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A ^ A, A • i ft- >f?A v/**A^ \a-a^a ^A^^^AAaAaa.aA.^^a^.-7 ■ , a&wH**>aaaA*AAA^ •.. jV-r A 7Tna.w nAAA^^AAA: ■ aA aTVc'Y 'mAa >A.A(A.'a i^^^^A^^^^W^^ iYtfrtW ^^A'°^A«n. aa^aa/ ^**> Was •gag*; .«,■-£ -" - : /-.'"AAA- „ .» >a «^-5p;;-^,^^y^A»«AAAMAW*^ >aaaA a /» -A *' ft , i(,i 7 / / > / A SPECIMEN FASCICULUS OA-T-AJLOUTJE NATIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARY, UXDKIi TIIK MKKCTION OF TIIK U.S. SUKGEON-GKNKRAL, UNITED STATES ARMY, WASHINGTON, P. C. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 187G. War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Waslthifjton, I). C, February 1, 187G. General : I have the honor to submit the following specimen of a catalogue of what may now be properly called the National Medical Libraiy, heretofore known as the Libraiy of the Surgeon-General's Office. The entire catalogue, of which this is a sample, is nearly ready for the press, and it is hoped and believed that it will be found of practical interest and value in a bibliographical point of view as well as for the immediate use of the collection to which it relates. A few copies of this specimen have been printed in order to show the character and scope of the collection, to obtain criticisms and suggestions as to the form of catalogue which will be most acceptable and useful, and to furnish data for the decision as to whether it is desirable that such a work should be printed and distributed. The specimen submitted is of a combined catalogue of subjects and authors, arranged in dictionary order under a single alphabet. The first question to be decided is whether this form is preferable to two separate works, one containing the authors and the other the subjects. Having consulted some of the principal medical writers and teachers of this countiy, for whose use and benefit the work is intended, and after confer- ence with some of the librarians of largest experience, the weight of opinions in favor of the single-alphabet system for this particular work has appeared sufficient!)' marked to warrant its employment in this specimen. The next question is with regard to the classification adopted, which is mainly from the anatomical standpoint. By the use of numerous cross- references, it has been made certain, as far as possible, that the titles desired can be found, although not always under the heading anticipated ; for in this respect it is impossible to meet the wishes of all without excessive duplica- tion. The references are always from the general to the more special heads; TV thus, under "Abdomen (Tumors of)", attention is directed to "Axeitrism (Aortic)", etc. An attempt has been made by the use of varieties of type to make it as easy as possible to catch the particular title desired ; but there is still room for improvement in this respect, since some of the "sorts" desired were not available. If the printing of the entire work should be authorized, it is hoped that the most desirable form will be used. Titles printed in the larger type, or brevier, are of books and pam- phlets. Those given under authors give the collation of the book and the name of the publisher. In the titles under subject-headings, the names of authors are in italics, to the end of the subject of "Abscess", after which, for purposes of com- parison, they are in brevier small-capitals; the titles are as brief as possible, and collation and name of publishers are omitted. Some variations in type and mode of setting are also made, for the purpose of obtaining opinions as to the relative merit of the several styles. In the small type, or nonpareil, are given references to articles in journals, transactions, and collections. These include the results of the examination of about 5,000 volumes of .such publications. This work is still going on ; and, by the time the catalogue is sent to press, it is hoped that it will be completed. Although this is only the catalogue of a single library, and that of so recent formation as to forbid anything like completeness, an attempt has been made to prepare, as far as time and materials would allow, a work of practical usefulness for bibliographical purposes to all physicians, even if they have not access to the libravy itself. It makes no pretensions to being a complete medical bibliography, and should not be estimated as such; it is rather a foundation, and an outline which each must complete for his own specialty. All medical writers know that the most valuable part of medical litera- ture consists of the records of cases and original observations, and that, for the present century, the greater part of such records are contained in periodical publications. These are difficult to obtain and preserve, occupy a large amount of space, and, even when accessible, require much time and labor to consult. It is not very difficult, although rather expensive, for a pliysician who is interested in a particular subject to obtain all the really important monographs relating to it; but that which he cannot obtain, and which he must look to large public libraries to supply, are the journals and transactions containing the most valuable data for his purpose. V Special effort has therefore been made to complete the files of medical periodicals in this collection, and with very good success ; although there are still some important gaps in this department, wdiich should be filled, and the indexing completed as far as possible, before the final publication of the work. For the information of those not already familiar with the scope and character of the library, its present condition ma)' be briefly stated as fol- lows : It is the National Medical Library of this country, being essentially the Medical section of the Library of Congress; its general plan of man- agement and of cataloguing being the same. It is at present under the direction of the Surgeon-General of the Army, in connection with the Army or National Medical Museum. For several years, the Librarian of Congress has not purchased medical books, leaving that branch of literature to be collected by this department. The library now contains about 40,000 volumes, properly so called, and about the same number of single pamphlets. Large as this number may appear to those who are not familiar with the amount of literature on this subject, it is only about one-half what such a collection should contain in order to place the writers of this country in such a position as regards means of reference to the literature of medicine as it is desirable that the}' should command. Hardly a day, and never a week, goes by that a request is not made of the librarian for some medical book which the library does not possess. The use which is made of the collection by physicians from every sec- tion of this country, and the number of persons who consult it, either in person or by letter, is steadily, and of late rapidly, increasing; and I cannot doubt that if a sufficient number of the catalogue, of which this is a speci- men, be printed, and distributed to our medical writers and teachers, so that they may at their leisure learn what aid they can obtain in their researches, no collection of the Government will be more used or be of more practical utility ; that it will soon tend to elevate the standard of medical education, literature, and scholarship of the nation, and will thus indirecth' be for the benefit of the whole country, since the general knowledge and skill of the medical profession become a matter of personal interest to almost everv individual at some time during the course of his life. For these reasons, and for others which will readily suggest themselves, it has appeared to me to be the duty as well as the privilege of the National (Government to make this collection of the literature of medicine as complete VI as possible, and to provide a catalogue of it of such a kind as would be of most practical working value. With this end in view, the following specimen is submitted, not as being a satisfactory solution of the problem, for no one knows better than myself the imperfections of the work, but as a foundation, and, in some sense, an indication, of what it is hoped the library and its catalogue may one day be made. The complete catalogue on the present plan would make five volumes of about one thousand pages each. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN S. BILLINGS, Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. General Joseph K. Barnes, Surgcou-daicral U. S. A. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED. C. Special deposit from the Congressional Library. col. Colored. ed. Edition. fol. Folio. 1. Leaves. n. d. No date. n. p. No place of publication. pi. Plates. p. 1. Preliminary leaves. pp. Pages. . 4°. Quarto; 8°. Octavo ; 12°. Duodecimo; etc. roy. 8°. Royal octavo. sm. 4°. Small quarto. t. Tome. tab. Tables. unp. Unpaged. v. Volume. * Inaugural dissertation or thesis. -|- Case. CATALOGUE. AABEC. See IVIortoii (X. K.) Aabec bnsh. Mod. and Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, p. 425. AACHEN or AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Blondel (F.) Theniiarum Aquisgranensium et Porcentanarum elucidatio et tbaumaturgia. 4-. Aquisgrani, 1688. IHcmcr (L.) Abbandlimg iiber die; Heilwirkung der Aacbeuer Scbwefeltbernieii in coustitutionel- ler Syphilis uud Quecksilber-Krankheiten. 8°. Aachen, 1862. Hucpffncr (E. H.) Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit iiber die Mineralquellen nnd Biider in Aachen. S°. Aachen, 1819. Lucas. E-sai sur les eaux inincrales ct ther- males d'Aix-la-Cbapelle et de Borset. Tradnit de l'anglois par O. Kean. 8°. Aix-la-Chapiile, 17H5. Renmont {A.) Die Aachener Schwefelthermen in cotnplizirter Sypbilis. 8C. Jena, 1858. [Abdr. aus Fnouim-'s Notizen, 1858.] Wildenstein (H.) Die Burtscheider Tberinen bei Aachen, iii. Analyse der heissestcn Quelle. 8°. Aachen, 1802. See. also, Blufl'. Obersicht der Krankheits-Constitution in Aachen. Med. Annalen, Heidelberg, 1835, i, pp. 464-471; 1837, iii, pp. 106-112. —Itm-ow. lYber die Srhciblor'sche Seil'e znr Herstellmig . ABADIE {Jean-Marie-Charles). * Etude sur la myo- piestationnaireet progressive. 140 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1870. No. 240. ABADIE {Pierre.) * Dissertation sur le rliuma- tisme. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820. No. 158. ABAEOl'U {Alphonse). * Du traitement chirurgi- cal de la pierre dans la vessie chez les enfants. 42 pp. 4-. Paris, 1805. No. 190. ABANO. Andrejewskiy {E. S.) * De theruiis Aponensibus in Agro Patavino. 4". Berolini, 1831. See, also, ENcurwionc di Montaigne a bagni de Abano, diS. Pietroe della Battaglia (1580-15811. Gaz. med. Hal. provincie venete, le5!t. ii, pp. 49-53.— Four a r in i (J.) Del lo spedale alle terme dei Abano. Idem, 1863, vi, pp. 149-154. ABAXO (Pfttrus de). See PETRUS D'ABAXO. ABARBAXELL {Adolphus). * De natura parasiti- ca contagii. 26 pp., 2 1. sm. YY Berolini, typis Sehksinger [1849]. ABARBAXELL {Eduardus). * De pelvi rhacbitica. 27 pp., 11. 8Y Berolini, typis Sehksinger [1844]. ABATTOIRS and slaughter-houses. Clark {H. G.) Inspection of the slaughter-houses of Brighton, April 30th, I860. 8°. Boston, I860. Hennicke {J.) Bericht iiber Sehlachthauser und Viebniiirkte in Deutschlaud, Frankreich, Belgien, Italieu, England und der Schweiz. fol. Berlin, 1866. Horsford {E. X.) Report on an investigation of the sources of the offensive odors . . . ascribed, to the hog-slanghtering establishment of John 1\ Squire A- Co. . . . -°. Cambridge, lu73. ABATTOIRS. 2 ABBOTT. ABATTOIRS and slaughter-houses. John M. Tyler ct ah, . . . , vs. John P. Squire et al., . . . The official record of the state board of health, of Massachusetts ; together with a phono- graphic report of the evidence and arguments at the hearing, by George C. Burpee and W. O. Rob- son. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1874. Letter from a committee of citizens to the Penn- sylvania railroad company on the proposed Schuylkill drovcyard and abattoir. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874. London. Duties of the inspectors of meat, slaughter-houses, and cow-houses, within the city of . . . Prepared by the medical officer of health. Approved and adopted by the court of commis- sioners Oct. 31st, 1871. 12°. London, 1871. ----- Rules and regulations for slaughter- houses within the city of . . . Amended by order of the court, Nov. 28, 1871. 8°. London,1871. Rauch {J. H.) Correspondence between Dr. J. H. Rauch and citizens of Philadelphia, with regard to . . . [12°, Philadelphia, 1874.] [Also in The Sanitarian, N. Y., 1874, ii, pp. 557-564.] -----Letter to a committee of citizens on the proposed Schuylkill droveyard and abattoir. With medical opinions on the subject. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1874. [Revised edition of the preceding.] Report of the joint commission, consisting of the board of harbor commissioners and state board of health, . . . devising a plan for the abatement of the Miller's river nuisance, ... 8°. Boston, 1872. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 7th June, 1869, for " copy of report com- piled for the health committee of Liverpool, by the borough engineer, James Newlands, with ref- erence to the establishment of the abattoir of La Villette in Paris, and the abattoir of Brussels." 40 pp. fol. [n. p., n. a\] See, also, Abattoirs publics pour les pores. Ann. d'hyg. Paris, 1850, xliii, le ser., pp. 210-214.—Blatin and Car- teaux. Les cruautees de l'abattoir. Rapport fait & la Society protectrice des animaux. Union med., 1860, vii, 2e s6r., pp. 97, 113, 129.—Bredt. Ueber offentliche, aus- echliesslich zu benutzende Sehlachthauser im Allgemeinen und deren Errichtung in Barmen. Corr.-Bl. niederrh. Ver. f. off. Gesundh.-Pflege, K61n,1874, iii, pp. 173-179.—Brigh- ton abattoir, etc. Sixth ann. rep. state board of health of Massachusetts, 1875, pp. 187-203.—Br. Carson's mode of slaughtering cattle. Lancet, Loud., 1860, ii, p. 315.—City slaughter-houses. Sanit. Record, Lond., 1874, i, p. 421.—Bel Valle (A. G.) Rastros—Proyecto de su translacion a la Chorrera—Consideraciones respectivas a la Zanja dentro de lo poblado de la Habana. Anal, de la Real acad. de ciencias med., etc., Habana, 1870, vii, pp. 31-37.—Discussion sur la question de l'abattoir. Annates de la Soc. de med. d'Au- vers, 1870, xxxi, pp. 523-548.—Buchatelet (P.) Des chan- tiers d'eYarrissage de la ville de Paris. Annales d'hyg., 1832, viii, pp, 5,153.—Dudfleld (T. O.) Slaughterhouses of the future. Sanit. Record, Lond., 1875, ii, pp. 365-366.— Bugdale (J. J.) Abattoirs. Public Health Mag., Mont- real, 1875, i, pp. 65-68.—Dunhill. Sanitary evils from slaughterhouses in towns. Journal of Pub. Health, 1848, i, pp. 244-245.—Evans (C.) Report on slaughterhouses, Aug. 1, 1856. A second report Sept. 22d, 1857. [Ap- pendices to hygiene reports of the Strand district.]—Fcit (A. C.) Ueber offentliche Sehlachthauser und ihre Vorziige vor Privatschlachtereien. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. gerichtl. u. Bffentl. Med., Berlin, 1858, xiv, 199-231.-Girardin (J.) Sur l'ecoulement des eaux fournies par les abattoirs de la ville de Rouen. Annales d'hyg. pub., 1840, xxiv, pp. 84- 86.—Godefroi (M. J.) Het stedelijk slachthuis te s' Herto- genboscb. Verslagen van de Vereen. tot Verbet. der Volks- gezondh., Utrecht, 1869, iv, pp. 72-75, 76-83.—Ilamont. Des abattoirs de la ville de Paris. Union med., 1847, i, pp. 499, 504, 512, 516, 524.—Hazard. Sur les abattoirs ABATTOIRS and slaughter-houses. generaux do la ville do Paris, et sur les viandes qui en proviennent. Annales d'hyg. pub., 1848, xxxix, loser., pp. 380-391.—Janes (E. II.) The management of slaugh- ter-houses. Snnitarian, N. Y., 1874-75, ii, pp. 289-295.— London private slaughter-houses. Sanit. Record, Lond., 1874, i, pp. 435-437. — London slaughter-houses. Brit. Med. Journal, 1874, i, pp. 416-417.—Metropolitan board of works' regulations for slaughter-houses. Sanit. Record, Loud., 1874, i, pp. 345-347.-—IVe»v abattoir at Brighton. Bos- ton Med. and Surg. Jour., 1873, Ixxxix, pp. 92-94.—rVeir regulations for metropolitan slaughter-houses. Sanit. Rec- ord, Lond., 1874, i, pp. 280-281 — I'auli. Ueber die Wich- tigkeit offentlicherScnlachthiiuser undEinfiihrung des all- gemeinen Schlachtzwanges fiir die offentliche Gesundheits- pflege. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. gericht. u. offontl.Med., Berlin, 1874, n. F., xx, pp. 339, 365.-Pos (A.) Rapport—In hoe- verre kan, met het oog op de volksvoeding, de oprigting vaneeno stedelijke slagtplaats wcnschelijk goacht worden ? Verslagen van de Vereen. tot Verbet. der Volksgezondb., Utrecht, 1867, ii, pp. 78-87.—Preussen i Polizeiverord- nung, das Scblaehten der Pferde, Esel und Maulthiere be- treffend. Archiv deutsch. Medicinalgesetzgeb., etc., Er- langen, 1858, ii, pp. 305-306.—Ramirca (J.) Casas-mata- deras de la Habana. Anales de la Real acad. de ciencias med., etc., Habana, 1869, vi, pp. 90-95. — Slaughter- houses in the metropolis. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1872, v. 1, pp. 737-738.—Smith (S.) On the concentration and sanitary regulation of the business of slaughtering in cities. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1874-75, ii, pp. 193-197; also in Canada Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874-75, iii, p. 71. — Tian. RapDort d'une commission noiumee pour l'inspection de l'endioit propos6 par la municipalit6 de 6me cercle pour la construction d'un abattoir public. Gaz. med. d'orient, Con- stantinople, 1867-68, xi, pp. 113-115. — Wolff (C.) Ueber Sehlachthauser. Archiv deutsch. Medicinalgesetzgeb., etc., Erlangen, 1858, ii, pp. 4,12, 21. ABAZA (Gregorius). * Ueber die Darmtuberkulose. 30 pp. 11. sm. 8°. Berlin, Druck von G. Schade [1870]. ABBADIE {Ferdinand). * De la compression digi- tale dans le traitement des andvrysmes chirurgi- caux. 44 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1859. No. 117. ABBADIE {H.) Me"moire sur le vin do quinquina. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, Guillois et cie. [n. d.~\ [Pampii., v. 460, 469.] ABBADIE {Stanislas-Dominique). *i. De la gra- velle sous le point de vue de la symptomatologie. ii. De la rupture tardive des membranes, de ses iu- conve"uients, et des moyens d'eu ope*rer la rupturo artincielle. iii. [etc.] 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841. No. 114. ABBAL {Gratien). * Des principaux caracteres cli- niques de l'he'nioptysie et en particulier de Vh6- moptysie suppl6mentaire a la menstruation. 74 pp. 4°. Montpcllier, 1865. c. ABBAS {Haly). See HALT {Abbas, filius). ABBE {E.) Beitriige zur Tbeorie des Mikroskops and der mikroskopischen Wahrnebmung. [Ext.] pp. 413-480. 8°. [187:?.] ABBLART{Jules). * Qnelques considerations sur l'angine de poitrine. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872. No. 175. ABBOTT {A. O.) Prison-life in the south, at Rich- mond, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Charlotte, Raleigh, Goldsborough and Anderson- ville, during the years 1864-65. 10 p. 1., 374 pp. 8Y Xew York, Harper 4' Bros., 1865. ABBOTT {Francis). Catalogue of plants under cul- tivation in the Royal Society's gardens, Queen's Park, Hobart Town, Tasmania. 43 pp. 8°. Tas- mania,govt, printer, 1865. -----Results of twenty-five years' meteorological observations for Hobart Town, together with a two years' register of the principal atmospheric meteors, and aurora australis. To which is added ABBOTT. 3 ABDOMEN. ABBOTT {Francis). a meteorological summary for Adelaide, Mel- bourne, Sydney, etc. xii, 46 pp., 1 1. 4J. Hobart Town, printed for the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1866. -----Results of five years' meteorological observa- tions for Hobart Town ; with which are incorpo- rated the results of twenty-five years' observations previously published. 37 pp. 4 . Tasmania, Jas. Barnard, printer, 1872. ABBOTT {James). The hand-book of idiotcy. 2d ed. 76 pp. 12°. London, Triibner $~ Co., 187>7. [Pamph., v. 496.] ABBOTT {S. L.) See Boston Medical and Surgical Journal; also, Cholera, Report to the international sanitary conference [Ysiess mit Vortall i iner Diinndarm- schlinge. Zeitschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Gelun tsh., Stuttgart, 1851, iv, pp. 215-216.—<»iuie. Note sur l'ellicacitedu seton dans im epauchenient purulent de l'abdorncn. Journal des eonnaissances med. cbir., Paris, 1H2. pp. 236-237.—Grarei (K.J.) [Case.] . . . opening exti rnallv, and communicating also with the stomach. Dublin Jour. Sled. Sci., 1838-39, xiv, pp. 357-360. — (iruber ( YV.) Leber Abscess im Cavum prEB- peritonealeRetzii. Archiv f. path. Anat. ( Virchow's), 1862, xxiv, pp. 182-187. — GuiimoIuh (K. I..) [Case.l . . . of the abdominal walls. Canada Med. Jour., Montr., 1871, vii, pp. 209-211- llabrrilion. Twocases . . . Med. Timosand (iaz., 1856. xii, n. a., p. 486.—Harris (J.) Case . . . , whence hairs, teeth, and other substances were discharged. Med. Repository, N. Y., 1811, ii, 3d s., pp. 216-218.—Heine (G.) Fall einef iu Eiterung iibergegangeneu Entziindung des Musculus abdominis oblique descendens, . . . Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1828, xxv, pp. 487-493.- Heppuer. Fall von Abscess im Cavum praeperitoneale mit Durchbruch in die Regio inguinalis. St. Petersburger med. Zeitschr., 1871, ii, n. s., pp. 293-294.- Hoffmann. Leistcnbruch oder Abscess in den Bauchdecken. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1668, v, p. 265.—Howard (G. P.) Phlegmonous inflammation of the abdomen. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1839, xx, pp. 8-10.—Humphrey ("W. T.) Obscure . . . abdominal mural abscess. Richmond and Louisville Med. Jour., 1872, xiv, pp. 15-21 —Hutchinson (J.) [Case.] . . . containing fietid gas and fluid, . . . British Medical Journal, London, 1862, ii, pp. 296-297.— .TniueHon (H. G.) Case .... terminating in a fistu- lous affection over the stomach, and escape of matter through the diaphragm, lungs, and trachea. Maryland Med. Recorder, 1831, ii, pp. 306-30.-.—.Ionian (F.) [Case.] British Med. Journal, ii. 1865, .pp. 230-232. — Kite (C.) Case . . . , seated between the pentoii.euin and abdominal muscles, from which the matter appear* d to be discharged, sometimes by the external opening, and at other times by expectoration . Medical Comun utam -. LoifbY 1"90, ii, pp. 46-53; ahn in his Essays and Obs.. London, 1795, pp. 295- 304. — Kohlcr. Abgang von Haaren durch die Bauchde- cken. Rust's Mag. I. d. ges. Heilk., 1825, xx, pp. 150-154.— Kurrer. Abscessus abdominis. Med. Corr.-Bl. d. wiirt. iirztl. Ver., Stuttgart, 1868, xxxviii, pp. 105-106. — Law- rence. [Case] Lancet, Lond., 1827, xi, pp. 367-368.— . . . abscess between the abdominal muscles. London Medical Gazette, n. s., 1846, iii, p. 506. — Leithmnn (\V.) Cases . . . Glasgow Med. Journal, 1866-67, i, 3d s., pp. 119- 440.—Lever (J. O. "NV.i [Two casts.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1852. viii, 2d s.,pp.30-3i;. —.TIanley (1.) On abscesses of the anterior abdominal wall. London Med. Gaz., ;1851, xiii, pp. 139-144, 1-5-190.— Tlnrten. Leber das Empyema abdoini- ABDOMEN. 4 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN {Abscess of). nis. Archiv. f. path. Anat. (Virchow's), 1862, xxiii, pp. 181- 185.—ITIcrcier (A.) [Case.] N. O. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1944-45, i, p. 631.—Morgan. [Case—aspiration.] Med. Press andCirc, Lond., 1870, x, p. 80.—Obcrstatlt. [Case.] Rhein. Monatsschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, 1851, v, pp. 515-523.— Oppolzcr. Pathologie und Therapie der Entziindungen des subperitonealen Bindegewebes. Wiener med. Wo- chenscbr., 1863, pp. 81, 97 ; 1864, pp. 5, 17.—Pigne. [New mode of opening.] Bull, de la Soc. anat., Paris, 1836, xi, p. 204. — Ramsey (F. A.) Case . . . resulting from consti- pation. Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., Nashville, 1654, ii, pp. 341-345.—Rcnnud. [Case.] ... at umbilicus- escape of gall-stones. London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1847, iv, pp. 208-209.—Biddell (T. J.) Abscess, 18 inches in circum- ference, in the epigastric region of child six years of age. Virginia Clin. Record, 1872-73, ii, pp. 274-276.—Bigal. Cas de p6ri-hepatite suppureeprimitive, avec formation d'un abces fetide situ6 entre la face inferieure du diaphragme et la face superieure du foie, . . . Union m6d., Paris, 1874, ii, pp. 699-701; also in Bull, de la Soc. med. des hop. de Pa- ris, 1875, xi, 2e a., p. 190.—Ripoll. [Case.] . . . commu- niquant avec les voies urinaires—operation—guerison. Revue m6d. de Toulouse, 1875, ix, pp. 65-73.—Bitter (B.) Bemerkungen iiber Abdominalabscesse. Journal d. Chir. u. Augen-Heilk., Berlin, 1840, xxix, pp. 49-65.—Robert. [Case.] Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1842, xv, pp. 597-598.—Robi- czek. ZurKasuistik der Uhterleibsabszesse. Allg. mili- tiirarztl. Zeitg., 1874, pp. 91-92.—Robinson (R. R.) [Case.] Discharge of pus from the rectum and bladder. Loud. Med. Gaz., 1836, xviii, pp. 342-343.—Rodgers (J.) Case . . . Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., Knoxville, 1857, vi, pp. 20-22.—Ross. Case . . . Canada Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874, ii, pp. 220-223.—Skey (T. C.) On abdominal or pelvic abscess. Lancet, London, 1861, i, pp. 406-407.—Stanley. rCase.] Between the abdominal muscles, after parturition. London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1846, iii, pp. 505-506. — Smith (W.) Case in the abdominal muscles. London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1845, i, pp. 517-518.—Stewart (T. G.) On abdominal abscess. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1875, ii, pp. 115-118.— Stumpf. [Case.J Medicinische Zeitung, Berlin, 1859, ii, pp. 193-194.—Taylor (F.) Case . . . between the dia- phragm and the liver. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3d s., xix, pp. 257-266.—Thompson (J. E.) [Case.] Five gallons of pus discharged. New Orleans Med. News and Hosp. Gaz., 1858-59, v. pp. 608-615.—Tucker (D. H.) [Case.] Med. Examiner, Phila., 1843, vi, pp. 74-75.—Van Haesendonck (J. J.) Observation d'abces de l'abdonien. Annales de la Soc. de m6d. d'Arivers, 1845, pp. 365-367 ; Rap- port, pp. 368-370.—Velpeau. Abces dans les parois abdo- minales avec odeur stercorale. Gaz. rued, de Paris, 1833, i, 2e ser., pp. 702-703.—Verrollot. Cas . . . remontant au coup sur le bas ventre. Gaz. med. d'orient, Constantinople, 1860, iii, pp. 79-80.—Weber (C. A.) Abscesse am Unterleibe und imBecken. Zeitschrift des norddeutschen Chirurgen- Vereins far Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe, Mag- deburg, 1848, ii, pp. 450-469. — Werner. [Two cases.l Zeitschrift fiir Wundiirzte und Geburtshelfer, Stuttgart, 1867, xx, pp. 91, 99. — Wilks. Abdominal abscesses. Lancet, London, 1859, ii, n. s. pp. 238-239.—Worms (J.) Phlegmon profond des parois abdominales. . . . Gazette des hopitaux, Paris, 1867, pp. 548-549.—Young (J.) Case : extensive mortification—recovery. Edinburgh Medical Journal, April, 1860, v, pp. 943-945. ABDOMEN {Anatomy and physiology of). Driessen (P.) * Exhibens et iconeillustrans ner- vosmusculorum abdominalium et superficiei ingui- nis. 4°. Groningae, 1775. Gazza {F. N.) * . . . ii. Quelle est la disposi- tion des aponeuroses de la paroi anterieure de Pab- dornen. ... 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Glissonius {F.) Tractatus de ventriculo et in- testines. Cui prsemittitur alius, de partibus conti- nentibus iu genere ; & in specie, de iis abdominis. 4°. Londini, 1677. Hooper {R.) Anatomical plates of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, ... 3d ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1809. Ludicig {C. F.) Icones cavitatum thoracis et ab- dominis a tergo apertarum. fol. Lipsiw, 1789. Ludwig {C. G.) De situ viscerum in infimo ven- tre . . . nonnulla proponit. 4°. \_Lipsiae, 1755.] Luschka {H. von). Die Lage der Bauchorgane des Menschen. fol. Carlsruhe, 1873. ABDOMEN {Anatomy and physiology of). Sylrius {F. Deleboe). Dictata ad Casparis Bar- tholin! institutioues anatoniicas. Liber i. De iufimo ventre. [/« his Or-EKA omnia, fol., Genevas, 1681, pp. 675-682. Not otherwise published.] Sce,also, Duncan (J. M.) Remarks on the retentive power of the abdomen. Edinburgh Med. Jour., Dec, lf65, xi, pp. 516-525.—Engel. Einige Beinerkuugen iiber La- geverhiiltnissederBaucheingeweidoim gesunden Zustande. Wiener medicin. Wocheuschrift, 1857, pp. 553 . . . 737.— Gerard Jils. Considerations sur les aponeuroses abdomi- nales. Archives g6n. de med., Paris, 1823, iii, pp. 67-80, 1 pi.—Hegar (A.) Saugphiiuomene am Unterfeib. Ar- chiv fiir Gynaekologie, Berlin, 1872, iv, pp. 531-536 ; 1873, v, pp. 177-181.— Eloldcn (L.) The abdomen. St. Barthol. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, vi, pp. 70-78.—Lonsdale (E. F.) On the action of the recti muscles of the abdomen. Lon- don Med. Gaz., n. s., 1838, i, pp. 415-417.—Odebrccht (E.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom intraabdomiuellen Druck. Berli- ner klin. "Wochenschr., 1875, xii, pp. 175-178.—Rclzius (A.) On the semilunar lines of Douglas. Edinburgh med. Jour., April. 1858, iii, pp. 865-867.—Schatz (F.) Derintra- abdominale Druck bei Nichtschwangcren bei nicht belaste- tem Kiirper und nicht willkiirlich angestrengter Bauch- presse. Archiv f. Gynaekol., Berlin, 1872, iv, pp. 193, 418 ; 1873, v, pp. 209-229.—Sibson (F.) Influence of distension of the abdomen on the functions of the heart and lungs. Brit. Med. Jour., 1873, ii, pp. 105-108. ABDOMEN {Bandaging). See Labor, After-treat- ment. ABDOMEN {Diseases of). See, also, Digestive Organs {Diseases of), and under the several or- gans. Abercromble {J.) Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the stomach, . . . , and other viscera of the abdomen. 8°. Edinburgh, 1828. -----The same. 3d Am. from 2d Lond. ed. 8C. Philadelphia, 1838. Albers {J. F. H.) Krankheit des Unterleibes. 8°. Bonn, 1862. Allshorn {A. H.) On protuberant abdomen, an outline of its causes and treatment. 8°. London, 1875. Andral {G.) Diseases of the abdomen. Con- densed and translated, byD. Spillan. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1843. Armstrong {J.) The morbid anatomy of the stomach, bowels, and liver, illustrated by plates, ... 4°. London, 1838. Baehrens {J. C. F.) Sympathicus consensus ca- pitis cum visceribusabdomiualibus. 8°. Berolini [circa 1817]. Bates {D. N.) A practical treatise on acute ab- dominal and pelvic inflammation, ... 8°. Lon- don, 1829. Belliol {J. F.) Der Arzt fiir Unterleibskranke oder Anleitung zur sichern Heilung aller Unter- leibskrankheiten. 8°. TJlm, 1852. Bompard {A.) Trait6 des maladies des voies digestives et de leur annexes, ... 8°. Pari*, 1829. Bressler {H.) Die Krankheiten des Unterleibes. ... 3 v. in 2. 8°. Berlin, 1841. Buecheler {J.) * De animi affectiouibus in abdo- minis morbis praeter vesaniam. 4°. Bonnae, 1830. Ccesalpinus {A.) Artis medics® liber vii de mor- bis ventris. 12°. Romcv, 1603. ABDOMEN. 5 ABDOMEN. I ABDOMEN {Diseases of). Strahl {M.) Enthiillung des riithselhaften We- sens des Uuterleibs Krankbeiten, . . . 5th ed. 12°. Berlin, 1840. See, also, Bergcr (J. J. de). Circa adfectiones quasdam imi ventris adnotationes practicae. Acta Soc. Med. Havn., 1777, i, pp. 61-75.—Blanchard ill.) Abdominal diseases as observed during the summer of 1*70. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1873, x, pp. 425-428 —USoy«l (R ) Table . . . of 132 cases of abdominal diseases, . . . Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1843, lx, pp. 156-158.—Bright (R.) On the functions of the abdomen and some of the diagnostic marks of its disease. 1 ond. Med. Gaz , 1833, xii, pp. 312 . . . 411.—Cowley I.J.) Case of almost total disorganization of the viscera. Lancet, Loud., i. 1534. pp 8*7-***.— 11 in (A.) Clinical lecture oa . . . Lancet, Loud., 1835, ii, pp. 753-7.57—llubcrvliou iS O.) Fallacies iu the diagnosis of abdominal disease. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 185*. xvii, pp. 439-442. —Hurt (('.) . . . differential diagnosis of dis- eases of theabdoniiual viscera. St. LouisMed. ,Y Surir.Jour., 1869, vi. n. s.. pp. 513-521).—ITIahe (J.) Maladie del'abdo- men. Archives ile med. navale, Paris, 1871, xvi, pp. 97-190.— VIoi <'licml (('.) . .. pathology of the abdominal viscera in some forms of Indian diseases. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1*32. xxxvii, pp. 308-324.— >'ienieyer (F.) Unter- leibskrankheiten Deutsche Klinik, vii. 1*55. pp. 275-276.— eViivMbnum. Krankheiten des TTntei leibes. Handhuch derallg. u. spec. Chir.. ErlangeD, 1865-72, v. 3, 2te Abtb., pp. 165-212.—Ogle (J. \V.) Illustrations of disease of the ab- domen, with the comments on fistulous openings through the walls of this eavitv. St. George's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1*75, vii, pp. 133-168.—Renaiildiu. Sur le diagnostic do quelques maladies . . . de l'abuomen. . . . Hull, de la Fa- cnlte de med. de Paris, 1-11, ii, pp. 126-128.—Rowe (M.) Obscure disease of the abdomen. Lancet, London, 1*41- 42 ii, pp. 10 - 11 —«»< lunidl. Section, bei well Ik r fast alle Organedcs Unterl. -ihes sicb erkraukt fanden. Rust's Magazin fiir die gesamuite Heilkunde, 1*28, xxvi, pp. 1**- 194— Tott (C. A.) Zur richtigen Wui'digiiiigclirniiischer Lnterleibsleiden. Rust's Mag. f. d. "cs. Heilk., 1834, xliii, pp. 148-162.— Virchavv (R.) Hisioi isches, Kritischcs und Positives zur Lehrc ilei ITrterleibsatlcctioneu. Aichiv f. path. Anat. (Yiiclunvs), 1*52, v, pp. 2>l-375.—Wenle (10. II.) Case. London Medical Gaz., n. s , 1*39, ii. pp. 464- 466. Workmnu (J.) On certain abdominal lesions in the insane. Amer. Jour Iusanitv, 1863-64, xx, pp. 44-6.1.— Zcioiii (H.) tJber einige. dem Anscheine naeb ont/.iind- liche Unterleibshiden des Woibes. Med. Annalen, Hei- delberg, 1*37, iii, pp. 497-572. ABDOMEN" {Elephantiasis of). See Burnt- (J.) Elephantiasis of the abdomen. Lon- don Med. Gaz., n. a., 1*39, ii, p. 55. ABDOMEN {Exploration of). Ballard {E.) The physical diagnosis of diseases of the abdomen (* . London, l.s'2. [Alsoxn London Med. Gaz., 1851., xiii.J Renit (E.) *i. Du volume du ventre dans scs rapports avec la scm<5iologie, et de la mensuration abdominale. 4 . Paris, 184:5. Carbonel {J.-J.-X.) * De la percussion appliqude an diagnostic des maladies de 1'abdomen. 4°. Parts, 1*14. ABDOMEN {Diseases of). Chapman {X.) Lectures on tin* more im disea.ses of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. HY Philadelphia, 1844. Forcstus Alcmarianus {P.) De mesenterii, et in- tcstinorum afttctibus; . . . [Libri xxi of bis Obs. et curat, med., Lugd. Bat., 1696.] Frankum {R.) Discourse on the enlarged and pendulous bell}' ; showing it to be a visceral affec- tion. 12°. London, 1*41. -----The same. 2d ed. augmented by a disser- tation on gout. 11°. London, 1842. Fried rich {G. (■.) * De abdominis plethora; can- sis et effectis. 4Y Lipsice [18[). *9-9d. — l.ecard. Sur les accidents loeaux consecu- tif's a la paracentese abdominale, et sur les moyeus d'y rcniedicr. Recueil de mem. do med., de chir. et de pharm.mil., Paris, 1*65, xiii, 3o ser., pp. 376-394—J.yoiim. I Tapping in some cases of abdominal dropsy. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1873, i, pp. 15-16.—.Tlartin (E.) The supe- rior advantage of tapping at tlie navel. Med. Reposi- tory, X. V., 1805, ii, pp. 3f3-3.-9. — Michel. ILrnie de l'i''pi]>loon a la suite de la ponctiou abdominale. Jour. des connaissances nn d.-cbir. I'ai-is. 1.-51,2e ser., pp. 99-100.— .Tloneklon (M.i Paracentesis abdominis. Brit. Med. dour.. I.-13. i. p. 250. — ITI or rill (F.J.) On paracentesis abdo- minalis. Itostoii Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874, xc, pp. 57-5*.— [\iii;cl il. ) Kiitiscbc Bemerkungen iiber die seit den allesn n his nil die neuestcn Zeiten geiibten Operationsmc- thodeu der Paracentese des Unterleibes, . . . Zeitschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Gcburtsh., Magdeluu g, 1855, ix, pp. 51-81.— Hinis (J.) On the paiacetitesis. Mem. of Med. Soc. of Loud., 1792,iii,pp. 17-2-J7;>. — vpiegrlberg (C.) Beitriige zur diagnostischen Punction bei abdomiuellen Fliissig- keitsansainmluugen. Archiv. f. Gynaekol., Berlin, 1871-72, ABDOMEN {Paracentesis of). iii. pp. 271-2*2.—Storer. Posture of the patient in para- centesis abdominis. Amer. Jonr. Med. Sci.,1853, xxvi, n. s., p. 75.— Van Burcn <\V. II ) Protrusion of omentum alter the operation of paracentesis abdominis. Xew York Jour. of Med., 1*49, ii, pp. 332-334.—Yogel (S. G.) Von einem, dureh seine Folgen todtlich abgelauteneu, Banchstiche. Jour, der pract. Arzueyk. n. Wundarzueykunst, 1795, i, (2tes St.), pp. 255-276. ABDOMEN {Pulsation in). See. also, Aneuiism {Aortic; Cidiac axis, etc.) Albers {J. A.) Ueber Pulsation en im Unterleib. 8C. Bonn, 1803. Boetticher {C. L.) * De pulsatione epigastrica. 8Y Halae [1825]. Burns {A.) Observations ... on preternatural pulsation in the epigastric region .. . *f0. Edinb., 1809. Clarus {H. J.) * De pulsatione abdominali im- primis epigastrica. 4. Lips'ue,\>\\. Heine {S.) * De pulsatione abdomiuali. 8■'. Berolini, 18-26. Hohnbaum {C.) Ueber die Pulsation in der Oberbauchgegend, als begleitendes Symptom der Indigestion. 12 ■•'. Hildburghausen, 1836. Lavit {U.) * Des battemeuts gastriques. 4Y Strasbourg, l-<64. Magnus {G. H. de). * Dc pulsatione abdominali. 8-. [Dorpat,] 1*<27. Scheunemann {J. G. J.) r Nonnulla de pulsati- onis epigastricae causis et dhignosi. 8°. Halae [lYi.-,]. Sergeant {L.) * Des palpitations artdrielles idi- opatbiques de 1'abdomen. 4Y Paris, 1^74. See, also, Alber* (J. A.) Case . . . Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1807, iii, pp. 8-12. —A njioii (M.) Sioria di un tumorc pulsante alia regione precordiale . . . (iiorualu venoto di sci. med. Veuezia, 1855, vi, ser. 2, pp. 213-213.— Itaillie re (A. B.) [Case.] Med. Examiner, Phila., 1846, ii, pp. 217-220.— I,owdell (S.) |Case.] Mem. of Med. Soc. of Lond., 1792, iii, pp. 591-599.— l.yous. Fibro cys- tic tumours in the abdomen. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1868, xlvi, pp. 21S-220.—Malle. De tumeur r6tro- peritoneale chez uu enfant cedeux ans. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1833, i, 2eser., pp. 357-358.—McBeady (B. YV.) Case. New York Jour, of Med , 1849, ii, pp.302-306.—Uleulewaeter. Observation remarquable de tumeur retro-peritoneale. An- nates de la Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1839, v. pp. 27-32.—ITEin- er (W. W.) Case ; appearances on dissection. Med. Re- pository, N. Y., 1308, v, pp. 267-270.—Montgomery (E.) Case of calcined tumour . . . Trans. Pathol. Soc, Lond., 1*61, xii, pp. 157-158.—ITIoore. Case . . . , attended with persistent vomiting and great emaciation. Irish Hosp. Gaz., 1*74, ii, p. 54. — lYloynier (E.) Lipome. Meui.de la Soc. de Biologie, 1851, ii, 1/3 s6r., pp. 139-141.—Nunn. [Case] Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 185'i-57, viii, pp. 270- 275.—Obxcure abdominal tumours. Lancet, 1855, ii, pp. 337-338.—Ogle. Cases. Med. Press and Circ, Loud., 1869, vii, pp. 28, 48.—Ogle (I.) [Case.] Lancet, Loud., 1*71, i, p. 445.—Oppolzcr.—Dislocatio hepatis ex tumore retro- j peritoneali. Allgemeine wien. med. Zeitung, 1859, pp. 46, 50, 54, 61. — Ueber UnterleiLsgeschwulsto . . . Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1862, pp. 1 . . . 369.— Pagnui (G.) . . . tumore addoininale guarito collatintuia alcoclicadi iodio per injezione ; . . . Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1841, xcix, pp. 442-448.—Pepper (G.) Adipose deposits in the omentum and abdominal walls of a woman as a source of error in diagnosis. Amer. Jour, of Obst., N. Y., 1870, ii, pp. 679-691.—Pepper (W.) Cases . . . attended with profuse sweating ; . . . Philadelphia Med. Times, i, 1871, pp. 170-173 ; also reprinted in 12°, Philadelphia, 1871.— Pilcher. Obscure abdominal tumors. Laucet, Lond., 1840, i, pp. 948-952.—Piorry. Diagnostic differeutiel des tumeurs de 1'abdomen. Gaz. des hop , Paris, 1851, p. 465.— Puech (A.) [Uase.J Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1860, pp. 517, 522.— Heeve (J. C.) Diagnosis of abdominal ami pelvic tumors. Amer. Practitioner, 1874, ix, pp. 119-161)—Be- inornl of a tumor fifty-six pounds in weight, extending from beneath the umbilicus to the anterior border of the anus. Laucet, Lond., 1831, ii, pp. *6-89.—Boutb (C. H. F.) Three cases . . . Obst. Jour, of Gr. Brit, and Ireland, 1874, ii, pp. 13-17.—Koux (J.) Tumeur abdominale gan- gliouuaire coiffee par l'intestin et sortie par l'anus. Gaz. des hdp., Paris, 1860, pp. 233-234.—Sansom. [Case.] Med. Times and Gaz., Loud., 1860, ii, pp. 335-336. — gchetelig. Beitrage zur Diagnostik der chrouischen Unterleibsge- scuwuTste. Archiv f. Gyuaekol., Berlin, 1870, i, pp. 415- 429.—Nrhmnlz der Jiingere. Kraukheitsgeschichte und Leicheniiifnung eines, an einer grotseu Speckgeschwulst iz- Unterleihe verstoi la nen Jiinglings. Jour. d. pract. Arm neyk.n. Wundar/.ne\ knnst, 1797, iv, pp. 513-524.—Schon- lein. iCase.J Med. Times, Lond., 1844, x, pp. 421-423.— Selig (I. T. X.) Geschichte einer siebenjahrigen Baucbge- schwulst mit Schwanger.schaft, nebst Sectionsbericnt. Jour. d. pract. Arzuey. u. Wundarzneyk., 1797, iii (2tes St.), pp. 271-277.—Hellene Pseudoproduction in derBauch- und Brusthdhle. Lust's Mag. f. d. ges. Ifeilk., 1830, xxx, pp. 358-361.—Meiuple (It. H.) Case of extensive medullary sarcoma. Med. Times and Gaz., n. s., 1855, x, pp. 566-567.— Series ol cases . . . Met). Times and Gaz., n. s., 1855, x, pp. 10. 57, 111, 159, 258.—Simpson. Plaster-belt hi ab- dominal tumours, &c. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Ediub., 1*48, viii, pp. 8*7-8*8.—Steele (A. H.) [Case.] Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1*49, xxxix, pp. 140-141.—Stoker (W.) Cases . . . Trans. Coll. of Phys. in Ireland, 1817, i, pp. 11-43.—storer. Case . . . simulating pregnancy. Boston Med. & Sure. J our., 1859-60, lxi, pp. 325-326.—Storer (U.K.) [Case. | ... Death—autopsy. Boston Med. A: Surg. Jour., 1*56, liv, pp. 339-310.—Sutton (\V. L.) Case. Western Jour. Med A- Surg., Louisville. 1841, iv, 2d s., pp. 260-267.— I'll) lor (J. L.) [Case.J Clinic, Cincin., 1*73, v, p. 193.— I houiMoii (F.) Cases illustrative of difficulties ... in the diagnosis of abdominal tumours Monthly Journal ol Med.'Sri., Ldinb., 1841, i, pp 8*3-887.—Toland (11. H.) j Case. Pacilic Med. and Surg. Jour., San Francisco, 1*62, v, j pp. 241-242.—TomkiiiM (W.) Case ... with remarkable 2 M (' ABDOMEN {Tumors of). disease of the lungs. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, pp. 752-754.— Tott (C. A.) [Case.J Jour. d. Chir. uAugenheilk., Ber- lin, 1843, pp. 399-401.—Tyler. [Case.] . . . ; haemorrhage from the bowels ; recovery. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1859-60, lxi, pp. 241.—Walshe. [Case.] Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, p. 620.—Warren (J.) . . . tumor, in the region of the abdomen, containing hair. London Med. Jour., 1786, vii, pp. 298-305.—Watson. Pulsating tumor of the abdomen mistaken for aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1833, i, p. 171. Wells (T S.) ... diagnosis of renal from ovarian cysts and tumours. Dublin Quar. Jour, of Med. Sci., 1867, xliii, pp. 128-141. ABDOMEN {Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). Broers {J. C.)- Observationes anatomico-patho- logicae. [Case of cancer of stomach and intes- tines.] fol. Lugd. Batav., 1839. Buchner {A. E.) and Hebenstreit {J. C. E.) De scirrho meseuterii exnlcerato. Halae, 1756. [In Hallek, Disp. ad morb., t. vii.] See, also, Adams (W.) Colloid cancer of the mosen- tery, small intestines, etc. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1848- 50, i, p. 267.—Aldersou and Trotter. Eucephaloid can- cer ... a child live years old — death—autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, n.s., p. 493.—Banks. [1] Eucephaloid tumor iu the epigastric region. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1850, ix, pp. 204-205.—[2] [Caie.] Dubl. Hosp. Gaz , 1855, ii, pp. 91-92—Hergniann (E.) Ein Gallerttrebs. Med. Jahrb , Wieu, 1865, x, pp. 81-94, 1 pi.—Boisseau. Cancer collo'ide de l'ombilic et de la paroi abdominale anterieure ayant envahi la vessie. Union med., Paris, 1868, vi, 3e ser., pp. 418-425.—Borlaud. Eucephaloid tumor in theabdom- mal cavity. Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1*71, viii, p. 379.— ttrigham (W.J Case of pulsating abdominal tumour. Medical Tunes and Gazette, Lond., 1.-53, vi, p. 470—Broca. |Case. Ablation.] Bull, de la Soc.anat.de Paris, 1853, xxviii, pp. 1*4, 185.—[Kucquoy. j Cancer abdominal. Mouveuient med. Paris, 1875, xiii, pp. 346-348.—tlnxc. . . . Iliac nerve involved in cancerous mass. Trans. Path. Soc, Phila., 1857, i, pp. 25-26.—Choinel. Observation d'une maladie caucereuse de l'abdoinen. Bull, de la. Faoulte de med. de Paris, 1875, iv, pp. 253-200.—Clark (A.) Euce- phaloid disease of a child. New York Journal of .Med., 1*54, xiii, u. s., p. 227.—Crawford. Case of cysto-sarco- matous tumor . . . Brit. Amer. Jour, of Med. and Phys. Sci., Montreal, 1849, iv, pp. 317-318.—Culleu (J. S. i>.) ICase.J Tin ice tapped, each time with the removal of two or three gallons of thick gelatinous amber-colored fluid. Va. Clm. Kecord, 1*73-74, iii, pp. 318-320.—Cutting (F.) [Case.J Lost. Med. & Surg. Jour., 1843, xxvii, pp. 39H-400. - Dcuinrqs:ay. |Case J Hull, de la Soc. anat. (le Paris, 1844, xix, p. 131.—Downing (J. L.) Sehirrhous tumor in abdo- men, with purpura hemorrhagica. Pacific Med. and Surg. Jour., San Francisco, 1865-66, viii, p. 129.— ■>■■ Val (L. 11.) Eucephaloid cancer of the bowels. Proceedings of Med. As- soc, of State of Arkansas, 1874, p. 29.— Ellis. . . . cancer- ous mass arising from the subperitoneal tissue, between the kidney and liver, . . . Boston Med. and. Surg. Jour., 186*, i, pp. 332-333.—Fleming. Retro-peritoneal cancer. Dub- lin Hosp. Gaz., 1«55, ii, pp. 58-59.— Cutler. Eucephaloid tumour of the abdomen. Trans. Path. Soc. of Loud., 1849- 50, ii, pp. 224-225.—Gage (T. H.) Primary eucephaloid dis- ease of the lymphatic glands of the abdomen. *inier. Jour. Med. Sci., 1854, xxvii, n. s., p. 353.—Gairdner. Diffluent cancerous tumors of the abuomeu and testicle. Glasg. Med. Jour., 1867, ii, 3d s., pp. 68-71.—Goupi 1. [Case. With obliteration of iufer.or vena cava.] Bull. Soc. anat. Paris, 1*54, xxix, pp.37-39.—Griseom. Medullary cancer simu- lating an ovarian tumor. Trans. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1853-56, ii, pp. 126-131.—Gross (S. D.) Cases of colloid tumor of the abdomen. North Amer. Med.-Chir. Rev., Phil., 1860, iv, pp. 866-e69.—Harden. [Case ] Perforation of the ileou. Dublin Quart. Jour. Meu. Sci., 1873, Iv, pp. 4*6-4**.—Head. [Case] Dubl. Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1*73. Iv, pp. 33U-37L— ■ teequiu. . . . tumeurseneephaluideseuoriuis dcvelop- pees nans le tissu cellulaire retro peritoneal, sur le d6lroit superieur du bassin et surlacolouue vertebrale. Mortle cin- quieiue inois apartirde l'apparition des tumeurs; neerop- sie. Kecueil de mem. de mod., de chir. et de phariu. mil., Paris, 1847, iii, 2e ser., pp. 187-193.— Ilelmiek (A. S.) Case. Stethoscope, Kichmoud, 1855, v, pp. 717-723.—Hono- quc. [Case. With cancer of the epiploon ] Bull, dela Soc. anat.de Paris, 1863, xxxviii, pp. 59-60.— Ilicltliu (W. C.) [Case.] Proceedings Med. Assoc, of State of Alabama, 1*55, pp. 87-88.—HoinaiiM (U. D.) Colloid cancer in the neighbourhood of the ca:ouui—extensive perforating ulcer of the stomach: old peritonitis. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1860, lxii, pp. 21-23.—Hunt (E. M.) [Twocases.j Medical Kecord, Yew York, 1874, ix, pp. 422-423. — II >«l« (F ) Malignant tumors of the abdomen. Transactions X. V". St. Med. Soc, 1*70, pp. 139-153. — luieue* (L. M.) Tumor del vientre probablemente de naturaleza cancerosa. Gaccta med., Mexico, 1*66, ii, pp. 2*5-2*7. — .! aeksou. Case . . . from . . . a child ; . . . value of the microscope in the ABDOMEN. 10 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN {Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant.) Htndy of morbid growths. Bost. Med. &. Surg. Jour., 1870, v, pp. 261-262.—Jenkins (J. F.) Colloid cancer of abdomen. New York Med Times, 1854, iii, pp. 12-15.—Kallmann. Markschwamm in der Bauchhohle und Melanosis. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1846, xv, pp. 20 - 21. — Km eland (J) Cases. New York Jour, of Med., 1853, xi, n. s., pp. 340- 349,—I-arijc and probably malignant tumour in the abdo- men, occurring during the'course of syphilis—death. Med. Times and Gaz., Loud., 1854, ix, n. s.,' p. 467.— Censure (D.) [Case.] . . . resulting in artificial anus. American Journal of Medical Science, 1863, xiv, pp. 263-266. — Iie- dcntu. Tumeur encephaloide de 1'abdomen. Tumeur du testicule. Fougus caneereux et caillots trouves en dif- ferents points du systeme vascnlaiiv. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1863, xxxviii, pp. 251, 255. — dcvizey. Myeloid tumors of the abdomen involving the head of the pauoreRS. Proceedings Path. Soc. of Phila., i, 1859, p. 190.—Lincoln (G. C.) [Cas,•.]_ Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1861, lxiv, pp. 471-473,—Ijiveiug. Cancer of ovai ies, peritoneum, and umbilicus; compression of the common bile-duct; jaun- dice; death. Lancet, London, 1875, ii, pp. 8-9.— Mayne. Malignant tumors iu the abdomen and pelvis. Cyst in the liver. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1853, xv, pp. 467-469.— Mayo. Cancer of the integuments of the abdomen, of thirty yeais' standing. Lond. Med. Gaz., 1835, xvi, p. 318.— Miner (J. F.) Eucephaloid tumour. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour, and Reporter, 1861, i, pp. 259-260.— Montgom- ery (A.) [Case.] Laucet, Lond.. 1844, ii, pp. 280-281 — Moore (K. P.) Carcinoma of the stomach, bowels and omentum. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874-75, xii, pp. 200-203.—Xivison (N.) [Case] Trans. N. Y. St. Med. Soc, 1863, pp. 228-233.—O'Connor. [Case.] .... asso- ciated with scirrhns of the pylorus. Trans. Path. Soc. of London. 1856-57, viii, pp. 186-190.—O'Ferral (J. M.) En- cepbaloid tumors in the abdomen mistaken for extra-uterine foetation. Question of Cassarean section. Med. Times, London, 1815, xi, pp. 341-342. — O'Fcrrall. Malignant tumor simulating abdominal aueurism. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1850, x, pp. 216-217.—Ogle (J. W.) Two cases. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lmd., 1875, vii, pp. 217- 226.—IN ii son (A. L.) [Case/ New York Med. and Phys. Jour., 1825, iv, pp. 310-313— Phillips (B.) A case of enor- mous fungus tumor of the abdominal walls. London Med. Gaz., ii. s., 1846, ii, pp. 692-695.—Piogey. Observation de tumeur abdominale terminee par suppuration. Union m6d., 1864, xxiii,-2e ser., pp. 220-221.—Potain. Cancer des gan- glions loinbaires. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1869, p. 317.—Pow- ell (E ) Case of eucephaloid cancer, situated upon the side of the abdomen, . . . —excision—death, after three weeks, from hemorrhage into the bronchial tubes. North- western Med. and Surg. Jour., Chicago, 1857, xiv, pp. 556- 557.—Quain (R.) Colloid disease of the abdominal vis- cera. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1851-52, iii, pp 319-327.— Bay (C ) Fungus hamiatodes. Lancet, Lind., 1841, i, pp. 405-406.—Bobcrts. [Case.] New York Med. Times, 1852, ii, p. 174.—Bobertson (R.) [Case. ] In a child four years of age. Australian Med. Jour., Melbourne, 1870, xv, pp. 144-145.—Bokitansky. Carcinoma glandularuni retro- peritonealium et lienis. Pleuritis dextra. Allg. wien. iced. Zeitung, 1857, ii, pp. 133-134.—Bullicr. EYartenient con- siderable des cotes gauches ; saillie en avant et en arriere, simulant un emphyseme ; pouction ne donnant issu k aucun liquide; mort; tumeur encephaloide enorme, occupant toute la cavite de 1'abdomen. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1833, vii, pp. 101-102.—Salter (T.) Case. Trans. Prov. Med. and Surg. Assoc, Loud., 1837, v, pp. 325-343.—Sanderson (J. B.) Cancerous tumour compressing the coaliac axis and simulating aneurism. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1867, xviii, pp. 149-151.—Senklcr (A. E.) Remarkable medul- lary tumors. Northwestern Med. and Surg. Jour., 1870-71. i, pp. 286-289.—Sieveking (E. H.) Case. Association Med. Jour., Lond., 1856, i, pp. 305-307.—Smith (R. \\r.) Eu- cephaloid tumors in the abdomen. Dubliu Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1850, x, pp. 210-212.—Snellacrt. ICase.l En- fant de 13 mois. Bull, de la Soc. de M6d. de Gaud, 1857, xxiv, pp. 25-27, 1 pi.—Stokes. Eucephaloid tumors in the abdomen. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci, 1850, x, pp. 202- 203.—Thompson (H.) Subcutaneous malignant tumor, containing melanotic matter. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, n. s., p. 485.—Troisier. (Case.] Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Pa- ris, 1869, xliv, pp. 118-119.—Von Gieson. [Case.] Med. Record, N. Y., 1870, v, p. 473.— Verneuil. [Case, with in- complete obliteration of vena cava.) Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1855, xxx, pp. 197-198.—Watkins. Case of eu- cephaloid tumor of the abdomen weighing 30 lbs. New York Jour, of Med., 1850, v, pp. 337-340— Williams (C. J. B.) Carcinomatous disease of the abdomen. London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1845, ii, pp. 919-925.—Workman (F.) Colloid cancer of the abdomen. Brit. Med. Jour., 1864, ii, pp. 599-600. ABDOMEN {Tumors of, Cystic and hydatid). Chevallier{P.) * Essai snr I'hydropisie enkystee des parois ahdomiuales. 4°. Paris, 1^72. Moller {J. E.) Nogle anatomiske Jagttagelser. Proveskrift. 12°. Kiobenhavn,\77(\. LBDOMEN {Tumors of, Cystic and hydatid.) See, also, Adams. Hydatid cyst in the parietes of the abdomen. Lancet, Loud., 1851, i, n. s., p. I >5.— Allaire. Hydropisio enkyst6e; ouverture spontanee. Keoidive; paracentese; suerison. Jour, des connais. med.-chir., Paris, 1835-36, pp. 458-460.—Arnould (J.) Kyste hyilathiue de la paroi abdominale. Recueil de mem. do m6d., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1868, xxi, 3e ser., pp. 346-349.—AI lee (W. L ) Congenital tumour, composed of numerous cysts. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1844, vii, pp. 84-88.—Bailey (J. S.) A case of lipomata. Amer. Jour, of Obstet., 1873, vi, pp. 38-42.—Ball. Tumeur kystique adherente ;i plusieuts anses du jejunum. Bull, de la Soc. anat. do Paris. 1357, xxxii, pp. 400-403-Bantock (G. G.) [Case] Chronic pneumonia; high temperature ; disappearance of the cyst and recovery. Ohstet. Jour, of Gr. Britain and Ire- laud, 1875, ii'i, pp. 4-59-496, 1 tab— Bank (H ) Echino- coccus-Cyste in der Bauchwand. Deutscht s Archiv f. klin. Med., Leipzig, 1870, vii, 614-616.—Beauehet. iCase.] Bulletin de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1852, xxvii, pp. 20-21.— Bessieres (L.) Rupture d'un kyste hydropique ; opanche- nient; resorption. L'experience jour. m6d. et chir., Paris, 1844. xiv, rip. 65-67 ; Annales de la chir. fraucaise, 1844, xii, p. 371 —Birkett. Small movable tumour in the abdo- men. Med. Times, Lond., 1852, v, n. s , pp. 621-622.— Boinet. Du diagnostic differential des tumeurs du ventre avec les kvstes des ovaires. Gaz. hebd. de med. etdechir., Paris,'i860, vii, pp. 7, 69, 102, 149.— Borland. . . . rec >very from supposed rupt ire of an abdominal ■ tumor, followed by partial peritonitis. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1873,' x, pp. 455-457.—Boruct. Hydropisie enkystee des parois abdominales, ay ant produit la com- pression de la veiue cave ascendante. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1844. xix, pp. 283-291.—Briekell. [Case.] Op- eration—recovery. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1848-49, v, pp. 681-682.—Bright. . . . cases of aoephalo- cyst hydatids. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, pp. 432-492, 8 pi—Orinton. [Case.] Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1849-50, ii, pp. 225.—Bristowe (J. S.) Cases of cystic dila- tation of hepatic and pancreatic ducts from stricture, and of hydatid cysts of abdomen. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, iv, n. s., pp. 141-162.—Clark (A.) Encysted tumors in the peritoneal cavity. New York Jour, of Med., 1860, viii, 3d ser., pp. 97-98.—C'lauzure. Kyste pileux abdominal. Bull, oe la Soc. med. d'em. de Paris, n. s., 1867, i, pp. 64-71.— Concato (L.) Sopra un corpo intra- addoiuinale. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1872, ii, ser. 2, pp. 1-5.— Dcguise fils. Kystes multiples de la parol abdominale. Bull, de la Soc. de chir. de Paris, 1858, viii, pp. 459-460.— Duplay. THydatid «yst developed between the peri- toneum and abdominal wall.] Bull, de la Soc. anat. do Paris, 1864, xxxix, pp. 501-502.—Ellis (C.) Case of ecbino- coccus cyst. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874, xc, pp. 553-559. — Fano, [1] Tumeurs enkystees de l'abdomen trainees par la methode de M. Recamier. Union med.. 1849, iii, pp. 421, 425, 430.— [2] Kyste sereux de la paroi abdominale. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1866, p. 542.— I<']iirin. Tumeur h\ datique de 1'abdomen d6veloppee dans la capsule graisseuse peri-n6phr6tique. Bull, de la Soc. auat. de Paris, 1862, xxxvii, pp. 419-421— Foster (J. C.) Fibro-fatty tumour of the abdomen, weighing 55 pounds. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond , 1858, xix, pp. 246-248.—Fussell (E. F.) Case . . . Spontaneous recovery. Laucet. Lond., 1869, ii, p. 6.— Gairdner (E.) [Case.] Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1821, xvii, pp. 406-409.—Gairdner (J.) Case of abdominal disease, in which the substance of various viscera was de- stroyed by an entozoon, not hitherto described. Edinburgh Med. and' Surg. Jour., 1841, lxii, pp. 269-277.—Greene (W. W.) [Case.] Autopsy. Boston Med. and Surg Jour., 1866, lxxiv, pp. 141-142.—Gregory (G.) Case. Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1823, i, pp. 443-446.—Hamilton. Large hydatid tumour in the abdomen. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1868, xlvi, pp. 236-238.—[Holmes. | Hydatid cyst con- fined entirely to the abdominal wall. Lincet, Lond., 1867, i, pp. 391-392.—Horner (W. E.) Case of extra-peritoneal dropsy. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1845, n. s., x, pp. 323-327.— Huntington (T. R.) Case . . . , containing hair, teeth, etc. Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1852-53, viii, pp. 161-162.— Hutchinson (J.) [1] [Case.] . . . discharging itself at intervals per vaginara. Brit. Med. Jour., 1862, ii, p 296.— [2] Surgical treatment of hydatid tumors in the abdo- men. (Plates.) Brit. Med. Jour., lwt>4, i, pp. 197-201.— Hntton. Extra-renal tumour. Dubliu Quart. Jour. Med. S i., 1848, vi, pp. 447-449.—Jones (C. H.) Two cases of hydatid tumour. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, pp. 420-421.— Joslin (E. M.) Adventitious fibroid sac in ab- domen ; paracentesis; twelve hundred and seventv-five pounds of fluid drawn off in thirty-one operations;' post mortem. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Jan., 1869, pp. 96-99.— Klein in. Eine seltene Unterleibscyste bei eiuem Kiude. Archiv d. Heilk., 1867, pp. 89-94 -Lane (W. R.) [Case.] . . .; rapid disappearance, with excessive urinary discharge. Brit. Med. Jour., 1871, i, p. 419.—Large hydatid absciss in the abdominal walls—puncture—recoverv. Med. Times andGaz.,Lond.,n. s., 1855, x,p. 11.—Legg (J. W.) Hydatids of the liver, omentum, and recto-vesical pouch : . .' . St. Batthol. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, pp. 241-251.—ljclong. Kyste hydatique probable des parois abdominales. Ouver- ture— injections—guerison. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, ABDOMEN. 11 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN {Tumors of, Cystic and hydatid). 1-67, xiii, pp. 419-421.—Motley (J.) Hydatid tumors in the abdomen and pelvis. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, p. 290.— Morion (J.) Case. Glasgow Med. Jour., 1828. i. pp. 19-2 i.—Miiller. Ein Tumor cystieus, Hydatiden en thai- tend, im Abdomen. Zeitschr. f.' Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh., 1-58, xii, pp. 117-120.—Nclaton. Tumeur de la region epigastrique. Hvdatides. Gaz. des hop., Paris. 1845, 2e ser., pp. 118, 178 — Palamidessi (C) Guarigione d'una vasta cisfe idatigeua del bassoventre. Lo Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1865, xv, pp. 193-207.—Pick. Enormous fatty tumour of the abdomen. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1-69, xx, pp. 337-341.—Polk (J. J.) Case. Western Jour. of Med. and Surg., Louisville, 1841, iv, 2d ser., pp. 34-36.— Porter (J. G.) Case. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1837, xx, pp. 264-265.—Pretty (W.) Case. An enormous hydatid, etc Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1823, i, pp. 267-271— Qiiarkrnbnth (j. V. P.) Sub-peritoneal cystic tumor. [Two cases.] Trans. Med. Soc. State of New Y'rk, 1675, pp. 203-207.—Bibes, fds. Kyste communiquant avec l'esto- mac affecte de cancer latent. Revue med., 1831, iii, pp. 29-33.—Biehnrdson. [Case.] Slow diminution in size during three years. Med. Times and Gaz , Lond., 1860, i, pp. 11-12.—Bippmann (G.) Eiue setose Cyste in der Bauchhohle mit eineni luhalt von 50 Litres Fliissiekeit. Deutsche Klinik, xxii, 1870, pp. 267,278,289, 298.-Boberts (D. L.) Cyst successfully removed by abdominal section. Liverpool and Manchester Med. and Surg. Rep., 1873, i, pp. 190-192— Boberts (L.) Abdominal cyst/ Brit. Med. Jour., 1873, i, p. 48. — Bupp (J.) Operation einer grossen Balggescliwulst in del Lnterleibshohle. Zeitschrift des deutschen Chir.-Ver. I. Med., Chir. u. Geburtshulfe, 1852, v, pp. 508-513.- Bussell (J.) Case. Dublin Jour. Med. Sci., . 1837-38, xii, pp. 238-243.—Scerig (W.) Von einer Hyda- tiden-Geschwulst, die aus der Unterleibshohle einer Jungfrau gesehnitten wurde. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipzig, 1834, i, pp. 90-91— Simmons (S. F.) Case. Med Commu- nications, Lond., 1784, i, pp. 101-106.—Stanley. (Reported by Hoi.den (L.) ) Serous cyst between the abdominal inns ciesin the left iliac region. London Med. Gaz.,n. s , 1*46, iii, p. 506.—Stanski. [Case.J Gaz. med. de Paris, 1852, vii, 3c ser., pp. 629-630.—Stein (J.) Eine colossale Blutcste des Abdomen. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1870, xlix, pp. 136-142.—Trousscnu. De l'acupnncture multiple connne moyen d'obteuir l'adherence entre les parois de l'abdomen et les kystes* contenus dans le ven- tre. Bull. gen. de therap. med et chir., Paris, 1862. lxiii, pp. 517-523 ; Bulletin de 1'Academic de med., Paris, 1862-63, xxviii, pp. 78-85.—Turner (J. W.) [Case.] Med. Times, Lond., 1848, xviii, pp. 154-156.—Wntiuough (W.) Un- usual course and termination of an abdominal tumour. [Rupture and discharge of over 50 small fawn-colored stones] Med. Times and Gaz., Loud., 1*65, ii, p. 628.— Weber (C.) Sackgeschwulstdes Unterleibes von seltener Crosse als Folge einer vernachliissigten Kierstockent- ziiudung. Zeitschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., 1856, x, pp. 109-111. — Wolll (M.) Operative Behandlnng zweier TJnterleibs-Echinococcen, nebst einigen epicritischeu Be- merkunecn iiber fiinf fi iiber in der hiesigen Klinik ope- ririe Liille. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1870, vii, pp. 53-57, 66-70.—Ziegler. Fall eines Bauchschnitts mit Entleerung von Hydatiden. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1824, xvi, pp. 407-416. ABDOMEN ( Tumors of, Phantom). Boeder us (./.) Ad exteros medicos, occasione fraudulentao mulieris, quae per totatn fere vitani licto utoustroso ventre omnium decepit oculos, con- scripta epistola. [n.p.,~\ 1728. [In Hallek, Disp. ad niorb., t. 4 ] See, also.'Broca (P.) Sur unepretendue grossesse extra- uterine, traitee avec sucees parl'electro-puncture. Mouiteur des hop., 1853, i, pp. 601-603.—Carter. Phantom tumour. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, p. 543.—Cullen (J. S. I>.) Phantom tumor, supposed to be ovarian. Autopsy revealed i o disease of uterus or ovaries, but chronic inflammation of stomach. Virginia Clin. Record, 1871-72, i pp. 153-154.—DaCosta (J. M.) Clinical lecture on spu- rious nr "phantom" tumors of the abdomen. Philadelpliia Med. Times, i, 1871, p. 449 — l>rys. 513—GreenhowfE. II.) On "phantom tumours" of the abdomen. "Lancet, Lond., l.-'57, i, pp. 58-fiO.—Mnttison (J. V.) A case of phantom tumor. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1803, x, p. 201.—M'Donnell. Case of phantom abdominal tumour. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond , 1-55, xi. n. s , pp. 47-4". — Morton. Phantom tumor. Med. Gaz., N. V , 1870, v, p. 2ft3.— I'haiiloiu tumor. Western Lancet, 1.-57, wiii. pp. 420-422 —Pluminer i.I. S.) Phantom tu- mors. Med. Counsel"!', Columbus, 1.-56, ii, pp. 193-198.— Bumsliill and Jones. Cases. Med limes and Gaz., i Loud, 1859. xl, pp. 579-580.—Simulated or "phantom" tumours Med. Times and Gaz , Lond., If54, ix, n. s., pp. 343-344.— Storer. Hysteria with abdominal tumor disap- pearing after antispasmodic treatment. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1*55, liii, p. 19. —Thomas (T. G.) Rigidity of ABDOMEN {Tumors of, Phantom). abdominal muscles causing phantom tumor. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, pp. 477-478. ABDOMEN (Tumors of the walls of). Cornils {C. R.) * De nonnullis fibromatis tegn- ininibus abdominis. 4°. Kiliae, 1Y6.">. Dewnlf{L.J.A.) * ii. Des tumeurs qui peuveut occuper la paroi abdomi aleanterieure. 4 . Paris, 1*39. See, also, Bailey (J. S.) [Case of lipomata.] Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour., 1872-73, xii, pp. 302-303—Banks «L G.) [Case.l New Orleans Med. Jour.. 1844-45. i, pp. 63-64.— Bennett (R ) [Case.] Autopsy. Lancet, Loud., 1850. ii, u.s., pp. 328-329—Borland. [Case] Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1863, lxviii, pp. 461-462.—Boulenger. Tu- meur fibreuse hvpogastrique. Bull, de 1'Acad. de med., Paris, 1842-43, viii, pp. 650-658.—Bryant (T.) Pendulous fibro-nucleated tumour developed on the skin of the abdo- men. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1856-57, viii, p. 388.— Cady. [Fibrous tumor three inches above the umbilicus.] Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1863, lxviii, pp. 284-285.— Caffc. Tumeur . . . de 1'abdomeu ties remaiquable . . . Bull, del'Acad, de med., Paris, 1854-55, xx, pp. 524-530.— Cameron (H. C.) Recurrent fibroid tumour. Glasgow Med. Jour., 1875, vii, n. s^pp. 121-123.—C'homel. Phleg- mon de la fosse iliaque. xumeur developpee dans les pa- rois de l'abdomen. Diagnostic differentiel. Caz. des hop , Paris, 1844, pp. 373-374, 386-387.—Clark (A.) | Case.] Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, pp. 494-495.—Conat. En- ormous tumor of the side. Amer. Med. Times, .N. V., 1862. v, pp. 218-219.—Ci-itchett. [Case.] Trans. Path. Soc. of Loud., 1848-50, i, p. 337.— Delannny. Fibromo de la pa- roi abdominale, adherent au peritoiue. Dithcultes particu- lieres de diagnostic—operation par morcellement et ablation incomplete. Moniteur des sci.. etc., Paris, 1860, ii, 2e ser., pp. 651-653.—Diltel. Exstirpation eines Fibroids aus den Bauchdecken. Allg. wien. reed. Zeitung, 1867, xii, p. 61.— Dobie (W. M.) Fatty tumour of abdomen ; excision; cure. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1853, xvii, pp. 421-125 —Urnper (F. W.) Fibrous tumor of abdominal parietes: excision. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1869, ii, up. 23-24 —Fieber (C.) Fibroid der Bauchdecken, vom linken geradeu Bauchmuskel ausgebend—Exstirpation — Einriss des Peritoneums—Heilung. Wiener med. Prcsse, 1867, viii. pp. 813-816, 839-842 — (Jersung (R.) Grosses, in die Bauchhohle hineinragt ndes Fibroin der vorderen Bauch- wiind—Operation—Ileilunii. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1874, xxiv, pp. 788-791— 4»ossclin. [Case of iiponia, con- taining erectile tissue.] Bull.de laSdc.auat.de Paris, 1842, xvii, p. 208.—4»ourauil. |Sub-peritoneal lipoma of ab- dominal cavity. I Bull. delaSoc. anat. de Paris, 1862, xxxvii, pp. 263-204—ente (F. D.) Contusion of abdomen; laceration of intestine; hernial protrusions. New York Jour, of Med., 1850, v, pp 27-29.—[Case.J New York Jour, of Med., 1*51, vi, pp. 28-31.—I.idell (J. A.) On rupture of the abdominal and pelvic viscera, especially the bladder, and other injuries of the same organs, including those occasioned by fire-arms . . . eleven cases. . . . Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., April, 1867, pp. 340-370.—Mae k- arsie (W. J.) f . . , ulceration of bowels, with subsequent fecal discharge through the parietes of abdo- men ; recovery. Lancet, London, 1850, ii, n. s , pp. 261- 262.— M'CIelian (J.) A rupture of the integuments of the abdomen and intestine. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862-63, ix, pp. 128-129.—M'F.wen (W.) + . . . Glasgow Med. Jour., 1872, v, 4th ser., pp. 30-34.—Marsh (H.) -f Typhlitis: perforation of the vermiform appen- dix: peritonitis: death. Brit. Med. Jour., 1872, ii, p. 526.— Martini. Schreckliche Folgen des Zusammenschniirens des Unterleibes. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1831, xxxiv, pp. 146-155.-—Mathieson (J. H.) + Canada Med. Jour., Montreal, 1871, vii, pp. 71-72.—Moore (J.) Contusion 01 abdomen—rupture of kidney without external mark of injury—recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1845, ii, pp. 684-685.— Mouillie (G.) . . . peritouite traumatique k la suite de coups de pied de cheval, sans lesions apparentes des parois abdominales. Recueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1861, vi,3eser..pp. 38-54.—IVedham (J.) . . . case ... a considerable part of . . . intestines were forced out . . . , and afterwards cut off; recov- ery. Philos. Trans. Roy. Society of London, 1755, xlix, pt. 1, pp. 238-239.—Nevermann.' Zwei Falle von Ruptur der Unterleibseingeweide durch aussere Gewalt. Med. Aunalen, Heidelberg, 1836, iii, pp. 312-315.—IVewton (W.) Case. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, pp. 146-147. Ocehini (G.) Intorno ad una estesissima ferita lacero-contusa penetrante nel basso-ventre con eventrazione. Imparziale, Firenze, 1864, iv, pp. 39-41.—Ormsby (L. H.) Cases ... of rup- ture and laceration of liver, spleen, and kidney. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1873, i, pp. 34-35.—Poland (A.) Sev- eral cases of contusions of the abdomen, with injury to the stomach and intestines. Guy's Hosp. Rep , Lond , 1858, iv, 3e ser., pp. 123-168.—P-urefoy (T.) Injuries of the abdomen. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1847, iii, pp. 551-554.—Baymoiid. + . . . Archives med. belg., Bruxelles, 1874, xxvii, pp. 295-298.— Bendlcn. Schwere Verletzung des Unterleibs, mit Zerreissung des hintern Theils der Harmohre. Zeitschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1850, iii, pp. 103-106.—Beyburn (R ) -f Na- tional Med. Jour., Washington, D. C, 1871-72, ii, pp. 350- 354.—Sehneek (B. F.) 4- . . . Chicago Med. Jour., 1859, ii, n. s., pp. 34-36.— Sehwabe (C.) ToMtung durch Fuss- tritte auf den Unterleib. Vierteljabrsschr. f. gerichtl. u. bffentl. Med., Berlin, 1862, xxi, pp. 316-322.—Shaw. Con- tusion of the abdomen, causing laceration of the vena cava; with rupture, inversion,and invagination,in a tubular form, of portion of the inner and middle coats of the aorta. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1855-56, vii, pp. 131-133.— Sinallwooil (C.) Case of lacerated wound between the true skin and fascia, extending from an external wound in the scrotum to the false lib of the right side. Brit. Amer. Med. and Phys. Jour., Montreal, 1851-52, vii, pp. 235-256.— Studsgaurd (C.) Voldsom contusion af underlivet; gjentagen paracenthese; helbredelse, Hosp. - Tidende, Kjobeuhavn, 1858, i, pp. 5-7.—Teiiison (E. T. R.) + Brit. Med. Jour., 1868, ii, p. 221.—[Violence to the abdomen.] Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1858, xxv, pp. 220-223.— Walter (A. G.) Spontaneous rupture of the abdominal walls. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, vii, pp. 53- 66-—Walton (H ) + Apparent paralysis of the spinal cord ; recovery. Brit. Med. Jour.. 1868, i, p. 196 - Whar- rie (J. B.) Contusions from kicks, or blows on the abdo- men. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb.. 1846, vi, pp. 340-341.—Wolff. Ruptura abdominis. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1850. p. 112.-Wood (J. S.) Death from a blow on the epigastrium. London Med. Gaz., n s., 1849, ix, pp. 213-214— Ziembicki. D6chirure traumatique du foie, de la rate et des deux reins—fracture de 7 cotes. Bull, de la Soc. Anat. de Paris, 1872, 2e s6r., xvii, p. 393. ABDOMEN. 13 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN ( Wounds and injuries of). II.—Penetrating. Anbriet (A. L.) * .. . . plaiesdel'ahdomen. 4Y Paris, 181"). Baty (J. B. I.) * iv. Lorsqu'une plaie de l'ab- J domen livre passage aux visceres sains oubless6s, que doit faire le chirnrgien ? 4 . Paris, 1838. Bodelio{L.) * Plaies pe"ne"trante8 de l'abdomen et du tube intestinal. 4°. Paris, 1831. Brun {R. A.) * ii. Des dangers des plaies par instruments trancbants non p6ne"trautes du bas- i ventre. 4°. Paris, 1838. Candy {C.) *. . . plaies pen6trantes de l'abdo- men avec issue des visceres. 4 . Paris, 1824. Carpenter {G.) . . . plaies pene"trantes de l'ab- domen avec issue de l'6piploon. 4Y Paris, 1870. Chamaison (J.) * Considerations sur les plaies du bas-ventre, suivies de quelques observations particulieres al'auteur. 4Y Montpellier, 1815. Cocud{E.) De Tissue de l'e"piploon compliquant < les plaies pe"n6trantes de l'abdomen. 8'-. Paris, Mil. [Also in Rroit.h, de mini, de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1864, xi, 3e ser., pp. 417, 488.] Eichhoff {G. W. G.) * De vulnerum abdomen penetrantynn letalitate. 8°. Berolini, 1829. Fubricius {F. G. A.) Medicinisch-gericbtlicher Fall der Todlicbkeit eiuer penetrireuden Baucb- wunde, mit Vorfall und Verletzung, nebst Krin- nerungen aus der chirurgiscben Lebre von der Darm-und Baucbuabt. 8°. Mainz, 1824. Flous(A.) * Traitement des (Spiploceles trau- matiques. 4 Y Paris, 1867. Focke{H.) * De abdominis vulneribus. 8°. Got- tingae, 1798. Gitultier {X. D. L.) "... plaies ptSnetiantes de 1'abdomen. 4°. J'aris, 1810. tioyard {G.) * Plaies pe"n6trantes de l'tibdomen et procede de suture uouvelle pour la guerison des anus contre-uature. 4°. Paris, 1870. Guthrie {II. J.) ,On wounds and injuries of the abdomen and the pelvis, roy. 8°. London, 1847. Hermes {F. L.) Zwo cbirtirgisclie Beobachtun- gen. 12°. Kopenhagen [1776]. Horlacher {J. F. C.) * De letalitate vulnerum abdominis cum extravasatis coujuuctorum. 8°. Onoldi, 1837. Xuernberge)\{ II.) * De vulneribus in pectus et abdomen penetrantibiis. Y. Berolini [1843]. Otis {G. A.) Injuries of the abdomen. | Mi:i>.and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Part ii, Surg, vol , pp. 1-208. Consult for bibliography.] Pethiot {H.-A.) * Des plaies de l'abdomen en gdneral et de.s plaies pcne'trantes suites de coup de feu en particuliet. 4°. Paris, 1870. l'eugnet {E.) The nature of gunshot wounds of the abdomen; and their treatment; based on a review of the ease of the late James Fisk, jr., in its medico-legal aspects. SY Xew York, 1874. Roubaud {P. I).) * Sur l'utilite de l'applicatiou du froid dims le traiunient des plaies p6netrautes de la poitrine ou du bas-ventre, ... 4 . Paris, IK)8. BDOMEN ( Wounds and injuries of). Tombeur (X. J.) * Sur les plaies du ventre. 4 . Paris, 1806. Verbrugghen {J. F.) * De vulneribus abdomi- nis penetrautibus. 4 . Bruxellis [l-2i)j. Willers{G.) * Ueber die Dilatation der Blutge- fiisse des Kopfes bei scbweren Verletzungen des Unterleibes. 8°. Griefswald, 1-73. See, also, Aekertcy (R. Y.) + Loudon Med. Gaz., 1»37, xx, pp. 548-550.— Adams.-|-Gunshot. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1873, lxxxviii, p. 136.—Adelmanu. Riss des Mastdarmes und Vorfall der (iediirme aus deiusel- ben. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den penetrireuden Wun- den der Bauchhohle. Jour. d. Chir. u. Augenlieilk., Berlin, 1845, xxxiv, pp. 556-579. — Adler iS.i i- Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1867, xii, p. 286.—Alibert (Vj + Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1874, vi, pp. 225-227. A den (H.) Extensive incised wound of the abdomen, liver, and lung ; recovery. Xew Jersey Med. Reporter, 1855, viii, pp. 365-367.— Vlliu (C. M.) -j-Intestinal hemorrhage — peritouitis—recovery. New Tork Med. Times, 1852, i, pp. 43-46. —Auderwou (J.) -f- . . . hernia of the stomach. Recovery in fourteeu days. Army Stat. San and Med. Rep., Loud., 1864, vi. p. 543.—An- sel! (A.) -f Amer. Med. Weekly, Louisville, 1875, ii, pp. 365- 366.—Arens. -,- Archives med. belg., Bruxelles, 1872, i, pp. 388-391.—Atlee i W. F.) -f- Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1-62, xliii, u. 3., pji. -;i-'.i2. — Atlee I XV. L.) Idem, lt-44, viii, pp. 62- 63. — Attempt at suicide. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi. pp. 3:p'.i-10ii. —Bnbingioii (T. H.) + Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1864, xxxviii, p. 502.—linbr. . . . Beliand- lungder Bauchwunden mit LioilnungdesPeritoneuins. St. Petersburger Med. Zeitschr., 1861. i. pp. 263-267.—Bailey (T.) + Cbarleston Medical Journal. 1854, ix, pp. 604-606.— Barthe. + Med. and Pins. .lour., Lund., 18U3, x, pp. 250- 252.—Bartolct(P. G ) - Med. Exaiinuer, Phila., n. s., 1851, vii.pp. 489-405.—BaudeiiN. Coup de feu . . . ; lesion du foie, du diaphragnie et de la base du poiunon droit; fracture de la don/.ieiue cote ; guerison apres trois niois. Gaz. des hop , Pari-, 1836, x, p. 454. — It a? Ire* (T. H.) + Transylv. Jour, of Med., etc., Louisville l-.)-. xi, pp. 3-6— Beck (B.) Zur Behaiidlung der peuetiirendeu Bauchwunden. Deut- sche Klinik, ix, 1857, pp. 3-6.—Bell. Cicatrix of a wound in the abdomen, and the question of hernia or extravasa- tion of urine. Loudon Med. Gay. , 1828, i, pp. 676-677.—Bell C.i |- Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1H55, liii, pp. 509-510.— Bell (J.) + Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1874, xx, p. 212 - lie- ueeke (H. J. C.) + Zeitschr. d. norddeutsch. Ciiir.Ver. f. Med. Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeburg, 1848, ii, pp. 46-47.— Bennett. Dublin Jour of Med. Sci., 1874, Ivii, pp. 205- 201.—Bert el. I--.in- do lY-piplonn ; etrauglemeuD de ce- luici.a\ec iiiipM>»iiniiie de Icreduiib; icseclion, guerison presque iminediate. Ke\ ne med. de Toulouse, 1868, ii, pp. 129-137.— Be it lie. lour. gen. de med., de chir. et de pharm, Paris, 1863, xvii, pp. 61-66—Biuuey (B.) d Gun- shot. Lond. Med. Jour.. 17e0, vii, pp. 294-297 —Bird (R.) -\- I.ond. Med., Soil'. & Plinnu. Kepusitorv. W0, xiv, pp. :S83- r>6.—Birkett (J.) Lancet.Lond., 1-67, ii, pp. 9-10 —Bit- lei. -f Jahicsli. iilierd. Yei waltungd. .Mcdiiinalweseii8.il. tieien Stadt Frankfurt. 1-57, i, pp 151-156— Bixby. tin- pale men t through t lie lei t la hio perineal t'n.ssa. Jour. GyuiB- col. Soc, Best., 1869, i. pp. 1:12-1:15.- Bix.iii-elli. , Gaz. des hopitaux, Paris, 1864, pp. 27-28.— Blackloik (A.) + Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1852, xv, pp. 30-32.— [Blair.] Australian Med. Jour., Melbourne, 1«7-1, xix, pp. 274-275.—Bluuibcrg (P.) JJrei gliieklich geneilte lalle von penetrireuden Bauchwunden mit Yurlall des Xetzes behandelt nach der Methodc von Pirogoff Deut- sche Zeitschr. f. Chirurg., Leipzig, 1875, vi, pp. 243-255.— Bluiubardt. Gerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber einen Fall von todtlicher Unterleibsverletzuug. Zeitschr. f. Wuudaizte u. Geburtsh, Stuttgart. 1853, vi, pp. 26-50.— Blundell (J.) On the surgery of the abdomen. Lancet, London, 1829, ii. pp. 353, 3-5.—ISoua (G. B ) Relazioue di perigia medico-legale picseutata suile cousequenze di una ferita alfaddome. Indipendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, pp. 70-73. — Boiniey > F. A. B.) -,- Lancet, London, i, Ir52, n. s., p. 161. — Bontccoii (R. B.) r Amer. Med. Monthly, New York, L-5-, x, pp. iu-MU — Bo»ch (W.) Observa- tions sur les plans de I'.ih lomeii. dour. med. de la Xeei'- laude, 1844, i, pp. 77-87. — Boulware. + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1-67. Ixxvi.p. 161.—Bourey. + [With inter- stitial hernia and stercoraceous fistula. | Bull.de la Soc. anat. de Paiis, 1855, xxx, pp. 162-166—Bradbury (J. C.) + Bustou Med and Surg. Journal, 1852, xiv, pp. 5.10-532.— Bradley (I).) -f Brit. Med. Jour., Is70, i, p. 80.—Bruuii. ( ■;- (iunsiiot.] Rust's NUg. f. d. ges. 1L ilk., lf-21, xvi, pp. 241-247.—Broen. ,- Gaz. med. de Paris, W2, xxvii, pp. 26.1- 264—Broclnax (D. \V.) + Riebuiondand Louisville M<-d. .four, 1873, xvi. pp. 92-94 —Brooking (S.) |- Madras Quart. Med. Join , 1840, ii, pp. 3.>o - -Bryan (J.) + Gunshot .sloughing—blood evacuated 11.....bo\v>■!■-. Cured. Butfalo Med. Jour., etc., l84!)-5(l, v. pp. 6-7.—Br) an (J.) , Gunshot, liostou Med. and Surg. Join., 1863, lxviii, pp. 2.M- 2'JI—Buuee nl. S i Protrusion of intestines; operaiion ABDOMEX. 14 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN ( Wounds and injuries of). | Recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, pp. 363-364 —Burnet (I'.) -I- Jour. univ. et hob. de med., etc., Paris, 1.-32, ix, pp. 424- 430—Biiriibnni(ILB.) Passage of a rake handle through the sci otuiu and abdominal paiietesto the right hypochou- drill m. Recovery. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., I860, lxii, PP' \'}]'^-~BaUenwicser + AerztUcbes Intelligenz- 1.1., Munelien. 1868, xv, p. 4b5.—Buxton (J. N.) + Canada Med. Jour.. Montreal, 1852-53, i, p. 90.—Bvrd ( H. L.) + OglejJiori'e Med. and Surg. Jour., Savannah, 1859-60, ii, pp. ----'•-* ulhouu (D. P.) + New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1848-49, v,pp.723-72ii.-Calton (T.) ! Ediuburgb Meri. and Surg. Jour., 1816, xii, pp. 27-36 — Cnreaga (A.) ■; (Liceta medica, Mexico, 1868, iii, pp. 347-348. 362-364.— t nrgnnieo. -j- Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1835, iv, p. 179.— « ariinehael (\V. A.) + Chicago Med. Jour, and Exam- iner, 187.), xxxii, pp 733-734.—[Cases, j + Brit Med. Jour., n, 1863, p. 280 — l Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1863, ii, pp. 545-546.— + Georgia Med. Companion, Atl mla. 1871, i, p. 3.---1- Guy's Hosp. Rep , Loud., 1844, ii,2d s., pp. 469-495.---\- Eventrn^ao traumatica. Reduccao. Compressao do ventre comunia Iigadura por interinediodo nlgodaoem rama. Cura. Jorn. Soc. das sci. med. de Lisbon, 1875, xxxix, pp.9-16.---\- Jour. of the Gyiiiocol. Soc, Bost., 1871, v, pp. 220-222.—h Lancet, Lond , 1832, i p. 224 ; 1833, i, p. 763 ; 1873, i, p. 732.— + Gun- shot. : injury to the spleen, stomach, and liver ; death. Lan. eet, Loud., 1873. ii, pp. 450-451.---(- Loud. Med. Gaz., 1828, i, p. 129; 1828-29, iii, pp. 27, 264. 266---r Profuse arterial haem- orrhage—subsequent periionitis—recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, p. 576.— -f Xew Orleans Med. & Surg. Jour., 1848-49, v, pp. 400-101.---r Stab-wouud of the abdo- men : recovery. X. Y. Med. Jour.,1875,xxii. pp. 407-408.— -I-Philadelphia Med. Times,i, 1870, p. 96.—Chassaiguac. -I Etraugleniciitaponeurotiqne a travels une plaiede la ligue blanche. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris. 1871. xlvi. pu. 338- 339— Chevalier. ;- ArchYcs med. lielg., Bruxelles, 1874, vi, 3e ser., pp. 378-382.—Chippendale (W.) Wound of the abdominal parietes by a piece of wood between three and four inches long and half an inch wide : its presence not discovered till I he eighth day. Brit. Med. Jour., 1858, p. 120— Clark (II. G.) -f Boston Med. and Sursr.Jour., 1855, Iii, p. 198. —Clark (CO.) -4 Lancet, Loud., 1864, i, n. s., pp. 698-699. — Clement* (B. A.) -I- Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1861, xlii, n. s.. pp. 37-43— Cleveland (J. L ) + Cincin. Lancet and Ohs.. 1869, xii, n. s., pp. 465-467.—Cloquct (J.) and Earrey (II.) -r Gazette des hopitaux, Paris, 1840, pp, 328-329.—Coeiieleux. + Gaz. des hopitaux, Paris, 1859, pp. 423-424.—Coehranc (T.) + Medical Commentaries, Dime n, London, 1786. x. pp. 276-280. — Colcgrove (J. B) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1858, lix, pp. 249-252.— Coleman (C. T.) + Kiebmond and Louisville Medical Jour.. 1872, xiv, pp. 83-85.—Conner (R. S ) + Ohio Med and Surg. Jour., 1854-55. vii, pp. 367-370.—Cooper (S.)41, ■|- Lancet, Lond., 1837, i, pp. 379-:i83.—Costa (M. J. M.) + London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1843. i, p. 570—Couper. ; Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, p. 606.-Cou»ins (J. W.) -r Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, pp. 432-433 —Crane (J. J.) -|- Xew York Med and Surg. Reporter. 1846, i, pp. 176-179. -Crawford (J. S ) + Trans. Med. Soc. State of Penn'a, 1871. ii, dth ser., pp. 338-340; Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1870, xxiii, p. 525— Crawford (S. P.) + Nashville Jour, of Med and Surg., 1859, xvi, pp. 16-17.---\- Idem, 1859, xvi, pp. 17-18. — C'rowdace. + Patient, a female six months pregnant: ncoverv. Madras Quar. Jour. Med. Sci.. 1863, vii, pp! 409-411 — C ulberfsou (H.) + Ohio Med. and Surg Jour., 1858-59, xi, pp. 301-304. — Cummins (W.) Case of injurv of tlie abdomen during pregnancy. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1858, xxv. pp. 228-231.—Curling. -f- Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, p. 120.—Curling (T. B.) + Lond , Med. Gaz.. n. s., 1838, i, pp. 567-572. — Cutler. + Ex- travasaiion ; death. Lancet, London, 1851, ii, new series, pp. 250-251—Oargan (T. A.) + Med. and Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1874, "xxxi, p. 143.—Day (J. F.) + Gunshot passage of ball per rectum. Med. Record, N. Y., 1875, x, p. 557.—Di:lon (W.) Abdominal wounds. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, p. 382.—Degnise + Bull, de la Soc. chir. de Paris, 1864, 2e ser., iv, pp. 333-336.—»ix (W.) + London Med. and Phys. Jour., 1825, liv, pp. 466-467 ; London Medical Repository, etc., 1826, xxvi, pp. 347-348.— Howell (G.) + Xashville Med. Record. Ie60, iii, pp. 5-6.— Dressel. + Jour. d. Chir. u. Augenlieilk., Berlin, 1833, xx, pp. 316-319.—Duenehct. -j- Gunshot—ball passed by the rectum. Amer. Med. Times, N. Y., 1861, vii, p. 134.—l>u- plouy. 4- Lesion de l'intestin giele, born6e a la tunique peritoneale—geerison. Archives de nit'd. navale, Paris. 1868, x, pp. 206-212. — |Dupuytreu.] Southern Med. and Surg. Jour., Augusta, 1837, i. p 228-I>urgan (T. A.) + Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874. xxx, p. 116.—Du Temps (L ) »- Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1859, p. 375.—Duval (A.) -- Archives de med navale, Paris, 1864, i, pp. 275-276.— [Ecr'e.] ; London Med. and Phys. Jour., 1829, vi, n. s., p. 48. - Edmunds (J.J.) + Gun shot; recovery. Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1859-60, xv, pp. 149-151.—Elberling. + Rheinische Monatssch. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kdln, 1847, pp. 557- 558.—Kiev (M. J.) + Gun shot. Xashville Jour, cf Med. anil Surg., 1874, xiii, 2d ser., pp. 344-346.—Ellis (A.) Clin- ical lectures. Lancet, Loud., 1834-35, ii, p. 753 ; 1835,i, p. 17.— El*oin (.1. II.) -j- Stethoscope and Va. Med. Gaz., Rich- mond, 1854, iv, pp. 205-207.—Erielisen (J.) On abdominal .BDOMENT ( Hounds and injuries of). emphysema. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, pp. 573-574.—Eve (P. F.) + Xashville Jour, of Med. and Surg., 1871, vii, n.H., pp. 4-5. — Ewiug (A.) + . . . hernia of stomach and strangulation—contents of this organ disc barged bv punc- ture—red ction and cure. Xew Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1852-53, ix, pp. 761-765—Fnyrer (J.) I Me 1. Times and Gazette, London, 1871, ii, pp. 641-642.—Feuner (E. 11.) + Xew Orleans Medical News and Hospital Gazette, 1857-58, iv, pp. 391-392. —Field (II. C.) + London Med- ical and Physical Jourml. 1828, v, new series, pp. 207-210.— Fiseher (C.) -f Zeitschr. f. Wundi'irzto u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1852, v, pp. 140-141.—Fiseher (().) + Deutsche Klinik, 1850, ii, pp. 187-188.—Fleming (A.) + Protrusion of intestines; their return obstructed l>y a band. Amer. Jour.Med. Sci., 1857,xxxiii, n. s., pp. 321-322 —Flemmiiig (W.) Beitr^gfiir die Behandlung der penetrireuden Baudi- wunden. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1823, xiv, pp. 255- 263.—Fleury. + Jonr.desconnais. med.-chii\. Paris, 1842, pp. 142-143.—Fontaine^ A. W.) Man run over by a wagon ; penetration of abdomen by the neck of a glass bottle; escape of the intestines, which were crushed into the sand ; recovery. Richmond and Louisville Med. Jour.v 1875, xix, pp. 109-111.—Fox. Reported by Hewsox (A.) + Protru- sion of omentum—its removal—roenverv. Med. Examiner, Phila, n. s, 1851, vii, pp. 567-569.— Fryer (H.) 4- Med. Facts and Observ., Lond., 1800, viii, pp. 1 n-139.—Furuell (M. C.) + Protrusion and perforation of intestines ; recov- ery. Madras Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1863, vii, pp. 179-181.— Gaillard (E. S.) + Sixteen inches of intestine protruded; six inches of intestine cut off; union accomplished by sil- ver suture. Richmond and Louisville Med. Jour., 1871, xi, p. 449 —Gairdcn (J.) -f Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1835, xliv, pp. 281-282— Gallagher (J.) + Med, Times and Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, pp. 641.— Gardner (A.J.) + [Suicidal; five inches of colon cut oft] Cincin- nati Lancet and Obs., 1860, iii, n. s., pp. 113-114, 653.—Gay (G. W.) + Gunshot. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1875, xcii, pp. 631-632—Gibbs (J.) + American Journal Med. Sci., 1846, xii, n. s., pp. 379-380—<*i ho n (A. L.) + Gun- shot. Remarkable course of the bullet. Amer. Jour.Med. Sci., July, 1869, pp. 288-290.—Goldsmith. + Georgia Med. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, pp. 3-4.—Gordon (C. A.) -f Lond. Med. Gaz., n. s., 1850, xi, pp. 24-25.—Goudat. + Union Med., 1872, xiv, 3e ser., pp. 381-386.—Grccnway (J. R.) Ou the importance of rest in severe abdominal ininries. Med. Times and Gaz., Loud., 1867, ii, pp. 5-6 — Guthrie. + Laucet, Lond., 1826, x, p. 799; 1829, i, p. 506.— Habeishou (S. 0.) + Gunshot. Perforation of descending colon. Fecal abscess. Death nearly 4 years after. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1859, v, 3d ser., pp. 173-178, 1 pi.— Hague (B.) + Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1809, v, pp. 129-135.—Hall (A. P.) -f Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Julv, 1869, pp. 79-80. — Hallett (J. J.) + Lond u Med. Gaz., 1832, ix, pp. 791-792 —Halsted. + Amer. Med. Times, N. Y.. 1862, v, pp. 120-121.—Hamilton (F. H.) [1] + Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1851, vi, p. 153; 1858-59, xiv, p. 466 ; Med. Record, Xew York, 1866, i, p. 59.— [2] Lectures on gun- shot injuries of the abdomen. American Medical Times. X. Y., 1864, viii, pp. 205 . . 301; ix, pp. 1 . . . 61.—Mar- grave. + Dublin Med. Press. 1840, iii, pp 76-77.—Hart (XV. W.) + Protrusion of the stomach and strangulation of the organ ; reduction and recovery. Western Jour, of Med. and Surg., Louisville 1853, xi, 3d ser., pp. 496-497.—Hat ti- gan. + Trans. Med. Soc. Dist. of Columbia. 1875, ii, pp. 65-68.—Hathoi n (ID + Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour , 1815, xi, pp. 195-197.—Heustis (J. W.) -t- Gunshot. Amer- ican Journal of Medical Science, 1829, v, pp. 99-162: Mary- laud Medical Recorder, 182!', i. pp. 2H3-2D7.—Hey (elder (J. F.) + Berliner klin. Wochenschrift, 1864, xxviii, pp. 284-285— Hildreth (C. C.) Injuries of the abdomen. Medical and Surgical Reporter, Philadelphia, 1871, xxv, pp. 287-291.—Hoag (W. H.) + Gunshot: passage of ball per rrctiun. Med. Record, N. Y., 1875, x, p. 623.—Homaus (J.) Worm discharged from wound of abdomen. New England Jour. Med. and Surg., Best., 1821, x, pp. 127-128.— Hosclitz (F.) -4- Wiener med. Presse, 1872, xiii, pp 917- 919.—Howard (B.) Treatment of gunshot -wounds of chest and abdomen. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1863, lxix, pp. 42-43.—Howe (Z.) Remarks on the use of the hay-hook, illustrated with 3 eases. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1840, xxii, pp. 69-73.—Huber. + Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1867, pp. 1185-1188.—Huguier. + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1849, pp. 411-412.—Hulbert (J. F.) + Loudon Med., Surg., and Pharm. Repository, 1821, xvi. pp 283-288.— Hulkc. + Lancet, Lond., 1872, i{, p. 526—Hunt (W.) 4 Philadelphia Med. Times, i, 1870, p. 96 —Hunter (C. T.) Gunshot. Proceedings of the Path. Soc of ^hila., 1871, iii, pp. 169-170—Hunter (T. L., jr.) + Epigastric artery cut—recovery. Maryland and Virginia Med. Jour., Rich- mond, 1860, xv, pp. 136-138.—Hutehinsoii. d . . . Death . . from peritonitis, with peculiar symptoms. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, pp. 11-12.—Hutchison. -•■- Amer. Med. Times, N. Y., 1863, vi, pp. 91-92.—Ilott (W.) Wound of the scrotum and abdomen. London Med. Gaz., 1835, xvii. pp. 111-113.—Irwin (B. J. D ) ■+- . . . Body transfixed by a bayonet—recovery. Amer. Med. Times,'X. Y., 1862, iv, pp. 273-274.—Jackson, Passage of one prong of a pitchfork through the body from the perin03um to the ABDOMEN. 15 ABDOMEN. ABDOMEN f Wounds and injuries of). umbilicus; recovery. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., I860, lxiii, pp. 80-rl — .1 Yiining* (R. G.) ■+■ Stethoscope and Vir-inia Med Gaz.. Richmond, 1851, i, pp. 490-491 — Join-it. Plaies | cntHiantes de l'abdomen. "Tnion med., I"57, xi, pp. 297-299; Moniteur des hop., 1857, v, pp. 761, 771.—Johnson. + Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1375, xiii, p. 221.—Johnston (D.) + Edinburgh Med. Jonr , 1859, v, pp. 134-135 —Jouet. + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1855, pp. 158-159.—Judkins (C. P.) + Gun- shot—bullet passed by rectum. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., 1867, x, n. s., p. 664—Jiingken. Penetrirende durch Kiise vergiftete Bauchwuude mit Vorfall des gros- sen Xet/.es. ilr-ilung Deutsche Klinik, lr-51, iii, p. 98.— [Kaiser.] + Gum-hot. Peninsular Jour, of Med., Le- ir.it. 1*74, x. p. 79 —Kemper (C. B.) -t- Stethoscopeai.il Va. Med. Gaz., Richmond, 1854, iv, pp. 9-11.—Kennedy (J.) + . . . from the bite of a shark. Medico Chir. Trans., London, 1818, ix, pp. 240-248— Key (A.) f Guy's Hospital Rep., London, 1836, i, pp. 5s6-.>5 ; 1844, ii, 2d s., p. 472— Kinsman. 4- Critic, Ciucin., 1k74, vi. p.-183.—Kirk- bride (T. S.) + Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1834, xv, pp. 349- 352— Ii Ionian . 920-923—iTIichel (A.) + Gaz. des hop., Pans, 1858, p. 207.—iTliddletou iW. G.) + Canada Med. Jonr, Montreal, 1866, ii, pp. 453-454 ; also in Canada Lancet, Toronto. 1870- 71, iii. pp. 258-259 -ITloe f lv C.) + Trans, ot the Med. Ass. Southern Central Xew York, 1855, ii, pp. 88-89.—ITIoll. 1 Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1837. vi, pp. 252 - 25:1.—Vlorgau (0. de). + Brit. Med. Jour., 1871, i, pp. 55-56.—.Vlunro (P.) H Strangulated emenlum and mesentery. Montreal Med. Gaz, 1844, i, pp. 269-270.— \clsou lW.|'l Bayonet. Mont- I real Med. Gaz., Is 11 i, pp. 16:;_173.—.\eul"vilie (W. de). + I Archiv fiir pin sn.logisohe II.■ilknnde, Stuttgart. 1849. pp. | 114-116.— >'custn«ltl. ; Lilduiig eines Anus praeternatu- ralis. Alls. wien. unci Zeitung, 1865, x, pp. 83-84. — Xor- coin (F. B ) 4 Chicago Med. Jour., 1870, xxvii, pp. 397-401.— .\iinnely. Po> tion of omentum removed . . . under the supposition that it was a piece of protruding lung. Trans. Path Soc. of Loud, 1859-60, xi, pp. 109-110—Pnck- nrd ii. 11.) ■■:■ Gunshot. Phila. Med. Times, 1873, iii, p. •>:,$, — Fiii-risli. ; Ball traversing lower portion of the abdomen without injury of the viscera. Trans. Coll. of BDOMEN ( Wounds and injuries of). Phys.. Phila., 1841-46, i, p. 254.—Passage of a hay-knife into the abdomen, through the lacerated vagina ; extraction nine hours after. Lancet, Lond, 1834. ii, pp. 112-113.— Pat.y. + Bull, de l'Acad. de med Paris, 1862-63, xxviii, pp. 785-804; also in Union med., 1864. xxi, 2e ser, pp. 408. 469.—Pean. + Lancet, Lond.. 1874, i, pp. 368-369.— Pearl (W.) + Army Statistical, San., and Med. Rep., Lond., 1863. v, p. 581— Petrequin and Foltz. Ex- traction par l'ombilic dune sonde de femme introduite par les voies genitales. Bull de l'Acad. de med., Paris. 1869, xxxiv, pp. 1253-1256.—Pitha. — Vierteljahrsschr. f. d. pract. Heilk., 1848. iv, pp 121-12!.—Podrazki. Schtiss durch die vordere Bauchwand, die Leber, das Zwerchfell, die Lunge, Verletzung des Hcrzens. Tod nach 10 Tagen. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1863. viii, pp. 121-122 — Pollock (G.) Abdomen, injuries of. Holmes's Syst. of Surg., 1872, 2d ed., ir, pp. 619-707 —Pooley (J. H.) 4- Gunshot. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1879, iv, pp. 1-2.—Poregger (A.) 4- Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, i860, p. 135—Post (A. C.i — Xew York Jour, of Med and Sing . 1839, i p. 453 ; Xew York Med. Gaz., 1842, ii, p. 20 — Potter (John). + Mel Times and Gazette, Loudon, 1860 ii, pp. 196-197. — Price. 4- Georgia Med. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, p. 531.—Pur- don (C.) -f Dubliu Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, pp. 94-95—Quain. -!- Gunshot. British Annals of Med., Lond., 1837, i, p. 628.— Randolph (J.) 4 Med. Examiner, Phila., 1838, i, p. 242.— Rankin. + Buffalo Med. Jour., etc.. 1858-59, xiv. pp. 407- 469— [Raphael ,B. J.)J 4 Xew York Jonr. of Med. and Surg., 1841, iv. pp. 116-117.-Rawson (C. H.) 4 Gunshot. Amer. Med. Times, n. s.. 1864, viii, pp. 16-17.—Raymer. (A T.) 4- Gunshot. Xashville Jour, of Med. and Surg., I860, xviii, pp. 204-206—Rea (J. C.) + Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., July, 1874. pp. 147-150.—Recs (J.) + Gunshot. Lon- don Med. and Surg. Jour., 1834, iv, p. 605.—Rey. Euipale- ment par les voies sexuelles. avec dechirure du vagin et du peritoine. Gaz. des hop., Paiis, 1833, vii, pp. 435-436.—Intro- duction d'un crechet k foiu dans 1'abdomen a travels le fond du vagin dechiie. Extraction sept heures et demie apres la chute. Gueiison iniinzienie jour, idem, 1834, viii, pp. 139-140.—R«-zek. -- Wiener med. W'ochenscnr., 1858, pp. 358-360—Ribbeuti'op. . . . llaurhvunde mit . . . Vor- falle ohei lliiehlich vei lei/lei Gediirme, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Bauchuaht und Riickliilu ung von Darmvoi-fallen. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1845, xiv, pp. 79-81, 83-85.—Rich- ardson (T. G.) + Xew Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1875, ii, p. 825—Richernml (A.) Observations sur l'obscurite du diagno-tic, dans les plaies peuetrantcs de l'abdomen. Jour, de med chir. et pharm., 1801, ii, pp. 352-361; also in Mem. de la Sec. nil. d'enmlation, Paris, 1803, pp. 443-448.-Roberts (I V.i 4- Gunshot. Amer. Jour, of Homreop. Mat. Med.. Phila., 1875, ix, pp. 91-93.-Ross (A.) + New South Wales Med. Gaz , Sydney, 1870-71, i, pp. 44-48— Roth (A.) -f- Wiener med. Presse, 1865, vi, pp. 1239-1241— Rulison (W. H.) + Gunshot Amer. Med. Times, X. Y , 1863, vii, pp. 242-213 —Rundle (W. I) -I- . . . ; lodgment of the liullet, ami its escape after a period of seven years and a half iuto the alimentary canal, caus- ing internal strangulation and death. Med. Times and Gaz.. Lond.. 1866. i, p. 306— Schoiz (W.) Zur Kasuistik der Unterleibs-Verletzungen. Wiener ined. Pi esse, 1866, vii. pp. 257, 726, 742. —Scidcl. 4- . . . durch ein spitzes glulu-ndes Eisenslabchen verursacht. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh , Magdeburg, 1854, viii, pp. 363-365 —[Seidel (W. A. G i] -f- Idem. 1862, pp. 141-145. —Shackelford and Ilappel. -J-Gunshot. Amer. Prac- titioner, 1873, viii, pp. 33~-34 I.— Shaw. Wounds of the stomach, jejunum, and ahdominal aorta, from a pistol-shot. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond.. 18.58-59. x, pp. 168-170.—Shaw (W.) + Amer. Med. Recorder, Phila., 1818, i, pp. 20-22.— Shenrly. -t- Lancet, Lond., 1828 ii, pp. 181-182.—Shear- man (E J.) + Prov. Med. and Surg, jour., Lond., 1845. p. 545.—Sheets (L. D.) 4- Gunshot. Med. and Surg. Repor- ter, Phila, ls64-65, xii, pp. 445-446.—Spence (J.) 4- Edin- burgh Med. Jour., 1860, vi, p. 414— Spencer (P. C.) + Puncture in the scrotum and groin, by a .-.tick-weed. Steth- oscope and Virginia Med. Gaz., Richmond. 1851, i. pp. 439- 440.—Speyer (A. F.) + Med. Annalen, Heideiberg, 1841, vii, 624-630.—Spilsbmy. 4- Trans, of the Med. and Pins. Soc. of Calcutta. 1835, vii, 2d pt., p. 467.—Stabh s (J.) -r ... in the omentum. Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1833, x, pp. 356-357.—Stanley. , Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, n. s.. p. 397. — Ntc»|>nii ...I.) + Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, l>-72 xvii, pp. 558-559. — Ktickncy (C. D.) 4- Gunshot. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.. 1-54. li.pp. 360-3GT.—Stillerl. ; Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. IL ilk,. 1 -32, xxxvii, pp. 2-<7-2«8. —Nympson (T.) + Brit. Med. Jour., 1864, ii, pp. 463-464.—'B'. Med. Repository, X. Y., 1813, i, n. s., pp. 387-369.—'I'ad lock (A. B.) I- Gunshot. Med. and Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1874, xxx,pp.9-10 — Tnvigoot.-i-Gunshot L'experience, Paris, 1840, v, pp. 313-314 —Taylor (J. X.) Abdominal wounds. Xashville Jour. Med. Sci., 1874, xiii, 2d ser., pp 351- 352. —Tenguc (J.i Lancet, Loud., 1849, ii, pp. 666- 667.—Tenueiit t.L) Dublin Med. Press, 1844, xii. pp. 91-92; at*,, m» Monthly Join-, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1844, iv, pp. 453-156. — '1'hoi p (II.) Cases illustrative of the beneficial effects of the opium treatment, in iiijmiea and operations interesting the intestines and peritoneum, with remarks. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 18.57, iv, pp. 161-166 — ABDOMEN. 16 ABEL. ABDOMEN ( Wounds and injuries of). Todd (R. C.) Transfixion by a bayonet—recovery. Med. limes and Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, pp. 328-329 ; also in Army Statistical, San., and Med. Rep., Lond., 1861, iii, pp. 482- 483. - Continuation of, by Longmoue, idem, 1862, iv, p. 508. — TolniRtschew. 4- Archiv f. klin. Chir., Berlin, 1869, x,pp. 394-395.—Toman. Coup d'6p6e vers la region ombilicale. Jour, de med. mil., Paris, 1786, v, pp. 244-252.—Touluiou- che (A.) Des blessures mortelles du ventre, 6tudiees an point de vue medico-legal. Annales d'hyg. pub., 1858, x, 2e ser., pp. 123-155.—Tov» nsend (S. 1).) + Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1852, xxiii, n. s., pp. 120-121.—Trenerry (C.) 4- Lan- cet, Lond., 1862, ii, pp. 478-479.- Tuck (H.) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Is37, xvi, pp. 302-303.—Turnbull (L.) 4- Gunshot. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1863, x, p. 130.— Tiiskc. 4- Gunshot. Allg. niilitararztl. Zeitung, Wien, bound with Wiener med. Presse, 1865, vi,pp. 118,122.—Tutt (G. M.) - Southern Med. and Surg. Jour., Augusta, 1847, iii, p. 656.—Van Ruren (W. H.) + N. T. Med. Times, 1854, iii, p.95 — Van Volxcm. 4-Jour. dem6d., etc., Bruxelles, 1873, lvi. p. 488.—Varges (A. W.) 4- Zeitschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipzig, 1861, xv, pp. 164 - 168.—Vcrdier. 4- . . . , avec des reinarques sur la ligature de l'epiploon. Mem. de l'Acad. de chir., Paris, 1757, iii, pp. 67-77.— Vei- iloja (M.) Delia cura e consequenge delta ferita all'addo- me. | Bound with Iudependeute, Torino, 1874, xxv,l pp. 1- 8.—Verdola(M.) Caso di traumatologia forense, con re- lazione di coutroperiziadeidottori Verdola Michele e Gam- barova Carlo. Iudijiendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, pp. 5, 25 — Vincent. 4- Lancet, Lond., 1828, ii, pp. 184-185.—Vocbe (A.) Zur Casuistik der penetrirenden Bauchwunden. St. Petersburger med. Zeitschr., 18 0, i, n. s., pp. 41-43.—Voi- siu. Plaies de l'abdomen. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1832, iii, p. 432. Voison. 4- Gaz. med. de Paris. 1834, ii, 2e s , p. 443.— Vosburgh (H. D ) 4- Gunshot. West. Lancet, Sau Fran- cisco, 1875, iv, pp. 584-585.—Wade (W. M.) 4- Dublin Med. Press, 1844, xii, pp. 25-26.—Wales (P. S.) 4- Gunshot. Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1863, xiv, pp. 380-382 -Warren (J. M.) 4- [In his Surgical observations, 8°, Boston, 1867, pp. 569- 572.]— Waltz. 4- Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1817, ii, pp. 347-351.—Watson (E.) 4- Glasgow Med. Jour., 1872, v, 4th s., pp. 19-26.—Wcickert. 4- Jour. d. Chir. u. Augenheilk., Berlin, 1847, xxxvii. pp. 430-432.—"Werner. 4- Med. Cor - resp -Bl. d. wiirtemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttgart, 1864, xxxiv, pp. 189-191.—West. 4- Rifle-shot. Med. Times and Gaz., Loud., 1862, ii, n. s., p. 10. — Whitehead (W. E.) 4-Gunshot. Pacific Med. and Surg. Jour., San Francisco, 1870-71, iv, pp. 163-165.—Williams (W. H.) 4- Protrusion of the spleen. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour., 1872-73, xii, pp. 86-88.-Wil- liamson (G ) 4- Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1848, lxix, p 58.—Wood (C. S.) 4- Gunshot. American Med. Times, n. s., 1864, viii, p. 172.—Wood (M. A.) 4- British Mtd. Jour.. 1869, i, pp. 516-517 —Wooster (D.) 4- Pacific Med. and Surg. Jour., San Francisco, 1858, i, pp. 391-392 — Wounds of cavities, including joints. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1867, xvi, pp. 71-72— Wiiith. 4- Med. Annalen, Heidelberg. 1840, vi, pp. 475-480— Zander (L.) 4- Deutsche Klinik, xii, 1860, pp. 315-317.—Ziprt" (A.) 4- Deutscbe Klinik, xiii, 1861, pp. 65 . . . 180. ABEE {E. F. Carl). * Experimental-Untersuchun. gen iiber den Einflnss des Brucins auf die thieri- sche Organisation. 54 pp. 8°. Marburg, Druck von J. A. Koch, 1864. C. ABEGG {G. F. H.) Zur Gebnrtsbiilfe und Gyna- kologie. iv pp., 21., Ill pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- ivald, 1868. -----Zur Gebnrtsbiilfe und Gyuakologie. 1 p. 1., 76 pp. 8C. Danz>g, L. Saunier, 1873. ABEGG {I.Fried.) * De rhacbitide. 18 pp. b°. Turici, typis Zurcheri et Furreri, 1850. c. ABEILLE. Traitement du croup paries iuhala- tions de vapeurs humides de sulfure de mercure. (Ext. de la Gaz. meU de Paris, 1867.) 35 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimepar E Thttnot et cie., 1867. ----- Chirurgie conservatrice. Expos6 d'une ine"- tbode nouvelle ponr obtenir l'orgauisation im- mediate des plaies . . . , snivi de descriptions . . . d'une appareil aniovible . . . nianuel op6ratoire pour l'empyeme et les abces par congestion. 226 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere etfils, 1874. [Extractfrom Courkiek medicale.] ----- Traitement des maladies chroniques de la matrice. Guerison des deviations et inflexions j usque-la rc'pute'es incurables, par un uouveau pro- ABEILLE. ce"d6 ope"ratoire exempt de tout danger, iii, 112 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillihre etfils, 1875. ABEILLE (9 bis Oct. 1866. Ein statistischer Versuch als Dissertation. 41pp. 8Y Tiibingen, Druck von H. Laupp, 18(17. C. A BE LIX'{Auguste ('hurles-Germain). * Contribution a la geographic mddicale. Etude sur le Gabon. 31 pp. 4°. Paris. 1872. No. 137. ABELIUS {Henr. Casp.) Reformirter und gantz vollkominener Leib-Medicusder Studenten in vier Bticber verfasst. 7p.l., 712pp., 161. 12°. Leip- zig, J. Schuster, *1720. [Pamph., v. 713.] ABBNDBERG. See Faueonnenci-IJufresiie. Le. doeteiir Guggen- buhl et l'Abendberg. I'liion moil., 1802, xiv, 2e ser., pp. 65- 71 — <;ustfeiibiihl. Lehor die Meilanstalt am Abend- berge. Zeitschr. d. k. k. Goscllsrh. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1814, i, pp. 4H4-486.—Holier Cretinisnius und das Hospitz auf dem Ahcndbergo. Ide.m, 1845, i, pp. 97, 159, 252.—Patton (A.1 L'Abendsberg: hospice des eufants cretins dans lo cant >n de Berne. Gaz. m6d de Lyon, 1853, v, pp. 1-5. Valentin. Schreiben iiber den Abendberg, mit Aninerkungcii von Guggenhiihl. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipzig, 1.-45, xlviii, pp- 270-272. ABEXDROTH {Guilielmus Fridericus). * De coffea. 42 pp. 4°. Lipsia; Uteris Staritii[1825]. ABERCROMBIE {John, 1781-L844). * De fatuitate alpina. 56 pp. YY Edinburgi, A. Xeill et soc, 1803. [Pamph., v. 24.] -----A probationary chirurgical essay, on paralysis of the .lower extremities from diseased spine; . . . 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, printed by A. Xeill *. (a) 3d Am. from 2d Lond. ed. 320 pp. 8Y Philadelphia, Carey, Lea <$• Blanchard, 1838. -----Suggestions submitted to the medical prac- titioners of Edinburgh ou the character and treat- ment of the malignant cholera. 2d ed. 16 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, Waugh ty In lies, 1832. [Pamph., v. 95.] For his life, see Lancet, 1844, ii, p. 267: Archives gen. de m6d., 1845, vii. p. 250 ; Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1845, lxiii, p. 225.—Maclagan, idem, 1854, lxxxi, p. 429 ; also, reprinted in 8°, Edinburgh, 1854. ABERCROMBY {David). Devariatione,ac varietate pulsus observationes. Accessit ejusdem autlioris nova medicinae turn specnlativae turn practicae clavis, sive ars explorandi medicas plantarum ac corporum quornmcumque facilitates ex solo sapore. 6 p. 1., 54 pp.,61.,36 pp. sm. 8-. Londini,impensis S. Smith, 1685. -----Nova medicina>, turn speculative, turn prac- tice, clavis; . . . Editio nova Londinensi emen- datior. 42 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, G. ('livelier, 1740. [Bound with Boeuiiaave (H.) Tractatns do viribus medicainciitoruni.] ABERDEEN university. Calendar for tbe years 1874-5; 1875-6. 12°. Aberdeen, 1-74-75. Catalogue of the general library of the univer- sity of Aberdeen. 3 v. .*Y. Aberdeen, 1874. A BERG {Ernst). See HISS {Magnus). Statistics . . . of typhoid fever. ABERLE {Albert). * Die Tiiuschungen in der Wahrnehmung der Entfernung der Tonquellen. 29 pp. sm. 8° Tiibingen, Druck von H. Laupp, 18(K ABERLE {Carolus). Tnssis convnlsiva illustrata passim observationibns ex opidemiis Salisbur- gensibns annorum 1816-1^10. 181 pp., 1 tab. 8C. Vindobonae, typis C. Ueberreuter, 1843. ABERLE {Job. Georg). * Die Messnng der Arterien Dnrchmesser am lebenden Menschen. 22 pp. sm. 8Y Tiibingen, Druck von H. Laupp, 1856. ABERXATHY {J. J.) See XASHVILLE Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science. ABERXETHIAS (Tbe) code of health and lou gevity. 26 pp. 8°. Xew York, 1831. ABERXETHIE {Gulielmus). * De asthmate. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 4°. Edinburgi, apud T. <.y IV. Ruddimannos, 1754. [Also in Smei.lie's Thesaurus, v. 2.] AI1ERXETHY. The new family pliysician, and guide to health and long life. 215 p[>. 8Y Lon- don, J. Smith [n. d ] -----Abernethy's family physician, . . . [2d Am. ed.,] revised and enlarged by H. Bust wick. 132 pp 12°. Xew York, Stringer cis. 4°. Jenae [1727]. -----De abortu a plethora facile repetente. 4°. Jenae, 1744. Hubert {L. J.) De l'avortement medical. 8°. Bruxelles, 1852. Isaac {J. C.) * De abortu, variis ejus causae momentis atque curatione priucipiis Brownianis fundata. 4°. Vitebergae [1802]. Jollet {H.) De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1858. Jourdan { V. I.) * De la delivrance incomplete ou retarded dans les avortemeuts. 4°. Paris, 1872. Kanold (J.) * De abortu et fcetu mortuo. 4°. Halce Magd. [1704]. Kessler {F. E.) * De morbis abortum insequen- tibus. 8°. Jenae, 1855. c. Koester (J. D.) * De abortu. 4°. Gissae, 1788. Krumpholz {J. A.) * De abortu. 4°. Xebra- Thuringus, 1768. Kuntzsch {C. G.) * Analecta ad abortus patho- logiam. 4°. Lipsiae, 1824. Lafforgue {D.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1854. Langguth{G. A.) Do poculo abortionis ant ama- torio ad 1. xxxviii. s. v.D. de pocnis disserit. sm. 4Y Vitembergce, 1747. Laitry {G.-X.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Laurent iG. H.) * Kecherches sur l'avortement par empoisonnement. 4Y Paris, 1875. Launch {C. F. B.) * De causis abortus. 8Y Jenae, 1848. Lebeau {T. J.) * De aborticidio. 4°. Leodii, 1830. Ledieu {J.-B.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1836. Legendre {A.-J.-B.-S.) ■ * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1855. Legrand {F.) De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1848. Leontowytsch {S.) * De partu praeternaturali ex vitiis trunci foetus orto. 4°. Argentorati [1766]. Maigrot {J.-A.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Manes {C.) * De l'avortement, de sa frequence, et de quelqnes-unes de ses causes. 4°. Paris, 1854. Marggraff {X.) * De abortu. 8°. Berolini [1843]. Mas {A.-E.-V.) "Du traitement de l'avorte- ment. 4°. Paris, 1856. Mathieu {C.-J.-B.-C.) De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Manlius {J. P.) * De abortu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1686. Maydelohn {J. G.) * De abortu. 4°. Erford1 [1730]. Mayzen {H.-L.) De l'avortemont. 4°. Paris, 1847. Meinhard {G. C.) * De abortu. 8 Y [//. p.,] 1823. Metsch {R.) * De abortus origiue. 8°. Bero- lini [1849]. Mithobius {G. L.) * De abortu praecaveudo. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1739. Paganel {F.) * Des causes et du traitement de l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1869. Passcrini {F. F.) * De abortu. 8°. Vindobo- nae [1781]. [Also in Evehel, Diss, med., iv, p. 53.] Pensens (P.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris an xiii (1805). Peyton ( F.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1754. Pignoni {A.-P.-F.-F.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1851. Piquand {D.) * De l'avortement en g6ndral. 4°. Paris, 1836. Power (J.) Essays on the female economy. 1. ... 2. On a species of abortion not heretofore described ... 8°. London, 1821. Quehl{R.) * Ueber einen Fall von Abortus in Folge von Stenose der Umbilicalgefaesse, hedingt ABORTION. 21 ABORTION. ABORTION. durch Torsion und Knotenbildung iu der Nabel- schnur. 8°. Greifswald, 1868. c. Raciborskl {A.) De l'exfoliation pbysiologique et pathologique de la membrane interne de l'ut6- rus, avec de nouvelles considerations sur les avortements au d6but de la grossesse. 83. Paris, 1857. Rau {F.) * De abortu. 8Y Gryphiae [1845]. Resseguet {J. B.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Pa- ris, 1852. Richter (67. F.) De abortu cerebro redeuute commentatio. 4°. Lipsiae, 1779. Riecke {J. V. L.) Ueber die Einsackung und Einsperruug der Nachgoburt und eine hauiig vorkommende Art des Abortus. 8°. Stuttgart [1834]. Riou de Kerprigent {E.) Sur l'avortement. 4Y Paris, 1854. Riouffe {M.) * Sur l'6tiologie de l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1857. Rivallie {A.) * Sur l'avortement. 4-''. Paris, 1818. Roessler {C. A.) * De abortu eiusque praeca- vendi curandique ratione. 4°. Vitebergae[16\.5~]. Rousse {V.) * De l'accouchement prdmarure". 4C. Montpellier, 1866. c. Sabry {I.) "Etude g6n6rale de l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1872. Schaller {J. L. K. von). * Ueber den Abortus. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1841. Schirmer {F. (1.) Quaedam de abortu. 4°. Lipsiae [1786]. Schbnbauer {J.) * De abortu. 8 . Viennae [1778]. Stahl {G. E.) and Kanold {J.) De abortu et foetu mortuo. Halae, 1704. [Hali.ek, Disput. ad morb., v. 4.J Steinmetz {('. W.) * De abortu. 4°. Jenae [1788]. Steitz {A.) * Ueber den Abortus. 8 . Wiirz- burg, 1837. Streeter {./. S.) Practical observations on abor- tion. 8°. London, 1840. Targier (J.) * De abortu. 4°. Trajecti ad Illic- it urn, 1687. Theyssier {L.) * Du traitement des avorte- ments 4°. Paris, 1855. Thibaut {J. H. J.) * De abortu. 1796. [Lovaix, Diss., v. 4, p. 484.] Thorer {S. T.) * De abortu. 8Y Beiolini [181,8]. Trastour (.1.) * Sur l'avortement. 1 . Paris, 1825. Vallender {J. A.) De abortu. 8 . Berolini [1833]. Vanuxcem {J.-B.) * De l'avortement mddical. 4J. Paris, 1867. Vater {J. G.) * Mola pra'gnans, id est secundi- na foetum continens iu molam versa abortus cau- sa, sm. 4°. Vitemberga! [ 1729], Vernejoul (P.) * Causes et traitement de l'a- vortement. 4°. Paris, 1870. Veslingius {A.) * De abortu. 4Y Lugd. Bat., 1703. Vilkneuve {E. A.) * Des causes et des suites do l'avortement. 4C. Paris, 1838. Vogelbusch {G. F.) # De abortu. 12°. Rostoch., 1817. Vogt {T. C. A.) Terrorem pergravem abortus caussam esse, nupero exeinplo probatur. 4Y Vi- tebergae, 1802. Voigt {M.) * De abortu. 8Y Dessaviae, 1851. Waehtel{E.) * De abortu. 8°. Gryphiae, 1847. Wegehaupt {A.) * De abortu. 8°. Vratislaviae [1866]. Werther {G.C.) * De abortusalubri. 4°. Lip- siae [1707]. Whitehead (./.) On the causes and treatment of abortion and sterility. 8°. London,18\7. (a) 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. [See Review of . . . Brit, and For. Med. Cbir. Rev., Jan. and April, 1846, pp. 214, 461.] Wind (P. d.) *De abortu. 4Y Lugd. Bat., 1735. Woets {A.) Avortement au sixitYne mois de la grossesse d'un foetus mort; atropine du cordon ombilical. 8\ Bruges [n. d.~\ Wulkow {M.) * Hundert Fiille von Abortus. sin. 8Y Berlin [1872]. Zedelt {O. J. C. E.) De abortu. sm. 8°. Bero- lini [1866]. See. also, An«l< r»oii (W.) 4- Canada Med. and Surg. Jonr., Montreal, If Tit, i, pp. 29 4-295.— And iiwh (A. A.) On abortion. Can. Lancet, Is 75, vii, pp. 2.-9-291.—A niiMlroit:; (J.) On tbe treatment of lia-morrliago in abortion at the third month. Liverpool and Manoh. Mod. and Surg. Uep., 1674. pp. 51-52.—A«< liinaini. . . . einer Friihgeburt mit Zwilliugeii. Schweiz. Zeitschr. f. Mod., Chir. u. Geburtsh., 1847, p. 4."ii.—Buillv. Lee ■mils sur le traitement del'avorte- nient. (Liz. des hop.. Paris, 1369, pp. 593, 597; 1870, pp. 1. 5, Ui-Barkcr if. II.) Case . . . , ending fatally from intractable vomiting and diarrhcea. British Medical Jour- nal. 1-59. ii. pp. 79:1-794.— BnriiCN (A. F ) + Med. Archives, St. Louis, 1869, iii, pp. 207-211. — Bairitt (M.). On the management of abortion. Northwestern Medical and Surg- ical Journal, St. Paul, 1871, ii. pp. 4:i(i-4:i2.— Bcalc (T. M.) | Lancet. Loudou., 1857, i, p. 34:1.—[Bchicr.J l'licuinonie, metrorrhagie, avortement clans les premiers mois. Annalen de gynecol.. Paris, 1874, i. pp. 22:1-225.— Brlilcn (L.) Ob- servations on the utility of continued or perpetual vesica- tion in the prevention of habitual abortion. New York Med. and Phys. Jour., 1629, i, n. s., pp. 30-37.— Bill (('.) On abortion in the earlv months of pregnancy. Ldinburgh Med. Jour., 1605, xi, pp. 120-1.ii—Beimel id. II.) Ulcer- ation of the cervix uteri a cause ot abortion. [Cases.] Laucet, London, 1646, ii, pp.94 . . . 039.— BhiUe. 4- Dis- eased placenta, etc. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1-54, xxviii.n. s., pp. 366-369.—Blias (J. C.) Practical remarks on abor- tion. Xew York Jour, of Med.. 1846, vii, pp. 377-382.- B011- cii:i< 0111I. + Gazette med.de Lyon, 1849, i, pp. 265-200.— Itrnhd (J. L.) Ubservatioi.s sur l'avortement partiel dans le c as de grossesse multiple. Gaz. des hop., l'aris, 1649, pp. 276-277 —Bra 1111 (c Beaufort (A.) Traitement prevent!!' de l'avortement par congestion uterine. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1870, lxxviii, pp. 75-79.—Dcboiirge (J. B.) Ac- couchement k terme apres huit avortements. Annales de la Soc. denied. d'Anvers, 1843, pp. 38-43.—Dcvilliers (C.) Avortement. Nonveau diet, de mod. et de chir. prat., iv, 1866, pp. 304-339. —Doe (J.) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1850, xiii, pp. 313-314.— Dougall (J.) Sixteen cases. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, pp. 587-588, 622-623.—Dubois (P.) + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1841, pp. 316, 331-332.--Edis (A. W.) ■ On the prevention and management of miscarriages. Brit. Med. Jour., 1875, ii, pp. 665-666.—Estep (W.) Aii es- say on abortion. Trans. Belmont Med. Soc, Bridgeport, O., 1853-54, pp. 20-26.—Fankhauscr. Ein Fall von sponta- ner gliicklicher Friihgeburt bei Gebarmutterkrebs. Cor- resp.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, 1874, iv, pp. 10-15. — Feuner v. Fenncberg (H.) Das hiiuflge Vorkomnieo des Abortus und seine wirksame Verhiitung durch die Quellen von Schwalbach. Rhein. Mouatsschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, t850, pp. 189-216.—Ferrini (G.) . . . abortointerno: conssguenze morbose, guarigione, sucressiva gravidanza sospettata fal- sa felice parto e espulsione dun corpo cartilagineo. Ann. univ. di med , Milano, clxxviii. 1861, p. 497.—Flora. Abor- tion, with expulsion of morbid growth from the uterus. Cin- cin. Lancet and Obs., 1859. ii, n. s., p. 474 — Francoz. -f Ly- on medical, 1871, viii, pp. 224-227.—Ganctt (F. M.) Four- teen successive miscarriages, terminating in chorea and death. N. Y. Jour. Med., 1854, xiii, n. s., pp. 238-239.—Ge- raril (C.) Avortement a sept mois, decolletnent du placenta, perte uterine; version, polype uterin, phlegmatia alba do- lens metro-peritonite, guerison. Jour. hebd. des prog, des sci., Paris, 1835,1, pp. 129-139.—Gibbs (O. C.) On the ex- traction of the seenndines after abortion. West. Lancet,San Francisco, 1857, xviii, pp. 645-651.—Goldschmidt. Ein wohlerhaltenes Ei aus dem 3. Monat; Krankengeschicbte. Beitiiige z Geburtsh. u. Gynak , Berlin, 1*74, iii, pp. 73-75 — Grant (J. F.) Extrusioti of an ovum at the fifth month of utero-gestation with the membranes entire. American Jour.Med. Sci., 1857, xxxiv, u. s., p. 55-1.—Graves (J.J.) Remarks on the increase of stillborn children and abor- tions. New York Med. and Phys. Jour., 1829, i, n. s., pp. 37-46.—Grceuhalgh. Considerable hypertrophy of cer- vix uteri, abortion about fourth mouth; great reduction in size after delivery. British Med. Jour., 1868, i, p. 52.— Griflin (W.) When miscarriage takes place at fixed pe- riods, from habit, may not the periodical movements be prevented by such remedies as prevent the recurrence of an epileptic fit or a paroxysm of ague ? Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1647, iii, pp. 378-3.-'4.—Gueniot. De la d61i- vrance dans l'avortement Bull. g6u. de therap. med. et chir., Paris. 1867, lxxiii, pp. 305, 350, 390.—Guillemot!'.) Des a\ orteniens perindiqueaet despertesuterinescachees.) Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1836, xi, 2eser., pp. 294-318.— Guyon. Observation de hornie etranglee suivio d'a- vortement. Bull, de la Soc. de chir. de Paris, 1672, 3e ser., i, pp. 265-269.—Haggard (W. D.) The analogy between early abortion and dysmenorrhea. Virginia Med. Month- ly, 1875, ii, pp. 477-488.—Hale (E.) Observations on abor- tion. Med. Diss, of the Massachusetts Med. Soc, 1629, iv, pp. 357-388.—HannaetiM (W.) Observatio de singulari abortus causa. Acta Medica Hafniensia, ed. nov., 1775, pp. 114-116.—Elarley (L. G.) Abortion and retained placen- ta. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 18G9, xx, pp. 117-118, —Harris (W. II.) Vesicular mole as a cause of abortion iu the earlier months of pregnancy. Madras Quart. Jour. of Med. Sci., 1868, i, 2d ser., pp. 334-342.—Harvey (W. A.) Manageuientof the placenta in abortion. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1*74, xc, pp. 281-283.—Hawley. Abor- tion between the fourth ana fifth months, supposed to be due to absorption of the spirits of turpentine. Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1856-59, xiv, pp. 469-470.—Heller (C.) Abgestorbeno Lcibesfrncht als Geburtsstorung. Zeitschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1848, i, pp. 17-21.— Heniing (G. O.) Abortion. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, pp. 348-350, 374-377.—Hemorrhage in abortions. Stethos- cope and Va. Med. Gaz., Richmond, 1854, iv, pp. 317-320.— Hewitt (G.) Abortion ; retontion and growth of the de- ciduafor five months after the doath of the foetus. Lancet, London, 1861, ii, new ser., p. 570.—Hillyer (E.) What becomes of the decidua in abortion? Atlanta Med." and Surg. Jour., vii, 1866, p. 15.—Holmes (J. H.) + Western Jour, of Med. and Surg., Louisville, Ky., 1842, v, 2d ser., pp. 192-194.—Holston (J. G. F.) Remarkable case of premature labor; embryulcia. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, pp. 526-527.—Husson. Grossesse; vo- missement et diarrbee sympathiqucs ; avortement ■, gu6ri- son. Gaz. des hop., Pans. 1830, iv, pp. 143-144.—luce. Disease of the ovum and placenta, as a cause of abortion. Med. Times and Gaz., ^n I !-.. xii, n. s., pp. 389-390.— Iahain (A. B.) Trenimen: oi threatened abortion by hy- podermic injections of morphia. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1873, lxv, pp. 109-112. Jackson (S.) On the use of blis- ters in threatening abortion, . . . Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1826, ii, pp. 299-307.—.Facobi. Abortion caused by uter- ine disease at the time of conception. Med. Record, N. Y., 1867, ii, p. 259.—.1 acquemicr and Tourdes (G.) Avorte- ment. [In Diet, encyclop. des sci. med., 1867, vii, pp. 525- 615.]—Johns (R.) Practical observations on syphilis as a cause of abortion and premature labour. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1854, xviii, pp. 307-315.—Johnson (W.) + Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859-60, iii, n. s., pp. 263- 264.—Jones (It.) Obstinate haemorrhage following abor- tion ; recovery. Brit. Med. Jour., 1856, p. 1047.—Kamin- ski. O pryv'ytchnom vykidishie. (On habitual abortion.) Moskovskaiia meditziuskaia gazeta, Moscow, 1866, No. 23, pp. 191-193.—Kciller. On recurrent abortion and prema- ture labour. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1855, xx, p. 177.—Kenny (J.) Miscarriage at fourth month with procidentia of the cord and unusually protracted labor. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Jour., 1851, ix, pp. 403-404.— Knowles (E. L.) Case of violent contraction of the ute- rus, threatening abortion, cured by copious bleeding, and enormous dosesof opium. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1816, xii, pp. 310-316.—Kuhn (D.) Zur Lehre voni protra- hirten Abortus. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1867, xii, pp. 1- 2, 9-10.—Labeda. Avortement deux jours apres une cauterisation du col nterin. Foetus mort depuis un certain temps. Gaz. m6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1874,vi, pp. 113-114.— Laforgue. De l'avortement dans les grossesses gemel- laires. Revue nied. de Toulouse, 1868, ii, pp. 161-171. list- rison (G. H.) Abortion, uterine hemorrhage, and its treatment. Trans. Med. Soc. of New Jersey, 1863, pp. 76- 77.—Larondelle. Grossesse" compliquee d'hydropisio ascite. Avortement. Ponction abdominale repetee deux fois dans le courant de la derniere grossesse. Accouche- ment k terme. Rapport de M. Hubert. Bull, de l'Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Bruxelles, 1863, vi, 2e s6r., pp. 652- 660.—Ccavitl (T. L.) Peritonitis—abortion. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xiv, p. 501.—Leblond (A.) Sur l'avortement spontane dans les premiers mois de la grossesse. Importance medico-legale de l'int6grite des membranes. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1875, xlviii, pp. 435, 474 ; also in Annales de gynecol., Paris, 1875, iv, pp. 95-120.— Oeuf de quatre s6maines expuls6 spontanement. Pro- gres med., Paris, 1875, iii, pp. 121-122.—Leeluyse. Obser- vation d'un cas d'avortement imminent, arrete aprfes un travail de.ja tres-avance. Annales de la Soc. de m6d. d'An- vers, 1844, i, pp. 36-41.—fiCiioir (G. H.) A painless and extraordinary case of abortion. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1869, xx, p. 221.—Ijerachcr-de-la-Feutrie. . . . avortement cause par une commotion electriquc, suivie do quelques r6flexions sur le dceollement du placenta. Jour. gen. de med., de chir. et de pharm., Paris, 1806, xxv, pp. 30-34.— Ijevert (H. S.) A case exhibiting the good effects of opiates in large dosos in preventing abortion. Southern Med. and Surg. Jonr., Augusta, 1845, i, pp. 225-229.—I■■ (R.) Zur Aetiologie des " habituellen Abortus". Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1871. viii, pp. 6-9.—Fiirlo (Del) premature y del aborto provocados. Discusion. (Traha.jn.sdelaSociedailmcd.dc M6xico.) Gaceta medica, Mexico, ls71, vi, p. 52.— Fan I (C.) ■ Philadelphia Med. Times, 1H"(:(, iv, p. 100.— Feriodi«ehe vroeg-geboorte. Boerhaavc. Tijdsrhr., etc., Amsterdam, 1846, vii, n. s., pp. 220-221.— Frrriii (L. R.) Avortement provoque par la vue dun accouchement. (Contagion nerveuse'f) Bull, de la Soc iu6d. d'einulatiou de Paris, nouv. ser., 1867, i, pp. 72- 75. — I'liillips (.1. J.) Ou retroflexion of the uterus as a frequent cause of abortion. Trans. Obst. Soc, Loud., 1873, xiv. pp. 45-58—I'i/./Dcaro (G.) Aborto al terzo mese. Gaz. med. ital. Lomu.. .Milmo, 1862, i, ser. 5a, pp. 145-147.— Follock. Abortion after tapping an ovarian cyst. Ovari- otomy five months afterwards, when the uterus was found to contain a second dead fu-tus; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii, p. 257.—Foneet. Avortement ohez une amput6e. Lyon medical, 1672, ix, pp. 255-258.—Forlcr (I.G) (a) Abortion, with tardy expulsion of an undo. composed fiet.us. American Jour. Medical Science. 1835, xvii, pp. 347-349.—(6) Cases of premature labour from un- j usual causes, with remarks. Idem, 1849. xvii, pp. 33-41.— ] (c) Abortion: with oases. Proceedings Connecticut Med. Soc., 1874, ]>p. 248-251.— Frclly. ; Med. Times. London, 1852, n.s., v, pp. 04-00—Frcliy (W.) Observations upon abortions. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1852, iv, n.s.,pp. 402-403.—ICend. Peculiar condition of os uteri following abortion. Boston Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1872, ix, p. 351.— ltobiii (E.) Sur les causes do ravortement et de la par- turition naturelle. Itevue mod. franc, et etrang., Paris, 1B75, ii, pp. 3(io-3o5.— Kobinwon ((!.) On the mechanism of abortion. London Med. Gaz., u. s., 1843, ii, pp. 318-322.— Koike (0. G.) Abortus in Folge von Oophoritis mit un- erwarlettddtliehcm Ausgauge nach scheinbarer Genesung. Deutsche Klinik, xx, lHi.f, pp. 308-309.—Itu*«clI (J.) Ob- servations on the causes and prevention of premature delivery and death of the loetus London Med. and Phys. Jour., 1830, viii, n. s., pp. 299-306.—Wandtviih (II.) On the indications for manual interference and other agencies, j in the treatment of abortions. Brit. Med. Jour., 1867, ii, I pp. 22-23. — "Ciinzoni (F.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Abortus. Zciischr. il. k.-U. Gesi llsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. 1840. ii, pp. 283-291.—"•hullcr (A. J.) Expulsion of six weeks' feet us, together with large quantity of jellv. At lanta Med. and Surg. Jour., xi, 1-74. p. 551.—Miclby pi.) i -j- Nashville Journal of Med. and Surg., 1658, xiv, ]ip. 211- 212— Aijjiiioiiil. Physiology of abortion. Adventitious productions ot lie- uterus. Lancet. London, 1832-33, i. pp. 722-724.—Mint-lair. (- . . ..with fatal tuemorrhage. Bos- ton Med. and Sutg. Journal, 1871. viii, pp. 4 14-4 15.—mimim- Firoiiili. Cas d'avorteinent oil le placenta est reste dans la matricc ; nouvelle gestation ; second avortement oh le lotus ot .-es annexes sont sortis ainsi que le premier pla- centa. Ga/atte medicate de Palis, 1834, ii, 2e mm., pp. 654- i;;,,r)—Mlavjaii»ky (Iv.) On endometritis deiidualis chro- nica, as a cause of abortion in some cases of displacement of the pregnant uterus. Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1873 xix, pp. 134-142; also, reprinted in t'J, Edinburgh. 1873.— ••iniili (1.) Abortion with albuminuria and convulsions iu six successive pregnancies. Transactions of the Obstet. Soc, Lond, lf-59, i, pp. 108-111— Soriano (M.) Aborto— bemorragia oonseeuliva—tratainieiito quirurgico. Gaceta medica. Mexico, 1808, iii, pp. 233-23.1.—•pnoner (E. A.) On abortion. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864, ii, pp 31-33. Slcbbins (N. D.) Deep-seated ulcer of the os uteri as a cause of abortion. Illustrated by a case. De- troit Rev. of Med. and Pharm , 1866, i, pp. 12-14.—Stewart (D.) Observations on some of the causes which de-troy ttae foetus in ntero; with the account of a case in which a successful mode of treatment was employed in preventing that aocident. Med.-Cbir. Trans, Lond.', 1814, v, pp. 144- 155.—Stokes (J. G.) The administration of emetics dur- ing pregnancy, and their therapeutic effects in cases of threatened abortion, miscarriage, and premature labor. Chicago Med. Examiner, 1671, xii. pp. 1--.—Storer (H. R.) Studies of abortion. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.. 1863, lxviii, pp. 15-20 ; also, reprint, 8°, Boston, 1863.—Strieker (W.) Der Abortus, in seiner Bedentung liir die Bevolke- rungszunahme betrachtet. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1865, xxxiii, pp. 313-316.—Syer (J.) + . . . with some observations on the powers of foetal life. Lon- don Med. Repository, 1817. vii, pp. 267-273.—Symon* (J.) Abortion and uterine hemorrhage. Lancet, London, 1844, i. pp. 42-44.—Thomann (E.) Beitragzur Aetiologie des Abortus. Wiener Medicinal - Halle, 1864, v, p. 545.— Thompson (J. A.) Two cases of abortion, with perma- nent retention of the placenta in one, and gradual dis- charge of the ovum in the other case. British Medical Journal, ii, 1668, p. 658— Toner (J. M.) Abortion in its medical and moral aspects. Medical and Surgical Repoiter, Phila., 1861, v, n. s., pp. 443-446.—Tourrcl. Observations d'avorteinent. Archives gen. de med. d~ Paris. 1823, ii, pp. 389-392.—Trader (J. W.) Threatened abortion. Suc- cessful treatment bv chlorate of potash and opium. Bos- ton Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1869, tv, pp. 287-268.— Trimble (D. B.) Case of hemorrhage and abortion. Chicago Med. Examiner, 1807, viii, pp. 410-414.—Ward (H. W.) Re- marks on abortion. London Med. and l'h vs. Journal, 1623, xlix, pp. 217-219. — Weber (F.) Zur Casuistik und Be- handlnng des habituellen Abstcrbens der Frueht. Allg. med. Central/Yitnng, Berlin, 1869, xxxviii. Jahrg. (63. St.), pp. 985-987— "Werner, (a) Abortus im sechsten Monat; lebendes Kind. Zeitschr. f. Wnndiirzte u. Geburtsh , Stutt- gart. 1806, xix, pp. 89-91.—(6) Abortus; Tod d-r Mutter an Pyamie. Idem. 1600, xix. pp. 87-89 — (c) Friihgeburt im 8. Monat; ungewohnliche Frucbtwassermenge. Id-in. 1866, xix. pp.91-92 — Wcrtucr (M.) Abortusmitlethaleni Aus- gang. Wien nied. Presse, 1875, xvi, pp 376-376.—West (R. V.) Abortion without haemorrhage ; case of protracted re- tention of bli-htcd ovum. British Med. Jour., i, 1-37. p. 112— Wood (II. C) Case of miscarriage, com].heated with i-alalepsy and rigidity, necessitating podalic \ ei-sion. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1863, x, pp. 38-40 — Vamlcll ( L. P.) Remarks on tlie use of blisters in preventing abor- tion. Transylvania Tour, of Med., etc., Lexington, Ky., 1834, vii, pp. 39-42. Yoimu (J. T.) Twin pregnancy and double abortion with s condary hemorrhage. (Ulinico- Pathological Society of Washington. I> <".) Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., hi, 1666,*pp. 435-436. —Kambrana (R.) Pre- iiez nerviosa. Anales Real acad. de ciencias med , etc., Ha- bana. 1864, i, pp. 329-330.—Ziliotto (P.) Sopra un caso d'aborto. Gazetta med. ital. proviucievenete, Padova, 1867, x, pp. 377-380. ABORTION {Jurisprudence of). See, also, Infanti- cide ; Savine {Poisoning by). Bock {C. F.) * De jtulicio circa abortum conci- tatuni ferendo. 4°. ll'lttenbcrgae [1726], Crothers {T. D.) Mrs. Dr. Emma Burleigh. The mysterious death of Margaret Campbell critically examined ; with a review of the testimony, ver- dict of the jury, comments of the press, etc. 8°. Albany, 1872. Fubrice {H. von). Die Lehre von der Kindsab- troibuug und vom Kindsmord. 8°. Erlangen, 18ti8. Halmagrand. Considerations m&lico-legales sur l'avortement, . . . 8Y Paris, 1*14. Hodge {H.L.) On criminal ahortion. 8J. Phil- adelphia, 1854. -----Foeticide, or criminal abortion. 8°. Phil- adelphia, lt;6'J. Le Prohon {E. P.) Voluntary abortion, [etc.] 8°. Portland, 1>(17. Liebezeit {G. S.) * De abortus noxia et nefauda promotione. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., 17:10. Muth {Z. C.) * Diss, inang. medico-forensis do abortus violenti modis et siguis. 4°. Halae Mag deb. [1730]. ABORTION. 24 ABORTION. ABORTION {Jurisprudence of). Xcblngcr {A.) Criminal abortion; its extent and prevention. 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. Storer {H. R.) Why not ? A book for every woman. 12°. Boston, 1866. -----Is it I ? A book for every man. A com- panion to "Why not ? 12°. Boston, 1867. ----- and Heard {F. F.) Criminal abortion : its nature, its evidence, and its law. 8°. Boston, 1868. Suffolk District Medical Society. Report of the . . . on the subject of criminal abortion. 8°. [n. p., ie:,7.] Todd {J.) Serpents in the dove's nest. 8°. Bos- ton, 1868. Van de Worker {E.) The detection of criminal abortion and a study of fceticidal drugs. 8°. Bos- ton, 1872. Veslne Larue {E. de). Es-sai sur l'avortement conside>6 au point de vue du droit criminel, de la meYlecine legale et de la responsabilite" rueYlicale lorsqu'il est provoqne" par le me"decin pour le salut de la mere. 8°. Paris, 1866. See, also, Baxter. Case of abortion, procured by vio- lence. Amer. Med. Recorder, Phila., 1825, viii, pp. 461- 462.—Baumgikrtel. + . . . mit gefabilichen Blutungen. Gangrau eines Varix in der Scheide mit darautfolgender P\iimie und Ausgang in Tod. Zeitschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1870, xxiii, pp. 259-269.—Bucking- ham (E. M.) Criminal abortion. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., 1867, x, n. 8., pp. 139-143.—C. El aborto criminal. Valor de algunos signos per los que puede reconocerse. Siglo medico. Madrid, 1875, xxii, pp. 52-54, 68-70—Case of William Roid. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1858-59, iv, pp. 550, 700—[Case of W. H. Pascoe, indicted for feloniously administering savine to Catherine Nicholls with intent to procure miscarriage; with comments by \V. Moorman.] Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1852, iv, n. s.,'pp. 404 ... 589.— Causation (The) of sudden death during the induction of criminal abortion. [Cases J Jour, of the Gynaecol. Soc, Boston, 1870, ii, pp. 283-289.—Channing (W.') Effects of criminal aboition. Bo-ton Med. and Surg. Jour., 1859, lx, pp. 134-142. —Charge- of procuring abortion against two "surgeons'". Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1853, vi, pp. 485, 510.—Christian (E. P.) (1) The pathological conse- quences incident to induced abortion. Detroit Review of Medicine and Pharmacy, 1867, ii, pp. 145-155. — (2) Report on . . . Peninsular and Independent Med. Jour., Detroit, 1859-60, ii, pp. 129,140.—[Collins (C. T.)] MadameRestell and some of her dupes New York Med. and Surg. Report- er, 1846, i, pp. 158-165.—Cornish (W. D.) Abortion, as au incident thereto infanticide. Northwestern Med and Surg. Jour., St. Paul, 1873-74, iv, pp. 441-446. — Criminal abor- tion. Med. Chronicle, Montreal, 1858, v, pp. 185-188; Maine Med. and Surg. Reporter, 1858. i, p. 218; Buffalo Med. Jour., 1858, xiv, pp. 247, 309.—Crothers (T. D.) Report of a crimi- nal abortion, with death. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxv, pp 331-333.—Crouzit. Avortement provoqu6 par l'introduction d'une aiguille k s6ton dans l'uterus, et suivie de divers accidens par le sejonr de ce corps eirangor. Archives g6u. de med., Paris, 1823, iii, pp. 80-»3.—Dana (J. T.) Report on the production of abortion. Trans. MaineMed. Ass ,1866-68, pp.37-43.—Daoud. Desavorte- ments provoqu6s criminels en Turquie, rapport de la com- mission d'hygiene. Gaz. med. d'Orient.Constantinople, 1860, iii, pp. 13-16.—Delasiauve. Sur un cas de nephrite cal- culeuse, eomuliquee d'accidents abort it's, et suivi d'exper- tise medico-lcYale. Archives gen de med., Paris, 1852, i, pp. 319-324.—Dubois (P.; and Devergic (A.) Avortement, rupture du vagiu ; renversemeut de la matrice; sortie du corps de l'uteras a travels les parties genitales, etc. An- nales d'hyg. publ., Paris, 1838, xix, le ser., pp. 425-477. — Eaton (M. M.) Four and a half inches of whalebone in the uterus. Abortion. Chicago Med. Examiner, 1868, ix, pp. 218-219.—Frtl. Ein Fall von bereits eingestandener Abtreibung der Leibesfrucht.in welchem durch diearztliohe Untersuchung erwieseu wurde, dass dieses Yerbrechen gar nicht verubt wurde. Sitzungs.-Ber. Ver. der Aeizte in Steiermark, 1669-70, vii, pp. 1-6.—Finncll (T. C.) Instru- ments of a notorious abortionist. Amer. Med. Times, N. T., 1863, vi, pp. 34-35. — Frank. Eine sehr merkwiirdige Schwurgerichtsverhandluug in Darmstadt, betreffend Abtreibung der Leibesfrucht. Deutsche Klinik, 1871. xxiii. pp. 56-57.—Frend (H. G.) Arsenious acid used to procure abortion. British Med. Jour., 1858, pp. 725-726.—Fricd- BORTION {Jurisprudence of). berg. Einige "\Yorte iiber eine zwisehen den Capiteln iiber Kindesniord und Leibesfruchtabtreibiing schwebende offene Frage. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1874, xix, pp. 51- 52 —Frost (C. P.) Report of a trial for criminal abortion. Amer. Med. Monthly, X. Y., 1860, xiv, pp. 196-202.—Gal- lard (T ) Sur la vnleur de certains signes qui peuvent permettre de reconnaitre un avortement criminel. An- nales de gynecol., Paris, 1874, ii, pp. 245-264: Annales d'hyg. publ'.,Paris, 1874, xhi, 2e ser., pp. 419-145 — Mallard (T j Sur tin cas d'avortement suivi de mort. Annates d'hyg. publ., Paris, 1874. xii, pp. 423-436.—«uy (G. W.) A case of criminal abortion, followed by pelvic abscess. Pus discharged by the rectum. Recovery. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1872, ix, pp. 151-152.—Harris (N. W.) Abor- tion, and trial for murder. Nelson's Northern Lancet, etc., Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1s53, vii, pp. 89-93.—Hindu (W.) Crim- inal abortion—case and remarks. Med. Times and (Liz., Lond., 1857, xv, pp. 524-525.—Jackson. Probable effects upon placenta of attempt to piocure abortion. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.,l859-6H,lxi.p.239.—date (The) trial for abor- tion and murder in Scotland. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, pi>. 605-607.—Ijcgrand flu Saullc. Avorte- ment simui6. Cas unique G.,in gegriindeter Verdacht einer kiinstlichen Veraulassung [Abtreibeu] desselben seitens der Mutter. Wiener Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, pp. 148-149—Stewart (M.) Criminal abortion. Read before the Wayne County Medi- cal Society, at its December meeting. Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharm., 1867, ii, pp. 1-1L—Storer (H.R.) (1) Cases illus- trative of criminal abortion. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1859, xxxvii, n. s., po. 314-318.—(2) Crimiual abortion. North Amer. Med. Chir. Rev., Phila., 1859, iii, pp. 64 . . . 1033 —(2a) Reprint, 8°, Philadelphia, I860.—(3) The abetment of crimi- nal abortion by medical men. New York Med. Jour., 1866, iii, pp. 422-433.—(4) The criminality and physical evils of forced abortions. Trans. Amer. M'-d. Ass., 1865, xvi, pp. 711-745— Strieker (W.) Der kiinstlich erregte Abortus in Japan. Archiv f. path. Anat. u Phys (Virchow's), 1865, xxxiii, pp. 313 : 1874, lxii, p. 272— Tacheron. Suspicion d'avortement, determin6 par l'intioductiou dans la matrice, d'un instrument vuluerant et piquant: metrite des plus in- tenses suivie d'une mort presque subite. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1834, xi, le ser., pp. 191-204 —Tardicu (A.) Etude medico-legale sur l'avortement. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1855, iii, 2e ser., pp. 394-442 ; 1856, v, 2e ser., pp. 113-169 ; 1858, x, 2e ser., pp. 156-199.—Taylor (W. H.) Chemical investiga- tion of a case of supposed criminal abortion. Virginia Clin. Record, 1872-73, ii, pp. 91-96.—Thibeaud. Hippocrate accuse d'avoir provoqne l'avortement d'une courtisane grecqne. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1844, xii, 2c ser., pp. 553-560.— Thomas (D. J.) The Beaney trial. Australian Med. Jour., Melbourne, 1866, ii, pp. 240, 259.—Thomas (T. G.) Death from an attempt at criminal abortion by the intro- duction into the abdominal cavity of a wire 17'i inches in length. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., lxv, 1873, pp. 406-410.— ABORTION. 25 ABSCESS. ABORTION {Jurisprudence of). Thorn sen. Ein Fall von Abtreibung der Leibesfrucht, nebst Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene volksthiimliche Emmenagoga und Abortivmittel. Vierteliahrsschr. f. ge- richtl. u. offentl. Med., Berlin, 1864, i, n. F.. pp. 315-328.— Trader (J. W.) Criminal abortion. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Jour., 1874, xi, n. s., pp. 575-590.—Treadwell (J. B.) Case of criminal abortion, with retained placenta, followed by metritis, pelvic cellulitis and pyaonia—recovery. Bos- ton Med. and Surg. Jour., 1868, i, pp. 97-99.—Trial for the murder of a child born at the, sixth month as a result of criminal abortion. London Med. Gaz.,u. s., 184S, vi, pp. 471- 472— Trial of Dr. II. P. Marquam. Semi-Monthly Med. News, Louisville, 1859, i, pp. 359-378.—Turner (0. C.) Criminal abortion. Boston Med. and Surg.Jour., 1870. v, pp. 299-301.—Van dc Warkcr (E.) (1) The detection of crim- inal abortion. Jour, of Gvnacol. Soc, Boston, 1871, iv, pp. 292-305; v, pp. 229, 350.—(2) The criminal use of proprietary or advertised nostrums. New York Med. Jour., 1873, xvii, pp. 23-35.—Webster (J. O.) The law and criminal abor- tion. Boston Med. and Sm g. Jour., 1871. viii, pp. 131-132 — Whit mire (J. S.) Criminal abortion. Chicago Med. Jour., 1-7 1, xxxi, pp. 385-393 --Whittle (Iv) [On infanticide and abortion.] British Med. Jour., 1869, i, p. 262.—Whittle (10 ) On infanticide and abortion as suggested institutions. Med. Press and Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, pp. 265, 287. ABOU JOUSOUF. Luzzatlo {P.) Notice sur Abou-Jonsouf Hasdai Ibn-Schaprout, niddecin juif du dixiome siecle, mi- nistre des Khalifes Omeyyades d'Espagne Abd-Al- Pahman III et Al-Hakeni II et promoteur de la littoraturo jttive en Europe. 8°. Paris, 1852. ABOULEXC {Hugues-Pierre). * De la coqueluche. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851. No. 17"). ABOULKER {Mo'ise). * Pathogdnio ot traitement do la fievre typhoide. 08 pp. 4J. Paris, 1871. ABRAHAM (Adolphus). "Do morbis vesicularum seminalium. 32 pp. b°. Bei olini, typis G. Schade [1848]. ABRAHAM{L. A.) Essai sur l'an6vrisme du cceur. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, an xi (1803). ABRAHAM [or Abrahamson or Abramson~\ {Meyer). * Sistens cautelas antlielmitilicorum in paroxis- mis verminosis; ... 30 pp. sm. 4°. Goettingw, litteris J. A. Barmcierl [1783]. ABRAHAMSON {Bernh. Jacob). * De canteriis. 1 p. 1., 84 pp. 12°. Berolini, typis A. G. Schadli [1822]. ABRAM {Ernest). *Dola circoncision au point de vue historique et m6dical. 115 pp. 4°. Mont- pelller, 1801. [Pamph., v. 42.] ABRAMOVICH {Joannes). * De necrosi ossium. 30 pp. 8°. Vindobonae, typis F. Ludivig [1Y'>(>]. ABRAMSON { Adolphus ). * De spermatorrhoea. viii, 9-24 pp. 4°. Wirceburgi, typis F. E. Thein, 1241. ABREg£ historique de I'tStablissement de l'h6- pital des entaiis-troiives. 15 pp. 4Y Paris, Thi- boust, 1753. ABREU {Francisco-Fei reira d'). * De la recherche des principaux poisons uitHalliques. 71 p])., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1819. No. 147. ABRIDGMENTS of specifications relating to med- icine, surgery, dentistry. A. D. 1032-1861. 303 pp. 8Y London, G.Ei/re^- W. Spottlswoode, 18(i3. ABSCESS. See, also, Abdomen, Axilla, Blad- der, Brain, Breast, Chest, Hip, Liver, Medi- astinum, Neck, Pelvis, Thigh, etc. {Abscess of); Phlegmon; Suppuration. Bibal {L. C. N.) * ii. Doit-on ouvrir tons les ab- ces phlegmonous ? 4 Y Paris,-1843. 4 m c ABSCESS. Borntraeger {F. J. 0.) * De abscessu. 8Y Got- tingae, 1818. Bouttatz (F.) * De abscessuum curatione. 4Y Gottingae, 1796. Brunner {F. E. A.) * De abscessibns solito ra- rius aperieudis. 12Y [Herblpoll, 1693.] Clare (P.) An essay ou the cure of abscesses by caustic [etc.] 8°. London, 1779. (a) 2d ed. 8°. London, 1779. Commentz {J. G.) * De variis abscessus aperi- endi methodis. sin. 8 Y Berolini [1820], Comte {C. H. X.) * Des abces profonds des membres. 4°. Paris, 1843. Coote{H.) Abscess. [In Holmes's S.yst. of Surg., 1872, 2ded.,i, pp. 115-149.] Couvreur {A.) * Des abces hdmatiques. 4 . Paris, 1801. Dandalle {A.) * ii. Qnels sont les caracteres anatomiques des abces ? 4Y Paris, 1841. Denonvllllers (C) Abces. [In Dict. encyc. des sci. m6d., i, 1869, pp. 13-72.] Dupuy {J.-M.) * Sur les abces ou tumeurs purnlentes en g6n6ral. 4^. Paris, an xiii (1.-05). (a) 8?. Paris, 1806. Dupuytren. Abets, [ In DlCT. do med. et de chir. prat., i, 1829, pp. 3-5L] Esterao {A.-J.) * Des abces phlegmonenx dans diffdreutes r6gions du corps. 4°. Paris, 1816. Fickius {J. J.) (De abscessibns intends.) 4°. Jenae, 1711. Frey (C.) Adversaria do apostematibus. 4°. Lipsiae, 1775. Goldbeck (.»/.) * De abscessibns. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1742. IluggenmiUer (/>.) * Ueber Abscesz. 8". Kemp- ten, 1839. c. Hancke {J. W.) Ueber Eroffnung der Eitcrge- schwiilste nach versehiedenen Metlioden. 8°. Breslau, 1829. Henrici {G. A.) * De abscossibus per materiam et ad nervos. 4 ■--. Gottingae, 1755. Heurtcloup. Abces. [In DlCT. des sci. med., i, 1812, pp.2-35.] Imminger {J. X.) * De abscessu. 8Y Mona- chll, 1834. c. Jacquier {J. F.) * Sur les abces idiopathiques. 4°. Paris, 1815. Joachim { IV.) ZurDiagnostik und Therapio der Abscesse. 8°. Welzlar, 1856. Joseph {H. G.) Joseph Lister's antiseptische Behandlung der Abscesse. 8J. Leipzig, 1867. [Ako in Auctuvd. Heilk., Leipzig, 1868, pp. 112-135.] Kelley {S. J.) * i. Quels sont les caracteres ana- tomiques des abces 1 [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1810. Koelichen {A.) * Do abscessu et furunculo. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1701. (a) Halae Magdeb., 1714. Lallart {A.-J.) * Du traitement des abces. 4°. Paris, 1845. Laugier {S.) Abces. [In Nouv. dict. do med. ot de chir. prat, i, 1804, pp. 1-35.] ABSCESS. 26 ABSCESS, ABSCESS. Lcube (T. G.) * De abscessuum et ulcerum in- dole diversa. 4°. Halae Magdd). [1745]. Ludwig {C. G.) De abscessu latente. 4°. [Lip- siae, 1758.] Maniere d'onvrir et de traiter les abcfes, h por- t6e de la main du chirurgien et des secours de la chirurgie. 12°. Paris, 1765. Mariottc {L.) * Du traitement des abces par la rdnnion primitive. 4°. Paris, 1860. Mcibomius {H.) De abscessuum internorum na- tnra et constitutione. sm. 4°. Dresdw et Lipsiw, 1718. Monsseaux {P.-J.) * Sur les abces ou tumeurs purulentes en g6n6ral. 4°. Paris, 1821. Olnhausen {C. H. de). * De optima abscessus aperiendi methodo. 4°. Gottingae [1788]. Plncau {fi.-V.) * Des abces en gen6ral, et de leur traitement par la cauterisation au moyen du nitrate d'argent. 4°. Paris, 1859. Poncet (P.) * Sur les abces en g6ne"ral. 8°. Paris, an xi (1803). Porct {P.-B.) * Sur les abces produits par l'in- tlammation aigue. 4°. Paris, 1807. Rwseler {L.-H.) * Des abces phlegmoneux des muscles. 4°. Paris, 1875. Roux and B6rard. Abces. [In Dict. de med., i, 1832, pp. 6-86.] Severinus {M. A.) De recondita abscessuum na- tura. Libriviii. Ed. 2a. 4°. Francofurli, 1643. [1st ed. was Naples, 1631, 4°.] (a) 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1724. Souchotte {C.) * Sur l'ouverture des grands de- pots. 8°. Paris, an xi (1803). Souville{G. F.) * i. La fluctuation est-elle un sigue pathognomonique des abces? Comment la percoit-on ? Quels sont les symptomes et la marche des abces phlegmonenx sous-cutan6s? Comment doit-on les traiter? 4°. Paris, 1838. Stahl {G. E.) De cnoGTaaeoc et 'irooTenaToc Hip- pocratis differentia. 4°. [Halae, 1701.] Warnet {O.) * Des abces mastoi'diens et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1873. Zahn {J. N.) * De abscessibus. 4°. Herbipoli, 1706. See, also, Asson. Dei cosi detti ascessi sanguigni del Soverino, e delle malattie afflni. Giornale veneto di sci. med., 1860, xvi, ser. 2a, pp. 407-465.—Barlow (W. H.) Two cases of deep abscess treated by carbolic acid. Manchester Med. and Surg. Rep., 1870, i, pp. 37-40.—Bassereau (M. A. H.) Abces fetides qui se developpent au voisinage des organes comruuniqnant avec l'exterieur. Jonr. univ. et hebd. de med., Paris, 1832, vii, pp. 131-143— Bcdor. Re- flexions snr des vastes abces des r6gions posterieures du tronc. Jour. univ. et hebd. de m6d., etc., Paris, 1831, iii, pp. 340-344.—Bicrbaum (J.) Abszesse. Jour. f. Kin- derkrankh.. Erlangen, 1861, xxxvii, pp. 161-187.—Bohm (C.) Ueber Professor Lister's Methode der Behandlung von Abscessen. "Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1869, pp. 989- 992.—Buck (G-.) Deep-seated abscesses. New York Med. Jour., 1866, ii, pp. 36-41.—Btirggraere (A.) Considera- tions sur les abces. Annales de la Soc. de med. de G-and, 1852, xxix, pp. 31-52.—Chassaignac. Abces trait6s par le lavage et l'occlusion. Bull.de la Soc. chir., Paris, 1853, iv, pp. 24-25.—Chcvillion (O.) Symptomatologie des abces en general. Presse m6d., Paris, 1837, i. pp.433, 441, 467.—Cleborne (C. J.) On carbolic acid in the treatment of. . . abscesses. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Oct., 1868, p. 579.— f'oole (H.) Abscess. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, i, pp. 281-282.—Cosniao-Bunicncz. Remarques sur les bona effets do l'emploi des injections iodees dans les abces ABSCESS. chauds. Bull. g6n. de therap. m6tl. ot cliir., Paris, 1862, Ixii, pp. 545-550.—CohUn (J. A.) Cinchona in the treat- ment of abscess. Practitionor, Lond., 1871, vii, pp. 316- 318.—Crosby (A. B.) On abscess. New Hampshire Jour. of Med., 1857, vii, pp. 101 .. . 319; 1858, viii, pp. 6 . . . 321.— Cunningham (J.) On a new and successful mode of treating extensive abscesses. Med.-Chir. Jour, and Rev., Lond., 1818, v, pp. 272-278.— David. Memoire sur les abces. [Couronne en 1764.] Memoires sur les sujets pro- poses pour les prix de l'Acad. de chir., nouv. ed., 1819, iv, pp. 121-207.—De Morgan (C.) On the operation and on the plan of treatment by " drainage ". Med.-Chir. Trans., Loud., 1859, xiii, pp. 243-246.—Dcndy (TJ. C.) Three cases of extensive abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, pp. 38-40.— Bcrby (G.) Multiple abscesses. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1869, iv, p. 56.—Biickworth (D.) On the treat- ment of strumous abscesses by a carbolized catgut seton. St. Barthol. Hosp. Rep., Lond.', 1874, x, pp. 277-278.—Flli* (R.) A new system of abscess drainage by spiral-wire tubes. Lancet, Lond.,1869, ii, pp.115-116, lpl.—Krichwen. Injection of abscess with iodine. Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, n. s., p. 84.—Fleming (C.) On the drainage treatment of abscesses. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, pp. 24-25.— Forget (A.) Sur le traitement. du phlegmon et des abces. Bull. gen. de therap m6d. et chir., Paris, 1841, xx, pp. 346- 354; xxi, pp. 41-55.—Fosbroltc (J.) On the utility of the early opening of suppurative tumours. London Med. Repository, 1824, xxii, pp. 104-111. — Friinhcl. Ueber Abscesse." Jour. f. Chir. u. Augonheilk., Berlin, 1832, xvii, pp. 391-423.—Gay. Abscess modified by au erysipelatous dyscrasia. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour., 1864, iv, pp. 87-91.— Girou flc Buzarciiigiies. Note sur l'usage des canules en ivoire ramolli dans To traitement des abces sinueux ou profonds. Gaz. des bop., Paris. 1859, p. 335; also, reprint, 8°, Paris, 1859.—Grantham (J.) On abscess of the cel- lular tissue. London Med. Gaz., 1851, xii, n. s., pp. 633-634.— Green (N.) Tonico-astriugent injections into a suppurat- ing abscess. "Western Jour, of Med. and Surg., Louisville, 1841, iii, 2d ser., pp. 343-347.—H. Nogle Optcgnelser om Abscesser og Luftudvikling i purulente Exsudater. Hosp.- Tidende, Kjobenhavn, 1875, ii, 2den R., pp.385, 401.—Hn- gan (R.) + New Orleans IjMed. News and Hosp. Gaz., 1855-56, ii, pp. 347-351.-Hard (H. M.) Injection of tinc- ture of iodine into suppurating cavities. Buffalo Mod. Jour., etc., 1848-49, iv, pp. 531-533.—Henry (G. R.) Mus- cular abscesses. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1853, xlvii, pp. 115-117.—Henry (M.) On tbe use of the drainage tubes of Chassaignac in suppurating cavities. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, n. s., p. 8.—Hildwein. -4- "Wiener Med.- Halle, 1864, v, pp. 147-148.—Jordan (F.) Unusual ab- scesses. Birmingham Med. Review, 1872, ii, p. 213.— |Kraus.] Ueber Abscesse. Allg. Zeitung. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Braunschweig, 1844, ii, pp. 415 .. . 470.—Kiichler (H.) -f Deutsche Klinik, xviii, 1866, p. 459.—Kiedwich (T. H.) Treatment of acute and chronic abscess by "drainage tubes". Dublin Quart. Jonr. Med. Sci., 1857, xxiv, pp. 301-313.—lie- riche. (1) Des divers moyens mis en usage pour l'ouverture des abces. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1850, ii, pp. 72-76. — (2) Surun nouveau moyen pour ouvrir les abces, sans laisser de cica- trices apparentes. Revue med.-chir. de Paris, 1850, vii, pp. 285-288.—Ijisfranc. De l'ouverture des abces. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1843, pp. 549-550; Bull. gen. de therap. m6d. et chir., 1845, xxix.pp. 16, 24.—I>oga)i (S.) The principles reg- ulating the natural evacuation of abscesses. New Orleans Jour, of Med., 1869, xxii, pp. 47-50.—Manndcl (C. E.) On acute abscess. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, p. 375.— Miller (N.) Remarks to illustrate the importance, and direct the manner, of detecting deep-seated matter. Med. Diss. Mass. Med. Soc, 1829, iv, pp. 137-149.—Movcau- Boutard. Essai d'un nouveau precede pour obtenir le recollement dans les foyers purulents. Jonr. de chir., Paris, 1844, ii, pp. 358-359.—IVankiveil (J. H.) Cases of abscesses symmetrically formed in tbe body. Lancet, London, 1849, ii, pp. 149. —|Nunn.] + Lancet, London, 1866, i, pp. 256-257.-Paget (J.) On "abscess". Stu- dent's Jour, and Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, pp. 182-183.— Patrubau (v.) Die Behandlung der Abscesse nach Chassaignac. Oesterreichische Zeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1861, pp. 17-19. — Pelleian (G.) Des inconvo- nients de la presence de l'air dans les foyers et des moyens d'y i eroedier, avec envoi d'nn instrument. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, i, 1836, p. 237.—Pineau (E.) Traitement des abces . . . cauterisation repetee. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1856, pp. 209-210.-Flu miner (J. T.) Does an acid per- spiration determine abscesses to the skin ? "Western Lancet, Cincin., 1852, xiii, pp. 80-82.—Post (A. C.) On abscess. Med. Record, N. Y., 1867, ii, pp. 318-321.—Price (P. C.) On the use of the drainage tubes of Chassaignac in suppurating cavities. Lancet, Lond;, 1859, i, n. s., p. 211.—Qucsnda. Curacion de los abscessos por reabsorcion. Gaceta medica de Lima, 1858, iii, No. 47, agosto 31, pp. 6-7.—Bees (G. A.) On uncommon forms of abscess in children. London Med. Gaz., 1847, iv, n. s., pp. 859-860.—Removal of pus from abscesses by aspirator. New York Med. Record,1873, viii, p. 595.—Rezzonico (A.) Dell'iodio e della tintura jodata nellacuradegli ascessi. [Two cases.] Annali univ. dimod., Milano, 1858, clxvi, p. 58.—Roach (E. J.) [Case in right hypochondrium.] Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1856, i, ABSCESS. 27 ABSCESS. ABSCESS. p. 272.—Rower. Die Abscess- und Fistclklappen. Archiv f. physiol. Heilk.. Stuttgart, 1856, pp. 349-354.—Ronii- (W.) Zur Kritik der Lister'schen Abscessbehandluug. Archiv d. Heilk., Leipzig, 1869, pp. 165-171—Zur Abscess-Me- chanik. Archiv d. Heilk., Leipzig, 1861, pp. 1-16. —Schuh. Ueber scrophulose Abscesse und Geschwhre. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1863, viii, pp. 291-292.—Skey (F. C.) On abscesses. Lancet, London, 1659, i, n. s., pp. 181-182; 1870, ii, pp. 111.- Smethurat (T.) On opening scrofulous abscesses by leech-bites. Lancet, Lond., 1849-41, i, pp. 883- *8l.—Solly (S.) On tbe importance of applying pressure in the treatment of extensive abscesses. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, p. 361.—Stanley. Remirkable simulation of a fatty tumour by an abscess in two instances. Lancet, Lond., 186i, i, p. 409.—Stiegele, Ueber tiefliegende Abscesse. Med. Oorresp.-Bl. d. wiirtenib. aerztl. Ver., Stuttgart, 1870, xl, pp. 203-205.—Tliolozmi (I. D.) De l'identite de nature de certains abces sous-eutanes ou profonds avec l'ecthyma et l'antlirax. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1862, xvii, 3e ser., pp. 494- 497.- Toll (O. A.) 15enhaeb.tu.ngen iiber Abscesse an einzc lnen fheilen. Jour. d. Chir. u. Augeuheilk., Berlin, 1843, ii, n. F., pp. 387-393.— Velpeuu (A.) (a) Abces. Ar- chives g6n. de m6d., Paris, 1826 xii,, pp. 494-502.—(b) Abces phlegmoneux divers. Idem, 1827, xiii, pp. 181-187.—Ver- neuil. De l'hidrosadenite phlegmoneuse et des abefe's su- doripares. Archives gen. denied., Paris, 1864, ii, pp. 537- 557; 1865, i, pp. 327, 437— Tidal (A.) (a) De la fluctuation des abefes. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1831, ii, pp. 129-132.—(6) Sur l'anatomie pathologique, le diagnostic et le traitement chi- rurgical des abces. Jour. univ. et hebd. de mod., etc., Paris, 1833, xiii, pp. 483-494; Jour. hebd. des prog, des sci., etc., m6d., Paris, 1834, ii, pp. 37-50.- Westmoreland ("W. F.) Chassaignac's method of abscess drainage. Atlanta Med. aud Surg. Jour , 1857, ii, p. 516—Wright (C. W.) On the cause of abscesses pointing towards the skin. Western Lancet, Cincin., 1851, xii, pp. 162-163. ABSCESS {Alveolar and dental). Morcrette {A.-E.) * Sur les abces d'origiue den- taire et les accidents qui les accompaguent. 4°. Paris, 1*73. No. 364. Shadoan { W. H.) A treatise on alveolar abscess. 8°. Cincinnati, 1868. See, also, GarretNon (J. E.) Alveolar abscess. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxiii, pp. 94-96. ABSCESS {Bacteria in). Bouloumie {P.) Les vibrionions dans le pus des plaies et des abces et les pansements antiseptiques. 8°. Paris, 1875. | Communication faitoil la Socio to do m6decino pratique.] See, also, Bergeron (A.) Sur la presence d'organismes microscopiqucs dans des abefes chauds ou froids. Bull, de l'Acad. do med., Paris, 1875, iv, 2e ser., pp. 192-197. ABSCESS connected ivith blood-vessels. List on {R.) Ou a variety of false aneurism. 8°. [London, 1812.] See, a'so, Adainw (A. M.) Case of a blood-vessel com- municating with tho cavity of an abscess. Monthly Jonr. of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1845, v, pp. 265-266.—Kueknill (J. C.) Mr. Listen's "variety of false aneurism'. London Mod. (Liz., 1842, xxxi. pp. 143-145. — C'riiigie (D.) Case of in- flammation of tbe adipose tissue, forming the sheath of tbe carotid artery, followed by erosion and perforation of tho arterial tissue and fatal hemorrhage. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1837, xlviii, pp. 390-412,1 pi — Dolbcau. A lices sous-maxillaire du cole droit. Perforation de l'artere linguale. Ilomorrrliagies successives. Ligature de la ca- rotido externa. Guerison. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1864, pp. 194-195.—Green (T.) Wound of an artery in opening an abscess, supposed to bo malignant disease. Brit. Mod. Jour., 1870, ii, pp. 651-652. —lCing (A.) Rupture of the external jugular vein into an abscess. Lond. and Edinb. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci.. 1843, iii, pp. 177-180. 1 pi. — Michel. Determiner les nieilleurcs modes de traitement applieablcs aux abces par congestion symptomatique dune lesion de lacolonne vert6l>ralo. Mem. Soc. do chir. de Paris, 1863, v. pp.395-500.- Miller (G.) ' Opening of tho jugular vein into an abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1812-43, ii, p. 114.—Mil- ler (J.) Case of fatal ha inorrhage, after an opened abscess of tho neck. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1855. xx, pp. 552-555.— RibcM (I'., pere). Memoire sur des abeds pris pour des auovrismes, et sur des auovrismes pris pour des abefes. ("in/, me 1. de Paris, 1335. iii, 2e.s6r., pp. 145-150, 161-165.—Si iii-foii. Abscess opening into the aorta. Lon- don Med. Gaz., n. s., 1847, iv, pp. 600-602. ABSCESS {Chronic). Bailhul (H.-E.) * Sur les abets froids idiopatbi- ques, et sut leur traitement. 1Y Paris, 1820. ABSCESS {Chronic). Bauge. * Des abces froids. 4°. Paris, 1863. Boussard {M. G.) * ii. Avec quelles maladies peut-on confondre les abces froids? 4Y Paris, 1840. No. 113. Chone {A.) * Sur une varie"t6 d'abces froids tboraciques. 4°. Paris, 1873. Cothenet {L. F.) * ii. Des abces froids. 4°. Paris, 1841. Jacques-Boiral {J.-P.-C.) * Sur les abefes froids. 4-. Paris, 1835. No. 175. Jantet {C.) * Des abces froids idiopatbiques. 4°. Paris, 1853. No. 246. KahU {G. F.) * De abscessu frigido. 8°. Bero- lini [1834]. Lehmann {M. J.) * De abscessibus, qui dicuutur, frigidis. 8°. Berolini [1839]. Le Roux {P.) * Des abces froids idiopatbiques. 4Y Paris, 1848. No. 174. Neustadt {L.) * De abscessu frigido scrofuloso. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Wildt {W.) Ueber den cbroniscben Abscess. 8°. Miinchen [1841]. See, also, Boinct and Guerin. Injections iodees dans le traitement des abefes froids et des abces par congestion. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1850, v, 3e ser., pp. 746-747.—Koiielmt. 4- . . . terraine par resolution. Coiuptes rendus de la Soc. de biologie, Paris, iii, 2e serie, p. 59. — i'haKMiii^iiae. Drainage de plusieurs abces froids. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1856, iv, pp. 639-640.—Forge! (A.) Sur le traite- ment des abefes froids. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1837, xi, pp. 205-206.—Graves. Xew mode of treating strumous ab- scesses. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, pp. 57-58.—Jobert. Des abces froids. Gaz. des bop., Paiis, 1855, pp. 225-226.— I>.-ir^Iii (B.) Tumore circum-femorale siuistro da aseesso freddo. etc. Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1867, cci, p. 483.— liinliarl. Beitrag zur Lehre von den kalten Ab- scessen. OesterroichischeZeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wiou, 1859, pp. 67-71 [at end of vol.]—Lugol. Observations d'abces froids . . . ponctions, . . . injections d'eau iodu- roe. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1846, viii, pp. 158-160.- TI% Dotv- ell (E.) Pathological remarks on chronic abscesses. Dub- lin Jonr. Med. and Chem. Sci., 1835, vii, pp. 1-7.— Tliic- Kcnzic. Strumous abscess simulating aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Australian Med. Jonr., Melbourne, 1864, ix, pp. 365-368. - Merehie. Abces froids do nature particulifere. Archives m6d. belg., liruxellos, 1864, xxxiv, pp. 159-163.—Pavy (F. W.) Successful treatment of chronic abscess with iodine injections. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1852, iv, n.s., pp. 320-121.- I'llriqiiin (J. E.) Intornoadun nuovo metodo di trattamento per gli ascessi freddi, destinato a prevenire l'infeziono purulenta. Gazetta med. ital. Lomb., 1850, i, ser. 3a, pp. 25-27. — l'illui (von). Chronischer Abscess,—Entleerung von 96 Unzen Eiter, - Drainage, -vollstandige Hcilunsriu 6 Wocben. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung. ]s63,viii, p. 146.—Smith (It.) + . . . treated by carbolic acid. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1873, xix,pp. 414- 417.—Starieliiiann. Li iol-der Jodeinspritzung bei kal- ten Abscessen. [Case.J Deutsche Klinik, v, 1853, pp. 22- 23.—Wilmout (S. G.)4- ... successfully treated by "drain- age tubes' . Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 185s, xxv, pp. 50-52. ABSCESS {Fwcal). See, also, Anus {Prwterna- tural); Fistula {Intestinal); Intestine {Perfora- tion of). Bachelct {E.-P.) Des abefes stercoraux. 4°. Pa- ris, 1867. See, aho, Ferguson. Abscess of the thYh, eonununi- cating with the cavity of the intestine through tiie obtura- t"i- foramen. Lancet, Lond., 1800, i, pp. 510-51I <;ill<-M- [lie (J. D.) Abscess iu right thigh connected with bowel. lvlmburgh Med. Jour., 185,8, iii, p. 595. Howell (T.) ;- . . . from which two lumbrici teretes, and afterwards the- cal matter, were discharged, and the patient recovered. London Med. Gaz., 1815, xxxvi, p. 854.— JoIiikoii (J. G.) + . . . following a wound by the side ot th. ■ it nm. Xew York Jour, of Med., 1859, vi, 3d 8., pp. 390-391. Kobai l> (II.) Lancet, London, 1840, i, pp. 565-570.- Miuilh iT. II.) Association Med. Jour., London, 1863 i, p. 39,8. 'I'wvlor (C.) + Guy's Hospital Rep , London, 1.-41, vi, pp. 195-196. 1 pi. ABSCESS. 28 ABSCESS. ABSCESS (Gas developed in). See Dressier (W.) Gasentwickclung aus einem abge- sackten poritonaalen eitrigen Exsudate. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1863, lxxviii, pp. 140-144— Morel- l.u vall<"e. Gas developpes dans un abces et reconnus pendant la vie, avant l'ouverture du foyer. Bull, dela Soc. Chir. de Paris, 1861, 2c ser.. ii, pp. 379-381; Gaz. des hop. Paris, 1861, xxxiv, pp. 302-303. ABSCESS {Gluteal). See Agncw (D. IT.) 4- Philadelphia Med. Times, 1871, ii, p. 87.-Gross (S. D.) + Med. and Surg. Rep., Phila., 1862, vii, p. 59.- Halton (R. J.) + . . . treated by tho drainage tube. Dublin Quart. Jour, of Med. Sci., 1869,'xlvii, pp. 373-374. Tlolilor. Abces froid do la fesse. Archives mod. belg., 1868, viii, 2e ser., pp. 381-384.—Wltey. Chronic gluteal abscess. Lancet, London, 1859, i, new ser., p. 160. ABSCESS {Iliac). See, also, Perityphlitis ; Spine {Disease of). Bailly {E.) * Recherches sur le diagnostic, la marcbe, et le traitement des abces de la fosse iliaque interne cousdeutifs au mal de Pott. 4°. Paris, 1856. Chavanant {F. L.) * ii. Des symptomes, de la marcbe et du traitement des abces de la fosse iliaque. 4°. Paris, 1840. Farcy {I. J.) * Des tumeurs pblegmoneuscs de la fosse iliaque. 4°. Paris, 1856. Glaser {J. A.) * De abscessu in fossa iliaca. 8°. Jena: [1850]. Goffart {H.-J.) * Recbercbes sur le diagnostic et lo traitement des abefes par congestion de la fosse iliaque interne consdeutifs au mal vertdbral. 4°. Montpellkr, 1804. Hermeni {A.-M.) * Sur la patbologie, le diag- nostic et le traitement du phlegmon de la fosse iliaque. 4°. Paris, 1847. Jacotot {A.-V.) " Des abces de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Paris, 1846. Monnot {T.-D.) * Des abces de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Paris, 1846. Poupardin {F.-G.) * Des phlegmons de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Paris, 1854. Protich {P.-D.) * Des phlegmons de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Paris, 1850. Simon {V.) * Des abces qui sidgent dans la fosse iliaque. 4°. Paris, 1818. Thirault {D.) * Des phlegmons et abces des fosses iliaques (suites de couches). 4°. Paris, 1874. Vivien {J. B. G.) * Du diagnostic et du traite- ment du phlegmon de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. See, also, Abeille. De lapferitonito partiello. Abces iliaque et tumeur stercorale. Diagnostiquo differentiel. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1850, ii, 3e ser., pp. 253-258.—Ash- hnrsl (J., jr.) + Trans. Path. Soc. of Phila., 1874, iv, pp. 238-239. — Bamberger (LI.) Die Entziindungen iu der rechten Fossa iliaca. [6 cases.J Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1W53, pp. 369 . . . 455.—Barthelcmy. Abces des fosses iliaques. Point d'election pour leur ouverture. Annales do la chir., etc., Paris, 1841, ii, pp. 288-304.— Barthcz. + Bull, do la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1837, xii, pp. 62-60.—Barto- lozzi (D.) + Lo Sperimentale, Firenze, 1864, xiv, pp. 126- 137.—Battcrsby (F.) Report on tho pathology, diagnosis, and treatment ot abcesses of the iliac fossoe. Dublin Quart. Jour.Med. Sci., 1847, iii, pp. 515-539.—Bauchet. Sur les abefes do la fosse iliaque. Rapport sur un travail de M. le doctenr Colliueau. Gaz. hebd. de med. et de chir., Paris, 1862, ix, pp. 35-39, 67-72.—Bisson. Abefes de la fosse ili- aque et du tissu cellulaire perinophretique—ouverture spontanco de l'intestin—guferisou. Mouiteur des sci. reed., etc., Paris, 1860, ii,2escr., p. 934.—Blanchctti (C.) + Gaz. med. ital. prov. venete, 1865, viii, pp. 272-273. — Bonne- niaison. Du phlegmon iliaque. Gaz. med.-chir. de Tou- louse, 1873, v, pp. 121, 129.— Bonrdeaux. + Archives med. belg., Bruxelles, 1873, iv, pp. 73-82.—Brichetcau. ABSCESS {Iliac). (1) -f- Perforation de l'intestin et evacuation du pus par l'a- nus. Archives g6il. de mod., Paris, 1838, ii, pp. 409-414.-- (2) 4- Perforation du colon. Gaz. dos hop., Palis, 1842, iv, 2e s6r., p. 525.—Buck (G.) (1) + New York Med. Times, 1852, ii, p. 143. — (2,1 fost-fascial abscess, originating in the iliac fossa, with a new method of treatment. New York Jonr. of Med., 1857, ii, 3d s., pp. 147-163 —(3) Abscesses or- iginating in the right iliac fossa. 8°. New York, 1874. From Trans, of the New York Academy of Medicine for Sept., 1871—Cabasse. + Gazette des hop., Paris, 1867, pp. 471-472—Calda.s (,M. M. P.) -j- Gazeta medica, Labia, 1866, i, pp. 113-114.—t'arnct. + Fievre bectique ; injection iodoo : guerison. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1855, iii, p. 606.— [Cases.] Escape of faocal matter by tho wound ; rapid re- covery. Association Medical Journal, London, ii, 1857, p. 709.—Abces de la fosse iliaque s'ouvrant it travels la paroi de 1'abdomon. Bulletin general de therap. mod. et chir., Paris, 1847, xxxiii, pp. 59-61.—Abefes tie la fosse ilia- que chcz un enfant ouvert dans la vessie et plus tard dans la region lombaire. Gazette des hopitaux, Paris, 1847, ix,2u sferie, p. 577.•— Ventral hernia as a consequence of iliac ab- scess. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond , 1854, ix, 11. s., pp. 368- 369.—New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1844-45, i. pp. 635-636.—Charlton (E.) Cases of abcessin iho iliac fossa. Monthly Jour. Med. Sci., Edinburgh, 1841, i, pp. 329-334. — Chassngne. Abefes considerables do la region fessifero droite et (!e la fosse iliaque gauche. Pericardite intercur- rente. Mort. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1863, pp. 538-539.— Chassaignac. Abefes de la fosse iliaque en arriero du Ciccum, suite dune perforation de cot int st;n. Gaz. des hop., Paiis, 1843, pp. 501-502.—C bail Hard. Ueber die Entziindungen in der Fossa iliaca bei Wochnerinnen. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1868, pp. 1456-1459.—Chontel. + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1843, p. 129 ; 1844, pp. 173, 202 ; Med. Examiner, Phila., 1843, vi, p. 109.-Colin. Observations de tumeurs phlegnioneuses de la fos^e iliaqne droite. Moni- teur des sci. med., etc., Paris, 1862, iv, 2e ser., pp. 171-174.— Collin (L.) -|- Recueil de m6m. de med., do chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1854, xiii, 2e ser., pp. 358-369.—Conclie. Abscess of the iliac region in males. Trans. Coll. of Phys., Phila., 1853-56, ii, pp. 510-511.—Corso (F.) + Lo Spallan- zani, Modena, 1874, xii, pp. 289, 337, 385.-Dalnias. + Issue du pus par le crecuin et l'anus ; gu6rison. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1833, vii, pp. 347-348.—Dawson (J.) + Edin- biirgh Med. and Surg. Jour.. 1841, lvi, pp. 182-185—Be- gaillc. + ... ouvert dans la vessie et le rectum. Autopsie. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1850, ii, 3e ser., p. 123.—Be Sanssnrc (II. W.) History and diagnosis of abscesses of the iliac fossa, with cases. Chariest-. 11 Med. Jour., 1848, iii, pp. 382- 393.—Bespres. Sur une vaiiete d'abces de la fosse iliaque. Adenite iliaqne suppuree, Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1874, xlvii, pp. 545-547.—Oevaux (E ) Sur la diflieulte du diagnostic des abefes de la fesse iliaque. Lull. gfen. de thferap. m6d. et chir., Paris, 1844, xxvi, pp. 440-444.—Bnclos. + Gaz. des hopitaux, Paris, 1857, p. 447. — Bupny. + Gazette des hopitaux, Paris, 1857, p. 451.—Bnpuytren. On abscesses in the right iliac fossa. Lancet, Lond., 1833, i, pp. 611-646.— Esmareh (Fr.) Senkungsabscess unter deni linken Pou- part'scben Bandc. Totale Resorption desselbcn nach vier- wochentlicher Eisbeliandlung. Archiv f. klin. Chir., Ber- lin, 1861, i, pp. 317-318.—Evans (G.) + ... communicating with the cascum. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, pp. 346.—E wart (J.) + Indian Annals of Med. Sci., Cal- cutta, 1873-74, xvi, pp. 159-16.!.—Fayrcr (J.) + (a) Indian Anualsof Med. Sci.,Calcutta, 1865, No. xviii.pp. 110-111.—(b) Iliac abscess. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, pp. 193- 191.- Floehon. + Injections iodees. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1856, lip. 282-283.—Foi'stcr (J. C.) Abscess over crest of left ilium ; local empyema. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xx, 3d ser., pp. 60-61.—Foitqnicr. + . . . consecutif a 1111 accouchement laborieux. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1844, pp. 53-54.—Frillcy. + Recueil do mem. de mod., de chir. et do pharm. mil., Paris, 1867, xviii, 3e sfer., pp. 91-104.—CJri- sollc. Histoire des tumeurs phlegmonenses des fosses iliaques. Archives g6n. de med., Paris, 1839, i, pp. 34, 137, 293.—Hammer. + Humboldt Med. Archives, St. Louis, 1868, ii, pp. 281-284.—Hawkins (C.) + . . . following par- turition. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 11. s., pp. 25-28.—I^arrcy (H.) Issue du pus par le gros intestin. Guerison. Gaz. des hop.. Paris, 1842, iv, 2o sfer., pp. 135-136.—Larcran, Observation d'abefes sous-apouevrotique de la fosse iliaque droite ouveit dans lo peritoine. Mem. do med , de chir. et de. pharm. mil., Paris, 1843, lo ser., liv, pp. 353-358.—Me- niere (P.) Memoire sur les tumeurs phlegmonenses occu- pant la fosse iliaque droite. Archivosgen.de med., Paris, 1828, xvii, pp. 188,513.—IVIoorc (W. D.) + . . . opening into the intestine—recovery. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1857, xv, pp. 572-573. jTlurnev (R ) + Medical Press aud Circ, Lond., 1870, ix, n. s., pp. 248-250.—Fapillaurt (L.) Contraction musculairo avec phlegmon intra et extra-pel vien, paraissant etre des symptomes syphilitiques consccu- tifs. Gaz. rafed. de Paris, 1851, vi, 3c ser., p. 404.—Potier- Buplcssy. -f- Progres mod., Paris, 1875, iii, pp. 54-56.— Roseau. + Drainage: ouverture consecutive dans l'S iliaque du colon. Fistule stcrcoro-purulente. Guferison temporaire. Re tour des accidents. Essai de cure radicale trop tardif. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1874, xlvii, pp. 410-412.— Roslan. -f- Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1846, viii, pp. 194, 221.— ABSCESS. 29 ABSCESS. ABSCESS {Iliac). Roux. Abefes profond de la ifegion iliaque, dfeterrainfe par la rupture des muscles psoas et iliaque. Considerations sur lesabees de cette region. Gaz. des hfep.. Paris, 1843, p 39.— Russell. ....communicating with the rectum and the bladder. Provincial Med. and Sun:, lour., Lond., 1846, pp. 220-221.— Nrottini (P.) and Mcolari (G.i Due casi di ats- eesso ileo-lombare curati e guariti col arcnuggio. Comment. di med. e chir., Milano. 1874, i, pp. 69-71— Negura (A.) Dos palabras aeercadol modo de abrir los abee.sns de lafosa iliaca. Gaceta medica, Mexico, 1873, viii, pp. in-, 113.— Mimon (M.) Sur les abefes et engorgements ohroniqnes de la fuss, iliaque. Bull. gen. de therap. me'1, et chir.. Paris, 1841, xxvi. pp. 8l. 166.-Soekccl (A.) + Bull, de la Soc. anat de I'aris, 1-74, ix, 3e ser., pp. 709-716 —Souricr. -f Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1863, p. 331.—Stanley. + Disappear- ance of the abscess bv absorption of its contents. London Med. (Liz., n.s., 1846, iii, p. 501 — Ntlirgis IV. R.) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1867, lxxvi, pp. 241-243.—Nymonds. -4- Implicating the appendix vcrmiformis—autopsv. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1861. ii, pp. 242-24 I.—Ticknor. + New York Jour, of Med. and Surg., 1840. ii, pp 469-471.— Van llolsbcck (ii.) — Evacuation du pus par le ca-cum et l'anus ; guerison. Annales de la Sue. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1860, viii, 2o ser., pp. 27-32.—Velpean. Abefes par congestion de la region inguiuale. Son diagnostic et son traitement. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1850,ii, 3e ser., pp. 118- 119.— Vigla. -|- ..., survenu lontenicnt aprfes un premier accouchement naturel. Bull, do la Soc. anat. dc Paris, 1837, 2e fed., xii, pp. 197-204. — Werner. + Zeitschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1867, xx, pp. 100-110. ABSCESS in infants. See Gucrsant, flls. Des abefes qui so develnppent chez les enfants. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1843, pp. 201-202: 1851, p. 194. ABSCESS {Intra-cranial). See Abscess between the dura mater and the skull. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, pp. 228-229.—tiny. Abces sous la dure-mero, gueri par le trepan. Recueil period, do la Soc. de med. de Paris, 1797 ii, pp. 170-172.—Hamilton. Ab- scess between dura mater aud arachnoid ; paralysis of right and left sides successively ; softening of optic nerve with inflammation of eyo and loss of vision. IMiblin Jour, of Med. Sci., 1843, xxiii, p. 164.—Minion (J.) Abscess be- neath the dura mater in connection with caries of the pet- rous bono. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1867, xviii, pp. 10- 11. — IVoyes (II. D.) Abscess beneath the dura mater re- lieved by trephining. Richmond and Louisville Med. .lour., 1875, xix, pp. 517-520.—Mini III (N. R.) Abscess within the cranium. Baltimore Med. dour., 1870. i. pp. 705-707.— Wat- son (I*. II.) Intra-crnnial abscess following injury success fully treated by trephining. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1870, xvi, pp. 40-45. ABSCESS {Lumbar). Abcructhy {J.) Surgical observations on tumours and on lumbar abscesses. 8°. London, 181G. Bauer {B. B.) * De abscessu lumbari ejusque sa- natioiic. 4°. Jenae, 1801. Razerque {E. B.) * i. Des di verses especes d'ab- ces dans la region lombaire. 4C. Paris, 1H40. Courbon {A.) Sur les abces de la fosse lombaire. 8°. Paris, \873. Mueller {II. F. V.) * De abscessu lutnbali. 8°. Ikrolini [1Y>'.)]. Reye{G.C.) * De abscessu lutnbali. 4°. Jenae [17U1»]. Taylor (0. F.) Ou tbe management of lumbar aud psoas abscess. 8°. Xew York, 1870. See, also, Asliliurst (J., jr.) -f ... in which death was directly caused bv profuse arterial hemorrhage. Amer. Jour. Sled. Sci., duly, i860, p. 79.-Anebineloss (W.) (1) -|- . . . opening into rectum, and pointing behind trochan- ter. Glasgow Med. Jour,, 1.-29, ii, p. 162. —(2) -|- . . . sim- ulating lnllamniat ion of the kidney. Glasgow Med. Jour., 18110, iii, pp. 220-221..— Raeioeelii (G.i Strauo modo di guarigionc di as'-esso loinhaiv. L Imparziale. Fircnzo. 1870, x, pp. 103-105.—Borrowe. : ... remarkable for tho circumstances attending the discharge of pus. Med. Repository, X. Y., 1798, i, pp. 371-372.—Kmuilieourl. Plcuropnoumonio terminfee par un abces a la region lom- baire. (ia/,, des hop., Paris, 1862, p. 504— Itrooks iJ. X ) Lumbar abscess. Stethoscope aud Va. Med. Gaz.. Kiiieholl (I). V.) + Lond. Med. and Surg. Join.. 1832, i, pp. 125-I2C— I*< lldlclon lli. M.) + Sonlhi-rn Med. anil Surg. Join-., Augusta 1-45. i, pp. 505-50s. — Firkclt (X. Ii ) i PoMon Med. and Surg. Jour., 1850, xiii. pp. 160-161.—Beed (P. G ) ;- Lancet, Lond.. 1848, i, pp. 411-412-Boberl. ;■ Bull.dc laSoc.chii.de Paris, 1852, ii. pp. 577-580.—Mmilb (J. A.) + . . . fatal, although the vertebra' were unaffected. Xew York Med. and Philos. Jour, and Rev., 1810. ii, pp. 29-30.— Stanley. + Lancet, Lond, Is;.,"), i, p. 122.—Taylor (C. F.) On the management of lumbar ami psoas abscess. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1870, iv, pp. 49-52.—Taylor (O. H ) -I- . . . followed bv acute cystitis. Trans. Xew Jersey Slate Med. Soc., 1865, pp. 164-107.-Todd (W. H.) ;- Boston Med. and Sing. Jour., 1867, lxxv, pp. 137-138. — Tracy (S.) -;- Boston Med and Surg. Journal, 1862, lxvii, pp. 142. 167.— Tucker (I). U.) + Medical Examiner, Phila.. 1342, i. pp. .|;.2-|.i...— Waggoner (J. S.) Lumbar abscess. Buffalo Medical Journal, etc.. 1-59-60, xv, pp. 76--77I ; Amer. Med. Monthly X. Y., 1860, xiii, pp. 416-1.19.— Westmoreland (W. P.) f Atl-inta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1859, iv, p. 331 - William- son (T.) -f- . . . probably connected with the Itidnev. Monthly Journal of Med. Sci., Ediub., 1841, i. pp. 7;.' 726; 1842. ii, pp. 592-593; reprinted in 8° fn. p.,n. d.]— Wil*on (J.i : Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1MI2, viii, pp. 41-48.— Wrigbt (T. II ) -|- X"orth American Med. and Surg. Jour., Phila., 18i8, v, pp. 38-46. ABSCESS {Lymphatic). Berger (7.) De abseessmun pseiulolyinpliatico- rnm pathologist. 8°. Berolini [1833']. Cantor {T. E.) * Do abscessu lympliatico. 8°. Halae, 1833. LAndforss {M. J ) and Moulin {A.) De abs.ces.su lympliatico ciijus partus priorum. 1 -'. Helsing- fors[1833]. ABSCESS. 30 ABSCESS. ABSCESS {Lymphatic). Mair {G.) * Die Lymph-Absccssc in patliologi- schcr Beziehung betrachtet. 8°. Miinchen, 1837. Ryll{L.) *Deabsccssibuslympliaticis. 8°. Be- rolini [1848]. Schrittwieser{F.) * De abscessu lynipbatico. 8°. Vindobonae [1836]. See, also, Brach. Yorschlag zu einer neuen Heilme- thodo der sogenannten Lvmpli-Abscesse oder kalten Ge- scliwiilsto. Rheinische Monatsschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, pp. 677-681—Buscb. Ueber Lymph-Abscesse. Ver- mischte Abhandl. aus d. Gebiete d. ileilk., etc., St. Peters- burg, 1842, vi, pp. 390-396.—Fischer. Lynipb-Abscesse. Zeitschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1864. xvii, p. 257.—GHinder (L.) Abscessus lymphaticus, durch Einspiit/.ungen von siedend heissem Wasser nach Rust geheilt, Zeitschr. d. norddeutsch. Chir.-Ver. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeburg., 1848, ii, pp. 19-22. — liloyd. Large serous abscess in the thigh. Evacuation. Recovery. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi,p. 189.—Salomon. Leber Lyniph-Absccsse Vermischte Abhandl. aus d. Ge- bieto d. Heilk. etc., St. Petersburg, 1842, vi, pp. 382-389.— Ullmauu d. J. + Jour. f. Chir. u. Aug.-Heilk., Berlin, 1821, ii, pp. 440-448. A.BSCESS {Metastatic). See, also, Embolism ; Py- aemia. Alexandre {C.-E.) * Considerations sur les ab- ces dit mtStastatiques. 4°. Paris, 1834. No. 325. Busnot Lalande {A.-C.) * Des abces de l'avant- bras, suite de panaris et de plaies des doigts, spe"- cialenient du ponce et de l'auriculaire. 4°. Pa- ris, 1856 No. 122. . Camus {M.J. X.) * Les abc6s me'tastatiques sont-ils le rdsultat de la phl6bite ou do la rdsorp- tioupuruleote? (Concours.) 4°. Paris, 1835. Compin {J. B. J. A.) * ii. L'abces mdtastatique. 4°. Paris, 1841. No. 250. Fiirstenberg {M.) * De viscernm abscessibus qui capitis vulnera sequuutur. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Jamin {A.) * ii. Qu'est-ce qu'un abces mdtastati- que ? Quels sont les caracteres anatomiques de cette cspece d'abces '! 4°. Paris, 1840. Kerstcns {J. C.) * Formidolosi rbeumatismi bi- liosi triplici abscessu metastatico aegredemum sa- nati historia. 8°. Kiliae Holsat. [1792]. Raoul {A.-J.- V.) * Des abces mdtastatiques con- siders ii la suite des plaies de la tete. 4°. Paris, 1837. Sadowski {C. G.) De abscessibus metastaticis. Diss, inaug. 8Y Berolini [1834]. Sintenis {F. A. E.) * De abscessibus visceralibus post laesiones magnas operationesque chirurgicas. 8°. Berolini [183-J]. See, also, Ashhurst (J., jr.) (1) Metastatic abscesses following erysipelas. Proceedings Path. Soc, Phila., 1865, ii, p. 172.— (2) On tho pathology of secondary or metasta- tic abscesses. Idem, 1865, ii, pp. 177-181; American Jour- nal Medical Sciences, 1865,1, pp. 108-112.—ft aim mi. The lungs aud heart of a child, whoso death was apparently caused by a metastasis of suppuration. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1856-57, viii, pp. 62-63.—Bonnet. Considerations sur le mode de dcvelopperuent des abces dit rnetastatiques. LTnion med., 1869, vii, pp. 566-573. — Bowcn (W. S.) Prac- tical suggestions on the formation of secondary abscess. New York Jour. Med., 1858, iv, 3d s., pp. 210-214.—< ;ime- rer. + . . . , nebst Bemcrkungen iiber nietaatatische Ab- scesse iiberhaupt. Jour. f. Chir. u. Augenheilk , Berlin, 1830, xiv, pp. 1077114. — C'ivialc. Des abces qui sur- viennent en diverses parties du corps pendant le cours ties maladies de l'appareil urinaire. Bull, gen de therap. mod. et chir., 1840, xviii. pp. 222-230. — Duplay (A.) Abces considerables dans diverses parties du corps; abces nom- breux dans l'epaisseur de la peau formant une eruption de nature particuliere: abces des poumons; rauiollissement marque de la rate. Archives gen. de mod., Paris, 1833, i, 2e ser., pp. 373-381.—t»i*cartl. Observation d'abces consi- ABSCESS {Metastatic). d6rablcs et multiplies presque spontanomont choz uno femmearabe. Recueildem6ni. denied., do chir. etde pharm. mil., Paris, 1835, le s6r., xxxviii, pp. 304-310.—Ilaeon. Portions of the pectoralis major muscle aud diaphragm, containing numerous purulent deposits. Trans. Path. Soc, Lond., 1853-54, v, pp. 329-330.—Hall (J. C.) On secondary depots of matter. London Med. Gaz , n. s., 1840, ii, pp. 897- 904, 936-940.—Hamburger. Gruppo der Abscesse. Ocs- terreichische Zeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1866, pp. 461, 558, 589.—Ilcrvicux (E.) De la diathese purulcnte choz les nouveau ncs. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1853, i, pp. 412-432.—Hutchinson (I.) -;■ British Med. Jour., 1861, i, pp. 381-382.—Keate. Abscess in the lungs and liver after compound fracture. London Med. Gaz., 1828, ii, pp. 508- 511.—Meyers (T. L.) + Amer. Med. Weekly, Louisville, 1875, ii, pp. 389-391.—rVasse (H.) Ueber die secundiiren Abscesse. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1835, xiv, pp. 355-412.—rVauniaiin (M.) + Deutsche Klinik, 1851, iii, p. 387.—I*iirscr. Abscess in the lung, with secondary ab- scesses in the brain, Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1873, i, pp. 196-198.—Recklinghausen (v.) Ueber die multiplen metastatischen Abszesse. Wiener med. Presse, 1871, pp. 1351-1352.—Rennes. Alices nombreux dans les muscles et le tissu cellulaire des mombres, accompagn6s d'une erup- tion de boutons purulens et d'un 6rysipele gangrenoux do la face. Archives gen. de m6d., Paris, 1833, i, 2e ser., pp. 536-541.—Rose (Th.) and Lawrence (Win.) Observa- tions on depositions of pus and lymph occurring in tho lungs and other viscera, after injuries of different parts of the body. [Cases.] Med.-Chir. Trans., Lond., 1828, xiv, pp. 251-285. — Watson (J.) An inquiry into the pathol- ogy and treatment of secondary abscesses, and other con- secutive disorders resulting from injuries and surgical op- erations. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1837, xxi, pp. 37-74.— Williams (W.) + Southern Med. and Surg. Jour., Au- gusta, 1846, ii, n. s., pp. 517-519. ABSCESS {Perineal, Peri-urethral, and Urinary). A riband {J. J. P.) Recherches sur les abces p6- ri-ur6tbraux. 4°. Paris, 1861. Barbette {J. A.) * Du pcriue'e et des abces uri- ueux. 4°. Paris, 1848. No. 2. Boisseau-De-Mellanvillc {J.) * Des ddpots uri- neux. 4°. Paris, 1828. No. 116. Caron {A. D.) * Des abefes urineux. 4°. Pa- ris, 1868. Charbonnier {P.-C.-J.) * Des abces urineux au p6rin<5e. 4°. Paris, 1856. No. 184. Hardy {C.) Memoire sur les abces blennorrha- giques. 8°. Paris, 1864. Schindler {C. L. E.) * De abscessu urinoso. 8°. Berolini [1837]. Zals {Adolf). ZurLchre von den Periuretbral- abscessen. 8°. Tiibingen, 1864. See, also, Anderson (T.) Case in which pus from an abscess, near the rectum, making its way into the scrotum, gave the appearance of a hernia. Med. and Philos. Com- mentaries, London, 1784, ii, 2d ed., pp. 423-427.—C lark. [Abscess iu the recto-vesical space.] New York Medical Times, 1855, iv, pp. 285-287.—Dcnicanx. Abces du peri- nee proveuant de cause traumatique ; deviation ties voies scuiinales; trouble notable des functions genitales. Gaz. des bop., Paris, 1862, p. 83 —Dubrucil. Abces pori-pro- statique et p6ri-uretbral. Bull, de la Soc. de Chir., Paris, 1872, 3e ser., i, pp. 314-315.—Frank (J. N.) Nophropyo- sis aud peri-urethral abscess. Med. Archives, St. Louis, 1870, iv, pp. 143-144.— Ooiilev. + Notes bv Hunt (J. W.) Amer. Med. Times, N. Y., i860, i, p. 186.—Hcrrick (W. B.) Case of abscess at the neck of the bladder, causing retention of the urine. Illinois Med. and Surg. Jour., Chi- cago, 1644-45, i, pp. 105-107.—kabeda. Phlegmon peri- urethral dans la loge inferieuro du perinee. Abces conso- cutifs. Reflexions. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1873, v, pp. 196-197.—lagneau (G.,Jils). Abces peri-urethraux de la partie auterieuie du penis survenue k la suite de la blennorrhagie. Gaz. hebd. de m6d. et de chir., Paris, 1862, ix, pp. 343-345 —Skey. Recto-vcsical abscess; diliicult catheterisin. Death. Lancet, London, 1855, ii, p. 494.— Travers. (1) Cases of abscess in the perineum. Lancet, London, 1835, i, pp. 431-435.—(2) Case of perimeal abscess communicating with the urethra, without stricture. St. Thomas's Hosp Rep., Lond., 1636, i. pp. 195-196.—Treat- incut ot abscess by the side of the urethra. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1853, vi, pp. 371.— Vitantonio (G). Ascesso perincale. La nuova liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, pp. 38-40. ABSCESS. 31 ABSCESS. ABSCESS {Peri-nephritic). Kraetschmar (F.) * Des abces p6rin6phriqnes. 4°. Paris, 1872. See, also, Almagro. + Autopsie. Recueil des trav. See. med. d'observation. Paris. 1859-63. ii, pp. 408-424.— Rolles (W. V.) ~ Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1871, vii, pp. lfO-lsi.—Kowditch (H. I.) (1) Peri nephritic abscess; its complications and its treatment. (10 cases.) Boston City Hosp. Rep., 1870, pp. 27-69.—(2) Three cases of peri- nephritic abscess complicated with pulmonary and pleuritic disease. Incisions into renal region. Recovery. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1868, i, pp. 357-362.—Bucquoy. Des 1 abces perinephretiques. La France med., Paris. 1871, xxi. pp. 385-386.—[Cane.] Bull.gen.de theran. med. et chir., Paris, 1853, xii v, pp. 549-552.—Cases. Lull', de la Soc. chir.. Paris, 1872, xii, 2e ser., p. 7.—Charnal. Abces enoyste situe au-devant du rein droit et s ouvrant dans lur^thre & travers la prostate. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1858, xxxiii, pp. 483-484.—Colin (L.) + . . . chez un sujetattcint d'alcoolisme. Gaz. hebd. de med. et chir., Paris, 1872, ix, 2e ser., pp. 675-676.—Dcmarquay. Sur les abces perinephr6- tiqncs. Union med., 1862, xv, 2e ser., pp. 407, 440, 570 ; 1863, xviii, p. 551.—Duffin (A. B.) (1) -f Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, pp. 362-364.— (2) Perinephric abscess. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1873, xxiv, pp. 138-141.—Fouchcr. Abces perinephr^tique spontan6 sans lesion des reins— guerison. Moniteur des sci. m6d., etc., Paris, 1860, ii, 2e ser., pp. 622-623.—(aondouin (A.) + . . . ouvert dans les bron- chos ; guerison. Pi esse med. beige, Bruxelles, 1874, xxvi, pp. 387-388. — douraud (X.) Des abc6s p6rinephre.tiques. Union med., 1X07, ii, 3e s6r., pp. 403, 411—Gucnraii de lTIussy (V.) Du phlegmon perin6phretique. Inhis "Clini- quome 1.", 1875, ii, pp. 203-215.—Gucrin (A.) Abcesperi- iiephri'tique ouvert dans les branches. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1865, pp. 461-462.—Guibout. + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1867, p. 333.—llcrrgott. + . . . coincidant avec une pneumonic Union med., lstir,, xxviii, 2o s6r., pp. 527-528.—Hcrvicux. Abces pcrinephriquo. Union m6d., 1866, xxx, 2e ser., pp. 9-11—.iaccoiid. Phlegmon perim'phretiquo. Jour, do med. et do chir. prat,, Paris, 1875, xlvi, p. 342.—Jelly (G. F.) ami 4»uiitcr (L. D.) Perincphritic abscess. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1868, i, p. 300. — Ticgrus. Abces pre- nf-phritiquo ouvert spontanement dans les voies urinaires ; guerison. Union m6d., 1874, xxviii, pp. 701-703.—l.illcll (S.) Cases of enlarged gall-bladder and extra-renal cellu- litis. Amer. Practitioner, 1872, vi, pp. 19-22—^Iinot. Abscess in region of left kidney. Boston Med. and Surg. I Jour., 1873, x, pp.-364-365—iTIoxon (\V.) Periuephritic abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, pp. 602-603.—Obrc. j Ul- ceration of the bladder. Trans, rath. Soc. of Lond., 185^-59, X,pp. 190-191.—Oppolzcr. Perinephritis mil ailsgeluei- tetcr Suppnration. Tod. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1869, xiv, pp. 411, 459. — Pculcve. -|- Plcurcsie consecutive. Pneumothorax—mort. Bull, do la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1865, xl, pp. 402-467.—Southcy and Nmilli (T.) -f . . . ; opened ; perforation into pleural cavity ; pericarditis; death. Lan- cet, Lond., 1874, i, pp. 53-54.—Tnchard (E.) Abces perine- phretique conseculif a une cystite chronique. Autopsie. Gaz. des hop.. I'aris, 1869, pp. 130-131.—Trousseau. Des abces perinephriqucs. Union med., 1865, xxv, 2e ser., pp. 6. . . 66. — Turner (T.) + . ..; with the appearances on dissection. Traus. Coll. of Phys., Loud., 1813, iv, pp. 226- 232. ABSCESS {Periosteal and sub-pcriostcal). Augc {D. I.) * Essai sur les abces sous-peri- ostiques aigus. 4°. Paris, 1802. Masse {J.-1.) * Des abces sous-p6riostiquea aigus et do la valeur sdtndiologique des pbe'noincnes ty- pboi'des qui les acconipagnent. 4°. Paris, 18(i7. See, also, Chassaignac. Du traitement des abces sous-periosliques aigus. Bull, de la Soe. chir. de Paris, 1853, iv, pp. 63, 65, 345, 347; 1854, v, p. 63. Chassaignac (E.) Des abces sous-periostiques aigus et de leur traitement. [12 observations] Mem. de la Soc. de chir. do Paris, 1857, vi, pp. 281-353. —<«nriiicr (P.) Traitement des abces sous- periostiques aigus par la resection sous-periostee de l'os. Union mod., 1866, xxxi, 2e ser., pp. 276-279.—ciuar«|iiay. Sur les abees pcri-prostatiqueB. I Union med., lt-02. xiv, 2e ser.. pp. 593-600.—I»auperi (J.) I Observations de phlegmon pori-prostatiquo. Gaz. des hop , ' Paris, 1856, pp. 154-I55.-M'nll (J.) Specimen of peri- prostatic abscess, with notes. Trans. Cork Med. and Surg. Soc, 1867-68, i>p. 8-9; Dublin Quart. Jonr. Med. Sci.. 1x68, xiv, pp. 498-499. ABSCESS {Perl-rectal). Ardilouze {U. J.y Considerations sur les abces profonds de la marge de l'auus. 4°. Paris, 1873. Chastean {D.-H.) * ii. Les diverses varietes d'abces a la marge de l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1844. Danyau {A. C.) *Des abces a la marge de l'auus. (Concours.) 4y Paris, 1832. Sloltz {J. F.) * Ueber die Abscesse am After. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1817. See, also, Bourcinnc. Observations sur le traitemeut des abces qui surviennent au fondement. Jonr. do med. mil.,Paris, 1787, vi, pp. 251-266—Brintou (J.H.) + Phila. Med. Times, 1872, ii, p. 209.-Coburn (\V.) + Canada Lan- cet, Toronto, 1870-71, iii, pp. 253-256.—Connolly (J. J.) + Amer. Med. Times. N. Y., 1862, v, pp. 75-76.—Fagct Vat- ne. Remarques sur les abces qui arrivent au foiideinont. Mem. de l'Acad. dechir., Paris. 1743, i. pp. 389-394. —Foil- bcrt. Memoire sur les grands abees du fondement. Mem. de l'Acad. de chir., Paris, 1757, iii, pp. 473-483.—Howard (P.P.) -h Brit. Amer. Join, of Med. and Ph vs. Sci., Mont- real, 1848, iv, pp. 92-94. — Kirkbride (T. S.) ; Amer. Jonr. Med. Sci., 1835. xvi, pp 323-325.—Lalleuiaud (F.) Alices par congestion simulant pendant six ans une fistulo k l'auus. Complications graves et multipliers. Trente cau- teresen huit mois. Guerison. Archives gen. de m6d., Pa- ris, 1835, vii, 2e ser., pp. 474-477.—Caroyeime. Sur les abces de la fosse i>chio-rectale avecou sans perforation ap- preciable de l'iutestin ; leur traitement par les incisions multiples et etcudues sansinteresser lerectuni. Gaz. hebd. de uifid. et de chir., Paris, 1872, 2e ser., ix, pp. 535-552.— Lloyd (F.) ■- Australian Med. Jour., Melbourne, I860, v, p. 176 — TlcCalliim (G. D.) Bectal abscess. Canada Med. Jour., Montreal, 1869, v, pp. 203-205.—Kcinarqiics Fratiques sur ceitaines abees fistuleux de.s environs de anus. Bull. gen. de th6rap. m6d. otchir., Paris, 1835, ix, pp. 122-124.—JKichct. Abces do l'e.space pelvi-rectal su- perieur. Fistule ano-p6riueale avec decollcment profond. Application de l'eiiterotoine. Guerison. Gaz. des hop, Paris, 1861, xxxiv, p. 539.—Trelat (U.) Note sur un cas de decollement tres-profond du rectum, opere et gueri par lamethododu pinc< ment. Gaz des hop.. Paris, 1861, xxxiv, pp. 109-110.— I'ho in n «x in. Sui- le traitement des abces qui so formont dans le voisinage de l'auus. Jour, domed. rail., Paris, 1787, vi, pp. 97-140. ABSCES3 {Pharyngeal and retro-pharyngeal). Falkenheim {A.) * De abscessibus retropbaryn- geis. s . Regiomonti Prussorum, 1851. o. Gautier { V.) Des absces r6tro-pbaryngieus idio- patbiques oude l'angine pbleginoueusu. 8°. Ge- neve et Bale, 18G9. Gehin {J. J.) * De.s abces rdtro-pbaryngiens. 4Y Strasbourg, 18'tQ. Gillette {E. P.) * Des absces rCtro-pbaryngiens idiopatbiques. 4Y Paris, 1867. Jacquemart{G.) * fitude sur le3 absces du pba- rynx. 4Y Paris, 1872. No. 8. Schraeder {J. B. H.) De abscessu pbaryngeo. 8°. Halae [1837]. See, also, A bei in (H. I.) Om retrofaryngealabscess hos spiida barn. Nordiskt med. Arkiv, Stockholm, iii, Nr. 24, pp. 1-16.—Adams (J.) Two cases of post-pharyngeal abscess from impaction of fish-bones. Lancet, Loud., 1847, i, pp. 581- 582.— Allin (C. M.) Retro-pharyngeal abscess—its medical history and treatment; with a statistical table of fifty-eight cases. New York Journal of Medicine, 1851, vii, pp. 307- 342; also reprint, 8°, New York, 1851.— Ballot. Phlegmon retro-cesophagien ayant fait croire al'existenced'uueangine laryng6e cedematanse et mort par asphy xie. Archives g6n. de med., Paris, 1841, iii, pp. 257-200.—Bcsscm*. -f Annales de la Soc.de m6d. d'Auvers. 1846,pp. 185-223.—Bierbauni (J.) Ketrophary nge.il-uudltetiodsophageal-Abscessc. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, lsUO, n. F., pp. 25-28.—Byrne (J.) Case of deep-seated abscess pressing on the larynx and trochea, no! detected until after death. Araer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1-38, xxii. pp. 511-512.— [Case.] Tracheotouiie ; Tod. Med. Corresp.-Bl. d. wiirtemb. itrztl. Ver., Stuttgart, 1874, xliv. p. 19.—Chevalier. Corps ctranger dansle pharynx. Alices retropharyugien Congestion pulnionaire. Moit. Archives med. belg., Bruxelles, 1871, xiii, pp 159-171.—Clark (J. II.) Postpharyngeal abscess. New York Jour, of Med., 181J, iii, pp. 34-40.—Dc.xpres. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1873, p. 250. — Uoiviik (II. S.j Trans, id"the New York State Med. Soc, 1863, pp. 213-217 — Dii|iuytrcu. +- Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1.831, v p. 374. —Fischer (C.) -•-... in Folge eines ne- ABSCESS. 32 ABSCESS. ABSCESS {Pharyngeal and retro-pharyngeal). crotischen "Wcisheitzahues. Zeitschr. f. Wnndiirzto u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttgart, 1856, ix, pp. 105-107.—Fiske (S.) + [ . . . between the larynx and pharynx.] Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1816, xxxv, pp. 346-347—Fleming (C.) Peculiar affections of the throat, arising from abscess between the pharynx and spine. Dublin Med. Press, 1840. iii, pp. 269- 270 ; Loudon Med. Gaz., 1840, ii, n. s., pp. 955, 985.— Forget (A.) -|- Gaz. med. de Paris, 1835, iii, 2c ser.. pp. 588-5.-:).— (>!nupp. + Med. Corresp.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttgart, 1870, xl, pp. 181-182.—Gibney. + Death from asphyxia; caries of spine. New York Med. Jour., 1875, xxii, pp. 626-627.—Glass (O ) Retropharvngeal-absccss, sotn ansags vara croup. Upsala Liikaref. Fib hand., 1869-70, v, pp. 30-37.—Cioschlcr (A.) Retropharyngeal-Abscess. Allg. wien. med., Zeitung, 1870, xv, pp. 375-376.—Harden. Abscess between the oesophagus and trachea. Tracheo- tomy. Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1864, xxxviii, pp. 449-452. — Hcer. + Medicin. Zeitung, Berlin, 1858, i, p. 212 —l.angc. -|- Deutsche Klinik, 1860, xii, pp. 266-267 — l.eishman. -|- Sloughing, with rupture of the internal carotid. Reported by D. Tacy. Glasgow Medical Jour- nal, 1868-69, i, n.s., pp.405-107.— Lincoln (R. P ) + Pha- ryngeal incision—external aspiratiou — cure. Med. Rec- ord; New York, 1874. ix, pp. 457-458.—Cittle (T. E ) + Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1874, ii, p. 109; Dublin Jour, of Med. Sci., 1S74, lviii, pp. 251-252.^Mackcnzic CS1.) + . . with secondary disuse of the cricoid cartilage. Trans. Path. Soc. of London, 1870, xxi, pp. 56-57.—Markoc (T. M.) + New York Med. Times, 1854, iii, pp. 436-437.—Menard (G.) Abces opistho-pharyngiens choz les enfants. Mem. do la Soc. des .sci. mod., Lyon, 1864, iii, pp. 207-209.—Mon- dicre (J. T.) Uocberclies pour servir a l'histoire des ab- ces retro-pharyngiens. L'Exp6rieuce, Paris, 1842, ix, pp. 33, 49, 65.—Morris. + Trans, of the Coll. of Phys., Phila., 1841-46, i, pp. 15-17 ; Med. Examiner, Phila., 1812, i, pp. 169- 172.—Oberrit (F.) Abscessus retropharyngealis. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, pp. 1108-1112.—Oxlcy (M. G. B.l + British Med. Jour., 1874, ii, pp. 371-372.—Peacock, -f Trans. Path. Sue, Loudon, 1846-48, i, pp. 88-89.—Peacock (T. B.) -)-... unusual form. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1848, viii, pp. 218-222.—Pepper (W.) + Philadel- phia Med. Times, 1875, v, pp. 817-819 — Poland (S.) Post- pharyngeal abscess. Guy s Hosp. Rep , London, 1850-51, vii, 2d ser., pp. 335-336.—Rendu. + [Death from haBinor- rhage.] Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1839, xiv, pp. 66-67.— Kicdcl. + Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1874, pp. 74-77.— Romano (C.) Dello ascesso retrofaringeo cronico. II Morgagui, Napoli, 1874, xvi, pp. 97-114.—Scholz. Rotro- pharyngcalahszess; Angina diphtheritica; Enibolio und Durchbruch der Art. caret, int. sin.; Thrombose der Vena jugularis und des Sinus transversus sin.; Embolie derLun- genarterie; Lungenblntung ; Tod. Wiener med. Pres-se, 1865. vi, pp. 595-597.—Smith (C.) + . . . , following diph- theria and scarlet fever. Med. Record, N. Y., f874, ix, p. 212.—Stoilela (E.v.) + O^sterreichische Zeitschr. f.prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, pp. 729-732 —Stone. + New York Med. Times, 1854, iii, pp. 405-406.—Taylcr (J.) Case of laryn- gitis. Pharyngeal abscess extending throughout tho pos- terior mediastinum from the, pharynx to the diaphragm. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, pp. 74-77.—[Tnholskc (H.)J + St. Louis Clinical Record, 1875, ii, p. 103.—Fhde (C. \Y. F.) Retropharyngeal- und Retroosophageal-Abscess. |4 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, 1856, viii, pp. 32-35.—Van Buren (W. H ) + New York Jour, of Med., 1850, v, pp. 32-33.—Ver- neuil. + Bull, de la Soc. chir. de Paris, 1864, 2e ser., iv, pp. 200-202—Walter (A. G.) + . . . with caries of the third cervical vertebra. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1872, xxxii, pp. 321-323.—Weber (C. A.) Ueber don Laryngo- Pbaryngeal-Abscess. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver. f. Med.', Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeburg, 1852, v, pp. 518-537. ABSCESS {Psoas). Besche (67. de). * Auteckninoar om ou psoas ab- scess. 8°. Helsingfors, 1840. Niekse {E.) * De abscessu psoadico. 8°. Btro- 'Uni [1837]. Runze {C. C.) * Nouunlla de psoarum absces- suum patbologia adnexis morbj bistoriis. 8°. Berolini [1Y51]. Stern {M. L. d.) * De abscessu psoadico. 8°. [Dorpat.] 1838. Wall her {P.) Ueber Psoasabscesse. 8°. Wlirz- burg, 1867. See, also, Abel. Panaritium, Psoas-Abscess und Hydro- thorax aufeinander folgend. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1854, pp. 141-142— Ballad. H- Tiidtlicber Ausgang iu Folge einer Hernia iucarcerata interna. Med. Corresp.-Bl. d. wiii ttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttgart, I860, xxx, pp. 347-350.—Bar well. -|- . . . from caries of anterior part of sacrum, communicating with spinal canal. Brit. Med. Jour., 1875, i, pp. 508-509.— Bork (J.) -|- Journal d. Chir. u. Augenlieilk., Berlin, 1847, ABSCESS {Psoas). xxxvii, pp. 274-276. — Buhl (L.) -f-.. . . mit nachgefolgter akliter Miliartuberkulose. Wiener mod. Woidicnsclirilt, 1859, pp. 195-198.— darter (C.) + Montreal Med. Gazette, 1814, i, pp. 51-54. — [Cases.] . . . terminating in adven- titious empyema. Australian Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1862, vii, pp. 53-58.—Ouverture spontanea- dans l'intes- tin. Guerison. Gazette des hop., Paris. 1862, pp. 261-262.— dlarke (J.) + Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1808, iv, pp. 3-5—Decaisnc. + . . . remarquable sous le, rapport lies difficult6s du diagnostic. Annales do la Soc. do iu6d. do Gand, 1838, iv, pp. 166-476.— Dickinson. 4- . . . depending upon tubercular abscess in the kidney. Trans. Path. Soc. of London, 1865, xvi, pp. 175-176.—Erichscn. + Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, pp. 447-448.—Fletcher. I . . . behind the right kidney, communicating with its pelvis. Provincial Med. and Surg. Jour., Lond., 1849, p. 714—Foot (A. W.) -|- Bilateral; right side communicating with the early stage of the ascending colon. Dnblin Journal Med. Sci., 1875, ix, 3d s., pp. 274-275.—Franklin (B.) -|- Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. Sei., Knoxvillc, 1856, iv, pp. 209-214 ; 1857, vi, pp. 344-349.—Hayes (J.) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.. 1843, xxix, pp. 78-80.—Ileyfcldcr (J. F.) -|- Deutsche Klinik, 1860, xii, p. 492. — Hooker (A.) + Boston Mod. and Surg. Jour., 1855, Iii, pp. 21-23.—Iunhauscr (Fr.) f . . . untor Gebrauch animaliscber Biider geheilt. Wienor Medicinal- Halle, 1861, v, pp. 168-169, 180-181. — Jackson (J.) + . . . communicating with the canal of the vertebne. New Eng- land Journal of Med. and Surg., Bost.. 1816, v, pp. 28-32.— Kranefuss (B. G.) + Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Ber- lin, 1837, xlviii,pp. 106-118.—.Lawrence. -f Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, n. s., pp. 302-303. — Fiichtenfcls (V. von). -4- P.ya> mia. Erythema. Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesells. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1859, pp. 292-293. — Fiogic. Variolo contluento. Vaste abces froid dans la gaine des psoas iliaques. Ar- chives med. belg., Bruxelles, 1871, xiii, pp. 18-20.—I>orin- scr (F. W.) + Pyiimie. Wioner med. Wochenschr., 1856, p. 749._Madden (T. M.) On the treatment of a case. Med. Press and Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, pp. 409-411.—Man- fred (II.) + . . . treatment of, with sulphurous acid. Cin- oin. Lancet and Observ., 1872, xv, n. s., pp. 577-580.—Man- ner (C ) + Allg.wien. med. Zeituug, 1868, xiii, pp. 110-111.— Mathes (J. P.) -|- Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci, Knoxvillc, 1857, vi, pp. 453-455. — Milroy. + . . . double. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour.,1825, xxiv, pp. 16-19, 1 pi.— Murray (J.) + London Med. Gaz , 1833, xiii, pp. 233-237.— Nowak (J.) + Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1861, vi, pp. WJ- 109.—Paschcu (J. A.) + Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Ber- lin, 1820, vii, pp. 182-192.—Perrochaud. + ■ ■ ■ cons6cu- tive&un accouchement. Ouverture dans le peritoine. Bull. de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1837, xii, pp. 205-211.—Pfeufer (0.) + Journal d. Chir. u. Augenlieilk., Berlin, 1833, xx, pp. 565-585.—Pringlc(G. H.) Case of a girl, nine years of ago, . . . psoas abscess on both sides. New South Wales Med. Gazette, Sidney, 1870-71, i, pp. 103-104. — Rivington (W.) Varieties of psoas abscess with remarks on diagnosis and treatment. Laucet, Loud., 1874, ii, pp. 407 .. . 651.—Smith (W.) + Med. Facts aud Obs., London, 1793, iv, pp. 138-148.— Stcinitz. -f Med. Zeit., Berlin, 1839, viii, p. 217. — Stru- vc (L. A.) + Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1820, vii, pp. 289-313.—Trcmblcy (J. B.) + Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1859-60, xv, pp. 69-71.—Weber (C. A.) Eiuige Bemerkun- geu iiber die Diagnose, Aetiologie und Therapie des Psoas- abscesses. Zeitschr. f. Med., Chir. n. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1857, xi, pp. 126, 160.— Whitmore. + . . . communicating with the gut. Lancet, Lond., 1828, i, pp. 175-176.—Wild- borc (F.) 4- Med. Times and Gaz , London, 1861, i, pp. 4.13- 414.—Wilmot (S.) + • • • unusual termination. Trans. King's and Queen's Coll. of Phys. in Ireland, 1818, ii, pp. 26- 32,1 pi. ABSCESS {Residual). See Paget (J.) (1) On residual abscesses. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, v, pp. 73-79,1 pi.— (2) Clinical re- marks on residual abscess. Laucet, Lond., 1870, ii, p. 852, ABSCESS {Retro- and sub-peritoneal). Kob (P. C.) * De abscessibus retroperitoneali- bus. 8°. Regiomonti Prussorum, 1854. c. See, also, Bernheim. Abcos retro-p6ritoneal ouvert a travers le diaphragrae dans une bronche. Revue m6d. de l'Est, Nancy, 1874, i, pp. 152-157.—Neumann (E.) Ein Fall vou Retroperitonoalabscess mit amyloidor Degeneration der Uuterleibsorgane und sckundiirer Sarkombildung in den Absresswanden und deni Peritoneum. Archiv dor Heilk., Leipzig, 1869, pp. 221-225 — Riirig (C.) Ueber eiui- ge Fiille von retroporitoniialen und extrapleuialen Absces- sen. Deutsche Klinik, 1862, xiv, pp. 344, 387 ; 1S63, xv, p. 5.— Sayre (L. A.) Cases of chronic abscess iu cellular tissue of the peritoneum. New York Jour. Med., 1849, ii, pp. 219- 222. ABSCESS {Sublingual). Dumontcil-Grainprc{A.) * De l'abces sous-lin- gual. 4Y Paris, 1875. No. 212. AIJKCKSS. 33 ABSOEPTION. ABSCESS {Symptomatic). See, also, Abscess {Il- iac, Lumbar, Psoas) ; Spine {Disease of). Bourdin {A.) * i. Caracteres anatonriques des abces par congestion. 4C. Paris, 1839. Chenieux {F.) * Des abces par congestion di- verts dans les ponmonsou les bronches recliercbes pour servir a l'histoire du mal de Pott. 4C. Pa- ris, 1873. Chopin (C.) * De la valeur des injections iodees, dans les abces symptomatiques d'une alt6ration os- seuse ou abces par congestion. 4-. Paris, 1854. Chretien (Vs.) * Des abces par congestion. 4°. Paris, lH.'iH. Coursscrant {A. G.) * ii. Abces par congestion qui proviennent de la colonue vert^brale. 4C. Paris, 1842. Darralde {J.-B.-P.) * Sur les abces par conges- tion produits par la carie des vertebres. 4Y Pa- ris, 1830. Ovret {M. H. T.) * Inflexions sommaires sur les abces par congestion. 4°. Paris, 1814. Ganlier {J.-F.) * Sur les abces symptomatique ou par congestion. 4°. Paris, 1*15. Grundler {A.) Ueber Congestionsabscesse der Wirbelsiiule. 8°. Tiibingen, 1846. Guiard {X. M.) * Sur I'abces par congestion. 4°. Paris, 1813. Gucr'nicau {A.) * Sur un mode de terminaison des abces par congestion ; ouverture de ces abces dans les voisadriennes. 4°. Paris, 1859. Lemaitre (/?.) * fitiologio des abces par con- gestion (abces migratours; abces ossiflueuts, M. Gerdy). 4°. Paris, 1853. Lcmingnon {A.) * Tentamen de abscessibus per congestum sen symptomaticis. 4°. Paris, 1807. Merille {A.) * Sur les abces par congestion, pro- venant de la carie d'une ou de plusieurs vertebres. 1Y Paris, 1831. Oppenheim{E.) * Congestiousabscess. 8'-'. Wiirz- burg, 1805. Pain. {A.) * Sur le traitement des abces par congestion. 4°. Paris, 1857. Peehinot {F.) * Sur les abces par congestion. | 4°. Paris, 1818. Rambeaud {A.) * Du traitement des abces par congestion. 4°. Paris, 1801. Roger { T.) * Sur les abces par congestion, de- pendant de la carie des os. 4 . Paris, 1815. Sanson {A.) * Des abces symptomatiques. (Con- cours pour l'aggrdgatiou en chirurgie.) 4°. Paris, 1832. Sonrbes {J.-P.) * Sur la thcrapeutique des ab- ces par congestion. 4°. Moutpellier, 1807. c. Vidal (./.) * Do abscessibus per congestum. 8 . Jena; 1809. See, ids,,. Abeille. Des injections iodees dans le traite- ment des abces symptomatiques des lesions osseuses. Mo- niteur des hop.,Paris, 1853, i, pp.828... 881.—Alnuie. L'air nest pas la cause des accidens facheux qui se manifestent trop souvent a la suite de l'ouverture des abces par con- gestion. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1835. ix, pp. 259-263.—Aineuille. Abces par congestion tiaite par les injections et 1'aliinentation iodees; guerison rapide. I'nioii med., 1850, iv. 2e ser., pp. 502-505; Gazette des Imp., Paris, 1800, pp. Ul-92.— Arget (F. d). Note sur un nou- veau signo pathoguoiuouique des abces par congestion. | 5 M C ABSCESS {Symptomatic). Journal de chir., Paris, 1843, i, pp. 70-72— Boenniy. Ob- servations sur le traitement des abces symptomatiques par les injections iodees. Gaz. des Imp.. Paris. 1-50, ii, 3e ser., pp. 5.-9-590.—Boinet. (1) Du traitement des abces par congestion, ou de ceux qui dependent d'ane carie, par les injections iodees. Mem. de la Soc. de chir. de Paris, 1851, ii, pp. 454-480; Bull. gen. therap. med., 1850, xxxix, pp. 349-359.—(2) Des regies k suivre pour la pratique des injec- tions iodees dans le traitement des a Vices par congestion. Gaz. med.de Paris, 1850, v, 3e ser., pp. 795-707.—Boinet. + Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1858, vi, pp. 301-302.—Bou- vicr. Memoire sur la guerison par absorption des abees symptomatiques du mal vertebral. Archives Lien, de med., Paris, 1857, i, pp. 5-22.—Broca (P.) -•-... gueri a_la suite d'une seule injection iodee. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1858, vi, pp. 178-182.—C'ador. + Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1824, xvi, pp. 298-310.—Cas interessants d'abces par con- gestion. Paut-il faire une large on une petite ouverture. Bull. pen. therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1845, xxix, pp. 134- 136.— Derasse. Enkystement d'nn abces par congestion. Archives mod. belg., Bruxelles, 1875, viii, 3e ser., pp. 175- 179.—Fine© (G.) + . . . alia coscia destra. Gazetta med. it. provincie venete, 1862, v, pp. 02-04.—Flcnry. Consid6- rations sur les injections iodees dans les abces par conges- tion. Gazette med. de Paris, 1850, v, 3e ser., pp. 73.'-733.— Forget. Considerations sur 1'abees par congestion. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1837, xi, pp. 222,233.—Gallard. Abces par congestion du thorax. Revue photogr. des hop. de Pa- ris, 1873, v, pp. 73-77, 2 pi.—Lelong (A.) De quelques points controversy du traitement (les abces par conges- tion, et en particular des injections iod6es selon la methode deM. Boinet. Archives belg. de mtd. mil., Bruxelles, 1852, x, pp. 5-26.—ITIarloviek (A.) A ne-w treatment of ab- scess by congestion. Med. 'times. London, 1847, xvi, pp. 520-530.'—>otta. + • • • giieri par linjecTion iodee. Moni. teurdes hop., Paris, 1854, ii, pp.20-21.— Fain (A.) fitudes pratiques sur le traitement des abces par congestion. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1857, liii, pp. 21, 110, 197.—Farndi*. Abces par congestion passant sneces- sivement tin thorax aux fesses, au genou droit et k l'epaule droite ; carie de la 4nie cote. Sortie du malade. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1835, ix, pp. 289-290.—J* an I i (A.) Bemerkun- gen iiber Congestions-Abscesse. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1820, vii, pp. 383, 434— Payan. Observations d'ab- ces par congestion. Bull, de 1 Acad. rov. de ni6d. de Belg., 1846-47, vi, pp, 341-350. — Moltmaun (().) Die Ausbrei- tungsbezirke der Congestions-Abscesse bei der Spondylars- throcace der Kinder. Lineanntoniische Studio. Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilk., etc., Leipzig, 1H74, vii, pp. 2C7-295.— Traitement des abces par congestion. Bull, de la Soc. chir. do Paris, 1864, 2e ser., iv, pp. 470-471. ABSCESS {Thecal). See Fuiiiining (W.) On tbe treatment of thecal ab- scess. Lancet, Loud., 1853, i, p. 425. ABSINTH. See AI men (A.) lluinle biifalskadmed absinthiu. Up- sala Liikaref. l'diliand., 1S74-75, x, pp. 353-357. — Amory (It.) Experiments and observations on absinth and absinth- ism. Boston Med. and Surg. Join-., 1868, i, pp. 68, si.— l>n- ehesne (L.) Empoisonnement par l'absinthe et lean do Goulard. Journal de ehim. med., etc., Paris, 1873, xlvii, pp. 30-31.—Fristedt (It. 1".I <>m absinthdricknudet i Frank- rike. ITpsala Liikaref. 1-biiiand., 1868-69, iv, pp. 444-447. — t; uaidia (J. M.) L'absinlhe. Gaz.med.de Paris, 1863, xxxiv, 3e ser., pp. 123-129—.loll v. L'absinthe et le tahac. Union med., 1871, xii, 3e m'-i\, pp. 1-1, 193, 205.— I.c^raud du Maullc. Les buveurs d'absiuthe. Gaz. des hop, Pa- ris, 1860, pp. 77-79.—LimpeiiM. De la liqueur (l'absinthe. Archives mod. belg., Bruxelles, 1866, iii,2eser., pp. 334-338.— Tla^uau. (1) Alcool et absinthe, 6pilepsie absinthique. Gazette des hop., 1869, pp. 310 . . . 425.—(2) De Taction com- parative de l'alcool et de l'absinthe choz l'hoinme et chez les animaux. Congres med. de France, 4e sess., k Lyon, 1872. Paris,1873. pp. 613-621.—(2a) Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, pp. 410- 412.— (3) Recherches de physiologie pathologique avec l'al- cool et l'essence d'absinthe. fipilepsie. Archives de phy- siol. normale et path., Paris, 1873, v, pp. 115, 281.— .Vlaree. Accidents determines par l'abus de la liqueur d'alciflthe. Union med., 1864, xxiii, 2e ser., pp. 227,257.— Voi«iii (A.) Absinthism chronique. Comptes rendus de la Soc. de bio- logie, Paris, iii, 3e ser., pp. 6, 84. ABSORBENTS. See Lacteals ; Lymphatics ; Veins. ABSORPTION. See, also, Bladder, Mouth of {Absorption by); Chyle; Endosmose ; Fat (.16- sorption of); Lacteals; Lymphatics; Pyae- mia ; Veins. Adki.o.v. Absorption. [In DICT. demed., i, 1532, pp. 239-283.] Albkkcht (J. F. L.) Comment, in qua proponi- tur recensus eoruni aliuieutoruui et inetlicaniiuum, ABSORPTION. '54 ABSORPTION. ABSORPTION. qnibus sive tnbo alinientario sint inoesta, sive coinniunibus corporis iuteguuientis applicata, iu- oressns in systema vasorum saii»uiferoruni ant eoncesstis a uatura ant negatns sit. 4C. Gottin- gae, 180(5. Hakike (H.-N.) *De 1'absorption, consido'ree coniuie nioyen que la nature euiploie })our la gu6- rison ties maladies en general. 4°. Paris, 1635. Bkclard (J.) Absorption. [In Dict. encyc. des sci. mod., i, 1869, pp. 217-245.] Bkur (S.) # De ratione qua venae et vasa lyni- phatica resorbeuut. 8°. Turici, 1842. c. Beht (P.) Absorption. [In Xouv. diet, de med. et de chir.prat.,i,1864,pp. 140-185. J Collineau. Memoire sur l'absorption par les vaisseaux capillaires, sanguins et lynipbatiques. 2 (igs. 6 . Paris, 1833. Draper (J. \Y.) Experiments on absorption. 8Y [h. p., n. d.] Emcken (F. P.) * De absorptionc. 4°. Jena [17(i0]. Fodera (M.) Recliercbes expdrimentales sur l'absorption et l'exhalation. 8°. I'aris, 1824. Fowler (R.) De absorptioue. 8\ Edinburgi, 1794. Hoih;kins(T.) * De absorbendi fnuctioue. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Ueber die Anfnabme des Qnecksilbers und der Fette in den Kreislauf. 8°. Wiirzbiirg, 1854. Isfnii.amm (H. F.) De absorptione morbosa. 8°. Erlangae [17'.)Y]. Isi:nflam.m (J. C. F.) * De absorptione sana. SY Erlangae [171)1]. Ki'itsciiNER. Aufsaugung. [In Waonuu's Handw. d. Physiol., 1850, i, pp. 35-74.] Ledoux (J.-B.) * Sur l'absorption. 8°. I'aris, an xi (18015). Lf.oniiardi (J. G.) * De resorptionis in corpo- re humano praeter naturain impeditae causis at- que noxis. 4°. Lipsiae [1771]. Lubbock (R.) De principio sorbili. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1784. Luciitmans (J. J. A.) * De absorptionis sanae atque morbosae discriniine. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhe- num [18^9]. Maankn (P. J. van). De absorbtione solidorum. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1794. Marsaclt (P. A. A.) * i. Des influences qui agissent plus particulierement sur les orgaues et les fonctious de l'absorption, de maniere a y de- terminer un 6tat pathologiqne. ii. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1841. Oudet (J.-E.) * De l'absorption, conside"r6e sous les rapports pbysiologique, pathologique et tb6- rapoutique. 4°. Paris, 1813. Renous-Graves (B.) * Coup d'oeil sur la nu- trition, l'absorption et les secrdtions. 4C. Paris, 1838. Rousseau (J. B. C.) On absorption. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1800. Sabatier (A.) De l'absorption. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1861. c. 8-vvary (A. C.) * Sur l'absorption examinee comparativemeut dans les diffe'rentes classes de corps. 4°. Paris, an xiii (lc05). Sciilagdenhauffen (F.) *' De l'intervention des forces physiques dans les pb6uomenes d'ab- sorption. Concours pour l'aggregation des sci- ences physiques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Tourbiez (A.) Eludes sur l'absorption. 4°. MontpeUlei; 18GY C. Walmsley (T.) On glandular appetency, or the absorption of medicines. 8. Philadelphia, 1803. Wilson (G.) * On absorption. 8'-'-. Philadel- phia, 1797. ABSORPTION. See, also, Absorption. London Med. Repository, 1825, xxiii, pp. 177-187.—.Bernard (•'..) On the physiology of absorption, and on the abdominal renal circulation. Charles- ton Med. Journal, 1851, ix, pp. 433-438. — Itriiiulbci'i; (C.) Oin resorptionen frsvn bukhiilan. Nord. med. Arkiv, Stock- holm, iii, 11, pp. 11-17. — Caldwell (C.) Thoughts on the circulation of the venous blood, and on absorption. Trail- s\ lvania Jour, of Med., etc., Lexington, Ivy., 1828, i, pp. 209- 227.—Chapman (E.) Observations on absorption. Lon- don Med. Repository, 1818, ix, pp. 449-455.— Collard de -VBurliguy (C. 1'.) Recherche* pour servir a llnstoire do l'absorption. Bull, de la Soc. anat, de Paris, 1827, ii, 2e ed., pp. 2011-238.—Cooke (J. E.) On the manner iu which tho fluids enter the absorbent vessels. Louisville Journal of Med. and Surg., 1838, i, pp. 255-268. — Demarquuy (J.-N.) (1) De l'absorption par les plaies. Union mod., 18(19, vii, pp. 149-155.— (2) De l'absorption par les plaies ctles abces. Rapport de M. Gosselin. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, 186(5-67, xxxii, pp. 930-941.— Dotrler (B.) Remarks ou absorption. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., I860, xvii, pp. 56-73 —Draper (J. W.) Experiments on absorption. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1836, xviii, pp. 13-32.—Dnhriiij; (L. A.) Auspitz on the absorption of insoluble matter in mammals. An abstract. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1871, i, p. 451.—Fiigrluiiuin (T. W.) Inibibitie als oorzaak van clectrioiteits-ontwikkeling. Onderzoekingen rhys. Labo- rat. d. Utrecht. Hoogeschool, 1874, iii, 3e R., pp. 82-93.—Fo- dera. Recliercbes expcriinentales sur l'absorption et l'ex- halation. (Extrait.) Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1823, ii, pp. 57-77.— Collin. Absorption des solides. Comptes rendns de la Soc de biologie, Paris, le ser., i, p. 79. — For- lanini (C.) La funzione-deU'assorbinieuto negli arti resi paralitici col taglio dci nervi spinali. Annali univ. di med., Milano, ccv, 1868, p. 473—Craneliiiii (L.) Rioherche fisio- logichointornoall'assorbiinento. Annali univ. di med., Mi- lano, 1824, xxx, pp. 87-109.—dollse (Fr.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Nervencentren auf die Aufsaugung. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol, d. Mensch. und d. Thiere, Bonn, 1872, v. pp. 53- 76.—Hake (T. G.) On absorption. Lancet, Lond., 1835, i, pp. 801-803 ; ii, pp. 9,107, 217.—Ilcubcl (E.) Ueber die Be- ziehungen der Centraltheile des Nervensystems zur Resorp- tion. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1872, lvi, pp. 248-267.—Ilollard (F.) Coup d'(eil sur l'etat de nos * connaissances a 1'egard du siege et de la nature de l'absorp- tion. Join-, des prog, des sci., etc., med., Paris, 1828, vii, pp. 167-182.— Home (E.) Experiments to prove that fluids pass directly from the stomach to the circulation of tho blood, and from thence into the cells of the spleen, the gall-blad- der, and urinary bladder, without going through the thor- acic duct. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Lond., 1811, pp. 163- 170.—Hubbard (J.) Observations and experiments ou absorption. Philadelphia Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., 1822, iv, pp. 242-254.—Jackxon (S.) On absorption. American Jour. Med. Sci., 1829, v, pp. 277-296.—Klapp (J.) The doc- trine of pulmonary absorption defended. Philadelphia Med. Museum, 1809, vi, pp. 83-102.— Knapp. De l'absorp- tion de l'albuniine dans l'iutestin grele. Gaz. hebd. de med., I'aris, 1857, iv, pp. 397-398.—Kobler (T.) Zur Resorption. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1858, xiv, pp. 401- 432.—Lagncan. Note sur certaiues substances aux- quelles on attribue la propriete de prevenir l'absorption, en determinant l'astriction des vaisseaux capillaires superfl- ciels. Comptes rendns de la Soc. de biologie, Paris, 1855, ii, 2e ser., p. 37-38.—Cambl. Ueber die Epitbelialzellen der Darmschleimhaut als Schutzorgane und den Mecbauismus der Resorption. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1859, pp. 389, 405.—Lawi-ancc (I. O. B.) and Coates (B. H.) Account of some further experiments to determine the absorbing power of the veins and lymphatics- Philadelphia Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., 1822, v, pp. 327-372.—Ha^endie. (1) Memoire sur le mechanisme de l'absorption cbez les aui- maux a sang rouge et chaud. Jour, de physiol. experimen- tale, Paris, 1821, i, pp. 1-17.—(2) Memoire sur les orgaues de l'absorption chez les mammiferes. Journal de physiologic expei imentale, Paris, 1821, i, pp. 18-31. — ltteiizel'(A.) and Pcrco (H.) Ueber die Resorption von Nahrungsmitteln vom Unterhautzellge-webeaus. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1869, pp. 517-518.— Tliddeldorpi" (A.) Vorliiufiger Be- richtnberdie Veriinderung der Kuochen und Knorpel in der Peri ton aal-Hohle lebender Thiere. Zeitschr. f. klin. Med., Breslau, 1852, pp. 58-62 — iVIilnor (R.) Experiments and observations on the absorption of active medicines into the circulation : aud also, on the effects of nutritive enemata. Philadelphia Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., 1822, iv, pp. 10-23.— .HiiN»e)- (R. D.) Foetal bones coloured with madder. Am. Jour. Mod. Sci., 1829, v, pp. 20-22. — Of the present state of our knowledge respecting the function of absorption. Lon- don Med. Repository, 1825, xxiii, pp. 1-12.-Report of the committee of the Academy of Medicine of Phila., on the means by which absorption is effected. Phila Jour Med. aud Phys. Sci., 1821, iii, pp. 273-302.—Robinson (G.) Ou the mechanism of absorption. Lancet, Lond., 1842-43, ii, pp. 29.1-298 ; London Medical Gazette, 1843, xxxii, pp. 318- 3---—Koinerville (J.) Experiments on the organs of ab- sorption. Philadelphia Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci. 1821 ii, pp. 408-414. — Vierordl (K.) Die Wasserresorption der allgememen Bedeckuugen. Archiv f. physiol. Heilkunde, Stuttgart, 1856, pp. 575-580. —Weber (E. H.) Ueber den ABSORPTION. 35 ABSORPTION. ABSORPTION. Mechanismus der E insaugnng des Speisesaftes beim Men- sehen und bei einigeu Thieren. Archiv f. Anat., Phys. n. wissenschaftl. Med., Berlin, le47, pp. 400-402. ABSORPTION {Cutaneous). See, also, Baths. Bakuen.si'KoXG (F. G. F. de). De transitu medi- camentornm praesertim hydrargyri pertegumenta corporis externa. 4°. Halls, 1848. Barthelemy (I.) * De l'absorption cutane"e. 4-. Strasbourg, 18fi4. Bat'dix (L.) * De l'absorption par la pean des substances dissoutesdans l'ean. 4°. Paris, 1871. BuoquiN (YM. J. F. C.) * fitude sur l'ab.sorptiou par la peau revetue de son cpiderine. 4°. Paris, ih;:>. Dainoerkield (Ii. P.) * An expt rimental essay on cutancjus absorption. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805. [Also in Caldwell's Medical theses, 8°, Phila., 1896.] Drouei (L.-A.) * Recbercbes expdrimentales sur le role de l'absorption cutan6e dans la paraly- sie saturnine. 4 . Paris, \87:>. Fi.uimx (P. L.) Quelques reflexions sur l'ab- sorption cutande au point de vue thdrapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1H04. Fko.ment (A.) * De l'absorption cutande. 4°. Paris, 1870. JlKiiKKT (L.) * De l'absorption par le t6gument externe. (Question de physiologic appliqude a la tberapcutiquc.) 4°. Paris, 1861. Deoxhakdi (J. G.) * De resorptione cutauea. 4°. Lipsiae [17(iH]. Meimere (L. P.) * De la vitesse relative d'ab- sorption par les dillereiites membranes de l'ecouo- mie et particulierement de l'absorption cutanee. 4°. Paris, 1873. Mkraut (C.) * De l'absorption par le tegument externe dans le bain. 4U. Paris, 1807. , Sekeys (P.-F.) De l'absorption par le tegu- ) nient externe, et en particulier de l'administration des liquides pulverises. 4°. Paris, lHiy. See, also, Absorption und Exhalation der iiussorcii Haut. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1K56, pp. 245-246.—AI roll (W. A.) Cutaneous absorption. Boston Med. and Mirg. Jour., 1852, xlvi, pp. 478-180.—Alibeit (J. L.) observa- turns et experiences sur quelques medicamens purgatifs, I diun'tiquos et febrifuges, appliques a I'exterieur. Meni.de | la Soc. med. d'c.niulation, Paris, an v, i, pp. 180-190.— Ber- lliold (A. A.) Kinigo Versucbe iiber die Aufsangungs thiitigkeit (Inhalation)der Haut. Archiv. f. Anat, Plnsiol. u. wiMsenschaftl. Med., Berlin, 1838, pp. 177-181.—Bon- o«e. Recherches sur lab BSORPTION {Ctttan?ous). sorption cutanee des principes mineranx contenns dans l'eau thermale de Bourbonne. Dosage des chlorures trou- ves dans les urines des malades avant etapres le bain. Re- cueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pliarni. mil., Paris, ls73, xxix, 3e ser., pp. 196-205. —Kabuleau. Itecherches snr l'absorption cutanee. Gaz. hebd.de med. et de chir.. I'aris, 1869, vi, 2e ser., pp. 546-548.—Recklinghausen (F. v.) Versnche iiber das Eindringeu niih'isli'cher Substanzeu (lurch die unverletzte Oberhaut. Archiv f. Path., Anat. n. Physiol., 1858, xiv, pp. 479-481.—Robertson (H.) On the supposed function of the skin as an absorbent. London Med. and Phys. Jour., 1827. iii, n. s.. pp. 131-138.—Roche (L. C.) De l'expei imeiitation en physiologic, et de l'ab- sorption cutai e ■. Union med., Paris. 180ii. xxxii, 2e seiie, pp. 385-397.— Roehris (A.) Die Haut als Applications- organ. Jahrbuch f. Kinderheilk., Leipzig, 1874, vii, pp. 296-345.—RouMHeau (J. C.) A few words more against cutaneous absorption. Philadelphia Med. Museum, 1808, iv, pp. 209-217.—Roussiu. Des plieiioinenes d'absorption cutanee. Leeneil de mem. de nn-d . de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1867, xviii, 3e ser., pp. 134-150.—Scoutetlen. De l'absorption cutanee. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1869, pp. 62- 63.—!"ie*vall (T.) Experiments and observations on cuta- neous absorption. New England Jour. Med. and Surg., Bost., 1813, ii, pp. 30-32.—Shestor (X. A.) K voprosu o pogloshtcheniu kojoiu. (On cutaneous absorption.) Me- ditsinskii vestnik, St. Petersburg. 1866, vi. pp. 441... 473.— Smith (itid Ronsiiean. Result of experiments on cuti- cular absorption, by Drs. Smith and Rousseau. Philadel- phia Med. Museum, 1810-11. n. s., i, pp. 34-36.—Spcngler (L.) Leber die Absorption in den Bailernzii Ems. Deutsche Klinik, 1p."4, vi, pp. 242-243.—Teissier. Xote sur 1 absorp- tion cutanee k propos des bains nn '■dieaincnteiix. Discus- sion Lyon medical, 1873, xiv.pp. 471, 485. —Thomson (M.) (Observations on the absorbing power of the human skin. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1862, vii, pp. 1017-1025.— Waller (A.) Some observations respecting the influence of chlo- roform, etc., in promoting cutaneous absorption. Practi- tioner, Lond..1869, iii, pp. 329-31(9—Wenlruinb (A. II. L.) Untersuchungen iiber die Linsaugung^kialt der Haut. Archiv f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1^27 pp. 46-"-5:i7.— Willemiii. Recherches experiuitntales sur l'absorption par le tegu- ment externe de l'eau et des substances solubles. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1863, ii, pp. 5, 177, 313; 1H14, i, pp. 513- 543—WolkeiiHtein (A. v.) Zur Krage iiber die Resorp- tion del Haut. Centr.-Bl. f. d. med. Wissenseh., Berlin, 1875, xiii, pp. -117-419. ABSORPTION {Intestinal). ]irssii:i:E (F.-A.) * iii. Des faits qui pronvent que l'appareil chylifere n'est pas l'agent exclusif de toute absorption infestinale. 4°. I'aris, 1-11. EitEKiiAKD (If. F.) * Versnche ueber den Ue- bergaii"; fester .Stoffe von Darm und Haut aus in die Siit'tmasse ties korpers. (Ziiricb.) 8Y- Wd- densehwell, 1847. C. Hollander {('•.) * (^naestiones decorpnsculo- rtim solidoruui e tractu intcstinali iu vasa san- guifera transitu. w. [Dorpat,] 18f>(3. Martel (J.) * De riutluenee du mouvement circulatoire sur l'absorption veineuse intestinale. 4\ Strasbourg, 18(V3. Paulcs (J. G.) Programma ad disputationem Ortlobii. [Absorption intestinal.] 4°. Lips., 1719. [In Haller, Disput. anat. select., v. iii.] See, alsn. Deniarquny. Sur la puissance et la rapidile (l'absorption de la surface interne de l'intestiu grele, com- paiee a c(dle de l'estomac, du icetum et du tissu cellplaire. Bull, de la Soc.de cbir.de l'ai is, lc74, iii, 3e siir., pp. 591- 595.—I.etzerich (L.) Leber die Resorption derverdau- ten Xahrstoffe (Eiweiss-Kiirper und Fette) im Diinndarm. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's). 1-iiO, xxxvii. 1)).. 232-252, 1 pi.; 1867, xxxix, ]ip. 435-439, 1 pi. — OI»ter- len. Du passage du charbon etdautres substances inso. bibles dans la masse du sang ii travers les parois du tube digestif. Gaz. des hop., I'aris, 1850, ii, 3e ser., pp. 3s3-3.-4. — Voit (C.) and Bauer (J.) Leber die Aufsaugung im Dick- und Diiundaruio. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, Miiuchen, le6!t, v, pp. 536-570. ABSORPTION {Venous). Westuumb (A. H. L.) Pbysiologische Unter- suchungen iiber die Eiiisaiiguugskrat't der Veuen. l"i°. Hannover, lf-2"). See, also, Cartwrighl (S. A.) A dissertation on the question, Whether the veins perform the function of ab- soiplion. Amer. Med. Recorder, Phila., l.-l2f', xiii, pp. 73- 97.—Ziizciibni'i; (C.) Report of experiments recently perloiiued at the Jefferson Medieall Hall, relative to ve- nous absorption from the cavity of the stomach. Phila- delphia Monthly Jour, of Med. and Surg., 1,-27, i,pp. 76-KI. ABYSSINIA. 36 ABYSSINIA. ABSTINENCE and Fastiug. Sec, also, Famine; i Starvation. Parbarix (F.) * De l'abstinence, eonsiddre'e dans l'dtat de saute" et de maladie. 4°. Paris, is 15. Bouvyer (J. 8.) * Etude clinique sur les effets de l'abstinence dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1856. Carriere (J.-E\) iii. * Des cbangements qui se manifestent dans l'economie animale sous l'influ- ence d'une abstinence prolongoe. 4°. Paris, 1844. Courcellas (J.-B.) * iii. Des cbangements qui se manifestent dans l'6conomie animale sous l'in- flueuce d'une abstinence prolong6e. 4°. Pavis, 1854. Courcellas (Y. J. B.) * iii. Des cbangements qui se manifestent dans l'economie animale sous l'influence d'une ab tiuence prolonged. 4°. Pa- ris, 1839. Dagoreau (L. L.) * Du regime alimentaire, et surtout de l'abstinence, dans le traitement de quelques maladies, spe"cialement dans celui des bevres intermittentes. 4°. Paris, 1829. Egrou (J. P. L.) * Quelques considdrations sur l'abstinence. 4°. Paris, 1815. [Republished in RecuSil de mem. de med, de chir. et de pharm. mil., 1822, xii, le ser., pp. 244-260.] Israelis (J. G.) * Abstinentia morborum cura. [Indicatio mutaus solida.] 4^. Lipsiae [1750]. Lassau (C.J.) Wahrbaffte und ausi'iibrlicbe Bescbreibung eines besondern und merckwiirdi- gen Casus mediae. 4°. Hamburg, 1729. Pourcy (E. J.) * Dissertation sur l'abstinence. 4°. Paris, 1819. Rayger (C.) * De iuedia. 4°. Argentorati, 1664. Ritter (J. J.) De impossibilitate et possibili- tate abstiuentiae longae a cibo et potu, occasione puellae frutingensis dit. bernensis inediam lougam simulantis. Basileae, 1737. [In Haller, Disp. ad morb., t. 3.] Struve (F. C.) * De inediie noxa atque utili- tate. 4°. Halw Magdeb. [1739]. Teuber (J. J.) * De jejunii voto et usu medico vom Nutzeu des Fastens oder Hunger-Cur zur Ge- uundheit. 4°. Halae Magdeb. [1747]. Verrier(J.) * Sur l'abstinence prolongde. 4C. Paris, 1814. Voltelen (F. J.) Diatribe, memorabilem sep- teunis apositite bistoriam exbibens. 3 pi. 8°. Lugd. Batav. et Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1777. See, also, Aleott (W. A.) Abstinence from drinks. Bos- ton Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1843, xxviii, pp. 19-20.—Argcnti (A. F.) Nevrosi cerebro-spinale isterica, accompagnata da un digiuno di 37 giorni. Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxvi, pp. 5-38.—Ballin (A.) -4- Med. and Phys. Jour., Lond., 1806, xv, pp. 510-516.—Barber (H.) Case's of long- continued abstinence from food. British Med. Jour., 1870, i, pp. 544-545. Blair (P.) A copy of an affidavit made in Scotland, concerning a boy's living a considerable time with- out food. Philos. Trans, (abridged) Roy. Soc. of Lond., 1719- 33, vii, pp. 668-669.—Bulley (F. A.) Cavanagh the impos- tor—his proceedings and confession. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, pp. 338-340.—Campbell (R.) Concerning a man who lived eighteen years on water. Philos. Trans, (abridged) Roy. Soc. of Lond., 1732-44, ix, 238-239.—[Case.] Eine wahusinnige Hungerleiderin, [welche etwas iiber voile zwolf Mal vier und zwanzig Stunden nichts genass]. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1825, xix, pp. 299-301.—Consbrueli. Ge- BChichte einer achtzehumonatlichen Euthaltung von alien Speisen und Getriinken. Jour. d. pract. Arzueyk. n. Wund- arznevkunst, Jena, 1800, ix, 2, pp. 115-123.—Bayics (H. H.) and Thomas (L.) The Welsh fasting girl. British Med. Jour., 1869, ii, pp. 685-688.— Bickson (T.) Case of mono- mania accompanied with an obstinate refusal of food for four mouths. Laucet, Lond., 1853, i, pp. 512-513.—Borsey (F.) Voluntary starvation for 40 days, followed by death. Rich- mond and Louisville Med. Jour., 1870, x, pp. 449-452.—Bunn (J.) [On extraordinary abstinence.J Med. and Phys. Jour., Loud., 1813, xxx, pp. 103-109.—Buriau (F.) De l'abstinence dans les maladies. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1855, iii, pp. 1165... 1209.—Fccles (J.) An extraordinary abstinence, first thirty-four days, and soon after fifty-four days. Med. Essays and Obs., Edinb., 1744, v, part ii, pp. 471-477 ; with a second case, pp. 477-480.—Ford (A.) Protracted absti- nence from food. Chicago Med. Jour., 1873, xxx, pp. 460- ^.BSTINENCE and Fasting. 461.—Fowler (R.) The presence of fat and absonco of at- tenuation of the intestines in the body of Sarah .Jacob, the Welsh fasting girl. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, pp. 150-152.— <»erlach. FreywilligerHungertod,nebst Sectionsbericht. Jour. d. pract. Arzneyk. u. Wuudarzneykunst, Jena, 1800, x, 3, pp. 181-190.— <■! ranger (B.) (1) Some account of the fastiug woman at Titbury, who has at present lived above two years without food. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1809,' v, pp. 319-326 ; 1813, ix, pp. 323-326.—(2) On unusual cases of anorexy. Idem, 1813, ix, pp. 157-159 —Green (C.) Remarkable case of abstinence. Buffalo Med. Jour., etc., 1848-49, iv, p. 729.—Harris (J.) A remarkable case of ab- stinence from food. Cincinnati Med. Obs., 1856, i, pp. 199- 200.—Held. Beispiel von lange ausgehaltenem Hunger. Rust's .Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1823, xv, pp. 114-117.— Henderson (A.) Observations on the case of Ann Moore. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour.,1813,ix,pp. 74-83; Med. and Phys. Jour. Lond., 1813, xxix,pp. 109-118.—Ho fin aim (F.) De inedia magnorum morborum remedio. In his Diss, phys - med. pars altera, Ludg., 1708, pp. 45-77.—Jewelt (W. E.) Some pathological details of the " remarkable case of fast i ng" &c. Peninsular Jour, of Med., Detroit, 1875, xi, pp. 65-67. - l-icwis (T.) The case of a young girl who is said to have fasted for the last seventeen'months. British Med. Jour., 1869, i, pp. 373-374 ; 1870, i, pp. 27-29.— I.indeu (C.) Case of voluntary starvation: death on the tenth day. British Med. Jour., 1870, i, pp. 384-385.—l^issauer. Ueber den Puis wahrend des Fastens. Archivd. Ver. f. wissenschaft. Heilk., Gottingen, 1863, vi, pp. 577-580, 1 tab.—.Mackenzie (A.) An account of a woman in the shire of Ross living without food or drink. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Lond., 1777, lxvii, pp. 1 -11. —Marrolte. Etude sur l'inanition resultant de l'abstinence prolongee dans les maladies aigues. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1854, xlvii, pp. 313 . . . 5U8.— Tlillar (J.) Case of a girl, who lived for eighteen days on a barren moor, and in a cold climate, without any other subsistence liut water. Med. Commentaries, Duncan, Edinb., 1790, iv, Dec. e., pp. 360-362.—Nicholson (D.) On the body-weight and urea in a case of starvation. British Med. Jour., 1870, i, pp. 4-6.—O'Orady (J.) Case of total abstinence from food. Dublin Med. Press, 1840, i v, p. 117.— Fierce (J. L.) Caseof abstinence for three months. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1852, xxiv, n. s., pp. 571-573.—Fiorry (P. A.) De l'abstinence, de l'alimentatiou insuffisante, et de leurs dangers. Jour. hebd. de med., Paris, 183C, vii, pp. 101-185.— Pistclli (E. M.) Riflessioni fisiche sopra il digiuno. An- nali univ. di med.,Milano, 1822, xxiii, pp. 161-170.—Flymu- tou (E. S.) Extraordinary abstinence attending chronic peritonitis. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1839, xx. pp. 33 J- 334.—Rolando and Oallo. Exemple remarquable dune abstinence absolue d'alimens et de boisaons |>endant trente- deux mois et onze jours; autopsie. (Extrait.) Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1829, xix, pp. 247-254.—Rollls. Das methodische Fasten als Heilmittel vieler Krankheiten be- trachtet. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, If33, xl, pp. 195-236.—Ross (J.) Case of abstinence 14 days iu an in- sane person. Annals of Med., Duncan's, Ediiib., 1801, v, pp. 380-383.—Rush (B.) History of a case of death from long continued abstinence. Phila. Med. Museum, 18t)6, ii, pp. 164-186.—Schiuidtmaiin (L. J.) Ueber die Anna Marialiinkerzu Borgloh. Jour. d. pract.Arznevk. u.Wuud- arzneykunst, Berlin, 1801, xii, 2, pp. 1-51.—[Silver (IX R.)] + Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, p. 340.— Sloan (C. F.) Extraordinary case of abstinence. London Med. Gaz., n. s., 1835, i, pp. 264, 389.—Taylor (J. S.) Two remarkable cases of abstinence. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1851, xxi, n. s., pp. 55-61.—Thomson (R. D.) Case of ab- stinence for 71 days—death. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, pp. 456-459.—Varcnncs (de). Sur une lille qui a ete pros ouzo aus sans prendre aucun aliment solide. Bull, de )a faculie de med. de Paris, 1814, iv, pp. 151-153.—Voit (C.) Uebor die Verschiedenheiten der Eiweisszersetzuug beiin Hungern. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, Miinchen, 1866, ii, pp. 307-365, 1 tab.— Walthcr (P. F. v.) Ein Fall von Aushungerung. Jour. d. Chir. u. Augenlieilk., Berlin, 1834, xxi, pp. 343-360.— Whiting (L. E.) " The woman who lives without eating." Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1859, lx, pp. 109-111.—Whit- ney (A. A.) A remarkable case of fasting. Peninsular Jour, of Med., Detroit, 1875, xi, pp. 10-13.—Whitney (\V. W.) Interesting case of abstinence from food. Detroit Re- view of Med. and Pharm., 1875, x, p. 231.—Willau (R.) A remarkable case of abstiuenco. Med. Commentaries, Lond., 1790, ii, pp. 113-122. ABUBETEI. See FJ1AZES. ABYSSINIA. Papers connected with tbe Abyssinian expedi- tion. Presented to both houses of parlianieu'. 4°. London, 1867. See, also, Blanc (H.) [Medical history of journey into Abyssinia.] British Med. Jour., 1809, i, pp. 255 . . '. 512; Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. of Bombay, 1870, x, pp. 199-264; Gaz. hebd. de med. et de chir., Paris, 1874, xi, pp. 129 ... 361.— IjC Roy de IVIcricourt (A.) L'expedition anglaise en A byssinie au point de vue medical. Archives de med. navale ABYSSINIA. 37 ACCLIMATION. ABYSSINIA. Paris, 1868, x, pp. 117-127. YHeyer-Ahrcns. (1) Ueber einige cbirurgische Vulks-lleilmethoden Abessiniens, etc. Schweiz. Zeitschr. f. Med.. Chir. u. (iebnrtsh.. 1847, p. 423.— (2) Die Krankheiten der Abc-sinier. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. (1. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1855, xlviii, pp. 71-ll(i—-\otes on the Abvssiuiaus. Med. Press and Circ, Loud., 1808, vi, pp. 81-82. ACACIA. Pearson* (R.) Observations on tbe nutritive properties of acacia-gum, known in commerce under tbe names of gum-arabic and gum-senegal. HY. London, 1818. ACADKMIA, Academic, etc. (Transactions of). See under the names of cities or of tbe societies. ACAJOU. See Latfliir and Cnzcnriivc (P.) Recherches chimi- . Swain (XV. P.) Surgical emergencies, together with the emergencies attendant on parturition and the treatment of poisoning. 8-. London, 1874. Thomas (L.) Trait6 des operations d'urgeuce. 12°. Paris, 1875. Thoissf.l (J.-F.-A.) Des premiers secours a adininistrer dans les maladies et accidens qui mduacent prompteineut la Tie. fcP. Paris, 1823. See, also, l.oi»-0S, xxii, pp. 3-23.— KiiNNinaul. On a peculiar mode of death in diabetes; on acetonauuia [etc.] Glasgow Med. Jour., 1674, vi, n. s., pp. 485-500. ACIIALME (Jean). * Des granulations du col de l'ut6ruH. M7 ]>p. 4Y Paris, l8f)6. No. 215. ACHARD (E.) * Des votnisseineuts incoercibles pendant la grossesse. 63 pp., 2 1. 4Y Montpel- tier, I. Cristin et cie., 1807. v. ACHARD (F61ix). * Coup-d'o-il retrospectif sur le cholera-uiorbus observe a PHotel-Dieu de Pa- ris en 1S:S2. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835. No. 318. ACHARD (Felix).* La reTormo des hopitaux par la ventilation renversec et la charitd organisee an point de vue de la guerre par le corps medical. (Ext. des Annales du genie civile.) 24 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8Y Paris, E. Lacroix, 1865. - La resiuo-thdrapie chirurgicale ou Part de traiter les plaies. 47 pp. 8U. Paris, F. Savy; Lyon, J. P. Margret, 1870. ACllARD (Francois Celestin). * Des fractures du femur; de leur traitement par l'appareil a l'ex- tension permanente de M. Baudens. 23 pp. 4 . Paris, 1848. No. 19;'.. ACHARD DE LELUARDIKRE (Henri). •Re- cherches sur quelques cas de pnciimonies libri- neuses a resolution lento. Hi pp. 4°. Paris, 1873. No. 308. ACHARIUS (Ericus). * Planta aphyteia. 8Y Up- salliv, 1776. [Lixx., Diss., v. viii.] AC HART (Ldou). * De lVqiilepsie cousido'ree sur- tout au poiut de vue du diagnostic. 18 pp. 4Y Paris, 1875. No. 391. ACIIER (Antonius). * De anni temporum influxu in organi.smum bumanum, praesertim iu morbus. 22 pp. 8°. Wlrceburgi, ex off. viduae C. Q. Becker, 1837. ACHER (An.-Aug.-Frederic). * Recherches sur les moyens propres a procurer la reunion des tendons apres leur section. 20 pp. 4Y I'aris, 1831. No. 112. ACHILLEA. See Melineidcr. Die Scbaafgarbe, Achillea. \Yochen- selu. 1. d. ges. Ileilk., Berlin, 1844, pp. 535-538. ACHILLES (Joannes Fridericus). * De frequenti- ori ortu calculi renum et vesica- ejusque caussis. 32 pp. sm. 4 . Hulas Magdeb., htteris J. C. Hen- del ii [1701]. ACHROMATOPSIA. See Color-blindness. ACUTE (Jean-Fran^ois-Louis). * De la cystite ai- giii:. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1841. ACIITERMANN (Bernard. Hemic.) De rheuma- tismi diagnosi et aetiologia. 8 . Gryphiw, typis F. G.Kunike [1842]. ACHUS1US (Carolus Christianus). * De febribus compositis ex acuta periodo. 46 pp. sm. 1 . Halee Magdeb., lit. C. Ilenckelii [1709]. j Biester (J. P.) * De natura et usu acidorum. 4°. Jena; 1092. Boxtekoe (C.) Grund-S-itze der Medicin, oder die Lehre vom Alcali und Acids. 12 Y Franck- furt und Leipzig, 1691. Bourrx (J.) * De acidorum usu. 4°. Goettin- gai, 1799. Bukitenbach; (C. F.) * Sistens morbos ab aci- do seti noxam acidi in corpore humauo. 4Y Er- fordiae, 1720. Buchxekus (J. F.) * Quae sibtit meditationes quasdam de elixirio acido Christiaui Democriti ej usque actione in corpus humauum atque virtu- tibus. 4°. Erfordiae, 1718. Camerarics (E. R.) De acidnlarum usu ex- terno; respondente Jeremia Cuurado Cellario. 4Y Tubingae, 1677. Eylaxdt (T.) De acidorum sumptorum vi in uritme acorem. 8°. Dorpat., 1854. Feist (F.) * De acidi et salsi usu diaetetico. sm. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1750. Feoerckius (G.) * De acido insonte. 4Y Vlteinbergae ad Albim, 1716. Foekster (D. A.) * De usu et abnsu acidnla- rum in affectibusspasmodicis et hvpochoudriacis. 4°. Rintelii, 1731. Hexckel (J. C.) * De dulcificatione acidorum. 4°. Halae Magdeb. [1746]. Kirwan (R.) An essay on phlogiston, aud the constitution of acids. 8 . London, 1787. Kovacs (P.) * Alcaloidea et acida. 8 . Pestini, 1837. Laxge (11.) * Ein Beitrag zur Keuntuiss der Oxysaureu. 8 . Erlangen, 1874. Lanck (J. C.) * Sistens tractationem genera- letn de acidorum natura et virtutibus nee non de acido aereo insonte. 4Y Hafnlae, 1751. Leoniiardi (J. G.) De acidorum mineralium et vegetabilium insigni rationo virium medicata- rum discrimiue. Prolusio i-iii. 4\ litebergac [1783]. Lindexhayx (J.) * Probabilia aliquot de aci- dorum in corpus humauum viribus. 8°. Regemon- til [18-29]. Loeber (E. C.) and Geessexieuxer (M. F.) Disputatio . . . exhibens historiam morborum ex acido. 4°. Jenae [1724]. Maiixert (C. A.) * De acidorum in corpore humauo generatione morbosa. 8 . Jenae [1841]. Martin (D.) De natura acidi et alcali, genu- inarum sanitatiset niorbi causarum. 12°. Lugd. Bat. [1676]. iliTSCUEHUCH (C. G.) De acidi ace1i.:i, oxali- ci, tartarici, citrici, formici et boracici effect u in auimalibus observato. Commentatio. 4°. Be- rolini, 1845. Piotrowski (J.) * De quorundam acidorum organicoruiu, iu organismo humauo mutationi- bus. 8°. Dorpat., 1856. Rhoda (F. G. de). De acidulis. sm. 4°. Jenw [1695]. Schaeffexberg (I. A.) * De acides dulcifica- tis. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1743. Sciiiffel, (F. G.) * De acidis concentratis et dulciticatis sjieciatim de vegetabili fumauti et dulciticato. 4Y Halae Magdeb. [1759]. Tiiizy (J. P.) * Dissertation sur l'einploi des acides en me'deeine. 4°. I'aris, 1823. Tmrs (S. C.) De acido vegetabilium elemen- tari, ejusque varia moditicatione. 4 . Lipsiae [1788]. Willius (W. L.) De acidorum (lulcificatorum respectu ml sanitatem, morbos et sanationem. sm. 4°. Hake Magdeb. [174*]. See. also, Dnrniiil-Fardel. Note sur lusaje diete- tiipie des acides m ".aui'iiies. Lull, treii. de ther. nied. et chir., I'aris, lc05, 1\\ iii, ],\>. •iH,.i--j:<4. — 4>irnrd. L'ulilitc des acides adininisties dans (|iieli]U> s maladies. Journal ACIDS. 40 ACIDS. ACIDS. gen.de mod., do chir. et de pharm., Taris, 1812, xliv, pp. 41- 55.—J nil lard. De la methodo volumetriqne indirecte pour le dosage des acides. Recueil de mora, de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1875, xxxi, pp. 67-71.—Kane (K. J.) Remarks on some properties of the hydracids Dublin Jour. Med. and Chem. Sci., 1832, i, pp.265-280 —Ba- hntcan. Mcthode goneralo ponr la recherche des acides libres dans les expertises medico-legales. Comptes rendus do la Soc. de biologie, Paris, 1874, pp. 96-100.—Schnltzcn (().) and Grabc (C.) Ueber das Verhalten der aromati- schen Siiuren im Organismus. Archiv f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensohaftl. Med., Leipzig, 1867, pp. 166-172. ACID (Acetic). In Cancer, see Cancer; in Ovarian cysts, see Ovary (Cysts of). Coxcours sur l'ace'tification de l'alcool. Ques- tion proposee par la Soci6t6 de pharmacie de Pa- ris. Rapport de la commission. 8Y Paris, 1832. Lepechix (J.) Specimen de acetificatioue. 4°. Argentorati [17(56]. See, also, Berthclot. Sur l'acide acetiqne anhydre. Jour, de pharm. etdechim., Paris, 1875,xxii, 4eser.,pp. 5-6 — Kirkett, Poisoning by acetic acid; acute laryngitis- tracheotomy—recovery. Lancet, London, 1867, ii", pp. 98- 99.—Heine (C.) Mittheilung zweier Todesfiille nach Einspritzung von Liquor Villati mit experimentellen Un- tersuclmngen iiber die Einwirknng der Essigsiiure anf das eirculirende Blut. Archiv f.path.Anat.u.Phys.(Virchow's), 1867, xii, pp. 24-58.—Jaillard. Nouveau proced6 pour In determination de la richesse acetique du vinaigre. Recueil de memoire de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1804. xii, 3e ser., pp. 333-338.—MTelion. Vergiftung mit Radi- ealessig. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. d. prakt. Heilk , Frag, 1845, i, pp. 80-88.—Oriila. De l'empoisonnement par l'acide ace- tiqne. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1831, vi, le ser., pp. 159,179.— I'opc (B. A.) The use of acetic acid in affections of the conjunctiva and cornea. Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology, N. Y., 1809, i, No. ii, pp. 446-454. ACID (Arsenious). See Arsenic. ACID (Asparagic). See Knieriein (W. v.) TAsparaginsaure, ein Produkt der kiiustlichen "Verdauung von Kleber dnrch die Pancre- as-Druse. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, Mirncheu, 1875, xi, pp. 198- 206. ACID (Atractylic). See I.efranc. De l'acide atractylique et des atracty- lates, produits immediats extraits de la raciue d'atractylia gummifera. Recueil de mem. de mod., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1869, xxii, 3e.s6r., pp. 133-162, 3 pi. A3ID (Benzoic). Mecker (F.) * liber die von der Benzoesaure sich ableitenden isomereu Verbindungen. 8°. Giittingen, 1867. C. hSciiREiRER (F.) De usn acidi benzoici medico. 8°. Tubingae [1833]. See, also, Jan«c. pp. 501-562.— lOaineH (J. A.) Carbolic acid injections in deep seated inflammations. British Medical Journal, 1873, i, p. 490,— I KiehelN.(L Ueber den therapeiitisclien Werth der Carbol- | siiure und dci en Verwendbarkeit,. Allg. nied.Cent.-Zeitung, Berlin, 1870, xxxix. Jahrg. (30 St.), pp. 349-351.—(2) Ueber j die Anwendung (hi Cai -bolsaure bei Verbrennungen der Haut. Carbolsaure als Itubofacions und Derivans. Idem, I 1874, xliii, jip. 557-558.—Fayrer (J.) On the surgical uses of carbolic acid. Indian Annals of Med. Sci., Calcutta, 1*0*, No. xxiii, pp. 235-244.—Fernandez. Aplicacinncs tbpicas del I'enol ii I'enato de soda, (iaceta med., Lima. 1*00, No. 234, ii, pp. 58-59—Fiorani. Dell'aeido fenico e sua applieazione sullc muense. Annali univ. di mod.. Mi- lano, 1809, ccviii, p. 67.—l-ollirr<;ill (.1. M.) Carbolicacid, from aseptic point of view. Edinburgh Med. .lour.. 1,-71, xvii, pp. 9-21 ; reprint, 8 , Edinburgh, 1*71 — I ra< ulil (J.) Zur Wirkung der Karbolsiiure. Wiener mod Presse, 1808, pp. 455-450. —Fran y.ol in i (K.) Delle application! dellaei- do fenico in terapia chirurgiea. Giornale veneto di sci. mod., 1875, xxii, ser. 3a, pp. 498-509.— Fuller (11. W.) Car- bolic acid: its doses and medicinal \alne. British Mid. Jour., 1*09, i, pp. 160-101.—Ciiaeehi (O.) (Juaudo e come agisca l'aculo fenico. Bo Speriinentale, Fiicii/e,l*71, xxviii, pp. 599-tiO*. —filmier. Hie Carbolsiiure und ihre hygie- nische Verwendimg. Wiener med. Presse, 1807,viii, pp. 16, 44.—f .odd ey (B.) Carbolic acid; its medical and surg- ical use. Med. Circular, Lond.. 1*02, xxi. p. 435.—<» lit ter- J iilge (E. P.) On the use of carbolic acid in compound frac- tures, wounds, and burns. Lancet, London,i860, ii, p. 704.— llnbcmhoD (S. ().) Ou the internal use of carbolic acid. (lays Hosp. Rep., Loudon, 1870, xv, 3d ser., pp. 530-536.— linden (M.) Beobachtungen iiber Carbolsaure als Anti- plilngisticuin. Aciztliehes Intell.-Bl, Mi'iiiclieii, 1874, xxi, pp. 295-290.— Hull (S. S.) All essay on '•carhol". Trans. Wisconsin St. .Med. Soc, 1873, vii, pp. 73-75.—Hamberg (N.P.) Om Kurhols\ra. Hygica, Stockholm, 1*71), xxxii, pp. 555-503.—Ilnmilioii (R.) ' Carbolic acid in surgcrv. Liverpool Med. and Surg. ltep.,1869, iii, pp. 49-63.—Hayue (L H.J.) On the treatment of certain diseases by a car- bolizcd atmosphere. I'ractitioner, Loudon, 1*71, vi,'pp.-317- 318.—Henderson (I) On the use of caiholic acid as a counter-irritant. Ola-gow Med. Jour., 1872, v, 4th ser, pp. 2 8-239.— IlirMrh (.1.) Catholic acid as a therapeutic agent. Chemical News. Loud.. I.-69, xix, pp. 97-98.— Hop- |ie-*teyler (F.) Leber das Voikoninieii von Phenol im Ihierixhen Kiirper und seine F.inw irkung auf Blut und Nerveii. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol, tl. Menschen u. d. Thiere, Bonn, 187-,', v, pp. 470-4*0—llonzelot. De l'emploi de Vi cide ])lu'-nii|iie dans le traitement de la variole. Union med, I'aris, 1-70, ix, p. 886.- II iiber (C.) Leber den Ge- btauch ibr Carbolsiiure als Verhandinittel. Deutsche K.'i- I ink, 1808, xx, pp. 283-2*9.—Ilneier (C.) Die parenchyma- | 1 ii.-c Injection und Infusion der Carbolsaure in entziiiidete (Jewebe. Deutsche Zeitschr. I. Chir., Leipzig, 1874, iv, pp. 508-517 ; (Yntralhlatt f. d. med. Wisseusch., 1*74.xii, p.06.— Ilniilmon (J. S.) Injurious effects of carboLc acid from ii ju l.cious local application. Med. and Surg. Reporter, I'mia., 1872, xxvii, pp. 492-493. —Innerliehe Anweiidung Oct Carbolsaure. Ein klinische.s Resume aus Londoner Spitiilein. Wiener med. Woclienschr., 1809, pp. 038-041.— Internal (The) use of carbolic acid in hospitals. Brit. Med. Jour., 1869, i, pp. 144-145—Jenkins (W. H.) Notes \ on carbolic acid. Australian Med. Jour.. 1-69. xiv, pp. 327- 32*.—Kenipnler (W.) Carbolic acid asa remedial agent. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1868, lvi, pp. 31-39.—Lehlbnen (C. j 6 M G CID (Carbolic). 1'. J.) Carbolic acid. Trans. New Jersey State Medical Society. l-09,pp. 148-164; reprint, e3, Newark, N. J.,1869.— J.email c (J.) De l'acide pheniqne et de ses applications. Moniteur des-ci. med., etc., Paris, 1861, iii, 2e ser., pp.938... Io09.—I.eute (F. D.) Ou the use of carbolic acid in surgical operations. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci . 1869 lvii. n. 8., pp. 309- 320: reprinted, 6°, [n. p.], 186y. — 11 ae kin tosh (A.) (1) Carbolic acid . . . , with a few cases illustrative of its benefi- cial effects in catarrhal, asthmatic, und bronchial atfetious. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, pp. 400, 564, 609.— (2) Experiments with carbolicacid. Brit. Med. Jour., 1871. ii. p. 151.—Jla- conchy (J. K.) Carbolic acid as a surgical dressing. Dub- lin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 180*, xiv, pp. 311-344.—McKae (A. E.) Carbolic acid iu paronvehia and stings. Brit. Med. Jour., 1872, i, p. 392. — tin I loch (A. E.) An antiseptic theory and proper application of carbolic acid. Canada Med. Jour., Montreal, 1870, vi, pp. 337-340. — Horlon I.) Carbolic acid, its therapeutic position. Lancet, Loud., 1*70, i, pp. 155, 188,264.—Neumann (I.) (1) Ueber dieEiuwir- kung der Carbolsiiure auf organische G-ewebe. Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1807, pp. 549-551. — (2) Ueber die therapeuti- scben und physiologischen Wirkungen der Carbol- oder Phe- nylsaure auf das Hautorgan. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1867, xii, p. 120.—(3) Ueber die WirkungderCarbolsaureauf den thierischen Organismus, auf pHan/.liche Parasiteu und gegen Hautkrankheiten. Idem. 1809. xiv, p. 223.—Odell (S. T.) Carbolic acid as a dressing for wounds. Leavenworth Med. Herald, 1608-09, ii, pp. 341-345. — Parzhnitakago (P.) Nablyudeniya uad daestviem karbolovoi kistotui ua chelovaeka i primae nenie eya v perenuzhayushcheisya lik- horadkae. [Observations on the effect of "carbolic acid ou man and its use in intermittent fevers.] Med. Sbornik, Titlis, 1*74, No. 20, pt. '2, pp 1-30.— Falthett (\V. A.) Ef- fect of carbolic acid on the urine. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, p. 202— Pnllner 11-\) DieCai bolhebei-Pandemic. Corresp.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aei/.te. Basel, 1875, v. pp.61-65 — Pinkhnni (J. Ix.) Tbe internal use ol carbolic acid. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1809, iv, pp. 161-100.—Hlnggc (P. C.) Ueber den Werth der Carbolsaure als Desiufcctiousmittel. Ar- chiv f. d. ges. Physiol, d. Menschen u. d. Thiere, Bonn, 1872, V, pp. 538-505.—i»ringle !.">. Uoehm (M. F.) 'Exameu acidi piuguis. 4Y Argeutorati, 17G9. Kxapk (D. 11 ) * De acido pinguedinis animalis. 4°. Gottingae, 17.">4. Sebalek (L. T.) * Experimenta aliqua de acidi adiposieii'ectibusinanimalia. 8°. Berolini [1827], See, also, ScmIIioiv. Die flijehtigen Fettsiiuren des Muskels und ilire Yeranderung wahrend des Muskelteta- nus. Archiv f. Anat., l'lnsiol. u. wissenschaftl. Med., Leip- zig, 1804, pp. 672-677. ACID (Fluoric) in animals. Sec Keen (G. O.) On the supposed existence of fluoric acid as au ingredient in certain animal matters. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1839, iv, pp. 381-384. ACID (Formic). Sec Jackaon (C. T.) Formic acid in the blood. Reply to Dr. Lee. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1856, liv, p. 242.— I^ee (C. A.) Chloroform and formic acid. Idem, p. 214.— Liorin. Nouvelle preparation de l'acide formique ties- concentre. Monde pharm., Paris, 1875, vi, pp. 97-98. ACIDS (Fruit). See Brnnner (H.) Sur la formation des acides des fruits. Bull, de la Soc. vaudoise des sci. nat., Lausanne, 1874, xiii, pp. 341-356. ACID (Furfurlc). Statmaxx (C.) * Ueber die Darstellung der Furfuriusiiure und ihres Alkohols. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1807. C. ACID (Gallic). L'Akkiib (W. F. de). * Ueber die Verbindungen einzelner Alkaloide mit Gallensaiucii. c\ Dorpat, 1871. See, also, Aide. Aeide gallique. Marseille ra6dical, 1874, xi, pp. 1 ii-liii-MayeH e}fS (J. W.) + St. Barthol. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, pp. 230-232.—Orfila. (1) Recherches incdi- colegales sur rempoisonnement par l'acido chlorbydrique. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1842, xxviii, lo ser., pp. 317-347.—(2) Memoire sur deux affaires d'empoisonnement par l'acido chlorhydrinue. Annales d'hvg. publ., 1848, xl, le ser., pp. 137-190.—Paul (C.) + Bull, gen.de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 187I-, lxxxi, pp. 364-369.—Price (D.) Case. Recov- ery. Lancet, Lond.. 1850, ii, n. s., pp. 113-114.— Qnekett (.L) + London Med. Gaz., 1839, i, n. s., pp. 285-287.—Ktev- ciiwon (T.) H- Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, xiv, 3d 8., pp. 270-271— Taylor (A. S.) + Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1850- 51, vii, 2d s, pp. 211-212. ACID (Hydrocyanic). Bkkxxer (W.) * Die Blausiiure und ibre Prii- parate. 8°. Regensburg, 1840. Cahagxkt (H. E.) * i. Comment recounaltre l'acide cyaubydrique dans un sirop ? 4°. Paris, 1838. Cotillon (J. J. A.) * Considerations mddicales sur l'acide prussique. 4°. Paris, 1808. Dittmer (L. F.) * De vera acidi bydro-cyanici iu organismum eflicacia. 8°. [Berolini, 1822.] Elliotson (T.) Numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the hydrocyanic or prussic acid in affections of tbe stomach. 8°. London, Dublin, Edinburgh, 1820. Fiechter (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Blau- siiure auf Fernientvorgiinge. 8°. Basel, 1875. Gazan (F. E.) * Essai sur les effets que l'acide' prussique, et les substances qui le contienuent, exercent sur l'economie animale. 4°. Paris, 1815. Goeppekt (H. R.) De acidi hydrocyanic! vi in plant as commentatio. 8°.. Yratislaviae, 1827. . Granville (A. B.) Au historical and practical treatise on the internal use of the hydrocyanic (prussic) acid. 2d ed. 8°. Jjondon, 1820. -----Further observations on the internal use of the hydrocyanic (prussic) acid. 8°. .London, 1819. Lewix (W.) *" Historisch - kritische Untersu- chung iiber die physiologische Wirkung der Blau- siiure. 8°. Berlin [1870]. Lieijixger (S.) * De acidi hydrocyanici usu interne 8°. Berolini, 1827. Ligxac (L. V.) * Dissertation sur l'acide prus- ' siqne ou hydro-cyauique. 4°. Paris, 1820. Magendie (F.) Recherches physiologiques et cliniques sur l'emploi de l'acide prussique ou by- dro-cyanique dans le traitement des maladies de poitrine et particuluTement dans celui de la phthi- sie pulmonaire. 12°. Paris, 1819. [The same translated into English, 8°, New Haven, 1820.J Melnier (A.) * Doit-on employer l'acide hy- drocyauique dans quelques affections de poitrine t 4°. Paris, 1823. Pitzmaiei: (A-) * De acidi hydrocyanici et aquae pruni laurocerasi virtutibus medicis. 8°. Prague [1835]. Ficard (H.) * De l'acide cyanhydrique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Preyer (W.) Die Blausiiure. Physiologisch uutersucht. Erster Theil. 8°. Bonn, 1868. [Also in Glasgow Med. Jour., 1868-69, i, n. s., pp. 70-81.] ROCH (E.) * De acidi hydrocyanici puri in va- riis morbis efficacia novis observationibus com probata, 4°. Lipskv [1820]. Rohlaxo (R.J.) * De acidi hydrocyanici na- tura et vi medica. 12°. [Dorpat,] 1835. Waul (F. G.) * De vi et effectu acido hydro- cyauato ad curationem attribuendis. 8y Bon- r, nae, 1865. c. ACIDS. 4,*) ACIDS. ACID (Hydrocyanic). WiNDEMtnir (A.) * De acido hydrocyanico. - . Marburgi [1^27]. See, also, Allen (J. A.) Cases illustrative of the medical virtues of prussic acid. Y'ew Engij-id Jour, of Med. and Surg.. Boston, 1822, xi. pp. 37-40.—Aim. ii (A.) Om blaiy- raiiM igeukannande. Fpsala Liikaref. 1 .ii Ii ind., 1871, vi, pp. 385, 537.—Amory (R.) On the action of hvdrocvanic acid. Boston Med. and Sur;;. Jour.. 1867. lxxv. pp 73-i-b ; 1*72. ix, )>. 187 ; Practitioner, Lond., 187-J. viii. p. l'i:.—Antony (M.) Memoir on hydrocyanic acid Philadelphia Jour. Med. aud Phys. Sci., 1824. viii, pp. 63-70.— Anwendung der Blau- siiure in der Mediein. Bust's Mug. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1823, xiii, pp. 282-2*9—Baitey (F.) Virtues of prussic acid in stomach complaints. Loudon Med. Repository. 1828, xxix, p. 320—Beeqnerel (A.) Des effets pbysiologiques it tbcrapeutiques ile l'acide cvanhydrique. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1*40, viii, 2e ser., pp. 1, i7, 35.—[Boehiu.J On the physiological action of hydrocyanic acid, and the assumed antagonism of hydrocyanic acid and atropine. AVith re- remarks by 1-'. E. Ansiie. Practitioner, Lond, 1874. xiii, pp. 16*-17*Y Bnignet. Memoire sur le cyanure double de potassium et de cuivre. et sur un provede nouveau pour le dosage de l'acide cyauhydrique dans les liquides qui en renfermeiit. Rapport'de M. P. Boinlet. Lull, de l'Acad. de med . Paris, 1858-59. xxiv, pp. 451-45*.—C'a»pari. LTeber den Nut/.en der Iilausaure beiinnern und iiussem Krank- heiten. Bust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin. 1.-26. xxii. pp. 220-233.—Ca/iiKiivr (P.) Reflexions critiques sur l'acide oyunhydrique. Bepeitoire de pharm., Paris, 1875, xxxi, pp. 225-228—<'I ark (T.) Ou a new process for prepai ing ra> di- cinal prussic acid. Glasgow Med Jour., 1831. iv, pp. 109- 113.—C'oateM (15. H.) Some observations on the emplo\ ment of ii\ dro-c\ anic acid, in the treatment of diseases. Amer. Med. Becmiler, Phila., 1821, iv, pp. 145-147.—Comma! Ile (A.) Kcmarqucti a propos de l'acide cyanh\ di ique. Re- cueil de mean, de mod., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1s70, xxiv, 3e ser., pp. 160-109. —Coxe. Experiences sur l'acide cyanhvdiique consideie comme astringent diffusi- ble. Giiz. med. de I'aris, 1,-49, iv, 3e ser., pp. 657-659 — Hniiiicr}. Note sur un mode de preparation et-de con- si i vat ion de l'acide hydrocyanique normal. Bull. gen. de tlu'-rap. med. et chir.,- l*5*Jiv, pp. 409-410. -Uix (J. H.) Hydrocyanic acid in ophthalmic practice. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1844. xxx, pp. 49-52.— Diivisiinii iM. M.) Au essay on prussic acid. Amer. Med. Recorder. Phila., 1819, ii, pp. 513-554.— lOmploi (De V) do l'acide hydrocyanique dans le traitement de la pht liisie. P>"ll gen. de therap. mod. et chir., 1839, xvi, pp. *0-s7.— I'lriiMher (S.) Die Wirkung dor Blausiiure auf die Eigonwarme der Saugethiere. Ar- chiv f. d. ges. Phvsiol. d. Mensch. n. d. Thiere. Bonn, 1869, ii pp. 432-444. — Frenzel (C.) Ueber das Amygdaliu als Eisatzmittel fur Blausiiure entbaltende Piiiparate. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1844, pp. 237-23*. — (Jniill (A.) Ohseiva- tions critiques sur l'acide eyanhydriquo du codex. Revue ined. de l'Est, Nancy, 1875, iii,'pp. 168-172.—G i an ville (A. B.) Some observations on the action id' prussic acid. London Med. Repository, l*l5,iv, p. 177.—Hay mini iG.) Remarks ou the use of prussic aid. Amer. Jour Med Sci., 1829, iv. pp. 49-53.— .lolui-on (J.) Observations on the use of hydro-cyanic acid, iu the treatment of pneumonia and phthisis. Charleston Med. Jour., 1*54, viii, p. 643.— .loneN (.).) Experiments illustrating the direct action of . hydrocyanic acid upon the. medulla oblongata. Med. Record, N. V., i867. ii, p. 457.—Knie (A.) and Boehin (E.) Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen der Blausiiure und den augeblicben Autagonisnius von Blausiiure und Atropin. Archiv f. expciim. Path. u. Pharm., Leipzig, 1874. ii, pp. 129-148.— Laining; «tbeby (II.) Poisoning by lirussic acid. Lancet, Loud., 1845, i, pp. 497, 638.—I.enrct. + . . . chez un homme ivre. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1830, iv, le ser., pp. 422-430.—¥>iddell (J. A.) + New York Med. Jonr., 1867-68, vi, p. 407.—HEcycr (H.) Die Vergiftung durch Blansaure. Archiv f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttgart,, 1843, pp. 249-265.—Murray (J.) Remarks on hydrocyanic acid and opium with reference to their counter-poison's. Amer. Med. Recorder.Phila., 1822, v, pp. 611-614—Nunnelcy (T.) + Provincial Med. and Surg. Jour., Loud., 1845, pp. 401, 481, 517.—Or til a. Empoisonnement par l'acide cyauhydrique. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1841, xxvi, pp. 399-427; 1843, xxix, pp. 103-148; Archives gen. de med., 1841, iii, pp. 338-362.— Packard (J. H.) Blood of a s.iicide by prussic acid. Amer. Jour.Med. Sci., 1869, lviii, n. s., p. 432; Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1871, iii, p. 109.—I»crsoz and llonal. Sur le chlore, comme antidote de l'acide hvdrocvauique. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1830, iv, le ser., pp. 435-437.— I'latner (C.) Cousulta medico-legale sopra un preteso avvelenamento per acidoidrocianico. Gaz. med. ital. Lomb.,l*05, iv, ser. 5a, pp. 49-57.—Poolcy (C.) + London Med. Gaz., 1845, i, n. s., pp. *5'.i-860.—Preycr (W.) (1) Die Ursache der Giftigkeit des Cyankalium und der Blausiiure. Archiv f. path.Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1867, xl, pp. 125-142.—(2) Vergiftungs- versucbe mit wassei lieier Blausaure und ihr Nachweis im vergif'teten Blute. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol, d. Meusch. u d. Thiere, Bonn, 1869, ii, pp. 146-156.—Randolph (J.) Some observations on the deleterious effects ot the bydro-cyauic reid. Amer. Med. Recorder, Phila., 1821, iv, pp. 456-460.— Koceker. + Zeitschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., Stutt- gart, lti52, v, pp. 215-226.— Ruspini (G.) r Gaz. med. ital. Lomb., 1851, ii, ser. 3a, pp. 102-103.—."Sebiiiiiann. + Wo- chenschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1843, pp. 831-832.—Sclmi (F.) Osservazioni pratiche pel riconoscimento dell'acido cianidrico nei casi di avvelenamento. Memorie d. Accad. [F d. sci. d. Istituto di Bologna, 1873, iv, ser. 3a, pp. 53-55 (2 tav.)—Scwell (S. C.) On the time required to produce death by a fatal dose of medicinal hydrocyanic acid. Brit. Am. Jour. Med. and Phys. Sci., Montreal', 1847, iii, p. 169.— Sicgcl (H.) + Archiv d'. Heilk., Leipzig, 1868, pp.332-337.— Skac (D.) + Trial of Johu Tawell. Northern Jour, of Med., Edinb., 1844-45, ii, pp. 396-406.—Smith (J. and J. H.) Sulphate of iron combined with an alkaline carbonate, au antidote for prussic acid. Lancet, Loud., 1844, ii, pp. 41- 43.—Stevenson (T.) + Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, xiv, 3d ser., pp. 259-260.—Taylor (A. S.) (1) + Guy's Hosp. Rep, Loud., 1845, iii, 2d ser., pp. 39-70, with appendix, pp. 71-75.—(2) -j- ... in which the powers of volition and loco- motion were exerted after a large dose. Idem, 1846, iv, 2d ser., pp. 489-492.—Taylor (T.) Treatment of poisoning by prussic acid, good effects of cold affusion—recovery after large doses. London Med. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, pp. 103-105.— Turner (E.) On the tests of prussic acid. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1828, xxx, pp. 344-346.—Uhl (D.) + Amer. Med. Monthly, New York, 1854, ii, pp. 22-24.— "Var- ick (T. R.) Urticaria pioduced by hvdrocvanic acid. New York Jour, of Med., 1847, ix,pp.-40-41 .—Wilson (F. W.) + Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, p. 30.—Witlaeil (A.) + Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1862, pp. 231-233.—Wright (W.) Medico-legal essay on fatal doses of prussic acid. British Amer. Jour, of Med. and Phys. Sci., Montreal, 1*48, iv, pp. 94, 117, 145. ACID (Iodic). See Roussin (Z.) Note sur l'iodate de chaux et sur l'a- cide iodique. Recueil de m6m.de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1855, xv, 2e s6r., pp. 382-385. ACID (Itaconic). Aarland (G.) * Electrolyse der Itaconstiure. 8°. Leipzig, 1872. ACID (Kynuric). See Toil (C.) and Ricderer (L.) Ueber die Aus- scheidungsverhaltnisse der Kynuicn-Siiure im Hundeharn. Zeitschr. 1. Biologie, Miincheu, 1865, i, pp. 315-321. ACID (Lactic). Borszczon (E.) * Nachweisung der Milcli- siiure als normalen Bestandtbeiles der lebeuden Muskelfaser. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1861. a. ACID (Lactic). Burin du Blikson (A. M. B.) Quelques mots sur l'acide lactiqne et les lactates alcalins et ter- reux, sur leuis roles dans l'e'conomio auiniale et spocialemeut dans l'acte de la digestion. 8Y Lyon, 1802. Goltz (G.) * Wh'kunoeu der Milchsiiure auf den tbierischen Organismus. 8°. Berlin, 1868. c. Rauch (C.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Milch- siiure auf das Endocardium. 8°. Dorpat, 1860. See, also, Cap and Henry. Recherches sur l'acide lactiqne. Bull, de l'Acad. de mod. de Paris, iii, 1838-39, p. 220.— Durean. Sur l'emploi de l'acide lactique dans le traitement de l'angine coueuneuse. Bull. gen. de therap. mod. ot chir., Paris, 1868, lxxv, pp. 223-224.—J aekson (S.) On the uses of sugar and lactic acid in the animal ecouomy. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1865, pp. 358-371.—]TIollcr. Die Milchsiiure-Theorie des Rheumatismus und Richardson's Experiment*. Kdnigsberger med. Jahrb., 1860, ii, pp. 277- 307.—Rcyhcr (G.) Zur Frage vou der Erzeugung von Endocarditis durch Milchsaureinjection iu die Perito- nealhohle vou Thieren. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1861, xxi, pp.85-106.—Smith (G. M.) Lactic acid as a cause of disease when employed as a remedial agent. Trans. N.-Y. Acad, of Med., 1874, i, 2d ser., pp. 219-225.—Vogt. Ueber Wirkuug der Milchsaure auf Kno- chenwachsthum. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1875, xii, p. 473. ACID of lichens. Weigelt (C. H.) * Ueber die Patellarsaure, eine neue Flechtensiiure—und ihr Vorkommen in der Parnieliascruposa(Patellariascrnposa). 8°. Leip- zig, 1869. ACID (Malonie). Finkelstkin (B.) * Ueber Malonsiiure und deren Verbinduugeu. 8°. Marburg, 1865. c. ACID (Meconlc). See Fcnoglio (I.) Ricerche istituite sull'azione dell'a- cido mecouico puro e sue combinazioni colla potassa e colla soda, suH'economia animale. Annali univ. dimed., Milano, 1823, xxviii, pp. 121-127. ACIDS (Mineral). Eberhahdt (J. P. H.) *De acidorum miuera- lium natura atque proprietatibus. 4°. Gottingae, 1757. Falquet (J.-P.) * Propositions sur l'empoi- sonnement par les acides niineraux. 4°. Paris, an xii (1804). See, also, Jordens. Ueber die Mineralsiiuren und ihro Wirkung auf den meuschlichen Kbrper im gesuuden uud k'rankeu Zustande. Jour. d. pract. Arzneyk. u. Wund- arzneykunst, Berlin, 1802, x;v, 4tes St., pp. 90-128.—Orfila and Rarruel. Suspicion d'empoisounement par un acide min6ral. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1833, x, le s6r., pp. 126-146. ACID (Nitric). Benecke (B.) * De vi acidi puro nitrici pby- siologica. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., 1866. c. Garcin (C. A.) * i. Comment reconnaitre si l'acide nitrique est melange' d'acide oxalique ou d'acide tartrique ? 4°. Paris, 1868. Neale (A.) * De acido nitrico, ej usque in medi- cina usibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Wunderlich (C. A.) De actionibus quibusdain acidi nitrici caustici in corpus humauum intro- missi. 4°. Lipsiae [1856]. See, also, Rerthclot. Preparation de l'acide azotique anhydre. Jour, de pharm. et de chim., Paris, 1874, xix, pp. 182-184.—Roiijcan (J.) De l'acide nitrique dans la re- cherche de l'iode. Union med., 1867, i, 3eser., pp. 185-186.— Rotta (C.) Memoire sur la vertu febrifuge de l'acide ni- trique. Imparziale, Firenze,1869, ix, pp.706-71L—Rraith- waite (J.) On the use of nitric acid as a caustic in uterine practice. British Med. Jour., 1875, ii, pp. 609-610.—CI os- tilhes. Note sur l'acide nitrique mouohydrat6 dans les cancers ulceres de l'uterus. Revue med. franc, et etrang., Paris, 1851, ii, pp. 601-607.—Gardner (W.) The applica- cation of nitric acid to the interior of the uterus. Canada Med. Record, Montreal, 1873-74, ii, pp. 267-268.—Hainoii. Quelques applications nouvelles de la cauterisation nitrique. Union med., I860, v, 2e s6r., pp. 167, 420.—IJouston (J.) An essay on the use of nitric acid, as an escharotic, iu certain forms of hemorrhoidal affections. Dublin Jour. Med. Sci., 1843, xxiii, pp. 94-119; reprint, 8°, Dublin, 1843.—Hull (R.) ACIDS. 47 ACIDS. ACID (Xilric). On the external application of the nitric acid. London Med. Repository, 1820, xiv, pp. 450-454.—I iinere Anwen- dung der Salpetefsanre hey Geschwiiren, venerischen Krankheiten etc. Jour. d. pract, Arznevk. u. Wnnd ar/.neykunst, Jena, 1797, iv, pp. 350-359.—Itlendenlinll (G.) Nitric acid as an antiperiodic. Trans. (>hio Med. Sue. 1*54. appendix, p. 134; Western Lancet, Cincin., If54. xv. p. 472—O'NhaughnesNy (W. B.) On the mode of detect- ing nitric acid. Lancet, Lond., 1830, ii, pp. 330-333—Rit- ler. Erfahrungen iiber die innerliche und ausserliche Anwendung der Salpetersaure. Jour. d. pract. Arzneyk. u Wundarzneykunst, Jena, 1800, x, 3tes St., pp. 191-199.— Itivnllie. M6moire sur l'emploi de l'acide nitrique solidi- lii comme caustique dans certaines affections chirugicales. Union med., 1849, iii, pp. 438-439.— Scott (W.) Account of the effects of the nitrous acid on the human body. Annals of Med., Edinb., 1796, i, pp. 375-386.—Wiirze'r. Etwas iiber die Heilkraft der Salpetersaure in venerischen Krank- heiten. Jour. d. pract. Arznevk. u. Wuiidaiv.neykunst, Jena, 1799, viii, 4tcs St., pp. 139-143. ACID (Nitric, Poisoning by). Dumesnil (J.) * iv. Comment reconnaitre l'acide azotique m. London, 1799. -----Communications respecting tbe external and internal use of nitrous acid; demonstrating its etlicacy iu every form of venereal disease, and extending its use to otber complaints, with ori- ginal facts, aud a preliminary discourse. *Y Lon- don, 1800. Scott (W.) Account of effects observed from tbe internal use of the nitrous acid, extracted from I ACID (Nitrous). tbe annals of medicine for the year 179i>. .** . n. p. [1796]. Smyth (J. C.) An account of the experiment ... on board the Union Hospital Ship, to deter- mine the effect of the nitrous acid iu destroying contagion, and the safety with which it may be employed. 1 pi. 8°. London, 1796. See, also, llillairct (J.-B.) Note sur un moyen d'assai- nir les ateliers de derochage. applicable aux etablissements dans lesqnels se th'-gagent des vapeurs hyponitreuses. Jour. de chim. med., Paris, 1874, xlviii, pp. 131-137. ACID ( Osmic). Bhauell (F.) De acidi osrnici in homines et animalia effectu. Comment, physiol. 8°. Casani, 1819. See, also, A'oye* (H. D.) Amblvopia produced by osmic acid. Trans. A m r. Ophthal. Soc. 1866, iii, p. 34; :NYw York Med. Jour., 1-iiii. iii, pp. 269, 276.—Raymond (F.) Empoi- Bonnement pat l'acide osniique. Progres med., Paris, 1874, ii, pp. 373-374. ACID (Oxalic). Walter (P. N.) * De combinationibns acidi ox- alici cum alcaliis. 8°. Berolini [1830]. See. nlsn. >enbnuer (('.) Ueber Oxalsanrebildung. Ar- chiv des Ver. f. wissenschaftl. Heilk., Gottiugen, 1860, iv, pp. 1-17.- Welij;«oliii iM.i Zur Casnistik und Them ie der oxalsauren (''increiiienthildung. Archiv f. path. Anat. ii. Phys. (Virchow's), ls75, lxiv, pp. 327-356. — Tripier (F. M.j Xote sur la presence de l'acide oxalique dans les cham- pignons. Recueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 18:18, xliv, le ser., pp. 380-386.—Wormley (T. G.) Notes on some of the chemical react ions of oxalic acid. Columbus Review of Med. and Surg., 1860-61, i, pp. 161-166 ; Ohio Med.and Surg. Jour., Columbus, 1862, xiv, p. 390. ACID (Oxalic) as a poison. I'KitEV (L.) * De acide oxalici vi venenata. s\ Edinburgi, 1821. Yknabi.es (K.) A lecture in which tho nature and propel tics of oxalic acid are contrasted with those of Epsom salts ; and the treatment to be adopted, when oxalic acid has been introduced into the stomach. YY London, 1^'2'i. See. also, AIIjhoii (Yv\) -|- Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, n.s., pp. 502-503. — Bnbingtou (T. II.) | London Med. Gaz., Is41, i, n.s., p. 876: Dublin Quart. Jour, of Med. Sci., 1804, xxxviii, p. 503. — II arh a in (C.) I Provincial Med. and Surg. Join-., Lond., 1847, p. .".44.—Barker (T. II.) 1- Asso- ciation Med. Jour.. Loud., 1855, ii. pp. 1073-1074.— Keale. + Autopsy. Lancet, Lond, 18(i7, ii, pp. 394-395.— Boyd. I- Edinburgh Med. and Sing. Jour., 1842, lvii, pp. 279-2s0. — Itoin....... (T. II.) i- Brit. Ann. of Med., 1837, i, p. 716. — Brailley (T. \V.) .... with remarks on the alteration of tne voice as a consequence thereof. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, i, n.s., p.293.- Bi'imh (J. R.) + Lancet. Lond.. 1H46. ii, pp. 39-40. — [Case] Australian Medical Journal, Mel- bourne, 1s(j2. vii, pp. 4ii-l».— l'hri»ti*on (R.) and Coin- del (C. W ) An experiinent.il inquiry on poisoning by ox- alic acid. Ed in bury li Med. and Surir. Jour.. 1-2'», xix. pp. 103, 323.—t'larki- (II'.') + Boston Med. and Surg, .lour., 1848, xxxviii, pp. 23-24.— Deane (J.) -+- 1'iw im-ial Med. and Surg Jour., Loud. 1851, pp. 344-346.- I-Mli* (K.) + Lancet, Lond., 1864. ii, p. 205.—Frascr (W. VV.) + Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1818, xiv, pp. 607-614. — f«eorjjhe- gan. On poisoning by oxalic acid. Med. Tunes, Loud., 1840, xiv, pp. 45-40. — Hazeltiae. -|- I'.o>ton Medical aud Surgical Jour.. 1845, xxxi, pp. 39-40. — Hunk* (H.) Do leeches die when applied to the skin in cases of poisoning by oxalic acid.' Brit. Med. Jour.. 18i;0, i, p. 165.— lleb'u (\V.) + London Med. Repository, 1824, xxii, pp. 475-477.— Ileweft. lull animation of tin brain. Lancet, Lond., 1828. i, p. 447.—Jack-on (C. T.) 4- Boston Med. and Suru. Jour., 1844, xxx, pp. 17-19. — .1 n< kwoii (J. B. S. i - Los ton Med. and Surg, Jour., 1875. xciii, pp. 445-447.—Jerome (J. H.) + Trans. Med. Ass. Southern Central New York, 1852, i, pp. 74-75.--.lo!iii*on (G.) Loudon Med. Repos- itory, 1816. vi, pp.474-475. — I.etheby i II.) + Lancet, Lond., 1844. ii, p. 103. — I.ilflejohii ill. D.i + Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1861, vii, pp. 13-20; pi.— Mollan (J.) + Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818. ii, pp. 329-31!. — Ojjil vy (J.) + Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, p. 205.—Onborn (II.) + Med. Times, Lond., 1850, xxi, pp. 115-116— 0*.«*liea eyden (E.) and IVlunk (P.) Ueber die Wirknngen der Phos- phorsaure. Centr.-Bl. f. d. med. Wissenschaften,Berlin, 1864, pp. 659-660.—^Mendel (E.) Die Phospln rsaure im Urin von Gehirnkrankeu. Archiv f.Psvchiat. u. Nervenkrankh , Berlin, 1872, iii, pp. 636-672.—Peters (J. C.) On phos- phoric acid. Amer. Med. Monthly, N. Y., 1862, xviii, pp. 173-180.—IMncus. Maassanalytische Bcstimmung der Phosphorsaure durch essigsaures Uranoxyd. Archiv f.path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1859, xvi. pp.' 137-146.—P»rat. M6thode generaledeseparation de l'acidephosphorique pour servir au dosage de ce corps en nature. Comptes reudus de l'Ass. franc, pour I'avanc. de sci., le sess., Paris, 1873, pp. 307-375.—Smith (T. C.) Phosphorous acid—its compounds and their therapeutic value iu nervous disea.ses. Southern Med. Record, Atlanta, 1874, iv, pp. 688-698.—Nto*eh (v.) Beitrag zur Pharmakodynamik der Phospborsiiure. Wo- chenschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.', Berlin, 1836, pp.97,116.—W eigcl and Krug (G.) Ueber die verschiedenen Wirkun^eu reiuer uud verunreinigter Phosphorsaure. Wochenschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1844, pp. 455-459.—Wood (L. H.) Researches on the influence of mental activity upon the excretion of phosphoric acid by the kidneys. Proc. Conn. Med. Soc, 1871, pp 197-222— /apoLlcy (N.) Ueber Aus- scheidung der Phosphorsiiure bei verschiedenen patholo- gischen Processen. Med. Jahrbiicher, Wien, 1870, xx, pp. 223-255. ACID (Picric). Clemm (C.) * ('ber die der Pikiinsiitire und dem Dinitrophenol entsprechenden Haloid-Ver- bindungen und einige 1 >erivate derselben. M°. Leipzig, 1870. C. ACID (Picric.) Parisel (F.) * Propri6te"s thdrapeutiqnes de l'acide picrique et sp^cialement de son eniploi comme succe'dane' du sulfate de quinine. 4°. Pa- ris, 1868. See, also, Ulosler (F.) Studien iiber Pikrinsauro. Ar- chiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1863, xxviii, pp. 386-391.—Pohl (J.) Eniploi de l'acide picrique pour ilistin- guer dans les tissus les fibres v6getales des fibres animates. (Traduit de l'anglais.) Archives belg. de med. mil. Brux- elles, 1853, xii, p. 312. ACID (Piperle). Remsev (I.) Investigations on piperic acid and derivatives. 8°. Gbttingen, 1870. c. ACID (Pyrogallic.) See Soulier. Notes sur les proprifites toniques de l'a- cide pyrogallique. Recueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pharm'. mil.,Paris, 1871,xxvii, 3e ser.,pp. 399-400.—Sehlng- tleiihaiiH'eu. Sur l'oxydation de l'acide pyrogallique. Union pharmaceutique, Paris, 1874, xv, pp. 3-13. ACID (Pyrollgneous). Rubner (H. E.) * De acido pyrolignoso. 8Y Berolini, 1834. See, also, Kvans (J.) Use of diluted pyroligneous acid as a gargle. Northwestern Med. and Surg.,Jour., Chicago, 1851-52, viii, pp. 419-420.—Botomli. Relazione degli spe- rimenti fatti . . . coll'acido pirolegnoso. Annali univ. (li med., Milano, 1820, xvi, pp. 129-144.-Simon* (T. Y.) Ob- servations on the use of pyroligneous acid in the treat- ment of gangrene, ulcers and fungus hseniatodes. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1829, v, pp. 310-313. ACID (Pyro-tartaric). Gkuner (T.) De acido pyro-tartarico et de modo illius exhibeudi. 8°. Gottingae, 1831. ACID (Salicylic). Furbkixger (P.) Zur Wirkung der Salicyl- siinre. 8°. Jena, 1875. Lautemann (E.) * Beitrag znr Keuntniss der Salicyisiiuren. 8°. Marburg, 1861. c. See, a'so, Bezold (F.) Die Salicylsiiure in der Ohren- heilkunde. Monatsschr. f. Ohrenbeilk., Berlin, 1875, ix, pp. 89, 101.—Boylaud (G. H.) (1) On the treatment of venereal disease by salicylic acid. Amer. Journal of Med- ical Sciences, 187."). cxl, pp. 413-415.—(2) Practical notes on salicylic acid. Virginia Medical Monthly, Richmond, 1875, ii, p. 98; Medical and Surgical Reporter, Philadelphia, 1875, xxxii, p. 301.—Buss (C. E.) Ueber die Anwen- dung der Salicylsiiure als Antipyreticnm. Deutsches Ar- chiv f. klin. Med., Leipzig, 1875, xv, pp. 457-50!, 3pi.—Butt (E.) Die autipyretisclie Wirkung der Salicylsaure. Ceutr.- Bl. f. d. med. Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1875, xiii, p. 276.— t!rede. Kurze Mittheilung iiber Anwendung der Sali- cylsiiure. Archiv f. Gynaekol., Berlin, 1875, vii, p. 567.— Brasehe. Therapeutischo Versuche mit Salicylsiiure. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1875, xxv, pp. 569 . .'. 997.— Flciseher (R.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Salicylsaure auf den Hani. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1875, xii, pp. 529, 547.— Foiilheim (K.) Ueber die Wirkung der Sali- cylsiiure als Arzneiiuittel. Jour. f. prakt. Chem., Leipzig, 1875, xi, n. P., p. 211; the same in French, Moniteur scienti- fique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., p. 833.—Ciirbringer (P.) Un- tersuchungen iiber die antifebrile Wirkung" der Salicyl- siiure, insonderheit iiber ihre temperaturherabsetzeiide Kraft bei septischem Fieber. Ceutr.-BI. f. d. med. Wissen- schaften, Berlin, 1875, xiii, p. 273.—Oibertini (D.) Dell'a- cido salicilico. Annali di chim. Milano, 1875, lxi, pp. 65- 70.—Horsforfl (E.N.) Salicylic acid (as an antiseptic], Bostou Med. and Surg. Jour.,1875, xcii, p. 115.—Kolbe (H.) (1) Ueber eine neuo Darstellungsmethode und einige be- merkenswerthe Eigenschaften der Salicylsaure. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leipzig, 1874, x, pp. 89, 213 : Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipzig, 1875, vi, 3. F., pp. 169-176 ; Moniteur scientifique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., pp. 233, 830 ; reprint,8°, Leipzig, 1875.— (2; Abweisung nicht begi iindeter Urtheile vou Halbchemi- tern iiber die antiseptisehen Eigenschaften der Salicyl- siiure. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leipzig, 1875, xii, pp. 161-178; Moniteur scientifique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., pp. 995-1002; reprint, 8°, Leipzig, 1875.—(3) Ueber die chemische Natur der Salicylsaure. Jour. f. pract, Chem., Leipzig, 1875, xii, pp. 151-157.—JIaury. Pharmacologic de l'acide salicy- lique. Lyon med., 1875, xx, pp. 45, 80.— .TIeyer (E. v.) and Kolbe (H.) (I) Versnche iiber die giiiirungshemmende "Wirkung der Salicylsiiure und anderer aromatischer Sau- ren. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leipzig, 1875, xii, p. 133 ; Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipzig, 1875, vi. 3. F., pp. 537, 554; Moniteur sci- entifique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., p. 941.—(2) Ueber die anti- septisehen Wirkuugen der Salicylsaure und Benzoesaure in Bierwiirze uud Harn. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leipzig, 1875, xii, pp. 178-203; Moniteur scientifique, Paris, 1875, v, ACIDS. 49 ACIDS. ACID (Salicylic). 3e ser., pp. 1003-1016 ; reprint, 8°, Leipzig, 1875.—Hilne- KilwardN (A.) Salicylic acid as a therapeutic agent. Medical Record, New York, 1875, x, p. 329 — Tloeli (C i Leber den Ersatz der Salicylsiiure als Antifebrile durch das salicylsaure Natron. Berliner klinische Wochenschi ift. 1875, xii, pp. 517-519.— Tliiller (J.) Ueber die anti- septische Eigenschaft der Salicylsaure, gegeniiber der i der Carbolsaure. Chem. Centr.-Bl. Leipzig, 1875. vi, 3. F., p. 105; Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1875, xii, p. 250 : Moni- | teur scientifique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., p. 714.- .\eubauer (C.) Ueber die gahrungsheminende Wirkung der Salicyl- siiure. Jour. f. prakt. Chemie, Leipzig, 1875. xi. n. P., pp. 1- 9,351-372; reprint, « , Leipzig, 1875—Pourian (A.) Em- ploi de l'acide salicylique pour la conservation du lait. Mo- niteurscientifiqiie.Paris, 1875, v, 3eser.,p.l016.—Walkoiv*. ki (E.) Ueber die antiseptische Wirkung der Salicyl- siiure und Benzoesiiure. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1875. xii, p. 297.—Mehaer (E.) Modifications des proprieties des ferments sous l'iufluence de l'acide salicylique. Mouiteur scientifique, Paris, 1875, v, 3e ser., pp. 937-941.—Schwarz (J ) Praktische Mittheilungen iiber die Wirkung der Sa- licy haure. Wiener med. Presse, 1875, xvi, pp. 613, 628, 652.— Mquibb (K. R.) Notes on salicylic acid. Trans. Med. Soc. State of New York, 1875, pp.'241-249.—St en berg (S.) Om salicylsyrans inverkan pa det diastatiska lei mentet i spotten och uti lefvern. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1875, xxxvii, tip. 361-368—Thiersch. De l'eiuploi do 1 acide salicy- lique dans le pansement des plaies. (Analyse par M. A. Guerout.) Mouiteur scientifique, Paris, 187 5, v, 3e ser., pp. 932-937.— Wagner (W.) Practische Beobacbtnngen iiber die Wirkung der Salicylsiiure. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leip- zig, 1875, xi, pp. 57-63.—Weinke (II.) Verwendung der Salicvlsaure bfcim Tiitiren. Jour. f. pract. Chem., Leip- zig, 1875, xii, p. 157.—Wolll Imijj (S.) (1) Ueber die anti- pyretisebe Bedentung der Salicylsaure. Deutsches Archiv f.'klin. Med., Leipzig, 1875, xvi/pp. 162-185.—(2) Ueber die Veriinderung der Iudigo-Ausscheidung durch den Hani bei innerlichen Gebrauch der Salicylsiiure. Deutsches Ar ehivf. klin. Med.,Leipzig, 1875, xv, pp. 403-407.—Zimmer- man n. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der antifehrileii Wirksamkeit der Salicylsiinre. Archiv I. experim. I'atlml. u. Pharm., Leipzig, 1875, iv, p. 218 — Xiiru. Die Salicyl- siiure in der Veteriuiirpraxis. Jour. 1. jirakt. Chem., Leip- zig, 1875, xi, n. F., pp. 215-219; Moniteur scientifique, Pa- I ris, 1875, v, 3e ser., pp. 831-833. ACID (Succinic). fo Bonrgoin (£.) Sur la solubility de l'acide succi- niqne dans l'eau. Jour, de pharm. et do chiin., Paris, 1874, xix, pp. 184-187.—Kiiline (W.) Zur Metamorphose der I Bernsteinsiiiire. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. I'liys. (Virchow's), 1857, xii, pp. 396-401.—Salkowwki (E.) Ueber das Vor- kommen von Bernsteinsiiiire im Hunde- und Mensi■hen- barn. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol, d. Menschen u. d. Thiere, Bonn, 1871, iv, pp. 95-101. ACID (Sulpho-carbolic). See iiuy (G. O.) Sulpho-carbolic acid and its com- pounds. Michigan University Med. Jour., Ann Arbor, 1870-71, i, pp. 401-405. ACID (Sulpho-cyanic). See O'Wh aughnrsNy (W. B.) On the toxicological re lations of the sulphocyanic acid. Lancet, Loud., 1830, i, pp. 33-35. ACID (Sulphuric). Ludolp (H.) * De acidi vitrioli praestantia. 4 . Erfordiae [1739]. Marchand(R. F.) *Acidum snlphuricum quam vim iu alkoholem exercreat quaeque et hinc pro- deuutium et similium compositionum natura sit et coustitutio. 6C. Lipsiae, 1838. MrEiis.vM (E.) De effectu acidi sulphnrici in organismum, imprimis in renes. 8°. Berolini [1862]. Xeyrexeui-' (F. V.) *De Paction de l'acide sulfurique sur la peau et de I'application de la pate sulfo-safranee au traitement de quelques tu- meurs sous-coutauees. 4C. Paris, 1872. Nippoldt (W. A.) * Uutersuchungen iiher den galvanischen Widerstand der Schwefelsiiure bei verschiedenen Concentrationsgraden. 8-'. Frank- furt, 1869. C. Kaschkow (F.) * De nutritione mutato ex usu acidi sulphnrici. sm. 8Y Berolini [1865]. Rose (H.) De acido snlphurico anhydro. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Schultz (C.) * Ueber die wasserhaltigeu und die wasserfreien saureu Salze der Schwetelsiiure. (Universitiit Giittingen.) 8Y Berlin, 1868. c. Smith (H. A.) The chemistry of sulphuric acid manufacture. s . London, 187:5. Windorff (L. J. F.) * De acidi vitrioli in mor- borum medela usu et abusu. 4°. Erford'm, 1793. See, also, Almiii (A.) Om svafvelsyras destination efter en ny method. Upsala Liikaref. Fiirhaud., 1867-68, iii, pp. 584-587.~Barlley (O. Wl Observations on the effects of sulphuric acid on infant- at the breast, when adminis- tered to the nurse. London Med. Repository, 1816, v, pp. 368-371.—Benson i K. W'.i Sulphuric acid a preventive of lead colic. Lancet. Lond., 1842-43, i, pp. 435-436.—Bcr- nalzik (W.) and Braiia (G.) Tidier die Anwendung der schwefelsanren Salze und der schwcfeligen Siiure bei den Ei Urankungen der W. | Nancy, 1864. Ciierbonnier(P. J.) * iv. Comment reconnai- tre l'acide sulfurique combine avec nos tissus, de I mauiere it ne pas pouvoir etre separe par l'eau. 4°. Paris, 1*39. De Camp (C. P.) De mixturae sulphurko-aci- dae virtutibus medicinalibus, quadrcgaui obser- vationnm. 8\ Trajeeti ad Viadrum,\80\. Hermann (E. L). * De acidi sulphurici in uior- ' bis curaudis usu. 4°. Lipsiae [1821]. Hkvdenreich (J. F.) * De acidi sulfurici cum fcrro et cupro connubio. 4 . Erfordiae [1791], Kapp ((>. [C. F.]) Ueber die Schwefelsiiure im ; Allgemeinen, dereu Wirkungsart uud Anwendung bei Kraukheiteu. 8 . Baireuth, 1800. \ 7 m c ACIDS. 50 ACIDS. ACID (Sulphuric, Poisoning and injuries by). Greiss (F.) * Ueber Vergiftung mit schwefli- ger Siinre. sm. 8°. Tiibingen [1872]. Katz (L.) * Ueber Vergiftungen durch Schwe- felsiiure. sm. 8°. Berlin [1872]. Kipp (F. F. C.) * De veueficio per acidum sul- phuricum. [Cum vita.] sm.8°. Berolini [1836]. Kuiin (G.) * De veneficio ex acido sulphurico. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Leconte (A. V.) * De l'empoisonnement par l'acide sulfurique sous le point de vue meYlicale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1855. Marit (J. J.) * i. Comment reconnaitre l'acide sulfurique melange" avec les matieres des vomisse- ments« 4°. Strasbourg, 1840. Plitzner (V. J.) * Sistens historias sinoptycas intoxicationis ex acido snlfurico (adnexa epicrisi) in clinico medico Pragensi anni schol. 1839 trac- tatae. 8°. Pragae, 1840. Werner (J.) * De funesto acidi sulphurici concentrati in corpus humannm effectu. 8°. Vra- tislaviae [1821]. See, also, Barwindt. Tentamen suicidii abusu acidi sulphurici. Schluudverengeruug. Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltung d. Medicinalwesens d. freien Stadt Frankfurt, 1861, v, p. 100. — Bamberger (H.) Ueber Albuminuric nach Schwefelsiiure-Vergiftung. Wiener Medicinal-Halle, 1864, v, pp. 301, 309.—Barkhauscn. + Med. Zeitung, Ber- lin, 1836, v, p. 5. — Barth. + Bull, de la Soc anat., Paris, 1833, xxviii, pp. 103-104.—Behicr. Ingestion d'acide sulfu- rique : valeur des symptomes pour ie pronostic. Revue in6d.-pbotogr. des hop. de Paris, 1874, vi, pp. 43-45. — Bell (J.) + Canada Med. .lour., Montreal, 1868, iv, pp. 53-56.— Bigot and Bodinicr. + Bull.de la Soc anat. de Paris, 1844, xix, pp. 129-131—Bouvicr. + Bride traversant l'on- verturepylorique. Bull, de l'Acad. denied., Paris, 1847-48, xiii, pp. 594-596. — Boyrenson (T. A.) + Brit. Annals of Med., Lond., 1837, i, p. 714.—[Cases.] Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1830, iv, le ser., pp. 205-212 ; idem, 1833, ix, le ser., p. 392 ; Brit. Med. Jour., 1869, ii, p. 325; Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1824, xxii, p. 222 ; Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, p. 183; Med. Times and Gaz., 1857, xv, p. 629. — Chcvallicr and Barse (I.) Monographic generale de l'empoisonne- -'ruent par l'acide sulfurique. Annales d'hyg. publ.; 1846, xxxv, le ser., pp. 350-395. — Chevallicr and Ollivier. + Annales d'hyg. publ., 1845, xxxiii, le ser., pp. 179-187. — Chownc. -f Lancet, Loud.. 1847, ii, pp. 35-37. —Christi- son (R.) (1) Disfiguring of the countenance with sulphuric acid. Destruction of one eye—mode of detecting sulphuric acid on the clothes, and when mixed with various organic substances. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour. 1829, xxxi, pp. 230-236.—(2) Trial for poisoning with sulphuric acid. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1831, xxxv, pp. 296-316.— Consbruch. + Leicheuoffuung. Jour. d. pract. Arzneyk. u. Wundarzneykunst, Jena, 1799, vii, 2tes St., pp. 18-19.— Corfc (G.) + Med. Times,,Lond., 1848,xvii, p. 258.—Cozzi (A.) SuH'avvelenamento con acido solforico. (16 cases.) Lo Sperimentale, Firenze, 1862, ix, ser. 4a, pp. 3-71. — Craw- ford (G.) + Med. Times and Gaz., Lond.. 1867, i, p. 182.— Desterne. + Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris, 1848, xxiii, pp. 223- 228.—Devcrgie and Taufileib. De l'emploi de l'acide iodique comme reactif propre a constater la pr6sence del'a- cide sulfureux dans les cas (l'empoisonnement par l'acide sul- furique. Ann. d'hyg. publ., 1835,xiii, le ser., pp. 427-442.— Ebers. Ueber die Anwendung des Liquor kali carbonici gegen Vergiftung durch Schwefelsiiure. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.-, Berlin, 1837,1, pp. 501-531.—Fallowficld (J.) Recovery of a boy, who swallowed by mistake a large spoon- ful of strong vitriolic acid. New London Med. Jour., 1792, i, p. 149.—Franque (J. B. v.) -|- Med. Jahrb. f. Nassau, Wiesbaden, 1846, pp. 248-273.—Fripp. 4- Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, p. 192.—Oeoghegan. On poisoning by sulphuric acid, and on its detection in the blood aud viscera. London Med. Gaz., 1851, xiii, p. 328.—Oontier. + Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1840, xv, pp. 156-161.—Grizalles. + Bull. de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1836, x, p. 132.—Ilabcrshou. + Death on the eleventh day. Autopsy. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1855, xi, n. s., pp. 470-471. — Ilaldane (D. R.) + Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1862, vii, pp. 739-744.- Hcgiiibotham (E.) -+- Med. Times and Gaz , Lond., 1863, i,n. s , p. 183.—Hoffmann. + Wochenschr. f. d.ges.Heilk., Berlin, 1844, pp. 205-207.—Ilusson and Dupuytrcn. -f Mort au bout de sept heures. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1833, vii, pp. 74-75. — Johnson (I.) Two ounces of concen- trated sulphuric acid swallowed. London Med. Gaz., 1828- 29, iii, pp. 253-254.—£icbitlois fils. + Inflammation intense du pharynx, de l'cesophage et de 1'estoniac ; point d'appa- reil febrile. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1827, xiii, pp. 365-376.— Ledcrer (I.) -)- Wiener Med.-TTalle. 1863, iv, p. 52.—I.egay (F.), Duehcnnc, and Bertrnud (P.) + Ex- trait d'un rapport medico-legale. Precis des Trav. de la Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, pp. 295-297.—[I.etheby.j + Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1846-48, i, pp. 115-117.—I.eth- ACID (Sulphuric, Poisoning and injuries by). cby (H.) Cases of poisoning andof malicious disfiguring of the person bymeans of sulphuric acid, with remarks. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, i, n. s., p. 58.—T.eyden (E.) and tlunk (P.) NiereuaffectionbeiSchwefelsiiuieY ergiftuug. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Phys. (Virchow's), 1861, xxii, pp. 237-241.— liiman. + Vierteljahrsschr. f. gerichtl. u. offentl. Med , Berlin, 1865, iii, n. F., pp. 89-98.— Lowcnhardl. ; Sclnull tbdtliche . . . Med. Zeit., Berlin, 1839, viii, pp. ;;e,-:n.—Lo- wer. Zur Schwefelsiiure-Vergiftung. Berlin klin. Wochen- schr., 1864, pp. 385-386.—I,orey (C.) Combustio acido miue- rali; Tuberculosis. Jahresb. uber d. Verwaltung d. Medi i- nalwesensd. fr. Stadt Frankfurt,1869,xiii, p. 94.—liorey (J. B.) -+- Jahresberichtiiberd.Verwaltungd. Medicinalwesens d. fr. Stadt Frankfurt, 1863, vii. pp.59-60. — l>iidieke(A. A.) Die Gegengifte der Schwefelsiiure. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1839, viii, pp. 221-222; 1841, p. 43.— Maimkopff (E.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Schwefelsaurevergiftung. Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1862, pp. 548. . . 805; 1863, pp. 180, 196.— martini. + Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1827, xxiii, pp. 156-170.—Martins (C.) Empoisoniiement par l'acide sulfurique et l'indigo. Gaz. med. de ParN, 1832, iii, p. 657.—IUasearel. + Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1840, xv, p. 299.—ITIaschka. Absterben eines 20 Wochen alten Kindes. Natiirlicher Tod oder Vergiftung mit Schwefel- saure? Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1871, xxi, pp. 679-682 — Ogle (J.) (1) Effects of poisoning by sulphuric acid on the fauces, oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Trans. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, pp. 294-295; Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, n. s., pp 323-324—(2) + Lancet, Loud., 1871, ii, p. 540.—Oppolzer. -4- Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1856, i, pp. 67, 70 — Pcllischek (T. F.) + Oesterreichische Zeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, pp. 405-412— Popli a in (.1.) + Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1850, xxi, pp. 481-4-5—Pres- tat. + Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, 1837, xii, pp. 315-320.— Recamicr and Tessicr. + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1843, p. 154—Kcdcr (A.) -1- Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1838, li, pp. 367-368.—Robert. + Autopsie. Bull. delaSoc. anat. de Paris, 1828, iii, pp. 6-9.—Schaumburg (H.) + Vierteljahrsschr. fiir gerichtl. und offentl. Med., Berlin, 1872, xvi, pp. 52-65.—Scoffern (T.) + Lancet, Loud., 1841- 42, ii, pp. 365-366 ; London Med. Gaz., 1842, ii, n. s., pp. 352- 354.—Sewell (J.) + Fatal... Canada Med. Jour.,Montreal, 1852-53, i, pp. 131-133.—Sinclair (M.) + Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1831, xxxvi, pp. 99-104 ; London Med. Gaz., 1831, viii, pp. 623-626.—Smoler (M.) (1) + Doppelseitige Pneumonie; Tod; gerichtliche Obduction. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1861, vi, pp. 327-329.—(2) + Wiener Med.- Halle, Wien, 1863, iv, pp. 289-290 —Stanski. + Gaz. med. de Paris, 1837, v, pp.188-189.—Stansky. [Case.] Bull, dela Soc. anat. de Paris, 1836. xi, p. 298.—Stewart (J.) + New York Med. and Phys. Jour., 1828, viii, pp. 563-565.—Tay- lor (A. S.) + Loudon Med. and Phys. Jour., 1832, xiii, n. s., pp. 1-4 ; Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1839, iv, p. 297; 1846, iv, 2d ser., pp. 396-443— Thomas. + Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1873. ii, p. 92.—Thomson (J.) + Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1842, ii, pp. 879-884.—Traill (T. S.) + Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1854, xix, pp. 138-139.—Walker (J.) + Monthly Jour, of Med. Sci., Edinb., 1850, x, pp. 538- 54L—Wilson (J.) + Med.-Chir. Trans., Loud., 1838. xxi, pp. 272-276.—Winn. + Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, n. s., p. 579. ACID (Sulphurous). Dewar (J.) Ou the applications of sulphurous acid, gaseous aud liquid, to the prevention, limi- tation, and cure of disease, with cases illustrative of the advantages to he derived from its .employ- ment. 8th ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. (a) 11th ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. See, also, Cummins (W. J.) Remarks on the treat- ment of zymotic diseases with sulphurous acid. Trans. Cork Med.'and Surg. Soc, 1868-69, pp. 33-37 ; Dublin Quart. Jour. Med. Sci., 1869, xlviii, pp. 219-224.—Bcwar (J.) (1) Sulphurous acid medication. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, pp. 548-550. — (2) Sulphurous acid as applied to wounds and sores. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, p. 318. ACID (Tannic). Gunther (N.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der im Sumach, in den Myrobalaneu und in der Dividivi vorkommenden Gerbstiuren. 8°. Dorpat, 1871. See, also, Allison (S. C.) On the use and administra- tion of tannic acid in various diseases. Loudon Jour, of Med., 1850, ii, pp. 1-9. — Demolon. Compose prouye- nant de Taction de l'acide tannique sur l'iode. Rapport'de M. Gaultier de Claubry. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, 1857-58, xxiii, pp. 188-192.—Estcourt (C.) On the estima- tion of tannic acid. Chem. News, Lond., 1874, xxix, pp. 109-110.—Hamilton (R.) On the employment of tannic acid in some diseases of the eve and eyelids. Practitioner, Lond., 1869, ii, pp. 347-352 — Hartin '(J.) On a method of converting the skin into leather. British Med. Jour., 1869, i, p. 258.—S< liultzeu (O.) Ueber das Auftreten von I ierbstoffon im Ham nach Genuss von Gallapfel-Gerbsaure. Archiv f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissenschaftl. Med., Leipzig, ACIDS. 51 ACKEBMANN. ACID (Tannic). 1863, pp. 25-28.—Schwalbe (C.) Die Anwendung der Gerbsiinre zu parenchymatosen Injectionen. Allg. med. Ccntr.-Zeitung. Berlin', 1875, xliv, p. 953.—Ncbrcgondi. Ueber die Heilkrafte des Tannins, als eines vortrefttichen Heilmittels gegen den Keuchhnsten im dritteu Stadium. Med. Annalen, Heidelberg, 1841, vii, pp. 47-97. ACID (Tartaric). See Casorati (F.) Di alcuni usi farmaceutici dell'acido tartarico. 'laz ined. ital. Lomb., Milano, 1851, ii, ser. 3a, pp. 65-69.—.tioryan (J.) The effect of tartaric acid on mor- bid accniriulateinsof mucus in the stomach and bowels. Ed- inburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1837, xlviii, pp. 16-21. ACID (Tartaric, Poisoning with). See Bevergie (A.) De l'empoisonnement par l'acide tartrique. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1851, xlvi, le ser., p. 432.— Ortila. De l'empoisonnement par l'acide tartrique. An- nales d'hyg. publ., 1852, xlvii, le ser., pp. 199-222. ACID (Thymic). See Bouilhon. De l'acide thymique com me succedane de l'aeide phenique. Bull. gen. "de th6rap. m6d. et chir., Paris, 1-68, lxxiv, pp. 503-506 —Paquet (A.) (1) Des usages tlierapeutiques de l'acide thymique. Idem, 1868, lxxiv, pp. 494-498.—(2) De l'acide thymique consid6re comme sub- stitutif de l'acide phenique pour la conservation des pieces. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Paris, ls(J7, xiii, pp. 680-681. ACID (Toluie). Kamsay (W., jr.) * Investigations on the toluie and nitrotoluic acids. 8°. Tubingen, 1872. ACID ( Uric). See, also, Calculus ; Gravel; Urine (Chemistry of). Amiriel (K.) De la diathese uriqtte, et des maladies i|ii'elle engendre, goutte, gravelle, et migraine. -Y Paris, 1861. Hosse (H. V.) * Ueber don Einfluss von Arz- neimittelu auf die Ausscheidung der Harusiiure. 8°. Dorpat, 1862. Henry (G.) * De acido urico, et morhis a nimia ejus secret ione ortis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1807. KiESEiiMNd (F.) * Ueber harnsaureGicht. YY GriiJ'swald, 1«72. Mahmer he la Source (L.) * Contribution a l'i'tudedes metamorphoses etdu dosage de l'acide unique. 4°. Paris, 1875. («) 8°. Paris, 1875. Kijndeks (D. 11. YV.) * De acido urico ejusque memento in homiue tain sano quaui aegrotante. KY Amslelodami, 1819. See, also, Albert (J. F. H.) Die barnsaure Diathese mit der Ausselieiduiig von krystallisirter Harnsiiure und die Krankheit mit Brauseharu. Rheinishe Monatsschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kbln, 1849, pp. 1-27.—Bartels. Uutersn- chungen iiber die Ursachen einer gesteigerten flarusiiure- Aussclieidung in Krankheiten. Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Med. Leipzig, 1866, i, pp. 13-54.—Bereugcr-Fernud. Note sur mi instrument destine ft doser l'acide urique de l'urine. Bull. iren. de therap. med. et chir., I'aris, 1867, lxxii, pp. 213-220.—Blair (J.) Case illustrating the uric acid diathesis. Australian Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1862, vii, pp. 1-3. Itolnn. Das harnsaure Sediment in den Y'ieren iieugi'borner Kinder ein in Foro ganz unwichtiger Befund. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1859, ii, pp. 3, 8— But liheiiu. Ue- lier den Uebe] i;aiiii i inigerorganischeu Siiureu in den Ham. Aiehivf. ph\siol. Heilk., Stuttgart, 1857, i, pp. 122-146.— ■tuiteugewone hoeveelheid ureumen acid uricum als on- (leikeuniiigsiniddel van een cbronish nierli.jden. Klinick, Utrecht, 1844, i, pp. 132-136.—1 lot-tin (A.) Harnsaure im LungengeweOe. Archiv f. path. Anat. u. 1'hvs. (Virchow's), 1853, vii, p. 168—Fokkcr (A. P.) Eine'neue Methode zur Harnsiiurebestiniuiuiig. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol, d. Meiisch. u. d. Thiere, Bonn, 1875, x, pp. 153-162. — Bar- court (W. V.) On the solvent treatment of uric acid cal- culus and the quantitative determination of uiic acid in urine. Chemical News, Lond., 1869, xx, pp 171-174; Med. Times and (Liz., Lond., 1869, ii, pp.4?2-484.- Heinlx. i W'.i Leber die quantitative Bestimnuing der Harusiiure. Ar- chiv f Anat., Physiol, u. wissenschaftl. Med., Berlin, 1846, pp. 3KI-398. Joiicn (II.) Peculiar form of uric acid civs tals. Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1852-53. iv, p. 203.—Kel- ly 11!) Lrea and uric acid: their relation to health and (Unease. Med. Pi ess and Lire, Lond., 1-08, vi, pp. 72,93.— Kuclz ( E. ) Leber Harnsa'ureausscheidiiiig in eineru Eallc von Diabetis mellitus. Archiv f. Anat. Phvsiol. u. wissonsohftltl. Med., Leipzig, 1872, pp. 293-:id3.—Lyons (R. D.) On a varity of uric acid crystals. Dublin (juart. Jour. Med. Sci., If,">■,>, xiii, pp. 12.3-128.— Tla^nier tie la ACID ( Uric). Source (L.) Dosage de l'acide uriqne dans l'urine au moven de l'hypobromite de sodium. Repertoire de pharm., Paris, 1874, xxx, pp. 291-295— .llartin (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen des Harnsanre-Infarctes in den Xieren der Nengeborenen. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med.. 1851, ii. pp. 126-146.—Mitchell (S. W.) Observations on the generation of uric acid and its crystalline forms. Amer. Jour. Med. Sciences, 1852. xxiv, n. s.. pp. 121-125—Moore (J. "W.) Xote on an uncommon form of uric m id crystals, observed (i) in the expectoration, and (ii) in saccharine urine. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1873, i, p. 218.—Xaunyn (B.) and Ricss ( L. ) L'eber Harnsaureausscheidung. Archiv f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissenschaftl. Med., Leipzig, 1869, pp. 381-399.— ©rd (W. M.) (1) Some experiments relatim: to the forms assumed by uric acid. St. Thomas Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, i, n. s., pp. 335-348.—(2) On some points iu ihe natural history of uric acid and urates. Idem, 1874,v, n. s.. pp. 261-267,1 pL—PawlinofTiC.) Bildungs- stiitte der Harusiiure im < Irganisinus. Centr.-Bl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berlin, 1873, pp. 241-242 : Archiv f. path. Anat. n. Phys. (Virchow's), 1874, ixii. pp.57-Hl, 1 pi.—Prout (W.) Description of an acid principle prepared from the lithic or uric acid. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1818, pp. 420- 428.—Salkowski (E.) Ueber die Bestimmung der Harn- saure. Archiv f. (I. ges. Phvsiol. d. Menschen u. d. Thiere, Bonn, 1872, v, pp. 210-222. Seholz (F.) (1) Leber das Verhalten der Harnsiiure zum Chamiileon minerale und eine darauf gegriindete Methode, die Harnsiiure auf maass analvtischem Wege quantitativ zu beatimmen. Archiv f. wissenschaftl. Heilk . (iottingen, 1858, iii, pp. 44-58.—(2) Maassanalvtische Studien iiber die Harnsiiure. Jdcm,lS58, iii, pp. .H2-:il-.- Smith i(L M.) The acid diathesis as a cause of Bright's ibiease—uric acid deposited in the kid- nevs. Bull, of the X. V. Acad, of Med., 1871. iv, pp. 38-41 ; Med. Record, N. Y., 1870, v, p. 106— Mtnilion (B. II.) Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Harnsiiure im menschlicheu Harne mittelst Salzsiiure. Zeitschr. f. Bio- logie, Miinchen, 1869,v, pp.Gti-78.—Yennblc* (R ) On the crystalline modifications of uric acid. Med Times and Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, pp. 465-1 lis — Znbiclin (J.) O pro- duktach raspadenia Motchevv.v kistou, vnuiii iyvotnaho organizma. (Of the products of the decomposition of uric acid in the living organism.) Meditzinskii, Vestnik, St. Petersburg, 1865, Xo. 12, p. 101. ACID (Valerianic). See C'crcwoli. lie l'acide vah rique et des valerates de quinine et de zinc. Bull. uen. de tberap. m6d. et chir., Pa- ris, 1865, lxix, pp. 31-33. — l.iebi<; (J.) On valerianic acid, and a new substance proline. .1 11 om caseine, and on vinous fermentation. Lam ei. Lond , l-lrt, i, pp. 265-267. ACIDS ( Vegetable). See Belioux (Jos.) Considerations generates sur Tac- tion pbysiologique et therapeutique des acides v6getaux. Gaz. mod. de Paris, 1851, vi, 3e ser., pp. 338-341.—Tracy (S.) Vegetable acids, as correctives ot acidity of the stom- ach and some other dyspeptic affections. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1849, xxxix, pp. 360-362. ACINETA. See llci'twig (R.) Ueber Podophrya gemmiparanebst Bemerkungcu zum Ban und zursystematischen Stellung der Acineten. Morpholog. JahrB., Leipzig, 1875, i, pp. 20- 82, 2 pi. Ackens (\Y.) * i. De hains alcalins dans les mala- dies de la peau. ii. Les principales causes des de- viations lat6rales de l'dpine. iii. [etc.] 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812. No. 178. [Paris theses, v. 1583.] Acker (Johannes Henricus van den). Drie ziekte- gevallen, door den schryver waargenomen. Acad. proef. 12 pp. 8°. Leyden, Gebroeders Van der Hoek, 185(i. Acker (Ludwig). Zur Pathogenese der Geschwulst- metastasen. Inaug.-Ahhaud. (Erlangen). 37 pp. 8Y Leipzig, Druck von J. B. Hirschfeld, 1873. Ackeren (Eduardtis van). * De geuesi rheumatis- mi nonnulla. 26 pp., 1 1. 3°. Bonnm, formis Fr. Kruegeri [I860]. Ackerley (G.) On the management of children in sickness and in health. 3ded. 7e pp. r-Y Xew York. Bancroft iy Holley, 1836. Ackerman. Projet de voyage a Madagascar, pour y coutinuer des travaux d'histoire uaturelle, de philologie et de topographic nie~dicale. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Madame Hazard, 1Y53. [Pamph., v. 473.] Ackermann (Adolf). Literarischer Wegweiser fur die offentliche Gesundheitspflege und das Wohl der Menschen . . . Enthaltend die Schriften und Journalartikel der letzten "JO Jahre (1Y">4-71). 53 pp. YY Miinchen, A. Ackermann, 1-74. ACKBEMANK 52 ACNE. Ackermann (Adam Werner). * De soda ut ruorbo stepe gravi. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Hake Magdeb., ex of- fic. Hendeliana [ 17(52]. Ackermann (Caesar Isidorus). Diss, inaug. sistens aneurismatis arcus aortae observationem. (Dor- pat.) 50 pp., pi. 8°. Petropoli, typis C. Kray, 1833. [Dorpat Dissertations, v. 25.] Ackermann (Christianus David). * Animadver- Biones de resolventibus. 40 pp. sm. 4°. IApsiw, ex offic. Langenhemiana [1751]. For his life, see Quelmalz (S. T.) Ackermann (Fridericus). * De prosoposcopia me- dica. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsiae, ex off. Langenhemiana [1748]. For his life, see Hebenstreit (Jo. Em.) Ackermann (Friedrich Jacob). * Ueber den Me- chanismus der Geburtswehen. 35 pp. 8°. Gies- sen, Druck von W. Keller, 1856. c. Ackermann (Gebhard). * De inflammatione non- nulla. 29 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typis Xietaekianis [1839]. Ackermann (Georgius Guilielmus). Prsesagia me- dica ex prsecordiis. 1 p. l.,40pp. sm. 4°. Goet- tingw, typis J. F. Hageri [1752]. Ackermann (Jacobus Fidel is). Ueber die korperli- che Verschiedenheit des Mannes vom Weibe aus- ser den Geschlechtstheileu. Uebersetzt, nebst einer Vorrede und einigen Bemerkungen, von Jo- seph Wenzel. 150 pp. 12°. Koblentz,Johann Kas- par Huber, 1788. ------Ueber die Krankheiten der Frauenzimmer. 14 pp. 12°. Koblentz, J. K. Huber, 1788. ------ De combustionis lentae phaenomenis, quae vitam organicam constituunt. vi, 26 pp. 4°. Je- nae, Uteris Maukianis [1804]. ------Infantis androgyni historia et ichnographia accedunt de sexu et generatione disquisitiones physiologicae. viii, 112 pp., 5 pi. fol. Jenae, Maukianis, 1805. ------De construendis, cognoscendis et curandis febribus epitome vol. i. Quod theoriam genera- lem febrium et febris splanchnicas coinprehendit. xv, 415 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Heidelbergae, Mohr et Zim- mer, 1809. [No more published.] ------Von der Natur des ansteckenden Typhus, dem Wesen des Ansteckungstoffs. der Art sich gegen denselben zu sichern, und der Methode die Krank- heit zu heilen. xvi, 318 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, Mohr 4- Zimmer, 1814. Ackermann (Joannes Carolus Henricus). * De scrophularum natura. 19 pp. 4°. Lipsiae, ex of- ficin. Sommeria [1787]. For his life, see BosE (E. G.) Ackermann (Joannes Christianus Gottlieb). * De trisrno. 5 p. 1., 48 pp., 2 1. 12°. Gcettinga}, J. C. Dieterich, 1775. [Pamph., v. 139.] ------De dysenteriae antiquitatibus, liber biparti- tus. xxxii, 154 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lipsiae et Schleizae, J. G. Maukius, 1777. ------De Antonio Musa, Octaviani Augusti medico, et libris qui illi adscribuntur, commentatio. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii, ex offic. Hesseliana, 1786. ------Regimen sanitatis Salerni . . . Edidit stu- dii medici Salernitani historia praemissa. 178 pp. 12°. Stendaliae, sumptibus D. Ch. Franzen, 1790. ------Institutiones historia? medicinse. 6 p. 1., 404 pp., 5 1. 8°. Xorimbergce, in bibliopolio Bauero- Manniano, 1792. For his life, see Baldinger (E. G.) Ackermann (Joannes Samuel). * De sterilitate muliernm. 50 pp. sm. 4°. Jenai, Ulteris Mulleria- nis [1734]. Ackermann (Johannes Fredericus). Sistit vocem naturae, seu sensus internos variae corporis indi- Ackermann (Johannes Fredericus). gentise adstrictos. 51 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingce, ex offic. Hai/eriaua [1751]. ------ De incognito apud veteres instruinentorein physicorum nsu. xvi pp. 4°. Kilonll, Uteris G. Bartschii [1760]. ------ Oratio professionis medicinae extraordina- riae adeundae caussa in academia Kiloniensi a. D. xx Sept. 1760. 24 pp. 4°. Kllonii, Bartsch [1760]. For his life, see Brendelius (J. G.) ------and Feuerlein (Georgius Guilelmus). Prae- sagia medica ex praecordiis. Disp. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 4°. Goettingae, typis J. F. Hageri [1752]. Ackermann (Johannes Fridericus). * Diss, inaug. sistens exemplum hydropis pectoris in femina Ixxi annorum per ipsas naturae vires maxima ex parte sanati. 19 pp. 4°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, Winter [1780]. Ackermann (Johannes Georgius). * De epilepsiae motuumque convulsivorum infantum causis prae- cipuis. 20 pp. 4°. Gryphisivaldiae, typis A. F. Rose [1765]. Ackermann (Reinoldus). * De hydrocele sperma- tica. 30 pp. 8Y Halis Saxonum, formis Ploetzia- nis, 1866. c. Ackermann (Th.) Anweisung zur Erkenntniss und Behandlung der wichtigsten iiusseren Verletzun- gen und inneren Krankheiten auf Seeschiffen. viii, 166 pp., 1 1. 8°. Rostock, G. B. Leopold, 1869. ------Ueber die Wirkungen der Digitalis. [In Sammlung klinischer Vortriige, No. 48.] Ackley (H. A.) An introductory address, on the progress of the science of medicine. Session of 1849-50. 23 pp. 8°. Cleveland, press of M. C. Younglove <}'■ Co., 1849. For his life, see Landon (C. P.) Obituary notice. Trans Ohio St. Med. Soc, 1800, p. 147. Ackley (Henry, 1837-1865). For his life, see Taylor (H. G.) Obituary notice. Trans. New Jersey St. Med. Soc, 1866, p. 130. Ackord (Elias). * De rnminatione humane sin- gulari quodam casu illustrata. 20 1. sm. 8°. Hallw, typis L. C. Fabri [1783]. Ackord (Josephus Samuel). * De' pneumonia pu- trida. 20 pp. sm. 8°. Regiomonti, typis G. L. Hartungii [1791]. Acland (_ Henry Went worth). Memoir on the chol- era at Oxford in the year 1854, with considera- tions suggested by the epidemic. 172 pp., 2 maps. 4°. London, J. Churchill, 1856. ------ Health, work, and play. 51 pp. 12°. Ox- ford and London, J. H. and J. Parker, 1856. ------Notes ou drainage, with especial reference to the sewers and swamps of the Upper Thames. 17 pp. 8°. London and Oxford, J. H. and J. Parker, 1857. ------Note on teaching physiology in the higher schools. 8 pp. 12°. Oxford and London, J. H. and J. Parker, 1858. ------ Fever in agricultural districts; being a re- port on cases of lever occurring in the parish of Great Horwood, in the county of Buckingham. 23 pp. 8°. Oxford and London, J. H. and J. Par- ker, 1858. ------ The Harveian oration, 1865. 2 p. 1, 85 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan <)'• Co., 1865. ------ Health. Address delivered at the Social Science Congress at Plymouth, x, 11-58 pp. 12°. Oxford and London, J. Parker j- Co., 1873. ACNE. Bergerault (A.) * i. Acne" indurata. 4°. Pa- ris, 1839. Blanc (E.) * De Pacne" rosacea. 4°. Paris. 1841. Braun (J.) * De gutta rosacea. 4°. Argento- rati, 1681. ACNE. 53 ACONITE. ACNE. Combks (A.) * i. . . . de l'acne" indurata. 4C. I Paris, 1842. Dexisart (V.) * . . . de l'acne" rosacea. 4°. Paris, 1840. Ferat (L.) * De l'acne", son traitement local. 4 Y Paris, 1859. Fox (T.) On acne and its treatment. 8°. Edinburgh, 1873. [Also in Edinb. Med. Jour., May, 1873, xviii, p. 1005.] Frasch (C. H.) * De acne rosacea. 8°. Ha- lae, 1865. c. Gouly (P.) *i. Etablir le diagnostic, fairo connaltre le traitement de l'acne' sebacea. 4°. Paris, 1838. Grouille (L.) * Essai sur l'acne punctata sy- philitique. 4°. Paris, 1^72. Guillot (A. L. M.) * Du traitement de Pacne" par le savon noir. 4°. Paris, 1875. Jouanix (G.) * i. Etablir le diagnostic des varies de l'acne"; faire connaltre leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1840. Labrunie (P.) * i. Etablir le diagnostic et faire connaltre le traitement de Pacn6 sebacea. 4°. Paris, 1842. Lonclas (L. A.) * i. De"crire l'acne" indurata, Bon siege, ses causes et ses symptCines. 4°. Pa- I ris, 1840. Maerkei. (J.) * De gutta rosacea. 8°. Mo- \ nachii, 1832. Magnan (E\) *De Pacn6 varioliforme. 4°. Paris, 1855. Mavmer (R.) * i. Etablir le diagnostic des vari6t6s de l'acne\ faire connaltre leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris. 1810. See, also, Acne cured by tho internal use of glycerine. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, p. 100— It a I in an (T.) Two cases of furuncular acne iu which the urine contained an inordinate quantity of urea. British Med. Jour., 1866, ii, pp. 519-521.—Bnzin (E.) De l'acne vario- liforme. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1851, pp. 501-503 ; reprint, la°, Paris, 1851.—Roinet. Traitement de la couperose. Moniteur des hop., I'aris, 1856, iv, pp. 30, 119.—Rulklcy (L. D.) Acne. Ainer. Practitioner, 1872, vi, pp. 321-348; 1873, vii, pp. 78-86 ; Med. Reconl, N. Y., 1872, vii, pp. 540, 577; 1873, viii, p. ;!!>.—BurgcNN (T. II.) Acne punctata, and acne rosacea or copper nose. London Med. Gaz., 1849, ix, n. 8., pp. 314-310.— ('iiziiiiiir. (1) Leeon cliniiiue sur l'acne rosacea, (iaz. den Lop., I'aris. 1851, pp. 293-294.— (2) Lecou mir l'acne. Moniteur ties hop., I'aris, 1854, ii. pp. 003, 626.—Chiitiiiii. Traitement de ia eouperuM' par l'lo- dure de chlorure niercureux. Gaz. hehd. de mod. et de chir., Paris, 1856, iii, p. 547.—t'hiiusil. (1) De l'acne atro- phique. Archives gen. de m6d., Paris, 1858, i, pp. 385- 410.—(2) Observation d'aene sebacea svpliilitique. (Iaz. des hop., I'aris, 1805, pp.230-231.—C'licadlc (\V. B.) Acne rosacea. Practitioner. Loud.. 1874, lxxiii, pp. 1-8. — t'hol- ■tieley (Win.) Case of confluent acne, caused by bromide of potassium. Trans. Clinic. Soc. Lond., 1870, iii, pp. 38- 42.—Couperose. Traitement par l'iodure de chlornre niercureux. Mouiteur des hop., Paris, 1856, iv, pp. 755-756.— Oauvcrgnc. Des varus mentagra et gutta rosea et de leui' traitement par l'emploi exterieur de sulfate de fer. Hull. gen. de therap. m6d. et chir., Paris, 1843, xxiv, pp. 260- 267.—Dcmculcg (E.) Acne hypertrophique. Deforma- tion considcrabledurez. Restauration. Marseille medical, 1873, x, pp. 143-150.- Devergic (A.) Sur on nouveau mode d'einploi de l'iodure de chlorure mercureux (sel de Boutigny) dans le traitement des varietes de couperose. Bull. m'-n. de therap. m6d. et chir., Paris, 1867, lxxii, pp. 26-29.—JDii- r hemic-Ouparc. Traitement rationnelde la couperose. Gaz. des h6p., Paris, 1857, pp. 110,138, 211.—Duckworth (D.) Notes upon acne. St. Barthol. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1874, x, ]i. J74I>ulii-iiij; (L. A.) Acne rosacea. Photo- graphic Lev. of Med. and Surg., Phil., 1871-72, ii, pp. 32- 34, 1 pi. Fuji"!- (('. H.) (I) Acne following variola. Guy's Hosp. Kep., Loud., 1868, xiii, 3e ser., p. 212.—(2) Acne cor- nea. Idem, pp. 213-216.—Gilbert. Quelques considera- tions sur le genre acne. Unvue mod. franc, et etrang., Pa- ris, 1848, i, pp. 13-21. —[I.iicrin (A.)] Acne hypertro- phique. Revue nied.-photogr. des li6p. de Paris, le74, vi. p. 17, 2 pi— Hardy. (1) De l'acne et de ses dirterentes va- | rietcs. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1854, pp. 441, 447.—(2) Du traite- ment de l'acne par les preparations de l'iodure de mercure. Mouiteur des hopitaux, Paris, 1857, v, le s6r., pp. 401-406.— Hardy (A.) Acne. Nouvelle dictionnaire de inedecine et de chirurgie pratique, 1864, i, pp. 336-362. — Ilebra. Acne. Allg. wien. med. Zeitung, 1867, ix, pp. 275-276.— J Kellogg i(). A.) Case of acne rosacea. Buffalo Med- ACNE. ical Journal, etc., 1847-48. iii, pp. 598-600.—I>e C'oiirtoivc. Structure de l'acne varioliforme. Bull, de la Soc. anat. de. Paris, 1871, xlvi, pp. 255-257.—Milton (J. L.) (I) On the treatment of acne. Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, xxvi. n. s., pp. 279-28L—(2) The pathology and treatment of acne. Edin- burgh Med. Jour., 1872, xviii, pp. 27-36.—Jl orris (J.) On the treatment of acne rosacea. Lancet, Lond., K-54, i, pp. 236-237.—"Vi'laton. Lecon sur le traitement de la coupe- rose par la methode de M. le Dr. Rochard. Moniteur des hopitaux, Paris, 1856, iv, pp. 689-691. — Piogcy (G.) Ob- servation d'aene tuberculeuse ombiliquee. Comptes ren- dus de la Soc. de biologie, Paris, 1-52, iv. le ser., pp. 170- 171; Union med., 1852, vi, pp. 597-59».—Rochard (F.) Traitement de la couperose (acne rosacea) par l'iodure de * chlorure mercurieux. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1855, iii, pp. 558,921, 1141 ; 1856, iv. pp. 71, 106,654; 1857, v, le ser., pp. 453-454.—Sellier. Memoire' >ur un traitement nou- veau de la couperose. Moniteur des hop., Paris, 1857, v, le ter., pp. 470, 484.—Simon. Ueber das Vorkoinmen leben- der Thiere in den sogenannten Mitessern (Akne punctata) der menscblichen Haut. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1842, xi. p. 37.-Startin(J.) (1) Acne. Med. Times of Lond.,1840, xiv, pp. 328, 340.—(2) Teetotalism a cause of acne. Med. Times, London, 1846, xiv, p. 379.—Traitement local de l'acne. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1859, p. 561.—Veicl. Acne. Deutsche Klinik, 1855, vii, p. 220.—Wilson (M.) Ou acne and its treatment. Jour, of Cutaneous Med. and Dis. of the Skin, Lond., 1867-68, i, pp. 56, 158.—Wuilloiucnct. Observa- tion de varus ou acne de la face. Gaz. med. de Strasbourg, 1849, ix, pp. 174-176. Acoluth (Carolns Christianus). * De optima me- thode sanandi ulcera C. H. per remedia potissi- mum interna, xxiv pp. 4°. Vitembergae, prelo E. G. Eichsfeldi [1753]. For his life, see Laxuglth (G. A.) Acoluth (Johannes Carolns). Specimen anthropo- logic experimentalis. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Vitember- ga; 1722. [Pamph., v. 74.] ----- * De sympathetic is morborum corationibus medico rationali indignis et illicitis. 32 pp. sm. 4 . Il'ittebergw, Uteris viduie (lerdtsiw [1723]. For his life, see Vatek (A.) ACONITE and Aconitine. Adelhki.m (E.) * Forensisch-chcinisclie Unter- suchuugeu iiber die wichtigsteu Aconitum-Arten uud ihre wirksanicu Bestaudtheilc. s >. Dorpat, 1869. Ewkks (C.) * roller die phy.-iologisclien Wir- kuugen des aus Aconituin l'erox dargestellteu Aco- nitin (Psendoaeonitin, Acouitinum anglicum, Ne- paliu). H°. Dorpat, 1873. Fleming (A.) Au inquiry into the physiolog- ical aud medicinal properties of theaconitum na- pellus, to which arc added observations ou several other species of aconite. 8°. London, l8*4.">. Fraxcesciiini (M. A.) * Contribution a l'e"tude de Taction physiologique et th6rapeutique de l'a- conitine. 4°. Paris, 1875. Gesxer (C.) De Aeonito prinio Dioscoiidis, as- severatio, et ejnstlem, de oxymelitis elleborati utriusquedescriptione Ausu libellus. 4°. Tlgn- ri, 1577. [ With his Epistolarum medicinaliuni.] Haux (G.) * Sur l'aconit. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Koelle (J. L. C.) De aconite. 8Y Erlangae, 1787. Molexes (J. J. V. de). * De l'aconitine crista- lise"e et de son azotate. 4 . Paris, 1871. Reil [W.J A monograph upon aconite. Trans- lated from the German by H. B. Millard. 8°. Xew York, i860. [Homwopatliic] Reixhold (S. A.) * Do acomto napello. sm. 4 \ Argentoratl [1769]. Schroff (Cv.,jun.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Acouit. Y. Wien, 1871. Siokck (A.) Libellus, quo demonstrator : stra- monium, hyosciamum.aconituui nou solum tuto posse exhiberi usu iuterno hominibus, rernm et oa esse remedia in multis morbis maxime salutifera. 8-'. Ylndobonae, 1762. ACONITE. 54 ACONITE. ACONITE and Aconitine. Verriet (L. C.) * Etude sur les aconits. 4°. Montpcllier, 1873. See, also, Aconitine (De 1') cristallisce. Bull, de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1871, lxxxi, pp. 121-125—Bagslmwc (F.) Note on the paralysing action of aconite on the sym- pathetic nerve. Practitioner, Lond., 1673, xi, pp. 21-28.— Berthcmot. Note sur 1'aconitine et sur quelqnes prepa- rations d'aconito. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1837, xiii, pp. 28-32.— Berti (A.) Intorno all'estratto di aco nito napello. Giorn. veneto di sci. med., 1861, xv, ser. 2a, pp. 567-581.—Blake (J. E.) On certain peculiarities of action of aconite and opium. New York Med. Jour., 1875, xxi, pp. 361-379.—Boehm (R.) Ueber die physiologischen Wirkuu- gen des Pseudaconitin (Nepalin). Nach Untersuchnngen des Dr. med. C. Ewert. Archiv f. experim. Path. u. Pharm. Leipzig, 1873, i, pp. 385-396. — Boehm (R.) and Wart- mauii (L.) Untersuchnngen iiber die phvsiologiscben \\rir- kungen des deutschen Aconitins. Arbeiten aus d. physiol. Laboratorium d. Wiirzburger Hochschule, 1873. pp. 93-141,1 P'-—Brcra (V. L.) Considerazioni medico-pratiche sull'uso deH'aconito napello. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1824, xxix, pp. 94-99.—thapp. Observations sur les bous effets de t'extrait d'aconit napel dans les douleurs rhumatismales ot antres des extr6mites. Jour. gen. de med., de chir. et de pharm., Paris, 18U5, xxiv, pp. 136-14L—Cushing (J. R.) Therapeutical action of '■ aconite ". Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1859, iv, p. 691.—B. De la variability des prepara- tions d'aconit et de son influence facheuse sur la pratique m6dicale. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1864, lxvi, pp. 360-366.—Duckworth (D.) Observations on tbe physiological action of aconitina. British Med. Jour., 1861, i, pp. 224-225.—Biiqucsncl (H.) (1) Des sels d'aconitine ; etude comparative des differentes aconitines. Bull. g6n. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1871,lxxxi, pp.454-46L—(2) Des preparations phannaceutiques d'aconit. Idem, 1871, lxxxi, pp. 505-513.—Fades (R.) Some observations on tbe action and external use of aconite. Dublin Jour. Med. Sci., 1845, xxvii, pp. 55-65.—Ferrand (E.) Note sur la sirop d'aco- nit. Gaz.m6d.deLyon,l85l,iii,pp. 81-83.—Franceschini and I.aborde. Contribution aJ'etudede Taction physiolo- gique et tterapeutique de 1'aconitine Tribune med., Paris 1875, viii, pp. 556, 591, 639—Fristcdt (R. F.) Om storm- hatten i inedicinskt hiinseeiide. Upsala Liikaref. Fiirband., 1871, vi, p. 239.— Grchant a?i(i Biiqucsncl. De 1'aconi- tine cristallisee. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., Paris, 1871, lxxxi, pp. 158-159.—Gubler (A.) Nouvelles recher- ches sur Taction tberapeutique de Taconitine. Bull. gen. de therap. med. etchir., Paris, 1864, lxvi, pp. 385-400.—liar- Icy (J.) On the action aud use of aconitia. St. Thomas Hosp. Rep. London, 1874, v,n. s., pp. 147-192.—Hoppe (J.) Ueber die Heilwirkung und Anwendung des Acouitum. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1858, i, pp. 150-151. — Ilottol (E.) Action physiologique de Taconitine sur l'homme ; com- paraison de ses proprietes avec celles de Taconit. Jour, de Tanat. et de la phys. normal et path, etc., Paris, 1864, i, pp. 113-140. — I mbert-CJourbeyre (A.) Memoire sur les propri6tes antinevralgiques de Taconit. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1854, ix, 3e ser., pp. 704, 716; t855, x, 3e ser., pp. 90, 105, 121; Moniteur des hop , Paris, 1855, iii, pp. 370, 40.!.—Jackson (R.) Notes on the history, properties, and uses of aconitum napellus. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, pp. 478-481.—Kindcr- vater. Ueber die Anwendung des Aconits in acuten Krankheiten. Hannover'sche Annalen f. d. ges. Heilk., 1841, i, n. F., pp. 690-712.—Landnr. Aconitine. Jour. des connaiss. med. et pharm., Paris, 1874, xii, p. 24.--I.ievi (G.) Sur Taconit et Taconitine. Jour. gen. de therap. med. et cbir., Paris, 1875, ii, pp. 413-420.—I.ewin (L.) Ueber die Wirkung des Aconitin auf das Herz. Centr.-Bl. f. d. med. Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1875, xiii, pp. 401-403.—Long (J.) Eniploi de Taconit comme moyen pre ventif des accesue flevre consecutifs an catheterisme urethral. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1859, p. 64.—IVIartin-I.auzcr. Histoire naturelle medicale et pharmaceutique de Taconit napel. Jour, des connaiss. med.-chir., Paris, 1651, 2e ser., pp. 505-503.—llias- sart. Memoire en reponse a la question etc.: Quelles sont les vertns therapeutiques de Taconit ? Annales de la Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1849, xxiii, pp. 145-195.—Note sur les pro- prietes, emmeuagogues de Taconit. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., 1835, ix, pp. 307-308 — Patrouillard (C.) Conipte rendu des travaux de M. Groves sur la chimie des aconits. Repertoire de pharm., Paris, 1874, xxx, pp. 641- 646.—Peters (J. C.) Ou the nature and uses of aconitum napellus. New Toik Jour, of Med., 1845, iv, pp. 38-43.— Phillips (C. D.) Ou the action of aconitum napellus. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vi, pp. 207-213.—Preston (J. A.) Aconitum napellus. Northwestern Med. and Surg. Jour., Chicago, 1851-52, viii, pp. 415-417.—Badlcy (W. C.) Reme- dial powers of the aconitum napellus. Lancet, Lond., 1837, ii, pp. 925-927.—Keith (A.) Aconite. Edinburgh Med! Jour., 1808, xiii, pp. 894-908 —Ringer (S.) Aconite and its preparations. Lancet, London, f870, i, p. 42.—Roy. Effets physiologiques et therapeutiques de la strychnine et de Taconit. Revue med. franc, et etrang., Paris, 1851, ii, pp. 530-540. — Wchnellcr (J.)' Aconitum. Zeitschiift il. kaiserl.-konigl. (iesells. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1847, i, pp. 106- 103. — Schroll" (C. D. (1) Einiges iiber Aconitum in pharmakognostischer, toxikologischer und pharmakolo- ACONITE and Aconitine. gischer Hinsicht. Viertel jahrschr. f. d. praki. Heilk., Prag, 1854, xiii, pp. 129-184 ; Union mod., Paris, 1854, viii, pp. 295, . . . 363.—(2) Aconitum Lyooctonum L. in pharmakognosti- scher, toxikologischer und historischer Hinsicht. Med. Jahrbucher, Wien, 1861. i, pp. 57,101.—Mee. De Taconit. Union med., 1872, xiii, 3e ser., pp. 721-723.—Nf evens (E. B.) On the use of aconite as a therapeutic agent. Cincinnati Med. Obs., 1857, ii, pp. 433-437.—Teissier. M6moire sur les effets therapeutiques de Taconit napel. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1849, i, pp. 4, 20— Watkin* (F. B.) On the employ- ment of extract of aconite in rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1840, i, pp. 644-645.—West. Note sur les proprietes ciume- nagogues de Taconit. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1835, viii, 2e s6r., pp. 123-435.— Willi* (S.) On the use of aco- nite as an antiphlogistic. Practitioner, Lond., 1868, i, pp. 329-337. ACONITE (Poisoning by). See Achscharuinow (D.) Untersuchungeu iiber die toxicologischen Eigenschaften des Aconitin. Archiv f. Anat., Phys. u. wis-seuschaftl. Med., Leipzig, 1866, pp. 255- 283.—Aldcrson. + . . . fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, n.s., p. 561. — Anderson. |- Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., 1873, xi, p. 442.—Atthill (L.) | Dublin Quart. Jour. of Med. Sci., 1861, xxxii, pp. 14-19. — Barnes and Ifev- cnor. + Trial ot John Hendrickson, jr., for the murder of his wife. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1854, xxviii, n. s., pp. 447- 466. [See Swinkurxe (J.)J — Belcher. Poisoning by- aconite applied externally. Dubliu Quart. Jour. Med. Sci'., 1862, xxxiv, pp. 476-477.—Benton (C. H.) + . . . success- fully treated by opium. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, viii, n. s.,' pp. 362-363.—Bird (G.) Poisoning with aconitina. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, p. 14; London Med. Gaz., 1848, vi, n. s., p. 30.—Bone (W. H.) + Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, p. 369. — Brown (H. W.) + Recovery—probable antago- nism between opium and aconite. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1870, vi, pp. 41-42.—Burnet (J. B.) + Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1868, i, p. 322; Med. aud Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxiii, p. 358.—Cachot (M. A.) -f . . . enema of coffee in the treatment. Pacific Med. aud Surg. Jour., 1807, ix, p. 239.— [Case*. | B it. Med. Jour., 1859, p. 122; Lancet, 1855, i, p. 107 ; Med. Times and Gaz., 1857, xiv, p 228. —t'banning (W.) + . . . by alleged spiritual communication. Hostou Medical and Surgical Journal, 1857, lvi, pp. 451-456. -Cox (G.) + Philadelphia Medical Times, 1872, iii, p. 74 —Darby (J. T.) -f Medical and Surgical Reporter, Pnila., 1859, i, p. 398.—Bevay. Ingestion de 40 grammes d'alcoolature d'a- conit (plante fraiche). Accidents graves. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, 1843-44, ix, pp. 159-162.—Bevay (F.) Sur Tem- poisonnement par Taconit-napel. Jour.de med de Lyon,1843, v, pp. 418-458.—Bix (R.) + Lancet, Loud., 1839, i,'pp. 905- 906.— Bobie (\V.) + . . . treated by digitalis; recovery. Brit. Med. Jour., 1372, ii pp. 682-683—Easton (I.) + Lan- cet, Lond., 1866, ii, pp. 34-35. — Gray (H. M.) + Fatal. New York Jonr. Med., 1848, i, pp. 330-339.—Hanson (D. D.) + Successful use of nux vomica as an antidote. Bo>tou Med. and Surg. Jour., 1861, lxv, pp. 155-156.—Hatfield. + Lancet, Lond., 1857. i, p. 349. — Hayes (W.) + Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, xix, pp. 347-348.—Headland (F. W.) On poisoning by the root of Aconitum Napellus. Lancet, London, 1856, i, pp. 340-343.—Henley (J. W.) + Chicago Med. Jour., 1869, xxvi, pp. 45-48.—Isaacs. Pois- oning by inhalation of the dust of aconite root New York Jour. Med., 1859, vii, 3d s., pp. 191-192.— [Johnson.] + Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, p. 238. — Kay (I. W.) + Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, n. s., p. 170.—Keene (S. S.) + . . . by the ex- ternal application. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.,'1872, ix, P- 74.—Larison (C. W.) + Trans. Med. Soc. of New Jer- sey, 1874, pp. 1»5 - 187. — l.ownc (T.) + Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1875, xx, pp. 885-887.— McGrath (F.) + Med. and Surg. Repoiter, Phila , 1859-60, iii, n. s., pp. 551-552.—Mas- sey (J-) + Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, n. s., pp. 100-101.—Men- zics (J. A.) + Edinburgh Med. Jonr., 1873, xviii, pp. 1004- 1005 — Morrison (I.P.I + Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila. 1869, xx, pp. 157-158. — Ncild (J. E.) + Australian Med. Jonr., Melbourne, 1873, xviii, pp. 130-131. — Noble (W.) + Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour, and Reporter, 1861, i, pp. 147-148.—O'Connor. + Dublin Quart. Jour, of Med. bei. 1857, xxiii, pp. 224-226. — Pau( lion (A.) + Marseille medical, 1873, x, pp. 139-142. — Pcnfold (O.) + Australian Med. Jour Melbourne, 1874, xix, pp. 21-22. — Pcreyba (E. L ) + Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1839, i, 2e ser., pp. 145-146.-Per- ry. + Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1854, xxvii, n. s., pp. 345-346.— 1 raag(J. L. van). Aconitin. Toxikologisch-pharmako- dyuamische Studien. Archiv f. pract. Anat. u. Phys. (Vir- cbow s), 1853, vii, pp. 438-478—Pnckle (G.) + Med. Times and Gaz Lond., 1863, ii, pp. 597-598.-Pntnam. + Amer. Jonr Med. Sei.,1853,xxvi,n. s ,p.69.—Ramsay(A.)+North- e,rUxT o ot,%fl" Edinb- 1«44, i, pp. 120-12l.-Rcad (R.) + New South Wales Med. Gaz., Sydney, 1873-74, iv, pp. 43- tu'-T ■ C r,,'l,ou (B- W-1 + -Absence of the pulse for tnirty-tive to forty minutes — hypodermic iniections of .Qcln0r-?'mrnonu,e~recove,'y- Med' Times and Gaz., Lond., 1 a U\£M' JO9"710- ~ Sanderson. + Trans. Path. Soc, TTT e^?9' x: PP' 285-287._*ayle (G.) + Med. Times, London, 1845, xm, p. 70. - Sclmi (F.) Osservazioni nel case, di una penzia legale. Bull, delle sci. med. Bologna, 1874, xiv, pp. 401-409.-Skinner (T.) + Brit. Med. Jour., ACONITE. 55 ACRODYNIA. ACONITE (Poisoning by). 1301, i, pp. 360-301. — Minith (C. D.) + New York Med. Times, 1854, iii, pp. 200-201.—Swinburne (J.) - Trial of John Hendrickson. Med. and Surg. Reporter. 1'hila.. 1862, vii. pp. 301-376. [See Larxks and Hkvexok.]—Taylor i A. S.. Oiiv'h Hosp. Ren., Lond., 1864, x, 3d s.. pp. 187-190.— I lioiii|»on (H.) + Brit. Med. Jour., 1872, ii, pp. 579-580.— Thompson (S.) Poisoning from a homoeopath's " dilu- tion of aconite. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs.. 1874, xvii, p.206.—Topham (I) 4- Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, n.s., pp. 56-57.—Tucker (G. H.) A contribution to our knowledge of poisoning by aconite. Xew York Jour. Med., 1654, xii, n. s., pp. 222-239.—Waddel (T.) Aconitepoisouinsr. Cin- cinnati Lancet and Obs., 1875, xviii, pp. 427-436. — Ward (T. O) + Liit. Med. lour., 1860, ii, pp. 939-940.—'Warner fO.i - Xew York Medical Times, 1855, iv, pp. 242-244.— Wells 11). A.) (1) -,- Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1850, 1, pp. 289-304— (2) Poisoning by aconite. A second review or the trial of John Hendrickson, jr. Med. and Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1862, viii, n. s., pp. 110-118. [See Swin- burne (J.) ACORNS. See King (W. S.) Acorns as food. Med. and Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1869, xx, pp. 129-130. ACORUS CALAMUS. See liudlow (E. G.) On the medicinal properties of the acorus calamus, New York Med. and Phys. Jour, 1824, iii, pp. 320-322. Acosta (Cbristoval). Tractado de las drogas, y medicinas de las Indias Orientales, con sus plan- I ttis debuxadtis al biuo ... 11 pi., 1 port., 448, 38 pp., 1 \. 4°. Burgos, M. de Victoria, 1578. For his life, see Anfiteatko, Anat. Espaii., Madrid, 1875, iii, p. 391. Acosta (Josephus de). Historie naturael eudenio- rael van de Westersche Indian: waerinne ghe- baudelt wordt van de ruerckelijckste dinghen des Hemels, Eleinenten, Metalen, Planten ende Ghe- dierten vau dien: als oock de Manieren, Ceremo- nien, Wetlen, Regeeringen ende O.irloghen der Iudianen. Ende nn eerstntael uyt den Spaenschen in onstsr Nederduytsohe tale overgheset door Jan Hnyghcn van Linschoton. (i p. 1.,' 38{) ft'., 8 1. 18°. Harlem, J. Lenaertsz, 1598. [The original edition was Seville, 1590, in 4°.] Acosta (M.) * Quelques considerations stir la mort surtont au point de vuo dtiologique. 131pp. 4°. Paris, 1801. No. 54. ACOUSTICS. See, also, Ear (Physiology of). Ball (K.) Wonders of acoustics, or the phe- nomena ol' sound; from the French of R. Radau. The English revised. 12Y Xew York, 1870. Baktholomaeus (I. C.) * Surdus de sono judi- caus. 4°. Jenae, 1690. Bosk (G. M.) Hypothesis soni perranltiana ac in cam meditationes. 4°. Lipsiae, 1734. Blruacii (D. C.) and Reisk; (.T. B.) De vi aeris in sono. 4°. Lipsiae, 1767. Mancix (J. A.) * i. Des instruments qui mo- difieut la transmission des vibrations daus Pair; du porte-voix, du cornet acoustique, du stethos- cope et de leurs usages. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839. Pa.vsmek (J. H. L.) a/tdPEUCEK (H. C. F.) * -sis- tens investigatiouem motuum et souorum, qui- bus laminae elasticae coutremiscuut. 4°. Jenae, 1801. Taylor (S.) Sound aud music : a non-mathe- matical treatise on the physical constitution of musical sounds and harmoDy, including the chief acoustical discoveries of Professor Helinholtz. 8Y London, 1873. Tvndall (J.) Sound. A course of eight lec- tures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8Y Xew York, 1867. Winkler (J. H.) Ten'tamina circa soni celeri- tatem per aereui atmosphaericuin. 4Y Lipsiae [1763]. WCxscii (C. E.) and Wkichiiardt (T. T.) Ini- tia novae doctrinae de natura soni. 4°. Lipsiae [1776]. ACOUSTICS. See, also, Brrard. De la perception desondes sonores par les nerfs de la sensibilite nenerale. Moniteur des h6p., Paris, 1853. i, pp. 625-629.—Jliiller (J. J. I (I) Ueber elas- tische Schwingungen. Arbeiteii aus d. physiol. Anstalt zu Leipzig, 1871, v, pp. 1-3.—(2) Feber (lie Toneiuiiliiulnu- gen. Idem, 1872. vi. pp. 1-10.—Rcnz 'T.l and Wolf (A.) Versuche iiber die Futerscheidung ditl'ereiiter Schallstar- ken Archiv f. phvsiol. Heilk.. Stuttgart. 1850. pp. 185- 193.—Urbantschitsch (V.) Ueber eine Eigeuthumlich- keit der Seh illempfindungen geringster Inteusitat. Cen- tralblatt f. d. med. Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1875, xiii, pp. 025-028. Acrel (Olof). Chirurgische Geschichte iin kouig- lichen Lazarethe zu Stockholm angemerkt, mit einer Vorrede von Zacharias Vogel. 7 p. 1., 388 pp., 61. 8°. Liibeck und Leipzig, C. D. Donatius, 1772. (a) Nach der zweyten . . . Ausgabe . . . iibersetet von J. Andreas Murray. 2 v. 36 pp., 7 1., 479 pp.; 4 p. 1., 472 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Gdttingen, J. C. Dietrich, 1777. [The original Swedish was Stockholm, 1759, 8°; ibid, 1775, 8°. The last edition is much the best.] Acrell (Joh. Gustavus). * Morsura serpeutum. 8°. Upsaliw, 1762. [Linn., Diss., vol. vi.] Acton (William). Atlas to a complete treatise on venereal diseases, aud their immediate and re- mote consequences, including observations on certain affections of the uterus, attended with discharges. 7 pi. fol. London, H. Renshaw, 1841. ------A complete practical tieatise on venereal dis- eases, including observations on certain allectious of the uterus. 333 pp., 7 pi. 8'-. New York, J. S. Redfield, 18 AH. -----Prostitution iu relation to public health, forming the introductory chapter io the second edition of the treatise on syphilis. 24 pp. 8°. Keprinted for private circulation. London, J. Churchill, is:,l. [Pamph., v. 37.] ------A practical treatise on diseases of the urin- ary aud generative organs iu both sexes. 459 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Xew York, J. S. Redfield, 1852. (a) 3d ed. 519pp. s . London, J. Churchill, I860. ------The functions aud disorders of the repro- ductive organs. 254 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lind- say $■ Blakiston, 1865. ------Account of a case of partial double mon- strosity. 4 pp., 1 pi. 8-. [Pamph., v. 38.] [From Trans. Med.-Chir. Society, v. xxix.] ACRODYNIA. Clairat (L.) * Considerations sur la maladie 6pid6tuique qui regne a Paris. 4°. Paris, 1829. No. 6. Mikamond (P. R.) * Stir 1'affection epidemique qui s'est manifestee a la caserne de la rue de l'Our- siue dans le mois de septembre 1828. 4°. Paris, 1829. Rochette (J. G. F.) De Pacrodynie. 4-. Pa- ris, 1871. Rue (A.) * Sur la malitdie qui a regno" 6pid6- miquement a Paris, depuis le commencement de Panne'e 1828. 4°. Paris, 1829. See, also, Barndel. Recherches sur l'acrodynie spo- radique. Recueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1801, v, 3e ser., pp. 367-380 : Gaz. med. de Paris, 1862, xvii, 3e ser., pp. 617, 031.—Bodron (A.) Relation d'une petite epidemie d'aerodvnie observee au camp de Sa- tory, en juillet et aoilt 1874. Keeaeil de nieni. de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1875, xxxi, pp. 42e-440.— Chardoii/iY De l'acrodynie, ou epidemic uui a regno a Paris et dans les environs depuis l'aunee 1828. Revue med., Paris. 1830, iii, pp. 51-74, 374-396; reprint, 8°, n.p., n. d.—tlhaveriat (A.) [Deux cas d'acrodynie.] Gaz. nied! de Lyon, isr.0. ii. pp 19-21; Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1850, p. 71 _Chouiel. Sur la maladie actuelleiucnt regnaute a Paris. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 182J, xviii, pp. 122- 123.—Dance. Acrodvn.e. Dict. de med., 2e ed., 1832 i, pp.' 515-526.__De ITIaeyer. Raphania; ghitagia , aero- dynic ; contractures must nlaires, ou maladie de S;iiut-P>er- nard, gu6rie par les vomitifs et les purgatifs sabu. An- ACKODYNIA. 56 ACUPRESSURE. ACRODYNIA. nales de la Soc. de mod. d'Anvers, 1846, pp. 443,147.—pathy into the army and na- vy. 6 pp. 8Y [n.p.,n.d.] [Pamph., v. 528.] Actuarius. De urinis libri septem de Grteco ser- mone in Latinum couversi. 106 1. 8°. Parisiis S Colintei, 1522. ' [1st ed. was Venice, 1519, 4°.] (a) Acceduut huic editioni aliorum medicorum dissertationes de urinis. 6 p. 1., 320, 461 pp., 11. 12°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex officind Gisberti a Zyll, 1670.' [Ako in Mkuicae artis principes, 1567 ; and in Willich (J.), Lxercitationes de urinis, Anist., 1688.] -----Methodi medendi libri sex, quibus omnia, qua; ad medicinam factitandam pertinent, fere complectitur. Corn. Henricus Mathisius inter- Actuarius. prete. Accessit reruui ac verborum index locuple- tissimus. 7 p. 1., 399 pp., 211. 4°. Venetiis, 1554. [Also in Medicae artis principes, 1567.] -----De actionibus et affectibus spiritus auimalis eiusque victu, libro ii. Nunc primum in lucem prodeuut, lac. Goupyli beneficio, qui nobis eorum exemplum dedit. 2 p. 1., 151 pp. 12°. Parisiis, apud M. Iuuenem, 1557. [Greek text.] [Also in Medicae artis principes, 1567.] -----De spiritu animali libri duo : prior De acti- onibus et affectibus spiritus auimalis, posterior De spiritus animalis nutritione: ad Josephum Racendytam. Julio Alexandrino Tridentino in- terprete. 10 1. fol. 1567. [In Medicae artis principes.] ACUPRESSURE. Jackowitz (L. H.) * Ueber die Acupressur der Arterieu. 8°. [Dorpat,] 1861. Pemet (J. H.) * De l'acupressure comme moyen hemostatique et des avantages qu'elle pre\sente au point de vue dela cicatrisation des plaies. 4Y Paris, 1868. Simpson (J. Y.) Acupressure: a new method of arresting surgical hemorrhage and of accelerat- ing the healing of wounds. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. -----Notes on the progress of acupressure. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867. See, also, Aiken (X.J.) Compound acupressure. Amei. .lour. Med. Sci., 1865, 1, p. 276.—Ashhurst (J., jr.) Cases iu which acupressure has been employed. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1866, Hi, p. 66; 1868, lvi, p. 134.— Billroth (T.) Ueber Acupressur. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1868, pp. 1 ... 49; 1871, xxi, p. 1040.—Callendcr (G. W.) Note on acupressure. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, p. 597.—"Dix (J.) On the advantages of acupressure over the ligature. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, pp. 546-548.—Dunlop (J.) Notes on acupressure as applied to " street surgery". Glas- gow Med. Jour., 1866-67, i, 3d s., pp. 473-481.—[Forster (J. C.)] (1) Cases illustrating ... acupressure. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, p. 331. — (2) On acupressure. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863, xiii, 3d ser., pp. 112-127,1 pi.; 1869, xiv, p. 165.— Foucher. (1) L'acupressure dans trois cas d'amputation. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, 1859-60, xxv, pp. 1085-1088.— (2) Lettre sur l'acupressure. Moniteur des sci. med., etc. Paris, 1860, ii, 2e ser., pp. 860-861.—(3) De l'acupressure ou nouveau moyen hemostatique. Bull, de la Soc. chir., Paris 1864, iv, 2e ser., pp. 368-370.— Gant (F. J.) Two cases illus- trating the process of occlusion iu arteries after acupres- sure. Trans. Clinic. Soc, Lond., 1871, iv, pp. 95-102.—Guns- in a a n (E.) Ueber Acupressur. Med. Corresp.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttgait, 1867, xxxvii, pp. 255-258.— Hamilton (A.) Cases in which acupressure was em- ployed. Edinburgh Med. Jonr., 1864, ix, pp. 630-641.— Hand; side (P. D.) Amputation of thigh—acupressure— recovery. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1862, vii, pp. 712-717.— Heineke (W.) Acutorsion iu der Continuitiit der Arte- rieu. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1874, i,pp. 481-482.—Hew- ixon (A.) On acupressure. Pennsylvania Hosp. Rep., 1868 i, pp. 127-148.—Hill (B.) Primarv amputation of leg • acupressure; sloughing, secondary nasmorrhage, pyemia ■ death. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, p. 122.—Kingston (W. H. Acupressure in Canada. British Med. Jour., 1868, i, pp. 527- 528.—Hutchinson. The effect of acupressure on ar- teries. Med. Record, N. Y., 1868, ii, pp. 544-545.—Hutch- ison (J. C.) (1) Acupressure. [M. H. Cash prize essay.] Irans. N. Y. State Med. Soc, 1»69, pp. 86-105, 15 pi. • re- print, 8°, Albany, 1869.—(2) Hemorrhage after acupressure. Med. Record, N. Y., 1870, v, p. 65.—Keith (W.) On acu- pressure. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii pp. 278- 28L-Kerr (D.) and Coutts (J.) Acupressure. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, pp. 615-616.-Kleeberg. Ueber Acupres^ sur. St. Petersburger med. Zeitschr., 1868, xv, pp. 129-140.— I.ee IK) Case illustrating the condition of the femoral artery alter acupressure for three days. Trans, of Clinic. Soc, Lond., 1868, i, pp. 118-121— I.emauge. De l'acu- pressure ou acupression. Archives belg. de med. mil., Bruxelles, 1860, xxv, pp. 294-303.-l.ucas (R. C.) New and ^onoS6 .. °1 aouPressure. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, pp. 320-321— McDonnell (R.) Amputation of the thigh; acupressure followed by transient haemorrhage from the femoral. British Med. Jour., 1868, i, p. 53.—Moore (C. H.) Acute suppuration of the hand and forearm treated by acu- P^cssureof the brachial artery. Trans, of Clinic. Soc, Lond., 1869, n, pp. 61-64.-Petcrs (G. A.) (1) An essay on acupres- sure with reference to its application in the continuity of arteries New York Med. Jour., 1869, ix, pp. 225-261; re- pn,D^ 8\N_ew York, 1869 ; Medical Record, if. Y., 1869, iv, p. loo.—Firrie (W.) On acupressure. Med. Times and ACT PRESS CUE. 57 A DA I'll. ACUPRESSURE. Gaz., Lond., 1805, ii, pp. 5,31: lii-iti-li Med. Jour.. 1867, ii, p. 171 ; Lancet, 1*71, ii, pp. 7, 42 — IM < ii^i ik Im ■. Sur l'acu- pivssiire dans le traitement des anevrysmes externes. Pri- ont6 des travatix du professeur Rizzoli (do Bologne) snr dux de Simpson (d'lSdinbourg). Gaz. helnl. de med. et de chir., Paris, 1870, vii, 2e ser., pp. 420-422.-Kota (A.) Del- 1 acupressura quale spediente emostatico. Gaz. med. ital. Lomb., Milano, 180.-, i, ser. 6a, pp. 152-153.— Seymour i F.i On local acupressure. Cincinnati Lancet anil Obs., 1-71. xiv, n. s , pp. 204-207.—Simpson (J. Y.) (1) Acupressure. A new method of arresting surgical haemorrhage. Edin- burgh Med. Jour., 18611, v, pp. 645-651; reprint, 8°, n. p., n d.—(2) On acupressure in amputations. Med. Times aud Gaz., Lond., 1*60, i, pp 137-119; reprint, 8"--, n. p., n. d.— (3) On acupressure. Mod. Times aud Gaz., Loud., 1864, i, n. s.. pp. 1 . . . 141.—(4) Notes on acupressure. Lancet. Lond.. If 07, i, pp. 233-235.—(5) Did John de Vigo describe acu- pres urein the sixteenth century? British Med. Jour., 1867, ii, pp. 145-146; Lancet, Loud., 1867.ii, pp. 222-224; Med. Times and Gaz. Lund., 1867, ii, pp. 197-198.—Niuinson (J.Y.)and Nylin-(J.) Correspondence on acupressure. Med. Times and (Liz , Lond., 1865, ii, pp. 667-669; I860, i, pp. 22-23; British Med. .lour., 1805, ii, pp. 595, 072.-Ntol. Moii.tMi (S.) Memoir on acupuncturation, em- bracing a series of cases drawn up under the in- spection of M. Julius Cloquet. Paris, lS'i.'i. Trans- lated from the French by Franklin Hache. 12Y Philadelphia, 1-25. ACUPUNCTURE. Restelli (A.) and Namias (G.) [Lettres medi- cates sur la galvano-puncture et l'acupuncture.] 8 . Montpelller, 1646. Scheidkr (C. A. L.) * De acupunctura. 8-. Berolbn, 1825. Siamr (E.) * Essai sur l'acupuncture. 4°. Paris, 1831. No. 254. Tmox. Observations sur 1'acnpuncture. 8C. Orleans, 18-26. AVoosth s (G. E.) * Quiedam de aenpnnctura Orientalium ex oblrviouis tenebris ab Europieis medicis nuper revocata. 4Y Lipsia [1826]. 8c. also, Bachc (F.) Cases illustrative of the remed- ial effects of acupuueturatiou. North American Med and Surg. Jour., Phila., 1826, i, pp. 311-321. - Bank* (J. T.) Observations on acupuncturation. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1831, xxxv, pp. 323-323. — Bettor. Ueber Acupunctur. Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1821, x, pp. 33-34.—Bclcombe (H. S.) Cases of sciatica and neu- ralgia, successfully treated by acupuncture. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1852, iv, n. s., pp. 85-86. — Bertoloni. Kagguaglio di alenni esperimenti fatte coH'agopuntura. Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xxxviii, pp. 214-218.— Bozetti (C.) Memoria suH'agopuntnra. Annali univ di mod., Milano, 1827, xliii. pp. 10-34. — Carraro (A.) Saggio suiragopuntura. Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1825, xxxv, pp 54-80.—Churchill (J. M.) Oil acupuuetoration. Lon- don Med. IteposUory. ls-J3, xix,pp. 372-374 — Clcinens(T.) Die eleetiisihe Acupunctur : die electrische Behandlung der Eierstoekgeschu iilste. Deutsche Klinik, 1875, xxvii, pp. 43, 52—Colcy (\V.) Of acupuncturation Med. and Phys. Jour., Loudon, 1802, vii, p. 235. — Cm-lieu (A.) De l'acupuncture dans la nevralgie et en particulicr dans la sciatioue. Gazette des hopitaux, Paris, 1854, p. 463.—Ci-uig (\V.) Acupuncture in a case of cancer. Kdinburgh Medical Jour., 1869, xiv, pp. 617-620.— l.ohm< y<-r (L.j Kin l'.ei- trag zur Acupunctur. Rust's Mag. 1. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1828. xxv, pp. 17:1—189.—IVIagri (A.) Kaccolta di osserva- zioni teorieo-pratiche sull'agopuntura. Annali univ. di med.. Milano, 1~j:i. xlix, jip. Ii'.i'.-4s4.— Vlar<—< Iml. Faits relatifs a 1 eniploi de raeupuncture. Journal de la Sect, (le med. de la Sue. du • 1. pt. de la Loire-Intel ieiue. 1825. i. pp. 183-188. .tlol (I'll) letrmpectif sur I'Hcupuncture. Lull. pen. de therap. ined. et chir., Paris. I-«;.">, lxix, pp. 539-517.— Pelletnii A'.fils). Notice sur raeupuncture, coutenant sou liistoriipie, ses effets et sa tbeorie. Revue med. franc. et etrangexe. etc., Pari.s, 1 .-'25, i, pp. 74-103; reprint, t>°, Paris, 1825.— I'uirfoy (T.) Cases of hydrocele and asci- tes, floated by acupuncture. Dublin Oiiart. Jour. Med. Sci.. 1848, v, pp. 264-265.-- Kenton (J.) Observations ou acupuncture. Kdinhurgh Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1830, xxxiv, pji. Kiii-107.—Wiiu-lair (J.) Acupuncturation in dry mor- tilication of the foot. Western Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv, p. 21 I — 'IValo (T. P.) Onthendief of pain and muscular disability by acii]iunctlire. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, p. 567.— Troumwenii. I>e l'acupuucture multiple comme moyen dobteuir l'adhcrcnce entie les parois de l'abdomen et les kystes contends dans le ventre. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1862. pp. 537-538.—Trou ve. Influence de l'acupuncture dans un cas dhvsterie avec paralysie et contracture des inein- bres. Archives gen. de m6d., Paris, 1828, xviii, pp. 196- 200. — Ward (T. O.) On acupuncture. Brit. Med. Jour., 1858, pp. 728-729.—Wuiier (C. W.) Eine neuere Art der Acupunctur. Rheinische Monatssohr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kbln, 1849, pp. 48-51. Adas (Johannes). * Priifuug der neuesten Vor- schltige zur Radikaloperafion des iiusseren Leis- teubruebs. 24 pp. sui. 8°. Tubingen, Druck von G. Bahr, 1837. Adair (James Makittrick). * De febre Indiae occi- dentalis maligna flava. 2 p. 1., 82 pp. 8J. Edin- burgi, 1766. -----Essays ou fashionable diseases. The dan- gerous effects of hot and crowded rooms. Tbe clothing of invalids. Lady aud gentlemen doc- tors. And on quack and quackery. With the genuine patent prescriptions of Dr. James's fever powder, Tickell's aetherial spirit, A- Godbold's bal- sam, . . . ; and also the ingredients and composi- tion of many of the most celebrated quack nos- trums,. . . To which is added, a dramatic dia- logue. Published for the benefit of the tin-miners in Cornwall. 2 p. 1., 260 pp. 8-. London, T. P. Bateman [17'JOJ. -----An essay on diet and regimen. 2d ed. xix, Mil pp. - . London, J. Ridgway, 1-12. 8 M (J AD AIR. 58 ADAMS. Adair (James Makittrick). Physiologische uud diji- tetischeSebriften. Ausdem Englischen . . . von Dr. C. F. Michaelis. 2 v. 366,522 pp. 8°. Ziltau und Leipzig, J. D. Schops, 1788-91. Adam (Aegidius). Au motus corporis humani ab acre et sanguine ? Respt. Joannes Beese. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, apud viduam F. Muguet, 1711.] Adam (Armaud). * Alterations des solides et des liquides qui peuvent produire les bydropisies. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855. No. 156. [Paris theses, v. 508.] Adam (C. Leon). * Otopathies, ou affections de l'oreille et de ses annexes comme causes de sur- ditd. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849. No. 53. [Paris theses, v. 479.] Adam (Charles Emile). * Quelques mots sur les principales manifestations du rhumatisme, et par- ticulierement du rhumatisme cerebral. 60 pp. 4°. Paris. 1860. No. 94. Adam (Charles-M.-N.) * Dissertation sur l'apo- plexie on hdmorrhagie c6rebrale, suivie de quel- ques propositions sur le travail de l'accouchement. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831. No. 224. [Paris theses, v. 244.] Adam (E.) * Ueber Gebarmuttererweichung. 30 pp. sm. 8 . Wilrzburg, Druck von C. IV. Becker, 1833. Adam (Ferdinand). * Dissertation mddico-legale sur l'iufauticide. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1822. [Pa- ris theses, v. 170.] Adam (Guilelm. Ernest. Frider.) * De gastro-en- teritide. 40 pp. sin. 8'-. Berolini, typis Xletacki- anis [1837]. Adam (J.-B.-Abel). * Des fistules recto-vagi nates accideutelles. 47 pp., 3 tabs. 4°. Paris, 1873. No. 33. Adam (Jac. Henr. Christianus). De materia cal- caria post diuturnam anthritidem per vias urina- rias educta observatio siugularis. Lubeu, If 4(J. [Hallek, Disp. ad morb., t. vii.] Adam (Jeremias). * De hepatitide. 24 pp. sm. 8°. Altdorfi, Uteris J. G. Kohlesii [1720]. Adam (Joannes Georgius). Diss, inaug. sistens problemata medica. 22 pp., 11. 4C. Jenae, ex off. Fledleriana [1792]. For his life, see Gkunkk (C. G.) Frederici van der Mye opusculum de morbis etc., 4°, Jenae, 1792. Adam (Joseph-Marie-Casimir). * i. De l'ecze'ma du cuir chevelu, son diagnostic et sou traitement. ii. Des retre"cissenients du canal de l'urethre qui coinpliqueut l'aft'ection calculeuse de la vessie. iii. De l'etat de la moelle dpiniere dans le spina- bifida. iv. [etc.] 30 pp. 4. Paris, 1840. [Pa- ris theses, v. 352.] Adam (Jules). * Essai sur l'euchondrome du tes- ticule. 42 pp. 4 Y I'aris, 1874. No. 322. Adam (Melchiore). Vita? germanorum medicorum: qui seculo superiori, et quod excurrit, claruerunt; congest* & ad annum usque m.dc.xx. 15 p.l., 451 pp., 13 1. 8Y Haldetbergw, impensis heredum J. Rosce, 1620. {a) Ed. 3a. 5 p. 1., 202 pp., 7 ]. fol. Franco- furti ad M.,apud J. Maximilianum a Sande, 1706. -----VitteGermauoruiu philosophoruni: qui seculo superiori, et quod excurrit, philosophicis ac huma- nioribus literis clari iioruerunt. Ed. 3a. 3 p. 1., 250 pp. fol. Francofurti ad M., apud J. Maximi- lianus a Sande, 1706. Adam (Waldemar). * Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Chinoidinum sulfuricum. 41 pp., I pi. 8°. Greifswald, Druck ran Fr. Hache, 1869. c. Adam (Wilhelm). * Ueber Lyuiporrhagie. 28 pp. 8Y Giessen, Druck con IV. Keller, 1865. e apo- plexia. 72 pp. sm. 4°. Hake Magdeb., typis J. C. Hilligeri [1728]. Adami (Joauues Georgius Antonius). * De variis hauiorrhagiam compescendi modis. 22 pp. sm. 4-'. Jena;, Uteris Fiedlerianis [1795]. Adami (Johaun Daniel). * De phthisi praeservan- da. 40 pp. 4°. Halm Magdeb., lilteris Hendelia- nis [1728]. Adami (Johannes Antonius). * De oleo cajeput. 32 pp. 4°. Goettingie. apud J. C. Dieterich [1783]. Adami (Samuel Sigismundus). * De caussis qui- busdam specialibns apoplexia? obcservatiouibns anatomicis rarioribus coufirmatis. 28 pp. 4 . Hake ad Salain, lilteris Curtianis [1764]. Adamkiewicz (Albert). Die mechauischeu Blut- stillungsmittel bei verletzten Arterien, von Pare bis anf die neueste Zeit. Historisch-kritische Darstellnug mit Riicksicht auf Physiologic 1 p. 1., 213 pp. 8°. Berlin, gedruckt bei J. Sittenfeld, 1872. Adamovicz (Adam Ferdinand). Diss, inaug. med.- veterinaria, morborum inter animalia domestica observatorum indicem singulorumque constautis- sima sigua exhibeus, adnexa syuouymia German i- ca, Gallica, Rossica et Polonica. viii, 130 pp. 8°. Vilnw, typis B. Neumann [1821]. Adams (F. Colburn). The siege of Washington. 130 pp., 8 pi. sq. 18°. Xew York, Dick cy Fitzgerald, 1867. -----The story of a trooper, with much of inter- est concerning the campaign on the Peninsula. 616 pp. 8°. Xew York, Dick <$■ Fitzgerald, 1865. Adams (Francis). For his life, see Meii. Times and Gaz., Loin'., 1861, i, p. 292; see, also. Aeiiinkta (P.), Works of . . . , Loudon, 1834 ; Hu'Pockates, Works of ... , London, 1849. Adams (Fridericus). * De bronchotomia. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typis G. Lauge, 1859. Adams (George). Micrographia illustrata, or the knowledge of the microscope explain'd : together with au account of a new invented universal, single or double microscope, either of which is capable of being applied to an improv'd solar ap- paratus. To which is added a translation of Mr. Joblott's observations on the auimalcula, . . . ; and a very particular account of that surprising puieuomenon, the freshwater polype, translated from the French treatise of M. Trembley. 16 pp., 263 pp., 65 pi. 4°. London, the author, 1716. (a) 2d ed. illustrated. 233 pp. 4C. London, S. Birt, 1747. (b) 4th ed. 6 p. 1., lix, 325, app. 14 pp., 72 pi. 8°. London, the author, 1771. ----- Essays on the miscroscope: containing a practical description of the most improved mi- croscopes : a general history of insects, . . . ; an account of the various species and singular prop- erties of the Hydne aud Vorticelhe : a descrip- tion of three hundred and seventy-nine animal- cula, . . . With atlas of 31 plates, xxiii, 721 pp. 4°. London, printed by R. Hindmarsh, 1787. (a) 2d ed., with additions and improvements, by F. Kanmacher. xvii, 724 pp., 32 pi. 4Y London, the editor, 1798. —;--- An essay ou vision, briefly explaining the fabric of the eye, and the nature of vision : in- tended for the service of those whose eyes are weak or impaired : . . . , together with rules for ascertaining when spectacles are necessary, and how to choose them without injuring the sight. 153 pp. 8Y London, for the author, 1789. [ )Vith which is bound, Jones (W. and S.) Priced cata- logue of optical instruments. London, 1815.) Adams (Henry). On intermittent malaise. 21 pp. 8Y Loudon, H. K. Lewis, 1871. Adams ( Horatio [1801-61]). On the action of water on lead pipes, and the diseases proceeding ADAMS. ;")!) ADDINGTON. Adams (Horatio). i from it. 76 pp. 8=. Philadelphia, T. K. $■ P. G. Collins, 1*52. J"or his life, see Med. Com. Mass. Med. Soc, 1866, x, p. 40. Adams (J. G.) See New York Medical Times. Adams (James J.) A new operation for the cure of amaurosis, impaired vision, and shortsighted- ness, in a letter, addressed to John Richard Favre. 50 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill [1811]. [Pamph., v. 751.] Adams (John). * De suspensa respiratione. 44 pp. 8Y Edinburgi, typis G. Mudie etfil., 1796. [Pamph., v. 4.] Adams (John).2 The anatomy and diseases of the prostate gland. 2ded. viii, 178 pp. 8Y London, Longman, Brown [etc.] 1853. [1st ed. was 1851.) Adams (Joseph [1756-1818]). Observations on morbid poisons, phagedtena, and cancer: con- taining a comparative view of the theories of Dr. Swediaur, John Hunter, Messrs. Foot, Moore, and Bell, on the laws of the venereal virus. And also some preliminary remarks on the language and mode of reasoning adopted by medical writers. iv, 326 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1795. (a) 2d ed. 4 p. 1., xxxix, 405 pp. 4°. Lon- don, J. Callow, 1807. ------Observations on the cancerous breast. Con- sisting chiefly of original correspondence between the author and Dr. Baillie, Mr. Cline, Dr. Babing- ton, Mr. Abernethy and Dr. Stokes. Published by permission of the writers; with an introductory letter to Mr. Pitcairn. iv, 151 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lon- don, T. X. Longman 4' O. Rees, 1801. ------A popular view of vaccine inoculati >n with the practical mode of conducting it, shewing the j analogy between the small pox and cow pox, and ' the advantages of the latter, xii, 161 pp., 6 pi., 1 1. 12°. London, R. Phillips, 1807. ------An inquiry into the contagious properties of different epidemic diseases, with some attempts towards an improvement in the bills of mortality. 3 p. 1., 159 pp. 8 . London, J. Johnson, 1809. ------An inquiry into the laws of epidemics; with remarks on the plans lately proposed for extermi- nating the small-pox. 159 pp. 8Y London, John- son # Callow, 1809. ------Illustration of Hunter's doctrine, particularly concerning the life of tbe blood, in answer to the Edinburgh Review of Mr. Abernethy's lectures. 21 pp. 8C. London, printed by IV. Thome, 1814. [Pamph., v. 31.] ------A treatise on the supposed hereditary prop- erties of diseases, containing remarks on the un- founded terrors aud ill-judged cautions conse- quent on such erroneous opinions; with notes illustrative of the subject, particularly in mad- ness and scrofula, viii, 125 pp. 8 . London, J. Callow, 1814. For his life, see London- Med. Repository, 1818, x, p. 167. Adams (It. E. W.) A lecture introductory to the lirst session of the Homeopathic Medical College I of Missouri. 23 pp. 8Y Snint Louis, Strong<\ Co., 18.V.1. Adams (Robert). Treatise on rheumatic gout, or chronic rheumatic arthritis, of all the joints, xv, 362 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, 1857. (a) 2d ed. xviii, 568 pp. 8'. iv, 31 pp., 11 pi. 4 '. London, J. Churchill 4)- Sons, 1873. ------Illustrations of the effects of rheumatic gout, or chronic rheumatic arthritis, on all the articu- lations, with descriptive and explanatory state- ments. 31 pp., xi pi. fol. London,.!. Churchill, 1857. F,,r his life, see Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, p. 145. Adams (Samuel). * De phthisi pulmonali. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 8 . Edinburgi, J. Pater son et socii, 1796. Adams (Sir William). Practical observations on ectopium or eversion of the eye-lids, with the de- scription of a new operation for the cure of that disease. Illustrated. 252 pp. 8 . London, J. Cal- low, 1812. ------A reply to a pamphlet receutly published by Doctor Vetch, upon the subject of the Egyptian ophthalmia, and toother productions of a similar character. 71 pp. 8Y London, J. Callow, 1818. ------A treatise ou artificial pupil, in which is de- scribed a series of improved operations for its formation ; with an account of the morbid states of the eye to which such operations are applica- ble. With appendix. 134, xi pp., 1 pi. 8 -. Lon- don, Baldwin, Cradoek <.y Joy, 1819. See, also, Greenwich Hospital official papers, etc., Lon- don, 1813: and Scakca (A.), Letters to Mauuoir, Edin- burgh, 1819. Adams (William).1 * De phthisi pulmonali. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1800. [Pamph., v. 14.] Adams (William).2 On the enlargement of artic- ular extremities of bones in chronic rheumatic ar- thritis. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, S. Bentley, 1851. ------ A sketch of the principles and practice of subcutaneous surgery, being the oration delivered before the Medical Society of London, viii, 67 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 18,57. ------On the reparative process in human tendons after subcutaneous division for the cure of de- formities; with an account of the appearances presented in fifteen post-mortem examinations in the human subject; also a series of experiments on rabbits, and a rdsumd of the English aud for^ eign literature of the subject, xi, 175 pp., 7 pi. 8Y London, J. Churchill, I860. ------A new operation for bony anchylosis of the hip joint with malposition of the limb by subcu- taneous division of tbe neck of the thigh-bone. Illustrated. 68 pp. 8 . London,J.cyA.(,'hurchlll, 1871. Adams (W. H. Davenport). Light-houses and light-ships. Illustrated. 322 pp. 12 . New York, C. Scribner - 414; British Med. Jour., 1868, ii, p. 6.—Broadbent (XV. H.) + Tumour in spinal cord ; corea. Trans. Path. Sue. of Lond., 1862, xiii, p. 246 ; Lancet, Lond ,1862, i, p. 36— Build (W.) + Association Med. Jour., Lond.,1856, i, p. 41.—Buhl (L.) -f Wiener med. Woe-hen sell r., 1860, pp. 4,20.—Bur- net (J. B.) -f Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvii, pp. 415-419.—Burrcsi (P.) Malaftia d'Addison. Spori- mentale, Firenze, 1870, xxv, pp. 521-539.—Burrow*, f Association Med. Jour., Lond., 1856, i, pp. 477-47S; ii, p. 865.—Buss (EL) + Lancet, Lond, 1858, ii, n. s, p. 549.— [Case*.| Annali univ. di med., Milano, 1874, ccxxviii, p. 635; Lancet, Loud., 1859, ii, p. 238; 1867, i, p. 299; Med. Times and Gaz., 1856, xiii, p. 347; 1857, xv, p. 350; 1S58, xvi, p. 503: 1859, xviii, p. 265; 1866, ii, p. 313— Cazcnavc. -f Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1856, pp. 406-407.—Chapin (A.) + Boston Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1860, lxiii, p. 171.—Chatiu. -f Memoires de la Soc. des sci. med. de Lyon, 186,s, vii, p. 47.— Chevandicr (A.) Maladie d'Addison. Appartient- elle toujours aux capsules surr6nales ( Gaz. m6 I, de Lyon, 1857, ix, pp. 73-78.—Child. + Autopsv. Lancet, Loud. 1865, i, pp. 176-177.—[Choidas (S.) | XoiSas (X.) 'Arpoifiia tov jjiraros XPovia, *l AS8icraii'£!■■<>. Maladie d'Addison. Journal de modocinc etc l.ri .xi' lis, li-71, lni, pp. 405-407.—Wechambre (A.) + Ga- ze, te liebdomadaire dc iin'deeine et (le chirurgie, Paris 18..0, in, pp. s69-s7(j._Dela Porte. 4- Recueil d,- mem. de ?..'! '•','. '-i'-' l.1-1'' l,harrn- nii1-. l'i"'\s. 1869. xxii, 3eser, pp. 40.I-1U. Oickiuson. ' Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1865 xvipp. 243-246-Wown (L.i 4- Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond. 1809, xx, pp. 388-390. 1 pi. _ IDnmas (A.) + Oaz.m6d.de Paris, 18..9, xiv, 3eser„ P]). 575-577._Oystcr. + Lancet, Lond, 1864, i, n. s, p. 22 —Ellis n: » Bn,ton Med. and Surg. Jour., 1863, lxviii, p. 361 - Km Melon ID.) ,- Brit- ish Med. Jour, 1865, ii, p. lsl—Kriclisen (J) - St Pe- tersburgcr med. Zeitschr.. 1.-63. iv, pp. 1-21.—Espasjne (A.) -4- Annales cliniques dc Montpellier. 1.-56-57 iv**im 278-281,311-315.343-345.-Fau re. -+- Examen hist ohm ique l>ullctins it Mini, do la Soc. med. des hop. de Paris, 1867 iii pp. 178-181; .Journal f. Kinderkrankh, Krlangen 1869 'liii' pp. 376-378.—Fereol. -4- Moniteur des hop, I'aris, 1856' iv, pp. 866 s70._Ferris (J. S.j p„st mortem. Brit, Med! Jour.-, 1874, ii, pp. 553-551—Fletcher (Bell). Cases of dis- ease of the supra -renal capsules, illustrating a form of aiia-nna. Assoc. .Med. Jour., Lond, 1856, ii, pp. 1010-1014 — Forman. + Med. Times and Gaz., Lond, 1861 i p 57 — n^V*! ti Gf?' ''V? ',"''" Vilri9' lb57' pP' 3"T-3l8.-GaKe i, .1 "t J.5,,sl<111 Med. and Surg. Jonr., 1865, lxxi, pp. efl- 71— bairdner (W. X.) ■;- 1 runs. Path. Soc. of Lond., 1864 xv, pp. 224-22.,.—dienielli (S.) Keflessioni sn'l morbo bronzino di Addison. Gaz.tta med. ital. Lomb. Milano 1857 ii,ser.4a,pp.38()-38L-p 116-117; ii, n. s, pp. 535-536. -ti.....mi nil (E.j .Morbus Addisonii. Archiv d. Heilk, Leipzig, 1863, pp. 570- 575— llahcislion. + Autopsy. Lancet, Lond.', 1861 i n. s, p. 269: Gu\ s Hosp. Rep, 1864, x, 3d s, pp. 78-83 2 pi'— Hanlivick. | Trans. Lath. Sue, of Lond, 1864,'xv pp 221-224—llarnma. 4- Archiv fiir path. Anat. u. I'liys (Virchow s),l862, xxv, pp. 419-421.— Hnydcn (T.) Ou su- pra-ienal inelasina. Dublin Ouart. Jour, of Med. Sci. 1865 xxxix, pp. 81-90, 1 tab.— Hermann (A.) UiIihi Morbus Addiaoni. Wiener mod. Presse, 1869, x, pp. 69-71.—II t-r- vej (K.l : Bull, de la Soc.anat.de Paris, 1873, viii, 5e s(r p. 215.— Ilcschl. Drei Falle von Addison'scher Krank In-it. Wiener med. Wochenschr, 1873, xxiii, pp. 765 789 — llcslop (T. IV) 4- Lancet, Lond, 1870, i, p. 800.—Ili»«|j{es 7-.i8. ix, pp. 414-417.— luibcrl-Cioui-beyrc. Xote sur la maladie bronzee d'Addison. Moniteur des hop Pa- lis, 1856, iv, pp. 882-884—Jacolol. ;- ...observe en Is- lamic. Archives de med. nav, i'aris, 1865, iv, pp. 4pu-482.— Joiiiimsoii (II.) | ...with fatty degeneration of the heart. Australian Med. Jour., Melbourne, 1865, x, pp. 343- 356.— Kohlcr(R) Beitrag zur Lehrevon der sogenannten Addison'schen Krankheit Med. Cm resp Kl. d. wiirttcmb. aerztl. Ver, Stuttgart, 1862, xxxii, pp. 89, 97— Kianse. | SitziingsBerichtc d. Ver. der Aerzte in Ste icrmark Gray. 1870-71, viii, pp. 103-107 ; idem, 1872, ix, pp. 22-21.—Kra use (W.) ' Cincinnati Lancet and Obs, 1.-59. ii. n. s.. pp. 137, 201.- Itiihlmann. i Berliner klin. Woehen.-ciir. i860 vi. jip. 1-1 Itmiklc (C. 1).) ■; Missouri CUd. Kceoi.i Si' ADDISON'S DISEASE. Louis, 1874-75, i, p. 24.—f.adrct. Bull, de la Soe. anat, ae Paris, 1856, xxxi. p. 334.— I.aschkcwitsch (W.) Eine sonderbare Beschafleiiheit der ritlnn Blutkorperchen inei- nem Falle von Morbus Adissonii. Med. Jahrb. Wien, 1-71 pp. 425-427. I.ce.ning iR p.) -■- .Med. Times and Gaz, Lond i860, i, p. 87—l.< icboull.t 1A.1 - Gaz.nied.de Strasbourg, 1862, ii, 2e se,.. pp. 105-107.—l.e Rossignol. + Post mortem. Clinical Lectures and Kep. of Loud, llosp, i860, in, pp. 183-l85._I,iltle. ; Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond, 1862. xiu, p. 247; 1866, xvii. p. 301.— Lombard (L.) 4- Mi- niteur des hop, Paris, 18.5Y vi. pp. 182-1-3 -Mackenzie (M.) + Med. Times and Gaz, Lond, 1862, i. p. 430 — tla- rowsky (L.) Zur Lehrevon dein Wesen des Haufpi"- meutes bei der Broncekrankheit. Deutsches Archiv f.klin. Med Leipzig, 1868 iv, pp. 46,-)_i75.— ?Iaitiii (A.) Brit- ish Med. Jour, 1858 p. 389.—Martins (I'.i Kritischer Be- ricit fiber das Melasma suprai enale. Med. Xeuio'keiten Krlangen, 185">, v. p. 401 ; reiirint. 8 . Erlangen, 1855. C — ITIeinhardt. Leber die Addison'sche Krankheit. AVie- ner med. Presse. 1-66, vii, pp. 10. . . 237; reprint .-- Wien 1866.—.Tlettrnheinier (C.) + Deutsche Klinik, 1856. viii p. 4.-3 : Gaz. hebd. de nu'-d. et dechir, Paris, 1857, iv, pp. 23- ^-'4 — 'I«"ot. ■ - Boston Med. aud Surg. Jour, le67-68, lxxvn, p. 38.— Tlonio i XV.) Postmortem. Association Med. Jour, Lond, 1856. ii. p. 848; Union med, 1856, x, p. 597.—.noiitgomery lE.) Trans. Path. Sue, Loud, 1,-62 xiii, pp. 215-216.—Morris (E.) + British Med. Jour, 1862 11, p[i. 5111-511.-Morton. -r Med Times and Gaz, Lond. 186l,n. p. 531— .TI ox un. + Med. Limes and Gaz, Lond., IY>9. xi, p. 455.—.Tlnrchison. r Trans. Path. Soc, Lond. 1866, xvii, pp. 396-101 ; 1867. xviii, p. 258; 1868, xix. p. 406.— Mm in y (R.) -j- Dublin Hosp. Gaz, 1858. v, p. 228 — .\n- mias ill.) Su la nialattia broiiziua, o dell'Adilison. e le capsule, soprarenali. Giornale veneto di scien. med. 1-57 ix, ser. 2a, pp. 216-2.36.—Nicholson (J. 1'.) Addison's disease. British Med. Jour, 1,-72, ii, p. 120.—Occh im (F.i I LoSperimeiitaln, Firen/.e. 1.-66. xvii, pp. 53-75.—Odier. ! Bull, de la Soc. anat. de Pans. 1-U6, xii, Se ser., p. 391.— Oppolxei. Addi.-on'sehe Krankheit. Allg. wiener med. Zeitung, 1857, ii, pp. 153, 157; Wiener med. Wochenschr, 1866, pp. 1261 ... 150L— I'aync (J.F.) Pigmentation ot ]>ia mater of spinal chord and of skin of genitals, trans. Path. Sue. of Lond, 1871, xxii, p. 281— Peacock. + Trans. Path. Sue. of Loud, ls5«i-00, xi, pp. 278-2-0. — Pea- cock and Bri.loivc. ; Med. 'limes and Gaz, Lond. 1860, i, p. 446.— IV int. j- Memuiies de la Soe. des sci. 111ed.de Lyon. 1.-65. iv. pp. 130-135.— Ploaa (H.) + Zeit- schrift f. Med.. Chir. und Geburtsh, 1863, ii, 11. F, pp. 127- 137.—Qnnin (K.) Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond, 1871, xxii, P 28D-ttichni-<-i|y. (F ) Beitriige zur Casuistik der Addisou'schen Krankheit und der Leuciimie. (6 casus.) Deutsche Klinik, 1866. xviii, pp.113 . . . 145—Hcnx. -f- Gaz. med. de Paris, 1856, xi. 3e ser, pp. 620-623.—Mcvcriiii (L.i + Kivista clini- ca di Bologna, 1866, v, pp. 3a, 110. — Miblev. h Trans. Path. Sue. of Lond, 1858-59. x, p. 266.—.Sinclair. Addison's dis- ease. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour, 1873, x, p. 98.—Sircdcy (F) r Union med, Paris, 1.-67, i, 3e.-e,', pp. 199,210; Bull. et Mem. de. la Sue. ined. des hop.de Pans, 1807, iii, pp. 355- 372.—Spender (J. K.) r British Med. Jour, 1857, i, pp. 274-275 -Sinrstc* (O.J + Lancet. Loud, 1864, ii, pp. 56:1, 601 —Todd. A.lili-or,'s disease. Lancet, Lond, 1.-58, i, p. 62.—Toi-rcsini (M.) ■;- Gaz-tta ined. ital. Lomb, Mila- no. 1857. ii, ser. 4a, pp. 335-336 lio.....an. Sur la ma- ladie de peau bronzee. Bull, de l'Acad. de iu6d, Paris, 185-56. xxi, pp 1036-1056.—Triibi;;c<- (A.) + Archiv d. Heilk.. Leipzig, 1874. xv, pp. 417-429.—TuckweirOL M.) A plea for the English view of the nature and pathology of Addison's disease: iu answer to the most recent Ger- man doctrine. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1871, vii, pp. 73-86,1 id. —Vaterani. (F.) Delia nialattia di Addison. Giornale ,1,11a !;• 1!. accad. di med. di Torino, 1866, lv, ser. 2a, pp. 21, 168.— Vulpian. Ex.uuen microscopic de la peau d'un malade mort a la suite de la maladie bronzee. Mum. do la Sue. ile biologie, Paris, iii, 2e ser , pp. 155-156 — Wal- lace (K.O.) ■ Association Med. Jour, Lond, 1856, ii, pp. 1035-1036.—Mil lord. 4- Trans. Path. Soc. of Lond, 18.58- 59, x, pp 273-278 — Wliitcfoi-d (J.) 4- Edinburgh Med. Jour, 1866, xii, pp. 57-61.—Wilks (S ) (1) On disease of the supra-renal capsules; or, morbus Addisonii. Guy's llosp. Kep, Lond, 1863, viii, 3d s, pp. 1-63.—(2) |- Lancet, Lond, 18.57, ii, n.s, pp. 523-524 ; ls5!l, n. s, i, p ,538 ; Gu\'s llosp. Beji Lond, 1859,v. 3d s pp. 89, 375. -Jul.: Trans. Path. ADDISON. 62 ADET. ADDISON'S DISEASE. Sue. of Lond, 1864, xv, pp. 218-221; 1873, xxiv, pp. 221-222.— Wolff (M ) + Berliner klin. Wochenschr, 1869, vi, pp. 173, 223.— Wyatt 4- Med. Times and Gaz, Lond, 1865, i, p. 113.—Young (A.) -j- Chicago Med. Examiner, 1867, viii, p. 5. ADDOMS (Jonas Smith). An inaugural dissertation on the malignant fever, which prevailed in the I city of New York during the months of August, September, and October in the year 1791. (Queen's College, New Jersey.) 37 pp. 8°. Xew York,printed by F. and J. Sivords, 1792. ADDRESS (An) to the citizens of Boston and vi- cinity, on the subject of a rural cemetery. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, Eastburn,8 press, 1850. ADDRESS to the citizens of Edinburgh. [On the election of a professor of the practice of medicine in the University of Edinburgh to succeed Dr. Rutherford, who desired the liberty of naming his successor.] 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1764. ADDRESS of the students of medicine to the right lion, tbe lord provost, the magistrates, and town council of the city of Edinburgh [urging removal of Gregory and appointment of Cullen]. 8 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, 1766. [Pamph., v. 632.] ADDRESS to the physicians of Philadelphia, on the present decline of the medical character, aud the means of advancing professional respectabil- ity. 39 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] ADDRESS (An) to the members of both houses of parliament, on the legislative measures necessary for providing an adequate supply of human bodies for the purpose of anatomical instruction. [A friend of science and of man.] 8 pp. 8°. [Bath, printed by George Wood, n. d.] ADDRESS to a medical student [on the duties of the medical profession]. 2d. ed. 167 pp. 12°. Oxford, J. H. Parker ; London, J. Churchill, 1850. ADDRESS (Au) to the citizens of Philadelphia on the subject of establishing an asylum for the cure of victims of intemperance. 14 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Brown, Ricking <}'■ Gullbert,printers, 1841. (a) [Pamph., v. 419.] ADDRESS to the committee for the erection of a statue of John Hunter by the president of the Roval College of Surgeons of England, March 29, 1859. 29 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes ieure et post^rieure du tronc, conside>6es comme d£riv6es de la presentation du sommet, suivies de quelques autres propositions. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834. No. 301. [Paris theses, v. 278.] ADET (P. A.) See PRIESTLEY (Joseph). Refle- xions sur la doctrine du phlogiston. Philadelphie, 1797. ADET. 63 ADOLrill. ADET (/'elms Augustus). Au paitium durarum nu- tritio, eadem ac mollium ? Resp. Martinus Nou- guez. 4 pp. 1\ [Paris, Quillau, 1748.] ADHESIONS. See, also, Membranes (Serous). Hebenstreit (J. E.) end Springsfeld (G. C.) Disputatio de partiutu coalescentia morbosa. 4Y Lipsiae, 1738. [In Haller, Disp. ad niorb, t. 6.] Springsfeld (G. C.) * De partinm coalescentia morbosa. Von den wieder naturlich zusammen gewachsenen Theilen des meuschlichen Corpers. hu\". 1-. Lipsiae [1738]. See, also Yirchow. Histologische Elemente, nament- lich die Nerven iu Adhiisiouen. Verhandl. der phys.-med. Gcsellsch. iu Wiirzburg, 1850, i, p. 141. ADICKES (R.) *Zur Histologic des Bindegewe- bes. 22 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Giittingen, Druck der Gebriider Hofer, 1872. ADIE(Alexander). Description of the patent syni- piesometer, or new air barometer. 10 pp. 8 . [n.p.,] Xeill cj- Co.,printers [n. d.] ADIPOCIRE. Wetherill (C. M.) On adipocire, aud its for- mation, fol. Philadelphia, 1855. See, also. Dalton. Remarkable case of adipocere. N. Y. Jour. Mill, 185!», vii, 3d s, pp. 375-376.—Gibb«-s (G. S ) Ou the conversion of animal muscle into a substance much resembling spermaceti. Pinion. Trans. Ilov. Soc. of Lond, 1794, pp. 169-176 ; 1795, pp. 239-245.—ITIanafieltl. Account ol' a remarkable case in which a considerable part of a fe male body was converted into fattv matter. Med. and Phys. Jour, Lond, 1800. iii, p. 10.—Tripp (B. H.) Adipni i're. Boston Med. and Surz. Jour, 1*73. x, pp. 41-4 4.— Virc-liow. Adipocire. Voi'haiidlimuariuti descriptioneni auctor antea in academia LipsYaisi ADOLPHI. 64 AEIIRENLESE. ADOLPHI (Christianus Michael). tribus dissertatiouibus publicis tradidit. 252 pp. 12°. Lipsiw et J'ratislavkv, suinpiibus J. J. Kornius, 1733. ADOLPHUS (Edwin). An essay on the pathology of the urine ; to which is added, a report on cases of the renal disease. 91,22 pp. 8°. London, J. Lee, 1838. ADOLPHUS (Ernestus Siegfried). * De collo virilis vesica? cathetere et unguentis illi inferendis. 46 pp. sm.4°. Lipskv, Uteris J. C. Langenhemii [1745]. For his life, see Hghen'STUeit (J. E.), Historia naturalis insectum, Lipsiae, 1745. ADOLPHUS (Joseph). Remarks on the use of the Indian bael or bela in dysentery, diarrluea, etc. 12 pp. 8°. London, H. Jackson, 1853. [Pamph., v. 60.] ADOLPHUS (Simon). Theses inaug. anatom.-me- dica' miscellanea', 26 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Hake Magdeb., typis J. C. HiUigeri [1730]. A DREOX (Stephen IV.) A discussion of charges pre- ferred in the Dugan controversy, being a reply to a publication of Dr. Franklin Knox, entitled "A vindication of character," [etc.] 22 pp. 8°. St. Louis, printed by T. IV. Ustick, 1846. ----- An exposition of the testimony and argu- ments used in Thomas I. White's late pamphlet. ou the Dugan case. 48 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., T. W. Ustick, June, 1847. ADRES aan z jue excellence minister van binnen- landsche zakeu, betrekkelijk de uitoefening der y,oneeskuude ten Plattenlande, door vijf medicinae doctores en Plattelands heclineester. [\V. M. S, Junius, H. P. Buchuer, C. A. Lutgert, H. B. Van Rliyn, G. Mirz, H. J. Reyers.] L4 pp. 8°. Leyden, H. IV. Hazcnberg en Comp., 1812. ADRIAAXS(Henricus Marinus). Specimen patholo- gico-auatomicum iuaugurale continens descrip- tionem pelvis oblique-angustatae atrophicae. 3 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lugduni-Batavorum, apud C. C. van der Hoek [1855]. ADRIAX (Adolph). Ueber die Fuuktiouen des Plexus coeliacus und mesentericus. 28 pp. 4°. Giessen, Briihl'sche Uuiv.-Buch- und Steiudruckerei, 1861. c. ADRIAXI (Johannes Adamns Goeritzius, 1651-1731). De tumoriltns tesfcium. Diss, inaug. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Jeiue, litteris Krelislanis [17u6]. For his life, see Cuausius (R. G.), Propeiupticou, Jena, 17U6. ADRIAXI (Marcus Jan). * Verhandelingover de te korte navelstreng, en dedaardoor te weeg gebragte nadeelen. 3 p. 1., 44 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Groningen, J.B. Huber [1861]. ADRIAXI (Roberto). Delle malattie men tali curate nel manicomo provinciale iu Fenno nel triennio 1S70, 1871, 1872. 59 pp. 8°. Feimo, tip. di C. Ciferri, 1«75. ADRIANOPLE. See Lcspinu (H.) Huit mois de sejour a Audrinople (Turqnie d Europe). Recu il de mem. do me.I, de chir. et de pharm. mil, Paris, 1*60, iii, 3e ser, pp. 294, 457. ADRIEX. Memoire sur les effets therapeutiques du monesia. 16 pp. 8°. I'aris, 1842. ADRIEX (Alexandre). * Essai sur l'hygiene des piofessions qui exposent a l'intlueuce de l'eau. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818. No. 64. ADRIEX (A. Carolo). * Dissertatio de dysenteria. 20 pp. 4Y Parisiis, 1807. No. 1(15. A DRIEX (C.) * Dissertation sur l'affection scrophu- leiise. 63 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1>35. No. 263. ADRIEX DE LA BRUFF1ERE (L. J.) * Disserta- tion sur l'anevrisme vrai. 27 pp. Y. Paris, 1806. [Paris theses, v. 62.] ADRIEX (Philibert Alexandre). * Considerations generales sur la gastrite ou in Humiliation de l'es- touiac. 25 pp. 4 . Paris, 1817. No. 225. ADULTERATION. Sec Drugs, Food, and Wine (Adulteration of). A1) UL TER A TIOX of coffee. A verbati m report of the proceedings of a public meeting held at the London Tavern, on Monday, March 10th, 1851. To which is appended comments on the subject. 40 pp. 8°. London, T. M. Inchbold, 1851. [Paniph., v. 524.] AD VEX A (Florianus Maria). * De metrorrhagia, viii, 72 pp. 8°. Gryphiae, tupis F. G. Kunike [1838]. ' J AD TEXTURES (The) of a gentleman in search of a horse. By Caveat Emptor [pseud.] xxxv,-392 pp. 8°. London, Saunders $ Otley, 1837. ADVERTISING. See ITIetlical advertising. British Med. Jonr, 1875, i, pp. lr-304.— [Report of a committee on the subject of immoral and injurious medical advertisements.J Chicago Med. Examiner, 1866, vii, pp. ADVICE to the officers of the British army. With some hints to the drummer and private soldier. (The ninth edition. Containing some advice to tbe officers of the ordnance, and to the secretary of war.) By G. K. iv, 170 pp., I pi. 12Y Lon- don, G. Kearslcy, 1787. ADYNAMIA. See Debility. AEBY(C.h.) Die Symphysis ossium pubis des Men- schen. Nebst Beiti-a^eii zur Lehre voui hyalinen Knorpel und seiner Verknocherung. Inaug.-Diss. (Basel). 88 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1858. ----- Die Schaedelformeu des Menschen uud der Affeu. Eine morphologisclie Studie. viii, 132 pp., 7 pi. 4°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1867. -----Der Ban des meuschlichen Korpers mit be- bonderer Riicksicht auf seine morphologische und physiologische Bedentung. Eiu Lehrbuch der Anatomic, xxiii, 1003 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1868-71. iEDCEOPSOPHIA. Stockhausen (F. P.) De aedoeopsophia. 8 Halae [1795]. AEFXER (Joannes Fridericus Rudolf us). * De doci- masia pulmonum nonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Beroli- ni, typis G. Schade [1861]. AEGIDI (Augustas Ernestus). * De pilorum anato- mia, physiologia, pathologia et therapia, 42 pp. sm. 8C. Berolini, typis C. A. Plateni [1819]. AEGIDI (Carolus Julius). * De rnptura perinaei. 46 pp. 8°. Berolini, for mis T. Briischcke [1819]. iEGILOPS. Hiinerwolff (J. F.) * De aslope. 4°. Jeum [1695]. JiGIXETA. See PA UL US HiGIXETJi. iE&OFHONY. See .Stone (W . H.) On tcgopliony. [3 cases.] St. Thomas Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1871, ii, n. s, pp. 187-194. AEGYDIUS de Vadis. Dialogus inter naturam et hliiuu philosophiae. Tabula, diversorum mctal- lorum vocabula, quibus usi sunt veteres ad artem celandam, explicans. [Theatrum chemicum, t. 2, pp. 81-109.] AEHLE (Joannes Augustus Ernestus). * De typho ejusque praecipuis formis. 50 pp. 4°. Lipsiae, typis Itichteri, 1812. For hislife, seeKmm (C. G.), Do eclampsia, Lipsiae, 1812. AEHRENLESE (Medicinische). Eine Zeitschrift iur die wisseuschaftlich-praktische Gesammtheil- kunde. Herausgegeben von A. Droste. Jahr- gange 1-10, Jan. 1856-Dec. 18(55. In 3 v. 8-'. Osnabriick. [Completed.] AENSTOOTS. 65 AFFORTY. AENSTOOTS (Franz). * Zur Aetiologie und Symp- tomatologie des Diabetes mellitus. 31 pp. 8°. Griefswald, Druck von F. W. Kunike, 1869. c. AEXVANCK (Jacob. Franc, van). * De cerealium productis. 1790. [In Louvaix, Diss, v. 4, p. 266.] AEPLl(Alexius Theodorus). * De membrana tym- pani. 16 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Gynopedii, typis By- gelianis, 1837. AEPLIXIUS (Christian. Ludovicus). * De solutionis corporum chemicae fuudamento. 23 pp., 4 1. 4°. Halae Magdeb., typis J. C. Hilligeri [1736]. AEPLIXIUS (Georgius Fridericus). * Sistens segrum in cubo laborautem. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Jenoj, aere Krebsiano, 1678. ------*,De catarrho suffocative 48 pp. sm. 4°. Jen in, typis viduw S. Krebsii [1680]. AERXSBERGEN (Petrus Hei'manus Hubertus van). Specimen medicum inaugurate, continens observa- tioues quasdam clinicas. [Acad. Lugd.-Bat.] 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Xoviomagi, 1854. AEROSTATION. Davidson (R. O.) A disclosure of the discov- ery and invention, and a description of the plan of construction aud mode of operation of the aer- ostat ; or a new mode of aerostation. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1840. Jeffries (J.) A narrative of the two aerial voy- ages of Dr. Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard ; with meteorological observations and remarks. The first voyage, on the thirtieth of November, 1784, from London into Kent; the second ou the seventh of January, 1785, from England into France. Pre- sented to the Royal Society, April 14,1785, and read before them, January7,1786. 4C. London, 1786. Kratzenstein (C. G.) L'art de naviguer dans l'air. sm. 8°. Copenhaven, 1784. Lambert (E.) * i. Del' Suecica' obscrvati- ones. Diss. Particula secunda. 9-18 pp. sin. 4°. Upsaliw, typis academicis [1836]. AGABEG (J.) De l'6pilepsie et de sa gudrison. Observations de gue"risons; mode de medication. (Traduit de l'anglais.) vi, 40 pp. 8 . Paris, A. Delahaye, 1869. AGAR DE BUS (D'). Theorie des causes physiques qui produisent le chole'ra-uiorbus asiatique. 23 pp. 4°. Issoudun, imprimepar H. Cotard [1849], [Also in Pamph., v. 479.] (a) Nouv. e"d. 44 pp. 4°. Chateauroux, impri- me par Migne, 1852. AGARD (Leonard). * Recherches statistiques sur la mortality par la phthisie a Paris. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874. No. 424. AGARDH (C. A.) Conspectus specierum nicoti- anae. Niigra ord om Tobaks Odliugens Forbiit- tring. [Swedish text.] 21pp. 16°. Lund, Ber- lingska Boktryckeriek, 1819. AGARDH (Jacobus G.) and SCHAGERSTROM (Theodore). Novitiae florae Sueciae ex Algarium familia, quas in itineribus ad oras occidentales Sueciae aunis 1832-35 collegit. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 8°. Lunelle, C. F. Berling, 1836. AGARIC. See, also, Fungi. Neale (G.) Some observations on the use of the agaric, and its insufficiency in stopping haem- orrhages. 8°. London, 1757. See, also, Fleury (G.) Sur deux produits de l'agaric blanc. Recueil de mem. de med., de chir. et de pharm. mil., Paris, 1870, xxiv, 3e ser., pp. 343-345.—Ford (J.) An ac- count of the success of agarjc, and the fungus vinosus, in amputations. Philos. Trans., Lond., 1755, xlix, part i, pp. 93-95.—1> at ter m a n (J.) Extractsof two letters concern- ing the effects of the agaric of the oak, after some of the most capital operations in surgery. Philos. Trans., Lond., 1755, xlix, part i, pp. 36-38.—[Mo'rand.] Sur l'agaric as- tringent. M6m. de l'Acad. de chir., I'aris, 1757, iii, pp. 1-6.— Sharp (S.) Experiments made by agaric upon the ampu- tation of the legs of two women in Guy's Hospital. Philos. Trans., Lond., 1754, xlviii, part ii, pp. 588-589.—Warner (J.) (1) The history of a case relating to the effects of the agaric of oak in stopping of haemorrhages. Philos. Trans., Lond., 1754, xlviii, part ii, pp. 590-592.—(2) A short history of the effects of the agaric of the oak in stopping of bleed- ings after some of the most capital operations in surgery ; with an account of the manner of its acting. Idem, pp. 593-598.—(3) Two letters concerning the use of agaric, as a styptic. Idem, pp. 813-818.—Watson (W.) Some obser- vations upon the agaric, lately applied after amputations, with regard to the determining its species. Philos. Trans., Lond., 1754, xlviii, part ii, pp. 811-812. AGASSIZ (Alexander). Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard Col- lege. No. vii. Revision of the Echini. Parts i- ii. xii, 378 pp., 49 pi. 4°. Cambridge, university press, 1872. (a) Part iii. 379-628 pp., 11., 43 pi. 4°. Idem, 1873. * AGASSIZ (Joannes Petrus). * De therapia mania-, 42 pp. sm. 4°. Erlangw, typis Zeltnerianis [1785]. AGASSIZ (Louis). Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de PEurope centrale. Embryologie des salmones par C. Vogt. 326 pp., 8°. Atlas, 7 tab., 4°. Neuchatel, Petitpierre, 1842. -----An introduction to the study of natural his- tory, in a series of lectures delivered in the hall of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York ; also, a biographical notice of the author. 58 pp. 8C. Xew York, Greeley $ McElrath, 1847. AGASSIZ. 67 AGE. AG AS SIZ (Louis). Twelve lectures on comparative embryology delivered before the Lowell Institute in Boston. 104 pp. 8Y Boston, Redding 4' Co., 1849. ------Importance of the study of natural history as a branch of elementary education. 19 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n. d.] [Massachusetts Teacher, January, 1850.] ------The diversity of origin of the human races. 36 pp. 8°. [n.p.,] 1850. [From Christian Examiner for July, 1850.] ■ Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. 4 v. 4°. Boston, Lit- tle, Brown cf Co., 1857-62. Contents. — 1st monograph, in 3 parts: 1st. Essay on classification ; 2d. North American testudinata ; 3d. Em- bryology of the turtle. 34 pi.—2d monograph, in 5 parts: 1st. Acalephs in general; 2d. Ctenophorae; 3d. Discopho- ras; 4th. Hydroidea; 5th. Homologies of the Radiata. 46 pi. For his life, see Li:se (J. P.) Agassiz, the lessons of his life, 8°, Louisville, 1874.—White (J. W.) Professor Agas- siz. Phila. Med. Times, 1873, iv, p. 200. AGASSIZ Institute of Sacramento. Proceedings of the Agassiz Institute of Sacramento. With the constitution and by-laws and the names of the officers and members. Incorporated Nov. 12,1872. 20 pp. 8°. Sacramento, Cat., E. G. Jefferis aetatum characteres sistente. 4°. Lipsiae [1H38]. Luebbert (F. W.) * Von den Menschenaltern. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1818. Mitaine (J.-J.-B.-G.) * Considerations ge"u6- rales sur l'age de l'adolescence. 4°. Paris, 1819. Mortagne (R.-P.-M.-D.) * Dissertation sur les ages. 4°. Paris, 1830. AGE and Signs of age. Moure (J. G. A. P.) * Considerations ge"ne"rales m6dico-hygie'niques et philosophiques sur les ages. 4°. Paris, 1831. Osterreicher (G. P.) * De vitae hnmanae tem- pore et aetate, sub hac mutationibus, et infirmita- tibus. 4°. Wirceburgi [1740]. Plaz (A. G.) Juventus spec. ii. 4°. Lipsiae [1783]. Schmidt (B.) and Mavius (A. V.) De homi- nis aetatibus. 4°. Lipsiae, 1655. Symonds (J. A.) Age. (From the Cyclopae- dia of Anatomv and Physiology.) 8°. London, 1835. Uhland (G.E.J.) *Sisteus aetates humauas earnmque jura. 4Y Tubingae [1778]. Walland (F. X.) * De aetate. 8°. Vindobon- nae [1836]. See, also, Aitken. On physical indications of age from 17 to 25 years. British Army Med. Dept. Rep., 1869, ix, p. 374.— (Griffith (R. E.) Ages. Amer. Cyclop, of Pract. Med. and Surg. Edited by Hays. Philadelphia, 1834. i, pp. 238-260.— Kanzlcr (J.) Zur gerichtlich-medicinisdien Skelets-Xe- ciopsie. (Auf welches Alter der verstorbenen Person las- sen die aufgefundenen Kuochen schliesscu .') Vierteljahrs- schr. f. gerichtl. u. offentl. Med., Berlin, 1854, v, pp. 206-261.— Vlacilonald (W.) Disquisitions on diagnosis, being an attempt to show the manner of ascertaining the relative ages ol mankind in cases where the records or testimonials of hirtli have been lost. Lancet, Loud., 1839, ii, pp. 775-779.— Maiuidci's (11.) The teeth a test of age. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, pp. 492-1H6.—Tourilo* (G.) Du poids specifique des os qui torment la voiite du crilne, considere comme signe d'lige. Gaz. med. de Strasbourg, 1871-72, xxxi, pp. 1-3. AGE in relation to disease. Condoidi(P.) * De morbis aetatum. 4°. Lug- dunl Batavorum, 173'2. Dallidet (J. L.) Apercu sur les maladies qui survieunent aux differentes penodes de la vie, de- puis la naissauce jusqu'a l'age adulte. 4°. I'aris, 1815. Delannoy (A.) Quelques considerations de physiologic pathologiquesur les ages. 4C. Paris, 1823. Dereins (J. B.) * Etudes premieres sur les ma- ladies des ages. 4°. Paris, I860. Edwards (J.) * De morljis singula? aetati pro- priis. 4C. Lugduni Baiar., 1725. Gendrin (A. N.) "Dd 1'intiujuce des ages sur les maladies. 8°. Paris, 1840. Happersberger (J.) * Die Lebensalter und ihr Einfluss auf die Krankheiten. 8°. Miinchen, 1843. Heimenberg (P. D. ab). * De variis aetatis variae morbis. 4°. Harderovici, 1762. Honlet (L.) "Dissertatio medica de morbis cuique aetati maxime familiaribus, eorumque cau- sis. 4°. Parisiis, 1807. Jatteau (D.-A.) * Des ages et de leurs mala- dies en g6ue"ral. 4°. Paris, 1835. Lemoine (C. de). * Essai physiologique sur les Ages, considered dans leurs rapports avec lea maladies auxquelles ils disposent. 4°. Paris, 1823. Leseble (X. M.) * De l'influeuce des ages sur les maladies en general. 4°. Paris, 1827. Moysen (M.-B.) * Des ages, et de leur influ- ence sur les maladies. 4J. Paris, 1821. Miiller (A. F.) * De ratione, quae morbos inter et aetates diversas intercedat. 8°. Berolini [1828]. Prosch (T.) * De physiologica morborum ra- tione ad diversas vitae periodos. 8°. Halae, 1821. Schepper (P. A. de). * De morbis cuique aBta- ti maxime familiaribus eorumque causis. w . Louvain, 1764. [In LouvaiD, Diss., i, p. 24.] AGE. 68 AGE. AGE in relation to disease. Stewart (G.) * De morbis ab aetatum muta- tionibus oriundis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1753. See, also, Butcher (A. P.) A lecture on age ; its influ- ence in modifying the elfect of disease. Med. and Surg. Re- corder, Phila., 1866, xv, pp. 369-373.—Gendrin. Des rap- orts qui existent entre l'dge des malades et les affections iverscs dont ils sont atteints. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1856, pp. 377, 389, 413.—Sedgwick (W.) On the influence of age in hereditary disease. British and Foreign Med.-Chir. Re- view, 1867, xxxix, pp. 466-496 ; xl, pp. 438-472. AGE (Old). Beard (G.M.) Lecture ... on the decline of the moral faculties in old age. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] -----Legal responsibility in old age, based on researches into the relations of age to work. 8°. Xew York, 1874. Behrisch (C. G. W.) * De caussis senectutis in genere. 4°. Lipsiae, 1761. Belloir (V. L ) * Considerations sur les rap- ports de l'enfance et de la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1817. Berger (J. S. de). * Senex valetudinis suae custos. 4°. Gottingae, 1757. Blaevoet (E\) * Quelques considerations sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1854. Blume (J. H.) * De senectutis praesidiis. 4°. Helmestadii, 1699. Brossard-Ysabeau (L.) * Considerations sur les caracteres de la vieillesse, et sur les affections qui sont propres k cet age. 4°. Paris, 1815. Cardan (J.) De senectute. [In Cardani Opera, Lugduui, 1663, vi, pp. 242-298.] Chaussard (F.) * Eecherches sur l'organisa- tion des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1822. Delphin-Lamothe (J. B. M.) Dc l'homme con- Bide"^ sous le rapport physiologique et meclicale dans la derniere periode de sa vie. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1806. Delseries (J.-P.) * Essai sur l'organisme des vieillards. 107 pp. 8°. Paris, an x (1802). Drugbert(E.) * Del'hygiene des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1862. Estorge (J. L.) * Hygiene de la seconde en- fance. 4°. Paris, 1863. Fischer (J. B. de). De senio eiusque gradibus et morbis, nee non de eiusdem acquisitione trac- tatus. Ed. 2a. 12°. Erfordiae, 1760. Gernet (J. H.) * De siccitatis senilis effecti- bus. 4°. Lipsiae, 1753. Hagemeyer (J. A. L.) * De fibra senili. 4°. Lipsiae, 1746. Henry (J.) Considerations ge"ue"rales sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1817. Heraud (H.-S.) * Considerations generates sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1821. Hoffmann (J. A.) * De illis qui vitae termi- nura a Mose (Ps. xc. 10.) statutum per vi. annos proxime elapsos supergressi sunt, h. e. von den alten Miinnern und Weibern, alten Junggesellen und Jungfern, die in den letztverflossenen 6. Jah- ren dieses Seculi iiber 80 Jahr alt wordeu sind. 4°. Lipsice [1711]. Hutter (J.) Senectus, ipsa morbus. Dasist: dass das Alter an und vor sich selbst eine Kranck- heit seye. 4°. Halae, 1732. Langenmantel (W. J. E. von). * Das Greisen- alter. ~Y Augsburg, 1851. Lichtenstaedt (I. K.) Decommodis senectutis commentatio. 4°. Fratislavia}, 1822. Ludwig (C. G.) De sanitate senili. 4°. [Lip- sia, 1759.] Mauvif-Montergon (M.) * Considerations physiologiques sur la seconde enfance. 4°. Paris, an xii (1804). No. 208. Nitschius (M. F.) * De valetudine senum tu- enda. 4°. Halae Magdeb. [1725]. AGE (Old). Philites (C. A.) * De decremento altera homi- num aetatis periodo seu de marasmo senili in spe- cie. 8°. Halae, 1808. Piesbergen (A.) * Ueber die VeriLnderungen des menschlichen Koerpers ira Greisenalter. sm. 8°. Berlin [1870]. Poenitz (F. A.) * De animi functionnm im- becillitate senili e corpore solo derivanda. 4°. Vitebergae [1800]. Pringle (J.) * De marcore senili. 4°. Lugdu- ni Bat., 1730. Richter (A. G.) * De senectutis praesidiis. 4°. Vitembergae [1724]. Richter (G. G.) De constantia senilis valetu- dinis. 4°. Gottingae [1752], -----De commodis senectutis imprimis senili satietate vitae disserit. 4°. Goettingae [1764]. (a) In das Teutsche iibersetzt von J. J. K. sm. ' 4°. [n.p.,] 1765. Schelhass (C. F.) * Diss. med. exhibens vale- tudinarium senum. Eespondente Joanne Andrea Schmidio. 4°. Jenae [1718]. Smith (J.) The portrait of old age. Wherein is contained a sacred anatomy both of soul and body, and a perfect account of the infirmities of age incident to them both. Being a paraphrase upon the six former verses of the xiith chapter of Ecclesiastes. The third edition corrected. 12°. London, 1752. Terrier (F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des vieil- lards. 4C. Paris, 1817. No. 185. Van Oven (B.) On the decline of life iu health and disease ; being an attempt to investigate the causes of longevity and the best means of attain- ing a healthful old age. 8°. London, 1853. Vater (A.) * Oeconomiam senuum ex speciali organorum sensoriorum, et sigillalim, et papilla- rum nervearum texturamechauica demonstrat et placidaeeruditorum disquisitioni offert. 4°. Vi- tembergae [1717]. Wertheim (L.) * Das Greisenalter in seiner Wesenheit. 8°. Miinchen [1837]. See, also, Alibert (J. L.) Diss, pour servir de r6ponse au memoire du Dr. Walli, sur la vieillesse. Mem. de la Soc. medicale d'emulation, Paris, an v, i, pp. 201-215.—Begin (L. J.) Memoire physiologique et pathologique sur la vieil- lesse. Jour. compl6m. du diet, des sci. med., Paris, 1824, xix, pp. 97-110.—Berger. Uber einen zu Brandenburg ver- storbenen 102jahrigen Soldaten, nebst Obductions-Bericht. Med. Zeitung, Berlin, 1842, xi, pp. 67-68.—Breschet (G.) Note sur l'anatomie des vieillards. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1826, x, pp. 97-101—Chew (S. C) Notes on old a°-e. Baltimore Med. Jour., 1870,i,pp. 651-657.—Curran (W.) A few more words on centenarianism. Edinburgh Med. Jour. 1872, xviii, pp. 149-158, 4 tab—Cutler (S. P.) Physiology and chemistry of old age. New Orleans Jour, of Med 1870, xxiii, pp. 96-104.—Einpis (G. S.) De l'affaiblissement musculaire progressif chez les vieillards. Archives gen. de med., Paris, 1862, i, pp. 407, 535— Gibb (G. D.) (1) The vocal organs in living centenarians. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond , 1874, i, pp. 669-671.—(2) Autopsy of the Tring centenarian who had attained the age of 111 years. Lancet, Lond., 1875, l, pp. 159-160.—liittre sur la question de savoir s'il est mieux de reunir les vieillards dans les hospices, ou de les placer en pension h la campagne. Annales d'hyg. pub 1832, vii, le s6r., pp. 218-230.—Massy (R. T.) Autopsy of a centenarian. Med. Times aud Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii pp. 642-643.—iTIort (De la) senile ou physiologique. Gaz. m6d. de Paris, 1850, v, 3e ser., up. 619-622. —Muller (F. W.) Ueber das Greisenalter. Deutsche Klinik, Berlin 1875, xxvii pp 19, 28, 43.-lVagle (J. T.) Centenarians. Med. Record N. T., 1875, x, pp. 317-319.-IVichols (W.) Old age. New Jersey Med. Repository, Burlington, 1851, iv, pp. .5-85.-Pennock (C. W.) Note on the frequency of the pulse and respiration of the aged. Amer. Jour. Med. Sci 1847, xiv, n. s., pp. 68-75.-Pinel (P.) Considerations sur la constitution senile et sur son influence dans les mala- dies ingues. Archives gen. de ni6d., Paris, 1823, ii, pp. 5- ,ls-~r»«rry. Sur la vieillesse et les moyens de la com- battre. Umo-n med., 1870, ix, pp. 1, 25.-Post-mortem examination ot the body of a lady over one hundred years old. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1837, xvi, pp. 44-46.- Kevcill, -Pan»<. Modifications seniles des organes de la. respiration ; sont-elles le point de depart de la vieillesse? Ton/S i ^e+Pans'i851' vi' 3e s6r- PP.200-202.-Rolles. ton («■.) .Notes on the post-mortem examination of a man AGE. 69 AGE. AGE (Old). supposed to have been 106 years old. Brit, and For. Med.- Chir. Review, 1863, xxxi, pp. 505-515.—Rush (B.) An ac- count of the state of the body and mind in old age ; with ob- servations on its diseases and their remedies. In his Med- ical Inquiries and Observations, 8°, Philadelphia, 1793, ii, pp. 293-321; reprint, 8°, New York, 1872. — Some account oi John Gilley, who died in Augusta, Maine, at the age of 121 years, by 11. D. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1869, iii, n.s., pp. 432-433.—Whittaker (J. T.) Senile gangrene and senility. Clinic, Cincinnati, 1873, iv, pp. 265-266. AGE (Old, Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Gan- grene (Senile) and Pneumonia in the aged. Auchier (L.) * Des maladies de la vieillesse, d'apres Hippocrate. 4°. Paris, an xii (1804). Beteux (P.) * De morbis senectutis. 4C. Lug- duni Bat., 1726. Camberogue (M.) * Introduction a l'6tude des maladies de la vieillesse. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Canstatt (C.) Die Krankheiten des hoeheren Alters und ihre Heilung. 2 v. 8°. Erlangen, 1839. Carlisle (A.) An essay on the disorders of old age and on the means for prolonging human life. 8°. Philadelphia, 1819. Day (G. E.) A practical treatise on the do- mestic management and most important diseases of advanced life. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. (a) 8°. London, 1851. Diepen (C. van). * De seuectute morbosa. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1768. Friis (C. L.) * De morbis senum secundum Hippocratis aphor. xxi. sect. 3. 4°. Harniae, 1739. Geist (L.) Klinik der Greisenkraukheiten. 8°. Erlangen, 1860. Haenel (C. H.) De morbis ex seuio. 4°. Lip- siae, 1777. Herold (K.) * Lebensalter mit Beziehuuganf die vorziiglichsten Krankheiten desselben. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1844. Hofmann .(P.) * De morbis senum. 4°. Vitem- bergee [1693]. Jungius (J. C.) *De valetudine senum occa- sione aphor. Hipp, xxxix. sect. ii. ventilabatur. 4°. Erfordiae [ 1725]. Kallmeyer (T.) * De praecavendis senum mor- bis venae sectioue. 4°. Erfordiae [1768]. Kletsch (F. A.) *De marasmo senili. 8°. Lipsiae, 1833. Klose (C. L.) De senectutis iu officiis medicis tarn clinicisquam forensibus rationerectehabenda commentarius. 4°. Vratislaviae, 1828. Louis (M. E. E.) * Observations sur la diffi- cult^ du diagnostic dans lea maladies des vieillards, suivies de l'hygieue propre k cet age. 4°. Paris, 1834. No. 322. Ludwig (G. M.) * De morbis ex acrimouia senili ortum ducentibus adnexis thesibus chirurgiaiu et artem obstetriciam spectantibus. 8°. Tubingae [1822]. Maclachlan (D.) A practical treatise on the diseases and infirmities of advanced life. 8°. London, 1863. Meier (C. T. M.) * De morbis senii nonnulla. 8°. Bei-olini, 1836. Mettenheimer (C.) Nosologische und anato- mische Beitriige zu der Lehre von den Greisen- krankheiteu. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Michaelis (J. C.) * De senum affectibus. sm. 4°. Halee Magdeb. [1710]. Nettekoven (M. J.) * De morbis senii non- nulla. 8Y Berolini, 1835. Schlipalius (C. F.) * De morbis senum pro- priis. 8°. Lipsiae [1848]. Schuster (A. E.) * Sistens pathologiam vitae decrescentis. 4°. Jenae [1822]. Scudder (J.) * An inaugural dissertation on the diseases of old age, as connected with a pleth- oric state of the system. 8°. Xetv York, 1815. AGE (Old, Diseases and injuries of). Secretain (A.) * Propositions et reflexions sur quelques maladies des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1827. Seiler(G.) De morbis senum praefatus. Part. i-ii. 4°. T1 teberqae [ 1 ^06-07 ]. Trillerus (D. W.) Praetnissa exercitatione al- tera de senilibus morbis di verso modo a Salomone et Hippocrate descriptis atque inter se compara- tis. 4°. Wittebergae [1771]. Vinache (A.) * Essai d'un commentaire sur l'aphorisme d'Hippocrate conceruant les maladies des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1816. No. 219. See, also, Annandale (T.) Notes of successful opera- tions on aged patients. Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1872, xvii, pp. 829-831.—Anstie (F. E.) On certain nervous affections of old persons. Jour, of Mental Sci., Lond., 1870-71, xvi, pp. 3l-41.--C!harcot. Maladies chroniques. Maladies des vieillards. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1866, pp. 257, 273, 293 ; Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, pp. 245,463; reprinted, 8°, Paris, 1867.—Chrastina (J.) Beitriige zur Pathologie des Greisenalters. Oesterreichische Zeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1864, pp. 237 .. . 894 ; 1865, pp. 1035, 1057; 1866, pp. 357, 399, 501 ; 1867, pp. 40, 61. — [Cummins (W. J.)] Case of remarkable tenacity of life in old age. Dublin Quart. Jour, of Med. Sci, 1861, xxxii, pp. 217-222.—Ettqui- rol, Chevallit'r,'Villerine, and Parent-Duchate- Ict. Note relative k quelques conditions que doivent pre- senter les hopitaux destines k des individus Ag6s de plusde 60 ans, et inlirmes. Annales d'hyg. publ., 1833, ix, le s6r., pp.296-307.—Fajrer (J.) Rapid union in fracture in an old man. Med. Times aud Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, p. 617. — Gans(D.S.) Diseases of old age. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., 1863, vi, pp. 521-540.—Hutchinson (J.) Symmet- rical central ehoroido-retinal disease occurring in senile persons. Royal Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., etc., 1875, viii, pp. 231-244.—jarrot (R.) Amputation from gangrene of foot, successfully performed on a negro, at the age of one hundred and two. Charleston Med. Jour., 1849, iv, pp. 301-303.— Pierson (A. L.) Two cases of diseases and dis- section in aid age. New York Med. and Phys. Jour., 1829- 30, ii, n. s.,pp.67-74.—Prus. (1) Recherches sur les maladies de la vieillesse. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris, 1837-38, ii, p. 445; rapport par M. Piorry, ibid., p. 661.—(2) Lettre sur quelques points de la discussion, qui a eu lieu k PAca demie de niedecini;, a l'occasion du memoire sur les mala- dies dela vieillesse. (laz. med. de Paris, 1838, vi, 2e ser., pp. 317-318. — Keveille-P:iri*c. Considerations gencrales sur les maladies de la vieillesse, sur leurs causes, leur oa- ractere et leur traitement. Bull. gen. de therap. med. et chir., 1851, xl, pp. 385, 481.— Rollett (E.) Ueber Bluthus- ten im Greisenalter. Wiener med. Presse, 1875, xvi, pp. 3,33 Aglaias. Poetue grec inddit attribu6 au mdde- ein Aglaias, publil d'apri s un manuscript do la bibliotheqne royale de Paris, par J. Sichel. 23 pp. 8°. Paris [Belin-Mandar], 1846. Agnely (Andr6-Horace). * i. De l'augmentation de ptession sur une grande partie du corps, ii. Des tendons, iii. [etc.] 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839. [Paris theses, v. 335.] Agner (Carolus Fredericus). Semiotices medicae generalia commentata. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsia, litte- ris Klauberthils [1780]. For his life, see Plaz (A. G.) De officiis medicorum etc. Agnes (Jacques-Adolphe). * De l'hemorrhagie c6- r6brale. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831. [Paris theses, v.243.] Agnew (C. R.) (1) A method of operating for diver- gent squint. 4 pp. 8Y [n.p.,n.d.] (2) Ophthalmic notes. 30 pp. "Y. Acw York, Win. Wood <)'■ Co., 1874. (3) Otitis: or inflammation of the ear, audits relations to what is commouly called " taking cold". [Amer. Clin.-Lect, 1875, i, no. vi, pp 135-156. J Agnew (D. Hayes). (1) Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School ot Anatomy. 16 pp. 8Y Philadelphia, J. B. Chand- ler, printer, 1856. . (2) Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. . (3) Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. AGNEW. 70 AHLEMAOT. Agnew (D. Hayes)." (4) Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. (5) An introductory lecture delivered in the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. (6) Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 20 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, J. M: Wilson, 1860. [Also in Pamph., v. 101.] (7) Classifiation of the animal kingdom. A lec- ture introductory to the course of anatomy in Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. M. Wilson, 1860. (8) Baron Larrey. A lecture. 59 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, Lindsay . - ^v■ - " J ~ ^'4^.J"' \v y •>V Yv'v ygJiW»W iluM^>^^ \r^??mMj 'wiN^fe W^WWiVW?? VVWvvt lj»ZuJ*><°'«** IJjV* vWvyxyy ^tftf^vv-v 'l:^">wW^¥vwwwWwww^^wiw^^^ ;^i5£^W^^yVWyw^^ywv^. C^^-w A^^/"": yyyjp^^ '*WgWg^W y * ^ ■A M ,. i 1 ii ^ tJLi 1 Li L i. ii U j ■aw*' v^' S»$3PP^ VWV'vvV 1 1 ' , . , ™ Vk w$«^ VWWvvw ^•vv^vVWy wv^w WyV**V*^''J^V*'vVwv;, y ww y ■ J. " - ,. , v-^t .-; ^Y 5h" y.VVk- - - v yY^^y> *vwyW(*VwwUwvWWwgw^W^ '^ ^vWu vi»jYWvvvv»*v •*wvm« *wvvi -i'v^W-..'. ^wwyw^^^V^^^wyww^ww^w 'v^Vwy^y»/*'VWw'v* i ^^Vw»^y^r v \y WWW jwm^ ^u%^ ■Wfcwv, -,-M. .. y&d^Www' Ayjjjsp". '■jL&tw*' ■ttf*™ ;1 jM^iW£i$W ^^^^J^^yW^WW^Vwy wfi^yv^^ rfWWvv**^ g^/vy '^-yywww^C . • w>^vy^^„.. ^wyvwVww^ww.rr<^:;ywyy -;^' y- > wv^ww^w* * ££ 3«S$?*W^ Nyy***^ «^?»**w*v j wvwWwwVw ^vw-. *Nvjy« ^ggsw^v -fc«ftS!$5^^ yjw*ww^v*v^^^^ &v**'*!y>M\ (lU'.^.^VTVt • A *1 ■i. . .✓:< ^m^ i *a' HAnA**r\r\*tr\F ____ L'^-S'5 W^M ". M AA4AA< k'A/fifl*/W * V"*AA YJ^"K>\AAn w wyY J jj.n > s ! Ai ft&ffito P'^^%k^ &ff^&^md "40fa$fi j^^h: TO j^*mmmw W5 $-■