■fitMhiffivi.'^' 'At:-:.;: •■-'■ ■■ ''"'^^^^■•..'vi' • IF* ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON Founded 1836 Section. Number L£?2££L i t o 3—10543 Form 113e, W.D., S. G. O. (Revised June 13, 1936) uUE TWO WEEKS FROM LAST DATE IfOCT 15 1951" L N0V I 9 w <3PO B87422 a'3] &iO THE ' r~ COMPLETE WORKS JOHN HUNTER, F.R.S. EDITED BY JAMES F. PALMER, SENIOR SURGEON TO THE ST. GEORGE'S AND ST. JAMEs's'DISPENSARY, FELLOW OF THE HOTAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, ETC., ETC. VOL. I. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. THE LIFE OF HUNTER BY DREWRY OTTLEY. LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY; WITH NOTES BY JAMES F. PALMER. JiMu latf cIjjU fa : HASWELL, BARRINGTON, AND HASWELL. NEW YORK: J. & H. G. LANGLEY. 1841. wz 2 Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, by John White, Esq. 1790. 38. A case of Paralysis of the Muscles of Deglutition cured by an artificial"mode of conveying food and medicines into the stomach.—Transactions of a Society, &c, vol. i. ---- 39. Some observations on the loose cartilages found in joints, and most commonly met with in that of the knee, by Everard Home, Esq., from materials furnished by Mr. Hunter.—Transactions of a Society, &c, vol. i. ---- 40. General observations on the mode of collecting and send- ing home animals, and on the nomenclature and clas- sification of animals.—Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, by John White, Esq. ---- 41. Description of the Kangaroo. ---- 42.----------------Wha Tapoau Roo. ---- 43.----------------Dingo, or Wild Dog of Australia. ---- 44.----------------■ Tapoa Tafa or Tapha. ---- 45.----------------Poto Roo, or Kangaroo Rat. ---- 46.----------------Hepoona Roo. J 1791. 47. Observations on certain horny excrescences of the human body, by Everard Home, F. R. S., from mate- rials furnished by Mr. Hunter.—Phil. Trans. 1792. 48. Observations on Bees.—Phil. Trans. 1793. 49. Some facts relative to the late Mr. J. Hunter's prepara- tion for the Croonian Lectures, by E. Home, Esq.— Phil. Trans. ^ 1794. 50. Observations on the Fossil Bones presented to the Royal Society, by the Margrave of Anspach, by the late Mr. J. Hunter.—Phil. Trans. 1794. 51. Treatise on the Blood* Inflammation, and Gun-shot Wounds. ---- 52. The case of a young Woman who poisoned herself in the first month of pregnancy, by Thomas Ogle; to which is added an account of the appearances after death, by the late J. Hunter.—Transactions of a Society, &c, vol. ii. J ---- 53. Mr. Hunter's opinion concerning the Anatomy of the Camel's Stomach.—Natural History of Aleppo, by Alexander Russel, Esq., 2d Edit. vol. ii. p. 419. ---- 54. Notes on the Anatomy of the Jerboa, by Mr. Hunter — Ibid., vol. ii. p. 419. 1798. 55. Experiments and observations on the growth of Bones, from the papers of the late Mr. Hunter, by Everard Home, b. K. S.—Transactions of a Society, &c, vol. ii. APPENDIX. 133 Some account of the Editions of Mr. Hunter's Works. TREATISE ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HUMAN TEETH. Parti. 4to. 1771. 1st Edit, i part n 4tQ> 1?78 On the occasion of the publication of Part II. a new title-page was added to Part I., and the two (being bound together) were sold as the second Edition. 2d Edit. 1778.—The circumstances of this Edition are explained above. 3d Edit. 4to. 1803. / A few unimportant alterations in the disposition of the prefatory parts of the work are made in this edition.— No pains seem, however, to have been taken to rectify any of the errors of the former editions. The drawings from which the engravings were made having been marked by Mr. Hunter with the initial capital letters A, B, C, &c, instead of by the Roman numerals I. II. III., &c, the engraver mistook the I for the J,