V « J."" "..V ^•:::;!<;.o • ■ ■ . >< • o •. ■ ■ ^J3;;3;i.3"*V.::- NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE CLASSIFICATION A scheme for the shelf arrangement of books in the field of medicine and its related sciences Washington, D. C. 1956 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price $2.00 (Paper cover) First edition 1951 Second edition 1956 Second edition prepared by the Armed Forces Medical Library. During the course of publication, the name of the Library was changed to National Library of Medicine. PREFACE The Second Edition of the Armed Forces Medical Library Classification has resulted from a thorough revision designed to effect further simplification of the tables, to make provi- sion for new concepts and developments and to incorporate in the body of the work the four change lists which have been is- sued at yearly intervals since the first edition appeared. In this second edition, as in the first, we have focused our attention on providing a shelf classification for medical books, rather than on a classification of medicine. The revision has beeJi prepared under the supervision of Miss Winifred A. Johnson, Head of the Cataloging Section, with Mrs. Justine Randers-Pehrson responsible for the sched- ules, Mrs. Stella F. Schehl compiling the index, and Mrs. Martha Hedetniemi typing the manuscript. M. RUTH MacDONALD Assistant Librarian for Cataloging Washington, D. C. April 1956 iii CONTENTS Page Preface iii Introduction vii Classification of Serial Publications XVJ Serial Numbering xyi Table G xvii Synopsis xxxi Schedules 1 Nineteenth Century Schedule 221 Index 233 v INTRODUCTION In introducing this new edition, it seems desirable to present information which may be helpful in the application of the schedules, as well as general observations on the salient features of the present revision. The Classification covers the field of medicine and its related sciences. The various schedules of the Library of Congress Classification are used with it to provide for sub- jects bordering on medicine and for non-medical reference material. However, only selected numbers from the various classes are used, in most cases. Therefore, in the index to this volume, class letters only have been given to indicate the use of LC numbers, in order to assure flexibility and to enable each library to determine the degree of specificity it desires. The Armed Forces Medical Library applies subject classification to monographs only. Serial publications are separated by form and are assigned call numbers within several broad categories. For details, see page xv. The headings for the main tables (e.g., Musculoskeletal System) are given in brief form and are to be interpreted broadly as encompassing the physiological system, the speci- alty or specialties connected with it, the regions of the body chiefly concerned, and subordinate related fields. Within the tables, division by organ usually has priority. A work on a particular disease is classified with the disease, which in turn is classified with the organ or region chiefly affected, regardless of special emphasis on diet, drug, or other spe- cific form of therapy. Under each main table (as well as in other occasional vii sections, e.g., WO 201- ) the numbers 1-32 have been uniformly assigned, with minor deviations dictated by the nature of the material. Not all numbers are listed under every table; any now omitted may be interpolated as required. Classes in the AFML schedules are divided geographically by the application of "Table G" (page xvii)# The use of geo- graphical breakdown is somewhat restricted, and each class so divided is marked (Table G) in the schedules. Mention must be made of two types of monographic publi- cations which are classified according to special plans: bib- liography, and nineteenth century titles. Bibliography. A bibliography of a subject within the scope of the AFML Classification takes the class number for the subject prefixed by a capital Z. For example, a bibliography on the history of surgery will have the classification ZWO 11. Bibliographies which fall outside the scope of the AFML Classification will ordinarily be classed in schedule Z (Bibli- ography) of the LC Classification. Bibliographies of serials are classified in ZW 1. (cf. footnote, page xix) Nineteenth Century Titles. A simplified subject classi- fication derived from the complete schedules has been devised for nineteenth century(1801-1913) monographs. This abbre- viated classification (pages 221-31) is limited to combinations of letters with certain exceptions: Wl-6, W 600, the entire WZ schedule and the form number 22, Directories. Another exception concerns nineteenth century bibliography which is to be classified in accordance with principles stated in the para- graphs above. The following notes, pertaining to individual schedules, viii may be helpful in using the tables. QS Human Anatomy. This schedule is used to classify general anatomy and comparative anatomy of man and animals. Anatomy of animals alone goes into LC schedule QL. Anatomy of an organ or region of the human body is classified with other material on the organ or region (e.g., a book on the anatomy of the heart classifies in WG 201). QT Physiology. This schedule is used according to the plan stated for QS, and is supplemented as needed by the LC schedule QP. The latter portions of QT cover broad areas in the field of hygiene. QV Pharmacology. This table is used for the classifica- tion of books on individual drugs, written from the standpoint of therapeutics or of pharmacology. If, however, the title deals with the use of a specific drug in the treatment of a particular disease, it classes with the disease. Books on drug therapy in general are classified in WB 300. All drugs are classified in QV except vitamins, QU; endo- crine preparations (including synthetic substitutes) WJ, WK or WP; and non-endocrine biologicals, QW. The classifica- tion of drugs exemplified in Goodman and Gilman, The Phar- macological Basis of Therapeutics is useful in applying sched- ule QV. The section beginning with QV 700 is used for classifying books dealing with the general aspects of pharmacy and phar- maceutics, as contrasted with pharmacodynamics. QW Bacteriology and Immunology. Books written on a particular species of bacteria are classed with the order to which that species belongs, according to the classification in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Immunologi - cal characteristics of particular bacteria class with the bac- teria. ix QX Parasitology. Craig and Faust's Clinical Parasitology is helpful in resolving questions of classification in this area. QY Clinical Pathology. A more descriptive title for this table might be Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. QZ Pathology. This schedule is a good example of the fact that the designation of the QS-QZ portion of the AFML Classification as covering the "pre-clinical sciences * is not entirely accurate, as this schedule covers all of the material on neoplasms in general (QZ 200-380). The classification of books on neoplasms is often difficult. In some instances, a concept has been assigned a number in the QZ table and also elsewhere in the schedules (e.g., Leu- kemia, QZ 350 and WH 250). In such cases, classification must be made on the basis of emphasis within the book. Those titles which place emphasis on changes in structure will take the QZ number; those which emphasize disturbances of func- tion, symptomatology, and treatment will take the clinical schedule number. In this connection, it is helpful to remember that the part of table QZ which deals with tumors is developed on the basis of tissues; elsewhere in the schedules the break- down is usually on the blasis of organs. The Library has adopted the Manual of Tumor Nomencla- ture and Coding, issued in 1951 by the American Cancer Society, as its standard for classification and terminology. Neoplasms are not for the most part listed in the index under their specific names, since such indexing would be a dupli- cation of the detailed index in the Manual. WA Public Health. In the first edition, the statement was made that works having a non-medical emphasis such as eco- nomics or engineering were to be classed according to the LC schedules. It has been found advisable to abandon this prac- tice for topics under civil engineering (water purification, x sewage, waste and refuse disposal) which concern the medical library only in their public health aspects. Note that the policy of using LC schedules still applies in other fields: child labor classifies in HD; food processing in TX. WB Practice of Medicine. The section beginning WB 900 provides for the classification of works on special systems of therapeutics. It is to be noted that while a book on chiro- practic in general is classed in WB 905, a book which deals specifically with the chiropractic regimen in scarlet fever would classify in WC 214. WC Infectious Diseases. The principle on which this table is based is that of etiological agent, rather than physiological system, the principle which underlies most of the rest of the schedules. All major systemic infections are to be found in this schedule, with the exception of Tuberculosis, which is in WF, Respiratory Diseases. A few infectious diseases, usu- ally local in character with no systemic involvement, are classed with the part affected (e.g., Impetigo is classed in Dermatology, WR 225). Some arbitrary arrangements have been made in table WC; the grouping of the venereal diseases; the coupling of bacterial and virus pneumonias; and bringing together bacillary and amebic dysentery. If no specific class is found for a relatively obscure disease such as pseudo glanders, such material may be classed on the basis of likeness (i.e., in this case, with glanders). WD Deficiency Diseases. Diseases of Metabolism, etc. The WD block consists of a series of small tables which deal with various concepts which cut across the main axes selected for the framework of the Classification. WS Pediatrics. The basis of the table is age group, rather than physiological system, which raises obvious questions such xi as, should pediatric gynecology be classed with pediatrics or with gynecology? An arbitrary decision has been made: ma- terial on the various body systems in children is classed in the WS table; pediatric works dealing with something other than body systems per se are clas.- 21 outside of WS (e.g., a book on surgery in children would be classed in WO 925). It should also be noted that while a book dealing with respiratory ailments of childhood would class in WS 280, a book on pneu- monia in infants would class with pneumonia, WC 202. WY Nursing. The class numbers for nursing in special fields of medicine (WY 151-163) are also applied to textbooks in the special fields which are written for nurses (e.g., sur- gery for nurses, WY 161; surgical nursing, WY 161). In the "pre-clinical" sciences, special texts for nurses class with other general texts (e.g., bacteriology for nurses, QW 4). WZ History of Medicine. This schedule contains no sub- ject breakdowns as the history of each medical and clinical subject is classed with each subject, under the form number 11. Examples: WO 11, History of Surgery; WW 11, His- tory of Ophthalmology and/or Optometry. A fundamental feature of the entire classification scheme for the Armed Forces Medical Library is embodied in the classes WZ 220-290 which provide for the arrangement of early material in century groups, according to date of imprint Within each class, the individual titles are arranged alpha- betically by author. With the nineteenth century monographs arranged according to a special scheme, the total effect is a grouping by centuries, with the detailed subject classification schedules applying only to titles issued since 1914. Notes on the Present Revision. Comparison of the first and second editions of the Classification will reveal the following types of changes. xii Where practice has shown excessive subdivision of classes, subdivisions have been eliminated (example: all diseases of the pituitary gland, except neoplasms, are now included in the single class WK 550, whereas formerly five subclasses were used). In certain cases additional classes have been provided to group material which cuts across several fields (examples: a new section, Thorax and Thoracic Surgery, has been es- tablished as WF 970-975; classes for chronic disease have been added to the WT schedule). Some classes have been redefined and enlarged to include concepts not previously covered (examples: WD 222, formerly Disturbances of Acid-base Balance, now becomes Disturbances of Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-base Balances; WR 350, originally limited to Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, has now been broadened to include Tropical Skin Diseases in general). New concepts have been introduced (examples: Collagen Diseases, Ultrasound Therapy, Mass Chest X-ray). Some of these new topics have been classified somewhat arbitrarily (example: Carotid Sinus and Carotid Sinus Syndrome have been placed in WK 375 with Carotid Body). This exemplifies the conviction of the compilers that primary emphasis in these schedules must be placed on providing a practical order for the shelf arrangement of books, rather than on an ideal system of knowledge. Terminology has been modernized (example: "Neurasthe- nia" has been dropped in favor of "Somatization Syndromes"). The use of certain form numbers has been rationalized (example: W 3 is now used for all congresses, regardless of subject, and the form number 3 has been eliminated from all other portions of the Classification). xiii Numerous explanatory notes have been added in the belief that catalogers will find them helpful (example: WM 30-49). "Compare" notes have been generously supplied for the same reason. ********** Because certain classes have been shifted, because some concepts have been altered and enlarged, because a few sub- divisions have been eliminated, some reclassification will be entailed in the change-over from the first to the second edition. We do not believe, however, that the amount of such reclassi- fication should be extensive, and we are convinced that in the long run the changes will prove their worth. xiv CLASSIFICATION OF SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Serial publications are those which are issued in succes- sive parts and are intended to be continued indefinitely (e.g., periodicals, journals, transactions, annuals, numbered series, and other continuations). They are classified accord- ing to type of publications in five categories. * Category 1. Serials of medical importance, including hospital publications which are predominantly clinical, and governmental publications which resemble magazines rather than official documents. These serials are usually indexed in medical and scientific indexes. Classification: W 1. Category 2. Non- medical serials which are classified according to the LC Classification. Category 3. Serial publications of medical congresses, whether local, national, or international in scope. Classification: W 3. Category 4. Serial publications of hospitals (except clin- ical material) regardless of private or public sponsorship. Classification: WX 2. Category 5. Medical serial publications of governments, except those which are preferred in Category 1. Classification: W 2. * Exception: Serial publications which are indexes or bibliographies (e.g., Cancer Current Literature and Tuber- culosis Index) are classified in the bibliography number for the subject covered. xv SERIAL NUMBERING The Armed Forces Medical Library uses a special scheme of numbering to insure the alphabetical arrangement of the large number of serials contained in categories 1 (W 1) and 3 (W 3). Under this scheme the first two letters of the main entry are used followed by two or more numbers according to the number of entries to be numbered. Examples: W 1 Revista comercial farmac^utica RE359 W 1 Revista cubana de gastroenterologfa RE3594 W 1 Revue beige de pathologie RE743 W 1 Russia (U. S. S.R.) Armiia. Trudy RU76 W 3 All-India Pharmaceutical Conference AL545 W 3 Congres francais de stomatologie C0263 xvi TABLE G Purpose. The principal use of Table G is in the arrang- ing of serial publications of governments, which take the form class W 2; and hospital publications, which take the form class WX 2. Use of Table G permits a shelving order which is controlled both geographically and alphabetically. Table G is also used, on a somewhat restricted basis, for geographic grouping of monographs. General Explanation. Table G is a modified Cutter pattern, adapted for special purposes. It divides the world into ten regions to each of which an identifying letter is assigned: A - United States G - Europe K - Australia D - America H - Africa L - Pacific Islands F - Great Britain J - Asia M - International P - Polar Regions Additional numbers may be interpolated into Table G as needed. Variants of place names do not require a change in Table G numbering (e.g., JT3 Siam or Thailand). Countries and regions, other than the United States, are provided with numerical designation on the basis of medical as well as geographical and political considerations. This means that Table G, in addition to its main purpose, makes provision for geographical groupings which cannot be used to indicate source of material, publishing agency, or author- ship (e.g., GA1 - Europe; DA2 - North America). United States Numbers. Because of the multiplicity of United States federal, state, and local documents, special provision has been made for their arrangement. 393023 O -56 -2 xvii The various sections of the U. S. Federal Government, with the exception of the Armed Forces, take the designation "A". The Armed Forces take the following designations: Al - Department of Defense A2 - Department of the Army (War Department, ex- cluding Air Corps) A3 - Army Air Forces (to 1947) A4 - Department of the Air Force A5 - Department of the Navy AA1 is the designation for the geographical area of the U. S. as a whole, or for any region of the U. S. which does not conform to, or come within the boundaries of, a single state or territory. Each state has been provided with a separate number, as have Alaska and Hawaii. New York City has a separate number assigned to it (AN7). This has been done in order to adequately differentiate it from New York State (AN6) and to provide a simple notation for this entity because of its size and consequent prolific publications. Subordinate Political Units. Each country number may be modified to form a county (province, prefecture, state) or a city number by the addition of . 1 (county) and . 2 (city). Examples: FE5 - England DC2 - Canada FE5.1Y6 - Yorkshire DC2.1B7- British Columbia FE5.2L6 - London DC2.2T6- Toronto In the United States it is the individual state number which is so modified. Examples: AT4 - Texas AT4.2F6 - Fort Worth xviii Application to Serial Documents. Examples to illustrate the application of Table G to serial documents (W 2): United States W 2 U. S. Army. Air Corps. Materiel A3 Division M4te Air Corps technical report W 2 AC8 C7a Connecticut. Commission on Alcoholism Annual report Foreign W 2 FA1 G3re Gt. Brit. General Register Office The Registrar General's quarterly return... W 2 DC2.1 S2D3a Saskatchewan. Dept. of Public Health Annual report Application to Hospital Serials. Hospital serial reports (WX2) are cuttered to arrange the titles geographically within the class and to identify each hospital. Decimal subdivisions . 1 and . 2 for subordinate political divisions are not used but a notation is added to represent the city. Examples: Civilian hospitals WX 2 AC2 L6C3a Los Angeles. Cedars of Lebanon Hospital Annual report xix WX Sharon, Conn. Hospital 2 Annual report AC8 S5H8a WX Bergen, Norway. Kvinneklinikken 2 Arsberetning GN6 B5K9a Civilian hospitals bearing the names of saints WX Reading, Pa. St. Joseph's Hospital 2 Annual report AP4 R2SJ8a WX White Plains, N. Y. St. Agnes Hospital 2 Annual report AN6 W5SA2a U. S. military hospitals. Named hospitals have fixed locations and are cuttered the same way as civilian hospitals except that the military symbol precedes the geographical notation. Numbered hospitals do not have fixed locations and geographical notation is not applied to them. WX U. S. Army. Madigan Army Hospital, 2 Tacoma, Wash. A2W2 Annual Mia WX U. S. Army. General Hospital No. 141 2 Year book A2 141 xx Application to Monographs. Table G is used to express geographical groupings for subjects in the AFML Classifica- tion. When LC Classification numbers are used, the geo- graphical breakdowns provided in the LC schedules are to be applied. Table G is used for monographic titles on a broader basis than for serials. For example, a history of medicine limited to one city, or to one section of a country, takes the geo- graphic notation for the country, except that the state desig- nation is used for material limited to a U. S. city, county or state. WZ History of medicine in Paris 70 GF7 WZ The doctor in Oregon 70 A07 WZ Pages from the medical history of 70 Klamath Falls A07 WZ History of medicine in the southwestern 70 states AA1 W Health insurance plan of Capetown 275 HU5 xxi TABLE G I. SUMMARY U. S. Federal (as author) U. S. (as geographical area) America Great Britain Europe Africa Asia Australia, New Zealand Islands of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean International Polar Regions UNITED STATES (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) U. S. (as author) Department of Defense Department of the Army (War Department, excluding Air Corps) Army Air Forces (to 1947) Department of the Air Force Department of the Navy xxii TABLE G III. UNITED STATES (STATES) AA1 - United States AM2 - Maine AM3 - Maryland AA4 - Alabama AM4 - Massachusetts AA5 - Alaska AM5 - Michigan AA7 - Arizona AM6 - Minnesota AA8 - Arkansas AM7 - Mississippi AM8 - Missouri AC2 - California AM9 - Montana AC6 - Colorado AC8 - Connecticut AN1 - Nebraska AN2 - Nevada AD4 - Delaware AN3 - New Hampshire AD6 - District of Columbia AN4 - New Jersey AN5 - New Mexico AF4 - Florida AN6 - New York State AN7 - New York City AG4 - Georgia AN8 - North Carolina AN9 - North Dakota AH3 - Hawaiian Islands A03 - Ohio AI2 - Idaho A05 - Oklahoma AI3 - Illinois A07 - Oregon AI6 - Indiana AI8 - Iowa AP4 - Pennsylvania AK3 - Kansas AR4 - Rhode Island AK4 - Kentucky AS6 - South Carolina ALfi - Louisiana AS8 - South Dakota xxiii TABLE G UNITED STATES (STATES) AT2 - Tennessee AW2 - Washington AT4 - Texas AW4 - West Virginia AW6 - Wisconsin AU8 - Utah AW8 - Wyoming AV5 - Vermont AV8 - Virginia xxiv TABLE G IV. AMERICA DAI - America DA2 - North America DA3 - Central America DA4 - South America DA5 - Lesser Antilles DA7 - Argentina DB3 - Bahamas DB4 - Bermuda DB6 - Bolivia DB8 - Brazil DC2 - Canada DC5 - Chile DC7 - Colombia DC8 - Costa Rica DC9 - Cuba DD6 - Dominican Republic DE2 - Ecuador DF3 - Falkland Islands DG5 - Guatemala DG6 - British Guiana DG7 - Dutch Guiana DG8 - French Guiana DH2 - Haiti DH7 - Honduras DH8 - British Honduras DJ2 - Jamaica DM4 - Mexico DN5 - Nicaragua DP2 - Panama DP3 - Panama Canal Zone DP4 - Paraguay DP6 - Peru DP8 - Puerto Rico DS2 - Salvador DT7 - Trinidad DU7 - Uruguay DV4 - Venezuela DV5 - Virgin Islands XXV TABLE G V. GREAT BRITAIN FAl - Great Britain FS2 - Scotland FE5 - England FW3 - Wales FI7 - Northern Ireland GA1 - Europe GA4 - Albania GA8 - Austria GA9 - Azores GB4 - Belgium GB8 - Bulgaria GD4 - Denmark GE7 - Estonia GF5 - Finland VI. EUROPE GG4 - Germany GG6 - Greece GG7 - Greenland GC5 - Croatia GC7 - Cyprus GC8 - Czechoslovakia GI3 - Iceland GI6 - Ireland (Eire GI8 - Italy GF7 - France GH8 - Hungary GI3 - Iceland GI6 - Ireland (Eire ovakia GI8 - Italy GL3 - Latvia GL5 - Lithuania GL8 - Luxembourg GM3 - Malta xxvi TABLE G EUROPE GM6 - Montenegro GN4 - Netherlands GN6 - Norway GP6 - Poland GP7- Portugal GR8 - Rumania GR9 - Russia GS4 - Serbia GS5 - Slovenia GS6 - Spain GS8 - Sweden GS9 - Switzerland GT8 - Turkey GY8 - Yugoslavia xxvii TABLE G VII. AFRICA HA1 - Africa HL5 - Liberia HA2 - North Africa HL6 - Libya HA4 - Algeria HA6 - Angola HM3 - Madagascar HM5 - French Morocco HB3 - Basutoland HM6 - Spanish Morocco HB4 - Bechuanaland HM7 - Mozambique HC3 - Cameroons HN5 - Nigeria HC4 - Cape Verde Islands HN8 - Nyasaland HC6 - Belgian Congo HR4 - Rhodesia HE3 - Egypt HR5 - Rio de Oro HE7 - Eritrea HE8 - Ethiopia HS3 - Sierra Leone HS5 - British Somaliland HF4 - French Equatorial Africa HS6 - French Somaliland HF8 - French West Africa HS8 - South West Africa HS9 - Swaziland HG3 - Gambia HG6 - Gold Coast HT3 - Tanganyika HG7 - Portuguese Guinea HT4 - Tangier HG9 - Spanish Guinea HT8 - Tunisia HK4 - Kenya HU4 - Uganda HU5 - Union of South Africa xxviii TABLE G VIII. ASIA JA1 - Asia JA2 - Middle East JA4 - Afghanistan JA7 - Arabia JB8 - Burma JC4 - Ceylon JC6 - China JF6 - Formosa JH6 - Hong Kong JI4 - India JI5 - Indo China JI7 - Iran JI8 - Iraq JI9 - Israel JJ3 - Japan JJ6 - Jordan JK6 - Korea JL4 - Lebanon JM2 - Malaya JM3 - Manchuria JM6 - Mongolia JP2 - Palestine JP3 - Pakistan JS6 - Singapore (Colony) JS9 - Syria JT3 - Thailand JT5 - Tibet IX. AUSTRALIA KA8 - Australia KN4 - New Zealand xxix TABLE G X. ISLANDS OF PACIFIC AND INDIAN OCEANS LAI - Pacific Islands LN4 - Netherlands Ind LN6 - New Caledonia LB6 - Borneo LP5 - Philippines XI. INTERNATIONAL M - International MI3 - International Labor Office ML4 - League of Nations MP2 - Pan American Sanitary Bureau MP3 - Pan American Union MU5 - United Nations MU7 - UNESCO MW6 - World Health Organization xxx SYNOPSIS OF CLASSES PRECLINICAL SCIENCES QS Human Anatomy QT Physiology QU Biochemistry QV Pharmacology QW Bacteriology and Immunology QX Parasitology QY Clinical Pathology QZ Pathology MEDICINE AND RELATED SUBJECTS W Medical Profession WA Public Health WB Practice of Medicine WC Infectious Diseases WD Deficiency Diseases WD Diseases of Metabolism WD Diseases of Allergy WD Animal Poisoning WD Plant Poisoning WD Diseases Caused by Physical Agents WD Aviation Medicine WE Musculoskeletal System WF Respiratory System WG Cardiovascular System WH Hemic and Lymphatic Systems WI Gastrointestinal System WJ Urogenital System WK Endocrine System WL Nervous System WM Psychiatry xxxi MEDICINE AND RELATED SUBJECTS WN Radiology WO Surgery WP Gynecology WQ Obstetrics WR Dermatology WS Pediatrics WT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery wv Otorhinolaryngology WW Ophthalmology WX Hospitals WY Nursing WZ History of Medicine xxxii SCHEDULES 393023 6-56-3 PRECLINICAL SCIENCES QS-QZ QS HUMAN ANATOMY Classify here material on general human anatomy; classify anatomy of a part of the body with the part; and classify animal anatomy in QL QS 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 5 QS HUMAN ANATOMY QS 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 124 Comparative anatomy of man and animals Classify artistic anatomy in NC Classify comparative anatomy of animals in QL 130 Dissection manuals 132 Laws concerning dissection HISTOLOGY 504 General works Collections 505 By several authors 507 By individual authors, A-Z 517 Atlases 518 Study and teaching 525 Laboratory technique. Laboratory manuals 530 Experimental histology Classify Cytology in QH 6 QS HUMAN ANATOMY HISTOLOGY 532 Special topics EMBRYOLOGY 604 General works Collections 605 By several authors 607 By individual authors, A-Z 618 Study and teaching 622 Directories (Table G) 625 Laboratory technique 642 Twinning 645 Implantation. Placentation. Fetal me 647 Descriptions of individual embryos 650 Physiologic embryology 675 Congenital anomalies (General) 7 QT PHYSIOLOGY Classify here material on general physiology; classify physiology of a part of the body with the part; and classify animal physiology in QP QT 1 Societies 4 General works Classify Comparative physiology limited to animals in QP Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique. Experimental physiology 9 QT PHYSIOLOGY 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 34 Biophysics HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 104 General works 150 Physiology - Hot climates 160 Physiology - Cold climates PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE 180 Physiology. General hygiene 200 Teachers' manuals, books for nurses, etc. on physiology and hygiene 210 School texts of physiology and hygiene Classify Hygiene of adolescence in WS 460 215 Juvenile 225 Sexual education 10 QT PHYSIOLOGY QT PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE 230 Light. Air. Living space 235 Diet Cf. WB 400-449; WD 210-212 240 Cleanliness 245 Clothing 250 Recreation. Outdoor games 255 Physical education. Gymnastics Cf. WB 541 260 Athletics. Sports 265 Rest. Sleep Cf. WB 545 275 Hygienic aspects of beauty culture QU BIOCHEMISTRY QU 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 13 QU BIOCHEMISTRY QU 50 Chemistry of food substances 55 Proteins 60 Amino acids 75 Carbohydrates 83 Polysaccharides and derivatives e.g. Dextrins. Glycogen 85 Fats and related compounds 90 Fatty acids 93 Phosphatides e.g. Cephalin 95 Sterols e.g. Cholesterol 100 Composition of the body 105 Body fluids 120 Metabolism Classify metabolism of a particular substance with the substance, e.g. Metabolism of proteins in QU 55 125 Energy metabolism. Calorimetry 130 Inorganic substances 133 Colloids 135 Enzymes 14 QU BIOCHEMISTRY QU 145 Nutritional requirements. Food values 160 Vitamins. Vitamin requirements Cf. QY 350 Assay of vitamins QZ 109 Vitamin deficiencies WD 100 Deficiency diseases 165 Fat soluble 167 Vitamin A, Aj, etc. 173 Vitamin D, D2, etc. 179 Vitamin E 181 Vitamin K 185 Water soluble 187 Vitamin B complex 189 Thiamine 191 Riboflavin 193 Nicotinic acid 195 Other factors assoc B vitamins e.g. Aminobenzoic acid. Biotin 210 Ascorbic acid 220 Other vitamins 15 QV PHARMACOLOGY Societies General works Collections By several authors By individual authors, A-Z Addresses. Essays. Lectures History (Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Classification of drugs. Nomenclature Tables. Weights and measures Study and teaching Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, catalogs, et in W 19.5 Pharmacy as a profession Directories (Table G) 56 -4 17 QV PHARMACOLOGY Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique. Microscopic analysis 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 29 Registration of pharmacists (Table G) 32 Laws (Table G) Cf. QV 832 34 Experimental pharmacology 38 Drug action (including adsorption, distribution, excretion of drugs; mechanism of drug action; synergism, antagonism, tolerance; factors modifying drug action) 50 Dental pharmacology and materia medica 55 Drugs (General) Cf. QV 38; QV 704 60 Drugs applied topically to the skin and mucous membranes 63 Protectives e.g. Adsorbents. Demulcents. 65 66 Emollients Irritants. Astringents Drugs acting primarily on the gastrointestinal tract 67 Bitters. Carminatives. Adsorbents 69 Antacids 18 QV PHARMACOLOGY 73 Emetics. Expectorants 75 Cathartics 80 Depressants of the central nervous system 81 Agents of general anesthesia 82 Alcohols 83 Methyl 84 Ethyl 85 Hypnotics. Sedatives. Antispasmodics 87 Bromides 88 Barbiturates 90 Opium alkaloids 92 Morphine 93 Morphine substitutes e.g. Meperidine 95 Analgesics. Antipyretics 100 Stimulants of the central nervous system 103 Nikethamide. Pentylenetetrazol. Picrotoxin. Strychnine 107 Xanthines e.g. Caffeine. Theobromine. Theophylline 19 QV PHARMACOLOGY 110 Agents of local anesthesia 113 Cocaine and derivatives 115 Synthetic local anesthetics 122 Parasympathomimetic drugs e.g. Physostigmine. Pilocarpine. esters 129 Sympathomimetic drugs e.g. Ephedrine 132 Autonomic blocking agents 134 Atropine and allied compounds 137 Nicotine 140 Drugs acting on skeletal muscle e.g. Curare 150 Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system 153 Digitalis. Cardiac glycosides 155 Quinidine and related compounds 157 Nitrates, thiocyanates, etc. 160 Diuretics. Antidiuretics 170 Drugs acting on the reproductive organs 173 Oxytocics 174 Ergot and its derivatives 20 QV PHARMACOLOGY Drugs acting on the reproductive organs (Continue 175 Abortifacients 177 Spermatocides 180 Drugs acting on blood cells and blood formation 183 Iron. Iron salts 184 Liver extract. Desiccated stomach 185 Nucleic acid derivatives 190 Drugs affecting blood coagulation 193 Anticoagulants e.g. Bishydroxycoumarin. Heparin 195 Hemostatics. Coagulants 220 Antiseptics. Disinfectants 223 Aromatic organic compounds e.g. Phenol. Cresols 225 Aliphatic organic compounds e.g. Formaldehyde 229 Oxidizing antiseptics e.g. Hydrogen peroxide. Potassium permanganate 231 Halogen antiseptics e.g. Iodine 21 QV PHARMACOLOGY QV Antiseptics. Disinfectants (Continued) 233 Detergents e.g. Quarter nary ammonium compounds 235 Dyes 239 Other general antiseptics e. g. Boric acid 241 Tars. Balsams 243 Urinary antiseptics e.g. Methenamine. Mandelic acid 250 Preparations used in the chemotherapy of infectious diseases 253 Anthelmintics 255 Amebacides 256 Antimalarials 257 Cinchona and its derivatives 258 Synthetic drugs 259 Drugs used in the treatment of leprosy e.g. Chaulmoogra oil 261 Antiluetics e.g. Mercury compounds. Bismuth compounds. Iodides 262 Arsenicals 22 QV PHARMACOLOGY Preparations used in the chemotherapy of infectious diseases (Continued) 265 Sulfonamides 270 Water. Inorganic ior 273 Water. Sodiuir 275 Cations 276 Calcium 277 Potassium 278 Magnesium 282 Anions 283 Iodides 285 Phosphates 290 Heavy metals 292 Lead 293 Mercury 294 Arsenic 295 Antimony 296 Gold 297 Silver 23 QV PHARMACOLOGY 298 Other metals (including light metals) 310 Gases 312 Oxygen 314 Carbon dioxide 318 Helium 350 Antibiotics 354 Penicillin 356 Streptomycin TOXICOLOGY 600 General works 602 Detection of poisons. Tests 610 Inorganic poisons 612 Corrosive poisons. Acids. Alkalis 618 Irritant poisons Cf. QV 290 Heavy metals 627 Organic poisons 628 Alkaloids 24 QV PHARMACOLOGY QV TOXICOLOGY Organic poisons (Continued) 632 Non-alkaloids 633 Hydrocarbons. Volatile substances. Solvents 662 Gaseous poisons Cf. QV 81 Anesthetic gases QV 310 Gases used in therapy 663 War gases 664 Lung irritants e.g. Chlorpicrin. Phosgene 665 Lacrimators. Toxic smokes 666 Vesicants 667 Systemic poisons. Paralysants PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICS 701 Societies 704 General works 25 QV PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICS Collections 705 By several authors 707 By individual authors, A-Z 709 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 711 History (Table G) 736 Economics of pharmacy 738 Pharmacopeias (Official) (Table G) 740 Dispensatories, formularies, etc. (Unofficial) (Table G) 743 Ancient and medieval remedies 744 Pharmaceutical chemistry 746 Incompatibility of drugs (Pharmaceutical aspects) 748 Prescription writing. Dosage 752 Pharmacognosy. Natural history of drugs 754 Collection and preservation of drugs 766 Medical botany 770 Geographic distribution (Table G) 771 Standardization of drugs 772 Commercial preparations. Patent medicines 26 QV PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICS 778 Pharmaceutical processes. Dispensing 785 Types of pharmaceutical preparations 790 Pharmaceutical supplies 800 Vehicles 810 Flavoring agents 820 Preservatives 825 Packaging 832 Laws (Table G) 835 Labels 27 QW BACTERIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY QW 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors,s A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays* Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) 29 QW BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY QW Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 51 Morphology and variability of bacteria 52 Physiology and chemistry of bacteria. Metabolism 60 Plant and soil bacteriology 65 Dental bacteriology 70 Veterinary bacteriology 75 Industrial bacteriology 80 Bacteriology of water and sewage 85 Bacteriology of food and milk 125° Actinomycetales 130° Caryophanales °Classify material in QW 125-160 according to classification in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 30 QW BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY QW 135° Chlamydobacteriales 140° Eubacteriales 145° Myxobacteriales 150° Rickettsiales 155° Spirochaetales 160° Virales 180 Fungi 300 Biological warfare IMMUNOLOGY 501 Societies 504 General works Collections 505 By several authors 507 By individual authors, A-Z 509 Addresses. Essays. Lectures •Classify material in QW 125-160 according to classification in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 31 QW BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY QW IMMUNOLOGY 511 History (Table G) 513 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 515 Nomenclature 518 Study and teaching 522 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 523 Collective 524 Individual, A-Z 525 Laboratory technique 526 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 541 Natural immunity 551 Acquired immunity 563 Local immunity 570 Antigens. Antibodies 630 Toxins. Antitoxins 640 Agglutination. Precipitation 660 Lysis and bactericidal action 680 Complement. Complement fixation 690 Phagocytosis 32 QW BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY QW IMMUNOLOGY 700 Infection. Mechanisms of infection and resistance 730 Virulence. Invasiveness 800 Preparations producing immunity 805 Vaccines. Antitoxins. Toxoids 806 Vaccination 815 Immune sera 900 Anaphylaxis and allergy. Allergenic substances 393023 O -56 -5 33 QX PARASITOLOGY QX 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 35 QX PARASITOLOGY Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 50 Protozoa 55 Amebae 70 Mastigophora e.g. Giardia. Trichomonas. Trypanosoma. Leishmania 123 Sporozoa 135 Plasmodia 151 Ciliata 190 Toxoplasma, et al. 200 Helminths 203 Nematodes 207 Trichinelloidea 243 Strongyloidea (Hookworms) 271 Oxyuroidea 277 Ascaroidea 301 Filarioidea 350 Platyhelminthes 353 Tre mat odes 36 PARASITOLOGY Helminths Platyhelminthes Trematodes (Continued) 355 Schistosomes 365 Fasciola 400 Cestodes 442 Echinococcus 451 Hirudinea 460 Arthropods 463 Crustacea 465 Centipedes. Millipedes 467 Arachnida 469 Scorpions 471 Spiders 473 Acarina 475 Sarcoptoidea e.g. Sarcoptes 479 Ixodoidea (Ticks) 483 Trombidoidea (Mites) 37 QX PARASITOLOGY QX Arthropods (Continued) 500 Insects 501 Anoplura (Lice) 502 Body lice 503 Heteroptera (True bugs) e.g. Bedbugs 505 Diptera 510 Culicidae (Mosquitos) 515 Anopheles 525 Aedes 530 Culex 550 Siphonaptera (Fleas) 555 Coleoptera (Beetles) 560 Lepidoptera (Moths. Butterflies) 565 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps. Ants) 570 Orthoptera e.g. Cockroaches 600 Insect control 650 Insects as vectors of disease 38 QY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY QY 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 18 Study and teaching 19 Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc. in W 19.5 22 Directories (Table G) 23 Laboratories, institutes, etc. 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 39 CLINICAL PATHOLOGY QY 35 Molding and casting of anatomical models. Moulage 50 Care and clinical use of animals 90 Chemical methods 100 Bacteriological methods 105 Animal inoculation HO Methods in medical mycology 120 Sputum 125 Saliva 130 Gastric and duodenal contents 140 Liver tests 143 Bile pigments 147 Function tests 160 Feces 175 Renal function tests 185 Urinalysis 190 Semen 210 Puncture fluids (Peritoneal. Pleural. Pericardial) 220 Cerebrospinal fluid 40 CLINICAL PATHOLOGY QY 250 Immunologic tests 260 Diagnostic skin tests 265 Agglutination, precipitation, and complement fixation tests 275 Serodiagnostic tests for syphilis 330 Assay of hormones 335 Pregnancy tests 350 Assay of vitamins BLOOD 400 General works 402 Cellular elements 408 Physical examination (Sedimentation, volume index, etc.) 410 Coagulation (Bleeding time, clotting time, etc.) 415 Typing 450 Blood chemistry 455 Nitrogenous constituents 465 Lipids 41 QY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY QY BLOOD Blood chemistry (Continued) 470 Carbohydrates 480 Inorganic substances 485 Drugs 490 Enzymes 42 QZ PATHOLOGY QZ 1 Societies 4 General works Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 43 QZ PATHOLOGY Qz Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 33 Comparative pathology 35 Postmortem examination 40 Pathogenesis of disease 45 Developmental defects 50 Heredity. Body constitution 55 Trauma (Mechanical) 57 Physical agents e.g. Heat. Light 59 Chemical agents 65 Bacteria. Fungi. Viruses. Rickettsia 85 Animal parasites 105 Nutritional disturbances 109 Vitamin deficiencies 140 General manifestations of disease 150 Local reactions to injury 160 General reactions to injury and disease. General adaptation syndrome 170 Circulatory disturbances 44 QZ PATHOLOGY QZ General manifestations of disease (Continued) 180 Degenerative processes. Disturbances of metabolism 190 Local disturbances of growth e.g. Hyperplasia 200 Neoplasms 201 Popular works 202 Etiology 206 Experimental studies 241 Diagnosis 266 Treatment 267 Chemotherapy 268 Surgical techniques 269 Radiotherapy Specific types of neoplasms 310 Teratoid and mixed tumors 320 Tumors derived from developmental faults 330 Tumors of fetal membranes 340 Mesenchymal tumors (Myoma, fibroma, etc.) 45 QZ PATHOLOGY QZ General manifestations of disease Neoplasms Specific types of neoplasms Mesenchymal tumors (Myoma, fibroma, etc.) (Continued) 345 Sarcoma 350 Leukemias. Lymphomas 365 Epithelial tumors 380 Tumors derived from neural elements 46 MEDICINE AND RELATED SUBJECTS W-WZ w MEDICAL PROFESSION Classify here general and miscellaneous material relating to the medical profession W 1 Serials. Periodicals Classify here serials of medical importance 2 Documents (Table G) Classify here serial publications of govern- ments, except for titles preferred in W 1 3 Congresses Classify here monographic and serial publications of medical congresses 4 Dissertations, by university 4A American dissertations, A-Z by author Classify dissertations which qualify as Americana in WZ 270 Collections 5 By several authors 6 Pamphlet volumes. Miscellaneous reprint volumes 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 10 Voyages. Expeditions. Travels 393023 O -56 -6 49 MEDICAL PROFESSION Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Classification. Nomenclature ' Study and teaching Schools and colleges 5 Courses of study, catalogs, announcements, etc. of all schools (including schools of dentistry, nursing, etc.) (Table G) Graduate medical education 5 Medical research (General) Classify here material on the various aspects and accomplishments of medical research. Classify research limited to a particular subject with the subject 9 Medical fraternities (including dental fraternities, etc.) Medicine as a profession Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual, A-Z Apparatus, equipment, etc. Classify here medical and surgical supply and instrument catalogs. Cf. QV 26; WX 147, etc. 50 MEDICAL PROFESSION Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 32 Laws (General) (Table G) 33 Laws governing medical practice (Table G) 40 Licensure (Table G) 44 Malpractice 50 Medical ethics 58 Economic aspects. Fee-splitting. Advertising 61 Medical philosophy and logic 62 Social relations of the physician (including relations with patients; relations with public, clubs, societies, etc.) 74 Economics of medical practice 76 Distribution of physicians and medical care 79 Income of physicians 80 Practice management (including business administration) 87 Types of medical practice 88 Administrative work. Teaching 89 General practice 51 MEDICAL PROFESSION W Types of medical practice (Continued) 90 Specialization 92 Group practice 94 Governmental services MEDICAL SERVICE PLANS 100 General works 125 Voluntary pre-payment plans Classify here health insurance, hospitalization insurance, etc., voluntarily subscribed to, and paid for, by an individual, or by an organization, industry, etc., for the benefit of its members, employees, etc. 185 Compulsory pre-payment plans Classify here material on compulsory participation in health insurance, hospitalization insurance, etc., through salary deductions, compulsory fees, etc. 225 Medicine as a function of the state Classify here material on health protection for everyone as a function of the state, supported by taxation, with medical services subject to regulation by the state 52 w MEDICAL PROFESSION W MEDICAL SERVICE PLANS 250 Medical care for low-income and indigent groups 275 Medical service plans, by country (Table G) This class covers both compulsory and voluntary plans OTHER MEDICAL SERVICES 322 Medical social work 323 Medical missions MEDICAL AND DENTAL JURISPRUDENCE 601 Societies Collections 605 By several authors 607 By individual authors, A-Z 609 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 611 History (Table G) 613 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 615 Classification. Nomenclature 53 MEDICAL PROFESSION MEDICAL AND DENTAL JURISPRUDENCE 616 Tables 618 Study and teaching 622 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. for medicolegal examination 623 Collective 624 Individual, A-Z 625 Laboratory technique 626 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. on medicolegal subjects 627 Collective 628 Individual, A-Z 700 General works 705 Medicolegal dentistry 725 Medical evidence in the establishment of responsibility 740 Medicolegal psychiatry 750 Examination of evidential material. Medicolegal chemistry Cf. QV 602 775 Medicolegal examination 780 Examination of the living 54 MEDICAL PROFESSION MEDICAL AND DENTAL JURISPRUDENCE Medicolegal examination Examination of the living (Continued) 783 Malingering 786 Identification 789 Legal establishment of the beginning of life 791 Consanguinity. Paternity. Pregnancy 795 Rape. Sexual offenses Cf. W 860 800 Examination of dead bodies. Death. Duties of coroners 820 Signs of death. Time of death. Sudden death 822 Destruction and attempted destruction of the human body 825 Determination of cause of death. Medicolegal autopsy 843 Trauma 860 Criminal violence. Homicide Cf. W 795 864 Suicide 867 Criminal abortion. Infanticide 55 W MEDICAL PROFESSION W MEDICAL AND DENTAL JURISPRUDENCE 900 Medicolegal aspects of insurance 925 Medicolegal aspects of occupational disease and injury Cf/ WW 32 56 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA 1 Societies 4 Works on general hygiene (including in one volume personal hygiene, public health, etc.) Classify general works on public health in WA 100 Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 18 Study and teaching. General research 19 Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, college catalogs, etc. in W 19.5 22 Directories of sanitary authorities, boards of health, etc. (Table G) 57 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique. Methods 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Museums, exhibits, etc. 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 30 Social, economic, and environmental factors in public health 32 Laws (Table G) 54 Registration and certification of the dead 55 Registration of notifiable diseases 100 General works PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 110 Prevention and control of communicable diseases. Transmission of infectious diseases Cf. QW 700; QX 650; WC 142 230 Quarantine Cf. WA 32 234 Port and maritime quarantine 58 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Prevention and control of communicable diseases. Transmission of infectious diseases (Continued) 240 Disinfection. Disinfestation. Use of insecticides Cf. QX 600 PREVENTION OF ACCIDENT AND OF INJURY 250 General works Cf. WA 485 275 Traffic accidents 288 Accidents in the home, office, etc. 292 First aid in illness and injury e.g. Bandaging Cf. WO 167 Resuscitation Cf. WO 250; WQ 450 Classify Military first aid manuals in UH HEALTH PROBLEMS OF SPECIAL POPULATION GROUPS 300 General works 310 Maternal welfare. Maternal and child welfare 320 Child welfare 59 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA HEALTH PROBLEMS OF SPECIAL POPULATION GROUPS 350 School health and hygiene 390 Rural health and hygiene INDUSTRIAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE 400 General works 412 Medical services 440 Prevention and control of disease in industry 450 Control of atmospheric conditions 465 Protection from toxic chemicals 470 Illumination. Noise. Radiant energy 475 Industrial fatigue and its prevention 485 Prevention of accidents 491 Protection of women in industry HEALTH ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION 525 General works 60 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA HEALTH ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION 540 International, national and state health administration (Table G) 546 Local health administration (Table G) 590 Health education SANITATION AND SANITARY CONTROL 670 General works 675 Water. Water supply. Sources 686 Analysis Cf. QW 80 689 Pollution 690 Purification 695 Food. Food supply. Food inspection 697 Pure food laws 701 Adulteration 703 Fresh foods (Vegetables. Fruits. Eggs. Fish) 707 Meat inspection 710 Preserved foods (canned, dried, frozen, salted, smoked, etc.) 61 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA SANITATION AND SANITARY CONTROL Food. Food supply. Food inspection (Continued) 715 Milk. Milk supply. Milk products 716 Analysis 719 Pasteurization 722 Fats. Oils. Margarine 730 Drugs. Drugstores e.g. Refrigeration of biologicals 744 Cosmetics. Barber shops. Beauty parlors 750 Air. Air pollution. Nuisances 754 Pollution 770 Ventilating. Heating 774 Air conditioning 778 Waste disposal 780 Refuse and garbage disposal 785 Sewage disposal Cf. WA 689 788 Industrial wastes (including Radioactive waste) Cf. WN 650 795 Housing 799 Public buildings. Restaurants 62 WA PUBLIC HEALTH WA SANITATION AND SANITARY CONTROL 810 Public carriers 820 Bathing beaches. Public baths. Swimming pools 830 Comfort stations 840 Care and disposal of the dead 844 Embalming 846 Burial. Cemeteries 847 Cremation 900 Public health statistics (including narrative reports on health conditions) (Table G) 63 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB 1 Societies (Table G) Collections (on clinical medicine, diagnosis, special therapeutic measures and systems) Cf. W 5 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 1L .History of internal medicine and the practice of medicinej (Table G) Prefer WZ 13 Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature. Nosology Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Technique of research in internal medicine 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Classify medical and surgical supply and instrument catalogs in W 26 393023 O -56 -7 65 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB Hospitals, dispensaries and clinics for specialized types of internal medicine e.g. Homeopathy. Diathermy. Hydrotherapy 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 50 Medical practice (Table G) 100 General works (including Medical emergencies) Example: Tice. Practice of medicine 120 Popular medicine (General) e.g. Household medical books Example: Fishbein. Modern home medical adviser 130 General works for laymen Classify here books on general medicine written in style suitable for laymen. Example: Clark. Medicine on the march GENERAL DIAGNOSIS 141 General works. Differential diagnosis Cf. QY 4 General works on clinical pathology 142 Prognosis 143 Symptomatology 146 Asthenia. Cachexia. Fatigability. Collapse 66 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB GENERAL DIAGNOSIS Symptomatology (Continued) 152 Chills. Fever 158 Dehydration. Edema 176 Pain 182 Syncope. Coma 200 Physical diagnosis (General) 205 Technique of physical examination 270 Temperature 275 Inspection. Palpation 278 Auscultation. Percussion 280 Blood pressure 282 Pulse 284 Respiration 290 History taking 293 Collections of clinical case reports Classify here miscellaneous collections. Classify case report(s) limited to one disease with disease 67 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB THERAPEUTICS 300 General works 330 Drug therapy Cf. QV 340 Administration of medicines 342 By inhalation 344 By rectum 350 By mouth 354 By veins and subcutaneous tissue 356 Blood transfusion 365 Various other therapeutic and diagnostic procedures 369 Acupuncture. Moxibustion 371 Cupping. Counter-irritation e.g. Mustard plasters 373 Paracentesis 375 Thoracentesis. Pericardial puncture 377 Spinal, cisternal and ventricular puncture 379 Biopsy 381 Venesection 68 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB THERAPEUTICS Various other therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (Continued) 391 Tissue therapy 400 Dietetics. Dietotherapy 405 Dietary cookbooks 410 Special methods of feeding e.g. Rectal. Duodenal. Parenteral 420 Fasting 424 Low sodium diets. Salt-free diets 426 Meat diets 428 Milk diets 430 Vegetable diets. Fruit diets 432 Raw food diets 433 Beverages 438 Coffee. Tea. Chocolate 442 Water. Mineral waters 444 Wines. Liquors. Cordials. Beer 447 Miscellaneous food preparations e.g. Yeast 69 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB THERAPEUTICS Dietetics. Dietotherapy (Continued) 449 Food fads (Critical and historical material) 460 Physical medicine. Physical therapy 465 Thermotherapy (General) 469 Heat therapy. Fever therapy 473 Cold therapy 480 Ultraviolet therapy. Sunlight. Phototherapy 495 Electrotherapy 510 Diathermy 515 Ultrasound therapy Cf. QC 520 Hydrotherapy 525 Balneotherapy 535 Mechanotherapy 537 Massage 541 Exercise. Medical gymnastics Cf. QT 255 Physical education 545 Rest 550 Therapeutic use of music 70 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB THERAPEUTICS 555 Occupational therapy 700 Geography of disease 710 Diseases of geographic areas 720 Diseases of ethnic groups 740 Weather and disease 750 Climatotherapy Cf. WF 330 760 Health resorts (Table G) 880 Mental healing 885 Faith cure. Christian Science healing 890 Miscellaneous special cures e.g. Biochemic medicine. Radiesthesia 900 Special systems of therapeutics Use for material on subject or theory of system. Classify treatment of particular disease with disease (e.g. Chiropractic treatment of scarlet fever, classify in WC 214 Scarlet fever) 905 Chiropractic 920 Eclecticism 930 Homeopathy 71 WB PRACTICE OF MEDICINE WB THERAPEUTICS Special systems of therapeutics (Continued) 940 Osteopathy 960 Other systems e.g. Naturopathy 72 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES Classify material on infectious systemic dis- eases in WC. Classify material on an infection which affects a single organ with the organ. WC Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (General) (Table G) Classify history of a single infectious disease with the disease 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) 73 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique. Methods Isolation and quarantine hospitals, leprosaria, prophylaxis stations, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) [32] [Laws] Classify laws relating to infectious diseases under appropriate topics in WA Public Health 100 General works 140 Venereal diseases 142 Control measures 144 Prophylaxis 150 Gonorrhea Classify Gonorrhea in the female in WP 157 155 Chancroid 160 Syphilis 161 Congenital 162 Primary. Secondary 74 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Venereal diseases Syphilis (Continued) 164 Tertiary 165 Neurosyphilis Cf. WM 220 168 Cardiovascular 169 Gummatous lesions 170 Treatment 180 Granuloma inguinale 185 Lymphogranuloma venereum 195 Infectious fevers (General) 200 Bacterial diseases 202 Pneumonias (all types) 204 Pneumococcal pneumonia 207 Virus pneumonias 209 Other e.g. Friedlander's disease 210 Streptococcal infections 214 Scarlet fever 75 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Bacterial diseases Streptococcal infections (Continued) 220 Rheumatic fever. Chorea in rheumatic fever 230 Focal infections Cf. WU 290 234 Erysipelas 240 Bacteremia. Septicemia 245 Meningococcal infections 250 Staphylococcal infections 255 Wound infections 260 Enteric infections 262 Cholera 264 Epidemics 266 Paratyphoid fevers 268 Bacterial food poisoning 270 Typhoid fever 280 The dysenteries 282 Bacillary dysentery 285 Amebic dysentery. Amebiasis 76 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Bacterial diseases Enteric infections (Continued) 290 Other e.g. E. coli infections 302 Actinomycosis 305 Anthrax 310 Brucellosis 320 Diphtheria 330 Glanders 335 Leprosy 340 Pertussis 350 Plague 355 Epidemics 370 Tetanus 375 Gas gangrene 380 Tularemia 400 Spirochetal diseases 405 Rat-bite fever (Sodoku) 410 Relapsing fever 77 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Spirochetal diseases (Continued) 420 Icterohemorrhagic spirochetosis. Leptospirosis 425 Yaws 450 Mycoses 460 Coccidioidomycosis 465 Histoplasmosis 470 Moniliasis. Thrush 475 Other e.g. Hemisporosis 500 Virus diseases 505 Respiratory tract 510 Common cold 515 Influenza 520 Mumps 522 Infectious mononucleosis 525 Psittacosis 526 Pappataci fever 528 Dengue 530 Yellow fever 78 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Virus diseases Yellow fever (Continued) 532 Epidemics 536 Infectious hepatitis 540 Neurotropic virus infections 542 The epidemic encephalitides 550 Rabies 555 Poliomyelitis 570 Dermatotropic virus infections 572 Chickenpox 575 Herpes zoster 578 Herpes simplex 580 Measles (Rubeola) 582 German measles (Rubella) 585 Smallpox 588 Vaccination 590 Epidemics 593 Cat-scratch disease 600 Rickettsial diseases 79 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Rickettsial diseases (Continued) 602 Trench fever 605 Typhus fever 610 Epidemics 615 Endemic (murine) typhus 620 Rocky Mountain spotted fever 625 Other tick-borne rickettsial fevers e.g. Q fever 630 Scrub typhus 635 Other mite-borne rickettsial fevers e.g. Rickettsialpox 640 Bartonellosis 680 Tropical diseases (General) 695 Parasitological diseases 700 Protozoan infections 705 Trypanosomiasis 715 Leishmaniasis 725 Toxoplasmosis 730 Coccidiosis 80 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Protozoan infections (Continued) 735 Ciliate infections e.g. Balantidiasis 750 Malaria (all types) 755 Incidence. Distribution 765 Control measures 770 Treatment 800 Helminthic infections 805 Trematode infections 810 Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis) 825 Cestode infections 830 Tapeworm infestation 838 Cysticercosis 840 Echinococcosis 850 Nematode infections 855 Trichinosis 860 Trichocephaliasis. Enterobiasis 865 Strongyloidiasis 870 Ascariasis 393023 O -56 -8 81 WC INFECTIOUS DISEASES WC Helminthic infections Nematode infections (Continued) 880 Filariasis 885 Onchocerciasis 890 Hookworm infestation 82 WD DEFICIENCY DISEASES WD 100 General works 105 Malnutrition. Undernutrition 110 Vitamin A deficiency e.g. Night blindness 120 Vitamin B deficiency 122 Beri-beri 124 Riboflavin deficiency 126 Pellagra 140 Vitamin C deficiency (i.e. Scurvy) 145 Vitamin D deficiency (i.e. Rickets) 150 Vitamin E deficiency 155 Vitamin K deficiency 175 Sprue. Idiopathic steatorrhea 83 WD DISEASES OF METABOLISM WD 200 General works Classify Diabetes in WK; Gout in WE 350; others in WR 210 Obesity 212 Popular works 214 Adiposis dolorosa. Lipomatoses. e.g. Nodular lipomatosis. Progressive lipodystrophy. Internal lipodystrophy 220 Disturbances of water, electrolyte and acid-base balances 222 Acidosis 226 Alkalosis 85 WD DISEASES OF ALLERGY WD 300 General works Classify Asthma in WF 553; Hay fever in WV 335; Dermatitis in WR 160 310 Food allergy 320 Drug allergy 330 Serum sickness 375 Collagen diseases Cf. WE 346 Rheumatoid arthritis WG 240 Rheumatic heart disease WC 220 Rheumatic fever WG 518 Periarteritis nodosa WG 520 Thromboangiitis obliterans WR 152 Lupus erythematosus WR 260 Scleroderma 87 WD ANIMAL POISONING WD 400 General works 405 Marine forms 410 Reptiles 420 Spiders. Scorpions. Centipedes. Leeches 430 Insects 89 WD PLANT POISONING WD 500 General works Cf. QV 627 505 Ergotism 515 Favism 520 Mushroom poisoning 530 Snakeroot poisoning e.g. Milk sickness 91 WD DISEASES CAUSED BY PHYSICAL AGENTS WD 600 General works Classify Burns in WO 704; Blast injuries in WO 820; Radiation injuries in WN 610 602 Electric shock 610 Heat prostration. Heat exhaustion 630 Motion sickness e.g. Seasickness. Airsickness 650 High air pressure. Submarine medicine 93 WD AVIATION MEDICINE WD 700 General works Classify Aerotitis media in WV 230; Vision in WW 705 Personnel selection and fitness. Physical standards 710 Altitude effects 712 Explosive decompression 715 Oxygen deficiency 720 Speed. Acceleration. Deceleration e.g. "G" effect Classify Airsickness in WD 630 730 Psychiatric aspects e.g. Fear. Stress 735 Fatigue. Effect of noise. Effect of vibration 95 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) 393023 O -56 -9 97 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 102 Physiology 103 Movement. Locomotion. Posture 140 Diseases (General) 141 Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Radiography 168 Orthopedics (General) 170 Amputation 172 Prosthesis. Braces 175 Fractures. Dislocations. Sprains 180 Fractures 182 Compound fractures 98 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE Orthopedics (General) (Continued) 190 Reconstructive orthopedics BY TISSUE 200 Bone. Osteology 250 Congenital anomalies. Disorders of growth and development 251 Bone abscess. Osteomyelitis 253 Tuberculosis of bones and joints 258 Neoplasms 259 Osteochondroses 300 Joints. Ligaments. Synovial membranes and synovia 344 Arthritis 346 Rheumatoid arthritis 348 Degenerative joint disease. Osteo- arthritis. Hypertrophic arthritis 350 Gout 400 Bursae 99 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE BY TISSUE 500 Muscles. Fascia 544 Myositis. Fibrositis. Rheumatism 545 Contracture Cf. WE 102 550 Myopathies 555 Myasthenia gravis 559 Progressive muscular dystrophy 600 Tendons. Tendon sheaths BY REGION 700 Head and trunk 705 Head Cf. WU 101 708 Neck 715 Thorax. Ribs Classify anatomy and physiology here. Classify diseases of organs or systems within the thoracic cavity, as well as thoracic surgery, in WF 720 Back. Abdominal muscles. Pelvis 725 Vertebrae 100 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE BY REGION Head and trunk Back. Abdominal muscles. Pelvis Vertebrae (Continued) 730 Congenital anomalies e.g. Spina bifida 735 Curvatures e.g. Scoliosis. Kyphosis Lordosis 740 Lesions of the intervertebral discs 750 Lumbosacral region. Pelvis 755 Low back pain. Sciatica 800 Extremities 805 Upper extremity 810 Shoulder girdle. Upper arm 812 Axilla 820 Elbow. Forearm 830 Wrist. Hand 832 Infections of the hand 835 Fingers. Toes 101 WE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM WE BY REGION Extremities (Continued) 850 Lower extremity 855 Hip. Upper leg 860 Lesions about the hip joint 865 Femur 870 Knee. Lower leg 880 Ankle. Foot Classify Toes in WE 835 883 Deformities e.g. Clubfoot 886 Flat feet 890 Chiropody 102 WF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WF Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 103 WF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WF Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 102 Physiology of respiration 140 Diseases of the respiratory system 141 Examination. Diagnosis. Radiography 200 Tuberculosis (General) 205 Epidemiology 215 Pathology 220 Diagnosis. Prognosis 225 Mass chest x-ray 250 Immunological aspects e.g. Calmette-Gue>in immunization 290 Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Scrofula 300 Pulmonary tuberculosis 310 Treatment 315 Diet. Rest. Exercise. Home care 104 WF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WF Pulmonary tuberculosis Treatment (Continued) 330 Sanatorium regimen. Climatotherapy. Heliotherapy 350 Surgical treatment 360 Drug therapy 380 Miliary tuberculosis 390 Tuberculosis of pleura 405 Tuberculosis in industry 415 Tuberculosis in childhood 490 Pharynx. Trachea 500 Bronchi 544 Bronchiectasis 546 Bronchitis. Tracheitis 553 Bronchial asthma 600 Lungs 645 Atelectasis 648 Emphysema 651 Lung abscess 105 WF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WF Lungs (Continued) 652 Mycotic lung infections 654 Pneumoconiosis 658 Neoplasms 668 Surgery of the lungs e.g. Lobectomy. Pneumonectomy 700 Pleura. Pleural cavity 744 Pleurisy. Pleuritis 745 Empyema 746 Pneumothorax. Hemothorax 768 Artificial pneumothorax. Phrenic neurectomy 800 Diaphragm 805 Functional disturbances e.g. Singultus 810 Diaphragmatic hernia 815 Subdiaphragmatic abscess 900 Mediastinum 106 WF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WF THORAX AND THORACIC SURGERY 970 Thorax (General) For works on two or more systems within the thoracic cavity, e.g. Respiratory and Cardiovascular systems Cf. WE 715 975 Diagnosis. Radiography 980 Thoracic surgery (Technique) 985 Penetrating wounds of the chest 107 WG C ARDIO VASC ULAR SYSTEM WG 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) 109 WG CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM WG Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 102 Physiology 103 Circulation. Circulatory function tests 106 Hemodynamics. Blood velocity, volume, pressure Cf. WG 340; WB 280 110 Experimental studies 113 Hygiene (Popular works) (including Heart disease) 140 Electrocardiography. Spatial vectorcardiography 141 Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods e.g. Auscultation. Ballistocardiography. Kymography. Phonocardiography Cf. WG 500 142 Pathology 166 Therapeutics Cf. QV 150 110 WG CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM WG 168 Cardiovascular surgery (including Surgery of the heart) HEART 200 General works 201 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 202 Physiology. Mechanism of the heart beat 205 Acute cardiac emergencies 220 Congenital heart disease. Anomalies of the heart 240 Rheumatic heart disease 260 Valves 262 Mitral 265 Aortic 268 Tricuspid 269 Pulmonic 275 Pericardium 280 Myocardium 285 Endocardium 111 WG CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM WG HEART 298 Angina pectoris 300 Coronary arteries 320 Functional heart disease e.g. Neurocirculatory asthenia 330 Disorders of the heart beat 340 Hypertension. Hypertensive heart disease. Hypotension 370 Congestive heart failure 410 Aorta Cf. WC 168 420 Pulmonary thrombosis. Pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary infarction 460 Special cardiac problems in anesthesia, dentistry, surgery e.g. Choice of anesthetic Cf. WQ 240; WQ 330 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES 500 General works. Radiography 510 Arteries 515 Inflammation 112 WG CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM WG PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES Arteries Inflammation (Continued) 518 Periarteritis nodosa 520 Thromboangiitis obliterans 530 Pernio. Trench foot. Frostbite. Immersion foot 540 Arterial embolism. Arterial thrombosis 550 Arteriosclerosis 560 Vasomotor regulation Classify Carotid sinus syndrome in WK 375 570 Vasospastic disorders e.g. Raynaud's disease 578 Vasodilator disorders 580 Aneurysms 590 Arteriovenous anastomosis (fistula) 600 Veins 610 Thrombosis. Phlebothrombosis. Thrombophlebitis 620 Varicose veins 700 Capillaries 393023 O -56 -10 113 WH HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS WH 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) 115 WH HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS WH Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 140 Hematopoietic system and hematopoiesis Developmental theories. Cells Classify Blood chemistry in QY 450 Cf. WH 380; WH 600; WH 650; WH 700 150 Erythrocytes 155 Anemia 160 Iron deficiency anemia. Related hypochromic anemias 165 Pernicious anemia. Related macrocytic anemias 170 Hemolytic anemias e.g. Sickle cell. Familial jaundice 175 Anemias of bone marrow dysfunction e.g. Aplastic anemia 180 Polycythemia vera 190 Hemoglobin. Porphyrins 116 WH HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS WH 200 Leukocytes 250 Leukemia 300 Thrombocytes 310 Mechanism of blood coagulation 312 Hemorrhagic diseases 315 Thrombocytopenic purpura 320 Non-thrombocytopenic purpuras 32 5 Hemophilia 380 Bone marrow. Sternal puncture 400 Fluid elements. Plasma. Serum Cf. WH 450 420 Blood groups Cf. QY 415; W 791 425 Rh factor. Erythroblastosis fetalis 450 Whole blood. Blood derivatives. Blood substitutes. Plasma expanders 460 Blood bank procedures e.g. Procurement, processing, preser- vation, storage, shipment, etc. Classify Blood banks in WH 23 or WH 24 500 Hodgkin's disease 117 WH HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS WH 525 The malignant lymphomas e.g. Lymphosarcoma. Leukosarcoma Classify here works which deal collectively with subjects which separately are classed in WH 250, 500 and 525; include works on chemotherapy of hematological neoplastic disease 540 Multiple myeloma 600 Spleen 650 Reticulo-endothelial system 700 Lymphatic system 118 WI WI GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) 119 GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM WI Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 102 Physiology. Digestion 113 Hygiene. Popular works 141 Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods 143 Symptomatology. Manifestations of disease 145 Indigestion 146 Nausea 147 Abdominal pain 150 Functional disorders 200 Lips. Mouth 210 Tongue 230 Salivary glands 250 Esophagus 120 WI GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM STOMACH 300 General works 301 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Congenital anomalies 302 Physiology 308 Achlorhydria 310 Gastritis 320 Neoplasms 350 Peptic ulcer 360 Gastric ulcer 370 Duodenal ulcer 380 Surgery 387 Pyloric stenosis INTESTINES 400 General works 402 Physiology 121 WI GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM INTESTINES 405 Symptomatology 407 Diarrhea 409 Constipation 412 Congenital malformations 420 Inflammation e.g. Enteritis 425 Diverticulosis 430 Polyposis 435 Neoplasms 450 Intussusception. Volvulus. Enteroptosis 460 Intestinal obstruction. Ileus 480 Surgery BY REGION 500 Small intestine. Mesentery 505 Duodenum Cf. WI 370 510 Jejunum 122 WI GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM WI BY REGION Small intestine. Mesentery (Continued) 512 Ileum 520 Colon Cf. WC 280 522 Inflammation e.g. Colitis 528 Dilatation e.g Hirschsprung's disease 530 Cecum 535 Appendix 560 Sigmoid 575 Peritoneum. Omentum. Peritoneal cavity ANUS AND RECTUM 600 General works 605 Hemorrhoids 620 Proctoscopy. Sigmoidoscopy 650 Proctological surgery 123 WI GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM LIVER AND BILIARY TRACT 700 General works 702 Physiology 703 Bile and its secretion. Jaundice (General) 704 Liver in storage and manufacture of food substances 720 Circulatory disturbances. Portal system. Portal hypertension 725 Cirrhosis 730 Abscess 735 Neoplasms 740 Degenerative diseases. Hepatolenticular degeneration 750 Gallbladder. Bile ducts. Vater's ampulla. Cholecystography 755 Cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis 765 Neoplasms 124 GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM PANCREAS 800 General works Cf. WK 801 802 Physiology. Secretions 805 Pancreatitis 810 Neoplasms ABDOMEN AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY 900 General works 940 Umbilical region 950 Hernia 955 Ventral 960 Inguinal 965 Femoral 125 WJ UROGENITAL SYSTEM WJ 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. 127 WJ UROGENITAL SYSTEM WJ Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 102 Physiology 141 Urological examination (General) 151 Infections of the urinary tract 166 Urological therapeutics Cf. QV 160; QV 243 168 Urological surgery 190 Gynecological urology. Obstetrical urology KIDNEY 300 General works. Diagnosis. Radiography. Pyelography Cf. QY 175; QY 185 301 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 303 Urinary secretion 340 Nephroses. Crush syndrome 343 Albuminuria 128 WJ UROGENITAL SYSTEM WJ KIDNEY 344 Hemoglobinuria. Hematuria 348 Uremia 351 Bacterial infections e.g. Pyelitis 353 Nephritides 356 Nephrolithiasis 358 Neoplasms 368 Surgery URETER 400 Ureter BLADDER 500 Bladder. Cystoscopy. Cystoscopic surgery 393023 O -56 -11 129 WJ UROGENITAL SYSTEM WJ URETHRA 600 Urethra MALE GENITALIA 700 General works 701 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 702 Physiology 709 Impotence. Sterility Cf. WP 570 712 Hermaphroditism 750 Prostate. Seminal vesicles. Ejaculatory duct 752 Diseases of the prostate. Prostatic neoplasms 768 Surgery 780 Vas deferens. Spermatic cord 790 Penis. Foreskin. Circumcision 800 Scrotum. Scrotal contents. Epididymis. Tunica vaginalis 130 WJ UROGENITAL SYSTEM WJ MALE GENITALIA 830 Testis 834 Spermatogenesis. Spermatozoa Cf. QY 190 840 Cryptorchism. Eunuchoidism 858 Neoplasms 868 Surgery. Castration 875 Testicular hormones 131 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 133 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK 25 Laboratory technique. Experimental studies (General) Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 Endocrine glands (General) 102 Physiology. Hormones (General) 150 Steroid hormones 170 Hormones of the gastro-intestinal tract e.g. Secretin. Enterogastrone 180 Renal hormones e.g. Urogastrone 185 Other hormones e.g. Heart hormones 190 Hormone therapy THYROID GLAND 200 General works 201 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 202 Physiology. Iodine metabolism. Thyroid hormones 134 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK THYROID GLAND 250 Hypothyroidism 252 Cretinism. Myxedema 259 Simple endemic goiter 265 Hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis 267 Medical therapy 270 Neoplasms 280 Surgery PARATHYROID GLANDS 300 Parathyroid glands PINEAL BODY 350 Pineal body 135 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK CAROTID BODY 375 Carotid body. Carotid sinus. Carotid sinus syndrome Cf. WG 560 THYMUS GLAND 400 Thymus gland PITUITARY GLAND 500 General works 501 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 502 Physiology 510 Adenohypophysis 515 Hormones e.g. Adrenocorticotropic hormones. Growth hormones 520 Neurohypophysis. Hormones 136 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK PITUITARY GLAND 550 Diseases e.g. Diabetes insipidus, Pituitary dwarfism, Gigantism, Acromegaly, Pituitary cachexia, Froelich's syndrome, etc. 585 Neoplasms 590 Surgery ADRENAL GLANDS 700 General works 701 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 725 Adrenal medulla. Epinephrine. Norepinephrine 750 Adrenal cortex 755 Adreno-cortical hormones e.g. Cortisone 757 Synthetic substitutes for cortical hormones 760 Diseases of the adrenal cortex 765 Addison's disease 137 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK ADRENAL GLANDS Adrenal cortex Diseases of the adrenal cortex (Continued) 770 Hyperplasia of cortical tissue e.g. Adrenogenital syndromes. Virilism 780 Neoplasms 790 Surgery INSULAR TISSUE OF PANCREAS 801 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 810 Diabetes mellitus 815 Treatment 818 Diet 819 Diet lists. Diabetic cookery 820 Insulin and its modifications 830 Diabetic acidosis. Diabetic coma 835 Complications of diabetes 840 Diabetes as a complication in other conditions 138 WK ENDOCRINE SYSTEM WK INSULAR TISSUE OF PANCREAS Diabetes mellitus (Continued) 850 Diabetic patients' manuals 870 Non-diabetic meliturias 880 Hyperinsulinism. Hypoglycemia GONADS 900 Gonads (General) Cf. WJ 830 Testis; WP 320 Ovary 920 Placental hormones 139 WL NERVOUS SYSTEM WL 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 16 Tables 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 141 WL NERVOUS SYSTEM WL 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 102 Physiology. Physiological psychology 106 Reflexes 108 Physiology of sleep 141 Neurological examination. Diagnostic principles. Radiography of brain e.g. Ventriculography 150 Electroencephalography 200 Meninges. Hemoencephalic barrier 203 Cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricular system Cf. QY 220; WB 377 BRAIN 300 General works Classify diagnosis and diagnostic procedures in WL 141 or WL 150 307 Cerebrum. Cerebral cortex 310 Brain stem 312 Diencephalon. Thalamus 142 WL NERVOUS SYSTEM WL BRAIN 320 Cerebellum 330 Cranial nerves 335 Localization of function 340 Manifestations of disease e.g. Agnosia, Apraxia, etc. 341 Consciousness 342 Headache 344 Migraine 348 Diseases of the brain e.g. Chorea 350 Congenital e.g. Hydrocephalus 351 Inflammatory e.g. Abscess 354 Traumatic e.g. Concussion. Skull fracture 355 Vascular lesions e.g. Cerebral hemorrhage 358 Neoplasms 359 Degenerative e.g. Paralysis agitans 143 WL NERVOUS SYSTEM WL BRAIN Diseases of the brain Degenerative (Continued) 360 Multiple sclerosis 368 Surgery (of brain, or general works on neurosurgery) 370 Psychosurgery 385 Epilepsies (the convulsive state) 400 Spinal cord. Nerve roots. Pyramidal tract 500 Peripheral nerves 544 Neuritis. Neuralgia 600 Autonomic nervous system. Sympathectomy 700 Sense organs (General) (including Sensation, and mechanisms of pain) Classify material on individual senses with organ concerned 144 WM WM PSYCHIATRY Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 18 Study and teaching 19 Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc in W 19.5 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 393023 O -56 -12 145 WM PSYCHIATRY WM 25 Technique in experimental study 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Tabel G) 28 Individual (Table G) 30 Administrative psychiatry e.g. Hospital management. Planning and administration of clinics. Mental hygiene programs 32 Laws and regulations relating to the mentally ill e.g. Commitment (Table G) 35 Practices in the care of the mentally ill e.g. Ward attendance. Use of restraints. Technique of home care Cf. WY 160 40 Case histories Classify here case books, biographies and autobiographies of the mentally ill Cf. WZ 313 49 Art and literature as related to psychiatry (Symbolic "case histories," e.g. Electra, Hamlet, Oedipus, Don Juan, etc.) 61 Pastoral psychiatry. Pastoral medicine 75 Popular works 90 Psychosomatic medicine (General) Cf. WM 174 146 WM PSYCHIATRY WM 100 General works on psychiatry 141 Psychiatric examination 145 Psychiatric tests. Projective techniques e.g. Rorschach. TAT 170 Neuroses 172 Anxiety states 173 Conversion reactions e.g. Hysterias 174 Somatization syndromes e.g. Psychogenic asthenic reaction. Psychogenic cardiovascular reaction 176 Obsessive-compulsive states 178 Phobias. Hypochondriases 184 War neuroses 188 Disturbances of sleep Classify here all disorders of sleep regardless of severity, including popular books Cf. WL 108 190 Immaturity syndromes e.g. Emotional instability reaction. Passive-dependency reaction 200 Psychoses 202 Functional 147 WM PSYCHIATRY WM Psychoses Functional (Continued) 203 Schizophrenia and schizophrenic syndromes 205 Paranoia and paranoid syndromes 207 Manic-depressive psychoses and affective syndromes 210 Constitutional psychopathic personality (asocial and amoral trends) 220 Organic e.g. Psychoses associated with infections, convulsive disorders, neurologic disorders, senility 270 Drug addiction 272 Absinth 274 Alcohol 276 Cannabis 280 Cocaine 286 Opium alkaloids 288 Heroin 300 Mental deficiency 400 Therapy Cf. WL 148 WM PSYCHIATRY WM Therapy (Continued) 405 Physical therapy e.g. Fever 410 Shock e.g. Insulin 412 Electroshock 415 Narcosis. Hypnosis. Narcosynthesis 420 Psychotherapy 430 Group psychotherapy e.g. Psychodrama 450 Activity therapy e.g. Occupational. Music. Painting 460 Psychoanalysis 475 Speech disorders 610 Sexual deviation e.g. Sadism. Fetishism. Transvestitism. Exhibitionism. Pedophilia 615 Homosexuality 149 WN RADIOLOGY WN 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 17 Atlases 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Radiological laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 151 WN RADIOLOGY WN Hospitals (including radiology departments of hospitals) 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws relating to the use of Roentgen rays, radium, etc. 100 General works. Roentgen photography. Stereoscopy. Kymography 110 Physics 150 Apparatus. Equipment e.g. Film. Screens. Generators- Radiation counters 160 Technique e.g. Positioning ROENTGEN DIAGNOSIS 200 General works Classify diagnosis of a system, region or organ with the system, region or organ 210 Foreign body localization 220 Fluoroscopy 230 Dental X-ray diagnosis 240 Pediatric X-ray diagnosis 152 WN RADIOLOGY WN ROENTGENOTHERAPY 250 General works RADIUM 300 General works 340 Therapy e.g. Use of radon seeds, radium needles, etc. RADIOACTIVITY 415 General works. Radioautography e.g. Isotopes 440 Medical applications e.g. Clinical use of radioactive isotopes 610 Radiobiology. Radiation injuries. Generalized radiation sickness 650 Safety measures Cf. WA 788 153 wo wo SURGERY Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables. Statistics. Collected surgical case reports (General) [17] [This number not used] Classify Atlases in WO 517 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, research institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 155 wo SURGERY WO f26] [This number not used] Classify surgical instruments and equipment in WO 162. Classify instruments and equipment used in anesthesia in WO 240 Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws (Table G) 50 Experimental surgery GENERAL SURGERY 100 General works Cf. WF 980; WI 900; WO 500 101 Surgical anatomy 102 Physiology 113 Antisepsis. Sterilization. Asepsis 140 Surgical diseases (General) 141 Surgical examination. Surgical diagnosis. Exploratory surgery 142 Surgical pathology (Examination of tissues or organs removed in course of surgery. Examination of biopsy or frozen section material, etc.) 156 WO SURGERY WO GENERAL SURGERY 149 Shock SURGICAL PROCEDURE AND ARMAMENTARIUM 162 Instruments. Equipment Classify catalogs in W 26 Cf. WO 240 166 Sutures. Ligatures 167 Surgical dressing. Bandaging technique. Adhesive plaster 170 Plaster of Paris 178 Principles of surgical care 179 Preoperative care 183 Postoperative care 184 Postoperative complications and treatment 185 Operative wounds. Wound healing 188 Closure of wounds. Drainage 192 Minor surgery (General) 198 Electrosurgery. Cautery 157 wo SURGERY WO ANESTHESIA 200 Surgical anesthesia (General) 201 Societies Collections 205 By several authors 207 By individual authors, A-Z 209 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 211 History (Table G) 213 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 215 Classification. Nomenclature 218 Study and teaching 220 Research 222 Directories (Table G) 234 Preanesthetic medication. Preparation of patient Cf. WO 295 235 Choice of anesthesia. Anesthesia in special medical conditions 240 Instruments. Equipment Classify catalogs in W 26 Cf. WO 162 158 wo SURGERY WO ANESTHESIA 245 Accidents. Complications e.g. Laryngospasm. Cardiac failure. Vomiting 250 Asphyxia. Methods of resuscitation Cf. WQ 450 Resuscitation of the newborn 275 General anesthesia 277 Inhalation anesthesia 280 Endotracheal anesthesia. Technique of intubation 285 Intravenous 290 Rectal 295 Basal anesthesia Cf. WO 234 297 Muscle relaxants in conjunction with anesthesia 300 Conduction anesthesia (i.e. regional anesthesia or local anesthesia) 305 Spinal 340 Topical and localized infiltration 350 Refrigeration anesthesia, artificial hibernation, and related topics 159 wo SURGERY WO ANESTHESIA 375 Diagnostic and therapeutic anesthetic procedures e.g. Nerve block 440 Pediatric anesthesia 445 Geriatric anesthesia 450 Obstetric anesthesia 460 Anesthesia in dentistry OPERATIVE SURGERY, PRO- CEDURES AND TECHNIQUES 500 General works Cf. WF 980; WI 900; WO 100 517 Atlases PLASTIC SURGERY 600 General works Classify plastic surgery of a condition, e.g. Burns, with the condition. Classify plastic surgery of a region, system or organ with the region, system or organ. Classify plastic surgery of the nose in WV 312 160 wo SURGERY WO PLASTIC SURGERY 610 Skin grafts, tube grafts, etc. 640 Prosthesis in plastic surgery TRAUMATIC, INDUSTRIAL AND EMERGENCY SURGERY 700 General works 704 Burns 800 Military surgery 807 Gunshot wounds 820 Blast injuries SURGERY IN SPECIAL AGE GROUPS 925 Pediatric surgery Cf. WO 440 950 Geriatric surgery Cf. WO 445 393023 O -56 -13 161 WP GYNECOLOGY WP 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Classify catalogs in W 26 Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy 163 WP GYNECOLOGY WP 120 Popular works 140 Diseases 141 Examination. Diagnosis. Radiography 145 Neoplasms (General) 150 Embryology. Congenital anomalies 155 Pelvic inflammations 157 Gonorrhea in the female 160 Genital tuberculosis 170 Childbirth injuries. Perineal lacerations 175 Urethrocele. Cystocele. Rectocele 180 Rectovaginal fistula. Vesicovaginal fistula 200 Vulva 250 Vagina 255 Vaginitis. Leukorrhea 258 Trichomonas infections 164 WP GYNECOLOGY WP 300 Oviduct 320 Ovary Cf. WP 520 322 Neoplasms 390 Endometriosis UTERUS AND CERVIX UTERI 400 General works 451 Inflammations 454 Displacements. Prolapse 458 Neoplasms 459 Myomata (Fibroids) 460 Carcinoma. Sarcoma 465 Tumors of placental origin e.g. Chorio-epithelioma. Hydatid mole 468 Surgery 165 WP GYNECOLOGY WP UTERUS AND CERVIX UTERI 470 Cervix uteri 475 Cervicitis 480 Neoplasms PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES 505 Physiology (General) 520 Endocrine functions of the ovaries 522 Estrogenic hormones and synthetic substitutes 530 Corpus luteum hormone 540 Ovulation. Ovarian function. Menstrual cycle 550 Menstruation and its disorders 552 Amenorrhea. Hypomenorrhea. Oligomenorrhea 555 Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia 560 Dysmenorrhea. Pre-menstrual tension 570 Sterility (General) Sterility in the female Cf. WJ 709 166 WP GYNECOLOGY WP PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES 580 Menopause 610 Problems of the female in sexual adjustment e.g. Dyspareunia. Frigidity 630 Contraception 650 Gynecological therapy 660 Gynecological surgery Cf. WP 910 BREAST 800 General works 815 Examination. Diagnosis. Radiography 825 Functional changes e.g. in pregnancy and lactation 840 Diseases of the breast 870 Neoplasms 900 Therapy 910 Surgery 930 Radiation 167 WQ OBSTETRICS WQ 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables. Statistics 17 Atlases 18 Study and teaching. Manikin practice manuals 22 Directories (Table G) Clinics. Dispensaries 23 Collective (Table G) 24 Individual (Table G) 26 Apparatus. Instruments. Obstetrical manikins Classify catalogs in W 26 169 WQ OBSTETRICS WQ Lying-in hospitals 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws (Table G) 100 General works 150 Popular works on pregnancy and childbirth 160 Midwifery 165 Manuals for midwives 175 Prenatal care PREGNANCY 200 General works 202 Diagnosis Cf. QY 335 Pregnancy tests 205 Fertilization. Conception. Development of ovum. General physiology of reproduction Classify student textbooks on human reproduction in QP 208 Artificial insemination 210 Fetus. Fetal membranes. Umbilical cord 212 Placenta Cf. WK 920 Placental hormones 170 WQ OBSTETRICS WQ PREGNANCY 215 Toxemias e.g. Eclampsia 220 Ectopic pregnancy 225 Abortion. Stillbirth Cf. WQ 440 Induced abortion W 867 Criminal abortion 235 Multiple pregnancy 240 Complications of, and in, pregnancy e.g. Infectious diseases. Systemic diseases. Varicose veins. Constipation LABOR 300 General works 305 Physiology. Clinical course 307 Presentation 310 Difficult labor 320 Disproportions of the pelvis 330 Complications of labor e.g. Postpartum hemorrhage 171 WQ OBSTETRICS WQ OPERATIVE OBSTETRICS 400 General works 410 Preparatory manipulation e.g. Version 415 Delivery 425 Use of forceps 430 Caesarean section 435 Mutilating operations on the fetus 440 Induction of labor. Therapeutic abortion 450 Resuscitation of the newborn PUERPERIUM 500 General works. Postnatal care 505 Puerperal infection 172 WR DERMATOLOGY WR 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables. Statistics 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 173 WR DERMATOLOGY WR Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology 102 Physiology. Chemistry and metabolism of the skin. Sensory functions. Thermoregulation 105 Pathology 140 Skin diseases (General) Diagnosis 150 Erythemas e.g. E. multiforme. E. nodosum 152 Lupus erythematosus 160 Diseases associated with allergy Cf. WD 300 Diseases of allergy 165 Dermatitis medicamentosa 170 Urticaria. Angioneurotic edema 175 Contact dermatitis Cf. WR 600 180 Exfoliative dermatitis 190 Eczema 200 Disorders of obscure etiology 174 WR DERMATOLOGY WR Disorders of obscure etiology (Continued) 205 Psoriasis 215 Lichen planus 220 Diseases due to infection 225 Impetigo. Ecthyma 235 Furunculosis. Carbuncle 245 Tuberculosis cutis e.g. Lupus vulgaris. Scrofuloderma 260 Dystrophic skin disorders e.g. Ichthyosis. Scleroderma 265 Pigmentary disturbances e.g. Freckles. Chloasma. Vitiligo 267 Of metabolic origin e.g. Hemochromatosis 280 Anomalies of sensation e.g. Anesthesia. Hyperesthesia Classify Causalgia in WL 544 282 Pruritus 300 Mycotic skin infections 310 Tinea 330 Favus 340 Maduromycosis 175 WR DERMATOLOGY WR 350 Tropical diseases of the skin e.g. Leishmaniasis 360 Skin diseases caused by arthropods 365 Scabies 375 Pediculosis 400 Sweat glands. Disorders of the sweat glands 410 Sebaceous glands. Disorders of the sebaceous glands 415 Seborrhea 420 Sebaceous cysts and wens 430 Acne. Acneform lesions 450 Hair. Scalp. Diseases of the hair and scalp 455 Hypertrichosis 460 Alopecia (all types) 465 Care of the hair 475 Nails. Diseases of the nails 500 Neoplasms 598 Decubitus ulcer 600 Industrial dermatoses Cf. WR 175 176 WR DERMATOLOGY WR 650 Dermatological therapy 660 Radiation 393023 O -56 - 14 177 WS PEDIATRICS WS 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables (development, height, nutrition, weight, etc.) 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Institutes 23 Collective (Table G) 24 Individual (Table G) Classify here public or private services for crippled children which include medical, nursing and hygienic aspects, rehabilitation, etc. Cf. WA 320 for Public health aspects 179 WS PEDIATRICS WS 26 Apparatus. Instruments. Special equipment e.g. Eating utensils for spastic children Classify catalogs in W 26 Hospitals, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 100 General works 103 Normal physical growth and development 105 Normal mental growth and development. Child psychology Cf. WS 350; WS 462 107 The retarded child 113 Care and training 115 Nutritional requirements 120 Feeding of infants 130 Feeding of children 135 Prophylactic immunizations 141 Pediatric examination and diagnosis DISEASES OF CHILDREN Classify individual diseases with the disease e.g. Pneumonia in childhood in WC 202 200 General works 180 WS PEDIATRICS WS DISEASES OF CHILDREN BY SYSTEM 260 Integumentary system 270 Musculoskeletal system 280 Respiratory system 290 Cardiovascular system 300 Blood. Lymphatics 310 Gastrointestinal system 312 Diarrheal disorders 320 Urogenital system 322 Enuresis 330 Endocrine system 340 Nervous system (Organic) Cerebral palsy 350 Child psychiatry. Child guidance Cf. WS 462 360 Pediatric gynecology 366 Pediatric therapeutics 181 WS PEDIATRICS WS DISEASES OF CHILDREN BY AGE GROUP 405 Birth injuries 410 Premature infants 420 Newborn infants 430 Infancy 440 Childhood 450 Puberty 460 Adolescence 462 Psychological problems Cf. WS 350 182 WT WT GERIATRICS CHRONIC DISEASE Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables of life expectancy 18 Study and teaching 20 Research 22 Directories (Table G) 183 WT GERIATRICS. CHRONIC DISEASE WT Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, old age homes, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 30 Surveys. Medicosocial problems of gerontology and chronic disease GERIATRICS 100 General works Cf. WO 445; WO 950; WY 152 104 Anatomic, biochemic and physiologic changes of senescence. The aging process. Longevity. Prolongation of life 120 Geriatric hygiene. Popular works Include here autobiographical case histories. Example: Mills. Notings of a nonogenarian Cf. WY 152 150 Geriatric psychiatry. Psychological changes and mental disorders of senescence Cf. WM 220 CHRONIC DISEASE 500 General works 184 WU DENTISTRY ORAL SURGERY WU 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 16 Tables 18 Study and teaching 19 Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc. in W 19.5 185 WU DENTISTRY. ORAL SURGERY WU 20 Graduate dental education (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) 20.5 Dental research 21 Dentistry as a profession 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc., including research institutes 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique (General) Classify manuals of prosthetic dentistry in WU 500 26 Apparatus, equipment, instruments Classify catalogs in W 26 Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 30 Surveys 32 Laws governing dental practice (Table G) 40 Licensure of dentists and dental hygienists (Table G) 44 Malpractice (Table G) 50 Dental ethics 186 WU DENTISTRY. ORAL SURGERY WU 61 Dentist's relation to public, patients and physicians 77 Dental economics. Practice management 80 Popular works 90 Manuals for dental hygienists and assistance e.g. Duties. Professional opportunities 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Histology. Morphology. Embryology. Anomalies 102 Physiology e.g. Mastication 113 Hygiene. Preventive dentistry Classify here works on school educational and prophylactic programs 140 Dental medicine. Dental pathology 141 Examination. Diagnosis Classify X-ray diagnosis in WN 230 166 Oral and dental therapeutics 180 Dental chemistry and metallurgy 190 Physical properties of dental materials e.g. Crushing strengths of amalgams. Heat resistance and expansion of casting investment compounds 210 Dentition 187 WU DENTISTRY. ORAL SURGERY WU 220 Enamel. Dentin 230 Dental pulp. Root canals. Cementum 240 Periodontium- Alveolar process. Gingiva 242 Periodontoclasia 270 Caries. Etiology of caries. Effect of fluoridation 280 Neoplasms 290 Interrelationship of oral and systemic diseases Focal infection Cf. WC 230 OPERATIVE DENTISTRY 300 General works 350 Cavities. Cavity treatment 360 Inlays ORTHODONTIA 400 General works 440 Occlusion. Malocclusion 188 WU DENTISTRY. ORAL SURGERY PEDODONTIA 480 General works Classify here works on operative dentistry and oral surgery in children PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY 500 General works 515 Partial dentures. Bridges. Crowns 530 Full dentures ORAL SURGERY 600 General works Cf. WO 460 605 Exodontia 610 Maxillofacial injuries. Fractures and dislocations of the jaw 189 WV OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY WV 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 25 Laboratory technique 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Classify catalogs in W 26 191 WV OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY WV Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws. Estimation of disability for compensation (Table G) 100 General works 101 Anatomy. Physiology. Embryology. Anomalies 150 ENT symptomatology and diagnosis 168 ENT surgery 180 Intracranial complications of ENT diseases EAR 200 General works 201 Anatomy. Physiology Cf. WV 272 210 Examination. Diagnosis Cf. WV 272 220 External ear 222 External auditory canal. Foreign bodies. Impacted cerumen 225 Ear drum 192 WV OTOR HINOLAR YNGOLOG Y WV EAR 230 Middle ear. Eustachian tube (including Aerotitis media) 232 Otitis media 233 Mastoid region 250 Internal ear 255 Labyrinth. Equilibrium. Spatial orientation 258 Meniere's syndrome 265 Otosclerosis 270 Audiology. Hearing. Deafness 272 Physiology of hearing. Paracusis. Tinnitus. Functional tests 274 Hearing aids 276 Treatment of deafness 280 Deaf-mutism NOSE AND ACCESSORY SINUSES 300 General works 393023 O -56 -15 193 WV OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY WV NOSE AND ACCESSORY SINUSES 301 Anatomy. Physiology. Olfaction 310 External nose 312 Plastic surgery 320 Nasal septum 324 Nasal fossae. Turbinates 335 Rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis Cf. WC 510 340 Nasal accessory sinuses 345 Maxillary 350 Frontal 355 Ethmoidal 358 Sphenoidal PHARYNGEAL REGION 400 General works 401 Anatomy. Physiology 410 Pharynx. Uvula. Palate 430 Tonsils. Adenoids 194 WV OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY WV PHARYNGEAL REGION 440 Cleft lip. Cleft palate LARYNX 500 General works 501 Anatomy. Physiology. Speech 505 Laryngoscopy 510 Inflammation 520 Neoplasms 530 Vocal cords 535 Paralysis 195 WW OPHTHALMOLOGY WW Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History of ophthalmology and optometry (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Nomenclature 17 Atlases. Pictorial works 18 Study and teaching 19 Schools and colleges Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc, in W 19.5 22 Directories (Table G) Laboratories, institutes, etc. 23 Collective 24 Individual, A-Z 197 WW OPHTHALMOLOGY WW 26 Apparatus, equipment, etc. Classify catalogs in W 26 Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. 27 Collective (Table G) 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws. Estimation of disability for compensation (Table G) 80 Popular works 100 General works EYE 101 Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Anomalies 103 Physiological optics e.g. Visual perception. Night vision. Theories of vision 113 Hygiene. Conservation of vision 141 Examination. Diagnostic methods 143 Objective methods e.g. Ophthalmoscopy. Slit lamp microscopy. Tonometry 145 Subjective methods. Evaluation of function e.g. Visual acuity testing. Perimetry 198 WW OPHTHALMOLOGY WW EYE 150 Color vision. Color blindness Classify testing devices here 166 Ocular therapeutics (Medical) 168 Ophthalmological surgery PARTS OF THE EYE 202 Orbit 205 Eyelids 208 Lacrimal apparatus 210 Eyeball 212 Conjunctiva 215 Trachoma 220 Cornea 230 Sclera 240 Uveal tract. Iris. Ciliary body 245 Choroid 250 Vitreous 199 WW OPHTHALMOLOGY WW PARTS OF THE EYE 260 Lens. Cataract 270 Retina 276 Amaurosis. Blindness 280 Optic nerve 290 Glaucoma REFRACTION AND ERRORS OF REFRACTION 300 Optometry. Clinical refraction 310 Astigmatism 320 Myopia CORRECTIVE DEVICES 350 Optical dispensing. Spectacle fitting 352 Principles. Calculations. Tables 354 Frames. Lenses 200 WW OPHTHALMOLOGY WW CORRECTIVE DEVICES Optical dispensing. Spectacle fitting Frames. Lenses (Continued) 355 Contact lenses 358 Prosthesis NEUROMUSCULAR MECHANISM. ORTHOPTICS 400 General works 410 Disturbances of ocular motility 415 Strabismus 460 Disturbances due to diseases of the central nervous system 475 Ocular manifestations of general diseases INDUSTRIAL AND TRAUMATIC OPHTHALMOLOGY 505 Industrial ophthalmology 525 Foreign bodies. Perforating wounds 201 WX HOSPITALS WX 1 Societies 2 Serial hospital reports (Table G) Classify clinical material (e.g. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Guy's Hospital Reports) in W 1 Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 General history of hospitals and the hospital movement Cf. WX 27-28 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 15 Classification. Standardization 22 Directories (Table G) 203 WX HOSPITALS WX Hospitals and medical centers Classify here non-serial hospital reports Cf. WX 2; UH 470; VG 410 Classify special types of hospitals in appropriate schedules, e. g. Isolation hospitals in WC. 27 Collective (Table G) Classify here surveys of hospital resources and facilities, as well as local history of hospitals 28 Individual (Table G) 32 Laws. Hospital jurisprudence (Table G) 100 General works 140 Architectural planning and construction 147 Equipment. Furnishing Classify catalogs in W 26 HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION 150 General works 155 Hospital administration as a career e.g. Educational requirements. Professional opportunities 204 WX HOSPITALS WX HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION 157 Financial administration. Business management, Cost accounting 159 Personnel and staffing. Staff manuals 165 General housekeeping. Maintenance. Laundries 168 Dietary departments. Kitchens 173 Medical records libraries. Clinical charting Cf. WB 290 179 Hospital pharmacies 185 Safety, fire and disaster programs CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS 200 General works 203 Medical personnel. Interns. Staff manuals. Ward manuals and precedent books 205 Clinics. Dispensaries 207 Clinical and pathological laboratories 211 Blood banks Cf. WH 460 215 Emergency service. Ambulance service 205 WX HOSPITALS WX CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS 221 X-ray service 223 Physical therapy department 225 Occupational therapy department 206 WY WY NURSING Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 11 History (Table G) 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 16 Nursing as a vocation Cf. WY 101; WY 150 18 Study and teaching Cf. WY 105 19 Schools of nursing Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc. in W 19.5 20 Organization and administration of nursing schools 21 Licensure. Registration (Table G) Cf. WY 32 22 Directories (Table G) 29 Placement agencies 207 WY NURSING WY 31 Statistics. Surveys 32 Laws. Nursing jurisprudence (Table G) 77 Economics of nursing 85 Nursing ethics 87 Psychology applied to nursing. Psychological aspects of nursing 100 General works on nursing procedures SPECIAL FIELDS IN NURSING 101 General works e.g. Special nursing as a career; types of specialized fields in nursing 105 Administrative work. Ward supervision. Teaching 108 Public health nursing e.g. Federal, state, etc. Cf. WY 130 113 School nursing 115 Visiting nurse associations 125 Institutional nursing e.g. in hospitals, sanatoriums, etc. Cf. WY 105; WY 156 208 WY NURSING WY SPECIAL FIELDS IN NURSING 127 Private nursing 130 Governmental nursing services e.g. Armed Forces, Veterans Administration, Indian Service, etc Cf. WY 108; UH 470 137 Red Cross nursing 141 Industrial nursing 143 Transportation nursing e.g. on airplanes, ships, trains 145 Nursing by religious orders NURSING TECHNIQUES IN SPECIAL FIELDS OF MEDICINE Classify here also background textbooks in the special fields written for nurses 150 General works 151 Nurse anesthetists 152 Geriatric and chronic disease nursing 153 Contagious disease nursing 155 Dental nursing 393023 O -56 -16 209 WY NURSING WY NURSING TECHNIQUES IN SPECIAL FIELDS OF MEDICINE 156 Medical nursing (General) Classify here also nursing in special fields of medicine not otherwise specified in WY 151-163. e.g. Cancer nursing Cf. WY 161 157 Obstetrical and gynecological nursing 158 Ophthalmic nursing. Otorhinolaryngological nursing 159 Pediatric nursing 160 Psychiatric nursing. Neurological nursing 161 Surgical nursing Classify here also nursing in the "surgical" specialties. e.g. Urological nursing 162 Operating room techniques 163 Tuberculosis nursing OTHER NURSING SERVICES Male nurses and attendants Classify ward attendants for psychiatric institutions in WY 160 210 WY NURSING WY OTHER NURSING SERVICES 193 Nurses' aides 195 Practical nursing. Home nursing BY COUNTRY 300 Nursing by country (Table G) 211 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE Classify history of a particular subject with the subject, e.g. History of surgery WO 11 WZ 1 Societies Collections 5 By several authors 7 By individual authors, A-Z 9 Addresses. Essays. Lectures 18 Study and teaching 23 Institutes, A-Z Museums 27 Collective 28 Individual, A-Z 30 Chronologies 40 General works 213 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ HISTORY, BY PERIOD, LOCALITY, ETC. 51 Ancient (to 476 A. D.) 54 Medieval (to 1453 A.D.) 56 Early modern (to 1800 A. D.) 59 Late modern (1801- ) 70 History (By locality) (Table G) 80 History (Special groups) e.g. Jews BIOGRAPHY 100 Individual biography, A-Z Classify here biographies and bibliographies of persons in the medical field, the pre- clinical sciences and other related fields 112 Collective biography (General) Classify here collective biographies in the field of medicine and the preclinical sciences. Classify collective biographies of persons in other fields in the appropriate LC schedule Collective biography (By period) 121 Ancient (to 476 A. D.) 124 Medieval (to 1453 A. D.) 214 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ BIOGRAPHY Collective biography (By period) (Continued) 126 Early modern (to 1800 A.D.) 129 Late modern (1801- ) 140 Collective biography (By locality) (Table G) 150 Collective biography (Special groups) e.g. Jews EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 220 Early Western manuscripts 230 Incunabula 240 XVI century 250 XVII century 260 XVIII century For special scheme for XIX century material see p.223-231 270 Americana The closing dates given in the following table (based on the American Imprints Inventory for the U. S.) will be used to determine inclu- sion in this class North and South America (except U. S.) 1820 215 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Americana (Continued) United States Alabama 1840 Arizona 1890 Arkansas 1870 California 1875 Colorado 1876 Connecticut 1820 Delaware 1820 District of Columbia 1820 Florida 1860 Georgia 1820 Hawaii 1860 Idaho 1890 Illinois (exc ept Chicago) 1850 Chicago 1871 Indiana 1850 216 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Americana United States (Continued) Iowa 1860 Kansas 1875 Kentucky 1830 Louisiana 1820 Maine 1820 Maryland 1820 Massachusetts 1820 Michigan 1850 Minnesota 1865 Mississippi 1840 Missouri 1850 Montana 1890 Nebraska 1875 Nevada w*»w Hampshire 1890 1820 217 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Americana United States (Continued) New Jersey 1820 New Mexico 1875 New York City 1820 New York (except N. Y. City and Hudson River towns) 1850 Hudson River towns, e.g. Poughkeepsie, Hudson, Troy, Albany 1830 North Carolina 1820 North Dakota 1890 Ohio 1840 Oklahoma 1870 Oregon 1875 Pennsylvania (except Philadelphia) 1830 Philadelphia Rhode Island 1820 1820 218 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Americana United States (Continued) South Carolina 1820 South Dakota 1890 Tennessee 1840 Texas 1860 Utah 1890 Vermont1 1820 Virginia 1820 Washington 1875 West Virginia 1830 Wisconsin 1850 Wyoming 1890 290 Modern editions of early works Classify here 1801- editions of titles originally published before 1801. Exception: 1801- editions which qualify as Americana are classed in WZ 270 219 WZ HISTORY OF MEDICINE WZ MISCELLANY RELATING TO MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, PSYCHIATRY, ETC. 305 Anecdotes. Humor. Light verse 308 Curiosities 309 Folklore. Proverbs. Superstitions 310 Quacks. Quackery 313 Biographical clinics (Diagnosis of diseases of famous people, derived from records, memoirs, letters, portraits, etc.) 320 Body snatching. Resurrectionists 330 Medicine etc., as depicted in art and literature (critical studies) e.g. Medicine in the works of Rabelais 334 Symbols, devices, etc. 336 Caricatures. Cartoons 340 Numismatics, philately, bookplates, etc. 350 Literary and artistic works by physicians and other "association" items Cf. WZ 330 220 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR NINETEENTH CENTURY PUBLICATIONS QS Anatomy QS 22 Directories (Table G) QSA Histology QSB Embryology QT Physiology QT 22 Directories (Table G) QTA Hygiene QU Biochemistry QU 22 Directories (Table G) 223 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE QV Pharmacology. Pharmacy. Materia medica QV 22 Directories (Table G) QVA Pharmacopeias QVB Toxicology QW Bacteriology QW 22 Directories (Table G) QWA Immunology QX Parasitology QX 22 Directories (Table G) QY Clinical pathology QY 22 Directories (Table G) QZ Pathology QZ 22 Directories (Table G) QZA Neoplasms 224 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE w w 1 w 2 w 3 w 4 w 4A w 5 w 6 w 22 w 600 Medicine (General) Serials. Periodicals Documents Congresses Dissertations American dissertations Collections by several authors Pamphlet volumes Directories (Table G) Medical jurisprudence WA WA 22 WAA Public health Directories (Table G) Sanitation and sanitary control WB WB 22 WBA Practice of medicine Directories (Table G) Popular medicine 393023 O -56 -17 225 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE WB WBB WBC WBD WBE WBF WBG WBH WBI WBJ WBK WBL Practice of medicine (Continued) Diagnosis Therapeutics (General) Dietetics Electrotherapy Hydrotherapy Massage Climatology. Geography of disease Health resorts Special systems (General) Homeopathy Osteopathy WC WC 22 WCA WCB wcc WCD Infectious diseases (General) Directories (Table G) Venereal diseases Cholera Diptheria Influenza 226 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE wc WCE WCF WCG WCH WCI WCJ WCK Infectious diseases (Continued) Leprosy Malaria Plague Smallpox Typhoid fever Typhus fever Yellow fever WDA WDB WDC WDD Deficiency diseases. Metabolic diseases (including Obesity and Disorders of acid-base balance) Allergy Animal poisoning. Plant poisoning Diseases due to physical agents WE WE 22 WEA Musculoskeletal system Directories (Table G) Fractures. Dislocations 227 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE WF WF 22 WFA Respiratory system Directories (Table G) Tuberculosis WG WG 22 Cardiovascular system Directories (Table G) WH Hematology WH 22 Directories (Table G) WI Gastrointestinal system WI 22 Directories (Table G) WIA Stomach WIB Anus and rectum WIC Liver WJ WJ 22 WJA Urogenital system Directories (Table G) Male genitalia 228 WK Endocrine system WK 22 Directories (Table G) WKA Diabetes WL Nervous system WL 22 Directories (Table G) WLA Epilepsies WM Psychiatry WM 22 Directories (Table G) WMA Drug addiction WN Radiology WN 22 Directories (Table G) WO Surgery WO 22 Directories (Table G) WOA Anesthesia 229 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE WP Gynecology WP 22 Directories (Table G) WPA Breast WQ Obstetrics WQ 22 Directories (Table G) WR Dermatology WR 22 Directories (Table G) WS Pediatrics WS 22 Directories (Table G) WT Geriatrics. Chronic disease WT 22 Directories (Table G) WU Dentistry. Oral surgery WU 22 Directories (Table G) 230 NINETEENTH CENTURY SCHEDULE WV Otorhinolaryngology. Nose WV 22 Directories (Table G) WVA Ear WVB Throat. Larynx WW Ophthalmology WW 22 Directories (Table G) WX Hospitals WX 22 Directories (Table G) WY Nursing WY 22 Directories (Table G) History of medicine Use schedule in full, as for twentieth century 231 INDEX A Abattoirs WA 707 Abdomen WI 900 Abdominal pain WI 147 Abnormalities Congenital QS 675 Bones WE 250 Brain WL 350 Foot WE 883 Gynecological WP 150; WQ 320 Heart WG 220 Intestines WI 412 Vertebrae WE 725 Abortifacients QV 175 Abortion WQ 225 Criminal W 867 Drugs provoking QV 175 Medical jurisprudence W 867 ' Social question HQ Therapeutic WQ 440 Abrasions WO 700 Abscess Bone WE 251 Brain WL 351 Epidural WL 351 Extradural WL 351 Liver WI 730 Lung WF 651 Pelvic WP 155 Puerperal WQ 505 Subdiaphragmatic WF 815 Absinth addiction WM 272 Absorbents QV 63 Absorption Of drugs QV 38 Of food WI 102 Absorption (Continued) Skin WR 102 Acarina QX 473 Acarophobia WM 178 Acceleration WD 720 Accident insurance W 100 Medicolegal aspects W 900 Accident services, Industrial WA 412 Accidents First aid WA 292 In anesthesia WO 245 Industrial WA 485 Medical jurisprudence W 843 Prevention WA 250 Traffic WA 275 Acetanilid QV 95 Acetarsone QV 294 Acetophenetidin QV 95 Acetylene QV 662 Achlorhydria WI 308 Achondroplasia WE 250 Achromoderma WR 265 Achylia WI 308 Achylosis WI 308 Acid-base balance WD 220 Acidemia WD 222 Acidophilus milk WD 428 Acidosis WD 222 Diabetic WK 830 Acids Inorganic QV 612 Organic QV 632 Acne WR 430 Acneform lesions WR 430 Aconite QV 628 235 Aconitine QV 628 Acosta's disease WD 710 Acoustic sense WV 270 Acquired immunity QW 551 Acridine dyes QV 235 Acriflavine dyes QV 235 Acromegaly WK 550 Acromelalgia WG 578 Actinium WN 415 Actinomycetaceae QW 125 Actinomycosis WC 302 Activity therapy WM 450; WB 555 Acuity, Visual WW 145 Acupuncture WB 369 Adaptation syndrome QZ 160 Addison's disease WK 765 Adenitis WH 700 Adenohypophysis WK 510 Adenoids WV 430 Adhesive plaster WO 167 Adipose tissue QS 532 Adiposis dolorosa WD 214 Adjuvants QV 38 Administration, Health WA 525 Administrative work Hospital WX 155 Medical W 88 Nursing WY 105 Nursing schools WY 20 Psychiatry WM 30 Adolescence WS 460 Adrenal glands WK 700 Adrenalin WK 725 Adreno-cortical hormones WK 755 Adrenocorticotropic hormones WK 515 Adrenogenital syndromes WK 770 Adsorbents QV 63; QV 67 Adsorption of drugs QV 38 Adulteration Of drugs QV 32 Of food WA 701; TX Advertising Dental WU 50 Medical W 58 Aedes QX 525 Aeroembolism WD 710 Aerophobia WM 178 Aeroplanes as public carriers WA 810 Aerosols QV 220; QV 785 Aerotherapy QV 310; WB 460 Aerotitis media WV 230 Affiliation, Medicolegal aspects W 791 After-birth WQ 212 After-brain WL 320 Agaric, Fly WD 520 Aged WT * Anesthesia WO 445 Surgery WO 950 Agglutination QW 640 Diagnostic reactions QY 265 Aging process WT 104 Agnosia WL 340 Agoraphobia WM 178 Agranulocytosis WH 200 236 Air Public health aspects WA 750 Relation to personal health QT 230 Therapeutic use QV 310; WB 460 Industrial WA 450 Air conditioning WA 774 Air pollution WA 754 Legislation WA 32 In industry WA 450 Air pressure High WD 650 In industry WA 450 Low WD 710 Air raids, Public health aspects WA 250 Air travel, Accidents in WA 275 Airsickness WD 630 Akamushi disease WC 630 Alalia WM 475 Alarm reaction QZ 160 Albinism WR 265 Albright's disease WE 250 Albumin QU 55 Albuminuria WJ 343 Albumose QU 55 Albumosuria WJ 343 Alcoholic drinks WB 444 Alcoholism WM 274; HV Alcohols QV 82 Alexin QW 680 Algolagnia WM 610 Alienists WM 22 Alimentary tract WI Children WS 310 Alimentation (Therapeutics) WB 400 Aliphatic compounds QV225 Alkalemia WD 226 Alkali disease WC 380 Alkaline earth metals QV 618 Alkaline metals, Salts of QV 618 Alkalis QV 612 Alkaloidal system of therapeutics WB 960 Alkaloids QV 628 Opium QV 90 Alkalosis WD 226 Allantiasis WC 268 Allatitois Embryology QS 645 Obstetrics WQ 210 Allergenic substances QW 900 Allergens QW 900 Allergic diseases WD 300; WR 160 Allergic rhinitis WV 335 Allergy QW 900; WD 300 Preparations QW 900 Allonal QV 88 Almond, Bitter QV 632 Aloes QV 632; QV 75 Aloin QV 75 Alopecia WR 460 Altitude effects WD 710 Alum QV 65 Aluminosis WF 654 Aluminum QV 65; QV 298 Alveolar process WU 240 Amalgam fillings WU 180; WU 190 Amanita WD 520 Amaurosis WW 276 237 Amblyopia WW 276 Toxic WW 280 Amboceptor QW 660 Ambulance service Hospital departments WX215 Military UH Amebacides QV 255 Amebae QX 55 Amebiasis WC 285 Amebic dysentery WC 285 Amenorrhea WP 552 Americana WZ 270 Ametropia WW 300 Amidases QU 135 Amino acids QU 60 Aminobenzoic acid QU 195 Aminoform QV 243 Ammonia hydrate QV 612 Ammonium compounds, Quaternary QV 233 Ammonium hydroxide QV 612 Amnesia WM 173 Amnion Embryology QS 645 Obstetrics WQ 210 Amoebae QX 55 Ampulla of Vater WI 750 Amputation WE 170 Amygdalin QV 632 Amyl nitrite QV 157 Amyotonia congenita WE 550 Anabolism QU 120 Analgesia in labor WO 450 Analgesics QV 95 Analysis Air WA 750 Drugs QV 25 Food QU 50; QU 145; TX Milk WA 716; SF Water WA 686 Anaphylaxis QW 900 Anarcotine QV 90 Anarthria WM 475 Anastomosis, Arterio- venous WG 590 Anatomists QS 22 Anatomy QS Artistic NC Comparative QS 124 Dental WU 101 Pathological (General) QZ Surgical WO 101 Ancylostoma QX 243 Ancylostomiasis WC 890 Androgens WJ 875 Anecdotes about physi- cians WZ 305 Anemia WH 155 Aplastic WH 175 Cooley's WH 170 Familial erythroblastic WH 170 Miners' WC 890 Pernicious WH 165 Tunnel WC 890 Anencephaly QS 675 Anesthesia WO 200 Cardiac problems WG 460 Drugs producing QV 81 In dentistry WO 460 In labor WO 450 238 Anesthesia (Continued) In old age WO 445 In pediatrics WO 440 Local WO 300 Nursing WY 151 Anesthetics QV 81; QV 110 Aneurin QU 189 Aneurysms WG 580 Cerebral traumatic WL 354 Meningeal WL 200 Angina Ludovici WI 200 Maligna WI 200 Monocytic WC 522 Pectoris WG 298 Vincent's WI 200 Angioid streaks WW 270 Angiography WG 500 Angioneurotic edema WR 170 Aniline QV 632 Animal-borne diseases WC 100 Prevention WA 110 Animal foods, Therapeutic use WB 426 Animal magnetism BF; WB 880 Animal parasites QX As cause of disease QZ 85 Animal poisons WD 400 Animals Bites WD 400; WO 700 Care and clinical use QY 50 Inoculation QY 105 Wounds by WO 700 Anions QV 282 Aniseikonia WW 300 Ankle WE 880 Annelida QX 451 Anoci- association WO 295 Anodynes QV 95 Anomalies Congenital QS 675 Bones WE 250 Brain WL 350 Foot WE 883 Gynecological WP 150; WQ 320 Heart WG 220 Intestines WI 412 Vertebrae WE 730 Developmental QZ 220 Embryological QS 675 Anopheles QX 515 Anoplura QX 501 Anorexia nervosa WM 172 Anoxia WD 715 Antacids, Gastric QV 69 Antagonism of drugs QV 38 Anterior lobe hormones WK 515 Anthelmintics QV 253 Anthemorrhagics QV 195 Anthracene purgatives QV 75 Anthracosis WF 654 Anthrax WC 305; SF Anthropology GN Criminal HV Anthropometry GN Criminal HV Antibiotics QV 350 Antibodies QW 570 239 Anticholinesterase agents QV 667 Anticoagulants QV 193 Anticonvulsants QV 85 Antidiuretics QV 160 Antifebrin QV 95 Antigen-antibody reaction QW 570 Antigens QW 570 Antihistamines QV 350 Antiluetics QV 261 Antimalarials QV 256 Antimony QV 295 Antipyretics QV 95 Antipyrine QV 95 Antisepsis Dental WU 300 In labor WQ 400 Public health aspects WA 240 Surgical WO 113 Antiseptics QV 220 Antisera (Vaccines) QW 805 Antispasmodics QV 85 Antisyphilitics QV 261 Antitoxins QW 630; QW 805 Antivivisection HV Ants QX 565 Anus WI 600 Anxiety states WM 172 Aorta WG 410 Aortic valve WG 265 Aortitis, Syphilitic WG 410 Aphakia WW 101 Aphasia WL 340 Aphemia WL 340 Aphonia WV 535 Aphrodisiacs QV 170 Aphthae (Thrush) WC 470 Apis QX 565 Aplastic anemia WH 175 Apoplexy WL 355 Apothecaries QV 22 Apparatus Anesthesia WO 240 Catalogs W 26 Hospital WX 147 Immunology QW 526 Roentgenological WN 150 Surgical WO 162 Appendicitis WI 535 Appendix WI 535 Appetite, Loss of WI 143 Apraxia WL 340 Aqua fortis QV 612 Aqueous humor WW 101 Arachnida QX 467 Arachnidism WD 420 Arachnoid WL 200 Arachnoiditis WL 200 Arctic regions, Physiology QT 160 \Arcus senilis WW 220 Argentum QV 297 Argyria WR 265 Arm WE 810 Artificial WE 172 Armpit WE 812 Aromatic compounds QV 223 Arrhythmia WG 330 Arsenic QV 294; QV 262 Arsenicals QV 262; QV 294 240 Arsphenamines and re- lated compounds QV 262 Art By physicians WZ 350 In psychotherapy WM 450 Medicine in WZ 330 Psychiatric interrela- tionships WM 49 Arteries WG 510 Coronary WG 300 Arteriosclerosis WG 550 Cerebral WL 355 Arteriosclerotic heart disease WG 300 Arteritis WG 515 Coronary WG 300 Arthritis WE 344 Arthropathy, Neurogenic WE 344 Arthropods QX 460 Cause of skin diseases WR 360 Non-medical QL Arthus phenomenon QW 900 Articulation WE 300 Artificial eyes WW 358 Artificial fever WB 469; WM 405 Artificial hibernation WO 350 Artificial limbs WE 172 Artificial respiration WA 292; WO 250 Artificial teeth WU 500 Artistic anatomy NC Asafetida QV 73 Asbestosis WF 654 Ascariasis WC 870 Ascaridoidea QX 277 Ascaris QX 277 Ascaroidea QX 277 Ascorbic acid QU 210 Asepsis Dental WU 300 Surgical WO 113 Asjike WD 122 Asphyxia WO 250; WA 292 Aspidium QV 253 Aspiration, Pneumatic WB 375 Assay Biological QV 771 Of hormones QY 330 Of vitamins QY 350 Assimilation of food QU 120 Association, Cortical disorders WL 307 Association disease WL 385 Asthenia WB 146 Neurocirculatory WG 320 Asthma, Bronchial WF 553 Astigmatism WW 310 Astringents QV 65 Astrology, Medical BF Asylums, Insane WM 27-28 Atabrine QV 258 Ataxia, Locomotor WC 165 Atelectasis WF 645 Atherosclerosis WG 550 Athletics QT 260 393023 O -56 - 18 241 Atlases Anatomical QS 17 Histological QS 517 Surgical WO 517 Atmosphere, Public health aspects WA 750 Atmospheric conditions Control WA 450; WA 750 Relation to disease WB 740 Atmospheric pressure WD 650; WD 710 Atomic bomb WN 610 Atopy QW 900 Atrioventricular bundle WG 202 Atropa belladonna QV 134 Atrophy Manifestation of pathology QZ 180 Atropine QV 134 Attendants Male nurses WY 191 Practical nurses WY 195 Psychiatric WY 160 Audiology WV 270 Audition, Limits of WV 270 Auditory canal, External WV 222 Aural vertigo WV 258 Auricle, Ear WV 220 Auricular fibrillation WG 330 Auriculoventricular bundle WG 202 Auscultation WB 278; WG 141 Autobiography Medical WZ 100 Of the mentally ill WM 40 Autoeroticism WM 610 Autohemolysis QY 265 Automobile accidents WA 275 Autonomic blocking agents QV 132 Autonomic nervous system WL 600 Autopsy QZ 35 Medicolegal W 825 Autosexuality WM 610 Avert in WO 290 Aviation medicine WD 700 Aviation nursing WY 143 Aviators, Physical standards WD 705 Avitamic acid QU 210 Avitaminosis WD 100 Avulsion Nerves WL 500 Spinal nerve roots WL 400 Axilla WE 812 B B.C.G. vaccination WF 250 Bacillary dysentery WC 282 Bacitracin QV 350 Back WE 720 Bacteremia WC 240 242 Bacteria QW As cause of disease QZ 65 Bacterial infections WC 200; WJ 351 Bacterial warfare QW 300; UG Bactericidal action of antibodies QW 660 Bacteriologists QW 22 Bacteriology QW Clinical QY 100 Of food QW 85 Of milk QW 85 Of water QW 80 Bacteriolysis by anti- bodies QW 660 Bagassosis WF 654 Balantidiasis WC 735 Balantidium QX 151 Baldness WR 460 Ballistocardiography WG 141 Balneotherapy WB 525 Balsams QV 241 Bandages First aid WA 292 Surgical WO 167 Barber shops WA 744 Barber surgeons WO 11 Barbers, Registration of WA 32 Barbiturates QV 88 Barbituric acid derivatives QV 88 Barium QV 618 Barlow* s disease WD 140 Bartholin's gland WP 200 Bartonellosis WC 640 Basal anesthesia WO 295 Basal body temperature and ovulation WP 540 Basal metabolism, Technique QU 125 Basedow's disease WK 265 Basiotripsy WQ 435 Basophilism, Pituitary WK 550 Bathing, Personal hygiene QT 240 Bathing beaches WA 820 Baths Public WA 820 Therapeutic use WB 525 Baunscheidtism WB 890 Beaches, Bathing WA 820 Beard (Dermatology) WR 450 Beauticians, Registration of WA 32 Beauty culture (Personal hygiene) QT 275 Beauty parlors WA 744 Bed sores WR 598 Bedbugs QX 503 Beer WB 444 Bees QX 565 Beetles QX 555 Belladonna QV 134 Benzene QV 633 Benzocaine QV 115 Benzol QV 633 Beri-beri WD 122 Bestiality WM 610 Beta-naphthol QV 241 Betaquinine QV 155 243 Beverages WB 433; TX Bibliography Z Bibliotherapy WM 450 Bifocal lenses WW 354 Bile Pigments QY 143 Secretion WI 703 Bile ducts WI 750 Bilharziasis WC 810 Biliary calculi WI 755 Biliary tract WI 700 Binocular vision WW 400 Bio-assay QV 771 Biochemic medicine WB 890 Biochemistry QU Biochemists QU 22 Biographical clinics WZ 313 Biography Medical WZ 100-150 Of the mentally ill WM 40 Biological chemistry QU Biological warfare QW 300; UG Biology QH Biomicroscopy, Eye WW 143 Biophysics QT 34 Biopsy WB 379; WO 142 Biostatistics HB Biotin QU 195 Birth Control WP 630; HQ Injuries WS 405 Medicolegal aspects W 789 Multiple WQ 235 Registration HA; HB Birthmark WR 500 Bishydroxycoumarin QV 193 Bismuth QV 261; QV 290 Bites, Animal WD 400; WO 700 Bitters QV 67 Black tongue WI 210 Blackwater fever WC 750 Bladder WJ 500 Vesicovaginal fistula WP 180 Bladder worms QX 400 Blast injuries WO 820 Blastomycosis WC 450 Blepharospasm WW 205 Blind HV Blindness WW 276 Color WW 150 Hysterical WM 173 Night WD 110 Block anesthesia WO 300 Blood WH Anticoagulants QV 193 Banks WH 23-24; WX 211 Procedures WH 460 Cells WH 140 Drugs, acting on QV 180 Chemistry QY 450 Children WS 300 Circulation WG 103; QZ 170 Clinical examination QY400 Coagulation WH 310; QY 410 Drugs affecting QV 190 244 Blood (Continued) Corpuscles WH 140 Red WH 150 White WH 200 Derivatives WH 450 Fluid elements WH 400 Flukes QX 355 Groups WH420; QY415; W 791 Medicolegal exami- nation W 750 Plasma WB 356; WH400 Platelets WH 300 Enumeration QY 402 Preservation WH 460 Pressure WG 106 High WG 340 In general physical examination WB 280 Low WG 340 Serum WH 400 Substitutes WH 450 Transfusion WB 356 Typing QY 415 Velocity WG 106 Vessels WG 500 Viscosity WH 400; QY 408 Volume WG 106 Bloodletting WB 381 Blue light WB 480 Blue sclera WW 230 Boats, Public carriers WA 810 Bodies, Dead W 800; WA 840; WA 54 Body Cleanliness QT 240 Composition QU 100 Body constitution GN As cause of disease QZ 50 Body fluids QU 105 Body lice QX 502; WA 240 Body snatching WZ 320 Body vermin WA 240; QX 502-503 Bone WE 200 Marrow WH 380 Physiology WE 102 Skeletal system WE 101 Surgery WE 168 Bookplates, Medical WZ 340 Books, Early printed WZ 240-270 Boracic acid QV 239 Borax QV 239 Boric acid QV 239 Bornholm disease WC 500 Botanic medicine WB 960 Botany QK Economic SB Medical QV 766 Botulism WC 268 Braces WE 172 Brain WL 300 Intracranial compli- cations of ENT diseases WV 180 Brain stem WL 310 Branchial cyst QZ 320 Breakbone fever WC 528 Breast WP 800 245 Breath In general physical ex- amination WB 205 Offensive WI 143 Breathing WF 102 Bridges, Dental WU 515 Bright's disease WJ 353 Broad bean poisoning WD 515 Broad ligament WP 101 Bromides QV 87 Bromine QV 231 Bronchi WF 500 Bronchiectasis WF 544 Bronchioles WF 500 Bronchitis WF 546 Bronchocele WK 259 Broncholithiasis WF 500 Bronchopneumonia WC 202 Bronchoscopy WF 141 Bronze diabetes WR 267 Brucellosis WC 310 Animals SF Brucine QV 103 Bruises WO 192 Bubo Climatic WC 185 Plague WC 350 Tropical WC 185 Venereal WC 140 Buerger's disease WG 520 Bugs QX 503 Buildings, Public health aspects WA 795 Bundle of His WG 202 Burial WA 846; GT Burial grounds WA 846 Burns WO 704 Death due to W 843 Bursae WE 400 Bursitis WE 400 Buses, Public health aspects WA 810 Business administration Hospital WX 157 In dental practice WU 77 In medical practice W 80 Butesin picrate QV 115 Butter WA 715; SF; TX Butterflies QX 560 Buttermilk WA 715; SF; TX Butyn QV 115 By-products, Industrial, Air pollution WA 754 Byssinosis WF 654 C Cachexia WB 146 Pituitary WK 550 Cacodyl and cacodylates QV 294 Cadaver W 800; WA 840 Cadmium QV 290 Caduceus WZ 334 Caesarean section WQ 430 Cafeterias WA 799 Industrial WA 400 Caffeine QV 107 Caisson disease WD 712 Calciferol QU 173 Calcification QZ 180 Calcinosis inter- vertebralis WE 740 246 Calcium QV 276 Callositas WR 500 Calmette-Gue'rin immunization WF 250 Caloric value of foods QU 145 Calorie deficiency WD 105 Calorimetry QU 125 Camphor QV 65 Cancer QZ 200 Nursing WY 156 Cancerophobia WM 178 Cannabis addiction WM 276 Canned foods WA 710; TX Canned milk WA 715; SF; TX Cantharides QV 160 Capillaries WG 700 Capsules QV 785 Carbarsone QV 255 Carbohydrates QU 75 Carbolic acid QV 223 Carbon dioxide QV 314 Carbon monoxide QV 662 Carbon tetrachloride QV253 Carbonic acid QV 314 Carbonization QV 778 Carbonyl chloride QV 664 Carbuncle WR 235 Carcinoma QZ 365 Cardiac emergencies WG 205 Cardiac glycosides QV 153 Cardiologists WG 22 Cardiology WG Children WS 290 Cardiorenal disease WG 340 Cardiospasm WI 150 Cardiovascular system WG Children WS 290 Drugs acting on QV 150 Carditis, Bacterial WG 200 Care, Surgical WO 178 Caricatures, Medical WZ 336 Caries Dental WU 270 Of bones WE 250 Of spine WE 253 Carminatives QV 67 Carotid body WK 375 Carotid sinus WK 375 Carotid sinus syndrome WK375 Carpus WE 830 Carrier state QW 700 Carriers, Public WA 810 Carriers of infection Human QW 700 Vectors WA 110; QX 650 Carrion's disease WC 640 Carsickness WD 630 Cartilages WE 300 Cartoons, Medical WZ 336 Caryophanales QW 130 Cascara QV 75 Case reports WB 293 Of mentally ill WM 40 Surgical WO 16 Case taking WB 290 Castor oil QV 75 Castration WJ 868; WP 660 Animals SF Casts and molds QY 35 Dental WU 26 Casts, Surgical WO 170 Cat-scratch disease WC 593 247 Catabolism QU 120 Catalepsy WL 385 Catalogs, Medical supply W 26 Catamenia WP 550 Cataphoresis WB 495 Cataract WW 260 Catastrophe surgery WO 700 Catatonia WM 203 Caterpillars QX 560 Cathartics QV 75 Cations QV 275 Caudal anesthesia WO 300 Causalgia WL 544 Causes of disease QZ 40 Caustic potash (caustic soda) QV 612 Cautery WO 198 Cavities, Dental WU 350 Cazenave's lupus WR 152 Cecum WI 530 Cedar oil QV 633 Ceepryn QV 233 Celiac disease WD 175 Cells QS 504; QH Cement (tooth structure) WU 230 Cement fillings WU 190; WU 180 Cementoperiostitis WU 242 Cementum WU 230 Cemeteries WA 846 Centipedes QX 465; WD 420 Cephalalgia WL 342 Cephalin QU 93 Ceramics, Dental WU 190; WU 180 Cerebellum WL 320 Cerebral cortex WL 307 Cerebral hemispheres WL 307 Cerebral meningitis WL 200 Cerebral palsy WS 340 Cerebrospinal fluid WL 203 Clinical examination QY 220 Cerebrospinal meningitis WC 245 Cerebrum WL 307 Certification of the dead WA 54 Cerumen, Impacted WV 222 Cervicitis WP 475 Cervix uteri WP 470 Dilatation in labor WQ 305; WQ 400 Cesarean section WQ 430 Cestode infections WC 825 Cestodes QX 400 Cevitamic acid QU 210 Chalazion WW 205 Chalicosis WF 654 Chancroid WC 155 Character disorders WM 210 Charbon WC 305; SF Charcot's joint WE 344 Charlatanry WZ 310 Charting, Clinical WX 173 Chaulmoogra oil QV 259 Cheese WA 715; SF; TX Cheilitis WI 200 Cheilosis WD 124 248 Chemical analysis Of air WA 750 Of food QU 50; QU 145; TX Of milk WA 716 Of water WA 686 Chemical technology TP Chemicals QD Cause of disease QZ 59 Protection from WA 465 Chemistry QD Bacterial QW 52 Biological QU Clinical QY 90 Dental WU 180 Medicolegal W 750 Milk, Public health aspects WA 715 Pharmaceutical QV 744 Physiological QU Water analysis WA 686 Chemotherapy QV 250 Chenopodium oil QV 253 Chest WE 715; WF 970 Empyema WF 745 Examination WF 141; WF 975 Mass x-ray WF 225 Wounds WF 985 Chickenpox WC 572 Chiggers QX 483 Chilblains WG 530 Childbirth WQ 300 Injuries WP 170 Popular works WQ 150 Childhood WS 440 Children WS Abnormal WS 107 Anesthesia WO 440 Care and training WS 113 Children (Continued) Dentistry WU 480 Guidance WS 350 Labor HD Nursing WY 159 Psychiatry WS 350 Psychology WS 105 Roentgen diagnosis WN 240 Surgery WO 925 Tuberculosis WF 415 Welfare WA 320; HV Children, School Public health aspects WA 350 Chills WB 152 Chinese liver fluke QX 353 Chiniofon QV 255 Chiropody WE 890 Chiropractic WB 905 Chlamydobacteriales QW 135 Chloasma Of the eyelids WW 205 Of the skin WR 265 Chloral QV 85 Chlorine QV 231; QV 662-663 Chloro- acetophenone QV 665 Chlorobutanol QV 115 Chloroform QV 81; WO 277 Chloropicrin QV 664 Chlorosis WH 160 Egyptian WC 890 Chocolate WB 438 Choked disc WW 280 Choking WO 250 249 Cholecystitis WI 755 Cholecystography WI 750 Cholelithiasis WI 755 Cholera WC 262 Cholesterol QU 95 Choline QU 195 Esters QV 122 Chondrodystrophia fetalis WE 250 Chorea WC 220; WL 348 Huntington's WM 220 Chorion QS 645; WQ 210 Choroid WW 245 Choroiditis WW 245 Christian Science healing WB 885 Chromium QV 290 Chronic disease WT Nursing WY 152 Chronicity in infection QW 700 Chronologies, Medicine WZ 30 Chronothermal system of medicine WB 960 Chyle WI 402 Ciliary body WW 240 Ciliata QX 151 Ciliate infections WC 735 Cimex QX 503 Cimicidae QX 503 Cinchona QV 257 Circulation WG 103 Circulatory disturbances Brain WL 355 Manifestations of disease QZ 170 Circulatory system WG Children WS 290 Circumcision WJ790;GN;BM Cirrhosis Of the liver WI 725 Pigmentary WR 267 Cisternal puncture WB 377 Citrin QU 220 Citrovorum factor QU 195 Civilians, Protection in wartime UA Clarification QV 778 Claustrophobia WM 178 Clavicle WE 810 Cleanliness of the body QT 240 Cleft lip WV 440 Cleft palate WV 440 Cleidotomy WQ 435 Clerical medicine WM 61 Climacteric Female WP 580 Male WJ 702 Climatic influences in the spread of epidemics WB 700 Climatology, Medical WB 700 Climatotherapy WB 750; WF 330 Clinical charting WX 173 Clinical departments WX 200 Clinical medicine WB Clinical refraction WW 300 Clinics, Outpatient WX205 Clitoris WP 200 Clonorchis endemicus QX 353 250 Clostridium infections (Wound WC 255; WC 370; WC 375 Clothing QT 245 Clubfoot WE 883 Clumping QW 640 Clysis WB 344 Clyster WB 344 Coagulants QV 195 Coagulation Diagnostic aspects QY 410 Drugs affecting QV 190 Physiology WH 310 Coal-tar QV 633 Disinfectants QV 223 Dyes QV 235 Cocaine QV 113 Addiction WM 280 Coccidioidomycosis WC 460 Coccidiosis WC 730 Cochlea WV 255 Cockroaches QX 570 Cocoa WB 438 Cod liver oil QU 165 Codeine QV 92 Addiction WM 286 Codes Of ethics W 50 Sanitary WA 32 Coenzymes QU 135 Coffee WB 438 Coitus HQ Abnormal WP 610; WM 610 Cola QV 107 Colchicine QV 95 Colchicum QV 95 Cold As cause of disease QZ 57 In local anesthesia WO 350 Therapeutic use WB 473 ) Cold climates QT 160 Colds, Common WC 510 Coleoptera QX 555 Colic WI 147 Colitis WI 522 Amebic WC 285 Collagen diseases WD 375 Collapse WB 146 Collapse therapy WF 350 Collection of fees W 80; WU 77 College students, Health WA 350 Colleges, Medical W 19 Collodions QV 785 Colloids QU 133 Collongite QV 664 Coloboma of iris WW 240 Colocynth QV 75 Colon WI 520 Color vision WW 150 Colorimetry QY 90 Colostrum WP 825 Coma WB 182 Diabetic WK 830 Combat psychiatry UH; WM 184 Comfort stations WA 830 Comminution QV 778 Commitment laws WM 32 Common cold WC 510 Communicable diseases WC Chemotherapy prepa- rations QV 250 Control WA 110 Nursing WY 153 Prevention WA 110 Transmission WA 110; QW 700; QX 650 251 Comparative anatomy QS 124 Comparative pathology QZ33 Comparative physiology QT 4 Compensation, Disability W 925; WV 32; WW 32 Complement QW 680 Complement fixation QW 680 Tests QY 265 Compressed-air disease WD 712 Compression Of the brain WL 300 Of the spinal cord WL 400 Compulsive states WM 176 Compulsory health insurance W 185; W 275 Conarium WK 350 Conception WQ 205 Concussion Injuries WO 820 Of the brain WL 354 Of the spinal cord WL 400 Conduction Of nerve impulses WL 102 Spinal WL 400 Conduction anesthesia WO 300 Condurango QV 67 Congenital anomalies QS 675 Bones WE 250 Brain WL 350 Foot WE 883 Gynecological WP 150; WQ 320 Heart WG 220 Intestines WI 412 Vertebrae WE 730 Congestive heart failure WG 370 Congresses, Medical W 3 Conjunctiva WW 212 Conjunctivitis WW 212 Contagious granular WW 215 Connective tissue QS 532 Consanguinity W 791 Consciousness WL 341; WB 182 Constipation WI 409 In pregnancy WQ 240 Constitution GN As cause of disease QZ 50 Constitutional psycho- pathic personality WM 210 Contact Role in allergy QW 900 Transmission of disease WA 110 Contact dermatitis WR 175 Contact lenses WW 355 Contactants as allergens QW 900 Contagious diseases WC Chemotherapy prepa- rations QV 250 Control WA 110 Nursing WY 153 Prevention WA 110 Transmission WA 110; QW 700; QX 650 Contraception WP 630; HQ Contracture of joints WE 300 Contracture of muscles WE 545 Contrast media WN 160 Contusions WO 192 252 Conversion, Fetal WQ 410 Conversion reactions WM 173 Convulsant poisons QV 103 Convulsions Drugs checking QV 85 In infancy WS 340 In pregnancy WQ 215 Convulsive disorders WL 385 Cookery WB 400; TX Diabetic WK 819 Copper QV 65 Coprophilia WM 610 Cor pulmonale WG 420 Coramine QV 103 Cord, Umbilical WQ 210 Cordials WB 444 Cornea WW 220 Corneal transplant WW 220 Coronary arteries WG 300 Coronary arteritis WG 300 Coronary embolism WG 300 Coronary infarction WG 300 Coroners W 800 Coronoid fossa WE 810 Corpses W 800; WA 840; WA 54 Corpulence WD 210 Corpus luteum hormone WP 530 Corpus pineale WK 350 Corpuscles, Blood WH 140; WH 150; WH 200 Corrosive poisons QV 612 Corset (Hygiene) QT 245 Cortex WL 307 Adrenal WK 750 Cortical hormones WK 755-757 Cortisone WK 755 Coryza WC 510 Cosmetic surgery WO 600; WV 312 Cosmeticians, Regis- tration of WA 32 Cosmetics WA 744; TP Cosmetology QT 275 Cough, Whooping WC 340 Counter- irritation WB 371 Court-plaster WO 167 Cowper's glands WJ 600 Cranial nerves WL 330 Cranioclasis WQ 435 Craniotomy, Fetal WQ 435 Cranium WE 705 Cremation WA 847 Creosote QV 220 Cresols QV 223 Cresylic acid QV 223 Cretinism WK 252 Criminology HV Cross-eye WW 415 Croton oil QV 75 Croup WF 140 Crowd psychology HM Crowns, Dental WU 515 Crush injuries WO 700 Crush syndrome WJ 340 Crustacea QX 463 Cryptorchism WJ 840 Crystalline lens WW 260 Cubital fossa WE 810 Culex QX 530 Culicidae QX 510 Cults, Medical WB 890 253 Culture media QW 25-26 Cunnilinguism WM 610 Cupping WB 371 Curare QV 140 Cures, Special WB 890 Curiosities, Medical WZ 308 Curvatures WE 735 Cutaneous leishmaniasis WR 350 Cutting wounds WO 700 Cyanides QV 610 Cyanosis WG 142 Cyclic intermenstrual pain WP 540 Cyclophoria WW 410 Cyclopropane QV 81 Cyclothymic psychoses WM 207 Cyclotropia WW 400 Cyprus fever WC 310 Cystic duct WI 750 Cysticercosis WC 838 Cystitis WJ 500 Cystocele WP 175 Cystoscopy WJ 500 Cysts Breast WP 840 Kidney WJ 358 Ovary WP 322 Peridontal WU 240 Radiculodental WU 240 Sebaceous WR 420 Thyroglossal WK 270 Vaginal WP 250 Vulval WP 200 Cytase QW 680; QU 135 Cytology QH Cytolysis QW 660 Cytotoxins QW 630 D D. A. H. WG 320 D-Stoff as a war gas QV 664 Dacryo-adenitis WW 208 Dairy products WA 715; SF; TX Bacteriology QW 85 Dandruff WR 450 Dandy fever WC 528 Dark-room apparatus and equipment WN 150 Dead bodies Medicolegal aspects W 800 Public health aspects WA 840; WA 54 Deaf HV Deaf-mutism WV 280 Deafness WV 270 Treatment WV 276 Death W 800 Certification WA 54 Registration WA 54; HA; HB Decalcification WE 250 Decay, Dental WU 270 Deceleration WD 720 Decidua WQ 210; QS 645 Decoctions QV 785 Decoloration QV 778 Decompression sickness WD 712 Decubitus ulcer WR 598 Deer fly fever WC 380 Defecation WI 600 Defectives, Mental WM 300 254 Defectives, Mental (Continued) Medicolegal aspects W 740 Deficiency diseases WD 100 Deformities QS 675 Bones WE 250 Brain WL 350 Foot WE 883 Gynecological WP 150; WQ 320 Heart WG 220 Intestines WI 412 Vertebrae WE 725 Degeneration QZ 180 Deglutition WI 102 Dehydration WB 158; WD 220 Dehydrocholesterol QU 173 Dehydrogenases QU 135 Delhi sore WR 350 Delirium tremens WM 274 Delivery WQ 415 Drugs accelerating QV 173 Dementia Paralytica WC 165 Praecox WM 203 Demerol QV 93 Demography HB Demulcents QV 63 Dengue WC 528 Dentifrices WU 113 Dentin WU 220 Dentistry WU Anesthesia WO 460 Army UH Bacteriology QW 65 Cardiac problems WG 460 Ethics WU 50 Hygienists1 manuals WU 90 Industrial WA 412 Jurisprudence W 705 Dentistry (Continued) Materia medica QV 50 Materials WU 180; WU 190 Medicine WU 140 Navy VG Nursing WY 155 Pathology WU 140 Roentgen diagnosis WN 230 School clinics WA 350 Dentists WU 22 Social relations WU 61 Dentition WU 210 Dentures WU 515-530 Depressants QV 80 Deprivation diseases WD 100 Depth perception WW 103 Dercum's disease WD 214 Dermatalgia WR 280 Dermatitis WR 140 Dermato- neuroses WR 280 Dermatologists WR 22 Dermatology WR Children WS 260 Dermatomycosis WR 300 Dermatophytes QW 180 Dermatophytosis WR 310 Dermatotropic virus infections WC 570 Desiccated stomach QV 184 Desmolases QU 135 Detachment Choroid WW 245 Of the retina WW 270 Detergents QV 233 255 Development Mental WS 105 Physical WS 103 Developmental conditions as a cause of disease QZ 45 Deviants, Sexual WM 610 Deviation, Manifest WW 415 Dextran WH 450 Dextrins QU 83 Diabetes Bronze WR 267 Insipidus WK 550 Mellitus WK 810 Diacetylmorphine, Addiction WM 288 Diagnosis Dental WU 141 Differential WB 141 Laboratory QY Medical WB 141 Pediatric WS 141 Radioscopic WN 220 Surgical WO 141 Diagnosticians WB 22 Diaphanoscopy WW 143 Diaphoretics QV 122 Diaphragm WF 800 Diarrhea WI 407 In children WS 312 Diarsenol QV 262 Diastase WI 802 Diathermy WB 510 Diathesis QZ 50 Diathetic diseases QZ 50 Dibothriocephalus QX 400 Dichromatopsia WW 150 Dicoumarin QV 193 Diencephalon WL 312 Diet QT 235; WB 400; QU 145 Diabetic WK 818 Low sodium WB 424 Reducing WD 210 Salt-free WB 424 Dietetic departments in hospitals WX 168 Dietotherapy WB 400 Difficult labor WQ 310 Digestion WI 102 Digestive system WI Children WS 310 Digitalis QV 153 Dilatation Of the cervix WQ 305; WQ 400 Of the colon WI 528 Of the pupil WW 240 Of the stomach WI 300 Dinitrophenol QV 632 Diodoquin QV 255 Diothane QV 115 Diphosgene QV 664 Diphtheria WC 320 Diphyllobothrium QX 400 Diptera QX 505 Disability compensation W 925; WV 32; WW 32 Disability insurance W 100 Disaccharides QU 83 Disc, Choked WW 280 Disinfectants QV 220 Disinfection WA 240 Dental WU 300 Of dead bodies WA 840 Surgical WO 113 Disinfestation WA 240 Dislocations WE 175 Jaw WU 610 256 Dispensaries, Outpatient WX205 Dispensatories QV 740 Dispensing QV 778 Disposal of the dead Medicolegal aspects W 822 Public health aspects WA 840 Dissection QS 130 Dissertations, Medical W 4 Diuretics QV 160 Divers paralysis WD 712 Diverticulitis WI 425 Diverticulosis WI 425 Docimasia, Pulmonary W 789 Doctors W 22 Documents, Serial W 2 Domestic medicine WB 120 Dosage QV 748 Dosimetric system of therapeutics WB 960 Dracunculoidea QX 301 Dracunculus QX 301 Dragon worm QX 301 Drainage WA 670 Surgical WO 188 Drama therapy in psychiatry WM 430 Dress (Hygiene) QT 245 Dressings, Surgical WO 167 Dried milk WA 715; SF; TX Drinks WB 433 Drowning, Resuscitation WA 292 Drug action QV 38 Drug addiction WM 270 Drug allergy WD 320 Drug exanthems WR 165 Drug stores WA 730 Drugs QV Administration methods WB 340 Analysis QV 25 Ancient and medieval QV 743 Catalogs QV 772 Commercial prepa- rations QV 772 Military supplies UH Patent QV 772 Pharmaceutical aspects QV 704 Preservation QV 754; WA 730 Proprietary QV 772 Public health aspects WA 730 Standardization QV 771 Quack WA 730 Therapeutic use WB 330 Vegetable QV 766 Duboisine QV 134 Ductless glands WK Dumbness, Hysteric WM 173 Dumping syndrome WI 380 Duodenal contents QY 130 Duodenal ulcer WI 370 Duodenum WI 505 Feeding by WB 410 Dupuytren's contracture WE 830 Dura mater WL 200 Dust WA 450; WA 754 Dwarfism, Pituitary WK 550 393023 O -56 -19 257 Dwellings WA 795 Dyes, Antiseptics and dis- infectants QV 235 Dysarthria WM 475 Dysentery WC 280 Dysmenorrhea WP 560 Dyspareunia WP 610 Dyspepsia WI 145 Dyspituitarism WK 550 Dystocia WQ 310 Dystrophic skin disorders WR 260 Dystrophy, Progressive muscular WE 559 E E. coli infections WC 290 Ear WV 200 Ear drum WV 225 Ear .trumpets WV 274 Ear wax, Impacted WV 222 Echinococcosis WC 840 Echinococcus QX 442 Eclampsia WQ 215 Eclectic medicine WB 920 Economics Dental WU 77 Hospital WX 157 Medical W 74 Nursing WY 77 Pharmacy QV 736 Ectasia, Alveolar WF 648 Ecthyma WR 225 Ectopic pregnancy WQ 220 Ectropion, Eyelid WW 205 Eczema WR 190 Edema Angioneurotic WR 170 As manifestation of disease QZ 170 Bronchial WF 500 Diagnostic significance WB 158 Education Dental WU 18, WU 20 Health WA 590 Medical W 18 Of children WS 113; LB Physical QT 255 Safety WA 250 Educational therapy in psychiatry WM 450 Effort syndrome WG 320 Eggs WA 703; SF; TX Ejaculatory duct WJ 750 EKG WG 140 Elbow WE 820 Electric shock WD 602; WM 412 Electricity Death by W 843 Electrolysis WB 495 Injuries from WO 704 Surgery WO 198 Electrocardiography WG 140 Electrodiagnosis WB 141 Electroencephalography WL 150 Electrolysis WB 495; WR 650 Electrolyte metabolism, Disordered WD 220 Electron theory, Roent- genologic WN 110 258 Electrosurgery WO 198 Electrotherapy WB 495 Elephantiasis WC 880 Elixirs, Pharmacy QV 785 Emaciation WB 146; WD 105; WD 200 Emasculation WJ 868 Embalming WA 844 Embolism QZ 170 Aeroembolism WD 710 Arterial WG 540 Coronary WG 300 Pulmonary WG 420 Venous WG 610 Embryo QS 647 Embryologists QS 622 Embryology QS 604 Dental WU 101 General QL Embryotomy WQ 435 Emergencies, First aid WA 292 Emergencies, Medical WB 100 Emergency service, Hospital WX 215 Emergency surgery WO 700 Emetics QV 73 Emetine QV 255 Emmanuel movement WB 885 Emmenagogues QV 170 Emmetropia WW 300 Emollients QV 63 Emotional maladjustment WM 190 Emotions WM; BF Emphysema WF 648 Empyema WF 745 Emulsions QV 785 Enamel WU 220 Encephalitis WL 351 Epidemic WC 542 Encephalography WL 141 Encephalomalacia WL 355 End-brain WL 307 Endamoeba QX 55 Endemic typhus WC 615 Endocarditis, Bacterial WG 285 Endocardium WG 285 Endocrine drugs WK Endocrine function Of the ovary WP 520 Of the testis WJ 875 Endocrine system WK Children WS 330 Endocrinologists WK 22 Endometriosis WP 390 Endometritis WP 451 Endotoxins QW 630 Endotracheal anesthesia WO 280 Enemata WB 344 Energy metabolism QU 125 Engineering, Sanitary WA 670 Enophthalmos WW 210 Enteric infections WC 260 Enteritis WI 420 Enterobiasis WC 860 Enterocele WP 175 Enteroclysis WB 344 Enterogastrone WK 170 Enteroptosis WI 450 Entropion WW 205 259 Enucleation (Ophthalmology) WW 168 Enuresis WS 322 Enzymes QU 135; QY 490 Eosinophilic granuloma WH 650 Eosinophils WH 200 Ephedrine QV 129 Epidemic hemorrhagic fever WC 500 Epidemics WA 100 Cholera WC 264 History WA 11; WC 11 Plague WC 355 Smallpox WC 590 Typhus WC 610 Yellow fever WC 532 Epidemiology WA 100 Epidermis WR 101 Epidermophytosis WR 310 Epididymis WJ 800 Epidural anesthesia WO 300 Epiglottis WV 500 Epilepsies WL 385 Epinephrine WK 725 Epiphora WW 208 Epiphysis cerebri WK 350 Epispastics QV 65 Epistaxis WV 320 Epithalamus WL 312 Epithelium WR 101 Tumors QZ 365; WR 500 Epsom salts QV 75 Equilibrium WV 255 Equinia WC 330 Equipment Anesthetic WO 240 Catalogs W 26 Hospital WX 147 Immunology QW526 Equipment (Continued) Roentgenological WN 150 Surgical WO 162 Ergot QV174 Ergotamine QV 174 Ergotism WD 505 Ergotoxine QV 174 Erosion, Cervix WP 475 Erotica HQ Eruption, Skin WC 570; WR Erysipelas WC 234 Erythema WR 150 Migrans WI 210 Erythremia WH 180 Erythrina alkaloids QV 140 Erythroblastosis fetalis WH 425 Erythrocytes WH 150 Clinical examination QY 402 Erythrocythemia WH 180 Erythromelalgia WG 578 Erythropoiesis WH 150 Escharotics QV 65 Eserine QV 122 Esophagoscopy WI 250 Esophagus WI 250 Esophoria WW 410 Esotropia WW 415 Essences QV 785 Essential oils QV 785 Esterases QU 135 Estrogens WP 522 Ether WO 277 Toxicology QV 81 260 Ethics Dental WU 50 Medical W 50 Nursing WY 85 Pharmaceutical QV 21 Ethmoidal sinus WV 355 Ethnic groups, Diseases of WB 720 Ethnology GN Ethyl alcohol QV 84 Ethyl aminobenzoate QV 115 Ethyl chloride QV 115 Ethylene QV 81 Etiology QZ 40 Eubacteriales QW 140 Eugenics HQ; QH Eunuchoidism WJ 840 Eustachian tube WV 230 Euthanasia W 50 Evidence, Medical W 725 Evidential material, Examination W 750 Evipal sodium QV 88 Exanthemata WC 570; WR Exanthematic method of healing WB 890 Excipients QV 800 Excretion of drugs QV 38 Exercise QT 255; WB 541 Exfoliative dermatitis WR 180 Exhaustion WB 146 Heat WD 610 Nervous WM 174 Exhibitionism WM 610 Exodontia WU 605 Exophoria WW 410 Exophthalmos WW 210 Exostosis WE 200 Exostosis (Continued) Of the orbit WW 202 Exotoxins QW 630 Exotropia WW 415 Expectorants QV 73 Expeditions, Medical W 10 Experimentation Pharmacology QV 34 Physiology QT 25 Psychiatry WM 25 Surgery WO 50 Exploratory surgery WO 141 Explosions, Prevention WA 250; WA 485 Explosive decompression WD 712 Exposure (Radiology) WN 160; WN 650 " Expression, Pharmacy QV 778 External ear WV 220 Extraction of teeth WU 605 Extracts QV 785 Extrasystole WG 330 Extremities WE 800 Eye WW Artificial WW 358 Diagnostic signifi- cance WW 475 Pathology WW 460; WW 475 Eyeball WW 210 Eyeglasses WW 350 Eyelids WW 205 Contagious granulation WW 215 261 F Face WE 705 Oral surgery WU 600 Factor, Rh WH 425 Fads, Food WB 449 Fainting WB 182 Faith cures WB 885 Fallopian tubes WP 300 Pregnancy in WQ 220 Fallot's tetralogy WG 220 Familial jaundice WH 170 Famous people, Illnesses of WZ 313 Faradic currents WB 495 Farcy WC 330 Farsightedness WW 300 Fascia WE 500 Fasciola QX 365 Fasting WB 420 Fatigability WB 146 Fatigue Aviation WD 735 Industrial WA 475 Nervous WM 174 Fats QU 85; WA 722 Fatty acids QU 90 Favism WD 515 Favus WR 330 Fear WM 178; WD 730 Febrifuges QV 95 Feces QY 160 Fee-splitting W 58 Feeble-mindedness WM 300 Feeding Artificial WB 410 Of children WS 130 Of infants WS 120 Of the sick WB 400 Fees Dental WU 77 Medical W 80 Feigned diseases W 783 Fellowships Dental WU 20 Medical W 20 Female genitalia WP Femoral hernia WI 965 Femur WE 865 Ferments QU 135 Ferrous compounds QV 183 Fertilization WQ 205 Fetal membranes Embryology QS 645 Obstetrics WQ 210 Tumors QZ 330 Fetishism WM 610 Fetus WQ 210 Disproportion WQ 310 Effect of labor on WS 405 Embryology QS 645 Manipulations WQ 410 Presentation WQ 307 Version WQ 410 Fever WB 152 Drugs relieving QV 95 Therapeutic use WB 467; WM 405 Fevers WC 195 Fibrillation WG 330 Fibrinogen WH 310 Fibrositis WE 544 Fiedler's disease WC 420 Field-block anesthesia WO 300 Filaria QX 301 262 Filariasis WC 880 Fillings, Dental WU 180; WU 190; WU 350-360 Filth, Epidemic factor WA 110 Finances Hospital WX 157 Of dentists WU 77 Of physicians W 80 Fingernails WR 475 Fingers WE 835 Fires WA 250; WX 185 First aid WA 292 Military UH Naval VG Fish WA 703; TX Fish skin disease WR 260 Fistulas Arteriovenous WG 590 Bronchial WF 500 Genital WP 180 Pleural WF 700 Flagellata QX 70 Flat feet WE 886 Flatworms QX 350 Flavoring agents QV 810 Fleas QX 550 Flies QX 505 Flood fever WC 630 Flukes QX 353 Fluoridation WU 270 Fluorine QV 282 Fluoroscopy WN 220 Fluorosis QV 662 Dental WU 220 Flutter, Auricular WG 330 Focal epilepsy WL 385 Focal infections WC 230; WU 290 Folic acid QU 195 Folklore GR Medical WZ 309 Food Adulteration WA 701; TX Allergy WD 310 Analysis QU 50; QU 145; TX Assimilation QU 120 Bacteriology QW 85 Chemical technology TP Chemistry QU 50 Deficiency diseases WD 100 Digestion WI 102 Fads WB 449 For children WS 115 Inspection WA 695 Nutritive value QU 145 Poisons WC 268 Public health aspects WA 695 Service, Hospital WX 168 Supply WA 695; TX Therapeutic use WB 400 Foot WE 880 Forceps delivery WQ 425 Forearm WE 820 Forebrain WL 307 Foreign bodies Ear WV 222 Eye WW 525 Localization, Radio- graphic WN210 Removal WO 700 263 Forensic chemistry W 750 Forensic dentistry W 705 Forensic examination of blood W 750 Forensic medicine W 700 Forensic psychiatry W 740 Foreskin WJ 790 Formaldehyde QV 225 Formicidae QX 565 Formin QV 243 Formularies QV 740 Dental QV 50 Foxglove QV 153 Fractures WE 180 Jaw WU 610 Frambesia WC 425 Frames (Spectacles) WW 354 Fraternities, Medical W 20.9 Freckles WR 265 Freezing Anesthesia WO 350 Frei's disease WC 185 Fresh foods WA 703; TX Friedlander's pneumonia WC 209 Friedreich's ataxia WL 359 Friedreich's disease WE 550 Frigidity, Sexual WP 610 Froelich's syndrome WK 550 Frontal sinus WV 350 Frostbite WG 530 Frottage WM 610 Fruit diet WB 430 Fruits WA 703; TX Fuchsin dyes QV 235 Fuel gas QV 662 Fumigation WA 240 Functional heart disease WG 320 Functional psychoses WM 202 Funeral directors WA 840 Fungi QW 180; QK As cause of disease QZ 65 Fungous diseases WC 450 Furunculosis WR 235 G G agents QV 667 "G" effect WD 720 Gallbladder WI 750 Gallstones WI 755 Galvanosurgery WO 198 Galvanotherapy WB 495 Games, as exercise QT 250; QT 260 Ganglia WL 500 Gangrene QZ 180 Gas WC 375 Garbage disposal WA 780 Gas gangrene WC 375 Gases QV 310 Anesthetic QV 81 Industrial WA 450; WA 754 Irritant QV 664 Labyrinthic QV 664 Lacrimator QV 665 Paralysant QV 667 Poisonous QV 662 Suffocating QV 664 264 Gases (Continued) Vesicant QV 666 War QV 663 Gasoline, Toxicology QV 633 Gastric antacid drugs QV 69 Gastric contents QY 130 Gastric digestion WI 302 Gastric juice WI 302 Gastric ulcer WI 360 Gastritis WI 310 Gastroenteritis WI 100 Gastroenterology WI Children WS 310 Gastrointestinal system WI Children WS 310 Drugs acting on QV 66 Hormones WK 170 Gastroscopy WI 300 Gaucher's disease WH 650 Gelsemium QV 628 General adaptation syndrome QZ 160 General practice W 89 Generalized radiation sickness WN 610; WA 470 Genital system Drugs acting on QV 170 Female WP In children WS 320 Male WJ 700 Genito-urinary system WJ Children WS 320 Genius BF Gentian violet QV 253; QV 235 Geographic tongue WI 210 Geopathology WB 700 Geriatrics WT Anesthesia WO 445 Nursing WY 152 Surgery WO 950 Germ theory of disease QZ 65 German measles WC 582 Gerontology WT Gerontoxon WW 220 Gestation WQ 200 Legal aspects W 791 Tests QY 335 Giardia QX 70 Gibraltar fever WC 310 Gigantism WK 550 Gingiva WU 240 Gingivitis WU 240 Glanders WC 330; SF Glandula carotica WK 375 Glandular fever WC 522 Glasses WW 350 Glaucoma WW 290 Glomerulonephritis WJ 353 Glomus caroticum WK375 Glossitis WI 210 Glucose infusion WB 354 Glucosides QU 75 Cardiac QV 153 Glucosuria WK 870 Glycerites QV 785 Glycogen QU 83 Glycosidases QU 135 Glycosides QU 75 Cardiac QV 153 Glycosuria WK 870 Goat fever WC 310 Goiter WK 259 265 Gold Fillings WU180;WU190 Pharmacology QV 296 Gonads WK 900; WJ 830; WP 320 Gonorrhea WC 150; WP 157 Gout WE 350 Governmental medical practice W 94 Governmental nursing services WY 130 Graafian follicles WP 320 Graduate education Dental WU 20 Medical W 20 Grafting of tissue WO 610 Grand mal attacks WL 385 Granulocytes WH 200 Granuloma Eosinophilic WH 650 Fungoides WR 500 Inguinale WC 180 Sarcomatodes WR 500 Venereum WC 185 Graves' disease WK 265 Green sickness WH 160 Grenz rays WN Grippe WC 515 Group practice W 92 Group psychotherapy WM 430 Growth Mental WS 105 Physical WS 103 Tables WS 16 Growth disorders WE 250; WK 550 As manifestation of disease QZ 190 Growth hormones WK 515 Guinea worm QX 301 Gummatous lesions WC 169 Gums WU 240 Gunshot wounds WO 807 Gymnastics QT 255 Medical WB 541 Gynecology WP Nursing WY 157 Pediatric WS 360 Urology WJ 190 Gypsum dressings WO 170 H Habitations WA 795 Hair WR 450 Halitosis WI 143 Halogens QV 231; QV282 Hand WE 830 Artificial WE 172 Hand- Schiiller- Christian disease WH 650 Harelip WV 440 Harvest mites QX 483 Hashish addiction WM 276 Hay fever WV 335 Head WE 705 Basiotripsy WQ 435 Headache WL 342 Migraine WL 344 Healing Mental WB 880 Of wounds WO 185 Religious WB 885 266 Health Administration WA 525 Education WA 590 Industrial WA 400 Mental WM Public WA Resorts WB 760 Rural WA 390 Students WA 350 Health insurance W 100 Hearing WV 270 Aids WV 274 Conservation WV 276 Tests WV 272 Heart WG 200 Beat WG 330; WG 202 Block WG 330 Children WS 290 Drugs QV 150 Hormones WK 185 Heat As cause of disease QZ 57 Body temperature WB 270 Exhaustion WD 610 Prostration WD 610 Regulation by the skin WR 102 Therapeutic use WB 469 Heating WA 770 Heatstroke WD 610 Heavy metals QV 290 Hebephrenia WM 203 Heel WE 880 Height-weight-growth tables WS 16 Heliotherapy WB 480; WF 330 Helium QV 318 Hellebore QV 628 Helminthic infections WC 800 Helminthology QX 200 Drugs QV 253 Helminths QX 200 Hematin WH 190 Hematoblast WH 300 Hematocolpos WP 250 Hematology WH Hematopoietic system WH 140 Children WS 300 Drugs acting on QV 180 Hematoporphyria WH 190 Hematosalpinx WP 300 Hematuria WJ 344 Heme WH 190 Hemic system WH Children WS 300 Hemiptera QX 503 Hemispheres, Cerebral WL 307 Hemisporosis WC 475 Hemochromatosis WR 267 Hemodynamics WG 106 Hemoencephalic barrier WL 200 Hemoglobin WH 190 Hemoglobinuria WJ 344 Hemoglobinuric fever WC 750 Hemolysis QW 660; WH 150 Hemolytic anemias WH 170 Hemophilia WH 325 Hemopneumothorax WF 746 Hemorrhage WO 700 Cerebral WL 355 267 Hemorrhage (Continued) Drugs checking QV 195 In labor WQ 330 Of the nose WV 320 Ovarian WP 320 Uterus WP 400; WP 555 Vulval WP 200 Hemorrhagic diseases WH 312 Hemorrhagic fever, Epidemic WC 500 Hemorrhoids WI 605 Hemospasia WB 369 Hemostasis WO 500 Hemostatics QV 195 Hemothorax WF 746 Hemp addiction WM 276 Heparin QV 193 Hepatic ducts WI 750 Hepatitis, Infectious WC 536 Hepatolenticular degeneration WI 740 Herbalism WB 960 Heredity QH As cause of disease QZ 50 Hermaphroditism WJ 712 Hernia WI 950 Diaphragmatic WF 810 Heroin QV 92 Addiction WM 288 Herpes WC 578 Zoster WC 575 Heterophoria WW 410 Heteroptera QX 503 Heterotropia WW 415 Hexamethylenamine QV 243 Hexamethylenetetramine QV 243 Hexylresorcinol QV 253 Hibernation, Artificial WO 350 Hiccup WF 805 High-frequency currents (Electrotherapy) WB 495 Highway accidents WA 275 Hindbrain WL 320 Hip WE 855 Hippocratic oath W 50 Hirschsprung's disease WI 528 Hirsutism WR 455 Hirudinea QX 451 His-Werner disease WC 602 Histamine Cardiovascular system QV157 Headache WL 342 In the body QU 100 Histiocytosis WH 650 Histologists QS 22 Histology QS 504 Dental WU 101 Pathological QZ 4 Histoplasmosis WC 465 History, Medical WZ History taking WB 290 Hives WR 170 Hoarseness WV 510 Hodgkin's disease WH 500 Holocaine hydrochloride QV 115 Homatropine QV 134 Home care of mental patients WM 35 268 Home care of the sick WY 195 Home care of the tubercu- lous patient WF 315 Home medicine WB 120 Home nursing WY 195 Homeopathy WB 930 Homicide W 860; HV Homosexuality WM 615 Honeys QV 785 Hookworm infestation WC 890 Hookworms QX 243 Hormones WK Assay of QY 330 Female WP 520 Male WJ 875 Secretion WK 102 Therapeutic use WK 190 Hornets QX 565 Hospital care Industrial WA 412 Military UH Plans W 100 Hospital jurisprudence WX32 Hospitals WX Libraries Z Medical records libraries WX 173 Safety programs WX 185 Social service W 322 Hot climates QT 150 Hotel buildings WA 799 Household medicine WB 120 Housing WA 795 Human engineering T Human figure in art N Human reproduction QP; WQ 205 Humidity WA 774; WA450 Hunger WI 102 Huntington's chorea WM 220 Hydatid QX 442 Hydatid mole QZ 330; WP 465 Hydatidosis WC 840 Hydrarthrosis WE 300 Hydrases QU 135 Hydrocarbons QV 633 Hydrocele WJ 800 Hydrocephalus WL 350 Hydrocyanic acid QV 632 Hydrogen acceptors QU 120 Hydrogen-ion concen- tration QD; WD 220 Hydr6gen peroxide QV229 Hydrogymnastics WB 520 Hydrophobia WC 550 Hydropneumothorax WF 746 Hydrosalpinx WP 300 Hydrotherapy WB 520 Hygiene QT 180 Dental WU 113 Geriatric WT 120 Industrial WA 400 Mental WM 75; WM 100 Military UH Naval VG Of children WS 113 Of cold climates QT 160 269 Hygiene (Continued) Of eyes WW 113 Of pregnancy WQ 1751 WQ 150 Of school children WA 350 Of students WA 350 Oral WU 113 Prisons HV Public WA Rural WA 390 Tropical QT 150 Hygienists, Dental WU 90 Hymen WP 200 Hymenolepis QX 400 Hymenoptera QX 565 Hyoscyamus QV 134 Hyperemia QZ 170 Artificial WB 371 Hyperesthesia WR 280 Hyperinsulinism WK 880 Hyperkeratosis linguae WI 210 Hypermetropia WW 300 Hyperopia WW 300 Hyperpituitarism WK 550 Hyperplasia QZ 190 Hyperpyrexia WB 152 Hypersomnia WM 188 Hypertension WG 340 Portal WI 720 Hyperthyroidism WK 265 Hypertrichosis WR 455 Hypertrophic arthritis WE 348 Hypertropia WW 415 Hypertrophy QZ 190 Hypnosis BF; WM 415 Hypnotics QV 85 Hypobaropathy WD 710 Hypochondriasis WM 178 Hypochromic anemias WH 160 Hypodermic medication WB 354 Hypodermoclysis WB 354 Hypoglycemia WK 880 Hypomenorrhea WP 552 Hypophoria WW 410 Hypophysis cerebri WK 500 Hypopituitarism WK 550 Hypopyon WW 210 Hyposomnia WM 188 Hypospadias WJ 600 Hypotension WG 340 Controlled WO 350 Hypothalamus WL 312 Hypothyroidism WK 250 Hysterectomy WP 468 Hysterias WM 173 I Ice, Sanitation WA 675 Ichthyosis WR 260 Icterus WI 703 Spirochetal WC 420 Identification of persons W 786 Idiocy WM 300 Idiosyncrasy, Drugs QV 38 Ileum WI 512 Ileus WI 460 Illegitimacy HQ Paternity W 791 270 Illuminating gas QV 662 Illumination WW 113; QT 230 Industrial WA 470 School buildings WA 350 Illustration, Surgical WO 517 Imbecility WM 300 Immaturity syndromes WM 190 Immersion foot WG 530 Immune body QW 660 Immune sera QW 815 Immunity QW 504 Preparations producing QW 800 Reaction to injury QZ 160 Immunization QW 806 Of children WS 135 Public health aspects WA 110 Immunologic tests QY 250 Immunologists QW 522 Military laboratory service UH Immunology QW 504 Impetigo WR 225 Implantation (Embryology) QS 645 Impotence WJ 709 Impregnation, Artificial WQ 208 Inanition WD 105 Incomes Of dentists WU 77 Of physicians W 79 Incompatibilities QV 746 Incunabula WZ 230 Indian nursing services WY 130 Indigents, Medical care W250 Indigestion WI 145 Induction of labor WQ 440 Industrial accidents WA 485 Industrial bacteriology QW 75 Industrial by-products in air pollution WA 754 Industrial dermatoses WR 600 Industrial diseases WA 400 Medicolegal aspects W 925 Industrial health WA 400 Industrial hygiene WA 400 Industrial medical de- partments WA 412 Industrial nursing WY 141 Industrial ophthalmology WW 505 Industrial poisoning WA 465 Medicolegal aspects W 925 Industrial surgery WO 700 Industrial waste WA 788 Infanticide W 867 Infantosexuality WM 610 Infants WS Anesthesia WO 440 Birth injuries WS 405 Infanticide W 867 271 Infants (Continued) Newborn WS 420 Resuscitation WQ 450 Nursing WY 159 Premature WS 410 Roentgen diagnosis WN 240 Surgery WO 925 Welfare WA 320 Infarction QZ 170 Coronary WG 300 Pulmonary WG 420 Infection QW 700 Infectious diseases WC Chemotherapy preparations QV 250 Control WA 110 Nursing WY 153 Prevention WA 110 Transmission WA 110; QW 700; QX 650 Inferiority, Constitutional psychopathic WM 210 Infiltration anesthesia WO 340 Inflammation QZ 150 Immunological aspects QW 700 Influenza WC 515 Infra-red rays WB 480 Infusion QV 785; WB 354 Inguinal hernia WI 960 Inhalation WB 342 Anesthesia WO 277 Injections Enemas WB 344 Hypodermic WB 354 Intravenous WB 354 Saline WB 354 Injured, Transportation Hospital departments WX 215 Injured, Transportation (Continued) Military UH Injuries As cause of disease QZ 55 Birth WS 405 Blast WO 820 Childbirth WP 170 First aid WA 292 Industrial W 925; WA 485 Manifestations of QZ 150-160 Prevention of WA 250 Radiation WN 610; WA 470 Traumatic W 843; WO 700 Inlays WU 360 Inoculation QW 806 Animal QY 105 Inorganic ions QV 270 Inorganic poisons QV 610 Inorganic substances, Biochemistry QU 130 Inositol QU 195 Insanity WM Jurisprudence W 740 Nursing WY 160 Insect control QX 600; WA 240 Insect poisons WD 430 Insecticides WA 240 Insects QX 500 As vectors of disease QX 650 Insemination, Artificial WQ 208 272 Insomnia WM 188 Inspection, Sanitary WA 670 Institutional nursing WY 125 Institutions For the blind HV For the deaf HV Instruments Anesthetic WO 240 Medical and surgical supply catalogs W 26 Surgical WO 162 Insular tissue, Pancreas WK 801 Insulin WK 820 Shock WM 410 Insurance Health and accident plans W 100 Medicolegal aspects W 900 Integumentary system WR Children WS 260 Intelligence BF Tests BF Interbrain WL 312 Intercarotid ganglion WK 375 Intermediary body QW 660 Intermittent fever WC 750 Internal ear WV 250 Internal medicine WB Internal secretions WK International health administration WA 540 Internists W 22 Internships W 20; WX 203 Dental WU 20 Intervertebral disc lesions WE 740 Interviewing WB 290 Intestines WI 400 Intracaine QV 115 Intracranial pressure WL 102 Intraligamentous pregnancy WQ 220 Intraocular pressure WW 143 Intraocular pressure, Increased WW 290 Intratracheal anesthesia WO 280 Intravenous anesthesia WO 285 Intussusception WI 450 Invasiveness QW 730 Inversion, Visceral QS 675 Involution pf the uterus WQ 500 Iodides QV 283 For syphilis QV 261 Iodine QV 231 Iodine metabolism WK 202 Iodoform QV 231 Ionium WN 415 Ions QV 270 Ipecacuanha QV 73 Iridocyclitis WW 240 Iris WW 240 Iritis WW 240 Iron QV 183 Iron deficiency anemia WH 160 Iron lung WF 26 Irritable heart WG 320 Irritant gases QV 664 Irritant poisons QV 618 393023 O -56 -20 273 Irritants QV 65 Ischemia QZ 170 Ishihara plates WW 150 Island fever WC 630 Islands of Langerhans WK 801 Isolation hospitals WC 27-28 Isomerases QU 135 Isotopes QD Radioactive WN 415 Italian leprosy WD 126 Itch WR 365 Itch mites QX 475 Ivy, Poison WR 175 Ixodoidea QX 479 Izumi fever WC 214 J Jacksonian epilepsy WL 385 Japanese river fever WC 630 Jaundice WI 703 Familial WH 170 Of the newborn WH 425 Spirochetal WC 420 Jaw WU Fracture WU 610 Jejunum WI 510 Jews Cookery for the sick WB 405 Dietary laws BM Diseases WB 720 In medicine WZ 80 Joints WE 300 Jurisprudence Dental W 705 Hospital WX 32 Medical W 700 Nursing WY 32 Pharmaceutical QV 32 Psychiatric W 740 Veterinary SF K Kakke WD 122 Kala-azar WC 715 Kedani disease WC 630 Keratitis WW 220 Keratoconus WW 220 Keratomalacia WW 220 Keratomycosis linguae WI 210 Keratosis WR 500 Kerosene QV 633 Kidney WJ 300 Kinases QU 135 Kinesitherapy WB 541 Kinship W 791 Kitchens, Hospital WX 168 Kleptomania WM 176 Knee WE 870 Knots, Surgical WO 166 Kola QV 107 Korsakoff's psychosis WM 274 Koumiss WB 428 Kraurosis WP 200 Kymography WG 141; WN 100 Kyphosis WE 735 274 L L. E. phenomenon WR 152 Labels, Pharmaceutical QV 835 Labia WP 200 Labor WQ 300 Laboratories, Hospital WX207 Laboratory diagnosis QY Laboratory service, Military UH Labyrinth WV 255 Labyrinthic gases QV 664 Lacerations WO 192 Cervical WP 470 Perineal WP 170 Lacrimal apparatus WW 208 Lacrimators, Toxicology QV 665 Lactation WP 825 Lactoflavin QU 191 Lactose QU 75 Laminagraphy WN 160 Langerhans' islands WK 801 Laryngitis WV 510 Laryngologists WV 22 Laryngology WV 500 Nursing WY 158 Laryngoscopy WV 505 Larynx WV 500 Latency in infection QW 700 Laundries, Hospital WX 165 Law and psychiatry W 740 Laws Dentistry WU 32 Dissection QS 132 Laws (Continued) Drugs QV 32; QV 832 Food WA 697 Health WA 32 Hospitals WX 32 Insane WM 32 Medicine W 32 Nursing WY 32 Obstetrics WQ 32 Ophthalmology WW 32 Oral surgery WU 32 Otorhinolaryngology WV32 Pharmacy QV 32; QV 832 Psychiatry WM 32 Public health WA 32 Radiology WN 32 Sanitation WA 32 Surgery WO 32 Lead QV 292 Lecithin QU 93 Leeches QX 451; WD 420 Leeching WB 381 Leg WE 850 Artificial WE 172 Lower WE 870 Upper WE 855 Legal medicine W 700 Hospital WX 32 Leishmania QX 70 Leishmaniasis WR 350 Visceral WC 715 Lens WW 260 Lenses, Optical WW 354 Leper hospitals WC 27-28 Lepidoptera QX 560 Leprosaria WC 27-28 275 Leprosy WC 335 Drugs QV 259 Leptazol QV 103 Leptomeninges WL 200 Leptospirosis icterohaemor- rhagica WC 420 Lesbianism WM 615 Letterer-Siwe disease WH 650 Leucine QU 60 Leukemia QZ 350; WH 250 Leukocytes WH 200 Enumeration QY 402 Inflammation QW 700 Leukocytosis WH 200 Leukodermia WR 265 Leukokeratosis WI 200 Leukokraurosis WP 200 Leukoma WI 200; WW 220 Leukoplakia WI 200 Cervical WP 470 Vulval WP 200 Leukorrhea WP 255 Lewisite QV 666 Libraries Z Hospital Z Medical Z Medical record WX 173 Lice QX 501 Disinfestation WA 240 Infestation WR 375 Licensure Barbers, beauticians, etc. WA 32 Dental hygienists WU 40 Dentists WU 40 Midwives WQ 32 Nurses WY 21 Pharmacists QV 29 Physicians W 40 Lichen planus WR 215 Life Beginning W 789 Duration WT 104 Expectancy tables WT 16 Life insurance, Medico- legal aspects W 900 Ligament, Broad WP 101 Ligaments WE 300 Ligatures, Surgical WO 166 Light WB 480; QT 230 As cause of disease QZ 57 Perception WW 103 Light metals QV 298 Lighting Industrial WA 470 School buildings WA 350 Lightning stroke WD 602 Limbs, Artificial WE 172 Lingua geographica WI 210 Lingua villosa negra WI 210 Lip WI 200 Cleft WV440 Reading HV Lipids QU 85 Lipodystrophy Internal WD 214 Progressive WD 214 Lipoids QU 85 Lipomatoses WD 214 Liquor cresolis saponatus QV 223 Liquors WB 444 276 Literature By physicians WZ 350 In psychotherapy WM 450 Medicine in WZ 330 Physicians in WZ 330 Psychiatric interrelation- ships WM 49 Lithium salts QV 618 Little's disease WS 340 Liver WI 700 Tests QY 140 Liver extract QV 184 Living space QT 230 Loa loa QX 301 Lobectomy WF 668 Local anesthesia WO 300 Local immunity QW 563 Localization of function (Brain) WL 335 Localization of infection QW 700 Lochia WQ 500 Lockjaw WC 370 Locomotion WE 103 Locomotor ataxia WC 165 Locomotor system WE Logic, Medical W 61 Longevity WT 104 Lordosis WE 735 Lotions QV 785 Low sodium diets WB 424 Lower extremity WE 850 Lumbosacral region WE 750 Luminal QV 88 Lung irritants QV 664 Lungs WF 600 Lupus WR 152; WR 245 Lying-in hospitals WQ 27-28 Lymph WH 700 Lymphadenitis WH 700 Lymphangiitis WH 700 Lymphatic system WH 700 Children WS 300 Tuberculosis WF 290 Lymphatism WK 400 Lymphocytes WH 200 Lymphogranuloma venereum WC 185 Lymphogranulomatosis inguinalis WC 185 Lymphoid tissue WH 700 Lymphomas WH 525; QZ 350 Lymphopathia venerea WC 185 Lysis by antibodies QW 660 Lysol QV 223 M Maceration QV 778 Macrocytic anemias WH 165 Macula lutea 'WW 270 Maduromycosis WR 340 Magnesium QV 278 Magnetism, Animal BF; WB 880 Mal de pinto WR 265 Malacosteon WE 250 Maladjustment WM 190 Malaria WC 750 Drugs QV 256 Male fern QV 253 Male genitalia WJ 700 Male nurses WY 191 277 Malformations, Congenital QS 675 Bones WE 250 Brain WL 350 Foot WE 883 Gynecological WP 150; WQ 320 Heart WG 220 Intestines WI 412 Vertebrae WE 730 Malingering W 783 Malnutrition WD 105 Malocclusion WU 440 Malpractice W 44 Dental WU 44 Malta fever WC 310 Maltose QU 75 Mammals QL Fossil QE Poisons from WD 400 Mammary glands WP 800 Mandelic acid QV 243 Mandible WU Mandragora QV 85 Manganese QV 618 Manic-depressive psychoses WM 207 Manifestations of disease QZ 140; WL 340 Ocular WW 475 Manikins Construction QY 35 Obstetrical WQ 18; WQ 26 Manslaughter W 860; HV Manuscripts WZ 220 Mapharsen QV 262 Margarine WA 722; SF Marihuana addiction WM 276 Marine poisons WD 405 Maritime quarantine WA 234 Marrow WH 380 Marsh gas QV 662 Masochism WM 610 Mass chest x-ray WF 225 Massage WB 537 Mast cells QS 532 Mastication WI 102; WU 102 Mastigophora QX 70 Mastitis WP 840 Mastoid antrum WV 233 Mastoiditis WV 233 Masturbation WS 462 Materia medica QV Dental QV 50 Military supplies UH Maternal welfare WA 310 Maternity W 791 Protection HV Maxilla WU Maxillary sinus WV 345 Maxillofacial injuries WU 610 May-apple QV 75 Mayidism WD 126 Measles WC 580 Measles, German WC 582 Meat WB 426; TX Inspection WA 707 Meatus, Auditory WV 222 Mechanotherapy WB 535 Media, Culture QW 25; QW 26 Median bar WJ 752 278 Mediastinum WF 900 Medical botany QV 766 Medical care Distribution W 76 Industrial WA 412 Low-income groups W 250 Plans W 100 School children WA 350 Medical centers WX 27-28 Medical climatology WB 700 Medical curiosities WZ 308 Medical dissertations W 4 Medical economics W 74 Medical emergencies WB 100 Medical ethics W 50 Medical evidence W 725 Medical geography WB 700 Medical gymnastics WB 541 Medical insurance W 100 Medical jurisprudence W 700 * Medical logic W 61 Medical missions W 323 Medical philosophy W 61 Medical profession W Medical records libraries WX 173 Medical secretary W 80 Medical service plans W 100 Medical social work W 322 Medical symbolism WZ 334 Medical terminology W 15 Medication WB 330 Preanesthetic WO 234 Medicolegal chemistry W 750 Medicolegal dentistry W 705 Medicolegal examination W 775 Medicolegal psychiatry W 740 Medicolegal specialists W 622 Mediterranean disease WH 170 Mediterranean fever WC 310 Medulla WL 320 Melanotrichia linguae WI 210 Melioidosis WC 330 Melitococcosis WC 310 Meliturias, Non-diabetic WK 870 Membrana tympani WV 225 Membranes Fetal Embryology QS 645 Obstetrics WQ 210 Tumors QZ 330 Mucous QS 532 Drugs acting on QV60 Periodontal WU 240 Synovial WE 300 Mendelic acid QV 243 Mendel's law QH Meniere's syndrome WV258 Meninges WL 200 Meningism WL 340 Meningitis WC 245 Cerebral WL 200 Me ningo-encephalitis, Syphilitic WC 165 279 Meningocele WL 200 Meningococcal infections WC 245 Meningomyelitis WL 400 Menopause WP 580 Menorrhagia WP 555 Menstrual cycle WP 540 Menstruation WP 550 Mental deficiency WM 300 Mental diseases WM Mental healing WB 880 Mental hygiene WM 75; WM 100 Military UH Mental hygiene programs WM 30 Meperidine QV 93 Mercury QV 293 For syphilis QV 261 Mercy death W 50 Mesencephalon WL 310 Mesenchyma QS 604 Tumors QZ 340 Mesentery WI 500 Mesmerism BF; WB 880 Metabolism QU 120 Bacterial QW 52 Diseases of WD 200 Disturbances of, as manifestation of disease QZ 180 Metagonimus QX 353 Metallotherapy WB 890 Metallurgy, Dental WU 180 Metals QV 290 Metaphysical healing WB 880 Metaplasia QZ 190 Metencephalon WL 320 Meteorology QC Medical WB 740 Methane QV 662 Methenamine QV 243 Methyl alcohol QV 83 Methyl benzoyl ecgonine QV 113 Metrazol QV 103 Shock WM 410 Metritis WP 451 Metrorrhagia WP 555 Metycaine QV 115 Micro-organisms QW Microbiology QW; QX Microcephaly QS 675 Microfilaria QX 301 Micrometry QC Microscopy QH Slit-lamp WW 143 Midbrain WL 310 Middle ear WV 230 Midwifery WQ 160 Migraine WL 344 Miliary tuberculosis WF 380 Military hygiene UH Military medicine UH Military nursing WY 130; UH Military surgery WO 800 Milk WA 715; SF; TX Analysis WA 716; SF Bacteriology QW 85 Diet WB 428 Secretion WP 825 Milk sickness WD 530 Millipedes QX 465 Milzbrand WC 305; SF 280 Mineral content of food QU 130 Mineral waters WB 442 Mineral metabolism QU 130; WD 220 Minor surgery WO 192 Miscegenation GN Missions, Medical W 323 Mite-borne rickettsial fevers WC 630-635 Mites QX483 Mitral valve WG 262 Mixtures QV 785 Models Construction QY 35 Dental WU 26 Obstetrical WQ 18; WQ 26 Molds QW 180; QK Molds (Casts) Construction QY 35 Dental WU 26 Mollities ossium WE 250 Mongolism WM 300 Monilia QW 180 Moniliasis WC 470 Monocytes WH 200 Mononucleosis, Infectious WC 522 Monorchidism WJ 840 Monosaccharides QU 75 Monsters QS 675 Morbidity WA 900 Morgues WA 840 Moronity WM 300 Morphine QV 92 Addiction WM 286 Morphology QS Mortality WA 900 Mosquitoes QX 510 Moths QX 560 Motion WD 720; WE 103 Motion pictures in medicine W 18 Motion sickness WD 630 Motor epilepsy WL 385 Motor vehicle accidents WA 275 Mottled teeth WU 220 Moulage QY 35 Mountain sickness WD 710 Mouth WI 200 Medication by WB 350 Surgery WU 600 Movement WE 103 Moxibustion WB 369 Mucous membranes QS 532 Drugs acting on QV 60 Multiple myeloma WH 540 Multiple pregnancy WQ 235 Multiple sclerosis WL 360 Mumps WC 520 Murder W 860; HV Murine typhus WC 615 Muscle relaxants in anesthesia WO 297 Muscles WE 500 Ocular WW 400 Skeletal, Drugs acting on QV 140 281 Musculoskeletal system WE Children WS 270 Mushroom poisoning WD 520 Music Therapeutic use WM 450; WB 550 Mustard QV 65 Plasters WB 371 Mustard gas QV 666 Mutases QU 135 Myalgia, Epidemic WC 500 Myasthenia gravis WE 555 Mycology QW 180; QK Methods in QY 110 Mycosis WC 450 Fungoides WR 500 Mycotic lung infections WF 652 Mycotic skin infections WR 300 Mydriasis WW 240 Myelencephalon WL 320 Myelitis WL 400 Myeloid tissue WH 380 Myelopathy WL 400 Myocarditis WG 280 Myocardium WG 280 Myoclonia epileptica WL 385 Myoclonus epilepsy WL 385 Myomata (Uterine) WP 459 Myopathies WE 550 Myopia WW 320 Myositis WE 544 Myxedema WK 252 Myxobacteriales QW 145 N Nails WR 475 Naphtha QV 633 Naphthol QV 241 Naphthoquinone QU 181 Narceine QV 90 Narcissism WM 610 Narcolepsy WM 188 Narcosis, Therapeutic WM 415 Narcosynthesis WM 415 Narcotics QV 80; WA 730 Addiction WM 270 Anesthesia WO 234; WO 295 Narcotine QV 90 Nasal accessory sinuses WV 340 Nasal fossae WV 324 Nasal septum WV 320 Nasopharynx WV 410 Natural immunity QW 541 Naturopathy WB 960 Naupathia WD 630 Nausea WI 146 Naval hygiene VG Naval medicine VG Naval nursing WY 130; VG Naval surgery WO 800 Neapolitan fever WC 310 Nearsightedness WW 320 Necator QX 243 Neck WE 708 282 Necrophilia WM 610 Necrosis QZ 180 Negroes in medicine Biography WZ 150 History WZ 80 Nelavan WC 705 Nemathelminthes QX 203 Nematode infections WC 850 Nematodes QX 203 Neoarsphenamine QV 262 Neocaine QV 115 Neoplasms QZ 200 Neoplastic diseases QZ 200 Nursing WY 156 Neosalvarsan QV 262 Nephritides WJ 353 Nephrolithiasis WJ 356 Nephroptosis WJ 301 Nephrosclerosis WJ 353 Nephroses WJ 340 Nerve block WO 375 Nerve block anesthesia WO 300 Nerve cells, Histology WL 101 Nerve centers WL 102 Nerve fibers WL 101 Nerve impulses WL 102 Nerve roots WL 400 Nerves WL Auditory WV 250 Optic WW 280 Nervous exhaustion WM 174 Nervous system WL Children WS 340 Nettle rash WR 170 Neuralgia WL 544 Neurasthenia WM 174 Neuritis WL 544 Endemic multiple WD 122 Optic WW 280 Neurohypophys is WK 520 Neurology WL Children WS 340 Nursing WY 160 Neurons, Histology WL 101 Neuroses WM 170 Neurosurgery WL 368 Neurosyphilis WC 165 Neurotropic virus infections WC 540 Newborn WS 420 Resuscitation WQ 450 Niacin QU 193 Nicolas-Favre disease WC 185 Nicotinamide QU 193 Nicotine QV 137 Nicotinic acid QU 193 Niemann-Pick disease WH 650 Night blindness WD 110 Night vision WW 103 Nightshade, Deadly QV 134 Nikethamide QV 103 Nitrates QV 157 Nitric acid QV 612 Nitrites QV 157 Nitrobenzene QV 632 Nitrobenzol QV 632 Nitrogen QU 55 Nitrogen mustards QV 666 283 Nitroglycerine QV 632; QV 157 Nitrous oxide QV 81 Nodulus intercaroticus WK375 Noise WA 470; WD 735 Non-alkaloids QV 632 Non-diabetic meliturias WK 870 Norepinephrine WK 725 Nose WV 300 Nosebleed WV 320 Nosology WB 15 Nostrums QV 772 Notifiable diseases, Registration of WA 55 Novocaine QV 115 Nucleases QU 135 Nucleic acid derivatives QV 185 Nucleic acids QU 55 Nuisances (Air pollution) WA 750 Numismatics, Medical WZ 340 Nupercaine QV 115 Nursery hygiene WS 113 Nurses WY Nurses' aides WY 193 Nursing WY Military WY 130; UH Naval WY 130; VG Nursing ethics WY 85 Nursing jurisprudence WY 32 Nutrition QU 145; WB 400 Disorders WD 100 As cause of disease QZ 105 Of children WS 115 Nutrition (Continued) Of infants WS 120 Parenteral WB 410 Nutrition tables WS 16 Nux vomica QV 103 Nyctalopia WD 110 Nymphae WP 200 Nymphomania WM 610 Nystagmus WW 410 O Oath, Hippocratic W 50 Obesity WD 210 Obsessive-compulsive states WM 176 Obsessive ruminative states WM 176 Obstetricians WQ 22 Obstetrics WQ Anesthesia WO 450 Cardiac problems WG 460 Nursing WY 157 Urology WJ 190 Obstruction, Intestinal WI460 Occlusion WU 440 Occupational dermatoses WR 600 Occupational diseases WA 400 Medicolegal aspects W 925 Occupational hygiene WA 400 Occupational neuroses WM 173 284 Occupational therapy WB 555 Departments in hospitals WX 225 In psychiatry WM 450 Occupational toxicology WA 465 Medicolegal aspects W925 Ochronosis WR 267 Ocular dominance WW 103 Ocular motility WW 400 Odontostomatology WU Oesophagus WI 250 Offenses, Sexual W 795 Office management W 80 Dental WU 77 Oils Essential QV 785 Volatile QV 785 Ointments QV 785 Old age WT Oleates QV 785 Oleomargarine WA 722; SF Oleoresins QV 785 Olfaction WV 301 Olfactory organs WV 301 Olfactory sense WV 301 Oligemia WH 155 Oligochromemia WH 155 Oligomenorrhea WP 552 Omentum WI 575 Onchocerca QX 301 Onchocerciasis WC 885 Oophoritis WP 320 Opacity, Vitreous WW 250 Opaque media WN 160 Operative dentistry WU 300 Children WU 480 Operative obstetrics WQ 400 Operative surgery WO 500 Ophthalmia WW 210 Sympathetic WW 525 Ophthalmologists WW 22 Ophthalmology WW Nursing WY 158 Ophthalmoscopy WW 143 Opium Addiction WM 286 Alkaloids QV 90 Opsonins QW 690 Optic nerve WW 280 Optical dispensing WW 350 Optical instruments WW 141; WW 26 Opticians WW 22 Optics QC Physiological WW 103 Optometry WW 300 Oral surgery WU 600 Children WU 480 Orbit WW 202 Orchitis WJ 830 Organic poisons QV 627 Organic psychoses WM 220 Organization, Health WA 525 Orientation, Spatial WV 255 Ornithosis WC 525 Oroya fever WC 640 Orthodontia WU 400 Orthopedics WE Nursing WY 161 Orthoptera QX 570 285 Orthoptics WW 400 Osier's disease WH 180; WG 285 Osteitis, Fibrosa cystica WK 300 Osteoarthritis WE 348 Osteochondroses WE 259 Osteology WE 200 Osteomalacia WD 145; WE 250 Osteomyelitis WE 251 Osteopathy WB 940 Osteotomy WE 168 Otalgia WV 200 Otitic barotrauma WV 230 Otitis media WV 232 Otology WV 200 Otorhinolaryngology WV Nursing WY 158 Otosclerosis WV 265 Out-patient departments WX 205 Outdoor games QT 250 Ovary WP 320 Endocrine function WP 520 Pregnancy in WQ 220 Oviduct WP 300 Ovulation WP 540 Ovum Development WQ 205 Oxidases QU 135 Oxidation QU 120 Oxidizing antiseptics QV 229 Oximetry QY 480 Oxygen QV 312 Deficiency WD 715 Oxytocics QV 173 Oxyuriasis WC 860 Oxyuroidea QX 271 P P. P. factor QU 193 Pachymeninges WL 200 Packaging of drugs QV 825 Pain WB 176; WI 147; WL 700 Palate WI 200; WV 410 Cleft WV440 Paleopathology QZ 4 Palm WE 830 Palpation WB 275 Palsy WL 359 Bell's WL 330 Cerebral WS 340 Paludism WC 750 Pamaquine QV 258 Pancreas WI 800 Insular tissue WK 801 Pancreatitis WI 805 Panneuritis^ epidemica WD 122 Panophthalmitis WW 210 Panotitis WV 200 Pantothenic acid QU 195 Papaver somniferum QV90 Papaverine QV 90 Papilledema WW 280 Pappataci fever WC 526 Paracentesis WB 373 286 Paraffin Oil QV 633 Prosthesis WO 640 Paragonimus QX 353 Paralysants QV 667 Paralysins QW 640 Paralysis Agitans WL 359 Cervical sympathetic WL 600 Divers' WD 712 General WC 165 Infantile WC 555 Ocular muscles WW 400 Spastic WS 340 Vocal cords WV 530 Parametritis WP 451 Paranoia WM 205 Paraphimosis WJ 790 Paraphrenia WM 205 Parasites QX As cause of disease QZ 85 Parasitological diseases WC 695 Parasitology QX Parasympathetic nervous system WL 600 Parasympathomimetic drugs QV 122 Parathyroid glands WK 300 Parathyroid hormones WK 300 Par atrophy WD 214 Paratyphoid fever WC 266 Paravertebral anesthesia WO 300; WO 375 Parenteral feeding WB 410 Paresis, General WC 165 Parkinson's disease WL 359 Parodontitis WU 242 Parodontosis WU 242 Parotid gland WI 230 Parotitis WI 230; WC 520 Paroxysmal dyspnea WG 370 Paroxysmal tachycardia WG 330 Parrot fever WC 525 Partial dentures WU 515 Parturition WQ 300 Passive-dependency reaction WM 190 Pasteurization of milk WA 719 Pastoral medicine WM 61 Pastoral psychiatry WM 61 Patella WE 870 Patent medicines QV772 Paternity W 791 Pathogenesis of disease QZ 40 Pathogenic fungi QW 180 Pathologists QY 22; QZ 22 Pathology QZ Clinical QY Dental WU 140 Examinations QY Surgical WO 142 Pathomimesis W 783 287 Patients' libraries Z Pederasty WM 610 Pediatricians WS 22 Pediatrics WS Anesthesia WO 440 Dentistry WU 480 Nursing WY 159 Roentgen diagnosis WN 240 Surgery WO 925 Pediculosis WR 375 Pediculus QX 501 Pedodontia WU 480 Pedophilia WM 610 Pellagra WD 126 Pelvic floor WP 101 Pelvic inflammations WP 155 Pelvic supporting structures WP 101 Pelvimetry WQ 320 Pelvis WE 750 Obstetrics WQ 320 Pemphigus neonatorum WR 225 Penicillin QV 354 Penis WJ 790 Pentothal sodium QV 88 Pentylenetetrazol QV 103 Peptic ulcer WI 350 Percaine QV 115 Perception BF Color WW 150 Time BF Visual WW 103 Percussion WB 278 Periarteritis nodosa WG 518 Pericardial fluid WG 275; WB 375; QY 210 Pericarditis WG 275 Pericardium WG 275 Pericementitis WU 242 Pericementum WU 240 Perimetry WW 145 Periodic health examination WB 205 Periodicals, Medical W 1 Periodontitis WU 242 Periodontium WU 240 Periodontoclasia WU 242 Peripheral nerves WL 500 Peripheral vascular diseases WG 500 Peristalsis WI 402 Peritoneal cavity WI 575 Peritoneal fluid QY 210 Peritoneoscopy WI 575 Peritoneum WI 575 Peritonitis WI 575 Perityphlitis WI 535 Perkinism WB 890 Pernicious anemia WH 165 Pernio WG 530 Peroxide, Hydrogen QV 229 Personal hygiene QT 180 Personality BF Psychopathic WM 210 Schizoid WM 203 Tests WM 145 288 Personnel work T Perspiration WR 102 Perspiratory glands WR 400 Pertussis WC 340 Perversions, Sexual WM 610 Petroleum QV 633 Phagocytosis QW 690 Pharmaceutical ethics QV21 Pharmaceutical service, Military UH Pharmaceutics QV 704 Pharmacognosy QV 752 Pharmacology QV Pharmacopoeias QV 738 Pharmacy QV 704 Hospital departments WX 179 Public health aspects WA 730 Pharyngeal region WV 400 Pharyngitis WV 410 Pharynx WV 410; WF 490 Phemerol QV 233 Phenacaine QV 115 Phenacetin QV 95 Phenobarbital QV 88 Phenol QV 223 Phenomenon Arthus QW 900 L. E. WR 152 Shwartzman QW 900 Theobald Smith QW 900 Phenylacetamide QV 95 Phenylamine QV 632 Phenylglycolic acid QV 243 Phenyl hydrazine QV 185 Philately, Medical WZ 340 Philocytase QW 660 Philosophy, Medical W 61 Phimosis WJ 790 Phlebitis WG 610 Phlebonarcosis WO 285 Phlebothrombosis WG 610 Phlebotomus fever WC 526 Phlegmon QZ 180 Phobias WM 178 Phonocardiography WG 141 Phosgene QV 664 Phosphatases QU 135 Phosphates, Inorganic QV285 Phosphatides QU 93 Phosphorus QV 618 Photography Fluorescent screen WN 220 Roentgen ray WN 100 Phototherapy WB 480 Phrenic neurectomy WF 768 Phrenology BF Phthiriasis WR 375 Phthisis WF 300 Physical agents As a cause of disease QZ 57; WD 600 Physical education QT 255 Physical examination WB 205 Physical medicine WB 460 393023 O -56 -21 289 Physical therapy WB 460; WM 405 Hospital departments WX223 Physicians W Biography WZ 100-150 Literary and artistic work WZ 350 Social relations W 62 Physics QC Biological QT 34 Radiological WN 110 Physiological chemistry QU Physiological optics WW 103 Physiological psychology BF; WL 102 Physiology QT Bacterial QW 52 Cellular QH Cold climates QT 160 Comparative QT 4 Dental WU 102 High air pressure WD 650 Low air pressure WD 710 Pathological QZ 140 Psychological BF; WL 102 Surgical WO 102 Tropical QT 150 Physiotherapy WB 460; WM 405 Hospital departments WX 223 Physostigmine QV 122 Pia mater WL 200 Picrates QV 612 Picric acid QV 612 Picrotoxin QV 103 Piebald skin WR 265 Pigmentation of skin GN Disturbances WR 265 Pigments, Composition of QU 100 Piles WI 605 Pills QV 785 Pilocarpine QV 122 Pineal body WK 350 Pinna WV 220 Pinworm QX 271 Pituitary gland WK 500 Anterior, Hormones WK 515 Posterior, Hormones WK 520 Pityriasis Rosea WR 200 Linguae WI 210 Placenta WQ 212 Embryology QS 645 Hormones WK 920 Plague WC 350 Planigraphy WN 160 Plantar region WE 880 Plants QK Bacteriology QW 60 Diseases SB Medicinal QV 766 Culture SB Poisons WD 500 Plasma expanders WH 450 Plasmochin QV 258 Plasmodia QX 135 Plasmoid gelatin WH450 Plaster, Adhesive WO 167 290 Plaster of Paris dressings WO 170 Plasters QV 65; WB 371 Pharmacy QV 785 Plastic surgery WO 600 Nose WV 312 Platelets, Blood WH 300 Platyhelminthes QX 350 Play Children LB Recreation QT 250 Therapeutic use WM 450 Pleura WF 700 Tuberculosis WF 390 Pleural cavity WF 700 Pleural fluid QY 210 Pleurisy WF 744 Pleuritis WF 744 Pleurodynia, Epidemic WC 500 Plica polonica WR 450 Plumbism QV 292 Pneumoconiosis WF 654 Pneumonectomy WF 668; WF 350 Pneumonias WC 202 Pneumoperitoneum, Artificial WI 575 Pneumothorax WF 746 Artificial WF 768; WF 350 Podophyllum QV 75 Poison ivy WR 175 Poisoning QV 600 Animal WD 400 Food WC 268 Plant WD 500 Poisons QV 600 Industrial, Protection WA 465 Poisons (Continued) Public health aspects WA 730 Poliomyelitis WC 555 Poliosis WR 450 Pollinosis WV 335 Pollution Of air WA 754 Of soil WA 785 Of water supply WA 689 Of waters WA 820 Polonium WN 415 Pplyangiitis, Essential WG 518 Polyarthritis rheumatica WC 220 Polycythemia WH 180 Polyneuritis WL 544 Endemica WD 122 Polyposis WI 430 Polysaccharides QU 83 Pons WL 310 Pontocaine hydrochloride QV 115 Poor, Medical care W 250 Popliteal space WE 870 Poradenitis nostras WC 185 Porcelain WU 190; WU 180 Pornography HQ Porphyria WH 190 Porphyrins WH 190 Port quarantine WA 234 Portal system WI 720 291 Position, Sense of WL 102 Positioning, Radiography WN 160 Posology QV 748 Posterior lobe hormones WK 520 Postgraduate education Dental WU 20 Medical W 20 Postmortem examinations QZ 35 Medicolegal aspects W 825 Postnatal care WQ 500 Postoperative care WO 183 Postoperative complications WO 184 Postpartum hemorrhage WQ 330 Posture WE 103 Potassium QV 277 Potassium permanganate QV 229 Pott's disease WE 253 Powders, Pharmacy QV785 Practical nurses WY 195 Practice Dental WU 32; WU 77 Medical W 33; W 80; W 87; WB 50 Preanesthetic medication WO 234 Precipitation, Antigens QW 640 Precipitinogens QW 640 Precipitins QW 640 Diagnostic reactions QY 265 Precipitogens QW 640 Pregnancy WQ 200 Breast in WP 825 Legal aspects W 791 Tests QY 335 Premarital examination WP 141 Laws HQ Premature infants WS410 Pre-menstrual tension WP 560 Prenatal care WQ 175 Preoperative care WO 179 Preparatory manipulation, Obstetric WQ 410 Prepayment medical plans W 100 Prepuce WJ 790 Presbyopia WW 300 Prescriptions Collected QV 740 Dental WU 166 Writing QV 748 Presentation (Obstetrics) WQ 307 Preservation Blood WH 460 Dead bodies WA 844 Drugs WA 730; QV 754 Foods WA 710 Preservatives QV 820 Pressure Blood WG 106 Intracranial WL 203 Prevention of accident and injury WA 250; WA485 292 Prevention of infectious diseases WA 110 Preventive dentistry WU 113 Preventive inoculation WA 110; WS 135J QW 806 Preventive medicine WA Priapism WJ 790 Prison hygiene and medicine HV Private nursing WY 127 Private practice W 89 Procaine QV 115 Proctological surgery WI 650 Proctology WI 600 Proctoscopy WI 620 Proflavine QV 235 Progera WK 550 Progesterone WP 530 Prognosis WB 142 Progressive lipodystrophy WD 214 Progressive muscular dystrophy WE 559 Projective tests WM 145 Prolongation of life WT 104 Propamidine QV 223 Prophylactic immunization WS 135; WA 110, QW 806 Prophylaxis Oral WU 113 Venereal diseases WC 142 Prophylaxis stations WC 27-28 Proprioceptive sense WL 102 Prosencephalon WL 307 Prostate gland WJ 750 Prostatitis WJ 752 Prostheses Dental WU 500 Ocular WW 358 Orthopedic WE 172 Paraffin WO 640 Plastic WO 640 Proteases QU 135 Protectives QV 63 Protein deficiency WD 105 Protein hydrolysates QU 60 Protein sensitization QW 900 Proteins Antigens QW 570 Food QU 55 Protozoa QX 50 Protozoan infections WC 700 Protracted pregnancy WQ 240 Proverbs, Medical WZ 309 Prurigo WR 200 Pruritis WR 282 Vulva WP 200 Psilosis WD 175 Psittacosis WC 525 Psoriasis WR 205 Psychasthenia WM 174 Psychiatric aspects of aviation medicine WD 730 Psychiatrists WM 22 Psychiatry WM Childhood WS 350 Geriatric WT 150 293 Psychiatry (Continued) Medicolegal W 740 Nursing WY 160 Psychic maladjustment WM 190 Psychic variants, Epilepsy WL 385 Psychoanalysis WM 460 Psychodrama WM 430 Psychology BF Abnormal WM Adolescence WS 462 Child WS 105 Clinical WM Criminal HV Crowd HM Educational LB Geriatric WT 150 Mass HM Nursing WY 87 Pathological WM Physiological WL 102 Social HM War U; UH Psychoneuroses WM 170 Psychopathic inferiority WM 210 Psychopathic personality WM 210 Psychopathology WM Psychoses WM 200 Psychosomatic medicine WM 90 Psychosurgery WL 370 Psychotherapy WM 420 Pterygium WW 212 Ptilosis WF 654 Ptomaines WC 268 Puberty WS 450 Pubiotomy WQ 430 Public baths WA 820 Public carriers WA 810 Public health WA Nursing WY 108 Public health workers WA 22 Puerperium WQ 500 Pulex QX 550 Pulmonary tuberculosis WF 300 Pulmonic valve WG 269 Pulp WU 230 Pulpectomy WU 350 Pulpitis WU 230 Pulpotomy WU 350 Pulse WB 282 Pulsus alternans WG 330 Pulverization QV 778 Puncture WB 373 Sternal WH 380 Puncture fluids QY 210 Pupil, Dilatation of WW 240 Pure food laws WA 697 Purgatives QV 75 Purification Air WA 774 Water supply WA 690 Purine derivatives QV 107 Purpuras WH 312-20 Pus, Clinical exami- nation QY 210 Pyelitis WJ 351 Pyelography WJ 300 Pyelophlebitis WJ 351 294 Pyemia WC 240 Pyloric stenosis WI 387 Pylorospasm WI 150 Pyocolpos WP 255 Pyometra WP 451 Pyopneumothorax WF 746 Pyramidal tract WL 400 Pyorrhea alveolaris WU242 Pyosalpinx WP 300 Pyothorax WF 746 Pyretotherapy WB 467 Psychiatry WM 405 Pyrexia WB 152 Pyridoxine QU 195 Pyrogallol QV 241 Pyuria WJ 351 Q Q fever WC 625 Quackery WZ 310 Quarantine WA 230 Quarantine hospitals WC 27-28 Quinacrine QV 258 Quinidine QV 155 Quinine QV 257 Quintan fever WC 602 R Rabbit fever WC 380 Rabies WC 550; SF Races, Diseases of WB 720 Rademacherism WB 960 Radiant energy WA 470 Radiation, Cause of disease QZ 57 Radiation injuries WN 610; WA 470 Radiation, Physiological effects WN 610 Radiesthesia WB 890 Radioactive substances WN 300; WN 415 Radioactive waste WA 788 Radioactivity WN 415 Safety measures WN 650; WA 470; WA 778 Radioautography WN 415 Radiobiology WN 610 Radiography WN 100 Radiologic services in hospitals WX221 Radiology WN Radioscopy WN 220 Radiotherapy WN 100 Radium WN 300 Radius WE 820 Rag-sorters' disease WC 305 Railroad accidents WA 275 Railroad cars, Public health aspects WA 810 Rape W 795; HV Rat-bite fever (Sodoku) WC 405 Rats, Public health aspects WA 240 Raw food diets WB 432 295 Raynaud's disease WG 570 Reading, Therapeutic WM 450 Reagins QW GOO Recklinghausen's disease QZ 380; WK 300; WR 500 Reconstructive orthopedics WE 190 Record rooms WX 173 Records Case-taking WB 290 Hospital case records WX 173 Recreation QT 250 Rectocele WP 175 Rectovaginal fistula WP 180 Rectum WI 600 Anesthesia by WO 290 Feeding by WB 410 Medication by WB 344 Red Cross Army services UH Disasters HV Nursing WY 137 Reductive enzymes QU 135 Reflex epilepsy WL 385 Reflexes WL 106 Refraction WW 300 Refrigeration anesthesia WO 350 Refuse disposal WA 780 Regeneration QZ 150; QH Regional anatomy WO 101 Regional anesthesia WO 300 Regional surgery WO Registration Barbers, beauticians, etc. WA 32 Birth HA; HB Death HA; HB; WA 54 Dental hygienists WU 40 Dentists WU 40 Midwives WQ 32 Notifiable diseases WA 55 Nurses WY 21 Pharmacists QV 29 Physicians W 40 Rehabilitation of disabled veterans UB; UH Rejuvenation WJ 875 Relapsing fever WC 410 Relationship, Blood Medicolegal aspects W 791 Relaxation WB 545 Religion and psychiatry WM 61 Religious orders, Nursing WY 145 Remedies Ancient and medieval QV 743 Domestic medicine WB 120 Renal function tests QY 175 Renal hormones WK 180 Renin WK 180 Reproduction (Biology) QH Human QP; WQ 205 296 Reproductive system Drugs acting on QV 170 Female WP Male WJ 700 Reptile poisons WD 410 Residencies W 20 Dental WU 20 Resins QV 785 Resorcinol QV 223 Resorts, Health WB 760 Respiration WF 102 Anesthesia WO 277 Artificial WA 292; WO 250 Control WF 102 In physical examination WB 284 Mechanism WF 102 Skin WR 102 Respirators WF 26 Respiratory exchange WF 102 Respiratory system WF Children WS 280 Virus diseases WC 505 Responsibility W 725 Rest QT 265; WB 545 Restaurants WA 799 Resurrectionists WZ 320 Resuscitation WO 250; WA 292 Of the newborn WQ 450 Retarded child WS 107 Reticulo-endothelial cytomycosis WC 465 Reticulo-endothelial system WH 650 Retina WW 270 Retinitis WW 270 Retinoscopy WW 143 Retrolental fibroplasia WW 260 Rh factor WH 425 Rheum officinale QV 75 Rheumatic fever WC 220 Rheumatic heart disease WG 240 Rheumatism WE 544 Acute articular WC 220 Rheumatoid arthritis WE 346 Rhinitis WV 335 Rhinology WV 300 Rhizanesthesia WO 300 Rhubarb QV 75 Rhus QV 632 Riboflavin QU 191 Deficiency WD 124 Ribs WE 715 Rickets WD 145 Rickettsia QW 150 As cause of disease QZ 65 Diseases caused by WC 600 Rickettsiales QW 150 Rickettsialpox WC 635 Riggs' disease WU 242 Ringworm WR 310 Ringworm fungi QW 180 River pollution WA 785 Rock fever WC 310 Rocky Mountain spotted fever WC 620 Roentgen radiation WN Roentgenograms WN 100 Roentgenography WN 100 Dental WN 230 Roentgenology WN Departments in hospitals WX221 297 Roentgenotherapy WN 250 Roeteln WC 582 Root-canal treatment WU 230 Root resection WU 230 Rorschach test WM 145 Rosaniline dyes QV 235 Roseola, Epidemic WC 580 Roundworms QX 203 Rubella WC 582 Rubeola WC 580 Ruminative states WM 176 Rural health and hygiene WA 390 Russian baths WB 525 S Saccharides QU 75 Sacro-coccygeal region WE 750 Sadism WM 610 Sadomasochism WM 610 St. Vitus' dance WL 348 Salicylic acid QV 95 Saline infusion WB 354 Salisbury treatment WB 426 Saliva QY 125 Salivary glands WI 230 Salmonella QW 140 Food poisoning WC 268 Salpingitis WP 300 Salt-free diets WB 424 Salts QV 273 Salvarsan QV 262 Sanatorium regimen in tuberculosis WF 330 Sandfly fever WC 526 Sanitary codes WA 32 Sanitary conditions, Epidemic factor WA 110 Sanitary control WA 670 Sanitary inspections WA 670 Sanitation WA 670 Industrial WA 440 Rural WA 390 School WA 350 Santonin QV 253 Sarcoma QZ 345 Sarcoptes scabiei QX475 Sarcoptidae QX 475 Sarcoptoidea QX 475 Satires on medicine and physicians WZ 305 Scabies WR 365 Scalds WO 704 Scaling WU 113 Scalp WR 450 Scarlatina WC 214 Scarlet fever WC 214 Schistosomes QX 355 Schistosomiasis WC 810 Schizoid personality WM 203 Schizophrenia WM 203 School health and hygiene WA 350 School nursing WY 113 Schools For exceptional children LC For the blind HV For the deaf HV For the deaf-mutes HV Medical W 19 298 Schools (Continued) Nursing WY 19 Sciatica WE 755 Sclera WW 230 Scleritis WW 230 Scleroderma WR 260 Sclerosis QZ 190 Multiple WL 360 Scoliosis WE 735 Scopolamine QV 134 Scopolamine- morphine anesthesia WO 450; WO 234 Scorbutus WD 140 Scorpions QX 469 Poisons WD 420 Scrofula WF 290 Scrofuloderma WR 245 Scrotum WJ 800 Scrub typhus WC 630 Scurvy WD 140 Sea-bathing WB 525 Sea-pollution WA 820 Seasickness WD 630 Sebaceous cyst WR 420 Sebaceous glands WR 410 Seborrhea WR 415 Seconal QV 88 Secretary, Medical W 80 Secretin WK 170 Sedatives QV 85 Uterine QV 170 Selenide, Hydrogen QV 662 Selye syndrome QZ 160 Semen Clinical examination QY 190 Secretion WJ 702; WJ 834 Semen (Continued) Stains, Medicolegal examination W 750 Semicircular canals WV255 Seminal vesicles WJ 750 Semiology WB 143 Senescence WT Senility WT Sensation WL 700 Disturbances WR 280 Hunger WI 102 Skin WR 102 Sense Acoustic WV 270 Olfactory WV 301 Pain WB 176; WL 700 Position WL 102 Proprioceptive WL 102 Tactile WR 102 Taste WI 120 Visual WW 103 Sense organs WL 700 Sensibilisinogens QW 900 Sensibilizer in cytolysis QW 660 Sensitinogens QW 900 Sensitization QW 900 Sensitizer in cytolysis QW 660 Separation, Drugs QV 778 Septic sore throat WC 210 Septicemia 'WC 240 Puerperal WQ 505 Septum, Nasal WV 320 299 Serial publications, Medical W 1 Serodiagnosis QY 265 Serotherapy QW 815 Serum Convalescent QW 815 Diagnosis QY 265 Immune QW 815 Serum sickness WD 330 Serum therapy QW 815 Service plans, Medical W 100 Servicemen, Rehabilitation UB; UH Sewage bacteriology QW 80 Sewage disposal WA 785 Sex Biology QH Cause and determination QP Hygiene HQ Female WP 120 Male WJ 700 School texts QT 225 Medicolegal aspects W 795 Organs Female WP Male WJ 700 Sexual adjustment WP 610 Sexual behavior HQ Sexual deviants WM 610 Sexual education QT 225; HQ Sexual hormones WK 900 Female WP 520 Male WJ 875 Sexual intercourse HQ Abnormal WM 610 Sexual intercourse (Continued) "Marriage manuals" HQ Problems of adjustment WP 610 Sexual offenses W 795 Sexual perversions WM 610 Sexual system, Drugs acting on QV 170 Shadow test WW 300 Shin bone fever WC 602 Shingles WC 575 Ships Public health aspects WA 810 Quarantine WA 234 Shock WO 149; QZ 140 Anaphylactic QW 900 Electrical WD 602; WM 412 Shock therapy WM 410 Shorthand, Medical W 13 Shortsightedness WW 320 Shoulder girdle WE 810 Shwartzman phenomenon QW 900 Sick, Social service W 322 Sickle cell anemia WH 170 Sickness insurance W 100 Siderosis WF 654 Sight Binocular WW 400 Conservation WW 113 300 Sight (Continued) Perimetry WW 145 Physiology WW 103 Sigmoid WI 560 Sigmoidoscopy WI 620 Silicate fillings WU 190 WU 180 Silicosis WF 654 Silver QV 297 Simmond's disease WK 550 Sincaline QU 195 Singultus WF 805 Sinus Accessory nasal WV 340 Arrhythmia WG 330 Sinusitis WV 340 Siphonaptera QX 550 Situs transversus QS 675 "606" QV 262 Skeleton WE Skiascopy WW 300 Skin WR Children WS 260 Drugs acting on QV 60 Skin glands WR 101 Skin grafts WO 610 Skin tests QY 260 Skull WE 705 Fracture WL 354 Slaughter-houses, Public health aspects WA 707 Sleep WL 108 Disorders WM 188 Drugs promoting QV 85 In personal hygiene QT 265 Sleep talking WM 188 Sleep therapy WO 350 Sleep walking WM 188 Sleeping sickness (Encephalitis lethargica) WC 542 Sleeping sickness (Trypanosomiasis) WC 705 Slit lamp microscopy WW 143 Smallpox WC 585 Smell WV 301 Smith, Theobald, phe- nomenon QW 900 Smoke, Public health aspects WA 754 Smokers' patches WI 210 Smokers' tongue WI 210 Smokes, Toxic QV 665 Snake poisons WD 410 Snakeroot poisoning WD 530 Sneezing gas QV 665 Soap QV 220 Social service in hospitals W 322 Social work HV Children HV Hospitals W 322 Maternity HV Medical W 322 Psychiatric HV Socialized medicine W 225 Sociology HM-HV Medical W 322 Psychiatry interre- lationships HV Sodium chloride metab- olism QU 130; WD 220 Sodium salts QV 273 Sodoku WC 405 301 Soft-tissue radiography WN 160 Softening, Brain WL 355 Soil bacteriology QW 60 Soil pollution, Public health aspects WA 785 Solar fever WC 528 Soldier's heart WG 320 Sole, Foot WE 880 Solutions QV 785 Solvents QV 633 Somatization syndromes WM 174 Somnambulism WM 188 Somniloquism WM 188 Soporifics QV 85 Sore throat, Septic WC 210 Space, Perception WW 103 Space medicine WD 700 Spasm, Drugs relieving QV 85 Spastic paralysis WS 340 Spatial orientation WV 255 Spatial vectorcardiography WG 140 Specialization Medical W 90 Nursing WY 101-163 Species, Effect on immunity QW 541 Spectacles WW 350 Speech WV 501 Disorders WM 475 Speed, Physiological effects WD 720 Spermatic cord WJ 780 Spermatocides QV 177 Spermatogenesis WJ 834 Spermatozoa WJ 834 Drugs destroying QV 177 Sphenoidal sinus WV 358 Sphygmography WB 280 Spiders QX 471 Poisons WD 420 Spina bifida WE 730 Spinal anesthesia WO 305 Spinal cord WL 400 Spinal nerve roots WL 400 Spinal nerves WL 400 Spinal puncture WB 377 Spine WE 725 Spirochaetales QW 155 Spirochetal diseases WC 400 Spirochetosis WC 400 Spleen WH 600 Splenic fever WC 305 Splenomegaly WH 600 Febrile tropical WC 715 Splints WE 172 Sporotrichosis WC 475 Sporozoa QX 123 Sports QT 260 Spotted fever, Rocky Mountain WC 620 Sprains WE 175 Sprue WD 175 Sputum QY 120 Squint WW 415 302 Stains Bacteriology QW 25 In medicolegal examina- tion W 750 Stammering WM 475 Standardization, Drugs QV771 Staphylococcus QW 140 Food poisoning WC 268 Infection WC 250 Starches QU 83 Starvation WD 105 State medicine W 225 Statistics Physicians and medical care W 76 Public health WA 900 Surgical WO 16 Vital HB Status lymphaticus WK400 Steatorrhea, Idiopathic WD 175 Stegomyia QX 525 Stereoscopy WN 100 Sterility WP 570 Female WP 570 Male WJ 709 Sterilization Criminals and defectives HV Female WP 660 Male WJ 868 Surgical WO 113 Steroid hormones WK 150 Sterols QU 95 Stethoscopy WB 278 Stibiated tartar QV 295 Stilbestrol WP 522 Stillbirth WQ 225 Stimulants Central nervous system QV 100 Parasympathomimetic QV 122 Sympathomimetic QV 129 Stomach WI 300 Acids, Drugs counter- acting QV 69 Contents of, Clinical examination QY 130 Desiccated QV 184 Medication by WB 350 Stomatitis WI 200 Strabismus WW 415 Stramonium QV 134 Strapping, Wounds WO 167 Stratigraphy WN 160 Stream pollution WA 785 Streetcars, Public health aspects WA 810 Streptococcus QW 140 Food poisoning WC 268 Infection WC 210 Streptomycin QV 356 Stroke Apoplectic WL 355 Heat WD 610 Lightning WD 602 Sun WD 610 Strongyloidea QX 243 Strongyloidiasis WC 865 Strophantus QV 153 Struma WK 259 Strychnine QV 103 Stuttering WM 475 303 Subcutaneous tissue, Medication by WB 354 Sublimation, Drugs QV 778 Sublingual gland WI 230 Submarine medicine WD 650 Submaxillary gland WI 230 Substantia adamantina WU 220 Sucrose QU 75 Sudorifics QV 122 Suffocating gases QV 664 Suffocation WO 250; WA 292 Sugars QU 75 Suggestive therapeutics WM 415; WB 880 Suicide W 864; HV Sulfanilamides QV 265 Sulfarsphenamine QV 262 Sulfocyanates QV 157 Sulfonamides QV 265 Sulfonethylmethane QV 85 Sulfonmethane QV 85 Sumac QV 632 Sun baths WB 480 Sun fever WC 528 Sunlight WB 480 Sunstroke WD 610 Superfecundation WQ 235 Superfetation WQ 235 Supernumerary organs QS 675 Superpalite QV 664 Supersonic waves QC; WB 515 Superstitions, Medical WZ 309 Supplies, Pharmaceutical QV 790 Military UH Suppositories QV 785 Supracapsulin WK 725 Suprarenal glands WK700 Hormones WK 725; WK755 Suprarenalin WK 725 Surface anesthesia WO 340 Surgeons WO 22 Oral WU 22 Surgery WO Abdominal WI 900 Cardiac problems WG 460 Cardiovascular WG 168 Cystoscopic WJ 500 Dental WU Experimental WO 50 Exploratory WO 141 Gynecological WP 660 Military WO 800 Nursing WY 161 Obstetrical WQ 400 Operative WO 500 Ophthalmological WW 168 Oral WU 600 Orthopedic WE 168 Otorhinolaryngological WV 168 Plastic WO 600; WV 312 304 Surgery (Continued) Proctological WI 650 Thoracic WF 980 Urological WJ 168 Surgery of Adrenal glands WK 790 Brain WL 368; WL 370 Breast WP 910 Heart WG 168 Intestines WI 480 Kidney WJ 368 Lips WV 440 Lungs WF 350; WF 668; WF 768; WF 980 Neoplasms QZ 268 Nervous system WL 368; WL 370; WL 600 Pituitary gland WK 590 Prostate WJ 768 Stomach WI 380 Testis WJ 868 Thorax WF 980 Thyroid gland WK 280 Uterus WP 468 Surgical atlases WO 517 Surgical care plans W 100 Surgical diseases WO 140 Surgical nursing WY 161 Surpalite QV 664 Surveys Chronic diseases WT 30 Dental WU 30 Diet QU 145 Geriatrics WT 30 Hospital WX 27 Nursing WY 31 Sanitary WA 670 Sutures WO 166 Swallowing WI 102 Sweat glands WR 400 Sweating WR 102 Drugs inducing QV 122 Swedish gymnastics WB 541 Swimming pools, Public health aspects WA 820 Symblepharon WW 212 Symbolism, Medical WZ 334 Sympathectomy WL 600 Sympathetic nervous system WL 600 Sympathomimetic drugs QV 129 Symphysiectomy WQ430 Symphysiotomy WQ 430 Symptomatology WB 143 Synapse WL 102 Synchysis WW 250 Syncope WB 182 Synechia of the iris WW 240 Synergism QV 38 Synovia WE 300 Synovial membranes WE 300 Syphilis WC 160 Cerebrospinal WC 165 Chemotherapy WC 170 Congenital WC 161 Drugs for QV 261 Serodiagnosis QY 275 Systemic poisons QV 667 393023 O - 56 -22 305 T TAT WM 145 Tabacosis WF 654 Tabes dorsalis WC 165 Tablets, Pharmacy QV 785 Tachycardia, Paroxysmal WG 330 Taenia QX 400 Tannic acid QV 65 Tapeworm infestations WC 830 Tapeworms QX 400 Tapping WB 373 Tarantulas QX471 Poisoning WD 420 Tars QV 241 Tartar Dental WU 220 Emetic QV 73 Taste WI 210 Tea WB 438 Teaching LB Medicine W 88 The blind HV The deaf HV The deaf-mutes HV Tears, Secretion WW 208 Teeth WU Medicolegal aspects W 705 Teeth- straightening WU400 Teething WU 210 Telencephalon WL 307 Television in medicine W 18 Temperature (Body) WB 270 High WB 152 Drugs relieving QV 95 Therapeutic use WB 469; WM 405 In antibody production QW 570 In ovulation WP 540 In physical examina- tion WB 270 Temperature (Climate) As an epidemic factor WB 700 Tendons and tendon- sheaths WE 600 Teniacides QV 253 Teniasis WC 830 Tenicides QV 253 Tenosynovitis WE 600 Tension, Intraocular WW 143 Increased WW 290 Teratology QS 675 Terminology, Medical W 15 Terpenes QV 633 Testis WJ 830 Hormones WJ 875 Tests Clinical pathology QY Psychiatric WM 145 Psychological BF Serodiagnostic QY 265 Tetanus WC 370 Tetrachlorethylene, Anthelmintic QV 253 306 Thalame nc e phalon WL 312 Thalamus WL 312 Thalassanemia WH 170 Thebaine QV 90 Thematic apperception test WM 145 Theobromine QV 107 Theophylline QV 107 Therapeutic abortion WQ440 Therapeutics WB 300 Anesthesia WO 375 Cardiovascular WG 166 Dental WU 166 Dermatological WR 650 Gynecological WP 650 Hormone WK 190 Ocular WW 166 Oral WU 166 Pediatric WS 366 Physical WB 460 Psychiatry WM 400 Radioactive substances WN 440 Radium WN 340 Roentgen ray WN 250 Sleep WO 350 Urological WJ 166 Thermometry WB 270 Thermopenetration WB 510 Thermoregulation WR 102 Thermotherapy WB 465 Thiamine QU 189 Thiocyanates QV 157 Thiopentobarbital QV 88 Thomsonian medicine WB 960 Thoracentesis WB 375 Thoracoplasty WF 980 Thoracoscopy WF 975 Thorax WE 715; WF 970 Thorium WN 415 Threadworms QX 203 Three-day fever WC 526 Throat WV 400 Thromboangiitis obliterans WG 520 Thrombocytes WH 300 Thrombophlebitis WG 610 Thrombosis Arterial WG 540 Cerebral WL 355 Coronary WG 300 Manifestations of pathology QZ 170 Meningeal vessels WL 200 Pulmonary WG 420 Venous WG 610 Thrush WC 470 Thumb WE 835 Thymol QV 223 Thymus gland WK 400 Thyroid gland WK 200 Hormones WK 202 Thyrotoxicosis WK 265 Tick-borne rickettsial fevers WC 620-625 Ticks QX479 Tics WL 330; WM 170 Tin Fillings WU 180; WU 190 307 Tin (Continued) Toxicology QV 618 Tinctures, Pharmacy QV785 Tinea WR 310 Tissue Composition QU 100 Culture QS 525 Susceptibility to infection QW 700 Transplantation WO 610 Tissue therapy WB 391 Tobacco Addiction HV Toxicology QV 137 Tocopherol QU 179 Toenails WR 475 Toes WE 835 Toilets, Public health aspects WA 830 Tolerance of drugs QV 38 Tombs, Public health aspects WA 846 Tomography WN 160 Tongue WI 210 Tonometry WW 143 Tonsillitis WV 430 Tonsils WV430 Tooth-cleaning WU 113 Toothbrushes WU 113 Topical infiltration WO 340 Torsion, Ovarian WP 320 Torulosis WC 475 Toxemias, Pregnancy WQ 215 Toxicology QV 600 Industrial WA 465 Toxicology (Continued) Public health aspects WA 730 Toxin-antitoxin reaction QW 630 Toxins QW 630 Toxoids QW 805 Toxoplasma QX 190 Toxoplasmosis WC 725 Tracers (Biology) WN415 Trachea WF 490 Tracheitis WF 546 Trachoma WW 215 Tractors, Metallic WB 890 Trades, Diseases WA 400 Traffic accidents, Public health aspects WA 275 Training, Athletic QT 260 Training of children WS 113 Transferases QU 135 Transfusion WB 356 Transillumination WW 143 Transmission of infec- tious diseases WA 110; QW 700; QX 650 Transport carriers, Public health aspects WA 810 Transportation nursing WY 143 Transportation of wounded and ill Hospital departments WX 215 308 Transportation of wounded and ill (Continued) Military UH Transvestitism WM 160 Trauma As cause of disease QZ 55 Death, Medicolegal aspects W 843 Surgery WO 700 Travel accidents, Public health aspects WA 275 Travels, Medical W 10 Trematode infections WC 805 Trematodes QX 353 Trench fever WC 602 Trench foot WG 530 Treponema QW 155 Treponematosis WC 425 Trials, Medicolegal W 700 Trichina QX 207 Trichinelloidea QX 207 Trichinosis WC 855 Trichloromethane anesthesia WO 277 Trichloromethylchloro- formate QV 664 Trichocephaliasis WC 860 Trichomonas QX 70 Trichomoniasis WP 258 Trichuriasis WC 860 Trichuris QX 207 Tricuspid valve WG 268 Trional QV 85 Triplets WQ 235; QS 642 Trituration QV 778 Trombididae QX 483 Trombidoidea QX 483 Tropical diseases WC 680 Of the skin WR 350 Tropical hygiene QT 150 Trunk WE 700 Trypanosoma QX 70 Trypanosomiasis WC 705 Tryparsamide QV 294 Trypsin WI 802 Tsetse fly disease WC 705; SF Tsutsugamushi fever WC 630 Tuba uterina WP 300 Tubal pregnancy WQ 220 Tube grafts WO 610 Tubercle bacillus QW 125 Tuberculin WF 250 Tuberculosis WF 200 Bones and joints WE 253 Children WF 415 Genital WP 160 Industrial WF 405 Lymph nodes WF 290 Miliary WF 380 Nursing WY 163 Pleura WF 390 Pulmonary WF 300 Skin WR 245 Tularemia WC 380 Tumors QZ 200 Tunica vaginalis WJ 800 Tunnel anemia WC 890 Turbinates WV 324 Turkish baths WB 525 Turpentine QV 65 309 Tutocain, Local anes- thesia QV 115 Twilight sleep WO 450 Twinning QS 642; WQ 235 Tympanic membrane WV 225 Tympanum WV 225 Typhoid bacillus QW 140 Typhoid fever WC 270 Typhus fever WC 605 Tyramine QV 174 Tyrothricin QV 350 U Ulcer Decubitus WR 598 Duodenal WI 370 Gastric WI 360 Peptic WI 350 Ultrasonics QC Ultrasound therapy WB 515 Ultra-violet therapy WB 480 Umbilical cord WQ 210 Umbilical region WI 940 Uncinaria QX 243 Uncinariasis WC 890 Undernutrition WD 105 Undulant fever WC 310 Unverricht's disease WL 385 Upper extremities WE 805 Uranium WN 415 Uremia WJ 348 Ureter WJ 400 Ureteritis WJ 400 Urethra WJ 600 Urethritis WJ 600 Urethrocele WP 175 Urethrotomy WJ 600 Urinary system WJ Antiseptics and disin- fectants QV 243 Children WS 320 Drugs acting on QV 160 Urine Clinical examination QY 185 Secretion WJ 303 Sugar WK 810; WK 870 Urisol QV 243 Urogastrone WK 180 Urogenital system WJ Children WS 320 Urography WJ 141 Urology WJ Children WS 320 Urotropin QV 243 Urticaria WR 170 Uterine prolapse WP 454 Uterus WP 400 Sedatives QV 170 Uvea WW 240 Uveal tract WW 240 Uveitis WW 240 Uvula WV410 V Vaccination QW 806 Smallpox WC 588 310 Vaccines QW 805 Vagina WP 250 Vaginismus WP 610 Vaginitis WP 255 Vagotonia WL 330 Vagus nerve WL 330 Vapor baths WB 525 Vaquez's disease WH 180 Varicella WC 572 Varices WG 620 Varicocele WJ 780 Varicose veins WG 620 In pregnancy WQ 240 Variola WC 585 Varix WG 620 Vas deferens WJ 780 Vascular system WG Children WS 290 Vasodilator disorders WG 578 Vasomotor regulation WG 560 Vasospastic disorders WG 570 Vater's ampulla WI 750 Vectorcardiography WG 140 Vectors QX 650; QW 700 Public health aspects WA 110 Vegetable diet WB 430 Vegetable drugs QV 766 Vegetable poisons WD 500 Vegetable purgatives QV 75 Vegetables WA 703; TX Vegetative nervous system WL 600 Vehicles (Drug) QV 800 Vein-anesthesia WO 285 Veins WG 600 Medication by WB 354 Venereal diseases WC 140 Venesection WB 381 Venoclysis, Medication by WB 354 Venom WD 400 Ventilation WA 770 Ventral hernia WI 955 Ventricular puncture WB 377 Ventricular system WL 203 Ventriculography WL 141 Veratrum alkaloids QV 157 Vermifuges QV 253 Vermin, Public health aspects WA 240 Veronal QV 88 Verruca WR 500 Peruviana WC 640 Verse's disease WE 740 Version, Obstetric WQ410 Vertebrae WE 725 Vertigo, Aural WV 258 Vertigraphy WN 160 Vesicant gases QV 666 Vesicovaginal fistula WP 180 Vesiculitis, Seminal WJ 750 Vestibule WV 255 Veterinary bacteriology QW 70 Veterinary medicine SF Military UH Vibration WB 535; WD 735 311 Vicarious menstruation WP 550 Vichy water WB 442 Vincent's infection WI 200 Vinethene QV 81 Vinyl ether QV 81 Violence, Criminal W 860 Virales QW 160 Virilism WK 770 Virulence QW 730 Virus diseases WC 500 Virus pneumonia WC 207 Viruses QW 160 As cause of disease QZ 65 Viscosity, Blood WH 400; QY 408 Vision WW Binocular WW 400 Conservation WW 113 Field WW 145 Measurement WW 141 Night WW 103 Perimetry WW 145 Physiology WW 103 Visiting nurse associ- ations WY 115 Visual purple WW 103 Vital statistics HB Vitamin content of foods QU 160 Vitamin deficiency As cause of disease QZ 109 Diseases WD 100 Vitamins QU 160 Assay of QY 350 Vitiligo WR 265 Vitreous WW 250 Vivisection WO 50; HV Vocal cords WV 530 Volatile oils QV 785 Volatile substances QV633 Volhynia fever WC 602 Voluntary health insurance W 125; W 275 Volvulus WI 450 Vomiting Drugs promoting QV 73 In pregnancy WQ 215 Physiology WI 146 Vomiting gas QV 664 Voyages, Medical W 10 Vulva WP 200 Vulvitis WP 200 Vulvovaginal glands WP 200 W War U; V Civilian protection UA Combat psychiatry UH Morale U Psychiatry UH Psychology U; UH Rehabilitation UB Surgery WO 800 Wounded, Transpor- tation of UH War gases QV 663 War neuroses WM 184 Ward attendants WY 191 Psychiatric WY 160 312 Warfare, Biological QW 300; UG Warts WR 500 Wasps QX 565 Waste disposal WA 778 Industrial WA 788 Water As a beverage WB 442 Bacteriology QW 80 Balance WD 220 Metabolism QU 130; WD 220 Mineral WB 442 Officinal QV 785 Pharmacology QV 270 Sanitation WA 675 Supply WA 675 Therapeutic use WB 520 Weather WB 740 Webbed fingers and toes WE 835 Weight-tables for children WS 16 Weights, Pharmaceutical QV 16 Weil's disease WC 420 Welfare work HV Children HV Hospitals W 322 Maternity HV Medical W 322 Psychiatric HV Wens, Sebaceous WR 420 Wheat, Therapeutic use WB 430 Whitmore's disease WC 330 Whooping cough WC 340 Wines WB 444 Women HQ In dentistry WU 21 In industry Legislation; HD Protection WA 491 In medicine W 21 Woolsorters' disease WC 305 Workmen's compensation HD Medicolegal aspects W 925 Worms Drugs destroying QV 253 Intestinal QX 200 Wound infections WC 255 Wounded, Transportation in war UH Wounds As cause of disease QZ 55 Death, Medicolegal aspects W 800 Gunshot WO 807 Operative WO 185 Traumatic WO 700 Wrist WE 830 X Xanthines QV 107 Xanthomatoses WD 214; WH 650 Xeroderma WR 260 X-ray diagnosis WN 200 X-ray measurement in obstetrics WQ 320 313 X-ray service, Hospital WX 221 X-rays WN Y Yaws WC 425 Yeast WB 447 Yeasts QW 180 Yellow fever WC 530 Yochubio WC 630 Yoghurt WB 428 Youth WS 460 Yperite QV 666 Z Zephiran QV 233 Zimmermann's corpus- cles WH 300 Zinc QV 298 Zona WC 575 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1956 O - 393023 :*T ft. ■:n^. &i$'3 .\iH33 •333r3 .3; ^i< ;^43v3^3'!ik;j**.;;.^v-^