\Frotu the Century Magazine. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF CHARLES DARWIN Including an Autobiographical Chapter EDITED BY HIS SON FRANCIS DARWIN IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1898. Authorized Edition. PREFACE. In choosing letters for publication I have been largely guided by the wish to illustrate my father’s personal character. But his life was so essentially one of work, that a history of the man could not be writ- ten without following closely the career of the author. Thus it comes about that the chief part of the book falls into chapters whose titles correspond to the names of his books. In arranging the letters I have adhered as far as possible to chronological sequence, but the character and variety of his researches make a strictly chrono- logical order an impossibility. It was his habit to work more or less simultaneously at several subjects. Experimental work was often carried on as a refresh- ment or variety, while books entailing reasoning and the marshalling of large bodies of facts were being written. Moreover, many of his researches were allowed to drop, and only resumed after an interval of years. Thus a rigidly chronological series of letters would present a patchwork of subjects, each of which would be difficult to follow. The Table of Contents will show in what way I have attempted to avoid this result. In printing the letters I have followed (except in a IV PREFACE. few cases) the usual plan of indicating the existence of omissions or insertions. My father’s letters give fre- quent evidence of having been written when he was tired or hurried, and they bear the marks of this cir- cumstance. In writing to a friend, or to one of his family, he frequently omitted the articles: these have been inserted without the usual indications, except in a few instances (e. g. vol. i. p. 177), where it is of spe- cial interest to preserve intact the hurried character of the letter. Other small words, such as of, to, &c., have been inserted usually within brackets. I have not followed the originals as regards the spelling of names, the use of capitals, or in the matter of punctu- ation. My father underlined many words in his let- ters ; these have not always been given in italics,— a rendering which would unfairly exaggerate their effect. The Diary or Pocket-book, from which quotations occur in the following pages, has been of value as sup- plying a frame-work of facts round which letters may be grouped. It is unfortunately written with great brevity, the history of a year being compressed into a page or less; and contains little more than the dates of the principal events of his life, together with entries as to his work, and as to the duration of his more serious illnesses. He rarely dated his letters, so that but for the Diary it would have been all but impossi- ble to unravel the history of his books. It has also enabled me to assign dates to many letters which would otherwise have been shorn of half their value. Of letters addressed to my father I have not made much use. It was his custom to file all letters re- ceived, and when his slender stock of files (“ spits ” as he called them) was exhausted, he would burn the let- ters of several years, in order that he might make use PREFACE. V of the liberated “ spits.” This process, carried on for years, destroyed nearly all letters received before 1862. After that date he was persuaded to keep the more interesting letters, and these are preserved in an ac- cessible form. I have attempted to give, in Chapter III., some ac- count of his manner of working. During the last eight years of his life I acted as his assistant, and thus had an opportunity of knowing something of his hab- its and methods. I have received much help from my friends in the course of my work. To some I am indebted for rem- iniscences of my father, to others for information, crit- icisms, and advice. To all these kind coadjutors I gladly acknowledge my indebtedness. The names of some occur in connection with their contributions, but I do not name those to whom I am indebted for criti- cisms or corrections, because I should wish to bear alone the load of my short-comings, rather than to let any of it fall on those who have done their best to lighten it. It will be seen how largely I am indebted to Sir Joseph Hooker for the means of illustrating my father’s life. The readers of these pages will, I think, be grateful to Sir Joseph for the care with which he has preserved his valuable collection of letters, and I should wish to add my acknowledgment of the gen- erosity with which he has placed it at my disposal, and for the kindly encouragement given throughout my work. To Mr. Huxley I owe a debt of thanks, not only for much kind help, but for his willing compliance with my request that he should contribute a chapter on the reception of the ‘ Origin of Species.’ Finally, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the cour- VI PREFACE. tesy of the publishers of the ‘ Century Magazine ’ who have freely given me the use of their illustrations. To Messrs. Maull and Fox and Messrs. Elliott and Fry I am also indebted for their kindness in allowing me the use of reproductions of their photographs. Cambridge, October, 1887. Francis Darwin. table of contents. CHAPTER PAGE I.—The Darwin Family 1 II.—Autobiography 25 III.—Reminiscences 87 LETTERS. IV.—Cambridge Life—1828-1831 139 V.—The Appointment to the ‘Beagle’—1831 . . . 160 VI.—The Voyage—1831-1836 191 VII.—London and Cambridge—1836-1842 243 VIII.—Religion 274 IX.—Life at Down—1842-1854 287 X.—The Growth of the ‘Origin of Species’ . . . 363 XI.—The Growth of the ‘Origin of Species’—Letters— 1843-1856 380 XII.—The Unfinished Book—May 1856-JUNE 1858 . . . 426 XIII. —The Writing of the ‘Origin of Species’—June 18, 1858-Nov. 1859 472 XIV. —Professor Huxley on the Reception of the ‘Origin of Species’ 533 VIII CONTENTS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Charles Darwin in 1874 (?). From the ‘Century Magazine.’ The photograph by Captain L. Darwin, R. E. . Frontispiece. The House at Down. From the ‘Century Magazine’ Face p. 87 The Study at Down. From the ‘Century Magazine’ . . 101 The Beagle laid ashore . . 160 LIFE AND LETTERS OF CHARLES DARWIN. CHAPTER I. THE DARWIN FAMILY. The earliest records of the family show the Darwins to have been substantial yeomen residing on the northern bor- ders of Lincolnshire, close to Yorkshire. The name is now very unusual in England, but I believe that it is not unknown in the neighbourhood of Sheffield and in Lancashire. Down to the year 1600 we find the name spelt in a variety of ways —Derwent, Darwen, Darwynne, &c. It is possible, therefore, that the family migrated at some unknown date from York- shire, Cumberland, or Derbyshire, where Derwent occurs as the name of a river. The first ancestor of whom we know was one William Darwin, who lived, about the year 1500, at Marton, near Gainsborough. His great grandson, Richard Darwyn, in- herited land at Marton and elsewhere, and in his will, dated 1584, “ bequeathed the sum of 3$. 4d. towards the settyngeup of the Queene’s Majestie’s armes over the quearie (choir) doore in the parishe churche of Marton,” * The son of this Richard, named William Darwin, and * We owe a knowledge of these earlier members of the family to re- searches amongst the wills at Lincoln, made by the well-known genealo- gist, Colonel Chester. 2 THE DARWIN FAMILY. described as “ gentleman,” appears to have been a successful man. Whilst retaining his ancestral land at Marton, he ac- quired through his wife and by purchase an estate at Cleat- ham, in the parish of Manton, near Kirton Lindsey, and fixed his residence there. This estate remained in the family down to the year 1760. A cottage with thick walls, some fish-ponds and old trees, now alone show where the “ Old Hall ” once stood, and a field is still locally known as the “ Darwin Charity,” from being subject to a charge in favour of the poor of Marton. William Darwin must, at least in part, have owed his rise in station to his appointment in 1613 by James I. to the post of Yeoman of the Royal Armoury of Greenwich. The office appears to have been worth only a year, and the duties were probably almost nominal ; he held the post down to his death during the Civil Wars. The fact that this William was a royal servant may explain why his son, also named William, served when almost a boy for the King, as “ Captain-Lieutenant ” in Sir William Pel- ham’s troop of horse. On the partial dispersion of the royal armies, and the retreat of the remainder to Scotland, the boy’s estates were sequestrated by the Parliament, but they were redeemed on his signing the Solemn League and Cove- nant, and on his paying a fine which must have struck his finances severely ; for in a petition to Charles II. he speaks of his almost utter ruin from having adhered to the royal cause. During the Commonwealth, William Darwin became a barrister of Lincoln’s Inn, and this circumstance probably led to his marriage with the daughter of Erasmus Earle, serjeant- at-law ; hence his great-grandson, Erasmus Darwin, the Poet, derived his Christian name. He ultimately became Recorder of the city of Lincoln. The eldest son of the Recorder, again called William, was born in 1655, and married the heiress of Robert Waring, a member of a good Staffordshire family. This lady inherited from the family of Lassells, or Lascelles, the manor and hall of Elston, near Newark, which has remained ever since in the THE DARWIN FAMILY. 3 family.* A portrait of this William Darwin at Elston shows him as a good-looking young man in a full-bottomed wig. This third William had two sons, William, and Robert who was educated as a barrister. The Cleatham property was left to William, but on the termination of his line in daughters reverted to the younger brother, who had received Elston. On his mother’s death Robert gave up his profession and resided ever afterwards at Elston Hall. Of this Robert, Charles Darwin writes f :— “ He seems to have had some taste for science, for he was an early member of the well-known Spalding Club ; and the celebrated antiquary Dr. Stukeley, in ‘An Account of the almost entire Sceleton of a large Animal,’ &c., published in the ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ April and May 1719, begins the paper as follows : ‘ Having an account from my friend Robert Darwin, Esq., of Lincoln’s Inn, a person of curiosity, of a human sceleton impressed in stone, found lately by the rector of Elston,’ &c. Stukeley then speaks of it as a great rarity, ‘ the like whereof has not been observed before in this island to my knowledge.’ Judging from a sort of litany written by Robert, and handed down in the family, he was a strong advocate of temperance, which his son ever afterwards so strongly advocated :— From a morning that doth shine, From a boy that drinketh wine, From a wife that talketh Latine, Good Lord deliver me! * Captain Lassells, or Lascelles, of Elston was military secretary to Monk, Duke of Albemarle, during the Civil Wars. A large volume of account books, countersigned in many places by Monk, are now in the possession of my cousin Francis Darwin. The accounts might possibly prove of interest to the antiquarian or historian. A portrait of Captain Lassells in armour, although used at one time as an archery-target by some small boys of our name, was not irretrievably ruined. f What follows is quoted from Charles Darwin’s biography of his grand- father, forming the preliminary notice to Ernst Krause’s interesting essay, ‘ Erasmus Darwin,’ London, 1879, p. 4. 4 THE DARWIN FAMILY. “ It is suspected that the third line may be accounted for by his wife, the mother of Erasmus, having been a very learned lady. The eldest son of Robert, christened Robert Waring, succeeded to the estate of Elston, and died there at the age of ninety-two, a bachelor. He had a strong taste for poetry, like his youngest brother Erasmus. Robert also cultivated botany, and, when an oldish man, he published his ‘ Principia Botanica.’ This book in MS. was beautifully written, and my father [Dr. R. W. Darwin] declared that he believed it was published because his old uncle could not endure that such fine caligraphy should be wasted. But this was hardly just, as the work contains many curious notes on biology—a subject wholly neglected in England in the last century. The public, moreover, appreciated the book, as the copy in my possession is the third edition.” The second son, William Alvey, inherited Elston, and transmitted it to his granddaughter, the late Mrs. Darwin, of Elston and Creskeld. A third son, John, became rector of Elston, the living being in the gift of the family. The fourth son, and youngest child, was Erasmus Darwin, the poet and philosopher. The table on page 5 shows Charles Darwin’s descent from Robert, and his relationship to some other members of the family, whose names occur in his correspondence. Among these are included William Darwin Fox, one of his earliest correspondents, and Francis Galton, with whom he.main- tained a warm friendship for many years. Here also occurs the name of Francis Sacheverel Darwin, who inherited a love of natural history from Erasmus, and transmitted it to his son Edward Darwin, author (under the name of “ High Elms ”) of a ‘Gamekeeper’s Manual’ (4th Edit. 1863), which shows keen observation of the habits of various animals. It is always interesting to see how far a man’s personal characteristics can be traced in his forefathers. Charles Dar- win inherited the tall stature, but not the bulky figure of Erasmus ; but in his features there is no traceable resem- blance to those of his grandfather. Nor, it appears, had TABLE OF RELATIONSHIP. 5 I Francis Sacheverel. b. 1786, d. 1859. Edward Darwin, “ High Elms.” (2) Eliz. Chandos-Pole. b. 1747, d. 1832. I Reginald Darwin. I Violetta, m. Sam- uel Tertius Galton. F rancis Galton. (1) Mary Howard ; m. b. 1740, d. 1770. TABLE OF RELATIONSHIP. I Charles, b. 1758, d. 1778. I Erasmus, m. ( b. 1731, d. 1802. Charles Robert Darwin. b. Feb. 12, 1809, d. Apr. 19, 1882. i Robert Waring. b. 1767, d. 1848. m. Susannah W edgwood. Robert Waring, b. 1724, d. 18x6. Anne m. Samuel Fox. 1 William Darwin Fox. 1 Sarah, m. Edward Noel. Robert Darwin of Elston, b. 1682, d. 1754. I 1 William Alvey. b. 1726, d. 1783. William Brown, b. 1774, d. 1841. I Charlotte, m. Francis Rhodes, now Francis Darwin of Creskeld and Elston. 6 THE DARWIN FAMILY. Erasmus the love of exercise and of field-sports, so character- istic of Charles Darwin as a young man, though he had, like his grandson, an indomitable love of hard mental work. Be- nevolence and sympathy with others, and a great personal charm of manner, were common to the two. Charles Darwin possessed, in the highest degree, that “ vividness of imagina- tion ” of which he speaks as strongly characteristic of Eras- mus, and as leading “to his overpowering tendency to theo- rise and generalise.” This tendency, in the case of Charles Darwin, was fully kept in check by the determination to test his theories to the utmost. Erasmus had a strong love of all kinds of mechanism, for which Charles Darwin had no taste. Neither had Charles Darwin the literary temperament which made Erasmus a poet as well as a philosopher. He writes of Erasmus : * “ Throughout his letters I have been struck with his indifference to fame, and the complete absence of all signs of any over-estimation of his own abilities, or of the success of his works.” These, indeed, seem indications of traits most strikingly prominent in his own character. Yet we get no evidence in Erasmus of the intense modesty and simplicity that marked Charles Darwin’s whole nature. But by the quick bursts of anger provoked in Erasmus, at the sight of any inhumanity or injustice, we are again reminded of him. On the whole, however, it seems to me that we do not know enough of the essential personal tone of Erasmus Dar- win’s character to attempt more than a superficial compari- son ; and I am left with an impression that, in spite of many resemblances, the two men were of a different type. It has been shown that Miss Seward and Mrs. Schimmelpenninck have misrepresented Erasmus Darwin’s character.! It is, however, extremely probable that the faults which they exag- gerate were to some extent characteristic of the man ; and this leads me to think that Erasmus had a certain acerbity or severity of temper which did not exist in his grandson. * ‘ Life of Erasmus Darwin,’ p. 6S. f Ibid., pp. 77, 79, &c. ERASMUS DARWIN. 7 The sons of Erasmus Darwin inherited in some degree his intellectual tastes, for Charles Darwin writes of them as fol- lows : “His eldest son, Charles (born September 3, 1758), was a young man of extraordinary promise, but died (May 15, 1778) before he was twenty-one years old, from the effects of a wound received whilst dissecting the brain of a child. He inherited from his father a strong taste for various branches of science, for writing verses, and for mechanics. . . . He also inherited stammering. With the hope of curing him, his father sent him to France, when about eight years old (1766- ’67), with a private tutor, thinking that if he was not allowed to speak English for a time, the habit of stammering might be lost ; and it is a curious fact, that in after years, when speaking French, he never stammered. At a very early age he collected specimens of all kinds. When sixteen years old he was sent for a year to [Christ Church] Oxford, but he did not like the place, and thought (in the words of his father) that the ‘ vigour of his mind languished in the pursuit of clas- sical elegance like Hercules at the distaff, and sighed to be removed to the robuster exercise of the medical school of Edinburgh.’ He stayed three years at Edinburgh, working hard at his medical studies, and attending ‘ with diligence all the sick poor of the parish of Waterleith, and supplying them with the necessary medicines.’ The Hilsculapian Society awarded him its first gold medal for an experimental inquiry on pus and mucus. Notices of him appeared in various jour- nals ; and all the writers agree about his uncommon energy and abilities. He seems like his father to have excited the warm affection of his friends. Professor Andrew Duncan .... spoke .... about him with the warmest affection forty-seven years after his death when I was a young medical student at Edinburgh ! . . . “About the character of his second son, Erasmus (born 1750), I have little to say, for though he wrote poetry, he seems to have had none of the other tastes of his father. He had, however, his own peculiar tastes, viz., genealogy, the col- 8 THE DARWIN FAMILY. leering of coins, and statistics. When a boy he counted all the houses in the city of Lichfield, and found out the num- ber of inhabitants in as many as he could ; he thus made a census, and when a real one was first made, his estimate was found to be nearly accurate. His disposition was quiet and retiring. My father had a very high opinion of his abilities, and this was probably just, for he would not otherwise have been invited to travel with, and pay long visits to, men so dis- tinguished in different ways as Boulton the engineer, and Day the moralist and novelist.” His death by suicide, in 1799, seems to have taken place in a state of incipient insanity. Robert Waring, the father of Charles Darwin, was born May 30, 1766, and entered the medical profession like his father. He studied for a few months at Leyden, and took his M. D.* at that University on Feb. 26, 1785. “ His father ” (Erasmus) “ brought f him to Shrewsbury before he was twenty-one years old (1787), and left him saying, ‘Let me know when you want more, and I will send it you.’ His uncle, the rector of Elston, afterwards also sent him and this was the sole pecuniary aid which he ever received . . . Erasmus tells Mr. Edgeworth that his son Robert, after being settled in Shrewsbury for only six months, ‘ already had between forty and fifty patients.’ By the second year he was in considerable, and ever afterwards in very large, practice.” * I owe this information to the kindness of Professor Rauwenhoff, Di- rector of the Archives at Leyden. He quotes from the catalogue of doc- tors that “ Robertus Waring Darwin, Anglo-britannus,” defended (Feb. 26, 1785) in the Senate a Dissertation on the coloured images seen after looking at a bright object, and “ Medicinse Doctor creatus est a clar. Para- dijs.” The archives of Leyden University are so complete that Professor Rauwenhoff is able to tell me that my grandfather lived together with a certain “ Petrus Crompton, Anglus,” in lodgings in the Apothekersdijk. Dr. Darwin’s Leyden dissertation was published in the ‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ and my father used to say that the work was in fact due to Erasmus Darwin.—F. D. f ‘ Life of Erasmus Darwin,’ p. 85. DR. R. W. DARWIN. 9 Robert Waring Darwin married (April 18, 1796) Susannah, the daughter of his father’s friend, Josiah Wedgwood, of Etruria, then in her thirty-second year. We have a miniature of her, with a remarkably sweet and happy face, bearing some resemblance to the portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds of her father; a countenance expressive of the gentle and sympathetic nature which Miss Meteyard ascribes to her.* She died July 15, 1817, thirty-two years before her husband, whose death occurred on November 13, 1848. Dr. Darwin lived before his marriage for two or three years on St. John’s Hill; after- wards at the Crescent, where his eldest daughter Marianne was born ; lastly at the “ Mount,” in the part of Shrewsbury known as Frankwell, where the other children were born. This house was built by Dr. Darwin about 1800, it is now in the possession of Mr. Spencer Phillips, and has undergone but little alteration. It is a large, plain, square, red-brick house, of which the most attractive feature is the pretty green-house, opening out of the morning-room. The house is charmingly placed, on the top of a steep bank leading down to the Severn. The terraced bank is traversed by a long walk, leading from end to end, still called “ the Doctor’s Walk.” At one point in this walk grows a Spanish chestnut, the branches of which bend back parallel to them- selves in a curious manner, and this was Charles Darwin’s favourite tree as a boy, where he and his sister Catherine had each their special seat. The Doctor took a great pleasure in his garden, planting it with ornamental trees and shrubs, and being especially suc- cessful in fruit-trees ; and this love of plants was, I think, the only taste kindred to natural history which he possessed. Of the “Mount pigeons,” which Miss Meteyard describes as illus- trating Dr. Darwin’s natural-history taste, I have not been able to hear from those most capable of knowing. Miss Meteyard’s account of him is not quite accurate in a few points. For instance, it is incorrect to describe Dr. Darwin * ‘A Group of Englishmen,’ by Miss Meteyard, 1871. 10 THE DARWIN FAMILY. as having a philosophical mind ; his was a mind especially- given to detail, and not to generalising. Again, those who knew him intimately describe him as eating remarkably little, so that he was not “ a great feeder, eating a goose for his din- ner, as easily as other men do a partridge.”* In the matter of dress he was conservative, and wore to the end of his life knee-breeches and drab gaiters, which, however, certainly did not, as Miss Meteyard says, button above the knee—a form of costume chiefly known to us in grenadiers of Queen Anne’s day, and in modern wood-cutters and ploughboys. Charles Darwin had the strongest feeling of love and re- spect for his father’s memory. His recollection of everything that was connected with him was peculiarly distinct, and he spoke of him frequently; generally prefacing an anecdote with some such phrase as, “ My father, who was the wisest man I ever knew, &c. . . .” It was astonishing how clearly he remembered his father’s opinions, so that he was able to quote some maxims or hint of his in most cases of illness. As a rule, he put small faith in doctors, and thus his unlim- ited belief in Dr. Darwin’s medical instinct and methods of treatment was all the more striking. His reverence for him was boundless and most touching:. He would have wished to judge everything else in the world dispassionately, but anything his father had said was received with almost implicit faith. His daughter Mrs. Litchfield re- members him saying that he hoped none of his sons would ever believe anything because he said it,, unless they were themselves convinced of its truth,—a feeling in striking con- trast with his own manner of faith. A visit which Charles Darwin made to Shrewsbury in 1869 left on the mind of his daughter who accompanied him a strong impression of his love for his old home. The then tenant of the Mount showed them over the house, &c., and with mistaken hospitality remained with the party during the whole visit. As they were leaving, Charles Darwin said, with A Group of Englishmen,’ p. 263. DR. R. W. DARWIN, a pathetic look of regret, “ If I could have been left alone in that green-house for five minutes, I know I should have been able to see my father in his wheel-chair as vividly as if he had been there before me.” Perhaps this incident shows what I think is the truth, that the memory of his father he loved the best, was that of him as an old man. Mrs. Litchfield has noted down a few words which illustrate well his feeling towards his father. She de- scribes him as saying with the most tender respect, “ I think my father was a little unjust to me when I was young, but afterwards I am thankful to think I became a prime favourite with him.” She has a vivid recollection of the expression of happy reverie that accompanied these words, as if he were reviewing the whole relation, and the remembrance left a deep sense of peace and gratitude. What follows was added by Charles Darwin to his auto- biographical ‘ Recollections,’ and was written about 1877 or 1878. 11 “ I may here add a few pages about my father, who was in many ways a remarkable man. “He was about 6 feet 2 inches in height, with broad shoulders, and very corpulent, so that he was the largest man whom I ever saw. When he last weighed himself, he was 24 stone, but afterwards increased much in weight. His chief mental characteristics were his powers of observation and his sympathy, neither of which have I ever seen exceeded or even equalled. His sympathy was not only with the dis- tresses of others, but in a greater degree with the pleasures of all around him. This led him to be always scheming to give pleasure to others, and, though hating extravagance, to perform many generous actions. For instance, Mr. B , a small manufacturer in Shrewsbury, came to him one day, and said he should be bankrupt unless he could at once borrow but that he was unable to give any legal security. My father heard his reasons for believing that he could ulti- mately repay the money, and from [his] intuitive perception 12 THE DARWIN FAMILY. of character felt sure that he was to be trusted. So he ad- vanced this sum, which was a very large one for him while young, and was after a time repaid. “ I suppose that it was his sympathy which gave him un- bounded power of winning confidence, and as a consequence made him highly successful as a physician. He began to practise before he was twenty-one years old, and his fees during the first year paid for the keep of two horses and a servant. On the following year his practice was large, and so continued for about sixty years, when he ceased to attend on any one. His great success as a doctor was the more remarkable, as he told me that he at first hated his profession so much that if he had been sure of the smallest pittance, or if his father had given him any choice, nothing should have induced him to follow it. To the end of his life, the thought of an operation almost sickened him, and he could scarcely endure to see a person bled—a horror which he has trans- mitted to me—and I remember the horror which I felt as a schoolboy in reading about Pliny (I think) bleeding to death in a warm bath. . . . “ Owing to my father’s power of winning confidence, many patients, especially ladies, consulted him when suffering from any misery, as a sort of Father-Confessor. He told me that they always began by complaining in a vague manner about their health, and by practice he soon guessed what was really the matter. He then suggested that they had been suffering in their minds, and now they would pour out their troubles, and he heard nothing more about the body. . . . Owing to my father’s skill in winning confidence he received many strange confessions of misery and guilt. He often remarked how many miserable wives he had known. In several in- stances husbands and wives had gone on pretty well to- gether for between twenty and thirty years, and then hated each other bitterly ; this he attributed to their hav- ing lost a common bond in their young children having grown up. “ But the most remarkable power which my father pos- DR. R. W. DARWIN. 13 sessed was that of reading the characters, and even the thoughts of those whom he saw even for a short time. We had many instances of the power, some of which seemed almost supernatural. It saved my father from ever making (with one exception, and the character of this man was soon discovered) an unworthy friend. A strange clergyman came to Shrewsbury, and seemed to be a rich man ; everybody called on him, and he was invited to many houses. My father called, and on his return home told my sisters on no account to invite him or his family to our house ; for he felt sure that the man was not to be trusted. After a few months he suddenly bolted, being heavily in debt, and was found out to be little better than an habitual swindler. Here is a case of trustfulness which not many men would have ventured on. An Irish gentleman, a complete stranger, called on my father one day, and said that he had lost his purse, and that it would be a serious inconvenience to him to wait in Shrews- bury until he could receive a remittance from Ireland. He then asked my father to lend him which was immedi- ately done, as my father felt certain that the story was a true one. As soon as a letter could arrive from Ireland, one came with the most profuse thanks, and enclosing, as he said, a jQ20 Bank of England note, but no note was enclosed. I asked my father whether this did not stagger him, but he an- swered ‘ not in the least.’ On the next day another letter came with many apologies for having forgotten (like a true Irishman) to put the note into his letter of the day before. . . . [A gentleman] brought his nephew, who was insane but quite gentle, to my father ; and the young man’s insanity led him to accuse himself of all the crimes under heaven. When my father afterwards talked over the matter with the uncle, he said, ‘ I am sure that your nephew is really guilty of . . . a heinous crime.’ Whereupon [the gentleman] said, ‘ Good God, Dr. Darwin, who told you; we thought that no human being knew the fact except ourselves ! ’ My father told me the story many years after the event, and I asked him how he distinguished the true from the false self-accusations ; and. 14 THE DARWIN FAMILY. it was very characteristic of my father that he said he could not explain how it was. “ The following story shows what good guesses my father could make. Lord Shelburne, afterwards the first Marquis of Lansdowne, was famous (as Macaulay somewhere remarks) for his knowledge of the affairs of Europe, on which he great- ly prided himself. He consulted my father medically, and afterwards harangued him on the state of Holland. My father had studied medicine at Leyden, and one day [while there] went a long walk into the country with a friend who took him to the house of a clergyman (we will say the Rev. Mr. A , for I have forgotten his name), who had married an Englishwoman. My father was very hungry, and there was little for luncheon except cheese, which he could never eat. The old lady was surprised and grieved at this, and as- sured my father that it was an excellent cheese, and had been sent her from Bowood, the seat of Lord Shelburne. My father wondered why a cheese should be sent her from Bowood, but thought nothing more about it until it flashed across his mind many years afterwards, whilst Lord Shelburne was talk- ing about Holland. So he answered, ‘I should think from what I saw of the Rev. Mr. A , that he was a very able man, and well acquainted with the state of Holland.’ My father saw that the Earl, who immediately changed the con- versation, was much startled. On the next morning my father received a note from the Earl, saying that he had starting on his journey, and wished particularly to see my father. When he called, the Earl said, ‘ Dr. Darwin, it is of the utmost importance to me and to the Rev. Mr. A to learn how you have discovered that he is the source of my information about Holland.’ So my father had to explain the state of the case, and he supposed that Lord Shelburne was much struck with his diplomatic skill in guessing, for during many years afterwards he received many kind messages from him through various friends. I think that he must have told the story to his children ; for Sir C. Lyell asked me many years ago why the Marquis of Lansdowne (the son or grand- DR. R. W. DARWIN. 15 son of the first marquis) felt so much interest about me, whom he had never seen, and my family. When forty new members (the forty thieves as they were then called) were added to the Athenaeum Club, there was much canvassing to be one of them; and without my having asked any one, Lord Lans- downe proposed me and got me elected. If I am right in my supposition, it was a queer concatenation of events that my father not eating cheese half-a-century before in Holland led to my election as a member of the Athenaeum. “ The sharpness of his observation led him to predict with remarkable skill the course of any illness, and he suggested endless small details of relief. I was told that a young doctor in Shrewsbury, who disliked my father, used to say that he was wholly unscientific, but owned that his power of predict- ing the end of an illness was unparalleled. Formerly when he thought that I should be a doctor, he talked much to me about his patients. In the old days the practice of bleeding largely was universal, but my father maintained that far more evil was thus caused than good done ; and he advised me if ever I was myself ill not to allow any doctor to take more than an extremely small quantity of blood. Long before ty- phoid fever was recognised as distinct, my father told me that two utterly distinct kinds of illness were confounded under the name of typhus fever. Lie was vehement against drink- ing, and was convinced of both the direct and inherited evil effects of alcohol when habitually taken even in moderate quantity in a very large majority of cases. But he admitted and advanced instances of certain persons who could drink largely during their whole lives without apparently suffering any evil effects, and he believed that he could often before- hand tell who would thus not suffer. He himself never drank a drop of any alcoholic fluid. This remark reminds me of a case showing how a witness under the most favourable cir- cumstances may be utterly mistaken. A gentleman-farmer was strongly urged by my father not to drink, and was en- couraged by being told that he himself never touched any spirituous liquor. Whereupon the gentleman said, ‘Come, 16 THE DARWIN FAMILY. come, Doctor, this won’t do—though it is very kind of you to say so for my sake—for I know that you take h very large glass of hot gin and water every evening after your dinner.’ * So my father asked him how he knew this. The man an- swered, ‘ My cook was your kitchen-maid for two or three years, and she saw the butler every day prepare and take to you the gin and water.’ The explanation was that my father had the odd habit of drinking hot water in a very tall and large glass after his dinner ; and the butler used first to put some cold water in the glass, which the girl mistook for gin, and then filled it up with boiling water from the kitchen boiler. “ My father used to tell me many little things which he had found useful in his medical practice. Thus ladies often cried much while telling him their troubles, and thus caused much loss of his precious time. He soon found that begging them to command and restrain themselves, always made them weep the more, so that afterwards he always encouraged them to go on crying, saying that this would relieve them more than anything else, and with the invariable result that they soon ceased to cry, and he could hear what they had to say and give his advice. When patients who were very ill craved for some strange and unnatural food, my father asked them what had put such an idea into their heads; if they answered that they did not know, he would allow them to try the food, and often with success, as he trusted to their having a kind of instinctive desire ; but if they answered that they had heard that the food in question had done good to some one else, he firmly refused his assent. “ He gave one day an odd little specimen of human na- ture. When a very young man he was called in to consult with the family physician in the case of a gentleman of much distinction in Shropshire. The old doctor told the wife that the illness was of such a nature that it must end fatally. * This belief still survives, and was mentioned to my brother in 1884 by an old inhabitant of Shrewsbury.—F. D. DR. R. W. DARWIN. 17 My father took a different view and maintained that the gentleman would recover : he was proved quite wrong in all respects (I think by autopsy) and he owned his error. He was then convinced that he should never again be consulted by this family ; but after a few months the widow sent for him, having dismissed the old family doctor. My father was so much surprised at this, that he asked a friend of the widow to find out why he was again consulted. The widow an- swered her friend, that ‘ she would never again see the odious old doctor who said from the first that her husband would die, while Dr. Darwin always maintained that he would recover ! ’ In another case my father told a lady that her husband would certainly die. Some months afterwards he saw the widow, who was a very sensible woman, and she said, ‘ You are a very young man, and allow me to advise you always to give, as long as you possibly can, hope to any near relative nursing a patient. You made me despair, and from that moment I lost strength.’ My father said that he had often since seen the paramount importance, for the sake of the patient, of keeping up the hope and with it the strength of the nurse in charge. This he sometimes found difficult to do compatibly with truth. One old gentleman, however, caused him no such perplexity. He was sent for by Mr. P , who said, ‘From all that I have seen and heard of you I believe that you are the sort of man who will speak the truth, and if I ask, you will tell me when I am dying. Now I much desire that you should attend me, if you will promise, whatever I may say, always to declare that I am not going to die.’ My father acquiesced on the understanding that his words should in fact have no meaning. “ My father possessed an extraordinary memory, especially for dates, so that he knew, when he was very old, the day of the birth, marriage, and death of a multitude of persons in Shropshire ; and he once told me that this power annoyed him; for if he once heard a date, he could not forget it; and thus the deaths of many friends were often recalled to his mind. Owing to his strong memory he knew an extraordi- 18 THE DARWIN FAMILY nary number of curious stories, which he liked to tell, as he was a great talker. He was generally in high spirits, and laughed and joked with every one—often with his servants—with the utmost freedom ; yet he had the art of making every one obey him to the letter. Many persons were much afraid of him. I remember my father telling us one day, with a laugh, that several persons had asked him whether Miss , a grand old lady in Shropshire, had called on him, so that at last he enquired why they asked him ; and he was told that Miss , whom my father had somehow mortally offended, was telling everybody that she would call and tell ‘ that fat old doctor very plainly what she thought of him.’ She had already called, but her courage had failed, and no one could have been more courteous and friendly. As a boy, I went to stay at the house of , whose wife was insane; and the poor creature, as soon as she saw me, was in the most abject state of terror that I ever saw, weeping bitterly and asking me over and over again, ‘ Is your father coming ? ’ but was soon paci- fied. On my return home, I asked my father why she was so frightened, and he answered he was very glad to hear it, as he had frightened her on purpose, feeling sure that she would be kept in safety and much happier without any restraint, if her husband could influence her, whenever she became at all violent, by proposing to send for Ur. Darwin; and these words succeeded perfectly during the rest of her long life. “ My father was very sensitive, so that many small events annoyed him or pained him much. I once asked him, when he was old and could not walk, why he did not drive out for exercise ; and he answered, ‘ Every road out of Shrewsbury is associated in my mind with some painful event.’ Yet he was generally in high spirits. He was easily made very angry, but his kindness was unbounded. He was widely and deeply loved. “ He was a cautious and good man of business, so that he hardly ever lost money by an investment, and left to his children a very large property. I remember a story showing DE. R. W. DARWIN. 19 how easily utterly false beliefs originate and spread. Mr. E , a squire of one of the oldest families in Shropshire, and head partner in a bank, committed suicide. My father was sent for as a matter of form, and found him dead. I may mention, by the way, to show how matters were managed in those old days, that because Mr. E was a rather great man, and universally respected, no inquest was held over his body. My father, in returning home, thought it proper to call at the bank (where he had an account) to tell the manag- ing partners of the event, as it was not improbable that it would cause a run on the bank. Well, the story was spread far and wide, that my father went into the bank, drew out all his money, left the bank, came back again, and said, 41 may just tell you that Mr. E has killed himself,’ and then departed. It seems that it was then a common belief that money with- drawn from a bank was not safe until the person had passed out through the door of the bank. My father did not hear this story till some little time afterwards, when the managing partner said that he had departed from his invariable rule of never allowing any one to see the account of another man, by having shown the ledger with my father’s account to several persons, as this proved that my father had not drawn out a penny on that day. It would have been dishonorable in my father to have used his professional knowledge for his private advantage. Nevertheless, the supposed act was greatly ad- mired by some persons ; and many years afterwards, a gen- tleman remarked, ‘ Ah, Doctor, what a splendid man of busi- ness you were in so cleverly getting all your money safe out of that bank ! ’ “ My father’s mind was not scientific, and he did not try to generalize his knowledge under general laws; yet he formed a theory for almost everything which occurred. I do not think I gained much from him intellectually ; but his example ought to have been of much moral service to all his children. One of his golden rules (a hard one to follow) was, 4 Never become the friend of any one whom you cannot respect.’ ” 20 THE DARWIN FAMILY. Dr. Darwin had six children : * Marianne, married Dr. Henry Parker; Caroline, married Josiah Wedgwood; Eras- mus Alvey ; Susan, died unmarried; Charles Robert; Cathe- rine, married Rev. Charles Langton. The elder son, Erasmus, was born in 1804, and died un- married at the age of seventy-seven. He, like his brother, was educated at Shrewsbury School and at Christ’s College, Cambridge. He studied medicine at Edinburgh and in London, and took the degree of Bachelor of Medicine at Cambridge. He never made any pretence of practising as a doctor, and, after leaving Cambridge, lived a quiet life in London. There was something pathetic in Charles Darwin’s affec- tion for his brother Erasmus, as if he always recollected his solitary life, and the touching patience and sweetness of his nature. He often spoke of him as “ Poor old Ras,” or “ Poor dear old Philos ”—I imagine Philos (Philosopher) was a relic of the days when they worked at chemistry in the tool-house at Shrewsbury—a time of which he always preserved a pleas- ant memory. Erasmus being rather more than four years older than Charles Darwin, they were not long together at Cambridge, but previously at Edinburgh they lived in the same lodgings, and after the Voyage they lived for a time to- gether in Erasmus’ house in Great Marlborough Street. At this time also he often speaks with much affection of Eras- mus in his letters to Fox, using words such as “my dear good old brother.’’ In later years Erasmus Darwin came to Down occasionally, or joined his brother’s family in a summer holi- day. But gradually it came about that he could not, through ill health, make up his mind to leave London, and then they only saw each other when Charles Darwin went for a week at a time to his brother’s house in Queen Anne Street. The following note on his brother’s character was written by Charles Darwin at about the same time that the sketch of his father was added to the ‘ Recollections — * Of these Mrs. Wedgwood is now the sole survivor. ERASMUS DARWIN THE YOUNGER. 21 “ My brother Erasmus possessed a remarkably clear mind with extensive and diversified tastes and knowledge in litera- ture, art, and even in science. For a short time he collected and dried plants, and during a somewhat longer time experi- mented in chemistry. He was extremely agreeable, and his wit often reminded me of that in the letters and works of Charles Lamb. He was very kind-hearted. . . . His health from his boyhood had been weak, and as a consequence he failed in energy. His spirits were not high, sometimes low, more especially during early and middle manhood. He read much, even whilst a boy, and at school encouraged me to read, lending me books. Our minds and tastes were, however, so different, that I do not think I owe much to him intellectu- ally. I am inclined to agree with Francis Galton in believ- ing that education and environment produce only a small effect on the mind of any one, and that most of our qualities are innate.” Erasmus Darwin’s name, though not known to the general public, may be remembered from the sketch of his character in Carlyle’s ‘ Reminiscences,’ which I here reproduce in part:—- “ Erasmus Darwin, a most diverse kind of mortal, came to seek us out very soon (‘ had heard of Carlyle in Germany, &c.’) and continues ever since to be a quiet house-friend, honestly attached ; though his visits latterly have been rarer and rarer, health so poor, I so occupied, &c., &c. He had something of original and sarcastically ingenious in him, one of the sincerest, naturally truest, and most modest of men; elder brother of Charles Darwin (the famed Darwin on Species of these days) to whom I rather prefer him for intellect, had not his health quite doomed him to silence and patient idle- ness. . . . My dear one had a great favour for this honest Darwin always ; many a road, to shops and the like, he drove her in his cab (Darvvingium Cabbum comparable to Georgium Sidus) in those early days when even the charge of omnibuses 22 THE DARWIN FAMILY. was a consideration, and his sparse utterances, sardonic often, were a great amusement to her. ‘A perfect gentleman,’ she at once discerned him to be, and of sound worth and kindli- ness in the most unaffected form.”* Charles Darwin did not appreciate this sketch of his brother; he thought Carlyle had missed the essence of his most lovable nature. I am tempted by the wish of illustrating further the character of one so sincerely beloved by all Charles Darwin’s children, to reproduce a letter to the Spectator (Sept. 3, 1881) by his cousin Miss Julia Wedgwood. “ A portrait from Mr. Carlyle’s portfolio not regretted by any who loved the original, surely confers sufficient distinc- tion to warrant a few words of notice, when the character it depicts is withdrawn from mortal gaze. Erasmus, the only brother of Charles Darwin, and the faithful and affectionate old friend of both the Carlyles, has left a circle of mourners who need no tribute from illustrious pen to embalm the memory so dear to their hearts ; but a wider circle must have felt some interest excited by that tribute, and may receive with a certain attention the record of a unique and indelible impression, even though it be made only on the hearts of those who cannot bequeat-h it, and with whom, there- fore, it must speedily pass away. They remember it with the same distinctness as they remember a creation of genius ; it has in like manner enriched and sweetened life, formed a common meeting-point for those who had no other; and, in its strong fragrance of individuality, enforced that respect for the idiosyncracies of human character without which moral judgment is always hard and shallow, and often unjust. Carlyle was one to find a peculiar enjoyment in the combina- tion of liveliness and repose which gave his friend’s society an influence at once stimulating and soothing, and the warmth * Carlyle’s ‘ Reminiscences,’ vol. ii. p. 208. ERASMUS DARWIN THE YOUNGER. 23 of his appreciation was not made known first in its posthu- mous expression ; his letters of anxiety nearly thirty years ago, when the frail life which has been prolonged to old age was threatened by serious illness, are still fresh- in my memory. The friendship was equally warm with both husband and wife. I remember well a pathetic little remonstrance from her elicited by an avowal from Erasmus Darwin, that he preferred cats to dogs, which she felt a slur on her little ‘ Nero; ’ and the tones in which she said, ‘ Oh, but you are fond of dogs! you are too kind not to be,’ spoke of a long vista of small, gracious kindnesses, remembered with a tender gratitude. He was intimate also with a person whose friends, like those of Mr. Carlyle, have not always had cause to congratulate themselves on their place in her gallery,—Harriet Martineau. I have heard him more than once call her a faithful friend, and it always seemed to me a curious tribute to something in the friendship that he alone supplied ; but if she had written of him at all, I believe the mention, in its heartiness of apprecia- tion, would have afforded a rare and curious meeting-point with the other ‘ Reminiscences,’ so like and yet so unlike. It is not possible to transfer the impression of a character; we can only suggest it by means of some resemblance; and it is a singular illustration of that irony which checks or directs our sympathies, that in trying to give some notion of the man whom, among those who were not his kindred, Carlyle appears to have most loved, I can say nothing more descriptive than that he seems to me to have had something in common with the man whom Carlyle least appreciated. The society of Erasmus Darwin had, to my mind, much the same charm as the writings of Charles Lamb. There was the same kind of playfulness, the same lightness of touch, the same tenderness, perhaps the same limitations. On another side of his nature, I have often been reminded of him by the quaint, delicate humour, the superficial intolerance, the deep springs of pity, the peculiar mixture of something pathetic with a sort of gay scorn, entirely remote from contempt, which distinguish the Ellesmere of Sir Arthur Helps’ earlier dialogues. Perhaps 24 THE DARWIN FAMILY. • we recall such natures most distinctly, when such a resem- blance is all that is left of them. The character is not merged in the creation; and what we lose in the power to communi- cate our impression, we seem to gain in its vividness. Eras- mus Darwin has passed away in old age, yet his memory retains something of a youthful fragrance ; his influence gave much happiness, of a kind usually associated with youth, to many lives besides the illustrious one whose records justify, though certainly they do not inspire, the wish to place this fading chaplet on his grave.” The foregoing pages give, in a fragmentary manner, as much perhaps as need be told of the family from which Charles Darwin came, and may serve as an introduction to the autobiographical chapter which follows. CHAPTER II. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. [My father’s autobiographical recollections, given in the present chapter, were written for his children,—and written without any thought that they would ever be published. To many this may seem an impossibility; but those who knew my father will understand how it was not only possible, but natural. The autobiography bears the heading, ‘ Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Charac- ter,’ and end with the following note :—“ Aug. 3, 1876. This sketch of my life was begun about May 28th at Hopedene,* and since then I have written for nearly an hour on most afternoons.” It will easily be understood that, in a narrative of a personal and intimate kind written for his wife and children, passages should occur which must here be omitted; and I have not thought it necessary to indicate where such omissions are made. It has been found necessary to make a few corrections of obvious verbal slips, but the number of such alterations has been kept down to the minimum.—F. D.] A German Editor having written to me for an account of the development of my mind and character with some sketch of my autobiography, I have thought that the attempt would amuse me, and might possibly interest my children or their children. I know that it would have interested me greatly to have read even so short and dull a sketch of the mind of my grandfather, written by himself, and what he thought and did, and how he worked. I have attempted to write the fol- lowing account of myself, as if I were a dead man in another world looking back at my own life. N'or have I found this * Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood’s house in Surrey. 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. difficult, for life is nearly over with me. I have taken no pains about my style of writing. I was born at Shrewsbury on February 12th, 1809, and my earliest recollection goes back only to when I was a few months over four years old, when we went to near Abergele for sea-bathing, and I recollect some events and places there with some little distinctness. My mother died in July 1817, when I was a little over eight years old, and it is odd that I can remember hardly anything about her except her death-bed, her black velvet gown, and her curiously constructed work-table. In the spring of this same year I was sent to a day-school in Shrews- bury, where I stayed a year. I have been told that I was much slower in learning than my younger sister Catherine, and I believe that I was in many ways a naughty boy. By the time I went to this day-school * my taste for natu- ral history, and more especially for collecting, was well devel- oped. I tried to make out the names of plants,f and col- lected all sorts of things, shells, seals, franks, coins, and min- erals. The passion for collecting which leads a man to be a systematic naturalist, a virtuoso, or a miser, was very strong in me, and was clearly innate, as none of my sisters or brother ever had this taste. * Kept by Rev. G. Case, minister of the Unitarian Chapel in the High Street. Mrs. Darwin was a Unitarian and attended Mr. Case’s chapel, and nry father as a little boy went there with his elder sisters. But both he and his brother were christened and intended to belong to the Church of England; and after his early boyhood he seems usually to have gone to church and not to Mr. Case’s. It appears (St. James’ Gazette, Dec. 15, 1883) that a mural tablet has been erected to his memory in the chapel, which is now known as the ‘ Free Christian Church.’ f Rev. W. A. Leighton, who was a schoolfellow of my father’s at Mr. Case’s school, remembers his bringing a flower to school and saying that his mother had taught him how by looking at the inside of the blossom the name of the plant could be discovered. Mr. Leighton goes on, “ This greatly roused my attention and curiosity, and I inquired of him repeated- ly how this could be done ? ”—but his lesson was naturally enough not transmissible.—F. D. BOYHOOD. 27 One little event during this year has fixed itself very firmly in my mind, and I hope that it has done so from my conscience having been afterwards sorely troubled by it; it is curious as showing that apparently I was interested at this early age in the variability of plants! I told another little boy (I believe it was Leighton, who afterwards became a well- known lichenologist and botanist), that I could produce vari- ously coloured polyanthuses and primroses by watering them with certain coloured fluids, which was of course a monstrous fable, and had never been tried by me. I may here also con- fess that as a little boy I was much given to inventing delib- erate falsehoods, and this was always done for the sake of causing excitement. For instance, I once gathered much valuable fruit from my father’s trees and hid it in the shrub- bery, and then ran in breathless haste to spread the news that I had discovered a hoard of stolen fruit. I must have been a very simple little fellow when I first went to the school. A boy of the name of Garnett took me into a cake shop one day, and bought some cakes for which he did not pay, as the shopman trusted him. When we came out I asked him why he did not pay for them, and he instant- ly answered, ‘‘Why, do you not know that my uncle left a great sum of money to the town on condition that every tradesman should give whatever was wanted without pay- ment to any one who wore his old hat and moved [it] in a particular manner ? ” and he then showed me how it was moved. He then went into another shop where he was trusted, and asked for some small article, moving his hat in the proper manner, and of course obtained it without pay- ment. When we came out he said, “Now if you like to go by yourself into that cake-shop (how well I remember its exact position) I will lend you my hat, and you can get what- ever you like if you move the hat on your head properly.” I gladly accepted the generous offer, and went in and asked for some cakes, moved the old hat and was walking out of the shop, when the shopman made a rush at me, so I dropped the cakes and ran for dear life, and was astonished by 28 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. being greeted with shouts of laughter by my false friend Garnett. I can say in my own favour that I was as a boy humane, but I owed this entirely to the instruction and example of my sisters. I doubt indeed whether humanity is a natural or in- nate quality. I was very fond of collecting eggs, but I never took more than a single egg out of a bird’s nest, except on one single occasion, when I took all, not for their value, but from a sort of bravado. I had a strong taste for angling, and would sit for any number of hours on the bank of a river or pond watching the float; when at Maer * I was told that I could kill the worms with salt and water, and from that day I never spitted a living worm, though at the expense probably of some loss of success. Once as a very little boy whilst at the day school, or be- fore that time, I acted cruelly, for I beat a puppy, I believe, simply from enjoying the sense of power ; but the beating could not have been severe, for the puppy did not howl, of which I feel sure, as the spot was near the house This act lay heavily on my conscience, as is shown by my remember- ing ,the exact spot where the crime was committed. It prob- ably lay all the heavier from my love of dogs being then, and for a long time afterwards, a passion. Dogs seemed to know this, for I was an adept in robbing their love from their masters. I remember clearly only one other incident during this year whilst at Mr. Case’s daily school,—namely, the burial of a dragoon soldier; and it is surprising how clearly I can still see the horse with the man’s empty boots and carbine sus- pended to the saddle, and the firing over the grave. This scene deeply stirred whatever poetic fancy there was in me. In the summer of 1818 I went to Dr. Butler’s great school in Shrewsbury, and remained there for seven years till Mid- summer 1825, when I was sixteen years old. I boarded at * The house of his uncle, Josiah Wedgwood. BOYHOOD. 29 this school, so that I had the great advantage of living the life of a true schoolboy ; but as the distance was hardly more than a mile to my home, I very often ran there in the longer intervals between the callings over and before locking up at night. This, I think, was in many ways advantageous to me by keeping up home affections and interests. I remember in the early part of my school life that I often had to run very quickly to be in time, and from being a fleet runner was generally successful; but when in doubt I prayed earnestly to God to help me, and I well remember that I attributed my success to the prayers and not to my quick running, and marvelled how generally I was aided. I have heard my father and elder sister say that I had, as a very young boy, a strong taste for long solitary walks; but what I thought about I know not. I often became quite absorbed, and once, whilst returning to school on the summit of the old fortifications round Shrewsbury, which had been converted into a public foot-path with no parapet on one side, I walked off and fell to the ground, but the height was only seven or eight feet. Nevertheless the number of thoughts which passed through my mind during this very short, but sudden and wholly unexpected fall, was astonishing, and seem hardly compatible with what physiologists have, I be- lieve, proved about each thought requiring quite an appreci- able amount of time. Nothing could have been worse for the development of my mind than Dr. Butler’s school, as it was strictly classical, nothing else being taught, except a little ancient geography and history. The school as a means of education to me was simply a blank. During my whole life I have been singularly incapable of mastering any language. Especial attention was paid to verse-making, and this I could never do well. I had many friends, and got together a good collection of old verses, which by patching together, sometimes aided by other boys, I could work into any subject. Much attention was paid to learning by heart the lessons of the previous day; this I could effect with great facility, learning forty or fifty 30 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. lines of Virgil or Homer, whilst I was in morning chapel ; but this exercise was utterly useless, for every verse was forgotten in forty-eight hours. I was not idle, and with the exception of versification, generally worked conscientiously at my classics, not using cribs. The sole pleasure I ever received from such studies, was from some of the odes of Horace, which I ad- mired greatly. When I left the school I was for my age neither high nor low in it; and I believe that I was considered by all my mas- ters and by my father as a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard in intellect. To my deep mortification my father once said to me, “You care for nothing but shoot- ing, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.” But my father, who was the kindest man I ever knew and whose memory I love with all my heart, must have been angry and somewhat unjust when he used such words. Looking back as well as I can at my character during my school life, the only qualities which at this period promised well for the future, were, that I had strong and diversified tastes, much zeal for whatever interested me, and a keen pleasure in understanding any complex subject or thing. I was taught Euclid by a private tutor, and I distinctly remem- ber the intense satisfaction which the clear geometrical proofs gave me. I remember, with equal distinctness, the delight which my uncle gave me (the father of Francis Galton) by explaining the principle of the vernier of a barometer. With respect to diversified tastes, independently of science, I was fond of reading various books, and I used to sit for hours reading the historical plays of Shakespeare, generally in an old window in the thick walls of the school. 1 read also other poetry, such as Thomson’s ‘ Seasons,’ and the recently pub- lished poems of Byron and Scott. I mention this because later in life I wholly lost, to my great regret, all pleasure from poetry of any kind, including Shakespeare. In connection with pleasure from poetry, I may add that in 1822 a vivid delight in scenery was first awakened in my mind, during a BOYHOOD. 31 riding tour on the borders of Wales, and this has lasted longer than any other aesthetic pleasure. Early in my school days a boy had a copy of the ‘ Won- ders of the World,’ which I often read, and disputed with other boys about the veracity of some of the statements ; and I believe that this book first gave me a wish to travel in re- mote countries, which was ultimately fulfilled by the voyage of the Beagle. In the latter part of my school life I became passionately fond of shooting ; I do not believe that any one could have shown more zeal for the most holy cause than I did for shooting birds. How well I remember killing my first snipe, and my excitement was so great that I had much diffi- culty in reloading my gun from the trembling of my hands. This taste long continued, and I became a very good shot. When at Cambridge I used to practise throwing up my gun to my shoulder before a looking-glass to see that I threw it up straight. Another and better plan was to get a friend to wave about a lighted candle, and then to fire at it with a cap on the nipple, and if the aim was accurate the little puff of air would blow out the candle. The explosion of the cap caused a sharp crack, and I was told that the tutor of the college re- marked, “What an extraordinary thing it is, Mr. Darwin seems to spend hours in cracking a horse-whip in his room, for I often hear the crack when I pass under his windows.” I had many friends amongst the schoolboys, whom I loved dearly, and I think that my disposition was then very affec- tionate. With respect to science, I continued collecting minerals with much zeal, but quite unscientifically—all that I cared about was a new-named mineral, and I hardly attempted to classify them. I must have observed insects with some little care, for when ten years old (1819) I went for three weeks to Plas Edwards on the sea-coast in Wales, I was very much in- terested and surprised at seeing a large black and scarlet Hemipterous insect, many moths (Zygsena), and a Cicindela which are not found in Shropshire. I almost made up my mind to begin collecting all the insects which I could find 32 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. dead, for on consulting my sister I concluded that it was not right to kill insects for the sake of making a collection. From reading White’s ‘Selborne,’ I took much pleasure in watching the habits of birds, and even made notes on the subject. In my simplicity I remember wondering why every gentleman did not become an ornithologist. Towards the close of my school life, my brother worked hard at chemistry, and made a fair laboratory with proper apparatus in the tool-house in the garden, and I was allowed to aid him as a servant in most of his experiments. He made all the gases and many compounds, and I read with great care several books on chemistry, such as Henry and Parkes’ ‘Chemical Catechism.’ The subject interested me greatly, and we often used to go on working till rather late at night. This was the best part of my education at school, for it showed me practically the meaning of experimental science. The fact that we worked at chemistry somehow got known at school, and as it was an unprecedented fact, I was nicknamed “ Gas.” I was also once publicly rebuked by the head-master, Dr. Butler, for thus wasting my time on such useless subjects; and he called me very unjustly a “ poco curante,” and as I did not understand what he meant, it seemed to me a fearful reproach. As I was doing no good at school, my father wisely took me away at a rather earlier age than usual, and sent me (Oct. 1825) to Edinburgh University with my brother, where I stayed for two years or sessions. My brother was completing his medical studies, though I do not believe he ever really in- tended to practise, and I was sent there to commence them. But soon after this period I became convinced from various small circumstances that my father would leave me property enough to subsist on with some comfort, though I never imagined that I should be so rich a man as I am; but my belief was sufficient to check any strenuous efforts to learn medicine. The instruction at Edinburgh was altogether by lectures, and these were intolerably dull, with the exception of those EDINBURGH. 33 on chemistry by Hope ; but to my mind there are no advan- tages and many disadvantages in lectures compared with read- ing. Dr. Duncan’s lectures on Materia Medica at 8 o’clock on a winter’s morning are something fearful to remember. Dr. made his lectures on human anatomy as dull as he was himself, and the subject disgusted me. It has proved one of the greatest evils in my life that I was not urged to practise dissection, for I should soon have got over my dis- gust ; and the practice would have been invaluable for all my future work. This has been an irremediable evil, as well as my incapacity to draw. I also attended regularly the clinical wards in the hospital. Some of the cases distressed me a good deal, and I still have vivid pictures before me of some of them ; but I was not so foolish as to allow this to lessen my attendance. I cannot understand why this part of my medical course did not interest me in a greater degree ; for during the summer before coming to Edinburgh I began at- tending some of the poor people, chiefly children and women in Shrewsbury: I wrote down as full an account as I could of the case with all the symptoms, and read them aloud to my father, who suggested further inquiries and advised me what medicines to give, which I made up myself. At one time I had at least a dozen patients, and I felt a keen interest in the work. My father, who was by far the best judge of character whom I ever knew, declared that I should make a successful physician,—meaning by this one who would get many patients. He maintained that the chief element of suc- cess was exciting confidence ; but what he saw in me which convinced him that I should create confidence I know not. I also attended on two occasions the operating theatre in the hospital at Edinburgh, and saw two very bad operations, one on a child, but I rushed away before they were completed. Nor did I ever attend again, for hardly any inducement would have been strong enough to make me do so; this being long before the blessed days of chloroform. The two cases fairly haunted me for many a long year. My brother stayed only one year at the University, so that 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. during the second year I was left to my own resources ; and this was an advantage, for I became well acquainted with several young men fond of natural science. One of these was Ainsworth, who afterwards published his travels in As- syria ; he was a Wernerian geologist, and knew a little about many subjects. Dr. Coldstream was a very different young man, prim, formal, highly religious, and most kind-hearted ; he afterwards published some good zoological articles. A third young man was Hardie, who would, 1 think, have made a good botanist, but died early in India. Lastly, Dr. Grant, my senior by several years, but how I became acquainted with him I cannot remember; he published some first-rate zoological papers, but after coming to London as Professor in University College, he did nothing more in science, a fact which has always been inexplicable to me. I knew him well; he was dry and formal in manner, with much enthusiasm beneath this outer crust. He one day, when we were walk- ing together, burst forth in high admiration of Lamarck and his views on evolution. I listened in silent astonishment, and as far as I can judge without any effect on my mind. I had previously read the ‘ Zoonomia ’ of my grandfather, in which similar views are maintained, but without producing any effect on me. Nevertheless it is probable that the hearing rather early in life such views maintained and praised may have favoured my upholding them under a different form in my ‘ Origin of Species.’ At this time I admired greatly the ‘ Zoonomia; ’ but on reading it a second time after an inter- val of ten or fifteen years, I was much disappointed ; the proportion of speculation being so large to the facts given. Drs. Grant and Coldstream attended much to marine Zoology, and I often accompanied the former to collect ani- mals in the tidal pools, which I dissected as well as I could. I also became friends with some of the Newhaven fishermen, and sometimes accompanied them when they trawled for oysters, and thus got many specimens. But from not having had any regular practice in dissection, and from possessing only a wretched microscope, my attempts were very poor. EDINBURGH. 35 Nevertheless I made one interesting little discovery, and read, about the beginning of the year 1826, a short paper on the subject before the Plinian Society. This was that the so- called ova of Flustra had the power of independent move- ment by means of cilia, and were in fact larvae. In another short paper I showed that the little globular bodies which had been supposed to be the young state of Fucus loreus were the egg-cases of the wormlike Pontobdella muricata. The Plinian Society was encouraged and, I believe, founded by Professor Jameson : it consisted of students and met in an underground room in the University for the sake of reading papers on natural science and discussing them. I used regularly to attend, and the meetings had a good effect on me in stimulating my zeal and giving me new congenial acquaintances. One evening a poor young man got up, and after stammering for a prodigious length of time, blushing crimson, he at last slowly got out the words, “ Mr. President, I have forgotten what I was going to say.” The poor fellow looked quite overwhelmed, and all the members were so sur- prised that no one could think of a word to say to cover his confusion. The papers which were read to our little society were not printed, so that I had not the satisfaction of seeing my paper in print ; but I believe Dr. Grant noticed my small discovery in his excellent memoir on Flustra. I was also a member of the Royal Medical Society, and attended pretty regularly; but as the subjects were exclusively medical, I did not much care about them. Much rubbish was talked there, but there were some good speakers, of whom the best was the present Sir J. Kay-Shuttlevvorth. Dr. Grant took me occasionally to the meetings of the Wernerian So- ciety, where various papers on natural history were read, dis- cussed, and afterwards published in the ‘Transactions.’ I heard Audubon deliver there some interesting discourses on the habits of N. American birds, sneering somewhat unjustly at Waterton. By the way, a negro lived in Edinburgh, who had travelled with Waterton, and gained his livelihood by stuffing birds, which he did excellently : he gave me lessons 36 AUTOBIOGRAPHY- for payment, and I used often to sit with him, for he was a very pleasant and intelligent man. Mr. Leonard Horner also took me once to a meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, where I saw Sir Walter Scott in the chair as President, and he apologised to the meeting as not feeling fitted for such a position. I looked at him and at the whole scene with some awe and reverence, and I think it was owing to this visit during my youth, and to my having attended the Royal Medical Society, that I felt the honour of being elected a few years ago an honorary member of both these Societies, more than any other similar honour. If I had been told at that time that I should one day have been thus honoured, I declare that I should have thought it as ridiculous and improbable, as if I had been told that I should be elected King of England. During my second year at Edinburgh I attended ’s lectures on Geology and Zoology, but they were incredibly dull. The sole effect they produced on me was the determi- nation never as long as I lived to read a book on Geology, or in any way to study the science. Yet I feel sure that I was prepared for a philosophical treatment of the subject ; for an old Mr. Cotton in Shropshire, who knew a good deal about rocks, had pointed out to me two or three years previ- ously a well-known large erratic boulder in the town of Shrewsbury, called the “bell-stone”; he told me that there was no rock of the same kind nearer than Cumberland or Scotland, and he solemnly assured me that the world would come to an end before any one would be able to explain how this stone came where it now lay. This produced a deep impression on me, and I meditated over this wonderful stone. So that I felt the keenest delight when I first read of the action of icebergs in transporting boulders, and I gloried in the progress of Geology. Equally striking is the fact that I, though now only sixty-seven years old, heard the Professor, in a field lecture at Salisbury Craigs, discoursing on a trap- dyke, with amygdaloidal margins and the strata indurated on each side, with volcanic rocks all around us, say that it was a SHOOTING. 37 fissure filled with sediment from above, adding with a sneer that there were men who maintained that it had been injected from beneath in a molten condition. When I think of this lecture, I do not wonder that I determined never to attend to Geology. From attending ’s lectures, I became acquainted with the curator of the museum, Mr. Macgillivray, who afterwards published a large and excellent book on the birds of Scotland. I had much interesting natural-history talk with him, and he was very kind to me. He gave me some rare shells, for I at that time collected marine mollusca, but with no great zeal. My summer vacations during these two years were wholly given up to amusements, though I always had some book in hand, which I read with interest. During the summer of 1826 I took a long walking tour with two friends with knap- sacks on our backs through North Wales. We walked thirty miles most days, including one day the ascent of Snowdon. I also went with my sister a riding tour in North Wales, a servant with saddle-bags carrying our clothes. The autumns were devoted to shooting chiefly at Mr. Owen’s, at Woodhouse, and at my Uncle Jos’s,* at Maer. My zeal was so great that I used to place my shooting-boots open by my bed-side when I went to bed, so as not to lose half a minute in putting them on in the morning ; and on one occasion I reached a distant part of the Maer estate, on the 20th of August for black-game shooting, before I could see : I then toiled on with the game- keeper the whole day through thick heath and young Scotch firs. I kept an exact record of every bird which I shot through- out the whole season. One day when shooting at Wood- house with Captain Owen, the eldest son, and Major Hill, his cousin, afterwards Lord Berwick, both of whom I liked very much, I thought myself shamefully used, for every time after I had fired and thought that I had killed a bird, one of the two acted as if loading his gun, and cried out, “You must not * Josiah Wedgwood, the son of the founder of the Etruria Works. 38 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. count that bird, for I fired at the same time,” and the game- keeper, perceiving the joke, backed them up. After some hours they told me the joke, but it was no joke to me, for I had shot a large number of birds, but did not know how many, and could not add them to my list, which I used to do by making a knot in a piece of string tied to a button-hole. This my wicked friends had perceived. How I did enjoy shooting! but I think that I must have been half-consciously ashamed of my zeal, for I tried to per- suade myself that shooting was almost an intellectual employ- ment ; it required so much skill to judge where to find most game and to hunt the dogs well. One of my autumnal visits to Maer in 1827 was memora- ble from meeting there Sir J. Mackintosh, who was the best converser I ever listened to. I heard afterwards with a glow of pride that he had said, “ There is something in that young man that interests me.” This must have been chiefly due to his perceiving that I listened with much interest to everything which he said, for I was as ignorant as a pig about his subjects of history, politics, and moral philosophy. To hear of praise from an eminent person, though no doubt apt or certain to excite vanity, is, I think, good for a young man, as it helps to keep him in the right course. My visits to Maer during these two or three succeeding years were quite delightful, independently of the autumnal shooting. Life there was perfectly free ; the country was very pleasant for walking or riding ; and in the evening there was much very agreeable conversation, not so personal as it generally is in large family parties, together with music. In the summer the whole family used often to sit on the steps of the old portico, with the flower-garden in front, and with the steep wooded bank opposite the house reflected in the lake, with here and there a fish rising or a water-bird paddling about. Nothing has left a more vivid picture on my mind than these evenings at Maer. I was also attached to and greatly revered my Uncle Jos ; he was silent and reserved, so as to be a rather awful man; but he sometimes talked openly CAMBRIDGE. 39 with me. He was the very type of an upright man, with the clearest judgment. I do not believe that any power on earth could have made him swerve an inch from what he consid- ered the right course. I used to apply to him in my mind the well-known ode of Horace, now forgotten by me, in which the words “nec vultus tyranni, &c.,”* come in. Cambridge 1828-1831.—After having spent two sessions in Edinburgh, my father perceived, or he heard from my sisters, that I did not like the thought of being a physician, so he proposed that I should become a clergyman. He was very properly vehement against my turning into an idle sporting man, which then seemed my probable destination. I asked for some time to consider, as from what little I had heard or thought on the subject I had scruples about declaring my belief in all the dogmas of the Church of England; though otherwise I liked the thought of being a country clergyman. Accordingly I read with care ‘ Pearson on the Creed,’ and a few other books on divinity; and as I did not then in the least doubt the strict and literal truth of every word in the Bible, I soon persuaded myself that our Creed must be fully accepted. Considering how fiercely I have been attacked by the orthodox, it seems ludicrous that I once intended to be a clergyman. Nor was this intention and my father’s wish ever formally given up, but died a natural death when, on leaving Cambridge, I joined the Beagle as naturalist. If the phre- nologists are to be trusted, I was well fitted in one respect to be a clergyman. A few years ago the secretaries of a Ger- man psychological society asked me earnestly by letter for a photograph of myself; and some time afterwards I received the proceedings of one of the meetings, in which it seemed that the shape of my head had been the subject of a public discus- * Justum et tenacem propositi virum Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida. 40 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. sion, and one of the speakers declared that I had the bump of reverence developed enough for ten priests. As it was decided that I should be a clergyman, it was necessary that I should go to one of the English universities and take a degree ; but as I had never opened a classical book since leaving school, I found to my dismay, that in the two intervening years I had actually forgotten, incredible as it may appear, almost everything which I had learnt, even to some few of the Greek letters. I did not therefore proceed to Cambridge at the usual time in October, but worked with a private tutor in Shrewsbury, and went to Cambridge after the Christmas vacation, early in 1828. I soon recovered my school standard of knowledge, and could translate easy Greek books, such as Homer and the Greek Testament, with moder- ate facility. During the three years which I spent at Cambridge my time was wasted, as far as the academical studies were con- cerned, as completely as at Edinburgh and at school. I at- tempted mathematics, and even went during the summer of 1828 with a private tutor (a very dull man) to Barmouth, but I got on very slowly. The work was repugnant to me, chiefly from my not being able to see any meaning in the early steps in algebra. This impatience was very foolish, and in after years I have deeply regretted that I did not proceed far enough at least to understand something of the great leading principles of mathematics, for men thus endowed seem to have an extra sense. But I do not believe that I should ever have succeeded beyond a very low grade. With respect to Classics I did nothing except attend a few compulsory college lectures, and the attendance was almost nominal. In my second year I had to work for a month or two to pass the Little-Go, which I did easily. Again, in my last year I worked with some earnestness for my final degree of B. A., and brushed up my Classics, together with a little Algebra and Euclid, which latter gave me much pleasure, as it did at school. In order to pass the B. A. examination, it was also necessary to get up Paley’s ‘ Evidences of Christianity/ and CAMBRIDGE. 41 his ‘ Moral Philosophy.’ This was done in a thorough man- ner, and I am convinced that I could have written out the whole of the ‘ Evidences ’ with perfect correctness, but not of course in the clear language of Paley. The logic of this book and, as I may add, of his ‘ Natural Theology,’ gave me as much delight as did Euclid. The careful study of these works, without attempting to learn any part by rote, was the only part of the academical course which, as I then felt and as I still believe, was of the least use to me in the education of my mind. I did not at that time trouble myself about Paley’s premises ; and taking these on trust, I was charmed and convinced by the long line of argumentation. By an- swering well the examination questions in Paley, by doing Euclid well, and by not failing miserably in Classics, I gained a good place among the ol 7roAAoi or crowd of men who do not go in for honours. Oddly enough, I cannot remember how high I stood, and my memory fluctuates between the fifth, tenth, or twelfth, name on the list.* Public lectures on several branches were given in the University, attendance being quite voluntary ; but I was so sickened with lectures at Edinburgh that I did not even attend Sedgwick’s eloquent and interesting lectures. Had I done so I should probably have become a geologist earlier than I did. I attended, however, Henslow’s lectures on Botany, and liked them much for their extreme clearness, and the admirable illustrations ; but I did not study botany. Henslow used to take his pupils, including several of the older members of the University, field excursions, on foot or in coaches, to distant places, or in a barge down the river, and lectured on the rarer plants and animals which were observed. These excursions were delightful. Although, as we shall presently see, there were some re- deeming features in my life at Cambridge, my time was sadly wasted there, and worse than wasted. From my passion for shooting and for hunting, and, when this failed, for riding * Tenth in the list of January 1831. 42 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. . across country, I got into a sporting set, including some dis- sipated low-minded young men. We used often to dine together in the evening, though these dinners often included men of a higher stamp, and we sometimes drank too much, with jolly singing and playing at cards afterwards. I know that I ought to feel ashamed of days and evenings thus spent, but as some of my friends were very pleasant, and we were all in the highest spirits, I cannot help looking back to these times with much pleasure. But I am glad to think that I had many other friends of a widely different nature. I was very intimate with Whitley,* who was afterwards Senior Wrangler, and we used continu- ally to take long walks together. He inoculated me with a taste for pictures and good engravings, of which I bought some. I frequently went to the Fitzwilliam Gallery, and my taste must have been fairly good, for I certainly admired the best pictures, which I discussed with the old curator. I read also with much interest Sir Joshua Reynolds’ book. This taste, though not natural to me, lasted for several years, and many of the pictures in the National Gallery in London gave me much pleasure; that of Sebastian del Piombo exciting in me a sense of sublimity. I also got into a musical set, I believe by means of my warm-hearted friend, Herbert,f who took a high wrangler’s degree. From associating with these men, and hearing them play, I acquired a strong taste for music, and used very often to time my walks so as to hear on week days the anthem in King’s College Chapel. This gave me intense pleasure, sc that my backbone would sometimes shiver. I am sure that there was no affectation or mere imitation in this taste, for ] used generally to go by myself to King’s College, and I some- times hired the chorister boys to sing in my rooms. Never- * Rev. C. Whitley, Hon. Canon of Durham, formerly Reader in Natu- ral Philosophy in Durham University. f The late John Maurice Herbert, County Court Judge of Cardiff and the Monmouth Circuit CAMBRIDGE. 43 theless I am so utterly destitute of an ear, that I cannot per- ceive a discord, or keep time and hum a tune correctly; and it is a mystery how I could possibly have derived pleasure from music. My musical friends soon perceived my state, and some- times amused themselves by making me pass an examination, which consisted in ascertaining how many tunes I could rec- ognise when they were played rather more quickly or slowly than usual. ‘ God save the King,’ when thus played, was a sore puzzle. There was another man with almost as bad an ear as I had, and strange to say he played a little on the flute. Once I had the triumph of beating him in one of our musical examinations. But no pursuit at Cambridge was followed with nearly so much eagerness or gave me so much pleasure as collecting beetles. It was the mere passion for collecting, for I did not dissect them, and rarely compared their external characters with published descriptions, but got them named anyhow. I will give a proof of my zeal: one day, on tearing off some old bark, I saw two rare beetles, and seized one in each hand ; then I saw a third and new kind, which I could not bear to lose, so that I popped the one which I held in my right hand into my mouth. Alas! it ejected some intensely acrid fluid, which burnt my tongue so that I was forced to spit the beetle out, which was lost, as was the third one. I was very successful in collecting, and invented two new methods ; I employed a labourer to scrape during the winter, moss off old trees and place it in a large bag, and likewise to collect the rubbish at the bottom of the barges in which reeds are brought from the fens, and thus I got some very rare species. No poet ever felt more delighted at seeing his first poem published than I did at seeing, in Stephens’ ‘ Illustra- tions of British Insects,’ the magic words, “ captured by C. Darwin, Esq.” I was introduced to entomology by my sec- ond cousin, W. Darwin Fox, a clever and most pleasant man, who was then at Christ’s College, and with whom I became extremely intimate. Afterwards I became well acquainted, 44 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. and went out collecting, with Albert Way of Trinity, who in after years became a well-known archseologist; also with H. Thompson of the same College, afterwards a leading agricult- urist, chairman of a great railway, and Member of Parlia- ment. It seems therefore that a taste for collecting beetles is some indication of future success in life! I am surprised what an indelible impression many of the beetles which I caught at Cambridge have left on my mind. I can remember the exact appearance of certain posts, old trees and banks where I made a good capture. The pretty Panagczus crux-major was a treasure in those days, and here at Down I saw a beetle running across a walk, and on picking it up instantly perceived that it differed slightly from P.crux- major, and it turned out to be P. quadripunctatus, which is only a variety or closely allied species, differing from it very slightly in outline. I had never seen in those old days Lici- nus alive, which to an uneducated eye hardly differs from many of the black Carabidous beetles ; but my sons found here a specimen, and I instantly recognized that it was new to me ; yet I had not looked at a British beetle for the last twenty years. I have not as yet mentioned a circumstance which influ- enced my whole career more than any other. This was my friendship with Professor Henslow. Before coming up to Cambridge, I had heard of him from my brother as a man who knew every branch of science, and I was accordingly pre- pared to reverence him. He kept open house once every week when all undergraduates, and some older members of the University, who were attached to science, used to meet in the evening. I soon got, through Fox, an invitation, and went there regularly. Before long I became well acquainted with Henslow, and during the latter half of my time at Cam- bridge took long walks with him on most days ; so that I was called by some of the dons “ the man who walks with Hens- low; ” and in the evening I was very often asked to join his family dinner. His knowledge was great in botany, ento- mology, chemistry, mineralogy, and geology. His strongest CAMBRIDGE. 45 taste was to draw conclusions from long-continued minute observations. His judgment was excellent, and his whole mind well balanced; but I do not suppose that any one would say that he possessed much original genius. He was deeply religious, and so orthodox that he told me one day he should be grieved if a single word of the Thirty-nine Articles were altered. His moral qualities were in every way admirable. He was free from every tinge of vanity or other petty feeling ; and I never saw a man who thought so little about himself or his own concerns. His temper was imperturbably good, with the most winning and courteous manners ; yet, as I have seen, he could be roused by any bad action to the warmest indignation and prompt action. I once saw in his company in the streets of Cambridge almost as horrid a scene as could have been witnessed during the French Revolution. Two body-snatchers had been ar- rested, and whilst being taken to prison had been torn from the constable by a crowd of the roughest men, who dragged them by their legs along the muddy and stony road. They were covered from head to foot with mud, and their faces were bleeding either from having been kicked or from the stones ; they looked like corpses, but the crowd was so dense that I got only a few momentary glimpses of the wretched creatures.. Never in my life have I seen such wrath painted on a man’s face as was shown by Henslow at this horrid scene. He tried repeatedly to penetrate the mob ; but it was simply impossible. He then rushed away to the mayor, telling me not to follow him, but to get more policemen. I forget the issue, except that the two men were got into the prison without being killed. Henslow’s benevolence was unbounded, as he proved by his* many excellent schemes for his poor parishioners, when in after years he held the living of Hitcham. My intimacy with such a man ought to have been, and I hope was, an inestimable benefit. I cannot resist mentioning a trifling incident, which showed his kind consideration. Whilst ex- amining some pollen-grains on a damp surface, I saw the 46 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tubes exserted, and instantly rushed off to communicate my surprising discovery to him. Now I do not suppose any other professor of botany could have helped laughing at my coming in such a hurry to make such a communication. But he agreed how interesting the phenomenon was, and explained its meaning, but made me clearly understand how well it was known; so I left him not in the least mortified, but well pleased at having discovered for myself so remarkable a fact, but determined not to be in such a hurry again to communi- cate my discoveries. Dr. Whewell was one of the older and distinguished men who sometimes visited Henslow, and on several occasions I walked home with him at night. Next to Sir J. Mackintosh he was the best converser on grave subjects to whom I ever listened. Leonard Jenyns,* who afterwards published some good essays in Natural History,! often stayed with Henslow, who was his brother-in-law. I visited him at his parsonage on the borders of the Fens [Swaffham Bulbeck], and had many a good walk and talk with him about Natural History. I became also acquainted with several other men older than me, who did not care much about science, but were friends of Henslow. One was a Scotchman, brother of Sir Alexander Ramsay, and tutor of Jesus College : he was a delightful man, but did not live for many years. Another was Mr. Dawes, afterwards Dean of Hereford, and famous for his success in the education of the poor. These men and others of the same standing, together with Henslow, used sometimes to take distant excursions into the country, which I was allowed to join, and they were most agreeable. Looking back, I infer that there must have been some- thing in me a little superior to the common run of youths, otherwise the above-mentioned men, so much older than me and higher in academical position, would never have allowed * The well-known Soame Jenyns was cousin to Mr. Jenyns’ father, f Mr. Jenyns (now Blomefield) described the fish for the Zoology of the Beagle; and is author of a long series of papers, chiefly Zoological. GEOLOGY. 47 me to associate with them. Certainly I was not aware of any such superiority, and I remember one of my sporting friends, Turner, who saw me at work with my beetles, saying that I should some day be a Fellow of the Royal Society, and the notion seemed to me preposterous. During my last year at Cambridge, I read with care and profound interest Humboldt’s ‘Personal Narrative.’ This work, and Sir J. Herschel’s ‘ Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy,’ stirred up in me a burning zeal to add even the most humble contribution to the noble structure of Natural Science. No one or a dozen other books influenced me nearly so much as these two. I copied out from Hum- boldt long passages about Teneriffe, and read them aloud on one of the above-mentioned excursions, to (I think) Hens- low, Ramsay, and Dawes, for on a previous occasion I had talked about the glories of Teneriffe, and some of the party declared they would endeavour to go there; but I think that they were only half in earnest. I was, however, quite in ear- nest, and got an introduction to a merchant in London to enquire about ships; but the scheme was, of course, knocked on the head by the voyage of the Beagle. My summer vacations were given up to collecting beetles, to some reading, and short tours. In the autumn my whole time was devoted to shooting, chiefly at Woodhouse and Maer, and sometimes with young Eyton of Eyton. Upon the whole the three years which I spent at Cambridge were the most joyful in my happy life ; for I was then in excellent health, and almost always in high spirits. As I had at first come up to Cambridge at Christmas, I was forced to keep two terms after passing my final exami- nation, at the commencement of 1831 ; and Henslow then persuaded use to begin the study of geology. Therefore on my return to Shropshire I examined sections, and coloured a map of parts round Shrewsbury. Professor Sedgwick in- tended to visit North Wales in the beginning of August to pursue his famous geological investigations amongst the older rocks, and Henslow asked him to allow me to accom- 48 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. pany him.* Accordingly he came and slept at my father’s house. A short conversation with him during this evening pro- duced a strong impression on.my mind. Whilst examining an old gravel-pit near Shrewsbury, a labourer told me that he had found in it a large worn tropical Volute shell, such as may be seen on the chimney-pieces of cottages ; and as he would not sell the shell, I was convinced that he had really found it in the pit. I told Sedgwick of the fact, and he at once said (no doubt truly) that it must have been thrown away by some one into the pit; but then added, if really em- bedded there it would be the greatest misfortune to geology, as it would overthrow all that we know about the superficial deposits of the Midland Counties. These gravel-beds belong in fact to the glacial period, and in after years I found in them broken arctic shells. But I was then utterly astonished at Sedgwick not being delighted at so wonderful a fact as a tropical shell being found near the surface in the middle of England. Nothing before had ever made me thoroughly realise, though I had read various scientific books, that science consists in grouping facts so that general laws or con- clusions may be drawn from them. Next morning we started for Llangollen, Conway, Bangor, and Capel Curig. This tour was of decided use in teaching me a little how to make out the geology of a country. Sedg- wick often sent me on a line parallel to his, telling me to bring back specimens of the rocks and to mark the stratifica- tion on a map. I have little doubt that he did this for my good, as I was too ignorant to have aided him. On this tour * In connection with this tour my father used to tell a story about Sedgwick : they had started from their inn one morning, and had walked a mile or two, when Sedgwick suddenly stopped, and vowed that he would return, being certain “ that damned scoundrel ” (the waiter) had not given the chambermaid the sixpence intrusted to him for the purpose. He was ultimately persuaded to give up the project, seeing that there was no reason for suspecting the waiter of especial perfidy.—F. D. THE VOYAGE. 49 I had a striking instance of how easy it is to overlook phe- nomena, however conspicuous, before they have been observed by any one. We spent many hours in Cwm Idwal, examin- ing all the rocks with extreme care, as Sedgwick was anxious to find fossils in them ; but neither of us saw a trace of the wonderful glacial phenomena all around us ; we did not notice the plainly scored rocks, the perched boulders, the lateral and terminal moraines. Yet these phenomena are so conspicuous that, as I declared in a paper published many years afterwards in the ‘ Philosophical Magazine,’ * a house burnt down by fire did not tell its story'more plainly than did this valley. If it had still been filled by a glacier, the phe- nomena would have been less distinct than they now are. At Capel Curig I left Sedgwick and went in a straight line by compass and map across the mountains to Barmouth, never following any track unless it coincided with my course. I thus came on some strange wild places, and enjoyed much this manner of travelling. I visited Barmouth to see some Cambridge friends who were reading there, and thence re- turned to Shrewsbury and to Maer for shooting; for at that time I should have thought myself mad to give up the first days of partridge-shooting for geology or any other science. Voyage of the ‘Beagle’ from December 27, 1831, to October 2, 1836. On returning home from my short geological tour in North Wales, I found a letter from Henslow, informing me that Captain Fitz-Roy was willing to give up part of his own cabin to any young man who would volunteer to go with him without pay as naturalist to the Voyage of the Beagle. I have given, as I believe, in my MS. Journal an account of ail the circumstances which then occurred; I will here only say that I was instantly eager to accept the offer, but my father strongly objected, adding the words, fortunate for me, * ‘ Philosophical Magazine,’ 1842. 50 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. “ If you can find any man of common sense who advises you to go I will give my consent.” So I wrote that evening and refused the offer. On the next morning I went to Maer to be ready for September ist, and, whilst out shooting, my uncle* sent for me, offering to drive me over to Shrewsbury and talk with my father, as my uncle thought it would be wise in me to accept the offer. My father always maintained that he was one of the most sensible men in the world, and he at once consented in the kindest manner. I had been rather extravagant at Cambridge, and to console my father, said, “that I should be deuced clever to spend more than my allowance whilst on board the Beagle but he answered with a smile, “ But they tell me you are very clever.” Next day I started for Cambridge to see Henslow, and thence to London to see Fitz-Roy, and all was soon arranged. Afterwards, on becoming very intimate with Fitz-Roy, I heard that I had run a very narrow risk of being rejected, on account of the shape of my nose! He was an ardent dis- ciple of Lavater, and was convinced that he could judge of a man’s character by the outline of his features ; and he doubted whether any one with my nose could possess sufficient energy and determination for the voyage. But I think he was after- wards well satisfied that my nose had spoken falsely. Fitz-Roy’s character was a singular one, with very many noble features: he was devoted to his duty, generous to a fault, bold, determined, and indomitably energetic, and an ardent friend to all under his sway. He would undertake any sort of trouble to assist those whom he thought deserved assistance. He was a handsome man, strikingly like a gentle- man, with highly courteous manners, which resembled those of his maternal uncle, the famous Lord Castlereagh, as I was told by the Minister at Rio. Nevertheless he must have inherited much in his appearance from Charles II., for Dr. Wallich gave me a collection of photogrrphs which he had made, and I was struck with the resemblance of one to Fitz- * Josiab Wedgwood. THE VOYAGE. 51 Roy; and on looking at the name, I found it Ch. E. Sobieski Stuart, Count d’Albanie, a descendant of the same mon- arch. Fitz-Roy’s temper was a most unfortunate one. It was usually worst in the early morning, and with his eagle eye he could generally detect something amiss about the ship, and was then unsparing in his blame. He was very kind to me, but was a man very difficult to live with on the intimate terms which necessarily followed from our messing by ourselves in the same cabin. We had several quarrels ; for instance, early in the voyage at Bahia, in Brazil, he defended and praised slavery, which I abominated, and told me that he had just visited a great slave-owner, who had called up many of his slaves and asked them whether they were happy, and whether they wished to be free, and all answered “ No.” I then asked him, perhaps with a sneer, whether he thought that the answer of slaves in the presence of their master was worth anything? This made him excessively angry, and he said that as I doubted his word we could not live any longer together. I thought that I should have been compelled to leave the ship ; but as soon as the news spread, which it did quickly, as the captain sent for the first lieutenant to assuage his anger by abusing me, I was deeply gratified by receiving an invitation from all the gun-room officers to mess with them. But after a few hours Fitz-Roy showed his usual mag- nanimity by sending an officer to me with an apology and a request that I would continue to live with him. His character was in several respects one of the most noble which I have ever known. The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most impor- tant event in my life, and has determined my whole career; yet it depended on so small a circumstance as my uncle offer- ing to drive me thirty miles to Shrewsbury, which few uncles would have done, and on such a trifle as the shape of my nose. I have always felt that I owe to the voyage the first real training or education of my mind; I was led to attend closely to several branches of natural history, and thus my 52 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. powers of observation were improved, though they were always fairly developed. The investigation of the geology of all the places visited was far more important, as reasoning here comes into play. On first examining a new district nothing can appear more hopeless than the chaos of rocks ; but by recording the strati- fication and nature of the rocks and fossils at many points, always reasoning and predicting what will be found else- where, light soon begins to dawn on the district, and the structure of the whole becomes more or less intelligible. I had brought with me the first volume of Lyell’s ‘Principles of Geology,’which I studied attentively; and the book was of the highest service to me in many ways.' The very first place which I examined, namely St. Jago in the Cape de Verde islands, showed me clearly the wonderful superiority of Lyell’s manner of treating geology, compared with that of any other author, whose works I had with me or ever after- wards read. Another of my occupations was collecting animals of all classes, briefly describing and roughly dissecting many of the marine ones; but from not being able to draw, and from not having sufficient anatomical knowledge, a great pile of MS. which I made during the voyage has proved almost useless. I thus lost much time, with the exception of that spent in acquiring some knowledge of the Crustaceans, as this was of service when in after years I undertook a monograph of the Cirripedia. During some part of the day I wrote my Journal, and took much pains in describing carefully and vividly all that I had seen ; and this was good practice. My Journal served also, in part, as letters to my home, and portions were sent to England whenever there was an opportunity. The above various special studies were, however, of no importance compared with the habit of energetic industry and of concentrated attention to whatever I was engaged in, which I then acquired. Everything about which I thought or read was made to bear directly on what I had seen or was THE VOYAGE. 53 likely to see ; and this habit of mind was continued during the five years of the voyage. I feel sure that it was this train- ing which has enabled me to do whatever I have done in science. Looking backwards, I can now perceive how my love for science gradually preponderated over every other taste. Dur- ing the first two years my old passion for shooting survived in nearly full force, and I shot myself all the birds and ani- mals for my collection ; but gradually I gave up my gun more and more, and finally altogether, to my servant, as shooting interfered with my work, more especially with making out the geological structure of a country. I discovered, though un- consciously and insensibly, that the pleasure of observing and reasoning was a much higher one than that of skill and sport. That my mind became developed through my pursuits during the voyage is rendered probable by a remark made by my father, who was the most acute observer whom I ever saw, of a sceptical disposition, and far from being a believer in phre- nology ; for on first seeing me after the voyage, he turned round to my sisters, and exclaimed, “ Why, the shape of his head is quite altered.” To return to the voyage. On September nth (1831), I paid a flying visit with Fitz-Roy to the Beagle at Plymouth. Thence to Shrewsbury to wish my father and sisters a long farewell. On October 24th I took up my residence at Plym- outh, and remained there until December 27th, when the Beagle finally left the shores of England for her circumnavi- gation of the world. We made two earlier attempts to sail, but were driven back each time by heavy gales. These two months at Plymouth were the most miserable which I ever spent, though I exerted myself in various ways. I was out of spirits at the thought of leaving all my family and friends for so long a time, and the weather seemed to me inexpressi- bly gloomy. 1 was also troubled with palpitation and pain about the heart, and like many a young ignorant man, espe- cially one with a smattering of medical knowledge, was con- vinced that I had heart disease. I did not consult any doc- 54 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tor, as I fully expected to hear the verdict that I was not fit for the voyage, and I was resolved to go at all hazards. I need not here refer to the events of the voyage—where we went and what we did—as I have given a sufficiently full account in my published Journal. The glories of the vege- tation of the Tropics rise before my mind at the present time more vividly than anything else ; though the sense of sub- limity, which the great deserts of Patagonia and the forest- clad mountains of Tierra del Fuego excited in me, has left an indelible impression on my mind. The sight of a naked savage in his native land is an event which can never be for- gotten. Many of my excursions on horseback through wild countries, or in the boats, some of which lasted several weeks, were deeply interesting: their discomfort and some degree of danger were at that time hardly a drawback, and none at all afterwards. I also reflect with high satisfaction on some of my scientific work, such as solving the problem of coral islands, and making out the geological structure of certain islands, for instance, St. Helena. Nor must I pass over the discovery of the singular relations of the animals and plants inhabiting the several islands of the Galapagos archi- pelago, and of all of them to the inhabitants of South America. As far as I can judge of myself, I worked to the utmost during the voyage from the mere pleasure of investigation, and from my strong desire to add a few facts to the great mass of facts in Natural Science. But I was also ambitious to take a fair place among scientific men,—whether more ambitious or less so than most of my fellow-workers, I can form no opinion. The geology of St. Jago is very striking, yet simple : a stream of lava formerly flowed over the bed of the sea, formed of triturated recent shells and corals, which it has baked into a hard white rock. Since then the whole island has been up- heaved. But the line of white rock revealed to me a new and important fact, namely, that there had been afterwards subsi- THE VOYAGE. 55 dence round the craters, which had since been in action, and had poured forth lava. It then first dawned on me that I might perhaps write a book on the geology of the various countries visited, and this made me thrill with delight. That was a memorable hour to me, and how distinctly I can call to mind the low cliff of lava beneath which I rested, with the sun glaring hot, a few strange desert plants growing near, and with living corals in the tidal pools at my feet. Later in the voyage, Fitz-Roy asked me to read some of my Journal, and declared it would be worth publishing ; so here was a second book in prospect! Towards the close of our voyage I received a letter whilst at Ascension, in which my sisters told me that Sedgwick had called on my father, and said that I should take a place among the leading scientific men. I could not at the time under- stand how he could have learnt anything of my proceedings, but I heard (I believe afterwards) that Henslow had read some of the letters which I wrote to him before the Philo- sophical Society of Cambridge,* and had printed them for private distribution. My collection of fossil bones, which had been sent to Henslow, also excited considerable atten- tion amongst palaeontologists. After reading this letter, I clambered over the mountains of Ascension with a bounding step, and made the volcanic rocks resound under my geologi- cal hammer. All this shows how ambitious I was ; but I think that I can say with truth that in after years, though I cared in the highest degree for the approbation of such men as Lyell and Hooker, who were my friends, I did not care much about the general public. I do not mean to say that a favour- able review or a large sale of my books did not please me greatly, but the pleasure was a fleeting one, and I am sure that I have never turned one inch out of my course to gain fame. * Read at the meeting held November 16, 1835, and printed in a pam- phlet of 31 pp. for distribution among the members of the Society. 56 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. From my return to England (October 2, 1836) to my marriage (January 29, 1839). These two years and three months were the most active ones which I ever spent, though I was occasionally unwell, and so lost some time. After going backwards and forwards several times between Shrewsbury, Maer, Cambridge, and London, I settled in lodgings at Cambridge* on December 13th, where all my collections were under the care of Hens- low. I stayed here three months, and got my minerals and rocks examined by the aid of Professor Miller. I began preparing my ‘ Journal of Travels,’ which was not hard work, as my MS. Journal had been written with care, and my chief labour was making an abstract of my more in- teresting scientific results. I sent also, at the request of Lyell, a short account of my observations on the elevation of the coast of Chile to the Geological Society, f On March 7th, 1837, I took lodgings in Great Marlborough Street in London, and remained there for nearly two years, until I was married. During these two years I finished my Journal, read several papers before the Geological Society, began preparing the MS. for my ‘ Geological Observations,’ and arranged for the publication of the ‘Zoology of the Voy- age of the Beagle.' In July I opened my first note-book for facts in relation to the Origin of Species, about which I had long reflected, and never ceased working for the next twenty years. During these two years I also went a little into society, and acted as one of the honorary secretaries of the Geological Society. I saw a great deal of Lyell. One of his chief char- acteristics was his sympathy with the work of others, and I was as much astonished as delighted at the interest which he showed when, on my return to England, I explained to him my views on coral reefs. This encouraged me greatly, and his advice and example had much influence on me. During * In Fitzwilliam Street, f ‘ Geolog. Soc. Proc.’ ii. 1838, pp. 446-449. LONDON. 57 this time I saw also a good deal of Robert Brown; I used often to call and sit with him during his breakfast on Sunday mornings, and he poured forth a rich treasure of curious ob- servations and acute remarks, but they almost always related to minute points, and he never with me discussed large or general questions in science. During these two years I took several short excursions as a relaxation, and one longer one to the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, an account of which was published in the ‘ Philosoph- ical Transactions.’* This paper was a great failure, and I am ashamed of it. Having been deeply impressed with what I had seen of the elevation of the land of South America, I attributed the parallel lines to the action of the sea; but I had to give up this view when Agassiz propounded his glacier- lake theory. Because no other explanation was possible under our then state of knowledge, I argued in favor of sea-action; and my error has been a good lesson to me never to trust in science to the principle of exclusion. As I was not able to work all day at science, I read a good deal during these two years on various subjects, includ- ing some metaphysical books ; but I was not well fitted for such studies. About this time I took much delight in Words- worth’s and Coleridge’s poetry; and can boast that I read the ‘ Excursion ’ twice through. Formerly Milton’s ‘ Paradise Lost ’ had been my chief favourite, and in my excursions dur- ing the voyage of the Beagle, when I could take only a single volume, I always chose Milton. From my marriage, January 29, 1839, residence in Upper Gower Street, our leaving London and settling at Down, September 14, 1842. After speaking of his happy married life, and of his children, he continues:— During the three years and eight months whilst we resided in London, I did less scientific work, though I worked as * 1839, PP-39-82. 58 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. hard as I possibly could, than during any other equal length of time in my life. This was owing to frequently recurring unwellness, and to one long and serious illness. The greater part of my time, when I could do anything, was devoted to my work on ‘ Coral Reefs,’ which I had begun before my marriage, and of which the last proof-sheet was corrected on May 6th, 1842. This book, though a small one, cost me twenty months of hard work, as I had to read every work on the islands of the Pacific and to consult many charts. It was thought highly of by scientific men, and the theory therein given is, I think, now well established. No other work of mine was begun in so deductive a spirit as this, for the whole theory was thought out on the west coast of South America, before I had seen a true coral reef. I had therefore only to verify and extend my views by a care- ful examination of living reefs. But it should be observed that I had during the two previous years been incessantly at- tending to the effects on the shores of South America of the intermittent elevation of the land, together with denudation and the deposition of sediment. This necessarily led me to reflect much on the effects of subsidence, and it was easy to replace in imagination the continued deposition of sediment by the upward growth of corals. To do this was to form my theory of the formation of barrier-reefs and atolls. Besides my work on coral-reefs, during my residence in London, I read before the Geological Society papers on the Erratic Boulders of South America,* on Earthquakes,f and on the Formation by the Agency of Earth-worms of Mould.\ I also continued to superintend the publication of the ‘ Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle.’ Nor did I ever intermit col- lecting facts bearing on the origin of species ; and I could sometimes do this when I could do nothing else from illness. In the summer of 1842 I was stronger than I had been for some time, and took a little tour by myself in North Wales, ** Geolog. Soc. Proc.’ iii. 1842. f ‘Geolog. Trans.’ v. 1840. | ‘ Geolog. Soc. Proc.’ ii. 1838. LONDON. 59 for the sake of observing the effects of the old glaciers which formerly filled all the larger valleys. I published a short ac- count of what I saw in the ‘Philosophical Magazine.’* This excursion interested me greatly, and it was the last time I was ever strong enough to climb mountains or to take long walks such as are necessary for geological work. During the early part of our life in London, I was strong enough to go into general society, and saw a good deal of several scientific men, and other more or less distinguished men. I will give my impressions with respect to some of them, though I have little to say worth saying. I saw more of Lyell than of any other man, both before and after my marriage. His mind was characterised, as it appeared to me, by clearness, caution, sound judgment, and a good deal of originality. When I made any remark to him on Geology, he never rested until he saw the whole case clearly, and often made me see it more clearly than I had done before. He would advance all possible objections to my suggestion, and even after these were exhausted would long remain dubious. A second characteristic was his hearty sympathy with the work of other scientific men.f On my return from the voyage of the Beagle, I explained to him my views on coral-reefs, which differed from his, and I was greatly surprised and encouraged by the vivid interest which he showed. His delight in science was ardent, and he felt the keenest interest in the future progress of mankind. He was very kind-hearted, and thoroughly liberal in his religious beliefs, or rather disbeliefs ; but he was a strong theist. His candour was highly remarkable. He exhibited this by becoming a convert to the Descent theory, though he had gained much fame by opposing Lamarck’s views, and this after he had grown old. He reminded me that I had * ‘ Philosophical Magazine,’ 1842. f The slight repetition here observable is accounted for by the notes on Lyell, &c., having been added in April, 1881, a few years after the rest of the ‘ Recollections ’ were written. 60 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. many years before said to him, when discussing the opposition of the old school of geologists to his new views, “ What a good thing it would be if every scientific man was to die when sixty years old, as afterwards he would be sure to oppose all new doctrines.” But he hoped that now he might be allowed to live. The science of Geology is enormously indebted to Lyell— more so, as I believe, than to any other man who ever lived. When [I was] starting on the voyage of the Beagle, the saga- cious Henslow, who, like all other geologists, believed at that time in successive cataclysms, advised me to get and study the first volume of the ‘ Principles,’ which had then just been published, but on no account to accept the views therein ad- vocated. How differently would any one now speak of the ‘ Principles ’! I am proud to remember that the first place, namely, St. Jago, in the Cape de Verde archipelago, in which I geologised, convinced me of the infinite superiority of Lyell’s views over those advocated in any other work known to me. The powerful effects of Lyell’s works could formerly be plainly seen in the different progress of the science in France and England. The present total oblivion of Elie de Beau- mont’s wild hypotheses, such as his ‘ Craters of Elevation ’ and ' Lines of Elevation ’ (which latter hypothesis I heard Sedgwick at the Geological Society lauding to the skies), may be largely attributed to Lyell. I saw a good deal of Robert Brown, “ facile Princeps Bo- tanicorum,” as he was called by Humboldt. He seemed to me to be chiefly remarkable for the minuteness of his obser- vations, and their perfect accuracy. His knowledge was extraordinarily great, and much died with him, owing to his excessive fear of ever making a mistake. He poured out his knowledge to me in the most unreserved manner, yet was strangely jealous on some points. I called on him two or three times before the voyage of the Beagle, and on one oc- casion he asked me to look through a microscope and de- scribe what I saw. This I did, and believe now that it was LONDON. 61 the marvellous currents of protoplasm in some vegetable cell. I then asked him what I had seen; but he answered me, “That is my little secret.” He was capable of the most generous actions. When old, much out of health, and quite unfit for any exertion, he daily visited (as Hooker told me) an old man-servant, who lived at a distance (and whom he supported), and read aloud to him. This is enough to make up for any degree of scientific penuri- ousness or jealousy. I may here mention a few other eminent men, whom I have occasionally seen, but I have little to say about them worth saying. I felt a high reverence for Sir J. Herschel, and was delighted to dine with him at his charming house at the Cape of Good Hope, and afterwards at his London house. I saw him, also, on a few other occasions. He never talked much, but every word which he uttered was worth listen- ing to. I once met at breakfast at Sir R. Murchison’s' house the illustrious Humboldt, who honoured me by expressing a wish to see me. I was a little disappointed with the great-man, but my anticipations probably were too high. I can remember nothing distinctly about our interview, except that Humboldt was very cheerful and talked much. reminds me of Buckle whom I once met at Hens- leigh Wedgwood’s. I was very glad to learn from him his system of collecting facts. He told me that he bought all the books which he read, and made a full index, to each, of the facts which he thought might prove serviceable to him, and that he could always remember in what book he had read anything, for his memory was wonderful. I asked him how at first he could judge what facts would be serviceable, and he answered that he did not know, but that a sort of instinct guided him. From this habit of making indices, he was en- abled to give the astonishing number of references on all sorts of subjects, which may be found in his ‘ History of Civilisa- tion.’ This book I thought most interesting, and read it twice, but I doubt whether his generalisations are worth any- 62 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. thing. Buckle was a great talker, and I listened to him say- ing hardly a word, nor indeed could I have done so for he left no gaps. When Mrs. Farrer began to sing, I jumped up and said that I must listen to her ; after I had moved away he turned around to a friend and said (as was overheard by my brother), “Well, Mr. Darwin’s books are much better than his conversation.” Of other great literary men, I once met Sydney Smith at Dean Milman’s house. There was something inexplicably amusing in every word which he uttered. Perhaps this was partly due to the expectation of being amused. He was talk- ing about Lady Cork, who was then extremely old. This was the lady who, as he said, was once so much affected by one of his charity sermons, that she borrowed a guinea from a friend to put in the plate. He now said “ It is generally be- lieved that my dear old friend Lady Cork has been over- looked,” and he said this in such a manner that no one could for a moment doubt that he meant that his dear old friend had been overlooked by the devil. How he managed to ex- press this I know not. I likewise once met Macaulay at Lord Stanhope’s (the historian’s) house, and as there was only one other man at dinner, I had a grand opportunity of hearing him converse, and he was very agreeable. He did not talk at all too much ; nor indeed could such a man talk too much, as long as he al- lowed others to turn the stream of his conversation, and this he did allow. Lord Stanhope once gave me a curious little proof of the accuracy and fulness of Macaulay’s memory: many his- torians used often to meet at Lord Stanhope’s house, and in discussing various subjects they would sometimes differ from Macaulay, and formerly they often referred to some book to see who was right; but latterly, as Lord Stanhope noticed, no historian ever took this trouble, and whatever Macaulay said was final. On another occasion I met at Lord Stanhope’s house, one of his parties of historians and other literary men, and LONDON. 63 amongst them were Motley and Grote. After luncheon I walked about Chevening Park for nearly an hour with Grote, and was much interested by his conversation and pleased by the simplicity and absence of all pretension in his manners. Long ago I dined occasionally with the old Earl, the father of the historian ; he was a strange man, but what little I knew of him I liked much. He was frank, genial, and pleasant. He had strongly marked features, with a brown complexion, and his clothes, when I saw him, were all brown- He seemed to believe in everything which was to others utter- ly incredible. He said one day to me, “ Why don’t you give up your fiddle-faddle of geology and zoology, and turn to the occult sciences ? ” The historian, then Lord Mahon, seemed shocked at such a speech to me, and his charming wife much amused. The last man whom I will mention is Carlyle, seen by me several times at my brother’s house, and two or three times at my own house. His talk was very racy and interesting, just like his writings, but he sometimes went on too long on the same subject. I remember a funny dinner at my broth- er’s, where, amongst a few others, were Babbage and Lyell, both of whom liked to talk. Carlyle, however, silenced every one by haranguing during the whole dinner on the advantages of silence. After dinner Babbage, in his grimmest manner, thanked Carlyle for his very interesting lecture on silence. Carlyle sneered at almost every one : one day in my house he called Grote’s ‘ History ’ “ a fetid quagmire, with nothing spiritual about it.” I always thought, until his ‘ Reminis- cences ’ appeared, that his sneers were partly jokes, but this now seems rather doubtful. His expression was that of a depressed, almost despondent yet benevolent, man ; and it is notorious how heartily he laughed. I believe that his benevolence was real, though stained by not a little jealousy. No one can doubt about his extraordinary power of drawing pictures of things and men—far more vivid, as it appears to me, than any drawn by Macaulay. Whether his pictures of men were true ones is another question. 64 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. He has been all-powerful in impressing some grand moral truths on the minds of men. On the other hand, his views about slavery were revolting. In his eyes might was right. His mind seemed to me a very narrow one; even if all branches of science, which he despised, are excluded. It is astonishing to me that Kingsley should have spoken of him as a man well fitted to advance science. He laughed to scorn the idea that a mathematician, such as Whewell, could judge, as I maintained he could, of Goethe’s views on light. He thought it a most ridiculous thing that any one should care whether a glacier moved a little quicker or a little slower, or moved at all. As far as I could judge, I never met a man with a mind so ill adapted for scientific re- search. Whilst living in London, I attended as regularly as I could the meetings of several scientific socities, and acted as secre- tary to the Geological Society. But such attendance, and ordinary society, suited my health so badly that we resolved to live in the country, which we both preferred and have never repented of. Residence at Down from September 14, 1842, to the present time, 1876. After several fruitless searches in Surrey and elsewhere, we found this house and purchased it. I was pleased with the diversified appearance of vegetation proper to a chalk district, and so unlike what I had been accustomed to in the Midland counties; and still more pleased with the extreme quietness and rusticity of the place. It is not, however, quite so retired a place as a writer in a German periodical makes it, who says that my house can be approached only by a mule-track! Our fixing ourselves here has answered ad- mirably in one way, which we did not anticipate, namely, by being very convenient for frequent visits from our chil- dren. Few persons can have lived a more retired life than we PUBLICATIONS. 65 have done. Besides short visits to the houses of relations, and occasionally to the seaside or elsewhere, we have gone nowhere. During the first part of our residence we went a little into society, and received a few friends here ; but my health almost always suffered from the excitement, violent shivering and vomiting attacks being thus brought on. I have therefore been compelled for many years to give up all dinner-parties ; and this has been somewhat of a deprivation to me, as such parties always put me into high spirits. From the same cause I have been able to invite here very few sci- entific acquaintances. My chief enjoyment and sole employment throughout life has been scientific work; and the excitement from such work makes me for the time forget, or drives quite away, my daily discomfort. I have therefore nothing to record during the rest of my life, except the publication of my several books. Perhaps a few details how they arose may be worth giving. My several Publications.—In the early part of 1844, my observations on the volcanic islands visited during the voyage of the Beagle were published. In 1845, I took much pains in correcting a new edition of my‘Journal of Researches,’ which was originally published in 1839 as part of Fitz-Roy’s work. The success of this, my first literary child, always tickles my vanity more than that of any of my other books. Even to this day it sells steadily in England and the United States, and has been translated for the second time into Ger- man, and into French and other languages. This success of a book of travels, especially of a scientific one, so many years after its first publication, is surprising. Ten thousand copies have been sold in England of the second edition. In 1846 my ‘ Geological Observations on South America ’ were pub- lished. I record in a little diary, which I have always kept, that my three geological books (‘ Coral Reefs’ included) con- sumed four and a half years’ steady work ; “ and now it is ten years since my return to England. How much time have I lost by illness ? ” I have nothing to say about these three 66 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. books except that to my surprise new editions have lately been called for.* In October, 1846, I began to work on ‘ Cirripedia.’ When on the coast of Chile, I found a most curious form, which burrowed into the shells of Concholepas, and which differed so much from all other Cirripedes that I had to form a new sub-order for its sole reception. Lately an allied burrowing genus has been found on the shores of Portugal. To under- stand the structure of my new Cirripede I had to examine and dissect many of the common forms ; and this gradually led me on to take up the whole group. I worked steadily on this subject for the next eight years, and ultimately published two thick volumes,! describing all the known living species, and two thin quartos on the extinct species. I do not doubt that Sir E. Lytton Bulwer had me in his mind when he intro- duced in one of his novels a Professor Long, who had written two huge volumes on limpets. Although I was employed during eight years on this work, yet I record in my diary that about two years out of this time was lost by illness. On this account I went in 1848 for some months to Malvern for hydropathic treatment, which did me much good, so that on my return home I was able to resume work. So much was I out of health that when my dear father died on November 13th, 1848, I was unable to attend his funeral or to act as one of his executors. My work on the Cirripedia possesses, I think, considera- ble value, as besides describing several new and remarkable forms, I made out the homologies of the various parts—I dis- covered the cementing apparatus, though I blundered dread- fully about the cement glands—and lastly I proved the exist- ence in certain genera of minute males complemental to and parasitic on the hermaphrodites. This latter discovery has at last been fully confirmed; though at one time a German * ‘Geological Observations,’ 2nd Edit. 1876. ‘ Coral Reefs,’ 2nd Edit 1874. f Published by the Ray Society. CIRRIPEDES. 67 writer was pleased to attribute the whole account to my fer- tile imagination. The Cirripedes form a highly varying and difficult group of species to class ; and my work was of con- siderable use to me, when I had to discuss in the ‘ Origin of Species’ the principles of a natural classification. Neverthe- less, I doubt whether the work was worth the consumption of so much time. From September 1854 I devoted my whole time to arrang- ing my huge pile of notes, to observing, and to experiment- ing in relation to the transmutation of species. During the voyage of the Beagle I had been deeply impressed by discov- ering in the Pampean formation great fossil animals covered with armour like that on the existing armadillos ; secondly, by the manner in which closely allied animals replace one another in proceeding southwards over the Continent; and thirdly, by the South American character of most of the pro- ductions of the Galapagos archipelago, and more especially by the manner in which they differ slightly on each island of the group ; none of the islands appearing to be very ancient in a geological sense. It was evident that such facts as these, as well as many others, could only be explained on the supposition that species gradually become modified ; and the subject haunted me. But it was equally evident that neither the action of the surrounding conditions, nor the will of the organisms (espe- cially in the case of plants) could account for the innumera- ble cases in which organisms of every kind are beautifully adapted to their habits of life—for instance, a woodpecker or a tree-frog to climb trees, or a seed for dispersal by hooks or plumes. I had always been much struck by such adaptations, and until these could be explained it seemed to me almost useless to endeavour to prove by indirect evidence that species have been modified. After my return to England it appeared to me that by following the example of Lyell in Geology, and by collecting all facts which bore in any way on the variation of animals and plants under domestication and nature, some light might 68 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. perhaps be thrown on the whole subject. My first note-book was opened in July 1837. I worked on true Baconian prin- ciples, and without any theory collected facts on a wholesale scale, more especially with respect to domesticated produc- tions, by printed enquiries, by conversation with skilful breeders and gardeners, and by extensive reading. When I see the list of books of all kinds which I read and abstracted, including whole series of Journals and Transactions, I am surprised at my industry. I soon perceived that selection was the keystone of man’s success in making useful races of animals and plants. But how selection could be applied to organisms living in a state of nature remained for some time a mystery to me. In October 1838, that is, fifteen months after I had begun my systematic enquiry, I happened to read for amusement ‘ Malthus on Population,’ and being well prepared to appre- ciate the struggle for existence Avhich everywhere goes on from long-continued observation of the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfa- vourable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species. Here then I had at last got a theory by which to work ; but I was so anxious to avoid prejudice, that I determined, not for some time to write even the briefest sketch of it. In June 1842 I first allowed myself the satisfaction of writing a very brief abstract of my theory in pencil in 35 pages ; and this was enlarged during the sum- mer of 1844 into one of 230 pages, which I had fairly copied out and still possess. But at that time I overlooked one problem of great impor- tance ; and it is astonishing to me, except on the principle of Columbus and his egg, how I could have overlooked it and its solution. This problem is the tendency in organic beings descended from the same stock to diverge in character as they become modified. That they have diverged greatly is obvious from the manner in which species of all kinds can be classed under genera, genera under families, families under ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ 69 sub-orders and so forth ; and I can remember the very spot in the road, whilst in my carriage, when to my joy the solu- tion occurred to me ; and this was long after I had come to Down. The solution, as I believe, is that the modified off- spring of all dominant and increasing forms tend to become adapted to many and highly diversified places in the economy of nature. Early in 1856 Lyell advised me to write out my views pretty fully, and I began at once to do so on a scale three or four times as extensive as that which was afterwards followed in my ‘ Origin of Species ; ’ yet it was only an abstract of the materials which I had collected, and I got through about half the work on this scale. But my plans were over- thrown, for early in the summer of 1858 Mr. Wallace, who was then in the Malay archipelago, sent me an essay “ On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type; ” and this essay contained exactly the same theory as mine. Mr. Wallace expressed the wish that if I thought well of his essay, I should send it to Lyell for perusal. The circumstances under which I consented at the re- quest of Lyell and Hooker to allow of an abstract from my MS., together with a letter to Asa Gray, dated September 5, 1857, to be published at the same time with Wallace’s Essay, are given in the ‘Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society,’ 1858, p. 45. I was at first very unwilling to consent, as I thought Mr. Wallace might consider my doing so un- justifiable, for I did not then know how generous and noble was his disposition. The extract from my MS. and the letter to Asa Gray had neither been intended for publication, and were badly written. Mr. Wallace’s essay, on the other hand, was admirably expressed and quite clear. Nevertheless, our joint productions excited very little attention, and the only published notice of them which I can remember was by Professor Haughton of Dublin, whose verdict was that all that was new in them was false, and what was true was old. This shows how necessary it is that any new view should be 70 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. explained at considerable length in order to arouse public attention. In September 1858 I set to work by the strong advice of Lyell and Hooker to prepare a volume on the transmutation of species, but was often interrupted by ill-health, and short visits to Dr. Lane’s delightful hydropathic establishment at Moor Park. I abstracted the MS. begun on a much larger scale in 1856, and completed the volume on the same reduced scale. It cost me thirteen months and ten days’ hard labour. It was published under the title of the ‘ Origin of Species,’ in Novem- ber 1859. Though considerably added to and corrected in the later editions, it has remained substantially the same book. It is no doubt the chief work of my life. It was from the first highly successful. The first small edition of 1250 copies was sold on the day of publication, and a second edition of 3000 copies soon afterwards. Sixteen thousand copies have now (1876) been sold in England ; and considering how stiff a book it is, this is a large sale. It has been translated into almost every European tongue, even into such languages as Spanish, Bohemian, Polish, and Russian. It has also, accord- ing to Miss Bird, been translated into Japanese,* and is there much studied. Even an essay in Hebrew has appeared on it, showing that the theory is contained in the Old Testa- ment ! The reviews were very numerous ; for some time I collected all that appeared on the ‘ Origin ’ and on my related books, and these amount (excluding newspaper reviews) to 265 ; but after a time I gave up the attempt in despair. Many separate essays and books on the subject have ap- peared ; and, in Germany a catalogue or bibliography on “ Darwinismus ” has appeared every year or two. The success of the ‘ Origin ’ may, I think, be attributed in large part to my having long before written two condensed sketches, and to my having finally abstracted a much larger manuscript, which was itself an abstract. By this means I was enabled to select the more striking facts and conclusions. * Miss Bird is mistaken, as I learn from Prof. Mitsukuri.—F. D. ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ 71 1 had, also, during many years followed a golden rule, namely, that whenever a published fact, a new observation or thought came across me, which was opposed to my general results, to make a memorandum of it without fail and at once ; for I had found by experience that such facts and thoughts were far more apt to escape from the memory than favourable ones. Owing to this habit, very few objections were raised against my views which I had not at least noticed and at- tempted to answer. It has sometimes been said that the success of the ‘ Ori- gin ’ proved “that the subject was in the air,” or “that men’s minds were prepared for it.” I do not think that this is strictly true, for I occasionally sounded not a few naturalists, and never happened to come across a single one who seemed to doubt about the permanence of species. Even Lyell and Hooker, though they would listen with interest to me, never seemed to agree. I tried once or twice to explain to able men what I meant by Natural Selection, but signally failed. What I believe was strictly true is that innumerable well- observed facts were stored in the minds of naturalists ready to take their proper places as soon as any theory which would receive them was sufficiently explained. Another element in the success of the book was its moderate size; and this I owe to the appearance of Mr. Wallace’s essay ; had I published on the scale in which I began to write in 1856, the book would have been four or five times as large as the ‘ Origin,’ and very few would have had the patience to read it. I gained much by my delay in publishing from about 1839, when the theory was clearly conceived, to 1859 ; and I lost nothing by it, for I cared very little whether men at- tributed most originality to me or Wallace ; and his essay no doubt aided in the reception of the theory. I was forestalled in only one important point, which my vanity has always made me regret, namely, the explanation by means of the Glacial period of the presence of the same species of plants and of some few animals on distant mountain summits and in the arctic regions. This view pleased me so much that I 72 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. wrote it out in extenso, and I believe that it was read by Hooker some years before E. Forbes published his celebrated memoir* on the subject. In the very few points in which we differed, I still think that I was in the right. I have never, of course, alluded in print to my having independently worked out this view. Hardly any point gave me so much satisfaction when I was at work on the ‘ Origin,’ as the explanation of the wide difference in many classes between the embryo and the adult animal, and of the close resemblance of the embryos within the same class. No notice of this point was taken, as far as I remember, in the early reviews of the ‘ Origin,’ and I recol- lect expressing my surprise on this head in a letter to Asa Gray. Within late years several reviewers have given the whole credit to Fritz Muller and Hackel, who undoubtedly have worked it out much more fully, and in some respects more correctly than I did. I had materials for a whole chap- ter on the subject, and I ought to have made the discussion longer ; for it is clear that I failed to impress my readers ; and he who succeeds in doing so deserves, in my opinion, all the credit. This leads me to remark that I have almost always been treated honestly by my reviewers, passing over those without scientific knowledge as not worthy of notice. My views have often been grossly misrepresented, bitterly opposed and ridi- culed, but this has been generally done, as I believe, in good faith. On the whole I do not doubt that my works have been over and over again greatly overpraised. I rejoice that I have avoided controversies, and this I owe to Lyell, who many years ago, in reference to my geological works, strongly ad- vised me never to get entangled in a controversy, as it rarely did any good and caused a miserable loss of time and temper. Whenever I have found out that I have blundered, or that my work has been imperfect, and when I have been con- temptuously criticised, and even when I have been over- * ‘Geolog. Survey Mem.,' 1846. PUBLICATIONS. 73 praised, so that I have felt mortified, it has been my greatest comfort to say hundreds of times to myself that “ I have worked as hard and as well as I could, and no man can do more than this.” I remember when in Good Success Bay, in Tierra del Fuego, thinking (and, I believe, that I wrote home to the effect) that I could not employ my life better than in adding a little to Natural Science. This I have done to the best of my abilities, and critics may say what they like, but they cannot destroy this conviction. During the two last months of 1859 I was fully occupied in preparing a second edition of the ‘ Origin,’ and by an enormous correspondence. On January 1st, i860, I began arranging my notes for my work on the ‘Variation of Ani- mals and Plants under Domestication; ’ but it was not pub- lished until the beginning of 1868 ; the delay having been caused partly by frequent illnesses, one of which lasted seven months, and partly by being tempted to publish on other sub- jects which at the time interested me more. On May 15th, 1862, my little book on the ‘Fertilisation of Orchids,’ which cost me ten months’ work, was published : most of the facts had been slowly accumulated during several previous years. During the summer of 1839, ar>d, I believe, during the, previous summer, I was led to attend to the cross- fertilisation of flowers by the aid of insects, from having come to the conclusion in my speculations on the origin of species, that crossing played an important part in keeping specific forms constant. I attended to the subject more or less dur- ing every subsequent summer ; and my interest in it was greatly enhanced by having procured and read in November 1841, through the advice of Robert Brown, a copy of C. K. Sprengel’s wonderful book, ‘ Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur.’ For some years before 1862 I had specially attended to the fertilisation of our British orchids ; and it seemed to me the best plan to prepare as complete a treatise on this group of plants as well as I could, rather than to utilise the great mass of matter which I had slowly collected with re- spect to other plants. 74 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. My resolve proved a wise one; for since the appearance of my book, a surprising number of papers and separate works on the fertilisation of all kinds of flowers have ap- peared : and these are far better done than I could possibly have effected. The merits of poor old Sprengel, so long overlooked, are now fully recognised many years after his death. During the same year I published in the ‘Journal of the Linnean Society ’ a paper “ On the Two Forms, or Dimor- phic Condition of Primula,” and during the next five years, five other papers on dimorphic and trimorphic plants. I do not think anything in my scientific life has given me so much satisfaction as making out the meaning of the structure of these plants. I had noticed in 1838 or 1839 the dimorphism of Linum flavum, and had at first thought that it was merely a case of unmeaning variability. But on examining the com- mon species of Primula I found that the two forms were much too regular and constant to be thus viewed. I therefore be- came almost convinced that the common cowslip and prim- rose were on the high road to become dioecious ;—that the short pistil in the one form, and the short stamens in the other form were tending towards abortion. The plants were therefore subjected under this point of view to trial ; but as soon as the flowers with short pistils fertilised with pollen from the short stamens, were found to yield more seeds than any other of the four possible unions, the abortion-theory was knocked on the head. After some additional experiment, it became evident that the two forms, though both were perfect hermaphrodites, bore almost the same relation to one another as do the two sexes of an ordinary animal. With Lythrum we have the still more wonderful case of three forms standing in a similar relation to one another. I afterwards found that the offspring from the union of two plants belonging to the same forms presented a close and curious analogy with hy- brids from the union of two distinct species. In the autumn of 1864 I finished a long paper on ‘ Climb- ing Plants,’ and sent it to the Linnean Society. The writing PUBLICATIONS. 75 of this paper cost me four months; but I was so unwell when I received the proof-sheets that I was forced to leave them very badly and often obscurely expressed. The paper was little noticed, but when in 1875 d was corrected and published as a separate book it sold well. I was led to take up this sub- ject by reading a short paper by Asa Gray, published in 1858. He sent me seeds, and on raising some plants I was so much fascinated and perplexed by the revolving movements of the tendrils and stems, which movements are really very simple, though appearing at first sight very complex, that I procured various other kinds of climbing plants, and studied the whole subject. I was all the more attracted to it, from not being at all satisfied with the explanation which Henslow gave us in his lectures, about twining plants, namely, that they had a natural tendency to grow up in a spire. This explanation proved quite erroneous. Some of the adaptations displayed by Climbing Plants are as beautiful as those of Orchids for ensuring cross-fertilisation. My ‘ Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestica- tion’ was begun, as already stated, in the beginning of i860, but was not published until the beginning of 1868. It was a big book, and cost me four years and two months’ hard labour. It gives all my observations and an immense number of facts collected from various sources, about our domestic produc- tions. In the second volume the causes and laws of variation, inheritance, &c., are discussed as far as our present state of knowledge permits. Towards the end of the work I give my well-abused hypothesis of Pangenesis. An unverified hypothe- sis is of little or no value ; but if any one should hereafter be led to make observations by which some such hypothesis could be established, I shall have done good service, as an astonishing number of isolated facts can be thus connected together and rendered intelligible. In 1875 a second and largely corrected edition, which cost me a good deal of labour, was brought out. My ‘Descent of Man’ was published in February, 1871. As soon as I had become, in the year 1837 or 1838, convinced 76 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. that species were mutable productions, I could not avoid the belief that man must come under the same law. Accordingly I collected notes on the subject for my own satisfaction, and not for a long time with any intention of publishing. Although in the ‘ Origin of Species ’ the derivation of any particular species is never discussed, yet 1 thought it best, in order that no honourable man should accuse me of concealing my views, to add that by the work “ light would be thrown on the origin of man and his history.” It would have been useless and in- jurious to the success of the book to have paraded, without giving any evidence, my conviction with respect to his origin. But when I found that many naturalists fully accepted the doctrine of the evolution of species, it seemed to me advisable to work up such notes as I possessed, and to publish a special treatise on the origin of man. I was the more glad to do so, as it gave me an opportunity of fully discussing sexual selec- tion—a subject which had always greatly interested me. This subject, and that of the variation of our domestic productions, together with the causes and laws of variation, inheritance, and the intercrossing of plants, are the sole subjects which I have been able to write about in full, so as to use all the ma- terials which I have collected. The ‘ Descent of Man ’ took me three years to write, but then as usual some of this time was lost by ill health, and some was consumed by preparing new editions and other minor works. A second and largely corrected edition of the ‘ Descent * appeared in 1874. My book on the ‘ Expression of the Emotions in Men and Animals’ was published in the autumn of 1872. I had in- tended to give only a chapter on the subject in the ‘ Descent of Man,’ but as soon as I began to put my notes together, I saw that it would require a separate treatise. My first child was born on December 27th, 1839, and I at once commenced to make notes on the first dawn of the vari- ous expressions which he exhibited, for I felt convinced, even at this early period, that the most complex and fine shades of expression must all have had a gradual and natural origin. During the summer of the following year, 1840, I read Sir C. PUBLICATIONS. 77 Bell’s admirable work on expression, and this greatly increased the interest which I felt in the subject, though I could not at all agree with his belief that various muscles had been spe- cially created for the sake of expression. From this time for- ward I occasionally attended to the subject, both with respect to man and our domesticated animals. My book sold largely; 5267 copies having been disposed of on the day of publication. In the summer of i860 I was idling and resting near Hart- field, where two species of Drosera abound ; and I noticed that numerous insects had been entrapped by the leaves. I carried home some plants, and on giving them insects saw the movements of the tentacles, and this made me think it proba- ble that the insects were caught for some special purpose. Fortunately a crucial test occurred to me, that of placing a large number of leaves in various nitrogenous and non-nitro- genous fluids of equal density ; and as soon as I found that the former alone excited energetic movements, it was obvious that here was a fine new field for investigation. During subsequent years, whenever I had leisure, I pur- sued my experiments, and my book on ‘ Insectivorous Plants ’ was published in July 1875—that is, sixteen years after my first observations. The delay in this case, as with all my other books, has been a great advantage to me; for a man after a long interval can criticise his own work, almost as well as if it were that of another person. The fact that a plant should secrete, when properly excited, a fluid containing an acid and ferment, closely analogous to the digestive fluid of an animal, was certainly a remarkable discovery. During this autumn of 1876 I shall publish on the ‘ Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom.’ This book will form a complement to that on the ‘ Fertilisa- tion of Orchids,’ in which I showed how perfect were the means for cross-fertilisation, and here I shall show how im- portant are the results. I was led to make, during eleven years, the numerous experiments recorded in this volume, by a mere accidental observation ; and indeed it required the accident to be repeated before my attention was thoroughly 78 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. aroused to the remarkable fact that seedlings of self-fertilised parentage are inferior, even in the first generation, in height and vigour to seedlings of cross-fertilised parentage. I hope also to republish a revised edition of my book on Orchids, and hereafter my papers on dimorphic and trimorphic plants, together with some additional observations on allied points which I never have had time to arrange. My strength will then probably be exhausted, and I shall be ready to exclaim “ Nunc dimittis.” Written May ist, 1881.—‘ The Effects of Cross and Self- Fertilisation ’ was published in the autumn of 1876 ; and the results there arrived at explain, as I believe, the endless and wonderful contrivances for the transportal of pollen from one plant to another of the same species. I now believe, however, chiefly from the observations of Hermann Muller, that I ought to have insisted more strongly than I did on the many adapta- tions for self-fertilisation; though I was well aware of many such adaptations. A much enlarged edition of my ‘ Fertilisa- tion of Orchids’ was published in 1877. In this same year ‘The Different Forms of Flowers, &c.,’ appeared, and in 1880 a second edition. This book consists chiefly of the several papers on Heterostyled flowers originally published by the Linnean Society, corrected, with much new matter added, together with observations on some other cases in which the same plant bears two kinds of flowers. As be- fore remarked, no little discovery of mine ever gave me so much pleasure as the making out the meaning of heterostyled flowers. The results of crossing such flowers in an illegiti- mate manner, I believe to be very important, as bearing on the sterility of hybrids ; although these results have been noticed by only a few persons. In 1879, I had a translation of Dr. Ernst Krause’s ‘ Life of Erasmus Darwin ’ published, and I added a sketch of his character and habits from material in my possession. Many persons have been much interested by this little life, and I am surprised that only 800 or 900 copies were sold. In 1880 I published, with [my son] Frank’s assistance, our PUBLICATIONS. 79 ‘ Power of Movement in Plants.’ This was a tough piece of work. The book bears somewhat the same relation to my little book on ‘Climbing Plants,’ which ‘Cross-Fertilisation’ did to the ‘ Fertilisation of Orchids ; ’ for in accordance with the principle of evolution it was impossible to account for climbing plants having been developed in so many widely different groups unless all kinds of plants possess some slight power of movement of an analogous kind. This I proved to be the case ; and I was further led to a rather wide general- isation, viz. that the great and important classes of move- ments, excited by light, the attraction of gravity, &c., are all modified forms of the fundamental movement of circumnuta- tion. It has always pleased me to exalt plants in the scale of organised beings ; and I therefore felt an especial pleasure in showing how many and what admirably well adapted move- ments the tip of a root possesses. I have now (May i, 1881) sent to the printers the MS. of a little book on ‘ The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms.’ This is a subject of but small im- portance ; and I know not whether it will interest any readers,* but it has interested me. It is the completion of a short paper read before the Geological Society more than forty years ago, and has revived old geological thoughts. I have now mentioned all the books which I have pub- lished, and these have been the milestones in my life, so that little remains to be said. I am not conscious of any change in my mind during the last thirty years, excepting in one point presently to be mentioned ; nor, indeed, could any change have been expected unless one of general deterioration. But my father lived to his eighty-third year with his mind as lively as ever it was, and all his faculties undimmed ; and I hope that I may die before my mind fails to a sensible ex- tent. I think that I have become a little more skilful in guessing right explanations and in devising experimental * Between November 1881 and February 1884, 8500 copies have been sold. 80 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tests ; but this may probably be the result of mere practice, and of a larger store of knowledge. I have as much difficulty as ever in expressing myself clearly and concisely ; and this difficulty has caused me a very great loss of time ; but it has had the compensating advantage of forcing me to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus I have been led to see errors in reasoning and in my own observations or those of others. There seems to be a sort of fatality in my mind leading me to put at first my statement or proposition in a wrong or awkward form. Formerly I used to think about my sen- tences before writing them down ; but for several years I have found that it saves time to scribble in a vile hand whole pages as quickly as I possibly can, contracting half the words; and then correct deliberately. Sentences thus scribbled down are often better ones than I could have written deliberately. Having said thus much about my manner of writing, I will add that with my large books I spend a good deal of time over the general arrangement of the matter. I first make the rudest outline in two or three pages, and then a larger one in several pages, a few words or one word stand- ing for a whole discussion or series of facts. Each one of these headings is again enlarged and often transferred be- fore I begin to write in extenso. As in several of my books facts observed by others have been very extensively used, and as I have always had several quite distinct subjects in hand at the same time, I may mention that I keep from thirty to forty large portfolios, in cabinets with labelled shelves, into which I can at once put a detached reference or memorandum. I have bought many books, and at their ends I make an index of all the facts that concern my work ; or, if the book is not my own, write out a separate abstract, and of such abstracts I have a large drawer full. Before beginning on any subject I look to all the short indexes and make a general and classified index, and by taking the one or more proper portfolios I have all the information collected during my life ready for use. MENTAL QUALITIES. 81 I have said that in one respect my mind has changed during the last twenty or thirty years. Up ro the age of thirty, or beyond it, poetry of many kinds, such as the works, of Milton, Gray, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Shelley, gave me great pleasure, and even as a schoolboy I took intense delight in Shakespeare, especially in the historical plays. I have also said that formerly pictures gave me con- siderable, and music very great delight. But now for many years I cannot endure t« read a line of poetry: I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music. Music generally sets me thinking too en- ergetically on what I have been at work on, instead of giving me pleasure. I retain some taste for fine scenery, but it does not cause me the exquisite delight which it formerly did. On the other hand, novels which are works of the imagina- tion, though not of a very high order, have been for years a wonderful relief and pleasure to me, and I often bless all novelists. A surprising number have been read aloud to me, and I like all if moderately good, and if they do not end un- happily—against which a law ought to be passed. A novel, according to my taste, does not come into the first class unless it contains some person whom one can thoroughly love, and if a pretty woman all the better. This curious and lamentable loss of the higher aesthetic tastes is all the odder, as books on history, biographies, and travels (independently of any scientific facts which they may contain), and essays on all sorts of subjects interest me as much as ever they did. My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collec- tions of facts, but why this should have caused the atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend, I cannot conceive. A man with a mind more highly organised or better constituted than mine, would not, I sup- pose, have thus suffered ; and if I had to live my life again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week ; for perhaps the parts 82 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. of my brain now atrophied would thus have been kept active through use. The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature. My books have sold largely in England, have been trans- lated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have heard it said that the success of a work abroad is the best test of its endur- ing value. I doubt whether this is at all trustworthy; but judged by this standard my name ought to last for a few years. Therefore it may be worth while to try to analyse the mental qualities and the conditions on which my suc- cess has depended ; though I am aware that no man can do this correctly. I have no great quickness of apprehension or wit which is so remarkable in some clever men, for instance, Huxley. I am therefore a poor critic : a paper or book, when first read, generally excites my admiration, and it is only after consider- able reflection that I perceive the weak points. My power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought is very limited; and therefore I could never have succeeded with metaphysics or mathematics. My memory is extensive, yet hazy : it suffices to make me cautious by vaguely telling me that I have observed or read something opposed to the con- clusion which I am drawing, or on the other hand in favour of it; and after a time I can generally recollect where to search for my authority. So poor in one sense is my memory, that I have never been able to remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. Some of my critics have said, “ Oh, he is a good observer, but he has no power of reasoning! ” I do not think that this can be true, for the ‘ Origin of Species ’ is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and it has convinced not a few able men. No one could have written it without having some power of reasoning. I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly sue- MENTAL QUALITIES. 83 cessful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree. On the favourable side of the balance, I think that I am superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully. My industry has been nearly as great as it could have been in the observation and collection of facts. What is far more important, my love of natural science has been steady and ardent. This pure love has, however, been much aided by the ambition to be esteemed by my fellow naturalists. From my early youth I have had the strongest desire to understand or explain whatever I observed,—that is, to group all facts under some general laws. These causes combined have given me the patience to reflect or ponder for any number of years over any unexplained problem. As far as I can judge, I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men. I have steadily endeavoured to keep my mind free so as to give up any hypothesis, however much beloved (and I cannot resist forming one on every subject), as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it. Indeed, I have had no choice but to act in this manner, for with the exception of the Coral Reefs, I cannot remember a single first-formed hypothesis which had not after a time to be given up or greatly modified. This has naturally led me to distrust greatly deductive reason- ing in the mixed sciences. On the other hand, I am not very sceptical,—a frame of mind which I believe to be inju- rious to the progress of science. A good deal of scepticism in a scientific man is advisable to avoid much loss of time, but I have met with not a few men, who, I feel sure, have often thus been deterred from experiment or observations, which would have proved directly or indirectly serviceable. In illustration, I will give the oddest case which I have known. A gentleman (who, as I afterwards heard, is a good local botanist) wrote to me from the Eastern counties that the seed or beans of the common field-bean had this year everywhere grown on the wrong side of the pod. I wrote 84 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. back, asking for further information, as I did not understand what was meant; but I did not receive any answer for a very long time. I then saw in two newspapers, one published in Kent and the other in Yorkshire, paragraphs stating that it was a most remarkable fact that “ the beans this year had all grown on the wrong side.” So I thought there must be some foundation for so general a statement. Accordingly, I went to my gardener, an old Kentish man, and asked him whether he had heard anything about it, and he answered, July-—Week at Maer and Shrewsbury. „ October.—Twelve days at Shrewsbury. 1844, April.—Week at Maer and Shrewsbury. „ July.—Twelve days at Shrewsbury. 1845, September 15.—Six weeks, “ Shrewsbury, Lincoln- shire, York, the Dean of Manchester, Waterton, Chatsworth.” 1846, February.— Eleven days at Shrewsbury. „ July.—Ten days at Shrewsbury. „ September.—Ten days at Southampton, &c., for the British Association. 1847, February.—Twelve days at Shrewsbury. „ June.—Ten days at Oxford, &c., for the British As- sociation. „ October.—Fortnight at Shrewsbury. 1843.] CAPTAIN FITZ-ROY, 299 1848, May.—Fortnight at Shrewsbury. „ July.—Week at Swanage. ,, October.— Fortnight at Shrewsbury. ,, November.^-Eleven days at Shrewsbury. 1849, March to June.—Sixteen weeks at Malvern. „ September.—Eleven days at Birmingham for the British Association. 1850, June.—Week at Malvern. „ August.—Week at Leith Hill, the house of a relative. „ October.—Week at the house of another relative. 1851, March.—Week at Malvern. „ April.—Nine days at Malvern. „ July.—Twelve days in London. 1852, March.—Week at Rugby and Shrewsbury. „ September.—Six days at the house of a relative. 1853, July.—Three weeks at Eastbourne. ,, August.—Five days at the military Camp at Chob- ham. 1854, March.—Five days at the house of a relative. „ July.—Three days at the house of a relative. „ October.—Six days at the house of a relative. It will be seen that he was absent from home sixty weeks in twelve years. But it must be remembered that much of the remaining time spent at Down was lost through ill- health.] Letters. C. Darwin to R. Fitz Roy. Down [March 31st, 1843]. Dear Fitz-Roy,—I read yesterday with surprise and the greatest interest, your appointment as Governor of New Zea- land. I do not know whether to congratulate you on it, but I am sure I may the Colony, on possessing your zeal and energy. I am most anxious to know whether the report is true, for I cannot bear the thoughts of your leaving the country without seeing you once again ; the past is often in 300 LIFE AT DOWN. ,ETAT. 33-45. 0843 my memory, and I feel that I owe to you much bygone enjoy- ment, and the whole destiny of my life, which (had my health been stronger) would have been one full of satisfaction to me. During the last three months I have never once gone up to London without intending to call in the hopes of seeing Mrs. Fitz-Roy and yourself; but I find, most unfortunately for myself, that the little excitement of breaking out of my most quiet routine so generally knocks me up, that I am able to do scarcely anything when in London, and I have not even been able to attend one evening meeting of the Geological Society. Otherwise, I am very well, as are, thank God, my wife and two children. The extreme retirement of this place suits us all very well, and we enjoy our country life much. But I am writing trifles about myself, when your mind and time must be fully occupied. My object in writing is to beg of you or Mrs. Fitz-Roy to have the kindness to send me one line to say whether it is true, and whether you sail soon. I shall come up next week for one or two days ; could you see me for even five minutes, if I called early on Thursday morning, viz. at nine or ten o’clock, or at whatever hour (if you keep early ship hours) you finish your breakfast. Pray remember me very kindly to Mrs. Fitz-Roy, who I trust is able to look at her long voyage with boldness. Believe me, dear Fitz-Roy, Your ever truly obliged, Charles Darwin. [A quotation from another letter (1846) to Fitz-Roy may be worth giving, as showing my father’s affectionate remem- brance of his old Captain. “Farewell, dear Fitz-Roy, I often think of your many acts of kindness to me, and not seldomest on the time, no doubt quite forgotten by you, when, before making Madeira, you came and arranged my hammock with your own hands, and which, as I afterwards heard, brought tears into my father’s eyes.”] 1844.] •VESTIGES OF CREATION.’ 301 C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. [Down, September 5, 1843.] Monday morning. My dear Fox,—When I sent off the glacier paper, I was just going out and so had no time to write. I hope your friend will enjoy (and I wish you were going there with him) his tour as much as I did. It was a kind of geological novel. But your friend must have patience, for he will not get a good glacial eye for a few days. Murchison and Count Key- serling rushed through North Wales the same autumn and could see nothing except the effects of rain trickling over the rocks ! I cross-examined Murchison a little, and evi- dently saw he had looked carefully at nothing. I feel certain about the glacier-effects in North Wales. Get up your steam, if this Weather lasts, and have a ramble in Wales ; its glorious scenery must do every one’s heart and body good. I wish I had energy to come to Delamere and go with you ; but as you observe, you might as well ask St. Paul’s. Whenever I give myself a trip, it shall be, I think, to Scotland, to hunt for more parallel roads. My marine theory for these roads was for a time knocked on the head by Agassiz ice-work, but it is now reviving again. . . . Farewell,—we are getting nearly finished—almost all the workmen gone, and the gravel laying down on the walks. Ave Maria ! how the money does go. There are twice as many temptations to extravagance in the country compared with London. Adios. Yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down [1844?]. .... I have also read the ‘Vestiges,’ * but have been somewhat less amused at it than you appear to have been : * ‘ The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation ’ was published anonymously in 1844, and is confidently believed to have been written by 302 LIFE AT DOWN. /ETAT. 33-45. [ 1844-5. the writing and arrangement are certainly admirable, but his geology strikes me as bad, and his zoology far worse. I should be very much obliged, if at any future or leisure time you could tell me on what you ground your doubtful belief in imagination of a mother affecting her offspring.* I have attended to the several statements scattered about, but do not believe in more than accidental coincidences. W. Hunter told my father, then in a lying-in hospital, that in many thousand cases, he had asked the mother, before her confine- ment, whether anything had affected her imagination, and re- corded the answers; and absolutely not one case came right, though, when the child was anything remarkable, they after- wards made the cap to fit. Reproduction seems governed by such similar laws in the whole animal kingdom, that I am most loth [to believe], . . . C. Darwin to J. M. Hei'bert. Down [1844 or 1845]. My dear Herbert,—I was very glad to see your hand- writing and hear a bit of news about you Though you can- not come here this autumn, I do hope you and Mrs. Herbert will come in the winter, and we will have lots of talk of old times, and lots of Beethoven. the late Robert Chambers. My father’s copy gives signs of having been carefully read, a long list of marked passages being pinned in at the end. One useful lesson he seems to have learned from it. He writes : “ The idea of a fish passing into a reptile, monstrous. I will not specify any genealogies—much too little known at present.” He refers again to the book in a letter to Fox, February, 1845 : “ Have you read that strange, unphilosophical. but capitally-written book, the 1 Vestiges ’: it has made more talk than any work of late, and has been by some attributed to me— at which I ought to be much flattered and unflattered.’’ * This refers to the case of a relative of Sir J. Hooker’s, who insisted that a mole, which appeared on one of her children, was the effect of fright upon herself on having, before the birth of the child, blotted with sepia a copy of Turner’s ‘ Liber Studiorum ’ that had been lent to her with spe- cial injunctions to be careful. 1845-] SIR J. D. HOOKER 303 I have little or rather nothing to say about myself ; we live like clock-work, and in what most people would consider the dullest possible manner. I have of late been slaving extra hard, to the great discomfiture of wretched digestive organs, at South America, and thank all the fates, I have done three- fourths of it. Writing plain English grows with me more and more difficult, and never attainable. As for your pre- tending that you will read anything so dull as my pure geo- logical descriptions, lay not such a flattering unction on my soul * for it is incredible. I have long discovered that geolo- gists never read each other’s works, and that the only object in writing a book is a proof of earnestness, and that you do not form your opinions without undergoing labour of some kind. Geology is at present very oral, and what I here say is to a great extent quite true. But I am giving you a dis- cussion as long as a chapter in the odious book itself. I have lately been to Shrewsbury, and found my father surprisingly well and cheerful. Believe me, my dear old friend, ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Monday [February xoth, 1845]. My dear Hooker,—I am much obliged for your very agreeable letter; it was very good-natured, in the midst of your scientific and theatrical dissipation, to think of writing so long a letter to me. I am astonished at your news, and I must condole with you in your present view of the Professor- ship,! and most heartily deplore it on my own account. There * On the same subject he wrote to Fitz-Roy : “ I have sent my * South American Geology ’ to Dover Street, and you will get it, no doubt, in the course of time. You do not know what you threaten when you propose to read it—it is purely geological. I said to my brother, ‘ You will of course read it,’ and his answer was, ‘ Upon my life, I would sooner even buy it.’ ” f Sir J. D. Hooker was a candidate for the Professorship of Botany at Edinburgh University. 304 LIFE AT DOWN. IETAT.. 33-45. [1845- is something so chilling in a separation of so many hundred miles, though we did not see much of each other when nearer. You will hardly believe how deeply I regret for myself your present prospects. I had looked forward to [our] seeing much of each other during our lives. It is a heavy disap- pointment ; and in a mere selfish point of view, as aiding me in my work, your loss is indeed irreparable. But, on the other hand, I cannot doubt that you take at present a de- sponding, instead of bright, view of your prospects : surely there are great advantages, as well as disadvantages. The place is one of eminence; and really it appears to me there are so many indifferent workers, and so few readers, that it is a high advantage, in a purely scientific point of view, for a good worker to hold a position which leads others to attend to his work. I forget whether you attended Edinburgh, as a student, but in my time there was a knot of men who were far from being the indifferent and dull listeners which you expect for your audience. Reflect what a satisfaction and honour it would be to make a good botanist—with your dis- position you will be to many what Henslow was at Cambridge to me and others, a most kind friend and guide. Then what a fine garden, and how good a Public Library! why, Forbes always regrets the advantages of Edinburgh for work : think of the inestimable advantage of getting within a short walk of those noble rocks and hills and sandy shores near Edinburgh ! Indeed, I cannot pity you much, though I pity myself ex- ceedingly in your loss. Surely lecturing will, in a year or two, with your great capacity for work (whatever you may be pleased to say to the contrary) become easy, and you will have a fair time for your Antarctic Flora and general views of distribution. If I thought your Professorship would stop your work, I should wish it and all the good worldly conse- quences at el Diavolo. I know I shall live to see you the first authority in Europe on that grand subject, that almost keystone of the laws of creation, Geographical Distribution. Well, there is one comfort, you will be at Kew, no doubt, every year, so I shall finish by forcing down your throat my 1845.] THE ‘JOURNAL.’ 305 sincere congratulations. Thanks for all your news. I grieve to hear Humboldt is failing ; one cannot help feeling, though unrightly, that such an end is humiliating : even when I saw him he talked beyond all reason. If you see him again, pray give him my most respectful and kind compliments, and say that I never forget that my whole course of life is due to having read and re-read as a youth his ‘ Personal Narrative.’ How true and pleasing are all your remarks on his kindness; think how many opportunities you will have, in your new place, of being a Humboldt to others. Ask him about the river in N. E. Europe, with the Flora very different on its opposite banks. I have got and read your Wilkes ; what a feeble book in matter and style, and how splendidly got up ! Do write me a line from Berlin. Also thanks for the proof- sheets. I did not, however, mean proof plates ; I value them, as saving me copying extracts. Farewell, my dear Hooker, with a heavy heart I wish you joy of your prospects. Your sincere friend, C. Darwin. [The second edition of the ‘Journal,’ to which the follow- ing letter refers, was completed between April 25th and Au- gust 25th. It was published by Mr. Murray in the ‘Colonial and Home Library,’ and in this more accessible form soon had a large sale. Up to the time of his first negotiations with Mr. Murray for its publication in this form, he had received payment only in the form of a large number of presentation copies, and he seems to have been glad to sell the copyright of the second edition to Mr. Murray for 150/. The points of difference between it and the first edition are of interest chiefly in connection with the growth of the author’s views on evolution, and will be considered later.] 306 LIFE AT DOWN. ,ETAT. 33-45. [1845- C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down [July, 1845]. My dear Lyell,—I send you the first part * of the new edition [of the ‘Journal of Researches ’], which I so entirely owe to you. You will see that I have ventured to dedicate it to you,f and I trust that this cannot be disagreeable. I have long wished, not so much for your sake, as for my own feelings of honesty, to acknowledge more plainly than by mere refer- ence, how much I geologically owe you. Those authors, how- ever, who like you, educate people’s minds as well as teach them special facts, can never, I should think, have full justice done them except by posterity, for the mind thus insensibly improved can hardly perceive its own upward ascent. I had intended putting in the present acknowledgment in the third part of my Geology, but its sale is so exceedingly small that I should not have had the satisfaction of thinking that as far as lay in my power I had owned, though imperfectly, my debt. Pray do not think that I am so silly, as to suppose that my dedication can any ways gratify you, except so far as I trust you will receive it, as a most sincere mark of my gratitude and friendship. I think I have improved this edition, espe- cially the second part, which I have just finished. I have added a good deal about the Fuegians, and cut down into half the mercilessly long discussion on climate and glaciers, &c. I do not recollect anything added to the first part, long enough to call your attention to; there is a page of descrip- tion of a very curious breed of oxen in Banda Oriental. I should like you to read the few last pages; there is a little discussion on extinction, which will not perhaps strike you * No doubt proof-sheets. f The dedication of the second edition of the ‘Journal of Researches,’ is as follows :—“ To Charles Lyell, Esq., F. R. S., this second edition is dedicated with grateful pleasure—as an acknowledgment that the chief part of whatever scientific merit this Journal and the other works of the Author may possess, has been derived from studying the well-known and admirable ‘ Principles of Geology.’ ” 1845-] LYELL’S ‘NORTH AMERICA.’ 307 as new, though it has so struck me, and has placed in my mind all the difficulties with respect to the causes of extinc- tion, in the same class with other difficulties which are gener- ally quite overlooked and undervalued by naturalists; I ought, however, to have made my discussion longer and shewn by facts, as I easily could, how steadily every species must be checked in its numbers. I received your Travels* yesterday; and I like exceed- ingly its external and internal appearance; I read only about a dozen pages last night (for I was tired with hay-making), but I saw quite enough to perceive how very much it will in- terest me, and how many passages will be scored. I am pleased to find a good sprinkling of Natural History; I shall be astonished if it does not sell very largely- . . . How sorry I am to think that we shall not see you here again for so long; I wish you may knock yourself a little bit up before you start and require a day’s fresh air, before the ocean breezes blow on you. . . . Ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down, Saturday [August 1st, 1845]. My dear Lyell,—I have been wishing to write to you for a week past, but every five minutes’ worth of strength has been expended in getting out my second part.f Your note pleased me a good deal more I dare say than my dedication did you, and I thank you much for it. Your work has in- terested me much, and I will give you my impressions, though, as I never thought you would care to hear what I thought of the non-scientific parts, I made no notes, nor took pains to remember any particular impression of two- thirds of the first volume. The first impression I should say * ‘Travels in North America,’ 2 vols., 1845. f Of the second edition of the ‘Journal of Researches.’ 308 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45. [1845- would be with most (though I have literally seen not one soul since reading it) regret at there not being more of the non-scientific [parts]. I am not a good judge, for I have read nothing, i. e. non-scientific about North America, but the whole struck me as very new, fresh, and interesting. Your discussions bore to my mind the evident stamp of matured thought, and of conclusions drawn from facts observed by yourself, and not from the opinions of the people whom you met; and this I suspect is comparatively rare. Your slave discussion disturbed me much ; but as you would care no more for my opinion on this head than for the ashes of this letter, I will say nothing except that it gave me some sleepless, most uncomfortable hours. Your account of the religious state of the States particularly interested me ; I am surprised throughout at your very proper boldness against the Clergy. In your University chapter the Clergy, and not the State of Education, are most severely and justly handled, and this I think is very bold, for I conceive you might crush a leaden-headed old Don, as a Don, wuth more safety, than touch the finger of that Corporate Animal, the Clergy. What a contrast in Education does England shew itself! Your apology (using the term, like the old religionists who meant anything but an apology) for lectures, struck me as very clever; but all the arguments in the world on your side, are not equal to one course of Jamieson’s Lectures on the other side, which I formerly for my sins experienced. Although I had read about the ‘ Coalfields in North America,’ I never in the smallest degree really comprehended their area, their thickness and favourable position ; nothing hardly astounded me more in your book. Some few parts struck me as rather heterogeneous, but I do not knowr whether to an extent that at all signified. I missed however, a good deal, some general heading to the chapters, such as the two or three principal places visited. One has no right to expect an author to wrrite down to the zero of geo- graphical ignorance of the reader ; but I not knowing a single place, wras occasionally rather plagued in tracing your course. 1845.] LYELL’S ‘ PRINCIPLES.’ 309 Sometimes in the beginning of a chapter, in one paragraph your course wras traced through a half dozen places; anyone, as ignorant as myself, if he could be found, would prefer such a disturbing paragraph left out. I cut your map loose, and I found that a great comfort; I could not "follow your engraved track. I think in a second edition, interspaces here and there of one line open, would be an improvement. By the way, I take credit to myself in giving my Journal a less scientific air in having printed all names of species and genera in Romans; the printing looks, also, better. All the illustrations strike me as capital, and the map is an admirable volume in itself. If your ‘ Principles ’ had not met with such universal admi- ration, I should have feared there would have been too much geology in this for the general reader ; certainly all that the most clear and light style could do, has been done. To my- self the geology was an excellent, well-condensed, well-di- gested resume of all that has been made out in North Amer- ica, and every geologist ought to be grateful to you. The summing up of the Niagara chapter appeared to me the grandest part; I was also deeply interested by your discussion on the origin of the Silurian formations. I have made scores of scores marking passages hereafter useful to me. All the coal theory appeared to me very good; but it is no use going on enumerating in this manner. I wish there had been more Natural History ; I liked all the scattered fragments. I have now given you an exact transcript of my thoughts, but they are hardly worth your reading. . . . C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down, August 25th [1845]. My dear Lyell,—This is literally the first day on which I have had any time to spare; and I will amuse myself by beginning a letter to you. . . . I was delighted with your letter in which you touch on Slavery; I wish the same feelings had been apparent in your published discussion. But I will not write on this subject, I 310 LIFE AT DOWN. y£TAT. 33-45. [1845- should perhaps annoy you, and most certainly myself. I have exhaled myself with a paragraph or two in my Journal on the sin of Brazilian slavery ; you perhaps will think that it is in answer to you; but such is not the case. I have remarked on nothing which I did not hear on th*e coast of South America. My few sentences, however, are merely an explosion of feeling. How could you relate so placidly that atrocious sentiment * about separating children from their parents; and in the next page speak of being distressed at the whites not having prospered; I assure you the contrast made me exclaim out. But I have broken my intention, and so no more on this odious deadly subject. There is a favourable, but not strong enough review on you, in the Gardeners' Chronicle. I am sorry to see that Lind- ley abides by the carbonic acid gas theory. By the way, I was much pleased by Lindley picking out my extinction para- graphs and giving them uncurtailed. To my mind, putting the comparative rarity of existing species in the same cate- gory with extinction has removed a great weight; though of course it does not explain anything, it shows that until we can explain comparative rarity, we ought not to feel any surprise at not explaining extinction. . . . I am much pleased to hear of the call for a new edition of the ‘ Principles ’: what glorious good that work has done. I fear this time you will not be amongst the old rocks; how I shall rejoice to live to see you publish and discover another stage below the Silurian—it would be the grandest step pos- sible, I think. I am very glad to hear what progress Bunbury is making in fossil Botany ; there is a fine hiatus for him to fill up in this country. I will certainly call on him this winter. . . . From what little I saw of him, I can quite believe every- thing which you say of his talents. . . . * In the passage referred to, Lyell does not give his own views, but those of a planter. 1845-] ‘COSMOS.’ 311 C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Shrewsbury [1845 ?]. My dear Hooker,—I have just received your note, which has astonished me, and has most truly grieved me. I never for one minute doubted of your success, for I most errone- ously imagined, that merit was sure to gain the day. I feel most sure that the day will come soon, when those who have voted against you, if they have any shame or conscience in them, will be ashamed at having allowed politics to blind their eyes to your qualifications, and those qualifications vouched for by Humboldt and Brown ! Well, those testimonials must be a consolation to you. Proh pudor! I am vexed and indig- nant by turns. I cannot even take comfort in thinking that I shall see more of you, and extract more knowledge from your well-arranged stock. I am pleased to think, that after having read a few of your letters, I never once doubted the position you will ultimately hold amongst European Botanists. I can think about nothing else, otherwise I should like [to] discuss ‘ Cosmos ’ * with you. I trust you will pay me and my wife a visit this autumn at Down. I shall be at Down on the 24th, and till then moving about. My dear Hooker, allow me to call myself Your very true friend, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. October 8th [1845], Shrewsbury. ... I have lately been taking a little tour to see a farm I have purchased in Lincolnshire,! and then to York, where I * A ti'anslation of Humboldt’s ‘ Kosmos.’ f He speaks of his Lincolnshire farm in a letter to Henslow (July 4th):—“ I have bought a farm in Lincolnshire, and when I go there this autumn, I mean to see what I can do in providing any cottage on my small estate with gardens. It is a hopeless thing to look to, but I believe few things would do this country more good in future ages than the destruction 312 LIFE AT DOWN. HiTAT. 33-45. [i845- visited the Dean of Manchester,* the great maker of Hybrids, who gave me much curious information. I also visited Waterton at Walton Hall, and was extremely amused with my visit there. He is an amusing strange fellow; at our early dinner, our party consisted of two Catholic priests and two Mulattresses ! He is past sixty years old, and the day before ran down and caught a leveret in a turnip-field. It is a fine old house, and the lake swarms with water-fowl. I then saw Chatsworth, and was in transport with the great hothouse ; it is a perfect fragment of a tropical forest, and the sight made me think with delight of old recollections. My little ten-day tour made me feel wonderfully strong at the time, but the good effects did not last. My wife, I am sorry to say, does not get very strong, and the children are the hope of the family, for they are all happy, life, and spirits. I have been much interested with Sedgwick’s review; f though I find it far from popular with our scientific readers. I think some few passages savour of the dogmatism of the pulpit, rather than of the philosophy of the Professor’s Chair ; and some of the wit strikes me as only worthy of in the * Quarterly.’ Nevertheless, it is a grand piece of argument against muta- bility of species, and I read it with fear and trembling, but was well pleased to find that I had not overlooked any of the arguments, though I had put them to myself as feebly as of primogeniture, so as to lessen the difference in land-wealth, and make more small freeholders. How atrociously unjust are the stamp laws, which render it so expensive for the poor man to buy his quarter of an acre ; it makes one’s blood burn with indignation.” * Hon. and Rev. W. Herbert. The visit is mentioned in a letter to Dr. Hooker:—“ I have been taking a little tour, partly on business, and visited the Dean of Manchester, and had very much interesting talk with him on hybrids, sterility, and variation, &c., &c. He is full of self-gained knowledge, but knows surprisingly little what others have done on the same subjects. He is very heterodox on ‘species’: not much better, as most naturalists would esteem it, than poor Mr. Vestiges.” f Sedgwick’s review of the ‘Vestiges of Creation’ in the ‘ Edinburgh Review,’ July, 1845. 1846.] BOTANY. 313 milk and water. Have you read ‘ Cosmos ’ yet ? The Eng- lish translation is wretched, and the semi-metaphysico-politico descriptions in the first part are barely intelligible; but I think the volcanic discussion well worth your attention, it has astonished me by its vigour and information. I grieve to find Humboldt an adorer of Von Buch, with his classification of volcanos, craters of elevation, &c., &c., and carbonic acid gas atmosphere. He is indeed a wonderful man. I hope to get home in a fortnight and stick to my weary- ful South America till I finish it. I shall be very anxious to hear how you get on from the Horners, but you must not think of wasting your time by writing to me. We shall miss, indeed, your visits to Down, and I shall feel a lost man in London without my morning “ house of call ” at Hart Street . . . Believe me, my dear Lyell, ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Farnborough, Kent. My dear Hooker,—I hope this letter will catch you at Clifton, but I have been prevented writing by being unwell, and having had the Horners here as visitors, which, with my abominable press-work, has fully occupied my time. It is, indeed, a long time since we wrote to each other; though, I beg to tell you, that I wrote last, but what about I cannot remember, except, I know, it was after reading your last numbers,* and I sent you a uniquely laudatory epistle, con- sidering it was from a man who hardly knows a Daisy from a Dandelion to a professed Botanist. . . . I cannot remember what papers have given me the im- pression, but I have that, which you state to be the case, firmly fixed on my mind, namely, the little chemical impor- tance of the soil to its vegetation. What a strong fact it is, Thursday, September, 1846. * Sir J. D. Hooker’s Antarctic Botany. 314 LIFE AT DOWN. ATAT. 33-45. as R. Brown once remarked to me, of certain plants being calcareous ones here, which are not so under a more favour- able climate on the Continent, or the reverse, for I forget which ; but you, no doubt, will know to what I refer. By- the-way, there are some such cases in Herbert’s paper in the ‘ Horticultural Journal.’ * Have you read it: it struck me as extremely original, and bears directly on your present re- searches.! To a no7i-botanist the chalk has the most peculiar aspect of any flora in England ; why will you not come here to make your observations ? We go to Southampton, if my courage and stomach do not fail, for the Brit. Assoc. (Do you not consider it your duty to be there ?) And why cannot you come here afterward and work ? ... . The Monograph of the Cirripedia, October 1846 to October 1854. [Writing to Sir J. D. Hooker in 1845,my father says : “I hope this next summer to finish my South American Geology, then to get out a little Zoology, and hurrah for my species work. , . This passage serves to show that he had at this time no intention of making an exhaustive study of the Cir- ripedes. Indeed it would seem that his original intention was, as I learn from Sir J. D. Hooker, merely to work out one special problem. This is quite in keeping with the following passage in the Autobiography : “ When on the coast of Chile, I found a most curious form, which burrowed into the shells of Concholepas, and which differed so much from all other Cirripedes that I had to form a new sub-order for its sole reception. ... To understand the structure of my new Cir- ripede I had to examine and dissect many of the common forms; and this gradually led me on to take up the whole group.” In later years he seems to have felt some doubt as to the value of these eight years of work,—for instance when * ‘ Journal of the Horticultural Society,’ 1846. f Sir J. D. Hooker was at this time attending to polymorphism, varia- bility, &c. CIRRIPEDES. 315 he wrote in his Autobiography—“ My work was of consider- able use to me, when I had to discuss in the ‘ Origin of Spe- cies,’ the principles of a natural classification. Nevertheless I doubt whether the work was worth the consumption of so much time.” Yet I learn from Sir J. D. Hooker that he cer- tainly recognised at the time its value to himself as system- atic training. Sir Joseph writes to me : “Your father recog- nised three stages in his career as a biologist: the mere collector at Cambridge ; the collector and observer in the Beagle, and for some years afterwards; and the trained natu- ralist after, and only after the Cirripede work. That he was a thinker all along is true enough, and there is a vast deal in his writings previous to the Cirripedes that a trained natu- ralist could but emulate. . . . He often alluded to it as a valued discipline, and added that even the 1 hateful ’ work of digging out synonyms, and of describing, not only improved his methods but opened his eyes to the difficulties and mer- its of the works of the dullest of cataloguers. One result was that he would never allow a depreciatory remark to pass unchallenged on the poorest class of scientific workers, pro- vided that their work was honest, and good of its kind. I have always regarded it as one of the finest traits of his character,—this generous appreciation of the hod-men of science, and of their labours . . . and it was monographing the Barnacles that brought it about.” Professor Huxley allows me to quote his opinion as to the value of the eight years given to the Cirripedes:— “ In my opinion your sagacious father never did a wiser thing than when he devoted himself to the years of patient toil which the Cirripede-book cost him. “ Like the rest of us, he had no proper training in biologi- cal science, and it has always struck me as a remarkable in- stance of his scientific insight, that he saw the necessity of giving himself such training, and of his courage, that he did not shirk the labour of obtaining it. “ The great danger which besets all men of large specula- tive faculty, is the temptation to deal with the accepted state- 316 LIFE AT DOWN. .ETAT. 33-45. ments of facts in natural science, as if they were not only correct, but exhaustive; as if they might be dealt with de- ductively, in the same way as propositions in Euclid may be dealt with. In reality, every such statement, however true it may be, is true only relatively to the means of observation and the point of view of those who have enunciated it. So far it may be depended upon. But whether it will bear every speculative conclusion that may be logically deduced from it, is quite another question. “ Your father was building a vast superstructure upon the foundations furnished by the recognised facts of geological and biological science. In Physical Geography, in Geology proper, in Geographical Distribution, and in Palaeontology, he had acquired an extensive practical training during the voyage of the Beagle. He knew of his own knowledge the way in which the raw materials of these branches of science are acquired, and was therefore a most competent judge of the speculative strain they would bear. That which he needed, after his return to England, was a corresponding acquaintance with Anatomy and Development, and their rela- tion to Taxonomy—and he acquired this by his Cirripede work. “ Thus, in my apprehension, the value of the Cirripede monograph lies not merely in the fact that it is a very admi- rable piece of work, and constituted a great addition to posi- tive knowledge, but still more in the circumstance that it was a piece of critical self-discipline, the effect of which mani- fested itself in everything your father wrote afterwards, and saved him from endless errors of detail. “ So far from such work being a loss of time, I believe it would have been well worth his while, had it been practi- cable, to have supplemented it by a special study of em- bryology and physiology. His hands would have been greatly strengthened thereby when he came to write out sundry chapters of the ‘ Origin of Species.’ But of course in those days it was almost impossible for him to find facilities for such work.” CIRRIPEDES. 317 No one can look at the two volumes on the recent Cirri- pedes, of 399 and 684 pages respectively (not to speak of the volumes on the fossil species), without being struck by the immense amount of detailed work which they contain. The forty plates, some of them with thirty figures, and the four- teen pages of index in the two volumes together, give some rough idea of the labour spent on the work.* The state of knowledge, as regards the Cirripedes, was most unsatisfactory at the time that my father began to work at them. As an illustration of this fact, it may be mentioned that he had even to re-organise the nomenclature of the group, or, as he expressed it, he “ unwillingly found it indispensable to give names to several valves, and to some few of the softer parts of Cirripedes.” f It is interesting to learn from his diary the amount of time which he gave to different genera. Thus the genus Chthamalus, the description of which occupies twenty-two pages, occupied him for thirty-six days ; Coro- nula took nineteen days, and is described in twenty-seven pages. Writing to Fitz-Roy, he speaks of being “for the last half-month daily hard at work in dissecting a little ani- mal about the size of a pin’s head, from the Chonos archi- pelago, and I could spend another month, and daily see more beautiful structure.” Though he became excessively weary of the work before the end of the eight years, he had much keen enjoyment in the course of it. Thus he wrote to Sir J. D. Hooker (1847 ?) : —“ As you say, there is an extraordinary pleasure in pure observation ; not but what I suspect the pleasure in this case is rather derived from comparisons forming in one’s mind with allied structures. After having been so long employed in writing my old geological observations, it is delightful to use one’s eyes and fingers again.” It was, in fact, a return to * The reader unacquainted with Zoology will find some account of the more interesting results in Mr. Romanes’ article on “Charles Darwin” (‘Nature’ Series, 1882). f Vol. i. p. 3. 318 LIFE AT DOWN. .ETAT. 33-45. the work which occupied so much of his time when at sea during his voyage. His zoological notes of that period give an impression of vigorous work, hampered by ignorance and want of appliances ; and his untiring industry in the dissec- tion of marine animals, especially of Crustacea, must have been of value to him as training for his Cirripede work. Most of his work was done with the simple dissecting micro- scope—but it was the need which he found for higher powers that induced him, in 1846, to buy a compound microscope. He wrote to Hooker :—“ When I was drawing with L., I was so delighted with the appearance of the objects, especially with their perspective, as seen through the weak powers of a good compound microscope, that I am going to order one; indeed, I often have structures in which the 3V is not power enough.” During part of the time covered by the present chapter, my father suffered perhaps more from ill-health than at any other time of his life. He felt severely the depressing influ- ence of these long years of illness ; thus as early as 1840 he wrote to Fox : “ I am grown a dull, old, spiritless dog to what I used to be. One gets stupider as one grows older I think.” It is not wonderful that he should so have written, it is rather to be wondered at that his spirit withstood so great and constant a strain. He wrote to Sir J. D. Hooker in 1845 : “You are very kind in your enquiries about my health; I have nothing to say about it, being always much the same, some days better and some worse. I believe I have not had one whole day, or rather night, without my stomach having been greatly disordered, during the last three years, and most days great prostration of strength : thank you for your kindness; many of my friends, I believe, think me a hypochondriac.” Again, in 1849, he notes in his diary:—“January 1st to March 10th.—Health very bad, with much -sickness and fail- ure of power. Worked on all well days.” This was written just before his first visit to Dr. Gully’s Water-Cure Establish- ment at Malvern. In April of the same year he wrote :—“ I 1846.] BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 319 believe I am going on very well, but I am rather weary of my present inactive life, and the water-cure has the most extra- ordinary effect in producing indolence and stagnation of mind : till experiencing it, I could not have believed it possi- ble. I now increase in weight, have escaped sickness for thirty days.” He returned in June, after sixteen weeks’ ab- sence, much improved in health, and, as already described (p. 108), continued the water-cure at home for some time.] C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down [October, 1846]. My dear Hooker,—I have not heard from Sulivan * lately ; when he last wrote he named from 8th to 10th as the most likely time. Immediately that I hear, I will fly you a line, for the chance of your being able to come. I forget whether you know him, but I suppose so ; he is a real good fellow. Anyhow, if you do not come then, I am very glad that you propose coming soon after. . . . I am going to begin some papers on the lower marine animals, which will last me some months, perhaps a year, and then I shall begin looking over my ten-year-long accumu- lation of notes on species and varieties, which, with writ- ing, I dare say will take me five years, and then, when pub- lished, I dare say I shall stand infinitely low in the opinion of all sound Naturalists—so this is my prospect for the fu- ture. Are you a good hand at inventing names. I have a quite new and curious genus of Barnacle, which I want to name, and how to invent a name completely puzzles me. By the way, I have told you nothing about Southampton. We enjoyed (wife and myself) our week beyond measure : the papers were all dull, but I met so many friends and made so many new acquaintances (especially some of the Irish Naturalists), and took so many pleasant excursions. I * Admiral Sir B. J. Sulivan, formerly an officer of the Beagle. 320 LIFE AT DOWN. HiTAT. 33-45. [ 1847. wish you had been there. On Sunday we had so pleasant an excursion to Winchester with Falconer,* Colonel Sabine,\ and Dr. Robinson,J and others. I never enjoyed a day more in my life. I missed having a look at H. Watson.* I suppose you heard that he met Forbes and told him he had a severe article in the Press. I understood that Forbes explained to him that he had no cause to complain, but as the article was printed, he would not withdraw it, but offered it to Forbes for him to append notes to it, which Forbes naturally de- clined. ... C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, April 7th [1847 ?]. My dear Hooker,—I should have written before now, had I not been almost continually unwell, and at present I am suffering from four boils and swellings, one of which hardly allows me the use of my right arm, and has stopped all my work, and damped all my spirits. I was much disappointed at missing my trip to Kew, and the more so, as I had forgotten you would be away all this month ; but I had no choice, and was in bed nearly all Friday and Saturday. I congratulate * Hugh Falconer, born 1809, died 1865. Chiefly known as a palaeontol- ogist, although employed as a botanist during his whole career in India, where he was also a medical officer in H. E. I. C. Service ; he was super- intendent of the Company’s garden, first at Saharunpore, and then at Cal- cutta. He was one of the first botanical explorers of Kashmir. Falconer’s discoveries of Miocene mammalian remains in the Sewalik Hills, were, at the time, perhaps the greatest “finds” which had been made. His book on the subject, ‘ Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,’ remained unfinished at the time of his death. f The late Sir Edward Sabine, formerly President of the Royal Society, and author of a long series of memoirs on Terrestrial Magnetism. % The late Dr. Thomas Romney Robinson, of the Armagh Observa- tory. # The late Hewett Cottrell Watson, author of the ‘ Cybele Britannica,’ one of a most valuable series of works on the topography and geographical distribution of the plants of the British Islands. 1847-] THE POCKET ALMANACK. 321 you over your improved prospects about India,* but at the same time must sincerely groan over it. I shall feel quite lost without you to discuss many points with, and to point out (ill-luck to you) difficulties and objections to my species hy- potheses. It will be a horrid shame if money stops your expe- dition ; but Government will surely help you to some extent. . . . Your present trip, with your new views, amongst the coal-plants, will be very interesting. If you have spare time, but not without, I should enjoy having some news of your progress. Your present trip will work well in, if you go to any of the coal districts in India. Would this not be a good object to parade before Government; the utilitarian souls would comprehend this. By the way, I will get some work out of you, about the domestic races of animals in India. . . . C. Darwin to L. Jenyns (Blomefield). Down [1847J. Dear Jenyns,—I am very much obliged for the capital little Almanack ; f it so happened that I was wishing for one to keep in my portfolio. I had never seen this kind before, and shall certainly get one for the future. I think it is very amusing to have a list before one’s eyes of the order of ap- * Sir J. Hooker left England on November n, 1847, for his Hima- layan and Tibetan journey. The expedition was supported by a small grant from the Treasury, and thus assumed the character of a Government mission. f “ This letter relates to a small Almanack first published in 1843, under the name of ‘The Naturalists’ Pocket Almanack,’ by Mr. Van Voorst, and which I edited for him. It was intended especially for those who interest themselves in the periodic phenomena of animals and plants, of which a select list was given under each month of the year. “ The Pocket Almanack contained, moreover, miscellaneous informa- tion relating to Zoology and Botany ; to Natural History and other scien- tific societies ; to public Museums and Gardens, in addition to the ordi- nary celestial phenomena found in most other Almanacks. It continued to be issued till 1847, after which year the publication was abandoned.”— From a letter from Rev. L. Blomefield to F. Darwin. 322 LIFE AT DOWN. vETAT. 33-45. [1847. pearance of the plants and animals around one ; it gives a fresh interest to each fine day. There is one point I should like to see a little improved, viz., the correction for the clock at shorter intervals. Most people, I suspect, who like myself have dials, will wish to be more precise than with a margin of three minutes. I always buy a shilling almanack for this sole end. By the way, yours, i. e., Van Voorst’s Almanack, is very dear ; it ought, at least, to be advertised post-free for the shilling. Do you not think a table (not rules) of conver- sion of French into English measures, and perhaps weights, would be exceedingly useful; also centigrade into Fahren- heit,—magnifying powers according to focal distances?—in fact you might make it the most useful publication of the age. I know what I should like best of all, namely, current meteo- rological remarks for each month, with statement of average course of winds and prediction of weather, in accordance with movements of barometer. People, I think, are always amused at knowing the extremes and means of temperature for corresponding times in other years. I hope you will go on with it another year. With many thanks, my dear Jenyns, Yours very truly, Charles Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—I return with many thanks Watson’s letter, which I have had copied. It is a capital one, and I am extremely obliged to you for obtaining me such valuable information. Surely he is rather in a hurry when he says intermediate varieties must almost be necessarily rare, other- wise they would be taken as the types of the species; for he overlooks numerical frequency as an element. Surely if A, B, C were three varieties, and if A were a good deal the com- monest (therefore, also, first known), it would be taken as the type, without regarding whether B was quite intermediate or not,, or whether it was rare or not. What capital essays W. Down, Sunday [April 18th, 1847]. 1847-] H. C. WATSON. 323 would write ; but I suppose he has written a good deal in the ‘ Phytologist.’ You ought to encourage him to publish on variation ; it is a shame that such facts as those in his let- ter should remain unpublished. I must get you to introduce me to him ; would he be a good and sociable man for Drop- more ? * though if he comes, Forbes must not (and I think you talked of inviting Forbes), or we shall have a glorious bat- tle. I should like to see sometime the war correspondence. Have you the ‘ Phytologist,’ and could you sometime spare it ? I would go through it quickly. ... I have read your last five numbers,! and as usual have been much interested in several points, especially with your discussions on the beech and potato. I see you have introduced several sentences against us Transmutationists. I have also been looking through the latter volumes of the ‘ Annals of Natural History,’ and have read two such soulless, pompous papers of , quite worthy of the author .... The contrast of the papers in the Annals with those in the Annales is rather humiliating ; so many papers in the former, with short descriptions of species, with- out one word on their affinities, internal structure, range or habits. I am now reading , and I have picked out some things which have interested me; but he strikes me as rather dullish, and with all his Materia Medica smells of the doctor’s shop. I shall ever hate the name of the Materia Medica, since hearing Duncan’s lectures at eight o’clock on a winter’s morning—a whole, cold, breakfastless hour on the properties of rhubarb ! I hope your journey will be very prosperous. Believe me, my dear Hooker, Ever yours, C. Darwin. P.S.—I think I have only made one new acquaintance of late, that is, R. Chambers ; and I have just received a * A much enjoyed expedition made from Oxford—when the British Association met there in 1847. \ Of the Botany of Hooker’s ‘ Antarctic Voyage.’ 324 LIFE AT DOWN. /ETAT. 33-45. [1847. presentation copy of the sixth edition of the ‘ Vestiges.’ Some- how I now feel perfectly convinced he is the author. He is in France, and has written to me thence. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down [1847 ?]■ ... I am delighted to hear that Brongniart thought Sigillaria aquatic, and that Binney considers coal a sort of submarine peat. I would bet 5 to i that in twenty years this will be generally admitted; * and I do not care for whatever the botanical difficulties or impossibilities may be. If I could but persuade myself that Sigillaria and Co. had a good range of depth, i. e., could live from 5 to 100 fathoms under water, all difficulties of nearly all kinds would be removed (for the simple fact of muddy ordinary shallow sea implies proximity of land). [N.B.—I am chuckling to think how you are sneering all this time.] It is not much of a difficulty, there not being shells with the coal, considering how unfavourable deep mud is for most Mollusca, and that shells would probably decay from the humic acid, as seems to take place in peat and in the black moulds (as Lyell tells me) of the Mississippi. So coal question settled—Q. E. D. Sneer away ! Many thanks for your welcome note from Cambridge, and I am glad you like my alma mater, which I despise heartily as a place of education, but love from many most pleasant recollections. . . . Thanks for your offer of the ‘ Phvtologist; ’ I shall be very much obliged for it, for I do not suppose I should be able to borrow it from any other quarter. I will not be set up too much by your praise, but I do not believe I ever lost a book or forgot to return it during a long lapse of time. Your ‘Webb’ is well wrapped up, and with your name in large letters outside. My new microscope is come home (a “ splendid play- * An unfulfilled prophecy. 1847.] COAL. 325 thing,” as old R. Brown called it), and I am delighted with it; it really is a splendid plaything. I have been in London for three days, and saw many of our friends. I was ex- tremely sorry to hear a not very good account of Sir William. Farewell, my dear Hooker, and be a good boy, and make Sigillaria a submarine sea-weed. Ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to /. D. Hooker. Down [May 6th, 1847]. My dear Hooker,—You have made a savage onslaught, and I must try to defend myself. But, first, let me say that I never write to you except for my own good pleasure ; now I fear that you answer me when busy and without inclination (and I am sure I should have none if I was as busy as you). Pray do not do so, and if I thought my writing entailed an answer from you nolens volens, it would destroy all my pleas- ure in writing. Firstly, I did not consider my letter as reasoning, or even as speculation, but simply as mental rioting; and as I was sending Binney’s paper, I poured out to you the result of reading it. Secondly, you are right, indeed, in thinking me mad, if you suppose that I would class any ferns as marine plants ; but surely there is a wide distinction be- tween the plants found upright in the coal-beds and those not upright, and which might have been drifted. Is it not possible that the same circumstances which have preserved the vegetation in situ, should have preserved drifted plants ? I know Calamites is found upright; but I fancied its affini- ties were very obscure, like Sigillaria. As for Lepidoden- dron, I forgot its existence, as happens when one goes riot, and now know neither what it is, or whether upright. If these plants, i. e. Calamites and Lepidodendron, have very clear relations to terrestrial vegetables, like the ferns have, and are found upright in situ, of course I must give up the ghost. But surely Sigillaria is the main upright plant, and on its obscure affinities I have heard you enlarge. 326 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45. [1847. Thirdly, it never entered my head to undervalue botanical relatively to zoological evidence ; except in so far as I thought it was admitted that the vegetative structure seldom yielded any evidence of affinity nearer than that of families, and not always so much. And is it not in plants, as certainly it is in animals, dangerous to judge of habits without very near affinity. Could a Botanist tell from structure alone that the Mangrove family, almost or quite alone in Dicotyledons, could live in the sea, and the Zostera family almost alone among the Monocotyledons ? Is it a safe argument, that be- cause algae are almost the only, or the only submerged sea- plants, that formerly other groups had not members with such habits? With animals such an argument would not be conclusive, as I could illustrate by many examples; but I am forgetting myself ; I want only to some degree to defend my- self, and not burn my fingers by attacking you. The founda- tion of my letter, and what is my deliberate opinion, though I dare say you will think it absurd, is that I would rather trust, cceteris paribus, pure geological evidence than either zoological or botanical evidence. I do not say that I would sooner trust poor geological evidence than good organic. I think the basis of pure geological reasoning is simpler (consisting chiefly of the action of water on the crust of the earth, and its up and down movements) than a basis drawn from the difficult sub- ject of affinities and of structure in relatio” to habits. I can hardly analyze the facts on which I have come to this con- clusion ; but I can illustrate it. Pallas’s account would lead any one to suppose that the Siberian strata, with the frozen carcasses, had been quickly deposited, and hence that the embedded animals had lived in the neighbourhood ; but our zoological knowledge of thirty years ago led every one falsely to reject this conclusion. Tell me that an upright fern in situ occurs with Sigillana and Stigmaria, or that the affinities of Calamites and Lepido- dendron (supposing that they are found in situ with Sigillaria) are so clear, that they could not have been marine, like, but in a greater degree, than the mangrove and sea-wrack, and I i847.] COAL. 327 will humbly apologise to you and all Botanists for having let my mind run riot on a subject on which assuredly I know nothing. But till I hear this, I shall keep privately to my own opinion with the same pertinacity and, as you will think, with the same philosophical spirit with which Koenig main- tains that Cheirotherium-footsteps are fuci. Whether this letter will sink me still lower in your opinion, or put me a little right, I know not, but hope the latter. Any- how, I have revenged myself with boring you with a very long epistle. Farewell, and be forgiving. Ever yours, C. Darwin. P.S.—When will you return to Kew ? I have forgotten one main object of my letter, to thank you much for your offer of the ‘ Hort. Journal,’ but I have ordered the two numbers. [The two following extracts [1847] give the continuation and conclusion of the coal battle. “ By the way, as submarine coal made you so wrath, I thought I would experimentise on Falconer and Bunbury* together, and it made [them] even more savage ; ‘ such infer- nal nonsense ought to be thrashed out of me.’ Bunbury was more polite and contemptuous. So I now know how to stir up and show off any Botanist. I wonder whether Zoologists and Geologists have got their tender points ; I wish I could find out.” “ I cannot resist thanking you for your most kind note. Pray do not think that I was annoyed by your letter : I per- ceived that you had been thinking with animation, and ac- cordingly expressed yourself strongly, and so I understood it. Forfend me from a man who weighs every expression with Scotch prudence. I heartily wish you all success in your noble problem, and I shall be very curious to have some talk with you and hear your ultimatum.”] * The late Sir C. Bunbury, well known as a palaeobotanist, 328 LIFE AT DOWN. ,ETAT. 33-45. Li 847. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker * Down [October, 1847]. I congratulate you heartily on your arrangements being completed, with some prospect for the future. It will be a noble voyage and journey, but I wish it was over, I shall miss you selfishly and all ways to a dreadful extent ... I am in great perplexity how we are to meet ... I can well under- stand how dreadfully busy you must be. If you cannot come here, you must let me come to you for a night; for I must have one more chat and one more quarrel with you over the coal. By the way, I endeavoured to stir up Lyell (who has been staying here some days with me) to theorise on the coal: his oolitic upright Equisetums are dreadful for my submarine flora. I should die much easier if some one would solve me the coal question. I sometimes think it could not have been formed at all. Old Sir Anthony Carlisle once said to me gravely, that he supposed Megatherium and such cattle were just sent down from heaven to see whether the earth would support them; and I suppose the coal was rained down to puzzle mortals. You must work the coal well in India. Ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—I have just received your note with sincere grief : there is no help for it. I shall always look at your intention of coming here, under such circumstances, as the greatest proof of friendship I ever received from mortal man. My conscience would have upbraided me in not hav- ing come to you on Thursday, but, as it turned out, I could not, for I was quite unable to leave Shrewsbury before that [November 6th, 1847.] * Parts of two letters. 1847-] GLEN ROY. 329 day, and I reached home only last night, much knocked up. Without I hear to-morrow (which is hardly possible), and if I am feeling pretty well, I will drive over to Kew on Monday morning, just to say farewell. I will stay only an hour. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—I am very unwell, and incapable of doing anything. I do hope I have not inconvenienced you. I was so unwell all yesterday, that I was rejoicing you were not here; for it would have been a bitter mortification to me to have had you here and not enjoyed your last day. I shall not now see you. Farewell, and God bless you. Your affectionate friend, C. Darwin. [November, 1847.] I will write to you in India. [In 1847 appeared a paper by Mr. D. Milne,* in which my father’s Glen Roy work is criticised, and which is referred to in the following characteristic extract from a letter to Sir J. Hooker:] “ I have been bad enough for these few last days, having had to think and write too much about Glen Roy. . . . Mr. Milne having attacked my theory, which made me horri- bly sick.” I have not been able to find any published reply to Mr. Milne, so that I imagine the “writing” mentioned was confined to letters. Mr. Milne’s paper was not destructive to the Glen Roy paper, and this my father recognises in the following extract from a letter to Lyell (March, 1847). The reference to Chambers is explained by the fact that he ac- companied Mr. Milne in his visit to Glen Roy. “ I got R. Chambers to give me a sketch of Milne’s Glen Roy views, and I have re-read my paper, and am, now that I have heard what is to be said, not even staggered*. It is provoking and humiliating to find that Chambers not only had not read * Now Mr. Milne Home. The essay was published in Transactions of the Edinburgh Royal Society, vol. xvi. 330 LIFE AT DOWN. yETAT. 33-45. [1847. with any care my paper on this subject, or even looked at the coloured map, so that the new shelf described by me had not been searched for, and my arguments and facts of detail not in the least attended to. I entirely gave up the ghost, and was quite chicken-hearted at the Geological Society, till you reassured and reminded me of the main facts in the whole case.” The two following letters to Lyell, though of later date (June, 1848), bear on the same subject:— “ I was at the evening meeting [of the Geological Society], but did not get within hail of you. What a fool (though I must say a very amusing one) did make of himself. Your speech was refreshing after it, and was well characterized by Fox (my cousin) in three words—‘ What a contrast! ’ That struck me as a capital speculation about the Wealden Conti- nent going down. I did not hear what you settled at the Council; I was quite wearied out and bewildered. I find Smith, of Jordan Hill, has a much worse opinion of R. Chambers’s book than even I have. Chambers has piqued me a little; * he says I ‘ propound ’ and ‘ profess my belief ’ that Glen Roy is marine, and that the idea was accepted because the ‘ mo- bility of the land was the ascendant idea of the day.’ He adds some very faint upper lines in Glen Spean (seen, by the way, by Agassiz), and has shown that Milne and Kemp are right in there being horizontal aqueous markings (not at co- incident levels with those of Glen Roy) in other parts of Scotland at great heights, and he adds several other cases. This is the whole of his addition to the data. He not only takes my line of argument from the buttresses and terraces below the lower shelf and some other arguments (without acknowledgment), but he sneers at all his predecessors not having perceived the importance of the short portions of lines intermediate between the chief ones in Glen Roy; whereas * ‘ Ancient Sea Margins, 1848.’ The words quoted by my father should be “ the mobility of the land was an ascendant idea.” 1848.] ROBERT CHAMBERS. 331 I commence the description of them with saying, that ‘ per- ceiving their importance, I examined them with scrupulous care,’ and expatiate at considerable length on them. I have indirectly told him I do not think he has quite claims to consider that he alone (which he pretty directly asserts) has solved the problem of Glen Roy. With respect to the ter- races at lower levels coincident in height all round Scotland and England, I am inclined to believe he shows some little probability of there being some leading ones coincident, but much more exact evidence is required. Would you believe it credible ? he advances as a probable solution to account for the rise of Great Britain that in some great ocean one- twentieth of the bottom of the whole aqueous surface of the globe has sunk in (he does not say where he puts it) for a thickness of half a mile, and this he has calculated would make an apparent rise of 130 feet.” C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Dowft [June, 1848]. My dear Lyell,—Out of justice to Chambers I must trouble you with one line to say, as far as I am personally concerned in Glen Roy, he has made the amende honorable, and pleads guilty through inadvertency of taking my two lines of arguments and facts without acknowledgment. He concluded by saying he “came to the same point by an in- dependent course of inquiry, which in a small degree excuses this inadvertency.” His letter altogether shows a very good disposition, and says he is “ much gratified with the measured approbation which you bestow, &c.” I am heartily glad I was able to say in truth that I thought he had done good service in calling more attention to the subject of the ter- races. He protests it is unfair to call the sinking of the sea his theory, for that he with care always speaks of mere change of level, and this is quite true ; but the one section in which he shows how he conceives the sea might sink is so aston- ishing, that I believe it will with others, as with me, more than 332 LIFE AT DOWN. Hi TAT. 33-45. [1848. counterbalance his previous caution. I hope that you may think better of the book than I do. Yours most truly, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. October 6th, 1848. ... I have lately been trying to get up an agitation (but I shall not succeed, and indeed doubt whether I have time and strength to go on with it), against the practice of Natu- ralists appending for perpetuity the name of the first describer to species. I look at this as a direct premium to hasty work, to naming instead of describing. A species ought to have a name so well known that the addition of the author’s name wrould be superfluous, and a [piece] of empty vanity.* At present, it would not do to give mere specific names; but I think Zoologists might open the road to the omission, by referring to good systematic writers instead of to first de- scribes. Botany, I fancy, has not suffered so much as Zoology from mere naming; the characters, fortunately, are * His contempt for the setf-regarding spirit in a naturalist is illustrated by an anecdote, for which I am indebted to Rev. L. Blomefield. After speaking of my father’s love of Entomology at Cambridge, Mr. Blomefield continues :—“ He occasionally came over from Cambridge to my Vicarage at Swaffham Bulbeck, and we went out together to collect insects in the woods at Bottisham Hall, close at hand, or made longer excursions in the Fens. On one occasion he captured in a large bag net, with which he used vigorously to sweep the weeds and long grass, a rare coleopterous insect, one of the Lepturidce, which I myself had never taken in Cambridgeshire. He was pleased with his capture, and of course carried it home in triumph. Some years afterwards, the voyage of the Beagle having been made in the interim, talking over old times with him, I reverted to this circumstance, and asked if he remembered it. ‘ Oh yes,’ (he said,) ‘I remember it well; and I was selfish enough to keep the specimen, when you were collecting materials for a Fauna of Cambridgeshire, and for a local museum in the Philosophical Society.’ He followed this up with some remarks on the pet- tiness of collectors, who aimed at nothing beyond filling their cabinets with rare things.” 1849.] NOMENCLATURE. 333 more obscure. Have you ever thought on this point ? Why should Naturalists append their own names to new species, when Mineralogists and Chemists do not do so to new sub- stances ? When you write to Falconer pray remember me affectionately to him. I grieve most sincerely to hear that he has been ill. My dear Hooker, God bless you, and fare you well. Your sincere friend, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to Hugh Strickland'* Down, Jan. 29th [1849J. .... What a labour you have undertaken ; I do honour your devoted zeal in the good cause of Natural Science. Do you happen to have a spare copy of the Nomenclature rules published in the ‘ British Association Transactions ?’if you * Hugh Edwin Strickland, M. A., F. R. S., was born 2nd of March, 1811, and educated at Rugby, under Arnold, and at Oriel College, Oxford. In 1835 and 1836 he travelled through Europe to the Levant with W. J. Hamilton, the geologist, wintering in Asia Minor. In 1S41 he brought the subject of Natural History Nomenclature before the British Associa- tion, and prepared the Code of Rules for Zoological Nomenclature, now known by his name—the principles of which are very generally adopted. In 1843 he was one of the founders (if not the original projector) of the Ray Society. In 1845 he married the second daughter of Sir William Jardine, Bart. In 1850 he was appointed, in consequence of Buckland’s illness, Deputy Reader in Geology at Oxford. His promising career was suddenly cut short on September 14, 1853, when, while geologizing in a railway cutting between Retford and Gainsborough, he was run over by a train and instantly killed. A memoir of him and a reprint of his principal contributions to journals was published by Sir William Jardine in 1858 ; but he was also the author of ‘ The Dodo and its Kindred’ (1848) ; ‘ Bibli- ographia Zoologiae’ (the latter in conjunction with Louis Agassiz, and issued by the Ray Society) ; ‘ Ornithological Synonyms ’ (one volume only published, and that posthumously). A catalogue of his ornithological col- lection, given by his widow to the University of Cambridge, was compiled by Mr. Salvin, and published in 1882. (I am indebted to Prof. Newton for the above note.) 334 LIFE AT DOWN. yETAT. 33-45. [1249- have, and would give it to me, I should be truly obliged, for I grudge buying the volume for it. I have found the rules very useful, it is quite a comfort to have something to rest on in the turbulent ocean of nomenclature (and am accordingly grateful to you), though I find it very difficult to obey always. Here is a case (and I think it should have been noticed in the rules), Coronula, Cineras and Otion, are names adopted by Cuvier, Lamarck, Owen, and almost every well-known writer, but I find that all three names were anticipated by a German : now I believe if I were to follow the strict rule of priority, more harm would be done than good, and more especially as I feel sure that the newly fished-up names would not be adopted. I have almost made up my mind to reject the rule of priority in this case ; would you grudge the trouble to send me your opinion ? I have been led of late to reflect much on the subject of naming, and I have come to a fixed opinion that the plan of the first describer’s name, being appended for perpetuity to a species, had been the greatest curse to Natural History. Some months since, I wrote out the en- closed badly drawn-up paper, thinking that perhaps I would agitate the subject; but the fit has passed, and I do not sup- pose I ever shall; I send it you for the chance of your caring to see my notions. I have been surprised to find in con- versation that several naturalist were of nearly my way of thinking. I feel sure as long as species-mongers have their vanity tickled by seeing their own names appended to a species, because they miserably described it in two or three lines, we shall have the same vast amount of bad work as at present, and which is enough to dishearten any man who is willing to work out any branch with care and time. I find every genus of Cirripedia has half-a-dozen names, and not one careful description of any one species in any one genus. I do not believe that this would have been the case if each man knew that the memory of his own name depended on his doing his work well, and not upon merely appending a name with a few wretched lines indicating only a few prominent external characters. But I will not weary you with any 1849.] NOMENCLATURE. 335 longer tirade. Read my paper or not, just as you like, and return it whenever you please. Yours most sincerely, C. Darwin. Hugh Strickland to C. Darwin. The Lodge, Tewkesbury, Jan. 31st, 1849. .... I have next to notice your second objection—that retaining the name of the first describer in perpetuum along with that of the species, is a premium on hasty and careless work. This is quite a different question from that of the law of priority itself, and it never occurred to me before, though it seems highly probable that the general recognition of that law may produce such a result. We must try to conteract this evil in some other way. The object of appending the name of a man to the name of a species is not to gratify the vanity of the man, but to in- dicate more precisely the species. Sometimes two men will, by accident, give the same name (independently) to two spe- cies of the same genus. More frequently a later author will misapply the specific name of an older one. Thus the Helix putris of Montagu is not H. putris of Linnseus, though Mon- tague supposed it to be so. In such a case we cannot define the species by Helix putris alone, but must append the name of the author whom we quote. But when a species has never borne but one name (as Corvus frugilegus\ and no other spe- cies of Corvus has borne the same name, it is, of course, un- necessary to add the author’s name. Yet even here I like the form Corvus frugilegus, Linn., as it reminds us that this is one of the old species, long known, and to be found in the ‘Systema Naturae,’ &c. I fear, therefore, that (at least until our nomenclature is more definitely settled) it will be impos- sible to indicate species with scientific accuracy, without add- ing the name of their first author. You may, indeed, do it as you propose, by saying in Lam. An. Lnveri., &c, but then this would be incompatible with the law of priority, for where 336 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45. [1849. Lamarck has violated that law, one cannot adopt his name. It is, nevertheless, highly conducive to accurate indication to append to the (oldest) specific name one good reference to a standard work, especially to a figure, with an accompanying synonym if necessary. This method may be cumbrous, but cumbrousness is a far less evil than uncertainty. It, moreover, seems hardly possible to carry out the priority principle, without the historical aid afforded by ap- pending the author’s name to the specific one. If I, a priority man, called a species C. D., it implies that C. D. is the oldest name that I know of ; but in order that you and others may judge of the propriety of that name, you must ascertain when, and by whom, the name was first coined. Now, if to the specific name C. D., I append the name A. B., of its first describer, I at once furnish you with the clue to the dates when, and the book in which, this description was given, and I thus assist you in determining whether C. D. be really the oldest, and therefore the correct, designation. I do, however, admit that the priority principle (excellent as it is) has a tendency, when the author’s name is added, to encourage vanity and slovenly work. I think, however, that much might be done to discourage those obscure and unsatis- factory definitions of which you so justly complain, by writing down the practice. Let the better disposed naturalists com- bine to make a formal protest against all vague, loose, and inadequate definitions of (supposed) new species. Let a committee (say of the British Association) be appointed to prepare a sort of Class List of the various modern works in which new species are described, arranged in order of merit. The lowest class would contain the worst examples of the kind, and their authors would thus be exposed to the obloquy which they deserve, and be gibbeted in terrorem for the edifi- cation of those who may come after. I have thus candidly stated my views (I hope intelligibly) of what seems best to be done in the present transitional and dangerous state of systematic zoology. Innumerable labour- ers, many of them crotchety and half-educated, are rushing 1849] NOMENCLATURE. 337 into the field, and it depends, I think, on the present genera- tion whether the science is to descend to posterity a chaotic mass, or possessed of some traces of law and organisation. If we could only get a congress of deputies from the chief scien- tific bodies of Europe and America, something might be done, but, as the case stands, I confess I do not clearly see my way, beyond humbly endeavouring to reform Number One. Yours ever, H. E. Strickland. C. Darwin to Hugh Strickland. Down, Sunday [Feb. 4th, 1849], My dear Strickland,—I am, in truth, greatly obliged to you for your long, most interesting, and clear letter, and the Report. I will consider your arguments, which are of the greatest weight, but I confess I cannot yet bring myself to reject very well-known names, not in one country, but over the world, for obscure ones,—simply on the ground that I do not believe I should be followed. Pray believe that I should break the law of priority only in rare cases ; will you read the enclosed (and return it), and tell me whether it does not stagger you ? (N. B. I promise that I will not give you any more trouble.) I want simple answers, and not for you to waste your time in reasons ; I am curious for your answer in regard to Balanus. I put the case of Otion, &c., to W. Thompson, who is fierce for the law of priority, and he gave it up in such well-known names. I am in a perfect maze of doubt on nomenclature. In not one large genus of Cirripedia has any one species been correctly defined ; it is pure guess- work (being guided by range and commonness and habits) to recognise any species : thus I can make out, from plates or descriptions, hardly any of the British sessile cirripedes. I cannot bear to give new names to all the species, and yet I shall perhaps do wrong to attach old names by little better than guess ; I cannot at present tell the least which of two species all writers have meant by the common Anatifera 338 LIFE AT DOWN. yETAT. 33-45. 11849. Icevis ; I have, therefore, given that name to the one which is rather the commonest. Literally, not one species is properly defined ; not one naturalist has ever taken the trouble to open the shell of any species to describe it scientifically, and yet all the genera have half-a-dozen synonyms. For argument's sake, suppose I do my work thoroughly well, any one who happens to have the original specimens named, I will say by Chenu, who has figured and named hundreds of species, will be able to upset all my names according to the law of priority (for he may maintain his descriptions are sufficient), do you think it advantageous to science that this should be done : I thinl; not, and that convenience and high merit (here put as mere argument) had better come into some play. The subject is heart-breaking. I hope you will occasionally turn in your mind my argu- ment of the evil done by the “ mihi ” attached to specific names ; I can most clearly see the excessive evil it has caused ; in mineralogy I have myself found there is no rage to merely name ; a person does not take up the subject without he in- tends to work it out, as he knows that his only claim to merit rests on his work being ably done, and has no relation what- ever to naming. I give up one point, and grant that reference to first describer’s name should be given in all systematic works, but I think something would be gained if a reference was given without the author’s name being actually appended as part of the binomial name, and I think, except in sys- tematic works, a reference, such as I propose, would damp vanity much. I think a very wrong spirit runs through all Natural History, as if some merit was due to a man for merely naming and defining a species ; I think scarcely any, or none, is due; if he works out minutely and anatomically any one species, or systematically a whole group, credit is due, but I must think the mere defining a species is nothing, and that no injustice is done him if it be overlooked, though a great inconvenience to Natural History is thus caused. I do not think more credit is due to a man for defining a species, than to a carpenter for making a box. But I am foolish and rabid 1849.] NOMENCLATURE. 339 against species-mongers, or rather against their vanity ; it is useful and necessary work which must be done ; but they act as if they had actually made the species, and it was their own property. I use Agassiz’s nomenclator ; at least two-thirds of the dates in the Cirripedia are grossly wrong. I shall do what I can in fossil Cirripedia, and should be very grateful for specimens ; but I do not believe that species (and hardly genera) can be denned by single valves ; as in every recent species yet examined their forms vary greatly : to describe a species by valves alone, is the same as to de- scribe a crab from small portions of its carapace alone, these portions being highly variable, and not, as in Crustacea, modelled over viscera. I sincerely apologise for the trouble which I have given you, but indeed I will give no more. Yours most sincerely, C. Darwin. P. S.—In conversation I found Owen and Andrew Smith much inclined to throw over the practice of attaching au- thors’ names ; I believe if I agitated I could get a large party to join. W. Thompson agreed some way with me, but was not prepared to go nearly as far as I am. C. Darwin to Hugh Strickland. Down, Feb. ioth [1849]. My dear Strickland,—I have again to thank you cor- dially for your letter. Your remarks shall fructify to some extent, and I will try to be more faithful to rigid virtue and priority ; but as for calling Balanus “ Lepas ” (which I did not think of), I cannot do it, my pen won’t write it—it is im- possible. I have great hopes some of my difficulties will dis- appear, owing to wrong dates in Agassiz, and to my having to run several genera into one, for I have as yet gone, in but few cases, to original sources. With respect to adopting my 340 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45. 1x849- own notions in my Cirripedia book, I should r.ot like to do so without I found others approved, and in some public way—nor, indeed, is it well adapted, as I can never recog- nise a species without I have the original specimen, which, fortunately, I have in many cases in the British Museum. Thus far I mean to adopt my notion, as never putting mihi or “ Darwin ” after my own species, and in the anatomical text giving no authors’ names at all, as the systematic Part will serve for those who want to know the History of a species as far as I can imperfectly work it out. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. [The Lodge, Malvern, March 28th, 1849.] My dear Hooker,—Your letter of the 13th of October has remained unanswered till this day! What an ungrateful return for a letter which interested me so much, and which contained so much and curious information. But I have had a bad winter. On the 13th of November, my poor dear father died, and no one who did not know him would believe that a man above eighty-three years old could have retained so tender and affectionate a disposition, with all his sagacity unclouded to the last. I was at the time so unwell, that I was unable to travel, which added to my misery. Indeed, all this winter I have been bad enough . . . and my nervous system began to be affected, so that my hands trembled,, and head was often swimming. I was not able to do anything one day out of three, and was altogether too dispirited to write to you, or to do anything but what I was compelled. I thought I was rapidly going the way of all flesh. Having heard, accident- ally, of two persons who had received much benefit from the water-cure, I got Dr. Gully’s book, and made further en- quiries, and at last started here, with wife, children, and all our servants. We have taken a house for two months, and have been here a fortnight. I am already a little stronger, 1849.] HOMOEOPATHY. 341 . . . Dr. GulJy feels pretty sure he can do me good, which most certainly the regular doctors could not. ... I feel cer- tain that the water-cure is no quackery. How I shall enjoy getting back to Down with renovated health, if such is to be my good fortune, and resuming the beloved Barnacles. Now I hope that you will forgive me for my negligence in not having sooner answered your letter. I was uncommonly interested by the sketch you give of your intended grand expedition, from which I suppose you will soon be returning. How earnestly I hope that it may prove in every way successful. . . . [When my father was at the Water-cure Establishment at Malvern he was brought into contact with clairvoyance, of which he writes in the following extract from a letter to Fox, September, 1850. “You speak about Homoeopathy, which is a subject which makes me more wrath, even than does Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance so transcends belief, that one’s ordinary facul- ties are put out of the question, but in homoeopathy common sense and common observation come into play, and both these must go to the dogs, if the infinitesimal doses have any effect whatever. How true is a remark I saw the other day by Quetelet, in respect to evidence of curative processes, viz., that no one knows in disease what is the simple result of nothing being done, as a standard with which to compare homoeopathy, and all other such things. It is a sad flaw, I cannot but think, in my beloved Dr. Gully, that he believes in everything. When Miss was very ill, he had a clair- voyant girl to report on internal changes, a mesmerist to put her to sleep—an homoeopathist, viz. Dr. , and himself as hydropathist ! and the girl recovered.” A passage out of an earlier letter to Fox (December, 1844) shows that he was equally sceptical on the subject of mesmerism: “With respect to mesmerism, the whole country resounds with wonderful facts or tales ... I have just heard 342 LIFE AT DOWN. 33-45. [1849- of a child, three or four years old (whose parents and self I well knew) mesmerised by his father, which is the first fact which has staggered me. I shall not believe fully till I see or hear from good evidence of animals (as has been stated is possible) not drugged, being put to stupor; of course the im- possibility would not prove mesmerism false ; but it is the only clear experimentuni cruris, and I am astonished it has not been systematically tried. If mesmerism was investi- gated, like a science, this could not have been left till the present day to be done satisfactorily, as it has been I believe left. Keep some cats yourself, and do get some mesmeriser to attempt it. One man told me he had succeeded, but his experiments were most vague, as was likely from a man who said cats were more easily done than other animals, because they were so electrical ! ”] C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down, December 4th [1849]. My dear Lyell,—This letter requires no answer, and I write from exuberance of vanity. Dana has sent me the Geology of the United States Expedition, and I have just read the Coral part. To begin with a modest speech, I am astonished at my own accuracy ! ! If I were to rewrite now my Coral book there is hardly a sentence I should have to alter, except that I ought to have attributed more effect to recent volcanic action in checking growth of coral. When I say all this I ought to add that the consequences of the theory on areas of subsidence are treated in a separate chapter to which I have not come, and in this, I suspect, we shall differ more. Dana talks of agreeing with my theory in most points ; I can find out not one in which he differs. Considering how in- finitely more he saw of Coral Reefs than I did, this is won- derfully satisfactory to me. He treats me most courteously. There now, my vanity is pretty well satisfied. . . 1849.] GEOLOGY. 343 C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Malvern, April gth, 1849. My dear Hooker,—The very next morning after posting my last letter (I think on 23rd of March), I received your two interesting gossipaceous and geological letters; and the latter I have since exchanged with Lyell for his. I will write higglety-pigglety just as subjects occur. I saw the Review in the ‘ Athenaeum,’ it was written in an ill-natured spirit; but the whole virus consisted in saying that there was not novelty enough in your remarks for publication. No one, nowadays, cares for reviews. I may just mention that my Journal got some real good abuse, “ presumption,” &c.—ended with saying that the volume appeared “ made up of the scraps and rub- bish of the author’s portfolio.” I most truly enter into what you say, and quite believe you that you care only for the re- view with respect to your father; and that this alone would make you like to see extracts from your letters more properly noticed in this same periodical. I have considered to the very best of my judgment whether any portion of your present letters are adapted for the ‘ Athenaeum ’ (in which I have no interest; the beasts not having even noticed my three geologi- cal volumes which I had sent to them), and I have come to the conclusion it is better not to send them. I feel sure, considering all the circumstances, that without you took pains and wrote with care, a condensed and finished sketch of some striking feature in your travels, it is better not to send any- thing. These two letters are, moreover, rather too geologi- cal for the ‘ Athenaeum,’ and almost require woodcuts. On the other hand, there are hardly enough details for a commu- nication to the Geological Society. I have not the smallest doubt that your facts are of the highest interest with regard to glacial action in the Himalaya; but it struck both Lyell and myself that your evidence ought to have been given more distinctly. . . . I have written so lately that I have nothing to say about myself; my health prevented me going on with a crusade 344 LIFE AT DOWN. ,ETAT. 33-45. [1849. against “mihi ” and “nobis,” of which you warn me of the dangers. I showed my paper to three or four Naturalists, and they all agreed with me to a certain extent : with health and vigour, I would not have shown a white feather, [and] with aid of half-a-dozen really good Naturalists, I believe something might have been done against the miserable and degrading passion of mere species naming. In your letter you wonder what “ Ornamental Poultry ” has to do with Barnacles ; but do not flatter yourself that I shall not yet live to finish the Barnacles, and then make a fool of myself on the subject of species, under which head ornamental Poultry are very interesting. ... , C. Darwin to C. Lyell. ... I have got your book,* and have read all the first and a small part of the second volume (reading is the hardest work allowed here), and greatly I have been interested by it. It makes me long to be a Yankee. E. desires me to say that she quite “ gloated ” over the truth of your remarks on re- ligious progress ... I delight to think how you will disgust some of the bigots and educational dons. As yet there has not been much Geology or Natural History, for which I hope you feel a little ashamed. Your remarks on all social subjects strike me as worthy of the author of the ‘Principles.’ And yet (I know it is prejudice and pride) if I had written the Principles, I never would have written any travels; but I believe I am more jealous about the honour and glory of the Principles than you are yourself. . . . The Lodge, Malvern [June, 1849]. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. September 14th, 1849. . . . I go on with my aqueous processes, and very steadily but slowly gain health and strength. Against all rules, I dined * ‘A Second Visit to the United States.’ 1849.] LORD STANHOPE. 345 at Chevening with Lord Mahon, who did me the great honour of calling on me, and how he heard of me I can’t guess. I was charmed with Lady Mahon, and any one might have been proud at the pieces of agreeableness which came from her beautiful lips with respect to you. I like old Lord Stanhope very much ; though he abused Geology and Zoology heartily. “To suppose that the Omnipotent God made a world, found it a failure, and broke it up, and then made it again, and again broke it up, as the Geologists say, is all fiddld faddle. Describing Species of birds and shells, &c., is all fiddle faddle. ...” I am heartily glad we shall meet at Birmingham, as I trust we shall, if my health will but keep up. I work now every day at the Cirripedia for 2j hours, and so get on a little, but very slowly. I sometimes, after being a whole week employed and having described perhaps only two species, agree men- tally with Lord Stanhope, that it is all fiddle faddle ; how- ever, the other day I got a curious case of a unisexual, instead of hermaphrodite cirripede, in which the female had the com- mon cirripedial character, and in two valves of her shell had two little pockets, in each of which she kept a little husband ; I do not know of any other case where a female invariably has two husbands. I have one still odder fact, common to several species, namely, that though they are hermaphrodite, they have small additional, or as I shall call them, complemental males, one specimen itself hermaphrodite had no less than seven, of these complemental males attached to it. Truly the schemes and wonders of Nature are illimitable. But I am running on as badly about my cirripedia as about Geology; it makes me groan to think that probably I shall never again have the exquisite pleasure of making out some new district, of evolving geological light out of some troubled dark region. So I must make the best of my Cirripedia. . . . 346 LIFE AT DOWN. y£TAT. 33-45. [1849. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. ... By the way, one of the pleasantest parts of the Brit- ish Association was my journey down to Birmingham with Mrs. Sabine, Mrs. Reeve, and the Colonel ; also Col. Sykes and Porter. Mrs. Sabine and myself agreed wonderfully on many points, and in none more sincerely than about you. We spoke about your letters from the Erebus ; and she quite agreed with me, that you and the author* of the description of the cattle hunting in the Falklands, would have made a capital book together ! A very nice woman she is, and so is her sharp and sagacious mother. . . . Birmingham was very flat compared to Oxford, though I had my wife with me. We saw a good deal of the Lyells and Horners and Robinsons (the President) ; but the place was dismal, and I was pre- vented, by being unwell, from going to Warwick, though that, i. e., the party, by all accounts, was wonderfully inferior to Blenheim, not to say anything of that heavenly day at Drop- more. One gets weary of all the spouting. . . . You ask about my cold-water cure; I am going on very well, and am certainly a little better every month, my nights mend much slower than my days. I have built a douche, and am to go on through all the winter, frost or no frost. My treatment now is lamp five times per week, and shallow bath for five minutes afterwards ; douche daily for five minutes, and dripping sheet daily. The treatment is wonderfully tonic, and I have had more better consecutive days this month than on any previous ones. ... I am allowed to work now two and a half hours daily, and I find it as much as I can do; for the cold-water cure, together with three short walks, is curiously exhausting ; and I am actually forced to go to bed at eight o’clock completely tired. I steadily gain in weight, Down, October 12th, 1849. * Sir J. Hooker wrote the spirited description of cattle hunting in Sir J. Ross’s ‘ Voyage of Discovery in the Southern Regions,’ 1847, vol. ii., P. 245. 1849.] WATER-CURE. 347 and eat immensely, and am never oppressed with my food. I have lost the involuntary twitching of the muscle, and all the fainting feelings, &c —black spots before eyes, &c. Dr. Gully thinks he shall quite cure me in six or nine months more. The greatest bore, which I find in the water-cure, is the having been compelled to give up all reading, except the newspapers ; for my daily two and a half hours at the Bar- nacles is fully as much as I can do of anything which occu- pies the mind ; I am consequently terribly behind in all sci- entific books. I have of late been at work at mere species describing, which is much more difficult than I expected, and has much the same sort of interest as a puzzle has ; but I confess I often feel wearied with the work, and cannot help sometimes asking myself what is the good of spending a week or fortnight in ascertaining that certain just perceptible dif- ferences blend together and constitute varieties and not species. As long as I am on anatomy I never feel myself in that disgusting, horrid, cui bono, inquiring, humour. What miserable work, again, it is searching for priority of names. I have just finished two species, which possess seven generic, and twenty-four specific names! My chief comfort is, that the work must be sometime done, and I may as well do it, as any one else. I have given up my agitation against mihi and nobis j my paper is too long to send to you, so you must see it, if you care to do so, on your return. By-the-way, you say in your letter that you care more for my species work than for the Barnacles ; now this is too bad of you, for I declare your decided approval of my plain Barnacle work over theoretic species work, had very great influence in deciding me to go on with the former, and defer my species paper. . . . [The following letter refers to the death of his little daughter, which took place at Malvern on April 24, 1851 :] 348 LIFE AT DOWN. MTAT. 33-45. [1851. C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. Down, April 29th [1851]. My dear Fox,—I do not suppose you will have heard of our bitter and cruel loss. Poor dear little Annie, when going on verv well at Malvern, was taken with a vomiting attack, which was at first thought of the smallest importance; but it rapidly assumed the form of a low and dreadful fever, which carried her off in ten days. Thank God, she suffered hardly at all, and expired as tranquilly as a little angel. Our only consolation is that she passed a short, though joyous life. She was my favourite child ; her cordiality, openness, buoyant joyousness and strong affections made her most lovable. Poor dear little soul. Well it is all over. . . . C. Darwin to W. D. Fox, Down, March 7th [1852]. My dear Fox,—It is indeed an age since we have had any communication, and very glad I was to receive your note. Our long silence occurred to me a few weeks since, and I had then thought of writing, but was idle. I congratulate and condole with you on your tenth child ; but please to observe when I have a tenth, send only condolences to me. We have now seven children, all well, thank God, as well as their mother ; of these seven, five are boys; and my father used to say that it was certain that a boy gave as much trouble as three girls ; so that bond fide we have seventeen children. It makes me sick whenever I think of professions; all seem hopelessly bad, and as yet I cannot see a ray of light. I should very much like to talk over this (by the way, my three bugbears are Californian and Australian gold, beggaring me by making my money on mortgage worth nothing; the French coming by the Westerham and Sevenoaks roads, and there- fore enclosing Down ; and thirdly, professions for my boys), and I should like to talk about education, on which you ask me what we are doing. No one can more truly despise the 1852.] EDUCATION. 349 old stereotyped stupid classical education than I do ; but yet I have not had courage to break through the trammels. After many doubts we have just sent our eldest boy to Rugby, where for his age he has been very well placed. ... I honour, admire, and envy you for educating your boys at home. What on earth shall you do with your boys ? Towards the end of this month we go to see W. at Rugby, and thence for five or six days to Susan * at Shrewsbury ; I then return home to look after the babies, and E. goes to F. Wedgwood’s of Etruria for a week. Very many thanks for your most kind and large invitation to Delamere, but I fear we can hardly compass it. I dread going anywhere, on account of my stomach so easily failing under any excitement. I rarely even now go to London ; not that I am at all worse, perhaps rather better, and lead a very comfortable life with my three hours of daily work, but it is the life of a hermit. My nights are always bad, and that stops my becoming vigourous. You ask about water-cure. I take at intervals of two or three months, five or six weeks of moderately severe treatment, and always with good effect. Do you come here, I pray and beg whenever you can find time; you cannot tell how much pleasure it would give me and E. I have finished the ist vol. for the Ray Society of Pedunculated Cirripedes, which, as I think you are a member, you will soon get. Read what I describe on the sexes of Ibla and Scalpellum. I am now at work on the Sessile Cirripedes, and am wonderfully tired of my job : a man to be a systematic naturalist ought to work at least eight hours per day. You saw through me, when you said that I must have wished to have seen the effects of the [word illegible] Debacle, for I was saying a week ago to E., that had I been as I was in old days, I would have been certainly off that hour. You ask after Erasmus ; he is much as usual, and constantly more or less unwell. Susan * is much better, and very flourishing and happy. Catherine* is at Rome, and has enjoyed it in a degree that is quite astonish- * His sisters. 350 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45. [1852. ing to my old dry bones. And now I think I have told you enough, and more than enough about the house of Darwin ; so my dear old friend, farewell. What pleasant times we had in drinking coffee in your rooms at Christ’s College, and think of the glories of Crux major.* Ah, in those days there were no professions for sons, no ill-health to fear for them, no Cali- fornian gold, no French invasions. How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by chil- dren. My dread is hereditary ill-health. Even death is bet- ter for them. My dear Fox, your sincere friend, C. Darwin. P. S.—Susan has lately been working in a way which I think truly heroic about the scandalous violation of the Act against children climbing chimneys. We have set up a little Society in Shrewsbury to prosecute those who break the law. It is all Susan’s doing. She has had very nice letters from Lord Shaftesbury and the Duke of Sutherland, but the brutal Shropshire squires are as hard as stones to move. The Act out of London seems most commonly violated. It makes one shudder to fancy one of one’s own children at seven years old being forced up a chimney—to say nothing of the conse- quent loathsome disease and ulcerated limbs, and utter moral degradation. If you think strongly on this subject, do make some enquiries; add to your many good works, this other one, and try to stir up the magistrates. There are several people making a stir in different parts of England on this subject. It is not very likely that you would wish for such, but I could send you some essays and information if you so liked, either for yourself or to give away. C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. My dear Fox,—I received your long and most welcome letter this morning, and will answer it this evening, as I shall be very busy with an artist, drawing Cirripedia, and much Down [October 24th, 1852]. * The beetle Panagceus crux-major. 1852.] OLD DAYS. 351 overworked for the next fortnight. But first you deserve to be well abused—and pray consider yourself well abused—for thinking or writing that I could for one minute be bored by any amount of detail about yourself and belongings. It is just what I like hearing; believe me that I often think of old days spent with you, and sometimes can hardly believe what a jolly careless individual one was in those old days. A bright autumn evening often brings to mind some shooting excursion from Osmaston. I do indeed regret that we live so far off each other, and that I am so little locomotive. I have been unusually well of late (no water-cure), but I do not find that I can stand any change better than formerly. . . The other day I went to London and back, and the fatigue, though so trifling, brought on my bad form of vomiting. I grieve to hear that your chest has been ailing, and most sincerely do I hope that it is only the muscles ; how frequently the voice fails with the clergy. I can well understand your reluctance to break up your large and happy party and go abroad ; but your life is very valuable, so you ought to be very cautious in good time. You ask about all of us, now five boys (oh ! the professions ; oh ! the gold ; and oh ! the French—these three oh’s all rank as dreadful bugbears) and two girls . . . but another and the worst of my bugbears is hereditary weakness. All my sisters are well except Mrs. Parker, who is much out of health ; and so is Erasmus at his poor average : he has lately moved into Queen Anne Street. I had heard of the intended marriage * of your sister Frances. I believe I have seen her since, but my memory takes me back some twenty-five years, when she was lying down. I remember well the delightful expression of her countenance. I most sincerely wish her all happiness. I see I have not answered half your queries. We like very well all that we have seen and heard of Rugby, and have never repented of sending [W.] there. I feel sure schools have greatly improved since our days ; but I hate schools and * To the Rev. J. Hughes. 352 LIFE AT DOWN. ALTAT. 33-45 [1853- the whole system of breaking through the affections of the family by separating the boys so early in life ; but I see no help, and dare not run the risk of a youth being exposed to the temptations of the world without having undergone the milder ordeal of a great school. I see you even ask after our pears. We have lots of d’Aremberg, Winter Nelis, Marie Louise, and “ Ne plus Ultra,” but all off the wall ; the standard dwarfs have borne a few, but I have no room for more trees, so their names would be useless to me. You really must make a holiday and pay us a visit sometime ; nowhere could you be more heartily welcome. I am at work at the second volume of the Cirripedia, of which creatures I am wonderfully tired. I hate a Barnacle as no man ever did before, not even a sailor in a slow-sailing ship. My first volume is out; the only part worth looking at is on the sexes of Ibla and Scalpellum. I hope by next summer to have done with my tedious work. Farewell,—do come whenever you can possibly manage it. I cannot but hope that the carbuncle may possibly do you good : I have heard of all sorts of weaknesses disappearing after a carbuncle. I suppose the pain is dreadful. I agree most entirely, what a blessed discovery is chloroform. When one thinks of one’s children, it makes quite a little difference in one’s happiness. The other day I had five grinders (two by the elevator) out at a sitting under this wonderful sub- stance, and felt hardly anything. My dear old friend, yours very affectionately, Charles Darwin. C. Darwin to IV. D. Fox. My dear Fox,—Your last account some months ago was so little satisfactory that I have often been thinking of you, and should be really obliged if you would give me a few lines, and tell me how your voice and chest are. I most sincerely hope that your report will be good. . . . Our second lad has Down, January 29th [1853]. 1853d EDUCATION. 353 a strong mechanical turn, and we think of making him an engineer. I shall try and find out for him some less classical school, perhaps Bruce Castle. I certainly should like to see more diversity in education than there is in any ordinary school—no exercising of the observing or reasoning faculties, no general knowledge acquired—I must think it a wretched system. On the other hand, a boy who has learnt to stick at Latin and conquer its difficulties, ought to be able to stick at any labour. I should always be glad to hear anything about schools or education from you. I am at my old, never-end- ing subject, but trust I shall really go to press in a few months with my second volume on Cirripedes. I have been much pleased by finding some odd facts in my first volume believed by Owen and a few others, whose good opinion I regard as final. . . . Do write pretty soon, and tell me all you can about yourself and family ; and I trust your report of your- self may be much better than your last. ... I have been very little in London of late, and have not seen Lyell since his return from America; how lucky he was to exhume with his own hand parts of three skeletons of reptiles out of the Carboniferous strata, and out of the inside of a fossil tree, which had been hollow within. Farewell, my dear Fox, yours affectionately, Charles Darwin. C. Darwin to IV. D. Fox. 13 Sea Houses, Eastbourne, [July 15th? 1853]. My dear Fox,—Here we are in a state of profound idle- ness, which to me is a luxury; and we should all, I believe, have been in a state of high enjoyment, had it not been for the detestable cold gales and much rain, which always gives much ennui to children away from their homes. I received your letter of 13th June, when working like a slave with Mr. Sowerby at drawing for my second volume, and so put oh answering it till when I knew I should be at leisure. I was 354 LIFE AT DOWN. iETAT. 33-45. [1853- extremely glad to get your letter. I had intended a couple of months ago sending you a savage or supplicating jobation to know how you were, when I met Sir P. Egerton, who told me you were well, and, as usual, expressed his admiration of your doings, especially your farming, and the number of ani- mals, including children, which you kept on your land. Eleven children, ave Maria! it is a serious look-out for you. Indeed, I look at my five boys as something awful, and hate the very thoughts of professions, &c. If one could insure moderate health for them it would not signify so much, for I cannot but hope, with the enormous emigration, professions will somewhat improve. But my bugbear is hereditary weak- ness. I particularly like to hear all that you can say about education, and you deserve to be scolded for saying “ you did not mean to torment me with a long yarn.” You ask about Rugby. I like it very well, on the same principle as my neighbour, Sir J. Lubbock, likes Eton, viz., that it is not worse than any other school; the expense, with all 6rc., 6-v., including some clothes, travelling expenses, &c., is from per annum. I do not think schools are so wicked as they were, and far more industrious. The boys, I think, live too secluded in their separate studies ; and I doubt whether they will get so much knowledge of character as boys used to do; and this, in my opinion, is the one good of public schools over small schools. I should think the only superiority of a small school over home was forced regularity in their work, which your boys perhaps get at your home, but which I do not believe my boys would get at my home. Otherwise, it is quite lamentable sending boys so early in life from their home. ... To return to schools. My main objection to them, as places of education, is the enormous proportion of time spent over classics. I fancy (though perhaps it is only fancy) that I can perceive the ill and contracting effect on my eldest boy’s mind, in checking interest in anything in which reason- ing and observation come into play. Mere memory seems to be worked. I shall certainly look out for some school with more diversified studies for my younger boys. I was talking 1853.] CONDOLENCE. 355 lately to the Dean of Hereford, who takes most strongly this view ; and he tells me that there is a school at Hereford com- mencing on this plan ; and that Dr. Kennedy at Shrewsbury is going to begin vigorously to modify that school. . . . I am extremely glad to hear that you approved of my cirri- pedial volume. I have spent an almost ridiculous amount of labour on the subject, and certainly would never have under- taken it had I foreseen what a job it was. I hoof; to have finished by the end of the year. Do write again before a very long time ; it is a real pleasure to me to hear from you. Farewell, with my wife’s kindest remembrances to yourself and Mrs. Fox. My dear old friend, yours affectionately, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. Down, August 10th [1853]. My dear Fox,—I thank you sincerely for writing to me so soon after your most heavy misfortune. Your letter affected me so much. We both most truly sympathise with you and Mrs. Fox. We too lost, as you may remember, not so very long ago, a most dear child, of whom I can hardly yet bear to think tranquilly; yet, as you must know from your own most painful experience, time softens and deadens, in a manner truly wonderful, one’s feelings and regrets. At first it is indeed bitter. I can only hope that your health and that of poor Mrs. Fox may be preserved, and that time may do its work softly, and bring you all together, once again, as the happy family, which, as I can well believe, you so lately formed. My dear Fox, your affectionate friend, Charles Darwin. [The following letter refers to the Royal Society’s Medal, which was awarded to him in November, 1853 :] 356 LIFE AT DOWN. A:TAT. 33-45. [1853* C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—Amongst my letters received this morning, I opened first one from Colonel Sabine; the con- tents certainly surprised me very much, but, though the letter was a very kind o?ie, somehow, I cared very little indeed for the announcement it contained. I then opened yours, and such is the effect of warmth, friendship, and kindness from one that is loved, that the very same fact, told as you told it, made me glow with pleasure till my very heart throbbed. Believe me, I shall not soon forget the pleasure of your letter. Such hearty, affectionate sympathy is worth more than all the medals that ever were or will be coined. Again, my dear Hooker, I thank you. I hope Lindley * will never hear that he was a competitor against me ; for really it is almost ridiculous (of course you would never repeat that I said this, for it would be thought by others, though not, I believe, by you, to be affectation) his not having the medal long before me; I must feel sure that you did quite right to propose him ; Down, November 5th [1853]. * John Lindley (b. 1799, d. 1865) was the son of a nurseryman near Norwich, through whose failure in business he was thrown at the age of twenty on his own resources. He was befriended by Sir W. Hooker, and employed as assistant librarian by Sir J. Banks. He seems to have had enormous capacity of work, and is said to have translated Richard’s ‘Ana- lyse du Fruit’ at one sitting of two days and three nights. He became Assistant-Secretary to the Horticultural Society, and in 1829 was appointed Professor of Botany at University College, a post which he held for up- wards of thirty years. His writings are numerous : the best known being perhaps his ‘Vegetable Kingdom,’published in 1846. His influence in helping to introduce the natural system of classification was considerable, and he brought “ all the weight of his teaching and all the force of his controversial powers to support it,” as against the Linnean system univer- sally taught in the earlier part of his career. Sachs points out (Geschichte der Botanik, 1875, P- 161), that though Lindley adopted in the main a sound classification of plants, he only did so by abandoning his own the- oretical principle that the physiological importance of an organ is a meas- ure of its classificatory value. 1854.] GEOLOGY. 357 and what a good, dear, kind fellow you are, nevertheless, to rejoice in this honour being bestowed on me. What pleasure I have felt on the occasion, I owe almost entirely to you. Farewell, my dear Hooker, yours affectionately, C. Darwin. P. S.—You may believe what a surprise it was, for I had never heard that the medals could be given except for papers in the ‘ Transactions.’ All this will make me work with better heart at finishing the second volume. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. My dear Lyell,—I should have written before, had it not seemed doubtful whether you would go on to Teneriffe, but now I am extremely glad to hear your further progress is certain ; not that I have much of any sort to say, as you may well believe when you hear that I have only once been in London since you started. I was particularly glad to see, two days since, your letter to Mr. Horner, with its geological news ; how fortunate for you that your knees are recovered. I am astonished at what you say of the beauty, though I had fancied it great. It really makes me quite envious to think of your clambering up and down those steep valleys. And what a pleasant party on your return from your expeditions. I often think of the delight which I felt when examining vol- canic islands, and I can remember even particular rocks which I struck, and the smell of the hot, black, scoriaceous cliffs ; but of those hot smells you do not seem to have had much. I do quite envy you. How I should like to be with you, and speculate on the deep and narrow valleys. How very singular the fact is which you mention about the inclination of the strata being greater round the circum- ference than in the middle of the island ; do you suppose the elevation has had the form of a flat dome? I remember in the Down, February 18th [1854]. 358 LIFE AT DOWN. ,ETAT. 33-45. [1854. Cordillera being often struck with the greater abruptness of the strata in the low extreme outermost ranges, compared with the great mass of inner mountains. I dare say you will have thought of measuring exactly the width of any dikes at the top and bottom of any great cliff (which was done by Mr. Searle [?] at St. Helena), for it has often struck me as very odd that the cracks did not die out oftener upwards. I can think of hardly any news to tell you, as I have seen no one since being in London, when I was delighted to see Forbes looking so well, quite big and burly. I saw at the Museum some of the surprisingly rich gold ore from North Wales. Ramsay also told me that he has lately turned a good deal of New Red Sandstone into Permian, together with the Labyrinthodon. No doubt you see newspapers, and know that E. de Beaumont is perpetual Seeretary, and will, I suppose, be more powerful than ever ; and Le Verrier has Arago’s place in the Observatory. There was a meeting lately at the Geological Society, at which Prestwich (judging from what R. Jones told me) brought forward your exact theory, viz. that the whole red clay and flints over the chalk plateau hereabouts is the residuum from the slow dissolution of the chalk ! As regards ourselves, we have no news, and are all well. The Hookers, sometime ago, stayed a fortnight with us, and, to our extreme delight, Henslow came down, and was most quiet and comfortable here. It does one good to see so com- posed, benevolent, and intellectual a countenance. There have been great fears that his heart is affected ; but, I hope to God, without foundation. Hooker’s book * is out, and most beautifully got up. He has honoured me beyond meas- ure by dedicating it to me! As for myself, I am got to the page 112 of the Barnacles, and that is the sum total of my history. By-the-way, as you care so much about North America, I may mention that I had a long letter from a ship- mate in Australia, who says the Colony is getting decidedly * Sir J. Hooker’s * Himalayan Journal.’ 1854-] ‘HIMALAYAN JOURNAL.’ 359 republican from the influx of Americans, and that all the great and novel schemes for working the gold are planned and executed by these men. What a go-a-head nation it is! Give my kindest remembrances to Lady Lyell, and to Mrs. Bunbury, and to Bunbury. I most heartily wish that the Canaries may be ten times as interesting as Madeira, and that everything may go on most prosperously with your whole party. My dear Lyell, Yours most truly and affectionately, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—I finished yesterday evening the first volume, and I very sincerely congratulate you on hav- ing produced a first-class book *—a book which certainly will last. I cannot doubt that it will take its place as a standard, not so much because it contains real solid matter, but that it gives a picture of the whole country. One can feel that one has seen it (and desperately uncomfortable I felt in going over some of the bridges and steep slopes), and one realises all the great Physical features. You have in truth reason to be proud ; consider how few travellers there have been with a profound knowledge of one subject, and who could in addition make a map (which, by-the-way, is one of the most distinct ones 1 ever looked at, wherefore blessings alight on your head), and study geology and meteorology! I thought I knew you very well, but I had not the least idea that your Travels were your hobby ; but I am heartily glad of it, for I feel sure that the time will never come when you and Mrs. Hooker will not be proud to look back at the labour be- stowed on these beautiful volumes. Your letter, received this morning, has interested me ex- Down, March ist [1854]. * ‘ Himalayan Journal.’ 360 LIFE AT DOWN. JETAT. 33-45 [1854. tremely, and I thank you sincerely for telling me your old thoughts and aspirations. All that you say makes me even more deeply gratified by the Dedication; but you, bad man, do you remember asking me how I thought Lyell would like the work to be dedicated to him ? I remember how strongly I answered, and 1 presume you wanted to know what I should feel; whoever would have dreamed of your being so crafty ? 1 am glad you have shown a little bit of ambition about your Journal, for you must know that I have often abused you for not caring more about fame, though, at the same time, I must confess, I have envied and honoured you for being so free (too free, as I have always thought) of this “ last infirmity of, &c ” Do not say, “there never was a past hitherto to me— the phantom was always in view,” for you will soon find other phantoms in view. How well I know this feeling, and did formerly still more vividly; but I think my stomach has much deadened my former pure enthusiasm for science and knowledge. I am writing an unconscionably long letter, but I must return to the Journals, about which I have hardly said any- thing in detail. Imprimis, the illustrations and maps appear to me the best I have ever seen ; the style seems to me everywhere perfectly clear (how rare a virtue), and some pas- sages really eloquent. How excellently you have described the upper valleys, and how detestable their climate ; I felt quite anxious on the slopes of Kinchin that dreadful snowy night. Nothing has astonished me more than your physical strength ; and all those devilish bridges ! Well, thank good- ness ! it is not very likely that I shall ever go to the Hima- laya. Much in a scientific point of view has interested me, especially all about those wonderful moraines. I certainly think I quite realise the valleys, more vividly perhaps from having seen the valleys of Tahiti. I cannot doubt that the Himalaya owe almost all their contour to running water, and that they have been subjected to such action longer than any mountains (as yet described) in the world. What a contrast with the Andes ! 1854-] TASMANIA. 361 Perhaps you would like to hear the very little that I can say per contra, and this only applied to the beginning, in which (as it struck me) there was not flow enough till you get to Mirzapore on the Ganges (but the Thugs were most inter- esting), where the stream seemed to carry you on more equably with longer sentences and longer facts and discus- sions, &c. In another edition (and 1 am delighted to hear that Murray has sold all off), I would consider whether this part could not be condensed. Even if the meteorology was put in foot-notes, I think it would be an improvement. All the world is against me, but it makes me very unhappy to see the Latin names all in Italics, and all mingled with English names in Roman type ; but I must bear this burden, for all men of Science seem to think it would corrupt the Latin to dress it up in the same type as poor old English. Well, I am very proud of my book ; but there is one bore, that I do not much like asking people whether they have seen it, and how they like it, for I feel so much identified with it, that such questions become rather personal. Hence, I cannot tell you the opinion of others. You will have seen a fairly good review in the ‘Athenaeum.’ What capital news from Tasmania : it really is a very re- markable and creditable fact to the Colony.* I am always building veritable castles in the air about emigrating, and Tasmania has been my head-quarters of late; so that I feel very proud of my adopted country: it is really a very singu- lar and delightful fact, contrasted with the slight appreciation of science in the old country. I thank you heartily for your letter this morning, and for all the gratification your Dedica- tion has given me; I could not help thinking how much would despise you for not having dedicated it to some great man, who would have done you and. it some good in the eyes of the world. Ah, my dear Hooker, you were very soft on this head, and justify what I say about not caring enough for * This refers to an unsolicited grant by the Colonial Government towards the expenses of Sir J. Hooker’s ‘ Flora of Tasmania.’ 362 LIFE AT DOWN. .ETAT. 33-45. [i854- your own fame. I wish I was in every way more worthy of your good opinion. Farewell. How pleasantly Mrs. Hooker and you must rest from one of your many labours. . . . Again farewell: I have written a wonderfully long letter. Adios, and God bless you. My dear Hooker, ever yours, C. Darwin. P.S.—I have just looked over my rambling letter ; I see that I have not at all expressed my strong admiration at the amount of scientific work, in so many branches, which you have effected. It is really grand. You have a right to rest on your oars ; or even to say, if it so pleases you, that “ your meridian is past; ” but well assured do I feel that the day of your reputation and general recognition has only just begun to dawn. [In September, 1854, his Cirripede work was practically- finished, and he wrote to Dr. Hooker : “ I have been frittering away my time for the last several weeks in a wearisome manner, partly idleness, and odds and ends, and sending ten thousand Barnacles out of the house all over the world. But I shall now in a day or two begin to look over my old notes on species. What a deal I shall have to discuss with you ; I shall have to look sharp that I do not ‘progress’ into one of the greatest bores in life, to the few like you with lots of knowledge.”] CHAPTER X. THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ [On page 67, the growth of the ‘ Origin of Species ’ has been briefly described in my father’s words. The letters given in the present and following chapters will illustrate and amplify the history thus sketched out. It is clear that in the early part of the voyage of the Beagle he did not feel it inconsistent with his views to express himself in thoroughly orthodox language as to the genesis of new species. Thus in 1834 he wrote* at Valparaiso: “I have already found beds of recent shells yet retaining their colour at an elevation of 1300 feet, and beneath, the level country is strewn with them. It seems not a very improbable conjecture that the want of animals may be owing to none having been created since this country was raised from the sea.” This passage does not occur in the published ‘Journal,’ the last proof of which was finished in 1837 ; and this fact harmonizes with the change we know to have been proceed- ing in his views. But in the published ‘Journal ’ we find pas- sages which show a point of view more in accordance with orthodox theological natural history than with his later views. Thus, in speaking of the birds Synallaxis and Scytalopus (1st edit. p. 353 ; 2nd edit. p. 289), he says : “When finding, as in this case, any animal which seems to play so insignificant * MS. Journals, p. 468. 364 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ a part in the great scheme of nature, one is apt to wonder why a distinct species should have been created.” A comparison of the two editions of the ‘Journal’ is in- structive, as giving some idea of the development of his views on evolution. It does not give us a true index of the mass of conjecture which was taking shape in his mind, but it shows us that he felt sure enough of the truth of his belief to allow a stronger tinge of evolution to appear in the second edition. He has mentioned in the Autobiography (p. 68) that it was not until he read Malthus that he got a clear view of the potency of natural selection. This was in 1838—a year after he finished the first edition (it was not published until 1839), and five years before the second edition was written (1845). Thus the turning-point in the formation of his theory took place between the writing of the two editions. I will first give a few passages which are practically the same in the two editions, and which are, therefore, chiefly of interest as illustrating his frame of mind in 1837. The case of the two species of Molothrus (1st edit. p. 61; 2nd edit. p. 53) must have been one of the earliest instances noticed by him of the existence of representative species—a phenomenon which we know (‘ Autobiography,’ p. 68) struck him deeply. The discussion on introduced animals (1st edit, p. 139; 2nd edit. p. 120) shows how much he was impressed by the complicated interdependence of the inhabitants of a given area. An analogous point of view is given in the discussion (1st edit. p. 98 ; 2nd edit. p. 85) of the mistaken belief that large animals require, for their support, a luxuriant vegetation ; the incorrectness of this view is illustrated by the comparison of the fauna of South Africa and South America, and the vege- tation of the two continents. The interest of the discussion is that it shows clearly our d priori ignorance of the condi- tions of life suitable to any organism. There is a passage which has been more than once quoted as bearing on the origin of his views. It is where he dis- cusses the striking difference between the species of mice on THE ‘NATURALIST’S VOYAGE.’ 365 the east and west of the Andes (ist edit. p. 399): “Unless we suppose the same species to have been created in two dif- ferent countries, we ought not to expect any closer similarity between the organic beings on the opposite sides of the Andes than on shores separated by a broad strait of the sea.” In the 2nd edit. p. 327, the passage is almost verbally identi- cal, and is practically the same. There are other passages again which are more strongly evolutionary in the 2nd edit., but otherwise are similar to the corresponding passages in the ist edition. Thus, in describ- ing the blind Tuco-tuco (ist edit. p. 60 ; 2nd edit. p. 52), in the first edition he makes no allusion to what Lamarck might have thought, nor is the instance used as an example of modi- fication, as in the edition of 1845. A striking passage occurs in the 2nd edit. (p. 173) on the relationship between the “ extinct edentata and the living sloths, ant-eaters, and armadillos.” “ This wonderful relationship in the same continent be- tween the dead and the living, will, I do not doubt, hereafter throw more light on the appearance of organic beings on our earth, and their disappearance from it, than any other class of facts.” This sentence does not occur in the ist edit., but he was evidently profoundly struck by the disappearance of the gigan- tic forerunners of the present animals. The difference be- tween the discussions in the two editions is most instructive. In both, our ignorance of the conditions of life is insisted on, but in the second edition, the discussion is made to lead up to a strong statement of the intensity of the struggle for life. Then follows a comparison between rarity * and extinction, which introduces the idea that the preservation and domi- nance of existing species depend on the degree in which they are adapted to surrounding conditions. In the first edition, * In the second edition, p. 146, the destruction of Niata cattle by droughts is given as a good example of our ignorance of the causes of rar- ity or extinction. The passage does not occur in the first edition. 366 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ he is merely “ tempted to believe in such simple relations as variation of climate and food, or introduction of enemies, or the increased number of other species, as the cause of the succession of races.” But finally (ist edit.) he ends the chapter by comparing the extinction of a species to the ex- haustion and disappearance of varieties of fruit-trees : as if he thought that a mysterious term of life was impressed on each species at its creation. The difference of treatment of the Galapagos problem is of some interest. In the earlier book, the American type of the productions of the islands is noticed, as is the fact that the different islands possess forms specially their own, but the importance of the whole problem is not so strongly put for- ward. Thus, in the first edition, he merely says :— “ This similarity of type between distant islands and con- tinents, while the species are distinct, has scarcely been suffi- ciently noticed. The circumstance would be explained, ac- cording to the views of some authors, by saying that the crea- tive power had acted according to the same law over a wide area.”—(ist edit. p. 474.) This passage is not given in the second edition, and the generalisations on geographical distribution are much wider and fuller. . Thus he asks :— “ Why were their aboriginal inhabitants, associated . . . in different proportions both in kind and number from those on the Continent, and therefore acting on each other in a dif- ferent manner—why were they created on American types of organisation?”—(2nd edit. p. 393.) The same difference of treatment is shown elsewhere in this chapter. Thus the gradation in the form of beak pre- sented by the thirteen allied species of finch is described in the first edition (p. 461) without comment. Whereas in the second edition (p. 380) he concludes :— “ One might really fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this Archipelago, one species has been taken and modified for different ends.” On the whole it seems to me remarkable that the difference NOTE-BOOK OF 1837. 367 between the two editions is not greater; it is another proof of the author’s caution and self-restraint in the treatment of his theory. After reading the second edition of the ‘Jour- nal,’ we find with a strong sense of surprise how far devel- oped were his views in 1837. We are enabled to form an opinion on this point from the note-books in which he wrote down detached thoughts and queries. I shall quote from the first note-book, completed between July 1837 and February 1838 : and this is the more worth doing, as it gives us an in- sight into the condition of his thoughts before the reading of Malthus. The notes are written in his most hurried style, so many words being omitted, that it is often difficult to arrive at the meaning. With a few exceptions (indicated by square brackets) * I have printed the extracts as written; the punctuation, however, has been altered, and a few obvious slips corrected where it seemed necessary. The extracts are not printed in order, but are roughly classified.f “ Propagation explains why modern animals same type as extinct, which is law, almost proved.” “ We can see why structure is common in certain countries when we can hardly believe necessary, but if it was necessary to one forefather, the result would be as it is. Hence ante- lopes at Cape of Good Hope; marsupials at Australia.” “ Countries longest separated greatest differences—if sepa- rated from immersage, possibly two distinct types, but each having its representatives—as in Australia.” “ Will this apply to whole organic kingdom when our planet first cooled ? ” The two following extracts show that he applied the theory * In the extracts from the note-book ordinary brackets represent my father’s parentheses. f On the first page of the note-book, is written “ Zoonomia ” ; this seems to refer to the first few pages in which reproduction by gemmation is discussed, and where the “ Zoonomia” is mentioned. Many pages have been cut out of the note-book, probably for use in writing the Sketch of 1844, and these would have no doubt contained the most interesting extracts. 368 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ of evolution to the “ whole organic kingdom ” from plants to man. 4< If we choose to let conjecture run wild, then animals, our fellow brethren in pain, disease, death, suffering and fam- ine—our slaves in the most laborious works, our companions in our amusements—they may partake [of?] our origin in one common ancestor—we may be all melted together.” “ The different intellects of man and animals not so great as between living things without thought (plants), and living things with thought (animals).” The following extracts are again concerned with an a priori view of the probability of the origin of species by descent [“ propagation,” he called it]. “ The tree of life should perhaps be called the coral of life, base of branches dead; so that passages cannot be seen.” “ There never may have been grade between pig and tapir, yet from some common progenitor. Now if the intermediate ranks had produced infinite species, probably the series would have been more perfect.” At another place, speaking of intermediate forms he says:— “ Cuvier objects to propagation of species by saying, why have not some intermediate forms been discovered between Palseotherium, Megalonyx, Mastodon, and the .species now living ? Now according to my view (in S. America) parent of all Armadilloes might be brother to Megatherium—uncle now dead.” Speaking elsewhere of intermediate forms, he remarks :— “ Opponents will say—show them me. I will answer yes, if you will show me every step between bulldog and grey- hound.” Here we see that the case of domestic animals was already present in his mind as bearing on the production of natural species. The disappearance of intermediate forms naturally leads up to the subject of extinction, with which the next extract begins. NOTE-BOOK OF 1837. 369 “ It is a wonderful fact, horse, elephant, and mastodon, dying out about same time in such different quarters. “ Will Mr. Lyell say that some [same ?] circumstance killed it over a tract from Spain to South America ?— (Never). “ They die, without they change, like golden pippins ; it is a generation of species like generation of individuals. “ Why does individual die ? To perpetuate certain peculi- arities (therefore adaptation), and obliterate accidental varie- ties, and to accommodate itself to change (for, of course, change, even in varieties, is accommodation). Now this argument applies to species. “ If individual cannot propagate he has no issue—so with species. “ If species generate other species, their race is not utterly cut off:—like golden pippins, if produced by seed, go on— otherwise all die. “ The fossil horse generated, in South Africa, zebra—and continued—perished in America. “ All animals of same species are bound together just like buds of plants, which die at one time, though produced either sooner or later. Prove animals like plants—trace gradation between associated and non-associated animals—and the story will be complete.” Here we have the view already alluded to of a term of life impressed on a species. But in the following note we get extinction connected with unfavourable variation, and thus a hint is given of natural selection: “ With respect to extinction, we can easily see that [a] variety of [the] ostrich (Petise), may not be well adapted, and thus perish out; or, on the other hand, like Orpheus [a Galapagos bird], being favourable, many might be produced. This requires [the] principle that the permanent variations produced by confined breeding and changing circumstances are continued and produced according to the adaptation of such circumstance, and therefore that death of species is a 370 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ consequence (contrary to what would appear from America) of non-adaptation of circumstances.” The first part of the next extract has a similar bearing. The end of the passage is of much interest, as showing that he had at this early date visions of the far-reaching character of the theory of evolution :— “ With belief of transmutation and geographical grouping, we are led to endeavour to discover causes of change ; the manner of adaptation (wish of parents ? ?), instinct and struct- ure becomes full of speculation and lines of observation. View of generation being condensation,* test of highest or- ganisation intelligible .... My theory would give zest to recent and fossil comparative anatomy ; it would lead to the *;tudy of instincts, heredity, and mind-heredity, whole [of] metaphysics. “ It would lead to closest examination of hybridity and generation, causes of change in order to know what we have come from and to what we tend—to what circumstances favour crossing and what prevents it—this, and direct exam- ination of direct passages of structure in species, might lead to laws of change, which would then be [the] main object of study, to guide our speculations.” The following two extracts have a similar interest; the second is especially interesting, as it contains the germ of concluding sentence of the ‘ Origin of Species ’: f — “ Before the attraction of gravity discovered it might have been said it was as great a difficulty to account for the movement of all [planets] by one law, as to account for each separate one ; so to say that all mammalia were born from * I imagine him to mean that each generation is “ condensed ” to a small number of the best organized individuals. f ‘ Origin of Species ’ (edit, i.), p. 490 :—“ There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one ; and that whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.” NOTE-BOOK OF 1837. 371 one stock, and since distributed by such means as we can recognise, may be thought to explain nothing. “Astronomers might formerly have said that God fore- ordered each planet to move in its particular destiny. In the same manner God orders each animal created with certain forms in certain countries, but how much more simple and sublime [a] power—let attraction act according to certain law, such are inevitable consequences—let animals be cre- ated, then by the fixed laws of generation, such will be their successors. “ Let the powers of transportal be such, and so will be the forms of one country to another—let geological changes go at such a rate, so will be the number and distribution of the species!! ” The three next extracts are of miscellaneous interest:— “When one sees nipple on man’s breast, one does not say some use, but sex not having been determined—so with use- less wings under elytra of beetles—born from beetles with wings, and modified—if simple creation merely, would have been born without them.” “ In a decreasing population at any one moment fewer closely related (few species of genera); ultimately few genera (for otherwise the relationship would converge sooner), and lastly, perhaps, some one single one. Will not this account for the odd genera with few species which stand between great groups, which we are bound to consider the increasing ones ? ” The last extract which I shall quote gives the germ of his theory of the relation between alpine plants in various parts of the world, in the publication of which he was forestalled by E. Forbes (see vol. i. p. 72). He says, in the 1837 note- book, that alpine plants, “formerly descended lower, there- fore [they are] species of lower genera altered, or northern plants.” When we turn to the Sketch of his theory, written in 1844 (still therefore before the second edition of the ‘ Journal ’ was completed), we find an enormous advance made on the note- 372 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ book of 1837. The Sketch is in fact a surprisingly complete presentation of the argument afterwards familiar to us in the ‘ Origin of Species.’ There is some obscurity as to the date of the short Sketch which formed the basis of the 1844 Essay. We know from his own words (vol. i., p. 68), that it was in June 1842 that he first wrote out a short sketch of his views.* This statement* is given with so much circumstance that it is almost impossible to suppose that it contains an error of date. It agrees also with the following extract from his Diary. 1842. May 18th. Went to Maer. “June 15th to Shrewsbury, and on 18th to Capel Curig. During my stay at Maer and Shrewsbury (five years after commencement) wrote pencil-sketch of species theory.” Again in the introduction to the ‘ Origin,’ p. 1, he writes, “after an interval of five years’ work” [from 1837, i.e. in 1842], “I allowed myself to speculate on the subject, and drew up some short notes.” Nevertheless in the letter signed by Sir C. Lyell and Sir J. D. Hooker, which serves as an introduction to the joint paper of Messrs. C. Darwin and A. Wallace on the ‘ Tendency of Species to form Varieties,’ f the essay of 1844 (extracts from which form part of the paper) is said to have been “sketched in 1839, and copied in 1844.” This statement is obviously made on the authority of a note written in my father’s hand across the Table of Contents of the 1844 Essay. It is to the following effect: “This was sketched in 1839, and copied out in full, as here written and read by you in 1844.” I conclude that this note was added in 1858, when the MS. was sent to Sir J. D. Hooker (see Letter of June 29, 1858, p. 476). There is also some further evidence on this side of the question. Writing to Mr. Wallace (Jan. 25, 1859) my father says :—“ Every one whom I have seen has thought * This version I cannot find, and it was probably destroyed, like so much of his MS., after it had been enlarged and re-copied in 1844. f ‘ Linn. Soc. Journal,’ 1858, p. 45. SKETCH OF 1844. 373 your paper very well written and interesting. It puts my extracts (written in 1839, now just twenty years ago !), which I must say in apology were never for an instant intended for publication, into the shade.” The statement that the earliest sketch was written in 1839 has been frequently made in bio- graphical notices of my father, no doubt on the authority of the ‘ Linnean Journal,’ but it must, I think, be considered as erroneous. The error may possibly have arisen in this way. In writing on the Table of Contents of the 1844 MS. that it was sketched in 1839, I think my father may have intended to imply that the framework of the theory was clearly thought out by him at that date. In the Autobiography (p. 71) he speaks of the time, “about 1839, when the theory was clearly conceived,” meaning, no doubt, the end of 1838 and begin- ning of 1839, when the reading of Malthus had given him the key to the idea of natural selection. But this explanation does not apply to the letter to Mr. Wallace ; and with regard to the passage* in the ‘Linnean Journal’ it is difficult to understand how it should have been allowed to remain as it now stands, conveying, as it clearly does, the impression that 1839 was the date of his earliest written sketch. The sketch of 1844 is written in a clerk’s hand, in two hundred and thirty-one pages folio, blank leaves being alter- nated with the MS. with a view to amplification. The text has been revised and corrected, criticisms being pencilled by himself on the margin. It is divided into two parts : I. “ On the variation of Organic Beings under Domestication and in their Natural State.” II. “ On the Evidence favourable and opposed to the view that Species are naturally formed races descended from common Stocks.” The first part contains the main argument of the ‘ Origin of Species.’ It is founded, as is the argument of that work, on . the study of domestic animals, and both the Sketch and the ‘ Origin ’ open with a * My father certainly saw the proofs of the paper, for he added a foot- note apologising for the style of the extracts, on the ground that the “ work was never intended for publication.” 374 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ chapter on variation under domestication and on artificial selection. This is followed, in both essays, by discussions on variation under nature, on natural selection, and on the struggle for life. Here, any close resemblance between the two essays with regard to arrangement ceases. Chapter III. of the Sketch, which concludes the first part, treats of the variations which occur in the instincts and habits of animals, and thus corresponds to some extent with Chapter VII. of the ‘Origin’ (ist edit.). It thus forms a complement to the chapters which deal with variation in structure. It seems to have been placed thus early in the Essay to prevent the hasty rejection of the whole theory by a reader to whom the idea of natural selection acting on instincts might seem impossible. This is the more probable, as the Chapter on Instinct in the ‘Origin' is specially mentioned (Introduction, p. 5) as one of the “most apparent and gravest difficulties on the theory.” Moreover the chapter in the Sketch ends with a discussion, “ whether any particular corporeal structures are so wonderful as to justify the rejection prirnd facie of our the- ory.” Under this heading comes the discussion of the eye, which in the ‘Origin’ finds its place in Chapter VI. under “ Difficulties of the Theory.” The second part seems to have been planned in accordance with his favourite point of view with regard to his theory. This is briefly given in a letter to Dr. Asa Gray, November nth, 1859 : “I cannot possibly be- lieve that a false theory would explain so many classes of facts, as I think it certainly does explain. On these grounds I drop my anchor, and believe that the difficulties will slowly disappear.” On this principle, having stated the theory in the first part, he proceeds to show to what ex- tent various wide series of facts can be explained by its means. Thus the second part of the Sketch corresponds roughly to the nine concluding Chapters of the First Edition of the ‘Origin.’ But we must exclude Chapter VII. (‘Origin’) on Instinct, which forms a chapter in the first part of the Sketch, and Chapter VIII. (‘ Origin ’) on Hybridism, a subject SKETCH OF 1844 375 treated in the Sketch with ‘Variation under Nature ’ in the first part. The following list of the chapters of the second part of the Sketch will illustrate their correspondence with the final chapters of the ‘ Origin.’ Chapter I. “ On the kind of intermediateness necessary, and the number of such intermediate forms.” This includes a geological discussion, and corresponds to parts of Chapters VI. and IX. of the ‘Origin.’ Chapter II. “ The gradual appearance and disappearance of organic beings.” Corresponds to Chapter X. of the ‘ Origin.’ Chapter III. “ Geographical Distribution.” Corresponds to Chapters XI. and XII. of the ‘ Origin.’ Chapter IV. “Affinities and Classification of Organic beings.” Chapter V. “Unity of Type,” Morphology, Embryology. Chapter VI. Rudimentary Organs. These three chapters correspond to Chapter XII. of the ‘ Origin.’ Chapter VII. Recapitulation and Conclusion. The final sentence of the Sketch, which we saw in its first rough form in the Note Book of 1837, closely resembles the final sentence of the ‘ Origin,’ much of it being identical. The ‘ Origin ’ is not divided into two “ Parts,” but we see traces of such a division having been present in the writer’s mind, in this re- semblance between the second part of the Sketch and the final chapters of the ‘ Origin.’ That he should speak * of the chapters on transition, on instinct, on hybridism, and on the geological record, as forming a group, may be due to the di- vision of his early MS. into two parts. Mr. Huxley, who was good enough to read the Sketch at my request, while remarking that the “ main lines of argu- ment,” and the illustrations employed are the same, points out that in the 1844 Essay, “much more weight is attached * ‘Origin,’ Introduction, p. 5. 376 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ to the influence of external conditions in producing variation, and to the inheritance of acquired habits than in the ‘ Origin.’ ” It is extremely interesting to find in the Sketch the first mention of principles familiar to us in the ‘ Origin of Species.' Foremost among these may be mentioned the principle of Sexual Selection, which is clearly enunciated. The important form of selection known as “ unconscious,” is also given. Here also occurs a statement of the law that peculiarities tend to appear in the offspring at an age corresponding to that at which they occurred in the parent. Professor Newton, who was so kind as to look through the 1844 Sketch, tells me that my father’s remarks on the migration of birds, incidentally given in more than one passage, show that he had anticipated the views of some later writers. With regard to the general style of the Sketch, it is not to be expected that it should have all the characteristics of the ‘Origin,’ and we do not, in fact, find that balance and con- trol, that concentration and grasp, which are so striking in the work of 1859. In the Autobiography (p. 68, vol. 1) my father has stated what seemed to him the chief flaw of the 1844 Sketch ; he had overlooked “one problem of great importance,” the problem of the divergence of character. This point is dis- cussed in the ‘ Origin of Species,’ but, as it may not be familiar to all readers, I will give a short account of the difficulty and its solution. The author begins by stating that varieties differ from each other less than species, and then goes on : “ Nevertheless, according to my view, varieties are species in process of formation How then does the lesser dif- ference between varieties becomfe augmented into the greater difference between species ?” * He shows how an analogous divergence takes place under domestication where an origin- ally uniform stock of horses has been split up into race-horses, * ‘Origin,’ ist edit. p. ill. PRINCIPLE OF DIVERGENCE 377 dray-horses, &c., and then goes on to explain how the same principle applies to natural species. “ From the simple cir- cumstance that the more diversified the descendants from any one species become in structure, constitution, and habits, by so much will they be better enabled to seize on many and widely diversified places in the polity of nature, and so be enabled to increase in numbers.” The principle is exemplified by the fact that if on one plot of ground a single variety of wheat be sown, and on to another a mixture of varieties, in the latter case the produce is greater. More individuals have been able to exist because they were not all of the same variety. An organism becomes more perfect and more fitted to survive when by division of labour the different functions of life are performed by differ- ent organs In the same way a species becomes more efficient and more able to survive when different sections of the species become differentiated so as to fill different stations. In reading the Sketch of 1844, I have found it difficult to recognise the absence of any definite statement of the prin- ciple of divergence as a flaw in the Essay. Descent with modification implies divergence, and we become so habituated to a belief in descent, and therefore in divergence, that we do not notice the absence of proof that divergence is in itself an advantage. As shown in the Autobiography, my father in 1876 found it hardly credible that he should have overlooked the problem and its solution. The following letter will be more in place here than its chronological position, since it shows what was my father’s feeling as to the value of the Sketch at the time of its com- pletion.] C. Darwin to Mrs. Darwin. Down, July 5, 1844. I have just finished my sketch of my species theory. If, as I believe, my theory in time be accepted even by one com- petent judge, it will be a considerable step in science. 378 THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES.' I therefore write this in case of my sudden death, as my most solemn and last request, which I am sure you will con- sider the same as if legally entered in my will, that you will devote to its publication, and further, will yourself, or through Hensleigh,* take trouble in promoting it. I wish that my sketch be given to some competent person, with this sum to induce him to take trouble in its improvement and enlargement. I give to him all my books on Natural History, which are either scored or have references at the end to the pages, begging him carefully to look over and consider such passages as actually bearing, or by possibility bearing, on this subject. I wish you to make a list of all such books as some temptation to an editor. I also request that you will hand over [to] him all those scraps roughly divided in eight or ten brown paper portfolios. The scraps, with copied quota- tions from various works, are those which may aid my editor. I also request that you, or some amanuensis, will aid in de- ciphering any of the scraps which the editor may think possi- bly of use. I leave to the editor’s judgment whether to in- terpolate these facts in the text, or as notes, or under appen- dices. As the looking over the references and scraps will be a long labour, and as the correcting and enlarging and altering my sketch will also take considerable time, I leave this sum of as some remuneration, and any profits from the work. I consider that for this the editor is bound to get the sketch published either at a publisher’s or his own risk. Many of the scrap in the portfolios contains mere rude suggestions and early views, now useless, and many of the facts will probably turn out as having no bearing on my theory. With respect to editors, Mr. Lyell would be the best if he would undertake it; I believe he would find the work pleas- ant, and he would learn some facts new to him. As the ed- itor must be a geologist as well as a naturalist, the next best editor would be Professor Forbes of London. The next best (and quite best in many respects) would be Professor Hens- * Mr. H. Wedgwood. SKETCH OF 1844. 379 low. Dr. Hooker would be very good. The next, Mr. Strick- land.* If none of these would undertake it, I would request you to consult with Mr. Lyell, or some other capable man for some editor, a geologist and naturalist. Should one other hundred pounds make the difference of procuring a good editor, request earnestly that you will raise My remaining collections in Natural History may be given to any one or any museum where it would be accepted. . . . [The following note seems to have formed part of the original letter, but may have been of later date : “ Lyell, especially with the aid of Hooker (and of any good zoological aid), would be best of all. Without an editor will pledge himself to give up time to it, it would be of no use paying such a sum. “ If there should be any difficulty in getting an editor who would go thoroughly into the subject, and think of the bear- ing of the passages marked in the books and copied out of scraps of paper, then let my sketch be published as it is, stating that it was done several years ago f and from memory without consulting any works, and with no intention of pub- lication in its present form.” The idea that the Sketch of 1844 might remain, in the event of his death, as the only record of his work, seems to have been long in his mind, for in August 1854, when he had finished with the Cirripedes, and was thinking of beginning his “ species work,” he added on the back of the above letter, “ Hooker by far best man to edit my species volume. August 1854-”] * After Mr. Strickland’s name comes the following sentence, which has been erased but remained legible. “ Professor Owen would be very good ; but I presume he would not undertake such a work.” f The words “ several years ago and,” seem to have been added at a later date. CHAPTER XL THE GROWTH OF THE ‘ ORIGIN OF SPECIES.’ LETTERS, 1843-1856. [The history of my father’s life is told more completely in his correspondence with Sir J. D. Hooker than in any other series of letters ; and this is especially true of the history of the growth of the ‘ Origin of Species.’ This, therefore, seems an appropriate place for the following notes, which Sir Joseph Hooker has kindly given me. They give, moreover, an in- teresting picture of his early friendship with my father :— “My first meeting with Mr. Darwin was in 1839, in Tra- falgar Square. I was walking with an officer who had been his shipmate for a short time in the Beagle seven years be- fore, but who had not, I believe, since met him. I was intro- duced ; the interview was of course brief, and the memory of him that I carried away and still retain was that of a rather tall and rather broad-shouldered man, with a slight stoop, an agreeable and animated expression when talking, beetle brows, and a hollow but mellow voice ; and that his greeting of his old acquaintance was sailor-like—that is, delightfully frank and cordial. I observed him well, for I was already aware of his attainments and labours, derived from having read various proof-sheets of his then unpublished ‘ Journal.’ These had been submitted to Mr. (afterwards Sir Charles) Lyell by Mr. Darwin, and by him sent to his father, Ch. Lyell, Esq,, of Kinnordy, who (being a very old friend of my father, and taking a kind interest in my projected career as a natu- 1843.] SIR J. D. HOOKER’S REMINISCENCES. 381 ralist) had allowed me to peruse them. At this time I was hurrying on my studies, so as to take my degree before volun- teering to accompany Sir James Ross in the Antarctic Expe- dition, which had just been determined on by the Admiralty; and so pressed for time was I, that I used to sleep with the sheets of the ‘Journal’ under my pillow, that I might read them between waking and rising. They impressed me pro- foundly, I might say despairingly, with the variety of acquire- ments, mental and physical, required in a naturalist who should follow in Darwin’s footsteps, whilst they stimulated me to enthusiasm in the desire to travel and observe. “ It has been a permanent source of happiness to me that I knew so much of Mr. Darwin’s scientific work so many years before that intimacy began which ripened into feelings as near to those of reverence for his life, works, and char- acter as is reasonable and proper. It only remains to add to this little episode that I received a copy of the ‘Journal’ complete,—a gift from Mr. Lyell,—a few days before leaving England. “ Very soon after the return of the Antarctic Expedition my correspondence with Mr. Darwin began (December, 1843) by his sending me a long letter, warmly congratulating me on my return to my family and friends, and expressing a wish to hear more of the results of the expedition, of which he had derived some knowledge from private letters of my own (written to or communicated through Mr. Lyell). Then, plunging at once into scientific matters, he directed my atten- tion to the importance of correlating the Fuegian Flora with that of the Cordillera and of Europe, and invited me to study the botanical collections which he had made in the Galapagos Islands, as well as his Patagonian and Fuegian plants. “ This led to me sending him an outline of the conclusions I had formed regarding the distribution of plants in the southern regions, and the necessity of assuming the destruc- tion of considerable areas of land to account for the relations of the flora of the so-called Antarctic Islands. I do not sup- pose that any of these ideas were new to him, but they led 382 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1843. to an animated and lengthy correspondence full of instruc- tion.” Here follows the letter (1843) to Sir J. D. Hooker above referred to.] My dear Sir,—I had hoped before this time to have had the pleasure of seeing you and congratulating you on your safe return from your long and glorious voyage. But as I seldom go to London, we may not yet meet for some time— without you are led to attend the Geological Meetings. I am anxious to know what you intend doing with all your materials—I had so much pleasure in reading parts of some of your letters, that I shall be very sorry if I, as one of the public, have no opportunity of reading a good deal more. I suppose you are very busy now and full of enjoyment: how well I remember the happiness of my first few months of England—it was worth all the discomforts of many a gale ! But I have run from the subject, which made me write, of expressing my pleasure that Henslow (as he informed me a few days since by letter) has sent to you my small collec- tion of plants. You cannot think how much pleased I am, as I feared they would have been all lost, and few as they are, they cost me a good deal of trouble. There are a very few notes, which I believe Henslow has got, describing the habitats, &c., of some few of the more remarkable plants. I paid particular attention to the Alpine flowers of Tierra del Fuego, and I am sure I got every plant which was in flower in Patagonia at the seasons when we were there. I have long thought that some general sketch of the Flora of the point of land, stretching so far into the southern seas, would be very curious. Do make comparative remarks on the species allied to the European species, for the advantage of botanical igno- ramuses like myself. It has often struck me as a curious point to find out, whether there are many European genera in T. del Fuego which are not found along the ridge of the Cordillera; the separation in such case would be so enormous. Do point out in any sketch you draw up, what genera are IS43-1 GALAPAGOS FLORA. 383 American and what European, and how great the differences of the species are, when the genera are European, for the sake of the ignoramuses. I hope Henslow will send you my Galapagos plants (about which Humboldt even expressed to me considerable curiosity) —I took much pains in collecting all I could. A Flora of this archipelago would, I suspect, offer a nearly parallel case to that of St. Helena, which has so long excited interest. Pray excuse this long rambling note, and believe me, my dear sir, yours very sincerely, C. Darwin. Will you be so good as to present my respectful compli- ments to Sir W. Hooker. [Referring to Sir J. D. Hooker’s work on the Galapagos Flora, my father wrote in 1846 : “ I cannot tell you how delighted and astonished I am at the results of your examination ; how wonderfully they sup- port my assertion on the differences in the animals of the different islands, about which I have always been fearful ” Again he wrote (1849) :— “ I received a few weeks ago your Galapagos papers,* and I have read them since being here. I really cannot express too strongly my admiration of the geographical discussion : to my judgment it is a perfect model of what such a paper should be; it took me four days to read and think over. How interesting the Flora of the Sandwich Islands appears to be, how I wish there were materials for you to treat its flora as you have done the Galapagos. In the Systematic paper I was rather disappointed in not finding general remarks on affinities, structures, &c., such as you often give in con- versation, and such as De Candolle and St. Hilaire introduced * These papers include the results of Sir J. D. Hooker’s examination of my father’s Galapagos plants, and were published by the Linnean Society in 1849. 384 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.* [1844. in almost all their papers, and which make them interesting even to a non-Botantist.” “Very soon afterwards [continues Sir J. D. Hooker] in a letter dated January 1844, the subject of the ‘ Origin of Spe- cies ’ was brought forward by him, and I believe that I was the first to whom he communicated his then new ideas on the subject, and which being of interest as a contribution to the history of Evolution, I here copy from his letter ” :—] C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. [January nth, 1844.] Besides a general interest about the southern lands, I have been now ever since my return engaged in a very presump- tuous work, and I know no one individual who would not say a very foolish one. I was so struck with the distri- bution of the Galapagos organisms, &c. &c., and with the character of the American fossil mammifers, &c. &c., that I determined to collect blindly every sort of fact, which could bear any way on what are species. I have read heaps of agricultural and horticultural books, and have never ceased collecting facts. At last gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced (quite contrary to the opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. Heaven forfend me from Lamarck nonsense of a “tendency to progression,” “adaptations from the slow willing of animals,” &c.! But the conclusions I am led to are not widely different from his ; though the means of change are wholly so. I think I have found out (here’s presump- tion !) the simple way by which species become exquisitely adapted to various ends. You will now groan, and think to yourself, “on what a man have I been wasting my time and writing to.” I should, five years ago, have thought so. . . . [The following letter written on February 23, 1844, shows that the acquaintanceship with Sir J. D. Hooker was then 1844.1 GALAPAGOS FLORA. 385 fast ripening into friendship. The letter is chiefly of interest as showing the sort of problems then occupying my father’s mind:] Dear Hooker,—I hope you will excuse the freedom of my address, but I feel that as co-circum-wanderers and as fellow labourers (though myself a very weak one) we may throw aside some of the old-world formality. ... I have just finished a little volume on the volcanic islands which we visited. I do not know how far you care for dry simple geology, but I hope you will let me send you a copy. I suppose I can send it from London by common coach con- veyance. ... I am going to ask you some more questions, though I daresay, without asking them, I shall see answers in your work, when published, which will be quite time enough for my purposes. First for the Galapagos, you will see in my Journal, that the Birds, though peculiar species, have a most obvious S. American aspect: I have just ascertained the same thing holds good with the sea-shells. It is so with those plants which are peculiar to this archipelago ; you state that their numerical proportions are continental (is not this a very curious fact ?) but are they related in forms to S. Amer- ica. Do you know of any other case of an archipelago, with the separate islands possessing distinct representative species? I have always intended (but have not yet done so) to examine Webb and Berthelot on the Canary Islands for this object. Talking with Mr. Bentham, he told me that the separate islands of the Sandwich Archipelago possessed distinct repre- sentative species of the same genera of Labiatse : would not this be worth your enquiry ? How is it with the Azores ; to be sure the heavy western gales would tend to diffuse the same species over that group. I hope you will (I dare say my hope is quite superfluous) attend to this general kind of affinity in isolated islands, though I suppose it is more difficult to perceive this sort of relation in plants, than in birds or quadrupeds, the groups of 386 growth OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ L1 844- which are, I fancy, rather more confined. Can St. Helena be classed, though remotely, either with Africa or S. America? From some facts, which I have collected, I have been led to conclude that the fauna of mountains are either remarkably similar (sometimes in the presence of the same species and at other times of same genera), or that they are remarkably dis- similar ; and it has occurred to me that possibly part of this peculiarity of the St. Helena and Galapagos floras may be attributed to a great part of these two Floras being moun- tain Floras. I fear my notes will hardly serve to distinguish much of the habitats of the Galapagos plants, but they may in some cases; most, if not all, of the green, leafy plants come from the summits of the islands, and the thin brown leafless plants come from the lower arid parts : would you be so kind as to bear this remark in mind, when examining my collection. I will trouble you with only one other question. In dis- cussion with Mr. Gould, I found that in most of the genera of birds which range over the whole or greater part of the world, the individual species have wider ranges, thus the Owl is mundane, and many of the species have very wide ranges. So I believe it is with land and fresh-water shells—and I might adduce other cases. Is it not so with Cryptogamic plants ; have not most of the species wide ranges, in those genera which are mundane ? I do not suppose that the converse holds, viz.—that when a species has a wide range, its genus also ranges wide. Will you so far oblige me by occasionally thinking over this ? It would cost me vast trouble to get a list of mundane phanerogamic genera and then search how far the species of these genera are apt to range wide in their several countries; but you might occa- sionally, in the course of your pursuits, just bear this in mind, though perhaps the point may long since have occurred to you or other Botanists. Geology is bringing to light interest- ing facts, concerning the ranges of shells; I think it is pretty well established, that according as the geographical range of a species is wide, so is its persistence and duration in time. I 1844.] SIR J. D. HOOKER’S REMINISCENCES. 387 hope you will try to grudge as little as you can the trouble of my letters, and pray believe me very truly yours, C. Darwin. P. S. I should feel extremely obliged for your kind offer of the sketch of Humboldt; I venerate him, and after having had the pleasure of conversing with him in London, I shall still more like to have any portrait of him. [What follows is quoted from Sir J. Hooker’s notes. “ The next act in the drama of our lives opens with per- sonal intercourse. This began with an invitation to breakfast with him at his brother’s (Erasmus Darwin’s) house in Park Street; which was shortly afterwards followed by an invita- tion to Down to meet a few brother Naturalists. In the short intervals of good health that followed the long illnesses which oftentimes rendered life a burthen to him, between 1844 and 1847, I had many such invitations, and delightful they were. A more hospitable and more attractive home under every point of view could not be imagined—of Society there were most often Dr. Falconer, Edward Forbes, Professor Bell, and Mr. Waterhouse—there were long walks, romps with the children on hands and knees, music that haunts me still. Darwin’s own hearty manner, hollow laugh, and thorough enjoyment of home life with friends ; strolls with him all together, and interviews with us one by one in his study, to discuss questions in any branch of biological or physical knowledge that we had followed ; and which I at any rate always left with the feeling that I had imparted nothing and carried away more than 1 could stagger under. Latterly, as his health became more seriously affected, I was for days and weeks the only visitor, bringing my work with me and enjoy- ing his society as opportunity offered. It was an established rule that he every day pumped me, as he called it, for half an hour or so after breakfast in his study, when he first brought out a heap of slips with questions botanical, geo- graphical, &c., for me to answer, and concluded by telling 388 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1844. me of the progress he had made in his own work, asking my opinion on various points. I saw no more of him till about noon, when I heard his mellow ringing voice calling my name under my window—this was to join him in his daily forenoon walk round the sand-walk.* On joining him I found him in a rougn grey shooting-coat in summer, and thick cape over his shoulders in winter, and a stout staff in his hand; away we trudged through the garden, where there was always some experiment to visit, and on to the sand- walk, round which a fixed number of turns were taken, during which our conversation usually ran on foreign lands and seas, old friends, old books, and things far off to both mind and eye. “ In the afternoon there was another such walk, after which he again retired till dinner if well enough to join the family; if not, he generally managed to appear in the drawing-room, where seated in his high chair, with his feet in enormous car- pet shoes, supported on a high stool—he enjoyed the music or conversation of his family.” Here follows a series of letters illustrating the growth of my father’s views, and the nature of his work during this period.] C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down [1844]. . . . The conclusion, which I have come at is, that those areas, in which species are most numerous, have oftenest been divided and isolated from other areas, united and again di- vided ; a process implying antiquity and some changes in the external conditions. This will justly sound very hypothetical. I cannot give my reasons in detail; but the most general con- clusion, which the geographical distribution of all organic beings, appears to me to indicate, is that isolation is the chief concomitant or cause of the appearance of new forms (I well * See p. 93. 1844-1 MUTABILITY OF SPECIES. 389 know there are some staring exceptions). Secondly, from seeing how often the plants and animals swarm in a country, when introduced into it, and from seeing what a vast number of plants will live, for instance in England, if kept free from u>eeds, and native pla?its, I have been led to consider that the spreading and number of the organic beings of any country depend less on its external features, than on the number of forms, which have been there originally created or produced. I much doubt whether you will find it possible to explain the number of forms by proportional differences of exposure ; and I cannot doubt if half the species in any country were destroyed or had not been created, yet that country would appear to us fully peopled. With respect to original creation or production of new forms, I have said that isolation appears the chief element. Hence, with respect to terrestrial pro- ductions, a tract of country, which had oftenest within the late geological periods subsided and been converted into islands, and reunited, I should expect to contain most forms. But such speculations are amusing only to one self, and in this case useless, as they do not show any direct line of observation : if I had seen how hypothetical [is] the little, which I have unclearly written, I would not have troubled you with the reading of it. Believe me,—at last not hypo- thetically, Yours very sincerely, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J.D. Hooker. Down, 1844. ... I forget my last letter, but it must have been a very silly one, as it seems I gave my notion of the number of species being in great degree governed by the degree to which the area had been often isolated and divided ; I must have been cracked to have written it, for I have no evidence, without a person be willing to admit all my views, and then it does follow ; but in my most sanguine moments, all I expect, is that I shall be able to show even to sound Natu- ralists, that there are two sides to the question of the immu- 390 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1844. tability of species ;—that facts can be viewed and grouped under the notion of allied species having descended from common stocks. With respect to books on this subject, I do not know of any systematical ones, except Lamarck’s, which is veritable rubbish ; but there are plenty, as Lyell, Pritchard, &c., on the view of the immutability. Agassiz lately has brought the strongest argument in favour of immu- tability. Isidore G. St. Hilaire has written some good Essays, tending towards the mutability-side, in the ‘ Suites a Buffon,’ entitled “ Zoolog. Generale.” Is it not strange that the author, of such a book as the ‘ Animaux sans Vertebres,’ should have written that insects, which never see their eggs, should will (and plants, their seeds) to be of particular forms, so as to become attached to particular objects. The other, common (specially Germanic) notion is hardly less absurd, viz. that climate, food, &c., should make a Pediculus formed to climb hair, or wood-pecker, to climb trees. I believe all these absurd views arise, from no one having, as far as I know, approached the subject on the side of variation under domes- tication, and having studied all that is known about domesti- cation. I was very glad to hear your criticism on island-floras and on non-diffusion of plants : the subject is too long for a letter: I could defend myself to some considerable extent, but I doubt whether successfully in your eyes, or indeed in my own. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. ... I am now reading a wonderful book for facts on variation—Bronn, ‘ Geschichte der Natur.’ It is stiff German : it forestalls me, sometimes I think delightfully, and some- times cruelly. You will be ten times hereafter more horrified at me than at H. Watson. I hate arguments from results, but on my views of descent, really Natural History becomes a sublimely grand result-giving subject (now you may quiz me for so foolish an escape of mouth). ... I must leave this Down [July, 1844]. 1845.1 MUTABILITY OF SPECIES 391 letter till to-morrow, for I am tired ; but I so enjoy writing to you, that I must inflict a little more on you. Have you any good evidence for absence of insects in small islands ? I found thirteen species in Keeling Atoll. Flies are good fertilizers, and I have seen a microscopic Thrips and a Cecidomya take flight from a flower in the direction of another with pollen adhering to them. In Arctic countries a bee seems to go as far N. as any flower C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Shrewsbury [September, 1845]. My dear Hooker,—I write a line to say that Cosmos * arrived quite safely [N.B. One sheet came loose in Pt. I.], and to thank you for your nice note. I have just begun the introduction, and groan over the style, which in such parts is full half the battle. How true many of the remarks are (/. e. as far as I can understand the wretched English) on the scenery; it is an exact expression of one’s own thoughts. I wish I ever had any books to lend you in return for the many you have lent me. . . . All of what you kindly say about my species work does not alter one iota my long self-acknowledged presumption in accumulating facts and speculating on the subject of varia- tion, without having worked out my due share of species. But now for nine years it has been anyhow the greatest amuse- ment to me. Farewell, my dear Hooker, I grieve more than you can well believe, over our prospect of so seldom meeting. I have never perceived but one fault in you, and that you have grievously, viz. modesty ; you form an exception to Sydney Smith’s aphorism, that merit and modesty have no other connection, except in their first letter. Farewell, C. Darwin. * A translation of Humboldt’s 1 Kosmos.’ 392 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1845. C. Darwin to L. Jenyns (Blomefield) Down, Oct. 12th, [1845]. My dear Jenyns,—Thanks for your note. I am sorry to say I have not even the tail-end of a fact in English Zoology to communicate. I have found that even trifling observations require, in my case, some leisure and energy, both of which ingredients I have had none to spare, as writing my Geology thoroughly expends both. I had always thought that I would keep a journal and record everything, but in the way I now live I find I observe nothing to record. Looking after my garden and trees, and occasionally a very little walk in an idle frame of mind, fills up every afternoon in the same man- ner. I am surprised that with all your parish affairs, you have had time to do all that which you have done. I shall be very glad to see your little work * (and proud should I have been if I could have added a single fact to it). My work on the species question has impressed me very forcibly with the importance of all such works as your intended one, contain- ing what people are pleased generally to call trifling facts. These are the facts which make one understand the working or economy of nature. There is one subject, on which I am very curious, and which perhaps you may throw some light on, if you have ever thought on it; namely, what are the checks and what the periods of life,—by which the increase of any given species is limited. Just calculate the increase of any bird, if you assume that only half the young are reared, and these breed : within the natural (i. e., if free from acci- dents) life of the parents the number of individuals will be- come enormous, and I have been much surprised to think how great destruction must annually or occasionally be falling * Mr. Jenyns’ ‘ Observations in Natural History.’ It is prefaced by an Introduction on “ Habits of observing as connected with the study of Natural History,” and followed by a “ Calendar of Periodic Phenomena in Natural History,” with “ Remarks on the importance of such Registers.” My father seems to be alluding to this Register in the P.S. to the letter dated Oct. 17, 1846. 1845-] STRUGGLE FOR LIFE. 393 on every species, yet the means and period of such destruc- tion is scarcely perceived by us. I have continued steadily reading and collecting facts on variation of domestic animals and plants, and on the question of what are species. I have a grand body of facts, and I think I can draw some sound conclusions. The general con- clusions at which I have slowly been driven from a directly opposite conviction, is that species are mutable, and that allied species are co-descendants from common stocks. I know how much I open myself to reproach for such a con- clusion, but I have at least honestly and deliberately come to it. I shall not publish on this subject for several years. At present I am on the Geology of South America. I hope to pick up from your book some facts on slight variations in structure or instincts in the animals of your acquaintance. Believe me, ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to L. Jenyns * Down, [1845 ?]. My dear Jenyns,—I am very much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken in having written me so long a note. The question of where, when, and how the check to the increase of a given species falls appears to me par- ticularly interesting, and our difficulty in answering it shows how really ignorant we are of the lives and habits of our most familiar species. I was aware of the bare fact of old birds driving away their young, but had never thought of the effect you so clearly point out, of local gaps in number being thus immediately filled up. But the original difficulty remains: for if your farmers had not killed your sparrows and rooks, what would have become of those which now immigrate into your parish? in the middle of England one is too far distant from the natural limits of the rook and sparrow to suppose * Rev. L. Blomefield, 394 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.” [1845. that the young are thus far expelled from Cambridgeshire. The check must fall heavily at some time of each species’ life ; for, if one calculates that only half the progeny are reared and bred, how enormous -is the increase ! One has, however, no business to feel so much surprise at one’s ignorance, when one knows how impossible it is without statistics to con- jecture the duration of life and percentage of deaths to births in mankind. If it could be shown that apparently the birds of passage which breed here and increase, return in the suc- ceeding years in about the same number, whereas those that come here for their winter and non-breeding season annually, come here with the same numbers, but return with greatly decreased numbers, one would know (as indeed seems probable) that the check fell chiefly on full-grown birds in the winter season, and not on the eggs and very young birds, which has appeared to me often the most probable period. If at any time any remarks on this subject should occur to you, I should be most grateful for the benefit of them. With respect to my far distant work on species, I must have expressed myself with singular inaccuracy if I led you to suppose that I meant to say that my conclusions were inevitable. They have become so, after years of weighing puzzles, to myself alone; but in my wildest day-dream, I never expect more than to be able to show that there are two sides to the question of the immutability of species, i. e. whether species are directly created or by intermediate laws (as with the life and death of individuals). I did not approach the subject on the side of the difficulty in determining what are species and what are varieties, but (though, why I should give 3rou such a history of my doings it would be hard to say) from such facts as the relationship between the living and extinct mammifers in South America, and between those liv- ing on the Continent and on adjoining islands, such as the Galapagos. It occurred to me that a collection of all such analogous facts would throw light either for or against the view of related species being co-descendants from a common 1846.] MR. JENYNS’ ‘OBSERVATIONS.’ 395 stock, A long searching amongst agricultural and horticult- ural books and people makes me believe (I well know how absurdly presumptuous this must appear) that I see the way in which new varieties become exquisitely adapted to the external conditions of life and to other surrounding beings. I am a bold man to lay myself open to being thought a com- plete fool, and a most deliberate one. From the nature of the grounds which make me believe that species are mutable in form, these grounds cannot be restricted to the closest- allied species ; but how far they extend I cannot tell, as my reasons fall away by degrees, when applied to species more and more remote from each other. Pray do not think that I am so blind as not to see that there are numerous immense difficulties in my notions, but they appear to me less than on the common view. I have drawn up a sketch and had it copied (in 200 pages) of my conclusions; and if I thought at some future time that you would think it worth reading, I should, of course, be most thankful to have the criticism of so competent a critic. Excuse this very long and egotistical and ill-written letter, which by your remarks you had led me into, and believe me, Yours very truly, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to L. Jenyns. Down, Oct. 17th, 1846. Dear Jenyns,—I have taken a most ungrateful length of time in thanking you for your very kind present of your ‘ Observations.’ But I happened to have had in hand several other books, and have finished yours only a few days ago. I found it very pleasant reading, and many of your facts inter- ested me much. I think I was more interested, which is odd, with your notes on some of the lower animals than on the higher ones. The introduction struck me as very good ; but this is what I expected, for I well remember being quite de- lighted with a preliminary essay to the first number of the ‘ Annals of Natural History.’ I missed one discussion, and 396 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1846. think myself ill-used, for I remember your saying you would make some remarks on the weather and barometer, as a guide for the ignorant in prediction. I had also hoped to have perhaps met with some remarks on the amount of variation in our common species. Andrew Smith once declared he would get some hundreds of specimens of larks and sparrows from all parts of Great Britain, and see whether, with finest meas- urements, he could detect any proportional variations in beaks or limbs, &c. This point interests me from having lately been skimming over the absurdly opposite conclusions of Gloger and Brehm; the one making half-a-dozen species out of every common bird, and the other turning so many re- puted species into one. Have you ever done anything of this kind, or have you ever studied Gloger’s or Brehm’s works ? I was interested in your account of the martins, for I had just before been utterly perplexed by noticing just such a pro- ceeding as you describe :• I counted seven, one day lately, visiting a single nest and sticking dirt on the adjoining wall. I may mention that I once saw some squirrels eagerly splitting those little semi-transparent spherical galls on the back of oak- leaves for the maggot within ; so that they are insectivorous. A Cychrus rostratus once squirted into my eyes and gave me extreme pain ; and I must tell you what happened to me on the banks of the Cam, in my early entomological days : under a piece of bark I found two Carabi (I forget which), and caught one in each hand, when lo and behold I saw a sacred Panagceus crux major! I could not bear to give up either of my Carabi, and to lose Panagceus was out of the question ; so that in despair I gently seized one of the Carabi between my teeth, when to my unspeakable disgust and pain the little in- considerate beast squirted his acid down my throat, and I lost both Carabi and Panagceus! I was quite astonished to hear of a terrestrial Planaria ; for about a year or two ago I de- scribed in the ‘ Annals of Natural History ’ several beautifully coloured terrestrial species of the Southern Hemisphere, and thought it quite a new fact. By the way, you speak of a sheep with a broken leg not having flukes : I have heard my 1849-1 VARIABILITY. 397 father aver that a fever, or any serious accident, as a broken limb, will cause in a man all the intestinal worms to be evacu- ated. Might not this possibly have been the case with the flukes in their early state ? I hope you were none the worse for Southampton ; * I wish I had seen you looking rather fatter. I enjoyed my week extremely, and it did me good. I missed you the last few days, and we never managed to see much of each other ; but there were so many people there, that I for one hardly saw anything of any one. Once again I thank you very cordially for your kind present, and the pleasure it has given me, and believe me, Ever most truly yours, C. Darwin. P.S.—I have quite forgotten to say how greatly interested I was with your discussion on the statistics of animals : when will Natural History be so perfect that such points as you discuss will be perfectly known about any one animal ? C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Malvern, June 13 [1849]. ... At last I am going to press with a small poor first- fruit of my confounded Cirripedia, viz. the fossil pedunculate cirripedia. You ask what effect studying species has had on my variation theories; I do not think much—I have felt some difficulties more. On the other hand, I have been struck (and probably unfairly from the class) with the varia- bility of every part in some slight degree of every species. When the same organ is rigorously compared in many indi- viduals, I always find some slight variability, and conse- quently that the diagnosis of species from minute differences is always dangerous. I had thought the same parts of the same species more resemble (than they do anyhow in Cirri- pedia) objects cast in the same mould. Systematic work * The meeting of the British Association. 398 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1849. would be easy were it not for this confounded variation, which, however, is pleasant to me as a speculatist, though odious to me as a systematist. Your remarks on the dis- tinctness (so unpleasant to me) of the Himalayan Rubi, wil- lows, &c., compared with those of northern [Europe ?], &c., are very interesting ; if my rude species-sketch had any small share in leading you to these observations, it has already done good and ample service, and may lay its bones in the earth in peace. I never heard anything so strange as Fal- coner’s neglect of your letters ; I am extremely glad you are cordial with him again, though it must have cost you an effort. Falconer is a man one must love. . . . May you pros- per in every way, my dear Hooker. Your affectionate friend, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. . . . Many thanks for your letter received yesterday, which, as always, set me thinking: I laughed at your attack at my stinginess in changes of level towards Forbes,* being so liberal towards myself; but I must maintain, that I have never let down or upheaved our mother-earth’s surface, for the sake of explaining any one phenomenon, and I trust I have very seldom done so without some distinct evidence. So I must still think it a bold step (perhaps a very true one) Down, Wednesday [September, n. d.]. * Edward Forbes, born in the Isle of Man 1815, died 1854. His best known work was his Report on the distribution of marine animals at dif- ferent depths in the Mediterranean. An important memoir of his is re- ferred to in my father’s ‘ Autobiography,’ p. 72. He held successively the posts of Curator to the Geological Society’s Museum, and Professor of Natural History in the Museum of Practical Geology ; shortly before he died he was appointed Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. He seems to have impressed his contemporaries as a strikingly versatile and vigorous mind. The above allusion to changes of level refers to Forbes’s tendency to explain the facts of geographical dis- tribution by means of an active geological imagination. 1849.] LAMARCK, THE ‘VESTIGES.' 399 to sink into the depths of ocean, within the period of existing species, so large a tract of surface. But there is no amount or extent of change of level, which I am not fully prepared to admit, but I must say I should like better evidence, than the identity of a few plants, which possibly (I do not say probably) might have been otherwise transported. Particu- lar thanks for your attempt to get me a copy of ‘ L/Espece,’ * and almost equal thanks for your criticisms on him : I rather misdoubted him, and felt not much inclined to take as gospel his facts. I find this one of my greatest difficulties with foreign authors, viz. judging of their credibility. How pain- fully (to me) true is your remark, that no one has hardly a right to examine the question of species who has not minutely described many. I was, however, pleased to hear from Owen (who is vehemently opposed to any mutability in species), that he thought it was a very fair subject, and that there was a mass of facts to be brought to bear on the question, not hitherto collected. My only comfort is (as I mean to attempt the subject), that I have dabbled in several branches of Natu- ral History, and seen good specific men work out my species, and know something of geology (an indispensable union); and though I shall get more kicks than half-pennies, I will, life serving, attempt my work. Lamarck is the only excep- tion, that I can think of, of an accurate describer of species at least in the Invertebrate Kingdom, who has disbelieved in permanent species, but he in his absurd though clever work has done the subject harm, as has Mr. Vestiges, and, as (some future loose naturalist attempting the same speculations will perhaps say) has Mr. D. . . . C. Darwin. * Probably Godron’s essay, published by the Academy of Nancy in 1848-49, and afterwards as a separate book in 1859. 400 GROWTH OF THE 'ORIGIN.' [1853. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, September 25th [1853]. My dear Hooker,—I have read your paper with great interest; it seems all very clear, and will form an admirable introduction to the New Zealand Flora, or to any Flora in the world. How few generalizers there are among systematists ; I really suspect there is something absolutely opposed to each other and hostile in the two frames of mind required for systematising and reasoning on large collections of facts. Many of your arguments appear to me very well put, and, as far as my experience goes, the candid way in which you discuss the subject is unique. The whole will be very use- ful to me whenever I undertake my volume, though parts take the wind very completely out of my sails ; it will be all nuts to me . . . for I have for some time determined to give the arguments on both sides (as far as I could), instead of arguing on the mutability side alone. In my own Cirripedial work (by the way, thank you for the dose of soft solder ; it does one—or at least me—a great deal of good)—in my own work I have not felt conscious that disbelieving in the mere permanence of species has made much difference one way or the other; in some few cases (if publishing avowedly on doctrine of non-permanence), I should not have affixed names, and in some few cases should have affixed names to remarkable varieties. Cer- tainly I have felt it humiliating, discussing and doubting, and examining over and over again, when in my own mind the only doubt has been whether the form varied to-day or yesterday (not to put too fine a point on it, as Snagsby * would say). After describing a set of forms as distinct species, tearing up my MS., and making them one species, tearing that up and making them separate, and then making them one again (which has happened to me), I have gnashed my teeth, cursed species, and asked what sin I had committed to be * In ‘ Bleak House. 1853.] NEW ZEALAND FLORA. 401 so punished. But I must confess that perhaps nearly the same thing would have happened to me on any scheme of work. I am heartily glad to hear your Journal* is so much ad- vanced ; how magnificently it seems to be illustrated! An “ Oriental Naturalist,” with lots of imagination and not too much regard to facts, is just the man to discuss species ! I think your title of ‘A Journal of a Naturalist in the East’ very good ; but whether “ in the Himalaya ” would not be better, I have doubted, for the East sounds rather vague. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. [1853-] My dear Hooker,—I have no remarks at all worth sending you, nor, indeed, was it likely that I should, con- sidering how perfect and elaborated an essay it is.f As far as my judgment goes, it is the most important discussion on the points in question ever published. I can say no more. I agree with almost everything you say; but I require much time to digest an essay of such quality. It almost made me gloomy, partly from feeling I could not answer some points which theoretically I should have liked to have been differ- ent, and partly from seeing so far better done than I could have done, discussions on some points which I had intended to have taken up. . . . I much enjoyed the slaps you have given to the provincial species-mongers. I wish I could have been of the slightest use : I have been deeply interested by the whole essay, and congratulate you on having produced a memoir which I be- lieve will be memorable. I was deep in it when your most considerate note arrived, begging me not to hurry. I thank Mrs. Hooker and yourself most sincerely for your wish to see me. I will not let another summer pass without seeing you at Kew, for indeed I should enjoy it much. . . . * Sir J. D. Hooker’s ‘ Himalayan Journal.’ f ‘ New Zealand Flora,’ 1853. 402 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1854. You do me really more honour than I have any claim to, putting me in after Lyell on ups and downs. In a year or two’s time, when I shall be at my species book (if I do not break down), I shall gnash my teeth and abuse you for having put so many hostile facts so confoundedly well. Ever yours affectionately, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—I had hoped that you would have had a little breathing-time after your Journal, but this seems to be very far from the case; and I am the more obliged (and somewhat contrite) for the long letter received this morning, most juicy with news and most interesting to me in many ways. I am very glad indeed to hear of the reforms, &c., in the Royal Society. With respect to the Club,* I am deeply interested ; only two or three days ago, I was regret- ting to my wife, how I was letting drop and being dropped by nearly all my acquaintances, and that I would endeavour to go oftener to London ; I was not then thinking of the Club, which, as far as any one thing goes, would answer my exact object in keeping up old and making some new acquaintances. Down, March 26th [1854]. * The Philosophical Club, to which my father was elected (as Professor Bonney is good enough to inform me) on April 24, 1854. He resigned his membership in 1864. The Club was founded in 1847. The number of members being limited to 47, it was proposed to christen it “ the Club of 47,” but the name was never adopted. The nature of the Club may be gathered from its first rule : “ The purpose of the Club is to promote as much as possible the scientific objects of the Royal Society ; to facilitate inter- course between those Fellows who are actively engaged in cultivating the various branches of Natural Science, and who have contributed to its prog- ress ; to increase the attendance at the evening meetings, and to encour- age the contribution and discussion of papers.” The Club met for dinner (at first) at 6, and the chair was to be quitted at 8.15, it being expected that members would go to the Royal Society. Of late years the dinner has been at 6.30, the Society meeting in the afternoon. 1854-] HUMBOLDT—AGASSIZ. 403 I will therefore come up to London for every (with rare ex- ceptions) Club-day, and then my head, I think, will allow me on an average to go to every other meeting. Rut it is griev- ous how often any change knocks me up. I will further pledge myself, as I told Lyell, to resign after a year, if I did not attend pretty often, so that I should at worst encumber the Club temporarily. If you can get me elected, I certainly shall be very much pleased. Very many thanks for answers about Glaciers. I am very glad to hear of the second Edit.* so very soon; but am not surprised, for I have heard of several, in our small circle, reading it with very much pleasure. I shall be curious to hear what Humboldt will say: it will, I should think, delight him, and meet with more praise from him than any other book of Travels, for I cannot remember one, which has so many subjects in common with him. What a wonderful old fellow he is By the way, I hope, when you go to Hitcham, towards the end of May, you will be forced to have some rest. I am grieved to hear that all the bad symptoms have not left Henslow; it is so strange and new to feel any uneasiness about his health. I am particularly obliged to you for sending me Asa Gray’s letter ; how very pleasantly he writes. To see his and your caution on the species-question ought to overwhelm me in confusion and shame; it does make me feel deuced uncomfortable. . . . It is delightful to hear all that he says on Agassiz : how very singular it is that so eminently clever a man, with such immense knowledge on many branches of Natural History, should write as he does. Lyell told me that he was so delighted with one of his (Agassiz) lectures on progressive development, &c., &c., that he went to him afterwards and told him, “ that it was so delightful, that he could not help all the time wishing it was true.” I seldom see a Zoological paper from North America, without observing the impress of Agassiz’s doc- trines—another proof, by the way, of how great a man he is. I was pleased and surprised to see A. Gray’s remarks on * Of the Himalayan Journal. 404 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [i854- crossing, obliterating varieties, on which, as you know, I have been collecting facts for these dozen years. How awfully flat I shall feel, if when I get my notes together on species, &c., &c., the whole thing explodes like an empty puff-ball. Do not work yourself to death. Ever yours most truly, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Nov, 5th [1854]. My dear Hooker,—I was delighted to get your note yesterday. I congratulate you very heartily,* and whether you care much or little, I rejoice to see the highest scientific judgment-court in Great Britain recognise your claims. I do hope Mrs. Hooker is pleased, and E. desires me particularly to send her cordial congratulations. ... I pity you from the very bottom of my heart about your after-dinner speech, which I fear I shall not hear. Without you have a very much greater soul than I have (and I believe that you have), you will find the medal a pleasant little stimulus, when work goes badly, and one ruminates that all is vanity, it is pleasant to have some tangible proof, that others have thought some- thing of one’s labours. Good-bye my dear Hooker, I can assure [you] that we both most truly enjoyed your and Mrs. Hooker’s visit here. Farewell. My dear Hooker, your sincere friend, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. March 7 [1855]. ... I have just finished working well at Wollaston’s f ‘ Insecta Maderensia ’: it is an admirable work. There is a very curious point in the astounding proportion of Coleoptera * On the award to him of the Royal Society’s Medal. •{• Thomas Vernon Wollaston died (in his fifty-seventh year, as I believe) on Jan. 4, 1878. His health forcing him in early manhood to winter in 1855-] INSECTA MADERENSIA. 405 that are apterous ; and I think I have guessed the reason, viz., that powers of flight would be injurious to insects inha- biting a confined locality, and expose them to be blown to the sea : to test this, I find that the insects inhabiting the Dezerte Grande, a quite small islet, would be still more exposed to this danger, and here the proportion of apterous insects is even considerably greater than on Madeira Proper. Wollas- ton speaks of Madeira and the other Archipelagoes as being “sure and certain witnesses of Forbes’ old continent,” and of course the Entomological world implicitly follows this view. But to my eyes it would be difficult to imagine facts more opposed to such a view. It is really disgusting and humi- liating to see directly opposite conclusions drawn from the same facts. I have had some correspondence with Wollaston on this and other subjects, and I find that he coolly assumes, (1) that formerly insects possessed greater migratory powers than now, (2) that the old land was specially rich in centres of creation, (3) that the uniting land was destroyed before the special creations had time to diffuse, and (4) that the land was broken down before certain families and genera had time to reach from Europe or Africa the points of land in question. Are not these a jolly lot of assumptions? and yet I shall see for the next dozen or score of years Wollaston quoted as proving the former existence of poor Forbes’ Atlantis. the south, he devoted himself to a study of the Coleoptera of Madeira, the Cape de Verdes, and St. Helena, whence he deduced evidence in support of the belief in the submerged continent of ‘ Atlantis.’ In an obituary notice by Mr. Rye (‘ Nature,’ 1878) he is described as working persistently “ upon a broad conception of the science to which he was devoted,” while being at the same time “accurate, elaborate, and precise adpunctum, and naturally of a minutely critical habit.” His first scientific paper was written w'hen he was an undergraduate at Jesus College, Cambridge. While at the University, he was an Associate and afterwards a Member of the Ray Club : this is a small society which still meets once a week, and where the undergraduate members, or Associates, receive much kindly encourage- ment from their elders. 406 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. I hope I have not wearied you, but I thought you would like to hear about this book, which strikes me as excellent in its facts, and the author a most nice and modest man. Most truly yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to IV. D. Fox. Down, March 19th [1855]. My dear Fox,—How long it is since we have had any communication, and I really want to hear how the world goes with you ; but my immediate object is to ask you to observe a point for me, and as I know now you are a very busy man with too much to do, I shall have a good chance of your doing what I want, as it would be hopeless to ask a quite idle man. As you have a Noah’s Ark, I do not doubt that you have pigeons. (How I wish by any chance they were fantails!) Now what I want to know is, at what age nestling pigeons have their tail feathers sufficiently developed to be counted. I do not think I ever saw a young pigeon. I am hard at work at my notes collecting and comparing them, in order in some two or three years to write a book with all the facts and arguments, which I can collect, for and versus the immutability of species. I want to get the young of our domestic breeds, to see how young, and to what degree the differences appear. I must either breed myself (which is no amusement but a horrid bore to me) the pigeons or buy their young ; and before I go to a seller, whom I have heard of from Yarrell, I am really anxious to know something about their development, not to expose my excessive ignorance, and therefore be excessively liable to be cheated and gulled. With respect to the one point of the tail feathers, it is of course in relation to the wonderful development of tail feathers in the adult fantail. If you had any breed of poultry pure, I would beg a chicken with exact age stated, about a week or fortnight old ! to be sent in a box by post, if you could have the heart to kill one ; and secondly, would let me pay post- 1855.] FEATHERS—SKELETONS, 407 age. . . Indeed, I should be very glad to have a nestling common pigeon sent, for I mean to make skeletons, and have already just begun comparing wild and tame ducks. And I think the results rather curious,* for on weighing the several bones very carefully, when perfectly cleaned the proportional weights of the two have greatly varied, the foot of the tame having largely increased. How I wish I could get a little wild duck of a week old, but that I know is almost impos- sible. With respect to ourselves, I have not much to say; we have now a terribly noisy house with the whooping cough, but otherwise are all well. Far the greatest fact about myself is that I have at last quite done with the everlasting barnacles. At the end of the year we had two of our little boys very ill with fever and bronchitis, and all sorts of ailments. Partly for amusement, and partly for change of air, we went to Lon- don and took a house for a month, but it turned out a great failure, for that dreadful frost just set in when we went, and all our children got unwell, and E. and I had coughs and colds and rheumatism nearly all the time. We had put down first on our list of things to do, to go and see Mrs. Fox, but literally after waiting some time to see whether the weather would not improve, we had not a day when we both could go out. I do hope before very long you will be able to manage to pay us a visit. Time is slipping away, and we are getting oldish. Do tell us about yourself and all your large family. I know you will help me if you can with information about the young pigeons ; and anyhow do write before very long. My dear Fox, your sincere old friend', C. Darwin. * “ I have just been testing practically what disuse does in reducing parts; I have made skeleton of wild and tame duck (oh, the smell of well- boiled, high duck ! !) and I find the tame-duck wing ought, according to scale of wild prototype, to have its two wings 360 grains in weight, but it has it only 3i7.”_A letter to Sir J. Hooker, 1855. 408 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855- P.S.—Amongst all sorts of odds and ends, with which I am amusing myself, I am comparing the seeds of the varia- tions of plants. I had formerly some wild cabbage seeds, which I gave to some one, was it to you ? It is a thousand to one it was thrown away, if not I should be very glad of a pinch of it. [The following extract from a letter to Mr. Fox (March 27th, 1855) refers to the same subject as the last letter, and gives some account of the “ species work : ” “ The way I shall kill young things will be to put them under a tumbler glass with a teaspoon of ether or chloroform, the glass being pressed down on some yielding surface, and leave them for an hour or two, young have such power of revivication. (I have thus killed moths and butterflies.) The best way would be to send them as you procure them, in pasteboard chip-box by post, on which you could write and just tie up with string ; and you will really make me happier by allowing me to keep an account of postage, &c. Upon my word I can hardly believe that any one could be so good-natured as to take such trouble and do such a very disagreeable thing as kill babies ; and I am very sure I do not know one soul who, except your- self, would do so. I am going to ask one thing more ; should old hens of any above poultry (not duck) die or become so old as to be useless, I wish you would send her to me per rail, addressed to “ C. Darwin, care of Mr. Acton, Post-office, Bromley, Kent.” Will you keep this address? as shortest way for parcels. But I do not care so much for this, as I could buy the old birds dead at Baily to make skeletons. I should have written at once even if I had not heard from you, to beg you not to take trouble about pigeons, for YarrelJ has persuaded me to attempt it, and I am now fitting up a place, and have written to Baily about prices, &c., &c. Some- time (when you are better) I should like very much to hear a little about your “Little Call Duck ” ; why so called ? And where you got it ? and what it is like ? . . . I was so ignorant I did not even know there were three varieties of Dorking fowl: how do they differ ? . . . 1855-] MUTABILITY OF SPECIES. 409 I forget whether I ever told you what the object of my present work is,—it is to view all facts that I can master (eheu, eheu, how ignorant I find I am) in Natural History (as on geographical distribution, palaeontology, classification, hybridism, domestic animals and plants, &c., &c., &c.) to see how far they favour or are opposed to the notion that wild species are mutable or immutable : I mean with my utmost power to give all arguments and facts on both sides. I have a number of people helping me in every way, and giving me most valuable assistance ; but I often doubt whether the sub- ject will not quite overpower me. So much for the quasi-business part of my letter. I am very very sorry to hear so indifferent account of your health : with your large family your life is very precious, and I am sure with all your activity and goodness it ought to be a happy one, or as happy as can reasonably be expected with all the cares of futurity on one. One cannot expect the present to be like the old Crux- major days at the foot of those noble willow stumps, the memory of which I revere. I now find my little entomology which I wholly owe to you, comes in very useful. I am very glad to hear that you have given yourself a rest from Sun- day duties. How much illness you have had in your life ! Farewell my dear Fox. I assure you I thank you heartily for your proffered assistance.”] C. Darwin io IV. D. Fox. My dear Fox,—My correspondence has cost you a deal of trouble, though this note will not. I found yours on my return home on Saturday after a week’s work in London. Whilst there I saw Yarrell, who told me he had carefully ex- amined all points in the Call Duck, and did not feel any doubt about it being specifically identical, and that it had crossed freely with common varieties in St. James’s Park. I should therefore be very glad for a seven-days’ duckling and Down, May 7th [1855]. 410 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [i85S. for one of the old birds, should one ever die a natural death. Yarrell told me that Sabine had collected forty varieties of the common duck ! . . . Well, to return to business ; nobody, I am sure, could fix better for me than you the characteristic age of little chickens ; with respect to skeletons, I have feared it would be impossible to make them, but I suppose I shall be able to measure limbs, &c., by feeling the joints. What you say about old cocks just confirms what I thought, and I will make my skeletons of old cocks. Should an old wild turkey ever die, please remember me; I do not care for a baby turkey, nor for a mastiff. Very many thanks for your offer. I have puppies of bull-dogs and greyhound in salt, and I have had cart-horse and race-horse young colts care- fully measured. Whether I shall do any good I doubt. I am getting out of my depth. Most truly yours, C. Darwin. [An extract from a letter to Mr. Fox may find a place here, though of a later date, viz. July, 1855 : “ Many thanks for the seven days’ old white Dorking, and for the other promised ones. I am getting quite a ‘chamber of horrors,’ I appreciate your kindness even more than be- fore ; for I have done the black deed and murdered an angelic little fantail and pouter at ten days old. I tried chloroform and ether for the first, and though evidently a perfectly easy death, it was prolonged ; and for the second I tried putting lumps of cyanide of potassium in a very large damp bottle, half an hour before putting in the pigeon, and the prussic acid gas thus generated was very quickly fatal.” A letter to Mr. Fox (May 23rd, 1855) gives the first men- tion of my father’s laborious piece of work on the breeding of pigeons : “ I write now to say that I have been looking at some of our mongrel chickens, and I should say one week old would 1855.] PIGEON FANCYING. 411 do very well. The chief points which I am, and have been for years, very curious about, is to ascertain whether the young of our domestic breeds differ as much from each other as do their parents, and I have no faith in anything short of actual measurement and the Rule of Three. I hope and be- lieve I am not giving so much trouble without a motive of sufficient worth. I have got my fantails and pouters (choice birds, I hope, as I paid 20s. for each pair from Baily) in a grand cage and pigeon-house, and they are a decided amuse- ment to me, and delight to H.” In the course of my father’s pigeon-fancying enterprise he necessarily became acquainted with breeders, and was fond of relating his experiences as a member of the Columbarian and Philoperistera Clubs, where he met the purest enthusiasts of the “ fancy,” and learnt much of the mysteries of their art. In writing to Mr. Huxley some years afterwards, he quotes from a book on ‘ Pigeons ’ by Mr. J. Eaton, in illustration of the “ extreme attention and close observation ” necessary to be a good fancier. “In his [Mr. Eaton’s] treatise, devoted to the Almond Tumbler alone, which is a sub-variety of the short-faced vari- ety, which is a variety of the Tumbler, as that is of the Rock- pigeon, Mr. Eaton says : ‘There are some of the young fan- ciers who are over-covetous, who go for all the five properties at once [/. e., the five characteristic points which are mainly attended to,—C. D.], they have their reward by getting noth- ing.’ In short, it is almost beyond the human intellect to attend to all the excellencies of the Almond Tumbler ! “To be a good breeder, and to succeed in improving any breed, beyond everything enthusiasm is required. Mr. Eaton has gained lots of prizes, listen to him. “ ‘ If it was possible for noblemen and gentlemen to know the amazing amount of solace and pleasure derived from the Almond Tumbler, when they begin to understand their (i. e., the tumbler’s) properties, I should think that scarce any nobleman or gentleman would be without their aviaries of Almond Tumblers.’ ” 412 GROWTH OF THE c ORIGIN.’ [1855. My father was fond of quoting this passage, and always with a tone of fellow-feeling for the author, though, no doubt, he had forgotten his own wonderings as a child that “ every gentleman did not become an ornithologist.”—(‘Autobiogra- phy,’ p. 32.) To Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier, the well-known writer on poul- try, &c., he was indebted for constant advice and co-opera- tion. Their correspondence began in 1855, and lasted to 1881, when my father wrote : “I can assure you that I often look back with pleasure to the old days when I attended to pigeons, fowls, &c., and when you gave me such valuable as- sistance. I not rarely regret that I have had so little strength that I have not been able to keep up old acquaintances and friendships.” My fathers’s letters to Mr. Tegetmeier consist almost entirely of series of questions relating to the different breeds of fowls, pigeons, &c., and are not, therefore, interest- ing. In reading through the pile of letters, one is much struck by the diligence of the writer’s search for facts, and it is made clear that Mr. Tegetmeier’s knowledge and judgment were completely trusted and highly valued by him. Numer- ous phrases, such as “your note is a mine of wealth to me,” occur, expressing his sense of the value of Mr. Tegetmeier's help, as well as words expressing his warm appreciation of Mr. Tegetmeier’s unstinting zeal and kindness, or his “ pure and disinterested love of science.” On the subject of hive- bees and their combs, Mr. Tegetmeier’s help was also valued by my father, who wrote, “your paper on *Bees-cells,’ read before the British Association, was highly useful and suggest- tive to me.” To work out the problems on the Geographical Distribu- tions of animals and plants on evolutionary principles, he had to study the means by which seeds, eggs, &c., can be trans- ported across wide spaces of ocean. It was this need which gave an interest to the class of experiment to which the fol- lowing letters allude.] 1855.]1 LIZARDS. 413 C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. My dear Fox,—You will hate the very sight of my hand- writing ; but after this time I promise I will ask for nothing more, at least for a long time. As you live on sandy soil, have you lizards at all common ? If you have, should you think it too ridiculous to offer a reward for me for lizard’s eggs to the boys in your school ; a shilling for every half- dozen, or more if rare, till you got two or three dozen and send them to me? If snake’s eggs were brought in mistake it would be very well, for I want such also ; and we have neither lizards nor snakes about here. My object is to see whether such eggs will float on sea water, and whether they will keep alive thus floating for a month or two in my cellar. I am trying experiments on transportation of all organic beings that I can ; and lizards are found on every island, and therefore I am very anxious to see whether their eggs stand sea water. Of course this note need not be answered, with- out, by a strange and favourable chance, you can some day answer it with the eggs. Your most troublesome friend, Down, May 17th [1855]. C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. April 13th [1855]. ... I have had one experiment some little time in pro- gress, which will, I think, be interesting, namely, seeds in salt water immersed in water of 32°-33°, which I have and shall long have, as I filled a great tank with snow. When I wrote last I was going to triumph over you, for my experiment had in a slight degree succeeded; but this, with infinite baseness, I did not tell, in hopes that you would say that you would eat all the plants which I could raise after immersion. It is very aggravating that I cannot in the least remember what you did formerly say that made me think you scoffed at the experiments vastly; for you now seem to view the experi- 414 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. ment like a good Christian. I have in small bottles out of doors, exposed to variation of temperature, cress, radish, cabbages, lettuces, carrots, and celery, and onion seed—four great families. These, after immersion for exactly one week, have all germinated, which I did not in the least expect (and thought how you would sneer at me) ; for the water of nearly all, and of the cress especially, smelt very badly, and the cress seed emitted a wonderful quantity of mucus (the ‘Ves- tiges ’ would have expected them to turn into tadpoles), so as to adhere in a mass; but these seeds germinated and grew splendidly. The germination of all (especially cress and lettuces) has been accelerated, except the cabbages, which have come up very irregularly, and a good many, I think, dead. One would have thought, from their native habitat, that the cabbage would have stood well. The Um- belliferge and onions seem to stand the salt well. I wash the seed before planting them. I have written to the Gardeners' Chronicle,* though I doubt whether it was worth while. If my success seems to make it worth while, I will send a seed list, to get you to mark some different classes of seeds. To- day I replant the same seeds as above after fourteen days’ immersion. As many sea-currents go a mile an hour, even in a week they might be transported 168 miles ; the Gulf Stream is said to go fifty and sixty miles a day. So much and too much on this head; but my geese are always swans. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. [April 14th, 1855.] ... You are a good man to confess that you expected the cress would be killed in a week, for this gives me a nice little * A few words asking for information. The results were published in the ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ May 26, Nov. 24, 1855. In the same year (p. 789) he sent a P. S. to his former paper, correcting a misprint and add- ing a few words on the seeds of the Leguminosae. A fuller paper on the germination of seeds after treatment in salt water, appeared in the ‘ Lin- naean Soc. Journal,’ 1857, p. 130. 1855-] GERMINATION EXPERIMENTS. 415 triumph. The children at first were tremendously eager, and asked me often, “ whether I should beat Dr. Hooker ! ” The cress and lettuce have just vegetated well after twenty-one days’ immersion. But I will write no more, which is a great virtue in me ; for it is to me a very great pleasure telling you everything I do. ... If you knew some of the experiments (if they may be so-called) which I am trying, you would have a good right to sneer, for they are so absurd even in my opinion that I dare not tell you. Have not some men a nice notion of experimentising? I have had a letter telling me that seeds must have great power of resisting salt water, for otherwise how could they get to islands? This is the true way to solve a problem ! C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—You have been a very good man to exhale some of your satisfaction in writing two notes to me; you could not have taken a better line in my opinion; but as for showing your satisfaction in confounding my experi- ments, I assure you 1 am quite enough confounded—those horrid seeds, which, as you truly observe, if they sink they won’t float. I have written to Scoresby and have had a rather dry answer, but very much to the purpose, and giving me no hopes of any law unknown to me which might arrest their everlasting descent into the deepest depths of the ocean. By the way it was very odd, but I talked to Col. Sabine for half an hour on the subject, and could not make him see with respect to transportal the difficulty of the sinking question! The bore is, if the confounded seeds will sink, I have been taking all this trouble in salting the ungrateful rascals for nothing. Everything has been going wrong with me lately ; the fish at the Zoolog. Soc. ate up lots of soaked seeds, and in imagi- Down [1855]. 416 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. nation they had in my mind been swallowed, fish and all, by a heron, had been carried a hundred miles, been voided on the banks of some other lake and germinated splendidly, when lo and behold, the fish ejected vehemently, and with disgust equal to my own, all the seeds from their mouths.* But I am not going to give up the floating yet: in first place I must try fresh seeds, though of course it seems far more probable that they will sink; and secondly, as a last resource, I must believe in the pod or even whole plant or branch being washed into the sea ; with floods and slips and earthquakes ; this must continually be happening, and if kept wet, I fancy the pods, &c. &c., would not open and shed their seeds. Do try your Mimosa seed at Kew. I had intended to have asked you whether the Mimosa scandens and Guilandina bonduc grows at Kew, to try fresh seeds R. Brown tells me he believes four W. Indian seeds have been washed on shores of Europe. I was assured at Keeling Island that seeds were not rarely washed on shore : so float they must and shall! What a long yarn I have been spinning. If you have several of the Loffoden seeds, do soak some in tepid water, and get planted with the utmost care: this is an experiment after my own heart, with chances 1000 to i against its success. * In describing these troubles to Mr. Fox, my father wrote:—“All nature is perverse and will not do as I wish it; and just at present I wish I had my old barnacles to work at, and nothing new.” The experiment ultimately succeeded, and he wrote to Sir J. Hooker:—“I find fish will greedily eat seeds of aquatic grasses, and that millet-seed put into fish and given to a stork, and then voided, will germinate. So this is the nur- sery rhyme of 4 this is the stick that beats the pig,’ &c., &c.” 1855-] THE GARDENERS’ CHRONICLE. 417 C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, May nth [1855]. My dear Hooker,—I have just received your note. I am most sincerely and heartily glad at the news * it contains, and so is my wife. Though the income is but a poor one, yet the certainty, I hope, is satisfactory to yourself and Mrs. Hooker. As it must lead in future years to the Directorship, I do hope you look at it, as a piece of good fortune. For my own taste I cannot fancy a pleasanter position, than the Head of such a noble and splendid place ; far better, I should think, than a Professorship in a great town. The more I think of it, the gladder I am. But I will say no more ; except that I hope Mrs. Hooker is pretty well pleased. . . . As the Gardeners' Chronicle put in my question, and took notice of it, I think I am bound to send, which I had thought of doing next week, my first report to Lindley to give him the option of inserting it ; but I think it likely that he may not think it fit for a Gardening periodical. When my experi- ments are ended (should the results appear worthy) and should the ‘ Linnean Journal’ not object to the previous publication of imperfect and provisional reports, I should be delighted to insert the final report there ; for it has cost me so much trouble, that I should think that probably the result was worthy of more permanent record than a newspaper; but I think I am bound to send it first to Lindley. I begin to think the floating question more serious than the germinating one ; and am making all the enquiries which I can on the subject, and hope to get some little light on it. . . . I hope you managed a good meeting at the Club. The Treasurership must be a plague to you, and I hope you will not be Treasurer for long: I know I would much sooner give up the Club than be its Treasurer. Farewell, Mr. Assistant Director and dear friend, C. Darwin. * The appointment of Sir J. D. Hooker as Assistant Director of the Royal Gardens at Kew. 418 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. .... Miss Thorley * and I are doing a little Botanical work ! for our amusement, and it does amuse me very much, viz., making a collection of all the plants, which grow in a field, which has been allowed to run waste for fifteen years, but which before was cultivated from time immemorial ; and we are also collecting all the plants in an adjoining and similar but cultivated field ; just for the fun of seeing what plants have survived or died out. Hereafter we shall want a bit of help in naming puzzlers. How dreadfully difficult it is to name plants. What a remarkably nice and kind letter Dr. A. Gray has sent me in answer to my troublesome queries; I retained your copy of his ‘ Manual ’ till I heard from him, and when I have answered his letter, I will return it to you. I thank you much for Hedysarum: I do hope it is not very precious, for as I told you it is for probably a most fool- ish purpose. I read somewhere that no plant closes its leaves so promptly in darkness, and I want to cover it up daily for half an hour, and see if I can teach it to close by itself, or more easily than at first in darkness I cannot make out why you would prefer a continental transmission, as I think you do, to carriage by sea. I should have thought you would have been pleased at as many means of trans- mission as possible. For my own pet theoretic notions, it is quite indifferent whether they are transmitted by sea or land, as long as some tolerably probable way is shown. But it shocks my philosophy to create land, without some other and independent evidence. Whenever we meet, by a very few words I should, I think, more clearly understand your views. . . . I have just made out my first grass, hurrah ! hurrah ! I must confess that fortune favours the bold, for, as good luck June 5th, 1855. * A lady who was for many years a governess in the family. 1855-] COLLECTING PLANTS. 419 would have it, it was the easy Anthoxanthum odoratum : never- theless it is a great discovery; I never expected to make out a grass in all my life, so hurrah ! It has done my stomach surprising good. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, [June?] 15th, [1855]. My dear Hooker,—I just write one line to say that the Hedysarum is come quite safely, and thank you for it. You cannot imagine what amusement you have given me by naming those three grasses : I have just got paper to dry and collect all grasses. If ever you catch quite a beginner, and want to give him a taste of Botany, tell him to make a perfect list of some little field or wood. Both Miss Thorley and I agree that it gives a really uncommon interest to the work, having a nice little definite world to work on, instead of the awful abyss and immensity of all British Plants. Adios. I was really consummately impudent to express my opinion “ on the retrograde step,” * and I deserved a good snub, and upon reflection I am very glad you did not answer me in Gardeners' Chronicle. I have been very much interested with the Florula.f [Writing on June 5th to Sir J. D. Hooker, my father men- tions a letter from Dr. Asa Gray. The letter referred to was an answer to the following :] * “ To imagine such enormous geological changes within the period of the existence of now living beings, on no other ground but to account for their distribution, seems to me, in our present state of ignorance on the means of transportal, an almost retrograde step in science.”—Extract from the paper on ‘Salt Water apd Seeds ’ in Gardenets' Chronicle, May 26, 1855. f Godron’s ‘ Florula Juvenalis,’which gives an interesting account of plants introduced in imported wool. 420 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. C. Darwin to Asa Gray * My dear Sir,—I hope that you will remember that I had the pleasure of being introduced to you at Kew. I want to beg a great favour of you, for which I well know I can offer no apology. But the favour will not, I think, cause you much trouble, and will greatly oblige me. As I am no botanist, it will seem so absurd to you my asking botanical questions; that I may premise that I have for several years been collect- ing facts on “ variation,” and when I find that any general remark seems to hold good amongst animals, I try to test it in Plants. [Here follows a request for information on American Alpine plants, and a suggestion as to publishing on the subject.] I can assure you that I perceive how pre- sumptuous it is in me, not a botanist, to make even the most trifling suggestion to such a botanist as yourself; but from what I saw and have heard of you from our dear and kind' friend Hooker, I hope and think that you will forgive me, and believe me, with much respect, Down, April 25th [1855.] Dear sir, yours very faithfully, Charles Darwin. C. Darwin to Asa Gray. My dear Sir,—I thank you cordially for your remarkably kind letter of the 226 ult., and for the extremely pleasant and obliging manner in which you have taken my rather troublesome questions. I can hardly tell you how much your list of Alpine plants has interested me, and I can now Down, June 8th [1855]. * The well-known American Botanist. My father’s friendship with Dr. Gray began with the correspondence of which the present is the first letter. An extract from a letter to Sir J. Hooker, 1857, shows that my father’s strong personal regard for Dr. Gray had an early origin: “ I have been glad to see A. Gray’s letters ; there is always something in them that shows that he is a very lovable man.” 1855.] SUGGESTIONS AND QUERIES. 421 in some degree picture to myself the plants of your Alpine summits. The new edit, of your Manual is capital news for me. I know from your preface how pressed you are for room, but it would take no space to append (Eu) in brackets to any European plant, and, as far as I am concerned, this would answer every purpose.* From my own experience, whilst making out English plants in our manuals, it has often struck me how much interest it would give if some notion of their range had been given ; and so, I cannot doubt, your American inquirers and beginners would much like to know which of their plants were indigenous and which European. Would it not be well in the Alpine plants to append the very same addition which you have now sent me in MS. ? though here, owing to your kindness, I do not speak selfishly, but merely pro bono Americano publico. I presume it would be too troublesome to give in your manual the habitats of those plants found west of the Rocky Mountains, and likewise those found in Eastern Asia, taking the Yenesei (?),—which, if I remember right, according to Gmelin, is -the main partition line of Siberia. Perhaps Siberia more concerns the northern Flora of North America. The ranges of the plants to the east and west, viz., whether most found are in Greenland and Western Europe, or in E. Asia, appears to me a very interest- ing point as tending to show whether the migration has been eastward or westward. Pray believe me that I am most entirely conscious that the only use of these remarks is to show a botanist what points a non-botanist is curious to learn ; for I think every cne who studies profoundly a subject often becomes unaware [on] what points the ignorant require information. I am so very glad that you think of drawing up some notice on your geographical distribution, for the area of the Manual strikes me as in some points better adapted for comparison with Europe than that of the whole of North America. You ask me to state definitely some of the points on which I much wish for information ; but I really hardly * This suggestion Dr. Gray adopted in subsequent editions. 422 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ [1855. can, for they are so vague ; and I rather wish to see what results will come out from comparisons, than have as yet defined objects. I presume that, like other botanists, you would give, for your area, the proportion (leaving out intro- duced plants) to the whole of the great leading families : this is one point I had intended (and, indeed, have done roughly) to tabulate from your book, but of course I could have done it only very itnperfectly. I should also, of course, have ascer- tained the proportion, to the whole Flora, of the European plants (leaving out introduced) and of the separate great families, in order to speculate on means of transportal. By the way, I ventured to send a few days ago a copy of the Gardeners' Chronicle with a short report by me of some trifling experiments which I have been trying on the power of seeds to withstand sea water. I do not know whether it has struck you, but it has me, that it would be advisable for botanists to give in whole numbers, as well as in the lowest fraction, the proportional numbers of the families, thus I make out from your Manual that of the indigenous plants the pro- portion of the Umbelliferse are rf as — 4V; for, without one knows the whole numbers, one cannot judge how really close the numbers of the plants of the same family are in two dis- tant countries ; but very likely you may think this superfluous. Mentioning these proportional numbers, I may give you an instance of the sort of points, and how vague and futile they often are, which I attempt to work out . . . ; reflecting on R. Brown’s and Hooker’s remark, that near identity of propor- tional numbers of the great families in two countries, shows probably that they were once continuously united, I thought I would calculate the proportions of, for instance, the intro- duced Composite in Great Britain to all the introduced plants, and the result was, if = 9%. In our aboriginal or indigenous flora the proportion is ; and in many other cases I found an equally striking correspondence I then took your Manual, and worked out the same question; here I find in the Composite an almost equally striking correspond- ence, viz. = 8 in the introduced plants, and T\ = i in •1855.] SUGGESTIONS AND QUERIES, 423 the indigenous ; but when I came to the other families I found the proportion entirely different, showing that the CO' incidences in the British Flora were probably accidental! You will, I presume, give the proportion of the species to the genera, i. e., show on an average how many species each genus contains ; though I have done this for myself. If it would not be too troublesome, do you not think it would be very interesting, and give a very good idea of your Flora, to divide the species into three groups, viz., (a) species common to the old world, stating numbers common to Europe and Asia ; (b) indigenous species, but belonging to genera found in the old world ; and (e) species belonging to genera confined to America or the New World. To make (according to my ideas) perfection perfect, one ought to be told whether there are other cases, like Erica, of genera common in Europe or in Old World not found in your area. But honestly I feel that it is quite ridiculous my writing to you at such length on the subject; but, as you have asked me, I do it gratefully, and write to you as I should to Hooker, who often laughs at me unmercifully, and I am sure you have better reason to do so. There is one point on which I am most anxious fpr infor- mation, and I mention it with the greatest hesitation, and only in the full belief that you will believe me that I have not the folly and presumption to hope for a second that you will give it, without you can with very little trouble. The point can at present interest no one but myself, which makes the case wholly different from geographical distribution. The only way in which, I think, you possibly could do it with little trouble would be to bear in mind, whilst correcting your proof- sheets of the Manual, my question and put a cross or mark to the species, and whenever sending a parcel to Hooker to let me have such old sheets. But this would give you the trouble of remembering my question, and I can hardly hope or expect that you will do it. But I will just mention what I want; it is to have marked the “ close species” in a Flora, so as to compare in different Floras whether the same genera 424 GROWTH OF THE ‘ORIGIN.’ 1*855' have “close species,” and for other purposes too vague to enumerate. I have attempted, by Hooker’s help, to ascertain in a similar way whether the different species of the same genera in distant quarters of the globe are variable or present varieties. The definition I should give of a “ close species ” was one that you thought specifically distinct, but which you could conceive some other good botanist might think only a race or variety; or, again, a species that you had trouble, though having opportunities of knowing it well, in discrimi- nating from some other species. Supposing that you were inclined to be so very kind as to do this, and could (which I do not expect) spare the time, as I have said, a mere cross to each such species in any useless proof-sheets would give me the information desired, which, I may add, I know must be vague. How can I apologise enough for all my presumption and the extreme length of this letter? The great good nature of your letter to me has been partly the cause, so that, as is too often the case in this world, you are punished for your good deeds. With hearty thanks, believe me, Yours very truly and gratefully, . Ch. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, 18th [July, 1855], ... I think I am getting a mild case about Charlock seed; * but just as about salting, ill luck to it, I cannot remember how many years you would allow that Charlock In the Gardeners Chronicle, 1855, p. 758, appeared a notice (half a column in length) by my father on the “ Vitality of Seeds ” The facts related refer to the “ Sand-walk” ; the wood was planted in 1846 on a piece of pasture land laid down as grass in 1840. In 1855, on the soil being dug in several places, Charlock (Brassica sinapistruni) sprang up freely. The subject continued to interest him, and I find a note dated July 2nd, 1874, in which my father recorded that forty-six plants of Char- lock sprang up in that year over a space (14 x 7 feet) which had been dug to a considerable depth. 1855-] VITALITY OF SEEDS 425 seed might live in the ground. Next time you write, show a bold face, and say in how many years, you think, Charlock seed would probably all be dead. A man told me the other day of, as I thought, a splendid instance,—and splendid it was, for according to his evidence the seed came up alive out of the lower part of the London Clay ! ! ! I disgusted him by telling him that Palms ought to have come up. You ask how far I go in attributing organisms to a com- mon descent; I answer I know not; the way in which I in- tend treating the subject, is to show (as far as I can) the facts and arguments for and against the common descent of the species of the same genus ; and then show how far the same arguments tell for or against forms, more and more widely different : and when we come to forms of different orders and classes, there remain only some such arguments as those which can perhaps be deduced from similar rudimentary structures, and very soon not an argument is left. [The following extract from a letter to Mr. Fox [Oct. 1855,* gives a brief mention of the last meeting of the British Association which he attended :] “ I really have no news : the only thing we have done for a long time, was to go to Glasgow ; but the fatigue was to me more than it was worth, and E. caught a bad cold. On our return we stayed a single day at Shrewsbury, and enjoyed seeing the old place. I saw a little of Sir Philip f (whom I liked much), and he asked me “ why on earth I instigated you to rob his poultry-yard ? ” The meeting was a good one, and the Duke of Argyll spoke excellently.”] * In this year he published (‘ Phil. Mag.’ x.) a paper 4 On the power of icebergs to make rectilinear uniformly-directed grooves across a subma- rine undulatory surface.’ ” f Sir P. Egerton was a neighbour of Mr. Fox. CHAPTER XII. THE UNFINISHED BOOK. May 1856 to June 1858. [In the Autobiographical chapter (page 69,) my father wrote:—“ Early in 1856 Lyell advised me to write out my views pretty fully, and I began at once to do so on a scale three or four times as extensive as that which was afterwards followed in my ‘ Origin of Species; ’ yet it was only an ab- stract of the materials which I had collected.” The letters in the present chapter are chiefly concerned with the prepara- tion of this unfinished book. The work was begun on May 14th, and steadily continued up to June 1858, when it was interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Wallace’s MS. During the two years which we are now considering he wrote ten chapters (that is about one-half) of the projected book. He remained for the most part at home, but paid several visits to Dr. Lane’s Water-Cure Establish- ment at Moor Park, during one of which he made a pilgrim- age to the shrine of Gilbert White at Selborne.] LETTERS. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. May 3 [1856]. . . . With respect to your suggestion of a sketch of my views, I hardly know what to think, but will reflect on it, but it goes against my prejudices. To give a fair sketch would be absolutely impossible, for every proposition requires such an 1856.] THE UNFINISHED BOOK. 427 array of facts. If I were to do anything, it could only refer to the main agency of change—selection—and perhaps point out a very few of the leading features, which countenance such a view, and some few of the main difficulties. But I do not know what to think; I rather hate the idea of writing for priority, yet I certainly should be vexed if any one were to publish my doctrines before me. Anyhow, I thank you heartily for your sympathy. I shall be in London next week, and I will call on you on Thursday morning for one hour pre- cisely, so as not to lose much of your time and my own; but will you let me this time come as early as 9 o’clock, for I have much which I must do in the morning in my strongest time? Farewell, my dear old patron. * Yours, C. Darwin. By the way, three plants have come up out of the earth, perfectly enclosed in the roots of the trees. And twenty-nine plants in the table-spoonful of mud, out of the little pond ; Hooker was surprised at this, and struck with it, when I showed him how much mud I had scraped off one duck’s feet. If I did publish a short sketch, where on earth should I publish it ? If I do not hear, I shall understand that I may come from 9 to io on Thursday. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. May 9th, [1856]. ... I very much want advice and truthful consolation if you can give it. I had a good talk with Lyell about my species work, and he urges me strongly to publish something. I am fixed against any periodical or Journal, as I positively will not expose myself to an Editor or a Council, allowing a publication for which they might be abused. If I publish anything it must be a very thin and little volume, giving a sketch of my views and difficulties ; but it is really dreadfully 428 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. unphilosophical to give a resume, without exact references, of an unpublished work. But Lyell seemed to think I might do this, at the suggestion of friends, and on the ground, which I might state, that I had been at work for eighteen * years, and yet could not publish for several years, and especially as I could point out difficulties which seemed to me to require especial investigation. Now what think you ? I should be really grateful for advice. I thought of giving up a couple of months and writing such a sketch, and trying to keep my judgment open whether or no to publish it when completed. It will be simply impossible for me to give exact references; anything important I should state on the authority of the author generally; and instead of giving all.the facts on which I ground my opinion, I could give by memory only one or two. In the Preface I would state that the work could not be considered strictly scientific, but a mere sketch or outline of a future work in which full references, &c., should be given. Eheu, eheu, I believe I should sneer at any one else doing this, and my only comfort is, that I truly never dreamed of it, till Lyell suggested it, and seems deliberately to think it advisable. I am in a peck of troubles and do pray forgive me for troubling you. Yours affectionately, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J.D. Hooker. May nth [1856]. . . . Now for a more important! subject, viz., my own self : I am extremely glad you think well of a separate “ Pre- liminary Essay ” (/. e., if anything whatever is published ; for Lyell seemed rather to doubt on this head) f ; but I cannot * The interval of eighteen years, from 1837 when he began to collect facts, would bring the date of this letter to 1855, not 1856, nevertheless the latter seems the more probable date. f The meaning of the sentence in parentheses is obscure. 1856.] THE UNFINISHED BOOK. 429 bear the idea of begging some Editor and Council to publish, and then perhaps to have to apologise humbly for having led them into a scrape. In this one respect I am in the state which, according to a very wise saying of my father’s, is the only fit state for asking advice, viz., with my mind firmly made up, and then, as my father used to say, good advice was very comfortable, and it was easy to reject bad advice. But Heaven knows I am not in this state with respect to publish- ing at all any preliminary essay. It yet strikes me as quite unphilosophical to publish results without the full details which have led to such results. It is a melancholy, and I hope not quite true view of yours that facts wTill prove anything, and are therefore superfluous ! But I have rather exaggerated, I see, your doctrine. I do not fear being tied down to error, i. e., I feel pretty sure I should give up anything false published in the preliminary essay, in my larger work ; but I may thus, it is very true, do mischief by spreading error, which as I have often heard you say is much easier spread than corrected. I confess I lean more and more to at least making the attempt and drawing up a sketch and trying to keep my judgment, whether to publish, open. But I always return to my fixed idea that it is dreadfully unphilosophical to publish without full details. I certainly think my future work in full would profit by hear- ing what my friends or critics (if reviewed) thought of the outline. To any one but you I should apologise for such long dis- cussion on so personal an affair ; but I believe, and indeed you have proved it by the trouble you have taken, that this would be superfluous. Yours truly obliged, Ch. Darwin. P. S. What you say (for I have just re-read your letter) that the Essay might supersede and take away all novelty and value from any future larger Book, is very true; and that would grieve me beyond everything. On the other hand 430 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. (again from Lyell’s urgent advice), I published a preliminary sketch of the Coral Theory, and this did neither good nor harm. I begin most heartily to wish that Lyell had never put this idea of an Essay into my head. From a letter to Sir C. Lyell \July, 1856]. “ I am delighted that I may say (with absolute truth) that my essay is published at your suggestion, but I hope it will not need so much apology as I at first thought ; for I have resolved to make it nearly as complete as my present materials allow. I cannot put in all which you suggest, for it would appear too conceited.” From a letter to IV. D. Fox. “. . . What you say about my Essay, I dare say is very true ; and it gave me another fit of the wibber-gibbers : I hope that I shall succeed in making it modest. One great motive is to get information on the many points on which I want it. But I tremble about it, which I should not do, if I allowed some three or four more years to elapse before pub- lishing anything. ...” Down, June 14th [1856]. [The following extracts from letters to Mr. Fox are worth giving, as showing how great was the accumulation of mate- rial which now had to be dealt with. June 14th [1856]. “ Very many thanks for the capital information on cats; I see I had blundered greatly, but I know I had somewhere your orignal notes; but my notes are so numerous during nineteen years’ collection, that it would take me at least a year to go over and classify them.” Nov. 1856. “ Sometimes I fear I shall break down, for my subject gets bigger and bigger with each month’s work.”] 1856.] CONTINENTAL EXTENSION. 431 C. Darwin to C. Lyell. My dear Lyeli,,—I am going to do the most impudent thing in the world. But my blood gets hot with passion and turns cold alternately at the geological strides, which many of your disciples are taking. Here, poor Forbes made a continent to [/. e., extending to] North America and another (or the same) to the Gulf weed; Hooker makes one from New Zealand to South America and round the World to Kerguelen Land. Here is Wollaston speaking of Madeira and P. Santo “ as the sure and certain witnesses of a former continent.” Here is Woodward writes to me, if you grant a continent over 200 or 300 miles of ocean depths (as if that was nothing), why not extend a continent to every island in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans ? And all this within the existence of recent species! If you do not stop this, if there be a lower region for the punishment of geologists, I believe, my great master, you will go there. Why, your disciples in a slow and creeping manner beat all the old Catastrophists who ever lived. You will live to be the great chief of the Catastrophists. There, I have done myself a great deal of good, and have exploded my passion. So my master, forgive me, and believe me, ever yours, C. Darwin. P, S. Don’t answer this, I did it to ease myself. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down [June] 17th, 1856. ... I have been very deeply interested by Wollaston’s book,* though I differ greatly from many of his doctrines. Did you ever read anything so rich, considering how very far he goes, as his denunciations against those who go further : Down, 16th [June, 1856]. * ‘ The Variation of Species,’ 1856. 432 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. “most mischievous,” “absurd,” “unsound.” Theology is at the bottom of some of this. I told him he was like Calvin burning a heretic. It is a very valuable and clever book in my opinion. He has evidently read very little out of his own line I urged him to read the New Zealand essay. His Geology also is rather eocene, as I told him. In fact I wrote most frankly ; I fear too frankly ; he says he is sure that ultra- honesty is my characteristic : I do not know whether he meant it as a sneer; I hope not. Talking of eocene geology, I got so wrath about the Atlantic continent, more especially from a note from Woodward (who has published a capital book on shells), who does not seem to doubt that every island in the Pacific and Atlantic are the remains of continents, submerged within period of existing species, that I fairly exploded, and wrote to Lyell to protest, and summed up all the continents created of late years by Forbes (the head sinner!) yourself, Wollaston, and Woodward, and a pretty nice little extension of land they make altogether ! I am fairly rabid on the question and therefore, if not wrong already, am pretty sure to become so . . . I have enjoyed your note much. Adios, C. Darwin. P. S. [June] 18th. Lyell has written me a capital letter on your side, which ought to upset me entirely, but I cannot say it does quite. Though I must try and cease being rabid and try to feel humble, and allow you all to make continents, as easily as a cook does pancakes. C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down, June 25th [1856]. My dear Lyell,—I will have the following tremendous letter copied to make the reading easier, and as I want to keep a copy. As you say you would like to hear my reasons for being 1856.] CONTINENTAL EXTENSION. 433 most unwilling to believe in the continental extensions of late authors, I gladly write them, as, without I am convinced of my error, I shall have to give them condensed in my essay, when I discuss single and multiple creation; I shall therefore be particularly glad to have your general opinion on them. I may quite likely have persuaded myself in my wrath that there is more in them than there is. If there was much more reason to admit a continental extension in any one or two instances (as in Madeira) than in other cases, I should feel no difficulty whatever. But if on account of European plants, and littoral sea shells, it is thought necessary to join Madeira to the mainland, Hooker is quite right to join New Holland to New Zealand, and Auckland Island (and Raoul Island to N. E.), and these to S. America and the Falklands, and these to Tristan d'Acunha, and these to Kerguelen Land ; thus making, either strictly at the same time, or at different periods, but all within the life of recent beings, an almost circumpolar belt of land. So again Galapagos and Juan Fer- nandez must be joined to America ; and if we trust to littoral sea shells, the Galapagos must have been joined to the Pa- cific Islands (2400 miles distant) as well as to America, and as Woodward seems to think all the islands in the Pacific into a magnificent continent; also the islands in the Southern Indian Ocean into another continent, with Madagascar and Africa, and perhaps India. In the North Atlantic, Europe will stretch half-way across the ocean to the Azores, and further north right across. In short, we must suppose proba- bly, half the present ocean was land within the period of living organisms. The Globe within this period must have had a quite different aspect. Now the only way to test this, that I can see, is to consider whether the continents have un- dergone within this same period such wonderful permuta- tions. In all North and South and Central America, we have both recent and miocene (or eocene) shells, quite distinct on the opposite sides, and hence I cannot doubt that fundament- ally America has held its place since at least, the miocene period. In Africa almost all the living shells are distinct on 434 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. the opposite sides of the inter-tropical regions, short as the distance is compared to the range of marine mollusca, in un- interrupted seas ; hence I infer that Africa has existed since our present species were created. Even the isthmus of Suez and the Aralo-Caspian basin have had a great antiquity. So I imagine, from the tertiary deposits, has India. In Austra- lia the great fauna of extinct marsupials shows that before the present mammals appeared, Australia was a separate con- tinent. I do not for one second doubt that very large por- tions of all these continents have undergone great changes of level within this period, but yet I conclude that fundament- ally they stood as barriers in the sea, where they now stand ; and therefore I should require the weightiest evidence to make me believe in such immense changes within the period of living organisms in our oceans, where, moreover, from the great depths, the changes must have been vaster in a vertical sense. Secondly. Submerge our present continents, leaving a few mountain peaks as islands, and what will the character of the islands be,—Consider that the Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada, Apen- nines, Alps, Carpathians, are non-volcanic, Etna and Caucasus, volcanic. In Asia, Altai and Himalaya, I believe non-vol- canic. In North Africa the non-volcanic, as I imagine, Alps of Abyssinia and of the Atlas. In South Africa, the Snow Mountains, In Australia, the non-volcanic Alps. In North America, the White Mountains, Alleghanies and Rocky Mountains—some of the latter alone, I believe, volcanic. In South America to the east, the non-volcanic [Silla ?] of Ca- racas, and Itacolumi of Brazil, further south the Sierra Ven- tanas, and in the Cordilleras, many volcanic but not all. Now compare these peaks with the oceanic islands ; as far as known all are volcanic, except St. Paul’s (a strange bedevilled rock), and the Seychelles, if this latter can be called oceanic, in the line of Madagascar ; the Falklands, only 500 miles off, are only a shallow bank; New Caledonia, hardly oceanic, is another exception. This argument has to me great weight. Compare on a Geographical map, islands which, we have 1856.] CONTINENTAL EXTENSION. 435 several reasons to suppose, were connected with mainland, as Sardinia, and how different it appears. Believing, as I am inclined, that continents as continents, and oceans as oceans, are of immense antiquity—I should say that if any of the existing oceanic islands have any relation of any kind to con- tinents, they are forming continents ; and that by the time they could form a continent, the volcanoes would be denuded to their cores, leaving peaks of syenite, diorite, or porphyry. But have we nowhere any last wreck of a continent, in the midst of the ocean ? St. Paul’s Rock, and such old bauered volcanic islands, as St. Helena, may be ; but I think we can see some reason why we should have less evidence of sink- ing than of rising continents (if my view in my Coral volume has any truth in it, viz. : that volcanic outbursts accompany rising areas), for during subsidence there will be no compen- sating agent at work, in rising areas there will be the additional element of outpoured volcanic matter. Thirdly. Considering the depth of the ocean, I was, be- fore I got your letter, inclined vehemently to dispute the vast amount of subsidence, but I must strike my colours. With respect to coral reefs, I carefully guarded against its being supposed that a continent was indicated by the groups of atolls. It is difficult to guess, as it seems to me, the amount of subsidence indicated by coral reefs ; but in such large areas as the Lowe Archipelago, the Marshall Archipelago, and Laccadive group, it would, judging, from the heights of existing oceanic archipelagoes, be odd, if some peaks of from 8000 to 10,000 feet had not been buried. Even after your letter a suspicion crossed me whether it would be fair to argue from subsidences in the middle of the greatest oceans to continents; but refreshing my memory by talking with Ramsay in regard to the probable thickness in one vertical line of the Silurian and carboniferous formation, it seems there must have been at least 10,000 feet of subsidence during these formations in Europe and North America, and therefore during the continuance of nearly the same set of organic beings. But even 12,000 feet would not be enough for the 436 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. Azores, or for Hooker’s continent; I believe Hooker does not infer a continuous continent, but approximate groups of islands, with, if we may judge from existing continents, not profoundly deep sea between them; but the argument from the volcanic nature of nearly every existing oceanic island tell against such supposed groups of islands,—for I presume he does not suppose a mere chain of volcanic islands belting the southern hemisphere. Fourthly. The supposed continental extensions do not seem to me, perfectly to account for all the phenomena of distribution on islands; as the absence of mammals and Batrachians; the absence of certain great groups of insects on Madeira, and of Acaciae and Banksias, &c., in New Zea- land; the paucity of plants in some cases, &c. Not that those who believe. in various accidental means of dispersal, can explain most of these cases; but they may at least say that these facts seem hardly compatible with former continu- ous land. Finally. For these several reasons, and especially consider- ing it certain (in which you will agree) that we are extremely ignorant of means of dispersal, I cannot avoid thinking that Forbes’ ‘Atlantis,’ was an ill-service to science, as checking a close study of means of dissemination. I shall be really grateful to hear, as briefly as you like, whether these argu- ments. have any weight with you, putting yourself in the position of an honest judge. I told Hooker that I was going to write to you on this subject; and I should like him to read this ; but whether he or you will think it worth time and post- age remains to be proved. Yours most truly, Charles Darwin. [On July 8th he wrote to Sir Charles Lyell. “ I am sorry you cannot give any verdict on Continental extensions ; and I infer that you think my argument of not much weight against such extensions. I know I wish I could believe so.”] 1856 ] GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 437 C. Darwin to Asa Gray. ... It is not a little egotistical, but I should like to tell you (and I do not think I have) how I view my work. Nineteen years (!) ago it occurred to me that whilst otherwise employed on Nat. Hist., I might perhaps do good if I noted any sort of facts bearing on the question of the origin of species, and this I have since been doing. Either species have been independently created, or they have descended from other species, like varieties from one species. I think it can be shown to be probable that man gets his most distinct varieties by preserving such as arise best worth keeping and destroying the others, but I should fill a quire if I were to go on. To be brief, I assume that species arise like our domestic varieties with much extinction; and then test this hypothesis by comparison with as many general and pretty well-estab- lished propositions as I can find made out,—in geographical distribution, geological history, affinities, &c., &c. And it seems to me that, supposing that such hypothesis were to explain such general propositions, we ought, in accordance with the common way of following all sciences, to admit it till some better hypothesis be found out. For to my mind to say that species were created so and so is no scientific expla- nation, only a reverent way of saying it is so and so. But it is nonsensical trying to show how I try to proceed in the compass of a note. But as an honest man, I must tell you that I have come to the heterodox conclusion that there are no such things as independently created species—that species are only strongly defined varieties. I know that this will make you despise me. I do not much underrate the many huge difficulties on this view, but yet it seems to me to explain too much, otherwise inexplicable, to be false. Just to allude to one point in your last note, viz., about species of the same genus generally having a common or continuous area ; if they are actual lineal descendants of one species, this of course would be the case ; and the sadly too many exceptions (for Down, July 20th [1856]. 438 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. me) have to be explained by climatal and geological changes. A fortiori on this view (but on exactly same grounds), all the individuals of the same species should have a continous dis- tribution. On this latter branch of the subject I have put a chapter together, and Hooker kindly read it over. I thought the exceptions and difficulties were so great that on the whole the balance weighed against my notions, but I was much pleased to find that it seemed to have considerable weight with Hooker, who said he had never been so much staggered about the permanence of species. I must say one word more in justification (for I feel sure that your tendency will be to despise me and my crotchets), that all my notions about how species change are derived from long continued study of the works of (and converse with) agriculturists and horticulturists; and I believe I see my way pretty clearly on the means used by nature to change her species and adapt them to the wondrous and exquis- itely beautiful contingencies to which every living being is exposed. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, July 30th, 1856. My dear Hooker,—Your letter is of much value to me. I was not able to get a definite answer from Lyell,* as you will see in the enclosed letters, though I inferred that he thought nothing of my arguments. Had it not been for this correspondence, I should have written sadly too strongly. You may rely on it I shall put my doubts moderately. There never was such a predicament as mine : here you continental extensionists would remove enormous difficulties opposed to me, and yet I cannot honestly admit the doctrine, and must therefore say so. I cannot get over the fact that not a frag- ment of secondary or palaeozoic rock has been found on any island above 500 or 600 miles from a mainland. You rather misunderstand me when you think I doubt the possibility ot * On the continental extensions of Forbes and others. 1856.] CLASSIFICATION. 439 subsidence of 20.000 or 30,000 feet; it is only probability, con- sidering. such evidence as we have independently of distribu- tion. I have not yet worked out in full detail the distribution of mammalia, both identical and allied, with respect to the one element of depth of the sea ; but as far as I have gone, the results are to me surprisingly accordant with my very most troublesome belief in not such great geographical changes as you believe ; and in mammalia we certainly know more of means of distribution than in any other class. Nothing is so vexatious to me, as so constantly finding myself drawing different conclusions from better judges than myself, from the same facts. I fancy I have lately removed many (not geographical) great difficulties opposed to my notions, but God knows it may be all hallucination. Please return Lyell’s letters. What a capital letter of Lyell’s that to you is, and what a wonderful man he is. I differ from him greatly in thinking that those who believe that species are not fixed will multiply specific names : I know in my own case my most frequent source of doubt was whether others would not think this or that was a God-created Barnacle, and surely deserved a name. Otherwise I should only have thought whether the amount of difference and permanence was sufficient to justify a name : I am, also, surprised at his thinking it immaterial whether species are absolute or not : whenever it is proved that all species are produced by generation, by laws of change, what good evidence we shall have of the gaps in formations. And what a science Natural History will be, when we are in our graves, when all the laws of change are thought one of the most important parts of Natural History. I cannot conceive why Lyell thinks such notions as mine or of ‘Vestiges,’ will invalidate specific centres. But I must not run on and take up your time. My MS. will not, I fear, be copied before you go abroad. With hearty thanks. Ever yours, C. Darwin. 440 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. P. S.—After giving much condensed, my argument versus continental extensions, I shall append some such sentence, as that two better judges than myself have considered these arguments, and attach no weight to them. C. Darwin to 'J. D. Hooker. ... I quite agree about Lyell’s letters to me, whidh, though to me interesting, have afforded me no new light. Your letters, under the geological point of view, have been more valuable to me. You cannot imagine how earnestly I wish I could swallow continental extension, but I cannot ; the more I think (and I cannot get the subject out of my head), the more difficult I find it. If there were only some half-dozen cases, I should not feel the least difficulty ; but the generality of the facts of all islands (except one or two) having a considerable part of their productions in common with one or more mainlands utterly staggers me. What a wonderful case of the Epacridse ! It is most vexatious, also humiliating, to me that I cannot follow and subscribe to the way in which you strikingly put your view of the case. I look at your facts (about Eucalyptus, &c.) as damning against continental extension, and if you like also damning against migration, or at least of enormous difficulty. I see the ground of our difference (in a letter I must put myself on an equality in arguing) lies, in my opinion, that scarcely anything is known of means of distribution. I quite agree with A. De Candolle’s (and I dare say your) opinion that it is poor work putting together the merely posssible means of distribution ; but I see no other way in which the subject can be attacked, for I think that A. De Candolle’s argument, that no plants have been introduced into England except by man’s agency, [is] of no weight. I cannot but think that the theory of con- tinental extension does do some little harm as stopping inves- tigation of the means of dispersal, which, whether negative or positive, seems to me of value ; when negatived, then every Down, August 5th [1856]. 1856.] SPECIFIC CENTRES, 441 one who believes in single centres will have to admit conti- nental extensions. ... I see from your remarks that you do not understand my notions (whether or no worth anything) about modifica- tion; I attribute very little to the direct action of climate, &c. I suppose, in regard to specific centres, we are at cross purposes ; I should call the kitchen garden in which the red cabbage was produced, or the farm in which Bakewell made the Shorthorn cattle, the specific centre of these species ! And surely this is centralisation enough ! I thank you most sincerely for all your assistance ; and whether or no my book may be wretched, you have done your best to make it less wretched. Sometimes I am in very good spirits and sometimes very low about it. My own mind is decided on the question of the origin of species ; but, good heavens, how little that is worth ! . . . [With regard to “ specific centres,” a passage from a letter dated July 25, 1856, by Sir Charles Lyell to Sir J. D. Hooker (‘Life,’ ii. p. 216) is of interest: “ I fear much that if Darwin argues that species are phan- toms, he will also have to admit that single centres of disper- sion are phantoms also, and that would deprive me of much of the value which I ascribe to the present provinces of ani- mals and plants, as illustrating modern and tertiary changes in physical geography.” He seems to have recognised, however, that the phantom doctrine woujd soon have to be faced, for he wrote in the same letter : “ Whether Darwin persuades you and me to renounce our faith in species (when geological epochs are considered) or not, I foresee that many will go over to the indefinite modifiability doctrine.” In the autumn my father was still working at geographical distribution, and again sought the aid of Sir J. D. Hooker. A Letter to Sir J. D. Hooker \Sept., 1856]. “ In the course of some weeks, you unfortunate wretch, you will have my MS. on one point of Geographical Distribu- 442 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. tion. I will, however, never ask such a favour again ; but in regard to this one piece of MS., it is of infinite importance to me for you to see it; for never in my life have I felt such difficulty what to do, and I heartily wish I could slur the whole subject over.” In a letter to Sir J. D. Hooker (June, 1856), the following characteristic passage occurs, suggested, no doubt, by the kind of work which his chapter on Geographical Distribution entailed : “ There is wonderful ill logic in his [E. Forbes’] famous and admirable memoir on distribution, as it appears to me, now that I have got it up so as to give the heads in a page. Depend on it, my saying is a true one, viz., that a compiler is a great man, and an original man a commonplace man. Any fool can generalise and speculate ; but, oh, my heavens ! to get up at second hand a New Zealand Flora, that is work.”] C. Darwin to W. D. Fox. ... I remember you protested against Lyell’s advice of writing a sketch of my species doctrines. Well, when I began I found it such unsatisfactory work that I have desisted, and am now drawing up my work as perfect as my materials of nineteen years’ collecting suffice, but do not intend to stop to perfect any line of investigation beyond current work. Thus far and no farther I shall follow Lyell’s urgent advice. Your remarks weighed with me considerably. I find to my sorrow it will run to quite a big book. I have found my care- ful work at pigeons really invaluable, as enlightening me on many points on variation under domestication. The copious old literature, by which I can trace the gradual changes in the breeds of pigeons has been extraordinarily useful to me. I have just had pigeons and fowls alive from the Gambia! Rabbits and ducks I am attending to pretty carefully, but less so than pigeons. I find most remarkable differences in the skeletons of rabbits. Have you ever kept any odd breeds Oct. 3 [1856]. 1856.] BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY 443 of rabbits, and can you give me any details ? One other question: You used to keep hawks; do you at ail know, after eating a bird, how soon after they throw up the pellet ? No subject gives me so much trouble and doubt and diffi- culty as the means of dispersal of the same species of terres- trial productions on the oceanic islands. Land mollusca drive me mad, and I cannot anyhow get their eggs to experimentise their power of floating and resistance to the injurious action of salt water. I will not apologise for writing so much about my own doings, as I believe you will like to hear. Do some- time, I beg you, let me hear how you get on in health ; and if so inclined' let me have some words on call-ducks. My dear Fox, yours affectionately, Ch. Darwin, [With regard to his book he wrote (Nov. 10th) to Sir Charles Lyell : “ I am working very steadily at my big book ; I have found it quite impossible to publish any preliminary essay or sketch ; but am doing my work as completely as my present materials allow without waiting to perfect them. And this much acceleration I owe to you.”] C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—The seeds are come all safe, many thanks for them. I was very sorry to run away so soon and miss any part of my most pleasant evening ; and I ran away like a Goth and Vandal without wishing Mrs. Hooker good- bye; but I was only just in time, as I got on the platform the train had arrived. I was particularly glad of our discussion after dinner; fighting a battle with you always clears my mind wonderfully. I groan to hear that A. Gray agrees with you about the con- dition of Botanical Geography. All I know is that if you had Down, Sunday [Oct. 1856.] 444 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1856. had to search for light in Zoological Geography you would by contrast, respect your own subject a vast deal more than you now do. The hawks have behaved like gentlemen, and have cast up pellets with lots of seeds in them ; and I have just had a parcel of partridge’s feet well caked with mud!!! * Adios. Your insane and perverse friend, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Nov. 4th [1856]. My dear Hooker,—I thank you more cordially than you will think probable, for your note. Your verdict f has been a great relief. On my honour I had no idea whether or not you would say it was (and I knew you would say it very kindly) so bad, that you would have begged me to have burnt the whole. To my own mind my MS. relieved me of some few difficulties, and the difficulties seemed to me pretty fairly stated, but I had become so bewildered with conflicting facts, evidence, reasoning and opinions, that I felt to myself that I had lost all judgment. Your general verdict is incomparably more favourable than I had anticipated. . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Nov. 23rd [1856]. My dear Hooker,—I fear I shall weary you with letters, but do not answer this, for in truth and without flattery, I so value your letters, that after a heavy batch, as of late, I feel that I have been extravagant and have drawn too much money, and shall therefore have to stint myself on another occasion. When I sent my MS. I felt strongly that some preliminary * The mud in such cases often contains seeds, so that plants are thus transported. f On the MS. relating to geographical distribution. 1856.] NATURAL SELECTION 445 questions on the causes of variation ought to have been sent you. Whether I am right or wrong in these points is quite a separate question, but the conclusion which I have come to, quite independently of geographical distribution, is that ex- ternal conditions (to which naturalists so often appeal) do by themselves very little. How much they do is the point of all others on which I feel myself very weak. I judge from the facts of variation under domestication, and I may yet get more light. But at present, after drawing up a rough copy on this subject, my conclusion is that external conditions do extremely little, except in causing mere variability. This mere variability (causing the child not closely to resemble its parent) I look at as very different from the formation of a marked variety or new species. (No doubt the variability is governed by laws, some of which I am endeavouring very obscurely to trace.) The formation of a strong variety or species I look at as almost wholly due to the selection of what may be incorrectly called chance variations or variability. This power of selection stands in the most direct relation to time, and in the state of nature can be only excessively slow. Again, the slight differences selected, by which a race or spe- cies is at last formed, stands, as I think can be shown (even with plants, and obviously with animals), in a far more im- portant relation to its associates than to external conditions. Therefore, according to my principles, whether right or wrong, I cannot agree with your proposition that time, and altered conditions, and altered associates, are '* convertible terms. ’ I look at the first and the last as far more important: time being important only so far as giving scope to selection. God knows whether you will perceive at what I am driving. I shall have to discuss and think more about your difficulty of the temperate and sub-arctic forms in the S. hemisphere than I have yet done. But I am inclined to think that I am right (if my general principles are right), that there would be little tendency to the formation of a new species, during the period of migration, whether shorter or longer, though considerable variability may have supervened. . . . 446 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. 1i857. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Dec. 24th [1856]. . , . How I do wish I lived near you to discuss matters with. 1 have just been comparing definitions of species, and stating briefly how systematic naturalists work out their sub- jects. Aquilegia in the Flora Indica was a capital example foi me. It is really laughable to see what different ideas are prominent in various naturalists’ minds, when they speak of “ species; ” in some, resemblance is everything and descent of little weight—in some, resemblance seems to go for noth- ing, and Creation the reigning idea—in some, descent is the key,—in some, sterility an unfailing test, with others it is not worth a farthing. It all comes, I believe, from trying to de- fine the undefinable. I suppose you have lost the odd black seed from the birds’ dung, which germinated,—anyhow, it is not worth taking trouble over. I have now got about a dozen seeds out of small birds’ dung. Adios, My dear Hooker, ever yours, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to Asa Gray. My dear Dr Gray,—I have received the second part of your paper,* and though I have nothing particular to say, I must send you my thanks and hearty admiration. The whole paper strikes me as quite exhausting the subject, and I quite fancy and flatter myself I now appreciate the character of your Flora. What a difference in regard to Europe your re- mark in relation to the genera makes ! I have been eminently glad to see your conclusion in regard to the species of large genera widely ranging; it is in strict conformity with the re- sults I have worked out in several ways. It is of great impor- tance to my notions. By the way you have paid me a great Down, Jan. 1st [1857?]. * Statistics of the Flora of the Northern U. States.’ Silliman's Jour- nal, 1857 1857-1 TREES AND SHRUBS. 447 compliment: * to be simply mentioned even in such a paper I consider a very great honour. One of your conclusions makes me groan, viz., that the line of connection of the strictly alpine plants is through Greenland. I should extremely like to see your reasons published in detail, for it “ riles ” me (this is a proper expression, is it not ?) dreadfully. Lyell told me, that Agassiz having a theory about when Saurians were first created, on hearing some careful observations opposed to this, said he did not believe it, “ for Nature never lied.” I am just in this predicament, and repeat to you that, “Nature never lies,” ergo, theorisers are always right. . . . Overworked as you are, I dare say you will say that I am an odious plague; but here is another suggestion ! I was led by one of my wild speculations to conclude (though it has nothing to do with geographical distribution, yet it has with your statistics) that trees would have a strong tendency to have flowers with dioecious, monoecious or polygamous struct- ure. Seeing that this seemed so in Persoon, I took one little British Flora, and discriminating trees from bushes according to Loudon, I have found that the result was in species, genera and families, as I anticipated. So I sent my notions.to Hooker to ask him to tabulate the New Zealand Flora for this end, and he thought my result sufficiently curious, to do so; and the accordance with Britain is very striking, and the more so, as he made three classes of trees, bushes, and herbaceous plants. (He says further he shall work the Tasmanian Flora on the same principle.) The bushes hold an intermediate position between the other two classes. It seems to me a curious relation in itself, and is very much so, if my theory and explanation are correct.f With hearty thanks, your most troublesome friend, C. Darwin. * “From some investigations of his own, this sagacious naturalist in- clines to think that [the species of] large genera range over a larger area than the species of small genera do.”—Asa Gray, loc. cit. f See ‘ Origin,’ Ed. h, p. ioo. 448 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, April 12th [1857]. My dear Hooker,—Your letter has pleased me much, for I never can get it out of my head, that I take unfair advantage of your kindness, as I receive all and give nothing. What a splendid discussion you could write on the whole subject of variation! The cases discussed in your last note are valuable to me (though odious and damnable), as showing how profoundly ignorant we are on the causes of variation. I shall just allude to these cases, as a sort of sub-division of polymorphism a little more definite, I fancy, than the variation of, for instance, the Rubi, and equally or more per- plexing. I have just been putting my notes together on variations apparently due to the immediate and direct action of external causes; and I have been struck with one result. The most firm sticklers for independent creation admit, that the fur of the same species is thinner towards the south of the range of the same species than to the north—that the same shells are brighter-coloured to the south than north; that the same [shell] is paler-coloured in deep water—that insects are smaller and darker on mountains—more livid and testaceous near sea —that plants are smaller and more hairy and with brighter flowers on mountains: now in all such, and other cases, dis- tinct species in the two zones follow the same rule, which seems to me to be most simply explained by species, being only strongly marked varieties, and therefore following the same laws as recognised and admitted varieties. I mention all this on account of the variation of plants in ascending mountains ; I have quoted the foregoing remark only gener- ally with no examples, for I add, there is so much doubt and dispute what to call varieties; but yet I have stumbled on so many casual remarks on varieties of plants on mountains being so characterised, that I presume there is some truth in it. What think you ? Do you believe there is any tendency in varieties, as generally so called, of plants to become more 1857-1 WATER-CURE. 449 hairy and with proportionally larger and brighter-coloured flowers in ascending a mountain ? I have been interested in my “weed garden,” of 3X2 feet square: I mark each seedling as it appears, and I am astonished at the number that come up, and still more at the number killed by slugs, &c. Already 59 have been so killed ; I expected a good many, but I had fancied that this was a less potent check than it seems to be, and I attributed almost exclusively to mere choking, the destruction of the seedlings. Grass-seedlings seem to suffer much less than exogens. . . , C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Moor Park, Farnham [April (?) 1857]. My dear Hooker,—Your letter has been forwarded to me here, where I am undergoing hydropathy for a fortnight, having been here a week, and having already received an amount of good which is quite incredible to myself and quite unaccountable. I can walk and eat like a hearty Christian, and even my nights are good. I cannot in the least under- stand how hydropathy can act as it certainly does on me. It dulls one’s brain splendidly ; I have not thought about a single species of any kind since leaving home. Your note has taken me-aback ; I thought the hairiness, &c., of Alpine species was generally admitted ; I am sure I have seen it alluded to a score of times Falconer was haranguing on it the other day to me Meyen or Gay, or some such fellow (whom you would despise), I remember, makes some remark on Chilian Cordillera plants, Wimmer has written a little book on the same lines, and on varieties being so characterised in the Alps. But after writing to you, I confess I was staggered by finding one man (Moquin-Tandon, I think) saying that Alpine flowers are strongly inclined to be white, and Linnaeus saying that cold makes plants apetalous, even the same species ! Are Arctic plants often apetalous ? My general belief from my compiling work is quite to agree with what 450 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857 you say about the little direct influence of climate; and 1 have just alluded to the hairiness of Alpine plants as an ex- ception. The odoriferousness would be a good case for me if I knew of varieties being more odoriferous in dry habitats. I fear that I have looked at the hairiness of Alpine plants as so generally acknowledged that I have not marked pas- sages, so as at all to see what kind of evidence authors ad- vance. I must confess, the other day, when I asked Falconer, whether he knew of individual plants losing or acquiring hairi- ness when transported, he did not. But now this second, my memory flashes on me, and I am certain I have somewhere got marked a case of hairy plants from the Pyrenees losing hairs when cultivated at Montpellier. Shall you think me very impudent if I tell you that I have sometimes thought that (quite independently of the present case), you are a little too hard on bad observers; that a remark made by a bad observer cannot be right; an observer who deserves to be damned you would utterly damn. I feel entire deference to any remark you make out of your own head ; but when in opposition to some poor devil, I somehow involuntarily feel not quite so much, but yet much deference for your opinion. I do not know in the least whether there is any truth in this my criticism against you, but I have often thought I would tell you it. I am really very much obliged for your letter, for, though I intended to put only one sentence and that vaguely, I should probably have put that much too strongly. Ever, my dear Hooker, yours most truly, C. Darwin. P. S. This note, as you see, has not anything requiring an answer. The distribution of fresh-water molluscs has been a horrid incubus to me, but I think I know my way now ; when first hatched they are very active, and I have had thirty or forty crawl on a dead duck’s foot ; and they cannot be jerked off, and will live fifteen and even twenty-four hours out of water. 1857.] NOVARA EXPEDITION. 451 [The following letter refers to the expedition of the Aus- trian frigate Novaraj Lyell had asked my father for sugges- tions.] C. Darwin to C. Lyell. Down, Feb. nth [1857]. My dear Lyell,—I was glad to see in the newspapers about the Austrian Expedition. I have nothing to add geolo- gically to my notes in the Manual.* I do not know whether the Expedition is tied down to call at only fixed spots. But if there be any choice or power in the scientific men to influence the places—this would be most desirable. It is my most deliberate conviction that nothing would aid more, Natural History, than careful collecting and investigating all the productions of the most isolated islands, especially of the southern hemisphere. Except Tristan d’Acunha and Ker- guelen Land, they are very imperfectly known ; and even at Kerguelen Land, how much there is to make out about the lignite beds, and whether there are signs of old Glacial action. Every sea shell and insect and plant is of value from such spots. Some one in the Expedition especially ought to have Hooker’s New Zealand Essay. What grand work to explore Rodriguez, with its fossil birds, and little known productions of every kind. Again the Seychelles, which, with the Cocos so near, must be a remnant of some older land. The outer island of Juan Fernandez is little known. The investigation of these little spots by a band of naturalists would be grand; St. Paul’s and Amsterdam would be glorious, botanically, and geologically. Can you not recommend them to get my ‘ Journal’ and ‘Volcanic Islands ’ on account of the Galapa- gos. If they come from the north it will be a shame and a sin if they do not call at Cocos Islet, one of the Galapagos. I always regretted that I was not able to examine the great * The article “ Geology ” in the Admiralty Manual of Scientific En- quiry. 452 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. craters on Albemarle Island, one of the Galapagos. In New Zealand urge on them to look out for erratic boulders and marks of old glaciers. Urge the use of the dredge in the Tropics; how little or nothing we know of the limit of life downward in the hot seas ? My present work leads me to perceive how much the domestic animals have been neglected in out of the way countries. The Revillagigedo Island off Mexico, I believe, has never been trodden by foot of naturalist. If the expedition sticks to such places as Rio, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon and Australia, &c., it will not do much. Ever yours most truly, C. Darwin. [The following passage occurs in a letter to Mr. Fox, Feb- ruary 22, 1857, and has reference to the book on Evolution on which he was still at work. The remainder of the letter is made up in details of no interest: “I am got most deeply interested in my subject; though I wish I could set less value on the bauble fame, either present or posthumous, than I do, but not I think, to any extreme degree : yet, if I know myself, I would work just as hard, though with less gusto, if I knew that my book would be pub- lished for ever anonymously.”] C. Darwin to A. R. Wallace. Moor Park, May 1st, 1857. My dear Sir,—I am much obliged for your letter of October ioth, from Celebes, received a few days ago ; in a laborious undertaking, sympathy is a valuable and real en- couragement. By your letter and even still more by your 1857.] ARGUMENT FROM DOMESTICATION. 453 paper * in the Annals, a year or more ago, I can plainly see that we have thought much alike and to a certain extent have come to similar conclusions. In regard to the Paper in the Annals, I agree to the truth of almost every word of your paper ; and I dare say that you will agree with me that it is very rare to find oneself agreeing pretty closely with any theoretical paper; for it is lamentable how each man draws his own different conclusions from the very same facts. This summer will make the 20th year (!) since I opened my first note-book, on the question how and in what way do species and varieties differ from each other. I am now preparing my work for publication, but I find the subject so very large, that though I have written many chapters, I do not suppose I shall go to press for two years. I have never heard how long you intend staying in the Malay Archipelago; I wish I might profit by the publication of your Travels there before my work appears, for no doubt you will reap a large harvest of facts. I have acted already in accordance with your advice of keeping domestic varieties, and those appearing in a state of nature, distinct ; but I have sometimes doubted of the wisdom of this, and therefore I am glad to be backed by your opinion. I must confess, however, I rather doubt the truth of the now very prevalent doctrine of all our domestic animals having descended from several wild stocks; though I do not doubt that it is so in some cases. I think there is rather better evidence on the sterility of hybrid animals than you seem to admit: and in regard to plants the collection of carefully recorded facts by Kblreuter and Gaertner (and Herbert,] is enormous. I most entirely agree with you on the little effects of “ climatal conditions,” which one sees referred to ad nauseam in all books : I suppose some very little effect must be attributed to such influences, but I fully believe that they are very slight. It is really impossible to explain my views (in the compass of a letter), on the causes and means * ‘ On the law that has regulated the introduction of new species.’— Ann. Nat. Hist., 1855. 454 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. of variation in a state of nature ; but I have slowly adopted a distinct and tangible idea,—whether true or false others must judge ; for the firmest conviction of the truth of a doctrine by its author, seems, alas, not to be the slightest guarantee of truth ! . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Moor Park, Saturday [May 2nd, 1857]. My dear Hooker,—You have shaved the hair off the Alpine plants pretty effectually. The case of the Anthyllis will make a “ tie ” with the believed case of Pyrenees plants becoming glabrous at low levels. If I do find that I have marked such facts, I will lay the evidence before you. I wonder how the belief could have originated ! Was it through final causes to keep the plants warm? Falconer in talk coupled the two facts of woolly Alpine plants and mammals. How candidly and meekly you took my Jeremiad on your severity to second-class men. After I had sent it off, an ugly little voice asked me, once or twice, how much of my noble defence of the poor in spirit and in fact, was owing to your having not seldom smashed favourite notions of my own. I silenced the ugly little voice with contempt, but it would whisper again and again. I sometimes despise myself as a poor compiler as heartily as you could do, though I do not despise my whole work, as I think there is enough known to lay a foundation for the discussion on the origin of species. I have been led to despise and laugh at myself as a compiler, for having put down that “Alpine plants have large flowers,” and now perhaps I may write over these very words, “Alpine plants have small or apetalous flowers! . . . C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. My dear Hooker,—You said—I hope honestly—that you did not dislike my asking questions on general points, you of course answering or not as time or inclination might Down, [May] 16th 11857]. 1857-] VARIABILITY. 455 serve. I find in the animal kingdom that the proposition that any part or organ developed normally (/. e., not a mon- strosity) in a species in any high or unusual degree, compared with the same part or organ in allied species, tends to be highly variable. I cannot doubt this from my mass of col- lected facts. To give an instance, the Cross-bill is very ab- normal in the structure of its bill compared with other allied Fringillidse, and the beak is eminently variable. The Himan- topus, remarkable from the wonderful length of its legs, is very variable in the length of its legs. I could give many most striking and curious illustrations in all classes; so many that I think it cannot be chance. But I have none in the vegetable kingdom, owing, as I believe, to my ignorance. If Nepenthes consisted of one or two species in a group with a pitcher developed, then I should have expected it to have been very variable ; but I do not consider Nepenthes a case in point, for when a whole genus or group has an organ, however anomalous, I do not expect it to be variable,—it is only when one or few species differ greatly in some one part or organ from the forms closely allied to it in all other re- spects, that I believe such part or organ to be highly variable. Will you turn this in your mind? it is an important apparent law (!) for me. Ever yours, C. Darwin. P. S.—I do not know how far you will care to hear, but I find Moquin-Tandon treats in his ‘ Teratologie ’ on villosity of plants, and seems to attribute more to dryness than alti- tude ; but seems to think that it must be admitted that mountain plants are villose, and that this villosity is only in part explained by De Candolle’s remark that the dwarfed condition of mountain plants would condense the hairs, and so give them the appearance of being more hairy. He quotes Senebier, ‘ Physiologie Vegetale,’ as authority—I suppose the first authority, for mountain plants being hairy. If I could show positively that the endemic species were 456 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. more hairy in dry districts, then the case of the varieties becoming more hairy in dry ground would be a fact for me. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, June 3rd [1857]. My dear Hooker,—I am going to enjoy myself by having a prose on my own subjects to you, and this is a greater enjoyment to me than you will readily understand, as I for months together do not open my mouth on Natural History. Your letter is of great value to me, and staggers me in regard to my proposition. I dare say the absence of bo- tanical facts may in part be accounted for by the difficulty of measuring slight variations. Indeed, after writing, this occurred to me ; for I have Crucianella slylosa coming into flower, and the pistil ought to be very variable in length, and thinking of this I at once felt how could one judge whether it was variable in any high degree. How different, for instance, from the beak of a bird ! But I am not satisfied with this explanation, and am staggered. Yet I think there is some- thing in the law ; I have had so many instances, as the follow- ing : I wrote to Wollaston to ask him to run through the Ma- deira Beetles and tell me whether any one presented anything very anomalous in relation to its allies. He gave me a unique case of an enormous head in a female, and then I found in his book, already stated, that the size of the head was aston- ishingly variable. Part of the difference with plants may be accounted for by many of my cases being secondary male or female characters, but then I have striking cases with her- maphrodite Cirripedes. The cases seem to me far too numer- ous for accidental coincidences, of great variability and ab- normal development. I presume that you will not object to my putting a note saying that you had reflected over the case, and though one or two cases seemed to support, quite as many or more seemed wholly contradictory. This want of evidence 1857-] VARIABILITY. 457 is the more surprising to me, as generally I find any propo- sition more easily tested by observations in botanical works, which I have picked up, than in zoological works. I never dreamed that you had kept the subject at all before your mind. Altogether the case is one more of my many horrid puzzles. My observations, though on so infinitely a small scale, on the struggle for existence, begin to make me see a little clearer how the fight goes on. Out of sixteen kinds of seed sown on my meadow, fifteen have germinated, but now they are perishing at such a rate that I doubt whether more than one will flower. Here wre have choking which has taken place likewise on a great scale, with plants not seedlings, in a bit of my lawn allowed to grow up. On the other hand, in a bit of ground, 2 by 3 feet, I have daily marked each seed- ling weed as it has appeared during March, April and May, and 357 have come up, and of these 277 have already been killed, chiefly by slugs. By the way, at Moor Park, I saw rather a pretty case of the effects of animals on vegetation : there are enormous commons with clumps of old Scotch firs on the hills, and about eight or ten years ago some of these commons were enclosed, and all round the clumps nice young trees are springing up by the million, looking exactly as if planted, so many are of the same age. In other parts of the common, not yet enclosed, I looked for miles and not one young tree could be seen. I then went near (within quarter of a mile of the clumps) and looked closely in the heather, and there I found tens of thousands of young Scotch firs (thirty in one square yard) with their tops nibbled off by the few cattle which occasionally roam over these wretched heaths. One little tree, three inches high, by the rings appeared to be twenty-six years old, with a short stem about as thick as a stick of sealing-wax. What a wondrous problem it is, what a play of forces, determining the kind and proportion of each plant in a square yard of turf! It is to my mind truly won- derful. And yet we are pleased to wonder when some animal or plant becomes extinct. I am so sorry that you will not be at the Club. I see Mrs, 458 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857- Hooker is going to Yarmouth ; I trust that the health of your children is not the motive. Good-bye. My dear Hooker, ever yours, C. Darwin. P. S.—I believe you are afraid to send me a ripe Edwardsia pod, for fear I should float it from New Zealand to Chile !! ! C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, June 5 [1857]. My dear Hooker,—I honour your conscientious care about the medals.* Thank God ! I am only an amateur (but a much interested one) on the subject. It is an old notion of mine that more good is done by giving medals to younger men in the early part of their career, than as a mere reward to men whose scientific career is nearly finished. Whether medals ever do any good is a question which does not concern us, as there the medals are. I am almost inclined to think that I would rather lower the standard, and give medals to young workers than to old ones with no especial claims. With regard to especial claims, I think it just deserving your attention, that if general claims are once admitted, it opens the door to great laxity in giving them. Think of the case of a very rich man, who aided solely with his money, but to a grand extent—or such an inconceiv- able prodigy as a minister of the Crown who really cared for science. Would you give such men medals? Perhaps medals could not be better applied than exclusively to such men. I confess at present I incline to stick to especial claims which can be put down on paper. . . . I am much confounded by your showing that there are not obvious instances of my (or rather Waterhouse’s) law of abnormal developments being highly variable. I have been thinking more of your remark about the difficulty of judging * The Royal Society’s medals. 1857-] VARIABILITY. 459 or comparing variability in plants from the great general variability of parts. I should look at the law as more com- pletely smashed if you would turn in your mind for a little while for cases of great variability of an organ, and tell me whether it is moderately easy to pick out such cases ; for if they can be picked out, and, notwithstanding, do not coincide with great or abnormal development, it would be a complete smasher. It is only beginning in your mind at the variability end of the question instead of at the abnormality end. Per- haps cases in which a part is highly variable in all the species of a group should be excluded, as possibly being something distinct, and connected with the perplexing subject of poly- morphism. Will you perfect your assistance by further con- sidering, for a little, the subject this way ? I have been so much interested this morning in comparing all my notes on the variation of the several species of the genus Equus and the results of their crossing- Taking most strictly analogous facts amongst the blessed pigeons for my guide, I believe I can plainly see the colouring and marks of the grandfather of the Ass, Horse, Quagga, Hemionus and Zebra, some millions of generations ago! Should not I [have] sneer[ed] at any one who made such a remark to me a few years ago ; but my evidence seems to me so good that I shall publish my vision at the end of my little discussion on this genus. I have of late inundated you with my notions, you best of friends and philosophers. Adios, C. Darwin. C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Moor Park, Famham, June 25th [1857]. My Dear Hooker,—This requires no answer, but I will ask you whenever we meet. Look at enclosed seedling gorses, especially one with the top knocked off. The leaves suc- ceeding the cotyledons being almost clover-like in shape, 460 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1858. seems to me feebly analogous to embryonic resemblances in young animals, as, for instance, the young lion being striped. I shall ask you whether this is so.* . . . Dr. Lane f and wife, and mother-in-law, Lady Drysdale, are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I return home on the 30th. Good-bye, my dear Hooker. Ever yours, C. Darwin. [Here follows a group of letters, of various dates, bearing on the question of large genera varying.] C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. I was led to all this work by a remark of Fries, that the species in large genera were more closely related to each other than in small genera; and if this were so, seeing that varieties and species are so hardly distinguishable, I concluded that I should find more varieties in the large genera than in the small. . . . Some day I hope you will read my short discussion on the whole subject. You have done me infinite service, whatever opinion I come to, in drawing my attention to at least the possibility or the probability of botanists record- ing more varieties in the large than in the small genera. It will be hard work for me to be candid in coming to my con- clusion. Ever yours, most truly, C. Darwin. March nth [1858J. P. S.—I shall be several weeks at my present job. The work has been turning out badly for me this morning, and I am sick at heart; and, oh ! how I do hate species and varieties. * See ‘ Power of Movement in Plants,’ p. 414. f The physician at Moor Park. 1857.J LARGE GENERA VARYING. 461 C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. ... I write now to supplicate most earnestly a favour, viz., the loan of Boreau, Flore du centre de la France, either 1st or 2nd edition, last best ; also “Flora Ratisbonensis,” by Dr. Fiirnrohr, in ‘ Naturhist. Topographie von Regensburg, 1839.’ If you can possibly spare them, will you send them at once to the enclosed address. If you have not them, will you send one line by return of post: as I must try whether Kippist * can anyhow find them, which I fear will be nearly impossible in the Linnean Library, in which I know they are. I have been making some calculations about varieties, &c., and talking yesterday with Lubbock, he has pointed out to me the grossest blunder which I have made in principle, and which entails two or three weeks’ lost work ; and I am at a dead-lock till I have these books to go over again, and see what the result of calculation on the right principle is. I am the most miserable, bemuddled, stupid dog in all England, and am ready to cry with vexation at my blindness and presumption. Ever yours, most miserably, C. Darwin. July 14th [1857?]. C. Darwin to John Lubbock. Down, [July] 14th [1857]. My dear Lubbock,— You have done me the greatest possible service in helping me to clarify my brains. If I am as muzzy on all subjects as I am on proportion and chance, —what a book I shall produce! I have divided the New Zealand Flora as you suggested. There are 329 species in genera of 4 and upwards, and 323 in genera of 3 and less. * The late Mr. Kippist was at this time in charge of the Linnean Society’s Library. 462 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. The 339 species have 51 species presenting one or more varieties. The 323 species have only 37. Proportionately (339 : 323 51 : 48'5) they ought to have had species presenting vars. So that the case goes as I want it, but not strong enough, without it be general, for me to have much confidence in. I am quite convinced yours is the right way ; I had thought of it, but should never have done it had it not been for my most fortunate conversation with you. I am quite shocked to find how easily I am muddled, for I had before thought over the subject much, and concluded my way was fair. It is dreadfully erroneous. What a disgraceful blunder you have saved me from. I heartily thank you. Ever yours, C. Darwin. P. S.—It is enough to make me tear up all my MS. and give up in despair. It will take me several weeks to go over all my materials. But oh, if you knew how thankful I am to you ! C. Darwin to J. D. Hooker. Down, Aug. [1857]. My dear Hooker,—It is a horrid bore you cannot come soon, and I reproach myself that I did not write sooner. How busy you must be ! with such a heap of botanists at Kew. Only think, I have just had a letter from Henslow, saying he will come here between nth and 15th! Is not that grand ? Many thanks about FUrnrohr. I must humbly supplicate Kippist to search for it: he most kindly got Bo- reau for me. I am got extremely interested in tabulating, according to mere size of genera, the species having any varieties marked by Greek letters or otherwise : the result (as far as I have yet gone) seems to me one of the most important arguments I have yet met with, that varieties are only small species—or 1857.] LARGE GENERA VARYING. 463 species only strongly marked varieties. The subject is in many ways so very important for me ; I wish much you would think of any well-worked Floras with from 1000-2000 species, with the varieties marked. It is good to have hair-splitters and lumpers.* I have done, or am doing :— Babington Henslow ..... London Catalogue. H. C. Watson British Flora. Boreau .... France. Miquel .... Holland. Asa Gray . . . N. U. States. Hooker . N. Zealand. Fragment of Indian Flora. Wollaston . . . Madeira insects. Has not Koch published a good German Flora ? Does he mark varieties ? Could you send it me ? Is there not some grand Russian Flora, which perhaps has varieties marked ? The Floras ought to be well known. I am in no hurry for a few weeks. Will you turn this in your head when, if ever, you have leisure ? The subject is very important for my work, though I clearly see many causes of error. . . . C. Darwin to Asa Gray. Down, Feb. 21st [1859]. My dear Gray,—My last letter begged no favour, this one does : but it will really cost you very little trouble to answer to me, and it will be of very great service to me, owing to a remark made to me by Hooker, which I cannot credit, and which was suggested to him by one of my letters. He suggested my asking you, and I told him I would not give the least hint what he thought. I generally believe Hooker * Those who make many species are the “splitters,” and those who make few are the “lumpers.” 464 THE UNFINISHED BOOK. [1857. implicitly, but he is sometimes, I think, and he confesses it, rather over critical, and his ingenuity in discovering flaws seems to me admirable. Here is my question :—“ Do you think that good botanists in drawing up a local Flora, whether small or large, or in making a Prodromus like De Candolle’s, would almost universally, but unintentionally and uncon- sciously, tend to record (/.