hm0' 0Bfcs CATALOGUE OF A Bibliographical Cibrarg, OFFERED FOE SALE COMPLETE AT THE PEICES AFFIXED. COLLECTED BY JOEL MUNSELL, ALBANY. ♦ •« ALBANY: J. MUNSELL, 78 STATE STREET 1856. NOTICE. This Collection embraces a large number of works most essential to the Librarian, in all the lan- guages of Europe, and in extent is exceeded only by that presented to the Astor Library by Dr. Cogswell. It being desirable to dispose of it entire, and looking only among the public libraries for a purchaser, the titles are given in short, and very few allusions made to rarities. Many of the works in this branch of literature are now extremely scarce, and every day becoming more difficult to find, yet the prices affixed to these have little relation to such adventitious values. They have been mostly rebound, except when it was desirable to preserve the original bindings, which in some cases are very rich and unique, having come from the libraries of noted col- lectors in Europe, Asia and America, kings and princes, universities and monasteries, noblemen and gentlemen of taste in the choice of copies, and the styles of their bindings. CATALOGUE. Accounts of Mss. in Library of the King of France, Lond. 1189, 8vo, 2 vols. 3’00 Acker; Supplementa ad Bib. Philosophicam Struvi- anam, Jena, 1114, 8vo, 1 vol. L50 Adams; Typographia, Phil. 1845, 12mo, 1 vol. $1’25 Adamson; Bib. Lusitania; relating to the History, Literature and Poetry of Portugal, 1836, 12mo, 2-00 Privately printed, and rare. Atfo; Vita Gonzaga con gli Annali Ebreo Typog. De Rossi, Parma, 1180, 8vo, 1 vol. LOO Albany Institute, Catalogue of, Albany, 1855, 8vo. 3-00 Aldine Magazine, Lond. 1839, 8vo, 1 vol, LOO Allgemeine Deutsche Real-Encyc. fur de gebildeten stande, Leipsig, 1843, 8vo, 15 vols. 25'00 Almon; Cat. Books and Pamphlets, Lond. 1110, 8vo, ’25 do. Trial for Libel, Lond. 1110, 8vo, L50 Alphabeta Yaria, Romse, 8vo, 1 vol. 3-00 Ames; Typog. Antiquities England, Lond. 1149, 4to, 3'50 America, Cat. Rare Books on, Lond. 1851, 8vo, LOO American Antiquarian Society Catalogue, Worces- ter, 1831, 8vo, 2*50 Analectabiblon, Paris, 1836, 8vo, 2 vols. 3-00 Anecdotes of Books and Authors, Lond. 1836, 16mo, 15 Anglise et Hibernim, Cat. Librorum Manuscript- orum, Oxonise, 1191, folio, 12'00 Dawson Turner’s copy, with his autograph; has large portraits of Sir Thomas Bodley and Sir Robert Cot- ton—the latter preceding a Catalogue of the Cot- tonian Mss., which appears to he a separate work, although of the same character. 6 Antiquaries; Cat. London Society, Lond. 1816, 4to, LOO do. do. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1839, 8vo, 100 Antonio; Bib. Hispan. Yetus et Nova, full bound in calf, beautiful copy, Matriti, 1183-1, folio; 4 vols. 32*00 Antrim; Pantography and Science of Letters, Phil. 1843, 16mo, 1 vol. ‘50 Asher; Cat. Collection de Livres Rares et Curieux, Berlin, 1854, 8vo, , LOO Askew; Bibliotheca Askeviana, Lond. 1175, 8vo, 125 Aspirant; Bibliosophia, Lond. 1810, 18mo, 1 vol. *15 Astle; Origin and Progress of Writing, Lond. 1184, 4to, 1 vol. 10*00 Astle; Catalogue of the Harleian Mss. contained in the British Museum, Lond. 1159, 2 vols. folio, 15*00 This copy belonged to the poet Gray, and contains marginal notes in his hand-writing—splendidly bound in English calf. Astor Library Annual Reports, 1854, 1855, paper, 2 vols. ‘50 Argelati; Bib. Script. Mediolanensium, 1145, folio, 4 vols. 20*00 This copy contains Historia Litterario-Typographica Mediolanensis, par Sassi, which is often wanting in sets of this work. Arwidsson; Forteckning ofver Kongl. Bibliothekets I Stockholm Islandska Handskrifter, 1848, 8vo, 2*00 Athenaeum; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1845, 8vo, 2*00 Auer; Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes, Wien, 1854, folio, 1000 An account of the discovery of a natural printing pro- cess, by which plates for printing copies of plants, materials, embroideries, are produced in a rapid and simple manner, without the aid of drawing or en- graving ; contains a great number of splendid spe- cimens. Aurivillius; Cat. Librorum Impressorum Bibliotheca Regiae Academia Upsaliensis, Upsaliae, 1814, 4 to, 4-00 Authors, 500 celebrated, Great Britain, Lond. 1188, 8vo, L00 Azara; Bibliotheca Elegantissima, Romm, 1806, 8vo, 3'00 Bacon; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1737, 8vo, 2-00 Bagster; Cat. and Specimen Book of Oxford Poly- glot Bibles, Works in Theology, &c. Lond. • 1838, 8vo, 1-50 Baillet; Auteurs Deguisez, Paris, 1690, 12mo, 2‘00 Banks, Gould & Co.; Cat. Law Books, New York, 1852, 18mo, 50 Baptistam; Opera Rariora, Eichstadiis, 1790, 4to, 2 00 Barbier ; Die. Anonymes et Pseudonymes, Paris, 1806, 8vo, 4 vols. 5-00 do. Diet. Anonymes et Pseudonymes, Paris, 1822, 8vo, 4 vols. 2d ed. 8'00 Barlow; Considerations on Employment of the Press, &c. New York, 1826, 8vo, -25 Barnard; Bibliotheca Regim Catalogus, (portraits,) Lond. 1829, royal folio, 6 vols. 75’00 7 Of this truly splendid and valuable work, copies were printed, for presentation only. The magnifi- cent collection of which it is an inventory, was made by George III., at an expense of more than $700,000. It was presented hy George IY. to the British Mu- seum—a donation which was justly styled “a gift greater than has been bestowed hy any sovereign of any nation since the Library of the Ptolemies was founded at Alexandria.” Copies of this Catalogue have produced 50 guineas at auction, and it has been sold for $300 in this country. Barrois; Bib. Protypographique, Paris, 1830, 4to 150 Bartholomeo; Musei Borgiani Yelitris Codices Mss. Rom*, 1193, 4to, 2-00 Bartolocci; Bib. Magna Rabinnica, Rom*, 1615, folio, 4 vols. 24-00 Bartolocci; Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica, Rom*, 1694, 6 00 Ces 5 volumes sont rares. Ils seraient plus chers ad- jourd ’hui.—Brunet. Bound in vellum, uniform. Basan; Cat. des Etampes, Paris, 1161, 12mo, 3 vols. 300 do. Diet, des Graveurs, Paris, 1189, 8vo, 2 vols. 5‘00 do. do. do. Paris, 1161,12mo, 3 vols. 3 00 Batines; Bibliotheca Dantesca, Prato, 1845, 8vo, 2'00 8 Baudry; Coll. Anc. and Mod. Brit. Authors, Paris, 1835, 8vo, 6 vols. 6*00 Bauer; Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis, Nurnberg, 1111, 8vo, 2 vols. 2*00 Beauclerk; Bib. Beauclerkiana, Lond. 1181, 8vo, POO Beloe; Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, Lond. 1801-12, 8vo, 6 vols. 10*00 Beloe; Sexagenary, Lond. 1811, 8vo, 2 vols. 3*00 Bennet & Duncan; Catalogue, Lond. 1133, 8vo, U50 Bennett; Cat. of Library, 8vo, LOO Bent; Lond. Cat. Books, Lond. 1814, 8vo, LOO Benwell; Cat. Historical Library, Lond. 1848, 8vo, 1'25 Berkenhout; Biog. Literaria, Lond. 1111, 4to, 2*15 Bernard; Origine et des Debuts Imprimiere en Eu- rope, Paris, 1853, 8vo, 2 vols. 4*00 Berresford; Bibliosophia, Lond. 1810, 8vo, LOO Berrington; Middle Ages, Lond. 1814, 4to, 8*00 Bertrand-Quinquet; Traite de l’lmprimerie, Paris, An VIII. 4to, 2*50 Bessborough; Cat. Library, Lond. 1848, 8vo, LOO Bewick; Critical Cat. of Works Illustrated, Lond. 1851, 8vo, 3*50 Beyeri; Memorise Ilistorico-Criticse Librorum Rario- rum, Dresdse, 1134, 8vo, 2*25 Bibliografia dei Romanza e Poema Cavallareschi Italiani, Milano, 1838, 8vo, 1*15 Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, Lond. 1830, 12mo, *15 Bibliomania Middle Ages, Lond. 1849, 12mo, LOO Bibliotheca Americana (Homer), Lond. 1189, 4to, 3*50 Bibliotheca Americana, Lond. 1853, 8vo, LOO Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica, Lond. 1815, 8vo, 5*00 Bibliotheca Elegantissima, Lond. 1190, 8vo, 2*25 Bibliotheca Hibernicana, Dublin, 1823, 8vo, 2*00 Bib. Italiana (Anno V. VI.), 2 vols. 1*50 Bibliotheca Philologica oder Alphabetisches derjeni- gen Grammatiken, Worterbucher, Chrestoma- thieen, Leesbucher, und andererWerke, Leipsig, 1853, 8vo, LOO Bibliotheque du Roi, Paris, 1182, 18mo, LOO 9 Bigg; Catalogue, Lond. 1818, 8vo, ‘15 Bingner ; Literal, uber das Grosherzogthum Baden, Karlsruhe, 1854, 8vo, -15 Biscioni; Bib. Mediceo Laurentianee, plates, Flor. • 1152, folio, 2 vols. 8'50 Black; Cat. Ashmole Mss. in Oxford University, 1845, 4to, 8-00 Blackwood; Cat. Books, Edinb. 1812, 8vo, 1'50 Blancken; Bildniss Beruhmter Kunstler, Buchandler, etc. Nuremberg, 1125, folio, 5'00 Blaufus ; Vermischte Beytrage Seltener Bucher, Jena, 1153, 8vo, 1-50 Blume; Iter Italicum, Berlin, 1824, 8vo, 4 vols. 6'50 do. Bib. Librorum Mss. Italica, Gottingae, 1834, 1*75 Blumhof; Vollstandige System. Lit. etc. 1803, 8vo, l'OO Bock; Lettres sur Ms. Liber Guidonis, Bruxelles, 1850, 16mo, 1-00 Bodoni ; Manual Typografico, Parma, 1811, folio, 2 vols. (large paper copy, portrait), 20'00 Bcehmeri ; Systsmatisch Lit. Handbuch, Leipsig 1185, 8vo, 8 vols. 8'00 Bohn; Cat. Theology, 1842, 8vo, 2 00 do. Guinea Cat. 1841, 8vo, 4'00 do. Cat. Stock, Lond. 1846, 8vo, -15 Bonaventura; Commentarioruin Alcobacensi Ms. Bibliotheca, 1821, 4to, 3'50 Borromeo of Padua ; Cat. Library, Lond. 1811, 8vo, 1‘50 Bossange; Catalogue, Paris, 8vo, 5'00 do do. Supplement, Paris, 8vo, 2 vols. l'OO Bossange, Bartles & Lowell; Cat. Lond. 1836, 8vo, '50 Boswell; Method of Study, Lond. 1138, 8vo, 2 vols. 2-00 Botfield; Notes Cathedral Libraries, Lond. 1849, 8vo, 3'00 Boucher; Cat. of very Valuable and Extensive Li- brary, Lond. 1806, 8vo, l-50 Bouterwek; Hist. Spanish Literat. Lond. 1841,12mo, l'OO Boutourlini; Cat. Bibliotheque, Florence, 1831 8vo, '15 Bowyer & Nichols; Origin of Printing, Lond. 1774, 8vo, 250 With autograph letter of F. Sloane, the librarian. 10 Boxhornii; Typ. Artis Inventionse, Lug.Bat. 1646, 4to, 2-00 Braischell; Indices Expurg. by Gribbings, Dublin, 1831, 12mo, 225 Branca; Catalogo della Libreria di Carlo Branca in Milan, 1844, 8vo, P50 Brander; Cat. of Libray, Lond. 1190, 8vo, 100 Bray; Bib. Parochialis, Lond. 1101, 8vo, 2'15 Brayley; Cat. London Institution, Lond. 1835, 8vo, 1*15 do. Cat. Library of the Bussell Institution, Lond. 1835, 8vo, LOO do. Appendix to do. 1831, 8vo, ‘15 Brenton; Voices of the Press, New York, 1850, 8vo, POO Bridgman; View of Legal Bibliography, Lond. 1801, 8vo, 2-50 Briton; Letters on Stockdale’s Trial, Lond. 1190, 8vo, 1'50 Brogeaut; Lithographie, Paris, 1850, 18mo, P25 Brown University, Catalogue of Library, Prov. 1843, 8vo, 2‘50 Brooke; Bib. Legum Angliae, Lond. 1188, 18mo, l'OO Brulliot; Diet. Monogrammes, Munich, 1832, 4to, 9-00 Brun; Manual Typographic Francaise, Paris, 1825, 12mo, 2‘00 Brunck; Cat. Bibliotheque des Bons Livres, Paris, 1853, 8vo, 1-15 Brunet; Editions Kabelais, Bruxelles, 1851, 8vo, ‘15 do. Manuel du Libraire, Paris, 1810, 8vo, 3 vols. 4 00 do. do. Bruxelles, 1821, 8vo, 3 vols. 5-00 do. do. Paris, 1844, 8vo, 5 vols. 25'00 Bryan; Die. Engravers, Lond. 1849, 8vo, 1'50 Brydges; Kestituta, Lond. 1814, 8vo, 4 vols. 1P50 do. Censura Literaria, Lond. 1815, 8vo, lOvs. 35’00 Buckingham; Newspaper Reminiscences, &c. Bost. 1850, 12rno, 2 vols. 2'50 do. Personal Memoirs, Bost. 1852, 12mo, 2 vols. 1‘50 Valuable contributions to the history of the newspaper press. Budik; Vorbereitungstudien fur Bibliothekar, "VVien, 1834, 8vo, A5 11 Buckingham; Cat. of the Famous Library at Stowe House, Lond. 1849, 8vo. 3-50 Burnouf; Livres Imprimes et Manuscrits composant la Bib. de feu, Paris, 1854, 8vo. 175 Burrow; Question Lit. Property determined, Lond. 1183, 4to. 3 00 Bytemeister; Commentarius Historicus, Helmstadii, 1130, 4to, 2-25 Cailleau; Die. Bibliographiq. Paris, 1140, 8vo, 4 vols. 8-00 Calcographimania, Lond, 1814, 8vo, L50 Caldecott; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1833, 8vo, -15 Calmberg; Katalog der von dem verstorben llerrn hinterlassen Bibliothek, Hamburg, 1851, 8vo, 1*25 Camus; Grand et Petit Voyages, Paris, 1802, 4to, 500 do. Bib. Choise Livres de Droit, Paris, 1819, 4to, 4-50 do. Histoire et Procedes du Polytypageet del a Stereotvpie, Paris, An X, 8vo, 2'00 Camusat; Histoire Critique du Journaux, Amster- dam, 1134, 12mo, 2 vols. LOO Capponi; Cataloge duManoscritti, Firenze, 1845,8vo, LOO Carpzov; Bib. Carpzoviana, Lipsiae, 1100, 12mo, L50 Casiri; Bibliotheca Arabico-IIispana Escurialensis, Matriti, 1160, folio, 2 vols. 20 00 Cat. des Manuscrits et Xylographes Orientaux de la Bibliotheque Imperiale Publique de St. Peters- bourg, St. Petersbourg, 1852, 4to, 8-50 Cat. des Livres Imprimes et Mss. composant la Bib- liotheque, de E. Burnouf, Paris, 1854, 8vo, L50 Caulfield; Calcographiana, Lond. 1814, 8vo, L50 Celebrated Libraries, Lond. 1139, 12mo, '15 Celsio; Quinque Decades Librorum Seculo Decimo- quinto Impressorum quos Possidet Bibliotheca Publica Upsaliensis, 1143, 8vo, L50 Chambers; Cat. Sanscrit Mss. L50 This collection of Mss. was made during Mr. Chambers’s residence in India, as Chief Justice of Bengal, and was sold to the Prussian Government. Chaudon et Delandine; Diet. Universelle Historique, Critique et Bibliographique, Paris, 1810, 8vo, 20 vols. 25'00 12 Chaudon; Bib, Homme du Gout, Avignon, 1712, 18mo, 2 vols. 2'50 Chauncey; Cat. of Libray, Lond. 1190, 8vo, 1'25 Chenedolle; Almanach Napoleon, Notice Literaire et Bibliographique, Bruxelles, 1849, 8vo, l'OO Choice Books, Cat. of Library of, Lond. 1851, 8vo, l'OO Christ; Die. des Monogrammes, Paris, 1750, 8vo, 3'00 do. Abhandlungen Lit. u. Kunstwerke, Leipsig, 1776, 8vo, 1'50 Christophe; Diet, des Auteurs Classiques, Paris, 1805, 8vo, 2 vols. 2'25 Churton; Book Collector’s Handbook-—a modern Library Companion, Lond. 1845, 8vo, l'OO Clark, Adam; Account of Eng. Translations of all the Greek and Roman Classics and Ecclesiastic cal Writers, the time in which each writer flou- rished, and critical judgments on the merits of the principal translations, Lond. 1806, 8vo, 2'25 Clark; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1819, 8vo, 1'25 Clarke; Bibliographical Dictionary, Liverpool, 1802, 12mo, 8 vols. lO'OO Clarke; Repertorium Bibliographicum, Lond. 1829, 8vo, 2 vols. 4'00 Clarke; Bibliotheca Legum, Lond. 1810, 12mo, 1‘50 Classical Collector’s Yade Mecum, Lond. 1822, 18mo, -75 Clavell; Cat. English Books, Lond. 1680, folio, 2'50 do. Cat. Librorum Latinorum, Lond. 1681, folio, 2'00 Cleaver (Bishop); List Books recommended to the Younger Clergy and Divinity Students; to which is added the learned Mr. Dodwell’s Cat. of Christian Writers and Genuine Works ex- tant of the first three Centuries, Oxford, 1792, 8vo, 2'25 Clement; Bib Curieuse, Hist, et Critique, de Livres difficiles a Trouver, Gottingen, 1750, 4to, 9 vols. 25'00 Clericus; Biblical Students’ Assistant, Edin. 1844, 8vo, 1'50 Clessen; Drittes Jubel Fest der Buchdruckerkunst, Gotha, 1740, 2'00 13 Cocchi; Lettera Critica sopra un Ms. in Cera, Firenza, 1746, 4to, TOO Cochran; Cat of Mss. in different Languages, Lond. 1837, 8vo, 2-50 Cole; Bibliographical and Descrip. Tour, Scarbo- rough, 1824, 12mo, 2'00 Congress Library; Cat. of the Library of the United States, with copious Index, Wash. 1815, 4to, 2'50 Congress Library Catalogue, Wash. 1840, 8vo, 5-00 Constantin; Bibliotheconomie, Paris, 1841, 18mo, P50 Cooper; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1853, 8vo, U50 Coram; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1819, 8vo, L25 Costeri; Bib. Costerana, sive Cat. Exquisitissimus Nitidissimusque Librorura, Delphis, 1718, 8vo, U25 Cousin; Cours de l’Hist. et Philos. Paris, 1829, 8vo, 7 vols. 7'00 Crapelet; Etudies Typographique, Paris, 1837, 8vo, 2’50 do. Des Brevets d’Imprimerie, Paris, 1840, 8vo, POO do. Robert Etienne, Imprimeur Royale, Paris, 1839, 8vo, 2-00 do. Profession d’Imprimeur, Paris, 1840, 8vo, P75 do. Progres de l’lmprimerie, Paris, 1836, 8vo, U75 Creutzenfeld; Bib. Chirurgica, Vindoboni, 1781, 4to, 2 vols. lO'OO Crevenna; Cat. Raisonnee de la Collection Livres, Amsterdam, 1789, 4to, 3 vols. 8’00 Cumberland; Ancient Engravers (large paper copy), Lond. 1827, 4to, 5-00 Cundall; On Ornamental Art applied to Bookbind- ing, Lond. 1848, 4to, U00 Curtis on Copyright, Bost. 1847, 8vo, 3-00 Cuvier; Cat. Books on Natural History, Lond. 1835, 8vo, 1-50 Dallerang; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1851, 8vo, 1.50 Davidson; Bibliotheca Devoniensis, Exeter, 1852, 4 to, 3-50 De Batines; Bibliographia Dantesca, Prato, 1845, 8vo, 2 vols. 2.50 De Bearzi; Cat. de Livres Rare et Precieux, Paris, 1855, 8vo, D50 14 De Bure; Bibliographie Instructive, Paris, IT63, 8vo, 9 vols. 15'00 do. Cat. dela Valliere, Paris, 1783, 8 vo. 3 vols. 5'00 De Bury; Philobiblon, Lond, 1832, 12mo, 1'75 De Coussemaker ; Musical Bibliography, Paris, 1843, 8vo. '75 De Gand; Vie et Editions de Thierry Martens, Alost, 1843, 8vo, P25 D’Herbelot; Bibliothcque Orientale, Paris, 169T, fol. 5'00 D’Israeli; Curiosities of Literature, Bost. 1833, 12mo, 3 vols. 5'00 D’Israeli; Quarrels of Authors, N. York, 1814, 12mo, 2 vols. 200 D’lsraeli; Miscellanies, N. York, 1841, 12mo, 3 vols. 3'00 do. Amenities of Literature, 1814, 12mo, 2 vols. 2.00 De la Faye; Cat. complete des Republiques Impri- mes en Holland, Paris, 1842, lGmo, LOO De Noinville; Dissertation sur les Bibliotheques, Paris, 1758, 12mo, L25 De Reume; Varieties Bib. et Literaires, Bruxelles, 1848, 8vo, 2-75 do. Researches Historique et Bibliograpliique, Bruxelles, 1847, 8vo, l'OO do. Researches Historique, Genealogique, et Bibliograpliique sur les Elzevier, Brux’ls, 1847, 8vo, 1-00 De Rossi; IlcbraicseTypographise, Erlangae,1778,12o, l'OO do. Annals Heb. Parma, 1750, 4to, 4'50 Presentation copy, with curious autograph letter of the author. Decanver; Cat. Works in Refutation of Methodism, from its Origin, in 1729, to the Present Time, Phil. 1846, 8vo, 1*25 Dclandine; Bibliotheque de Lyon, Paris, 1816, 8vo, l'OO Deleschamps; Traite de Graveur, Paris, 1836, 8vo, 1'25 Denis; Werkwurdigkeiten Garellischen Bibliothek. am Theresiano, Wien, 1780, 4to, 5 00 do. Wiens Buclidruckergeschichte bis MDLX, Wien, 1782, 4to, 5'50 15 Dibdin; Bibliomania, Lond. 1842, 8vo, 8‘00 do. Bib. Tour in Prance, etc. Lond. 1829, 8vo, 3 vols. 9 00 do. Bibliomania, Lond. 1809, 12mo, l'OO .do. Voyage Bibliographique en France, Notes by Licquet, Paris, 1825, 8vo, 4 vols. 8-50 do. Introduction to Rare Editions, Lond. 1802, 12mo, 1-00 do. Introduction to Classics, Lond. 1821, 8vo, 2 vols. 4-00 do. Typ. Antiquities of England, Lond. 1810, 4to, 4 vols. 35'00 do. Library Companion, Lond. 1824, 8vo, 5-00 do. Director, Lond. 1807, 8vo, 2 vols. 3'00 do. Bibliography; a Poem, Lond. 1812, 8vo, 2-50 Only 25 copies printed, for private distribution, of which the author recalled and destroyed all he could recover. do. Reminiscences of a Literary Life, Lond. 1836, 8vo, 2 vols. 6'00 do. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Lond. 1814, 8vo, 4 vols. 20‘00 do. iEdes Althorpianae, Lond. 1822, 8vo, 2 vols. 10‘00 do. Cassano Library, Lond. 1823, 8vo, 2,50 Dictionnaire Bib. on Nouveau Manuel du Librairie et de PAmateur de Livres, Paris, 1824, 2 vols. 8vo, 300 Diet. Bibliographique des Livres Rare, Paris, 1802, 8vo, 4 vols. 4’00 Diosdado; De Prima Typographiae Hispanicae Specimen, Romae, 1793, 4to, 2*52 Doissy; Bibliologie Militaire, Paris, 1824, 8vo, -75 Douce; Cat. Books and Mss. in Bodleian Library, Lond. 1840, folio, 7‘00 Duchesne; Bibliotheque des Autheurs Topog. de France, Paris, 1618, 12mo, 3'00 Du Pin; Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens, Amsterdam, 1708, 4to, 3’50 Dupont; Litho-Typography, Paris, 1839, 4to, 2-00 do. Hist. Imprimerie, Paris, 1854, 12mo, 2 vols. 4'00 Dunton; Life and Errors, Lond. 1818, 8vo, 2 vols. 3*50 16 Durand; Cat. de la Libraire Ancienne, Paris, 1854, 8vo, Part II. ’12 Duthillceul; Cat. des Mss. de Douai, Douai, 1846, 8vo, 3’50 do. Mss. de la Lyon, Paris, 1812, 8vo, 3 vols. 4*50 East India Co.; Catalogue of Library, Lond. 1845, 8vo, 2 vols. " 3-00 Edinburgh; Cat. Librorum in rera Medicum Spectan- tium in Bib. Academise, Edin. 1191, 8vo, l’OO Edinburgh Subscription Library, Catalogue of, l’OO Egerton; Theatrical Remembrancer, (Cat. Ancient Plays,) Lond. 1118, 12mo. 2’50 do. Quarto Plays, Lond. 1190, 12mo. 2’50 Eichorn; Geschichte Literature, Gottingen, 1805, 8vo, 5 vols. 5’50 Elliott; Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Mohammedan India, Calcutta, 1849, 8vo, 3’00 Emmery; Cat. Mss. Lorraine, Metz, 1849, 8vo, 15 Engleman; Sup. Ensties Bib. Leipsic, 1840, 8vo, '25 do. Bibliotheca Philologica,Leipsic,1853,8vo,l’OO do. Traite de Lithographic, 4to, 4’00 do. Bibliothek der Neueren-Sprachen, Leip- sic, 1842, 8vo, '15 Ersch; Bibliographisches Handbuch der Philologis- chen Literatur, Leipsic, 1845, 8vo, 1*15 Eysengrein, Cat. Testium Veritatis Locupletissimus, etc. Billing®, 1565, 4to, 8’00 Pabre; Cat. Bib. Prousteau, Paris, 1111, 4to, 3’50 Fabricius; Bibliotheca Latina, Lond. 1103, 8vo, 3 vols. 2’50 Falkenstein; Geschichte Buchdruckerkunst, Leip- sig, 1840, 4to, 3’00 Farmer; Bibliotheca Farmeriana, Lond. 1198, 8vo, 2 00 Felton; Eng. Authors on Gaadoning, Lond. 1830, 8 vo, l’OO Fertel; Science Practique de l’Imprimerie, St. Omer, 1123, 4to, 3 00 Ferguson; Cat. of Books in Library, 4to, (rare,) 2’00 Feverlini; Supellex Libraria, 1168, 8vo, 1’50 17 Fiebig; Corpus Dissertationum Theologicarum, Lip- siae, 1847, 8vo, l-00 Fielding; Art of Engraving, Lond. 1844, 8vo, 300 Figgins; Specimen Book, London, 1838, 4to, 2'00 Fischer; Typographischen Seltenheiten, Mainz, 1800, 3.00 Folkes; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1756, 8vo, P75 Fontanini; Biblioteca Eloquenza Italiana, Venezia, 1753, 4to, 2 vols. 6 00 Fournier; Nouveau Dictionnaire de Bibliography, Paris, 1809, 8vo, 4'00 do. Traite de la Typographic, Paris, 1825, 8 vo, 1-75 do. Traite de la Typographic, 2d edit. Tours, 1854, 18mo, 1-87 do. Manuel Typographique, Paris, 1764, 12mo, 2‘50 do. Dissertation sur POrigine et les Progress de PArt de Graver en Bois, pour eclairer quelques Traits de PHistoire de PImprimerie, et prouver que Guttemberg n’en est pas PInventeur, Paris, 1758, 1 00 Franck; Cat. Bibliothecas Bunavianae, Lipsiae, 1750, 4to, 2 vols. 1000 This collection is now a part of the Bibliothek at Dresden. Freis; Cat. U. S. Military Academy at West Point, P00 A collection of 15,500 volumes. Frere; De l’lmprimerie et de la Librairie a Rouen dans les XV. et XVI. siecles, et de Martin Morin celebre Imprimeur Rouennais, Rouen, 1843, 8vo, 1-50 Frey tag; Adparatus Litterarius, Lipsiae, 1752, 8vo, 2 vols. 2'00 Fry; Bibliographical Memoranda, (only 100 printed,) Bristol, 1816, 8vo, 600 do. Pantographia, Lond. 1799, 8vo, 2.00 Fursten; Kunstrichlige Schriebart, Nurnberg, folio, 225 Fusi; Bib. Classici Italiani, Milan, 1814, 8vo, P25 18 Fusi; Bibliographia od Elenco Ragionato, Milano, - 1814, 8vo, 1-00 Gage; Cipher, first Method ever published founded on a Scientific Principle, Norwich, 1809, 8vo, '15 Gallois; Traite de plus Belles Bibliotheques de l’Eu- l'ope, Paris, 1685, 18mo, POO Galloway; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1852, 8vo, l’OO Garrick; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1823, 8vo, 2'00 Gembleaux; Recherches Hist, et Bibliographiques, sur le Tombeau de Narcisse, Paris, 1851, 12mo, POO Gent; Life of Thomas, Printer, Lond. 1832, 8vo, P25 Gentleman; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1829, 8vo, POO do do. Lond. 1849, 8vo, 250 do. A Critical Historical account of all the celebrated Libraries in Foreign Countries, an- cient and modern, Lond. 1139, 12mo, POO Georgi; Allgemeines Europaisches Bucher-Lexicon, Leipsig, 1842, folio, 8 vols. 20 00 Gessenius; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1843, 8vo, P50 Gibbs; Bibliotheca Radcliviana, Lond. 1141, folio, 3'00 Gibraltar Garrison Library, Gibraltar, 1821, 8vo, 1'50 Gildemeister; Bib. Sanskrits Bonnte ad Rhenum, 1841, 8vo, 1-50 Gille; Manuel de l’lmprimerie, Paris, 1811, 8vo. l'OO Gilpin; Essay on Prints, Lond. 1168, 12mo, l'OO Ginguene; Hist. Litteraire Italie, Paris, 1824, 8vo, 8 vols. 8'00 Giorgio; Cat. della Libreria Capponi, Roma, 1141, 4to, 3'50 Girard; Bibliographia Americana Historico-Natur- alis, Wash. 1852, 8vo, l'OO Goodhugh; English Gentleman’s Library Manual, Lond. 1821, 8vo, 115 Gossett; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1813, 8vo, 1'50 Goujet; Hist. Literature Francaise, Lahaye, 1140, 12mo, 18 vols. 16'00 Gouttard; Cat. Livres Rareet Precieux, Paris, 1180, 8vo, 1'50 Gratian; Scriptores ordinis Eremitarum S. Augus- tini, Antwerp, 1613, 1'25 19 Grattan; Printer’s Companion, Phila. 1846, 24mo, '50 Gray; Hist. Sketch of the Origin of Eng. Litera- ture, Oxford, 1835, 8vo, P50 Greswell; Annals of Parisian Typography, Lond. 1819, 8vo, * * 2-50 do. Early Parisian Greek Press, Oxford, 1832, 8vo, 2 vols. 5‘00 Griffith; List of Authors on Natural History, Lond. 1835, 8vo, 1-00 Gryphii; Apparatus Scriptoribus Historian! Seculi XVII. Illustrantibus, Lipsise, 1110, 8yo, P50 Guignes; Principles de Comp. Typographique, 1790, "folio, 1-50 Guilandini; Papyrus, Venetiis, 1572, 8vo, l-25 Gurney; Stockdale’s Libel Case, Lond. 1790, 8vo, 2-25 Habell; Cat. Library, 1849, 8vo, 2'00 Haenel; Cat. Lib. Mss. Lipsiae, 1830, 4to, 5-00 Hain; Rep. Bibliographicum, Stutt. 1826, 8vo, 2 vols. 800 Haller; Bib. Medicinse Practicae, Basilse, 1776, 4to, 2 vols. 5'00 Hallervord; Bib. Curiosa, Francofurti, 1696, 4to, 2-50 Halliwell; Dialects, Lond. 1847, 8vo, POO do. Eng. Histories, Lond. 1848, 8vo, POO do. Ms. Rar. Cambridge, Lond. 1841, 8vo, P50 do. Popular Tracts, Lond. 1849, 8vo, POO do. Vernon Mss. Lond. 1848, 8vo, POO do. Codex Holbrookiensis, Lond. 1840, 8vo, POO Hamaker; Mss. Orientalum Bib. Lug, Batavia, 1820, 4to, 225 Hansard; Treatise on Printing, &c, Edin. 1841, 12mo, 1-25 Hansard; Typographia, Lond. 1825, 8vo, 8’50 Hargrave; Cat. Mss. Lond. 1818, 4to, 2-25 Harding; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1853, 8vo, *50 Harless; Brevior Notitia Litteraturse Grsecae, Lip- sise, 1812, 8vo, 2'00 Hartshorne; Book Rarities Cambridge, Lond. 1829, 8vo, 3-00 Hartzheim; Bib. Coloniensis, Colonise, 1747, folio, 5'QQ 20 Hasper; Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst in Frank- reich, Carlsruhe, 1828, 8vo, P75 Hassler; Buchdruckergeschichte Ulms, Ulra, 1840, 4to, 4'00 Hauber; Bibliotheca Acta et Scripta Magica, Lem go, 1889, 12mo, 3 vols. 600 Hawtrey; Cat. Valuable Library, Lond. 1853, 8vo, P25 Haym; Bib. Libri Rari Italiana, Venezia, 1728, 4to, P75 Hebenstreit; Dictionarium Editionum, Vindo, 1828, 8vo, L25 Heber; Bib. Heberiana, Lond. 1834, 8vo, 13 parts, 1000 Heeren; Geschichte der Studiums der Class. Lit. Gott. 1801, 8vo, 2 vols. 200 Heinecken ; Idee General d’une Collection complete d’Etampes ; Dissertation sur l’Origine de la Graveur et sur le Premieres Livres d’lmages, Leipsic, 1771, 8vo, 8'00 Heinrichs; Verzeichniss der Bucher, etc. Leipsig, 1840, 8vo, 11 vols. 8'00 Heinsius; Allg. Bucher Lex. Leipsic, 1829, 4to, 5 vols. 5-50 Hennebert; Bib. Belgique et du Nord de la France, Tournai, 1839, 8vo, 1*50 Henry; 8th Smithson Rep. 8vo, '50 Herbert; Typ. Antiquities, Lond. 1785, 4to, 3 vols. 12’00 Hermans; Bibliotheca Godofredi Hermanni, Leipsig, 1854, 8vo, P50 Heron; Letters of Lit. Lond. 1785, 8vo, L50 Herring; Paper and Paper Making, Ancient and Modern, Lond. 1855, 8vo, 2'50 Heyse; Verzeichniss der Bucher, Landkarten, etc. Bremen, 1839, 12mo, 3 vols. 2'50 Heyse; Bucherschatz, Berlin, 1854, 8vo, P00 Hibbert; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1829, 8vo, 2-50 Contains fac-similie of Luther’s autograph, and copies of portraits and drawings from early Mss.; rich in works on vellum and early-printed Bibles. Hispanise Bibliotheca, (par A. Schott,) Francofurti, 1608, 4to, 2-75 21 Histoire Critique des Journaux, Amsterdam, 1734, 2 vols. 12mo, 1*50 Hoe & Co.; Cat. Presses, &c. N. York, 1849, 8vo, ‘50 Hoffman; Ouvrages concernant 1’Hist. Imprimerie . en Italie, Cologne, 1852, 8vo, '50 Holmia Literata, 1701, 4to, 2*00 Holt; Law of Libel, N. York, 1818, 8vo, 2*50 Hopkins; Life Singularity, Lond. 1838, 16mo, ’50 Horne; Manual of Biblical Bibliography, Lond. 1839, 8vo, 2*75 do. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, Lond. 1814, 8vo, 2 vols. 8*0Q Houssayes; Devoires du Bibliothecaire, Paris, 1839, 8vo, *50 Hoyois; Musee Bibliographique, Mons. 1837, 8vo, 125 Hume; Hist, of Learned Societies and Printing Clubs, Lond. 1853, 12mo, 1*50 Humphreys; The Art of Illumination and Missal Painting, Lond. 1849, 16mo, 4*00 do. Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing, Lond. 1853, 8vo, 5*00 Hunt; Hist. Newspapers and the Liberty of the Press, Lond. 1850, 12mo, 2 vols. 5*00 Huppfauer ; Druckstucke aus dem XV. Jahrhun- derte, Augsburg, 1794, 8vo, 1*75 Hurd; Gram. Corrector, Phila. 1847, 12mo, *50 Hyde; Cat. Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Oxonii, 1694, folio, 5*75 Index; Librorum Prohibitorum, Romae, 1744, 16mo, P50 do. do. do. Mechliniae, 1852,12mo, L00 do. do. do. Geneva, 1619,4to, 2*50 do. Lib. Expurg. Madriti, 1667, folio, 3*50 do. to Spectators, Lond. 1760, 18mo, *75 Indications Bibliographiques specialement destinees a Voyageurs en Asie, St. Petersburg, 1845, 8vo, 1*50 Ingraham; Cat. of Library, Phila. 1855, 8vo, *50 Iriarte ; Regia Bibliothecae Matritensis, Matriti, 1769, folio, 4*75 Jaeck; Bescreibung von rnehr als 1100 zum Theile noch ungedruckten Schriften vom VIII. bis 22 XVIII. Jahrhundert auf Pergament in der offentlichcn Bibliothek zu Bamberg, Nurenb. 1831, 8vo, " 1-50 Jacob; Bib. Dramatique de Solienne, Paris, 1843, 8vo, 2 vols. 5'00 do. Cat. of Library, Paris, 1839, 8vo, 1'25 do. Cat. des Livres et des Mss. la plupart rela- tifs a FHistoire de France composant la Biblio- tlieque des Bibliophile Jacob, [Paul Lacroix,] Paris, 1839, 8vo, L50 Jacobi; Bib. Parisina, Paris, 1645, 4to, 2 00 Jacobsius; Cat. Mss. in Bibliothecae, Berlin, 1849, 8vo, l'OO James; Cat. Universalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, Oxon. 1620, 8vo, L50 Jansen; Orig. Gravure en Bois, Paris, 1808, 8vo, 2 vols. 4'00 Jarvis; Cat. of Library New York, 1851, 8vo, '50 Jewett; Notices of Public Libraries, Wash. 1851, 8vo, l'OO do. Cat. Brown University, Prov. 1843, 8vo, 2'50 Joerdens; Lexicon Deutscher Dicliter und Prosais- ten, Leipsig, 1806, 8vo, 6 vols. 8'00 Johnson; Typographia, (lai-ge paper copy,) Lond. 1824, 12mo, 2 vols. 5'50 do. Cat. Works on English Gardening, Lond. 1829, 8vo, " " 2'00 Johnson & Oldys; Cat. Bib. Harleiana, Lond. 1143, 8vo, 5 vols. 9'50 Jolley; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1854, 8vo, '50 Joubert; Manuel de P Amateur d’Estampes, Paris, 1821, 8vo, 3 vols. 9'00 Joursanvault; Cat. des Archives, Paris, 1838, 8vo, 2'25 Julius; Verzeichniss einer walirend vierzig Jahren in Europa und Amerika zusammengebrachten Bibliothek, Berlin, 1850, 8vo, 1'50 Justo; Introductio in Bib. Graec. et Lat. Eccl. Mag- deburg, 1138, 12mo, 1'25 Kassler; Die Buchdruckergeschichte Ulms, 1840, 4to. 2'50 23 Kent; Course of Reading, N. York, 1840, 12mo, *50 Kett; Useful Books and Lists of most approved Au- thors, Oxford, 1803, 8vo, 2 vols. 4'00 KirkhofF; Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels, • Leipsig, 1851, 12mo, LOO Klaproth; Cat. des Livres Imprimes, des Mss. et des Ouvrages Chinois, Tartares, Japonais, etc. Paris, 1839, 8vo, 1'15 Knecht & Co.; Nouveau Manuel de FImprimeur Lithographe, Paris, 1850, 18mo, LOO Knight; Life of Caxton, Lond. 1844, 16mo, LOO do. Old Printer and Mod. Press, Lond. 1854, 16mo, 1-25 Kohler; Johann Guttenberg, Leipsig, 1841, 4to, 3'00 Konig; Bibliotheca Vetus et Nova, Altdorfi, 1618, folio, 600 Koops; Paper Making, with Specimen of Paper from Wood, Lond. 1801, 8vo, l-50 Kron; Catalogus Bibliothecas, Hamb. 1196, 8vo, L50 La Faye; Cat. complete des Republiques Imprimees en Hollande, in-16, avec des Remarques sur les diverses Editions, Paris, 1842, 32mo, LOO Ed. 125 copies. Labbe; Bib. Bibliothecarum, accedit Bib. Numma- ria, Rothomagi, 1611, 12mo, 100 do. Bibliotheca Nummaria, Lond. 1615, 4to, l'OO Laborde; Debuts de FImprimerie Mayence et Bam- berg, Paris, 1840, 4to, 8'00 do. Strasbourg, Paris, 1840, 8vo, 2'50 do. De l’Organization des Bibliotheques dans Paris, Paris, 1845, 8vo, 2'00 Laire; Index Librorum ab Inventa Typographia ad annum, 1500, Senonis, 1191, 8vo, 2 vols. 4'00 do. Specimen Historicum Typographies Ramanae XY. Saeculi, Romae, 1118, 8vo, 2 00 A copy of this work was printed on vellum, which sold for 300 francs. Lambinet; Recherches Historiques Litteraires et Critiques sur l’Origin de FImprimerie, Bruxelles, 1199, 8vo, * 2 00 24 Landseer; Lectures on the Art of Engraving, Lond. 1801, 8vo, 3 75 Langles; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1825, 8vo, P25 Langlois; Calligraphic des Mss. du Moyen Age, Rouen, 1841, 8vo, 2*50 Lansdowne; Bib. Lansdowniana, Lond. 1806, 8vo, 100 Lavilette ; Annonces de Bibliographie Moderne, Paris, 1790, 8vo, 2 vols. 2’00 L’Advocate; Dictionnaire Hist, et Bibliographique, Paris, 1777, 12mo, 4 vols. 6‘00 L’Enfant; Hist. ed. Council Constance, Amsterdam, 1724, 4to, -50 Le Gallois: Traitte des plus Belles Bibliotheques de l’Europe, Amsterdam, 1697, 24mo, l-50 Le Glay; Bibliotheques Publiques du Department du Nord, Lille, 1841, 8vo, 3'50 do. Mss. de la Bibliothe que Cambrai, Cambria, 1831, 8vo, 2-20 do. Cat. Mss. de la Bibliotheque de Lille, Lille, 1848, 8vo, 3‘50 Le Long; Bibliotheque Historique de la France, Paris, 1768, folio, 5 vols. 35 00 Leber; Cat. des Livres Imprimes Mss. Estampes, Dessins et Cartes a Jouer, Paris, 1839, 8vo, 3 vols. 3'00 Leland; Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Oxonii, 1709, 8vo, 2 vols. POO Lemoine; Typ. Antiquities, Lond. 1797, 12mo, POO Lessern; Typographia Jubilans, Leipsig, 1840. 8vo, 2 00 Letronne; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1849, 8vo, P50 Librorum Rarissimorum Cat. Lond. *50 Lichtenberger; Initia Tvpog. supplevit, Argentorati, 1811, 4to, -75 do. Initia Typ. Argentorati, 1811, 4to, 4'50 do. Hist. Imprimerie, Paris, 1825, 8vo, 175 Literary Blue Book, Lond. 1830, 18mo, 75 Little, Brown & Co.; Cat. Law Books, Boston, 1853, 18mo, ’30 do. Cat. Ancient and Mod. Books, Boston, 1855, 8vo, -50 Lomeieri; Bibliothecis Liber Singularis, Ultrajecta, 1680, 12mo, 1-50 London Institution; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1835, 3 vols. 7'50 Longman, Hurst, Rees, &c.; Collection Old Books Lond. 1810, 8vo, l'OO Loosjes; Vierde Eeuwgetijde vande Uitvinding der Boekdruckkunst door Laurens Jansoon Ivoster, Haarlem, 1824, 8vo, plates, 2'50 Louis Philippe; Cat. de Livres provenant des Bibli- otheques du feu Roi Louis Philippe, Paris, 1852, 2 vols. 8vo, 3'00 Low; British Catalogue, Lond. 1853, 8vo, LOO Luce; Essai d’une Nouvelle Typographic, Paris, mi, 4to, " 3'00 Luckombe; Hist. Printing, Lond. 1170, 8vo, 3'00 Lugduno Batavia, Cat Lib. et Mss. 1741, folio, 5'00 Luzitania Summario da Bibliotheca, Lisboa, 1786, 16mo, 3'00 L****; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1847, 8vo, 1'50 McCarty Reagh; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1817, 8vo, l'OO McCreery; The Press—a Poem, Liverpool, 1803, 4to, 3'00 Maitland; Index Books at Lambeth, Lond. 1845, 8vo, 2'00 Majansius; Specimen Bib. Hispana Majansian®, Hannov. 1753, 4to, 2'00 Major; Bibliotheca ex omnia Facilitate Librorum quos reliquit Rev. Dom. Carolus Major, Mech- lini®, 1167, 8vo, 2'50 25 A rare collection; prices and names of purchasers ; unique binding. Malaspina; Racolta di Stampe Antiche, Milano, 1824, 8vo, 5 vols. 8'00 Malberg; Lit. Bau-und-Ing-Wesens, Berlin, 1852, 8vo, l'OO Malinkrot; Artis Typographic®, Cologne, 1639, 4to, 2'50 Mallet-Bachelier; Cat. des Livres Anciens, Paris, 1854, 8vo, 1'55 Malone; Cat. Early English Poetry, &c. illustrating the British Drama, Oxford, 1836, folio, 2,00 26 Manutius; Cat. of Printed Books, 1494 to 1591, Lond. 8vo, l'OO do. Lettera sull d’anno Natalizio, Rome, 1804, 8vo, 2-25 Manuscrits et Xylographes Orientaux, St. Peters- bourg, 1852, 4to, 8’3l Marchal; Inventaire des Mss. Dues de Burgogne, Bruxelles, 1840, folio, 5*50 Marchand ; Hist. Imprimerie (with supplement), La Haye, 1140-15, 4to, 4-15 Marklin; Cat. Disputationum in Academiis Scandi- navia} et Finlandis Lidenianus, Upsalis, 1820, 3 vols. 8vo, 2‘25 Marsand; Bib. Petrarchesca, (large paper copy,) Milano, 1826, 8vo, 2‘50 Marsden; Bib. Marsdeniana, Lond. 1821, 4to, 3-00 Marvin; Legal Bibliography, Phila. 1841, 8vo, 5‘50 Mattaire; Annales Typographici, Hague, 1119, 4to, 5 vols. 25-00 do. Annales Sup. by Denis, 5-00 Matzner; Altfranzosische Lieder-Provenzalische Alt- Italienische und Mittelhochdeutsche Lieder- dichtung, Berlin, 1853, 8vo, 2-00 Mazuy; Types and Caracteres Anciens, d’apres des Documents Peints et Ecrits, Paris, 1840, folio, 5*00 Mead; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1155, 8vo, 1'50 Meerman; Orig. Typographies, Hague, 1165, 4to, 2 vols. 5’00 do. Conspectus Originum Typographicarum; Admonitio de Charts nostratis, seu Lines Origine; Observationes de Charts Vulgaris seu Lines Origine, Hags-Comitum, 1161, 16mo, 1'50 These works in one volume, edited by Jacobus Van Vaassen. Meiners; Hist. Origin, Progress et Decadence des Sciences dans la Grece, Paris, 1199, 8vo, 1 vols. 1'50 Meiners & Sohn; Catalogue, 1846, 8vo, ‘50 27 Mejan; Yerzeichniss von Incunabulen Etiennes, Elzeviren, und anderen werthvollen Werken, Berlin, 1851, 8vo. LOO These were duplicates of rare works, occasioned by the union of the libi'ary of Count Mejan with the Royal Library at Berlin. Melancthon; Cat. Library Dr. Kloss, (contains fac- similes of unpublished Mss.) Lond. 1835, 8vo, 2'0Q Memorial of the Philadelphia Printers, Paper-makers and Booksellers against the removal of duty on Foreign Books, Phila. 1822, 8vo, '50 Mencke; Method pour Etudier PHistoire, Lipsie, 1114, 8vo, 1-50 do. Cat. des Principaux Historiens, Lipsie, 1114, 8vo, 1-50 Mencken; Charlatanerie des Savans, La Ilaye, 1151, 8vo, 1*25 do. Charlatanerie Eruditionum, Lipsiae, 1115, 18mo, 2'00 Menteli; De Vera Typographic Origine Paraansis, Paris, 1650, 4to, 2-00 Mercantile Library Catalogue, N. York, 1850, 2'50 do. do. 1825, 12mo, '38 Mertens; Yerzeichniss der hinterlassenen Bucher- sammlung, Bremen, 1833, 8vo, 1'00 Meusel; Das Gelehrte Deutschland, Lemgo, 1166, 8vo, 23 vols. 30'00 do. Bib. Ilistorica, Lipsiae, 1182-1814, 8vo, 11 vols. 25'00 Mezger; Augsburgs Aelteste Druckdenkmale und Formsneiderarbeiten, Augs. 1840, 4to, 2'00 Miller & Co.; Specimen Types, Edinb. 1834, 4to, 2'25 Minerva Library, Liverpool, 1’25 Missals, Cat. of a Collection, Lond. 1852, 8vo, '50 Mitchell; Newspaper Directory, Lond. 1853, 16mo, 2-00 Molani; Bib. Materiarum, Cologne, 1618, 4to, 5'50 An interesting and curious volume, having Ms. addi- tions by the Bollandists, from whose possession it was transferred to Tongerloo, at which sale it was obtained in 1825. £1:11: 6, Thorpe. 28 Molini; Catalogo de una Scelta Collezione di Libia, Firenze, 1853, 8vo, l'OO Momoro; Traite Elementaire de PImprimerie, Paris, 1193, 8vo, 1-50 Mondidier; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1851, 8vo, l'OO Montfaucon; Bib. Coisliniana, Paris, 1115, folio, 1'50 Moss; Manual of Classical Bibliography, Lond. 1831, 8vo, 2 vols. ‘ 4'00 Moule; Bib. Heraldica Magnse Britannicm, Lond. 1822, 8vo, " 4450 Moxon; Mechanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy Works applied to the Arts, Lond. 1611, 4to, 2 vols. 15'00 This is the earliest English work on Printing, and is so scarce that Hansard knew of hut two copies in Eng- gland. It does not appear on catalogues. Muller; Cat. Dissert, et orat. Juridicarum, Amstel. do. Beschrijvende Cat. van ’7000 Portretten van 185i, 8vo, 1-00 Nederlanders en van Buitenlanders, Amster- dam, 1858, 8vo, 1'15 Musset-Pathay; Bib. Agronomique; Ouvrages sur PEconomie Rurale et Domestique et sur PArt Yeterinaire, Paris, 1810, 8vo, 2'25 Munsell; Typ. Miscellany, Albany, 1850, 8vo, 1'50 Murr; Memorabilia, Norimbergise, 1184, 8vo, 8 vols. 300 Muquardt; Cat. Ouvrages Scientific de la Lit. Beige, Bruxelles, 1853, 8vo, *50 Namur; Manual du Bibliothecaire, Bruxelles, 1834, 8vo, 1-50 do. Hist, des Bibliotheques, Bruxelles, 1840, 8vo. 2 vols. 4'00 Nares; Cat. Harleian Mss. in British Museum, Lond. 1808, folio, 4 vols. 20-00 Nasmyth; Catalogus Librorum Mss. in Academia Cantabrigensi, Cantab. 1111, 8vo, 2'50 New York Sate Catalogues, &c. Albany, 8vo, 14 vols. 8-00 do. Society Lib. Cat. N. York, 1850, 8vo, 2'50 29 Neve; Appendice a la Bibliographic Douaisienne, 1850, 8vo, ‘50 Nichols; Anecdotes Bowyer, Lond. 1182, 4to, 500 Nicholson; Eng. Hist. Library, Lond. 8vo, LOO Nicklin; Remarks on Literary Property, Phila. 1838, 18mo, -15 Nodier; Une Petite Bibliotheqne et Essaie de Bibliologie Militaire, Paris, 1829, 8vo, L15 do. Description Raisonne d’une Jolie Collection de Livres, Paris, 1844, 8vo, 200 Noord Brabant, Cat. Bibliotheke vanhet Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten and Wetenschappen, s’Hertogensbusch, 1841, 8vo, LOO Nopitsch; Literatur der Sprichworter, ein Handbuch fur Literarhistoriker, Bibliographen, und Biblio- thekare, Nurnberg, 1833, 8vo, P25 Notice Mss. de quelques Bibliotheques des Depart- ments, Paris, 1842, 4to, L25 Notitia; Aldine Editions in Bodleian (1st part only), Oxonii, 1195, 8vo, LOO Notitia de Libris, Aug-Vind. 1188, 4to, 2 vols. 3'50 Nouveau System Bibliographic Alfabetique, Paris, 1822, 12mo, LOO Nutt; Cat. Foreign Theology, Lond. 1831, 8vo, 200 Nyerup; Spicilegium Bib. Regia Ilauniensi, 1184, 12mo, 100 Nys; Archives d’Anvers, 1852, 12mo, -50 Oberlin; Annals de la Vie de Guttenberg, Strasb. 1801, 8vo, -15 Ochoa; Cat. Razonado de los Manuscritos Espan- oles en la Bib. Real de Paris, Paris, 1844, 4to, 6 00 Oettinger; Bibliographic Biog. ou Diet. 2600 Ouv- rages, Leipzic, 1850, 4to, 9'00 Oldys; Cat. Bib. Harleianm, Lond. 1144, 8vo, 2 vols. 2'00 Oriental Mss. et Xylographs de la Bib. Imperiale Publique de St. Petersbourg, 1852, 4to, 9 00 O’Reilly; Account of nearly 400 Irish Writers, Dub- lin, 1820, 4to, 350 Osmont; Die. Typographique, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, etc. Paris, 1168, 8vo, 2 vols. 4’25 30 Otto; Hist. Russian Literature, with a Lexicon of Russian Authors, Oxford, 1839, 8vo, 2'50 Ouseley; Cat. of several hundred Mss. in various Oriental Languages, Lond. 1831, 4to, '15 Owen; General Index to the Spectators, Tattlers and Guardians, Lond. 1160, 12mo, LOO Paitoni; Bib. Autori Antichi,Yenesia, 1166,4to, 5 vols. 8’50 Palermo; Classazione dei Libri a Stampa, Firenze, 1854, 8vo, ' 5 00 Palmer; Hist. Printing, Lond. 1129, 4to,’ 3-50 Panizzi; Supply of Books in British Museum, Lond. 1846, 8vo, '50 Panzer; Annals Typographies, Norimb. 1803, 4to, llvols. SO'OO do. Literarische Nachricht, Norimb, 1111, 4to, 1*25 do. Nurnbergischen Ausgaben der Bibeln, Norimb. 1118, 4to, L50 do. Ausfurliche Beschreibung do.. Norimb. 1189, 4to, " 1-50 do. Annalen der altern Deutschen Literatur, Norimb. 1188, 4to. 2'50 do. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Nurn- bergs, Norimb. 1189, 4to, 1*50 Papworth; Museums, Libraries and Picture Galle- ries; Plans, &c., Lond. 1853, 8vo, 1'50 Paris; Mss. Francaise de la Bib. du Roi, Paris, 1836, 8vo, 1 vols. 20’00 Parr; Bibliotheca Parriana, Lond. 1821, 8vo, 3'25 Parvus; Bibliophobia, Lond. 1832, 8vo, 1‘50 Pasinus; Codicis Mspti. Bib. Regiae Taurinensis Athenae, Taurini, 1149, folio, 2 vols. 8-00 Pauw; Cat. Librorum et Manuscriptorum Biblio- thecae, Hagae-Com. 1654, 4to, 3’50 Partsch; Kat. Bibliotek Hof-Mineralien-Cabinets, Wien, 1851, 4to, 2'50 Payne & Foss; Cat. Stock, Lond. 1850, 8vo, '25 Peignot; Die. Bibliologie, Paris, 1802, 8vo, 3 vols. 4'50 do. Rep. Bibliographique, Paris, 1812, 8vo, 2-50 do. Manuel Bibliophile, Dijon, 1823, 8vo, 2 vols. 3-50 do. Danses des Morts, Dijon, 1826, 8vo, 2 vols. 350 31 Peignot; Cat. d’une Nombreuse Collection de Livres, Anciens, Rares et Curieux, Paris, 1852, 8vo, 2‘50 do. Repertoire des Bibliographies Speciales, Cu- rieuses et Instructives, Paris, 1810, 8vo. 2 00 Pellicer; Bib. Traductores Espanoles, Mad. 1118, 4to, 2-50 Pen-drag-on; Scribbleomania, or the Printer’s Devil’s Polychronicon, Lond. 1815, 8vo, L25 Penrose; Cat. of Valuable Library, Lond. 1851, 8vo, LOO Perrot; Cat. des Livres et Estampes de la Biblio- theque, Paris, 1116, 8vo, L50 Perry; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1822, 8vo, LOO Pettigrew; Bib. Sussexiana,Lond. 1821, 4to, 3 vols. 20-00 Petit-Radel; Recherches sur les Bibliotheques an- ciennes et modernes, Paris, 1819, 8vo, 2'00 Petzholt; Anzeiger fur Literatur der Bibliothekwis- senschaft, Leipsig, 1848, 8vo, ’50 Pickering; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1854, 8vo, '50 Pieters; Annales de l’Imprimerie Elsevirienne, Gand. 1851, 8vo, 3‘50 Planta; Cat. Mss. Cottonian Lib. Lond. 1802, folio, 4-00 Platt; Cat. Ethiopic Biblical Mss. in the Royal Li- brary at Paris, Lond. 1823, 4to, 3'50 Pococke; List Books, &c. relating to Doctrine of Chances, Rate of Mortality, Annuities, Rever- sions, Marine, Fire and Life Insurances, &c., &c., Lond. 1842, 8vo, L00 Pointer; Miscellanea in usum Juventutis Acad. Oxford, 1118, 8vo, 250 Poole; Alphabetical Index to Subjects in the Re- views and other Periodicals, to which no In- dexes have been prepared, N. York, 1848, 8vo, L00 Prime; Annals Eng. Bible, N. York, 1849, 8vo, 2’00 Psaume; Die. Bibliographique, Paris, 1824, 8vo, 2 vols. 4-00 Publisher’s Circular, Lond. 1838-44, 8vo, 1 vols. 8‘00 Pursuits Literature, Lond. 1198, 8vo, LOO Querard; La France Litteraire, Paris, 1821, 8vo, 10 vols. 25;00 do. Franciase Contemporaine, Paris, 1842, 8vo, 4 vols. 14-00 32 Quirini; Liber Singularis, 1161, 4to, 2’50 Radcliffe; Bib. Chetamensis, Mancunii, 1191, 8vo, 3 vols. 9-00 Raine; Cat. of Library. Lond. 1812, 8vo, 125 Rawlinson; Cat. Chief Historians of all Nations, Lond. 1130, 8vo, 2 vols. 3'50 Raynal; Anecdotes Litteraires, Paris, 1152, 12mo, 3 vols 3*50 Reed; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1801, 8vo, P50 Reid; Bib. Scoto-Celtica—Account of all the Books which have been printed in the Gaelic Language, Glasgow, 1832, 8vo, 250 Reimmanno; Idea Systematis Antiquitatis Litera- riae Generalioris et Specialoris desiderati ad- hunc in Republica Eruditoroum Literaria, Hillesheim, 1118, 8vo, 250 Remarks on Bentley’s Testament, Lond. 1121, 8vo, '50 Renouard; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1854, 8vo, 1'50 do. Annales de l’Imprimiere des Aides, Paris, 1803, 8vo, 4-00 do. Cat. d’une Precieux Collection de Livres, Manuscrits, Autographs, Dessins et Gravures, Paris, 1854, 8vo, 2-50 Report Select Com. on Libraries, Lond. 1849, folio, 3’50 do. do. on Brit. Museum, 1836, folio, 500 do. do. do. 1838, folio, 2'00 Reuss; Das Gelehrte England, Berlin, 1804, 2 vols. 8 vo, " 3-00 Revue Bibliographique du Royuame des Pays Bas et de l’Etranger, ou Indicateur Generale de l’lm- primerie et de la Librairie, Bruxelles, 1822, 9 vols. 8vo, 20-00 Riccoboni; Hist. Theatre Italien, Paris, 1128, 8vo, 3 00 Rimbault; Bib. Madrigaliana, Lond. 1841, 8vo, 1*25 Rinuccini; Catalogo della Libreria, 8vo, 1‘50 Rivingtons; Cat. Books, Lond. 1824, 8vo, 1'50 Rive; Chasse aux Bibliographes, Lond. 1189, 8vo, 2 vols. 3‘50 Rochette; Bib. Artistique, Archasologique, Historique et Litteraire, Paris, 1855, 8vo. 2'00 Roorbach; Bib. Americana, N. York, 1852, 8vo, 1'50 do. Supplement, N. York, 1855, 8vo, 2'50 Rose; Cat. of Library, 1839, 8vo, ‘50 Rosenbaum; Additamenta Bib. Mediceo-Historicum, • Italis-Saxonum, 1842, 8vo, 1'50 Rouard ; Notice sur d’Aix, Paris, 1831, 8vo, 2-00 Royal Asiatic Society, Cat. Printed Books, &c. Loud. 1830, 4to, 2-00 Roxburghe; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1812, 8vo, 1*15 Savage; Librarian, Lond. 1808, 8vo, 3 vols. 4'00 do. Die. Printing, Lond. 1841, 8vo, 5'00 do. Decorative Printing (large paper copy), Lond. 1822, folio, 20'00 Santander; Die. Bibliographique, Bruxelles, 1801, 8vo, 3 vols. 6'00 do. Memoire Historique de la Bib. de Bur- gogne, Bruxelles, 1809, 8vo, l'OO Saxio; Historio-Literario-Typographica Mediolan- ensis, Mediolani, 1145, folio, 8'00 Scapin; Catalogo de Libri Italiani, Latini, Francesi et Inglesi, Padova, 1839, Svo, LOO Scheuchzer; Bib. Scriptorum Historis Naturali, Tiguri, 1116, 8vo, LOO Schinmeier ; Yersuch einer vollstandigen Geschich- te Schwedischen Bibel Ubersetzungen und Ausgaben, Flensburg, 1111, 4to, L50 Schcepflini; YindiciEe Typographies Argentorati, 1160, 4to, 1-50 Schoell; Histoire de la Literature Romaine, Paris, 1850, 8vo, 4 vols. 4-00 Schnurer; Bib. Arabica, Hals 1811, 8vo, 2-50 Schubarth; Rep. Technischen Literatur, 1853, 8vo, 5-00 Schumacher; Cat. Livres et Cartes, Berlin, 1855,8vo, ‘50 Schwarzius; Origine Typographis, 1140, 4to, L50 Sculptura; Hist. Technica, Lond. 1110, 12mo, l'OO Seemiller; Incunabula Typographica, Ingold. 1181, 4to, 3 vols. 5'00 Seguerio; Bibliotheca Botanica, with Supplement by Bumaldi, Hague, 1140, 4to, 3'00 33 34 Seiz; Annus Tertius Smcularis Inventa Artis Typo- graphite, Harlemi, 1743, 8vo, plates, 2'25 Seldeni; Liber de Nummis, &c. Lond. 1675, 4to, ‘50 Senefelder; Lithography, Lend. 1819, 4to, 2'50 Serie dele’ edizione Aldine, Firenzi, 1803, 8vo, l'OO Servais; Cat. of Library, Malines, 1808, 8vo, '50 Shaltspeariana; Cat. Books relating to Shaks. Lond. 1827, 12mo, 2'00 Silbermann; Album Typographique, Strasbourg, 1840, folio, 3'00 Sillig; Shakspeare-Literatur bis mitte 1854, Leip- sig, 1854, 8yo, 1'50 Silvestre; Univ. Palseography, Lond. 1850, 8vo, 2 vols. 4'50 do. Alphabet Album, Paris, 1843, folio, 1L00 Sims; Handbook Brit. Museum,fcLond. 1854, 12mo, l'OO Skegg; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1842, 8vo, 1'50 Smith; Printers’ Grammar, Lond. 1755, 8vo, 2'75 do. do. abridged, Lond. 1787,8vo, 1'50 do. Die. Greek and Roman Biog. and Mythology, Bost. 1849, 8vo, 3 vols. 5'00 do. Bib. Cantiana (large paper), Lond. 1837-8, 2'75 do. Cat. of Edinburgh Subscription Library, Edin. 1842, 8vo, 2'00 Smith & Wilson; Lit. Curiosities, N.York, 1850, folio, 5'00 Sparks; Life of Franklin, Bost. 1844, 8vo, 2'50 Spizelio; Infelix Literatur, Aug. Yind. 1780, 12mo, 8 vols. 8'00 Stahel; Cat. of Library, Wurtzburg, 1843, 8vo, '50 Steigenberger; Lit. Abhandlung uber die zwo aller- alteste Gedruckte Deutsch Bibeln in Bib. Mun- chen, 1787, 4to, l'OO Stevens; Cat. my Eng. Library, Lond. 1853, 18mo, l'OO Stiernman; Bib. Suiogothica, Holmite, 1731, 4to, 3'50 Stower; Printers’ Grammar, Lond. 1808, 8vo, 5'00 Straker; Cat. British and Foreign Theology and Eccl. Hist. Lond. 1835, 8vo, 2'50 Strauss; Opera Rariora, Eichstadii, 1790, 4to, 2'50 Strettel; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1820, 8vo, l'OO Strutt; Diet. Engravers, Lond. 1785, 4to, 2 vols. 12'00 35 Struvius; Bibliotheca Philosophica, Jenfe, 1812, 8vo, 2'00 do. Bibliotheca Juris Selecta, Jena, 1714,8vo, 2'50 Stuart de Rothsay; Cat. of Extensive and Important Collection, 50 Sftard; Cat. de la Bibliotheque, Paris, 1817, 8vo, TOO Sussex; Bib. Sussexiana, Bond. 1844, 8vo, 3’00 Taschereau; Cat. de l’Histoire de France, Paris, 1855, 4to, 2 vols. 15‘00 Tarlier; Notice Bibliog'raphique Satires de Perse, Bruxelles, 1848, 8vo, *50 Tauchnitz; Proben aus der Schriftgiesserie, Leipsig, 1831. 8vo, 1-00 Taylor; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1853, 8vo, 1*50 Techener; Considerations Bib. Royal, Paris, 1847, 8vo, -25 do. Anciennes Bib. en France, Paris, 1847, 8vo, *50 do. Bulletin du Bibliophile, Paris, 8vo, 12 vols. 30 00 Teissero; Cat. Auctorum, Colonia, 1686, 4to, 3‘50 Thicknesse; Treatise on Cypher, Lond. 1772, 16mo, ‘75 Thorp; Cat. Curious Books, Lond. 1842, 8vo, 1‘50 Thottianse, Cat. Bib. Haumise, 1791, 8vo, 2 vols. 2-00 Thomas; Hist.Printing, 2d vol. Worcester, 1810, 8vo, 2-00 Ticknor; Hist. Spanish Lit. N. York, 8vo, 3 vols. 4’50 Timperley; Enc. Typ. Anecdote, Lond. 1842, 8vo, 8’00 Timoni; Tableau Synoptique et Pittoresque des Litteratures, Paris, 1853, 12mo, 3 vols. 4-00 Tiraboschi; Letteratura Italiana, Firenza, 1805,8vo, 10 vols. 12 00 Tooke; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1813, 8vo, L50 Toppi; Bib. Napolitana, 1678, folio, 3-00 Townley; Bib. Townleiana, Lond. 8vo, P00 Tromel; Die Litteratur der Deutschen Mundarten, ein Bibliographischer Yersuch, Halle, 1854, 8vo. ’50 Troughton; Cat. Minerva Lib. at Liverpool, 12mo, POO Trubner; Bibliographical Guide to American Litera- ture, Lond. 1855, 8vo, -50 Trumbull; Pocket Typographia, Albany, 1846, 32mo, ’50 Tudot; Traite do Lithographic, Paris, 1834, 12mo, P50 Turner; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1853, 8vo, P50 Utterson; Cat. of Library, Lond. 1852, 8vo, *50 36 Universelle, Bibliographic Biographique, Diet, des Ouvrages relatifs a l’Histoire de la Vie Publique et Privee des Personages Celebres de tous des Temps et tous les Nations, Bruxelles, 1854, 4to, 2 vols. 1050 Vandermeersch; Archives Flandre-Orientale, Gand, 1840, 4to, 2 vols. 3'00 do. Imprirneurs Beiges, Gand, 1844, 8vo, 115 Van Ireghem; Biog. Thierry Martens, Alost, 1852, 8vo, 2-50 Van Lennep; Cat. Bibliothequo Belle et tres Riche, de Lit. Grecque et Latine et de Linguistique, Amsterdam, 1855, 8vo, L50 Van Praet; Livres Imprimes sur Velin Bib. du Roi, 1812, 8vo, 5 vols. 12-00 Van Steenwijk; Cat. Bibliotlieque Superbe de Theo- logie Catholique, &c. Amsterdam, 1854, 8vo, 1‘25 Ventouillac; French Librarian, Lond. 1829, 8vo, 2'50 Verbeyst; Cat. of Library, Paris, 1852, 8vo, l-50 Verrier (Notices of authors and their works on the Chase); Rouen, 1153, 8vo, 2 vols. 2‘00 Vincard; Art. Typographique, Paris, 1823, 8vo, 1'50 Vitray; Ling. Orient. Alphabeta, Paris, 1636, 4to, l-25 Vlaernsche Bibliographic, Ghent, 1851, 12mo, -50 Vogt; Cat. Hist. Crit. Lib. Rariorum, Hamburg, 1141, 12mo, ' 1-50 Voisin; Bib. Belgiques, Gand, 1840, 8vo, 2-00 Large paper presentation copy to Dibdin, with autograph. do. Bib. Gandavensis, Gand, 1839, 8vo, L50 Volkaersbeke; Bibliophiles Flamands, Gand, 1853, 8vo, ‘50 Voyage Litteraire deux Benedictines, Paris, 1111, 4to, 2 vols. 5‘00 Walpole; Cat. Strawberry Hill, Lond. 1842, 4to, 3'00 do. Royal and Noble Authors, Lond. 1159, 12mo, 2 vols. l'OO Walton; Paris Journals, Paris, 1848, 8vo, POO Warmholtz; Bib. Hist. Sueo-Gothica, Stockholm, 1*721—181T, 8vo, 15 vols. 12 00 38 Warsee; Bib. Almanachs Beiges, Bruxelles, 1852, 8vo, l'OO Watson; Art Printing, Edinb. 1713, 12mo, 2'37 Weale; Cat. Books on Architecture and Engineer- • ing, with several Drawings and Prints col- lected in England and on the Continent, Lond. 1836, 8vo, 1-00 Weigel; Cat. Kunstsachen und Buchern, Leipsic, 1843, 8vo, 1-15 West; Bib. Westiana, Lond. 1713, 8vo, 1'50 Weston; Eng. Authors on Gardening, 1773, 8vo, 1’50 Williams, Theo.; Splendid Library, Lond. 1827, 8vo, 1'50 do. Daniel; do. Lond. 1829,8vo, 1'50 Wilson; English Punctuation, Bost. 1850, 12mo, "25 Winaricky; Jean Guttenberg, Bruxelles, 1847,12mo, l’OO Witzleben; Bib. Jablonoviana, Lipsise, 1755 4to, 2 vols. 4’00 Wolfi; Monumenta Typographica, Hamburg, 1740, 8vo, 2 vols. 5'00 Wolfius; Bib. Aprosiana, Hamb. 1734, 16mo, 1‘25 Woolnough; Art Marbling, Lond. 1854, 18mo, '50 Worm; Forsog til et Lexicon, Helsingver, 1671, 8vo, 3 vols. 5'00 Worrall; Bib. Legum, Lond. 1753, 24mo, 1‘00 do. do. AnglicB, Lond. 1787, 18mo, 1’00 Wright; Lit. 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Retail Prices History of Herkimer County, including the Upper Mo- hawk Talley. By N. S. Benton. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth, 2 50 Life and Times of Gen. John Lamb, an Officer of the Re- volution, who commanded the post of West Point at the time of Arnold’s defection, and his correspondence with Washington, Clinton, Patrick Henry, and other distinguished men of his time. By Isaac Q. Leake. 1 vol. 8vo, 432 pp. Portrait and Maps. Sheep, $2 00 This is a valuable contribution to the history of the American Revo- lution, presenting a mass of new facts in relation to the preliminary movements of the principal actors in that great drama, derived from the papers of Gen. Lamb, and other sources not before investigated. Notes on the Iroquois, or contributions to American Ethnology, chiefly in relation to the Aboriginal History, Population and An- tiquities of Western New York. By Henry R. 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By Charles Neilson. 1 vol. 12mo, morocco 1 50 American Genealogy, being a History of some of the Early Settlers of North America and their Descendants, from their first emi- gration to the present time, with their intermarriages and collateral branches, including notices of prominent families and distinguished individuals, with anecdotes, traditions, sketches of the founding of cities, villages, manors, and progressive improvements of the country from its wilderness state to tho present era, illustrated by genealogical tables. By Jerome B. IIolgate. 1 vol. 4to, % Turkey morocco, 5 00 Annals of Albany. By Joel Munsell. 6 vols. 12mo, o oo Its contributions to history and antiquities contain much that is curious and interesting, obtained at no little cost of time and labor. No one has done more to recall the ancient features of the city. Cu- rious in these matters, the author culls and preserves them in their antique forms, and thus rescues them from the oblivion into which the structures, the ways, the customs, and even the names of the olden times would otherwise be liable to pass. The modern names and places, by the side of the ancient annals and things, combine the past and the present in useful and interesting juxtaposition. The curious in these researches will find this book a treasure, and well worth the price. It has line views of Albany, as it is, and illustra- tive wood cuts and maps; but its chief interest consists in its portrai- ture of Albany as it was in the olden time.—Argus. Typographical Miscellany. (Historical and Practical.) By J. JIunsell. 1 vol. 8vo Cloth, 100 Trappers of Hew York, or a Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster; together with Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters, and some account of Sir William Johnson and his Style of Living. By Jeptha R. Simms. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth,, 1 00 American Biographical Panorama. By William Hunt. 1 vol. 8vo, 480 pp. with portraits of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence, % sheep, 2 00 Memorial of Ambrose Spencer, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 1 vol. 8vo, with portrait,.... 1 50 Map of the City of Albany, colored and bound in cloth, 25 Every Day Book of History and Chronology, embracing the Anniversaries of Memorable Persons and Events in every period and state of the world, from the creation to tho present time. By Joel Mun- sell. 2 vols. 12mo, sheep 2 00 This work discovers great research and good judgment, and espe- cially as a work of reference is deserving of all praise. Its great value consists in its bringing together a multitude of important facts from the four winds and presenting them in a form which renders them at once accessible to every body. To every student this book is a perfect labor-saving machine; and to persons of every description it will be found of great value, as bringing a great amount of valuable matter within very narrow limits.—Argus. American Geology, containing the Principles of the Sci- ence and their Application to Mining, etc., by Dr. E. Emmons, 1 vol. 8vo, illustrated on stone and wood, * 3 00 Helderbergia : an apotheosis of the Anti-Rent War. Al- bany, 1855. 54 pp. 8vo, paper, 50 Cases of Personal Identity, 1 vol. 8vo, h calf, 1 oo American Literary Magazine, by T. Dwight Sprague. Albany, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo, Y sheep, 3 Oo Transactions of the Albany Institute, 3 vols., 8vo, with illustrations 7 50 Catalogue of the Library of the Albany Institute. 1 vol. 8vo, Y morocco, 1855, 3 00 The Model Pastor: Life, &c., of Rev. Elisha Yale, D. D. By llev. Jeremiah Wood. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, 1 25 Catechism for the use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches, 18mo, paper,- per hundred 4 00 Albany Directory. By J. 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Lucinda, or, the Mountain Mourner, being authentic facts in a series of Letters from Mrs. Manvill, in the state of New York, to her sister in Pennsylvania. 12mo (paper 25 cents), cloth, 50 Contributions to the knowledge of the different kinds of Brand in Cereals and Blight in Grain. By A. C. Corda. Translated from the German by E. Goodrich Smith, of the United States Patent Office. 32 pp. 4to, 3 steel plates, paper 50 cts. (large paper copies), Y morocco, 1 00 Conversations on the Present Age of the World in con- nection with Prophecy. By Jerome B. Holgate. 12 mo, cloth, 100 The American Magazine and Repository of Useful Lit- erature ; devoted to Science, Literature and Arts, and embellished with en- gravings. By J. S. & B. Wood, Albany. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, 1841-2 (complete) \t cloth, 1 00 m \L i