M. de.) Essai philosophique sur les Probability. 6me edn., 8vo. .......... Paris, 1840 Problems. SENATE-HOUSE Problems for 1844. With Solutions, by M. O’Brien, and R. L. Ellis, Moderators. 4to, 4s. 6d. . Cambridge, 1844 MATHEMATICAL Problems and Examples arranged according to sub- jects from the Senate-House Papers from 1821 to 1827. 8vo, 12s. Camb., 1837 Pure Mathematics. FRANCCEUR, (L. B.) Cours complet de mathematiques pures 2 vols. 8vo. ........ Paris, 1837 SCHRCEDER, (J. F. L.) Elementa matheseos purse. 2 vols 8vo. Traj. ad-Rhen., 1832-34 I. Prologomena de matheseos ratione paitibus atque methodo. II. Elementa arithmetics purae. Statics. WHEWELL, (Dr.) Analytical Statics. 8vo, Plates, 7s. 6d. Cambridge, 1833 EARNSHAW, (Rev. S.) Treatise on Statics. Containing the Theory of the Equilibrium of Forces; and numerous Examples illustrative of the general Principles of the Science. 3d ed., enlarged. 8vo, Plates, 10s. London, 1845 Tables. HUTTON, (C.) Mathematical Tables; containing the Common, Hyper- bolic, and Logistic Logarithms; also, Sines, Tangents, Secants, and Versed Sines, both Natural and Logarithmic; together with several other Tables useful in Mathematical Calculations; also, the complete Descrip- tion and Use of the Tables. With Seven additional Tables of Trigono- metrical Eprmulae, by Olinthus Gregory, LL. D. 10th ed. 8vo, 18s. London, 1842 GALBRAITH, (Wm.) Mathematical and Astronomical Tables for the use of Students, Practical Astronomers, Surveyors, Engineers, and Naviga- tors ; with an Introduction, illustrated by Problems and Examples. 8vo. Edin., 1827 Trigonometry. HYMERS, (J.) A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on Trigonometrical Tables and Logarithms ; together with a selection of Problems, and their Solutions. 2d ed., 8vo, 8s. 6d. . Camb., 1841 TRIGONOMETRY. A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures upon, and the Application of Algebra to Geometry. 2d ed., 7s. 6d. . . Camb. HIND, (J.) The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; with the Nature and Properties of Logarithms, and the Construction and the Use of Mathematical Tables. 4th ed., 12mo, 7s. 6d. . . Camb. HEWITT, (D.) Problems and Theorems of Plane Trigonometry. 8vo, 6s. Camb., 1840 O’BRIEN, (M.) Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry ; or the Application of the Method of Co-ordinates to the Solution of Problems in Plane Geometry. 8vo, plates, 9s. Camb. WOODIIOUSE, (R.) Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 5th ed., 8vo, 12s. Camb., 1827 MAURITIUS.] 219 [medicine. MAURITIUS. PRIDHAM, (C.) England’s Colonial Empire: an Historical, Political, and Statistical Account of the Empire, its Colonies and Dependencies. Vol. 1.—The Mauritius and its Dependencies. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1846 See Martin’s British Colonial Library. McCulloch’s Diet, of Geography, etc. MECHANICS.—(See Mathematics.) LARDNER and KATER. Treatise on Mechanics. 12mo, 6s. (Lardner’s Cyclopaedia.) London, 1830 ROBISON, (J.) System of Mechanical Philosophy, with Notes by Sir D. Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. ..... Edinburgh, 1822 MOSELEY, (H.) Illustrations of Practical Mechanics. 12mo, woodcuts, 8s. London, 1839 A Treatise on Mechanics applied to the Acts. 8vo “ 1839 See Library of Useful Knowledge. Young’s Lectures on Natural Philosophy, See. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY, MATERIA MEDICA, PHARMACY, TOXICOLOGY, &c. MEDICINE. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. Bibliography. FORBES, (J.) Manual of Select Medical Bibliography, roy. 8vo, 15s. London, 1835 ATKINSON, (J.) Medical Bibliography. Vol. 1, (A and B.) roy. 8vo, 16s. ......... London, 1838 ENGELMANN, (W.) Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica et chemica. 2 parts. 8vo. 9s. Leipzig, 1841 ROY, (C. H. h.) Catalogus Bibliotheca Medicre. 5 vols. 8vo. . Amsterdam, 1830 BROUISSAIS, (C.) Atlas Historique et Bibliogrraphique de la Medicine, ou Histoire de la Medicine, composee de tableaux sur l’histoire de i’anatoraie, de la physiologie, de I’hy- giene, de la medicine, de la chirurgie, de l’obstetrique, de la matiere medicate, de la phar- macie, de la medicine legale, de la police medicale et de bibliographie, etc. folio,/.8. Paris, 1834 KUNHOLTZ. Cours d’histoire de la Medicine et de bibliographie medicale. 8vo,/.6. Montpellier, 1837 History. MOIR, (D. M.) Ancient History of Medicine. 12mo, 6s. Edinburgh, 1829 BOSTOCK, (J.) History of Medicine, from its Origin to the Commence- ment of the XIXth Century. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . London, 1835 RENOUARD, (V. P.) Histoire de la Medicine depnis son origine jusqu’au XIXe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo,/.13. Paris, 1846 SPRENGEL, (K.) Versuch einer pragmat. Geschichte der Arzneikunde. 3e Aufi. 5 vols. 8vo Halle, 1821-28 Geschichte der Chirurgie. 2 vols. 8vo “ 1805-19 Hist, de la Medicine, depuis son origine jusqu’au 19e siecle, trad, de I’allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan, et revue par Bosquillon. 9 vols. 8vo Paris. 1815-20 GAST12, (L. J.) Abr6ge de l’histoire de la medicine, depuis son origine jusqu’an I9e siecle. 8vo Paris, 1835 IIOUDART, (M. S.) £tudes historiqnes et critiques sur la vie et la doctrine d’Hippocrate, et sur l’etat de la medicine avaunt lui. 2e ed. 8vo Paris, 1840 WALTER. Ueber der Verhaltniss der Medicin zur Chirurgie und die Dujiicitat des aerzt- lichen Stiindes. 8vo fYieburg, 1841 ERSCH, (J. S.) Handbuch der deutschen Literatur. Vol. 3, Part 1. Literatur der Medi- cin. bearb. F. A. Puchelt. 8vo, 8a. 6d. . . . . . . Leipzig, 1828 See’s Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine. Forbes’ Cyclopaedia of Practi- cal Medicine. Costello’s Cyclopaedia of Practical Surgery. Chelius’s Practi- cal Surgery. Publications of the Sydenham Society, etc. medicine.] 220 [medicine. ABDOMEN. ABERCROMBIE, (J.) Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Stomach, the Intestinal Canal, the Liver, and other Viscera of the Abdomen. 8vo, $1 50. Philadelphia, 1834 ANDRAL, (G.) Diseases of the Abdomen. Transl. 8vo. . . “ 1843 FRANKUM, (R.) Discourse on the Enlarged and Pendulous Abdomen, showing it to be a Visceral Affection attended with important consequences in the Human Economy ; with Cursory Observations on Diet, Exercise, and the General Management of Health : for the Use of the Dyspeptic. 2d edn., augmented, with a Dissertation on Gout, suggesting new physiological views as to its Cause, Prevention, and the best Course of Treatment. 12mo, 5s. London, 1842 See Piorry De la Percussion Mediate, etc. AMPUTATION. KING. Remarks on Amputation. 8vo Glasgow, 1842 ANATOMY. General, Elementary, and Descriptive. DRUMMOND. (J. L.) First Steps to Anatomy. 12mo, 5s. .- . London, 1845 WILSON, (E.) Anatomist’s Vade Mecum. 12mo. .... li 1845 EDWARDS, (H. M.) Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology. Transl. by J. F. W. Lane. 8vo Boston, 1841 BEHR, (A. von.) Hand Book of Human Anatomy, General, Special, and Toi>ogTaphical. Translated from the original German, and adapted to the use of the English student, by John Birkett. 8vo, 10s. 6d • London, 1846 LIZARS, (R. J.) Elements of Anatomy : intended as a Text-Book for Students. 12mo, 12s. 6d Edinburgh, 1844 GERBER, (F.) Elements of the General and Minute Anatomy of Man and the Mamma- lia, chiefly after Original Researches. Translated by G. Gulliver, with an Appendix, comprising Researches on the Anatomy of the Blood, Chyle, Lymph, Thymous Fluid, Tubercle, &c. 8vo. Text, and Atlas of 34 Plates, 24s. . . . London, 1842 QUA IN, (J.) Elements of Anatomy. 5th edn. 8vo, plates. . . “ 1846- BAYLE, (A. L. J ) An Elementary Treatise on Anatomy. Transl. by A. Sidney Doane. 18mo, 12s New- York, 1837 TODD and BOWMAN. The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man. 2 vols. 8vo, Vol. 1, 15s London, 1845 HORNER, (G. R. B.) Special Anatomy and Histology. 6th edn. 2 vols. 8vo, $5. Philadelphia, 1843 MECKEL, (J. F.) Manual of General, Descriptive, and Pathological Anatomy. Transl. from the French by A. Sidney Doane. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Philadelphia, 1832 WILSON, (E.) A System of Human Anatomy, General and Special: with Notes by Paul B. Goddard, M. D. 2d edn. 170 illustrations. 8vo. . . Philadelphia, 1844 BLAND1N, (F. P.) Nouveaux Elements d’ Anatomie descriptive. 2 vols. 8vo,/.16. Paris, 1838 CLOQUET, (J.) Manuel complet d’anatomie descriptive du Corps Humain. 3 vol. in-4, avec 340 planches. Fig. noites, jE8 ; fig. col. £ 15. .... Paris, 1835 CRUVEILHIER, (J.) Anatomie descriptive. 2e edn. 4 vols. 8vo,/.28. “ 1843 The Same translated by Madden. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . London, 1841-42 ANATOMICAL REMEMBRANCER, or Complete Pocket Anatomist. 12mo. London, 1838 CLOQUET, (H.) A System of Human Anatomy. Transl. by Dr. Knox. 2d edn. 8vo, 21s. London, 1831 ELLIS, (G.) Demonstrations of Anatomy. 8vo, 12s London, 1840 MASSE, (J. N.) Petit Atlas d’Anatomie Descriptive du Corps Humain. 2d edn. 12mo, 112 plates. Paris, 1844 The Same, edited by G. S. Pattison. 12mo New-York, 1845 Pathological. ROKITANSKY, (C.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Vol. 1, 8vo, 15s. men, 1846 CRUVEILHIER, (J.) Anatomie pathologique du oorps humain, ou descriptions avec figures lithographies et coloriees des diverses alterations morbides dont le corps humain est susceptible. Ouvrage complet, publie en 41 livraisons, chacune contenant 6 feuilles de text grand in-fol. avec 5 planches, color., j£22 11s Paris, 1830-42 VOGEL, (J.) The Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body. Transl. by G. E. Day. 8vo, 10 plates, 18s. London, 1846 MEDICINE.] 221 [medicine. ANATOMY.—(Continued.) GROS, (L. D.) Elements of Pathological Anatomy. New edn. 8vo, plates. Philadelphia, 1846 HOPE, (J.) The Principles of Pathological Anatomy; edited by L. M. Lawson. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845 HORNER, (W. E.) Special Anatomy and Histology. 6th edn. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 MECKEL, (J. F.) Manual of General, Descriptive, and Pathological Anatomy. Transl. with Notes by A. Sidney Doane. 3 vols. 8vo. .... Philadelphia, 1832 Surgical. VELPEAU, (A. L. M.) A Treatise on Surgical Anatomy. Transl. by J. W. Sterling. 2 vols. 8vo. ... ....... JWtc- York, 1830 WILSON, (E.) Practical and Surgical Anatomy. 12mo, engr. 10s. 6d. London, 1838 MORTON’S Surgical Anatomy of the Principal Regions, roy. 8vo, plates and woodcuts. London, 1838 Perinaeum. Four plates and three woodcuts, 6s. plain, 7s. 6d. col. Groin, Femoral and Popliteal Regions. Eight plates and eleven wood engravings, 9s. plain, 13s. col. Inguinal Herniae, Testis and its Coverings. Five plates and eleven woodcuts, 12s. col., 9s. plain. The Head and Neck, the Axilla, and Bend of the Elbow. Eight plates, 13s. col., 7s. 6d. plain. Cyclopedias. CYCLOPJED VI of Anatomy and Physiology : edited by Dr. Todd. Vol. 1,40s., 2, 50s. Vol. 3 publishing. 8vo. London, 1836-184- ENCYCLOPEDIE Anatomique, comprenant l’anatomie descriptive, 1’anatomie generale, l’anatomie pathologique, l’histoire du developpement et celle des Races humaines, par MM. les professeurs S. Th. Bischoff, J. Henle, E. Huschke, S. Th. Scemmerring, F. G. Theile, G. Valentin, J Vogel, R. Wagner, G. et E. Weber, traduit de I’Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan, membre de l’academie royale de ntedecine. 10 vol. in-8, fig. Prix de chaque, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1843-47 1. Biographie de Scemmerring, et histoire de l’anatomie et de la physiologie depuis Haller, par R. Wagner. 1 vol. in-8. 2. Osteologie et Syndesmologie, par S. T. Scemmerring et R. Wagner.—Mecanique des mouvemens de 1’homme, par O. et E. Weber. 1 vol. in-8, fig. 3. Myologie et angeologie, par F. W. Theile. 1 vol. in-8. 4. Nevrologie et anatomie du cerveau, par Valentin. 1 vol. in-8, fig. 5. Splanchnologie et organes des sens, par S. T. Scemmerring et E. Huschke. 1 vol. in-8. 6. Anatomie gene rale, ou histoire des tissus et de la composition chimique dn corps hu- main, par Henle. 2 vols. in-8, fig. 7. Histoire du developpement de l’homme, par Bischoff. 1 vol. in-8, fig. 8. Anatomie pathologique, par J. Vogel. 1 vol. in-8. 9. Anatomie des races humaines et des nations, avec l’anatomie des teguments exte- rreurs, par R. Wagner. 1 vol. in-8< Atlases and Plates. CRUVEILHIER, (J.) Atlas Illustrative of the Anatomy of the Human Body. Drawn from Nature by M. E. Beau, with descriptions by M. G. Bonami. Parts 1-22, each containing 4 plates, are out: to be completed in 200 plates ; plain, 2s. fid. per No., coloured, 5s. HU AIN and WILSON’S Series of Anatomical Plates, with References and Physiologi- cal Comments. 2 vols. folio, £12 plain, £20 coloured. . . London, 1836-42 The Work may also be had in separate portions, as follows: The Muscles of the Human Body. Royal folio, 51 plates, £2 16s. plain, £5 5s. full colonred. The Vessels of the Human Body. Royal folio, 50 plates, £2 14s. plain, £3 18s. with the vessels coloured. The Nerves of the Human Body. Royal folio, 38 plates, £2 4s. plain, £4 2s. full coloured. The Viscera of the Human Body ; Including the Organs of Digestion, Respiration, Se- cretion, and Excretion. Royal folio, 32 plates, £1 18s. plain, £3 10s. coloured. The Bones and Ligaments. Royal folio, 30 plates, £2 plain, £2 15s. coloured. MEDICINE.] 222 [MEDICINE. ANATOMY.—( Continued.) LIZARS, (R. J.) Anatomical Plates of the Human Body, accompanied by Descriptions, and Physiological, Pathological, and Surgical Observations. New edn. 101 col. plates, folio, jE6 6s Edinburgh, 1841 WEBER, (M. J.) Anatomical Atlas of the Human Body, in Natural Size. 90 plates, folio, with 8vo text, £5 5s London, 1831 Supplementary Plates to ditto. 13s. ....... “ 1841 ANATOMY, COMPARATIVE. Bibliography. WAGNER, (R.) Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals, de- signed especially for the use of Students. Edited from the German by A. Tulk. 8vo, 9s. London, 1845 General Treatises. GRANT, (R. E.) Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo, woodcuts, 28s. Ijondon, 1841 JONES, (T. R.) General Outline of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo, woodcuts, 38s London, 1841 CUVIER, (Geo.) Lecons d’anatomie comparde. 2e edition. 10 vols. 8vo, (1-7 sont en vente) 7s. each. / Paris, 1836-1845 FLOURENS, (M.) Mem. d’anatomie et de Physiologie companies. 4to, 8 planches, 18s. Paris, 1844 OWEN, (R.) Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1843. From Notes taken by W. W. Cooper, and revised by Professor Owen. 8vo, numerous woodcuts, 14s. Lond., 1843 Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Vertebrate Animals; delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1844 and 1846. Vol. 2. part 1, Fishes. 8vo, numerous woodcuts, I4s. London, 1847 See also the various Articles in Todd’s Cyclopaedia of Anatomy, &c., and the Works of Carps, Blumenbach, Schreber, Wagner, the Penny Cycloptedia, &c., Cat. of Museum of Royal Coll, of Surgeons, 5 vols. 4to, etc. Tegumentary System. MAMMALIA. FLOURENS, (M.) Anatomie Generale de la Peau, et des Membranes Muquenses. 4to, 6 planches, 20s. Paris, 1843 See also the Works of Agassiz, Mueller, Mandl, Nitzsch, and others, quoted in Wagner. Osseous System. BLAINVILLE’S Osteographie Comparde. Par. - folio, (not yet completed.) Paris, 1830 SPIX. Cephalogenesis, sive capitis Ossei structura formatio et significatio per omnes ani- malium. Classes, familias, genera, et states, digesta, atque tabulis illustrata. folio, 18 plates, j£4 . Munich, 1842 BRANDT, (J. F.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Naturgeschichte der Vogel. 4to. St. Petersburgh, 1839 CUVIER, (G.) Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des Quadrupedes. 4eddition. 10 vols. 8vo, et 2 vols. 4to, numerous plates, £8 8a Paris, 1834 Muscular System. See Wagner's Supt. zu Schreber’s Naturgeschichte der Saiigthiere, 1840, and Wagner's Manual of Comp. Anatomy. Nervous System. LEURET, (F.) Anatomie Comparde du Systeme Nerveaux, un Atlas, folio. Paris. 1840 SWAN, (J.) Illustrations of the Comp. Anat. of the Nervous System. 4to, 52s. 6d. London, 1841-2 LONGET, (F. A.) Anat. et Phys. du Systeme Nerveaux de l’Homme, et des animaux Vertebres Paris, 1842 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. SCEMMERRING, (S. T.) De Oculorum Sectione horizontale. fol. . Gottingen, 1818 HANNOVER. De cartilaginibus musculis, nervis auris extern® atque de nexu nervi vagi et facialis. 4to. . *. Havnite, 1839 TODD, (R. B.) The Descriptive and Physiological Anatomy of the Brain, Spinal Cord, and Ganglions, and of their Coverings. Adapted for tbe use of Students. 8vo, wood- cuts, 7s. ............ London, 1845 See also Muller’s Archiv., 1838-1841. Ann. du Museum d’Hist. Nat., vol. 18, &c. MEDICINE.] 223 [medicine. ANATOMY, COMPARATIVE.—( Continued.) ORGANS OF DIGESTION. OWEN, (J.) Odontography. 8vo. London, 1840-1845 CUVIER, (F.) Des dents des Maramiferes. 8vo Paris, 1825 See also Blainville’s Osteographie Comparee. Muller’s Archiv. 1837, 1841, 1843. Ann. des Sciences Naturelles, 1835, &c. ' ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. MANDL. Anatomie Microscopic Paris, 1838-43 WAGNER, (R.) Beitriige zur Vergleichenden Physiologie. See also Muller’s Archiv. 1838. Gulliver in Appendix to Gerber’s General Anatomy, 1842, &c. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION AND VOICE. BRANDT, (J. F.) Obs. Anat. de Mammalium qnorundam pr$sertim quadrumanorum vocis instrumento. 4to Berlin, 1826 MULLER, (J.) Schrift uber die Compensation der physischen Kriifte am Menschlichen Stimmorgan Berlin, 1839 ORGANS OF SECRETION. MULLER, (J.) De Glandularum Secementium Structura penetiori. fol. Leipzig, 1829 On the Intimate Structure of the Secreting Glands. Translated with additions by S. Solly. 8vo London, 1839 See also Muller’s Archiv., 1839. ORGANS OF GENERATION. WAGNER, (R.) Elements of Physiology. Translated by Dr. Willis. 8vo. London, 1844 ANATOMICAL MANIPULATION. TULK, (A.) & HENFREY, (A.) Anatomical Manipulation ; or the Me- thods of pursuing practical investigations in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology ; also an Introduction to the Use of the Microscope, &c. 1 vol. I2mo. ......... London, 1844 Parts I., II. treat of Mechanical Arrangements and the Microscope. III. contains directions for Dissecting and Preserving the several Systems of Organs. ANEURYSM. PORTER, (W.) On the Surgical Pathology and Treatment of Aneurysm, Part 1. 8vo, 6s. London, 1841 DERMOT, (G.) Illustrations of the Arteries connected with Aneurysm. 4to, 30s. London, 1841 ERICHSEN, (J. E.) Observations on Aneurysm, selected from the Works of the Principal Writers on that Disease, from the earliest periods to the close of the last century. 8vo. (Sydenham Society.) London, 1844 APOPLEXY. COPEMAN, (E.) A Collection of Cases of Apoplexy, with an explanatory Introduction. 8vo, 7s. London, 1845 ARTERIES. BELL, (C.) Engravings of the Arteries ; illustrating the Anatomy of the Human Body, and serving as an Introduction to the Surgery of the Arteries. 8vo. . Philad., 1833 DERMOTT, (G.) Illustrations of the Arteries connected with Aneurysm. 4to, 30s. London, 1841 GUTHRIE, (G.) On the Diseases and Injuries of Arteries. 8vo, 14s. . “ 1830 Q.UAIN, (R.) Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the Arteries. 2 vols. fol., £13. London, 1841-45 FLOOD, (V.) Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries. 12mo, plates, 7s. . “ 1839 AUSCULTATION. HUGHES, (H. M,) A Clinical Introduction to the Practice of Auscultation, and other modes of Diagnosis: intended to simplify the study of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. 12mo, 6s London, 1845 MEDICINE.] 224 [medicine. AUSCULTATION.—( Continued.) BARTH & ROGERS. A Practical Treatise on Auscultation Translated with Notes, by Dr. Newbigging. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1842 ANDRY, (F.) Manuel Pratique de Percussion et d’Auscultation. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1844 KENNEDY, (E.) Observations on Pregnancy and Auscultation. 12mo, 6s. 6d. London, 1833 LAENNEC, (R. T. II.) A Treatise on Medical Auscultation, and on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart; with Notes and Additions, by MM. Laennec and Andral. Translated by T. Herbert 8vo, plates, 18s. ........ London, 1846 FOURNET on Auscultation, and on the Diagnosis, Curability, and Treatment of the First Stage of Consumption. Translated from the French, by Dr. Brady. Part I. 8vo, 7s. London, 1841 BILE. BUISSON, (F.) De la Bile, de ses Varietes Physiologiques, et de ses alterations morbides. 8vo. Paris, 1843 BLOOD. GRIFFITH, (J. W.) A Practical Manual: containing a Description of the general Chemi- cal and Microscopical Characters of the Blood and Secretions of the Human Body, in- cluding both their Healthy and Diseased States. 5s. . . . . London, 1846 ANDRAL. Recherches sur les modifications de proportion de quelques principes du Sang dans les maladies. 8vo. Paris, 1843 The same, transl. by Drs. Meigs and Stille. 8vo. . . . Philad., 1844 LECANU. Etudes Chimiques sur le sang humain. 4to. . . . Paris, 1837 STEVENS, (W.) Observations on the Blood. 8vo, 15s. . , . London, 1832 THACKRAH, (C.) Inquiry into the Nature and Properties of the Blood, 2d ed. By Dr. Wright. 8vo, 7s. 6d London, 1834 MAJENDIE, (F.) Lectures on the Blood, and on the Changes it undergoes during disease. Transl. 8vo Philad.. 1839 REES, (G. O.) On the Analysis of the Blood and Urine in Health and Disease. 2d edn. 8vo, 7s. 6d. ........... London, 1845 HOLLAND, (G. C.) The Philosophy of the Moving Powers of the Blood. 8vo, 8s. London. HALL, (MaRsh’l.) Critical and Experimental Essays on the Circulation of the Blood ; especially as observed in the Minute and Capillary Vessels of the Batrachia and of Fishes. 8vo, pi., 9s. London. BOTANY, MEDICAL, See page 78. BRAIN. SOLLY, (S.) The Human Brain : its Structure, Physiology, and Diseases. 2d ed. 8vo, woodcuts. ............ London, 1847 NOBLE, (D.) The Brain and its Physiology ; a Critical Disquisition on the Methods of Determining the Relations subsisting between the Structure and Functions of the Enceph- alon. 8vo, 6s. . . . . . . . . .' . . London, 1846 EHRENBERG, (F.) Microscopical Observations on the Brain and Nerves. 8vo, Philad., 1839 ABERCROMBIE, (J.) Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and the Spinal Cord. 4th ed. 12mo, 6s. London, 1845 BAILLARGER, (M.) A Course of Lectures on those Diseases of the Brain which affect the Mind and produce Insanity. Edited by Dr, Conelley. 8vo. . . Philad., 1846 ANDRAL, (G.) Diseases of the Encephalon, etc. Transl. 8vo. . . “ 1843 BURROWS, (G.) On Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation, and on the connexion between Affections of the Brain and Diseases of the Heart. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. London, 1846 GUTHRIE, (G. J.) On Injuries of the Head affecting the Brain. 4to, 6s. 1842 PINEL, (S.) Traite de pathologie cerebrale, ou Des Maladies du Cerveau. 8vo, /.7. Paris, 1844 DURAND-FARDEL, (M.) Traite du ramollissement du Cerveau. 8vo. Paris, 1813 BREAST. COOPER, (Sir A. P.) On the Anatomy of the Breast. 4to, with 27 plates, several col’d, 63s. London, 1840 COOPER. Illustrations of Diseases of the Breast. 4to “ 1829 MEDICINE.] 225 [MEDICINE. BREAST.—( Continued.) TUSON, (E. W.) The Structure and Functions of the Female Breast, as they relate to its Health, Derangement, and Disease. 8vo, 10s. 6d. .... London, 1846 VELPEAU, (A. L. M.) A Treatise on Diseases of the Breast. Transl. by J. Parkman. 8vo Philad., 1841 CALCULUS. j BIRD, (G.) Urinary Deposits : their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Therapeutical Indications. 2d ed. post 8vo, 8s. 6d. London, 1846 JONES, (H. B.) On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout; chiefly an Application of Professor Liebig’s Physiology to the Prevention and Cure of those Diseases. 8vo, 6s. Land., 1842 SCHARL1NG, (E. A.) On the Chemical Discrimination of Vesical Calculi. Translated from the Latin, with an Appendix, by S. E. Hoskins, M. D. Post 8vo, 24 col’d plates, 7s. 6d London, 1842 CROSSE, (J.) On the Formation, Constitnents, and Extraction of the Urinary Calculus. 4to, plates, 42s. plain ; 52s. fid. col I.ondon, 1835 CANCER. WALSHE, (W. H.) The Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Cancer: with Additions by J. M. Warren, M. D. 12mo Boston, 1844 MULLER, (J.) On the Nature and Strnctnral Characteristics of Cancer, and of those Morbid Growths which may be confounded with it. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Charles West. Part 1, 8vo, plates and woodcuts, 7s. 6d. . London, 1840 CANQ.UOIN. Expose complet de sa methode du Traitement dn Cancer. 8vo, /.6. Paris, 1838 CHEST, (Diseases of, &c.) WILLIAMS, (C. J. B.) Pathology and Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest. 4th ed. 8vo, plates, &e., 10s. 6d. .......... London, 1840 A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Chest. 8vo. . . . . “ 1847 ANDRAL, (G.) On Diseases of the Chest. Translated from the French. 8vo. Philad., 1843 GERHARD, (W. W.) Lectures on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of the Dis- eases of the Chest, new ed. 8vo. Philad., 1842 STOKES, (W.) A Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of the Chest. 8vo Philad, 1844 LAENNEC. Treatise on Diseases of the Chest. Translated by Dr. Forbes. 4th ed. 8vo, 18s. London, 1834 CHILDREN, (Diseases of, &c.) UNDERWOOD, (Dr.) Treatise on the Diseases of Children, with Directions for the Management of Infants. 10th ed. with additions, by Henry Davies, M. D. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 MAUNSELL & EVANSON. Practical Treatise on the Management and Diseases of Children. 4th ed. revised, 8vo, 12s. 6d. London, 1842 HOOD, (P.) On the Diseases most fatal to Children. 8vo, 6s. . . “ 1845 COLEY. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. 8vo, 14s. . “ 1846 BILLARD, (C. M.) A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. Translated by J. Stewart, M. D. 2d ed. 8vo JYew-York, 1845 CONDIE, (D. F.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. 8vo. Philad., 1843 EBERLE, (J.) On the Diseases and Physical Education of Children. 3d edn. 8vo. Philad., 1844 Management of. CHAVASSE, (P. H.) Advice to Mothers in the Management of their Offspring. 18mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1844 BULL, (T.) The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease. 2d ed. re- vised and enlarged. 7s. . . . . . . . . . London, 1845 COMBE, (A.) On the Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy. Edited by J. Bell, M. D. 12mo, 4th edn. Boston, 1845 CHOLERA. HAWKINS, ( ) History of the Epidemic Spasmodic Cholera of Russia. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1331 KENNEDY, (R. H.) Notes on the Epidemic Cholera. 2d ed. 8vo, 7s. 6d. “ 1846 MEDICINE.] 226 [MEDICINE. CHOLERA.—(Continued.) NELSOrf, (R. M. D.) Sketch of the History and Progress of the present Cholera Epidemic as it occurred in Montreal. 8vo. ....... Montreal, 1832 PAINE, (M.) Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it has appeared in the City of New- York. 8vo New-York, 1832 CLIMATE. FORRY, (S.) The Climate of the United States and its Endemic Influences. 8vo. New- York, 1841 CLARK, (J.) The Sanative Influence of Climate. l2mo, 4th edn. 10s. (id. London, 1841, Philadelphia, 1843 ARMSTRONG, (R.) The Influence of Climate, and other Agents, on the Human Con- stitution, with reference to the Causes and Prevention of Disease among Seamen ; with Observations on Fever in general, and an Accoupt of the Epidemic Fever of Jamaica. 8vo, 8s. . London, 1843 FOISSAC. De I’influenee des Climats sur l’homme. 8vo /.6. . . Paris, 1837 SIGAUD. Du Climatet des Maladies du Bresil, ou Statisque medicale decetempire. 8vo, /. 9 ... Paris. BOUDIN. Essai de geographe medicale, ou Etude sur les lois qui president h la distribution geographique des maladies, etc. 8vo, /.3. Paris, 1843 CLINICAL MEDICINE. LATHAM, (P.) Lectures on Subjects connected with Clinical Medicine. l2mo, 6s. fid. London, 1836 ANDRAL, (G.) Clinique Medicale. Translated by Dr. Spillan. 8vo, 25s. “ 1836 GRAVES, (J.) A New System of Clinical Medicine. 8vo, I8s. • . “ 1843 ORMEROD, (W. P.) Clinical Collections and Observations in Surgery, made during an attendance on the Surgical Practice of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1846 CONSTIPATION. BURNE, (J.) On Habitual Constipation. 8vo, 7s. 6d. ... “ J840 CONSUMPTION. CLARKE, (J.) A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption : comprehending an Enquiry into the Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculous and Scrofulous Diseases in general. 8vo, I2s. London, 1835 (Reprinted, Philad., L. & B.) CAMPBELL, (J.) On Tuberculous Consumption. 8vo, plates, las. . “ 1841 DEFORMITIES. TAMPLIN, (R. W.) Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Deformities. ]"mi, woodcuts, 7s. (id. London, 1846 BEALE, (L.) A Treatise on the Distortions and Deformities of the Human Body ; exhib- iting a Concise View of the Nature and Tiea'ment, of the principal Malformations and Distortions of the Chest, Spine, and Limbs. Wilh Plates. 2d ed., 8vo, I2s. London, 1833 AMESBURY, (J.) On the Nature and Treatment of Deformities of the Spine. Chest, and Limbs. 4to, plates, 3ls. 6d. London, 1840 DENTISTRY.—(See Teeth.) Bibliography.—See Rogers’ Dictionnaire, infra. GODDARD, (P. B.) The Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Teeth and Gums, with the most approved methods ot Treatment, including operations, and of making and setting artificial teeth. 4to, plates. ....... Philad., 1844 ROBINSON, (J.) The Surgical, Mechanical, and Medical Treatment of the Teeth ; in- cluding Dental Mechanics. 8vo, 139 engravings, 10s. . . . I.on don, 1846 MAURY, (F.) Treatise on the Dental Art. Transl. by J. B. Savier. 8vo, 305 illust. Philad., 1843 HARRIS, (C. A.) The Principles and Practice of Dental Surgery. 8vo, 69 engr. Philad.. 1845 De LOUDE. Surgical, Operative, and Mechanical Dentistry. The Substance of a Series of Lectures delivered by L. Charles de Loude. 4 Plates. Intended as a Guide to young Practitioners in the Dental Profession, Medical Students, and the Public in general, etc., 8vo, 12s. 6d. ........... London, 1840 MEDICINE.] 227 [medicine. DENTISTRY.—( Continued.') ROGERS, (W.) L’Encyclopedie du Dentiste, au Repertoire general de toutes les connais- sanees medico-chirurgicales tur lanatomie et la patho'ogie des dents, etc. ; precede de l’Histoire du dentiste chez les anciens. 8vo, .7 50. .... Paris, 1845 Dictionnaire des Sciences dentaires, suivi d’un Dictionnaire de Bibliographie dentaire. 12mo, /.5. Paris, 1846 Manuel d’hygiene dentaire. 12mo, /.3. “ 1846 DIAGNOSIS. HALL, (M.) The Principles of Diagnosis. 2d edn., by Dr. Sweet. 8vo. New- York, D. A. & Co. SCHILL. Outlines of Pathological Semeiology. Transl. by Dr. Spillan. 12mo. London, 1839 RIDGE, (B.) Glossology; or, the Additional Means of Diagnosis of Diseases to be derived from Indications and Appearances of the Tongue. 8vo, 6 pfates, 4s. 6d. London, 1844 DICTIONARIES. COPLAND, (J.' Dictionary of Practical Medicine ; A Library of Pathology, and a Digest of Medical Literature : comprising—General Pathology ; a Classification of Diseases ac- cording to Pathological Principles ; a Bibliography, with References; an Appendix of Formulte ; a Pathological Classification of Diseases, Hie. 8vo. . . London, v. y. Vols 1 and 2, 30s. each. Parts 1 to 11. Abdomen to Pleura, (Diseases of). The Preface, with a Pathological Classification of Diseases, &c., forming a Key to the Systematic Study of Practical Medicine, as well as an arranged Table of the Contents of the Work, will accompany the last Part. An Index of the Individual Topics comprised under the various Chapters and Sections of each article will also be given in the last Part. DICTIONNJ1IRE de Medicine, ou Repertoire general des sciences medicales eonsiderees sous les rapports theorique et pratique : par MM. Adelon, Beclard, Berard, Blaches, Chomel, Cloquet, Gerdy, Guervant, Marjolin, Rostan, Roux, Trousseau, Velpeau, etc. 2e ddn. 30 vols. 8vo, /.180. .......... Paris, 1845 IIOBLYN, (R.) Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. 12mo, 9s. London, 1835 PALMER, (S.) A Pentaglot Dictionary of the Terms employed in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Practical Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medi- ca. Pharmacy, Medical Zoology, Botany, and Chemistry. In Two Parts. Part 1, with the leading Terms in French, followed by the Synonymes in the Greek, Latin, German, and English ; Explanations in English ; and copious Illustrations in the different Lan- guages. Part 2. A German-English-French Dictionary, comprehending the Scientific German Terms of the preceding Part. 8vo, 10.9. .... London, 1845 LUNIER, ( .) Dictionnaire des Sciences et des Arts. Contenant l’etymologie, la defini- tion et les diverses acceptions des termes techniques usites dans l’anatomie, la medecine, la chimie, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris. JOURDAN, (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire Raisonne, etymologique, synonymique et polyglotte des termes usites dans les sciences naturelles, comprenant l’anatomie, la physiologie g6no - rale, I’histoire naturelle, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, /.18. Paris 1834 DIETETICS, (See Food, p. 148.) DAVIDSON, (W.) A Treatise on Diet; comprising the Natural History, Properties, Com- position, Adulterations, and Uses of the Vegetables, Animals, Fishes, &c., used as Food. 12mo, 6s. ' London, 1844 PEREIRA, (J.) A Treatise on Food and Diet. 8vo, 16s. ... “ 1843 (Reprinted, New-York, 1843.) COMBE, (A.) Physiology of Digestion. 12mo “ 1836 (Reprinted, N. Y., 1836.) LIEBIG, (J.) Researches on the Chemistry of Food. Edited by W. Gregory, M. D. 8vo, 5s. Gd London, 1847 DIGESTION. BEAUMONT, (W.) Experiments on the Gastric Jnice and Digestion. Edited by Dr. Combe. 12mo, 7s. London, 1838 COOKE, (W.) On Derangement of the Digestive Organs. 2d ed. 8vo, 7s. “ 1831 COMBE, (A.) Physiology of Digestion. 18mo New- York, 1836 PROUT, (W.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. 3d edn. 8vo, 15s. London, 1845 MEDICINE.] 228 [MEDICINE. DISEASE. STEINAU, (J. H.) A Pathological and Philosophical Treatise on Hereditary Diseases. With an Appendix on Intermarriage, and the Inheritance of the Tendency to Moral De- pravities and Crimes. 8vo, 3s. 6d. ....... London, 1843 GAVIN, (H.) On Feigned and Factitious Diseases, chiefly of Soldiers and Seamen ; on the Means used to simulate or produce them : and on the best Modes of Discovering Impos- tors: being the Prize Essay in the Class of Military Surgery in the University of Edin- burgh, Session 1835-6 ; with Additions. 8vo, 9s. .... London, 1843 SHEARMAN, (E. J.) An Essay on the Properties of Animal and Vegetable Life ; their t De(iendence on the Atmosphere, and Connection with each other in relation to the Func- tions of Health and Disease. Post 8vo, 5s. (id London, 1845 MARX & WILLIS. On the Decrease of Disease effected by the Progress of Civilization. 12mo, 4s. ............ London, 1844 SEYMOUR, (Dr. E. J.) Thoughts on the Nature and Treatment of several Severe Diseases of the Human Bqdy—including—1. Diseases of the Stomach.—2. Gout.—3. Melancholy (Mental Derangement).—4. Epilepsy.—5. Neuralgic Affections—Brow Ague, Sciatica, &c. 2 vols. 8vq, Vol. 1,10s London, 1847 DROPSY. SEYMOUR, (E. J.) Nature and Treatment of Dropsy, considered especially in reference to the Diseases of the Internal Organs of the Body which most commonly produce it. Parts 1 and 2—Anasarca and Ascites. With an Appendix, and a Translation of the Italian Work of Dr. Geromini on Dropsy. 6s London, 1837 WALNE, (D. II.) Cases of Dropsical Ovaria removed by the large Abdominal Section. 8vo, 3s. 6d London, 1843 OSBURN, (J.) On the Nature and Treatment of Dropsical Diseases; in Four Parts. Parts I. and II. on Dropsies from Suppressed Perspiration and Diseased Kidney; with a coloured plate representing a kidney in an advanced stage of the disease.—Part III. On Dropsies from Impediments to the Circulation.—Part. IV. On Dropsies from Topical Af- fections. 2d edn., 7s London, 1837 DYSENTERY. HARTY, (W.) Observations on the History and Treatment of Dysentery and its combi- nations. 2d ed. 8vo, 9s. London, 1847 EAR. WILLIAMS, (J.) On the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Ear; being the Prize Essay in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo, (dates, 10s. 6d. . London, 1840 SAUNDERS, (J.) Anatomy of the Ear. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, 8s. ; col’d, 12s. London, 1829 TODD, (D.) Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ of Hearing. 8vo, plates, 7s. 6d. London, 1832 PILCHER, (G.) A Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Ear. 8vo, (dates, 2d edn., 12s. London, 1841; Philad, 1843 SAISSY, (S.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the Ear. 8vo. . . Baltimore, 1839 KRAMER, (W.) Nature and Treatment of the Diseases of the Ear. Translated from the German, with the latest improvements of the author since the last German edition, by J. R. Bennett, M. D. 8vo, plates, 10s. fid. ... London and Philad., 1836 DUFTON, (W.) The Nature and Treatment of Deafness and Diseases of the Ear, and the Treatment of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo, 4s London, 1844 YEARSLEY, (J.) Contributions to Aural Surgery. 12mo, 7s. . . “ 1844 SCEMMERRING, (S. T.) Iconologie de l’organe de 1’ouie, trad, du latin par Rivallid. 8vo, et Atlas de 17 pi. 4to. /.7 Paris, 1828 EMBRYOLOGY. VELPEAU. Embryologie ou Ovologie humaine, contenant l’histoire descriptive et icono- graphique de l’ceuf'humain. folio, 45 pi. color., /.25. . . . Paris, 1835 ERDL, (M. P.) Die Entwickelnng des Menschen und des Hiinchens im Eie. Vol. 1-. Entwickelung der Leibesform des Menschen. 4to Leipzig, 1846 POUCHET, (F. A.) Theorie positive de l’ovulation spontanee et de la fdcondation dans l’espece humaine et les mammiferes. Ouvrage qui a obtenu le grand prix de physiologie 5 Plnstitut de France, in-8, avec atlas, in-4, de 20 planches gravees et colorees. Paris, 1847 MEDICINE.] 229 [MEDICINE. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. CYCLOPJELIA of Practical Medicine, edited by J. Forbes, A. Tweedie, and J. Conolly. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. .......... London, 1835 The same, edited by Dr. Dunglison. Philad., 1844 C YV.LOPJEDlA of Practical Surgery, embracing a complete View of all the Departments it Operative Medicine. Edited by W. B. Costello, roy. 8vo, vol. 1-. London, 1843 (In course of publication ) ( YCLOFJE.DIA of Anatomy and Physiology, edited by R. B. Todd. roy. 8vo. “ 1841 (In course of publication.) § ENCYCLOPF.DJE des Sciences Medicales, ou Traite general, mcthodique et completdes divers branches de Part de guerir, et collection des auteurs classiques; sous la direction nr. y Bayle.—L’Encyclopedie des Sciences Medicales en 40 vols. 8vo. . Paris. (In course of publication.) FJYCYCLOPEDIE anatomique, comprenant anatomie descriptive, 1'anatomie gdnerale i anatomie pathologique, l’histoire du dcveloppeinent et celle des races humains. Par G. T. Bischoff, J. Henle, E. Huschke, S. T. Scemmerring, R. Wagner, G. and E. Weber, traduit de l’allemand, par A. J. L. Jourdan. 10 vols. 8vo, /.90. . Paris, 1843-47 7 iPIDEMIC. PARKIN, (J.) On the Remote Cause of Epidemic Diseases. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1841 OZANAM. Histoire medicale, gendrale et particuliere des maladies epidemicnes, conta- gieuses et epizootiques qui ont regne en Europe depuis les temps les plus recules, jusqu'k nos jours. 2d edn., 4 vols. 8vo, /.12 Paris, 1845 EPILEPSY. JACKSON, (J.) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Epilepsy. 8vo, 6s. Lond., 1842 ERYSIPELAS. NUNNELEY, (J.) On the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Erysipelas. 8vo, 9s. London, 184] ETIQUETTE. BANKS, (A.) Etiquette. 12mo, 3s. 6d London, 1839 eVe. LAWRENCE, (W.) Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn. 8vo, 24s. London, 1841 TYRRELL, (F.) On Diseases of the Eye, and their Treatment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s London, 1840 FRANZ, (J. C. A.) A Treatise on the Eye; exhibiting the Art of preserving this organ in a healthy condition, and of improving the Sight. To which is prefixed, a View of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye. with Observations on its Expression as indicative of the Character and Emotions of the Mind. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . Lo7idon, 1839 MACKENZIE, (W.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye. To which is pre- fixed, an Anatomical Introduction, explanatory of a horizontal Section of the Human Eye ball, by T. W. Jones, Surgeon. 3d edn. 8vo, with a horizontal Section of the Eye, and above a hundred woodcuts, 25s London, 1840 The Physiology of Vision. 8vo, 10s. 6d *• 1841 JONES, (T. Wharton.’, A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Medi- cine and Surgery ; illustrated with 102 Engravings, plain and coloured. 12mo, 12s. 6d. London, 1847 MORGAN, (G.) Lectures on Diseases of the Eye. 8vo, col. plates, 18s. “ 1839 Description of the Different Operations required in the Practice of Ophthalmic Sur- gery. 8vo, plates. London. TRAVERS and GREEN. Ophthalmic Surgery. 18mo, 6s. . . London, 1839 GUTHRIE, (C. G.) On Cataract and its Appropriate Treatment by the Operation adapted for each Peculiar Case 8vo, 4s. . . London, 1845 Lectures on the Operative Surgery of the Eye, &c. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, 35s. London, 1830 HALL. (J. C.) Clinical Remarks on certain Diseases of the Eye, and on Miscellaneous Subjects, Medical and Surgical, including Gout, Rheumatism, Fistula, Cancer, Hernia, Indigestion, &c. 8vo, 7s London, 1843 On the Nature and Treatment of some of the more important Diseases, Medical and Surgical, Including the Principal Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn., enlarged. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1844 MIDDLEMORE, (R.) Treatise on Diseases of the Eye, and its Appendages. 2 vols. 8vo, 35s. London, 1836 MEDICINE.] 230 [MEDICINE. EYE.—(Continued.) WALKER, (J.) The Oculist’s Vade-mecum ; a complete Practical System of Ophthn am. Surgery : with numerous Woodcuts and coloured Engravings of the Diseases and Opera- tion! on the Eye. 12mo, 10s. 6 London, ‘843 WATSON, (A.) On Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn. 8vo, 21s. . . “ S(EMMERRING (S. T.) Description figuree de l’oeil humain. trad, par Demours. 4to, fig., Pari*’ 1818 FEET. * EISENBERG, (J.) Surgical and Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Human Foot; with Instructions for their Treatment; to which is added, Advice on the Manage- mfent of the Hand. 4to, 21s London, 1845 LITTLE, (W. J.) A Treatise on the Nature of Club-Foot and Analagous Distortions; including their Treatment, both with and without Surgical Operation ; illustrated by a series of Cases and numerous Practical Instructions. 8vo, 41 woodcuts, 12s. London, 1839 FEIGNED DISEASES. GAVIN, (II.) On Feigned and Fictitious Diseases, chiefly of Soldiers and Seamen; on the means used to simulate or produce them, and on the best Modes of discovering Impos- tors ; being the Prize Essay in the Class of Military Surgery in the University of Edin- burgh. 8vo, 9s. . . ... . . . . . . London, 18i3 FEVER. SMITH, (Southwood.) Systematic Treatise on Fever. 8vo, 14s. . London, 1830 M'CORMAC, (H.) Exposition of the Nature, Treatment, and Prevention of Continued Fever. 8vo, 6s. ......... . London, 1835 BOISSEAU, (F. G.) Physiological Pyretology, or a Treatise on Fevers: according to the Principles of the New Medical Doctrine. Transl. by Dr. Knox. 8vo. . Philud., 1832 CLYMER, (M.) Fevers, General and Special. 8vo “ 1846 TWEED1E, (A.) Dissertation on Fevers, etc. “ 1842 BARTLETT, (E.) The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Typhoid, and of Typhus Fever, etc. 8vo. ........... Philad., 1842 ROUPELL, (G.) A Short Treatise on Typhus Fever. 8vo. A. . . “ 1840 ARNOLD, (W.) A Practical Treatise on the Bilious Remittent Fever; with Remarks on the Connection of Diseases with the Changes of the Atmosphere upon Epidemics; Medi- cal Topography, &c. 8vo, 10s. ........ London, 1840 REED, (M'C.) Fever Physiologically Considered. Considerations on Yellow Fever, Typhus Fever, Plague, Cholera, and Sea-Scurvy ; also the Questions of Contagion and the Quarantine Laws ; with an Address to the Public on the Popular Treatment of Cholera. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1846 LOUIS. On Yellow Fever. Transl. by Shattuck. 8vo, 10s. ... “ 1840 . TWEEDIE, (A.) Clinical Illustrations of Fever. 8vo, 7s. . . “ 1830 GREGORY, (G.) Lectures on the Eruptive Fevers, delivered at St. Thomas’s Hospital, in January, 1843. 8vo, 7s. 6d London, 1843. New- York, 1846 FRACTURES. AMESBURY, (J.) Practical Remarks on the Nature and Treatment of Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities : with Plates, Woodcuts, and Cases. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. I.ondon, 1831 COOPER, (Sir A.) Treatise on Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints. New edn., by Bransby Cooper. 8vo, woodcuts, 20s. ...... London, 1842 HIND, (G. W.) Fractures of the Extremities. Exhibited in twenty plates, showing the Causes of displacement, etc. 2d edn. folio, 24s. . . . . London, 1836 MEYER, (F. G.) Die Lehre von den Fracturen. 8vo, .... Berlin, 1843 LONSDALE, (E. F.) A Practical Treatise on Fractures. 8vo, 60 woodcuts. London, 1838 SMITH, (R. W.) A Treatise on Fractures in the Vicinity of Joints, etc. 8vo, 200 wood- cuts. ............. Dublin, 1847 GOUT. ROBERTSON, (W. H.) The Nature and Treatment of Gont. 8vo, 10s. 6rZ. London, 1845 PARKIN, (J.) On Gout: its Causes, Nature and Treatment. 8vo, 8s. “ 1841 SCUDAMORE, (C.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Gout and Gravel. 4th ed. 8vo, 14s London, 1839 TODD, (R. B.) Practical Remarks on Gout, &c. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . “ 1843 JONES, (H. B.) On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout. 8vo, 6s. . “ 1842 MEDICINE.] 231 [MEDICINE. HEAD. SHARP, (W.) Practical Observations on Injuries of the Head. 8vo, 7s. London, 1841 VELPEAU. De l’operation du Trepan dans les Plaies du tete. 8vo. . Paris, 1834 HEALTH. SMITH, (Southwood.) The Philosophy of Health. New edn. 2 vols. 18mo, cuts, 6s. London, 1847 WINSLOW, (F.) On the Preservation of the Health of Body and Mind. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1842 PHILIP, (A. P. W.) A Treatise on the Means of Preserving Health, etc. 8vo. “ 1830 EDWARDS, (W.) On the Influence of Physical Agents on Life. Translated by Drs. Hodgkin and Fisher. 8vo, 16s London 1832 HEALTH, PULl.; PARENT DUCHATELET. Hygiene Publique, ou Memoires sur les questions les plus importantes de l’hygiene appliquee aux professions et aux travaux d'ntilite publique. 2 vol. in-8, avec 18 planches. /.1G Paris, 1836 MONFALCON et POLINIERE. Traite de la Salubrite Publique dans les Grandes Villes, ouvrage destind aux medicins, aux membres des conseils de salubritd, aux prefets, aux maires, aux membres des conseils generaux, etc. in-8,/.7 50 . . . Paris, 1846 Cet ouvrage qni embrasse toutes les questions qui se rattachent k la sante publique est ainsi divise : Chapitre I. Histcire de la salubrite chez les peuples anciens et modernes, conditions dans lesquelles se trouvent les grandes villes ; interets opposes de l’industrie, de lasa- lubrite et de la propriete, etc.—II. Des lieux qui servent d’habitations k 1’homme.— III. Des maisons, de leur construction, hauteur, contenance, orientation, amenagement interieur, caves, rez-de chaussee, ventilation, capacity des appartements, chambre k coucher, cuisine, latrines, chauffage, eclairage, etc.—IV. Des rues et des places publi- ques, pavage. egouts, voirie, latrines publiques, etc.—V. Des edifices destines k rece- voir une fiopulation agglomeree : ateliers et fabriques, colleges, prisons, hopitaux, ca- sernes, eglises, theatres, etc.—VI. Des etablissements et des lieux k damnations in- commodes, dangereuses et insalubres.—VII. De quelques foyers speciaux d’infection, cimetieres, inhumations precipitees, moils apparentes, equarrissage, abattoirs, etc.— VIII. Des dtablissements k emanations incommodes, insalubres et dangereuses.—IX. De la police des aliments et des boissons.—X. De la falsification des medicaments.— XI. Legislations relatives aux manufactures et aux ateliers insalubres et incommodes. CHADWICK, (E.) General Report of the Sanatory Condition of the Labouring Popula- tion of Great Britain. 8vo , London, 1842 Parliamentary Reports on Health of Towns, (Interments), &c. HEART, (Diseases of.) LATHAM, (P. M.) On Diseases of the Heart. Lectures on Subjects connected with Clini- cal Medicine; comprising Diseases of the Heart. 2 vols. 12mo, 16s. . London, 1845-6 HOPE, (J.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels, and on the Affec- tions which may be mistaken for them. 3d edn. plates. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1839 ARAN, (F. A.) Practical Manual of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels. Translated by W. H. Harris, M. D. 12mo. . Philad., 1843 FURNIVALL, (J. J.) On Diseases of the Heart and on Aneurism : their Diagnosis, Pre- vention, and Treatment. 8vo, 8a I,ondon, 1845 ALISON, (S. S.) Some Observations on Organic Alterations of the Heart; and particu larly on the beneficial employment of Iron in the Treatment of such Cases. 12mo, 2s. Ctrl. London, 1845 BOUILLAND, (J.) Traite Clinique des Maladies du Cceur, precede de recherches non- velles sur l’anatomie et la physiologie de cet organe. 2d edn., 2 vols. 8vo, /.16. Paris, 184] HERNIA. TEALE, (T. P.) A Practical Treatise on Abdominal Hernia. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 HAMMOND, (W.) Anatomy and Surgery of Inguinal and Femoral Hernia, folio. London, 1834 LAWRENCE, (W.) A Treatise on Ruptures. 8vo Philad , 1843 COOPER, (Sir A.) The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Hernia. Plates. 8vo. Philad., 1844 TUSON, (E.) The Anatomy and Surgery of Inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Illustrated by Plates coloured from Nature, and interspersed with Practical Remarks, folio. jC2. 2.?. London, 1834 MALGAIGNE. Lecons cliniques sur les Hernies. 8vo Pari* 1841 MEDICINE.] 232 [medicine. HERNIA.—( Continued.) MORTON, (T.) The Surgical Anatomy of Inguinal Hernia, etc. 8vo, plates. London, 1841 CLOGUET, (J.) Anatomical Description of the Parts concerned in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Translated by McWhinnie. 8vo, plates. .... London, 1835 HOMOEOPATHY. BLACK, (F.) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 9s. London, 1843 CURIE, (P.) Principles of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 5s. ... “ 1837 Domestic Homoeopathy. 18mo, 5s. . . , . . . . “ 1839 Practice of Homoeopathy. 6s. “ 1838 • EVEREST, (Rev. T. R.) A Popular View of Homoeopathy, with Notes by A. G. Hull, M. D. 8vo Afeut- York, 1842 HAHNEMANN. Organon of Homoeopathic Medicine. 8vo. . . “ 1836 JAHR. Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine, in two Parts. Part 1. Materia Medica. Part 2. Therapeutical and Svmptomologieal Repertory. Translated from the Fourth edi- tion, and edited, with numerous Additions, by r. F. Curie, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. London, 1847 LAWR1E, (J.) Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 12mo. . . . “ 1842 DUNSFORD, (H.) Pathogenetic Effects of the Principal Homoeopathic Remedies. 8vo, 9s. London, 1839 —— Popular View of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 6s. “ 1838 Practical Advantage of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 8s “ 1841 GUNTHER, (F. A.) New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine ; or, the Homoe- opathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other Domestic Animals. Translated from the German, with considerable additions. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Lond., 1846 HYDROCEPHALUS. DAVIS, (D.) On Acute Hydrocephalus. 8vo, 9s. 6d. ... London, 1840 BENNETT, (J. R.) The Causes, Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Acute Hydroceph- alus, or YVater in the Head. a Prize Essay, to which the Medical Society of London awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1842. 8vo, 8s. London, 1843 HYDROPATHY. GULLY, (J. M.) The Water-Cure in Chronic Disease : an Exposition of the Causes, Pro- gress, and Terminations of various Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin ; and of their Treatment by Water and other Hygienic Means, sm. 8vo, 7s. (Reprinted, Nevv-York, W. & P.) London, 184C JOHNSON, (E.) Results of Hydropathy ; or, Constipation not a Disease of the Bowels, Indigestion not a Disease of the Stomach; with an Exposition of the True Nature and Cause of these Ailments, explaining the Reason why they are so certainly cured by the Hydropathic Treatment; with Cases. 8vo, 4s London, 1846 (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P.) Hydropathy : the Theory, Principles, and Practice of the Water Cure shewn to be in accordance with Medical Science and the Teachings of Common Sense ; illustrated with many important Cases. 12mo, 5s. tid. London, 1843 BUSHNAN, (J. S.l Observations on Hydropathy : with an Account of the principal Cold Water Establishments of Germany. 12mo, 4s. . . ’ . . London, 1846 GRAHAM, (R. H.) Graefenberg; or, a True Report of the Water Cure : with an Ac- count of its Antiquity. 8vo, 6s. London, 1844 CLARTDGE, (R. T.) Hydropathy; or, the Cold Water Cure, as practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria. 3d edit. 8vo, 5s. . . London, 1842 GRAHAM, (T. J.) The Cold Water System ; an Essay exhibiting the real Merits, the most safe and effectual Employment of this excellent'System in Indigestion, Costiveness, Asthma, &c., with cautionary Remarks addressed to people of extreme opinions, and some New Cases. 2d ed. 8vo, Is. fid. London, 1843 WEISS, (J.) The Handbook of Hydropathy ; for Professional and Domestic Use : with an Appendix, on the best Mode of forming Hydropathic Establishments. Being the results of 12 years’ experience at Graefenberg and Freywaldau. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1843 WILSON, (J.) The Water Cure : a Practical Treatise on the Cure of Diseases by Water, Air, Exercise, and Diet: being a new Mode of restoring Injured Constitutions to robust Health ; for the Radical Cure of Dyspeptic, Nervous, and Liver Complaints, Tic Doulo- reux, Gout, and Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, and their Consequences, Diseases pecu- liar to Women and Children, Fevers, Inflammations, &c. 3d ed. 8vo, 4s. (id. London, 1842 MEDICINE.] 233 [medicine. HYDROPATHY.—( Continued.) WILSON and GULLY. The Dangers of the Water Cure and its Efficacy examined and compared with those of the Drug Treatment of Diseases, and an Explanation of its Prin- ciples and Practice ; with an Account of Cases treated at Malvern, and a Prospectus of the Water Cure Establishment at that place. 2s London. 1842 SMETHURST, (T.) Hydrotherapia ; or, the Water Cure: a Practical View of the Cure in all its bearings, exhibiting the great utility of water as a preservative of health and remedy for disease. 8vo, 6s. London, 1843 INDIA, DISEASES OF. PARKES, (E. A.) Remarks on the Dysentery and Hepatitis of India. 8vo, 9s. London, 1846 ANNESLEY, (J.) Researches into the Causes, Nature, and Treatment of the more preva- lent Diseases of India, and of Warm Climates generally. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s. London, 1841 Sketches of the most Prevalent Diseases of India. 2d ed. 8vo, pi., 18s. “ 1831 BRETT, (F.) Practical Essay on some of the Principal Surgical Diseases of India. 8vo, 16s Calcutta, 1840 CHISHOLM, (C.) On the Climate and Diseases of Tropical Countries. 8vo, 9s. London, 1822 TWINING, (W.) On the Diseases of Bengal. 8vo, 21s. ... “ 1833 GEDDES, (W.) Clinical Illustrations of the Diseases of India, etc. 8vo, 16s. London, 1846 INFLAMMATION. MORGAN, (G.) First Principles of Surgery, being an Outline of Inflammation and its Effects. 8vo, I8s. London, 1840 TRAVERS, (B.) The Physiology of Inflammation, and the Healing Process. 8vo, 7s. London, 1843 JAMES, (I.) On Inflammation. 2d ed. 8vo, 15s. .... “ 1832 MACARTNEY, (J.) On Inflammation. 4to, plates, 15s. . . . “ 1838 BENNETT, (J. H.) Treatise on Inflammation as a Process of Anormal Nutrition. 8vo, plates Edinb., 1844 GENDRIN, (A. N.) Histoire Anatomique des Inflammations. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826 BROUSSAIS, (F. J. V.) History of Chronic Phlegmasise, or Inflammations: founded on Clinical Experience and Pathological Anatomy. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Philad., 1831 INSANITY. CONOLLY, (J.) An Inquiry concerning the Indications of Insanity, etc. 8vo. London, 1830 ELLIS, (W. C.) Treatise on the Nature, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Insanity. 8vo. London, 1838 MILLINGEN, (D.) Aphorisms on the Treatment and Management of the Insane. 18mo. Ijondon, 1840 CHBYNE, (J.) Essays on Partial Derangement of the Mind in supposed connexion with Religion. With an Autobiographical Sketch of the Author. 8vo, 7s. 6d. Dublin, 1843 BARLOW, (J.) On Man’s Power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. Commu- nicated to the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 12mo, 3s. 6d. London, 1843 HASLAM, (J.) On Sound Mind. 8vo, 7s “ 1819 THIJRNAM, (J.) Observations and Essays on the Statistics of Insanity. Including an Inquiry into the Causes influencing the Results of Treatment in Establishments for the Insane : to which are added, the Statistics of the Retreat near York. . York, 1846 WIGAN, {A. L.) A New View of Insanity. The Duality of the Mind proved by the Structure, Functions, and Diseases of the Brain, and by the Phenomena of Mental De rangement, and shown to be essential to Moral Responsibility. With an Appendix : 1. On the Influence of Religion on Insanity ; 2. Conjectures on the Nature of the Mental Operations ; 3. On the Management of Lunatic Asylums. 8vo, 12s. London, 1844 ESQUIROL, (E.) Des Maladies Mentales. 2 vols. 8vo, et Atlas. . . Paris, 1338 Transl. by Dr. Philip. GEORGET. Des Maladies Mentales. 8vo. “ 1827 MARC, (M.) De la Folie consit’eree dans ses rapports avec les questions medico-judicaires. 2 vols. 8vo . . , Paris, 1840 PRICHARD, (J. C.) On the Different Forms of Insanity, in relation to Jurisprudence; designed for the use of Persons concerned in Legal Questions regarding Unsoundhess of Mind. 12mo, 5s. . . . . . . . . . . London, 1842 MEDICINE.] 234 [MEDICINE. INSANITY.—( Continued.) ALLEN, (M.) On Classification of the Insane. 8vo. . . . London, 1837 CONOLLY, (J.) The Construction and Government of Lunatic Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. With Plans. 8vo, 6s. London, 1847 JACOBI, (M.) On the Construction and Management of Hospitals for the Insane. Transl. by S. Tuke. 8vo, 9s. London, 1841 MORISON, (A.) Physiognomy of Mental Diseases, roy. 8vo, 100 plates, 70s. London, 1840 Outlines of Lectures on Mental Diseases. 3d ed. 8vo, plates, 12s. . “ 1829 PAGAN, (J.) Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo, 8s. “ 1840 See also Haslam on Sound Mind. Neville on Insanity. Newnham, The Recipro- cal Influence of Body and Mind. Ray, Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Shep- pard on the Proximate Causes of Insanity, etc. INTESTINES. TRAVERS, (B.) Inquiry into the Process of Nature in repairing Injuries of the Intestines, illustrating the Treatment of Penetrating Wounds and Strangulated Hernia. 8vo, plates, 15s. London, 1812 GROS, (S. D.) An Experimental Enquiry into the Nature and Treatment of Wounds of Intestines. 8vo, eng Philad., 1845 IRRITATION, (Constitutional.) TRAVERS, (B.) Inquiry Concerning that Disturbed Stateof the Vital Functions, usually denominated Constitutional Irritation. 2d edn. revised, 8vo, 14s. . . I.ondon, 1827 A Further Inquiry Concerning Constitutional Irritation, and the Pathology of the Ner- vous System. 8vo, 14s. London, 1835 Rl ADORE, (E.) Spinal and Nervous Irritation. 8vo, 5s. 6d. . . “ 1842 JOINTS. GROSS, (S. M.) The Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Bones and Joints. 8vo. Philad., 1830 SCOTT, (J.) Surgical Observations on the Treatment of Chronic Inflammation in Various Structures, particularly as exemplified in Diseases of the Joints. 8vo. . London, 1828 BRODIE, (B. C.) Pathological and Surgical Observations on Diseases of the Joints. 4th edn., with alterations and additions. 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1836 LITTLE, (W. J.) On Ankylosis, or Stiff-Joint : A Practical Treatise on the Contractions and Deformities resulting from Diseases of Joints. 8vo, woodcuts, 8s. (id. London, 1843 COOPER, (Sir A.) Treatise on Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints. New edn., by Bransby Cooper. 8vo, woodcuts. .... J .on don, 1842, Philad., 1844 COULSON, (W.) On Diseases of the Hip-joint. 2d edn., 8vo, plates. . London, 1841 SMITH, (R. W.) Treatise on Fractures in the Vicinity of Joints, and on certain forms of Accidental and Congenital Dislocations. 8vo, woodcuts, 16s. . Dublin, 1846 BOYLE, (J.) On the Application of Moxa in Treatment of Stiff and Contracted Joints, Rheumatism, &c. 8vo, plates London, 1826 See also Todd’s Practical Remarks on Gout—Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints, &c. KIDNEYS. RAYER. Traite des Maladies des Reins, et des alterations de la secretion urinaire, etu- diees en elles memeset dans leurs rapports avec les maladies des ureteres, de la vessie, de la prostrate, de l’uretre, etc. 3 vol. in-8, /.24. .... Paris, 1833-1841 Le atlas ponrcet ouvrage est consacre & YJdnatomie patlio/ogiqueies reins, de la vessie, de la prostrate, des ureteres, de l’uretre, etc., compose de 60 planches grand in-lblio, /.192. 1. Nephrite simple, Nephrite rhumatismale, Nephrite par poison morbide. PI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 2. Nephrite albumieneuse (maladies de Bright). PI. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 3. Pydlite (inflammation du bassinet et des ealices). Pi. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 4. Pyelo-Nephrite, Peri-Nephrite, Fistnles-Renales. PI. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 5. Hydrondphrose, Kystes urinaires. PI. 21, 22, 23,24, 25. 6. Kystes soreux, Kystes acdphalocystiques, Vers. PI. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 7..Anemie, Hyperemie, Atrophie, Hypertrophie des reins et la vessie. PI. 31, 32, 33, 8. Hypertrophie, Vices de conformation des reins et des uretres. PI, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. 9. Tubercules, Melanose des reins. PI. 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 10. Cancer des reins, Maladies des veines renales. PI. 46, 47, 48, 49. 53. 11. Maladies des tissus elementaires des reins et de leurs conduits excre tears. PI. 51, 52, 53. 54, 55. 12. Maladies des capsules surrenales. PI. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. MEDICINE.] 235 [MEDICINE. KIDNEYS —(Continued.) BERZELIUS, (J. J.) The Kidneys and Urine. Translated by Boye and Learning. 8vo. Philad., 1843 CIIRISTISON, (R.) On Granular Disintegration of the Kidneys. 8vo, 8s. London, 1838 See Prout on Stomach and Urinary Diseases. LARYNX. PORTER, (W.) Observations on the Surgical Pathology of the Larynx and Trachea. 8vo, 8s _ London, 1837 RYLAND, (F.) On Diseases and Injuries of the Larynx and Trachea. 8vo, plates, 18s. London, 1837 LITHOTOMY, LITIIOTRITY, &c. CIVIALE. Traite pratique et historique de la lithotritie. 8vo, pi.,/.8. . Paris, 1847 BELINAYE, (H.) Compendium of Lithotripty. 8vo, 8s. . . . London,! 837 HEURTELOUP. Principles of Lithotrity. 8vo, plates, 20s. . “ 1831 KING, (T.) Lithotrity and Lithotomy compared. 8vo, plates, 10s. “ 1832 LIVER. BUDD, (G.) On Diseases of the Liver. 8vo, plates and woodcuts. 14s. * London, Philad., 1846 MOSGROVE, (F. S.) A Practical Treatise on Congestion and Inactivity of the Liver, etc. 12mo. London, 1843 CONWELL, (W.) On the Functional and Structural Changes of the Liver in the Pro- gress of Disease. 8vq, 14s London, 1835 HOLLAND, (G.) Physiology of the Foetus, Liver, &c. 8vo, 8s. . “ 1831 ROWE, (G.) On the Nervous Diseases of the Liver, &c. 5th edn., 8vo, 5s. “ 1842 LUNGS. FLOOD, (S.) An Exposition of the Pathology and Treatment of Tubercular Phthisis. 12mo, 4s. London, 1843 EVANS, (J. T.) Lectures on Pulmonary Phthisis, delivered in Jervis-street Hospital ; com- prehending the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Disease : with an Appendix. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . London, 1844 WALSHE, (W. H.) Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs. 12mo, 6s. M. I .on d%n. 1843 TURNBULL, (J.) A Tabular View of the Physical Signs and Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Lungs ; with a Synopsis of the Signs which occur in each Disease. 8vo, 5s. London, 1846 HOLLAND, (G. C.) Diseases of the Lungs from Mechanical Causes; and Inquiries into the Condition of the Artisan exposed to the Inhalation of Dust. 8vo, 4s. 6d. London, 1844 MATERIA MEDICA. Bibliography.—See Pereira, infra. ROYLE, (J. F.) A Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, including the Prepara- tions of the Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, with many new Medi- cines. 12mo, 12s. 6d. (Reprinted, Philad., L. & B.) London, 1846 PEREIRA, (J.) Elements of Materia Medica ; comprehending the Natural History, Pre- paration, Properties, Composition, Effects, and Uses of Medicines. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847 THOMSON, (A. T.) Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; including the recent Discoveries and Analysis of Medicines. 3d ed., enlarged and improved, 8vo, 100 wood- cuts, 31s. 6d. London, 1842 BRANDE, (W. T.) A Dictionary of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy ; including a Translation of the Formula of the London Pharmacopoeia. 8vo, 15s. London, 1839 AINSLIE, (W.) Materia Indica: an Account of those Articles which are employed by the Hindoos, and other Eastern Nations, in their Medicine, Arts, and Agriculture, &e. 2 vols. 8vo, 405 London, 1826 CHEVALLIER, RICHARD, et GTXILLEMIN. Dietionnaire des drogues simples et composees, ou Dietionnaire d’histoire naturelle medirale, de pharmaeologie, et de chimie pharmaeeutique. 5 vols. 8vo, fig , /.34 Paris, 1827-29 BOUCHARD AT. Manuel de matiere medicale, de therapeutique comparde et de pharma- cie. 2eedn. 12mo,/.7. Part's, 1846 Annuaire de therapeutique, de matiere medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie, pour 1846. 12mo, /.I 25 Paris, 1847 London, 1847 MEDICINE.] 236 [MEDICINE. MATERIA MEDICA.—( Continued.) FAVROT, (C.) Traitd Elementaire d’histoire naturelle pharmaceutique et medicale, com- prenant la botanique, la zoologie, la mineralogie et la matiere medicale. 2 vols. 8vo,/. I";. Paris, 1843 MlSRAT, (F. V.) et DELENS, (A. J.) Dictionnaire universel de Matiere Medicale, et de Therapeutique Generale, etc. 7 vols. 8vo, /.52. . . . Paris, 1829-46 Supplement to vol. 7. 8vo, f.8. ....... “ 1846 TROUSSEAU, ( .) Trade de therapeutique et de matiere medicale. 3me. ed. 2 vols. 8vo, /.20. ............ Paris, 1847 EDWARDS, (M.), et VAVASSEUR. Manuel de matiere medicale. 4e edn. 18mo, /.6 Paris, 1836 BARBIER. Traite dlementaire de matiere medicale. 4e ddn 3 vols. 8vo, /.20. Paris 1837 DIEU, (S.) Traite de matiere medicale et de therapeutique, precede de considerations gene rales sur la zoologie, et suivi de l’histoire des eaux naturelles. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847 FOY. Traite de matiere medicale et de therapeutique appliquee a chaque maladie en par- ticulier. 2 vols. 8vo,/.14. . Paris, 1843 GALTIER. Traite de matiere medicale et d’iudications therapeutiques. 2 vols. 8vo, /.I3. Paris, 1841 . GIACOMINI. Traite philosophique et experimental de matiere medicale et de therapeu- tique ; trad, de 1’italien.par Monjon et Rognetta. 8vo, /.7. . . Paris, 1842 GIVAUDAN, (N. X.) Prdcis de matiere medicale et therapeutique experimentales, au niveau de la science, d’apres la doctrine de Giacomini. 8vo, /.4 50. . Lyons, 1842 MEDICINE. COPLAND, (J.) Dictionary of Practical Medicine: comprising General Pathology, the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Morbid Structures, and the Disorders especially inci- dental to Climate, to the Sex, and to the different Epochs of Life ; with numerous Pre- scriptions for the Medicines recommended. 3 vols. 8vo, vols. 1 and 2, 60s. London, 1834-47 HOOPER’S Physician’s Vade-Mecum; or, a Manual of the Principles and Practice of Physic. New edition, by W. A. Guy. 12mo, 10s. 6d Lon dun, 1846 ELLIOTSON, (J.) The Principles and Practice of Medicine. By John Elliotson. Edited by N. Rogers and A. Cooper Lee. 2d ed., greatly enlarged and improved, 8vo, 25s. London, 1842 BRIGHT and ADDISON. Elements of the Practice of Medicine. Parts 1 to 3, forming vol. 1, 8vo, 16s. (>d . . London, 1839 WILLIAMS, (C. J. B.) Principles of Medicine; comprehending General Pathol gy and Therapeutics. 8vo, 2d ed London, 1847 ALISON, (W. P.) Outlines of Pathology, and Practice of Medicine. 3 parts, 8vo. Edinb., 1844; Philad., 1844 BILLING, (A.) First Principles of Medicine. 4th edn. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Land., 1841 ; Philad., 1842 EBERLE, (J.) Notes of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 3d edn. 12mo. Philad , 1840 GREGORY, (J.) Conspectus Medicina; Theoretics : or a View of the Theory of Medicine. Transl. 12mo. Edinb., 1844 GRISOLLE, (A.) Traite Elementaire et Pratique de Pathologie Herne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 HARDY et BETIER. Traite Elementaire de Pathologie Iterne. vols. 1- 8vo. Paris, 1844- HUFELAND. Enchiridion Medicum : or Mhnual of the Practice of Medicine. Transl. from the German. 8vo. New-York, 1843 LIBRAR Y of Practical Medicine, edited by A. Tw'eedie, with Notes, &c., by Dr. Gerhard. 3 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1842 PIORRY, (P. A.) Traite de Medicine pratique et de pathologie iatrique ou medicale. 8 vols. 8vo, /.64 Paris, 1841-46 Tome 1. Generality ou Polvgraphies. “ 2. Monographies, 1, maladies du coeur, des gros vaisseaux, des arteres, etc. (Car- diopathies, Angioleucopathies). ~ - 1 “ 3. Monographies, 2, alterations du sang. “ 4. Monographies, 3, maladies des conduits de Pair, des branches, du poumon, etc. (Angiairopathies). “ 5. Monographies, 4, maladies du tube digestif, des glandes salivaires, du foi (An- gibromies, Sialadenies, Hepathies). “ 6. Monographies, 5, maladies de la rate, fievres intermiltentes, voies urinaires, etc. (Splenopathies, Angiuropathies, etc.). “ 7. Monographies, 6, maladies des reins, de la vessie. “ 8. Monographies, 7, maladies des organes des sens, du systeme nerveux, etc. MEDICINE.] 237 [MEDICINE. MEDICINE.—( Continued.) MACKINTOSH, (J.) Principles of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. 4th edn. Phil ad., 1844 McCORMAC. (H.) Methodus Medendi, or the Description and Treatment of the Principal Diseases incident to the Human Frame. 8vo. . . . . . London, 1842 WILLIAMS, (R.) Elements of the Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839 MESMERISM. DELUZE, (J. P. F.) Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism. Translated by T. C. Hartshorn. Revised with Notes, &c. 12mo. . . New- York, D. A. & Co., 1846 LEGER, (T.) Animal Magnetism, or Psycodunamy. 12mo, $1 25. New- York, D. A. & Co., 1846 TOWNSHEND, (C. H.) Facts in Mesmerism, with Reasons for a Dispassionate Inquiry into it. 2d edn., revised and enlarged. 8vo, 9s London, 1843 (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P.) SANDBY, (G.) Mesmerism and its Opponents : with a Narrative of Cases. I2mo, 6s. London, 1844 NEWNHAM, (W.) Human Magnetism, its Claims to dispassionate Inquiry; being an attempt to show the Utility of its Application for the Relief of Human Suffering. 8vo, 9s. London, 1845 TESTE, (A.) A Practical Manual of Animal Magnetism; containing an Exposition of the Methods employed in producing the Magnetic Phenomena : with its Application to the Treatment and Cure of Diseases. Translated from the second edn., by D. Spillan, M. D. 12mo, 6s. London, 1843 LANG, (W.) Mesmerism: its.History, Phenomena, and Practice; with Reports of Cases developed in Scotland. 12mo, 4s. 6d Edinburgh, 1843 PYNE, (T.) Vital Magnetism : a Remedy. 12mo, 2s London, 1843 ESDAILE, (J.) Mesmerism in India, and its Practical Application in Surgery and Medi- cine. 12mo, 6s. 6d . London, 1846 BRAID, (J.) Neurypnology; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleep considered in relation with Animal Magnetism ; illustrated by numerous Cases of its successful application to the Relief and Cure of Disease. 12mo, 5s. ...... London, 1843 SEERESS (The) OF PREVORST; being Revelations concerning the Inner Life of Man, and the Inter-diffusion of a World of Spirits in the one we inhabit. Communicated by J. Kerner. From the German, by Mrs. Crowe. 12mo, 6s. . . London, 1845 LOISSON i>e GUlNAUhMON. Somnologie magnetique, ou Recueil de faits et opinions somnambuliques, pour servir h l’histoire du magnetisme humain. 8vo,/.6. Paris, 1846 LOUBERT. (l’abbe J. B.) Le Magnetisme et le somnambulisme devant le corps des sa- vants, la cour de Rome, et les theologiens. 8vo,/.7 Paris, 1844 GAUTHIER, (A.) Traite pratique dn magnetisme et du somnambulisme, ou Resume de tous les principes et procedes du magnetisme. 8vo,/.7. . . . Paris, 1844 DEL ASALZEDE. Lettres sur le magnetisme animal considere sous les point de vue phy- siologique et psychologique. 12mo,/.2 50 Paris, 1847 Du Patet dk SENNEVOY. Essai sur l’enseignement philosophique du magnetisme. 8vo, f.5. .............. Paris, 1845 Manuel de l’etudiant magndtiseur. 12mo, /.3 50. .... “ 1846 MILITARY SURGERY. IIENNEN, (J.) Principles of Military Surgery; comprising Observations on the Arrange- ment, Police, and Practice of Hospitals, and on the History, Treatment, and Anomalies of Variola and Syphilis. Illustrated with Cases and Dissections. Third Edition. With Life of the Author, by his Son, Dr. John Hennen. 8vo, 16s. . . London, 1829 BALLINGHAL, (G.) Introductory Lectures to a Course of Military Surgery. 8vo, 8s. London, 1830 Military Surgery. 2d edn. 8vo, 14s. “ 1839 BREWER, (W.) Military and Naval Reference Book. 12mo, 7s. . “ 1842 MYOLOGY. TUSON. A New and Improved System of Myology, illustrated by Plates on a Peculiar Construction ; containing, and clearly demonstrating, the whole of the Muscles of the Human Body, in Layers, as they appear on Dissection. 2d ed. Large folio, £3. 12s. 7. ondon, 1828 A Supplement to Myology. Illustrated by Coloured Plates, on a Peculiar Construc- tion ; containing the Arteries. Veins, Nerves, and Lymphatics, the Abdominal and Tho- racic Viscera, the Brain, the Ear, the Eye, &c. jE4. 12s. . . . London, 1828 See &UAIN & Wilson’s Anatomical Plates. MEDICINE.] 238 [MEDICINE. NERVES. SWAN, (J.) Demonstration of the Nerves of the Human Body. Imp. folio, 50 Engrav ings. X14. ............ London, 1830 The whole of the foregoing work, on a reduced scale, on 25 Steel Plates, by Finden. 4to, 31s. 6d. Treatise on Disease and Injuries of the Nerves. 8vo, plates, 14s. . London, 1836 BRODIE, (B. C.) Lectures Illustrative of certain Local Nervous Affections. 8vtr, 4s. London, 1837 VALEIX, (L. F.) Traite des Ndvralgies, ou Affections douloureuses des nerfs. In-8,/.8 Paris, 1841 NERVOUS SYSTEM. BELL, (Sir C.) On the Nervous System of the Human Body. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, S24s. London, 1836 ANDERSON, (J.) Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous System. 4to plates, 6s. London, 1837 CLARK, (B.) Practical Anatomy, and Elementary Physiology of the Nervous System. 12mo, 9s .... London, 1836 HALL, (M.) On Diseases and Derangements of the Nervous System. 8vo, 8 plates. New-York, D. A. & Co. Memoirs I. and II. on the Nervous System. 4to plates. . . . London, 1837 TRAVERS, (B.) A further inquiry concerning Constitutional Irritation, and the Pathology of the Nervous System. 8vo, 14s. . . . . . . . London, 1827 DOCUMENTS and Dates of Modern Discoveries on the Nervous System. 8vo, 5s. London, 1839 MULLER, (J.) Physiologie du Systeme Nerveaux. Translated by A. J. L. Jourdan. 2 vols. 8vo,/.16. Paris, 1840 NOSOGRAPHY. BOUILLAUD, Traite de nosographie medicale. 5 vols. 8vo,/.35. . Pan's, 1846 OBSTETRICS. ASHWELL, (S.) Practical Treatise on Parturition. 8vo, pi., 18s. . London, 1834 RAMSBOTHAM, (J.) The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, in reference to the Process of Parturition. Illustrated with 84 plates on steel, and 520 on wood. 8vo, 252s. London, 1841. Pkilad., 1845 DAVIS, (D. D.) Elements of Obstetric Medicine, with the Description and Treatment of some of the Principal Diseases of Children. 2d edn. 8vo, and 4to Atlas and plates. London, 1841 MERRIMAN, (S.) A Synopsis of the various Kinds of Difficult Parturition, with Prac- tical Remarks on the Management of Labours. 5th edn. 8vo, plates, 12s. London, 18.38 BURNS, (J.) Principles of Midwifery ; Including the Diseases of Women and Children. 10th edn., revised and enlarged. 8vo, 16s. London, 1843 CHURCHILL, (F.) Researches on Operative Midwifery. 8vo, plates, 14s. “ 1841 Theory and Practice of Midwifery. 8vo, woodcuts “ 1842 CONQUEST, (J. T.) Outlines of Midwifery ; Developing its Principles and Practice. In- tended as a Text-Book for Students, and a Book of Reference for Junior Practitioners. 6th edn., revised. 12mo, plates, 7s. (id. London, 1837 LEE, (R.) Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, delivered in the Theatre of St. George’s Hosp. 8vo, 70 woodcuts, 15s. London, 1844 BURKE, (T.) Accoucheur’s Vade-Mecum. 12mo, 10s. ... “ 1840 MOREAU, (A.) leones Obstetrics. A Series of 60 plates, illustrative of the Art of Midwifery. Edited by Streeter, folio, 63s. plain, 126s. col. . . London, 1841 SPRATT, (G.) Obstetric Tables; comprising Graphic Illustrations, with Descriptions and Practical Remarks, exhibiting, on Dissected plates, many important subjects in Midwifery. 3d edn. 2 vols. 4to, 45s London, 1842 BOIVIN. Memorial de Part des accouchements, ou Principes fondes sur la pratique de l’hospice de la Maternite de Paris, et sur celle des plus celebres praticiens nationaux et etrangers, avec 143 gravures representant le mecanisme de toutes les especes d’aceouche- ments. 4lh edn. 2 vol. in-8, jf.14. Paris, 1836 CIIAILLY. Traite pratique de Fart accouchements. 2d edn. 1 vol. in-8, 5248 pi.,/.9. Paris 1845 LENOIR, (A.) Atlas complementaire tie tous les traites d’accouchement, contenant 80 planches dessindes d’apres nature avec le texte en regard. Ces planches represented le bassin et les organes geniteaux de la femme adulte, le developpment de l’oeuf humain, les diverses presentation et positions du foetus, les ope rations obstetricales, etc. 8vo, /.40.’ Paris. MEDICINE.] [medicine. ODONTOGRAPHY. OWEN, (R.) Odontography, or Description of the Microscopic Structure of the Teeth in various existing and extinct species of Vertebrate Animats 8vo, and Atlas of 168 plates. £6. 6s. . London, 1845 OSTEOLOGY. SAUTH. Complete Description of the Bones; Together with their several Connections with each other, and with the Muscles. Especially adapted for Students in Anatomy. Elegantly printed in fcp. 8vo. 3d edn., enlarged, and illustrated with 250 accurate wood- cuts, by Branston, from Original Drawings, 12mo, 7s. ... London, 1837 RANDELL (H.) Description of the Bones. 2d edn. 12mo, 5s. . London, 1831 BOISRAGON, (T.) Illustrations of Osteology. 2 parts, folio, 10s. . “ 1839 BLAINVILLE, (D. de.) Osteographie, au Description iconographique eomparce du squelette et du systeme dentaire des cinq classes d’animaux vertebres recentes et fossiles, pour servir de base It la zoologie et it la geologie Paris, 1839 MACLISE, (J.) Comparative Osteology ; being Morphological Studies to Demonstrate the Architype Skeleton of Vertebrated Animals, folio, 54 plates, 42s. . London, 1847 PATHOLOGY. ALISON, (W. P.) Outlines of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. 8vo, 12s. London, 1842 FLETCHER, (J.) Elements of General Pathology, edited by Drs. Drysdale and Russel. 8vo, 10s. 6d ■ London, 1842 FRECKLETON, (G.) Outlines of General Pathology. 8vo. . Philad., 1839 MAYO, (H.) Outlines of Human Pathology. 8vo “ 1841 CRAGIE, (D.) Elements of the Practice of Physic ; presenting a View of the Present State of Special Pathology and Therapeutics. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Edinburgh, 1837—10 SMYTH. Miscellaneous Contributions to Pathology and Therapeutics ; being a Series of Original and Practical Papers on Rickets, Hydrocephalus, Impotence and Sterility, Pul- monary Apoplexy and Htemoptysis, &c. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . , . London, 1844 PHARMACY. PARIS, (J. A.) Pharmacologia; being an extended enquiry into the operations of Medi- cinal Bodies, upon which are founded the Theory and Art of Prescribing. 9th edn. 8vo, 20s. London, 1843 NELIGAN, (J. M.) Medicines. Their Uses and Mode of Administration ; including a Complete Conspectus of the Three British Pharmacopeias, an Account of all the New Remedies, and an Appendix of Formula;. 8vo, 12s. 6d. . . . London, 1844 THOMSON, (A. T.) London Dispensatory ; containing Translations of the Pharmaco- poeias, &c., Stc. :—1. Elements of Pharmacy ; 2. Botanical Description, Natural History, and Analysis of the Substances of the Materia Medica ; 3. Pharmaceutical Preparations and Compositions of the Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Forming a Practical Synopsis of the Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics: with Tables and woodcuts. 9th edn., uniform with the New Pharmacopoeia. 8vo, 21.;. London, 1837 A Conspectus of the Pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of Physicians ; being a Practical Compendium of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 14th edn., containing the new French and American remedies, and corrected and greatly im- proved, 18mo, 5s. 6d London, 1843 CHRIST1SON, (R.) A Dispensatory, or Commentary of the Pharmacopoeias of Great Britain ; comprising the Natural History, Description, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions, Uses, and Doses of the Articles of the Materia Medica. 8vo, l&s. . London, 1842 GRAY’S Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia ; being a concise but comprehensive Dispensa- tory or Manual of Facts and Formula; for the Chemist and Druggist and Medical Prac- titioner. Entirely re-written and considerably enlarged. By Prof. Redwood. 18vo, 22s. London, 1847 PHILLIPS, (R.) Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Trans- lated. 8vo London, 1838 EDINBURGH P HA R MA COP (EI A. The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. New edn. 18mo, 5s Edinburgh. PHARMACOPOEIA OF THE UNITED STATES. 8vo. . . Philad., 1842 CODEX Pharmacopee francoise, redigee par ordre du gouvernement, avec appendice therapeutique au Codex. par Cazenave. 8vo,/.10 Paris, 1837 SOUBEIRAN. Nouveau Traito de* pharmacie theorique et pratique. 2e edn. 2 vols. 8vo, fig.,/.16 Paris, 1840 BUSSY et BOUTRON-CHALARD. Traite des moyens de reconnaitre les falsifications des drogues simples et composees et d’en constater le degre de purete. 8vo,/.3 50. Paris, 1829 MEDICINE.] 240 [MEDICINE. PHARMACY.—(Continued.) DORVAULT. L’Offieine, ou Repertoire general de pharmacie pratique. 2d edn. 8vo, /.JO. Paris, 1846 JOURDAN, (A. J. L.) Pharmacopde Universelle, ou Conspectus deg Pharmacopees d’Amsterdam, Anvers, Dublin, Edinbourg, Ferrare, Geneve, Grece, Hambourg, Londre*, etc., ainericaine, autrichienne, batave, beige, danois, e.pagnole, finlandake, francaise, hauovrienne, hessoise, polonaise, portugaise, prussienne, russe, sarde, saxonne, suedoise et wurtembergeoise, etc. 2 vols. 8vo,/.25. ...... Paris, 1840 GAY. (J. P.) Pharmacopee de Montpellier, ou Traitd special du pharmacie, dans lequel on l’oceupe des preparations pharmaoeutiques, en les considcrant au point de vue scien- tifique du philosophique. Vols. 1-2-, 8vo, chaque/.8 Paris, 1846 f£e. Cours d’histoire naturelle pharmaceutique, ou Hist, des substances usitees dans la therapeutique, les arts et l’economie domestique. 2 vols. 8vo,/. 14. . Paris, 1827 GUIBOURT. Histoire abrege des drogues simples. 3e edn. 2 vols. 8vo,/.17. “ 1836 CHEVALLIER et IDT. Manuel du Pharmacien au Precis elementaire de pharmacie, etc. 2e edn. 2 vols, 8vo,/.3 50 Paris, 1831 See Pharmaoeutical Journal, Pharmaceutical Times, Repertoire de Pharmacie, Phar- maceutisches Central-Blatt, Goebel and Kunze’s Pharma. Waarenkunde. PHYSIOLOGY. ALISON, (W.) Outlines of Physiology. 3d edn. 8vo, 12s. . . London, 1839 ELLIOTSON, (J.) Human Physiology. With which is incorporated much of the ele- mentary part, of the Institutiones Physiologic® of J. F. BJumenbach. 5th edn. 8vo, woodcuts, 42s. London, 1840 RICHERAND, (E.) Elements of Physiology. 5th edn., translated from the latest French edition, and supplied with Notes and an Appendix, by Dr. Copland. 2d edn. 8vo, 18s. London, 1829 BOSTOCK, (J.) An Elementary System of Physiology ; with a General Index. 20s. London, 1836 CARPENTER. Principles of Human Physiology ; with their chief applications to Pa- thology, Therapeutics, Hygiene, and Foreusic Medicine. 3d edn., illust. 8vo, 21s. London, 1846 Principles of General and Comparative Physiology ; intended as an Introduction to the Study of Human Physiology, and as a Guide to the Philosophical Pursuit of Natural History. 2d edn., with important additions, illustrated with numerous figures on copper and wood. 8vo, 18s London, 1841 MULLER, (J.) Elements of Physiology. Translated from the German, with Notes, by William Baly, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo, plates and wo dcuts, 40s. . . London, 1840 PHILIP, (A. P. W.) An Experimental Inquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, with a view to remove the inconsistencies of our present Doctrines, and thus to establish more correct principles respecting the Nature and Treatment of their Diseased States. 4th edn. 8vo, 12s London, 1839 MAT.TEUCCI, (C.) Lectures on the Physical Phaenomena of Living Beings, delivered in the University of Pisa. Translated under the superintendence of Jon. Pereira. 8vo. London, 1847 CARPENTER. Manual of Physiology. 12mo, 12s. 6d. ... “ 1846 PREGNANCY. MONTGOMERY, (W.) Exposition of Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, the Period of Human Gestation, and the Signs of Delivery. 8vo, col. plates, 18s. London, 1837 CHURCHILL, (F.) Observations on the Diseases incident to Pregnancy and Childbed. 8vo, 12s. ............ London, 1840 CHAVASSE, (P. II.) Advice to Wives on the Management of themselves during the periods of Pregnancy, I.abour, and Suckling. 18mo. . JYew-York, D. A. & Co. Advice to Mothers on the Management of their Offspring during the periods of In- fancy, Childhood, and Youth. 3d edn. 3s. 6d. ..... London, 1842 BULL, (T.) Hints to Mothers for the Management of Health during the period of Preg- nancy and in the Lying-in Room; with an Exposure of Popular Errors in connection with those subjects. 18mo New-York, W. & P. PUERPERAL FEVER. THE HISTORY, Pathology and Treatment of Puerperal Fever and Crural Phlebitis, by Drs. Key, Armstrong, and Lee ; with an Introductory Essay by C. D. Meigs, M. 0. 8vo. Philad., 1842 MOORE, (G.) On Puerperal Fever. 8vo, 6s. 6d. . . . London, 1836 MEDICINE.] [MEDICINE. RHEUMATISM. MACLEOD, (R.) On Rheumatism in its Various Forms. 8vo, 7s. . London, 1842 SCUDAMORE, (A.) On the Nature and Cure of Rheumatism. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1839 TODD, (R. B.) Practical Remarks on Gout, Rheumatism, etc. sm. 8vo. “ 1843 WEATHERHEAD, (G. II.) On the Cure of Gout and Rheumatism by Cold Water. 2d edn. 8vo. London, 1843 SCALP, DISEASES OF. ERICHSEN. (J.) On Diseases of the Scalp. 8vo, col. plates, 10s. 6d. . London, 1842 SCROFULA. GLOVER, (R. M.) On the Pathology and Treatment of Scrofula ; being the Fothergillian Prize Essay for 1846. 8vo. plates, 10s. (id London, 1846 LUGOL, (J. G.) Researches and Observations on the Causes of Scrofulous Diseases. Translated from the French, with an Introduction and an Essay on the Treatment of the principal Varieties of Scrofula, by W. H. Ranking. 8vo, 10s. 6rf. . I.ondon, \844 FURNIVALL, (J.) On Consumptive and Scrofulous Diseases. 12mo, 6s. fiflf. London, 1838 SMITH, (W. T.) Scrofula; its Nature, Causes, Treatment, etc. 8vo, 7s. “ 1844 MILCENT, (A.) lie la scrophule, de ses formes, des affections diverses qni lacaracterisent, de ses causes, de sa nature et de son traitement. 8vo,/.5. . . . Paris, 1846 PHILLIPS, (B.) Scrofula; its Nature, its Prevalence, its Causes, and the Principles of Treatment. 8vo, 12s London, 1846 SKIN. WILSON, (E.) On Diseases of the Skin. 8vo, 12s. ; col. plate3, 28s. . London, 1846 A Practical Treatise on Healthy Skin ; with Rules for the Medical and Domestic Treatment of Cutaneous Diseases. Illustrated with Steel Engravings. 8vo, 10s. (id. (Reprinted, N. Y., D. A. & Co.) Ijondrm, 1846 Delineations of the Cutaneous Diseases comprised in the Classification of the late Dr. Willan. 4to, col. plates, £5. 5s London, 1840 BATEMAN, (T.) A Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases, according to the arrange- ment of Dr. Willan ; exhibiting a concise View of the Diagnostic Symptoms and the Method of Treatment. 8th edn., edited by Dr. A. T. Thomson. 8vo, 15s. J.ondon, 1826 THOMSON, (A. T.) Atlas of Delineatioqs of Cutaneous Eruptions; illustrative of the Descriptions in Dr. Bateman’s Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases. Royal 8vo, with 128 gra- phic Illustrations, coloured on 29 Plates, 63s. London, 1829 WALKER, (G. A.) A Practical Chart of Diseases of the Skin; giving a succinct De- scription of these Affections: their Diagnosis and Treatment. 8vo, as a book, 3s.; mounted on rollers, 3s. 6d. . London, 1846 GTBERT, (C. M.) A Practical Treatise on Special Diseases of the Skin; with Cases and Numerous Notes. Translated by E. Sheppard. 8vo, 7s. (id. . London, 1845 RAYER, (P.) A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin. 2d edn. Bv Robert Willis, M. D. 1300 pages, with Atlas, royal 4to, of 26 plates, coloured, ex- hibiting 400 varieties of Cutaneous Affections, 88s. ; the text separately, 8vn, 28s. ; the Atlas, 4to, separately, 70s * London, 1833 WILLIS, (R.) Illustrations of Cutaneous Disease ; a Series of Delineations of the Affec- tions of the Skin, in their more interesting and frequent forms ; with a Practical Summary of their Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment, including appropriate Formula;. The Drawings are after Nature, and lithographed by Arch. Henning These Illustrations are comprised in 94 plates, folio; the drawings are originals, carefully coloured. £d. London, 1841 PLUMBE. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin, arranged with a view to their Constitutional Causes and Local Characters; including the Substance of the Essay to which the Royal College of Surgeons awarded the Jacksonian Prize, and all such valuable facts as have been recorded by continental authors on these subjects to the present time. 4th ed. revised. 8vo, 2Is London, 1837 BROACKES, (W.) Cutaneous Diseases treated Homceopathicnlly. 12mo, 3s. (id. London, 1839 SLEEP. BINNS, (E.) The Anatomy of Sleep; or, the Art of Procnring Sonnd and Refreshing Slumber at Will. 12mo, 10s. 6d. 1845 PHILIP, (W.) Inquiry into the Nature of Sleep and Death. 8vo, 8s. . London, 1834 MEDICINE.] 242 [MEDICINE. SPINE. SERNY. On Spinal Curvature. 8vo, plates, 7s. . . . . London, 1840 STAFFORD, (R.) On Injuries, Diseases, &c., of the Spine. 8vo, 10s. 6d. “ 1832 Two Essays on Diseases of the Spine.—1. On Angular Curvature of the Spine and its Treatment. 2. On the Treatment of Lateral Curvature by Gravitation. 8vo, 5s. London, 1844 TAVERNIER. On Deformities of the Spine. Translated by Dr. Brewer, roy. 8vo, pi. 5s. London, 1842 WARD, (W.) On Distortions of the Spine, Chest, &c. 2d edn. 8vo, 7s. 1840 TUSON, (E.) On Treatment of Curvature of the Spine. 8vo, 10s. 6d. “ 1841 COULSON, (W.) On the Deformities of the Chest and Spine, plates and woodcuts. 2d edn. 8vo, 6s London, 1839 HARRISON, (C. II. Rogers.) Deformities of the Spine and Chest successfully treated by Exercise alone. 8vo, 8s. London, 1842 STAMMERING. BARTLETT, (T.) On Stammering. 12mo, 5s. 6d. .... London, 1839 A TRF.A T1SE on the Nature and Causes of Stammering, with an Exposition of the best methods of Cure. 8vo. . . . . London, 1843 POETT, (J.) On the Cure of Stammering. 5th edn., 18mo, 5s. . STOMACH. ABERCROMBIE, (J.) On Diseases of the Stomach, &c. 3d edn. 12mo. 6s. London, 1837 PROUT, (W.) On the Nature and Treatment of Stomach and Urinary Diseases. 3d edn. 8vo, 20s. London, 1840 PARKER, (L.) The Stomach in its Morbid States, &c. 8vo. London, 1838, Philad., 1841 SUPERSTITIONS. PETTIGREW, (T. J.) On Superstitions connected with the History and Practice of Medi- cine and Surgery. 8vo, 7s London, 1843 SURGERY. Bibliography, See CHELIUS, (J. M.) A System of Surgery. Translated from the German, by J. F. South. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1845-47 COSTELLO, (W.) A Cyclopaedia of Practical Surgery, roy. 8vo. Vol. 1- London, 1841 CHELIUS, (J. M.) A System of Surgery. Translated from the Sixth German edition, and accompanied with Additional Notes and Observa- tions, by John F. South. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-7, Philad., 1846-7 This excellent Work which has been translated into eight languages, presents a complete view of European Surgery np to the present period. A most valuable feature in it is a very copious bibliography, exhibiting the literature of every department of Surgery. COSTELLO, (W. B.) A Cyclopaedia of Practical Surgery. Vol. 1-, roy. 8vo, 40s. London, 1841 COOPER, (S.) A Dictionary of Practical Surgery ; with all the most interesting Improve- ments down to the present period ; an Account of the Instruments and Remedies employed in Surgery ; the Etymology and Signification of the principal Terms ; and numerous Re- ferences to Ancient" and Modern Works, forming a Catalogue of Surgical Literature, ar ranged according to subjects. 7th edn. revised and enlarged. 8vo, 30s. . London, 1838 The First Lines of the Theory and Practice of Surgery. 7th edn. 8vo, 18s. London, 1840 COOPER, (B. B.) Surgical Essays: the Result of Clinical Observations made at Guv’s Hospital. 8vo, 15s. London, 1833 BELL, (Sir C.) Institutes of Surgery : arranged in the order of the Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. 15s. . London, 1837 LISTON, (R.) The Elements of Surgery. New edition, almost entirely re-written, 150 woodcuts and plates. 8vo, 25 London, 1840 Practical or Operative Surgery. 3d edn. 8vo, j£l, 2s. “ 1840 VINCENT, (J. P.) A Sketch of the Science of Some Part of Surgical Practice. 8vo. London, 1847 MEDICINE.] 243 [medicine. SURGERY.—(Continued.) ABERNETHY, (J.) Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Surgery. 8vo, 8s. London, 1840 The Works of. 4 vols. 8vo, 45s. 6c! “ ELLIS, (A.) Lectures on Observations in Clinical Surgery. 8vo, 9s. . Dublin, 1846 BURNS, (J.) The Principles of Surgery ; containing the Doctrine and Practice relating to Inflammation and its various consequences—Tumours, Aneurisms, Wounds, and the states connected with them ; the Surgical Anatomy of the Human Body, and its application to Injuries and Operations. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s London, 1838 SYME, (J.) The Principles of Surgery. 3d edn., plates and woodcuts, 8vo, 21s. London, 1842 COCKS, (W. P.) A Treatise on Operative Surgery; describing the Methods adopted by the English, Continental, and American Surgeons. 8vo, 12 plates, illustrating 64 opera- tions, &c., 14s. ........... London, 1837 MALGAIGNE. Manual of Operative Surgery, based on Normal and Pathological Ana- tomy. By J. F. Brittan. 12s. 6d. London, 1846 DRUITT, (R.) The Surgeon’s Vade Mecum. 4th edn. 12mo, 12s. 6d., woodcuts. London, 1847 FERGUSON, (W.) A System of Practical Surgery. 2d edn. 12mo, woodcuts, 12s. 6d. London, 1846 CASTLE, (T.) A Manual of Surgery, founded upon the principles and practice lately taught by Sir A. Cooper, and J. H. Green. 4th edn. 8vo. . . . London, 1839 HO WSH IP, (J.) On the Discrimination and Appearances of Surgical Disease. 8vo, 10s. 68. London, 1840 HUNTER, (J.) Surgical Works. 3 vols. 8vo, 52s. 68. “ 1837 The whole Works of. 4 vols. 8vo, and Atlas of Plates. 70s. . “ “ SYDENHAM SOCIETY, Publications of the. Subscription 21s. per annum London, 1843-46 PUBLICATIONS OF THE FIRST YEAR—1843. IIECKER'S Epidemics of the Middle Ages. LOUIS’S Researches on Phthisis SYDENHAM’S Opera Omnia. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SECOND YEAR—1844. The Seven Books of P a ulus vol. 1. ERICIISEN’S Observations on Aneurysm. SIMON’S Animal Chemistry, vol. 1. PUBLICATIONS OF THE THIRD YEAR—1845. SIMON’S Animal Chemistry, vol. 2. PAULUS A3GINETA. vol. 2. HASSE’S Pathology. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FOURTH YEAR—1846. HEWSON’S Works. DUPYTREN’S Lectures on the Diseases and Injuries of the Bones. The Works of W. HARVEY, M. D. TEETH.—(See Dentistry.) NASMYTH. Researches on the Development, Structure, and Diseases of the Teeth. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. ........... London, 1839 Three Memoirs on the Development and Structure of the Teeth and Epithelium. 8vo, 5s. London, 1841 BELL, ( J.) Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Teeth. 2d ed. 8vo, plates, 14s. London, 1835 FOX, (J.) Natural History and Diseases of the Teeth. 3d ed. 4to plates, 42s. 11 1834 TESTIS. CURLING, (T. B.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Testis, and of the Spermatic Cord and Scrotum. 8vo, with Illustrations by Bag", 18s, . . London, 1843 COOPER, (Sir A.) Observations on the Structure and Diseases of the Testis. 2d edn. 4to, 24 col. plates, £10. 10s London, 1842 See Morton’s Surgical Anatomy, &c. MEDICINE.] 244 [MEDICINE. TOXICOLOGY. CHRISTISON, (R.) Treatise on Poisons, in reference to Medical Jurisprudence, Physi- ology, and the Practice of Physic. 4th ed. 8vo, 20s. .... Kdinb., 1844 ALISON, (S.) On the Propagation of Contagious Poisons. 8vo, 5s. . “ 1839 CASTLE, (T.) Essay on Poisons. 7th ed., col. plates, 8vo, 4s. 6d. . . “ 1837 ADDISON and MORGAN. On the Operation of Poisonous Agents upon the Living Body. 8vo, 5s London, 1839 ROUPELL and McWHINNIE. Illustrations of the Effects of Poisons. 4to, col. plates, Parts 1-2 each 18s. .......... London, 1833 GUlSRIN. Nouvelle Toxicologie, ou Traitd des poisons et de 1’empoisonnement sons les rapports de la chimie, de la physiologie, de la pathologie et de la therapeutique. 8vo, /.6. Paris, FLANDIN, (C.) Traite des Poisons, ou Toxicologie appiiquee a la medicine legale, h la Physiologie et it la Therapeutique. 8vo, Tom 1-, 7s. . . . . Paris, 1846 GALTIER, (C. P.) Traite de Toxicologie medico-legale et de la falsification des aliments, des boissons et des medicaments. Parti. Poisons inorganique ou mineraux. 8vo,/.7 50. Paris, 1845 ANGLADA, (J.) Traite de Toxicologie Generate envisagee dans ses rapports avec la physiologie, la pathologie, la therapeutique et la medicine legale. 8vo, /.5 50. Paris, 1835 ORFILA, ( .) Toxicologie generale. 4e edn. 2 vols. 8vo,/.16. . . “ 1843 The same, translated. 2 vols. 8vo, col. plates, 30s. . . . London, 1831 SOBERNIIEIM, u. J. F. SIMON. Handbuch d. praktik. Toxikologie. 8vo, 16s. Berlin, 1838 WILLIAMS, (R.) Elements of Medicine—Morbid Poisons. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. bd. London, 1836-41 See Taylor’s Medical Jurisprudence, ed. 1843. TUMOURS. WARREN, (J. C.) Surgical Observations on Tumours, with Cases and Operations. 8vo,' col. plates • . . . Boston, 1837 MACILWAIN, (G.) On Tumours, their General Nature and Treatment. 8vo, 5s. London, 1845 URINARY ORGANS. BIRD, (G.) Urinary Deposits : their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Therapeutical Indications. 2d ed. 8vo, 8s. 6rf j London, 1846 MONRO, (A.) Anatomy of the Urinary Bladder and Perinacum of the Male. 8vo. plates, 6®. London, 1842 WILLIS, (R.) Urinary Diseases and their Treatment. 8vo, plates, 12s. “ 1838 BERZELIUS, (J. J.) The Kidneys and Urine. Transl. by Boye and Learning. 8vo. Philad., 1843 BRODIE, (B. C.) Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 3d ed. 8vo, 12s. Lond., 1842; Philad., 1843 GUTHRIE, (G. J.) On the Anatomy and Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs. 3d ed. 8vo, 5s London, 1843 PROUT, (W.) On the Nature and Treatment of Stomach and Urinary Diseases. 4th ed. 8vo London, 1843 ; Philad., 1843 ARNOT, (J.) Practical Illustrations of the Treatment of Obstructions in the Urethra, and other Canals, by the Dilatation of Fluid Pressure. 8vo, 3s. . . London, 1841 Treatise on Stricture of the Urethra; containing an Account of Improved Methods of Treatment: with an Appendix, on Dilatation by Fluid Pressure in the Treatment of Uri- nary Calculus and other Diseases. 2d ed. 8vo, 7s. . . . . London 1841 COULSON, (W.) On Diseases of the Bladder and the Prostate Gland. 3d ed. 8vo, plates, r‘s- London, 1842 See Calculus, Kidneys, etc. UTERUS. DUP ARGUE, (F.) Histoire complete des Rnptnres et Dechirures de l’Uterus, de Vagin et du Perinee. 8vo Paris, 1836 BENNETT, (H.) A Practical Treatise on Inflammation, Ulceration, and Induration of the Neck of the Uterus. With Remarks on Leucorrhoea and Prolapsus Uteri as Symptoms of this Form of Disease. 8vo, 6s. London, 1845 BOIVIN and DUGES. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Uterus and its Appendages Transl. by G. O. Heming. 8vo, plates, 26s.; col., 45s. 6d, . . London, 1834 medicine.] 245 [medicine. UTERUS.—( Continued.') LEVER, (J. C. W.) Practical Treatise on Organic Diseases of the Uterus : being the Prize Essay to which the Medical Society of Londun awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1843. 8vo, 9s London, 1844 LEE, (T. S.) On Tumours of the Uterus and its Appendages. 8vo, 8s. “ 1847 WALLER, (C.) A Practical Treatise on the Function and Diseases of the unimpregnated Womb. With a Chapter on Leucorrhcca, Fluor Albus, or Weakness. 8vo, plates, 9s. London, 1840; Philad., 1842 RIDGE, (B.) Physiology of the Uterus, Placenta, and Foetus : with Observations on the Membrana Meconii and Rete Vasculare, newly discovered Structures existing in the Foe- tus and Young of Man and Animals. 8vo, 4s. .... l.ondon, 1845 RIGBY, (E ) On Dysmenorrhcea, and other Uterine Affections, in connection with De- rangement of the Assimilating Functions. 8vo, 2 plates, 6s. . . London, 1844 DUPARQUE, (F.) A Treatise on the Functional and Organic Diseases of the Uterus. Transl., with Notes, by J. Warrington, M.D. 8vo Philad., 1837 HUNTER, (W.) An Anatomical Description of the Human Gravid Uterus, and its Con- tents. 2d ed., by Dr. Rigby. 8vo, plates. London, 1843 INGLEBY, (J. T.) On Uterine Hemorrhage. 2d ed. 8vo. ... “ BALBIRNIE, (J.) The Speculum applied to the Organic Diseases of the Womb. 8vo, 10s. London, 1836 VENEREAL DISEASE. HACKER, (II. A.) Literatur der Syphilitischen Krankheiten vom Jahr 1794 bis 1829. 8vo. Leipzig, 1830 ACTON, (W.) Complete Treatise on Venereal Diseases. 8vo, woodcuts, and 4to Atlas of col. plates, 31s. 6d London, 1841 BACOT, (J.) A Treatise on Syphilis, &c. 8vo. “ 1829 CARMICHAEL, (R.) Clinical Lectures on Venereal Diseases. Reported by Samuel Gordon, A. M. Illustrated by coloured Engravings of the different torms of Eruption. 8vo, 7s. 6d London, 1842 PARKER, (L.) The Modern Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases, both Primary and Secon- dary. 2d ed. 8vo, 6s. 6d. London. COLLES, (A.) Practical Observations on the Venereal Disease, and the use of Mercury. 8vo. London, 1837 HUNTER, (J.) Treatise on the Venereal Disease, with Notes by G. B. Bubington. 8vo, engr Phil ad., 1839 JUDD, (W. H.) A Practical Treatise on Urethritis and Syphilis. 8vo, 24 col. plates, 35s. London, 1836 RICORD, (P.) A Practical Treatise on Venereal Diseases. Transl. by Dr. A S. Doane. 2d ed. 8vo. J\Tew- York, 1842 Clinique Iconographique de I’Hopital des Veneriens. Parts 1-8, 4to, col. plates, each /.6. Paris, 1842-44 TRAVERS, (B.) On the Pathology of Venereal Affections. 8vo. . London, 1830 WALLACE, (W.) A Treatise on Venereal Disease and its Varieties. 8vo. “ 1838 ROSENBAUM, (J.) Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume, fiir Aerzte und Alter- thumsforscher. 8vo. Halle, 1839 WOMEN, Diseases of. CLARKE. (C. M.) Observations on the Diseases of Females. 3d ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, plates, 36s. .... ........ London, 1831 CHURCHILL, (F.) Outlines of the Principal Diseases of Females. 8vo, 10s. 64. Dublin, 1838 GOOCH. On the most Important Diseases peculiar to Women. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s. I.ondon, 1831 FERGUSON, (R.) Essays on the most Important Diseases of Women. 8vo, 9s. 6d. London, 1838 LAYCOCK, (T.) A Treatise on the Nervons Diseases of Women ; comprising an Inquiry into the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Spinal and Hysterical Disorders. 8vo, 10s. (id. London, 1840 HALL, I'M.) Commentaries on the Constitutional Diseases of Females. In 2 Parts. 8vo, plates, 16s J.ondon, 1830 Part 1. Of the Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention of Local Inflammation, Consumption, Spinal Affections, and other Disorders incidental to Young Females. Part 2. Comprehending the several Affections incidental to the middle and later Periods of Life, and of their Constitutional Origin. ASHWELL, (S.) Practical Treatise on the Diseases peculiar to Women, illustrated by Cases derived from Hospital and Private Practice. 2d ed. 8vo. 21s. London, 1846 MEDICINE.] 246 [meteorology. WOMEN, DISEASES OF.—(Continued.) INGLEBY, (J. T.) Facts and Cases in Obstetric Medicine, with Observations on some of the most important Diseases incidental to Females. 8vo, 9s. . . London, 1841 WALLER, (C.) On the Function and Diseases of the Unimpregnated Womb. 8vo, pi., 9s. ............. jMndon, 1840 DEWEES, (W. P.) On the Diseases of Females. 7th ed. 8vo. . . Philad., 1840 JEWELL, (G.) Practical Observations on Leucorrhcea, Fluor Albus, &.c. 8vo, 5s. • London, 1830 LEE, (R.) Researches on the Pathology and Treatment of the Diseases of Women. 8vo, plates. . ... . . . . . . . . London, 1833 POWER, (J.) On the Periodica] Discharge of the Human Female. 8vo. “ 1832 ROZIER. Les Habitudes Secretes chez les Femmes. 3d ed. 8vo, eng. Paris, 1830 BLUNDELL, (J.) Observations on some of the more important Diseases of Women. Edited by Dr. T. Castle. 8vo, 12s London, 1837 MEDALS AND COINS.—(See Numismatics.) MENSURATION.—(See Mathematics, p. 217.) MERCANTILE AND MARITIME LAW. SMITH, (J. W.) A Compendium of Mercantile Law, from the third and last English Edition: greatly enlarged by the addition of Notes and References to American Authorities, by J. P. Holcombe and W. Y. Ghol- son. 8vo, calf, $4. . . . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 HOLCOMBE, (J. P.) A Selection of Leading Cases upon Commercial Law decided in the Supreme Court of the United States ; with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo, $4. . . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 BENECKE, (W.) On Indemnity in Marine Insurance, Bottomry, Respondentia, &c. 8vo. London, 1821 PARK, (J. A.) A System of the Law of Marine Insurances, Bottomry, &c. 8vo. London, 1817 EMERIGON, (B. M.) Traite des Assurances et des Contrats it la Grosse. 2 vols. 4to. Marseilles, 1783 AZUN1, (D. A.) Dir.ionari universale razionato della giurisprudenza mercantile. 4 vols. 4to. Livorno, 1822 Droit Maritime de l’Europe. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1805 •/JJWVbJI.F. $ maritimes et coloniales, ou recueil de lois et ordonnances, reglements et deci- sions ministerielles, memories, etc. ; qui peuvent interiesser les colonies, par MM. Bajot et Poirre. 88 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-1846 See Commercial Law, pp. 108, 204. MESMERISM.—(See p. 237.) METAPHYSICS.—(See Philosophy.) METEOROLOGY. KAEMTZ, (L. F.) Complete Course of Meteorology. With Notes by Charles Martins, and an Appendix, containing the Graphic Representa- tion of the Numerical Tables, by L. Lalanne. Translated, with Notes and Additions, by C. V. Walker. 12mo, 12s. 6d. . London, 1844 DANIELL, (J. F.) Elements of Meteorolgy ; being the 3d edition, revised and enlarged, of Meteorological Essays. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous charts, 32s. London, 1845 FORRY, (S.) Meteorology: comprising a Description of the Atmosphere and its Phenomena, &c. roy. 8vo. . . . New-York, 1843 HOWARD, (L.) Seven Lectures on Meteorology. 2d edn., revised. 12mo, 4s. 6d. , . . . . . . . London, 1843 METROLOGY.] 247 [MEXICO. METEOROLOGY.—(Continued.) LARDNER, (D.) and WALKER, (C. V.) A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. 2 vols. 12mo, plates, 12s. J.ondon, 1844 REID, (W.) An Attempt to develope the Law of otorms by means of Facts, arranged according to Place and Time ; and hence to point out a Cause for the Variable Winds, with the view of practical use in Navigation. Illustrated by Charts aud Woodcuts. 2d edn. roy. 8vo, 16s. . . , ... . . . . London, 1846 HARRIS, (W. S.) On the Nature of Thunderstorms, and on the Means of Protecting Buildings and Shipping against the Destructive Effects of Lightning. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1843 THOM, (A.) An Inquiry into the Nature and Course of Storms in the Indian Ocean, South of tiie Equator, with a view of discovering their origin, extent, rotatory character, rate and direction of progression, barometric depression, and other concomitant phenome- na, for the practical purpose of enabling Ships to ascertain the proximity and relative posi- tion of Hurricanes ; with Suggestions on the means of avoiding them. 8vo, with Chart and Diagrams, 12s. . . . London, 1845 SAINT-HILIARE, (B.) De la Meteorologie d’Aristote. 8vo. . . . Paris. See Encyclo. Metropolitana, Art. Meteorology, by Geo. Harvey. Reports of the British Association, 1831 & 1840, by Prof. Forbes. Companions to the Brit- ish Almanac. Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs. Pouillet’s Elemens de Physique. METROLOGY. BOECKH, (A.) Metrologische untersuchungen iiber gewichte Miinzfusse, und Masse des Alterthums in ihrem Zusammenhange. 8vo. Berlin, 1838 LEPSIUS. Ueber die Verbreitung des Italisehen Miinzsystems von Etruria. 8vo. Leipzig, 1842 PAUCTON. (A. J. P.) Metrologie, on traite des mesures, ]>oids et monnoies des anciens jieuples et des modernes. 4to. Paris, 1781 See IIulsse, Sammlung Mathematischer Tafeln, Leipzig, 1840. Kelly’s Cambist. McCulloch’s Commercial Dictionary. Pasley’s Observations on the Measures, Weights, and Money used in this Country, London, 1824. Companions to British Almanac. Encyclo. Britanuica. Re|iort from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Royal Mint, 1837 ; the Appendix contains a large collection of papers relating to the Mint of the United States, the French and Dutch Mints, etc. MEXICO. I. VOYAGES, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY. I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. GILLIAM, (A. M.) Travels in Mexico, by the way of Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Puebla, &c., with Observations upon the Religion, Political Institutions, Commerce, Agriculture, and Civilization in Mexico; and accurate Ac- counts of the Mines and Mining. 8vo, plates. . Philad., 1845 BEAUFOY, (M.) Mexican Illustrations, ind. of the Condition of Society, Manners, Morals, &c., of Mexico. 8vo. . . . London, 1828 BULLOCK, (Wm.) Six Months’ Residence and Travels in Mexico. 8vo. London, 1824 WARD, (A. G.) Mexico in 1827. 2 vols. 8vo “ 1828 CALDERON de la BARCA, (Mmk.) Life in Mexico. 8vo, lls. . “ 1844 THOMPSON, (Waddy.) Recollections of Mexico. 12mo. . . New- York, 184C NEB EL. Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la partie le plus interessant de Mexiqne. folio, 50 pl.,/.300. . Paris, 1840 AJYTiQ V1TF.S MF.XICAINES. Relation de TroisExpeditionsdu Capitaine Dnpnix en 1805-6-7 pour la recherche des antiquites du Mitka et de la Palcnque : suive des Disserta- tions, des Notes, &c., par Lenoir, Warden, Farcy, &c. 3 vols. folio, 1C8 planches, /.500. Paris, 1834-36 LVON, (G. F.) Journal of a Residence and Tour in Mexico in 1826, with some account of the Mines of that Country. 2 vols. 12ino ..... London, 1823 See Poinsett’s Notes on Mexico. Latrobe’s Rambles in Mexico. Chevallier’s Letters Macoregor’s Commercial Statistics. McCulloch’s Geograph. Dic- tionary, etc. MEXICO.] 248 [military art. II. HISTORY. TERNAUX-COMPANS. Voyages, Relations, et Memoires originaux pour servir h l’his- tuire de la decouverte de 1’Amerique, publics pour la premiere fois en francais.—Recueil de pieces relatives h la conquete du Mexique. 8vo,/.14. .... Paris. PRESCOTT, (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico ; with a Pre- liminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. 3 vols. 8vo, 3 plates, and 2 maps. New-York, 1843 CASTILLO. The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, written by Himself; containing a true and full Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated from the Original Spanish, by J. J. Lockhart. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . London, 1844 CLAVIGERO, (Abbe F. S.) History of Mexico, transl. from the Italian by Cullen. 2 vols. 4to. ...... London, 1787 ANTIQU1TES MEXICAINF.S. Relation de Trois Expeditions du Capitaine Dupaix, en 1805-6-7, pour la recherche des Antiquites du Mitka et de Palenque; suive des Disser- tations, des Notes, &c., par Lenoir, Warden, Farcy, &c. 2 tom. folio. Paris, 1834-6 De SOLIS, (A.) Hist, of the Conq. of Mexico by the Spaniards. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1738 GAMA, (A. De.) Description liistorica y cronologioa de las dos piedras qne con occasion del nuevo empedrado que se esta formando en la plaza principal de Mexico, se hallaron en dla el aflo de 1790, etc., por. C. M. Bustamente. sm. 4to. . . . .Mexico, 1832 CORTES. Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico, addressed to Charles V., written during the Conquest, and containing a Narrative of Events. Now first trans- lated into English from the original Spanish, with an Introduction and Notes. By G. Folsom, roy. 8vo JVeic- York, 1843 MICROSCOPE. BREWSTER, (Sir D.) A Treatise on the Microscope. 8vo, plates. London, 1837 EHRENBERG, (G. G.) et MANDI., (L.) Traite du ]VIicrosco|>e et de son emploi dans l’etude des corps organises, suive de recherclies sur 1’organisation des infuseires. 8vo, 14 plates,/.8. Paris, 1839 (See also Mandl’s Anatomie Microscopique.) LEREBOIJRS, 'N. P.) Instruction pratique sur les Microscopes. 3e edn. 12mo,/.2. Paris. 1846 DUJARDIN, (F.) .Nouveau Manuel complet de I’observateur au Microscope. 18mo, et Atlas, /.10 50 Paris, 1843 CHEVALIER, (C.) Des Microscope* et de Ieur usage. 8vo, planches,/.9. “ 1839 DONNE, (Ale.) et FOUCAULT, (L.) Cours de microscopie complementaire des etudes medicale. Anatomie microscopique et physiologie des fluides de Peconomie. Atlas exe- cute d’apres nature au microscope-daguerreotype, folio, contenant 20 planches gravies, avec un texte descriptif,/.30. Paris, 1846 See Tulk and Henfrey’s Anatomical Manipulation. 8vo, 9s. London, 1844. Prichard’s Essay on the Use of Microscopes, &.c. MILITARY ART. HALLECK, (E. W.) Elements of Militarv Science and Art; or, a Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactics of Battles, &c., embra- cing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Engineers ; Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 12mo, illustrated with numerous Diagrams. . . . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 There is no work similar to this in the English language, and no pains have boen spared to make it a use'ul book for officers of militia and volunteers, as well as the general reader. AIDE-MEMOIRE to the Military Sciences, framed from Contributions of Officers of the different Services, and edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers in Dublin, 1845. roy. 8vo. Parts I.—II., each, 14s. London, 1845-6 MILITARY HISTORY.] 249 [MILL-WORK. MILITARY ART.—(Continued.) GORE, (Capt. J.) The Evolutions of a Field Battery explained in full detail; together with Thirty-three Plates for the further illustration of the Subject. To which are added, the Principal Manoeuvres of a Brigade of Batteries ; with Thirteen Plates. 12mo, 3s. 6d. Woolwich, 1846 WELLINGTON. Maxims and Opinions of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wel- lington, selected from his Writings and Speeches during a Public Life of more than Half a Century : with a Biographical Memoir, by G. H. Francis. 8vo, 14s. . London, 1845 BURN, (Capt.) Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French I ,anguage: with Explanations of the various Terms in English. 12ino, 5s. 6d. . . Woolwich, 1842 JACKSON, (R.) A View of the Formation, Discipline, and Economy of Armies. 3d edn. 8vo, 12s London, 1845 GRIVET. Aide-memoire de l’ingenieur militaire, ou Recueil d’dtudes et d’observations. 8vo, planches. . . Paris, 184- le partie. Sciences et administration ; comprenant 1’histoire, [’organisation et l’admin- istration du corps du genie, les services de paix et de guerres et plusieurs resumes scien- tifiques. 2e partie. Construction. 3me partie. Art Militaire. CASTELVERD, (E. de.) Memorial militaire des Francais. 8vo, avec 40 tableaux et 10 cartes geographiques. /. 12 . . . Paris, 1846 CORRlSARD, (J.) Recueil sur les reconnaissances militaires. d’apres les auteurs les plus estimes. 8vo, et Atlas,/.15 Paris, 1845 ANJVUAIRE de l’etat militaire de France pour Fannie 1846, publie sur les documents du ministere de la guerre. 12mo, /.6 Paris, 1847 FAVlS, (J.) Histoire et tactique des trois armes, et plus particulierement de 1’artillerie de campagne. 8vo, avec un atlas in-4, de 48 planches,/.20 ; planches color.,/.28. Paris, 1845 REMOND, (le General.) Principes de strategicelementaire et deprogres. 8vo, f.7 50. Paris, 1846 MILITARY HISTORY. WELLINGTON Despatches and Correspondence, during his Campaigns 1799-1815. Compiled from Authentic Documents, by Gol. Gur- wood. 12 vols. 8vo, and Index, .£12. 10s. . . London, 1839-41 Selections from the above, roy. 8vo, 21s “ 1841 MAXWELL, (W. H.) Life of the Duke of Wellington. 3 vols. 8vo, plates, maps, and woodcuts. 36s London, 1839-41 THE MARLBOROUGH Letters and Despatches, from 1702 to 1712, recently discovered at Woodstock. Edited by Sir George Murray 5 vols. 8vo, £5. . London, 1845 MAPS and Plans of the Principal Operations, Battles and Sieges of the English Army dur- ing the War from 1808-1814, from Original Drawings by Major Sir T. Livingston Mitchell. In sheets, £12 ; mounted as maps, £14 ; bound, £18. . . . London, 1840 NAPIER, (W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France, from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814. 6 vols. 8vo, £6. . . . London, 1840 (Reprinted, Philad., C. & H.l GLEIG, (G. R.) Lives of the most eminent British Military Commanders. 3 vols. 12mo, 18*- London, 1832 SOUTHEY, (R.) The History of the Peninsular War. new edn., 6 vols. 8vo, 63s. London, 1828-37 MILL-WORK. BUCHANAN, (R.) Practical Essays on Mill-Work and other Machinery ; with Examples of Modem Tools, &c. First published by Robert Bu- chanan, M. E.; afterwards improved and edited by Thomas Tredgold, C. E. ; and now re-edited with the Improvements of the present age, by George Rennie, large 8vo, and the plates, upwards of 70 in number, in an atlas folio vol. 45s. London, 1841 KANE, (Sir R.) On Horizontal Water-Wheels, especially Turbines or Whirl-Wheels ; their History, Construction, and Theory. Illustrated for the use of Mechanics. By Moritz Riihlman. Edited with an Introduc- tion and Notes, by Sir R. Kane. 4to, 6 plates and tables of calculations. 7s. 6d. . . . . ■ . . . . Dublin, 1846 MINERALOGY.] 250 [minnesingers. MINERALOGY. Bibliography, see Dana’s System, infra. DANA, (J. D.) System of Mineralogy, comprising the most Recent Dis- coveries. 2d edn., 8vo, woodcuts and 4 plates. . New- York, 1844 JAMESON, (R.) Mineralogy, according to the Natural History System. 8vo, 6s. ....... Edinburgh, 1837 (From the Encyclopedia Britannica.) THOMSON, (T.) Outlines of Mineralogy, Mineral Analysis, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 CHAPMAN, (E. J.) Practical Mineralogy, or, a Compendium of the distinguishing Characters of Minerals, by which the Name of any Species or Variety in the Mineral Kingdom may be speedily ascertained. 8vo, 7s London, 1843 A Brief Description of the Characters of Minerals; forming a Familiar Introduction to the Science of Mineralogy. 12mo, 3 plates, 4a London, 1844 MILLER, (W, H.) A Treatise on Crystallography. 8vo. . . Cambridge, 1839 GRIFFIN, (J. J.) A System of Crystallography, with its application to Mineralogy. 8vo . Glasgow, 1841 KOBELL, (F. von.) Instruction for the Discrimination of Minerals by simple Chemical Experiments. 7vo Glasgow, 1841 BAUDRIMONT. Traite etementaire du mineralogie et de geologie. 8vo. . Pans, 1840 DUFRESNOY, (A.) Traite de mineralogie. 3 vols. 8vo, avec un grand nortibre de figures, et un atlas de 200 planches. . Paris, 1845-47 BEUDANT, (F. S.) Traite de mineralogie. 2e ddn., 2 vols. 8vo. . “ 1333 BRARD, (C. P.) Nouveaux elements de mineralogie, ou manuel du mineralogiste voya- geur. 3e edn. 8vo ’ Paris, 1838 Mineralogie appliquee aux arts. 3 vols. 8vo “ 1821 NECKER, (L. A.) Le Regne mineral aux methodes naturelles. 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1835 BUR AT, (A.) Geologie appliquee, ou Traite de la recherche et de l’exploitation des mine- raux utiles. 8vo,/.12 Paris, 1844 Encyclo. Metropolitana, Art. Crystallography and Mineralogy, by J. H. Brooke. MINING.—(Metallurgy.) URE, (Dr.) Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines ; containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Illustrated with 1240 Engravings on wood. One thick volume of 1340 pages, bound in leather, $5. New- York, D. A. & Co. Recent Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, (being a Supplement to his Dictionary.) 8vo, illustrated with 200 cuts, $ l 50. The complete Work, with Supplement, bound in two vols. Price $6 50. New- York, D. A. & Co. BUDGE, (J.) Practical Miner’s Guide ; comprising a Set of Trigonometrical Tallies, adapted to all Purposes of Oblique or Diagonal, Vertical, Horizontal, and Traverse Dial- ling ; with their Application to the Dial Exercise of Shafts, Adits, Drifts, Lodes, Slides, Levelling, 8tc. ; also a Treatise on the Art and Practice of Assaying Silver. Copper, Lead, and Tin ; with essential Tables, Rules, and Illustrations, applicable to Mining Business. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s London, 1845 ATLAS DU MINE UR et du Metallurgiste, recueil de dessins lithographies, relatifs it l’exploitation des mines et aux operations metallurgiques executes par MM. Ses eleves d’ecole royale des mines. le-5eannees, planches avec texte exp’icatif, folio. Paris, 1837- COMBES. Trait 6 de l’exploitation des mines. 3 vols. 8vo, avec un atlas de 68 planches in folio, /.45. Paris, 1845 BLANC. Manuel de l’exploitation des mines. 18mo, fig. ... “ 1845 Parti. Houille, on charbon de terre. /.3 50. Part 2. Fer, plomb, cuivre, etain, argent, or, zinc, diamants. /.3 50. LAMPADIUS, (G. A.) Manuel de metallurgie generale, traduit, revue et aug. par G. A. Arrault. 2 vols.' 8vo. .......... Paris, 1840 KARTEN, (C. J. B.) System der Metallurgie. 5 vols. 8vo, et atlas. . Berlin, 1830 See Iron Manufacture. Taylor’s Records of Mining. Mining Review. MINNESINGERS.—(See Ballads, p. 65.) TAYLOR, (E.) Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours of Xllth and XHIth Centuries, sm. 8vo, 9s. . . London, 1825 MOLDAVIA.] 251 [MONUMENTS. MOLDAVIA, WALLACHIA. WILKINSON, (W.) An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. 8vo London, 1820 KOGALNITCHAN, (M.) Histoire de la Valachie, de la Moldavie et des Valaques transdanubiens, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Berlin, 1837 VAILLANT, (J. A.) La Romaine, ou histoire, langue, orogra- phie, statistique des peuples de la langue-d’Or, Ardaliens, Valaques et Moldaves, resume' sous le nom de Romans. 3 vols. 8vo, /.21. Paris, 1845 LANGUAGE. CLEMENS, (A.) Walachische Sprachlehre. 2d ed. 8vo. Hermannstadt, 1836 MOLNAR, (J.) Deutsch-Walachische Sprachlehre. 8vo. “ 1810 DICTIONNAIRE frwmais-valaque, par P. Poyenar, F. Aaron et G. Hill. 2 vols. 8vo. ....... Boucarest, 1840 LEXICON valachio-latino-hungarieo-germanicum, quod a pluribus aucto- ribus decursu triginta et amplius annorum elaboratum est. 8vo. Budce, 1825 MOLLUSCA.—(See Malacology.) MONKISH HISTORIANS of Great Britain. Edited by Dr. Giles. 8vo London, 1840-43 I. BEDE’S Church History, revised from the Version of Stevens. 8vo, 12s. II. GILDAS’ Epistle respecting Britain, and NENNIUS’ British History. III. RICHARD of DEVIZES’ Chronicle of the Reign of Richard I., and RICHARD of CIRENCESTER’S Description of Britain. IV. GEOFFREY of MONMOUTH’S British History. Translated by A. Thomson. V. BEDE’S Ecclesiastical Biographies and Letters. 2 vols. VI. CHRONICLES of the White Rose of York. MONUMENTS, Sepulchral. ARMSTRONG, (Rev. J.) A Paper on Monuments. 8vo, cuts. Oxford, 1844 MARKLAND, (J. H.) Remarks on English Churches, and on the Expe- diency of rendering Sepulchral Memorials subservient to Pious and Chris- tian Uses. 4th edition, enlarged, 12mo, 6s. 6d. . London, 1847 BLOXHAM, (M. H.) A Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the Earliest Period to the End of the Eighteenth Century. 8vo. London, 1834 BLORE, (E.) The Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain ; with Historical and Biographical Illustrations. *8vo. London, 1826 STOTFIARD, (C. A.) The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, selected from Cathedrals and Churches, etc. folio, plates London, 1816-32 HOLLIS, (T. and G.) The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. 4to “ 1841 HARTSHORNE, (Rev. C. H.) An Endeavour to Classify the Sepulchral Remains in Northamptonshire, or a Discourse on Funeral Monuments in that County, sm. 8vo. Cambridge, 1840 WALLER. A Series of Monumental Brasses, extending from the Time of Edward I. to that of Elizabeth, folio. London, 1840 moon.] 252 [Murray’s library. MONUMENTS.—(Continued.) BOUTELL, (Rev. C.) Monumental Brasses and Slabs: an Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages, with numerous illustra- tions. 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1847 THOMAS, (W.) Designs for Monuments, &c. 4to. .... “ 1843 POTTIE, (C.) Designs for Sepulchral Monuments, sm. fol., 25 plates, 36s. “ 1843 OEJVERjJL VOLUME, of Epitaphs, Original and Selected, with appropriate Texts from Scripture. 12mo, 5s London, 1840 SNOW, (J.) Lyra Mcmorialia: Original Epitaphs and Churchyard Thoughts, in Verse. With an Essay by Wm. Wordsworth, reprinted by his permission. New edition, remo- delled and enlarged. 18mo, 3s. 6d London, 1847 ECCLESIOLOQIST (The). Vols. 1-. 8vo, woodcuts and plates. . “ 1846 (Continued monthly.) MOON.—(See page 56.) MOROCCO. RENOU. Recherches geographiques sur le Maroc, suivies d’itindraires et de renseignements. 8vo, /.12. .... Paris, 1846 THOMASSY, (R.) Le Maroc et ses caravans, ou Relations de la France avec cet Empire. 2e 6dn. 8vo, /.6 50. . . . Paris, 1845 HAY, (D.) Morocco and the Moors. 12mo, 2s. 6d. . London, 1844 BEAUCLERK, (G.) Journey to Morocco, roy. 8vo, 21s. “ JACKSON, (J. G.) An Account of the Empire of Morocco and the Dis- trict of Suse, etc. 4to. . . . . f . . London, 1809 MOSQAJITO SHORE. YOUNG, (T.) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, during the Years 1839, 1840, and 1841 ; with an Account of Truxillo and the adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan. l2mo, 5s. London, 1842 See MacGregor’s Progress of America. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . “ 1847 MURRAY’S HOME AND COLONIAL LIBRARY. sm. 8vo, monthly, 2s. Gd. London, 1844^17 1. The Bible in Spain. By George Borrow. 2. Journals in India. By Bishop Heber. 3. Travels in the East. By Irby and Mangles. 4. Siege of Gibralter. By T. Drinkwater. 5. Morocco and the Moors. By Drummond Hay. 6. Letters from the Baltic. By Miss Rigby. 7. The Amber Witch. By Lady Duff Gordon. 8. Cromwell and Bunyan. By Robt. Southey. 9. New South Wales. By Mrs. Meredith. 10. Life of Sir Francis Drake. By John Barrow. 11. The Court of Pekin. By Father Ripa. 12. The West Indies. By M. G. Lewis. 13. Sketches of Persia. By Sir John Malcolm. 14. The French in Algiers. By Lady Duff Gordon. 15. Bracebridge Hall. By Washington Irving. 16. A Naturalist’s Voyage. By Charles Darwin. 17. Fall of the Jesuits. From the French. 18. Life of the Great Conde. By Lord Mahon. Murray’s handbooks.] 253 [music. MURRAY’S Library.—(Continued.) 19. Gypsies in Spain. By George Borrow. 20. The Marquesas Islanders. By Hermann Melville. 21. Livonian Tales. By Miss Rigby. 22. Memoirs of a Missionary. By Rev. J. Abbott. 23. Sir Robert Sale’s Brigade. By Rev. G. R. Gleig. 24. Letters from Madras. By a Lady. 25. Highland Sports. By Charles St. John. 26. Journeys across the Pampas. By Sir F. B. Head. 27. Gatherings from Spain. By Richard Ford. 28. The Sieges of Vienna. By Earl of Ellesmere. 29. Liberation War in Germany. By Sir Alexander Gordon. 30. Adventures in the South Seas. By Hermann Melville. 31. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. By Gleig. MURRAY’S Handbooks for Travellers. See Guide Books, page 179. MUSIC. I. HISTORY.—II. THEORETICAL TREATISES. Bibliography. BLAZE, (C.) Bibliographic musicale de la France et de l’etranger, on Repertoire general et systematique de tous les traites et ouvres de musique vocale et instrumentale ini primes on graves en Europe jusqu’k ce jour, etc. 8vo,/.8 50. . . . Part's, 1822 I. HISTORY. BURNEY, (C.) A General History of Music, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period, &c. 4 vols. 4to, plates. . London, 1776-89 HAWKINS, (Sir J.) A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. 5 vols. 4to. ...... London, 1776 LA FAYE, (A. de.) Histoire gdndrale de la musique et de la danse. 2 vols. 8vo, avec un atlas de 28 planches in-4, et 36 planches de musique in folio, /.27. ......... Paris. NORTH, (Hon. R.) Memoirs of Mnsick. By the Hon. Roger North, Attorney-General to James II. Now first printed from the Original MS., and edited, with copious Notes, by Edward F. Rimbault, crown 4to, half-bound, liw. . . . London, 1846 HOGARTH, (G.) Musical History, Biography, and Criticism. Sided. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. 6d. London, 1837 Memoirs of the Musical Drama. 2 vols. 8vo, 16$ “ 1838 CHORLEY, (H. F.) Music and Manners in France and Germany. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. ljondon, 1841 BUSBY, (T.) History of Music ; condensed from the Works of Hawkins and Bnrney. 2 vols. 8vo. ............ London, 1810 Concert Room and Orchestra. Anecdotes of Musicians, ancient and modern. 3 vols. 18mo * London, 1825 BOMBET, (L. A. C.) The Lives of Haydn and Mozart, with Observations on Metastasio, etc. Transl. from the French. 12mo. Boston, 1830 MOSCHELLES, (J.) The Life of Beethoven, including his Correspondence, etc. Transl. from the German. 2 vols. 12mo. . London, 1841 ORLOFF, (G.) Essai sur l’histoire de la musique en Italie, depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu’k nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 BECKER (C. F.) Systemat. Chronolog. Darstellung Musikalischen Litteratur. 4to. Leipzig, 1836 BLONDEAU, ( .) Histoire de la musique moderne, depuis les premiers siecles de l’ere chretienne jusqn’k nos jonrs. 8vo, vol. 1, /.6 Paris, 1847 ADRIEN de la FACE, (J.) Histoire gene rale de la musique et de la Danse, vols. 1, 2, et atlas de musique. Paris. MUSIC.] 254 [mythology. I. HISTORY.—( Continued.) BERLIOZ, (II.) Voyage Musical en Allemagne et en Italic. Etudes sur Beethoven, Gluck et Weber. Melanges et nouvelles. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. . . Paris, 1845 DICTIONARY of Musicians from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, and a Summary of the History of Music. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824 II. THEORETICAL TREATISES, &c. WEBER, (G.) An Attempt at a Systematically Arranged Theory of Musical Composition. Translated from the 3d German edition, with Notes, by J. F. Warner. 2d ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, $5. Boston, 1846 The distinguishing characteristic of this work is, that it is a theory of musical compo- sition conformable to the present state of the art: a view of the rules and methods practised by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Spohr: it is unique for the copi- ousness as well as appositeness of its musical illustrations. The treatise of Albrechts- berger is full of antiquated pedantry, and that of Cherubini wholly unworthy of his illustrious name. In Germany, Weber’s work is the standard authority. The works of Reicha and Marx possess some peculiar merits, but they aim more at par- ticular excellencies, while Weber aims at general and universal ones. WARNER. Rudimental Lessons in Music. Containing the Primary Instruction requisite for all Beginners in the Art, whether Vocal or Instrumental. 18mo, 50 cts. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1846 A Universal Dictionary of Musical Terms, taken in part from G. Weber’s Vocabu- lary of Italian Words and Phrases, but chiefly furnished from other sources. 8vo. Boston, 1842 The Primary Note Reader, or First Steps in Singing at Sight. 12mo, 25 cts. New- York, D. A. & Co., 1846 GRAHAM, (G. F.) The Art of Musical Composition. 4to, 12s. . . F.dinb., 1844 F&TIS. Music Made Easy. 12mo. Boston, 1840 SCHILLING, (G.) Lehrbuch der allgemeiner Musikwissenschaft, od. dessen, was Jeder, der musik treibt oder lernen will, nothwendig wissen muss, etc. 8vo. Karlsr., 1839-40 Conversations-hand-lexicon, musikalisches enthaltend d. vollstandige Erklarung alier musikalischen Realien, etc. 2 vols. 8vo . Augsb., 1840 Allgemeine General-Basslehre, mit besond. Rucksicht auf angehende Musiker u. gebildete Dilettanten bearbeitet. 8vo. Darmst., 1839 MARX, (A. B.) Musikal Kompositionslehre practisch-theoretisch. 3e verb. Aufl. lr Theil. 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 MALATIER, (J. A.) Encyclopedic populaire de musique vocale, ou Receuil des plus beaux chants populates etreiigieux de lous les peuples, notes et chiffres d’apres la methode de Galin. 4 vols. 12mo, /.12. Paris, 1844 RAYMOND!, (J.) Nouveau Systeme de notation mnsicale, suivi dn rapport fait au congres scientifique de France, sur le premier essai de simplification musicographique. 8vo, pl.,/.5. Paris, 1846 FlSTIS, (F. J.) Traitd complet de la Theorie et de la Pratique de 1’harmonie. 8vo,/.12. Paris, 1844 ESCUDIER, (Freres, MM.) Dictionnaire de Musique d’apres les theoriciens, lnstoriens, et critiques le plus celebres qui ont ecrit sur la musique. 2 vols. 12mo, /.3 50. Paris, 1844 GIULIANI, (N.) Introduction au Code d’harmonie pratique et theorique, on Nouveau Systeme de basse fondamentale. 8vo, /.8 Paris, 1847 ROUSSEAU, (J. J.) Dictionnaire de musique. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. . . “ 1822 MYTHOLOGY. MULLER, (C. O.) Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology. Translated from the German, by John Leitch. 8vo, 12s. London, 1844 CHRISTMAS, (Rev. II.) Universal Mythology, l2mo, 7s. 6rf. London, 1838 KEIGIITLEY, (T.) Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 8vo, plates, 16s. ........ London, 1834 the Same abridged, for the use of Schools. 18mo, cuts. New- York, D. A. & Co. CARR, (T. S.) Manual of Classical Mythology ; or, a Companion to the Greek and Latin Poets: with a Copious Lexicon Index. I2mo, 6s. 6d 1846 BUTTMANN, (Pn.) Mvthologus, oderges. Abhandlungen iiber die Sagen des Alterthums. 2 vols. 8vo. . Berlin, 1828 NAPLES.] 255 [NATURAL HISTORY. MYTHOLOGY.—{Continued.) CREUZER, (F.) Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker, besonders der Griechen u. Romer. 4 vols. 8vo. ......... I)armst., 1833-44 the Same. Translated by J. D. Guigniaut. 4 vols. 300 pi. . . Paris, 1825-39 H1TZIG, (F.) Zur iiltesten Volker und Mythengeschichte. Vol. 1—, 8vo. Leipzig, 184- HEFFTER, (W. M.) Mythologie der Griechen und Romer. 8vo. “ 1845 BURCHARDT, (G. E.i Handbuch der Classischen Mythologie, nach Grundsiitzen. Vol. 1-, 8vo. Dresden, 1843 SCIIWENCK, (K.) Die mythologie der Asiastischen Volker, der Griechen, Romer, /Egyp- ter, Germanen u. Slawen. Vol. 1-2, 8vo. Frankf., 1843-45 JACOBI, (E.) Dictionnaire Mvthologique universel, ou Biographie mythique des dieux et des personnages fabuleux de la Grece, de l’ltalie, de l’Egypte, de I’Inde, de la Chine, du Japon, de la Scandinavie de la Gaule, de l’Amerique; de la Polynesia. Traduit de l’alle- mand, refondu et complete par Th. Bernard. 12mo, /.4. . . . Paris, 1846 NAPLES. GIANNONE, (P.) Opere : cive Istoria del Regno di Napoli: Opere Pos- tume, con Vita sua. 11 vol. 8vo Italia, 1821 COLLETTA, (Gen. P.) Storia di Napoli. 1734-1825. 2 vols. 8vo. . Cap., 183*1 TENORE, (M.) Essai sur la geographie physique et botanique du royaume de Naples. 8vo. ' Naples, 1827 Flora napolitana, ossia descrizione delle piante indigene di Napoli, etc. 5 vols. folio, pi. col. Napoli, 1810-38 See Murray’s Hand-Book for South Italy, Naples, and Sicily. Skrristori’s Statistica d’ltalia. MacGregor’s Commercial Statistics. McCulloch’s Geo- graphical Dictionary, &c. NATURAL HISTORY. Bibliography. ENGEI.MANN, (W.) The Literature of Natural History: or, a Systematic Catalogue of those Works on Natural History which have been printed from the commencement of the last century to the end of 1845, in England, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, and other Foreign Countries. Vol. ], 8vo. 12s. . . . . . . Leipzig, 1840 Part I.—Zoology and Miscellaneous Works, with Two Indexes of Authors and of Subjects. AGASSIZ, (L.) Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem al- phabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris in quibus reperiuntur. 4to. Soleure, 1842 Part 1. Mammalia. 1 vol. f.5. “ 2. Aves. 1 vol 7. “ 3 and 4. Crustacea, Vermes, Entozoa, Infusoria, etc. 2 vols. . . 8. A translation, edited by Hugh E. Strickland, is announced for publication by the Ray Society. , CUVIER, (G.) Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, depnis leur origine jusqu’h nos jours, chez tous les peoples connus, eomprenant la philo-ophie de l’histoire natorelle et un examen ap- profondi de la philosophic de la nature en Allemagne et en France rddigde et com- plete par M. T. M. de Saint-Agy. 4 vols. 8vo,/.2S. . . . . Paris, 1841 Histoire des progres des sciences natnrelles, depnis 1789 jusqu’k nos jours. 5 vols. 8vo, /.22 50 Paris, 1829-36 CUVIF.R' S Animal Kingdom, translated, with additions, by Edward Griffith, Major Smith, Edward Pigeon, J. E. Gray, E. Gray, and others. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-35 Animal Kingdom, arranged according to its Organization : forming the Bads for a Na- tural History of Animals, and an Introduction to Comparative Anatomy. The Mamma- lia, Birds, and Reptiles, bv Edward Blyth. The Fishes and Radiata, by R. Mudie. The Molluscous Animals, by G. Johnston, M. D. And the Articulated Animals, by J. O. Westwood, F.L.S. Royal 8vo, with 300 wood engravings, 18a. ; with plates after Land seer, 24a. . London, 1840 JENYN9, (L.) Observations in Natural History : with an Introduction on Habits of Ob- serving, as connected with that Science; also, a Calendar of Periodic Phenomena in Natu- ral History, with Remarks on the Importance of such Registers, sm. 8vo, 10a. 6d. London, 1846 NATURAL HISTORY.] 256 [NATURALIST’S LIBRARY. NATURAL HISTORY.—{Continued.) * SWAINSON, (W.) A Preliminary Discourse on the study of Natural History, sm. 8vo, 6s. ..... . London, 1834 Contents.—Part 1. Rise and Progress of Zoology.—Part 2. On the General Nature and Advantages of the Study of Natural History.—Part 3. On the Principles on which Natural History relies for its successful persecution, and the Considerations by which the Natural System may be developed.—Part 4. On the Present State of Zoo- logical Science in Great Britain, and on the Means best calculated for its Encourage- ment and Extension. JONES, (T. R.) A General Outline of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo, 350 illustr., 38s. ; royal 8vo, jC3. 16s. ; imp. 8vo, £5. 14s. . . . . . London, 1841 This work comprises a general view of the Animal Creation, exhibiting the structure and internal economy of every class of living beings, and their adaptation to the circum- stances in which they are severally destined to exist. Lectures on the Natural History of animals, delivered before the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo, 24s London, 1845- WHITE, (G.) The Natural History of Selborne, with Notes by the Rev. L. Jenyns. 26 Illustr. 12mo, 7s. (id London. BRODERIP, (W. J.) Zoological Illustrations. 8vo, 10s. 6d. ... “ 1837 (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P.) WATERTON, (C.) Essays on Natural History, chiefly Ornithology. 2d edn. 2 vols. 12mo, 14s. 6d. London, 1844 LOUDON, (Mrs.) The Entertaining Naturalist; being Popular Descriptions, Tales and Anecdotes, of more than Five Hundred Animals, comprehending all the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &c. Illustrated by upwards of 350 wood engravings. new edn. revised. 12mo, 7s. 6d. London, 1843 The Year-Book of Natural History for Young Persons. 40 cuts. 16mo, 4s. “ 1842 Glimpses of Nature, and objects of interest described, during a Visit to the Isle of Wight. Designed to assist and encourage Young Persons in forming Habits of Observa- tion. Ulust. square 16mo, 3s. 6d. London, 1843 GOSSE, (P. H.) The Canadian Naturalist, sm. 8vo, 44 Illustr. . “ 1840 MARTIN SAINT-ANGE et GUERIN, (E.) Traite elementaire d’histoire naturelle, comprenant les caracteres et le classification des vegeteaux et des animaux, les mceurs de ces derniers, et le elements de la mineralogie, et de la geologie. 8vo, /.00 ; fig. col. /.120 Paris. CHENU, (M. J. C.) Lecons 6lementaires d’Histoire Naturelle, comprenant one Apercu sur toute la Zoologie et un Traite de Conchyliologie. 8vo, planches, f.l5. . Paris, 1846 See Animals. Animal Kingdom. Entomology. Herpetology. Ichthy- ology. Mammalia. Molluscous Animals, Ornithology, Zoology, &c. Jesse’s Gleanings in Nat. Hist. Journal of a Naturalist. Forbes’ Rambles of a Naturalist. Loudon’s Magazine of Nat. History. The Zoologist, monthly, 13s. per ann. Magazine of Natural History. Annals of Natural History, 3t)s. per ann. Transactions of Linnean Society. Transactions of Zoological Society, &c NATURALIST’S LIBRARY. Conducted by Sir W. Jardine. 12mo, coloured plates, 4s. 6d. per vol. * Edinburgh, v. y. List of Volumes composing this Series. ORNITHOLOGY. 1 and 2. HUMMING BIRDS. 68 coloured Plates, with Portraits and Memoirs of Lin- naeus and Pennant. 3. PEACOCKS, PHEASANTS, TURKEYS, &c. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Aristotle. 4. BIRDS of the GAME KIND. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Sir T. S. Raffles. 5. PIGEONS. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Pliny. 6. PARROTS. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Bewick. 7 and 8. BIRDS of WESTERN AFRICA. 68 coloured Plates, with Portraits and Memoirs of Bruce and Le Vaillant. 9 and 11. BIRDS of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. 68 coloured Plates, with Portraits and Memoirs of Sir Robert Sibbald and Smellie. 10. FLY-CATCHERS : their Natural Arrangement and Relations. 33 coloured Plates, with Portraits and Memoir of Baron Haller. naturalist’s LIBRARY.] [natural philosophy. 257 NATURALIST’S LIBRARY.—(Continued.) ENTOMOLOGY. 1. INTRODUCTION, by James Duncan. 2. BEETLES—Coleopterous Insects. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Ray. 3. BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. 36 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Werner. 4. BRITISH MOTHS, SPHINXES, &c. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Me- moir of Madame Merian. 5. FOREIGN BUTTERFLIES. 33 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of La- marck. 6. HONEY BEE. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Huber. MAMMALIA. 1. MONKEYS. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Buffon. 2. LIONS, TIGERS, &c. 38 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Cuvier. 3. RUMINATING ANIMALS ; containing Deer, Antelopes, Camels, &c. 35 col- oured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Camper. 4. RUMINATING ANIMALS; containing Goats, Sheep, Wild and Domestic Cattle, &c. 33 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of John Hunter. 5. THICK-SKINNED QUADRUPEDS (Pachvdermata); consisting of Elephants, Rhi- noceroses, Tapirs, &c., &c. 31 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Sir Hans Sloane. 6. WHALES. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Lacepede. 7. BRITISH QUADRUPEDS. 36 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Ulysses Aldrovandi. 8. AMPHIBIOUS CARNIVORA ; including the Walrus and Seals, and the Herbivorous Cetacea, Mermaids, &c. 33 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Francois Peron. 9 and 10. DOGS. 70 coloured Plates, with Portraits and Memoirs of Don Felix D’Azara and Pallas. ICHTHYOLOGY. 1. FISHES of the PERCH GENUS, &c. 32 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Me- moir of Sir Joseph Banks. 2. FISHES, Vol. 2, particularly their Structure and Economical Uses, &c. 33 coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Salviani. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.—(Physics.) HISTORY. WHEWELL, (W.) A History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest Times to the Present. 2d edn. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. . London, 1847 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1840 POWELL, (B.) History of Natural Philosophy. 12mo, 6s. . . London, 1834 (Lardner’s Cyclopsedia.) CUVIER, (G.) Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, depuis Ieur origine jusqu’it nos jours, chez tous les peuples connus, . . . compl6t6e par M. de Saintagy. 3 vols. 8vo. . Paris. TREATISES. HERSCHEL, (J. F. W.) A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natu- ral Philosophy. l2mo, 6s London, 1830 On the general nature and advantage of the study of the physical sciences.—On the means on which physical science relies for its successful prosecution, and the rules by which a systematic examination of nature should be conducted ; with illustrations of their influence, as exemplified in the history of its progress.—Of the subdivisions of physics into distinct branches, and their mutual relations. HERAPATH, (J.) Mathematical Physics; or, the Mathematical Princi- ples of Natural Philosophy: with a Development of the Causes of Heat, Gaseous Elasticity, Gravitation, and other great Phenomena of Nature. 2 vols. 8vo, with Tables and Diagrams, 30s. . . London, 1847 ARNOTT, (N.) Elements of Physics. 2 vols. 8vo. . “ 1833 (Reprinted Philad., L. & B.) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.] 258 [NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. TREATISES.—(Continued.) BIRD, (G.) Elements of Natural Philosophy ; being an Experimental Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences. 2d edn., revised and enlarged. I2mo, woodcuts, 12s. 0d. London, 1843 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY FOR BEGINNERS; being Familiar Illustrations of the of Motion and Mechanics : intended as a Text-Book for Schools and Self-Instruc- tion, as a Companion to the Lecture Room, or for Model Schools. 2d edn., revised and improved. 12mo, engravings, 3s. 6d. ....... London, 1845 YOUNG, (T.) A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. New edn., with references and notes by the Rev. P. Kelland. 2 vols. 8vo, 43 engravings on copper, 24s London, 1845 LESLIE, (J.) Treatises on the Various Subjects of Natural and Chemical Philosophy. 8vo, 6s .... Edinburgh, 1838 (Encyclo. Britannica.) PESCHEL, (C. F.) Elements of Physics. Translated from the German, with Notes, by E. West. Illustrated with Diagrams and Woodcuts. 3 vols. 12mo, 2Is. . . . . . . . London, 1845-6 Part. 1. The Physics of Ponderable Bodies, fcp. 8vo, 7s. 6s. Part. 2. Imponderable Bodies (Light, Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, and Electro-Dy- namics). 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, 13s. 6d. MULLER, (J.) Principles of Physics and Meteorology. Transl. from the German. 8vo, 540 woodcuts. .... London, 1847 LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. 4 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1829-1838 Vol. 1—containing the Preliminary Treatise ; Hydrostatics; Hydraulics; Pneumatics; Heat; Mechanics; Optics; Polarisation of Light; Index and Glossary. 6s. Vol. 2—containing Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy; Newton’s Optics; Optical Instruments ; Thermometer and Pyrometer ; Electricity ; Galvanism ; Magnetism ; Electro-Magnetism ; Glossary and Index. 8s. 6rl. Vol. 3—containing Astronomy; History of Astronomy ; Mathematical Geography ; Physical Geography ; Navigation ; with Glossary and Index. 7s. 6d. Vol. 4—containing Chemistry ; Botany ; Animal Physiology, and Animal Mechanics ; with Index. 7s. 6d. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION REPORTS. 1st and 2d Meeting at York and Oxford, 1831-32. 8vo, 13s. 6d. 3d Meeting at Cambridge, 1833. 8vo, 12s. 4th Meeting at Edinburgh, 1834. 8vo, 15s. 5th Meeting at Dublin, 1835. 8vo, 13s. dd. Cth Meeting at Bristol, 1836. 8vo, 12s. 7th Meeting at Liverpool, 1837. 8vo, 16s. 6osite crystals—On the double colour of bodies. Part 3—Application of Optical Principles to the Explanation of Natural Phenomena. The Rainbow—Halos—On the eye and vision, &c. Part 4—On Optical Instruments. The Camera Obscura—Microscopes, Telescopes, &c. MOIGNO, (L’abbe.) Repertoire d’Optique moderne. le Partie. 8vo, 8«. Paris, 1846 This work is a complete analysis of all the books published on the phenomena of Light. POTTER, (R.) Elementary Treatise on Optics ; containing all the requisite Propositions carried to first approximation, with the Construction of Optical Instruments. 8vo, 9s. 6d. London, 1847 CODDINGTON, (H.) A Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light; being Op- tics, Part 1. 8vo, plates, 15s Cambridge. A Treatise on the Eye, and on Optical Instruments ; being Optics, Part 2. 8vo, 5s. Cambridge, 1830 An Elementary Treatise on Optics. 2d edn. 8vo, plates, 8s. . Cambridge, 1825 GRIFFIN, (W. N.) Treatise on Optics. 2d edn. 8vo, plates, 8s. . “ 1842 The Theory of Double Refraction. 8vo, 2s. “ 1842 HUNT, (R.) Researches on Light: an Examination of all the Phenomena connected with the Chemical and Molecular Changes produced by the Influence of the Solar Rays ; embracing all the known Photographic Processes, and New Discoveries in the Art. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Lov don, 1344 PEREIRA, (J.) Lectures on Polarised Light, delivered before the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and in the Medical School of the London Hospital. 8vo, 5s. 6d. London, 1843 MACKENZIE, (W.) The Physiology of Vision. 8vo, cuts, 10s. 6d. . “ 1840 See Fearn’s Treatise on Cerebral Vision. Ryan on the Elements of Light. Lloyd’s Lectures on the Wave Theory of Light, and Treatise on Light and Vision. Powell’s Undulatory Theory of Light, and Treatise on Optics. Wood’s Elements of Optics. Herschel’s Treatise on Light, in Encyclo. Metropolitana, etc. OREGON—(See California.) GREENHOW, (Rob’t.) Geography of Oregon and California. 8vo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1845 History of Oregon and California. 8vo. “ “ 1844 FARNHAM, (P. J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies, and in the Oregon Territory. 8vo. . . . . . New-York, 1843 FREMONT, (J. C.) Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, and to Oregon and New California. 8vo, . . Washington, 1845 WILKES, (Geo.) History of California, Geographical and Political. 8vo. New- York, 1845 NICOLAY. The Oregon Territory. l?mo, Is. 0d London, 1845 (Knight’s Weekly Volume.) TWISS, (T.) The Oregon Question examined, in respect to Facts and the Law of Na- tions. 8vo, 2 maps, 12s London and Mew- York, 1846 DUNN (J.) History of the Oregon Territory, and British North American Fur Trade; with an Account of the Habits and Customs of the Principal Native Tribes on the Northern Continent. 8vo, 'is. 6d. London, 1846 OREGON. The Claim of the United States to Oregon, as stated in the Letters of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun and the Hon. J. Buchanan, American Secretaries of State, to the Hon. R. Pakenham, H. B. M. Plenipotentiary. With an Appendix, containing the Counter Statement of Mr. Pakenham to the American Secretaries of State, and a Map, showing the Boundary Line proposed by each Party. 8vo, 2s.6d. . London, 1846 DUFLOT de MOFRAS. Exploration du territoire de l’Ox6gon, des Californies et de la mer Vermeille, ex6cut6 pendant les atindes 1840, 1841, et 42. 2 vols. 8vo, et Atlas, /.80. , * Paris, 1844 FEDIX. L’Oregon et les Cotes de 1’Ocdan pacifiqne du Nord, Apercn statistique et politique. 8vo, map, f.7. .... . . Paris, 1846 organs.] 265 [orient, transl. fund. ORGANS. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF ORGANS Built in England, from the reign of Charles II. to the present time. 12rno, illustr., 9s. London, 1847 See Penny Cyclopaedia, Art. Organ. ORIENTAL (TEXTS) SOCIETY’S PUBLICATIONS. ARABIC. ALNAWAWI’S Biographical Dictionary of Illustrious Men, by Dr. Wiistenfeld. Parts 1-7, each 7s. 6d. ALSHAHRASTANI’S Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, by Cureton. Parts 1-2, each 8s. PILLAR OF THE CREED of the Simnites, by Cureton. 7s. 6d. PERSIAN. MA K HZ A JV* UL AZRAR, by Nizami, edited by Bland. 12s. SANSCRIT. THE SAMA-VEDA, by Stevenson and Wilson. 12s. SYRIAC. EUSEBIUS’S Theophania, or Divine Manifestation of our Saviour, by Dr. S. Lee. 15s. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND.—(Publications of.) 1. THE TRAVELS OF IBN BATTUTA (in Egypt, Syria, Persia, Zangnebar, Tartary, Hindostan, Ceylon, China, Spain, and Africa, between A.D. 1325 and 1353.) Trans- lated from the abridged Arabic manuscript copies preserved in the Public Library of Cam- bridge ; with notes illustrative of the history, geography, botany, antiquities, etc., occur- ring throughout the work ; by the Rev. S. Lee. 4to, 20s. . . . London, 1829 2. MEMOIRS OF THE EMPEROR JAHANGUEIR: written by Himself, and translated from a Persian Manuscript, by Major David Price. 4to, 12s. . . London, 1829 3. THE TRAVELS OF MACARIUS, Patriarch of Antioch: written by his attendant Archdeacon, Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic. Translated by F. C. Balfour. 4to. Nine Parts in 2 vols. £4 London, 1829-1836 4. HAN KOONG TSEW, or the Sorrows of Han ; a Chinese Tragedy. Translated from the original, with notes and a specimen of the Chinese Text, by J. Davis. 4to, 5s. London, 1829 5. THE .HISTORY OF THE AFGHANS. Translated from the Persian of Neamet Ullah, by Bernhard Dorn, P. D. 4to, 28s London, 1829 6. HAOU KEW CHEUEN, or the Fortunate Union; a Romance. Translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations ; to which is added a Chinese tragedy (Han Koong Tsew, or the Sorrows of Han) ; by J. F. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. London, 1829 7. YAKKUN NATTANNAWA; a Cingalese Poem; descriptive of the Ceylon system of Demonology: to which is appended the practices of a Capua, or Devil-priest, as described byaBudhist: and KOLAN NATTANNAWA, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the characters assumed by natives of Ceylon in a masquerade. Translated by John Callaway, late Missionary in Ceylon. 8vo, 8s London, 1829 8. THE ADVENTURES OF HAT1M TAI; a Romance. Translated from the Persian, by Duncan Forbes. 4to, 16s. ........ London, 1830 9. THE LIFE OF SHEIKH MOHAMMED A LI HAZIN ; written by Himself. Trans- lated from two Persian manuscripts, and illustrated with notes explanatory of the history, poetry, geography, etc., which therein occur, by F. C. Balfour. 8vo, 10s. 6d. (See No. 15.) London, 1830 ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND.] 266 [orient, transl. fund. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND.—(Continued.) 10. MEMOIRS OF A MALAYAN FAMILY: written by Themselves, and Translated from the original, by W. Marsden. 8vo, 2s. 6d London, 1830 11. THE HISTORY OF THE WAR IN BOSNIA during the years 1737, 1738, and 1739. Translated from the Turkish, by C. Frazer. 8vo, 4s London, 1830 12. v THE MULFUZAT TIM1JRY ; or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur: written in the Jagtai Turkey language, turned into Persian, by Abu Talib- Ilussyny, and Translated into English by Major Charles Stewart. 4to, 12s. London, 1830 13. TIIF HISTORY OF VARTAN, and of the Battle of the Armenians ; containing an ac- count of the religious wars between the Persians and Armenians, by Elisams, Bishop of the Amadunians. Translated from the Armenian, by C. F. Neumann. 4to, 10s. London, 1830 14. THE LIFE OF HAFIZ OOL-MOOLK, Hafiz Rehmut Khan : written by his Son, the Nuwab-Moost’-ujab Khan Bahadar ; and entitled “ Gulistan i-Rehmut.” Abridged and Translated from the Persian, by Charles Elliott. 8vo, 5s. . . London, 1831 15. THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE LIFE OF SHEIKH MOHAMMED ALI HAZIN : written by Himself. Edited from two Persian manuscripts, and noted with the various readings, by F. C. Balfour, M.A. 8vo, 10s. 6d. .... London, 1831 16 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATIONS from the Oriental languages. Vol. 1, 8vo, 8s. . ' London, 1831 1. Notes of a Journey into the interior of northern Africa; by Haji Ebn-ed-Din El- Eghwaati. Translated from the Arabic, by William B. Hodgson. 2. Extracts from the “ Sakaa T/ievan Saasteram,” or Book of Fate. Translated from the Tamul language, by the Rev. Joseph Roberts. 3. The last days of Krishna and the Sons of Pandu ; from the concluding section of the Mahabharat. Translated from the Persian version made by Nekkeib Khan, in the time of the Emperor Akbar, by Major David Rice. 4. The Vedala Cadai, being the Tamul version of a collection of ancient Tales in the Sanscrit language, popularly known throughout India, and entitled the “ Vet ala Pan- chavinsati." Translated by B. G. Babington, M. D. 5. Indian Cookery as practised and described by the natives of the East. Translated by Sandford Arnot. 17. THE ALGEBRA OF MOHAMMED BEN MUSA, in Arabic and English. Edited and translated by Frederic Rosen. 8vo, 10s. ... . . London, 1831 18. THE HISTORY OF THE MARITIME WARS OF THE TURKS Translated from the Turkish of Haji Kalifeh, by J. Mitchell. Part 1. 4to, 7s. . . London, 1831 19. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE CHINESE AND ARMENIAN. By Charles Frede- rick Neumann. 8vo, 12s London, 1831 1. The History of the Pirates who infested the Chinese Sea, from 1807 to 1810. Trans- lated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations. 2. The Catechism of the Shamans ; or the laws and regulations of the priesthood of Buddha in China. Translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations. 3. Vahram’s Chronicle of the Armenian kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Cru- saders. Translated from the original Armenian, with notes and illustrations. 20. THE GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF SADHIK ISAFAHANI; and a Critical Essay on various Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian, illustrating the History of Arabia, Persia, Turkomania, India, Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, and Spain. Translated by J. C. from original Persian Manuscripts in the collection of Sir William Ouseley, the Editor. 8vo, 10s. London, 1832 22. THE SHAH NAMEII of the Persian Poet Firdausi. Translated and abridged, in prose and verse, with notes and illustrations, by James Atkinson. 8vo, 15s. . London, 1832 23. THE TEZKEREII AL VAKIAT, or Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Humavnn : written in the Persian Language, by Jouher, a confidential domestic of His Majesty. Translated by Major Charles Stewart. 4to. London, 1832 ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND.] 267 [ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND.—(Continued.) 24. THE SIYAR-UL-MUTAKHERIN, a History of the Mohammedan Power in India during the last century, by Mir Gholan Hussein-Khan. Revised from the translation of Haji Mustefa, and collated with the Persian original, by Lieut. Col. J. Briggs, vol. 1, 8vo, 14s. London, 1832 25. 1IOEI LAN-KI, ou l’Histoire du Cercle de Craie ; Drame en prose et en vers. Traduit du Chinois, et accompagne de notes, par Stanislas Julien. 8vo, 7s. . A Londres, 1832 26. SAN KOKF TSOU RAN TO SETS, ou Apercu general des trois Royaumes. Traduit de l'original Japonais-Chinois, par M. Julien Klaproth. 8vo. Ouvrage accompagne de cinque Cartes. 4to, 15s. Paris, 1832 27. ANNALS OF THE TURKISH EMPIRE from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian era, by Naima. Translated from the Turkish, by Charles Fraser, vol. 1, 4to, 31s. 6d. London, 1832 28. RAGHUYANSA, KALIDASA! CARMEN, Sanskrite et Latine. Edidit Adolphus Fridericus Stenzler. 4to, 21s. London, 1832 29. CUSTOMS ANI) MANNERS of the Women of Persia, and their domestic superstitions. Translated from the original Persian manuscript, by James Atkinson. 8vo, 5s. London, 1832 30. THE HISTORY OF THE EARLY KINGS OF PERSIA ; from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdsedian dynasty, to the conquest of Iriln by Alexander the Great. Translated from the Original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the “ Rauiat-us-safa," with notes and illustrations, by David Shea. 8vo, 10s. Lo'ndon, 1832 31. TUHFAT-UL-MUJAHIDEEN ; a history of the first settlement of the Mohammedans in Malabar, and of their subsequent struggles with the Portuguese. Translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. J. Rowlandson. 8vo, 5s. London, 1833 32. ALFIYA, ou la quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe; ouvrage de Djdmal-eddin Moham- med, connu sous le nom d’Ebn-Malec : Publie en original, avec un commentaire, par le Baron Silvestre De Sacy. 8vo, 8s. Paris, 1833 33. A NARRATIVE OF TRAVELS in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seventeenth century, by Evliya Effendi: Translated from the Turkish, by the Ritter Joseph Von Hammer. Part 1, 4to, 16s. See No. 64. London, 1834 34. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BURMESE EMPIRE ; compiled chiefly from native docu- ments, by the Rev. Father Sangermano, and translated from his manuscript by William Tandy, D. D. 4to, 16s. .......... Rome, 1834 35. AN ESSAY on the Architecture of the Hindus ; by Ram Raz, Native Judge and Magis- trate at Bangalore. 4to, 31s. 6d. London, 1834 36. NIPON O DAI ITSI RAN. ou Annales des Empereurs dp Japon : Traduites par M. Isaac Titsingh, avec l’aide de plusieures interpretes attaches au comptoir Hollandais de Nanga- saki; ouvrage revu, complete, et corrige, sur l’original Japonais-Chinois. accompagne de notes, et precede d’un apercu de l’Histoire Mythologique des Japonais, par M. Julien Klaproth. 4to, 30s. Paris, 1834 37. MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATIONS from the Oriental Languages, vol. 2, 8vo, 7s. London, 1834 1. A Genealogical Catalogue of the Kings of Armenia, by Prince Hubboff. Translated from the Armenian into the Russian Language, by Lazar Kooznets ; translated from the Russian into the English, and compared with the Original Armenian manuscript, by James Glen. 2. An Account of the Siege and Reduction of Chaitur, by the Emperor Akbar; from the “ Akbat Nameh ” of Shaikh Abul-Fazl. Translated by Major D. Price. ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND.] 268 [ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND.—{Continued.) 3. A short history of the secret motives which induced the deceased Alemdar, Mustafa Pasha, and the leaders of the Imperial Camp, to march from the city of Adrianople to Constantinople, with the stratagems they employed in order to depose Snlian Mustafa and restore to the throne Sultan Selim, the Martyr; in the year of the Hijra 15222. Transl. by Col. T. Gordon. 4. The Ritual of the Buddhist Priesthood. Translated from the original Pali work entitled “ Karmawakya,” by the Rev. Benjamin Clough, Wesleyan Missionary, Ceylon. 5. The Translation of an extract from a Horticultural work in Persian, by Baboo Rad- hakant Deb, of Calcutta. 6. An Account of the grand Festival held by the Amir Timur on the plains of K&neh Gul, or Mine of Roses, after his return from Asia Minor, and the defeat of Ilderum Bayazed or Bajazet, A. II. 803. Translated from the “ Mulfuzat Timuri,” or Life Timur written by himself, by Colonel Francklin. 38. IIARIVANSA, ou Histoire de la Famille de Hari; ouvrage formant un appendice du Ma- habharata; et traduite sur l’original Sanscrit, par M. A. Langlois. 4to. Two vols. in three Livraisons, 56s. Paris, 1834-35 39. THE ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA ; or the Ethiopic version of the Apostolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church ; with an English translation. Edited and translated by Thos. Pell Platt, M. A. 4to, 10s. . London, 1834 40. LES AVENTURES de KAMRUP, par Tahcin-uddin : Traduites de 1’IIindoustani parM. Garcin De Tassy. 8vo Paris, 1834 41. THE CHRONICLES of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi. Translated from the Hebrew by C. H. F. Bialloblotzky. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . London, 1835 42. THE POLITICAL AND STATISTICAL HISTORY OF GUJERAT. Translated from the Persian by James Bird. 8vo. 43. LA LIVRE des Recompenses etdes Peines ; Traduite du Chinois par Stanislas Julien. 8vo, 12s Paris. 44. HAJI KHALFJE LEXICON Encyclopatdicum et Bibliographicum. Lexicon Bibliographi- cumet Encyclopa>dicum it Mustafa Ben Abdallah, Katil Jelebi dicto, et nomine Haji Khalfa celebrato, compositum : ad codicum Vindobonensium, Parisiensium, et Berolinensis, fidem primum edidit, Latine vertit, et commentario indicibusque instruxit, Gustavus Fluegel. vols. 1 and 2, 70s. Leipzig and London, 1835-37 Tomus Primus. Priefationem et Literam Elif complectens. Tomus Secundus. Literas Ba ad Jim complectens. 45. CHRONIQ.UE d’Abou-Djfar Mohammed Tabari fils de Djarir, fils d’Yezid : Traduite sur la version Persane, d’Abou-Ali Mohammed llelami fils de Mohammed, fils d’Abd-allah, d’apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi, par Louis Dubeux. 4to. Premiere Liv- raison. 16s. ............ Paris, 1836 46. LAILI AND MAJNUN. A Poem : from the original Persian of Nazami, by James At- kinson. 8vo, 5s. Gd London, 1836 47. THE HISTORY OF THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM. Translated from the Arabic of the Imam Jalal-Addin A1 Siiiti, with notes and dissertations, by the Rev. James Rey- nolds. 8vo, 15s. London, 1836 48. THE SANKI1YA KARIKA ; or, Memorial Verses on the Sankhva Philosophy, bv Iswara Krishna. Translated from the Sanscrit, by Henry Thomas Colebrook. Also the Bbashya, or Commentary of Guarapada. Translated and illustrated with an original comment by Horace Ilayman Wilson. 4to, 10s. 6d. Oxford, 1837 49. HISTOIRE DES SULTANS MAMLOUKS de l’Egypte; dcrite en Arabe par Taki-Ed- din-Ahmed-Makrizi. Traduite en Francais, et accompagnee de notes pliilologiques, his- toriques, etgeographiques, par M. duatremere. 4to. Tome Premier. 21s. Paris, 1837 ORIENT. TRANSL. FUND.] 269 [ornithology. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND.—[Continued.) 50. RIGVEDA SANHITA; Sanskrite et Latine ; Liber Primus. Edidit Fridericus Augustus Rosen, P. D. 4to, 21s London, 1838 51. KUMARA SAMBHAVA KALIDASA! CARMEN ; Sanskrite et Latine. Edidit Adol- phus Fridericus Stenzler. 4to, 10s. 6d Berlin, 1838 52. THE PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY of the Muhammedan People, exhibited in its pro- fessed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other; being a translation of the “ Akhlak-i-Jalaly,” the most esteemed ethical work of middle Asia, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammed Asiiad, with references and notes by W. F. Thompson. 8vo, 15s. . . . . . . . . London, 1839 53. HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATIJRE Hindoui et Hindoustani. Par M. Garcin De Tassv. Tome 1. Biographie et Bibliographie. 8vo. ...... Paris, 1839 54. THE VISHNU PURANA, a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition. Translated from the original Sanskrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Puranas, by H. H. Wilson. 4to, 42s. London, 1840 55. THE HISTORY OF THE MOHAMMEDAN DYNASTIES in Spain: extracted from the “ Nafhu-t-tib-min Ghosni-l-Andalusi-r-rattib waTarikh Lisanu-d-din-Ibni-1 Khattib,” by Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Al-Makkari, a native of Telemsan. Translated from the copies in the library of the British Museum, and illustrated with critical notes on the history, geography, and antiquities of Spain, by Pascual De Gayangos. 4to. London, 1840-43 56. EL-MASUDI’S Historical Encyclopedia: entitled “ Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems.” Translated from the Arabic, by Aloys Sprenger, M. D. vol. 1, 8vo, 16s. London, 1841 57. TRANSLATION of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, D. D. 8vo, 7s London, 1841 58. SPECIMENS of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisa- tions of Kurroglou, the Bandit Minstrel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and Translated, with Philolo- gical and Historical Notes, by A. Chodzko. 8vo, 16s. . . . London, 1842 59. IBN KHALLIKAN’S Biographical Dictionary. Translated from the Arabic, by Baron Mac Gucken de Slane. 2 vols. vol. 1, roy. 4to. .... London, 1842 60. HISTORY OF IIYDER NAIK, otherwise styled Nawaub Hyder Ali. &c., written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. Translated from an original Persian MS. in the Queen's Library, by Col. W. Miles. 8vo, 16s. ...... London, 1843 61. DAB1STHAN ; or, School of Manners. Translated from the Persian, by Shea and Troyer. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. ........... London, 1844 62. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF TIPU SULTAN, by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. Translated from the Persian by Col. W. Miles. 8vo. . . . London, 1845 63. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of Persian Poets, with critical and explanatory Remarks by the late Sir Gore Ouseley. Edited, with a Memoir, by the Rev. J. Reynolds. 8vo. London, 1846 64. EVLTYA EFENDI. Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the XVIIth Century. Translated from the Turkish by J. R. Von Hammer, vol. 1, pt. 2. 8vo. London, 1846 ORNITHOLOGY. YARRELL, (W.) A History of British Birds. Illustrated by 520 wood engravings. 3 vols. 8vo,£4.10s.; royal 8vo, £9 ; imperial 8vo, £13. 10s. London, 1843 ORNITHOLOGY.] 270 [OTTOMAN EMPIRE. ORNITHOLOGY.—{Continued.) SWAINSON, (W.) The Natural History and Classification of Birds. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, 300 woodcuts, 12s. . . . London, 1836-37 Contents.—Part 1. On the Structure and Natural History of Birds in general.—Part 2. On the Bibliography, Nomenclature, and Preservation of Birds.—Part 3. On the Natural History and Relations of the different Orders, Tribes, and Families of Birds. —Part 4. Synopsis of a Natural Arrangement of Birds. GRAY, (G. R.) The Genera of Birds ; comprising their Generic Charac- ters, a Notice of the Habits of each Genus, and an extensive list of Spe- cies. Illustrated with about 350 plates by D. W. Mitchell. First Order, Accipitres. Imp. 4to, £2. 8s. .... • London, 1846 WILSON, (J.) An Introduction to the Natural History of Birds. With 135 Figures. 4to, 12s , Edinburgh, 1839 BEWICK, (Tho.) A History of British Birds. 2 vols. 8vo, with numerous woodcuts, j£l. 16s Newcastle, 1832 EYTON, (T. C.) A History of the Rarer British Birds: intended as a Supplement to Bewick; with a complete List of Synonyms. 8vo, with numerous woodcuts, 10s. fid., royal 8vo, £1. Is. London, 1836 GOULD, (Jno.) The Birds of Europe, comprising beautifully coloured figures, with de- scriptive letterpress. 5 vols. folio, j£76. 8s London, 1832 TEMMINCK. Les Oiseaux d’Europe, avec leur description systematique dessines par J. C. Werner. 4 vols. 8vo, et atlas, color.,/.242. Paris. WILSON, (A.) American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, col. plates, j£4. 4s. ..... London, 1832 AUDUBON, (J J.) American Ornithological Biography. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia & London, 1831-9 Synopsis of the Birds of America. 8vo Edinburgh, 1839 Birds of America, from Drawings made in the United States and their territories. 7 vols. roy. 8vo, plates. . New- York, 1845 TEMMINCK, ( ) Mannel d’Ornithologie, ou Tableau systematiques des oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe, precede du systeme general d’ornithologie. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1840- THIENEMANN, (F. A.L.) Fortpflanzungsgeschichte dergesammten Vogel. Partl-10, 100 col. plates. 16s. Leipzig, 1845-47 RHEA. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie. Her. v. F. A. L. Thienemann. Heft 1, roy. 8vo, 5s. Leipzig, 1847 MEYER, (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. Vols. 1-3, 8vo, 60 coloured plates, each £2. 12s. 6d . London, 1846 HEWITSON, (W. C.) Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, accompanied with Descriptions of the Eggs, Nests, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 131 plates, X4. 10s. London, 1846 WALTER, (J. E. C.) Nordische ornithologie. oder getreue nacli der Natur eigenhilndig gezeichnete gestoch. und color. Abbild. der diinischen, gronliind. und island. Vogel, nebst einigen Saugthieren. folio Copenh., 1828 OTTOMAN EMPIRE. RANKE, (L. von.) History of the Ottoman and Spanish Empires in the XVlth and XVIIth Centuries. Transl. by W. B. Kelly. 8vo,3s. London, 1842 ANNALS of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era. Transl. from the Turkish of Nal'ma, by Chas. Fraser. 2 vols 4to, 63s. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1832—36 THE HJSTOBY of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Transl. from the Turkish of Hadji Khalifeh, by James Mitchell. Part I. 4to, Is. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1831 FRASER, (C.) History of the War in Bosnia, during the years 1737— 38—39. Transl. from the Turkish. 8vo, 4s. . . London, 1830 (Oriental Translation Fund.) HAMMER PURGSTALL, (J. v.) Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. 2d edn. 4 vols. 8vo. Pesth, 1836 ZINKEISEN, (J. W.) Gesch. des. Osman. Reiches in Europa. 8vo, . Hamb., 1840 PLfilE, (L.) Commentaire sur 1’Atlas de l’Empire Ottoman, on Resume general de l’his- toire et de la geographie physique politique, statisque et topograpliique de l’empire Otto- man et des provinces turques. 8vo. Paris. ox.] 271 [painting. OTTOMAN EMPIRE.—[Continued.) HELLERT, (J. J.) Nouvel Atlas physique, politique et historique de l’Empire Ottoman, et des dtats limitrophes en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, en quarante feuilles. 1 vol. folio,/.36 Paris, 1844 ALIX, (A. F. L.) Precis de l’histoire del’empire Ottoman, depuis son origine jusqu’k nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo . Paris, 1822-25 BOU^, (Ami) La Turquie d’Europe, ou observations sur la geographie, l’histoire naturelle, la statisque les mceurs, les coutumes, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. .... Paris, 1840 ROBERT, (C.) Les Slaves de Turquie, Serbes, Montenegrins, Bosniaqnes, Albanais et Bulgares ; leurs resources, leurs tendances et leurs progres politiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 OX. LOW, (D.) The Breeds of British Domesticated Animals. The Ox. 1 vol. folio, 22 col. plates, £6. 16s. 6d. . . . London, 1840 CATTLE. Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. 8vo, cuts, 10s. 6d. (Reprinted Pliilad.) London, 1838 See Low’s Domesticated Animals. 8vo. London, 1845. Kniqht’s Farmer’s Li- brary. I. ELEMENTARY AND PRACTICAL.—II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM. PAINTING. I. ELEMENTARY, &c. Da VINCI, (Leon.) Treatise on Painting. Transl. by Rigaur/. OLD B ALL ADS ; illustrating the great Frost of 1683-4, and the Fair on the River Thames, edited by Rimbault. 3s. THE HONESTIE of this Age, by Barnaby Rich, 1611, edited by Cunningham. 3s. HISTORY of Reynard the Fox, from Caxton’s edition in 1481, with Notes and Literary History of the Romance, edited by W. J. Thoms. 9s. THE KEEN (Funeral Lamentations) of the South of Ireland, illustrative of Irish Political and Domestic History, Manners, Music, and Superstitions, edited by T. C. Croker. 4s. POEMS of John Audelay, a specimen of the Shropshire Dialect in the X Vth Century, edited by Halliwell. 3s. 6d. ST. BRANDRAN : a Medieval Legend of the Sea in English Verse and Prote edited by Wright. 3s. ROMANCE of the Emperor Octavian, now first published from MSS. at Lincoln and Cam- bridge, edited by Halliwell. 2s 6d. SIX BALLADS with Burdens, from a MS. at Cambridge, edited by Goodwin. Is. 6d. LYRICAL POEMS, selected from Musical Publications, 1589 and 1600, edited by Collier. 3s. 6d. FRIAR BAKON’S Prophesie, a Satire on the Degeneracy of the Times, 1604, edited by Halliwell. 2s. THE SEVEN SAGES, in English Verse, from a MS. at Cambridge, edited by Wright. 4s. POPULAR SONGS illustrative of the French Invasions of Ireland, Part 1, edited by Cro- ker. 2s. POETICAL Miscellanies from a MS. of the Time of James I., edited by Halliwell. 2s. CROWN Garland of Golden Roses, from the edition of 1659, Part 2, edited by Chappell. 3s. 6d. THE Affectionate Shepherd, by Richard Barnfield, 1594, edited by Halliwell. 3s. SCOTTISH Traditional Verses of Ancient Ballads, edited by J. II. Dixon. 4s. 6d. LIFE and Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Robert of Glou- cester, now first printed, edited by Black. 5s. IIAWE’S (Stephen) Pastime of Pleasure, an Allegorical Pcem, reprinted from the edition of 1555. 6s. 6d. THE CIVIC GARLAND, a Collection of Songs from London Pageants, edited bv Fair- holt. 4s. •' INTRODUCTION to the Seven Sages, by Wright. 3s. HEYWOOD’S (John) Dialogue on Wit and Folly, now first printed, with an Account of that Author and his Dramatic Works, by Fairholt. 4s. DENHAM’S Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings, on the Seasons, Weather &c. 3s. PERSIA.] 277 [PERSIA. PERSIA. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY AND ANTI- QUITIES.—III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. FRASER, (J. B.) An Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time: with a detailed View of its Re- sources, Government, Population, Natural History, and the Character of its Inhabitants, particularly of the Wandering Tribes; including a De- scription of Affghanistan and Beloochistan. l2mo, 3s. 6d. Edin., 1834 PORTER, (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylon, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821 RICH, (C. J.) Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the site of ancient Nineveh, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1830 Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Babylon in 1811, etc. 8vo, 21s. “ 1839 FRASER, (J. B.) Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces South of the Caspian. 4to. . London, 1826 MORIER, (J.) Journeys through Persia, &c, 2 vols. 4to, £7. . . “ 1812-16 De BODE, (C. A.) Travels in Lauristan and Arabistan 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844 BRYDGES, (Sir II. J.) Transactions of Mission in Persia, 1807-11, with a brief History of the Wahauby. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834 ATKINSON, (J.) Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions, Transl. from the Persian. 8vo, 5s. . . London, 1832 (Oriental Translation Fund.) FOWLER, (G.) Three Years in Persia. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. . . “ 1841 See Buckingham’s Travels. L’Univers Pittoresque, etc H. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. MALCOLM, (Sir J.) History of Persia from the most early period to the present time, etc. 2 vols. 4to. .... London, 1815 SILVESTRE de S ACY. Memoires snr diverses antiquites de la Perse, et sur les medailles des rois de la dynastie des Sassanides, suivis de 1’histoire de cette dynastie, trad, du persan de Mirkfcond. 4to, pi.,/.15. Paris, 1793 ABOUL’ KASIM FIRDOUSI. Le Livre des rois, publie, traduit et commente par M. Jules Mohl. vols. 1-55, folio, /.16. ....... Paris, 1838-42 HISTOR Y OF HYDER NAIK, written by Meer Hnssein Ali Khan Kirmani. Transl. by Col. W. Myles. 8vo, 16s London, 1842 (Oriental Translation Fund.) THE SIGAR-UL-MUTAKHF.RIN; a History of the Mohammedan Power in India, during the last Century, by Mir Gholam Hussein-Khan. Revised and edited by General Briggs. 8vo, vol. 1-, 14s. (Oriental Transl. Fund.) . . . London, 1832 MIRKHOND. History of the Early Kings of Persia, transl. from the Persian by D. Shea. roy. 8vo, 10s. . . • (Oriental Transl. Fund.) . . . London, 1833 RASGHID-ELDIN. Histoire des Mongols de Perse, edit, par M. E. Ouatremere. vol. 1, folio. Paris, 1836. HISTOIRE des Mongols, depuis les terrors les plus recules jusqu’h Tamerlan, traduite du persan de Khondemir. Par M. Grigorieff. 8vo. ... St. Petersburg/i, 1834 Antiquities. GROTEFEND, (G. F.) Beitriige zur Erlaut. d. perseopol. Keilschrift. 4to, 4s. Hanov., 1837 Beitriige zur Erlaut. d. babylonisehen Keilschrift. 4to, 4s. . . Hanov., 1840 LASSEN, (C.) Die Altpersischen Keilenschriften v. Persepoks. 8vo. . Bonn, 1836 u. WESTERGAARD (N. L.) Uber die Keilenscriften der ersten und zweiten Gat- tung. 8vo. ............. Bonn, 1845 Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. vols. 1-. Gotting. and Bonn, 1837- HOLTZMANN, (A.) Beitriige zur Erklilrung der persischen Keilenschriften. Part 1,8vo, 4s. Carlsr., 1845 BURNOUF, (A.) Commentaire sur Ie Yagna, Pun des livres religeux des Parses, etc. vol. 1-, parts 1-2, /.65. Paris, 1833 Cunningham on the Coins of Alexander’s Successors in the East. Journal Asiatique. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vols. 9, 10. Syro-Egyptian Society of London. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 10. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 9. PERSIA.] 278 [PERSIA. III. LANGUAGE. Grammars. JONES, (Sir W.) Grammar of the Persian Language, with additions, by the Rev. Samuel Lee. 8vo, 21s. '• London, 1828 IBRAHIM, (Mekrza. M.) A Grammar of the Persian Language, etc. 4to. “ 1843 FORBES & ARNOT. A New Grammar of the Persian Language. 8vo. “ 1828 ANDREW, (W.) A Comprehensivs Synopsis of the Elements of Persian Grammar, with some remarks on Arabic. 4to. London, 1830 BALLANTYNE, (J.) Catechism of Persian Grammar. 24mo. . . “ 1843 VULLERS, (J. A.) Institutiones lingua) Persica) cum Sanscrita et Zendica lingua com- paratae. 8vo Gissa, 1840 POSSART, (P. A. T.) Grammatik der persischen Sprache, nebst vergleichender Beriick- sichtigung der mit den Persischen verwandten Sprachen, namentlich des Sanskrit und des Slavischen, und mit einem Anhange zum Uebersetzen, sowohl aus demDeutschen ins Per- sische als aus dem Persischen ins Deutsche. 8vo Leipzig', 1834 SPIEGEL, (F.) Chrestomathia Persica, cum glossar. 8vo, 13s. 6d. . “ 1846 Dictionaries. RICHARDSON, (J.) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English, revised and enlarged by Sir Charles Wilkins and F, Johnson. 4to London, 1829 A Vocabulary, Persian, Arabic, and English, abridged from Richardson’s Dictionary, edited by Wilkins & Hopkins. 8vo 1840 BARETTO, (J.) Dictionary of the Persian and Arabic Languages. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1804 ROUSSEAU, (S.) A Vocabulary of the Persian Language in Two Parts, Persian and English, and English and Persian. . / .... London, 1802 A VOCABULARY, English and Persian. For the College at Fort William, in Bengal. 4to. ....,, Calcutta, 1800 THE SEVEN SEAS, a Dictionary and Grammar of the Persian Language, by his Ma- jesty the King of Oude : in Seven Parts. 2 vols. folio. . . . Lucknou, 1822 BOORHANI QATIU, a Dictionary of the Persian Language explained in Persian, etc., etc., arranged by Thos. Roebuck. 4to. Calcutta, 1818 OUSELEY, (W.) Persian Miscellanies : an Essay to facilitate the reading of Persian MSS., with Engraved Specimens, Philological Observations and Notes, Critical and Historical. 4to. London, 1795 ROUSSEAU, (S.) The Flowers of Persian Literature, containing extracts from the most celebrated Authors in Prose and Verse; witii a translation into English : being a Com- panion to Sir Wm. Jones’s Persian Grammar. 4to London, 1801 SELECTIONS, from the Bostan of Sadi, for the use of Students, by F. Falconer. 16mo. London, 1838 Literature. HAMMER, (J. von.) Geschichte der Schonen Redekiinste Persiens. 4to. . Wien, 1818 CHODZKO. S|»ecimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as fonnd in the Adventures and Improvisations of Knrroglou, the Bandit Minstrel of Northern Persia; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and translated, with Philological and Historical Notes. 8vo, 15s. .... London, 1842 (Oriental Translation Fund.) COSTELLO, (Miss.) The Rose Garden of Persia: a Series of Translations from the Persian Poets. 8vo, with borders printed in gold and colours, 18s. ; morocco, 31s. 6d. London, 1845 OUSELY, (Sir G.) Biographical Notices of Persian Poets, with Critical and Explanatory Remarks. Edited, with a Memoir, by the Rev. J. Reynolds. . . London, 1846 (Oriental Translation Fund.) AYEEN AKBERY. Institutes of the Emperor Akber. Transl. from the Persian, by Gladwin. 2 vols. 8vo. > . . . . London, 1800 THE SHAH NAMEH of the Persian Poet Firdausi ; translated and abridged in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustrations, by James Atkinson. 8yo, 15s. . London 1832 • (Oriental Translation Fund.) THE DABISTAN, or School of Manners. Translated from the Persian by D. Shea and A. Troyer. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1843 (Oriental Translation Fund.) PRACTICAI, PHILOSOPHY of the Mohammedan People, exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an Introduction to the other, being a translation of the Akhlak-i-Jalaly, the most esteemed ethical Work of middle Asia, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammed Assiiad, with Notes and References, by W. F. Thompson. 8vo, 15s . London, 1839 (Oriental Translation Fund.) PERSIA.] ‘279 [philology III. LANGUAGE.—(Continued.) THE S HJl H JV72 M E H; an heroic Poem: containing the History of Persia from the earliest times to the conquest of that empire by the Arabs : illustrated by a copious glos- sary of obsolete words and obscure idioms ; an introduction and life of the author in Per- sian and English, and an Appendix, by Turner Macan. 4 vols. 8vo. . Calcutta, 1829 VULLERS, (J. A.) Chrestomathia schahnamiana, in usum scholarum editit, annot. et gloss, locupleti instruxit. 8vo. Bounce, 1833 PERSPECTIVE.—(See Drawing.) FIELDING, (T. H.) Synopsis of Practical Perspective, Lineal and Aerial; with Remarks on Sketching from Nature, &c., &c. 3d edition, royal 8vo, 19 plates London, 1843 ADHEMAR, (J.) Traite de perspective lineare. 8vo, et atlas de 62 planches. /.20. Paris. JOPLING, (J.) The Practice of Isometrical Perspective. 3 plates, and 173 diagrams, 5s. London, 1842 PERU. PRESCOTT, (W. H.) History of the Conquest or Peru. 2 vols. 8vo, portraits New- York, 1847 TSCHUDI, (J. J. von.) Travels in Peru during the Years 1838-1842, on the Coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests. Translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. 8vo, 12s. ......... London, 1847 (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P.) SMITH, (A.) Peru as it is, during a Residence of Ten Years. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 10s. London, 1839 ZARATE. (A. de.) Histoire de la decouverte et de la conquete du Perou, trad, de l’dspag- nol par De Broe. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831 GARCILASSO de la VEGA. Historia General del Peru. 13 vols. 18mo. Madrid, 1800 Ulloa’s Voyage to South America. Edwards’ Voyage up the Amazon. Jour- nal of the Geographical Society. Savage’s Amazonian Republic. Steven- son’s Account of South America. McCulloch’s Gazetteer. Stevenson’s Residence in Peru, &c. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. MALLAT, (J.) Les Philippines. Histoire, Gdographie, Mceurs, Agricul- ture, Industrie, et Commerce, des Colonies Espagnols dans l’Oceanie. 2 vols. 8vo, and atlas folio of maps, plates, &c., col., 30s. . Paris, 1846 ZUNIGA, (M. de.) Historical View of the Philippine Islands. Transl. by Maver. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1814 COMYN, (Tomas de.) Estado de las Islas Filipinas en 1810, brevemente descrito. 4to. Madrid, 1820 Translation of the above, by Wm. Walton. 8vo. . . . London, 1821 ESTADO de la Poblation, &c., de las Islas Filipinascorrespondente ael Aiio de 1818. Manila, 1820 LANGUAGE. BOPP, (F.) Die Verwandschaft der malayisch-polynesischen Sprachen mit den Tndo-Euro- paischen. 4to, 10s. (id. .......... Berlin, 1841 ALTER, (F. C.) Ueber die Tagalische Sprache. 8vo Wien, 1803 SAN AUGUSTIN, (G. de.) Compendio de la arte de la lengnatagala. 4to. Manila, 1751 NOCEDA, (P. J.) Vocabolario de la lingua tagala. folio. . “ 1754 JACQUET, (M. E.) Considerations snr les alphabets des Philippines. 8vo. Paris, 1831 (Extr. du Nouv. Journal Asiatque.) See Berghaus’s Asien. Moor’s Malayan Archipelago. Meyen’s Reise um die Erde. PHILOLOGY.—(See Ethnology.) Bibliography. ENGLEMANN, (W.) Bibliotheca Philological Oder Verzeichniss derjenigen Grammati- ken, WSrtenbiicher, &c., welche zum Stadium der Greichischen, Lateinischen, a. Oriental- ischen Sprachen gehoren, &c. 2e aufl. 8vo. . '. - . . . Leipzig, 1840 PHILOLOGY.] 280 [philosophy. PHILOLOGY.—(Continued.) ERSCH, (J. S.) Bibliographisches Handbuch der philologischen Literatur, herausg. von C. A. Geisler. 8vo Leipzig, 1845 BIBLIOTHECA philologiea Germanica, oder Verzeichniss der, der deutschen Sprache- vvissenschaft angehorig Schriften. 8vo Leipzig, 1845 WINNING, (W. B.) Manual of Comparative Philology, in which the affinity of European Languages is illustrated, and applied to the Primeval History of Europe. 8vo, 9s. .... London, 1838 ADELUNG, (J. C.) Mithridates. 5 vols. 8vo, 63s Leipzig, 1817 —*— (F.) Uebersicht alter bekannten Sprachen. 8vo. . . St. Petersburgh, 1820 HUMBOLDT, (W. von.) Ueber die Verschiedenbeit des menschlichen Sprachbaues. 4to. . Berlin, 1836 VATER, (J. S.) Analekten der Sprachenkunde. 8vo. . . . Leipzig, 1820 ARNDT, (C. G.) Ueber der Ursprung und die verschiedenartige Verwandtschaft der Europdischen Sprachen. 8vo Frank/., 1818 EICHOFF, (F. G.) Parallele des langues de l’Europe et de l’Inde. 4to. . Paris, 1836 MEIDINGER, (H.) Dictionnaire etymologique et comparatif des langues teutogothiques, l’ancien gothique, etc. . . l’islandais, le suedois moderne, le danois moderne, le neer- landais moderne, etc. avec des racines slaves, romaines et asiatiques, qui prouvent l’origine commune de toutes ces langues, trad, de l'allemand. 8vo,/.30. Frankfort am Mayn, 1833 NODIER, (C.) Notions elementaires de linguistique, ou histoire abregee de la parole et de l’dcritu re. 8vo Paris, 1834 RAPP, (K. M.) Versuch einer Physiologie der Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgard, 1838-39 See Ethnology. Comparative Grammar. Cambridge Philological Museum. Philological Journal. Donaldson’s New Cratylus PHILOSOPHY. I. HISTORY OF.—II. MODERN SYSTEMS, &c. I. HISTORY of. (Ancient and Modern.) RITTER, (H.) History of Ancient Philosophy. Transl. from the Ger- man, by A. J. W. Morrison. 4 vols. 8vo, 42s. . Oxford, 1838-^46 LEWES, (G. H.) A Biographical History of Philosophy. Series I. Ancient Philosophy. Series II. Modern Philosophy. 4 vols. 18mo, 6s. .... London, 1845 MORELL, (J. D.) An Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. 2d edn. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1847 POTTER, (J. P.) Characteristics of the Greek Philosophers, Socrates and Plato. 12mo, 4s. 6d , London, 1845 BRIEF View of Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles. 3s. 6d. . . 1844 (Small Books on Great Subjects.) TENNEMANN, (W. G.) Manual of the History of Philosophy. Transl. from the Ger man, by A. Johnson. 8vo Oxford, 1832 STEWART, (D.) A General View of the Progress of Metaphysical and Ethical Philoso- phy, since the revival of letteis in Europe. 4to Edin., 1835 (Dissertations prefixed to Encyclo. Britannica.) MACKINTOSH, (Sir J.) Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy in the 17th and 18th Centuries. With a Preface by W. Whewell. 8vo, 9s. . Edinburgh, 1836 GUILLON, (N. S.) Histoire generale de la philosophic ancienne et moderne jusqu’it nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835 T1SSOT, (J.) Histoire ahregee de la philosophic. 8vo. . . Dijon et Paris, 1840 LERMINIER. Etudes d’histoire et de philosophie. 2 vols. 8vo, 14s. . . Paris. De l’influence de la philosophie au XVIIIe siecle sur la legislation et de Socialite du XIXe siecle. 8vO, /.8 Paris. RITTER, (H.) Geschichte der Philosophie. vols. 1-8, 8vo. . . Ifamb., 1839—44 Vols. 1-4. Gesch. d. alt. Philos., 1829-40. “ 5-8. Geschichte der Christlichen Philosophie, 1841-45, , ' TENNEMANN, (W. G.) Geschichte der Philosophie. 11 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1799-1829 Grundrisse der Geschichte der Philosophie. .... “ 1829 Manuel de l’Hist. de Philosophie. Transl. par V. Cousin. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1839 PORTALIS, (le Comte.) De l’usage et de l’abus de 1’esprit philosophique durant le XVIIIe siecle, etc. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1832 PHILOSOPHY.] 281 [philosophy. I. HISTORY.—(Continued.) GIOBERTI, (l’Abbe Vincent.) Introduction h l’etude de la philosophic. Trad, de l’italien. Par L. M. J. Alary. 4 vols. 8vo, /.20. .... Paris, 1845-7 DICTIONNAIRF. des Sciences philosophiques, par un Socidte de professeurs et de savans. vols. 1-3, 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1846-7 SIGWART, (H. C. M.) Geschichte der Philosophie von allgemeinen wissenscliaftliehen und geschichtlichen Standpunkt. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttg., 1844 COUSIN, (V.) Fragments Philosophiques ; Philos. Ancienne. 2d edn. 8vo, /.7 50. 1840 do. do. Philos. Scolastique. 8vo, /.7 50. 1840 FEUERBACH, (Dr. L. A.) Geschichte der neuern Philosophie, von Bacon bis Spinosa. 8vo. ./lush., 1833 KRISCHE, (Dr. A. B.) Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der alten Philosophie. vol. 1-, 8vo. Oott., 1840 VACHEROT. Histoire eritiqne de l’ecole d’Alexandrie. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1846 SIMON, (J.) Histoire de 1’lScole d’Alexandrie. vol. 1, 8vo. . . . “ 1844 MATTER, (J.) Histoire de l’Leole d’Alexandrie, comparee aux principales Illeoles con- temporaines. 2e edn. 2 vols. 8vo, /. 15 Paris, 1840-44 SAINT HILAIRE, (B. de.) De l’ecole d’Alexandrie, precede d’un Essai sur la methode des alexandriens et le mysticisme. 8vo, f.'i 50. Paris, 1845 PRADT, (l’Abbe de.) Histoire de l’eclectisme alexandrin, consideree dans sa culte avee le christianisme. 2 vols. 8vo, /.10. Paris, 1843 RITTER and PRELLER. Historia Philosophies Grseco-Romame ex fontium locis contexta. 8vo, 11a Hamburg, 1838 RENOUVIER, (O.) • Mannel de philosophie ancienne. 2 vols. 12mo, f.7. Paris, 1834 TRENDELENBURG, (A.) Historische Beitrage zur Philosophie. Vol. 1Geschichte der Kategorienlehre. 8vo,/.7 Berlin, 1847 BLAINVILLE, (II. de.) Histoire des Sciences de l’organisation et de lenrsprogres, comrae base de la philosophie, avec des devellopements et additions. Par. M. Maupied. 3 vols. 8vo, /.18. Paris, 1845 BUONAFEDE, (A.) Della istoria e della indole di ogni lilosofia e della ristitaurazione di ogni filosofia nel secoli XVI., XVII., XVIII. 4 vols. 8vo. . . Milano, 1837-38 MATTER, (J.) Histoire des doctrines morales et politiques des trois dernieres siecles. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837 (De.) Histoire comparee des systemes de philosophie, eonsideres relativement aux principes des connaissances humaines. 2e edn. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1822 IT. MODERN SYSTEMS, &c. England. BROWN, (T.) Philosophy of the Human Mind. 8vo, 8s. Edinb. Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. 4th ed. 8vo, 12s. Edinb., 1835 Life and Writings, by D. Welsh. 8vo, 14s. . . “ Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind. With a Memoir of the Author by David Welsh, D. D. 16th ed. 4 vols. 8vo, portrait, 42s. Edinb., 1845 Lectures on Ethics. 8vo, 8s. 6d. . ... “ 1846 CUD WORTH, (R.) Intellectual System, and Life, by Birch. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. .......... London. CORY, (I. P.) A Metaphysical Enquiry into the Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modern Philosophy. 8vo. . London, 1833 FIELD, (G.) Outlines of Analogical Philosophy; being a Primary View of the Principles, Relations, and Purposes of Nature, Science, and Art. 2 vols. 8vo. ........ London, 1839 HAUGHTON, (G. C.) Prodromus, or an Enquiry into the First Princi- ples of Reasoning ; including an Analysis of the Human Mind. 8vo. . London, 1839 STEWART, (D.) Active and Moral Powers of Man. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London. Philosophical Essays. 8vo, 14s “ Philosophy of the Human Mind, by Wright. 8vo, 10s. 6d. “ philosophy.] 282 [philosophy. II. MODERN SYSTEMS, &c.—(Continued.) REID, (T.) Essay on the Intellectual Powers of Man ; with an Analysis of Aristotle’s Logic. Edited by Rev. N. G. Wright. 8vo, 12s. Land., 1843 Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind: an Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense; and an Essay on Quantity. By T. Reid, D. D.; and a Memoir of the Author, by Dugald Stewart. With Notes, &c. by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 8vo, 12s. London, 1843 HARTLEY, (D.) Observations on Man. 8vo. . . “ 1834 HOBBES. The Complete Works of Tho’s Hobbes, of Malmesbury, Eng- lish and Latin, now first collected and edited by Sir William Molesworth. 16 vols. 8vo, Portrait and Plates, £9. 12s. . . London, v. y. MOORE, (G.) The Power of the Soul over the Body, considered in rela- tion to Health and Morals. 8vo, 7s. ... London, 1845 Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. 9s. . “ 1846 (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bro’s.) WHEWELL, (W.) Lectures on Systematic Morality. 8vo, 7s. 6 Paris, 1837 The same. Transl. by F. Lieber. 8vo. Philad., 1838 DUCPETIAUX, (E.) Progres de la Rcforme Penitentiaire et de6 institutions Preventives aux Etats Unis, en France, en Suisse, etc. 3 vols. 18mo,/.15. . . Paris, 1838 See Abp. Whately on Secondary Punishments, and on Transportation. Political Dictionary, Vol. 2, Parliamentary Reports on Prisons and Prison Discipline. Re- ports of Inspectors of Prisons. Regulations for Prisons in England and Wales, issued by the Secretary of State, 1841. Wachsmith’s Greek Antiquities. Hau- bold’s Lineamenta. Grimm’s Deutsche Rechstalterthiimer. Le Code Penal. Blackstone’s Commentaries. Bentham's Works, etc. PYROTECHNY.] 291 [ray SOCIETY. PYROTECHNY. MORTIMER. A Manual of Pyrotechny, or a familiar system of Recrea- tive Fireworks. 12mo. ....... London. CUTBUSH, (J.) System of Pyrotechny. 8vo. . Philad., 1835 See Ure’s Dictionary of Arts. Cooley’s Cyclopiedia of Practical Receipts. QUAKERS.—(See Theology.) RAILWAYS. WISHAW, (F.) Analysis of Railways. 8vo, 8s. . . London. The Railways of Great Britain and Ireland described. 4to, plates, 31s. 6d. ......... London. DEMPSEY, (G. D.) Practical Railway Engineer. Examples of the Mechanical and En- gineering Operations and Structures combined in the making a Railway. 4to, 50 plates, 38s. Jjondon, 1847 E-YSdIJWPLES of Railway Making, which, although not of English Practice, are sub- mitted, with Practical Illustrations, to the Civil Engineer and the British and Irish Public, roy. 8vo, 26 plates, 12s. I.ondon, 1843 WOOD, (N.) A Practical Treatise on Railroads, etc. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, 31s. 6(l. Eondon, 1838 BREE, (S. C.) First Series of Railway Practice. 2 vols. 4to, and Appendix 1 vol. A Collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the most celebrated Engineers, comprising Roads, Railroads, Canals, &c. 3d edn. plates, 52s.W. London, 1847 2d Series. 4to, 52s. 6d. London. PAMBOUR, (Count.) A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines upon Railways. 8vo, 18s. London, 1841 STEPHENSON, (R.) Report on the Atmospheric Railway System. 4to, 27 plates, 7s. London. SAMUDA, (J. D’A.) A Treatise on the Adaptation of Atmospheric Pressure to the pur- poses of Locomotion on Railways. 8vo, plates, 2s. 6d. .... London. See Civil Engineer’s and Architect’s Journal. Railway Gazette. Weai.e’s Quar- terly Papers on Engineering. RAY SOCIETY, (Instituted 1844,) Publications of. For the First Year, 1844. 1. REPORTS on the Progress of Zoology and Botany, consisting of— 1. Observations on the state of Zoology in Europe, by Charles Lncien Buonaparte, trans- lated by Hugh E. Strickland, jun., SI. A., F. G. S. 2. Report on the Progress of Vegetable Physiology, by Dr. II. F. Link, translated by E. Lankester, M. D., F. R. S. 3. Report on the Progress of Zoology, for the year 1842, by Wagner and others, translated by W. B. Macdonald, B. A. 2. MEMORIALS of John Ray ; consisting of the Life of John Ray, by Derham ; the Bio- graphical Notice of Ray, by Baron Cuvier and M. Dupetit Thours, in the Biographie Universelle; Life of Ray, by Sir J. E. Smith; the Itineriancies of Rav, with Notes by Messrs. Babington and Yarrell; edited by E. Lankester, M. D., F. R. S. 3. A MONOGRAPH (with Coloured Drawings of every Species) of the British Nudibranchi- ate Molusca, by Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part. 1. For 1845. 1. STEENSTRUP on the Alternation of Generations, translated from the German, by George Busk, F. R. C. S. 2. A MONOGRAPH of the British Nndibranchiate Molusca, with 13 coloured illustrations in lithotint, by Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part 2. 3. REPORTS and Papers on Botany, consisting of Translations from the German— 1. Zuecarini on the Morphology of the Conifers, with 5 plates, translated by G. Busk, F. R. C. S. 2. Grisebach Reports on the Progress of Geographical Botany, for 1842-3-4, translated by W. B. Macdonald, B. A., and G. Busk, F. R. S. C. RAY SOCIETY.] 292 [REYNARD THE FOX. RAY SOCIETY’S PUBLICATIONS.—[Continued.) 3. Niigeli Memoir on the nuclei, formation, and growth of vegetable cells, translated by Arthur Henfrey, F. L. S. 4. Link. Report on the Progress of Vegetable Physiology for 1842-3, translated by J. Hudson, B. M. For 1846 and 1847. 1. THE PHILOSOPHY of Nature, by Professor Oken, translated from the German by Alfred Tulke, Esq. 2. REPORTS on the Progress of Zoology for 1843 and 1844, 3. BIBLIOGRAPHTA ZOOLOGIZE et Geologise, being a complete bibliography of works on Zoology and Palaeontology, by Professor Agassiz, of Neufchatel, edited by Hugh E. Strickland, jun. 4. RAY’S LETTERS, with Portrait, and Engraving of Dewlands, the residence of John Ray, edited by E. Lankester, M. D. 5. A SYNOPSIS of the Naked-Eyed Palmograde Medusae inhabiting the British Seas. imp. 4to, with 12 coloured plates. By Professor Edward Forbes. 6. NUDIBRANCHIATE MOLUSCA of Great Britain, by Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part 4. 7, LINNAEUS’S TRAVELS, translated from the Swedish by W. Lewin, Esq. 8. AZARA’S Natural History of Paraguay, translated from the Spanish. 9. MEYEN’S Geography of Plants. REYNARD THE FOX. REYNARD THE FOX: A renowned Apologue erf the Middle Age. Re- produced in Rhyme. Embellished throughout with Scroll Capitals, in Colours, from Wood-block Letters, made expressly for this work, after Designs of the 12th and 13th Centuries. With an Introduction, by Sa- muel Naylor. 8vo, 18a. ...... London, 1845 the Same, with Plates, by Everdingen. 35s. .... REYNARD THE FOX, translated, a revised Edition. 18mo, 2s. . “ 1844 REYNARD THE FOX, translated, with Illustrations by Everdingen. sq. ]6mo, 7s. 6d. London, 1844 REYNARD THE FOX, from the edition printed by Caxton in 1481, with Notes and Literary History of the Romance by Thoms. 12mo. .... London, 1844 (Percy Society.) ROTHE, (A.) I ,es Romans du Renard, examine, analyses et compares d’apres les textes manuscrits le plus anciens, les publications latines, flamandes, allemands et francaises, pre cedes de renseignements generaux et accompagnes de notes et d’eclaircissements philoso- phiques et litteraires. 8vo,/.8, 50. Parts, 1845 GOETHE, (J. W.) Reinecke Fuchs. 12mo, 3s Stutt., 1832 Reinecke Fuchs, mit Zeichnungen von W. Kaulbaph. 4to, 72 plates. 42s. JWiinchen, 1847 REINHARD FUCHS, von J. Grimm. 8vo, 14s Berlin, 1834 GRIMM, (J.) Ueber Reinhard Fuchs, an Lachmann. 8vo, 3s. 6d. . “ 1840 REIN ARDUS VULPES. Editit F. T. Mone. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . Stutt., 1832 REINAERT DE VOSS episch Fabeldicht van de Xllde en XHIde eeuw, mit Anmerk. en Opheldering. v. J. F. Willems. 8vo, 13s. ...... Oent, 1836 REINJTE DE VOS van Hendr. v. Alkmaar, naar de Lubeck. Druk v. 1498 uitgeg. d. J. Scheltema. 8vo, 16s. Hart., 1826 REINECKE VOS. Nach d. Liibeck. Ausg. v. 1498. Mit-Einleitung, Glossar u. Anmerk. von Hoffmann v. Fallersleben. 8vo, 6s Berl., 1834 REINECKE FUCHS. Aus dem Mittel-Niederlandischen zum Erstenmahle iibersetzt. v. Geyder. 8vo, 6s. .......... Breslau, 1844 iibersetz. von K. Simrock. mit Holtzsclinitten. 12mo, 5s. . . Frankfurt, 1845 mit Kupfer. v. L. Richter. J8mo, 3s. .... . Leipzig, 1843 See Carlyle’s Miscellanies. Art. German Literature of the 14th and 15th Centu- ries. Flogel, Gesehichte der Komischen Literature Gervinus. Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der deutschen. Gorres. Die Teutsche Volksbii- cher, etc., and the Preface to Naylor’s Version. REPTILES.] 293 [romances. REPTILES.—(See Herpetology.) BELL, (T.) A History of the British Reptiles. 8vo, 40 woodcuts. 18s. 6d. London, 1839 RHETORIC. WHATELY, (R.) Elements of Rhetoric ; comprising an Analysis of the Laws of Moral Evidence and of Persuasion, with Rules for Argumenta- tive Composition. 7th edition, revised. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . London, 1846 ARISTOTLE’S Rhetoric; a new translation, with an Introduction and Appendix. 8vo. London, 1823 Rhetorica, gr. et lat. cum animadversionibus variorum. (Gaisford.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1821 Rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek, with Notes ; to which is added, an Analy- sis of Aristotle’s Rhetoric, by Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury, and a Series of Analyti- cal Questions. 12mo London 1847 RIYERS. FRISI, (P.) Treatise on Rivers and Torrents. 4to, 15s. . London. BROOKS, (W. A.) On the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers. 8vo, 5s. ......... London. STEVENSON, (D.) Remarks on the Improvement of Tidal Rivers. 8vo, 3s. 6d. “ ROAD MAKING. GILLESPIE, (W. H.) A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road Making; comprising the location, construction, and improvements of Roads and Railroads. 8vo. .... New- York, 1847 PARNELL, (H.) A Treatise on Roads ; wherein the principles on which Roads should be made are explained and illustrated by the Plans, Speci- fications, and Contracts made use of by Thomas Telford, on the Holyhead Road. 2d edition, enlarged, plates, 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1838 ROMAIC LANGUAGE. SCHINAS, (M.) Grammaire etementaire du grec moderae, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1829 POSSART, (P. A.) Neugriechische Grammatik nebstChrest. u. Worterbuch. 8vo, 5s. 6d. Riga, 1834 SCHMIDT, (J. A. E.) Neugriech. u. deutsche Worterbuch. 2 vols. 12mo, 15s. 6d. Leipzig, 1827 Hiilfsbuch z. Erlern. d. neugriech. Sprache. 8vo, 5s. (id. . . “ 1824 Nouveau dictionnaire complet francais-grec moderne allemand, et grec moderne fran- cais allemand. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. ....... Leipzig, 1837-8 Handworterbuch der neugriechish u. deutschen Sprache. 16mo, 4s. 6d. “ DEHEQUE, (F. D.) Dictionnaire grec moderne francais contenant les diverses acceptions des mots leur etymologie ancienne ou moderne et tous’ les temps irreguliers des verbes, etc. 16mo. Paris, 1825 WEIGEL, (K.) Nengriechisches teutschital. Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1834 ROBERTSON, (H.) Conoise Romaic Grammar. 12mo, 4s. 6d. . . London, 1813 ROMANCES. Bibliography. REVUE des Romans, recneil d’analyses raisonnds des productions remarquables des pins cdlebres romanciers francais et etrangers, contenant 1100 analyses. Par Eusebe G. 2 vols. 8vo. (Contains a Bibliographical Essay on Romances.) Paris, 1839 BIBLIOORAFIA dei romanzi e poemi cavallereschi italiani, (da D. G. de’conti Melzi). 8vo. Milan, 1838 GAMBA, (B.) Della novelle italiane in prosa bibliografia. 8vo. . . Firenze, 1835 DUNLOP, (J.) The History of Fiction : being a Critical Account of the most celebrated Works of Fiction, from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Age. 3d ed. 8vo, 15a. . London, 1845 ROMANCE LANGUAGE.] 294 [ROME. ROMANCE LANGUAGE.—(See Troubadours.) LEWIS, (G. C.) Essay on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages. 8vo. ....... Oxford, 1840 RAYNOUARD, (M.) Grammaire romane, on grammaire de la langue des troubadours. 8vo Paris, 1816 Lexique Roman, ou Dictionnaire de la langue des Troubadours, comparde avec les autres langues de l’Europe Latine. 6 vols. 8vo, /.90. . . . Paris, 1836-43 Influence de la langue romane rustique sur les langues de l’Europe latine. 8vo. Paris, 1835 HONORAT, (S. J.) Dictionnaire Provencal-Francais, ou Dictionnaire de la langue d’Oc, ancienne et moderne, suivi d’un vocabulaire francais-provencal. 4to, vol. 1, A-D.,/,15. Paris, 1846 ROQUEFORT, (J. B.) Glossaire de la Langue Romane, avec Supplement. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808, 1820 SAUVAGES, (l’Abbe de.) Diction, languedocien-francais, etc. 8vo. Alois, 1820 ESS AI d’un glossaire occitanien, pour servir it l’intelligence des poesies des troubadours. 8vo. Toulouse, 1819 DIEZ, (F.) Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen. 3 vols. 8vo. . Bonn, 1836-44 CONRADI, (M.) Praktische Deutsch-Romanische Grammatik. 8vo. Zurich, 1820 Taschenwiirterbueh der romanisch-deutschen sprache. 16mo. . Zurich, 1823 VA1LLANT, (J. A.) La Romaine, ou Histoire, Langue, Littbrature, Orographie, &c., des Peuples de la Langue d’Or, Ardaliens, Vaiaques, et Moldaves, resumb sous le nom de Romans. 3 vols. 8vo, /.21 Paris, 1845 ROME. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. MURRAY’S Handbook for Central Italy and Rome. l2mo, Map, 15s London. BURTON, (Rev, Ed.) Description of the Antiquities and other Curiosities of Rome. 2d ed. 2 vols. 12mo London, 1828 GELL, (Sir Wm.) Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. New edition, revised and enlarged, by E. H. Bunbury. 8vo, with Maps and Plates, 12s. London, 184F BUNSEN, (C.), PLATTNER, (E.), &c. Besehreibung der Stadt Rom, mit Beitriigen von Niebuhr, Gerhard, &c. 3 vols. 8vo.—Bilderheft. 2 parts, folio. £6. 18s Stutt., 1829-42 BECKER, (W. A.) Ilandbuch der Romisehen Alterthiimer. vols. 1, 2. Leipzig, 1844-45 RUPERTI, (G. F. F.) Handbnch d. Rom. Alterthiimer. 2 vols. 8vo. Hannover, 1841-43 BECKER, (W. A.) De Roma; Veteris Muris atque I’ortis. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1842 Die Romische Topographie in Rom. 8vo. ..... “ 1844 MANNERT, (K.) Geographie der Griechen u. Romer. 10 vols. 8vo. . “ 1829-18 n. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &c. ARNOLD, (Dr. T.) The History of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo, $5. Neiv- York, D. A. & Co. Vol. 1. Early History, to the Burning of Rome by the Gauls. Vol. 2. From the Gaulish Invasion to the End of the first Punic War. History of the Later Roman Commonwealth, from the end of the se- cond Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar, and of the Reign of Au- gustus : with a Life of Trajan. 8vo, $2 50. New-York, D. A. & Co. MICHELET, (J.) History of the Roman Republic, transl. by W. Hazlitt. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 SCHMITZ, (Dr. L.) History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commn- dus, A. D. 192. Bv Dr. L. Schmitz. 12mn, 7s. 6d. . . . London, 1847 (Reprinted, New-York, Harper & Bro’s.) NIEBUHR, (B. G.) The History of Rome. By B. G. Niebuhr. Transl. by Wm. Smith, Ph. D.; and L. Schmitz, Ph. D. 8vo, I8s. (id. London, 1842 Vortriige fiber romische Geschichte, an der Univ. zu Bonn gehalten. Herausg. von M. Isler. Vol. 1, Von der Entstebnng Roms, bis zum Ausbruch des ersten pnnischen Krieges. 8vo, 9s Berlin, 1846 ROME.] 295 [ROME II. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &c.—{Continued.) TWISS, (T.) An Epitome of the three volumes of Niebuhr’s History of Rome, with Chro- nological Tables and an Appendix. 2 vols. 8vo, 12®. • • • London, 1836-7 KEIGHTLEY, (T.) The History of Rome, to the end of the Republic. 3d ed. 12mo, 6*. 6d., cloth; or 7s. bound. . London, 1840 The History of the Roman Empire, from the Accession of Augustus to the end of the Empire in the West. 12mo, 6s. 6d. London, 1830 THE HISTORY of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Founding of Constantinople. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, with vignette titles, 12s London, 1839 The substance of the present work, with assistance from all the standard writers already familiarly known to students of history, and with requisite modifications as to form and method, &c., has been mainly drawn from the labours of a great living historian (Schlosser), who is almost unknown to English readers in general, and hitherto to the French only through the medium of a wretched translation. GIBBON, (E.) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by the Rev. H. H. Milman. 2d ed. 6 vols. 8vo, 13 maps, 63s. . . London, 1845 SISMONDI, (.1. C. L. de.) The History of the Fall of the Roman Empire ; comprising a View of the Invasion and Settlement of the Barbarians. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. London, 1834 CREVIER. (J. B. L.) Histoire des Empereurs Romains, depuis Auguste jusqu’it Constan- tin. 9 vols. 8vo. ........... Paris, 1824 CLINTON, (H. F.) Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II. 4to, 42s. Oxford, 1845 LIVY. The History of Rome. With English Notes, Marginal References, and various Readings, by C. W. Stocker. 2 vols., the First Decade, 8vo, 48s. . Oxford, 1846 PLUTARCH. The Civil Wars of Rome, transl. by C. Long. 5 vols. 18mo, Is. 6(2. London, 1844-47 BECKER, (W. A.) Gallus ; or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus : with Notes and Excursus illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Translated from the German by F. Metcalfe. 8vo, 12s. . LondLon, 1844 FOSBROKE, (T. D.) A Treatise on the Arts, Manners, Manufactures, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. .... London, 1833-35 ZELL, (K.) Darstellung aus dem Leben und der Literatur der Rdmer. 12mo. Freiburg, 1829 SMITH, (W.) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, new ed. 8vo, 36s. London, 1847 A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8vo, j£5. 10s. I.ondon, 1845-47 AHRENS, (E. A. J.) Der drei Volkstribunen, Gracchus, Drusus, und Sulpicius. 8vo. Leipzig, 1836 HOECK, (Dr. K.) Romisehe Geschichte vom Verfall der Republik bis zur Vollendung der Monarchie unter Konstantin, vols. 1- Braunsch., 1841-44 DRUMANN, (W.) Geschichte Rom’s in seinem Uebergange von der republicanisch. zur monarchischen Verfassung, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. .... Konigsb., 1833-44 CIIAMPAGNY, (Comte F. de.) Les Cesars. 1st Part. Histoire des Cesars, jusqn’il Neron. 2 vols. 2d Part. Tableau du Monde Romain sous les premiers Empereurs. 2 vols. 4 vols. 8vo, .f.24. Paris, 1843 DEZOBRY, (C.) Rome an siecle d’Auguste, ou Voyage d’un Gaulois it Rome it l’epoque du regne d’Auguste et pendant une partie du regne de Tibi're ; precede d’une description de Rome it cette epoque. 4 vols. 8vo, avec vignettes et plans, /.30. . Paris, 1846 SEGRIS, (J.) Rome ses novateurs, ses conservateurs et la monarchie d’(5ctave Auguste. Etudes historiques sur Lnerece, Catulie, Virgile, Horace. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1846 DUREAU de la MALLE. Economie Politique des Romains. 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1840 CREUZER, (F.) Zur Geschichte der Romischen Cultur. vol. 1-, p. 1. Darmst., 1836 Mythology. KEIGHTLEY, (T.) The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 8vo, 16.9. London, 1835 SMTTH, (W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8vo, j£5. 10s London, 1845-47 CHRISTMAS, (H.) Universal Mythology. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . . “ 1838 SCHWENCK, (K.) Die Mythologie der Griechen, Romer, ASgypter, &c. Vols. 1-2, 8vo, 17s. 6(2 Frankf, 18411-45 CREUZER, (F.) Symbolik und Mythology der iilten Volker, besonders der Griechen u. Rdmer. 4 vols. 8vo, 84s . Darmst., 1833-44 VOSS, (T. II.) Mythologische Briefe. 5 vols. 12mo, 36s. Stutt., 1827-33 I1ARTUNG, (J. A.) Die Religionen der Rdmer. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Erlang., 1836 ZUMPT, (C. G.) Die Religion der Romer. 8vo. .... Berlin, 1845 ROME.] 296 [RUSSIA. III. LITERATURE. DUNLOP, (J.) History of Roman Literature from the earliest period to, and during, the Augustan Age. 3 vols. 8vo. . London, 1824-28 B.A5HR, (J. C. F.) Geschichte der Romischen Literatur. 3te aufl. 2 vols. 8vo, XL Carlsr., 1845 BERNIIARDY, (G.) Grundriss der Romischen Literatur. 8vo. . . Halle, 1830 Roman Law. BOCKING, (E.) Institutionen. Ein Lehrbuch des Romischen Privatrechts, &c., nebst Einleitung in das studium des Rom. Rechts. Vol. 1-, 8vo. Bonn. SAVIGNY, (F. C.) Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter. 6 vols. 8vo,80s Heidelb., 1835 System des heutigen romischen Rechts. -5 vols. 8vo, 40s. Berlin, 1840^41 HUGO, (Geh. J. B.) Lehrbuch des Geschichte des Romischen Rechts. 2 vols. sm. 8vq. Berlin, 1832 MACKELDY, (F.) Compendium of Modern Civil Law, Translated by P. J. Kaufmann. Vol. 1-, 8vo ’. New York, 1845 RURAL ECONOMY. BOUISSINGAULT, (J. B.) Rural Economy, in its relations with Chemis- try, Physics, and Meteorology; or, Chemistry applied to Agriculture. Translated, with Notes, etc., by George Law. 12mo, over 500 pages, $1 50. . . . . . «\ • New-York, D. A. & Co. Bees, Poultry, &c. RICHARDSON, (H. D.) The Hive and the Honey-Bee : with an account of the Diseases of Bees, and their Remedies. 18mo • . London, 1847 BOSWELL, (P.) Bees, Pigeons, Rabbits, and the Canary Bird, familiarly described. 16mo, 37 ]-2c. ... New-York, W. & P. The Poultry Yard, a Practical View of the best method of Selecting, Rearing, and Feeding the Various Species of Domestic Fowl. 18mo, 50c. . New- York, W. & P. See Marshall, Farmer’s Hand Book. 12mo. Smith, Productive Farming. 12mo, &c. Art. Agriculture, Cattle, Horse, Pig, Sheep, &c. RUSSIA. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LAN- GUAGE and LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &e. MURRAY’S Hand Book for North Europe, Russia, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 12mo, maps, 13s. ...... London. MORTON, (E.) Travels in Russia and a residence at St. Petersburgh and Odessa, in 1827- 2ih 8vo. London, 1830 HENDERSON, (E.) Biblical Researches and Travels in Russia. 8vo. . “ 1826 BREMNER, (R.) Excursions in the Interior of Russia. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. “ 1839 FRANKLAND, (C.) Visit to the Courts of Russia and Sweden, in 1830-31. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 RECHBERG, (r.E Comte de.) Voyage pittoresque en Russie, orni de 30 gravures: avec un texte par Depping. folio Paris, 1832 WILBRAHAM, (R.) Travels in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia in 1837. 8vo. London, 1839 JOHNSTON, (R.) Travels through part of Russia and Poland. 8vo. . New- York, 1806 MIGNAN, (Capt.) A Winter Journey through Russia, the Caucasian Alps and Georgia : thence across Mount Zagros, by the Pass of Xenophon into Koordistan. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. London, 1829 FORTIA de PILES. Voyage de deux Francais au Nord de l’Europe. en 1790-92. 5 vols. 8vo . Paris, 1796 RUSSIA.] 297 [RUSSIA. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—(Continued.) WSEVOLOJSKY. Dictionnaire geographique historique de 1’empire de Russie, contenant le tableau politique et statistique de ce vaste pays, etc. 3d edn. 2 vols. 8vo, /. 15. Moscow, 1823 See Raguse, Voyage en Hongrie, etc. Lyall’s Russia. Cox’s Travels. Dr. Clarke’s Travels. L’Univars Pittoresque. Conder’s Modern Traveller. Macgregor’s Commercial Statistics, &c. &c. n. HISTORY, &c. BELL, (R.) The History of Russia, from the Earliest Period to the Treaty of Tilsit. 3 vols. 12mo, 18s. .... London, 1836-38 KOHL, (J. G.) Russia, St. Petersburgh, Moscow, and the German Provinces on the Baltic, the Steppes, the Crimea, and the Interior of the Empire. 8vo, map, 11s. . London, 1843 Russia and the Russians in 1842. 2 vols. small 8vo, 21s. ... “ 1845 De CUSTINE, (Marquis.) The Empire of the Czar ; or, Observations on the Social, Political, and Religious State and Prospects of Russia, made during a Journey through that Empire. Translated from the French. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. (id. . London. 1847 R USSIA, under Nicholas I., transl. from the German, by Capt. A. Sterling. 12mo, 5s. London, 1841 PROGRESS and Present Position of Russia in the East. 8vo. . . . “ 1838 LEVESQUE, (P. C.) Histoire de Russie, par Malte Brun, et Depping. 4me edit. 8 vols. 8vo, avec Atlas en 4to Paris, 1812 STRAHL, (Dr. P.) Geschichte des Russischen Staats. Vols. 1-2. . Hamb., 1832-39 SCHNITZLER. Histoire intime de la Russie. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15. . . Paris, 1847 La Russie, la Polagne, et la Finlande : tableau statisque, etc. 8vo. “ 1837 DAMAZE de RAYMOND. Tableau historique, geographique, militaire et naval de le Russie. 2 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1812 ESNFAUX, (J.) Histoire philosophique et politique de Russie. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-30 KARASMIN. Hist, de l’Empire de Russie, trad, du russee par M. de Divoff. 11 vols. 8vo, /.55 Paris, 1819-26 JESSE, (W.) Notes on Russia, Circassia, &c., 1839-40. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 24s. • London, 1841 PINKERTON, (R.) Observations on the Past and Present state of Russia. 8vo. London, 1833 VENABLES, (R. L.) Domestic Manners of the Russians, sm. 8vo, 9s. 6d. “ 1839 CHAUDOIR, (S. de.) Apercu sur les monnaies russes et sur les monnaies dtrangeres qui ont cours en Russie depuis les temps le plus reculesjusqu’h nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo, 56 pl.,/,65. Paris, 1836-37 MYSTER F.S de la Russie, (le3). Tableau politique et moral de 1’empire russe. Histoire Statistique, Politique, Legislation, Religion, Commerce, &.c. &c. 8vo, planches, /.15. Paris, 1844 CASTELNAU, (G. de.) Essai sur 1’histoire ancienne et moderne de la Nouvelle Russie, Statistique des provinces qui la composent, fondation d’Odessa, voyage en Crimde. 3 vols. 8vo, plates, /.21 Paris, 1820 III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. OTTO, (F.) History of Russian Literature, with a Lexicon of Russian Authors. Transl. by G. Cox. 8vo, 6s. Oxford, 1839 BOWRING, (J.) Specimens of the Russian Poets. l2mo. Lond., 1823 EICHOFF. Histoire de la langue et de la literature des Slaves, Russes, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1839 IBN-ABI-JAKUB-EL-NEDIM’S Nachricht von der Sehrift der Russen im X. Jahrhundert. 4to St. Petersburg, 1835 Grammars and Dictionaries. HARMONIERE, (G.) Grammaire Russe divisde en quatre parties, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Vocabulaire francaise et russe, etc. 8vo “ 1815 REIFF, (C. P.) Grammaire Raisonnee de la langue russe, etc. 2 vols. 8vo St. Petersburg, 1828 TATISCHEW, (S.) Nouveau dictionnaire francais-russe conforme k l’dtat actuel des sci- ences, etc. 2 vols. obi. 8vo. Moscow, 1832 RUSSIA.] 298 [SANSCRIT LANGUAGE. m. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.—( Continued.) HEYM, (J.) Dictionnaire portatif, premiere partie, ou dictionnaire russe-francais-allemande. 2 vols. 16mo. . . . . . . • . . . • • Biga, 1804 Dictionnaire franc.ais-russe-allemand. 16mo “ 1805 Deutsche-russisch-franzdsisches Taschenworterbuch. 16mo. . . “ 1805 Dictionnaire complet russe-francslis allemand, compose sur la derniere Edition de celui de l’academie russe. Par C. Mess. 2e cdn. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Moscow, 1826 NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIB.E franc-russe et russe-franc., compose d’apres celui de l’Academie francaise. 3e edn. 4 vols. 8vo. . ... St. Petersburg, 1824 SAGAS. GRASSE, (J. G. T.) Die Grossen Sagenkriese d. Mittelalters historisch entwickelt. 11s. . . . . . . . Dresd., 1842 MULLER, (P. E.) Sagabibliothek met AnmSlrk., og inled Alfhandl. 2 vols., 22s. ....... Copenh., 1817-19 KELLER, (A.) Altfranzosische Sagen. 2 vols. 8vo, 8s. . . . Tub., 1840 TEGNER, (E.) Fritjofsaga. 8vo, 8s. Gd Stockh., 1840 The same, transl. by Strong. 8vo “ 1841 ForNManna Sogur, eptir gomlum handritum utgefnar ad tilhufun hiusnorsena formfrseda felags : heraus. G. C. Rafn. 12 vols. 8vo, £5. 15s. 6d. . . Copenh., 1825-27 (Published by the Society of Northern Antiquaries.) FjEREyinga Saga, eller Faeroboernes liistoire, i den Islandske Grundtext med Faeroisk og Dansk oversaettelse indgeven af C. C. Rafn. roy. 8vo, 12s. . . Copenh., 1832 (Society of Northern Antiquaries.) FornaldaR Sogur Nordrlander. ,3 vols. 8vo, 50s. .... “ (Society of Northern Antiquaries.) Oldnordiske Sagaer, samma sagor i dansk ofversattning. 12 vols. 8vo. “ 1826- (Societv of Northern Antiquaries.) Nordiske Fortids Sagaer, samma sagor i dansk oversattning af C. C. Rafn. 3 vols. 8vo. (Society of Northern Antiquaries. Copenh. IsUENDINGA SoGUR. 2 vols. 8vO. “ (Society of Northern Antiquaries.) SANSCRIT LANGUAGE, ringarnes Ilistoria pa den islandska grundtexten med fiiroisk och dansk dfversattning, utgifven af C. C. Rafn, med ett facsimile och karta ofver arne. ISLENDING A SOGUR eller historiska sagor om tilldragelser pa Island, utgifna pa fornspra- ket. lsta bandet med en karta ofver gamla Island och 4 facsimiler. 2dra bandet med 6 facsimiler. HISTORISKE FORTA3LLINGER om Isltendernes Fserd ude og hjemme i Bearbeidelse efter de gamle Grundtexter af N. M. Petersen, 1-4 band. GRONLANDS HISTORISKE MINDESMA3RKER, utgifna pa fornspraket med dansk dfversattning, inledningar och upplysande anmarkningar, complett i 3 band med 12 kop- parstick. ANTIQ.UITATES AMERICANA! sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum Ante Colum- bianarum in America, samling af i Nordens fornskrifter befintliga beriittelser om de gamla Nordboarnes upptiickstresor till Amerika fran det Hide till det 14de arhundradet; studio et opera Caroli Christiani Rafn ; med 18 plancher. TIDSSKRIFT FOR NORDISK OLDKYNDIGHED, complett i 2 band med 1 pi. NORDISK TIDSSKRIFT FOR OLDKYNDIGHED, complett i 3 band med 9 pi. ANNALER FOR NORDISK OLDKYNDIGHED, 1836-45 (5 band med 49 plancher). ANNALER FOR NORDISK OLDKYNDIGHED OG HISTORIE, 1846 med 3 pi. ANTIQUARISK TIDSSKRIFT, 1843-45 (lsta bandet) med 7 plancher. mLmOIRES de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1836-39, 1840-44 (vol. I.-II.) med 29 plancher. SCOTLAND.] 301 [SCOTLAND. SCOTLAND. I. GEOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, &c.—II. HISTORY.— III. LANGUAGE I. GEOGRAPHY, &c. New Statistical Account of Scotland. 15 vols. 8vo, £16. 16s. Edinb., 1834-44 THE TOPOGRAPHICAL, Statistical, and Historical Gazetteer of Scot- land. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, Maps, &c., 40s Edinb. BEATTIE, (W.) Scotland : illustrated with a series of Views by Allom, Bartlett, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1838 CHAMBERS, (R.) The Picture of Scotland. 4th ed. 12mo. . . . Edinb. , (R. & W.) Gazetteer of Scotland. 8vo. .... Edinb., 1832-40 BLACK’S Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. 12mo, Map, 8s. 6d. . “ 1844 Economical Tourist of Scotland ; containing an accurate Itinerary and Travelling Map, with Descriptive Notices of all the Interesting Objects along the several roads, and four Engraved Charts of those Localities which possess peculiar Historical or Picturesque inte- rest. In a pocket volume, 3s. 6d. Edinb., 1839 ANDERSON, (G. & P.) Guide to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland ; including Ork- ney and Zetland. 12mo, with a map, 16s. London, 1842 WILSON, (Jas.) A Voyage round Scotland and the Isles. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous illus- trations and a map, 21s. Edinb., 1843 MACCULLOCH, (J.) A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo, and 4to atlas. Edinb., 1819 The Highland and Western Isles of Scotland. 4 vols. 8vo. . . “ 1824 SCOTLAND DELINEATED, in a series of Views from Drawings by Stanfield, Cat - termole, Leitch, Creswick, Roberts, Harding, Nash, and Macculloch. Lithographed by J. D. Harding, folio. London, 1847- The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. (Publishing.) H. HISTORY. TYTLER, (P. F.) The History of Scotland. 9 vols. sm. 8vo, 54s. London, 1842-44 The same. 7 vols. 8vo, 84s “ 1845 SCOTT, (Sir W.) The History of Scotland, new ed. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. London, 1837 ANALECTA SCOTIA: Collection illustrative of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo Edinb., 1834-37 ROBERTSON, (W.) History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and of James VI. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 CHALMERS, (G.) The Life of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. “ 1818 BELL, (H. G.) The Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 3d ed. 8vo. . . “ 1840 STRICKLAND, (Miss.) Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, and Documents connected with her Personal History. 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 31s. 6d London, 1842 LETTRES, Instructions et Memoires, de Marie Stuart, Reine d’Ecosse; pub'ibs sur les Origineux et les Manuscripts du State Paper Office de Londres, et des Principales Archives et Bibliotheques de l’Europe, et accompagnes d’un Resume Chronologique. Par le Prince A. Labanofi. 7 vols. 8vo, 84s. London, 1845 LETTERS of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, selected from the “ Recueil des Lettres de Marie Stuart;” together with the Chronological Summary of Events during the Reign of the Queen of Scotland. By Prince A. Labanoff. Translated, with Notes and an Intro- duction, by W. Turnbull. 8vo, 14s. London, 1845 CARRICK, (J. D.) Life of Sir Wm. Wallace. 8vo “ 1840 KLOSE. (C. L.) Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart, commonly called the Young Pretender ; with Notices of the Rebellion of 1745. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . . London, 1845 JESSE, (J. H.) Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London. Memoirs of the Court of England—the Stuarts. 4 vols. 8vo, 56s. . . “ CHAMBERS, (R.j History of the Rebellions in Scotland from 1638 to 1660. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1828 “ “ “ in 1689-1715. 12mo. “ 1829 “ “ “ in 1745-46. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1828 SCOTLAND.] 302 [sculpture. II. HISTORY.—(Continued.) BAILLIE. The Letters and Journals of R. Baillie, A. M., Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637 to 1662. Edited, from the Author’s Mauuscript, by D.Laing. 3 vols. roy. 8vo, 48s Edinb., 1841-42 AIKMAN. Annals of the Persecution in Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution. 8vo, Os. 6d Edinb., 1843 TYTLER, (P. F.) Lives of Scottish Worthies. 3 vols. 12mo. . . London, 1832-33 CHAMBERS, (R.) Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Scotsmen, etc. ; forming a com- plete Scottish Biographical Dictionary. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Glasgow, 1833-35 HI. LANGUAGE. JAMIESON, (J.) An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, etc., with the Suppt. 4 vols. 4to Edinb., 1808-25 Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Abridged from the Dictionary and Supplement, by J. Johnstone. 8vo, 21s Edinburgh, 1846 See Sibbalo’s Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, vol. 4. Motherby’s Dictionary of the Scottish Idrom, &c. Art. Ballads, p. 64. Highlands. BROWNE, (Dr. J.) History of the Highlands and Highland Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1834 STEWART, (D.) Sketches of the Character, Manners, and present state of the High- landers of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1822 LOGAN, (J.) The Scottish Gael, or Celtic Manners, as preserved among the Highlanders, &c. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1831 THE CLAMS of Scotland. 4to, coloured plates, (publishing). . . “ 1847 SKENE, (W. F.) The Highlanders of Scotland ; their Origin, History and Antiquities. 2 vols. 12mo London, 1837 WALKER. (Dr. J.) History of the Hebrides and Highlands. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. “ SCULPTURE. FLAXMAN, (J.) Lectures on Sculpture. 8vo. . London, 1829 Works, engraved in Outline, by Reveil. 266 pi., obi. 8vo,/.30. Paris. 1. Homer’s Iliad, 39 pi. Odyssey, 31 pi. ASschylus, 31 pi. Dante’s La Divina Corn- media, 111 pi. Hesiod, 37 pi. Statues, &c., 14 pi. MUSEUM OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE: a collection of the principal Pictures, Statues, and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. Drawn and en- graved by Reveil. With Critical and Historical Notices. This work contains engravings of all the chief works of the Italian, German, Dutch, French, and English Schools, in- cludes 1,200 plates. 17 vols. sm. 8vo, bound, j£6. 6s. .... London. WILLIAMS, (R. F.) An Historical Sketch of the Art of Sculpture in Wood, from the earliest period to the present time, etc. 8vo. London, 1835 MEMES, (J. S.) History of Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture. 18mo, 3s. (id. Edinb., 1831 CHRISTY, (J.) An Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculpture. 4to. London, 1832 QUATREMERE de QUINCY. Le Jupiter Olympien, ou Part de la Sculpture antique considere sous un nouveau point de vue, etc. folio,/.200. . . . Paris, 1815 Canova et ses ouvrages, ou memoires histor. sur la vie et les traveaux de ce celebre artiste. 8vo Paris, 1834 THE ELGIN AND PHIGALEAN MARBLES in the British Museum. 2 vols. 12mo, 4s. 6d * London, 1846 (Library Entertaining Knowlege.) THE TOWNLEY GALLERY in the British Museum. 12mo, 2s. 6d. “ 1846 (Library Entertaining Knowledge.) CARTER. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting, now remaining in England, etc. folio, 12mo, eng., £8. 8s London, 1838 CLARAC, (M. le Comte de.) Musee de Sculpture antique et moderne. 4 vols. 8vo. et 4to, atlas. Paris, 1826 THORWALSDEN, (B.) Og bans Vaerker. 2 vols. 161 plates. 4to, 52s. Copenh., 1841-43 Alexanderzug. gest. v. Amsten. 22 pi. 4to, 56s Munch., 1835 Werkin einer Auswahl, 67 pi. folio, 18s Stutt., 1839 SCHWANTHALER, (L.) Werke. Abth. 1 and 2, (Mythe d. Aphrodite; Kreuzzug. Friedr. Barbarossas.) 31 pi. folio, 5s. 6d. ..'... Dussel., 1842 SeeEncyclo. Metropolitana. Art. Sculpture, by R. Westmacott, Jr. Cunninq- ham’s Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, &c. SERVIA.] 303 [shakspere. SERVIA. RANKE), (L.) History of Servia; including an account of the Servian Republic, from Servian MSS. and Documents. Translated by Mrs. Kerr. 8vo, map. ........ London, 1847 PATON, (A. A.) Servia, the Youngest Member of the European Family : or a Residence in Belgrade, and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior during the years 1843 and 1844. 8vo, 12a London, 1845 See Paoet’s Travels in Hungary and Transylvania. Quin’s Danube, &c. LANGUAGE. STEPHANOWITSCH, (W.) Serbisch-Deutsch-Latein Wdrterbuch. roy. 8vo, 30a. Berlin, 1818 Serbische Gramm, verdeutscht. v. J. Grimm. 8vo, 2a. 6d. . . “ 1834 WUK, (S.) Kleine serbische Grammatik, verdeutseh und mit einer Vorrede von J. Grimm. 8vo Leipzig, 1824 JORDAN, (G. P.) Grammat. d. Serbisch. Wendisch. Sprache. 8vo, 4a. . Prag, 1841 SCHAFFARIK, (J. P.) Serbische Lesekorner, oder historisch-kritische Beleuchtung der Serbische Mundart. 8vo, 6a Pcsth, 1833 TALVJ, (Therkse Robinson.) Volkslieder der Serben. 2 vols. 8vo, 12a. Haile, 1835 See Ballads, p. 65. SHAKSPERE. THE PICTORIAL EDITION of the Works of Shakspere, edited by Charles Knight. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. London. LIBRARY EDITION, (Knight’s). 12 vols. 8vo “ (Collier’s). 8 vols. 8vo, 96a. ......... “ CABINET EDITION, (Knight’s). 11 vols. 18mo, 27a. 6d DIAMOND EDITION, (Pickering’s). 9 vols. 48mo, 30a “ ILLUSTRATED EDITION, (Whittingham’s). 12mo, 12a. ... “ (Pickering’s). 12mo, 42a, with 32 plates. “ 7 vols. 24mo “ (Kenny Meadows’). 3 vols. roy. 8vo, 63a. ...... “ WORKS, with Preface, &c., by Campbell, roy. 8vo, 16a “ by Chas. Knight, roy. 8vo, 21a “ CONCORDANCE. CLARKE, (Mrs.) The Complete Concordance to Shakspere; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet, royal 8vo, pp. 868, 46a. London, 1845 BEAUTIES. BEAUTIES OF SHAKSPERE, by Dodd. 24mo, 2a. 6d. . . Moxon, London. POEMS. ALDINE EDITION. 12mo, 5a Pickering, “ POEMS, ed. (Chas. Knight), roy. 8vo, 9a “ , (Smith’s Standard Library), roy. 8vo, Is “ BROWN, (C. A.) Shakspeare’s Autobiographical Poems. Being his Sonnets clearly de- veloped : with his Character drawn chiefly from his Works, sm. 8vo. . London, 1838 SH.flKSPERIJINJI. Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c., relating to Shakspere, etc. 12mo London, 1827 HALLIWELL, (J. O.) Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakspere’s Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illustrative of his Works. 8vo, 3s. London, 1841 Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakspere’s Plays, comprising some im- portant variations and corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, obtained from a Play- house copy of that Play recently discovered. 8vo, la. ... London, 1843 HUNTER, (J.) New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare, sup- plementary to all Editions. 2 vols. 8vo, 20a London, 1845 DRAKE, (N.) Memorials of Shakspeare, or Sketches of his Character and Genius, by va- rious Writers. 8vo. .......... London, 1828 Shakspeare and his Times, etc. 2 vols. 4to “ 1817 DOUCE, (F.) Illustrations of Shakspere, and of Ancient Manners. 8vo. “ 1839 SHAKSPERE.] 304 [SHAKSPERE SOCIETY. POEMS.—( Continued.') ULR1CI, (H.) Shakspeare’s Dramatische Kunst. Geschichte u. Charakteristik des Shak- spearschen Dramas. 2te umgearb. Aufl. Part 1. 8vo, 5s. . . Leiplitr, 1846 Shakspere's Dramatic Art, and his relation to Calderon and Goethe. Transl. 8vo, 12s. London, 1846 JAMESON, (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women. 12mo. . . . Boston, 1846 The same, illustrated, imp. 8vo . Were- York, 1847 SHAKS-PEIRE'S LIBRARY; a Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories, used by Shakspeare as the foundation of his Dramas, Now first collected, and accurately reprinted from the original editions, with Introductory Notices, by J. P. Collier. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s London, 1843 See Hazlitt’s Essays. Lamb’s Works. Schlegkl’s Lectures on Dramatic Art, &c. SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY, (Publications of.) 8vo. London, 1841-46 MEMOIRS of Edward Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College, including new particulars of Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, &c., by J. P. Collier. Is. 6d. THE School of Abuse, containing a Pleasant Invective against Poets, Pipers, Players, &c., by Stephen Gosson, 1579—Heywood’s (Thomas) Apology for Actors, 1612, reprinted in one vol. 5s. LUDUS COVENTRIZE. A Collection of Mysteries formerly represented at Coventry, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, edited, with Notes and Glossary, by J. O. Halliwell. 12s. A DEBATE between Pride and Lowliness, by Francis Thynne, edited by J. P. Collier. 4.?. 6d. PATIENT GRISEL, a Comedy by Dekker, Chettle, and Ilaughton, with Introduction by Collier. 5s. EXTRACTS from the Accounts of the Revels at Court, temp. Queen Elizabeth and James I., with Introduction and Notes by P. Cunningham. 6s. FIRST Sketch of Shakspeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor, with a Collection of the Tales on which the Plot is supposed to have been founded, edited by Halliwell. 4s. 6d. 1842 NOTES on Ben Jonson’s Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden, edited by Laing. 5s 1842 FOOLS and Jesters, with a Reprint of Robert Armin’s Nest of Ninnies, 1608, edited by Collier. 4s. 6d 1842 THE Old Play of Timon of Athens, which preceded that of Shakspeare, now first printed from a MS., edited by Dyce. 3s. 6d. PIERCE PENNILESS’S Supplication to the Devil, by Thomas Nash, 1592; with Intro- duction and Notes, by Collier. 4s. HEYWOOD’S (Thomas) First and Second Parts of King Edward IV., with Notes by Baron Field. 4s. 6d. NORTHBROOKE’S Treatise against Dice, Dancing, Plays, and other Idle Pastimes, 1577; edited by Collier. 4s. 6d. OBERON’S Vision in the Midsummer Nights’ Dream, illustrated by a comparison with Lylie’s Endymion, by the Rev. J. Halpin. 4s. 6d. THE First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry the Sixth, with Intro- duction and Notes by Halliwell. 5s. TIIE Chester Plays; a Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural Subjects, and formerly represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide, edited by Thomas Wright Vol. I. 9s. ALLEYN PAPERS ; a Collection of Original Documents illustrative of the Life and Times of Edward Alleyn, and of the Early English Stage and Drama; edited by Collier. 4s. 6d. “ HONOUR TRIUMPHANT and “ A Lineof Life,” two Tracts by John Forde, the Dramatist, recently discovered. 3s. TARLTON’S Jests, and News out of Purgatory, with Notes and some Account of the Life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell. 4s. 6d. TRUE Tragedy of Richard III., to which is appended, the Latin Play of Richardus Ter- tius, by Dr. Thomas Legge, both anterior to Shakspeare’s Drama, with Notes by Baron Field. 4s. THE Ghost of Richard III., a Poem, 1614, founded upon Shakspeare’s Historical Play, re- printed from the only known copy, edited by Collier. 3s. 6d. SIR THOMAS MORE, a Play, now first printed, edited by Dyce. 4s. 6d. THE SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY’S Papers, being a Miscellany of Contributions illus- trative of the objects of the Society. 2 vols. 12s. SHEEP.] 305 [SICILY. SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY’S Publications.—[Continued.) THE OLD TAMING of a Shrew, 1794, upon which Shakspeare founded his Comedy, to which is added, the Woman lapped in Morrel Skin, edited by Amyot. 4s. 6d. ILLUSTRATIONS of the Fairy Mythology of Shakspeare, by Halliwell. 7s. 6d. SHAKSPEARE’S Play of King Henry IV. printed from a Contemporary Manuscript, edited by Halliwell. 4s. 6d. THE DIARY and Account Book of Philip Henslowe the player, edited by Collier. 7s. MARRIAGE of Wit and Wisdom, an ancient interlude, to which are added, Illustrations of Shakspeare and the Early English Drama, edited by Halliwell. 4s. 6d. SHEEP. BLACKLOCK, (A.) Treatise on Sheep. 16mo, 50c. New- York, W. & P. SPOONER, (W. C.) The History, Diseases, &c., of the Sheep. 12mo, 7 8. .......... London. SHEEP; their Breeds, Management and Diseases. 8vo, cuts. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) London, 1837 LOW, (D.) The Breeds of Domesticated Animals—The Sheep. 41 col- oured plates, £6. 16s. . . . . . . London, 1842 See Low’s Domesticated Animals. 8vo. London, 1845. SHIPBUILDING. CREUZE, (A. F. B.) A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture. 4to, plates, 12s. .... Edinburgh, 1840 STALKART, (M.) Naval Architecture, or the Rudiments and Rules of Ship-Building exemplified in a Series of Draughts and Plans, with Observations tending to the farther improvement of that Art. 3d edn. folio, and Atlas of Plates. 84s. . London, 1812 KNOWLES, (J.) The Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture; or a Treatise on Ship-Building, Theoretical and Practical, on the best principles established in Great Britain. 3d edn. 4to, and folio Atlas of Plates, X'10. 10s. ..... London. CHAPMAN, (F. H.) Naval Architecture, by Inman. 4to, 42s. . . . “ FISIIBOURNE, (E. G.) Lectures on Naval Architecture, illustrating the “Wave Sys- tem.” 8vo, plates, 5s. 6d London, 1846 PARIS. Essai sur la Construction navale des peuples extra europeens, ou Collection des navires et pirogues construits par les habitants de I’Asie. de la Malais6e, du Grand-Ocean et de l’Amerique, mesurbs et dessines par l’auteur pendant ses voyages autour de monde. folio, 130 planches, /.200. Paris. KIPPING, (R.) The Elements of Sailmaking. 8vo, Part 1, 4s. . London, 1847 THE ART of Sailmaking as practiced in the Royal Navy, and according to the most ap- proved methods in the Merchant Service. 4th edn. 8vo, 9s. . . London, 1843 FINCHAM, (J.) Directions for laying off Ships on the Mould Loft Floor. 2d edn. 8vo, 25s. J.ondon, 1840 A Treatise on Masting Ships, and Mast-Making. 2d edn. 8vo, plates, 25s. J.ondon, 1843 WEALE’S Naval Architect’s Portfolio, and the Student’s Practical Instructor in the Con- struction and Draughting of Ships for War, Mercantile and Steam Packet Service, Iron and Timber. To be completed in 10 parts, 12s. each. .... London. SICILY. MURRAY’S Handbook for Southern Italy, Naples and Sicily. 12mo, Map. London. SMYTH, (W. H.) The Hydrography of Sicily, Malta, and the adjacent Islands ; surveyed in 1815, 16, and 17. folio. London, 1823-27 Memoir descriptive of the Resources, Inhabitants, and Hydrography of Sicily and its Islands, interspersed with Antiquarian and other Notices. 4to. . . London, 1824 KNIGHT, (H. G.) The Normans in Sicily. 8vo, and Atlas in folio. . “ 1838 FERRARA, (A. F.) Storia generale della Sicilia. 8vo, vols. 1-8. . Palermo, 1835 BAZANCOUR, (lk Baron de.) Histoire de la Sicile sous la domination des Normands, depuis la conqnete de Pile jnsqu’k l’etablissement de la Monarchie. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1846 AMARI, (M.) La guerra des vespro sieiliano, etc. 2d ediz. 2 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1843 See Macgreoor’s Commercial Statistics. Conder’s Modem Traveller. L’Univers Pittoresque, &c. 306 [SOUTH SEAS. SILK MANUFACTURE.] SILK MANUFACTURE. PORTER, (G. R.) A Treatise in the Manufacture of Silk. 12mo, 6s. (Lardner’s Cyclopa?dia.) London, 1831 TAYLOR, (W. C.) Handbook of Silk, Cotton, and Woolen Manufactures. 18mo, 2s. 6d London, 1843 See Ure’s Dictionary of Arts. Encyclo. Britannica, &c. SLAVONIC Language and Literature. EICHOFF, (F. G.) Histoire de la Langue et de la Literature des Slaves. 8 vo. .......... Paris, 1839 DU MERIL. Hist, de la poesie scandinave. Prolegomenes. 8vo, f.S. . Part's, 1839 MICKIEW1CZ, (A.) Vorlesungen iiber slawische Literatur u. Zustiinde. Vols. 1-3, 12mo, 28s. Leipzig, 1843-45 QESCHICHTLICHE Uebersicht der Slavischen Sprache. 8vo. . “ 1837 SCHAFARIK, (P. J.) Slavische Alterthiimer, Deutsch von M. von Ehrenfeld. 2 vols. 8vo Leipzig, 1843-44 Geschichte der Slavischen Sprache und Literatur. .... Buda, 1826 DANKOWSKY, (G.) Matris Slavics? filia erudita, in suis primitiv. element, exhib. Gall. Ital. et dat. ling, habita. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s Presb., 1837 M1KLOSICH, (F.) Radices lingua? Slovenica? vet. dialect. 8vo, 4s. 6d. Leipzig, 1845 MURKO, (A. J.) Theoretisch-praktische Slowenische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche, etc. 8vo. Graft, 1832 Slovenisch-deutsches und deutsch-slovenisches Handworterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. Grntz, 1833 TRNKA, (F.) Theoretisch-nraktisches Lehrbuch der Slavischen Sprache in Bohmen, Mahren, und Ober-Ungarn, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1832 DOBROWSKY, (J.) Institutiones lingua? Slavic® dial, vet, 8vo, 15s. . Wien, 1822 WOLANSKI, (T. v.) Briefe iiber slawische Alterthiimer. Samml. 1. 4to, 12 plates, 6s. 6d. Gnesen, 1846 See Prichard’s Physical History of Mankind, Vol. 3. Biblical Repository. Man- nert’s Geog. See Bohemia, Poland, Russia, Servia. SOCIETY. TAYLOR, (W. C.) The Natural History of Society in the Barbarous and Civilized States. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1841 FERGUSON, (A.) Essay on the History of Civil Society. 8vo. . . London. SOCIETIES, LITERARY.—(See Transactions.) HUME, (A.) The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom ; being an Account of their respective Origin, History, Objects, and Constitution: with full Details respecting Membership, Fees, their Published Works and Transactions, Notices of their Periods and Places of Meeting, &c. 8vo, 8s. 6d. .... London, 1847 SOUTH SEAS.—(See Polynesia.) BURNEY, (Adml. J.) Chronological History of Discoveries in the South Seas. 5 vols. roy. 4to London, 1803-17 WILKES, (C.) Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 5 vols. 4to, and an Atlas. ..... Philad., 1844 ROSS, (Capt. Sir J. C.) Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Ant- arctic Regions, during the years 1839-43. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, maps, and woodcuts, 3iis. London. 1847 WEBSTER, (W. II. B.) The Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in 1828, 1829, 1830, in the “ Chanticleer.” 2 vols. 8vo London, 1834 DILLON, (P.) Narrative and successful result of a Voyage in the South Seas ... to as- certain the fate of the La Perouse Expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1839 WEDDEL, (J.) A Vovage towards the South Pole in 1822-24, containing an Examina- tion of the Antarctic Sea to the 74th degree of Latitude, &c. 8vo, ma]» and plates. London, 1825 DUMONT-D’URVILLE. Expedition au pole austral et dans l’Oeeanie des corvettes de Sa Majeste VAstrolabe et la Zelbe, 8vo, maps, /. 10. ..... Paris. SPAIN.] 307 [SPAIN. SPAIN. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LAN- GUAGE AND LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY TRAVELS, &c. HANDBOOK for Travellers in Spain and Readers at Home ; describing the Country and Cities, the Natives and their Manners, the Antiquities, Religion, Legends, Fine Arts, Literature, Sports, and Gastronomy : with Notices on Spanish History. 2d ed. 12mo, maps, 16s. London, 1847 INGLIS, (H. D.) Spain in 1830. 2d ed. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. London, 1837 WELLS, (N. A.) The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain ; described in a Series of Letters, with illustrations, representing Moorish Palaces, Cathedrals, and other Monuments of Art, contained in the Cities of Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville, roy. 8vo, 21s London, 1846 MURPHY, (J. C.) Antiquities of the Arabs in Spain, folio, plates. . “ 1816 LABORDE, (A. de.) Itineraire descriptif de l’Espagne. 3eedn. revue, 6 vols. 8vo, et un atlas in 4to, /.24. Paris, 1827-41 CORTEZ y LOPEZ, (Mio.) Diccionario geografico-histor. de la Espana antiqua, tarra- conese, betica y lusitana 3 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1835 MINANO, (S.) Diccionario geografico-estadistico de Espana y Portugal. 10 vols. sm. 4to. Madrid, 1826 BORY de SAINT-VINCENT. Guide du voyageur en Espagne. 8vo. Parrs, 1823 GIRAULT de PRANGEY. Monumentes arabes et moresques d’Espagne. folio. Paris, 1839 BERMUDEZ, (Cean.) Sumario de las antiquedades romanas que hai en Espana. folio. Madrid, 1832 II. HISTORY. DUNHAM, (Dr.) The History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. 12mo, 30s. London, 1832 BUSK, (Mrs.) History of Spain and Portugal. 8vo, 4s. “ 1833 MAHON, (Lord.) War of the Succession in Spain. 8vo, map, 15s. London, 1832 Spain under Charles the Second ; or. Extracts from the Correspondence of the Hon. Alexander Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid, 1690-1699. Selected from the Originals at Chevening, by Lord Mahon. 2d ed. enlarged, sm. 8vo, 6s. 6d. . London, 1844 PRESCOTT, (W. II.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838 HISTORIA de la vida y reinado de Ferdinando VII. de Espana, con doenmentos justifica- teros, ordeneo reservadas y numerosas cartas del unismo monarca, Pio VII., Maria Luisa, Napoleon, Luis XVIII., el enfanta Don Carlos y otros personages. 3 vols. 8vo, 48s. Madrid, 1846 GAYANGOS, (Don Pascual de.) The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. Transl. from the Text of Al-Makkari. 2 vols. 4to. . . . London, 1840-43 (Oriental Translation Fund.) MURPHY, (J. C.) The History of the Mahommedan Empire in Spain 4to. London, 1816 The Arabian Antiquities of Spain, folio. “ 1816 CONDE, (J. A.) Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espana. 8vo. Paris, 1840 CIRCOURT, (lk Comte.) Histoire des Mores Madajares et des Morisques, ou des Arabes d’Espagne, sous la domination des chretiens. 3 vols. 8vo,/.18. . . Paris, 1845 MIGNET. Antonio Perez and Philip the Second. Transl. by C. Cocks, post 8vo, 9s. London, 1846 BORROW, (G.) The Bible in Spain ; or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 12mo, 5s. London, 1844 The Zincali, an Account of the Gypsies of Spain. 12mo, 5s. . . “ 1845 MORON, (F. G.) Curso de Historia de la Civilizacion de Espana, lecciones pronunciadas en el liceo de Valencia y en alteneo de Madrid. 5 vols. 8vo, 35s. . Madrid, 1846 MARIANA, (J.) Historia general de Espana, illust. con notas, nuevasTablas chronologi- cas haste le muerte del Rey Carlos III. (1789) por Don J. Saban y Blanco. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Madrid, 1817-22 MASDEU, (J. F.) Historia Critica de Espafia, y de la Cultura espanola, escrita en italiano, trad, por N . . . 2 vols. sm. 4to Madrid, 1783-1805 SPAIN.] 303 [SPAIN. II. HISTORY.—( Continued.) NAVARETTE, (S. y S. be Barada.) Colleccion de Documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. 7 vols. 8vo, Jt'5. 5s. . . .... Madrid, 1846 PAQ.UIS, (M.) Histoire d’Espagne et de Portugal. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1836 GUfSROULT et LAV ALL £ll. Espapie. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. . . Paris, 1846 (L’Univers Pittoresque ) LEMBKE, (D. F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien. vol. 1-2. . . Hamb., 1830-44 DEPPING. Histoire generate de l’Espagne depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu’h la fin da XVUIe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. Paris, 1811 MARLIANI. Histoire politique de l’Espagne moderne, suivie d’un apercu sur les finances. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, /.16 Paris, 1841 ROMEY, (C.) Histoire d’Espagne depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu’en 1830. nouv. ddn. 10 vols. 8vo, pi., /.50. Paris, 1842 ROSSEW-SAINT HILIARE. Histoire d’Espagne depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu’it la mort de Ferdinand VII. nouv. edn. 10 vols. 8vo, /.50. . Paris, 1844 ASCARGORTA. Histoire d’Espagne, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu’it nos jours, trad, de l’espagnol. nouv. ed. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, /.12. . . Paris. SANCHEZ, (J. M.) Historia legal de Espana des dela dominacion goda hastra nuestros dias. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. Madrid, 1846 ASCHBACH, (J.) Geschichte Spaniens u. Portugals zur Zeit der Herrschaft der Almnravi- den u. Almohaden. 2 vols. 8vo Frank/., 1833-37 Geschichte der Ommaijaden in Spanien. 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1830 RANKE, (L. von.) L’Espagne sous Charles-tluint, Philippe II. et Philipjie III., ou les Osmanlis et la monarchie espagnole pendant les X.VIeet XVIIesiecles : trad, de I’allemand. avec des notes par J. B. Haiber. 8vo, /.6 Paris, 1845 See Alhambra. III. LITERATURE.—(See Ballads, p. 67.) SISMONDI, (S. de.) History of the Literature of the South of Europe. Transl. by T. Roscoe. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 7s. . . London, 1846 (Bohn’s Standard Library.) BOUTERWEK, (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Transl. from the German by Miss Ross. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1823 History of Spanish Literature, sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d. .... “ 1847 (Bogue’s European Library.) DENNIS, (G.) The Cid. 18mo, ls.Gd “ 1844 PUIBUSQUE, (A. dk.) Histoire comparee des litteratures espagnole et francaise. 2 vols. 8vo. * Paris, 1843 CLARIJS, (L.) Darstellung der Spanischen Literatur des Mittelalters, mit einer Vorrede von Joseph von Goerres. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s . Mainz, 1846 MULLER, ( .) Romances y Historia del Cid, con la Vida del Cid. 24mo. Paris, 1829 SANCHEZ, (Don T. A.) Colleccion de Poesias Castellanas, anteriores al Siglo XV. 4 vols. 8vo. Madrid, 1779 DEPPING, (G. B.) Romancero Castellano, 6 colleccion de antiguos romances populares de los Espagnoles, publicada con una introduccion y notas. Nueva edicion, con las notas de Lon. Ant. Ale. Galiano. 3 vols. 12mo, 16s. Leipzig, 1844 ROSA J)K ROMANCKS 6 Romances Saeados de las “ Rosas” de Juan Timoneda. que pueden servir de suplemento it Todos los Romanceros, asi antiguos como modernos y espe- cialement al publicado por el Senor Don ii. B. Depping, escagidos, ordenados y anotados por Don Fernado Jose Wolf. 12mo. '. Leipzig, 1846 (Forms vol. 3 of the above.) LANGUAGE. I. Grammars. OLLENDORFF’S Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. 12mo. . . . New- York, D. A. & Co. (In preparation.) MEADOWS, (F. C.) New Grammar of the Spanish Language ; comprehending in a most simple, easy, and concise manner, everything necessary to its complete Acquirement. 18mo, Is. 6d l,ondon, 1846 ORAMATICA de la lengua castellana, por la real Academia espanola. 5e edn. 8vo. Madrid, 1821 La meme, trad, et mise it l’usage des Francais par Chalumeau de Verneuil. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1821 SPAIN 309 [sports LAN GU AGE.—( Continued.) II. Dictionaries. MEADOWS, (F. C.) Spanish and English Dictionary. 18mo, 7a. . London, 1846 DICCIONARIO de la lengua castellana, reducido. 4to. . . . Madrid, 1837 edicion abreviada, por D. G. V. Arnao. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1826 NEUMAN & BARETTI’S Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages ; wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Merchandize, Navigation, and Trade, elucidated. 5th edition, greatly improved, by M. Seoane, M.D. 2 vols. Hvo, 32s. London. 1837 SALVA. Nueva diccionario de la lingua Castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion inte- gra, muy rectificada y mysrada, del publicado por la academia espanola. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 24« Paris, 1847 NUNEZ de TABOADA. Diction, francais-espagnol et espagnol-franrais. 8e ddit. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1840 DICTION, francais espagnol et espagnol-francais par F. Maurel et P. Martines Lopez. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1840 DICCIONA RIO de la lengua Castellana, por la real Academia Espanola, nueva edicion- hecha, segun la ultima de Madrid bajo la direccion de J. R. Masson. 4to,/.12. Paris, 1841 CAPMANY. Art de traducir el idioma frances al Castellano revisito y aumentado por Ga- liano y Salva. 12mo,/.3. Paris, 1835 McIIENRY, (L. J. A.) Synonymes of the Spanish Language Explained ; intended as an Apjrendix to all English-Spanisli Dictionaries. 12mo, 5s. 6d. . . London 1826 YALBUENA, (M. de.) Diccionario universal latino-espanol. 5th edn. folio,/.30. Madrid, 1826 SPORTS AND PASTIMES.—(See Angling, Chess, &c.) SMITH, (H.) Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 12mo, 6's. (Reprinted, New-York, H. & Bro’s.) London, 1834 STRUTT, (J.) The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, in- cluding the Domestic Recreations, May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles from the Earliest Period to the Pre- sent time. Ed. by W. Hone. 8vo, 14s. . . . London, 1834 THE BO Y'S Treasury of Sports and Pastimes. 12mo, 7.?. 6d. . “ 1843 BLAINE, (D. P.) An Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports ; or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical and Descriptive, of Hunting, Sliooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. Illustrated by nearly GOO engravings on wood, by R. Branston, from drawings by Aiken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. 1 very thick vol. 8vo, 50s London, 1840 SCROPE, (W.) Days of Deer-Stalking in the Forest of Athol: with some Account of the Nature and Habits of the Red Deer, Scottish Forests, Legends, Superstitions, Poachers, Freebooters, &c. 3d ed. 8vo, woodcuts from C. Landseer’s Designs. 20a. London, 1846 JOHNSON, (T. B.) The Shooter’s Preceptor; containing Practical Instructions in the Choice, Breaking, and Management of the Dogs used in Shooting, the Art of Shooting Flying, &c. 12mo, 4a. London, 1844 LACY, (Capt.) The Modern Shooter: containing Practical Instructions and Directions for every description of Inland and Coast Shooting. 8vo, 21a. . . London 1846 COLGUHOUN. The Moor and the Loch ; containing practical hints on Highland Sports, and Notices of the Habits of the different Creatures of Game and Prey in the mountain- ous districts of Scotland. 8vo, woodcuts. F.dinb. HAWKER, (P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shoot- ing. 9th edition, with plates and woodcuts. 8vo, 21a . . . London, 1844 MARTINGALE’S Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. 8vo, woodcuts, sq. 8vo, 21s. London, 1840 NIMROD, (C. AppBrly.) Hunting Reminiscences, comprising memoirs of Masters of Hounds ; Notices of the Crack Riders ; and characteristics of the Hunting Counties of England. 1 vol. 8vo, plates London. Life of a Sportsman. 1 vol. 8vo, with 36 finely coloured plates, by Aiken. “ The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. 2d edn., illust. 8vo, 9a. fid. . London, 1843 LLOYD, (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 16a. “ See Hone’s Every Day Book, &c. STARS.] 310 [steam, etc. STARS.—(Catalogues of,) see p. 57. BRITISH ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS. LALANDE. A Catalogue of 47,390 Stars, for the beginning of the year 1800, from the Observations of Lalande, in the Histoire Celeste Franraise. Reduced under the super- intendence of F. Baily. 21s. . . London, 1847 LACAILLE, (Abbe d£.) A Catalogue of 9,766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere for the beginning of the Year 1750, from Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope in the Years 1751-1752. Reduced under the superintendence of the late Professor Henderson, and printed under the direction of the late F. Baily. With a Preface by Sir J. F. W. Herschell. 5s London, 1847 BAILY, (F.) Catalogue of Stars ; containing the Mean Right Ascensions and North Polar Distances of 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to January 1, 1850: together with their Annual Precessions, Secular Variations, and Proper Motions, as well a3 the Logarithmic Constants for Computing Precession, Aberration, and Nutation: with a Preface Explanatory of their Construction and Application, imp. 8vo, 63*. . . . . London, 1845 STARS.—(Maps of,) seepage 56. STATICS.—(See page 218.) POINSOT. Elements of Statics. Translated from the French, with Notes, &c., by T. Sutton. 8vo, 21s. • . . . Ijondon, 1847 STATISTICS. MACGREGOR. Commercial Statistics: being a digest of the Productive Resources, Com- mercial Legislation, Customs, Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws, and Charges. Shipping, Imports, and Exports, and the Moneys, Weights, and Measures of all Nati ns ; including all British Commercial Treaties with Foreign States; compiled from authentic records, and consolidated with especial reference to British and Foreign Products, Trade, and Navigation. 3 vols. 8vo, 94s. 6d London. 1846^47 PORTER, (G. R.) The Progress of the Nation, in its various S cial and Economical Rela- tions from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Present time. 2dedn. 8vo, 24s. London, 1846 SPACEMAN, (W. F.) Statistical Tables of the Agriculture, Shipping, Colonies, Manu- factures, Commerce, and Population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its De- pendencies. Brought down to the Year 1843, Compiled from Official Returns. 12mo, 5s. London, 1843 NEUMANN, (C. F.) Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber Lander und Volkerkunde, und allge- meine Statistik. 8vo Munich, 1840 HALLOY, (D. d\) Notions Elementaires de Statisque. 8vo. . . Paris, 1840 See Statistical Journal. Companions to British Almanac. American Almanac. Macgregor’s Progress of America, etc. STEAM AND STEAM ENGINE. HODGE, (P. R.) The Steam Engine : its Origin and gradual Improve- ment, from the time of Hero to the present day, as adapted to Manufac- tures, Locomotion, and Navigation. Illustrated with 48 Plates in full detail, numerous woodcuts, &c. One volume folio of Plates, and letter- press in 8vo, $10. .... New-York, D. A. & Co. ARTI7.AN CLUB. Steam Engine. A Treatise on the Steam Engine, in its Application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, and Railways. By the Artizan Club. Edited by J. Bourne. 4to, illustrated by 30 plates and 349 engravings on wood, 27.?. London, 1846 RUSSELL, (J. S.) On the Nature, Properties, and Application of Steam, and on Steam Navigation. 8vo, 9s ' . . London, 1841 A Treatise on the Steam Engine. 8vo, plates, 9s. . . . . “ 1841 LARDNER, (Dr.) The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated ; with an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement (including a Life of Watt), and its Application to Navigation and Railways 7th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, numerous engravings, 12s. London, 1840 TREDGOLD on the Steam Engine and on Steam Navigation ; comprising an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, with an Investigation of its Principles, and the Proportions of its Parts for Efficiency and Strength ; detailing also its Application to Navigation, Mining, Impelling Machines, &c., and the Result in numerous Tables for Practical Use; with Notes, Corrections, and New Examples, relating to Locomotive and other Engines ; with the Appendices. In 4 vols. 4to, plates in folio, j£9. 9s. London, 1839 STENOGRAPHY.] 311 [surgery. STEAM AND STEAM ENGINE.—(Continued.) ALBAN, (E.) Tire High-Pressure Steam Engine investigated: an Investigation of its comparative Merits, and an Essay towards an Improved System of Construction, adapted especially to secure Safety and Economy in its use. Translated from the German, with Notes, by William Pole. Parts 1 and 2, with 6 plates, 8vo, 7s. . . London, 1847 PAMBOUR, (F. M. G.) The Theory of the Steam Engine. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s. Ijondon, 1842 GORDON, (W.) The Economy of the Marine Steam Engine ; with Suggestions for its Im- provement, ami Notes upon various subjects connected with Steam. 8vo, 6 plates, 10s. tW. London, 1845 FAREY, (J.) A Treatise on the Steam Engine, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to, woodcuts, and 25 cop|>erplates, j£5. 5s. London, 1827 REID, (H.) The Steam Engine: being a popular Description of the Mode of Action of that Engine, as applied to Raising Water, Machinery, Navigation, Railways, &e. ; with a Sketch of its History, and an Account of the Laws of Heat and Pneumatics. Illustrated by a number of wood engravings. 12mo, 38 woodcuts, 4s. 6d. . . London, 1840 WICKSTEED, (T.) Observations upon Cornish and Boulton and Watt Boilers and Pump- ing Engines ; with Tables of Detail and Results of Experiments. 4to, 6s. London, 1841 GALLOWAY ant HEBERT. History of the Steam Engine. 8vo, 18s. “ STUART, (R.) Historical and Descriptive Anecdotes of the Steam Engine. 2 vols. 18mo, 21s London, 1820 Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo “ 1824 THE ENGTJYEER and Machinist’s Assistant, being a Series of Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Steam Engines, Spinning Machines, Mills for Grinding, Tools, &c., taken from Machines of approved construction, etc. : with Descriptions. 2 vols. folio. Glasgow, 1847 STENOGRAPHY. LEWIS, (J. H.) An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Ste- nography. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1816 Contains an Examination of the various Systems of Short-Hand down to that date. GAWTRESS, (W.) Practical Introduction to Short-Hand. 12mo, 4s. London. TAYLOR, (S.) System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing. Improved by Harding. 8vo, 6s. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . London. HARDING, (W.) System of Short-Hand. 12mo, 3s. 6d. .... BRADLEY, (G.) Concise and Practical System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing; with a brief History of the Progress of the Art; illustrated by 16 engraved Lessons and Exercises. 12mo, 3s London, 1843 DAVIDSON, (J. B.) A New System of Short-Hand ; or, Stenography more easy of at- tainment and transcription, and one-third briefer than the most popular system extant. 12mo, 2s. Leeds, 1846 STORMS.—(See Meteorology* p. 247.) REDFIELD, (W. C.) Courses of Hurricanes. 8vo. New- York, 1838 See papers by this writer in SiLliman’s Journal, etc. REID, (Col. W.) An Attempt to develope the Law of Storms, etc. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 16s. Londony 1846 SUGAR. EVANS, (W. J.) The Sugar Planter’s Manual: being a Treatise on the Art of obtaining Sugar from the Sugar Cane. 8vo. . London, 1847 PORTER, (G. R.) The Tropical Agriculturist. 8vo, 21s. . . . “ 1833 The Nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane; with Practical Directions for the Im- provement of its Culture, and the Manufacture of its Products. 8vo, plates, 12s. J.ondon, 1843 SUMATRA. MARSDEN, (W.) History of Sumatra. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1811 ANDERSON, (J.) Acheen, and Ports on the Coasts of Sumatra. 8vo, 7s. 6d. LonSlon. Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823. 8vo, maps and plates, 16s. Lond., 1826 SURGERY.—(See Medicine, p. 219-242.) SURVEYING.] 312 [SWITZERLAND. SURVEYING. FROME, (Capt.) Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. 8vo, 12s. . . . . ' . . . . . . London. See Engineering, p. 128. Geodosy, p. 165. SWEDEN. I. TRAVELS, &c.—II. HISTORY.—III. LANGUAGE. TRAVELS, &c. MURRAY’S Handbook for Northern Europe—Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. 12mo, 12s. ...... London. POSSART, (Prof.) Handbuch fiir Reisende in Schweden. 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1841 LAING, (S.) A Tour in Sweden in 1838 ; comprising Observations on the Moral, Political, and Economical State of the Swedish Nation. 8vo, 12.?. . . . l.ondon, 1839 DAUMONT, (A.) Voyage en Suede. 2 vols. 8vo, et atlas in 4to. Paris, 1834 II. HISTORY. FORSELL, (C.) Statistik von Schweden, nach offentl. Documenten, mit Zusiitzen, u. Nachtragen. 8vo, 5s. Gd. Lubeck, 1846 MOLESWORTI1, (Ld.) Account of Denmark in 1692, and Sweden, 1688. 4th ed. 8vo. J.ondon, 1738 FRYXELL. The History of Sweden. Translated from the original of Anders Fryxell. . Edited by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s iMndon, 1844 GEIJER, (E. G.) Geschichte Schwedens, aus d. Schwed. von Leffler. vols. 1, 2, 3, (1654), Svo. Hamb., 1832-36 History of the Swedes. From the Swedish, with Introduction, &c., by J. H. Turner. vol. 1. London. HOLLINGS, (J. F.) Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 12mo, 3s. 6rf. . . London, 1838 VOLTAIRE. Histoirede Charles XII., roide Suede. 12mo, /.I 75. . . Pans, 1829 LEMOINE, (L.) Abrdgd de l’Hisloire de Suede. 2 vols. 8vo, /.14. . . “ 1843 SCHMIDT, (F.) La Su6de sous Charles XlV.-Jean, trad, de l’allemand. 2e ed. 8vo,/.6. Paris, 1845 SARRANS, (Jeune.) Histoire de Bernadotte, Charles XVI.-Jean, roi de Suede et de Nor- wege. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1845 See MacGregor’s Commercial Statistics. L’Univers Pittoresque. Conger’s Mo- dern Traveller. Coxe’s Travels. Dr. Clarke’s Travels. Bremner’s Excursions, &c. III. LANGUAGE, &c. DIKTR1CH, (W.) Ausfuhrliche Schwedische Grammatik nebst Literatur-geschichte u. Chrestomathie. 8vo, 8s Stockholm, 1840 Kurze Schwedische Sprachlehre nebst Gesprachen. 8vo, 8s. . “ 1844 PARLEUR. Swedish, English, German, and French Dialogues. 12mo, 4s. “ 1845 DICTIOXjYA IRF. de poche. Suedois et francais. 16mo, 4s. . . Leipzig, 1845 Swedish and German. 16mo, 4s “ “ SAHLSTEDT, (A.) Grammaire Swedoise. 12mo Paris, 1823 ATTERBOM, (P. A.) Svenska Siare och Skalder. 2 vols. 8vo, ]6s. . XJpsala, 1843 SVF.KSKA Folkbocker. Sagor, legender och iifventyr, uitg. af P. O. Backstriim. Svo, vol. 1, 8s.. Stockholm, 1845 TEGNER, (E.) Fritjofsaga. 8vo, 8s. 6d. . ‘ “ 1840 I. GEOGRAPHY, &c.—II. HISTORY. SWITZERLAND. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. MURRAY’S Hand Book for Switzerland, the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. sm. 8vo, map, 10s. . i ..... London. LAING, (S.) Notes of a Traveller in France, Prussia, &c. 8vo,16s. . “ 1834 INGLIS, (II. D.) Switzerland, the South of France, &c. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . “ 1838 Tyrol, with a glance at Bavaria, sm. 8vo, 12s • “ 1837 AGASSIZ, (L.) Journey to, and Pedestrian Tours in Switzerland. 8vo. . “ 1833 LUTZ, (M ) Geogr. Statist. Handlexicon der Schweitz. 2 vols. 8vo. . Jlrau, 1822 SWITZERLAND.] 313 [taxidermy. II. HISTORY. THE HISTORY of Switzerland. 1 vol. 12mo, 6s. . London, 1832 (Lardner’s Cyclopedia.) VIEUSSEUX, (A.) The History of Switzerland. 8vo, 7a. 6d. . “ 1840 ZSCHOKKE, (J. H.) Popular History of Switzerland. Translated from the German. 12mo. : . . London, 1834 MULLER, (J. von.) Geschichte der Schweitzerischen Eidgenossenschaft. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1826 GELZER, (Dr. H.) Die zwei ersten, und die drei letzsten Jahrhumlerte der Schweizer geschichte. 3 vols. 8vo . Basel und Aarau, 1838-40 MEYER von KNONAU, (L.) Handbuch der Geschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenos- senschaft. 2 vols. 8vo Zurich, 1826-29 TILL1ER, (A. de.) Histoire de la Republique Helvetiqne, depuis sa fondation en 1798, jusqu’k sa dissolution en 1803. Trad, de 1’ Allemand par Cramer. 2 vols. 8vo, 14a. Geneve, 1846 SYRIA.—(See Theology.) SYRIAC LANGUAGE,—(See Armenian, p. 29.) TAMUL LANGUAGE. ANDERSON. Tamul Grammar, with an Introduction to Shen Tamul. 4to, 18s. ......... London, 1821 BAB1NGTON. Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language, termed Shen Tamil. 4 to, 18a. ........... Madras, 1822 RHENIUS. Grammar of the Tamil. 8vo, 21a “ 1836 ROTTLER. Dictionary of the Tamul and English Languages. Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2. 4to, 36a. TARTAR LANGUAGES. TARTAR. RfeMUSAT, (A.) Recherches sur les langues tartares, ou memoires sur differents points de la grammaire et de la literature des Mandchous, des Mongols, des Ouigours et des Tibetains. Vol. 1, 4to. . Paris, 1820 SCHOTT, ( ) Versnch iiber die Tartarischen Sprachen. 4to. . . Berlin, 1836 XYLANDER, (J.) Das Sprachgeschlecht der Titanen. 8vo, 10a. 6<1. . Frank/., 1837 TROYANSKI, (A.) Dictionnaire tartare et russe. 2 vols. 4to. . St. Petersburgh, 1814 TARTAR.—MONGOLIAN.—MANDCHOU. MONGOLIAN. SCHMIDT, (J. J.) Grammatik der mongolishen Sprache. 4to, 12s. “ 1831 Mongoliscb-Dentsch-Russ. Wiirterbuch. 4to, 50a. ... “ 1835 Grammatik d. Tibetan Sprache. 4to, 17a. 6d. . . . . “ 1839 Tibetan-deutsch Worterbuch. 4to, 40a. “ 1841 MANDCHOU. LANGLES, (L.) Alphabet Mantchou, rediges d’apres le Syllabaire et le Dictionnaire Uni- versel de cette Langue. 8vo, 10a Paris, 1807 KLAPROTH. Chrestomathie Mandehou, on Recueil de Textes Mandchoa. 8vo, 26a. Paris, 1828 GABELENTZ, (H. C. de la.) Elements de la grammaire Mandchoue. 8vo. Altenboung, 1832 AMYOT, (M.) Dictionnaire tartare-mantchou-francois ; rddigd et publid avec des addi- tions et 1’alphabet de cette langue, par L. Langles. 3 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1789 TAXIDERMY. BROWN, T.) The Taxidermist’s Manual; or, the Art of Collect- ing, Preparing, and Preserving Objects of Natural History. 7th edn. 18ino, 3s. 6d London, 1846 TECHNOLOGY.] 314 [TEXAS. TAXIDERMY.—(Continued.) SWAINSON, (W.) Taxidermy: with the Biography of Zoologists, and Notices of their Works. 12mo, 6s. • < London, 1840 LEE, (Mrs.) Taxidermy ; or, the Art of Collecting, Preparing, and Mounting Objects of Natural History. For the Use of Museums and Travellers. 6th edn., corrected, im- proved, and modernized. 12mo, 7s. ... . . . London, 1843 WATERTON, (C.) Essays on Natural History. 12mo, 8s, . . “ 1838 TECHNOLOGY.—(See Arts and Manufactures.) BUCHANAN, (W.) A Technological Dictionary, explaining the terms of the Arts, Sciences, Literature, Professions, and Trades. ISmo, Is. London, 1846 DJCTIONNJlIRE TECHNO LOGIQUE, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire universel des arts et Metiers, et de l’economie industrielie et commerciale; par une societe de savants et d’artistes. 22 vols. 8vo, et 4lo, planches, /.270. Paris. Le meme, abrege. 6 vols. 8vo, et 60 planches. /.54 “ PRECHTL, (J. J.) Technologisehe Encyclopiidie. Vols. 1-14, (A.—Sei). 8vo, and folio plates Stuttg., 18- 1846 TELINGA LANGUAGE. CAMPBELL. Grammar of the Teloogoo Language. 4to, 2ls. Madras, 1820 Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language. 4to, 63s. “ 1821 MORRIS. English and Teloogo Dictionary. Vol. 1. 4to, 42s. . . “ 1835 Teloogoo Selections, with Translations and a Grammatical Analysis, &c. folio, 21s. Madras, 1823 TEUTONIC LANGUAGES. BOS WORTH, (J.) The Origin of the Germanic and Scandinavian lan- guages and nations. 8vo. London, 1836 PISCHON, (F. A.) Denkmkler der deutschen Sprache von den friihesten Zeiten bis jetzt. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1838-41 MEID1NGER, (H.) Dictionnaire (itymologique et comparatif des langues teutogothiques. 8vo. Frankf., 1833 HOFFMANN, (H.) Althochdentsche Glossen, oder Sammlung nebst einer litter. Ueber- sicht althoch. und altsachs. Glossen. 4to Berlin, 1836 GRAFF, (E. G.) Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, oder WOrterbuch der althoehdeutschen Sprache. 4to, vols. 1-5 Berlin, 1834-42 ZIEMANN, (A.) Allgemeines mittelhochdeutsches HandwOrterbuch zum 'Verstiindniss der Scliriftwerks von X. bie XVen jahrhundert. 8vo. . . Quedlingb., 1837 GRIMM, (J.) Deutsche Grammatik. Vols. 1-4. 8vo, 43s. . . . Gotting. Grammatik der hochdeutschen Sprache unserer Zeit, bearb. von Eiselein. 8vo, 5s. Constanz, 1843 iiber deutsche Runen. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Ootting, 1821 die deutsche Heidensage. 8vo, 8s “ 1829 See Prichard’s Physical History of Mankind. Bosworth’s Anglo-Saxon Dic- tionary, etc. TEXAS. KENNEDY, (W.) The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. 2 vols. 8vo, with maps and charts, 30s. . London, 1841 MAILLARD, (N. D.) The History of the .Republic of Texas, from the Discovery of the Country to the Present Time ; and the Cause of her Separation from the Republic of Mexico. 8 vo, 15s. London, 1812 KENDALL, (G. W.) Narrative of an Expedition across the Great Western Prairies from Texas to Santa Fe ; with an Account of the Disasters which befel the Expediti n, from Want of Food and the Attacks of Hostile Indians, the Final Capture of the Texans, and their Sufferings on a March of Two Thousand Miles as Prisoners of War, and in the Prisons and Lazarettos of Mexico. 2 vols. plates and map, 12s. . New-York, 1845 FOOTE, (Genl. II. S.) Texas and the Texans. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Philad. GREEN. Journal of the Texan Expedition against Mier. 8vo, plates. . New-York. THEOLOGY.] 315 [theology. THEOLOGY. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. HODGSON, (R.) Lectures on the First Seventeen Chaprers of the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo, 12s. London, 1845 BENNETT, (J.) Lectures on the Acts. 8vo, 7s. 6d. .... “ 1846 BURTON, (Ed. D.D.) An Attempt to Ascertain the Chronology of the Acts of the Apos- tles and of St. Paul’s Epistles. 8vo London, 1830 BISCOE, (R.) The History of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, confirmed from other Au- thors, &c. 8vo Oxford, 1829 BENSON, (G.) History of the First Planting of Christianity ; taken from the Acts of the Apostles. 3 vols. 4to, 18s London, 1756 BREWSTER, (J.) Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo, 14s. . “ SUMNER, (Bp.) Practical Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo and 12mo, 9s. London, 1838 MASKEW, (T. R.) Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles, Original and Selected. 2d edn. ]2mo, 5s. ........... Cambridge. BLOOMFIELD. (C. J.) Twelve Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. To which is added, a New Edition of Five Lectures on the Gospel of St. John. 3d edn. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1838 KUINOEL, (C. T.) Comment, in Acta Apostolornm. 8vo. . . . Lips., 1827 See Pearson’s Minor Theological Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1844. Barnes’ Notes, etc. ADULTERY. TEBBS, (H. V.) Essay on the Scripture Doctrine of Adultery and Divorce, and on the Criminal Character and Punishment of Adulterers. 8vo, 7s. . . London, 1822 ADVENT. AVR1LLON. Guide for Passing Advent Holily, in which is found for each day a Practice, Meditation, Thoughts upon portions of Holy Scripture, for the Seasons ; Sentences from the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers, and one Point in the Incarnation. Translated from the French by Dr. Pusey. 12mo, 6s London, 1844 HOOK, (W. F.) Short Meditations. Part 1. Advent to Lent. 12mo, 6s. “ 1846 AMERICA, CHURCH IN. WILBERFOBCE, (S.) A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. ]2mo, map, Os. London, 1844 HAWKINS, lE.) Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England in the North American Colonies, previous to the Independence of the United States : chiefly from the MS. Documents of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 8vo 9s. London, 1845 WHITE, (Bp.) Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States from its organization up to the present time. 2d ed. 8vo, $1 50. .... New-York. ANGLO-SAXON CHURCH. SOAMES, (H.) The Anglo-Saxon Church, its History, Revenues, and General Character. 3d ed. 8vo, 10s. 04 London. LINGARD, (J.) History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church ; containing an Ac- count of it’s Origin, Government, Doctrines, Worship, Revenues, and Clerical and Monas- tic Institutions. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . - . • • • London, 184.) ANTHEMS.—(See Choral Service.) 1. Words of. MARSHALL, (W.) A Collection of Anthems. 12mo, 2s. 6d. . . Oxford, 1843 CALVERT, (J.) A Collection of Anthems. 8vo London, 1844 THEOLOGY.] 316 [theology. ANTHEMS.—( Continued.) 2. Music of. .d NT HEMS JlNI) SKR VICES for Church Choirs, vol. 1, sm. 4to, 21s. London, 1847 Published monthly, in numbers varying in price from 6d. to Is. 6d. each. The work consists of reprints of standard English Music, and of some of the finest com- positions of foreign authors, carefully adapted to English words by Messrs. Ingram, Moxley, Gauntlett, Cooper, Spencer, and other professional musicians. Instrumental Accompaniments are added to all the Pieces, and are recommended as Or- gan Voluntaries. The object of the present publication is to supply a desideratum created by the taste for Choral Music now so generally revived. It is intended to consist chiefly of reprints of standard English Anthems, and of adaptations of foreign Music ; with a few speci- mens by living Composers. The compositions will vary as to structure, length, num- ber of vocal parts. &c., in order that Church Choirs of different degrees of proficiency may find their wants provided for; but the general character of the whole will be uniform, and will present that combination of solidity and beauty which marks the style of our greatest composers, and which, by general consent, has been denominated “the Church style.” The work is closely but clearly printed, in 4to, from a new type ; the Music is in full score ; and the price of the numbers varies from sixpence upwards. It is published at a very cheap rate, in order that Choirs may be enabled to procure a supply of suitable Music in score, thus avoiding the trouble and inconvenience of MS. voice parts. The words will, in all cases, be taken from Holy Scripture or the Book of Common Prayer. PAGE, (J.) Ilarmonia Sacra : a Collection of Anthems in Score, from the most Eminent Composers of the With XVlIth, and XVIIIth Centuries. 3 vols. fol., £4. 4s. London. THE PEOPLE’S MUSIC BOOK: edited by Ja’s Turle and Edw’d Taylor. Part 2d. Comprising Anthems by the most Eminent English Composers, from the Period of the Re- formation to the Present Time ; Hymns, Anthems, Motetts, and Sacred Songs, selected from the Works of celebrated Italian and German Composers, and adapted to English Words, with Organ Accompaniment. 8vo. I.ondon, 1844 See Publications of the Motett Society. Boyce’s Cathedral Music. Purcell’s Cathedral Music, etc. ANTICHRIST. TODD, (J. H.) Six Discourses on the Prophecies relating to Antichrist in the Apocalypse of St. John, preached before the University of Dublin, at the Donnellan Lecture. 8vo, 10s. 6d Dublin, 1846 See DodswoRTh’s Advent Lectures, 1837. ANTIQUITIES. Bibliography WINER. Handb. der Theologischen Literatnr. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1838 1. Christian. RIDDLE, (J. E.) A Manual of Christian Antiquities: an Account of the Constitution, Ministers, Worship, Discipline. and Customs of the Early Church ; with a complete Anal- ysis of the Works of the Antenieene Fathers, new ed. 8vo, 18s. . . . I.ondon. BATES, (W.) College Lectures on Christian Antiquities, and the Ritual of the English Church ; with selections from the Ancient Canons, and the Cambridge, Dublin, and Dur- ham University Examination Papers. 8vo, 9s I.ondon, 1845 BINGHAM, (J.) Origines Ecclesiastica-: the Antiquities of the Christian Church ; with two Sermons and two Letters on the Nature and Necessity of Absolution. Reprinted from the original edition, 1708-1722, with an enlarged Analytical Index. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, 31s. Ixmdon, 1845 See Augusti, Handb. d. Christl. Arehiiologie. 3 vols. 8v . London, 1843 CROLY, (Geo.) Apocalyse of St. John, or Prophecy of the Rise, Progress, and Fall of the Church of Rome, the Inquisition, &c. 3d edn. 8vo, 8s. . . London, 1827 BURGH, (W.) An Exposition of the Book of Revelation. 4th edition, revised and en- larged, with an Appendix of Notes. I2mo, 7s London, 1845 SWEDENBORG, (E.) The Apocalypse Explained. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, and Index. 12s. . London. Apocalypse Revealed. 2 vols. 8vo, and Index. 21s. . . . “ CLISSOLD, (Auq.) A Review of the Principles of Apocalyptical Interpretation. Vols. 1-2—. ............ London, 1845 LUCRE, (G. C. F’.) Commentar iiber die Schriften des Evangelisten Johannis. 4 vols. 8vo, £2. 2s Bonn, 1832-1840 See BrsH on the Millenium. 12mo, JV*. Y.,1832. Stuart on the Apocalypse. 2 vols. 8vo, 1845. Ewald’s Commentar. in Apocalvpsin Johannis. Mede’s Clavis Apocalyptica, transl. 12mo, London, 1831. R. Bransby Cooper’s translation. 8vo, London, 1833. Todd’s Lectures on Antichrist. Cyclo. of Bible Literature. APOCRYPHA. CODEX APOCRVPHUS N. T. e Libris editis et MSS. collectus, Notisque et Prolegom. illustr. Opera. J. C. Thilo. Vol. 1-, 8vo • Lipsito, 1832 GORHAM, (G. C.) On the Impropriety of Circulating the Apocryphal Books indiscrimi- nately intermingled with the Inspired Writings. 8vo, 2s. (>d. . . London, 1825 MAITLAND, (S. R.) Prophetic Records of Daniel and St. John. 8vo, 3s. “ ARIANS. ATHANASIUS, (St.) Select Treatises against the Arians. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. . Oxon. (Library of the Fathers.) NEWMAN, (J. H.) The Arians of the Fourth Century. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . London. ARMINIANISM. NICHOLS, (J.) Calvinism and Arminianism Compared. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1824 ARTICLES OF FAITH. BTJRNET, (Bp.) Exposition of the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England, with Notes, &c., by J. R. Page. With an Appendix, containing the Augsburgh Confession, Creed of Pope Pius IV., &c. 8vo. . . . - . JVeio- York, D. A. & Co., 1845 WILSON, (W.) The XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England, illustrated by Extracts from the Liturgy, Nowell’s Catechism, Jewell’s Apology, the Homilies, &c. 8vo. Oxford, 1840 DIMOCK, (J. F.) The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, explained, proved, and compared with her other authorized Formularies, the Homilies and Liturgy, in a plain and popular manner. 2 vols. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . • , ■ ■ • ■ London, 1845 BEVERIDGE, (W.) The Doctrine of the Church of England Consonant to Scripture, Reason, and Fathers. 2d edn. 8s. Oxford, 1846 CARDWELL, (E.) Synodalia : A Collection of Articles of Religion, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. Oxon. FORMULARIES of Faith put forth by Authority during the Reign of Henry VIII. 8vo, 7s. Oxon. ATHANASIAN CREED. RADCLIFF, (J.) The Confession of onr Christian Faith, commonly called the Creed of St. Athanasius, illustrated from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, by Paral- lel Passages from the Greek and Latin Writers of the first Five Centuries, and the Apos- tles’ and Nicene Creeds. 8vo, 14s. London, 1844 See Waterland’s (Dr.) Works. Critical History of the Athanasian Creed. THEOLOGY.] 318 [THEOLOGY. ATONEMENT. MAGEE, (Abp.) Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice : and on the principal Arguments advanced, and the Mode of Reasoning employed, by the opponents of those Doctrines, as held by the Established Church. 3 vols. 8vo, 34s. 6d London. SYMINGTON, (W.) Atonement, &c., of Jesus Christ. 8vo, 6s. 6d. . ATTRIBUTES. CHARNOCK, (S.) Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1845 BAPTISM. WALL, (Rev. W.) History of Infant Baptism. 2d edn., edited by Dr. Cotton, with Mr. Gale’s Reflections and Dr. Wall’s Defence. 4 vols. 8vo, 32s. . . Oxford. 1844 FALLOW, (Rev. T. M.) The Order of Baptism, both public and private, according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . London, 1838 OGILBY, (J. D.) Outline of the Argument against the Validity of Lay Baptism. 12mo. New-York, 1843 LAURENCE, (R.) Lay Baptism Invalid: to which is added Dissenters’ Baptism Null and Void. 12mo. London, 1841 JERRAM, (C.) Conversations on Infant Baptism. 18mo. . . . New York. BOOTH, (A.) IVdo-Baptism Examined, with replies to the Arguments and Objections of Dr. Edward Williams and Mr. Peter Edwards. 3 vols. 8vo, 21s. . London, 1829 BETHEL, (Bp.) View of Regeneration in Baptism. 8vo, 9s. . . “ See also Robinson’s History of Baptism. Wateri.and’s Works, vols. 9 and 10. Laurence’s ‘ The Doctrine of the Church,’ &c. Budd on Infant Baptism. Halley on the Sacraments. Part 1, Baptism. 8vo. London, 1844. Beve- ridge’s Lectures on the Church. BIBLES, (with Commentaries.) D’OYLEY & MANT The Holy Bible, according to the Authorized Version : with Notes, explanatory and practical, taken principally from the most eminent writers of the United Church of England and Ireland ; together with appropriate Introductions, Tables, Indexes, and Maps. Under the Direction of the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge. For the Use of Families. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, 38s. . . . London, 1845 SCOTT, (T.) The Holy Bible: with Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations, Refer- ences, and Ten Maps. 6 vols. 4to, jC6. 6s. London, 1841 The same Work, without References. A new edition, edited by the Rev. Josiali Pratt,B.D., with 84 illustrative engravings, consisting of Maps, Costumes, and more than 60 authentic Views of the most important places mentioned in the Sacred History. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, 63s. London, 1840 The Same Work, with the Practical Observations only. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. “ HENRY, (M.) An Exposition of the Old and New Testament: wherein each Chapter is summed up in its Contents ; the Sacred Text inserted at large, in distinct paragraphs ; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads; the sense given and largely illustrated ; with Prac- tical Remarks and Observations. 6 vols. 4to, j£6. 6s Jx>ndon, 1839 TOWNSEND, (G.) The Holy Bible, arranged in Historical and Chronological order, in such manner that the Books, Chapters, &c. &c. may be read as one connected History, in the very Words of the Authorized Translation : with copious Notes, Indexes, and Margi- nal References. New edition, 4 vols. 8vo, 66s London, 1836 The Old and New Testaments are sold separately ; and the Bible, without the Annota- tions, may be had, in a single volume. 24s. ..... London, 1834 Scriptural Communion with God, or the Holy Bible arranged in Historical and Chrono- logical Order, in the Words of the Authorized Translation, etc. Vol. 1-, 8vo, 20s. London, 1845 THE PICTORI.fiI, BIBLE; being the Old and New Testaments, according to the authorized Version, illustrated with many hundred woodcuts: with Original Notes, chiefly explanatory of the engravings, and of such Passages connected with the History, Geogra- phy, Natural History, and Antiquities of the Sacred Scriptures as require observation. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, 60s London, 1836-38 THE ILLUSTRATED Commentary on the Bible. Chiefly explanatory of the Manners and Customs mentioned in the Old and New Testaments ; and also of the History. Geo- graphy, Natural History, and Antiquities; being a republication of the Notes of the “ Pictorial Bible,” of a size which will range with the authorized editions of the Sacred Text. 5 vols. 8vo, 37s. 6d London, 1840 GIRDLESTONE, (C.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: with a Commentary, arranged in Lectures, for the Use of Familes. 6 vols. 8vo, j£5. 8s. London, 1842 THEOLOGY.] 319 [theology BIBLES, with Commentaries.—(Continued.) CLARKE, (A.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; the Text carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized Translation, in- cluding the Marginal Readings anu Parallel Texts : with a Commentary and Critical Notes, designed as a help to a better understanding of the Sacred Writings. New edition, with the Author’s final corrections. 6 vols. imp. 8vo, j£6. 9s. 6d. ; 4to, £9. 15s. bds. London, 1841 New Testament, separate, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, 48s. ; 4to, 75s. See also Patrick, Lowth &. Whitby’s Commentary, and Commentaries of Luther, Calvin, Beza, Hammond, Grotius, Poole, Le Clerc, Calmet, Rosenmueller, Olshausen, Tiioluck, L. de Dieu, Maurer, Bede’s Works. Bp. Hall’s Contemplations. Gill’s Exposition. Holden’ Christian Exposi- tor, &c. BIBLE.—(History of the Translations of.) ANDERSON, (C.) Annals of the English Bible, from 1524 to 1844. 2 vols. 8vo, with Portrait of Tyndale, and fac-similes of the early New Testaments. 28a. . London, 1845 “This is the most copious Historical Work on the successive translations of the Eng- lish Bible ever printed. The List of Bibles and New Testaments is very complete.”— Home. MARSH, (Bp.) A History of the Translations which have been made of the Scriptures, from the earliest to the present age, throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 8vo. London, 1812 TODD, (H. J.) An Authentic Account of our Authorized Translation of the Bible. 8vo. London, 1835 LEWIS, (J.) A History of the Principal Translations of the Bible. 8vo. “ 1818 COTTON, (H.) A List of Editions of the Bible, and Parts thereof in English, from the Years MDV. to MDCCCXX. with an Appendix, etc. 8vo. . . . Oxon, 1821 BIBLICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. HORNE, (T. H.) Manual of Biblical Bibliography. 2d edn, 8vo. . London, 1846 (Appendix to the “ Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.) ORME, (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica: a select List of Books on Sacred Literature, with Notices. 8vo. Edinb., 1824 CLARKE, (A. & J. B. B.) A Concise View of the Succession of Sacred Literature in a Chronological Arrangement of Authors and their Works, from the Invention of the Alphabetical Characters to A. D. 1445. 2 vols. 8vo, 14s. . . London, 1831-32 PETTIGREW, (T. J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiaua. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. “ 1827-40 TOWNLEY, (J.) Illustrations of Biblical Literature, exhibiting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings from the Earliest Period to the Present Century. 3 vols. 8vo, 42a. London, 1821 DOWLING, (J. G.) Introduction to the Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, 12a. London, 1838 FL'HRMANN, (W. D.) Handbuch der theologischen Literatur, oder Anleitung zur theo- log. Biicherkenntniss. 3 vols. 8vo Leipzig, 1818-21 BIBLIOTHECA 7'HEOLOOICA oder Verzeichniss aller brauchbaren, in iilterer und neuerer Zeit. bis zum Schluss des Jahres, 1834, in Deutschland erscheinenen Werke iiber alle Theile der wissenschaftlichen und praktischen, besonders protestantischen Theologie. 8vo Stutg., 1839 See Lowndes’ British Librarian. Townley’s Introd. to Bib. Literature. 12mo. Bp. Marsh’s Lectures, etc. Nodier, Bibliotheque Sacree Grecque-Latine. 8vo, 1826, etc. BIBLICAL CABINET, THE ; Or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library: consisting of Trans- lations of the most Valuable and Interesting Works of German, and other Continental Divines, in so far as they are connected with Biblical Litera- ture. . ' Vo la. 1 & 4. Ernesti on the Interpretation of the New Testament. 2 vols. 12a. 2, & & 37. Philological Tracts, illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. 3 vols. 18a. 3 & 18. Tittmann’s Greek Synopsis of the New Testament. 2 vols. 12a. 5 & 12. Tholuck’s Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. 2 vote. 12a. 6 & 20. Tholuck’s Exposition of Christ’s Sermon on the Mounft. 2 vols. 12a. 7. Planck’s Introduction to Sacred Philology. 6a. 8 & 25. Parean on the Interpretation of the Old Testament. 2 vols. 12a. 10. Stuart’s Greek Syntax of New Testament. 6a. 11, 17, 34. Rosenmiiller’s Biblical Geography. 3 vols. 18a. THEOLOGY.] 320 [theology. BIBLICAL CABINET.—(Continued.) 13 & 14. Steiger’s Exposition of the 1st Epistle of St. Peter. 2 vols. 12s. 15. Lucke’s Exposition of the Three Epistles of St. John. 6s. 16 & 19. Umbreit’s Exposition of the Book of Job. 2 vols. 12s. 21 & 23. Billroth’s Exposition of the Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. 2 vols. 12s. 22. Krummacher’s Life and Character of Cornelius the Centurion, and of St. John the Evangelist. 6s. (These may be had separately : Cornelius, 4s. ; St. John, 3s.) 24. Witsius’ Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer. 7s. 26. Clavis Svmbolica ; a Key to the Symbolical Language of Scripture, from Daubuz, Ewaldus, Vitringa, &c. By Thomas Wemyss, Author of Biblical Gleanings. 7s. 6d. ‘HI. Rosenmiiller’s Biblical Botany and Mineralogy. 6s. 28. Tholuck’s Sermons, and Life and Character of St. Paul. Nature and Moral Influ- ence of Heathenism, &c. 6s. 29. Lisco’s Exposition of Christ’s Parables. 7s. 30. Calvin on Epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians. 6s. 31. Gess on the Revelation of God in his Word. 5s. 32. Rosenmiiiler on the Messianic Psalms. 7s, 6d. 33. Couard’s Sermons on the Life of the Early Christians. 5s. 35 & 36. Neander’s History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church. 2 vols. 14s. 38 & 39. Tholuck on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 12s. 40. Calvin and Storr on the Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and Colossians. 7s. 41 & 42. Semisch’s Life, Times, and Writings of Justin Martyr. 2 vols. 15s. 43. Rohr’s Historico-Geographical Account of Palestine. Researches in Palestine by Smith and Walcott in 1841. 6s. 44 & 45. Tittmann cn the Gospel of St. John. 2 vols. 15s. 46. Hengstenberg. The Books of Moses illustrated by the Monuments of Egypt. 8vo, 7s. 6d. 47. Hengstenberg on the Psalms. 2 vols. 15s. BIOGRAPHY. IIOOK, (W. F.) Ecclesiastical Biography ; containing the Lives of the Ancient Fathers and Modern Divines, &c. vols. 1, 2, 3, 12mo London, 1846 WORDSWORTH, (C.) Ecclesiastical Biography; or, the Lives of Eminent Men con- nected with the History of Religion in England, from the commencement of the Reforma- tion to the Revolution. Selected, and illustrated with Notes, by the Rev. C. Wordsworth, D. D. 3d ed. 4 vols. 8vo, 63s London, 1839 CATECHISM. NICHOLSON, (Bp.) An Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England. 2d ed. 8vo, 6s. (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Oxford, 1844 BEVERIDGE, (Bp.) Church Catechism Explained. 12mo, 2s. 6d. . . London. NIXON (F. R.) Lectures, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical, on the Catechism of the Church of England. 3d ed. 8vo, 18s. London, 1847 HAMMOND, (II.) A Practical Catechism, lfith ed. 8vo. . . . Oxon., 1847 (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) FITZGERALD, (A. D.) Short Lectures on the Church Catechism. 12mo, 6s. London. JAMES, (J.) A Comment on the Church Catechism and occasional Offices, or the Mother’s Help. 12mo London, 1842 SECKER, (Abp.) Lectures on the Church Catechism. 12mo, 75c. . . JY. Y. BEAVEN. A Help to Catechising, revised by H. Anthon, D. D. I8mo. JY. r., D. A. & Co. Bp. BURNET’S Exposition of the Church Catechism. 8vo. CATHOLIC FAITH. BERINGTON and KIRK. Faith of Catholics on certain Points of Controversy, confirm- ed by Scripture, and attested by the Fathers of the First Five Centuries of the Church. Compiled by the Rev. Jos. Berington and the Rev. J. Kirk. 3d edition, revised and greatly enlarged, by the Rev. James Waterworth. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. London, 1845-6 THEOLOGY.] 321 [THEOLOGY CHANTS.—(Choral Service.) CATHEDRAL CHANTS of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Selected from the Books of the various Cathedrals and Collegiate Establishments, and arranged with a separate Accompaniment for the Organ. Edited by Edw’d F. Rimbault, LL. B. 4to, 15s. London, 1844 ACLAND, (T. G.) Chanting Simplified, in an arrangement of the Canticles, &c., of the Church : for those who are unskilled in Music. 12mo. . . . London, 1843 GREGORIAN and other Ecclesiastical Chants, adapted to the Psalter and Canticles, as pointed to be sung in Churches, to which are added the Versicles and Responses from Tallis’ Cathedral Service. 8vo, 3s . London, 1843 LOW, (E.) The Order of Chanting and Cathedral Service, with Notation of the Preces, Responses, Versicles, &c. Reprinted from the second edition, published at Oxford, in 1664. Edited by E. F. Rimbault. small 4to, 5s London, 1843 LAUDES DIURN/E. The Psalter and Canticles in the Morning and Evening Service of the Church of England : set and pointed to the Gregorian Tones, by R. Redhead. With a Preface on Chanting, by the Rev. F. Oakeley, M. A. 12mo, 4s. . London, 1843 CHORAL SERVICE. 1. Essays. BURGE, (W.) On the Choral Service of the Anglo-Catholic Church. 8vo. London, 1844 JEBB, (Rev. Jno.) The Choral Service of the United Church of England and Ireland ; being an Enquiry into the Liturgical System of the Cathedral and Collegiate Foundations of the Anglican Communion. 8vo, 12s. London, 1843 Three Lectures on the Cathedral Service of the Church of England. 2d ed. with ad- ditions, fcp. 8vo London, 1845 LATROBE, (J. A.) The Music of the Church considered in its various Branches, Congre- gational and Choral, etc. 8vo, 10s. Gd. London, 1831 2. Music. RIMBAULT, (Edw’d F.) A Collection of Cathedral Music, by the great English Masters. Consisting of Services and Anthems, selected from the Books of the different Cathedrals; from the Aldrich, the Tudway, the Fitzwilliam Manuscript Collections, and from the Li- brary in the Music School at Oxford. Printed in Score, with an Organ Accompaniment, and Biographical Notices of the Composers, vol. 1, fol., (50s. . . London, 1847 (Forms a Supplement to the Collections of Boyce and Arnold.) Dr. ARNOLD’S Collection of Cathedral Music; a new and superior edition, in Score, with a separate Accompaniment for the Organ. 3 vols. fol., .£10. 10s. . London. Dr. BOYCE’S Collection of Cathedral Music ; a new and superior edition, in Score, with separate Accompaniment for the Organ. 3 vols. fol London. THE BOOKE of Common Praier noted. By John Merbecke, as printed by Grafton, 1550. sm. 4to, 25s., bound. Pickering, London, 1844 This is a verbatim reprint, with the Musical Notes without any alteration whatever. Shewing what parts of the Service were chanted in the reign of Edward VI. RIMBAULT, (E. F.) The Order of the Daily Service, with the Musical Notation as used in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. Edited by Edw’d F. Rinibaull, LL. D. sm. 4to, 5s. . . London, 1844 TALLIS, (Tho’s.) The Order of the Daily Service of the United Church of England and Ireland, as arranged for Choirs, by Tho’s Tallis, A. D 1570. Edited, with an Historical Introduction by E. F. Rimbault. roy. 8vo. London, 1847 The Full Cathedral Service, as used on the Festivals and Saints’ Days of the Church of England. Newly edited by E. F. Rimbault, LL. D. sm. fol. 10s. 6d. London, 1846 HILL, (.1.) The Choral Service as used in the Parish Church of Leeds, at the Daily Prayer and Litany ; consisting of Chants, Versicles, and Responses, arranged for the Priest and Choir. 2d ed. 8vo, 3s J,eeds, 1845 JEBB, (Rev. Jno.) The Choral Responses and Litanies of the United Church of England and Ireland, collected from Authentic Sources, tin preparation.) SACRED MINSTRELSY: a Collection of the finest Sacred Music by the best Masters ; arranged as Solos, Duetts, Trios, &c., and Choruses; with Accompaniments for the Organ or Piano-Forte. 2 vols. fol., 42s London, 1834-36 THE PARISH CHOIR, or Church Music Book. vol. 1, 8vo, 3s. 6d. “ 1847 (Published monthly.) MOTETT SOCIETY, Publications of. Consisting of Services, Anthems, Motetts, &c., by English and Foreign Composers, vol. 1-, (six parts), 63s. . . . London. THEOLOGY.] 322 [theology. CHRISTIAN’S FAMILY LIBRARY (The). Edited by the Rev. E. Bickersteth. X. LUTHER and his Times. By Rev. J. Scott. Portrait, Vol. 1. 6s. 2. LIFE of the R6v. E. Payson. 5s. 3. LUTHER and his Times. By Rev. J. Scott. Vol. 2. 6s. 4. HARMONY of the Gospels. By Rev. E. Bickersteth. 5s. 5. CALVIN and his Times. By Rev. J. Scott. Portrait. 6s. 6. SELECTIONS from the Works of Ambrose Serle. 5s. 7. LIFE of the Rev. Legh Richmond. Portrait. 6s. 8. THOUGHTS of raschal and Adams. 5s. 9. TAYLOR’S Life of Cowper. Portrait. 6s. 10. PICTET’S Christian Theology. 6s. 11. DOMESTIC Portraiture. With Illustrations. 6s. 12. MEMOIRS of Claudius Buchanan, D. D. Portrait. 6s. 13. MILNER’S History of the Church of Christ: First Six Centuries. 6s. 14. LIFE of the Rev. David Brainerd. 5s. 15. THE ATTRIBUTES of God. From Charnock, Goodwin, &c. Edited by W. Wil- son, D. D. 5s. 16. REV. E. BICKERSTETH’S Scripture Help. Maps. 5s. 17. MEMOIRS of tile Rev. John Newton. With Engravings. 5s. 18. REV. E. BICKERSTETH’S Treatise on the Lord’s Supper. 5s. 19. TESTIMONY of the Reformers. Selected from Archbishop Cranmer, Jewell, Tyndal, fcc. 6s. 20. REV. E. BICKERSTETII’S Treatise on Prayer. 5s. 21. LIFE of the Rev. Thomas Scott. Portrait. 6s. 22 ELEMENTS of Prophetical Interpretation. By the Rev. J. W. Brooks. 6s. 23. LIFE of Augustus Herman Franke. Portrait. 5s. 24. THE ENGLISH Martyrology : from Foxe. Plates, Vol. I. 6s. 25. LUTHER’S Manual of the Book of Psalms. 5s. 26. THE ENGLISH Martyrology : from Foxe. Vol. 2. 6s. 27. THE CHRISTIAN Fathers of the First Two Centuries. 5s. 28. MEMOIRS of Mrs. Hannah More. Portrait. 6s. 29. CHRISTIAN Truth. By the Rev. E. Bickersteth. 6s. 30. REV. E. BICKERSTETH’S Book of Private Devotions. 5s. 31. ESSAYS on Romanism. By the Author of “ Essays on the Church.” 5s. 32. REV. E. BICKERSTETH’S Treatise on Baptism. 5s. 33. MEMOIRS of Miss Graham. By the Rev. C. Bridges. 6s. 34. ESSAYS on the Church, 1840. 5s. 35. THE CHRISTIAN Mourner. By Mrs. Drummond. 5s. 36. HISTORY of the Hebrew Nation. By Rev. J. W. Brooks. 6s. 37. FAMILY Prayers for Eight Weeks. By Rev. E. Bickersteth. 5s. 38. PRINCIPALITIES and Powers in Heavenly Places. By Charlotte Elizabeth. 5s. 39. LIFE of William Wilberforce, Esq., M. P. By his Sons. 6s. 40. THE PROMISED Glory of the Church. By Rev. E. Bickersteth. 5s. 41. THE FOUR Prophetic Empires. By the Rev. T. R. Birks. 6s. 42. THE HOLY Land. With Engravings. 6s. 43. THE LIFE of Isaac Milner, D. D. By his Niece. 6s. 44. THE LIFE of the Rev. Rowland Hill. By the Rev. E. Sidney. 6s. 45. THE LIFE of the Rev. Henry Martyn. 6s. 46. LETTERS of the Rev. Henry Martyn. With Plates. 6s. 47. CHURCH of Christ in the Middle Ages. 6s. CHRISTIANITY, History of. HINDS, (S.) The History of the Rise and Early Progress of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London. HOUGH, (J.) History of Christianity in India, from the commencement of the Christian Era. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s London, 1839-45 NEANDER, (A.) History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles. Transl. by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols. 12mo. . . . Edinburgh, 1842 (Biblical Cabinet.) THEOLOGY.] 323 [theology. CHRISTIANITY, History of.—(Continued.) MILMAN, (II. H.) The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Extinc- tion of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . London, 1841 TAYLOR, (W. C.) The History of Christianity ; from its promulgation to its legal estab- lishment in the Roman Empire. 12mo, 6s. ()d London, 1844 CHURTON, (E.) The Early English Church, edit, by Bp. Ives. 16mo. Mew-York, D. A. & Co. MILNER, (I.) The History of the Church of Christ. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. London, 1834 STUBBING, (H.) History of the Church of Christ from the Diet of Augsburgh, 153i), to the 18th Century. (Designed as a Continuation of Milner’s.) 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1843 The History of the Christian Church from its foundation to A. D. 1492. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. London, 1834 BURTON, (E.) History of the Christian Church from the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Conversion of Constantine. 4th edn. 12mo, 6s. 6d. , . . . London, 1840 CHRONOLOGY.—(See p. 101.) BROWNE, (II.) Ordo Sseculorum : a Treatise on the Chronology of the Holy Scriptures, and the Indications therein contained of a Divine Plan of Times and Seasons; together with an Appendix. 8vo, 20s. London, 1844 HALES, (W.) A New Analysis of Chronology. 4 vols. 8vo, 63s. , . “ 1830 See Companion to British Almanac, 1830. Cunninohame’s Fulness of the Times, Parts 1 and 2. Cunni.nghame’s Synopsis. Riddle’s Eccl. Chronology, etc. CHURCH DECORATION, &c. IJYSTRUJVEJYTA ECCLESIASTICAL: a series of working Designs for the Furniture, Fittings, and Decorations of Churches and their Precincts. Edited by the Ecclesiological (late Cambridge Camden) Society. 4to, 31s. 6d. .... London, 1847 PUGIN, (A. W.) Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, compiled and illus- trated from Ancient Authorities and Examples. With Extracts from the Works of Du- randus, Georgius, Bona, Catalani, &c., faithfully translated by the Rev. B. Smith. 2d edn. 4to, 73 illuminated plates, £1. 7s. . . . . . London, 1847 FRENCH, (G. J.) Practical Remarks on Some of the Minor Accessories to the Services of the Church, with Hints on the Preparation of Altar-Cloths, Pede-Cloths, and other Ecclesiastical Furniture. 18mo, 4s. Leeds, 1844 LAMBERT, (Miss.) Church Needlework; with Practical Remarks on its arrangement and preparation. 8vo, 9s. tid. London, 1844 COLLECTS. JAMES, (J.) A Comment upon the Collects. 10th edn. 12mo. . London, 1843 LEMPRIERE, (F. D.) Lectures on the Collects. 1st Series. 8vo, 12s. “ 1845 COLOSSIANS. WILSON, (Bp.) Expository Lectures on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians: in which the Apostle's Argument respecting the Errors on the subject of the Mediation of Christ prevailing at Colosse is applied to the present circumstances of our Protestant Church. 2d edn. 12mo, JYcw- York, D. A. & Co. GISBORNE, (T.) Familiar Exposition and Application of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians. 12mo, 3s. 6d. . . . - . . . . London, 1816 WATSON, (T.; Discourses, Practical and Experimental, on the Epistle to the Colossians. 8vo, 10s. 6d. • London, 1834 DAVENANT, (Bp.) An Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians. Transl. from the Latin, with Life, Notes, , by J. Allport. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831-32 See Daille’s Sermons on Colossians. Junker’s Cummentar. 8vo. Mannh., 1828. Bahr’s Commentar. Basle, 1833. Boehmer Isagoge in Ep. a Paulo ad Coloss, datam, &c. 8vo. Berol., 1829. COMMENTARIES.—(See Bibles.) CONCORDANCES, English. CRUDEN, (A.) A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 4to. London, 1844 The same. impl. 8vo. ........ Philadelphia, 1847 CRUDEN’S Concordance of the New Testament, abridged by W. Patton, and Memoir of the Author. 32mo, 50c JYew-York, D. A. & Co. KING, (D.) A new and Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures on the basis of Cruden’s. 8vo. ........... Glasgow, 1841 THEOLOGY.] 324 [theology. CONCORDANCES, O. T. ENGLISHMAN S (The) Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament; being an Attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Original and the English Translation : with Indexes, a List of the Proper Names, and their Occurrences, &c. 2 vols. sm. folio, 73s. 6d London, 1844 FUERST, (A. J.) Concordantiae libr. Vet. Test. Hebraicte atque Chaldaic®. folio, 84s. Leipzig, 1842 Concordantiae omnium vocum novi testamenti grseci, cura C. II. Bruder. 4to, 36s. Leipzig, 1833 NORDHEIMER, (I.) and TURNER, (W. W.) A Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Con- cordance to the O. Testament; comprising also a condensed Hebrew and English Lexi- con, with an Introduction and Appendices. Parti-. 4to. . . New. York, 1842 THE. HEBREW CONCORDANCE adapted to the English Bible; disposed after the method of Buxtorf, by Jno. Taylor. 2 vols. folio J.ondon, 1754-57 PICK. (A.) The Bible Student’s Concordance ; by which the English Reader may be enabled to ascertain the Literal Meaning of any Word in the Sacred Original, imp. 8vo, 35s. London, 1845 CONFERENCES. CARDWELL, (E.) History of Conferences, &c., connected with the revision of the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, 7s. 6d Oxon., 1841 CONVOCATION. LATHBURY, (T.) Convocations of the Church of England. 12mo, 7s. 6d. London. OVERALL, (B.) Convocation Book. 8vo, 8s Oxon., 1844 (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) CORINTHIANS. SUMNER, (J. B.) Practical Exposition of the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corin- thians, and the Epistles to the Galatians. Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, in the form of Lectures; intended to assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and Devotion. 8vo, or 2 vols. 12mo, 9s. . London, 1845 BILLROTH, (G.) Exposition of the Epistles to the Corinthians. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. (Biblical Cabinet.) Edinb. See also the Works of Pott, Krause, IIeydenrich, Olshausen, Rueckert, Emmerling, Flatt. Barnes’s Notes on Corinthians. COUNCILS. LANDON, (E. H.) Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholic Church, comprising the Substance of the most Remarkable and Ini|>ortant Canons, alphabetically arranged. 12mo, 12s London, 1846 HAMMOND, (W. A.) The Definitions of Faith and Canons of Discipline of the Six ./Ecumenical Councils, with the remaining Canons of the Code of the Universal Church. Transl., with Notes, together with the Apostolical Canons. 12mo. London, 1843. New- York, 1844 HART, (R.) Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the Fifth Century till the Reformation : being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legatine and Provincial Constitutions, and other Memorials of the Olden Time ; with Prolegomen and Notes. 2d edn., enlarged. 8vo, 12s. ....... London, 1846 SARPI, (Paolo.) The History of the Council of Trent. Transl. by Sir N. Brent, folio. London, 1676 See Hook’s Church Dictionary. Stanton’s Church Dictionary. CREATION. SUMNER, (Bp.) A Treatise on the Records of the Creation, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 21.?. London, 1833 RAY, (John.) The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation. New edn., ed. for the Wernerian Club. London, 1845 CREED, Apostles’. PEARSON, (Bp.) An Exposition of the Creed. 8vo. . New- York, D. A. & Co. MILL, (W. H.) An Analysis of the Exposition of the Creed, written by John Pearson, D. I). Compiled, with some additional matter occasionally interspersed, for the use of the Students of Bishop’s College, Calcutta. 2d edn. 8vo, 5s. . Cambridge, 1847 See Nicholson, (Bp.) Exposition of the Apostle’s Creed. Vivian’s Exposition. Poole’s Sermons on the Apostles’ Creed. 8vo, 10s. 6d. 1837. King, (Sir P.) The History of the Apostles’ Creed. THEOLOGY.] 325 [theology. CRITICISM. BARRET, (R. A. F.) A Synopsis of Criticisms upon those Passages of the Old Testa- ment in which Modern Commentators have differed from the Authorized Version ; to- gether with an Explanation of various Difficulties in the Hebrew and English Texts. Vol. 1-, 28s. (To be completed in 6 vols.) London, 1847 DAVIDSON, (S.) Lectures on Biblical Criticism, exhibiting a Systematic View of that Science. 8vo. ........... Edinb., 1839 COOK, (J.) An Inquiry into the Books of the N. Test. 8vo. . . London, 1821 GLASSII, (S.) Philologia Sacra. 4to. Leipzig, 1725 NOLAN, (F.) An Inquiry into the Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, etc. 8vo. London, 1815 Suppt. to ditto. 8vo “ 1830 LITERARY HISTOR Y of the New Testament, (by Josiali Conder.) 8vo. “ 1845 GRAY, (R.) The Connexion between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jerflsh and Heathen Authors, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 HORSLEY, (Bp.) Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Books of the Old Testament: also on the First Nine Prophetical Books. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. . . , London. See Carpozoviits, Critica Sacra. Conybeare’s Lectures. Gerard’s Institutes. Hody on the Septuagint. Walton’s Polyglott, etc. DANIEL. FABER, (G. S.) A Dissertation on Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. 8vo. London, 1811 STONARD, (J.) A Dissertation on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel the Prophet. 8vo. London, 1826 COX, (F. A.) Outlines of Lectures on the Book of Daniel. 12mo. . “ 1834 See Havernick, Commentar. iiber das Buch Daniel. 8vo, 12s. Hamb., 1832. Rosenmueller’s Scholia. Lexoerke, (C. v.) Das Buch Daniel iiberseUt u. ausgelegt. 8vo, 12s. Konigsb. Maurer’s Commentar, DEVOTIONS, (Manuals of.) WAINWRIGHT, (Dr.) An Order of Family Prayer for Every Day in the Week, and for the Commemoration of the Holy Days and Seasons of the Church. 12mo. New- York, 1845 HOBART, (Bp.) A Christian’s Manual of Faith and Devotion . containing Dialogues and Prayers, suited to the various eternises of the Christian Life. 12th edn. 12mo. New- York, 1845 BERRIAN, (Dr.) Manual of Family Prayers. 12mo. ... i “ 1845 Devotions for the Sick Room and for Times of Trouble, compiled from ancient Litur- gies, Stc. ltimo. New- York, 1845 PALBY, (W.) The Clergyman’s Companion in Visiting the Sick. New edition, carefully revised and corrected. 18mo, 5s ' London, 1846 CROSWELL, (H.) A Manual of Family Prayer. 12mo. . . New Haven, 1845 SPINCKES, (N.) The Churchman’s Companion in the Closet, or a Complete Manual of Private Devotions. Edited by F. E. Paget. 16mo, $1. . New-York, D. A. & Co, 1843 IVES, (L. S.) New Manual of Devotions, in Three Parts. 12mo, $1. New-York, D. A. & Co. WILLIAMS, (I.) Some Meditations and Prayers, selected from the Way of “ Eternal Life,” in order to illustrate the Pictures by Boetius it Bolswert, for the same work. Trans- lated from the Latin, and adapted to the use of the English Church. 8vo, 31 plates, ]0s. Oxford, 1845 ANDREWS, (Bp.) The Devotions of Bishop Andrews, translated from the Greek, and arranged anew. 5s. Oxford, 1844 AVR1LLON. The Year of Affections ; or Affections on the Love of God. Drawn from the Canticles, for Every Day in the Year. Transl. from the French by Dr. Pusey. ]2mo. London, 1845 Guide to Passing Advent Holily. 12mo. 1844 Guide to Passing Lent Holily. 2d edn. 12mo. .... “ “ SCUPOLI, (L.) The Spiritual Combat, by the venerable servant of God, Lawrence Scu- poli, Clerk Regular; with the Path of Paradise, by the same. Translated, with the addi- tional Chapters, from the Italian, for the use of the Members of the English Church. 18mo, 3.9. tid London, 1846 COSIN, (Bishop.) A Collection of Private Devotions in the Practice of the Ancient Church, called the Hours of Prayer, as they were much after this manner published by authority of dueen Elizabeth, 1560: taken out of the Holy Scriptures, the Ancient Fathers, and the Divine Service of our own Church. 13th edition, 32mo, 4.9. 6d. London, 1846 THEOLOGY.] 326 [theology. DEVOTIONS, Manuals of.—(Continued.) SURIN, (F.) The Foundations of the Spiritual Life, drawn from the Book of the Imita- tion of Jesus Christ. Translated from the French, and adapted to the use of the English Church. 12mo, 4s. 6d. London, 1844 DREXELIUS. The Reflections on Eternity of Jeremiah Drexelius, made English from the Latin, by S. Du ns ter, D.D. Revised and edited by H. B. Dunster. 12mo, 5s. London, 1844 PHILIP, (R.) Devotion Guides. 2 vols. 12mo, $1 75. . New■ York, D. A. & Co. HOOK, (W. F.) Short Meditations for Every Day in the Year. 2 vols. 12mi, 12s. Lonilon, 1846- SHERLOCK, (R.) The Practical Christian, or Devout Penitent. A Book of Devotion, etc. 12mo. ........ New-York, D. A. & Co., 1843 TAYLOR, (J.) The Golden Grove, a choice Manual, containing, 8tc. 12mo. New-York, 1842 Holy Living and Dying. 12mo. .... New-York, D. A. fe Co., 1847 WILSON, (Bp.) Sacra Privata. Private Devotions, Meditations, and Prayers Complete. 16mo, $1 New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 WILLIAMS, (J.) The Gospel Narrative of the Nativity Harmonized. 12mo, 7*. 6d. London, 1844 The Gospel Narrative of the Holy Week Harmonized. 12mo, 7s. 6d. “ 1843 The Gospel Narrative of the Passion Harmonized. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . “ The Gospel Narrative of our Lord’s Resurrection Harmonized: with Reflections. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . *. . ... . . . . . . . . London. BULL, (H.) Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations, as well for private as public use. 18m» Camb., 1842 (Parker Society.) BEST, (S.) Pietas Domestica: I. Family Prayers, arranged as a weekly course from the Liturgy. II. Discourses on the Services appointed by the Liturgy for Sundays and Holy- days. 12mo, 6s. 6d. London, 1843 DIATESSARON. MacBRIDE, (J. D.) Diatessaron, or Hist, of our Saviour from the Gospels. 8vo, 5s. London. Lectures Explanatory of the Diatessaron. 8vo, 12s. . . . “ DICTIONARIES. CALMET, (A.) Dictionary of the Holy Bible, &c., ed. by C. Taylor. 5th edn. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1823 The Same. Edited by J. Conder. 2d edn. roy. 8vo. ... “ 1832 The Same. Edited by Dr. Robinson, roy. 8vo, Maps and Engravings. Boston & New- York, 1832 ROBINSON, (Dr. E.) A Dictionary of the Holy Bible, for the Use of Schools and Young Persons. 12mo, Maps and Engravings Boston & New- York, 1833 KITTO, (J.) A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. & New- York, 1845-46 THE BIBLE CYCt.OPJEDlA, or Illustrations of the Civil and Natural History of the Sacred Writings by Reference to the Manners, Customs, Rites, Traditions, Antiquities and Literature of Eastern Nations. 2 vols. imp. 8vo London, 1841-43 HOOK, (W. F.) A Church Dictionary. 4th edition, with many additional articles, and carefully revised throughout. 12mo, 10» . London, 1846 BROWN, (J.) Dictionary of the Holy Bible ; containing an Historical and Geographical Account of the Persons and Places; a Literal, Critical, and Systematical Descripti on of other Objects, whether Natural, Artificial, Civil, Religious, or Military; and an Explana- tion of the Appellative Terms mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. 8vo, 9s. London, 1844 EDEN, (R.) The Churchman’s Theological Dictionary. 12mo, 5s. . “ 1846 DISCIPLINE AND CHURCH GOVERNMENT. HOOKER, (R.) Of the Laws of Ecclesiatical Polity. (In Works). 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, D. A. &. Co. See Bilson’s Perpetual Government. Bp. Overall’s Convocation Book. Jer. Taylor’s Sacred Order. Abp. Usher’s Works. Sir P. Kino’s Primitive Church. Hickes’s Two Treatises, &c. DOCTRINAL DIVINITY. HEY, (J.) Lectures on Divinity. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. Ijmdon. CAM B PELL, (G.) Lectures on Systematic Theology and Pulpit Eloquence. 8vo, 8s. London. THEOLOGY.] 327 [theology. DOCTRINAL DIVINITY.—( Continued.) SMITH, (J. B.) A Manual of the Rudiments of Theology. 12mo, 10s. 6d. . London. A Compend of Ditto. 12mo, 10s. 6d. . “ CALVIN, (Jno.) Christian Theology, Selected and Arranged by S. Dunn. 12mo, 6s. London, 1837 A MANUAL of Divinity, compiled from the Most Eminent Divines of the Church of England, with Maps. 2 vols. 18mo, 7s Oxon., 1831 See Jebb’s Pract. Theology. Ussher’s Body of Divinity. Howe’s Christian Theology. Tcrretin’s Institutes. Leighton’s Prelectiones, &c. Sweden- borg’s Works Dwight’s Theology. Knapp’s Lectures, translated by Wood. DOCTRINE OF DEVELOPMENT. NEWMAN, (J. H,) An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. 8vo, 12s. London, 1845 PALMER, (W.) The Doctrine of Development and Conscience considered in relation to the Evidences of Christianity and of the Catholic System. 8vo 9s. fid. . London, 1845 ECCLESIASTES. HOLDEN, (G.) An Attempt to Illustrate the Book of Ecclesiastes. 8vo. London, 1822 PRESTON, (T.) The Hebrew Text and a Latin Version of. . . . Ecclesiastes. 8vo, 15s. London, ELECTION. FABER, (G. S.) The Primitive Doctrine of Election ; or, an Historical Inquiry into the Ideality and Causation of Scriptural Election, as received and maintained in the Primitive Church of Christ. 2d ed. 8vo, $1 75. .... D. A. & Co., JVeuj-York. ENOCH. LAWRENCE, (Abp.) The Book of Enoch the Prophet, translated from an Ethiopic MSS. 3d ed. 8vo. Oxon., 1838 MURRAY, (E.) Enoch Restitutus ; or an attempt to separate from the Books of Enoch the Book quoted by St. Jude. 8vo. Dublin, 1836 EPHESIANS. BARNES, (A.) Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephe- sians, Philippians, and Colossians. 12mo. JV. Y., 1845 RUCKERT, (L. T.) Der Brief Pauli an die Epheser. 8vo. . . . Lipsitt, 1834 See L. Ridley’s Commentary. Tiio’s Goodwin’s Works. Calvin’s Commenta- ries. Matthias, Erkliirung des Br. Pauli an d. Ephes. 8vo, 1834. Harless, Cum- mentar. iib. d. Br. Pauli an d. Ephes. 8vo, 1845. Llenemann, Comment. 8vo, 1842. Meyer’s Kritisch. exeg. Commentar. Wette’s Handbuch, vol.2. Olsiiausen’s Commentar. Rosen Mueller's Scholia. EPISCOPACY. PALMER, (W.) The Apostolical Jurisdiction- and Succession of the Episcopacy in the British Churches vindicated against the Objections of Dr. Wiseman, 12mo. London, 1840 MARSHALL, (T. W.) Notes on the Episcopal Polity of the Holy Catholic Church : with some Account of the Development of the Modern Religious Systems. 8vo, 12s. London, 1844 EPISTLES. MACKNIGIIT, (J.) New Literal Translation, from the Original Greek, of ail the Apos- tolical Epistles; with a Commentary, and Notes, Philological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical : to which is added, a History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. New edition, carefully revised, to which is now prefixed an Account of the Life of the Author, roy. 8vo, 21s. ...... London, 1843 STANHOPE, (G.) Paraphrase and Comment, on the Epistles and Gospels. 4 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1817 SHUTTI.EWORTH, (P. N.) Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolic Epistles, with Notes. 8vo, 10s. Oxford,, 1829 SLADE, (J.) Annotations on the Epistles. 2 vols. 8vo, IBs. . . London, 1836 See Paley’s Horre Panlinte. Sumner’s Apostolical Preaching considered. Slade’s Annotations on the Epistles. Whately’s Essays on some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul. THEOLOGY.] 328 [THEOLOGY. EUCHARIST. „ WILBERFORCE, (S.) Eucharistica. A Manual for Communicants: or the Order for administering the Holy Communion, conveniently arranged, with Meditations, and Prayers from old English Divines, adapted to the American Service. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1845 HOBART, (Bp.) The Communicant’s Manual, containing the Order for the Administra- tion of the Holy Communion. 18mo, 31e. . . . New York, D. A. & Co. BENNETT, (W. J. E.) A Guide to the Holy Eucharist. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1842 The Eucharist; its History, Doctrine, and Practice, with Meditations and Prayers suit- able to that Holy Sacrament. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1846 NELSON, (R.) The Great Duty of frequenting the Christian Sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required; with suitable Devotions, etc. New edition, with Memoirs by W. B. Hawkins. 12mo London, 1841 BICKERSTETH, (E.) Treatise on the Lord’s Supper: designed as a Guide and Com- panion to the Holy Communion. Edited by the Rev. L. P. Balch. 12mo, 75c. Ncw-York, D. A. & Co. SUTTON, (C.) Godly Meditations upon the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 12mo. New- York, D. A. & Co., 1841 BRADLEY, (C.) Sermons, preached chiefly at the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper. 8vo. New- York, D. A. & Co. DODSWORTH, (W.) Discourses on the Lord’s Supper. 18mo. . London, 1835 BEVERIDGE, (W.) The Great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer and frequent Communion, designed to revive Primitive Piety. 18mo. . . . New- York, 1845 EVIDENCES. _ SEWELL, (W.) Popular Evidences of Christianity. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . . London. SUMNER, (Bp.) The Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception. 8vo, 10s. 6d; 12mo, 6s. . . . . London. A COL LECTION of all the Works, Tracts, and Essays of the most established Authors who have written upon the Evidences of Christianity. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1845 See Paley’s Evidences. Grotius, de Veritate Christ. Relig., transl. by Madan. Baxter’s Works. Barrow’s Works. Abaddik, de la Verite. Allix’s Re- flections. Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity. Lardner’s Credibility. Doddridge’s Evidences. Chalmers’ Evidences, j. P. Smith’s Scripture Testi- mony. Hampden's Essay on the Philosophical Evidence of Christianity. Keith’s Evidence. Bp. Wilson’s Evidences. Bp. McIlvaine’s Evidences. EXODUS. BUSH, (G.) Questions and Notes, critical and practical, upon the Book of Exodus. 12mo. J\Tew-York, 1832 BUDDICOM, (R. P.) Christian Exodus, or the Deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, practically considered in a Series of Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1826 EZEKIEL. GREENHILL, (G.) Exposition of the Propheey of Ezekiel, imp. 8vo, 25s. Lond., 1837 NEWCOME, (Abp. W.) Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel. 8vo, 8s. . . . London, 1836 HAVERNICK, (II. A.C.) Cornmentar den Propheten Ezechiel. 8vo, Us. Erlang., 1844 See Umbreit’s Cornmentar. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH. 1. Lives, &c.—2. Collections. 1. Lives, &c. DAILLlS, (J.) On the Right Use of the Fathers. Transl., with Notes, by S. W. Hanna. 8vo. . London, 1838 BUTLER, (A.) Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints. 12 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1779 New edition, with Preface, by Dr. Doyle. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, 42*. London, 183- COLLINSON, (J.) Key to the Writings of the principal Fathers of the Christian Chnrch, who flourished dnring the First Three Centuries. 8vo, 7s. Oxford, 1813 (Bampton Lecture.) BICKERSTETH, (E.) The Christian Fathers of the First and Second Centuries. 12mo, 5s. London, 1845 HARVEY, (W. W.) Ecclesias Anglican* Vindex Catholicus ; a Collection of more than one hundred Treatises, Epistles, and Homilies by the Fathers; Synodal Letters, Canons of Councils, &e., in the Original Languages, with Latin Translations, and Indexes. 3 vols. 8vo, 55s. London. [THEOLOGY. THEOLOGY.] 329 FATHERS OF THE CHURCH.—(Continued.) WALCH, (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica literariis annotationibus instructa. Edit. J. T. L. Danz. 8vo, I5s. 6d. Jena, 1834 WOODHOUSE, (C. W.) The Use and Value of the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, considered as auxiliary to the Proof of the Truth of the Christian Religion, and to the Elu- cidation of its Doctrines: a Dissertation which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the year 1841. 8vo, 4s. London, 1842 ROUTH, (M. J.) Reliqua? Sacra; sive auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique sreculi post Christum natum qure supersunt accedunt synodi et epistolae canonic* Nicreno Concilio antiquiores—ad codices MSS. recensuit notisque illustravit. Editio altera. 4 vols., 42s. . . n . . . . Oxon., 1847 LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS of the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the Division of the East and West. Translated by Members of the English Church. 8vo. ...... Oxon., v. y. Vol. 1. Confessions of S. Augustine, revised from a former translation by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, I). D. 2. The Catechetical Lectures of S. Cyril. 3. Treatises of S. Caecilius Cyprian. 4 & 5. Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corin- thians. 6. Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians and Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians of S. John Chrysostom. 7. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. 8. Select Treatises of S. Athanasius in Controversy with the Arians. 9. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Statutes, or to the People of Anti- och. 10. Tertullian, transl. by Rev. C. Dodgson, M. A. (Vol. 1. Apologetic and Practi- cal Treatises.) 11. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Gospel of St. Matthew. 12. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. 13. Historical Tracts of S. Athanasius. 14. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Philippi- ans, Colossians, and Thessalonians. 15. The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the Gospel of St. Matthew. 16. Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament, by S. Augustine. (Vol. 1. St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke.) 17. The Epistles of S. Cyprian with the Council of Carthage on the Baptism of Here- tics. To which are added the Extant Works of S. Pocian. 18. Morals of the Book of Job, by S. Gregory the Great. Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2. 19. Select Treatises of S. Athanasius in Controversy with the Arians. 20. Sermons on the Selected Lessons of the New Testament, by S. Augustine. (Vol. 2. St. John, Acts, Romans, 1st Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1st Thesalonians, 1st Timothy, Titus, James, 1st John.) 21. Morals of the Book of Job, by S. Gregory the Great. Vol. 2, Parts 3 and 4. 22. St. Augustine’s Short Treatises. 23. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine. Translated, with Notes, and Indexes. (6 vols.) Vol 1. Psalm i -xxxvi. 24. Morals of the Book of Job, by S. Gregory the Great. Vol. 3, Part 1. 2. Collections. PATRES ECCLESIJE ANGLICANJE. Edit. J. A. Giles LL. D. 8vo. Oxon., v. y. ALDHELMI ep. Sarisb. Opera. 10s. (V/. BEDiE VENERABILIS Opera. 12 vols. £6. S. BONIFACE Papae Opera. 2 Vols. 21s. LANFRANCI Opera. 2 vols. 21s. ARNULF1 Epistolae. 10s. 6d. S. TIIOMA a Becket Opera. 8 vols. 8vo, 96s. PETRI Blesensis Opera. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. (The above are published.) ALCUIN, DUNSTAN, ANSELM, and JOHN of Salisbury. ALANI Abbatis Tewkesberiensis Scripta qu® Extant. 6s. GALFRlllDI le Baker de Swinbroke, Chronicon Angliae, temporibus Edw. II. et Edw. III. 10s. 6d. CHRONICON Anglia; Petriburgense. 8s. theology.] 330 [theology. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH.—( Continued.) BIBLIOTHECA PATRUM Ecclesiae Catholic® qui ante Occidentis et Orientis Schisma floruerunt 8vo. . . . Oxon., 1847- S. AUGUSTINI Confessiones. S. CHRYSOSTOMI Ilomilia; in S. Pauli Epistolam primarn ad Corinthios, Greece. 14s. Homilic in D. Pauli Epist. II. ad Corinthios. Ad Fidem Codicum MSS. et Ver- sionum Antiquarum diligenter castigata. 10s. 6d. S. JOANNIS Chrysostomi Homilisc in Mattheum. Textum ad 6dem codicum MSS. et versionum emendavit, praecipuum lectionis varietatem adscripsit, annotalionibus ubi opus erat, et novis indicibus instruxit, F. Field, A. M. Coll. S. S. Trin. apud Cant, nuper Socius. 3 vols., 42s. The remainder of the Text of S. Chrysostom’s Homilies on St. Paul’s Epistles will follow in due course. (The above are published.) PATROLOGIE CURSUS COMPLETUS, sive Bibliotheca universalis, completa, uni- formis, commoda, ceconomica, omnium S. S. Patrum, etc., accurante J. P. Migne, editore. 200 vols. 4to, /.1200. , . Paris, v. y. (In course of publication.) SANCTI PATRES ECCLESIJE. Editio nova, Accurantibus D. A. B. Caillau. 130 vols. 8vo. . Paris, v. y. ItIBLIO THECA PA TR VM ECCLESIjE Graecorum. 18 vols. 12mo, 70s. Lips., 1826-34 Pars 1. Josepbi Opera Omnia, ed. C. E. Richter. 6 vols., 24s. 1826-7. 2. Philonis Judaei Opera Omnia, ed. C. E. Richter. 8 vols , 28s. 1828-30. 3. dementis Alexaudrini Opera Omnia, recog. R. Klotz. 4 vols., 18s. 1830-34. BIBLIOTHECA PATRUM ECCLESIASTICORUM Latinorum. Select, cur. E. G. Gersdorf. vols. 1-11, 12mo. Lips., 1838-44 FESTIVALS AND FASTS. HAVERFIELD, (T. T.) Ferite Sacra1; or, Short Notes on the Great Festivals of the Church and the Services appointed for their Celebration: with appropriate Chants and Hymns, roy. 8vo, with Music, 21s London, 1847 NELSON, (R.) A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England : with Collects and Prayers for each Solemnity. 8vo, 7s. . . . London, 1843 MANT, (Bp.) Ferise Anniversariae : Observance of the Church’s Holy-Days no Symptom of Popery, shewn from Testimonies of her most approved Children, in continuance, 1547- 1800. 2 vols. 12mo, Os. . . . London, 1847 NEALE, (E. V.) Feasts and Fasts. The Rise and Progress of the Laws relating to Sun- days, Holidays, and Days of Fasting : with some Account of the Origin of their Observ- ance. 12mo, 9s. 6d London, 1845 ARMSTRONG, (J.) Sermons on the Festivals. 12mo, 6s. Oxford, 1845 MARSDEN, (J. B.) Discourses for the Festivals of the Church of England ; with Notes. 8vo, 12s. London, 1843 See Justorum Semita. Watson’s Young Churchman’s Sunday Evenings, &c. GALATIANS. LUTHER, (M.) Commentary on the Epistle of St, Paul to the Galatians. Transl. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . London, 1830 CALVIN, (J.) XLIII. Sermons upon the Galatians. RUCKERT, (L. T.) Commentar iiber den Brief Pauli an die Galater. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833 GENEALOGIES. BURRINGTON, (G.) An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the O. T. and Apocrypha, etc., with Notes and Indexes. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1836 MORRIS, (J. P.) The Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, according to every Family and Tribe, sm. fol. London, 1837’ See Berry’s Genealogia Sacra. Watson’s Genealogy of Jesus Christ, Beniiam’s Geneal. of our Lord, etc. GENESIS. BUSH, (G.) Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Genesis ; designed as a general help to Biblical Reading and Instruction. 3d ed. 2 vols. 12mo. New- York, 1839 ; and 8vo, London, 1841 TURNER, (S. H.) A Companion to the Book of Genesis. 8vo. . New- York, 1841 THEOLOGY.] 331 [theology. GENESIS.—( Continued.') WOOD, (T.) The Mosaic History of the Creation of the World, illustrated by Discoveries and Experiments derived from the present state of Science. 8vo. . J.ondon, 1818 BOHLEN, (P. v.) Die Genesis, histor. krit. erliiutert. 8vo, 14s. . Konigsb., 1835 CALVIN’S Comment, in Genes., ed. E. Hengstenberg. 2 vols. 8vo, 10s. Berlin, 1838 GEOGRAPHY.—(See Jerusalem, Palestine.) WILSON, (J.) The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described, in an extensive Journey undertaken with special reference to the promotion of Biblical Research, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Maps and Plates, 36s London, 1847 FLEMING, (W.) The Scripture Gazetteer. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. . . . Edinb., 1838 WELLS, (E.) Geography of the Old and New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. Lond., 1819 ROSENMULLER, (E. F. C.) The Biblical Geography of Central Asia. Transl. by N. Morren. 2 vols. 12mo. ..... ... Edinb., 1836-37 Atlases. HUGHES, (W.) An Illuminated Atlas of Scripture Geography ; a Series of Maps deline- ating the Physical and Historical Features in the Geography of Palestine, and the Adja- cent Countries, with Explanations and Index, large 8vo. . . . London, 1840 GNOSTICISM. MATTER, (J.) Histoire Critique du gnoticism et de son influence sur le sectes religieuses et philosophiques des six premiers siecles de l’ere chretienne. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, f.15. Paris, 1843 See Burton’s Bampton Lectures. Riddle’s Christian Antiquities. Gieseler’s Text-Book of Eccles History, etc. GOSPELS. ELSLEY, (J.) Annotations on the Gospels and Acts. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. Oxon., 1833 CAMPBELL, (G.) The Four Gospels, transl. from the Greek, with Preliminary Disserta- tions and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. . J.ondon, 1834 BLUNT, (J. J.) Veracity of the Gospels and Acts, argued from the undesigned coincidences to be found in them, &c. 12mo, 5s. 6d. . London. SUMNER, (Bp.) Exposition of the Four Gospels. 8vo and 12mo, 9s. London, 1831 WATSON, (R.) Expositions of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and of some other parts of Holy Scripture, roy. 8vo, 18s. London, 1833 SLADE, (J.) Plain Remarks on the Four Gospels. 12mo, 3s. Gd. . . “ ADAM, (T.) Exposition of the Four Gospels. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . “ 1837 OLSHAUSEN, (H.) Biblical Commentary on the Gospels, translated by Dr. Lowe. 8vo, voi. 1-, 10s. 6d Edinb., 1847 See Stanhope’s Paraphrase. Newcome’s Harmony. Forster’s Harmony, Sic. HARMONIES. TOWNSEND, (G.) Old and New Testament arranged in Historical and Chronological Order, in such manner that the Books, Chapters, &c., may be read in one connected his- tory in the very words of tile authorized translation, with copious Notes and Indexes. new ed. 4 vols. 8vo, 80s. London, 1825-26 (Reprinted, Boston, 1827.) GRESWELL, (E.) Harmonia Evangelica, sive Quatuor Evangelia Graece pro Temporis et Rerum Serie in Partes quinine dislributa. 8vo, 12s Oxon., 1830 Prolegomena ad Harmonium Evangelicum. 8vo “ 1840 MIMPRISS, (R ) A Harmony of the Four Gospels in the English authorized Version, ar- ranged according to Greswell’s Harmonia Evangelica in Greek, etc. 8vo. Bond., 1833 GF.NESTE, (M.) The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, with copious Explanatory Notes. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. l,ondon, 1843 GRESWELL Dissertations upon the Principles and Arrangement of a Harmony of the Gospels. 2d ed. 5 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . Oxford, 1837 ROBINSON, (E.) A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek, according to the Text of Hahn. Newly arranged, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo. . . . Boston, 1845 The same, in English. 8vo. . . ..... Boston, 1846 FORSTER, (J.) The Gospel Narrative, according to the Authorized Text of the Evan- gelists, without repetition or omission ; with a continuous Exposition, Marginal Proofs in full, and Notes briefly collected from the best Critics and Commentators, roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1845 See Newcome’s Harmony. Griesbach’s Synopsis. De Wette et Lucre’s Sy- nopsis. White’s Diatessaron. Willans’ United Gospel. Rudiger's Synopsis. Clausen’s Guatuor Evangeliorum. Currey’s Four Gospels, 4to, 1834, etc. THEOLOGY.] 332 [theology. HEBREW LANGUAGE. I. Grammars. GESENIUS’S Hebrew Grammar, fourteenth edition, as revised by Dr. E. Rodiger. Translated by T. J. Conant, with the Modifications of the Editions subsequent to the Eleventh, by Dr. Davies, of Stepney College, London. To which are added a Course of Exercises in Hebrew Grammar and a Hebrew Chrestomathy, by the Translator. New-York, D. A. St Co., 1846 GESENIUS, (W.) Lehrgebaude der hebriiischen Sprache. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1817 EWALD, (G. H. A.) Ausfiihrl. Krit. Grammatik der hebriiischen Sprache. 8vo, 9s. Hanov., 1827 Ausfiihrl. Lehrbuch der hebriiischen Sprache. 8vo, 10s. . . “ 1844 A Grammar of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testament. Translated by J. Nicholson. 8vo London, 1836 ROORDA, (T.) Grammatica Hebraic. 2 vols. 8vo Lugd., 1831-34 BUSH, (G.) A Grammar of the Hebrew Language: with a brief Chrestomathy for the Use of Beginners. 12mo. Neic-York, 1839 STUART, (M.) A Hebrew Grammar, with a Copious Syntax and Praxis. 8vo. Andover, 1831 NORDHEIMER, (I.) A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1845 II. Lexicons. GESENIUS, (Dr. W.) Thesaurus philologico-criticus linguae hebrieae et eh aid a® Veteris Testament!. 2d edn., vols. 1, 2, 3, 60s Leipzig, 1828-42 A Hebrew Lexicon to the Books of the Old Testament; including the Geographical Names and Chaldaic Words in Daniel, Ezra, &c. Transl. by C. Leo. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1825-28 A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Transl. from the Latin by Edw. Robinson, D.D. 3d edn. 8vo. Boston, 1847 Transl. by S. P. Tregelles. 4to. London, 1846 NEWMAN, (Selig.) An English Hebrew Lexicon, etc. 8vo. . . “ 1832 JOSEPHS, (M.) An English and Hebrew Lexicon : to which is added a Selection of Proper Names occurring in Scripture and in the Rabbinical Writings. 8vo. London, 1832 PARKHURST, (J.) An Hebrew and English Lexicon without Points ; in which the He- brew and Chaldee Words of the Old Testament are explained in their leading and derived senses, etc. roy. 8vo .» London. Chrestomathia, (fee. STUART, (M.) A Hebrew Chrestomathy. 8vo. .... Andover, 1838 A Course of Hebrew Study. 2 vols. 8vo “ NORDHEIMER, (I.) Hebrew Chrestomathy. 8vo. . . . New-York, 1838 HF.BRF. JV Reading Lessons : consisting of the First Four Chapters of the Book of Gene- sis, and the Eighth Chapter of the Proverbs, with a Grammatical Praxis and an Inteilinear Translation, sm. 8vo London, 1845 FURST, (J.) Concordant® libr. Vet. Test. Hebraic® Atque Chaldaic®. folio, 84.?. Leipzig, 1842 EWALD, (H.) Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Ilebraischen Sprache des Alten Bundes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844 EWALD, (H.) und DUKES, (L.) Beitriige zur Geschichte der altesten Auslegung und Spracherkliirung des alten Testaments. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1844 HEBREW POETRY. LOWTH, (Bp.) Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. Transl. from the Latin, by G. Gregory. 8vo London, 1839 JEBB, (Bp.) Sacred Literature. 8vo “ 1828 HERDER, (J. G.) The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. Transl. by J. Marsh. 2 vols. ]2mo. Burlington, Vt., 1833 CAUNTER, (J. H.) Poetry of the Pentateuch. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1829 BOYS, (T.) Tacita Sacra: an attempt to develope, and to exhibit to the Eye, bv tabular arrangements, a general rule of Composition prevailing in the Holy Scriptures. 4to. London, 1824 HEBREWS. ANDERSON, (J. S. M.) The Cloud of Witnesses: a Series of Discourses on the Eleventh and part of the Twelfth Chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Vol. 1, 2d edition, 8vo, 10s. 6d. ............ . London, 1845 THEOLOGY.] 333 [theology. HEBREWS.—(Continued.) FORSTER, (C.) The Apostolical Authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews ; comprising a Comparative Analysis ot the Style and Structure of this Epistle, and of the undisputed Epistles of St. Paul; tending to throw light upon their Interpretation. 8vo, 21s. London, 1838 THOLUCK, (A.) Comment, on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. Edinb. (Biblical Cabinet.) OWEN, (J.) Expos, of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews, etc. 7 vols. 8vo, 73s. 6d. Edinb., 1812-14 The Same, revised and abridged, with Life, &c., by Ed. Williams. 4 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1840 STUART, (M.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1827 See Calvin’s Commentary on Hebrews. CaRPOzovius, Exerc. in Pauli Epist. ad Hebrwos, eX Philone Alexandrino, etc. Ernesti’s Lectiones. Kuinoel’s Commentar. Jones of Nayland’s Works. Guerike, Handb. der Kirchenge- schichte. HEXAPLA. THE ENGLISH Hexapla; the New Testament Greek Scriptures, in type of remarkable size and beauty, with the Authorized English Translation, and the Five other English Translations of Wiclif, Tyndale, Cranmer, Geneva, and Rheims. The Six Versions all placed in Parallel Columns. 4to, 42s Bagster, London. HEXAPLA PSALTER. Hebrew, Greek, Latin. 2d Latin, English. 2d English. 4to, 15s. Bagster, London. HISTORY, Ecclesiastical. 1. Introductions, &c. GEISELER, (J. C. J.) A Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History. Transl. from the 3d Ger- man edition, by F. Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo Philad., 1842 MOSHEIM, (J. L.) Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. A New and Literal Translation from the original Latin, with copious additional Notes, original and selected, by J. Murdock, D. D. 3 vols. 8vo." . . . H. Bro’s, New- York. The same, Edited, with Additions, by the Rev. II. Soames. A new and revised edition. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s London, 1845 An Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ to the Be- ginning of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the Latin, and accompanied with Notes and Chronological Tables, by Archibald Maclaine, D. D. With Index. 8vo, 9s. Glasgow, 1845 DOWLING, (J. G.) Introduction to the Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, 12s. London, 1838 BATES, (W.) College Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, sm. 8vo, 9s. “ 1845 JORTIN, (J.) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. Edited, with copious Notes and an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by the Rev. William Trollope, M. A. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s London, 1846 TOWNSEND, (G.) Ecclesiastical and Civil History Philosophically considered, with refer- ence to the Future Re-union of Christians: from the Ascension of our Lord to the Death of Wycliffe. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. . . London, 1847 CAMPBELL, (G.) Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, 9s. . . “ 1834 FLEURY. The Ecclesiastical History of M. L’Abbe Fleury, from A. D. 400 to A. D. 429. Transl., with Notes. 8vo, vols. 1-3, each 10s. 6d. . . . Oxford, 1843 5 vols. 4to. London, 1727 BURTON, (E.) Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries, from the Crucifixion to the Year 313. 3d edn. 8vo Oxford, 1845 KAYE, (Bp.) The Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries ; illustrated from the Writings of Tertullian. 3d edn. 8vo, 13s London, 1845 NEALE, (J. M.) A History of the Holy Eastern Church—The Patriarchate of Alexan- dria. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s London, 1847 SOZOMEN. A History of the Church, in Nine Books, from A. D. 324 to A. D. 440. A new Translation from the Greek, with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo, 7s. London, 1846 EVAGRIUS. History of the Church, in Six Books, from A. D. 431 to A. D. 594. A New Translation from the Greek: with an Account of the Author and his Writings. 8vo, 7s. London, 1845 EUSEBIUS. An Ecclesiastical History of the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Constan- tine, being the 324th of the Christian Era. By Eusebins, surnamed Pamphilus. Bishop of Ciesarea. Translated by the Rev. C. F. Cruse, D. D., Professor in St. Paul’s College, Flushing. New-York. 3d edn., carefully revised ; to which is prefixed, the Life of Euse- bius, by Volesius, translated by S. E. Parker, of Philadelphia. 8vo, 7s. London, 1842 Life of Constantine, Oration, &c. 8vo, 7s “ 1843 THEOLOGY.] 334 [THEOLOGY. HISTORY, Ecclesiastical.—( Continued.) SOCRATES. History of the Church, from the Accession of Constantine, A. D. 306, to the 3Gth Year of Theodosius, A. D., 445. Transl. from the Greek, with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 8vo, 7s. .... London, 1844 THEODORETUS. A History of the Church, in Five Books, from A. D. 322, to the Death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, A. D. 427. A New Translation from the Original: with a Memoir of the Author, an Account of his Writings, and the Chronology of the Events recorded. 8vo, 7s. .......... l.ondon, 1843 DOLLINGER, (Rev. J J. Io.) The History of the Church. Transl. by the Rev. Ed- ward Cox, D. D. 8vo, vols. 1-4, 34s. London. 2. England. COLLIER, (J,) The Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. New edn., without Notes or Comment. 9 vols. 8vo, 94s. 6d. London, 1847 STILLINGFI/EET, (Bp.) Origines Britannic®; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches. With a Preface, concerning some pretended Antiquities relating to Britain. 8vo, 9s. fid. ............ London, 1840 With Notes by Pantin. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. Oxen., 1842 CARDWELL, (E.) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England ; being a Collection of Injunctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of Inquiry, &c., from the year 1546 to the year 1716; with Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. Oxford, 1839 FULLER, (T.) Church History of Britain. 3 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . l.ondon, 1837 HART, (R.) Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the ]5th Century till the Reformation ; being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legatine and Provincial Constitutions, and other Memorials of the Olden Time, with Prolegomena and Notes. 2d edn., much enlarged. 8vo, 12s Cambridge, 1846 SHORT, (Bp.) History of the Church of England ; embracing Copious Histories of the Thirty-nine Articles, &c. 4th edn. 8vo, 16s London. CARWITHEN, (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1829-33 SMITH, (G.) The Religion of Ancient Britain Historically considered ; or, a succinct Account of the several Religious Systems which have obtained in this Island from the Earliest Times to the Norman Conquest, including an Investigation into the Early Pro- gress of Error in the Christian Church, the Introduction of the Gospel into Britain, and the State of Religion in England tHl Popery had gained the Ascendancy. 2d edn. 8vo, 7s. 6d London. BEDA3 Ilistoria Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglornm. Cum Opusculis quibusdam et Epis- tola Bonifacii ad Cudburtum Archiepiscopum. Cura Rcberti Hussey, B. D. 7s. 6d. Oxon., 1846 DODD’S Church History of England, from the commencement of the Sixteenth Century to the Revolution in 1688: with Notes, Additions, and a Continuation, by the Rev. M A. Tierney. 8vo, vols. 1-5, each 12s. London, 184—43 SO AMES, (Hy.) Elizabethan Religious History. 8vo, 16s. . . . London. FIELD, (R.) The Book of the Church. New edn., ed. by J. S. Brewer. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1, 15s London, 1843 SOUTHEY, (R.) The Book of the Church. 8vo, 12s 1841 3. Scotland. STEPHEN, (T.) History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Present Time. 4 vols. 8vo, portraits, 52s London, 1844 COOK, (G.) History of the Church of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . l.ondon. History of the Reformation in Scotland. 3 -vols. 8vo, 36s. . . . “ LAWSON, (J. P.) The Episcopal Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revo- lution. 8vo, 15s j London, 1844 DRUMMOND, (D. T. K.) Historical Sketch of Episcopacy in Scotland, from 1688 to the present time ; with Appendix. 12mo, 3s. 6d. .... Edinburgh, 1845 4. Ireland. BRENAN, (Rev. M. J.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the introduction of Christianity into that Country to the Year 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Dublin, 1840 CAREW, (Rev. P. J.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the introduction of Christianity into that Country to the commencement of the XIHth century. 8vo. Dublin, 1835 LANIGAN, (Rev. Jno.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the first introduction of Christianity among the Irish, to the beginning of the Xlllth century. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1829 THEOLOGY.] 335 [THEOLOGY. HISTORY, Ecclesiastical.—( Continued.) 5. Connections. SIIUCKFORD, (S.) Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1819 PRIDEAUX, (H.) Connection of the History of the Old and New Testaments. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. ...... London, 1838 RUSSELL, (M.) Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. London, 1827 HOSEA. HORSLEY, (S.) Ilosea; transl. from the Hebrew, with Notes, Explanatory and Critical. 2d edn. 4to. London, 1804 STUCK, (J. C.) Hoseas Propheta. 8vo Lips ice, 1828 HUGUENOTS. BROWNING, (W. S.) History of the Huguenots, from 1598 to 1838. 8vo, 6s. London, 1842 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION in France ; or. the History of the Huguenots. 2 vols. 8vo, with Portraits from Original Paintings, &c., 30s. . . London, 1847 HYMNS. CHANDLER, (J.) Hymns of the Primitive Church, now first collected, arranged and translated. 12mo, 5s London. HYMNS translated from the Parisian Breviary. 18mo, 5s. 6d. . . . “ HYMNS OF THE CHURCH, pointed as they are to be Chanted, set to Music by Thos. Tallis. 12mo, 2s. London, 1846 DANIEL, (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnologicus, sive hymnorum canticorum seqnentiarum circa annum M.D. usitatarum collectio amplissima. Vols. 1-2-, 18s. . Lips., 1838-44 INQUISITION. LLORENTE, (J. A.) History of the Inquisition of Spain. 8vo, 15s. . London. See Limborch, Historia Inquisitionis. Gonsai.vii, Inquisitionis Hispanic® Artes, etc. INTERPRETATION. CONYBEARE, (J. J.) Sermons at Bampton Lecture, 1824, being an attempt to trace the History and to ascertain the Limits of the Secondary and Spiritual Interpretation of Scrip- ture. 8vo. Oxon,, 1824 DAVIDSON, (S.) Sacred Hermeneutics Developed and Applied: including a History of Biblical Interpretation from the Earliest of the Fathers to the Reformation. 8vo, 21s. Edinb., 1843 See Klacsen, Hermeneutik des Neuen Test. 1841. Wilke, Die Hermeneutik des Neuen Testamen. Svstemat. dargestellt 1843. Schleiermacher Hermeneutik und Kritik mit besonder Bezeihung auf das Neuen Test, heraus. von Liicke, 1838. INTRODUCTIONS. I. General. HORNE, (T. H.) An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, by T. H. Horne. 9th edition, corrected and enlarged. 5 vols. 8vo, mips and fac-similes. 63s. ........... London, 1846 A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. 6th edn. 12mo, 9s. London, 1839 BICKERSTETH, (E.) A Scripture Help, designed to assist in reading the Bible Profitably. 8vo, and 12mo. London, CARPENTER, (W.) Biblical Companion, or Introduction to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures, imp. 8vo, 18s. London, 1836 COliLYER. (D.) Sacred Interpreter: or a Practical Introduction towards a beneficial reading and thorough understanding of the Holy Bible. 12th edn. 8vo, maps, 10s. 6d. Oxford, 1831 See Janssen’s Hermeneut. Sacr. Stow’s Introduct. II. Old Test. DeWETTE, (W. M. L.) A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scrip- tures of the Old Testament. Transl. from the German, and enlarged by Theo. Parker. 2 vols. 8 vo. Boston, 1843 THEOLOGY.] 336 [theology. INTRODUCTIONS.—( Continued.) JAHN, (J.) Intro, to the O. T. Translated from the Latin and German Works of Jann, by Satnl. Turner, D.D., and the Rev. W. R. Whittingham. 8vo. . New-York, 1827 EICHORN, (J. G.) Einleitung ins Alte Testament. 4 vols. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1823-24 HAVERNICK, (II. A. C.) Ilandb. der Histor. Krit. Einleitung in das Alte Testament. Vol. 1, 8vo. Erlangen, 1837 III. New Test. HUG, (J. L.) An Introduction to the Writings of the New Testament. Transl. by D. Fosdick, Jr., with Notes by Prof. Stuart, fcvo Andover, 1837 MICHAELIS, (J. D.) An Introduction to the New Testament. Translated by H. Marsh. 4 vols. 8vo Comb., 1818 See Gray & Percy’s Key. Steiger’s Intro. Gbnbrale aux Livres du Nouveaux Test. 8vo. Geneve et Paris, 1837. ISAIAH. LOWTH, (R.) Isaiah, a new Translation, with Notes, &c. 11th edn. 8vo, 6s. I.ondon, 1835 HENDERSON, (E.) The Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Transl. with a Commentary, etc. 8vo. I.ondon, 1840 BARNES, (A.) Notes; Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1847 JENOUR, (A.) The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated from the Hebrew ; with Criti- cal and Explanatory Notes, and Practical Remarks ; to which is prefixed, a Preliminary Dissertation on the Nature and Use of Prophecy. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . London, 1840 JONES, (J.) Isaiah, translated from the Hebrew Text of Van der Hooght. 12mo, 5s. Oxford, 1830 GESEN1US, (W.) Der Prophet Jesaia Ubers. u. mit einen vollstilnd. philolog. Krit. u. Histor. Commentar begleitet. 3 vols. 8vo, 32s. .... Leipzig, 1821-29 HENDEWERK, (C. L.) des Propheten Jesaja Weissagungen iibersetz. u. erkliirt. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s Konigs., 1838-44 HITZIG, (F.) der Prophet Jesaja iibersetz. u. ausgelegt. 8vo. 15s. . Heidelb., 1833 See Umbrkit’s Commentar. Alexander’s Isaiah. 2 vols. JAMES. MANTON, (T.) Commentary, with Notes, on the Epistle of James. 8vo, 5s. London. SUMNER, (Bp.) Exposition of St. James, Peter, &c. 8vo, 9s. . London, 1840 JEREMIAH. BLAYNEY, (B.) Jeremiah and Lamentations : a New Translation, with Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. 8vo London, 1836 See Umbrkit’s Commentar, Vol. 2. JERUSALEM, (See Palestine.) WILLIAMS, (G.) The Holy City; or, Historical and Topographical Notices of Jerusa- lem : with some Account of its Antiquities and its present Condition. With numerous Illustrations, from Sketches by the Rev. W. F. Witts. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1845 BARTLETT. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. 8vo, plates and wood- cuts, 10s. 6d. London, 1844 THE HISTORY of the Temple of Jerusalem. Translated from the Arabic of the Iman Jalal Addin A1 Sxuti, with Notes and Dissertations by the Rev. J. Reynolds. 8vo, 15s. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1836 ARUNDALE, (F.) Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai; includingthe most inter- esting sites between Grand Cairo and Beirout: with a descriptive account of his Tour and Residence in those remarkable Countries. 22 plates. 4to, 24s. . . . London. KIEPERT, (H.) Map of Jerusalem, beautifully printed in colours. With Text (in Ger- man) by E. G. Schultz. Imperial folio, 9s. Gd. Berlin. See Dr. Robinson’s Researches. Dr. Wilson’s Lands of the Bible. Helon’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Catherwood’s Map of Jerusalem, etc. JESUITS. DULLER, (E.) Jesuits as they were and as they are. Transl. from the German. 12mo, 3s. 6d London, 1845 CRETINEAU-JOLY. Histoire religieuse, politique et littiraire de la Compagnie de Jesus, composd sur les documents inedits et authentiques. 2e edn. 6 vols. 12mo, portraits, /.21. Paris, 1846 THEOLOGY.] 337 [theology JESUITS.—(Continued.') COLLOMBET. Histoire critique et generate de la Suppression des Jesuites au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. Lyons, 1845 INSTITUTUM SOCIETATIS JESU, ex Decreto Congregationis Generalis XIV. in ordi- nem digestum, auctum, ac denub recusum. 2 vols. fol. . . . Prague, 1805 See Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. 12mo, 1763. JEWS, History of. JOSEPHUS. The Works of Josephus. A new translation, by the Rev. R. Traill, D. D. With Notes, Explanatory Essays, and Pictorial Illustrations. Edited by Isaac Taylor, vol. 1, roy. 8vo, 23 plates, 21s London and New-York, 1847 The same, transl. by\V. Whiston, ed. by the Rev. H. Stebbing. imp. 8vo, illust., 25s. ljondon, 1841 do. 8vo, 12s.; and 2 vols. 8vo, illust., 14s London, JAHN, (J.) The History of the Hebrew Commonwealth from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of Jerusalem, A. D. 72. Transl. by C. E. Stowe. 8vo. Andover, 1846 MILMAN, (H. H.) The History of the Jews. 3 vols. 18mo. . . New-York, 1834 PRIDEAUX, (H.) The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from the declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. 2 vols. 8vo, 19s Oxon., 1838 TOWNLEY, (J.) The Reasons of the Laws of Moses, from the Mone Nevochim of Mai- monides. With Notes, &c. 8vo. London, 1827 LEWIS, (T.) Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic. 3 vols. 8vo, 27s. . Oxon., 1834 FLEUR Y, (C.) Manners of the Ancient Israelites. 8vo, 10s. . . London, 1820 OUTRAM, (W.) On the Sacrifices of the Jews. 8vo, 9s. ... “ ALLEN, (J.) Modern Judaism : or a brief Account of the Opinions, Traditions, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Jews in Modern Times. 8vo London, 1830 JOST, (J. M.) Geschichte der Israeliten seit d. Zeit der Maccabiier bis auf unsere Tage. 9 vols. 8vo Berlin, 1824-29 The same, translated. (In press.) . ... New- York, H. Bros. Allgemeine Geschichte des Israelitisehen Volkes, sowohl seines zweimalig Staatslebens, als auch der zerstreuten Gemeinden u. Sekten, bis in die neueste Zeit, in gedriinger Ueber- sicht, zundchst fUr Staatsmiinner, Rechtsgelehrte, Geistliche u. wissenschaftl. gebildete Leser, aus den Quelien bearbeit. 2 vols. 8vo Berlin, 1831 EWALD, (G. II.) Geschichte des Volkes Israel bis Christus. 3 vols. 8vo. Gutting., 1843- B ASNAGE, (J.) Histoire des Juifs depuis Jesus Christ. 15 vols. 8vo, (best edition). A la Haye, 1716 The same, translated, fol London, 1708 MICHAELIS, (J. D.) Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. Transl. by A. Smith, D.D. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1814 BAUER, (G. L.) Handbuch d. Gesch. d. hebrdischen Nation, von ihrer Entstehung bis zur Zerstorung ihres Staats. 8vo Nuremburg, 1800-4 Lehrbuch d. hebr. Alterthiimer d. A. u. N. Testaments. . . . Leipzig, 1797 CAPEFIGUE, (B.H. R.) Histoire philosophique des Juifs, depuis la decadence des Macha- bbes jusqu’h nos jours. 8vo Paris, 1838 HEBRAISCHE MYTHOLOGIE d. A. u. N. Testaments, n. Parallele aus d. Mythologie anderer Volker, von G. L. Bauer. 8vo Leipzig, 1802 JOB. St. GREGORY. Morals on the Book of Job. vols. 1-2, each 15s. 8vo. Oxon., 1845 (Library of the Fathers.) CARYL, (J.) Exposition, with Practical Observations, on the Book of Job. fol. 1676 GOOD, (J. M.) The Book of Job, literally translated from the original Hebrew, and restored to its natural arrangement, etc. 8vo London, 1812 UMBREIT, (F. W. C.) A New Version of the Book of Job ; with Notes, &c. Transl. by the Rev. J. H. Grey. 2 vols. 12mo Edinb., 1836-37 (Biblical Cabinet.) LEE, (S., D. D.) The Book of the Patriarch Job, transl., with Notes, &c. 8vo. London, 1837 WEMYSS, (T.) Job and his Times. 8vo “ 1838 DAVIES, (E.) Thoughts and Conjectures relative to the Book and History of Job. 4to. London, 1839 (In the 2d Part of vol. 3 of Trans, of the Royal Society of Literature.) THEOLOGY.] 338 [THEOLOGY. JOB.—( Continued.') BARNES, (A.) Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, on the Book of Job, with a new translation, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. ...... Neio-Yurk, 1844 EWALD, (G. II.) Die I’oetischen Biioher des alten Bundes. vol. 3, d. Buch Hiob. 8vo, 5s. Stutt., 1836 See Rosenmueller’s Scholia in Vet. Test, etc. JOHN. CATENA AUREA : Commentary on the Four Gospels, collected ouf of the Works of the Fathers. By S. Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 4, St. John. 8vo, 17s. 6d. Oxford, 1845 HUTCHESON, (G.) An Exposition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John. imp. 8vo. Kdinb., 1840 SUMNER, (Bp.) A Practical Exposition of the GospeLof St. John. 3d ed. 8vo. 9s. London, 1838 THOLUCK, (A.) A Commentary on the Gospel of John, transl. by A. Kaufman. 8vo. Boston, 1836 Comment, zur Evang. Johannis. 6th ed. (Durchgilngig neue Ausarbeitung). 8vo, 7s. Hamb., 1843 T1TTMAN, (C. C.) Sacred Meditations ; or, a Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Translated from the Latin by J. Young. 2 vols., 15s Kdinb., 1844 (Biblical Cabinet.) LAMPE, F. A.) Commentarius, Analytico-exegeticus tarn literalis quam realis, Evang. sec. Johannem. 3 vols. 4to. Basle, 1725-27 LUCKE, (G. C. F.) Commentar iiber die Schriften des Evangelisten Johannis. 4 vols. 8vo, 45s. ........... . Bonn, 1839-43 See Rosenmueller’s Scholia in Nov. Test. JONAH. SIBTHORPE, (R. W.) Pulpit Recollections ; being Notes on Lectures on the Book of Jonah, with a new transl. sm. 8vo London, 1835 PRESTON, (M. M.) Parochial Lectures on the Book of Jonah. 12mo. “ 1840 PEDDIE, (J.) Tract. Expos, of the Book of Jonah. 12mo. . . Kdinb., 1843 See Abbott, Lectures on Jonah. 4to, 1613. King, Lect. upon Jonas. 4to, 1618. Jones, Jonah’s Portrait. 1818. Cunningham, Six Lectures on the Book of Jo- nah, sm. 8vo, 1833. Randall’s Sermons on the Books of Joel, Jonah, &c. 8vo, 1843. JUSTIFICATION. BULL, (Bp.) Harmonia Apostolica ; or. Two Dissertations : in the former of which the Doctrine of St. James on Justification by Works is Explained and Defended ; in the latter, the Agreement of St. Paul with St. James is clearly shewn. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. Oxford, 1845 FABER, (G. S.) Primitive Doctrine of Justification investigated, with a special reference to the Opinions of the late Mr. Knox. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s London, 1839 1IEURTLEY, (C. A.) Justification : Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1845, at the Lecture founded by the late Canon Bampton. 8vo, 9s. Oxford, 1846 DAVENANT, (Bp.) A Treatise on Justification ; or, the Disputatio de Justitia Habituali et Actuali of the Right Rev. J. Davenant, D. D., Bishop of Salisbury. Published first in the year 1631, and now translated from the original Latin ; togther with translations of the “ Determinationes ” of the same Prelate. By the Rev. J. Allport. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1844 NEWMAN, (J. H.) Lectures on Justification. 4vo, 10s. 6d. . , “ 1838 KORAN.—(See page 27.) LENT. GUNNING, (Bp.) On the Pascal or Lent Fast. 8vo, 9s. ... Oxon., 1845 (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) AVRILLON. Guide for Passing Lent Holilv, in which is found, for each day. Advice as to Practice, a Meditation and Thoughts on the Gospel for the day, and Passages from the Holy Scriptures and Fathers : with a CoHect, and one Point in the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Translated from the French, and adapted to the use of the English Church. l‘2mo, 7s London. 1844 HOOK, (W. F.) Short Meditations. 2 vols. 18mo, 12s. ... “ 1846-7 THEOLOGY.] 339 [theology. LIBRARY of Anglo-Catholic Theology. 8vo . Oxford, v. y. ANDREWS, (Bp.) Sermons. 5 vols BEVERIDGE, (Bp.) Works. 8 vols. BRAMHALL, (Abp.) Works. 5 vols. BULL, (Bp.) On Justification. 2 vols. GUNNING on the Pascal or Lent Feast. HAMMOND’S Practical Catechism. HICKES, (G.) Two Treatises, on the Christian Priesthood, and on the Dignity of the Episcopal Order. JOHNSON, (John.) Theological Works, vol. 1. LAUD, (Abp.) The Works of. L’ESTRANGE’S Alliance of Divine Offices. MARSHALL’S Penitential Discipline. NICHOLSON, (Bp.) On the Catechism. OVERALL, (Bp.) Convocation Book. THORNDIKE, (H.) Theological Works. 4 vols. LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS.—(See page 329.) LITURGIES. HOWLETT, (H.) Instructions for Reading the Liturgy. 8vo, 9s. . London, 1826 GARRICK’S Instructions for Reading the Liturgy ; with Notes, and a Discourse on Public Reading, by Richard Cull, Tutor in Elocution. 8vo, 5s. 6d. ... London. BRETT, (T.) Collection of the Principal Liturgies used by the Christian Church in the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Transl. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . . London, 1838 KEELING, (W.) Liturgiie Britannic®, or the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, from its compilation to the last revision, together with the Liturgy set forth for the use of the Church of Scotland, arranged to shew their respec- tive Variations. 8vo, 21s‘. London. This work comprises the two Books of King Edward VI.; the Book of Queen Eliza- beth ; the Liturgy, as revised after the Hampton Court and Savoy Conferences re- spectively ; and the Scotch Service Book of 1637 ; with their Variations. The Arrangement is such that any one of the six Liturgies may be read at full length, and in the order of the original editions. MASKELL, (W') The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the Modern Roman Liturgy, arranged in Parallel Columns. 2d ed. 8vo, 15s London, 1846 Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesi® Anglican® ; or, Occasional Offices of the Church of England according to the Ancient Use of Salisbury: the Prymer in English, and other Prayers and Forms. With Dissertations and Notes. 3 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1846-47 CARDWELL, (E.) The two Books of Common Prayer, set forth by authority of Parlia- ment in the Reign of Edward the Vlth compared with each other. 8vo, 8s. Oxford, 1838 PALMER, (W.) Origines Liturgic® ; or, Antiquities of the English Ritual, and a Disser- tation on Primitive Liturgies. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. . . . London, 1845 CARDWELL, (E.) A History of Conferences and other Proceedings connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, from 1558 to 1690. 8vor 7s. (id. Oxon., 1841 SHARP, (T.) The Rnbrie in the Bonk of Common Prayer, and the Canons of the Church of England, so far as they relate to the Parochial Clergy. 8vo, 6s. . . Oxon. HARRISON, (B.) An Historical Inquiry into the True Interpretation of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer, respecting the Sermon and the Communion Service. 8vo, 10s. 6d. v London, 1845 JEBB, (J.) Practical Theology; comprising Discourses on the Liturgy and Principles of the United Church of England and Ireland ; Critical and other Tracts ; and a Speech de- livered in the House of Peers in 1824 . 2d edn. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . London, 1837 HOLE, (M.) Practical Discourses on all the Parts and Offices of the Liturgy of the Church of England. New edition, 4 vols. 8vo, j£2. 2s London, 1838 BENNETT, (W. J. E.) The Principles of the Book of Common Prayer Considered: a Series of Lecture Sermons, uniform with the “Distinctive Errors of Romanism.” 8vo, 12s. I^ondon. MA NT, (Bishop.) Ilor® Litnrgic® ; containing—1. Liturgical Discrepancy, its Extent, Evil, and Remedy, in Two Letters to the Clergy of his Diocese. 2. Liturgical Harmony, its Obligations, Means, and Security against Error, whether Popish or Puritanical, in a Charge to Candidates for Holy Orders. 3s. 6d London, 1845 WARTER, (J. W.) The Teaching of the Prayer Book. 8vo, 7s. 6. cap. XVI., 19-31. 4to, Lips., 1831, etc. MARK, St. CATENA AUREA. Comment, on the Four Gospels, bv Thomas Aquinas. Yol. 2 St. Mark. 8vo, 10s. 6d Ozon., 1842 SUMNER, (Bp.) Pract. Exposition of the Gospel of St. Mark. 7th edn. 8vo, 9s. London, 1843 THEOLOGY.] 341 [theology. MATTHEW, St. THOLUCK. (A.) Philolog. theolo. Auslegung der Bergpredigt Christi nach Matthaus, zu gleich ein Beitrag zur lregriindung einer rein biblischen Glaubens et Sittenlehre. 8vo. • Hamb., 1833 ClUESN EL, (P.) The Gospel of St. Matthew, with Reflections upon Every Verse. New edn., revised. 12mo, 6s. London, 1842 SUMNER, (Bp.) Practical Exposition of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, in the Form of Lectures, intended to assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and Devotion. 7th edn. 8vo, 9s. ........... London, 1843 ADAM, (T.) Exposition of St. Matthew, with suitable Lectures and Prayers. 8vo, 9s. London. See St. Chrysostom’s Homilies in Library of the Fathers. Catena Aurea. Aqui- nas’ Comment, on St. Matthew. 8vo. Oxon., 1842. MIRACLES. NEWMAN, (J. H.) Essay on Miracles. 8vo, 5s. .... Oxford, 1843 MARSDEN. The Evils which have resulted, at various times, from a Misappropriation of Our Lord’s Miracles. 8vo, 6s London, 1845 (The Hulsean Lectures for 1844.) CAMPBELL, (G.) A Dissertation on Miracles, containing an Examination of the Princi- ples advanced by D. Hume. 8vo, 7s. London, 1834 DOUGLAS, (Bp.) The Criterion, cr rules by which the true Miracles recorded in the New Testament are distinguished from the Spurious Miracles of Pagans and Papists. 8vo, 5s. 6d. Oxon., 1833 Seee Braooe’s Works. Smallbrook’s Vindication, &c. MISSIONS. HOOLE, (E.) The Year-book of Missions for 1847. Containing a comprehensive Account of the several Missionary Societies, British, American, and Continental : a Description of the Countries, Cities, &c. in which their Missions are established ; the particular Statis- tics of each Missionary Station throughout the World, arranged in geographical order ; and other useful and curious information ; forming a complete Manual of general Missionary Intelligence. 8vo. London, 1847 GRANT, (A.) The Past and Prospective Extension of the Gospel by Missions to the Heathen : Eight Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in 1843. 2d edition, 8vo, 10s. 6ri. ............ London, 1845 HUIE, (J. A.) History of Christian Missions, from the Reformation to the Present Time. 12mo, 5s. .......... . London. COX, (F. A.) History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842. To which is added, a Sketch of the General Baptist Mission. 2 vols. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . London, 1847 ELLIS, (W.) History of the London Missionary Society, comprising an account of the Origin of the Society ; Biographical Notices of some of its Founders and Missionaries : with a Record of its Progress at Home, and its Operations Abroad : compiled from Docu- ments in the possession of the Society. Vol. 1, 8vo, ]0s. 6d. Ixmdon, 1844 CARNE, (J.) Lives of Eminent Missionaries. 3 vols. 12mo, 15s. . . “ See Hawkins’s C. of E. Mission to N. A. Colonies. MOHAMMEDANISM. . TAYLOR, (Dr. W. C.) History of Mohammedanism and its Sects. 12mo, 5s. London, 1834 THOMSON, (W. T.) Practical Philosophy of the Mohammedans, transl. from the Persian of Jany Muhammed Asaad. roy. 8vo. (O. T. F.) . . . London, 1839 FOSTER, (C.) Mohammedanism unveiled : an inquiry, in which that arch heresy, its dif- fusion and continuance, are examined on a new principle, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829 BARRAU, (J. J.) Histoire des Peuples Musulmans depuis Mahomet jusq’k nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842 MONASTICISM. DAY, (S. P.) Monastic Institutions; their Origin, Progress, Nature, and Tendency, with an Introduction, by the Rev. C. H. Minchin. 2d edn. 12mo, 5s. . London, 1846 MONASTIC and Social Life in the Twelfth Century, as exhibited in the Chronicles of Jocelin of Brokelond. Transl., with Notes, Introduction, &c., by T. C. Tomlins. 8vo, 2s. London, 1844 See Duodale’s Monasticon. THEOLOGY.] 342 [theology. MYSTICISM. EWALD, (H.) Briefe Liber d. alte Mystik und der neuen Mysticismus. sm. 8vo. Leipzig, 1822 NATIVITY. WILLIAMS, (I.) The Gospel Narrative of Onr Lord’s Nativity Harmonized : with Re- flections. 12mo, 8s. 6d. ......... London, 1844 NATURAL HISTORY. HARRIS, (T. M.) The Natural History of the Bible, collected from the best Authorities. 8vo. , . . Boston. ROSENMULLER, (E. C. F.) An Historical and Philological Treatise of Biblical Miner- alogy and Botany. Transl., with Notes, by T. G. Repp. 12mo. . Edinb., 1838 (Biblical Cabinet.) CALCOTT, (Maria.) A Scripture Herbal. 8vo. . . . London, 1842 See HarcouRt’s Doctrine of the Deluge. Illustrated Commentary to the Pictorial Bible, etc. NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. STILLINGFLEET, (Bp.) Origines Sacra: or Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s Oxon., 1839 BUTLER, (Bp.) Analogy of Natural and Revealed Religion. 8vo. . . “ 1846 WISEMAN, (N.) Twelve Lectures on the Connection between Science and Revealed Religion. 2d edn. 8vo, plates, 12s London, 1842 NATURAL THEOLOGY. PALEY, (W.) Natural Theology ; edited by Lord Brougham and Sir Chas. Bell. 4 vols. 18mo, 6s. ............ London, 1845 NESTORTANS. GRANT, (A.) The Nestorians ; or, the Lost Tribes : containing Evidence of their Iden- tity, their Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, with Sketches of Travel in Ancient As- syria, Armenia, &c., and Illustrations of Scripture Prophecy. 2d edn. JVezo- York, 1841 NEW TESTAMENT. Commentaries. H KAINH AIA0HKH. 'E/c riji IIa\aia( AiadoKr/s Kara rovs ‘KffSoprjKOVTa StcpiArivevoncvn- Novum Testamentum Graecum Editio Heilenistica. In- struxit et Edidit Edv. Gul. Grinfield, M. A. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1500, 42s. Pickering, London, 1844 This Edition is designed to show the close connexion of the Greek Testament with the Septnagint. It contains npwards of 30,000 doctrinal and grammatical illustra- tions, which are arranged respectively under each verse. SCRIVENER, (F. II.) A Supplement to the Authorized English Version of the New Testament; being a Critical Illustration of its more difficult Passages, from the Syriac, Latin, and earlier English Versions: with an Introduction. (To be completed in 3 vols.) 8vo, 10s. Gd. . . ... . . . London, 1845- CALVIN, (J.) In N. T. Commentarii, curavit et pra:fatus est A. Tholuck. 7 vols. 8vo. Berolini, 1833-4 HAMMOND, (H.) A Paraphrase and Annotations upon all the Books of the New Testa- ment. 4 vols. 8vo. 30s Oxon., 1845 GIRDLESTONE, (C.) Commentary on the New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. London. WHITBY, (D.) Paraphrase and Commentary on the N. T. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827 DODDRIDGE, (P.) The Family Expositor, or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Tes- tament, with Notes, &c. With Life by Kippis. 4 vols. 8vo, 36s. . London, 1840 OLSHAUSEN, (H.) Bibl. Commentar Uber die Schriften des Neuen Testaments. 4 vols. 8vo, 51s Konigs., 1836-40 TROLLOPE, (W.) Analecta Theologica. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. . . . London. GROTIUS, (H.) Annotationes in N. T. 8 vols. 8vo. . . . Qroning., 1826 THEOLOGY.] 343 [THEOLOGY. NEW TESTAMENT.—(Continued.) Language of. 1. GRAMMARS. WINER, (G. B.) A Grammar of the Idioms of the Language of the N. Test. Transl. by J. H. Agnew and G. G. Ebbeke. 8vo Philad., 1840 STUART, (M.) A Grammar of the N. T. Dialect. 2d edn. 8vo. . Andover, 1841 ALT, (J. C. G.) Grammatica Lingus Graecae qua N. T. Scriptores usi sunt. 8vo. Hal is Saxonum, 1829 TITTMANN, (J. H.) Remarks on the Synonymes of the N. Test. Transl. by the Rev. E. Craig. 2 vols. sm. 8vo Edinb., 1833-34 See Middleton’s Doctrine of the Greek Article. Taylor’s What is the Power of the Greek Article, etc. Rosenmueller’s Scholia in N. T. 2. GLOSSARIES AND LEXICONS. ROBINSON, (E.) Greek and English Lexicon to the N. T. 8vo. . . Boston. BLOOMFIELD, (S. T.) A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Test., especially adapted to the use of Colleges, &c. 12mo, 10s. lid London, 1845 PARKHURST, (J.) A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, etc. New edn., by J. R. Major. 8vo, 24s 1845 TAYLOR, (W. C.) A Greek-English Lexicon to the New Test. Transl. from theGreek- Latin Lexicon of Jno. Dawson, and enlarged. 8vo London, 1831 3. CONCORDANCES. ENGLISHMAN’S (The) Greek Concordance of the New Testament; being an Attempt at a Verbal Connection between the Greek and the English Texts, including a Concor- dance to the Proper Names: with Indexes, Greek-English and English-Greek. 2d edn. roy. 8vo, 42s. 1844 See Bruder’s Concordance. 4to. Lips., 1842. Art. Concordance, p. 323. NONJURORS. LATHBURY, (T.) History of the Nonjurors, their Controversies and Writings; with Remarks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, 14s. London, 1845 ORDINATION. COURAYER, (P. F. le.) On the Validity of the English Ordinations. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Oxon., 1844 PALESTINE.—(See Geography.) ROBINSON, (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petra, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1841 ROBERTS, (D.) Views in Palestine, and in Egypt, Arabia and Syria; with Historical and Descriptive Notices by Rev. Geo. Croly. folio London. K1TTO, (J.) Palestine: in two Parts, containing the Bible History of the Holy Land, the Physical History of the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo, 52s. . . London, 1839-41 RUSSELL, (M.) Palestine, or the Holy Land; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 12mo, maps, &c., 3s. 6d. ....... . Edinb., 1846 (Edinburgh Cabinet Library.) WILSON, (J.) The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described in an extensive Journey undertaken with special reference to the promotion of Biblical Research. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, plates, &c., 36s. Edinb., 1847 See Chateaubriand’s Itineraire. Travels of Dr. Richardson, Clarke, Buck- ingham, Burckhardt, Jowett, Irby, Mangles, Carne, De Lamartine, and others. L’Univers Pittoresque. Conder’s Modern Traveller. PARABLES. # TRENCH, (R. C.) Notes on the Parables. 8vo. . New- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 GRESWELL, (E.) Exposition of the Parables. 5 vols. 8vo, 72s. . . London. See Bragge’s Works. Grotius’ Works, etc. THEOLOGY.] 344 [theology. PARKER SOCIETY, Publications of. 8vo. ........ London, 1841^16 L The Works of Bp. Ridley. 1841. 2. The Sermons, &c., of Abp. Sandys. 1841. 3. The Works of Bp. Pilkington. 1841. 4. The Works of Roger Hutchinson. 1841. 5. The Examinations and Writings of Archdeacon Philpot. 1842. 6. Christian Prayers and Meditations. 1842. 7. Letters of Bp. Jewell, and others, translated from the Originals in tire Archives of Zurich. 1st Series. 1842. (See No. 18.) 8. The Writings of Abp. Grindal. 1842. 9. Early Writings of the Rev. T. Becon. 1842. (See Nos. 13 and 17.) 11. Early Writings of Bp. Hooper. 1843. 12. Abp. Cranmer on the Lord’s Supper. 1843. 13. Becon’s Catechism, and other Pieces. 1843. 14. The Liturgies, Primer, and Catechism of the Reign of Edward VI. 1844. 15. Writings of Bp. Coverdale. 1844. 16. Sermons of Bp. Latimer. 1844. (See No. 20.) 17. The Flower of Godly Prayers, and other Pieces of Becon. 1844. 18. Second Series of the Zurich Letters. 1845. 19. Writings of Bp. Jewell. 1845. 20. Remains of Bp. Latimer. 1845. 21. Devotional Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1846. PETER, St. LEIGHTON, (Abp.) Practical Commentary upon the 1st Epistle of St. Peter. 2 vols. 8vo. RIDDLE, (J. E.) Scripture Commentary of the 1st Epistle of Peter, etc. fivo, 4s. London, 1835 ADAMS, (T.) An Exposition of the Second Epistle General of St. Peter, revised and corrected by J. Sherman, imp. 8vo, 21s . London. POETRY.—(See Hebrew Poetry.) FARR, (E.) Select Poetry, chiefly Sacred, of the Reign of King James the First. Col- lected and edited by Edward Farr. 18mo, 5s. 6d. .... Garni., 1847 KEBLE, (J.) Keble’s Christian Year. 8vo, 10s. 12mo, 6s. 32mo, 3s. 6d. . Oxon. Child’s Christian Year. 18mo, 2s. 6d Oxon., 1843 WILLIAMS, (I.) Baptistery, a Poem. 2 vols. 8vo, 22s. 6d. 32mo, 3s. 6d. “ The Cathedral, a Poem. 12mo, 7s. fid. “ Thoughts in Past Years. 32mo, 3s. 6d. . . . ' . . . . “ Sacred Verses, with Pictures. 4to. London, 1845 CHURCH POETRY. 2 vols. 18mo, 8s Burns, “ 1842-6 LYRA APOSTOLICA. 18mo, 75c. ..... New-York, D. A. & Co. SACRED POETRY of the 17th Century. 2 vols. 12mo, 9s. . . . London. (Sacred Classics.) * POLYGLOTTS. WALTON, (W.) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, etc. 6 vols. folio. . . London, 1657 WRANGHAM, (F.) Br. Waltoni in Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena specialia, recognovit Dathianisqfie et Variorum Notis suas immiseuit. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. . Camb., 1827 REINECCIO, (M. C.) Biblia Sacra Quadrllinguia V. T., etc. 3 vols. folio. Lips., 1750 LEE, (S.) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, etc. 4to, jC5. 5s I.ondon, 1831 NOVI TESTAMENTI Biblio Triglotta. 4to, 21s “ 1828 TRIGLOTT EVANGELISTS, Interlinear, consisting of the original Greek from the Text of Griesbaeh ; the Latin taken from Montanus. Beza, and the Vulgate, and the English of the Authorized Version, accommodated to the Greek Idiom, with Grammatical and Historical Notes. 8vo, 28s., or with a Grammar Of the N. T., 31s. 6d. London, 1834 BAGSTER’S POLYGLOTT. The English Version of the Polyglott Bible, containing the Old and Now Testaments, with a copious and original selection of References to par- allel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted, etc. 12mo. I-on don. Printed to interleave with the Editions in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. THEOLOGY.] 345 [theology. POLYGLOTTS.—( Continued.) BIBLIA SACRA Polyglotta Bagsteriana, containing Eight various Bibles at one view : viz. Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish. . London. BIBLIA ECCLESI/E POLYGLOTTA ; exhibiting, at one view, the Proper Lessons for Sundays from the Old Testament, together with the Book of Psalms, in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English. Edited by F. Iliff. 4to, 32s. . . . Bagster, London. POPES, History of. RANKE, (L.) History of the Popes of Rome. Transl. from the German by Mrs. Austin. 3 vols. 8vo, 3Gs. . . . .' London. (Reprinted Philad., Lea & Blanchard.) History of the Popes : their Church and State in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen- turies. Transl. from the last edition of the German by Walter K. Kelley, Esq., B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin, roy. 8vo, 12s. London, 1842 A HISTORY OF POPERY ; containing an account of the origin, growth, and progress of Papal Power, &c. 8vo, 9s. 6d. London, 1838 ARTAUD de MONTOR. Histoire du pape Leon XII. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. . Paris. Histoire du pape Pie VII. 3 vols. 12mo,/.9. . . . . . “ Histoire du pape Pie VIII. 8vo,/.7 50 “ Considerations sur le rrigne des quinze premiers papes qui ont porte le nom du Grcgoire. 8vo,/.3 Paris, 1844 BALDASSARI, (L’Abbe.) Hist, de l’enlevement et de la captivite de Pie VI. Trad. de l’italien. 8vo, /.6. Paris. HURTER, (F.) Geschichte Papst Innocenz III. 4 vols. 8vo, 52s. . Hamb., 1837-42 AUDIN, Histoire de Leon X. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15 Paris. The same, abridged. 12mo,/.3 50 Paris, 1846 SAINT-CHlSRON. Hist, du pontificat de Saint. Ldon le Grand et de son siecle. 2 vols. 8vo,/.12. Paris, 1846 See Bower’s History of the Popes. PROPHECIES. DAVISON, (J.) Discourses on Prophecy, in which are considered its Structure, Use, and Inspiration ; being the substance of Twelve Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn, in the Lecture founded by Bp. Warburton. 5th edn. 8vo, 12s. . Oxford, 1845 FABER, (G. S.) The Sacred Calendar of Prophecy : or, a Dissertation on the Prophecies which treat of the grand period of Seven Times, and especially of its second moiety of the latter Three Times and a Half. 2d edn. 3 vols. 12mo, 24s. . London, 1844 Eight Dissertations on certain connected Prophetical Passages of Holy Scripture, bear- ing more or less upon tbe Promise of a Mighty Deliverer. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1845 NOLAN, (F.) The Chronological Prophecies ; as constituting a connected System in which the principal events of the Divine Dispensations are determined by the precise Reve- lation of their Dates. 8vo, 15s London, 1837 HENGSTENBERG, (E. W.) The Christology of the Old Testament, and Commentary on the Messianic Predictions of the Prophets. Abridged from the Translation of Dr. Reuel Keith, by T. K. Arnold. 8vo, 18s London, 1847 HURD, (Bp.) Study of the Prophecies. 12mo, 4s “ NEWTON, (Bp.) Dissertation on the Prophecies. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . Oxon., 1840 PROPHETS. STEPHENSON, (J. A.) The Christology of the Old and New Testaments : an Historical Development of the Predicted occurrences of Holy Scripture. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1839 HENGSTENBERG, (E. W.) Christologie des Alten Testaments und Commentar iiber die Messianischen Weissagungen der l’ropheten. 3 vols. 8vo. . Berlin, 1829-35 The same, transl. by R. Keith, D. D. . . . Alexandria, V. C., 1836-39 UMBREIT, (F, W. C.) Commentar iiber die Propheten des alten Bundes mit exeget. u. kritisch. Anmerkungen. 4 vols. 8vo, 27s. Hamb., 1842-45 PROPHETS, Minor. HENDERSON, (E.) The Books of the Twelve Minor Prophets, transl. from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary, &c. 8vo. ...... London, 1845 See Ackerman, Prophetae Minores. 8vo. Vienna, 1830. Bp. Newcomb’s Im- proved Version. 8vo. 1809. Pick’s Literal Translation. 8vo. 1835. Bur- lee’s Explanatory Version. 12mo. THEOLOGY.] 346 [theology. PROVERBS. NICHOLLS, (B. E.) The Book of Proverbs explained and Illustrated. 12mo. J.ondon, 1842 FRENCH and SKINNER. A New Translation of the Proverbs of Solomon, from the original Hebrew, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo Camb., 1831 HOLDEN, (G.) An Attempt towards an Improved Translation of the Proverbs of Solo- mon, with Notes, &c. 8yo. I.ondon, 1819 ROSENMUELLER, (E. F. C.) Scholia in Solomonis quae perhibentur Scripta. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiie, 1829-30 PSALMS. MANTON, (T.) Sermons on the 119th Psalm. 3 vols. 8vo, 20s. . London, 1845 HENGSTENBERG, (E. W.) Commentary on the Psalms. Transl. by the Rev. P. Fair- burn and the Rev. J. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. 6d. . . . i'.dinb., 1845-46 (Biblical Cabinet.) JEBB, (J.) A Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms : intended to illustrate their Poe- tical and Moral Structure. To which are added, Dissertations on the Word “ Selah,” and on the Authorship, Order, Titles, and Poetical Features of the Psalms. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1846 GOOD, (J. M.) An Historical Outline of the Book of Psalms, edited by J. M. Neale. 8vo. London, 1842 HORNE, (G.) A Commentary on the Book of Psalms: in which their Literal or Histori- cal Sense, as they relate to King David and the People of Israel, is illustrated ; and their application to Messiah, to the Church, and to Individuals as members thereof, is pointed out. 2 vols. 24mo, 9s. London, 1826 A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo, 10s. 6d. “ 1843 HORSLEY, (Bp.) The Brok of Psalms ; translated from the Hebrew : with Notes, Ex- planatory and Critical. 3d ed. 8vo, 12s London, 1833 THE HEXAPLAR PSALTER. The Book of Psalms: Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Eng- lish. 4to. Bagster, London, 1843 BUSH, (G.) A Commentary on the Book of Psalms, on a plan embracing the Hebrew Text, with a new literal Version. 8vo New- York, 1838 THE BOOK OF PSALMS, Hebrew and English, arranged in parallel columns. 18mo. Bagster, J.ondon, 1843. CRESSWELL, (D.) The Psalms of David according to the Book of Common Prayer, with Critical and Explanatory Notes. 12mo. London, 1843 ROSENMUELLER, (E. C. F.) Annotations on seme of the Messianic Psalms ; 12mo. (Biblical Cabinet.) F.divb., 1841 BYTHNER, (V.) The Lyre of David; or, Analysis of the Psalms, wherein all the Hebrew Words are given also in English, each Accented, Translated, Analyzed, and Explained ; with a concise Hebrew anil Chaldee Grammar. Translated by the Rev. T. Dee. New edit., revised by N. L. Benmohel. 8vo, 24s. Dublin, 1847 FRENCH and SKINNER. The Book of Psalms, newly translated from the Hebrew, with Critical and Philological Notes, new ed. 8vo, 12s London. EXTON, (R. B.-) Sixty Lectures on the Several Portions of the Psalms, as they are ap- pointed to be read in the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of England. 8vo, 12s. London, 1847 BRIDGES, (C.) An Exposition of Psalm CXIX. ; as illustrative of the Character of Chris- tian Experience. 15th ed. 12mo. ....... London, 1841 See Calvin’s Comment. Tholuck’s Comment. Hitzig’s Comment. I.ondon, 1846 London, 1842 PURGATORY. HALL, (W. J.) The Doctrine of Purgatory and the Practice of Praying for the Dead, as maintained in the Romish Church, examined. 8vo, 12s. . . . London, 1843 QUAKERS. SEWELL, (Wm.) A History of the Quakers. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. . . London. See Barclay’s Apology. Bevan’s Defence. Clarkson’s Portraiture of Quakerism, &c. REFORMATION, History of BURNETT, (Bp.) History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Edited by Nares. 4 vols. 8vo, $8 New-York, D. A. & Co. The same, without the Records. 3 vols. 8vo, !J8 50. . . “ STEBBING, (H.) The History of the Reformation. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. T.ondon, 1836 THEOLOGY.] 347 [THEOLOGY. REFORMATION, History of.—(Continued.) WORGAN, (J. H.) Speculum Eceleshe Anglican®, or some Account of the Principles of the Reformation of the Church of England. 8vo, 10s. (id. . . . London. STRYPE, (J.) The Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion and other various Occurrences in the Church of England during Queen Elizabeth’s happy Reign. 7 vols. 8vo, 84s. Oxon. Ecclesiastical Memorials relating chiefly to Religion, and the Reformation of it in the Church of England under Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary. 6 vols. 8vo, 63s. Oxon. CARDWELL, (E.) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England : being a Collection of Injunctions, Orders, &c., from the year 1546 to 1716. With Notes, &e. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s Oxon. HA WEIS, (J. O. W.) Sketches of the Reformation and Elizabethan Age, taken from the Contemporary Pulpit. 12mo, 6s. London, 1844 THE ZURICH LETTERS ; or, the Correspondence of several English Bishops and others, with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. Translated from authentic Copies of the Autographs, and edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D. D. 8vo, 10a. (id. Lond., 1846 WADDINGTON, (Geo.) A History of the Reformation on the Continent. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. London, 1841 RANKE, (L.) History of the Reformation in Germany, transl. by Mrs. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London, 1845 IIAGENBAC'H, (K. R.) Vorlesungen iiber Wesen u. Geschichte der Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo, 30s Leipz., 1834-39 MARHEINECKE, (P.) Geschichte der dentschen Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo, 26s. Berlin, 1831-34 CORPUS REFORMATORUM. Edit. C. G. Bretschneider. Vol. 1 to 13. Melancthonis Opera, Vol. 1 to 13. 4to, each 20s. Halis, 1834-45 See D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation. McCrie’s History of the Reformation in Italy and Spain, &c. RESURRECTION. WILLIAMS, (I.) The Gospel Narrative of our Lord’s Resurrection Harmonized: with Reflections. 12mo, 8s. London, 1845 ROMANS. SUMNER, (Bp.) A Practical Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, and the First Epistle to the Corinthians ; in the form of Lectures, intended to assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and Devotion. 8vo, 9s. ; or in 2 vols. 12mo, 9s. London, 1843 ALLIES, (T. W.) Sermons on the Epistle to the Romans, and others. 8vo, 10s. dd. Oxford, 1844 COX, (R.) Horrr Romans:; or, an Attempt to Elucidate St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, by an Original Translation, Notes, &c. 8vo. 3s. .... London, 1824 TURNER, (S. II.) Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, &c. 8vo. New- York, 1824 TERROT, (C. II.) Epistle of Paul to the Romans, with an Introduction, &c. 8vo, 9s. London, 1829 STUART, (M.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, &c. 8vo. Andover, 1832 THOLUCK, (A.) Exposition of the E(>istle to the Romans, translated by the Rev. Robert Menzies. 2 vols. 12rno, 10s. (Biblical Cabinet.) .... Edinb., 1833-36 CALVIN, (J.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, with Life by Beza. 12mo, 7s. London, 1834 See Turretini in Pauli Apost. ad Romanos Epistolae Cap. priora nndecim Prelectiones critica, &c. Chalmer’s Lectures on Romans. Anderson’s Practical Exposition. Adams’s Paraphrase. 8vo. Rdckert’s Commentar. Barnes’s Notes. RUSSIAN CHURCH. BLACKMORE, (R. W.) The Doctrine of the Russian Church; being the Primer or Spelling Book, the Shorter and Longer Catechisms, and a Treatise on the Duty of Parish Priests. Translated from the Slavono-Russian Originals. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Aberdeen, 1845 SABBATH. HKYLIN, (P.) The History of the Sabbath. 4to. .... London, 1636 HOLDEN, (G.) The Christian Sabbath, or an Inquiry into the Religious Obligation of Keeping Holy One Day in Seven. 8vo, 12s. , . . . . London, 1825 See Abp. Whately’s Thoughts on the Sabbath. Thorn’s Lectures on the Chris- tian Sabbath. Wardlaw’s Discourses. Bp. Wilson’s Seven Sermons. Sherman’s Plea for the Sabbath, etc. THEOLOGY.] 348 [theology. SACRAMENTS. HALLEY, (R.) An Inquiry into the Nature of the Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion, usually called the Sacraments. Part 1, Baptism, 8vo, 14s. . London, 1844 See Hooker’s Treatise on the Sacraments. Abp. Usher’s Bodyof Divinity. Bp. Waterland’s Works. James’s Sermons on the Sacraments. SACRILEGE. SPELMAN, (H.) The History and Fate of Sacrilege. Edited, in part, from two MSS. ; with a Continuation and Introductory Essay. 12mo, 10s. . . . London, 1846 SEPTUAGINT. BRENTON, (Sir L. C. L.) The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican Text. Translated into English, with the principal various Readings of the Alexandrine Copy, and a table of comparative Chronology. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. Bagster, London, 1S44 JAGER, (J. N.) Vetus Testamentum Graccum juxta Septuaginta Interpretes, ex auctori- tate Sixti (luinti Pontificis. Maxim, editum, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1839 VETUS TESTAMENTUM GRA2CUM, cum variis Lectionibus, Editionem a Robert Holmes, S. T. P., incboatum, continuavit J. Parsons. Tom. II.-V., folio. Oxonii, 1818-27 VETUS TESTAMENTUM GRASCUM ex Versione LXX. secundum Exemplar Vati- canum Roma; editum, etc., J. B. Carpzovii. 6 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxonii, 1817 ex editione Holmesii et Lamberti Bos. 2 tom. 18mo. . Glasgum et Londini, 1831 Lexicon. SCHLEUSNER, (J. F.) Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus, sive Lexicon in LXX. et reliquos Interpretes Grcecos, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Glasgum et Londini, 1822 SERMONS. FORSTER, (J.) The Churchman’s Guide ; a Copious Index of Sermons and other Works, by eminent Church of England Divines. Digested and arranged according to their sub- jects, and brought down to the present day. 8vo, 7s London. ANDREWES, (Bp.) Ninety-six Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 58s. . . Oxford, 1845 (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Sermons on Prayer. 8vo, 9s London. The Fasts and Festivals. 8vo, 10s. 6d . . “ ATTERBURY, (Bp. F.) Sermons and Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . “ BARROW, (I.) Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 52s. 6d “ Sermons selected from his Works. 2 vols. 8vo, I8s. .... Oxon. BEVERIDGE, (Bp.) Sermons, abridged by Dakins. 2vols. 8vo, 18s. . . London. Sermons on the Ministry. 12mo, 5s. ....... “ BRADLEY, (C.) Practical Sermons for every Sunday throughout the Year and Principal Holidays. 8vo, $1 5(1 JVew-York, D. A & Co. Sermons preached at Clapham and Glasbury. 8vo, $1 25. “ The above in 1 vol. $2 50. “ BLAIR, (H.) Sermons. 8vo, 8s. ........ London. BULL, (Bp.) Sermons, with Life, by Nelson. 3 vols. 8vo, 18s. BUTLER, (Bp.) Sermons. 8vo, 4s, 6d “ CHARNOCK, (S.) Discourses on the Attributes. 8vo, 7s. fid. . . London, 1845 D’OYLEY, (G.) Sermons, delivered at the Parish Church of St. Mary, Lambeth. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1847 GILL, (Jno.) Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo, 46s. 6d GILSON, (D.) Sermons on Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. . “ GRIFFITH, (T.) Sermons at Ryde. 12mo, 8s. . “ HANNAM’S Pulpit Assistant. 8vo, 12s. 6d HARE, (J. C.) The Mission of the Comforter and other Sermons, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846 HEBER, (Bp.) Sermons in England and India. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. . “ 1829 HEWLETT, (J.) Sermons. 3 vols 8vo, 31s. 6d. .... “ HOOK, (W. F.) Sermons on Various Subjects. 8vo “ 1841 HORNE, (Bp.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s “ 1835 THEOLOGY.] 349 [THEOLOGY. SERMONS.—( Continued.) HORSLEY, (Bp.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. . .... London, 1829 HURD, (Bp.) Sermons on the Prophecies. 2 vols. 8vo “ 1788 IRVING, (Ed.) Sermons, Lectures, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. . . “ JELF, (R. W.) Bampton Lectures for 1844. “ On the Means of Grace.” 8vo. Oxon., 1844 JONES, (Jos.) Sermons on St. John. 8vo, 10s. 6d London. JORTIN, (J.) Sermons on Different Subjects. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1836 LATIMER, (Hugh.) Sermons, hy Watkins. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . “ 1824 LAUD, (Abp.) Sermons. 8vo, 10s. 6d “ 1829 LAURENCE, (Abp.) Sermons at Bampton Lecture, 1804. 8vo, 10s. 6d. “ 1838 Le BAS, (C. W.) Sermons. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. •....“ LOWTH, (Bp.) Sermons and other Remains. 8vo, 12s “ LUTHER, (M.) Sermons on the Doctrines of the Gospel. 8vo, 9s. . . “ MANNING. (H. E.) Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo, 6s. Oxford, 1844 Sermons. Vols. 1-2, 3. 8vo, each ]0s. 6d. .... London, 1846-7 MANT, (Bp.) Sermons for Parochial and Domestic Use. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. “ MASILLON, ( ) Sermons, with Life. 8vo, 9s. . “ MAURICE, (F. D.) Christmas Day, and other Sermons. 8vo. . . “ 1843 MELVILL, (H.) Sermons. 3d edn. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. ... “ 1842 Sermons on certain of the Less Prominent Facts and References in Sacred Story. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1846 MILL, (W. H.) Sermons preached in Lent, 1845, &c., before the University of Cambridge. 8vo, 12s Camb., 1845 MILLER, (Jno.) Bampton Lectures. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . London, 1840 Sermons on the Application of Scripture Principles to the Realities of Life. 8vo, 13s. London, 1830 MORNING EXERCISES at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark ; being divers Sermons, preached A.D. 1659-1689. By several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. 5th edn. 6 vols. 8vo, 72s., with Notes and Translations. By J. Nichols. J.ondon, 1844-5 NEWMAN, (J. H.) Sermons on the Theory of Religious Belief. 8vo, 9s. fid. London. Sermons on the Subjects of the Day. 8vo, 12s. ..... “ Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day. 8vo, 12s. . . . Oxford, 1843 OGDEN, (S.) Sermons, with Life. 8vo, 12s “ PITMAN, (J. R.) A Course of Sermons for the Year. 2 vols. 8vo. . “ 1833 POWELL, (W. S.) Sermons, by Balguy. 8vor7s. 6d. . . . “ 1776 PORTEUS, (Bp.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s “ RENNELL, (T.) Sermons. 8vo, 10s. 6d “ 1831 RIDLEY, (Bp.) Sermons on the Divinity, &c. 8vo, 5s. 6d. . . “ 1802 SANDERSON, (Bp.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo “ 1841 SEWELL, (Wm.) Sermons, roy. 8vo. 12s. “ • Sermons to Young Men. 12mo, 9s. “ SLADE, (J.) Parochial Sermons. Vols. 1-6. 12mo, each 6s. . . “ 1846 SOUTH, (R) Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 30s. Oxon., 1842 Sermons. 2 vols. imp. 8vo London, 1845 STEBBING, (H.) Sermons on Practical Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. . “ 1760 TILLOTSON, (Apb.) Sermons. 10 vols. 8vo, 45s “ 1820 TYRWHITT, (R. E.) Sermons, Chiefly Expository, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1847 WILBERFORCE, (S.) Sermons at Oxford. 12mo, 4s. 6d. ... London. Sermons before the Queen. 12mo, 4s “ Sermons on Miscellaneous Subjects. 3d edn. 12mo, 7s. . . . London, 1846 WORDSWORTH, (C.) Christian Boyhood at a Public School, a collection of Sermons and Lectures, delivered at Winchester College. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1846 TYRWHITT, (R. E.) Sermons, Chiefly Expository, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Oxford, 1847 PULPIT CYCLOPAEDIA and Minister’s Companion : containing three hundred and sixty Skeletons and Sketches of Sermons, and eighty-two Essays on Biblical Learning, Theolo- gical Studies, and the Composition and Delivery of Sermons. By the Author of “ Sketches and Skeletons of 400 Sermons,” “ Christian Daily Portion,” etc. The London edition of four vols. complete in one 8vo vol. of over 600 pages, $2 50. New- York, D. A. & Co. THEOLOGY.] 350 [theology. SERMONS.—( Continued.) SERMONS for Sundays, Festivals, and Fasts, and other Liturgical Occasions. Contributed by Bishops and other Clergy of the Church. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Watson, M. A. 1st Series. 8vo, 7s. 6d London, 1846 2d Series. 3 vols. 8vo, 22s. 6d “ 1846-47 3d Series. 8vo, 7s. 6d “ 1847 COURSE OF SERMONS, (A) on Solemn Subjects, chiefly bearing on Repentance and Amendment of Life, preached in St Saviour’s Church, Leeds, during the Week after its Consecration, on the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, 1845. 8vo, 7s. (id. Oxford, 1846 THE PULPIT ; a Collection of Sermons, vols. 1-51, 8vo. . . . London, v. y. Vols. 1-24, jE6. 10s. vols. 25-40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, each 7s. (id. vols. 41, 43, 45, each 8s. 6d. PRACTICAL SERMONS, vols. 1-2, 8vo, each 7s iAmdon, 1845 SONG OF SOLOMON. GOOD, (J. M.) Song of Songs, or Sacred Idyls. Transl. from the Hebrew, with Notes. 8vo. London, 1803 FRY, (J.) Canticles, or Song of Solomon ; a new translation, with Notes, &c. 2d ed., 8vo. London, 1825 SYMBOLS, SYMBOLISM. DAUBUZ. A Symbolical Dictionary ; in which, agreeably to the Nature and Principles of the Symbolical Character and Language of the Eastern Nations in the First Ages of the World, the general Signification of the Prophetic Symbols, especially those of the Apoca- lypse, is laid down and proved from the most Ancient Authorities, Sacred and Profane. New and enlarged edition, with a Memoir of the Author, and Preface by Matthew Haber- shon. 7s. London, 1842 MOEHLER, (J. A.) Symbolism; or, Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences between Catholics and Protestants, as evidenced by their Symbolical Writings. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, preceded by an Historical Sketch of the State of Protestantism and Catholicism in Germany, for the last 100 Years. By J. B. Robert- son. 8vo Ncw-Yoric, D. A. St Co. DURANDUS, (W.) The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments, a translation of the First Book of the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, with an Introductory Essay, Notes, and Illustrations, by the Rev. J. M. Neale and the Rev. B. Webb. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Leeds, 1843 DUDLEY, (J.) Naology, or a Treatise on the Origin, Progress, and Symbolical Import of the Sacred Structures of the most eminent Nations and Ages of the World. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 THESSALONIANS. JEWELL, (Bp.) Exposition upon the Two Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians. 8vo. London, 1811 SCHLEIERMACHER, (F.) Pauli Epistolte ad Thessalonicenses, recensuit, etc. 8vo. Berol., 1823 PELT, (L.) Pauli Epist. ad Thessalonicenses perpetuo illustr. Comment. 8vo. Oryp., 1830 SCHOTT, (II. A.) Epistolac Pauli ad Thessalon. et Galatas. Textum Gr. recogno. et Com- mentar., etc. 8vo Lips., 1834 BARNES, (A.) On Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. 12mo. New- York. See Manton’s Sermons on Thessalonians. Turretin’s Works. TIMOTHY. SCHLEIERMACHER, (F.) Uber den Sogenannten ersten Brief des Paulus an den Timo- thenm. 8vo. . Berol., 1807 See Barnes on Thessalonians, Timothy, &c. ZECHARIAH. STONARD, (J.) A Commentary on the Vision of Zechariah the Prophet, with a cor- rected Translation and Notes. 8vo London, 1824 BLAYNEY, (B.) Zechariah ; a new translation, with Notes, Critical, Philological, etc. 4to. London, 1797 KIMCHI, (D.) A Commentary upon the Prophecies of Zechariah. Translated from the Hebrew, with Notes and Observations on the Passages relating to the Messiah, by the Rev. A. M’Canl. 8vo, 7s . , . . . . London, 1837 THERMOMETER.] 351 [toxicology. THERMOMETER, &c.—(See Heat, p. 180.) TRAILL, (T. S.) On the Thermometer and Pyrometer. 8vo, Is. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) London, 1832 TAYLOR, (A. S.) A Thermometrical Table on the Scales of Fahrenheit, Centigrade, and Raumer; comprising the most remarkable Phenomena connected with Temperature in relation to Climatology, Physical Geography, Chemistry, and Physiology. On a sheet, 2s. 6d. London, 1845 See Lardner on Heat. Peclet, Traite du Chaleur, etc. THOROUGH-BASE.—(See Music, p. 254.) WEBER, (G.) Die Generalbasslehre zum Selbstunterrichte. 8vo. Extracted, with additions, from the following. Mainz, 1836 Theory of Musical Composition, treated with a view to a naturally consecutive arrange- ment of Topics: translated from the third enlarged German edition, with Notes, by J. F. Warner. 2 vols. Svo, $5. . Boston, 1846 TIBETAN LANGUAGE. SCHMIDT, (I. J.) Tibetish Deutsches Worterbuch. 4to, 40s. Petersb., 1841 Grammatik d. Thibetan, Sprache. 4to, 17s. 6d. “ 1839 CSOMA. Grammar of the Tibetan Language. 4to, 18s. London. Dictionary, Tibetan and English. 4to, 25s. “ TOOLS. PRACTICAL EXAMPLES of Modem Tools and Machines, being a Sup- plementary Volume to Mr. Rennie’s Edition of Buchanan on Mill-work, by Tredgold. fol., plates, 18s. ..... London. HOLTZAPFFEL, (C.) Handbook of Turning. Vol. 2. on the Principles of Construc- tion, Action, and Application of Cutting Tools, used by hand. 8vo, 711 woodcuts, 20s. London, 1846 See Engineer and Machinists’ Assistant. 2 vols. fol. . . . Glasgow, 1847 TOWNS, Health of.—(See Health, Public, p. 231.) PARLIAMENTARY Report on the Health of Large Towns and Populous Districts. folio. 1840 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, with Appendices, folio. 1842 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Scotland, fol. 1842 Supplementary Report on the Results of a Special Enquiry into the Practice of Inter- ments in Towns, folio. ....-» 1843 Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the present state of towns and populous districts with reference to the Causes of Disease, and into the best means of promoting and securing the public health, &c. 1st report, 1844. 2d do., 1845. HEALTH OF TOWNS ASSOCIATION.—(Publications of.) GUY, (Dr. W. A.) A “ Lecture on the unhealthiness of Towns, its causes and remedies.” 8vo. London, 1845 EBRINGTON, (Viscount.) A Lecture on the Unhealthiness of Towns, &c. 8vo. London, 1845 REPORT of the Committee to the Members of the Association, on Lord Lincoln’s Bill. Much valuable information on this important subject is accessible in a portable form in Chadwick’s General Report of the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Popu- lation of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1842. See Companions to British Almanac, v. y. British and Foreign Medical Review, &c. TOXICOLOGY.—(See p. 244.) TRANSACTIONS, ETC.] 352 [trees. TRANSACTIONS of Scientific and Literary Socie- ties. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. 7 vols. sm. 8vo. 56s. Agricultural (Royal) Society. Vols. 1-7. 8vo. Archreologia. (Society of Antiquaries.) Vols. 1-32. 4to. Asiatic Society. Vols. 1-3. 4to. Astronomical Society. Vols. 1-15. Cambridge Camden Society. Parts 1-3. 4to. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vols. 1-8. 4to. Civil Engineers. Vols. 1-3. 4to. Entomological Society. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. 2nd Series. Vols. 1-7. 4to. Geological Society. Vols. 1-7. 4to. Geographical Society. Vols. 1-16. 8vo. Highland Society. Vols. 1-6. 8vo. Horticultural Society. 7 vols. 4to. New Series. Vols. 1-3. 4to. Institute of British Architects. Vol. 1- pt. 2. 4to. Institution of Civil Engineers Vols. 1-3. 4to. Linnean Society. Vols. 1-20. 4to. Medico-Botanical Society. Vol. 1. 8vo. Medico Chirurgical Society. Vols. 1-29. 8vo. Meteorological Society. Vol. 1-. roy. 8vo. Microscopical Society. Vols. 1-2. roy. 8vo.- Pharmaceutical Society. Vols. 1-4. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society. 4to. Royal Engineers. Professional Papers. Vols. 1-9. 4to. Royal Irish Academy. Vols. 1-21. 4to. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vols. 1-17. 4to. Royal Society of Literatnre. 3 vols. 4to. New Series. Vols. 1-. 4to. Society of Arts. Vols. 1-55. 8vo. Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. Vols. 1-4. 4to. Statistical Society’s Journal. Vols. 1-9. 8vo. Zoological Society. Vols. 1-3. 4to. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE BOOKS.—(See p. 178.) JACKSON, (J. R.) What to Observe; or Traveller’s Remembrancer. 2d edn. 8vo, 12s. ...... London, 1845 TREES.—(See Arboriculture.) BROWN, (D. J.) The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, Pictori- *ally and Botanically delineated, and Scientifically and Popularly de- scribed. 8vo. ....... New- York, 1846 LOUDON, (J. C.) An Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs; being the “Arboretum et Frnticetum Britanicum” abridged ; containing the Hardy Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, Scientifically and Popularly Described ; with their Propaga- tion, Culture, and Uses in the Arts ; and with Engravings of nearly all the Species. Adapted for the use of Nurserymen, Gardeners, and Foresters. 8vo, with 2000 En- gravings on Wood, 50s. London, 1842 The Original Work may he had in 8 vols. 8vo, with above 400 Octavo Plates of Trees, and upwards of 2500 Woodcuts, X10. SELBY, (P. J.) A History of British Forest Trees. Indigenous and In- troduced. 8vo, 28s. roy. 8vo, 56s. . . . London, 1842 This Volume gives an Account of the Useful and Ornamental Properties, and the best mode of Culture, of the various Forest-Trees now grown in Gieat Britain. It forms a Manual for the Planter, and an interesting and informing volume for the general reader. Each species is historically described and figured. The Engravings, amounting to nearly 200, represent the perfect Tree, and details of the Flowers, Leaves, and Fruit. TROUBADOURS.] 353 [turkey. TROUBADOURS AND TROUVERES. TAYLOR, (Edgar.) Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours. 8vo. ......... London, 1825 COSTELLO, (Miss.) Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Ilenri tluatre. 12mo, 5s. London, 1835 SISMONDI, (S. de.) History of the Literature of the South of Europe. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 7a. London, 1825 DIEZ, (F.) Leben und Werke der Troubadours. 8vo. . . . Zwickau, 1829 Die Poesie der Troubadours ; nach gedruckten und handsehrift. Werken derselben dargestellt. 8vo. Zwickau, 1826 La Po J.) Liturgies, 340. Bailey, (H.) Rituale Anglo-Catholicum, or the Testimony of the Catholic Church to the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, 15s. London, 1847 Baldassari, (L’Abbe.) Pope’s History of, 345. Balguy, (T.) Works, by Drake. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. 1822 Barnes, (A.) .lob, 338. Ephesians, 327. Isaiah 336. Thessalonians, 350. Barr, (J.) Architecture, 34. Barrau, (J. J.) Mohammedanism, 341. Barrett, (R. A. F.) Criticism, 325. Barrington, (Lord.) Miscellanea Sacra. 3 vols. 8vo 1770 Works. 3 vols. 8vo, 16s. . . 1828 Barrow, (I.) Theological Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin., 1842 “ “ 8 vols. 8vo, 80s. Oxon., 1830 Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 52s. 6d. . London. — selected from his Works. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. London, 1812 — and Fragments, edited by Lee. Rvo, 7s. London. Supremacy of the Pope. 8vo, 9s. Cxi. New- York, 1844 Bartlett. Jerusalem, 336. Basnage, (J.) Jews, 337. Bates, (W.) Antiquities, 316. History, 333. Bauer, (G. L.) Jews, 337. Baxter, (Rd.) Works, with Life, by Orme. 23 vols. 8vo, £12. 12s. . London, 1830 Practical Works. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, 52s. 6d. London. Beausobre, (Js.) Hist, de la Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo • . 1785 Intro, to New Test. 8vo, 8s. . 1833 “ “ “ 12mo, 7s. . 1836 Beaven, (J.) Catechism, 320. Becon, (T.) Parker Society. Bede. Opera Miscellanea, Eng. Transl. and Life, by Giles. 6 vols. 8vo, 63s. . London, 1844 Commentaria Theologia, edited by Giles. 6 vols. 8vo, /.3. . . London, 1844 History of the Primitive Church, by Hurst. 8vo, 10s. .... London. Bedell, (Bp.) Life, by II. J. Monck Mason. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . Memoirs, by S. H. Tyng. 8vo, 7s. 6d. Bellarmine, (Cardl.) Notes on the Church. Bennett, (T.) On the XXXIX. Articles. 8vo. 10s. 6d 1715 Ans. to the Dissenter’s Plea for Separation. 8vo, 5s. ..... 1707 (J.) Acts of the Apostles, 315. (W. J. E.) Eucharist, 328, Liturgies, 329. Bennett & Bogue. History of Dissenters. 8vo, 12s. . London. Benson, (G.) Acts of the Apostles. Newman. 12mo, 5s. THEOLOGY.] 363 [theology. Bentley, (Rd.) Works, ed. by Dyce. 3 vols. 8vo, 26s. ..... London. (R.) Folly of Atheism. 8vo, 7s. 6d. 1809 Berington & Kirk. Catholic Faith, 320. Berkeley, (Bp.) Works, ed. by Wright. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s London, 1843 Bernard, (H. H.) Creed and Ethics of the Jews. 8vo, 21s. . . . London. Berrian, (Dr.) Devotions, 325. Best, (S.) Devotions, 326. Bethell, (Bp.) Baptism, 318. Beveridge, (Bp.) Works, by Horne. 9 vols. 8vo, £5. 6s. Oxon, Church Catechism Explained. 12mo, 2s. 6d. 320. Discourse on the XXXIX. Articles. 8vo, 8s. Private Thoughts. 12mo, 4s. (id., 8vo. 7s. 6d. “ “ by Bradley. 12mo, 5s. Sermons, abridged by Dakins. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. — on the Ministry. 12mo, 5s. Thesaurus, or System of Divinity. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Treatise on Prayer and Communion, by Man- ning. 18mo, 3s. 6d. Beza, (T.) Latin Testament. Biber, (G. E.) Standard of Catholicity. 8vo, 14s. London. Bickersteth, (E.) Chief Concerns of Man. 12mo, 5s. London. Christian Hearer. 12mo, 5s. — Psalmody. 24mo, 2s., 12mo, 4s. (id. — Student. 12mo, 7s. Companion to the Baptismal Font. 18mo, 2s. — to Communion. 18mo, 2s. Divine Warning to the Church. 18mo, 3s. Occasional Works. 12mo, 7s. Practical Guide to the Prophecies. 12mo, 6s. Questions on the Thirty-Nine Articles. 12mo, 4s. Restoration of the Jews. 12mo, 6s. Signs of the Times in the East. 12mo, 6s. Treatises (Four) abridged. 18mo, 2s. (id. Eucharist. 328. Fathers, 328. Introduc- tions, 335. Billroth, (G.) Corinthians, 324. Bilson, (T.) Perpetual Government of Christ’s Church. 8vo, 11s. . . Oxon., 1842 Bingham, (J.) Works. 9 vols. 8vo, 94s. 6d. London, 1844 The same. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, 31s. 6d. “ 1845 Antiquities, 316. Binning, (Hugh.) Works. 3 vols. 12mo, 12s. . London. — Notes by Leishman. 8vo, 15s. “ Biscoe, (R.) Acts of the Apostles, 315. Blair, (H.) Sermons. 8vo, $2. JV. Y., 1844 Blackmore, (R. W.) Russian Church, 347. Blayney, (B.) Jeremiah, 336. Zechariah, 350. Bloomfield, (C. J.) Acts of the Apostles, 315. Bloomfield, (S. T.) Annot. N. Testament 8 vols. 8vo, £&. 2s. London. Gr. and Eng. Lexicon to N. T. 343. Bloxham, (M. H.) Architecture, 34. Blunt, (J. J.) Oospels, 331. Bohlen, (P. v.) Genesis, 331. Booth, (A.) Baptism, 318. Bosanquet, (E.) Paraph, of Romans. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London. Bourdaloue. CEuvres. 3 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1840 Bowden, (J.) Life of Gregory VII. 12mo. New- York, 1845 Boyce, (Dr.) Choral Service, 321. Boyle, (Hon. R.) On the Veneration doe to God. 12mo. . . . London, 1836 Boys, (T.) Hebrew Poetry, 332. Bradley, (C.) Sermons, 348. Eucharist, 328. Braqqe, (F.) Works on the Miracles, Parables, &c. 5 vols. 8vo, 32s. (id. . . . 1838 Bramhall, (Abp.) Works. . Oxon, 1842-46 Brandt, (G.) Hist, of Reformation in the Low Countries. 4 vols. folio, 63s. . . . 1720 The same, abridged. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. 1725 Brennan, (M. J.) History, Ireland, 334. Brenton, (L. J. C.) Scptuagint, 348. Brett, (T.) Liturgies, 339. Brewster, (J.) Acts, 315. Bridge, (W.) Works. 5 vols. 8vo, 37s. 6d. London, 1846 Bridges, (C.) Psalms, 346. Proverbs, 346. British Pulpit. 6 vols. 8vo, 54s. London, 1834 Brogden, (J.) Liturgies, 340. Brown, (J.) Dictionaries, 326. Browne, (H.) Chronology, 323. Browning, (W. S.) Huguenots, 335. Bryant, (J.) Obs. on the Plagues of the Egyp- tians. 8vo, 7s. .... 1810 Buddjeds, (J.) Theses Theologies de Atheismo et Superstitione. 8vo, 10s. 64. . 1737 Budd, (H.) Baptism, 318. Buddicom, (R. P.) Exodus, 328. Bull, (Bp.) Works. 8 vols. 8vo, 49s. . Oxon., 1837 English Theological Works. 8vo, 10s. 6d. 1844 Harmonia Apostolica, by Wilkinson. 8vo, 6s. Harmony of St. Paul and James on Justifica- tion. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. . . 1845 Defence and Vindication of. 8vo, 12s. Life of, by Nelson. 18mo, 3s. 6d. London, 1837 Opinion of the Catholic Church, by Rankin. 8vo, 8s. Sermons and Discourses on Primitive Chris- tianity. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Sermons, with Life by Nelson. 3 vols. 8vo, 18s. Vindication of the Church. 18mo, 2s. 6d. Devotions, 326. Bunsen, (C. C. J.) Liturgies, 340. THEOLOGY.] 364 [theology. Bunyan, (John.) Life and Times, by Philip. 8vo, 12s. Virtue. Pilgrim's Progress, ed. by Southey. 8vo, plates, 21s Murray. ed. by Conder. 8vo, plates, 16s. Fisher. ed. by Philip. 8vo, plates, 14s. 6d. Virtue. Practical Works by Philip, vol. 1 to 6,12mo, each 5s. Holy War. Pictorial edition, roy. 8vo, 12s. Virtue. Border, (S.) Oriental Customs. 8vo, 12s. . London. — Literature. 2 vols, 8vo, 30s. . “ Borgh, (W.) Inquiry into the belief of the three first cen- turies respecting the Trinity. 8vo, 10s. 6d. 1778 Apocalypse, 317. Burkitt, (W.) Notes on N. Test. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. London. Burnett, (Bp.) Exposition of the 39 Articles. 8vo, $2. New- York, D. A. & Co. Exposition of the 39 Articles. 8vo, 8s. 6d. Oxon., 1831 History of his own Time, with Notes, &c. 6 vols. 8vo, 50s Oxon. The same, roy. 8vo, 17s., with plates, 42s. iMndon. History of the Reformation. 7 vols. 8vo, 70s. .... Oxon., 1829 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 32s., with plates, 55s. London. 4 vols. 8vo, $8. N. F., D. A. & Co. Lives of Hale and Rochester, ed. by Jebb. 8vo, 7s. .... London. Catechism, 320. Burn, (R.) Ecclesiastical Law, by Phillimore. 4 vols. 8vo, 76s. . . . London, 1842 Burge, (W.) Choral Service, 321. Burrington, (G.) Genealogies, 330. Burton, (E.) Theological Works. 5 vols. 8vo, 6s. Oxon., 1839 Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ. 8vo, 13s. 6d. Oxon., 1829 to the Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo, 5s. 6d Oxon., 1831 Acts, 315. Christianity, 323. History, 333. Burrow, (E. J.) Summary of Christian Faith and Practice. 3 vols. 12mo, 10s. 6d. . 1822 Bush, (G.) Exodus, 328. Genesis, 330. He- brew Language, 332. Butler, (A.) lathers, 328. Butler, (Bp.) Analogy of Religion. 12mo, 4s. 6d. 342. Oxon. Life, Writings, &c., by Bartlett. 8vo, 12s. Sermons. 8vo, 4s. 6d. Works, by Halifax, with Index to Analogy. 2 vols. 8vo, 11s. . . Oxon. Bythner, (V.) Psalms, 346. CaLcott, (M.) 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Carpenter, (W.) Biblical Companion, imp. 8vo, 18s London, 1836 Carwithkn, (J. B. S.) Hist, of the Church of England. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1829-33 Carne, (J.) Missions, 341. Cary, (Hy.) Testimonies of the Fathers of the First Four Centuries. 8vo. . Oxon., 1835 Caryl, (J.) Job, 337. Caunter, (J. H.) Hebrew Poetry, 332. Cave, (W.) Primitive Christianity. 8vo, 7s. I.on don, 1814 Lives of the Fathers. 3 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1841 Lives of the Apostles. 8vo, 7s. “ 1841 Cecil, (R.) Remains and Life, by Pratt. 12mo, 5s London. Works, by Pratt. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. “ Chalmers,(T.) Works. 25 vols. 12mo, each 5s. . London. Chandler, (Bp. E.) Def. of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old Test., and Vindica- tion of the Defence. 3 vols. 8vo, 13s. . 1725-28 Chandler, (J.) Hymns, 335. (S.) Vindication of the Antiquity and Au- thority of the Prophecies of Daniel. 8vo,5s. 1728 Charnock, (S.) Works, by Parsons. 9 vols. 8vo, j£5. 8s London. Attributes, 318. Chillingworth, (Wm.) 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Collinson, (J.) Fathers, 328. CoLLYER, (D.) Sacred Interpreter. 8vo, 12s. London, 1831, Collombet. Jesuits, 337. Comber, (Dean.) Theological Works. 7 vols. 8vo, 45s Oxon., 1841 Liturgies, 340. Conder, (J.) View of all Religions. Courayer, (F.) Defence of the Validity of Eng- lish Ordinations. 8vo, 10s. 6d. 343. Oxon., 1844 Coverdale, (Bp.) Letters of the Martyrs, 1564. sm. 8vo, 6s London, 1837 Memorials of. 8vo, 6s. . “ 1844 Cox, (F. A.) Daniel, 325, Missions, 341. Cox, (R.) Romans, 347. Coppleston, (Bp.) Inquiry into the Doctrines of Necessity and Predestination. 8vo, 7s. 6d. 1821 Cook, (G.) History, 3, Scotland, 334. Cook, (J.) Criticism, 325. Cosin, (Bp.) Devotions, 325. Hist, of Popish Transubstantiation. 12mo, 6s. .... London, 1840 Cotton, (H.) Bible, 319. Conybeare, (J. J.) Interpretation, 335. Crabbe, (G.) Outline of Natural Theology. 8vo, 10s. Cxi. ... London, 1840 Cranmer, (Abp.) Works, by Jenkins. 4 vols. 8vo, 50s . 1834 yParker Society.) Creswell, (D.) Psalms, 346. Cretineau-Joly. Jesuits, 336. Croly, (G.) Apocalypse, 317. Croswell, (H.) Devotions, 325. Cruden, (A.) Concordance, 323. Crutwell, (C.) Concordance of Parallels. 4to, 25s. London. Cunninghame, (W.) Apocalypse, 317. Cyprian, (St.) Works of, with Life, by Poole. 3 vols. 8vo, 34s. 6d. ... Oxon. Cyril, (St.) Catechetical Lectures. 8vo, 10s. Cd. Oxon., 1838 (Library of the Fathers.) Daille, (J.) Fathers, 328. Daniel, (H. A.) Hymns, 335. Dansey, (W ) Hist, of Rural Deans. 2 vols. 4to, 25s London, 1844 Daubeny, (C.) Guide to the Church. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. London, 1830 Protestant Companion. 8vo, 6s. “ 1821 Dai;buz. Symbols, 350. Davenant, (Bp.) Colossians, 323. Justification, 338. Davidson, (S.) Criticism, 325. Introductions, 335. Davies, (E.) Job. Davison, (J.) Discourses on Prophecy. 8vo, 12s., 345. 1839 Remains. 8vo, 15s. . . . 1841 Day, (S. P.) Monasticism, 341. De Wette, (W. M. L.) Introductions, 11. Old Test., 335. Dimock, (J. F.) Articles of Faith, 317. Dodd. History, 2, 334. Doddridge, (P.) Devotional Letters and Meditations, sm. 8vo, 10s. Cxi. .... London. Family Expositor, with Life by Kippis. 4 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . London, 1840 —by Orton and Kippis. imp. 8vo, 16s. London, 1832 Lectures on Pneumatology, &c., by Kippis. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. . . London, 1832 Miscellaneous Works. Essay by Morell. imp. 8vo, 18s. . . . London, 1832 — and Life by Orton. 5 vols. 8vo, 40s. London, 1832 Private Life and Corresp mdonce. 5 vols. 8vo, 75s. . . . London, 1832 Works, by Williams. 10 vols. 8vo, 90s. London, 1832 JTew Testament, 342. Dodsworth, (W.) Eucharist, 328. Dollinger, (J. J. I.) History, 334. Donne, (Jno.) Works, with Life by Alford. 6 vols. 8vo, 36s. London. Devotions. 18mo, 3s. 6d. Pickering, London, 1840 Selections from the Works of. 12mo. Oxon., 1840 Douglas, (Bp.) Criterion of Miracles. 8vo, 6s. V 341 Oxon., 1833 Dowling, (J. G.) History, Ecclesiastical, 339. Bibles, 319. Drexelius. Devotions, 326. Drummond, (D. T. K.) History, Scotland, 334. Dudley, (J.) Symbols. Duller, (E.) Jesuits. Dupin, (L. E.) Hist, of Ecclesiast. Writers, 17 Centuries. 16 vols. fol. . . 1692-1703 Durandus, (W.) Symbols, 350. Dwight, (T.) Theology. 4 vols. 8vo, 6s. JV*. T., 1846 THEOLOGY.] 366 [theology. Eciiard, (L.) Eeclesiast. History of the first three Centuries. fob, 10s. 6d. . . London, 1702 — 2 vols. 8vo. ... “ 1730 Eden, (R.) Dictionaries, 326. Edgar, (S.) Variations of Popery. 8vo. London, 1837 Edwards, (Jon.) Works. 4 vols. 8vo. . . .V. Y., 1844 Eiciihorn, (J. G.) Introductions, 336. Elliot, (E. B.) Apocalypse, 317. Ellis, (W.) Missions, 341. Ellis, (J.) The Knowledge of Divine Things. 8vo, 10s. London, 1811 Enchiridion Theologicum, a Manual for the use of Students in Divinity. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s 1825 Enchiridion Theologicum anti-Romanum. 3 vols. 8vo, 32s. . . . 1836-37 Elsley, (J.) Annotations on the Gospels and Acts. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . London, 1833 Erastus. On Excommunication. Translated by Dr. Lee. 12mo, 4s. Gd. . London, 1845 Eusebius. Annotationes Variorum. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. Oxon. Eclogire Prophetic*, edit. Gaisford. 8vo, 11s. Oxon. Evang. Lib. XV. recens. Gais- ford. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. . . Oxon. Pamphili Hist. Ecclesiastics; recens. Burton. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . . Oxon. Life of Constantine, &c. 8vo, 7s. London, 1843 History, 333. Evagrius. Scholastici Epiphaniensis, &c., ex rec. H. Va- lesii. 8vo, 7s. ... Oxon. History, 333. Ewald, (H.) Hebrew Lang., 332. Jews, 337. Job, 338. Mysticism, 342. Ewald and Dukes. Hebrew Lang., 332. Exton, (R. B.) Psalms, 346. Faber, (G. S.) Daniel, 325 Election, 327. Justification, 338. Prophecies, 345. Fallow, (T. M.) Baptism, 318. Farr, (E.) Poetry, 344. Fell, (Bp.) Paraphrase of St. Paul’s Epistles. 8vo, 7s 1702 Fenelon, (Abp.) CEuvres. 5 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1838 Field, (R.) Book of the Church, folio, 63s. . 1635 History, 334. Fitzgerald, (A. D.) Catechism, 320. Fisher, (E.) Marrow of Modern Divinity. 12mo, 5s. London. Fletcher, (J) Works. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1840 Flavel, (J.) 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(id. “ Memoirs of, by Morris. 8vo, 7s. Gd. “ Memoirs of, by Ryland. 8vo, 7s. “ Fuller, (Thos.) Memorials of tbe Life and Works of, by A. Russell. 12mo, 6s. Pickering, London. Church History, ed. by J. S. Brewer. 6 vols. 8vo, 63s. . Oxon. — ed. by Nichols. 3 vols. 8vo, 27s. London, 1837 Good Thoughts in Bad Times. 12mo, 6s. Pickering, London. History of the Holy War. 12mo, 6s. Pickering, London. Holy and Profane State. 12mo, 6s. Pickering, London. History of the University of Cambridge, &c., by Nichols. 8vo, 14s" . . London. — by Prickett and Wright. 8vo, 12s. “ Holy and Profane State. 12mo. “ Worthies of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. . . , . , London. Galloway, (W. B.) Apocalypse, 317. Gardesius, (D.) Historic Reformationis. 4 vols. 4to, 36s 1744 Garrick, (D.) Liturgy, 339. Gibson, (Bp.) Codex Juris Ecclesiastic! Anglicani. 2 vols. fob, 84s 1761 Gems of Sacred Literature,—Prose. 2 vols. 12mo, 8s. .... London. — Poetry. 2 vols. 12mo, 8s. . “ Geneste, (M.) Harmonies, 331. Gesenius, (W.) Hebrew Language, 332. Isaiah, 336. THEOLOGY.] [theology. Gieseler, (J. C. I.) History, 333. Gill, (Jno.) Body of Divinity. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London. Life and Writings of, by J. Rippon. I2mo, 3s. 6d London. Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo, 46s. 6d. . “ Gilson, (D.) Sermons on Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s London. Girdlestone, (C.) Bibles, 318. New Test., 342. Gisborne, (T,) Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion. 8vo, 13s. . . . . . 1825 Colossians, 323. Gladstone, (W. E.) Church Principles. 8vo. . London, 1844 Glassius, (S.) Criticism, 325. Gleig, (Bp.) Directions for the Study of The- ology. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . , . London. Good, (J. M.) Job, 337. Psalms, 346. Song of Solomon, 350. Goodwin, (T.) Works, vol. 1-2. 8vo, each 10s. London. Gorham, (G. C.) Apocrypha, 317. Grant, (A.) Missions, 341. Nestorians, 342. Graves, (R.) Lectures on the four last Books of the Penta- teuch. 8vo, 14s. , . , 1840 Whole Works, with Memoir by his Son. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . 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London, 1846 — 6 vols. 8vo, 42s. . . “ 1845 Miscellanies, sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d. “ 1845 Halyburton, (T.) Works. 8vo, 15s. Hammond, (Dr. H.) Works. (Lib. Anglo-Cath. Theology.) Catechism, 320. New Test., 342. Hammond, (W. A.) Councils, 324. Hannam, (E. P.) Pulpit Assistant. 8vo, 12s. 6d. Harmer, (T.) Obs. on divers Passages of Scrip- ture, illust. from Travels in the East. 4 vols. 8vo, 21s 1816 Harrison, (B.) Liturgies, 339. Hart, (R.) Councils, 324. History, 334. Haverfield, (T. T.) Festivals and Fasts, 330. Havernick, (H. A. C.) Ezekiel, 328. Introductions, 336. Harvey, (W. W.) Fathers, 328. Haweis, (J. O. W.) Reformation, 347. Hawker, (Dr.) Works, with Life, by Williams. 10 vols. 8vo. jt'6. 6s. . . . I.ondon. Hawkins, (E.) America, Church in, 315. Heber, (Bp.) Bampton Lectures :—Personality and Office of the Christian Comforter. 8vo, 12s. London, 1815 Sermons in England and India. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s London, 1829 Hendewerk. (C. L.) Isaiah, 336. Henderson, (E.) 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Wycliffe, (John.) Life of, by John Lewis. 8vo, 11s. Oxon. — and Opinions, by Vaughan. 3 vols. 8vo, 21s London. Wykeiiam, (Wm.) Life of, by Bp. Lowth. 8vo, 7s. ..... London. Yodng, (T.) Three Sermons on St. Paul’s Doc- trine. 8vo, 6s. 1830 PART II. MISCELLANIES: AND INDEX TO PART I. COLLECTED WORKS. CLASSICS. BIOGRAPHY ABAILARD, (P.) Ouvrages inedits d’, pour servir k l’histoire de la philosophie scholastique en France, pub- lies par Victor Cousin. 4lo,/.12. Paris, 1846 History of the Lives of Abeilard and Heloisa, from 1079-1163, with the letters, from the collection of Amboise, by J. Berrington. 4to. . . . Birmingham, 1788 Lettres d’Abailard et Heloise, trad, sur les MSS. de la Biblotheque royale par E. Od- doul, preceddes d’un essai histor., par M. et Mad. Guizot. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, /.20. Paris, 1839 Lettres d’Helo'ise et Abeilard, traduction nouvelle par le bibliophile Jacob, preckdee d’un travail litteraire par M. Villenave. 18mo,/.3 50. . . Paris, 1840 Abbott, (A.) Cuba. A’Becket, (Thos.) Life and Letters, by Giles. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . London, 1846 Abeken, (W.) Italy (II. History). Abercrombie, (J.) Jlbdomen, 220. Brain, 224. Stomach, 242. Philosophy, 282. Abernethy, (J.) Surgery, 243. Aboul Hhassan Ali. Astronomy (VI. Instruments). Abocl’ Kasim Firdousi. Persia (II. History). Abrahamson. Ballads {Danish). ABULFEDA. Vie de Mahommed, texte arabe: traduction francaise et de notes, par M. A. Noel des Vergers. 8vo,/.15. . . Paris. Arabia (I. Geography. II. History). Ackerman, (M.) Madagascar. Acton, (W.) Venereal Disease. Adair, (J.) American Indians. Adair, (R.) Austria. Adams, (E.) Architecture (III. p. 32.) Arts, Decorative. Adams, (W. B.) Carriages. Adamson, (J.) Portugal. Addison, (C. G.) Architecture (VI. Gothic). Chivalry. Knights' Templars. ADDISON, (Jos.) Works, ed. by Hurd, 6 vols. 8vo, 42s. London, 1811 Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. 12mo. Oxon., 1830 Life, by Miss Aikin. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 18s. London. Addison and Morgan. Toxicology. Adelung, (F.) Philology, 280. Sanscrit, 298. Adelung, (J. 0.) Germany (IV. Language), 172. Philology, 280. Adhemar, (J.) Carpentry. Drawing. Per- spective. Adler, (G. J.) Germany (IV. Language). Adolphus, (J.) England (II. History). ADRIANI, (G. B.) Istoria de’suoi tempi, dall’anno 1536 all’anno 1574, lib. XXII. 8vols.8vo. Prato, 1822-23 Adrien de la Fage. Music (I. History), 253. Adshead, (J.) Punishment. Adye, (S. P.) Bombardier and Pocket Gunner. 18mo, 7s. 6d Courts Martial. A3G1NETA, (P.) Medical Works, transl. by Adams. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . . London, 1845-6 (Sydenham Society.) AJlianiis, de natura animah'um Gr. ad opt. MSS. cur Schneideri, Gesneri, Gronovii suasque annot. adjeeit F. Jacobs. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. .Jena;, 1832 iESCHINES. Opera Omnia. Gr. cum comment. H. Wolfii et aliorum. 2 vols. 8vo. lApsce, 1808-10 rESCIIYLUS. Dramata. Gr. ed. F. H. Bothe. 8vo, 12s. Li-psice, 1831 Gr. leet. var. notasque adjec. A. Wellauer. 4 vols. 8vo, 28s. . Lipsiee, 1824-31 Werke, iibersetzt v. J. G. Droysen. 2 vols. 8vo, 10s. ful. . . . Berlin, 1822 Tragcedise, Grace. Butleri. 8 vols. 8vo, 84s. London. JESC.] 378 [alf. A2SOHYLUS. Tragcedi®, Grace. Scholefield. 8vo, 12s. London. “ Gr. etLat. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 20s. “ “ “ “ cum Notis Schutz. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. ... . London. “ Latine, ex v'ersione Stanleii. 8vo, 7s. London. Tragedies, in English Prose, with notes. 8vo, 10s. 6d Oxford. “ literally translated. 8vo, 8s. London. “ transl. by Potter. 8vo, 9s. “ Tragcedia: et Fragmenta, ex recensione G. Dindorfii. 8vo, 5s. 6d. . . Oxon. Annotationes ad Aischylum. G. Dindorfii. 8vo, 16s. . . . . . Oxon. Lexicon, &c., by Linwood. 8vo, 15s. London, 1843 Prologoinena ASschyli Tragici von R. H. Klausen. 8vo, 4s. 6d. . Berlin, 1829 die Aisehylisehe Trilogie, von F. G. Welcker. 8vo, 11s Bonn, 1845 Agamemnon, Gracte, with English Notes, by Peile. 8vo,-9s. . . . London. Agamemnon, Grama;, ed. Blomfiela. 8vo, 12s. , . . . . London. Agamemnon, Greek, German, and English, by Kennedy. 8vo, 12s. . London. Agamemnon, ed. Paley. 8vo, 4s. “ Agamemnon, in English, by Harford. 8vo, 18s London. by Symmons. 8vo, 8s. . London. Agamemnon, Choephora', Eumenides, Grace, rec. Paley. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . London. Choephora;, Grace, ed. Blomfield. 8vo, 8s. London. “ Paley. 8vo, 3s 6d. “ “ with English Notes, by Peile. 8vo, 9s. London. Eumenides, Dissertations on, by C. O. Muller. 8vo, 9s. 6d London. Eumenides, Gracte, ed. Linwood. 8vo, 8s. I.ondon. “ “ “ Paley. 8vo, 3s. 6d. London. “ “ “ Scholefield. 8vo, 4s. 6d. Persse, Grace, Bloomfield. 8vo, 8s. London. “ Greek and English, by Palin. 8vo, 7s. London. Prometheus, in English Verse, by Pembroke. 8vo, 3s. 6d I.ondon. Prometheus Vinctus, Grace, with literal translation. 8vo, 6s. 6d. . I.ondon. Grace, ed Bloomfield. 8vo, 8s. London. “ with literal translation. 8vo, 6s. 6d London. “ Notes, by Burgess. 8vo, 5s. *• “ “ “Griffiths, 8vo,5s. “ and Sophocles’ Electra, ill English, by Fox. 8vo, 8s. 6d. . . London. Septem contraThebas, Grace, ed. Bloomfield. 8vo, 8s London. —— Notes, by Griffiths. 8vo, 5s. “ Supplices, Grace, Latin Notes, by Paley. 6s. ..... London. Cluestiones A3schylea>, auct. C. G. Ilaupt. 5 parts. 8vo, 29s. . . Lips., 1828-30 Griech. u. deutsch. mit Anm. v. C. W. Schnei- der. 12mo, 20s. . Weim., 1834-39 Fables, 146. Fabulae Gr. et. Lat. vers, notisque ed. F. de Furia. 2 vols, 8vo, 13s. 6d. . Lips., 1810 Aoardii,(C. A.) Algw. Agassiz, (L.) Conchology, Geology, Ichthy- ology, Natural History, 255. Paleontology, 274. Switzerland (I. Travels), 312. Agincourt, (S. de.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Agnel, (H. R.) Chess. Agrell, (C. M.) Aramean Language. Ahrens, (E. A. J.) Athens. Ahrens, (F. H. L.) Greece (III. Literature), 177. Aikin, (Dr. A.) Calendar of Nature. 18mo, 2s. 6d. ..... London, 1840 Aikin, (A.) Arts and Manufactures. Aikin, (E.) Architecture (IV. Grecian). Aiken, (J.) Ballads (I. English), 03. Aiken, (P. F.) Constitution, English, 110. Aikin, (Dr.) Poetry, 285. Aikin, (Lucy.) England (II. History), 135, 136, 138. Aikman. Scotland (II. History), 302. aim£. L’ystoire de li Normant et la chronique du Robert Viscart; par Aime, nioine du mont Cassin; publiees pour la premiere fois d’apres un manuscrit francais inedit du 13e siecle, appartenant h la Bibliotheque royale, par M. Chainpollion Figeac. 8vo,/.9. Paris, 1835 Ainslie, (W.) Materia Medica, 235. Ainsworth, (W.) Asia Minor. Assyria. Babylon. Chaldea. Greece (I. Geography). AINSWORTH, (H.) Annot. oti the Pentateuch. 2 vol. 8vo, 28s. Airy, (G. B.) Astronomy (II. General Trea- tises, Gravitation). Akerman, (J. T.) England (III. Language), Akerman, (J. Y.) Numismatics, 262. Akenside, (M.) Aldine Poets. Writings and Genius of, by C. Bucke. I2mo. London. Alban, (E.) Steam Engine, 311. Alberti. Italy (III. Language), 197. Alcan. Arts and Manufactures. Alcedo, (A.) America (IV. British). Jamaica. ALCUIN. Life, transl. from the German by Miss Slee. 12mo, 4s London. ALDHELMI. Opera ed. Giles. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1844 (Patrcs Ecclesice Anglicanw.) ALDINE POETS, 9. Alison, (A.) Europe, (History of). Popula- tion. Alison, (S. S.) Heart, 231. Toxology, 244. Pathology, 239. Alison, (W. P.) Medicine, 236. Physiology, 240. Alix. Artillery (II. Treatises). Alder and Hancock. Malacology. ALEMBERT, (d\) CEuvres Completes. 5 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1822 Alexander, (C.) Greece (III. Literature), 177. ALFIERI, (V.) Opere. 4 vols. 8vo, /.3G. Pisa, 1821-29 — translated by Lloyd, with Biography. 4 vols. 12mo, 12s. . . . London. AI.F.] 379 [ari. ALFRED, (King.) Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius, by Car- dale. 8vo, 25s. . . London, 1829 Will. Saxon and English, with Notes. 8vo, 5s. London. Aus, (A. F. L.) Ottoman Empire, 271. Allen, (J. N.) Affghanistan. Allen, (W.) Africa, Geography. Allen, (J.) Constitution, English, 110. Allen, (M.) Insanity, 234. Allen, (J.) Naval History. Allen and Cornwall. England (III. Language.) Alletz, (P. E.) Democracy. Allix, (J. P.) Albigenses. Alter, (F. C.) Philippine Islands. Altmeyer, (J. J.) Netherlands (I. Histonj). Ames and Herbert. Printing. Amesbury, (J.) Deformities, 226. Fractures, 230. Amari, (M.) Sicily. Amos, (A.) Education, 120. England (II. His- tory), 136. Ampere, (J. J.) France (III. Literature), 154. Amyot, (M.) Tartar Languages. ANACREON. Greek and English, with Lexicon and Notes, by Roche. 8vo, 12s. Valpy, London. Greek, by Edwards. 12mo, 6s. Carmina, ed. Th. Bergk. 8vo, 7s. Lips., 1834 See Moore’s Poetical Works. Family Classical Library, &c. Anaximenes. Ars Rhetorica, quae vulgo fertur Aristotelis ad Alexandrum. Recens. et illustr L. Spengel. 8vo, 11s. Gd. . Turici,1844 ANC1LLON, (F.) Essais de I’hilosophie, de politique et de litter attire. 4 vols. 8vo, /.24. Paris, 1832 Europe, History of. Anderson, (J.) Sumatra, Tartar I.anguages. Anderson, (G. & P.) Scotland (I. Travels). Anderson, (J.) Nervous System, 238. Andral, (G.) Abdomen, 220. Brain, 224. Chest, 225. Clinical Medicine, 226. ANDRES, (G.) Dell’origine, d’progresse, e dello stato attuale d’ogui letteratura. 8 vols. 4to, /.80. Parma, 1788-1822 Another edition. 23 vols. 8vo, /.66. Pistoja, 1821 Andrews and Stoddard. Latin Language. Andrew, (W.) Persia (III. Language). Andry, (F.) Auscultation, 224. Angas, (G. F.) Australia. Anoelis, (P. de.) Argentine Republic. ANGELO, (Michael.) Hist, de la vie et des ouvrages de. . . Par M. Quatremere de Quincy. 8vo. Paris, 1835 Life, by R. Duppa. roy. 8vo, 15s. London. Illustrations to do. 4to, 31s. Gd. . “ Life by Duppa, in Bogue’s European Library, sm. 8vo, 3s. Gd. . . London, 1846 Anglada, (J.) Toxicology, 244. Ansell, (C.) Assurance, Life, Mathematics— Calculus, 215. Annesley, (J.) India, Diseases of, 233. Ansted, (D. T.) Earth—Geology. Anstey, (T. C.) Constitution, English, 110. ANTOINETTE, (Marie.) Private Life, by Mad. Campan. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. ..... Eondon. Memoirs relating to, by Weber. 3 vols. roy. 8vo London. ApollodoRDs. Bibliotheca cur. C. G. Ileyne. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. . . . Gott., 1803 Apollonius Ruddies. Argonautica, ed. A. Wellauer. 2 vols. 8vo, 13s. 6d. Lips., 1828 APPLETON, (Presid’t.) Works. 2 vols. 8vo, $4. Andover, 1837 Apuleius. Ojiera Omnia. Ed. Hildebrand. 2 vols. 8vo, 42s Lips., 1842 — Ed. Minor. 8vo, 8s. . “ 1843 Aquilino, (B.) Italy (III. Language), 198. Arago, (M.) Astronomy (II. General Treatises). Aran, (F. A.) Heart, 231. Arbousset, (M. T.) Africa, Geography. Arcet, (D’.) Arts and Manufactures. Arcy, (D\) Artillery (II. Treatises). Archeniioltz, (J. G.) Buccaneers. Archenholtz, (J. W.) Germany, (II. History). ARETIN, (J. C.) Beytriige zur Geschiclite und I,iterator, vor- ziiglich aus den Schiitzen der Miinchener national und Hof Bibliothek. 9 vols. 8vo. Munchen, 1803-7 Argelander, (D. F.) Astronomy (III. Atlases, IV. Tables). ARIOSTO, (L.) Orlando Furioso, con gli argomenti di Seipi- one Ammirato, e con annotazioni. 5 vols. 8vo. . . . Firenze, 1821-22 The same, with Original Memoir, Notes, and Illustrations in English, by Ant. Panizzi. 4 vols. 8vo, 42s. . . I.ondon. 1834 The same, translated into English, by Wm. S. Rose. 8 vols. 8vo, 76s. London, 1824-31 ARISTOPHANES. Comedies, in English, by Mitchell. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. 6d. ... London. — by Walsh, vol. 1, 8vo, 15s. . “ — by Wheelwright. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Oxon. — Grace, Dindorfii. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. “ — Annotationes. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. “ — Gr. et Lat. Bekkeri, cum notis. 5 vols. rov. 8vo, 75s. . . . I.ondon. — Gr. and Lat. Brunck. 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 31s. 6 d. — with Notes. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. Comcedis, Gr. et Lat. Textum emend. P. Invernizius, notas et scholia add. C. D. Beck et G. Dindorf. 13 vols. 8vo, £0. 9s. Lips., 1795-1834 Gr. ed. F. H. Bothe. 4 vols. 8vo, 21s. Lips., 1845 Lustspiele. Uebersetzt und erliiutert v. H. Miiiler. vol. 1 and 2, 8vo, 15s. Leipzig, 1843-44 Werke, ubersetzt v. J. G. Droysen. 3 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . . Berlin, 1838 Scholia Graca, edidit G. Dindorf. 3 vols. 47s. Gd. Fragmenta, edidit Th. Bergk. 8vo. 8s. Berlin, 1840 ARI.] 380 [arn. ARISTOPHANES. Equites, Gra-ce, Notes by Mitchell. 8vo, 10s. London. Nubes, Grace, Bekkeri, cum notis variorum, 8vo, 12s London. — Notes by Mitchell. 8vo, 10s. “ — Greek and English, by Gerard. 8vo, 5s. Achamenscs, Grace, Notes by Mitchell. 8vo, 10s. Acharnians, Knights, and Birds, in English. 4to, 18s. . — 8vo. 10s. 6 d. Aves, Grace, ed. Cookesley. 8vo, 7s. Birds, in English, by Cary. 8vo, 9s. 6d. l.ondon. Ecclesiazusa, in English, by Smith. 8vo, 7s. l.ondon. Plntus, Grace, Bekkeri, cum notis variorum. 8vo, 12s. .... l.ondon. — Notes by Cookesley. 8vo, 7s. 6d. “ — in English, by Carrington. 8vo, 5s. 6d. — and the Frogs, in English, with Notes. 8vo, 8s Oxon. Rana, Grace, Bekkeri, cum notis variorum. 8vo, 9s. ... .' London. — Notes by Cookesley, 8vo, 7s. — Notes by Mitchell. 8vo, 15s. Scholia Graca, h Dindorfio. 3 vols. 8vo, 32s. Oxon. Vespa, Grace, Notes by Mitchell. 8vo, 10s. l.ondon. Nota in Aristophanem k Porson. 8vo, 21s. ARISTOTLE. Opera Graca, ex recensione Imm, Bekkeri, accedunt indices Sylburgiani. 11 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 1837 Opera ad opt. librorum fulern edita. 16 vols. lOmo. . Tauchnitz, I.ipsiw, 1830-32 Works, transl. from the Greek, and illus- trated with copious elucidations from the Commentators, by Thos. Taylor. 10 vols. 4to. .... l.ondon, 1812 Opera Omnia, Gr, et Lat. ex recens. 1. Bek- keri, ed. Acad. Reg. Boruss. 4 vols. 4to, A'5.8s. ... Berol., 1831-36 — Cura C. II. Weise. 1 vol. 4to, 31s. Lipsite, 1843 Stahr, (A.) Aristotelia. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. 6 d Halle, 1832 Blakesley. Life of Aristotle. 8vo, 8s. 6d. London. De Anima, ed. et adnot. adj. A. Trendelen burg. 8vo, 13s. . . Jen o’, 1830 ETHICS. Ethicorum Nieomacheorum libri X., recogno- vit varias lectiones adjecit, notis variorum suisque illustravit, indice uberiore ornavit, E. Cardwell. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 1828-30 The same, ed. C. L. Michelet. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. 6rl. . . Berolini, 1829-35 POLITICS AND ECONOMICS. Economica, anonyma economica, etc., ed. C. Gbttlingius. 8vo, 4s. 6d. Jcnce, 1830 — rec. J. G. Schnieder. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. Frankf., 1809 — et Theophrasti Metaphysica. Ed. C. A. Brandis, vol. 1, 8vo, 7s. Berlin, 1823 Meteorologica. Post Bekker, ed. suos Com- ment. et ind. adj. J. L. Ideler. 2 vols, 8vo, 38s Lips., 1836 De animalibus historian libri X gr. et lat. text- um recensuit J. C. Scaligeri. versionem dili- genter recognovit, etc. Ed. J. G. Schneider. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . I.ipsite, 1841 Organon, recogn.etcomment, instr. T. Waitz. Pars. 1. Categor. Hermen. Analyt. 8vo, 13s. 6d. ... Lips., 1844 ARISTOTLE. LOGIC. Logique, traduite en f'rancais, par B. St. Hi- liare 8vo. . . " . Paris, 18.19 De la Logique d’Aristote, memoire c< uronne en 1837, par 1’Academie des sciences mo- rales et politiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Biese, (F.) Die Philosephie des Aristoteles in ihreni inneren Zusammenhange. 2 vols. 8vo, 2£s. . . Berlin, 1835-42 1. Logic u. Metaphys, 12s. 2. besond. Wissenschaften, 13 s. METAPHYSICS. Aristotelis et Theophrasti metaphysica (gr.) ad vett. codicum MSS. fidein recenslta, in- dicibus instructa, edidit C. A. Brandis, etc. 8vo, vol. 1. . . • Berolini, 1828- C. A. Brandis. Scholia grarca in Aristotelis metaphysica. 8vo. . Berolini. 1837 La Metaphysique d’Aristote, trad, en Fran- cais, etc., par MM. Pierron et Zewort. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1840 Examen critique de 1’ouvrage d’Aristote in- titule la metaphysique, par C. L. Michelet. 8vo. .... Paris, 1836 Essai sur la Metaphysique d’Aristote, par M. F. Ravaisson. 2 vols. 8vo. Pans, 1838 Poetic Rhetoric, 293. Rhetorica gr. et lat. cum animadversionibus variorum (Gaisford). 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 1820 L’Art de la Rhetorique par Aristote, texte coiiationne sur les editions precedentes et surles MSS. de la Bibliotheque dn roi, etc. trad, en Francais par C. Minuide-Myuas. 8vo. . . . . Paris, 1837 de poetica liber, gr. lectionem constituit, ver- sionem refinxit, animadversion, illustravit T. Tyrwhitt. 1 vol. 8vo. . Oxon, 1827 — Gr. et Lat. ed. P. Ritter. 8vo, 7s. Colon., 1838 — cum comment. G. Hermanni. 8vo, 7s. Lips., 1802 Armstrong, (R.) Climate, 226. Armstrong, (J.) Monuments, 251. Armitage,(J.) Brazil (II. History). Armstrong, (R. A.) Gaelic Language. Arnaud, (H.) Jilbigenses. Arnauld, (A.) Logic. Arnadlt, (A. V.) CEuvres completes. 8vo,/.40. Paris, 1824-27 Arndt, (C. G.) Philology, 280. Arnim, (Brentano). Ballads (II. German), &e. ARNOLD, (Dr. Thos.) Life and Correspondence, by A. P. Stanley. 8vo. $2 50. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1846 The History of Rome from the Earliest Pe- riod. 2 vols. 8vo, $5. N. Y., D. A. & Co. Lectures on Modern History. 12mo, ,$ 1 50. New-York, D. A. & Co. History of the later Roman Commonwealth. 8vo. $2. . New-York, D. A. & Co. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo $2. New- York. Sermons preached in the Chapel of Rugby School. 16mo. 75c. N. York, D. A. & Co. Arnold, (T. K.) Greece (III. Language). Latin, &c. Arnold, (W.) Fever, 230. Arnot, (J.) Urinary Organs, 244. Arnott, (N.) Natural Philosophy. Warming. Arnot, (S.) Hindostan (HI. Language), 185. ARR.] 381 [bal. Arrivabene, (F.) Dante, Commentaries. Arrian. De Expeditione Alexandri, recens. J. E. Ellendt. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. . Regiom., 1832 — recens. C. G Kruger. Vol. 1. 8vo, 3s. Berol., 1835 Artis, (E. T.) Botany, Fossil. Paleontology, 273. Arundell, (F. V. J.) Asia Minor. Arwidsson, (P. A.) Ballads, Swedish. Ascargorta. Spain (II. History), 308. ASCIIAM, (R.) English Works. 8vo. . London, 1815 Archery. Aschbach, (J.) Spain (II. History), 308. Ash, (J.) England (III. Language), 140. Ashburnham, (J.) England (II. History), 136. Ashe, (J.) Freemasonry. Ashwell, (S.) Obstetrics, 238. Women, Dis- eases of, 245. Aspinwall, (J.) America (Bibliography). Assemann, (J. S.) Aramean Language. Ast, (G. A. F.) Aesthetics. Astle, (T.) Alphabet. Astarloa, (D. P.) Basque Provinces (II. Language). Gr. et. Lat. cum not. animad. et. ind. instrux. J. Schweighauser. 14 vols. 8vo, jE5. 5s Argent., 1801-6 — Gr. cum notis, ex. recens. G. Dindorfii. 3 vols. 36s. . . . . Argent., 1827 Atkinson, (S.) Affghanistan. Atkinson, (J.) Medicine (I. Bibliography), 219. Persia (I. Travels), &c. Atterbom, (P. A.) Ballads, Swedish. Sweden (III. Language), 312. Auber, (P.) China (I. Geography), 97. Hin- dustan (II. History), 184. Aubisson de Voisins, (J. F.) Engineering, 129. Hydrodynamics, 191. Aucher, (P.) Armenia (III. Language). Tur- kish Language. Auchterlony, (J.) China (II. History), 97. Audubon, (J. J.) America (JVatural History). Ornithology, 270. Audoin et Brule. Entomology, 143. Austin, (J.) Jurisprudence. Avdall, (J.) Armenia (II. History). Azuni, (D. A.) Mercantile Law, 246. Azzolino, (P.) Dante, Commentaries. Babbage, (C.) Arts and Manufactures. Assurance, Life. Bridgewater Treatises. Machinery. BABER. Memoirs of Zahir-eddin Mohammed Baber, Emperor of Hindostan, written by himself, in the Jaghatai Turki, and transl. partly by the late John Leyden, partly by Wm. Er- skine, with Notes &c. by Ch. Waddington. 4to. .... London, 1826 Hindostan (II. History), 184. BabingTon, (C. C.) Botany. Babington. Tamul Language. BABRIU9. Fables. i Back, (Capt.) Arctic Regions. Bachhoffner, (G. H.) Chromatography. i Backhouse, (J.) Australia (I. Geography). BACON, (Lord.) Works, edited and translated by Basil Mon- tague. 16 vols. in 17. 8vo, l.ondoti, 1825-34 Advancement of Learning. 12mo, 5s. Pickering, London. Essays, edited by B. Montague. 5s. Pickering, London. Essays, and Advancement of Learning. 4s. Knight, l.ondon. Novum Organon, in English. l2mo, 5s. Knight, London. Account of Bacon’s Novum Organon in Li- brary of Useful Knowledge. England (II. History), 134. Bacot, (J.) Venereal Disease, 245. Baden, (G. L.) Denmark (I. History), 115. Badham, (C. D.) Fungi, Edible. Bakhr, (H.) Latin Language, 203. Bahr, (J. C. F.) Rome (III. Literature), 296. BAILEY, (P. J.) Festus : a Poem. 12mo, 5s. London, 1846, and Boston, 1846 BAILEY. (S.) Essays on the Formation of Opinions, &c. 12ino, 5s. 6d. ... London. Baillarger, (M.) Brain, 224. BAILLIE, (Joanna.) Collection of Poems. 8vo, 21s. London. Dramas. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . “ Fugitive Verses. 12mo, 9s. Metrical Legends of Exalted Characters. 8vo, 14s. Miscellaneous Plays. 8vo, 9s. Series of Plays on the Passions. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. Tenor of the New Test, concerning Christ. 8vo, 5s. BAILLIE, (Mat.) Works, with Life by Wardrop. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. l.ondon. Baillie, (R.) Scotland (II. History), 302. Bailly, (J. S.) Astronomy (I. History, II. General Treatises). ' Baily, (F.) Assurance, Life. Astronomy (V. Catalogues of Stars). Baily and Lund. Calculus, Differential, 215. BAILY, (J.) Comicorum Grsecorum Fragmenta. Part 1. 8vo, 9s. 6d. .... London. Baines, (E.) Cotton Manufacture. BAKE, (J.) Scholia llypomnemata. 3 vols. 12mo, 28s. J.ugd., 1838-45 Balbi, (A.) Ethnology, 144. Geography (I.), 165. Portugal. Balbirnie, (J.) Uterus, 245. Balfour, (Sir J.) Historical Works. 4 vols. 8vo, 60s. ..... London. Ballantyne, (J.) Glass Painting. Ballantyne, (J. R.) Hindostan (III., 185. Mahratta Language. Persia (III. Language), 278. BAL.] 382 [bel. Ballinghal, (G.) Military Surgery, 237. Bandinei., (Dr. B.) Bibliography (III. Special). Bandtke, (G. S.) Poland (II. Language). Banks, (T. G.) Heraldry, 181. Banks, (A.) Medical Etiquette, 229. BARANTE, (M. de.) Melanges historiques et litteraires. 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1835 France (II. History), 152. Barbazan, (E.) Anglo-Norman Literature. Troubadours. Barberi. Italy (III. Language). Barbier, (A. A.) Bibliography (III. Special). Barbier. Materia Medica, 236. Barchou de Penhoen. Hindostan (II. History). Philosophy (II. German), 283. BAREITI1, (Margr. of.) Memoirs, transl. 2 vols. 8vo, 21 s. Barlow, (P.) Arts and Manufactures. Build- ing. Machinery. Barlow, (J.) Insanity, 233. BARNAVE. CEuvres, ed. par M. Berenger. 4 vols. 8vo, /. 30. Paris. Barr, (J.) Architecture (VI. Gothic.) Baretti, (J.) Arabia (III. Language, 2). Per- sia (III. Language.) Barreswil et Sorbrero. Chemical Analysis, 94. Barrett, (F.) Alchemy. Baretti, (J.) Italy (III. Language), 197. BARRETT, (Miss E. B.) The Seraphim, &c. 12mo, 7s. 6d. London. The Drama of Exile, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1845; N. Y., 1846 Barrington, (A.) Heraldry, 181. BARRINGTON, (Sir J.) Sketches of Ilis Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo. I.ondon. Ireland (II. History). Barrow, (Sir J.) Arctic Regwns. Barrow, (J. Jr.) Ireland (I. Geography). Norway (I. Travels). Barth and Rogers. Auscultation, 224. BARTH&LEMY, (J. J.) CEuvres completes. 4 vols. 8vo, et atlas,/.36. Paris. Bartholomew, (A.) Building. Bartlett, (E ) Fever, 230. Bartlett, (J. R.) Ethnology, 143. Bartlett, (T.) Australia (IV. Natural History). Bartlett, (W. H.) Ireland (I. Geography). Bartlett, (TO Stammering, 242. Bartram, (J.) Florida. Bartram, (W.) Florida. Bartsch, (A.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Bartsch, (F. v.) Arts, Fine (II. History.) Baruffaldi. Fresco Painting. Barwell, (Mrs.) Education, 120. Barzas Briez. Ballads, French, 66. Bast, (J. de.) Celtic History. Bastenaire-Daudenart, (F.) Glass Manufacture. Bateman, (T.) Skin, 241. Batines, (C. de.) Dante, Commentaries. Batissier, (Ij.) Architecture, History. Badde, (M.) Algiers. Baudrimont, (A.) Chemistry (III. Applied). Mineralogy, 250. Baveaux, (E.) Algiers. Bayle, (A. L. J.) Anatomy, 220. Baylis, (E.) Assurance, Life. Bazancodr. Sicily. Bazin, (M. A.) France (II. History), 152 Bazot. Freemasonry. Beale, (L.) Deformities, 220. Beale, (T.) Ichthyology, 192. Whale Fishery. Beamish, (K. L.) America, N, (Antiquities). Beattie, (J.) In Aldine Poets. Beattie, (W.) Scotland (I. Geography). Beauclerk, (G.) Morocco, 252. Beauchamp, (A. de.) Brazil (II. History). Baudemoulin, (L. A.) Hydronamics, 191. Beaufort, (F.) Asia Minor. Beaufoy, (M.) Hydraulics, 190. Mexico, 247. BEAUMARCHAIS. CEuvres completes. 6 vols. 8vo, /.36. Paris, 1826 1 vol. 8vo, /.ll. . . “ France (III. IAterature), 157. Beaitmelle, (A. de.) Brazil (II. History). Beaumont, (G. de.) Ireland (I. Geography). Beaumont et De Tocqueville. Punishment. Beaumont-Vassy. Europe, History of, 146. Beaumont, (W.) Digestion, 227. Beautemps-Beaupre. Hydrography. Beauvallon, (R. de.) Cuba. Bebian. Deaf and Dumb, Instruct, of. Beccaria (C. B, S.) Punishment. Beck, T. R. & J. B. Forensic Medicine. Beckman, (J.) Arts and Manufactures. Inventions. Becker, (C. F.) Music (I. History), 253. Becker, (K. F.) Germany (IV. Language). History, 186. Becker, (W. A.) Greece (II. History), 175. Rome, 294-295. BecqueRel, (J. J.) Electricity, 125. Mature! Philosophy, 259. Bekcham, (J.) Africa (I. Geography.) Beechey, (F. W.) Africa (I. Geography). Arctic Regions. Beer, (W.) Astronomy (II. General Treatises, Moon). BEETHOVEN. Life, transl. by Moschelles. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. ..... London. Behr, (A. von.) Anatomy, 220. Beidhawus. Arabia (III. Language). BELISARIUS. Life of, by Lord Mahon. 8vo, 12s. London. Belcher, (Sir E.) Nautical Surveying, Voyages, 259. Belfour. Proverbs. Belidor. Hydraulics, 191. Belinaye, (H.) Lithotomy, 235. BEL.] 383 [bla. Bell, (C.) Bridgewater Treatises. Anatomy, Comp., 223. Nervous System, 238. Surgery, 242. Painting, 272. Bell, (G. J.) Principles of the Law of Scotland. 8vo, 28s. London. Comment, on the Laws of Scotland, and Suppl. 3 vols. 4to, X7. 2s. . Edinb. Illustrations of the Law of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. Gd. . . . London. Bell, (G. M.) Banks. Bell, IT.) Animals, Herpetology. Reptiles. Bell, (H. G.) Scotland (II. History), 301. Bell, (J.) Teeth, 243. Bell, (J. S.) Circassia. Bell, (R.) Russia (II. History), 297. Bellamy, (D.) England (III. language), 140. Bellaud, (M.) Armenia (III. Language). Belletete. Turkish Language. Belloni, (G. P.) Fine Arts (II. History). Beltz, (G. F ) Chivalry. Belzoni, (G.) Egypt (I. Geography, fyc.). Benecke, (G. F.) Germany (III. Literature). Benecke, (W.) Mercantile Law, 246. Benfey, (T.) Greece (III. Literature), 177. BENGER, (Miss.) Historical Works. 5 vols. sm. 8vo, 60s. London. England (II. History), 135. Benjamin, (II.) Building. Bennett, (F. D.) Voyages. Whale Fishery. Bennett, (G.) Australia (I. Geography). Bennett, (II.) Uterus, 244. Bennett, (J. H.) Inflammation, 233. Bennett, (J. R.) Hydrocephalus, 232. Bennett, (J. W.) Ceylon (I. Geography, Eye, 229. Hall, (M.) Blood, 224. Diagnosis, 227. Nervous Sys- tem, 238. Women, Diseases of, 245. Hall, (T. G.) Mathematics, 215. Hall, (S. C.) Ireland. Ballads (I. English). Halle, (E.) England (II. History, 5), 134. Hallam, (H.) England (II. History, 131. III. Language), 139. Europe. History (III. Mid- dle Ages). Literary History, 206. Halleck, (E. W.) Military Art, 248. Halliday, (Sir A.) West Indies. HALLIWELL, (J. O.) Catalogue of Early Editions of Shakspere. 8vo, 3s. Collection of Pieces in the Somerset Dialect. 12mo, 2s. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2 vols. 8vo, 42s. Early Historv of Freemasonry. 12mo, 2s. 6d. Harrowing of Hell, a Miracle Play. 8vo, 2s. Introd. to Midsummer Night’s Dream. 8vo, 5s. 6d. HAL.] 401 [heb. HALLIWELL, (J. O.) MS. Rarities of the University of Cambridge. 8vo, 6s. Nugae Poeticse. Old English Poetry. 12mo, 5s. Nursery Rhymes of England. 12mo, 4s 6d. Observ. on the Character of Falstaff. 12mo, 4s. Treatise on the Mathematics. 8vo, 3s. 6d. England (II. History, 131. III. Language, 139, 140, 141). Mathematics. Halloy, (D. D’.) Statistics. Halma. Netherlands (II. Language.) Halls, (J. J.) Abyssinia {Adv. Nat. Pearce). Halsted, (C. A.) England (II. History, 5), 134 Hamelin-Bergeron. Turning. Hammer, (J.) Alphabet (Graphics). Hammer, (J. von.) Arabian Nights. Arabia (III. J.anguage, 1). Persia (III. Language). Ottoman Empire. Hamilton, (F.) Hindostan (II. Histoi-y). Hamilton, (H. P.) Analytical Geometry, 214, 215. Hamilton, (W. J.) Asia Minor. Hamilton, (W.) Egypt (II. History), 121. Hamilton, (W.) Hindostan (I. Geography). Hamilton, (W.) Natural Philosophy, 258. Hammond, (W.) Hernia, 231. Hamoniere, (G.) Portugal (Language), 289. Russia (III. Language). Hamont, (P. N.) Egypt (II. History, h. Modern), 122. HAMPDEN, (Jno.) Memorials of, by Lord Nugent. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. Hampden, (R.) Philosophy (II. England), 282. Hampson, (R. TJ Chronology. HANKE, (H.) Samml. Romane. 88 vols. 12mo, E6. 12s. Hanov., 1841-44 IIandjeri. Turkish Language. HaNN, (J.) Bridge-Building. Hannett, (J.) Book-Binding. Hannover. Anatomy, Comparative, 222. Hansard, (G. A.) Archery. Hansard, (T. C.) Printing. Hardcastle, (D.) Banks, fee. Harding, (J. D.) Drawing. Harding, (W.) Stenography. IIardyinge, (J.) England (II. History, 5), 134. Hardy et Betier. Medicine, 236. Hargrave, (E.) Archery. Harlan. Herpetology, 183 Harmonville, (A. L. d’.) Chronology. Harris, (W. C.) Abyssinia, Geography. Afri- ca, Geography. Harris, (W. S.) Meteorology, 247. Harris, (C. A.) Dentistry, 226. HARRIS, (Jas.) Works, with Life by his Son. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Harrison, (C. H. R.) Spine, 242. Hartenstein, (G.) Ethics. Hartley, (D.) Man, 211. Philosophy, 282. IIarty, (VV.) Dysentery, 228. Hartshorne, (C. II.) Bibliography (III. Spe- cial). Monuments. Hartung, (J. A.) Rome. Mythology, 295. Harvey, (Geo.) United States, 355. Harvey, (W. H.) Algae. Harvey, (W. W.) Hayti. Hase, (H.) Greece (II. History), 175. Haslam, (J.) Insanity. Hassall, (A. II.) Alga. Hassler, (F. R.) America (II. North, a). HAUFF, (W.) Sammt. Werke. 5 vols. 12mo, 12s. Stutt., 1840 Hauffmann et Cherpin. Freemasonry. Haughton, (G. C.) Bengali Language. Phi- losophy (II. England), 281. Hausen, (P. A.) Astronomy (II. General IVeatises). Moon. Haussaye. Arts, Fine (II. History). Hauterive et Cussy. Diplomacy. Commerce. Hawkins, (Sir J.) Music (I. History), 253. Hawkins, (B.) Germany (I. Geography). Hawkins, ( .) Cholera, 225. Hawkins, (E.) Numismatics, 263. Hawker, (Col. P.) Sports and Pastimes. Hay, (D.) Morocco, 252. Hay, (D. R.) Arts, Decorative. Beauty. Chro- matography. Hay, (J. II. D.) Barbary States. Haydn, (J.) Chronology. IIaydon, (B. R.) Arts, Fine (III. Essays, &rc.). Drawing. Painting, 271. Hayter, (C.) Chromatography. 100. Drawing. Painting, 271. HAZLITT, (W.) Characteristics. 12mo, 3s. Characters of Shakspere’s Plays. 12mo, 6s. Conversations with North cote. 12mo, 10 s. 6d. Criticisms on Art. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. English Grammar. 12mo, 3s. 6d. Essays on the Principles of Human Actions. 12mo, 4s. 6rf. Journey through France and Italy. 8vo, 14s. Lect. on the Dramatic History of the Age of Elizabeth. 12mo, 6s. — on the English Comic Writers. 12mo, 6s. — on the English Poets. 12mo, 6s. Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion. 12mo, 7s. 6d. Literary Remains, by his Son. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. Plain Speaker. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. Political Essays. 8vo, 9s. Round Table. 12mo, 6s. Select Poets of Great Britain. 8vo, 15s. Sketches and Essays. 12mo, 6s. — of the Principal Picture Galleries. 12mo, 5s. Spirit of the Age. sm. 8vo, 8s. Table Talk. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. View of the English Stage. 8vo, 12s. Arts, Fine (III. Essays). Drama. Head, (SirF.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Ger- many (I. Geography). Headley, (H.) Ballads (I. English), 63. Hearn, (G.) Mathematics, 216. HEBEL, (J. P.) Werke. 5 vols. 12mo, 10s. Carlsr., 1843 HEB.] 402 [hig. IIeber, (Bp.) Hindostan (I. Geography). Hebert, (L.) Engineering. HEEREN, (A. 11. L.) Historische Werke. 15 vols. 8vo, j£6 Gott., 1821-8 Africa, History. Asia (II. History). Com- merce. Crusades. Egypt (II. History), 121. History (II. Ancient), 187. IIebenstreit, (W.) Aesthetics. Heffner, (J. v.) Costume. Hecker, (A.) Anthology. Heffter, (W. M.) Mythology, 255. HEGEL, (G. W. F.) Werke, vollstiindige Ausgnbe durch einen Verein von Freuden des Verewigten (P. Marheineke, J. Schultze, E. Gans, L. von Henning, etc.). 18 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1832-41 j.Esthetics. Logic. Philosophy, 283. Heiberg, (J. L.) Eddas. Heideloff, (C.) Arts, Decorative. Archi- tecture (VI. Gothic). HEINE, (II.) Buch der Leider. 8vo, 6s. Hamb., 1845 Heinsitjs, (T.) Germany (III Literature, 170. IV. Language). IIeinsius, (W.) Germany (HI. Literature), 170. Heischer, (G.) France (III. Literature), 154. Heller, (J.) Wood Engraving. Hellert, (J. J.) Ottoman Empire, 271. HELVETIUS. CEuvres Completes. 3 vols. 8vo, /.18. Paris, 1818 Hklwing, (E.) Greece (II. History), 175. Helyot, (R. P.) Costume, 111. HEMANS, (Mrs.) Works and Life. 7 vols. 12mo, 35s. Hemingway, (J.) Wales (I. Geography). Henderson, (E.) Iceland. Russia (I. Geog- raphy), 296. Henderson, (J.) Brazil (II. History). Hendrie, (R. Jr.) Arts, Fine (III. Essays, frc). Henfrey, (A.) Botany, 76. Hennen, (J.) Military Surgery, 237. Hennin, (M.) Numismatics, 263. Henry, (D. M. J.) Egypt (II. History), 122. Henry, (J.) Electricity. Magnetism. Henshall, (J.) Gardening, 163. Henslow, (J. S.) Botany, 76. Herapatii, (J.) Natural Philosophy, 257. Herbert, (A.) England (II. History, 2), 132. Herbe. Arts, Fine (II. History). Costume, 111. HERBERT, (Geo.) Works, by Coleridge. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. Pickering, London. HERDER, (J. G.) Siimmt. Werke. 60 vols. 12mo, 70s. Stutt., 1829 Ausgewahlte Werke. imp. 8vo, 32s. “ 1842 Herd, (D.) Ballads (Scotch), 64. Herder, (J. G.) Philosophy (II. German), 283. Hericourt, (A. de.) Prance (II. History), 151. Hermann, (C. F.) Greece (II. History, 175. III. literature, 177). Hernando de Soto. Florida. HERODOTUS. Transl. by Beloe, with Notes. 4 vols. 8vo, 36s. London. “ “ Laurent. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. “ “ “ Littlebury. 8vo, 14s. “ “ “ Taylor, with Notes. 8vo, I6s. “ Gr. Bekker. Eng. Notes, by Edwards. 8vo, 8s. London. “ Gaisford. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . “ “ “ Vols. 3 and 4, Annotationes. 8vo, 36s. ..... Ijondon. “ Negris. 2 vols. 12mo, 8s., with Eng. Notes. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. . London. Seh weiglue user. 8vo, 16s. . “ cum Notis et Lex. 5 vols. 8vo, 60s. .... Ijondon. “ Notse. 2 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. London. “ editit Long. 12mo, 6s. 6d. London. with Eng. Notes, by Stocker. 2 vols.8vo, 18s. London. and Latin with Lexicon. 6 vols. 8vo, 80s. London. Latin. Sehweighaeuser. 8vo, 12s. “ Egypt, Gr. (Bks. II. and III.) Notes, &c., by Kenrick. 8vo, 12s. . . London. Geography of, with Maps. 4to, 6s. 6d. “ Index to, by Davies. 12mo, 4s. ; 8vo, 5s. (id. London. Lexicon to, Gr. Schweighaeuser. 8vo, 12s. I .on don. “ “ “ and Eng. H. Cary. 8vo, 8s. London. Maps and Plans illustrative of. 8vo, 12s. London. Notes to, by Larcher, revised by Cooley 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. . . . London. Geography of, by Rennell. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London. Historiae, Textum ad Gaisford, recog. F. Creuzeri. Tab. Geograph. Ind. adjecit J. C. F. Bahr. 4 vols. 8vo, 54s. Leipzig, 1830-35 Life of, by Dahlmann. Transl. by Cox, 12mo, 5s. .... London, 1846 Herrick, (R.) Poetical Works. 2 vols. 12mo. Heuschling, (X.) Belgium. Herschell, (J. F. W.) Acoustics. Astronomy (II. Tables). Natural Philosophy. HERWEGH, (G.) Gedichte eines Lebendigen. 2 vols. 18mo, 6s. Zur., 1844 HESIOD. Theogonia. D. J. von Lennep. 8vo, 15s. Amst., 1844 — Transl. by Elton. 8vo. . London. Heurteloup. Lithotomy, 235. Hewiston, (W. C.) Ornithology, 270. Hewitt, (D.) Trigonometry, 218. Heym, (J.) Russia (III. Language). Heyne, (C. G.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Heyse, (J. C. A.) Germany (IV. Language), 171, 172. Hickling, (J.) Wales (I. Geography). Higgins, (W. M.) Acoustics. Earth. Higgins, (G.) Druids. IITG.] 403 [hoo. Higman. Mathematics, Calculus, 214. Hill, (C.) Building, 84. Hillebrand, (J.) Germany (III. Literature), 170. Hilpert, (J. L.) Germany (III. Language), Hind, (G. W.) Fractures, 230. Hind, (J.) Mathematics (III. Algebra), 213. Arithmetic, 214, 215. Trigonometry, 218. Hippeslky, (J. H.) England (HI. Language), Hindogla, (A.) Turkish Language. Hitzig, (F.) Mythology, 255. Hoare, (C.) Gardening, 163. Hoare, (R. C.) Italy (I. Geography). Hobbes, (T.) Philosophy (II. English), 282. Hobiiouse, (Sir J. C.) Albania. Hoblyn, (R.) Medicine. Dictionaries, 227. Hodge, (P. R.) Steam Engine. HodgkInson, (C.) Australia (IV. JVat. His- tory). Hoeck, (K.) Rome (II. History), 295. Hoeck, (C. F. C.) Greece (II. History), 175. IIoefer, (F.) Chemistry (1. History. II. Elementary), 93. Hoffmann, (A. G.) Abyssinia, Language. Hoffman, (A. T.) Aramean I.anguage. Hoffmann, (H ) Ballads (Dutch), 66. Belgium. Germany (III. Litertaure). Teu- tonic Languages. Hoffman, (S. F. G.) Classics (1. Introductions). Hoffmann, (F.) Geography (III. Physical), 166. Hoffstadt, (Fr.) Architecture (VI. Gothic). HOFFMANN, (H. v. F.) Gedichte. 12mo, 8s. . . Leips., 1843 Holland (II. Language). Hoffmann, (S. E. W.) Latin Literature, 203. HOFFMAN, (E. T. A.) Gesammelte Schriften. 10 vols. 16mo, 30s. Berlin, 1845 Hofland, (T.) Angling. Hofland, (T. C.) Gardening, 164. Hogarth, (G.) Music (1. History), 253. Hogarth, (W.) Painting, 272. Hogendorp. Java (I. History). HOGG. (Jas.) Poetical Works, with Life, by Prof. Wilson. 5 vols. 12mo, 25s. Holloway, (W.) England (III. Language). 141. Holt, (J.) freland (II. History). Holtrop. Holland (II. Language). Holtzmann, (A.) Persia. (II. Antiquities), 277. Holbrook, (J. E.) America (V. Matured Hist). Holcombe, (J. P.) Mercantile Law, 246. Hollings, (J. F.) Sweden (11. History). Hollis, (T. & G.) Monuments, 251. Holland, (Dr. H.) Albania. Holland, (J.) Coal. Iron Manufacture. Hoi,land, (G. C.) Blood, 224. Liver, 235. Lungs, 235. Hollyband, (C.) England (III. Language), 141. Holman, (J.) Voyages and Travels. Holtz, (F. VV.) Architecture (III. Oen. Trea- tises). IIoltzapffell, (C.) Carpentry. Tools. Turn- ing. HOMER. Opera. Gr. et Lat. Ernesti. 5 vols. 8vo, 90s. London. “ Gr. recogn. ex explic. F. H. Bothe. 6 vols. 8vo, 48s. . Hannon., 1833-36 “ “ex recogn. T. Bekkeri. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. . I . Berol., 1844 Iliad. Gr. cum Annot. Heynii. 8vo, 15s. London. “ “ “ “ “ 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. Oxon. “ “ “ Notis Brandreth. 2 vols. 8vo, 31s. . . . Pickering, London. “ Scholiis Didymi. 2 vols. 8vo. 17s. Oxon. “ Gr. et Lat. Curse Clarke. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. London. “ transl. Eng. Prose. 8vo, 16s. “ “ “ by Chapman. Notes by W. C. Taylor. 2 vols. 12mo. . . London. “ First Book. Transl. by Blew. 12mo, 5s. London. “ et Odyssey. 2 vols. 48mo, 9s. Pickering, London. “ “ “ Transl. bv Sotheby. 4 vols. 8vo, Flaxman’s Plates, 72s. . London. Odyssey, Gr. et Lat. curie Clarke. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. ..... London. “ “ “ “ Ernesti and Walker. 8vo, 10s. ..... London. “ Gr. cum Scholiis Didymi. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s Oxon. “ Transl. Eng. Prose. 8vo, 16s. London. “ by Cowper, with Commentary. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. . . . London. “ Pope. 18mo. . • “ Werke iibersetzt von. J. H. Voss. 2 vols. sq. 12mo, 7s Stutt., 1841 Scholia in Iliadem. J. Bekker. 2 vols. 4to, 36s Berol., 1825 Comment in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, ad fin. exempl. Roman. C. Indice Devarii. Eustathius, ed G. Stallbaum. 7 vols. 4to, £8 Leips., 1825-30 Erklarende Anmerk. z. Horn. Odyss. G. W. Nitzsch. Vol. 1-3. 8vo, 14s. Berol., 1826-40 de liistoria Homeri Meletemata. 4to, 13s. Berol., 1830-37 Homer, (A.l America (V. Bibliography). Homapel. Dyeing. HOME, (Jno.) Works, with Life, by Mackenzie. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d. IIommaire de Hell, (X.) Caspian Sea. Hood, (Thos.) Poems. Honorat, (S. J.) Romance Language. Hood, (P.) Children, Diseases of, 225. Hood, (J.) Australia (I. Geography). Hoogeveen. Greece. Language, 177. Hone, (W.) Drama. Hooker. Iceland. HOOKER, (W. J.) Botanical Miscellany. 3 vols. 8vo, 94s. (kl. British Flora. 8vo, 14s. ; eol. 24s. HOO.] 404 [hun. HOOKER, (W. J.) Exotic Flora. 3 vols. roy. 8vo, £15. Figures, &c. of New and Rare Plants. 2 vols. 8vo, 56s. Flora Boreali-Americana. 2 vols. 4to, £8. “ Scotica. 8vo, 14s. leones Filicum. 2 vols. folio, £12. 12s. “ Plantarum. 4 vols. 8vo, £5. 12s. “ “ New Series. Vol. 1-3.8vo, each 28s. London Journal of Botany. Vol. 1-4, 8vo. 30s. Muscolcgia Britannica. 8vo, 31s. 6d. ; col. 63s. Notes on the Botany of Ross’s Antarctic Voyage. 8vo, 4s. Species Filicum. Synopsis of Ferns, pt. 1-4. 8vo. each 10s. Botany, 78. Hooper. Medicine, 236 Hope, (J.) Anatomy, 221. Heart, 231. Hope, (T.) Architecture (II. History). Cos- tume. Hopkins, (E.) Geology, 167. HORACE. Bentley. Notes by Kidd. 18mo, 7s. 6d. ; 8vo, 15s. .... London. Delphini, Eng. Notes, by Pemble. 8vo, Us. l.ondon. Doring. 8vo, 18s. . . . Oxon. Gesner. Cum Indice Verborum. 8vo, 15s. London. — with Notes. 10s. 6d. . “ Hunter. 18mo, 3s.; 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. “ McCaul. 12mo, 10s. 6d. . . “ Ex Rec. Zeunii (Harding). 12mo, 8s. “ “ (Corrall). 48mo, 4s. Pickering, “ Latin and English, by Davidson. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . , . . . London. — by Smart. 2 vols. 18mo, 6s. — “ with Francis’s Notes. 12mo, 6s. 6d. .... London. — Stirling and Nuttall. 4 vols. 18mo, 10s. 6d. London. — transl. by Smart. 18mo, 3s. ; 12mo, 5s. London. Arte Poetica, ab Aylmer. 8vo, 7s “ Epodes, Satires, and Epistles, translated by Howes. 12mo, 6s. Pickering, l.ondon. Lyrics of, by F. Wrangham. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London. Odes of, Notes, &c., by Howell. 8vo, 10s 6d. London. — transl. by Scriven. 12mo, 5s. “ — (Moral). 12mo, 7s. . . “ — (Sapphic), in Eng. Verse, by Peat. 12mo, 3s. 6d. . . . . London. — (Book I.), in English Verse, by Robinson. ]2mo, 5s. .... London. Satires and Epistles of, by Hunter. 12mo, 4s. 6d. .... London. Recens. J. C. Orellius. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. Tvrici, 1844 Recens. et illust. F. G. Diiring, ed. nov. cur. G. Regel. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. Lips., 1839 Recog. G. Dillenburger. 8vo, 8s Bonn., 1843 Var. lect. adnot., &c., ed. G. Braunhard. 4 vols. 8vo, 39s. . . Lips., 1838 Satyren, erkliirt von L. F. Heindorf und E. F. Wiistemann, mit einer Abhandl. v. C. G. Zumpt. 8vo, 13s. 6d. Leipzig, 1843 Horn, (F.) Germany, (III. Literature). Horner, (G. R. B.) Anatomy, 220. Horner, (W. E.) Anatomy, 221. Horsley, (J.) England (II. History, 2), 132. Horrebow, (N.) Iceland. Horsfikld, (T.) Java (II. Natural History). Hosking, (W.) Architecture (III. Gen. Trea- tises). Building. Hoskins, (G. A.) Abyssinia. Egypt (I. Geography). Hoste, (P.) Naval Tactics. Hotho, (H. G.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Houdart, (M. S.) Medicine (I History), 219. Hovey, (C. M.) Gardening, 163. Howard, (F.) Colour. Howard, (L.) Meteorology. Howison, (J.) Malacca. Language, 210. Howitt, (W.) Germany (I. Geography). Howse, (J.) America (VI. Language). Howship, (J.) Surgery, 243. Hoyland, (J.) Gypsies. Huber, (V. A.) Universities. Hufeland. Medicine, 236. Hue, (F.) France (II. History), 153. Hughes, (T. S.) Albania. England (II. His- tory, 8), 138. Hughes, (W.) Atlases. Geography, 166. Hughes, (R. M.) Courts Martial. Hughes, (H. M) Auscultation, 223. Huguenin. Gunnery. HUGO, (Victor.) CEuvres Completes. 12 vols. 8vo, pi., /.72. Paris. — 25 vols. 8vo, /.91. . . . “ Hugo, (A.) France, 150. Hugo, (G. J. B.) Rome (III. Literature), 296. Hullman, (K. D.) Commerce. Hijlmandel, (C.) Lithography. Huloet, (R.) England (III. Language), 141. Humbert, (J.) Arabia (III. Language, 2, 3). Humble, (W.) Geology, 168. Humboldt, (A. von.) America (III. South, a). Asia (I. Geography). Earth. Cuba. Humboldt, (W. von.) Gesamm. Werke. vols. 1-4, 8vo, 32s. Berlin, 1841-43 Basque Language, 69. Grammar, Com- parative, 173. Java (III. Language). Philology, 280. Hume, (A.) Societies {Literary). HUME, (D.) Philosophical Works. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. Edinb. Life and Correspondence, by Burton. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. . . . tidinb., 1847 Hume and Smollet. England (II. History), 131. Philosophy, 282. Humphreys and Westwood. Entomology, 143. Humphreys, (H. N.) Paleeagraphy. Hunt, (T. F.) Architecture (VII. Civil). Hunt, (R.) Optics. HUNTER, (John.) Works, with Life by Palmer. 4 vols. 8vo, plates 4to, 70s. . . London. Surgery, 243. Fenereal Disease, 245. HUN.] 405 [JOH. Hunter, (W.) Uterus, 245. Hunter, (J.) Shakspcre, 303. Hunter, (W.) Anglo-Saxon Language. HUNTINGTON, (W.) Works. 20 vols. 8vo, X12. Select Works. 6 vols. 8vo, 78s. 6d. Hurcourt, (R. D.) Gardening, 164. HURD, (Bp.) Works and Life, by himself. 8 vols. 8vo, 72s. HUSKISSON, (W.) Speeches. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. Hutchinson, (E.) Albigenses. Hussey, (W.) Weights and Measures. Hutton, (C.) Mathematics, Tables, 218. Hutton, (W.) Ashantee. HUTTON, (Wm. ) Works. 8 vols. 8vo, X5. Hymers, (J.) Mathematics, 214, 215, 216. Ibbetson, (J. H.) Turning. Ibn Khallikani. Arabia (III. Language), 3. Ibraheem, (M. M.) Persia (III. Language), 278. Ideler, (J. L.) China (II. History). Chro- nology. Egypt (II. History), 122. Imbert, (M. J.) Fortification. Immerziel, (J.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Ingiiirami, (F.) Etruria. Ingleby, (J. T.) Uterus, 245. Women, Dis- eases of, 246. INGLIS, (H. D.) Channel Islands, sm. 8vo, 12s. Lon don. Journey through Ireland in 1834. 8vo, 12s. London. New Gil Bias. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 16s. “ Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote. sm. 8vo, 12s. . . . London. Solitary Walks through many Lands. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 16s. . . . London. Spain in 1830. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 16s. “ Switzerland, Pyrenees, &c. sm. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London. Tales of Ardennes, sm. 8vo, 8s. “ Tour in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 8vo, 9s. .... London. Tyrol and Bavaria, sm. 8vo, 12s. “ Ingpen, (A.) Entomology. Ingram, (J.) Architecture (VII. Civil). Insulanus, (T.) Fairy Mythology. Isaac, (N.) •Africa, Geography. Isabelle, (A.) Argentine Republic. Isenberg. Abyssinia. Jackson, (J.) Agriculture, Practical. . Jackson, (J.) Epilepsy, 229. Jackson, (J.). Engraving (Wood). Jackson, (J. G.) Morocco, 252. Jackson, (R.) Military Art, 249. Jackson, (J. R.) What to Observe. 8vo, 12s. London, 1846 Jacob, (W.) Political Economy, 287. Jacob, (G.) Chivalry. Jacob, (L. II.) Man. Jacobi, (M.) Insanity, 234. Jacobi. Artillery (II. Treatises). Jacobi. Electrotype. Jacobi, (E.) Mythology, 255. Jacobs, (F.) Anthology (Greek). 1 JACOBS, (F.) Vermischte Schriften. 8 vols. 12mo, 84s, Leipz., 1822-44 Jacquemont, (V.) Hindostan (I. Geography). Jacut. Arabia, (I. Geography). Jacquet, (M. E.) Philippine Islands, 279. Jaenisch. Chess, 95. Jahn, (J.) Aramean Language. Jahr. Homoeopathy. James, (C.) Courts Martial. James, (G. P. R.) Chivalry. England (II. His- tory, 4, 5), 134. France, 152. James, (J.) Inflammation, 233. James, (W.) England (II. History, 1), 132. JAMES II. Memoirs of. 2 vols. post 8vo, 16s. London. “ “ from the Stuart MSS., by J. S. Clarke. 2 vols. 4to, X'6. 6s. . . London. Jameson, (R.) Mineralogy, 250. JAMESON, (Mrs.) Beauties of the Court of Charles II. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, portraits, 45s. . . London. Characteristics of Women. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London. Companion to private Picture Galleries. 8vo, 10s. Diary of an Ennuyee. sm. 8vo, 10s. London. Hand Book to Public Picture Galleries, sm. 8vo, 10s. Lives of the Early Italian Painters. 2 vols. 18mo, cuts, 6s. Lives of Female Sovereigns. 2 vols. 8vo. Lives of the Poets. 2 vols. sm 8vo. Social Life in Germany. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. 8vo. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. Memoirs and Essays. 12mo. Arts, Fine (II. History. III. Essays). Eng- land (II. History,7), 137. Painting, 272. Shakspcre, 304. Jamieson, (A.) Geography, II., 166. Jamieson. (J.) Culdees. England (III. Lang.), 141. Scotland (III. Language), 302. Jamieson, (R.) Ballads, (Scotch), 64. Janin, (J.) Britanny. Normandy. Italy (I. Geo- graphy). Jansen. Furniture. Jarrett, (T.) Mathematics, 213. Jarry de Mancy. Literary History. Jarves, (J. J.) Polynesia. Jaubert, (A.) Armenia (I. Geography). Bok- hara. Turkish Language. Jean Paul. (See Richter.) Jeans, (H. W.) Astronomy (II. Genl. Trea- tises). Jeitteles, (J.) Jenyns, (L.) Natural History. Jesse, (J. H.) England (II. History, 7, 136. 8, 138.) Scotland (II. History), 301. Jesse, (W.) Russia (II. History), 297. Jewell, (G.) Women, Diseases of, 246. Jodrell, (R. P.) England (III. Language), 141. Johnson, (T. B.) Sports and Pastimes. JOH.] 406 [kea. JohnkK, (A. J.) Ethnology. Johannsen, (C. T.) Arabia (II. History). Johnson, (J.) Printing. Johnson, (M. J.) Astronomy (IV. Tables), 57. Johnson, (G. W.) Gardening, 162. Johnson, (W. C.) Agriculture, Practical. “ Theoretical. Johnson, (Dr. S.) England (III. Language), 140. Johnson, (E.) Hydropathy, 232. Johnson, (J.) Ballads, (Scotch), 64. Johnston, (G.) Zoophytes. Johnstone, (R.) Russia (I. Geography), 296. Johnston, (A. K.) Atlasses, Geographical, 59-60. Ethnology. Johnston, (C.) Abyssinia. Johnstone, (J. F. W.) Agriculture, Theore- tical. Coal. JomaRD, (M.) Arabia (I. Geography). Jombert. Building, 84. Jones, (O.) Alhambra. Jones, (T. B.) Anatomy, Comparative, 222. Jones, (H. B.) Calculus, 225. Jones, (T. W.) Eye, 229. Jones, (D.) Assurance, Life. Jones, (E.) Ballads, ( Welsh), 63. Wales (III. Language). Jones, (H. B.) Gout, 230. Jones, (J.) Assurance, Life. Jones, (J. T.) Fortification. Jones, (J.) Wales (II. History). Jones, (T.) Wales, Language. Jones, (T.) Bookkeeping. Jones, (T. R.) Natural History, 256. Jones, (Sir W.) Persia (III. Language), 278. Jopling, (J.) Drawing. Perspective. Jouffroy, (T.) JEsthetics. Ethics. Joupert, (F. E.) Engraving. Jourdain, (A.) Aristotelian Philosophy. Jourdan, (A. J. L.) Medicine. Dictionaries, 227. Jordan, (G. P.) Servia, Language. Jordan, (VV ) Hayti. Jordens, (K. H.) Germany (III. Literature), 171. Jouffroy, (T.) Jurisprudence. Jourdan, (A. J. L.) Pharmacy, 240. Juarros, (D.) Guatemala. Jubinal, (A.) Anglo-Norman Literature. Trou- badours. Judd, (W. H.) Venereal Disease, 245. Jukes, (J. B.) Newfoundland. Julia-Fontenelle. Botany, Medical. Julien, (S.) China (III. Language). Junius, (F. Jr.) England (III. Language), 141. Jurgensen. Horology. Jussieu, (A. de.) Botany. 77. JUNG STILLING, (J. H.) Werke. 14 vols. 8vo, 60s. . Stutt., 1839 Lebensgeschiebte. 12mo,6s. . “ 1841 Junius and his Works, Hist, of, by John Jacques. 8vo, 10s. 6.1. .... London. Identified with Sir P. Francis. 8vo, 14s. “ Letter to a Brigadier-General ed. by Simons. 12mo, 4s. .... Jjondon. Letters of. 2 vols. 12mo, ]2s. . “ “ by Woodfall. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. “ Justini Historia, Delphini. 8vo, 8s. “ Philosophis et Martyris apologia Prima, by W. Trollojte. 8vo, 7s. (id. . Jjondon. Justinian’s Institutes, with Notes, by Coo|ier. 8vo. ..... New- York. JUVENAL. Hawksworth. 12mo, 4s. . London. Hunter. 18mo, 2s. . . “ Pears, (Expurg.) 8vo, 6s. . “ Stirling. Transl. by Nuttall, 8vo, 5s. (id. London. “ “ and Gifford. 8vo, 10s. 6d. .... London. Latin and English. 12mo, 5s. “ Transl. by Badham. 8vo, 14s. . “ “ “ Rhodes. 12mo, 5s. . “ “ English Prose. 12mo, 3s. . “ “ “ Verse, by Gifford. 8vo, 5s. 6d. London. Satires, 3, 10, 13, 14 Ruperti. Notes by Boyd. 12mo, 4s. 6d. . . London. et Persius, Delphini. 8vo, 9s. . “ “ “ Ruperti et Koenig. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. London. “ “ abridged. 8vo, 14s. Pickering, London. “ with Eng. Notes, by Strieker. 8vo. 14s. ..... London. “ “ transl. by Gifford. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London. “ “ “ “ Madan. 8vo, 9s.; 2vols. 8vo, 14s. .... London. “ “ “ “ Smart. 12mo,6s. “ “ “ “ Eng. Prose. 8vo, 6s. “ Select Satires of, by Spillan. 12mo, 7s. 6d. Satirsc, cum comm, et tnd. ed. G. A Ruperti. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. . . Lips.. 1819 “ mit Comment, von C. J. Heinrich. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . . Bonn, 1841 Delectus, cum Notis edid. C. Schmidt. 8vo, 6s. 6d Bilef., 1835 Kaempfer, (E.) Japan (I. History) Kaemptz, (L. F.) Meteorology, 246. Kallenbach, (G. G.) Architecture (VI. Gothic, <$-e.). Kampen, (N. G.) Netherlands. KANT, (I.) Werke. herausg. von K. Rosenkranz u. F. W. Schubert. 12 vols. 8vo, jE5. 5s. Leipz.. 1838-40 Logic. Philosophy (II. German), 283. Karasmin. Russia (II. History), 297. Karsten, (C. J. B.) Mining, 250. Kane, (R.) Chemistry (II Elementary). Ire- land (I. Geography, . N. r„ D. A. & Co. Leben aus Erinnerungen der Familie, (von C. V. Wolzogen). 8vo, 4s. Stutt., 1845 — von G. Schwab. 8vo. 8s. “ 1840 Geistesentwiekelung u. Werke, Hoffmeister. 5 vols. 8vo, 22s. . . Stutt., 1838-42 Dichtungen erliiutert F. W. Ilinrichs. 3 vols. 8vo, 20s. . . . Leip., 1837-39 als Mensch, Dichter, &e. (Grun. K.) 12mo, 10s. 6d. .... Leip., 1844 JEsthetics. Fine Arts (III. Essays). Ger- many, 169. Netherlands. Schilling, (G.) Music (II. Theoretical), 254. Schimmelpenninck, (A. A.) Port Royal. Scihinas, (M.) Romaic Language. SCHINKEL, (F. R.) Architecture (III. Gen. Treatises). SCHLEGEL, (A. W. v.) Siimmt. Werke, herausg. v. E. Booking. 12 vols. 12mo, 48s. (Publishing.) Works. Transl. Bohn’s Standard Library). Arts (Fine). Drama. SCHLEGEL, (F. v.) Siimmtliehe Werke. 8 vols. 8vo. (Publish- ing) Works. Transl. (Bohn's Standard Lib’y). History, 187. Literary History, 205. Schlegel et Walverhorst. Falconry. Schlegel, (Dr. H.) Amphibia. Schleiden, (M. J.) Botany, 77. SCHLEIERMACHER, (F.) Sammt. Werke, neue Ausgabe in 3 Abtheil- ungen. 8vo. . . Berlin, 1834-46 JEsthetics. Schletter, (H. T.) Jurisprudence. Schlosser, (F. C.) History, (I.), 186, 187, 188. Schmidt, (Dr. E. A.) France (II. History), 151. Schmidt, (R.) England (II. History)', 133. Schmitzler, (M.) Finland. ScHMIDTMEYER, (P.) Chill. Schmidt, (J. A. E.) Romaic Language. Po- land (Language). Schmidt, (F.) Sweden (II. History). Schmidt, (J. J.) Tartar Languages. Schmitthener, (J.) Germany (III. Language). Schmitz, (Dr. L.) Rome (II. History). Sciimoldkrs, (A.) Philosophy (Oriental), 284. SffHMiTZLER. Russia (II. History. France (I. Geography). Schnaase, (C.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Schneider, (F.) Denmark (II. Language). ScHNURRER, (D. C. F.) Arabia (ill. Language), 1. Schoell, (M. S. F.) Europe (History of). Latin Literature, 203. Schoell, (M. S. F.) Greece (III. Literature). Schomann, (G. F.) Athens. Schomborgk, (U. H.) Barbadoes. Sciion, (J. F.) Africa (Geography). Schorn, (W.) Greece (II. History), 175. Schott. Tartar Languages. Schrevelius. Greece (III. Literature), 177. Schroderi. Armenia (III. Language). Turk- ish Language. Sciirieder, (J. F. L.) Mathematics (Pure), 218. Schultz, (A.) Literary History, 206. Sciiubarth, (E. L.) Chemistry (III. Applied). SCHULTZE, (E.) Poetisehe Schriften. 4 vols. 8vo, 24s. Leipz., 1822 SCHWAB, (G.) Fiii>t Bucher deutsclie Lieder u. Gedichte. 12mo, 6s. ... Leipz., 1841 Schwanthaler, (L.) Sculpture. Schumacher, (H. C.) Astronomy (IV. Tables, $rc.). Schwartnkr. Hungary (I. History), 190. SchwencR, (K.) Mythology, 255. Rome, 295. Schwartz, (M. G.) Egypt (II. History, 122. Language, 124). Sohweiger, (F. L. A.) Classics (I. Introductions). Schwink, (G.) Astronomy (III. Atlases). Fortification. Schwenk, (K.) F.gypt (II. History), 121. Greece (II. History), 175. SCIOPIO de RICCI. Memoirs of, by Thomas Roscoe. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s London. Scoresby, (W.) Magnetism. Whale Fishery. Scott, (J.) Arabian Mights. Scott, (J.) Joints, 234. Scott, (W.) Arithmetic. Mathematics, 214, 217. Scott, (Sir W.) Ballads (Scotch), 64. Scotland (II. History), 301. Scott, ( .) Cotton Manufacture. SCRIBE, (E.) CEuvres Completes. 5 vols. 8vo, 171 vign., /.60. Paris. Scrivenor, (H.) Iron Trade, 196. Scrope, (W.) Sports and Pastimes. scu.] 424 [SME. Scudamore, (C.) Gout, 230. Rheumatism, 241. Sedillot, (L. A.) Astronomical Instruments, 57. Mathematics (I. History). Sedgwick, (A.) Education. Seetzen, (U. J.) Arabia (III. Language), 1. Segris, (J.) Rome (II. History), 295. Segur. France (II. History), 151, 152. Segur, (L. P. de.) History (II. Ancient), 187. Seidel, (C.) Arts, Fine {Essays). s£viGN£, (Mme de.) CEuvres Completes. 2 vols. 8vo, /.20. Paris. Lettres, nouv. edn., avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. 6 vols. 8vo, /.36. Paris, 1843 — 6 vols. 12mo, /.21. . “ 1844 Sevigne, (Mad.), and her Contemporaries. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. . . . London. Selby, (P. J.) Arboretum. SELDEN, (John.) Memoirs of his Life and Times, by G. W. Johnson. 8vo, 12s. Table Talk, ed. by Singer. 18mo. London. Selkirk, (J.) Ceylon (I. Geography1. SENECA. Opera, recens. comment., etc., C. F. Fickert. Vols. 1-3. 8vo, 48s. Lips.. 1842-45 Tragcedite, ed. F. 11. Bothe. 12mo, 4s. fid. Arg., 1832 Morals, transl. and abridged. 12mo, 6s. London. Senefelder. Lithography. Serenius, (J.) England (III. language), 141. Serny. Spine, 242. Seubert, (M.) Azores. SEUME, (J. G.) Siimmtl. Werke. 8vo, 16s. Lips., 1837 Sewell, (W.) Holland (II. Language). Seyffartii, (G.) Astronomy (I. History). Egypt (III. Language). Seymour, (E. J.) Medicine. Disease {Dropsy), 228. Sextus Empiricus. Ex recens. J. Bekker. 8vo, 18s. Berlin, 1842 — Gr. et Lat., ed. J. A. Fabricius. 2 vols. 8vo, 27s. . . . Lips., 1842 Soanzin. Engineering. S’Gravenweert, (J. de.) Netherlands (III. Literature). Shakspear, (J.) Hindostan (III. Language). SHAKSPERE. (See p. 303.) Sharp, (W.) Head, 231. Sharpe, ( .) Atlases {Geographical). Sharpe, (S.) (II. History), 121. ShaRpe, (J.) England (II. History, 4), 133. Shaw, (G.) Electrometalurgy. Shaw, (H.) Alphabet. Architecture (VI. Gothic. Arts {Decorative). Costume. Fur- niture. Shaw, (S.) Chemistry (V. Analysis). SHELLY, (P. B.) Poetical Works, roy. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Moxon, London. “ 3 vols. 18mo, 15s. “ “ Select Junior Poems. 2s. fid. “ “ Essays and Letters from Abroad, roy. 8vo, 5s. Moxon, London. SIIERTUAN, (R. B.) Life of, by Thos. Moore. 2 vo|s. 8vo. I, don. Dramatic Works, by Leigh Hunt. 8vo, 6s, Moxon, J.ovdon. Speeches and Memoirs. 3 vols. 18s. “ Shortrede, (R.) Logarithms, 217. SIDNEY, (Sir P.) Memoirs of, by Thos. Zouch. 4to, 25s. J. . Miscellaneous Works, sm. 8vo, 12s. Oxon. Correspondence wilh Hubert Kanguet, by S. A. Pears. 8vo, 10s. fid. . London. Aphorisms of, by Miss Porter. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. fid. .... London. SINCLAIR, (Sir J.) Memoirs of, by his Son. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. Edinb. Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London. Code of Agriculture. 8vo, 20s. . “ Husbandry of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. Report on the Agriculture of Scotland 5 vols. 8vo, £i. Shearman, (E. J.) Medicine. Disease, 228. Sheldon. Ballads, {English), 02. Sheridan, (T.) England (III. Language), 141. Sibbald, (J.) Ballads. {Scotch), 64. Sicard, (l’Abbd.) Deaf and Dumb, {Instruc- tion of). Siebold, (P. F. v.) China (III. Language). Japan, 199. Sigaud, (J. F. X.) Brazil (I. Geography). Me- dicine. Climate, 226. Sigurdson &> Rafn. Iceland (I. History), 191. Sigwart, (H. C. M.) Philosophy, 281. Silliq, (J.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Silvestre. (J. B.) Alphabet. Palceography. SiLVESTREde Sacy. Persia (II. History), 277. Simmons, (T.) Courts Martial. Simms, (F. M.) Drawing. Engineering. Simon, (J.) Philosophy, 281. Simon, (J. F.) Chemistry (III. Applied). Simpson, (A.) Polynesia. Simpson, (T.) America (IV. British). Arctic ltegions. Simpson, fSir G.) Voyages and Travels. Sinclair, (G.) Grasses. Siret, (A.) Fine Arts (III. Essays). Sismondi, (J. C. L.) Albigenses. Rome (II. History), 295. Sismondi, (S. de.) France (II. History), 151. Government. Italy (II. History, 190. III. Literature, 198). Literary History, 206. Po- litical Economy,Wl. Spain (III. Literature), 308. Troubadours. SKELTON, (J.) Poetical Works, by Dyce. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. London. SKELTON, (Phil.) Works, edited by Lynam. 6 vols. 8vo, 72s. London. Skinner, (S.) England (III. Language), 141. Slingsby & Hodgson. England, 137. Sloane, (Sir Hans.) Jamaica. Slowaczynski, (A.) Poland (I. History) Smeaton, (A. C.) Building. Smedley, (E.) France, 151. Venice SME.] 425 [sop. Smee, (A.) Electrotype. Smethurst, (T.) Hydropathy, 233. SMITH, (Adam.) Works. 5 vols. 8vo, 60s. . London. Wealth of Nations, by M’Culloch. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s. .... London. “ “ “ “ “ 8vo, 21s. “ Theory of Moral Sentiments. 8vo, 12s. “ Smith, (A.) Peru. Smith, (H.) Sports and Pastimes. Smith, (J.) Painting (II. History), 272. Smith, (C. J.) England (I. Geography, era, Comment, illustr. Clavem adj. C. J. Raumgarten-Crusius. 3 vols. 8vo, 40s. Lips., 1816-18 SUIDAS. Lexicon Gr. et Lat. post Gaisford. recens. an- not. crit. instruxit G. Bernhardy. Vol. 1-2, fasc 1-6. 4to, £5. 16s. 6d. Halle, 1834-42 Greece (III. Language), 177. Suhm, (P. F.) Denmark (I. History). Sullivan, (R.) Geography (I.), 165. 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One elegantly printed volume, 16mo., $1,50. “ Cary’s Translation of the Vision of Dante is among the few immortal works destined to sur- vive through all time, which are little known to our reading public. The Messrs. Appleton have therefore done good service in reproducing it here for the first time, in a style worthy of its intrinsic merit. It is an elegant copy of the latest corrected London edition, including Flaxman’s famous outline illustrations, numerous explanatory notes, a memoir of the author, with a copy of the ‘lost portrait,’ a useful chronological index, and an index of the proper names used in the text. The portrait is a study of intellectual beauty and grace, and the volume is altogether an exceedingly beautiful specimen of American typography. “ Dante was the first to sing of Heaven and Hell, not as mythological fictions, but as the ob- jects of a real faith. In his Visions of the world of spirits, everything wears the air of stern reality. Heaven and Hell were no fictions to him. As he depicts the awful horrors of the regions of wo, every stanza glow’s with the intensity of agony, and nothing imaginable can ever exceed the serene beatitude of his visions of Paradise. We rise from the perusal with the same feelings as when we shake from us the influence of some overpowering enchantment. The unearthly splen- dour of a I Tighter world lingers on our vision. But it is little less than presumption to comment upon a w _>rk which has been the text-book of Italian Literature for more than 500 years—the great mi’ or, in fact, wherein all later poets have toiletted for their appearance before tho public. “ The Visions have been translated into every language of Europe, and several times into English; but the translation before us, by Rev. H. P. Cary, as revised last year for the fourth time, is confessedly the best that has been made. That it urns originally approved by Coleridge, who has himself given us the best translation in the English tongue, would itself be sufficient testimony of its excellence. Mr. Cary has not attempted to transfer the flowing and sonorous, but difficult ‘ rima,’ but has wisely chosen to give us this highest Italian conception in the highest English form—the form of Shakspeare and Milton. “ That he has succeeded at least in giving to the world a fine and vigorous English poem, ht* *tead of an attempted imitation of incommunicable beauties, none will doubt who have the un- derstanding and cultivation necessary to the appreciation of the great poem of the Middle Ages, or an ear and imagination—we had almost said a heart—attuned to the harmonies of thut flexibla and stately metre that vrz'.'. dwarves to be called, by way of eminence ‘ English verse.’ ark Advertise^. POETRY. Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. CAMPBELL.—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of Thomas Campbell Illustrated with a fine Portrait and several hansome Stee- Engravings. One vol., 16mo. HOMER.—THE ILIAD AND ODYSSEY OF HOMER. Translated by Alexander Pope. Embellished with numerous Engravings from Flaxman’s Designs. One elegant printed vol , lfimo, (In press ) This will be the only American edition of this standard classic published in a handsome style. Tne typography and illustrations are of the best description. HEMANS.—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of Felicia Hemans, printed from the last English edition, edited by her Sister. Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. Two beautifully-printed and portable vol- umes, lfimo , $2,50. “ Of this highly accomplished poetess it has been truly said, that of all her sex 1 few have written so much and so well.’ Although her writings possess an energy equal *o their high-toned beauty, yet are they so pure and so refined, that not a line of them could feeling spare or delicacy blot from her puges. Her imagination was rich, chaste, and glowing. Her chosen themes are the cradle, the hearth-stone, and the death-bed. In her poems of Cmur de Lion, Ferdinand of Aragon, and Bernard del Carpio, we see beneath the glowing colors with which she clothes her ideas, the feelings of a woman's heart. Her earlier poems. Records of Woman and Forest Sanc- tuary, stand unrivalled. In short, her works will ever be read by a pious and enlightened com munity.” HEMANS.—SONGS OF THE AFFECTIONS. By Felicia Hemans. One vol., 32mo., gilt, 31 cts. Forming one of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library.” LEWIS.—RECORDS OF THE HEART. By Sarah Anna Lewis. One volume, 12mo., $1,00. “ We have read some of the pieces with much pleasure. They indicate poetic genius of no ordinary kind, and are imbued with much feeling and pathos. We welcome the volume as a creditable accession to the poetic literature of the country.—Boston Traveller. LORD.—POEMS. By William W. Lord. 12mo., illuminated cover, 75 cts. Extract of a late private I.etter from Mr. Wordsworth, the venerable Poet-laureate of Eng- land. to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Doane. of Meto-Jersey :— “ I have to thank you for several specimens of the abilities of a young poet, (Mr. Lord,) which seem to me of high promise. They are full of deep emotion, and not wanting in vigorous and harmonious versification.” MOORE.—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of Thomas Moore, beautifully printed in clear legible type, in exact imitation of the recent corrected London Edition- Illustrated with numerous fine Steel Engrav- ings and an elegantly-engraved Portrait of the Author. One volume, 8vo. This is the first complete American edition of this standard poet, published in a handsome and enduring form. “ Happiness of nature and felicity of genius are the pre-eminent characteristics of the bard o. Erin. Every thing lives, moves, and speaks in his poetry. His thoughts are as many and aa bright as the insects that people the sun’s beam. He exhausts by being inexhaustible.”—Hailitt “ Thomas Moore has unquestionably attained the highest reputation as a lyric poet. * * * *** * * ****** In grace, both of thought and diction, in easy fluent wit, in melody, in brilliancy of fancy, in warmth and depth of sentiment, no one is superior to Me ore; hia celebrated oriental romance “ Laila Rookh,” the four tales to which and the frame-work which unites them have been compared, in the ‘Edinburgh Review,’to four beautiful pearls joined together by a thread of silk and gold.” MOORE.—IRISH MELODIES. By Thomas Moore, with the original prefatory Letter on Music, from the 13th London edition. Minia’ure volume, price 38 cts. Forming a portion of the uniform Eeries of “ Miniature Classical Library.” MOORE.—LALLA ROOKH ; An Original Romance. By Thomas Moore. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth gilt. 38 cts. Forming a portion of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library. This exquisite Poem has long been the admiration of readers of all classes. P O E T R Y—Continued. 6 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. PO ET R Y—Continued. MILTON—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of John Milton, with Explanatory Notes and a Life of the Author, by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, A M. Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. One volume, 16mo., $1,25. Forming one of the series of “ Cabinet Edition of Standard Poets.” The Latin and Italian Poems are included in this edition. Mr. Stebbing’s Notes will be found very useful in elucidating the learned allusions with which the text abounds, and they are also valuable for the correct appreciation with which the writer directs attention to the beauties of the author. MILTON.—PARADISE LOST. By John Milton. With Notes, by Rev. H. Stebbing. One volume, 18mo., cloth 38 cts., gilt leaves 50 cents. MILTON.—PARADISE REGAINED. By John Milton. With Notes, by Rev. H. Stebbing, One volume, 18mo., cloth 25 cts., gilt leaves 38 cents. POLLOK—THE COURSE OF TIME. By Robert Pollok. With a Life of the Author, and complete Analytical In- dex, prepared expressly for this edition. 32mo., frontispiece, 38 cts. Forming one of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library.” Few modern Poems exist which at once attained such acceptance and celebrity as this. POPE.—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of Alexander Pope, elegantly printed. Illustrated with a fine Portrait and nu- merous Engravings. One volume, 16mo. (In press.) “ As a poet, it may be said of him, that no English writer has carried farther correctness of versification, strength and splendour of diction, and the truly poetical quality of adorning every subject that he touched.”—Edinburgh Review. POPE.—HOMER’S ILIAD AND ODYSSEY. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. A beauti- tifully-printed edition, illustrated with Engravings from Flaxman’s designs, 16mo (In press.) Criticism has long awarded Pope’s version of “ The Iliad and Odyssey ” to be the beet eves given of this immortal work. SCOTT.—THE POETICAL WORKS Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs, with a Life of the Author. Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. One volume, 16mo., $1,25. SCOTT.—LADY OF THE LAKE: A Poem. By Snt Walter Scott. One volume, 18mo., frontispiece, cloth 38 cents, gilt edges 50 cents. SCOTT.—MARMION: A Tale of Flodden Field. By Sir Walter Scott. One volume, 18mo., frontis- piece, cloth 38 cents, gilt edges 50 cents. SCOTT—LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL : A Poem. By Sir Walter Scott. One volume, 18mo., frontispiece, cloth 25 cts., gilt edges 38 cents. “ Walter Scott is the most popular of all the poets of the present day, and deservedly so. Ha describes that which is most easily and generally understood with more vivacity and effect than any other writer. His style is clear, flowing, and transparent; his sentiments, of which his style u an easy and natural medium, are common to him with his readers.”—Hailitt. THOMSON.—THE SEASONS: A Poem. By James Thomson. One volume, 32mo., cloth, gilt leaves, 38 cento Forming one of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library.” “ Place ‘ The Seasons’ in anv light, and the poem appears faultless.”—S C. Hall Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. P O ET R Y—Continued. SOUTHEY—THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of Robert Southey, Esq , LL D. The ten volume London edition, in one ele« gant volume, royal 8vo. Illustrated with a Portrait and several fine Steel En- gravings. £3“ This edition, which the author has arranged and revised with the same care as if it were intended for posthumous publication, includes many pieces which either have never before been collected, or have hitherto remained unpublished. Preliminary notices are affixed to the long poems, the whole of the notes retained, and such additional ones incorporated as the author, since the first publication, has seen occasion to insert. Contents.—Joan of Arc, Juvenile and Minor Poems, Thalaba the Destroyer, Madoc, Ballads and Metrical Tales, The Curse of Kehama, Roderick the last of the Goths, The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo, Lay of the Laureate, Vision of Judgment, &c. “ At the age of sixty-three I have undertaken to collect and edit my poetical works, with the last corrections that I can expect to bestow upon them. They have obtained a reputation eoual to my wishes. * * Thus to collect and revise them is a duty which l owe to tiiat part of tne public by whom they have been auspiciously received, and to those who will take a lively con cern in my good name when 1 shall have depnrted.”—Extract from Author's Preface. “ The beauties of Mr. Southey’s poetry are such, that this edition can hardly fail to find a place in the library of every man fond of elegant literature.”—Eclectic Review. THOUGHTS IN PAST YEARS : A collection of Poetry, chiefly Devotional, by the author of “ The Cathedral. ” One volume, 16mo., elegantly printed, $1,25. TASSO—THE JERUSALEM DELIVERED, Of Torquato Tasso. Translated into English Spenserian verse, with a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen. Two volumes of the last London edition, re- printed in one elegant 16mo. volume, illustrated with a finely-engraved Portrait and several beautiful Steel Engravings. “This elegant Poem abounds with all the pleasing description of tender scenes, the animated representation of battles, and the majestic flow of language, which so much captivate and over- power the reader in the pages of Homer and Virgil. “ Mr. Wiffen’s version has long since been conceded to be the best evergiven of the great Poet; he catches and portrays the spirit of the author with a feeling the most kindred and congenial.” TOKEN OF AFFECTION. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 31 cents. TOKEN OF FRIENDSHIP. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 31 cents. TOKEN OF LOVE. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 31 cents. TOKEN OF REMEMBRANCE. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 31 cents. TOKEN OF THE HEART. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 31 cents. Forming a portion of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library.” £5” Each volume consists of nearly one hundred appropriate extracts from the best Poetical writers of England and America. YOUNG—NIGHT THOUGHTS. The Complaint, or Night Thoughts. By Edward Young, D.D. Miniature size volume, elegantly printed, 33 cents. Forming a portion of the series of “ Miniature Classic Library.” “In his ‘Night Thoughts,’ Young exhibits entire originality of style, elevation of sentiment, grandeur of diction, and beauty of imagery, accompanied with an extensive knowledge of men and things, ar.d a profo-jr-t acquaintance with the feelings of the human heart "—MontUv Magazine. 9 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. ARNOLD.—RUGBY SCHOOL SERMONS: Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Rugby School, with an Address before Con- finnation. By Thomas Arnold, D.D. One volume, 16mo., 75 cts. “ There are thirty Sermons in this neat little volume, which we cordially recommend to parentl and others for the use of the young, ns a guide and incentive to deep earnestness in matters of religious belief and conduct; as a book which will interest all by its sincerity, and especially those who have become acquainted with Dr. A. through his Life and Letters, recently published by the Appletons. The School at Rugby was the nucleus of all his opinions and sentiments, the centre where was concentrated a practical philanthropy and benevolence which shed its light over the whole kingdom. In the study of Dr. Arnold’s character, one of the most profitable in the whole range of biography, these School Sermons are not the least valuable among his writ- ings.”—Evening Post. ANTHON.—AN EASY CATECHISM FOR CHILDREN; or, The Church Catechism with Scripture Proofs. By Henry Anthon, D.D., Rector of St. Mark’s Church, New-York. Part 1, price 6i cts. “This Catechism is prepared chiefly for children who are taught orally. It may precede ‘ The Help to Catechism,’ and answer as the one next in place to little manuals like 1 Sherwood’s Easy Questions,’ which is so general a favourite with very young scholars.” ANTHON.—CATECHISMS ON THE HOMILIES OF THE CHURCH. By Henry Anthon, D.D , Rector of St. Mark’s Church, New-York. 18mo., paper cover 6i cts. Contents.—I Of the Misery of Mankind ; II. Of the Nativity of Christ; III. Of the Passion of Christ; IV. Of the Resurrection of Christ. This little volume forms No. 2, of a series of “ Tracts on Christian Doctrine and Practice,” now in course of publication under the supervision of Rev. Dr. Anthon. A KEMPIS—OF THE IMITATION OF CHRIST: Four books by Thomas a Kempis. One elegant volume, 16mo., $1,00. “The author of this invaluable work was born about the year 1380, and has always been hon- oured by the Church for his eminent sanctity. Of the many pious works composed by him, his ‘ Imitation of Christ’ (being collections of his devotional thoughts and meditations on important practical subjects, together with a separate treatise on the Holy Communion) is the most cele- brated, and has ever been admired and valued by devout Christians of every name. It has passed through numerous editions and translations, the first of which into English is said to have been made by the illustrious Lady Margaret, mother of King Henry VII. Messrs. Appletons’ very beautiful edition is a reprint from the last English, the translation of which was chiefly copied from one printed at London in 1677. It deserves to be a companion of the good Bishop Wilson’s Sacra Privata.”—Banner of the Cross. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER—NEW STANDARD EDI- TION. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Illustrated with four beautiful Steel Engravings by Overbeck, and a finely-illuminated title page, in various elegant bindings. This new and elegunt edition of the Prayer Book is printed from the authorized copy adopted at the last General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the proof sheets corrected by one of the three Presbyters appointed by the House of Bishops for its revision. It is published in five varieties of size, embracing 8vo., 12mo., I6mo., 24mo., and 18mo. The type of the last two sizes is much larger than any previous edition. A Pocket Edition, in 32mo. and 48mo. size, is also published, carefully printed from the cor- rected copy. BURNET.—AN EXPOSITION OF THE XXXIX. ART1 CLES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. By Gilbert Burnet, D.D., late Bishop of Salisbury. With an Appendix, containing the Augsburg Confession, Creed of Pope Pius IV., &c. Revised and corrected, with copious Notes and Ad- ditional References, by the Rev. James R. Page, A.M. One handsome 8vo. vol ume, §2,00. “ The editor has given to our clergy and our students in theology an edition of this work, which must necessarily supersede every other, and we feel he deserves well at the hands of the Church, which he has so materially served.”—Church of England Quarterly Review. 44 No Churchman, no Theologian, can stand in need of information as to the character or value of Bishop Burnet’s Exposition, which long since took its fitting place as one of the and admired standards of the Church.” RELIGIOUS. Applctons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. R E LIG10 U S—Continued. BURNET.—THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION Uf the Church of England, by Gilbert Burnet, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Salisbury; with the Collection of Records and a copious Index, revised and corrected, with additional Notes and a Preface, by the Rev. E. Nares, D.D., late Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. Illustrated with a Frontispiece and twenty-three engraved Portraits, forming four elegant 8vo. volumes. $'8,00 A cheap edition is printed, containing the History in three volumes, without the Records, which form the fourth volume of the above. Price, in boards, $2,50. “ To the student either of civil or religious history, no epoch can be of more importance thy.r, that of the Reformation in England. The History of Bishop Burnet is one of the most ce'ebrated, and by fur the most frequently quoted of any that has been written of this grent event. Upo.i t/'l original publication of the first volume, it was received in Great Britain with the loudest and nr.ust extravagant encomiums. The author received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and was requested by them to continue the work. In continuing it, he had the assistance of the most learned and eminent divines of his time ; and he confesses his indebtedness for important nid to Lloyd, Tillotson, and Stillingfleet, three of the greatest of England’s Bishops. “The present edition of this great work has been edited with laborious care by Dr. Nares. who professes to have corrected important errors into which the author fell, and to have made such improvements in the order of the work as will render it far more useful to the reader or historical student. Preliminary explanations, full and sufficient to the clear understanding of the author, are given, and marginal references are made throughout the book, so as greatly to facilitate and ren- der accurate its consultation. It will of course find a place in every theologian’s library—and will by no means, we trust, be confined to that comparatively limited sphere.”—JV. Y. Tribune. BIBLE EXPOSITOR. Confirmation of the Truth of the Holy Scriptures, from the Observations of recent Travellers, illustrating the Manners, Customs, and Places referred to in the Bible. Published under the direction of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Know- ledge, London. Illustrated with 90 cuts. One volume, 12mo., 75 cents. “ The compiler of this volume trusts that it may be the means, under God’s providence, of leading unlearned readers to a more general acquaintance with Eastern customs, und assist them to a clearer perception of the propriety and beauty of the illustrations so often drawn from them in the Bible.”—Extract from Preface. BEAVEN.—A HELP TO CATECHISING. For the use of Clergymen, Schools, and Private Families. By Jamks Beaven, D.D., Professor of Theology at King’s College, Toronto. Revised and adapted to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. By Henry Anthon, D.D., Rector of St. Mark’s Church, N Y. 18mo , paper cover 6£ cts. Forming No. 1 of a series of “ Tracts on Christian Doctrine and Practice,” now in course of publication under the superintendence of Rev. Dr- Anthon. BRADLEY—FAMILY AND PARISH SERMONS: Preached at Clapham and Glasbury. By the Rev. Charles Bradley. From the seventh London edition. Two volumes in one, 8vo. $1,25. BRADLEY—PRACTICAL SERMONS For every Sunday throughout the year and principal holidays. Two volumes of English edition in one 8vo., $1,50. $2r The above two volumes may be bound together in one. Price $2,50. The Sermons of this Divine are much admired for their plain, yet chaste and elegant style; they will be found admirably adapted for family reading and preaching, where no pastor is lo- cated. Recommendations might be given, if space would admit, from several of our Bishops and Clergy ; also from ministers of various denominations. The following are a few of the English and American critical opinions of their merit.— “ Bradley’s style is sententious, pithy and colloquial. He is simple without being quaint, and he -.'most holds conversation with his hearers, without descending from the dignity of the sacred chair.’—Eclectic Review. “ We earnestly desire that every pulpit may ever be the vehicle of discourses as judicious and practical, as scriptural and devout, ns these.”—Christian Observer. “The style is so simple that the most unlearned can understand them ; the matter so instruc- tive thnt the best informed can learn something; the spirit so fervent that the most engaged Christian can be animated and wanned by their perusal.”—Christian Witness. CRUDEN. —CONCORDANCE OF THE NEW TESTA- MENT. By Alexander Cruden, M A. With a Memoir of the Author by W. V oungman Abridged from the last London edition, by William Patton. D P Portrait. One volume, 32mo., sheep, 50 cents. 93T Contains all the words to be found m the large work, rotating to trie New Testament 10 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. R E LI G I O U S—Continued. COTTER.—THE MASS AND RUBRICS Df the Roman Catholic Church, translated into English, with Notes and Remarks By the Rev. John R Cotter, A.M. 18mo , 50 cents. “ Nothing is more common thuu to hear persons of all orders say that they cannot comprehend the Roman Mass when they see it celebrated. The reason is this: the vocal part is entirely in Latin and inaudible. Hence a translation of it in English was very needful, and, as Mr. Cotter observes in his Preface, it is astonishing that it never before was done. In the volume under notice, the whole series, from the beginning to the end, is given in Latin text, with a very exact version in our own language; thus presenting to us an originnl work of the highest value and authenticity to all Protestants who are anxious to comprehend the entire ritual of the Mass, both in its doctrino and ceremonies.”—Journal of Commerce. CHURTON.—THE EARLY ENGLISH CHURCH; Or, Christian History of England in early British, Saxon, and Norman Times. By the Rev Edward Churton, M.A. With a Preface by the Right Rev. Bishop Ives. One volume, 16mo., $1,00. “The following delightful pages place before us some of the choicest examples—both clerical and lay—of the true Christian spirit in the EARLY ENGLISH CHURCH. In truth, those pages are crowded with weighty lessons. * * * Extract from Editor's Preface. CLARKE.—SCRIPTURE PROMISES, Under their proper heads, representing the Blessings Promised, and the Duties to which Promises are made. By Samuel Clarke, D.D. Miniature size, 37s cts. “In this edition, every passage of Scripture has been compared and verified. The volume is like an arranged museum of gems, and precious stones, and pearls of inestimable value. The divine promises comprehend a rich and endless variety.”—Dr. Wardlaw. EVANS.—THE RECTORY OF VALEHEAD; Or, The Records of a Holy Home. By the Rev. R. W. Evans. From the twelfth English edition. One volume, 16mo., 75 cents. “ Universally and cordially do we recommend this delightful volume. We believe no person could read this work, and not be the better for its pious and touching lessons.”—Literary Gaz. FABER.—THE PRIMITIVE DOCTRINE OF ELECTION; Or, an Historical Inquiry into the Ideality and Causation of Scriptural Election, as received and maintained in the primitive Church of Christ By George Stanley Faber, B.D , author of “ Difficulties of Romanism,” “ Difficulties of Infidelity,” &c Complete in one volume, 8vo , $1,75. “ Mr. Faber verifies his opinion by demonstration. We cannot pay a higher respect to his work than by recommending it to all ”—Church of England Quarterly Review. FOSTER—ESSAYS ON CHRISTIAN MORALS, Experimental and Practical. Originally delivered as Lectures at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol By John Foster, author of “ Essays on Decision of Character,” etc. One volume, 18mo , 50 cents. This volume contains twenty-six Essays, some of which are of the highest order of sublimity and excellence. GRESLEY.—PORTRAIT OF A CHURCHMAN. By the Rev. W. Gresley, A.M. From the seventh English Edition. One ele- gant volume, 16mo , 75 cents. “The main part of this admirable volume is occupied upon the illustration of the practical working of Church principles when sincerely received, setting forth their value in the commerce of daily life, and how surely they conduct those who embrace them in the safe and quiet path of holy life.” GRESLEY.—A TREATISE ON PREACHING, In a Series of Letters by the Rev W. Gresley, M-A. Revised, with Supple- mentary Notes, by the Rev. Benjamin I. Haight, M-A., Rector of All Saint*’ Church, N. Y. One volume, 12mo., $1,25. HOOK.—THE CROSS OF CHRIST; Or, Meditations on the Death and Passion of our Blessed Lord and Saviour. Edited by W. F. Hook, D.D , Vicar of Leeds. 16mo., 63 cents. This admirable little volume will be found useful as a Manual for the sick room, and eon* panion for the holy season of Lent. 11 Appletons’ Catalogue erf Valuable Publications, R E LI G I O U S—Continued. HOOKER.—THE COMPLETE WORKS Of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker, with an account of his Life and Death. By Isaac Walton. Arranged by the Rev. John Keble, M A. First American from the last Oxiord edition. With a complete general Index, and Index of the texts of Scripture, prepared expressly for this edition. Two eleeant volumes, 8vo., $4,00. Contents.—The Editor’s Preface comprises a genera] survey of the former edition of Hooker’s Works, with Historical Illustrations of the period. After which follows the Life of Hooker by Isaac Walton. His chief work succeeds, on the “ Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity ” ’ 1 It commences with a lengthened Preface, designed as an address “to them who seek tne re- formation of the Law's and Orders Ecclesiastical of the Church of England ” The discussion is divided into eight books, which include an investigation of the topics. After those eight jooki of the “ Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity,” follow two Sermons, “ The Certainty and Perpetuity of Faith in the Elect; especially of the Prophet Habakkuk’s Faithand “ Justification, Works, and how the foundation of faith is overthrown-” Next are introduced “ A supplication made to the Council by Master Walter Travers,” and “ Mr Hooker’s answer to the supplication that Mr. Travers made to the Council” Then follow two Sermons—“ On the Nature of Pride,” and a ‘‘Remedy against Sorrow and Fear ” Two Sermons on part of the epistle of the Apostle Jude are next inserted, with a prefatory dedication by Henry Jackson. The last article in the works of Mr. Hooker is a Sermon on Prayer. The English edition, in three volumes, sells at §10,00. The American is an exact reprint, at less than half the price. r ’ VES.—THE APOSTLES’ DOCTRINE AND FELLOW- SHIP : Five Sermons, preached in the principal Churches of his Diocese, during ms Spring Visitation, 1844. By the Right Rev. L. S. Ives, D.D., L.L.D. 16mo., 63 cents. “ They have been productive of great good, and are now published in accordance with the unanimous request of the Convention of his Diocese. They are written in a flowing and attrac- tive style, and are enriched with copious notes and an appendix.”—Albany Eve. Journal. JAMES.—THE TRUE CHRISTIAN ; Exemplified in a Series of Addresses, by Rev. John Angell James. One volume, 18mo , 38 cents. “ These addresses are amongst the choicest effusions of the admirable author.”—Christian Intel. JAMES.—THE ANXIOUS INQUIRER After Salvation Directed and Encouraged. By Rev. John Angell James. One Volume, 18mo., 38 cents. Upwards of twenty thousand copies of this excellent little volume have been sold, which fully attests the high estimation the work ha3 attained with the religious community. JAMES.—HAPPINESS, ITS NATURE AND SOURCES. By Rev. John Angell James. One volume, 32mo., 25 cents. “ This is written in the excellent author’s best vein. A better book we have not in a long time seen.”—Evangelist. JAMES —THE YOUNG MAN FROM HOME. In a Series of Letters, especially directed for the Moral Advancement of Youth By Rev. John Angell James. Fifth edition One volume, 18mo., 38 cents. “The work ts a rich treasury of Christian counsel and instruction.”—Albany Advertiser. JAMES.—THE WIDOW DIRECTED To the Widow’s God. By Rev. John Angell James- One vol., 18mo., 38 cents. ** The book is worthy to be read by others besides the class for which it is especially designed ; and we doubt not that it is destined to come as a friendly visitor to many a house of mourning and as a healing balm to many a wounded heart.”—JV. Y. Observer. KIP.—THE DOUBLE WITNESS OF THE CHURCH. By Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, author of “Lenten Fast.” One volume, 12mo Second edition. Boards 75 cents, cloth $1,00. ... “This is a sound, clear, and able production—a book much wanted for these times, and ons that we ieel persuaded will prove eminently useful. It is a happy delineation of that Douata Witness which the Church bears 9 t Romanism and ultra-Protestantism, and points out hex taiddW path a, the only one ot safety.”—Banner of the Cross 12 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. R E LI G I O U S—Continued. KINGSLEY.—THE SACRED CHOIR: A Collection of Church Music, consisting of Selections from the most distinguished Authors, among whom are the names of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Pergolessi, Sic, , &c., with several pieces of Music by the Author; also, a Progressive Element- ary System of Instruction for Pupils. By George Kingsley, author of the Social Choir, &.c., &c- Fourth edition. 75 cents. “ Mr. George Kingsley : Sir—We have examined the ‘ Sacred Choir' enough to lead us to ap- preciate the work as the best publication of Sacred Music extant. It is beautifully printed and substantially bound, conferring credit on the publishers. We bespeak for the ‘Sacred Choir’ an extensive circulation. ( O. S. Bowdoin, Sincerely yours, k E. O. Goodwin, ( D. Ingraham.” LIGHT IN THE DWELLING ; Or, A Harmony of the Four Gospels, with short and simple Remarks, adapted to reading at Family Prayers, and arranged in 365 sections, for every day in the year. By the Author of “ Peep of Day,” “Line upon Line,” etc., etc. One vol , 8vo. “ This work will be found remarkably well adapted for its purpose. It is a Commentary to accompany Family Devotions, and travels over the four Gospels, arranged on the basis of Towns- end’s Harmony, placing them in portions, one for each morning in the year. In addition, it con- tains a reference to some other portion of Scripture for evening devotions, bearing on the topic of the morning. The lady who is its author is most favourably known by her works for the religious instruction of children—“ The Peep of Day,” and “Line upon Line,”—of some of which more than 30,000 copies have been sold in Groat Britain, and which have been highly valued and use- ful in their American reprints. She seems to hear in mind, throughout her present work, the wants of the younger members of the household, and writes with great simplicity and directness, but Without feebleness. It bears the marks of sound judgment, seriousness, and kindness, and great occasional pungency is intermingled. The book does not discredit the labours of eight years, which the writer declares that it cost her. Its tone seems mainly caught from the excel- lent commentary of Thomas Scott, of whom, however, the writer is no servile copyist. Its prin- ciples are decidedly evangelical. Without the rich variety of thought, aptness of quotation, or felicity of phrase, that distinguish Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises, it breathes a kindred spirit; and whilst that may be preferred for the closet, this would seem, for the purpose of win- ning the attention of all members of a household at family worship, to have yet higher adapta- tion than Jay.” LYRA APOSTOLICA. From the Fifth English edition. One elegantly-printed volume, 75 cents. “ In this elegant volume there are forty-five sections, and one hundred and seventy-nine lyric poems, all short, and many of them sweet.”—New-York American. MAGEE.—ON ATONEMENT AND SACRIFICE : Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacri- fice, and on the Principal Arguments advanced, and the Mode of Reasoning em- ployed, by the Opponents of those Doctrines, as held by the Established Church. By the late most Rev- William Magee, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. 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It treats of the physical and chemical phenomena of vegetation; of the composition of vegetables and their immediate principles; of fermentation ; of soils ; of every thing that has been done on the subject of manure, organic and mineral; of rotation of crops ; of live stock, their maintenance and economy ; of meteorology and climate, and the relations between organized beings and the atmosphere.”—Cincinnati Gaz. FALKNER.—THE FARMER’S MANUAL: A Practical Treatise on the Nature and Value of Manures, founded from Experi- ments on various Crops, with a brief Account of the most Recent Discoveries in Agricultural Chemistry. By F. Falkner and the Author of “ British Husbandry.’1 12mo., cloth, 50 cents. FARMER’S TREASURE, THE : Containing “ Falkner’s Farmer’s Manual,” and “ Smith’s Productive Farming,’* bound together. 12mo., 75 cents. MARSHALL.—THE FARMER’S HAND-BOOK : Being a Full and Complete Guide for the Farmer and Emigrant. 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Illus- trated with numerous Wood Engravings, and specimens of Dyed and Printed Cottons. Paper cover 75 cents, cloth $1,00. “ The Editor’s aim is to divest the work, as far as practicable, of all technical terms, so as to adapt it to the requirements of the general reader.” URE.— DICTIONARY OF ARTS, Manufactures, and Mines; containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. By Andrew Ure, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Illustrated with 1240 Engravings on wood. One thick volume of 1340 pages, bound in leather, $5,00. “ In every point of view, a work like the present can but be regarded as a benefit done to theo- retical and practical science, to commerce and industry, and an important addition to a species of literature, the exclusive production of the present century, and the present state of peace and civi- lization.”—Athenaeum. “Dr. Ure’s Dictionary, of which the American edition is now completed, is a stupendous proof of persevering assiduity, combined with genius and taste. For all the benefit of individual en terprise in the practical arts and manufactures, and for the enhancement of general prosperity through the extension of accurate knowledge of political economy, we have not any work worthy to be compared with this important volume. We are convinced that manufacturers, merchants, tradesmen, students of natural and experimental philosophy, inventive mechanics, men of opu- ience, members of legislatures, and all who desire to comprehend something of the rapidly accele- rating progress of those discoveries which facilitate the supply of human wants, and the augment- ation of social comforts with the national weal, will find this invaluable Dictionary a perenniA source of salutary instruction and edifying enjoyment.”—Motional Intelligencer. URE.—A SUPPLEMENT TO DR. URE’S DICTIONARY: Recent Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, (being a Supplement to his Dictionary.) By Andrew Ure, M D. 8vo., illustrated with 200 cuts, $1,50. §£r The complete Work, with Supplement, bound in two vols. Price $6,50. V. MILITARY. HALLECK.—ELEMENTS OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND ART ; or, A Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactics of Battles, &c., embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Engineers; Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. By H Wager Halleck, A.M., Lieut, of Engineers U. S. Army. One volume, 12mo., illustrated with numerous Dia grams. There is no work similar to this in the English language, and no pains have been spared to make It a useful boob for officers of militia and volunteers, as well as ihe general readem 19 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. ARNOLD—THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS Of Thomas Arnold, D.D., with nine additional Essays, not included in the English collection. One volume, 8vo., $2,00. “ This volume includes disquisitions on the ‘ Church and State,’ in its existing British combi- nations—on Scriptural and Secular history—and on Education, with various other subjects of Political Economy. It will be a suitable counterpart to the ‘Life and Correspondence of Dr, Arnold and scholars who have been so deeply interested in that impressive biography, will bn gratified to ascertain the deliberate judgment of the Author, upon the numerous important themes which his ‘ Miscellaneous Works ’ so richly and clearly announce.” ARTHUR.—TIRED OF HOUSE-KEEPING. By T. S. Arthur, author of “Insubordination,” etc., etc. 18mo.,frontis., 371 eta. Forming one of the series of “ Tales for the People and their Children.” Coutbut*.—I. Going to House keeping. II. First Experiments. III. Morning Calls. IV. First Demonstrations. V. Trouble with Servants. VI. A New One. VII. More Trouble. VIII. A True Friead. IX. Another Powerful Demonstration. X. Breaking up. XI. 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CORBOULD.—THE HISTORY AND ADVENTURES Of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl. By the Rev. Richard Corbould. 8vo., paper cover, 2 steel plates, 25 cents. “ A most interesting work, with an excellent moral.” - Tribune. “ A very remarkable work, exceedingly interesting.”—Boston Courier. DUMAS.—MARGUERITE DE VALOIS : An Historical Romance. By Alexander Dumas. 8vo., paper cover, 25 cents. “ M. Dumas is a consummate master of his craft. All his scenes are combined with the certainty of one familiar with the management of stage effect, costume and character. * * * We do not recollect any book in which the intrigues and the tragic events which darken like a cloud the Louvre, are so forcibly and so pictorially represented.”—London Mhenceum. ELLIS.—THE WOMEN OF ENGLAND; Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits. By Mrs. Ellis. One vol., 12mo., 50 cts. ELLIS.—THE MOTHERS OF ENGLAND; Their Influence and Responsibility. By Mrs. Ellis. One vol., 12mo.,50 cents. ELLIS.—THE MINISTER’S FAMILY; Or Hints to those who would make Home happy. By Mrs. Ellis. One volume, 18mo. 371 cents. ELLIS —FIRST IMPRESSIONS; Or Hints tb those who would make Home happy. By Mrs. Ellis. One volume. 18mo., 371 cents. ELLIS.—DANGERS OF DINING OUT; Or Hints to those who would make Home happy. By Mrs. Ellis. 18mo., 371 cts, ELLIS.—SOMERVILLE HALL; Or Hints to those who would make Home happy. By Mrs. Ellis. 18mo., 371 cts. Of?" The above four volumes form a portion of series of “ Tales for the People and their Childdren.” “ To wish prosperity to such books as these, is to desire the moral and physical welfare of tbs human species.”—Hat* Chronicle. MISCELLANEOUS. 20 Appletons' Catalogue of Valuable Publications. MISCELLANEOU S—Continued. EMBURY—NATURES GEMS; OR, AMERICAN FLOW. ERS, in their Native Haunts. By Emma C. Embury. With twenty plates of Plants carefully coloured after Nature, and landscape views of their localities, from drawings taken on the spot, by E. W. 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One volume, 12rao., $1,00. “This is the only popular, and yet authentic, single view which we have of the naval exploits of our country, arranged with good tnste and set forth in good language.”—U. S. Gazette. “ This volume is dedicated to the Secretary of the Navy, and is altogether a very faithful and attractive historical record. It deserves, and will doubtless have, a very extended circulation.”— National Intelligencer. FROST.—THE BOOK OF THE ARMY : Comprising a General Military History of the United States, from the period of the Revolution to the present time, with particular accounts of all the most celebrated Battles, compiled from the best authorities. By John Frost, L.L. D. Illustrated with numerous Engravings and Portraits of distinguished Commanders. One vol- ume, 12mo., $1,25. “ This work gives a complete history of military operations, and their causes and effects, from the opening of the Revolution to the close of the last war, with graphic descriptions of the cele- brated battles and characters of the leading generals. The importance of popular works of the class to which this and the ‘ Book of the Navy ’ belong, must be obvious to all who recogniza the value of national recollections in preserving a true national spirit.” FROST.—THE BOOK OF THE COLONIES: Comprising a History of the Colonies composing the United States; from the dis- covery in the 10th Century to the Commencement of the Revolutionary War. Com- piled from the best authorities. By John Frost, L.L. D. 12mo., illustrated, $1,00. “ This volume may be considered as a sequel to the ‘ Book of the Army,’ and the ‘ Book of the Navy,’ by the same author. As the former works present a view of the Naval and Military his- tory of the country from the Declaration of Independence to the present time, and the Book of the Colonies gives a general history from the earliest times to the commencement of the Revolu- tionary War, we have thus a view of the main current of history through the whole period of our colonial and national existence; while each of the volumes is a distinct work, having its proper subject and unity.” FROST.—THE BOOK OF THE INDIANS Of North America. Their Manners, Customs, and Present State. Compiled from the most recent authorities. By John Frost, LL. D. 12mo., illustrated, $1,00. “ A useful and acceptable volume, to all who desire authentic information respecting Indian .ife, with numerous pictorial sketches. The writer enters minutely into the domestic and social habits of the Indian tribes, and gives a graphic description of the hunting grounds and the wild animals of the chase. Altogether, he has compiled a meritorious text-book of Indian history.”— Com. Advertiser. FROST.—THE BOOK OF GOOD EXAMPLES: Drawn from Authentic History and Biography. Designed to Illustrate the bene- ficial Effects of Virtuous Conduct. By John Frost, L L. D. 12mo., illustrated, $1 In proposing historical examples to the young, the author of this work hopes to incite them to the study and practice of those active duties ana virtuous habits which form the basis, not less of success in life and private happiness, than of distinction and honor among men. FROST.—THE BOOK OF ILLUSTRIOUS MECHANICS Of Europe and America. Translated from the French of Edward Foncaud. Edited by John Frost, L.L. D. 12mo., illustrated, §1,00. 21 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. MISCELLANEOU S—Continued. FOSTER.—BIOG., LIT. AND PHILO. ESSAYS, Contributed to the Eclectic Review. By John Foster, author of “ Essays on ft* eision of Human Character,” etc. One volume, 12mo., $1,25. “ These contributions well deserve to class with those of Mncauley, Jeffrey, and Sidney Smith in the Edinburgh Review.”—London Patriot. FREMONT.—OREGON#AND CALIFORNIA EXPEDITION. Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-4. By Brevet Capt J. C. Fremont. Reprinted from the official report ordered to be published by the United State* Senate One volume, 8vo., paper cover, 25 cts. ; or printed on thick paper, bound. 63 cents. “ Capt. 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John Foster, Pro- fessor Wilson, Edward Irving, and the Preachers of the Day ; Walter Savage Lan- dor, Thomas Campbell, Lord Brougham, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Wordsworth, Robert Pollock, Charles Lamb, Allen Cunning- ham ; and the Rural Poets, Ebenezer Elliott, John Keats, Thomas Babington Ma- cauley, Thomas Aird, Robert Southey, John Gibson Lockhart. “ Though the name of the author of this work is not familiar to us, his book is one which can- not fail to be read with a keen and general relish.”—Cour. Sr Enq. GRANT.—MEMOIRS OF AN AMERICAN LADY, With Sketches of the Scenery and Manners in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. By Mrs. Grant, (of Laggaw.) 12mo., paper cover 50 cts., cloth 75c. “This is a fascinating book in every aspect: the subjects, the manner, the graphic delineations, and the tasteful reminiscences. Mrs. Grant obtained great merited esteem from the people of the last generation for this memorial of her American juvenile days ; and the present race, who have not perused her vivid and truthful sketches, will be delighted with comparing the realities of New-York life, a hundred years ago, with its present changed exhibitions. Every American lady should read Mrs. Grant’s Memoirs ; and the gentlemen also can learn some noble lessons from the matrons of 1775.”—Corn. Ado. GOLDSMITH.—PICTORIAL VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. The Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. Illustrated with upwards of 1CKJ engravings on wood. One beautiful volume, octavo, of 300 pages, & 1,25 ; the same 12mo., 75 cents ; miniature size 37s cents. “ We lore to turn back over these rich old classics of our own language, and rejuvenate our- selves by the never-failing associations which a reperusal always calls up. Let any one who ha* not read this immortal tale for fifteen or twenty years, try the experiment, and we will warrant that he rises up from the task—the pleasure, we should have said—a happier and a better man. In the good old Vicar of Wakefield, all is pure gold, without dross or alloy of any kind. This much we have said to our last generation readers. This edition of the work, however, we take it, was got up for the benefit of the rising generation, and we really envy our young friends the pleasure which is before such of them as will rend it for the first time.”—Savannah Republican. HOBSON.—MY UNCLE HOBSON AND I; Or Slashes at Life with a Free Broad-axe, by Pascal Jones. 12mo., paper covet 50 cents, cloth 75 cents. “ This is a queer title for a book, but it is not more so than the book itself. The interest of the story is well sustained, and the book abounds with capital hits and satires on matters and thing* in general. It is, on the whole, a very clever and amusing performance. All who believe in th« philosophy of1 laughing and growing fat,’ should rend these ‘ slashes.’ ”—Cincinnati Daily Atlas. 22 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. MISCELLANEOUS—C ONTINUED. KIP.—THE CHRISTMAS HOLYDAYS IN ROME. By the Rev. William Ingraham Kip, Ml. 12mo., $1,00. “ This is the title of a very interesting volume, containing a most attractive and instructive picture of the Eternal City. It is written in a style of great beauty and eloquence, and cannot fail to be widely read with pleasure and profit. It combines, in a remarkable degree, the fresh- ness and vigour of personal observation with the polished elegance and refined taste of classical scholarship.' —Cour. 4- Enq. LETTER-WRITER. The Useful Letter-Writer, comprising a succinct Treatise on the Epistolary Art, and Forms of Letters for all ordinary Occasions of Life. Compiled from the best authorities. Frontispiece, 32mo., gilt leaves, 33 cents. Forming one of the series of “ Miniature Classical Library.” LOVER.—HANDY ANDY: A Tale of Irish Life. By Samuel Lover. Illustrated with twenty-three characte- ristic steel Engravings. One volume, 8vo., cloth $1,25, boards $1,00. Cheap edition, two Plates, paper, 50 cents. “This boy Handy will be the death of us. What is the police force about, to allow the utter- ing of a publication that has already brought us to the brink of apoplexy fifty times 1 ”—Sport. Rev. LOVER, L. S. D.—TREASURE TROVE : A Tale. By Samuel Lover. 8vo., two steel Engravings, paper cover, 25 cents. “This is a capital thing. The gay and the grave, the ‘lively and severe,’ are united with a skilful hand, and there is a latent tone of sound morality running through ‘ L. S. D.’ which will give a lasting value to its pages.”—Com. Jidv. MANZONI.—THE BETROTHED. I Promessi Sposi; The Betrothed. By Alessandro Manzoni. A new translation. Two volumes, 12mo., paper cover, $1,00; cloth, $1,50. “ We are delighted to meet with this master-piece of modern fiction, in a form which may ren- der it accessible to the English reading public. The Italians consider ‘ The Betrothed ’ the first fiction of the age, holding some affinity to the school of Sir Walter Scott, but surpassing his works in power and depth, as we confess it certainly does in moral design. ‘ The Betrothed ’ is well translated, and very handsomely got up ; so as to be entitled, by its dress, to appear in the most refined circles, and by its intrinsic qualities to charm and instruct every class of readers.”— Tait's Magazine. MAXWELL.—FORTUNES OF HECTOR O’HALLORAN, And his man Mark Antony O’Toole. By W. H. Maxwell. One vol., 8vo., two plates, paper, 50 cents; twenty-four plates, boards, $1,00, cloth $1,25. “ It is one of the best of all the Irish stories—full of spirit, fun, drollery, and wit.”—Cour. >. -i..u » i— por Namiss, is added. 32 Appletons’ Catalogue of Valuable Publications. CLASSICAL 8c SCHOOL BOOKS—Continued. SURRENNE.—THE STANDARD PRONOUNCING DIC- TIONARY OF THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, in two parts. Part one, French and English ; part two, English and French; the first part com- prehending words in common use—terms connected with Science—terms belonging to the Fine Arts—4000 Historical names—4000 Geographical names—11,000 terms lately published, with the pronunciation of every word according to the French Academy, and the most eminent Lexicographers and Grammarians ; together with 750 Critical Remarks, in which the various methods of pronouncing employed by different authors are investigated and compared with each other. The second part, containing a copious Vocabulary of English words and expressions, with the pro- nunciations according to Walker. The whole preceded by a practical and compre- hensive system of French pronunciation. By Gabriel Surrenne, F.A.S.E., French Teacher in Edinburgh, Corresponding Member of the French Grammatical Society of Paris. One volume, 12mo., nearly 900 pages, neatly bound—$1,50. “ This work must have been one of very great labor, as it is evidently of deep research. We have given it a careful examination, and are perfectly safe in saying, we have never before seen any thing of the kind at all to compare with it. Our space will not permit us give more than this general testimony to its value. Long as the title is, and much as it promises, our examination af the work proves that all the promises are fulfilled, and we think that no student of the French language should, for a moment, hesitate to possess himself of it. Nor, indeed, will it be found less useful to the accomplished French scholar, who will find in it a fund of information which can no where be met with in any one book. Such a work has for a long time been greatly needed, and Mr. Surrenne has supplied the deficiency in a masterly style. We repeat, therefore, our well digested opinion, that no one in search of a knowledge of the niceties of the French language, should be without it.”—National Magazine for May, 1846. TAYLOR—A MANUAL OF ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTORY; comprising, I. Ancient History, containing the Political History, Geographical Position, and Social State of the Principal Nations of Antiquity, care fully digested from the Ancient Writers, and illustrated by the discoveries of Modern Scholars and Travellers. II. Modern History, containing the Rise and Progress of the principal Euro- pean Nations, their Political History, and the Changes in their Social Condition ; with a History ot the Colonies founded by Europeans. By W. Cooke Taylor,. LL. D., of Trinity College, Dublin. Revised, with additions on American History* by C. S. Henry, D.D., Professor of History in the University of N. Y. One hand- some vol., 8vo., of 800 pages, $2,25. (jqf- For convenience as a class-book, the Ancient or Modern portion can be had in separate volumes. This Manual of History is fast superseding all other compends, and is already adopted as a, text-book in Harvard, Columbia, Yale, New-York, Pennsylvania, and Brown Universities, and several leading Academies. WARNER.—RUDIMENTAL LESSONS IN MUSIC. Containing the Primary Instruction requisite for all Beginners in the Art, whether Vocal or Instrumental. By James F. Warner, translator of “ Weber’s Theory of Musical Composition,” “ Kiibler’s Anleitung zum Gesang-Unterrichte,” [Boston, Academy’s Manual,] &c., &e. One vol., l&mo., cloth, 50 cents. “ We do not know how we can do a more substantial service to teachers and scholars in music vocal or instrumental, than by urging them to adopt this volume as a class book. It is full and complete on every topic connected with the subject, clear in its arrangement, and concise in ex- pression. The illustrations are numerous and ingenious, and must prove very valuable aid3 to the learner, in comprehending the subject, as well as to the teacher in imparting instruction.”—Tribune WARNER.—FIRST STEPS IN SINGING. The Primary Note Reader, or First Steps in Singing at Sight. By James F. War ner. 12mo., 25 cents This volume of musical exercises is designed as a supplement to the author’s “ Rudimental Lessons in Music.” The two works, taken together, are intended to furnish the begiimer in vocal music, with a complete set of books adapted to his purpose. WRIGHT.—PRIMARY LESSONS: In which a Single Letter is first Taught, with its power; then another Letter is Taught in the same manner, and the two combined into a Word—an application of '.he letters being made in words as fast as they are learned. The words thus learned are arranged into easy sentences, so that the .earner is immediately initiated into Reading Lessons. By Albert D. Wright, author of “ Analytical Orthography,’* P umologieal Chart, &!. D. Appleton <£• Co.’s Educational Publications. ARNOLD’S CLASSICAL SERIES OPINIONS OF SCHOLARS, Princeton, December 3, 1846. Gentlemen,—In reply to your letter, I have to say that I can, from the most satisfactory •xperience, bear testimony to tne excellence of your series of Text Books for Schools. I am is the daily use of Arnold’s Latin and Greek Exercises, and consider them decidedly superior to any other Elementary Works in those Languages. LYMAN COLEMAN, D.,D., Prof, of the German, Greek, and Latin Languages. Dear Sir,'—I am much pleased with Arnold’s I.a,tin, Books. A class of my older boys have just finished the first and second books. They had studied Latin for a long time before but never understood it, they say, as they do now. CHAS. M. BLAKE, Classical Teacher in Brown’s Prince-street Acddemy, Philadelphia. Arnold’s Lessons in Latin I find unsurpassed ; and, if the Greek Lessons by the same author shall prove as useful, they will form the commencement of a new era in the study of the classics in this country. I wish you abundant success in so noble an enterprise as furnishing our schools and scholars with such valuable books. SETH DAVIS, Rector of Zion’s Church, Rome. Arnold’s Latin and Greek Composition. In the skill with which he sets forth the idiomatic peculiarities, as well as in the directness and simplicity with which he states the facts of the Ancient Languages, Mr. Arnold has no superior. I know of no books so admirably adapted to awaken an interest in the study of language, or so well fitted to lav the Inundation of a correct scholarship and refined taste. N. WHEELER, Principal IVorcester County High Scriool. Messrs. Appleton : Penn. College, Gettysburg. Oct. 29, 1846. Dear Sirs,—The friends of education are under great obligations to you for the valuable service you have rendered by the recent publication of Arnold’s Cornelius Nepos. 1 have examined the edition with much interest, and it gives me pleasure to say that I highly approve of it. A text-book prepared by a man so distinguished for scholarship, exiierience, and success in teaching, as Dr. Arnold, cannot fail to secure universal favor. The mechanical execution, and the great accuracy which prevails throughout, are highly creditable to the American editor and the publisher. I have determined to introduce the edition at once into the Academical Department of Pennsylvania College, and have accordingly directed our book merchants to procure copies. Respectfully, yours, M. L. STOERER, A. M„ Prof, of History in Pennsylvania College, and Principal of the Academical Department. Messrs. Appleton & Co.: Oakland Hioh School, April 28, 1846. Gentlemen,—I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of T. K. Arnold’s First and Second Latin Book, and his Introduction to Latin Prose Composition. The style in which the books are got up is not their only recommendation. With thorough instruction, on the part of the teacher using these hooks as text books, I am confident a much more ample return for the time and labor bestowed by our youth upon Latin must be secured. The time certainly has come when an advance must be made upon the old methods of instruction. I am glad to have a work that promises so many advantages as Arnold’s First and Second Latin Book to begin I have little doubt of the result of the experiment. Very respectfully, A. B. RUSSELL. Extract from a Report of an Examination of the Male Department, of the Parochial School of St. Paul's Church, Rome, N. Y., on Friday, March 20, 1847. * * * * “ But were we to single out any part of the examination as worthy of special notice, t would be that, upon “Arnold's First Book in Latin.” Many an Academician, who has studied. Latin in the ordinary way for two years, could not sustain an examination as did the lads of this class, who have studied Arnold’s First Lessons only about six months. Arnold's method is admirable for making thorough scholars and accurate grammarians ; but then ;t needs a thorough and industrious teacher to use it to advantage. Such, evidently, is Mr. Platt. lie has not been content to put his pupils upon writing out the exercises, but they have been required to commit thoroughly to memory the vocabulary of words in each lesson, beginning with nonns and. verbs ; and as soon as they have learned the words they begin to make sentences. Then they learn occasionally a declension, and immediately are made to put it to use bv con structing sentences that require the cases of that declension. A similar method was pursued in tire English Grammar and in tiie French.” D. Applelon Sp Co.’s Educational Publications. GRAHAM’S ENGLISH SYNONYMES. OPINIONS OF ITS MERITS. Central Institute, No. 52 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Messrs. G. S. Appleton & Co.: Gentlemen,—Having frequently enjoined upon teachers and publishers the necessity of a School Book on English Synonomy, you may judge of the gratification with, which I arose from an examination of the copy of “ Graham’s Synonymes,” received by your politeness. The work has been introduced, and proved highly acceptable to our classes in English com- position . The arrangement is philosophical, the nicer shades of difference are drawn with sufficient dis- tinctness, and the quotations are chaste and elegant—including the gems of our language. I cannot but congratulate you upon the publication of this valuable—this indispensable addition to our school literature and with many thanks for your favor, I remain your Obedient servant, ALFRED L. KENNEDY, Principal. Feb. 6, 1847. Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y.. Feb. 10th, 1847, Messrs. D. Appleton & Co. Some two or three weeks since I had the pleasure of receiving from you a copy of G. F. Graham’s “ English Synonymes.” I would say that I consider it a work of priceless value, ar ranged and classified, with reference to comprehensiveness, most successfully, all the words de- fined most accurately, their distinctions clearly shown, and the illustrations very pertinent, while the exercises are peculiarly calculated to impress the importance of purity and accuracy in speak- ing and writing the English language. In fine, I see not how any scholar can consider his library complete without this volume, or any seminary its course of instruction respectable without this branch of study. It is not to supersede any other author that the present work is got up, but it is to supply a text book, the want of which many of our most distinguished teachers have long felt; and it is a subject of no little gratification that the author has so completely succeeded in his first attempt. I can, without hesitation, most cheerfully recommend it to all who love pure English, or wish to cultivate clearness in their mother tongue. The style and typography of the work indicate much taste and good judgment, and you have my best wishes for success in first offering to the public a Class Book on this interesting subject. HIRAM BAXTER, M. D. “ ‘ Accustom yourselves,’ says Coleridge, in his * Aids to Reflection,’ ‘ to reflet! on the word* you use, hear, or read ; their birth, derivation, and history 1 For if words are not things, they are living powers, by which the things of most importance to mankind are actuated, combined, and humanized.’ “ If ever a people needed hints on this subject, it is ourselves; and Mr. Reed has performed a worthy and acceptable service in bringing forward this excellent book of reference. His own Introduction, and the series of illustrative authorities which he has added, much increase the value of the work ; and, of the whole, we may safely say that there has been no book of Eng- lish Synonymes comparable to this in compactness, copiousness of explanation, and cheapness— that grand point with so many students. It is full of useful information on the subject of *tylo, and ought to be in the hands of many of our writers and public men, who are utterly uncon- scious of their glaring need of such a manual. How few even of those whose thoughts deserve the best possible dress, take any pains to cboose between words of different shades of meaning 1 yet how much of the efficacy of language dejrends upon such a choice I “ The opening dissertation of Mr. Graham sets forth some important philological principles in the clearest and most intelligible manner; and the whole book is so free from ‘ words of learned length and thundering sound,’ as to be well adapted to the more advanced classes in schools.”— Christian Examiner. JD. Appleton Co.’s Educational Publications. REID’S ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Newburyport, Nov. 13, 1846, Messrs. D. Appleton & Co.: Gentlemen,—I have recently received, through one of your agents, a copy of “ Reid’s English Dictionary," and I am happy to say that I consider it a work of great excellence, and, in many respects, superior to any thing of the kind which has preceded it. The definitions are given with unusual accuracy and precision ; and the introduction of the roots from which our words are derived is a feature in the work which every scholar must commend. I have intro- duced this Dictionary into my school in place of Worcester’s, and find, as I anticipated, that my scholars are very much interested in it. I am, gentlemen, with great respect, Your very obedient servant, ELIAS NASON, Principal High School, Mewburyport. OPINIONS OF ITS MERITS. Reid s Dictionary of the English Language is an admirable book for the use of schools. Its plan combines a greater number of desirable conditions for such a work, than any with which I am acquainted ; and it seems to me to be executed in general with great judgment, fidelity, and accuracy. C. S. HENRY, Prof, of Philosophy, History, and Belles Lettres, in the University of the City of Mew-York. Phillips SonooL, Boston. I have examined Reid’s English Dictionary, and am much pleased with the plan and execu- tion of the work. Much matter is condensed into a small compass. All word* in good use are selected and clearly defined. Each word is so marked as to indicate its pronunciation, and the value of the work is much enhanced by containing the derivation of every word. I hope it will meet with that share of patronage which it richly deserves. SAMUEL S. GREENE, Master of the Phillips School. I fully concur in the opinions expressed by Mr. Greene and should be much pleased by the introduction of the Dictionary into our public schools. T. BAKER, Principal of the Boylston School, Boston. After such an examination of il Reid's English Dictionary," as I have been able to make, I may safely say that I consider it superior to any of the School Dictionaries with which I am acquainted. Its accurate and concise definitions, and a vocabulary of the roots of English words, drawn from an author of such authority as Bosworth, are not among the least of its excellencies. M. P. PARKS, Chaplain, and Professor of Ethics, U. S. Military Academy, West Point. I have examined Reid's English Dictionary with great care, and am greatly pleased with it. The plan is excellent, and the author has evidently bestowed great attention to minute aocuracy in the details of execution. I hope to see the book extensively used. JOHN FROST, Professor of Belles Lettres, Philadelphia High School. Reib's English Dictionary.—After a careful examination, I am convinced that th« work has strong claims upon the attention of teachers generally. It is of convenient size, beau tifully executed, and seems well adapted to the use of scholars, from the common school to th« ■Biversity. D. H. CHASE, Principal of Preparatory School, Middletown, Conn. D. Appleton Sf Co.'s Educational Publications. PROP. MANDEVIIXE’S COURSE OF READING, OPINIONS OF ITS MERITS. [Letter from the Rev. J. R. Boyd, Author of the “ Elements of Rhetoric and Literary Criti- •is-i,” and “Eclectic Moral Philosophy.”] Watertown, Dec. 28, 1846. Having examined, with some care, the recent work of Prof. Mandeville, entitled a “ Course of Reading,” I am free to express the opinion that it possesses transcendent claims to public ac- ceptance and use. It is not a mere collection of pieces in Prose and Verse, like the reading books in common use, but a work on the art of reading, constructed upon a plan that seems pe- culiarly well adapted to accomplish more by far than other reading books. It embraces a phi- losophical analysis of the English language, in its letters, elementary sounds, and various forms of sentences. The nature and uses of the various parts of speech are very properly and minutely explained as a preliminary to the classification and description of all the sentences or formulas of thought to be found in the English language. Numerous examples of each kind of sentence are given separately, and instructions for the manner of reading them are furnished. By this process the acquisition of the art of reading must be greatly facilitated. The next process car- ries the student forward to the reading of paragraphs, as found in the connections and relations of ordinary discourse, and these are to be analyzed into their component parts according to in- structions previously given and acted upon in the reading of separate and classified sentences. I agree with the author in the belief that his work is peculiarly well adapted to impart a knowledge of the structure of the English language ; that it lays a broad and just foundation for an intelligent and correct delivery ; that it prepares the pupil for the study of English Grammar, and indeed introduces him to a practical and useful acquaintance with not a small part of what properly belongs to the science of Grammar, but not lees so to the art of Reading; and further, that it furnishes a very happy introduction to the art of Rhetoric, or of English Composition. The peculiarities of the work are briefly set forth by the author in the following words— “ Every sentence in the language is described ; and every sentence has its own delivery. The structure learned therefore by one, two, or at most three reviews, it is learned forever. Hence- forward as soon as a sentenoe falls under the observation of the pupil, he knows how it should be read ; and while he can read it, he can give a solid reason for its being read in that particular manner.” Such being the general features of the work under consideration, I shall consider it a pleasing duty to make an experiment of its value with classes under my care, and to recommend the same experiment to other instructors. J. R. BOYD, Principal Jefferson County Institute. November 27, 1846. Dear Sir,—Having examined with considerable care “ Mandeville’s Course of Reading,” 1 consider it of far more practical value, as a means of making correct readers, than any other that has come under my observation ; and although sensible of the inconvenience arising from a frequent change of books, I cannot avoid the conviction that the introduction of the work un der consideration, would greatly facilitate the progress of the pupil in this elegant and useful ac- complishment. The author has not attempted a servile imitation of what others have done, but has originated an entirely new plan—a plan as scientific as it is original, and as useful as it is beautiful. I cannot but deem it a valuable accession to the means of instruction employed in our common schools and academies. I shall introduce it into my own school. Very respectfully, J. H. PURKITT. Mt. Pleasant Boarding and Day School, Roxbury, Mass. ACCOMPANIMENT TO OLLENDORFF’S GERMAN GRAMMAR. D. Appleton Co. Publish A PROGRESSIVE GERMAN READER PREPARED WITH REFERENCE TO OLLENDORFF’S GERMAN GRAMMAR, WITH COPIOUS NOTES AND A VOCABULARY. BY G. J. ADLER, Drofessor of the German Language and Literature in the University of the City of JY. 7 One neat Volume, 12mo. $!• The favourable reception which Ollendorff's German Grammar has received from the America!, public, has induced the Publishers and the Editor to comply with the very general demand foi a German Reader. Complaints, more or less loud, have been made both by teacher and learner, against most of the Readers heretofore offered to the public in this country, as well as in England and Germany Books of this kind now in the market, may be reduced to two classes: 1st. Selections from the German Classics, or Elegant Extracts, corresponding somewhat to our English Readers. Of these, two deserve special notice, viz. George Muhl’s Prose Anthology, (Carlsruhe and London, 1839,) and in this country, Pollen’s German Reader. The objections to the former are, that it contains no poems, and hence lacks an essential element of an introduction to German Literature, and presents too little variety to the learner; it has, moreover, no vocabulary, and the most difficult passages are often left unnoticed in the annotations. The latter is, as it regards the variety and the good taste exhibited in its matter, far superior to any other similar work, and has for many years been almost the only Reader in use among us. To learners not classically edu cated, however, (and to many that are,) the pieces near the beginning are by far too difficult, and the assistance too scanty. The arrangement is not progressive, so that pieces near the end of the book are much easier than many in the beginning or middle. 2d. The second class of Readers are such ns profess to facilitate the business of reading. They are generally based on the Hamiltonian method, i. e., the pieces are accompanied with transla- tions, either interlinear and literal, or free and opposite. The difficulty with the books of this class is, that they leave the learner where they found him, unable by himself to account for the grammatical construction of a sentence; and when he lays aside the book to take up another, he finds that it is one thing to read by the aid of a translation and quite another to read understand- ingly. The principal books of this class are Zimmer's German Teacher, (Heidelberg and Lon- don, 1839,) Gaud's Literary Companion, (Frankfort, 1841,) better in its selections than the first, and Bokum's German Reader, (Philadelphia.) The plan of this German Reader is ns follows, viz.: 1. The pieces are both prose and poetry, selected from the best authors, and are so arranged as to present sufficient variety to keep alive the interest of the scholar. 2. It is progressive in its nature, the pieces being at first very short and easy, and increasing in difficulty nnd length as the learner advances. 3. At the bottom of the page constant references to the Grammar are made, the difficult pas- sages are explained and rendered. To encourage the first attempt of the learner as much as possi- ble, the twenty-one pieces of the first section are analyzed, and all the necessary words given at the bottom of the page. The notes, which at first are very abundant, diminish as the learner ad- vances. 4. It contains five sections. The first contains easy pieces, chiefly in prose, with all the words necessary for translating them; the second, short pieces in prose and poetry alterm tely, with co- pious notes nnd renderings; the third, short popular tales of Grimm and others; tb fourth, select ballads and other poems from Buerger, Goethe, Schiller, Uhland, Sch\» 3, Chamibso &c.; the fifth, prose extracts from the first classics. 5 At the end is added a vocabulary of all the words occurring in the book. COMPANION TO OLLENDORFF’S ITALIAN GRAMMAR D. Appleton <$* Co. publish CRESTOMAZIA ITALIANA: A COLLECTION OF SELECTED PIECES IN ITALIAN PROSE, IESIGNED AS A CLASS READING-BOOK FOR BEGINNERS IN THE STUDY OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE. By E. FELIX FORESTI, LL. D., nOFESSOR OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN COLUMBIA COLLBOT AND IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. One neat Volume, 12mo. Price $1. Preface.—This volume is intended as a reading-book for those who are commencing the study of. the Italian language; and the Grecism of its title— Crestomazia Italiana—sufficiently indicates that it contains a selection pleasing and useful pieces of Italian prose, taken from the best writers. In its compilation, the aim has been more particularly to engage the mind and enlist the feelings of the student; for to read without sympathy, is to ac quire a distaste for learning—to march without making progress. For this reason, principally, preference has been given to modern authors, most of whom are still living. It is not meant, by so doing, to dispute the univer- sally acknowledged merit of the ancient Italian writers registered in the classic catalogue approved by the despotical dictatorship of the Academy of the Crusca. They are unquestionably masters in purity of language and style ; but the subjects upon which they wrote are not the best calculated to inspire with sympathy and interest the young—especially the young Ameri- can—mind. On the contrary, modem authors, influenced by the existing principles relative to social improvement, and by a philosophical criticism far superior to that of the ancients, wrote in Italy, as elsewhere, with more depth of tnought, freshness and vigour of style, and in a tone and spirit more in accordance with the opinions and taste of the present time ; and it is quite probable their writings will be more relished by the readers of to-day. The selections contained in this volume have been made from the works of eminent men, whose fame rests upon an authority of far more weight and power than that of the Crusca—the united public voice of their native country. The Italian, owing to the freedom of its construction, is not so grammatically simple as the French; it is, besides, exceedingly rich in idioms: to facilitate, therefore, the progress of the student, in the rendering of the most difficult idiomatic forms or phrases, a glossary has been subjoined to each particular •election. D. Appleton 4* Co.’s Educational Publications. PRIMARY LESSONS: BEING A SPELLER AND READER, ON AN ORIGINAL PLAN, la which one letter is taught at a lesson, with its power ; an application being immediately made, in words, of each letter thus learned, and those words being directly arranged into reading lessens. BY ALBERT D. WRIGHT, Author of 'Analytical Orthography,’' Phonological Chart,' lie. One neat volume, 18mo. containing 144 pages, and 28 engravings. Price 12ic. bdL In this new work on an original plan, for teaching the rudiments of reading, the follow* ing are some of its peculiar features: 1. One letter or combination is presented at a lesson, and at the same time its elementary sound is taught.. 2. As fast as the letters are learned, an application is immediately made, by using them syn- thetically in familiar words. 3. No word is given, in which a letter occurs, that has not been previously learned, in tin above synthetic method. 4. The capital letters are taught one at a time, and by review in reading lessons. 5. The plan of putting the letters, with their elementary sounds, together into words, by tKb original system of synthesis, it is believed will greatly facilitate the acquision of words, and as letr t and their powers. 6. The words are systematically presented in the synthesis, being classified by their vowel sounds and terminating consonants ; and generally, at the end of each class, they are arranged into little spelling lessons. 7. The learner is immediately initiated into reading lessons, composed of words of two or thraa letters, and is then led, progressively, into more difficult words. 8. The reading lessons are composed entirely of the words previously presented in the synthesis, or the spelling lessons. 9. The cuts are intended to illustrate the reading lessons, to attract the attention of the young; and to suggest thoughts for oral instruction, and for conversation to children. 10. The book constitutes a Primary Spelling-book and Reader,—thus combining two books In one of 144 pages, adapted to families and schools. The advantages of a system of application, by which the child is permitted to use the letters u fast as they are learned, by forming little words with them, and then by arranging these words into easy sentences, must be obvious to every parent and teacher. At a Meeting of the County and Town Superintendantn of the County of Greene, Oct. 27, 1846, It was unanimously Resolved, that we are favourably impressed with the method of teaching the Alphabet, and an early course of Teading, as exhibited in the plan and arrangement dt Wright’s Primary Lessons—and believing that instruction in this branch of education will ba much facilitated by the use of that work, we recommend it to the teachers, and to those wha have children to be instructed ; and add it to the list of Text Books recommended in this County, WM. F. TERHUNE, County Superintendant, Chairman. NEW ELEMENTARY FRENCH READER. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FRENCH LANGUAGE: CONTAINING, FABLES, SELECT TALES, REMARKABLE FACTS, AMUSING ANECDOTES, ETC. WITH A DICTIONARY OF ALL THE WORDS, TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH By M. De FIVAS, Member of several Literary Societies. One neat Volume, 16mo. Price 50 cent* This work has passed through five editions in England, and rapidly found its way as a clasa* book into the most eminent public and private seminaries. The pieces contained in this volume comprehend a great variety of subjects, and are generally of a lively and familiar style, the phrases will serve ns elements of conversation, and enable the student to read with fncility other French books. In the Dictionary at the end, is given the meaning of every word contained in the book. The explanatory words are placed at the end of the book, instead of at the foot of the pagtf by this method learners will derive considerable benefit. Though this work is designedly for the use of schools, the author has borne in mind, that many of the learners of French are adults, therefore while it is adapted for youthful students, n amlea our has also been made to make it acceptable to those of more advanced age. J). Appleton 4* Co.'s Educational Publications. NEW MODERN FRENCH READER. MORCEAUX CHOISIES DES AUTEURS MODERNES, A LA USAGE DE LA JEUNESSE ; With a Vocabulary of the New and Difficult Words and Idiomatic Phrases adopted in Modern French Literature. By F. ROWAN. Edited by J L. JEWETT, editor of Ollendorff *s French System. 1 vol. 12mo. Tne chief object of the present volume is to offer the means of making the youth acquainted with the French Language, as it is s|>oken in the present day, and as it is presented in the works of the modern authors of France, without the risk of sullying the mind of the young reader, by an infroduction to such scenes and p-inciples, as but too often disgrace the pages of writers who would be an honor to humanity, were their moral qualities but equal to their genius. The second is to facilitate the task of the teacher, by endeavoring to render the work attractive in the eyes of the pupil; and such selections have therefore been made, as will, it is hoped be interesting and entertaining to the young reader, while at the same lime, they will prove worthy specimens of the peculiar style of their respective authors, and sufficiently demonstrate the great idiomatic revolution which has taken place in the French Language, within the last quarter of a century. The American edition of the work is rendered still more valuable and interesting by the addi- tion of extracts from the writings of Sismondi and ftlignet, modern historians of distinguished merit. The vocabulary of new and difficult words and idiomatic phrases is also more con- veniently arranged for reference, and considerably enlarged ; while the whole has undergone thorough revision, with a view to accuracy in every particular; and the orthography has been made to conform to that of the Dictionary of the Academy and the usage of modern writers. List of Authors.—Alex. Dumas, Alex, de Tocqueville, Alfred de Vigney, Alph. Karr, Aug. Thierry, Bignon, Capetigue, De Balzac, De Lamartine, E. iionvestre, Eugene Sue, F. SouliF, Guizot, Gust, de Beaumont, Jules Janin, Leon Goslan, D’AubignF, Merim6e, Michelet, Kalvandy, Lavallfie, Thiers, Victor Hugo, Viliemain, Sismondi, Mignet. NEW DRAMATIC FRENCH READER. CHEFS-D’CEUVRES DRAMATIQUES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Mis en Ordre Progressif, et Annotcs, pour en faciliter l’lntelligence. Par A. G. COLLOT, Profe9seur de Langues et de Litterature. One vol. 12mo. of 520 pages. Price $1. “ We have examined this book with great interest, and can confidently recommend it to stu- dents and teachers of the French language, as better adapted to the purposes of an elementary reading-book than any other with which we are acquainted. It is made up of fourteen complete dramas, taken from the works of the best and purest writers, among which are the great names of Corneille, Racine, Moliere, and Piron. The pieces are systematically arranged in progressive order, and the idiomatical difficulties of the language are fully and clearly explained in the notes. To those who are desirous of speaking French this book is invaluable, as the conversational and idiomatic phrases, so indispensable to this accomplishment, are met with on every page ; and to those who wish to cultivate their taste, and to obtain a knowledge not only of the French lan- guage, but of the writings of its most eminent dramatists, this volume will supply the place of voluminous collections not easy to be obtained. Its typographical accuracy and apjiearanea has seldom been equalled in any French book that has heretofore issued from the press of this conntrv.”—Cour. (r Enquirer. “ This book is made up of pieces of progressive difficulty, as exercises in the study of French. We have first a Proverb or two in the simplest style, with foot-notes explanatory of idiomatic phrases ; then a couple of Berquin’s pieces, intended for learners ; then some naif dozen of Scribe's popular dramas, full of action, and exhibiting many peculiarities of French manners and language ; Moliere’s Misanthrope ; Voltaire’s M6rope ; Racine’s Athalie; and lastly, the Cinna of Corneille—all entire; which is, certainly, an improvement on all other French read- ing Irooks, the fragmentary style of which has often vexed us. The whole appears to us admirably adapted for its purpose.”—Christian Examiner. A MANUAL OF ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTORY. D. Appleton Co.’s Educational Publications. .COMPRISING L Ancient History, containing the Political History, Geographical Position, and Social State of the Principal Nations of Antiquity, carefully digested from the Ancient Writers, and illus- trated by the discoveries of Modern Scholars and Travellers. II. Modern History, containing the Rise and Progress of the Principal European Nation*, their Political History, and the Changes in their Social Condition ; with a History of the Colo- nies Pounded by Europeans. By W. Cooke Taylor, LL. D., of Trinity College, Dublin. Re- vised, with Additions on American History, by C. S. Henry, D. D., Professor of History in the University of N. Y., and Questions adapted for the Use of Schools and Colleges. One handsome rol., 8vo., of 800 pages, $2,25; Ancient History in 1 vol., $1,25, Modern History in 1 vol., $1,50. The Ancient History division comprises Eighteen Chapters, which include the general out- lines of the history of Egypt—the Ethiopians—Babylonia and Assyria—Western Asia—Palestine —the Empire of the Medes and Persians—Phmnician Colonies in Northern Africa—Foundation and History of the Grecian States—Greece—the Macedonian Kingdom and Empire—the States that arose from the Dismemberment of the Macedonian Empire—Ancient Italy—Sicily—the Ro man Republic—Geographical and Political Condition of the Roman Empire—History of the Ro- man Empire—and India—with an Appendix of important illustrative articles. This portion is one of the best Compends of Ancient History that ever yet has appeared. It oontains a complete text for the collegiate lecturer; and is an essential hand-book for the student who is desirous to become acquainted with all that is memorable in general secular archaeology. The Modern History portion is divided into Fourteen Chapters, on the following general subjects:—Consequences of the Fall of the Western Empire—Rise and Establishment of the Saracenic Power—Restoration of the Western Empire—Growth of the Papal Power—Revival of Literature—Progress of Civilization and Invention—Reformation, and Commencement of the States System in Europe—Augustan Ages of England and France—Mercantile and Colonial Sys- tem—Age of Revolutions—French Empire—History of the Peace—Colonization—China—the Jews—with Chronological and Historical Tables and other Indexes. Dr. Henry has appended a new chapter on the History of the United States. This Manual of Modern History, by Mr. Taylor, is the most valuable and instructive work concerning the general subjects which it comprehends, that can be found in the whole department of historical literature. Mr. Taylor’s work is fast superseding all other compends, anil is already adopted as a text-book in Harvnrd, Columbia, Yale, New York, Pennsylvania, and Brown Uni- versities, and several leading Academies. GESENIUS’ HEBREW GRAMMAR. FOURTEENTH EDITION, AS REVISED BY DR. E. RODIGER. Translated by T. J. Conant, Professor of Hebrew in Madison University, N. Y With the Modifications of the Editions subsequent to the Eleventh, By Dr. Davies, of Stepney College, London. To which are added, A Course of Exercises in Hebrew Grammar, and a Hebrew Chrestomathy, prepared by the Translator. One handsomely printed volume, 8vo. Price $2. Extract from the Translator's Preface. “The fourteenth edition of the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius is now offered to the public by (be translator of the eleventh edition, by whom this work was first made accessible to students in the English language. The conviction expressed in his preface to that edition, that its publica- tion in this country would subserve the interests of Hebrew literature, has been fully sustained by the result. After a full trial of the merits of this work, both in America and in England, its re- pablication is now demanded in its latest and most improved form. 41 Of the general character of this grammar it is unnecessary to speak. It passed through thirteen editions with continual improvements from the author’s own hand. The fourteenth edi- tion was prepared, after the death of Gesenius, by his friend and former pupil, Prof. Rodiger, one of*th» most accurate oriental scholars of the age, who for some time lectured on Hebrew Grammar in the University at Halle, with the work of Gesenius for his text-book. Traces of his accurate scholarship are found, in the form of corrections and additions, in every part of the work ; a nr •one portions have been re-written, but on the same general philological principles, and in tha Same spirit as the preceding editions. * The exercises, which follow the translation, are designed to facilitate the study of the gram- mar. They were prepared after several years’ observation, as a teacher, of the difficulties which •mbarrass the student in ilia first attempt to learn an oriental language. They have been used with great, advantage by a teacher under my direction during the last seven years, and by teachem to other Institutes. “The notes to the Chrestomathy have been prepared on the plan which every teacher of expe- rience will appreciate, of re-printing nothing which is contained in the grammar; and what if •qually important, of repeating nothing which has once been stated and learned. On a different yian, the same amount of information might easily have been extended over a hundred pages, and with no other effect than to retard the real proficiency of the learner. The Exercises and Chrestomathy have been carefully revised, and the numerous references, in which it is beiiev*/ ■at on error remains, have been adapted to this edition of the grammar. D. Appleton Sp Co.’s Educational Publications. NEW CLASSICAL WORKS Preparing for Publication by D. Appleton Company. LIVY, WITH ENGLISH NOTES, GRAMMATICAL AND EXPLANATORY. TOGETHER WITH A GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL INDEX. BY .1. L. LINCOLN, Professor of Latin in Brown University. One Volume, !2mo. The publishers believe that, in the edition of Livy herewith announced, a want will be sup- plied which is now universally felt; there being at present no American edition furnished with the requisite apparatus for the successful prosecution of the study of this Latin author. The extracts selected for this edition will secure the material for an amount of reading in Livy equal to that which is accomplished in any of our colleges, and will comprise the finest at well as the most useful and interesting passages in the writings of the great Latin historian. They will be taken chiefly from the first five books (the first nearly entire,) the twenty-first, twenty-second, and the subsequent books on the Second Punic War, with such other portions as can be introduced without increasing the volume beyond the size suited to its intended purpose. The text will be based upon that of Drakenborsch, with some changes from subsequent editors, and especially in the earlier books, from the recent valuable work of Dr. Alschefski. of Berlin, of which the first volume was published in 1841, the second in 1843, and the third has just ap- peared. The notes will consist of selections from the best commentators, as Drakenborsch, Crevier, &c., and smaller school editions; and, to a considerable extent, of o iginal matter, embodying the results of the editor’s own labors and experience in reading Livy with his classes in college. They will be partly grammatical, aiming at the solution of difficulties, and the illustration of the language, with constant references to the grammars and other helps most in use in this country, as Andrews and Stoddard’s Grammar, Zumpt’s Grammar by Schmidtz, T. K. Arnold's Latin Prose Composition, Krebs’ Guide for writing Latin, &c., and partly explanatory, giving the necessary information on all obscure matters, and especially in regard to the early history of Rome, furnishing so far as practicable and useful, the results of the researches of Niebuhr, Ar- nold, and other modern writers, together with references to Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. The Notes will be fullest on the first two books and the beginning of the third; on the fifth and sixth, and on the twenty-first and twenty-second books. The proposed edition will ba furnished with a sufficiently copious Geographical and Historical Index, and accompanied by a Plan of the City of Rome, (from the recent German work of, Becker on Roman antiquities,) together with some other useful illustrations. HO RATIl’ OPERA, WITH CRITICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL NOTES, INDEX, &c. BY J. L. LINCOLN, Professor of Palin in Brown University. One Volume, l2mo. hi. CESAR’S COMMENTARIES, WITH NOTES, CRITICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL, INDEXES LEXICON, &c. BY REV. J. A. SPENCER, A. M. One Volume, 12mo. Caesar being one of the earliest authors read in the course preparatory to College, the notes and helps afforded in this new edition are especially suited to the wants of younger students, with constant reference to their wants in a more advanced stage of their progress. SALLUST’S CATILINE AND JUGURTHA, WITH CRITICAL, PHILOLOGICAL, AND EXEGETICAL NOTES, INDEXES, LEXICON, ETC. BY REV. J. A. SPENCER, A. M, One Volume, 12mo, In th new edition the peculiarities of Sallust’s style and diction are pointed out, and the note* are full ! ,.i carefully prepared, espeoially with reference to History, Geography, Antiquities, &c D. Appleton fy Co.’s Educational Publications. CLASSICAL WORKS IN PREPARATION. TACITUS’S HISTORY, GERMANY AND AGRICOLA, WITH COPIOUS NOTES, INDEXES, &c. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY REV. J. A. SPENCER, A. M. An edition of Tacitus’s noble historical productions, suitable to the wants of students, has long been a desideratum. The present edition is based on the latest and best German and Eng- lish editions, and the notes are sufficiently full, and of such a character as to give the student a clear insight into the style of the author, and the multiplied historical, geographical, and bio- graphical allusions in which this author abounds. SELECT ORATIONS OF CICERO, WITH CRITICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL NOTES INDEXES, &c. BY E. A. JOHNSON, Professor of Latin in the University of the City of New- York. One Volume, 12mo. VII. CICERO DE SENECTUTE ET DE AMICITIA, WITH CRITICAL NOTES, INDEXES, &c. BY E. A. JOHNSON, Prof essor of Latin in the University of the City of New- York. One Volume, 12mo. VIII. A GREEK READING BOOK, INCLUDING A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE GREEK PARTICLES, BY THOMAS K. ARNOLD, M. A EDITED BY REV. J. A. SPENCER, A. M. One Volume, 12mo. A SPEAKER; FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. Selected from Classical Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and English Writers: Demosthenes, Thucydides, Homer, Sophocles, Cicero, Livy, Virgil, Lucretius, Shakspeare, Milton, Burke, Bacon, &c. BY REV. W. SEWELL, B. D., Author of “ Christian Morals,” “ Christian Politics,” etc. etc. With additions by Henry Reed, Prof, of English Literature in the University of Pennsylvania. 23?” Several other Classical Works are in preparation, due notice of which will be given. KEYS TO ARNOLD’S LATIN AND GREEK PROSE COMPOSITION. D. Appleton & Co. respectfully notify Teachers that they have recently published A KEY TO ARNOLD’S LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION, “ “ GREEK Teachers only can be snpplied with the above. Application for them to he either persona! •r by letter to tire Publishers. D. Appleton Sf Co.’s Educational Publications. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. OLLENDORFF’S NEW METPIOD or LEARNING TO READ, WRITE, AND SPEAK THE SPANISPI LANGUAGE. One Volume, 12mo. The plan of this work is substantially the same with that of the French, German, and Italian Grammars of Professor Ollendorff. It consists of a series of lessons, so arranged as gradually to eliminate every idiom and construction of the language, and to impart to the scholar a thorough knowledge of both its theory and practice. When it is considered that Ollendorff’s works have taken the precedence, both in Europe and the United States, in the well-cultivated fields of French and German philology, those who are acquainted with the peculiarly defective and in- sufficient character of elementary treatises on the Spanish language, will at once appreciate the importance and utility of the present work. A NEW SPANISH READER, CONSISTING OF EXTRACTS FROM THE WORKS OF THE MOST APPROVED DRAMATISTS AND PROSE WRITERS, ARRANGED IN PROGRESSIVE ORDER, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE re THOSE WHO WISH TO OBTAIN A PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE LANGUAGE. WITH NOTES EXPLANATORY OE THE IDIOMS AND MOST DIFFICULT CONSTRUCTIONS. One Volume, 12mo. A NEW DICTIONARY OF TIIK SPANISH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Part I—SPANISH AND ENGLISH. Part II.—ENGLISH AND SPANISH. BY DR. D. MATEO SEOANE. One Volume, large 8vo. A NEW DICTIONARY OF THE GERMAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Part I.—GERMAN AND ENGLISH. Part II.—ENGLISH AND GERMAN One Volume, large 8vo. The materials of this Dictionary will be derived from Hilpert, Flugel. and other authontM* Also, in One Volume, 12mo., AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE SAME. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS D. APPLETON & CO No. 200 Broadway, New-York, and No. 16 Little Britain, London, Respectfully invite the attention of Literary and Professional Gentlemen, Heads at Public Institutions, and the Public generally, to their VERY EXTENSIVE AND CHOICE STOCK OF STANDARD WORKS, EMBRACING THE BEST EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS, IN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIAS- TICAL HISTORY. 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A great inconvenienced SIS SLOT.TK !ve:ik,hi"orJ" for *■* *•&"*» -*iT5WiSS£S Professors and Students of Theology-,, and Medicine—Architects, Mechanics, and all who are unable to nro. Fp3eSrnt;np^rorEuCr°open.t0’ COmml981u" °f “» «>er ««■ "» -LP-ure P£ Books for incorporated Institutions are Imported free of duty. P,- * ,Co- have, in addition to their branch in London, an Agent in I.eipsic for the supply of all orders for twu,. published throughout Germany-also in Brussels, Paris, Florence and Madrid; so lhat U ey are nrerared tn gre y and ‘,romPtne3s’ aU orders intrusted to their care from any portion oVthe (FonCnt^^I _ T1,*® advantages which such facilities offer to Literary Institutions, Professional Gentleman and the r Public for a speedy supply of Books from the great Book Marts of Europe, all will acknowledge?’ “ “ Llt*r«T D. APPLETON & CO. A MONTHLY LITERARY BULLETIN, Containing a list of all books published during every month in Great Britain, together with a selected list nf K~m the>stea'mer of rnon*th periodrcaPis *• to receive .t will please address the pnhlisl?er™Tcw P “ fU™8heii MU' whf> <** i„^,°rtlerS **or ®’ne1® copies or by the quantity, will be received untU 3 o’closk tb. day previous to the ul of the steamer from Beston, on the 1st and 16th of each month. 7 pre 1to th,i “