■~*W*£ tv CATALOGUE OF BOOKS BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE efoiral anir C|irargital jfao% MARYLAND BALTIMORE: JOHN W. WOODS, PRINTER. 1852. ^L CATALOGUE. A. I U* »^ "VAbercrombie, John. Pathological and Practical Researches on the Dis- '^ .U ' eases of the Stomach, the Intestinal Canal, the C Apr " Liver, and the other Viscera of the Abdomen. & _ Philadelphia. 1830. 1 v. "£l------------------ Pathological and Practical Researches of the Dis- eases of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Philadel- ^ phia. 1831. 1 v. j, __________ ---- Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. Edinburg. 1831. 1 v. T. Abernethy, John. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Surgery. New York. 1830. 1 v. r__________ ---- Lectures on Anatomy, Surgery and Pathology; (/ / . r A"' >i t\\\ including Observations on the Nature and Treat- ment of Local Diseases; delivered at St. Barthol- omew's and Christ's Hospitals, &c. Boston. 1825. 2v. J"__________ ____ Surgical Observations on the Constitutional Origin ~&T^ /$'£'£> ^ /i*- Z "7 and Treatment of Local Diseases ; and on Aneu- risms. (Monographs, vol. 31.) Boston. 1832. / ,- V-' "' ___ Surgical Works. London. 1816. 2 v. &f»Afitl* -\JAdams, W. Treatise on Artificial Pupil. London.1819.lv. ■TAddiso'n, Thomas Observations on the Diseases of Females, connected U with Uterine Irritation. London. 1830. 1 v. V .________ ______ and John Morgan. An essay on the Operation of 4 Poisonous Agents upon the Living Body. London. 1829. (Monographs, vol. 4.) Ainslie, W. Materia Indica; or an account of the articles employed by the Hindoos and other Eastern Nations, in Medicine, Arts and Agriculture; with Names of Diseases, List of Oriental Books, &c. London. 1826. 2 v. /"Alcock, Thomas. Lectures on Practical Medical Surgery. London. r.'/fY» ^ 1831. 1 I 0& CATALOGUE ■& f$h Alcock R. Notes on the Medical History and Statistics of the British Le- 0. gion of Spain. London. 1838. 1 v. U Aldis, Charles. On Glandular Diseases. London. 1832. (Mono- ^. graphs, vol. 32.) lr£M C&r\ Alison, W. P. Outlines of Pathology. Edinburg. 1833. (Gift of Dr. ^ V * E. Geddings.) 1 v. —— Outlines of Physiology; with an appendix, contain- | u" pJj^ ftW4 &4'*-i .'%*j 7 ing heads of Lectures on Pathology and Thera- | ^ peutics. London. 1831. >lv- AjC^l---- ---- Supplement to the Outlines of Physiology. Lon- F 1^ don. 1836. *[j Allen, M. Cases of Insanity, with Medical, Moral and Philosophical Observations and Essays upon them. London. 1831. 1 v. Amesury, Joseph. Nature and Treatment of Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities. (13 plates.) London. 1831. 2 v. Lf American Quarterly Retrospect. July, 1847 to October, 1848. 1 v. (_j American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Vols. 1 to 26, Nov., 1827 to August, 1840. 26 v. If----------Edited by Isaac Hays. (New Series.) Vols. 1 to 21. Jan- uary, 1841 to April, 1851. 21 v. \\ American Medical Intelligencer. Edited by R. Dunglison. Vols. 1 to 4. April, 1837 to March, 1841. 4 v. ^----------New Series. Vols. 1. July, 1841 to June, 1842. J v. ^American Journal of Dental Science. Vols. 1 to 4. 4 v. ]':<■'>■ \% $ ^- £ Amussat. Lectures on Retention of Urine, and on Diseases of the Pros- tate. (Monographs, vol. 9.) Andral, G. On Epidemic Influenza. Philadelphia. 1838. (Mono- graphs, vol. 18.) r ]4a*4 I ^ 4TJ----------Treatise on Pathological Anatomy. From the French, by R. Townsend and W. West. Dublin. 1829. 2 v. j \/\~--------^^e Clmique Medicale, or Reports of Medical Cases. Con- T densed and translated by D. Spillan. London. 1836. 1 v. ■----------Medical Clinic, or Reports of Medical Cases; containing Diseases of the Encephalon. Condensed and translated by D. Spillan. Philadelphia. 1838. 1 v. L------- « « « « 1 v L----------Medical Clinic ; Diseases of the Abdomen. Translated by D. Spillan. Philadelphia. 1843. 1 v. i\----------Medical Clinic ; Diseases of the Chest. Translated by D. Spillan. Philadelphia. 1843. 1 v. 4 Vf~----------0n lhe Treatment of Typhoid Fever by Purgatives. (Mon- ographs, vol. 18.) i »•" Annan Samuel. Disputatio Medica Inauguralis, Q,uadam de Apoplexia CATALOGUE. 5 Sanguinea Complectens. (Monographs, vol. 4.) Edinburgh. _ 182°- |^. Annan, Samuel. Address delivered to the Graduates of Washington Medical College. Baltimore, March 7, 1834. (Monographs, vol. 4.) Baltimore. 1834. ' , Annesley, James. Sketches of the most prevalent Diseases of India; comprising a Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera of the East, &c, &c. 1 v. "T Appeal to the People of Pennsylvania, on the subject of an Asylum for the Insane Poor. Philadelphia. 1841. (Monographs, vol. 14.) J. Aran, F. A. Practical Manual of the Diseases of the Heart, and the Great Vessels. Translated by W. A. Harris. Philadelphia. 1843. 1 v. A.ret.eus. Of the causes and signs of Acute and Chronic Diseases. From the Greek, by T. F. Reynolds. London. 1837. 1 v. --------- Of the causes and signs of Acute and Chronic Diseases. | From the Greek, by T. F. Reynolds. Philadelphia. 1841. (Monographs, vol. 39.) fT5 ft if Aristotelis Historia de Animalibus. Julio Csesare Scalegero inter- prete, cum jusdem commentariis. Tolosae. 1619. Folio. 1 v. '■Armstrong, John. Memoirs of the Life and Medical Opinions of; to which is added an inquiry into the facts connected with those forms of Fever attributed to Malaria. By Francis Boott. London. 1833-4. 2 v. / f^"----'---------Lectures on Morbid Anatomy, Nature and Treatment r*' of Acute and Chronic Diseases. Edited by Joseph Rix. London. 1834. 1 v. J^---------------" « " Philadelphia, 1837. 1 v. ,. Ashwell, Samuel. Practical Treatise on the Diseases peculiar to Wo- /} ^ItrvW / £ V $T men. With Notes by Paul Goddard. Philadel- 0ui llMf phia. 1838.lv. —— ----- On Incision in cases of Occlusion and Rigidity of the Uterus. (Monographs, vol. 8.) ■ Astruc, John. Treatise on all the Diseases incident to Women. Lon- /c«vW nm, don> 1743 i v. 7 Asylum for the Insane, near Frankfort, Pa.; an Account of the present ^ state of. Philadelphia, 1816 to 1838. 1 v. T Atkins, Dudley. Medical and Surgical Cases and Observations, with L» plates. New York. 1834. (Monographs, vol- 32.) 1* 6 CATALOGUE. B Babbagk, Charles. Reflections on the Decline of Science in" Enghmu\ and on some of its Causes. London. 1830. 1 v. Babington, Benj. On the Morbid Conditions of the Blood. (Mono- graphs, vol. 18.) Philadelphia. 1838. Baillie, Matthew. The Morbid Anatomy of some of the most import- ant parts of the Human Body. Philadelphia. 1820. 1 v. L----------------" " Albany. 1795. 1 v. ^ Ball John. The Modern Practice of Physic; or, a method of judicious- . "1-- ly treating the several Disorders incident to the Human Body. London. 1760. 2 v. (Gift of Dr. S. T. Knight.) Balling all, Geo. Outlines of the course of Lectures on Military Sur- , ,. -f -^ ^ yj~ gery, delivered in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1833. 1 v. ) Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal and Review. Edited by E. Geddings. Vols. 1 to 4. 4 vols. Bampfield, R .W7. Essay on Curvatures and Diseases of the Spine, in- IU_«v, |,; and 20. Paris. 1831. 2 v. __________ ______ On Spasmodic Cholera. New York. 1832. (Mon- ographs, vol. 3.) Brown, S. Dentologia; a Poem. New York. 1840. (Monographs, vol. 26J Brown, Joseph. Medical Essays on Fever, Inflammation, Rheumatism, [^ Diseases of the Heart, &c. London. 1828. I v. Brown. John. The Elements of Medicine; with large notes, illustrations and comments by the Author; with observations on the y * character and writings_(rf the Author, by Thomas Beddoes. 'TMuZK. Philadelphia. 180flv.'J Browne, W. A. F. On Insanity and Asylums for the Insane. Edin- \\ burgh. 1837. 1 v. Buckland, Wm . Geology and Mineralogy, considered with reference to Natural Theology. Sixth Bridgewater Treatise. Philadelphia. 1837. 1 v. Bulletin of Medical Science. Edited by John Bell. Vol. 1. Jany. 1841 to Oct. 1842. 1 v. 12 CATALOGUE. LA Bulletin of Medical Science. Vols. 1 to 4, Jany. 1843 to Dec. 1846. 4 v. [ Burgess, Thomas H. The Physiology and Mechanism of Blushing. London. 1839. 1 v. "f Burne,John. Practical Treatise on the Typhus or Adynamic Fever. London. 1828. 1 v. Z-----------Treatise on the Causes and Consequences of Habitual Con- ,— stipation. Philadelphia. 1840. 1 v. /..-----------Principles of Surgery. London. 1831. 2 v. ^-----------On Diseases of the Caecum, and Appendix. (Monographs, \\* vol. 18) Burns, John. Principles of Surgery. London, 1831. 2 v. ^ v Burrows, Geo. M. Commentaries on the Causes, Forms, Symptoms /;, (Y<|Ct| and Treatment, Moral and Medical, of Insanity. London. 1828. 1 v. T $• v»k i^"? Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. London. 1826. I v. -j Bushnan, John S. On the Surgical Restoration of the Nose, and on the 14 Removal of Polypi and other Tumours from the Nostrils. From the German of Dr. Diffenbach of Berlin ; with the History and Physiology of Rhinoplastic Operations. Lon- don. 1833. 1 v. ^ Byrne, B. M. An Essay to prove the Contagious Character of Malig- nant Cholera; with brief instructions for its prevention and cure. Baltimore. 1833. 1 v. Lv I r tt y |flA . i Cabanis, P. J. G. Rapports du Physique et du Morale de l'Homme. Paris. 1815. 2 v. (Gift of J. Neal, Esq.) j /m. 1^ Calvert, George. Practical Treatise on Haemorrhoids, Strictures and £,«&fVs/) ' ' **-/ other important Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. Lon- T don. 1834. 1 v. ^(Calvert, Geo. H. Illustrations of Phrenology. Baltimore. 1832.lv. Qampbell, Wm. and A. D. Introduction to the Study and Practice of f ifeCV^ ' Midwifery. Edinburgh: 18:43. 1 v. V\. . ' , "£, Ca rbutt, Edward. Clinical Lectures in the Manchester Royal Infir- mary. London. 1834. 1 v. ""£ Carey, Matthew. Account of the Malignant Fever in Philadelphia, &c, &c. Philadelphia. 1794. (Monographs, vol. 36.; (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) Carmichael, Andrew. Memoir of the Life and Philosophy of Spurz- heim. Boston. 1833. 1 v. \ catalogue. 13 Li l/V I I Carmichael, Richard. On Venereal Diseases, and the Uses and Abuses of Mercury in their Treatment; with five plates. London. 1825. 1 v. --------------------Observations on Callis's Work on the Venerea! Disease. Philadelphia. 1838. (Monographs, vol. 18.) lj Carpenter, Geo. W. Essays on some of the most Important Articles of the Materia Medica. Philadelphia. 1831. 1 v. Carpenter, Wm. B. Inaugural Dissertation on the Physiological Infer- ences to be deduced from the Nervous System of , the Invertebrated Animals. Edinburgh. 1839.lv. [f-----------------« » » (Monographs, vol. 8.) , ——----■---------Principles of General and Comparative Physiology. 1 v. Ij------•-----------Elements of Physiology; including Physiological Anatomy. Philadelphia. 1846. 1 v. fa-----------------On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. Phil- adelphia. 1 v. J Carson, J. An Inquiry into the Causes of Respiration, of the Motion of the Blood, Animal Heat, Absorption and Muscular Motion ; with Practical Inferences. London. 1833. 1 v. (, Carswell, Robert.* Illustrations of the Elementary Forms of Disease. Seven Fasciculi, published May, 1835. London. 1834-5. 1 v. Cartwright, Saml. A. Pathology and Treatment of Cholera Infantum. (Monographs, vol. 4.) Carus, C. G'. Med. and Phil. Doct. Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Animals. With twenty plates. From the Ger- man, by R. T. Gore. London. 1827. 2 v. Casanova, J. N. General Observations respecting Cholera Morbus. Philadelphia and Baltimore. 1834. 1 v. Caswell, Charles. The Physiology of the Organ of Hearing ; its Pa- thology, and the treatment of the injuries and diseases to which it is liable. London 1833. 1 v. Cazenave, A and H. E. Schedel. Practicaly Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases, from the most celebrated Authors; and particu- larly from documents afforded by the Lectures of Dr. Biett, Physician to the Hospital of St. Louis, Paris. Philadelphia. 1829. 1 v. Celsus, Aur. Cor. On Medicine. (Latin and English.) With a Life of the Author, &c, &c, by A. Lee. London. 1831. 2 v. Chailly, M. Practical Treatise on Midwifery. Translated from the French, and edited by G. S. Bedford. New York. 1844. 1 v. Chalmers, Rev. Thos. On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, 2 4 I I 14 catalogue. as manifested in the adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. Philadelphia. 1833. 1 v. (First Bridgewater Treatise.) L Channing, W. A Treatise on Etherization in Childbirth. Illustrated by five hundred and eighty-one cases. Boston. 1841. 1 v. '; Chapman, Nathaniel. Lectures on the more important Eruptive Fevers, Haemorrhages, and Dropsies; and on Gout and Rheumatism, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1844. 1 v. -------------------Lectures on the more Important Diseases of the Thoracic and Abdominal Viscera. Philadel- phia. 1844. 1 v. --------------------Elements of Therapeutics and Materia Medica; to which are prefixed two Discourses on the History and Im- provement of the Materia Medica. Philadelphia. 1827. 2 v. / Chelius, J. M. A System of Surgery. From the German, with addi- tional notes and observations, by J. F. South. Philadelphia. 1847. 3 v. Chervin, N. Examen des Principes de l'administration en Ma-" tiere Sanitaire, au reponse au discours prononce a la Chambre des Deputes le 31 Mai, 1826, par M. de Boisbertrand. Paris. 1827. ----------- Rapport lu a l'Academie Royal de Medecine, dans les Seances des 15 Mai et 19-Juin, 1827, au nom de la Commission Chargee d'Examiner les Docu- ^» 1 ments de M. Chervin, concernant la fievre jaune, et accompagne des remarques par le Docteur Chervin. Paris. 1828. I,----------- De l'Opinion des Medecins Americains sur la con- tagion, ou la non contagion de la fievre jaune, par -v N. Chervin. Paris. 1829. /_, Cheselden, W. The Anatomy of the Human Body. London." 1756. 1 v. (Gift of Dr. S. T. Knight.) ^ Cheyne, J. Cases of Apoplexy and Lethargy; with Observations on the Comatose Diseases. London. 1812. 1 v. -----------Essays on the Diseases of Children ; with Cases and Dis- sections. Quarto. Edinburgh. 1801. 1 v. Chomel, A. F. Elements of General Pathology. From the French, by F. E. Oliver, and W .W.Morland. Boston. 1848. 1 v. Christison, Robert. Treatise on Poisons, in relation to Medical Juris- prudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic. Edinburgh. 1829. 1 v. ~~----------------" " " Philadelphia. 1845. 2 v. -------------------On Granular Degeneration of the Kidneys, and I l}Jk CATALOGUE. 15 its connection with Dropsy, Inflammation, and other Dis- H LcLoh^V eases. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. Christison, Robert. A Dispensatory ; or Commentary on the Pharma- copoeias of Great Britain and the United States. Second L$ edition, revised and enlarged. Bv R. E. Griffith. Philadel- phia. 1848. 1 v. ^ Churchill, F. Outlines of the Principal Diseases of Females. Phila- / delphia. 1839. 1 v. ---------- — Observations on the Diseases incident to Pregnancy and T7" Childbirth. Philadelphia. 1840. 1 v. ----------— On Diseases of Infants and Children. Philadelphia. W ^\jJa^ tlL.0 0* culiar to Women. Philadelphia. 1850. 1 v. Civiale, M. The Medical and Prophylactic Treatment of Stone and - Gravel; with a Memoir on the Calculi of Cystine. l\ Translated by H. H. Smith. Philadelphia. 1841. 1 v. ----------- " Philadelphia. 1841. 1 v. H (Gift of Dr. Atkinson.) f Clanny, Wm. R. Lectures on Typhus Fever. London. 1828. I v. >«- Wv^ Clark, John. Practical Essays on the Management of Pregnancy and Labor; and on the Inflammatory and Febrile Diseases of Lying-in Women. London. 1806. 1 v. T Clarke, James. The Influence of Climate in the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases, more particularly of the Chest and Digestive Organs. London. 1830. I v. /-------- ---- Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption; comprehending an inquiry into the causes, nature, prevention and treatment of Tuberculous and Scrophulous Diseases in general. Philadelphia. 1835. 1 v. L-------------The Sanative Influence of Climate; with an account of the best places of resort for Invalids, in England, the South of Europe, &c, &c. Philadelphia, 1841. (Gift of Dr. Atkinson.) (Monographs, vol. 33.) 1, Clarke, Sir C. M. Observations on those Diseases of Females, which are attended by Discharges. Illustrated by copperplates. Parts 1 and 2. 2 v. 'id Clement, Wm. J. Observations on Surgery and Pathology, with cases, &c. London. 1 v. j, Clo Davy, John. Researches, Physiological and Anatomical. Philadelphia. 1840. 1 v. ~f. LDavy, Sir H. Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing, in a series of Conver- sations ; with some account of the Fishes belonging to the genus Salmo. Philadelphia. 1832. 1 v. De Foe. History of the Great Plague in London, in the year 1665; containing observations and memorials of the most remark- able occurrences during that dreadful period. London. . * 1832. 1 v. ^It^f*^id^ Delafield, John. An Inquiry into the Antiquities of America; with Vsl 4 £ *F w^k an Appendix of Notes, and a view of the causes of the the superiority of the men of the Northern over those of the Southern Hemisphere. By James Lakey. New York. 1839. 1 v . Dendy, W. C. The Phenomena of Dreams and other .Transient Illu- sions. London. 1832. 1 v. /y____________Treatise on the Cutaneous Diseases incidental to Chil- dren. London. 1827. 1 v. ____________Practical Remarks on the Diseases of the Skin, on the external signs of Disorder, and on the Constitutional Peculiarities during Childhood. London, 1837. 1 v. j____________« « « (Monographs, vol. 14.) 1 Philadelphia. 1841. 1i u 20 CATALOGUE. *' ^ ,_ Desault, P. J. Treatise on Fractures, Luxations, and other Affections f^y, lb'J of the Bones. Edited by Xav. Bichat. From the French, by Charles Caldwell. Philadelphia. 1811. I v. DesrueLles. H. M. J. Memoir on the Treatment of Venereal Disease without Mercury, employed at the Military Hospital of the Val-de-grace. From the French. To which is added Guthrie, G. J., Observations on the Treatment of Venereal Disease without Mercury. Edited by Isaac Hays. Phila- delphia. 1830. 2 v. Dewees, Wm. P. Treatise on the Physical and Medical Treatment of Children. Thipd edition. Philadelphia. 1 v. L)-------------Practice of Physic. " 1830. 2 v. T,--------------Treatise on the Diseases of Females, second edition. v Philadelphia. 1828. 1 v. i ■ /1* ^ /£ *~~—r_ 3-----Compendious System of Midwifery ; illustrated by 1 3- / occasional cases, with engravings. Philadelphia. 1828. 1 v. -------Essays on various subjects connected with Mid- wifery. Philadelphia. 1823. 1 v. I, Dick, Robert. On Derangement of the Organs of Digestion. Phila- delphia. 1842. 1 v. ) , Dickson, S. H. On Dengue; its History, Pathology, and Treatment. (Monographs, vol. 11.) Philadelphia. 1839. Diffenbach, Doct. On Surgical Restoration of the Nose, &c. (See Bushman, John S.)' i) TGJYt^ Dionis, M. Anatomy of Humane Bodies. London. 1716. 1 v. (Gift /6c)r 'W,1 'W ofDr.H. Webster.) 7" Dispensatory, New Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1786. 1 v. (Gift of Dr. H J P. Cockey.) "7. Dispensatory of the United States of America. By G. B. Wood andF.Bache. Philadelphia. 1833. 1 v. 7 Dispensatory,by John Q,uincey, in four parts, containing: 1st. The Theory of Pharmacy and the several Processes therein. 2d. A Description of the Officinal Simples ; with their virtues and preparations, Galenical and Chymical. 3d. The Officinal Compositions, according to the last alterations of the College, &c. 4th. Extemporaneous Prescriptions, &,c. London. 1722. 1 v. . **- (Gift of Dr. Thos. C. Atkinson.) ': -fc, omy, with 51 plates. London. 1726. I v. (Gift of Dr. Joshua I. Cohen.) Drake, Daniel. Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America. Cincinnati. 1850. 1 v. ur ^ u CATALOGUE. 21 U Drake, Daniel. The Northern Lakes, a Summer Residence for InvaUds from the South. Louisville. 1842. (Monographs, vol. 24.) AA?'Dubois, M. Report on Animal Magnetism. Philadelphia. 1838. (Mon- ographs, vol. 18.) Ducamp Theodore. Treatise on Retention of Urine caused by Stricture in the Urethra; and of the means by which obstructions of this canal may be effectually removed. New York. 1827. 1 v. '<■ Dublin Hospital Reports. Vols. 1 to 5. 5 v. Duffin, E. W. The Influence of Modern Physical Education of Fe- males, in producing and confirming Deformity of the Spine. New York. 1830. 1 v. Dunbar, J. R. W. Essay on the Structure, Functions, and Diseases of the Nervous System. Philadelphia. 1828. (Gift of Dr. Samuel Baker.) (Monographs, vol. 1.) / Dunglison, Robley. Human Physiology; illustrated by numerous en- gravings. Philadelphia. 1832. 2 v. ------------------A New Dictionary of Medical Science and Litera- ture. (Gift of the Author.) Boston. 1833. 2 v. ------------------On the Influence of Atmosphere and Locality ; Change of Air and Climate ; Seasons; Food; Clothing; Bathing; Exercise; Sleep; Corpo- real and Intellectual Pursuits, &c, on Human Health; Constituting Elements of Hygiene. (Gift of the Author.) Philadelphia. 1835. 1 v. ------------------General Therapeutics, or Principles of Medical Practice; with tables of the cheap remedial agents and their preparations ; and of the differ- ent Poisons, and their Antidotes. Philadelphia. 1836. 1 v. jl^f^Z.----------------Observations on the Condition of the Insane Poor. * * (Monographs, vol. 19.) Philadelphia. 1839. Dupuytren, Baron. Clinical Lectures on Surgery, delivered at Hotel Dieu, in 1832. From the French, by A Sidney Doane. New York. 1833. 1 v. E. A V Earle, Jas. W. A New Exposition of the Functions of the Nerves. Part 1st. London. 1833. 1 v. / Eberle, John. Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia. 1831. 2v. -------- ---- Treatise on the Diseases and Physical Education of .\ Children. Cincinnati. 1833. 1 v. 22 CATALOGUE. V Eclectic Repertory and Analytical Review, Medical and Philosophi- cal, by a Society of Physicians. Vols. 1 to 10. October, 1810, to July, 1820. Philadelphia. 10 v. /Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Edited by John Bell. Vols. 1 to 4. H November, 1836 to October, 1840. 4 v. Edwards, W. F. On the Influence of Physical Agents on Life. From the French, by Drs. Hodgkin and Fisher. Lon- don. 1832. 1 v. — ------ (Monographs, vol. 31.) lliotson, John. On the recent improvements in the art of distinguish- ing various Diseases of the Heart. (With 8 plates.) London. 1830. 1 v. ---- ---- Human Physiology. London. 1835. 2 v. --------------- Principles and Practice of Medicine, developed in a course of lectures delivered at University College. Lon- don, 1837. London. 1839. 1 v. ?. Ellis, Benjamin. The Medical Formulary; being a collection of Pre- scriptions from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent Physicians in America and Europe. Philadelphia. 1829. 1 v. Ellis, Sir W. C. Treatise on the Nature, Causes and Treatment of Insanity. London. 1838. 1 v. J England, Wm. Observations on the Functional Disorders of the Kid- neys, which give rise to the formation of Urinary Calculi. London. 1 v. , Esq.uirol, M. Observations on the illusions of the Insane, and on the Medico-Legal question of their confinement. From the French, by Wm. Siddell. London. 1833. 1 v. f"------------On the Mental Diseases. A Review of; from the Edin- burgh Medica] and Surgical Journal. (Monographs, vol. 9.) Essays on Physiology and Hygiene. Philadelphia. 1838. (Mono- graphs, vol. 6.) Essay on the Climate of the United States. Philadelphia. 1833. (Mono- graphs, vol. 4.) Evanson, R. T. and H. Maunsell. A Practical Treatise on the Man- * f '■'< - agement and Diseases of Children. Dublin. 1836. 1 v. r Evers, P. The Student's Compendium of Comparative Anatomy. Phil- adelphia. 1839. (Monographs, vol. 15.) Faraday, Michael. Chemical Manipulations; being instructions on the methods of performing Experiments of Demonstration, or of Research, with accuracy and success. Edited by J. K. Mitchell. Philadelphia. 1831. 1 v. CATALOGUE. 23 I l^y Farr, W. Formulary of New Medicines. Philadelphia. 1838- (Mono- graphs, vol. 18.) r Faithhorn, John. Facts and Observations on Liver Complaints and Bilious Disorders. Philadelphia. 1822. 1 v. (Gift of Dr. J. Fonderden.) V^Favell, Chas. F. On Spasmodic Cholera. London. 1832. (Mono- graphs, vol. 3.) Ferguson, Robert. Essays on the most important Diseases of Women. Part 1st. Puerperal Fever. London. 1839. 1 v. *£ Ferriar John. Medical Histories and Reflections. Philadelphia. 1816. "^KSmteuchtwanger, L. Treatise on Gems. New York. 1838. 1 v. yf Fitch, S. S. A System of Dental Surgery. New York. 1829. 1 v a . r Fletcher, R. Sketches from the Case Book, to illustrate the influence of the Mind on the Body. London. 1833. 1 v. "yy Fletcher, John. Rudiments of Physiology. Edinburgh. 1837. 1 v. ^ Floyer, John. <£APMAKO-BA2ANO£; or the Touchstone of Medi- MV cines ; discovering the virtues of Vegetables, Minerals and Animals, by their Tastes and Smells. London. 1687. 1 v. (Gift of Jos. Neal, Esqr. T------------ -vpTXPOAOTSIA ; or the History of Cold Bathing, both Ancient and Modern ; in two parts. The second part treat- ing of the genuine use of Hot and Cold Baths ; together with the wonderful effects of the Bath Water, drunk hot from the pump in Decayed Stomachs, and in the worst dis- eases of the Bowels, Liver, Spleen, &c, &c. Also, proving that the best cures done by the cold bath are lately observed to arise from the temperate use of the hot baths first. To which is added an Appendix. The Second Part is by Ed- ward Baynard. London. 1732. I v. (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) / • Foissac, M. P. Rapports et Discussions de I'Academie Royale de Med- ecine sur le Magnetisme Animal. Paris. 1833. 1 v. / Forbes, John. A Manual of Select Medical Bibliography; the books ar- ranged chronologically and according to the subjects. Lon- don. 1835. 1 v. Fordyce, George. Five Dissertations on Fever. Boston. 1815, 1 v. ---------------" " " Philadelphia. 1846. 1 v. Fourcroy, A. F. Systeme des Connaissances Chirniques, et des leurs ', l' " / '.■■-.-( applications aux phenomenes de la Nature et de l'Art. Paris. An. ix. 5 v. (Gift of Dr. R. A. Durkee.) » --------- --- Elements of Natural History and Chemistry. London. Lf «■ i hT l*)H' 9 179°- 3 v- (Gift of Dr- Thomas Owings.) 24 CATALOGUE. Freckleton. George. Outlines of General Pathology. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. Frick, George. Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye, including the Doc- trines and Practice of the most eminent modern Surgeons, and particularly those of Professor Beer. Baltimore. 1823. 1 v. Frick. Charles. Renal Affections; their Diagnosis and Pathology. Philadelphia. 1850. 1 v. Friend, John. Emmenologia; in qua Fluxus Muliebris Menstrui Phce- nomena, Periodi, Vitia, Cum Medendi Methodo ad Rationes Mechanicas exiguntur. ;-------------" " (Gift of Dr. J. T. Knight.) London. 1752. 1 v. G. Gall, F. J. On the Functions of the Brain and of each of its parts; with observations on the possibility of determining the in- stincts, propensities and talents, or the moral and intellectual dispositions of men and animals, by the configuration of the brain and head. From the French, by W. Lewis. Boston. 1835. 6 v. ) Gallois, M. le. Experiments on the Principle of Life, and particularly of the principle of the motion of the Heart, and on the seat of this principle. Translated by N. C. and J. G. Nancrede. Philadelphia. 1813. 1 v. | Gariot, J. B. Treatise on Diseases of the Mouth. Baltimore. 1843. (Monographs, vol. 27.) V Gaubius, H. D. Institutiones Pathologise Medicinalis. (Gift of Dr. J. *! / ' ' ' H. Briscoe.) LeidaB Batavorum. 1763. 1 v. Geddings, E. Journal on North American Archives of Medical and Sur- gical Sciences. 2 v. ------------See Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal, &c. f Georget, M. De la Physiologie du System Nerveux et specialment du Cerveau. Recherches sur les Maladies Nerveaux, &c. Paris, 1821. 2 v. Gilbert, M. Changes of the Blood in Disease. From the French, by JohnH. Dix. Philadelphia.1841.lv. (Gift of Dr. Thos. C. Atkinson.) * Gibson, Jno. Mason. A condensation of matter upon the Anatomy, Sur- "f gical Operations, and Treatment of the Diseases of the Eye; together with remarks. Embellished with twelve litho- graphic plates, illustrative of the Anatomy, Operations, and Morbid Appearances. (Gift of Dr. Thos. Owings.) Balti- more. 1832. 1 v. CATALOGUE. 25 Lj Gibson, Thomas. Anatomy of Humane Bodies, Epitomized. (Gift of Dr. S. T. Knight.) London. 1703. 1 v. i Gibson, Guliel. Dissertatis Inauguralis. (Gift of Dr. John Foner- . den.) 1 v. ^TjyV^V^y \«/Gilbert, J. E. Histoire des Plantes d'Europe et Etrangeres, les plus *«• jipt K'L\ communes, les plus utiles et les plus curieuses; ou Elemens W J\_ ' de Botanique Pratique. (Gift of Dr. R. A. Durkee.J A Lyon. 1806. 2 v. 7. Godman, John D. Addresses delivered on various public occasions; with an Appendix on the injurious effects of Tight Lacing. Philadelphia. 1829. (Gift of Dr. ,_ J. Fonerden.) 1 v. 1/ ____^_-------- Anatomical Investigations. Philadelphia. 1824. 1 v. Is --------.-------- American Natural History. Philadelphia. 1831. 3 v. J^---------------- Rambles of a Naturalist. Philadelphia. 1833. 1 v. T^vjL 06+**^S l "*\ (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) -----------------J Rambles of a Naturalist. (Monographs, vol. 40.) \j\~~ Gooch, Robert. Practical Compendium of Midwifery ; being a course of Lectures on Midwifery, and on the Diseases of Women and Infants. Philadelphia. 1835. 1 v. I--------------Account of several of the most important Diseases pe- culiar to Women. Philadelphia. 1832. 1 v. J Good, P. P. The Family Flora. Elizabethtown. 1847.lv. 7 Goodlad, Wm. On Diseases of Vessels and Glands of the Absorbent System. London. 1814. 1 v. 7 Goupil, J. M. A. Principles of the New Medical Doctrine. Translated by Josiah C. Nott. Colujubia. 1831. 1 v. Lf,^Grainger, R. D. Elements of General Anatomy, containing an outline of the Organization of the Human Body. London. 1829. I v. f---------------Observations on the Structure and Functions of the _ Spinal Cord. London. 1837. 1 v. V Grant, R. E. Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. London. 1841. 1 v. (yVtAA^'W-'i**- Granville, A. B. The Catechism of Health; or Plain and Simple ^ | "t/v Rules for the Preservation of Health and the at- V|V"i ^* .O ■* taining of Long Life. To which are added Facts respecting the Nature, Treatment and Prevention of Cholera. London. 1831. 1 v. *^jr*__------.---- Counter Irritation; its Principles and Practice. Phila- delphia. 1838. 1 v. 2J Graves, R J. Clinical Lectures, delivered in the years 1834,'5,'6,'7. Philadelphia. 1838. 1 v. i------------Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Asiatic Cholera. (Monographs, vol. 8.) Philadelphia. 1840. 1 v. T Green, J. Practical Compendium of Diseases of the Skin, with Cases. '*<;■ I i" Philadelphia. 1838. 1 v. '>./H* 3 iJ 26 CATALOGUE. I hfki ;. Green, Horace. Treatise on Bronchitis, Chronic Laryngitis, Clergy- man's Sore Throat, &c. &c. New York. 1846. 1 v. Greenhow, T. M. Cholera at New Castle and Gateshead; its Physiol- ogy, Pathology and Principles of Practice. Philadelphia. 1832. 1 v. t Gregory, George. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physic. 'r^7mi «" (Gift 0f Dr. Thos. C. Atkinson ) London. 1825. 1 v. ■ Griffin, Wm. and Daniel. Observations on Functional Affections of ' the Spinal Cord and Ganglionic System of Nerves. London. 1834. 1 v. J------------------------Medical and Physiological Problems; chiefly researches for Correct Principles of Treatment in disputed points of Medi- cal Practice. Part 1st. • (Monographs, i Ma., voL25-) 1 v. \ Devrient, with Notes by S. Strattan. Dublin. 1833. T Hall, Marshall. Cases of a Serious Morbid Affection, oc- curing principally after Delivery, Miscar- riages, &c, but also independently of the Puerperal State. London. 1820. Jin - >l yc i*-, Hall, Marshall. Commentaries, principally on some Diseases of Fe- '*•*•/, males, which are in their nature and origin Con- stitutional. Second edition. (With seven plates.) London. 1830. 1 v. l,---------------On Diagnosis. London. 1817. 1 v. VA/**---------------An Essay on Disorders of the Digestive Organs and General Health. London. 1820. 1 v. f]----------------Researches principally relative to the Morbid and Curative Effects of Loss of Blood. Philadelphia. 1830. 1 v. 2*----------------Principles of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Revised and enlarged by Bigelow and Holmes. Boston. 1839. 1 v. Lectures on the Nervous System and its Diseases, London. 1836. 1 v. Zj---------------Memoirs on the Nervous System. Quarto. London. 1837. 1 v. J---------------Commentaries on some of the more Important Dis- eases of Females. London. 1827. 1 v. *T* Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences Edited by W. H H. Ranking. Vols. 1 to 7. Jan. 1845 to July, 1851. 7 v. (/"Vl-L^-^r Hamilton, James. Observations on the Utility and Administration of l*kt>9 l*k~ \.$ $JC-( Purgative Medicines, in several Diseases. Phila- K*J?«c n :v..7no, my ^^. im. 1 v. —i ------ Practical Observations on various subjects relating to /j Midwifery. Philadelphia. 1837. (Monographs, vol. 5.) u 28 CATALOGUE. I % 1 -.< '- z. Hamilton, Wm. History of Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy. London. 1831. 2v. Hamilton, Alex. Elements of the Practice of Midwifery. London. 1775. 1 v. Hammersley, Andrew. On the Remote and Proximate Causes of Phthisis Pulmonalis. New York. 1827. 1 v. ll yyvJLCC » Harris, Chapin A. Principles and Practice of Dental Surgery. (Gift of /£<•»' the Author. Philadelphia.1845.lv. W~--------------^n l^e Characteristics of the Teeth and Gums. Baltimore. 1841. 1 v. */ ^r--------------(Monographs, vol. 29 J if----------------Dissertation on the Diseases of the Maxillary Sinus. (Gift of the Author.) (Monographs, vol. 29.) Philadelphia. 1843. Harrison, John. An Essay towards a Correct Theory of the Nervous System. Philadelphia. 1844. 1 v Harrison, Robert. Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries. Dublin. 1829 />';*.. 3-', 2v. - Hasse, C. E. Anatomical Description of the Diseases of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration. Translated and Edited by W. E. Swaine. Philadelphia. 1846. 1 v. Hastings, Charles. An Experimental Inquiry of the general nature of Inflammation. Philadelphia. 1821. (Gift of Dr. J. Fo- nerden.) 1 v. . Hawkins, Bisset. On the Epidemic Spasmodic Cholera of Russia. Lon- don. 1831. 1 v. /.if Hayden, H. H. Geological Essays, or an Inquiry into some of the Geo- logical Phenomena to be found in various parts of America, and elsewhere. Baltimore. 1820. (Gift of the Author.) 1 v. Hays, Isaac Editor. See American Journal of the Medical Sciences. L-----------------See Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, with Mono- graphs, vol. 35. J Heberden, Wm. Commentaries on the History and Cures of Diseases. t *' Boston. 1818. 1 v. *"--------------» « « Philadelphia. 1845. 1 v H £c.y. /s^uHB§5fR» J' F" C* The EPidemics of the Middle Ages. From the Ger- QPkWiV?.' man, byB. G. Babington. London. 1835. 2 v. ---------------" " (Monographs, vol. 20.) f Henderson, Thomas. Hints on the Medical Examination of Recruits for the Army. Philadelphia. 1840. (Monographs, vol. 13.) J. Hennen, John. Principles of Military Surgery, comprising Observations on the Arrangement, Police and Practice of Hospitals, and on the History, Treatment, and Anamolies of Variola and Syphilis. Philadelphia. 1830. 1 v. l\ Henry> W. C. Report on the Physiology of the Nervous System. (Mon- * ographs, vol. 8.) catalogue. 29 £ * 'Henry, Thomas. Memoirs of Albert de Haller, M. D. (Gift of Dr. John Harrod.) Warrington. 1783. 1 v. If Heurteloup, Baron. Principles of Lithotrity. Illustrated with plates of Instruments. London. 1831. 1 v. J_l Hey, Wm. Treatise on Puerperal Fever, illustrated by cases which oc- curred in Leeds and its vicinity, in 1809, 1812. Philadel phia. 1817. 1 v. lj---------Practical Observations in Surgery, illustrated by cases. Lon- don. 1814. 1 v. T ,fVl 'A\> l£/y Hildebrand, J.Val de. Treatise on the Nature, Cause and Treatment i%U? of Contagious Typhus. From the German, by S. D. Gross. J_ ' v / Philadelphia. 1830. 1 v. Hind. G. W.* A Series of twenty plates, illustrating the causes of Dis- placement in the various Fractures of the Extremities. Folio. London. 1835. 1 v. •T Hippocrates. The Prognostics and Crises of. From the Greek, by Wm. Ducachet, with Notes. (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) New York. 1819. 1 v. L Hitchcock, Edward. Dyspepsy Forestalled and Resisted ; or Lectures on Diet, Regimen and Employment, delivered to the Stu- dents of Amherst College. 1830. Amherst. 1831.lv. J, Hocken, E. O. On Amaurosis and Amaurotic Affections. (Mono- graphs, vol. 33,) Philadelphia. 1842. F Hodgson, Joseph.* Engravings intended to illustrate some of ihe Dis- eases of Arteries; with explanations. London. 1815. 1 v. 7* Hodgkin, T. Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mu- - cous Membranes. London. 1836. 1 v. W----------- " " Philadelphia.1838.lv. 7> Holland, Henry. Medical Notes and Reflections. Philadelphia. 1839. •f 1 V' ■ -. . 1^ Holland, G. C. Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of Medicine, founded on original Physiological Investigations. London. ^ 1834. 1 v. Li Holmes, O. W. Boylston Prize Dissertations, for the years 1836 and 1837. Boston. 1838. 1 v. J Home, Everard. Practical Observations on the Treatment of Ulcers of the Legs, and on Varicose Veins and Piles. Phila- delphia. 1811. 1 v. ]--------------Practical Observations on the Treatment of Diseases of the Prostate Glands. (With plates.) London. Vol.1, 1811 ; vol.2, 1818. 2 v. Practical Observations on the Treatment of Strictures T rJoL- —!------------Practical Observations on the Treatment ot strictures If ^ H/T^ t *f h y' fyf~ in the Urethra and in the OEsophagus. London. Vol /, 1*S> ^ '/til 1,1805; vols. 2 and 3. 1821. 3 v. In the third volume are added, Gouty Attacks on the Urethra and other parts, cured by Vinum Colchici; 30 catalogue. 4 and a new mode of performing the High Operation for the r fi ■'" Stone. h ^Jp\ o Home, Everard. Formation of Tumours, with their Mode of Treatment. '• 5 London. 1820. 1 v. Homeopathic Examiner. Edited by A. G. Hull. Vol. 2d. January to Y **wW,kV I % t * • December. 1841. New York. 1 v. It -an^-it ':~f Hood, Samuel. Analytic Physiology. Liverpool. 1832. 1 v. f H 't""" Hope, J*. Principles and Illustrations of Morbid Anatomy; adapted to If t! ,w*- ft,. v A the Elements of M. Andral, and to the Cyclopoedia of Prac- '^^•W"« /if M'- tical Medicine. London. 1833. 1 v. 1 Q r /ft"5-------Treatise on Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels; compris- ^VTy . fry I ing a new view of the Heart's Action, according to which, ^ ' the Physical Signs are Explained. London. 1836. 1 v. --- " " " London. 1842. 1 v. Horner, Wm. E. Treatise on Pathological Anatomy. Philadelphia. 1829. 1 v. ----------------Notice of Dr. P. S. Physick, delivered before the American Philosophical Society, May 4, 1838. (Mono- graphs, vol. 6.) Philadelphia. 1838. Horner, G. R. B. Observations upon the Mediterranean, and upon Por- tugal, Spain and other countries. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. Horse, A History of the, with Directions for the Breeding, Management, &.c, and for the Cure of all Diseases to which he is liable. Washington. 1834. 1 v. Hosack, David. Essays on Various Subjects of Medical Science. New York. 1824. 2 v. --------------Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. Ed- ited by H. W. Ducachet. Philadelphia. 1838. 1 v. Hospitals, London. The Modern Practice of the. London. 1 v. Howard, Richd. B. An Inquiry into the Morbid Effects of Deficiency of Food ; chiefly with reference to their occurrence among the Poor. (Monographs, vol.25.) London. 1839. Howship, John. Practical Observations on some of the most Important Diseases of the Lower Intestines and Anus. Illus- trated by Numerous Cases. London. 1824. 1 v. --------------Practical Remarks on the Discrimination and Success- ful Treatment of Spasmodic Stricture of the Colon, considered as an Occasional Cause of Habitual Con- finement of the Bowels. London. 1830. 1 v. --------------Treatise on Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Pros- tate Gland and Urethra. (With four engravings.) London. 1823. Iv. Hufeland, C. G. Treatise on the Scrofulous Diseases. From the French of M. Bousquet, by C. D. Meigs. Philadelphia. 1829. 1 v. Hughes, H. M. Observations on Fibrinous Concretions in the Heart. (Monographs, vol. 8.) I h <■! I catalogue. 31 Hunter, John. Works of, with a Life of the Author. By Drewry "T jbr^f l%V]t Ottley. (Gift of Dr. W7. Denny) Philadelphia. 1839. 4 v. V ----------Works, Philadelphia. 1839. 5 v. ----------Treatise on the Venereal Disease; with an Introduc- tion, &c, by Joseph Adams. Philadelphia. 1818. 1 v. 1 Hunter, Wm.* The Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus, exhib- ited in Figures. London. 1815. 1 v. "t Hutin, Ph. Manual of the Physiology of Man. Translated by Joseph Togno. Philadelphia. 1828. I v. I. «r Influenza. An Account of the Origin, &c. of, with Hints on Incipient Consumption. Philadelphia. 1832. (Monographs, vol. 32.) Ingleby, J. T. Facts and Cases in Obstetric Medicine ; with Observa- tions on some of the most Important Diseases Incidental to Females. London 1 v. Inquiry into some late remarks on the Brunonian System. (Monographs, vol. 1.) Boston. 1810. Itard, M. On the Surgical Treatment of Deafness. (Monographs, vol. 18.) Philadelphia. 1838. T, Jackson, James, Jr. Cases of Cholera, collected at Paris, in the Wards of M. M. Andral and Louis, at the Hospital la Pitie. Boston. 1832. (Monographs, vol. 30.) ; ,------------------A Memoir of, with Extracts from his Letters to his Father, and Medical Cases collected by him, by James Jackson. (Gift of the Author.) Boston. 1835. 1 v. U James, J. H. On Inflammation. London. 1821. 1 v. \ James, R. A Medical Dictionary. (With plates.) (Gift of Dr. A. Alex- ander. London. 1745. 3 v. Jameson, H. G., Editor. See Maryland Medical Recorder. T Jeffray, James. Observations on the Heart, and on the Peculiarities of the Foetus. Glasgow. 1835. 1 v. *f Jeffreys, Julius. Observations upon the Construction and Use of the H Respirator, for facilitating the Respiration of persons suffer- ing under Pulmonary and Bronchial Affections, &c. Lon- m don. 1836. (Monographs, vol. 25.) U Jenner, Edward. Life of, by John Baron. London. 1827. 2 v. m Jennings, Samuel K. A Plain Elementary Explanation of the Nature W and Cure of Disease, predicated upon Facts and Experience; presenting a View of that train of Thinking which led to the Invention ofthe Patent Portable Hot Bath. Richmond. 1814. (Gift of Dr. Thomas Owjngs.j 1 v. 32 CATALOGUE. I V. \\ Jewell, George. Practical Observations on Leucorrhoea; with a New Mode of Treatment. London. 1832. 1 v. ^ Jobson, D. W. Treatise on the Teeth, &c. Baltimore. 1844. (Mono- graphs, vol. 26.) \i Johnson, James. Change of Air, or the Philosophy of Travelling, Stc, &c. New York, 1831. ["--------------Practical Researches on the Nature, Cure and Prevention of Gout, in all its Open and Con- cealed forms; partly Translated and Con- densed from the French of Guilbert and Halle, with a Critical Examination of some Cele- brated Remedies and Modes of Treatment Employed in this Disease. London. 1819. T {/ C l£—/----------The Influence of Civic Life, Sedentary Habits y!(VaJLU. * '• ^ ' and Intellectual Refinement, on Human Life and Human Happiness, &c. Phila. 1826. Treatise on Derangements of the Liver, Internal Or- gans and Nervous System; Pathological and Ther- apeutical. (Second American from the Third Lon- don Edition.) Philadelphia. 1826. 1 v. The Influence of Tropical Climates on European Con- l< v/V'U s&'tfvvj, / $ .',> 1|^ *-' / stitutions. To which is now added an Essay on Mor- , r •> * hid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels, as the Proximate Cause, or Characteristic Condition of Indi- gestion, Nervous Irritability, Mental Despondency, Hypochondriasis, &.c. Preceded by Observations on the Diseases and Regimen of Invalids, on their Return from Hot and Qnhealthful Climates. London. 1827. 1 v. Johnson, James. Editor. See Medico-Chirurgical Review. Johnstone, James. A Therapeutic Arrangement or Syllabus of Materia Medica. Philadelphia. 1837. (Monographs, vol 7.) Jourdain, M. Treatise on the Diseases and Surgical Operation of the Mouth, and parts adjacent. From the French. Philadel- phia. 1851. 1 v. Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Vols. 1 to 6, April, 1829, to January, 1835. 6 v. -------- « " New Series. Vols. I to 16. 1835 to 1850. 15 v. 1 Journal Complementaire des Sciences Medicales. Tomes 38, 39,40, 41. Paris. 1831. 2 v. 5 Journal Universal et Hebdomadaire, de Medecine et Chirurgie Pratiques et des Inslitutiones Medicales. Tomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Paris. 1831-2. 7 v. U Journal, the Maryland Medical and Surgical. Baltimore. 1840. 1 v. „. Journal of Psycological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Winslow. Vols. 1 and 2, January, 1848 to Octo- ber, 1849. 2 v. It I CATALOGUE. 33 K. ti Kappa Lambda Society. Report of the Committee of, on Epidemic Cholera. (Monographs, vol. 3.) New York. 1832. j/j Kay, James P. Physiology, Pathology and Treatment of Asphyxia, &c. London. 1834. 1 v. Keir, James. Treatise on Cholera, as it prevailed in Moscow in 1830-31. (Monographs, vol. 30.) Edinburgh. 1832. y Kennedy, James. History of the Contagious Cholera; with Facts Ex- planatory of its Origin and Laws, and of a Rational Method of Cure. London. 1831. 1 v. Key, C. Aston. Memoir on the Advantages and Practicability of divid- ing the Stricture in Strangulated Hernia on the Outside of the Sac. With Cases and Drawings. London. 1833. 1 v. ------------— Report of Primary Syphilitic Cases. (Monographs, vol. 8.) Kidd, John. On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Con- dition of Man. (Bridgewater Treatise.) Philadelphia. 1833. 1 v. \\| Kiernan, Francis. Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver. (Gift of the Author.) London. 1833. 1 v. lAj' Kirby, Wm On the History, Habits and Instincts of Animals. (Bridge- water Treatise.) Philadelphia. 1836. 1 v. Kirby, Wm. and Wm. Spence. Introduction to Entomology; or Ele- " - ments of the Natural History of Insects. (With plates.) London. 1813. 4 v. 1\ Kirk, James B. On Cholera Asphyxia. New York. 1832. (Mono- graphs, vol. 3.) i ■•' Klaproth, M. H. et F. Wolf. Dictionaire de Chimie. Traduit de \\ l'Allemand, avec des Notes, par A. J. B. Bouillon—La Grange, et par H. A. Vogel. Paris. 1811. (Gift of Dr. R. A. Durkee.) 4 v. J Knox, George F. The Art of Cupping. London. (Monographs, vol. 29.) ** Koecker, Leonard. Essays on the Diseases of the Jaws, and their """' Treatment; with Observations on the Amputa- tion of a part or the whole of the Inferior Max- illa ; tending to prove that such operation is sel- dom, if ever, necessary. London. 1828. (With 8 plates.) (Monographs, vol. 29.) lV£. jl\b,-----------Principles of Dental Surgery. Baltimore. 1842. (Monographs, vol. 27.) < Kramer, Wm. Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear. Trans- '"•■ latedbyJ. R. Bennett. (Monographs, vol. 5.) Philadel- phia. 1838. I 34 CATALOGUE L. I. [^ I Laennec R. T. H. Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest, and on Mediate Auscultation. (With 8 plates.) Translated by John Forbes. New York. 1830. 1 v. [jLallemand, M. On Involuntary Seminal Discharges. Philadelphia. L tem." Boston. 1810. 3. Sewall, Thomas. Lecture delivered at the opening of the T Medical Department of the Columbian College, D. C, " March 30, 1825. 4. Dunbar, J. R. W. Essay on the Structure and Functions ^ of the Nervous System. Philadelphia. 1828. Vol. 2. 1. Newnham, W. On the Disorders incident to Literary Men; J and the best Means of Preserving their Health. London. " 1836. 2. Stanhope, Earl. Address for the Anniversary Meeting of the Medico-Botanical Society, Jan. 1837. London. 1837. 3. Davidge, Joanne B. Nosologia Methodica. Balto. 1812. , 40 CATALOGUE. \ 1 ^ ' Vol. 2. 4. Davidge, Joanne B. Causis Catameniorum. Birming- hamiae. 1794. V 5. Reid, T. On the Nature and Cure of Phthisis Pulmonalis. London. 1785. -< 6. Blizard, Wm. On the Situation of the Large Blood Ves- v' sels of the Extremities. On the Tourniquet, and Methods of Effectual Pressure on Arteries in Cases of Wounds. London. 1786. Cooper, Samuel. On the Properties and Effects of the Da- tura Stramonium, and its use in Medicine. Philadelphia. 1797. " 8. Spilsbury, Francis. On Scurvy, Gout, Diet and Remedy. Norwich. 1790. Vol. 3.T1. Binaghi, O. A. Opinion upon the Epidemic Cholera Mor- U bus, observed at Warsaw. From the Italian, by William Simpson. New York. 1832. 2. Broussais, J. F. V. Two Clinical Lectures upon the Na- ture, Treatment and Symptoms of Spasmodic Cholera. New York. 1832. /^ 3. Favell, Chas. F. Treatise on the Nature, Causes and Treatment of Spasmodic Cholera. London. 1832. * 4. Kappa Lambda Society. Report of the Committee of, ap- pointed for the purpose of Preparing an Account of the Mode of Treatment of Epidemic Cholera. New York. 1832. *\\5. Kirk, Jas. B. Practical Observations on Cholera Asphyxia. New York. 1832. 6. Latta, Thomas. Full Account of the Operation of Inject- . \ ing the Veins with Aqueous and Saline Liquids, for the cure of Malignant Cholera, in the most Hopeless Cases. New York. 1832. ^ 4 7. Winslow, Geo. E. Essay on the Nature, Symptoms and Treatment of Asiatic'Cholera. New York. 1832. Vol. 4. 1. Annan, Samuel. Disputatio Medica Inauguralis, Q,uaedam De Apoplexia Sanguiena Complectens. Edinburgh. 1820. a"f 2. Annan, Samuel. Address delivered to the Graduates of Washington Medical College. Baltimore. 1834. "y 3. Bell, Benj. Remarks on Interstitial Absorption of the Neck *■ of the Thigh Bone. Edinburgh. 1824. ,^|r4. Borremans. Neurology of the Human Body. Revised by ^ T. King. A\ 5. Cartwright, S. A. Pathology and Treatment of Cholera Infantum. Medical Prize Essay. 6. An Essay on the Climate of the United States. Philadelphia. 1833. 7. Medico-Chirurgical Society of Baltimore. Report of the Committee of, on Medical Ethics. Baltimore. 1832. \ CATALOGUE. 41 \ Vol. 4. 8. Addison, Thos., and John Morgan. An Essay on the Operation of London. 1829 Operation of Poisonous Agents upon the Living Body. V ^Y \\ 9. Wistar, Caspar. Eulogium on Dr. Wm. Shippen. Phila- delphia. 1818. Vol. 5.11. Hamilton, James. Practical Observations on various Sub- jects Relating to Midwifery. Philadelphia. 1837. 2.< Kramer, Wm. Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the i ■ Ear. From the German, by James R. Bennett. Philadel- phia. 1838. Vol. 6. 1. Essays on Physiology and Hygiene. By Reid, Ehren- berg, Strohmeyer and Muller. Philadelphia. 1838. Horner, W. E. Necrological Notice of Dr. P. S. Physic. Philadelphia. 1838. Vol. 7s 1. Lee, Edwin. Observations on the Principal Medical Insti- tutions and Practice of France, Italy and Germany; with Notices of the Universities, and Cases from Hospital Prac- tice; and an Appendix on Animal Magnetism and Ho- moeopathy. Philadelphia. 1837. Uf"*""2. Johnstone, James. Therapeutic Arrangement and Sylla- bus of Materia Medica. Philadelphia. 1837. % 3. C/rling, Thos. B. Treatise on Tetanus. The Essay for £W»'a which the Jacksonian Prize was awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons, Philadelphia. 1837. Jj 4. Latham, P. M. Lectures on Subjects connected with Clin- ical Medicine. Philadelphia. 1837. Vol. 8,"", 1. Stokes, Wm. Researches on the State of the Heart, and the Use of Wine in Typhus Fever. I 2. Taylor, Alfred S. On Perforations of the Stomach, from Poisoning and Disease. 3. Ashwell, Samuel. On Incision in Cases of Occlusion, and Rigidity of the Uterus. *t. 4. Hughes, H.M. Observations on Fibrinous Concretions of the Heart. "♦•"■; 5. Carpenter, Wm. B. Dissertation on the Physiological In- ferences to be derived from the Structure of the Nervous System in the Invertebrated Classes of Animals. i\ 6. Scoutetten, H. Memoir on the Radical Cure of Club-Foot. £. 7. Key, Chas. A. Report of Primary Syphilitic Cases. . vat- 8. Henry, Wm. C. Report on the Physiology of the Nervous ^jf ^ System. C*jTl o // 9. Graves Robert J. Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Asiatic Cholera. Philadelphia. 1840. Vol.9. 1. Ricord, Philippe. Practical Treatise on Venereal Disor- ders, and more especially on the History and Treatment of Chancre. Philadelphia. 1840. CATALOGUE. .+ Vol. 9. 2. Amussat. Lectures on Retention of Urine, caused by Stric- «l *- -^ tures of the Urethra ; and on the Diseases of the Pros- tate. Philadelphia. 1840. l...\ 3. Reid John. An Experimental Investigation into the Func- tions of the Eighth Pair of Nerves. Philadelphia. 1840« \ \ 4. Esq.uirol, M. On Mental Diseases. T Vol. 10. 1. Colles, Abraham. Practical Observations on the Vene- *A real Disease, and on the Use of Mercury. Philadelphia. 1837. ^ 2. Muehry, Adolph. Observations on the Comparative State VA of Medicine in France, England and Germany, during a Journey into those Countries in the year 1835. From the German, by E. G. Davis. Philadelphia. 1838. * Vol. 11. 1. Clutterbuck, Henry. Lectures on Blood Letting. De- ^ livered at the General Dispensary, Philadelphia. Phila- ^ delphia. 1839. tj{ 2. Dickson, S. H. On Dengue, its History, Pathology and Treatment. Philadelphia. 1839. T 3. Dale, James W. Essay upon the Question, Is Medi- cal Science Favorable to Skepticism 1 Philadelphia. 1839. ^, Vol. 12. 1. Davis, David D. Acute Hydrocephalus, or Water on the Head, an Inflammatory Disease, and curable equally by the same means with other Diseases of Inflammation. Philadelphia. 1840. 2. Warren, Edward. Boyleston Prize Dissertations, for the years 1838-'9. On Scrofula, Rheumatism, and Erysipela- tous Inflammation. Philadelphia. 1840. "•f Vol. 13. 1 Lawson, Thomas. Meteorological Register, for the years V\ 1826,1827, 1828, 1829, 1830. From Observations Made by the Surgeons of the Army and others, at the Military Posts of the United States. Philadelphia. 1840. Henderson, Thomas. Hints on the Examination of Re- cruits for the Army, and on the Discharge of Soldiers from the Service on Surgeon's Certificate. Philadelphia. 1840. ""T. Vol. 14. 1. Denby, Walter C. Practical Remarks on the Diseases of the Skin, on the External Signs of Disorder, and on the Constitutional Peculiarities during Infancy and Childhood. Philadelphia. 1841. Markham, W. O. Remarks on the Surgical Practice of Paris. Illustrated by Cases. Philadelphia. 1841. \ 3. Second Appeal to the People of Pennsylvania, on the i. Subject of an Asylum for the Insane Poor of the Com- monwealth. Philadelphia. 1841. *\ Vol. 15. 1. Evers, P. The Student's Compendium of Comparative "\ Anatomy. Philadelphia. 1839. U l\ iA CATALOGUE. 43 fW I t* Vol. 15. 1. Velpeau, M. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Breast. Translated by S. Parkman. Philadelphia. 1840. Vol. 16. 1. Guthrie, G. J. Clinical Lectures on Compound Fractures f / r- i &" °^ l^e Extremities, on Excision of the Head of the Thigh Bone, the Arm Bone, and the Elbow Joint. On the Dis- eases of the Peninsula, and on several Miscellaneous Subjects. Delivered at Westminster Hospital. Phila- delphia. 1839. 2. Davies, John. Selections in Pathology and Surgery ; or an Exposition of the Nature and Treatment of Local Dis- ease. Exhibiting New Pathological Views, and Pointing out an Important Practical Improvement. Illustrated by Cases. Philadelphia. 1839. Vol. 17. 1. Macartney, James. Treatise on Inflammation. Philadel- phia. 1840. 2. Thompson, Wm. Historical Notices on the Occurrence of Inflammatory Affections of the Internal Organs, after Ex- ternal Injuries and Surgical Operations. Philadelphia. 1840. 3. Malcolmson, Jno. G. Clinical Remarks on some Cases of Liver Abscesses, presenting Externally. Philadelphia. 1839. Vol. 18. 1. Babington, Benj. On the Morbid Conditions of the Blood, Philadelphia. 1838. 2. Brodie, Sir B. C. Lectures Illustrative of certain Local Nervous Affections. Philadelphia. 1838. i/Ia/*' 3. Itard, M. On the Surgical Treatment of Deafness. Phil- adelphia. 1838. 4. Farr, W. Formulary of New Medicines. Philadelphia. 1838. 1 5. Bright, R. Cases and Observations, illustrative of Renal Disease, accompanied with Albuminous Urine. Phila- delphia. 1838. '1, 6. Andral, M. Lecture on the Grippe, or Epidemic Influe- enza. Philadelphia. 1838. 7. Louis, M. Memoir on the Proper Method of Examining a Patient, and of arriving at facts of a General Character. Philadelphia. 1838. f f l~**Jr ' c ''b ^' Cormack, John R. A Treatise on the Chemical, Medical I"1 and Physiological Properties of Creosote. Philadelphia. 1838. T 9. Carmichael Richard. Observations on Abraham^ Colles' H Work on the Venereal Disease, and on the Use of Mer- cury. Philadelphia. 1838. '" y 10. Andral, M. Observations on the Treatment of Typhoid Fever by Purgative, by M. De Larroque. W % 44 CATALOGUE. vf ~if ^ Vol. 18. 11. Dubois, M. Report on Animal Magnetism, made to the Royal Academy of Medicine in Paris, August, 1837. Phil- adephia. 1838. ■ -f. 12. Beck, Chas. J. On the Application of the Ligature to Ar- '. f\M>vWJ \ C * v» teries or their Trunks, at a distance from the Wounded Part, and nearer the Heart. Philadelphia. 1838. r sy £ a v '*^»13. Maunoir, Theo. Essay on Cataract. Philadelphia. 1838. H * WW 'e < 14# Clutterbuck, Henry. Essay on Pyrexia, or Sympto- matic Fever, as illustrative of the Nature of Fever in Gen- eral. Philadelphia. 1838. 15. Brodie, Sir B. C. Pathological and Surgical Observations relating to Injuries of the Spinal Cord. 16. Burn, John. Of Inflammation, Chronic Disease, and Per- forative Ulceration of the Caecum, and of the Appendix Vermiformis Caeci, with Symptomatic Peritonitis, and Faecal Abscess. Philadelphia. 1838. 17. Louis, M. Researches on Emphysema of the Lungs. 18. Taylor, Alfred S. Observations and Experiments on the Lungs of New Born Children, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia. 1838. Vol. 19. 1. Syme, James. On Diseases of the Rectum. Philadelphia. 1839. A' 0 f 11 i *n ^* 0SB0RNE* Jonathan. On the Nature and Treatment of './(To/ Dropsical Diseases. Philadelphia. 1839. L 3. Coulson, Wm. On Diseases of the Bladder. 4. Clendinning, J. The Croonian Lectures for 1838. Exper- iments and Observations relating to the Pathology and Pathological Relations of the Heart. Philadelphia. 1839. | j 5. Dunglison, R. Observations on the Condition of the In- sane Poor. Philadelphia. 1839. »»j— 6. Cooper, Sir Astley. On Spermatocele, or Variocele of the Spermatic Cord. Philadelphia. 1839. [\ 7. Rowland, Richard. Treatise on Neuralgia. Phila. 1839. <*Y Vol. 20. 1. Marshall, John. Practical Observations on Diseases of U the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, &c, occasioned by Spinal Irritation, and on the Nervous System in General, as a Source of Disease. Illustrated by Cases. Philadel- phia. 1837. 2. Bouillaud, J. New Researches on Acute Articular Rheu- matism in general; and especially on the Law of Coinci- dence of Pericarditis and Endocarditis with this Disease. As well as on the Method of Treating it by Repeated ^t Blood-Lettings at short intervals. Philadelphia. 1837. /3. Weatherhead, J. H. Practical Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the Lungs, considered especially in relation to the Particular Tissues Affected, illustrating the different kinds of Cough. Philadelphia. 1837. CATALOGUE. 45 1.* f j Vol. 20. 4. Hecker, J. F. C. The Epidemics of the Middle Ages. Translated by B. G. Babington. Philadelphia. 1837. f' Vol. 21. 1. Mayo, Thos. Elements of the Pathology of the Human Mind. Philadelphia. 1839. Rillietand Barthey, M. M. Treatise on the Pneumonia of Children. Philadelphia. 1839. -*>»• 3. Parker, Langston. The Modern Treatment of Syphilitic / Diseases, both Primary and Secondary. Comprising an ^ Account of the New Remedies, with numerous Formula for their Preparation and Mode of Administration. Phil- f adelphia. 1840. Ij Vol. 22. 1. Cutler, Thos. The Surgeon's Practical Guide in Dress- ing and in the Methodic Application of Bandages. Phil- adelphia. 1838. Waite, George. The Gums, with late Discoveries on their Structure, Growth, Connections, Diseases and Sym- pathies. Philadelphia. 1838. Turnbull, A. On the Medical Properties of the Natural Order, Ranunculaceae; and more particularly on the Uses of Sabadilla Seeds, Delphinium Staphisagria, and Aconi- tum Napellus, and their Alcaloids, Veratria, Sabadilline, Delphinia and Aeon tine. Philadelphia. 1838. 4. Wells, C. W. Essay on Dew, and several appearances connected with it. Philadelphia. 1838. Vol. 23. 1. Gilbert, M. Changes of the Blood in Disease. Trans- lated by Jno. H. Dix. Philadelphia. 1841. X 2. Davidson, Wm. and Alfred Hudson. Essays on the Sources and Modes of Action of Fever. Phila. 1841. *T 3. Macrobin, John. An Introduction to the Study of Prac- *» tical Medicine. Outline of a Course of Lectures deliv- ered in the Marischal College of Aberdeen. Phila. 1841. Vol. 24. 1. Cogswell, Chas. An Experimental Essay on the Rela- ,, »f **-> tive Physiological and Medicinal Properties of Iodine and its Compounds; being the Harveian Prize Dissertation for 1837. Edinburgh. 1837. 2. Da vies, John. Practical Remarks on the Use of Iodine, lo- cally applied, in various Surgical Diseases and External Injuries. London. 1839. 3. Thompson, Anthony Todd. Some Observations on the Preparation nnd Medicinal Employment of the Ioduret and Hydriodate of Iron. London. 1834. 4. Wallace, Wm. Observations on Sulphureous Fumiga- tions, as a Powerful Remedy in Rheumatism and Dis- eases of the Skin. Dublin. 1820. 5. Drake, Daniel. The Northern Lakes, a Summer Resi- dence for Invalids from the South. Louisville. 1842. ltr< 46 CATALOGUE. Vol. 25. 1. Wood, Geo. B. Memoirs of the Life and Character of the late Joseph Parrish. Read before the Medical Society of Philadelphia, October 23,1840. Philadelphia. 184a * 2. Bigelow, Jacob. Discourse on Self-Limited Diseases. De- \A livered before the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. . 1835. ,T 3. Griffin, Wm. and Daniel. Medical and Physiological '.- \ Problems ; being chiefly Researches for Correct Principles of Treatment in Disputed Points of Medical Practice Limerick. 1839. \J \aj 4. Potter, Nathaniel. Notes on the Locusta Septentrionalis j\ ' Americanse, Decern Septima. Baltimore. 1839. ^ * 5. Howard, Richard Baron, An Inquiry into the Morbid / jkM Effects of Deficiency of Food, chiefly with reference to Vf * their occurrence amongst the Destitute Poor; also, Prac- *^* \ r> tical Observations on the Treatment of such Cases. Lon- don. 1839. 6. Guthrie, G. J. On the Certainty and Safety with which the Operation for Extraction of a Cataract from the Hu- man Eye may be performed, and on the Means by which it is to be accomplished. London. 1834. £i 7. Jeffries, Julius. Observations upon the Construction and Use of the Respirator. London. 1836. ~~"~---— 8. Nicollet, J. N. Essay on Meteorological Observations. Vol. 26. 1. Brown, Solym an. Dentologia. A Poem on the Diseases of the Teeth, and their Proper Remedies. With Notes by E. Parmly. New York. 1840. ■** , 2. Baumes, M. Treatise on First Dentition, and the frequently Serious Disorders which depend upon it. Translated by T. E. Bond, Jr. New York. 1841. ** 3. Jobson, D. W. Treatise on the Anatomy and Physiology of ■- the Teeth, &c. &c. Their Diseases and Treatment, with. Practical Observations on Artificial Teeth, and Rules for their Construction. Baltimore. 1844. Vol. 27. 1. Koecker, Leonard. Principles of Dental Surgery. Ex- hibiting a New Method of Treating the Diseases of the Teeth and Gums, especially calculated to promote their Health and Beauty; accompanied by a General Review of the Present State of Dental Surgery. Baltimore. 1842. 2. Gariot, J. B. Treatise on Diseases of the Mouth; com- prising the Structure and Functions of the Mouth, the History of its Diseases, the Means of Preserving it in Beauty and Health, and Operations Appertaining to the Dental Art. Baltimore. 1843. 3. Berdmore, Thos. Treatise on the Disorders and Deformi- ties of the Teeth and Gums, explaining the most Rational Method of Treating their Diseases. Baltimore. 1844. y k iO \ li % % I CATALOGUE. 47 Vol. 28. 1. Wardrop, James. On the Curative Effects of the Ab- straction of Blood; with Rules for Employing both Local and General Blood-Letting, in the Treatment of Diseases. Philadelphia 1837. 2. Brichetean, J. Medical Clinics of the Hospital Necker; or, Researches and Observations on the Nature, Treat- ment and Physical Causes of Diseases. Philadelphia. 1837. Vol. 29. 1. Harris, Chapin, A. Dissertation on the Diseases of the Maxillary Sinus. Philadelphia. 1843. 2. Harris, Chapin A. Physiological and Pathological Inquiry Concerning the Physical Characteristics of the Human Teeth and Gums, the Salivary Calculus, the Lips and Tongue, and the Fluids of the Mouth, together with their respective Local and Constitutional Indications. Balti- more. 1841. T" 3. Knox, Geo. F. The Art of Cupping; being a Brief His- U tory of the Operation, from its Origin to the Present Time. Its Utility, Minute Rules for its Performance, a List of the Diseases in which it is most Beneficial, and a Description of the Various Instruments Employed. Lon- don. T~ 4. Koecker, Leonard. An Essay on the Diseases of the Lf Jaws, and their Treatment; with Observations on the Amputation of a Part, or the Whole of the Inferior Max- illa ; tending to prove that such Operation is seldom, if ever, necessary. London. 1828. Vol. 30. 1. Bell, John and Francis Condie. All the Material Facts in the History of the Epidemic Cholera. A Report of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, to the Board of Health. Philadelphia. 1832. "f* 2. Report on Spasmodic Cholera, under the Direction of the H Counsellors of the Massachusetts Medical Society, by Doctors Jackson, Warren, Hayward, Perry, Green, Wy- man, and Peirson. Boston. 1832. Jackson, James. Cases of Cholera, collected at Paris, April, 1832, in the Wards of M. M. Andral and Louis. ^ Boston. 1832. ; / 4. Keir, James. Treatise on Cholera, as it prevailed at Mos- cow in 1830 and 1831. Edinburgh. 1832. Vol. 31. 1. Edwards, W. F. On the Influence of Physical Agents on Life. Philadelphia. 1838. Zf 2. Pearson, John. Principles of Surgery. Boston. 1832. 3. Abernethy, John. Surgical Observations on the Consti- i tutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; and on T/ ^ Aneurisms. Boston. 1832. ♦ 48 CATALOGUE. Vol. 32. 1. Wardrop, James. On the Nature and Treatment of the Diseases of the Heart; with some Views on the Physi- ology of the Circulation. London. 1837. \ 2. Atkins, Dudley. Medical and Surgical Cases and Obser- vations. (With plates.) New York. 1834. Aldis, Charles. On the Nature and Cure of Grandular Diseases, especially Cancer; and on the too frequent Use of Mercury. (With 2 plates.) London. 1832. Account of the Origin, Symptoms and Cure of the Influ- enza, or Epidemic Catarrh; with Hints respecting Com- mon Colds, and Incipient Pulmonary Consumption. Philadelphia. 1832. \ Vol. 33. 1. Clark, Sir James. The Sanative Influence of Climate, with an Account of the Best Places of Resort for Invalids in England, the South of Europe, &c. Philadelphia. 1841. 2. Hocken, Edward O. Treatise on Amaurosis and Amau- rotic Affections Philadelphia. 1842. I Vol. 34. 1. Velpeau, A. Des Convulsions chez les Femmes pendant la Grossesse, pendant la Travail. et apres l'Accouchement. Paris. 1834. »»T^2. Leuret, F. et Mitivie. De la Frequence du Pouls chez " lesAlienes. Paris. 1832. Beaumontde, Lyon. Notice sur les Hernies, et sur un nouvelle maniere des les Guevir Radicalement. Paris. 1827. A. Vol. 35. Select Medico-Chirurgical Transactions; a Collection \\ of the Most Valuable Memoirs read to Various Learned Societies; containing Papers by Lawrence, Dobson, Hutchison, Wood, Ferguson, Kennedy, Christison, Graves, Cumming, Marsh and others. Selected and Edited by Isaac Hayes. Philadelphia. 1831. "T Vol. 36. 1. Carey, Matthew. Short Account of the Malignant Fe- V\ ver, lately Prevalent in Philadelphia, with a statement of the Proceedings on the Subject, in Different Parts of the United States ; to which are added Accounts of the Plague ^ in London and Marseilles. Philadelphia. 1794. 2. Proceedings of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Relative to the Prevention of the Introduction of, and Spreading of Contagious Diseases, Philadelphia. 1798. Condie, Thos. and Richard Falwell. History of the Pestilence commonly called Yellow Fever, which almost desolated Philadelphia, in the months of August, Septem- ber, and October, 1798. Philadelphia. Vol. 37. Waller, Lisfranc and Ingleby. Lectures on Diseases of the Uterus; with Milhngen's Aphorisms on Insanity. Philadelphia. 1841. Tj i I CATALOGUE. 49 \ » Vol. 38. Meigs, Charles D. History, Pathology, and Treatment, of Puerperal Fever and Crural Phlebitis ; containing Trea- tises by Gordon, Hey, Armstrong and Lee. Phila. 1842. Vol. 39. "T Aretjeus. On the Causes and Signs of Acute Disease, with n Schill's Outlines of Pathological Semeiology. Phila. 1841. 'U I Monro, Donald. An Account of Diseases most frequent in British Mil- itary Hospitals in Germany, from 1761 to 1763; with an Essay on the means of Preserving the Health of Soldiers and Conducting Military Hospitals. London. 1764. 1 v. Monro, Alex., Sen. System of Anatomy and Physiology, with the Comparative Anatomy of Animals. Edinburgh. 1801. 2 v. Monro, Alex. The Morbid Anatomy of the Gullet, Stomach and Intes- tines. Edinburgh. 1830. 1 v. ------------Observations on the different kinds of Small Pox, and es- pecially on that which sometimes follows Vaccination ; illustrated by a number of Cases. (With 2 plates.) Edinburgh. 1818. 1 v. Montgomery, W. F. An Exposition of the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, the Period of Human Gestation, and the Signs of Delivery. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. /, Morgagni, John Baptist. The Seats and Causes of Diseases investi- gated by Anatomy. Containing a great variety of Dissec- tions, and accompanied with remarks. Abridged by Wm. Cooke. Boston. 1824. 2 v. ,'.1------------------------" From the Latin, by B. Alexan- der. London. 1769. 3 v. Morgan, G. T. An Outline of Inflammation and its Effects ; being First ^ • Principles of Surgery. Philadelphia. 1818. 1 v. 1/ Morgan, John. Lectures on Diseases of the Eye. London. 1839. 1 v. T Moore, G. An Inquiry into the Pathological Causes and Treatment of Puerperal Fever. London. 1836. 1 v. 7 Morton, Saml. Geo.* Crania Americana; or a Comparative View of the Skulls of the various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America, &c. (With 75 plates and a colored map.) Folio. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. 7------------------Illustrations of Pulmonary Consumption, its An- " atomical Characters, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. (With 12 plates.) Philadelphia. 1834. 1 v. "Morton, Edward. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation, &c. &c. H London. 1831. 1 v. H; 50 CATALOGUE. msA i ^^Moseley, Benj. Treatise on Tropical Diseases, and on the Climate of the West Indies. London. 1788. I v. Motherby, G. New Medical Dictionary, or General Repository of Physic. Containing an Explanation of the Terms and a ' **''." xJ*~ Description of the Particulars relating to Anatomy, Physi- &A OfV* ^* ology, Physic, Surgery, Materia Medica, Chemistry, &c. &c. A ^Ji k $"&>L, W*<- Each article, according to its importance, being considered W^P0* ' ( in every Relation to which its Usefulness Extends in the Healing Art. Folio. London. 1785. 1 v. J, Muehry, Adolph. Observations on the Comparative State of Medicine in France, England and Germany, in 1835. Translated by E. G. Davis. (Monographs, vol. 10.) Philadelphia. 1838. t~~ Muller, J. Elements of Physiology. From the German, by Wm. Baly. London. 2 v. T----------The Intimate Structure of the Secreting Glands ; with the Subsequent Discoveries of other Authors, by Samuel Tolly. London. 1839. 1 v. /J Murphy, P. J. Practical Observations, showing that Mercury is the sole Cause of what are termed Secondary Symptoms. London. 1839. 1 v. J Muys, Johannes. Praxis Medico-Chirurgica Rationales. (Gift of Dr. J. I. Cohen.) Amstelaedami. 1695. I v. N, ^y Neale, Adam. On Animate Contagions, Spasmodic Cholera, &c. &c. London. 1831. 1 v. r J t Neuman, Casper. The Chemical Works of, abridged ; with large addi- »V ft3'vv. I%\.\% , upon Fixed and Scientific Principles ; together with the NT,^ • i k & t, ' * History of Medicinal Substances. New York. 1824. 1 v. Life of Sir Humphrey Davy. London. 1831. Treatise on Diet. Philadelphia. 1841. 1 v. Parker, Langston. The Stomach in its Morbid States; being a Practi- cal Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of A^ I Diseases of that Organ. Philadelphia.1839.lv. . c m r> J_________________The Stomach in its Morbid States ; being a Practi- ' * i cal Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of that Organ. London. 1839. 1 v. ______ The Modern Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases, with an Account of the Mode of Preparing and Administering the New Remedies. (Monographs vol. 21.) Philadelphia. 1840. T Parrish, Joseph. Practical Observations'on Strangulated Hernia, and H some of the Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Philadelphia. 1836. 1 v. *7y_______ ______ Memoir of, by George B. Wood. Philadelphia. 1840. •■ (Monographs, vol. 25.) Y Parry, C. H. Elements of Pathology and Therapeutics; being the *Mr\ ^ It a^u. ft\c. &*■>*£ /%-ic, 52 CATALOGUE. l Outline of a Work intended to ascertain the Nature, Causes and most Efficacious Modes of Prevention and Cure of the greater number of the Diseases in- cidental to the Human Frame. London. 1825. 1 v. Parry, C. H. Collections from the Unpublished Medical Writings of. London. 1825. 2 v. Parry, Chas. Henry. Introductory Essays to the Collections from the Unpublished Writings of Caleb Hillier Parry. London. 1825. 1 v. ------------------ Additional Experiments on the Arteries of Warm Blooded Animals, together with a brief exam- ination of certain Arguments which have been advanced against the Doctrines Maintained by the Author of "An Experimental Inquiry," &c. London. 1819. 1 v. Parsons, Usher. Directions for making Anatomical Preparations, formed on the Basis of Pole, Marjolin and Breschet, and including the New Method of Mr. Swan. Philadelphia. 1831. 1 v. T Pearsons, John. Principles of Surgery. Boston. 1832. (Monographs. vol.31.) 7" Percival, Thos. Medical Ethics ; or a Code of Institutes and Precepts, Adapted to the Professional Conduct of Physicians and Sur- geons. London. 1827. 1 v. U f.'tt^i'- Pereira, Jonathan. The Elements of the Materia Medica. London. /W%. lUl'V' 1839.2v. nm.----------------A Treatise on Food and Diet, with Observations ^ on the Dietetical Regimen. Edited by Charles ^ A. Lee. New York. 1843. 1 v. , ( Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Edinburgensis. 1783. 1 v. (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Boston. 1820. 1 v. (3 copies.) ------------------------------- (3 copies.) Boston. 1831. 1 v. ------------------:-------------(3 copies.) Phila. 1842. 1 v. -•-_-------------------------------(3 copies.) Phila. 1850. 3 v. T Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts Medical Society. (Gift of the Society.) Boston. 1808. 1 v. \ • Pharmacy—Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Vols. 1 to 6. April, 1829 to January, 1835. 6 v. i^, Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Edited by N. Chapman. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 4 v. Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Edited by N. Chapman, Dewees, Godman and Hays. Vols. 1 to 12. Nov., 1821 to Aug. 1827. 12 v. Philip, A. P. Wilson. Experimental Inquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, with some Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Internal Diseases Philadelphia. 1818. 1 v. U CATALOGUE. 53 p ^ Philip, A P.Wilson. Treatise on Indigestion and its Consequences, r#fvW, l*Xly f^t^ /Wirt called Nervous and Bilious Complaints; with ^Vh£-«5»> / £ %. \ \%$t$* Observations on the Organic Diseases in \N/~ M \ 2" t V which they sometimes terminate. Philadel- ' 6' phia. 1822. J v. ;►•--------------------Treatise on Febrile Diseases, including the various I species of Fever; and all Diseases attended with Fever. With Notes and Additions, by Nathan Smith. Hartford. 1816. 2 v. J Pilcher, George. A Treatise on the Structure, Economy and Diseases **< ofthe Ear. Philadelphia. 1843. 1 v. . .^Pinel, Ph. Treatise on Insanity ; containing principles of a new and l/f more practical Nosology of Maniacal Disorders than has yet been offered to the public, exemplified by numerous cases ; with plates illustrative of the Craniology of Maniacs and Idiots. From the French, by D. D. Davis. Sheffield. 1806. 1 v. / Pinel, Scipion. Physiologie de l'Homme Alene Appliquee a l'Analyse de l'Homme Sorial. Paris. 1833. 1 v. » , Plumbe, Sam'l. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin, ar- \ * ranged with a view to their Constitutional Causes and Lo- cal Characters. London. 1829. I v. %-------------" " " " Phila. 1837. 1 v. Porter, Wm. Henry. Surgical Pathology of the Larynx and Trachea. Edinburgh. 1826. 1 v. 7 Pott, Percival. Chirurgical Works of, with a Life of the Author and Notes by James Earle. Phila. 2 v. Potter, Nathaniel. A Memoir of Contagion, more especially as it respects the Yellow Fever. (Gift of the Author.) Balto. 1818. 1 v. !»*■ ------ Notes on the Locusta Septentrionalis Americana?, ** DecernSeptima. Balto. 1839. (Monographs, v. 25.) T Potter, T. Medical Practice. London. 1785. 2 v. (Gift of Joseph ' Neale, Esq.) Practical Treatise on Injuries of the Head. Anonymous. Dublin. 1831. 1 v. 7. Prichard, J. C. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, vol. 1st. London. 1836. 1 v. C-'f'*5-------------Treatise on Insanity and other Diseases of the Mind. W/ • London. 1835. 1 v. .--------------Review of the Doctrine of a Vital Principle, as main- L tained by some writers on Physiology ; with observa- tions on the Causes of Physical and Animal Life. Lon- don. 1829. 1 v. " Pringle, John. Observations on the Diseases of the Army. Phila. ■/ 1812. 1 v. rW>W III] 'i I '-mU-.i 54 CATALOGUE. •?h*»>c,*• \tSPrieur Le, L. J. L. L'Homme considere dans ses Raports avec l'At- .-, * 1 mosphere, ou nouvelle doctrine des Epidemies fondee sur les Phenomenes de la Nature. Paris. 1825. 2 v. *' . Proceedings of the National Medical Conventions, held in New York, 1 May, 1846, and in Philadelphia, May, 1847. (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) 1 v. Proceedings of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, relative to Con- tagious Diseases. Phila. 1798. (Monographs, vol. 36.) "* Prout, Wm. Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of Diabetes, Calcu- *" lus and other affections of the Urinary Organs, &c. with notes by S. Colhoun. Phila. 1826. 1 v. -----------On the Nature and Treatment of the Stomach and Renal Diseases; being an inquiry into the connexion of Dia- betes, Calculus, and other Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder with Indigestion. Phila. 1843. 1 v. "-----------Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology. Phila. 1834. 1 v. Q Q,uain, Jones and W. J. E.Wilson.* A Series of A natomical Plates; ,: with references and Physiological Commentaries, illustrat- v ing the Structure of the different parts of the Human Body. American Edition, revised, &c. by Joseph Pancoast. Q,uarto. Phila. 1842. 1 v. . Quarterly Retrospect of American and Foreign Practical Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Wood. R. X z It Raciborski, M. A new and complete manual of Auscultation and Per- / cussion, applied to the Diagnosis of Diseases. Translated by Wm. Fitzherbert. London, 1835. 1 v. 'jl*\\v Ramsbotham, John. Practical Observations in Midwifery, with cases. ' '' JW '+>- Phila. 1822. 1 v. Ranking, W. H. Editor Half-yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Vols. 1 to 5, January, 1845 to June, 1849. *" Raspail, F. V. Nouveau Systeme de Chimee Organique, fonde sur des .«. Methodes Nouvelles d'Observation. Paris. 1833. 1 v. (pfcOvi-,J Renauldin, L. J. Traite du Diagnostic Medical Traduit de P Allemand du Docteur Dreyssig. (Gift of Dr. L. S. Joynes ) Paris. 1804. 1 v. , Rennie, A. Observations on Asthma, Consumption, and other disorders of the Lungs. London. 1830. 1 v. ) Report on Spasmodic Cholera, prepared by a Committee under the direc- • '■' tion of the Counsellors of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. 1832. (Monographs, vol. 30.) T Report of the Royal Academy of Medicine to the Minister of the Inte- ^ rior, upon the Cholera Morbus. Published by order of the French Government. From the French, by John W. Ster- ling. New York. 1832. 1 v. n Rhind, Wm. Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Intestinal Worms in ^ the Human Body; arranged according to Rudolphi and Bresmer, and containing the most approved mode of treat- ment. (With Plates.) London. 1829. 1 v. T Ricord, P. Practical Treatise on the Venereal Disorders, and especially the History and Treatment of Chancre. Philadelphia. 1840. * '" " 7 .„__ (Monographs, vol. 9.) - ■ Rigby, Edward. A System of Midwifery. Philadelphia. 1841. 1 v. f Rilliet and Barthez. Treatise on the Pneumonia of Children. (Mon- U ographs, vol. 21.) Philadelpha. 1839. 1 Riverii, Lazarii. Opera Medica Universa. (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) Francofurti, 1669. 1 v. Roe, Geo. H. Treatise on the Nature and Treatment of Hooping-Cough. London. 1838. 1 v. Roget, P. M. Outlines of Physiology; with an Appendix on Phrenol- ogy. Philadelphia. 1839. 1 v. •___________Animal and Vegetable Physiology. Philadelphia. 1836. 1 v. (Bridgewater Treatise.) Z, Roupell, G. L. Short Treatise onTypus Fever. Philadelphia. 1840. 1 v. Rowland, Richard. Treatise on Neuralgia. Philadelphia. 1839. (Mon- i c. '£ 'f- ographs, vol. 19.) V 56 CATALOGUE. . • Rucco, Julius. Introduction to the Science of the Pulse, as applied to the Practice of Medicine. London. 1827. 2 v. \-4 Rush, Benj. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. Philadelphia. 1827. 1 v. ^___________Sixteen Introductory Lectures to Courses of Lectures upon V\ the Institutes and Practice of Mediciue, with a Syllabus of the latter. To which are added, Two Lectures upon the Pleasures of the Senses and of the Mind, with an In- quiry into their Proximate Cause. (Gift of Dr. J. B. McDowell.) Philadelphia. 1811. 1 v. '\ Rush, James. The Philosophy of the Human Voice; embracing its l\ Physiological History, together with a System of Principles by which Criticism in the Art of Elocution may be rendered Intelligible, and Instruction Definite and Comprehensive. To which is added a Brief Analysis of Song and Recitative. Philadelphia. 1827. Iv. rV* Russel, James. Observations on the Testicles. Edinburgh. 1833. 1 v. -^---------------Treatise on the Morbid Affections of the Knee-joint. l> Edinburgh. 1802. 1 v. (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) "1 Ryland, F. On the Diseases and Injuries of the Larynx and Trachea. ^ Philadelphia. 1838. 1 v. . Ryland, W. N. Manual for the Use of the Stethoscope; a Short Trea- tise on the different Methods of Investigating the Diseases of the Chest. From the French of M. Collin. (With plates.) Boston. 1829. 1 v. t \t Saisy, J. A. Essay on the Diseases of the Internal Ear. Translated by Nathan R. Smith, with a Supplement on Diseases of the External Ear, by the Translator. Baltimore. 1829. 1 v. Salmon, Frederick. Practical Observations on Prolapsus of the Rec- tum. London. 1831. 1 v. ,',vw Salmon, Wm. Synopsis Medicinse. A Compendium of Physic, Chi- -^'f K "i {-■ rurgery and Anatomy. London. 1681. 1 v. f Sarlandiere, J. Systematized Anatomy ; or Human Organography in Synoptical Tables. (With numerous plates.) From the French, by W. C. Roberts. New York. 1837. 1 v. * Saunders, Wm. Treatise on the Structure, Economy and Diseases of \ the Liver; with an Inquiry into the Nature of the Bile, and on Biliary Concretions. London. 1803. 1 v. Saunders, John Cunningham. Treatise on some Practical Points rela- ting to Diseases of the Eye. With a Life of the Author, &c, by J. R. Farre. (With colored engravings.) Philadelphia. 1821. 1 v. /c/4 CATALOGUE 57 Saunders, John Cunningham. I Schill, Professor. SCOUTTETTEN, H. Searle, 5 Z, The Anatomy of the Ear, its Diseases, Sac. (With engravings.) London. 1829. 1 v. Scarpa, Antonio. Remarks and Practical Results of Observation"] on Scirrhus and Cancer. London. 1822. ----------------Treatise on Hernia. Translated by John Hen- )> 1 v. ry Wishart. (With 14 engravings.) Edin- j burgh. 1814. J ----------------Treatise on Aneurism, and a Memoir on the Ligature of the Principal Arteries of the Extremities. Trans- lated by John Henry Wishart. (With 2 engrav- ings.) Second edition. Edinburgh. 1819. 1 v. Outlines of Semeiology. From the German, by D. Spillan. London. 1839. " (Monographs, vol. 39.) Philadelphia. 1841. Medical and Topographical History of the Cholera Morbus, including the Mode of Prevention and Treatment; with a Report read at the Royal Acad- emy of Medicine, at Paris, Sept. 17, 1831. Trans- lated by A. Sidney Doane. Boston. 1832. 1 v. ---------------Memoir on the Radical Cure of Club-Foot. (Mono- graphs, vol. 8.) Scudamore, Charles. Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Rheuma- tism, with Observations on Rheumatic Neu- ralgia and Spasmodic Neuralgia, or Tic Dolou- reux. London. 1827. 1 v. A Further Examination of the Principles of the Treatment of the Gout; with Observations on the Use and Abuse of Colchicum. London. 1833. 1 v. -----------Cases Illustrating and Confirming the Remedial Power of the Inhalation of Iodine and Conium in Phthisis. London. 1834. 1 v. Charles. Cholera; its Nature, Cause and Treatment; with Original Views, Physiological, Pathological and Therapeu- tical, in relation to Fever; the action of Poisons on the Sys- tem, &c. To which is added an Essay on Vital Tempera- ture and Nervous Energy; explanatory, more particularly, of the Nature, Source and Distribution of the latter; and of the Connection between the Mind and the Body, &c. &c. London. 1830. Iv. Serres, M. Recherches D'Anatomie Transcendante et Pathologique. (de 20 planches.) A Paris, 1832. 1 v. Severn, Charles. First lines of the Practice of Midwifery, to which are added, remarks on the Forensic Evidence requisite in cases of Faeticide and Infanticide. London. 1831. 1 v. • • 4 W I I J 58 CATALOGUE. Sewall. Thomas. Lecture delivered at the opening of the Medical De- partment of the Columbian College, in the District of Col- umbia, March 30, 1825. (Monographs, vol. 1.) (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) Washington. 1825. Seymour, Edward J. Illustrations of some of the Principal Diseases of the Ovaria, their symptoms and treatment. To which are prefixed Observations on the Structure and Functions of those parts in the Human being, and in Animals. (With 14 folio plates.) London.1830.lv. — ■ Nature and Treatment of Dropsy. London. 1837. 1 v. f Shaw, John. Nature and Treatment of the Distortions to which the Spine and the Bones of the Chest are subject. With an Inquiry into the Merits of the several Modes of Practice, which have been hitherto followed in the Treatment of Dis- tortions. (With one plate.) London. 1823. 1 v. Li Sheldon, John. History of the Absorbent System. Part 1st, containing Chylography. Quarto. London. 1784. 1. v. T Simon, J. Franz. Animal Chemistry, with reference to the Physiology *"i and Pathology of Man. Translated and Edited by J. E. Day. Phila. 1846. 1 v. JAjSmellie, Wm. The Philosophy of Natural History, with an Introduc- tion, &c. by John Ware. Boston. 1832. 1 v. j.< Smith, Southwood. Treatise on Fever. Phila. 1830. 1 v. •t-----------------Philosophy of Health; or, an Exposition of the H Physical and Mental Constitution of Man. Lon- don. 1838. 2 v. i\ Smith, Nathan. Medical and Surgical Memoirs. Edited, with Addenda, by Nathan R. Smith. Balto. 1831. 1 v. i/j&tWw'y&l/ Snell, James. Practical Guide to Operations on the Teeth; with a Historical Sketch of Dental Surgery. Phila. 1832. 1 v. .- P rtUj "7 Solly, Samuel. The Human Brain, its Configuration, Structure, Phy- siology, &c. London. 1836. 1 v. Spielman, J. R. Institutiones Materiae Medicae Traelectionibus Acade- micis Accommodatse. (Gift of Dr. Knight.) Argentorati. 1774. 1 v. L wrt/W/Qfaf^ Spilsbcry, F. Free Observations on the Scurvy, Gout, Diet and Reme- /7cri" dy. (Monographs, vol. 2.) (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) *'" r\ t Spurzheim, G. The Anatomy of the Brain, with a general view of the V flW*; I*ty. Nervous System. London. 1826. 1 v. ------------View of the Elementary Principles of Education, found- L &dhLjr* I *% ed on the Study of the Nature of Man. Boston. 1 ' c*e*v^ 1832. 1 v. ^VvO^^j l *\fZ___________Philosophical Catechism of the Natural Laws of Man. C,) WC.V Boston. 1832. 1 v. x ^\l"------------Outlines of Phrenology. Boston. 1832. 1 v. . ,.*------------Phrenology in Connection with the Study of Physiog- i v) Vv nomy. Boston. 1833. 1 v. I CATALOGUE. 59 I Spurzheim, G. Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind, or Insanity; with an Appendix, by A. Brigham; and Professor Fallen's Oration on the Burial of Spuizhem. Boston. 1833. 1 v. ------ . Examination of the Objections made in Britain against /,,,/ -': '/, the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. Article of the For- eign Quarterly Review, by R. Chenevix. Boston. 1833. 1 v. .!'' Stafford, Richard Anthony I It Stanhope, Earl of. ■-, Stanley, Edward. Stephens, Henry. Sterling, John W Stevens, Wm. Stevenson, John 4" T Stille, Alfred L, Stoker, Wm. T Stokes, Wm. W! Stratford, S Essay on the Treatment of the Deep and Excavated Ulcer, with cases. London. 1829. 1 v. ------- On Perforation and Division of Perma- nent Stricture of the Urethra. London. 1836. 1 v. Address for the Anniversary Meeting of the Medico- Botanical Society. January, 1837. (Mono- graphs, vol. 2.) London. 1837. Treatise on Diseases of the Bones. Philadelphia. 1849. 1 v. Treatise on Obstructed and Inflamed Hernia; and on Mechanical Obstructions of the Bowels, inter- nally ; and also an Appendix, containing a state- ment of the cause of difference in size of the male and female bladder.' London. 1829. 1 v. Report of the Royal Academy of Medicine to the Minister of the Interior, upon the Cholera Mor- bus. Published by order of the French Govern- ment. Translated by John W. Sterling. New York. 1832. 1 v. Observations on the Healthy and Diseased Properties of the Blood. London. 1832. 1 v. Nature, Symptoms and Treatment of the different species of Amaurosis, or Gutta Serena. London. 1821. 1 v. Elements of General Pathology; a Practical Treatise on the causes, forms, symptoms and results of Disease. Philadelphia. 1848. 1 v. Treatise on Fever. London. 1815. 1 v. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. Phila- delphia. 1837. 1 v. Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Chest. Part 1st. Diseases of the Lungs and Windpipe. Philadelphia. 1837. 1 v. Researches on the State of the Heart, and the Use of Wine in Typhus Fever. (Monographs, vol. 8.) J. Manual of the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Eye. London. 1828. 1 v. 60 CATALOGUE. / ^ St. Thomas's Hospital Reports. By John F. South. 1 v. T Swan, Joseph. A new method of making Anatomical Preparations, par- ticularly those relating to the Nervous System. Lon- don. 1833. 1 v. /----------r-— Treatise on Diseases and Injuries of the Nerves. Lon- don. 1834.1 v. .*" ♦>' r"|tV*T7----------A Demonstration of the Nerves of the Human Body. U r-WWlJV + H Folio. London. 1830. 1 v. L £fvt w'/'//£ -J Thomson, Wm. and Wm. Twining. On Diseases of the Liver, and ^ 'f Spleen. Philadelphia. 1842. 1 v. ■**________________________________On Inflammatory Affections of the ' ' Internal Organs. Phila. 1840. (Monographs, vol. 17.) v c ■ ' Ticknor, Caleb. The Philosophy of Living, or the Way to Enjoy Life and its Comforts. New York. 1836. 1 v. -? Tiedemann, Fred. Traite Complet de Physiologie de l'homme. Tra- *w duit de l'Allemand, par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris. 1831. 2 v. -________________Anatomy of the Foetal Brain. From the French of Jourdan, by Wm. Bennet. (With 14 engravings.) Edinburgh. 1826. 1 v. *________________A Systematic Treatise on Comparative Physiology, Introductory to the Physiology of Man. Transla- ted by Drs. Gully and Lane. London. 1834. 1 v. Tiedemann, F. and Leop. Gmelin. Recherches, Experimentales, Phys- 62 CATALOGUE. iologiques, et Chimiques, sur la Digestion, &c, &c. Tra- duit par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris. 1826. 2 v. 7 Tod, David. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ of Hearing; ' with Remarks on Congenital Deafness, the Diseases of the Ear, some imperfections of the Organ of Speech, and the Treatment of those Affections. (With 3 plates.) London. 1832. 1 v. " Todd, Tweedy John. The Book of Analysis, or New Method of Expe- rience : whereby the Induction of the Novum Organon is made easy of Application to Medicine, Physiology, &c. London. 1831. 1 v. Todd, Robert B. Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. London. . ■'. */"?* 1839-47. 3 v. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 7. London. \ » Transactions of the Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Society. Vols. 1,2,3. ** I A 4 v. Transactions of the American Medical Association. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 'I 1848-'9-'50-'51. Philadelphia. 4 v. ; Transactions (Summary of) of the College of Physicians of Philadel- phia. Vol. 1, Nov. 1841, to August 1846. ; Travers, B. A further Inquiry concerning Constitutional Irritation, and the Pathology of the Nervous System. London. 1835. 1 v. --------- Synopsis of Diseases of the Eye and their Treatment, to which are prefixed a Short Anatomical Description, and a Sketch of the Physiology of that Organ. With Notes by Edward Delafield. New York. 1825. 1 v. '•"'. Trotler, Thos. Medicina Nautica; an Essay on the Diseases of Sea- W men. London. 1797. 3 v. Trosseau, A. and H. Pidoux. Treatise on Laryngeal Phthisis, Chronic Laryngitis, and Diseases of the Voice. Phila. 1839. 1 v. f----------Traite de Therapeutique et de Materiere Medicale. Paris. "' 1847. 2 v. ^/y' Tucker, D. H. Elements of the Principles and Practice of Midwifery. Philadelphia. 1848. 1 v. Turnbull, H. On the Medical Properties of the Ranunculacese, &c. Philadelphia. 1834. (Monographs, vol. 22.) Turner, Edward. Elements of Chemistry, including the History of the Imponderables and Inorganic Chemistry. With Outlines of Organic Chemistry, by Wm. Gregory. With Notes by James B. and Robert E. Rogers. Philadelphia. 1846. 1 v. ■ ------- Elements of Chemistry, including the Actual State and Prevalent Doctrines of the Science. London. 1847. 1 v. CATALOGUE. 63 *~: Tweedie, Alexander. Clinical Illustrations of Fever. Philad. 1831. 1 v. ^ Twining, Wm. Clinical Illustrations of the Most Important Diseases of *-/ Bengal; with the result of an Inquiry into their Pathology and Treatment. Calcutta. 1835. 2 v. •* Twining, Wm. and Wm. Thomson. On Diseases of the Liver and Spleen. Philadelphia. 1842. 1 v. «s u. '' ( W^r ■ Underwood, Michael. Treatise on the Diseases of Children ; with Di- , . * ■•' o O r -xij rections for the Management of Infants. With {.:-K«J. \fi^M *\ Notesby Marshall Hall. London. 1835. 1 v. JV*U-/sf|fc i--------------------« « With Notes by Merryman, jV-fvCj Hi* Vx Hall and Bell. Philadelphia.1841.lv. \ United States Pharmacop(ea. 1820,1830, 1840, 1850. t Uwins, David. Treatise on those Disorders of the Brain and Nervous ' System, which are usually called Mental. London. 1833.1 v. V^ Van Amringe, W. F. Natural History of Man. New York. 1848. 1 v. ^Velpeau, Alf. A. L. M. Treatise on Surgical Anatomy, or the Anato- my of Regions considered in its relation to Surgery. Translated by John H. Sterling. (With plates.) New York. 1830. 2 v. -------. -----■------- An Elementary Treatise on Midwifery; or, Principles of Tokology and Embryology. From the French by Chas. D. Meigs. Phil- adelphia. 1831. 1 v. *T~______________.------. New Elements of Operative Surgery, Care- " fully Revised, Entirely Remodelled, and Augmented with a Treatise on Minor Sur- gery ; accompanied with an Atlas in quarto, of twenty-two plates ; under the supervision of, and with Notes and Observations by Val- entine Mott. New York. 1847. 4 v. ")_____________________Treatise on Diseases of the Breast. Philadel- phia. 1840. (Monographs, vol. 15.) -r ________ * Embryologie ou Ovologie Humaine, conte- * • ■ nantl'Histoire Descriptive et Iconographique de l'Oeuf Humain. Paris, 1833. 1 v. ____ ._________.— Des Convulsions chez les Femmes, pendant la Grossesse, pendant la Travail, et apres PAccouchement. Paris, 1834. (Mono- graphs, vol. 34.) % 64 CATALOGUE. • Venables, Robert. Practical Treatise on Diabetes, London, 1825. l.v. * Ventenat, E. P. Tableau du Regne Vegetal, selon la methode de Jus- sieu. Paris, An. vii. (Gift of Dr. R. A. Durkee,) 4 v. '. *! Vesalie, Andreae. Opera Omnia, Anatomica et Chirurgica. Folio. / 7 7 J Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. 3 v. 4 Vogel, Julius. Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body. From the / j Gefman, with additions, by Geo. E. Day. Philadel- phia, 1847. l.v. w. fr Waite, George. The Gums, theh*Structure, Growth, &c. (Mono- graphs, vol. 22.) Philadelphia, 1838. } Walker, Alex. On Intermarriage, or the mode in which, and the causes why, beauty, health and intellect result from certain unions, and deformity, disease, and insanity . from others. New York, 1839. 1 v. -----------Woman, Physiologically considered, as to mind, mo- rals, marriage, matrimonial slavery, infidelity and divorce. London. 1839. 1 v. Wallace, Wm. Treatise on the Venereal Disease and its varieties. London. 1838. 1 v. .. Observations on Sulphureous Fumigations, as a reme- dy in Rheumatism and Diseases of the Skin. (Mon- ographs, vol. 24.) Dublin, 1820. Waller, Lisfranc, and Ingleby. Lectures on the Diseases of the Uterus, and Millingen's Aphorisms on Insanity. Philadelphia, 1841. (Monographs, vol. 37.) Wardrop, James. On Aneurism and its Cure by a New Operation. London, 1828. 1 v. —-----------The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Eye. (with plates,) London, 1834. 2 v. ---------------On the Curative Effects of the abstraction of Blood; with the rules for employing general and local Blood-letting in the treatment of Diseases. (Mon- ographs, vol. 28.) Philadelphia, 1837. ——— —— On the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart, with some new views of the Physiology of the Circulation. London, 1837. (Monographs, vol. 32.) Warren, Jno. C. A Letter to the Hon. Isaac Parker, Chief Justice, &c. containing remarks on the Dislocation of the Hip Joint: occasioned by the publication of a trial which took place at Machias, in the State of Maine, June 24, 1824. Cambridge, Mass. 1 v. ——————■ Etherization, with Surgical Remarks. Boston. 1848. 1 v. z (■■! CATALOGUE. 65 , Warren, Edward. Some account of the Letheon; or Who is the Dis- coverer? Boston, 1847. Iv. (Gift of Dr. J. H. Briscoe.) -----------------Boylston Prize Dissertations, for the years 1838-9. On Scrofula, Rheumatism, and Erysipelatous Inflammation. (Monographs, vol. 12.) Phila- delphia, 1840. Watson, Tho's. Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic, '- ', '. ■ ■; "*> ') C. delivered at King's College, London. Philadelphia, 1844. 1 v. ,•"'. Weatherhead, G. H. Treatise on Diseases of the Lungs. (Mono- graphs, vol. 20.) Philadelphia, 1837. $lf Webb, Ezekiel. The Philosophy of Medicine, deduced from a Series of Self-evident Propositions, &c. Phila. 1833. 1 v. ' t - < * ■ < Webster, Noah. A Brief History of Epidemic Pestilential Diseases, ' h *-'h\''Vn * l': with the Principal Phenomena of the Physical World, which precede and accompany them. Hartford. 1833. 2 v. TWells, Wm. C. An Essay on Dew; and several Appearances con- ^ nected with it. Phila. 1838. (Monographs, vol. 22.) 5^'v' '" * with Observations on the Agency of Atmospheric Vicissi- tudes, &c. Edinburgh, 1832. 1 v. "* Wright, Wm. On the Varieties of Deafness and Diseases of the Ear; with Proposed Methods of Relieving them. London. 1829. 1 v. Y. Young, Thomas, Introduction to Medical Literature, including a System of Practical Nosology. London. 1823. 1 v. z. •^ £V> Zinn, Johannes Gottfried. Descriptio Anatomica Ocoh Homani, Iconibus Illustrata. (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.) Q,uarto. Gottingae, 1755. 1 v. *•* Zolliceoffer, Wm. A Materia Medica of the United States, systemati- i- ■> cahy arranged. (Gift of Dr. J. Fonerden.)fBalto. 1827. 1 v. 1 \