wx BP4 |P5W7v- 1B59 PHILa, VILLS HOSP. RULES AND RHGLLAriONS iVE :ine MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBR ^/«^p .£/Y,v '^ 't3 '" I 3NIDIQ3W dO AaVaSIT TVNOUVN 3NIDIQ3W JO AHVaaiT TVNOUVN 3NOIQ3W JO MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBR, 3NIDIQ3W JO AHVagiT TVNOUVN 3NIDIQ3W JO AaVagil TVNOUVN 3NI3IQ3W JO , in _i>f(,A ■ws M\^/ 4 Cj NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRA NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRA i\'M\ j/. j-ct^y- '■■: RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL FOR THE RELIEF OF THE INDIGENT BLIND AND LAME. THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY COUNCILS RELATIVE THERETO. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1859. wx 29 F) P4 k,.iliw»IAL LIBRARY OF MEDIC!.* . KTHESOA 14, MO, OFFICERS OF WILLS HOSPITAL. PRESIDENT. JOHN RODMAN PAUL, M.D. SECRETARY. EDWARD HOPPER. MANAGERS. JOHN RODMAN PAUL, M.D., ISAAC ELLIOTT, DILLWYN PARRISH, CHARLES ELLIS, JOHN McALLISTER, EDWARD HOPPER, MORRIS PATTERSON, J. H. B. McCLELLAN, M.D., S. W. LANGDON, M. D., A. H. ASHTON, M. D., JOHN K. McILWAIN, THOMAS WILMER, GEORGE J. WEAVER, JOHN C. FARR, R. S. KENDERDINE, M.D., JOHN NEILL, M.D., WILLIAM 0. KLINE, M. D., JAMES W. MARTIEN. SURGEONS. S. LITTELL, M.D., EDWARD HARTSHORNE, M. D ADDINELL HEWSON, M.D., WILLIAM HUNT, M.D. PHYSICIANS. S. L. HOLLINGSWORTH, M.D., JAMES L. TYSON M D JOHN J. REESE, M.D., JAMES J. LEVICK, M. D.' RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. CHARLES C. LEE, M. D. STEWARD. CHARLES OAT. RULES AND REGULATIONS. OF THE PERSONS WHO ARE TO BE ADMITTED. Section 1. The Hospital shall be opened for the recep- tion of the indigent Blind and the indigent Lame. Sect. 2. The Visiting Committee, in granting admission to the Hospital, shall only admit such as may be deemed susceptible of cure or of a melioration of symptoms; and it shall be expressly understood by all applicants, that if the anticipated result does not occur, they shall yield their places to other applicants; Provided, that all applications not received by the Visiting Committee, be submitted to the Board for their decision. Sect. 3. The applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence of respectable character and indigent circumstances. Sect. 4. He or she shall submit to the Visiting Managers the certificate of one of the surgeons or physicians of the Hospital, giving a description of his or her disease, and stating that the infirmity is such as to render the applicant a proper object of the charity. OP THE MANAGERS. Sect. 5. The Board of Managers shall hold their stated meetings on the first Monday of each month at such time as they may designate. Sect. 6. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 4 Sect. 7. The Board, at their stated meeting in December of every year, shall elect a President, Secretary, Steward, and Matron. OF VISITING COMMITTEES. Sect. 8. The Board of Managers shall be subdivided into committees, to consist of three members, called the Visiting Committees, who shall in rotation perform monthly terms of duty at the Hospital. Sect. 9. They shall hold meetings at the Hospital on Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at 4 o'clock P. M., at which times they shall receive and decide on all applica- tions for admission, and discharge such inmates as in their judgment may cease to be proper objects of charity, and, under direction of the Board, shall have the general charge and superintendence of the house. Sect. 10. The Committee shall make a record of their proceedings, which shall at all times be open to the inspec- tion of any manager; they shall also keep a regular account of the expenditures of the Hospital, and make a report to the Board at their next stated meeting. OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Sect. 11. The Standing Committees shall be appointed annually at the stated meeting in December. OF COMMITTEE ON PROPERTY. Sect. 12. There shall be a committee, to consist of three members, who shall have, under the direction of the Board, the superintendence and care of the real estate. OF COMMITTEE ON PURCHASES. Sect. 13. There shall be a committee, to consist of three members, who shall purchase such supplies for the use of the house, as they may deem necessary. 5 OF THE SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS. Sect. 14. The Board of Managers shall, at their stated meeting in January of each year, elect four Surgeons and four Physicians for the ensuing year, who shall render their services gratuitously. Sect. 15. The year shall be divided into four terms of three months each, and the Surgeons and Physicians shall so classify themselves, that one Surgeon and one Physician shall attend during each term. Sect. 16. The attending Surgeon and Physician shall visit the Hospital twice a week, and at such other times as may be required; and no important surgical operation shall be performed without a consultation by the Surgeons of the Hospital. Sect. 17. The attending Surgeons and Physicians shall examine all applicants for admission into the Hospital, and having ascertained that they are not laboring under any contagious or infectious disease, and that the infirmity in each particular case is such as to render the applicant a •proper object of the charity, shall give a certificate describ- ing the case, which shall be presented to the Visiting Managers for their consideration. Sect. 18. There shall also be admitted into the Hospital as patients, with the like forms that others are admitted, lame or blind persons who are able and willing to pay for their accommodation such rates of compensation as the Board shall designate, with proper security for the pay- ment of the same. Sect. 19. The Surgeons and Physicians shall meet at least once in every three months at the Hospital, to exa- mine the state of the medicines, surgical instruments, and apparatus, and to consult together respecting the better regulation of their respective departments; and if in their judgment any alteration shall be necessary or proper, they shall report the same to the Board of Managers. 6 Sect. 20. In case of the death or resignation of any attending Surgeon or Physician, the Surgeon or Physician next in the order of rotation shall serve until the vacancy shall be supplied. OF THE RESIDENT PHYSICIAN OR STUDENT. Sect. 21. The Board of Managers, at their stated meeting in April, shall elect a Resident Physician, or Student, to serve for one year. RULES FOR THE RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. Sect. 22. I. The Resident Physician shall have charge, under the direction of the Attending Surgeon and Phy- sician, of the whole Medical Department of the Institution. II. He shall have a general superintendence of the nurses, so far as relates to the care of the patients. III. Patients shall not be allowed to leave the Insti- tution, unless regularly discharged, without the express consent of the attending surgeon, except in cases of emer- gency, and then only by permission of the Steward, and the written recommendation of the Resident, in the absence of the attending Medical Officer. IV. It shall be the duty of the Resident to suspend over the bed of every patient, in their respective wards, his or her name, and the date of admission, neatly and plainly written on a paper of a size suitable to the tin frame pro- vided therefor. V. He shall fill up all the certificates of admission for the Attending Surgeon to sign, and furnish to the Visiting Committee the names and conditions of those who have been discharged. He shall also make to the Visiting Committee for the month, at their last visit to the Insti- tution, a report containing the number of patients ad- mitted and discharged, the number of new out-door patients and the number and character of the operations during the month. 7 VI. It shall be his duty to inquire the name, age, nati- vity, occupation, and social state of all the applicants for out-door relief, before the Attending Surgeon is called upon to prescribe for the same, and he shall refer all who are not charity patients for advice to the Surgeon on duty at the time. VII. The Resident shall not prescribe for the out-door patients, who present themselves at the Hospital, except in cases of emergency, or by permission of the Attending Surgeon ; nor shall he perform any operations except those required to afford immediate relief. VIII. He shall accompany the Attending Surgeons in their visits, register all their prescriptions, keep such record of all the cases, and make such examinations as may be required by the same. IX. He shall have a general supervision of the Apothe- cary shop, and shall compound the prescriptions. He shall have the surgical instruments always in order, and keep an inventory of them, which, together with the instru- ments, he shall deliver to his successor. No instrument shall be loaned to any one without the written order of one of the Surgeons. X. In case of absence or sickness of the Resident, his substitute shall be appointed by the Attending Surgeon, subject to the approval of the Attending Managers. XI. He shall keep a correct list of all admissions and dis- charges of patients, in the Registry Book kept for that pur- pose, and report the same to the Visiting Managers for the month, at their last visit to the Institution. OF THE STEWARD. Sect. 23. The Steward shall have the superintendence of the internal concerns of the Hospital, subject to the con- trol of the Visiting Committee and Board of Managers, 8 and shall, with the concurrence of the Visiting Committee, appoint and dismiss the servants. Sect. 24. He shall preserve carefully on files all docu- ments belonging to the Institution, keep a correct account of the expenses of the house, and shall report the state of the Hospital to the Visiting Committee at their regular visits; also cause to be published, on the first of each month, in such of the city papers as will do it gratuitously, the names and residence of the Surgeons and Physicians, and Visiting Managers, to whom applications for admis- sion shall be made. BY-LAWS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL. OF VACANCIES IN THE BOARD. Section 1. Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the Board, the Select and Common Councils shall be notified thereof. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD, AND THEIR DUTIES. Sect. 2. All elections of officers shall be by ballot, and determined by a majority of the Managers present, and no officer in the service of the Board shall be removed unless by a like majority. Sect. 3. The President, on his own authority, or at the requisition of any four members, and in his absence the Secretary, upon being so requested, shall call special meet- ings of the Board, and fix the time for holding the same. Sect. 4. The President, or in his absence a president pro tern., shall take the chair at the time appointed, shall imme- diately call the members to order, and on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the minutes of the preceding and special meetings to be read, which may be corrected by the Board. Sect. 5. It shall be the duty of the President to preserve order confine members in debate to the question before the Board and when two or more members rise at the same time to name the member, who shall first take the floor; and no member shall speak more than twice on the same question without special leave of the Board. 10 Sect. 6. All committees shall be appointed by the pre- siding officer, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Sect. 7. The President and Secretary shall sign all orders for all such sums as the Board shall from time to time determine to be necessary for the support of the Hospital. Sect. 8. It shall be the duty of the Secretary, under the direction of the Board, to prepare a statement of the pro- ceedings of the Managers, with a full and accurate account of the receipts and expenditures for the past year, which shall be signed by the President and Secretary, and be pre- sented to the Select and Common Councils on the second Thursday of January in each succeeding year. Sect. 9. He shall also give written notice to the mem- bers of the stated or other meetings of the Board, and when elections are to take place, shall inform them of it. OF THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. Sect. 10. The order to be observed in taking up business after the minutes have been read, shall be as follows:— 1. Written communications to the Board, read and dis- posed of. 2. Reports of the Visiting Managers, Steward, and Com- mittees, read and acted upon. 3. Unfinished business, original resolutions, motions to reconsider, and other business. RULES OF ORDER. *£ect. 11. All motions made and seconded shall be re- peated by the President previous to taking the question, and if requested by two members, the yeas and nays shall be taken thereon. If any member require it, a motion offered shall be reduced to writing, and may be withdrawn by the member making or seconding the motion before amend- ment, or decision, and if withdrawn, the proceedings had thereon shall be expunged from the minutes. 11 Sect. 12. No business regularly before the Board shall be interrupted, except by motion for postponement, com- mitment, amendment, or adjournment. Sect. 13. A member may call for a division of the ques- tion when the sense will admit of it. Sect. 14. A motion for adjournment shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. Sect. 15. The President may decide on any question of order, but an appeal from his decision may be made by any two members, which shall be determined without debate. Sect. 16. Every motion or resolution to alter or rescind a rule of the Board, shall be read at one stated meeting and laid on the table until the next. Sect. 17. No motion for reconsideration shall be received, unless made and seconded by members who voted with the majority on the original question. Sect. 18. The President may call any member to the chair when the Board is in session, who may preside until an adjournment. Sect. 19. Any by-law or rule may be dispensed with, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. RULES FOR THE INTERNAL REGULATION OF THE HOSPITAL. Section 1. The bell shall be rung at six o'clock A. M. from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and at seven o'clock A. M. during the rest of the year, for all the*m- mates, not prevented by indisposition, to arise and repair to the'bath-rooms to wash. The bell shall be rung at seven o'clock A. M. from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and at eight o'clock A. M. during the rest of the year, for breakfast. At one o'clock P. M. for dinner; and at six o'clock P. M. from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and at five o'clock P. M. during the rest of the year, for tea; when all not otherwise directed shall proceed to oc- 12 cupy the seats at table assigned to them. The bell shall again be rung at ten o'clock P. M. from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and at nine o'clock P. M. during the rest of the year, for the inmates to retire to their rooms, when all the lights shall be extinguished except those in the hall, and in the sick and Steward's departments. Sect. 2. The strictest decorum shall be observed through- out the establishment. The males and females shall confine themselves to their respective departments—the utmost cleanliness shall be enjoined. All spirituous liquors (except for medical purposes) shall be strictly prohibited. Profane language, and an infringement of any of these regulations, may subject an inmate to dismission from the Hospital. Sect. 3. The servants shall not absent themselves from the house without permission from the Steward, Matron, or Visiting Managers; they shall return at the time speci- fied, and in an orderly manner. Sect. 4. Persons visiting patients will be admitted on Tuesday and Saturday, between the hours of two and five o'clock P. M. On any other occasion, it will require an order from a Manager, or the permission of the Steward. Sect. 5. The inmates, whose situation will admit of it, shall be employed in such a manner as will conduce to the usefulness and support of the Institution. Sect. 6. The diet shall be wholesome and nutritious, comprising bread, meat, vegetables, tea and coffee; but the diet of all under medical treatment, shall be prescribed by the Surgeons and Physicians of the house. Sect. 7. The inmates shall have the privilege of reli- gious instruction, and to this end, ministers of the Gospel of all Christian denominations, may be invited to hold di- vine service in the chapel on the first day of the week. Sect. 8. The conduct of the domestics and patients is placed under the immediate supervision of the Steward Matron, and Resident Physician, who are required to re- port every impropriety that may occur, to the Visiting Managers then in attendance. APPENDIX. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE WILLS LEGACY, TO THE SELECT AND COMMON COUNCILS OF PHILADELPHIA. The Committee on "The Wills Legacy," report— That the Hospital erected under their direction, and in accordance with the last will and testament of the late James Wills, is now completed. As no official report has been made to the Councils since the first appointment of this Committee, they deem it expe- dient to give a detailed account of their proceedings. The lot on which the Hospital is built is situated on the south side of Sassafras Street, directly opposite Logan Square, and extends from Sassafras to Cherry Street, and from Fourth to Fifth Street from Schuylkill; it was pur- chased for the sum of twenty thousand dollars. On the 10th of January, 1832, the Councils adopted the design for the Hospital furnished by Thomas U. Walter, and referred the same to this Committee for execution. On the 24th of February they appointed Mr. Walter architect. Preliminary arrangements were then made for commencing the building in the spring, and on the 2d day of April, 1832, the corner-stone was laid in the presence of the Committee. At a meeting held on the 13th of April, a sub-committee of three members was appointed, to superintend the con- struction of the Hospital. This Committee have attended 14 weekly at the work, and have paid the expenses incurred in executing the design, by orders drawn upon the Mayor and City Treasurer, they being Trustees of the estate of the late James Wills. The following account of the state of the funds is sub- mitted for the information of Councils:— On the 24th of May, 1831, the residue of the estate was paid to the Mayor and City Treasurer. On that day it consisted of— Stocks at par value .... $98,907 29 Cash ......... 6,789 06 Real Estate, cost ..... 2,700 00 -----------$108,396 35 Since which time the estate has accumulated as follows:— Rents on real estate, &c........ 750 70 Interest on stocks.........10165 56 Gain on sale of stocks above par value, these sales being made to meet the expenses of the building...........3}040 47 Sale of refuse materials........ 195 49 $122,548 57 Out of which has been paid:— For lot.........$20,000 00 Premium on plans, taxes, draw- ing deed, &c....... 381 12 Cost of filling up lot, fencing, constructing culvert to carry off the water from the house, &c.......... 7,461 35 Expense of building the Hospital 29,361 22 --------57,203 69 Leaving a balance of .... $65 344 88 15 This fund is now invested as follows:— In United States 5 per cent, loan .... $47,000 00 In City 5| per cent, temporary loan . . . 14,000 00 In real estate in the Northern Liberties . . 2,700 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer not invested 1,644 88 $65,344 88 The annual income arising from the aforesaid stocks, amounts to.........$3,120 00 From the real estate, after deducting taxes, &o. 100 00 Making . . . $3,220 00 Out of which there is an annuity of $200 to be paid to Rachel Wise during her natural life, leaving for the sup- port of the Institution the sum of $3,020 per annum. The hospital is sufficiently spacious for the accommoda- tion of about seventy persons, together with the requisite attendants; it is 80 feet front by 50 feet deep, having a piazza on the south side, 80 feet long by 12 feet wide; the floor of this piazza is on the same plane with the floor of the principal story; the space below forms part of the kitchen. The building consists of a basement story, having an elevation of 8 feet above the surface of the ground; a prin- cipal story, of 15 feet in height, and an upper story, of 12 feet elevation; the whole is crowned with an attic, of 24 feet in width, by 80 feet in length. The front on Sassafras Street is composed of sandstone. It is ornamented with six Ionic pilasters, supporting a pro- portionate entablature and pediment. The front door is in the principal story, and is approached by means of a flight of steps, surmounted by a Grecian Ionic portico of four columns, the whole of which is com- posed of the same material as the rest of the front. 16 The remaining part of the building is composed of rub- blestone, and roughcast in imitation of the front. The whole interior arrangement of the house is divided into two parts, one for males, and the other for females. The basement story contains— A kitchen, 27 by 32 feet, Two dining-rooms, each 21 by 32 feet, Two pantries, each 10 by 14 feet, Two bath-rooms, each 10 by 14 feet, A scullery, 11 by 20 feet, and A cellar for fuel, 11 by 20 feet. The Schuylkill water is introduced into the two bath- rooms, the scullery, and the yard; the whole of this story is arched. The principal story contains— A steward's office, 16 by 21 feet, A steward's parlor, 16 by 21 feet, A vestibule, 11 by 21 feet, A chapel, 21 by 32 feet, and Six dormitories, each 10 by 15 feet. The upper story contains— A chamber for steward, 16 by 21 feet, A chamber for domestics, 16 by 21 feet, An infirmary, 21 by 32 feet, Seven dormitories, each 10 by 15 feet, and One dormitory, 11 by 21 feet. The attic story is divided into two rooms, each 24 by 38 feet. The stairways of the basement and principal stories are composed of marble, with iron railings. The whole building is heated by means of two furnaces placed in the cellar; the warm air is conveyed into every room of the house, through flues constructed in the walls for the purpose. The Committee have made use of these furnaces for dry- ing the building, and they find them to answer the purpose effectually. 17 In addition to this mode of heating, fireplaces were con- structed in all the dormitories, for purposes of ventilation, and to resort to in case of accident with the furnaces. The whole building, including the south piazza, is roofed with copper. When the house was commenced, the lot was several feet below the level of the surrounding streets; this the Committee have had filled up and levelled, for purposes of gardening; they have also had a good and substantial board fence put around the whole square, excepting about one hundred and twenty feet directly in front of the build- ing; this is secured by a strong iron railing, placed upon a wall two feet high, composed of cut stone, forming a quad- rant from each corner of the front steps, extending to the line of the street. The building recedes fifty feet from said line. The Committee have had a perpetual insurance of $8,000 effected upon the building, in the Pennsylvania Fire Insu- rance Company's Office; the policy is deposited with the City Treasurer. All the accounts pertaining to the construction of the Hospital, have been fairly kept in books provided for the purpose, which books (having been properly balanced and closed) are deposited in the hands of the City Treasurer, together with all the papers pertaining to the building. The Committee are gratified in having it in their power to say, that the Wills Hospital is a strong, substantial, and well-built house, the materials are of the best quality, and well put together. In concluding this Report, the Committee deem it unne- cessary to pass an eulogium on the memory of James Wills, for his bountiful donation to a charity which must be highly approved by every benevolent and philanthropic mind; and, much as we regret that the sum left for the support of the Institution is not sufficient to relieve the sufferings of as many of the afflicted as could be wished, we fondly hope that other of our benevolent fellow-citizens, prompted by 2 IS like charitable feelings towards the unfortunate subjects who are intended to participate in the advantages of this Institution, will laudably contribute towards increasing the means of its support, which must be acknowledged by all to be of that nature which is calculated to excite the feel- ings of the truly benevolent. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOSHUA LIPPINCOTT, DANIEL GROVES, JOSEPH WORRELL, R. M'MULLIN, ENOCH ROBBINS, R. M. HUSTON, B. H. YARNALL. Philadelphia, Nov. 28,1833. On opening the Hospital, the balance of James Wills' legacy remaining for the support of the Institution, as per report of Committee, was $65,344 88. (See page 14.) The following amounts have since been devised or donated to the Institution, and paid to the city treasurer. 1840, Sept. 8. 1843, 1844, 1845, May 26. July 20. Oct. 26. Feby. 8. March 12. June 21. Mrs. Hutchins Wm. J. Williams P. A. Blenon Miss Sarah Hutchins 1848, April 17. Thos. W. Goldtrap 1851, May 15. Unknown . Sept. 12. P. A. Blenon 1854, Feby. 17. M. McGrath . May 13. H. Pemberton 1855, Dec. 4. John Angue 1856, Dec. 11. P. A. Blenon 1857, Nov. 16. Wm. Weiss . $200 00 500 00 400 00 200 00 400 00 300 00 200 00 500 00 968 52 50 00 200 00 1,900 00 950 00 95 00 20 00 359 92 19 There have also been invested some years' unexpended balances, which makes the whole amount of funds belong- ing to the Institution.....75,200 00 Invested as follows:— 5 pr. ct. City Loan . . . 13,000 00 6 " " ... 39,200 00 6 " Mortgage on Philadelphia Exchange . . . 23,000 00 75,200 00 Interest on loans payable Jan. 1 and July 1. " mortgages payable June 22 and Dec. 22. EXTRACT FROM THE WILL OF JAMES WILL*, DATED THE 8TH DAY OF 5TH MONTH, 1823. PROVED JANUARY 26, 1825. RECORDED AT PHILADELPHIA. Item. "All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, real, personal, and mixed, both that which I now hold and all that I may hereafter acquire, I give and bequeath to the Mayor and Corporation of the City of Philadelphia for the time being, and to their successors in office for ever, in trust for the purchase of a sufficient plot of ground in the City of Philadelphia, or in the neighborhood thereof, and thereon to erect or cause to be erected suitable buildings and accommodations for an hospital or asylum, to be deno- minated ' The Wills Hospital, for the relief of the Indigent Blind and Lame.' The funds thus appropriated are to be put out on good mortgage security or city stock, and after expending the necessary sum for the lot and the improve- ments heretofore mentioned, the income of the remainder is to be exclusively applied to the comfort and accommo- dation of as many of the indigent Blind and Lame as the income will admit of after defraying the necessary expenses incident to such an establishment. And to the aforesaid Mayor and Corporation of the said city and their succes- 20 sors in office is intrusted the duty of appointing Trustees or Managers, and all other matters and things in any wise appertaining to the due fulfilment of the aforesaid bequest, the right regulating the establishment, and ensuring the right application of the funds to the purposes heretofore stated, and for the sole use and benefit of the indigent Blind and Lame, giving a preference to those persons resident in Philadelphia and its neighborhood." The validity of this bequest was disputed by the heirs-at- law of James Wills, and on the 21st day of March, 1831, judgment was rendered by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania in favor of the Corporation. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL. Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the building recently erected out of the legacy devised to the City by the late James Wills, situated on Sassafras Street, between Schuylkill Fourth and Fifth Streets, shall be known and designated by the name of " The Wills Hos- pital for the Indigent Lame and Blind." Sect. 2. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Select and Common Councils shall assemble in joint meeting on the fourth Thursday of October next, and shall then and there choose by ballot nine suitable persons, who shall reside in the City, to be denominated " Managers of the Wills Hospital."* Sect. 3. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as soon as said election shall be completed, the clerks of the Select and Common Councils * See ordinance of 24th of November, 1833, page 21. 21 shall divide the persons so chosen by lot into three classes of three each; the first class to serve one year, the second to serve two years, and the third to serve three years, and shall record the result upon the minutes of the Councils respectively. Sect. 4. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That on the fourth Thursday of October of each succeeding year, the Select and Common Councils shall elect in joint meeting three persons to serve as Mana- gers of the said Hospital for three years in the place of those whose term of service will then expire, and whenever any vacancy may occur in the said Board, by death, re- signation, or otherwise, the same shall be supplied in like manner, at such time as Councils may determine. Sect. 5. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Managers shall meet within ten days after their appointment, and shall elect out of their own number a president and secretary, and the said offices shall be filled in like manner each succeeding year, at the first meeting of the Board of Managers, which may be held after the annual election. Sect. 6. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all orders drawn on the Mayor and City Treasurer, for such sums of money as may be necessary for the support of the said Hospital, shall be approved of by the Board of Managers, five of whom shall constitute a quorum, and the said orders shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary of the Board. Sect. 7. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as soon after the said Board of Managers shall be organized as may be, they shall draw up such general rules and regulations for the management and supervision of the said Hospital as they may think proper, which, after being approved of by the Select and Common Councils, shall be considered as the established 22 rules and regulations of the same, until in like manner altered or amended. Sect. 8. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers of the said Hospital shall be authorized to elect a suitable person to serve as steward of the same, who shall be allowed a compensation of not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly on orders drawn in manner aforesaid. Sect. 9. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Board of Managers shall have power to appoint such other officers, nurses, and domestics as they may think necessary for performing the labor and such other services as are requisite to the said Hospital, who shall be paid for their services such com- pensation as the Managers may deem reasonable. Sect. 10. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Managers shall admit only such persons into the said Hospital as are designated in the will of said James Wills. Sect. 11. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers be and are hereby authorized and requested to take such measures to increase the fund of this charitable institution, either by donations, life or annual subscriptions, or such other means as they may deem most expedient. Sect. 12. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the funds of the Hospi- tal will admit, the Managers shall establish a school for teaching such inmates of the house as may be capable of receiving instruction. Sect. 13. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the number of inmates admitted into the said Hospital shall at all times be so regulated and prescribed by the Managers thereof that the expense attending their support and accommodation shall at no time exceed the income of the fund devised to the City 23 authorities in trust by the late James Wills, and such other contributions as may be obtained for that purpose. Sect. 14. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers of said Hospital shall cause the same to be furnished in an economical but substantial manner, with all such articles of household and kitchen furniture as may be necessary and proper for such an institution, and the expense attending the same shall be paid out of the general fund devised for that purpose, on orders drawn in manner aforesaid, anything in the fore- going section to the contrary notwithstanding. SECT. 15. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Board of Managers shall, on the second Thursday of September in every year, report to the Select and Common Councils a statement of their pro- ceedings, containing a full and accurate account of their receipts and expenditures for the past year, and that the said accounts be audited by the Committee of Accounts of Councils. Unacted 2Qth day of September, 1833. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL. Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the Select and Common Councils shall assemble m joint meeting, at the last stated meeting in November, instant, and shall then and there choose, by ballot, eighteen suitable persons, who shall reside in the city, to be denominated Managers of the Wills Hospital. 24 Sect. 2. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as soon as the said election shall be completed, the clerks of the Select and Common Coun- cils shall divide the persons so chosen by lot, into three classes of six each; the first class to serve one year, the second to serve two years, and the third to serve three years, and shall record the result on the minutes of the joint meeting. Sect. 3. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That on the last stated meeting in November of each succeeding year, the Select and Common Councils shall elect, in joint meeting, six persons to serve as Managers of said Hospital for three years, in place of those whose term of service shall then expire, and when- ever any vacancy shall occur at the said Board, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be supplied in like manner, at such time as Councils may direct. Enacted 2Uh November, 1833. A FURTHER ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL. Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the City Treasurer shall act as Treasurer to the Trust Fund, devised to the City by the late James Wills, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to draw orders thereon for such sums as may be necessary for the support and manage- ment of the Wills Hospital; provided, that the respective bills shall be submitted to and examined by the Board of Managers, and when sanctioned, a requisition on the Mayor shall be made, specifying the amount, object, and to whom payable, which shall be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the Board. 25 Sect. 2. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the annual account required of the proceedings, receipts and expenditures of the Board of Managers, shall be made to councils in the month of January, of every year, and made up to the close of the preceding year. Sect. 3. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Joint Standing Committee of Accounts to examine and audit the accounts of the Managers of the Wills Hospital, and make report thereof to Councils, together with a condensed state- ment of the City Treasurer's account of said Trust Fund, with the estimated amount of the probable income of the current year, for the government of the Managers in the admission of inmates to the Hospital, so that the expendi- tures of the Institution may not exceed the income of the Fund. Sect. 4. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That at the last stated meeting in No- vember, of each year, the Select and Common Councils shall each respectively elect three citizens of Philadelphia, to serve as Managers of the Wills Hospital, for the term of three years next ensuing, to supply the place of those whose term of service shall have expired. And if any vacancy shall occur in the Managers thus elected, it shall be supplied by a special election, to be held by the Council who had elected said Manager. But in case of any vacancy occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise, in those who are now°Managers, it shall be supplied by a joint meeting of the Select and Common Councils. SECT. 5. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of the Ordinances rela- tive to the management of the Wills Hospital, enacted September 26, 1833, and November 24, 1833, as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. Enacted April 1, 1834. 26 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BLEAKLEY LEGACY. Whereas, by a recent act of the Legislature of this Com- monwealth, the Select and Common Councils of the City are authorized to pay over the income of the bequest to the City, under the will of the late John Bleakley— Be it ordained and enacted by the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to pay over, for use of the Wills Hospital, the income and proceeds now unappropriated and hereafter to be derived from the legacy bequeathed to the City under the will of John Bleakley, deceased, agreeably to the provisions of the Act of Assem- bly of this Commonwealth in this case made and provided. Passed May 3, 1838. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUSTS VESTED IN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, EXCEPT THE GIRARD TRUST. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Wills Hospital shall be managed by a Board of Managers to be elected by Coun- cils, one-half by each Council. Sect. 2. The persons who are now the Managers of said Hospital shall continue in office until the expiration of their respective terms of service, and be apportioned to the respective Councils as follows: John McAllister, Dillwyn Parrish, and John Thomason to Select Council, Charles Ellis, Robert Kelton, and Alexander L. Hodgdon to Com- mon Council, whose terms of service expire in November 27 1854; Job R. Tyson, Jacob Thomas, and Joel Atkinson to Select Council, J. Rodman Paul, Andrew M. Jones, and Benjamin Gaskill to Common Council, whose terms of ser- vice expire in November, 1855 ; James Allen, Thomas G. Conner, and George H. Burgin to Select Council, Franklin Piatt, Isaac Elliott, and Samuel Caley to Common Council, whose terms of service expire in November, 1856. Sect. 3. At the last stated meeting in November, in each year, the Select and Common Councils shall each elect three persons, citizens of Philadelphia, not members of either Councils, to serve as Managers of said Hospital for the term of three years next ensuing, and to supply the place of those whose term of service shall have expired; and any vacancy which shall occur in the said Board shall be supplied by a special election by the Council by which such member was elected, to be held as early as convenient after such vacancy is known to exist. Sect 4. The said Board of Managers shall direct and manage the said Hospital in conformity to the will of the late James Wills, and as directed by an Ordinance of the Select and Common Councils of the Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Philadelphia, passed the 26th of September, 1833, entitled "An Ordinance relative to the management of the Wills Hospital," except so much thereof as requires that their accounts shall be audited by a Committee of Councils; and the said Board of Managers shall have, possess, and exercise all the powers and au- thority which by the said Ordinance is conferred on the Managers therein mentioned. SECT 5. All warrants for the payment of money for any Durpose connected with the management of said Hospital Zb n the following form, and signed by the President of the said Board, and at the foot thereof the Secretary of such Board shall certify that the same was authorized to be issued by the Board at a stated or special meeting thereof, namely:— 28 No. Wills Hospital, 185 To The City Treasurer Pay to dollars for [here describe the services or ma- terials, as the case may be], and charge the same to the appropriation made to the Wills Hospital for [here insert the item of the appropriation]. President of the Board of Managers. Approved and countersigned. City Controller. And every such warrant shall have at the foot thereof a receipt in the following words: — "Received, 185 , of the City Treasurer, the amount mentioned in the above warrant, which is in pay- ment for the purposes therein mentioned." Sect. 6. Every warrant on the Treasurer as aforesaid shall be accompanied by a bill, which shall specify the items which compose the sum for which the same was issued; it shall be signed by the person in whose favor the warrant is drawn, and be deposited with the Controller, and filed by him. Sect. 7. Whenever such warrant shall issue, the proper officer shall, at the time of such issue, take and keep a receipt for the same, which shall specify the number, date, amount, and the services or supplies for payment of which it was delivered. JNO. H. DIEHL, President of Common Council. Attest: Jxo. M. Riley, Clerk of Common Council. JNO. P. VERREE, President of Select Council. Approved August 22, 1854. R. T. CONRAD, Mayor. 29 ACT OF ASSEMBLY. An act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act granting certain pow- ers to the authorities of the cities of Lancaster and Philadelphia, and for other purposes," passed the 16th day of April, 1838. Section 5. That the Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens of Philadelphia be and they are hereby authorized to appro- priate and pay the annual income of the fund bequeathed by John Bleakley to the corporation of the city of Phila- delphia, as a fund to relieve those who may be reduced to the necessity of being placed in the Hospital during the prevalence of yellow fever, to the Managers of the Wills Hospital for the Indigent Blind and Lame, to be used and applied in the same manner as the other funds devoted to that institution: Provided, that in case the said fund, or the income arising therefrom, should at any time hereafter be required for the purposes specified in the said bequest, then it shall be the duty of the said Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens to apply the said fund, or the income for the year then present, or so much of either as in their opinion may be necessary, to those purposes, and to no other. ACT OF ASSEMBLY. An act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act relative to the Wills Hospital for the Relief of the Indigent Blind and Lame, and for other purposes," passed the 11th day of April, 1848. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General issembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That all funds or property, of whatever description, held'by the Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens of Philadelphia, in trust for " The Wills Hospital for the Relief of the Indi- gent Blind and Lame," and the said Hospital and the lot of "round on which the same is erected, be and the same hereby is and shall be exempted from all State, county, poor, and corporation tax or taxes. P NATIONAL LIBKARY OF IIHMCWE -.. BETHESDA 14, MO, 30 NAMES OF CITIZENS WHO HAVE SERVED AS MANAGERS OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL FROM THE ORGANIZATION TO THE PRESENT TIME, FOR DIFFERENT TERMS OF SERVICE. (The first eighteen were elected vember 28, 1833.) Charles Stout, John Rodman Paul, M. D., Andrew M. Jones, Michael McGrath, James Cresson, Thomas Snowden, William Morrison, Isaac Elliott, Samuel Spackman, Joseph Aken, Benjamin H. Yarnal, Frederick Erringer, Robert Flemming, Joseph Parrish, M. D., Ephraim Haines, George Ralston, William T. Smith, Daniel Groves, (18) Jacob Thomas, Thomas Brown, James Poultney, Samuel English, M. C. Shallcross, M. D., Beneville D. Brown, John Gilder, Thomas Williams, George M. Coates, Caleb B. Mathews, M. D., John Thomason, Dillwyn Parrish, Reese D. Fell, Charles Ellis, Joel Atkinson, Archibald McElroy, James M. Harris, 0. H. Partridge, M. D., I. P. Pleasants, at a joint meeting of Councils, No- James Allen, Algernon S. Roberts, Benjamin Mathias, Robert Toland, John Marston, Thomas G. Conner, George H. Burgin, John McAllister, Joshua Tevis, Alexander L. Hodgdon, Job R. Tyson, Franklin Piatt, George Fox, M. D., Samuel Caley, Benjamin Gaskill, Edward Hopper, William Morris, Israel E. James, Robert Kelton, William W. Keen, Charles Norris, John Whiteman, T. K. Collins, Morris Patterson, J. H. B. McClellan, M. D., S. W. Langdon, M. D., A. H. Ashton, M. D., John K. Mcllwain, Thomas Wilmer, William J. Reed, George J. Weaver, John C. Farr, R. S. Kenderdine, M. D., John Neill, M. D., William 0. Kline, M. D., James W. Martien. 31 MEDICAL OFFICERS WHO HAVE SERVED FROM THE ORGANI- ZATION OF THE HOSPITAL TO THE PRESENT TIME. SURGE ONS. 1834—Feb. 3. Isaac Parrish, S. Littell, Isaac Hays, Geo. Fox. 1849—May 7. John Neill elected in place of George Fox, re- signed. 1852—June 7. Edward Hartshorne elected in place of John Neill, resigned. 1852—Sept. 6. F. W. Sargent elected in place of Isaac Par- rish, deceased. 1854—Oct. 2. Addinell Hewson elected in place of Isaac Hays, resigned. 1857—June 1. William Hunt elected in place of F. W. Sar- gent, resigned. 1859—July. Attending Surgeons now are, S. Littell, E. Harts- horne, A. Hewson, and Wm. Hunt. physicians. 1834—Feb. 3. Geo. Spackman, Fred. Turnpenny, B. P. How- ell, R. Stewart. 1836—June 6. Jos. Peace elected in place of B. P. Howell, resigned. 1839__Jan. 7. Wm. Pepper and Jos. Carson elected in place of George Spackman and R. Stewart, resigned. 1840__Feb. 3. Carter N. Berkeley elected in place of Fred. Turnpenny, resigned. 1842__May 2. John Neill elected in place of C. N. Berkeley, deceased. 1843__July 3. S. L. Hollingsworth elected in place of J. Peace, resigned. 1849__June 4. F. W. Sargent elected in place of John JNeill, who was elected Surgeon. 1849__Oct. 1. Wm. B. Wilson elected in place of J. Carson, rcsisrnccl. 1851__July 7. J. J. Reese elected in place of W. B. Wilson, 1852—Nov. 1. James L. Tyson elected in place of F. W. Sar- gent, who was elected Surgeon. 1853—Jan. 3. J. J. Levick elected in place of W. Pepper, re- 1859—July6 Attending Physicians now are, Drs. Hollings- worth, Reese, Tyson, and Levick. 32 RESIDENT PHYSICIANS. 1839—March 4. John Neill. 1841—Feb. 1. Samuel L. Hollingsworth. 1842—June 6. George N. Burwell. 1843—Sept. 4. John Clrwen. 1844—June 3. Robert P. Harris. 1845—April 7. Robert Newton 1846—March 23. Daniel G. Heylman. 1847—April 5. William R. Bullock. 1847—Aug. 2. Alfred M. Slocum. 1848—April 4. Irene A. Young. 1849—April 2. Henry D. Graham. 1850—April 1. Archibald F. McIntyre. 1851—Dec. 1. James S. Green. 1852—Sept. 6. T. Parvin. 1853—April 4. Norval W. Littell. 1854—April 3. John C. Homan. 1855—March 5. John S. Kitchen. 1855—June 4. Wm. J. Davidson. 1856—April 7. Isaac N. Kerlin. 1856—Nov. 3. Th. George Morton. 1857—April 6. George C. Harlan. 1858—April 5. Edward Livezey. 1859—April 4. Ciias. C. Lee. FORM OF A BEQUEST FOR THE USE OF THE WILLS HOSPITAL. I give and bequeath to " the City of Philadelphia, in trust, for the use of the Wills Hospital for the Relief of the Indigent Blind and Lame," the sum of____(or real estate, as the case may be). \.:^, * &y 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo AHvaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aav»an ivnoiix V * A^ /j I.' » VJ I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICII :x 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavsan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnoik NATIONAL library of medicine national library of medicine national LIBRARY OF MEDICI ^=c® I S^&r-, I fWX I ^ 3NIDI03W JO AoVaaiT TVNOUVN 3NIDI03W JO AaVafllT TVNOUVN 3NI3IC13W JO AMVo9IT TVNOI, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICII s/^ i &% 3NIDI03W dO AoVaaiT TVNOUVN 3NIOI03W JO AaVaaiT TVNOUVN 3NI3I03W jo Aavaan lVh V NATIONAL LttfRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDli 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3Nioia3w jo Aovaan ivh <• ATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DM5flfc.fib3 1 NLM045868639