/&-« x^ CHARTER, LAWS AND RULES, PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. ^oN. t. c. ti>> \ THE CHARTER, LAWS AND RULES, OF THE PHILADELPHIA: JOSEPH & WILLIAM KITE, PRINTERS. 1837. if AV4- CHARTER. ANNO VIGESIMO QUARTO. GEORGII II. REGIS. At a General Assembly of the Province of Pennsyl- vania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the four- teenth day of October, Anno Domini, 1750, and from thence continued by adjournments to the sixth day of May, 1751. An ACT to encourage the establishing of an Hospital for the relief of the sick poor of this Province, and for the reception and cure of lunaticks. ' Whereas the saving and restoring useful and Preamble. 'laborious members to a community, is a work of ' publick service, and the relief of the sick poor is not ' only an act of humanity but a religious duty; and * whereas there are frequently, in many parts of this ' province, poor distempered persons, who languish ' long in pain and misery under various disorders of 'body and mind, and being scattered abroad in 4c ■■■ //:- ( 6 ) ' different and very distant habitations, cannot have ' the benefit of regular advice, attendance, lodging, ' diet, and medicines, but at a great expence, and, * therefore, often suffer for want thereof; which incon- ' veniency might be happily removed, by collecting ' the patients into one common Provincial Hospital, ' properly disposed and appointed, where they may be ' comfortably subsisted, and their health taken care of ' at a small charge, and by the blessing of God on 'the endeavours of skilful physicians and surgeons, ' their diseases may be cured and removed. And * whereas it is represented to this Assembly, that there ' is a charitable disposition in divers inhabitants of ' this province to contribute largely towards so good ' a work, if such contributors might be incorporated ' with proper powers and privileges for carrying ' on and compleating the same, and some part of ' the publick money given and appropriated to the ' providing a suitable building for the purposes afore- ' said. ' Therefore, for the encouragement of so useful, ' pious, and charitable a design, we pray that it may ' be enacted, And be it enacted, by the honourable ' James Hamilton, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor under ' the honourable Thomas Penct, and Richard Penn, ' Esquires, true and absolute proprietaries of the pro- ' vince of Pennsylvania, and counties of New-Castle, ' Kent, and Sussex, upon Delaware, by and with the ' advice and consent of the representatives of the free- ' men of the said province in General Assembly met, Subscrib- < and by the authority of the same, That it shall and eredtoP°W ' mav be lawful to and for all persons, each of whom meet. « shall have contributed or subscribed the sum of ten ' pounds or more, towards founding an Hospital, for 'the reception and relief of lunaticks, and other ' distempered and sick poor within this province, or ( 7 ) ' as many of them as shall think fit to assemble and ' meet on the first day of the month called July next; ■' and for all persons who shall thereafter contribute ' the like sum of ten pounds or more (together with ' the said first subscribers) or so many of them as ' shall think fit to assemble and meet on the second ' day of the first week, in the month called May, ' yearly forever, at some convenient place in the city ' of Philadelphia, then and there to elect by ballot, And to ' twelve fit and suitable persons of their own number elect Man- r . agers and ' to be Managers of the said contribution and Hospital, make rules. ' and one other person to be Treasurer of the same, ' until the next election; and farther, to make such ' laws, rules and orders, as shall appear to them the ' said contributors met, or the major part of them, to ' be good, useful and necessary, for the well govern- ' ing, ordering and regulating the said Hospital, and ' for the regulation of the future elections of man- ' agers, treasurer and other necessary officers and * ministers thereof, and for limiting and appointing ' their number, trust and authority, and generally for ' the well ordering all other things concerning the gov- ' ernment, estate, goods, lands, revenues, as also all the 'business and affairs of the said Hospital: All which ' laws, rules, and orders, so to be made as aforesaid, ' shall be from time to time inviolably observed by all ' concerned according to the tenor and effect of them, ' provided they be not repugnant to the laws of Eng- ' land or this government, and are approved by the Rules to be ' Chief Justice, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the &£rove ' ' Attorney-general of this province for the time being, ' under their hands and seals. And the said contribu- Contribu- ' tors shall be, and are hereby made a body corporate porated.° ' in law, to all intents and purposes, and shall have ' perpetual succession, and may sue, or be sued, 'plead, or be impleaded, by the name of The Contri- Corporate ( 8 ) ' butors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, in all courts of 'judicature within this province, and by that name, ' shall and may receive and take any lands, tene- ' ments, or hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly Limitation 'value of one thousand pounds, of the gift, alienation, of estate. < beqUest> or devise of any person or persons whom- ' soever; and of any goods or chattels whatsoever; ' and the said contributors are hereby impowered to ' have and use one common seal in their affairs, and 'the same at their pleasure to change and alter. Money, «Provided, nevertheless, That no general meeting pressfy ' °^ tne sa"* contributors, nor any persons acting un- given to «der them shall employ any money or other estate, stocknotto ' expressly given or added to the capital stock of the be expend- < said Hospital, in any other way than by applying its interest ' annual interest or rent towards the entertainment only. < and care 0f the sick and distempered poor, that ' shall be from time to time brought and placed therein, ' for the cure of their diseases, from any part of this ' province, without partiality or preference. When ' And for the further encouragement of this benefi- fs°raisedb 'cent undertaking, Be it enacted by the authority subscrip- ' aforesaid, That when the said contributors shall have moreto°be''met an(* cnosen meir managers and treasurer as ordered out' aforesaid, and shall have raised by their contribu- ' tions, a capital stock of two thousand pounds value ' (the yearly interest or rent of which is to be applied ' to the accommodating of the sick poor in the said ' Hospital, free of charge for diet, attendance, advice ' and medicines) and shall make the same appear to ' the satisfaction of the Speaker of the Assembly for ' the time being; that then it shall and may be lawful, ' for the said speaker of the Assembly, and he is hereby ' required to sign an order or orders on the provincial ' treasurer, or trustees of the loan-office, for the pay- ' ment of two thousand pounds, in two yearly pay- of the trea sury ( 9 ) ' ments, to the treasurer of the said Hospital, to be ' applied to the founding, building, and furnishing of ' the same. ' And be it further enacted by the authority afore- £c°°um^de ' said, That the accounts of the disbursements of the up and ' said two thousand pounds, so ordered by the Speaker JjJJU? ' of the Assembly aforesaid, or any part thereof that ' shall be hereafter expended, as the case may be, and ' of the rents, products and interests of any real or ' personal estates or sums of money charitably given ' to the use of the said Hospital, together with a list ' of such donations, shall be fairly drawn out and pub- ' fished annually in the Gazette, or other newspapers.: ' and the Managers of the said Hospital shall at all ' times, when required, submit the books, accounts, ' affairs, and ceconomy thereof, to the inspection and ' free examination of such visitors as may from time Visiters to ' to time be appointed by the Assembly of this pro- ^ apP°int ' vince, to visit and inspect the same. ' Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted ' by the authority aforesaid, That if at any time here- «after, there should not be a constant succession of ' contributors to meet yearly and chuse managers as * aforesaid, then the said Hospital, and the estate and ' affairs thereof, shall be in the management, and ' under the direction of such persons as shall be from ' time to time appointed by act. of General Assembly 1 of this province for that purpose.' 2 ( io ) LYING-IN DEPARTMENT. Extract from an Act of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, approved April 11th, 1793, enti- tled " An Act for extending the benefits experienced from the institution of the Pennsylvania Hospital." Section 6. ' And be it further enacted by the autho- ' rity aforesaid, (The Senate and House of Represen- ' tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,) That ' as the relief of unfortunate women labouring in ' child-birth and not able to provide for the expenses ' necessarily incident thereto, and also the misfortunes ' of suffering and forsaken infancy, are objects very 'deserving of some humane provision, it shall and ' may be lawful for the Managers of the Pennsylvania ' Hospital to provide commodious apartments for the ' purpose of answering the ends intended by a Lying- ' in and Foundling Hospital, whenever moneys shall ' be placed in their hands for such a purpose, and that ' they are hereby authorized to call for any such sums ' as may now be destined for such an use, whenever ' they shall be in a situation to carry the benevolent ' design for which such moneys were granted into ' full effect, any thing in the Constitution or Charter ' of the said Hospital to the contrary thereof not- ' withstanding. ( 11 ) ELECTIONS BY THE CONTRIBUTORS. A Law for regulating the Elections of the Managers and Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and declaring their Trust, Duty, and Authority. ' Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of Preamble. • the Province of Pennsylvania, intituled, An act to ' encourage the establishing of an Hospital for the ' relief of the sick poor, of this province, and for the * reception and cure of lunaticks, the contributors to ' the said Hospital are made a body corporate, and ' impowered to meet, and to make such laws, rules 1 and orders, as shall appear to them the said contri- ' butors met, or the major part of them, to be good, ' useful and necessary, for the well governing and ' regulating the said Hospital, and for the regulation ' of the elections of Managers, a Treasurer, and other ' necessary officers and ministers thereof, and for ' limiting and appointing their number, trust and autho- «rity. ' And whereas, in pursuance of the said law, the 'contributors have met, and have chosen twelve 'Managers and a Treaurer, which Treasurer hath ' received considerable sums of money for the use of ' the said Hospital, and it is now become necessary, ' for the more orderly disposition and application of 'the said monies, and of such sums as may here- ' after be received, and for the more sure direction 'of the Managers and Treasurer therein, to declare ' and appoint their trust, authority and duty: There- ( 12 ) Disposition «fore it is enacted by the contributors to the Pennsyl- paidtoX ' vania Hospital, in general meeting duly assembled, Treasurer. * That the Managers of the said Hospital for the ' time being, shall have the power of disposing of ' all monies paid to the Treasurer for the building, ' furnishing, support, use and service of the Hospital, ' and for the hiring and furnishing a house or houses ' for the reception of patients, until the said Hospital ' shall be built, under the limitations and restrictions Patients. « of the before mentioned act of Assembly. And the ' said Managers shall likewise have the power to ' direct the manner and terms of receiving and Officers < discharging of patients; and all officers and servants vants. ' belonging to the Hospital, other than the Treasurer, ' shall be in the choice, and under the direction of the ' Managers, who shall allow and order their respective ' salaries, and may displace them, and appoint others, General ' as often as they shall think fit. And the said "ec^ntrU ' Managers shall have the power of calling general butors. ' meetings of the contributors, as often as they judge ' it necessary for the service and advantage of the ' Hospital; and shall cause due and public notice to ' be given of the time, place, and design or purpose of ' such occasional meeting, at least ten days before the ' same is to be held, and shall nominate some discreet ' member to preside therein, and regulate the debates Corporate «thereof. And the said managers shall have the ' keeping, and power of affixing, the seal of the corpo- ' ration, which seal shall be made nearly agreeable to ^fThe""18 ' ^e *°rm or draugnt hereunto annexed; and they Treasurer, ' shall settle the accounts with the Treasurer from &c* ' time to time, and take care that all laws, rules and Managers 'orders made bv the contributors, and legally ap- toreceive 'proved, be duly and faithfully executed; for all rTwfard?r ' wnicn> or any other services relating to the Hospi- ( 13 ) ' tal, they shall not claim, receive, or retain, any fee, ' gratuity, or reward whatsoever. «And for the more orderly execution of their duty To meet , -l j. monthly. ' and trust, the Managers are hereby required to meet ' at least once a month at the Hospital, or some other ' fit place in the city of Philadelphia, to confer and ' conclude concerning the matters hereby committed ' to them; and shall cause fair minutes of their To keep ' proceedings to be kept by their clerk, in a book to minu ' be provided for that purpose: in every of which ^e^ ™£ ' meetings of the Managers aforesaid, eight of their ^quorum. ' number met shall be a quorum, capable to consult, 'confer and conclude of and upon all matters « appertaining to their trust, according to the aforesaid ' act of Assembly, and the laws of this corporation; ' and whatsoever seven of the number so met shall £f^*n «so conclude, shall be deemed and taken for and as « the resolution of the managers for the time, and ' accordingly entered in their minutes. To which 'minutes, and also to the Treasurer's accounts, all ' persons concerned shall have free recourse at all ' seasonable times. «And it is further enacted by the contributors afore- Treasurer ' said, that every Treasurer hereafter chosen shall, curityt 'before he take upon himself the execution of his 'office, enter into an obligation, with one sufficient ' surety, in double the value that doth, or probably ' may come into his hands, during the continuance of ' his office, as near as can be estimated by the Man- agers, unto the Contributors to the Pennsylvania ^account 'Hospital; conditioned, that he will, once in three ^^^a 'months, or oftener if required, render his accounts paytotheir ' to the Managers of the said Hospital, and well and 'truly account, adjust and settle with them when ' required, for and concerning all monies that are or ' shall come into his hands belonging to the said ( H ) To pay bal-«contributors, and pay the balance that shall appear dehver"*1 ' °n such settlement to be in his hands, unto such books to his < person, or for such service as a Board of Managers successor. (^ ^ ^mQ he[ng shall order and appoint, and not ' otherwise ; and that he will at the expiration of bis ' office, well and truly deliver up and pay the balance ' of the monies then remaining in his hands, together ' with the books of accounts concerning the same, ' and other the papers and writings in his keeping be- ' longing to the contributors, unto his successor in the ' said office; and that he will do and execute all other ' things as Treasurer to the contributors aforesaid 'according to the true sense and meaning of this ' law. And he is hereby authorised immediately upon ' entering into his office, to demand and receive of ' the preceding Treasurer, his heirs, executors or ' administrators, the cash, books of accounts, writ- ' ings and other effects belonging to the corporation, ' giving his receipt for the same. Elections, ' And for the more regular and satisfactory con- and^otice'' * ducting of future elections, and the preventing of of. ' disputes and misunderstandings among the contri- 'butors, concerning the same, it is hereby farther ' enacted, That the place and hour of the election ' shall be appointed by the Managers of the current ' year, and notified by their clerk, at least twenty days * before the election, by printed advertisements; and ' the said Managers shall and are hereby required and Judges of.' impowered to nominate three discreet members of 'this corporation to inspect and judge of the said ' election, and declare who are the persons elected; ' and the Managers shall cause their clerk to enter ' in their book of minutes the names of the persons ' elected according to the tickets. Managers ' And if any person elected Manager, shall refuse Vacanciesy 'or neglect to act, or shall be absent from three sue- ( 15 ) * cessive monthly meetings of the Managers, in any in their ' of the first ten months of the year for which he 'shall be elected Manager; or if within the same ' year or term of his office, he shall be confined by * sickness, or otherwise rendered incapable of execut- ' ing the office of a Manager, according to the true ' meaning of this law, or shall die, the rest of the ' Managers, as often as occasion shall require, in 'any of the cases aforesaid, shall proceed in their 'duty and office without him; or if they think fit ' they shall nominate another of the contributors to • supply his place of a manager until the then next ' ensuing election. ' And if any person so elected Treasurer, shall May dis- ' absent himself from his said office for the space of P*ace **** ' thirty days, or shall be otherwise rendered incapa- ' ble, or neglect his office or duty of Treasurer, it ' shall and may be lawful for the Managers for the * time being, to displace him from the said office; ' and the Managers causing their clerk to make a ' minute for the purpose, containing their reasons for ' displacing him, he shall thereupon, and from hence- ' forth, cease to be the Treasurer aforesaid, and ' shall, upon notice thereof, adjust and settle with ' the Managers, and pay and deliver the money, ' books, writings, accounts, and all other effects what- ' soever in his hands belonging to this corporation, ' to such person or persons as the Managers shall ' order and appoint; and in that case, and so often, ' and also if the Treasurer shall depart this life, the ' Managers shall nominate another of the members ' of this corporation, but not of their own number, ' to be Treasurer until the next meeting for the annual ' election, or other general meeting of the contri- ' butors. ' Provided always, any thing herein contained to Building ( 16 ) sanctioned < the contrary notwithstanding, That before the Man- tributors?n ' agers for the time being proceed to erect any build- ' ing for the said Hospital, a plan of such proposed ' building, with an estimation of the expense shall be ' prepared and laid before a general meeting of the ' contributors for their consideration; and their ap- ' probation shall be obtained before the same is ' carried into execution.' Signed by order of a general meeting of the contributors. Joshua Crosby, President. January 17, 1752, The above bill was read three times at a general meeting of the contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospi- tal, and passed by a very great majority. B. Franklin, Clerk. We approve this law, William Allen, Chief Justice. Isaac Norris, Speaker of the Assembly. Tench Francis, Attorney-General. ( 17 ) OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. OF THE MANAGERS. 1. The stated meetings of the Board of Managers shall be held at the Hospital, on the last Second-day of every month: to assemble at 4 o'clock p. m. Fine, for non- attendance at any stated or special meeting, fifty cents; and for absence at the hour of meeting, twenty-five cents. 2. The Managers shall, within ten days after their election in the Fifth Month of every year, choose by ballot three Doctors in Medicine, as Surgeons, and three Doctors in Medicine, as Physicians; to visit, and pre- scribe for the patients in the Hospital; and also two Doc- tors in Medicine, skilled in midwifery, to superintend the Lying-in Department. 3. No practitioner shall be thus chosen unless he be a member of this Corporation, and of the age of twenty- seven years. 4. If any practitioner be removed by the Managers for neglect of duty, or any other cause; or shall die, or resign; in such case the Managers shall choose another practitioner, qualified as aforesaid, to supply his place. 5. No practitioner shall act as a Manager during the ( 18 ) term for which he is chosen to serve the Hospital in a medical capacity. 6. The Managers shall, from time to time, elect, by ballot, two Doctors in Medicine, as Resident Physicians of the Hospital; who shall each serve two years from the period of his election. 7. At their first stated meeting, annually, the Board will also choose by ballot the following officers of the Hospi- tal, viz. Steward, Matron, Apothecary, Clerk and Librarian, Gatekeeper. 8. A committee of two Managers shall be appointed monthly to admit and discharge patients, and generally to supervise the affairs of the Institution. 9. No Manager shall be concerned, either directly or indirectly, in any contract with this Corporation, or any of its officers on behalf of this Board. THE ATTENDING MANAGERS. They shall attend at the Hospital on the fourth and seventh days of every week, at ten o'clock a. m. to admit and discharge patients, and generally to supervise the affairs of the institution. ADMISSION AND DISCHARGE OF PATIENTS. Persons accidentally wounded, or otherwise injured, shall be received at all hours, without security or charge; provided the accident or injury happen in Pennsylvania, ( 19 ) and the patient is brought to the house within 24 hours after such accident or injury. The admission of other patients is subject to the following regulations. 1. The number of patients to be admitted on the charity of the institution is now limited to 106; of whom 39 may be insane. 2. No patient shall be admitted into the medical or surgical wards whose case is judged to be incurable. 3. No person having any infectious or contagious dis- order shall be admitted into the Hospital. 4. No woman shall be admitted into the lying-in ward without producing satisfactory evidence that she lived in lawful wedlock at the time she became pregnant. 5. No insane person shall be admitted as a poor patient, for a longer term than six months, nor without security for removal at the expiration of that time. 6. No person having syphilis, or mania from intempe- rance shall be admitted as a poor patient; or at a lower rate of board than four dollars a week. 7. The lowest rate of board which can be received for pay patients, is, for inhabitants of Pennsylvania $3 00 a week. " inhabitants of other states 3 50 " seamen sent to the Hospital by foreign consuls 4 00 8. No pay patient shall be admitted into the Hospital upon a deposit of money alone. But in all cases of the admission of such patients, the security of some responsi- ble inhabitant of the city or one of its neighbouring dis- tricts shall be required: and no security shall be received for a limited period. 9. No syphilitic patient shall be placed in any other ward than those specially appropriated to this class of patients; nor shall any such patient have leave of absence. ( 20 ) 10. All patients shall be discharged as soon as they are cured, or (unless insane) whenever, after a reasonable time of trial, they shall be deemed incurable. OF THE PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, AND OBST ETRICIANS. 1. The medical practitioners chosen to serve the Hospital shall be classed with each other, and give their attendance at such seasons, as shall be concluded and agreed upon by themselves and the Managers. 2. The physician, surgeon, and obstetrician on duty, shall attend at the Hospital on the fourth and seventh days of every week throughout the year, from 10 to 12 o'clock, a. m. ; and at all such other times as may be ne- cessary to a faithful performance of their duties. 3. They shall not furnish admission certificates without personal examination of the patient; nor in any case recommend to the attending Managers, any one labouring under an infectious disease. Nor shall they (except in cases of insanity) recommend any one for admission into the Hospital whose case they deem incurable. 4. Upon the occurrence of extraordinary cases the practitioners in attendance shall call in two or more of the practitioners chosen for the service of the year, to consult with. 5. No important surgical operation shall be performed without a previous consultation; and, in such cases, all the surgeons shall have due notice. 6. Every infant born in the house shall be vaccinated, if practicable. 7. Each physician, surgeon and obstetrician of the Hos- pital, shall have the privilege of introducing, not exceeding ( 21 ) eight of his pupils at one time, to observe the practice of the Hospital, and have the use of the library; subject to the regulations of the attending Managers. OF THE RESIDENT PHYSICIANS. 1. The resident physicians shall have charge, alternately, of the medical, surgical, and lying-in departments, and regularly visit the patients therein, at least every morning and evening, and to the best of their skill, administer to their relief. They shall report the condition of every patient to the attending physicians, and regulate the practice according to their orders. 2. The acting surgeon shall have the instruments kept in good order, and be accountable therefor during his term of service. He shall preserve an inventory of them, which, together with the instruments, he shall deliver to his successor. 3. The resident physicians shall not both be absent from the Hospital at the same time. OF STUDENTS Attending the practice of the Hospital. 1. A student of medicine, upon paying ten dollars, may receive a ticket entitling him to attend the practice of the Hospital for one year; during which period he may use the library, conformably to the rules for its government. 2. No student shall be entitled to admission into the Hospital, except at the hours of prescription or operation, when he must produce his ticket to the gate-keeper. ( 22 ) OF THE STEWARD AND MATRON. They shall perform all the duties belonging to the nature of their offices, respectively, subject to the direc- tion of the Managers, and in conformity with the rules for the government of the Hospital. OF THE APOTHECARY. 1. He shall reside in the Hospital, and perform all the duties appertaining to his department. He shall regularly preserve every prescription of the physicians; and no medicine or other article shall be delivered by him to any person, unless prescribed by them. 2. He shall keep a pass book, in which all medicines purchased by him, shall be duly entered. 3. He shall not absent himself from the Hospital, with- out notifying one of the resident physicians; nor shall he permit patients, or others, to occupy the shop, except the officers of the institution, and such person as the com- mittee having charge of that department, may, from time to time, permit as an assistant. OF THE CLERK. He shall prepare the monthly, annual, and other accounts; and, generally, perform such duties as apper- tain to his office, or may be assigned him by the Man- agers. ( 23 ) GATE KEEPER. 1. To guard against the intrusion of idlers, he shall demand and receive twenty-five cents for the admission of each individual visiter, whose only business is to see the establishment; and shall inform such visiters that they will not be permitted to see the insane patients. 2. Visiters shall only be admitted between the hours of 10 a. m. and sun-set. 3. No visiter shall be allowed to enter the premises on the first day of the week, without a special order from a Manager, or the permission of the Steward. 4. No student of medicine shall be admitted to attend the practice of the Hospital, without producing his certi- ficate, signed by a Manager; and this shall be available only at the hours of prescription or operation. 5. No person who has been a patient, nurse, or servant in the Hospital, shall be permitted to visit it, without a written order from an attending Manager, or special permission from the Steward; unless the party is accom- panied by a Manager or one of the physicians of the Hospital. 6. No person shall be admitted after ten o'clock at night, except in cases of recent accident. 7. No visiter shall lodge in the Hospital without the knowledge and approbation of the Steward. 8. No patient shall pass from the Hospital without an order from the Steward. 9. The Gate-keeper shall immediately report all cases of persons attempting to bring in liquor, or coming in intoxicated, and all other irregularities falling under his notice, to the Steward. ( 21 ) NURSES AND SERVANTS. 1. All the nurses and other servants of the institution, shall be employed by the Steward, and discharged by him when he shall judge proper. 2. None of the persons employed in the Hospital shall absent themselves from their duties therein, without having obtained the permission of the Steward. And in all cases they are to go and return through the gate on Pine Street. 3. It is the duty of the nurses to see that the patients behave with propriety and observe the regulations of the establishment; and to report any irregularity or breach of rule to the Steward. WATCHMAN. 1. He shall commence his duty at nine o'clock in the evening, and pass hourly through the buildings until day- light. 2. He is strictly enjoined to attend to the safety of the fires, and shall extinguish all lights not permitted by the Physicians, Steward, or Matron. 3. He is also required to report to the Steward all irre- gularities he may observe during the night. GARDENER. 1. He shall be subject to such instructions as may be given him by the Steward, and shall obey his orders. 2. No other person is to gather the fruit or flowers. ( 25 ) OF THE PATIENTS. 1. The patients shall conduct themselves with morality and decorum towards each other, the officers of the Institution, the nurses and servants: and if any breach herein occur, the offender shall be liable to be discharged by the attending Managers. 2. They shall not smoke tobacco in any of the wards of the Hospital; nor play at any game of chance; on pain of expulsion from the house. 3. The patients in the North House are to be strictly confined to that department, except by special permission of the attending Managers. 4. No liquors, provisions, or medicines of any kind shall be furnished to any of the patients by their friends, without the permission of the resident Physicians. And no patient shall be permitted the use of any diet prepared in the house, other than that which may be ordered by the proper officers of the Institution. 5. No patient shall be allowed to leave the Hospital, while under treatment, except by special permission of the Physicians and attending Managers. 6. Such patients as are able shall give assistance in nursing or otherwise, when required to do so by a resi- dent Physician, or the Steward or Matron. OF VISITERS. 1. Visiters are to be subject to the regulations of the Hospital. Those admitted to visit patients shall not be suffered to ramble over the house or grounds, but shall 4 ( 26 ) have the patient brought to them, or be directed to the apartment in which their friend may be; and, after a rea- sonable time, they shall withdraw from the premises. 2. Visiters who have friends in the insane depart- ment, shall not be allowed to see them, without the per- mission of the physician under whose care they may be. And no other visiter shall be allowed to visit that depart- ment unless accompanied by one of the Managers, the Treasurer, or some proper officer of the institution. 3. When any patient shall express a desire to see a minister or teacher of religion, the same is to be commu- nicated to a resident physician, and, if it be deemed proper, the Steward may notify the individual whose presence is required; but, except in such case, religious exercises are not to be conducted in the wards of the Hospital, without the special permission of the attending Managers. WEST'S PAINTING. 1. The hours of exhibition shall be from nine o'clock, a. m. until sun-set of every day, except the first day of the week, when the house shall not be opened. 2. The price of admission for each visiter, shall be twenty-five cents. 3. All smoking of tobacco, within the walls, is forbidden ; and it is expected that no visiter will attempt to pass the barrier or railing. 4. Visiters shall not be permitted to pass through the picture house without special permission, or unless accompanied by a Manager or the Treasurer. ( 27 ) RULES FOR THE MEDICAL LIBRARY. 1. The librarian shall see that all the books are duly labelled and numbered, and he shall carefully preserve a complete catalogue of them, in numerical order, as well as a complete list of all persons entitled to the use of the library. He shall attend on every fourth and seventh day, from 9 till 10 o'clock, a. m. and from 3 to 4 p. m. for the purpose of lending out and receiving books: he shall examine those returned, and, if uninjured, immediately replace them upon the shelves. He shall keep in a book provided for that purpose, an exact account of all fines and forfeitures as they are incurred, and settle with the Steward for the same, quarter yearly. 2. The books shall be lent only to the following persons: viz.—The Managers and Treasurer: the physicians of the Hospital: any person who either as manager, treasurer, or physician, shall or may have served the institution for a period not less than five years; such officers of the institution as the library committee may direct: and all such persons as by purchase or otherwise, hold a certifi- cate of right, or may hereafter acquire one. 3. The sum to be paid for the right or privilege of using the library during life, conformably to its rules, shall be twenty-five dollars, payable in one entire sum; the library committee may issue certificates accordingly; but any person entitled to attend the practice of the Hos- pital for a season, may so long use the library. The right in no case to be transferable. 4. Every person entitled to use the library, shall, before he be allowed to take out any book, sign a conditional bond or obligation, for a sum specified by the library committee, as security for his due observance of the rules of the library, and for the value of such books as may be ( 28 ) injured or lost by him. In addition to this, a deposit of at least ten dollars, shall be made by every person possessing only a temporary right to use the library. But the libra- rian shall not require a deposit from those having a perpetual right, unless directed so to do by the library committee. 5. No individual shall be permitted to take out more than two books at one time, nor shall a book be kept out, by any person, longer than four weeks ; at the expiration of that time, the book must be returned; but if no other person has applied for it, the former borrower may take it out again—if another person has applied for it, he shall have the preference. 6. A fine of twenty-five cents per week shall be paid for every book kept beyond the limited time, and if a book be not returned within three months, it shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to its value, pay such fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, as the library com- mittee may direct. 7. In case any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace the book, as the Library Committe may direct. And if one or more books belonging to a set, or sets, be lost, the borrower shall take all the remaining volumes, and pay, in addition to the fine mentioned in the preceding article, the full value of the set. 8. A Manager, or physician of the Hospital, may bor- row single numbers of any periodical work taken for the Library, and keep them out one week only; if retained longer, the borrower shall be fined according to the 6th rule. No other person can be permitted to take out these works, until bound. 9. In case any doubts should arise respecting a viola- tion of the foregoing rules, or their construction, recourse must be had to the Library Committee, whose judgment ( 29 ) shall be conclusive: Provided always, that in cases of gross misconduct, or refusal to comply with the rules, the Board of Managers reserve the power of declaring the right of the offender forfeited, and prohibiting his access to the Library. 10. The Library Company may permit scientific men to use the books of the Library, for limited periods, or on special occasions—subject to the rules of the Library; but not more than six persons shall possess this privilege at the same time. 11. The following works, and such others as the Man- agers may order, are not to be lent out of the Library, without a written order from a member of the Library Committee:— Albinus's Anatomical Tables, Abbott & Smith's Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, 2 vols. Allionii Flora Pedemontana, 3 vols. Bell's Anatomia Britannica, Barrelieri Icones Plantarum, Bontius de Medicum, 1658, Buillard Herbier de la France, 16 vols. Burmanii Herbarium Amboinensi, 6 vols. Camperi Icones Herniarum, Catesby's Carolina, 2 vols. Cavanilles Historia Plantarum, 6 vols. Cooper on Hernia, Cowper on the Muscles, Dictionnaire de l'Academie, 2 vols. Dictionnaire CEconomique, par Chomel, 2 vols. Dilleni Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vols. Dodonsei Stirpium Historia, 1583, Fourcroy's Synoptic Tables, Gall, Anatomie du Cerveau, ( 30 ) Glauber's complete Works, Halleri Icones Anatomicae, Hogben's Plates to the Obstetric Studies, Horsefield's Zoological Researches in Java, Hunter's Gravid Uterus, Jacquin Plantae Selectee, Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols. Kcempfer's Icones Plantarum, Krohn's Extra-Uterine Fcetation, Lambert's Description of the Pines, Le Vaillant's Oisseaux de l'Afrique, Lobel Stirpium Adversaria, 1570, Loder's Anatomische Tafeln, 4 vols. Malphigi Opera Omnia, 1697, Mascagni's Lymphatics, Matthioli Opera, 1574, Mauritii Historia Nat. Brasilia, 1649, Michaux Chenes de PAmerique et I'Heritier Stirpes Novae, Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, 2 vols. Munro's Nervous System, Munro's Bursae Mucosae, Mulleri Zoologia Danica, 9 vols. GEder's Icones Flora Danica, 9 vols. Paradisi in Sole, Paradisus in Terrestris, Plumier Fougeres de l'Amerique, Ray's—Willughby's Ornithology, 1678. Raii—Willughby's Historia Piscium, 1686, Redoute Les Lilliaces, 6 vols. Russel's Indian Serpents, Scarpa Tabular Neurologica, Scopoli Delicia Insubrica, Smith's Icones Inedita, Smellie's Obstetric Tables, ( 31 ) Soemmering Tabula Embryonum, ----------Tabula Baseos Encephali, ----------Tabula Organorum Sensorum, ----------Tabula Oculi Humani, ----------Tabula Auditus Humani, Sheldon's Absorbent System, Sparrman's Museum Carlsonianum, Thornton's Sexual System of Linneus, Trew & Ehret Planta Selecta, Ventenat Jardin de Malmaison, Veillot et Audebert Ornithologie 3 vols. Vesalii Opera, Wilson's American Ornithology, with Charles L. Bona- parte's Continuation. ■ul' -J«T PAMPHLET UNDER Manufactured by [GAYLORO BROS. Inc Syracuse, N. Y. £j** .**\l-A NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE nlh D^flbflbH 7 NLM045868647