WW 100 B792t 1896 51910270R NLM D5271307 2 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D.C. NLM052713072 DUE TWO WEEKS FROM LAST DATE OPO 881473 THERAPEUTICS OF THK EYE CHARLES C. BOYLE', M. D., O. et A. Chir. Surgeon to The New York Ophthalmic Hospital; Professor of Ophthalmic and Aural Therapeutics in the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital; Oculist and Aurist to the Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island, N. Y.; Oculist and Aurist to the Hahnemann Hospital and Maternity, N. Y.; Professor of Ophthalmology in the Post-Graduate School of Medicine, N. Y.; Mem- ber of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York; Member of the Homoeopathic Society of the County of New York; Member of the New York Homoeopathic Materia Medica Society; Member of the Pcedological Society (Homoeopathic); Member of the Acad- • emy of Pathological Science. 3&XA1L NEW YORK. BOERICKE, RUN YON & ERNESTY. Ii Ay\y\«x ww 100 £7^1 2.1 Copyright, 1896. Boericke, Runyox & Ernesty, Wo rny Colleagues, lr)e rrjerrjbcrs of llje Slaff o[ Irje r)ew? Vorlj 0pr)fr)dlrr)ic pospiidl, y$r)6 by lh,cir adh)erar)ce to ike principles of |lorrjccopalhy tjecve raised frjc Irjsiifufior) to its preset)! rjial) standing, trjis L00I5 is respectfully dedicated. PREFACE. In preparing this work the material has been gathered from all available sources and the author has had in mind the desirability of having it in such shape that it can be readily used as a reference work. For this reason the book has been divided into three parts. Part I. being a "Materia Medica," alphabetically arranged of symptoms pertaining to the eye. Part II. being "Applied Therapeu- tics," with the symptoms grouped as far as possible under the anatomical sections of the eye. In these parts those symptoms having an asterisk (*) prefixed have been verified by the author in his practice, but aside from this distinc- tion no others are made, as all symptoms given are of nearly equal importance, they having been verified more than once, either by provers or in cures. In Part II. under '' Pains in Eye and Head '' are added some characteristic head symptoms, which seem closely connected with those of the eye. Part III. as a " Repertorial Index" will ssrve either as a repertory or general index to the other two parts. Each part is arranged alphabetically, facilitating the speedy reference to any desired symptom. Under Mercurius no distinction has been made between the symp/oms of Merc, vivus and Merc. sol. H., and either may be prescribed. The author desires to express his thanks to Dr. J. W. Jewett for clerical assistance rendered. With the hope that the work ma3' prove of assistance to the general practi- tioner as well as the specialist, the author offers this publi- cation. 66 W. Forty-sixth St., AT. Y. City. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. ACETIC ACID. *In croupous and diphtheritic conjunctivitis, where there is a dense false membrane, yellowish white, tough and closely adherent. {Kalibi.) Eids oedematous, swollen and red; discharge profuse and purulent. {Apis, Rhus I.) General Indications.—Membranous formations on mucous membranes. Dropsical affections. Acts especially upon mucous surfaces, causing inflammation and excessive secretions. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Sensitive to light, especially the sun. {Com., Euphr., Sulph.) (Candle light, Borax, Calc. c., Coni., Dros., Gels., Merc., Phos.) Desire for light. {Strain.) * Eye excessively dry and hot; conjunctiva of lids very red; relief from cold water. (Worse from water, Sulph.) Eyeball feels enlarged, as if coming out of socket. {Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac., Plumb, m., Spig.) Eyes bloodshot. * Inflammation from foreign bodies, or ingrowing eye- lashes. *Eyes red, inflamed, burning, pressive, shooting pains; conjunctivitis from exposure. * Catarrhal inflammation, first stage before exudation; severe pains in the eye. {Bell.) * Acute aggravations of granulated lids and pannus, with excessive redness, heat and dryness. Sticking and tearing pains around the eye, worse at night. 8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. * Profuse lachrymation, with intense pain. *Eids feel dry and burn, and are sensitive to the air; margins of the lids sore, red and inflamed. (Scurf and ulcers on edge of lids, Merc.) Shooting in supra-orbital ridge, branching across forehead to scalp, to right temple, cheek and into some teeth. Worse by pressure toward evening. General Indications.—Bad effects from dry, cold air; from suppressed perspiration, from excitement, fright, anger, chagrin. Feverish, nervous restlessness character- izes it. Suitable to plethoric persons, or those of sedentary habits; dark hair and eyes. Aggravation.—In evening and night; after getting in bed; when rising; in warm room; from tobacco smoke. Amelioration.—In open air; from wine; generally better while at rest, but pains worse at night in bed. ACTEA RACEMOSA. Dark spots before the eyes. {Agar., Bar. c., Calc. c., Camph., Carb. v., Cycl, Merc, Phos., Sep., Sil., Sulph.) * Aching pains through the eye into the head, extending down the neck; worse on using eyes. Intense aching pains in the eyeballs. {Aloe, Spig.) * Pain in the centre of the eyeballs. Pain in forehead, temples and vertex, with fullness, throbbing and heat. Pain as if between eyeball and orbital plate, worse in the morning and on going up stairs. Great pain in head and eyeballs, increased by slightest movement of head or eyeballs. Brain as if too large, pressing from within outward. * Pain over the eyes, extending to occiput. Dull pain in occiput, with shooting down back of neck. Ciliary neuralgia; aching pains in eyeballs or temples, extending to the eyes, worse at night. Sensation of enlargement of eyeball, as if eyeball would THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 9 be pressed out of head. {Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac., Plumb, m.) Intermittent pain, as if a ball had been driven from neck to vertex; worse every throb of the heart. Severe pains darting into left eye; feels as if needles were run into the eyeballs through the cornea. {Eupat. perf., Meph., Sulph.) Neuralgia. General Indications.—In rheumatic, neuralgic, choreic and other affections of the nervous system. Hys- terical females, from irritation of the generative organs. Anxious, nervous, irritable condition. Aggravation.—In the morning; at night; from motion; during menses. Amelioration.—From rest; in the open air; after eating. iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Weight in the eyes; they feel heavy and dull. Painful aching of left eye. Flickering before eyes. {Ars. alb., Chelid., Cycl., Graph., Sulph?) General Characteristics.—The drug acts on liver and portal system, and from this affects other parts. Persons suffering from hsemorrhoidal conditions. JETHUSIA CYNAPIUM. Pustules on cornea. Scrofulous ophthalmia; edge of lids inflamed and agglu- tinated at night. {Alumina, Calc. c., Lye., Merc., Puis., Sil., Sulph.) Chronic inflammation of edges of eyelids. Adhesions of the eyelids, in the morning. {Calc. c., Graph., Lye., Merc., Puis., Sulph?) Swelling of the meibomian glands. {s£th., Cham., Digit., Euphr., Puis., Staph., Sir am., Rhus t.) Dilated pupils. {Ail., Bell., Hyos., Opium, Slram.) IO THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—Children who cannot tolerate milk; bilious; dentition. Aggravation.—Mornings; at night; after meals; from nursing. Amelioration.—In open air; after sleep. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Feeling of weakness in eyes, without having exerted, them. Muscat voliantes. Reads with difficulty, type seems to move. * Nystagmus. Myopia due to spasm of ciliary muscle, especially if accompanied by twitching of the lids. {Jab.) Muscular asthenopia. Internal recti weak, causing in- ability to read; causes pain around eyes, soreness of the balls, twitching and jerking of the eyeballs and lids. Clonic spasms of lids; lids open and close in quick succession; quivering of lids. Blisters on cornea. Ulcers of cornea. Burning in the eyes with itching; hot and dry. Eyes inflamed, with flow of tears from smells and from coughing. Motion of type while reading, with itching and burning. Flickering while writing. Vision dim on looking long at an object; also on reading. Burning and itching on lower lid. Black spots, motes or mist before the eyes. {Cycl., Merc., Phos., Sep. Sil., Sulph?) Eyes sensitive to light; candle light. General Indications.—In disturbance of the cerebro- spinal system; chorea; epilepsy; spinal troubles. Persons of light hair, lax skin and muscles; in old people with indolent circulation; in drunkards. Aggravations.—In mornings; after eating; excessive sexual indulgence; in cold air; from mental application; from sun's rays. Amelioration.—From repose; before a thunder storm. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. II ALLIUM SATIVUM. Profuse watering of the eyes, without coryza. Conjunctivitis catarrhalis; smarting, burning and lach- rymation; returns every night when tries to read; eyelid agglutinated. General Indications.—In catarrhal affections. Fleshy people; good livers. Aggravation.—Worse in open air; damp, cold weather. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Eyes suffused and congested; startled look when aroused; pupils dilated and sluggish. {AEth., Bell., Hyos., Stram.) General Indications.—Especially useful in women and children; in nervous, sensitive persons. Aggravation.—In morning. ALOE SOCOTRINA. Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles; worse on the right side. {Actea r., Spig.) Weight on the vertex ; pressure in the forehead and occiput. Headaches are worse from heat and better from cold applications. Occasional twitching of the left eyelids during the day. Compelled to make eyes small during the pain in the forehead. Heaviness, with aching above the forehead and nausea. General Indications.—In portal congestion; disease of liver; in atonic conditions of uterus. Aggravation.—From heat; during hot, damp weather ; after eating. Amelioration.—From cold applications; during cold weather. ALUMEN. Sees things double by candle light. Spots on the cornea. Staphyloma of cornea. 12 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Trachoma. Purulent ophthalmia of infants. General Indications.—Acts especially on mucous membranes. ALUMINA. Subacute and catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva, particularly with dryness and smarting; great loss of power of the eyelids. Useful in asthenopia from irritated conjunctiva. Gran- ulated lids and chronic blapharitis. Vision dim and eyes dry in the evening. Burning and pressing in the eyes. {Ars. alb.) Red eyes with lachrymation. Spasmodic closure of the lids at night, and burning in the eyes in the morning and evening. Eyelids thickened {Graph., Puis.), dry and burning. {Ars. alb.) Burning dryness in the lids every evening, with pain in the internal canthus of left eye, with much dry mucus in the morning on waking. Agglutination of lids in the morning on waking {Ant. c., SiL, Sulph?), with burning when open, and with dread of light. {Aeon., Bell., Lye.) Eyes inflamed, itching at inner canthus; agglutination at night and lachrymation by day; burning and dryness. Sensation of coldness in the eyes (cold wind, Croc., Fluor, ac., Medor.) in the open air. Burning, dryness; burning on waking, especially on looking up, with photophobia. General Indications.—In paralytic conditions due to motor nervous system. In disease of mucous membrane where there is extreme dryness and lack of secretion, with irritation. Aggravations.—In morning on waking; evening; alternate days; from motion; taking cold. Amelioration.—In open air; from cold washing; while eating warm food. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 13 AMBRA GRISEA. Pain in the eyes as if they had been closed too firmly. Pressure upon the eyes. Itching of the eyelids as if a stye would form. General Indications.—In nervous persons, old people and children. AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. Pterygium. {Calc. c., Lachesis, Rat., Zinc, met.) Scrofulous ophthalmia. Eyes red and sore in the morning, worse in left eye. Redness of eyes, feel as if bathed in hot water. Full of white, stringy mucous. Sore feeling, with sensation of sand in them. {Calc. c., Caps., Caust., Fer. met., Sep., Sulph?) General Indications.—Catarrhal conditions. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Sparks before eyes at night. Cataract of the right eye. Muscular asthenopia from prolonged use of eyes. Ap- pearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects. General Indications.—Scrofulous children. Old people. Weak, nervous persons of a lymphatic tempera- ment. Aggravation.—In morning. In bad, stormy weather. Amelioration.—In warm, dry weather. Indoors; from pressure. AMMONIACUM. Stars and fiery points floating before eyes. {Cycl, Merc., Nat. m., Sulph.) Eyes fatigued from reading {Nat. m.,Ruta, Sep., Sulph.); they become injected and throb. Dimness and obstruction of sight in the evening amount- ing almost to blindness. 14 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Smoke or cloud before the eyes. {Agar., Caust., Cycl, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja?) General Indications.—Weariness on least motion. Sluggishness on rising, with drowsiness; depression of spirits and weariness. AMYL NITRITE. Aching pains in eyes in sunlight, with profuse running of tears, followed by sneezing. Ciliary neuralgia; eye injected; face or cheek suffused. Heaviness and pressure outward in forehead and temples. Heat and throbbing in the head; feeling of fullness to bursting. Eyes glazed, protruding, with a staring look and immov- able. {Bell., Canth., Hyos., Nux. m., Opium, Sir am.) Exophthalmic goitre {Badiaga, Cact. g., Fer. met., Loa., Lycop. virg., Spong., Nat. m.), the result of grief, with flushing of face, enlarged thyroid gland, irregular tumultu- ous action of heart, dyspnoea. Arteries of optic disc small, veins dilated, varicose and tortuous. Vision dim, blind when reading; halo, even with eyes closed and shaded. General Indications.—Flushing of upper part of body. Arteries and capillaries dilated. Rapid action of heart. Aggravation.—By warmth. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. The light seems to have a halo around it. {Alumina, Bell., Cycl, Digit., Fer. met., Lachesis, Osm., Phos., Puis., Rut a, Stann. met.) Vision dim. Pupil first contracted and later dilated. Weakness of sight. Digging and throbbing pains in right side of head above the border of the orbit relieved when eating and lying down, increased by motion and work. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 15 Pressing headache, mostly in the temples from without inwards, with diminished sight and hearing worse after eating, exciting mind or stepping hard. Objects appear too far off. Pain in left eye, with twitching in it. Pressure as of a plug on the upper margin of the orbit, extending into brain. General Indication.—The characteristic sensation as of a plug. In mental disturbances. Aggravation.—In morning and from evening to mid- night, from rising up. Amelioration.—After midnight, from lying down. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Eyes red and inflamed, with itching and nightly ag- glutination and morning photophobia. {Lye, Suiph.) Soreness of the outer canthi; itching in canthi. Redness and inflammation of eyelids. {Arg. m., Graph., Lye, Merc, Sulph?) Chronic inflammation of eyelids. Inflammation of the lachrymal gland and ducts. {Aeon., Apis, Fluor, ac, Hep. s., Puis., SiL) * Pustules on cornea, especially in cross children, who have pustules on the face and moist eruption behind the ears. {Cham., Graph., Hep. s., Mez.) The lids are red, swollen and excoriated by the discharge and lachrymation. {Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Excoriation of nostrils and swollen upper lip. {Graph., Merc d.) General Indications.—Affections of all mucous mem- branes. Children; young people who grow fat; old people. Bad effects from taking cold; from bathing, particularly in cold water. Characteristic white, coated tongue. Aggravation.—From bathing; after eating. Amelioration.—Open air. i6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Dim, swimming eyes. Edge of lids covered with mucous. Eyes feel so tired that they would close. {Caust., Com., Gels.) Eyes reddened, aching, with suppuration of lids. Gonorrhceal ophthalmia. {Arg. nit.) * Herpes of conjunctiva and cornea; photophobia, ill- humor. {Cham., Hep. s.) Flickering before eyes {sEs. h., Ars. alb., Chelid., Graph., Merc, Phos.), worse on rising from a seat, with vision as through a veil. General Indications. —Affections of mucous mem- brane, catarrhal; in pustular inflammations of all kinds. Aggravation.—In damp, cold weather; from warmth. Amelioration.—In open air. APIS MELLIFICA. Keeps the eyes closed; photophobia. Diplopia. Vision indistinct, as if skin drawn over eyes. Eyes weak, tire easily. Eyes tire from reading by lamp light; eyes irritated with a pricking feeling; lachrymation; vessels injected. Chronic headache, with violent pain in forehead and temples, at times involving the eyes, attended with vertigo, nausea and vomiting; must hold the head and eye down. Aching, sore, pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, sting- ing burning pains in and around eyes and in forehead. Head confused and dizzy, with pressive pain above and around eyes relieved by pressure of hands. Severe, darting, lancinating pains in eyes. Dull, heavy, tensive headache over the eyes, with pain through the orbits. Pain over left eye, left side of head, nausea and vomiting. Burning and smarting sensation in eyeballs and lids. {Calad., Calc c, Canth., Merc, Nat. vi., Sep., Sulph? THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 17 Pressive pain in lower part of eyeball. Trembling of eyeball, worse at night. Twitching and jerking of eyelids. {Agar., Eserine, Jab., Nat. m.) * Conjunctiva reddened, congested. * Puffy, chemosed, congested condition of conjunctiva, and bright red appearance. * Keratitis and blepharitis, with tumefaction of lids. Scrofulous keratitis, with dim vascular cornea, hot lachry- mation. * Pustular keratitis, with dark red chemosed conjunctiva, and swollen lids. * Keratitis, with dreadful pains shooting through the eye, with swollen lids and conjunctiva, with hot lachryma- tion, gushing out on opening the eyes; photophobia. Cornea thick, having dark, smoky spots. Leukoma. Each cornea full of nebulous spots. Opaque cornea. Staphylomatous cornea. Inflammation of eyes, with eruptive diseases. Ulceration of the cornea, vascular, photophobia, lachry- mation and burning pain; lids everted and often ulcerated on the margins. {Merc) Pustules on the cornea; diffuse inflammation of eye; lids swollen and red. {Rhtts I.) * Catarrhal conjunctivitis, with redness and chemosis of the conjunctiva, with stinging pain. * Ophthalmia purulenta, with great chemosis. {Arg. nit., Phyt., Rhus t.) * Erysipelatous inflammation of lids. {Aeon., Hep. s., Rhus t., Ver. v.) *CEdema of eyeball; of conjunctiva; profuse lachryma- tion. * Copious mucous secretion and lachrymation, inflamma- tion, and photophobia. {Ars. alb., Bell., Euphr., Merc?) Lachrymation, with burning in the eyes, and with photophobia; pains in the eyes on sewing in the evenings, 18 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. with pains on looking at bright objects; severe burning and sensation of foreign body. {Sulph.) Fistula lachrymalis. {Fluor, ac, Hep. s., SiL) * Dacryocystitis phlegmonosa; swelling and chemosis of eyelids; tender and painful to touch over lachrymal sac. {Aeon., Hep. s., Puis., SiL) * Blepharitis. * Chemosis and swelling of the lids. CEdema. {Ars. alb., Crot. t., Kali iod., Phos., Rhus t.) Ulceration of the margins of the lids and canthi, with stinging pain. * Bag-like swelling under the eyes. Upper lid hangs like a sack over the eye. {Kali carb.) Serous iritis. {Bry., Gels.) General Indications.—In all oedematous conditions; burning, stinging pains; great sensitiveness to touch; gen- eral feeling of lassitude, with trembling. Aggravation.—From warmth. Amelioration.—Cold water. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Sight very weak. Violent itching of lids and corners of the eyes. {Sulph.) Blepharitis. Lids greatly swollen and thickened; margins thick and red. {Afit. c, Graph., Lye, Merc.) Pustules along edges of lids after measles. {Puis.) Stricture of lachrymal duct. {Hep. s., Puis., SiL) General Indications.—Affections of mucous mem- branes and cartilages of the body. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. * Intolerance of light {Aeon., Bell., Euphr., Graph?); eyes filled with mucus. Sight worse by candle-light than by daylight. {Borax, Calc. c, Coni., Dros., Gels., Merc, Phos.) Cannot walk in the dark without reeling. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 19 Weak accommodation. {Com., Gels., Jab., Nux v., Phys.) A cloud over left eye in twilight and in cloudy weather. Gray spots and serpent-like bodies before eyes. Black motes before eyes. {Agar., Bar. c, Calc. c, Camph., Carb. v., Cycl., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.); worse in right eye. Letters become blurred. Photophobia and weak sight. Vanishing of sight; must constantly wipe away mucus. {Alumina, Croc, Euphr., Puis.) Attempt to use eyes causes pain in eyes and head. Weakness of accommodation; must keep increasing strength of glasses. Accommodative asthenopia. Eyes red, and photophobia after straining while sewing, worse in warm room, relieved in open air. {Puis.) Pain from brain to eyes. Shooting, itching, biting pain in right eye; excessive photophobia lessening toward night. Painful fullness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect. Pain in head, it seems enlarged. Sensation of fullness, dryness and heat, especially on moving the eyeball. Dilated pupils. The sight of high houses makes dizzy; feels as if they would fall on him. Staggers when walking in the dark. Coldness in the eyes with boring pain; scalp as if drawn tightly. Constant headache in right side of head in a myope. Pressive pain, sometimes in vertex, sometimes left frontal bone, relieved by pressure, aggravated by mental labor; letters run together. Eyeball sensitive to touch. {Hep. s., Spig.) Violent pressure in forehead commencing over eyes, spreading upwards; in morning; reeling. 20 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Syphilitic iritis. Head feels enlarged, or the eye on the affected side. * Purulent ophthalmia. Opacity of the cornea; ulceration of cornea in infants. Profuse purulent discharge from the eve. {Merc cor.) * Chemosis with congested vessels, most profuse muco- purulent discharge; cornea hazy; ulceration ot cornea. * Ophthalmia neonatorum, with profuse purulent dis- charge. Conjunctiva instantly congested and chemosed. Eyelids swollen and oedematous. Acute granular conjunctivitis; conjunctiva intensely red; profuse discharge inclined to be muco-purulent. {Merc) * Chemosis of conjunctiva. {Apis., Rhus t.) Ciliary blepharitis from being over a fire {Merc); better from cold air and cold applications.' Non-excoriating lachrymation. {Puis.) * Canthi red as blood, the caruncula swollen like a lump of red flesh; cluster of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to the cornea. {Kali tod.) Conjunctiva toward inner canthus is red and swollen, like pterygium. {Zinc met.) Blepharitis if the lids are very red, thick and swollen, especially if complicated with granulations or conjunctivitis. Discharge causes agglutination of lids in .he morning. Lids crusty,swollen, very sore and thick. {Graph., Merc.) Infra orbital neuralgia. General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- branes. In affections of nervous system, as paralysis. Aggravation.—At night; in morning. Amelioration.—From fresh air. ARNICA MONTANA. Photophobia. Early in the morning fullness of head, followed by flickering before eyes, increased by reading or writing. Feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, with intense headache. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 21 Over-sensitiveness of the whole brain, or in different parts of it. Shooting, tearing pains in both eyes and surrounding parts, worse in bed and by warmth. Headache, brought on by reading or working on first getting up. Insufficiency of the superior oblique muscle. Traumatic muscular paralysis. Contraction of pupil, with cloudiness of head. Dilated pupil; sensitiveness to light. Eyeballs very red. * Inflammation of eyes after injury. {Aeon., Ham., Led.) * Traumatic iritis. * Retinal hemorrhage. {Crotal. h., Lachesis, Merc, Phos.) * Traumatic ulceration. {Hep. s.) * Severe ciliary neuralgia; iritis; oedema of dry, hot, in- flamed lids, with much subconjunctival congestion. * Margin of upper lids painful when lids are moved, as if they were dry and slightly sore. {Sulph.) Bruised iris after cataract operation. {Rhus I.) Traumatic mydriasis. (Duboisin.) *Dull pain over the eyes when not using them. * Traumatic Kerato-iritis. Ulcer of cornea extending rapidly; eye very much congested and inflamed; very tender to touch; pus in anterior chamber; iris adherent; iritic pains in eye and head, worse at night. General Indications.—Effects of injuries. Bruised feeling. Aggravation.—In morning; at rest, lying down. Amelioration.—In evening and at night; from contact and motion. ARSENICUM ALBUM. * Sensitive to light, especially sunlight. {Bell., Com'., Euphr., Sulph.) * Scrofulous catarrhal ophthalmia. 22 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. * Photophobia, cannot keep eyes open. {Aeon., Bell., Sulph.) Flickering before eyes. Everything appears green. {Phos.) Horizontal half sight. Objects seen only in lower half of field. [Aur. met.) Left half. {Lith. carb., Lye.) Sees as through a white gauze. Retinitis albuminurica. {Kalm., Merc, cor.) * Twitching in the eyes, as if they were drawn into the head, with burning heat, hot lachrymation and photo- phobia. Pulsative throbbing in the eyes, worse after midnight. Painful throbbing and beating in the middle of the left supra-orbital region in a small spot. Restlessness and prostration. * Stinging pain when trying to open the lids. Occipital headache, of a pricking character, in retinitis albuminurica. * Violent pains in the eye, worse at night. Periodical headache, cannot move or fix his attention. * Various neuralgic pains in the eyes. * Burning pains over the orbit, worse at night, with pro- fuse lachrymation. Kerato-iritis. * Violent burning in eyes. * Burning and swelling of the eyes. Violent inflammation of eyes and ulcers of cornea; eye- lids oedematous and swollen. * Parenchymatous keratitis, with excessive photophobia ; lies in bed with face buried in pillow; hot, scalding lachry- mation causes an eczematous eruption; paroxysmal pains; child fretful and obstinate. * Ulceration of the cornea, with characteristic pains and lachrymation. * Ulcers of the cornea, with chronic trachoma and blepharitis. Kerato-iritis, with burning pains in and over the eyes; profuse acrid lachrymation. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 23 * Pustular and phlyctenular inflammation of the eye. *Lids oedematous and spasmodically closed. {Apis, Rhus t.) * Soreness of the internal surface of the lids, which are swollen externally and spasmodically closed, so that open- ing of the eyes causes intense burning and sticking pain. Edges of lids painful, during motion, as if dry and rub- bing on the ball. {Am., Sulph.) Burning in the margins of lids; in the evening, a feel- ing as if sand in the eye. {Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Phyt., Sulph.) Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with severe burning pain {Alumina). (Stinging pains, Apis, Calc. c) Lids sore and red on inner margins. Ulcerations on inner surface of eyelids. * Ciliary neuralgia, with fine burning pains. Corrosive lachrymation, making lids and cheek sore. {Euphr., Merc. cor.—bland, Cepa.) Dry when reading by candle-light, as if eyes were rubbed by them. Arsenicum cases relieved by warm applications; are periodic in occurrence. General Indications.—Anguish, restlessness, rapid emaciation, anxiety ; fear of death; exhaustion ; fretful; inflammation of mucous membranes; burning pains. Aggravation.—At night, especially after midnight; from cold in general. Amelioration.—From warmth. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Photophobia. Quivering of left upper lid. {Bell., Calc c.) Catarrh of the lachrymal sac {Euphr., Puis.); with desire to bore into the side of the nose. Water collects in eyes; smarting, swelling of margins of lids. 3 24 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- branes, especially where there are raw, bloody surfaces. Aggravation.—Generally in morning; from northwest wind; from lying down. Amelioration.—On rising. ASAF(ETIDA. * Boring pain from within outward (from without in, Aur. met.), above the eyebrows, burning, especially at night, relieved by rest and pressure. (Aggravated by pressure, Aur. met.) Iritis. Kerato-iritis. Retinitis. Choroiditis syphilitica. Burning in the eyeballs; in the left, from within out- ward. Dryness and burning in the eyes. {Ars. alb., Alumina, Sulph.) Pain in the right eye, as from a deeply-penetrating plug. Sharp pain extending through the eye into the head. * Nocturnal throbbing pains in and around eyes and head. * Deep-seated inflammation of the eyeball, attended by ciliary pains. * Ulceration of cornea, with burning, sticking, pressing pains from within outward; relieved by rest and pressure; also better in the open air; numbness around the eye; dryness of eyes. Periodic burning in the eyes and pressing together of the lids, as if overcome by sleep. Pressure on external margin of left orbit. Pinching drawing across supra-orbital region. General Indications.—Where there is a hyper-sensi- tiveness; hysterical restlessness; in mercurial and scrofu- lous affections; in tertiary and secondary syphilis. Aggravation.—While sitting. Amelioration.—In open air; from motion; from touch and pressure. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 25 ASARUM EUROPiEUM. Asthenopia, accompanied by congestive headache. Eyes worse in the morning and evening {Sep.), when out of doors in the sunlight; relieved in the middle of the day, and from bathing them in cold water. (Aggravated by cold water, Sulph.) Painful feeling of dryness interiorly; swelling of upper lids, with inability to endure much reading. General Indications.—Excessive sensibility of all the nerves; in gastric and bilious disorders; in persons who are always chilly. Aggravation.—In cold, dry weather; in clear, fine weather. Amelioration.—From washing; in damp, wet weather; on wetting the affected parts. ATROPINUM. Sharp neuralgic pains in and around eyes. Intermittent neuralgic pains under left orbit, running back to ear. Inflammation of cornea. Blepharospasm and irritability of the eye. Conjunctivitis, with lachrymation. Pupil dilated. {Bell., Duboisin., Hyos., Stram.) Lids heavy and difficult to keep open. {Caust., Coni., Gels., Plumb, m., Sep., Zinc, met.) Sharp pain under right eye, with aching in temples. General Indications.—Same as Bell. In neuralgias. AURUM METALLICUM. * Photophobia; profuse, scalding tears on opening eyes; eyes very sensitive to touch. By gas light, a number of bright floating specks and dots are seen. Objects seem smaller and more distant. {Nux. m., Plat. met.) Sees a little better on looking intently and steadily at an 26 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. object, though he sees no trace of the upper half of an object. Heminopia. Everything looks blue. Fog or smoke before his eyes. Objects seem as if covered by a veil. {Agar., Caust., Cycl., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) * Black spots before the eyes. {Cycl., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) * Diplopia. (Sees things double or mixed up. {Bell., Caust., Cic v., Cup. m., Gels., Kaliiod., Nit. ac, Phyt., Phos?) Chorio-retinitis chronica, with detachment of retina. {Gels.) * Vitreous hazy; floating opacities; chorio-retinitis, syphil- itica. {Kali tod., Merc) Vision double, one object is seen mixed with another, with tension in eyes. Half sighted, as if upper half of vision were covered with a dark body; can only see lower half of objects. {Ars. alb.) (Left half seen, Lith. carb., Lye) Vision indistinct, as through a veil. Momentary loss of vision. Interstitial keratitis. Kerato-iritis with infiltration and fine interstitial vascularity. {Can. sat., Kali, m.) Cornea opaque. {Can. sat., Kali m.) * Conjunctivitis trachomatosa et pannus, also keratitis parenchymatosa vasculosa; intense redness and inflamma- tion of the eyeball; lachrymation and photophobia; cornea hazy and vascular; inherited syphilis. {Merc prot.) Eye very red and inflamed, angry looking. Photophobia; lachrymation. * Iritis marked by much pain around eye, deep in bone, extending from without inward; worse by touch. {Asafcet. relieved by touch.) Boring pains above eye in the brow, from without in- ward, aggravated by pressure. Pains of a burning, dull character, compelling one to THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 2J close the lids; worse in the morning and relieved by appli- cation of cold water. (Worse by cold water, Sulph.) Violent pains in left forehead and eyes. Rush of blood to head; sparks before eyes. * Pannus with ulceration of the cornea, accompanied by intense redness and inflammation of conjunctiva; lachry- mation and photophobia; granulations on conjunctiva of lids. * Bones around eyes feel bruised. Eyes protruding. Tension making vision difficult; worse on fixing eyes; relieved by closing them, with diminished vision. Pressive pain from above downward in right eyeball; pressive pain inward in right eyeball, worse during motion. {Bry., SJig.) General Indication.—In syphilitica mercurial affec- tions. In scrofulous diseases. Bone pains aggravated at night. Aggravations.—To cold air. By pressure; by rest. Ameliorations.— From motion; getting warm; in warm air. AURUM MUR. NATRONATUM. Chronic ophthalmia; malignant; cancerous. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Parenchymatous keratitis. General Indications.—Same as Aur. met., Nat. m. BADIAGA. Headache with pain in posterior part of eyeballs, worse on turning eyes; eyeballs tender. {Bry., Spig.) Scrofulous ophthalmia; hardening of the meibomian glands. Severe intermittent pain in posterior portion of right eyeball, extending to forehead and temple; worse after 3 p- M- 28 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Exophthalmic goitre. {AmyI nit., Cact. g., Fer. tod., Lycop. virg., Nat. m., Spong?) Pain in the eyeball, extending into temples; worse by turning them in either direction. {Bry.) Soreness of left eyeball, even when closing it lightly. Bluish, purple margin of lids and blueness under eyes. General Indication.—Similar to Ioaine in scrofulous affections. Enlarged glands. Aggravations.—Cold air, stormy weather. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Eyeballs feel sore; sore and lame on moving them. {Bry. Spig.) Soreness in front of head when moving eyes or turning them upward. Severe pain in eyes when reading. Sharp darts of pain in supraorbital nerve at foramen. General Indications.—In adynamic conditions in general. BARYTA CARBONICA. Light dazzles and hurts the eyes {Aeon., Bell., Graph., Merc?); fiery sparks before the eyes in the dark. {Lye, Phos.) Flying webs and black spots before the eyes. {Agar., Cycl., Merc, Phos. Sep., SiL, Sulph. Weakness of sight in old age; gauze before eyes. {Caust., Phos., Sulph?) Morbus basedowii. {AmyI nit., Cact. g., Fer. tod., Lycop. virg., Nat. m., Spong.) Quick succession of dilatation and contraction of pupils. Pupils irregular. Immovable pupils. Inflammation with sensation of dryness in the eyes. {Alumina, Sulph.) Pain in the eyeballs. Sharp drawing over left eye in the evening, extending from nose toward temple. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 29 Scrofulous inflammation, with phlyctenular and ulcers on the cornea; glands swollen. Pannus. Ulceration of cornea. Opaque cornea. 1 Eyeballs and lids inflamed, with photophobia. Gauze before eyes in morning and after a meal. General Indications.—In premature senility; old peo- ple; glandular swellings and ulcerations; scrofulous chil- dren, accompanied by tonsillitis. Used for cataracts. Aggravation.—From washing parts; from thinking of symptoms; in morning, while sitting. Amelioration.—When walking in open air. BARYTA IODATA. * Phlyctenula and pustular keratitis. * Parenchymatous keratitis, accompanied by enlarged cervical glands. {Calc iod.) General Indication.—In scrofulous subjects with en- larged cervical glands. BARYTA MURIATICA. Shuns light; child lies all the time on its face. Eyeballs much inflamed. Scrofulous ulcers. General Indication.—In scrofulous subjects. BELLADONNA. * Sensitiveness of the eyes; cannot bear light; lachry- mation. {Aeon., Euphr., Graph., Merc, Sulph?) Eyes red, swollen and distorted. {Strain.) Chromopsia, everything looks red. (Green colors before eyes, China, Digit., Phos., Rut a.) (Blue, Bell., Laehcsis, Lye) Flickering before eyes; sparks or dimness of vision. {Agar., Caust., Cycl., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) Flashes of light before the eyes. {Cycl., Glon., Kali card., Phos., Sulph.) Objects appear double {Aur. met., Cic v., Phyt., Strain., 30 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Thuja), and seem to revolve and run backward; upside down or crooked. Dimness of vision. Amaurosis from a cold, with vertigo; pressing pain and feeling of fullness in eyeballs. Black spots before the eyes {Agar., Cycl., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.), worse by light; congestion of vessels. When reading, lines appear crooked. Apoplexy of retina, from suppressed menstruation, with cerebral congestion. Pain in the head, and eyeballs feel as if starting from their sockets. Orbital neuralgia, especially of the infra-orbital nerve, with red face and hot hands. Severe throbbing pain in the eye and head, worse at night. Eyeball sensitive to touch. Ciliary neuralgia, appearing and disappearing suddenly; photophobia; congestion. Pressive headache in forehead, relieved by laying the head down, worse on reading and stooping. Boring pain under right frontal eminence, early in the morning, soon after waking. Headache, relieved by closing eyes. Vision of sparks. Halo around candle-light {Alumina, Anae. ori., Cycl, Digit., Fer. met., Phos., Sep., Stann. met., Sulph.) partly colored, the red predominating (green, Phos.); at times the light seems broken into rays; occa- sionally flashes of light. Photophobia. Eyes are protruding, staring and brilliant {Amyl nit., BelL, Canth., Strain.). Pupil dilated (AEth., Ail., Hyos.). Shooting in eyes, from within outward. * Pupils dilated; immovable pupils {Hyos., Opium, Stram.). (Contracted, Ars. alb., Cic. v., Lauro., Phos.). Choroiditis disseminata. *The optic disc congested; retinal arteries and veins enlarged; especially the veins. {Duboisin.) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 31 * Optic neuritis, veins large, flashes of light before eyes and pains in the head. Hyperaemia and inflammation of optic nerve and retina. Strabismus, due to spasmodic action of muscles or brain troubles. Diplopia. Spasms of the eyes, distorting them. The eyes are in constant motion {Agar.); pupils dilated. The eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle. {Cup. m.) Dryness of the eyes; feeling of burning dryness; stiff- ness. {Aeon., Alumina, Ars. alb., Sulph.) Eyes dry, motion attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness. Lids swollen, red like erysipelas. Hypersesthesia of the retina. {Com., Gels., Nux v., Phos., Zinc. met. Exophthalmic goitre. {AmyI nit., Cact. g., Fer. met., Pod., Lycop. Virg., Nat. m., Spong.) General Indications.—In the flushed face, throbbing carotids, the hard, full and bounding pulse, wild delirium; also sudden appearance and disappearance of the symptoms; furious rage; affections of mucous membrane; induration of glands; pains come and go suddenly; convulsions; over- excitability of all the senses. Aggravation.—After 3 p. m. and midnight; from motion, touch ; from draught of air. Amelioration.—Wrapped up well, in a warm room. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Violent shooting pains through eyes into brain, or from temples to eyes {Spig.); after operations for strabismus. , Dryness, with biting and burning in eyes, itching, and feeling of sand. {Sulph.) Cool feeling in eye, like from a cold wind. {Croc, Fluor. ac, Med or.) Tearing pains in whole head, now here, now there, in forehead and temples. 32 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. BORAX. The lashes turn inward toward the eye and inflame it, especially at the outer canthus, when margins of lids are very sore. {Graph., Merc.) Margin of the lids affected; eye lashes loaded with a dry, gummy exudation, stick together in the morning. {Graph., Merc, Puis., Sulph?) Lower eyelid inverted. Entropion. Vision of bright waves moving; moving from right to left, and from above downward, in morning when writr ing. General Indications.—Great fear of downward motion; affection of mucous membranes; tendency to aphthous ulceration. BOVISTA. Inflammation of eyelids, with nightly agglutination. General Indications.—Tetters moist or dry. BROMIUM. Throbbing stitches in left upper lid, and through left eye extending to brow, forehead and left temple, worse by external pressure and stooping, relieved by rest. Lachrymation of right eye, with swelling of lachrymal gland. {Ptds.) Eyelids close as if sleepy. {Caust., Gels., Nux m.) Fistula lachrymalis. {Fluor, ac, Hep. s., Puis., SiL) Heaviness of lids, with coldness of them. General Indications.—Irritation of the mucous mem- branes ; formation of false membrane. BRYONIA ALBA. Dread of light. * Eye very sore, worse on moving. {Spig.) Iritis. Severe burning and lachrymation of right eye. {Ars. alb.) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 7,^ Ciliary neuralgia, worse by opening and moving eyes. (spig.) Severe shooting pains extending to vertex or occiput, aggravated at night or from motion of eyes. Pain sharp, passing through eye into head and backward to occiput. {Actea r., Spig.) Stitches in head from forehead to occiput. Headache commences in morning as soon as opens eyes. Intermittent pain in left eyeball, worse on moving eye- ball, with feeling as if the eye became smaller and was retracted within the orbit. Pressing crushing pain in the eyes, worse by motion. (Spig?) Inflammation of the eyes, redness, photophobia, and at the same time violent pains in the teeth and face, worse by warmth (relieved by warmth, Hep. s.); relieved by cold. Puffiness of right upper lid. {Apis., Kali earb.) Acute irido-choroiditis. * Rheumatic iritis, caused by cold, with steady aching pain in back part of eye, extending through to occiput, worse at night and motion. Serous choroiditis. Glaucoma. {Gels.) Eyeball feels full, as if pressed out, with sharp shooting pains in eye and head, worse at night. {Spig.) Scalding in corners of eye, worse at night. * Rheumatic inflammation of eyes. {Kalm., Rhus t.) Hypersemia of optic nerve and retina. {Bell., Duboisin.) General Indication.—General aggravation from mo- tion ; stitching tearing pains; in affections of serous mem- branes ; ill-humored; irritable; in rheumatic affections. Aggravations.—Morning and evenings; motion; heat; warm food; after eating; while coughing. Amelioration.—In cool weather; cool room ; cold food ; while sitting; while lying on painful side. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Sensitive to light. 34 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Dimness of sight. Eyes blood-shot. Acute ophthalmia rheumatica. Exophthalmic goitre. {AmyI nit., Cact?g., Fer. met., Pod., Lycop. Virg., Nat. m., Spong?) General Indications.—Contractive sensation in vari- ous parts of the body, especially in region of heart. In eye troubles accompanying heart disease. CADMIUM SULPHURICUM. Blenorrhceic affection of eyes. {Arg. nit., Euphr., Merc, Puis.) Swelling of the conjunctiva remaining after blenorrhcea. Opacity of the cornea; from traumatism. Inability to close eyes. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes. CALADIUM SEGINUM. Eyelids red and inflamed, with smarting and burning. Dull pressive aching in portion of eyeball. {Actca r., Aloe, Badiaga, Spig.) Eyeball sore and sensitive to pressure. {Am., Hep. s.) General Indication.—Affections of mucous mem- branes. Aggravations.—Indoors. Amelioration.—Open air and motion. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Sensitive to light. Photophobia, worse in the morning after rising {Nux z\), and in evening by candle light. {Borax, Calc c, Com., Dros,, Gels., A/ere, Phos.) Agglutination of lids in the morning. {Alumina, Caust., Calc c, Graph., Lye, Merc?) Glittering or bright luminous appearance before the eyes, with severe vertigo. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 35 Mist before the eyes on using them. Spots before the eyes. Severe pain over the whole head after straining or over- using them. Tearing headache above eyes down to nose, with nausea. Pterygium. {Can. sat., Zinc met.) * Corneal affections of children. * Opacities of cornea. * Pustules of cornea, much lachrymation, excessive photophobia, worse by gas light or in the morning, or in changes of weather. Vascular ulcer of cornea. {Can. sat., Merc, prot.) * Ophthalmia scrofulosa; lids closed, red, swollen, pain- ful, itching, glued together in the morning. Conjunctiva inflamed and red; vesicles filled with pus on cornea; acrid flow of tears; great photophobia; sticking pain in eyes. {Hep. s., Sulph.) Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with pannus; from work- ing in the wet. Sticking pains through eyeballs at external canthus. {Sulph?) Pain in eyeballs, worse in the evening and by gas-light. Strabismus after cutting eye teeth. Lachrymation; in open air {Puis.) or in the morning; while writing, with considerable pain. {Croc, Ruta.) Fistula lachrymalis {Fluor, ac, Hep. s., Puis., SiL); thick, yellow pus in canthus; itching, humid eruptions. Feeling as if sand under upper lid. Sensation of a foreign body. {Aeon., Am., Caps., Euphr., Hep. s., Ign., Kali bi., Arat. m., Ruta, SiL, Sulph.) Swelling of eyelids, with redness and nightly agglutina- tion {Alumina, A?.th., Lye, Merc, Puis., SiL, Sulph.); during the day they are full of gum, with heat, smarting, pain and lachrymation. Burning in inner canthus, with stitches; itching. Vision as if shadow passed before eyes, with dilated 36 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. pupils so that she saw only one side of objects. {Lith. c, Lye, left half.) Eyes full of gum. Eyelids inverted and swollen, they look like raw beef, stick together with yellow gum. Entropion. If the closed lids are opened a stream of acrid, hot tears gush out. {Rhus t.) Nictitation in upper and lower lid. {Agar., Jab., Gels.) Clonic spasms of eyelids. Spasmodic closure of the lids, and photophobia, in scrofu- lous ophthalmia. Itching of the margins of the lids. {Carb. v., Sulph.) Heat and heaviness in upper lids. Burning and cutting in the eyelids and inner canthi. Lids hard and swollen; throbbing pains. Dry scurf on cilia. Induration after styes. Pain in the eyes after using them, worse in damp weather and from warmth. Burning and cutting pain in the lids, especially on reading. Red {Bell.) and green {Phos.) halo around light. General Indications.—In scrofulous affections. Dis- eases of bones, glands and skin.' Vesicular and pustular eruptions. Fair, plump children; profuse sweat from slightest exertion. In malnutrition. In leuco-phlegmatic constitution. Children, large heads. In affections from working in water. Aggravation.—From cold; cold air. Change of weather. Damp weather. Amelioration.—In dry weather. CALCAREA FLUORICA. Flickering and sparks before the eyes {Agar., Canth., Cycl., Merc, Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja), mostly left. Spots on cornea. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 37 General Indications.—In malnutrition of bones and teeth. Indurated glands. CALCAREA HYPOPHOSPHORICA. *In ulcers or abscess of the cornea, accompanied by pus in anterior chamber (hypopion) in scrofulous, cachectic children, poorly nourished. *In ulcers of the cornea, with hypopion due to oph- thalmia neonatorum. General Indications.—In cases of malnutrition; emaci- ated children; scrofulous. CALCAREA IODATA. *In pustules, phlyctenules or ulcers of the cornea, ac- companied by photophobia and acrid lachrymation. General Indications.—Where there are inflamed sub- maxilary glands. Tubercular troubles. * It is indicated in pale, fat subjects, with enlarged cervical glands or tonsils. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Photophobia, worse by gas-light {BelL); candle-light {Borax., Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos.); desires light {Strain.). Letters become blurred, worse by gas-light. Veil oyer eyes; eyes misty. {Caust., Calc. c, Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Phos., Petrol., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) Shimmering glittering, fiery circles. {Puis.) Eyeballs ache as if beaten. Cool feeling towards back of eyes; cold wind blowing in eyes. {Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor.) Sensation of something in the eye. {Caust., Sulph.) * Ulcers and spots on cornea. * Keratitis parenchymatosa or other forms of keratitis in scrofulous subjects, with enlarged tonsils. General Indications.— In malnutrition, especially bones; glandular enlargements; tonsils; tubercular and rachetic, and strumous persons; difficult dentition. 38 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Aggravations.—From change of weather or getting wet in rain; from cold; from artificial light; old people. Amelioration.—After lying down. CALCAREA SULPHURICA. Cornea hazy, pus in anterior chamber. Sensation as of foreign body. {Calc c, Canst., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph.) ♦Phlyctenular and pustular keratitis; accompanied by thick yellow discharge; accompanied by enlarged cervical glands. {Bar. iod., Calc. iod.) CALCIUM SULPHIDE. * Pustules, ulcers and abscess of cornea, redness, lachry- mation, photophobia, with or without hypopion. General Indications.—Tendency to suppuration ; ab- scesses, ulcer, formation of pus. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. * Lacerated and incised wounds of eyes. (Locally.) Inflammation of the eye, with headache while lying. Swelling of eyelids; dryness of margins of lids. * Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. (Locally.) Eyes black and blue from extravasated blood. General Indications.—In all wounds or cuts. CAMPHORA. Cannot read; letters run together. Glittering of objects; flickering; objects appear encircled by a cloud. {Caust., Cycl., Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph.) Sensation as if all objects were too bright. Sees bright colors, sparks, fiery wheels, alternating with mistiness. Sensation as if eyeballs were pushed from behind. {Actea, r., Spig.) Eyes worse in sun-light. {Aeon., Bell., Coni., Euphr.) Lids covered with red spots. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 39 Lids constantly agitated. Chronic inflammation of eyes. Burning, biting, sticking and itching in eyelids. Eyes fixed, staring, distorted. {BelL, Hyos., Strain.) Heat and burning in eyes; lachrymation. Soreness or tense stiff feeling in eye and lids. Lachrymation in the open air. General Indications.—In catarrhal conditions; ac- companied generally by coryza; prostration of system. Aggravation.—From cold or cold air. Amelioration.—From warm air in general. CANNABIS INDICA. Jerking in external canthus and in lid. Cool, burning, stinging in left inner canthus and side of nose. Injected vessels in conjunctiva, in a triangle from each internal canthus to cornea, worse at night. Inflammation of the caruncular lachrymalis with swell- ing. Distended feeling in the eyeballs as if starting out of the head; aching on trying to read. Letters run together when reading, twinkling, trembling and glimmering. Photopsia. Pain from bottom of orbit through brain and in ear. Pain as from a blow over right orbit. CANNABIS SATIVA. * Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva. The vessels of the conjunctiva of both eyes are injected in a triangular patch extending from internal canthus to cornea. Cornea opaque and vascular. * Keratitis parenchymatosa vascularis; cornea opaque and dark red, covered by blood vessels; eye inflamed and red ; great photophobia and lachrymation. 4 40 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Maculae and ulcers of the cornea; scrofulous eye troubles. In all forms of keratitis when the cornea is opaque and vascular. Pressure from behind the eyes forward. Sensation of spasmodic drawing. CANTHARIS. Objects look yellow. Eyes protruding; fiery, sparkling, staring look. {BelL, Hyos., Stram.) Biting sensation as if salt in eyes. {Nux v.) Cutting in eyes while writing. Lachrymation in open air; must close eyes; on opening lids, margins of lids pain as if sore, like raw flesh. * Inflammation of the eyes when caused by a burn. General Indications.—Inflammation of mucous mem- branes ; for burns. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Burning in eyes, with redness and lachrymation. {Ars., alb., Euphr., Phos.) Pressing pain in eyes, as from a foreign body. Objects appear black before the eyes {Phos.); red {BelL); yellow {Ahimina, Canth., Chelid., Iod., China, Plumb, in.) General Indications.—Irritation of mucous mem- branes ; intense burning and smarting pains; most useful in persons that are fat, lazy, unclean, clumsy, peevish, easily offended, light hair, blue eyes; aggravated by open air. Aggravation.—After drinking; from cold. Amelioration.—Warmth. CARBO ANIMALIS. Vision of a net swimming before the eyes. {Caust., China Mere, Phos., Puis., Sulph.) y Dim sight, eyes feel weak. Sensation as if eyes were lying loose in sockets. {Cepa.) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 41 Scirrhus of lachrymal gland. General Indications.—Affections of the glandular system; swelling, inflammation, induration and ulcera- tions ; scirrhus; desire to be alone; sad and reflective. Aggravation.—Morning and evening; from cold ; open air. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Black spots floating before the eyes {Agar., Calc e, Camph., CycL, Mere, Phos., SiL, Sulph); also flickering flames and rings. Eyes become weak and ache, from over work, or fine work. {Jab., Nat. m., Ruta, Senega, Sulph) Pressure and aching in eyeballs. {Actea r., Ruta, Spig) Burning in eyes. Heavy weight seems to rest on eyes {Caust., Coni., Gels); must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading. Short-sighted from overtaxing eyes. {Jab., Phys) Muscles of eyes pain when looking up. {Carb. v., Chelid., Plumb, met) Hemorrhages from eyes, generally with burning. Itching about eyes and in margin of lids, particularly in morning. {Calc. c, Sulph.) General Indications.—In persons whose vital powers are low; old people; children after exhausting diseases. Aggravation.—In warm, damp weather; changes of weather. CARBOLIC ACID. Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye. Piercing pain in a spot in left supra orbital ridge; relieved on rising; leaving soreness to touch. Swimming before the eyes; loss of vision; outlines of optic nerve indistinct. Dull heavy headache as if an India rubber band was stretched tightly around the head. {Ant. t., Chelid., Nit. ac, Sulph) 42 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM. Symptoms correspond to those of retrobulbar neuritis. Progressive atrophy of optic nerve. Photophobia. Double vision. Trembling of all objects; of letters when reading. Obscuration of part of the field of vision. Objects appear yellow. Vision misty. Field of vision contracted. Central scotoma for red and green. Neuritis, disc pale and hazy; veins engorged, arteries smaller. Ex- travasation of blood into the vitreous, filaments and float- ing points. Paleness of internal segment of optic nerves, with exca- vation of papillae. Appearance of optic nerve like smoked glass. General Indications.—In paralysis, with symptoms of intense congestion of nerve centres. CAUSTICUM. Dryness in the morning, with stiffness. Photophobia, obliged to wink constantly. Flickering, sparks or black points before eyes. {Agar., Calc c, Camph., CycL, Merc, Phos., SiL, Sulph.) Sight obscured, as from a gauze before the eyes {Bar. c, Croc, Phos., Sulph); green halo around light {Phos); red Halo {Bell). * Diplopia from paralysis of ocular muscles; worse on turning eyes to the right. * Asthenopia; sensation as if stick or sand in eyes. {Ars. alb., Euphr., Hep. s., Ign., Nat. m., Sulph) Burning and dryness of the eyes in the evening. (Burn- ing and smarting as from salt, Canth., Clem, c., Alerc, Nux v., Sulph., Teucr., Valer) Biting and pressure in eyes, which seem heavy, with redness of lids. Burning and itching in inner canthi. {Ars. alb) Pressing pain in eyes; worse from touch. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 43 * Sensation of heaviness in upper lids, as if he could not raise them easily. {Coni., Gels., Nat. ars., Nat. c) Inclination to close the eyes; they close involuntarily; paralysis of upper lids. {Gels., Plumb, in., Sepia, Zinc, met) Constant inclination to rub eyes. Eyes inflamed, burning, red and stinging. Lachrymation, even in a warm room, worse in open air. Spots on cornea. Itching on lower lid and on its inner surface, with burn- ing as soon as the eye is touched or moved. * Paralysis of muscles, especially if caused by exposure to cold. {Rhus t.) * Arrests growth of cataracts. Old warts on eyelids. Trachoma, with pannus. * Improvement of sight in cataracts. Blepharitis, re- lieved in open air. General Indications.—In paralytic conditions. Neu- ralgias. Acts upon the motor-nervous system. In affec- tion of mucous membranes. Aggravation.—Morning and evening; in open air. Amelioration.—From cold water; from warmth in general, in damp, wet weather. CEDRON. * Severe shooting pain over left eye. * Severe ciliary, periodical neuralgia, especially in mala- rial cases. {Chin, ars., Chin, mur) Pain across eyes, from temple to temple. * Kerato-iritis, with pain over left eye; worse every other day. Neuralgia of the supra-orbital nerve and also .right side of face, coining on every other day, generally about 9 a. m. Severe pain in the eyeball, radiating pains all around the eye, shooting into nose, scalding lachrymation; worse after working on black. 44 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—Is the periodicity which is often clock-like in its regularity; malarial history. CEPA. Dullness of eyes, with aversion to light. Letters appear smaller; when getting sleepy, eyes dull, dim and sensitive to light. Pain in eyes, as if they hung loosely, as on a string, pos- teriorly. {Carb. an) * Burning, smarting and biting in the eyes, as from smoke, wants to rub them. Itching, burning, stinging in eyes. *Eye red, itching, watery, suffused and injected. * Excessive lachrymation, with redness of eyeballs, with frequent sneezing. Excoriating discharge from nose. Lachrymation is for the most part in the evening in a warm room; sensitive to light. Shooting pain in right lachrymal duct. General Indications.—Inflamed and increased secre- tions of the mucous membranes; coryza, catarrh. Aggravation.—In the evening and in a warm room. Amelioration.—In open air. CHAMOMILLA. * Intense photophobia. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Inflammation of eyes; lids are swollen and agglutinated in morning {Calc c, Lye, Mere, Puis., SiL, Sulph); inflam- mation caused by exposure to cold, damp atmosphere; worse by every cold change of weather. * Conjunctivitis in infants. * Catarrhal and scrofulous ophthalmia in cross, peevish children during dentition. * Pustules on cornea, with considerable vascularity, pro- fuse lachrymation and photophobia. Burning sensation of heat in the eyes, which are inflamed and full of mucus in the morning. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 45 Child thirsty and peevish. Dentition, with moist erup- tion on face. Profuse acrid discharge from nose and eyes. Soreness of canthi and stitches in the orbital region. Violent pressure in orbital region; sensation in eyeball as if it were tightly compressed from all sides, with momentary obstruction of vision. Conjunctiva swollen and dark red. Purulent discharge. General Indications.—Excessive sensitiveness to pain, accompanied by great peevishness and irritability, and relief from motion. Bad effects from anger. Dentition. Child makes itself stiff and bends backward; kicks when carried; screams. Aggravation.—From anger. Amelioration.—From motion. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Photophobia. Influenza. Hordeolum. Photophobia, with pain in forehead and eyes. Dazzling spot before the eyes; lachrymation when look- ing at it. Blackness before the eyes, with a sensation of fainting. Misty appearance before the eyes. Diplopia. Whites of eyes dirty yellow. {Canth., China, Crotal. h., Iod., Plumb. 111., Podo) Weak sight. Cannot distinguish letters. Useful in cataracts. Letters run together when writing. Sensation of burning in eyes, as from a foreign body. Feeling of sand in eyes; lachrymation. Pain in eyes, as if pierced by knives; prosopalgia. Burning and shooting in eyes; hordeolum. Pulsating, burning and lancinating pains in eyes. Tearing pain in left eye, extending to zygoma, teeth, forehead and temples, relieved by pressure at first, and then 46 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. aggravated by the slightest touch; periodic; evening in bed. Right supra-orbital neuralgia. Aching in eyeballs on looking up or moving eyes. (Card. v., Plumb, in) Bruised pain in right eye, from front to back; relieved by pressure; worse from light, air, and holding down the head. Tearing pain in and above the eyes. Neuralgic pain above the right eye, especially in the evening when reading by artificial light. Pressive pain above left eye, which seems to press down the upper lid. Pressure in eyeball. Lamp-light aggravates pains in eyes. (Candle-light, Borax, Calc. e, Coni., Bros., Gels., Mere, Phos) Raging pain above edge of right brow, drawing through eye to cheek and jaw. Stitches above left eye. Conjunctiva swollen and dark red. Opacity of cornea. Increased secretion of Meibomian glands. Eyelids swollen, red, could open them but little. Hor- deolum. Redness and swelling of margins of lids. Twitching and blinking of the lids. Thick, yellow, mucous discharge from eyes. General Indications.—In bilious conditions in general. Aggravation.—-In the morning. Amelioration.—In evening. CHININUM ARSENICUM. Intense photophobia, spasm of orbicularis, gushing of ■ hot tears, ulcers of cornea; worse after midnight. * Different forms of keratitis where the symptoms are worse every other day, especially if there is a malarial history, and periodicity. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 47 General Indications.—Periodicity; malarial cases; symptoms of Arsenicum prominent. CHININUM MURIATICUM. * Intense pain in and around eyes, periodic in character. * Ulceration of cornea, of malarial origin, or anaemic, especially with iritis, with severe pain in or above eyes; periodic in character. * Severe neuralgic pain in iritis and other diseases of the eye. Trachoma, with and without pannus. Ulcers found in the course of pannus, with much pain in morning. Pannus; severe intermittent pains; anaemic conditions of malarial origin. General Indications.—Neuralgia; malaria. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. * Black spots before eyes. (Lith. carb., Mag 11. e, Nux m., Strain., Ver. alb.) Dimness of vision. Great sensitiveness of eye to light, with lachrymation, in full glare of light. Vision lost, with pain in forehead as if the head would burst. Disc and retina both very anaemic. Dilatation of pupils. Supra-orbital neuralgia, occurring daily and periodical. Intermittent strabismus. Conjunctiva injected, lids red, swollen, pupils contracted, lachrymation, extreme photophobia, tearing in the orbit and headache, with thirst and fever; all appearing every second day. General Indications.—Trouble due to malaria; peri- odicity. 48 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS.— {China) Pain in eyes on motion, with sensation of mechanical hindrance. Lachrymation, with crawling pain in eyes and on inner surface of lids. Retinal asthenopia, with transient blindness or flickering before the eyes, after sexual excess. Neuralgia about the eyes; ciliary neuralgia, supra-orbital neuralgia, worse by slightest touch. Yellow color before eye. (Canth., Chelid., Iod., Plumb, m) The weakness of vision and the neuralgia about the eyes are frequently associated with spinal irritation and soreness of the spine; worse at night when lying down. Sensitiveness of eyes to bright sunlight. (Aeon., BelL, Coni., Euphr) Scintillations, or black motes, before eyes. (Lith. carb., Magn. c, Nux m., Strain., Ver. alb) Dimness and weakness of sight. Amaurosis, with spinal irritation. Ulcers in course of pannus, with much pain in the morning. Ulceration of the cornea dependent on malaria or anaemia. Iritis from loss of blood. Pressure in eyes, as from drowsiness. Excessive pain, as if a knife were thrust into eye between orbit and ball and moved about in orbital cavity, from 8 a. m. to 3 P. M. Every other day, violent pain between 8 and 9 a. m. ; symptoms disappear at noon. Smarting and pressive pain in eyes; must rub them. Inflammation and itching of the eyes and eyelids in per- sons debilitated by loss of animal fluids. Ciliary neuralgia dependent upon iritis following mala- rial disease. Pressing pain at one spot at inner and upper border, 01 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 49 orbit, extending to nose and sometimes into lid; intermit- tent type, coming on at n p. m. every evening. Ciliary neuralgia, with marked periodicity. General Indications.—Great debility, especially from loss of fluids. Excessive sensitiveness of the nervous sys- tem, aggravated by slightest touch, motion, physical or mental effort. Periodical affections. Malarial diseases. Aggravation.—From touch, draught of air, from mo- tion ; every other day. CICUTA VIROSA. Objects vacillate, appear black, double vision, eyes burn, can scarcely see in sunlight. Staring at objects. (Eyes fixed and staring, BelL, Hyos., Stram.) Frequent vanishing of sight. Pupils dilated and insensible (BelL, Hyos., Opium, Strain) (Contracted, Ars. alb., Cic. v., Lauro., Phos) Letters run up or down or disappear; colors of rainbow around them. Eyes sensitive to light. Trembling and twitching of lids. * Strabismus convergence in children, if periodic and of a spasmodic character, or caused by convulsions. Objects appear double. (Aur. met., BelL, Phyt., Stram.) Objects appear to alternately approach and recede. General Indications.—Spasmodic affections in general. Spasms of muscles. Convulsions. Aggravation.—From concussions. CINA. Chronic weakness of sight, with aching in eyes and photophobia. Result of onanism. Pains renewed by looking steadily at an object, as in sewing. Objects look as if covered with gauze. (Bar. e, Caust., Croc, Phos., Sulph) ■ ■ " N 0. '-^~*^ 50 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Can see more clearly after rubbing eyes. Optical illusions in bright colors, blue, violet, yellow or green. Pupils dilated. (BelL, Hyos., Opium, Strain) Pulsation of superciliary muscles; a kind of convulsion. Strabismus dependent upon helminthiasis. (BelL, Nat. phos) Slow stitch, extending from above upper orbital margin deeo into the brain. On rising from the bed, black before the eyes with dizzi- ness and faintness; totters to and fro; relieved by lying down. * Phlyctenular and pustular keratitis, in children who are peevish, fretful, cries out in its sleep, and other symp- toms of helminthiasis. Asthenopia, vision becomes blurred on attempting to read. General Indications.—Affections from worms; con- vulsions ; peevishness; constant desire to rub, pick or bore into the nose. Aggravation.—At night; on looking fixedly on an object; from external pressure. CINNABARIS. * Sharp, sticking, stinging or dull aching above eyes, extending from internal to external canthus, or around the eye; pain may extend into the eye, or up into the head. Inflammation of the right eye, itching, pressing and pricking at inner angle and lower lid. Constant lachrymation on looking steadily, with profuse discharge of mucus from nose. Sticking pain about punctum lachrymale of upper lid. * Asthenopia with pain extending from inner canthus around eye, with soreness over exit of supra orbital nerve, worse in the morning. Conjunctivitis and blepharitis, discharge worse in the morning. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 51 * Kerato-iritis and iritis, especially syphilitic, and con- dyloma are present on iris. * Ciliary neuralgia, pains worse at night. * Pain from right lachrymal duct around eye to temple; from left inner canthus across brow. Drawing from right inner canthus across malar bone to ear. General Indications.—Pain extending around the eye or from internal to external canthus under the brow; syphilitic. Aggravation.—At night. CLEMATIS ERECTA. Burning heat and dryness in eyes, as if fire were stream- ing from them; great sensitiveness to cold air, to light and bathing. Eyes red, glittering, hot and dry. Inflammation of white of eyes, with lachrymation. Sensation of a veil before eyes. Pressing pain in eyes, photophobia, and lachrymation, worse in open air'; heat in eyes. Inflammation of eyes; smarting and rawness. Smarting of eyes, aggravated when closing them; on reopening them, great sensitiveness to light. Complaints from bright sunlight. Inflammation of iris; posterior synechia. Kerato-iritis, particularly of the ulcerative type. Ulceration of the cornea, with burning, tingling and stitching pains, sensitive to heat and bathing. Eyes smart as if raw, capillaries enlarged, lachrymation, smarting1; worse when closing eyes. Sensitive to open air. Pustular conjunctivitis, complicated with tinea capitis; agglutination of lids in the morning. Burning and inflammation of inner canthi; dim, weak sight. 52 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Chronic, irritable condition of lids, with swelling of Meibomian glands in the young and scrofulous subjects. Chronic syphilitic iritis, worse at night, with adhesions. Pain in the middle of left eyeball. Pressure in orbits when moving eyes. Vision indistinct. General Indications.—Induration of glands; scrofu- lous individuals; syphilitic troubles. COCCULUS INDICUS. Objects seem to move up and down. Dark spots before the eye (China, Lith. carb., Magn. e, Nux m., Strain., Ver. alb), objects appear cloudy. Dim vision. While reading can only see the left half of line. (Lith. carb., Lye) Sclerotic of left eye most inflamed; cornea hazy, iritis. Rheumatic ophthalmia. Rheumatic glaucoma, with venous hyperaemia, dilated pupils, insensibility to light, haziness of lens and vitreous, severe pain in and around eyes ; tearing pain in brow and left side of head. Pressive pain in forehead, from without inwards, with nausea; aggravated by reading. Headache as if something forcible closed eyes or as if eye were being torn out. Throbbing in vertex; aggravated by motion of eyes and touch of fingers. Pressive and contused pain in eyes at night, "with diffi- , culty in opening the lids. Eyelids inflamed. General Indications.—Most often indicated in women and children. Hysteria. Nervous weakness; affections caused by the motions of a carriage, swing or ship. CODEINUM. Involuntary twitching of eyelids, sometimes relieved by rubbing; aggravated on reading and writing. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 53 General Indications. — Twitching. Trembling of whole body. Chorea. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Drawing, digging pain, deep in orbit. Glaucoma. Painful rending, tearing, drawing pains in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput. Rheumatic iritis, with great soreness of eyeballs. Sensation of constriction in ciliary region, with great desire for rest. Spasmodic pains in head, especially over eyes. Dimness and opacity of cornea. Conjuctiva inflamed and congested. Eyes red and watery. Violent, short, sharp, tearing pain in and around left eyeball. Headache over left eye, aggravated in open air. Ulceration of Meibomian glands of left lower lid, which is much swollen. Burning and redness of edges of eyelids. Pressure and biting in canthi, with moderate lachryma- tion. Excoriating lachrymation; worse in open air. Stye on left lower lid, near inner canthus. Kerato-iritis, with hypopion. Smarting in the eye, especially in outer canthus, with lachrymation; feeling as if canthus were glued up. General Indications.—In rheumatic affections. Tear- ing, tensive pains, quickly changing location. Aggravation.—From mental exertion; motion. Amelioration.—Better during repose and in open air. COLOCYNTHIS. Severe burning, sticking and cutting pains, extending from eye up into head and around eye, or aching pain going back into head, usually worse on rest, at night and on stooping, relieved by firm pressure and walking in a warm room; sensation on stooping as if eyes would fall out. 54 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Violent shooting or stitching pain in forehead and eyes, from out in, lessens and then returns harder. Intense pain through the whole head, aggravated by moving eyes. Inflammation of eye, pupil dilated and immovable; dis- tant objects can be seen better than near ones, aqueous humor slightly turbid; ball tense, hot and protruding; copious lachrymation at night; agonizing, tearing, palpitat- ing and burning pains, with great photophobia. Glaucoma. Choroiditis. Painfulness of whole head and eyes, aggravated by bend- ing forward. Smarting in the eye, especially in outer canthus, with lachrymation, feeling as if canthus were glued up. Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball. Cutting or burning pains in eyes, with much acrid dis- charge from both eyes. Painful pressure in eyeballs, especially on stooping. Severe, cutting, stitch-like neuralgia, ciliary, relieved by firm pressure and while walking in a warm room; made worse by rest at night and when stooping. Smarting, with pain in eyeballs. Pain in eyeballs, worse on stooping. Cutting in right eyeball. General Indications.—Neuralgic affections of the face,' eyes and head. Bad effects from anger, with indignation. Aggravation.—In evening; at rest; after eating and drinking; from anger. Amelioration.—From hard pressure. Lying with head bent forward. COMMOCLADIA DENTATA. Eyes feel very heavy, larger than usual, painful and pressing out of head, as if something were pressing on top of eyeballs, moving them downwards and outwards. Pain in eye, worse near the stove, with profuse lachry- mation. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 55 Intermittent pain, from posterior part of eyeballs through head, below occipital protuberance. Right eye very painful, feeling much larger and more protruded than left. Right eyeball very sore; worse on moving eye. Ciliary neuralgia from asthenopia, and chronic iritis. Eyes more painful, with profuse lachrymation, near a warm stove. General Indications.—Almost similar to Rhus t. CONDURANGO. Superficial ulceration of cornea with varying amount of redness, photophobia and pain, accompanied by sores or cracking of corners of mouth. Flat epithelial cancer about as large as a farthing on lower eyelid. General Indications.—Cancers, tumors and ulcers, especially if accompanied by soreness and cracking in corner of the mouth. CONIUM MACULATUM. Objects look red; rainbow-colored. (BelL, Coni., Hep. s., Hyos) Sensation as if something like a fringe was falling over eyes. Double vision. Cannot read long without letters running together; burning pain deep in eyes, with hot flashes; cannot bear either light or heat; worse in a warm room; relieved in mornings and cloudy days. Sluggish accommodation. Intense photophobia of both eyes, redness of sclerotic, dimness of cornea, swelling and redness of eyelids, great increase of secretion of mucus and tears. Sensation of coldness in the eyes. (Alumina, Amm. carb., Asafcet., Calc. c, Lachesis, Lye, Plat, met., Spong) 5 56 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE Pain shoots over to front of head, with sensation of fringe falling over eyes. Ulcers of cornea. Yellowness of the sclerotic. (Cham., Chelid., China) Keratitis punctata, with great photophobia. Inflammatory conditions of cornea (ulcers and pustules), especially if inflammation is superficial; more frequently in scrofulous subjects. Vision weak, with dazzling and vertigo, and general debility, worse in the arms and legs, so that he staggers. Sluggishness of adaptation of vision. Keratitis superficialis. Ulcers. Eyes feel as if pulled outward from the nose. Photophobia; vertical pain in head, worse in open air; vertigo. Shooting, smarting, itching in inner canthus, with lach- rymation. Induration of lids. Ptosis. * Lids seem to press down ; sleepiness. Lids only opened with great difficulty; when done, a flood of hot tears spurts out. Could scarcely raise eyelids; they seem pressed down by a heavy weight (Caust., Gels., Nat. c); disposed to fall asleep (Nux in) * Burning on inner surface of lids. Hordeola. Blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac. Itching below eyes and smarting, burning when rubbing them. Hyperaesthesia of retina. Paralysis of muscles, especially internal rectus. * Asthenopia, letters run together; vertigo. Adapted to old people. Been beneficial in cataracts. General Indications.—In diseases of old people, espe- cially old men; in cancerous and scrofulous affections of glands; old maids; children prematurely old. Aggravation.—Rest, at night; lying down. Amelioration.—From motion. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 57 CROCUS SATIVUS. Sudden flashes before eyes, like electric sparks. (BelL, Brom., CycL, Glon., Nat. e, Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb) Appearance of a spot jumping up and down before sight. Pupil much dilated. The light seems dim, as if obscured by a veil. (BelL, Caust., Hyos., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Sulph) * Sore burning in eyes after reading awhile; also dim- ness, must wink frequently. (Alumina, Euphr., Puis) Pain in eye to top of head, pain in left eye darting to right; sensation of cold wind blowing across eye. (Berb., v., Coni., Fluor, ac, Medor) A few moments use of eyes causes a feeling in them as if the room were filled with smoke; feeling of dryness and burning, very soon succeeded by lachrymation; pressure on closed lids relieves somewhat. Feeling in eyes as if she had been violently weeping; as if water were constantly coming into eyes, only in room. Extreme photophobia and most copious lachrymation; impossible to read without a torrent of tears inundating eyes so that light gets confused and veiled. Constant winking, with tearful suffusion of eyes. Twitching of eyelids, as if something must be wiped from right eye. Frequent necessity to wink and wipe eyes as if a film of mucus were over them. (Alumina, Euphr., Puis) Sensation as if eyelids were swollen. Inclined to press lids closely together from time to time. (Euphr) Heating and lancinating pains in eyes after surgical operations. General Indications.—Chorea; hysterical affections; excessive prostration and weariness in the evening, accom- panied by great sleepiness. Aggravation.—In morning. Amelioration.—Better in open air. 58 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. Amblyopia, caused by grief and over-use of eyes in sew- ing; cutting pains around eyes; muscae volitantes and various colored flames. Hemorrhages into retina. Retinitis,albuminurica and syphilitica. Yellow color of the eyes. (Cham., China, Chelid., Iod., Plumb, m., Podo) Blue rings about eyes. Blood exudes from eye. (Calc. c, Nux v.) Tearing, boring pain as if a cut had been made around eye, sometimes sticking in character and aggravated morn- ing and evening; great sensitiveness to light; lids swollen in the morning, with pains in forehead and occiput. Pressure and oppression above the eyes. Burning in eyes; redness with lachrymation. Very severe pain in right eye and top of head, on right side down back of neck. Eyes weak and very red, with agglutination of lids; sight very weak; photophobia. Aggravation of eye symptoms at menstrual period. General Indications.—Hemorrhages from different parts of body; due to low condition of system; easily tired by slight exertion; disorganization of the blood. CROTON TIGLIUM. * Keratitis pustulosa with vesicular eruption on lids and face; with excessive photophobia. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, eyes feel hot and burning, especially at night; face red and burning; feverish; marked photophobia. Copious lachrymation. Ciliary injection, with considerable pain in and around eye, usually worse at night. * Pustules terminating in ulcers and ulceration of cornea, THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 59 with much pain in supra-ciliary region and eruption on face. Much pain in eye whenever a movement from the bowels occurs. Burning pain in inflamed eye, with burning in ear; vertigo and fainting. Copious lachrymation ; lids puffed. Iritis with pustular eruptions on face. Pain extending from pupil of left eye to back of head. Tensive pain above the right orbit. Sensation as of a string pulling eyeball back into head. (Paris.) Stinging in eyeball. Heat and heaviness in head; sticking pain in head, eyes and forehead. Soreness in eyeballs when turning eyes. (Bry., Spig) CEdematous swelling of eyelids. Pustule on lids. General Indications.—Eczema; pustular eruptions. CUPRUM ACETICUM. Double vision; paralysis of left external rectus; insuffi- ciency of external recti muscles. CUPRUM METALLICUM. Pressing pain in eyes. Bruised pain in orbits when moving eyes. Quick rota- tion of eyeballs with lids closed; severe pain in eyeballs during attacks. Convulsive and restless movement of the eyeball. Frequent twitching of lids of left eye; blepharospasm and photophobia. Violent itching in the eyes towards evening. (Sulph.) Inflammation of periosteum and cellular tissue in orbit; of lachrymal gland; spots on cornea. Violent pain in forehead, worse over left eye; sensation of pressure over left eye. 6o THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—Spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions and paralysis; symptoms are periodical and appear in groups. CURARE. Black spots before eyes (myopic patient), worse on read- ing. Sharp sticking pain over right eye, extending backward over right side of head. Ptosis, right side; heaviness of eyes; no power over upper lids; eyes feel hot, sore, it hurts to move them. Photophobia. General Indications.—Nervous debility, difficulty in using muscles; paralysis. CYCLAMEN EUROPiEUM. Dimness of vision and spots before eyes (Agar., Mere, Sulph), especially on waking; dim vision with headache. Fog before eyes, obliged to stop work. Dimness of sight with fiery spark before eyes. (BelL, Croc, Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb) Flickering before eyes, as of various colors, glittering needles; fiery specks and sparks. (Agar., Caust., Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Vision of smoke and fog, halo around light. (Gels., Phos) Burning in eyes and flickering of light on attempting to read in evening in bed. Muscae volitantes. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. e, Nuxm., Stram., Ver. alb) Diplopia (Aur. met,, BelL, Cic. v); especially if depend- ent on convergent squint, arising from helminthiasis (Cina), convulsions, falls, etc. Convergent strabismus. Swelling of upper lids. (Apis., Kali carb., Rhus t., Sulph) Dryness and pressure in lids as if swollen, with violent formication, stitches therein and in eyeball. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 61 * Visual disturbances, particularly associated with indi- gestion and disturbances of the female functions. (Lil. tig., Puis., \'er. v) Flickering, with confusion of head. Vision of colors; yellow (Alumina, Ars. alb., BelL, Canth., Sep., SiL, Stron. e, Sulph), at times green (Bigit., Phos., Stron. e, Sulph), at other times black (Caps., Phos) General Indications.—In affections of the cerebro- spinal system, affecting the female sexual organs. Great weakness and prostration. Menorrhagia. Amenorrhoea. DAPHNE INDICA. Sensation as if a membrane extended across eyes. (Caust) Weakness of eyes; while reading the letters fade and appear as a black line. Diplopia; contraction of pupil. General Indications.—In mercurio-syphilitic affec- tions. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Objects appear paler and have a greenish look; green (Kali carb., Mere, Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph), red or yellow; hemiopia, as if upper part of field of vision were covered by a dark cloud (Aur. met, Gels), evenings, while walking. Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors (Aur. met., Cina, Iod); sees hairs before his eyes or dark bodies like flies. Diplopia; pupils dilated and insensible. (BelL, Cic v., Hyos., Opium, Strain.) Superficial inflammation of eye and its appendages. Blepharoadenitis. Catarrhal inflammation; conjunctiva red, lids swollen, photophobia and lachrymation, worse in light or cold air, muco-purulent discharge, feeling of sand in eyes. Throbbing in the orbits. 62 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Meibomian glands inflamed. (Graph., Puis., Rhus t) Lids agglutinated in the morning. (Caust) Lid margins slightly swollen and pale red; inside of lids yellowish red; burning of lid margin; photophobia; lachry- mation and mucous discharge. Detachment of the retina. Anaemia of retina and optic nerve. General Indications.—Organic affections of the heart. Great weakness and sinking of strength. Slow pulse. DUBOISIN. * Neuro-retinitis; veins of the optic nerve enlarged and tortuous; arteries smaller; optic disc outlines red and indistinct; intellect dull; memory becomes poor; deaf- ness. * Paralysis of accommodation; traumatic and other kinds; pupil dilated. Ulceration of cornea; moderate redness, without severe photophobia and lachrymation. Aching over eyes in forehead and temples; over left eye; vertigo. Almost impossible to stand with eyes shut, constantly swaying backward and forward. *Hyperaemia of retina, associated with weakness of accommodation. Pain in eyeball just beneath the brow. Frontal headache; sharp pain through upper part of eyeballs from front to back, worse by artificial light; eyes feel hot and dry; conjunctiva hot and dry. Fundus of the eye generally very hyperaemic. Feel tired, as if overworked. General Indications.—Somewhat similar to Belladona. Accommodation paralyzed. Congestion of optic nerve and retina in brain disease. ' THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 63 DULCAMARA. Dim sight; sees as through a gauze. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. in., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Sulph.) Idiopathic iritis, after exposure in damp weather; worse at night and in cold air; relieved during motion and from warmth. Scrofulous ophthalmia from every exposure to cold. Scrofulous blepharitis and adenitis; crusty eruption on margin of lids; swelling and induration of cervical glands. General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- brane ; aggravation of symptoms in damp, cold weather; catarrhal and rheumatic affections. Amelioration.—From warmth in general and dry weather. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. * Purulent inflammation of eyes; eyes congested, red, swollen; profuse purulent discharge. Granular conjuncti- vitis. Smarting, burning from a strong light, with heavy pain, dull expression of eyes and sleepiness. Stiffness of the muscles, with pain on turning them. (Bry., Kalm., Spig.) EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Great aversion to light. (Aeon., Arum tri., Phos. ac, Tar ax) Painful soreness of eyeballs. {Actea r., Bapt., Bry.) Redness of margin of lids, with glutinous secretion from Meibomian glands. Lachrymation and photophobia, worse in left eye. Biting at times; biting water runs from them; frequent burning, biting, obliging winking at noon; relieved by increased lachrymation. General Indications.—Malarial fevers. Bilious de- rangements. Catarrhal fevers. Aching, bruised pains. 64 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. EUPHRASIA. Eyes very sensitive to light. (Apis, BelL, Crotal. h., Merc, Nat. sul., Sulph.) Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil, in evening. (Bar. c, Caust., Euphr., Petrol., Puis., Sulph.) Pressive, cutting pain in eyes, extending to frontal sinus. Painful pressure in inner angle of left eye and lachryma- tion ; as if sleepy. Headache, as if head would burst, with dazzling of eyes from sunlight. Burning in eyes with lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Apis.) Headache accompanied by profuse watery discharge from eyes and nose. * Frequent burning, biting in eyes, obliging frequent winking; acrid water runs from them. (Ars. alb., Mere.) Sensation as if dust or sand were in eyes. (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Sensation as if a hair hung over eyes and must be wiped away. Itching of eyes on going out, obliging frequent wink- ing and wiping of eyes (Croc, Puis), with increased lachrymation in afternoon. Rheumatic iritis, with constant aching and occasional darting pain in eye, always worse at night; ciliary in- jection, photophobia, aqueous humor cloudy, and iris dis- colored and bound down with adhesions. Kerato-iritis after injuries and surgical operations upon eyes (Am., Rhus t), stitching pains; burning, smarting lachrymation, very excoriating. (Ars. alb., Mere) Feeling as though cornea was covered with much mucus (Croc, Puis); it obscures vision and obliges him to frequently close and press lids together; lids swollen and red. (Apis, Arg. nit., Ars. alb., Mere, Phyt., Rhus t) Spots, vesicles and ulcers of the cornea. (Kali bi., Rhus t., SiL, Sulph.) Cornea ulcerated; lids swollen, thickened, deprived of THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. 65 their ciliae and covered with small ulcerations. (Ant. c, Arg. m., Graph., Lye, Merc.) Ulcer and pannus extending from above downward to centre of cornea; profuse thick, acrid discharge, lids thick and red; photophobia and pains worse in daylight; blur- ring of eyes, relieved by wiping. Catarrhal or strumous inflammation of cornea and con- junctiva. Keratitis pustulosa; very vascular ; intense photophobia, profuse purulent discharges; hot, scalding lachrymation. Conjunctiva of lids and eyeballs red, injected vessels running from outer and inner canthus to cornea, resembling a vascular network; continual itching and painful sensa- tions as of a grain of sand at outer angle; lachrymation; photophobia; pain worse in right eye; coryza, worse on right side. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, lids much swollen; eruption on head and profuse fluent coryza. Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia; profuse running from nose without burning. Granular ophthalmia, with or without pannus, profuse lachrymation and thick discharge, excoriating lids and cheeks. Pterygium extending from inner canthus. Margin of lids red; sensation of dryness in them; sensi- tive and swollen. Redness, burning and swelling of the margin of the lids. (Mere cor., Sulph) Lids itch and burn with profuse lachrymation. Lids sensitive and swollen. Inflammation and ulceration of margin of lids. Constant desire to wink which relieves any blurring of vision. (Croc.) Excessive photophobia. (Aeon., BelL, Mere) Inflammation and swelling of Meibomian glands. (Cham., Digit., Graph., Puis., Staph., Sulph.) Secretion of corrosive tears greatly increased, eyes con- 66 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. stantly suffused, tears overflow upon face and run down cheeks. (Merc cor.) Paralysis of motor oculi. General Indications.—Catarrhal affection of mucous membranes, with excessive watery secretion. Aggravation.—In morning ; in bed; indoors; in light. Amelioration.—After getting out of bed; out doors; in dark. FERRUM METALLICUM. Inflamed eyes; burning, stinging, suppurating styes. (Graph., Hep. s., Puis) Head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep while sitting reading. Writing causes headache to reappear. Pressure in eyes as if they would protrude, worse in the right. Sticking pain over left eye, coming very suddenly and lasting a short time. Can scarcely open eyes; lids pressed down. Eyes confused, dull and watery. Eyes red, with burning pain. (Ars. alb.) Redness and swelling of both lids. Marked muscular debility; redness of eyes, swelling of lids, shiny, pus-like discharge from Meibomian glands; sweet taste in mouth. Letters run together when reading or writing. Morbus Basedowii, especially after suppression of menses; protruding eyes; enlarged thyroid; palpitation of heart; excessive nervousness. General Indications.—General exhaustion and weak- ness with anaemia; chlorosis; persons though weak have a red face. FERRUM IODATUM. Eyes shut on account of pain and photophobia; lids swollen; profuse discharge of pus when opened; conjunc- tiva bluish red and swollen; skin pale. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 67 General Indications.—In scrofulous diathesis. Pro- trusion of eyes, enlargement of thyroid gland, palpitation of heart and excessive nervousness; after suppression of menses. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. On stooping cannot see, seems as if all the blood ran into eyes. Blinding headache. Conjunctivitis and photophobia in measles. Eyes red, inflamed, with burning sensation, sore and red looking. Sensation as though grains of sand were under eyelids. (Calc c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Acute conjunctivitis without suppuration or discharge of mucus. General Indications.—First stage of inflammation as long as there is no suppuration; hyperaemia stage. FLUORIC ACID. Heaviness above eyes, with nausea, worse on motion. Pressure as if behind right eyeball. Lids feel as if forced open, and a sensation as of a cold wind blowing under lids (Berb. v.), (cold wind blowing across eye, Croc, Medor), even in a warm room must tie them up and keep them warm. Sensation of sand in eyes. (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sulph., Thuja.) Increase of lachrymation. Itching in canthi. * Chronic inflammation of lachrymal sac, worse in cold air. (Puis) * Fistula lacyrymalis. (Puis., SiL) General Indications.—Diseases of osseous tissue. Fistulae. In disorders from perverted nutrition, similar to Silicia affections of mucous membranes. 68 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. GAMBOGIA. Violent burning of eyes and photophobia in afternoon or evening, relieved by walking in open air, but returning in the morning. Violent itching of eyes in evening. (Sulph.) Itching of inner canthi, with discharge of acrid cor- rosive tears after rubbing ; relieved in open air. Nightly agglutination of lids, burning in morning, photophobia through the day and frequent stitching pain in eyes. Catarrhal affections of the eye. Smarting of eyes, with increased flow of tears. General Indications.—Affections of mucous mem- branes; catarrhal affections. Aggravation.—In evening or night. Amelioration.—Open air GELSEMIUM. Sees double when inclining the head towards shoulder or looking sidewise. Double vision; paralysis of motor oculi (Euphr., Kali iod., Merc, prot., Senega), and abducens. (Chelid., Cup. ac, Kali iod.) Dilated pupil (BelL, Croc, Hyos., Opium, Strain); contracted (Cic v., Phos). Diplopia, with spasm of various muscles throughout body. Swimming black specks before eyes (China., Lith. carb., Magn. e, Strain., Ver. alb); vision dim; can neither read nor write; words run together. As if a snake were before vision (Arg. nit), with pain over eyes. Blindness, with dilated pupil. (Crotal. h) Great aversion to light (BelL, Coni); especially candle light. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 69 Black and bright specks before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Suph.) Sense of sight tardy in following movements of objects. Disturbance of power of accommodation. Dimness of vision during pregnancy. Confused vision, eyes look heavy. * Misty or glimmering appearance before eyes. (Caust., Calc c, Croc, Lye, Nat. in., Petrol., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) * Smoky appearance before eyes, with pain above them. Dimness of sight, and vertigo. Amaurosis from masturbation (China); mind and body prostrated. Pupils dilated, iris sluggish, vision nearly lost; aching pain in and around eyes. Cloud over outer half of field of vision of left eye (sees only left half of objects, Lith. carb., Lye), due to sub-retinal effusion. * Increased tension. * Glaucoma from increased secretion. * Vitreous hazy. * Serous choroiditis; iritic complications (Bry); vision varies during the day. Retina-choroiditis, in which there seems to be a bluish snake before vision. (Arg. nit) * Detachment of the retina, haziness of vitreous, serous inflammation of choroid and retina. (Aur. met) * Detachment of retina from myopia. Serous iritis with deposit on cornea (Bry); pupil dilated, vitreous hazy with floating opacities. Heat in eyes and forehead. Pain in head, over eyes and across forehead. Severe pain in forehead and vertex, dim sight; roaring in ears; head feels enlarged. Bruised pain above eyes and behind them. Soreness as from a foreign body (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph), with photophobia and lachrymation. JO THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Terrible neuralgia extending from upper part of spine through upper part of brain, terminating in bursting pain in eyeball and forehead, aggravated by lying down, by study and by exertion. Sensation of a band around head. Aggravation of the eye symptoms from the use of wine. * Heaviness of eyes. (Hell., Nit. ac,-Plumb, m., Sep., Sulph) Dull, full feeling with aching in whole of orbits. Eyes feel bruised. (Feel too large, Aeon., Calad., Hyos., Nat. in., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Spig.) Constant inclination to squint. Asthenopia with insufficiency of the external rectus. * Paralysis of muscles following diphtheria. Eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. (Agar.) Fullness and congestion of lid . * Drooping of eyelids and ptosis. (Caust., Zinc, in) Eyelids heavy; eyes close when looking steadily. (Coni., Nat. c, Rhus. 1., Sep.) (Eye open and staring, Lauro., Stram) Great heaviness of lids; difficulty of opening, or keep- ing them open. Blepharitis and conjunctival hyperaemia due to refract- ive errors. Eyes feel sore in the evening, sensitive to light with lachrymation; lids feel full and congested. Orbital neuralgia, periodic, every day at same hour. (China) General Indications.—Low, nervous condition mani- fested by drowsiness, languor, due to passive congestion of brains and spinal cord. Paralysis of muscular system. Bad effects from fright. Neuralgia. Convulsions. Paralysis. Hysteria. Nervous chills. GLONOINUM. Flashes of lightning, sparks, mist or black spots before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. 71 Letters appear smaller. Sensation of whirling, of confused vision, objects danc- ing before eyes. Dim sight, with vertigo or fainting. Sparks and flashes before the eyes. (BelL, CycL, Sulph) Pupils dilated; eyes rolled upward and outward. (Bell) Red injected eyes during headache; reddened, with wild expression. Staring, wild look ; protrusion of eyes. Pressing and protruding pain in eyes. Face flushed, eyes inflamed. Eyes feel as if falling out. Eyes injected, protruding, look wild. (Bell., Hyos., Stram) Eyes feel as if some one were pulling them from within out. Eyeballs protrude during headache; eyes injected. Drawing, pressing, aching, bursting pain in eyes. Dull headache in forehead over eyes aggravated by use of eyes and mental effort. Tensive pain over eyes, nose and behind ears; followed by choking sensation about throat. Soreness, quivering and twitching. Beating over orbits. Supra-orbital neuralgia; pain usually commences at 6 a. M., continues till it or 12. Retinal congestion, the result of exposure to bright light. Pain under left eye. General Indications.—Pulsating, throbbing fullness in the brain. Acts on the pneumogastric. Bad effects of sunstroke. Fright, fear, mental excitement. Congestion of brain. Epileptiform convulsions. Aggravation.—From motion. Wine. Amelioration.—At night; in open air. 6 72 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. GRAPHITES. Photophobia ; great sensitiveness of eyes to daylight. Photophobia, usually intense, and profuse lachrymation; cannot open eyes before ioa.m. Intolerance of light; with redness of the eyes and lachrvmation. (Aeon., BelL, Euphr., Merc, Sulph) Eyes red; muco-purulent discharge, thin, excoriating; pains sticking, burning or itching. Letters appear double when writing; run together when writing. Sees fiery zigzags around outside of field of vision in evening, with eyes open. (CycL, Ign., Lye, Nat. m., Phos) Flickering before eyes. (Agar., Caust., Cycl. ,Mere, Sep., SiL, Sulph) Sees as through a mist. (Calc e, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nai- rn., Petrol., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) Everything turns black before eyes, on stooping. During menstruation sight vanishes; blackness before eyes. (CycL, Puis) Tiredness of eyes. Drawing extending from eyes up into head. Stitches from temple through eye to inner canthus, on looking at anything white or red, or at the sun. Smarting in eyes, with heat in them. (Sulph) Biting in the eyes. Burning and aching in eyes; heat in eyes. Burning pain around eyes. * Ulcer on cornea, with a few small vessels running to it; with moist fissured eczematous eruptions. * Pustules on cornea and conjunctiva, with much lachry- mation ; corners of lids raw and bleed easily. * Chronic pustular keratitis; recurrent attacks, great photophobia, profuse lachrymation, burning and aching in eyes; sneezing upon opening them; external canthi cracked and bleed easily; cornea pannused; thin, acrid discharge from eyes; nose sore, surrounded by thick, moist scabs. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. J^ * Conjunctivitis pustulosa and ciliary blepharitis, with cracks behind ears, eruption on face, thick, heavy scabs on lashes. Deep ulcers of cornea with hypopion. (Calc. hypoph., Hep. s., SiL) Old recurring pustular keratitis with no pain or photo- phobia. Small pustules on edges of cornea, photophobia and red- ness ; characteristic eruption behind ears and on face. Keratitis pustulosa, with vascular cornea and pannus. Herpes cornea, when combined with a chronic eczema, which covers face and eyelids like a mask. Lachrymation in open air (Puis); chronic, thin, acrid discharge from eyes. Pus-like discharge from eyes. Lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc cor) Stillicidium lachrymarum, from obstruction of nasal duct. (Euphr., Puis) Right eye waters constantly, especially in damp, sultry weather; lids excoriated from irritation of tears; mucocele arising from obstruction of duct. Swelling of lachrymal gland and eyelids. (Aeon., Apis., Puis., SiL) Red, painful inflammation of lower lid and inner canthus. Edge of lids much inflamed. (Mere cor., Sulph. * Chronic ciliary blepharitis; outer canthi especially; tendency to crack and bleed easily on opening lids; margins ulcerated; dry scurfs on ciliae; burning and dryness in lids, with biting and itching, constant desire to rub them. * Eczema of lids, eruption moist and fissured, margin of lids covered with scales or crusts. Agglutination of lids night and morning. (Alumina, Lye, Nat. m., Puis., Sulph., Zinc met) Styes on lower lid, with drawing pain. (Hep. s., Lye, Puis) Dry mucus in the lashes. Cystic tumors on lids. Chalazion in all stages. (Staph) 74 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—Moist, scabby eruption. Weak, exhaustion of the whole body. Scrofulous affections. Especially adapted to persons inclined to obesity. Females with delayed menstruation. Aggravation.—From cold. During menses. Amelioration.—From walking in open air. GRINDELIA ROBUST A. Conjunctivitis and purulent ophthalmia. Iritis, traumatic, or arising from cold or metastasis of rheumatism; the pain is intense and the fever runs high. GUAIACUM. Swelling of the eyes. Sensation of swelling and protrusion of eyes (Paris); eyelids appear too short to cover them. General Indications.—In rheumatic and arthritic pains. Aggravation.—In the open air. Amelioration.—In the room. GUAREA TRICHILIOIDES. Chemosis where the pad was so extended and so thick that nothing of the eyes could be seen but the pupil. Sensation as if the eyeballs were being pushed out. (Actea r., BelL, Guaiac) Paralysis of eyelids. General Indications.—Swelling of the affected parts. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Eyes feel weak; painful weakness of eyes. Headache from straining the eyes. Hammering over left eye, as if he would go out of his mind. Feeling as if both eyes would be forced out of the head, relieved by pressing them by fingers, but worse in a few moments afterwards. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 75 Sore pain in eyes; eyes painful under slight pressure. Traumatic iritis, with hemorrhage into iris. * After injury to left eye, abrasion of cornea, blood in anterior chamber and vitreous filled with blood. Inflammation and ulceration of the conjunctiva and cornea, if caused by a blow or burn. Traumatic conjunctivitis. (Aeon., Am., Led) Eyes inflamed and burning from being on the water. Eyes inflamed, vessels greatly injected, intense soreness caused by a foreign body. Extravasation in whooping cough; eyeball congested from violence of concussion and small vessels are rup- tured. (Arn., Led) Swelling of eyeballs and lids, with bloodshot appear- ance of eye. Excessive congestion of conjunctiva. Painful inflammation of eyes. Spontaneous eversion of upper lid, during course of severe conjunctivitis. Black eye from a bruise. (Am., Led.) General Indications.—In passive venous hemorrhage from any part. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Hippus; alternate contraction and dilatation of pupil; tremor of iris. Pupil dilated. (Ail., Bell., Hyos., Strain) Insensible to light. (Cic. v., Hyos., Opium.) Lids sticky, dry, sensation as if they were pressed down. General Indications. — Convulsive twitching of muscles. Dropsical affections of serous membranes. In- dicated in weakly scrofulous children. In dentition with brain symptoms. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. Photophobia, objects appear to be red. (Bell) (Blue, Stram.) (Black, Caps., Phos.) (Yellow, Canth., Chelid., China) 76 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Objects look too large. (Hyos) (Too small, Plat, met., Strain) Sight becomes dim on reading. Dimness of sight by candle light. Purulent capsulitis after cataract extraction. Pains in eyes as if pulled back into head. (Crot. I., Paris.) * Iritis with hypopion, photophobia, onyx. Boring pain in upper bones of the orbits. (Asafazt., Aur. met) * Cornea dim, opaque and bulging; ulcer, hypopion; fever with pressing burning, bruised pain in eyes, extend- ing into head. * Severe inflammation of cornea and iris, much ciliary injection, pupil contracted, iris sluggish, great photophobia, lachrymation, much pain extending from eye into head, worse at night, especially at two or three A. m. Seat of pain in head and eye sore to touch; lids considerably swollen and slight discharge. Kerato-iritis. * Ulcers and abscesses of cornea; hypopion; profuse lachrymation; great redness of conjunctiva; chemosis; pains severe, of a throbbing, aching, stinging character, relieved by warmth; wants to keep eye covered, worse from draught of air; lids swollen, spasmodically closed and very sensitive to touch; bleed easily on opening them. Recurrent ulceration of cornea in scrofulous subjects. * Opacities of cornea. * Acute aggravation of pannus, which tends towards ulceration, especially in mercurius subjects. * Herpes of conjunctiva and cornea; catarrhal inflam- mation and blenorrhcea of eyes; lids inflamed, excoriated, running as if corroded, especially at inner canthus; in- ternal surface of lids, especially lower, of deep red color and inflamed; heat, especially in the morning on waking; pain as if from burn, smarting, itching in lids; violent pain over right eyebrow; excessive lachrymation of left THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 77 eye; photophobia, alternating with clear and distinct vision in dark part of room; everything appeared illuminated. Purulent conjunctivitis, with profuse discharge and ex- cessive sensitiveness to air and touch. * Scrofulous inflammation of eyes especially in phleg- matic, fat, large bellied children, with fine white skin, light hair, thick neck and swollen glands, subject to eruptions and ulcerations of skin * Chronic inflammation of eyes, with great photophobia, lachrymation and mucous discharge; formation of ulcers with pressing, burning pains as if eyes were bruised. Eyeball sore to touch; pain as if they would be drawn back into head. (Crot. L, Paris.) Headache over eye, pressing down upon eyes. * Pressing pain in eyeballs, feel bruised when touched. (Spig) * Pressure in eyes as if from sand. (Calc. c, Caust., Sep., Sulph) * Dacryo-cystitis and orbital cellulitis, especially if pus has formed and there is great sensitiveness to touch, with throbbing pain. * Lachrymal duct closed by an exudative swelling; constant lachrymation. (Puis) Smarting pain in external canthus, with accumulation of hardened mucus. Redness, inflammation of upper lid with swelling, with pain more pressing than sticking. Agglutination of the lids at night. (Graph., Lye, Merc, Puis) Blepharitis when Meibomian glands are involved, and when little pimples surround inflamed eye. Spasmodically closed eyelids (Mere), in the morning (Nux v.) * Acute phlegmonous inflammation of lids, which tends toward suppuration ; tense and shining, as if erysipelas had involved them, with throbbing, aching, stinging pain and 78 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. sensitiveness to touch; pains worse by cold, relieved by warmth. Chronic ciliary blepharitis, complicated with swelling of the Meibomian glands, or ulcers and swellings on mar- gins of lid, which are painful in evening and on touch. Palpebral tumors. Eczema palpebrarum, where scabs are thick and honey- combed. Little pimples surround inflamed eyes. General Indications.—Extreme sensitiveness to touch. Acts on lymphatic glandular system ; enlargement and suppuration. Sensitive to open air with chilliness; un- healthy suppurating skin. Ulcers sensitive and bleed easily. Aggravation.—From cold air; from touch. Amelioration.—From warmth or wrapping up warm. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Lack of accommodative power of eyes and asthenopia. Opacity of cornea; scrofulous ophthalmia, with or with- out ulceration ; thick mucous discharge. (Merc.) Profuse secretion of tears; smarting of eyes ; burning of eyes and lids. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc, cor) Pain and burning of eyes. Inflammation and ulceration of conjunctiva. Acute catarrhal ophthalmia, the result of daily exposure to harsh dry winds; inflammation extended to border of iris ; lids greatly swollen and excoriated ; profuse catarrhal secretion. Chronic inflammation of eyes. Mucous membrane of eyelids much conjested; profuse, white, mucous discharge. Conjunctivitis siccus, with sensation of dryness and scratching, and feeling of weight and heaviness of upper lids. Blepharitis marginalis. General Indications.—Catarrhal condition of mucous THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 79 membranes. Secretion of mucous membranes increased; tenacious, ropy; erosions. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Illusions; objects look red as fire. (Bell) Eyes look wild, red and sparkling. (BelL, Canth., Stram) (Squinting, Apis) Small objects look very large. Double sight. Dimness of vision, as though a veil were before eyes. (Caust., CycL, Kreos., Phos., Puis., Sulph) Night blindness. (BelL, Cad. m., Strain., Ver. alb) Eyes open; distorted ; rolling about in orbits; squinting, spasmodic action of internal rectus. Spasmodic closing of lids; inability to keep them open. (Gels) Constant staring; stupid staring, distorted eyes. (Bell., Camph., Strain) Pupils dilated (Ail., BelL, Opium); insensible (Cic. v., Hell., Opium, Stram) Excessive photophobia of scrofulous ophthalmia. (Hep. s., Ipec, Rhus, t.) Quivering of eyeball. The flame of one light seemed smaller (objects look small, Plat, met), that of another larger (Nux m), though they were of the same size. General Indications.—Excessive nervous excitement, mania, convulsions, muscular twitching, convulsive jerks of muscles; hysteria. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. Pain and irritation of eye from an anterior synechia. Stye on lower left lid. (Graph., Lye, Puis) General Indications.—Highly sensitive and irritated condition of parts supplied by nerves. Injury to nerves. Bad effects from falls, blows upon head or spine. 8o THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. IGNATIA AMARA. Hyperaesthesia of retina with hysteria; intense photo- phobia (Aeon., BelL, Merc, Sulph); ciliary neuralgia; general nervous symptoms. Flickering zigzag (CycL, Lye, Nat. m., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja), and serpentine white flickering at one side of field of vision. Asthenopia and amblyopia in females due to onanism (China, Gels), or ciliary neuralgia; hysterical subjects. Pressive headache in right side of forehead, extending down into right eye; it feels as if eyeball would be pressed out, burning in eyes and increased lachrymation. Dimness before one eye while reading, as if tears were in it, which is not the case. Two chipping ulcers at upper margin of right cornea, with periorbital pains, sharp, sticking, generally in one spot in superciliary ridge, temple or side of head; sleep disturbed; digestion poor. Herpes of cornea. Intense, but fitful photophobia. (Aeon., BelL, Mere, Sulph) Sensation of sand in eyes. (Ars. alb., Carb. v., Caust., Euphr., Hep. s., Phyt., Sulph.) Catarrhal inflammation of eyes, when subjective symp- toms are particularly well marked, rather than objective; pressive pain in eyes; photophobia; lachrymation; coryza. Traumatic ophthalmia, with violent pains, and sensation as if sand were rolling around beneath lids. Convulsive movements of eyes and lids. (Agar) Pain under upper lid as if it were too dry. (Sulph.) Nightly agglutination of lids. Morbid nictation with spasmodic action of various muscles of face. (Agar.) Acrid tears in eye during day. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Ciliary neuralgia; severe pain extending from eye to top of head, producing nausea, often alternating with swelling THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 8l in throat (globus hystericus); pains begin very slightly, increasing gradually until they become very severe, only ceasing on the patient becoming exhausted. Intense pain over right eye, as if through supra-orbital foramen, as if needles were pushed through into brain. Stabbing pain in eyes going to occiput and nape of neck, relieved by warmth, aggravated by sound. General Indications. — Sadness and silent grief. Shedding of tears. Sensitive mood. Suppressed grief. Jerking and twitching of muscles. Convulsions. Hysteria. IODIUM. Constant tearing pain around right eye, passing back- ward from inner canthus to articulation of jaw. Smarting in eyes; pain as from excoriation. Scrofulous inflammation, with induration of glands. Iritis of syphilitic origin. Dirty yellow color of the eyes. (Camph., Chelid., China, Plumb, in) Protrusion of eyeballs, or a feeling of protrusion. (Actea r., CommocL, Guaiae, Lycop. Virg., Opium, Paris, Plumb, in., Spig) Staring, with wide open eyes; lids seem to be retracted. Twitching of lids; lower lids. (Agar., Jab) Trembling of lids. (Gels., Plat, met., Ver. alb.) * Thick mucous discharge from lachrymal sac. (Puis., Stann. met.) General Indications.—In glandular enlargements; on mucous membranes; twitching of muscles; emaciation ; scrofulous affections; in children, dark hair and eyes. IPECACUANHA. Worse from light, especially of a candle. (Borax., Calc. c, Caust., Com'., Gels., Merc, Phos.) Blue (Each) and red (Bell.) halo around a light. Optical illusion in bright colors. (Aur. met., Cina., Iod.) Obscuration of sight; eyes inflamed. 82 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Hardened mucus in external canthi. Severe shooting pains through eyeballs; profuse lachry- mation on looking steadily; blue and red halo around flame; pupil normal and mobile, with no external inflam- mation or lesion, except slight palpebral conjunctivitis: choroiditis. * Phlyctenules, pustules and ulcers of cornea or conjunc- tiva, accompanied by great photophobia, lachrymation and redness. Cornea infiltrated, intense tearing pain; great photo- phobia and lachrymation, especially in children. Catarrhal conjunctivitis, with profuse yellow discharge and chemosis. Twitching of eyelids. (Agar., Jab., Eserine) Violent neuralgia of the eyeballs, shooting into the head, with gushes of tears, nausea, etc. General Indications.—In nausea and vomiting ; catarrhal conditions of air passages; acts on pneumogastric. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Redness of conjunctiva, as from cold; eyes feel dull, with neuralgia; burning in inner canthus, with effusion of tears. Inflamed eyelids; simple palpebral inflammation, appar- ently arising from cold. Chronic inflammation of lids. General Indications.—Gastric and bilious derange- ments; neuralgic headaches. JABORANDI. *Dim vision, twitching of lids and pain in eyeballs. Aggravated after using them. * Eyes tire on reading; nausea. * Everything becomes black before eyes; aching of eyes on reading; spots before vision. * Spasms of ciliary muscle; causing blurring of vision or apparent myopia. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 83 * Vision becomes hazy; unable to use eyes for near work. * Insufficiency of internal rectus; sharp pains through eye into head. Serous choroiditis. (Bry., Gels.) * State of vision constantly changing, becoming sud- denly more or less dim every few moments. (Agar., Phys) * Spots before vision and aching of eyes on using them; lachrymation. * Spasm or irritability of ciliary muscle. (Agar., Phys.) * Eyes tire easily and are irritable on using them. (Nat. ars., Nat. 111., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph.) * Headache on using eyes ; smarting and pain in globes, and aching over eyes. (Nat. m., Ruta) * Periodic, convergent squint. (Bell., Cic. v., Cina, Jab., Mag 11. phos., Nux v.) General Indications.—Profuse perspiration and saliva- tion. In spasm of accommodation. JACEA. Scrofulous ophthalmia, with crusta lactea; lids much swollen and inflamed; face covered with a raw lookino-, excoriating eruption. General Indications.—Swelling of glands. Eruptions. Eczematous disease. Crusta lactea. JATROPHA CURCAS. Quivering in left upper lid (right, Bell). Itching and smarting of margin of lids, relieved on rubbing. General Indications.—In spasms and twitching of muscles. KALI BICHROMICUM. Photophobia, only by daylight; when opening lids they twitch. Various colors and bright sparks before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) 84 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Sight dim, confused, before headache,with vertigo; with yellow vision. Granular lids, with pannus of cornea; considerable dis- charge. Rheumatic sclero-iritis, with excessive pain and photo- phobia. * Indolent ulcers of the cornea. * Ulcers and pustules of the cornea, with photophobia; no redness. * Ulcers, with slight photophobia in the morning and agglutination ; smarting, worse from rubbing ; stringy dis- charge from eye. Much injection of the conjunctiva, both of the bulb and the lids of both eyes; very red at edges of cornea; ulcers on cornea, great photophobia and lachrymation; no pain. Mild cases of croupous conjunctivitis, in which the false membrane is loosely adherent; stringy discharge; con- junctiva very much inflamed; chemosis; lids swollen and cornea hazy. *True Descemetitis (Gels., Kali iod); fine punctated opacities in membrane of Descemet, especially over pupil, with only moderate irritation of the eye. Iris muddy and sluggish; cornea looked projecting; fine sclerotic injection around it and some conjunctival injec- tion ; sight very dim, like a gauze; lachrymation on ex- posure; stiffness at outer canthus; burning pain on upper eyelid on touching it. Small white pustules on conjunctiva. On opening eyes, lachrymation and burning. Itching and burning in both eyes (Aeon., Ars. alb., Merc, Sulph); lachrymation, burning and photophobia. Heat and pressure in eyes, with desire to rub them. Conjunctiva red, traversed by large vessels; or chemosis, with small spots of ecchymosis. Pustules on conjunctiva; on cornea. (Hep. s., Merc. Nit. ac, SiL, Sulph) Inflammation of eyes; injected and chemosed; much THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 85 lachrymation, eyelids reddened and agglutinated (Merc, Puis., Sulph), with thick matter at edges; stringy, yellow discharge. Shooting pain over eyebrow. Pain in left side of head and over left eye aggravated at night. Heaviness of upper lids on waking; requires an effort to open them. (Caust., Com'., Gels., Nat. m., Nux v.) Lids red, itching, tender ; tarsi seem rough, causing sen- sation as from sand in eyes ; granular lids. Margin of lids very red. Eyelids burning, inflamed, much swollen. (Edematous swelling of eyelids. (Apis., Kali carb., Rhus t) Large, acute granulations of lids. Burning in margin of lids, with itching, and on mov- ing them a sensation as if they rubbed against eyeball. (Am., Sulph) General Indications.—In the secretion of the tough viscid, stringy mucus, in catarrhal condition of mucous membranes. Plastic and diphtheritic exudations. Aggravation.—In morning ; from cold. Amelioration.—From heat; towards evening. KALI CARBONICUM. Bright sparks, blue or green spots before eyes. (Bell., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph) While reading or looking at a bright light, muscae volitantes; sharp stitches, fog before eyes. (Canth., Cycl. Merc, Puis., Sulph.) Spots, gauze and black points before the eyes. (Caust. Cocc. Ind., Big it). Weakness of vision. Photophobia, lachrymation. (Aeon., BelL, Merc, Sulph) Eyes weak; after coition ; after abortion (China) ; after measles. Smarting, burning, biting, stitching pain in eye. 86 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Eyes painful on reading (Jab., Nat. ars., Nat. m., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph), as if pressed inward. Stitches into eyes and root of nose. Soreness of external canthus, with burning pain. Eyelids swollen ; edges and canthi red ; caruncula red and swollen; lachrymation and pain from bright light; pressing pain in front of head and temples into eyes, with heat in face and head. Lids swollen and inflamed; agglutinated, especially in the morning. (Lye, Merc, Puis., Sulph) Lids red and swollen. (Apis, Rhus t.) Puffiness ; swelling between eyebrows and lids like a sac. Enormous bag-like swelling under eyes. (Apis) CEdema of lids, especially if accompanied by sticking pains and heart indications. Sensation of coldness in lids; of cold wind blowing under lids. (Croc, Fluor, ac) General Indications.—Where there are sharp stitch- ing pains. Takes cold easily. Old people and fat peo- ple. Aggravation.—In morning about two and three A. m., from cold. Amelioration.—From warmth ; in warm air. KALI IODATUM. * Vision dim and foggy; sees object indistinctly. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Kali carb., Lachesis, Lye, Merc, Phos., Puis., Sulph) Complete blindness from effusion of water on brain, with dilated pupils, staring, watery eyes ; frequent crying out and vomiting. Incipient Glaucoma in syphilitic subjects; dull, discol- ored state of iris; burning in eyes, lachrymation, dilated pupils. * Irido-choroiditis syphilitica. (Merc, cor) Choroiditis Disseminata syphilitica. (Merc, cor) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 87 * Syphilitic choroiditis ; excessive and variable amount of haziness of vitreous; opacities of vitreous. * Syphilitic iritis; iris much swollen, and aqueous cloudy ; ciliary injection ; pain severe, worse at night; photophobia and lachrymation. Iritis after abuse of mercury. Pustules on cornea, no photophobia, pain or redness. Conjunctivitis, chemosis; purulent secretion; eyes burn and are red from lachrymation ; scrofulous ophthalmia, es- pecially after mercury. CEdema of lids with lachrymation. (Apis., Kali carb., Rhus t) Injection and tumefaction of conjunctiva ; lachrymation. * Paralysis of external rectus. Tumors at border of orbit, adherent to bone, syphilitic. Periostitis of orbit, especially if syphilitic. * Retro-bulbar neuritis; optic nerve slightly hazy, veins congested, arteries small; blindness; syphilitic ; vision re- stored. *Neuro-retinitis syphilitica; vitreous hazy. * Syphilitic affections of the eye. General Indications.—Enlarged or atrophied glands. In mercurial, syphilitic and scrofulous affections. Aggravation.—At night; cold air; at rest. Amelioration.—Better from motion. KALI MURIATICUM. Irritable retina. * Dimness of right eye; vitreous hazy; opacities. Atrophy of choroid and retina; chorio-retinitis. * Parenchymatous keratitis; infiltration of cornea; occasional pain, moderate photophobia and redness. Retinal exudation. Discharge of white mucus from the eyes, or yellow or green matter. Superficial flat ulcer of the eye, arising from a vesicle. Ulcers of asthenic type; tedious cases; redness not ex- 88 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. cessive; begins at periphery and spreads to outer base; dirty-white yellow; discharge moderate. * Opaque spots on cornea; maculae. Conjunctivitis and keratitis, with formation of phlyc- tenulae. Onyx; hypopion. General Indications.—In connective tissue exuda- tions; croupous exudations; lymphatic enlargements; interstitial inflammations; white and gray coating at base of tongue; discharge of a thick white filmous slime or phlegm from any mucous surface. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Weak sight, from exhausted condition of optic nerve. Strabismus or squinting after diphtheria. Drooping of the eyelids. (Caust., Gels., Plumb, in) General Indications.—In condition due to want of nerve power; atrophic condition in old people. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Glimmering before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph, Thuja) Everything black before eyes on looking downward; nausea and eructation of wind. Vision imperfect. Dull weak eyes. Retinitis Albuminurica, occurring during pregnancy. (Merc, cor.) Nephritic retinitis, accompanied by much pain in back as if it would break. * Sclera inflamed; vitreous hazy; opacities. * Sclero-choroiditis anterior. * Sclerotitis, particularly in rheumatic subjects; eyeball painful on motion; stiff feeling in eye on moving it. * Episcleritis; deep, ciliary injection; nodule over ex- ternal rectus muscle; stiff feeling on turning the eye. Parenchymatous keratitis. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 89 Severe pain in right eye, extending to forehead; begin- ning at sunrise, growing worse until noon, then relieved, and leaving at sunset. Pain over right eye; giddiness; eyes weak and watery. * Pain in the eyes, which makes it painful to turn them. (Bry., Spig.) * Sensation of stiffness in muscles around eyes and of eyelid (Rhus t.); eyes painful on turning them. * Asthenopia; stiff drawing sensation in muscles upon moving eyes. Eye symptoms worse in the evening and in the open air. *Blepharo spasm, causing ptosis; stiffness of muscles on moving the eye. General Indications.—In rheumatic affections. Sen- sation of stiffness. KREOSOTUM. Dim sighted, as if looking through gauze (Caust., Croc, Hyos., PetroL, Phos., Puis., Sulph); as if something were floating before eyes, obliging to wipe them continually (Croc, Euphr., Puis). Itching and smarting sensation in eyes on edges of lids, worse on rubbing. Acute aggravations of chronic keratitis; hot, smarting lachrymation, aggravated by bright light. Blenorrhcea of conjunctiva, with moderately profuse dis- charge, and much smarting of eye?. Heat in eyes, with ulceration. Burning heat in eyes, with tears, worse in bright light. (Aeon., Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc, cor) Eyes sunken, with blue rings around, or protruding. Chronic swelling of eyelids or their margins (Puis., Staph., Sulph); agglutination of lids; tears acrid, like salt water. Uncontrollable twitching of lids. (Agar., Eserine, Jab) General Indications.—Scrofulous affections; catarrhal 90 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. conditions; excoriation of mucous surfaces; corrosive, acrid secretions. Aggravation.—Cold weather; open air; from rest. Amelioration.—From warmth ; from motion. LACHESIS. Over-sensitiveness to light. Flickering before eyes, as from thread or rays of sun. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Flickering and jerking in right eye, with congestion to head. Flickering, in evening, when reading, with weariness of eyes. Fiery ring about the light, with fiery rays. Fog before the eyes. (Kali iod., Mere, Puis., Sulph) Eyes sensitive to light. Bright blue ring about light (Ipec), filled with fiery rays. Dimness of vision; much black flickering before eyes, that seems very near; on waking. Defective sight after diphtheria. (Gels) Unsteady look, eyes roll vacantly. Variety of pains and sensations in and around eyes, especially left; very nervous; worse when thinking.of eyes, using them, and on waking in the morning. Dull pain over and in eyes; nausea; pain top of head; giddiness on rising. Amblyopia, with lung or heart affections. Hemorrhages into anterior chamber, vitreous, retina and choroid. (Crotal. h., Merc, Phos) Retinitis apoplectica; absorbs hemorrhages, controls inflammatory symptoms, and diminishes tendency to retinal extravasations. Scrofulous keratitis, with eruption on face, considerable photophobia and pain in eye and head; worse in morning and after sleeping. Ulcers on cornea; haziness. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 91 Sharp, shooting pains from eyes to temples, top of head and occiput. Stitches as from knives in eyes, coming from head. Sticking, drawing pain in right eye, extending to vertex. As if a thread was drawn from behind eye to eye. Eyes feel as if they had been taken out and squeezed, and then put back again; pains worse after sleep; wakes patient from sleep. Pressure in orbits with sensation of drawing from eyes to occiput. When throat is pressed, as if eyes were forced out. Stitching, burning and pressive pains in eyes. Severe pain in and above eyes. Intense and constant pain in left eye, pain sharp and sticking and sometimes extending to brow, numb feeling on left side of head; marked dimness of vision; terrific headache over eyes. Orbital cellulitis following operations for strabismus; eye protruded, conjunctiva chemosed; purulent discharge; retina hazy and congested. Pterygium. Inflammation of eyes and lids, with pain in them. Painful inflammation of left eye, frequently recurring, characterized by a bundle of congested vessels extending from inner canthus towards cornea. Fistula lachrymalis, accompanied by long standing eruption on face. Neuralgia of orbit, worse in left; the eye feels as if it had been squeezed. General Indications. — Aggravation after sleeping. Weakness of whole body on rising in mornings. Obliged to wear clothes loose, can't bear contact. In women dur- ing climacteric period. For troubles beginning on left side of body. Aggravation.—After sleep. 92 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. LACTIC ACID. Hyperesthesia of retina, steady aching in and behind eyeball. Photophobia. Sensation of fullness in eyes, with headache. (Apis., Nux. v) Eyes feel as if would burst (as if would be forced out, Led). Jerking of the left upper lid. Pupils dilated. (BelL, Hyos., Strain) General Indications.—It acts on mucous surfaces and. joints. LAUROCERASUS. Obscuration of vision; sensation of veil before eyes. (Caust., Hyos., Merc, Petrol., Phos., Sulph) Objects appear larger. (Hyos., Nux. m) Eyes open and staring, distorted. (Bell., Hyos., Strain.) General Indications.—Acts upon brain and spinal cord. Paralysis of special senses. Convulsions. LEDUM. Asthenopia, with dull pain behind eyeball as if it would be forced out (Actea r., Bell., Guaiac, Guarea, Paris). (As if would burst, Lad. ac) Photophobia. Dilated pupils. (Bell) Hemorrhage into anterior chamber after iridectomy. Complete ptosis of right eye and lids, especially if ac- companied by extravasation of blood. *Ecchymosis of conjunctiva, traumatic or spontaneous. Profuse suppuration, with discharge of foetid pus. Burning on border of lids and feeling of sand in eyes. Lachrymation acrid, making lower lid and cheeks sore. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc, cor) General Indications.—Bad effects from injuries; punctured wounds ; sting of insects. LILIUM TIGRINUM. Blurred vision, with heat in eyelids and eyes; after seminal emissions; with prolapsus uteri; muscae volitantes. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 93 Kopyopia hysterica; burning and smarting of lids, except in bright light; insufficiency of internal rectus. Intense pain in eyes, extending back into head; dim sight. Dull frontal headache, worse over left eye, or alternating from side to side. Sharp pain over eyes. Pain in forehead in astigmatism. Burning feeling in eyes after reading or writing; eyes feel very weak. Any near work causes redness of tarsal edges, and hot, sandy feeling in conjunctiva. Vision dim and confused, with disposition to cover eyes and press upon them. Asthenopia of astigmatism. Muscae volitantes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Lith. carb., Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb) General Indications.—Ailments accompanying uterine troubles; ovarian irritation; hysteria. Aggravation.—At night; from loss of self-control. Amelioration.—Sunny day ; keeping busy; in warm room. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Asthenopia, with black motes before the eyes and sensi- tiveness of eyes after using them by candle light. (Borax, Gels., Phos., Ruta, Sep) Entire vanishing of right half of whatever looked at. (Lye) Retinal anaemia, threatening blindness. Eyes pain during and after reading as if dry, as if little grains were in them (Caust., Sulph), as if sore. Pain and heaviness over brows, worse toward evening. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of Meibomian glands. Ophthalmia, with redness of sclerotic, muco-purulent 94 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. discharge, sticking pains in eyes, photophobia and sensa- tion of a veil before them. General Indications.—In rheumatic affection. Affec- tion of mucous tissue. All symptoms worse on right side. LYCOPODIUM. Photophobia; evening light blinds him; in artificial light, all things tremble. Veil and flickering before the eyes; black spots before the eyes. (CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph.) Eyes dazed by light, and painful as if bruised. Hemiopia, sees only left half of objects (Lith. carb), upper half. (Aur. met) Vision weak, unable to distinguish small objects even at a short distance; seems as though one were looking through a fine lattice. Sees everything dimly, as through a fog. (Aur. met., Calc. e, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Phos., Sulph. Night blindness (BelL, Cad. m., Hyos., Stram., Ver. alb), with black spots before eyes. Eyes seem too large. (Aeon., Calad., Nat. in., Opium, Paris, Phos., Plumb, m., Spig. Eyes hot, dim, wide open, fixed and insensible to light. (Hyos) Cold feeling in eye (as cold wind in eyes. Croc, Fluor. ac, Medor) Dryness of eyes, in morning; obliged to close lids; diffi- cult to open; smarting in morning; feeling as if dust under lids. (Caust., Sulph) Pressive pain in eyes, as if dust were in them. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Stitches in the eyes, without any redness. (Bry., Kali carb) Stitches and soreness in eyes, evenings when looking at light. Redness of eyes, and pressure in them. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 95 Burning in the eyes. (Caps., Kreos., coldness, Coni., Kali carb) Much mucus in eyes, with smarting pain. (As from salt, Nux v.) Inflammation in eyes, with itching in both canthi, red- ness and swelling of lids of right eye; distressing pain as if they were dry; nightly aggravation. (Alumina, Calc. c, Graph., Mere, Puis., SiL, Sulph) Mucus in eyes, must wipe them to see more clearly. Catarrhal or scrofulous ophthalmia; secretion thick, yel- lowish green. Ophthalmia neonatorum, during the suppurative stage. Inflammatory affections of the eyes, with nocturnal agglutination and lachrymation by day. Smarting and burning of lids. Ulceration and redness of eyelids; water flows from eyes, smarts and bites cheeks. (Euphr., Merc, Sulph.) Granulated eyelids, dry, with smarting. Itching in canthi. Pustules and styes on lids (Puis), more toward inner canthus. Lachrymal fistula. Polypus of external canthus. Has arrested the growth of cataracts. General Indications.—In catarrhal conditions. Dys- pepsia; flatulence. Humid eruptions. Aggravation.—Four to eight p. m. From moistening parts; while sitting. Amelioration.—After 8 p. m. From motion. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. Protrusion of eyes, with tremulous action of the heart; exophthalmic goitre. Morbus Basedowii. (Amyl. nit., Fer. iod., Spong) General Indications. — In disease associated with tumultuous action of the heart. 96 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Black spots or motes before eyes. (Aeon., China, Lith. carb., Merc, Nux in., Phos) Burning of eyes and dimness of vision. Lenticular cataract arrested. Obscuration of cornea. Dryness of eyes, or profuse lachrymation. Inflammation of eyes, with redness, burning, stinging and obscuration of sight, or dim-sightedness. Scrofulous ophthalmia, with opacities on cornea. Warts, styes on lids; chronic blepharitis. Agglutination of lids in morning. (Bry., Calc c„ Lye, Merc, Puis., Sulph) General Indications.—Adapted to persons, especially children of irritable disposition, nervous temperament. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. When looking into light, lachrymation and burning of eyes. Neuralgic or rheumatic headaches, relieved from external application of warmth; spasmodic, shooting, stinging, shifting intermittent pains; sparks before eyes. Eyes inflamed; violent burning and redness of sclerotic. Tinea ciliaris, accompanied by a pimply eruption of face, comes and goes; worse after supper and in a warm room, and in women before menses. Nocturnal agglutination of eyelids. (Calc. e, Lye, Mere, Puis., Rhus t., Sulph) MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA. Eyes sensitive to light, photophobia. (Apis, BelL, Crotal. h., Merc, Nat. sul., Sulph) Chromatopsia (BelL, Phos), spasmodic vision of sparks or rainbow colors; diplopia. Dullness of vision from weakness of optic nerve. (Nux v., Phos) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 97 Nystagmus (Agar); strabismus; spasmodic squinting (Cic. v., Cina); ptosis. Twitching or spasm of eyelids. (Agar., Eserine., Jab., Kalm) Headache, vertigo from optical defects. Pain in supra-orbital nerve over right eye; worse at 11 A. M.; relieved by external warm applications. General Indications.—In affection of mucous surfaces. Attacks of spasm and hysterical weakness. Neuralgia. Children, especially during dentition. Pains spasmodic and darting, changing, aggravated by warmth and pressure. MANGANUM METALLICUM. Asthenopia, with aching pains in eyes on looking at near objects, so must close them ; worse when looking at a near light. Burning in eyes, dryness and dim-sightedness during day. Eyelids pain on moving, and become dry on looking at bright light. General Indications.—In paralytic conditions begin- ning with paraplegia. MEDORRHIN. Feeling as if she stared at everything, as if eyes pro- truded. (Actea r., BelL, CommocL, Guaiac, Spig.) Aching in eyeballs, pressure and heat in vertex, a ten- dency to shut eyes. Pain in back of head and in right eye. Neuralgic pain in eyeballs, when pressing eyelids to- gether, worse when rolling them. Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensation of sticks in eves, lids, and especially inner canthi, redness and dryness of lids (Sulph), congestion of sclerotic and sensation of a cold wind blowing in eyes (Croc, Fluor, ac), especially in inner canthi. 98 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Ptosis of outer end of both upper lids, particularly left, requiring exertion to open them. Swelling of upper lids; soreness and smarting of edges. Decided tendency to irritation of edge of lids. Pulling pain in left lower lid from outer canthus; covAl see lids twitch between these points. General Indications.—In enlargement of lymphatic glands. Sore all over, as if bruised. Great heat and sore- ness. Aggravation.—Touch. Pressure. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. Dilated pupils, with great sensitiveness to light. Blinking of eyes in open air and sunlight; snow makes her blind. (Ars. alb.) Pain in eyes on reading or writing; letters run together. Dryness of eyes. (Alumina, Sulph) Hyperaemia of conjunctiva after using eyes, with heavi- ness of lids. Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with pannus; pannus slight; felt very sleepy; lachrymation and blurring of vision in morning. Twitching of upper lid, especially of left eye. (Calc c, Jatr. c, Mez) (Right, Agar., Paris) On waking at night unable to open lids immediately; they seemed paralyzed and could not be opened until she had rubbed them. Weakness of upper lid, so that at times they could not be completely raised. (Caust., Coni., Gels) General Indications.—In rheumatic affections; rheu- matic pains in head, accompanied by disturbance of vision or with melancholic mood. Aggravation.—Touch. Amelioration.—By pressure. Rubbing. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 99 MERCURIUS. Dim vision. Eyes are drawn almost involuntarily if attempt to look at anything, relieved by closing eyes. Blinded by fire-light. Worse from heat and glare of fire; also from daylight. Failing vision; temporary loss of vision; even when not using eyes, there are always dark spots or a kind of cloud before vision; constant lachrymation and aching, pressing pain in eyes; she cannot bear fire-light. Scotoma of right eye after a fall, with dimness of vision, constant flickering before eye and floating black specks. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Phos., Sep., Sulph) Eyes forcibly drawn together, as if deprived of sleep a long time. Fog before one or both eyes. (Kali carb., Lachesis.) Heat in the eyes and lachrymation. Burning in eyes, itching; pressure. (Aeon., Ars. alb., Sulph) Iritis; syphilitic; pain around eyes, on forehead and temples, worse from touch; throbbing, shooting pain in eyes; hypopion; pains severe, tearing, boring, cutting, worse at night and in damp weather; much heat around eye and soreness of corresponding side of head; great sen- sitiveness to heat, cold and light; acrid lachrymation; pupil contracted; adhesions; ciliary injection; iris dis- colored. Tearing pains in forehead and vertex; shooting deep from within; worse evening and night. Conjunctiva inflamed and swollen; lids swollen, tender to touch; great photophobia, hot lachrymation; iris dis- colored ; adhesions. Sclerotic swollen and very red; cornea dim and showing indications of formation of pus. Cornea dim, red, surrounded by puffy swelling, like raw meat; burning, photophobia; like sparks of fire from eyes; IOO THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. stitches deep in eyes and in temples; eyelids dry and swollen. Ulcers of cornea, vascular and surrounded by grayish opacity; pus between corneal layers; onyx. (Calc. hypoph., Hep. s., SiL) * Pustules on cornea, with photophobia and lachryma- tion ; redness. Vesicles on margins of cornea, eyes feel worse at night; watery eruption on face; hair falls out; nose swollen internally, cracked and unhealthy. * Lachrymation profuse, burning and excoriating. (Ars. alb., Euphr.) * Muco-purulent discharges, thin and acrid. Lids are spasmodically closed, thick, red, swollen, excori- ated, very sensitive to heat, cold and contact. Keratitis parenchymatosa syphilitica. Keratitis with hypopion; pain very severe at night, eye feeling as if it were a ball of fire; hot lachrymation. Episcleritis; scleral vessels injected, especially between insertion of recti muscles where sclera is slightly bulged and thinned; steady aching, worse at night. . Retinitis and choroiditis, particularly if dependent on syphilis; retina very sensitive to glare of fire. Disease of optic nerve and retina occurring in workers in foundries. Ophthalmia neonatorum; discharge acrid, usually thin, makes cheeks sore, particularly if caused by syphilitic leucorrhcea. Purulent conjunctivitis, with copious discharge; lids much swollen; profuse, purulent discharge. Rheumatic, arthritic, syphilitic or gonorrhceal oph- thalmia. Eyelids swollen; lids and cheeks covered with a pustular eruption; dried pus on eyelashes; grayish white spots on cornea; photophobia; lies on face; nose and lips swollen; copious, thick, green, acrid discharge from nose, excori- THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. IOI ating nose and upper lip; glands swollen; patient irritable, impatient, cries. Ulceration of margin of lids. (Euphr., Nat. m., Sulph) Eyes inflamed, with swollen, inverted tarsi (Borax), and very sensitive to light. Pustules on conjunctiva after measles; scrofula, with en- larged cervical glands. Great swelling of lids, sensibility to touch, worse at night, no relief from sweat. Chronic conjunctivitis, with a fine rosy red injection around cornea. Conjunctivitis trachoinatosa. Burning pains, lachrymation acrid, photophobia, sensitive to extreme heat or cold very marked, especially heat of fire and coldness of damp places. Inflammatory swelling in region of lachrymal bone. Lids spasmodically closed; sensitive to cold (Hep. s), heat and touch; raw, excoriated, burning, as from fiery points. Blepharitis; lids red, thickened and swollen, particularly upper; sensitive; lachrymation profuse, acrid, burning, making lids red, sore and painful, worse in open air or by cold water. Ciliary blepharitis from working over fires. Inflammation or blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Cutting under lid, as from a sharp body. Edges of lids covered with scurfs and ulcers. Absence of ciliae, nose sore and excoriated; Meibomian glands ulcerated with scurf on margin of lids. Entropion; ectropion; affections of Meibomian glands; styes. Violent contraction of eyelids; difficult to open them. General Indications.—In syphilitic, scrofulous and catarrhal affections; affections of bones and glands; mucous membranes. Aggravation.—At night; from heat of bed; during perspiration. 102 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Amelioration.—During the day; during rest. MERCURIUS BINIODATUS. Trachoma; pannus. Eyes inflamed, burn, watery; catarrh; bright light irri- tates. Old cases of granular lids and pannus. Scrofulous affections of the eye. General Indications.—In affections of glands and mucous membrane; syphilitic ulcers; pustular inflamma- tion. MERCURIUS DULCIS. Phlyctenular ophthalmia, with ciliary blepharitis, accom- panied by eruption on face. * Pustules, phlyctenules and ulcers of the cornea in strumous subjects, accompanied by eruption on face, sore- ness of nose and swollen upper lip. Posterior synechia in iritis; hastens their absorption. General Indications.—Mercurial symptoms in general, especially in scrofulous subjects. Inflammation occurring in pale, flabby, scrofulous subjects. MERCURIUS NITROSUS. * Pustules and ulcers of the cornea; repeated attacks. Burning pain; lachrymation ; photophobia; great sensi- tiveness to heat and cold; sharp, sticking pains. Staphyloma, with kerato-iritis. General Indications.—Mercurial indications and ag- gravations. Repeated attacks of pustules of cornea. MERCURIUS PRAECIPITATUS RUBER. In scrofulous ophthalmia; bright red conjunctiva; lids may be everted and granular. Superficial vascular ulceration of the cornea. Copious purulent discharge forming crusts on lids; worse THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 103 in the morning; photophobia; symptoms worse by work- ing over a fire. Trachoma and pannus chronica; cornea covered by a pannus of high degree, marked redness, discharge and photophobia. General Indications.—Mercurial symptoms in general. MERCURIUS PROTOIODATUS. * Excessive phophotobia; ulcers on cornea. Throbbing, aching, nightly pains. * Syphilitic iritis; kerato-iritis. * Pannus and trachoma. * Ulcers occurring in course of pannus and conjunctivitis trachomatosa. Large excavating ulcer on upper part of cornea, with several small ulcers on lower portion; generally excessive photophobia; thick, yellow coating at base of tongue. * Serpiginous ulceration, commencing at margin and extending over whole cornea, or a portion, especially the upper part of it. * Pustules and ulcers of cornea; cornea vascular; con- junctiva reddened, pain, photophobia; tongue coated yel- low at base. Paralysis of motor oculi nerve, of syphilitic origin. Blepharitis ciliaris of syphilitic origin; abscesses of edge of lids; lids red and swollen, itching eruption on scalp, worse at night; discharge from nose, excoriating; upper lip swollen; tongue spongy, with a thick, yellow coating at base; breath offensive. General Indications.—In diseases of glands; scrofulous affection; syphilitic; tongue coated at base; general mer- curial symptoms. Aggravation.—Night; passive motion. Amelioration.—During day; from active motion. s 104 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Led) Objects appear smaller, or double vision. (Opium, Phos., Phyt) Pupils contracted and insensible. Pain behind eyeballs, as if they would be forced out. (Actea r., BelL, Guaiac, Guarea, Lachesis, Spig) * Retinitis hemorrhagica. * Retinitis albuminurica. * Neuro-retinitis syphilitica. * Cyclitis; choroiditis ; irido-cyclitis, or irido-choroditis. * Episcleritis, with much pain in and around eye at night. * Iritis, syphilitic or idiopathic; pains severe over eyes and through them, through head and in temples, worse at night. * Kerato-iritis; posterior synechia; causes them to soften. * Hypopion, occurring in abscess of cornea or iritis. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes; lids red, greatly swollen and spasmodically closed. Photophobia, profuse lachrymation; cornea vascular. * Phlyctenules and ulcers on cornea of scrofulous chil- dren, extending rapidly; ichorous discharge, intense pain, photophobia and lachrymation. * Chronic ulceration of cornea. Small, unclean, red ulcer at edge of cornea, with much itching and burning. Ophthalmia neonatorum, with acrid discharges, caused by syphilitic or gonorrhceal leucorrhoea. Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, tending towards tra- choma, with redness and excoriation of lids, and a dull feeling with itching in eyes in evening. Blepharitis scrofulosa; margin of lids red and raw, with crusts and ulcers upon lids; tendency toward ec- or en- tropion. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 105 Indurated lids; secretion thin and excoriating; nocturnal aggravation. Lids oedematous or erysipelatous; red, excoriated; edges swollen, burning, smarting; edges covered with thick crusts or pustules; spasmodically closed. (Merc, Sulph) Tearing, as if in bone above left eye, near root of nose, and in other parts of bone. General Indications.—Phagedenic tendency of all in- flammatory diseases. Ulcers, which perforate or become phagedenic. Glandular swellings. Syphilitic diseases. Bnght's disease. Clammy, cold perspiration. Aggravation.—In evening and at night; from acids. Amelioration.—After breakfast; while at rest. MEZEREUM. Dryness in the eyes, with pressure in them; they feel too large. (Aeon., Calad., Nat. 111., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, m., Spig.) A feeling as if eyes were drawn backward into head. (Crot. t., Paris) Eyes feel strained. Aching and tearing in and around eyes; must rub them. Eyes hot and inflamed on rising in the morning; con- junctiva of ball very much injected, dirty red, especially near external canthus; worse by pressure; pain and sensa- tion of dryness. Rheumatic ophthalmia, and ophthalmia consequent of abuse of Mercury. Annoying twitching of muscles of left upper lid. Itching biting on margin of lids and skin near nose. Blepharitis from birth, with tinea capitis, which itches intensely. Eczema of lids and head; thick, hard scabs, from which pus exudes on pressure. Lachrymation, with smarting in the eyes. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc, cor) Ciliary neuralgia, especially after operations on eye. 106 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Pressure and tearing on and in eyes, worse in orbits. Jerking of muscle of left upper lid. Inclination to blink. (Croc, Euphr) Inclination to close lids. (Caust., Gels.) General Indications.—In scrofulous affections; bad effects of abuse of Mercury; syphilitic affections; pustular and miliary eruption; affections of bones and periosteum. Aggravation.—In evening; in damp weather. Sensi- tive to cold air. Amelioration.—Wrapping head up. MURIATIC ACID. Perpendicular half sight. Obscured sight; pain in occiput. Pupils contracted. "Sharp, burning pain, extending from left to right eye, in the morning, relieved by washing. Itching in eyes, itching and smarting in canthi, lids red and swollen. Headache, worse on rising up in bed and from moving eyes, relieved by moving body and in open air. Heaviness in back part of head, with obscured sight, aggravated by effort to see. General Indications.—Excessive prostration; low con- dition of system. NATRUM ARSENICOSUM. Chronic conjunctivitis; membrane injected, small rugae running over it; whole eye dry and painful; all symptoms worse in the morning. Eyes smart as from wood smoke; smarting and lachry- mation on going into open air. ♦Conjunctivitis trachomatosa et pannus; burning lach- rymation; photophobia worse at night; eye injected and inflamed. Lids agglutinated on waking in the morning; edges chronically inflamed. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 107 Eyeballs and inside of lids are full, causing feeling on moving eyeball as if something were between them. Eyes soon tire and pain when reading or writing. General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- branes; sensitive to cold air; trachomatous affections of eyes. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Dim vision; has to wipe eyes continually. Black spots floating before vision while writing. (Agar., Merc, Phos., Sulph) Sensation as if feathers were before eyes. Dazzling flashes before eyes on waking. (BelL, Glon) Cannot read small print. Small corneal ulcers or phlyctenules (Calc. e, Hep. s., SiL, Sulph.), with great photophobia and stinging pains, particularly in scrofulous children. Stitches in eyes, from within outward. Inflammation of eyelids, with photophobia. (Aeon., BelL, Merc.) Heaviness of upper lids (Caust., Coni., Gels); could hardly open them; they close involuntarily. General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- branes; catarrh; glandular swellings NATRUM MURIATICUM. Fiery zigzag appearance around all objects; black, spots and streaks of light (CycL, Ign., Lye, Merc, Phos); sud- den darkness, everything turns black. Vision double, sees only one-half of an object (perpen- dicular). (Left half, Lith. carb., Lye) Unsteadiness of vision; objects become confused. Dim sight, as if looking through gauze or feathers; ob- jects seem covered with a thin veil. (Caust., Croc, Petrol., Phos., SiL, Sulph) Frequent obscuration of sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading or writing. io8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Amaurosis, from debilitating nervous losses. Eyes give out in reading or writing. Amblyopia and amaurosis; pupils contracted, dependent on menstrual losses or disorders in chlorosis. Eyes give out, on writing; on reading, with pressure in right eye, extending into head, and relieved by walking about the room. Letters and stitches run together. Objects become confused on looking at them. Redness of eyes; lachrymation, with inflammation, and feeling as if the eyeball were too large (Aeon., Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig.) and compressed. Inflammation in slight wind, with lachrymation. Sensation as if sand were in them (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sulph); smarting sensitiveness. * Asthenopia, particularly muscular; drawing, stiff sen- sation in muscles of the eyes when moving them; letters and sewing run together; aching in eyes when looking intently. Retinal images are retained too long. Hyperaesthesia of retina, lachrymation and burning in the morning; conjunctiva injected; photophobia; sticking in temples; on reading, objects seem to swim before eyes. Iritis; pupil contracted; iris discolored; violent stitches in temples on looking into light, or when light is changed. Ulceration of the cornea, after cauterizing with Nitrate of Silver ; dread of light; child buries head in pillow; lids swollen, bleed on opening them; much lachrymation, and eruption on face and lips; sharp, piercing pain above right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache, worse in evening. Blepharitis; ulcers on cornea, where there is smarting, burning; feeling of sand in eyes in the morning; acrid, excoriating tears; photophobia marked, with spasmodic closure of lids. Keratitis pustulosa, with granular lids. Scrofulous ulcers on cornea, with photophobia. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 109 Blisters on cornea; white spots; acts especially on the vitreous body. Ciliary neuralgia; pain in and above eye, coming on and going off with sun; eye congested, sore and painful when moved; can bear neither natural nor artificial light; from lamp-light. Sharp pain over right eye on looking down, with throb- bing headache, worse in evening. Pressive pain in forehead and eyeball; lids can only be raised with exertion and pain; cannot read. Neuralgic pains in eyes, periodical, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva. Stitches over eyes and in head. Weakness of internal recti muscles. Throbbing as from little hammers; awakens with head- ache every morning, worse from reading and talking. Headache from sunrise till sunset, worse at midday; right eye congested, aggravated by light. Redness and inflammation of eyes, with lachrymation; eyeballs feel as if too large and compressed. Heaviness in back part of head; draws eyes together. Inflammation of eyes, lachrymation in every slight wind. Lids very much swollen, dark, purplish, canthi cracked; conjunctiva swollen, chemosed, protruding; small points on upper part of cornea, and profuse muco-purulent discharge. Conjunctivitis, with white mucous secretions and acrid lachrymation. Follicular conjunctivitis, chiefly in the oculo-palpebral folds, also complicated with true trachoma. Sensitiveness of eyes; after using, they smart, itch and and burn. (Sulph) Sensation as if sand were in the eyes, in the morning. Burning in eyes, with increased secretion of mucus; lids agglutinated in the morning; great sensitiveness to lamp- light. Violent burning in the eyes, in the evening. no THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently at anything. Dar-i veil passes before eyes from right to left, every morning at 10 a. m. Lachrymation in the open air (Puis); biting in the morning, appearing daily at a regular time; acrid, making canthi red and sore; eruption of small vesicles. Catarrhal affections of the margin of lids; lids red, with burning, especially in the evening while reading; they secreted mucus and were agglutinated in the morning, on waking, and covered with thick scabs. Borders and corners of lids raw and ulcerated. Excessively sore, red, disgusting eyelids; lids look like raw beef. Old cases of granular lids, with or without pannus, especially if they have been treated with caustics. * Lids heavy when using eyes. Margin of lids red, inflamed, burning, agglutinated mornings. (Alumina, Graph., Lye, Puis., Sulph) Spasmodic closing of eyelids. Dermoid tumor on edge of lids. Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Fissure in external canthi, with pain as if being torn open. Stye in corner of eye; stye on right side. Morbus Basedowii, palpitation; short breath on least exertion. General Indications.—Easily fatigued; prostration. Scorbutic affections. Malarial affections. Catarrh of mucous membranes. Secretions transparent, watery, frothy mucus. Aggravation.—At 10 a. m. In heat of sun. Heat in general. Lying down. Amelioration.—In open air. Sitting up. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Discharge of golden-yellow, creamy matter from eyes; burning lachrymation; eyes blood-shot. (Euphr., Merc.) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Ill Conjunctivitis, with great dread of light. Granular conjunctivitis, when granulations look like small blisters. Squinting caused from intestinal irritation from worms. (Cina.) General Indications.—The moist, creamy, golden- yellow coating at back part of tongue. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. Sight dim, eyes weak and watery. Sensitiveness of eyes to light; headache. Burning in right; burning lachrymation, dim sight, worse near fire, also on moving and in evening; burning of edge of lids. (Merc) Crawling sensation in eyes (China); great dryness and burning of eyes, worse from afternoon to evening; seems as if her eyeballs were hot. Granular blisters on eyes. Photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia; lids agglutinated. Conjunctivitis granulosa, granulations appear like small blisters. Suffusion with burning of edge of lids. (Euphr., Merc) General Indication.—In dirty, greenish-gray, or green- ish-brown coating on the root of the tongue. Aggravation.—Always worse in damp, wet weather. Amelioration.—Better in warm, dry weather. NICCOLUM METALLICUM. Vision dim, eyes red and sensitive; after exertion, espe- cially in the evening; eyes give out and burn. Objects appear too large (Hyos., Nux m.) (smaller, Merc, cor., Plat, met); light appears double; is surrounded by colors of rainbow. (Bry., Coni., Fer. iod., Stann. met) Burning in eyes, worse in morning on waking and towards evening (Sep.), relieved after washing. 112 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. NITRIC ACID. Eyes dim, sunken, pale face; sight obscured while read- ing; black spots before eyes; objects appear dark. Great sensitiveness to daylight, a kind of nyctalopia. (Graph.. Kali bi., Sram.) Double vision; of horizontal objects at some distance. (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., SiL) Vision obscured when reading. Pupils dilated. On lying down, or even inclining head from upright position, feeling as if warm water were flowing over and from eyes, first right, then left, relieved by cold water. Iritis; pressing stinging as if an ulcer were being pressed; pains worse in change of temperature, at night and on touching parts; acrid lachrymation; continued relapses; old cases spoiled by Mercury; posterior synechiae. Cornea; spots; dark spots; dim and ulcerated; super- ficial ulcers; phlyctenulae which become flat ulcers; pannus. Scrofulous ophthalmia; lids much inflamed and swollen, intense photophobia, excessive lachrymation; complicated with shallow ulcers on cornea. Ophthalmia neonatorum ; scrofulous; gonorrhceal; syph- ilitic ; from abuse of Potash and Mercury. Burning in eyes; aching; pressure like sand; biting; stinging; stitches. Region of the eyes sore; painful to touch. Flow of irritating tears; also after injury to eye. Fistula lachrymalis. (Fluor, ac, Petrol., Puis., SiL) Difficulty in opening eyes and raising lids in morning. Paralysis of upper lids. (Caust., Gels., Plumb, in) Eyelids swollen, hard, livid, smart and burn. Syphilitic inflammation and swelling of lids, with copious lachrymation. Small wart on upper lid. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 113 On lower lid a large condyloma, suppurating and bleeds easily when touched. Ectropion; eye and vicinity much inflamed, with burn- ing, sticking pain, profuse, hot lachrymation and agglu- tination in morning. Dermoid swelling on eyes. General Indications.—In syphilitic and sycotic affec- tions; affections of bones and glands; ulcers of mucous surfaces, especially mercurial or syphilitic. Aggravation.—In evening and at night; change of temperature; walking. Amelioration.—Riding in a carriage. NUX MOSCHATA. Worse from light, from exerting vision; relieved in the dark. Objects look larger (Hyos.); (too small, Plat, met) too close together; very distant; oblique; vanish; red; seem to float before vision. Motes before eyes. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. c, Strain., Ver. alb.) Momentary blindness; grasps head, it feels strangely. Pupils dilated and immovable, or contracted, with sensa- tion of fullness in eyes. Sensation of fullness in eyes (Apis, Lact. ac, Nux v.), with contracted pupils. Dryness of eyes; too dry to close lids; can move eyelids only with difficulty. Lids heavy, stiff; feels sick and faint. Tension around eyes and in lids. Drooping eyelids. (Caust., Gels., Opium, Sep., Zinc met.) Dryness in eyes in evening; reading by artificial light was difficult, eyes would close from sleepiness. Pterygium over cornea. * Episcleritis, involving both eyes; nodule over each external rectus, very large and painful. (Kaliu., Thuja) ii4 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Blue rings around eyes. Ptosis. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Rhus t., Spig) General Indications.—In drowsy, sleepy conditions, with all complaints; hysterical conditions; convulsions; in women and children; nervous people. Aggravation.—In open air; cold air; damp air. Amelioration.—In the room ; from warm air. NUX VOMICA. Atrophy of the optic nerve; dim vision. Intolerance of light of day. (Candle-light, Borax, Gels., Hep. s., Phos) Hyperaesthesia of retina; pains on top of head ; sleepless- ness; awakens irritable in the morning; photophobia, worse in the morning; the least attempt to use the eyes followed by intense pains and spasmodic motion of different ocular muscles; excoriating lachrymation. Vision extremely sensitive. Photophobia, in morning, with obscuration of vision. Glittering appearance just outside the distinct field of vision; also black and gray points floating before eyes. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. e, Stram.) Streaks like lightning before eyes. (Flickering zigzags, Ign., Nat. m., Phos., Sep., Thuja) Diplopia from muscular asthenopia, from paralytic strabismus. Tobacco amaurosis. * Impaired vision, in consequence of abuse of liquor and tobacco. Inflammation of eyes; injection of whites; swelling, with red streaks in whites and tensive pain. Painless injection of the whites of the eyes, ecchymosis, oozing of blood from eyes. (Am., BelL, Carb. v., Cham., Crotal. h) Itching, relieved by rubbing. Biting, worse in external canthus, with lachrymation. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 115 Movement of eye difficult, on account of stiffness of muscles. Lachrymation in morning, on yawning. Smarting dryness in inner canthus, in morning, in bed. Weakened power of accommodation, from over-exerting the eyes. Chorio-retinitis, with throbbing pain, especially in the left eye, worse in the morning, ball sore to touch, upper part of sclera bright red, burning pain in eye, not relieved by bathing; symptoms worse on lying down. Choroiditis disseminata in persons addicted to the use of stimulants. Dilatation of pupils from spinal irritation. Ulcers and pustules on cornea, with excessive photo- phobia ; morning aggravation, much lachrymation; sharp, darting pain in eye and over it, in some cases extending to top of head and always worse in the morning. Burning pain in eyes and lids; tearing pain in eyes at night, waking one from sleep; eye feels pressed out when- ever she combs her hair; sensation of hot water in eye; pain in lower lid as if something were cutting it. Large corneal ulcers; excessive photophobia in the morning; sharp darting pains. Neuro-paralytic keratitis. Inflammation of sclerotic, with stitches, and aversion to light of sun. Ecchymosis of conjunctiva; effusion of blood beneath conjunctiva, often following debauchery or sitting up late at night to study, in persons subject to dyspepsia. Trachoma and follicular conjunctivitis occurring only in summer, and aggravated in the morning. Old cases of trachoma, if complicated with pannus, that have had much treatment. Ophthalmia neonatorum, lids much swollen, bleed easily, and child is troubled with vomiting, constipation and flatulent colic. Il6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Severe scrofulous ophthalmia, lies on face with bandage tied over eyes. Ophthalmia, inner canthus more inflamed than other parts; bloody exudation; smarting like salt; all worse in the morning. Severe pain in the eyes during the night, with con- junctival injection, brought on by over-use, especially by artificial light. Conjunctivitis worse in the morning; agglutination of lids and photophobia. Pressure in upper lids, especially in the morning. Smarting, dry sensation in inner canthi, in morning in bed. Lids burn and itch, especially their margins; worse in morning. Biting in eyes, especially in external canthi, as from salt (Nat. m), with lachrymation. Ciliary blepharitis, with smarting and dryness of lids and inner canthi especially in the morning. Heaviness and frequent closing of the eyelids. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Nat. m., Plumb, m., Sep) Blepharospasm; twitching of lids; blinking. (Actea r., Agar., Cact. g., Chelid., Gels., Kalm., Spig) Supra orbital, left-sided neuralgia (Cedron); eyes injected. Violent pressure in eyes after using them ever so little. Burning pain when looking at a light, darting upward above eyes, with pain in region of eyebrow on going to bed. Itching in the eyes, relieved by rubbing. Eyeball yellow. (Chelid., China, Podo) Paresis of ocular muscles, worse from stimulants or tobacco. Strabismus, periodic in character, especially from mental excitement, or when caused by an injury. Nervous diseases of the eye, with much irritability and morning aggravations. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 117 * All diseases of the eye with marked morning aggrava- tions. Eye affections associated with liver disease; symptoms worse in the morning, and some of them relieved by cold bathing. General Indications.—Great debility with over-sensi- tiveness of the senses. Bad effects from mental exertion, tobacco and spirituous liquors, drugs. Sedentary habits. Digestive troubles. Irritability. Spasmodic affections. Numbness. Paralysis. Aggravation.—Morning; after eating. Mental exer- tion. OPIUM. Obscuration of sight; amblyopia. Scintillations before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) The pupils are dilated and insensible to light (BelL, Phos., Stram); contracted or sluggish. (Cic. v., Hyos., Merc, cor., Phos., Phyt., Ver. alb) Sensation as if eyes were too large for orbits. (Aeon., Calad., Caps., Nat. m., Paris, Plumb. 111., Spig) Headache; pressing pain in temples; vertigo; red face; sleepiness; aggravated on closing eyes. Total paralysis of accommodation, with anaesthesia of retina, due to lead poisoning. Eye glassy, protruded, immovable. (BelL, Hyos., Stram) Eyes half closed, red, burning, hot and dry. (Bell.) Lids hang down as if paralyzed. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Rhus t., Sep) General Indications.—Great drowsiness. Ailments from fright. Cerebral paralysis. Convulsions. Tetanic spasms. Soporous sleep with eyes half open. Snoring. OSMIUM. Weakness of sight; could not tell night from day. Glaucoma. n8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Flame from candle larger, confused; large rainbow ring around it. (Alumina, Anac or., BelL, CycL, Bigit., Fer. phos., Sep., Stann. met., Sulph) Violent supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia, with lachry- mation. Veins of fundus large and tortuous. (BelL, Buboisin) General Indications.—Tearing pains in forehead and in limbs ; catarrhal condition of respiratory tract. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Paralysis of iris and ciliary muscles due to an injury; pain drawing from eye to back of head, where there is a sore spot; worse by pressure. Double vision. Stitches through middle of eye. Eye seems too large (Aeon., Calad., Hyos., Nat. in., Opium, Spig); seems to have no room in socket, as if lids could not close. Constrictive pressure in forehead and temples, brain, eyes and skin feel tense, bones scraped; worse from motion; excitement on using eyes. *Eyes feel as if projecting, with a sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball, and backward into middle of brain (Crot. t); sight weak. Head feels as if distended; too large. Eyes feel heavy as lead. Jerking and twitching of right upper lid. (Upper lids, Agar., Lachesis, Nat. m.) General Indications.—Sensation of extension in size; too large. PETROLEUM. Eyes dim, as if a veil were before them. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Nat. m., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) Cannot open eyes mornings; sight misty. Pressing pain, as if sand in eyes; worse in evening and THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 119 by candle light; stitches in eyes; lachrymation; dull pul- sating pain in occiput. Pain from occiput over head to forehead and eyes, with transitory blindness. Trachoma with pannus, especially when scrofulous; considerable white discharge from eyes and roughness of cheek. Burning, itching and sticking in eyes and pressure, with dimness on exerting them. (Ruta, Sulph) Conjunctivitis pustulosa, with acute inflammation of the lids; lids red, inflamed and covered with scabs or scurfs; surrounding skin rough; blenorrhcea of the lachrymal sac; pain in occiput. Scrofulous ophthalmia; great difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning; skin deeply cracked and slowly heal- ing. Inflammation of the lachrymal canal, when suppuration has commenced and a fistula has formed. Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Ciliary blepharitis from conjunctivitis granulosa, or from smallpox, with sticking and smarting in inner can- thus. Inflammation of the lids from conjunctivitis granulosa; pain in back of head. Itching and dryness of lids. General Indications.—In disease of skin and mucous membrane; eczema; herpes; ulcers; takes cold easily; affec- tions from anger, vexation. Aggravation.—Before or during thunder-storm; from riding in a carriage or ship; in open air. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Amblyopia; optic nerve appears torpid; caused by de- bilitating losses. Pressing in the eyes, as if eyeballs were too large. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Plumb, in., Spig.) 9 120 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Pressure, as from a weight on head, from above down- ward. Headaches of school children from over-use of eyes. Eyes are dazzled by looking at bright things. Margin of lids swollen, red, rounded; lashes fall out; particles of pus on lashes and in canthi; itching and burn- ing ; sensitiveness to candle light; difficult opening of eyes in morning. Inflammation of eyes, and stye on the upper lids. (Lye, Puis.; on lower lid, Rhus t) Coldness of internal surface of eyelids. (Alumina, Kali carb); (cold wind blowing under eyelids, Croc, Crot. tig., Fluor, ac). General Indications.—In nervous troubles; from waste of nerve tissue; from grief; mental exertion; sexual excess; great weakness and prostration. Aggravation.—At rest; at night; from uncovering. Amelioration.—From motion; from warmth. PHOSPHORUS. Appearance before eyes as if sparks in the dark (Bar. c, Calc. c, Lye); luminous, especially red; various flashing lights and colors; muscae volitantes; halo around light; (Alumina, Anac or., BelL, CycL, Bigit., Sep., Sulph); green halo around candle (red halo, Bell); misty with at- tacks of vanishing of light; blackness or black points or sparks; flickering (Agar., BelL, CycL, Merc, Sep., Sulph), with roaring in head. Eye very sensitive to light, or dazzled by bright lights. Aversion to light. On reading, letters look red, outline undefined; objects tremble. Objects look green or gray. Colors appear black before eyes. All objects appear to be covered with a gray veil. (Calc c, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Petrol., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. T2I Eyes give out while reading; after reading, dull pain deep in the eyes. Sees more distinctly in the morning, in twilight, than during the day, or by shading eyes by the hand. Eyes very weak; seem large (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, m., Spig), and difficult to get lids over them. Dim vision for distant objects. Dimness of sight, photophobia; unable to read by candle light, due to excessive use of tobacco. Momentary blindness, as from fainting. Paroxysm of nyctalopia, or a sensation as if everything were covered with a gray veil, smoke or mist. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Gels., Lye, Nat. m., SiL) Amaurosis of right eye of very long duration, conse- quent upon sexual excess, especially if associated with fatty liver. Gradually or rapidly increasing myopia; incipient amau- rosis, particularly of left eye; could hardly see large type when held close to eyes during daylight, much less other objects. Amblyopia from loss of fluids. (China). Also Morbus Brightii. Blindness after lightning stroke. Glaucoma; useful in improving vision and removing subjective symptoms after iridectomy; halo around light; vision hazy; objects appear red. * Photopsies, chromotopsies, halo around light, red ap- pearance of objects, flashes of light before eyes. Glaucoma after iridectomy, pulling as if something were pulled tight over eyes, with spangles around gas, and a boring pain in eyes extending into head. Ciliary neuralgia, accompaning glaucoma. Choroido-retinitis due to straining eyes, and excessive use of tobacco. Atrophied spots in choroid; retina hazy, blurred; optic 122 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. disc red, somewhat swollen, margin indistinct; vitreous turbid; opacities; vision dim ; objects appear red. Congestion of retina, eyeballs sore on motion; no photo- phobia ; pains extending from eyes to top of head. Disease of fundus and disturbance of function of optic nerve.' Retinal apoplexy. Retinitis albuminuria. De- tachment of retina. Choroidal hyperaemia and muscae volitantes. Paralysis of muscles; motor oculi; ptosis; mydriasis. Sub-acute conjunctivitis; lachrymation. Swelling and suppuration of lids and Meibomian glands, with itching and burning pains. Small burning spots on eyeballs. Aching in eyes, forehead and orbits. Boring pain in eyes extending into head. Stiffness in eyes. Pain in bones of orbits. Severe headache from mental work, with weakness and strained feeling of eyes. Eyeballs pain as if compressed, worse on looking; ach- ing and heaviness in eyes, like sleepiness. Eyeballs seem to large. (Aeon., Calad., Hyos., Nat. m., Opium, Paris, Spig.) Sensation as if eyeballs were swollen and pushed out of orbit. Morbus Basedowii. (Amyl. nit., Fer. iod., Lycop. Virg., Spong) Eyelids tremble and quiver; eyes fill with water. Twitching of lids and external canthus of left eye. CEdema of lids and about eyes. Arrests growth of cataracts. (Bar. c, Caust., Calc. e, Secale, Sulph) General Indications.—Great emaciation. Hemor- rhages. Small wounds bleed easily. Physical and nervous weakness due to excessive sexual indulgence. Paralysis. Tall, slender women. Aggravation.—Before midnight, during a thunder storm. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 123 PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSA. Film over eyes and blur (Jab); objects mixed, after which dull pain over and between eyes. Eyes feel weak. Dimness of vision. Pain after using eyes, muscae volitantes, flashes of light, twitching of lids and around eyes; myopia. Intolerable pain over both orbits; can not raise eyelids. Intense painful pressure on vertex and temples; pressure in vertex extending over to occiput. Acquired myopia, resulting from ciliary spasm. (Jab) Pain extending from occiput through eyes. Partial blindness, on attempting to write was unable to see a line; dimness of vision; nystagmus. Relieves tension in glaucoma when used locally. Twitching of eyelids (Jab), contraction of pupil, spasm of ciliary muscle. Paresis of accommodation after diphtheria and in mus- cular asthenopia. (Gels.) Astigmatism; increasing myopia. Continued drawing, twisting sensation in eyes. Pain in eyeballs. Eyes sore and give pain when moving from side to side. (Bry., Kalm., Spig.) Shooting in right eye, with drawing in it. Drawing, twisting sensation. Smarting and sore feeling in lids. Pain in eyeball and frontal bone, pain running obliquely into temporal bone. Pain in posterior part of orbit, extending back into brain (Actea r), preventing reading and causing nausea. Vision blurred, then dull pain over and between eyes. Eyes smart; lids feel sore. Twitching of lid, combined with spasm of ciliary mus- cle; twitching around eyes; patient cannot read without much pain; frontal headache, worse from light. 124 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Cannot bear to raise lids. Profuse lachrymation. General Indications.—In muscular tremors and tetanic spasms of voluntary and involuntary muscles; also vaso motor spasms, followed by diminished reflex and paralysis. Spasm ciliary muscle. Myopia. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. Photophobia. Double vision (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Strain), with vertigo and headache. Dimness of vision. Pupils contracted. (Merc c, Opium, Phos) Feeling of sand in the eyes, with soreness and burning. (Ars. alb., Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Sulph) Burning and smarting in eyes and lids, with profuse lachrymation (Euphr), relieved in open air. Painful pressure on forehead and upper part of both eyes. Shooting pain from left eye to vertex. Sharp pain goes through ball of eye on reading or writing. Dull aching pains in eyes, worse from motion, light or exercise. Rheumatic pain in and about eye. Pressure around eyes in the afternoon, as if eyes were too large. Circumorbital pains in syphilitic ophthalmia. * Suppurative choroiditis (panophthalmitis), lids enor- mously swollen; very hard and red. Conjunctiva swollen; dark red; chemosis; anterior chamber filled with pus; cornea tending towards sup- puration. * Orbital cellulitis; infiltration of cellular tissue very pronounced; hard and unyielding to touch; eyelids red- dish blue, hard and swollen; eyeball pressed forward and THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 125 its mobility impaired ; chemosis very marked; dull aching pain; lachrymation and photophobia. Rheumatic ophthalmia; lids much swollen. Catarrhal ophthalmia; burning, smarting, tingling pain; itching, worse by gaslight; abundant flow of tears. Granular conjunctivitis, with circumorbital pain; sore- ness in periosteum and scalp, as of rheumatic origin. Lids feel as if granulated, raw, sandy hot feeling, as if raw; feels as if on fire. Eyelids swollen, reddish blue; hard, unyielding. Scrofulous swelling of glands of eyelids. Malignant ulcers on lids; lupus, epithelioma. General Indications.—In glandular inflammation. In syphilitic affections. Periostitis. Rheumatism. Ulcers. Aggravation.—Worse at night. PLANTAGO MAJOR. Ciliary neuralgia from decayed teeth; dull, heavy ache in left eye, with exquisite tenderness of ball; left upper incisor decayed. General Indications.—Neuralgia, associated with de- cayed teeth. PLATINUM METALLICUM. Scintillations before eyes; headache. Objects appear smaller than they really are (larger, Hyos., Nux m). Sore, biting, as if denuded on upper margin of right orbit. Numb sensation and cramp-like pain in forehead. Wave-like, benumbing pressure above right orbit. Sensation of coldness in eyes. (Cold wind, Croc, Fluor. ac, Medor) Spasmodic trembling and twitching of eyelids. (Agar.) Intermittent, cramp-like pain near outer margin of right orbit. 126 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. General Indications.—Sensation of numbness; arro- gant, proud; spasmodic affection of hysterical women and children; melancholia; neuralgia; convulsion; paralysis; nymphomania ; especially suitable to females. Aggravation.—In evening; in room; at rest. Amelioration.—From motion; in open air. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. Diplopia. Yellowness of the eyeball. (Caust., Chelid., China, Iod) Cloudiness before eyes, inducing one to rest them. Dimness of vision, especially on right side, sudden loss of sight or transient amaurosis, and deafness complicating motor palsy in some cases. Optic disc prominent, opaque, bluish white, outlines hazy. Neuritis optici, papillae swollen; outlines hazy. Hypopion after iritis, extending up nearly to center of cornea; nightly tearing pains in eye and forehead; could hardly distinguish day from night. Eyeball feels too large. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos., Phos. ac, Spig.) Pupils dilated. Ophthalmia; lachrymation; photophobia; redness of whole eyeball. Inflammation; varicose distension of vessels of cornea. Passive congestion, with soft granulations. Lids spasmodically contracted. Paralysis of upper lids. (Caust., Gels., Nit. ac, Opium.) General Indications.—Paralysis; colic; neuralgia; epilepsy; progressive muscular atrophy; sclerosis of the brain; general prostration. Aggravation.—At night; while lying in bed; from drinking. Amelioration.—From rubbing. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 127 PRUNUS SPINOSA. Pain in right eyeball, as if inner portion of eye would be torn out. Ciliary neuralgia; pain in eyeball as if crushed, or pain as if pressed asunder; sharp shooting pain extending through eye back into brain, or above eye, extending into and around it, or over corresponding side of head; pain commences behind ears and shoots forward to eye; worse by motion, relieved by rest; pains occasionally periodic in character, and may be worse at night. Pain in head, pressing from within outward; extending from beneath right temporal to frontal bone; aggravated from external pressure. Choroido-retinitis in myopic patients with sclerectasia posterior, and fluidity of vitreous with floating opacities in it. Irido-choroiditis, no fluidity of vitreous, and no floating opacities. Irido-cyclitis, with anterior synechiae. Choroiditis, with or without retinal complications. Glaucoma, pain severe, crushing in eye as if pressed asunder, or sharp, shooting through eye and corresponding side of head; aqueous and vitreous humor hazy; fundus hyperaemic. General Indications.—Pressing asunder pains. PSORINUM. Great photophobia; walks with eyes bent upon ground; scurfy eruption on face. Photophobia; when walking in open air; with inflam- mation of lids. Fiery sparks before the eyes. (CycL, Phos., Sulph) Objects seem to tremble for a few moments and then get dark. Vision blurred; black spots before eyes; flickering; danc- 128 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. ing about of objects. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja) Darkness before eyes, and ringing in ears. Serous choroiditis (Bry., Gels); ciliary congestion; hazi- ness of vitreous; optic disc hyperaemic; headache, especially in the morning. * Pustular Keratitis. *Lids spasmodically closed; intense photophobia and profuse flow of tears, hot tears; pustular eruption on face or head. * Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea and con- junctiva; chronic form; scrofulous subjects. Heat, redness and pressure in eyes; tendency to catarrhal inflammation; lids slightly agglutinated during morning. Ophthalmia, with pressing pains, as if sand were in the eyes. * Right eye red, internally and externally; vesicles on cornea; eruptions on head. Acute ciliary blepharitis ; internal surface of lids chiefly affected; photophobia; strumous diathesis; with unhealthy, offensive discharges. Ciliary blepharitis, worse in the morning and during the day; chronic cases ; subject to exacerbations. Scrofulous inflammations of eyes; ulceration of cornea. Inflammation of lids, internal surface much congested; great photophobia, cannot open eyes, lies on face. Eyelids swollen, inflamed, bloated; child rubs eyes; puffy; greatly swollen, closely pressed together; thickened; tendency to styes; itching, especially in canthi; herpetic eruption; scrofulous inflammation covered with thick crusts, whole body covered with branlike tetter. General Indications.—Scrofulous and psoric diseases. Itch. Ulcers. Eczema. Herpes. Swollen glands. Pale, sickly children. Psoric constitution. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 129 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. Over-sensitiveness to light. Flashing of fire, (Bell. CycL, Glon., Merc, Sulph), as if slapped in the face. Like a veil before the eyes, relieved by rubbing or wip- ing them. Dryness of eyes and lids, with sensation as if darkened by mucus, which ought to be wiped away. (Alumina, Croc, Euphr) Dimness of sight ; with lachrymation in the open air; like a fog or mist (Caust., Hyos., Lauro., Merc, Petrol., Phos., Rauunc b., Sulph.); especially on getting warm from exercise; with inclination to vomit and paleness of face. Dizzy obscuration of vision after sitting, on rising (Bulc.) and beginning to walk about or going into a warm room. Transient obscuration of vision. It seems dark before eyes in morning on rising from bed. During menses it becomes black before eyes and she feels worse on going into a warm room. Amblyopia from suppression of any bloody discharge ; from metastasis of gout or rheumatism ; from gastric de- rangement with heart disease. Asthenopia Accommodativa, with much aching sensa- tion in eyes after sewing; asthenopia from general prostra- tion. Hyperaemia and inflammation of optic nerve and retina. Episcleritis circumscribed, between superior and exter- nal recti muscles ; sclera slightly bulged, some itching, sticking pain in eyeball with dimness of vision, eyes better in the open air. Trachoma, usually uncomplicated with pannus; accom- panied by excessive secretion of bland mucus; eyeball 130 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. sore to touch, and pain in eye, worse in evening and re- lieved in open air or by cold applications. Conjunctivitis pustulosa ; preceded by a stye, lids agglu- tinated in the morning, feels best in open air, and by cold applications, no thirst; with profuse whitish discharge. *Pustules on cornea and conjunctiva; little photophobia; some redness, and a profuse bland white or yellowish dis- charge. Keratitis pustulosa with much lachrymation and photo- phobia; itching in eyes. Small ulcers of cornea, with no vascular supply, espe- cially in strumous subjects ; with considerable photophobia and pain. Ulcers of the cornea; thick white or yellow, bland dis- charge, relieved in open air. Pustular Keratitis, with profuse lachrymation. Dryness of eyes, with a sensation in the morning as if a foreign body were pressing in eye. Pressure as from sand in eye, when reading. (Ars. alb., Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Sep., Sulph) Dullness of head; like a bruised sensation in forehead as if memory failed with aching eyes, especially pressive in forehead. Constrictive headache above eyes, aggravated when look- ing intently at anything. Tensive drawing pain in forehead above orbits, worse on raising eyes. Pressive pain in eyes as if there were heat in them. Headache as if would burst, aggravated by moving eyes. Pressing, tearing, stinging in eyes. Pressive, burning pain in eye, as if a hair were in it; like sand in eye. Burning, itching in eyes, provokes rubbing and scratch- ing. (Sulph) Tearing and shooting in eyes. Child frequently rubs its eyes. Ophthalmia, with great lachrymation and mucous THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 131 secretion from Meibomian glands; agglutination of lids in the morning. (H?th., Alumina, Calc. c, Graph., Lye, Mere, Sulph) Granular conjunctivitis; want of thirst; granulations generally very fine, sometimes dry, and at others accom- panied by excessive secretion of bland mucus; slight photophobia; lachrymation worse by wind; relieved by cold applications. Inflammation of eyes after suppressed gonorrhoea. Pustular or catarrhal conjunctivitis, lachrymation more in open air or wind; discharge thick, yellow, bland, profuse. Ophthalmia with amenorrhcea. Severe ophthalmia; pain relieved by cold applications. Blenorrhceal conjunctivitis from gonorrhceal contagion. * Ophthalmia neonatorum; profuse, bland yellow, pur- ulent discharge. * Catarrhal conjunctivitis; especially acute form, either resulting from a cold, from bathing, or an attack of measles; with gastric and bilious symptoms. * Early stages of acute phlegmonous dacryocystitis. * Affection of lachrymal sac in children. Fistula lachrymalis discharging pus when pressed. * Weeping eyes, aggravated in cold wind. Twitching of eyelids with dazzling sight. Violent sticking in eyelids and canthi in the evening. Itching, biting, burning in lids in evening. Itching in inner canthi, like the healing of an ulcer, in evening after sundown; pressing fine, sticking pain after rubbing. * Margin of lower lid inflamed and swollen, with lachry- mation in the morning; styes. Inner canthus seems agglutinated with matter in the morning. Great itching and burning of lids, worse in the evening in a warm room, from a cold draft of air, relieved in cold open air. 132 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Styes, especially on upper lid. (Graph., Lye, Staph) Swelling and redness of eyelids. Profuse lachrymation in wind or open air. (Sulph) * Recurrent Blepharitis, conjunctiva somewhat congested, lids thickened on margin. * Ciliary blepharitis with styes. Lids swollen, itch, burn, not excoriated; relieved from rubbing; subject to styes, especially on upper lid. * Stricture of lachrymal canal with epiphora, due to a catarrhal condition. Granular lids, dry or with excessive secretion, relieved in open air, but not in wind. Blepharitis resulting from high living or fat food, ac- companied with acne of face. Tarsal tumors, especially of recent origin, subject to inflammation or when accompained by catarrhal con- dition of eye. Spasmodic action of lids with lachrymation and photo- phobia. * Troubles of lids and eyes of negroes. General Indications.—In catarrhal affections, with thick bland, yellowish green discharge. In sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to grief, especially women and children. Bad effects from menstrual suppression or ir- regularities. Aggravation.—In evening, in warm room, from fats, pastry, etc. Amelioration.—In open air, in cool place, when lying on back. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Mist before eyes. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, CycL, Lye, Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Hemeralopia. Pressure and smarting in eyeballs. Painfulness of right eyeball. Smarting and soreness in outer canthus of right eye. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 133 Smarting in eyes, as from smoke, in the evening. Headache over right eye; worse by lying down; better by walking and standing. Pain in the eyeballs, first one then the other, in the morning ;• pressing out, with vertigo in forehead. Pressing headache in forehead and on vertex, as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs and sleepiness; worse in evening and when entering a room from cold air, or vice versa. Pressure downward, as with a dull point, in right eye- ball. Eyeballs sore on moving them. (Bry., Spig.) Herpes Zoster Supraorbitals, with bluish-black vesicles, high fever and usual pains. General Indications.— In arthritic and rheumatic troubles; in vesicular eruption of skin; biting or pungent pain; violent neuralgic pains, with eruptions. Aggravation.—From change of temperature; spiritu- ous liquors. RANUNCULUS SCLERATUS. Eyes very weak and watery. Pain in eyeballs when moving them quickly. Pressing in eyeballs, periodically. Painful pressure in eyeballs. Smarting in eyes and canthi. RATANHIA. Inflammation of white of eye; a membrane seemed to extend to central point of eye, which burned. Pterygium. Twitching in left upper eyelid. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHEMUM. *A11 eye troubles that are aggravated before a storm. Burning pain in eyes; when reading or writing there is a feeling of heat in them. 134 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Ciliary neuralgia; worse before a storm. Shooting in right eye from within outward. Insufficiency of internal recti; darting pains like arrows through eye from head; worse before a storm. On staring or writing, very hot lachrymation from right eye, and at same time shooting in right eye from within outward. General Indications.—In rheumatic troubles, with aggravation of all symptoms in cold, stormy weather, and before and during a thunder-storm. Aggravation.—While at rest; before a storm ; in cold, damp weather; in windy weather. Amelioration.—On beginning to move. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Aversion to light; scrofulous affections. Extreme confusion of sight. Obscurity of vision; sensation as of a veil before eyes. (Caust., Gels., Merc, Phos., Sulph) *Lids red, swollen, oedematous, especially the upper, and spasmodically closed, with profuse gushing of tears on opening them; oedema of the conjunctiva; yellow purulent mucous discharge; swelling around eyes; burning pain in eyes, with much photophobia; stitches in eyes and temples, with vertigo. * Threatened Irido-choroiditis and Panophthalmitis after operations on the eye, especially cataract extraction. Iritis, either of rheumatic or traumatic origin, or from exposure to wet; inflammation may extend to choroid; pains shoot through eye to back of head; worse at night; profuse flow of tears, hot, on opening eyes. Mydriasis from exposure to cold and dampness. * Pustules and superficial ulcers on cornea, with great photophobia; conjunctiva quite red, even to chemosis. Suppuration of cornea, especially when consequent on cataract extraction. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 135 * Kerato-iritis, especially if rheumatic in character, from cold, damp atmosphere. * Orbital Cellulitis. Aching or pressive pains run from eyes into head, as from sand. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Sep., Sulph.) Pain as if brain were torn; worse when moving eyes. Eyes are closed and greatly swollen and inflamed. Acute conjunctivitis from getting wet. Swelling of the whole eye and surrounding parts. (Ars. alb.) Great photophobia, profuse acrid lachrymation in morn- ing and in open air; cheek under eye dotted with red pimples; lids spasmodically closed. * Catarrhal ophthalmia; lids swollen and completely closed, from under which escapes purulent mucus; gush of tears on opening lids. * Scrofulous ophthalmia; phlyctenules on and about cornea; intense photophobia; eyelids spasmodically closed. Inflammation of eyes and lids ; redness in the morning, with agglutination. Sharp pains in eyes running into head. Lachrymation; in the evening, with burning pain; in cold wind. Pain in the eyeball on turning the eye, and on pressure. (Bry., Spig) Heaviness of eyelids, with stiffness, like paralysis. (Kalm) Paralysis of upper lid, from cold. * Conjunctivitis granulosa; heaviness of lids, worse in stormy weather, with pannus. Ophthalmia Neonatorum; lids red, oedeinatously swollen and spasmodically closed; restlessness at night. Pain in eyes, when moving or turning eyeballs. Burning and itching in the eye and lids. (Sulph.) Paralysis of any muscle of eyeball resulting from rheuma- tism, exposure to cold ox getting wet feet. Epiphora from stricture of lachrymal duct. 10 136 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Inflammation of lids, lids much swollen. Erysipelas of lids, sometimes of traumatic origin; pro- fuse lachrymation ; spasmodic closure of lids. Eyelids oedematous, or erysipelatous, with scattered watery vesicles. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness, swell- ing and nightly agglutination. (Ant. e, Caust., Graph., Lye, Mere, Phos., Puis., Sulph) Meibomian glands enlarged, cilia fall out. Violent burning, itching and pricking in swollen lids. Uncomplicated blepharitis, especially of acute form, with tendency to the formation of abscess ; lids highly oedematous, profuse lachrymation with pain, worse at night, relieved by warm applications. Eyelids present a bladder like appearance (Apis:, Kali carb), and the lids are closed from the great swelling. Lids cedematously swollen, copious acrid, mucous dis- charge, corrodes adjacent parts. (Apis., Ars. alb., Merc.) Chronic inflammation of the lids; puffiness of lids and face; Meibomian glands enlarged ; falling out of ciliae ; itching and biting in lids ; sensation of dryness of eyes ; burning in the internal canthus ; acrid lachrymation in the morning and in the open air. Heaviness and stiffness of lids, like paralysis, as if it were difficult to move lids. Ptosis; also paralysis of muscles of eyeball from expos- ure to cold or wet; in rheumatic patients. Lids agglutinated in the morning, with purulent mucus. Styes on lower lids. General Indications.—In all complaints from getting wet in a rain, while overheated. Sprains. Bruises. In rheumatic affection. Erysipelas. Vesicular and pustular eruption. Great restlessness and uneasiness. Aggravation.—At rest. After midnight. Before storms. On beginning to move. Wet weather. Amelioration.—Continuous motion. In warm, dry weather. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 137 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Pain in right eye like a pressure, with obscuration of vision, as if one had looked too long and intently. Weary pain when reading; fatigue after reading too long ; eyes feel strained. Sight blurred, aggravated by using them in evening. Heat in the eyes in the evening by the light, with ach- ing while reading. Valuable in weakening of the accommodation, espe- cially in near-sighted people, when there is heat and aching in and over the eyes; eyes feel like balls of fire. Itching at the inner canthus and on lower lid, smarting after rubbing. * Asthenopia from sewing and reading. Vision very weak, as if eyes were excessively strained. * Dullness of sight brought on by taxing or straining eyes. * Letters run together. Stitches in left frontal bone, only while reading; letters run together. * Aching in and over eyes, with blurring of vision, after using eyes and straining them at fine work. (Jab., Nat. m) * Asthenopia; irritability of every tissue of eye from overwork, or from using eyes on fine work; heat and ach- ing in and over eyes; eyes feel like balls of fire at night; blurring of vision ; letters seem to run together; lachryma- tion, etc. Choroiditis in a myopic eye, caused by straining the eye; much pain in eyes on trying to look at objects; heat in eye, though it seems cold, and twitching in the eye- balls. Asthenopia; more often indicated in weakness of the ciliary muscle than of the internal recti. Loss of power over the internal rectus. 138 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Burning in the eyes in the evening, especially when trying to sew or read; eyes feel strained; read too much by artificial light. (Nat. m., Phos., Sep) Eyes burn, ache, feel strained; sight blurred; worse after using them in the evening. Eyes feel hot like balls of fire. Cramp in lower lid, followed by profuse lachrymation. General Indications.—In bad effects, from straining eyes; bruises and mechanical injuries of bones and perios- teum ; rheumatism. Aggravation.—Rest; sitting; cold wet weather. Amelioration.—By motion. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Pain in right eyeball in the afternoon; worse on at- tempting to roll it outward and upward. Headache over right eye. Eyeballs sore, with darting through them and dim vision. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upwards and settles over right eye. Retinal congestion with flushed face and congestive headache. Frequent obscuration of vision. Pupils dilated. (Ail., BelL, Cic. v., Hyos., Stram) Headache concentrating in a small spot over right eye; eye becomes red and sore, yet hard pressure on eye relieves; nausea. Headache, relieved by pressing head back against some- thing hard. Pain over eyes. Acute conjunctivitis, with excessive redness and numer- ous ecchymosis in conjunctiva, tending toward trachoma. Ophthalmia, followed by ulceration of the cornea. Copious lachrymation, following the burning and dry- ness ; tears hot; with coryza. Blepharo-adenitis; with feeling of dryness under upper THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 139 lid and accumulation of mucus in the eye in the morning; blepharitis and catarrhal conditions of conjunctiva, with burning in edge of the lids, worse in the afternoon; de- pendent on stricture of the lachrymal duct. Neuralgia in and over right eye. General Indications.—In sick headache; in troubles at climacteric period. In disease of mucous membranes, especially respiratory. Aggravation. — Morning and evening; noise and motion. Amelioration.—Lying quiet. In dark room. SECALE CORNUTUM. Cataracts, with vertigo, headaches and roaring in ears. Retinitis diabetica. Pustular conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Exophthalmic goitre. Dimness of vision; mistiness before eyes; cataracts. Double and triple vision. Blue and fiery dots flying before eyes. Eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings. (China, Kaliod., Phos., Sulph) Eyes look fixed, wild, staring. (BelL, Canth., Hyos., Stram) General Indications.—In old decrepit persons. Ex- treme debility. Aggravation.—During menses; from warmth. Amelioration.—Cold. SENECIO AUREUS. Sharp pains from within outward in left eye; lachry- mation in open air. Sharp stitching pains from within outward in forehead, over and in eyes. Catarrhal ophthalmia from suppressed secretions. General Indications.—In catarrhal affections. 140 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. SENEGA. * Promotes absorption of lens fragments after operations or injury to lens. Paralysis of muscles of eye. Iritis and specks on cornea. Opacities in vitreous. Paresis of superior oblique. Oculo motor paresis. Aching over orbits, eyes tremble and water when look- ing at an object intently or steadily; eyes weak and watery when reading. Eyes pain as if they were pressed out (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar, t., Lachesis., Merc), as if eyeballs were being expanded, especially in the evening in candle light. Blepharitis ciliaris, worse in the morning, much smart- ing, dry crusty lashes. Ciliae hang full of hard mucus; smarting of conjunc- tiva as if soap were in eyes; blepharitis; lids stuck together. Dryness with smarting as from soap; dryness with sen- sation as if eyeballs were too large for orbits. (Aeon., BelL, Commocl., Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig) Burning when reading or writing. Lachrymation in open air, and sensation as if threads were hanging before eyes, worse in right eye. Pain in orbits; in eyeballs with drawing and diminished vision. Weakness when reading, letters run together, with lach- rymation on exerting eyes too much; flickering on reading or writing obliging one to wipe eyes, which aggravates; burning and lachrymation. General Indications. — In paralytic condition espe- cially the eye and larynx. Weakness, trembling of limbs. Faintness walking in afternoon in open air. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 141 SEPIA. Vanishing of sight; vision impeded by fiery zigzags or sparks (BelL, CycL, Nat. m., Phos., Sulph); flickering be- fore eyes when looking into light ; green halo around candle light (Phos); black spots. As if gauze, black spots or stripes before eyes. Vision obscured as through a veil. (Caust., Croc, Nat. m., PetroL, Phos., Sulph) Dullness of sight ; sees only one-half of object clearly, the other half is obscured. Great sensitiveness to light of day. Shooting pains from within out, especially over left eye, with nausea. Pricking of eyes, even by candle light. Amaurosis with contracted pupils; after violent head- aches. Asthenopia ; associated with exhaustion dependent upon loss of semen; dependent upon reflex irritation from uterus. Redness of eyes in the morning, on waking, with burn- ing, smarting and pressure, and lachrymation. Pain in right eye, as from sand, worse on pressing lids together and by rubbing. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Rhus t., Sulph) Pressing or bursting headache as if eyes would fall out or head burst; aggravated from stooping motion. Soreness in evening after a walk in cold wind, worse by gaslight and attempting to read, with roughness and burn- ing. Pulsating headache in cerebellum, beginning in morn- ing and lasting till noon and sometimes evening ; aggra- vated from motion, turning eyes; relieved by closing eyes when at rest and in a dark room. Bruised feeling; smarting in right eye in evening, with inclination of lids to close against one's wish. 142 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Inflammation of the eyes with swelling, redness and burning pressive pains. Fatigued by reading and writing, with sore pain in inner canthus. Eyes feel heavy, and lids inclined to close, as from paralysis. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Plumb, m) Constricted sensation when reading or writing by candle light. Boring, stinging over right eye in a thunder storm, in cold air, north wind, and taking cold. Heaviness, with tendency to keep lids closed. Severe headache after shopping. Burning in the morning, with weakness of lids with dryness ; soreness to touch, and desire to close lids. Lachrymation morning and evening. Inflammation of the eyes with swelling, redness, and burning pains. Red, herpetic spot on upper lid, scaling and pealing off. Heavy pain on waking; heat of margins with dryness. Itching of margins. Intolerance of reflected light from bright objects. Vision of a zigzag circle of colors when looking into the light; sparks with weakness. Black spots, passing in all directions, all day. Vision vanished during menses, relieved by lying down. Obscuration of vision dependent on hepatic derange- ment. Pustules of cornea, no pain or photophobia, worse at evening. Corners of mouth cracked. Conjunctivitis with muco-purulent discharge in morning and great dryness in evening. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis. Keratitis parenchymatosa, with uterine troubles. Trachoma with or without pannus, especially in tea drinkers. Inflammatory affections of asthenic character, con- \ THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 143 junctiva dull red, some photophobia and swelling of lids, worse in the morning. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis with drawing in external canthus and smarting in eyes, relieved by bathing in cold water, worse in morning and evening. Nightly agglutination of the eyes. (Calc. e, Graph., Lye, Mere, Rhus L, Sulph) Follicular conjunctivitis or a mixed form of follicular and trachomatous conjunctivitis, which is observed only in the summer or always worse in hot weather. Tarsal tumors. Heaviness and falling of under lids as if they were paralyzed. Heat and dryness of the margin of the lids, with much itching. (Staph., Sulph) Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning. Ptosis. General Indications.—In affections depending upon the portal, hepatic and female sexual system. In persons of yellow, earthy, waxy complexion; mental depression. Sensitive to cold air. After sexual excess. Aggravation.—Morning and evening. Amelioration.—In open air. SILICEA. * Swelling in the region of lachrymal gland and sac. Redness of eye with inflammation, smarting, burning and profuse lachrymation. (Alumina, Calc. e, Lye, Merc, Puis., Sulph) Tearing or pressing lids together with burning. Pain as if lids were dry and full of sand in morning. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph) Agglutination of lids in morning; at night with smart- ing, twitching. Blackness before eyes after headache. Letters run together when reading or writing. (Nat. m., Ruta, Senega) Dim vision after suppressed foot sweat. 144 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Occasional lightning-like flashes in eyes and feeling as if something obscured vision. Black specks before eyes. (Agar., CycL, Mere, Pios., Sep., Sulph) Momentary loss of sight with uterine affections. Cloudiness of lens diminished. Sclero-choroiditis anterior; conjunctiva and sclera in- jected ; bluish irregular bulging around cornea; retina hazy ; severe pains extending from eyes into head on one side> relieved by warmth. Irido-choroiditis, great tenderness of eye to touch, deep ciliary injection, contraction of pupil, posterior synechia, sensitive to draft of air. * Kerato-iritis, with hypopion. Perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea; sticking pains night and morning, relieved by covering up head warm. (Hep. s) ■ Small round ulcers with tendency to perforate, especially if situated near centre of cornea; non-vascular. Deep or crescentic ulcers of cornea; sticking pains night and morning; sloughing ulcers of cornea. Pustular keratitis after psoriasis. Spots and cicatrices on cornea. Corneal fistula. Pannus of cornea. Fungus Haematodes. Eyes painful as if too dry and full of sand in morning. Tearing, shooting, or at times throbbing, stinging pains in eyes, in paroxysms. Smarting of eyes. Pressure and soreness in orbits. Ciliary neuralgia, especially over right eye, darting pains through eyes and head upon exposure to any draft of air, or just before a storm. Blenorrhcea with suppuration; sensitive to cold air, wishes to keep warmly covered. Blepharitis, with agglutination in the morning, caused THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 145 or aggravated by working in a damp place or from being in cold air. Boils around eye and lids. Cystic tumors of lids; styes; indurations. * Affections of lachrymal sac. Lachrymation in open air. * Fistula lachrymalis; bone affected; caries. Stricture of lachrymal duct. Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Swelling of lachrymal sac; skin inflamed. Caries of the orbit. General Indications.—In scrofulous children; over- sensitive; poorly nourished from imperfect assimilation; in slow suppurating processes; glands, abscess, ulcer, etc.; periostitis; weakness; painful, bruised feeling. Aggravation.—Cold air; from uncovering head. Amelioration. — From wrapping up head; from warmth. SPIGELIA ANTHELMINTICS Burrowing stitch in middle of eye and in inner canthus; pressing upper lid downward. Stitches in left side of head and out of left eye. Pain on turning eyes. (Bry., Kalm) Pain on motion, as if eyes were too large for their orbits. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb. 1/1) Sticking in right eyeball; worse on moving it; itching. Violent throbbing, shooting pains over left eye. Pain, worse on turning eyes, and on attempting to look with eyes turned; vertigo, forcing him to turn the whole head. Headache, beginning in cerebellum, in morning, spread- ing over left side of head, with violent pain in left temple and over left eye; periodical. Pain, left orbit, near malar bone; bone sore to touch. Burning pain in right side of forehead, extending to eye; could not move it without pain. 146 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Pressure downward in left orbit. Neuralgia, pain centres above or below left eye; from cold, damp, rainy weather. Vision dim, or sensation as if feathers or hairs were in the lashes; worse on rubbing eyes; sparks before eyes. Vision vanishes on fixing gaze. * Ciliary neuralgia, the pains radiate in every direction, and are extremely severe. Intense pressive pain in eyeballs, especially on turning them. (Bry.) Ptosis, with sharp pain and lachrymation. Asthenopia. Photophobia; over-sensitive retina. Accommodative asthenopia, with slight retinitis; neural- gia ; anaemia of optic nerve from excessive tea drinking. * Sharp stabbing, sticking pains through eyeball back into head, or radiating; worse from moving eyes and at night. Eyeballs feel too large. Pain in the eyes, deep in the socket. (Actea r., Aloe) Shooting through right eye, going back into head, caus- ing eye to fill with hot water. Pains as if needles were thrust into right eyeball. Stabbing pains through eye and around it, often com- mencing at one point, and then seeming to radiate in many directions. Eyeball sensitive to touch. Eyes worse when thinking about them. Pain in the eyes; worse at night. Pain spreads from eye to frontal sinus and head. Pains of glaucoma and sclero-choroiditis. * Rheumatic Iritis; sharp, shooting pains from eye up into head. Inflammation of the eyes, with red, injected sclerotica. Scrofulous conjunctivitis and keratitis, if accompanied by sharp pains. Upper lids feel hard and immovable. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 147 Lids inflamed and ulcerated. Great inclination to wink. Lids lax and paralyzed; they hang low down, and must be raised. Lachrymation, tears acrid. General Indications.—In neuralgia, especially of the fifth pair; rheumatic neuralgia; rheumatic affections. Aggravation.—From motion; noise; touch; turning eyes. SPONGIA TOSTA. Heaviness and nightly agglutination of lids. Redness of eyes, with lachrymation and burning. Eyeball staring and protruding; stitches in eyeballs, and burning around eyes, with lachrymation; thyroid gland enlarged; Basedow's Disease. General Indications.—In glandular affections, espe- cially the thyroid ; goitre; heart troubles. In children and women. STANNUM METALLICUM. Neuralgia in left eye, gradually increasing from 10 A. m. to noon, then gradually decreasing with lachrymation during pain. * Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac; profuse yellow white discharge. Ptosis from sympathetic paralysis; returning periodically. Pustular swelling on left inner canthus like a lachrymal fistula; pain as from a stye with lachrymation. Agglutination of the lids at night. (Calc. e, Lye, Mere, Rhus, t., SiL, Sulph) General Indications.—In affections of mucous mem- branes. In paralysis. STAPHYSAGRIA. Dryness in eyes with pressure, worse morning and evening. Pain in upper lid all day, worse by closing eye; pain as if hard substance were beneath lid. 148 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Itching of margin of lids (Sep., Sulph) in open air. Dimness of sight, scintillations or flames before eyes, especially at night; halo around candle. Syphilitic iritis with bursting pain in eyeball, temple and side of face, worse from evening to morning, and upon using eyes by any light. Lacerated or incised wounds of cornea; after operations for cataract. Arthritic ophthalmia, pain extending to teeth, eyes burn on least exertion as if very dry, yet lachrymation is constant. Sympathetic forms of chronic conjunctival catarrh with inflammation of Meibomian or ciliary glands. Dryness of margin of lids, with hard nodules on borders, and destruction of hair follicles. Blepharitis, margin of lids dry, with hardened styes or tarsal tumors. Styes (Lye, Puis), nodosities, chalazia on eyelids (Graph), one after another, sometimes ulcerating. Polypi of conjunctiva. Inflammation of margin of lids, with nightly aggluti- nation. (Calc. e, Graph., Sep., Sulph) Steatoma on conjunctiva palpebrarum. General Indications.—In affections of glands and bones; scrofulous affections; secondary syphilis; abuse of mercury; sexual excess. STRAMONIUM. Light dazzles; convulsions from bright light, water or brilliant objects ; eyes water. Dimness of vision; complains of darkness; wants light. Double vision (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Phyt); sees obliquely. Vision cloudy. Transient blindness. Visual illusions. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 149 Eyes wide open, staring, prominent (BelL, Hyos.,'Opium), brilliant, contorted. Strabismus from brain affections, epilepsy, eclampsia or chorea, if made worse by mental emotions, terror, fear, etc. Eyes insensible to strongest light; to bright sunlight in typhus. Pupils dilated (BelL, Hyos., Opium); sometimes immov- able and insensible to light. (Cic. v., Bigit) Contortion of eyes and eyelids. Sensation as if eye were forced out (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar, t., Lachesis, Merc, c), with twitching of lids. Conjunctiva injected, as if the vessels were filled with dirty liquid. General Indications.—In spasmodic affection from fright; paralysis; acute mania; convulsions; especially in children and in young plethoric persons. SULPHUR. * Redness of eyes during the day, itching in the even- ing. Matter in the eyes in the morning. * Sticking in right eye; burning and rubbing, dry sensa- tion, as from sand beneath lids. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Thuja) Pain in left eye, as if rubbed against spicula of glass and drawn in toward pupil; necessity to close eye, then burn- ing in eye and lachrymation. * Sensation of foreign body in eyes. (Calc c, Caust., Hep. s., Ign., Sep., SiL) Feeling of sand in morning on waking, with raw pain on rubbing them. Aching in eyes. Sensitiveness; sensation as before inflammation. * Shooting pains in the eyes, and cutting stitches, as from a knife, especially right eye. Biting in the evening, with lachrymation. 150 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. * Burning, and easily fatigued when reading. Burning toward outer canthus in the morning. Lachrymation in the morning, with burning. Inflammation of eyes or lids, with swelling, redness of conjunctiva, and much itching, burning and - sweating. (Ant. c, Arg. nit., Calc. e, Graph) Shooting through left pupil deep into eye when reading. Aching in the eyeball in the evening, with weight and loss of vision. Aching in the eyeballs on moving them; on walking in open air; aching in brows. Dryness and sensation as if they rubbed against lids. Redness of lids and conjunctiva. Swelling of lids, with pain and lachrymation. Agglutination of lids at night. (Calc. e, Lye, Mere, Puis., Rhus, t., SiL) Jerking of lower lids. * Smarting, sore pain on inner side after midnight, then rubbing dryness on inner surface. Smarting as from dryness of margin of lids. Smarting in the evening; inclination to rub them; photophobia. Vision dim when reading; confused dark spots floating before eyes. Intolerance to sunlight. (Aeon., BelL, Coni., Graph., Ign., Merc) Dark specks before eyes. (Agar., Chelid., Kali carb., Merc, Phos., Psor., Sep., SiL) Dimness of vision, as of a veil before the eyes. (Agar., Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Thuja) Amaurosis and amblyopia from suppression of eruptions. Flickering before eyes. Hyperaemia of retina. Retinitis from over-use of eyes; congestion of optic nerve; outlines ill defined, pain around eye, and itching in internal canthi. Choroido-retinitis and Choroiditis. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 151 ^ Opacities in vitreous, resulting from choroidal exuda- tion, old hemorrhages. ^ Retards cataracts, especially after suppression of erup- tion. Trachoma, acute and chronic; pains sharp and sticking in morning; lids glued together; worse by water. Pannus in patients of strumous diathesis. * Pustular inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva, with marked lachrymation; pains sharp and sticking, as if a needle were sticking in eye. * Superficial and deep ulcers of the cornea, redness of eye and photophobia; sticking pain. Keratitis Parenchymatosa in scrofulous subjects; cornea like ground glass; photophobia; lids swollen and bleed easily. Dryness of eyes in room; lachrymation in open air. (Puis) General Indications.—In affections of glandular sys- tem, mucous membranes; in scrofulous and rachitic com- plaints; vesicular, herpetic and pustular affections; catarrhal affections; lean, stoop-shouldered persons. Aggravation. — In evening; after midnight; from warmth of bed; during rest; touch ; from bathing or wash- ing; in open air. Amelioration.—During motion; on walking. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. Pain in the eyes after a knock or contusion of an obtuse body. General Indications.—In mechanical injuries; bad effects from blows, bruises and thrusts on eye; injury to bones. Aggravation.—By touch. SYPHILINUM. Red papulous eruption around left inner canthus, with pimples on nose, cheek and eyebrow; upper lid swollen. 152 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. Ptosis Paralytica; eyes look sleepy from lowering of upper lid. Paralysis of superior oblique. Chronic recurring phlyctenular inflammation of cornea; successive crops of phlyctenules and abrasions of epithelial layer of the cornea; intense photophobia; profuse lachry- mation ; redness and pain well marked; delicate, scrofulous children, especially if any trace of syphilis remains. Syphilitic Iritis, intense pain, increasing at night; worse between 2 and 5 A. m. General Indications.—In syphilitic trouble; heredi- tary syphilis. TABACUM. Dim sight; sees as through a veil; evenings. Amblyopia, diplopia. Strabismus, dependent on brain trouble. General Indications.—In nervous diseases; great weak- ness and debility. TELLURIUM. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, with eczema impetiginoides on lids and much purulent discharge from eyes; moist erup- tion behind ears; also offensive discharge from ears. Scrofulous inflammation, worse in upper lid; lachryma- tion, itching and pressure in lid. Eyelids thickened, inflamed, covered with pustules; itching; pale, red, oedematous, oozing; a feeling as if lashes of lower lid were turned in. General Indications.—In scrofulous, eczematous con- ditions ; moist eruption. TEREBINTHINA. * Ciliary neuralgia, with acute conjunctivitis; injection; redness, usually dark red; eyeball sensitive to touch. Pain excessive, varies in character; so severe at times as to almost drive patient crazy; especially severe over and around eye, extending through to occiput on correspond- THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 153 ing side; always worse at night, especially between 1 and 3 A. M. * Episcleritis; eye very red; elevation over rectus mus- cles ; intense pain day and night in eye and corresponding side of head. Rheumatic Iritis; frequent desire to urinate; pain in kidneys; burning in the urethra; dark urine; suppression of habitual foot sweat. Eyes dark red; face red on affected side. Very severe pain over left eye and in left temple day and night; conjunctiva very red, with deep ciliary injec- tion; much lachrymation; some photophobia; aqueous hazy. General Indications.—Acts on all mucous surfaces, producing congestion and catarrhal conditions, especially upon kidneys. THERIDION CURASSAVICUM. Flickering before eyes in frequent paroxysms, even when closing eyes; like a veil before eyes; she must lie down; hysteria. Dizziness and confusion of vision; everything went together and became indistinct. Hard, heavy, dull pressure behind eyes. On closing eyes, nausea and vomiting. Headache deep in socket of eyes; worse in left eye; head feels thick. Throbbing over left eye and across forehead; also in right eye; nausea. THUJA OCCIDENTALS. Malignant Blenorrhcea, leuco-phlegmatic temperaments; always chilly. Better when eyes are warmly covered (Hep. s., SiL); if uncovered, feels as if a cold stream of air were blowing out through them. (Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor) Large wart-like excrescences on iris, with sharp pain; sticking pains. 154 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Pain in eyes, worse at night; relieved by warmth; heat around eye and side of face ; tearing pain above left eye; injection of sclerotic and conjunctival vessels ; feeling of fine sand under lids; lids swollen and indurated; gumma of iris. * Pains in head in chronic glaucoma, which were brought on by chewing; eyeball very red and sore to touch; tention increased. Inflammation of cornea; ulcerations of a syphilitic origin; hypopion. Vascular tumor of cornea. * Episcleritis, with elevation over rectus muscle; marked redness and injection. Sclerotic inflamed and red (Bell), like blood. Sclera becomes soft in consequence of extension of in- flammation of cornea and iris; tenderness of eyeball; photophobia; scrofulous or syphilitic subjects. Suffusion of eyes, especially in open air; tears do not flow, but remain in eye. Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, granulations large, like warts or blisters, with burning in lids, worse at night; excessive photophobia. Chronic cases of large phlyctenules of conjunctiva, very slow in progress involving sub-conjunctival tissue. Feeling as if eyes were swollen, and as if a foreign body were in eyes; burning in lids. Pressure and dryness in the eyes, as if sand were in them. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Burning in the edges of lids in the evening. Violent burning and stinging in the eyes and lids. (Ars. alb., Apis) Dry branny eruption on lids, chiefly about cilia; eye- lashes irregular and imperfectly grown; scales covering the skin, very fine and watery. Agglutination of lids at night. (Calc c, Graph., Lye, Sulph) Inflammatory softening of inner surface of lids. THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 155 Induration of lids. Itching in margin of left upper lid. Styes; tarsal tumors; chalazia ; thick hard knobs. Verrucas and tumors that resemble small condylomata. Granular lids, granulations large, wart-like. Twitching of left lower lid. Falling of upper lid and oedema of lower. Epithelioma of lids. Feeling of soreness in right upper lid. Fine sticking, as with needles, in right lower and left upper lids. Vision dim when writing; also in open air, with con- fusion of head; with pressure in eyes, as if they would be pressed out of head or as if they were swollen, with muscae volitantes. Flickering before the eyes; flames of light, like fire-flies. (Agar., CycL, Mere.) Luminous disc, like a fire fly hovering before eyes, on entering a dark room; worse in twilight. Dimness of vision, as if a mist or veil were before the eyes. (Caust., Croc, Nat. in., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Sulph) Tearing pain in left eyebrow, relieved after touching. General Indications.—In sycotic affections; condy- lomata, etc.; syphilitic herpes; warts; prosopalgia ; espe- cially useful in lymphatic temperament; people of dark hair, dark complexion. Aggravation.—During rest, and heat of bed. Amelioration.—In the open air. VERATRUM ALBUM. Hemeralopia, with nightly diarrhoea. Hemeralopia preceding menstruation. Pupil contracted. (Hyos., Merc, Phos., Phyt) Extreme dryness of lids, especially after sleeping; pain- ful, as if rubbed sore; stiff and agglutinated; acute sensa- tion of dryness in upper lid, as if salt were between it and ball. 156 THERAPEUTICS OF THE EVE. Lids heavy, can scarcely lift them; trembling; paralysis. Neuralgia Palpebralis in upper lid, right side; pain severe on slightest pressure; like needle thrust in lid. Dryness of lids, worse after sleep; painful as if rubbed sore ; are stiff and agglutinated; of upper, as if salt were between it and the eyeball. General Indications.—Sudden sinking of strength ; weakness and prostration; bad effects of fright, fear and vexation; cholera. Aggravation.—After drinking; on rising. Amelioration.—While sitting and lying. VERATRUM VIRIDE. Double vision. Unsteady vision. Dilated pupils. (Ail., BelL, Cic. v., Opium, Sang., Stram.) Dimness of vision, especially on rising or attempting to walk. Dimness of vision with dilated pupils; from conjestion of blood to base of brain, with nausea and vomiting; when assuming an erect position with partial syncope; walking brings on blindness with fainting; after loss of vital fluids. Amaurosis from irritation or congestion of optic nerve; from anaemia. Disease of optic nerve and retina in females due to some menstrual disturbance. Twitching of lids, contortion of the eyes, rolling of the eyeballs, paralysis of the lids. General Indications.—In convulsions, twitching of muscles. Paralysis, congestion of nerve centres. Meningitis. In full blooded plethoric persons. Aggravation.—On arising; on waking; in the even- ing; from motion. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Inflammation of eyes during menses. Pain as from sand, worse in evening and at night with THERAPEUTICS OF THE EYE. 157 lachrymation, even upper lid toward inner canthus was red and swollen with inflammation and redness of con- junctiva; suppuration in inner canthus. Burning in afternoon, in eyes and lids in morning and evening with dryness and pressure (Ars. alb., Alumina, Sulph), with biting, photophobia and lachrymation, worse in evening with agglutination in the morning. Agglutination of inner canthi in the morning, with pressing sore feeling; itching in inner with sticking and cloudy vision. Amaurosis; during severe headache, passing away with headache; contracted pupils. Photophobia. Eyes dim, watery; brain affections. Constant burning in eyes in the afternoon. Much burning in eyes and lids in morning and evening, with feeling of dryness and pressure in them. Pterygium, conjunctival injection, lachrymation in the evening, discharge, photophobia, especially by artificial light, pricking pains and soreness, worse at inner angle, great pressure across root of nose and supraorbital region. Persistent redness, especially at inner angle, worse in the evening and in the open air, remaining after pustular keratitis. Conjunctivitis, pains worse at night; inflammation more in inner canthus. Upper lids heavy, as if paralyzed, ptosis. Granular lids; after Ophthalmia Neonatorum. Agglutination of lids at night. (Caust., Graph., Lye, Merc, Puis., Rhus t., Sulph) General Indications.—In anaemic conditions; brain exhaustion; paralysis; convulsions; chorea; twitching and jerking in various muscles. Aggravation.—After dinner and toward evening; dur- ing menses; from heat. Amelioration.—From camphor; in open air; while eating. PART II. Applied Therapeutics. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS. CONJUNCTIVA. Acetic Acid.—*In croupous and diphtheritic conjunc- tivitis, where there is a dense false membrane, yellowish- white, tough and closely adherent. (Kali bi) Lids oedematous, swollen and red. Profuse purulent discharge. Aconite.—*Eye excessively dry and hot; conjunctiva red; relieved by cojd water. * Conjunctivitis from foreign bodies or in-growing eye- lashes; also from cold; eyes red, inflamed, burning, pres- sive, shooting pains. * Catarrhal inflammation, first stage before exudation; severe pain in eyes. (Bell) Profuse lachrymation, with intense pain; photophobia, especially in sunlight. * Acute stages and acute aggravations of conjunctivitis trachomatosa and pannus, having excessive redness, heat and dryness. Allium Cepa.—* Catarrhal conjunctivitis with burning, biting and smarting as from smoke; wants to rub them; non-excoriating discharge and lachrymation, accompanied by excoriating coryza. *Eyes red, itchy, watery, suffused and injected, sensitive to light. Excessive lachrymation, with redness of eyeballs, with frequent sneezing. Allium Sativum.—Conjunctivitis catarrhalis, smarting, burning and acrid lachrymation (Allium cepa, Ars. alb., Euphr); worse on reading; eyelids agglutinated. Profuse watering of the eyes without coryza. l62 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Alumen. —Trachoma. Purulent ophthalmia of infants. Alumina.—Subacute and catarrhal conjunctivitis, and conjunctivitis granulosa, with dryness and smarting in the eyes; great loss of power of the eyelids. (Caust.) Red eyes, with lachrymation. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Eyes dry in the evening, with pain in internal canthus of left £ye; feeling as of sand. Eyes inflamed, itching at the inner canthus; agglutina- tion at night and lachrymation by day; burning and dry- ness. Sensation of coldness in the eyes (cold wind, Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor) in the open air. Burning, dryness; burning on waking, especially on looking up, with photophobia. Ammonium Brom.—Pterygium. (Calc. c, Lachesis, Plat, met., Zinc met.) Eyes red and sore in the morning; worse in left eye; eyes full of white, slimy mucus. Sore feeling, with sensation of sand in them. (Calc. e, Caps., Caust., Fer. met., Sep., Sulph) Redness; feels as if bathed in hot water. Antimonium Crudum.—Eyes red, inflamed, with itch- ing and nightly agglutination and morning photophobia. (Lye, Sulph.) Soreness of outer canthi. Gum in canthi in forenoon; dry gum on both lids; itch- ing in outer canthus. Antimonium Tart.—Herpes of conjunctiva, photopho- bia, ill humor. Burning in right inner canthus, with biting and redness of conjunctiva. Gonorrhceal ophthalmia. (Arg. nit) Apis.—* Conjunctiva chemosed, congested, bright-red and puffy. (Arg. nit., Rhus t) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 163 Copious mucous secretion and lachrymation; hot tears gush from the eye. * Purulent conjunctivitis, with great chemosis; profuse discharge. (Arg nit., Phyt., Rhus t) * Burning, stinging, darting pains in and around eyes. * (Edematous condition of lids. Catarrhal conjunctivitis, with redness and chemosis of the conjunctiva, with stinging pain and lachrymation. Soreness and smarting in margin of lids, in canthi and in eye itself. Smarting and sensation of burning in the eyes, with redness of the conjunctiva; photophobia. Puffy, chemosed, congested condition of conjunctiva and bright, red appearance. Cutting burning, with redness of eyes; eyes red and itching. Eyes greatly inflamed after measles. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, with bright redness; chemosis of conjunctiva, with stinging pains. Argentum Nit.—Purulent conjunctivitis, profuse muco- purulent discharge; conjunctiva intensely red, swollen and chemosed; canthi very red; caruncula swollen like a lump of flesh; lids swollen and oedematous; photophobia. (Apis, Rhus I.) Cluster of vessels extending from inner canthus to cornea. Ophthalmia neonatorum, with the above symptoms. Intense pains, worse in a warm room, relieved in cool open air. Gonorrhceal ophthalmia, with above symptoms very much more pronounced. Conjunctivitis granulosa, with intense redness, chemosis, profuse muco-purulent discharge. Arnica.—Inflammation of the eyes after injury; eye- balls very red. Ecchymosis of conjunctiva from whooping cough or injuries. (Ham., Led.) 164 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Arsenicum Alb.—Conjunctivitis found in scrofulous, cachetic children, accompanied by excoriating, hot lachry- mation, burning pains; symptoms worse at night, espe- cially after midnight; lids may be oedematous; thin ex- coriating discharge; photophobia; may be accompanied with phlyctenules or herpes. (Merc) In granular conjunctivitis where there are burning pains, excoriating hot lachrymation; worse at night and after midnight. In conjunctivitis catarrhalis, with profuse hot scalding lachrymation, burning pains, especially at night. Lachrymation excoriating, making lids and cheek sore. In granular conjunctivitis; eyes inflamed, burning pains, excoriating lachrymation. Pterygium, with dryness of lids ; eyelids oedematous and spasmodically closed. Arum Triphyllum.—Smarting in eyes; sensation as after shedding many tears; much water in eyes from morn- ing till evening, especially in outer canthus, with swelling of margin of lids. Atropia.—Inflammatory swelling of the mucous mem- brane of the eyes, with muco-purulent secretion, often accompanied with swelling of the lachrymal sac; lachry- mation. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of conjunctiva and lids. (Apis, Rhus t) Aurum Met.—*In conjunctivitis, with trachoma and pannus. Eye very red and inflamed; photophobia; lachrymation. Conjunctiva of lids covtred with granulation ; cornea vascular and opaque; pannus. Belladonna.—Burning dryness of the eyes. Conjunctiva covered with red vessels, with shooting pain and lachrymation. Mucous membrane of eyes and lids injected and swollen; agglutination in the morning. Great photophobia and lachrymation APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 165 Cadmium Sulph.—Swelling of conjunctiva remaining after blenorrhcea. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes. Burning lachrymation. (Allium sat., Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Calcarea Carb.—Pterygium. (Amm. brom., Lachesis, Rat., Zinc met) Extending from external canthus to cornea. Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with pannus, from work- ing in wet; much redness and lachrymation. Catarrhal conjunctivitis, caused by working in water; eyes hot, with feeling of sand in them. Burning in inner canthus, with stitches; itching. Eyes full of gum. Sensation as of sand or foreign body in eye. (Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Swelling and redness of lids, with nightly agglutina- tion. Inflammation of eyes, with stitches, as of needles, burning; flow of tears and difficulty in opening at night. Excessive secretion of mucus in eyes. Cannabis Indica.—Injected vessels in the conjunc- tiva in a triangle, from each internal canthus to cornea; • worse at night. Inflammation of the caruncula lachrymalis with swell- ing. (Arg. nit) Cool, burning, stinging in left inner canthus and side of nose. Cantharis.—Inflammation of eyes when caused by a burn. (Aeon) Burning in the eyes and glowing heat as from coals. Biting sensation as if salt were in eyes; smarting in eyes. (Nux v) Lachrymation in open air, must close eyes; on opening lids margin pain as if sore, like raw flesh. Capsicum.—Burning in eyes with redness and lachry- mation. Pressive pain in eyes as from foreign body. (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sulph) 166 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Fine, sticking pains in eyes. Causticum.—Dryness in the eyes in the morning with stiffness. * Burning and dryness in the eyes, in the evening. * Biting and pressure in the eyes which seem heavy, with redness of lids. Constant inclination to rub the eyes. * Eyes inflamed, burning, red and stinging; feeling of sand in the eyes. (Sulph) * Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with sensation of sand in eyes; eyes red and inflamed. Photophobia, obliged to wink constantly. Burning in both inner canthi. Chamomilla. — Inflammation of the eyes; lids are swollen and agglutinated in the morning; inflammation caused by exposure to cold damp atmosphere, worse by every cold change of weather. * Conjunctivitis of infants that are peevish and fretful. Profuse acrid discharge from nose and eyes. Burning and sensation of heat in the eyes, which are inflamed and full of mucus in the morning. * Catarrhal and scrofulous ophthalmia in cross, peevish children during dentition. Soreness of the canthi and stitches in the orbital region. Conjunctiva swollen and dark red; purulent discharge; conjunctiva may be so congested that blood may ooze out. (Arg. nit., Hep. s) Chelidonium.—Conjunctiva swollen and dark red; whites of eyes a dirty yellow color. Acute inflammation of eye, sensation of burning in eyes and as of a foreign body. Thick yellow mucous discharge from the eyes. Chininum Mur.—Has been used successfully in con- junctivitis trachomatosa et pannus; much pain in the morn- ing ; malarial history. Chininum Sulph.—Conjunctiva injected, lids red, swol- len; pupils contracted,jlachrymation, extreme photophobia; APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 167 tearing in the orbit and headache with thirst and fever; all appearing every second day. Cinnabaris.—Conjunctivitis with the pain extending around the eye. Has constant lachrymation on looking steadily, with profuse discharge of mucus from the nose. Inflammation of the right eye, itching, pressing and pricking at inner angle and lower lid. Conjunctivitis and blepharitis, discharge aggravated in morning. Clematis Erecta.—Burning heat and dryness in the eyes, as if fire were streaming from them; great sensitive- ness to cold air, light and bathing. Eyes red, glittering hot and dry. Inflammation of whites of eyes with lachrymation. Eyes smart as if raw, capillaries enlarged, lachryma- tion, smarting, worse when closing the eyes. Pustular conjunctivitis, complicated with tenia capitis; agglutination of lids in the morning. Pressing pain in eyes, photophobia and lachrymation worse in open air; heat in eyes. Burning and inflammation of inner canthus. Colchicum.—Conjunctiva inflamed and congested. Eyes red and watery. Pressing and biting in canthi, with moderate lachryma- tion. Excoriating lachrymation, worse in the open air. Smarting in the eye, especially in outer canthus, with lachrymation; feeling as if canthus were glued up. Colocynthis.—Cutting, burning pain in eyes, with pro- fuse acrid discharge. Smarting in the eyes, painfulness of the eyeballs. Inflammation of conjunctiva, with tendency to ulcera- tion. Conium Mac.—Eyes red, intense photophobia, increased secretion of mucus and tears, swelling and redness of lids, dimness of the cornea. 12 l68 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Shooting, smarting and itching in the inner canthus, with lachrymation. Croton Tig.—Conjunctivitis pustulosa; eyes feel hot and burning, especially at night; face red and burning; feverish; marked photophobia. Ciliary injection, with considerable pain in and around eye; usually worse at night. Burning pain in inflamed eye, with burning in ear, ver- tigo, fainting. Copious lachrymation, eyelids puffed. Digitalis.—Catarrhal inflammation; conjunctiva red; lids swollen; photophobia and lachrymation; worse in light and cold air; muco-purulent discharge; feeling of sand in eyes. Lachrymation; worse in a room; eyes are dim, hot, con- gested, with pressive pain; mucus in canthi. Chronic inflammation of conjunctiva. Duboisin.—Chronic hyperaemia of palpebral conjunc- tiva, with heat and dryness in the eyes. Eryngium Aquat.—* Purulent inflammation of eyes. Eyes congested, red, swollen ; profuse purulent discharge. (Apis, Arg. nit., Puis) Granular conjunctivitis. Smarting and burning from a strong light. Burning pain in eyes, they feel heavy and slightly con- gested ; eyes sensitive to light. Euphrasia.—Conjunctiva of lids and eyeballs red; in- jected vessels running from outer and inner canthi to cornea, resembling a vascular network; continual itching and painful sensations, as if a grain of sand at outer angles; lachrymation; photophobia; pain worse in right eye; coryza worse on right side. Conjunctivitis pustulosa; lids much swollen; eruption on head and profuse fluent coryza. Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia; profuse running from nose without burning. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 169 Frequent burning, biting in eyes, obliging frequent winking ; acrid water runs from them. Sensation of sand or dust in eyes. Granular conjunctivitis, with or without pannus; pro- fuse lachrymation and thick discharge, excoriating lids and cheeks. Obscuration of vision by mucus in eye, relieved by wink- ing. (Croc, Puis.) Pterygium, extending from inner canthus. Catarrhal ophthalmia, with lachrymation and mucous discharge; injection of conjunctiva; phlyctenules near cor- nea, at same time coryza and pain in forehead. Ferrum Phos.—Eyes red, inflamed, with burning sen- sation ; sore and red looking. Conjunctivitis and photophobia in measles. Sensation of sand in eyes. Acute conjunctivitis, without suppuration or discharge of mucus. Gambogia.—Itching in inner canthi, with discharge of acrid, corrosive tears after rubbing; relieved in open air. Nightly agglutination of lids; burning in the morning; photophobia and stitching pain. Catarrhal affection of eyes. Smarting of eyes, with increased flow of tears. Graphites.—Eyes red; muco-purulent discharge, thin, excoriating; pains sticking, burning or itching. (Allium sat., Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Redness of whites of eyes, lachrymation and photo- phobia. * Conjunctivitis pustulosa and ciliary blepharitis, with cracks behind the ears, eruption on face, thick, heavy scabs on lashes. Lachrymation in open air; chronic, thin, acrid discharge from eyes. Internal canthi; itching, burning, stitches, sore. Pus-like discharge from the eyes. External canthi; sore and fissured, bleed easily. 170 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Heat in eyes and about lids; some pus in canthi. Grindelia Rob.— Conjunctivitis and purulent oph- thalmia. Conjunctiva injected. Guarea Trich.—Intense chemosis of the conjunctiva. (Apis, Arg. nit., Hep. s., Rhus t.) Hamamelis.—Inflammation of the conjunctiva if caused by a blow or burn. (Aeon., Am) Ecchymosis of the conjunctiva. (Am., Led) Eyes inflamed and burned from being on the water. Conjunctivitis from a foreign body (Aeon), vessels in- jected, intense soreness. Excessive congestion of the conjunctiva; painful inflam- mation of the eyes. Hepar Sulph.—Catarrhal inflammation and blenorrhcea of eyes, lids inflamed, excoriated as if corroded, especially at inner canthus. Purulent conjunctivitis with profuse discharge and ex- cessive sensitiveness to air and touch. Herpes of the conjunctiva; catarrhal inflammation and blenorrhcea of eyes; lids inflamed, excoriated. Chronic inflammation of eyes, with great photophobia, lachrymation and mucous discharge; formation of ulcers with pressing burning pains as if eyes were bruised; lids swollen. Hydrastis. — Inflammation and ulceration of con- junctiva. Profuse secretion of tears; smarting of eyes; burning of eyes and lids. Acute catarrhal ophthalmia, the result of daily exposure to harsh dry winds; lids greatly swollen and excoriated; profuse catarrhal secretion. Chronic inflammation of eyes. (Sulph) Ophthalmia; catarrhal; scrofulous; thick mucous dis- charge. Conjunctivitis siccus, with sensation of dryness and APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 171 scratching and feeling of weight and heaviness of upper lid. Ignatia.—Catarrhal inflammation of eyes, when sub- jective symptoms are particularly well marked, rather than objective; pressive pain in the eye; photophobia ; lachry- mation ; coryza, feeling of sand under eyelid. Catarrhal ophthalmia, with sensation of sand in eye and great dryness; lachrymation only in sunlight. Iris Vers.—Redness of conjunctiva as from a cold; eyes feel dull, with neuralgia, burning in inner canthus with effusion of tears. Kali Bich.—Granular lids with pannus; stringy dis- charge. Mild cases of croupous conjunctivitis in which the false membrane is loosely adherent; stringy discharge; con- junctiva very much inflamed; chemosis; lids swollen and cornea hazy. (Aeet. ac) Small white pustules in conjunctiva. Conjunctiva red, traversed by large vessels, or chemosis with small spots of ecchymosis. Inflammation of eyes; injected and chemosis, much lachrymation, eyelids reddened and agglutinated with thick matter at edges, stringy yellow discharge. Catarrhal inflammation, stringy discharge or scanty secretion aggravated morning on awaking. Kali Carb.—Soreness of external canthus with burning pain. Caruncle red and swollen; lachrymation and pain from bright light; pressive pain in front of head and temples into eyes, with heat in face and head. Kali Iod.—Conjunctivitis, chemosis, purulent secretion ; eyes burn and are red from lachrymation; scrofulous oph- thalmia, especially after Mercury. Injection and tumefaction of conjunctiva; lachrymation. Great redness of mucous membrane of eyes, nose and throat, with profuse lachrymation. Kreosotum.—Blenorrhcea of conjunctiva, with moder- 172 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--CONJUNCTIVA. ately profuse discharge and much smarting of eyes. (Ars. ■alb., Euphr., Merc) Itching and smarting sensation in eyes, on edges of lids, aggravated by rubbing. Burning and redness of conjunctiva; acrid lachrymation aggravated by bright light. Lachesis.—Painful inflammation of left eye, frequently recurring, characterized by a bundle of congested vessels extending from inner canthus toward cornea. Pterygium. (Amm. brom., Calc. c) Eyes watery. Ledum.—* Ecchymosis of conjunctiva, traumatic or spontaneous. (Am., Ham) Profuse suppuration with discharge of pus. Nightly agglutination without inflammation or pain. Lachrymation acrid making lower lids and cheeks sore. Lithium Carb.—Muco-purulent discharge, sticking pains in eyes, photophobia and sensation of veil before them. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of Meibomian glands. Lycopodium.—Much mucus in eyes, with smarting pain. Inflammation in eyes with stitches in both canthi, red- ness and swelling of lids of right eye; distressing pain as * if they were dry; nightly aggravations. Mucus in eyes; must wipe them to see more clearly. (Croc, Euphr., Puis) Catarrhal or scrofulous ophthalmia; secretion thick, yel- low, green. Ophthalmia neonatorum during the suppurative stage. (Arg. nit., Hep. s) Inflammatory affections of the eyes, with nocturnal agglutination and lachrymation by day. Polypus of external canthus. Itching in canthi. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 173 Mercurialis Perennis. — Hyperemia of conjunctiva after using eyes, with heaviness of lids. Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with pannus (Aur. met., Calc. c, Mere, prot); feels very sleepy; lachrymation and blurring of vision in morning. Mercurius.—Conjunctiva inflamed and swollen; lids swollen, tender to touch; great photophobia; hot lachry- mation. (Ars. alb, Euphr) * Muco-purulent discharges; thin, acrid. (Ars. alb., Euphr) Eyes inflamed, with swollen inverted tarsi, and very sensitive to light. * Lachrymation profuse, burning and excoriating. Ophthalmia neonatorum; discharge acrid, usually thin; makes cheeks sore, particularly if caused by syphilitic leucorrhcea. Purulent conjunctivitis, with copious discharge; lids much swollen; profuse purulent discharge. (Apis, Arg. nit., Puis) Rheumatic, arthritic, syphilitic or gonorrhceal ophthal- mia. Pustules on conjunctiva after measles; scrofula, with en- larged cervical glands. Chronic conjunctivitis, with a fine rosy-red injection around cornea. Conjunctivitis trachomatosa; burning pains; lachrymation acrid; photophobia; sensitiveness to extreme heat or cold very marked, especially heat of glaring fire and coldness of damp places. Burning pains, lachrymation, photophobia. Mercurius Biniodatus.—Conjunctivitis trachomatosa, with pannus. Scrofulous affections of the eye. Eyes inflamed, burn, watery; catarrhal conditions; bright light irritates. 174 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Mercurius Cor.—Ophthalmia neonatorum, with acrid discharges, caused by syphilitic or gonorrhceal leucorrhcea. Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, tending towards tra- choma, with redness and excoriation of lids, and a dull feeling, with itching in the eyes in the evening. Photophobia; general injection of conjunctiva; pinkish zone around cornea; small vesicles at its margin; scalding tears. Mercurius Praecip. Rub.—In scrofulous ophthalmia; bright-red conjunctiva; lids may be everted and granular. Copious purulent discharge, forming crusts on lids; worse in the morning; photophobia; symptoms worse by working over a fire. Mezereum.—Eyes hot and inflamed on rising in the morning; bulbus conjunctiva very much injected, dirty red, especially near external canthus; worse by pressure; pain and sensation of dryness. Ophthalmia, consequent on abuse of mercury. Natrum Arsen.—Chronic conjunctivitis; membrane injected; small rugae running over it; whole eye dry and painful; all symptoms worse in the morning. * Conjunctivitis trachomatosa et pannus; burning lach- rymation ; photophobia worse at night; eye injected and inflamed. Eyeballs and inside of lids are full, causing feeling on moving eyeball, as if something granular were between them. Inner surface of lower lid granular. Eyes smart as from wood smoke ; smarting and lachry- mation on going into open air. Natrum Mur.—Redness of eyes; lachrymation, with in- flammation and feeling as if the eyeball were too large and compressed. Inflammation in slight wind, with lachrymation. Follicular conjunctivitis, chiefly in the oculo palpebral folds; also complicated with true trachoma. Catarrhal affection of margin of lids; lids red, with APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 175 burning, especially in evening, while reading, they secrete mucus, and are agglutinated in morning. Inflammation of eyes; lachrymation in every slight wind. Sensation of sand in eyes. (Caust., Hep. s., Ign., Sep., Sulph) Conjunctivitis, with white mucous secretion and acrid lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Burning in eyes, with increased secretion of mucus; lids agglutinated in morning; great sensitiveness to lamp- light; violent burning in eyes in evening. Natrum Phosph.—Discharge of golden-yellow, creamy matter from eyes; burning lachrymation ; eyes blood-shot; feeling as of sand in eyes. Conjunctivitis, with great dread of light; enlargement of glands of neck; creamy secretion from eyelids. Granular conjunctivitis, when granulations look like small blisters. Natrum Sulph.—Conjunctivitis granulosa; granula- tions appear like small blisters. Burning in right eye; burning lachrymation; dim sight; worse near fire; also morning and evening. Suffusion of eyes, with burning of edge of lids. Photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia; lids agglutinated. Crawling sensation in eyes; great dryness and burning of eyes; worse from afternoon to evening; seems as if eye- balls were hot; eyes sensitive to light. Chronic conjunctivitis, with granular lids; green pus; great photophobia. Nux Moschata.— Pterygium. (Amm. brom., Calc e, Laehcsis, Rat., Zinc met) Nodule over each external rectus; very large and painful. Nux Vomica. — Inflammation of eyes; injection of whites; swelling, with red streaks in whites and tensive pain. Smarting dryness in inner canthus in morning in bed. Ecchymosis of conjunctiva; effusion of blood beneath 176 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--CONJUNCTIVA. conjunctiva, often following debauchery or sitting up late at night to study; in persons subject to dyspepsia, Trachoma and follicular conjunctivitis, occurring only in the summer, and aggravated in the morning. Old cases of trachoma, if complicated with pannus, that have had much treatment. Painless injection of whites of eyes. Ophthalmia neonatorum ; lids much swollen, bleed easily, and child is troubled with vomiting, constipation and flatu- lent colic. Severe scrofulous ophthalmia: lies on face, with bandage tied over eyes. Ophthalmia; inner canthus more inflamed than other parts; bloody exudation; smarting like salt; all worse in the morning. Conjunctivitis worse in the morning; agglutination of lids and photophobia. Canthi filled with purulent mucus; eyes inflamed ; photo- phobia ; worse in morning. The eyes run water, as in a moist inflammation of eyes, or as in stopped coryza. Petroleum.—Trachoma, with pannus, especially when scrofulous; considerable white discharge from eyes and roughness of cheeks. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, with acute inflammation of lids; lids red, inflamed and covered with scabs or scurfs; surrounding skin rough; blenorrhcea of the lachrymal sac; pain in occiput. Scrofulous ophthalmia; great difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning; skin deeply cracked and slowly heal- ing. Phytolacca.—* Conjunctiva swollen, dark red, chemo- sis; anterior chamber filled with pus; cornea tending toward suppuration. (Hep. s) Burning and smarting in eyes and lids; profuse lachry- mation; relieved in open air. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. 177 Catarrhal ophthalmia; burning, smarting, tingling pain, itching; worse by gaslight; abundant flow of tears. Granular conjunctivitis, with circumorbital pain. Plumbum Met.—Inflammation of the eyes; lachryma- tion; photophobia; redness of whole eyeball. Passive congestion, with soft granulations. Psorinum.—Heat, redness and pressure in eyes; ten- dency to catarrhal inflammation; lids slightly agglutinated during morning. Recurrent pustular inflammation of conjunctiva ; scrofu- lous. Ophthalmia, with pressive pains; as if sand were in the eyes. Pulsatilla Nigr.—Trachoma, usually uncomplicated with pannus; accompanied by excessive secretion of bland mucus; eyeball sore to touch and pain in eye worse in evening, relieved in open air or by cold applications. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, preceded by a stye; lids agglu- tinated in the morning; feels best in open air and by cold applications; no thirst; profuse whitish discharge. Granular conjunctivitis; granulations very fine, some- times dry and at others accompanied by excessive secretion of bland mucus; slight photophobia; lachrymation worse by wind; relieved by cold applications. Inflammation of eyes after suppressed gonorrhoea. Pustular conjunctivitis; lachrymation more in open air or wind; discharge thick, yellow, bland and profuse. Ophthalmia, with amenorrhcea. Blenorrhceal conjunctivitis, from gonorrhceal contagion. (Arg. nit) * Ophthalmia neonatorum; profuse bland, yellow, puru- lent discharge. * Catarrhal conjunctivitis, especially acute form, either ♦ resulting from a cold, from bathing or an attack of measles; with gastric and bilious symptoms. Ratanhia.—Inflammation of white of eye; membrane 178 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. seemed to extend to central part of eye, which burned. Pterygium. (Anun. brom., Calc. e, Lachesis, Zinc met) Rhus Tox.—Acute conjunctivitis, from getting wet. (Calc. c) Great photophobia; profuse lachrymation in morning and in open air; cheeks under eye dotted with red pim- ples; lids spasmodically closed. Sac-like swelling of the conjunctiva; yellow, purulent discharge. Catarrhal or purulent ophthalmia; lids swollen and com- pletely closed, from under which escapes purulent mucus ; gush of tears on opening lids; photophobia. * Conjunctivitis granulosa; heaviness of lids, worse in stormy weather ; with pannus. Ophthalmia neonatorum; lids red, cedematously swollen and spasmodically closed (Apis, slrg. nit); profuse yellow, purulent discharge. Sanguinaria.—Acute conjunctivitis, with excessive red- ness and numerous ecchymosis in conjunctiva, tending toward trachoma. Copious lachrymation; following burning and dryness; tears hot, with coryza. (Euphr) Superficial injection of eyeball, with feeling of soreness. Catarrhal ophthalmia; granular lids; burning of edge of lids. Senecio Aur.—Catarrhal ophthalmia, from suppressed secretions. Sharp pains from within outward, left eye; lachrymation in open air. Sepia.—Trachoma, with or without pannus, especially in tea drinkers. (Nux v.) Inflammatory affections of asthenic character; conjunc- tiva dull red, some photophobia and swelling of lids, worse in the morning. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, with drawing in external canthus and smarting in eyes; relieved by bathing in cold water, worse morning and evening. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--CONJUNCTIVA. 179 Follicular conjunctivitis, or a mixed form of follicular and trachomatous conjunctivitis, which is observed only in the summer or always worse in hot weather. Conjunctivitis, with muco-purulent discharge in the morning, and great dryness in the evening; feeling of sand in eyes ; burning and smarting. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis. Silicea.—Blenorrhcea, with suppuration; sensitive to cold ; wishes to keep warmly covered. (Hep. s) Trachoma of conjunctiva; hyperaemia and swelling of conjunctiva and copious secretion of tears and mucus; aggravated by exposure to storm. Redness of whites of eyes, with pressive pain. Staphysagria.—Sympathetic forms of chronic conjunc- tivitis and conjunctival catarrh, with inflammation of Meibomian glands. Dryness of eyes; in morning on waking; in evening, with sensation of pressure. Polypi of conjunctiva. Steatoma on conjunctiva palpebranum. Sulphur.—* Redness of eyes during the day, itching in the evening. Matter in the eyes in the morning. Burning towards the outer canthus in the morning. * Biting in eyes and lachrymation; feeling of sand in eyes; sharp pains like needles sticking in eyes; burning, smarting and itching in eyes; dryness. Trachoma, acute and chronic; pains sharp and sticking in the morning. Lids glued together. Pannus in patients of strumous diathesis. * Pustular inflammation of conjunctiva, with marked lachrymation; pains sharp and sticking, as if a needle were sticking in eye. Syphilinum.— Red, papulous eruption around left inner canthus, with pimples on nose, cheek and eyebrows ; upper lid swollen. l8o APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CONJUNCTIVA. Tellurium.—Conjuctivitis pustulosa; with eczema im- petiginoides on lids and much purulent discharge from eyes; moist eruption behind ears, also offensive discharge from ears. Herpes of conjunctiva bulbi; veins enlarged, running horizontally towards cornea, ending in little blisters near edge of cornea; aggravated from crying. Thuja.—Malignant blenorrhcea, leuco-phlegmatic tem- peraments; always chilly. Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, granulations large, like warts or blisters, with burning in lids, worse at night; ex- cessive photophobia. Chronic cases of large phlyctenules of conjunctiva, very slow in progress, involving subconjunctival tissue. Granu- lations large and wart-like. Eyes feel better when warmly covered; if uncovered feel as if a cold stream of air were blowing out through them. ■ Suffusion of eyes, especially in open air; tears do not flow, but remain in eye. Dermoid swelling in conjunctiva; polypi. Zincum Met.—Pterygium (Amm. brom., Calc. c, Lachesis, Rat). Conjunctival injection, lachrymation in the evening, discharge, photophobia, especially by artificial light, pricking pains and soreness, worse at inner angle, great pressure across root of nose and supraorbital region. Persistent redness, especially at inner angle, worse in the evening and in the open air. Conjunctivitis, pains worse at night, inflammation more in inner canthus. Granular lids after ophthalmia neonatorum. Inflammation of eyes during menses. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. l8l CORNEA. Aconite.—Superficial ulceration, either caused by a foreign body, or traumatism, especially in the first stage. (Am) Redness, lachrymation and photophobia; eyes feel hot, dry and burning. (Sulph) iEthusa.—Pustules on cornea. (Ant. e, Graph., Hep. s., Mez) Great pain in eyes; eyes inflamed and bloodshot. Burning in eyes, as from smoke. Watery. Agaricus Muse.—Blisters on the cornea. Ulcers of the cornea. Burning in the eyes, with itching; hot and dry. Sensitive to light, candle-light. Alumen.—Spots on cornea. Staphyloma cornea. Antimonium Crudum.—* Pustules on cornea, espe- cially in cross children, who have pustules on the face and moist eruption behind ears. (Cham., Graph., Hep. s., Mez) Eyes inflamed and red; photophobia on rising in the morning, and mucus in inner canthus, excoriation of nostrils and swollen upper lip. (Graph., Ale re dulc) Soreness in outer canthi. Itching in canthi. Redness and inflammation of eyelids. (Arg. met., Graph., Mere, Lye, Sulph) Antimonium Tart.—* Herpes of cornea; photophobia, ill humor; redness and lachrymation; pustules on face. (Cham., Hep. s) Burning in right inner canthus, with biting and red- ness of conjunctiva. Apis.—Keratitis and blepharitis, with tumefaction of the lids. (Graph., Hep. s) CEdema of conjunctiva and lids; oedema of eyeball; pro- fuse lachrymation. Scrofulous keratitis with dim, vascular cornea, hot lach- rymation. (Ars. alb., Merc) l82 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. Pustular keratitis, with dark red chemosed conjunctiva and swollen lids. (Hep. s., Rhus, t) * Keratitis, with shooting, stinging pains through the eye, with swollen lids and conjunctiva, with hot lachryma- tion gushing out on opening the eyes; photophobia. (Rhus, t) Cornea thick, having dark, smoky spots; cucoma opacities; staphyloma cornea; ulceration of the cornea, vascular, with photophobia, lachrymation and burning pain; lids everted and often ulcerated on the margins. (Mere) Inflamed eyes with eruptive disease. Arnica.—*Traumatic keratitis, with iritis; ulceration of the cornea, breaking down rapidly; pus in anterior chamber; great pain; eyeball sore to the touch; eyeball very red and inflamed. {Hep. s) Arsenicum Alb.—Burning pains over the orbit, worse at night, with profuse lachrymation, in kerato-iritis. (Mere cor.) Parenchymatous keratitis, with excessive photophobia; lies in bed with face buried in pillows; hot, scalding lach- rymation, causes eczematous eruption; paroxysmal pains; child fretful and obstinate; scrofulous and poorly nourished children. * Ulceration of the cornea, with burning pains and ex- coriating lachrymation; redness; photophobia; symptoms aggravated at night, especially after midnight. (Merc) Violent inflammation of eyes and ulcers of cornea; eye- lids oedematous and swollen. (Apis, Hep. s., Rhus I) * Pustular and phlyctenular keratitis, with characteristic pains and symptoms. Kerato-iritis, with burning pains in and over the eyes, profuse acrid lachrymation. Arsenicum cases relieved by warm applications; are periodic in occurrence, go from one eye to the other. Asafoetida.—* Ulceration of the cornea, with burning, sticking, pressing pains from within outwards relieved by APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 183 rest and pressure; also better in open air; numbness around the eyes; kerato-iritis with the above symptoms, especially if syphilitic origin. Boring pains from within outward over the eyebrows, relieved by rest and pressure (pain from without inward aggravated by pressure. Aur. met). Dryness and burning in the eyes. (Alumina, Ars. alb., Sulph) Aurum Met.—*Interstitial or parenchymatous keratitis; cornea inflamed, hazy, infiltrated and vascular; intense redness of the conjunctiva; lachrymation; photophobia; inherited syphilis. (Can. sat) Boring pains above the eye in the brow, pains from without inward aggravated by pressure (from within out- ward relieved by pressure. Asafcet). * Ulceration of the cornea in trachoma and pannus (Merc prot). * Very great redness, photophobia and lachrymation; cornea vascular. (Can. sat., Merc, prot) Eyes sensitive to touch; photophobia, profuse scalding tears on opening eyes. (Hep. s., Rhus t) Cornea opaque; grey or yellow spots, cornea vascular; syphilitic or scrofulous cases. Baryta carb.—Ulceration of the cornea; pannus. (Arg. m., Aur. met., Cup. m., Hep. s, Mere prot., Nit. ac, Petrol., Sep., Sulph) Pressure with itching as from dust; soreness and dry- ness. (Sulph) Opaque cornea; inflammation of eyes, with sensation of dryness; photophobia. Pain in eyeballs. Burning in inner canthi, with lachrymation. Scrofulous inflammation, with phlyctenulae and ulcers on the cornea; glands swollen. (Bar. iod., Calc. iod., Merc) Baryta iod.—In phlyctenular, pustular and parenchy- 13 184 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. matous keratitis accompanied by enlarged glands, especi- ally the cervical, in scrofulous subjects. (Calc iod., Merc. cor) Baryta mur.—In scrofulous ulceration ; eyeballs much inflamed; photophobia; child shuns light; lies on its face; lids swollen and inflamed. (Calc. c, Hep. s., Psor., Sulph) Cadmium Sulph.—Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes. (Calc. c, Hep. s., Psor., Sulph.) Rending pain, burning lachrymation. Opacities of the cornea, connected with slow inflamma- tion and blenorrhcea. (Kali m) Maculae of the cornea from traumatism. (Am) Calcarea Carb.—* Corneal affections of scrofulous chil- dren; fat children, with large abdomens; sweat easily, especially about the head; accompanied by pain, redness, photophobia, and enlarged glands. Opacities of the cornea. (Calc. phos., Hep. s., Kali bi., Kali m., Sulph) Pustules on the cornea, much lachrymation, excessive photophobia; lids may be swollen and painful, stuck together in the morning; spasmodic closure of the lids ; sensation of a foreign body in the eye. (Hep. s) Affections of the cornea, caused by getting wet or in damp weather. (Rhus t) Vascular ulcers on cornea. (Can. sat., Merc, prot.) Ophthalmia scrofulosa; lids closed, red, swollen, pain- ful, itching, glued together in the morning; conjunctiva inflamed and red; vesicles filled with pus on cornea; acrid flow of tears; great photophobia ; stitching pain in eyes. Calcarea Fluor.—Spots on the cornea. (Calc e, Calc. phos., Hep. s., Kali m., Sulph) Calcarea Hypophos.—* In ulcers or abscesses of the cornea, accompanied by pus in the anterior chamber in scrofulous, cachetic children ; poorly nourished. (Hep. s) * In ulcers of the cornea, with hypopion due to ophthal- mia neonatorum. (Arg. nit., Hep. s) Calcarea Iod.—*In pustules, phlyctenules or ulcers of APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 185 the cornea, accompanied by redness, photophobia and acrid lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Ipec) * It is indicated in pale, fat subjects, with enlarged cervi- cal glands or tonsils. (Bar. iod., Calc phos) Calcarea Phos.—Ulcers and spots on cornea. * Keratitis parenchymatosa or other forms of keratitis in scrofulous subjects with enlarged tonsils; photophobia, redness and lachrymation; sensation of something in the eye. Calcarea Sulph.—Cornea hazy, pus in anterior chamber. (Calc. hypoph., Hep. s) Deep-seated abscess and ulcers of the cornea; eye inflamed, accompanied by a thick, yellow discharge. (Hep. s) Sensation of foreign body in the eye. (Caust., Fer. met., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Phlyctenular and pustular keratitis, accompanied by swelling of the cervical glands. (Bar. iod., Calc. iod) Calendula.—Lacerated and incised wounds of the cornea (locally). Eyes black and blue from extravasated blood. Cannabis Sat.—*Keratititis parenchymatosa vascu- losa; cornea opaque and red, being covered by a new growth of blood vessels; eye red and inflamed; lachryma- tion and great photophobia. (Aur. met.) Maculae and ulcers of the cornea. * Scrofulous eye troubles. * Cornea opaque and vascular. (Aur. met., Merc, prot) Cedron.—* Kerato iritis, with pain over left eye, worse every other day; eye red, inflamed, and photophobia; ulceration of the cornea, iris sluggish; malarial history. (China, Merc) Chamomilla.—* Scrofulous ophthalmia; pustules or phlyctenules of the cornea; profuse lachrymation and photophobia, in peevish, fretful patients. (Ant. c, Hep. s) * Child thirsty and peevish; dentition, with moist erup- tion on face and pustules on cornea, with considerable vas- 186 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. cularity, profuse lachrymation, some photophobia. (Ipec.) Profuse acrid discharge from eyes and nose. (Ars. alb., Merc) China.—Ulcers of the cornea, with pannus, with much pain in the morning. Ulceration of the cornea, dependent on malaria or anaemia. (Cedron) Chininum Arsen.—* Intense photophobia, spasm of the orbicularis, gushing of hot tears in ulcers of the cornea, worse after midnight. * Different forms of keratitis, where the symptoms are worse every other day, especially if patient lives in a mala- rial district, or has malaria. (Cedron?) Eye symptoms are redness, burning, lachrymation, great photophobia*; thirst, restlessness, etc.; periodicity. Chininum. Mur. — Ulcers formed in the course of pannus, with much pain in morning; ulceration of cornea in malarial cases; pain in and above eyes, periodic in character. Pannus; severe intermittent pains; anaemic conditions of malarial origin. Cina.—* Phlyctenular and pustular keratitis, in children who are peevish, fretful, cries out in sleep, and other symptoms denoting helminthiasis. (Cham) Cinnabaris.—*Any form of keratitis, that is accompanied by the characteristic pains of this remedy; as pain above eyes, under the brow, extending from the internal canthus to external, or around the eye, pain worse at night. Clematis Erecta.—Kerato-iritis, particularly of the ulcerative type. Ulceration of cornea with burning, tingling and stitch- ing pains, sensitive to heat and bathing. Pressing pain in eye, photophobia and lachrymation, worse in open air; heat in eyes. CondurangO.—Superficial ulceration of the cornea with varying amount of redness, photophobia and pain, ac- companied by sores or cracking of corners of the mouth. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 187 Conium Mac.—Ulcers of the cornea. Intense photophobia, redness of scleratic, dimness of cornea, swelling and redness of eyelids, great increase of secretion of rnucus and tears; scrofulous subject. (Ipec.) Keratitis punctata, with great photophobia. Inflammatory conditions of cornea (ulcers and pustules), especially if inflammation is superficial; more frequently in scrofulous subjects. Affections of the cornea are accompanied by intense photophobia, profuse lachrymation and slight redness. (ipec) Croton Tig.—* Keratitis pustulosa, with vesicular erup- tion on lids and face; with excessive photophobia. (Ant. c, Hep. s) * Pustules terminating in ulcers and ulcerations of the cornea, with much pain in the supra-ciliary region and eruptions on the face. Burning pain in inflamed eye, with burning in ear, vertigo and fainting. Copious lachrymation; eyelids puffed. Euphrasia.—Kerato-iritis after injuries and surgical operations upon eyes; sticking pains; burning, smarting, lachrymation very excoriating. Feeling as though cornea was covered with much mucus; it obscures vision and obliges him to frequently close and press lids together (Croc); lids swollen and red. Cornea ulcerated; lids swollen, thickened, deprived of their ciliae, and covered with small ulcerations. (Graph., Merc) Ulcer and pannus extending from above downward to center of cornea; profuse, thick, acrid discharge; lids thick and red; photophobia and pains worse in daylight, relieved by wiping eyes. Keratitis pustulosa; very vascular; intense photophobia; profuse purulent discharge; hot, scalding lachrymation. Catarrhal or strumous inflammation of cornea and con- junctiva. 188 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. Graphites.—* Ulcer on cornea, with a few small vessels running to it; with moist fissured eczematous eruptions. (Mes) * Pustules on cornea and conjunctiva, with much lachry- mation ; corners of lids raw, and bleed easily. Deep ulcers of cornea with hypopion. (Calc. hypoph., Hep. s., Si I) Especially in chronic recurrent forms of ulcers. * Chronic pustular keratitis; recurrent attacks, great photophobia, profuse lachrymation, burning and aching in eyes; sneezing upon opening them ; external canthi cracked and bleed easily; thin, acid discharge from eyes; nose sore, surrounded by thick, moist scabs. Keratitis pustulosa, with vascular cornea and pannus. Old recurrent pustular keratitis with no pain or photo- phobia. Herpes cornea, when combined with a chronic eczema, which covers face and eyelids like a mask. Burning, smarting, aching in eyes. Frequent lachrymation; thin acrid discharge from eyes. Hamamelis.—Abrasion of cornea from a blow or a burn. (Aeon., Aur. met) Hepar Sulph.—* Cornea dim, opaque and bulging; ulcer, hypopion; fever, with pressing, burning, bruised pain in eyes, extending into head. * Ulcers and abscesses of cornea; hypopion; profuse lachrymation; great redness of conjunctiva; chemosis; pains severe, of a throbbing, aching, stinging character, relieved from warmth ; wants to keep eye covered, worse from a draught of air; lids swollen, spasmodically closed, and very sensitive to touch; bleed easily on opening them. (SiL) Pustules of the cornea. Opacities of the cornea. * Kerato-iritis with ulceration of cornea, hypopion, sensi- tive to air and touch. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 189 Acute aggravation of pannus, which tends towards ulcer- ation, especially in mercurius subjects. Recurring ulceration of cornea in scrofulous subjects. * Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, especially in phleg- matic, fat, large bellied children, with fine white skin, light hair, thick neck and swollen glands, subject to ulcera- tions and eruptions of the skin. (Calc. c) Chronic inflammation of eyes, with great photophobia, lachrymation and mucous discharge; formation of ulcer with pressing burning pains, as if eyes were bruised. *Eyes very red, great photophobia, lids red and swollen, with burning pains in affected parts; eyes very sore to touch. Hydrastis.—Opacity of cornea; scrofulous ophthalmia, with or without ulceration; thick mucous discharge. Profuse secretion of tears; smarting of eyes; burning of eyes and lids. Hyoscyamus.—Excessive photophobia, in scrofulous ophthalmia. (Ipec) Ignatia.—Two chipping ulcers at upper margin of right cornea, with periorbital pains, sharp, sticking, gen- erally in one spot in superciliary ridge, temple or side of head. Herpes of the cornea. Sensation as of sand in eyes. (Caust., Hep. s., Sulph) Ipecacuanha. — * Phlyctenules, pustules and ulcers of the cornea, accompanied by great photophobia, lachry- mation and redness, especially in children. (Calc. iod., Cham., Hep. s) Cornea infiltrated, intense pain, tearing in character. Violent neuralgia of the eyeballs, shooting into the head, with gushes of tears, nausea, etc. Jacea.—Scrofulous ophthalmia, with crusta lactea, lids much swollen and inflamed ; face covered with a raw look- ing excoriated eruption. Kali Bich.—* Indolent ulcers of the cornea without any special symptoms. (Kali m) 190 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--CORNEA. * Ulcers and pustules of the cornea with photophobia; no redness. * Ulcers with slight photophobia in the morning and agglutination; smarting, worse on rubbing, stringy dis- charge from the eye; marked redness. *True descemetitis; fine punctate opacities in descemets membrane, especially over pupil, with only moderate irri- tation of the eye. (Kali iod., Kali in.) Kali Iod.—Pustules of cornea, no photophobia, pain or redness. Chemosis; purulent secretion; eyes burn and are red from lachrymation in scrofulous ophthalmia, especially after mercury. Descemetitis. Kali Mur.—* Parenchymatous keratitis, infiltration of cornea; occasional pain; moderate redness and photo- phobia. (Can. sat) Superficial flat ulcer of cornea, arising from a vesicle. Ulcers of asthenic type, tedious cases, redness not excess- ive, begins at periphery and spreads to outer base, dirty white, yellow, discharge moderate. * Opaque spots on cornea, maculae, onyx, hypopion. Kalmia Latifolia.—Parenchymatous keratitis. (Aur., met., Bar. iod., Calc. phos., Can. sat., Kali m., Merc.) Eye symptoms worse in evening and in open air. Pain in eyes, worse on turning them. Kreosotum.—Acute aggravations of chronic keratitis; hot, smarting lachrymation, aggravated by bright light. Heat in eyes with ulceration. Lachesis.—Scrofulous keratitis, with eruption on face, considerable photophobia and pain in eyes and head, worse in the morning and after sleeping. Ulcers on cornea; haziness. Magnesia Carb.—Obscuration of cornea. Scrofulous ophthalmia, with opacities on cornea. Inflammation of eyes, with redness, burning, stinging and obscuration of sight. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 191 Mercurius.—Cornea dim, red, surrounded by puffy swelling, like raw meat; burning; photophobia; like sparks of fire before eyes; stitches deep in eyes and in tem- ples ; eyelids dry and swollen. Ulcers of cornea, vascular and surrounded by grayish opacity; pus between corneal layers (onyx). (Hep. s) Pustules on cornea, with photophobia and lachrymation ; redness; aggravated at night. Vesicles on margin of cornea; eyes feel worse at night; watery eruption on face; hair falls out; nose swollen internally, cracked and unhealthy. Lachrymation profuse, burning, and excoriating. (Ars. alb., Euphr) Keratitis parenchymatosa syphilitica. (Aur. met., Can. sat., Kali iod., Kali in., Merc, prot) Keratitis, with hypopion; pain very severe at night, eye feeling as if it were a ball of fire; hot lachrymation. (Hep. s) Grayish white spots on cornea; photophobia ; lies on face; nose and lips swollen; copious thick, green, acrid discharge from nose, excoriating nose and upper lip; glands swollen; patient irritable, impatient, cries. Mercurius Cor.—* Kerato-iritis; posterior synechia; causes them to soften. (Merc, dulc) Hypopion, occurring in abscess of cornea. * Phlyctenules and ulcers on cornea of scrofulous chil- dren, extending rapidly; ichorous discharge, intense pain, photophobia, and lachrymation. Cannot look or open eyes, eyelids swollen, great photo- phobia and profuse lachrymation. Small ulcer on cornea. * Chronic ulceration of the cornea. Small, unclean, red ulcer at edge of cornea, with much itching and burning. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes; lids red, greatly swol- len and spasmodically closed, photophobia, profuse lachry- mation, cornea vascular. 192 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. Mercurius Dulcis.—Pustules, phlyctenules, and ulcers of the cornea in strumous subjects, accompanied by erup- tions on face, soreness of nose and swollen upper lip. Inflammation, occurring in pale, flabby, scrofulous sub- jects. (Calc c) Phlyctenular ophthalmia, with ciliary blepharitis, accom- panied by eruption on face. (Graph) Mercurius Nitrosus.—* Pustules and ulcers of the cornea ; repeated attacks. (Hep. s., Merc, prot) Burning pain, lachrymation, photophobia, great sensi- tiveness to heat and cold; sharp sticking pain (Hep. s) Staphyloma, with kerato-iritis. Mercurius Praecip. Rub.—Trachoma and pannus chronica; cornea covered by a pannus of high degree, marked redness; discharge acrid. Mercurius Prot.—* Ulceration of cornea, accompanied by great redness of eyeball, photophobia, lachrymation and pain in and around eye; tongue coated at base. * Ulcers occurring in course of pannus and conjunctivitis trachomatosa. (Aur. met) Pannus and trachoma. Large and excavating ulcer on upper part of cornea, with several small ulcers on lower border; great photophobia. Serpiginous ulceration of the cornea, commencing at margin and extending over whole cornea, or a portion, especially the upper part of it. * Pustules and ulcers of cornea; cornea vascular; con- junctiva reddened, pain, photophobia ; tongue coated yel- low at base. Photophobia. Natrum Carb.—Small corneal ulcers or phlyctenules, with great photophobia and stinging pains, particularly in scrofulous children. Stitches in eyes from within out. Dermoid swelling of the conjunctiva. Natrum Mur.—Ulceration of the cornea, after cauter- izing with Nitrate of Silver; dread of light; child buries APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 193 head in pillow; lids swollen, bleed on opening them ; much lachrymation, and eruption on face and lips; sharp pierc- ing pain above right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache, worse in the evening. Ulcers on cornea, with blepharitis, smarting and burn- ing ; feeling of sand in the eyes in the morning; acrid, excoriating tears; photophobia marked, with spasmodic closure of lids. Scrofulous ulcers on cornea, with photophobia. Blisters on cornea; white spots; acts specially on the vitreous body. Keratitis pustulosa, with granular lids. Nitric Acid.—Dark spots on cornea; dim and ulcer- ated ; superficial ulcers of cornea. Phlyctenules which become flat ulcers. Scrofulous ophthalmia; lids much inflamed and swollen, intense photophobia, excessive lachrymation; complicated with shallow ulcers on cornea. Burning in eyes; aching; pressure like sand; biting; stinging; stitches. Nux Vomica.—Ulcers and pustules on cornea, with excessive photophobia; morning aggravation; much lach- rymation ; sharp darting pain in eye and over it, in some cases extending to top of head and always worse in the morning. Large corneal ulcers; excessive photophobia in the morning; sharp darting pains. Neuro-paralytic keratitis. Psorinum.—* Pustular keratitis; lids spasmodically closed; intense photophobia and profuse flow of hot tears; pustular eruption on face or head. (Hep. s) Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea and conjunc- tiva; chronic form; scrofulous subjects. (Calc. iod.) Scrofulous inflammation of eyes; ulceration of cornea. Right eye red, internally and externally; vesicles; erup- tion on head. Ophthalmia, with pressive pains as if sand in eyes. 194 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. Pulsatilla.—Pustules on cornea and conjunctiva; little photophobia; some redness, and a profuse bland white or yellow discharge. Keratitis pustulosa, with much lachrymation and photo- phobia; itching in eyes. Small ulcers of the cornea, with no vascular supply, especially in strumous subjects; with considerable photo- phobia and pain; feeling of sand in eyes. Ulcers of the cornea; thick white or yellow, bland dis- charge, relieved in open air. Rhus Tox.—* Pustules and superficial ulcers of the cornea, with great photophobia, conjunctiva quite red, even to chemosis. Lids red and swollen, oedematous, spasmodically closed; profuse gush of tears on opening them; yellow, purulent, mucous discharge. Suppuration of the cornea, especially when consequent of cataract extraction. Kerato-iritis, especially if rheumatic in character, from cold or damp atmosphere. Scrotulous ophthalmia; phlyctenules on and about cornea ; intense photophobia, eyelids spasmodically closed ; yellow pus gushes out when they are forced open; pains worse at night. Secale Cor.—Suppuration of the cornea, aggravated by warm applications. Sepia.—Pustules of cornea, no pain or photophobia, worse in evening; corners of mouth cracked. Eye hot and dry; smarting pains; feeling of sand. Keratitis parenchymatosa, with uterine trouble. Inflammatory affections of arthritic character, conjunc- tiva dull red, some photophobia, and swelling of lids; worse in mornings. Silicea.—Kerato-iritis, with hypopion. (Calc hypoph., Hep. s) Perforating or sloughing ulcer of the cornea; sticking APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. 195 pains night and morning, relieved by covering up head warm. (Hep. s) Small, round ulcers, with tendency to perforate, espe- cially if situated near centre of cornea; non-vascular. Eyes painful, as if too dry and full of sand in morning. (Hep. s., Sulph) Deep or crescentic ulcers of the cornea ; sticking pains night and morning; sloughing ulcers of the cornea; hypo- pion. (Hep. s., Merc, prot) Tearing, shooting, or at times throbbing, stinging pains in eyes in paroxysms. Pustular keratitis after psoriasis. Spots and cicatrices on cornea. Corneal fistula. Pannus of cornea. Fungus haematodes. Spigelia.—* Scrofulous keratitis, accompanied by the characteristic sharp, radiating pains. Staphysagria.—Lacerated or incised wounds of the cornea; after operations for cataract. Sulphur.—* Superficial and deep ulcers of the cornea, redness of eye and photophobia; sticking pain; feeling of sand in eyes; like needles sticking in eye. Pannus, in patients of a strumous diathesis, true pannus crassum. Hypopion, with deep ulceration of centre of cornea. * Pustular inflammation of the cornea, with marked lachrymation and photophobia; pains sharp, sticking as if a needle were sticking in the eye. Specks or ulcers on cornea; opacities. * Eyes feel hot, dry, itching and burning; cutting pains. Keratitis parenchymatosa in scrofulous subjects, cornea like ground glass, photophobia, lids swollen and bleed easily. Syphilinum.—Chronic recurring phlyctenular inflam- mation of cornea, successive crops of phlyctenules and ab- scesses and abrasions of epithelial layer of the cornea; 196 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CORNEA. intense photophobia, profuse lachrymation; redness and pain well marked; delicate, scrofulous children, especially if any trace of hereditary syphilis remains. Thuja.—Inflammation of cornea; ulcerations of a syphi- litic origin; hypopion. (Calc. c, Hep. s., Hyos., SiL) Vascular tumor of the cornea. Eyes feel better when covered up warmly; if uncovered feel as if a cold air was blowing out through them. (Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor) Inflammation of cornea, with excessive photophobia. Keratitis after vaccination. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. 197 IRIS AND CILIARY BODY. Aconite.—* Useful in the hyperaemic stages, especially when due to a cold; ciliary injection, sluggish and con- tracted pupil; sensation of burning and dryness in the eye. Shooting pains in the supra-orbital ridge, to right temple and cheek, and into teeth, worse by pressure toward evening. Eyeball feels enlarged, as if coming out of socket. (Actea r., BelL, CommocL, Guar, t., Guaiae, Lachesis.) Apis.—Serous iritis, and other forms of iritis. Aching, sore, pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, sting- ing, burning pains in and around eyes, and in forehead. Dilated pupil in meningitis. Arnica.—* Traumatic iritis; intense redness and sore- ness of eyeball; pain in forehead, extending into head, worse at night. Bruised iris after cataract operation and extraction. Traumatic mydriasis. Has dilated pupils, with sensitiveness to light. Has contraction of pupil, with cloudiness of head. Feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, with intense headache. Shooting, tearing pain in both eyes and surrounding parts, worse in bed and by warmth. Severe ciliary neuralgia. Arsenicum Alb.—Burning pains over the orbit, worse at night, with profuse lachrymation, in kerato-iritis. Ciliary neuralgia, with fine, burning pains, worse at night and after midnight, relieved by warm applications. Pupils contracted or dilated. Asafoetida.—* Iritis and irido-cyclitis, especially syphi- litic, with burning pain in eyebrows and eyes, boring from within outward, worse at night, relieved by rest and pres- sure (Aur. met., boring from without in, worse by pressure). Pupil contracted; adhesions. 198 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. Sharp pains extending though the eye into the head. Nocturnal throbbing pains in and around eyes and head. Periodic burning pains in the eyes and pressing together of the lids as if overcome by sleep. Pain in right parietal as from a deeply penetrating plug. Pinching, drawing across supra-orbital region. Atropia.—Dilated pupils. Sharp neuralgic pains in and around eyes. Intermittent neuralgic pains under left orbit running back to ear. Aurum Met.—* Iritis and kerato-iritis, especially if syphilitic, marked by great pain around eyes deep in bone, extending from without inward, worse by touch (Asafcet., pain from within out, relieved by rest and pressure). Bones around eye feel bruised. Pupils contracted. Pressive pain from above downward in right eyeball; pressive pain inward in right eyeball, worse during motion. (Bry., Spig.) Pain in eyes of a dull, burning character, compelling one to close the lids, worse in the morning and relieved by application of cold water. Badiaga.—Quick succession of dilatation and contrac- tion of pupils. Severe intermittent pain in posterior part of right eye- ball extending to forehead and temple after 3 p. m. Pupil irregular. Pupil immovable. Headache with aching in posterior part of eyeball, worse on turning eyes; eyeballs tender. Soreness of left eyeball, even when closing it lightly. Belladonna.—Early stages of iritis, caused from cold ; or chronic plastic iritis, with much redness and severe throbbing pain in the eye and head, worse at night. Eye- ball sensitive to touch, congestion of face, etc. Bryonia.—Irido-choroiditis; great ciliary injection, pus in anterior chamber; opacities in vitreous. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. 199 Eyeball sore on moving it, and darting pains from left eye through head, with heaviness of head in afternoon. * Rheumatic iritis caused by colds, with steady aching pain in back part of eye, extending through to occiput, or down into the face, worse at night and on motion; feeling as if they were being forced out of the socket. Soreness and aching around eyeball. Cedron.—In iritis or kerato-iritis, where there is a malarial history, symptoms aggravated every other day, and accompanied by severe ciliary, periodical neuralgia, especially over the left eye. Neuralgia of the supra-orbital nerve and also right side of face, coming on every other day, generally about 9 A. M. Severe pain in the eyeball, radiating pains all around the eye, shooting into the nose. In cases with a malarial history; symptoms have marked periodicity. (Chin, ars., Chin, mur) China.—Ciliary neuralgia dependent upon iritis follow- ing malarial disease. Excessive pain as if a knife were thrust in the orbital cavity, ft 0111 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Iritis from loss of blood. Chininum Mur.—In iritis, severe neuralgic pain in and above the eyes, periodic in character, especially in malarial cases. Cinnabaris.—* In iritis, especially syhilitic and if accom- panied by a condyloma of the iris; has pain commencing at inner canthus, extending under the brow to outer or all around the eye, worse at night. Clematis Erecta.—Iritis, with posterior synechia; usu- ally much heat and dryness of the eye, and great sensitive- ness to cold air,. to light and bathing; said to have a marked action on adhesions. (Merc, cor., Mere dule) Pain in the middle of the left eyeball. Pressure in the orbits when moving the eyes. Colchicum.—Rheumatic iritis, with great soreness of the eyeball. 14 200 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. Painful rending, tearing drawing pain in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput. Spasmodic pains in head, especially over eyes. Kerato-iritis, with hypopion. Violent sharp tearing pain, in and around left eyeball. Sensation of constriction in ciliary region, with great desire for rest. Croton Tig.—Iritis, with pustular eruption on the face. Ciliary injection, with considerable pain in and around the eye, usually worse at night. Pain extending from pupil of left eye to back of head. Tensive pain above the right orbit. Soreness in eyeballs when turning the eyes. (Bry., Spig) Euphrasia.—Rheumatic iritis, with constant aching and occasional darting pain in eye, always worse at night; ciliary injection, photophobia, aqueous humor cloudy, and iris discolored and bound down with adhesions. Kerato-iritis after injuries and surgical operations upon the eyes; stitching pains; burning, smarting, lachryma- tion, excoriating. Gelsemium.—Pupils dilated, iris sluggish, vision nearly lost; aching pain in and around eyes. Orbital neuralgia, periodic, every day at the same hour. (Cedron, Chin, mur) * Serous iritis, with deposits on cornea, pupil dilated, vitreous hazy with floating opacities. Terrible neuralgia extending from upper part of spine, through upper part of brain terminating in bursting pain in eyeball and forehead, aggravated by lying down; sensa- tion of band around head. Grindelia Rob.—Iritis, traumatic, or arising from cold or metastasis of rheumatism, the pain is intense and the fever runs high. Pain in eyeball running directly back to brain, worse from moving eyes. Hamamelis.—Traumatic iritis, with hemorrhage into iris. (Am) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. 201 Hepar Sulph.—* Iritis with hypopion, photophobia, onyx. Iritis in connection with suppurative keratitis and cy- clitis; pus in anterior chamber; has pressing, boring or throbbing in the eye; ameliorated by warmth, and aggra- vated by motion; eye tender to touch and very much inflamed. Hyoscyamus.—Pupil dilated, insensible. Hypericum.—Pain and irritation of eye from an anterior synechia, resulting from an injury several years previous. Iodum.—Iritis of syphilitic origin. Dilatation of pupils with constant motion of eyeballs. Kali Bich.—Rheumatic sclero-iritis, with excessive pain and photophobia. * In descemetitis with fine punctated spots on posterior surface of cornea; pupil sluggish. Iris muddy and sluggish; fine sclerotic injection around it, and some conjunctival injection; sight dim; lachryma- tion on exposure. Shooting pains over eyebrow. Pain in left side of head and over left eye, worse at night. Kali Iod.—* Syphilitic iritis; iris swollen and aqueous cloudy; ciliary injection; pain severe, worse at night; photophobia, lachrymation. Iritis after abuse of Mercury. Useful in kerato-iritis, in scrofular subjects. Mercurius.—Iritis syphilitica; pain around eyes, on forehead and in temples, worse from touch; throbbing shooting pain in eyes; hypopion; pains severe, tearing, boring, cutting, worse at night and in damp weather; much heat around eye and much soreness of corresponding side of head; great sensitiveness to heat, cold and light; acrid lachrymation; pupil contracted; adhesions; ciliary injection; iris discolored. Mercurius Cor.—* Iritis syphilitica, or idiopathica; 202 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. pains severe over eyes and through them, through head and in temples, worse at night. Pain behind eyeball, as if it would be forced out. (Actea r., BelL, Co 111 mod., Guar. /., Guaiae, Lachesis.) * Kerato-iritis; posterior synechia. Tearing as if above left eye, near root of nose, and in other parts of bone. * Hypopion occurring in abscess of cornea or iritis. Mercurius Dulc.—Iritis with posterior synechia, which do not tear under a mydriatic; promotes absorption of plastic adhesions. Mercurius Prot.—* Kerato-iritis accompanied by in- tense redness and pain; tongue coated yellow at base. Natrum Mur.—Iritis; pupil contracted; iris discolored; violent stitches in temple on looking into light, or when light is changed. Natrum Salicyl.—Iritis with intense ciliary neuralgia, especially resulting from operations on the eye. Nitric Acid.—Iritis; pressing, stinging as if an ulcer were being pressed; pains worse in change of temperature, at night and on touching parts; acrid lachrymation; con- tinued relapses; old cases spoiled by Mercury; posterior synechia. Nux Vomica.—Dilatation of pupils from spinal irrita- tion. Opium.—The pupils are dilated and insensible to light; contracted or sluggish. Petroleum.—Syphilitic iritis, accompanied by occipital headache. Pain in eyes pressing or stitching, and skin around the eyes dry and scurfy. Plumbum Met.—Hypopion after iritis, extending up nearly to center of cornea; nightly tearing pains in eyes and forehead; could hardly distinguish day from night. Prunus Spin.—Irido-choroiditis, no fluidity of vitreous. Iritis; ciliary neuralgia, pain as if eyeball were crushed, or as if pressed asunder. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. 203 Sharp shooting pain, extending through.eye back into brain, or above, in, or around eye. Irido-cyclitis, with anterior synechia. Rhododendron.—*In iritis, where the pains are worse before a storm. Rhus Tox.—Iritis, either rheumatic or traumatic origin, or from exposure to wet; inflammation may extend to choroid; pains shoot through eye to back of head, worse at night; profuse flow of tears, hot, on opening eyes. Lids oedematous, spasmodically closed; gushing of tears on opening them. Chemosis; pains around eyes worse at night, especially after midnight and in damp weather. Mydriasis from exposure to cold and dampness. Silicea.—Irido-choroiditis, great tenderness of the eye to touch, deep ciliary injection, contraction of pupil, posterior synechia, sensitive to draft of air, relieved by warmth. (Hep. s) Pains in head relieved by wrapping head up warm ; hot compresses; warm room and lying down. Ciliary neuralgia, especially over right eye, darting pains through eyes and head, worse by air or before storm. Spigelia.—Rheumatic iritis; sharp shooting pain from eye into head, as if radiating from one point; pain on turning eyes; eyes feel too large. Violent pains in left temple; over left eye; periodical. (Cedron) Intense pressive pain in eyeballs, especially on turning them. (Bry., Kalm) Stapyhsagria.—Syphilitic iritis, with bursting pain in eyeball, temple and side of face, worse from evening to morning, and upon using eyes by any light. Syphilinum.—Syphilitic iritis, intense pain, increasing at night, worse between two and five a. m. Iritis, with photophobia, congestion of conjunctiva and sclera; chemosis, pupil immovable, dim sight, supra- orbital pain. 204 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—IRIS. Rheumatic iritis. Terebinthina.—Rheumatic iritis; frequent desire to urinate, pain in region of kidneys, burning in urethra, dark urine; suppression of habitual foot-sweat. Intense pains in the eye and head. Pain excessive, varies in character, so severe at times as to almost drive patient crazy, especially severe over and around eye, extending through to occiput on correspond- ing side, always worse at night, especially between one and three a. m. Thuja.—Large wart-like .excrescences on iris, with sharp, sticking pain in eyes, worse at night, relieved by warmth; heat around eye and side of face, tearing pain above left eye. Gumma of iris. * Pains in eyes and head increased or brought on by chewing food. Tearing pain in left eyebrow, relieved after touching. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CHOROID. 205 CHOROID. Aconite.—In first stages of suppurative choroiditis, with high fever and thirst. Eyelids red, swollen, hot and dry; pain in eye. Apis.—In suppurative choroiditis, where lids are oede- matous and chemosed; stinging pains through the eye. Conjunctiva very red and oedematous. (Hep. s., Phyt., Rhus, t) Asafcetida.—Choroiditis syphilitica, with severe boring pains above the brows, from within out (from without in Aur), especially at night, relieved by rest and pressure. Aurum Met.—* Chorio-retinitis, especially if there be exudation into the choroid, ^retina and vitreous. Chorio-retinitis chronica. Opacities in vitreous. Pain above eye in brain, boring from without in, aggra- vated by rest and pressure. Atrophic spots and proliferation of pigment in choroid. Especially indicated in syphilitic cases. (Kali iod., Merc) Chorio-retinitis syphilitica; vitreous, hazy, with floating opacities. (Kali iod) Objects appear as if covered with a veil. (Bar. e, Caust., Petrol., Puis., Sulph) Belladonna. — In hyperaemic stage, especially dis- seminate variety, accompanied by congestive headaches. Hyperaemia of the optic disc and retina; veins enlarged; may have ciliary injection and photophobia. Bryonia.—Irido-choroiditis; ciliary injection and pain, worse on motion; vitreous hazy ; opacities. Serous choroidits; vitreous hazy; increased tension; eyeball sore to touch and motion. (Gels.) Gelsemium.—* Serous choroiditis (Bry); iritic compli- cations ; vision varies during the day. Vitreous hazy; opacities. 206 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CHOROID. Chorio-retinitis, in which there seems to be a bluish smoke before vision. (Gels., Merc, Phos., Sulph) Hepar Sulph.—In suppurative choroiditis; lids very much swollen and oedematous; chemosis of conjunctiva; hypopion. Eyeball very tender to touch. Kali Iod.—Irido-choroiditis syphilitica. (Merc, cor.) * Exudative choroiditis syphilitica, or otherwise, with opacities of the vitreous. (Aur. met., Mere.) * Choroiditis disseminata syphilitica. (Aur. met., Merc.) Vision hazy. Kalmia Latifolia.—*Sclero-choroiditis anterior, with opacities in vitreous. Mercurius.—Choroiditis, especially if dependent on syphilis. Mercurius Cor.—* Chorio-retinitis. syphilitica. (Aur. met., Kali iod.) In various forms of choroiditis, especially if due to syphilis. Nux Vomica.—Chorio-retinitis, with throbbing pain, especially in the left eye, worse in morning, eyeball sore to touch, upper part of sclera bright red, burning pain in eye, not relieved by bathing, symptoms worse on lying down. Choroiditis disseminata in persons addicted to the use of stimulants. Phosphorus.—Chorio-retinitis due to straining the eyes and excessive use of tobacco. Atrophied spots in the choroid; retina hazy. Choroid hyperaemia. Vitreous turbid; opacities; muscae volitantes. Phytolacca. —* Suppurative choroiditis (panophthal- mitis) lids enormously swollen; very hard and red. Prunus Spinosa.—Chorio-retinitis in myopic patients, with sclerectasia posterior and fluidity of vitreous, with floating opacities. (Phys) Choroiditis, with or without retinal complications. Psorinum.—Serous choroiditis; ciliary congestion, hazi- APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—CHOROID. 207 ness of vitreous, optic disc hyperaemic; headache, espe- cially in the moning. Rhus Tox.—* Threatened irido-choroiditis, suppuration and panophthalmitis, after operations on the eye, especially cataract extraction. Eyelids swollen and oedematous. Chemosis of con- junctiva; profuse lachrymation. Ruta Grav.—Choroiditis in a myopic eye, caused by straining the eye; much pain in eyes on trying to look at objects, heat in the eye, though it seems cold, and twitch- ing in the eyeballs. Sulphur.—Chorio-retinitis and choroiditis. Opacities in the vitreous from choroidal exudations. 208 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. RETINA AND OPTIC NERVE. Amyl Nit.—Arteries of the optic disc small, veins dilated, varicose and tortuous. Vision dim; blurred when reading, halo even with eyes closed and shaded. Apis.—In detachment of the retina by fluid; retina oedematous. (Gels.) Vision indistinct as if a skin drawn over eyes. (Gels., Merc., Phos., Su Iph.) Pressive pain in lower part of eyeball. Stinging pain through eyes. Arnica.—Retinal hemorrhages. (BelL, Crotal. h., Lach- esis, Phos) Vision of sparks; blurred vision; sees half of an object. Arsenicum Alb. — Retinitis albuminurica. (Gels., Kalm., Merc) Flickering before eyes. Sees objects as through a white gauze. Photophobia; flickering when eyes are closed; shining particles float backward and forward. (Agar., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph) Loss of vision from use of tobacco. (Nux v., Phos.) Horizontal sight; sees only in lower part of field. Asafoetida.—In retinitis syphilitica with severe boring, burning pains above the brows especially at night, relieved by rest and pressure. Nocturnal throbbing pain in and around eyes and in head. Aurum Met.—* Chorio-retinitis chronica; opacities of vitreous. Color of optic nerve entrance of a greenish hue, except around periphery, which was yellowish-white; trace of pigmentary deposit on lower edge of optic disc of left eye. Detachment of the retina. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. 209 * Chorio-retinitis syphilitica; vitreous hazy with floating opacities. Fog or smoke before the eyes; can see only upper half of objects. Objects seem as if covered with a veil. (Gels., Merc, Phos., Puis., Sulph.) Momentary loss of vision. Black spots before the eyes (CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph), especially if previously overdosed with Mercury and Iodide of Potash. Hemiopia, upper half of vision covered as with a dark body. Belladonna.—Apoplexy of the retina, from suppressed menstruation, with cerebral congestion. (Puis., Ver. v.) The optic disc congested; retinal arteries and veins en- larged, especially the veins. (Buboisin) Optic neuritis, veins large, flashes of light before the eyes and pains in the head. (Phos.) Black spots before the eyes. (Agar., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Hyperaemia and inflammation of the optic nerve and retina. (Buboisin) Flashes of light before the eyes. (CycL, Glon., Kali carb., Phos., Sulph.) Hyperaesthesia of the retina. Chromopsia, everything looks red. (Phos.) Flickering before eyes; sparks; dimness of vision. (Agar., CycL, Gels., Merc, Phos., Sulph) Halo around candle light; red color predominates. (green, Phos) Bryonia.—In serous retinitis or hyperaemia of the optic nerve and retina, with a bluish haze before the vision (Gels), and sharp pain through the eye and over it. Hyperaemia of the optic nerve and retina. (BelL, Buboisin) Opacities in vitreous. 2IO APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--RETINA. Carboneum Sulph.—Retrobulbar neuritis; disc pale and hazy; veins engorged; arteries small. Vision misty; field of vision contracted. Central scotoma for red and green. Paleness of the internal segment of the optic nerve, with excavation of papilla. Extravasation of blood into vitreous; opacities. Progressive atrophy of the optic nerve. Appearance of optic nerve like smoked glass. Obscuration of the field of vision. Objects appear yellow. (Alumina, Canth., Chelid., China, Iod., Podo., Plumb, met) Photophobia. China.—Retinal asthenopia, with transient blindness or flickering before the eyes, after sexual excess. (Gels., Phos. ac) Weakness of vision, frequently associated with spinal irritation and soreness of the spine, worse at night when lying down. Eyes sensitive to bright sunlight. Conium Mac.—* Hyperaesthesia of retina. (Lad. ac.) Vision weak, with dazzling and vertigo, and general debility. Fundus congested, with great photophobia. Objects look red; rainbow colored. (Bell.) Sensation as if something like a fringe was falling over eyes. Crotalus Hor.—Hemorrhages into the retina. (BelL, Lachesis, Phos.) Amblyopia caused by grief and overuse of eyes; cutting pain around eyes. Retinitis albuminurica and syphilitica. (Kalm., Mere cor) Muscae volitantes and various colored flames. Digitalis.—Detachment of the retina. (Gels.) Anaemia of retina and optic nerve. Objects appear pale and have a greenish look. (Phos) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. 211 Hemiopia, as if upper part of field of vision were covered by a dark cloud, evenings while walking. Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors; sees hairs or dark specks before eyes. Duboisin.—* Neuro-retinitis; veins of optic nerve en- larged and tortuous; arteries smaller; optic disc outlines red and indistinct (Bell); intellect dull; memory poor; deafness. Hyperaemia of retina, associated with weakness of accom- modation. Fundus of the eye generally very hyperaemic. Gelsemium.—Cloud over outer half of field of vision of left eye, due to subretinal effusion. (Right half, Lith. carb., Lye) * Chorio-retinitis, in which there seems to be a bluish smoke before vision. (Mere, Phos., Sulph) * Misty or glimmering appearance before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph., Thuja) Dimness of sight and vertigo. (Coni) Blindness, with dilated pupil. Amaurosis, from masturbation, mind and body pros- trated. (China, Phos. ac) Smoky appearance before eyes, with pain above them. (Merc, Phos., Sulph) Great aversion to light. Swimming black specks before eyes. (China, Lith. carb., Magu. e, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Vitreous hazy; opacities. * Detachment of the retina, haziness of vitreous, serous inflammation of choroid and retina. (Aur. met) Vision as of a snake before it. (Arg. nit) * Detachment of the retina from myopia cured. Retinitis albuminurica during pregnancy, accompanied by white patches and extravasation of blood throughout the retina. (Kalm., Merc, cor) Ignatia.—Hyperaesthesia of retina, with hysteria ; in- 212 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. tense photophobia (Aeon., BelL, Merc, Sulph); ciliary neuralgia; general nervous symptoms. Zigzag and serpentine white flickering at one side of field of vision. Asthenopia and amblyopia in females, due to onanism. (China, Gels) Kali Iod.—* Retro-bulbar neuritis; optic nerve slightly hazy, veins congested, arteries small, blindness (Carbon. sulph); syphilitic. *Neuro-retinitis syphilitica; vitreous hazy; opacities. (Merc) Atrophy of retina and optic nerve, due to syphilis. * Vision dim and foggy; sees objects indistinctly. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Kali carb., Lachesis, Lye, Mere, Phos., Puis., Sulph) Kali Mur.—Irritable retina. *Vitreous hazy; opacities. (Aur. met., Gels., Phos., Sulph) Chorio-retinitis. Atrophy of choroid and retina. Retinal exudation. Kali Phos.—Weak sight, from exhausted condition of optic nerve. Kalmia Latifolia.—Retinitis albuminurica, occurring during pregnancy. (Gels., Merc.) Nephritic retinitis, accompanied by much pain in back, as if it would break. (Mere cor) Glimmering before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Alerc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Vision imperfect. Lachesis.—Retinitis apoplectica(Zte//., Crotal. h.,Merc, Phos); absorbs hemorrhage; controls inflammatory symp- toms, and diminishes tendency to retinal extravasation. Dimness of vision, much black flickering before eyes. (Agar., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph)' Fiery rings about light, with fiery rays. Flickering before eyes, as from rays of sun. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. 213 Lactic Acid.—Hyperaesthesia of the retina, steady ach- ing pain in eye and behind eyeball. Photophobia. (Coni) Pupil dilated. Lithium Carb.—Retinal anaemia, threatening blindness. Entire vanishing of right half of whatever looked at. (Lye) Mercurius.—Retinitis, especially if dependent upon syphilis; retina very sensitive to glare of fire. Failing of vision; temporary loss of vision. Disease of the optic nerve and retina, occurring in workers in foundries. Blinded by fire light. Vision worse from heat and glare of fire; also from day- light. Fog before eyes. Mercurius Cor.—* Retinitis hemorrhagica. (BelL, Crotal. h., Lachesis, Phos) * Retinitis albuminurica. (Kalm) *Neuro-retinitis syphilitica; retina hazy, often accom- panied by choroiditis. Retinitis, with marked nocturnal aggravation and sensi- tive to glare of fire. Degeneration of blood vessels, with hemorrhage into the retina. (Crotal. h., Lachesis, Phos) Natrum Mur.—Retinal images are retained too long. Amblyopia and amaurosis; pupils contracted; depend- ent upon menstrual losses or chlorosis. Amblyopia from debilitating, nervous losses. Hyperaesthesia of the retina; lachrymation and burning in the morning; conjunctiva injected; photophobia; stick- ing in temples; on reading, objects seem to swim before eyes. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects; black spots and streaks of light; sudden darkness; everything turns black. Dim vision, as if looking through gauze or feathers. Amaurosis from debilitating nervous losses. 214 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. Nux Vomica.—* Atrophy of the optic nerve. * Impaired vision in consequence of abuse of liquor and tobacco. Vision obscured. Hyperaesthesia of the retina; pains on top of the head; sleeplessness; awakes irritable in the morning; the least attempt to use the eyes is followed by intense pains and spasmodic motion of different ocular muscles. Photophobia, in morning, with obscuration of vision. Dilatation of pupils from spinal irritation. Glittering appearance in field of vision, also black and gray floating points. Streaks like lightning before eyes. Osmium.—Veins of fundus large and tortuous. (BelL, Buboisin) Weakness of sight, could not tell night from day. Flame from candle larger, confused; rainbow ring around it. (Alumina, Anac or., BelL, Cycl., Bigit., Fer. met., Phos., Sulph) Phosphoric Acid.—Amblyopia; optic nerve appears torpid; caused by debilitating losses. (China, Gels., Phos.) Phosphorus.—Retina hazy, blurred; optic disc red, somewhat swollen, margin indistinct; vitreous turbid; opacities; vision dim. Congestion of the retina, eyeball sore on motion; no photophobia; pains extending from eyes to top of head. All objects appear to be covered with a veil. (Bar. c, Caust., Euphr., Petrol., Puis., Sulph) Dimness of sight, photophobia, unable to read by candle- light (Calc. c, Kali carb., Nat. suL, Ruta, Senega), due to excessive use of tobacco. Paroxysm of nyctalopia; sensation as if everything were covered by a veil. (SiL, Sulph) Photopsies, chromotopsies, halo around light. (Bell) Amblyopia from loss of fluids and sexual excess. (China, Gels., Phos. ac.) Blindness after lightning stroke. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. 215 Dimness of vision. Disease of fundus and disturbance of function of optic nerve. Retinal apoplexy; retinitis albuminurica (Gels., Kalm., Mere); detachment of retina (Gels) Appearance before eyes as if sparks in the dark (Bar. c, Calc e, Lye); luminous, especially red; various flashing lights and colors; halo around candle. (Bell.) Plumbum Met.—Optic disc prominent, opaque, bluish- white, outlines hazy. Neuritis optici, papillae swollen; outlines hazy. Dimness of vision; transient amaurosis. Prunus Spinosa.—Chorio-retinitis in myopes; fluidity of vitreous, opacities. Pulsatilla.—Hyperaemia and inflammation of the optic nerve and retina. Oversensitive to light. During menses becomes black before eyes, worse in warm room. Amblyopia from suppression of any bloody discharge (Ver. v); from gastric derangement with heart disease. Sanguinaria.—Retinal congestion with flushed face and congestive headache. Frequent obscuration of vision. Secale Cor.—Retinitis diabetica. Blue and fiery dots before eyes. Sulphur.—Hyperaemia of retina. Chorio-retinitis; opacities in vitreous; old hemorrhages. Retinitis from overuse of the eyes; congestion of optic nerve; outlines ill defined, pain around eye, itching in internal canthus; chorio-retinitis. Amblyopia and amaurosis from suppression of eruptions. Vision dim when reading, confused dark spots floating before eyes. Veratrum Vir.—Disease of the optic nerve and retina in females due to some menstrual disturbance. (BelL, Puis.) 15 2l6 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—RETINA. Amaurosis from irritation or congestion of optic nerve; from anaemia. Dimness of vision with dilated pupils from congestion of blood to base of brain. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VITREOUS BODY. VITREOUS BODY. Arsenicum Alb.—Shining particles float backward and forward. Aurum Met.—* Vitreous hazy; floating opacities. Yellow crescent shape bodies floating obliquely upwards in field of vision. Black spots floating before eyes. Bryonia.—Opacities in the vitreous in irido-choroiditis, and in serous-choroiditis. Carboneum Sulph.—Extravasation of blood into the vitreous, filaments and floating points. Crotalus Hor.—Muscae volitantes; opacities of vitreous, due to hemorrhage. Gelsemium.—* Vitreous hazy; opacities; swimming black specks before eyes, due to serous-choroiditis. (Kali m., Prun. sp) Kali Iod.—Opacities of vitreous due to exudations from choroiditis, especially syphilitic. (Kali m) Kali Mur.—* Dimness of right eye; vitreous hazy; opacities; acompanied by punctated keratitis. Kalmia Latifolia.—Opacities in vitreous, in sclero- choroiditis. Lachesis.—Opacities of vitreous, due to hemorrhage. Mercurius Prot.—Opacities of vitreous in irido-cho- roiditis. Phosphorus.—Vitreous turbid; opacities; vision dim; muscae volitantes. Prunus Spinosa.—Opacities of vitreous in chorio- retinitis in myopia, with sclerectasia posterior. Senega.—Opacities of the vitreous in chronic cases. Sulphur.—Opacities in vitreous from choroidal exuda- tions and old hemorrhages. 2i8 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LENS. LENS. Ammonium Carb.—Cataract of the right eye. Baryta Carb.—Used in checking progress of cataracts. Calcarea Phos.—Useful in checking growth of cata- racts. Causticum.—* Growth of cataract apparently arrested by its use; eye becomes stronger; sight improves ; espe- cially if patient has other Causticum symptoms, as if sand in eyes, etc. Conium Mac.—Adapted to old people; beneficial in checking growth of cataract. Lycopodium.—Arrests growth of cataracts. Magnesia Carb.—Lenticular cataract arrested. Phosphorus.—Arrests growth of cataract. Secale Cor.—Cataracts with vertigo, headache, roaring in ears; dimness of vision. Senega.—Promotes absorption of lens fragments after operations or injuries to the lens. Silicea.—Cloudiness of lens diminished. Sulphur.—It retards growth of cataracts when the characteristic symptoms of drug are present; also, espe- cially after suppression of eruption. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—SCLERA. 219 SCLERA. Aconite.—In first stage, where there is violent aching, dragging, tearing or burning pain in the eyeballs, photo- phobia. Eye sensitive to touch and feels hot and dry. Aurum met—* Useful where there is a kerato-scleritis (hereditary syphilis) with well marked redness, pain, photo- phobia and lachrymation; cornea vascular and infiltrated. Belladonna.—Sclero-choroiditis posterior, with flushed face and throbbing congestive headache; the optic nerve and whole fundus are congested ; photophobia. Cinnabaris.—* Inflammation of sclera, deep bluish ciliary injection; pain in the eyeball and around under eyebrow. Kalmia Latifolia.—Sclera inflamed. Sclero-choroiditis anterior; vitreous hazy; opacities. * Sclerotitis, particularly in rheumatic subjects, eyeball painful on motion; stiff feeling in eye on moving it. * Episcleritis; deep ciliary injection; nodule over ex- ternal rectus muscle; stiff feeling on turning the eye. Kali Mur.—*In lower forms of kerato-scleritis, infiltra- tion of sclera and cornea; slight redness and very little pain. Mercurius.—Episcleritis; scleral vessels injected, especi- ally between insertion of recti muscles where sclera is slightly bulged and thinned; steady aching, worse at night. Mercurius Cor.—Episcleritis, with much pain in and around the eyes. Inflammation of sclera, choroid shines through, steady aching pain in eyeball at the time. Nux Moschata.—* Episcleritis, involving both eyes; nodule over each external rectus, very large and painful (Thuja); patient drowsy. 220 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—SCLERA. Nux Vomica.—Inflammation of sclera with stitching pain and aversion to light of sun; aggravation of symp- toms in the morning. Phosphorus.—In sclero-choroiditis posterior. Fundus hyperaemic; muscae volitantes and flashes of light; everything looks red. Pulsatilla.—Episcleritis, circumscribed, between supe- rior and external recti muscles, sclera slightly bulged, some itching, sticking pain in eyeball, with dimness of vision, worse in the open air. Silicea.—Sclero-choroiditis anterior; conjunctiva and sclera injected; bluish irregular bulging around cornea, vitreous hazy; severe pain extending from eyes into head on one side, relieved by warmth. (Hep. s) Terebinthina.—* Episcleritis, eye very red; elevation over the recti muscles; intense pain day and night in eye and corresponding side of head. Very severe pain, varies in character, especially severe over and around eye, extending through to occiput, on corresponding side; always worse at night, especially between i and 3 a. m. Thuja.—* Episcleritis, with elevation over rectus mus- cle ; marked redness and injection; sclera becomes soft in consequence of extension of inflammation of cornea and iris; tenderness of eyeball; photophobia; scrofulous or syphilitic subjects. Eyes better when covered warm. Pain in eyes worse at night, also by chewing. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 221 LIDS. Aconite.—* Lids feel dry, burn and are sensitive to air; margin of lids sore, red and inflamed. Lids hard, swollen, red, with a tense feeling; worse in mornings. Pressure in the upper lids, as if the whole ball was pushed into the orbit, causing a bruised pain in the eye. Eyes water more evening and night; tarsi sore, red and inflamed. Agaricus Muse.—Burning and itching on lower lid. Trembling and jerking of eyelids; spasmodic twitching. (Jab.) * Clonic spasms; lids open and close in quick succession ; quivering of lids. iEthusa.—Chronic inflammation of edge of eyelids. Adhesions of the edge of the eyelids in the morning. Swelling of the Meibomian glands Aloe.—Occasional twitching of left eyelids during the day. Alumina.—Spasmodic closure of the lids at night, and burning dryness in the eyes in the morning and evening. Eyelids thickened, dry and burning; stick together. Chronic granular lids. Great loss of power of the eyelids. Agglutination of the lids in the morning on awaking, with burning when open, with dread of light. Upper lid seems to hang down as if paralyzed, especially the left, in granular lids. Burning and dryness in the lids every evening, with pain in the internal canthus of left eye, with much dry mucus in morning on awaking. Antimonium Crudum.—Redness and inflammation of the eyelids. Soreness of outer canthi. Chronic inflammation of the eyelids. 222 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. The eyelids are red, swollen, and excoriated by discharge and lachrymation; excoriation of nostrils and swollen upper lip. Pustules on ciliary margins. Antimonium Tart.—Edge of lid covered with mucus. Eyes reddened, aching, with suppuration of lids. Apis.—Twitching and jerking of eyelids; puffiness of lids. * Swelling of upper lids; oedema. Ulceration of the margin of the lids and canthi, with stinging pains. Lids swollen, red, chemosed; lids everted and often ulcerated on the margin and canthi, with stinging pain and profuse lachrymation. Chronic blepharitis, with thickening of conjunctival layer, so that lower lid is everted. Various forms of blepharitis, with thickening or swell- ing, with great puffiness and stinging pains. Erysipelatous inflammation of the eyelids. Bag-like swelling under eyes. Hordeola. Soreness and smarting in margin of lids. Everted eyelids. Heaviness of lids. Right eye closed, with paralysis of right side. Shooting, itching in eye and lids. Argentum Met.—Violent itching of lids and corners of eyes. Lids greatly swollen and thickened; margin thick and red. Pustules along edge of lids after measles. Lids raw, sore, red, slightly everted, with smarting or pain. Argentum Nit.—Ciliary blepharitis from being over a fire; better from cold air and cold applications. Lids very red, crusty, thick and swollen, especially if complicated with granulations or conjunctivitis. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 2 23 Profuse discharge causes agglutination of lids in the morning. The margin of lids thick, red and sore. Lids crusty, swollen, very sore and thick. CEdema of lids and sensation of fullness, dryness and heat; non-excoriating lachrymation. Drooping of left upper lid. Arnica.—Lids oedematous, dry, hot and inflamed, with much subconjunctival congestion. Sensation of oppression and drooping in eyelids as if they could not be raised. Difficult and painful motion of eyelids, they are swollen ; eyes and lids red, aggravated by closing and relieved by opening eyes. Margin of upper lids are painful when lids are moved, as if they were dry and sore. Arsenicum Alb.—Lids oedematous and spasmodically closed. Soreness of the internal surface of lids, which are swollen; opening eyes causes intense pain; excoriating lachrymation. Edge of lids painful during motion, as if dry and rub- bing on the ball; they burn and can scarcely be opened. Burning in margin of lids; in the evening, a feeling as of sand in the eye. Lids dry when reading by candle-light. Lids sore and red on inner margin; dryness of their inner surface in trachoma. Ulceration on inner surface of eyelids. CEdema of eyelids. Agglutination of lids. Burning and swelling of the eyelids. Arum Triphyllum.—Quivering of the left upper lid. Lids heavy; sleepy. Tension in lower lid as if swollen. Smarting and swelling of the margin of the lids; water 224 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. collects in eyes; nose and upper lip excoriated from dis- charge. Atropia.—Blepharospasm and irritability of the eye-lids. Lids heavy and difficult to open. Eyelids feel heavy and difficult to keep open, yet no in- clination to sleep. Badiaga.—Hardening of the Meibomian glands. Twitching of left eyelid. Margin of lids bluish-purple; blue under the eyes in pertussis. Belladonna.—Lids swollen, red, like erysipelas. Nictitation of the eyelids. Heaviness of the lids. Lids and surrounding tissues red, swollen and congested, throbbing pain in them. Trembling and quivering of right upper eyelid. Face flushed and congestive headache. Scrofulous inflammation of the lids. Borax.—Eyelashes turn inward toward the eye and in- flame it, especially at outer canthus. Margin of lids affected, eyelashes loaded with a dry, gummy exudation ; stick together in the morning. Swelling of Meibomian glands. Lower eyelid inverted; entropion. Granulated lids. Difficulty in opening of the eyelids. Bovista.—Inflammation of eyelids, with nightly ag- glutination. Bromium.—Eyelids close, as if sleepy. Heaviness of lids, with coldness of them. Throbbing stitches in left upper lid, extending to brow, forehead and left temple, aggravated by external pressure, motion and swooping, relieved by rest. Calcarea Carb.—Feeling of sand or foreign body under the lids. Swelling of the eyelids, with redness and nightly ag- APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 225 glutination; during the day they are full of gum, with heat, smarting and lachrymation. Agglutination and suppuration of lids. Eyelids inverted and swollen; look like raw beef, stick together with yellow gum. If closed lids are opened a stream of acrid, hot tears gush out. Nictitation in upper and lower lids. Quivering in upper eyelid. Clonic spasm of eyelids. Spasmodic closure of lids and photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia. Itching of the margin of the lids. Heat and heaviness in upper lids. Burning and cutting in eyelids. Dry scurf on lids during the day; lids agglutinated in the morning. Lids hard and swollen; throbbing pains; induration after styes. Calendula.—Swelling of eyelids. Dryness of the margin of the lids. Lacerated and incised wounds of lid. (Locally.) Camphora.—Lids covered with red spots. Lids constantly agitated ; twitching, quivering. Burning, biting, sticking and itching in lids. Soreness and tense stiff feeling in the eyes and lids. Cannabis Indica.—Jerking in the external canthus and in lid. Cantharis.—Lachrymation in open air; must close eyes; on opening eyes, margin of lids pain as if sore, like raw flesh. Carbo Veg. — Itching about eyes, and in margin of lids, particularly in the morning. Lids agglutinated. Causticum.—Sensation of heaviness in upper lids, as if could not raise them easily; inclination to close lids. Eyes close involuntarily; paralysis of upper lid. 226 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. Lids swollen, always red and painful. Old warts on eyelids. Agglutination of lids. Blepharitis, relieved in the open air. Visible twitching of lids. Itching in lower lid and on its inner surface, with burn- ing as soon as eye is touched or moved. Chelidonium.—Increased secretion of the Meibomian glands. Eyelids swollen, red, could open them but little; hor- deolum. Redness and swelling of the margin of the lids. Heaviness of lids; twitching of lids. Twitching and blinking of the lids. Inclination and necessity to close lids, which relieves the pain, without photophobia. Hordeolum ; thick yellow mucous discharge from eyes. Cicuta Vir.—Trembling and twitching of the lids. Clematis Erecta.—Chronic irritable condition of the lids, with swelling of the Meibomian glands, in young and scrofulous subjects. Eyes inflamed, protruded, dim; eyelids badly ulcerated and secreting acrid water. Cocculus Ind.— Bruised pain in the eyes at night, with inability to open the lids. Jerking of eyelids. Eyelids inflamed. Codeinum.—Involuntary twitching of the eyelids, some- times relieved by rubbing, worse on reading or writing. Colchicum.—Ulceration of Meibomian glands of lower lid, left lower lid, which is much swollen. Burning and redness of the edge of the eyelids. Stye on left lower lid near inner canthus. Condurango.—Flat epithelial cancer on lower lid. Conium Mac.—Induration of the lid; ptosis. * Lids seem pressed down; sleepiness. Lids swollen. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 227 Lids only opened with difficulty, when done a flood of hot tears spurts out; great photophobia. Burning on inner surface of lids; hordeola. Hordeola; where they recur. Crocus Sat.—Constant winking, with tearful suffusion of eyes. Twitching of eyelids as if something must be wiped from right eye. Frequent necessity to wink and wipe eyes, as if a film of mucus were over them. Jerking, twitching and itching in upper lid. Inclination to press lids tightly together from time to time. Nightly spasms of lids. Sensation as if eyelids were swollen. Croton Tig.—(Edematous swelling of eyelids. Blepharitis, with vesicular eruption on lids and face. Twitching of lids; itching of eyelids. Pustular eruption on lids and face. Copious lachrymation. Curare.—Ptosis of right side. Heaviness of eyes; no power over upper lids. Cyclamen.—Swelling of upper lids. Dryness and pressure in lids as if swollen, with violent formication; stitches in them and in eyeballs. Digitalis.—Meibomian glands inflamed. Lid margin slightly swollen and pale red; burning of lid margin; photophobia, lachrymation and mucous dis- charge. Agglutination of lids in the morning. Blueness of eyelids. Euphrasia.—Margin of lids red; sensation of dryness in them ; sensitive and swollen. Lids itch and burn, with profuse lachrymation. Lids much swollen, with fluent coryza. Inflammation and ulceration of the margin of the lids. 228 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. Constant desire to wink, which relieves blurring of vision. Inflammation and swelling of the Meibomian glands. Acute inflammation of lids, with acrid muco-purulent discharge. Ferrum Met.—Inflamed eyes, burning, stinging, sup- purating styes. Can scarcely open eyes, lids pressed down. Redness and swelling of both lids. Marked muscular debility; redness of eyes, swelling of lids, shiny pus-like discharge from Meibomian glands. Fluoric Acid.—Lids feel as if forced open, and a sensa- tion as if a cold wind were blowing under lids (Croc, Medor), even in a warm room; must tie them up and keep them warm. (Hep. s., SiL) Sensation as if sand in eyes. Gelsemium.—Fullness and congestion of the lids. * Drooping of eyelids; ptosis. Eyelids heavy; eyes close when looking steadily. Great heaviness of lids; difficulty in opening, or in keep- ing them open. Blepharitis and conjunctival hyperaemia, due to refractive errors. Eyes feel sore in evening, sensitive to light, with lach- rymation ; lids feel full and congested. Graphites.—Red, painful inflammation of lower lid and inner canthus. Edge of lids much inflamed. Swelling of eyelids and lachrymal gland. Sensation of dryness in lids and pressure. Heaviness of eyelids; cannot open eyes. * Chronic ciliary blepharitis; outer canthi especially; tendency to crack, bleed easily on opening lids; burning and dryness in lids, with biting and itching, constant desire to rub them. * Eczema of lids, eruption moist and fissured, margin ol lids covered with scales or crusts. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 229 Agglutination of lids night and morning. Lids red and margin covered with scurfs. Styes on lower lid, with drawing pain; recurrent attacks. Inverted lids, wild hairs. Dry mucus in lashes. Cystic tumors on lids; chalazion in all stages. Slight roughness of integument of lids, intense itching. Guarea Trich.—Paralysis of eyelids. Hepar Sulph.—Redness, inflammation of upper lid with swelling and with pressing pain. Lids closed in morning on awaking, cannot open for a long time. Meibomian glands inflamed. * Acute phlegmonous inflammation of lids, which tends toward suppuration; tense and shining, with throbbing, aching, stinging pain and sensitive to touch; pains aggra- vated by cold, relieved by warmth. Chronic ciliary blepharitis, complicated with swelling of the Meibomian glands, or ulcers and swellings on margin of lids, which are painful in the evening and on touch. Palpebral tumors ; abscess of lids ; styes. Eczema palpebrarum, where scabs are thick and honey- combed. Blepharitis; after the first stage, when suppuration threatens; lids inflamed, throbbing, aching, stinging, very sensitive to touch, relieved by heat. Little pimples surround inflamed eye. Hydrastis.—Mucous membrane of eyelids much con- gested ; profuse white mucous discharge. Conjunctivitis siccus, with sensation of dryness and scratching, and feeling of weight and heaviness of upper lids. Blepharitis marginalis. Hypericum.—Stye on lower lid. Ignatia.—Convulsive movements of eyes and lids. Pain under upper lid, as if too dry. Swelling of upper lid. Nightly agglutination of lids. 230 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. Morbus nictitatio, with spasmodic action of various muscles of the face. Iodium.—Twitching of the lids; lower lids. CEdematous swelling of lids. Trembling of lids. Staring with wide open eyes; lids seem to be retracted. Iris Vers.—Inflamed eyelids; simple palpebral inflam- mation, apparently arising from cold. Chronic inflammation of the lids. Jatropha Cur.—Quivering in left upper lid. Itching and smarting of margin of lids, relieved by rubbing. Kali Bich.—Photophobia only by daylight; when open- ing lids they twitch. CEdema of lids; great desire to rub them. Lids agglutinated in the morning; yellow matter in canthi. Heaviness of upper lids on awaking, requires an effort to open them. Lids red, itching, tender, tarsi seem rough, causing sen- sation as from sand in the eyes; margin of lids very red. Eyelids burning, inflamed, much swollen. Large, acute granulations of lids. Burning in margin of lids, with itching, and, on mov- ing them, a sensation as if they rubbed against the eyeball. Kali Carb.—Eyelids swollen; edges and canthi red; agglutinated, especially in the morning. Puffiness; swelling between eyebrows and lids like a sac. Enormous bag-like swelling under the eyes. CEdema of the lids, especially if accompanied by stick- ing pains and heart indications. Sensation of coldness in lids. (Cold wind under lids, Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor.) Kali Phosph.—Drooping of the eyelids. Kalmia Latifolia.—* Blepharo-spasm, causing ptosis ; stiffness of the muscles of the eye on moving eyes. Kreosotum.—Chronic swelling of eyelids or their APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 231 margin; agglutination of lids; tears acrid, like salt water. Uncontrollable twitching of the lids. Lachesis.—Inflammation of eyes and lids, with pain in them. Ledum.—Complete ptosis of right eyelids, especially if accompanied by extravasation of blood. Lids and cheeks sore from acrid lachrymation. Nightly agglutination without inflammation or pain. Burning on border of lids and feeling as if sand in eyes Lithium Carb.—Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, with hardening of Meibomian glands. Lycopodium.—Smarting and burning of lids. Ulceration and redness of eyelids; water flows from eyes, smarts and bites cheeks. Pustules and styes on lids, more toward inner canthus. Granulated eyelids, dry, with smarting. Fistula lachrymalis. Magnesia Carb.—Warts, styes on lids; chronic ble- pharitis. Agglutination of lids in the morning, with pressure in eyes. Magnesia Mur.—Tinea ciliaris, accompanied by a pimply eruption of face, comes and goes, worse after supper and in a warm room, and in women before menses. Nightly agglutination of lids. Magnesia Phosph.—Twitching or spasm of eyelids; ptosis. Medorrhin.—Ptosis of outer ends of both upper lids, particularly left, requiring exertion to open them. Swelling of upper lids; soreness and smarting of edges. Decided tendency to irritation of edge of lids. Pulling pain in left lower lid from outer canthus; could see lids twitch between these points. Mercurialis Perennis— Twitching of upper lids, espe- cially left eye. Heaviness of lids in asthenopia; sensation of dryness in eyes. 16 232 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. On waking at night, unable to open lids immediately; they seemed partly paralyzed, and could not be opened until they were rubbed. Weakness of upper lids, so that at times they could not be completely raised. Mercurius.—Lids are spasmodically closed, thick, red and swollen, excoriated, very sensitive to heat, cold and contact. Eyelids swollen ; lids and cheeks covered with a pustular eruption; dried pus on eyelashes; copious, thick, green, acrid discharge from nose, excoriating nose and upper lip; glands swollen; patient irritable; impatient; cross. Eyes inflamed, with swollen, inverted tarsi, and very sensitive to light. Great swelling of lids, sensitive to touch, worse at night, no relief from sweat. Lids spasmodically swollen; sensitive to cold, heat and touch; raw, excoriated, burning as from fiery points. Blepharitis; lids red, thickened and swollen, particularly upper; sensitive; lachrymation profuse, acrid, burning, making lids red, sore and painful, worse in open air or by cold water. Ciliary blepharitis, from working over fires. Edge of lids covered with scurfs and ulcers. Absence of cilia, nose sore and excoriated; Meibomian glands ulcerated with scurf on margin of lids. Entropion; ectropion; affections of Meibomian glands; styes. Cutting under lid as from a sharp body. Violent contraction of eyelids; difficult to open them. Inflammatory swelling in region of lachrymal bone. Inflammation or blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Mercurius Cor.—Blepharitis scrofulcusa; margin of lids red and raw, with crusts and ulcers on lids; tendency toward ec- or entropion. Indurated lids; secretion thin and excoriating; nocturnal aggravation. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 233 Lids oedematous or erysipelatous; red, excoriated; edges swollen, burning, smarting; edges covered with thick crusts or pustules; spasmodically closed. Mercurius Prot.—Blepharitis ciliaris of syphilitic ori- gin ; abscess of lids; lids red and swollen; itching eruption on scalp; worse at night; discharge from nose excoriating; upper lip swollen; tongue spongy, with a thick yellow coating at base; breath offensive. Uncomplicated granular lids. Mezereum.—Annoying twitching of muscles of left upper lid. Itching, biting on margin of lids and skin near nose. Blepharitis from birth, with tinea capitis, which itches intensely. Eczema of lids and head; thick hard scabs, from which pus exudes on pressure; oozing eruption behind ears. (Graph.) Jumping of muscles of left upper lid. Inclination to blink; to close lids. Natrum Carb.—Inflammation of eyelids, with photo- phobia. Heaviness of upper lids; could hardly open them ; they close involuntarily. Agglutination of eyes in the morning; lachrymation during forenoon. Natrum Mur.—Lids very much swollen; dark, purplish, canthi cracked; conjunctiva swollen and profuse muco- purulent discharge. Catarrhal affections of the margin of the lids; lids red, with burning, especially in the evening while reading, secretion of mucus and agglutination in the morning on awaking and covered with thick scabs. Borders and corners of lids raw and ulcerated. Excessively sore, red, disgusting eyelids; lids look like raw beef. Old cases of granular lids, with or without pannus, es- pecially if they have been treated with caustics. 234 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. Lids heavy when using eyes. Spasmodic closure of eyelids. Dermoid tumor on edge of lids. Fissure in external canthi, with pain as if being torn open. Stye in corner of eye; stye on right side. Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Nitric Acid.—Difficulty in opening eyes and raising lids in the morning. Agglutination of lids. Paralysis of upper lids. Eyelids swollen, hard, livid, smart and burn. Syphilitic inflammation of lids, with swelling, and copi- ous lachrymation. Large condyloma on lower lid, suppurates and bleeds easily when touched. Ectropion, eye and vicinity much inflamed, with burn- ing, sticking pain, profuse hot lachrymation, and agglutina- tion in the morning. Nux Moschata.—Lids heavy and stiff; feels sick and faint. Tension around eyes and in lids. Drooping eyelids; ptosis. Nux Vomica.—Lids burn and itch, especially their margins; worse in the morning. Biting in eyes, especially in external canthi, as from salt, with lachrymation. Ciliary blepharitis, with smarting and dryness of lids, especially in the morning. Heaviness and frequent closing of the eyelids. Blepharo-spasm ; twitching of the lids; blinking. Paris Quad.—Jerking and twitching of right upper eyelid. Petroleum.— Ciliary blepharitis from conjunctivitis granulosa, or from smallpox, with sticking and smarting in the inner canthus; pain in back of head. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 235 Itching and dryness of lids. Phosphoric Acid.—Margin of lids swollen, red, rounded; lashes fall out; particles of pus on lashes and in canthi; itching and burning; sensitiveness to candle-light; difficult opening of eyes in morning; hordeolum. Phosphorus.—Swelling and suppuration of eyelids and Meibomian glands, with itching and burning pains. Eyelids tremble and quiver; eye filled with water. Twitching of lids and external canthus of left eye. CEdema of the lids and about eye. Phytolacca.—Lids feel as if granulated, raw, sandy, hot feeling, as if raw; feels as if on fire. Eyelids agglutinated and oedematous. Eyelids swollen, reddish blue; hard, unyielding. Reddish-blue swelling of eyelids, worse on left side and in morning; hard, unyielding cellulitis. Scrofulous swelling of glands of eyelids. Malignant ulcers on lids; lupus, epithelioma. * Lid swollen, oedematous, hard, dark red in panophthal- mitis or orbital cellulitis. Platinum Met.—Spasmodic trembling and twitching of eyelids. Plumbum Met.—Lids spasmodically contracted; paraly- sis of upper lids. Psorinum.—Acute ciliary blepharitis; internal surface of lids chiefly affected; photophobia; strumous diathesis, with unhealthy offensive discharges. Ciliary blepharitis, worse in the morning and during the day; chronic cases; subject to exacerbations. Inflammation of lids, internal surface much congested; great photophobia, cannot open eyes, lies on face. Eyelids swollen, inflamed, bloated; child rubs eyes; greatly swollen, closely pressed together; thickened; tend- ency to styes; itching, especially in canthi; herpetic erup- tion ; scrofulous inflammation, covered with thick crusts, whole body covered with bran-like tetter. Pulsatilla.—Profuse lachrymation and mucous secre- 236 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. tion; Meibomian glands inflamed; agglutination of lids in the morning. Twitching of eyelids, with dazzling sight. Violent sticking in eyelids and canthi in evening. Itching, biting, burning in lids in evening. Itching in inner canthi, like the healing of an ulcer, in the evening after sun; pressing, fine, sticking pain after rubbing. * Margin of lower lid inflamed and swollen, with lachry- mation in the morning; styes. Inner canthus seems agglutinated with matter in the morning. Great itching and burning of the lids, worse in the evening in a warm room, from cold draught of air ; relieved in cold open air. * Styes, especially on upper lid. Swelling and redness of eyelids. * Recurrent blepharitis, conjunctiva somewhat congested, lids thickened on margin. * Ciliary blepharitis, with styes. Lids swollen, itch, burn, not excoriated; relieved by rubbing; subject to styes, especially on upper lid. Granular lids, dry or with excessive secretion; relieved in open air, but not in wind. Blepharitis, resulting from high living or fat food, accompanied with acne of the face. Spasmodic action of the lids, with lachrymation and photophobia. Tarsal tumors, especially of recent origin, subject to inflammation or accompanied by catarrhal conditions of eye. Troubles of lids of negroes. Ratanhia.—Twitching in upper eyelid. Rhus Tox.—*Lids red, swollen, oedematous, especially the upper, spasmodically closed, with profuse gushing of tears on opening them; oedema of the conjunctiva, yellow purulent mucous discharge; swelling around eyes; APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 237 burning pain in eyes, with much photophobia; stitches in eyes and temples, with vertigo. Paralysis of upper lid from cold. Inflammation of lids; lids much swollen. Erysipelas of lids, sometimes of traumatic origin; pro- fuse lachrymation, spasmodic closure of lids. Eyelids oedematous or erysipelatous, with scattered watery vesicles. - Meibomian glands enlarged, cilia fall out. Violent burning, itching and pricking in swollen lids. Uncomplicated blepharitis, especially of acute form, with tendency to the formation of abscess; lids highly oedema- tous, profuse lachrymation with pain, worse at night, relieved by warm applications. Eyelids present a bladder-like appearance, and the lids are closed from the great swelling. Lids cedematously swollen, copious, acrid, serous dis- charge, corrodes adjacent parts. Chronic inflammation of the lids, puffiness of lids and face; Meibomian glands enlarged; falling out of cilia; itching and biting in lids; sensation of dryness in eyes; burning in the internal canthus; acrid lachrymation in the morning and in the open air. Heaviness and stiffness of the lids, like paralysis, as if it were difficult to move lids. Ptosis; also paralysis of muscles of eyeball from exposure to cold and wet; in rheumatic patients. Lids agglutinated in the morning, with purulent mucus. Styes on lower lids. Sanguinaria.—Blepharo-adenitis, with feeling of dry- ness under upper lid, and accumulation of mucus in the eye in the morning. Blepharitis and catarrhal condition of the conjunctiva with burning in edge of lids, worse in afternoon; depend- ent on stricture of lachrymal duct. Senega.—Blepharitis ciliaris, worse in the morning, much smarting, dry crusty lashes. 238 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. Swelling of eyelids with tingling in them. Cilia hang full of hard mucus; smarting of conjunctiva in the morning as if soap were in eyes; blepharitis; lids stuck together. Styes on lower lid. Sepia.—Burning in the eyes in the morning, with weak- ness of lids with dryness; soreness to touch; desire to close lids. Red herpetic spot on upper lid, scaling and peeling off. Redness of eyelids with styes. Heavy pain on awaking; heat of margin with dryness. Nightly agglutination of lids or dry crust on lids upon awaking. Itching of margin of lids. Chronic ciliary blepharitis; scaly condition of lid mar- gin ; acne ciliaris. Heaviness and falling of under lids, as if they were paralyzed. Eyelids pain on awaking as if too heavy, or as if could not hold them open. Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning; ptosis. Drooping of lids with dull headache; feels as if he had not sense enough to lift them. Tarsal tumors. Brown-yellowish color of eyelids. Silicea.—Tearing or pressing lids together, with burn- ing. Pain as if lids were dry and full of sand, in the morn- ing. Agglutination of lids in morning; at night with smart- ing ; twitching of lids. Blepharitis, with agglutination in the morning, caused or aggravated by working in a damp place or from being in cold air. Twitching of eyelids. Boils around eye and lids. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 239 Cystic tumors of lids; styes; indurations; tarsal tumors. Spigelia.—Ptosis, with sharp pain and lachrymation. Upper lids feel hard and immovable. Lids inflamed and ulcerated. Great inclination to wink. Lids lax and paralyzed, they hang low down and must be raised. Pricking in lids. Agglutination of eyelids by a viscous gum. Everted eyelids. Spongia.—Heaviness and nightly agglutination of lids. Inflammation, with dryness of lids. Stannum Met.—Ptosis from sympathetic paralysis; returns periodically. Burning stitches in eyelids; styes. Agglutination of lids at night. Staphysagria.—Itching of margin of lids in open air. Dryness of margin of lids, with hard nodules on borders and destruction of hair follicles. Blepharitis, margin of lids dry, with hardened styes or tarsal tumors. Styes, nodosities, chalazia on eyelids, one after another, sometimes ulcerating. Eyelids ulcerated and covered with styes and nodosities. Styes do not suppurate, but remain hard nodule. Sulphur.—Redness of lids and conjunctiva. * Inflammation of eyes or lids; aching; smarting, burn- ing, or a feeling as if sand in eyes. Swelling of lids, with pain and lachrymation. Agglutination of lids in the morning. Jerking of lower lids. Border of lids thick, puffy and ulcerated. * Smarting sore pain on inner side after midnight, then rubbing dryness on inner surface. Meibomian glands swollen and inflamed. Smarting, as from dryness of margins. Recurrent successive crops of styes. 24O APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. * Smarting in the evening; inclination to rub them; photophobia. Dryness of inner surface; pressure; in evening burning, inflamed, red, tense on motion. Agglutination of lids during sleep. Syphilinum.—Ptosis paralytica ; eyes look sleepy from lowering of upper lid. Redness and swelling of outer half of both lower tarsal edges. Upper lids swollen. Tellurium.—Scrofulous inflammation, worse in upper lid; lachrymation, itching and pressure in lid. Eyelids thickened, inflamed, covered with pustules; itch- ing; pale, red, oedematous, oozing; a feeling as if lashes 01" lower lid were turned in. Swelling of upper lid, left side; ulceration on outer surface of lid near external canthus; pain aggravated at night. Thuja.—Dry, branny eruption on lids, chiefly about cilia; eyelashes irregular and imperfectly grown; scales covering the skin, very fine and watery. Feeling as if eyelids were swollen and a foreign body in eye. Burning and stinging in edge of lids in evening. Agglutination of lids at night. Inflammatory softening of inner surface of lids. Induration of lids. Styes, tarsal tumors; chalazia, thick, hard knobs. Verrucca and tumors that resemble small condylomata. Epithelioma of lids. Granular lids, granules large and wart-like. Veratrum Alb.—Extreme dryness of lids, especially after sleeping; painful, as if rubbed sore; stiff and ag- glutinated, acute sensation of dryness in upper lid, as if salt were between it and ball. Lids heavy, can scarcely lift them. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LIDS. 241 Neuralgia in upper lid, right side, pain severe on slightest pressure or touch, as if needle points were suddenly thrust in lids. Zincum Met.—Upper lids heavy, as if paralyzed. Granular lids, after ophthalmia neonatorum. Twitching of left lower lid. Falling of upper lid; oedema of lower lid. Feeling of soreness in right upper lid. Fine sticking, as with needles, in right lower and left upper lids. Itching in margin of left upper lid. 242 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. Aconite.—* Inflammation of the lachrymal sac, with great heat and dryness, tenderness, sharp pains and general fever. Profuse lachrymation with intense pain. Eyes red, inflamed, first stage before exudation; due to exposure or cold. Eyes excessively dry and hot; conjunctiva of lids red and skin over sac red and inflamed. Eyes water, more evening and night. Allium Cepa.—Excessive non-excoriating lachryma- tion, with redness of the eyeballs, with frequent sneezing. (Excoriating lachrymation, with sneezing, Euphr.) Antimonium Crudum.—Inflammation of lachrymal gland and ducts. The lids are red, swollen and excoriated by discharge and lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Excoriation of nostrils and swollen upper lip. (Graph., Merc, dule) Apis.—* Dacryo-cystitis phlegmonosa, with oedematous swelling and soreness over lachrymal sac; lids swollen and chemosed; fistula lachrymalis. (Hep. s) Aching, sore, pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, sting- ing, burning pains in and around eye and in forehead. Copious mucous secretion and lachrymation. Scalding tears; profuse lachrymation, with burning; great sensitiveness to light. Argentum Met.—Stricture of lachrymal duct. (Euphr., Puis., SiL) Non-excoriating lachrymation. Profuse purulent discharge in some cases. Arum Triphyllum.—Catarrh of the lachrymal sac, with desire to bore into side of nose. Water collects in the eyes. Smarting and swelling of the margin of the lids. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. 243 Discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from the nose, ex- coriating the nostrils and upper lip; nose obstructed. (Ars. alb., Mere.) Bromium.—Lachrymation of the right eye, with swell- ing of the lachrymal gland. Fistula lachrymalis. (Apis, Fluor, ac, Hep. s., SiL) Calcarea Carb.—Lachrymation in the open air or in morning. (Puis) Obstruction of lachrymal duct. Fistula lachrymalis ; thick yellow pus in canthus; itch- ing, humid eruptions. (Hep. s) Calendula.—*In blenorrhcea of the lachrymal sac. (Locally.) Camphora.—Lachrymation in the open air. (Calc c, Puis) Carbo Animalis.—Scirrhus of the lachrymal gland. Lachrymation, worse in the evening in a warm room. Shooting pain in right lachrymal duct. Conium.—Blenorrhcea of the lachrymal sac. (Hep. s., Iod., Puis., Stann. met) Fluoric Acid.—*Chronic inflammation of the lachrymal sac, worse in cold air. (Puis) Increased lachrymation. Feeling as if he must wink, as if something in eye that could be rubbed out. (Croc, Euphr) * Fistula lachrymalis. Graphites.—Stillicidium lacrymarum, from obstruction of nasal duct. (Euphr., Puis., SiL) Frequent lachrymation of eyes. Lachrymation; in open air; chronic. (Puis) Lachrymation, worse in damp, sultry weather, lids ex- coriated; mucocele arising from obstruction of duct. Excoriation of outer canthus from excessive lachryma- tion. (Euphr., Merc.) Swelling of lachrymal gland and eyelids. (Kali iod.) Thin acrid discharge from eye. (Ars. alb., Mere) Hepar Sulph.—* Dacryo-cystitis, especially if pus has 244 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. formed and there is a great sensitiveness to touch, with throbbing pain. Anchylops. * Lachrymal duct closed by an exudative swelling; con- stant lachrymation. Eyelids are swollen and oedematous; very tender, es- pecially over sac. Pus discharge on pressure over sac. Hydrastis.—Profuse secretion of tears; smarting of eyes; burning of eyes and lids. Iodum.—* Thick mucous discharge from lachrymal sac. (Puis., Stann. met) Lachesis.—Fistula lachrymalis, accompanied by long- standing eruption on face. Mercurius.—* Lachrymation profuse, burning and ex- coriating. (Ars. alb., Euphr) Inflammation or blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. (Apis, Hep. s., Puis., SiL) Inflammatory swelling of region of lachrymal sac. Natrum Mur.—Lachrymation in the open air; biting in the morning, appearing daily at a regular time; acrid, making canthi red and sore; eruption of small vesicles. Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. (Apis, Fluor, ac, Hep. s., Puis., SiL) Nitric Acid.—Fistula lachrymalis. (Apis, Fluor, ac, Hep. s., Puis., SiL) Flow of irritating tears. Eyelids swollen, hard, livid, smart and burn. Nux Vomica.—Lachrymation in the morning, on yawning. Petroleum.—Inflammation of the lachrymal canal, when suppuration has commenced and a fistula has formed. (Hep. s., SiL) Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. (Euphr., Hep. s., Iod., Puis., Stann. met) Pulsatilla.—* Early stage of acute phlegmonous dacryo- cystitis. (Aeon., Apis, Hep. s) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. 245 * Affections of lachrymal sac and canal in children; bland discharge or lachrymation. Fistula lachrymalis, discharging pus when pressed. (Hep. s., SiL) * Weeping eyes, aggravated in cold wind. (Calc. c, SiL) Stricture of lachrymal canal, with epiphora, due to a catarrhal condition. Rhus Tox.—Lachrymation; in the evening with burn- ing pain ; in cold wind. Lids swollen and oedematous. Epiphora from stricture of lachrymal duct. (Puis., SiL, Thuja) Sepia.—Lachrymation morning and evening. Lachrymation in evening in open air. (Calc. c, Puis., SiL, Thuja) Silicea.—* Swelling in the region of lachrymal gland and sac. Redness of the eye, with inflammation and lachrymation. * Affections of the lachrymal sac. Lachrymation in the open air. * Fistula lachrymalis; bone affected; caries. Stricture of lachrymal duct. Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac; discharge thin, muco- purulent. Swelling of lachrymal sac. Stannum Met.—* Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac; profuse yellow-white discharge. Pustular swelling on left inner canthus like a lachrymal fistula; pain as from a stye, with lachrymation. Sulphur.—Lachrymation in morning, with burning. Blenorrhcea of lachrymal sac. Lachrymal fistula. Dryness of eyes in room, lachrymation in open air. Thuja.—Suffusion of eyes, especially in open air; tears do not flow, but remain in eye. Malignant blenorrhcea, leuco-phlegmatic temperaments, always chilly. 246 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--VISION. VISION. Actea Racemosa.—Dark spots before the eyes. (Agar., Bar. c, Calc e, Camph., Carb. v., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Agaricus Muse. — Muscae volitantes. (China, CycL, Lith. carb., Merc, Nux m., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Motion of type when reading, with itching and burning. Flickering while writing. Vision dim while looking at an object; also on reading. Black spots, motes or mist before the eyes. (CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) Alumina.—Vision dim. Ammonium Carb.—Sparks before eyes at night. (In dark, Bar. c, Lye, Phos.) Appearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects. (Amm. mur) Ammoniacum.—Stars and fiery points floating before eyes. (CycL, Mere, Arat. m., Sulph) Dimness and obscuration of sight in evening, amounting almost to blindness. Smoke or cloud before the eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Amyl Nit.—Vision dim, blind when reading, halo even with eyes closed or shaded. Anacardium Orientale.—The light seems to have a halo around it. (Alumina, BelL. CycL, Bigit., Fer. met., Lachesis, Osm., Phos., Puis., Ruta, Stann. met) Weakness of sight. Vision indistinct. Objects appear too far off. Antimonium Tart.—Flickering before eyes, worse on rising from a seat, with vision as through a veil. (Bide, Puis) Apis.—Vision indistinct, as if skin drawn over eyes (as a veil, Caust., Hyos.,"Merc, Petrol., Sulph); diplopia. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 247 Vanishing of sight, must constantly wipe away mucus. (Alumina, Croc, Euphr., Puis) Argentum Nit.—Sight worse by candle-light than by daylight. (Borax, Calc. c, Coni., Bros., Gels., Mere, Phos) Cannot walk in the dark without reeling. A cloud over left eye in twilight and in cloudy weather. Gray spots and serpent-like bodies before eyes. (As if a snake before vision, Gels) Black motes before eyes (Agar., Bar. c, Calc. e, Camph., Carb. v., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph); worse in right eye. Arnica.—Vision of sparks; blurred vision; sees half of an object. Arsenicum Alb. — Flickering before eyes. (AEsh., Carbon, sulph., Chelid., Graph., Sulph) Everything appears green (Phos). (Green color before eyes, Bigit., Kali carb., Merc, Phos., Ruta, Sep., Stron. c, Sulph., Zinc, met) Horizontal sight; objects seen only in lower part of field (Aur. met), Gels); (left half, Lith. carb., Lye). Sees as through a white gauze. * Sensitive to light, especially sunlight. (Aeon., BelL, Sulph.) Loss of vision from use of tobacco. (Nux v.) Shining particles float backward and forward. Aurum Met.—Objects seem smaller and more distant. (Nux m., Plat, met.) Sees better on looking intently and steadily at an object, though he sees no trace of the upper half of an object; hemianopia (Ars. alb., Gels); (sees only left half, Lith. carb., Lye). Objects as if divided horizontally; sees only half an object. By gas-light, a number of bright floating specks and dots are seen. Everything looks blue. (Actea sp) 17 248 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Fog or smoke before the eyes; can see only upper half of objects. Objects seem as if covered by a veil. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Black spots before the eyes. (CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Diplopia; sees things double or mixed up. (BelL, Caust., Cic. v., Cup. 111., Gels., Kali iod., Nit. ac, Phos., Phyt) Momentary loss of vision. Baryta Carb.—Light dazzles and hurts the eyes (Aeon., BelL, Graph., Merc); fiery sparks before the eyes in the dark. (Lye, Phos) Flying webs and black spots before the eyes. (Agar., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Weakness of sight in old age; gauze before eyes. (Caust., Phos., Sulph.) Gauze before the eyes in the morning, and after a meal. Belladonna.—Chromopsia, everything looks red; (green color before eyes, China, Bigit., Phos., Ruta; blue, BelL, Lachesis, Lye). Flickering before eyes; sparks; dimness of vision. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Flashes of light before the eyes. (CycL, Glon., Kali carb., Sulph) Objects appear double (Aur. met., Cic. v., Phyt., Strain., Thuja), and seem to revolve and run backward, upside down or crooked. Black spots before eyes (Agar., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph); worse by light. When reading, lines appear crooked. Vision of sparks. (CycL, Phos., Sep., Sulph) Halo around candle-light (Alumina, Anac or., CycL, Bigit., Fer. met., Phos., Sep., Stann. met., Sulph); partly colored, the red predominating (green, Phos) ; at times the light seems broken into rays; occasional flashes of light. Photophobia; sensitiveness of the eyes, cannot bear light; lachrymation. (Aeon., Euphr., Graph., Mere, Sulph) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 249 Borax.—Vision of bright waves moving; moving from right to left, and from above downward, in morning, when writing. Photophobia from candle-light. (Calc. e, Caust., Coni., Bros., Gels., Mere, Phos) Calcarea Carb.—Photophobia, worse in the morning after rising (Nux v.), and in the evening by candle-light. (Borax, Calc e, Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos) Glittering, or bright luminous appearance before the eyes, with severe vertigo. Mist before eyes on using them. (Sulph) Spots before eyes. (Agar., Bar. c, Camph., Carb. v., China, Croc, CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph) Vision as if a shadow passed before the eyes, with dilated pnpils, so that sees only one side of object; (left half, Lith. carb., Lye). Red (Bell) and green (Phos) halo around light. Calcarea Fluor.—Flickering and sparks before the eyes (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja), mostly left eye. Calcarea Phos.—Photophobia, worse by gaslight (Bell). Candle-light (Borax, Calc c, Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos). Veil over eyes; eyes misty. (Bar. c, Caust., Croc, Hyos., Petrol., Phos., Puis) Shimmering, glittering fiery circles. (Puis) Camphora.—Sees bright colors, sparks, fiery wheels alternating with mistiness. Glittering objects. Flickering. Objects appear encir- cled by a cloud. Capsicum.—Objects appear black before the eyes (Phos); (red Bell) ; (yellow Alumina, Canth., Chelid., China, Iod., Plumb, m) Carbo Animalis.—Vision of a net swimming before the eyes. (Caust., China, Mere, Phos., Puis., Sulph) Dim sight, eyes feel weak. Vision obscured. 250 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Carboneum Sulph.—Vision misty; field of vision con- tracted. Central scetoma for red and green. Carbolic Acid.—Swimming before eyes. Loss of vision. Carbo Veg.—Black spots floating before the eyes; also flickering flames and rings. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja.) Causticum.—Sight obscured, as from a gauze before the eyes (Bar. e, Croc, Phos., Sulph); green halo around the light (Phos). (Red halo, Bell) Flickering sparks or black points before the eyes. (Agar., Calc c, Camph., CycL, Merc, Phos., SiL, Sulph) Chelidonium.—Dazzling spot before the eyes; lachry- mation when looking at it. Blackness before the eyes, with sensation of fainting. (Cina, Coca) Misty appearance before the eyes. China.—Weakness of vision after sexual excess. (Phos) Weakness of vision, associated with spinal irritation and soreness of the spine, worse at night, when lying down. Eyes sensitive to bright sunlight. (Aeon., BelL, Coni., Euphr) Scintillations or black motes before the eyes. (Lith. carb., Magii. m., Nux m., Stram., Ver. alb) Yellow color before eyes. (Canth., Chelid., Iod., Plumb, m) Chininum Sulph.—* Black spots before the eyes. (Lith. carb., Magn. c, Nux m., Stram., Ver. alb) Dimness of vision. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to light, with lachryma- tion in full glare of light. (BelL, Can. Ind) Vision lost; with pain in forehead as if head would burst. Bright lights and sparks before the eyes. (Ars. alb., Aur. viet., Bar. e, BelL, CycL, Glon., Kali carb., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 251 Cicuta Vir.—Objects vacillate, appear black, eyes burn, can scarcely see in the sunlight. Objects appear double. (Aur. met., BelL, Phyt., Stram.) Frequent vanishing of sight. Objects appear to alternately approach and recede. Cina.—Chronic weakness of sight, with aching in the eyes; photophobia; result of onanism. (China, Phos) Optical illusions in bright colors, blue, violet, yellow or green. (In bright colors, Aur. met., Cina, Iod) On rising from the bed, black before the eyes with dizzi- ness and faintness; totter to and fro; relieved by lying down. (Sep) Objects appear as if covered with a gauze. (Bar. c, Caust., Croc, Phos., Sulph) Clematis Erecta.—Sensation of a veil before the eyes. (Bar. c, Caust., Euphr., Petrol., Puis., Sulph) Vision indistinct. Cocculus Ind.—Objects seem to move up and down. Dark spots before the eyes, objects appear cloudy. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. c, Stram., Ver. alb) Vision dim. While reading, can only see the left half of the line. (Lith. carb., Lye) Conium Mac.— Objects look red; rainbow colored. (BelL, Coni., Hep. s., Hyos) Sensation as something like a fringe were falling over the eyes. Double vision. Crocus Sat.—Sudden flashes before the eyes, like elec- tric sparks. (BelL, Brom., CycL, Glon., Nat. c, Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb) Appearance of a spot jumping up and down before sight; light seems dim as if obscured by a veil. (BelL, Caust., Hyos., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Sulph) Crotalus Hor.—Amblyopia caused by grief and overuse of the eyes in sewing; muscae volitantes, and various col- ored flames. 252 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Curare.—Black spots before eyes, myopic patients, worse on reading. Cyclamen.—Dimness of vision and spots before eyes \Agar., Merc, Sulph), especially on waking. Dim vision with headache. Fog before eyes. Diplopia (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Cina), especially de- pendent on convergent squint due to helminthiasis, con- vulsions or falls. Dimness of sight, with fiery sparks before eyes. (BelL, Croc, Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb.) Pickering before eyes, as of various colors, glittering needles; (fiery specks and sparks Agar., Caust., Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja); vision of smoke and fog, halo around light; muscae volitantes. (Gels., Phos) Visual disturbances, particularly associated with disturb- ances of the female functions and digestion. (Lil. tig., Puis., Ver. v.) Vision of colors; yellow (Alumina, Ars. alb., BelL, Canth., Sep., SiL, Stron. c, Sulph); at times green (Bigit., Phos., Stron. c, Sulph?); at others black (Caps., Phos). Muscae volitantes. (China., Lith. carb., Magn. c, Nux m., Stram., Ver. alb.) Daphne Ind.—Sensation as if a membrane extended across the eyes. (Caust) Digitalis.—Objects appear paler, and have a greenish look; green (Kali carb., Merc, Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph); red or yellow; hemiopia, as if upper part of field of vision were covered by a dark cloud (Aur. met), evenings while walking. Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors (Aur. met., Cina, Iod); sees hairs before his eyes, or dark bodies like flies. Dulcamara. — Dim sight, sees as through a gauze. (Calc. e, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Sulph) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 253 Euphrasia.—Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil. (Bar. c, Caust., Petrol., Puis., Sulph) Sensation as if a hair hung over the eyes and must be wiped away. Constant desire to wink, which relieves blurring of vision. (Croc, Puis) Gelsemium.—Sees double when inclining head towards shoulder or looking sideways. Double vision due to paralysis of motor oculi. Swimming black specks before eyes (China, Lith. carb., Magn. c, Stram., Ver. alb); vision dim; can neither read nor write; words run together. As if a snake were before vision (Arg. nit), with pain over eyes. Blindness, with dilated pupil. (Crotal. h) Black and bright specks before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph) Confused vision; eyes look heavy. * Misty or glimmering appearance before eyes. (Caust., Calc. c, Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) * Smoky appearance before eyes, with pain above them. Dimness of vision during pregnancy. Dimness of sight and vertigo. Great aversion to light (BelL, Coni), especially candle light. Amaurosis from masturbation; mind and body pros- trated. (China) Cloud over outer half of field of vision of left eye (right half Lith. carb. Lye), due to subretinal effusion. Cloudiness of upper half of field of vision. (Ars. alb, Aur. met) Glonoinum.—Flashes of lightning, sparks, mists or black spots before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) Sensation of whirling, of confused vision. Objects dancing before eyes. 254 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Dim sight, with vertigo or fainting. Graphites.—Sees fiery zigzags around outside of field of vision in the evening, with eyes open. (CycL, Ign., Lye, Nat. m., Phos) Flickering before the eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph) Mist before the eyes. Everything turns black when stooping. During menstruation sight vanishes; blackness before eyes. (CycL, Puis) Hepar Sulph.—Photophobia, objects appear to be red (Bell); (blue, Stram) Objects look too large (Hyos); (too small, Plat, met., Stram). Dimness of sight by candle light. Hyoscyamus.—Illusions; objects look red as fire. (Bell) Eyes look wild, red and sparkling (BelL, Canth., Stram); (squinting, Apis.) Small objects look very large (Nux m); (too small, Plat. met) Double sight. Dimness of vision, as though a veil were before eyes. (Caust., CycL, Kreos., Phos., Puis., Sulph) Night blindness. (BelL, Cadm. sulph., Stram., Ver. alb) Ignatia.—Flickering zigzag (CycL, Lye, Nat. m., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja), and serpentine white flickering at one side of field of vision. Intense photophobia. Ipecacuanha.—Blue (Lachesis), and red (Bell.) halo around light. Optical illusion in bright colors. (Aur. met., Cina, Iod) Obscuration of sight; eyes inflamed. Jaborandi.—Dim vision, twitching of lids and pain in eyeballs after using. State of vision constantly changing, becoming suddenly more or less dim every few moments. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 255 Spots before vision and aching of eyes on using them; lachrymation. Kali Bich.—Various colors and bright sparks be- fore eyes. (Agar., CycL, Caust., Mere, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Sight dim, confused, before headache, with vertigo; with yellow vision. Kali Carb.—Bright sparks, blue or green spots before eyes. (BelL, CycL, Mere, Phos., Sulph) While reading or looking at bright light, muscae voli- tantes; sharp stitches; fog before eyes. (Canth., CycL, Merc, Puis., Sulph) Spots; gauze and black points before the eyes. (Caust., Cocc. Ind., Bigit) Eyes weak after coition; after abortion; after measles. Photophobia; lachrymation. (Aeon., BelL, Mere, Sulph) Kali Iod.—* Vision dim and foggy; sees object indis- tinctly. (Calc. c, Caust., Kali carb., Lachesis, Lye, Merc, Phos., Puis, Sil) Complete blindness from effusion of water on brain, with dilated pupils, staring watery eyes; frequent crying out and vomiting. Kalmia Latifolia.—Glimmering before the eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja. Everything black before the eyes on looking downward; nausea and eructation of wind. Vision imperfect. Kreosotum.—Dim sighted, as if looking through gauze (Caust., Croc, Hyos., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Sulph); as if something were floating before eyes, obliging wiping them continually. (Euphr., Croc, Puis.) Lachesis.—Flickering before eyes, as from thread or rays of sun. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja) Flickering and jerking in right eye, with congestion to head. 256 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Fiery ring about the light, with fiery rays. Bright blue ring about light (Ipec), filled with fiery rays. Defective sight after diphtheria. (Gels.) Dimness of vision, much black flickering before eyes. Fog before the eyes. (Kali iod., Merc, Puis., Sulph) Laurocerasus.—Obscuration of vision; sensation of a veil before eyes. (Caust., Hyos., Mere, Petrol., Phos., Sulph) Objects appear larger. (Hyos., Nux m) Lilium Tig.—Blurred vision, with heat in eyelids and eyes, after seminal emissions; with prolapsus uteri. Dim vision, with disposition to cover eyes, and press upon them. Muscae volitantes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Lith. carb., Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb.) Lithium Carb.—Entire vanishing of rjght half of what- ever looked at. (Cocc. Ind., Lye) Lycopodium.—All things tremble in artificial light. Hemiopia, sees only left half of objects. (Lith. carb.) Vision weak, unable to distinguish small objects even at a short distance; seems as though one were looking through a fine lattice. Sees everything dim, as through a fog. Veil or flickering before the eyes; black spots. (Agar., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sulph.) Night blindness (BelL, Cad. suL, Hyos., Strain., Per. alb), with black spots before eyes. Magnesia Carb.—Black spots or motes before eyes. (Aeon., China, Lith. carb., Nux m., Phos., Strain., I er. alb) Burning of eyes, and dimness of vision. Magnesia Phos.—Chromatopsia. (BelL, Phos) Vision of sparks or rainbow colors; diplopia. Eyes sensitive to light. (Apis, BelL, Crotal. h., Merc, Nat. suL, Sulph) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 257 Dullness of vision from weakness of optic nerve. (Nux v., Phos.) Mercurialis Perennis.—Blinking of eyes in open air; snow makes blind. (Ars. alb.) Great sensitiveness to light. Mercurius.—Dim vision; eyes are drawn almost in- voluntarily if attempting to look at anything; relieved by closing eyes. Blinded by firelight. Vision worse from heat and glare of fire; also from day- light. Fog before one or both eyes. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. m.. Petrol., Phos., Sep., Sulph) Failing vision; temporary loss of vision, even when not using the eyes there are dark spots or a kind of cloud before vision. Constant lachrymation and aching pressing pain in eyes; cannot bear firelight. Scotoma of right eye after a fall, with dimness of vision, constant flickering before eyes and floating black specks. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Phos., Sep., Sulph) Mercurius Cor.—Objects appear smaller, or double vision. (Opium, Phos., Phyt., Plat, met) Dim vision due to retinitis. Excessive photophobia. Muriatic Acid.—Perpendicular half sight. (Left half, Cocc. Ind., Lith. carb., Lye) Obscured sight; pain in occiput. Natrum Carb.—Dim vision; has to wipe eyes con- tinually. Black spots floating before vision while writing. (Agar., Mere, Phos., Sulph.) Sensation as if feathers were before eyes. Dazzling flashes before eyes on waking. (Bell., Glon) Natrum Mur.—Fiery zigzag appearance around all objects; black spots and streaks of light (CycL, Ign., Lye, Merc, Phos); sudden darkness, everything turns black. 258 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Vision double, sees only one-half of an object, perpen- dicularly. (Left half, Cocc. Ind., Lith. carb., Lye) Unsteady vision; objects become confused. Dim vision, as if looking through gauze or feathers; objects seem as if covered with a veil. (Caust., Croc, Petrol., Phos., SiL, Sulph) Frequent obscuration of sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading or writing. Amaurosis from debilitating nervous losses. Dark veil passes before eyes from right to left every morning at 10 A. m. Niccolum Met.—Objects appear too large (Hyos., Nux 111), (smaller, Plat, met); light appears double; is sur- rounded by colors of the rainbow. (Bry., Coni., Fer. met., Strain) Nitric Acid.—Great sensitiveness of the eyes to day- light; a kind of nyctalopia. (Graph., Kali bi., SiL) Double vision of horizontal objects at some distance. (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Strain) Vision obscured when reading. Nux Moschata.—Objects look larger (Hyos.); too small, (Plat, met); too close together; very distant; oblique; vanish; red; seem to float before eyes. Motes before the eyes. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. e, Nat. m., Strain., Ver. alb.) Momentary blindness; grasps head, it feels strangely. Nux Vomica.—Vision extremely sensitive. Intolerance of light of day; (candle-light, Borax, Gels., Hep. s., Phos). Photophobia, in the morning, with obscuration of vision. Glittering appearance just outside the distinct field of vision; also black and gray points floating before eyes. (China, Lith. carb., Magn. c, Strain) Tobacco amaurosis. Streaks like lightning before eye (flickering zigzags, Ign., Nat. in., Phos., Sep., Thuja). APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 259 * Impaired vision, in consequence of abuse of liquor and tobacco. Opium.—Obscuration of sight, amblyopia. Scintillations before eyes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) Osmium.—Weakness of sight, could not tell night from day. Rainbow around candle. (Alumina, Anae or., BelL, CycL, Bigit., Fer. met., Phos., Sep., Stann. met., Sulph) Petroleum.—Eyes dim, as if a veil were before them. (Calc. c, Caust., Croc, Nat. m., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja) Phosphoric Acid.—Eyes dazzled by looking at bright things. Phosphorus.—Appearance before eyes as if sparks, in the dark (Bar. c, Calc. e, Lye); luminous, epecially red; various flashing lights and color; muscae volitantes; halo around light (Alumina, Anae or., BelL, CycL, Bigit., Sep., Sulph); green halo around candle; misty, with attacks of vanishing of light; blackness, or black points or sparks; flickering (Agar., BelL, CycL, Merc, Sep., Sulph.), with roaring in head. Eyes very sensitive to light, or dazzled by bright lights. On reading, letters look red, outline ill defined; objects tremble. Objects look green or gray. Colors appear black before eyes. All objects appear to be covered by a veil. (Calc. e, Caust., Croc, Lye, Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) Sees more distinctly in morning, in twilight, than dur- ing the day, or shading eyes by hand. Dim vision for distant objects. Dimness of sight, photophobia, unable to read by candle- light, due to excessive use of tobacco. Momentary blindness, as from fainting. Paroxysm of nyctalopia; or a sensation as if everything 260 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. were covered with a gray veil; smoke or mist (Calc. e, Caust., Croc, Gels., Lye, Nat. m., SiL) Amaurosis of right eye, consequent upon sexual excess, especially if associated with fatty liver. Amblyopia, from loss of fluids. (China) Blindness after lightning stroke. *Photopsies, chromatopsies, halo around light, red appearance of objects, flashes of light before eyes. Physostigma.—Film over eyes and blur (Jab); objects mixed; after which dull pain over and between eyes. Dimness of vision. Phytolacca.— Double vision (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Stram), with vertigo and headache. Dimness of vision. Platinum Met.—Scintillations before eyes; headache. Objects appear smaller than they really are (larger, Hyos., Nux in). Plumbum Met.—Cloudiness before eyes, inducing one to rest them. Dimness of vision, especially on right side, sudden loss of sight or transient amaurosis, and deafness complicating motor palsy in some cases. Psorinum.—Great photophobia; walks with eyes bent upon ground; scurfy eruption on face. Fiery sparks before eyes. (CycL, Ign., Phos., Sulph) Objects seem to tremble for a few moments and then get dark. Vision blurred; black spots before eyes; flickering; danc- ing about of objects. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., Sulph., Thuja) Darkness before eyes and ringing in ears. Pulsatilla.—Over-sensitiveness to light. Flashing of fire (BelL, CycL, Glon., Merc, Sulph), as if slapped in the face. Like a veil before the eyes, relieved by rubbing or wip- ing them. (Croc, Euphr., Puis) Dimness of sight, with lachrymation in the open air; APPLIED THERAPEUTICS-—VISION. 261 like a fog or mist (Caust., Hyos., Lauro., Merc, Petrol., Phos., Sulph), especially on getting warm from exercise, with inclination to vomit and paleness of face. Dizzy obscuration of vision after sitting (Ant., Bide), on rising and beginning to walk about, or going into a warm room. Transient obscuration of vision. It seems dark before eyes in morning on rising from bed. During menses it becomes black before eyes, and she feels worse on going into a warm room. Amblyopia from suppression of any bloody discharge; from metastasis of gout or rheumatism; from gastric de- rangement with heart disease. Ranunculus Bulbosa.—Mist before eyes (Caust., Calc c, Croc, CycL, Lye, Nat. m., Phos., Petrol., Sep., SiL, Sulph., Thuja). Hemeralopia. Rhus Tox.—Extreme confusion of sight. Obscurity of vision; sensation as of a veil before eyes. (Caust., Gels., Mere, Phos., Sulph) Senega.—Sensation as if threads were hanging before eyes, worse in right eye. Sepia.—Vanishing of sight; vision impeded by fiery zigzags or sparks (BelL, CycL, Nat. in., Phos., Sulph); flickering before eyes when looking into light; green halo around candle-light (Phos); black spots. Gauze, black spots or stripes before eyes. Vision obscured as through a veil. (Caust., Croc, Nat. m., Petrol., Phos., Sulph) Dullness of sight; sees one half of object clearly, the other half obscured. Vision of a zigzag of colors when looking into the light; sparks, with weakness. Black spots passing in all directions, all day. Vision vanishes during menses, relieved by lying down. Obscuration of vision dependent on hepatic derange- ment. 262 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. Amaurosis, with contracted pupils; after violent head- aches. Silicea.—Blackness before eyes after headache. Dim vision after suppressed foot sweat. Occasional lightning flashes in eyes and a feeling as if something obscured vision. Black specks before eyes. Momentary loss of sight, with uterine affections. Spigelia.—Vision dim, or sensation as if feathers were in the lashes; worse on rubbing eyes. Sparks before eyes. Vision vanishes on fixing gaze. Staphysagria.—Dimness of sight, scintillations of flames before eyes, especially at night; halo around candle. Stramonium.—Light dazzles; convulsions from bright light, water or brilliant objects; eyes water. Dimness of vision; complains of darkness; wants a light. Double vision (Aur. met., BelL, Cic. v., Phyt); sees ob- liquely. Vision cloudy. Transient blindness. Visual illusions. Sulphur.—Vision dim when reading; confused dark spots floating before eyes. Intolerance to sunlight. (Aeon., Bell., Coni., Graph., Ign., Merc) Dark specks before eyes. (Agar., Che ltd., Kali carb., Mere, Phos., Psor., Sep., SiL) Flickering before eyes. Amblyopia and amaurosis from suppression of eruptions. Tabacum. — Dim vision; sees as through a veil; towards evening. Theridion.—Flickering before eyes in frequent parox- ysms, even when closing eyes; like a veil before eyes; she must lie down; hysteria. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—VISION. 263 Dizziness and confusion of vision; everything went together and became indistinct. Thuja.—Vision dim when writing, also in open air, with confusion of head; with pressure in eyes as if they would be pressed out of head, or as if they were swollen; with muscae volitantes. Dimness of vision, as if a mist or veil was before the eyes. (Caust., Croc, Nat. in., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Sulph) Luminous disc like a fire-fly hovering before eyes on entering a dark room; worse in twilight. Flickering before the eyes; flames of light, like fire- flies. (Agar., CycL, Merc) Veratrum Alb.—Hemeralopia, with nightly diarrhoea. Hemeralopia preceding menstruation. Veratrum Vir.—Double vision; unsteady vision. Dimness of vision, with dilated pupils; from congestion of blood to base of brain, with nausea and vomiting, when assuming an erect posture, with partial syncope; walking brings on blindness, with fainting; after loss of vital fluids. Amaurosis from irritation or congestion of optic nerve; from anaemia. Zincum Met.—Amaurosis, during severe headache, passing away with headache; contracted pupil. 18 264 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—GLAUCOMA. GLAUCOMA. Anacardium Orientale.—The light seems to have a halo around it; vision dim. Pupil first contracted, then dilated. Vision indistinct. Pressure as from a plug, on the upper margin of the orbit. Belladonna.—Has halo around light, partly colored, red predominates (green predominates, Phos). Eyes injected, pupils dilated, fundus hyperaemic, and pain both in and around the eye; throbbing headache and flushed face; ciliary neuralgia, appearing and disappearing suddenly. Hyperaemia and inflammation of optic nerve and retina. Pains are worse in the afternoon and evening. Shooting in eyes from within outward. Eyes hot and dry, with sensitiveness to light. Eyeballs feel as if starting from their sockets. Orbital neuralgia, with red face and hot hands; photo- phobia and congestion. Bryonia.—In glaucoma due to a serous choroiditis; pupils dilated. Eyes feel full, as if pressed out, with sharp shooting pains through the eye and head. Eyes feel sore to the touch. Hyperaemia of optic nerve and retina. Cocculus Ind.—Rheumatic glaucoma, with venous hyperaemia; dilated pupils, insensible to light; haziness of lens and vitreous; severe pain in and around eyes, tearing pain in brow and left side of head. Colchicum.—Glaucoma, with drawing, digging pain deep in orbit. Colocynthis.—Eyes inflamed, pupil dilated; eyeball tense, hot and protruding; pain cutting in character, relieved by firm pressure and by walking in a warm room, worse by rest at night and stooping. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—GLAUCOMA. 265 Gelsemium.—Glaucoma from increased secretion; pupil dilated. Bruised pain above eyes, and behind them. Heaviness of the eyes. Orbital neuralgia, periodic. Smoky appearance before eyes, with pain above them. Kali Iod.—Incipient glaucoma in syphilitic subjects; dull, discolored state of iris; burning in eyes, lachryma- tion, dilated pupils. Osmium.—Indicated in glaucoma; flame of candle larger, confused; large rainbow ring around it. Violent supra- or infra-orbital neuralgia, with lachrymation. Pupil dilated. Phosphorus.— * Useful in glaucoma, in improving vision and removing subjective symptoms; halo around light; vision hazy, objects appear red. Green halo around candle-light in the evening (red, Bell). Glaucoma after iridectomy, pulling as if something were pulled tight over eyes, with spangles around gas and a boring pain in eye, extending into head. Ciliary neuralgia of glaucoma. Sensation as if eyeballs were swollen and pushed out of orbit. Physostigma.—Used locally (Eserine), relieves tension in glaucoma. Prunus Spinoa.—Glaucoma, pain severe, crushing in eye as if pressed asunder, or sharp, shooting through eye and corresponding side of head; aqueous and vitreous humors hazy; fundus hyperaemic. Thuja.—* Pains in the head in case of chronic glaucoma, brought on by the motion of the jaws in chewing; eyeball very red and sore to the touch; tension increased. Pupil dilated. 266 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. MUSCLES. Paralysis of Lids.— Caust., Cocc. Ind., Coni., Curare, Gels., Guar, t., Kali phos., Mercurial is per., Nat. c, Nit. ac, Nux v., Plumb, m., Rhus L, Sep., Spig., Stann. met., Syph., Zinc. met. Spasm and Twitching of Lids.—Agar., Aloe, Alu- mina, Apis, Ars. alb., Atrop., Calc c, Cic. v., Codein., Iod., Jatr. e, Kreos., Magn. phos., Mcz., Nat. m., Nux v., Phos., Phys., Plat, met., Rat., Ver. v. Nystagmus.—Agar., BelL, Gels., Magn. phos., Stram. Internal Recti.—Agar., Coni., Jab. External Recti.—Chelid., Cup. ac, Gels., Kali iod. Superior Recti.—Cup. m., Senega. Motor Oculi.—Euphr., Gels., Kali iod., Merc, prot., Phos., Rhus t., Senega. Superior Oblique.—Am., Senega. Ciliary Muscle.—Agar., Arg. nit., Jab., Buboisin, Gels., Opium, Paris, Phos., Phys. Strabismus.—Bell., Calc. c, Chin. suL, Cic. v., Cina., CycL, Gels., Jab., Kali phos., Magn. phos., Nat. phos., Nux v., Stram., Tabae Agaricus Muse.—* Nystagmus; muscular asthenopia; internal recti weak, causing inability to read; pain around eyes; soreness of the eyeball; twitching and jerking of the eyeballs and lids. Spasmodic affections of the muscles of the eye, asso- ciated with spasm of the lids or chorea. (Alumina, Ars. alb., Atrop., Calc e, Nat. m., Nux v) Aloe.—Occasional twitching of left eyelids during the day. Alumen.—Sees everything double by candle light. Alumina.—Spasmodic closure of the lids at night. (Agar., Ars. alb., Atrop., Calc. c, Nat. m., Nux v.) Great loss of power of the eyelids. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. 267 Ammonium Carb.—Muscular asthenopia from pro- longed use of eyes. Apis.—Trembling of the eyeball, worse at night; diplopia. Twitching and jerking of eyelids. Argentum Nit.—Weakness of the ciliary muscle or paralysis of accommodation. (Buboisin, Gels., Jab., Phos., Phys) Arnica.—Insufficiency of the superior oblique muscle. (Senega) Traumatic muscular paralysis. (Buboisin) Arsenicum Alb.—Twitching of the eyes, as if they were drawn into the head, with burning heat, hot lachrymation and photophobia. Lids spasmodically closed. Arum Triphyllum.—Quivering of the left upper lid. (Bry., Jatr. e, Ales) Atropia. — Blepharospasm. (Agar., Alumina, Calc. e, Nat. 111., Nux v.) Lids heavy and difficult to open. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Plumb, m) Aurum Met.—Diplopia; sees things double, or mixed up; paralysis of muscles due to syphilis. Belladonna.—Strabismus due to spasmodic action of muscles or brain trouble. Diplopia. (Strain) Spasm of the eyes, distorting them. (Agar) The eyes are in constant motion. (Agar.) The eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle. Motion of the eyes attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness. Calcarea Carb.—Strabismus after cutting eye teeth. Nictitation in upper and lower lids. Clonic spasm of eyelids. (Agar., Alumina, Atrop., Nat. m., Nux v.) Carbo Veg.—Muscles of eyes pain on looking up. (Chelid) 268 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. Causticum.—Diplopia from paralysis of ocular muscles, worse on turning eye to the right. Paralysis of upper lids. (Bide, Nit. ac, Opium, Plumb. vi., Spig., Ver. alb) Involuntary closure of lids. * Paralysis of the muscles, especially if caused by ex- posure to cold. (To wet, Rhus t) Chelidonium. — Diplopia; paresis of right external rectus. (Cup. ac, Gels., Kali iod.) Pain in the eye on looking up or moving the eye* (Carb. v.) Chininum Sulph.—Intermittent strabismus. (Periodic squint. Cistus, Jab) Cicuta Vir.—* Strabismus convergens in children, if periodic and of a spasmodic character, or caused by con- vulsions. (Cina, Jab., Magn. phos.) Trembling and twitching of the lids. (Eseriue, Jab.) Cina.—Pulsation of the superciliary muscles, a kind of convulsions. Strabismus dependent on helminthiasis. (BelL, Nat. phos.) Cocculus Ind.—Inability to open the eyelids. (Bulc, Caust., Gels., Nit. ac, Nux v., Plumb, in., Spig., Ver. alb.) Codeinum.—Involuntary twitching of the eyelids some- times relieved by rubbing, worse on reading or writing. (Eserine, Jab.) Conium Mac.—Paralysis of the muscles, especially the internal rectus. Lids opened with difficulty; ptosis. Cuprum Acet.—Double vision; paralysis of left external rectus. Insufficiency of external recti muscles. (Chelid., Gels., Kali iod) Cuprum Met.—* Double vision due to paresis of left superior rectus muscle. (Senega.) Quick rotation of the eyeballs. (Agar., BelL, Gels) Curare.—Ptosis of right side. Heaviness of eyes; no power over upper lids. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. 269 Cyclamen.—Diplopia, especially if dependent on con- vergent squint, arising from helminthiasis, convulsions, falls, etc. (Cina) Convergent strabismus. Daphne Ind.—Diplopia, contraction of pupil. Digitalis.—Diplopia; pupil dilated and insensible. Duboisin.—Paralysis of accommodation. (Atrop., Gels., Phys) Eryngium Aquat.—Stiffness of the muscles with pain on turning the eyes. (Kalni., Rhus.) Euphrasia.—Paralysis of motor oculi. (Gels., Kali iod., Merc, prot., Phos., Rhus t., Senega) Gelsemium.—Double vision due to paralysis of motor oculi and abducens. Drooping of eyelids; ptosis. Difficulty in keeping eyelids open or opening them. Diplopia, with spasm of various muscles throughout the body. Constant inclination to squint. (Cic. v., Jab) Asthenopia, with insufficiency of the external rectus. (Chelid., Cup. ac, Kali iod) * Paralysis of muscles following diphtheria, including ciliary muscles. Eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. Guarea Trich.—Paralysis of eyelids. Hyoscyamus.—Eyes open; distorted; rolling about in orbits; squinting; spasmodic action of internal rectus; quivering of eyeball. Ignatia.—Convulsive movement of eyes and lids. Morbus nictitatio; with spasmodic action of various muscles of the face. Iodium.—Twitching of the lids. Trembling of the lids. Jaborandi.—Insufficiency of internal rectus. (Agar., Coni) * Spasm, or irritability of ciliary muscle. (Eserine, Phys) 270 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. * Periodic convergent squint. (Cic. v., China, Sulph) Jatropha Cur.—Quivering in left upper eyelid. (Bry., Arum tri., Mez) Kali Iod.—* Paralysis of external rectus. (Chelid., Cup. ac, Gels.) Paralysis of any of the eye muscles when due to syphilis. Kali Phos.—Strabismus, or squinting after diphtheria. Drooping of the eyelids. Kalmia Latifolia.—* Blepharospasm, causing ptosis; stiffness of muscles of eyes on moving them. (Nux v., Rhus t) Kreosotum.—Uncontrollable twitching of the lids. Magnesia Phos.—Nystagmus; strabismus; spasmodic squinting; ptosis. Twitching or spasm of eyelids. Mercurialis Perennis. — Twitching of upper lid, especially left eye; unable to open lids at first; seem partly paralyzed. Mercurius Prot.—Paralysis of motor oculi nerve, syph- ilitic. Mezereum.—Twitching of muscles of left upper lid. Natrum Carb.—Heaviness of upper lids; can hardly open them ; they close involuntarily. Natrum Mur.—Weakness of internal rectus muscle. Spasmodic closure of lids. (Agar., Alumina, Atrop., Calc. c, Nux v) Natrum Phos.—Squinting caused by intestinal irrita- tion from worms. (Cina., Bell) Nitric Acid.—Difficulty in opening eyes and raising lids in the morning. Paralysis of upper lids. Nux Moschata.—Drooping of eyelids; ptosis. Nux Vomica.—Diplopia from muscular asthenopia; from paralytic strabismus. Heaviness and frequent closure of eyelids. Movement of eye difficult on account of stiffness of mus- cles. (Kalm., Rhus t) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. 271 Paresis of ocular muscles, worse from stimulants and tobacco. Strabismus, periodic in character, especially from mental excitement, or where caused by an injury. Blepharo-spasm; twitching of the lids; blinking. (Agar., Alumina, Atrop., Calc. c, Nat. m) Opium.—Total paralysis of accommodation, with anaes- thesia of retina, due to lead poisoning. Paris Quad.—Paralysis of iris and ciliary muscle due to injury (Am., Buboisin); pain drawing from eye to back of head, where there is a sore spot, worse by pressure. Phosphorus.—Paralysis of muscles; motor oculi; ptosis; mydriasis. Eyelids tremble and quiver; twitching of lids. Physostigma.—Twitching of lids, contraction of pupil, spasm of ciliary muscle. (Jab.) Paresis of accommodation after diphtheria (Gels), and in muscular asthenopia. Platina Met.—Spasmodic trembling and twitching of eyelids. Plumbum Met.—Lids spasmodically closed; paralysis of upper lids. Ratanhia.—Twitching of left upper eyelid. Rhus Tox.—Paralysis of any muscle of the eyeball resulting from rheumatism, exposure to cold (Caust) or getting wet feet. Paralysis of upper lid from cold; ptosis. Senega.—Paralysis of muscles of the eye. Paralysis of superior oblique or superior rectus. (Am) Motor-oculi paresis. (Euphr., Gels., Kali iod., Merc, Phos., Rhus t) Sepia.—Heaviness and falling of under lids, as if they were paralyzed. Difficulty in opening eyes in the morning; ptosis. Spigelia.—Ptosis, with sharp pain and lachrymation. Lids lax and paralyzed; they hang low down and must be raised. 272 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—MUSCLES. Stannum Met.—Ptosis from sympathetic paralysis, periodic. Stramonium.—Strabismus from brain affections (BelL, Tabae), epilepsy, eclampsia or chorea, if made worse by mental emotions, terror, fear, etc. Contortions of eyes and eyelids. Syphilinum.—Ptosis paralytica; eyes look sleepy from lowering of upper lid. Tabacum.—Strabismus dependent on brain trouble; diplopia. (BelL, Strain) Veratrum Vir.—Twitching of lids, contortion of the eyes, rolling of the eyeballs, paralysis of the lids. Zincum Met.—Upper lids heavy, as if paralyzed. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 273 PAIN IN EYES AND HBAD. Aconite.—Fullness and heavy feeling, as if everything would push out of the forehead. Shooting in supra-orbital ridge, branching across fore- head to scalp, to right temple, cheek and into some teeth; worse by pressure and toward evening. Sensation of great heat, burning and dryness in the eyes. Sensitive to light, especially the sun (Coni., Euphr., Sulph); (candle light, Borax, Calc c, Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos) Eyeball feels enlarged, as if coming out of socket. (Actea r., Calad., CommocL, Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, in., Spig) Actaea Racemosa.—* Aching pain through the eye into the head, extending down the neck; worse on using the eyes. Intense aching pains in the eyeballs. (Aloe, Spig) * Pain in the centre of the eyeballs. Pain in forehead, temple and vertex, with fullness, throbbing and heat. Pain, as if between the eyeball and the orbital plate (Badiaga, CommocL); worse in the morning and on going upstairs. Great pain in head and eyeballs, increased by slightest movement of head or eyeballs. Brain feels as if too large; pressing from within out- ward. Pain over the eyes, extending to the occiput; aching pain in the eyeballs or temples, extending to the eyes; worse at night. Dull pain in the occiput, with shooting down back of neck up to vertex. Intense pain, as if a ball had been driven from neck to vertex; worse at every throb of the heart. 274 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Severe pains darting into left eye; feels as if needles were run into the eyeball through the cornea. (Eupat. perf, Meph., Sulph) Sensation of enlargement of eyeball," as if it would be pressed out of head. (BelL, Calad., CommocL, Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, in., Spig.) Allium Cepa.—Pain in eyes, as if they hung loosely on a string, posteriorly. (Carb. an) * Burning, smarting, and biting in the eyes as from smoke; wants to rub them. Itching, burning, stinging in the eyes. Aloe.—Pain deep in the orbit, as if in the muscles; worse on right side. (Actea r., Spig.) Weight on vertex ; pressure in the forehead and occiput. Compelled to nearly close the eye because of pain in the forehead. Dull headache across the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes with nausea. Headaches are worse from heat and better from cold applications. Dull pressing pain in the supra-orbital region. Ambra Grisea.—Pain in the eyes, as if they had been closed too firmly; worse in the morning. Pressure upon the eyes. Amyl Nitrite.—Aching pains in eyes in sunlight, with profuse lachrymation, followed by sneezing. Ciliary neuralgia, eye injected; face or cheeks flushed. Heaviness and pressure outward in forehead and temples. Heat and throbbing in the head; feeling of fullness to bursting. Surging of blood to head and face; flush of face. Anacardium Orientale.—Digging and throbbing pains in right side of head along the border of the orbit; relieved when eating and lying down; aggravated by motion or overwork. Pressure as from a plug on the upper margin of the orbit, extending into brain. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 275 Pressing headache, mostly in temples from without in- wards, with dimished sight and hearing; aggravated after eating, exerting mind and stepping hard. Pain in the left eye, with twitching in it. Apis.—Aching, sore, pressing, tensive shooting, boring, stinging, burning pains in and around eyes and in fore- head. Head confused and dizzy, with pressive pain above and around the eyes; relieved by pressure of hands. Severe darting lancinating pains in eyes. Dull, heavy, tensive headache over the eyes, with pain through the orbits. Pain over left eye, left side of head, nausea and vomiting. Burning and smarting sensation in eyeballs and lids. (Calad., Calc. c, Canth., Merc, Nat. m., Sep., Sulph) Pressive pain in lower part of eyeball. Chronic headache, with violent pain in forehead and temples, at times involving the eyes, attended by vertigo, nausea and vomiting; must hold the head and eyes down. Argentum Nit.—Shooting, itching, biting pain in right eye, excessive photophobia, lessening toward night. Painful fullness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect. Pain in head; it seems enlarged. Headache, relieved by binding head tightly. Sensation of fullness, dryness and heat, especially on moving the eyeball. Coldness in the eyes (cold wind, Berb.. v, Croc, Fluor. ac), with boring pain, scalp feels as if drawn tightly. The sight of high houses makes him dizzy; feels as if they would fall on him. Staggers when walking in the dark. Eyeballs sensitive to touch. Constant headache in right side of head in a myope. Pressive pain, sometimes in vertex, sometimes left frontal 276 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--PAIN IN EYES, &C. bone; relieved by pressure, worse from mental labor; let- ters would run together. Infra-orbital neuralgia. Intolerance of light. (Aeon., BelL, Euphr., Graph.) Violent pressure in forehead commencing over eyes, spreading upwards in morning; reeling aching on side of head and feels enlarged, or the eye on the affected side feels enlarged. Arnica.—Feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, with intense headache. Over-sensitiveness of the whole brain or in different parts of it. Shooting tearing pain in both eyes and surrounding parts, worse in bed and by warmth. Headache brought on by reading or working on first getting up. Severe ciliary neuralgia, in iritis, traumatic. Vertigo when closing the eyes; Dull pain over eyes when not using them. Neuralgias in head, sharp, worse on motion; especially if due to injuries. Arsenicum Alb.—Pulsating throbbing in eyes, worse after midnight. Painful throbbing and beating in the middle of the left supra-orbital region in a small spot. Violent pains in the eye, worse at night. Occipital headache, of a pricking character, in retinitis albuminurica. Periodical headache, cannot move or fix his attention. Neuralgia of left side of head; then paralyzed feeling. Dull beating pain in one-half of head, above eye. Violent burning in the eyes. Eyeball hot and burning. Stinging pains when trying to open the lids. Violent burning in the eyes; feeling of sand in the eyes. (Caust., Ign., Nat, m., Phyt., Sulph.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 277 Ciliary neuralgia with fine burning pains, like needles, with soreness in the painful part. Asafoetida.—* Boring pains from within outwards above the eyebrow (from without in, Aur. met), burning, especi- ally at night, relieved by rest and pressure (aggravated by pressure and rest, Aur. met). Burning in the eyeballs, within outwards. Pressive pain in forehead and left side of head, from within outward. Sharp pain extending through the eye into the head. (Spig) * Nocturnal throbbing pains in and around eyes and head. Periodic burning pains in the eyes and pressing together of the lids, as if overcome by sleep. Pain in right parietal as from a deeply penetrating plug. Pressure on external margin of left orbit. Pinching, drawing across supra-orbital region. Dryness and burning in the eyes. (Alumina, Ars. alb.-, Sulph) Asarum Europ.—Painful feeling of dryness interiorly. Eyes worse in the morning and evening (Sep.) and in sunlight; relieved in middle of day and from bathing in cold water. (Sulph.) Atropia.—Sharp neuralgic pains in and around eyes. Intermittent neuralgic pains under left orbit, running back to ear; aggravated by moving about in open air. Sharp pain under right eye, with aching in temples. Sticking in base of skull and especially over eyes on every motion; aggravated by stepping. Intermittent, fine, drawing stitches across forehead and temples; aching relieved by closing eyes. Aurum Met.—Pains in eyes of a dull, burning character, compelling one to close the lids, worse in the morning and relieved by application of cold water. Violent pain in left forehead and eye. 278 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--PAIN IN EYES, &C. Pain deep in the bone around eye, extending from with- out inward (from within out, Asafcet); worse by touch. Rush of blood to head; sparks before eyes. Bones around eye feel bruised. Pressive pain from above downward in right eyeball. Pressive pain inward in right eyeball, worse during motion. (Bry., Spig) Tearing in right occiput, through brain to forehead, worse on motion. Badiaga.—Headache with aching in posterior part of eyeball (Actea r., CommocL), worse on turning eyeballs; eyeballs tender. (Bry., Spig.) Severe intermittent pain in posterior portion of right eyeball, extending to forehead and temple, worse after 3 p. M. Pain in eyeballs, extending into temples, worse by turn- ing eyes. (Bry., Spig) Soreness of left eyeball, even when closing lids lightly. Baptisia.—Eyeballs feel sore; sore and lame on moving them. (Bry., Spig) Soreness in front of head when moving eyes or turning them upwards. Severe pain in eyes while reading. Sharp darts of pain in supra-orbital nerve at foramen. Baryta Carb.—Pain in eyeballs. Sharp drawing over left eye in the evening, extending from nose toward temple. Belladona.—Pain in the head and eyeballs feel as if starting from their sockets. Dryness of the eyes; feeling of burning dryness; stiff- ness. (Aeon., Alumina, Ars. alb., Sulph) Orbital neuralgia, especially of the infra orbital-nerve, with red face and hot hands. Pressive headache in forehead relieved by lying the head down, aggravated on reading and stooping. Boring pain under right frontal eminence, early in the morning, soon after waking. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 279 Headache relieved by closing eyes, by sitting and lying, returns on rising. Ciliary neuralgia, appearing and disappearing suddenly; photophobia; congestion. Head very sensitive, even pressure of hair causes pain. (SiL, Sulph) Intense headache; aggravated by noise, motion, moving the eyes. Severe throbbing pain in the eye, and head worse at night. Eyeball sensitive to touch. Sensitiveness of the eyes to light. (Aeon., Euphr., Graph., Merc, Sulph) Berberis Vulg.—Violent shooting pains through eyes into brain, or from temples to eyes (Spig); after operations for strabismus. Tearing pain in whole head, now here, now there, in forehead and temples. Dryness, with biting and burning in the eyes, itching and feeling as of sand. (Sulph.) Pain in eye on beginning to read by candle light, after crying; aggravated by motion of eye. Bromium.—Throbbing stitches in left upper lid, ex- tending to brow, forehead and left temple, worse by external pressure and stooping, relieved by rest. Stitches through left eye. Migraine of left side, aggravated by stooping, especially after drinking milk. Bryonia.—Eyes very sore, worse on motion. (Spig.) Severe shooting pains, extending to vertex or occiput, aggravated at night or from motion of eye. Stitches in head from forehead to occiput. Headache commences in morning as soon as opens eyes. Ciliary neuralgia, worse on opening and moving eyes. {Spig) Sharp pain passing through eye back into head (Actea r., 19 28o APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--PAIN IN EVES, ,S:C. Spig), or extending from eye down to malar bone, and backward to occiput. Intermittent pain in left eyeball, worse on moving eye- ball, with feeling as if the eye became smaller and was retracted within the orbit. Pressing, crushing pain in the eyes, worse by motion. Eyeball feels full, as if pressed out, with sharp shooting pains in eye and head, worse at night. (Spig.) Caladium.—Dull pressive aching in portion of eyeball. (Actea r., xiloe, Badiaga, Spig) Eyeball sore and sensitive to pressure. (Am., Hep. s) Eyeball feels as if pressed out; too large. Calcarea Carb.—Severe pain over the whole head after straining or using the eyes. Feeling as if sand under upper lid, or of a foreign body. (Aeon., Aur. met., Caps., Euphr., Hep. s., Ign., Kali bi., Nat. m., Ruta, SiL, Sulph) Sticking pains through eyeballs at external canthus. Pains in the eyeballs, worse in the evening and in gas- light. Pain in the eyes after using them, worse in damp weather and from warmth. Heaviness in forehead, worse when reading or writing. Burning cutting pain in the lids, especially on reading. Tearing headache above eyes down to nose, with nausea. Calcarea Phos.—Eyeballs ache, as if beaten. Cool feeling towards back of eyes. (Cold wind blowing in eyes, Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor.) Sensation of something in the eyes. (Caust., Sulph) Calcarea Sulph. — Sensation as of a foreign body. (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Camphora.—Sensation as if eyeballs were pushed upon from behind. (Actea r., Spig) Soreness or tense stiff feeling in eyes and lids. Burning, biting, sticking, itching in eyelids. Heat and burning in the eyes; lachrymation. (Sulph) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 281 Glittering of objects; flickering; objects appear encircled by a cloud. (Caust., CycL, Mere, Phos., Sep., Sulph) Cannabis Indica.—Distended feeling in the eyeballs as if starting out of the head (Actea r., BelL, Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig); eyes ache on trying to read. Pain from bottom of orbit through brain and in ear. Cool, burning, stinging in left inner canthus and side of nose. Pain as from a blow over right orbit. Cannabis Sat.—Pressure from behind the eyes forward. Sensation of spasmodic drawing. Compression from margin of orbits to temples. Cantharis.—Biting sensation as if salt were in the eye. (Canth., Clem, e., Merc, Nux v., Sulph) Cutting in the eyes while writing. Capsicum.—Burning in the eyes, with redness and lach- rymation. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Phos.) Pressing pain as from a foreign body (Caust., Sulph) Carbo Animalis.—Sensation as if something lav above eye, so could not look up. Sensation as if eyes were lying loose in sockets. (Cepa.) Carbo Veg.—Pressure and aching in the eyeballs. (Actea r., Ruta, Spig) Burning in the eyes. Sensation of heavy weight upon the head; as if head bound up with a cloth. Aching in head, especially over eyes. Muscles of eyes pain when looking up. (Carb. v., Chelid., Plumb, in) Carbolic Acid.—Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye. Piercing pain in a spot in left supra-orbital ridge; re- lieved on rising, leaving soreness to touch. Causticum.—Pressing pain in eyes, worse on touch. Biting and pressing in the eyes, which seem heavy, with redness of the lids. * Burning and dryness in the eyes, in the evening. Dryness in the eyes in the morning, with stiffness. 282 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Feeling as if sand in eyes. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Hep. s., Ign., Nat. m., Sulph) Cedron.—* Severe, sharp and shooting pain over the eye especially the left, (Arum tri), and extending along branches of the supra-orbital nerve into the head. * Severe ciliary periodical neuralgia, especially in mala- rial cases. (Chin, ars., Chin, mur) . Pain across eyes, from temple to temple. Neuralgia of the supra-orbital nerve and also right side of face, coming on every other day, generally about 9 A. M. Severe pain in the right eyeball, radiating pains all around the eye, shooting into the nose, scalding lachryma- tion, pain in head and across forehead, worse after working on black. Headache worse in open air, worse deep in orbit, oblig- ing to shut eyes, and extending to occiput. Chamomilla.—Violent pressure in the orbital region, sensation in the eyeball as if it were tightly compressed from all sides, with momentary obstruction of vision. Burning and heat in the eyes, which are inflamed and full of mucus in the morning. Stitches in the orbital region. Chelidonium.—Photophobia, with pain through fore- head and eyes. Sensation of burning in the eyes, lachrymation. Feel- ing as if foreign body or sand in eyes. (Ars. alb., Euphr., Hep. s., Nat. m., Sulph) Pain in the eyes as if pierced by knives; prosopalgia. Burning and shooting in the eyes; hordeolum. Pulsating, burning and lancinating pains in the eyes. Tearing pain in the left eye, extending to the zygoma, teeth, forehead and temple, relieved by pressure at first, and then aggravated by the slightest touch; periodic; in evening, in bed. Eyeballs painful on moving them. (Bry., Spig.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 283 Right supra-orbital neuralgia, especially in the evening when reading by artificial light. Aching in the eyeballs on looking up, or moving the eyes. (Carb. v., Plumb. 111) Bruised pain in the right eye, from front to back, relieved by pressure. Tearing pain in and above the eyes. Stitches above the left eye. Pressive pain above the left eye, which seems to press down the upper lid. Lamp-light aggravates the pains in the eyes. (Candle- light, Borax, Calc. e, Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos) Raging pain above edge of right brow, drawing through eye to cheek and face. Pressure in the eyeball. China.—Pain in the eyes on motion, with sensation of mechanical hindrance. Lachrymation, with crawling pain in eyes and on inner surface of the lids. Neuralgia about the eyes; ciliary neuralgia; supra- orbital neuralgia, worse by slightest touch; frequently as- sociated with spinal irritation and soreness of the spine, worse at night and when lying down. Excessive pain as if a knife were thrust into the eye, be- tween the orbit and eyeball, and moved about in the orbital cavity, from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Every other day, violent pain between 8 and 9 A. m., symptoms disappearing at noon. Pressing pain at one spot at inner lid; intermittent type, coming at 11 p. m. every night. Chininum Mur.—* Intense pain in and around eyes, periodic in character. * Ulceration of the cornea of malarial origin, or anaemic, especially with iritis, accompanied by severe pain in or above the eyes. * Severe neuralgic pain in iritis and other diseases of the eyes. 284 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--PAIN IN EYES, &C. Chininum Sulph.—Supra-orbital neuralgia, occurring daily and periodically. (Cedron, Chin, mur) Cina.—Slow stitch extending from above the upper orbital margin deep into the brain. Headache in morning, with affection of eyes, worse on reading and reflecting. Vertigo on rising from bed, relieved by lying down, with blackness before eyes, faintness. Cinnabaris.—* Sharp, sticking, stinging or dull aching above the eyes, extending from the internal to the external canthus, or around eye; pains extend into the eye or up into the head. * Pain from right lachrymal duct around eye to temple; from left inner canthus across brow. Drawing from right inner canthus across malar bone to ear. Ciliary neuralgia, worse at night. Clematis Erecta.—Pressing pain in the eyes and lach- rymation, worse in open air; heat in eyes. Smarting of the eyes, worse when closing them; on re- opening them great sensitiveness to light. Burning, as if fire streamed out of them. (Aeon., Rhodod.) Pain in the middle of the left eyeball. (Actea r) Sensitiveness to air. (Aeon) Pressure in the orbits when moving the eyes. Dryness and heat compelling to close the lids. (Aeon) Cocculus Ind.—Severe pain in and around the eyes; tearing pain in brow and left side of head. Vertigo on rising up in bed (Bry., Phos), with nausea, must lie down. Pressive and contused pain in eyes at night, with diffi- culty in opening the lids. Sick headache, especially brought on by reading in cars and carriages. (Petrol) Pain in head, seated in occiput, extending down spine (Actea r), nausea and vertigo. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EVES, &C. 285 Pressing pain in forehead, from without inwards, with nausea; aggravated by reading. Headache as it something forcible closed eyes, or as if eyes were being torn out. Throbbing in vertex, aggravated by motion of eyes and touch of fingers. Colchicum.—Drawing, digging pain, deep in the orbit. Painful rending, tearing, drawing pains in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput. Intense neuralgic headaches, with frequent ineffectual efforts to sneeze, pains throbbing and shooting, worse on awaking in morning. Violent, sharp, tearing pain in and around left eyeball. Sensation of constriction in ciliary region, with great desire for rest. Spasmodic pains in head, especially over eyes. Headache over left eye, aggravated in open air. Colocynthis.—Severe burning, sticking and cutting pains, extending from eye up into head and around the eye, or aching pain going back into head, worse by rest, at night, and on stooping, relieved by firm pressure and by walking in a warm room. Violent shooting or stitching pain in forehead and eyes, from without inwards, lessens and then returns harder. Sensation on stooping as if eye would fall out. Intense pain through whole head, aggravated by moving eyes. Painful ness of whole head and eyes, aggravated by bend- ing forward. Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball. Confusion in head in afternoon, with pressure in orbits. Painful pressure in eyeballs, especially on stooping. Tearing, digging through brain, aggravated on moving upper lid. Aching in head, aggravated on bending forward, with pain in eyes (Bry), relieved in open air. Commocladia.—Eyes feel very heavy, larger than usual, 286 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. painful and pressing out of head (Actea r., BelL, Calad., Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig), as if something were pressing on top of eyeballs, moving them downward and outward. (Rhus t) Intermittent pain from posterior part of eyeballs (Actea r., Badiaga), through head below occipital protuberance. Pain in the eyes, worse near the stove, with profuse lachrymation. Right eyeball very sore, worse on moving the eye; larger and more protruded. Ciliary neuralgia from asthenopia and chronic iritis. Conium Mac.—Vertigo, worse by motion, accompanied by partial paralysis of muscles of the eye or objects seem unsteady. Eyes feel as if pulled outward from the nose. Aching in head in morning as if head were too full and would burst. Burning on inner surface of lids. Drawing in head on going into open air, relieved by closing eyes. Photophobia, vertical pain in the head, worse in open air; vertigo. Sensation of coldness in the eyes (Alumina, Aiu/u. carb., Asafcet., Calc. e, Lachesis, Lye, Plat, met., Spong), (cold wind Berb. v., Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor). Pain shoots over to front of head, with sensation of a fringe falling over eyes. Crocus Sat.—Pain in eye to top of head; pain in left eye darting to right; sensation of cold wind blowing across eye. (Berb. v., Coni., Fluor, ac, Medor) Feeling in eyes as if she had been constantly weeping, as if water were constantly coming in eyes, only in room. Sore burning in eyes after reading awhile; also dimness, must wink frequently. (Alumina, Euphr., Puis) Crotalus Hor.—Cutting pains around eyes. Tearing, boring pains as if a cut had been made around the eye, sometimes sticking in character and worse in APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 287 mornings and evenings; great sensitiveness to light; lids swollen in the morning, with pains in forehead and occiput. Burning in eyes, redness with lachrymation. Headache gradually increasing and decreasing, extend- ing into eyes. Aggravation of eye symptoms at menstrual period. (Puis., Ver. v.) Pressure and oppression above the eyes; nausea. Very severe pain in right eye and top of head, on right side down back of neck. Croton Tig.—Much pain in eye whenever a movement from the bowels occurs. Pain extending from pupil of left eye to back of head. Tensive pain aoove the right orbit. Sensation of a string pulling eyeball back into head. (Paris.) Stinging in eyeball. Heat and heaviness in head; sticking pain in head, eyes and forehead. Soreness in eyeballs when turning the eyes. (Bry., Spig) Cuprum Met.—Pressing pain in the eyes. Violent pain in forehead, worse over left eye; sensation of pressure over left eye. Bruised pain in the orbits, in eyes and in brain when moving the eyes. Violent itching in the eyes towards evening. (Sulph.) Vertigo on looking up (Plumb, in), with vanishing of vision as from a veil before eyes; on reading. Curare.—Eyes feel hot, sore; hurts to move them; photophobia. Sharp sticking pain over right eye, extending backward over right side of head. Duboisin.—Pain in the eyeball, just beneath the brow. Aching over eyes in forehead and temples; over left eye; vertigo. 288 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Almost impossible to stand with eyes shut, constantly swaying backward and forward. Frontal headache, sharp pain through upper part of eye- balls from front to back, worse by artificial light; eye feels hot and dry, conjunctiva hot and dry. Eryngium Aquat.—Smarting and burning from a strong light, with heavy pain; dull expression. Stiffness of eye-muscles and sleepiness, with pain on turning eyes. (Bry., Kalm., Rhus t.) Eupatorium Perf.—Painful soreness of eyeballs. (Actea r., Bapt., Bry) Great aversion to light. Periodical headaches, especially in occiput, throbbing, sensation of great soreness of eyeballs; soreness of scalp. Biting at times; lachrymation; frequent, burning, bit- ing, obliging winking, at noon, relieved by increased lach- rymation. Euphrasia.—Pressive, cutting pain in eye, extending to frontal sinus. Excessive photophobia. (Aeon., BelL, Merc) Painful pressure in inner angle of left eye, lachrymation, as if sleepy. Headache, as if head would burst, with dazzling of eyes, from sunlight. Burning in eyes, with lachrymation. (Apis, Ars. alb., Merc) Headache accompanied by profuse watery discharge from eyes and nose. * Frequent burning, biting in eyes; obliging frequent winking; acrid lachrymation. (Ars. alb., Merc) Sensation as if dust or sand were in eyes. (Calc. e, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Itching of eyes on going out, obliging frequent wink- ing and wiping of eyes, with increased lachrymation in the afternoon. (Croc, Puis) Ferrum Met.—Pressure in eyes as if they would pro- trude ; worse at night. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 289 Head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep, while sitting reading. Writing causes headache to reappear. Sticking pain over left eye, coining very suddenly, and lasting a short time. Hammering and beating in head; must lie down. Ferrum Phos.—Sensation as though grains of sand were under eyelids. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Fluoric Acid.—Sensation as if a cold wind blowing under lids (Berb. v.), cold wind across eyes. (Croc, Medor.) Sensation as if sand in eyes. (Calc c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Itching in canthi. Gambogia.—Violent burning in eyes and photophobia in evening or afternoon, relieved by walking in the open air, but returning in the morning. Violent itching of eyes in the evening. (Sulph) Heaviness above eyes, with nausea, worse on motion. Pressure as if behind eyeball. Gelsemium.—Heat in eyes and forehead. Pain in head, over eyes and across forehead. Severe pain in forehead and vertex, dim sight, roaring in ears; head teels enlarged. Bruised pain above eyes, and behind them. Soreness as from a foreign body (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph); photophobia and lachrymation. Aggravation of eye symptoms from use of wine. Terrible neuralgia, extending from upper part of spine through upper part of brain, terminating in bursting pain in eyeballs and forehead; aggravated by lying down, by study and exertion; sensation of band around head. * Heaviness of the eyes. (Hell., Nit. ac, Plumb, in., Sep., Sulph.) Dull, full feeling, with aching in whole of orbits. Eyes feel bruised. (Feel too large, Aeon., Calad., Hyos., Nat. m., Opium, Paris, Spig) Eyes feel sore in the evening, sensitive to the light, with lachrymation; lids feel full and congested. 290 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Headache at base of brain, extending through to eyes; aggravated by beat. Orbital neuralgia, periodic, every day at the same hour. (Cedron, Chin, mur) Vertigo, with blurred vision. Headache, as if a band around head. Pain mostly seated in posterior part of head; soreness of muscles of neck, extending to shoulders and spine, with dizziness. Glonoinum.—Headache, with red, injected eyes; shocks synchronous with pulsation of arteries. Dull headache in forehead over eyes; aggravated by use of eyes and mental effort. Tensive pain over eyes, nose and behind ears; followed by choking sensation about throat. Eyes feel as if falling out. Eyeballs protrude during headache ; eyes injected. Eyes feel as if some one were pulling them from within out. Drawing, pressing, aching, bursting pain in eyes. Soreness, quivering and twitching of eyes. Beating over orbits. Supra-orbital neuralgia; pain usually commences at 6 A. m., continues till 11 or 12 m. Pain under left eye. Graphites.—Photophobia; great sensitiveness of eyes to daylight; profuse lachrymation. Drawing, extending from eyes into head. Stitches from temple through eye to inner canthus, on looking at anything white or red, or at the sun. Smarting in eyes, with heat in them. (Sulph) Biting in eyes. Burning and aching in eyes; heat in them. Burning pain around eye. Guaiacum.—Sensation of swelling and protrusion of eyes. (Actea r., BelL, CommocL, Guar, t., Paris.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 291 Guarea Trich. — Sensation as if eyeballs were being pushed out. (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae) Hamamelis.—Eyes feel weak, painful weakness of eyes. Hammering over left eye, as if he would go out of his mind. Headache from straining the eyes. Feeling as if both eyes would be forced out of head, relieved by pressing them with fingers, but worse in a few moments. Sore pain in eyes; eyes painful under slight pressure. Hepar Sulph.—Eyeballs sore to touch, pain as if they would be drawn back into head. (Crot. t., Paris.) Headache over eyes, pressing down upon eyes. Pain in one-half of brain, as from a plug or nail. * Pressing pain in eyeballs, feel bruised upon touch. {Spig) Boring pains in upper bones of the orbits. (Asafcet., Aur. met) Pressure in eyes as if from sand. (Calc. c, Caust., Sep., Sulph) Pains in eyeball, relieved from warmth, and aggravated by motion. Pains in eyes as if pulled back into head. (Crot. t., Paris.) Ignatia.—Sensation as if sand in eyes. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Pressive headache in right side of forehead, extending down into right eye; it feels as if eyeball would be pressed out; burning in eyes and increased lachrymation. Pain under upper lid as if too dry. (Sulph) Intense photophobia. (Aeon., BelL, Merc, Sulph) Ciliary neuralgia; severe pain extending from eye to top of head, producing nausea, often alternating with swelling in throat, globus hystericus; pains begin very slightly, increasing gradually until they become very severe, only ceasing on the patient becoming exhausted. Supra-orbital neuralgia, boring pain in small spot. 292 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Intense pain over right eye, as if through supra-orbital foramen; as if needles were pushed through into brain. Stabbing pain in eyes, going to occiput and nape of neck; relieved from warmth, aggravated by sound. Iodium.—Constant tearing pain around right eye, pass- ing backward from inner canthus to articulation of jaw. Protrusion of eyeball, or a feeling of protrusion. (Actea r., BelL, CommocL, Guaiae, Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig) Pain :n a spot above root of nose (Ign); sub-orbital; above eyes toward evening; aggravated by noise and talk. Smarting in eyes, pain as from excoriation. Ipecacuanha.—Severe shooting pains through eyeballs, profuse lachrymation on looking steadily, blue and red halo around flame. Violent neuralgia of the eyeballs, shooting into the head, with gushes of tears; nausea. Jaborandi.—* Sharp pains through eyes into head ; ac- companied by insufficiency of the internal rectus. *Pain over eyes, with lachrymation, worse by using them; blurred vision. * Headache on using the eyes, smarting and pain in globes, and aching over eyes. Kali Bich.—On opening eyes, lachrymation and burn- ing. Shooting pains over eyebrow. Pain in left side of head and over left eye, worse at night. Itching and burning in both eyes, lachrymation, burn- ing and photophobia. (Aeon., Ars. alb., Mere, Sulph) Heat and pressure in eyes, with desire to rub them. Neuralgic headache, confined to a small spot, with dim- ness of vision. Kali Carb.—Smarting, burning, biting, stitching pain in eye. Stitches into eyes and root of nose. Pain in forehead, with pressure above eyes; with photo- phobia. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 293 Pressive pain in front of head and temples into eyes, with heat in face and head. Eyes painful on reading (Jab., Nat. ars., Nat. m., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph), as if pressed inward. Sensation of coldness in lids (cold wind blowing under lids, Croc, Flour, ac.) Kalmia Latifolia.—Severe pain in right eye, extending to forehead, beginning at sunrise, growing worse until noon, then relieved, and leaving at sunset. Pain over right eye; giddiness; eyes weak and watery. * Pain in the eyes, which makes it painful to turn them. (Bry., Spig) * Sensation of stiffness of muscles of eyes and of eyelid ; eyes painful on turning them. Kreosotum.—Itching and smarting sensation in eyes, on edges of lids, worse on rubbing. Burning heat in eyes, with tears, worse in bright light. (Aeon., Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc) Lachesis.—Over-sensitiveness of the eyes to light. Variety of pains and sensations in and around eyes, on using them and on awaking in the morning, and after sleeping. Dull pain over and in eyes; nausea; pain top of head; giddiness on rising. Sharp, shooting pains from eyes to temples, top of head and occiput. Stitches as from knives in eyes, coming from head. Sticking, drawing pain in right eye, extending to vertex. As if a thread were drawn from behind eye to eye. Neuralgia of the orbit, worse left. Eyes feel as if they had been taken out and squeezed and then put back again; pains worse after sleep; awakens patient from sleep. Pressure in orbits, with sensation of drawing from eyes to occiput. Stitching, burning and pressing pains in eyes. Eyeballs feel as if forced out when throat is pressed. 294 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--PAIN IN EYES, &C. Severe pain in and above eyes, extending to root of nose. Vertigo, worse on closing eyes. Intense and constant pain in left eye; pain sharp and sticking and sometimes extending to brow; numb feeling on left side of head; marked dimness of vision; terrific headache over eyes. Lactic Acid.—Sensation of fullness in eyes, with head- ache. (Apis, Nux v.) Eyes feel as if would burst, (as if would be forced out. Led.) Ledum.—Asthenopia, with dull pain behind the eye- ball, as if it would be forced out. (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar, t., Paris.) Lilium tig.— Intense pain in eyes, extending back into head ; dim sight. Dull frontal headache, worse over left eye or alternating from side to side. Sharp pains over eyes. Pain in forehead in astigmatism. Burning feeling in eyes after reading or writing, eyes feel very weak. Lithium Carb.—After reading eyes pain as if dry; as if little grains were in them; as if sore. (Caust., Sulph) Pain and heaviness over brows, worse towards evening. Lycopodium.—Photophobia; evening light blinds them. Distressing pain on eyes getting dry, with nightly ag- gravation. (Sulph) Eyes dazed by light and painful, as if bruised. Eyes hot, dim, wide open, fixed, insensible to light. Cold feeling in eye. (Cold wind in eyes, Croc, Fluor, ac, Medor.) Dryness of eyes in the morning; obliged to close lids; difficult to open, smarting in the morning; feeling as if dust under lids. (Caust., Sulph) Pressive pain in eyes, as if dust were in them. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 295 Eyeballs seem too large. (Aeon., Calad., Nat. m., Opium, Paris, Phos., Plumb, m., Spig) Stitches in eyes, without redness. (Bry., Kali carb) Stitches and soreness in eyes, evenings, when looking at light. Burning in the eyes (Caps., Kreos); (coldness, Coni., Kali carb). Redness of eyes and pressure in them. Magnesia Mur.—Violent burning and redness of eyes. Neuralgia of the head and around the eyes, as if skull would burst, worse from motion and fresh air, relieved by pressure. (Coni., Mur. ac) When looking into a light, lachrymation and burning in eyes; (glare of fire, Mere). Pain in forehead feels as if head would burst, worse from motion and fresh air, relieved from strong pressure and wrapping up head. Stitches in right side of head, extending to eye, with tearing and necessity to press eye together. Magnesia Phosph.—Eyes sensitive to light. (Apis, Bell., Crotal. h., Merc, Nat. suL, Sulph) Pain in supra-orbital nerve over right eye, worse at n A. m., relieved by external warm applications. (SiL) Neuralgic or rheumatic headaches, relieved from exter- nal application of warmth, very excruciating, spasmodic; shooting, stinging, shifting, intermittent pains; sparks before eyes. Medorrhin.—Feeling as if she stared at everything, as if eyes protruded. (Actea r., BelL, CommocL, Guaiae, Spig)^ Aching in eyeball, pressure and heat in vertex, tendency to shut eyes. Pain in back of head and in right eye. Neuralgic pain in eyeballs, when pressing eyelids to- gether, worse when rolling them. Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensation of sticks in eyes, lids, and especially inner canthi; redness and drvness 20 296 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. of lids (Sulph), congestion of sclerotic and sensation of cold wind blown in eyes (Croc, Fluor, ac), especially- inner canthi. Mercurialis Perennis.—Great sensitiveness to light; dilated pupils. Dryness of the eyes. (Alumina, Sulph) Pain in eyes on reading or writing; letters run together. (Jab., Nat. in., Ruta, Sulph) Mercurius.—Eyes forcibly drawn together, as if de- prived of sleep a long time. Heat in the eyes and lachrymation. Burning in the eyes, itching and pressure. (Aeon., Ars. alb., Sulph) Tearing pains in forehead and vertex; shooting deep from within; worse in evening and at night. Burning pain, lachrymation acrid, photophobia, sensitive to extreme heat or cold very marked, especially heat and glare of fire and coldness of damp places. Mercurius Cor.—Pain behind eyeballs, as if they would be forced out. (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar, t., Lachesis) *Pain severe over eyes and through them, through head and temples, worse at night. Tearing as if above left eye, near root of nose, and in other parts of bone. Mezereum.—Dryness in the eyes, with pressure in them; they feel too large. (Aeon., Calad., Nat. 111., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, m., Spig) A feeling as if eyes were drawn backward into head. (Crot. t., Paris) Eyes feel strained. Aching and tearing in and around eyes; must rub them. Ciliary neuralgia, especially after operations on eye. Ciliary neuralgia, the pains radiate and shoot downward, with cold feeling; soreness of bone. Pressure and tearing on and in eyes; worse in orbits. Neuralgic headaches, beginning in occiput, extending APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 297 over brain, with tenderness of scalp, pain burning and bor- ing, extending to eye and teeth. Pain involving supra-orbital nerve, generally one side; aggravated by warmth. Muriatic Acid.—Sharp burning pain, extending from left to right eye, in the morning, relieved by washing. Itching in eyes, itching and smarting in canthi, lids red and swollen. Headache, worse on rising up in bed and from moving eyes; relieved by moving body and in open air. Heaviness in back part of head, with obscure sight; aggravated by effort to see. Natrum Mur.—Sensation as if sand were in eyes. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sulph) Smarting sensitiveness. Periodical headache, comes on with menstruation. Supra-orbital neuralgia, with soreness. (Cedron) Ciliary neuralgia; pain in and above eyes, coming on and going off with the sun; eye congested, sore and pain- ful when moved, can bear neither natural nor artificial light. Headache in vertex, like a weight; relieved by pressure. Headache from nervous shock, worse on lying down, involving right eye. Sharp pain over right eye on looking down, with throb- bing headache, worse evenings. Neuralgia of right side of head, recurring at 10 A. m., with vertigo; flickering before eyes, faintness. Pressive pain in forehead and eyeball; lids can only be raised with exertion and pain; cannot read. Stitches over eyes and in head. Stupefying headache, as if would burst, from morning after waking till noon. Pain that seems to press out the eyes, relieved by press- ure upon eyes. Vertigo in morning after rising, relieved by lying down again; dullness of head with flickering before eyes. 298 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Heavy and pressive pain above eyes. Pain in eyeballs so that the opening of lids was painful and difficult; could read no longer. Neuralgic pains in the eyes, periodical, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva. Frontal headache from straining eyes; muscular asthe- nopia. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes, in the morning. Throbbing as from little hammers; awakens with head- ache every morning, worse from reading and talking. Burning in the eyes, with increased secretion of mucus; lids agglutinated in the morning; great sensitiveness to lamplight. Headache from sunrise to sunset, worse at midday; right eye congested; worse by light. Headache beginning with a blinding of eyes. Violent burning in the eyes in the evening. Heaviness in back part of head; draws eyes together. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently at anything. Niccolum Met.—Burning in eyes, worse in the morn- ing on awaking and towards evening, relieved after wash- ing. Nitric Acid.—On lying down, or even inclining head from upright position, feeling as if warm water were flow- ing from eyes, first right, then left, relieved by cold water. Peeling as if in a vise from ear to ear over vertex. Aching in head; in morning on awaking, relieved by rising; involving eyes. Region of eyes sore; painful to touch. Vertigo in morning on rising, with obscuration of vision, relieved by sitting down. Burning in eyes; aching; pressure like sand; biting; stinging; stitches. Pressure in fore part of head and upon eyes, that were then immovable. Head feels as if constricted with a band. (Actea r., Gels) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 299 Nux Moschata.—Sensation of fullness in eyes (Apis, Lad. ac, Nux v.); pupils dilated, immovable or contracted. Reading by artificial light difficult; eyes close from sleepiness; head and forehead dull; roughness, so not easy to open and close eyes. Dryness of eyes; too dry to close lids. Neuralgia over left eye, constrictive, burning stinging pain, with redness of the face. Nux Vomica.—Biting, worse in external canthus, with lachrymation. Burning pain in eyes and lids; tearing pain in eyes at night, awakening one from sleep; eye feels pressed out whenever she combs her hair; sensation of hot water in eye; pain in lower lids as if something were cutting it. Severe pain in the eyes during the night, with conjunc- tival injection, brought on by overuse, especially by arti- ficial light. Aching in head in morning on awaking, even before opening eyes. Stupefying in morning on awaking, relieved by rising. Heaviness and pressure after dinner, worse by moving eyes. Bruised pain over left eye and in bones, with inability to open eyes. Supra-orbital neuralgia recurring early every morning. (Cedron, Iris., Sang.) Smarting dry sensation in inner canthi, in morning in bed. Biting in eyes, especially in external canthi, as from salt, with lachrymation. Supra-orbital, left-sided neuralgia; eyes injected. Infra-orbital neuralgia involving the face, with watering of eyes, and running from the nose; numbness caused by the abuse of coffee or liquors. Violent pressure in eyes after using them ever so little. Ciliary neuralgia. Burning pain when looking at a light, darting upward 300 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. above the eyes, with pain in region of eyebrow on going to bed. Itching in the eyes, relieved by rubbing. Opium.—Sensation as if eyes were too large for orbits. (Aeon., Calad., Caps., Nat. m., Paris, Plumb, m., Spig) Headache; pressing pain in temples; vertigo, red face, sleepiness, worse on closing eyes. Paris Quad.—Pain, drawing from eye to back of head, where there is a sore spot, worse by pressure. Constrictive pressure in forehead and temples, brain, eyes and skin feel tense, bones scraped; worse from motion, excitement on using eyes. * Pain in eyes as if pulled into head. Eye seems too large (Aeon., Calad., Hyos., Nat. in., Opium, Paris, Spig.); seem to have no room in socket; as if lids could not close. Head feels as if distended; too large. Eyes feel as if projecting, with sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball and backward into middle of brain (Crot. t); sight weak. Eyes feel heavy as if lead. Petroleum.—Pain from occiput over head to forehead and eyes, with transitory blindness; nausea; seasickness. Pressing pain as if sand were in eyes; worse in the even- ing and by candle light; stitches in eyes; lachrymation; dull pulsating pain in occiput. Occipital headache extending to vertex, with vertigo, stiffness of neck; swelling of muscles. Burning, itching and sticking in the eyes and pressure with dimness on exerting them. (Ruta, Sulph) Phosphoric Acid.—Headaches of school children from overuse of eyes. Pain in forehead; patient stupid, could not open eyes. Pressing in the eyes as if eyeballs were too large. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Plumb, m., Spig) Pressure as from a weight in head, from above down- ward. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 301 Phosphorus. — Boring pain in eyes extending into head. Severe headache from mental work, with weakness and strained feeling of eyes. Brain feels tired. Ciliary neuralgia of glaucoma. Small burning spots on eyeballs. Aching in eyes, forehead and orbits. Stiffness in eyes. Pain in bones of the orbits. Eyeballs pain as if compressed, worse on looking; aching and heaviness in eyes, like sleepiness. Eyeballs seem too large (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, m., Spig), and difficult to get lids over them. Sensation as if eyeballs were swollen and pushed out of orbit. Physostigma.—Continued drawing, twisting sensation in eyes. Intolerable pain over both orbits; cannot raise eyelids. Intense, painful pressure on vertex and temples; pressure in vertex extending over to occiput. Pain in eyeballs. Pain extending from occiput through eyes. Pain over orbits, cannot raise eyelids. Eyes sore and give pain when moving them from side to side. (Bry., Kalm., Spig) Heavy pain over eyes in morning on awaking, relieved on rising. Shooting in right eye, with drawing in it. Pain in occiput and neck, extending through head to eyes. Drawing, twisting sensation at 3 p. m., from iia.m. till 8 p. m. Smarting and sore feeling in lids. Pain in eyeball and frontal bone, pain running obliquely 302 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. into temporal bone; pain more general in forehead, relieved by motion out of doors. Pain in posterior part of orbit, extending back into brain (Actea r), preventing reading and causing nausea. Vision blurred, then dull pain over and between eyes. Eyes smart, lids feel sore. * Pain and tired feeling in highly myopic eyes; posterior staphyloma. Phytolacca.—Feeling as if sand in the eyes, with sore- ness and burning. (Ars. alb., Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Sulph) Burning and smarting in eyes and lids, with profuse lachrymation (Euphr), relieved in open air. Painful pressure on forehead and upper part of both eyes. Shooting pain from left eye to vertex. Sharp pain goes through ball of eye on reading or writing. Dull, aching pain in eyes, worse from motion, light or exercise. Rheumatic pain in and around eye. Pressure around eyes in the afternoon, as if eyes were too large. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb. m., Spig) Circumorbital pains in syphilitic ophthalmia. Soreness in periosteum and scalp as of rheumatic origin. PlantagO Major.—Ciliary neuralgia from decayed teeth; dull, heavy ache in left eye, with exquisite tenderness of eyeball. Platinum Met.—Sore biting, as if denuded on upper margin of right orbit Numb sensation and cramp-like pain in forehead, as if constricted. Wave-like, benumbing pressure above right orbit. Formication in one temple, extending to lower jaw, with sensation of coldness on that spot. Sensation of coldness in eyes. (Cold wind, Croc, Fluor. ac, Medor.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 303 Intermittent, cramp-like pain near outer margin of right orbit. Plumbum Met.—Eyeball feels too large. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos., Phos. ac, Spig) Prunus Spinosa.—Pain in right eyeball, as if inner portion of eye would be torn out. Shooting pain from right frontal bone through brain and out of occiput. Painful jerks in forehead, shooting backward. Ciliary neuralgia; pain in eyeball as if crushed, or pain as if pressed asunder; sharp, shooting pain, extending through eye back into brain, or above eye, extending into and around it, or over corresponding side of head; pain commences behind ears and shoots forward to eye, worse by motion, relieved by rest; pains occasionally periodic in character, and may be worse at night. Pain in head, pressing from within outward, extending from beneath right temporal to frontal bone, aggravated from external pressure. Pain beneath skull, as if skull would be pressed outward by a plug. Pulsatilla.—Dryness of eyes and lids, with sensation as if darkened by mucus, which ought to be wiped away. (Alumina, Croc, Euphr.) Dryness of eye, with a sensation in the morning as if a foreign body were pressing in eye. Aching in head, extending into eyes in evening, aggra- vated in warm room. Vertigo in morning on rising, forcing to lie down again. Pressure as from sand in eye, when reading. (Ars. alb., Caust., Ign., Nat. in., Sep., Sulph) Pressive pain in eyes, as if there were heat in them. Pain in one side, as if brain would burst and eyes fall out. Pressing, tearing, stinging in eyes. Constriction above eyes, aggravated by looking intently. Pressive, burning pain in eye, as if a hair were in it. 304 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Pain above orbits, involving whole head, aggravated on raising eyes. Burning, itching in eyes, provoking rubbing and scratch- ing. (Sulph) Tearing and shooting in eyes. Dullness of head; like a bruised sensation in forehead; as if memory failed, with aching eyes; especially pressive in forehead. Tensive, drawing pain in forehead, above orbits, worse on raising eyes. Headache, as if would burst, worse on moving eyes. Ranunculus Bulb.—Pressure in eyeballs. Headache over light eye, aggravated by lying down, re- lieved by walking and standing. Painfullness in right eyeball. Pressing headache in forehead and on vertex, as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs and sleepiness; worse in evening and when entering a room from cold air, or vice versa. Smarting and soreness in outer canthus, right eye. Smarting in eyes as from smoke, in the evening. Pain in the eyeballs, first one, then the other, in the morning, pressing out, with vertigo. Pressure downward, as with a dull point, in right eye- ball. Eyeballs sore on moving them. (Bry., Kalm., Spig) Herpes zoster supra-orbitalis, with bluish-black vesicles, high fever and usual pains. Ranunculus Scler.—Pain in eyeballs when moving them quickly. Pressing in eyeballs, periodically. Painful pressure in eyeballs. Smarting in eyes and canthi. Rhododendron.—Burning pain in eyes, when reading or writing, there is a feeling of heat in them. Shooting in right eye from within outward. * Ciliary neuralgia, worse before a storm. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 305 *A11 eye symptoms are worse before a storm. Rhus Tox.—Pain as if brain were torn, worse when moving eyes. Aching or pressing pains run from eyes into head, as from sand. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Sep., Sulph) Pain in the eyeball on turning the eye, and on pressure. (Bry?, Spig) Pain shoots through eye to back of head (Spig), worse at night; profuse flow of tears on opening eyes. Pains worse at night, especially after midnight and in damp weather. Ruta Graveolens.—Pain in right eye like a pressure, with obscuration of vision, as if one had looked too long and intently. Stitches in left frontal bone, while reading letters run together. Heat and aching in eyes; eyes burn, feel strained, sight blurred ; worse using them in evening. Aching in and over eyes, with blurring of vision; eyes feel like balls of fire after straining eyes. Burning in eyes in evening, especially when trying to sew or read; eyes feel strained. Sanguinaria.—Pain in right eyeball in the afternoon, worse on attempting to roll it outward and upward. Eyeball sore, with darting through them, and dim vision. Pain over eyes. Headache over right eye. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upward and settles over right eye. Neuralgia in and over right eye. Headache concentrating in a small spot over right eye, eye becomes red and sore, yet hard pressure upon eye relieves; nausea. Headache, relieved by pressing head back against some- thing hard. 306 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Senecio Aur.—Sharp pains from within outward, in left eye; lachrymation in open air. Sharp stitching pains from within outward, in forehead; over and in eyes. Senega.—Aching over orbits, eyes tremble and water when looking at an object intently or steadily; eyes weak and watery when reading. Eyes pain as if they were pressed out (Actea r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar. L, Lachesis, Merc, cor); as if eyeballs were being expanded, especially in the evening in candle-light. Dryness and smarting as from soap (as from salt, Nat. m., Nux v.); dryness and sensation as if eyeballs were too large for orbits. (Aeon., BelL, CommocL, Opium, Paris, Plumb, in., Spig) Dullness of head, with pressure and weakness of eyes. Rush of blood on stooping, worse in eyeballs, where there is painful pressure. Pain in the orbits; in eyeballs, with drawing and diminished vision. Burning when reading or writing. Pain in forehead, over orbits and in orbits, worse on left side of head; relieved in open air. Pain in occiput, worse sitting in warm room, with pres- sure in eyes, which did not bear touch. Sepia.—Great sensitiveness to light of day. Shooting pains from within outward, especially over left eye, with nausea. Pricking of eyes, even by candle-light. Pressing or bursting headache as if eyes would fall out or head burst, worse from stooping and motion. Redness of eyes in the morning on awaking, with burn- ing, smarting, pressure and lachrymation. Pulsating headache in cerebellum, beginning in morn- ing and lasting till noon, and sometimes evening; worse from motion, turning eyes; relieved by closing eyes, when at rest in a dark room. Pain in the right eye, as from sand, worse on pressing APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 307 lids together and by rubbing. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Rhus t., Sulph) Boring stinging over right eye, worse in a thunder- storm, in cold air, north wind, and taking cold. Soreness in the evening after a walk in cold wind, worse by gaslight and attempting to read, with roughness and burning. Severe headaches after shopping. Headache frequently extending from occiput to the eye, neuralgic or congestive. Bruised feeling; smarting in right eye in evening, with inclination to close it against one's wishes. Supra-orbital neuralgia, usually right, associated with heaviness of the upper lids; attack brought on by fatigue or anxiety. Heaviness of eyes, tendency to keep lids closed. Inflammation of the eyes, with swelling redness and burning pains. Heavy pain over left eye at 4 p. m. ; fullness deep in left orbit, the headache relieved in evening and in open air; aggravated by shaking head. Occasional dartings from left eye over side of head toward occiput; headache relieved after meals, with occa- sional darts through eyeball; headache aggravated by mental labor. Silicea.—Eyes painful as if lids weie too dry and full of sand, in the morning. (Ars. aib., Caust., Hep. s., Puis., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph?) Tearing, shooting, or at times throbbing stinging pains in eyes, in paroxysms. Headache from neck to vertex; extreme heaviness of head; head sore to touch. Smarting of eyes. Headache better from wrapping head up warmly; hot compresses; in warm room; lying down. Tearing in occipital protuberance extending upward and forward over sides of head. 308 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. Ciliary neuralgia; especially over right eye, darting pains through eyes and head upon exposure to any draught of air, or just before a storm. Aching in head, extending into eyes in morning, with chill in afternoon, nausea and weakness as if would faint; pain in eyes on turning them or closing, and when closed pain worse by touch. Bruised pain about eyes, could scarcely open eyes, worse on opening eyes. Spigelia.—Burrowing stitch in middle of eye and in inner canthus, pressing upper lid downward. Stitches in left side of head and out of left eye. Pain on turning eyes. (Bry., Kalm) Headache beginning in cerebellum (in morning), spread- ing over left side of head, with violent pain in left temple and over left eye; periodical. Pain on motion as if eyes were too large for their orbits. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos., Phos. ac, Plumb, in) Burning pain in right side of forehead, extending to eye; could not move it without pain. Sticking in right eyeball, worse on moving it; itching pain, worse on turning eyes, and on attempting to look with eyes turned; vertigo, forcing him to turn the whole head. Neuralgia, pain centres in, above or below left eye, from cold, damp, rainy weather. Pain in left orbit near malar bone; bone sore to touch. Violent throbbing shooting pains over left eye. Pressure downward in left orbit. * Ciliary neuralgia, the pains radiate in every direction and are extremely severe. * Sharp, stabbing, sticking pains through eyeball back into head, or radiating, worse from moving eyes and at night. Eyeballs feel too large. Pain in the eyes deep in the socket. (Actea r., Aloe) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 309 Shooting through right eye, going back into head, causing eye to fill with hot water. Pains as if needles were thrust into right eyeball. Stabbing pain through eye and around it, often com- mencing at one point, and then seeming to radiate in many directions. Eyeball sensitive to touch. Burrowing tearing pain in brain towards evening, worse in left parietal bone; on motion, on walking, aggravated by a false step. Eyes worse when thinking about them. Pain in eyes worse at night. Pains spread from eye to frontal sinus and head. Pains of glaucoma, sclero-choroiditis and iritis. Spongia.—Redness of eyes with lachrymation and burn- ing. Eyeballs staring and protruding. Stannum Met.—Neuralgia in left eye, gradually in- creasing from 10 A. m. to noon, then gradually decreasing with lachrymation during pain. Constrictive headache gradually increasing, worse by motion, then gradually diminishing until disappearing. Staphysagria.—Dryness in eyes with pressure, worse morning and evening. Neuralgic headache, with sensation of a ball in forehead. Pain in upper lid all day, worse by closing eye; pain as if hard substance were beneath lid. (Sulph)' In arthritic ophthalmia, pains extending to teeth; eyes burn on least exertion, as if very dry, yet lachrymation is constant. Stramonium.—Sensation as if eyes were forced out (Actea. r., BelL, Guaiae, Guar, t., Lachesis, Merc cor), with twitching of lids. Periodical neuralgic pain in forehead over either eye- brow, commences about 9 a. m., worse until noon when it begins to decline. Sulphur.—* Sticking in right eye; burning and rub- 3IO APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EVES, &C. bing dry sensation as from sand beneath lids. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Thuja) Pain in left eye, as if rubbed against spicula of glass and drawn in toward pupil, necessity to close eye, then burn- ing in eye and lachrymation. * Sensation of foreign body in eyes. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Ign., Sep., SiL) * Feeling as if sand in eyes in morning on awaking, with raw pain on rubbing them. Aching in eyes. * Dryness and sensation as if eyeballs rubbed against lids. Sensitiveness of eyes; sensation as before inflammation. * Biting in the evening, with lachrymation. Shooting pains in the eyes, and cutting stitches as from a knife, especially right eye. Aching in the eyeballs when moving them; on walking in the open air; aching in brows. Dryness of eyes in room, and lachrymation in open air. Shooting through left pupil deep into eye when reading. Pain in head in morning, worse in vertex, as if eyes would be pressed down. Pain as from a cord around head. Symphytum.—Pain in the eyes after a knock or con- tusion of an obtuse body. Terebintliina.—Ciliary neuralgia, with acute conjunc- tivitis, injection; redness, usually dark red; eyeball sensi- tive to touch. Pain excessive, varies in character, so severe at times as to almost drive patient crazy, especially severe over and around eye, extending through to occiput, on correspond- ing side, always worse at night, especially between i and 3 A. M. Very severe pain over left eye and in left temple, day and night; conjunctiva very red, with deep ciliary injec- tion, much lachrymation, some photophobia, aqueous hazy. Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. 311 Theridion.—Hard, heavy, dull pressure behind eyes. On closing eyes, nausea and vomiting. Headache deep in socket of eyes, worse in left eye; head feels thick. Throbbing over left eye and across forehead, also in right eye; nausea. Thuja.—Better when eyes are warmly covered (Hep. s., SiL); if uncovered feels as if a cold stream of air were blowing out through them. (Croc, Flour, ac, Medor) Pain in eyes, worse at night, relieved by warmth, heat around eye and side of face, tearing pain above left eye. * Pain in head, brought on and increased bv chewing. Neuralgic headache in occiput, extreme soreness, cannot sleep nor chew. Ciliary neuralgia, extends all over face and head; great soreness, cannot lie on face nor chew. Feeling as if eyes were swollen and as if a foreign body were in eyes; burning in lids. Pain in vertex as if pierced by a nail. (Hep. s., Ign) Burning in edge of lids in the evening. Violent burning and stinging in the eyes and lids. (Apis, Ars. alb) Tearing pain in left eyebrow, relieved after touching. Pressure and dryness in the eyes, as if sand were in them. (Ars. alb., Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Sticking in centre of brain, extending through centre of left eye. Veratrum Alb.—Neuralgia in upper lid, right side; pain severe on slightest pressure; like needle thrust in lid. Neuralgic headache, characterized by feeling of ice on vertex. Zincum Met.—Pain as from sand, worse in evening and at night, with lachrymation, even upper lid toward inner canthus was red and swollen, with inflammation and red- ness of conjunctiva; suppuration in inner canthus. Burning in afternoon, in eyes and lids, in morning and 21 312 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—PAIN IN EYES, &C. evening, with dryness and pressure (Alumina, Ars. alb., Sulph); with biting, photophobia, lachrymation, worse in evening, with agglutination in the morning. Much burning in eyes and lids, in morning and evening, with feeling of dryness and pressure in them. Constant burning in eyes in the afternoon. APPLIED THERAPB:UTICS--ASTHENOPIA. 313 ASTHENOPIA OF REFRACTION AND ACCOM- MODATION. Actaea Racemosa.—* Aching pain through the eye into the head, extending down the neck, worse on using eyes. Sensation of enlargement of eyeball, as if would be pushed out. (Aeon., Calad., Opium, Paris, Phos. ac, Plumb, m.) Agaricus Muse.—Feeling of weakness in the eyes without having exerted them. Muscae volitantes. Flickering while writing. Reads with difficulty, type seems to move. Vision dim while looking at an object; also on reading. Myopia, due to spasm of ciliary muscle, especially if ac- companied by jerking of eyeball and twitching of the lids. (Agar., Eserine, Phys.) Muscular asthenopia. Internal recti weak (Coni., Jab.) causing inability to read. Vision dim on looking at an object, also on reading, lachrymation returns every night when trying to read. Alumina.—In asthenopia from irritated conjunctiva. Vision dim and eyes dry in the evening. Ammoniacum.—Eye fatigue from reading (Nat. m., Ruta, Sep., Sulph); they become injected and throb. Dimness and obstruction of sight in the evening amount almost to blindness. Smoke or cloud before the eyes. Ammonium Carb.— Muscular asthenopia from pro- longed use of eye; appearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects. Antimonium Tart.—Eyes feel so tired that they would close. (Caust., Coni., Gels.) Flickering before the eyes. (sEs., Ars. alb., Chelid., Graph., Merc, Phos) 314 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. Apis.—Eyes weak; tire easily. (Nat. ;//., Phos., Ruta, Senega, Sep.) Eyes tire from reading by lamplight; eyes irritated with a pricking feeling; lachrymation; vessels injected. Lachrymation, with burning in the eyes and photo- phobia; pain in the eyes on sewing in the evening; also pains on looking at bright objects; severe burning and sensation of foreign body. (Sulph) Burning and smarting sensation in eyeballs and lids. Aching, sore, pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, sting- ing, burning pains in and around eyes and in forehead. Argentum Met.—Sight very weak. Argentum Nit.— Weak accommodation; letters be- come blurred. (Coni, Gels., Jab., Nux v., Phos., Ruta.) Attempts to use eyes cause pain in the eyes and head. Sight worse by candle-light than by daylight. (Borax, Calc c, Coni., Bros., Gels., Merc, Phos) Weakness of accommodation; obliged to keep increasing strength of glasses. Black motes before eyes. (Agar., Bar. c, Calc c, Camph., Carb. v., CycL, Merc, Phos., Sep., SiL, Sulph.) Pain from brain to eyes. Sensation of fullness, dryness and heat, especially on moving the eyeball. Eyes red, photophobia after straining, worse in a warm room, relieved in open air. Arnica.—Fullness in the head early in the morning, followed by flickering before eyes, which is increased by reading or writing. Feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes with intense headache. Burning in margin of lids in the evening, a feeling as if sand in the eye. (Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Phyt., Sulph) Arsenicum Alb.—Eyelids dry when reading by candle- light, as if eyes were rubbed by them. Asarum Europ. — Asthenopia, accompanied by con- gestive headache. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. 315 Eyes worse in the morning and evening (Sep.); when out of doors in the sunlight, relieved in the middle of the day, and from bathing them in cold water, (aggravated by cold water, Sulph) Painful feeling of dryness interiorly. (Sulph.) Swelling of the upper lids, with inability to endure much reading. Borax.—Vision of bright waves moving from right to left, and from above downward, in the morning when writing. Calcarea Carb.—Severe pain over the whole head, after straining or overuse of the eyes. Lachrymation while writing, with considerable pain. Pain in the eyes after using them, worse in damp weather and from warmth. Burning cutting pains in the lids, especially on reading. Pain in eyeballs, worse in the evening and by gaslight. Feeling as if sand in eyes. (Aeon., Caust., Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Nictitation of eyelids. Calcarea Phos.—Letters become blurred, worse by gas- light. Photophobia worse by gaslight (Bell); candle light (Borax, Calad., Coni., Bros., Gels., Mere, Phos) Eyeballs ache as if beaten. Sensation as if something in the eye. (Caust., Sulph) Camphora.—Cannot read, letters run together. Glittering of objects; flickering. Sensation as if eyeball were pushed upon from behind. (Actea r., Spig) Heat and burning in eyes; lachrymation. Cannabis Indica.—Eyes ache on reading or trying to read. Letters run together when reading; twitching, tremb- ling and glimmering. Distended feeling in the eyeballs as if starting out of the head. 316 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. Photophobia; pain from bottom of orbit through brain and in ear. Pain as from a blow over right orbit. Cantharis.—Cutting pain in eyes while writing. Carbo Veg.—Eyes become weak and ache, from over- work or fine work. (Jab., Nat. in., Ruta, Sang., Sulph) Pressure and aching in eyeballs. (Actea r., Ruta, Spig.) Becomes short-sighted after exerting eyes. Heavy weight seems to rest on eyes (Caust., Coni., Gels), must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading. Causticum.—* Asthenopia, worse on using eyes; sensa- tion of sand in the eyes. (Hep. s., Sep., Sulph) Dryness in the eyes in the morning, with stiffness. Burning and dryness in eyes in evening. Inclination to close the eyes. Biting and pressure in eye, which seems heavy, with red- ness of lids. Sensation of heaviness in upper lids, as if he could not raise them. (Coni., Gels., Nat. ars., Nat. c, Nat. m) Chelidonium.—Weak sight, cannot distinguish letters. Letters run together when writing. Neuralgic pain above right eye, especially in the even- ing when reading by artificial light. Cina.—Pain in eyes renewed by looking, as in sewing. Can see more clearly after rubbing the eyes. Vision becomes blurred on attempting to read. Cinnabaris.—* Asthenopia, with pain extending from inner canthus around eye. Cocculus Ind.—While reading, can only see left half of line. (Lith. carb., Lye) Objects seem to move up and down. Conium Mac.—Cannot read long without letters runn- ing together, burning pain deep in the eyes, with hot flashes. Cannot bear either light or heat, worse in a warm room, relieved in the morning and cloudy days. Sluggishness of adaptation of vision. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. 317 Lids seem pressed down; sleepiness. Asthenopia, letters run together; vertigo; adapted to old people. Sluggish accommodation. Crocus Sat.—Sore burning in eyes after reading a while, also dimness, must wink occasionally; as if a film of mucus were over eyes. (Alumina, Euphr., Puis) A few moments' use of eyes causes a feeling in them as if the room were filled with smoke; feeling of dryness and burning, very soon succeeded by lachrymation; pressure on closed lids relieves somewhat. Feeling as if water were constantly in eyes, only in the room. * Extreme photophobia, and most copious lachrymation; impossible to read without a torrent of tears inundating eyes, so that light gets confused and veiled. Pain in eyes to top of head, pain in left eye darting to right; sensation of cold wind blowing across eye. Inclination to press lids closely together from time to time. Cyclamen.—Burning in eyes, and flickering of light on attempting to read in evening, in bed; muscae volitantes. Fog before eyes obliging to stop work. Visual disturbances, particularly associated with disturb- ances of the female functions and digestion. (LiL tig., Puis., Ver. v.) Daphne Ind.—Sensation as if a membrane extended across eyes. Weakness of sight; while reading the letters fade and appear as a black line. Diplopia. Duboisin.—* Paralysis of accommodation, traumatic or otherwise; pupil dilated. Paralysis of accommodation, associated with hyperaemia of the retina. Pain in eyeball just beneath the brow. Eyes feel tired, as if overworked. 318 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. Gelsemium.—Sense of sight tardy in following objects in motion. Paralysis of accommodation after diphtheria. Eyelids heavy; eyes close when looking steadily. (Coin'., Nat. e, Rhus t., Sep.) Disturbance of power of accommodation. Can neither read nor write, words run together; swim- ming black specks before eyes (China, Lith. carb., Magn. carb., Stram., Ver. alb); vision dim. Confused vision, eyes look heavy. Asthenopia, with insufficiency of the external rectus. As if a snake before vision (Arg. nit), with pain over eyes. Graphites.—Letters appear double when writing; run together when writing; eyes tired. Drawing, extending from eye up into head. Burning and aching in eyes; heat in eyes. Hydrastis.—Lack of accommodative power of eyes, and asthenopia. Pain and burning in the eyes. Ignatia.—Asthenopia and amblyopia in females, due to onanism (China, Gels.) or ciliary neuralgia; hysterical subjects. Pain under upper lid as if too dry. (Sulph) Dimness before one eye while reading, as if tears were in it. Hyperaesthesia of the retina, with hysteria; intense photophobia; general nervous symptoms. Sensation of sand in eyes. (Ars. alb., Calc c, Carb. v., Caust., Euphr., Hep. s., Phyt., Sep., Sulph) Jaborandi.—* Dim vision, twitching of lids and pain in eyeballs, worse after using them. *Eyes tire on reading (Nat. ars., Nat. m., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph); nausea. * Everything becomes black before eyes. * Vision becames hazy; unable to use eyes for new work; lachrymation. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. 319 * Aching of eyes on reading; spots before vision. * Pain through eyeball and over brow on using eyes. * Spasm of the ciliary muscle, causing blurring of vision, or apparent myopia. * Spots before vision, and aching of eyes on using them 5 lachrymation. Kali Carb.—Eyes painful on reading (Jab., Nat. ars., Nat. m., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sulph); as if pressed inward. While reading or looking at a bright light, muscae voli- tantes ; sharp stitches; fog before eyes. Kalmia Latifolia.—Asthenopia; stiff, drawing sensa- tion in muscles, upon moving eyes. Vision imperfect; dull weak eyes. Eye symptoms worse in the evening and in the open air. Lachesis.—Flickering; in evening, when reading, with weakness of eyes. Fog before the eyes. (Kali iod., Merc, Puis., Sulph) Eyes sensitive to light (to fire, Merc.) Defective sight after diphtheria. (Gels., Phys) Stitching, burning and pressing pains in eyes. (Sulph) Ledum.—Asthenopia, with dull pain behind eyeball, as if it would be forced out (Actea r., Lachesis, Mere, Paris, Spig); (as if eye would burst, Lad. ac). Lilium Tig.—Kopyopia hysterica; burning and smart- ing of lids, except in bright light; insufficiency of internal rectus. (Agar., Coni., Jab.) Burning feeling in eyes after reading or writing, eyes feel very weak. (Sep., Sulph) Any near work causes redness of tarsal edges and hot, sandy feeling in eyes. (Sulph) Asthenopia of astigmatism. Blurred vision, with heat in eyelids and eyes. Intense pain in eyes, extending back into head; dim sight. Vision dim and confused, with disposition to cover eyes and press upon them. 320 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. Muscae volitantes. (Agar., Caust., CycL, Lith. carb., Phos., Sulph., Ver. alb) Lithium Carb.—Asthenopia, with black motes before the eyes and sensitiveness of eyes after using them by candle-light. (Borax, Gels., Phos., Ruta, Sep) Entire vanishing of right half of whatever looked at. (Lye) After reading eyes pain as if dry; as if little grains were in them; as if sore. (Caust., Sulph) Manganum Met.—Asthenopia, with aching pain in eyes on looking at near objects, so must close them; worse when looking at a near light. Burning in eyes and near-sighted during the day. Mercurialis Perennis.—Pain in eyes on reading or writing; letters run together. (Jab., Nat. in., Ruta, Sulph) Dryness of the eyes. Hyperaemia of conjunctiva after using eyes, with heavi- ness of lids. Natrum Arsen.—Eyes soon tire and pain when reading or writing. (Jab., Nat. m., Ruta, Sep., Sulph) Natrum Carb.—Black spots floating before vision while writing. (Agar., Merc, Phos., Sulph) Sensation as if feathers were before eyes. Cannot read small print. Natrum Mur.—Eyes give out in reading or writing, with pressure in right eye, extending into head, and re- lieved by walking about the room. * Letters and stitches run together. Heaviness, drooping of lids on using eyes. Objects become confused on looking at them. Unsteadiness of vision, objects become confused. Asthenopia, particularly muscular; drawing, stiff sensa- tion in muscles of the eyes when moving them (Kalm); letters and sewing run together; aching in eyes when look- ing intently. (Jab., Nat. ars., Ruta, Sep., Sulph) Sensation as if sand were in them. (Calc. c, Caust., Hep. s., Sulph.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. 321 Sensitiveness of the eyes; after using the eyes they smart, itch and burn. Frequent obscuration of sight, especially when reading or writing. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently at anything. Niccolum Met.—Vision dim, eyes red and sensitive after exertion, especially in the evening; eyes give out and burn. Burning in eyes, worse in morning on awaking and towards evening (Sep.), relieved after washing (aggravated after washing, Sulph). Nitric Acid. — Sight obscured while reading, black spots before eyes; objects appear dark. Nux Moschata.—Eye worse from light, from exerting vision; relieved in the dark. Dryness in eyes in evening; reading by artificial light is difficult, eyes close from sleepiness; head and forehead dull; roughness of eyes, not easy to open and close them. Sensation of fullness in the eyes (Apis, Lad. ac, Nux v.), with contracted pupils. Nux Vomica.—Weakened power of accommodation from overexerting eyes. Violent pressure in eyes after using them ever so little. The least attempt to use the eyes followed by intense pain and spasmodic action of different ocular muscles; excoriating lachrymation. Photophobia in the morning, with obscuration of vision. Petroleum.—Burning, itching and sticking in the eyes, and pressure with dimness on exerting them. (Ruta, Sulph) Eyes dim, as if a veil were before them. (Calc. e, Caust., Croc, Arat. 111., Phosph., Sep., Sulph., Thuja.) Phosphorus.—Eyes give out while reading; after read- ing, dull pain deep in eyes. On reading, letters look red, outlines undefined; objects tremble. 322 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS--ASTHENOPIA. Eyeballs pain as if compressed, worse on looking ; aching and heaviness in eyes, like sleepiness. Gradually or rapidly increasing myopia, incipient amau- rosis, particularly of the left eye. Dimness of sight, photophobia; unable to read by candle lisfht, due to excess of tobacco. Aching in eyes, forehead and orbits. Physostigma.—Pain after using eyes, muscae volitantes, flashes of light, twitching of lids and around eyes; myopia. Eyes feel weak. Acquired myopia, resulting from ciliary spasm. (Jab.) Film over eyes and blur (Jab.); objects mixed; after which dull pain over and between eyes. Partial blindness, on attempting to write was unable to see a line; dimness of vision; nystagmus. (Agar.) Pain in posterior part of orbit, extending back into brain (Actea r), preventing reading and causing nausea. Astigmatism; increasing myopia. Paresis of accommodation after diphtheria and in mus- cular asthenopia. (Gels.) *Pain and tired feeling in eyes of high degree of myopia. Twitching of lids, combined with spasms of ciliary muscle; twitching around eyes. (Jab.) Pain in eyeballs. Continued drawing, twisting sensation in eyes. Patient cannot read without much pain, frontal head- ache, worse from light. Phytolacca.—Sharp pain goes through eyeball on read- ing or writing. Feeling of sand in eyes, with soreness and burning. Pulsatilla.— Asthenopia accommodativa, with much aching sensation in eyes after sewing; asthenopia from general prostration. Pressure as from sand in eyes when reading. (Ars. alb., Caust., Ign., Nat. m., Sep., Sulph) Like a veil before the eyes, relieved by rubbing or wash- ing them. (Croc, Euphr.) APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. 323 Rhododendron.—On staring or writing very hot lachry- mation from right eye, and at same time shooting in right eye from within outward. All eye troubles aggravated before a storm. Ruta Graveolens.—Weary pain when reading; fatigue after reading too long. (Coni., Nat. 111., Phosph.) Pain in right eye like pressure, with obscuration of vision, as if one looked too long and intently. Heat in the eyes in the evening by the light, with ach- ing while reading. Valuable in weakening of the accommodation, especially in near-sighted people, when there is heat and aching in and over the eyes, eyes feel like balls of fire. * Asthenopia from sewing and reading. Burning in the eyes in the evening, especially when try- ing to sew or read eyes feel strained; read too much by artificial light. (Nat. m., Sep., Phosph) Vision very weak as if eyes were excessively strained. * Dullness of sight brought on by taxing or straining the eyes. * Letters run together. (Jab) Aching in and over eyes, with blurring of vision, after using eyes and straining them at fine work. * Asthenopia; irritability of every tissue of the eye from overwork, or from using eyes on fine work; heat and ach- ing in and over eyes, eyes feel like balls of fire, at night, blurring of vision, letters seem to run together, lachryma- tion, etc. Asthenopia; more often indicated in weakness of ciliary muscle than of the internal recti. (Jab.) Eyes burn, ache, feel strained, sight blurred, worse after using them in the evening. Senega.—Burning when reading or writing. Eyes pain as if they were pressed out, as if eyeballs were being expanded, especially in the evening in candle-light. Weakness when reading, letters run together, with lachrymation on exerting eyes too much; flickering on 324 APPLIED THERAPEUTICS—ASTHENOPIA. reading or writing, obliging one to wipe eyes, which ag- gravates ; burning and lachrymation. Aching over orbits, eyes tremble and water when look- ing at an object intently or steadily; eyes weak and watery when reading. Dryness, with smarting as from soap; dryness, with sen- sation as if eyeball were too large for orbits. Sepia.—Asthenopia; associated with exhaustion depend- ent on loss of semen; dependent on reflex irritation from uterus. Fatigued by reading and writing, with sore pain in inner canthus. Eyes feel heavy and lids inclined to close, as from paralysis. (Caust., Coni., Gels., Plumb, m) Constricted sensation when reading or writing by candle- light. Obscuration of vision dependent on hepatic derange- ment. Silicea.—Letters run together when reading or writing. (Nat. 111., Ruta, Senega) Accommodative asthenopia, with slight retinitis, neu- ralgia, anaemia from excessive tea drinking. Tearing or pressing lids together. Pain as if lids were dry and full of sand; Sulphur.—Burning in eyes, and easily fatigued when reading. Shooting through left pupil deep into eye when reading. Aching in the eyeball in the evening, with weight and loss of vision. * Sensation as if foreign body in eye. Vision dim, when reading; confused, dark spots floating before eyes. REPERTORIAL INDEX. Above eye, bruised pain—Gels. left eye, tearing pain—Merc. cor. Abrasion of cornea, from blow or burn—Aeon., Am., Ham. Abscess and abrasion of cornea—Sulph. and ulcers of cornea, with hypopion—Am., Calc. hypoph., Hep. s., Merc, cor., Merc, dulc, SiL, Sulph. deep seated, and ulcers of cornea—Calc. hypoph., Calc. sul., Hep. s., Merc, cor., Sit. of lids—Hep. s., Merc, prot., Sulph. Accommodation paralyzed, pupil dilated—Bell., Duboisin, Opium, Phys. paresis of accommodation, after diphtheria—Gels., Phys. sluggish— Com. spasm of—Agar., Eserine, jab., Phys. weak, letters blurred—Arg. nit., Jab., Ruta. weakened, especially in near-sighted people—Ruta. weakened from over-exerting the eyes—Nux v. Accommodative asthenopia—Hydrast. asthenopia, with aching in eyes on sewing—Puis. Aching—above and around eyes—Cinnabar. and pressure in eyeballs—Carb. v. burning in eyes—Graph. bursting pain in eyes—Glon. dull in portion of eyeball—Calad. in and around eyes—Mez. in bones of head and eyes in morning on waking, relieved on rising —Nit. ac. in eyeball on looking up—Chelid. in eyeballs—Medor. in eyeballs, as if beaten—Calc. c. in eyeballs when moving them, and when walking in open air— Sulph. in eyes, forehead and orbits—Phos. in eyes on reading—Jab. in eyes on trying to read—Can. Ind. in eyes when looking at near objects—Mag. met. in eyes, with photophobia—Cina. in eyes, worse by motion—Bry., Phyt. in eyes, worse on using them—Ruta. in head, extending into eyes in evening, worse in warm room—Puis. in head, extending into eyes, in morning—Sit. in head on waking in morning, relieved on rising—Nux v. 326 REPERTORIAL IN DEN. Aching in head, over eyes—Carb. v. in head, worse on bending forward, with pain in eyes—Colocynth. in orbits, with dull full feeling—Gels. in side of head, and feels large—Arg. nit. in posterior part of eyeball, worse by turning eyes—Badiaga. over eyes in forehead, temples and over left eye—Duboisin. over eyes toward evening, worse by noise and talk—Jab. over orbits, when looking steadily at an object—Senega. sore, pressing, tensive, shooting, boring stinging, burning in and around eyes—Apis. Aching Pain—going back into head, worse by rest, at night and on stooping—Colocynth. in eyes in sunlight, with profuse lachrymation and sneezing—Amy I nit. through eye into head, down neck, worse on using eyes—Actea r. Acne on face, accompanying blepharitis, from fat or rich food—Puts. ciliaris—Sep. Acrid discharge from eyes and nose—Graph., Merc. excoriating tears with conjunctivitis—Ars. alb., Euphr., Merc, Nat. m. hot tears gush out of eyes when opened—Calc. c, Rhus I. lachrymation in the morning and in open air—Rhus t. lachrymation, makes lids and cheeks sore—Euphr., Led., Merc. lachrymation, with badly ulcerated lids—Clem, e., Merc. lachrymation, with burning and biting in eyes—Ars. alb., Euphr. muco-purulent discharge with acute inflammation of lids—Euphr. profuse discharge from eyes—Cham., Euphr. profuse lachrymation—Merc. tears, like salt water—Kreos. thin, muco-purulent discharge—Merc. Across eyes, pain—Cedton. Acute inflammation of lids—Euphr. Adhesion of eyelids in morning at edges—^Eth. Agglutination and oedema of lids—Phyt. and suppuration of lids—Calc. c. nightly, without inflammation or pain—Led. of lids—Alumina, Ant. c, Ars. alb., Canth., Kreos., Magn. m., Nat. m., Nat. sul., Spig. of lids at night—Bovista, Calc. c, Gamb., Ign., Led., Lye, Spong., Stram., Syph. of lids in the morning—Alumina, Arg. nit., Calc. c, Cham., Clem, e., Digit., Kali bi., Kali carb., Magn. c, Nat. c, Nit. ac, Nux v.[ Psor., Puis., Rhus, Sit. of lids night and morning—Graph. Aggravation at night, and after midnight—Ars. alb. of catarrhal inflammation in the morning—Kali bi. of eye troubles near a fire—Merc, Nat. sul. of headache from i to 3 a. m.— Terebinth. REPERTORIAL INDEX. -i2n Air—aching in eyeballs when walking in open air—Sulph. blepharitis, relieved by cold—Arg. nit., Caust. blepharitis, worse in open air—Merc. discharge of acrid tears, relieved in open—Gamb. drawing in head in open air, relieved by closing eyes—Coni. eye symptoms worse in evening in open air—Kalm. excessively sensitive to open—Hep. s., Sit. feels as if a cold stream of air blew through eye-Croc, Fluor ae Medor., Thuja. headache over left eye, worse in open air—Colch. inflammation of lachrymal sac, worse in cold air—Fluor ac lachrymation in oVen-Canth., Graph, Merc, Puis., Senecio aur. Sit., Thuja. lachrymation in the evening in open air—Sep. lids feel dry, burn, and sensitive to air—Aeon. pain, photophobia, and lachrymation, worse in open air— Clem. e. pains better in open air—Asajcel. sensitive to cold—Clem. e. sensitive to cold air, relieved by wrapping up warm—Hep. s., Sit. symptoms better in open—Puts. Albuminuric retinitis-^™, alb., Crotal. h., Gels., Kalm., Merc cor., Phos. Amaurosis—during severe headache, passing away with headache, pupil contracted—Zinc. met. from congestion of optic nerve, or anaemia— Ver. v. from debilitating nervous losses—Nat. in. from sexual excesses, or loss of fluids— China, Phos. Amblyopia, caused by grief or over-use of eyes in sewing—Crotal. h Amenorrhcea, with ophthalmia—Puts. Anaemia of optic nerve—China, Digit., Lith. carb. ulceration of cornea, dependent upon—China. Anchylops—Hep. s. AngJe, persistent redness at inner—Zinc. Apoplexy of retina—Am., Bell., Crotal. h., Lachesis, Merc cor Phos. of retina, from suppression of menses—.#h. profuse and photophobia, in scrofu ous keratitis—Cham. profuse and thick discharge—Euphr. profuse, better in open air—Phyt. profuse, burning, acrid and excoriating—Merc profuse, burning and excoriating—Mere profuse, in kerato-iritis—Ars. alb. profuse, with great photophobia, worse in morning, in ulcers of cornea—Nux v. profuse, with great redness and chemosis—Hep. s. profuse, with great sensitiveness to daylight—Graph. profuse, with pain—Aeon. profuse, with photophobia in pustules of cornea—Puis. with redness and photophobia—Aeon. redness and photophobia, in keratitis—Can. sat. redness and photophobia, in scrofulous keratitis—Calc. phos., Ipec. redness and photophobia, in ulcers of cornea—Coni. sensitiveness to light—Gels. 362 REPERTORIAL INDEX. smarting and bites cheeks—Lye. smarting and burning of eyes and lids—Hydrast. smarting and heat in eyes—Calc. e smarting in eye—Colch. while writing, with considerable pain—Calc. c with biting and burning in eyes—Cepa. with biting in eyes as from salt—Nux v. with crawling pain in eyes—China. with inflammation—Clem. e. with inflammation in slight wind—Nat. m. with itching and pressure in lids—Tellur. with pain and swelling of lids—Sulph. with shooting pain—'ite//. with shooting, smarting and itching in inner canthus—Coni. with swelling of lachrymal sac—Atrop., Puis. worse in damp and sultry weather—Graph. worse in warm room—Digit. Lame—eyeballs sore and lame—Bapt. Lamplight, eyes tire from reading by—Apis. great sensitiveness to—Nat. m. pain in eyes from—Chelid. Lancinating darting pain in eyes—Apis, Chelid. Large—eyeball feels large, as if coming out of socket—Aeon., Actea r. eyeball seems too—Calad., Lye, Mez., Opium, Phos., Phos. ac, Phyt., Plumb, in., Senega, Spig. CA&crr- fLyac".