GRAND OF THE COMPLETE MEDICALLIBRARY OF STANDARD, MODERN AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Accumulated through a series of over FORTY YEARS' A BY THE LATE ■ JAMES .JONES, 3I. 1)., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of MEDICAL COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA, COMPRISING MANY VALUABLE WORKS, IN THE English, French and German Languages. On Anatomy; Histology; Chemistry; Spectrum- Analysis ; Materia-Medica and Pharmacy; Medicine-Theory and Practice ; Microscopy; Obstetrics and Diseases of Women; Pathology and Pathological Anatomy; Physiol- ogy ; Surgery ; Medical and General Miscellany. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL SKELETON Specimen, WAX Specimens; SURGICAL Instruments; PLATES; SIX BOOK CASES; OFFICE FURNITURE. Etc. To be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, in the City of New Orleans, La., during the latter part of January, 1877, By NASH & HODGSON, W. I. HODGSON, Auctioneer. Office, 13 Carondelet Street, Full Particulars to be had from N. O. daily papers after January 15th, 1877. B^yOrders solicited from Faculties and Students. JW /WW: A. W. Hyatt, Stationer and Printer, No. 38 Camp Street 1 8 7.7 . Explanatory Notes of the Compiler of the Catalogue. :o: The books are classified alphabetically, first, according to sub- jects, and secondly, according to the names of the authors. The abbreviations 4to., 8vo., 12mo. and 18mo., have reference to the size of the pages in each work, folio being the largest size, which is simply one fold in the entire sheet of paper.-4to. mean- ing that the sheet is folded twice (giving 4 pages) and so on, 8vo. is the usual size for medical works. The signs Al, A2, Bl and B2, have reference to the condition of any book in question. Thus : Al means almost, or quite as good, as new. A2 " very little damaged. Bl 11 considerably abused. B2 " in a very dilapidated condition. Attention is directed to works which the compiler of the cata- logue considers particularly desirable by exclamation points enclosed in brackets, thus [ 1! ]. The abbreviated names of cities, as Bond.-Phil.-for London and Philadelphia, will be readily understood. GEORGE FARRAR PATTON, M. D., Of New Orleans, Compiler. ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. 1 BEALE. On the Liver. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1856. A2. 2 BECLARD. General Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1830. A2. 3 BECLARD. Additions to General Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1823. A2. 4 BELL. Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. New York, 1834. A2. 5 BICHAT. General Anatomy, 3 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1822. A2. 5a BICHAT. General Anatomy, vol. 1 only. Boston, 1822. A 2. 6 BURNS. Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck. Sheep, 8vo. Baltimore, 1823. A2. 7 CIIESELDEN. General Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. London, 1756. Bl. 8 DOANE. Translation of Blandin's Topographical Ana- ' tomy. Cloth, 8vo. New York, 1834. A2. 9 FORT. Traitc Elementaire d'Histologie. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. Al. 10 GERBER. General Anatomy, 2 vols. (text and atlas). Cloth, 8vo. London, 1862. A2. 11 GROSS. Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Bones and Joints. Sheep, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. A2. 12 HARLEY and BROWN. Demonstrations of Microscopical Anatomy. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1866. A2. 13 HASSEL. Microscopical Anatomy, 2 vols (text and atlas). Half morocco, 8 vo. London, 1849. Al. 14 HENLE. Traite d'Anatomie Generale, 2 vols. Half mo- rocco, 8vo. Paris, 1843. Al. * 15 HORNER. Special Anatomy, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Phila- . delphia, 1826. A2. 16 JOURDAN. Encyclopedic Anatomique. Paper, 8vo. Vols. IV and V only. Bl. 17 KOLLIKER. Manual of Human Histology, 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1853. Al. 18 LEYDIG. Traitc d'Histologie Comparee de 1'Homme et des Animaux. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1866. A2. 19 METZ. Anatomy and Histology of the Eye. Cloth, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. Al. 20 MOREL. Manual of Human Histology. Cloth, 8vo. New York, 1861. Al. 21 MOREL. Traite Elementaire d'Histologie Humain Nor- male et Pathologique, 2 vols. (text and atlas). Paper. Paris, 1864. Al. 3 22 OWEN. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy (vol. 1 only). Cloth, 8vo. London, 1846. A2. 23 PEASLEE. Human Histology. Sheep, 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1857. Al. 24 QUECKETT. Lectures on Histology. Cloth, 8vo. 1852. A2 25 SAUNDERS. Anatomy of the Human Ear. Sheep, 8vo. Phila., 1821. Bl. 26 TODD. Anatomy of the Brain. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1845. Al. 27 TULK and HENFREY. Anatomical Manipulations. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1864. A2. 28 VALPEAU. Surgical Anatomy. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. New York, 1830. A2. 29 WAGNER. Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals. Cloth, 8vo. New York, 1845. A2. 30 WILSON'S Dissector. Sheep, 12mo. Phila. 1855. A2- 31 The Works of John Hunter. Plates with explanatory notes. Boards, 4to. London, 1837. Bl. 32 Medical Anatomy. Folio atlases of elegant chromo-lith- ographs, with explanatory notes, (6 numbers only.) 33 WISTAR. System of Anatomy, vol. I. only. Sheep, 8vo. Phila., 1817. Bl 34 BONORDEN. 12 Tafeln der Allgemeinen Mykologie mit text, [in German.] Stuttgart, 1851. Bl. CHEMISTRY, SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, &c. 35 BARRAL. Statistique Chimique des Animaux. Sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1850. A2. 36 BARRAL. Statistique Chimique des Animaux. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1850. A2. 37 BASSET. Precis de Chimie Practique. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1861. Al. 38 BERZELIUS. Traite de Chimie Minerale, Vegitale et Ani- male. 5 vols., paper, 8vo. Paris, 1846. A2. 39 BECQUEREL. Elements d'Electro-Chimie. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1843. A2. 40 BOBIERRE. Traite de Manipulations Chimiques. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1844. A2. 41 BOOTH and MORFIT. Smithsonian Report on recent improvements in the Chemical Arts. Paper, 8vo. Washington, 1852. A2. 42 BOWMAN. Medical Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1850. A2. 43 LAY. Physiological Chemistry. Cloth, 8vo. Loud. 1860. A2. 44 DENNIS. Nouvelle Etudes Chimiques, .Physiologiques, et Medicales sur les Substances Albumenoides. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1856. A2. 4 45 DESCROIZELLES. Notices sur l'Alcalimetre. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1837. Bl. 46 DRAPER. Text-book on Chemistry. Sheep, 8vo. New York, 1846. Al. 47 DUMAS. Traite de Chimie. 5 vols., half-sheep, 12mo. Paris 1828 A2 47b DUMAS.' Traite de Chimie. vols. VI, VII and VIII. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1845. A2. 48 FIGUIERt De 1'Importance et du Role de la Chimie Dans les Sciences Medicales, paper, 8vo. Paris, 1853. A2. 49 FOWNES. Manual of Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1864. A2. 50 FRESENIUS. Analyse Chimique Qualatative. Half mo- rocco, 12mo. Paris, 1866. Bl. 50 a FRESENIUS. Chimical Analysis. Cloth, 12mo. New York, 1864, A 2. 51 FUR KE. Atlas of Physiological Chemistry, [supplement to Lehmann's Phys. Chern. See No. 830,] boards 4to Lond., 1853. A2. 52 GALLOWAY. Second Step in Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1864. A2. 53 GALLOWAY. Manual of Qualitative Analysis. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1864. Al. 54 GERHARDT. Precis de Chimie Organique. 2vols. Paper, 8vo. Pai is, 1845. A2. 55 GRAHAM. Elements of Chemistry, edit, by Bridges. [Part 1 only.] Paper, 8vo. Phil., 1853. A2. 56 GRANDEAU. Instruction Practique sur 1'Analyse Spec- trale. Pamphlet, with 3 plates. Paris, 1863. A2. 57 GREGORY. Outlines of Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1865. A2. 58 GREGORY. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 59 GRIFFIN. Chemical Handicraft. Cloth. 8vo. Lond., 1866. A2. 60 GRIFFITHS. Chemistry of the Four Ancient Elements. Illustrated pamphlet. New York, 1843. A2. 60 a HARE. Chemistry. 3 small, odd parts. Paper, 8vo. Phil,, 1824. B2. 61 HASSEL. Adulterations Detected in Food, and Medicine. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1857. A2. 62 HELLER. Pathological Chemistry of the Urine. Paper, 8vo., 100 pages. Dublin, 1865. A2. 63 L'HERITIER. Chimie Pathologique. Sheep. 8vo. Paris, 1842. A2. 64 HUARD. Traite Comparee de Chimie Organique. 12mo. Pamphlet. Paris, 1852. A2. 5 65 KANE. Elements of Chemistry, edit, by Draper. Cloth, 8vo. New York, 1844. A2. 66 LASSAIGNE. Abrego de Chimie. 2vols. Sheep, 8vo., with a 4to Atlas of colored plates. Paris, 1842. Al. 67 LEHMANN. Precis de Chimie Animale. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1855. A2. 68 LIEBIG. Letters on Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1851. A2. 69 LIEBIG. Handbook of Organic Analysis. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1853. A2. 70 LIEBIG. Annual .Report on the Progress of Chemistry. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Lond., 1851. A2. 71 MIALHE. Chimie Appliquee a la Physiologic et la Thera- peutique.' Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1856. A2. 72 MILLON. Etudes de Chimie Organique. 2 pamphlet vols. of 100 pages each. Lille, 1849. A2. 73 MILLON. Elements de Chimie Organique. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1848. Al. 74 MITSCHERLICH. Practical and Experimental Chemis- try. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1838. A2. 75 NEUBAUER AND VOGEL. Analysis of the Urine, Cloth, 8vo. London, 1863. A2. 75 a NEUBAUER AND VOGEL. The same work in German. Paper, 8vo. 1854. A2. 76 NOAD. Chemical Analysis. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1848. A2. 77 PARIS. Medical Chemistry, Boards, 8vo. London, 1825. Bl. 78 PARKINSON. The Chemical Pocket-Book. Sheep, 12mo. Philadelphia, 1802. Bl. 79 PAYEN. Cours de Chimie Appliquee, IPart I. only."] Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1847. A2. 80 REES. Analysis of Blood, Urine, etc., etc. Boards, 8vo. London. Bl. 81 REGNAULT. Cours Elementaire de Chimie. 5 vols. Pa- per, 12mo. Paris, 1850. A2. 82 ROBIN AND VERDEIL. Atlas of Plates, Illustrating Anatomical and Physiological Chemistry. Boards, 4to. Paris, 1853. Al. 83 ROSCCE. Spectrum Analysis, with fine plates; colored and plain cloth, 8vo. New York, 1869. Al. 84 ROSE. Traite Practique d'Analyse Chiinique. 2 vols. Half morocco, Rvo. Paris, 1832. A2. 85 SCOUTETTEN. L'Ozone. Paper, 12 mo. Paris, 1856. Bl. 86 SHAW. Tables of the Characteristics of Chemical Sub- stances. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1843. A2. 87 SILLIMAN. First Principles of Chemistry. Sheep, 12mo. Phil., 1847. A2. 6 88 SIMON. The Chemistry of Man. 2 vols. Boards, 8vo. ' Phil., 1846. Bl. 89 SUTTON. Volumetric Analysis. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1863. A2. 90 TURNER. Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1867. A2. 91 VENABLES. Guide to the Urino-Chemical Chest. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1850. A2. 92 DE VAUREAL. Essai sur 1'Historie des Ferments. Pa- per, 8vo. Paris, 1864. A2. 93 WILL. De l'Analyse Qualitative. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1847. A2. 94 WILLIAMSON. Chemistry for Students. Cloth, 12mo. 1868. Al. 95 A small work on Chemistry. [195 pp.], without any title page. Boards, 8vo. B2. MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY. 96 Largo Atlas of Plates of Chemical Apparatus. Bl. 97 DAVIES. Chemical Philosophy. Sheep, 8vo. [vol. I. only]. Philadelphia, 1812, Bl. 98 FRANCIS. Chemical Experiments. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1845. A2. 99 FliESENIUS. De la Urine. Half Morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1870. Al. 99 a ODLING. Practical Chemistry. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1865. A2. 100 ANSTIE. Stimulants and Narcotics. Cloth, Svo. Phila- delphia, 1865. A2. 101 BEASLIE. Prescription Book. Sheep, 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1855. Al. 102 CELSUS. De Medicina, Cura, etc., etc. [in Latin]. Cloth, 8vo'. Edinburgh, J 831. A2. 103 CHR1STISON. Treatise on Poisons. Cloth, 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1836. Bl, 104 COGSWELL. Essay on Iodine and its Compounds. Boards, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. Bl. 105 COX. Dispensatory. Sheep, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. Bl. 106 CORMACK. Treatise on Creosote. Cloth, 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1836. A2. 107 CULLEN. Materia Medica, 2 vols. Sheep, 12mo. Edin- burgh, 1839. A2. 108 DIEU. Traite de Matiere Med., et de Therapeutique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1848. A2. 109 DORVAULT. L'Officine on Repertoire General de Phar- macie Practique. Elegant half morocco [1537 pp.] Paris, 1872. Al. 7 110 EDWARDS. Manual of Materia Medica. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1829. A2. Ill EDWARDS. Manual of Materia Medica. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1829. A2. 112 EBERLE. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Sheep, 8vo. [vol. 1 only]. Phil., 1822. A2. 113 FOTHERGILL. Digitalis and its Mode of Action. Cloth. 8vo. Phil., 1871'. A2. 114 GREEN Prescriptions of American Practitioners. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1858. A2. 115 LECANU. Cours de Pharmacie. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1842. Al. 116 MILLER. Alcohol, its Place and Power. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1861. A2. 117 MUTER. The Alkaline Permanganates; Med.Uses. Cloth, 12mo. JLond., 1864. A2. 118 MOHR. REDWOOD and PROCTOR. Pharmacy. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1849. Al. 119 ORFILA. Traite de Toxicologie, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1843. Al. 119aPAREIRA. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, vol. I. only. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1843. A2. 120 PARIS. Pharmacologia. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1833. Bl. 121 PARRISH. Practical Pharmacy. Cloth, 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1856. B2. 122 SQUIRE. Pharmacopoeias of the London Hospitals. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1869. A2. 122a STILLE. Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1860. Al. 123 TANNER. Memoranda of Poisons. Cloth, 8mo. Phil., 1872. Bl. 124 THOMSON. Conspectus of the Pharamcopoeias. Cloth, 18 mo. Lond., 1838. Bl. 125 THOMSON. Materia Medica. Half sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1835 A2 126 TROUSSEAU ET PIDOUX. Therapeutique et Matiero Medica, 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1847. Al. 127 TROUSSEAU ET PIDOUX. Therapeutique et Matiere Medica, 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1851. Bl. 128 TROUSSEAU AND RE VEIL. The Prescribers complete Handbook. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1852. A2. 129 WILSON. Pharmacopacia Chirurgica. Sheep, 12mo. Phil., 1818. Bl. 130 WOOD & BAEHE. U. S. Dispensatory. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1845. A2. 131 WOOD & BAEHE. U. S. Dispensatory. Sheen, 8vo. Phil., 1870. Al. (!) 132 NATIONAL CONVENTION of 1860. Pharmacopoeia of the U. S. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1866. A2. 8 133 Three small miscellaneous works on Materia Medica. Bl. 134 WOOD. Therapeutics and Pharmacology [vol. 1 only]. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1856. A2. MEDICINE, THEORY AND PRACTICE, Including Diseases of Children, of the Skin, Eye, Ear, etc., in the English language. 135 ACTON. Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1858. A2. 136 ADDISON. Cell Therapeutics. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1856. A2. 137 ADDISON. On Consumption and Scrofula. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1849. A2. 138 AITKIN. Science and Practice of Medicine, 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1866. A2. (!) 139 ALTHAUS. Medical Electricity. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1860. A2. 140 ANDERSON. Skin Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1841. A2 141 ANNESLEY. Diseases of India. Lond., 1841. A2. 142 ARRAN. On the Heart. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1843. A2. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. ETC. 143 ARMSTRONG. On Typhus Fever. Sheep. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. A2. 144 ARMSTRONG. On Typhus Fever. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1824. A2. 145 ARMSTRONG. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1826. A2 146 AYRE. On Dropsy. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1846. A2. 146 a BAGLIUS. Opera Medico-Pr.actica et Anatomica, [in Latin,] Sheep, 4to. London, 1714. Bl. 147 BAKER. On Endemial Colic. Boards, 8vo. London, 1814; A2.' 148 BAKER-BROWN. On Certain Forms of Epilepsy, etc. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1866. 149 BALLARD. Diseases of the Abdomen. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1852. A2. 150 BANCROFT. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Baltimore, 1820. BL 151 BARDSLEY. Hospital Facts on the Use of Strychnia, Brucia, Morphia, etc. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1820. Bl. 152 BARTLETT. Philosophy of Medical Science. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1844. A2. 153 BARTLETT. Treatise on Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1852. Al. 9 154 BASCOME. On Epidemic Pestilences. Cloth, 8vo. Bond., 1851. A2. 155 BASHAM. On Renal Diseases. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1870. A 2. 156 BAMPFIELD. On Dysentery and Scurvy. Boards, 8vo. London, 1819. Bl. 157 BEALE. On Kidney Diseases and Urinary Deposits. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1869. A2. 158 BEALE. On Urinary Deposits and Calculi. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1864. A2. 159 BEDINGFIELD. Compend Of Medical Practice. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1816. Bl. 160 BEGIN. On Therapeutics. Vol. I. only. Sheep, 8vo. N.Y., 1829. A2. 161 BELL AND STOKES. Practice of Physic. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1845. A2. 162 BELL. On Diseases of the West Indies. Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1791. B2. 163 BELLINGHAM. On Diseases of the Heart. Cloth, 8vo. Dublin, 1853. A2. 164 BELLINI. On Fevers, (a very curious work,) Sheep, 8vo. London, 1720. A2. 165 BENNETT. Practice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1866. Al. 166 BENNETT. Practice of Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1860. A2. 167 BENNETT. On Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Cloth, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1853. A2. 168 BENNETT. On Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1854. Bl. 169 BENNETT. Introduction to Clinical Medicine. Cloth, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1857. A2. 170 BERTIN. On the Heart. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1833. A2. 171 BILLING. Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 172 BILLARD. On the Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. N.Y., 1840. A2. 173 BILLING. First Principles of Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1849. A2. 174 BIRCH. On Constipated Bowels. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1868. A2. 175 (Wanting.) 176 BIRD. On Urinary Deposits. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1854; A2. 177 BIRD. On Urinary Deposits. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1859. A2. 178 BLACK. Diseases of the Renal and Urinary Organs. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1872. Al. 179 BLACKWELL. On Dropsies. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1825. Bl. 10 180 BLAIR. On Yellow Fever. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 181 BLAKE. On Delirium Tremens, Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1840. A2 182 BLACKISTON. Diseases of the Chest. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1848. A2. 183 BOISSEAU. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1832. A2. 184 BRED. On Asthma, Convulsivum. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1807. Bl. .185 BRIGHT and ADDISON. Elements of the Practice of Medicine. 2 parts. Paper, 8vo. Lond., 1<836. Bl. 186 [Wanting.] 187 BROUSSEAU. Chronic Phlegmasise. Sheep 8vo. Phil., 1831. A2. 188 BROWN. Elements of Medicine. Sheej, 8vo. Phil., 1790. Bl.' 188a BROWN. Elements of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1806. Bl. 189 BROWN. On Scarlatina. Cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1857. A2. 190 BUCKNER. On Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Cloth, 8vo. Phil. 1853. A2. 191 BUDD. Diseases of the Liver. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1853. A2 192 BURNE. On Typhus. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1828. Bl. 193 BURNE. On Typhus. Boards, 8vo. 1 ond., 1828. Bl. 194 CARMICHAEL. On Venereal Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1825. A2. 195 CAMPLIN. On Diabetes. Cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1861. Al. 196 CAREY. On Malignant Fever. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1794. Bl. 197 CAZENAVE. Diseases of the Skin. Clot i, 8vo. 1846. A2. 198 CAZENAVE and SCHEDEL. Same work. 1852. A2. 199 CHAPMAN. Diseases of the Thoracic and Abdominal Vis- cera. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. Al. 200 CHAPMAN. Compend of Practice. Sheep 8vo. Phil., 1846. A2. 201 CHEYNE. Diseases of Children. 2 vo s. Sheep, 12mo. Phil., 1814. Bl. 202 CHEYNE. On Dropsy of the Brain. Sueep, 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1808. B2. 203 CLARK. On Yellow Fever. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1718. B2. 204 CLARK. On Fevers. Boards, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1801. B2. 205 CLARK. On Diseases of Hot Climates. Boards, 8vo. London, 1773. A2. 206 CLUTTERBUCK. On Fever. [Vol. I. o ily.] Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1807. A2. 207 CLYMER. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1846. Al. 11 208 COLEY. Diseases of Infants and Children. Boards, 8vo. Phil., 1846. 209 COLEY. Diseases of Infants and Children. Boards. 8vo. Phil. Bl. 210 COLLE. On the Venereal Disease. Boards, 8vo. Lend., 1837. Bl. 211 CONDIE. On Diseases of Children. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1868. Al. 212 CONOLLY. Lectures on the Practice of Medicine. Cloth, 18mc. Lond., 1832. A2. 213 COOKE. On Nervous Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1824. A2. 214 COPLAND. On Palsy and Apoplexy. Sheep, 8vo. 1850. A2. 215 CORRIGAN. On Fever. Cloth, 8vo. Dubliry, 1853. A2. 216 CORMACK. On Fevers. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1843. A2. 216 a COTTOM. On Phthisis and the Stethoscope. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1869. Al. 217 COWAN. Manual of Physical Diagnosis. Cloth, 18mo. Lond., 1842. Bl. 218 CRAIGIE. Practice of Physic, 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1840. Bl. 219 CULLEN. First Lines on the Practice of Physic, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Dublin, 1784. Bl. 220 DALE. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1732. A2. 221 DAMON. Structural Lesions of the Skin. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1869. A2. 222 DANIEL. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Savannah, 1826. A2. 223 DAVIES. Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1851. A2. 224 DEWEES. Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1832. A2. 225 DICKSON. On Yellow Fever. Boards, 8vo. 15ond., 1819. B2. 226 DICKSON. On Yellow Fever. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1819. B2. 227 DICKSON. Practice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Charles- ton, 1845. A2. 228 DICKSON. Elements of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1855. Al. 229 DICKINSON. Pathology and Treatment of Albumcnaria. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1868. A2. 230 DILLENBRRGER. Discasbs of Women and Children. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1871. A2. 231 DOBELL. On Tuberculosis. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1866. A2. 232 DOBELL. On Winter Cough. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1866. A2. 12 233 DOBELL. Reports on the Progress of Medicine, 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1871. A2. 234 DRAKE. On the Principal Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1854. Al. 235 [Wanting]. 236 DUNGLISON. Elements of Hvgienc. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1835. A 2. 236 a DUNGLISON. Elements of Hygiene. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1835 A2 237 DUNGLISON. Practice of Medicine, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1814. A2. 238 EBERLE. Practice of Medicine, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1831. Bl. 239 ECHERERRTA. On Epilepsy [Finely Illustrated]. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1870, A2. 240 ELLIOTSON. Pratice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. Al. 241 ESQUIROL. On Insanity. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. Al. 242 FENNER. Southern Medical Reports, 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. N. O., 1850. Bl. 243 FLINT: On the Respiratory Organs. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1856. A2. 244 FLINT. Clinical Reports on Continued Fevers. Cloth, 8 vo. Phil., 1855. A2. 245 FORDYCE. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1823. A2. 246 FORDYCE. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1823. A2. 247 FOX. On Skin Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1871. A2. 248 FULLER. On Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 249 GALT. Practical Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1843. A2. 250 GARRATT. Medical Uses of Electricity. Cloth, 8vo. Boston, 1860, A2. 251 GEI^IARD. Diseases of the Chest. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1836. Bl. 252 GOOD. The Study of Medicine, 5 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Bos- ton, 1829. A2. 252a GOOD. The Study of Medicine [vol. 1 only]. N.Y., 1829. A2. 253 GRAVES. Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine, 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1848. A2. 254 GREEN. On Bronchitis. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1853. A2. 255 GREENHOW. On Chronic Bronchitis. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1869. Ai. 256 GREGORY. On Eruptive Fevers. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 2. 257 GUY AND HOPKINS. Manual of the Practice of Physie. 258 HALE. On Spotted Fever. Boards, 8vo. Boston, 1818 Bl. 13 259 HALE. On Spotted Fever. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1818. A2. 260 HALL. On the Nervous System. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1839. A2. 261 HALL. On Diagnosis. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1839. A2. 262 HAMMOND. On Diseases of the Nervous System. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1871. A2. 363 HARRIS. De Mortis Acutis Infantum, [in Latin] Sheep, 12mo. Rotterdam, 1720. A2. 264 HARRISON. On the Nervous System. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. Al. 265 HASTINGS. On Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1843. A2. 266 HASTINGS. On Yellow Fever. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1848. A2. 267 HEBERDEN. Commentaries on Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1818. A2. 268 HEBERDEN. Epitome Morborum Puerilium, in Latin.. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1804. Bl. 269 HILDEBRAND. On Typhus. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1829. A2. 270 HILL. On Venereal Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1869. Al. 271 HILLIER. On the Diseases of Children. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1868. A2. 272 HOLLAND. Medical Notes and Reflections. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1857. A2. 273 HOPE. On the Heart. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1846. Al. 274 HOSACK. Practice of Physic. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1838. Al. 275 HUEELAN. On Scrofula. Sheep, 12 mo. Phil., 1829. Bl. 276 HUSS. On Typhus, and Typhoid Fevers. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1855. A2. 277 "HUXHAM. On Fevers. Sheep, 12mo. Lond., 1864. Bl. 278 INMAN. The Restoration of Health. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1870. A2. 279 IRVING. On Peruvian Bark. Half sheep, 8vo. Edinb'gh, 1785. A2. 280 JACKSON. Principles of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1832. A2. 281 JACKSON. On Contagious Fever. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1819. Bl. 282 JAMES. On Fevers. Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1778. A2. 283 JOHNSON. On the Liver. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1826. A2. 284 JOHNSON On Cholera. Cloth, 12mo., Lond., 1833. Al. 285 JOHNSON On Diseases of the Kidneys. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 286 LAENNEC. Diseases of the Chest. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1838. A2. 14 287 LATHAM. Diseases of the Heart. 2vols. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1845. A2.. 288 LAWSON. On Consumption. Sheep, 8vo. Cincinnati, 1861. A2. 289 LAYCOCK. On Medical Observation. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1857. A2. 290 LOBB. On Fevers. Sheep 8vo. Lond., 1835. Bl. 291 LEY. On Laryngismus Stridulus. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1836. Bl. 292 LOUIS. On Blood-letting. Cloth, 8vo. Boston, 1836. A2. 293 LOUIS. On Typhoid Fever. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Boston, 1836. A2. 294 LOUIS. On Yellow Fever. Cloth, 8vo. Boston, 1839. A2. 2^5 LUGOL. On Scrofula. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1844. A2. 296 LYONS. Hand-book of Hospital Practice. New York, 1861. Cloth, 12mo., N. Y., 1861. A2. 297 LYONS. On Fever. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1864. A2. 298 McCONNELL HEED. On Fever Plague, Cholera, Con- tagion, etc. 2 vols. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1846. A2. 299 McCULLOCH. On Malarial Diseases, Neuralgia, etc. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1830. A2. 300 McDOWELL. On Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. Louisville, 1843. A2. 301 McGRIGOR. Account of a Recent Varioloid Epidemic in Scotland. Boards, 8vo. 1824. B2. 302 McGOWN. On Diseases of the South. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1849. A2. 303 MACKINTOSH. Practice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. A2. 304 MACLEAN. Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. (Vol. I. only.) Boards, 8vo. London, 1818. Bl. 305 MARKHAM. Diseases of the Heart. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1856 A2 306 MAUNSELL AND EVANSON. Diseases of Children. Cloth, 8vo. Dublin, 1838. A2. 307 MEAD. Medical Works. Sheep, 4to. Lond., 1762. Bl. 308 MEIGS AND PEPPER. Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. [921 pp.] Phil., 1870. Al. 309 MEIGS. Diseases of Children. Cloth, 8vo. [211 pp.l Phil., 1850. A2. 310 MILLAR. On Contagious Typhus. Boards, 8vo. Glas- gow, 1833. B2. 311 MITCHELL. On Fevers. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1849. A2. 312 MOREHEAD. Researches on Disease in India. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1856. A2. 313 MORRIS. On Scarlet Fever., Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1851. A2. 314 MORTON. Illustrations of Pulm. Consumption. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1837. A2. 15 315 DUCHENNE. On Localized Electrization. Boards, 8vo. Phil., 1871. A2. 316 MURCHISON. On Continued Fevers. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1862. A2. 317 MURCHISON. On Diseases of the Liver. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y, 1868. A2. 318 NAPHEYS. Modern Therapeutics. Cloth, 8vo. Phil, 1871. Al. 319 NELIGAN. Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases. Cloth, 4to, [with numerous elegant colored plates.] Phil., 1856. A2., (!) 320 NICHOLS. Remarks on Disordered States of the Cerebral Structures in Infancy. Boards, 12mo., [94 pp.] Lond., 1821. B2. 321 NIEMEYER. Text-Book of Practical Medicine. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y, 1871. A2. [ !! ] 322 PARKES. On Cholera. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1847. A2. 323 PARKES. Practical Hygiene. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1866. A2. 324 PARKES. On Dysentery, etc. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1846. A2. 325 PAVY. On Diabetes. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1862. A2. 326 PEMBERTON. On Various Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera. Sheep, 8vo. 1815. A2. 327 PHILIP. On Protracted Indigestion. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1843. Bl. 328 PHILIP. On Febrile Diseases. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Hart- ford, 1816. A2. 329 PHILIP. On Febrile Diseases, 2 vols. Boards, 8vo. Hart- ford, 1813. A2. 330 PHILIP. On Acute and Chronic Diseases. Boards, 8vo. London, 1830. Bl. 331 PITCA.IRN. Elements of Physic. Sheep, 12mo. London, 1718. »B 1. 332 PLUMBE. Diseases of the Skin. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1837. A2. 333 POLLOCK. Elements of Prognosis in Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1865. A2. 334 POTTER. On Yellow Fever. Boards, 8vo. Baltimore, 1818. B2. 335 PRITCHETT. On the African Remittent Fever. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1843. A2. 336 PURCELL. Of Vapours, or Hysterick Fits. Sheep, 12mo. London, 1707. Bl. 337 PYM. On Yellow Fever, Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1848. A2. 338 PYM. On Yellow Fever. Boards. 12mb. Lond., 1815. A2. 339 RANKING. Retrospective Address on Medicine. Cloth, 12 mo. 1847. A2. 16 340 REEDER. Diseases of the Heart. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1821 Bl. 340 a REES. On Calculous Disease. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1856. A2. 341 REID. On Nervous Affections. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1821. Bl. 342 REYNOLDS. System of Medicine. 3 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1868. A2. (!!!) 343 REYNOLDS. Diagnosis of Diseases of the Brain, etc. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. A2. 344 RICORD. On Venereal Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1845. A2. 345 ROBERTS. On Renal and Urinary Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1866, Al. 346 LA ROCHE. On Yellow Fever. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1855. A2. 347 ROMBERG. On Diseases of the Nervous System. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1853. A2. 348 ROUPELL. On Typhus. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1839. A2i 349 RUMSEY. Essays on State Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. Lon- don, 1866. A2. 350 RUSSELL. On Scrofula. Boards, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. Bl. 351 RUSH. Lectures on Medicine. Paper, 8vo. Phil., 1811. B2. 352 SAISSY. On the Ear. Sheep, 8vo. London, 1829. A2. 353 SALTER. On Asthma. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1859. A2. 354 SANDERSON. Hand-book of the Sphygmograph. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1867. A2. 355 SAYRE. On Phthisis Pulmon. Sheep, 12mo. Trenton, 1791. Bl. 356 SAPPINGTON. On Fevers. Sheep, 12mo. 1844. A2. 357 SAWYER. On Fever. Cloth, 12mo. New York. 1831. Bl. 358 SCUDAMORE. On Gout. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1819. A2. 359 SPODA. On Auscultation and Percussion. Cloth, 12mo. \ Lond., 1853. A2. 360 SMITH. On Typhus. Boards, 8vo. New York, 1824. Bl. 361 SMITH On Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1872. Al. [!! 1] 362 SMITH. On Diseases of Children. Sheep. 8vo. Phil., 1869. Al. [! I] 363 SMITH. On Fever. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1830. A2. 364 SMYTHE. On Dropsy of the Brain. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1814. Bl. 365 SILLIMAN. Manual of Chemical Medicine. Cloth, 18mo. Lond., 1842. A2. 17 366 STEINAN. On Hereditary Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1843. A2. 367 STEWART. On Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1841. A2. 368 STEWART. On Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1841. A2. 369 STILLE. On Epidemic Meningitis. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1867. Al. 370 STILLE. On Epidemic Meningitis. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1867. Al. 371 STOKES. On Diseases of the Chest. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. A2. 372 STOKES. On Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. Cloth, 8vo. Dublin, 1854. A2. 373 SUTTON. On Delirium Tremens. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1813. Bl. 374 SWEDIAUR. On Syphilis. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1815. Bl. 375 SWEETSER. On Consumption. Boards, 8vo. Boston, 1836. A2. , 376 VAN SWEETEN. Commentaria in Aphorismos de Cogno- scendis et Curandis Morbis. 5 vols. Sheep, 4to (in Latin) Paris, 1755. A2. [1!!] 377 VAN SWIETEN. The same Work in English. 19 small vols. Sheep, 12mo. Edinburgh 1776. A2. [! !] 378 TANNER. Index of Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1867. A2. 379 TANNER. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1871. A2. 380 TANNER. Practice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1866. A2. 381 TANQL7EREL. On Lead Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Lowell, 1848. A2. 381 a TAYLOR. On Poisons. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1859. Bl. 382 THOMPSON. Annals of Influenza. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1852. A2. 383 THOMAS. Practice of Physic. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1822. Bl. 384 THOMAS. Practice of Physic. ' Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 1825. A2. 385 TRAVERS. On Inflammation. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1844. A2. 386 THOMPSON. On Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1854. A2. 387 THOMPSON. On the Urinary Organs. Cloth, 8vo. Phil.. 1869. Al. 388 THOMPSON. On Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1854. Bl. 18 389 TOBALD. On Chronic Diseases of the Larynx. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1868. A2. 390 TODD. Clinical Lectures. Cloth, 12n o. Lond., 1860. B2. 391 TODD. Clinical Lectures. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1854. A2. • 392 TOWNSEND. On Yellow Fever. Boards, 8vo. N.Y., 1822. Bl. 393 TOYNBEE. On Diseases of the Ear. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1868. A2. 394 TRAVERS. On Diseases of the Eye. Sheep, 8vo. N. Y., 18^5 A2 395 TROUSSEAU, BRETONNEAU and OTHERS. On Diph- theria. Cloth, 8vo. Lond, 1859. A2. 396 TROTTER. On Scurvy. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1792. A2. 397 (Wanting.) 398 TWEEDIE. Library of Practical Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. [4 vols.] Phil., 1840. A2. 399 TWEEDIE. On Various Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1840. A2. 400 TWEEDIE. On Various Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1840. A2. 401 TWEEDIE. On Various Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1840., A2. 402 TWEEDIE. Reports on Fever. Boards, 8vo. Lond.J 1830. B2- 403 TWINING. On the Liver and Spleen. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1842. A2. 404 TWINING. On the Liver and Spleen. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1842. A2. 405 UNDERWOOD. On Diseases of Children. Sheep, 8vo. Boston, 1836.- Bl. 406 UNDERWOOD. On Diseases of Children. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1835. A2. 407 VEITCH. On Yellow Fever. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1818. A2 408 VOGEL. On Diseases of Children. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1870. A2. 409 WALSHE. On Diseases of the Lungs. Cloth, 8vo. Phil.. 1860. A2. 410 WALSHE. On Diseases of the Lungs. Cloth, 8vo. Phil 1860. A2. 411 WADE. On Dipththeritis. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1858. A2. 412 WALSHE. On Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1851. A2. 413 WARREN AND LEE. Prize Essays on Consumption. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1857. A2. 19 414 WATSON. Practice of Physic. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1858. A2. 415 WATSON. Practice of Physic, (abridged). Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1867. Al. 416 WELLS. On Diseases of the Eye. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1869. A2 417 WELLS. On Long, Short and Weak Sight. Cloth, 8vo. 1869. Al. 418 WILLAN. Bateman's Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1824. A2. 419 WHYTT. On Dropsy of the Brain. Boards, 12mo. Edin- burgh, 1768. Bl. 420 WHYTT. On the Nerves, etc., etc. Sheep, 12rno. Edin- burgh, 1867. Bl. 420 a WICKHAM. Guide to the Examination of the Urine* Cloth, 18mo. Phil., 1870. A2. 421 WILLIAMS. Diseases of the Lungs and Pleura. Boards, 8vo., 1830. Bl. 422 WILLIAMS AND CLYMER. On Diseases of the Respi- ratory Organs. Sheep, 8vo. 1845. A2. 423 WILLIAMS. Principles of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1857. Al. 424 WILLAN. On Cutaneous Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1809. Bl. 425 WILSON ERAS. On Syphilis. Cloth, 8vo. London. 1852, A2. 426 WILSON ERAS. On the Skin and Hair. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1854. A2. 427 WILSON ERAS. On Eczema. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1870. A2. 428 WILSON ERAS. On Diseases of the Skin. Cloth, 8vo. Phila., 1843. A2. 429 WOOD. Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1849, 1858. Bl. A2. 430 WOOD. Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1858. * Al. 431 WUNDERLICH. Medical Thermometry. Cloth, 12mo. N. Y., 1871. A2. 432 YOUNG. On Consumptive Diseases. Boards, 8vo. Loud., 1815. A2. 433 BOWDITCH. The Young 11 Stethescopist." Sheep. 12mo. N.Y., 1840. Al. 434 Medical Transactions. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1813. Bl, 435 Medical Transactions. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1820. Bl. 436 "What to Observe in Medical Cases." Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1855. A2. 20 437 The same work. 1853. A2. 438 HALL. On the Nervous System. Sheep. 8vo. Phil., 1836. Bl. 439 EMP1S. Report on Epidemic Cholera. By Baly and Gull. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1854. A2. 440 BRAUN. On Uraemic Convulsions. Cloth, 12mo. N. Y., 1858. A 2. 441 ROSENSTEIN. On Diseases of Children. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1776. Bl. 442 SMITH. On Scrofula. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1844. A2. 443 LAWSON. On Injuries of the Eye. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1867. Al. 444 TODD. On Urinary Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1857. A2. MEDICINE, ETC. 445 ANDRAL. Cours de Patliologie Interne. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1848. A2 446 ANDRY. Percussion et Ausenltation. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1844. Al. 447 A NG LADA. Trait6 de la Contagion. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1853. A 2. 448 AMETTE. Code Medicale. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1855.< A2. 449 ARMAND. Hygiene des Pays Chauds. Half morocco, 8 vo. Paris. A2. 450 BALLOU. Epidemics ct Ephemerides. Half morocco, 8 vo. Paris, 1858. Al. 451 BAILLY. Traite des Fievres Intermittentes. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1825. B2. 452 BALLY. Traite du Typhus d'Amerique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1814. Bl. 453 BARTH. Traite Practique de Ausculation. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1850. Bl. 454 BARTH. Traite Practique de Ausculation. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1860. Bl. 455 BARl'HEZ. Traitement Methodiquo des Fluxions. Sheep, 12mo., 1805. A2. 456 BARTHEZ ET RILLIET. Maladies des Enfants. 3 vols. Half morocco, 8vo., 1854. Al. 457 BAUMES. Traite des Convulsions dans 1'Eenfancie. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1805. A2. 457 a BAUMES. Traite do Premiere Dentition. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1806. 458 BAYLE. Elements de Pathologic Medicale. 2 vols. Pa- per, 8vo. Paris, 1857. A2. (In the French Language.) 21 459 BAZIN. Traits des Affections Cutan6es Parasitaires. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1858. A2. 460 BEAN. Traite d'Auscultation. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1856. Al. 461 BECQUEREL. Applications de 1'Electricite a la Thera- peutique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1857. A2. 462 BECQUEREL. Semeiotique des Urines. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1848. A2. 463 BflHIER. Clinique Medicale. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Al. 464 BELOT. La Fievre Janne. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. A2. 465 BERNARD. Introduction a 1'iltude de la Medicin Exper- imental. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. A2. 465 a BERNARD. Traite des MaladiesNerveuses. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1865. A2. 466 BERTON. Maladies des Enfants. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1837. A2. 467 BOISSEAU. Nosographie Organique, 4 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1828. A2. 468 BONNET. Fievres Intcrmittentes. - Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1853. Al. 469 BORIE. Traitd des Maladies Nerveuses. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1830. Al. . 470 BOSSU. Compend Mddicale. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1842. Bl. 471 BOUCHUT. Maladies des Nouveaux-n6s. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1845. Al. * 472 BOUCHUT. Maladies des Nouveaux-n^s, (enlarged.). Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1855. Al. 473 BOUCHUT. Maladies de Systeme Nerveux. Half moroc- co, 8vo. Paris, 1866. Al. 474 BOUILLAUD. Maladies du Cceur, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1841. A2. 475 BOUILLAUD. Clinique Medicale, 3 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1837. A2. 476 BOULLAUD. Traite de Nosographie Mcdicale, 5 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1846. A2. 477 BOUSQUET. Traits de la Vaccine, etc. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1848. A2. 478 BOUSQUET. Traits de la Vaccine, etc., (much smaller.) Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1833. A2. 479 BRACKET., Traite des Convulsions Dans 1'Enfancie. Sheep, vo. • Paris, 1837. A2. 480 BRETTONNEAU. De la Diphtherite. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1826. A2. 22 481 BRICHETEAU. Precis Analytique du Croup. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1826. A2. 4S2 BROUSSAIS. Cours de Pathologic, 5 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1835. A2. 483 CIVIALE. Traite de la Affection Calculcusc. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1838. 484 CHABERT. Reflections Mddicales sur la Fievre Jaune, 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. New Orleans, 1821. B2. 485 CLOMEL. Clinique Medicale. Half morocco, 12mo. Brus- sels, 1834- Bl. 486 CLOMEL. Chinique Mddicale. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1837. Al. 487 CHURCHILL. Traite de la Phthisic Pulmonaire. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Al. 488 DU CLAUBRY. De 1'Ideutitd du Typhus, etc. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1844. Al. 489 (Wanting)'. 490 DARTISTE. Fievre Jaune. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1825. Al. 491 DOUBLE. Traite du Croup. Half sheep. Paris, 1811. A2. 492 DUBOIS. Pathologic Expdrimcntale. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1841. A2. 493 DUBOIS. Etudes Medicales. Half morocco, 12mo. Brus- sels, 1838. A2. 494 DUBOUEL Do la Impaludismc. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1867. Al. 495 DUCHENNE. L'electrization Localizeo. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1855. Al. 496 DUCHESNE. Traits des Dermatoses. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1859. A2. 497 DUCIIATELET. Hygiene Publique, 2 vols. Half moroc- co, 8vo. Paris, 1836. A2. 498 EMPIS. Trait-6 de la Granule. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. A2. 499 D'ETIOLLES. Des Paralysics des Membres Inferieurs. Vol. I only. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1856. A2. 500 FABRE. Bibliotheque du Mddicin-Practicicn. Vol. XI. Mal. de l'Apparcil Digestif. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1850. A2. 501 FAGET. Doctrine Medicalc. Paper, 8vo. N. O., 1855. A2. 502 TONSSAGRIVES. Traite d'Hygiene Navale. Half mo- rocco, 8vo. Paris, 1856. Al. 503 FORGET. Principles do Th^rapeutique. Paper, 8vo. * . Paris, 1860. Al. 504 FRANK. Traitd de Medicin Practique. 2 vols. Half mo- . rocco, large 8vo. Paris, 1842. A2. 23 505 FRERICHS. Maladies du Foie. Half morocco, 8vo.. Paris, 1866. A2. 506 FRERICHS. Maladies du Foie. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1866. A2. 507 GUYOL. Fievre Typhoide. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1853. Al. 508 GENDRIN. Medicin Paractique. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1838-9-41-43. A2. 509 GINTRAC. Cours de Pathologie Interne. 5 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1853. Al. (!) 510 GRISOLLE. Traite de Pathologie Interne. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1857. A2. 511 GRISOLLE. Traite de Pneumonic. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Al. 512 GUBLER. Commentaircs Therapeutiques. Cloth, 8vo. Paris, 1868. A2. 513 GUIBERT. Traite du Croup. Sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1824. A2. 514 HALPAEN. Memoire sur 1c Cholera Morbus et Fievre Janne in N. O. in 1832. Paper, 8vo. N. O., 1834. B2. 515 HARDY ET BEHIER. Traite Elementaire de Pathologic Interne. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris. 1846. Bl. 516 HUFELAND. Medicin Paractique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1848. A2. 517 JACCOND. Traite de Pathologie Interne. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1870. Al. 518 JACCOND Traite do Pathologie Interne. Vol. I. only. Paper. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Al. 519 LEBRETON. Varietes de la Paralyse Hysterique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1868. A2. 520 LANGLEBERT, Guide de 1'Etudiant en Medicin. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1352. Al. 521 LASEGUE. Traite dos Angines. Cloth, 8vo. Paris, 1868. Al. 522 LEBERT. Traite des Maladies Scrofuleuses et Tubercu- leuses. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1849. A2. 523 LEVY. Traitd de Hygiene. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1857. Al. 524 LONDE. Elements d'Hygiene. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1838. A2. 525 LOUIS. Fievre Typhoide. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1841. A2. 526 LOUIS. Researches sur la Phthisic. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1843. Al. 527 LOUIS, CHERVIN ET TROUSSEAU. Fievre Jaune. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1830. A2. 528 LUGOL. Maladies Scrofuleuses. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1844, Al. 24 529 MOUNERET ET DE LA BERGE. Compend de M^dicin Practicque. 7 vols. Half morocco, large 8 vo. Paris, 1836. A2. 530 MONNERET. Traite Elementaire de Pathogie Interne. 3 vols. (8 separate parts). Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Al. 531 MERAT, CORBIN ET SABATIEN. Exploration de la Portrine. Half morocco, 12mo. Brussels, 1833. A2. 532 STALL. Trait6 de Medicin Practique. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1809. A2. 533 MAILLOT. Traite des Fievres. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1836. Al* 534 MAJINI. Inoculation Preservative de la Fievre Jaune. Half morocco, 8vo. [small] Paris, 1858. A2. 534aMAlJINI. Inoculation Preservation de la Fievre Jaune. Half morocco 8vo (small). 1858. A2. 535 PINEL. Maladies du Cerveau. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris., 1844. A2. 536 PINEL, NOSOGRAPHIE. Philosophique. 3 vols. Half Sheep, 8vo. Paris. 1813. A2. 537 PIORBY. Traite do Medicin Practique. 10 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1850. A2. 538 PIORRY. Percussion Mediate. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1828. A2. 539 PET1T, ET SERRES. Fievre Entero-Mesenterique. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1813. A2. 540 PORTAL. De L'apoplcxie. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1811. A2. 541 (Wanting.( 542 PRUS. Irritation et Phlegmasie. Sheep, 8vo. Paris. 1825. A2. 543 QUISSAC. Elements de la Medicin Practique. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1850. Bl. 544 RAYER. Maladias do la Pean. 3 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. [with large folio atlas of elegant plates.] Paris, 1835. A2. 545 RECURE IL. Sur la Fievre Jaune. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1812. A2. 546 RERUIN. Elements de Pathologic Medicale. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1843. A2. 547 REVEIL. Medicaments Nouvcaux. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1864. A2. 548 ROCHOUX. Fievre Jaune. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1828. Bl, 549 ROSTAN. Ramollisscni du Cerveau. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1823. A2. 550 SEQUARD. Principales Formes de Paralyse des Membres Inferieurs. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. Al. 551 [Wanting]. 25 552 SIMON. Etudes des Epidemics au XVIIIe Siecle. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1854. A2. 553 LEVY. Annal de Hygiene Publique. Paper, 8vo (small.) B2. 554 TARDIEU. Pathologic et Chimique Medicalo. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1857. Al. 555 TARDIEU. Etude sur 1'Avortcment. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Al. 556 TARDIEU. Du Cholera Epidemique. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1849. B2. 557 THE RY. Traits de l'Asthme. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1859. A2. 558 TOMMASIN1. Fievre Jaune. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1812 A2. 559 VIEUSSENS. Historic des Maladies Internes. Vol. 'Ill only. Paper, Ito. Toulouse, 1775. Bl. 560 TOURTELLE. Elements d'Hygiene. 2 vols. Half sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1845. Bl. 561 TROUSSEAU. Clinique Mddicale. Vol. I only. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1861. A2. 562 TROUSSEAU. Clinique Medicale. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1865. Al. 563 VALLEIX. Guido du Medicin Practicien. 5 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1850. Al. 564 VALLEIX. Guide du Medicin Practicien. (one odd vol., 847 pages.) Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1847. Bl. 565 VALLEIX. Clinique des Maladies des Enfants. Sheep, 8vo. Paris,.-1838. X2- 566 VELPEAU. Maladies des Sein. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1852. Al. 567 ANDRAL. Clinique Medicale. 5 vols. Half sheep, 8vo. Brussels, 1834. Al. MICROSCOPY. 571 BAKER. Employment for the Microscope. Sheep, 8vo. Bond., 1753. Bl. 572. BEAEE. How to Work with the Microscope. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1865. A2. 573 BEALE. The Microscope in Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1867. A2. 574 BEALE. The Microscope in Medicine. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1854. A2. 575 BEALE. How to Work with the Microscope. 12mo Lond., 1857. A2. 576 BEALE. The Microscope in Medicine. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1858. A2. * 577 BREWSTER. On the Microscrope. Cloth, 12mo. Edin- burgh, 1837. A2. 26 578 BROCKLESBY. The Amateur Microspopist. Cloth, 8vo. New York, 1871. Al. 579 CARPENTER. On the Microscope. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1862. A2. 580 CHEVALIER. 1'Ettudiant Micrographe. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 18G5. A2. 581 CHEVALIER. Des Microscopes ct do Leur Usage. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1829. Bl. 582 DAVIES. The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects. Cloth, 12mo. N. Y. A2. 583 VON DUBEN. On , Microscopic Diagnosis Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1859. A2. 584 VON DUBEN. On Microscopic Diagnosis. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y.. 1859. A2. 5S5 HOGG. The Microscope, its history, construction, etc. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1867. Al. 586 HOGG. The Microscope, its history, construction, etc. Cloth, 1871. A2. 587 LECUWENHOCK. Arcana Nature * * * Microsco- porum, etc., etc., [in Latin]. Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1685. 588 MANDL ET EHRENBERG. Traitddu Microscope. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1839. A2. 589 MAN TELL. On Animalcula. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1846. A2. x 590 RABENHORST. Die Susswasser Diatomaceen. Paper, 4to. Leipzig, 1853. A2. 591 RICHARDSON. Hand-Book of Med. Microscopy. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1871. Al. 592 RICHARDSON. Hand-Book of Med. Microscopy. Cloth, 12ino. Phil., 1871. Al. 593 ROBIN. Traite du Microscope. Cloth, Svo. Paris, 1871. A2. 594 SPELLMAN. Translation of Frey. The Microscope, etc. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1867. A2. 595 SPILLMAN. Translation of Frey. Th< Microscope, etc. Paper, 12mo. Paris, 1867. A2. 596 - SAUREL. Du Microscope. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1857. A2. 597 Microscopic Objects ; how to prepare them. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1847. A2. 598 WYTHES. The Microscopist. Cloth, 12mo. Phil., 1851 OBSTETRICS, DISEASES OF WOMEN, ETC. 600 ARAN Lecous Cliniqucs sur les Maladies des 1'Uterus. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1858. A2. 601 ASHWELL. Ou Diseases of Females. Sheep, 8vo, Phil., 1840. Al. 602 XSTKUC. Traitd des Maladies des Femmes. 7 vols. Sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1785. 27 603 BROWN. Surgical Diseases of Women. Cloth, 8vo; London, 1866. Al. 604 BARNES. Lectures on Obstetrical Operations. Cloth, 8 vo. Bond., 1870. Al. 605 BAUDELOCQUE. Des Hcmorragies Internes do EUtcrus. Half morocco, 12mo. Brussels, 1832. A2. 606 BAUDELOCQUE. L'Art des Accouchments, 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1844., Al. 607 BECQUEREL. Maladies do 1'Uterus. Atlas do 18 planches, representant 44 figures, coloriecs ot noircs. Boards, 8vo. Paris, 1859. A2. 608 BECQUEREL. Maladies do I'Utcsus. 2 vols. Half mo- rocco, 8vo. Paris, 1859. Al. 609 BEDFORD. Principles and Practice of Obstetics. Cloth, Svo. N. Y., 1866. Al. 610 BEDFORD. On Diseases of Women and Children. Cloth 8vo. N. Y., 1856. A2. 611 BENNET. On Uterine Pathology. Cloth, Svo. Phil., 1856. A2. 612 BENNET. On Lcucscythaemia. Cloth, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852. A2. 613 BENNET. On the Uterus. Qloth, 12mo. Phil., 1847. A2. 614 BIRKETT. Diseases of the Breast. Cloth, 8vo. Loud., 1860. A2. 615 BLAND. On Parturition, Human and Comparative. Boards, 8vo. Lond., 1794. Bl. 616 DLUNDELL. Diseases of Women. Cloth, Svo. Load., 1837. A2. 617 BERN UTZ et GOUPIL. Clinique Medicalo sur les Mal a- diea des Femmes. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1862. Al. 618 BOIVIN. [Madame] L'art des Accouchments. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris 1836. Al. 619 BOIVIN ET DUGES. Maladies du 1'Uterus. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1833. A2. 620 BOIVIN. Recherches sur l'Avortement. Half Sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1828. A2. 621 BRAUN. .On Puerperal Convulsions. Cloth, Svo [70 pp.] Edinburgh, 1857. A2, 622 BRIQUET. Traits do 1'Hysteril. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1859. A 2. 623 BURNS. Principles of Midwifery. Boards, Svo. Lond., 1837. Bl. 624 BURNS. On the Gravid Uterus. Boards, 12vo. Boston, 1808. B2. 625 BYFORD. Practice of Obstetrics. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1873. AL (!) 626 RODRICUS A CASTRO. De Morbis Mulie, Drium etc., etc. [in Latin]. Sheep, 8vo. 1689. (!!!) 28 627 CAZEAUX. Theoretical and Practical Midwifery, Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1871. Al. 628 CAZEAUX. L'art des Aceouchmcnts. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1856. Al. 629 CHAMBERLAIN. Midwifery, Sheep, 8vo. Lond., 1736. A2. 630 CHAPMAN. Diseases and Displacements of the Uterus. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1872. Al. 631 CHURCHILL. The Principal Diseases of Women. Cloth, 8vo. Dublin, 1838. A2. 632 CHURCHILL. Operative Midwifery. Cloth. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1841. A2. 633 CLAY. Obstetric Surgery. Cloth, 12mo, Lond., 1856. A2. 634 COCK. Manual of Obstetrics. Cloth, 12mo. N. Y., 1853. A2. 635 COLLINS. Hraetical Midwifery. Lond., 1835. Bl. 636 COLOMBAE. Diseases of Females, Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1850. Al. 637 COURTLY. Traits Practique dos Maladies de 1'Uterus. Cloth 12mo Lond., 1865. Al. 638 DAVIS. Parturition and its Difficulties. Cloth,' 12mo. Lond., 1865. Al. 639 DAVIS. Flexions of the Uterus. Cloth, 12mo. (37 pp.) London, 1865. A2. 640 DEVENTER. Observations sur les Accouchements. Sheep, 4to. Paris, 1739. A2. 641 DEWEES. System of Midwifery. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1826. A2. 642 DIONIS. Traits des Accouchements. Shoop, 12mo. Paris, 1718. A2. 643 DES GRANGES. Observations sur 1'Administration du Seigle Ergote, etc., etc. Cloth, 12mo. Paris, 1823. Bl. 644 DEVENTER. Ars Obstetricandi, etc., etc., (in Latin). Lond., 1733. B2. 645 DUNCAN. Mortality of Childbed and Maternity Hos- pitals. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1871. Al. 646 DUBOIS. Historic do 1'Hypochondrie, ct do 1'Hysterie. Shoop, 8vo. Paris, 1837. A2. * 647 DUNCAN. Researches in Obstetrics. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1868. Al. 648 DUNCAN. Fecundity, Fertility and Sterility. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1871. 649 DUNAL. Hemorrhagic du Placenta. Paper, 8vo. 1855. A2. 650 DUBOIS ET PAJOT. L'Art des Accouchements. [Vol. I. only.] Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1860. A2. 650 a DUBOIS ET PAJOT. L'Art des Accouchements. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1860. A2. 29 651 DUPARQUE. On the Uterus. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1837. A2. 652 DUPARQUE- Ruptures de 1'Uterus. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1836. A2. 653 ELLIOT. Obstetric Clinic. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1868. Al. 654 ELLEAUME. Maladie des Femmes. Cloth, 8vo. Paris, 1869. Al. 655 ERAM. Accouchemonts on Orient. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1860. A2. 656 HALL. Constitutional Diseases of Females. Boards, 8vo. London, 1830. Bl. 657 HERVIEUX. Traitd des Maladies Puerperalcs. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1870. A2. 658 HEWITT. Diseases of'Women. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1868. 659 HODGES. On Puerperal Convulsions. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1864. Al. 660 HODGE. On Diseases Peculiar to Women. Cloth, 8vo. Phil., 1860. A2. 661 HODGE. On Diseases Peculiar to Women. Cloth, 8vo. 1868. Al. 662 HODGE. System of Obstetrics. (Finely illustrated.) Cloth, 4to. Phil., 1864. A2. (!) 663 HUGUIER. Traite do 1'Hysldrometrio et du Cathcterismo Uterin, Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1855. A2. 564 HYERNAUX- L'Art des Accouchemonts. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1866. A2. 665 GRANVILLE. Graphic Illustrations of Abortion and the Diseases of Menstruation. Cloth, 4to. Atlas with text and colored plates. Lond., 1834. A2. 666 JACKSON. Cautions to Women, Respecting Pregnancy, etc., etc. Boards, 12mo. Lond., 1801. Bl. 667 JACQUEMIER. Traitd des Accouchemonts. 2 vols. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1846, A2. 668 JOHNSON & SINCLAIR. Practical Midwifery. Cloth, * 8vo. Lond., 1858. A2. 669 JOULIN. Traitd des Accouchments. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1867. A 2. 670 KIWLSH. Diseases of the Ovaries. Cloth, 12mo. Load., 1860. A2. 671 KING. Extra-Uterine Fcetation, etc., etc. Paper, 8vo. 1818. B2. 672 LEE. Theory and Practice of Midwifery. Sheep, 8vo. Phil., 1844. A2. 673 LEE. On Ovarian and Uterine Diseases. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1853. A2. 674 LEE. Clinical Midwifery. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1848. A2. 675 LEE. Consultations in Midwifery. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1864, Al. 30 676 LEISHMAN. The Mechanism of Parturition. London, 1864. A2. 677 LEVERT. Trait6 des Accouchments Laborious, etc., etCj London, 1864. A2. 678 LA CHAPELLE. Precis dos Accouchments. 3 vols. Half morocco. Paris, 1825. Al. •' 679 ..LENOIR. See et Favnior. Trait6 dos Accouchments. 2 vols. Boards, 4to, [Atlas of elegant Lithographis, with text]. Paris, 1865. A2. 680 LEAKE. Chronic Diseases of Women. Boards, 8vo. London, 1777. B2. 681 LEAKE. On Child-bed Fever. Hoards, 8vo. London, 1777. B2. 682 LEROY. Essai sur la G-rasso la Accouchment. Sheep, 12 mo. Geneva, 1787. A2. 683 LEVERT. L'Art des Accouchments. Sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1776. A2. 684 LEROY. La Practiquo des Accouchments. Sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1876. A2. 685 MAURICEAU. Observations sur la Grasse et Accouch- ments. 2 vols. Sheep, 4to. Paris, 1738. A2. 686 MERRIMAN. On Difficult Parturition. Boards, 8vo. London, 1826. Bl. 687 DE LA MOTTE. Traits des Accouchments. 2 vols. Half sheep, 12mo. Paris, 1765. A2. 688 MARTIN LE JEUNE. Memoires de Medicin, etc. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1609. A2. 689 MARINELO. Maladies dos Femmes. Buckskin, 12mo. Paris, 1809. A2. 690 McKENZIE. Lattsonionian Lectures on Midwifery. Ses- sions of 1861-62, 8vo. London. A2. 691 MONTGOMERY. Signs and Symptoms of Pregnacy. Cloth, 8vo. London, 1837. A2. 692 CAZEAUX. Des Kystes do 1'Ovarie. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1844. A2. 693 DUNCAN. On Perimetritis and Parametritis. Cloth, 12 mo. N. Y., 1869. Al. 694 NAEGLE. Du Retreciscment du Bassin. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1840. A2. 695 NAEGLE ET GRENSER. L'Art des Accouchments. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1869. A2. 696 NOEGGERATH AND JACOBI. Diseases of Women and Children. Cloth, 8vo. N. Y., 1859. A2. 697 PUZOS. Traits des Accouchments. Sheep, 4to. Paris, 1759. A2. 698 PETIT. Maladies des Femmes. Half morocco, 12mo. Paris, 1809. Al. 699 PLAYFAIR. Obstetric Operations. Cloth, 12 mo. Loud., 1865. A2. 31 700 PRETTY. Aids During Labor. Cloth, 12mo. Lond., 1856. A2. 701 RACIBORSKI. Traits do la Menstruation. Half morocco, 8vo. 1868. A2. 702 RAMSBOTHAM. Observations in Midwifery. 2 vols. Boards, 8vo. 1832. Bl. 703 RIGBY. System of Midwifery. Cloth, 8vo. 1851. A2. 701 RIGBY. System of Midwifery. Sheep, 8vo. 1841. A2. 705 RIGBY. Obstetric Memoranda. Cloth, 8mo. (104 pages.) A2. 706 RITCHIE. Orarian Physiology and Pathology. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. Al. 707 DELAHAYE. Examens de M^dicm sur les Accouche- ments. Half morocco, 12mo. A2. 708 LODERU. L'Art des Accouchements. Sheep, 12mo. 1865. ' RI. 703 SACOMB. Observations sur la Grossesse, etc. Sheep, 12mo. A2. 710 SCANZONI. Maladies de la Femme. Half morocco. 8vo. 1858. Al. 711 SCANZONI. L'art des Accouchements. Half morocco, 1859. A2. 712 SCANZONI., Traits de la Melrito Chronique. Half morocco, 8vo. 1866. Al. 713 SIMPSON. Obstetrics and Gynacologie. Cloth, 8vo. 1871. Al. (1). 714 SIMPSON. Obstetrical Works. (Priestly and Storer.) 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1856. A2. 715. SIMS. Uterine Surgery. Cloth, 8vo. 1866. Al. 716 TYLER SMITH. On Leucorrhoea. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. . A2. 717 TYLER SMITH. Lectures on Obstetricts. Sheep 8vo. 1858. A2. 718 SMELLIE. Observations in Midwifery. 3 vols. Sheep, 12mo. 1754. A2- 719 SPENCE. System of Midwifery. Sheep, 12mo. 1784. A2. 720 STOLTZ. Lettrcs Obstctricales. Paper, 12mo. 1866. A2. 721 TATE. On Hysteria. Sheep, 1831. A2. 721 a THOMAS. On the Diseases of Women. Sheep, 8vo. 1872. Al 722 VERNOIS ET BECQUEREL. Traite do Lait Chez la Femme. Half morocco, 8vo. 1853. A2. 723 VELPEAU. Traits des Accouchements- Half morocco, 8vo. 1835. A2. 724 VALPEAU. (Same work in English.) Sheep, 8vo. 1831. A2. 725 WEST. The Diseases of Women. Cloth, 8vo. 1867. Al. 726 WEST. The Diseases of Women. Cloth, 8vo. 1S56. A2. 32 727 WHITE. On the Management of Pregnant Women. Board, 8vo. 1835. B2. 728 WOILLEZ. Mensuration do la Poitrino. Half morocco, 8vo. 1838. 729 OBSTETRICAL TRANSACTION'S. 14 vols. Cloth, 8vo. [from I8G1 to 1873] A2. (I!) 730 FOLIO. Atlas of Obstetrical Plates (for the most part fine life size lithographs). 731 TEXT. To accompany a scries of "Wall Plates," (in Ger man). G. ProL Schultze, in Jena (plates missing). 732 SEYMOUR. Illustrations of the Diseases of the Ovaries. Boards, 8vo. 1830. A2. 733 HOOPER. Morbid Anatomy of the Human Uterus (folio, . atlas of elegant chromos and lithographs). [11] 734 THREE Obstetrical Pamphlets, 2 in French and 1 in Eng-* lish. 735 ROBIN. Atlas of Plates [Vaisseaux Obilicaux] with Text in French. Paris, 1860. A2. PATHOLOGY AND PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 740 ADAMS. On Rheumatic Gout. Cloth, 8vo. 1857. A2. 741 ADAMS. On Morbid Poisons. Half Sheep, 4to. 1807. Bl. 742 ANDRAL. Cours do Pathologic. Half morocco, 8vo. 1839. A2. 743 ANDRAL. Pathological Anatomy. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1832. A2. 744 ANDRAL. Same Work in French. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. 1829. A2. 745 BILLROTH. Surgical Pathology. Cloth, 8vo. 1871. A2. 746 ANDRAL. Essay on the Blood in Disease. Cloth, 8vo. 1844. A2. 747 BAILLIE. Morbid Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. 1820. A2. 748 BAILLIE, Morbid Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. 1820. A2. 749 BARTH. Dictation dos Branches. Paper, 8vo. 1856. A2. 750 BARON. On«Tuberculous Diseases. Boards, 8vo, 1819. Bl. 751 BEALE. Disease Germs; their Real Nature. Cloth, 8vo. 1870. Al. 752 BODDOS. On Fever as connected with inflammation. Half morocco, 8vo. 1807. A2. 753 BAUCHUT. Pathogie Gendrale. Half morocco. 1857. Al. 754 COBBOLD. On Worms. Cloth, 8vo. 1872. Al. 755 COBBOLD. On Entozoa. Cloth, large, 4to. 1861. Al. 756 CHOMEL. Pathologic General. Sheep, 8vo. 1841. 757 CRAIGIE. Elements of Path. Anatomy. Cloth, 8vo [1072 pp.] 1848. A2. 33 758 DAVAINE. Traits des Entozoaires. Half morocco, 8vo. 1860. Al. 759 DEBREYNE. Essai sur la Doctrine des laments Morbides. Paper, 8vo. 1849. A2. 760 DEBREYNE. Essai sur la Doctrine des Elements Morbides. Paper, 8vo. 1849. A2. 761 DUBOIS. Pathologic Generate. Half morocco, 8vo. 1835, A2. 762 FORSTER. Manuel de 1'Anatomie Pathologique. Half morocco, 8vo. 1853. Al. 763 M. GLAUBIUS. Pathologic. Sheep, 12mo. 1770. Bl. 764 GROSS. Pathological Anatomy. [Finely Illustrated.] Large 8vo. 1845. A2. 765 HABERSHON. Path. Anatomy of the Alimentary Canal. Cloth, 8vo. 1859. A2. 766 HASSE. Path. Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. 1846. A2. 767 HENLE. General Pathology. Sheep, 8vo. 1858. Al. 768 HORNER. Pathological Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. 1829. A2. 769 JONES AND SILVERING. Path, Anatomy. Cloth, 12mo. 1854. A2. 770 JONES. On the Stomach. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. Al. 771 KNAPP. On Primary Pathology, etc., etc. Cloth, 8vo. 1860. A2. 772 KUCHENMEISTER. Manual of Parasites. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1856-7. A2. 773 LOBSTEIN. Anatomie Pathologique. 2 vols. Half mo- rocco. 1833. Al. 774 LOUIS. Memoires Anatomico-Pathologique. Cloth, 12mo. 1826. A2. 775 MONNERET. Pathologie Generale. 2 vols. Half mo- rocco, 8vo. 1857. Al. 776 MORGANI. Seats and Causes of Diseases, Anatomically Investigated. [Translated from the Latin.] 3 large vols. Half sheep, 4to. [!!]. Bl. 777 (Missing.) 778 ROBIN. Traits des Vegcteaux Parasites. 2 vols. [Text and Atlas of Plates.] Half morocco, 8vo. 1853. Al. 779 ROKITANSKY. Manual of Path. Anatomy. 4 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1854. Al. [!]. 780 SIMON. Lectures on General Pathology. Cloth, 12mo. 1850. Al. 781 SMITH. On the Human Entozoa. Cloth, 8vo. 1863. A2. 782 THUDICUM. On the Pathology of the Urine. Cloth, 8vo. 1858. A2. 783 TYSON. The Cell Doctrine. Cloth, 12mo. 1870. Al. 784 VIRCHOW. Cellular Pathology. Cloth, 8vo. 1860. A2. EU 34 785 VOGEL. Pathological Anatomy. Sheep, 8vo. 1847. A2. 786 WEAL. Pathological Histology. Cloth, 8vo. 1854-5. A2. 787 WILKES. Pathological Anatomy. Cloth, 8vo. 1859. Al. 788 LEBERT. Traits d'Anatomic Pathologique Generale et Speciale. (27 folio, atlases of magnificent chromo- lithographs, with text in French. Paris, 1860. In ex- cellent condition,) probable cost originally, between $50 and $75. (!!!!). 789 GLUGE. Pathological Histology. Cloth, folio, (text with plates.) 1853. A2. PHYSIOLOGY. 790 ABERNATHY. Physiological Works. (Vol. I only.) Sheep, 8vo. 1825. A2. 791 BELL. Physiology of the Nervous System. Boards, 8vo. 1824. B2. 792 BEAUMONT. On the Gastric Juice, etc. Boards, 8vo. 1833. Bl. 793 BERARD. Cours de Physiologie. 3 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1851. Al. 794 BERNRD CE. Physiologic du Syst6mc Nerveux. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. 1856-7. Al. (I). 795 BERNARD CE. Liquides de 1'Organisme. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1858. Al. (I). 796 BERNARD CE. Lecons de Physiologie Experimentale. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. 1854-5. Al. (!). 797 BERNARD CE. Substances Toxiques. Half morocco, 8vo. 1857. Al 798 BERNARD CE. Du Foie. Boards, 4to. 1853. Al. 799 BERNARD CE. Des Tissus Vivants. Paper, 8vo. Paris, 1866. Al. 800 BERZELIUS. Physiology of the Kidneys and Urine. Cloth, 8vo. 1843. A2. 801 BOERHAAVE. Institutiones Medical. [In Latin.] Buck- skin, 12mo. 1713. Bl. 802 BOWMAN and TODD. Physiological Anatomy and Phy- siology of Man. 3 small vols; [incomplete series.] Paper, 8vo. 1852. A2. 803 BROUSSAIS. Traits de Physiologie. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1834. A2. 804 BROUSSAIS. Traits de Phvsiologie. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1822. A2. 805 Le CANU. Du Sang Humain. Half morocco, 4to. 1837. A2. 306 CARPENTER. Human Physiology. Sheep, 8vo. 1853. A2. 807 CARPENTER. Human Physiology. Sheep, 8vo. 1846. Al. 35 808 CARPENTER Human Physiology. Sheep, 8vo. 1851 B2. 809 CAMPBELL. The Excito Secretoiy System. Cloth, 8vo. 1857. A2. 810 DALTON. Human Physiology. Sheep, 8vo. 1859. A2. 811 DESRUELLES. Traits de la Coqueluche d'Apres les Principes de la Doctrine Physiologique. Half morocco, [small,] 12mo. 1827. A2. 812 DENIS. M^moiro sur le Sang. Paper, 8vo. 1859. A2. 813 DOUNE. Cours de Microscopic Physiologique, etc., [folio Atlas of lithographic plates]. 1845. A2. 814 DRAPER. Human Physiology. Cloth, 8vo. 1856. A2. 815 DUNGLISON. Human Physiology. [Vol. 1 only]. Sheep, 8vo., 1832. Bl. 816 DUTROCHET. Memoires Anatomique et Physiologique. 2 vols. [Text and Atlas]. Half morocco, 8vo. 1837. A2. 817 EDWARDS. Lecons sur la Physiologic et Anatomic Com- paree. 3 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1857. A2. 718 GALLOIS. Experiments on the Principle of Life, Motions of the Heart, etc. Sheep, 8vo. 1813. Bl. 819 GILMAN. Tracts on Generation. Paper, 8vo. 1847. A2. 820 GOARDY. Vegetable and Animal Physiology. Cloth, 8 vo. 1858. A2. 812 GRAY. Structure and Use of the Spleen. Cloth, 8vo. 1854. A2. 822 DE GRAAF. Opera Omnia, [in Latin]. Sheep, 12mo. Amsterdam. CID, IC, CCV. Bl. 823 HALLER. Elemcnta Phyiologiee, [in Latin]. 8 vols. Sheep, 4to. 1760. A2. 824 HALLER. Physiology. [Vol. 1 only]. Sheep, 12mo. 1854. Bl. 825 HASSEL. The Urine in Health and Disease. Cloth, 12mo. 1863 A2 826 HEWSON. Works on Physiology. Cloth, 8vo. 1846. A2. 827 HEWSON. Experimental Inquiries on the Red Globnes of the Blood. Sheep, 8vo. 1773. • 828 HOLLAND. Physiology of the Circulation. Cloth, 8vo. 1844. A2. 829 LAYCOCK. On the Mind and Brain. 2 vols. Cloth, 12 mo. 1869. A2. 830 LEHMANN. Physiological Chemistry. 3 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1851-4. A2. 831 LAWRENCE. Lectures on Physiology. Sheep, 8vo., 1828. A2. 832 LON GET. Du Systeme Nerveux. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo., 1842. A2. 833 LUYS.-w Du Systeme Nerveux. 2 vols. [Text and Atlas], Paper, 8vo. 1865. Al. 36 834 [Missing], 835 PARKES. On the Urine. Cloth, 8vo. 1860. A2. 836 RASPIL. Physiologic Vegetal. 2 vole. [Text and Atlas]. Half morocco, 1837. A2. 837 [Wanting]. 838 ROBIN ET VERDEIL. Chimie Anatomique et Pathologi- que. 3 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. 1853. Al. 839 ROBIN. Lecons sur les Humeurs. Half morocco, 8vo. 1867 A2 840 SCHWANN and SCHLEIDEN. Microscopical Researches in Physiology. Cloth, 8vo., 1847. A2. 841 SCUDDAMORE. Essay on.the .Blood. Boards, 8vo. 1824. Bl. 842 BROWN-SEQUARD. Journal de la Physiologic. [1 No., January, 1858.] Paper, 8vo. 843 SOLLY. On the Brain. Cloth, 8vo. 1847. A2. 844 THACKRAH. On the Nature and Properties of the Blood. Boards, 8vo. 1834. Bl. 845 UNGAR AND PROCHASKA. On the Nervous System. Cloth, 8vo. 1851-2. A2. 846 VALENTIN. Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. [In German.] 4 parts only. Paper, 8vo. 1844. B2. 847 VAN DE KOLK. On the Spinal Cord, Medulla Oblong, etc. Cloth, 8vo. 1859. Al. 848 VULPIAN. Physiologie du Systeme Nerveux. Half mo- rocco, 8vo. 1866. Al. 849 WAGNER. Physiology. Cloth, 8vo. 1841. A2. 850 WHYTT. Essay on the Vital and Other Involuntary Mo- tions of Animals. Sheep, 8vo. 1863. A2. 851 WILSON. On the Blood and Vascular System. Boards, 8vo. 1819. Bl. 852 WILSON. On the Blood and Vascular System. Boards, 8vo. 1819. Bl. 853 MAGENDIE. Compend of Physiologv. Sheep, 8vo. 1824. Bl. 854 MAGENDIE. Compend of Physiology. Sheep, 8vo. 1824. 855 MANAL. Manuel de Anatomic Gdnerale Appliqu^e a la Physiologie et Pathologie. Sheep, 8vo. 1843. A2. 856 MARCHAND. Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. [In German.] 1844. A 2. 856 a MATTEUCCI. On the Physical Phenomena of Living Beings. Cloth, 12mo. 1848. Al. 857 MORGAN. Electro-Physiology and Therapeutics. Cloth, 8vo. 1868. Al. 858 MULLER. The Intimate Structure of Secretory Glands. Cloth, 8vo. 1839. A2. 859 MUDLER. Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physi- ology. Cloth, 8vo. 1849. A2. 37 860 MULLER. Manuel de Physiologie. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1845. A2. 861 MULLER. Elements of PlnMology. [Vol. I. only.] Cloth, 8 vo. 1838. A 2. 862 MULLER. Elements of Physiology. [Fragmentary part.] Paper, 8vo. 1838. A 2. 863 Popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology. Cloth, 12mo. 1842. A2. 864 Folio Atlas of Fine Lith. Plates, Illustrating Physiology, with Explanatory Notes in English. SURGERY. 868 ABERNATHY. Surgery. [Vol. I. only.] Sheep, 8vo. 1811. Bl. 869 ABERNATHY. Surgical Works. [Vol. I. only.] Sheep, 8vo. 1825. A2 870 ARNOTT. On Cancers. Cloth, 8vo. (small). 1872. A2. 871 BAMPFIELD. On Curvations and Diseases of the Spine. Sheep, 8vo. 1845. A2. 872 BELL. Letters on the Education, Duties, etc., of a Sur- geon. Boards, 8vo. 1810. Bl. 873 BENNETT. On Cancerous and Cancroid Growths. Cloth, 8vo. 1849. A2. 874 BIANCHI. Traite des Paralysies Traumatiques des mem- bres Inferieurs, etc., etc. 8vo. Pamphlet. 1867. AL 875 BRAIDWOOD. On Pyaemia. Cloth, '8vo. Lond., 1868. Al. 876 BRODIE. Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Cloth, 8vo. 1843. A2. 877 BRYANT. Surgical Diseases of Children. Cloth, 12mo. 1863. A2. 878 COLLIS. On Cancers and Analogous Tumours. Cloth, 8vo. 1864. A21 879 CURLING. Diseases of the Rectum. Cloth, 8vo. 1863. Al. 880 CURLING. Diseases of the Rectum. Cloth, 8vo. 1851. A2. 881 DUPUYTRON. Lesions of the Vascular System. Cloth, 8vo. 1854. A2. 882 DUPUYTRON. Lectures on Surgery. Cloth, 8vo. 1833. A2. 883 DUPUYTRON. Traite des Blessures. Half morocco, 8vo. 1835. A2. 884 DUPUYTRON. Lesions of the Vascular System. Cloth, 8vo. 1854. A2. 885 EMMET. On Vesiculo-Vaginal Fistula. Cloth, 8vo. 1868. Al, 38 886 ERICHSON. Science and Art of Surgery. Cloth, 8vo. 1853. A2. • ■ 886 a FELL. Treatise on Cancer. Cloth, 8vo. 1857. A2. 887 GANT. The Irritable Bladder. Cloth, 8vo. 1872. A2. 888 GRANVILLE. On Counter Irritation, etc. Sheep, 8vo. 1842 A2 889 GUERSANT; La Chirurgio des Enfants. Cloth, 8vo. 1864-7. A2. 890 HIGGINBOTTOM. The Use of Nitrate of Silver. Boards, 8vo. 1821. Bl. 891 HOGG. Opthalmoscopic Surgery. Illustrated. Cloth, 8vo. 1863. Al. 892 HOME. Clinical Experiments. Sheep, 8vo. 1683. A2. 893 HUNTER. Observations. Sheep, 8vo. 1796. A2. 894 HUNTER. Surgical Works. 4 vols. Boards, 8vo. 1835. Bl. 895 HOWSLIP. Diseases of the Rectum. Sheep. 8vo. 1821. Bl. 896. GRAINGER. Hunterian Oration. Cloth, 8vo. 1848. A2. 897 INGLESBY. Uterine Hemorrhage. Boards. 8vo. 1832. Bl. 898 LARREY. Memoirs de Chirurgie Militaire. 4 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1812. Bl. 899 LAWRENCE. On Ruptures. Sheep, 8vo. 1816. B2. 900 LEBERT. Maladies Cancereuses. Paper, 8vo. 1851. B2. 901 LISTON. Elements of Surgery. Cloth, 8vo. A2. 902 MACILWAIN. Surgical Observations. Boards, 8vo. 1830. A2. 903 McKENZIE. Growth of the Larynx. Cloth, 8vo. 1871. Al. 904 PEMBERTON. On Melanosis. Cloth, 8vo. 1858. A2. 905 PRINCE. Plastics and Orthopoedics. Cloth, 8vo. 1871. Al. 906 VAN SWIETEN. On Army Diseases, Gun Shot Wounds* Sheep, 8vo., 1776. Bl. 907 RYLAND. On the Larynx. Sheep, 8vo. 1841. A2. 908 S^DILLOT. I'lnfection Purulente. Paper, 8vo. 1849. Bl. 909 DAVIES. Surgery. Sheep, 8vo. 1841. A2. 910 WALES. Surgical Operations and Appliances. Cloth, 8vo. 1867. Al. 911 MEMOiRES DE L'ACADEMY ROYALE DE CHIRUR- G1E. Boards, 8vo. 1853. Al. 912 COOPER. On Dislocations and Fractures. Sheep, 8vo. 1825. Bl. MEDICAL MISCELLANY. 915 SHILL. Semeology. Calf, 8vo. 1841. A2. 916 AIKEN. Memories of Medicine. Boards, 8vo. 1780. Bl. 39 917 BECK. Medical Jurisprudence. Sheep, 8vo. 1860. A2. 918 BORDEN. The works of. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1818. A2. 919 BANDLN. Traite de Georaphic Medicale. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1857. A2. 920 BRIAND. Manuel de Medicine Legale. Boards, 8vo. 1858. A2. 921 [Wanting], 922 BATEMAN. The Diseases of London. Boards, 8vo. 1819. B2. 923 BARTOLI. Verminous Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. 1817. Bl. 924 BELL. On the Nerves. Boards, 8vo. 1827. B2. 925 BELL. On Cholera Epidemic. Boards, 8vo. 1839. Bl. 926 BLUNDELL. Medical and Surgical Researches. Boards, 8vo. 1825. Bl. 927 BELL. On Baths and Mineral Waters. Sheep, 8vo. 1831. Bl. 928 BANNING. Trunkal Muscles. Cloth, 8vo. 1858. Al. 929 BRIC HELE AU. Hydroscepale Aiguc. Sheep, 8vo. 1829. Bl. 930 BEALE. On Protoplasm. Cloth, 8vo. Lond., 1870. Al. 931 NORTH. On Convulsions of Infants. Boards, 8vo. 1826. Bl. 932 BROUSSAIS. Examens des Doctrines Medicales. 4 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 933 BROUSSAIS. Hygiene Morale. Sheep, 8vo. 1837. A2. 934 PHILIP. Treatise on Health. Cloth, 8vo. 1830. A2. 935 ROMME. On Hysterical Diseases. Sheep, 8vo. 1777. 936 PETTIGREW. Medical superstitions. 937 PEREIRA. On Food and Diet. Paper, 8vo. 1843. B2. 938 CARSON. History of the Med Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Cloth, 8vo. 1869. Al. 939 COLLIER. Mode of Safety. Cloth, 8vo. 1853. A2. 940 CURRIE. Medical Reports. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1805. A2. 941 CURRIE. Diseases of America. Sheep, 8vo. 1792. Bl. 942 CLARK. On the Use of Bromide of Potassium. Cloth, 12rno. 1872. Al. 943 CHAPMAN. Medical Lectures (in manuscript). Boards, 8vo. A2. 944 (Missing.) 945 CULLEN. Nosology. Boards, 8vo. 1800. Bl. 946 CASPAR. Forensic Medicine, 4 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1862. Al. 947 DICKSON. Diseases of India. Boards, 8vo. 1833. Bl. 948 FERRIAR. Medical Histories. Sheep, 8vo. 1816. Bl. 949 WHITLEY. Medical Logic. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. A2. 950 GRAINGER. West India Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. 1802. A2, 40 951 HIPPOCRATES. The Genuine Works of. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1849. Al. (!) 951 a HIPPOCRATES. The Genuine Works of. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1849. Al. [1] 952 HEUSTIS. Physical Observations. Boards, 8vo. 1817. B2. 953 HOWARD. Medical Jurisprudence. Cloth, 8vo. 1851. B2. 954 HODGE. Criminal Abortion. Cloth, 8vo. 1869. Al. 955 HARRISON. Sphygmometer. Cloth, 8vo. 1835. A2. 956 HIPPOCRATES. Prognostics and Crises. Boards, 8vo. 1819. B2. [The numbers up to 998 are wanting.] 998 JOHNSON, On the Influence of Tropical Climates. Boards 8vo. 1827. Bl. 999 JOHNSON. On the Influence of Tropical Climates. Boards. 8vo. 1827. Bl. 1000 itlcDOUGALL. Lallemand on Spermatorrhoea. Cloth 8vo. 1851. A2. 1001 LETHEBY. On Food. Cloth, 12mo. London, 1870. Al. 1002 LIND. Essay on Diseases. Boards, 8vo. 1777. Bl. 1003 LET'fSOM. Medical Memoirs. Sheep, 8vo. 1774. Bl. 1004 LEFEVRE. De la Colique S^che. Paper, 12mo. 1851. Bl. 1005 LIND. Diseases of Hot Climates. Sheep, 8vo. 1811. A2. 1006 VON MOHL. Anatomy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell. Cloth, 8vo. 1852. A2. 1007 MENDENHALL. Student's Vade Mecum. Sheep, 12mo. 1867. A2. 1008 McCULLOCH. On Malaria. Boards, 8vo. 1829. B2. 1009 MANIFERE. Etudes Medicales sur les Poetes Latins. Half morocco. 1858. A2. 1010 MARTIN, influence of Tropical Climates. Cloth, 8vo. 1856. A2. 1011 MURRAY. On Electricity. Boards, 12mo. 1849. B2. 1012 MOSS. Diseases of Children. Sheep, 12mo. 1800. A2. 1013 MAYO. Cases of Lunacy. Cloth, 12mo. 1854. A2. 1014 ROCHE. L'Acclimatement des Europ6ens dans les Pays Chauds. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1854. Bl. 1015 ROCHE. L'Acclimatement des Europdens dans les Pays Chauds. 2 vols. Paper, 8vo. 1854. Bl. 1016 RENOURD. History of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. 1856. A2. 1017 ROUSSIN. L'Etude Medico-Leglale sur 1'Empaissonne- ment. Paper, 8vo. 1867. A2. 1018 RUSH. Medical Inquiries and Observations. (Vol. I. only.) Sheep, 8vo. 1818. B2. 1819 RUSH. Lectures on the Practice of Medicine. Sheep, 8vo. 1811. B2. 1020 STORER. On Criminal Abortion. Cloth, 8vo. 1860. A2. 41 1021 STEVENS. Observations on Diseased Conditions of the Blood. Boards, 8vo. 1832. B2. 1022 SUTLEFFE. Medical and Surgical Cases. Boards, 8vo. 1824. Bl. 1023 SWAN. On diseases of the Nerves. Boards, 8vo. 1834. Bl. 1024 SYER. On the Management of Infants. Boards, 8vo. 1812. Bl. 1025 SYDENHAM. Opera Omnia. (In Latin.) Cloth, 8vo. 1844. A2. 102G SYDENHAM. Works of. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. 1848. A2. 1027 TEALE. On Neuralgic Diseases. Boards, 8vo. 1830. B2. 1028 TAYLOR. Medical Jurisprudence. Cloth, 12mo. 1816. A2. 1029 GAUBIUS. Treatment of Disorders of the Mind. Paper, 8vo. B2. 1030 TARDI^U. L'lnfanticidc. Paper, 8vo. 1868. A2. 1031 SMEE. On the Human Mind. Electro-biology, etc. Paper, 8vo. 1850. Bl. 1032 VELPEAU. Diseases of the Breast. Sheep, 8vo. 1841. A2. 1033 BEDDOES. On Scurvy, Calculus, etc. Sheep, 12mo. 1797. 1034 JACKSON. On Febrile Diseaoes. (Vol. I. only.) Boards, 8vo. 1820. B2. 1035 HOSSACK. Inaugural Discourse. New York. 1826. Bl. 1036 HAVILAND. Climate, Weather and Diseases. Cloth, 8vo. 1855. A2. 1037 BEALE. Life Theories. Cloth, I2mo. 1871. A2. 1038 WILLIAMSON. Observations on the West India Islands. 2 vols. Boards, 8vo. 1817. Bl. 1039 WARREN. Address before the American Medical Asso- ciation. Paper, 8vo. 1850. Bl. 1040 WARREN. Address before the American Medical Associa- tion. Paper, 8vo. 1850. Bl. 1041 WILLIAMSON. American Medical Biography. Cloth, 8vo. 1845. Al. 1042 WEBSTER. On Pestilence. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1799. Bl. 1043 WATSON. Medical Profession in Ancient Times. Cloth, 8vo. 1856. A2. 1044 WARREN. The Preservation of Health. Cloth, 18mo. 1844. Bl. 1045 WILLAN. Diseases in London. Boards, 12mo. 1801. Bl. 1046 YOUMANS. On Alcohol. Cloth, 18mo. 1844. A2. 1047 YOUNG. Medical Literature. Half sheep, 8vo. 1813. A2. 1048 GOULD. U. S. Sanitary Commission Memoirs. Cloth, 8vo. 1869. Al. 1049 [Missing]. 42 1050 PENNSYLVANIA. Hospital Reports. [Vol I. only.] Cloth, 8vo. 1869. Al. 1051 [Missing]. 1052 MEDICAL TRANSACTIONS of the College of Physicians, London. 3 odd volumes. Boards, 8vo. 1815. Bl. 1053 U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION Report on Yellow Fever. Boards. 8vo. 1854. Bl. 1054 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL AS- SOCIATION. Paper, 8vo. 1055 CABANIS. Oeuvres Completes. 4 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 1823. A2 1056 AMERICAN JOURNAL, of Medical Science. 15 vols. Boards, 8vo. A2. [For the unbound copies of this Journal-89 Nos.-see supplement H.J 1057 LONDON ENCYCLOPEDIA. 21 vols. Sheep. 8vo. A2. 1058 MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE. 6 vols. Cloth,4to. A2. [Fpr the unbound copies-150 Nos-see supple- ment D.] 1059 GUEY'S HOSPITAL REPORTS. 9 vols. Sheep, 8vo. Bl. 1060 HOFFMAN. Opera Omnia, (in Latin.) 7 vols. Half sheep, 4to. 1748. (!!). 1061 NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL.AND SURGICAL JOUR- NAL. 10 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. A2. [For the un- bound copies-110 Nos.-sec supplement J.j 1062 CHAPMAN'S Medical Journal. 14 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1063 N. AMERICAN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. 11 vols. Half sheep, 8vo.' A2. 1061 ANN ALES D'HYGIENE PUBLIQUE. 10 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Al. 1065 MEDICO-CH1RURGICAL TRANSACTIONS. 20 odd volumes. Some sheep, cloth and paper, 8vo. Bl. 1066 BOUCHARD AT. Annuairc do Thdrapeutique. 17 vols. [12 paper, the rest half morocco. 18mo.] A2. 1067 WA1IU. Annuairc de Medicine. 3 vols. Half morocco, 18mo. A2. 1068 DICTIONNAIRE DE MEDICINE, etc., etc. 30 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Al. 1069 DICTIONNAIRE DE MEDICINE. 15 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1070 ARCHIVES GilN^RALES DE MEDECINE. 16 vols. Half morocco. A2. [For the unbound copies-360 Nos.-see supplement A.] 1071 EDINBURGH. MEDICAL ESSAYS. 6 vols. Sheep, 12 mo. Bl. 1072 RANKING'S HALF YEARLY ABSTRACT. 11 vols. Boards, 8vo. A2. [For the unbound- copies-15 Nos.-see supplement R.] 1073 (Wanting). 43 1074 MEDICAL RECORDER. 14 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1075 CYCLOPAEDIA OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE. 4 vols. Sheep, 8vo. 5 vols. Paper, 8vo. Bl. GENERAL MISCELLANY. 1076 ADLER. German-English Lexicon. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1077 URE. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Sheep. 8vo. 1848. Al. 1078 BURTON. Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo., A2. 1079 BUFFON. Natural History of Birds. 9 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2 1080 BRODERIP. Zoological Recreations. Cloth, 8vo. Al. 1081 AGASSIZ. Zoology. Cloth, 12mo. A2. 1082 BEALE. Life, Mind and Matter. Cloth, 12mo. Al. 1083 BARON. Life of Jenner. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. A2. 1084 BIOGRAPHIE MODERNE. 3 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1085 HOLCOMBE. The Other Life. Cloth, 12mo. Al. 1086 CABANIS. Physique ct Morale do I'llomme. Half mo- rocco, 12 mo. Al. 1087 DARWIN. Origin of Species. Cloth, 8vo. A2. 1088 DARWIN. Zoology. 2 vols. Sheep, 8vo. A2. 1089 RASPAIL. Sainte ct Maladie. 2 vols. Half morocco, 8vo. Al. 1090 HASSELL. British Fresh Watci' Algae. 2 vols. Cloth, 8vo. A2. 1091 MANTELL. Medals of Creation. Cloth, 8vo. 12. Al. 1092 SLOANE. City and Suburban Architecture. Cloth, 4to, with splendid plates. Phil., 1867. Al. (I ! ! 1) 1093 NYPTEN. Dictionaire de Medicine. Half morocco. 8vo. Al. 1094 BOUCHUT ET DESPRES. Dictionaire de Therapeutique, Medicale ct Chirurgique. Al. 1095 GRIFFI TH and HEN FREY. Micographic Dictionary. Cloth, 8vo. Besides these, there arc about 160 other miscellaneous volumes on various subjects and of various degrees of value. 44 SUPPLEMENT. (UNBOUND MEDICAL PERIODICALS.) A. Archives Gdndrales de Medicine, published in Paris. About 360 numbers. B. Bulletin Gendrale de Medicine, published in Paris. About 400 numbers. C. London Lancet, [six or eight volumes, bound in cloth.] About 225 numbers. D. London Medical Times and Gazette. About450 numbers. E. Biitish Medical Journal, published in London. About 150 numbers. F. Philadelphia Medical Times. About 50 numbers. G. Now York Medical Record. About 50 numbers. H. American Journal of Medical Science, published in Philadel- phia. About 89 numbers. I. British and Foreign Mcdico-Chirurgical Review, published in London. AbouJ. G6 numbers. J. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. About 110 num- bers. K. Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. About 44 numbers. L. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. About 36 num- bers. M. American Journal of Science and Arts. About 25 numbers. N. Edinburgh Medical Journal. About 18 numbers. ' O. American Journal of Obstetrics, about 18 numbers. P. The Practitioner. London. (2 vols., bound in cloth,) about 60 numbers. Q. BRAITHWAITE'S Retrospect. (8 vols., bound in sheep.) About 58 numbers. R. RANKING'S Half Yearly Abstract. (11 bound vols.) About 37 numbers. S. Monthly Microscopical Journal. About 60 numbers. T. Popular Science Review. About 16 numbers. U. Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine. About 17 numbers. 45 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 WAX PREPARATION. 1 WAX PREPARATION. 1 WAX PREPARATION. 1 PLATE. 1 FEMALE SKELETON. A beautiful specimen. 1 lot SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 6 Glass Front BOOK CASES. 1 lot OFFICE FURNITURE, Lounge, Table and Chairs, [covered in morocco.] 1 LONG PELVIS. 1 lot SUNDRIES. N. B.-The sales will take place during the evenings, and will continue from day to day until the entire list is sold, the whole without limit or reserve, to the highest bidders. Catalogues can be had on application to the Auctioneers. Terms.-Cash on delivery. Parties unknown to the Auction- eers, will be required to make a deposit immediately on adjudica- tion, to bind the sale and guarantee the acceptance of the article sold. NASH & HODGSON, Auctioneers, 13 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La.