y l&ESENTED BY TH® CATALOGUE OF THE OF THE la BhwMSme, PREPARED AGREEABLY TO A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS, BY E. F. RIVINUS. M. D. Late Resident Physician to the Alms-House Infirmary PHILADELPHIA. 1831. PREFACE. The Board of Managers, with the most commendable zeal to ex- tend the usefulness of the Medical Library of the Philadelphia Alms-house, and being, moreover, impressed with the belief that, considering its size nothing would promote that object so much, as a new and scientifically arranged catalogue, passed a resolution ac- cordingly, in April last, directing me to prepare the manuscript for the press. Having been honoured with this flattering testimonial of their confidence in my humble abilities, for which my respectful acknowledgments are due to that eminently useful and respectable body, it, now, becomes me briefly to state the principles which have guided me in accomplishing this task, and to explain the pecu- liarities which the work may be found to possess. This is divided into four sections,-two alphabetical catalogues and two corresponding indices or tables of subjects. Under the first of the former the names of all the authors, succeeded by the titles, in full, of such of their writings as have ever obtained a place on the shelves of this library will be found alphabetically arranged. Embodied within that class are the different anonymous works, the various dictionaries, catalogues, pharmacopoeias and periodical pub- lications, all of which may be consulted by referring, in their alpha- betical order, to the words: Anonymous, Catalogues, Dictionaries, Pharmacopoeias and Periodical Literature. And in order to re- cognize, at once, those journals and periodicals which continue to be published and subscribed for in behalf of the library, it has been thought most proper to distinguish them from the rest, by causing their titles to be printed in Italics. There are, besides, in the library a number of voluminous and ponderous works, principally of a remote date, scarce and not easi- ly of access, which enjoy, however, a considerable reputation for literary merit and authority; to the titles of these a very genera! synopsis of their contents has been added, so as to facilitate, in future, the student's labour of research. The works alluded to are those of Buffon, Cloquet, Haller, Meckel. Mosely, Parkinson, Rich ter, Riverius, Willis, &c. IV PREFACE. The second division presents another alphabetical arrangement of a numerous collection of inaugural theses. Amongst them will be found the treatises of Cullen, Haller, Hunter, Monro, Quin, Rush, Seybert, Wistar, &c. which, besides their intrinsic value, are looked up to, at present, as the forerunners of the subsequent emi- nence of their authors, and which are, indeed, precious relics of the aspiring character of literary fame and distinction. Next in the order of arrangement comes an index of medical and other subjects, of which this library possesses some account or treatise. It is to be understood, however, that an enumeration of the contents of all the periodical publications, transactions of learn- ed societies, dictionaries and cyclopaedias has been from obvious reasons excluded. In arranging this part of the work it has been my double aim to enable the student to a\ail himself with ease and familiarity of the literary stores of this collection, and to present the subject in such a light as will serve also in some measure as an assistant guide to the study of the history of medicine and medical literature. Finally in preparing the index of the subjects of the inaugural theses the alphabetical arrangement has been departed from, it be- ing less suitable to them than that which, under the heads of the principal branches of medical science, exhibits them to greater ad- vantage. Having, thus, rendered a brief account of my labours, it remains only for me to publicly acknowledge the obligations to which the previous exertions of a similar kind, and the personal friendly ser- vices of W. G. Malin, Esq. Librarian of the Pennsylvania Hospital, have subjected me, whilst compiling this work, which 1 submit now to a fair and indulgent examination of its judges. E. F. RIVINUS. Philadelphia, August, 9th, 1831. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. 1831. Managers. Thomas P. Cope, John Hemphill, Erskine Hazard, Israel Cope, Joshua Lippincott, Lewis Ryan, From the City. Jesse R. Burden, M. D. John Keefe, From the district of Southwark, Jonathan Townsend, William Binder, From the Northern Liberties. William F. Harrison, from the district of Kensington. James S. Spencer, from Penn-township. President of the Board; Thomas P. Cope, Treasurer; John Hemphill. Secretary; Samuel Hazard. Attending Physicians, Surgeons and Practitioners of Midwifery. Henry Neill, M. D., President of the Board of Physicians. Nathaniel Chapman, M. D. Samuel Jackson, M. D. Hugh L. Hodge, M. D. Samuel G. Morton, M. D. William Gibson, M. D. William E. Horner, M. D. John Rhea Barton, M. D. Richard Hai lan, M. D. F. S. Beattie» M* D Steward of the Alms-house; Jeremiah Peirsoll. Apothecary and Librarian; Gerard S. Marks. EXTR WT From the " Bules for the government of the Board of Guardians, its officers, business and affairs, and for regulating and controlling the Alms-house and House of Employment. " RULE XXL MEDICAL LIBRARY. Section 1. The library shall be under the superintendence and direction of the apothecary for the time being, and it shall be his duty to see that all the books are labelled and numbered, and he shall carefully preserve a catalogue of them in numerical order; he shall examine those returned, and if uninjured, immediately place -them upon the shelves; he shall keep, in a book provided for that purpose, an exact account of fines and forfeitures as they are in- curred, and settle with the steward for the same monthly, He shall report to the first meeting of the board in every month the state of the library, and what defalcations, if any, have occurred in returning books. Sect. 2. The books shall be lent out only to the following per- sons: " the guardians, physicians of the Alms-house, out-door phy- sicians, for the time being, or any of them who may resign after having served in the station during five years, and persons actually attending the practice of the house, or who may have acquired the right by the payment of thirty dollars in one sum, which right shall not be transferable." Sect. 3. A folio may be loaned for four weeks, a quarto three weeks, octavo and duodecimo two weeks, and no longer, unless the loan be renewed, except to the members of the board of physicians, who shall have the privilege of retaining such books as they may want from the library, for a period not exceeding four weeks. Sect. 4. The guardians and attending physicians of the Alms- house shall leave their signatures for each book they may take out of the library; but in every other-instance a deposit of ten dollars shall be left for each book lent, unless the same is worth more than six dollars, in which case the deposit shall be at least double its value, and in all cases the borrower shall return the book undefaced, within the time specified by these rules, at the expiration of which he may take the book again, provided no other person applies for it, but if so applied for, the new applicant shall have the preference. Sect. 5. In case a book be returned injured, the borrower must either pay for the injury, replace the book, pay double its value, or forfeit his deposit, and be deprived of the future use of the library, at the pleasure of the board. Sect. 6. The resident physicians of the house may be allowed VII to have four books out of the library at one time, but no other indi vidual can have more than two books at one time, except the at- tending physicians, who are not restricted as to number. Sect. 7. If any person takes a book from the library without the knowledge of the librarian, or without making the deposit pre- scribed by the fifth rule, he shall forfeit his privilege. Sect. 8. A fine of twelve and a half cents per week shall be paid for every book kept beyond the limited time, and if the borrower does not return it within three months from the date of his deposit, or, signature, it shall be deemed lost, and in this case, as well as in all other cases where a book is lost, the deposit shall be forfeited, the book replaced, or its value paid by the borrower; and if any one or more books belonging to a set be lost, the borrower shall make the set complete, or take the remaining volumes, and pay the value of the whole set. In default of full compliance with the requi- sitions of this rule, or any or either of these rules, the right to the use of the library shall be forfeited by such defaulter. Sect. 9. It shall be the duty of the librarian to register in a book to be kept expressly for the purpose, all books taken out of the libra- ry, carefully noting the name of the person, the title of the book, and the time when taken out, and when the books are returned, he shall credit the borrower by noting the time of return, and the na- ture and extent of the injury, (if any) which has been done to the book, while out of the library. Sect. 10. The periodical works taken for the use of the libra- ry, shall be subject to the free inspection of all medical attendants and students attached to this institution. Sect. 11. In case of a doubt respecting a violation of the fore- going rules, recourse must be had to the committee, whose deter- mination shall be conclusive. No guardian shall be allowed to judge in his own case, and if a determination cannot be obtained as above, the board shall decide. Sect. 12. The librarian shall require of all persons entitled to take books out of this house, a strict compliance with all the rules and regulations concerning the medical library. Sect. IS. The board will from time to time designate such books aS shall not be taken out of the library. CONTEXTS* Page. Alphabetical register of the authors of works in this library, 1 Alphabetical catalogue of the authors of inaugural theses, 101 Index to subjects of books, 133 Index to subjects of theses, 161 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF THE AUTHORS OF THE RESPECTIVE WORKS CONTAINED IN THIS LIBRARY. ABERCROMBIE, J. m. d. 927. Pathological and practical re- searches on diseases of the brain, and the spinal cord. Edinb. 1828. 8vo. 949. Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the stomach, intestinal canal, liver, and other viscera of the abdomen. Edinb. 1828. 8vo. Abernethy, J. 454. Surgical observations on tumours and lumbar abscesses. 404. Surgical observations on the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases; and on aneurisms. London 1809. 8vo. - 404. Surgical observations on diseases resembling syphi- lis ; and on diseases of the urethra. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 255. Surgical observations on the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases and on aneurisms; on dis- eases resembling syphilis; and on diseases of the urethra. Philada. 1811. 8vo. 255 and 214. Surgical observations on injuries of the head; and on miscellaneous subjects. Philada. 1811. 8vo. with plates. 387 and 436. z\n inquiry into the probability and ration- ality of Mr. Hunter's theory of life; delivered before the royal college of surgeons. Lond. 1814 and 1815. 8vo. 18. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a view of Mr. Hun- ter's physiology, and of his researches in comparative ana- tomy. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 701. Reflections on Gall and Spurzheim's system of phy- siognomy and phrenology. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 975. Lectures on the theory and practice of surgery. N. York, 1830. 8vo. Accwn, F. 55. A manual of analytical mineralogy, intended to facilitate the practical analysis of minerals. 2vols. Lond 1808. 12mo. B 2 Mourn, F. 119. A system of theoretical ami practical chemistry, 2 vols. with plates. Philada. 1808. 8vo. 111. The same. With an appendix, by Thomas Cooper, 2 vols. with plates. Philada. 1814. 8vo. -- 87. Elements of crystallography, after the method of Haiiy: with or without series of geometrical models, both solid and dissected. With plates. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 58. A practical essay on chemical re-agents or tests. Lond. 1816. 12mo. Mams, J. m. d. 289 and 596. Observations on the cancerous breast. Lond. 1801. 8vo. With plates. 2 copies. - 1. Observations on morbid poisons, chronic and acute. The first comprehending syphilis, yaws, sivvens, elephan- tiasis, and the anomala confounded with them. The second the acute contagions, particularly the variolous and vaccine. 2d. Edit, with plates. Lond. 1807. 4to. Mams, Jos. m. d. 221. An inquiry into the laws of Epidemics, with remarks on the plans lately proposed for extermina- ting the small-pox. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Mams, Sir IV. 567. A practical inquiry into the causes of the frequent failure of the operations of depression, and of the extraction of the cataract, as usually performed, with the description of a series of new and improved operations. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 567. A letter to the directors of Greenwich Hospital, ex- posing the measures of the medical officers of the London Eye Infirmary, retarding the adoption and execution of plans for the extermination of the Egyptian ophthalmia from the army and from the kingdom. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 566. A treatise on artificial pupil, in which is described a series of improved operations for its formation, with an account of the morbid states of the eye to which such operations are applicable. Also the first annual report of the ophthalmic establishment of York Hospital, Chelsea. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Mdington, J. 536. Practical observations on the inoculation of the cow-pox: to which is prefixed a compendious history of that disease; and of its introduction as a preventive ol the small-pox. 2d edit. Birmingham, 1801. 8vo. Melon, N. P. m. d. 836. Physiologie de 1'homme. 4 tomes. Paris, 1823, and 1824. 8vo. Aikin, A, and C. II. 12. A dictionary of chemistry and mineral- ogy. With plates. Lond. 1807. 2 vols. 4to. Aitken, John, m. d. 333. Elements of the theory and practice of physic and surgery. 2 vols. Lond. 1783. 8vo. --- 151. Principles of midwifery, or puerperal medicine. 3d- edit. With plates. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 3 Alanson, E. 417. Practical observations on amputation and the after treatment. With an account of the amputation above the ancle with a flap. 2d. edit. Lond. 1782. 8vo. Albini, B. S. 76. leones ossium foetus humani. Accedit osteoge- nise brevis historia. Leidal Batav. 1737. 4to. Aldini, J. 17. An account of the late improvements in galvanism, with a series of curious and interesting experiments. Lond. 1803. 4to. Alibert, J. L. 18. Traits des Fievres pernicieuses intermittentes. Avec une appendice sur les especes de quinquina qu'on peut employer pur la guerison des Fievres. 3 erne edit. Avec figures. Paris, 1804. 8vo. 5. Description des maladies de la peau observees a I'hopi- tal St. Louis & Exposition des meilleures mtthodes suivies pour leur traitement. Avec de planches. A Paris, 1806. R. fol. 293. A treatise on malignant intermittents. Translated from the third French edition, by Charles Caldwell, m. d. Philada. 1807. 8vo. 2 copies. 833. Physiologic des passions, ou nouvelle doctrine des sen- timens moraux. 2 tomes. Avec figures. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Allan, R. 431 and 735. A system of pathological and operative surgery, founded on anatomy. Svols. With plates. Edinb. 1819 and 1824. 8vo. Allan, T. 267. Mineralogical nomenclature, alphabetically ar- ranged, with a synoptic table of the chemical analysis of minerals. Edinb. and Lond. 1819. 8vo. Allen, J. m. d. 654. Synopsis universae medicinae practicae, sive doctissimorum virorum de morbis, eorumque causis ac re- mediis judicia. Francofurti et Lipsiae, 1749. 8vo. Alley, G. m. d. 16. Observations on the hydrargyria, or that vesi- cular disease arising from mercury. Lond. 1810. 4to. Alpini Prosperi, 162. De medicina methodica libri XIII. Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden). Ed. 2da. 1719. 4to. 160. De praesagienda vita & morte aegrotantium Libri VII. Cum praefatione Hermanni Boerhaave. Post editionem al- teram Leidensem, curante H.D.Gaubio, m. d. Venetiis, 1735. 4to. Andral, G. 992. A treatise on pathological anatomy. Translated from the French, by R. Townsend, m. d. and W. West, m. d. vol. I. Dublin, 1829. 8vo. Andrews, J. d. d. 657, v. An address to the graduates in medicine. Philada. 1797. 8vo. Andrews, IV. 452. Observations on the application of lunar caus- tic to strictures in the urethra and oesophagus. With plates* Lond. 1807. 8vo. 4 Anonymous, 46. A compendious system of anatomy; extracted from the American edition of the encyclopaedia. With plates. Philada. 1805. 8vo. 40. Anatomia Britannica, a system of anatomy and phy- siology. 3 vols. Lond. 1805. 12mo. - 527. The London dissector, or system of dissection prac- tised in the hospitals and lecture rooms of the metropolis. Philada. 1809. 8vo. - 28. Anonymi methodus secandi cadavera humana. V. Valentini amphitheatrum, &c. no. 28. fol. . 564. A sketch of the economy of man. Lond. 1819. 8vo. - 149. Conversations on the animal economy. By a physi- cian. 2 vols. Lond. 1827. 12mo. 143. The anatomy of the brain. Lond. 1824. 12mo. --- 780. Some account of Dr. Gall's new theory of physiogno- my, founded upon the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the form of the skull. With the critical strictures of C. W. Hufeland, m. d. With plates. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 991. A vade-mecum of morbid anatomy, medical and chi- rurgical. with pathological observations and symptoms. With numerous drawings. Lond. 1830. 8vo. - 24. Anatomical examinations. A complete series of ana- tomical questions with answers. 2 vols. in one. Philada. 1811. 12mo. 2 copies. 132. The art of preserving the feet, or practical instruc- tions for the prevention ami cure of corns, bunnions, cal- losities, chilblains, &c. By an experienced chiropodist. Lond. 1818. 12mo. - ' 657, r. Directions for recovering persons, supposed to be dead from drowning, &c. Philada. 657, v. Evidences on the efficacy of Dr. Perkins' patent metallic instruments. New Lond. 1796. 145. A century of surgeons on gonorrhoea, and on stric- tures of the urethra. Lond. 1825. 12mo. 8vo. -- 634. Some remarks on an introductory lecture, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons, (by Mr. Lawrence) in which an attack was made on a teacher of anotomy in one of the regular schools of London. Lond. 1819. 8vo. .. ■- 149. London practice of physic. 6th edit. Lond. 1797. 8vo. 111. The modern practice of the London hospitals. 3d. edit. Lond. 1770. 12mo. •- 48. The practice of the British and French hospitals. 2d. edit. Lond. 1775. I2mo. 56. Thesaurus secretorum curiosorum, in quo curiosa non solum ad omnes corporis humani cum internes, turn exter- nos morbos curandos, sed etiam ad cutis, faciei aliorumque 5 partium ornatum, formam, nitorem; et elegantiam conci- liandos continentur secreta. Ciloniae Allobrogum, 1709. 4to. Anonymous, 153. The medical calendar : or student's guide to the medical schools in Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Paris, Ox- ford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St. Andrews. Edinb. 1828. 12mo. 160. L'art de conserver sa sante, compose par I'ecole de Salerne. Avec la traduction en vers Francois. A Am- sterdam, 1776. 12mo. 163. L'ami de la sante. En Suisse, 1784. 12mo. 439. Medical, geopraphical and agricultural report of a committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the epi- demic fever which prevailed in the provinces of Coimba- tore, Madeira, Dindigul, and Tinnivelly, in 1809, 10 and 11, of which Dr. W. Ainslie was president; Mr. A. Smith, second member; Dr. M. Christy, third member. With a map. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 150. The good nurse; or hints on the management of the sick and lying-in chamber, and the nursery. 2d. edit. Lond. 1828. 12mo. -- 77 and 12. Annuaire medico-chirurgical des hopitaux & hospices civils de Paris, ou recueil de memoirs et observa- tions, par les medicins & chirurgiens <le ces etablissements. A Paris, 1819. 4to. Avec un atlas de planches, folio, no. 12. 25. Conversations on chemistry. With experiments and plates. 1814. 12mo. 657, f. A treatise on the various kinds of permanently elastic fluids or gases. 2d. edit. Lond. 1779. 8vo. 232. An epitome of electricity and galvanism. By two gentlemen of Philadelphia. With a plate. Philada. 1800. 8vo. 11. Conversations on natural philosophy, in which the ele- ments of that science are familiarly explained; with plates. Lond. 1819. 12mo. 123. Bibliotheque universelle des dames. Botanique. 2 tomes. Avec de figures. A Paris, 1786. 12mo. ■ 739. Catalogue raisonne des especes et var.e es d'Aloes, decrites par Ms. Willdenow, Haworth, De Candolle, et Jacquin, &c. 8vo. 537. Hortus Elginensis, or a catalogue of plants, indigen- ous and exotic, cultivated in the Elgin botanic garden, near New York. 2d. edit. N. York, 1811, 8vo. 89. A synopsis of the genera of American plants, on the Linnean system. Georgetown, D. C. 1814. 12mo. 6 Synonymous,812. Explanation of terms used in entomology. With- out author's name, place or year. 59. Instruction pour les voyageurs et pour les employes dans les colonies, sur la maniere de recueiilir, de con- server et d'envoyer les objects d'histoire naturelle. Par l'Administration du museum royal d'histoire naturelle. Paris, 1818. 4to. 657, f. The present state of medical learning in the city of New York. N. York, 1797. 8vo. 76. Anecdotes medical, chemical and chirurgical. By an adept. 2 vols. Lond. 1816. 12mo. 661. A guide to Madeira, containing a short account of Funchall, with instructions to such as repair to that island for health. 2d. edit. Lond. 1808. 8vo. 8. A system of universal science. Philada. 1816. 4to. Sristotelis,6O,ii. Histoiredesanimauxd'Aristote. Avec la traduction Fran^oise, par M. Camus. A Paris, 1783. 4to. Armstrong, G. m. d. 487. An account of the diseases most inci- dent to children from the birth till the age of puberty, with a successful method of treating them. With an essay on nursing, particularly of children who are brought up by hand. Also a short general account of the dispensary for the infant poor. Lond. 1783. 8vo. Armstrong, J. m. d. 245. Practical illustrations of typhus and other febrile diseases. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 580. Practical illustrations of typhus fever, of the common continued fever, and of febrile diseases. 3d. edit. Lond. 1819. 8vo. . ■ -- 351. Practical illustrations of the scarlet fever, measles, pulmonary consumption, and chronic diseases, with re- marks on sulphureous waters. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Arnold, Th. m. d. 216. Observations on the nature, kinds, causes, and prevention of insanity. 2 vols. 2d. edit. Lond. 1806. 8vo. Arnott, Jas. 623 and 637. Cases of treatment of obstructions in the urethra, by the dilator, with directions to facilitate its general adoption. Also a method of dissolving stone by injection, &c. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 2 copies. Assalini, P. 33. Observations on the plague, dysentery, and oph- thalmia of Egypt; with remarks on the yellow fever at Cadiz. Translated from the French, by Adam Neale. N. York, 1806. 12mo, Astruc, J. 69. De morbis venereis libri novem, in quibus disseri- tur turn de origine, propagatione, et contagione horumce affectuum in genere: turn de singulorum natura, Aetiologia, et Therapeia, cum brevi analysi et epicrisi operum plero- 7 rumque, quse de eodem argumento scripta sunt. Editio altera. Lutetiae Parisiorum. 1740. 2 vois. 4to. Averill, C. 147. A short treatise on operative surgery, describing the principal operations as practised in France and Eng- land. With additions, by John Bell, m. d. Philad. 1823. 12mo. 156. The same. 3d. edit. With plates. Lond. 1830. 12mo. Ayre, J. m. d.466. Practical observations on the nature and treat- ment of marasmus and the disorders allied to it. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 909. Researches into the nature and treatment of dropsy in the brain, chest, abdomen, ovarium and skin. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 958. The same. 2d. edit. Lond. 1829. 8vo. B Bache, F. m. d. 563. A system of chemistry for the use of students of medicine. Philad. 1819. 8vo. 2 copies. Bacot, J. 623. Observations on syphilis, principally with reference to the use of mercury. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 954. A treatise on syphilis; in which the history, symp- toms and method of treating every form of that disease are fully considered. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Badham, C. m. d. 91. Observations on the inflammatory affections of the mucous membrane of the bronchiae. Lond. 1808. 12mo. Baillie, M. m. d. 30. The morbid anatomy of some of the most im- portant parts of the human body. Lond. 1793. 8vo. 490. The same. Albany, 1795. 8vo. 9. A series of engravings with explanations, to illustrate the morbid anatomy of the human body. Lond. 1799. folio. 821. The works of Matthew Baillie, m. d. With the life of the author, by James Wardrop. 2 vols. Lond. 1825. 8 vo. Bakewell, II. 263. A.n introduction to geology, illustrative of the general structure of the earth, comprising the elements of the science, and an outline of the geology and mineral geography of England. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Balfour, F. m. d. 32. A collection of treatises on the effects of Sol-lunar influence in fevers; with an improved method of curing them. Sd. edit. Lond. 1815. 8vo, Balfour, IF. m. d. 107. Observations with cases, illustrative of a new, simple and expeditious mode of curing gout. Edinb. 1816. 8vo. 8 141. Observations with cases illustrative of the sedative and febrifuge powers of emetic tartar. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. 107. Illustrations of the power of compression and percus- sion, in the cure of rheumatism and gout, and debility of the extremities, and in promoting health and longevity. 2d. edit. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 130. Illustrations of the power of emetic tartar in the cure of fever, inflammation, asthma, &c. Lexington, Ky. 1823. 12mo. Bampficld. H. IV. 360 and 556. A practical treatise on tropical dy- sentery, scorbutic dysentery and scurvy. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 2 copies. Bancroft, E. N. m. d. 34. A sequel to an essay on the yellow fever; principally intended to prove that the fever, called Bulam, or pestilential, has no existence as a distinct, or a contagious disease. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 612. An essay on the disease, called yellow fever; with observations on febrile contagion, typhus fever, dysentery, and the plague. Re-published by J. B. Davidge, m. d. Baltimore, 1821. 8vo. Barclay, J. m. d. 222. A new anatomical nomenclature, relating to the terms which are expressive of position and aspect in the animal system. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. • 184. The muscular motions of the human body. Edinb. 1808. 8vo. 41. A description of the arteries of the human body. Edinb. 1812. 12mo. Bard, S. m. d. 49. A compendium of the theory and practice of midwifery; for the use of students. 2d edit. New York, 1812. 12mo. 49. The same. 3d edit. 1815. Bardsley, S. dl. m. d. 223. Medical reports of cases and experi- ments, with observations, chiefly derived from hospital practice. To which is added an inquiry into the origin of canine madness and thoughts on a plan for its extirpa- tion from the British isles. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Barlow, J. 719. Essays on surgery and midwifery. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Barnwell, IVm. m. d. 299. Physical investigations and deductions from medical and surgical facts, relative to the causes, &c. of the diseases of a warm and vitiated atmosphere, &c. &c. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Baron, J. m. d. 107. An inquiry illustrating the nature of tuber- culated accretions of serous membranes; and the origin of tubercles and tumours in different textures of the body. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Barry, D. m. d. 890. Experimental researches on the influence of 9 atmospheric pressure upon the progression of the blood in the veins, upon the function called absorption, and upon the prevention and cure of ihe symptoms caused bv the bites of rabid or venomous animals. Loud. 1826. 8vo. Barthez, P. J. m. d. 745. Nouveaux e emens de la science de 1'homme. 2de edition. 2 vols. A Paris, 1806. 8vo. Bartholini, Th. 748. Anatome ex omnium veterum recentiorum- que observationibus, imprimis institutionibus b. m. paren- tis Caspari Baitholini, ad circulationem Harvejanam, at vasa lymphatica quartum renovata. Cum iconibus. Lug- duni Batav. 1673. 8vo. Barton, B. S. 18. Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylva- nia. Part 1st. Philad. 1799. folio. ■ 178. Elements of botany, or outlines of the natural history of vegetables. With plates. Philad. 1803. 8vo. 296. The same. 2d edit. Philad. 1812-1814. 8vo. 682. A discourse on the principal desiderata in natural history, and on the best means of promoting this science in the United States. Philad. 1807. 8vo. 438. Collections for an essay towards a materia medica of the United States. Philad. 1810. 8vo. 3d edit. 2 copies. 682. Flora Virginica: sive plantarum praecipue indigena- rum Virginias historia inchoata. Pars I. Philad®. 1812. 8vo. 682. Facts, observations and conjectures relative to the generation of the opossum of North America. In a letter to Mons. Roume of Paris. And additional facts, &c. In a letter to Prof. J. A. H. Reimarus of Hamburgh. Philad. 1806-1813. 8vo. ■ ■ - 682. A memoir, concerning the alligator and hell-bender of the United States. With a plate. Philad. 1812. 8vo. 682. Archaeologi® Americana: telluris collectanea et spe- cimina; or collections with specimens of certain extinct animalsand vegetables of North America. Parti. Philad. 1814. 8vo. Barton, W, P. C. m. d. 368. A treatise containing a plan for the internal organization and government of marine hospitals, in the United States. With one plate. Philad. 2d edit. 1816. 8vo. 15. Flor® Philadelphic® prodromus. Philad. 1815. 4to. - 30. Compendium Flor® Philadelphic®, containing a de- scription of the indigenous plants within ten miles of Phi- ladelphia. 2 vols. Philad. 1818. 12mo. 7 copies. 39. Vegetable materia medica of the United States; or medical botanv, containing a history of the medical plants in the United States, with coloured engravings from draw- ings of the author. 2. vols Philad. 1817. and 1818. 4to. C 10 Barton, IV. P. C. m. d. 49. Flora of North America; illustrated by coloured figures drawn from nature. 3 vols. Philad. 1821-2-3. 4to. Bateman, Th. m. d. 499. A practical synopsis of cutaneous dis- eases, according to Dr. Willan's arrangement, exhibiting a concise view of the diagnostic symptoms and the method of treatment. 3d edit. Lond. 1814. 8vo. - 35. Delineations of cutaneous diseases: exhibiting the cha- racteristic appearances of the principal genera and species, comprised in the classification of the late Dr. Willan; and completing the series of engravings begun by that author. Land. 1817. 4to. 444 and 634. A succinct account of the contagious fever of this country, exemplified in the epidemic now prevail- ing in London; with the appropriate method of treatment as practised in the house of recovery. With observations on the nature and properties of contagion. London, 1818. 8vo. 2 copies. Baudelocque,J. L. 52. L'Art des accouchements. Edit. Seme. 2 volls. Avec figures. Paris, 1796. 8vo. 71. A system of midwifery. Translated from the French of-Baudelocque. By John Heath. 3 vols. Lond. 1790. 8vo. - 93. An abridgment of Mr. Heath's translation of Baude- locque's midwifery. With notes. By W. P. Dewees, m. d. With plates. Philad. 1807. 8vo. Baumes, J. B. T. 53. De la Phthisie pulmonaire. Tomes 2. Paris, 1804. 8vo. Beale, L. J. 989. A treatise on deformities; exhibiting a concise view of the nature and treatment of the principal distor- tions and contractions of the limbs, joints and spine. With plates. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Beaupre, M. m. d. 874. A treatise on the effects and properties of cold, with a sketch, historical and medical, of the Russian campaign. Transl. by J. Glendinning. Edinb. 1826. 8vo. Beck, T. jR. m. d. 781. Elements of medical jurisprudence. 2 vols. Albany, N. Y. 1823. 8vo. Bcclard, P. A. 759. Additions to the general anatomy of Xavier Bichat. Transl. from the French, by G. Hayward, m. d. Boston, 1823. 8vo. ■ 938. Elemens d'anatomie ou description de tous les gen- res d'organes qui composent le corps humain. A Paris, 1823. 8vo. Beddoes, Th. m. d. 657, a. A letter to Erasmus Darwin, m. d. on a new method of treating pulmonary consumption, and some other diseases hitherto found incurable. Bristol, 1793. 8vo. ■ ■ * ■ 440. ©bservations on the medical and domestic manage- 11 ment of the consumptive, on the powers of digitalis pur- purea, and on the cure of scrophula. Lond. 1801. 8vo. Prof. 631. On the diseases of the eye. V. Weller. Belinaye, H. G. 842. On the removal of stone from the bladder, without the use of cutting instruments. With a descrip- tion and plates of the instruments invented by Dr. Civiale and others, and details as to the mode of using them. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Bell, Ben. 412. A treatise on the theory and management of ul- cers; and white swellings of the joints. To which is pre- fixed, an essay on the treatment of inflammation and its consequences. Boston, 1797. 8vo. - - 80. A system of surgery. 4 vols. With plates. Troy, N. Y. 1804. 8vo. --- 103. A system of surgery, extracted from the works of Benjamin Bell, of Edinburgh. By Nicholas B. Waters, m. d. With notes and copper-plates. Philad. 1806. 3d edit. 8vo. 374. A treatise on gonorrhoea virulenta and lues venerea. Philad. 1795. 2 vols. 8vo. - - ■ 401. A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseases of the testes. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Bell, Chas. 4. A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body. With plates. Edinb. 1799, folio. 2 copies. 36. The anatomy of the brain, explained in a series of engravings. 2 vols. Lond. 1802. 4to. 3 and 366. A series of engravings explaining the course of the nerves. Lond. 1803. 4to. 180. A system of operative surgery founded on the basis of anatomy. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1807 and 9. 8vo. 503. Letters on the diseases of the urethra. With plates. Boston^ N. E. 1811. 8vo. 161. Engravings of the arteries, illustrating the second volume of the anatomy of the human body, and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteries. Philad. 1812. 8vo. 384. Surgical observations; being a quarterly report of cases in surgery treated in the Middlesex Hospital, in the Cancer Establishment and in private practice. With en- gravings. 5 numbers. Lond. 1816-1818. 8vo. (For No. V. Vol- II. V. Parks.) 45 and 54. An essay on the forces xVhich circulate the blood; being an examination of the difference of the mo- tions of fluids in living and dead animals. Lond. 1819. 12mo. 2 copies. 53. Illustrations of the great operations of surgery, trepan, 12 hernia, amputation, aneurism and lithotomy. With plates. Lond. 1821. 4to. Bell, Chas. 729. A treatise on the diseases of the urethra, vesica urinaria, prostate and rectum. Sd edit. By John Shaw. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 37. Essays on the anatomy and philosophy' of expression. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1824. 4to. 893. An exposition of the natural system of the nerves of the human body. With plates. Philad. 1825. 8vo. • 99. The nervous system of the human body, embracing the papers delivered to the Royal Society on the subject of the nerves. W ith plates. Lond. 183 . 4to. Bell, J. 4' C. 902. The anatomy a id physiology of the human body. 6th edit. By C. Bell. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Bell, Geo. 131. A treatise on the cow-pox. Edinb. 1807. 12mo. Bell, J. 6. The principles of surgery, in 2 vols. Vol. I. Of the ordinary duties of the surgeon. Vol. II. A system of sur- gical operations. With plates. 3 vols. Edinb. & Lond. 1801 and 1806. 4to. -■ 77 and 650. Discourses on the nature and cure of wounds.1 2 vols. With plates. 'Walpole, N. 11.1807. 8vo. 2 copies. - 79. The anatomy of the human body. From the 4th London edit. With plates. N. York, 1809. 4 vols. 8vo. - - 196 and 78. Principles of surgery. Abridged by John A. Smith. With plates. N. York, 1810. 8vo. 2. Engravings of the bones, muscles and joints. From the 2d London edit. Philad. 1816. 4to. Bellini, L. 740. De urinis et pulsibus, de missione sanguinis, de febribus, de morbis capitis et pectoris. Cum praefatione H. Boerhaave. Editio quinta. Lugduni Batav. 1730. 4to. Bergmann, T.5S\. A dissertation on elective attractions. Transl. from the Latin. Lond. 1785. 8vo. Berthollet, C. L. 539. An essay on chemical statics with copious explanatory notes, and an appendix on vegetable and ani- mal substances/ Translated from the French by B. Lam- bert. 2 vols. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 1 ■ 13. Researches into the laws of chemical affinity. Trans- lated from the French, by M. Farrall, m. d. Baltimore, 1809. 12mo. Bertin, 126. Traite d'osteologie. Tomes 4. Paris, 1783. 12mo. Berzelius, J. J. m. d. 387. A view of the progress and present state of animal chemistry. Translated from the Swedish, by Gustavus Brunnmark, d. d. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 8. An attempt t< es ' .dish a pure scientific system of mi- 13 neralogy, by the application of the electro-chemical theory and the chemical proportions. Transl. from the Swedish, by J. Black. Lond. 1814. 12mo. Berzelius, J. J. 704. The use of the blow-pipe in chemical analy- sis and in the examination of minerals. Translated from the French of M. Fresnel, by J. G. Children. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Bew, C. 415. Opinions on the causes and effects of diseases in the teeth and gums, with means of cure without extraction. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 808. Opinions on the causes and effects of Tic doloureux. With plates. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Bichat, X. m. d. 515. Anatomie generale, appliquee a la physio- logic et a la medicine. En deux parties. 4 vols. Paris, 1801. 8vo. 728. General anatomy applied to physiology and medicine. Translated by George Hayward, m. d. 3 vols. Boston, 1822. 8vo. V. Beclard. 105. Physiological researches upon life and death. Trans- lated by Thomas Watkins. Philad. 1809. 8vo. 879. Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort. 4me edit. Par F. Magendie. Paris, 1822. 8vo. • 921. Physiological researches on life and death. Trans- lated from the French by F. Gold: with notes by F. Ma- gendie. The notes translated by G. Hayward, m. d. Boston, 1827. 8vo. 231. A treatise on the membranes in general, and on dif- ferent membranes in particular. A new and enlarged edition, with an account of the life and writings of the au- thor by M. Husson. Translated from the French by J. G. Coffin, m. d. Boston and Cambridge, 1813. 8vo. 881. Anatomie pathologique. Derniers cours de X. Bichat d'apres un manuscrit autographe de P. A. Beclard; avec une notice sur la vie et les travaux de Bichat, par F. G. Boisseau. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Bigeloiv, J. m. d. 383. Florula Bostoniensis; a collection of the plants of Boston and its environs. Boston, 1814. 8vo. 528. American medical botany. 3 vols. With plates. Boston, 1817, 1818 and 1820. 8vo. Billard, C. 880. De la membrane muqueuse gastro-intestinale, dans 1'etat sain et dans 1'^tat inflammatoire, ou recherches d'anatomie pathologique sur les divers aspects sains et morbides que peuvent presenter 1'estomac et les intestins. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Bingham, B. 585. Practical essays on strictures of the urethra, diseases of the testicles, fistula in perinaeo and hydrocele. With a plate. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 14 Bingham, R. 744. A practical essay on diseases and injuries of the bladder; irritable bladder; cancer and stone of the bladder, retention and incontinence of urine,&c. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Bisset, Ch. 286. An essay on the medical constitution of Great Britain. Lond. 1762. 8vo. Black, J. m. d. 93. Experiments upon magnesia alba, quick-lime and other alkaline substances. Edinb. 1782. 12mo. Black, Sami. m. d. 380. Clinical and pathological reports. New- ry, 1819. 8vo. Black, IV. m. d. 21 and 396. An historical sketch of medicine and surgery from their origin to the present time. Lond. 1782. 8vo. 2 copies. Blackadder, H. 377. Observations on Phagedoena gangroenosa. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Blackall, John, m. d. 364. Observations on the nature and cure of dropsies, with an appendix, on angina pectoris. London, 1814. 8vo. Blair, W. 602. An essay on the venereal disease and its treat- ment, with numerous cases, intended to ascertain the effects of nitrous acid and other analogous remedies, late- ly proposed as substitutes for mercury. 3 edit. London, 1808. 8vo. --- 602. Essays on the venereal disease and its concomitant affections. Part II. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Blake, JI. m. d. 993. A practical essay on delirium tremens, writ- ten principally to elucidate its division into distinct stages, and hence to simplify its method of cure. London, 1850. 8vo. Blake, R. m. d. 176. An essay on the structure and formation of the teeth in man and various animals. With plates. Dub- lin, 1801. 8vo. Bland, 574. Observations on human and on comparative parturi- tion. Lond. 1794. 8vo. Blane, Gilbert, m. d. 313. Observations on the diseases of seamen. Sd edit. Lond. 1800. 8vo. 573. Elements of medical logic, illustrated with practical proofs; including a statement of the evidence respecting the contagious nature of yellow fever. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Blasii, G. 68. Anatome animalium, terrestrium variorum, vola- tilium, aquatilium, serpentum, insectorum, ovorumque structuram naturalem ex veterum, recentiorum propriis- que observationibus proponens, figuris variis illustrata. Amsteloedami, 1681. 4 to. BUzard, IV. §57, f. Experiments and observations on the danger of copper and bell-metal in pharmaceutical and chemical preparations. Lond. 1786. 8vo. 15 Slizard, W. 594. Suggestions for the improvement of hospitals and other charitable institutions. Lond. 1796. 8vo. Blumenbachii, J. F. 71. Decas collectionis suae craniorum diver- sarum gentium illustrata. Cum tabulis aeneis. Goettingae, 1790-1820. 4to. 112. De generis humani varie+ate nativa, praemissa est epistola ad Josephum Banks. Edit. 3d. Gottingae, 1795. 12mo. 137. Elements of physiology. Translated from the Latin, by Charles Caldwell. To which is subjoined, an appen- dix relative to the subject of animal electricity. Philad. 1795. 8vo. 2 vols. in one. - 85. A short system of comparative anatomy. Translated from the German. With numerous additional notes, and an introductory view of the classification of animals, by Wm. Lawrence. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 961. The elements of physiology. Translated from the Latin of the 4th and last edition, by J. Elliotson, m. d. 4th edit. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Boerhaave, H. 764, 1. Sermo academicus quern habuit, quum ho- nesta missione impetrata, botanicam et chemicam profes- sionem publice poneret. 1729. Lugduni Batav. 1729. 4to. 55. Elementa chemise, quae docuit in scholis Hermannus Boerhaave. Tomi 2. Ludg. Batav. 1732. 4to. - - 115. Academical lectures on the theory of physic, being a genuine translation of his institutes and explanatory commentaries. Lond. 1742 and 1746. 6 vols. 8vo. -- 67. Methodus studii medici. Emaculata et accessionibus locupletata ab Alberto ab Haller. Tomi 2. Cum tabulis aeneis. Amsteloedami, 1751. 4to. 108. Praelectiones academicae in proprias institutiones rei medicae. Edit. Albertus Haller. Ludg. Batav. 1758. 12mo. 7 vols. Aphorisms. Vide James, B. Bompass, Ch. C. 381. An essay on the nature of heat, light and electricity. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Bonetus, Th. m. d. 6. Theo. Boneti, m. d. Sepulchretum; sive ana- tomia practica, ex cadaveribus morbo denatis, proponens historias et observationes omnium humani corporis affectu- um ipsorumque causas reconditas revelans. Editio alte- ra, &c. Curante J. Mangeto. Tomi iii. Genevae, 1700. folio. Bostock, J. m. d. 399. An essay on respiration. Liverpool, 1804. 8vo. * 884. An elementary system of physiology. Vol. I. Bosten, 1825- Vol. II. Lond. 1826. 8vn. 16 Bourne, R. m. d. 386. Cases of pulmonary consumption, &c. treat- ed with uva ursi. Oxford, 1805. 8vo. Boyer, A, 320. The lectures of Boyer upon diseases of the bones, ar- ranged into a systematic treatise by A. Richerand. Illus- trated with plates. Translated from the French by M. Farrell, m. d. Two volumes in one. First American edition, with notes and additional plates. By Joseph Hartshorne, m. d. Philad. 1805. 8vo. 185. A treatise on surgical diseases, and the operations suited to them. Translated from the French by A. II. Stevens, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. New York, 1815. 8vo. 61. Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui leur conviennent. Tomes 4. Avec figures. Paris, 1814. 8vo. 523. Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui leur conviennent. Tomes 6. Avec de figures. A Paris, 1818. 8vo. 54. Traite complet d'anatomie. 4me edit. Tomes 4. Paris, 1815. 8vo. Bracket, J. L. 988. De 1'emploi de 1'opium dans les phlegmasies des membranes muqueuses, sereuses et fibreuses. Suivie d'un memoire sur les fievres intermittentes. A Paris, 1828. 8vo. Bradley, J. m. d. 555. Observations on a stridulous affection of the bowels, and on some varieties of spinal disease. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Brambilla, J. Ji. 19. Instrumentaruim chirurgicum militare Aus- triacum. Cum tabulis aeneis. 1780. fol. Brand, II. 166. The true method of reducing ruptures and retain- ing them in the abdomen and in the navel. Lond. 1771. 8vo. Brande, IV. T. On calculi. V. Home, E. 349. 246. Outlines of geology: being the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the theatre of the royal institution in the year 1816. With a plate. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 638. A manual of chemistry. 2d edit, in 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 819. A manual of pharmacy. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Bree, Robert, m. n. 388. A practical inquiry into disordered re- spiration; distinguishing the species of convulsive asthma, their causes and indications of cure. From the 4th Lon- don edition. Philada. 1811. 8vo. Bremser, M- m. d. 830 and 80. Traite zoologique et physiolo- gique sur les vers intestionaux de 1'homme, Traduit de l'Allemand par M. Grundler, m. d. & revu & augmente de 17 notes par M. De Blainville. m. d. Paris, 1824, 8vo. Aveo un atlas de figures. 4 to. no. 80. Breschet, Al. G. m. d. 10. Recherches anatomiques, physiologiques et pathologiques sur le systeine veineux. Paris-et Brux- elles, 1829. fol. Avec des planches. 8 Livraisons. Bright, B. m. d. 88. Reports of medical cases, selected with a view of illustrating the symptoms and cure of diseases by a re- ference of morbid anatomy. With plates. Lond. 1827, 4 to. Brodie, B. C. f. r. s. 359. Pathological and surgical observations on diseases of the joints. With plates. Lond. 1818. 8vo. - 1 ' • 603. Introductory lecture delivered in the theatre of the royal college of surgeons on the 8th of May 1820. Lond. 1820, 8vo. Bromfield, W. 116. Chirurgical observations and cases; 2 vols. With plateg. Lond. 1773, 8vo. Brongniart, AI. A. 89. Histoire des veetaux fossiles, ou recher- ches botaniques et geologiques sur Ies ve <eiaux renfermeg dans les diverses couches du globe. Tome ler. Avec des planches. A Paris, 1828, 4to. Brookes, S. 10. An introduction to the study of conchology: in- cluding observations on the Linn jean genera, and on the arrangement of M. Lamarck. A glossary and a table of English names. With plates. Lond. 1815, 4to. Broussais, F. J. V. 522. Histoire des phlegmasies, ou inflamma- tions chroniques, fondle sur des nouvelles observations de clinique et d'anatomie pathologique: ouvrage presen- tant un tableau raisonne des varietes et des combinaisons diverses de ces maladies. Deuxieme edit. Paris, 1816, 8vo. 2 vols. 986. Le meme. 4me edit. A Paris, 1826, 8vo. 3 tomes. 867. Examen de la doctrine medicale generalement adop- tee et des systemes de nosologie. Paris, 1816, 8vo. - 897. A treatise on physiology applied to pathology. Trans- lated from the French, by John Bell, m. n. and R. la Roche, m. d. Philad. 1826, 8vo. 2 copies. 987. De 1'irritation et de la folie, ouvrage dans lequel les rapports du physique et du moral sont etablis sur les bases de la medicine physiologique. A Paris, 1828, 8vo. 985. Examen des doctrines medicales et des systemes de nosologie, pre e.;e de propositions renfermant la substance de la medicine physiologique. 3me edit. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1829, 8vo. 997. Commentaires des propositions de pathologic, con- signees dans 1'examea des doctrines medicales. 2 tomes. Paris, 1829, 8vo. D 18 Brunonis, J. m. d. 112. Elementa medicinse. Ed. altera. 2 vols. Edinburgi, 1784, 8vo. 301. The elements of medicine; or a translation of the •elementa medicinae Brunonis. With large notes,illustra- tions and comments. By the author of the original work. 2 vols. in one. Philada. 1795, 8vo. 251. The works of John Brown, m. d. By Wm. Cullen, m. d. 3 vols. Loud. 1804, 8vo. Brown, J. m. d. 943. Medical essays on fever, inflammation, rheu- matism, diseases of the heart, &c. Lond. 1815, 8vo. Brown, T. 197. An inquiry into the anti-variolous power of vac- cination and its doubtful efficacy. Edinb. 1809, 8vo. Bryce, Jas. f. r. s. 356. Practical observations on the inoculation of cow-pox. With cases and plates. 2d edit. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. Buchan, Jfm. m. d. 287. Advice to mothers on the subject of their own health; and on the means of promoting the health, strength and beauty of their offspring. Philad. 1804, 8vo. 319. Domestic medicine; or a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines: with an appendix containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners. Adapted to the diseases and climate of the United States, by Samuel Powel Griffitts, m. d. Philad. 1809. 8vo. Buchanan., J. 935. Physiological illustrations of the organ of hear- ing, more particularly of the secretion of cerumen, and its effects in rendering auditory perception accurate and acute; with further remarks on the treatment of diminu- tion of hearing, arising from imperfect secretion. Being a sequel to the guide, and to the illustrations of acoustic surgery. With plates. Lond. 1828, 8vo. Buffon, Comte de, 100. Histoire naturelle generale et particu- liere. Tomes 45. Avec de figures. Aux Deux-Ponts. 1785-1787, I2mo. Vols. I.-XIII. Histoire naturelle generale. Vols. XIV.-XXXI. Oiseaux. Vols. XXXII.-XLV. Quadrupedes. 100. Histoire naturelie des mineraux. Tomes 9. Aux Deux-Ponts, 1790, 12mo. Burckhart, J. IL m. d. 682. Epistola ad G. G. Leibnitium, qua characterem plantarum paucis inquirit. Wolfenbutteli, 1702, 8vo. Burdin, J. m. d. 332. A course of medical studies; containing a comparative view of the anatomical structure of man and of animals: a history of diseases, <xc. Translated from the French. In 3 vols. Lond. 1803, 8vo. Burke, B. JF 27. A compendium of the anatomy, physiology and 19 pathology of the horse. With a concise examination of the economy and structure of the foot and observations on shoeing. Philad. 1806, 12mo. Burne, J. M. m. d. 931. A practical treatise on the typhus or ady- namic fever. Lond. 1828, 8vo. Burnett, W. m. d. 92. A practical account of the Mediterranean fever, as it appeared in the ships and hospitals of II. M. fleet on that station, with cases and dissections. To which are added facts and observations illustrative of its causes, symptoms and treatment: comprehending the history of fever in the fleet, during the years 1810, 1811, 1812 and 1813: and of the Gibraltar and Carthagena fevers. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Burns, JI. 212. Observations on some of the most frequent and important diseases of the heart, &c. Edinb. 1809, 8vo. 262. Observations on the surgical anatomy of the head and neck; illustrated by engravings and cases. Edinb. 1811, 8vo. Burns, J. 87. Observations on abortion. Troy, 1808, 12mo. - 266. Obstetrical works, containing the anatomy of the gravid uterus; observations on abortion; and practical ob- servations on uterine hemorrhage. Three volumes in one. With a plate. New York, 1809, 8vo. 2 copies. 167. The principles of midwifery, &c. With notes by N. Chapman, m. d. Philad. 1810, 8vo. 167. The same. With notes by W. W. Buchanan, m. d. New York, 1810, 8vo. -' 254 and 187. The principles of midwifery including the diseases of women and children. 3d American from the 2d London edition. With improvements and notes by Th. C. James, m. d. 2vols. Philad. 1813. 8vo. 4 copies. Burns, J. m. d. 89. Dissertations on inflammation. 2vols. Albany, 1812. 8vo. 1005. The principles of surgery. Vol. I. containing the doctrine and practice, relating to inflammation and its va- rious consequences, tumours, aneurisms, wounds and the states connected with them. Lond. 1831. 8vo. Burserius, 68. The institutions of the practice of medicine, deli- vered in a course of lectures. By J. B. Burserius de Ka- nifield. Translated from the Latin, by W. Cullen Brown. 5 vols. Edinb. 1800 and 1803. 8vo. Burrows, G. M. m. d. 586. An inquiry into certain errors rela- tive to insanity, and their consequences, physical, moral and civil. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Buxton, I. m. d. 80. An essay on the use of a regulated tempera- ture in winter cough and consumption. Lond. 1810. 12mo. 20 Bywater, J- 555' Physiological fragments; or sketches of various subjects intimately connected with the study of physiolo- gy. With a plate. Load. 1819. 8vo. C Cabanis,P. J.G. 128. Sketch of the revolutions of medical science, and views relative to its reform. Translated from the French. By A. Henderson, m. d. Lond. 1806. 8vo. - 779. An essay on the certainty of medicine. From the French, by R. La Roche, m. d. Philad. 1823. 8vo. Cadogan, 657, d. A dissertation on the gout, and all chronic diseases, jointly considered, as proceeding from the same causes. Lond. 1771. 8vo. Caldwell, C. m. d. 273. Medical and physical memoirs, containing, among other subjects, a particular inquiry into the nature and origin of the late pestilential epidemics of the United States. Philad. 1801. 8vo. -- 139. Medical theses, selected from among the inaugural dissertations of the medical schools in the United States; with an introduction, appendix and occasional notes. 2 vols. Philad. 1805 and 1806. 8vo. Campbell, IC m. d. 749. A treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever, as it prevailed in Edinburgh in 1821-22. With an appendix containing the e-say of the late Dr. Gordon on the puerperal fever of Aberdeen in 1789-92. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Camper, P. m. d. 2. Demonstrationum anatomico-pathologicarum liber primus. Continens brachii humani fabricam et mor- bos. Amsteloedami, 1760. R. fol.-et liber secundus con- tinens pelvis hu manse fabricam et morbos. Cum tabulis aeneis. Ibid. 1762. R. fol. - 3. Petri Camperi icones herniarum. Editae a Sam. Tho. Socmmerring. Francofurti, 1801. R. fol. - 75. The works of the late Professor Camper, on the con- nection between the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, painting, statuary, &c. Translated from the Dutch, by T. Cogan, m. d. With plates. Lond. 1794. 4to. Campet, P- 342. Traite pratique des maladies graves qui regnent dans les contiees situees sous la zone torride et dans le midi de 1'Europe. Paris, 1802. 8vo. Camus, 60, b. Notes sur Phistoire des animaux d'Aristote. A Paris, 1783. 4to. Canvane, P. 423. A dissertation on the oleum palms christi sive oleum ricini, or castor oil. 3d edit. Lond. 1769. 8vo. Carey, M. 459. A short account of the malignant fever in Phila- 21 delphia, 1793. To which are added accounts of the plague in London and Marseilles. 4th edit. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Carey, M. 337. Vindiciae Hibernicae, or Ireland vindicated. Philad, 1819. 8vo. Carlisle, A. f. r. s. 135. An essay on the disorders of old age, and on the means for prolonging human life. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Carmichael, R. 461. An essay on the nature of scrofula, with evi- dence of its origin from disorder of the digestive organs. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 325. An essay on the venereal diseases which have been confounded with syphilis, and the symptoms which exclu- sively arise from that poison. Illustrated by drawings. Philad. 1817. 8vo. 1 ■ ■ 855. Observations on the symptoms and specific distinc- tions of venereal diseases, interspersed with hints for the more effectual prosecution of the present inquiry, into the uses and abuses of mercury in their treatment. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 860. An essay on venereal diseases and the uses and abuses of mercury in their treatment. With drawings of the dif- ferent forms of venereal eruptions. With notes by G. Emerson, m.d. Philad. 1825. 8vo. 2 copies. Carpue,J. C. 18. An account of two successful operations for re- storing a lost nose from the integuments of the forehead. With historical and physiological remarks on the nasal operation, including descriptions of the Indian and Italian methods. With plates. Lond. 1816. 4to. .. - 798. A history of the high operation for the stone by inci- sion above the pubes. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Carrere, M. 161. Recherches sur les maladies ^eneriennes-chro- niques sans signes evidens; c'est a dire masquees, dege- nerees ou compliquees. A Paris, 1788. 12mo. Carson, J. m. d. 445. An inquiry into the causes of the motion of the blood, with an appendix in which the process of re- spiration and its connection with the circulation of the blood are attempted to be elucidated. Liverpool, 1815. 8vo. Carter, H. IV. m. d. 618. A short account of some of the principal hospitals of France, Italy, Switzerland, and the Nether- lands; with remarks on the climate and diseases of those countries. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Carus, C. G. m. d. 953 and 93. An introduction to the compara- tive anatomy of animals; compiled with constant reference to physiology. Translated from the German, by R. T. Gore. 2 vols. With an atlas of plates in 4to. No. 93. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 22 Castelli, Pomani, P. 741. Optimus medicus Haloe ct Lipsiae, 1726. 4to. Catalogues, 475. A descriptive catalogue of the British specimens deposited in the geological collection of the Royal Institu- tion. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 537. Catalogue of books for sale by M. Carey and Son. Philad. 1818. 8vo. 968. Catalogue of books belonging to the library of the University of Pennsylvania. Philad. 1829. 8vo. - 918. Catalogue of the library of the American philosophi- cal society, held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge. Philad. 1824. 8vo. 963. A catalogue of the medical library of the Pennsylva- nia hospital. Philad. 1829. 8vo. Causer, E. 713. A treatise on the morbid respiration of domestic animals, illustrative of the diseases of the organs of respi- ration in horses, cows, dogs, sheep, with the most approved method of treatment. Glasgow, 1822. 8vo. Cavallo, J. f. r. s. 497. A complete treatise on electricity, in theo- ry and practice, with experiments. 3d edit. 2 vols. With plates. Loud. 1786. 8vo. Cazenave,.^. m. d. <$• Schedd, H. E. m. d. 948. A practical synop- sis of cutaneous diseases from the most celebrated authors, and particularly from documents afforded by the clinical lectures of Dr. Butt. Translated from the French. Philad. 1829. 8vo. Celsi, A. C. 16. De medicina libb. viii. Ex reccnsione Leonardi Targae. Edinburghi, 1815. 12mo. o O 7 Chalmers, L. m. d. 536. An essay on fevers, more particularly those of the common continued and inflammatory kinds, wherein a new and successful method is proposed for re- moving them speedily. With an essay on the crises of those disorders. Lond. 1768. 8vo. 279. An account of the weather and diseases of South Carolina. 2 vols. Lond. 1776. 8vo. Chapman, N. m. n. 350. Discourses on the elements of therapeu- tics and materia medica. 2 vols. Philad. 1817 & 19. 8vo. 6 copies. 647. Elements of therapeutics and materia medica. With two discourses on the history and improvement of the ma- teria medica. 2 vols. Philad. 1821 & 22, 8vo. Chaptai, M. J. Ji. 132. Elements of Chemistry. 4th American edition. With additions by J. Woodhouse, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. Philad. 1807. 8vo. 2. Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. 4 vols. With plates. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 1829. 8vo. 23 Charleton, JI. G. 7&7. Onomasticon zoicon; cui accedunt mantissa anatomica, ct quaedam de variis fossilium generibus. Cum figuris ameis. Lond. 1668. 4to. Chaumeton, 500. Flore medicale.: decrite par F. P. Chaumeton, Chamberet et Porret, peinte par Mme. E. P. et par P. J. F. Turpin. Tomes 8. Avec de figures. Paris, 1814, a 1830. 8vo. Chaussier, M. F. 828. Recueil des memoires, consultations et, rapports sur divers objets de medecine legale. Avec des planches. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Chaussier, M. Considerations sur les convulsions qui attaquent les femmes enecintes. 2me edit. A Paris, 1824. 8vo. Cheselden, W, r. r. s. 9. Osteographia, or the anatomy of the bones. With plates. Lond. 1733. R. fol. 451. Anatomical tables of the human body. Boston, 1796. 8vo. Chevalier, T. 785. Lectures on the general structure of the human body, and on the anatomy and functions of the skin. With plates. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Cheyne, G. m. d. 146. The natural method of curing the diseases of the body, and the disorders of the mind depending on the body. Lond. 1742. 8vo. Cheyne, John, m. d. 344 and 12. An essay on hydrocephalus acu- tus or dropsy in the brain. Edinb. 1808. 8vo. 2 copies. 47. An essay on cynanche trachealis, or croup. Philad. 1813. 12mo. Chisholm, C. m. d. 101. An essay on the malignant pestilential fever, introduced into the West Indian islands from Boul- lam, on the coast of Guinea, as it appeared in 1793,1794, 1795, and 1796. With observations and facts, tending to prove that the epidemic existing at Philadelphia, New York, &c., was the same fever introduced by infection imported from the West Indian islands. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1801. 8vo. 694. A manual of the climate and diseases of tropical countries; in which a practical view of the statistical pa- thology, and of the history and treatment of the diseases of those countries is attempted to be given. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Chrestien, J. JI. m. d. 865. De la methode iatraleptique ou ob- servations pratiques sur 1'efficacie des remedes administres par la voie de 1'absorption cutanee dans le traitement de plusieurs maladies internes et externes; et sur un nouveau remede dans le traitement des maladies veneriennes et. lymphatiques. Paris, 1811. 8vo. Chris lie, JHex. T. m. d. 946. Observations on the nature and treat 24 ment of cholera; and on the pathology of mucous mem- branes. Edinb. 1828. 8vo. Christian, R. m. d. 1014. A treatise on poisons, in relation to me- dical jurisprudence, physiology and the practice of physic. Edinb. 1829. 8vo. Civiale, m. d. 908. De la lithotritie, ou broiement de la pierre dans la vessie. Avec 5 planches. Paris, 1827. 8vo. Clark, Jas. m. d. 593. A treatise on the yellow fever, as it appeared in the island of Dominica in the years 1793-4-5 and 6. To which are added, observations on the bilious remittent fever, intermittents, dysentery, &c. &c. Lond. 1797. 8vo. Clark, John, m. d. 382. Observations on the diseases which pre- vail in long voyages to hot countries, particularly to the Indies; and as they appear in Great Britain. 3d edition. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Clark, J. m. n. 960. The influence of climate in the prevention and cure of chronic diseases, more particularly of the chest and digestive organs. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Clark, Th. ^7. Observations on the nature and cure of fevers and of diseases of the West and East Indies, and of America: with an account of dissections, performed in these climates, and general remarks on diseases of the army. Edinb. 1801'. 8vo. Clarke, Sir A. 19. An essay on warm, cold and vapour bathing, with practical observations on sea-bathing, diseases of the skin, bilious, liver complaints, and dropsy. 4th edition. Lond. 1819. 12mo. Clarke, C. M. 179. Observations on diseases of females attended with discharges. 2 parts. With plates. Lond. 1814 and 1821. 8vo. Clarke, E. D. ll. d. 267. The gas blow-pipe, or art of fusion by burning the gaseous constituent of water. With a plate. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Clarke, E. G. m. d. 67. The modern practice of physic. 2d edit. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Clarke, John, m. d. 472. Practical essays on the management of pregnancy and labour, and on the inflammatory and febrile diseases of lying-in women. 2d edit. Lond. 1806. 8vo. Clarke, J. 181. Commentaries on some of the most important dis- eases of children. Part I. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Cleaveland, P. 335. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology. Boston, 1816. 8vo. 708. The same. 2d edit. 2 vols. Boston, 1822. 8vo. Cleghorn, G. 42. Observations on the epidemical diseases in Mi- norca. From the year 1744 to 1749. 4th edit. London, 1797. 8vo. 25 Cleghorn, G. 18. The same. With notes, by Benj. Rush, m. d., &c. Philad. 1809. 12mo. 2 copies. Cloquet, H. m. n. 87. Traite complet de l'anatomie de I'homme, comparee, dans ses points Ies plus importans a celle des animaux, et consiue ee sous le double rapport de I'histo- logie et de la morphologic. Avec figures. Paris, 1825, 4to. 2 numbers. 861. Faune des medecins, on histoire des animaux et de leurs produits, considerees sous les rapports de la Broma- tologie et de' 1'Hygiene en geneial, de la therapeutique, de la pharmacologic et de la toxicologie. Avec figures. 5 tomes. A Paris, 1822 and 1824. 8vo. Cloquet, J. m. d. 14. Anatomic de I'homme, ou description et figures lithograph ees de toutes Jes parties du corps hu- main. 4 tomes. Paris, 1821-1830. R. folio. Tom. I. Osteologie. Tom. II. Myologie. Tom. III. Nevrologie. Cloquet, J. 82. Anatomie des vers intestinaux Ascaride, Lombri- coide et Echinorhynque Geant. Avec huit planches. Paris, 1824. 4to. Clutterbuck, H. m. d. 10. An inquiry into the seat and nature of fever. Part 1st. Containing the general doctrine of fever. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 554. Observations on the prevention and treatment of the epidemic fever, at present prevailing in this metropolis and most parts of the United Kingdom. With remarks on some opinions of Dr. Bateman and others on the same subject. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Coates, B. H. An oration on certainty in medicine. Philad. 1830. 8vo. Coindet, J. R. m. d. 701. Observations on the effects of Iodine in bronchocele and scrophula. Translated by J. R. Johnson, m. d. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Coleman, E. 220. A dissertation on natural and suspended respi- ration. 2d edit. Lond. 1802. 8vo. Colles, JI. 348. A treatise on surgical anatomy. Part 1st. Philad. 1820. 8vo. Collin, V. m. d. 859. Des diverses methodes d'exploration de la poitrine et de leur application au diagnostic de ses mala- dies. A Paris, 1824. 8vo. Collins, S. m. d. 20. A system of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fishes, insects and plants. With plates. And after every part of man's body has been anatomically described, its diseases, cases and cures are concisely ex- hibited. 2 vols. Lond. 1685. folio. Columns?, F. 742. ^>vTofixmvog, sive plantarum aliquot historia, in. qua. describuntur diversi generis plants voriores, ac magis E 26 facie viribusque respondentes antiquorum Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii, Galeni, aliorumque delineationibus, ab aliis hucusque non animadversae. Neapoli, 1592. 4to. Combe, G. 578. Essays on phrenology, or an inquiry into the prin- ciples and utility of the system of Drs. Gall and Spurz- heim, and into the objections made against it. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. 894. A system of phrenology. 2d edit. With a plate. Edinb. 1825. 8vo. Conolly, J. m. d. 1000. An inquiry concerning the indications of insanity, with suggestions for the better protection and care of the insane. Loud. 1830. 8vo. Conringii, II. 741. Introductio in universam artem medicam. Cura et studio G. C,. Schelhammeri; cum praefatione F. Hoff- manni de studio medico recte pertractando. liaise et Lip- sise, 1726. 4to. Conybeare. W. D. Phillips, TV. 718. Outlines of the geology of England and Wales, with an introductory compendium of the general principles of that science. With a map and plates. Part 1. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Cooke, J. m. d. 581. A treatise on nervous diseases. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. On apoplexy, including apoplexia hydrocephalica, or water in the head; with an introductory account of the opinions of the ancient ami modern physiologists, respect- ing the nature and uses of the nervous system. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 605. History and method of cure of the various species of palsy; being the first part of the second volume of a trea- tise on nervous diseases (V. no. 581.) Lond. 1821. 8vo. 757. History and method of cure of the various species of epilepsy; being the second part of the second volume of a treatise on nervous diseases. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Cooke, 174. A practical treatise on tinea capitis contagiosa, and its cure. Including an inquiry into the nature and cure of fungi hsematoiles et naevi materni. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 928. A practical and pathological inquiry into the sources and effects of derangements of the digestive organs, em- bracing dejection and some other affections of the mind. Lond. 1828. 8vo. V. Morgagni. Cooper, Sir, A. 583. Surgical essays. By Astley Cooper, f. r. s. and Benj. Travers, f. r. s. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1818 and 1819. 8vo. 97. A treatise on dislocations and fractures of the joints. With plates. Lond. 1822. 4to. - 806. Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery. 27 With notes by Frederic Tyrrell. 2 vols. With plates. Land. 1824 and 1825. 8vo. Cooper, Sir, A. 13. The anatomy and surgical treatment of abdo- minal hernia. In two parts. 2d edition by C. A. Key. With plates. Lond. 1827. R. folio. 92. Illustrations of the diseases of the breast. In two parts. With plates. Lond. 1829. 4to. Cooper, S. 509. Critical reflections on several important practical points relative to the cataract: comprehending an account of a new and successful method of couching particular species of that disease. Lond. 1805. 8vo. 95. A treatise on the diseases of the joints. Boston, 1808. 12mo. 314. The first lines of the practice of surgery, being an elementary work for students and a concise book of re- ference for practitioners. In two parts. With plates. Philad. 1808. 8vo. 191. A dictionary of practical surgery. With notes and additions by J. S. Dorsey, m. d. 2 vols. Philad. 1810. 8vo. 752. The same. 4th edit. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 314 and 584. The first lines of the practice of surgery. Vol. II. (For vol. I. Philad. 1808. Vide No. 314.) With plates. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 665. The first lines of the practice of surgery. From the 4th London edition. With notes by Alex. H. Stevens, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. New York, 1822. 8vo. 889. The first lines of the practice of surgery. 5th edit, comprising the two volumes. With plates. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Cooper, Th. m. d. 761. Tracts on medical jurisprudence; includ- ing Farr's elements of medical jurisprudence; J lease's remarks on medical jurisprudence; Male's epitome of ju- ridical, or forensic medicine; and Haslam's treatise on insanity. With a preface, notes and a digest of the law relating to insanity and nuisance. Also an appendix con- taining Erskine's speech for James Hatfield, indicted for shooting at the king;-an abstract of a report of the trial of Abraham Kesler, indicted for poisoning his wife with white arsenic and laudanum;-and a memoir on the chro- mat of potash, as a test of arsenic, copper and corrosive sublimate. Philad. 1819. 8vo. Copeland, Th. 22. Observations on some of the principal diseases of the rectum and anus, particularly stricture of the rec- tum, the hemorrhoidal excrescence and the fistula in ano. Philad. 1811. 12mo. 2 copies. Corvisart, J. N. 130. An essay on the organic diseases and lesions 28 of the heart and great vessels. From his clinical lectures, published by C. E. Horeau. Translated from the French by J. Gates. Philad. 1812. 8vo. Coster, J. m. d. 1001. The practice of medicine according to the principles of the physiological doctrine. Translated from the French. Philad. 1831. 8vo. 2 copies. Cottu, M. 738. On the administration of criminal justice in Eng- land; and the spirit of the English government. From the French. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Couper, R. m. d. 486. Speculations on the mode and appearances of impregnation in the human female; with an examina- tion of the modern theories of generation. 2d edit. Edinb. 1797. 8vo. Cowper, G. 764, 1. Glandularum quarandam, nuper detectarum ductuunique earum excretoriorum descriptio. Cum figuris. Cui accessit in qua dotes plurimae et singu- lares Godefredi Bidloo, m. d. celebrantur. Londini, 1701 and 1702. 4to. Cowper, IC. f. r. s. 7. Myotomia reformata; or an anatomical treatise on the muscles of the human body; with figures after the life. To which is prefixed, an introduction con- cerning muscular motion. With plates. London, 1724. R. folio. Cox, J. m. d. 29. Practical observations on insanity. With sug- gestions for an improved mode of treating diseases of the mind. To which are subjoined remarks on medical juris- prudence as connected with diseased intellect. Philad. 1811. 12mo. Cox, J. R. m. d. 236. Practical observations on vaccination or inoculation for the cow-pox. With a plate. Philad. 1802. 8vo. 311. The Philadelphia medical dictionary of all the terms used in medicine. Philad. 1808. 8vo. 2 copies. ■ - 315. The American dispensatory. Philad. 1814. 8vo. The same, 1822. Crawford, JI. m. d. 171. Experiments and observations on animal heat and the inflammation of combustible bodies. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1788. 8vo. Cribb, J. J. 856. Small-pox and cow-pox, comprehending a con- cise history of those diseases and a comparison between inoculation for small-pox and vaccination. With a plan for the universal extension of vaccination. Cambridge, 1825. 8vo. Crichton, Sir Ji. 751. Practical observations on the treatment and cure of several varieties of pulmonary consumption and of the effects of the vapour of boiling tar in that disease. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 29 Cross, J. m. d. 630. A history of the variolous epidemic at Nor- wich in 1819. With an estimate of the protection afford- ed by vaccination; and a review of past and present opi- nions on chicken and modified small-pox. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Crowther, Bryan, 206. Practical observations on the disease of the joints, commonly called white-swelling; with remarks on caries, necrosis and scrofulous abscess, in which a new and successful method of treating these complaints is pointed out. With plates. Lond. 1808. 8vo. Cruveilhier, J. m. d. Anatomie pathologique du corps humain, on descriptions avec figures lithographies des diverses al- terations morbides dont les corps humain est susceptible, Paris, 1828-1830. 10 livraisons, fol. Cruikshank, W. 19. The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. With plates. Lond. 1786. 4to. 43. The same. 2d edit, enlarged. Lond. 1790. 4to. 277. Anatomie des vaisseaux absorbans du corps humain. Avec figures. Traduit de 1'Anglais par M. Petit-Radel. A Paris, 1787. 8vo. 387 and 452. Experiments on the insensible perspiration of the human body, showing its affinity to respiration. With a plate. Lond. 1795. 8vo. 2 copies. Cullen, Wm. m. d. 655. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae in usum studiosorum. Editio altera. Edinb. 1772. 8vo. 193. First lines of the practice of physic. 2d edit. 4 vols. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. 258. First lines of the treatise of physic. With practical and explanatory notes by John Rotheram, m. d. 2 vols. New York, 1806. 8vo. 27. A treatise of the materia medica. 2 vols. Edinb. Sc Lond. 1789. 4to. 156. A treatise of the materia medica. 2 vols. Philad. 1808. 8vo. - 192. Professor Cullen's treatise of the materia medica. With large additions. By Benjamin S. Barton, m. d. 2 vols. Philad. 1812. 8vo. 2 copies. 923. The works of William Cullen, m. d., containing his physiology, nosology, and first lines of the practice of phy- sic: with numerous extracts from his MSS. papers, and from his treatise of the materia medica. Edited by J. Thomson, m. d. 2 vols. Edinb. 1827. 8vo. Currie, J. m. d. 40. Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and febrile diseases, &c. 2 vols. Liverpool, 1804. 8vo. ■ --. 40, The same. 4th edition. To which are added letters 30 on the sphere of febrile contagion, the Liverpool lunatic asylum, and on the effects of nitrous acid in lues venerea. 2 vols. Lond. 1805. 8vo. Currie, IC. 468. Memoirs of the yellow fever which prevailed in • Philadelphia and other parts of the United States in the summer and autumn of 1798. Philad. 1798. 8vo. 226. A view of the diseases prevalent in the United States of America at different seasons of the year; with an ac- count of the most approved method of treatment. Philad. 1811. 8vo. Curtis, C. 391. An account of the diseases of India, as they ap- peared in the English fleet in 1782-83; with observations on ulcers, and the hospital sores of that country, &c. Edinb. 1807. 8vo. Curtis, John IL 379. A treatise on the physiology and diseases of the ear. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Cutbush, Edwd. m. d. 298. Observations on the means of preserv- ing the health of sailors and soldiers, with remarks on hos- pitals, &c. Philad. 1808. 8vo. Cutbush, Jas. 53. The philosophy of experimental chemistry. 2 vols. Philad. 1813. 12mo. Cuvier, G. 322. Lectures on comparative anatomy. Translated from the French, by William Ross. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1802. 8vo. 524. Lecons d'anatomie comparee de G. Cuvier, publiees par C. Dumeril. Tomes 5. Avec de figures. Paris, 1805. 8vo. 429. Essay on the theory of the earth. From the French by R. Kerr, f. r. s. With mineralogical notes and an ac- count of Cuvier's geological discoveries. 2d edit. With plates. Edinb. 1815. 8vo. 826. Discours sur les revolutions de la surface de globe, et sur les changemens qu'elles out produits dans le regne animal. 3me edit. Avec des planches. Paris, 1825. 8vo. 525. Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organization- pour servir de base a 1'histoire nat. des animaux et d'in- troduction a l'anatomie comparee. Tomes 4. Avec de planches. Paris, 1817. 8vo. Vide Griffith, E. 962. Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a 1'histoire naturelie des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparee. Avec figures. 5 tomes. Paris, 1829. 8vo. 86. Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, on 1'on retablit les caracteres de plusieurs animaux dont les revolutions du globe out detruit les espeecs. Sme edit. 4 vols. Avec figures. Paris, 1825. 4to. 31 Cuvier, G. 86. Recherches sur les ossemensfossilesou 1'on retablit les caracte.es de plusieurs animaux dont les revolutions du globe out detruit les especes. Edition Sine. 5 tomes. Avec figures. 1825. 4to. D Dariste, Ji. J. m. d. 853. Recherches pratiques sur la fievre jaune. A Paris. 1825. 8vo. Darwin, E. m. d. 673. Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening. Dublin, 1800. 8vo. 73. Zoonomia; or the laws of organic life. In three parts. Edit. 2da. 2 vols. Boston, 1803. Davidson, W. 425. Observations, anatomical, physiological and pathological, on the pulmonary system, with remarks on some of the diseases of the lungs, viz: haemorrhage, wounds, asthma, catarrh, croup, and consumption. Loud. 1795. 8 vo. Davis, D. D. m. d. 84. Elements of operative midwifery; com- prising a description of certain new and improved powers for assisting difficult and dangerous labours. With plates. Loud. 1825. 4to. Davy, Sir H. 358. Elements of chemical philosophy. Vol. first. Part I. With plates. Philad. 1812. 8vq. 352. Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. Dawson, G. P. m. d. 810. A nosological practice of physic, em- bracing physiology. Lond. 1824. 8vo. D^Jlzara, F. 660. Essais sur Phistoire naturelie des quadrupedes de la province de Paraguay. Trad, sur le MS. inedit de l'auteur, par M. L. E. Moreau-Saint-Mery. Tomes 2. Paris, 1801. 8vo. Dease, W. 229. Observations on wounds of the head. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 496. Observations on wounds of the head. With a parti- cular inquiry into the parts principally affected in those who die in consequence of such injuries. 2d edit. To which are added some general observations on the opera- tion of bronchotomy. Dublin, 1778. 8vo. Dease's remarks on medical jurisprudence. Vide Cooper, Th. 761. Deguise, fils. m. d. Dupuy fy Levret, 846. Recherches et expe- riences sur les effets de 1'acetate de morphine. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Delabarre, C. F. m. d. 825. Traite de la seconde dentition et me- thode naturellede la diriger, suivi d'un apergu de semeio- tique buccale. Avec 22 planches. A Paris, 1819. 8vo. - 854. Traite de la partie mecanique de Part de chirurgien- 32 dcntiste. Avec 42 planches. 2 tomes. A Paris, 1820; 8vo. helametherie, J. C. 46. Journal de physique. Vide Periodical literature. Delpech, Prof. 95. Chirurgie clinique de Montpellier, ou observa- tions et leHexions tiiees des travaux de chirurgie clinique de cette Scole. 2 vols. Avec figures. Paris & Montpel- lier, 1823. 4to. 966 and 96. De Porthomorphie, par rapport a Fespece humaine: ou recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur les causes, les moyens de prevenir, ceux de guerir les princi- pales diffbrmiti€s et sur les veritables fondemens de Part appele: orthopedique. 2 vols. Paris & Montpellier, 1828. 8vo. Avec atlas de planches in 4to. No. 96. Demours, .d.P. 521 and 44. Traite des maladies des yeux. Avec des planches coloriees, repiesentant ces maladies d'apres nature, suivi de la description de 1'oeil humain, traduite du Latin de S. T. Soemmering. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1818. 8vo. Avec un atlas de planches, No. 44. 4to. Denman, Th. m. d. 502. Introduction to the practice of midwifery. Part I. Lond. 1782. 8vo. 94. Aphorisms on the application and use of the forceps on preternatural labours, and on labours attended with hemorrhage. Lond. 1783. 12mo. 74. Aphorisms on the application and use of the forceps and vectis. 2d Amer. edit. Leominster, 1806. 12mo. 261. An introduction to the practice of midwifery. Brat- tleborough, (Vt.) 1807. 8vo. 2 copies. 551. Observations on the cure of cancer, with some re- marks upon Mr. Young's treatment of that disease. 2d edit. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Desault, P. J. 143. A treatise on fractures, luxations and other affections of the bones. Edited by Xavier Bichat; with plates. Translated from the French by Charles Caldwell, m. d.; with notes, &c. Philad. 1805. 8vo. 173. The surgical works, or statement of the doctrine and practice of P. J. Desault. By Xavier Bichat. Translated from the French by E. D. Smith, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. Philad. 1814. 8vo. Desfontaines, M. 736. Tableau de 1'ecole de botanique du jardin du roi. 2de edit. Paris, 1815. 8vo. Desmoulins, A. m. d. 852 and 83. Anatomie des systemes nerveux des animaux e vertebres, applique a. la physiologic et a la zoologie. Ouvrage dont la partie physiologique est faite conjointement avec F. Magendie. 2 vols. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Avec un atlas de figures. 4to. No. 83. 33 Dewar, H. 485. Observations on diarrhoea and dysentery, particu- larly as those diseases appeared in the British army during the campaign in Egypt in 1801. Lond. 1805. 8vo. 912, b. On the nutrition of cuticle, nails, hair, feathers, and plants. From the memoirs of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh. Dewees, W. P. m. d. 790. Essays on various subjects connected with midwifery. Philad. 1823. 8vo. - 804. A compendious system of midwifery. With plates. Philad. 1824. 8vo. 804. The same. 2d edit. Philad. 1826. 8vo. 2 copies. 905. A treatise on the physical and moral treatment of children. Philad. 1826. 8vo. 2 copies. • 898. A treatise on the diseases of females. Philad. 1826. 8vo. 3 copies. 969. A practice of physic, comprising most of the diseases not treated of in " Diseases of Females," and " Diseases of Children." 2 vols. Philad. 1830. 8vo. 2 copies. Dickinson, N, 559. Remarks on burns and scalds. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Dictionaries. 90. Dictionnaire de l'academie Fran^oise. NouvelU edit. 2 vols. Paris, 1766. 4to. Medical: 318. Quincy's lexicon medicum: a new medical dictiona- ry by R. Hooper, m. d. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 259. The American medical lexicon, on the plan of Quin- cy's lexicon physico-medicum. New York, 1811. 8vo. --- 526. Dictionnaire des sciences medicales, par une societe de medicins et de chirurgiens. 60 tomes. Avec de planches. Paris, 1812-1822. 8vo. Vide Aiken, Coxe, J. R., Milne, C., Morris and Kendrick, Parr, Quincy, Walker, Watt, J. J. Dobson, M. m. d. 422. A medical commentary on fixed air. Ches^- ter, 1779. 8vo. Donovan, M. 294. An essay on the origin, progress and present state of galvanism. With plates. Dublin, 1816. 8vo. Dorsey, J. S. m. d. 188. Elements of surgery for the use of stu- dents. 2 vols. With plates. Philad. 1813. 8vo. 4 copies. Doughty, E. 66. Observations and inquiries into the nature and treatment of the yellow, or Bulam fever, in Jamaica and at Cadiz, particularly in what regards its primary cause and assigned contagious powers, illustrated by cases and dissections, with a view to demonstrate that it appears divested of those qualities assigned to it by Mr. Pym, Sir J. Fellows, and others. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Douglas. Jas. m. d. 63. Myographiae comparatse specimen; or a F 34 comparative description of all the muscles in man, and in quadrupeds. With an account of the blood vessels and nerves. Dublin, 1777. 12ino. Douglas* John, 489. A treatise on the hydrocele. Lond. 1755. 8 vo. - - 633. Medical topography of Upper Canada. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Dubois, C. 138. An epitome of Lamarck's arrrangement of testa- cea, being a free translation of that part of his work "de 1'histoire naturelie des animaux sans vertebres." Lond. 1824. 12mo. Dum&ril, Ji. M. C. 8-27. Elemens des sciences naturelies. 3me Edition. 2 tomes. Avec des planches. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Tom. I. Contenant la min€ralogie et la botanique. Tom. II. La zoologie. Duncan, JI. m. d. 97. Medical commentaries, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medi- cine and medical philosophy. Collected and published by A. Duncan, m. n. 8 vols. Edinb. 1787 and 1794. 8vo. Duncan, JI. jun. 467. Observations on the three distinguishing symptoms of pulmonary consumption, the catarrhal, the apostematous and the tuberculous. With some remarks on their remedies and regimen. Edinb. 1813. 8vo. 448. Reports of the practice in the clinical wards of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in 1817 and 1818. Edinb. 1818u 8vo. ..... 789. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. From the eighth Edinburgh edition, with large additions, relating principal- ly to the vegetable productions of the United States, by J. Dyckman, m. d. New York, 1818. 8vo. Dunglison, R. m. d. 809. Commentaries on the diseases of the stomach and bowels of children. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Dutrochet, M. H. 822. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la structure intime des animaux et des vegetaux, et sur leur motilite. Avec deux planches. Paris, 1824. 8 vo. Duval, J. R. 608. Le dentiste de la jeunesse, or the way to have sound and beautiful teeth. Translated by J. Atkinson. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Dyckman, J. m. d. 235. A dissertation on the pathology of the human fluids. New York, 1814. 8vo. E Earle, Sir J. 491. Observations on the cure of the curved spine, in which the effect of mechanical assistance is considered. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 35 Earle, Sir J. 377. An essay on the means of lessening the effects of fire on the human body. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 550. Practical observations on the operation for the stone. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 542. A treatise on the hydrocele: containing an examina- tion of all the usual methods of obtaining relief in that disease. The radical cure by injection is particularly de- scribed. 3d edit. Lond. 1805. 8Vo. 377. Observations on the haemorrhoidal excrescences. 2d edit. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 377. A letter containing some observations on fractures of the lower limbs. With plates. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Earle, H. f. r. s. 777. Practical observations in surgery. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Eaton, A. 668. Manual of botany for the Northern and Middle States. In two parts. 2d edit. Albany, 1818. 8vo. Eberle, J. m. d. 117. Botanical terminology, or a pocket compa- nion for the students of botany. Philad. 1818. 12mo. 6 copies. 716. A treatise of the materia medica and therapeautics. 2 vols. Philad. 1822-3. 8vo. ■ 1002. A treatise on the practice of medicine. 2 volumes. Philad. 1830. 8vo. Edmondston, Arthur, m. d. 305. A treatise on the varieties and consequences of ophthalmia, with a preliminary inquiry into its contagious nature. Edinb. 1806. 8vo. Edwards, H. M. 155. A manual of surgical anatomy. Translated, with notes by Wm. Coulson. Lond. 1828. 12mo. Elliotson, J. m. d. 603. Numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the hydrocyanic or prussic acid in affections of the stomach; with a report upon its powers in pectoral and other diseases: and some facts respecting the necessity of varying the doses of medicines according to circumstances, and the use of opium in diabetes. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 701. The introductory lecture of a course upon state me- dicine. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Elliot, J. m. d. 402. Elements of the branches of natural philoso- phy connected with medicine, viz: chemistry, optics, sound, hydrostatics, electricity, and physiology. Lond. 1782. 8vo. Elliott, St. 530, 678 and 868. A sketch of the botany of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. Charleston, (S. C.) 1821- 1824. 8vo. 3 copies. Ellis, B. m. d. 844. The medical formulary; being a collection of prescriptions derived from the writings and practice of 36 many of the most eminent physicians in America and Eu- rope. Philad. 1826. 8vo. Ellis, D. 208. An enquiry into the changes induced on atmosphe- ric air by the germination of seeds, the vegetation of plants and respiration of animals. Edinb. 1807. 8vo. England, TV. m. d. 976. Observations on the functional disorders of the kidneys, which give rise to the formation of urinary calculi; with remarks on their frequency in the county of Norfolk. Loud. 8vo. Erskine's speech for J. Hatfield, indicted for shooting at the King. Vide Cooper, Th. 761. Etmulleri, M. m. d. 8. Opera medica theorico-practica. Edit, no- vissima cura J. J. Mangeti, m.d. Tomi iv. Geneva?, 1736. folio. Eustackii, B. 24. Tabulae anatomies?. Colonise Allobrogum, 1717. fol. Vide Magnetus, No. 24. 23. Tabulae anatomicae, quas e tenebris tandem vindica- tas illustravit J. M. Lancisius. Editio Romana altera. Romae, 1728. folio. Evans, J. 566. Pathological and practical remarks on ulcerations of the genital organs. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Ewing, John, ». d. 295. A plain elementary and practical system of natural experimental philosophy; including astronomy and chronology. With plates. Rex ised by R. Patterson. Philad. 1809. 8vo. Ewing, Jllex. m. d. 20. Observations on the Harveian doctrine of the circulation of the blood; in reply to George Kerr. Lond. 1817. 12mo. F Faithorn, J. 224. Facts and observations on liver complaints and bilious disorders in general. 2d edit. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Falconer, TV. m. d. 240. An account of the efficacy of the aqua mephitica alkalina; or solution of fixed alkaline salt, sa- turated with fixible air, in calculous disorders, and other complaints of the urinary passages. 4th edition. Lond. 1792. 8vo. 113. Observations on the pulse. Lond. 1796. 12mo. - 450. A practical dissertation on the medicinal effects of the Bath waters. 2d edit. Bath, 1798. 8vo. Farr, TV. 696. An essay on the effects of the fucus Helminthocor- ton upon cancer. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Farr's elements of medical jurisprudence. Vide Cooper^ Th. 761. Farre, J. B. m. d. 34. The morbid anatomy of the liver, being an inquiry into the anatomical character, symptoms, and treatment of certain diseases which impair or destroy the 37 structure of that viscus. Part I. On the tubera circum- scripta, and tubera diffusa. Part 11. On the varieties of the tubera diffusa. With plates. Lond. 1812 and 15. 4to. Farre, J. K. 547. Pathological researches. Essay 1st. On mal- formations of the human heart. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. Faulkner, Sir JI. B. 617 and 635. A treatise on the plague, de- signed to prove it contagious; with observations on its prevention, character and treatment, and an appendix, containing the evidence given before, and the report of, the contagion-committee of the House of Commons. With maps and plans. Lond. 1830. 8vo. 2 copies. Fawdington, T. 885. A case of melanosis. With general observa- tions on the pathology of that disease. With plates. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Fellowes, Sir Jas. 303. Reports of the pestilential disorder of An- dalusia which appeared at Cadiz in the years 1800, 1804, 1810 and 1813; with a detailed account of that fatal epi- medic, as it prevailed at Gibraltar, during the autumnal months of 1804; also observations on the remitting and intermitting fever, made in the military hospitals at Col- chester, after the return of the troops from the expedition to Zealand in 1809. With a plate. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Ferriar, J. m. d. 41. Medical histories and reflections. 4 vols. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 84. The same. Four volumes in one. Philad. 1816. 8vo. Ferris, S. m. d. 488. A dissertation on milk. Lond. 1785. 8vo. Fisher, J. D. m. d. 91. Description of the distinct, confluent and inoculated small-pox, varioloid disease, cow-pox,and chick- en-pox. With plates. Boston, 1829. 4to. Fleming, J. d. d. 787. The philosophy of zoology, or a general view of the structure, functions and classification of ani- mals. 2 vols. 1824. 8vo. Flourens, P. 824. Recherches experimentales sur les proprietes et les fonctions du systeme nerveux dans les animaux verte- bres. Paris, 1824. 8vo. 817. Experiences sur le systeme nerveux; faisant suite aux recherches experimentales sur les proprietes et les fonctions du systeme nerveux dans les animaux vertebres., du meme auteur. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Fonblanque, J. S. M. Medical jurisprudence. Vide Paris. Fontana, F. 49. Treatise on the venom of the viper; on the Ame- rican poisons, and on the cherry laurel, and some other vegetable poisons Translated from the French by J. Skin- ner. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1787. 8vo. ~~ 49. The same. 2d edit. Lond. 1795. 8vo. 38 Forbes, J. m. d. 802. Original cases with dissections and opera- tions illustrating the use of the stethoscope and percussion in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest, &c. With plates. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Ford, E. 626. Observations on the disease of the hip joint; with remarks on white swellings of the knee, the caries of the joint of the wrist, and other similar complaints. With plates. 2d edit. With notes by Thos. Copeland. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Fordyce, G. m. d. 347. A dissertation on simple fever, or on fever consisting of one paroxysm only. Lond. 1794. 8vo. 501. A treatise on the digestion of food. 2d edit. Lond. 1791. 8vo. Forster, Th. 407. Researches about atmospheric phenomena. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Forster, IF. 140. A treatise on the causes of most diseases inci- dent to human bodies and the cure of them. Also on the various kinds and qualities of foods; with an essay on sick- ness and health, and rules to preserve the body to a good old age. To which is added a compendious discourse on children's diseases and tradesmen's distempers. Lond. 1746. 8vo. Forsyth, J. S. 140. The new domestic medical manual. Lond. 1824. 12mo. Foster, E. m. d. 394. The principles and practice of midwifery. Completed and corrected by James Sims, m. d. Lond. 1781. 8vo. Fothergill, Ji. m. d. 553. A new inquiry into the suspension of vital action in cases of drowning and suffocation. 2d edit. Bath, 1795. 8vo. Fothergill, J. 250. The works of John Fothergill, m. d. W ith some account of his life, by John Coakley Lettsom. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1783 and 1784. 8vo. Fourcroy, JI. F. 312. Elements of natural history and chemistry. Translated from the 3d Paris edition 1789. 3 vols. Lond. 1790. 8vo. 418. Chemical philosophy, or the established basis of mo- dern chemistry. 3d edit. Translated by Wm. Desmond. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Fox, J. 13. The natural history of the human teeth, including a particular elucidation of the changes which take place during the second dentition, and describing the proper mode of treatment to prevent irregularities of the teeth. With an account of the diseases which affect children dur- ing the first dentition. With plates. Lond. 1803. 4to. - 14. The history and treatment of the diseases of the teeth, the gums and the alveolar processes, with the operation^ 39 which they respectively require. To which are added observations on other diseases of the mouth, and on the mode of fixing artificial teeth. With plates. Lond. 1806. 4to. Frark, J. P. m. d. 102. System eincr vollstaendigen medizinischen Polizei, in 13 Basnden. 6 vols. Frankenthal, 1791-1793. 12mo. Frank, P. 916. Traite de medecine pratique. Traduit du Latin par J. M. C. Goudareau, m. d. 5 tomes. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Friend, J. 163. De febribus commentarii, libb. ix. Londini, 1717. 4to. Vide Hippocrates, Frick, G. m. d. 787. A treatise on the diseases of the eye, includ- ing the doctrines and practice of the most eminent modern surgeons, and particularly those of Prof. Beer. With a plate. Baltimore, 1823. 8vo. Fulhame, 37. An essay on combustion with a view to a new art of dying and painting. Philad. 1810* 8vo. 4 copies. Fyfe Andrew, 97. A compendium of the anatomy of the human body; intended principally for the use of students. 2 vols. Philad. 1810. 12mo. --- 613. A compendium of anatomy, human and comparative. 7th edition, in 4 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. 945. Elements of chemistry. 2 vols. Edinb. 1827. 8vo. G Gairdner, W. m. d. 534. Essay on the effects of iodine on the hu- man constitution; with practical observations on its use in the cure of bronchocele, scrophula, and the tuberculous disease of the chest and abdomen. Lond. 1824. 8vo. TAAHNOY AnANTA. 7. Galeni Pergameni opera omnia. 4 vols. Basil ete, 1538. folio. Gall, F. J. 19. Cranology, ou decouvertes nouvelles du Docteur Gall, conceraant le cerveau, le eraae, et les organes. Trad, de L'Allemand. Avec une figure. Paris, 1807. 8vo. Gall's theory of physiognomic. Vide Anonymous, No. 780. Gamage, JP.jun. m. d. 447. Some account of the fever of Boston in 1817 and 1818. With general remarks ou typhus fever. Boston, 1818. 8vo. Gardiner, John, m. d. 343. Observations on the animal economy, and on the causes and cure of diseases. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. - 78. An inquiry into the nature, cause and cure of the gout, and some of the diseases with which it is connected. Philad. 179Sn 12mo. 40 Gendrin, Ji. N- 939. Histoire anatomique des inflammations. 2 tomes. A. Paris, 1826. 8vo. Georget, M. m. d. 832. De la folie. Considerations sur cette ma- ladie. A Paris, 1820. 8vo. Gervino, J. m. d. 970. A treatise on the principal diseases of children, with a simple method of curing them. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Gibbons, Th. m. d. 201. Medical cases and remarks. Part 1st, on the good effects of salivation in jaundice arising from calculi: Part 2d, on the free use of nitre in haemorrhagy. 2d edit. Lond. 1801. 8vo. Gibson, W. m. d. 900. The institutes and practice of surgery, be- ing the outlines of a course of lectures. 2 vols. With plates. Philad. 1824 and 1825. 8\o. - 922. The same. 2d edit. 1827. 8vo. Gillman, Jas. 204. A dissertation on (he bite of a rabid animal. With a plate. Lond. 1812. 8vo. Godman, J. D. m. d. 805. Anatomical investigations, comprising descriptions of various fasciae of the human body. With plates. Philad. 1824. 8vo. Golis, L. Ji. 641. A treatise on the hydrocephalus acutus, or in- flammatory water in the head. Translated from the Ger- man by R. Gooch, m. d. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Gooch, B. 82. The chirurgical works of Benjamin Gooch. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1792. 8vo. 2 copies. Gooch, II. m. d. 955. An account of some of the most important diseases peculiar to women. With plates. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Good, J. M. f. r. s. 339. A physiological system of nosology. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 2 copies. 784. The study of medicine. 4 vols. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 887. The book of nature. 3 vols. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Goodlad, IT. 419. A practical essay on the diseases of the vessels and glands of the absorbent system. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 2 copies. Goodwyn, E. 199. The connection of life with respiration; or an experimental inquiry into the effects of submersion, stran- gulation, and several kinds of noxious airs on living ani- mals, &c. Philad. 1808. 8vo. Gordon, John, m. d. 385. A system of human anatomy. 1 vol. With engravings. Edinb. 1815. 8vo. 2 copies. 387. Observations on the structure of the brain, comprising an estimate of the claims of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim to discovery in the anatomy of that organ. With engravings. Edinb. 1817. 8\o. 2 copies. Gordon, 749. Treatise on puerperal fever, Vide Campbell, 749. 41 Gorham, J. m. d. 177. The elements of chemical science. 2 volg. With plates. Boston, 1819 and 1820. 8vo. Gourlay, IV. m. d. 661. Observations on the natural history, cli- mate and diseases of Madeira. Lond. 1811. 8vo. Graham, T. J. m. d. 799. Observations illustrative of the nature and treatment of the prevailing disorders of the stomach and liver. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Granville, A. B. 665 and 634. A report of the practice of mid- wifery at the Westminster general dispensary during 1818. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 2 copies. 635. A letter to the R. II. F. Robinson, m. p. on the plague and contagion, with reference to the quarantine laws. With a plan. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 536. Further observations on the internal use of the prus- sic acid in* pulmonary complaints, &c. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Graves, B. m. d. 9. Conspectus of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias. Lond. 1816. 12mo. 79. The same. From the 2d London edit. 1803. 12mo. Gray, S. F. 561, a. A supplement to the pharmacopoeias. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 561, b. A supplement to the pharmacopoeia; being a trea- tise on pharmacology in general, including not only the drugs and compounds, used by physicians, but also those which are sold by chemists, druggists and herbalists for other purposes. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 687. A natural arrangement of British plants, according to their relations to each other, as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c. With an introduction to bota- ny. 2 vols. W ith plates. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Greenough, G. B. 557. A critical examination of the first princi- ples of geology. Land. 1819. 8vo. Gregory, J. m. d. 62. A comparative view of the state and facul- ties of man with those of the animal world. 8th edit. Dublin, 1778. 12mo. ■ 507. The same. Lond. 1798. 8vo. Gregory, J. m. d. 162. Discours sur les devoirs, les qualites et les connaissances du medecins. Avec un cours d'etudes. Tra- duit de l'Anglois. A Paris, 1788. 12mo. 70. Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physi- cian. Edinb. 1805. 12mo. 131. Conspectus medicinae theoretics ad usum academi- cum. 2 vols. Edinb. 1790. 8vo. 639. Idem. Editio sexta prioribus emendatior. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. 20Q. \ dissertation on the influence of a change of cli- 42 mate in curing diseases. Translated from the Latin, with notes by W. P. C. Barton, m. d. Philad. 1815. 8vo. 2 copies. Gregory, G. m. d. 731. Elements of the theory and practice of physic. Part I. Including the symptoms, pathology, and treatment of acute diseases. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 896. Treatise on the theory and practice of physic. With notes and additions adapted to the practice of the United States, by N. Potter, m. d. and S. Colhoun, m. d. 2 vols. Philad. 1826. 8vo. Gregory, G. d. d. 39. Lectures on experimental philosophy, astro- nomy and chemistry. 2 vols. 2d edit. With plates. Loud. 1820. 12mo. Griffith, C. m. d. 536. Advice to such military officers and others, as may be suffering from what has been called the Wal- cheren fever. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Griffith, E. 862. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cu' ier, &c. with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named and many not before noticed by E. Griffith. 9 vols. With plates. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Guthrie, G. J. 26. On gun-shot wounds of the extremities requir- ing the different operations of amputation, with their after treatment: establishing the advantages of amputation on the field of battle to the delay usually recommended, &c. With plates. Lond. 1815. 8vo. • 591. A treatise on the operations for the formation of an artificial pupil, in which the morbid states of the eye re- quiring them, are considered, and the mode of performing the operation, adapted to each peculiar case, fully explain- ed. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 972. Lectures on the operative surgery of the eye; or an historical and critical inquiry into the methods recom- mended for the cure of cataract, for the formation of an ar- tificial pupil, &c. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 995. On the diseases and injuries of arteries, with the operations required for their cure. Lond. 1830. 8vo. II Haden, C. T. 623. Practical observations on the colchicum au- tumnale, as a general remedy of great power in the treat- ment of inflammatory diseases, both acute and chronic; and therefore as a substitute for bleeding, in disorders which are connected with increased action of the heart and arteries. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 142. Formulary for the preparation and mode of employ- ing several new remedies, viz: morphine, iodine, quinine, 43 cinchonine, the hydrocyanic aid, narcotine, strychnine, mix vomica, emetine, atropine, picrotoxine, brucine, lupu- line. &c. Translated from the French of the 3d edition of Magendie's formulary. 2d edit, by R. Dunglison, m. d. Lond. 1824. 12mo. Haen, A. De, 120. Ratio medendi in nosocomio practice. 11 vols. Parisiis, 1771-1778. 12mo. Hale, E.jun. m. d. 449. History of an epidemic fever, commonly called spotted fever, prevalent at Gardiner, Maine, in 1814. Boston, 1818. 8vo. Hall, M. m. d. 88. On diagnosis. In four parts. Lond. 1817. 8vo. ■ 695. An essay on the symptoms and history of diseases, considered chiefly in their relation to diagnosis. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 919. Commentaries on some of the more important disea- ses of females. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 979. Researches principally relative to the morbid and curative effects of loss of blood. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Hallaran, W. S. m. d. 242. An inquiry into the causes producing the extraordinary addition to the number of insane, toge- ther with extended observations on the cure of insanity; with hints as to the better management of public asylums for insane persons. Cork, London & Dublin, 1810. 8vo. Haller, A. De, 1. leones anatomic® quibus pr®cipue aliqu® partes corporis humani del ineat® proponuntur et arteriarum po- tissimum historia continetur. Getting®, 1756. folio. Fas- ciculi viii. 1781 & 82. 30, a. Disputationes ad morborum historiam et curationem facientes, quas collegit, edidit et recensuit Albertus Hal- lerus. 6 vols. Cum tabulis ®neis. Venetiis, 1757 & 1758. 4to. Tom. 1. Ad morbos capitis et colli. Tom. IL Ad morbos pectoris. Tom. III. Ad morbos abdominis. Tom. IV. Iterum ad morbos abdominis. Tom.V. Ad febres. Tom. VI. Ad morbos, qui corporis universitatem obsident. 66. Idem. Lausann®, 1757-1758. 4to. 7 vols.-Tom. VIL Auxilia; et priorum voluminum suppiementum. 30, b. Disputationes chirurgic® select® collegit, edidit, pr®- iatus est A. Hallerus. 5 vols. Cum tabulis ®neis. Lau- sann®, 1755 & 56. 4to. Tom. I. Ad morbos capitis chirurgicos. Tom. II. Ad morbos capitis chirurgicos, (continual.) colli, et pecto- ris. Tom. III. Morbi chirurgici abdominis. Tom. IV. Morbi chirurgici abdominis, (continual.) Morbi ossium. -Tom. IV. Vulnera; vari® sedis morbi; et suppie- mentum. - 31. Bibliotheca anatomica; qua scripta ad anatomen et 44 physio]ogiam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. Tom, 2. Tiguri, 1774-1777. 4to. Haller, A. De, 28. Bibliotheca chirurgica, qua scripta ad artem chirurgicam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. Tom. 2. Bernae et Basileae, 1774-1775. 4to. 24. First lines of physiology. Translated from the Latin. To which is added a translation of the index, composed for the Edinburgh edition, printed under the inspection of Dr. Win. Cullen. First Amer. edit. Troy, 1803. 8vo. Halliday, A. m. d. 25. Observations on emphysema. Load. 1807- 8vo. Hamilton, A. m. d. 285. A treatise of midwifery; comprehending the management of female complaints, and the treatment of children in early infancy. 2d edit. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. -.-.- 269. Outlines of the theory and practice of midwifery. Edinb. 1787. 8vo. 264. Outlines of the theory and practice of midwifery. To which are added Smellie's Anatomical tables with ex- planations. With plates. Philad. 1806. 8vo. .- 81. A treatise on the management of female complaints, and of children in early infancy. Philad. 1806. 12mo. Hamilton, Jas. Scn.AAA. On the utility and administration of pur- gative medicines in several diseases. 2d edit. Edinb. 1806. 8vo. Hamilton, J. m. d. 39. Hints for the treatment of the principal diseases of infancy and childhood, adapted to the use of parents. 2d edit. Edinb. & Lond. 1813. 8vo. Hamilton, II. 77. Observations on scrophulous affections; with remarks on schirrus, cancer, and rachitis. Lond. 1791. 12mo. Hamilton, U. D. 733. The principles of medicine, on the plan of the Baconian philosophy. Vol. I. On febrile and inflam- matory diseases. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Hamilton, JT. m. d. 479. Observations'on the preparation, utility, and administration of the digitalis purpurea, or fox-glove, in dropsy of the chest, consumption, hemorrhages, scarlet fever, measles, &c. With a sketch of the medical history of this plant. Lond. 1807. 8vo. • - 85. The enchiridion medicum, or young physician's pocket companion. Lond. 1810. 12mo. Hancock, T. m. d. 776. Researches into the laws and phenomena of pestilence, including a notice of the plague in London in 1665, and remarks on quarantine. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Harlan, II. m. d. 1013. Fauna Americana, being a description of the mammiferous animals inhabiting North America. Philad. 1825. 8vo. 45 Harrison, R. 139. The surgical anatomy of the arteries of the hu- man body. In 2 vols. Vol. I. Dublin, 1824. 12mo. Harty, W. 432. A.n historic sketch of the causes, progress, extent and mortality of the contagious fever, epidemic in Ireland in 1817, 18 & 19. Dublin, 1820. 8vo. Harwood, B. m. d. 36, b. A system of comparative anatomy and physiology. With plates. Cambridge, 1796. 4to. Haslam, J. m. d. 135. Medical jurisprudence, as it relates to insa- nity according to the law of England. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 576. Sound mind, or contributions to the natural history and physiology of the human intellect. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Haslam's treatise on insanity. Vide Cooper Th. 761. Hastings, C. m. d. 609. A treatise on inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lungs. To which is prefixed an experi- mental inquiry, respecting the contractile power of the blood vessels, and the nature of inflammation. London, 1820. 8vo. Hairy, M. R. J. 44. An elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Translated from the French, by O. Gregory, a. m. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Hawthorne, G. m. d. 158. A new mode of ventilating hospitals, ships, prisons, &c. being an efficient method of destroying contagion, and of preventing the spreading of infectious diseases. Belfast and London, 1830. 12mo. Hayden, H H. 604. Geological essays, or an inquiry into some of the geological phenomena to be found in various parts of America and elsewhere. Baltimore, 1820. 8vo. Hebenstreit, J. E. m. d. 134. Anthropologia forensis, sistens medi- ci circa rempublicam causasque dicendas officium. Editio altera, cum figuris aeneis. Lipsiae, 1753. 12mo. Heisteri, L. m. d. 32. Institutiones chirurgicae, in quibus quicquid ad rem chirurgicam pertinet, optima et novissima ratione pertractatur. 2 vols. Cum tabulis aeneis. Amstelcedami, 1739. 4to. 23. A general system of surgery. Translated from the Latin. With plates. Lond. 1743. 4to. Hennen, J. 648. Observations on some important points in the practice of military surgery, and in the arrangement and police of hospitals. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Henry, W, m. d. 168. The elements of experimental chemistry. With notes by B. Silliman. 2 vols. 6th edit. With plates. Boston, 1814. 8vo. 6. The same. 7th edit. 2 vols. With plates. London, 1815. 8vo. Herdman, J. m. d. 247. Dissertations on white swelling of the 46 joints, and the doctrine of inflammation. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Herdman, J. m. d. 211 and 397. Discourses on the management of in- fants and the treatment of their diseases. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Hermanni, P. 28. Materia medica. Tide Valentini amphiihea- trum, No. 26. fol. Heustis, J. TV. m. d. 437 and 533. Physical observations, and me- dical tracts and researches on the topography and diseases of Louisiana. New York, 1817. 8vo. Hewson, Th. 545. Observations on the history and treatment of the ophthalmia, accompanying the secondary forms of lues venerea. With a plate. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Hey, TVm. f. r. s. 274. Practical observations in surgery. Illus- trated with cases and plates. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Hey, TVm.jun. 148. A treatise on the puerperal fever, with cases which occurred in Leeds and its vicinity in 1809 & 1812. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Higginbottom, J. 870. An essay on the application of lunar caus- tic in the cure of certain wounds and ulcers. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Highmore, N. 78. Case of a foetus found in the abdomen of a young man at Sherborne, in Dorsetshire. With plates. Lond. 1815. 4to. Hill, Jas. 10. Cases in surgery, particularly of cancers, and dis- orders of the head from external violence. To which is added an account of the sibbens. Edinb. 1772. 8vo. Hillary, Ti m. m. d. 324. An inquiry into the means of improving medical knowledge, by examining all those methods which have hindered or increased its improvement in all ages. To which is added an explanation of the motion and ac- tion of fire in and upon the human body, both in continu- ing life and in producing and curing diseases. London, 1761. 8vo. - 492. Observations on the changes of the air, and the con- comitant epidemical diseases in the island of Barbadoes. Also a treatise on the putrid bilious fever, commonly called the yellow fever. 2d edit. Lond. 1766. 8vo. » - ■ 369. The same. With notes by Benj. Rush, m. d. Philad. 1811. 8vo. Hippocratis Magni,^. Coacae pramotioncs. Libb. iii. Interprete et enarratore L. Dureto. * Genevae, 1665. folio. Hippocratis de morbis popularibus. Liber primus et tertius. 163. innOKPATOYS EHlAHMHlN To Hgorov, xai to T^tov. His accommodavit novem de febribus commentaries Johannes Friend, m. d. Londini, 1717. 4to. 864. Traduction des oeuvres medicales d'Hippocrate sue 47 Ie texte Grec d'apres 1'edition de Foes. 4 tomes. A Tou- louse, 1801. 8 vo. Hodgson, J. 498. A treatise on the diseases of arteries and veins, containing the pathology and treatment of aneurisms and wounded arteries. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Hoffmanni, F. 13, a. Opera omnia physico-medica in sex tomos dis- tributa. Cum vita auctoris. 3 vols. Geneva, 1761. fol. - IS. b. Operum omnium physico-medicorum suppiementum. Edit. 2da. 3 vols- Genevae, 1754. fol. Hoffmann, F. Vide James, R. Holbrook, J. 843. Practical observations on hydrocele, bronchocele, and inflammation of the mammae. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Home, Sir E. 29. Practical observations on the treatment of stric- tures in the urethra and in the oesophagus. 3d edit. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1805. 8vo. - 378. Observations on cancer, connected with histories of the disease. Lond. 1805. 8vo. 42. Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers of the legs, considered as a branch of military surgery. To which are added some observations on varicose veins and piles. Phi lad. 1811. 12mo. ■ 349. Practical observations on the treatment of the dis- eases of the prostate gland. Illustrated by copper plates. To which is added a letter from Professer Brande to the Author on Calculi. 2vols. Lond. 1811 and 1818. 8vo. 7. Lectures on comparative anatomy, explaining the pre- parations in the Hunterian collection. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1814. 4to. Home, F. m. d. 31. Principia medicinse. 3d edit. Edinb. 1770. 8vo. 341. Clinical experiments, histories, and dissections. 3d edit. Lond. 1783. 8vo. Hooker, W. J. ll. d. 690. Flora Scotica: a description of Scottish plants, arranged both according to the artificial and na- tural methods. In two parts. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Hooper, R. m. d. 84. The anatomist's vade mecum. From the 3d Lond. edit. Windsor, 1809. 12mo. - 52. The physician's vade mecum, containing the symp- toms, causes, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of dis- eases. Albany, 1809. 12mo. 71. Examinations in anatomy, physiology, practice of physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry and pharmacy. Sd edit. Lond. 1814. 12mo. 85. The morbid anatomy of the human brain, being illus- trations of the most frequent and important organic dis- eases to which that viscus is subject. Lond. 1826. 4to. Hopkirk, T.jun. 684. Flora anomoia, or a general view of the ano- 48 malies in the vegetable kingdom. With plates. Glasgow. 1817. 8vo. Horne, De. §57, f. A journal of the practice of medicine, surgery and pharmacy, in the military hospitals of France. Trans- lated from the French by J. Browne. Vol. 1. New York. Horner, W. E. m. d. 762. Lessons in practical anatomy; for the use of dissectors. Philad. 1823. 8vo. 899. A treatise on special and general anatomy. 2 vols. Philad. 1826. 8vo. 3 copies. Hosack, D. m. d. 657, i. Syllabus of the course of lectures on botany, delivered in Columbia college. New York, 1795. 8vo. 78. Observations on the laws governing the communica- tion of contagious diseases, and the means of arresting their progress. New York, 1815. 4to. 603. Observations on febrile contagion, and on the means of improving the medical police of the city of New York. New York, 1820. 8vo. Hovii,J.M. d. 768. Tractatus de circular! humorum motu in ocu- lis. Cum figuris. Cui accedit epistola apologetica in D. D. Fred. Ruyshuim, m. d. Ludg. Batav. 1716. 8vo. Howard, J. 329. Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1811. 8vo. Howship, J. 230 and 33. Practical observations in surgery and morbid anatomy. With cases, dissections and engravings. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 243. Practical observations on the diseases of the urinary organs; particularly those of the bladder, prostate gland and urethra. With cases and engravings. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 3 copies. 589 and 338. Practical observations on diseases of the lower intestines and anus. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 338. Practical observations on the symptoms, discrimina- tion, and treatment of some of the most important diseases of the lower intestines and anus, particularly including those affections produced by stricture, ulceration and tu- mour, within the cavity of the rectum; and piles, fistulas, and excrescences formed at its external opening. Illus- trated by numerous cases. 2d edit. Lond. 1821. 8vo. - 1008. Practical remarks on the discrimination and suc- cessful treatment of spasmodic stricture in the colon, con- sidered as an occasional cause of habitual confinement of the bowels. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Huet, The weakness of the human understanding. From the French by E. Combe. Lond. 1725. 12mo. 49 Humboldt, Ji. De, 8. Researches, concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descriptions and views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras. From the French by H. M. Williams. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 7, Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent, during the years 1799-1804. With maps, plans, &c. From the French by H. M. Williams. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. Hume, W. 410. Observations on the origin and treatment of inter- nal and external diseases and management of children. Dublin, 1802. 8vo. Hunt, J. 25. Historical surgery, or the progress of the science of medicine on inflammation, mortification, and gun-shot wounds. Loughborough, 1801. 4to. 202. Salutary cautions respecting the gout, and Dr. King- lake's doctrines exposed and refuted. Lond. 1805. 8vo. Hunter, J. f. r. s. 78. A practical treatise on the diseases of the teeth, intended as a supplement to the natural history of those parts. Lond. 1778. 4to. 284. Observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica, and on the best means of preserving the health of Euro- peans in that climate. Lond. 1788. 8vo. 26. Observations on certain parts of the animal economy. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1792. 4to. - 139. A treatise on the venereal disease. With plates. Philad. 1791. 8vo. 316. A treatise on the venereal disease. With an intro- duction and commentary by Joseph Adams, m. d. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 288. Traite des maladies veneriennes. Traduit de L'An- glois par M. Audiberti. Avec figures. A Paris, 1787. 8 vo. 398. A treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds. By the late John Hunter. With a short account of the author's life by Everard Home. 2 vols. Lond. 1796. 8vo. Hunter, Wm. 1. The anatomy of the human gravid uterus; exhi- bited in figures. (Latin and English.) Lond. 1815. R. fol. Hutchinson, B. 328. Biographia medica; or historical and critical memoirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent me- dical characters; with a catalogue of their literary produc- - tions. 2 vols. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 637. Cases of tic-doloureux successfully treated. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Hutchinson, Wm* 643. A dissertation on infanticide in it« rela- H 50 lions to physiology and medical jurisprudence. 2d edition. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Hutchison, A. C. 377. Practical observations in surgery. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Huxham, J. m. d. 652. Observationes de aere et morbis epidemicis, ab anno 1728 ad finem anni 1748 Plymuthi factm. His accedit opusculum de morbo Damnoniensi. Edit. 2da. 2 vols. Londini, 1752. 8vo. -- 150. An essay on fevers; to which is added, a disserta- tion on the malignant ulcerous sore throat. 3d edit. Lond. 1757. 8vo. I Innes, John, 2. Eight anatomical tables of the human body; con- taining the principal parts of the skeleton and muscles represented in the large tables of Albinus, with concise explanations. Edinb. 1783. 4to. 96. A short description of the human muscles, &c. Philad. 1807. 12mo. J Jacobs, IF. S. m. d. 88. The student's chemical pocket companion. Philad. 1807. 12mo. Jackson, R. m. d. 67. A treatise on the fevers of Jamaica, with some observations on the intermitting fever of America, and an appendix on the means of preserving the health of soldiers in hot climates. Philad. 1795. 12mo. - 145. Remarks on the constitution of the medical depart- ment of the British army, with a detail of hospital man- agement, and an appendix attempting to explain the action of causes in producing fever, and the operation of remedies in effecting cure. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 428. A sketch of the history and cure of febrile diseases, more particularly as they appear in the West Indies among the soldiers of the British army. Stockton and London. 1817. 8vo. -- 629. The same. 2d edit. In 2 vols. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 694. Remarks on the epidemic yellow fever of Spain since 1800. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Jahn, F. L. 929. A treatise on gymnastics. From the German. With plates. Northampton, Mass. 1828. 8vo. James, J. H. 628. Observations on some of the general principles and on the particular nature and treatment of the different species of inflammation. Lond. 1821. 8vo. James, R. m. d. 142. The modern practice of physic, as improved by the celebrated Professors II. Boerhaave and F. Hoff- 51 mann. being a translation of the aphorisms of the former, with the commentaries of Dr. Van Swieten, so far as was necessary to explain the doctrine laid down, and of such parts of Dr. Hoffmann's works, as supply the deficiencies of Boerhaave. 2 vols. Loud. 1746. 8vo. Jameson, R. 227. A treatise on the external characters of minerals. With plates. Edinburgh and London, 1805. 8vo. -, 227. The same. 2d edit. Edinburgh and London, 1816. 8vo. 35. A system of mineralogy. 2d edit. 3 vols. With plates. Edinb. & Lond. 1816. 8vo. 632. Manual of mineralogy: containing an account of sim- ple minerals, and also a description and arrangement of mountain rocks. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Jardine, Wm. 552. An essay towards the improvement of some of the important instruments in surgery, and of the opera- tions in which they are employed. With plates. Edinb. 1814. 8vo. Jarrold, 71m. d. 783. An inquiry into the causes of the curvatures of the spine, with suggestions as to the best means of pre- serving, or when formed, of removing the lateral curva- ture. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Jeffray, J. m. d. 21. Cases of the excision of carious joints. By H. Park of Liverpool, and P. F. Moreau of Paris. With observations, and plates. Glasgow, 1806. 12mo. Jeffreys, H. 5^7. Cases in surgery, illustrating the nature and mode of treatment of tumours or scrofulous ophthalmia; the sedative powers of tartar emetic, in the cure of local inflammations, when administered internally; the treat- ment of the mammary abscess, &c. With plates. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Jones, E. G. m. d. 15. An account of the remarkable effects of the eau medicinale d'Husson in gout. 2d edit. Lond. 1810. 12mo. Jones, J. 424. Medical, philosophical and vulgar errors of various kinds, considered and refuted. Lond. 1797. 8vo. Jones, J. m. d. On military hospitals. Vide Van Swieten, No. 4. 12mo. Jones, J. F. D. 427. A treatise on the process employed by nature in suppressing the haemorrhage from divided and punc- tured arteries, and on the use of the ligature. With ob- servations on secondary haemorrhage. Philad.1811. 8vo. Jones, Robt. m. d. 239. An inquiry into the state of medicine on the principles of inductive philosophy. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Johnson, C. T. 57. Practical essay on cancer. Philad. 1810. 12mo. Johnson, Jas. m. d. 106. The influence of tropical climates on Eu- 52 ropean constitutions. To which is added tropical hygiene, or the preservation of health in all hot climates. 2 vols. Philad. 1821. 12mo. Johnson, Jas. m. d. 723. The influence of tropical climates on Eu- ropean constitutions. 3d edit. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 141. The same. From the 3d London edition. Philad. 1824. 12mo. 2 copies. 135. The influence of the atmosphere, more especially the atmosphere of the British isles on the health and functions of the human frame. To which are added practical re- searches on the pathology, treatment and prevention of gout and rheumatism. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 782. A treatise on derangements of the liver, internal organs, and nervous system. 3d edit. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 904. An essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels, as the proximate cause or characteristic condition of indigestion, nervous irritability, despondency, hypo- chondriasis, &c. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Johnson, J. R. m. d. 443. A treatise on the medicinal leech, in- cluding its medical and natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure, also, remarks upon the disea- ses, preservation and management of leeches. With plates. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Johnson, R. IP m. d. 56. The nurse's guide and family assistant. Philad. 1804. 12mo. Johnston, H. 28. Practical observations on urinary gravel and stone; on disease of the bladder, and prostate gland; and of strictures of the urethra. Edinb. 1806. 12mo. Johnstone, John, 69. An essay on mineral poisons. Evesham, 1795. 8vo. Johnstone, Jos. m. d. 69. Medical essays and observations, with disquisitions relating to the nervous system. Evesham, 1795. 8vo. Jourdan, A. J.L. m. d. 779. Historical and surgical observations on syphilis. From the French by R. La Roche, m. d. Jurine, L. 513. Memoire sur l'angine de poitrine. A Paris, 1815. 8vo. Jussieu, A. L. 672. Genera plantarum secundum ordines natur- ales disposita. Paris, 1789. 8vo. K Keith, P. 27 and 686. A system of physiological botany. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 2 copies. Keill, J. m. d. 65. The anatomy of the human body abridged. 14th edit. Edinb. 1770. 12mo. 53 Kelly, J. m.d. 469. An essay on the spontaneous evolution of the foetus. Dublin, 1816. 8vo. Kentish, E. m. d. 213. Essay on warm and vapour baths: with hints for a new mode of applying heat and cold, for the cure of disease, and the preservation of health. London and Bristol, 1809. 8vo. 406. An essay on burns, in two parts; principally on those which happen to workmen in mines, from the explosions of carburetted hydroden gas; containing also a view of the opinions of ancient and modern authors upon the treat- ment of accidents by fire. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Kentish, R. m. d. 536. Advice to gouty persons. Lond. 1791. 8vo. Kerckringii, Th. m. d. 73. Spicilegium Anatomicum, continent observationum anatomicarum rariorum centuriam unam: nec non osteogeniam foetuum, in qua quid cuique ossiculo singulis accedat mensibus, quidve decedat et in eo per varia immutetur tempora, accuratissime oculis subjicitur. Amsteloedami, 1670. 4to. Cui accessit anthropogenic ichnographia, sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque ad ossi- ficationis principia. Amsteloedami, 1671. 4to. Kerr, G. 38. Remarks on the Harveian doctrine of the circulation of the blood. Lond. 1816. 12mo. Kidd, J. m. d. 17. Outlines of mineralogy. 2 vols. Oxford and London, 1809. 8vo. King, J. 603. Analysis of the subject of extra uterine foetation, and of the retroversion of the gravid uterus. Norwich, 1818. 8vo. Kinglake, R. m. d. 271. Additional cases of gout, in proof of the efficacy of the cooling treatment of that afflicting disease. Taunton, 1807. 8vo. Kirby, Jer. m. d. 86. Tables of materia medica. Edinb. 1805. 12mo. Kirby, J. 712. Observations on the treatment of certain severe forms of hemorrhoidal excrescence. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 338. Cases with observations on wryneck; on the reduc- tion of the shoulder joint; on the operation for hare-lip; on the cartilaginous substances of the knee-joint; on aneur- ism; on the use of the extract of stramonium; and on the extraction of a gum elastic catheter from the bladder, by an incision above the pubes, under singular circumstances, Lond. 1819. 8vo. Kirby, W. $ Spence, kF. 16. An introduction to entomology, or elements of the natural history of insects. With plates. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 795. The same. 4th edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1822. 8vo. The same. 5th edit. 4 vols. Lond. 1828. 8vo. 54 Kirkpatrick, J. m. d. 653. The analysis of inoculation: comprising the history, theory, and practice of it: with an occasional consideration of the most remarkable appearances in the small-pox. 2d edit. Lond. 1761. 8vo. Kirwan, P. 413. An essay on phlogiston and the constitution of acids. With notes and additional remarks. Lond. 1789. 8vo. Kite, C. 155. An essay on the recovery of the apparently dead. To which is prefixed Dr. Lettsom's address on the de- livery of the Humane Society's medal. Lond. 1788. 8vo. Knight, G. 38. An attempt to demonstrate that all the phenome- na in nature may be explained by two simple active prin- ciples, attraction and repulsion. Lond. 1754. 4to. Knight, Hm.i.L. d. 362. Facts and observations towards forming a new theory of the earth. EJinb. 1819. 8vo. Koeckcr, L. 907. Principles of dental surgery, exhibiting a new method of treating the diseases of the teeth and gums. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 940. An essay on the diseases of the jaws, and their treat- ment: with observations on the amputation of a part or the whole of the inferior maxilla. With plates. Lond. 1828. 8vo. L Laennec, B. T. H. m. d. 698. A treatise on the diseases of the chest, in which they are described according to their ana- tomical characters, and their diagnosis, established on a new principle by means of acoustic instruments. With plates. From the French by J. Forbes, m. d. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 983. A treatise on the diseases of the chest and on medi- ate auscultation. Translated from the latest French edi- tion by .1. Forbes, m. d. With plates. 3d edit. Lond. 1829. 8vo. La Garde, P. C. De, 637. A treatise on cataract, intended to de- termine the operations required by different forms of that disease, on physiological principles. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Lagrange, J. B. B. 100. A manual of a course of chemistry; or a series of experiments and illustrations necessary to form a complete course of that science. From the French. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Lallemand, F. 882. Observations pathologiques propres a eclairer plusieurs points de physiologic. 2me edit. Paris, 1825. 8vo. 883. Observations sur Ies maladies des organes genito-uri- naires. Avec figures. Paris, 1827. 8vo. Lambc, TV. m. d. 219. Reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen 55 on schirrhous tumours and cancerous ulcers. Loud. 1809. 8vo. Lambe, W. m. d. 90. Additional reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen on scrofula, cancer, consumption, asthma, and other chronic diseases. Loud. 1815. 8vo. Lanza, V. m. d. 886. Novum organum medicorum; a new medi- cal logic, or the art of thinking or right reasoning applied to practical medicine. Translated from the Italian byC. Stormont, m. d. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Laplace, P. J. 508. The system of the world. Translated from the French by J. Pond. 2 vols. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Larrcy, D.J. 62. Memoirs de chirurgie militaire et campagnes de D. J. Larrey. 3 vols. Avec figures. Paris, 1812. 8vo. - 118. Memoirs of military surgery and campaigns of the French armies on the Rhine, &c. Translated by R. W. Hall, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. Baltimore, 1814. 8vo. -- 984. Clinique chirurgicale, exercee particulierement dans les camps et les hopitaux militaires depuis 1792 jusqu'en 1829.3 tomes. Avec un cahier de planches. Paris, 1829.8vo. Observations on wounds, and on the principal diseases and injuries of the head. From the French. Philad. 1831. 8vo. Larroque,J. B. De, m. d. 64. Traite des hemorrhoides. A Paris, 1812. 8vo. Lassaigne, J. L. Vide Leuret, F. 915. Latham, J. m. d. 481. Facts and opinions concerning diabetes. Lond. 1811. 8vo. Latreillc, M. 829. Families naturelies du regne animal. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Latta, J. 7^. A practical system of surgery. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. & Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Lavater, G. 52. L'Art de connaitre les hommes par la physiog- nomic. Nouvelle edition par M. Moreau, m. d. 10 vols. Avec 600 gravures. Paris, 1806 & 9. 4to. Lavy, J. m. d. 857. Presages tires du pouls, d'apres I'ecole de sphygmique. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Law, W. 695 and 830. Observations on derangements of the diges- tive organs; and some views of their connection with local complaints. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Lawrence, IV. 157. A treatise on ruptures, containing an anato- mical description of each species: with an account of its symptoms, progress and treatment. With an appendix bv J. Parrish, m. d. With plates. Philad. 1811. 8vo. 475. An introduction to comparative anatomy and phy- siology; being two introductory lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons. Lond. March, 1816. 8vo. 56 Lawrence, W. 607. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the na- tural history of man. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 697. The same. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Fide Blumenbach. 1004. A treatise on the venereal diseases of the eye. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Leavitt, J. 911. A summary of the laws of Massachusetts, relative to the settlement, support, employment and removal of paupers. Greenfield 1810. 8vo. Leber, F. Praejectiones anatomies. Fide Vaughan, W. No. 152. Le Clerc, D. fy J. J. Mangetus, mm. dd. 21. Bibliotheca anatomica, sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletis- simus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descript io, ejusdemque oeconomia e praestantissi- morum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus, turn hactenus in lucem editis, turn etilam ineditis, concin- nata exhibetur. 2 vols. Cum figuris seneis. Genevae, 1685. fol. Ledran, H. F. 598. Consultations on most of the disorders that require the assistance of surgery. Translated by Alexan- der Reid. Lond. 1766. 8vo. 599. The operations in surgery of M. Ledran. Translated by Mr. Gataker, surgeon; with remarks, plates, &c. by Mr. Cheselden. 3d edit. Lond. 1757. 8vo. Lee, J. 106 and 676. An introduction to the science of botany, chiefly extracted from the works of Linnaeus. 4th edition. With plates. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Lc Gallois, M. 1). P. 275. Experiments on the principle of life, and particularly on the principle of the motions of the heart, and on the seat of this principle. Translated from the French by N. C. & J. G. Nancrede, m. d. With a plate. Philad. 1813. 8vo. Leigh, J. m. d. 233. An experimental inquiry into the properties of opium, and its effects on living subjects; with observa- tions on its history, preparations and uses. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Lempriere, Um. 330. Practical observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica, as they occurred between the years 1792 and 1797. 2 vols. Lond. 1799. 8vo. Lesueur, M. C. m. d. Fide Orfila, 1010. Lettsom, J. C. m. n. 17. History of the origin of medicine, an ora- tion; with various historical illustrations. Lond. 1778. 4to. 65. Hints designed to promote beneficence, temperance, and medical science. 3 vols. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Leuret, F. et Lassaigne, J. L. 915. Recherches physiologiques et 57 chimiques pour servir a 1'histoire de la digestion. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Levret, JL 59 Suite des observations sur les causes et les acci- dents de plusieurs accouchements laborieux, avec des re- marques sur ce qui a eie propose ou mis en usage pour les terminer; et de nouveaux moyens pour y parvenir plus aisement. Avec figures. A Paris, 1751. 8vo. 59- Observations sur la cure radicale de plusieurs polypes de la matrice, de la gorge et du nez, operee par de nou- veaux moyens inventes. 2de edit. Paris, 1759. 8vo. Lends, Wm. 334. A complete dictionary of the whole materia medica, containing an experimental history of every na- tural and artificial substance made use of in medicine. The fourth edition, by John -Vikin, m. d. 2 vols. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Lieutaud, M. 125. Anatomie historique et pratique. Nouvelle edit, par M. Portal. 2 tomes. Avec de planches. A Paris, 1776 et 77. 12mo. Lignac, M. De, 159. De 1'homme et de la femme, consideres phy- siquement dans I'etat du mariage. 3 tomes. Avec de figures. A Lille, 1779. 12mo. Lind, J. m. d. 109. A treatise on the scurvy. 2d edit. Lond. 1757. 8vo. 597. An essay on the most effectual means of preserving the health of seamen. 2d edit. Lond. 1762. 8vo. 375. An essay on diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates. To which is added, an appendix concerning intermittent fevers. From 6th London edition. Philad. 1811. 8vo. 2 copies. Linne, Caroli, 519, b. Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum difterentiis specificis, no- minibus trivialibus, synonimis selectis, locis natalibus se- cundum systema naturale digestas. Edit, tertia. Tomi ii. Vindobonae, 1764. 8vo. 2 copies. 519, c. The same. Editio quarta, post Reichardianam quinta, curante C. L. Willdenow. Tomi v. 10 vols. Berolini, 1797-1810. 8vo. 519, a. Genera plantarum earumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem om- nium fructificationis partium. Editio novissima curante D. J. J. Reichard. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1778. 8vo. 671, a. Genera plantarum, &c. Edit. 8va. post Reich- ardianam secunda, curante D. J. C. D. Schreber. 2 vols. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1789 et 1791. 8vo. 771. Systeme de la nature. Classe premiere du regne animal contenant les quadrupedes vivipares et les cetacees. f 58 Classe deuxieme, contenant Ies oiseaux. Traduction Fran- ^aise par Vanderstegen de Putte. D'apres la 13me edi- tion latine par J. F. Gmelin. 4 tomes. Bruxelles, 1793 et 1796. 8vo. Linne, C. 326. The classes and orders of the Linnsean system of botany, illustrated by select specimens of foreign and in- digenous plants. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Lion, H 207. Treatise on spinae pedum, exhibiting the different species. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Lizars, J. f. r. s. 807 and 30. A system of anatomical plates of the human body. Accompanied with descriptions and physiological, pathological and surgical observations. 2 vols. and 2 vols. plates fol. No. 30. Edinb. 1822-1826. 8vo. 29. Observations on the extraction of diseased ovaria; illustrated by coloured plates. Edinb. 1825. fol. Lloyd, E. JI. 734. A treatise on the nature and treatment of scro- phula; describing its connection with diseases of the spine, joints, eyes, glands, &c. To which is added a brief ac- count of the ophthalmia so long prevalent in Christ's Hos- pital. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Lobstein, J. F. D. 127. A general guide for practising physicians, in the examination of the sick. With an appendix of for- mulae. Philad. 1823. 12mo. Lommii, J. m. d. 133. Observationem medicinalium, libb. iii. quibus omnium morborum signa, et quae de his haberi possunt praesagia, accuratissime pertractantur. Amsteloe- dami, 1745. 12mo. • 133. De curandis febribus continuis liber. Amsteloedami. 1745. 12mo. Louis, P. C. JI. m. d. 872. Recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur la phthisie. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. Lowry, D. 119. Conversations on mineralogy7. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1822. 12mo. Lucas, C. E. m. d. 714. On the principles of inflammation and fever. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Luscombe, E. T. m. d. 590. Practical observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers in camp and quarters. Edinb. 1820. 8vo. Luxmore, Thos. 218. Practical observations on strictures of the urethra, with cases illustrative of the comparative merits of the caustic and common bougie; also remarks on fistula in ano, and an improved method of treating tinea capitis. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Lynn, IF. 657, g. The singular case of a lady who had the small- pox during pregnancy; and who communicated the same disease to the foetus. Loud. 1786. 8vo. 59 M Mach ride, D. m. d. 54. A methodical introduction to the theory and practice of physic. Lond. 1772. 4to. McCormack, H. m. d. 937. A treatise on the cause and cure of hesitation of speech or stammering. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Macculloch, J. m. d. 920. Malaria: an essay on the production and propagation of this poison, and on the nature and localities of the places by which it is produced, with an enumera- tion of the diseases caused by it, and of the means of pre- venting or diminishing them, both at home and in the naval and military service. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 926. An essay on the remittent and intermittent diseases,in- cluding generically marsh-fever and neuralgia. Comprising under the former various anomalies, obscurities, and con- sequences, and under a new systematic view of the latter treating of tic-doloureux, sciatica, head-ache, ophthalmia, tooth-ache, palsy, &c. 2 vols. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Mackenzie, C. 691. One thousand experiments in chemistry; with illustrations of natural phenomena; and practical observa- tions on the manufacturing and chemical processes at pre- sent pursued in the successful cultivation of the useful arts. With plates. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Mackenzie G. S'. 640. Illustrations of phrenology. With engrav- ings. Edinb. 1820. 8vo. Mackenzie, P. m. d. 54. Practical observations on the medical powers of mineral waters, and of the various modes of bathing. With remarks on exercise and diet. 2d edit. Lond. 1820. 12mo. Mac Kenzie, IF. 536. An essay on the diseases of the excreting parts of the lachrymal organs. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 1006. A practical treatise on the diseases of the eye. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Mackintosh, J. m. d. 753. A treatise on the puerperal fever. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. 1003. Elements of pathology and practice of physic. 2 vols. Edinb. 1828. 8vo. McLean, C. m. d. 38. Results of an investigation, respecting epi- demic and pestilential diseases; including researches in the Levant, concerning the plague. 2 vols. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Maclean, L. m. d. 136. An inquiry into the nature, causes, and cure of hydrothorax. Hartford, 1814. 8vo. Maclurg, Jas. m. d. 543. Experiments upon the human bile; and reflections on the biliary secretion. Lond. 1772. 8vo. Macmichael, IV. m. d. 756. A new view of the infection of scarlet 60 fever; illustrated by remarks on other contagious disor- ders. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Magendie, F. m. d. 616. A summary of physiology. Translated by John Revere, m. d. Baltimore, 1822. 8vo. Mahon, P. .d. O. 56. Medicine legale et police medicale. Avec notes de M. Fautrel. 3 vols. A Paris, 1811. 8vo. Maiden, ff m. 40. Account of a recovery after the shaft of a chaise had been forced through the thorax Lond. 1813. 4to. Male, G. E. m. d. 457 and 761. An epitome of juridical or foren- sic medicine. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Manning, H. m. d. 280. A treatise on female diseases; in which are also comprehended those most incident to pregnant and child-bed women. 2d edit. To which is added a letter on the puerperal fever. Translated from the Latin. Lond. 1775. 8vo. 125, a. Modern improvements in the practice of physic. Lond. 1780. 8vo. 125, b. Modern improvements in the practice of surgery. Lond. 1780. 8vo. Mansford, J. G. 141. An inquiry into the influence of situation on pulmonary consumption, and on the duration of life. Illustrated by statistical reports. Lond. 1818. 8vo. - 582. Researches into the nature and causes of epilepsy, as connected with the physiology of animal life, and mus- cular motion. With cases of a new and successful method of treatment. Bath, 1819. 8vo. Mangeti, J. J. m. d. 24. Theatrum anatomicum. Tomi ii. Cum tabulis aeneis. Adjectae sunt B. Eustachii tabulae anato- micae a J. M. Lancisio illustratae. 2 vols. Genevas, 1717. folio. 21. Fide Le Clerc. Marcet, Jllex. m. d. 345. An essay on the chemical history and medical treatment of calculous disorders. With plates. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Marryatt, T. m. d. 35. Therapeutics; or the art of healing. 23d edition. With outlines of the author's life. Lond. 1813. 12mo. Marshall, A. m. d. 365 and 758. The morbid anatomy of the brain in mania and hydrophobia, with the pathology of these two diseases. Collected from the papers of the late Andrew Marshall, m. d. With a sketch of his life. By S. Saw- rey. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 2 copies. Marshall, H. 670. Arbustrum Americanum; the American grove, or an alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the United States of America. Philad. 1785. 8vo. 61 Marshall, H. 700. Notes on the medical topography of the interior of Ceylon, and on the health of the troops employed in the Kandyan provinces, in the years 1815-1820, with brief remarks on the prevailing diseases. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Marshall, J. 265. Remarks on arsenic, considered as a poison and a medicine. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Martens, A.E. 100. Das Hamburgische Krankenhaus und dessen Einrichtungen beschrieben. MitKupfern. Hamburg, 1822. 4to. Martine, G. m. d. 64. Essays and observations on the construc- tion and graduation of thermometers, and on the heating and cooling of bodies. 3d edit. Edinb. 1780. 12mo. Martyn, Thos. f. r. s. 355. The language of botany; being a dic- tionary of the terms made use of in that science. 3d edit. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Mathias, JI. 217. An inquiry into the history and nature of the disease, produced in the human constitution by the use of mercury: with observations on its connection with the lues venerea. Philad. 1811. 8vo. Maugham, 105. The pupil's pharmacopoeia, being a literal translation of the London pharmacopoeia. Lond. 1824. 12mo. Maunoir, aine, J. P. 858. Memoires sui' les amputations, 1'hydro- cele du cou, et 1'organisation de 1'iris. Geneve et Paris, 1825. 8vo. Mayo, H. 925. Outlines of human physiology. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Mead, R. m. d. 114. The medical works of Richard Mead, m. n. 3 vols. Edinb. 1763. 12mo. Meckel, F. 104. Abhandlungen aus der menshlichen und verglei- chenden anatomie und physiologic. Halle, 1806. 12mo. Inhalt: I. Ueber die Schilddriise, Nebennieren und einige ihnen verwandte organe. IL Fragmente aus der Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschlichen Foetus. Meckel, J. F. 834. Manuel d'anatomie generale, descriptive et pa- thologique. Traduit de l'Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan et G. Breshet. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. 936. Traite general d'anatomie comparee. Traduit de l'Allemand par M. M. Riester, et A. Sanson. 3 tomes en 4 vols. Paris, 1828 & 29. 8vo. Meigs, C. M. m. d. 950. An oration delivered before the Philadel- phia Medical Society in 1829. Philad. 1829. 8vo. 2 co- pies. Merriman, S. m. d. 595. A dissertation on retroversion of the womb, including some remarks on extra-uterine concep- tion. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 62 Michaux, 681. Flora Boreali-Americana, sistens characteres plan- tarum quas in America Septentrionali collegit et detexit Andreas Michaux. Tomi ii. Cum tabulis ®neis. Paris, 1803. 8vo. Millar, Jas. m. d. 606. Elements of chemistry, with its application to explain the phenomena of nature and the processes of arts and manufactures. With plates. Edinb. 1820. 8vo. Millar, John, m. d. 493. Observations on the asthma and on the hooping cough. Lond. 1769. 8vo. Millar, Richd. m. d. 570. Disquisitions in the history of medicine. Edinb. 1811. 8vo. Miller, E. m. d. 83. Medical works of Edward Miller, m. d. with a biographical sketch of the author. By Samuel Miller, d. d. New York, 1814. 8vo. Millingen, J. G. V. m. d. 633. The army medical officer's manual upon active service; or precepts for his guidance in the various situations in which he maybe placed; with observa- tions on the preservation of the health of armies upon fo- reign service. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Mills, T. m. d. 876. An account of the morbid appearances exhi- bited on dissection in various disorders of the brain; with pathological observations, to which a comparison of the symptoms, with the morbid changes, has given rise. Dub- lin, 1806. 8vo. Milne, C. ll. d. 675. A botanical dictionary, or elements of sys- tematic and philosophical botany. 3d edit. With plates. Lond. 1805. 8vo. Mitchel, J. 766. De febribus continuis et praecipue de medelis in iis adhibendis. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Monro, JI. m. d. 769. Nervorum anatome contracta, latine reddi- ta; cui subject® sunt ejusdem explicatio reciproci motus cordis, et ductus thoracici descriptio. Franequer®, 1754. 8 vo. 32. De venis lymphaticis valvulosis et de earum inprimis origine. Editio altera. Edinb. 1770. 12mo. o 68. Anatomy of the human bones, nerves and lacteal sac and duct. 8th edition. Edinb. 1775. 12mo. 64. The works of Alexander Monro, sen. m. n. Published by his son, with the life of the author. With plates. Edinb. 1781. 4to. 2. Observations on the structure and functions of the nervous system; illustrated with tables. Edinb. 1783. fol. S. The structure and physiology of fishes explained and compared with those of man and other animals: illustrated with figures. Edinb. 1785. folio. 63 Monro, m. d. 63. Three treatises; on the brain, the eye, and the ear. With tables. Edinb. 1797. 4to. 120. A system of anatomy and physiology, with the com- parative anatomy of animals. 3 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Monro, JI. jun. m. d. 657, t. Observations, anatomical and physio- logical, wherein Dr. Hunter's claim to some discoveries is examined. With plates. Edinb. 1755. 8vo. 460. Observations on crural hernia. To which is prefixed, a general account of the other varieties of hernia. With plates. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. 164. The morbid anatomy of the human gullet, stomach, and intestines. With plates. Edinb. 1811. 8vo. 2 copies. 999. The same. 2d edit. With plates. Edinb. 1830. 8vo. - 36, b. Engravings of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, and the canals connected with them. Edinb. 1814. 4to. 696. Observations on the different kinds of small-pox; and especially on that which sometimes follows vaccination. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Mottro, D. m. d. 115. An essay on the dropsy and its different species. Lond. 1756. 12mo. Montmahou, E. De, 146. Manuel medico-legal des poisons, pie- ce e de considerations sur 1'empoisonnement. Avec de planches. A Paris, 1824. 12mo. Moore, Jas. 546. An essay on the materia medica, in which the theories of the late Dr. Cullen and others are considered. Lond. 1792. 8vo. 11. The history of the small-pox. With a plate. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 265. The history and practice of vaccination. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Moore, John, m. d. 420. Medical sketches, in two parts. Provi- dence, 1794. 8vo. Moreozt. Carious joints. Tide Jeffray. Morgagni, J. B. 57, a. Adversaria anatomica omnia. Cum tabu- lis mneis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1723. 4to. - 57, b. In Aur. Corn. Celsum et L. Ser. Samonicum Epis- tolse. In quibus de utriusque auctoris variis editionibus, libris quoque manuscripts et commentatoribus disseritur. Lugduni Batav. 1735. 4to. - 21. The seats and causes of diseases investigated by ana- tomy. In five books. Translated from the Latin of John Baptist Morgagni, of Padua. By Benjamin Alexander, M. d. 3 vols. Lond. 1769. 4to. ---- 888. The same. Abridged and elucidated with notes. 64 By Wm. Cooke, surgeon, London. 2 vols. Boston, 1824. 8vo. Morison, A. m. d. 901. Outlines of lectures on mental diseases. 2d edit. With plates. Loud. 1826. 8vo. Morris, If. m. d. Kendrick, J. 20. The Edinburgh medical and physical dictionary. 2 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1807. 4to. Morrison, J. m. d. 7. A treatise on tetanus. With cases. Newry and London, 1816. 12mo. Morton, S. G. m. d. An introductory lecture to a course of demonstrative anatomy. Philad. 1831. 8vo. Moseley, If. m. d. 133. A treatise on tropical diseases, on military operations, and on the climate of the West Indies. 3d edit. Lond. 1795. 8vo. 133. The same. 4th edit. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 12. Medical tracts. A treatise on sugar. On cow-pox. On the yaws. On obi or African witchcraft. On the plague and yellow fever of America. On hospitals. On bronchocele, and on prisons. 2d edit. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Muhlenberg, H. d. d. 547. Catalogus plantarum Americae septen- trionalis hucusque cognitarum, indigenarum et cicurum; or a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnaeus. Lancaster, 1813. 8vo. ■ 680. The same. 2d edit. Philad. 1818. 8vo. 683. Descriptio uberior graminum et plantarum calamia- rum Americas septentrionulis indigenarum et cicurum. Philad. 1817. 8vo. Munro, II. 405. A compendious system of the theory and practice of modern surgery, arranged in a new nosological and sys- tematic method, in the form of a dialogue. 2d edit. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Murray, J. A. m. d. 656. Apparatus medicaminum tarn simpli- cium quam praeparatorum et compositorum in praxeos ad- jumentum consideratus. Tomi v. Gottingae, 1776-1790. 8vo. Murray, A. m. d. 477. A description of the arteries of the human body reduced into the form of tables. Translated by J. Macartney. Lond. 1801. 8vo. Murray, J. 309. Elements of materia medica and pharmacy. Two volumes in one. Philad. 1808. 8vo. 63. A system of chemistry. With plates. 4 vols. Edinb. 1806 & 1807. 8vo. • 23. The same. 2d edit. 4 vols. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. 434. The same. 4th edit. 4 vols. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. 65 Murray, J. m. d. 72. Elements of chemistry. 2 vole. 4th edit. Edinburgh & London, 1817. 8vo. 711. The same. 5th edit. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. 189. A system of materia medica and pharmacy. With notes by N. Chapman, m. d. 2vols. Philad. 1815. 8vo. 3 copies. Muter, R. 463. Practical remarks on various modes of operating on cataract and of forming an artificial pupil. Wisbech, 1811. 8vo. 389. Practical observations on the lateral operation of lithotomy, and on various new modes of performing this operation, together with remarks on the recto-vescial opera- tion. With plates. New York, 1824. 8vo. N Nannoni, L. 657, r. A treatise on the hydrocele. Lond. 1779. 8vo. Neale, H. St. J. 393. Chirurgical institutes, drawn from practice on the knowledge and treatment of gun-shot wounds, Load. 1804. 8vo. 340. Medical essays and practical dissertations on tabes dorsalis, &c. 4th edit. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Nectoux, H. 16. Voyage dans la Haute Egypte aux dessus les ca- taractes; avec des observations sur les divers especes de sene qui sont repandues dans le commerce. Avec des planches. A Paris, 1808. fol. Nepotis, C. 26. Vitae excellent™ m imperatorum. Translated and edited by J. Clarke. Philad. 1810. 12mo. Nesbitt, R. m.d. 659. Human osteogeny explained in two lectures. With plates. Lond. 1736. 8vo. Nicholl, TV. m. d. 636. General elements of pathologv. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Nicholls, F. m. d. 58. Compendium anatomico-oeconomicum, ea om- nia complectens quae ad cognitam humani corporis oecono- miam spectant. In usum praelectionum constructum Londini, 1742. 4to. Nicholson, TV. 11. A dictionary of chemistry, exhibiting the pre- sent state of the theory and practice of that science, &c. &c. With engravings. 2 vols. Lond. 1795. 4to. 506. An introduction to natural philosophy. 3d edition. With plates. Lond. 1788. 8vo. Nisbet, TF.m. d. 51. The Edinburgh school of medicine; contain- ing the preliminary, or fundamental branches of profes- sional education, viz: anatomy, medical chemistry and botany. 4 yoIs, Lond. 1802. K 66 Nollet, M. I'Abbk, 154. Le£ons de physique experimentale. 8me. Edition. Tomes vi. A Paris, 1775. 12mo. Nooth, Jas. 198. Observations on the treatment of schirrhous tu- mours of the breast; to which is added a new and effica- cious mode of treating the ulcerated cancer. 2d edition. With a plate. Lond. 1806. 8vo. North, £.14. A treatise on a malignant epidemic, commonly called spotted fever. With remarks on the nature of fever in general. New York, 1811. 12mo. North, John, 891. Practical observations on the convulsions of in- fants. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Northcote, IV. Vide Van Swieten, No. 4. 12mo. Nuttall, T. 667. The genera of North American plants and a ca- talogue of the species to the year 1817. 2 vols. in one. Philad. 1818. 8vo. O O'Brien, J. m. d. 712. Observations on the acute and chronic dy- sentery of Ireland. With an inquiry into its causes, and an account of its symptoms and mode of treatment. Dub- lin, 1822. 8vo. O' Hallorun, Th. m. d. 754. Remarks on the yellow fever of the South and East coasts of Spain, comprehending observa- tions made on the spot, by actual survey of localities, &c. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Orfila, M. m. d. 323. A general system of Toxicology, or a trea- tise on poisons, drawn from the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, considered as to their relations with phy- siology, pathology and medical jurisprudence. Translated from the French. 3 vols. Lond. 1816 and 17. 8vo. Orfila, M. el Lesueur, M. 0. m. d. 1010. Traite des exhumations juridiques, et considerations sur les changemens physiques que lescadavres eprouventen se pourrissant dans la terre, dans 1'eau, dans les fosses d'aisance et dans le fumier. 2 tomes. Avec figures. Paris, 1831. 8vo. Osgood, D. m. d. 603. A letter on the yellow fever of the West Indies. New York, 1820. 8vo. Owen, 135. Observations on the earth, rocks, stones and minerals for some miles about Bristol. Lond. 1754. 12mo. P Paley, W. d. d. 664. The principles of moral and political philo- sophy. 6th American from the 12th London edition. Boston, 1810. 8vo. Palin, R. m. d. 721. Observations on the influence of habits and manners, national and domestic, upon the health and or- ganization of the human race. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 67 Paris, J. JL m. d.651. Pharmacologia; or the history of medicinal substances, with a view to establish the art of prescribing, and of composing extemporaneous formulae, upon fixed and scientific principles. New York, 1822. 8vo. 2 copies. 778. The same. 2d American from the 5th London edi- tion, by Ansel W. Ives, m. d. 2 vols. New York, 1824. 8vo. ■ 518. The same. 6th edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 794. Medical jurisprudence. By J. A. Paris, m. d. and J. S. M. Fonblanque, barrister at law. 3 vols. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 847. The elements of medical chemistry. With engrav- ings. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 895. A treatise on diet: with a view to establish, on prac- tical grounds, a system of rules for the prevention and cure of the diseases incident to a disordered state of the digestive organs. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Park, J. R. m. d. 384. The pathology of fever. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Park, H. Carious joints. Vide Jeftray. Parkes, S. 92. Chemical essays, principally relating to the arts and manufactures of Great Britain. 5 vols. With plates. Lond. 1815. 12mo. 304. The chemical catechism, with notes, illustrations and experiments. From the 6th English edition. New York, 1816. 8vo. Parkinson, Jas. 60. The chemical pocketbook; or a compendium of chemistry. With an appendix, containing the principal objections to the antiphlogistic system of chemistry, by James Woodhouse, m. d. Philad. 1802. 12mo. 195. Medical admonitions to families respecting the pre- servation of health and the treatment of the sick, &c. &c. 4th edit. Portsmouth, N. H. 1803. 8vo. - - 61. Organic remains of a former world. An examination of the mineralized remains of the vegetables and animals of the antediluvian world, generally termed extraneous fossils. 3 vols. With plates. London, 1808, 1811 and 1820.-Vol. I. Containing the vegetable kingdom.-Vol. II. The fossil zoophytes.-Vol. III. The fossil starfish, echini, shells, insects, amphibia, mammalia, &c. 715. An introduction to the study of fossil organic re- mains, especially of those found in the British strata. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 75. The hospital pupil, or observations addressed to the parents of youths intended for the profession of medicine or surgery, &c. 2d edit. Lond. 1817. 12mo. Parr, B. m. d. 9. The London medical dictionary. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1809. 4to. 68 Parry, C. H. m. d. 482. An inquiry into the symptoms and causes of the syncope anginosa, or angina pectoris. Bath, 1799. 8vo. 614. Cases of tetanus and rabies contagiosa (hydrophobia) with remarks. Bath, 1814. 8vo. - ■ 433. Elements of pathology and therapeutics. Vol. I. General pathology. Bathand London, 1815. 8vo. - 478. An experimental inquiry into the nature, cause and varieties of the arterial pulse; and into certain other pro- perties of the larger arteries in animals with warm blood. With plates. Lond. 1816. 8vo. --- 973. Collections from the unpublished medical writings of Caleb II. Parry, m. d. 2 vols. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Patissier, P. 848. Trait 6 des maladies des artisans, et de celled qui resultent des diverses professions, d'apres Ramazzini. A Paris, 1822. 8vo. Pauli, S. 28. Modus dealbandi ossa pro scelotopoica. Tide Va- lentini amphitheatrum, No. 26. fol. Pearson, J. 456. Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica in the cure of lues venerea. 2d edit. Lond. 1807. 8vo. • 726. The life of William Hey, f. r. s. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Pearson, R. m. d. 153. A practical synopsis of the materia alimen- taria and materia medica. Lond. 1808. 8vo. --- 558. Thesaurus medicaminum; a selection of medical for- mulae distributed into classes, and accompanied by phar- maceutical and practical remarks. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Pelletan, P.J. 55. Clinique chirurgicale. Tomes 3. Avec figures. Paris, 1810. 8xo. Pemberton, C. R. m. d. 241. A practical treatise on various dis- eases of the abdominal viscera. First American edition. With plates. Worcester, 1815. 8vo. Penn, G. 692. A comparative estimate of the mineral and mosaical geologies. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Percival, Edwd. m. d. 300 and 559. Practical observations on the treatment, pathology, and prevention of typhus fever. Bath and London, 1819. 8vo. 2 copies. Percival, Th. m. d. 458 and 695. Medical ethics; or a code of institutes and precepts adapted to the professional conduct of physicians and surgeons. To which is added an appen- dix, containing a discourse on hospital duties. Manches- ter, 1803. 8vo. Periodical Literature. Transactions, journals, memoirs, &c. Rostan, 169. The New England journal of medicine and surgery, 69 and the collateral branches of science. Conducted by a number of physicians. 2 vols. With plates. 1813 and 14. 8vo. Dublin, 562. Transactions of the association of fellows and licen- tiates of the King's and Queen's college of physicians in Ireland. (Instituted in 1816.) 4 vols. With plates. 1817-1824. 8vo. 426. The Dublin hospital reports and communications in medicine and surgery. 2 vols. With plates. 1818. 8vo. Edinburgh, 113. Medical essays and observations, revised and published by a society in Edinburgh. 5 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1733 and 42. 8vo. 600. Essays and observations physical and literary; read before a society in Edinburgh and published by them. 3 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1754-1771. 8vo. 51. Medical and philosophical commentaries. By a so- ciety of physicians in Edinburgh. Edited by Andrew Duncan, m. d. New edit. 10 vols. Philad. 1793 and 1795. 8vo. 96. Annals of medicine. Exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. By Andrew Duncan, sen. m. d. and Andrew Duncan, jun. m. d. 8 vols. 1796-1804. 8vo. 43. The Edinburgh medical and surgical journal: exhibit- ing a concise view of the latest and most important disco- veries in medicine, surgery and pharmacy. 2d edit. 6 vols. With plates. 1805-1810. 8vo. Leipzig, 520. Commentarii de rebus in scientia naturali et medi- cina gestis. 13 vols. 1752-1765. 8vo. London, 277. Medical observations and inquiries by a society of physicians in London. 4 vols. With plates. 1759-1772. 8vo. 346. Medical transactions, published by the college of physicians in London. 5 vols.-Vol. I. 3d edit. Lond. 1785.-Vol. II. 2d edit. Lond. 1786.-Vol. III. Lond. 1785.-Vol. IV. Lond. 1813.-Vol. V. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 1. The medical and physical journal; containing the ear- liest information on subjects of medicine, surgery, phar- macy, chemistry, and natural history; and a critical ana- lysis of all new books in those departments of literature. Conducted by T. Bradley, m. d. A. F. M. Willich, m. d. and others. 16 vols. With plates. Lond. 1799-1806. 8vo. 48. The Philosophical transactions of the Royal society of London, from their commencement, in 1665, to the year 70 1800. With notes and biographic illustrations by Ch. Hutton, ll. d. George Shaw, m. d. Richard Pearson, m. d. 18 vols. With plates. Lond. 1809. 4to. London, 336. Medico-chirurgical transactions, published by the medical and chirurgical society of London. 16 vols. Lond. 1809 to 1830. 8uo. 182. Annals of philosophy; or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. By Thus. Thomson, m. d. f. r. s. Lond. 1813- 1820. 16 vols. Continued 1821-1826 by Richd. Phil- lips, f. R. s. 12 vols. In all, 28 vols. 363. The annals of medicine and surgery. Vol. I. 1816. With plates. 4 numbers. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 693. The. quarterly journal of foreign medicine and sur- gery; and of the sciences connected with them. 3 vols. Load. 1819-1821. 8vo. 815, a. The medico-chirurgical review. Analytical series. Conducted by associated physicians and surgeons, and superintended by James Johnson, m.d. 4 vols. Lond. 1820-1824. Republished, New York, 1823 & 24. 8vo. 815, b. The medico-chirurgical review. New series. Edited by James Johnson, m. d. ^'c. 14 vols. New York, 1825- 1831. 8vo. 786. The technical repository; containing practical in- formation on subjects connected with discoveries and im- provements in the useful arts. By Th. Gill. 3 vols. and vol. iv. Nos. I & IL With plates. Lond. 1822 and 1823. 8vo. 814. Transactions of the associated apothecaries and sur- geon-apothecaries of England and Wales. Vol. I. With plates. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 840. Anderson's quarterly journal of the medical sciences, being a new series of the quarterly journal of foreign me- dicine and surgery. Vol. LI. & III. Lond. 1825 & 1826. 8vo.-Also the quarterly medical review. Edited by Wm. Speir, m. d. Vol. I. No. I. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Vide Quar- terly medical review, No. 906. 8vo. 906. The quarterly medical review. Vide Anderson's journal, No. 840. 182. The philosophical magazine, or annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history and general sci- ence. By R. Taylor and R. Phillips, f. r. s. New and united series of the philosophical magazine and annals of philosophy. 9 vols. IVith plates. Lond. 1827-1831. 8vo. 944. Journal of morbid anatomy, ophthalmic medicine, 71 and pharmaceutical analysis; with medico-botanical trans- actions, communicated by the medico-botanical society of London. With plates. Loud. 1828. 8vo. London, 964. The. lancet. Edited by Th. JVakely. 4 vols. Lond. 1872-1830. 8w. New Haven, 657, f. Cases and observations by the medical society of New Haven county, in Connecticut, instituted in 1784. New Haven, 1788. 8vo. 577. The American journal of science, more especially of mineralogy, geology, and the other branches of natural history; including also agriculture, and the ornamental as well as usefid arts. Conducted by B. Silliman, m. d. 2iZ edit. 19 vols. With plates. New York New Haven, 1819-1831. Zvo. New York, 98. The American medical and philosophical register, or annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture and the arts. Conducted by a society of gentlemen. 4 vols. With plates. New York, 1811 & 14. 8vo. 910. Transactions of the physico-medical society of New York. Vol. 1st. 1817. 8vo. 588. The medical and surgical register: consisting chiefly of cases in the New York hospital. By John Watts, jun. m. d. Valentine Mott, m. d. and Alexander H. Stevens, m. d. Part II. vol. I. With plates. New York, 1820. 8vo. 170. The medical repository of original essays and intelli- gence relative to physic, surgery, chemistry and natural history; with a critical analysis of recent publications on these departments of knowledge, and their auxiliary branches. 17 vols. With plates. New York, 1804 to 1815. 8vo. 540. The same; new series; Nos. III. & IV. Vol. V. 1820.; and No. I. II. III. and IV. Vol. VIII. 1824. 8vo. 253. The Newr York medical and philosophical journal and review. 3 vols. With plates. 1809-1811. 8vo. 743. The New York medical and physical journal. Edited by John W. Francis, m.d. Jacob Dyckman,M. d. and John B. Beck, m. d. 7 vols. With plates. 1822-1828. 8vo. 743. The New York medical and physical journal. New series. Conducted by Daniel L. M. Peixotto, m. d. 8vo. 1015. The New York medical journal. Conducted by D. L. M. Peixotto, m. d. J. R. Rhinelander, m. d. J. J. Graves, m. d. Vol. I. New York, 1830. 8ro. Paris, 99. Memoires de l'academie royale de chirurgie. Tomes 15. Paris, 1774. 12mo. 517. x\nnales de chimie, ou r^cueil de memoires, concern- 72 ant la chimie et les arts, qui en dependent. Par M. M. • Guyton, Lavoisier, Monge, Berthollet, Fourcroy, Adet, Hassenfratz, Dietrich, Seguin, Vauquelin et Pelletier. 14 tomes. 7 vols. A Paris, 1789-1792. 8vo. Paris, 570. Bibliotheque medicale ou i^cueil periodique d'ex- traits des meilleurs ouvrages de medecine et de chirurgie. Par une soci^te de medecins. Tomes 51, 52, 53 et 54. A Paris, 1816. 8vo. 569. Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, &c. con- tenant les travaux de la societ€ medicale d'emulation. Par M. Leroux. Tomes 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 et 40. 6 vols. Avec de figures. A Paris, 1816 et 1817. 8vo. 46. Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelie et des arts. Par J. C. Delametherie. Avec des planches en taille douce. Tomes 82 a 87. 6 vols. A Paris, 1816 et 1818. 4to. 571. Journal general de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, Iran aises et et ranger es, ou recueil pdriodiquc. de la societe de medicine de Paris. Tomes 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64 et 65. Redige par M. Sedillot. 10 vols. A Paris, 1816-1818. 8vo. 837. Journal universel des sciences medicales. 59 tomes. A Paris, 1816-1830. 568. Annales de chimie et de physique. Par M.M. Gay- Lussac et Arago. 4 tomes. (Tome V.-IX.) Avec figures. Paris, 1817-1818. 8vo. 45. Gazette de Sante, ou recueil general et periodique de tout ce que Part oft're de plus avantageux en theorie et en pratique pour pievenir ou gu^rir les maladies. Par une sociee des medecins. Paris, 1817. 4to. 947, a. Journal des progies des sciences et institutions medicales en Europe, en Amerique, &c. Par une associ- tions de medecins. 18 vols. Paris, 1827 et 1829. 8vo. 947, b. Lememe.. Deuxieme serie. 3 vols. Paris, 1830 et 31. 3vo. 103. Memoires de l'academie royale de medecine. Tome ler. Avec de planches. Paris, 1828. 4to. loll. Journal universe] et hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions medicales. Par M. M. Begin, Berard aine, Blandin, Boisseau, Bouillaud, Calmeil, A. Devergie, Hervez de Chegoin, Jolly, Londe, Melier, Regnault, Roche, Sanson, Thouseau, Velpeau} Tome ler. Ji Paris, 1850. 8ro. 572. Memoires de la socie'e medicale d'emulation seante a Pecole de medecine de Paris. 2de edit. 7 vols. Avec des planches. A Paris, 1802.-1811. 8vo. 73 Philadelphia, 209. Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Vol. 1. Part I. 1793. 8vo. 533. The American mineralogical journal. 3 numbers; published by Dr. Bruce. Philad. 1810. 8vo. 256. The Philadelphia medical and physical journal. Col- lected and arranged by Benjamin Smith Barton, m. d. 2 vols. 1805 and 1806. 8vo. 95. The Philadelphia medical museum, conducted by John Redman Coxe, m. d. 7 vols. With plates. 1805-1811. 8vo. 183. The eclectic repertory and analytical review, medi- cal and philosophical. Edited by a society of physicians. 10 vols. and one number. With plates. 1811-1821. 8vo. 760. The journal of foreign medical science and literature. Being a continuation of the eclectic repertory. Conducted by Samuel Emlen, m. d. and Willliam Price, m. d. Vol. I. Philad. 1821. 8vo. 535. The American medical recorder. Conducted by se- veral respectable physicians of Philadelphia. 15 vols. With plates. 1818-1829. 8vo. 538, a. The Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences. Supported by an association of physicians, and edited by N. Chapman, m. d. 9 vols. With plates. 1820- 1824. 8vo. 538, b. The same. New series. Edited by N. Chapman, m. d. Wm. P. Dewees, m. d. and John D. Godman, m. d. 5 vols. 1825-1827. 8vo. 914. The American journal of the medical sciences. 7 vols. With plates. 1827-1831. 8vo. 863. 'The North American medical and surgical journal. Conducted by Hugh L. Hodge m. d. Franklin Bache, m. d. Chas. D. Meigs, m. d. B. H. Coates, m. d. and Rent La Roche, m. d. Published under the auspices of the Kappa Lambda association of the United States. 11 vols. 1826-- 1831. 8vo. 788. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phi- ladelphia. 6 vols. With plates. 1817-1830. 8vo. 1011. The register of Pennsylvania. Devoted to the pre- servation of facts and documents, and every other kind of useful information respecting the State of Pennsylvania. Edited by Sami. Hazard. 7 vols. Philad. 1828-1830. 8vo. 965. Journal of the College of Pharmacy. Edited by B. Ellis, m. d. and published by the college. 2 vols. With plates. Philad. I860-1831. 8vo. Pettigrew, T. H 86. Memoirs of the life and writings of the late L 74 John Coakley Lettsom, m. d. &c. V ith a selection from his correspondence. 3 vols Loud. 1817. 8vo. Pew Richard, m. d. 377. Observations on an eruptive disease which has lately occurred in the town of Sherborne, Dorset, after vaccination. Sherborne. 8vo. Pharmacopoeias. 107. Pharmacopoeia collegii regii Edinburgensis. Edinb. 1756. 12mo. 129. Pharmacopoeia chirurgica: or a manual of chirurgical pharmacy. 3d edit. Lond. 1814. 12mo. 225. Pharmacopoeia nosocomii Neo-Eboracensis; or the pharmacopoeia of the New York hospital. New York, 1816. 8vo. 136. The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of physi- cians, London. 2d edit. Lond. 1817. 12mo. 102. Codex medicamentarius, sive pharmacopoeia Gallica, jussu regis optimi, et ex mandato summi rerum internarum regni administri, editus a facultate medica Parisiensi anno 1818. Parisiis, 1818. 4to. 124. The new' medico-chirurgical pharmacopoeia; being a selection of modern formulae from the private and hospital practice of the most eminent members of the profession in Europe and America. 2d edit. Lond. 1822. 12mo. 625, a. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. Boston, 1820. 8vo. 625, b. The pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. By authority of the National Convention, held at Wash- ington, A. D. 1830. Philad. 1831. 8vo. Philip, A. P. IP. m. d. 353. An experimental inquiry into the laws of the vital functions, with some observations on the nature and treatment of internal diseases. To which is added the report of the National Institute of France on the experiments of Le Gallois. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 998. A treatise on the nature and cure of those diseases, either acute or chronic, which precede change of sructure. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Phillips, H. 689. History of cultivated vegetables; comprising their botanical, medical, edible, and chemical qualities: natural history and relation to art, science and commerce. 2 vols. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Phillips, R. f. r. s. 688. A translation of the pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of physicians of London 1824. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Phillips, IP. 46. An outline of mineralogy and geology for the use of pupils. New York, 1816. 12mo. Pinel, P. m.d. 747. Nosographie philosophique,ou la methode de 75 1'analyse appliquee a la medecine. 5me edit. 3 vols. A Paris, 1813. 8vo. Pitcurnii, A. m. d. 756. Eleinenta medicinae physico-mathematica. Libb. ii. Hagai Comitum, 1718. 4to. 765. Dissertationes medicse,quibus subjunguntur epistola Archimedis et poemata selecta ejusdem auctoris. Hagae Comitum, 1722. 4to. 666. The philosophical and mathematical elements of physic. 2d edit, by J. Quincy, m. d. Loud. 1745. 8vo. Pitta, N. C. m. d. 205. A treatise on the influence of climate on the human species, and on the varieties of men resulting from it. Lond. 1812. 8vo. Plenck, J. J. 129. Hygrology, or the chemico-physiological doctrine of the fluids of the human body. Translated from the Latin by Robert Hooper. Lond. 1797. 8vo. Plutarque, 1014. Les regies et prdceptes de sante de Plutarque. Traduits du Grec par J. Amyet. A Paris, 1785. 8vo. Pole, Thos. 252. The anatomical instructor; or an illustration of the modern and most approved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the human body, and of quadrupeds. With plates. Lond. 1790. 8vo. 2 copies. 44. 'rhe same. Lond. 1813. 12mo. Pott, P. f. r. s. 289. A treatise on ruptures. (Without title-page, and otherwise defective. 8vo. 6. A. treatise on ruptures. Lond. 1775. 8vo. 289. Some few general remarks on fractures and disloca- tions. With plates. Lond. 1768. 8vo. 58. The Chirurgical works of Percival Pott, f. r. s. 2 vols. With plates. Dublin, 1778. 8vo. 37. The Chirurgical works of Percival Pott, f. r. s. A new edition with his last corrections. To which are added a short account of the life of the author, a method of curing hydrocele by injection, &c. by Sir J. Earle, f. r. s. 3 vols. With plates. Lond. 1808. 8vo. Potter, N. m. d. 435. A memoir on contagion, more especially as it respects the yellow fever. Baltimore, 1818. 8vo. Pouteau, 658. fEuvres posthumes de M. Pouteau. 3 tomes. Paris, 1783. 8vo. Powell, R. m. d. 484. Observations on the bile and its diseases, and on the economy of the liver. 2d edit. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Power, J. 108. A treatise on midwifery, developing principles tending to lessen the sufferings and shorten the duration of labour. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Prichard, J. C. m. d. 724 and 732. A treatise on diseases of the 76 nervous system. Parti. Comprising convulsive and ma- niacal affections. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 2copies. Priestley, J. 102. Experiments and observations on different kinds of air, and other branches of natural philosophy. 3 vols. With plates. Birmingham, 1790. 8vo. • 416. Heads of lectures on a course of experimental philo- sophy, particularly including chemistry. Lond. 1794. 8vo. Pring, D. 244. A view of the relations of the nervous system in health and disease. London, 1815. 8vo. 838. An exposition of the principles of pathology and of the treatment of diseases. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Pringle, Sir J. 20. Observations on the diseases of the army. 7th edit, corrected. Lond. 1775. 8vo. 307. The same. First American edition with notes by Benj. Rush, m. d. Phi lad. 1810. 8vo. 272. Six discourses delivered by Sir John Pringle, Bart, when president of the Royal Society, on occasion of six annual assignments of Sir Godfrey Copley's medal. With the life of the author, by Andrew Kippis, d. d. Lond. 1783. 8vo. Prout, IP. m. d. 611 and 628. An inquiry into the nature and treatment of gravel, calculous and other diseases, con- nected with a deranged operation of the urinary organs. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 2 copies. Prus, Vor, m. d. 823. De 1'irritation et de la phlegmasie, ou nou- velle doctrine medicale. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Pujol, 903. (Euvres diverses de medicine pratique D'Alexie Pujol. Tomes 4. Paris, 1823. 8vo. Pursh,F. 57. Flora Americas Septentrionalis. or a systematic ar- rangement and description of the plants of North America. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 2 copies. Q Quincy, J.m.d. 318. Quincy's lexicon medicum. By R. Hooper. Lond. 1811. 8vo. R Ramsbotham, J. m. d. 615. Pratical observations in midwifery. With a selection of cases. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 2 copies. 791. The same. With notes by W. P. Dewees, m. d. Philad. 1822. 8vo. Ramsden, Thos. 270. Practical observations on the sclerocele and other morbid enlargements of the testicle; also on the cause and cure »f the acute, the spurious, and the chronic hydrocele. Illustrated with cases. To which are added four cases of operations for aneurism, subclavian, femoral, 77 popliteal, and femoral-popliteal. With plates. Lond. 1811. 8vo. Rap on, T. m. d. 849. Traite de la methode fumigatoire, ou de 1'emploi medical des bains et douches de vapeurs. 2 tomes. Avec planches. A Paris, 1824. 8vo. Ratier, F. S. 152. Medical guide to Paris. A description of the principal hospitals of Paris; with some account of the practice of the physicians and surgeons attached to them. Translated from the French, with additions, by J. R. Al- cock. Lond. 1828. 12mo. 157. A practical formulary of the Parisian hospitals. From the 3d French edition, by R. D. McLellan, m. d. Edinb. 1830. 12mo. Ravii, J. D. 28. Osteologia corporis humani; et myologia. Fide Valentini amphitheatrum, No. 26. fol. Reade, J. m. d. 408. Experimental outlines for a new theory of light, colours and vision: with critical remarks on Sir Isaac Newton's opinions and some new experiments on radiant caloric. Vol. I. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Rees, A. d. d.33. The cyclopaedia, or universal dictionary of arts, sciences and literature. First American edition, in 41 vols. and 6 vols. plates. Philad. 4to. Rees, G. m. d. 480. Observations on the diseases of the uterus; with remarks on moles, polypi, and prolapsus. Lond. 8vo. Reeve, H. m. d. 464. An essay on the torpidity of animals. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Reid, J. m. n. 511. A treatise on the origin, progress, prevention and treatment of consumption. Lond. 1806. 8vo. 215. Essays on hypochondriacal and other nervous affec- tions. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 215. Essays on insanity, hypochondriasis, and other nerv- ous affections. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Reid, R. m. d. 39. On the nature and treatment of tetanus and hydrophobia, with some observations on a natural classifi- cation of diseases in general. With a plate. Dublin and London, 1817. 8vo. ** Reil, J. C. m. d. 11. Exercitationum anatomicarum fasciculus pri- mus de structura nervorum tribus tabulis asneis illustratus. Halae Saxonum, 1796. R. folio. Rennie, J. 974. A new supplement to the pharmcaopoeias of Lon- don, Edinburgh, Dublin and Paris, forming a complete dispensatory and conspectus, including the new French medicines and poisons, with symptoms, treatment and tests. 2d edit. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Renov, W. 603. Practical observations on strictures, gleet, and 78 diseases of the urethra, describing an easy and effectual nmde of cure, by an internal medicine, and proving the application of instruments to be unnecessay, and general- ly productive of injurious consequences. And on the ori- gin, symptoms and treatment of stricture in the rectum. Land. 1820. 8vo. Ribes, F. m. d. 952. L'Anatomic pathologique, consideree dans sesvrais rapports avec la science des maladies. Tom ler. Paris, 1828. 8vo. Richerand, -fl. 190. Elements of physiology, containing an explana- tion of the functions of the human body. Translated from the French, by Robert Kerrison. Philad. 1808. 8vo. 190. The same. 'Translated by G. J. M. De Lys, m. d. and with notes by N. Chapman, m. d. Philad. 1813. 8vo. 3 copies. Richter, A. G. m. d. 34. Observationum chirurgicarum fasciculus primus et secundus. Continens de cataract® extractione observationes; de herniis; de cirsocele; de tracheotomia; de morbis sinuum frontalium; de amaurosi; de cataract® extrahend® methodo nova; de staphylomate; de polypis. Cum tabulis ®neis. Getting®, 1770-1776. 12mo. 101. Chirurgische Bibliothek. 13 vols. Mit Kupfern. Frankenthal, 1788-1795. 12 mo. 306. Medical and surgical observations. Translated from the German. With plates. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Ricketson, S. 50. Means of preserving health and preventing dis- ease. Now York, 1806. 12mo. Rigby, E. 796. An essay on the uterine h®morrhage, which pre- cedes the delivery of the fuil grown foetus; illustrated with cases. 6th edit. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Riolani, J. m. d. 25. Opera anatomica vetera, recognita et auc- tiora quam-plura nova. Luteti® Parisiorum, 1649. folio. Rivcrii, L. 26. Opera medica universa, quibus continentur I. In- stitutionum medicarum libb. v. II. Praxeos medic® libb. vi. III. Observationum medicarum centuri® iv. Quibus acceduiit observationes vari® ab aliis communicat®: item- que observationes infreq uentium morborum. Acdenique ipsissima arcana Riverii plene revelata. Cui accedit F. C. Weinhart medicus ofliciosus. Edit, novissima. Ge- nev®, 1737. folio. Robert, M. m. d. 831. Recherches et considerations critiques sur le magnetisme animal. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Robcrton, J. m. d. 22. A treatise on medical police, and on diet and regimen. 2 vols. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. 527. On the generative system; being an anatomical and physiological sketch of the parts of generation, and a trea- 79 tise on their diseases. 4th edit. With plates. London, 1817. 8vo. Robertson, Henry, m. d. 331. A general view of the natural history of the atmosphere and of its connection with the sciences of medicine and'agriculture; including an essay on the. causes of epidemical diseases. 2 vols. Edinb. 1808. 8vo. Robertson, R. m. d. 99. Observations on fevers which arise from marsh-miasmata and from other causes, in Europe, Africa, the West Indies and New Foundland; with occasional remarks on the principal diseases, incident to seamen. 4 vols. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Roscoe, IV. 739. An address, delivered before the proprietors of the botanic garden in Liverpool. Liverpool, 1802. 8vo. Rosenstein, N. R. Von, 9 and 504. '['he diseases of children and their remedies. Translated into English, by Andr. Sparr- man, m. d. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 2 copies. Rostan, L. 839. Recherches sur le ramollissement du cerveau. 2me edit Paris, 1823. 8vo. Rousseau, J. J. 705. Letters on the elements of botany. Trans- lated by Thomas Martyn. 8th edit. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Rousseau, L. F. Em. 951. Anatomie comparee du systeme den- taire chez Phomme et chez les principaux animaux. Avec 30 planches. A Paris, 1827. 8vo. Rush, B. m. d. 121. Medical inquiries and observations. 2d edit. 4 vols. Philad. 1805. 8vo. 494. Essays literary, moral, and philosophical. 2d edit. Philad. 1806. 8vo. - 310. Sixteen introductory lectures to courses of lectures upon the institutes and practice of medicine; with a sylla- bus of the latter, and two lectures upon the pleasures of the senses and of the mind. Philad. 1811. 8vo. 291. Medical inquiries and observations on the diseases of the mind. Philad. 1812. 8vo. R?me7, Jas. 510. A practical essay on a certain disease of the bones, termed necrosis. Illustrated with plates. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Russel, P. m. d. 4. A treatise of the plague, containing a histori- cal journal and medical account of the plague, at Aleppo, in the years 1760, 61 and 62. Also remarks on quaran- tines, lazarettos, and the administration of police in times of pestilence. With cases of the plague and an account of the weather during the pestilential season. Lond. 1791. 4to. Rutty, J. m. d. 5. A methodical synopsis of mineral waters, com- prehending the most celebrated mineral waters, both cold and hot, of Great Britain. Ireland, France, Germany and 80 Italy, and several other parts of the world. Lond. 1757. 4 to. Rutty, J. m. d. 24. Materia medica antiqua etnova, repurgata et il- lu strata, sive de medicamentorum simplicium officinalium facuitatibus tractatus. Rotterodaini, 1775. 4to. Ryan, M. m. d. 151. A manual of midwifery; ora summary of the science and art of obstetric medicine; including the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and therapeutics, pecu- liar to females; treatment of parturition, puerperal and infantile diseases; and an exposition of obstetrico-legal medicine. Lond. 1828. 12mo. S Sabatier, Cen. 518. De la medecine operatoire, ou des operations de chirurgie qui se pratiquent Ie plus frequemment. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1796. 8vo. Saint-Hilaire, G. 773 and 79. Philosophic anatomique. Des or- ganes respiratoires sous Ie rapport de la determination et de 1'identite de leurs pieces osseuses. Avec un atlas de figures in 4to. No. 79. Paris, 1818. 8vo. Salisbury, IF. 56 and 118. The botanist's companion, or an intro- duction to the knowlegde of practical botany and the uses of plants, indigenous or cultivated in Great Britain. 2 vols. With a plate. Lond. 1816. 12mo. 2 copies. Salmon, F. 931. A practical essay on stricture of the rectum. Lond. 1828. 8vo. SamoueUe, G. 141. A nomenclature of British entomology; from the entomologist's useful compendium. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Sanctorii, S. 110. De statica medicina. Accessit staticomastix sive staticae medicinas demolitio, authore H.Obicio. Lug- duni Batav. 1713. 12mo. Sandifort, E. 8. Museum anatomicum academia? Lugduno-Batava? descriptum. 2 vols. Cum tabulis asneis. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1793. R. fol. Sandwith, Th. 137. An introduction to anatomy and physiology. Lond. 1824. 12mo. Saunders, J. C. 134. A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the eye. To which are added a short account of the author's life, and his method of curing the congenital cataract, by his friend J. R. Farre, m. d. With plates. Lond. 1816. 8vo. • - 4 41. The anatomy of the human ear, illustrated by a series of engravings, of the natural size, with a treatise on the diseases of that organ, the causes of deafness and their proper treatment. 2d edit. Lond. 1817. 8vo. Saunders, IV. m. d. 82. A treatise on the structure, economy and 81 diseases of the liver; with an inquiry into the properties and component parts of the bile and biliary concretions. Boston, 1797. 12mo. Say, Th. 529. American entomology, or description of the insects of North America. With plates. Philad. 1817. 8vo. 801. The same. 3 vols. Philad. 1824-1828. 8vo. Scarpa, A. 15. Anatomic® disquisitiones de auditu et olfactu. Cum tabulis ®neis. Ticini, 1789. fol. 91. Practical observations on the principal diseases of the eyes. Translated from the Italian. With notes by J. Briggs. With plates. Lond. 1806. 8vo. - 260. A treatise on the anatomy, pathology and surgical treatment of aneurism. With engravings. Translated from the Italian, by J. H. W ishart. Edinb. 1808. 8vo. 60, 516 & 5. Reflexions et observations a natomico-chirur- gicales sur l'aneurisme. Trad.de 1'Italien par J. Delpech. Avec un atlas de planches, folio, No. 5. Paris, 1809. 8vo. 60. Reflexions sur les causes de Panevrisme spontane. Paris, 1809. 8vo. 50. A treatise on hernia. Translated with notes by J. II. Wishart. W'ith plates. Edinb. 1814. 8vo. 455. A memoir on the cutting gorget of Hawkins. With an account of the life of J. B. Carcano Leone. Translated by J. H. Wishart. With a plate. Edinb. 1816. 8vo. 42. A memoir on the congenital club feet of children, Translated from the Italian, by J. H. AVishart. With plates. Edinb. 1818. 4to. Scheele, C. IV. 123 and 772. The chemical essays of Charles Wil- liam Scheele. Translated from the transactions of the academy of sciences at Stockholm. Lond. 1786. 8vo. Schenckii, J. m. d. 27. Observationum medicarum rariorum libb. vii. In quibus nova, abdita, admirabilia monstrosaque exempla circa anatomen, ®gritudinum causes, signa, even- tus, curationes, &c. proponuntur. Opus ut indefesso labore partum, ita inexhaust® utilitatis ® voluptatis, omni- bus scienti® naturalis, ac medicin® cultoribus feracissimum. Francofurti, 1665. folio. Schmucker, J. L. 103. Vermischte chirurgische Schriften. 3 B®nde. Mit Kupfern. 2 vols. Frankenthal, 1788. 12mo. Schcepf, D. J. D. 679. Schcepf materia medica Americana potissir mum regni vegetabilis. Erlang®, 1787. 8vo. Schouw, J. F. 121. Dissertatio de sedibus plantarum originariis. Sectio prima. Havni®, 1816. 12mo. Scott, J. 934. Surgical observations on the treatment of chronic inflammation in various structures, particularly as exem- plified in the diseases of the joints. Lond. 1828. 8vo. M 82 Scudamore, C. m. d. 45. A treatise on the nature and cure of gout, comprehending a general view of the morbid state of the digestive organs and of regimen; with some observa- tions on rheumatism. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 2 copies. • 774. A treatise on the nature and cure of gout and gravel, with general observations on morbid states of the digestive organs, and on regimen. 4th edit. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 619. A chemical and medical report on the properties of the principal mineral waters of Great Britain. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 816. Observations on the use of colchicum autumnale in gout and on the means of preventing the recurrrence of that disorder. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 877. Observations on M. Laennec's method of forming a diagnosis of the diseases of the chest by means of the ste- thoscope, and of percussion; and upon some points of the French practice of medicine. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 913. A treatise on the nature and cure of rheumatism, with observations on rheumatic neuralgia, and on spasmo- dic neuralgia or tic-douloureux. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 1007. Cases illustrative of the efficacy of various medi- cines administered by inhalation, in pulmonary consump- tion; in certain morbid states of the trachea and bronchial tubes, attended with distressing coughs and in asthma. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Sculteti, D. J. 17. Armamentarium chirurgicum xliii. tabulis aeri elegantissime incisis, nec ante hac visis, exornatum. Oput posthumum nunc primum in lucem editum, studio et opera J. Sculteti, auctoris ex fratre nepotis. Ulmae Suevorum, 1655. fol. 512. The same. Hagae Comitum, 1661. 8vo. Searle, C. 994. Cholera, its nature, cause and treatment; with original views and physiological, pathological, and thera- peutical, in relation to fever; the action of poisons on the system, &c. With an essay on vital temperature and nervous energy. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Senac, J. 29. Traite de la structure du coeur, de son action et de ses maladies. Tomes 2. 2de edit. Avec figures. Paris, 1777. 4to. 409. A treatise on the hidden nature and the treatment of the intermitting and remitting fevers. In two books. Translated from the Latin, with notes, by Charles Cald- well, m. d. With a preface by Benj. Rush, m. d. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Serny, J. B. m. d. 536. A treatise on local inflammation, particu- larly of the eye. Lond. 1809. 8vo. 83 Serres, E. Ji. JI. 835 and 81. Anatomie compare du cerveau dans les quatre classes des animaux vertebres, applique a la pathologic du systeme nerveux. Tom. I. Avec un atlas de seize planches, 4to. No. 81. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Sharp, Sam. 421. A critical inquiry into the present state of sur- gery. 2d edit. Lond. 1750. 8vo. Sheldon, J. 101. The history of the absorbent system. Part I. containing a description of the human lacteal vessels, &c. With figures. Lond. 1784. 4to. 338. An essay on the fracture of the patella; containing a new and efficacious method of treating that accident. . With observations on the fracture of the olecranon. With plates. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Sharp, J. B. 709. Elements of anatomy, designed for the use of students in the fine arts. With plates. Lond. 1818. 8vo. ■ 237. Report, together with the minutes of evidence, and an appendix of papers from the committee appointed to consider of provision being made for the better regulation of madhouses in England. (Ordered by the House of Com- mons to be printed.) Arranged by J. B. Sharpe. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Shaw, J. 7%5 and 730. A manual of anatomy. With observations on the art of making anatomical preparations. 2d edition. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 2 copies. 72. The same. 2 vols. 3d edit. With plates. Lond. 1822. 12mo. Short, Thos. m. d. 159. A comparative history of the increase and decrease of mankind in England, and several countries abroad, according to the different soils, situations and busi- ness of life, use of the non-naturals, &c. Lond. 1767. 4to. Shute, H. m. d. 800. Principles of medical science and practice. Part I. Physiology. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Sibly, E. m. d. 392. The medical mirror, or a treatise on the im- pregnation of the human female. Showing the origin of diseases, and the principles of life and death; with remarks on the effects of sea-bathing and general rules for preserv- ing health. 6th edit. With plates. Lond. 1814. 8vo. Silliman, B. 980. Elements of chemistry. 2 vols. New Haven, 1830 and 31. 8vo. Simmons, S. F. m. d. 147. The anatomy of the human body. Vol. 1st. Lond. 1780. 8vo. 657, r. An account of the life and writings of the late Wm. Hunter, m. d. 1783. 8vo. Sims, James, m. d. 144. Observations on epidemic disorders; with remarks on nervous and malignant fevers. Lond. 1773. 8vo. 2 copies. 84 Sinclair, Sir, J. 36. The code of health and longevity, or a con- cise view of the principles calculated for the preservation of health, and the attainment of long life. Being an at- tempt to prove the practicability, of condensing, within a narrow compass, the most material information hitherto accumulated, regarding the different arts and sciences, or any particular branch thereof. 4 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1807. 8vo. Smellie, Um. m. d. 276. A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery. 2d edit. Lond. 1752. 8vo. 6. A set of anatomical tables with explanations and an abridgement of the practice of midwifery. With a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject and collection of cases. Lond. 1754. R. fol. 283. A collection of cases and observations in midwifery, to illustrate his former treatise, or first volume on that subject. Vol. II. 2d edit. Lond. 1758. 8\o. - 124. Thesaurus medicus; sive disputationum in academia Edinensi ad rem medicam pertinentium a coliegio institu- te ad hoc usque tempus, delectus. 4 vols. Edinb. 1778 to 1785. 8vo. - 792. The philosophy of natural history. With an intro- duction by J. Ware, m. d. Boston, 1824. 8vo. Smith, J. E. 14. An introduction to physiological and systemati- cal botany. 2d edit. With plates. Lond. 1809. 8vo. .. -- 677. The same. 1st American from 2d London edition. With notes by Jacob Bigelow, m.d. Philad. 1814. 8vo. 116. Compendium florae Britannicae. Londini, 1816. 12 mo. , 621. A grammar of botany illustrative of artificial as well as natural classification; with an explanation of Jussieu's system. With plates Lond. 1821. 8vo. Smith, J. G. m. d. 722. The principles of forensic medicine, system- atically arranged, and applied to British practice Lond. 1821. 8vo. Smith, Nathan, R. m. d. 811. A physiological essay on digestion. New York, 1825. 8vo. Smyth, J. C. 442. The effect of the nitrous vapour in preventing and destroying contagion; with an introduction respecting the nature of the contagion which gives rise to the jail, or hospital fever. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Soemmerring, S. T. 4. leones embryonum humanorum. Francof. ad Moen, 1799. R. fol. 521. Description de 1'oeil human. Traduit du Latin. Vide Demours. Somers, E. S, m. o. 470. Medical suggestions for the treatment 85 of dysentery, of intermittent and remittent fevers, as ge- nerally prevalent at certain seasons among troops in the field. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Southey, H. H. m. d. 473. Observations on pulmonary consump- tion. Lond. 1814. 8vo. Spallanzani, L. 5. Travels in the two Sicilies and some parts of the Appenines. From the Italian. 4vols. With plates. Lond. 1798. 8vo. 126. Tracts on the natural history of animals and vegeta- bles. Translated from the Italian by J. G. Dalyell, Esq. 2 vols. 2d edit. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. 210. Memoirs on respiration. Edited by John Senebier. Lond. 1805. 8vo. Spence, IV. An introduction to entomology. Tide Kirby. Sprengel, K. m. d. 685. An introduction to the study of crypto- gamous plants. In letters. Translated from the German. With plates. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 866. Histoire de la inedecine depuis son origine jusqu'a dix-neuvieme siecle. Trad, de l'Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan et revue par E. F. M. Bosquillon. Tomes 9. Paris, 1815-1820. 8vo. 122. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Pflanzen und Gewrech- se. 2te Auflage. Mit Kupfern. Halle, 1817. 12mo. Spurzheim, $75. The anatomy of the brain, with a general view of the nervous system. Translated from the French MS. by R. Willis. With plates. Lond. 1826. 8vo. Stanley, E. 98. An account of the mode of performing the lateral operation of lithotomy with illustrations. Lond. 1829. 4to. Stark, 50. The works of the late William Stark, m. d. consisting of clinical and anatomical observations; with experiments, dietetical and statical. Revised and published from his original MS. by James Carmichael Smyth, m. d. Lond. 1788. 4to. Stephens, H. 971. A treatise on obstructed and inflamed hernia: and on mechanical obstructions of the bowels internally. With an appendix containing a brief statement of the cause of difference in size in the male and female bladder. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Stevenson, J. 465. On the morbid sensibility of the eye commonly called weakness of the eyes. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 446. A practical treatise on cataract. 2d edit. With a plate. Lond. 1814. 8vo. - 737. On the nature, symptoms and treatment of the diffe- rent species of amaurosis, or gutta serena. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 86 Stewart^ C. 354. Elements of the natural history of the animal kingdom. 2d edit. 2 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1817- 8 vo. Stocker, H. 13. Pharmacopoeia officinalis Britannica; ora trans- lation into English of the last edition of the pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London.. To which are added all the formulae of the Dublin and Edinburgh colleges in alphabetic^ order. 2d edit. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Stoker, Win. m. d. 249. A treatise on fever, with observations on the practice adopted for its cure, in the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, in Dublin; illustiated by cases Loud. 1815. 8vo. Stokes, Jonathan, 297. A botanical materia medica, consisting of the generic and specific characters of the plants used in medicine and diet. 4 vols. Lond. 1812. 8vo. Stoll, M. 514. Rationis medendi in nosocomio practico Viudobo- nensi partes iii. 3 vols. Versalliis, 1786. 8vo. Stratford, S. J. 942. A manual of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye and its appendages. With a plate. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Straus-Durckheim, H. 94. Considerations g€nerales sur l'anatomie compare des animaux articules, auxquelles on a joint l'anatomie descriptive du Melolontha Vulgaris (Hanne- ton,) donne cotnme examples de 1'organisation des CoIeop. t6res. 2 vols. With plates. Paris & Bruxelles, 1828. 4to. Strother, E. m. d. 5. Criticon febrium; or a critical essay on fevers. Lond. 1716. 8vo. Sumner, G. m. d. 669. A compendium of physiological and systema- tic botany. With plates. Hartford, 1820. 8vo. Sutleffe, E. 803. Medical and surgical cases. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Sutton, Th. m. d. 400. Tracts on delirium tremens, on peritonitis, and on some other internal inflammatory affections, and on the gout. Lond. 1813. 8vo. Swan, J. 717. Observations on some points relating to the ana- tomy, physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 712. An inquiry into the action of mercury on the living body. 2d edit. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 820. An essay on tetanus. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 956. An essay on the connection between the action of the heart and arteries and the functions of the nervous system, and particularly its influence in exciting the invo- luntary action of respiration. Lond. 1829 8vo. Swediaur, F. m. d. 172. A complete treatise on the symptoms, effects, nature ahd treatment of syphilis. Translated from 87 the 4th French edition, by Th. T. Hewson, m. d. Philad. 1815. 8vo. 2 copies. Sydenham, 317. The works of Thomas Sydenham, m. d. on acute and chronic diseases. By George Wallis, m. d. 2 vols- Lond. 1788. 8vo. 104. The works of Thomas Sydenham, m. d. With notes, by Benjamin Rush, m. d. Philad. 1809. Syer, J. 367. A treatise on the management and diseases of in- fants. Lond. 1812, 8vo. Sylvester, C.47. The philosophy of domestic oeconomy; as exem- plified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, dry- ing and cooking, &c. With plates. Nottingham and London, 1819. 4to. T Tanchou, S. m. n. 1009. Nouvelle methode pourd€truire la pierre dans la vessie sans operation sanglante, precede d'un exa- men historique et pratique de tous les procedes de litho- tritie employes jusqu'a ce jour. Avec figures. Paris, 1830. 8vo. Taplin, W. 70. The gentleman's stable directory: or modern system of farriery. With a successful method of treating the canine species in the disease, called distemper. 12th edition. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Tazewell, Gul. m. d. 83. Vade-mecum medicum in duas partes divisum. I. Nosologia Cullinea. II. Compendium mate- riae medicae and pharmocopoicce. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1798. 12mo. Teale, T. P. 996. A treatise on neuralgic diseases, dependent upon irritation of the spinal marrow and ganglia of the sympathetic nerve. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Thacher, J. m. d. 110. The new American dispensatory. Boston, 1810. 8vo. 933. American medical biography: or memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America. With a suc- cinct history of medical science in the United States from the first settlement of the country. 2 vols. Boston, 1828. 8vo. Theblsii, A. C. m. d. 768. De circulo sanguinis in corde. Lugd. Batav. 1716. 8vo. Thenar d, L. J. 746. Traits de chymie elementaire, theorique et pratique. 2de €dit. Tomes 4. Avec des planches. Paris, 1817-1818. 8vo. Thilry, M. 662. Observations de physique et de m6decine faites en difftirens lieux de 1'Espagne, tel que sur la lepre, la petite-v&cle et la maladie v^n^rienne. Tomes 2. A Paris, 1791. 8ro. 88 Thomas, T. F. 851. Essai sur la fievre jaune d'Amerique. Pre- cede de considerations hygieniques sur la Nouvelle-Or- l^ans par J. M. Picornell. A la Nouvelle-Orleans et a Paris, 1823. 8vo. 7'homas, Ji. m. d. 94. The modern practice of phvsic: exhibiting the characters, causes, symptoms, prognostic, morbid ap- pearances, and improved method of treating the diseases of all climates. 3d American from the 4th London edi- tion. With an appendix by I), llosack, m. d. New York, 1815. 8vo. 3 copies. 941, a. The same. 7th American edit. New York, 1824. 8vo. 941, b. The same. 9th edit. Lond. 1828. 8vo. 707. The way to preserve good health, invigorate a deli- cate constitution and attain an advanced age. With a treatise on domestic medicine. Salisbury and London, 1822. 8vo. Thomson, A. T. 797. The London dispensatory; a practical sy nopsis of materia medica, pharmacy and therapeutics. 3d edit. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Thomson, J. m. d. 127. Lectures on inflammation, exhibiting a view of the general doctrines, pathological and practical, of medical surgery. Edinburgh and London, 1813. 8vo. 361. Report of observations made in the British military hospitals after the battle of Waterloo. With remarks on amputation. Edinb. 1816. 8vo. 579. An account of the varioloid epidemic which has lately prevailed in Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland: with observations on the indentity of chicken-pox with modified small-pox. In a letter to Sir J. McGrigor. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 702. Historical sketch of the opinions entertained by medical men. respecting the varieties and the secondary occurrence of small-pox. With observations on the nature and extent of the security afforded by vaccination against attacks of that disease. In a letter to Sir J. McGrigor. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 793. The same. Phil ad. 1824. 8vo. Thomson, Thos. m. d. 75. A system of chemistry. 5 vols. With plates. Edinb. 1810. 8vo. Thornton, 11. J. m. d. 4. The philosophy of medicine: or medical extracts on the nature of health and disease, including the laws of the animal oeconomy, and the doctrines of pneuma- tic medicine By a friend to improvements. 4th edition. 5 vols. With plates. Lond. 1799 and 1800. 8vo. ■ 3. The philosophy of medicine: being medical extracts, on the nature and preservation of health, and on the na- 89 ture and removal of disease. 5th edition. Svols. With plates. Lond.1813. 8vo. Thornton, R. J. m. d. 73. The medical guardian of youth; or a popular treatise on the prevention and cure of the vene- real disease. 3d edit. Lond. 1817. 12mo. 136. Tide Pharmacopioeas. Tiedemann, F. 850. Anatomie du cerveau, contenant 1'histoire de son developpement dans Ie foetus, avec une exposition comparative de sa structure dans les animaux. Traduite l'Allemand par A. J. L. Jordan. Avec 14 planches. Paris, 1823. 8vo. 871. The anatomy of the foetal brain; with a comparative exposition of its structure in animals. Translated Irom the French of A. J. L. Jourdan, by Wm. Bennett, m. d. With plates. Edinb. 1826. 8vo. Timbrel, W. H. 61. Practical observations on the management of ruptures, with engravings. With recommendatory letters by Wm. Blair, a. m. Boston, 1809. 12mo. Tissot, S. JI. D. m. d. 495. An essay on bilious fevers; or the history of a bilious epidemic fever at Lausanne in 1755. Lond. 1760. 8vo. 282. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health. Translated from the French, by J. Kirkpatrick, m. d. 4th edit. Lond. 1771. 8vo. 164. Avis ou peuple sur la sante. 3me edit. Tome ler. A Rouen, 1782. 12mo. Tortius, F. 917. Therapeutice specialis ad febres periodicas per- niciosas. Ed. nova et curantibus, C. C. J. Tombeur et O. Brixhe, m. d. Tomi 2. Leodii, 1821. 8vo. Toulmin, G. H. 308. The elements of the practice of medicine, on a popular plan. With an appendix. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Tournefort, R. De, 706. Elemens de botanique ou methode pour connoitre les plantes. Edition augmentee par N. Joly- clerc. 6 tomes. Avec des planches. A Lyon, 1797. 8vo. 28. Contractus, sub forma tabularum sistens institutiones rei herbaria; juxta methodum modernorum, cum laborato- rio Parisiensi ejusdem auctoris. Accedit materia medka a Paulo Hermanno in certas classes characteristicas redacta. fol. Townsend, D. 657, f. Principles and observations, applied to the manufacture and inspection of pot and pearl ashes. Bos- ton, 1793. 8vo. Townsend, J. 122. Elements of therapeutics; or a guide to health. 2d American edition. Boston, 1807. 8vo. Tozzetti, O. T. 59. Rapporto del Professore di botanica. 90 Tozzetti, O. T. 59. Observationum botanicarum decas prima, se- cunda, tertia, quarta et quinta. Cum tabulis aeneis. 4to. 739. Memorie d'agricoltura. Estratte dal tomo vii. degli atti dell'academia dei Georgofili. 8vo. Travers, B. 268. An inquiry into the process of nature in repair- ing injuries of the intestines, illustrating the treatment of penetrating wounds and strangulated hernia. With plates. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 2 copies. ■ 583. Surgical essays. By A. Cooper, and Benj. Travers, F. R. s. 2 vols. With plates. Lond. 1818-1819. 8vo. 622. A synopsis of the diseases of the eye, and their treat- ment: to which are prefixed a short anatomical descrip- tion and a sketch of the physiology of that organ. With plates. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 845. The same. From the 3d London edition by E. De- lafield m. d. With plates. New York, 1825. 8vo. 878. An inquiry concerning that disturbed state of the vital functions, usually denominated constitutional irrita- tion. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 990. Observations on the pathology of venereal affections. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Trotter, Thos. m. d. 496. Observations on the scurvy; with a re- view of the theories lately advanced on that disease. Vol. 1st. Edinburgh, 1786. 8vo. 390. Observations on the scurvy with a review of the opinions lately advanced on that disease, and a new theo- ry defended, on the approved method of cure, and the induction of pneumatic chemistry. 2d edit. Lond. 1792. 8vo. 549. Medical and chemical essays, containing additional observations on scurvy, thoughts on the decomposition of water and a method of preserving it pure and sweet in long voyages, &c. 2d edit. Lond. 1796. 8vo. 541. Medicina nautica; or an essay on the diseases ol seamen. 2d edit. 3 vols. Lond. 1804. 8vo. - 66. A view of the nervous temperament; being a practi- cal inquiry into the increasing prevalence, prevention and treatment of those diseases, commonly called nervous, bilious, stomach and liver complaints; indigestion, lov spirits, gout, &c. Troy, N. Y. 1808. 12mo. 373. The same. 3 edit. Newcastle, 1812. Tully, J. D. 642. The history of plague as it has lately appeared in the islands of Malta, Gozo, Corfu, Cephalonia, &.c. de- tailing important facts, illustrative of the specific conta- gion of that disease. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 91 Tulpii, N. 98. Observationum medicarum, libb. iii. Cum aeneis iiguris. Amsteloedami, 1691. 12mo. Tupper, J. P. m. d. 575. An inquiry into Dr. Gall's system, con- cerning innate dispositions, the physiology of the brain, and materialism, fatalism and moral liberty; including some general observations on prison discipline, the preven- tion of crimes, and the reformation of malefactors, &c, Lond. 1819. 8vo. Turnbull, Wm. 302. The naval surgeon, comprising the entire duties of professional men at sea, to which are subjoined a system of naval surgery and a compendious pharmaco- poeia. With plates. Lond. 1806. 8vo. Turner, E. m. d. 981. Elements of chemistry, including the recent discoveries and doctrines of the science. 2d edit. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Turner, T. 869. A practical treatise on the arterial system, in- tended to illustrate the importance of studying the anasto- moses, in reference to the rationale of the new operation for aneurism; and the surgical treatment of hsemorrhage. With coloured plans. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Tuthill, 750. The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physi- cians of London, 1824. Translated by Sir George L. Tuthill, m. d. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Tweedie, A. m. d. 978. Clinical illustrations of fever, comprising a report of cases treated at the London Fever Hospital 1828-1829. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Tyson, E. m. d. 65. Orang Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris: or the anatomy of a pygmie, compared with that of a monkey, an ape and a man. To which is added a philological essay concerning the pygmies, the cynocephali, the satyrs and sphinges of the ancients. With plates. Lond. 1699. 4to. Tytler, Jas. 165. A treatise on the plague and yellow fever; with an appendix, containing the history of the plague at Athens in the time of the Peloponnesian war; at Constantinople in the time of Justinian; at London in 1665; at Marseilles in 1720. Salem, (Mass.) 1799. 8vo. U Underwood, M. m. d. 430. Surgical tracts, containing a treatise upon ulcers of the legs. With hints on a successful method of treating some scrophulous tumours, the mammary ab- scess and the sore nipple of lying-in women; and observa- tions on the more common disorders of the eye and on gangrene. 3d edit. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 194. A treatise on the diseases of children ; with general directions for their management from the birth, 3 vols. in one. Boston, 1806. 8vo. 92 Ure, JI. m. d. 624, a. A dictionary of chemistry, on the basis of Mr. Nicholson's. With plates. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 624, b. The same. With notes by R. Hare, m. d. and F. Bache, m. d. 2 vols. Philad. 1821. 8vo. Uwins, D. m. d. 234. Modern medicine, containing a brief expo- sition of the principal discoveries and doctrines that have occasioned the recent advancement of medical philosophy, with strictures on the present state of medical practice. Lond. 1808. 8vo. 144. A compendium of theoretical and practical medicine, comprising the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treat- ment of diseases, a general review of physiology and pa- thology, and an estimate of the present state of medical science. Lond. 1825. 12mo. V Valentini, M. R. 28. Amphitheatrum zootomicum tabulis aeneis quam plurimis exhibens historiam animalium anatomicam. Accedit anouymi methodus secandi cadavera humana; ars dealbandi ossa pro sceletopoica, cum osteologia, tabulis myologicis aliisque MSS. Ravianis, &c. Edit. 2d a. Fran- cofurti ad Moenum, 1742. fol. Valli, E. m. d. 47. Experiments on animal electricity, with their application to physiology, and some pathological and me- dical observations. Lond. 1793. 8vo. Vandeburgh, C. F. m. d. 366. The mariner's medical guide. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Van-Swieten, Bon. 17. Commentaries upon Boerhaave's aphorisms concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Trans- lated from the Latin. 18 vols. Edinb. 1776. 8vo. 2 copies. Vide James, R. 4. The diseases incident to armies with the method of cure. Translated from the German. To which are added extracts from the marine practice of physic and surgery, by Wm. Northcote. Also plain concise practical remarks on the treatment of wounds and fractures. With an ap- pendix on camp and military hospitals. By J. Jones, m. d. Philad. 1776. 12mo. Vaughan, J. m. d. 657, x. Cases and observations on the hydro- phobia. With an account of the caesarian section, with reflections on dividing the symphasis of the ossa pubis. 2d edit. Lond. 1778. 8vo. Vaughan, Walter, m. d. 152. An exposition of the principles of anatomy and physiology. With a translation of the prae- lectiones anatomicae of Leber. 2 vols. Lond. 1791. 8vn. 2 copies. 93 Velpeau, Ji. A. L. M. m. d. 873. Traite d'anatomie chirurgicale, on anatomie des regions, conside ee dans ses rapports avec la chirurgie. Tome ler. Avec des planches. A Paris, 1825. 8vo. 982. A treatise on surgical anatomy, or the anatomy of regions considered in its relations with surgery. With plates representing the principal regions of the body. 2 vols. Translated from the French by J. W. Sterling, m. d. New York, 1830. 8vo. Venables, R. 841. Clinical report on dropsies, with observations explanatory of their pathology and therapeutics: with an appendix on the theory and treatment of organic disease in general. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Vesalii, JI. 14. Andreae Vesalii de humani corporis fabrica, libri vii. Cum tabulis seneis. Basiliae, 1543. fol. 12. Opera omnia anatomica et chirurgica. Cura Herman- ni Boerhaave et B. S. Albini. 2 vols. Cum tabulis aeneis. Lugduni Batav. 1725. fol. Veslingii, J. 72. Syntagma anatomicum, commentario atque ap- pendice auctum A. G. L. Blasio, m. d. Cum tabulis aeneis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1696. 4to. Vetch, J. m. d. 608. A practical treatise on the diseases of the eye. With plates. Lond. 1820. 8vo. VicqD'>Jlzyr,M.\H. Traite d'anatomie et de physiologic, avec des planches coloriees. A Paris, 1786. fol. Vieussens, II. m. d.22. Nevrographia universalis. Hoc est omni- um corporis humani nervorum, simul et cerebri, medul- laeque spinalis descrip'io anatomica. Edit. nova. Cum tabulis aeneis. Lugduni, 1684. fol. W Wadd, TV. 41. Cases of diseased bladder and testicle. With plates. Lond. 1815. 4to. 462. Cursory remarks on corpulence or obesity considered as a disease; with a critical examination of ancient and modern opinions relative to its causes and cure. 3d edit. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 797. Nugae chirurgicae, or a biographical miscellany, illus- trative of a collection of professional portraits. London, 1824. 8vo. TVaite, G. 148. The surgeon dentist's anatomical and physiologi- cal manual. Lond. 1826. 12mo. Walker, J. 278. A critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language. 3d American edition. New York, 1807. 8vo. Walker, Richd, 238. Memoirs of medicine, including a sketch of 94 medical history, from the earliest accounts to the 18th century. Loud. 1799. 8vo. Walker, m. d. 770. Institutes of natural history. Edinb. 1792. 8\ o. Wallace., IF. 712. Researches respecting the medical powers of chlorine particularly in diseases of the liver. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Waller, J. JI. 720. The new British domestic herbal, or a correct description of British medicinal plants. With plates. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Walter, F. Ji. m. d. 59. Annotationes academical. Cum tabulis aeneis. De polypis et de hepate. Berolini, 1786. 4to. Walter, J. G, 51. Plates of the thoracic and abdominal nerves. With coloured explanations and a description of the par vagum, great sympathetic and phrenic nerves. London, 1819. 4to. Wardrop, J. 154. Essays on the morbid anatomy of the human eye. With plates. 2vols. Edinburgh & London, 1808 and 1820. 8vo. 228. Observations on fungus haematodes or soft cancer in several of the most important organs of the human body, containing also a comparative view of the structure of fungus haematodes and cancer. With cases, dissections and plates. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. - - 957. On aneurism and its cure by a new operation. With plates. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Ware, J. f. r. s. 645. Observations on the cataract and gutta se- ven a; including a translation of Wenzel's treatise on the cataract. Sd edit. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 646. Remarks on the ophthalmy, psorophthalmy, and puru- lent eyes of new-born children. 5th edition. With an appendix on the purulent ophthalmy, which has lately been epidemical in this country. 2d edit. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 644. Observations on the treatment of the epiphora, or watery eye, and on the fistula lachrymalis; together with remarks on the introduction of the male catheter and on the treatment of haemorrhoids. A new edition, to which are now added observations on the near and distant sight of different persons; on the muscae volitantes of nervous persons; and on the staphyloma, hydrophthalmia and car- cinoma of the eye. Published by his son Martin Ware. With plates. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Warner, J. 5S2. Cases in surgery: with introductions, cases and remarks. With plates. 4th edit. Lond. 1784. 8vo. Warren, J. C. m. d. 483. Cases of organic diseases of the heart. With plates. Boston, 1809. 8vo. 95 Watson, R. d. d. 128. Chemical essays. 5 vols. 7th edit. Loud. 1800. 12mo. Watt, J. J. 11. Anatomico-chiriirgical views of the nose, mouth, larynx, and fauces. Lond. 1809. fol. 90. A medical dictionary. 2d edit. Lond. 1813. 12mo. Watt, R. 403. Cases of diabetes, consumptions, &c. with observa- tions on the history and treatment of disease in general. Paisley, 1808. 8vo. 395. Treatise on the history, nature and treatment of chincough; including cases and dissections; with an in- quiry into the relative mortality of the principal diseases of children. Glasgow, 1813. 8vo. Weatherhead, G. H.m. d. 141. An essay on the diagnosis between erysipelas, phlegmon, and erythema. With an appendix on the probable nature of puerperal fever. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 45. A treatise on infantile and adult rickets. With plates. Lond. 1820. 12mo. Webster, Chas. 117. Medicinae praxeos systema, ex academiae Edinburgenae disputationibus inauguralibus praecipue de- promptum, et secundum naturae ordinem digestum. Cu- rante Carolo Webster, m. d.. 3 vols. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Weinhart, F. C. 26. Medicus officiosus. Vide Riverii Opera, No. 26. fol. Weller, C. H. m. d. 631. A manual of the diseases of the human eye; from the best writings on the subject, and particularly those of professor Beer. Translated from the German by Geo. C. Monteith, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. Glasgow, 1821. 8vo. Welsh, B. m. d. 560. A practical treatise on the efficacy of blood- letting, in the epidemic fever of Edinburgh. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Wenzel, M. De. jun. 15. A treatise on the cataract; with cases. Translated from the French, with additional remarks, by James Ware, surgeon. With a plate. Lond. 1791. 8vo. Wepferi, J. J. 109. Historic apoplecticorum. Una cum epistola Johannis Otto de scriptis Holderi de elementis sermonis, et Morlandi de Stentorophonia. Ut et B. Huete curatio maniae certa et saepuis instituta. Lugduni Batav. 1734. 12mo. Werner, A. G. 248. A treatise on the external characters of fos- sils. Translated from the German by Thomas Weaver. Dublin, 1805. 8vo. - » 1. Werner's nomenclature of colours, with additions ap- plicable to the arts and sciences, by Patrick Syme. Edinb. 1814. 12mo, 96 White, Ch. 74. An account of the regular gradation in man. and in different animals and vegetables, and from the former to the latter. With plates. Lond. 1799. 4to. White, E. L. m. d. 23. An essay on the disorder termed a cold. With annotations, by J. Stuart, m. d. Philad. 1808. 12mo. White, E. m. d. 290. Practical surgery: containing the descrip- tion, causes and treatment of each complaint, together with the most approved methods of operating. 2d edition. Lond. 1804. 8vo. White, W. 203. A treatise on inflammation and other diseases of the liver, commonly called bilious: including the synochus biliosa, cholera morbus, torpor, schirrhous, biliary calculi; which is preceded by a short description of the structure of the liver, and the different physiological opinions re- specting the use of the bile. Bath, 1808. 8vo. Whytt, E. 281. Observations on the nature, causes, and cure of those disorders commonly called nervous, hypochondriac, or hysteric. 2d edit. Edinb. 1765. 8vo. Willan, E. m. d. 292. On cutaneous diseases. Vol. 1st, containing four orders. Philad. 1809. 8vo. 699. Miscellaneous works of the late Robert Willan, m. d. comprising an inquiry into the antiquity of the small-pox, measles, and scarlet fever; with a republication of reports on the diseases of London, and detached papers on various subjects. Edited by Ashby Smith, m. d. Lond. 1821. 8vo. WiUdcnow, 1). C. 321. The principles of botany and vegetable physiology. Translated from the German. Edinb. 1805. 8vo. - 674. The same. 2d edit. With plates. Edinb. 1811. 8vo. Williams, C. J. E. m. d. 976. A rational exposition of the physi- cal causes of the diseases of the lungs and pleura, illus- trating their pathology, and facilitating their diagnosis. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Williams, J. 28. The natural history of the mineral kingdom, re- lative to the strata of coal, mineral veins and the prevail- ing strata of the globe. 2d edit. With an appendix, con- taining a more extended view of mineralogy and geology. By J. Millar, m. d. 2 vols. With plates. Edinburgh & London, 1810. 8vo. Willis, Francis, m. d. 755. A treatise on mental derangement. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Willis, Th. m. n. 70. Opera omnia. Studio et opera Gerardi Blasii,M. d. 2 vols. Cum tabulis. Amsteloedami, 1682. 4to. Contenta, I. Diatribaa duae de fermentatione et febri- bus; quibus accessit dissertatio de urinis. 97 IL Cerebri anatome, nervorumque descriptio et usus. III. Pathologiae cerebri, et nervosi generis specimen, in quo agitur de morbis convulsivis et scorbuto. IV. De affectionibus hystericis et hypochondriacis. De sanguinis accensione. De motu musculari. V. De Anima brutorum quae hominis vitalis ac sensi- tiva est exercitationes duae, physiologica et patholo- gica. . ...... VI. Pharmaceutice rationalis, sive diatriba de medica- mentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Wilmer, B. 592. Practical observations on hernia; illustrated with cases. 2d edit. Lond. 1802. 8vo. 411. Cases and remarks in surgery; with an appendix containing the method of curing the bronchocele in Coven- try. Lond. 1779. 8vo. Wilson, Ji. P. m. d. 175. A treatise on febrile diseases, including intermitting, remitting, and continued fevers; eruptive fevers, inflammations, haemorrhagies, and the profluvia. From the 2d English edition. 5 vols. in two. Hartford, 1809. 8vo. 76. A treatise on febrile diseases. 2 vols. Hartford, 1809. 8vo. Wilson, Andrew, m. d. 357. Practical observations on the action of morbid sympathies, as included in the pathology of certain diseases. In a series of letters to his son. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Wilson, Jas. 892. Lectures on the blood, and on the anatomy, physiology, and surgical pathology of the vascular system of the human body. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 649. Lectures on the structure and physiology of the male urinary and genital organs of the human body, and of the nature and treatment of their diseases. With plates. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 610. Lectures on the structure and physiology of the parts composing the skeleton, and on the diseases of the bones and joints of the human body. With some observations on the influence of the brain and nerves. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 1 Bilson, John, m. d. 924. Memoirs of West Indian fever; consti- tuting brief notices regarding the treatment, origin and nature of the yellow fever. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 129. Bide Pharmacopoeias. Wilson, Wm. 43. The philosophy of physic, or the natural history of diseases and their cure. Dublin, 1804. 12mo. 3 copies. Winslow, J. B. 22. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. Translated from the French by G. Doug- las, m. d. 3d edit. 2 vols. in one. With plates. Lond. 1749. 4<o. O 98 Wintringham, C. jun. 505. An experimental inquiry on some parts of the animal structure. Lond. 1740. 8vo. 763. De morbis quibusdam commentarii. Tomi 2. Lond. 1782-1791. 8vo. Wiseman, H. 601. Eight chirurgical treatises, viz: Of tumours; ulcers; diseases of the anus; king's evil; wounds; gun- shot wounds; fractures and luxations; lues venerea. 5th edition. 2vols. Lond. 1719. 8vo. Wistar, C. m. d. 186. A system of anatomy, for the use of students of medicine. 2 vols. Philad. 1811 and 1814. 8vo. 3 copies. Withering, W. m. d. 657, a. An account of the scarlet fever and sore throat, or scarlatina anginosa, particularly as it ap- peared at Birmingham in 1778. Lond. 1779. 8vo. 548. An account of the fox-glove and some of its medici- nal uses; with practical remarks on dropsy and other dis- eases. Birmingham, 1785. 8vo. 665, a. A systematic arrangement of British plants; with an easy introduction to the study of botany. 4th edition. In 4 vols. With plates. Lond. 1801. 8vo. 663, b. The same. 5th edit. 4 vols. Birmingham, 1812. 8vo. 703. Miscellaneous tracts. To which is prefixed a me- moir of his life, character and writings. 2 vols. Lond. 1822. 8vo. Woodforde, J. m. d. 69. A treatise on dyspepsia, or indigestion, with observations on hypochondriasis and hysteria. 2d edition. Lond. 1821. 12mo. Woodville, W. m. d. 544. History of the inoculation of the small- pox in Great Britain. Vol. 1. Lond. 1796. 8vo. 158. Medical botany: containing systematic and general descriptions, with plates of all the medicinal plants, indi- genous and exotic, comprehended in the catalogues of the materia medica, as published by the royal colleges of phy- sicians of London and Edinburgh. 2d edit. 4 vols. Lond. 1810. 4to. Woollcombe, W. m. d. 474. Remarks on the frequency and fatality of different diseases, particularly on the progressive in- crease of consumption. With observations on the influ- ence of the seasons on mortality. Lond. 1808. 8vo. Wright, Wm. 379. An essay on the human ear, its anatomical structure and incidental complaints. One plate. London, 1817. V Feats, G. D. m. d. 471. A statement of the early symptoms which 99 lead to the disease termed water in the brain, in a letter to Martin Wall, m. d. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Young, Sami. 376. Minutes of cases of cancer. Part II. being further reports of cancerous cases successfully treated by the new mode of pressure, with some observations on the nature of the disease, as well as the method of the prac- tice. With an appendix relative to the theory of cancer. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Young, Thos.775. An introduction to medical literature; includ- ing a system of practical nosology. 2d edit. London, 1823. 8vo. --- 372. A practical and historical treatise on consumptive diseases. Lond. 1815. 8ve. AN ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF CONTAINED IN THIS LIBRARY. Snausural ©Seats. Abernethie, Gul. 124. De asthmate. Edinb. 1754. Acrell, J. G. 710. De morsura serpentum. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Addie, J. 114 and 657, d & n. De diarrhoea. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Agnew, J. 657, y. On perspiration. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Alexander, A. 657, q & x. On the influence of one disease in the cure of others. Philad. 1795. 8vo. Allenby, J. S. 912, b. De hydrope pectoris. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Allston, W. 657, t & v. On dropsy. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Alm, J. 710. De plantis Surinamensibus. Upsaliae, 1775. 4to. 657, sr. Nonnulla de nuce vomica observata. Upsaliae, 1780. 8vo. Andrews, J. 657, gg. On apoplexy. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Angus, A. 912, b. De apoplexia idiopathica. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Annan, S. 912, f. De apoplexia sanguinea. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Anonymous, 912, g. De febri sub tropicis regionibus accidente. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. 912, e. De variis sententiis quod ad contagii vires in mor- bis pestilentibus. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. 912, e. De tetano. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. - 912, d. De renibus. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 912, e. De arthritide regular!, Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 912, c. De cholera morbi pathologia, causa proxima, &c. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 764, K. De phthisi pulmonali. 657, e. De submersis. Edinb. 764, K. De ictero. 764, K. De dyspepsia. 764, K. De urinse calculis. 764, K. De vaccina. Archer, J. 657, dd. On the carbonates of lime, magnesia and pot- ash. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Archer, J. H. 912, g. De enteritide. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Archer, N. 657, K. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Armstrong, A. 764. i. De apoplexia hydrocephalics Edinb. 1800 8vo. 104 Armstrong, J. 124. De tabe purulenta. Edinb, 1732. Arnoldt, J. G. 764, m. De vi viscerum in fluida. Regiomonti, 1726. 4to. Arnold, S. 764, m. De febribus; cui accedit J. J. Fickii de gene- ral! futur® criseos aut jam factae signo programma. Jenae, 1723. 4to. Ashton, H. 657, cc. On the remitting and intermitting bilious fever of King George and Westmoreland counties, Va. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Askham, T. 764, f. De capitis injuriis. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Astbury, J. 657, h. De morbis cutaneis. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Athill, S. B. 657, 1. Observationes de usu aquae frigido externo. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Atlee, E. A. 657, dd. On the influence of music in the cure of diseases. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Austin, J. G. 912, b. De purpura haemorrhagica. Edinb. 1821. 8 vo. Bache, W. 657, q. On the morbid effects of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, on healthy animals. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Backas, C. 657, m. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1763. 8vo. Bain, A. 657, b & K. De causis febrium iisdemque praecidendis. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Baker, G. 912, b. De natura principii vitalis. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Bardsley, S. A. 657, g. De somno. Lugduni Batav. 1786. 8vo. Barrow, J. 657, K. De catarrho. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Bartlet, J. 912, a. De syphilidis tractatione sine hydrargyro. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Barton, Gul. 657, d. De rachitide. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Bartram, M. 657, g. De victu. Philad. 1790. 8vo. Bateman, T. 764, f. De hmmorrhoca petechiali. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Bay, AV . 657, a. On the operation of pestilential fluids upon the large intestines, termed by nosologists dysentery. New York, 1797. 8vo. Bayerus, T. S. 764, I. De eclipsi Sinica liber singularis; Sinorum de eclipsi solis quae Christo in crucem acto facta esse cre- ditur indicium examinans et momento suo ponderans. Ac- cedunt praeceptionum de lingua Sinica libb. ii. eodem auc- tore. Regiomonte, 1718. 4to. Beckwith, R. 657, 1. De morbo psoadico. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Beech, J. G. 764, f. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Bell, G. 124. De physiologia plantarum. Edinb. 1777. Bell, J. 657, k. De febre maligna, quae anno 1779 legionem de Buccleugh afilixit. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. 105 Bell, Th. 764, a. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Bellinger, J. S. 657, w & hh. On chronic pneumony, or pulmonary consumption. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Bennet, J. 657, p. De hyd rope-anasarca. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Berkeley, R. 657, y. On the modus operandi of sedatives. Philad. ' 1800. 8vo. Berlin, A H. 710. De usu muscorum. Upsaliae, 1766. 4to. Berry, A. 657, k. De phrenitide vera. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Berzelius, B. 710. Nomenclator botanicus. Upsaliae, 1759. 4to. Best, C. 764, f. De vaccina. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Bidloo, M. 1). 764, m. De thymo contra responsionem Verheyen. Lovanii, 1707. 4to. Black, J. 124. De humore acido a cibis orto, et magnesia alba. Edinb. 1754. 8vo. Black, R. 657, r & v. On fractures. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Black, S. 114 and 657, g. De ascensu vaporum spontaneo. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Blackburn, R. 912, e. De spinae carie. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Blackman, J. 912, b. De ophthalmia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Blackmore, E. 912, g. De sanguinis detractione. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Blake, H. 657, c, 1 & n. De haemorrhoide. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Blest, A. E. 912, d. De typho. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Blom, C. M. 710. De ligno quassiae. Upsaliae, 1763. 4to. Bloodgood, J. 657, ff. On haemoptysis. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Blundell, J. 657, d. On dysentery. Philad. 1791. 8vo. Bohlius, J. C. 764, 1. De morsu. Lugduni Batav. 1726. 4to. Bond, J. 124 and 657, aa. De incubo. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Borthwick, G. 657,1. \ treatise upon the extraction of the crystal- line lens. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Bose, M. C. et G. M. 764, m. De motu plantarum sensus aemulo, Leipsiae, 1728. 4to. Bose, M. C. 764,1. De obstetricum erroribus a medico clinico per- vestigandis. Cui accessit facultatis medicae in academia Lipsiensi panegyris medica a D. M. E. Ettmiiller dicta. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. 764, 1. De obstetricum erroribus a medico forensi per- vestigandis. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. Boyd, Gul. 657, h. De diabete. Edinb. 1773. 8vo. Brailsford. E. 657, w. On the nicotiana tabucum of Linnaeus. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Brandreth, J. 657, b. De febribus intermittentibus. Edinb. 1770 8vo. P 106 Brereton, E. 657, p. De scorbuto. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Bretton, J. Von, 912,b. De lue venerea. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Brevant, R. H. 912, e. De valetudinis ex animo mutatione. Edinba 1821. 8vo. Brockenbrough, J. 764, b. De rabie canina. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Brockenbrough, A. jun. 657, dd. On two native species of laurus. Phi lad. 1804. 8vo. Brody, M. 912, g. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Broughton, Gul. 124. De ulcere uteri. Edinb. 1755. 8vo. Brown, B. L. 912, c. De asthmate spasmodico. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Brown, C. 764, e. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1797. 8vo. Brown, F. F. 764. b. De ophthalmia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Brown, G. C. 764, g. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Bi own, P. 657, aa. De praesagiis ex oculis in morbis acutis et chronicis. Edinb. 1750. 4to. Brown, R. 764, b. De peripneumonia notha. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Brown, T. 657, k. De epilepsia. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Brown, W. 657, z. On uterine haemorrhage. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Bryan, D. 657, e. De affectibus animi. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Bryan, O. A. 657, d & o. De melaena. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Bryanton, Th. J. 764, b. De vitae humanae gradibus. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Bryarly, W. 159 and 657, dd. On the lupulus communis, or com- mon hop. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Buchanan, G. 657, g. De causis respirationis ejusdemque effecti- bus. Philad. 1789. 8vo. Buck. R. 657, 1 & n. De ischuria vesicali. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Buckley, J. 912, e. De typho. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Budaeus, G. H. 764, m. De aetatis mutatione morborum causa et remedio. Cui accessit F. Hoftmanni de mechanica optima in medicina philosophandi methodo programma. Halae, 1728. 4to. Buddeus, A. 764,1. De musculorum actione et antagonismo. Lugd. Batav. 1721. 8vo. Burke, T. E. 764, a. De febri puerperarum. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Burmannus, J. 764, 1. De aiimentorum in chylum mutatione. Lugduni Batav. 1728. 4to. Burne, J. 912, d. De missione sanguinis. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Burnside, Th. 114. De phrenitide idiopathica. Edinb. 1786. Svo. Burton, F. 912, b. De agitatione nervosa vulneribus sclopeteriis quandoque inflicta. Edinb. 1820. Svo. Burwell, L. 657, ee. On digitalis purpurea. Philad. 1805. 8vo. 107 Calder, Gul. 657, d. De variolis insitivis. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Caldwell, C. 657, v & x. An attempt to establish the original same- ness of three phenomena of fever, viz: hydrocephalus inter- nus, cynanche trachealis, and diarrhoea infantum. Philad. 1796. 8vo. Caldwell, C. m. d. 139. Experimental inquiry, respecting the vi- tality of the blood. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Caldwell, J. 657, c & h. De hysteria. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Camp, J. II. 657, dd. On mercury in fevers. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Campbell, A. 764, h. De intellectus conditione in mentis aliena- tionis diversis generibus. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Campbell, J. 912, b. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Campbell, R. 657, aa. De institoria actione. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Carnie, J. 912, e. De frigore et calore viribusque eorum et eft'ecti- bus in corpus humanum. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Carpenter, J. M. 764, a. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Carter, B. 764, d. De infantibus tractandis. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Carter, J. m. d. Observations on mania-a-potu. Philad. 1830. 8vo. Carter, R. 657, cc. On opium. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Chaiwill, W. C. 657, w. On the sources of malignant bilious, or yellow fever. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Champneys, B. 657, ee. On dysentery. Bridgetown, N. J. 1805. 8vo. Chapman, N. 657, z. On hydrophobia. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Cheyne, C. C. 912, e. De purpura. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Cheyne, J. 764, b. De rachitide. Edinb. 1795. 8vo, Church, J. 657, v. On camphor. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Claiborne, D. J. 657, ff. On artificial drains in the prevention and cure of disease. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Clark, J. F. 657, a. De apoplcxia sangiiinea et serosa. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Clarke, J. 657, b & k. De putredine in typho coercenda. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Clauderus, J. C. 764, m. De dulcium natura, usu et abusu. Cui accessit G. C. Schelhammeri programma de sapidorum efficacia. Jenas, 1694. 4to. Claxton, F. 657, 1. De haemorrhoidc. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Cleaver, J. 657, ee. On cataract. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Cleghorn, Gul. 124. De igne. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Cleghorn, R. 124 and 657, e. De somno. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Clerk, D. 124. De rheumatismo. Edinb. 1746. 8vo. Clerke, J. 657, 1. De cancro. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. 108 Cochlovius, C. B. 764, m. De fonticulorum usu medico. Halae, 1727. 4to. Cock, G. P. 912, g. De purpura haemorrhagica. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Cockburne, G. 657, aa. De exercitoria actione. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Cocke. C. 657, ff. «Jn the identity of gout and rheumatism. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Cocke, J. 139 and 657, dd. On the cause of the extensive inflam- mation, which attacks wounded cavities and their contents. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Coe, Th. 764,1. De fluxu muliebri inenstruo morbisque inde oriun- dis. Lugd. Batav. 1728. 4to. Collier, J. 657, k. De febribus intermittentibus. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Condict, L. 657, q. On the effects of contagion upon the human body. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Cooke, J. E. 657, ee. On the inflammatory bilious fever of Loudon county, Va. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Cookson, A. 657, h & n. De asthmate infantum suffbcativo. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Cooper, S. 139 and 657, i. On the properties, effects and medical uses, of the datura stramonium, or common thorn-apple. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Corp, Gul. 657, k. De phthisi pulinonali. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Coventry, A. 657, b & h. De scarlatina cynanchica. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Coward, G. S. 912, e. De capitis plagis. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Cowling, R. 657, k. De rheumatismo. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Coxe J. R. 657, r. On inflammation. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Crawford, J. 912, a. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Crawford, J. 912, b. De stricture in urethra. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Crawford, S. 764, b. De angina pectoris. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Crawford, Th. 124. De cynanche stridula. Edinb. 1771. 8vo. Creager, L. 657, IF. On dysentery. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Crompton, P. 114. De catarrho. Lugduni Batavorum, 1785. 8vo. Crowther, J. 657, m. De fluore albo. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. Cryan, P. 912, g. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1822. 8vo, Cullen, A. 124. De frigore, ejusque vi et ettectibus in corpus hu- manum. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Cullen, H. 124 and 657, c. De consuetudine ejusque vi et effecti- bus in corpus humanum. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Cumming, G. 764, h. De hydrope anasarca. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. 109 Cunningham, K. M. 657, ft". On the inflammatory bilious fever of Lancaster, in 1804. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Cuppies, C. 912, d. De asthmate. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Cutbush, E. 657, t. On insanity. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Dahlgren, J. A. 710. De erica. Upsaliae, 1770. 4to. 710. De maro. Upsaliae, 1774. 4to. Daily, C. 764, e. De epilepsia. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Daingerfield, H. P. 139 and 657, dd. On cutaneous absorption. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Dale, Th. 657, r. De erysipelate. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Darling, G. C. 764, b. De ictero. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Darlington, W. 139 and 657, dd. On the mutual influence of ha- bits and disease. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Davidson R. G. W. 657, x. On suffbcatio stridula, or croup. Philad. 1794. 8vo. De-Butts, E. 657, ee. On the eye and vision. Philad. 1805. 8vo. De-Butts, S. 124. De quibusdam aeris in corpus humanum eflecti- bus. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Delourey, J. 764, c. De variolis. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Dennison, R. 124 and 657, r. De Arteriarum omnium, et venarum partis, irritabilitate. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Deroches, J. J. 764, i. De humuli lupuli viribus medicis. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. Devereux, M. 912, f. De hepatitide chronica. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Dewar, A. 912, e. De vulneribus pugna in navali apud Algerium proxime facta acceptis. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Dewees, W. P. 657, fl". On the means of lessening pain, and faci- litating certain cases of difficult parturition. Philad. 1806. 8vo. De-Witt, B. 657, f & v. On the operation of oxigene, or the base of vital air, on the human body. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Dickson, P. 657, aa. De cholera. Edinb. 1750. 4to. Dillon, T. 912, b. De concoctione ciborum. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Dittmar, J. 764, b. De exercitatione. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Donnaldson, J. 657, aa. De nephritide. Edinb. 1750. 4to. Donovan, S. 764, d. De cynanche maligna. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Dorsey, J. S. 657, bb. On the lithontriptic virtues of the gastric liquor. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Douglass, J. 657, ee. On mercury. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Downey, W. 657, cc. On the sanguinaria Canadensis. Philad. 1803. 8vo. D'Oyley, D. 657, ff« On the vesiculse seminales. Philad. 1806. 8vo. 110 Drew, G. 912, e. De enteritide. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Drayton, G. 912, e. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Drummond, C. 124. De ictero. Edinb. 1750. 8vo. Drysdale Th. 657, x. De hepate. Philad. 1794. 8vo. Dudley, B. W. 657, AT. A sketch of the medical topograhpy of Lexington, Ky. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Dudley, J. 657, e. De visu. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Dunbar, J. R. W. 930. An essay on the structure, functions and diseases of the nervous system. Philad. 1828. 8vo. Duncan, A. m. d. 657, t. Heads of lectures on medical jurispru- dence. Edinb. 1792. 8vo. Duncan, A. 764, a. De swietenia soymida. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Duncan, J. 657, o. De catairho epideinico, qui, anno 1782, grassa- batur. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Duncan, .1. 912, d. De filaria Medinensi, seu gordio Medinensi. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Duncan, W. 912, g. De paralysi. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Duvall, G. 657, bb. On the melia azedarach of Linnaeus. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Dvising, J. G. 764, m. De rcspirationis mechanismo atque usu genuino. Jena?, 1727. 4to. Eggert, J. 764, m. De apoplexia. Jenae, 1728. 4to. Elcock, N. 114 and 657, p. De morbo venereo. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Elliott, J. 764, h. De diabete mellito. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Elliott, Th. 124. De crisibus in morbis acutis. Edinb. 1746. 8vo. Elliott, T. C. 912, b. De primo nascentis spiritu. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Elmgren, J. 710. De terminis botanicis. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Emmett, T. A. 124. De sere fixo, sive acido aereo. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Erskine, P. 764, f. De diabete. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Evans, G. 657, ee. On the rheumatic state of fever. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Evans, J. 124. De foetus humani nutrimento et quibusdam eidem propriis. Edinb. 1778. 8vo Everett, C. 657, q. On the function of menstruation. Philad. Everhard, J. W. 764, m. De elaterio. Altorf, 1722. 4to. Ewart, J. 657. <1. De chorea. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Ewell, Th. 657, ee. On the stomach and secretion. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Fabricius, F. W. P. 657, d. De emetatrophia. Edinb. 1767. 8vo. Fairbairn, F. M. 912, b. De scarlatina. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 111 Fairbanks, G. E. 912, <1. De uteri carcinomate. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Fairtlough, E. 657, h. De pertussi. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Falck, J. P. 710. De planta Alsstromeria. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Fen-Sleigh, J. 124. De auditu. Edinb. 1753. 8vo. Fergus, P. G. 657, o. De variolis. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Ferris, S. 124 and 657, k. De sanguinis per corpus vivum circu- lantis putredine. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Ferrye, J. 657, d. De colica saturnina. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Ffirth, S. 657, dd. On malignant fever, with an attempt to prove its non-contagious nature. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Fisher, E. 764, c. De febre flava. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Fisher, J. 657, a & v. On dysentery. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Fitzpatrick, T. 764, f. De ascite abdominali. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Floyd, J. 657. IF. On the magnolia tripetala and acuminata. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Flyare, J. 710. De coloniis plantarum. Upsaliae, 1768. 4to. Fordyce, G. 124. De catarrho. Edinb. 1758. 8vo. Foreman, J. 764, e. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Formento, F. M. 59. De publica valetudine tuenda. Taurini, 4to. Forrester, R. 764, c. De menorrhagia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Forster, J. 114 and 657, d. De haemoptysi. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Forsythe, J. 114. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Foster, G, 912, a. De organicis cordis vitiis. Cum figuris aeneis. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Foster, J. 764, b. De podagra. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Foushee, J. H. 657, w. On strictures in the urethra. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Fowler, Th. 657, o. De methodo medendi variolam, praecipue aux- ilio mercurii. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Fox Ed. L. 657, e. De voce humana. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Fox, F. 912, a. De nexu quo visus attractus invicem sociantur. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Frampton, H. T. 912, a. De aneurismate. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Frese, D. F. 764, m. De venenis eorumque antidotis. Lugduni Batav. 1722. 4to. Fulhame, Th. 657, b. De febre puerperarum. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Furnivall, J. J. 912, a. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Fyfe, C. 764, f. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Galbraith, A. 764, d. De erroribus evitandis in studiis medicinse prosequeudis. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. \ 112 Gallaway, H. 114 and 657, g. De respiratione. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Galley, Th. 657, g. De tussi convulsiva. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Galway S. J. 764, f. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Gartley S. 657, z. On bubonocele. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Gartshore. M. 657, h & in. De papaveris usu, tam noxia, quam salutari in parturientibus, ac puerperis. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. Geddy, J. C. 657, bb. On the absorption of medicines. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Gerhard, W. W. m. d. Observations on the endermic application of medicines. Philad. 1830. 8vo. Gibbings, Th. 657, o. De rubeola. Edinb. 1771. 8vo. Gibbon, J. 912, d. De partu accelerando. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Gibbons, J. 657, h. De quibusdam puerperarum morbis. Edinb. 1776. 8vo. Gibbons, J. H. 114. De vestitu laneo. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Gibbons, W. 657, ee. On hypochondriasis. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Gilchrist, J. 657, k. De febre anomala inter Dumfrisienses epide- mica, anno 1767. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Gilliam, J. S. 114 anl 657, d. De diarrhoea. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Giraud, L. A. 912, c. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Glover, J. 139 and 657, y. On digestion. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Gmelin, J. G. 764, m. De acidulis Tcinacensibus in Wurtebergia. Tubing®, 1727. 4to. Goodwyn, E. 114 and 657, g. De morbo morteque submersorum investigandis. Gordon, A. 657, aa. De in rem verso. Edinb. 1771. 4to. Gough, J. P. 657, y. On cantharides. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Gould, J. 657, m. De rheumatismo acuto. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. Gourlay, G. 657, o. De erysipelate. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Graberg, J. M. 710. De fundamento fructificationis. Upsali®, 1762. 4to. Graham, G. 912, f. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Graham, J. 657, d & r. De scrophula. Edinb. 1791. 8vo. Gray, H. M. 657, ee. On cynanche trachealis. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Green, E. A. 657, fl'. On the structure and habits of the lumbricus terrestris. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Gregory, J. 1^4. De morbis coeli mutatione medendis. Edinb. 1776. 8vo. Gregory, J. 912, g. De gangrena nosocomiali. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Grieve, 124. De secretione bilis. Edinb. 1731. 8vo. Griffiths, E. 657, dd. On ophthalmia. Philad. 1804. 8vo. 113 Haentschel, G. 764, m. De seri lactis virtute longe saluberrima. Halae, 1725. 4to. Hahnbaum, G. F. 657, x. De chlorosi. Edinb. 1791. 8vo. Halenius, J. P. 710. De plantis rarioribus Camschatcensibus. Up- saliae, 1750. 4to. Haliday, Gul. 114 and 657, x. De electricitate medica. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Halkerston, J. 912, d. De sanguinis missione. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Hall, B. M. 710. De nectaribus florum. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Hall, J. 657, r. De electricitate. Edinb. 1771. 8vo. Hall, R. W. 657, ft*. On electricity in medicine. Philad. 1806. 8 vo. Haller, A. 764, 1. De experimentis et dubiis circa ductum saliva- lem novum Coschwizianum. Cum tabulis aeneis. Lugd. Batav. 1727. 4to. Hallilay, J. 657, p. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Halpin, O. 764, h. De febri intermittente. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Hamilton, J. 124. De perspiratione insensibili. Edinb. 1771. 8vo. Handy, H. 657, kk. On opium. Philad. 1791. 8vo. Hannath, J. 912, d. De cataracta. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Hardyman, M. 764, c. De scorbuto. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Hare, J. 124 and 657, e. De syncope. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Harnischius, J. A. 764, m. De haemoptysi. Halas, 1730. 4to. Harrison, G. 657, p. De lue venerea. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Hart, J. 657, ft*. On sensation and motion. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Harte, J. 764, h. De febri intermittente. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Hartmann, F. W. 764, m. De morbis ex spasmo vesicae. Halae, 1727. 4to. Hartshorne, J. 657, ee. On the effects produced by air upon liv- ing animals. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Haxby, J. 764, b. De consuetudine. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Helwing,M. G. A. 764,1. Supplememtum florae Prussicae. Gedani. 1726. 4to. Hendy, Jac. 657, e. De secretione glandulari. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Hendy, J. A. 764, k. De digitale. Edinb. Henderson, J. 657, p. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Henderson, G. 912, f. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Hermann, G. E. 764, m. De artemisia. Altorf, 1720. 4to. Heysham, J. 124 and 657, k. De rabie canina. Edinb. 1777 8vo. Hicks, J. B. 657, r. On compression of the brain from concussion. New York, 1793. 8vo. Q 114 Highmore, G. R. $57,1. De frigoris in corpus humanum potestate. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Hill, C. 657, p. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Hill, J. P. 764, g. De typho. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Hobson, S. J. m. d. An essay on the history, preparation and thera- peutic uses of iodine. Philad. 1830. 8vo. Hodge, B. G. 139 and 657, z. Experiments and observations on the absorption of active medicines into the circulation. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Hodge, M. L. 764, b. De scarlatina. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Hoefer, G. C. G. 764, m. De loquela. Jenae, 1729. 4to. Holdsworth, Th. 657, m. De ictero. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. Holland, P. 657, e. De mente et ejus in corpus eflectibus. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Holm, G. T. 710. Prodromus florae Danicae. Upsaliae, 1757. 4to. Holmes, A. F. 912, a. De tetano. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Holmes, R. 657, cc. On the bignonia catalpa of Linnaeus. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Home, F. 124. De febre remittente. Edinb. 1750. 8vo. Home, J. 657, p. De scorbuto. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Hooper, J. 912, d. De hydrophobia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Hopkins, F. 657,1. De scirro et carcinomate. Hornborg, J. 710. De planta cimicifuga. Upsaliae, 1774. 4to. Horsfield, Thos. 139 and 657, i. On the rhus vernix, rhus radi- cans, and rhus glabrum, vulgarly called poison-ash, poi- son-vine, and common sumach. Philad. 1798. 8vo. Hoskins, J. 657, dd. On dysentery. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Houlston, Th. m. d. 657, g. Observations on poisons, and on the use of mercury in obstinate dysenteries. Edinb. 1787. 8 vo. Howard, Jr. W. 657, ee. On the hydropic state of fever. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Huger, F. K. 657, r & v. On gangrene and mortification. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Hughes, R. P. 912, f. De fabrica oculi. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Hughes, S. 764, a. De vestitu. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Hulsebush, J. F. 764, 1. De pinguedinis corporis human i, sive panniculi adiposi veteruin, hodie mcmbranm cellulosae dicta fabrica, ejusque et contenti olei historia, usu et mor- bis. Lugduni Batav. 1727. 4to. Hunter, J. 124 and 657, e &r. De hominum varietatibus et harum causis. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Hutchinson, J. 657, b & k. De mutatione febrium e tempore Sy- denhami, et curatione earum idonea. Edinb. 1782. Svo. 115 Hutchinson, J. 657, cc. On the conversion of chyle into blood. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Hutchison. C. 912, d. De effectibus aeris et exercitationis. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Huth, G. L. 764, m. Utrum capiti frigus magis an calor condu- cat ? Questio. Altorfii, 1728. 4to. Ingham, C. 912, c. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Ixstatt, A. 764, in. Phenomenon singulare de malo pomifera absque floribus ad rationes physicas revocatum. Marbur- gi, 1727. 4to. Jackson, A. R. 912, b. De hemorrhagia uterina. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Jackson, G. 912, e. De aere communi. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Jackson, H. 139 and 657, bb. On external applications. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Jackson, J. 764, e. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Jacobi, C. 764, m. De alee. Altorf. 1723. 4to. Jacobs, W. S. 657, z. On calculi. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Jagoe, J. H. 912, e. De febri hectica. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. James, II. 764, k. De rheumatismo. Jameson, J. 124. De infantum morbis, ab infantia ortis. Edinb. 1731. 8vo. Jameson, R. 657, h. De variola. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Jeftray, J. 114. De placenta. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Jenks, G. S. 912, d. De eoelo tabescentibus benigno. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Jenks, P. 657, dd. On the analogy of the Asiatic and African plague and the American vellow fever. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Jeriin, P. 710. De macello olitorio. Upsaliae, 1760. 4to. Joerlin, E. 710. De plantis tinctoriis. Upsaliae, 1759. 4to. Jones, E. 657, a & v. On pneumonia, or pulmonary state of fever. Philad. 1796. 8vo. Jones, S. 657, r & v. On hydrocele. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Jones, T. 657, c. De paralysi. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Johnson, J. 657, i & v. An experimental inquiry into the proper- ties of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Johnson, P. 912, c. De contagione. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Johnson, Th. 657, x. On the putrid ulcerous sore throat. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Johnston, G. 912, b. De gonorrhoea virulenta. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Johnston, J. 657, r. De angina maligna. Edinb. 1773. 8vo. 116 Johnston, J. 657, n. De apoplexia sangu mea. Edinb. 1781. 8vo_ Johnston, J. 764, a. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Johnston, I*. B. 764, k. De epilepsia. Edinb. Joonston, R. 139 and 657, x. On the influenza. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Johnstone, G. 912, g. De exercitatione. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Karamyschew, A. De, 710. De necessitate promovendse historiae naturalis in Russia. Upsalias, 1766. 4to. Keary, P. 657, h & r. De febre puerperarum, 1774. 8vo. Keating, W. 764, g. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Keddie, S. S. 912, c. De scrophula. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Keir, Gul. 124. De Attractione chemica. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Kellie, J. 912, a. De cholera spasinodica. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Kennedy, D. 657, aa. De coinpensationibus. Edinb. 1752. 4to. Kentish, R. 657, p. De phthisi pulmonali idiopathico. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Kerr, G. 912, e. De ictero. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Kewley, J. m. d. 657, 1. De incitatione, an omnem omnium vitam regat ? Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Kidd, G. L. 912, g. De typhi indiciis. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Kind, J. P. 764, 1. De remediis calculum in renibus diftringenti- bus. Lugduni Batav. 1724. 4to. King, G. J. 912, a. De febri flava. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. King, R. J. 657, w. On blisters. Philad. 1799* 8vo. Kirby, J. 764, d. De typho. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Kirby, J. 764, i. De lentis caligine. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Kirby, R. 764, e. De typho. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Kirkaldie, G. 114. De duabus aeris speciebus aquam gignentibus. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Klapp, J. 139 and 657, dd. Chemico-physiological essay, disprov- ing the existence of an aeriform function in the skin, and pointing out, by experiment, the impropriety of ascribing absorption to the external surface of the human body. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Klock, J. A. 764, 1. De usu et abusu corticis Peruviani in febribus intermittentibus, tertians et quartana. Lugduni Batav. 1727. 4to. Kulmus, J. E. 764, m. De literis in ligno fagi repertis. Gedani, 1730. 4to. Lado, C. 710. De motu polychresto. Upsal'ue, 1763. 4to. Lamb, J. 657, a & q. On apoplexy. Philad. 1794. 8vo. 117 Lander, J. 124. De cataracta. Edinb. 1758. 8vo. Langlands, R. 124. De hyd rope-anasarca. Edinb. 1750. 8vo. Lanphier, S. 657, n. De calculo renum et vesicse. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Larden, J. 764, k. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. Lardner, G. 912, c. De circuitu sanguinis. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Latham, J. 764, i. De insania. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Laws, J. 657, v. On the rationale of the operation of opium on the animal economy. Wilmington, 1797. 8vo. Le-Duc, A. 764, 1. De Byzantina variolarum insitione. Lugduni Batav. 1722. 4to. Lee, A. 657, m. De cortice Peruviano. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. Lee, J. 764, f. De viribus animi in corpus adiacentibus. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Legare, D. 657. ee. On the effects of tobacco fumes on the system, and their use in cases of suspended animation from sub- mersion. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Le Moine, W. 710. De opobalsamo declarato. Upsaliae, 1764. 4to. Lenaeus, C. A. 710. De meloe vesicatorio. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Leonhard, D. 764, m. De morbillis. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. Lerche, J. J. 764, m. Oryctographia Halensis, sive fossilium et mineralium in agro Halensi descriptio. Halas, 1730. 4to. Lidderdale, R. 764, d. De imaginatione. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Lilie, Gul. 124 and 657, r. De plumbi virtutibus medicis. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Lind, J. 124. De morbis venereis localibus. Edinb. 1748. 8vo. Lind, J. 124 and 657, b. De febre remittente putrida palaedum quae grassabatur in Bengalia, A. D. 1762. Edinb. 1768. 8vo. Lindh, J. 710. De pinguedine animali. Upsaliae, 1759. 4to. Lindsay, J. 124. De calore. Edinb. 1732. 8vo. Lister, Gul. 657, g. De fermentatione. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Little, J. 657, o. De variola. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Lockette, H. W. 657, z. On the warm hath. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Locock, C. 912, c. De cordis palpitatione. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Logan, G. 657, bb. On the hepatic state of fever. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Love, T. 912, g. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Lundmark, J. D. 710- De lavendula. Upsaliae, 1780. 4to. Luzuriaga, J. M. R. 114 and 657, g. De reciproca atque mutua systematis sanguinei et nervosi actioned Edinb. 1786. 8vo. 118 Lyman, 710. De phalaena bombice. Ups alia1, 1756. 4tu. Lynch, D. 764, d. De podagra. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Lynch, F. T. 764, c. De peritonitide puerperarum. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. Lynch, G. 764, i. De scarlatina anginosa. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Lynch, J. 764, k. De colica. Lynch, S. m. d. 657, I. De stimulantium natura in corpora viven- tia agentium. Glasguae, 1785. 8vo. Lyons, J. 114 and 657, k. De cholera. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Mace, J. 657, bb. On the proximate cause of disease, by induction from the laws of animated nature. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Macay, S. 657, k. De hepatis inflammatione. Edinb. 17S5. 8vo. McCall, E. L. 657, if. On the mutual subserviencies of the diffe* rent parts of the body. Philad. 1806. 8vo. McCambridge, G. 764, e. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1797. 8vo. McCarthy, D. 764, e. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. McCarthy, D. 764, e. De typho. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. Macartney, F. 764, d. De variola. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. McCormick, G. J. 912, c. De spasmo tetanico. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. McDonald, B. 657, d. De mensibus ef naturaliter, et immodice iluentibus. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. McDonald, Th. 657, bb. On cynanche trachealis. Philad. 1802. 8 vo. McDonnell, J. 124. De submersis. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. McFait, E. 124. De aere, aquis et locis. Edinb. 1745. 8vo. McFarlane, H. 657, fl'. On angina pectoris. Philad. 1806. 8vo. McFie, J. 657, h. De variola. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Mackenzie, C. 657, a & v. On dysentery. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Mackenzie, K. 657, aa. De febre hectica. Edinb. 1751. 4to. McKeogh, P. 764, i. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Mackie, J. 912, e. De cynanchi tracheali. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Mackintosh, R. 657, aa. Quod cum eo, qui in aliena potestate est, negotium gestum esse dicetur. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Maclarty, A. 764, c. De hydrope anasarca. Edinb- 1795. 8vo. McLenan, A. 657, 1. De morborum seminiis. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. McLoughlin, P. 764, d. De oculo humano. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. McPherson, A. 657, h. De framboesia. Glasguae, 1785. 8vo. Macrery, J. 657, bb. On the principle of animation. Wilmington. 1802. 8vo. McTaggart, P. 764, e. De asthmate spasmodico. Edinb. 1798. 8vo. 119 Madison, J. C. 657, ee. On the medical properties of iron. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Magrath, J, 912, f. De scarlatina. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Maguire, P. 764, h. De amaurosi. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Mahony, M. M. 912, f. De syphilide. 1822. 8vo. Mair, J. 764, c. De ascite abdominali. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Mann, A. 114 and 657, h. De diabete. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Manning, A. 764, h. De vaccina. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. March, W. 764, g. De febre flava Indias Occidentalis. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Marshall, A. 657, 1. De tuenda salute militum. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Martin, J. 657, bb. On the vitality of the blood. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Martland, R. 912, g. De vini et spiritus ardentis intemperantia. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Martley, J. F. 657, h. De mensibus, paucisque morborum ab co- rum vitiis pendentium. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Massie, Th. 139 and 657, cc. On the properties of the polygala senega. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Mathews, S. 657, IF. On the effects of music in curing and pal- liating diseases. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Maxwell, F. 764, 1. De ictero. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. May, A. 657, w. On sympathy. Philad. 1799. 8vo. May, A. 139 and 657, x. On the unity of disease, as opposed to nosology. Philad. 1800. 8vo. May, F. 657, x. On the animating principle, or anima mundi, how afforded, and how acting in man; and how acted upon in tetanus, or lock-jaw. Boston, 1795. 8vo. Mease, A. 657, h. De cynanche tracheali. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Mease, J. 495. On hydrophobia. Philad. 1792. 8vo. Melliar, J. 657, h. De asthmate spasmodico. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Meredith, C. 657,bb. On phthisis pulmonalis. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Merriman, S. 124. De conceptu. Edinb. 1753. 8vo. Middleton, E. 764, i. De febris continues curatione. Edinb. 1802: 8vo. Millar, D. 657, m. De epilepsia. Edinb. 1763. 8vo. Millar, J. 764, a. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Miller, E. 83 and 657, d. De physconia splenica. Edinb. 1789. 8vo. Miller. P. 139 and 657, dd. On the means of lessening the pains of parturition. Philad. 1804. Svo. 120 Millet, E. 764, c. De caleulo, morbisque renum et vesicas calculo- sis. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Mitchell, G. E. 657, ee. On the puerperal state of fever. Philad. ' 1805. 8vo. Mitchell, J. 764, f. De phthisi pulnionali. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Mitchell, J. 766 and 764, g. De febribus continuis. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Mitchell, J. S. 657, cc. On the arbutus uva ursi, pyrola umbellata and maculata of Linnaeus. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Mitchell, S. L. 114. De genitura. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Molison, T. 912, a. De angina pectoris. Edinb. 1818- 8vo. Monro, A. 124. De testibus et de semine in variis animalibus. Edinb. 1755. 8vo. Monro, D. 124. De hydrope. Edinb. 1753. 8vo. Monro, G. 114 and 657, g. De suflbcatione stridula. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Monro-Diummond, A. 124. De febribus arcendis discutiendisque. Edinb. 1770. 8vo. Monteith, J. 124. De dolore. Edinburgh 1726. 4to. Moore, Gul. 657, c. De bile, morbisque nonnullis qui ab ea oriun- tur. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Moore, J. 139 and 657, x. On the use of digitalis purpurea, or fox- glove in certain diseases. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Moore, S. 657, p. De rachitide. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Moorhead, C. 912, d. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Moorhead. T. N. 912, c. De phthisi pulnionali tuberculosa. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Moorhouse, II. 657, h. De ascite. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Morgan, J. 657, m. De puris confectione. Edinb. 1763. 8vo. Morris, C. 657, bb. On the prunus Virginiana, or wild cherry-tree. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Morton, A. 912, g. De febribus epidemicis. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Alorton, S. G. m. d. 959. De corporis dolore. Edinb. 1823. 8vo. Moseley, J. 657, c. & o. De peripneumonia vera. Edinb. 1780. 8 vo. Munro, Gul. 124 and 657, k & n. De tetano. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Murray, J. 657. k. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Murray, P. 657, aa. Quando de peculio actio annalis est. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Naboth, M. m. d. 764, m. De sterilitate mulierum. Lipsice, 1709. 4to. Neale, A. 764, h. De acido nitrico. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. 121 Nelson, W. 657, bb. On the Peruvian bark. Philad. 1802. 8vo. New, J. 764, c. Quaenam pars aeris communis corporis cavorum inflammationem concitat ? et quomodo ? Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Newcomb, D. 657, ff. On conception. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Nibbs, H. 764, d. De variola. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Nicholson, G. T. 912, g. De cerebri concussione atque compres- sione. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Nihell, L. 124 and 657, e. De cerebro. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Nimmo, R. 912, c. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Nooth, J. M. 124. De rachitide. Edinb. 1766. 8vo. Norcom, J. 657, w. On jaundice; observations on the liver and some of its diseases. Philad. 1799. 8vo. North, E. 657, v. On the rheumatic state of fever. Philad. 1797. ' 8vo. Nugent, E. 657, b. De febre nervosa. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. O'Callaghan, D.764, e. De cynanche maligna. 1800. 8vo. O'Connor, A. J. 764, a. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Odier, L. 124. De elementariis musicee sensationibus. Edinb. 1770.. 8vo. Ogilvie, A. 912, f. De uteri inflammatione circa partum superve- niente. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Ohrquist, D. J. 710. De diaeta per scalam aetatis humanae observant dam. Upsaliae, 1764. 4to. O'Meagher, Th. 764, a. De amenorrhoea. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. O'Regan, J. 912, e. De causis febrium epidemicarum. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Orpen, J. H. 657, m. De crisibus. Edinb. 1763. 8vo. Osborne, G. 764, f. De mentis affectionibus. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Oswald, J. 657, bb. On the phenomena of suspended animal life from drowning, hanging and the action of noxious airs Philad. 1802. 8vo. Otto, J. C. 657, t & v. On epilepsy. Philad. 1796. 8vo. Owen, H. 124. De contagione. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Owen, P. 124. De mercurio. Edinb. 1756. 8vo. Paley, R. 764, k. De amaurosi. Glasguae. Palmer, J. F. 124. De vermibus intestinorum. Edinb. 1766. 8vo. Parker, F. 764, c. De animali electricitate. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Parker, J. 657, dd. On fractures of the leg. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Parker, M. 764, a. De variola. Edinb. 1794. 8vo. Parnham, J. 124. De cystirrho°a. Edinb. 1772. Svec R 122 Parrish, J. 657, ee. On the influence of the passions upon the body, in the production and cure of diseases. Piulada. 1805. 8vo. Paterson, J. 124. De evaporatione. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Paton, G. 657, b. De typho graviore petechiali. Edinb. 1782. 8vn. Patten, Gul. 657, k. De hasmoptysi, seu sanguinis sputo. Edinb. 1753. 8vo. Peacock, T. 912, f. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Pearson, R. 657, d. De scrophula. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Pendergrast, G. E. 657, cc. A physical and topographical sketch of the Mississippi Territory, Lower Louisiana, and a part of West Florida. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Pennington, J. 657, f & g. On the phenomena, causes and effects offermentation. Philad. 1790. 8vo. Peronneau, R. 657, h. De menstruorum profluvio immodico. Edinb. 1775. 8 vo. Perry, L. 912, b. De acidi oxalici vi venenata. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Peyton, F. 764, d. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Phene, P. 764, k. De mensium abundantia. 8vo. Plaz, A. G. 764, m. De tabaco sternutatorio. Lipsias, 1727. 4to. Plumb, J. 657, g. De asthmate spasmodico. Lugd. Batav. 1786. 8vo. Post, J. 657, t. Attempt to disprove the existence of muscular fibres in the vessels. New York, 1793. 8vo. Potter, J. 657, 1. De sedentariae vitae malis. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Potter, N. 139 and 657, i. An essay on the medicinal properties and deleterious qualities of arsensic. Philad. 1796. 8vo. Powell, T. P. 764, b. De hydrocephalo acuto. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Preen, J. 764, h. De opii effectibus. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Prendergast, J. 114. De colica pictonum. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Price, Th. D. 657, bb. On the magnolia glauca. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Printz, J. 710. De plantis rarioribus Africanis. Upsaliae, 1760. 4to. Prioleau, P. G. 139. On the use of the nitric and oxygenated mu- riatic acids in certain diseases. Philad. 1798. 8vo, Proctor, G. V. 764, k. De dyspepsia. 8vo. Proudfit, D. 764, b. De variola. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Proudfit, j. 657, d. De pleuritide vera. Philad. 1790. 8vo. Pugh, W. 11. 657, dd. On the supposed powers of nature in the cure of diseases. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Pulteney, R. 124 and 657, m. De cinchona officinali Linnaei, sive cortice Peruviano. Edinb. 1764. 8vo. 123 Quackenbos, N. J. 139. On dysentery, by an induction of facts, from which the Mitchellian doctrine of pestilential fluids is illustrated. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Quin, C. G. 124 and 657, n. De hydrocephalo interno. Edinh. 1779. 8vo. Rae, D. 657, aa. De peculio. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Ramsay, J. 114 and 657, t. De intermittentibus. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Ramsay, R. 124. De bile. Edinb. 1757. 8vo. Rankin, G. T. 912, b. De rheumatismo. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Rankine, J. 912, d. De foetu humano. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Rees, J. T. 657, ee. On the medical theories of Brown, Cullen, Darwin and Rush. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Reeve, H. 764, i. De animalibus hyeine sopitis. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. Reeve, 764, k. De fatuitate alpina. 8vo. Reftelius, J. M. 710. De reformatione botanices. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Reid, J. 657, d. De colica pictonum. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Reid, J. 912, g. De amaurosi. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Riddell, G. 657, k. De nosologia methodica. Edinb. 1774. 8vo. Ridgway, T. H. 912, d. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Rivinus, E. F. m. d. On the operation of physical causes upon the constitution, the health and diseases of man. Philad. 1831. 8vo. Roberts, J. W. 657, o. De morbillis. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Robertson, F. 657, ee. On chorea Sancti Viti. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Robertson, Gul. 657, d. De causis hydropum. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Robinson, B. 764, g. De hernia inguinali. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Roche, N. 912, a. De peritonitide puerperarum. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Rodgers, J. R. B. 114 and 657, k. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Roe, G. 912, d. De respiratione. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Roebuck, J. 139 and 657, z. Experiments and observations on the bile. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Roell, G. 764,1. De ventriculi fabrica et actione musculari. Lugd. Batav. 1725. 4to. Rogers, J. 657, b. De curatione febrium a contagione. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Rogers, P. K. 657, bb. On the liriodendron tulipifera. Philad, 1802. 8vo. 124 Rogerson, J. 657, g. De sanguinis detracfionis usu et abusu. Edinb. 1768. 8vo. Romayne, N. 657, 1. De puris generatione. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Rose, H. 657, q. On the effects of the passions upon the body. Phiiad. 1794. 8vo. Rosenthal, C. F. 710. De flora Belgica. Upsali®, 1760. 4to. Ross, A. 124. De amaurosi. Edinb. 1754. 8vo. Ross, D. 657, aa. De tributoria actione. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Rosset, A.J. De, 657, d, q & t. De febribus intermittentibus. Phiiad. 1790. 8vo. Rossi.er, D. 912, c. De tetano. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Rousseau, J. B. C. 657, y. On absorption. Phiiad. 1800. 8vo. Routh, T. W. 764, d. De typho petechiali. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Rowan, Th. 657, bb. On the hydrocephalic state of fever. Phiiad. 1802. 8vo. Rucker, J. D. 764, 1. De mesenteric multoruin malorum sede. Lugduni Batav. 1728. 4to. Rush, B. 657, e. De coctione ciborum in ventriculo. Edinb. 1768. 8vo. Rush J. 657, dd. On the causes of sudden death and the means of preventing it. Phiiad. 1804. 8vo. Russell, J. 912, f. De mania. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Russell, T. 912, f. De scarlatina. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Rutter, J. 657, a. De phthisi pulmonali a tuberculis oriunda. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Ryan, J. 764, i. De variolis. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Sacrelaire, J. 764,1. De communibus corporis tegumentis. Lugch Batav. 1727. 4to. Salberg, J. 710. De fructibus esculentis. Upsaliae, 1763. 4to. • Sandmark, C. G. 710. Flora Jamaicensis. Upsaliae, 1759. 4to. Santos, De F. Dos, 764, a. De rubeola. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Saunders, 764, k. De natura calorici sixede animalium calore. Edinb. 8vo. Savin, R. L. 657, ee. On the effects of external cold in the cure of fevers. Phiiad. 1805. 8vo. Sawyer, M. E. 657, q. An inquiry into the existence of the living principle and causes of animal life. Phiiad. 1793. 8vo. Sayers, A. 657, h. De menorrhagia. Edinb. 1782. 8vo. Scanlan, J. 124. De lienteria. Edinb. 1751. 8vo. Scarlett, R. 764, a. De apoplexia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo, Schmid, G. E. 764. m. De viro apoplexia exstincto ab haemorrhoid- nm inconsulta suppressione. Altorf. 1723. 4to. 125 Schoder, F. A. 764, m. De refectione celeri per alimenta humida, Altorf. 1728. 4to. Schreiber, J. F. 764, 1. De fletu. Lugduni Batav. 1728. 8vo. Schreiber, J. F. 764, m. De medicina in genere programma. Lip- si®, 1729. 4to. Schreiber, J. F. 764, m. De lacrumis ac fletu. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. Schroeder, J. 710. De generibus morborum. Upsaliae, 1759. 4to. Schultz, B. 657, i, q & u. On the phytolacca decandra of Lin- naeus. Philad. 1795. 8vo. Schultz, J. D. De hydrocephalo. Halae Saxonum, 1816. 8vo. Schurer, J. J. 764, m. De balneo Sulzensi prope Molshemium. Argentorati, 1726. 4to. Schwencke, M. O. 764, m. De cura foetus parentum officio. Lip- siae, 1725. 4to. Scott, A. 657, h & p. De hydrope. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Scott, F. 657, cc. On the means of counteracting the deleterious effects of opium. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Scott, J. 764, c. De variola. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Scott, J. N. 764, c. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Scott, R. 657, n. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Scott, R. 674, e. De imitatione. Edinb. 1797. 8vo. Scott, R. W. 912, b. De bronchocele. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Scutt, B. 764, c. De typho. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Seaman, V. 657, f. A dissertation on the mineral waters of Sara- toga. New York, 1793. 8vo. Seip, F. 657, y. On cataract. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Selby, W.F. 657, ft'. On the analogy between plants and animals. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Selig, J. C. 764, m. De iatra-aliptice veterum. Altorf. 1723. 4to. Semmes, Tho. 657, z. On lead. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Seybert, A. 139 and 657, q. An attempt to disprove the putrefac- tion of the blood in living animals. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Shadwell, Th. 657, k. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Shaw, Gul. 124. De morbis ex animi passionibus orientibus. Edinburgh 1736. 8vo. Shaw, W. 657, dd. On the autumnal epidemic fever, which pre- vailed in Philadelphia in 1803. Philad. 1804. 8vo. Sheehy, J. 764, d. De hydrocephalo interne. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Sheils, J. 912, f. De phthisi pulmonali. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Sheriff', S. M. 912, f. De febri flava. Edinb. 1322. 8vo. Shore, J. 657, h. De fluore alba. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. 126 Skey, J. 764, e. De materia combustibili sanguinis. Edinb. 1798. 8vo. Sime, R. 657, k. De rheumatismo acuto. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Simmons, W. H. 657, ff. On some of the effects of contusions of the head. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Simpson, A. 912, g. De remediorum ad a?gros accommodatione; Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Simpson, Ed. 657, e. De oculo humano. Edinb. 1779. 8vo. Slaughter, H. 657, b, c & h. De febre puerperali. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Smith, A. 912, a. De lepra. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Smith, E. I). 139 and 657,' y. An attempt to prove, that certain substances are conveyed, unchanged, into the circula- tion. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Smith, J. 912, c. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Smith, J. P. 764, e. De rheumatismo acuto. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. Smith, R. 764, h. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Smith, Th. 124. De actione musculari. Edinb. 1767. 8vo. Smith, Th. 139 and 657, dd. On wounds of the intestines. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Smyth, J. 764, b. De hydrope anasarca. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Somers, Ed. 657, e. De sonis et auditu. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Sommer. J. F. 764, m. De affectibus pruriginosis senum. Altorf. ' 1727. 4to. Sparrman, A. 710. De itinere in Chinam. Upsalia?, 1768. 4to. Sparschuch, H. 710. De potu coffeae. Upsaliae, 1761. 4to. Spencer, O. H. 657, cc. On digestion. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Spens, Th. 657, h. De amenorrhoea. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Spooner, G. 657, t. De ascite abdominali. Philad. 1785. 8vu. Stafford, G. 912, c. De natura et usu medicamentorum purgan- tium. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Stanger, C. 657, 1. De iis quae ad sanitatem conservandam pluri- mum conferee videntur. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. Stark, J. 657, 1. De malo hypochondriaco. Edinb. 1783. 8vo. St. Clare, €tu1. 657, e. De variolis inserendis. Edinb. 1780. 8vq. Steptoe, G. 657, d. De febre nervosa. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Stevens, E. 124 and 657, e. De alimentorum concoctione. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Stevenson C. G. 657, cc. On gonorrhoea. Phiiad. 1803. 8vo. Stevenson, G. P. 657, d. De febre puerperarum. Edinb. 1789. 8vo. Stevenson-Rogers, J. 657, aa. Ad senatusconsultum Macedonia* num. Edinb. 1751. 4to. 127 Stewart, A. 764, i. De mentis literarum studiosae incitamentis malis et regimene. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Stewart, R. S. 912, d. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Stock, J. E. 657, v. On the etlects of cold on the human body. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Stock, T. 764, h. De hepatitide. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Stokes, G. 657, q & t. De asphyxia ab aeris dephlogisticati priva- tione oriunda. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Strachan, D. 657, aa. Ad senatusconsultum Vellejanum. Edinb. 1752. 4to. Stuart, C. 124. De systematis nervosi ofliciis, ejusque conditionibus nonnullis. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Stuart, J. 139. On the salutary effects of mercury, in malignant fevers. Philad. 1798. 8vo. Stuart, J. G. 912, a. De emeticis. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Swift, J. 764, i« De tarda concoctione. Edinb. 1800. 8vo. Tayleur, G. 764, a. De pneumonia. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Taylor, H. 912, e. De cynanchi tracheali inflammatorio. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Taylor, W. 657, a. On scarlatina anginosa. New York, 1793. 8vo. Teichmeyer, H. F. m. d. 764, m. De lympha cerebri. Jenae, 1728. 4to. Teichmeyer, H. F. 764, m. De magna cerebri valvula programma. Jenas, 1728. 4to. Teichmeyer, H. F. 764, m. De septo pellucido, anima domicilio, programma. Jenas, 1729. 4to. Tennigs, M. F. 764, m. De fonte medicate Otlaviensi in Borussia. Regiomonti, 1727. 4to. Teucher, J. S. 764, m. De prsegrandi pedis inflammatione. Lip- siae, 1780. 4to. Textor, J. N. 764, m. De principio vitali. Jenas, 1721. 4to.. Thebisii, A. C. m. d. 768. De circulo sanguinis in corde. Lugd. Batav. 1716. 8vo. Thomas, G. 912, a. De apoplexia. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Thomas, G. G. 657, bb. On the kalmia latifolia and angustifolia. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Thomas, T. 657, a & q. De pneumonia sthenica. Philad. 1792. 8vo. Thomasson, E. J. 657,1. De opii usu in syphilide observatis pro* bato. Lugd. Batav. 1785. 8vo. Thompson, H. 657, bb. On the spigelia Maritandica. Philad. 1802. 8vo. 128 Threiplant, St. 124. De partu. Edinb. 1742. 8vo. Tice, C. 764, g. De dysenteria. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Tongue, J. 139 and 657, z. I. /In attempt to prove, that the lues venerea was not introduced into Europe from America. II. An experimental inquiry into the modus operand! of mercury, in curing the lues venerea. 111. Experimental proofs that the lues venerea, and gonorrhoea are two dis (inct forms of disease. Philad. 1805. 8vo. Tonning, H. 710. De rarioribus Norvegiae plantis. Upsaliae, 1768. 4to. Townsend, E. 912, f. De aneurismate. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Traill, T. S. 764, h. De usu aquae frigidae in typho externo. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Trent, J. 657, y. On the effects of light in respiration. Philad. 1800. 8vo. Trotter, A. 912, c. De rheumatismo. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. Tucker, S. 657, ff. On bodily labour in chronic diseases and in debility. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Tucker, W. jun. 657, ff. On the operation of cold. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Turner, Gul. 124. De morbo hypochondriaco. Edinb. 1756. 8vo. Turner G. 912, e. De nova doctrina phrenologica. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Unthank, J. 124 and 657, h. De leucophlegmatia. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Unthank, J. 764, i. De incubo. Edinb. 1803. 8vo. Usher, J. 657, e. De alimentorum concoctione. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Vaillant, S. 764,1. Sermo de structura florum, et constitutio trium novorum generum plantarum, Araliastri, Sherardiae, Boer- haaviae. Lugd. Batav. 1727. 4to. Vernon, H. 912, g. De rheumatismo acuto. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Vigelius, E. 710. De diaeta acidulari. Upsaliae, 1761. 4to. Vize, J. 657, p. De ascite. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Vogel, J. A. 764. m. An prima rudimentorum formatio in ovulis viventium deo immediate sit abscribenda ? Quacstio physi- ca. Altorf. 1726. 4to. Wacker, J. D. 657, ff. On hydrocephalus internus. Philad. 1806. 8vo. Wade, C. 124. De nutritione. Edinb. 1778. 8vo. Wainman, O. 124. Observationes miscellaneae, de vino praccipuc. Edinb. 1772. 8vo. Walker, J. M. 139 and 657, cc. Experimental inquiry into the 129 similarity in virtue between the cornus Florida and seri- cea, the cinchona officinalis; together with an inquiry into the modus operand! of astringent vegetables. Philad. 1803. 8vo, Walker, R. 3. De cynanche maligna. Edinb. 1787. 8vo. 2V. B. Look under Duodecimos. Wallace, G. 657, aa. Quodjussu. Edinb. 1751. 4to. Wallis, Tho. 657, n. De vermibus intestinorum. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Walmsley, Tho. 657, cc. On the absorption of medicines. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Walrond, M. 764, f. De tetano. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. Walsh, L. 657, e. De cute et tactu. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. Walsh, P. P. 657, p. Pauca de luis venere® stadio confirmato. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Walther, D. A. F. 764, m. De fibra motrice et influente nervo- rum liquido. Lipsi®, 1723. 4to. Walther, D. A. F. 764, m. De suffocatione programma. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. 764, m. De arteria cceliaca programma. Lipsiae, 1729. 4to. Walther, M. A. F. 764, m. De lente crystallina oculi humani. Lipsiae, 1712. 4to. • 764, m. De membrana tympani. Lipsi®, 1725. 4to. Wardrobe, D. 657, r. De paralysi. Edinb. 1771. 8vo. Wardrop, A. 657, r. De dysenteria contagiosa. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. Warneford, S. 764, c. De colica. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Washington, W. 657, bb. On diabetes. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Watts, W. 657, w. On the causes and nature of the yellow fever. Philad. 1799. 8vo. Waugh, J. S. 912, f. De electricitate. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Webster, C. 657, e. De vasorum sangu iferorum libramine, Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Webster, J. 912, f. De purpura h®morrhagica. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Wedel, G. W. 764, m. De verberibus medicis. Jen®, 1721. 4to. Weiss, J. N. 764, m. De viscerum, glandularum et ulcerum ana- logia. Altorf. 1729. 4to. Wedenberg, A. F. 710. De varietate ciborum. Upsali®, 1767. 4 to. Weise. M. 764, 1. De proceritate corporis ejusque causis et eGecti- bus. Hal®, 1726. 4to. 130 Westring, J. P. 710. De ledo palustri. Upsaliae, 1775. 4to. Whiteford, H. 657, bb. On the catamenia. Philad. 1802. 8vo. Willan, R. 657, c & o. De jecinoris inflaminatione. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Wilcke, H. C. D. 710. De politia naturae. Upsaliae, 1760. 4to. Wilkins, H. 657, x. On the theory and practice of emetics. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Willes, J. 764, h. De inflammatione. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Williamson, M. H. 657, a. On scarlet fever attended with an ul- cerated sore throat. Philad. 1793. 8vo. Wil liman, J. 764, c. De scarlatina anginosa. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. "Willis, T. 764, g. De paralysi. Edinb. 1802. 8vo. Willis, J. 657, q. On the chemical analysis and operation of ve- getable astringents. Philad. 1795. 8vo. Wilson, A. 124. De luce. Edinb. 1749. 8vo. Wilson, D. 657, cc. On the morbid effects of opium upon the human body. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Wilson, G. 657, t & v. On absorption. Philad. 1797. 8vo. Wilson, II. B. 657, e. De sudore. Edinb. 1784. 8vo. "Wilson, J. 657, k. De dyspepsia. Edinb. 1785. 8vo. Wilson, J. 764, c. De asthmate spasmodico. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Wilson, J. 912, a. De hydrothorace. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. Wilson, S. 114 and 657, k. De pleuritide vera. Glasgum, 1786. 8vo. Wilson, Th. 764, c. De rubeola. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Winterbottom, J. 124 and 657, e. De vasis absorbentibus. Edinb. 1781. 8vo. Wistar, C. 114. De animo demisso. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Withers, Th. 657, b. De febribus continuis medendis. Edinb. 1780. 8vo. Wolsely, J. 764, c. De rheumatismo acuto. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Wood, Th. 764, a. De typho. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Woodhouse, J. 657, i & q. On the chemical and medicinal pro- perties of the persimon tree, and the analysis of astringent vegetables. Philad. 1792. 8vo. Woodward, R. 912, b. De absorptione cuticulari. Edinb. 1821. 8 vo. Woollcombe, H. 657, h. De hysteria. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. Wordingham, J. 912, f. De pulmonis inflammatione. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. Worthington, S. 124. De aceto. Edinb. 1740. 8vo. Wright, E. 124. De ferri historia naturali, praeparatis. et usu me- dico. Edinb. 1753. 8vo. 131 Wyatt, W. 657, z. On the modus operandi of medicines; and on the action of the lymphatics. Philad. 1801. 8vo. Yelloly, J. 764, d. De cynanche tracheali. Edinb. 1796. 8vo. Yule, J. 114, 657. a, and 764, a. De halitu cuticulari. Edinb. 1785'. 8vo. Young, G. 764, a. De variola. Edinb. 1795. 8vo. Young, J. R. 139 and 657, cc. On the principles of nutrition, and the digestive process. Philad. 1803. 8vo. Younge, Gul. 114 and 657, d & x. De colica. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. Ziegenhorn, C. A. 764, 1. De calculorum in corporc humane ge? neratione. Wittenbergae, 1726. 4 to. AN INDEX OF INDEX I. .Being an alphabetical arrangement of the various subjects of medi- cal and other sciences, treated of in the works belonging to this Library. A. Abdominal viscera, structure and diseases of. Abercrombie, Aber- nethy, Haller, Johnson, Jos., Monro, A. jun., Parry (colls, vol. 2d.) Pemberton, Stark. Abortion. Burns, J. Vide Obstetrics. Abscess, lumbar. Abernethy. mammary. Jeffreys, H. Underwood. scrofulous. Crowther. Absorbing vessels, anatomy and diseases of. Cruikshank, Good- lad, Sheldon. Absorption. Barry. Acids, constitution of. Kirwan. Addresses, discourses and orations. Andrews, J., Anonymous, Boerhaave, Brodie, Meigs, Pringle, J. Agriculture and gardening. Davy, H., Darwin, Tozzetti. Air, atmospheric. Ellis, Forster, T., Priestley, Robertson, H. - its influence on the human body. Forster, T., Hippocrates, Johnson, Jas., Huxham. fixed. Dobson. Alligator of the United States. Barton, B. S. Amaurosis. Richter, Stevenson, Ware. Vide Eye. Amputation. Alanson, Bell, C., Guthrie, Maunoir, Pouteau, Thomson, J. Vide Surgery. • of the jaw. Koecker. Anatomy, general. Anonymous, Bartholinus, Beclard, Bell, C., Bell, J., Bichat, Bonetus, Boyer, Burdin, Cheselden, Clo- quet, Collins, Eustachius, Fyfe, Gordon, Haller, Hooper, Horner, Innes, Keill, Leber, Le Clerc, Lieutaud, Lizars, Mangetus, Meckel, Monro, A. sen., Morgagni, Nicholls, Nisbet, Parry (colls, vol. 1st.) Pole, Riolanus, Sandwith, Schenck, Shaw, Simmons, Smellie, Vaughan, Vesalius, Veslingius, Vicq-d'Azyr. Watt, Winslow, Wistar. - practical. Anonymous, Bell, C., Home, F., Horner, Pole, Shaw. - comparative. Abernethy., Blasius, Blumenbach, Burdin. 136 Carus, Cloquet, Collins, Cuvier, Fyfe, Harwood, Home, E., Lawrence, Meckel, Monro, A. sen., Serres, Straus- Durckheim, Tyson, Valentin. Anatomy, comparative of fishes. Monro, A. of the monkey. Tyson. descriptive of the horse. Burke. morbid. Anonymous, Baillie, Bright, Cruveilhier, How- ship, Monro, A. jun. nomenclature of. Barclay. pathological. Andral, Bichat, Bonetus, Ribes. Vide Pathology. special of arm. Camper. of bones. Vide Bones. brain. V. Brain. dental system. Rousseau. ear. V. Ear. eye. N. Eye. expression. Bell, C. genital organs. V. Organs of generation. gravid uterus. Burns, J., Hunter, W. V. Ob- stetrics and Uterus. pelvis. Camper. V. Obstetrics. vascular system. V. .Arteries and Blood Vessels. surgical. Burns, A., Colles, Edwards, Velpeau. V. Sur- gery. of head and neck. Burns, Watt. of parts concerned in hernia. V. Hernia. connected with drawing, painting, statuary, fyc. Camper. Anatomical essays, investigations and observations. Dutrochet, Godman, Kerckring, Meckel, Morgagni, Monro, A. jun. examinations. Anonymous, Hooper. museum of Leyden. Sandifort. preparations. Paulus, Valentini. tables and views. Eustachius, Watt. Bibliotheca anatomica. Haller, Le Clerc and Mangetus. Theatrum anatomicum. Mangetus. Anatomises vade-mecum. Hooper. Anecdotes, medical, chemical and chirurgical. Anonymous. Aneurism. Abernethy, Bell, C., Burns, A., Burns, J., Hodgson. Kirby, Ramsden, Scarpa, Wardrop. V. Arteries and Sur- gery. Angina pectoris. Blackall, Fothergill, J., Jurine, Parry, Teale. 137 Animal kingdom. V. Natural history, Zoology, tyc. Animals, torpidity of. Reeve. Animal economy. Anonymous, Gardiner, Hunter, J., Thornton, R. J. heat. Bompass, Crawford, A., Searle. life and structure. Burdin, Wintringham. Vide Physiolo- gy, Life and vital functions. Animation, suspended. Anonymous, Fothergill, A., Fothergill, J., Frank, J. P., Goodwyn, Kite, Pouteau. V. Respiration. Anthropo geny. Kerckring. Anthropology. Barthez, Gregory, J. V. Natural history. Anus, diseases of. Copeland, Howship, Wiseman. - ■ ■ fistula in ano. Copeland, Haller, Luxmore. stricture of colon and rectum. Copeland, Howship, Renou, Salmon. V. Intestines. Apoplexy. Cooke, J., Fothergill, J., (works) Wepfer. Archaeologia Americana. Barton, B. S., Humboldt. Art of prescribing. Paris. Arsenic. Marshall, J. Arteries, description and illustrations of. Barclay, Bell, C., Hal- ler, Hodgson, Harrison, Murray, A., Swan, Turner, J. diseases and injuries of. Guthrie, Hodgson, Turner, J. V. Blood vessels. Arts and sciences. Fulhame, Mackenzie, C., Sinclair, J. Asphyxia. V. Animation, suspended. Asylums. V. Insane. Asthma. Balfour, W., Bree, Davidson, Lambe, W., Millar, J. V. Respiration. Astronomy. Ewing, Gregory. Attraction and repulsion. Bergmann, Knight. Atmospheric pressure, its influence upon the blood, upon absorption, fyc. Barry. Atmospheric phenomena. Forster. Auscultation. Collins, Forbes, Lsnnec, Scudamore, Williams. C. J. B. B. Baillie, M. life of, by J. Wardrop. V. Baillie's works. Bandages. Brambilla, Jardine, Scultetus. V. Surgical instru- ments. Barbadoes. N. Diseases of West Indies. Bathing. Clarke, A.. Mackenzie, P T 138 Bathings sea. Clarke, A., Sibly. Baths, warm and vapour. Clarke, A., Kentish, Rapou. Bichat, X. notice sur la vie et les travaux de. Par F. G. Boisseau. V. Bichat Anatomie pathologique. Bile. Maclurg, Powell, R., Saunders, W., White, W. Biliary concretions. V. Calculi. Bibliotheca anatomica. V. Anatomy. chirurgica. V. Surgery. Biography. V. Medical biography. Birds. N. Natural history. Bladder, diseases and injuries of. Bingham, Johnston, H. Vide Calculi and urinary organs. Blood and its circulation. Barry, Barfholinus, Bell, C., Carson, Ewing, Hunter, J., Kerr, Parry, Plenck, Riolanus, Willis, T., Wilson, Jas. Blood-letting. Bellini, Hall, M., Welsh. Blood-vessels, and contractility of. Breschet, Douglas, Jas., Hast- ings. diseases of Corvisart, Hodgson. Blorcpipe. Berzelius, Clarke, E. D. Bones, anatomy and illustrations of. Bell, J., Bertin, Cheselden, Cloquet, Eustachius, Monro, A. sen., Nesbitt, Ravius. - diseases of. Bell, B., Boyer, Brodie, Crowther, Desault, Haller, Herdman, Monro, A. sen., Pouteau, (tome Sme) Russell, J., Wilson, Jas. V. Joints, Necrosis, ^c. Botany, general and physiological. Anonymous, Barton, B. S., Dumeril, Dutrochet, Gray, Hosack, Jussieu, Keith, Lee, Linne, Rousseau, Smith, J. E., Sprengel, Sumner, Tour- nefort, P., Willdenow. medical. Barton, Bigelow, Chaumeton, Fothergill, J... (works) Nisbet, Stokes, Waller, Woodville. special: Aloes. Anonymous. Arbustrum Americanum. Marshall. Cryptogamia. Sprengel. - Flora Americana. Anonymous, Barton, W. P. C., Eaton, Marshall, Michaux, Muhlenberg, Nuttall, Pursh. Anomoia. Hopkirk. Bostoniensis. Bigelow. Britannica. Gray, Salisbury, Smith, J. E., Withering. Caroliniana. Elliott. Philadelphica. Barton, W. P. C. 139 Botany, special: Flora Scotica. Hooker. Virginica. Barton, B. S. Gramma Americana. Muhlenberg-. Hortus Elginensis. Anonymous. Plantarum character. Burckhardt. -- Flantarum sedes originative. Schouw. Sugar cane. Moseley. Vegetables, history of. Philips, H., Spallanzani. Botanies, antiqua. Columna. Botanical address. Roscoe. • dictionary. Milne, C. language and terminology. Eberle, Lee, Martyn. • - magazine. Tozzetti. tableau. Desfontaines, Tournefort. Brain, anatomy, physiology, and illustrations of. Anonymous, Bell, C., Gall, Gordon, Monro, A., Rostan, Spurzheim, Tiedeman, Vicq d'Azyr, Vieussens, Willis, T., Wilson, James. comparative anatomy of. Serres. morbid anatomy and pathology of. Hooper, R., Marshall, A., Mills, Willis, T. diseases of. Abercrombie, Rostan. Breast, diseases of. Cooper, A., Holbrook, Nooth. Bronchitis, Badham. Bronchotomie. Dease, Richter. Bronchocele. Caldwell, (Medical memoirs) Coindet, Gairdner, Holbrook, Maunoir, Moseley, Wilmer. Brown, J. life of. V. Brown, J. ivorks vol. 1st. Bunnions. Anonymous. Burns. Dickinson, Earle, Kentish. C. Caesarian operation. Vaughan, J. V. Obstetrics. Calculi, biliary. Marcet, Saunders, W., White, W. urinary. Arnott, Brande, (V. Home,) Johnston, H., Marcet, Pouteau, (tome 3me) Prout. V. Lithotomy. cure and removal of, without the knife. Arnott, Belinaye, Civiale, Falconer, Tanchou. Canada. V. Medical topography. Cancer. Adams, Bell, B., Denman, Farr, W., Hamilton, R., Hill, Home, E., Johnson, C. T., Lambe, Nooth, Parry, (colls. 2d vol.) Pouteau, (tome ler) Wardrop. Young, S. 140 Caries. Crowther. V. Bones; Joints, diseases of; Scrofula. Carious joints. Ford, Jeffray. V. Joints and Scrof ula. Carolina, weather and diseases of South. Chalmers. Castor oil. Canvane. Catalogues of libraries. V. Catalogues. Cataract. Adams, Cooper, S., De la Garde, Guthrie, Muter, Rich- ter, Saunders, J. C., Stevenson, Ware, Wenzel. Vide Eye. Catarrh. Davidson, White, E. L. Ceylon. V. Medical topography. Chemistry. Accum, Anonymous, Bache, Berzelius, Boerhave, Brande, Chaptai, Elliott, Fourcroy, Fyfe, Gorham, Gre- gory, Henry, Jacobs,. Lagrange, Millar, J., Murray, Nis- bet, Paris, Parkes, Parkinson, Priestley, Silliman, Then- ard, Thomson, T. Turner. agricultural. Davy, H. • dictionary of. Aiken, Nicholson, Ure. phlogistic and antiphlogistic. Elliot, Kirwan, Parkinson. Chemical affinity. Bergmann, Berthollet. essays and experiments. Black, (upon magnesia alba, quick lime, &c.) Cutbush, Fothergill, J., Parkes, Scheele, Watson. * labratory and apparatus. Tournefort. statics. , Berthollet. • tests and re-agents. Accum. Chimie annales de. V. Periodicals. Chest, diseases and injuries of. Bellini, Clark, J., Corvisart, Hal- ler, Laennec, Parry, (colls.) Stark. V. Auscultation. Chicken-pox. V. Exanthema. Children, diseases of infants, SfC. V. Biseases. • nursing and management of. Armstrong, G., Dewees, Hamilton, A., Herdman, Hume, Johnson, J. R. Chlorine, in liver complaints. Wallace. V. Materia medica. Cholera morbus. Christie, Currie, W., Miller, E., Searle, White, W. Chorea Scti Viti. Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Cinchona. Alibert, Fothergill, J. Cirhocele. Richter. Cicala. Fothergill. Classics. C. Nepos. Climate, influence of, on health and disease. Clark, J., Gregory, Jas., Johnson, Jas., Mosely, Pitta. 141 Climate, of Baebadoes. Hillary. of Madeira. Gourlay. Clubfoot. Scarpa. Coffee. Fothergill, J. Colchicum autumnale in gozit and inflammatory diseases. Hadeu, Scudamore. Cold, effects and properties of. Beaupre, Kentish, Colica putonum. Fothergill, J. (works.) Colours. Reade. nomenclature of. Werner. Combustion. Crawford, Fulhame. Conception. V. Anthropo geny, Fcetation, Generation, Uterus. - extra uterine. King, Merriman. Conchology. Brookes, Dubois. Constipation. Fothergill, J. (works,) Howship. Constitutional irritation. V. Irritation. Consumption. V. Phthisis pulmonalis. Contagion of febrile and other diseases. Bancroft, Bateman, Blane, Caldwell, Chisholm, Currie, J., Currie, W., Doughty, Faulkner, Ferriar, Granville, Harty, Hosack, Jackson, R., Maclean, Macmichael, North, E., Potter, Smyth, J. C., Tuljy. V. Epidemics, Yellow Fever, Plagzie. of ophthalmia. Edmondston. of tinea capitis. Cooke, W. Convulsions. Prichard, Willis, T. of infants. North, J. ■ puerperal. Chaussier. Corns, bunnions and chilblains. Anonymous, Lion. Corpulence, remarks on. Wadd. Cosmetics. Anonymous. Cough, chronic. Buxton. chin and hooping. Fothergill, J. (works,) Millar, Watt. Cow-pox. Addington, Bell, G., Cribb, Moseley. V. Exanthe- mata. Coxalgia. Ford. Craniology. Gall, Blumenbach. Croup. V. Cynanche trachealis. Crystallography. Accum. Cyclopaedia. Rees. 142 Cynanche maligna. Fothergill, J. (works,) Huxham. trachealis. Cheyne, J., Davidson. D. Deafness. Saunders, J. C. V. Ear. Death. Bichat. Deformities of limbs, joints and spine. Beale, Delpech. Delirium tremens. Armstrong, Blake, Sutton. Dentistry. De la Barre, Fox, Koecker, Waite. V. Teeth. Dentition. De la Barre, Fox. Diabetes. Ferriar, Latham, Prout, Watt, R. Diaphragm, rupture of. Fothergill, J., (works.) Diagnosis. Collin, Hall, M., Scudamore, Uwins, Weatherhead, Williams, C. J. B. Diarrhoea. Dewar. Dictionaries. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran^oise, Walker. medical and surgical. American medical Lexicon, Cooper, S., Coxe, J. R.. Dictionnaire des sciences medi- cales, Kendrick, (V. Morris) Lewis, Morris, Parr, Quin- cy, Watt, J. J. botanical. N. Botany. chemical. V. Chemistry. Diet and regimen. Forster, W., Lambe, Mackenzie, Miller, E., Paris, Roberton, Scudamore, Stark. Digestion. Fordyce, G., Leuret and Lassaigne, Moore, Jno., Smith, N. R. Digestive organs, diseases of. Abercrombie, Abernethy, Ayre, Clark, J., Cooke, W., Law, Paris, Scudamore, Trotter. Digitalis purpurea. Beddoes, Hamilton, W., Withering. Dilator. Arnott. Diseases, classification, diagnosis and prognosis, history, pathology and treatment of. V. Diagnosis, Prognosis, Fever, Me- dicine, theory and practice of, Nosology, Pathology, Thera- peutics, ^'C. -- acute and chronic. Adams, J., Armstrong, Broussais, Cado- gan, Clark, J., Lambe, Philip, A. P. W., Sydenham, Uwins. cutaneous. Adams, J., Alibert, Alley, Bateman, Cazenave, Clarke, A., Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Pew, Willan, Wilson, A. P. local. Abernethy. of children. Armstrong, Clarke, Jno., Dewees, Dunglison, Forster W., Gervino, Hamilton, A., Hamilton, J., Herd- 143 man, Hume, W., Miller, E., North, Rosenstein, Ryan, Syer, Underwood, Ware, Watt, R. Diseases of females. Clarke, C. M., Clarke, J., Dewees, Fothergill, j., Gooch, Hall, Hamilton, A., Manning, Mead, (works.) V. Obstetrics and Uterus. of the mind. Armstrong, Arnoldt, Broussais, Burrows, Cheyne, G., Conolly, Cooke, W., Coxe, J. M„ Erskine, Georget, Hallaran, Haslam, Huete, (under Wepfer,) Mar- shall, A., Morison, A., Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Prichard, Reid, J., Rush, Sharpe, Willis, F. - of old age. Carlisle. of seamen and soldiers. Blane, Clark, T., Cutbush, Dewar, Hunter, J., Lempriere, Marshall, H., Northcote, Pringle, Robertson, Somers, Trotter, Van-Swieten. - of tradesmen. Forster, W., Patissier. of East and West Indies and tropical climates. Barnwell, Campet, Chalmers, Chisholm, Clark, J., Clark, T., Cur- tis, Hillary, Hunter, J., Johnson, Jas., Lempriere, Lind, Mosely. London. Fothergill, J. (works,) Willan. Louisiana. Heustis. Madeira. Gourlay. --- United States. Currie, W. Dislocations. Cooper, A., Desault, Earle, Kirby, Pott, Pouteau, Vesalius, Wiseman. Dispensary. Armstrong. Dispensatory. Coxe. J. R., Duncan, Lewis, Thacher, Thomson, A. T. Dropsy. Ayre, Blackall, Cheyne, J., Clarke, A., Ferriar, Fother- gill, J. (works,) Hamilton, W., Monro, D., Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Sydenham, Venables, Withering. Drowning. N. Animation, suspended. Dysentery. Assalini, Bampfield, Bancroft, Dewar, O'Brien, So- mers, Sydenham. Dyspepsia. Woodforde. E. Ear, anatomy, physiology and diseases of. Buchanan, Curtis, J. H., Monro, A. sen., Saunders, J. C., Scarpa, Wright, W. Eau medicinale d'Husson in gout. Jones, E. G. Earth, theory of Cuvier, Knight. Economy, domestic. Sylvester. V. Arts and Sciences. Electricity. Anonymous, Bompass, Cavallo, Elliot. ---- animal. Blumenbach, Valli. 144 .Elephantiasis. Adams. Emetics. Balfour, Fothergill, J., Jeffreys, H. Emphysema. Halliday. Endcrmic application of medicines. V. latraleptique methode. Entomology. Anonymous, Cloquet, H., Kirby, Samouelle, Say, Spence. V. Natural history. Epidemics. Adams, Caldwell, Campbell, Cleghorn, Clutterbuck, Cross, Ferriar, Gordon, Hale, Harty, Hillary, Hippocrates, Huxham, Jackson, R., Maclean, C., Robertson, H., Sims, Sydenham, Wintringham. V. Fever, Plague. Epilepsy. Cooke, J., Fothergill, J., Mansford, Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Epiphora. Ware. V. Eye. Ergot. Dewees. Erysipelas. W eatherhead. Erythema. Weatherhead. Essays, literary, moral and philosophical. Rush, B. Ethics, medical. Castelli, Gregory, J., Lettsom, Percival, T., Weinhart. Exanthemata:- small-pox (variola.) Adams, Jos., Cribb, Fisher, J. D., Kirkpatrick, Lynn, Mead (works,) Monro, A. jr., Mooro, Jas., Sydenham, Thiery, Thomson, J., Willan, R. Coiv-pox (variola vaccina.) Addington, Bell, G., Bryce, Cribb, Cross, Fisher, J. D., Moseley- Chicken-pox (varicella.) Fisher, J. D., Thomson, J. Variola variolodes. Cross, Fisher, J. D., Thomson, J. Measles (rubeola, morbilli.) Armstrong, Mead (works,) Sydenham, Willan, R. Scarlet fever (scarlatina simplex.) Armstrong, Etmuller, Fothergill, J. (works,) Macmichael, Parry, (colls, vols. 1st.) Rosenstein, Willan, R., Withering, W. Scarlatina anginosa. Huxham, Withering. Eye, anatomy and physiology of. Maunoir, Monro, A. sen., Soem- mering, Stratford, Travers. morbid anatomy of. Demours, Wardrop. humours of. Hovius. ■ diseases of. Adams. Beer, Demours, Edmondston, Frick, Lawrence, W., Llovd, Muter, Mackenzie, W., Saunders, J. C., Scarpa, Serny, Stevenson, Stratford. Travers, Un- derwood, Vetch, Wardrop, Ware, Weller, Wenzel. V. Amaurosis, Cataract, Epiphora, Fistula Lachrymalis, Ophthalmia, Staphyloma, Jirtificial pupil, fyc. operative surgery of Guthrie. 145 F. Farriery. V. Veterinary medicine, tyc. Fasciae, anatomical description of. God man. Fauna Americana. Harlan. V. Natural history. Faune des medecins. Cloquet, H. V. Natural history. Fever. Alibert, Armstrong, Balfour, Bellini, Broussais, Brown, J., Burnett, Caldwell, Chalmers, Chisholm, Clark, T., Cleg- horn, Clutterbuck, Cullen, Currie, J., Ferriar, Fordyce, G., Freind, Gamage, Good, Halier, Hamilton, R. D., Hippocrates, Huxham, Jackson, R., Lommius, Lucas, Mead, Miller, E., Mitchel, J., Moore, John, North, E., Park, Jas., Robertson, R., Rush, B., Searle, Sims, Stoker, Strother, Sydenham, Torti, Tweedie, Willis, T., Wil- son, A. P. bilious. Tissot, White, W. gaol, or hospital. Jackson, R., Smyth, J. C. -- intermitting and remitting. Alibert, Balfour, Brachet, Clark, Jas., Cleghorn, Fellowes, Fordyce, G., Griffith, C., Jack- son, R., Lind, Macculloch, Robertson, R., Rush, B., Senac, Somers, Torti, W'ilson, A. P. nervous. Sims. scarlet. V. Exanthemata. typhus, spotted and contagious. Armstrong, Bancroft, Bate- man, Borne, Gamage, Hale, Harty, North, E., Perci- val, E. yellow. Assalini, Bancroft, Blane, Burnett, Caldwell, Carey, Chisholm, Clark, Jas., Currie, W., Dariste, Doughty, Hillary, Jackson, R., Miller, E., Mosely, O'Hallaran, Os- good, Potter, Rush, B., Thomas, Tytler, Wilson, J. puerperal. Armstrong, Campbell, Gordon, Hey, Mackintosh, Manning, Ryan, Weatherhead. nomenclature of. Miller, E. Fistula in ano. V. Anus. lachrymalis. Ware. in perinaeo. Bingham. Fishes. N. Natural history. Eceation, extra-urine. King. Foetus, formation and evolution of. Albinus, Kelly, F., Meckel, F (No. 104, 12mo.,) Soemmering. found in the abdomen of a young man. Highmore. Foetal brain. Tiedeman. Forceps, use and application of. Denman. Formularies. Ellis B., Haden, Lobstein. Pearson. J., Paris. Ra* tier. F 146 Fossils. Barton, B. S., Brongniart, Charleton, Cuvier, Parkinson, Werner. Fothergill, J., life of by J. C. Lettsom. N. Fothergill, works. Fractures. Cooper A., Desault, Earle, Pouteau (works,) Vesalius, Wiseman. V. Surgery. of olecranon and patella. Sheldon. Fumigation in syphilis. Rapou. Fungus haematodes. Cooke, W., Wardrop. V. Cancer. G. Galvanism. Aid ini, Anonymous, Donovan. Gangrene. Underwood. - hospital, phagedaena gangrwnosa. Bell, J. (surgery^ Blackadder, Pouteau, (tome Sine.) Gases. Anonymous. Generation. Couper, Sibly. organs of anatomy, physiology and diseases of. Bell, B., Bingham. Evans, Lallemand, Luxmore, Ramsden, Roberton, Wadd, Wilson, Jas. V. Hydrocele. Ure- thra and urinary organs, Uterus, Venereal, ^c. Geognosic. Cuvier. Geology. Bakewell, Brande, Catalogue 475, Cleaveland, Cony- beare and Philips, Cuvier, Greenough, Hayden, Penn, Phillips, W. Gland, prostate, diseases of. Home, E., Johnston, H. Gleet. Renou. Gonorrhoea. Anonymous, Astrue, Bacot, Bell, B., Blair, Hunter, J. V. Venereal diseases. Gout. Cadogan, Gardiner, Hunt, Jones, E. G., Johnson, Jas., Ken- tish, R., Kinglake, Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Scudamore, Sutton, T. Sydenham, Trotter. Gravel. Johnston, Scudamore. V. Calculus. Gutta serena. V. Amaurosis. Gymnastics. Jahn. H. Habits, influence of, upon man. Cullen, (V. Theses,) Palin. Hare lip. operation for. Kirby, J. Head and neck, surgical anatomy of. Burns, A. diseases and injuries of. Abernethy, Bellini, Dease, Haller. Hill, Larrey, Mead (works,) Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Rich- ter, Stark. Health. V. Hygiene. 147 Heart, anatomy and functions of Le Gallois, Monro, A. sen., Senac, Swan. malformations of. Farre. diseases of. Brown, J., Burns, A., Corvisart, Ferriar, Parry, (colls, vol. 2d.) Senac, Warren. Heat, animal. Bompass, Crawford, Kentish. Hemorrhage. Davidson, Gibbons, Hamilton, W., Jones, J. F., Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) Pouteau, Turner, T. uterine. Burns. Denman, Dewees, Rigby. Hemorrhoids. Copeland, Earle, Home, E., Kirby, J., Larroque, Ware. Hepatitis. White, W. V. Liver. Hernia. Bell, C., Brand, Camper, Cooper, A., Haller, Lawrence, W., Monro, A. jun., Pott, Richter, Scarpa, Stephens, Timbrel, Travers, Wilmer. Hewson, W., memoirs of the life of. By Hewson, T. T. V. Lett- Sam's Hints. Hey, IV., life of. Pearson, J. Hoffmann, life of. V. Hoffmann. Horse, anatomy, physiology and pathology of . Burke. V. Veter- inary medicine and surgery. Hospitals, military and naval. Anonymous, Barton, W. P. C., Blizard, Carter, Cutbush, E., Hawthorne, Hennen, Jack- son, R., Jones, J., Mosely. of continent of Europe. Carter. of London. Anonymous. of France and Paris. Anonymous, Horne, Ratier. of Hamburg. Martens. practice, reports of. Adams, W., Anonymous, Bell, C., Delpech, Duncan, Larrey, Stoker, Stoll, Thomson, J. pupil. Anonymous, Parkinson. Hunter, John, life of. Home, E. V. Hunter, J. Hunter, IV., account of life and writings of. Simmons. Hunterian collection, explanation of. Home, E. Hydrargyria. Alley, Mathias. V. Mercury. Hydrocele. Bell, B., Bingham, Douglas, Jno., Earle, Holbrook, Nannoni, Pott, Ramsden. V. (feneration, organs of. of the neck. Maunoir. V. Bronchocele. Hydrocephalus. Cheyne, Cooke, J., Fothergill. J., Golis. Monro, A. sen. (V. on brain,) Monro, D., Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) Quin, (V. Theses) Yeates. Hydrocyanic acid in gastric and pectoral affections. Elliotson, Hydrostatics. Elliot. 148 Hydrothorax. Maclean, L., Parry (colls, vol. 2d,). V. Chest, diseases of. Hydrophobia. Barry, Bardsley, Ferriar, Fothergill, J., Gillman, Marshall, A., Mead (works,) Parry, Reid, R., Vaughan, J. Hygiene. Anonymous, Buchan, Carlisle, Cheyne, G., Cutbush, E., Forster, W., Jackson, R., Johnson, J., Lind, Lus- combe, Millingen. Parkinson, Plutarchus, Ricketson, Sib- ly, Sinclair, Thornton, R. J., Thomas, R., Tissot, Town- send. Hygrology. Dyckman, Plenck. Hypochondriasis. Johnson, Jas., Mead (works,) Reid, J., Trotter, Whytt, Willis, T., Woodforde. Hysteria. Sydenham, Whytt, Willis, T., Woodforde. I & J. latraleptique, methode. Chrestien, Gerhard, (V. Theses.) Icterus. Gibbons. Impregnation. Couper, Sibly. V. Generation. Infants, diseases of. N. Children. Infanticide. Hutchinson, W. V. Medical jurisprudence. Inflammation. Badham, Bell, B., Broussais, Brown, J., Burns, J., Gendrin, Hamilton, R., Hastings, Herdman, Hunt, Hun- ter, J., James, J. H., Lucas, Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) Scott, Serny, Sutton, Thomson, J. of lungs. Hastings. V. Phthisis. of mammae. Holbrook. V. Mscess, and Breast. - emetic tartar in. Balfour. Inhalation of medicines in diseases of the respiratory organs. Crich- ton, Scudamore. Inoculation of the small-pox. Addington, Bryce, Kirkpatrick, Mead (works,) Woodville. V. Exanthemata. Insanity. V. Diseases of the mind. Insane, asylums for the. Currie, J., Hallaran, Sharpe. Insects. V. Entomology, and Natural history. Institutes of medicine. Boerhaave. V.Medicine, and Physiology. Instruments, surgical. Brambilla, Jardine, Scultetus, Scarpa. Intestines, diseases and injuries of. Bradley, Dunglison, Howship, Johnson, Jas., Travers. V. JLnus. morbid anatomy of. Billard, Monro, A. jun. Iodine. Coindet, Gairdner, Hobson, (V. Theses.) Iris, structure of. Maunoir. V. Eye. Irritation, constitutional. Broussais, Prus, Travers. Jaundice, salivation in. Gibbons. 149 Jawbone, diseases of. Koecker. V. Dentistry and Teeth. Joints, engravings of. Bell, J. diseases of. Beale, Bell, B., Brodie, Cooper, S., Crowther, Ford, Herdman, Jeffrey, Lloyd, Pouteau, Russell, Jas., Scott, J., Wilson, Jas. fractures and dislocations of. Cooper, A., Sheldon. V. Fractures and dislocations. Justice, criminal, in England. Cottu. K. Kidneys. England, Meckel, F. L. Labour pains. Denman, Dewees, Levret. V. Obstetrics. Lachrymal organs, diseases of. Mackenzie, Ware. Lacteals. Monro, A. sen. V. Absorbents, Lymphatics and Tho- racic duct. Larynx and fauces, anatomico-chirurgical views of. W att, J. J. Lazarettos. Russell, P. V. Contagion, Plague, Quarantine. Leech, on the medicinal. Johnson. J. R. Leone, J. B., Carcano, an account of the life of. Scarpa. Lettsom, I. C., memoirs of the life and writings of. Pettigrew. Life, and vital functions. Bichat, Darwin, Le Gallois, Philip, A. P. W., Sibly. V. Physiology. Light, nature of. Bompass. Lithotomy. Arnott, Carpue, Earle, Haller, Muter, Scarpa. Stan- ley. V. Calculus. Lithotritie. Civiale. Liver. Powell, R., Walter, F. A., White, W. diseases of. Abercrombie, Clarke, A., Faithorn, Farre, Gra- ham, Johnson, Jas., Saunders, W., Trotter, Walter, F. A., White, W. morbid anatomy of. Farre. Lunar caustic. V. Nitrate of silver. Lungs, anatomy and diseases of. Davidson, Hastings, Williams. V. Phthisis pulmonalis. Luxations. V. Dislocations. Lymphatics. Bartholinus, Chrestien, Monro, A. sen. V. Absor- bents. M. Madeira. Anonymous. Magnesia. Black, J. Magnetism, animal. Fothergill. Robert. 150 Malaria. Macculloch. Man. V. Natural history and Anthropology. Mania. N. Diseases of the mind. Mania a potu. V. Delirium tremens. Marshall, A., sketch of his life by S. Sawrey. N. Marshall* Marasmus. Ayre. Marryatt, T., life of. V. Marryatt. Materia aliment aria. Forster, Pearson. V. Diet. Materia medica and therapeutics. Anonymous, Barton. B. S., Bar- ton. W. P. C., Chapman, Cullen. Davidson, Eberle, Gray, Hermannus, Kirby, Jereh., Lewis. Marryatt, Moore, Jas., Murray, J. A., Murray, J., Paris, Parry, Pearson, J., Pearson, R., Rutty, Schoepf, Stokes, J., Tazewell, Torti, Townsend, Willis, T. Measles. V. Exanthemata. Medical biography. Hutchinson, B., Lettsom, (V. Hints, 65, 8vo.) Thacher, Wadd. cases and reports. Black, S., Bright, Currie, J., Duncan, A., jun., Home, F., Sutleffe, Watt, W., Willan. education. Anonymous, Nisbet, Parkinson, J. philosophical and vulgar errors refuted. Jones, J. essays, histories and observations. Anonymous, Bardsley, Barnwell, Burnet, W., Caldwell, C., Fellowes, J., Ferriar, Home, F., Johnstone, Lommius, Moore, John, Pearson, J., Pitcairn, Richter, Rush, B., Schenck, Scudamore, Starck, Thiery, Trotter, Tulpius. guide. Hamilton, W., Lobstein, Vandeburgh. jurisprudence. Beck, Chaussier, Cooper, T., Cox, J. M., Dease, Elliotson, Erskine, Farr, S., Fonblanque, Haslam, Hebenstreit, Hutchinson, W.. Mahon, Male, Montmahon, Orfila, Paris, Ryan, Smith, J. G. literature and philology. Astrue, Hutchinson, B., Mor- gagni, Young, T. logic. Blane, Lanza. periodicals. N. Periodical literature. police. Frank, J. P., Hosack, Roberton, Russell. . profession, state of. Anonymous, Jones, R., Uwins. statistics. Chisholm, Mansford, Short, T., Watt, R. • theories. Broussais, Moore, Uwins. topograghy of Ceylon. .Marshall. of Great Britain. Bisset. of Louisiana. Heustis. ■ - ■ of South Carolina. Chalmers. 151 Medical topography of Upper Canada. Douglas. Medicine, theory and practice of. Aitken, Allen, Alpinus, Anony- mous, Boerhaave, Broussais, Brown, J., Buchan, Burseri- us, Celsus, Cheyne, G., Clarke, E. G., Collins, Conring, Coster, Cullen, Currie, W., Dawson, J. P., Dewees, Dun- can, A., Eberle, Etmuller. Forster, Fothergill, J., Frank, P., Galenus, Gregory, G., Gregory, Jas., Haen, Hamilton, R. D., Hippocrates, Hoffmann, Home, F., Hooper, James, Lommius, Macbride, Mackintosh. Manning, Mead (works,) Northcote, Pinel, Pitcairn, Pring, Pringle, Prus, Pujol, Riverius, Rush, B., Schenck, Shute, Stoll, Sydenham, Thiery, Thomas, R., Toulmin, Townsend, Uwins, Van- Swieten, Webster, Wilson, W„ Wintrington, C. jun. certainty of. Cabanis, Coates, B., Miller, E. domestic and popular. Anonymous, Buchan, Forsyth, Par- kinson, Jas., Thomas, R., Toulmin. history of. Black, W., Broussais, Cabanis, Duncan, A., Hillary, Lettsom, Manning, Millar, R., Sprengel, Uwins, Walker, R. military. Hunter, J., Jackson, R., Lempriera, Millingen, Pringle. philosophy of Duncan, A., Thornton, R. J., Wilson, W. pneumatic. Anonymous, Ferriar. statical. Sanctorius, Stark. study of Boerhaave, Conring, Good, Hoffmann, (V. Con- ring,) Nisbet, Parkinson, J, Melanosis. Fawdington. Membranes. Bichat. mucous, anatomy and pathology of. Badham, Bichat, Billard, Christie, Williams, C. J. B. Mercury, action of. Alley, Carmichael, Mathias, Swan. Metaphysics. Gregory, John, Haslam, Huet, Tupper. V. Phren- ology. Midwifery. V. Obstetrics. Milk, treatise on. Ferris. Miller, E., life of, by S. Miller. V. Miller, E. works. Mind, physiology and pathology of. Willis. T. V. Diseases of mind. Mineral waters. Falconer, Mackenzie, P., Rutty, Scudamore. Mineralogy. Accum, Berzelius, Buffon, Cleaveland, Dumeril, Jameson, R., Kidd, Lowry, Owen, Phillips, W., Wil- liams, J. dictionary and nomenclature of. Aiken, Allan, T. Monro, JI. sen., life of, by Ji. Monro, jun. V. Monro, Ji., sen. works. 152 Morbus coxarius. Ford. Morphia. Deguise. Moxa. Pouteau (tome ler.) Muscles, anatomy and functions of. Barclay, Bell, J., Cloquet, J.. Cowper, W. F., Douglas, Jas., Innes, Monro, A. sen., Ravius, Willis, T. Myology, N. Muscles. N. Naevus mat emus. Cooke, W. Nature, book of. Good. Natural history. Anonymous, Barton, Buflbn, Dumeril, Fourcroy, Linne, Reeve, Smellie, Spallanzani, Walker. of amphibia. Cloquet, H., Cuvier, Griffith, E., Reeve. of birds. Buflbn, Charleton, Griffith, E., Linne, Reeve. of insects. Anonymous, Charleton, Cloquet, H., Kirby, Samouelle, Say, Spence. of fishes. Charleton, Cloquet, H., Cuvier, Griffith, E., Monro, A. sen. of man. Blumenbach, Hunter, J., (V. Theses,) Law- rence, W., Lignac, White, C. of plants. V. Botany. of quadrupeds. Aristotle, Barton, B. S., Buffon, Camus, Charleton, Cloquet, IL, Cuvier, Darwin, D'Azara, Desmoulins, Dumeril, Griffith, E., Har- lan, Lawrence, W., (V. Blumenbach,) Linne, Reeve, Spallanzani, Stewart, C., Tyson, White, C. -- of testacea. Brookes, Dubois. of Madeira. Gourlay. of Pennsylvania. Barton, B. S. philosophy. Anonymous, Cavallo, Elliot, Ewing, Gregory, G., Hauy, Laplace, Nicholson, Nollet, Parkes, S., Priest- ley. Neck, anatomy, diseases and injuries of. Burns, A., Haller. Necrosis. Crowther, Russell, J. V. Bones. Nerves and nervous system, anatomy and physiology of. Bell, C., Cloquet, J., Cooke, John, Desmoulins, Douglas, Jas., Flourens, Johnstone, Jos., Monro, A. sen., Moore, John, Pouteau, Pring, Reil, Serres, Spurzheim, Swan, Trotter, Vicq d'Azyr, Vieussens, Walter, J. G., Willis, T. . diseases and injuries of. Cooke, J., Johnson, Jas., Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) Prichard, Pring, Reid, J., Stark, Swan. Trotter, Whytt. 153 Nervous energy. Searle. irritability. Johnston, Janies. ■ temperament. Trotter. Neuralgia. Macculloch, Parry, (colls, vol. 1st,) Scudamore, Teale. Vide Tic douloureux. Neutral salts of plants. Fothergill, J. Nipple sore. Underwood. V. Obstetrics. Nitrate of silver in strictures of urethra and oesophagus,, wounds and ulcers. Andrews, Higginbottom, Luxmore. Nitre in hemorrhagy. Gibbons. Nitrous acid in lues venerea. Currie, J. vapour against contagion. Smyth, J. C. Nose, anatomy of Watt, J. operation for artificial. Carpue. Nosology. Broussais, Burdin, Cullen, Dawson, Good, Pinel, Reid, R., Tazewell, Wintringham. Nursing. Anonymous, Johnson, J. R., Parkinson. O. Obesity, remarks on. Wadd. Obi, or .African ivitchcraft. Mosely. Obstetrics. Aitkin, Bard, Barlow, Baudelocque, Bland, Burns, J., Chaussier, Clarke, John, Davis, Denman, Dewees, Forster, Granville, Hamilton, A., Hunter, W., Kelly, Levret, Merriman, Power, Pouteau (tome 3me,) Ramsbotham, R.yan, Smellie. Ophthalmia. Adams, Assalini, Edmondston, Hewson, T., Jeffreys, Lloyd, Macculloch, Vetch, Ware. V. Eye. Opium. Brachet, Elliottson, Johnstone, (69, 8vo.) Leigh. Vide Materia medica. Opossum, generation of. Barton, B. S. Optics. Elliott, Priestley, Reade. Orthomorphie. Delpech. V. Deformities. Osteogenia. Albinus, Kerckring, Nesbitt. V. Dones. Osteographia. Cheselden. V. Bones. Osteology. V. Bones. Ovaria diseased, extirpation of. Lizars. P. Paralysis. Cooke, J., Ferriar, Fothergill. J., Macculloch, Parry, (colls, vol. 1st.) X. 154 Paris, medical guide to. Ratier. Parturition. Bland, Denman, Dewees, Levret, Ryan. Vide Ob- stetrics. Par vagum nervse. Walter, J. G. Passions, physiology of. Alibert. -- influence of in diseases. Mead, (works.) Pathology. Abercrombie, Andral, Broussais, Camper. Chisholm, Cruveilhier. Davidson, Farce, Lallemand, Mackintosh, Morgagni, Nichol!, W., Orfila, Parry, Priug. Ribes, Twins, William, C. J. B., Wilson, Audw. Anatomy, morbid; Diseases, fyc. of brain and nervous system. Willis, T. of human fluids and vascular system. Dyckman, Plenck, Stark, W ilson, James. of liver. Farre. of mucous membranes. Bichat, Billard, Christie. of tubercles. Baron. of venereal affections. Travers. Paupers, laics of Massachusetts relative to. Leavitt. Pelvis, anatomy and diseases of. Camper. V. Anatomy, Bones, Obstetrics. Percussion. V. Auscultation. Periodical and medico-periodical literature. V. Periodical Litera- ture. Peritonitis. Sutton. V. Fever, puerperal. Perspiration, insensible. Cruikshank, Miller, E. V. Skin. Pestilence, and pestilential diseases. V. Plague. Pertussis. V. Cough. Phagedxna gangraenosa. Blackadder. Pharmacology. Gray, Paris. Pharmacopoeias. Graves, Gray, Maugham, Phillips, R« Rennie, Stocker, Turnbull, Tuthill, Wilson, James. V. Pharma- copoeias and Dispensatories. Pharmacy. Brande, Horne de, Murray, J., Thomson, A. T. -■ danger of copper and bell metal in. Blizard. Philosophy, moral and political. Alibert, Paley. Plegmasix. Broussais, Cullen, Prus. V. Fever, Inflammation. Phlegmon. Weatherhead. Phrenic nerve. Walter, J. G. Phrenology. Abernethy, Combe, Gall, Gordon, J., Mackenzie, G., Tupper. Phthisis pulmonalis. Armstrong, Baumes, Beddoes, Bourne, 155 Buxton, Crichton, Davidson, Duncan, A., Louis, Fo- thergill, J., Hastings, Pouteau, Reid, J., Southey, Watt, R., Woolcombe, Young, T. Vide Lungs, Inflamma- tion. Physiognomy. Abernethy, Anonymous, Camper, Gall, Lava- ter. Physiology. Abernethy, Adelon, Barthez, Bichat, Blumenbach, Bostock, Broussais, Bywater, Chevalier, Cullen, David- son, Dawson, Desmoulins, Dewar, Dutrochet, Elliot, Haller, Hooper, Lallemand, Lawrence, Leber, Le Gallois, Leurett et Lassaigne, Mayo, H., Orlila, Parry (colls, vol. 1st.) Philip, A. P. W., Plenck, Pring, Richerand, Sand- with, Shute, Spallanzani, Uwins, Vaughan, W. V. Ani- mal economy, hea^, life; Anatomy, Respiration, Galvan- ism, Generation, Impregnation, Life and Vital functions, ^c. vegetable. V. Botany. Plague. Armstrong, Assalini, Bancroft, Caldwell, Carey, Chis- holm, Faulkner, Fellowes, Ferriar, Granville. Maclean, C., Mead (works,) Mosely, Russell, P., Sydenham, Tul- ly. Fever, yellow; Contagion. Pleura, diseases of. William, C. J. B. Poisons, animal, mineral and vegetable. Accum, Adams, Christi- son, Fontana, Johnstone, John, Mead (works,) Montma- hpu, Orlila, Searle. V. Contagion, Medical jurispru- dence. Polypi. Rees, G., Levret, Richter, Walter, F. A. Pott, P., account of the life of, by Sir J. Earle. V. Pott, P, ivories. Pringle, Sir John, life of, by A. Kippis. N. Pringle. Prisons. Mosely, Tupper. Prognosis. Alpinus, Duretus, Hippocrates, Lavy, Uwins. Prolapsus uteri. Rees, G. V. Uterus. Prostate gland, diseases of. Home, E., Johnston, H. Prussic acid in pulmonary complaints. Granville. Pulse. Bellini, Falconer, Lavy, Parry. Pupil, artificial. Adams, W., Guthrie, Muter. Purgative medicines. Hamilton, Jas. Q. Quadrupeds. V. Natural history. Quarantine. Granville, Hancock, Mead (works,) Russell, P. V Contagion; Fever, yellow; Plague. 156 R. Rachitis. Hamilton, R., Pouteau, Weatherhead. Rectum. V. ^nus, Intestines. Respiration. Bell, C. (under nervous system, No. 99, 4to.,) Bos- tock, Bree, Carson, Causer, Coleman, Cruikshank, Good- wyn, Moore, John, Parry (colls, vol. 2d,) Saint-Hilaire, Spallanzani, Swan. V. Physiology. Rhetoric. Holderus, (V. Wepfer.) Rheumatism. Balfour, W., Brown, J., Johnson, J., Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) Scudamore. Rickets. V. Rachitis. S. Sarcocele. Bell, B. V. Testes; Generation, organs of. Saunders, J. C., life of, by J. R. Farre. V. Saunders. Sciatica. Fothergill, J., Macculloch, Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) V. Gout. Science, universed. Anonymous. Scirrhus. V. Cancer. Scirrhous, liver. Farre. --- pylorus. Ferriar. tumours. Hamilton, R., Lambe, Nooth. V. Tumours. uterus. Pouteau (tome ler.) Scrofula. Beddoes, Carmichael, Coindet, Crowther, Hamilton, R., Herdman, Lambe, Lloyd, Mead, Underwood, Wise- man. Scurvy. Bampfield, Lind, Mead, Trotter, Willis, T. Sea-sickness. Miller, E. Senna, different species of. Nectoux. Senses, pleasure of. Rush, B. Senses, of hearing and smelling. Scarpa. Sensibility, morbid, of stomach and bowels. Johnson, Jas. Sibbens. Adams, Hill, Jas. Skeleton. Paulus, Wilson, Jas. V. Bones. Skin, anatomy and functions of. Chevalier. V. Perspiration. ■ diseases of. V. Diseases, cutaneous. Sol-lunar influence in fevers. Balfour, F. Sore throat. Fothergill, J., Huxham. V. Scarlatina and Scarla tina anginosa under Exanthemata. Speech, impediments of, or stammering. McCormack Spinal cord, diseases of. Abercrombie. 157 Spine, curvatures and diseases of. Beale, Bradley, Brodie (in dis- eases of the joints,) Earle, Jarrold. Staphyloma. Richter. V. Eye. Stomach, pathology and diseases of. Abercrombie, Billard, Gra- ham, Johnson, Jas., Miller, E., Monro, A. jun., Trot- ter. Stone. V. Calculus. Stramonium, extract of. Kirby J. Strictures of oesophagus. Andrews, Home, E. of colon and rectum. Howship. V. Unus. of urethra. Andrews, Anonymous, Arnott, Bingham. Home, E., Johnston, H., Luxmore, Renou. Sugar. Mosely. Sulphureous waters. Armstrong, J. Surgery, theory and practice of. Abernethy, Aitken, Anonymous, Bell, B., Bell, C., Bell, J., Boyer, Burns, J., Cooper, A., Cooper, S., Delpech, Desault, Dorsey, Gibson, Gooch, B., Haller, Heister, Larrey, Latta, Manning, Munro, Pelle- tan, Pott, Pouteau, Richter, Schmucker, Vesalius, White, R. dental. V. Dentistry, Teeth. military and naval. Hennen, Larrey, Mosely, Northcote, Thomson, J., Turnbull. pathological and operative. Allan, Averill, Bell, C., Bell, J., Boyer, Delpech, Edwards, Howship, Jardine, Led ran, Sabatier. dictionary of. Cooper, S. V. Dictionaries. history of. Hunt, Sharp, S. Surgical cases, essays and observations. Abernethy, Barlow, Bell, C., Bromfield, Cooper, A., Earle, H., Hey, W., Hill, Howship, Hutchison, Jeffreys, Kirby, J., Led ran, Maiden, Richter, Sutleffe, Travers, Wadd, W., Warner, W'ilmer, Wiseman. instruments and bandages. N. Instruments. Sydenham, T., life of, by G. Wallis. V. Sydenham works, ed. Wallis. Sympathetic, (great) nerve. Walter, J. G. V. Nerves. Sympathy, morbid. Wilmer, Wilson, Andrew. Syphilis. V. Venereal. - diseases resembling. Abernethy? Adams. Vide Mer- cury. T. Tabes, dorsalis. Neale, H. St. 158 Tar vapour in phthisis, Crichton. Teeth, structure and diseases of. Bew, Blake, R., Duval, Fox, Hunter, J., Koetker, Rousseau. Temperature, influence of, on health. Miller, E. Vide Cli- mate. regulated in cough and consumption. Buxton. Terra japonica. Fothergill, J. Testes, diseases of. Bell, B., Bingham, Ramsden, Wadd, AV. V. Generation, organs of. Tetanus. Morrison, J.. Parry, Reid, Swan. Therapeutics. V. Materia medica. Thermometer. Martine. Thoracic duct. Bartholinus, Monro, A. sen., Walter, J. G. • viscera. Monro, A. jun. Tic douloureux. Bew, Fothergill, J., Hutchinson, B., Maccul- lo( h, Parry (colls, vol. 1st,) Scudamore. V. Nerves, Neu- ralgia. Tinea capitis. Bateman, Alibert, Cooke, W., Luxmore. V. Dis- eases, cutaneous. Toxicology. Orfila. V. Poisons. Tracheotomy. Richter. Travels. Humboldt, Nectoux, Spallanzani. Trepan, operation of. Bell, C. Tubercles and tuberculated accretions of serous membranes. Baron, V. Phthisis, Pathology. Tumours. Abernethy, Baron, Bell, J., Burns, J., Lambe, Nooth, Vesalius, Wiseman. V. Cancer, Scirrhus, Scro- fula. U. Ulcers. Bell. B., ITigginbottom, Home, E., Lambe, Underwood, Vesalius, Wiseman. Urethra, diseases of. Abernethy, Arnott, Bell, C., Bingham, Home, E., Renou. V. Strictures; Urinary organs; Generation, organs of. Urinary organs, diseases of. Bell, C., Falconer, Home, E., How- ship, Lallemand, Parry (collections,) Prout, Wilson, James. Urine, (including retention and incontinence of.) Bellini, Bing- ham, Willis, T. Uterus, diseases of. King, J., Merriman, Parry (colls.,) Rees, G. - anatomy of gravid. Bunrs. J., Hunter. W. 159 Uterine hemorrhage. V. Hemorrhage', Foetus; Generation, organs of; Obstetrics. Uva ursi in phthisis. Bourne, Ferriar. V. Vaccination. Adams, Brown, T., Coxe, J. R., Cross, Fisher, Mon- ro, A. Jun., Moore, Jas., Pew. V. Inoculation; small-pox under Exanthemata. Variola. V. Exanthemata. Vascular system, physiology and surgical pathology of. Wilson, James. connection between nervous system and. Swan. Vectis. Denman. Veins. Breschet. Vide Arteries; Blood vessels; Vascular sys- tem. varicose. Home, E. Venxsection. V. Blood-letting. Venereal disease. Abernethy, Adams, J., Astruc, Bacot, Bell, B., Blair, Carmichael, Chrestien, Currie, J., Ferriar, Hewson, T., Howard, Hunter, J., Jourdan, Lawrence, W., Mead, Pearson, J., Robertdn, Swediaur, Thiery, Thornton, R. J., Travers, Wiseman. Veterinary medicine and surgery. Burke, Causer, Taplin. Vital principle. Le Gallois. W. Water, decomposition of Trotter. preservation of, at sea. Trotter. in fever. Currie, J. sulphureous. Armstrong. White swelling. Bell, B., Crowther, Ford, Herdman. V. Joints, Scrofula. Withering, W., memoir of the life of. V. Withering. Works, collected. Baillie, Brown, J., Cullen, Desault, Fothergill, J., Gooch, B., Hippocrates, Hoffmann, Mead, Miller, E., Monro, A. sen., Parry, Pujol, Riohmus, Rivenus, Schmu- cker, Stark, Vesalius. Worms in the human body. Bremser. Wounds, nature and, treatment of. Bell, J., Burns, J., Dease, Gooch, Haller, Higginbottom, Larrey, Vesalius, Wiseman. gun-slot. Guthrie, Hunt, Hunter, J., Larrey, Neale, Wiseman. V. Surgery, military. 160 Hounds, of intestines. Travers. Wry-neck. Kirby, J. Y. Yaws. Moseley. Z. Zoology. Cloquet, H., Cuvier, Darwin, Desmoulins, Dumeril, Fleming, Griffith, E., Lawrence, W., Stewart, C. INDEX 11 Being a classified view of the subjects of the inaugural theses con- tained in this Library. I. Anatomy and physiology. Absorbing vessels. Winterbottom. Absorption. Daingerfield, Klapp, J. Rousseau, Smith, E. D., Wil- son, G. ■" cuticular. Woodward. Air, effects of, upon living animals. De-Butts, S., De-Witt, Harts- horne. Analogy between plants and animals. Selby. Analogy between viscera, glands and ulcers. Weiss. Animal electricity. Parker, F. fat. Lindh. heat. Saunders,. Animals, torpidity of. Reeve. Bile, secretion, functions and diseases of. Grieve, Moore, W., Ramsay, R., Roebuck. Blood, circulation of. Lardner, Thebisius. combustible substance of. Skey. putrefaction of Ferris, Seybert. - conversion of chyle into. Hutchinson, J. vitality of. Caldwell, C., Martin. Blood-letting. V. Plebotomy under Surgery. Blood-vessels, equilibrium of. Webster, C. irritability of. Dennison. Body, mutual subserviencies of the different parts of. McCall. height, its causes and effects. Weise. Brain. Nihell. lymph of. Teichmeyer. valve of. Teichmeyer. Cellular membrane. Hiilsebush. Chyle. Burmann, Hutchinson, J. Coeliac artery. Walther. Cold. N. Heat. Conception. Merriman, Mitchell, S. L., Newcomb V. 162 Crystalline lens. Walther. Digestion. Dillon, Glover, Rush, B., Spencer, Stevens, E., Swift. Usher, Young, J. R. structure of. Hughes, R. P., McLoughlin, Simpson, E. V- Vision. Fibra matrix. Walther, A. F. Foetus, human. Rankine, J., Vogel. nutrition of. Evans, J- parental duties to. Schwencke. respiration of. Elliot, T. C. Gastric juice, lithontriptic properties of. Dorsey. Habits and physical causes, operating upon the constitution of man. Cullen, H., Darlington, Haxby, Rivinus. Hearing and sound. Fen-Sleigh, Somers, E. Heart, palpitation of. Locock. Heat and cold, operation of on the human system. Carnie, Cullei, A., Huth, Stock, J. E., Tucker, W. jun. Imagination. Lidderdale. Integuments of the human body. Sacrelaire. Kidneys. Anonymous. Leucophlegmatic temperament. Unthank, J. Life,principle of. Baker, Macrery, May, F., Sawyer, Textor. stages of. Bryanton. Liver. Drysdale. Man, varieties of. Hunter, J. Membrane, cellular. Hiilsebush. Membrana tympani. W'alther.. Menstruation. Coe, Everett, McDonald, B., Martley, Peronneau, Phene, Whiteford. Mesentery, the seat of numerous disorders. Riicker. Mind and emotions of mind, operating upon man in health and in disease. Brevant, Holland, Parrish, Rose. V. Mental affections under Medicine. faculties of. Lee, J. Muscular action. Buddeus, Smith, T. fibres, non-existence of, in the vessels. Post. Nervous system. Dunbar, Steward, C. and vascular systems, reciprocal action of. Luzuriaga. Nutrition. Wade, Young, J. K. Oxygen, operation of on the human body. De-Witt. Pain, sensation of. Monteith, Morton, S. G. 163 Perspiration. Agnew, Hamilton, Wilson, H. B., Yule, Phrenology. Turner, G. Placenta. Jeffray. Pus, secretion of. Morgan, J., Romayne. Respiration, function of. Buchanan, Dvising, Elliot, C., Gallaway, Roe, Trent. Salivary duct of Coschwiz. Haller, A. Sanguification. V. Blood and Chyle. Secretion, glandular. Hendy, Jac. of bile, chyle, menstrual fluid, perspiration, pus, semen, tears, fyc. V. respectively. Semen. V. Testes. Sensation and motion. Hart, J. Sensations elementary, of music. Odier. Skin and touch. Walsh, L. Sleep. Bardsley, Cleghorn, B. Speech. Hoefer. Sterility of women. Naboth. Stomach, structure and muscular action of. Ewell, Riielk Sympathy. May, A. Tears. Schreiber. 'Testes et Semen. Monro, A. Thymus gland. Bid loo. Vesiculae seminales. D'Oyley. Vis medicatrix naturae. Pugh. Vision. De-Butts, Dudley, J., Fox, F. Viscera, influence of, on fluids. Arnoldt, J. G. Voice. Fox, E. L. II. Materia medica, therapeutics and botany. A. Materia medica and therapeutics. Jibsorption of medicines. V. Medicines. Amyris gileadensis. Le Moine. Arsenic. Potter, N. Astringents, vegetable. Walker, J. M., Willis, J., Woodhouse^ Bath, warm. Lockette. Blisters, issues and setons. Claiborne, Cochlovius, King, R. Camphor. Church, J. Cantharides. Gough, Lenaeus. Cinchona. Klock, Lee, A., Nelson, W., Pulteney. 164 Cinchona and Cornus florida, similarity between. Walker, J. M. Climate, change of, in the cure of diseases. Gregory, J., Jenks, G. S. Coffee, as a beverage. Sparschuch. CM, externally applied in fevers. Savin. V. Medicines, Hater. Cornus florida et seriacea. V. Cinchona. Datura stramonium. Cooper, S. Dietetics. Stanger. V. Dress, Exercise, Food. Digitalis purpurea. Burwell, Hen<ly, J. A., Moore, J. Dress. Gibbons, J. II., Hughes, S. Dulcium usus et abusus. Claud er. Elalerium. Everhard. Electricity in medicine. Haliday, Hall, J., Hall, R. W. Emetics. Stuart, J. G., Wilkins. Endermic application of medicines. V. Medicines. Esculent fruit. Salberg. Exercise. Cockburne, Dittmar, Hutchison, C., Johnstone, G., Lado, Tucker, S. Flagellation, medically considered. Wedel. Food. Bartram, Haentschel, Oehrquist, Schoder, Vigelius, We- denberg. Iodine. Hobson. Iron, medical properties and use of. Madison, Wright. Lead, medical properties of. Lilie, Semines. Lithontriptic virtue of gastric juice. Dorsey. Magnesia alba. Black, J. Medicines, absorption of. Geddy, Hodge, B. G., Walmsley. endermic application of. Gerhard, Jackson, H., Selig. modus operandi of. Wyatt. selection of, suited to the individuality of the sick. Simp, son, A. Meloe vesicatoria. V. Cantharides. Mercury. Douglas, Gwen. in dysenteries. Hou'ston. in fevers. Camp, Stuart, J. Mineral walers. Gmelin, Schurer, Seaman, Tennigs. Music, curative and. palliative influence of, in diseases. Atlee, Ma- thews. Nitric and oxygenated muriatic acid in diseases. Prioleau. Nux vomica. Alm. Opium. Carter, R., Handy, H., Laws, Preen, J., Scott, F., Wil- son, D. 165 Opium, in diseases of lying-in women. Gartshore. in syphilis, Thomassen, E. J. Opobalsamum. V. Amyris gileadensis. Persimon tree. Woodhouse. Phytolacca decandra. Schultz, B. Poly gala senega. Massie. Primus Virginiana. Morris. Purgative medicines. Stafford. Quassia wood. Blom. Phus vernix, fyc. Horsfield. Sedatives. Berkeley. Spigelia Marilandica. Thompson. Stimulants. Lynch, S. M. Stramonium. V. Datura stramonium. Tobacco-fumes in asphyxia from drowning. Legare. sternutatory. Plaz. Uva ursi. Mitchell, J. S. Water, cold, external use of. A thill, Traill. Wine. Wainman. B. Botany. Africa, rare plants of. Printz. Aloes. Jacobi. Alstroemeria. Falck. Arbutus uva ursi and Pyrola umbellata. Mitchell, J. S. Artemisia. Hermann. Bignonia catalpa, Linn. Homes, R. Botany, reformation of. Reftelius. Botanical nomenclature. Berzelius, Elmgren. Cimicifuga. Hornborg. Colonise plantarum. Flyare. Cryptogamia. Berlin. Erica. Dahlgren. Flora Belgica. Rosenthal. Danica. Holm. Jamaicensis. Sandmark. Prussica. Helwig. Fructification. Graeberg. Kalmia. Thomas, G. G. Kamschatka, rare plants of. Halenius. 166 Lavendula. Lundmark. Laurus. Brockenbrough, A.jun. Ledum palustre. W estring. Liriodendron tulipifera. Rogers, P. K. Lupulus communis, Bryarly, Deroches. Magnolia. Floyd, Price. Marum. Dahlgren. Melia azedarach, Linn. Duvall. Nectaries of flowers. Hall, B. M. Nicotiana tabacum. Linn. Brailsford. Norway, rare plants of. Tonning. Physiology, vegetable. Bell, G., Bose, M. C., Vaillantt Phus vernix. Horsfield. Sanguinaria Canadensis. Downey. Surinam, plants of. Alm. Swietenia soymida. Duncan, A. Natural philosophy, natural history and chemistry- Acetic acid. Worthington. Air. Jackson, G., New. - water and situation. McFaiu Animals, torpidity of. Reeve, H. Attraction, chemical. Keir. Caloric. Lindsay. Carbonic acid gas. Bache, W., Johnson, J., Emmett. Carbonates of lime, magnesia and potash. Archer. Dyes, vegetable. Joerlin. Eclipsis Sinica. Bayerus. Electricity. Hall, J., Waugh. Evaporation. Paterson. Fermentation. Lister, Pennington. Fire. Cleghorn, W. Fossils. Lerche. Intestinal worms. Duncan, J., Palmer, Wallis. Light. Wilson, A. Lumbricus terrestris. Green. Nature, economy of. Wilcke. Nitric acid. Neale. Oxalic acid. Perry. Silkworm. Lyman- 167 Vapour, ascension of. Black, S. Water, composition of. Kirkaldie. IV. Theory and practice of medicine. Amenorrhoea. O'Meagher, Spens. Angina pectoris. Crawford, S., McFarlane, Molison. Anasarca. V. Dropsies. Apoplexy. Andrews, Angus, Annan, Clark, J. F., Eggert, John- ston, J., Lamb, Scarlett, Thomas, G. Ascites. V. Dropsies. Asphyxia. Anonymous, Goodwyn, Hare, McDonell, Oswald, Stokes, Walther. Asthma. Abernethie, W., Brown, B. L., Cuppies, McTaggert, Melliar, Plumb, Wilson, J. Bilious fever. V. Fever. Catarrhus. Barrow, Crompton, Duncan, J., Fordyce, G. Chlorosis. Hahnbaum. Chorea. V. Nervous diseases. Cholera. Anonymous, Dickson, Kellie, Lyons. Colica. Lynch, J. Warneford, Younge, W. Colica pictonum. Ferrye, Prendergast, Reid, J. Contagion. Anonymous, Condict, Johnson, P., Owen, H. Crisis and critical days. Elliott, Orpen. Cutaneous diseases. Astbury, Sommer. V. Exanthemata. Cynanche trachealis. Caldwell, C., Crawford, T., Cookson, David- son, Donovan, Gray, McDonald, T., Johnson, T., John- ston, J., Mackie, Mease, A., Monro, G., O'Callaghan, Taylor, H., Taylor, W., Walker, Yelloly. Death, sudden. Rush, J. Delirium tremens. Carter, J. Diabetes. Boyd, Elliott, J., Eskine, P., Mann, Washington. Diarrhoea. Addie, Caldwell, C., Gilliam. Disease, influence of in the cure of others. Alexander. change of life, a cause and cure of. Budaeus. Diseases of a sedentary life. Potter, J., Stewart, A. unity of. May, A. Dropsies. Allston, Howard, W. jun., Monro, D., Robertson, W.f Scott, A. D. Anasarca. Bennett, Cumming, Langlands, Maclarty, Smyth, J. C. Ascites. Fitzpatrick, Mair, Moorhouse, Spooner, Vize* 168 A. Hydrocephalus. Armstrong, A., Caldwell, C., Pon ell, Quin, Rowan, Schultz, J. D., Sheehy, Wacker. B. Hydrothorax. Allenby, Brown, G. C., Campbell. J., Crawford, J., Hill, C., Johnston, J., McCarthy, Wil- son, J. Dysentery. Archer, N., Bay, Blundell, Brown, C., Carpenter, Champneys, Creager, Fisher, J., Hoskins, McKenzie, McCambridge, Peacock, Peyton, Quackenbos, Rodgers, Stewart, R. S., Tice, Wardrop, Wilson, J. Dyspepsia. Brody, Foreman, McKeogh, O'Connor, Proctor, Scott, J. N. Emetatrophia. Fabricius. Enteritis. Archer, J. II., Drav. Epilepsy. V. Nervous diseases. Erysipelas. V. Exanthemata. Exanthemata. Erysipelas. Dale, Gourlay. Purpura. Cheyne, C. C. hemorrhagica. Austin, Bateman, Cock, Web- ster, J. Rubcola. Gibbings, Leonhard, Roberts, Santes, Wil- son, T. Scarlatina. Fairnbairn, Hodge, M. L., McGrath, Rus- sell, T. anginosa. Coventry, Lynch, G., William- son, Williman. V. Cynanche trachealis. Variola. De Courcy, Fergus, Fowler, Jameson, R., Little, McCartney, McFie, Nibbs, Parker, M., Proutfit, D., Ryan, Scott, J., Young, W. Fever. Anonymous, Arnold, S., Bain, Bell, J., Gilchrist, Hut- chinson, J., Monro-Drummond, Morton, A., O'Regan, Ro- gers, J., Shaw, W. ■ bilious. Ashton, H., Cooke, Cunningham. continued. Middleton, Mitchell, J., Withers, T. hectic. Jagoe, Mackenzie, K. intermittent and remittent. Ashton. Brandreth, Collier, Hal- pin, Harte, Home, F., Lind, J., Ramsay, J., Rosset. nervous. Nugent, Steptoe. puerperal. Burke, Fulhame, Keary, Lynch, F., Mitchell, G. E., Roche, Slaughter, Stevenson, G. P. scarlet. N. Scarlatina in Exanthemata. • typhus. Blest, Buckley, Clarke, J., Ffirth, Hill, J. P., Kidd, Kirby, R., McCarthy, D., Paton, Routh, Scutt, B., Wood, T. 169 I'evcr, yellow. Chaiwill, Fisher, E., Jenks, Kina;, March, Sheriff Watts. Framboesia. McPherson. Gout. Anonymous, Cocke. V. Rheumatism and Podagra. Heart, organic diseases of. Foster, G. Hectic fever. V. Fever. Hemorrhage. Hemoptysis. Bloodgood, Forster, Harnish, Patten. Hemorrhoids. V. Surgery. Menorrhagia. Brown, W., Forrester, Jackson, A. R., Sayers. Hepatitis. Beech, Devereux, Fyfe, Giraud, Graham, G., Keating, Logan, Love, McCay, Millar, J., Scott, R., Smith, J., Stock, T., Willan. Hydrocephalus. V. Dropsies. Hydrothorax. V. Dropsies. Hydrocele. V. Surgery. Hypochondriasis. Gibbons, W., Stark, Turner, W. Hysteria. N. Nervous diseases. Hysteritis. Ogilvie. Icterus. V. Jaundice. Idiocy, Alpine. Reeve. Incubus. N. Oneirodynia in nervous affections. Infants, diseases of. Jameson, J. Influenza. Johnston, R. Insanity. N. Mental affections. Intermittent fever. N. Fever. Intemperance. Maitland. Jaundice. Anonymous, Darling, Drummond, Holdsworth, Kerr, Maxwell, Norcom. Jurisprudence, medical. Duncan, A., Goodwyn. Leprosy. Smith, A. Leucorrhcea. Crowther, Shore. Lientery. Scanlan. Mania a potu. N. Delirium tremens. Measles. N. Rubeola in Exanthemata. Medicine. Schreiber. study of. Galbraith. Medical police. Formento, Marshall. theories of Brown, Cullen, Darwin, Rush. Rees. topography of Lexington, (Ky.} Dudley, B. W. Z 170 Medical topography of Mississippi, Louisiana, §-c. Pendergrast. Melxna. Bryan, O. A. Menorrhagia. V. Hemorrhage. Menstruation, diseases of. Coe, McDonald, B., Martley, Perom- neau, Phene. Mental affections. Bryan, D., Campbell, A., Cutbush, Latham. Osborne, Russell, J., Shaw, W., Wistar. Nephritis. Donnaldson. Nervous affections. Chorea. Ewart, Robertson. Epilepsy. Brown, T., Daily, Johnston, P. B., Millar, D., Otto. Hysteria. Caldwell, J., Woolcombe. Oneirodynia. Bond, Unthank, J. Nervous fever. V. Fever. Nosology. Riddell, Schroeder. Paralysis. Duncan, W., Jones, T., Wardrobe, Willis, T. Peripneumonia notha. Brown, R. vera. Mosely. V. Pneumonia. Pertussis. Fairtlough, Galley. Phrenitis. Berry, Burnside. Phthisis pulmonalis. Anonymous, Backas, Bellinger, Corp, Dray- ton, Furnivall, Hallilay, Henderson, J., Kentish, Lardea, Meredith, Mitchell, J., Moorehead, T., Murray, J., Rut ter, Sheils, Shadwell. Physconia splenica. Miller, E. Plague. Jenks, P. Pleuritis. Proudfit, J., Wilson, S. Pneumonia. Bell, T., Cryan, Forsythe, Galway, Henderson, G., Ingham, Jackson, J., Jones, Moorhead, C., Nimmo, Ridg- way, Smith, R., Taylor, G., Thomas, T., Wordingham. Podagra. Foster, J., Lynch, D. Poisons and antidotes. Frese, Houlston. Prognosis. Brown, P. Puerperal fever. V. Fever. Purpura. V. Exanthemata. Remittent fever. V. Fever. Rheumatism. Clerk, D., Cocke, Cowling, Evans, G., Gould, James, North, E., Rankin, Sime, Smith, J. P., Trotter, Vernon, Wolsely. Scarlatina. V. Exanthemata. Scrofula. Graham, Keddie, Pearson- 171 Scurvy. Brereton, Hardyman, Home, J. Spleen, enlargement of. V. Physconia splenica. Syncope. Hare. V. Asphyxia. Typhus fever. V. Fever. Yellow fever. V. Fever. Vaccination and inoculation. Anonymous, Best, Calden, Lardner, Manning, St. Clare. Vapours. Wistar. V. Surgery. Abscess, lumbar. Beckwith. Amaurosis. Maguire, Paley, Reid, J., Ross, A. Aneurism. Frampton, Townsend. Bite. Bohle. Bladder, diseases of. Hartmann. Brain, concussion and compression of. Hicks, Nicholson. Bronchocele. Scott, R. W. Calculus. Anonymous, Jacobs, Kind, Lanphier, Millet, Ziegen- horn. Cancer. Clerke, J., Hopkins. Cataract. Cleaver, Hannath, Lander, Seip. Caries of spine. Blackburn. Contusions of head. Simmons. Crystalline lens, opacity of. Kirby, J. extraction of. Borthwick. Cystirrhoea. Parnham. Fractures. Black, R., Parker, J. Gangrene. Huger. hospital. Gregory, J. Gonorrhoea. Johnston, G., Stevenson, C. G. Hemorrhoids. Blake, H., Claxton, Schmid. Hernia. Gartley, Robinson. Hydrocele. Jones, S. Hydrophobia. Brockenbrough, Chapman, Heysham, Hooper, Mease, Inflammation. Cocke, J., Coxe, J. R., New, Teucher, Willes. Ophthalmia. Blackman, Brown, F. F., Griffiths. Phlebotomy. Blackmore, Burne, F., Halkerston, Rogerson. Rickets. Barton, W., Cheyne, J., Moore, S., Nooth. Syphilis. Bretton, Elcock, Harrison, Lind, J., Mahony, Tongue. Walsh, P. P. 172 Syphilis without mercury. Bartlet. Tetanus. Anonymous, Burton, F., Holmes, A. F., McCormick, May. F., Munro, Rossiter, Walrond. Ulcers. Armstrong, J. Urethra, stricture of. Crawford, J., Foushee. Urine, suppression of. Buck. Uterus, ulcer of. Broughton, W. carcinoma of. Fairbanks. Wounds. Dewar. of head. Askham, Coward. of intestines. Smith, T. poisoned. Acrell. VI. Obstetrics. Children, management and diseases of. Carter, B., Jameson, J. Labour and parturition. Dewees, Gibbon, J., Miller, P., Threi- plant. Lying-in women, diseases incident to. Gibbons, J. Midwives, errors of. Bose.' V. Amenorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Menstruation. Conception, Foetus, Carcinoma uteri, $-c. under the heads of Anatomy and Physiology, and Theory and Practice of medicine. VIL Miscellanea. De Literis in ligno fagi repertis. Kulmus. De imitatione, Scott, R. De itinire in Chinam. Sparrmann. Phenomenon singulare de malo pomifcra, ^-c. Ixstatt. Vegetable market. Jerlin. Theses on legal subjects. Campbell, R., Gordon, Kennedy, Mackin- tosh, Murray, P., Ray, Ross. D., Stevenson-Rogers, Stra chan, Wallace. ERRATA. Page 5, line 24 from top, for medicins, read medecins. 16, " 2 from bottom, for intestionaux, read intestinaux. 17, " 5 & 8 from bottom, for medicine, read medecine. 23, "12 from top, for enceintes, read enceintes. 29, "19 from bottom, for treatise, read practice. 32, " 4 from bottom, for e, read a. 33, "18 from bottom, for medicins, read medecins. 39, " 5 from top, for Frark, read Frank. 41, " 9 from bottom, for medecins, read medecin. 44, "18 from bottom, for schirrus, read scirrhus. 53, " 9 from top, for hydroden, read hydrogen. 56, " 16 from top, for etiZam, read etiam. 58, " 23 from bottom, for Observationem, read Observa tionum. 61, " 17 from bottom, for anatomie und physiologic, read Anatomie und Physiologic. 61, "15 from bottom, for organe, read Organe. 71, " 5 from top, for 1872, read 1827. 71, "11 from top, for ornamental, read ornamental. 73, " 6 from bottom, for 1830, read 1831. 76, " 16 from bottom, for medicine, read medecine. 81, " 14 from bottom, for causes, read causas. 81, " 12 from bottom, for se, read ac. 82, "15 from bottom, for Searle, read Searle. 88, "19 from bottom, for indentity, read identity. 89, " 6 from top, for Pharmacopioeas, read Pharmaco- poeias. 105, "12 from bottom, for Leipsiae, read Lipsiae. 105, " 3 from bottom, for tabucum, read tabacum. 109, "17 from top, for a?ris, read aeris. 110, " 14 from bottom, for seve, read aere, and for «reo. read aereo. 112, " 5 from top, for noxia, read noxio. 114, " 23 from bottom, for scirro, read scirrho. 115, "18 from bottom, for eoelo, read coelo. 174 Page 116, a 4 from top, for Joonston, read Johnston. 117, " 16 from bottom, for pala?dum, read paludum. 128, " 8 from bottom, for aiscribenda, read adscribenda. 141, " 8 from top, for putonum, read pictonum. 144, " 22 from top, for Mooro, read Moore. 145, " 20 from bottom, for Borne, read Borne. 146, " 16 from bottom, for Astruc, read Astruc. 147, " 16 from top, for Hewson, T. 1\ read T. T. Hewson. 150, " 14 from bottom, for Montmahon, read Montmahou. 150, " 12 from bottom, for Astrue, read Astruc. 151, " 13 from top, for Wintring/on, read Wintringham. 151, " 20 from top, for Lempriera, read Lempriere. 154, " 4 from top, for nerva?, read nerve. 167, " 12 from bottom, for Eskine, read Erskine. 168, " 13 from top, for Draw, read Drew. 168, " 22 from bottom, for Faimbairn, read Fairbairn. 168, " 16 from bottom, for Pron^fit. read Proudfit.