Z 675.M4 F828c 1918 57 7 21090R NLM 053321b5 5 NATIONAL LIBRA** OF MEDICINE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. GPO 16—67244-1 NLM053329655 AN EXHIBITION of ITEMS of MEDICO-HISTORICAL -—IMPREST Presented to the Statistical Division, Surgeon-General's Library, United States Army Washington, D. C. BY The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Newark, New Jersey 9 AN EXHIBITION of ITEMS of MEDICO-HISTORICAL INTEREST CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION of ITEMS of MEDICO-HISTORICAL INTEREST EXHIBITED BY MORTIMER FRANK, S.B., M.D., AT THE SIXTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JUNE 10 TO 14 1918 CHICAGO z CT5.M4 Fn?c I91S ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D. C 1. Hippocrates (460-370 B. C.) Aphorismi, cum Galeni commentariis, Nic- olao Leoniceno interprete. Praedictiones, cum Galeni commentariis, Laurentio Laurentiano interprete. 8°. Paris, 1526. Hippocrates is called by common consent the "Father of Med- icine". Freed Greek medicine to a great extent of most of the gross ignor&nce and superstition by which it was encompassed. The"Aphorisms" are the most celebrated of his works. They open with the well known sentence: "Life is short; Art is long; opportunity is fugitive; experience is deceptive; judgement difficult." 2. Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius (between B. C. 25-30 and A. D. 45-50.) Medicinae Libri VIII. 4°. Aldus. Venice, 1528. Celsus though not a physician wrote on medicine, agriculture, history etc., and in fact was an encyclopaedist. Is to-day the leading authority on Graeco-Roman medicine and Alexandrian surgery. There are 105 different editions, the editio princeps was issued at Florence in 1478. 3. Galen, Claudius (131-201 A. D.) De Sanitate Tuenda, libri sex, Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete. 8°. Paris, 1538. The first great medical philosopher who comes upon the scene after the advent of Christianity. So great was his fame that 7 toz,t?ri his writings throughout the whole civilized world were con- sidered authoritative until within the last 300 years. His contributions to anatomic science were accepted as finalities up to the time of Vesalius. 4. Paul of JEgina (circa 625-690.) Medici Libri Septem. sm. fol. Basle, 1538. The last of the Greek medical authors who enjoyed a great reputation during his life time. His "Epitome" having been translated by the Arabians. The sixth book contains his surgery and in it gives the fullest account we have of the eye surgery and military surgery of antiquity. The editio princeps in Greek was issued at Venice in 1528. 5. Forliviensis, Jacobus [Giacomo della Torre] ( -1413). Expositiones. fol. Padua, 1472. Forliviensis was professor of medicine at Bologna and later at Padua. His expositiones refer to the "Aphorisms" of Hip- pocrates, to Galen and to the "Canons" of Avicenna. 6. Chauliac, Guy de (1300-1370.) Cyrurgia parua Guidonis. Cyrurgia Al- bucasis cum cauterijs 2 alijs instrumentis. Tractatus de oculis Jesu hali. Tractatus de oculis Canamusali. fol. Venice, 1500. Chauliac was the acknowledged authority on surgery in Eu- rope for not less than two centuries. He practiced most of the operations which are done to-day and revived the use of the trephine. He is the earliest writer who speaks of the Caesarean operation. 7. Brunschwig, Hieronymus (circa 1450-1533.) Das Buch der Cirurgia. Hautwirchung der Wundartzney. 4°. Strassburg, 1497. Contains the first detailed account of gunshot wounds in medical literature. 8 8. Ortolff von Bayrlandt (15th century.) Das Frauenbiichlein. 8°. Nuremberg, circa 1500. This small handbook for lying-in women was very popular in its day. 9. Roslin, Eucharius [Rhodion] ( -1526.) Rosengarten. 8°. Worms, 1513. This book bears the same relation to Renaissance obstetrics that Mundinus* "Anathomia" does to Medieval anatomy, see no. 22. 10. Reisch, Gregor (circa 1467-1525.) Margarita philosophica. 4°. Basle, 1508. Reisch was prior of the Carthusian Monastery at Freiburg. The "Margarita philosophica" contains a series of writings on astronomy, medicine, philosophy, etc., which passed through several editions. It contains a view of the thoracic and ab- dominal viscera and the oldest schematic representation of the eye. 11. Da Vinci, Leonardo (1452-1519.) Quaderni d'anamomia. fol. 6 vol. Christiana, 1911-1916. As an artist, da Vinci assisted the anatomist Marc Antonio della Torre for an anatomic work which was never published on account of the sudden death of della Torre. The Quad- erni is made up of sketches from the Royal Library at Windsor. 12. Vesalius, Andreas (1514-1564.) De humani corporis fabrica. fol. Joannis Oporinus. Basle, 1555. Vesalius revolutionized the teachings of the anatomy of the human body and overthrew the then prevailing teachings of Galen, who had based his work only upon animal dissection. 9 In this way, became the founder of modern anatomy, and, as everywhere in this field, was active also as a reformer of pic- torial anatomic representation. The first edition of the "Fabrica" was published in 1543 with illustrations by Titian's pupil Johanvon Calcar. The second edition (1555), from the same plates, was also published dur- ing his life time. 13. Falloppio, Gabriele (1523-1562.) Observationes, Anatomicse. 24°. Venice, 1561. Fallopius studied at Padua and was a loyal pupil of Vesalius. Of his numerous discoveries we mention the foramen ovali, the chorda tympani, the petrosal and sphenoidal sinuses, the ovarian tubes (Fallopian tubes), the round ligaments, the tri- geminal, auditory, and glossopharyngeal nerves. 14. Eustachi, Bartolommeo (1523-1562.) Tabulae anatomicae. fol. Rome, 1714. Eustachius more than any other anatomist of his time enriched his science by exact investigations. Eustachius died before he was able to publish his work and the original plates, the first anatomic plates on copper, were lost until the papal physi- cian Lancisi found them in the eighteenth century. By the advice of Morgagni he published them with his own notes in 1714. 15. Fabricius of Aquapendente (1537-1619.) Tractatus Quatuor. fol. Frankfurt, 1624. Fabricius the favorite pupil and successor of Fallopius became the eminent teacher of Harvey. He won deserved credit by his teachings regarding the valves of the veins, and his studies on the formation of the fetus, human and comparative. He has been styled the Father of Modern Surgery. 16. Colombo, Matteo Realdo (1516P-1559.) De re anatomica. fol. Venice, 1559. 10 Colombo commonly called Columbus, was a pupil and pro- sector of Vesalius and subsequently his successor at Padua, but most ungrateful to his master. He was the first who dem- onstrated the pulmonary or lesser circulation of the blood. The title-page engraving is imitated from the frontispiece of Vesalius' "Fabrica". 17. Estienne, Charles ( -1564.) La dissection des parties du corps humain. Estienne. fol. Paris, 1546. Charles Estienne, Carolus Stephanus, was a descendant of the famous family of printers of the same name, was a pupil of Sylvius and received his degree of medicine at Paris in 1542. Several of the plates bear the dates 1530, 1531, and 1532. The anatomy throughout is pre-Vesalian. 18. Fracastoro, Girolamo (1484-1553.) Opera omnia. 4°. Venice, 1555. Fracastorius' fame in medicine rests upon his being the author of the term 'syphilis' in the celebrated medical poem, Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus (Venice, 1530.) In it he gives the con- temporary medical knowledge of the disease and declares coitus the chief cause of infection. 19. Tagliacozzi, Gasparo (1546-1599.) De Curtorum chirurgia. fol. Venice, 1597. Tagliacozzi of Bologna revived the operation of rhinoplasty which had been during the fifteenth century, in the hands of the Brancas of Catanea. Owing to the ridicule and abuse directed against rhinoplasty by surgeons, clergy and liter- ary writers, plastic surgery fell into disrepute until the time of Dieffenbach. 20. Casserio, Giulio (1561-1616.) De vocis auditusque organis. fol. Ferrara, 1600. n Casserius was professor at Padua and a teacher of Harvey and discoverer of the muscles of the ossicles of the ear. 21. Remmelin, Johann (1583-1613.) Catoptron microcosmicum. fol. Ulm.?, 1613. Remmelin, a physician of Ulm, reproduced the entire anatomy of the human body on three plates in such a manner that parts lying successively one behind the other would be shown like the pages of a book. This edition on three separate sheets, is wrongly ascribed to the Tyrolese Stephen Michelspacher who published them without Remmelin's knowledge. Remmelin published a corrected edition at Augsburg in 1619, in folio, with an allegorical title-page. 22. Raynalde, Thomas (—circa 1565.) The Birth of Mankinde, otherwise named The woman's Booke. 4°. London, 1604. Writers of midwifery of the sixteenth and seventeenth centu- ries did but little more than copy in various languages the obstetrical work, the Rosegarten, of Eucharius Roslin (Rhod- ion) published by Martin Flach, at Strasburg in 1513. This is merely a compilation from Soranus of Ephesus coming ori- ginally from the various MSS. of Moschion. 23. Paaw, Pieter (1564-1617.) Primitise Anatomicse. De humani corporis ossibus. 4°. Amsterdam, 1633. Professor of anatomy in the University of Leyden. The fron- tispiece shows the interior.of the anatomical theatre at Leyden. 24. Wharton, Thomas (1610-1673.) Adenographia. 16°. London, 1656. Wharton was almost the earliest to devote attention to a gen- eral description of the glands. To the physician his name is familiar in connection with the duct of the submaxillary gland. 12 25. Willis, Thomas (1621-1675.) Cerebri Anatome. 4°. London, 1664. Willis is best known for his researches on the structure and blood supply of the brain. In chapter VIII of the "Cerebri Anatome" the anatomic relations of the main cerebral arteries were for the first time accurately described, and to-day the anastomosis at the base of the brain is known as the "circle of Willis". 26. Lyser, Michael (1626-1659.) Culter anatomicus. 16°. Copenhagen, 1653. Lyser was the well known prosector for Thomas Bartholin. This little guide-book was the first and most exhaustive ana- tomic dissector of the time having gone through eight editions including German and English translations. 27. Hoboken, Nicolaus (1632-1678.) Anatomia secundinae humanae. 12°. Utrecht, 1669. Hoboken was professor at Utrecht and a supporter of Harvey's egg-theory. He described more accurately than his pred- ecessors, and delineated the placenta and cell membranes of the ovum. 28. Ruysch, Frederik (1638-1731.) Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica. 4 vol. 8°. Amsterdam, 1737. Ruysch was professor at Amsterdam and carried the art of minute anatomic injection to the highest perfection. "Skele- tons posed in quaintest attitudes, with appropriate mottoes of the "memento mori" variety attached, surrounded by strange reptiles, stuffed monsters, dried plants and deep-sea creatures, constituted the favorite decorative scheme of the old Dutch anatomist, whose mortuary humors have been sub- limated in Leopardi's dialogue". 13 29. De Graaf, Regner (1641-1673.) De vivorum organis generationi inservienti- bus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis in ana- tomia. 8°. Leyden and Rotterdam, 1668. De Graaf was the first to study the pancreas and its secretions before the time of Claude Bernard. In 1668 appeared his classic on the structure of the testicle. In 1672 gave an authentic account of the ovary and Graafian vesicles. 30. Nuck, Anton (1650-1692.) De ductu salivali novo. 24°. Leyden, 1685. Nuck was a Leyden professor and distinguished himself as an anatomist, oculist, aurist and dentist. He was the first among the Moderns to do a paracentesis of the cornea. Is better known for his account of Nuck's glands and ducts. 31. Heister, Lorenz (1683-1758.) Chirurgicae. 4°. 2 vol. Venice, 1750. Heister's works on surgery and anatomy in his time rendered him almost an autocrat in these branches. The illustration of the amputation shows the juste-au-corps coat worn by army surgeons of his day. 32. Cheselden, William (1688-1752.) Osteographia. fol. London, 1733. Cheselden was an important surgeon and ophthalmologist as well as an anatomist. He was surgeon to St. Thomas' and Chelsea Hospitals. Introduced the formation of an artificial pupil by a simple incision of the iris (iridotomy 1728). 33. Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried (1697-1770.) Icones ossium foetus humani. 4°. Leyden, 1737. Albinus from his twenty-fourth year until his death was pro- fessor of anatomy at Leyden. His works are justly renowned for their beauty and accuracy of illustration. 14 34. Elyot, Thomas Sir (1490?-1546.) The Castel of Helth. 16°. London, 1541. Elyot in his youth read with "a worshipful physician" (prob- ably Linacre) the works of Galen and other medical writers. This enabled him to write in his mature years a medical work, full of prescriptions and remedies largely selected from Galen and other authorities from antiquity. 35. Cardan, Jerome (1501-1576.) De Judiciis genituraru, 8°. Nuremberg, 1547. Cardan seems to have been a sort of Italian Paracelsus though lacking the coarse vigor which characterises the German. The present work contains besides the above subdivision five others including the almanac, astrology and astronomy. The volume is especially valuable as it contains the horoscope of Vesalius. Among the numerous horoscopes cast by Cardan we find the names of Diirer, King Henry VIII of England, Louis XII, Martin Luther and Pope Leo X who issued bulls against Luther. 36. Macmichael, William (1784-1839.) The Gold-Headed Cane. 8°. London, 1827. The book was published anonymously and contains the biogra- phies of Radcliffe, Mead, Askew, Pitcairn and Baillie. The gold-headed cane carried by Radcliffe passed successively through the hands of these physicians and is now in the Library of the Royal College of Physicians. 37. Beaumont, William (1785-1853.) Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice, and the Physiology of Digest- ion. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1833. Beaumont was an army-surgeon whose researches in connection with the Canadian half-bred, Alexis St. Martin threw so much light upon the subject of stomach digestion. He was the first to study digestion and the movements of the stomach in situ (1825). 15 38. Simpson, Sir James Young (1811-1870.) Archaeological Essays. 8°. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1872. Simpson was the first to employ chloroform in obstetrics and labor. The plate from his archaeological essays shows monu- ments erected to Roman medical officers. 39. Larrey, Jean Dominique (1766-1842.) Memoir of Baron Larrey. 8°. London, 1861. Larry was Surgeon-in-chief to la grande armee under Napoleon I. and the greatest military surgeon of his time. 40. Manuscript notes of medical prescriptions and notes from Galen. 1589. 41. Manuscript notes by Thos. Amory. 1665- 1700. The volume contains numerous medical receipts besides med- ical prayers and incantations of the 17th century. 42. Manuscript notes on anatomy and surgery taken by Thomas Booth from the lectures of Henry Cline, delivered at St. Thomas' Hospital. London, 1793. 43. Manuscript notes on surgery taken by David Petrikin from the lectures of Philip Syng Physick, delivered at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1805-1806. 16 44. Manuscript notes on anatomy and surgery taken by R. Collett from the lectures of John Abernathy, delivered at St. Barth- olomew's Hospital. London, 1805-1806. 45. Collection of Medical Autographs, Di- plomas, Portraits etc. (1800-1840.) Certificates of examination issued by the Royal College of Surgeons (1813) for qualification in the army or navy pro- bably for the war of 1813. 46. Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738.) Letter to John Rau of the University of Leyden concerning his work on the anatomy of the eye. February 11, 1703. Boerhaave the most famous physician of the 18th century was the first to permanently establish the clinical method of in- struction, and its diffusion was due to his pupils, particularly Haller and van Swieten. 47. Mead, Richard (1673-1754.) Letter to Dr. Cummins of Dorchester, Ormond-forest, March 13, 1752. Mead's success as a physician was warranted at least by his character as a man. After his attendance upon Queen Anne he became the most prosperous practitioner of his time. He was a prolific writer and author of the first quarantine regula- tions adopted in England. 48. Shippen, William Jr. (1736-1808.) Note to John Rhea Barton professor of chemistry, materia medica, and botany at the University of Pennsylvania Medi- cal Department. Philadelphia, February 13, 1799. Shippen was a graduate of Edinburgh coming under the Hunt- ers, Cullen, and Monro secundus. Succeeded John Morgan in 1765 as Surgeon-General and in 1777 collaborated with Mor- gan in organizing the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvannia. 17 49. Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813.) Signature to document. April 17, 1786. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, graduate of Edinburgh (1768), succeeded John Morgan as professor of practice of medicine in the College of Philadelphia (1789) attaining the chair of institutes of medicine, when the latter was merged into the University of Pennsylvania, in 1791. 50. Jenner, Edward (1749-1823.) Letter with small mezzotint of Edward Jenner inserted. A friend and pupil of John Hunter's and the successful intro- ducer of preventive inoculation. His first vaccination was per- formed on May 14, 1796, upon a country boy, James Phipps, with matter from the hand of a milk-maid, Sarah Nelmes, who had contracted cow-pox in milking. On July 1st, Phipps was inoculated with small-pox virus and the immunization proved successful. 51. Warren, John (1753-1815.) Letter to the father of a little patient accidently burnt. Bos- ton, January26, 1792. He rendered distinguished army service in the Revolution and was founder and the first professor of anatomy and surgery of the Harvard Medical School (1783). 52. Waterhouse, Benjamin (1754-1846.) Letter to the Surgeon-General of the U. S. on the medical care of troops during the war of 1813. Cambridge, December 30, 1813. He was professor of medicine at Harvard and introduced vac- cination into the U. S., making the first vaccinations upon his four children in July, 1800. The virus was procured from Bath England. 53. Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841.) Letter with small engraving of Sir Thomas Lawrence's por- trait inserted. 18 He was a pupil of John Hunter's and the most eminent English surgeon of his day. In 1808, he successfully ligated the com- mon carotid and the external iliac arteries for aneurysms, making postmortem dissections of his cases in 1821 and 1826. In 1817 he ligated the abdominal aorta and the patient surviving 48 hours. He also attempted to tie the subclavian in 1809. Cooper in 1801 performed the first paracentesis of the tympanic membrane. 54. Physick, Philip Syng (1768-1837.) Autograph note. Philadelphia, September 24, 1807. Graduate of Edinburgh and a pupil of John Hunter, and some- times called the Father of American Surgery. He was profes- sor of surgery in the University of Pennsylvania (1805-18). 55. Chapman, Nathaniel (1780-1853.) Letter to Dr. Stillman. Philadelphia, March 24,1823. Founded the "Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physi- cal Sciences," which is known today as the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences". Was elected first president of the American Medical Associa- tion at Philadelphia, May, 1847. 56. Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1815-1894.) Letter to Dr. Brighamof Boston "on the loan of books which have been lost or misplaced". Boston, January 18, 1892. In medicine Holmes will best be known by his contribution On the Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever (1842) although it remained for Semmelweiss, five years later, to recognize puer- peral fever as septicemia (1847-49). From 1847-82 he was Parkman professor of anatomy at the Harvard Medical School. 57. Diploma of a Doctor's degree conferred upon Carolus Antoninus by the College of Mac- erata, with illuminations. 1722. Signed by Antoninus de Vico. 19 58. Diploma granted to Walther van Doeveren by the University of Leyden, October 19, 1753. Signed by Albinus, Gaubius, Weis and Royen. van Doeveren became one of Holland's celebrated physi- cians and in 1771 was made professor of anatomy and surgery at the University of Leyden. 59. Diploma granted to Lewis Hermans by the Geneva Medical College of Geneva, New York, April 1, 1829. Signed by David Hosack and Valentine Mott. In 1826 there occurred a rupture between the faculty and trus- tees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, whereupon the teaching staff withdrew and established a new medical school under the auspices of Rutger's College at New Brunswick, New Jersey. The school after a prosperous ca- reer of five years, during a part of which it was connected with the Geneva College of Western New York, was compelled to close its doors on account of certain technical illegalities of its charter, concerning the right of conferring degrees. 60. Caricature, "A Medical Consultation," L. Boilly. 1760. 61. Caricature, "Perkins' Metallic Tractors." James Gilray. London, 1801. Among the therapeutic fads of the time were the metallic or magnetic tractors of Elisha Perkins of Connecticut (1798). They had an uncommon fashion in England and were satirized in prints and pamphlets. 62. Caricature, "The Cow-pock". James Gilray. London, 1802. Published against vaccination by the Antivaccination Society. The figure with the scarifier represents Jenner. 20 63. Caricature, "Medical Discussion". Col- lings, n. p. n. d. 64. Caricature, "Origin of the Gout". Bun- buny. n. p. n. d. THftD FORCES MEDICAL UBRM* W WASHINGTON. D. C .. TOBY RUBOVITS. PRINTER AND BINDER CHICAGO if tf 0* V r\f\ ? NLM053329655