occult™>drugless THERAPEUTICS VAC KI RAIZIZUN "Occult and Dmgless Therapeutics" BY YACKI RAIZIZUN Author of "Your Personal Forces," "The Secrets of Dreams," "The Science of Psychomancy," "The Psychology of Success," Etc. PUBLISHERS OCCULT RESEARCH SOCIETY Room 415-Chicago-Clark Building 800 North Clark Street CHICAGO, U. S. A. Copyright, 1924 by YACKI RAIZIZUN TABLE OF CONTENTS Concenration Magnetism 11 Conscious and Sub-conscious Mind 21 Mental Therapeutics 31 Suggestive Therapeutics 41 Scientific Fasting 58 Science of Proper reathing 68 Meat and Its Effects 78 Drugs 86 Healing by Prayer 110 Miscellaneous Subjects 125 INTRODUCTION To-day, Drugless Healing is again in its infancy. It is not a new art, but a forgot- ten truth, long-lost in the maze of our ma- terialistic age. Hypocrites (about 450 B. C.) advocated and practiced it with marvelous results. Paracelsus, an adept physician, born in Switzerland in 1492, one of the eminent practitioners of his day, said: "I have discovered a great many se- crets in nature, and I tell you that he can only be a true physician who has acquired a knowledge of the healing art and the power to use it." Paracelsus was ridiculed by the physicians of his time, because his knowledge of the hidden forces in nature was beyond the comprehension of his col- leagues. Galen, a noted physician of Asia Minor, born about 131 B. C., gave abundant proof of certain forces in nature which healed. 5 If we search the records of antiquity we will find many additional records of drug- less healing. To-day, the different schools of drugless healing, such as Christian Science, Mental and Spiritual Therapeutics, are, in their separate phases, simply fragments of a truth forgotten. The ideal physician and healer of the fu- ture will be he who is conscious of the finer forces in nature and be able to direct them as he wills. The doctor will then be the true healer and he will not require a satchel to carry his drugs, for nature which sur- rounds him will be his servant. Materialistic Medical Science, which bases its knowledge on known physical laws, claims that healing, other than by physical methods, is not practical or scien- tific. In fact the drugless practitioner is branded as a charlatan. This is quite nat- ural, as Medical Science is ignorant of the 6 finer forces in nature, and as such will re- main until she evolves a consciousness of them. Medical Science has caused many un- practical and unscientific names to be ap- plied to the various schools of Occult Heal- ing, due to her inability to understand their methods. These different branches of Occult Therapeutics have performed marvelous cures, not only in the past, but also of to-day (unquestionably proved and a matter of open record), and as this knowledge becomes more generally known in the future, the skeptic and know-it-all (who very often uses these finer forces un- consciously in the healing of disease) will have to admit the existence of its efficacy, for truth alone survives. Requisites of the Healer FIRST: Knowledge. A mere belief in the finer forces of nature, or reading lit- erature on the subject, is not sufficient. 7 The healer must have a conscious knowl- edge of these forces and understand how to intelligently direct them. SECOND: An intense desire to be help- ful to suffering humanity. Love and sym- pathy for all, without, however, losing posi- tiveness, which is very essential to the healer. THIRD: Purity of living. A good healer must live a perfectly chaste life. He who intends to heal and touch women must be master of his emotions. The emotions are forces which the wise healer will use ad- vantageously. He who is a slave to his pas- sions will not succeed as a healer. FOURTH: He must of necessity have a knowledge of anatomy. FIFTH: Clairvoyance or Clear Seeing. This may be divided into two distinct classes, viz.: Low and high. The low is connected with ordinary mediumship. It 8 is also to be found in lower animals. It has its chief expressions through the sym- pathetic nerve-center. It is limited in its scope. SIXTH: Clairvoyance, the higher. This is connected with the cerebral-spinal. It is the results of definite training, purity of life, daily meditation on different virtues, such as purity, chastity, love, etc. These are the chief factors that hasten its devel- opment. The doctor of the future will be clairvoyant. He will be able to see into physical matter as clearly as the X-Ray. SEVENTH: Intuition. This faculty is sometimes called the sixth sense. It is more or less dormant in our present humanity, but like any other faculty which is lacking in development, it may be evolved. The physician of the future will use his intuition with his clairvoyant sight. 9 PART I. CONCENTRATION Concentration means holding the mind one-pointed. It may be defined as the focusing, of interested attention for the time being, one thought subject or object receiving the exclusive attention of the mind. The habit of our wandering thoughts may be overcome by practice. At first it will seem impossible to the begin- ner for in the early stages it is hard to con- trol our thoughts. By repeated efforts we gradually gain dominion over them, and our strength grows every time we try to master them. The student of Mental Therapeutics must also learn to over come outside thoughts by cultivating his own thinking. By a systematic effort, you must build up a spiritual body of thought for yourself, by thinking Truth till it becomes part of your mind. The beginner will find it to his advan- 11 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS tage to sit down in a straight back chair, neck and chest in a line. Let the upper part of your body rest on your ribs, relax mentally and physically, taking a few deep slow breaths. This has the tendency to bring about that calm, restful state of mind which is essential to success. Now, turn the mind to some thought, subject or object selected before hand, and consider it attentively, never allowing your thoughts to falter even for a fraction of a second. Every time your thoughts wander, you must drag them back and control them. You must be master of your mind. This priceless faculty cannot be bought or given to anyone. Every one who wishes to succeed must master this art himself. Re- member that the power to master lies within yourself. To this faculty is to bring the restless mind under control, and with this accomplished we acquire poise and self con- trol. The mind becomes a powerful in- strument for the person who can control and direct it. The will of men who can 12 CONCENTRATION properly concentrate, is one of the most powerful forces in existence. He does what he wills to do, and in thus doing, he illustrates one of the fundamental laws of nature. You, the thinker, are responsible to your- self for the alertness, harmony and health, which your thoughts express through every cell of your body. If it is not normal and healthy, you can make it so by think- ing constructively, and holding the picture of health and strength clearly in your mind. Your thoughts determine your state of health more than you have any idea of; you can, and do think yourself into a state of disease. And the environ- ment in which you live is the sum total of your thoughts. Every cell in our bodies is thought incar- nate. We silently build our bodies daily with the material we have created, and thereby change ourselves and conditions by thinking constructively. As long as we keep our old thoughts of disease in con- sciousness, we shall be sure to manifest 13 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS and express old conditions. The more we think of disease, failure and "I can't", the more negative and unprogressive we be- come. Magnetism This force or energy comes from the sun. We may be said to literally live, move and have our being, in a physical sense, in the sun. This force, or energy, enters the etheric spleen with every inhalation of the breath. As it enters the spleen, the solar plexus draws it to itself with every exhala- tion, and from the solar plexus, it travels along the nerves to the sacred plexus situa- ted at the extreme end of the spine, and to the cardinal plexus, the core of the brain. These are the three main centers of the human body. From the cardinal plexus, this life energy traverses the nerves of the head. Again on the downward path it passes through to the psychic center situ- ated between the eye-brows. Then it tra- verses the nerves of the face; then the bronchial center, the throat front; the pul- monary center; the upper chest and lungs; 14 CONCENTRATION the lower lung center, seated above the heart; the vital and generatic center, seated at the base fo the stomach; and so this life energy makes the circuit of the nerves until it gradually works its way out through the pores of the skin. When a man's vitality is low, it is be- cause he is lacking in the force or energy. In winter, when there is no sun for a few days, old people, who are feeble and whose vitality is low, generally die in the early hours of the morning, between 11 P. M. and 5 A. M. This also explains how by re- tiring two hours before midnight, you re- tain more vitality while lying in bed, and thus recuperate the physical body. This fluid also acts as a sort of cement for building and assimilating the nutriment of the food after a meal. If the body uses a greater quantity than ordinarily, its over- flow is not as great after a meal as before. This explains why an overindulgence in food is the direct cause of Colds, Asthma, etc, due to the fact that the superfluous matter cannot leave the body through the pores of the skin with sufficient force to 15 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS wash away the deleterious matter such as poisonous gases, etc. This fluid also makes your Aura. As we move about we are continually throwing off this aura in the shape of stars and other geometrical shapes. It is by these physical plane particles, that a dog is able to follow his master and to identify him by the garments he has worn. In this way bloodhounds are able to trace daring criminals. A trained human could do the same more accurately, but in our present stage of civilization, we place more confidence in animals than we do in mor- tals. For Curing Headache and Other Ailments. The magnetic healer places his patient in a chair or reclining couch. Keeping the patient's eyes closed and his mind as calm as possible, he stands behind his patient, places his hands over his right and left tem- ples (not too much pressure on the temples), and his middle finger between the eye- 16 CONCENTRATION brows, which is the psychic center. Think- ing harmoniously of love, sympathy, etc., enables him to get into an harmonious vi- bration with the patient. He then draws more of this life fluid to him, by taking a few slow, deep breaths every ten minutes or so, and as he wills it, this force rushes through his hands, and washes away all the impure matter which may be the cause of the headache, or other ailments. The center that is nearest the pain is the one to concentrate on. (For instance, in case of kidney trouble, the healer must place his hands on the second joint up from the sacred plexus, at the extreme end of the spine.) For Asthma, treat the pul- monary, and bronchial center. The healer must also concentrate on the centers according to the seat of the disease, as stated above. This will draw the patient's own magnetism to the afflicted parts, which will be very helpful in effect- ing a cure. First, you must use your imagination. Imagine there is a bright light covering the center you are working 17 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS on; see it throwing bright rays of light towards the afflicted parts and penetrating every cell. First it will be purely imagina- tion, but with persistent practice, it will become a reality. It is the same white light that the Chris- tian Scientists use when they see their pa- tients enveloped in it, they will call it (God's) presence. In this they are correct from their point of view, for we know God is Omnipresence. In Occultism 'this is called Akasha, of which ether is its gross- est form. The patient will often have a feeling of warmth on the center you are concentra- ing upon. You may also use this white light to see the patient enveloped in it. While you are doing this always take a few deep breaths through the nostrils, slowly, without straining yourself. How- ever, if the healer is ruptured he should not practice deep breathing. For magnetising water, the healer holds a half wine glass of water in his left hand. He swings his right hand, backwards and forwards for a few minutes, until he feels 18 CONCENTRATION a tingling sensation in his finger tips. Then he makes downward passes over the glass and wills that his magnetism flow therein. The patient may then drink it slowly. This often has a very stimulating- effect. Another good stimulant is to make down- ward passes over the patient with your fingers open, (not stiff). When bringing the hands up turn the palms towards you. If not, you take the magnetism from the patient again. By placing your right hand on the patients head, and your left on the sole of the feet, (which is the electric center) great benefits may be derived. This sends a magnetic sensation through the patient. One must be very careful in choosing his magnetic healer, for the healer actually projects part of his life fluid into his patient. This life fluid carries the faults and frailties of the healer. This fluid which circulates the nerves may be very easy for a sensitive person to take on the 19 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS faults of the healer. One's character may even be changed. Hypnotism or Mesmerism, should never be used at any time for curing diseases, un- less it is for a necessary surgical operation. Then it must be done by a competent op- erator. Hypnotism or Mesmerism, if con- tinually practiced on a sick person, weak- ens their power of resistance and the sick man may become a slave to the operator. Even after the man has passed from the physical body Hypnotism may effect his will power. Beware of Hypnotism or Mes- merism for healing purposes. 20 PART II. CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND The nature of the mind of man may be said to be related to three states of con- sciousness, viz.: Super-consciousness, Self or waking consciousness, and Sub-con- sciousness. This does not mean to infer that man has three minds, but that these various states of consciousness are co-existent. The Super-conscious state is that which is above Self or waking consciousness. From the Super-conscious regions comes the impulses which are sometimes called the promtings of geniuses. The Self or waking consciousness is that which we find in or through the brain. You are reading this Book, therefore your consciousness is centered on that which is before you. In this Self-conscious state there is a vast difference between the genius and the street sweeper. The same 21 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS thing might be presented to both, but the power of perceiving the qualities of that which is presented would depend on the education, or evolution, of the faculties of each for perceiving them. The Sub-conscious is the state behind consciousness. The Sub-conscious mind is the store house for all actions of the past, good, bad and indifferent. In fact it may be said to be a real entity and that we feed and nourish it with our conscious thoughts. If our conscious thoughts are negative, such as fear, doubt, disease, worry, and "I can't," we are paving the way for mental, physical and spiritual retrogression. We are the makers and directors of our own destiny according to the thoughts we harbor in consciousness. We cannot es- cape our creations, for like an obedient servant, the sub-conscious mind will carry out the thoughts of the conscious mind. Everything we think of consciously passes on to the Sub-conscious mind, and we bring it out into physical manifestation. The Sub-conscious mind is also the con- 22 CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND troller of the involuntary actions and func- tions of the human body, by way of the sympathetic nervous system. The entire process of nutrition, including digestion and assimilation, etc., also the process of elimination and circulation, are under the control of the Sub-conscious mind. As our food is digested and assimilated for tissue and cell building, it is carried to all parts of the body, where it is absorbed by the cells and used to replace the worn- out material. The latter is then carried out to the veins and lungs, where the waste matter is burned up, and the remains sent through the arteries and resharged with life-giving energies. All these processes, and many more, are under the direct con- trol of the Sub-conscious mind. The Sub-conscious mind is not confined to the brain, to any of the plexuses, or to the nervous system, but extends to every part of the body, to every nerve, muscle, cell, and group of cells in the entire body. The nervous functions of the human body are the results of certain actions of 23 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS some kind or degree, therefore they are analyzed or classified as Sub-conscious mind. The Sub-conscious mind does not extend its activities to the brain alone. The brain cells are that mechanism of the mind which expresses the sum total of our con- scious existence, whereas the Sub-consci- ous mind is in the entire physical body. There is mind in every organ, nerve, and muscle in the physical body. In short an Occultist knows that man not only has a physical body, but that he also has an astral and a mental body. This mental or mind body acts as a vehicle for thought, and thus it is distributed to every cell of the make up of man. It carries out the thoughts and Sub-conscious suggestions of an individual, and is also subject to the suggestions of other people as well. When we realize that the Sub-conscious mind is the controller of our bodies, and accepts as truth, the conscious or uncon- scious suggestions of its owner, as well as the suggestions from others, we begin to 24 CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND comprehend the effects of mind cure, faith cure, and other mental Therapeutic meth- ods of healing. The Sub-consciousness is the sum total of all our thoughts and feelings and of all the mutual activities of the mind from infancy. Before you can clearly comprehend the Sub-conscious mind, it must be understood that mental forces organize into concrete forms on the mental plane, just as physical forces aggregate themselves into material forms on the physical plane. The mind, then, is a mental body. It is an intensifying power. It is the sum total of the character of a person, and just as soon as it becomes a positive character, it changes the hereditary form of the flesh, to express its own development. This explains why negative and weak- minded people are always subject to dis- ease and imaginary ailments. A negative mind has not the power to transform the flesh, therefore it is the duty of the self- healer to develop a firm, positive attitude 25 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS of mind by positive affirmation. This can be developed by mental or verbal auto-sug- gestions. When a thought or idea has been ex- pressed by the conscious mind, it still ex- ists in minute form in the Chitta (Thought waves of the mind). The more powerful the suggestions the more lasting the effect and the quicker the cure. Your conscious mind has dominion over the flesh, and by limiting your beliefs, you cause most of your bodily ailments. All your past thinking has formed your present mind body, which now governs your physical organism and it must be re- generated and transformed into a positive concrete form which will eliminate all that is a detriment to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The Sub-conscious mind is the governor and controller of all the vital processes of the physical body. The mental and verbal suggestions, truly and firmly established in the Sub-conscious mind, are the seeds which will become manifest in the physical 26 CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND body. However, this change of mind can- not be brought in a day, for our old thoughts die hard. This change can be gradually brought about by continued sug- gestion, education and growth. You are as unlimited and negative as your source, and you can think yourself into higher, grander, and loftier expres- sions for expressing more life. When this state is attained you will feel the subtle re- building works of Him in Whom we live, move, and have our being. The following quotation from Doctor Scofield: "It has often been a mystery how the human body thrives so well with so little attention or care on the part of its owner. "NO machine could be so constructed, nor could any combinations of liquids in organic compounds, regulate, control, coun- teract, help, hinder or arrange for the con- tinual succession of different events, such as food, surroundings, and the conditions which are continually effecting the body, and yet in the midst of this ever changing 27 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS and varying successions of influences, the body holds on to its course growth, health, nutrition and self-maintenance with the most marvelous persistency. "This regulation, control, governing, etc., can only be traced to the mental power of the mind. In other words, it is nothing else than the tremendous powers of the Sub-conscious mind which controls, guides and governs the functions of the human body." Upon the activities of the Sub-conscious mind, depends all the processes of physical life. When we study the influences which the mental has upon our physical conditions then the truth dawns upon us that our physical conditions are merely the reflec- tions of the mind. We therefore arrive at this profound truth: that all disease of the flesh is the result of an uneasy mind. Either by the direct influence of some negative person, who can only see dis- aster in everything, or by the negative mode of our own daily life. It is within 28 CONSCIOUS AND SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND the grasp of all to strengthen their mind and thereby eliminate fear, doubt, and disease of all kind. In the Sub-conscious mind are the hidden agents which heal (the sum total of our conscious thoughts) but these must be trained towards the healing of the body. There are two methods whereby the Sub- conscious mind may be trained to heal. First, the method applied by the drug doc- tor. When taking the drug you believe in the medicine, plus the personality of the doctor. Your belief is the cure. It creates the condition in the Sub-conscious mind, which is the true healer. The drug may stop the sensation of pain, but it will not cure the cause, and the sys- tem will be weakened in its efforts to throw off the poison. The doctor cannot cure you if you do not believe in him. The second method is by the conscious and continual denial of that which ails you, whereby the Subconscious mind is trained and educated to turn its dormant powers to the healing and rebuilding of 29 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS the diseased parts of the body. This method, if persistently applied, will elim- inate many physical and mental ailments. If the person suggesting believes that there is nothing deeper than his Self-con- scious mind, he will, by repeated sugges- tions, reach the very depth of his being the self or I Am. The I Am is the very foundation of our being upon which we build our mental habitation. We affirm, "I Am life," because our soul is eternal life. We affirm, "I Am health, peace and perfection," because the real "I," the true individual, the Self, is potentially the health and perfection of the Deity. 30 PART III. MENTAL THERAPEUTICS The part Mental Therapeutics plays in healing diseases borders on the realm of the miraculous. It is simply the operation of one mind over another. It is based on the knowledge that minds are not distant and separate, but are united by one Uni- versal Mind (God), of which each individ- ual unit is an organized part. Man's mind and the Great Universal Mind is one. We are all living in a great sea of vi- brating mind. The body is held in active organization by the mind. Mind is the or- ganizing power. Every cell in the body is a particle of mind substance. The cells of flesh are the bodies of thought. Every cell in the body is thought incarnate. The or- gans, which are made up of a great multi- tude of cells, can be controlled by the posi- tive mind of the individual. They can be changed by constructive thoughts so that the cells and organs will progress to a de- 31 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS gree of intelligence and manifest health and strength as the individual becomes more and more conscious of the tremen- dous power of mind over matter. Thought infused into the flesh makes it healthy and strong so it will resist disease of its own volition. Every action of the body is caused by the mind. There is a living force or energy in thought. We know that mind and matter are interde- pendent. Mind can and does control matter. We can consciously and intelligently direct the forces of our thoughts to any organ in the body and so change the cells or or- gans with these positive thoughts to elimi- nate all impurities. Man's mind and the great Universal Mind is one. The golden reel is his thoughts. As these instruments, called thoughts, reach out towards the apparent- ly undifferentiated sea of Universal Mind, and there, with the thought line links itself, it then creates through suggestion and rec- ognition, the most of our manifested en- vironment. 32 MENTAL THERAPEUTICS By identifying ourselves with the quali- ties which radiate from Divine Mind, and offering it to our own being as the quantity that belongs to all intelligences, we will build up a positive, constructive force of mind, that will in time overcome every neg- ative condition of the body. The mind may in this way be trained to have a strong and substantial faith in its own powers. The more we persistently affirm what we know to be true the more positive and powerful our faith becomes. If we earnestly and persistently plant the seeds of power, health, etc., and have per- fect confidence that in time these seeds will bring wholesome fruitage, the powers of the truly constructive mind are impartial and will operate and accomplish that which we are desirous of achieving. There is a great power stored in the mental spaces all about and within the mind of man; far more powerful than elec- tricity. And this power is being redis- covered and applied in suggestion and thought transference, to restore to normal 33 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS harmony the mental, emotional and physical bodies of those who are ailing. There is more intelligent activity going on in the body than we are conscious of. All the involuntary actions of the body, such as the beating of the heart and the circulation of the blood. Every action of the various sub-brains or nerve plexuses located in every part of the body are car- ried on by the instinctive operation of the mind. There is a tremendous amount of intelligence in these little cells. They are very sensitive to suggestion and as we gradually gain control over these sub- conscious centers of mental activity we in time gain dominion over the whole body. It is also important for us to know that we grow like that which we think or study. As the Master said: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." To Give Mental Treament The mental healer places his patient in a chair or reclining couch, bidding him to be as restful and receptive as possible. Bidding the patient to be mentally calm; 34 MENTAL THERAPEUTICS holding thoughts of peace, receptivity, etc., creates harmony in the mental, emotional and physical bodies. The mental healer stands a few feet behind his patient and produces by suggestion to the receptive mind of the patient the condition he is de- sirous of eliminating or creating. It is most essential that the mental healer has a consciousness of the keynote to which the patient vibrates. The chances of the right keynote being struck, he at- tunes his mind to that of the patient, using powerful suggestions of health, such as "I am implanting in your receptive conscious- ness the seeds of health which will become manifest. You are perfect. You are well. The ailment has left you." Here name the ailment and also the patient's name. As the healer creates and uses these mental suggestions he sees the ailment leaving the patient and visualizes him in perfect health. "The Mental Scientist," says Anna Be- sant, "needs, in order to give proper treat- ment, not only concentration of thought 35 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS and physiological knowledge, but clairvoy- ance as well. If he is treating a gunshot wound in the hand he needs to see exactly what the corresponding muscle in the pa- tient's other hand looks like, in order that he may make in his own mental body a per- fect mental picture of it. After he has done this he projects that picture into the brain of the patient." The vibration thus set up runs down the nervous tract to the seat of the injury and thus is built up a perfect picture of the healthy tissue, first in astral mater, then in etheric matter and finally the body itself builds in the dense particles of physical matter which are required for the restoration of the muscles to complete the tissue. The healer must supply the model. Nature does the rest. The Mental Scientist or self-healer, who comprehends the different states of mind and its power, knows that each concen- trated thought creates a form in the psy- chic atmosphere. Thoughts are real enti- ties and when infused with life they can be seen by one who is clairvoyant. They may 36 MENTAL THERAPEUTICS be sent on an errand of mercy or destruc- tion. Intelligent and powerful thought force inter-penetrates space and con- sciously or unconsciously controls the men- tal vehicle of the receptive patient. When a mental treatment is acknowledged by the patient as a reality, the most astonishing results often follow. Abundant proof of this may be found in daily life. Were it not for the power of imagina- tion many of the poisonous drugs given to the sick would send them to an early grave. The belief which the patient has in the drug creates (consciously or unconscious- ly) the mental picture of health sought for. Naturally the more faith there is the more important part it plays in the restoration of bodily health. Absent Treatment Absent treatment can be scientifically ex- plained by the use of Mental Telepathy. The same substance, air or ether, fills the so-called vacant space in which we exist. The ether acts as a vehicle for trans- mitting thoughts. The Mental Healer pro- 37 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS ceeds the same way as if his patient were present. When the thoughts or sugges- tions leave the brain cells of the operator they vibrate in ether, according to the force of concentration. This etheric vibra- tion manifests or materializes in the bodily functions of the patient. The powerful thought waves started by the sender will find a resting place in the brain cells of the receptive patient. These thought forms enter the human organism by ways of the pineal gland. It is always best, when treating absently, to acquaint the patient as to the time you are going to treat him. Holding an article in your hand which the patient has worn, such as a ring or handkerchief, enables you to get in rap- port with your patient. Also a photograph of the sick person may be used. In such cases the healer proceeds in precisely the same way as though the patient were in the room. If possible, take the time when you think the patient's mind is unoccupied. If he is asleep, all the better. At such a time, sit down alone, or if there are others in the room there must be harmony and 38 MENTAL THERAPEUTICS sympathy. Now picture, as vividly as pos- sible, the image of the patient sitting or standing in front of you. Then fix your attention on this image and firmly address it with all the earnestness and sincerity at your command, using the suggestion that he is getting better. If the patient is asleep, he will be drawn toward you in his astral body, for the spir- it must leave the body before there is any sleep. The astral body can be seen by the individual who has envolved his clairvoy- ant sight. Whether the healer can see clairvoyantly or not, the astral body of his patient will be drawn to him. Success depends upon the power of con- centration and steadfastness of thought. When the healer draws the astral body of his patient before him, as stated above, he proceeds to treat him for any ailment, just the same as if the patient were be- fore him in waking consciousness. In fact the healer can get better results when treating his patient in this manner, for the mind is more receptive in this condition 39 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS than in waking consciousness. Great pre- caution should be taken not to influence the patient's will. Self Treatment Ill self treatment the person must hold the conscious thought, or fixed idea, of the condition he or she wishes to bring about. Example. Nervousness seems to be the prevailing ailment among the masses of today. This may be traced directly to worry and fear. Harboring such negative thoughts, naturally weakens a person mentally and physically. The first thing to be done by a person suffer- ing from nervousness is to start at once to cultivate thoughts of confidence, cour- age, strenght, hope peace, etc. 40 PART IV. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. Suggestive Therapeutics must not be con- fused with Hypnotic Suggestion or Hyp- notism, the clangers of which I have warned my readers in the first of these lessons. In Suggestive Therapeutics, the treat- ments are given to the mind of the patient by means of verbal suggestions, which sometimes have more desirable effects on the patient than mental suggestions. The person sending the verbal sugges- tions must direct a positive thought force to the mind of his patient. The healer who has evolved his intuition will know how to proceed when giving, either ver- bal or mental suggestions. Suggestive Therapeutics means to im- plant into the receptive mind of your pa- tient, the condition which you may not be able to create in his mind by mental sug- 41 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS gestion, which is based on the law of Men- tal Telepathy. Treatment The healer induces his patient to be very calm and quiet. The patient should also give his undivided attention, without how- ever, surrendering his self-will to the healer. The patient should be told to ac- cept, digest and assimilate the meaning of the words which are being suggested to him. The healer should assert all the pow- er of his feelings, earnestness and intensity into his voice. By so doing, he causes an intense vibration which can be felt by his patient. His tone should vibrate with all the intensity of his being, (without shout- ing, however). Healing by Suggestive Therapeutics can be evolved only by persistent practice on the part of the healer, who wishes to make use of this method of healing. The patient should be placed on an easy chair or couch, and made to relax men- tally, emotionally and physically. While in 42 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS this relaxed condition, have him close his eyes and hold the conscious thought of "I am peaceful, I am quiet, etc." In a short time these suggestions will have the desired effects. The healer should stand in front of his patient, and again and again suggest to him the thoughts he wishes to implant in his mind. For nervous breakdown the healer should begin in this way; ''Now Mrs. S. or Mr. S. (as the case may be), you are sitting and resting quietly; you are calm from head to foot; You are calm, restful and quiet. Your mind is quiet and composed, and you are allowing my healing suggestions to sink deep, and deeper into your subconscious mind." With the harmonious thoughts of the patient, co-operating with the vibrations set up by the healer, the vibratory cur- rents produced, will pass through the emotional, to the physical, and harmonize the whole body. Many nervous diseases and a large number of digestive troubles 43 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS and disturbances of the circulation, may be cured by this method of treatment. In the treatment of different ailments, the healer should always make a mental picture of the condition he wishes to create in his patient. These mental pictures should be made while he is using some force- ful suggestions. In this way, the sub-con- scious mind is educated and influenced to turn its wonderful powers to the healing of the diseased parts of the body. If there is harmony and faith between the healer and his patient, and if this meth- od is persistently applied, it will bring about wonderful results. The process of suggestive thoughts, added to the force of the human will, can and does eliminate many diseases. The secret of this method of treatment lies in the thought behind the words. To whatever degree the thought is accepted, assimilated and digested by the patient, and by the healer adding to this his verbal 44 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS suggestions, (which has an added effect), in time the condition he wishes to create in the mind of his patient, will become manifest in the body. When giving a suggestive treatment the healer should never refer to the disease of which his patient is afflicted. His aim must be to draw his mind away from his ailment, and to ignore it as much as pos- sible. Never make a negative suggestion. For instance; never suggest or hold the conscious thought, such as, "You are look- ing poorly, or you look so sickly." Let your suggestions be: "How you have im- proved, or how well you look." Never repeat the name of the disease or the con- dition you wish to cure. By referring to the ailment, you direct the patient's attention to it, whereas your aim should be to have him deny it. Remember that the mind of a sick man is more receptive to that which ails him, and one sugges- 45 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS tion made to his ailment, may do much harm. We little know the power of mind, or the far reaching effects of suggestion, consciously or unconsciously. I here quote a remarkable case of un- conscious suggestion: By Spectator, Chicago Herald Examiner, August 22, 1921. "A curious medical case recently occured in Europe. A certain Mr. L. who lived in a French village near the Pyrenees Mountains was bitten by a dog. The first thing that occurs to everyone in such an instance is that the animal is mad. This man, being of a very highly strung nature, was at once greatly alarmed. He was taken to the Pasteur Institute at Bordeaux for treatment, as the Pasteur method has a great reputation for preventing rabies. After a few days he was sent home, but fearing that he was not entirely cured, he returned to Bordeaux for further atten- tion. Again he was pronounced as being 46 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS fully recovered and sent back home. Then a few days later the paper announced he had died of rabies. He did die, but not of rabies. He was literally scared to death by his own un- controlled imagination. The dog was found to be free of any dis- ease, and it was proven that his bite could not have induced madness. The trouble with this man was that he was of a ner- vous temperament, aggravated by shell shock caused by the war. In this case the man became a prey to his own suggestions that he was afflicted with the rabies. He went mad, just the same way as he would have done had he really been inflicted with the rabies. A few days before his death, his face assumed a brutal expression. He would clap his jaws after the manner of a wild animal, growl and bark like a dog. He asked to be muzzled. The horrible obses- sion grew stronger in his impressionable 47 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS mind and his will and reasoning powers were paralyzed before it, and at last he gave way to the paroxysm in which he died. The attending physician declared "that his death was wholly due to auto-sugges- tion." In the above statement it shows the tre- mendous powers of the mind, and how it may be utilized unconsciously for causing death. If man knew the power of con- scious mind over matter, and would con- stantly hold the reverse thought to that of disease, he would undoubtedly regain per- fect health. Self Suggestion As a man thinketh so he becomes. Much of pain and disease is the picture of negative thoughts and beliefs. Purity of thought, words and deeds are absolutely essential to physical and moral well-being. A man's physical health is largely due to his thoughts, plus his diet. Fear is one of the greatest causes of 48 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS disease. It may not be called a disease, but it really is the worst of all diseases. A fear thought will break down the phys- ical and mental organism quicker than a real disease. It paralyzes the will and leaves the individual with little power of resistance. A fear thought has been known to cause the hair to turn white in a single hour. With the added power of imagination, it may misform the bones of an unborn babe. It is also the cause of many contagious diseases. Cholera epidemics are believed to have been largely due to the fear of it. At times when epidemics of different con- tagious diseases have broken out among workers, those who had no fear of the disease, rarely, if ever, were stricken with it. By driving out thoughts of fear, you are removing one of the principal causes of disease. Self suggestion of thoughts of fearlessness, wTill create a new condition of mind. Fear thoughts can be counter-acted by the thoughts of "I am fearless" sug- 49 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS gested daily, and as the individual breathes life into these suggestions, they will take form in action, and the expression of fear- lessness will be brought into physical man- ifestation. Every cell in the body responds to sug- gestions. By persistent suggestions to the Sub-conscious mind, in time every cell and organ in the body, will take on the con- ditions which you have commanded of it. Methods for Self Treatments The first requisite of the self healer is faith, Paul said: "Faith is the substance of the thing desired." The person who believes he can cure himself, for him the battle is half won. By applying strong men- tal suggestions of "I am perfect health, I am health. My body is perfect, etc.," we will in time create the desired results. By sitting in the silence for ten or fifteen min- utes daily and affirming the condition you wish to create, in a short time you will realize that which you desire. Suggest the germ of peace and perfect repose into every cell of your body. It is within your 50 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS power to control every cell organ and muscle, and bid them to be at peace, per- fect peace. If this method is faithfully followed, and persistently applied, it will bring about marvelous results. Constipation Great benefits can be realized by mas- saging the body back and front with the hands, while holding the conscious thought of, "My bowels are active, active; they will move." And here you should name a certain hour. Drinking a liberal quan- tity of water and eating soft foods is also very beneficial. In the morning, while lying flat on your back, move the limbs in the same manner as though you were riding a bicycle. In many cases this exercise will cause the bowels to move almost immediately. This exercise should not be done too vigorously; a minute or two is sufficient. Deny Mental Weakness Deny the imperfect and affirm the per- fect. Man is the creator of his body, and 51 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS he builds and repairs it with his conscious and sub-conscious thoughts. The human battery of mental energy may generate thoughts which can be constructive or des- tructive to the human organism. Destruc- tive thoughts, such as anger, jealousy, hat- red, envy, etc., produce negative forces. They transform the food elements into poisonous compounds. Scientific tests have proved this. All the destructive thoughts must be cleansed from the mind by affirm- ing thoughts of truth, love, and life. Con- structive thoughts are creative. By deny- ing all our old habits which we know to be a detriment, we create a force which dissolves from the sub-conscious and con- scious mind, all the negative, destructive forces, which cause inharmony and create mental discord. The best results are attained by con- stantly denying old conditions. Suggest earnestly and persistently the conditions you are desirous of creating. As you use these silent auto-suggestions, breathe life into them. At first they will disturb the mental mechanism of the mind and this 52 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS will cause a gloomy condition for a short time. But as these strong denials are followed up with powerful, constructive, peaceful, and harmonious affirmations, a perfect condition of mind will become manifest. Cases of painful menstruation are often regulated by persistent auto-suggestions by the patient. Example: Let the patient con- centrate her mind upon the time when men- struation should occur. About two weeks before the Tegular time, let her daliy affirm of the day and hour upon which menstru- ation should occur. Let her suggest to her- self every night upon retiring, that the fol- lowing day is going to bring her nearer to the condition she desires. Extremely stubborn cases may not yield to this method of treatment the first month, but by repeat- ing the suggestions persistently daily makes a deeper impression on the sub-con- scious mind, and the sub-conscious mind will in time accept the idea or picture and convey it to the mechanism of the Self (which is sometimes called the Corporal Menstruation 53 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS mind), and this passes the desired condi- tions to the organs and mind cells connec- ted with that particular part of the body which will create normal conditions. Self suggestions may be used for curing any ailment of the body, either mental or phys- ical. These positive thoughts, when affirmed with confidence and sincerity (not parrot like,) will grow rapidly and will invariably crowd out the foul negative weeds of the mind. If we practice for a time a certain line of positive constructive thoughts, and with constant use of proper Auto-sugges- tions or affirmations, there will grow within one's mind the strongest and hardiest kind of positive thoughts and in time the mind will be attuned of its own volition auto- matically dispelling the negative thoughts. For Stomach Trouble If your stomach is weak, think (from the very center of your being) of a strong stomach able to digest and assimilate your food and to convert it into material, which will enter the circulation as rich and nour- 54 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS ishing blood, which will be carried to all parts of your system. When eating you may consciously try to direct the food with your thoughts. Think that it is going directly to the effected parts and healing you. The food may have its curative effect if the proper kind is eaten. What you are really doing is direct- ing the mind and you will often get better results in this way. Think of your stomach as being strong; carry the idea of strength in your mind and fairly drive it into your stomach to rebuild and strengthen the weak organs or parts of your body. You must also picture to yourself the condition you wish to bring about. The organs or parts of the body will gradually develop into the condition pic- tured in the mind. Mentally see your body as you wish it to become. Day after day hold the same mental picture. Never change the picture. Once the perfect im- age has been formed, adhere to that image as you have created it in the mind. Re- member that every picture you have 55 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS planted and created in your mind, takes form in action, and your body responds to your thoughts. In self treatment, or in treatment of others, you will find it very beneficial to treat the diseased organs as though they possessed intelligence. Think of them as if they understood you. Suggest to them earnestly, that they will respond. With a little practice and patience, they will re- spond to your earnest command. At first they will rebel, do to the powerful thought vibrations sent from your mind to the afflicted organs, but by repeated affirma- tions the truly awakened mind will gain dominion over them. Do not advertise your aches, pains and imaginary worries to your friends. Every time you do, you simply keep yourself in the same negative condition. There are some people who are never happy unless they are worrying, and in a miserable, morbid state of mind. They are the real dispensers of mental microbes. Their men- tal destructive germs enter the minds of 56 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS many weak minded mortals and cause ill health in many ways. They are very easily detected for they carry an atmosphere of gloom with them wherever they go. They always throw a feeling of depression over a crowd. To take away from their source of grief would be to make them most discontented, and un- happy, for they would have nothing to talk about. Their mind runs something like this: "I have a lot of trouble, But I wouldn't be without it, I find it such a comfort, To tell other folks about it." Do not be one of this kind. Daily, let your thoughts be of joy, peace, love and health, and. things will be better in general all around you. 57 PART V. FASTING. There is a scientific reason for fasting. Before a patient undergoes a strenous fast, he should either take instructions from a competent Hygienest or from a physician who is in sympathy with fasting. Many deep seated diseases have been cured by scientific fasting. For a twenty- four hour fast, a million diseased cells will die and be carried away by the natural eliminating process of the bowels. Cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Dyspepsia, Paralysis, Stomach trouble, Rheumatism, etc. have been cured by scientific fasting and dieting. Hazzard says: "In treating the disease symptoms known as Menorrhagia or ex- cessive menstruation, a fast of two or three days will reduce the flow to nil, and in cases of foul painful menstruation per- manent relief can be obtained in less than 58 FASTING twenty-four hours. Again he states: "It is necessary if the results obtained are to remain, that right living in the future is a positive guarantee of continued well- being." For ordinary diseases, a fast of forty- eight hours, once or twice a week will help nature to restore the patient quickly to normal conditions. During the fast, the patient must drink plenty of water, exer- cise in the sunshine, and do plenty of deep breathing through the nostrils only. How- ever, a person who is ruptured, should not practice deep breathing. Breathing exercise during a fast is of the utmost importance, for in the early stages of the fast, the patient may be sub- ject to dizziness, headaches, etc., Breathing through the nostrils will restore one to normal. While abstaining from food, it is most essential to keep the intestines clear, either by an enema or purging, as every organ of elimination works more rapidly and effect- ively, and the waste matter in the bowels 59 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS should be eliminated so as to make way for the new material which is being dis- posed of. It is thought by some, that once the food supply is cut off no superfluous matter will be disposited. This is an error, for during the fast nature is continually throw- ing off dead or decayed matter, and for this reason, an enema should be taken daily. Many people are afraid to fast at first, because of physical weakness, but I can assure my readers that a scientific fast under the direction of a competent Hy- gienest or Doctor will not weaken the patient. Others again believe that fasting is close- ly allied with starvation but this is not so. There are more people die from over eating than from abstainance. Dr. G. Guclpa, of Paris, says: "There is no danger or no serious inconvenience in abstaining entirely from food for three or four days, or even a longer period." The period of abstainance may also be 60 FASTING repeated several times without any risk or inconvenience, if each day a large dose of purgatives is taken to insure against intes- tinal infection. There may be some slight discomfort felt during the period of ab- stainance, but this never persists after food has been resumed. When the fast is broken, the patient al- ways feels better, physically and mentally, for the body has scientifically eliminated all that was impure, with very little risk (if any.) The reason why many deep seated dis- eases are not cured by scientific fasting, is because the patient breaks the fast before the disease is unrooted. As an example: Suppose a fast of twelve days is required to effect a cure of Catarrh, and the patient breaks the fast at the ex- piration of six days with the impression that he has fasted long enough. After the fast isz broken, the Catarrh, or any other malady, for which he had fasting will 61 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS be benefited only in proportion to the time he has fasted, and a complete cure will not be accomplished. Nature will dictate to the patient when it is time to break the fast. When the nat- ural feeling of hunger returns, it will be noticed, first, that the eyes sparkle and are very brilliant; second, the breath has lost its offensive and heavy odor; third, the tongue loses its heavy thick coating and assumes a healthy pink or red color. The tongue will only have this healthy color when nature is ready and willing to digest and assimulate nutriment in the form of either liquid or solid food. The habit of taking the least little mouth- full of either solid or liquid food, must be absolutely refrained from, because it stops the thorough cleansing process of nature, which is most essential for returning the patient to normal health. It is also a waste of vital energy. The same energy which is used for eating and assimulating could be used for staving off hunger, 62 FASTING strengthening the will and unrooting the disease. Sometimes a prolonged fast will develop unusual symptoms, such as dizziness, pain or cramps, insomnia, etc. This is due to nature's method of restoring equilibrium. These unusual symptoms, can be greatly subdued by a little knowledge and atten- tion. For instance: The patient's feverish condition, which generally sets in at the be- ginning of a fast, is an indication that Nature is rapidly eliminating all impure elements with which the system is clogged. As Nature eliminates the accumulation of decayed organic matter, it causes an in- crease of circulation: This increase, to- gether with the activity of the body, causes the feverish condition to set in. Should the patient be subject to fainting spells, it does not necessarily mean that the faint- ing is caused by the fast. It may be caused from lack of blood in the brain, and this-will cause fainting at any time. 63 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS In some cases the patient requires less sleep, during a fast, than ordinarily. This however is not the case with everyone for I have known of cases where the patient has slept better during a fast than before. There is no reason for uneasiness if the patient looses two or three hours sleep during the fast. Treatment for Fainting Lay the patient flat on his back; with the head a little lower than the feet. Open all windows and allow as much fresh air as possible to circulate through the room. Loosen all tight clothing, and gently man- ipulate the body. Treatments for Headaches Breathing exercise in the open usually stops a headache. If this does not stop it, try some of these simple suggestion. Bathe the face in cold water or place the face in a basin of cold water, inhale the water through the nostrils and allow it to pass out through the mouth, massaging the back of the neck, or a good sleep will always cure headache. 64 FASTING Treatment for Insomnia Have the patient lie flat on his back in bed, and breathe deeply and slowly, using suggestions of peace or any other sugges- tions which will have a quieting and sooth- ing effect; a hot water bottle applied to the feet if they are cold; a wine glass of hot water upon retiring; a lukewarm sponge bath followed by a cold sponge. Any of these simple suggestions will in time cure insomnia. Treating for Vomiting Vomiting, which sometimes sets in at the beginning of a fast, should be treated as follows: Give the patient a liberal amount of hot water, place hot applica- tions at the pit of the stomach, and Nature will do the rest. Kneeding of the parts where the pain is located, hot applications, followed by a drink of water, will bring about satisfac- tory results. 65 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS TREATMENTS FOR CRAMPS Pain or Palpitation of the Heart This is often caused from gases in the stomach. A little physical exercise, such as bending will help to eliminate the gases. Also a drink of hot water, and breathing exercises, will generally restore one to nor- mal conditions. If not break the fast. How to Break the Fast To break a fast it is best to commence with fruit juices, such as oranges, grapes, etc. Great care must be taken when about to break a prolonged fast period. The patient should be given only liquids the first day, such as vegetable soups. The broth has all the combined strength of the vegetables. The second day they should be given a half handful of popcorn freshly popped without salt or butter. Let the patient eat the popcorn slowly, masticating it well before swallowing; whole wheat soaked in water over night then slowly 66 FASTING parch a small quantity. Then ordinary light meals the following day. This precaution is only necessary when breaking a prolonged fast of from ten to fifteen days duration. In an ordinary fast of two to four days, the fast may be broken with an ordinary meal, without gorging yourself, however. 67 PART VI. BREATHING. Pure air when inhaled normally, contains twenty-one percent of oxygen, and twelve percent when exhaled, having lost 9%. When oxygen comes in contact with the blood a form of combustion takes place. The blood absorbs oxygen, the oxygen ex- pells the carbonic acid gas generated from the waste matter, and produces a poison- ous matter, which has been gathered up by the blood from all parts of the system, in its circulation through the body. The blood, thus purified by the fresh pure air, is a great asset to our physical well being. Proper breathing produces a clear, bright complexion. Those who breath properly do not readily catch cold,and they generally have plenty of warm blood, which enables them to comfortably resist the changes in temperature. One of the first lessons to be learned, is 68 BREATHING how to breath through the nostrils. The organs of respiration have their dust col- lectors, in the nostrils. When the breath is drawn in through the mouth there is no protection from the mouth to lungs. This unnatural mouth breathing habit, also admits the cold air in the respiratory organs. Many contagious diseases, such as colds, catarrh, and lung trouble, are contracted by the thoughtless method of mouth breathing. When the breath is taken through the nostrils, the air is warmed and purified before it enters the lungs. The nostrils are filled with mucus membrane, with which the cold air comes in contact and thereby it is warmed. Hence it cannot effect the organs of the throat or lungs. First Exercise Stand in the open, or before an open window. Keep the mouth closed and in- hale through both nostrils, filling the lungs to their fullest capacity without straining, however. (GREAT PRECAUTION MUST 69 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS BE TAKEN IN PRACTICING DEEP BREATHING.) Many people who practice deep breathing, have not been warned of its many dangers. To practice too stren- uously at first, will cause internal bleeding. A person who is ruptured, should never practice deep breathing. The person who follows this exercise religiously and sanely, will derive great benefits therefrom. The beginner should inhale while mentally counting four, re- tain while counting four, then exhale through the nostrils. When exhaling, draw in the abdomen, as near as possible towards the spine, always starting from below. The exhaling should be slow and easy without any jerks. The holding of the breath may be increased from 6 to 8-10-12-15-, etc. Each week gradually in- crease from five to fifteen or twenty min- utes daily. Second Exercise Stand erect, shoulders well back. Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. 70 BREATHING Inhale through the left nostril while counting six. Then close the left nostril with the forefinger and exhale slowly through the right nostril. Then with the right nostril closed, inhale through the left and vice versa. The counts may be increased as directed in the first exercise. This exercise, when practiced properly, de- velopes the chest. If every one would prac- tice this daily, there would not be so much consumption. Nearly all consumptives are narow chested. Morning Exercise Before starting this exercise, it is well to take a glass of water, then stand before an open window; inhale the pure air, while raising the arms to a horizontal pos- ition with the shoulders; keep the fingers rigid, palms down; raise upon the balls of the feet; inhaling a little more air; while in this position, lift the arms up and down; you will be able to inhale a little more air each time you raise the arms up. When you find you have retained all the air you can conveniently inhale, exhale 71 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS slowly. Do this a few times. Stand firmly on the floor, and while holding the indrawn breath, drop the hands to the sides, bend the body from the waist line, first to the right, then forward, then to the left, then backwards; do this a few times before exhaling. Exercise for Improving the Circulation This exercise should be taken in your own room when you are sure you will not be disturbed. Lie down flat on your back. Relax and let go of every nerve tension of your body. Breathe deeply while suggesting peace mentally until you have attained a calm peaceful state of mind and body. Breathe slowly and deeply, and let the breathing be in harmony with your thought sugges- tions as I will direct you. Place the hands lightly on each temple, close your eyes and have that conscious realization that you are directing the forces in your brain and sending them to all parts of your body. 72 BREATHING By the increased circulation, rapidly fol- lowing the nerve current, brought about by the slow rhythmic breathing, and with the added powers of the conscious thought, di- rected by the will, you will soon become conscious of a power which you will use advantageously. Now bring the hands down to the bronchial center, the throat front; then slowly down to the Solar Plex- us, resting here a moment or two. Then sit up and gradually pass the hands down the lower parts of the body; the hands touch- ing the body merely as a directing force or guide. Doing this from three to six times constitutes an exercise. Walking Exercise With shoulders and chest well back, the head in an easy upright position, inhale a slow breath through the nostrils while counting, mentally, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Retain the breath while counting six. In this exer- cise the number may also be increased with time and practice. The exhaling should be slow and easy; practice approximately for 73 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS five minutes, then rest, and continue at your leisure without tiring yourself. Sitting Exercise Sit on the floor and stretch the limbs straight in front of you. Hold the great toes with both hands without bending the knees; having accomplished this, touch the knees with the forehead. Do this five or six times. This exercise arouses gastric fire and has a tendency to make the loins lean and eliminate many diseases. Place the hands firmly on the ground or floor; support the weight of the body upon the elbows; bring them against the sides of the body, then stretch the feet above the ground, keeping the limbs stiff and straight on a level with the head. This exercise cures diseases of the spleen, liver and stom- ach. It also increases digestion and cures indigestion. Exercises for Stimulating the Nerves Stand erect, chest out and head well back, inhale a long deep breath, and retain it as long as possible without causing dis- 74 BREATHING comfort. Now extend the hands straight in front of you, on a level with your chest, palms up; draw your hands towards your shoulders, putting force and energy into the movement, before they reach the shoulders as you gradually draw them to yoiL_ Do this until you feel it is time to ex- hale, then exhale through the nostrils slowly. Bring the hands down to the sides and do the same exercise over again for five minutes. Awakening the Dormant Lung Cells This exercise stimulates and strengthens the lung cells, many of which have been rendered useless through their non-use, caused by shallow or surface breathing. Stand erect before an open window, in- hale a full breath very slowly through the nostrils, and while inhaling, gently tap the chest in different parts, with the finger tips, at the same time holding the conscious 75 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS thought that the cells will be awakened. The tapping of the fingers directs the mag- netism or vital force to the non-used cells. Hold the indrawn breath as long as possi- ble, without causing any discomfort, then exhale through the nostrils. Do this for five minutes. Abdominal Exercise This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and also do away with su- perfluous fat. It will also enable the stu- dent to control the muscles of the abdo- men which is most efficient in deep, full breathing. By constantly developing the abdominal muscles, the waist line will de- crease. Exercise One Stand erect, inhale a full breath, while counting five. Hold the indrawn breath and draw in the muscle of the abdomen by contracting them. At first you must do this exercise slow and easy, then allow the abdomen to spring 76 BREATHING back to its original position. Repeat a few times. Exercise Two Stand erect, in hale a full breath through the nostrils. While holding the breath, sway the upper part of the body from the waist line up, in a circular, rotating move- ment, while counting five. Do this for about three to five minutes. Exercise Three Stand erect, inhale a full breath. Touch the right toe with the right forefinger and the left toe with the left forefinger, and vice versa, while holding the breath, with- out bending the knees. Do this for from three to five minutes. 77 PART VII. MEAT AND ITS EFFECTS It seems unbelievable that civilized man still continues to eat the corpse of animals for food. In spite of our boasted civiliza- tion, man has not evolved very far from his primitive habits. It has been scien- tifically and religiously proven that meat is unfit for human consumption. Meat is decayed animal matter. The process of decomposition begins soon after the life has left the body of the animal. You do not eat the life of the animal, you only eat the corpse. This corpse carries a certain percentage of the rate of vibration of the animal which once occupied it. When the animal is led to the slaughtering plant, it instinctively knows of its ap- proaching death. This knowledge or in- stinct creates a feeling of fear and timidity. After the life has left the body, the corpse still contains the vibration of timidity and 78 MEATS AND ITS EFFECTS fear, plus decomposition. When you eat this decaying flesh, it becomes a part of your body. Our bodies are made up of millions of tiny cells. These cells are continually changing and rebuilding. Physically we are not the same two days in succession. Every cell of our body is subject to change. The hair and nails change quicker than any other part. The teeth require the longest time to effect a change. The food we eat replaces this waste matter, and if this food is diseased, and the decaying corpse of animals always are. Our bodies will take on the condition of the impurities which we put into our stomachs. Put- ting the cadaver on ice does not stop the process of decay, it only retards it. Certainly no one who recommends flesh for a diet, has ever given the subject any serious thought, because it is one of the most nauseating habits of modern society. The principle argument, of the lovers of the corpse eating habit, is that it gives 79 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS the body strength and is necessary for those who perform manual labor. This argument is based on an erroneous opinion, because dead animal flesh does not give as much strength as a vegetarian diet. It has been scientifically proven that every element that enters into the composi- tion of animal flesh, is to be found in great- er abundance in the nut, fruit and vege- table kingdom. Some of the hardest physical laborers are exclusive vegetarians. In China and India, there are hundreds of thousands of Coolie laborers, who toil daily in the scorching sun, from twelve to eighteen hours, and their main diet conists of rice, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. H&rses, bulls, and elephants, are the strongest of animals, and they live on grains and vegetables. The prominent traits of the flesh eating animals, are cow- ardice irritability, and cunningness. A bear, belonging to a circus, was fed on bread and vegetables for a few days, as an experiment. During that time, it displayed 80 MEATS AND ITS EFFECTS a gentle, quiet and playful disposition. A few days later it was again fed on flesh. Its strength did not increase, but instead it became vicious and extremely dangerous. Animal flesh as a diet, is the direct cause of many of the fashionable diseases with which the human race suffers in this pres- ent age of so-called civilization. Gluttony, extreme sensuality, physical and psychical apathy are also the consequences of over stimulation. Dr. Carl Loeb says: "If you eat meat and your digestion is impaired, your stom- ach may not be burdened from all the poi- sonous matter out of the "scavenger food" and some of the poison may leave your sys- tem without harming you. In order to avoid this, by all means eat soup. Soup will give you every drop of "urine in the meat, nothing wlil go to waste. If meat will not kill you, eat soup three times a day, seven times per week, and it will do the work." Flesh eating is simply a habit and from a scientific standpoint has nothing to up- 81 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS hold it. On the other hand it is consid- ered injurious to the system, as I have pointed out. The destruction of animals for the use of food, includes in its detail so much cruelty, that anyone not utterly inhuman, shudders at the thought of it. If everyone had to do their own killing, if everyone had to plunge his own cold steel into the animal, either in reality or imagination, if everyone had to look at the last spasmodic move of the dying animal, I am sure the degrading habit of corpse eating would be unknown to civilization. Civilized man should remember that many of his so-called heathen brothers do not eat animal flesh. Many physicians are advocating the veg- etarian diet. They also agree that if a change is made, in time it will cure rheu- matism, scurvy, kidney troubles, tonsilitis, etc. Many cases of chronic diseases of long standing, caused either by drugs or flesh- poisoning, have been cured simply by sub- 82 MEATS AND ITS EFFECTS stituting a strictly vegetarian diet, in place of flesh. The use of flesh food exhausts the vitality quickly, whereas vegetables builds it up. Statistics show that vegetarians are longer lived, stronger, and of a more gen- tle disposition than their flesh eating brothers, who are as a rule very pugna- cious and cruel. Another question which seems to have been forgotten in regards to the use of meat. Has man the right to kill animals for food? To the professed Christians, who claim to believe in their Bible, there seems to be little reason for doubt, as the command is plain: "Thou shall not kill." Still this command is disregarded daily by millions of Christians, who base their rights upon a misunderstood verse in the Bible which is: "God permitted man to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cat- tle." When man kills the creatures of na- ture which are below him in the scale of 83 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS evolution, his dominion over them is at an end. Man's work here is to hasten the process of life and not to retard it. And God said: "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed. To you it shall be for meat." (Gen. I, 26- I have endeavored to prove to you religi- ously and scientifically that animal food is unfit for human consumption. You will no doubt ask, "What shall I eat, and how can I retain my physical strenght on a vegetable diet?" My advice to you is to give it a trial before you condemn or denounce it. If you have been accustomed to eating animal flesh all your life, at first it will be difficult for you to adjust yourself to a strictly vegetarian diet without feeling some uncomfortable effects by the change. The change must be made gradually. Be- 84 MEATS AND ITS EFFECTS gin by substituting daily, one meal of flesh, for one of vegetables. In a week or so, try doing without meat for a few days at a time, and continue in this way for several weeks. By so doing your system will become adjusted to this natural way of living, and once this is at- tained, you will never go back to the flesh eating habit. There are many people who make the fatal mistake, when trying to become veg- etarians, of getting into the habit of living on starchy foods. This is an error not gen- erally understood. You must not fail to retain your physical strength. And in order to do this, it is necessary that you eat plenty of green vegetables, such as spinach, celery, and all other green vege- tables you can possibly get. Also plenty of the various kinds of nuts and fruits. 85 PART VIII. DRUGS. If we look for superstition we will find sufficient proof of it in the present method of medication. First, drugs are admittedly poison. Either they are poison per se, or they be- come poisonous simply from their presence within the organism. Any substance present within the organism, which is not a nutriment for tissue building, is a foreign substance and a poison, and as such, it can only damage the organs. Opium is more extensively employed in medicines than any other drug, because it is the most effective agent to allay pain. Pain is a blessing in disguise, and a warn- ing to return to nature's mode of living. Sickness and disease is a self imposed pen- alty for the violation of nature's simple physiological laws. Drugs silence the outcry of nature, and 86 DRUGS suppress the symptoms rather than remove the cause. If a patient is in pain, a drug is administered and the symptoms subsides. We must not forget that the symptoms are really the effect and that the true cause still remains. Suppressions of pain, such as that offered by drugs is by no means a sure cure, since the cause is not removed. The symptoms are not the disease, but sim- ply an evidence that the body is diseased. It is a proven fact that every drug taken to suppress an acute ailment returns in a worse chronic form, resulting from the suppression of the disease or of the poison- ous drug. Drugs paralyze the sense of pain and suppress the eliminating and healing act- ivities of nature. By the introduction of a drug to suppress a disease, in most cases the effect turns out to be worse than the disease itself. This is sufficient proof that to administer a drug, is not only useless, but is highly dangerous and injurious to the system. It simply retards the cure until the dis- 87 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS ease breaks out as something worse, or in a worse form of the same. To administer a drug is simply adding to the cause of the disease, for drugs always produce dis- ease. A poison cannot expell another poi- son. To add an impurity to the system, is simply to add a second or heavier burden for nature to throw off, which saps the patient's strength and vitality. As Doctor Bostock, author of "The History of Medi- cine," truthfully says: "Every dose of medicine is a blind experience upon the vitality of the patient." The masses are more or less hypnotized into the belief that the drugs of the All- opathic Doctors can cure. It is a primitive habit handed down from the stone age. What are drugs supposed to do? To cure the sick of their ailments, and with this sole object in view, the drugs are ad- ministered. The drug doctor bases his theory on the fact that disease is a thing to be eliminated or suppressed, or in some way effected by the drug. But when we come to a realization that disease is not 88 DRUGS a thing or an entity, with which to fight or combat, but a warning, an effect which is in itself, the process of purifcation for getting well. Once this great truth is thoroughly grasped by medical men, medicine will get its proper deserts and be decently interred in a common grave. If the taking of grugs was the best method of restoring perfect health, doctors should be the healthiest in- dividuals on the face of the earth. It is a well known fact that they are not. They have no faith in their own poison, for when they are sick they call in another doctor to treat them. They also take money from patients they claim are incurable. As A. F. Reinhold P. H. D. M. D. beau- tifully illlustrates: "Ladies and gentlemen, I oppose this medical law, because it places the medical practice in the hands of the most incompetent class of professionals on the face of this earth. This is my first reason for objecting to it. Very many diseases the medical doctors do not pretend to cure. There are some they say no one 89 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS can cure, and that means that they cannot." "Take consumption or cancer for an ex- ample. Can they cure it? They say no, because it is incurable; but if a person comes to them with consumption, they will take his case every time, and they will treat him as long as he has a dollar, and if they think he is going down a little too fast (which would not be healthy for them) they advise him to go to Florida or Cal- ifornia or Europe where he will die before he comes back. After they tell him he can- not be cured he goes to some one else and gets well, then they say he never had con- sumption. If he remains with them and dies, he has had consumption, if he goes away and gets well, he never had it. There are many people acquainted with just such cases". ("Nature versus Drugs" by Rein- hold, page 432). Professor W. J. Yoemans, of Popular Science Monthly, says: "All who have watched the progress of the healing art in recent times, will know that among the most enlightened practitioners, there has 90 DRUGS been a steadily diminishing confidence in medicines and an increasing reliance upon the sane influences of nature." Medicine hinders more than it assists nature's actions, and is more injurious than useful in all diseases. Drug medication, no matter under what disguise or name it is practiced, consists of employing, as remedies for diseases, the very thing which produces them in people who are healthy. The real effect of drugs is that they substitute a chronic condition for a temporary indisposition. Every par- ticle in Medical Materials is incompatible with the vital functions and antagonistic to living matter and therefor produces dis- ease, when in any way brought into con- tact with living domain. In short all are poisonous. Hygienic Treatments, on the contrary, consists in employing as remed- ical agents the same materials and influ- ences which preserve health in well people.. Dr. Frank Hartman said: "Every time you call the Drug Doctor into the house you introduce the plague." K 91 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS Says Dr. Fofth: "There is scarcely a more dishonest trade imaginable than med- icine in its present state. The Monarch who would entirely intercede the practice of medicine, would deserve to be placed by the side of the most illustrious char- acter who ever conferred a benefit to man- kind." Says Dr. Kidd: "Our cherished hopes of medical reform at present, exist in the outer educated people. It is a sad, humil- iating confession." Professor Gregory, of Edinburgh: "Gen- tlemen: Ninety-nine out of every hun- dred Medical facts are Medical lies, and Medical Doctrines, are for the most part, stark starving nonsense." Dr. Andrew Comb, Edinburgh: "Med- icine is made so much of a mystery and is so nearly alluded to, if not identified with quackery, that it would puzzle many a rational onlooker to tell which is one and which is the other." Dr. Benj. Rush: "We have done but little 92 DRUGS more than multiply diseases and increase their fatality." Sir Benj. Brodie, M. D., F. R. G. S.: "If the art of Medicine and Surgery had never been invented, by far the greater number of those who suffer from bodily illness would have recovered." Professor J. W. Carson M. D. says: "It is easy to destroy the life of an infant, this you will find after you enter practice. You will find that a slight scratch of the pen, which dictates a little too much of the remedy, will wipe out the infant's life. When you visit your patient, you will find that the child, cheerful a few hours pre- viously, is stiff and cold. Beware hten how you use your remedies. Again we do not know whether our patients recover because we give medicine or because nature cures them, perhaps bread pills cure as many as medicine does." Says Professor E. S. Carr, M. D. of New York University Medical School: "Mer- cury when administered in any form, is taken into the circulation and carried to 93 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS every tissue of the body. The effect of Mercury is not for a day, but for all times. It often lodges in the bones, occasionally causing pain years after it has been ad- ministered. I have often detected Metalic Mercury in the bones of Patients who have been treated with this subtle poisonous agent." James Johnston, M. D., F. R. S. of the Medico Chirugical Review wrote: "I declare as my conscientious conviction, founded on long experience and reflection that if there was not a single Physician or Surgeon, Mid-wife, Chemist, Apothecary, Druggist, nor drug on the face of the earth, there would be less sickness and less mortality than now prevails." Dr. A. G. Leavy, Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, Pa., says: "The best things in the healing art have been done by those who never had a Diploma: The first Caesarian Sector lithotomy. The use of Cinchona of ether as an Anesthetic, the treatment of the air passages by inhalation. The water cure, the medicated bath. Elec- 94 DRUGS tricity as a healing agent, magnetism, faith cure, mind cure, etc. Pasteur has no di- ploma, but has done more good than all the physicians in France." Dr. Majendic, lecturing to his class, said: "Gentlemen, Medicine is a great humbug. I know it is called a Science. Science in- deed. It is nothing like Science. Doctors are merely Empirics when they are not Charlatans. We are as ignorant as men can be, who know nothing in the world about medicine." Professor Barker, New York Medical College, says: "The drugs which are some- times administered for Scarlet Fever kill far more patients than the disease does." John Mason Good, M. D. F. R. S. says: "The effects of medicine on the human system is in the highest degree uncertain, except indeed, that they destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine com- bined." Dr. Quain, Editor of the Dictionary of medicine, said in an address to the British 95 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS Medical Association, in 1873. 'Diseases are curable, but we cannot cure them." Dr. Samuel Wilkes, F. R. G. S. Lecturer on Medicine at Guys Hospital, said: "All our best treatments are Empirical. I be- lieve that we know next to nothing of the action of medicines, and other Therapeu- tics agents." Dr. Ramage F. R. G. S. London, says, "It cannot be denied that the present sys- tem of medicine is a burning reproach to its profession." "If indeed a series of vague and uncer- tain incongruities deserve to be called by that name. How do our medicines really do good? How often do they really make our patients worse? I fearlessly assert that in most cases the sufferer would be safer without a physician than with one. I have seen enough mal-practice in my Professional Brethern to warrant the strong language which I employ." Dr. Stills "Therapeutics, Vol. 1 Page 31. says: "Nearly every medicine has become 96 DRUGS popular as a remedy, before being adopted or even tried by physicians, and by far the greater number of medicines where first employed in countries which are now in a state of Scientific ignorance." Dr Peebles says: "Medical practitioners should not administer poisons that tend to destroy the organized tissues, depress the vital force, or in any way deprive it of the power to respond to the will. Neither should they administer potent medicines to the sick which, if taken by healthy would make them sick. There is no doubt in my mind but that the average Doctor kills every year more than they cure. This I am sorry to say, is too frequently the case." SHAKESPEARE SAYS: By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too." "Lord Beaconfield died while the Allo- paths and Homeoepaths were quarrelling over his sick body. Such is the science of medicine." 97 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS WHAT THE PUBLIC THINKS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. A MEDICAL journal has recently ad- mitted the amazing fact that fully one- half of the American public patronizes drugless practitioners. An inquiry was suggested and financed by Dr. James H. Hutton of the Chicago Medical Society. Here follows the story as published in the "Literary Digest" of Sept. 22, 1923. WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF THE DOCTORS. By Buda KELLER. Facts intended to assist a committee of the Illinois Medical Society to organize an educational campaign, were reported to the society at a meeting in Chicago recently. Under the title "The Laity's idea of the Physician," these facts we are told what 6,772 persons in and out of Chicago act- ually think of the Medical profession, and why they patronize other healing agencies. 98 DRUGS The idea of these persons are described by the writer as "chuck full of unadultered lies, polite and half-truths, and delirious fancies''. Only 931 of those questioned we are told, profess entire confidence in orthodox medicine, and made no excur- sions into the realms controlled by other Cults. This fact in itself, the writer thinks, should interest physicians merely as bus- iness men. Some one, we are advised, should tell these six thousand persons the truth about medicine, the one profession in the world where a man takes an independ- ent attitude with a humanitarian point of view." "The reason for the appointment of the committee was the falling away among certain of your patients to quacks and cults and practitioners of little value. The vast fund of misinformation which the lay- man at large has about policies and achiev- ments of the medical profession." Now if the average business man, selling service of the highest known trade, found members of his potential customers not 99 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS only utilizing that service, but using others far less meritorous at a far greater price he would immediately send workers to make a trade survey. "We gather together volunteer workers, traveling salesmen, city salesmen, office people who had much contact with the gen- eral public. The welfare worker in one of the biggest Middle-Western industrial con- cerns. A club women on the south side. A society woman on the North Side. People who would come in contact with layman in every walk of life. There were a few paid workers, too, who went up the highways and byways. We ask them to do this. To find out from as many people as possible. What did you do the last time you were sick? And, where it could be done gracefully, "What led you to do that? They were instructed not to ask the definite question. What do you have against the doctor? For that would not only have robbed the reply of its spontan- eity, but might have cast considerable sus- picion upon the motive of the inquirer. 100 DRUGS "Replies were grouped under general heads from 5,719 persons in Chicago, from 1,053 persons out of Chicago, a total of 6,772. From this total only 931 or 13 5-16 per cent had never dabbled in any cult or pseudo-science. Of the 931 with a perfect record only 384 or 5 11-17 per cent had no curiosity about any of said cults or quack- ery and no intention of experimenting just a bit with them. i "Of the 5,841 who were directly against the physicians, directly for the other fel- low, which is quite a different matter, or who had at some time or another been in- terested in the other fellow to the point of investing money in his healing methods, only 7 per cent of them were directly opposed to the physician on account of some fault of his own, that is, malpractice, either real or imagined, or his failure as an individual to adapt himself to a situa- tion. About 93 per cent of them had in mind these visions I was telling you about, due to confused impressions about you, your relationship with one another, your 101 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS significance in social, economic, and scien- tific progress and your long and arduous preparation for practice. "As I said, we had all classes represented here, from day laborers to society leaders, with just a 50-50 break between those above and those below middle-class in prop- erty-holding. And we found what to us was a rather interesting fact that the semi-foreign communities out on the West Side of Chicago, showed a smaller percent, experimenting with doubtful healing prac- tices than the exclusive Hyde Park and North Shore residential districts." The following twenty-two groups of an- swers we are told, are given as an in- dication of the spontaneous comment of nearly seven thousand persons. The fact that most of the statements made are un- true, that many of them are inconsistent, one with another would, to the business- man, simply be an indication that he had better put the truth about himself and his service into the mediums where these 102 DRUGS people can find them. Here are the groups: "1. There is a large group of people who will tell you that the physician is neg- ative. He tells you what you must not do, warns you of ensuing fatalities. The os- teopath chiropractor, does something con- crete for you. The mental reaction is better. "2. There are others who will tell you that the physician has too good a graft. He looks at you once and charges you five dollars for a prescription which he gets from a book on the shelf. You can do it quite as well by going into the corner drug store. "3. There are those who say that doc- tors resent questions. They either shut you up summarily or overwhelm you by an utterly incomprehensible explanation. "4. Others say that doctors set them- selves up as wiser, less infallible than other people. One woman said that the last doc- tor she had was as pompous as a New Zealand devil dancer. 103 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS "5. It is said that the doctors habitually criticize treatments and healing methods of which they know nothing. How many doctors have questioned carefully a patient who has been helped by chiropractic treat- ments? How many of them have ever seen a treatment? Yet they criticize it, regardless. "6. Some people said that the Chiro- practic Schools at Davenport had real equipment: and that the students there worked so hard that they must be very competent when they came out. "7. Others say that physicians are not consistent in their ethical practices. The doctor who goes after business by the busi- ness method of advertising is likely to be thrown out of his society. Yet the doctor with a spectacular patient, and with enough of a graft with a city editor to exploit him, becomes a high-priced special- ist and everybody is anxious to call him into consultation. Numbers of people commented on the os- teopathic advertisments which have been 104 DRUGS running in national magazines, and claimed to have interested to the extent of trying out the treatments. "9. Another group says that the doctors attitude toward one another is about as friendly as two strange bull dogs in a back yard. Suppose you dismiss one physician from a case and call another. He will come in, inspect you sorrowfully, shudder with horror as he sniffs at the bottle of medicine his predecessor left and say in a deep voice: You did well to send for me, in another hour you would have been no more. But I shall cure you. "10. There are people who misunderstood your ethical ideals. They say that an hon- est man will protect a crook. That if an- other doctor has blundered disastrously on a case, you will do absolutely nothing to prevent his repeating the performance on any patient who may stray into the office. "11. There are those who believe that successful doctors use for their patients 105 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS parts of the very same treatments, and let nature do the work, but they drag it out longer, cluttering it up with useless medi- cine, make it cost more, and don't tell you the truth about it. "12. Others think that when you actually get down to cases, the doctors do the same thing that they revile in their competitors. There is a famous clinic in the Middle West which is so prosperous, that nobody in the profession dares criticize it. Yet they used to flood all that part of the country with advertising literature, report has it, and later entered into a deal with a railroad to advertise the town as the home of that clinic. "13. The Cults-Science, New Thought, and a dozen others, make you a factor in your own healing. It is subjective. Medi- cine treats you merely as an objective, a clod of a thing to be worked upon. "14. Another group says that doctors are always a bar to progress because they fight social legislation, such as the 106 DRUGS Sheppard-Towner bill, and the only new stories to be found in the public press show their motive to be a selfish finan- cial one. "15. Others say that doctors won't talk competition from a fair angle. They will never admit any good in mental or related aids, and their attitude bears the stamp of a narrow outlook, because such great movements as Christian Science could not exist so long or flourish so wonderfully without the foundation of Truth. "16. The Cults-and this comment was made of many-draw upon the forces that are greater than man. The doctors' re- sources are human and mechanical. "17. There is a large group which re- fuses to believe that only the doctor who has studied allopathic medicine was com- petent to practice the art af healing. Yet the doctors have never given the slightest degree of approval to anything "which did not originate in their own ranks. "18. Another group wondered if any- 107 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS one interested in healing methods hadn't better read the expose of the medical profession recently appearing in a popular magazine. It showed how little most doc- tors knew about the drugs they pre- scribed. "19. Others say that there are too many specialists. It is too expensive to be handed around from one to the other for each separate thing they think may be the matter with you. It is better to go to someone who can take care of everything at once. "22. And finally there is the group that says that there is no way of telling which is the good doctor and which is the bad one, and it is too dangerous to experiment with them. Osteopathy-or each man's favorite practice-can't hurt you, and has cured every difficulty so far. "Gentlemen, you have been very much amused by these things. You were not half as amused as we were in getting them together. "It does not make any difference how 108 DRUGS wrong the people are or how much they are at fault in not knowing that they are wrong, it is a fact that almost seven thous- and people honestly believe these things and that these seven thousand people are not confined to ditch-diggers or dish-wash- ers or common laborers. Every one of them is likely to call you frantically at two o'clock in the morning if there was something considered a real emergency. "It means 93 per cent, of these people do not care to come to you unless they think they are going to die. It means that they are actively interested in other things. The modern mind is a little bit over-stimulated." 109 PART IX. HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES Many instances of healing diseases, or inspiration to cure pain, are to be found in ancient literature. In the history of So- crates there is one Theodovrus, a martyr, put to extreme torture by Julian, an Apos- tle. Riffinus in his history says that he met Theodovrus after his trial and asked him if his pains were great. He replied, "That at first they were terrible, but, after a while, there seemed to stand behind him a young man in white, who, with a ker- chief, wiped off the great sweats from his body and bid him be cheerful." Angels or Devas, as they are called in the East, who direct the healing influences, and sometimes diagnose diseases, must not be confused with the present day method of Spiritualism or Sorcery, which has to do with the Astral remains of the dead, and Nature Spirits (Elementals), the use and 110 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES practice of which merges on the border- land of Black Magic. The many dangers and true conditions of the Astral World is not sufficiently known to the average feather head who calls himself a Spiritual Healer. Spiritual healing can only be performed by a perfect man or person who has attained Oneness with Divinity; such as Jesus the Christ or Buddha (whose will power may be said to be the will of the Supreme) and whose healing was always instantaneous. I cite a case of Mrs. M, who was suffer- ing for ten months with pleurisy. She had tried all the doctors and medicines she heard of, without receiving any help. She states: "I was alone in my room suffering intense agony. I came to a realization that drugs were useless. I prayed fervently as I never prayed before, for relief of some kind. Suddenly there appeared before me what seemed to be a mist at first, until it gradually shaped itself into the form of a woman. She appeared to me to be more perfect than the form of any human being 111 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS I had ever seen on earth. Suddenly there were two more. I was astonished for I had never seen anything like this before. The first one said to me, speaking dis- tinctly low: You have borne your pain bravely, be of good cheer, all will be well, and you will soon regain your lost health and strength.' The apparition must have lasted a minute, but to me it seemed to be an hour. From that moment I steadily gained my health and strength." It seems to me that the intense pain the woman was suffering was transmuted into evoking the Divine influences or healing Angels whose work is to assist those who reach them by prayer (that is, if it is their karma to be well. This law of Karma seems to have been forgotten or misunder- stood by most people, but neverthless, it is always working to restore equilibrium. A similar case I quote from the Chicago Evening American, Monday, October 24, 1921: Angel saved wife, pastor asserts. Lon- don, October 24, 1921, by a London Daily 112 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES Express correspondent. New facts con- cerning Angels have been given to me by the Rev. Maurice Elliott, vicar of Snitter- by, Lincolnshire. The clergyman who says he met one by appointment at Brighton. Mr. Elliott's story is astonishing. He told me first the full account of how the Angel came to save the life of his wife, and his then unborn child. A London Specialist declared that an immediate operation was necessary. "My wife and I," said Mr. El- liott, "prayed withh all our hearts for guid- ance. It was the evening before she was to go to a nursing home when the Angel appeared to us. We had prayed that a messenger might be sent, and he came. He talked to us there in the room, using the ordinary language of every day conversa- tion. One word the Angel used was diag- nosis. He said that the Specialist was wrong in his view concerning an operation. "The next day my own doctor came to see about my wife's removal to the nursing home. I told him that we had decided against an operation. He was surprised 113 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS beyond measure, and said: 'Why on earth have you done that?' "I replied that we had received other advice. Later I told him the advice was given by an Angel. That doctor is writing a foreword to a book which we are pub- lishing shortly, giving the history of the case and verifying the facts as he knows them." A few days subsequent to this the same Angel appeared to Mr. and Mrs. Elliot. They had asked Divine guidance to a med- ical man who would confirm the Angel's statement. The Angel told them to cancel the rooms which they had booked at a Dev- onshire resort and go to Brighton, and he would meet them there and he did so. Walked With Them "He came to us in our carriage just be- fore we arrived at the station. I do not imagine that the other people in the car- riage saw him, unless some of them were clairvoyant. The Angel walked with us Ihrough the town, guiding us to a hotel 114 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES near the aquarium. He walked normally; there was no gliding or passing through substances. "It was then that I noticed that he wore sandals. He was in conversation with us the whole time." At the hotel the Angel dematerialized, and this particular visitor has not been seen since by Mr. Elliott. There occurred in the hotel the unusual meeting of an- other specialist, who examined Mrs. Elliott and found that she was in an entirely normal condition. This doctor did exactly as the Angel in advance said that he would do. The child of the married couple can also see Angels, and often tells her mother, "I have been playing with the Angels." A company of baby angels were manifest to Mr. and Mrs. Elliott when the little one was christened in Winchester Cathedral. Tells of Baby Angels This is how Mrs. Elliott describes the incidents: "Angel children, gaily, though 115 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS quietly, formed a semi-circle on the east- ward side of the font. They seemed to be loosely joined together by a silver thread. They were all clothed in white and beautifully wrapped with pink carnations and lilies. Some were carrying garlands of blue bells, some were ringing small sil- ver bells, and the two leading all the rest carried a pure white banner on which was beautifully embossed in burnished gold a cross and a crown as the infant was placed in the nurse's arms two angel children put a small gold triangle and a silver anchor on the christening robe. "Often," says Mr. Elliott, "I see other angels. They come to my church and are around the altar at communion. At serv- ice, when I see angel figures, or the faces of friends who have departed from their material bodies. "I have the greatest diffi- culty in not stopping and saying to the congregation: 'Do you not see these dear ones around?' " A Daily Express representative had an interview yesterday with the doctor re- 116 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES ferred to by Mr. Elliott, and the remark- able fact emerges that the rector could have no apparent means of knowing the doctor's status or profession when he sought his advice in the Brighton hotel. The doctor makes no reference to special prayer before he began his holiday at Brighton. On the other hand, he describes the strong impression received that he might be of some help to some while at Brighton. Doctor Testifies The doctor lives in a southeastern sub- urb, where he is well known and has a large practice. "I am the doctor referred to by Mr. Elliott," he said. "The case oc- curred while I was staying at a hotel at Brighton for my own health. I had not registered there as a medical man. Mr. Elliott arrived during my stay and the day after his arrival he followed me into the drawing-room and, without any introduc- tion, told me about his wife's condition and asked my advice. An extraordinary fea- ture of the case is that he could not have 117 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS known I was a doctor. I examined his wife and gave my opinion that no opera- tion would be necessary, a statement which greatly relieved him. "I asked Mr. Elliott how he came to ap- proach me as a doctor, and he told me he had seen a messenger from heaven, who had instructed him to come to the hotel, where he would find an answer to his dif- ficulties. It was the Angel's guidance, he declared, that led him to me. This state- ment did not cause me a surprise, because I have always been ready to help anyone who might come to me, whether on holiday or not. I had an impression myself that I might be of some help to some one at Brighton." In the invisible world there exists many kinds of intelligences which come into re- lationship with man. Some are mighty Spiritual powers, others again, are exceed- ingly inferior in consciousness to the aver- age man. The invisible world inter-pene- trates the visible, and crowds of intelligent beings throng around in the apparently in- 118 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES visible space, varying in power, knowledge and consciousness. Some of these are ac- cessible to human requests, others again, are subject to the will, for the vibration of thoughts and desires create forms of sub- tle matter. Their only life is the thought and idea which ensouls them. If help is wanted to alleviate suffer- ing or pain an Angel or Deva is attracted from the invisible wTorld by the laws of at- traction, and they illuminate the receptive brain consciousness of the individual by thought projection; in this way many cures are accomplished. The failure of this kind of (evoking) or prayer is due to a hidden cause. Every man has in the past contracted debts by his wrong thoughts and actions. These debts must be paid. A transgression of the law must be answered for in some way, Suffering or otherwise. A man destined to suffer physical pain caused by wrong ac- tions in his past hurls his prayer against that destiny in vain. The thought forms he creates by prayer will seek, but will not 119 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS attract. It will be met and thrown back by the current of past transgressions. We are living in a universe of perfect law and order. He who sows, must reap. We can- not escape our creations. One prayer may go on its way unopposed and reach the place to which it is sent, and the other may be turned aside by the hidden force which has been caused by some wrong act in the past. One is answered, the other unan- swered. In both cases the result is gov- erned by law. Many of us seem to forget that there is a law of cause and effect which is continu- ally working to adjust equilibrium. The many cases of incurable diseases are the result of the working out of this law. A concentrated prayer is a powerful healing agent, but it cannot overcome the law of cause and effect. A comprehension of this law is wholly beyond the grasp of the materialist. At times when the heads of different na- tions have been ailing and millions have prayed earnestly and fervently for their 120 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES recovery, that they might be healed, in most cases their prayers were not an- swered. As an example Pope Benedict XV, Presidents Garfield, McKinley, Lincoln, Harding, etc, died when millions of people were praying for them. On the other hand, here is a case of where the prayers of a few effected a cure: (Chicago Evening American) Sight of Girl Returns as She Prays Holyoke, Mass., Jan. 11.-Totally blind and making preparations to go to Boston to go to a school for the blind, Miss Doris Belanger, 21, had her eyesight restored just as the Salvation Army was ending its watch night services in its home. Kneeling in front of the preaching plat- form, surrounded by a dozen Salvation Army lassies, all praying for her, and with more than eighty persons in the hall, Miss Belanger suddenly jumped up and cried: "Praise God, I have got it; L can see again." 121 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS Adjutant Bloethe jumped to Miss Be- langer's side as she started to reel, appar- ently overcome with joy at the recovery of her sight. "How many fingers can you see?" asked Adjutant Bloethe, as he held his hands before the girl's eyes. "Five," she answered, and a brief test showed that she could really see once more. Today she is able to read a book and travel about unaccompanied. Healing by prayer has been the means of effecting many wonderful cures/ The current of life's energies which flows downwards and outwards are directed to the world for realizing our daily actions. When our consciousness turns from the outer world and directs its attention inwardly, it draws all our forces towards that which we call "will." The sincere individual who desires to be healed by prayer places his heart and mind in a receptive attitude. This stills his lower nature and he is then able to attune him- self to the finer forces in nature, which he 122 HEALING BY DISINCARNATE INTELLIGENCES uses advantageously. Gradually he gets into rapport with the Spiritually conscious side of himself, the true I Am. In this exalted sphere (as well as in any other) Will and Faith are the basic power and in- fluences of the healer, and the more faith there is in the prayer the quicker the re- sponce and more lasting the effect. How to Heal by Prayer Except in the case of the working out of the law of cause and effect, which I have pointed out, many cases of diseases have been cured by prayer. The healer places his patient in a receptive position; the at- titude of the healer is one of intense con- centration. His entire physical organism vibrates with radiating life forces. The phsychic atmosphere around him is full of thought form of great brilliance and various colors, while the real I AM of the individual may be said to be touch- ing the hem of the garment of Him in Whom we live, move and have our be- 123 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS ing. From this state the true healer can pour into the receptive mind of his patient the finer forces of nature and thereby re- cuperate or eliminate that which may cause the affliction. 124 PART X. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Cancer Many apparently incurable cases of can- cer have been cured by these methods. If the patient's vitality is not too low and his system has not been weakened by drugs, a scientific fast, under the directions of a capable Hygienest or doctor should be tried. When not undergoing a fast, it is necessary to give the patient a proper diet. This should include all kinds of Un- fired Foods, (vegetables), pure honey and milk in abundance, plenty of fresh air, sun- shine and exercise in moderation. Asthma In cases of Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the respiratory organs, the the patient should keep in a temperature which is of the same degree, as much as possible. Frequent changes of tempera- ture, and especially cold air, irritate the lungs. The patient should do plenty of 125 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS deep breathing exercises, in the open if possible, and always though the nostrils. About seventy-five to one hundred deep breathes daily should be sufficient. How- ever, if a patient is ruptured, he must be very careful in practising deep breathing. Three or four teaspoonsful of honey, and about the same of Olive Oil should be taken daily. Concentrate on the Pulmonary cen- ter, as directed in the first lesson of this series. Also treatment by suggestion and fasting will help hasten a cure. Epileptic Fits Try to keep your patient from worrying. Substitute an exclusive vegetarian diet, if the patient has been in The habit of eating flesh of any kind, Meat should be abso- lutely forbidden. This must be religiously carried out if the patient wishes to effect a permanent cure. The patient should be advised to go out in the fresh air as much as possible. A person who is subject to these fits is liable to be seized with one at any time, sometimes falling in the street, and thereby liable to meet with a fatal 126 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS accident. It is always best that they be accompanied by someone when they are out. Every time the patient is being seized with a fit, his attendant or healer should, clap his hands loudly, and in a commanding voice, demand him to come out of that con- dition. If the demand is made simultan- eously with the clapping of the hands, the patient will quickly respond, and come out of the epileptic condition and in time be entirely cured. Stuttering This is usually caused by lack of proper control of the vocal cords. A simple method of concentration carried out hon- estly and truthfully will produce marvel- ous results. Example: The person who stutters should sit down in a quiet room where he is sure he will not be disturbed. He should suggest to himself mentally or verbally, "I will not stutter again, my speech is perfect, perfect, perfect." These sugges- tions should be made slowly and force- fully. In order that he may get a better 127 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS leverage on his words, each time he uses a suggestion, he should raise his fore-finger pointed as though he was keeping time with an orchestra. His movements should be slow, very slow. This method, if carried out faithfully, will give beneficial results. Tonsilitis The Tonsils are glands which eliminate impuriteis from the system. To cut them out, (which seems to be the fashionable habit,) naturally destroys their function- ing. When the blood becomes saturated with poison caused from flesh eating, the tonsils become clogged with poison and a fungus growth sets in to feed on the poi- sonous condition. The swelling, pains, etc., which is the general condition in an attack of tonsilitis, is simply an accumula- tion of flesh poisoning which the patients constitution is unable to eliminate. Cut- ting out these glands only surpresses Ton- silitus and causes Sciatic Rheumatism, Lumbago etc. The best cure for Tonsilitus and the accompanying ailments, is to stop 128 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS eating flesh food, and as soon as the flesh poison has entirely left the system, which will probably take about a year at least, the patient will never be troubled with his Tonsils again, unless he should go back to a flesh diet. Nervous Headaches First: Remember that the sub-conscious mind is to be treated as though it is a separate and distinct entity. The sugges- tion must first be made that the headache is about to stop. Then that it is stopping, and finally that it is entirely gone. These suggestions may be made either mentally or verbally, and should be persisted in until the desired effect is produced. By having confidence in yourself, and continuing the mental and verbal suggestions after the pain has ceased, you will finally bring about permanent results. Female Troubles About 70% of all women are contin- ually complaining of some kind of ailment. 129 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS About 40% of these complaints may be traced to imagination. About 20% of the ailments of young married women can be traced to the young husband. Over 70% of all men are suffer- ing, or have suffered at some time of their lives, from venereal diseases of some kind, the results of promiscuous intercourse. These diseases have never been cured or eliminated internally. They have only been suppressed with drugs and other quack nostrums. Nature, as we know her is a hard task mistress to those who transgress her laws, consciously or otherwise. As drugs are not a cure, but only suppress the symptoms, the same disease will come to the surface in later years. When a man who has had venereal disease, gets married, he transmits these diseases to his wife, causing what is generally called "The Whites." The young wife ignorantly be- lieves, or is made to believe, that it is a natural after effect of married life and is advised to use certain drugs to suppress the condition. 130 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Here again the evils of the drug habit has its effect on the wife. One poison calls for another, until nature refuses to function normally, in a certain part of the sex organs. Then the high priced Special- ist is called, and he carefully examines his patient, and naturally his advice is that the useless part or parts must be operated upon and cut out. He is very careful to do a good job, for experience has taught him that one operation always calls for another. Drugs have never cured venereal, or any other disease as I have pointed out in pre- vious lessons. A permanent cure can only be brought about by a systematic method of fasting and dieting under the direction of a capable Hygienest or doctor, who under- stands the drugless method of healing. Catarrh For Catarrh and dizziness, breathing ex- ercises as directed in the Science of breath- ing may be followed. Inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left, 131 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS and vice versa, twice daily for two minutes increasing to five. Sciatica Rheumatism This can be cured by scientific fasting, massage and diet. Diet plays an important part in effecting a permanent cure. The patient should abstain entirely from meat. Cold Sponge baths, plenty of exercise, ex- posing the afflicted parts to the sun when convenient, without scorching themselves. The patient should also eat plenty of celery. Self Treatment The person wishing to heal himself by mental or suggestive Therapeutics, must first try to have a conscous realization of the "I am" and understand that conscious "I am" part of you is the real self, while the body is only its vehicle. Allow this "I am" to treat your physical body as though it were treating some one else. The subtle force projecting from the "I am" conscious thought is a natural force 132 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS or energy as real as any other force of which we have proof, such as electricity. Feel this force or energy, penetrating and vibrating through your whole being, healing and soothing the afflicted parts. While doing this visualize that which you are desirious of eliminating or creating. Hold the fixed idea in consciousness. Will it, affirm and believe it. Suggest to every cell that the conditions you are desirous of creating or eliminating must and will come to pass. In giving these self treatments, you should always address yourself as though you were speaking to another person. Speak your name in full and say, you are better, "You are well. The diseased organs are functioning properly. "Here name the afflicted parts. The secret underlying this method of self treatment is this: you awaken and plant the seeds in the conscious "I am" which will naturally become manifest in the unconscious "Me." In this way you 133 OCCULT AND DRUGLESS THERAPEUTICS are getting directly in rapport with your mind organs, viz.: The subconscious mind, which is the real healer. The idea im- planted in the subconscious mind, produces the mental conditions courted. Repetition of the principle sought after, plays an important part in mental or self- healing. It is a well known fact, that sug- gestion gains force by repetition. The pos- itive repetition of a suggestion will tend to make a deeper impressions on the subcon- scious mind. Repeated suggestions in vari- ous mental states, and holding the idea of health desired, will help to induce the orig- inal idea. 134 THE SECRETS OF DREAMS A Scientific Interpretation of Dream Life By YACKI RAIZIZUN Author of "Your Personal Forces and How to Develop Them;" "The Psychology of Success," etc. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS The Dreamer-Symbolic Dreams How the Ego or Soul Leaves the Body in Seed Sonsciousness in the Astral World Telepathic Dreams Subconscious Memory The Experience of the Ego in the Etheric Regions How to Evolve the Larger Consciousness Price-Postpaid 50 cents OCCULT RESEARCH SOCIETY Room 415-Chicago-Clark Building 800 North Clark St. Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS BY YACKI RAIZIZUN Author of "Your Personal Forces and How to Develop Them;" "The Secrets of Dreams," etc. CONTENTS Concentrantion Know Thyself Fear Silence PRICE-POSTPAID 30 CENTS OCCULT RESEARCH SOCIETY Room 415-Chicago-Clark Building 800 North Clark St. Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. YOUR PERSONAL FORCES AND HOW TO DEVELOP THEM BY YACKI RAIZIZUN Author of "The Psychology of Success;" "The Secrets of Dreams," etc. 12 mo., 144 pages, Cloth Bound, Gold Stamped. PRICE-$1.50 POSTPAID BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF "YOUR PERSONAL FORCES." Mechanism of the Mind-Subconscious-Self or Waking Consciousness - Super-Consciousness-Concentration - Training the Attention-Correct Methods-Memory Cul- ture Made Easy-Education During Sleep-Methods for Children-Personal Magnetism-Sex Control-Transmut- ing Sex Energy-The Pineal Gland and Pituitary Body- The Will-Spiritual Will-Desire the Inherent Power of the Ego-How to Kill Fear-The Course of Mankind- How to Cultivate Self-Reliance-The Art of Changing for hte Better the Power of Thought-Illustrations- The Master Mind-Vyasa and Janka and Suka-Medi- tation and the Silence-The I Am-The God Man-Faith -Intuition-The Law of Success-How to Correctly Choose the Work Which You are Intended For. OCCULT RESEARCH SOCIETY Room 415-800 North Clark St. Chicago-Clark Bldg. Chicago, III.