PERFECT HEALTH HOW TO BE YOUNG AT SIXTY AND LIVE TO BE ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIFTH EDITION (REVISED) Rational >ealtfj bureau of Emerita LAFAYETTE a* INDIANA PRICE $3 "In the race of life the man with educated bowels will eclipse the man with an educated brain." "And Drugs and Chemicals that work while you sleep are a little later going to prevent your work- ing when awake."-Elbert Hubbard. "Yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."-Genesis 6:3. PERFECT HEALTH HOW TO BE YOUNG AT SIXTY AND LIVE TO BE ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIFTH EDITION (REVISED) Wfre Rational Health of America LAFAYETTE] INDIANA 1924 Copyright, 1924, by The National Health Bureau of America INTRODUCTION THIS WORK is published for the purpose of making you better acquainted with the true conditions which govern the causes, effects and cure of constipation, and to warn you against the un- wise use of medicine. Approximately nine out of every ten people today suffer in some degree from a serious trouble which we call constipation. I say "serious trouble," for it has been proven beyond question that ninety to ninety-five per cent of the ailments of mankind are trace- able directly to constipation. The above truths are little realized, for many persons foolish- ly look upon this trouble as a mere nuisance or inconvenience. Be- cause this disease does not force you to take to your bed, you are apt to think little of it. You continue to swallow drugs regularly, thereby allowing constipation to flourish indefinitely or until some serious kindred disease brings you face to face with its inevitable dangers. No man is stronger than his bowels, for it is there that either health or disease often has its origin. Regular bowels and strong digestion go hand-in-hand, and health is impossible without them. Bowel health is simply a matter of common sense and all who choose may now have it. There are several reasons why you are constipated, but no good reason to remain so. The importance of bowel health can- not be too strongly impressed upon you, for it is possibly the back- bone of health and happiness. No man or woman can continue along the road of success, either in business or society, who is handi- capped by the poisoning effects of constipation. Neither can they hope for future health and comfort so long as that treacherous dis- ease is permitted to inject into their circulation the germs of dis- ease and death. The first concern of a physician is for his patient's bowels, and it should ever be your first concern. Cure constipation and you have dealt disease one of its death blows; allow it to flourish and grow and you lay yourself open to the attack of almost every disease flesh is heir to. 5 I want you to read carefully and to follow every word upon this subject that you find in this book. You will see why medicine, at best, can usually give only temporary, harmful relief. And you will find in these pages a positive and permanent cure for constipa- tion. And I am in hopes that you will consistently apply the only scientific, common sense and intelligent method of using Nature's great aid to perfect health. With best wishes, Very sincerely yours, The Author. 6 PERFECT HEALTH The First Step to Health Is an Understanding of the Cause of Disease PERFECT health is such a condition of the vital organs that their presence is never felt in the human body. In other words, health is simply physical unconsciousness, where the organic functions are so perfectly performed that they never give the slightest hint of their action. Whenever any of your organs makes its presence felt and you become conscious of heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach or bowelf, then you may be sure that the organ felt is in distress. The sensation of uneasiness or pain is a plain indication that something is wrong in the region of distress. This is a signal- Nature's warning for you to beware. Unless you recognize and obey that signal by taking immediate steps to correct the trouble, your, future health, success and happiness are menaced. Most of us are brought into this world healthy, normal be- ings. Because of ignorance, carelessness, or abuse, few of us re- main so. The main trouble is that persons in health rarely ap- preciate their good fortune until it has slipped away from them. Disease comes like a thief in the night and, unless you safeguard your health, it soon has you bound hand and foot. You no doubt remember the day when your bowels were regular, when your stomach was strong, when you felt hale and hearty. Constipa- tion had its beginning, the bowels became a little less regular, they had to be coaxed occasionally with some gentle laxative. After that the trouble grew rapidly worse, stronger drugs had to be used, and other little torments crept in, such as occasional headaches, perhaps, or nervousness, sleeplessness or stomach un- rest. We have all had these little warnings, which are too fre- quently ignored until something more serious grows from these little seeds of misery which constipation plants in our bodies. You must not make the mistake of believing that constipa- tion is not causing you much trouble. Just because you get some relief from medicines and are able to be around is nothing to con- gratulate yourself over. You know mighty well that you are not feeling as well as you should-no sufferer from constipation does. You may deceive yourself by blaming the weather, tough luck or some other influence, but the whole trouble is in your bowels, and 7 you never will feel right again until you overcome this trouble. It is all well and good to be optimistic and say: "Well, I've had this trouble quite a while and I'm not dead yet; guess I'll feel better tomorrow." That may work for a little time, but each suc- ceeding tomorrow is going to be a little harder until, finally, you will find yourself face to face with some serious sickness. If you are not feeling as you should, do not delay, but do something at once to overcome the disease which is gradually robbing you of your health. If you place any valuation on your health whatever, you must begin at once the work of driving constipation from you. Don't underestimate its seriousness and above all things, don't let it get the best of you. Remember, that a constipated person is a sickly person and one who is in the direct path of serious disease and suffering. When you admit that you are ailing, you have taken a big step towards health. Many persons do not like to admit that they are ailing. They like to wrongfully believe themselves in health, and willingly deceive themselves in this respect. That is all wrong and a severe punishment awaits all such. If you do not have dreamless, refreshing sleep, don't call yourself healthy. If you have headaches, languor, or nervousness, you are not fit. Backache, torpid liver, muddy complexion and discolored eyes are indications of disease the same as dyspepsia, indigestion and palpitation. These indispositions are only a few of the children of constipation and many others can prove their close relation- ship to the same distressing disease. This simply shows that constipation, besides being a perfect nuisance in itself, has in it many serious consequences-sufficient evils to brand it a most dreadful affliction, one that should be removed without delay. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, perhaps the foremost writer on health in this country, said in a recently published article that it was only a question of time before the medical profession would be devoting its greatest efforts toward the prevention of disease, instead of towards the healing of disease. Physicians in China are paid to keep their patients well. When the patient is ill the doctor's fees cease until his patient is restored to health. Health is as simple as A. B. C. Disobey Nature's laws and be sick; obey Nature's laws and be well. This is the basic prin- ciple of life and health. PREVENTION OR CURE 8 You imagine that your body is worn out; that's absurd. Do you think that the Creator made such a beautiful organism as the body, to break down in 40 or 50 years? No! The delicate adjustment of your body is suffering from abuse, ill use and neglect. But there is no reason in the world why you should remain so. WILL MEDICINE CURE CONSTIPATION?-NO No medicine can be relied upon to give anything more than harmful relief. This relief at best is only temporary. The day following its use you are far worse off than ever. The more medicine you take, the more you have to take. Each new dose calls for a second dose; then a third one, and so on. Finally, the bowels, liver and stomach are so weakened that natural action is absolutely destroyed. Medicine has simply caused the trouble quickly to pass from an acute attack to the severe torments and dangers of chronic constipation. The usual directions accompanying some commercial laxa- tive is to take a certain amount tonight, for instance, a smaller amount tomorrow night and so on until the bowels act inde- pendently of medicine. Unfortunately, this will not work. It isn't possible to de- crease the dose day after day for the opposite occurs in practice. The pill or syrup that works now will be found worthless a month from now. You will then be taking two or three pills, or you will have switched to some stronger drug in order to obtain the results you desire. The bowels must move so you keep on dosing yourself, add- ing fuel to the consuming fire of constipation. (Day after day, week after week, year in and year out, you use this drug, then that, hoping against hope for permanent relief). This is the life tragedy of thousands who can be quickly cured by using the treatment as given in this book. I believe that the body is its own great curative agent. Health is normal, disease is abnormal. The internal bath stimulates the body to activity. That means a purified blood supply, the elimination of poisons and the strengthening of the nerve centers. NATURE THE GREAT PHYSICIAN 9 Get these things right, and Nature, the great physician, will discard all abnormal conditions. Remember this, nothing is impossible to Nature. Disease has no effect on persons who have a sufficient quan- tity of rich and pure blood. It only acts on those whose blood is watery, impoverished or impure. THE AIR The air is not one element, but is formed by the mingling of two gases, known to the chemist as oxygen and nitrogen, in the proportion of one part oxygen to four parts nitrogen. It surrounds us on all sides, yet we see it not; it presses on us with a load of fifteen pounds to every square inch of sur- face of our bodies, or from seventy to one hundred tons on us in all, yet we do not so much as feel its weight. When in motion, its force is sufficient to level the most state- ly forests with the earth; and to raise the waters of the ocean into ridges like mountains. The breath is the life of the body. Without food a man may live thirty, forty or even fifty days; without water he can live for several days; but without air he will die in a few minutes. Of all essentials to life the oxygen in the air is the most impor- tant, consequently the more oxygen we breathe the more life we sustain. Every time you breathe, you breathe two different breaths; you take in one, and give out another. The one you take in if you are in the open air is pure oxygen and nitrogen. The one you let out is dead poisonous gas and should never be breathed again. Those who habitually take in fresh air will probably grow up large, strong, ruddy, cheerful, active, clear- headed and fit for their work. But let us look at the other picture. Those who habitually take in the breath which has been breathed out by themselves, or any other living creature, if they grow up at all, will grow up small, weak, pale, nervous, depressed, unfit for work, and tempted continually to resort to stimulants and become drunk- ards. STARTLING INCREASE OF DISEASES In the last 15 years diabetes has increased 50 per cent, syph- ilis more than 100 per cent, arterial diseases over 150 per cent, and feeble mindedness and insanity over 300 per cent. 10 THE BOWELS Fig. 28.-Section of Chest and Abdomen A, Heart B, Lungs C, Diaphragm D, Liver E, Gall Bladder F, Stomach G, Small Intestine H, Large Intestine I will now describe the action of the bowels in health, show- ing you just how they should perform their functions. After you have studied this chapter you will appreciate the vital part your bowels play in the work of sustaining robust life. You will also see how nicely Nature has provided every means necessary for regulating their complex action. You will also learn what sus- tains this action and how easily it may be destroyed. The bowels themselves are hollow, different sized muscles, having an average length of about thirty feet. To find room in the body these muscles wind and twist throughout the abdomen in many kinks and turns, now to the right, then to the left, up and down. Nature placed them there for a most important three- fold purpose: to complete the work of digestion; to supply the blood with nutriment or repair elements; and to carry out of the body all waste matter. 11 To facilitate this description, suppose we follow a meal from the, time it enters the body to the time it leaves it. This is the meal of a healthy person. Now then! Ordinary everyday food is chosen, chewed, then swallowed. As soon as this food reaches the stomach that organ begins its labor of digestion. The gastric juice is secreted into the stomach and thoroughly mixed with the food by the strong, muscular action of the stomach muscles, which toss the food around and around until the first step in the operation of digestion is completed. The food then passes from the stomach into the duodenum or second stomach and on into the small intestines, where the bile and pancreatic juices are introduced. The food is now in shape for ready assimilation, for it has been converted into the proper proportions of sugars, fats, etc. The body is constantly undergoing repair. Every action, every thought or impulse is a drain against our energy. The tis- sues of the body are constantly being used up and the life cells are forever being oxidized or burned up. To make good this constant waste-food is introduced into the body and so treated that the blood can take from it every element necessary in keep- ing the body in good repair. This process of supplying the blood with needed materials is called assimilation, and the bowels supply the work that makes this process successful. Therefore, the necessity of bowel and stomach health is ob- vious, for without it your whole body will become diseased, but by keeping your bowels and stomach clean you will avoid all the ills that flesh is heir to. Isn't that a wonderful fact? And the best part is that it offers opportunity to all. A disease cannot get into a clean body, and a disease cannot live in a clean body. A body clean inside and out is a well body. The food, after being thoroughly digested, is slowly moved along by the muscular action of the bowels, and in this journey it encounters about twenty million-think of it!-20,000,000 lit- tle mouths, called lacteals, each sucking from the food its par- ticle of nutriment and strength. The blood fastens hold of this precious burden, kidneys, liver and lungs purify it, and the cir- culatory system, impelled by healthy heart action, carries it here and there throughout the body wherever repairs are needed, to build up that which is constantly being torn down. As the food mass in the bowels is forced along, it is gradually robbed of its life-giving elements until finally it is ejected into the large intes- 12 tine, which is the waste bag of the body, and it should then be expelled at once and not lie there for twenty-four hours, as is usually the case. "Wisdom declares that it is not so much what we eat, but how well we eliminate, that decides the issue of health and dis- ease." "Three times in twenty-four hours foodstuffs are taken into the body, and as many times the bowels should be freed of the accumulated waste." "Constipated people, semi-constipated people, irregular peo- ple and twenty-four-hour people are not healthy." Nature demands activity of all her creatures; her constant demand is to keep moving, and in the bowels this order must be obeyed to the letter or trouble results. It is constipation that causes stomach trouble by causing an undue retention of food in the stomach, and when your food remains in the stomach it sours and ferments, forming a gas that causes the stomach to get in the way of the heart, slowing down the action of the heart, causing shortness of breath, headache, dizzy spells, etc. And worst of all, when the food sours in the stomach the most of the nutriment is lost, as the blood does not want anything that has been poisoned by fermenting and the re- sult is you eat and eat and it does you no good. The main cause of constipation is not answering the call of nature, which causes the waste matter to lie in the large intes- tine, and after it has lain there for three or more hours 80 per cent is absorbed into the blood, and what is left in the large intestine is left there in a hard, dry, sticky state. Inattention to the calls of Nature will be followed sooner or later by bad results. When the nerves of the intestinal tract notify the brain that the intestines are loaded with waste, it is essential to health that Nature's call be obeyed immediately. When the call is neglected and desire passes away, and the pois- onous substance is retained and impairs the sensibility of the tract. The absorbents (the blood) take up the fluid part of the waste, poisoning the blood and the entire body, including the brain. This absorption renders the waste matter hard and trou- blesome to expel. The overloaded bowels cause pain and sick- ness. The distention of the colon (the large intestine) impedes 13 the circulation of blood in the other organs and thus causes con- gestion of the portal system which concerns the liver. In women it causes inflammation of the womb and ovaries, displacements and menstrual trouble. The unnatural presence of waste in the colon deadens the nervous sensibility of the bowels so much that powerful purgatives are required to excite them to action; and the use of purgatives gives only temporary relief, because they are unnatural aids. They must be used repeatedly and the dose increased and derangement of the stomach is bound to ensue. POISONED We are a people poisoned through constipation and diarrhea, two affections that derange more lives than all other conditions together. If we will keep the stomach and bowels clean we will banish the poisons from the human race, poisons that cause every disease known to the human body. LAXATIVE DRUGS, PURGATIVE OILS, CATHARTIC SALTS, ETC. Epsom, Rochelle, Glauber and Thermal Salts and How They Act These chemicals produce bowel action by absorbing water from the blood. By robbing the blood of this much-needed fluid, they permit a violent flushing of the bowels. The water is ab- sorbed into the intestines in such amounts that the food literally runs from the body in a semi-liquid state. Thus the taker of salts merely provides a bowel wash day at the expense of the blood. The reaction from salts is always very severe and the bowels be- come terribly constipated after their use. The reason for this is the action is so violent that the bowels become irritated and weakened from the unnatural efforts. They were not designed to withstand such severe exertion. Frequently the irritation is so acute that serious attacks of diarrhoea result. Besides impoverishing the blood, weakening the bowels, etc., the stomach is quickly upset, for salts greatly interfere with healthy digestion. They destroy the digestive fluids and the other organs suffer by being deprived of the water which they so badly need to eliminate waste. People who depend upon salts for bowel action usually have weak stomachs, thin blood, etc. The more salts you take the 14 more you destroy the natural functions of the bowels. Do not, for your health's sake, ever take another dose of purgative of any kind. It isn't the drug, but your system which acts. Ever think of that? When you take one of these poisonous drugs into your system Nature expels it as quickly as possible. This is done by means of the violent and irritating action of the eliminating or- gans-bowels, kidneys, etc. The drug has to pass through the entire body, and it irritates and inflames every organ it comes in contact with. Teeth, throat, stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and bladder are insulted, for what purpose? Merely to force an un- natural action of the bowels. If you want natural bowel reg- ularity and health you must never take laxative medicines of any kind. CONSTIPATION AND ITS EFFECTS I have told you that about ninety-five per cent of the ills of mankind find their beginnings in constipation. I shall now prove the entire truth of that startling statement. The vast number of these diseases make it impossible for me to devote much time to each, but I will take the most common ills and show just how constipation permits them to take root and flourish. You have seen how the needs of the body are secured from the blood and how the blood gets its nourishment from the food. Understanding this, it is little wonder that constipation causes such a multitude of diseases and suffering. When the bowels are irregular and constipated, you carry around for hours, and even days, quantities of decomposed animal and vegetable matter which is giving off poisonous gases and irritating all the nerves and delicate tissues of the entire body. The products of fermentation formed in this mass not only destroy the sensitive membrane lining of the intestinal canal, but they inflame the bowel walls to such an extent as to destroy the natural peristaltic action of the bowel muscles. Constipation causes the appendix to become inflamed, pus is formed and the fatal appendicitis makes you a candidate for the surgeon's knife. It is also the cause of irritation of the ovaries and displace- ment of the womb in women and constriction of the seminal glands in men. The above are caused by pressure from an over- loaded sigmoid flexure due to constipation. Piles are caused by having the sensitive hemorrhoid veins elongated and enlarged by overcrowding the rectum with hard, 15 dry waste matter. The nerves of the intestines are a part of the general sympathetic nerve system and, therefore, connect with the brain. When constipation irritates these delicate nerve centers, the brain feels the harm sympathetically, and there is nervous headache, brain fag, listlessness, sleeplessness, mental fatigue, loss of memory and a general breakdown of one's former mental capacity. The importance of pure blood supply is well known, and that supply is furnished in the bowels. When the food clogs for even a short time, it begins to sour and ferment; forming a congenial feeding ground where countless disease germs multiply. Because of that fact, constipated bowels have been called "microbe incu- bators." These germs produce toxin poisons, which cause much disease and misery. The lacteals, reaching out into this stinking, fetid mass or poison, absorb into the circulation these deadly toxins. They cause a rapid disintegration of the blood corpus- cles, and when carried to the liver they cause the liver cells to degenerate. The liver tissues are replaced by fatty globules and the disease resulting is known as fatty degeneration. Other liver disorders arising are biliousness, jaundice and torpid liver and their resultant torments, such as coated tongue, discolored eyes, foul breath, bad taste and laziness, languor or drowsiness. The absorbed poisons pass on to the kidneys and by pro- ducing similar changes pave the way to serious diseases in that organ and to kindred sufferings, such as rheumatism, backache, swollen hands and feet, puffy eyes, etc. The kidneys are able to discharge much of their poisons through the urine, but the harm does not end there, for irritation develops in the bladder and the large deposits of poison in the urine are very apt to cause gall stones or gravel. Constipation also causes palpitation of the heart, for this organ is overworked in its efforts to pump the poison-loaded blood through the body. These poisons often lodge in some weak spot and cause fevers or they may be deposited on the surface in the form of boils, pimples, blackheads, etc. The blood is not properly supplied with the repair elements, so the digestive fluids are scant and indigestion results; or they are sour and ferment, causing gas, sour stomach, and dyspepsia. Many specialists claim that constipation leads to the blues, acute melancholia and in many cases, insanity. Constipation destroys sexual strength and desire. It aids asthma, eczema and insomnia. It causes such 16 serious bowel complaints as rectal catarrh, rectal ulcers, rectal prolapsus, fistulas, chronic diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal in- digestion. Profuse and painful menstruation most often result from constipation. The blood becomes surcharged with poisons and is so impoverished from frequent doses of cathartic chem- icals that the menstrual flow is irregular and weakening. There are other severe sicknesses which have their beginning in con- stipation. This is enough to prove that constipation is a dread- ful disease. It is bad enough in itself, but in its many conse- quences it is terrible. WATER A large quantity of water is necessary to carry on the func- tions of the body. Water enters every cell and every fibre of the body, aiding in nutrition and in the elimination of worn out tissues which, if retained, turn into poisons. It is astonishing the millions of people there are that drink little or no water at all, and especially amazing is it to find this lack of sense in people who are suffering from the worst disease in the world-constipation. One would think that they, above all others, would see the wisdom of washing out the thirty feet of sewer through our body. But, oh, what a few there are that even give it a thought. Three-fourths of our body is composed of water, and, as stated above, water must enter every cell and fibre, and in order for Nature to do her work and for us to be healthy, we must drink at least three quarts of water daily. It is a foolish thing for any person to tolerate constipation or even semi-constipation caused by the twenty-four hour habit of going to the toilet. And next to this foolhardiness is the neglect in the matter of drinking every day of your life not less than three quarts of pure water to aid in the proper circulation of the blood, and in the proper elimination of the waste from the body. Hot water acts as a stimulant, and it will nearly always give instant relief to a foul stomach and intestines. Dr. A. B. Jamison, of New York City, says: "If we would keep our stomach and bowels clean we would avoid every ill known, except those due to accident," and the only way we can 17 keep our stomach and bowels clean is to get rid of constipation and then to drink plenty of water daily. One pint of hot water in the morning before breakfast and at least five pints of cold water during the day. Not ice water. Tea and coffee are in the same category as alcoholic stim- ulants. The only difference is in degree, and tea and coffee through their more general use do quite as much harm as alcohol. The man or woman who would know the full strength and length of life should not make a habit of using any one of these stimulants. I beseech you to form the habit of drinking plenty of water even if it takes you years to do so. If you will follow the advice given in this book you will know what perfect health is. GASTRIC JUICES The amount of gastric juice secreted in twenty-four hours in the body is about eight pints; of pancreatic juice, one pint; of bile there are about two and one-half pints, and of saliva about two and one-half pints. Or, fourteen pints in all; think of it, seven quarts every day. It is estimated that the juices secreted in a man weighing one hundred and fifty pounds, are about twenty-five pounds in every twenty-four hours. It is necessary that the body do this to carry on the work of digestion properly, and to do this the body requires not less than three quarts of fresh water daily. HOT WATER OR COLD WATER You must drink water. As a rule the influence of hot water is more pronounced. It is of course understood that under cer- tain conditions, such as in fever, cold water only should be used. Chief among the benefits of hot water drinking are the following: (1) A stomach bath-leaving this organ fresh and clean for the coming meal. (2) The cure of constipation, not only through the stimula- tion of downward peristalsis, but by supplying the liquid neces- sary for healthful functioning in this respect. (3) Improved appetite and assimilation. (4) Improved or accelerated circulation, with increased fluidity of blood, thus practically flushing or washing the blood vessels. 18 (5) Bath for other internal organs, so to speak; washing out the kidneys, liver and other organs, and stimulating their functional activity. (6) Stimulating the secretions of all glands. (7) Improved elimination, with the consequent purification of the blood and the prevention of disease through the cleansing effect upon the system. (8) Bladder washing, especially in diseased conditions. (9) Relief of colic or spasm, through the relaxing influence of heat internally supplied. (10) General results in the way of increased weight, im- proved skin and color, purified blood, and the better health that goes with it. It is generally supposed that food does not remain in the stomach more than a few hours, ordinarily about two hours. But in many cases, and especially where the stomach is weak and the digestion poor, food may be retained in the stomach for many hours longer. Hot water drinking is the one effective, simple, natural method for overcoming a condition of this kind. What are known as "stomach headaches" may be thus relieved, through the direct removal of the cause. In fact in some cases a headache of this type can be relieved almost as quickly through hot water drink- ing as through the use of "headache powders," which act through the paralyzing effect of some powerful drug contained in them. To those in delicate health the drinking of cold water is sometimes depressing, inasmuch as considerable animal heat is required to bring it up to the temperature of the body. Those who are troubled with poor digestion or any form of alimentary trouble should find hot water drinking a boon, not only because of the cleansing of the stomach already mentioned, but because of the direct stimulation of the glands providing the digestive juices. Those who suffer with autointoxication or excessive formation of gas should make a feature of this form of treatment. In nearly every newspaper you pick up you will read some- thing like the following: 19 "SAYS HOT WATER EACH DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY "Drink a glass of hot water before breakfast to wash the poisons out of the system. "Life is not merely to live but to live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath by drinking a glass of good hot water. "Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when they arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can instead feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous, stagnant matter. "Every one, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water to wash indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxine, thus cleansing, from the stom- ach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's waste, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. "The action of hot water on an empty stomach is wonderfully in- vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast." You will read the above in nearly every newspaper you pick up, except they tell you to put something in the water. You don't need anything in the water. It is the water that does the work. If you will cure constipation and then drink a cup or more of hot water every morning and plenty of cold water during the day, you will never have stomach trouble of any kind or appen- dicitis. Don't you think it is well worth the trouble? RAVAGES OF SOCIAL DISEASES MORE DISASTROUS THAN EFFECTS OF WAR The most horrible of all evils has crept into the bodies, and even the souls, of this generation. We have recently had many appalling examples of the horrors of war. Shot, shell and bayonet can tear human bodies into shreds. Famine sometimes counts its victims by the hundreds of thousands. Fire, floods and tornadoes have played havoc with human lives. But all these cruel, devastating forces are more than equalled in horror by the venereal taint. Venereal disease comes on you silently. It is usually the result of an indiscretion, but sometimes attacks one who is not to blame. And once it has touched you it begins to eat its way into your life centers. Millions upon mil- lions have paid the heavy penalties that it exacts. 20 WARN BOYS AND GIRLS Warn boys and girls in a manner that cannot possibly be mistaken, and then if they have to pay the penalty for their sins, they, at least, cannot blame their parents. One of the gravest of all responsibilities is that of the parent to his child. And woe unto him who fails in this regard! Growing boys should know the truth. Nothing should be kept back from them. And the girls? Must they be reared in seclusion? Does the average parent imagine that a girl is not strongly influenced by sex emotions? Next to the desire for food, this is the most powerful instinct of all human life. You cannot crush or hide it in a girl any more than you can in a boy. And a girl must be taught the truth. There is absolutely no reason why she should not know as much about this important theme as her brother. Some day, if her life is at all normal, she will be the mother of some man's children. No father or mother could possibly question a girl's just right to possess knowledge which is essential to protect her future progeny from the venereal taint. No girl wants an infected man for a husband or for the father of her children. She has a right to know how to protect herself, how to avoid danger. She should know enough about the signs of the disease to make it possible for her to avoid even associating in friendship with those who might be infected. Don't fail to read pages 51 to 57 and page 146. SPECIAL NOTICE Don't fail to read page 144 of this book, "THE ABUSE OF THE MARRIAGE RELATION.' A NEW LEASE OF LIFE If you eat nuts each clay you will not crave meat. If you eat apples and other fresh fruits you will not crave stimulants. Drink hot and cold water and hot and cold lemonade, and fruit juices instead of tea, coffee and soft drinks, and you will take on a new lease of life. WHY ARE WE TIRED? Tired feelings are the result of fever from getting too much food in the body. 21 THE IMPORTANT BODILY FUNCTIONS OUR HEART J=ulmonJry artery. PULMONA.hY/yUUTFRV f'ONARY (VEINS SEMILUNAR ..VALVES fit Mil UN AR VALVES.. Right Heart (Opened) LeftiHeartl(Opened) The heart-you all know where it is. It is the most won- derful little pump in the world. There is no steam-engine half so clever in its work, or so strong. There it is, in every one of us, beating, beating, all day and all night, year after year, never stopping, like a watch ticking, only it never needs to be wound up. Nature winds it up once for all. There are about 970 miles of blood vessels in our body. The blood completes a circuit from one hand to the other in twenty- four seconds. Under ordinary circumstances all the blood makes a complete rotation every two minutes, passing through the heart, the capillaries of the lungs, the arteries, the capillaries of the extremities, and through the veins. The amount of blood expelled by each contraction of the heart is about four ounces, therefore the weight of blood moved during one minute will be eighteen pounds. In one day it will be about twelve tons; in a year four thousand tons; and in sixty years two hundred and forty thousand tons. Think of the great work that is being carried on in our body all the time, by our heart. And the free drinking of water helps our heart action wonderfully. The heart of a turtle will pulsate, and the blood circulate for a week after its head has been cut off; and its heart will throb 22 regularly many hours after being cut out. The heart of a frog or serpent, separated entirely from the body, will contract at the end of ten or twelve hours; that of an alligator has been known to beat twenty-eight hours after the death of the animal. Among the organs of the body the lungs are unique. They are the lightest organs in the body; they are the most elastic organs in the body; they are the most passive organs in the body. The lungs of a healthy adult weigh only forty-two ounces. The right lung is somewhat larger than the left. The lungs are pass- ive. They have no muscles of their own, no power of their own. The size and activity of the lungs depends upon the size and flexibility of the chest wall. OUR LUNGS The capacity of the lungs-in the adult, is three hundred and twenty cubic inches, the ordinary breathing air is only about one-sixteenth part of that volume, or twenty cubic inches. During ordinary calm respiration, we breathe eighteen times a minute, seventy-eight gallons of air per hour or sixty barrels per day. See that it is pure. Our lungs are composed of about six hundred million (600,- 000,000) little air cells, and it has been estimated that in draw- 23 ing a full breath, a man exerts a muscular force equal to raising two hundred pounds placed upon his chest. While our heart is pumping our blood through our lungs these six hundred millions of little air cells are taking thirty quarts of deadly carbonic acid gas out of the blood every hour, and the blood in turn is absorbing about the same amount of oxygen (pure air). That is the work of the lungs, and for us to be healthy we must have plenty of pure, fresh air, and you should practice the habit of deep breathing while in the open air. Form the habit of doing this when you are walking. Nature intended that we should live in the open air all the time. You should never sleep in a closed room; it only takes a very short time for the air to become impure in a sleeping room. History furnishes many painful instances of the effects of being forced to breathe the same air over and over again. In 1756, of 146 Englishmen imprisoned in the Black Hole of Cal- cutta, only twenty-three, at the end of eight hours, survived. After the battle of Austerlitz, 300 prisoners were crowded into a cavern, where, in a few hours, two-thirds of their number died. And yet we see our picture shows, theatres, lodge halls, churches, etc., crowded, with very little ventilation, and worse than all this is the habit of people sleeping in rooms at night without the windows wide open. Oh! if you only knew the value of the open window day and night. Quit buying so much medicine, and buy more covers for your beds and sleep with the windows open, and it will do you more good than all the medicine ever bottled. If people would sleep in the open air and live in the open air and drink plenty of good pure water, and eat the right kind of food, there would be no such thing as disease. Consumption is lung starvation. Harvey W. Wiley, M. D., the famous authority on pure food and health, says that in treating a tubercular patient the principal food should be milk, eggs, and whole wheat bread, and that he should live in the open air and not engage in any exhaustive business or exercise. THE BLOOD Every living organism of the higher sort, whether animal or vegetable, requires for the maintenance of life and activity a 24 circulatory fluid, by which nutriment is distributed to all its parts. In plants, this fluid is the sap; in insects, it is a water and colorless blood; in reptiles and fishes, it is red but cold blood; while in the nobler animals and man, it is red and warm blood. You feel quite sure that the blood is red, do you not? Well, it is no more red than the water of a stream would be if you were to fill it with little red fishes. Suppose the fishes to be very, very small, as small as a grain of sand, and closely crowded together in the whole depth of the stream, the water would look red, would it not? And this is the way in which the blood looks red; only observe one thing, a grain of sand is a mountain in com- parison with the little red bodies that float in the blood, which we have likened to little fishes. If I were to tell you that they measure about the 3200th part of an inch in diameter, you would not be much the wiser; but if I tell you that in a single drop of blood, such as might hang on the point of a needle, there are a million of these bodies, you will perceive that they are both very minute and very numerous. The blood takes in the oxygen from the lungs, and gives off carbonic acid gas (impure air). Oxygen is the food of the blood corpuscles; while the food we eat goes more directly to the plasma of the blood. The air then, it is plain, is a sort of food, and we should so regard it, and see that it is pure. Three times in each minute the blood makes a circuit carry- ing oxygen to the tissues and poisons to the lungs to be thrown off. Full use of the lungs always means strength. Breathing is the most important act of our lives, because one-third of all the waste and poisonous matter resulting from the change of body tissue is excreted through the lungs. The blood picks up these poisons in all parts of the body and carries them to the lungs, where they are given up, and exhaled with the breath in the form of carbonic acid gas. The impure blood goes from the heart to the lungs, from which it returns to the heart purified of its poisons and laden with life-giving oxygen. Three times in each minute is this circuit from heart to lungs made by the blood, the blood carry- ing oxygen to all parts of the body and relieving it of its poisons, which are carried to the lungs, there to be given up with the out- going breath. 25 Just think a moment of the importance of right breathing and active circulation as a means of maintaining the health of the body; the oxygen is the life of the blood, and the blood is the life of the body. The stomach is about the size of your two fists and is lined' with a mucous membrane, which contains glands which secrete gastric juices, eight pints of which should be secreted daily in the normal adult's stomach. The gastric juices act on foods containing nitrates, such as meats, milk, nuts and eggs. The stomach receives only the men- tal ether out of the food. Be kind to your stomach. A clean stomach means a strong, wholesome body. It means that the blood contains the elements which are essential to give vitality and vigor to every cell within the body. Disease is no mystery. Whenever you have a symp- tom of any kind indicating disease, search for the cause in your stomach or alimentary canal. Beware of ice water. A wine-glass full of ice water causes the temperature of the stomach to fall thirty degrees; and it re- quires a half hour before it will recover its natural warmth, which is about a hundred degrees. THE STOMACH DUODENUM This second stomach receives the gases out of the food. As the food enters the duodenum, three new fluids act upon it, the Intestinal, Pancreatic and Bile. All are alkaline and tend to neutralize the acid as it comes from the stomach. SMALL INTESTINES Our twenty-two feet of small intestines are lined with about twenty million (20,000,000) little mouths, called lacteals, that suck the nutriment out of our food to build up the waste tissues that are being destroyed all the time. Just stop and think of the necessity of keeping these twenty million little mouths clean, so that they can do their work prop- erly, and it can only be done by drinking plenty of WATER, not beer, tea, coffee, coca cola, soda water, etc. 26 THE KING OF THE BODY-THE LIVER The liver, which is the largest organ in the body, is also one of the most important. It not only produces the bile, but has a very important work in the changing of foods into such material as may be assimilated or used by the cells throughout the body. It is part of the function of the liver to bring about chemical changes in albuminous foods which make it possible for the tis- sues to assimilate them. The liver has an important function in connection with the excretion of broken down bodily tissue, converting this dead matter into a form in which it can be filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. Failure of the liver to perform its work satisfac- torily will upset the digestive system, or may lead to an accumu- lation of uric acid in the body, possibly resulting in rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, disturbances of circulation and other evils. In fact when the liver goes on a strike you may expect trouble in general. If we knew just one-half as much chemistry as the liver the secrets of the world would lie before us like an open book. We think we have done wonders in discovering a poison that will kill or neutralize the toxins of a germ, such as mercury or the diphtheria antitoxin; but one little six-sided shallow-look- ing lozenger of a liver cell not only can neutralize and destroy any one of forty different poisons that are brought to it by the blood, but it can actually turn one part into sugar, another into fat or starch, and the remainder into harmless bile waste to be discharged from the body. It is the most wonderful poison filter Nature has ever invented, and the moment it is put out of com- mission the body goes to pieces. We are the cause of this. We allow constipation to continue in our body, and then the liver is choken by its own poisons, by its own wastestuff. Do not rest another day until you have got to work to cure the one and only disease-constipation. Pure blood depends upon the perfect elimination of the wastes formed in the body. Health is entirely a question of pure blood and you cannot have pure blood and be constipated. If one could maintain his blood in absolute purity, disease would be impossible. The blood is the life. A cup of coffee at breakfast to brace you up, another at noon to keep you going, and a cigar after supper to quiet you down, is the short road to physical bankruptcy. 27 OUR KIDNEYS Oh, if we only knew more about our kidneys! Thousands are suffering from weak kidneys and thousands are dying from Bright's disease just because they have not been taught the cause and the cure of this terrible ailment. Knowledge is the only preventive, and prevention is better than cure. Official records at Washington show that deaths from kid- ney trouble have increased seventy-two per cent in twenty years. This terrible condition is mostly due to ignorance of what the kidneys are and what they have to do. The kidneys are in the small of the back on either side of the spine. The diagram above will give you a good idea of where they are, how they look and what they are for. Every drop of blood in the body goes through the kidneys once every seven minutes, and they filter out the uric acid and other poisons as long as they are healthy. But alas! we dissi- pate ; we become constipated-poisons are created faster than the kidneys can filter them out; they become irritated, inflamed, and therefore congested. 28 The kidneys work just about as hard as the heart. They act as filters of the body; they purify every drop of water taken into the body; and at the same time discharge all of the liquid waste from the body. They work without one moment's inter- mission day or night; cleanse themselves and flush themselves, and yet they are the most abused organ in the body. I believe, and so does every medical man in the world, that if our kidneys never had anything to do except what Nature intended they would run for one hundred years without ever breaking down; and yet there are more people with kidney trou- ble than any other ailment, and we are to blame for this condition. Tea, coffee, beer, alcohol, etc., are very hard on the kidneys. When we are constipated our kidneys have to work about three times as hard as Nature ever intended they should. Is it any wonder that they break down? Then, to make matters worse, we drink very little water. The kidneys need washing out often, and it requires pure water to do this work. What a wonderful piece of machinery the body is, and how reckless most of us are with it. Neither love nor money can buy another one, so it behooves us to take care of it. All we have to do to keep it running for eighty to one hundred years is to keep it clean inside and out, drink plenty of pure water, eat the right kind of food and get plenty of pure fresh air and sunshine. In fact, if we lived as nature intended we should, and ate the kind of food intended for man, I see no reason why we should not prolong life almost indefinitely. Bright's Disease Nature's laws when broken, yield pain, misery, suffering, or early death. It is in the hands of every individual to set for himself the breaking time of his life. Men who drink, use to- bacco, and eat rich food, pay for them in Bright's disease or in brittle arteries. THE SPINE The upper portion of the spine, in fact, the first six or eight inches below the neck, is the most important portion of the entire body, as far as life is concerned. This portion of the spine con- tains the nerve centers which preside over the heart, lungs and digestive organs, and regulates nutrition and circulation of the 29 entire body. This portion of the spine should be kept in supple condition. Remember that a lack of proper circulation in the spinal muscles is at once reflected upon the stomach, the heart, the lungs or kidneys. For these reasons, our spinal muscles should be exercised regularly; they should be kept in a pliable, well nourished condition. How may the spine muscles be exercised? Simply by bend- ing in any direction except backwards. One of the most effective spinal exercises is bending forward. This opens all of the little windows of the spine in such a way as to increase the circulation to every nerve center in the spine. The result is an increase in the activity of all the vital organs of the body. The exercise may be made more effective by holding the hands above the head and bending forward, keeping the knees stiff, until the tips of the fingers touch the floor. Everyone is familiar with this exercise. The ability to do it is an indication of youth, or rather contra- indication of old age; it shows that one's spine is sufficiently supple to insure good nerve supply to all the vital organs. The upper portion of the spine may be more effectively exer- cised by dropping the head forward so as to rest the chin on the chest, then rocking the head from side to side gently, and twist- ing the head from one side to the other. Another effective exer- cise for the upper spine is taken by simply holding the shoulders stationary and moving the head forward and backward, as far as possible, at the same time keeping the head held slightly forward and downward. It is well to take these simple spinal exercises both at arising and retiring. When you are tired you can increase your circulation, hasten the elimination of fatigue toxins from the body by exercising the spine. These exercises will stimulate the heart action and the activity of the lungs and digestive organs in such a way as to relieve fatigue and invigorate both the muscles and brain in a harmless, physiologic manner. THE BRAIN The brain is the great volume of nervous tissue that is lodged within the skull. It is the largest and most complex of the nerv- ous centers ; its weight, in an adult, being about fifty ounces. The amount of blood sent to the brain amounts to one-fifth of all that the entire body possesses. Is it any wonder that you have a 30 headache when your body is loaded with waste matter, consti- pation, etc.? Our brains are hundred-year clocks. The Angel of Life winds them up once for all, then closes the case, and gives the key to the Angel of the Resurrection. Tic-tac! tic-tac! go the wheels of thought, our will cannot stop them, they cannot stop themselves, sleep cannot stop them, madness only makes them go faster; death alone can break into the case. Syphilis is looked upon as the most serious of all the venereal taints. It is said to be constitutional, that it enters into your body and infects its every part. It has what are termed the first, second and third stages, though Dr. Hy. Lindlahr states that when treated by natural methods, there are no secondary, ter- tiary, or congenital stages, and that mercury, iodine, quinine, and coal-tar poisons are sometimes the actual cause of these symptoms and that these drugs will produce them if taken in sufficient quantities by those who never had syphilis. Many modern physicians maintain that this disease can be cured absolutely, and that it can be eliminated from the system entirely, by purifying the blood of the patient and building the greatest possible degree of vitality. For example, I have seen running sores that have been active in years, entirely healed through fasting alone. And when a diet which will insure free- dom from constipation is used, similar results can be obtained. Physicians who treat these diseases by methods of this kind, often follow the fasting process by a rigid milk diet. One thus has the advantage of first of all starving the disease out of the body, and then by drinking large quantities of milk, the tissues of the body are flushed and at the same time nourished with the purest of foods. The celebrated Dr. Rheinhold says that the cure of syphilis means the elimination of certain poisons from the body. Don't fail to read pages 51 to 57 and page 146. SYPHILIS POISONED BY MISTAKE Many people poison their bodies and endure great misery through the awful mistake of neglecting a lazy liver and inactive bowels. Prompt use of the internal bath will avert the disease caused from these poisons. 31 The Digestive Organs or Alimentary Canal 32 DESCRIPTION OF THE DIAGRAM (1) Gullet; (2) and (3) the stomach; (4) duodenum; (5) small intestines; (6) where the small intestine empties into the colon; (7) caecum and appendix; (8) ascending colon; (9) and (10) transverse colon; (11) descending colon; (12) sigmoid flexure, the last curve of the colon; (13) rectum; (14) anus; (15) liver; (16) hepatic duct, which carries the bile from the liver to the cystic and common bile ducts; (17) cystic duct; (18) gall bladder; (19) common bile duct; (20) pancreas, the gland which secretes the pancreatic juice; (21) pancreatic duct, entering the duodenum with the common bile duct. "We can do nothing without the body ; let us always take care that it is in the best condition to sustain us."-Socrates. "Blessed are the pure in mind and body, for theirs is the Kingdom of Happiness." "Health and happiness are appreciated more by those who are deprived of them than by those who possess them." "It is possible to be seventy years young instead of forty years old."-Oliver Wendell Holmes. "The first wealth is health and no means should be spared to secure it."-Emerson. "All time and money spent in training the body pays a larger interest than any other investment."-Gladstone. "People limit their powers and shorten their lives by habits which are apparently simple and harmless; one of them, that of standing and walking with the chest lowered and the body collapsed, being found in about nine out of every ten people." "Excessive eating is one of the habits that shorten life. The free drinking of water, hot and cold, with light mueals will pro- long your life many years." "Tea and coffee are in the same category as alcoholic stim- ulants. The difference is in degree, and tea and coffee through their more general use do quite as much harm as alcohol. The man or woman who would know the full strength and length of life should not make a habit of using any one of these stimulants." "It is well to form the habit of sleeping in the natural posi- tion, that is, on the front of the body, the face turned to one side." "Nearly all of the desirable things in the universe are within the reach of all of us, sunlight, air, the beauties of Nature, whole- some, nourishing food, and a sweet, attractive home, cost but little." 33 A PERFECT DIET Remember that whenever there is the slightest sign of con- stipation, white flour products of all kinds should be eliminated from the diet. As nearly as possible foods should be used in their natural condition. Those that can be enjoyed when uncooked are more valuable when eaten without cooking. Try and eat about one-third of your food in a raw state, such as celery, lettuce, cabbage, etc. Fruits of all kinds are valuable; form a habit of eating a few nuts every day of your life, and don't ever miss a day without eating a little fruit, fresh fruit if you can get it. Unquestionably a perfect diet is furnished by nuts and fruits. The next diet that closely approximates perfection would be a raw or uncooked diet such as nuts, fruits, vegetable salads, cereals, and dairy products. Food in this raw state possesses a tremendous amount of vi- tality-building elements. They are live foods, consequently they give one life, energy, vitality, etc. There is absolutely no question as to the superiority of a diet of this kind over a diet which includes meat and if you want to know perfect health leave meat alone. When any living ani- mal is killed it then becomes dead. Dead animals are not fit for food. At the time of death large quantities of dead and decaying matter is on its way out of the animal's body, and there is waste matter in every pore of its skin. All this dead and decomposed matter remains in and all through its flesh so that .the eaters of such flesh take all of that rotten matter into their own systems and then wonder why they have boils, sores, tumors, fevers, pim- ples, cancers, piles, skin disorders, etc. A vegetarian diet, which includes plenty of fruit and nuts, will make a better quality of tissue; you will have more endur- ance, and there is no question but that you will live a longer period than one accustomed to meat. It might be well to state right here that a glass of milk has more nutritive value than a pound of chicken. Among foods of great value are green salads made from celery, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, water-cress, parsley, cucumbers, and other foods of this character. Spinach, dande- lion leaves and other greens can be recommended in their cooked form; in fact all cooked vegetables are of value, if they are cooked right. See pages 41 and 147. 34 Foods that take the place of meat are breakfast foods that are made up of whole grains of wheat, corn, oats and barley. All kinds of beans are splendid meat substitutes such as navy beans, lima beans, and kidney beans; they may be called hearty foods. Also dried peas, lentiles and nuts of all kinds are fine meat sub- stitutes. Peanuts are a good food also, and chestnuts are very valuable. While eggs and milk are an animal product I would advise the use of eggs, milk, and cheese as they contain a good supply of lime, sulphur, iron, phosphorus and other mineral salts needed by the body. Buttermilk is one of the best meat substitutes we have; if you will drink buttermilk, that is to say two or three quarts a day, you can rest assured that you will not crave meat. Tea and coflfee are destructive to both nerves and health. Postum is a good healthy drink to take their place. OF WHAT IS MAN MADE Man is made up of three things; what he eats, what he breathes and what he thinks. He may perform any one of these in a wrong manner and cause disease in his body. Our bodies are made up of the following fifteen elements; hence, we must eat foods containing such ingredients: Oxygen Carbon Sodium Sulphur Silicon Hydrogen Potassium Phosphorus Iron Fluorine Nitrogen Calcium Magnesium Chlorine Manganese Vegetables contain all the medicine man requires, but it is necessary for you to know what to eat for the ailment that trou- bles you. The greater number of all born die in childhood and the first half of life, due to the general lack of understanding of mere essentials. Sickness in infancy and childhood is a crime. Chil- dren can and should be born well, and children can and should be perfectly healthy. Will killing the germs kill the disease? No! The body must be made normal; then it protects itself. All of these elements are contained in certain foods. THE ABUSE OF THE MARRIAGE RELATION See page 144 35 SOME POPULAR DETRIMENTS SALT Salt is injurious and indigestible. It hardens the tissues and dries up the blood. If you do not believe that salt is a poison, swallow a teaspoonful on an empty stomach at a time when the stomach has nothing else to do but digest it and see if this state- ment is not correct. Instead of being digested it will throw the stomach into convulsions and cause vomiting. Anything that will do this is a pretty good thing to avoid. Break yourself of eating it gradually. It causes articular rheumatism, enlargement and derangement of the liver and kidneys, disorder of the cir- culatory system and the eliminating organs. People acquire the salt habit just like they acquire the tobacco habit and all other bad habits, by using it until the taste becomes perverted so they like it and crave it. Salt is required by the human body, but it is supplied in raw vegetables, grains and fruits. English stock breeders found salt detrimental to the highest development of prize stock; hence they have excluded salt from all stock food. Their stock is known to be the finest. Salt is a poison to fowls, especially to songsters. Don't try it on your pet bird. Avoid giving candy to your babies as you would so much strychnine. Children crave sweets; so do older people. The body requires a sweet, so plan to let it have it, but not in the form of commercial sugar or candy. I believe that sugar eating of today is doing more harm than alcohol. This is a broad statement, but a true one. Give your children sweets in the form of honey and sweet fruits, and instead of buying them candy, buy them dates, figs, raisins, etc. You will find that this will satisfy the child and be a food at the same time, and will not irritate the stomach, or ferment, or cause catarrh, as sugar and every kind of syrup will do. On the other hand, do not allow the children to eat even these fruits between meals, for the three fruits mentioned are heavy in food elements, almost equal to whole wheat or meat. CANDY VINEGAR Vinegar is very injurious and absolutely indigestible. The acid which it contains is very irritating to the mucous lining. It also renders indigestible any food over which it is poured. It 36 would be equally sensible to pour carbolic acid over your food. If you need a dressing use lemon juice. The system requires an acid and our fruits supply them and they fulfill the requirements of nature and satisfy the body's craving. The proper use of lemon and other acid fruits will do away with the unnatural craving some have for pickles, etc. Pickles furnish neither food, strength nor medicine to the human body. They do furnish inflammation, and the unnatural desire for such things is caused by eating meat. NATURAL FOODS OF PECULIAR VIRTUE RADISHES One hardly thinks of the radish as being a true tissue former, but it is nevertheless. After a hard day's work that has drawn heavily on your muscular and flesh fiber, the radish eaten is highly beneficial by reason of its replacing a good portion of those elements of your body that you have lost. It is also rich in phosphorus and iron, the first of which is good for brain fag while the second builds up the blood. They should be thoroughly chewed. They also, in common with other green, fresh vege- tables, clear the blood of impurities that it may have gathered by reason of the heavy food of the winter season. From an edible standpoint there is nothing more appetizing than a crisp, newly gathered lettuce leaf, eaten with a dash of lemon juice or some other dressing. Its medicinal properties are on a par with its table qualities. As a blood cleanser and a stomach regulator, this vegetable has few rivals. Also it cools the blood by its quiet action on the digestive tract and the gentle movement of the bowels that it excites. Lettuce restores the normality of the bodily system, and as a result brings back the blood to its proper temperature. Never use vinegar on lettuce. LETTUCE The cucumber is generally regarded as indigestible. The celebrated Dr. Abernathy is said to have given the following recipe for the preparation of cucumbers: "After peeling the cu- cumbers, slice them as finely as possible, then sprinkle them well with salt. Now pour plenty of vinegar over them with another dash of pepper and salt, then throw them into the ash barrel!" CUCUMBERS 37 Cucumbers prepared in this manner are no doubt indiges- tible. Eat your cucumber as you would an apple, or if you prefer use a salad dressing on them. Never eat them with starchy foods. The cucumber has a tendency to regulate the bowels. Never use vinegar on the cucumber. TOMATOES Not so many years ago tomatoes were held to be of a pois- onous nature, their alleged powers for evil ranging from heart disease to cancer. Nowadays they are recognized as one of the most delicious as well as one of the most healthful vegetables, although strictly speaking they are a fruit. The pulp and juice contains an acid which is a mild laxative and a promoter of gastric juices. So far from causing cancer they tend to prevent that and other diseases by keeping the blood pure through the medium of the mild acid and cathartic juices they contain. Their influence on the kidneys is marked. Dr. Chandler Moore, of Buffalo, N. Y., has this to say regarding the tomato. "Tomatoes, acting on both liver and kidneys, will not only keep the system in good health, but their action on the skin is most marked. "They clear it and keep it so. If the eye-balls have that yellowish tinge that comes from a sluggish liver the continued use of raw tomatoes free from condiments of any kind, will soon restore the hue to your cheeks." It is not known perhaps that slices of tomatoes, if rubbed briskly on the cheeks, will quickly remove freckles of long stand- ing. stains and sunburn. Tomatoes should be eaten without vinegar and preferably without salt. In fact you should accus- tom yourself to eat all green vegetables without salt. Green un- cooked vegetables are rich in mineral salts of such a nature as to be readily absorbed into the system and will furnish all the salt the system requires if you eat freely of them and fresh uncooked fruits. Tomatoes should always be eaten raw during their season. CARROTS The fame of the carrot as a health giver and beautifier is well known. This is due to the beneficial effect their juices have on the organs of digestion and excretion, and through them on the blood. But they must be eaten raw in order to extract the greatest degree of good from them. A "sour stomach" is quickly 38 cured by a diet in which raw carrots, preferably young ones, enter largely. The carrot needs no dressing unless you wish to mix it with other raw vegetables, making a salad; then it is best to grind it or grate it and use any raw salad dressing that does not contain vinegar. See my Perfect Health cook book for salad dressings of different kinds-page 147. As a nervine, celery has a reputation of an established nature. Used just before bedtime it produces sound sleep. Taken after much mental exercise, it acts on the center nerves, soothing and regulating them. It should always be eaten raw, for if cooked it loses much of the organic salts it contains that produce the beneficial effect in question. It also aids digestion and purifies the blood. CELERY CABBAGE Cabbage cools and purifies the blood. As a spring food it cleanses the system of the heavy edibles that are usually to be found in the winter pantry. To those inclined to constipation it has a very beneficial effect. It should always be eaten raw and without vinegar. Hot cooked cabbage will form gas in the stom- ach and bowels. Nature has given us these things to eat and they are made to taste good in a raw state, and that is the way they should be eaten when possible. PARSLEY This is a broom that sweeps the stomach, and some of our stomachs need a sweeping badly. Oil abounds in the leaves. It gently stimulates the gastric juice. ONIONS There is only one way to use onions. Place them in a baking pan with a little water and bake, then squeeze the juice out and drink for a medicine. The effect on the kidneys is marked. The juice of the onion used in this way or the beet used in a similar way will benefit any case of kidney trouble. SPINACH This vegetable has aperient qualities of an even more marked nature than the cabbage and at the same time is rich in iron salts, so it is a cleanser and stimulator, and is good for constipation. 39 It is best eaten raw with eggs, nuts or meat, for those who insist on eating meat. Meat should never be eaten unless one or more green vegetables are eaten at the same meal. This is a useful vegetable in that it has a marked action on the kidneys, both when taken as a food and also when the root is soaked in water and the juice drunk as a medicine. Used as a medicine as indicated it acts on the kidneys and increases the urine. As a vegetable it may be eaten cooked or raw in a salad. ASPARAGUS POTATOES Owing to the richness of this tuber in starch, it is a fattener. This is especially true of the sweet potato, which in addition to starch, contains much sugar. The potato is a staple article of food. There is only one way to cook them to get the good out of them and that is to bake them with the jackets on. They should be eaten sparingly as they are hard on the kidneys. WILD GREENS There are a number of wild plants that may be added to the products of the garden with most beneficial effects. Among them will be found the dandelion, sour-dock, and the mustard leaves. These are rich in iron and make a fine blood tonic. WATER CRESS This eaten with condiment of any kind will cause pimples and black-heads to disappear quickly from one's complexion, as its tendency is to clarify the blood, being rich in organic salts. GREEN CORN-A NUTRITIOUS, EASILY DIGESTED FOOD (By Dr. R. R. Daniels, Denver, Colorado.) "Green corn is one of the most valuable of our late summer foods. It contains considerable starch and sugar in an easily digested form. It conies at a time when the system, in anticipa- tion of cooler weather, needs more of this kind of food. When eaten properly, green corn will agree with almost everyone. There are two principal reasons why this valuable food has fallen into disrepute with many persons; one is that it is often eaten with a mixture of other foods, which prevents its proper diges- 40 tion; the other reason is that in occasional persons the hulls of the corn irritate the stomach and intestinal walls. Both of these objections can be easily overcome. "Green corn, to be digested with the greatest ease, should be eaten at a meal which contains neither meats, acids, nor other starches. In fact little else should be eaten with the corn than one or two non-starchy vegetables. Corn takes the place of both meat and starchy foods, thus a dinner may be made of all the corn one wants with cooked vegetables and a salad." To those who are interested in health and like to read good works upon that subject, I will say that Dr. Daniels is the editor of a magazine called The Hygienist, devoted to the science of health. Dr. H. Kress, of Chicago, says that eating meat causes di- vorce because it makes people quarrelsome. How to Prepare Vegetables Eat as many of your vegetables raw as are palatable. In cooking any vegetable put on enough water only, so when the vegetable is clone the water will be nearly gone, and do not pour off what remains, but leave it as a sauce for the vegetable, adding a little cream and seasoning. (Use as little salt and pepper as possible.) Much of the vegetable that is medicine has left the vegetable and gone into the water, and even that is changed, and if it is poured off you lose it. Never thicken your vegetables with flour-it renders them indigestible to many stomachs and in many cases will cause sour stomach. Any gravy made of flour and milk or water and seasoned with butter, salt and pepper is hard to digest. Don't put it in your stomach. You will find recipes in my Cook Book for gravies that taste better and will do no harm; it contains hundreds of things you ought to know. Get my Perfect Health Cook Book; it contains the best recipes on the market for preparing vegetable dishes of all kinds. It is one book that ought to be in every home in the land. If you do not think it worth a hundred times what you pay for it, just return it and your money will be gladly returned to you.-See page 147. BREATHE DEEPLY We are a nation of shallow breathers. Great vitality is as- sociated with deep breathing. 41 The condition formerly known as a torpid liver is due simply to an overloading of the blood with retained waste matters. The liver itself is not the cause of the trouble, but is merely one of the several organs involved. One who eats simply and moder- ately of plain food, who drinks daily at least two quarts of pure water, who exercises freely in the open air and does not worry, such a person cannot possibly have the disease known as torpid liver. TORPID LIVER The human body can be sustained and a complete discharge of every vital function can be maintained on a diet of whole wheat alone. Horace Fletcher, a well known Boston author, for fifteen years lived on a diet of three whole-wheat biscuits a day with a glass of fresh milk at each meal. WHEAT A PERFECT FOOD RAW FOODS Our bodies are made up of living, tiny cells. By using the body the cells wear out, and need replenishing. We replenish them by eating foods. It is better to take the food in its natural state than after it is cooked; then the living principle (Atma) is not destroyed. In the raw state they give the consumer vitality, and in the cooked state they fill him with disease. Cooking destroys the cellulose or fibre which is the frame work of foods. This is an indigestible substance which is dis- solved on being subjected to artificial heat. When dissolved, it fails to do its natural work, which is to give bulk and form to waste matter passing from the system and give the bowels some- thing to grasp hold of in their peristaltic action in order that they may not become sluggish in their movement, and at the same time sweep them out, in order that accumulations and wastes may not settle along the walls and thus poison the system by being reabsorbed. Animals which live on natural foods live from five to seven times as long as it takes them to develop. Man, who is fed upon cooked foods, does not live to twice his growth, the average life being about 35 years. He ought to live 100 years or more in perfect health, but he drops into the grave when in his youth. We are what our food makes us. It only requires one-half the quantity of uncooked foods to sustain life as it does cooked. So 42 here is a chance to cut the cost of living, and live a better life. When we take into our bodies such things as coffee, tea, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard, ginger, cloves, alcohol, tobacco, etc., we are only aiding the forces of destruction. Animals in- stinctively select natural foods, while man takes into his body under the name of food everything that he can lay his hands on. Such elements as are necessary for the human body can be found in a half dozen or less foods. Picture a dainty table laden with milk, cream, honey, grapes, pears, bananas, apples, grape-fruit, figs, raisins, dates, water- melons, muskmelons, lettuce, celery, a dozen kinds of nuts and other things too numerous to mention, all of which, being nat- ural, to satisfy hunger. The term raw food sounds ugly and should not be applied. Think of applying such a term to a luscious bunch of grapes, or to a pecan that has ripened in the top of a mountain tree where live-giving principles have been filtered through 100 feet of clean, white wood, or to a delicious apple or peach, rocked in her cradle and kissed by the sun. These things are finished ready for use by nature. They are perfect; they are not raw food. They are done, and when they are cooked they are undone. If high degrees of heat are applied to food cells, they are coagulated as the white of an egg is when boiled. The value of the cell is destroyed and the salts which remain are poisonous. The fibre or wood element is changed so the system absorbs it. It was never intended by nature that the system should absorb fiber, but it was intended to pass through the bowels and act as a broom, sweeping them out. When it is absorbed by the system, it enters the blood as poison, hindering circulation. Fresh water that has been exposed to the sun and air is full of organic electricity. Fresh milk from the cow is full of animal magnetism. Fresh fruit grown in the sun is a regular storage battery of life power. This power is given off by the water, milk and fruit in our bodies if not subjected to artificial heat. An entirely raw diet will cure hot and inflamed conditions in the stomach or bowels. Any fruit may be used raw. Any nuts may be used raw. Many vegetables may be used raw. Honey may be used for sweets. 43 "Every element, whether mineral or organic, which is re- quired for nutrition, is found in the vegetable kingdom."-Dr. Edward Smith. Raw Egg and Milk: One of the most nutritious and easily digested foods procurable is a glass of milk into which you have placed a well beaten egg. This is the only way eggs should be eaten, that is, raw. Cooked eggs make sluggish livers. APPLES AND TOMATOES Apples in winter and tomatoes in summer. They are the chief fruits. Remember that both fruits and vegetables have more medicinal qualities than they do food qualities. In other words, they keep the body balanced and are as essential to the body as the heavy food, such as nuts, beans, etc. Albumen exists in milk, meat of the grains, and juices of many plants; but the purest form is obtained from the white of egg. When we consider the muscles, bones, internal organs, bills, claws, and feathers with which the chick is equipped on leaving his shell, we are impressed with the importance of al- bumen as food. Eat your eggs raw with milk, if you wish the full benefit of this albumen. Proteid Foods: The principal proteid foods are eggs, cream, cheese, peas, beans, lentils and nuts of all kinds. Cream, milk and nuts are rich in fatty matters. Chestnuts are a most valuable article of food. ALBUMEN Is your physician giving you morphine? If so, he is admin- istering death to your body slowly but surely. Perhaps you are taking it and do not know it. Morphine causes a backing up in the bile duct. Morphine paralyzes digestion and assimilation. Morphine will cause gall stones to form. Are you taking morphine? Pain can be stopped in other and safer ways than by taking drugs. More than 50,000 children die each year from preventable diseases. Scarlet fever takes 6,000, whooping cough 10,000, and common measles 13,000. Get my book on the care and feeding of infants and children (see page 138) and learn how this may be prevented. MORPHINE 44 PATENT MEDICINE "Take away opium and alcohol, and the backbone of the patent medicine business would be broken inside of forty-eight hours, because these are the only drugs known to science which will make any one, no matter what may be the matter with him, 'feel better,' for a little while, at least, after he takes them."- Dr. Woods Hutchinson. Dr. Woods Hutchinson says in his book, Common Diseases, page 17, that "No drug-save quinine and mercury-will cure a disease; only rest, food, sunshine, and fresh air can do that miracle." KNOW YOUR FOOD There are so many thousands who suffer from malnutrition without knowing it, from anaemia, from impaired vitality, from lowered resistance to disease, from "laziness" and from other serious departures from normal physical stamina that end in future misery, impaired efficiency and untimely death, that it is time indeed the public understood the relationship between base- forming and acid-forming foods. ACID-FORMING FOODS No person can have health and live on the following acid- forming foods: Beef, pork, lamb, liver, ham, white bread, soda- crackers, wafers, biscuits, doughnuts, buns, rolls, pie crust, lard, lard compound, cake, tapioca, polished rice, corn starch, sugar, glucose, syrups, cheap jams and jellies, penny candies, etc. But all can enjoy health by following a few simple rules and living upon the chief base-forming foods, such as oranges, lemons and ripe fruits of all kinds, the outer grains, such as whole wheat, whole corn, natural brown rice, whole rye, greens of all kinds, such as lettuce, beet tops, celery, spinach, cabbage, onions, cauli- flower, asparagus, etc., the roots of tubers, such as potatoes, car- rots, parsnips, turnips, beets, beans, peas, lentils, nuts of every kind and unsulphured dried fruits, such as prunes, black raisins and currants. BASE-FORMING FOODS A TERRIBLE HABIT There is no habit that does as much harm to the gastric digestion as the taking of purgatives and laxative drugs. They 45 injure the stomach more than anything else. The pill and purga- tive taker gets his stomach into such an irritated condition that even the natural presence of food makes the victim uncomfort- able. Yet think of the hundreds of millions of dollars that are spent every year for these medicines that do you harm instead of good. Why will people be so foolish? Dr. Wallace Fritz, of Philadelphia, formerly dean of Temple Medical University, renounced traditional methods many years ago, and relies upon natural methods for cures. Dr. B. C. Miller, formerly chief surgeon of Maryland State Hospital for ten years, says that colored water and bread pills are commonly regarded as safer than drugs. MEN DYING Twice as many men are dying between the ages of forty and fifty of preventable disease than did fifty years ago. Everywhere we see heads of families breaking down in health at the prime of life with the result that children and wives are forced out to make a living. Things that have heretofore been a mystery explained in this wonderful book. Every woman in the world should read this book. See pages 50, 129 and 144. THE ABUSE OF THE MARRIAGE RELATION WHY WE SIGH When grieved or depressed the tendency is to hold the breath. That means that the body suffers for oxygen, and the long, deep breath which we call a sigh is merely a means by which the body obtains for itself the necessary amount of oxygen. EMOTIONS THAT INVITE DISEASE The most destructive of all the emotions is fear. It has a benumbing and paralyzing effect upon the body. Its physiolog- ical effects resemble those of freezing. A person freezing to death and one agitated by great fear and anxiety present a sim- ilar appearance. Cold shivers chase down the spine and through the benumbed extremities. The blood vessels, nerve channels FEAR 46 and cells of the body are benumbed and congealed, causing ob- struction to the free flow of the nerve and blood currents, thus shutting off the influx of the vital force. It is this obstruction to influx of the life force that causes death by freezing and also causes death under the stress of some fear or great anxiety. People indulging habitually and continually in the fear-and- worry habit may not die at once from the effects of it, but they are nevertheless committing slow suicide through physical re- frigeration. Fear is faith in evil. It is a perversion of the great law of faith. He who fears a thing has faith that it can and will master him; thus he becomes a psychological coward and the thing he fears will surely overpower him. ANGER While tear freezes, benumbs and paralyzes the organism, anger manifests in the opposite conditions of abnormally in- creased excitement and heat. As fear corresponds to freezing, anger and its kindred emotions affect the body like a consuming fire. They may well be called psychological combustion. Anger manifests in various phases and degrees of intensity, such as impatience, irritability, ill temper, resentment, hatred, rage, fury, revenge, bitterness, indignation, exasperation, malice and de- structiveness. These violently destructive emotions act on the physical body like fire. A person thus agitated presents the appearance of one overheated. The face is flushed, the blood pressure to the brain is greatly increased, which may result in apoplexy or in heart failure. The brain is congested as if by the effects of alcohol. One who is inflamed with anger is as irresponsible as one intoxicated with fiery liquor. The crimes of rage intoxication are as frequent and as deplorable as those committed under al- coholic stimulation. SELF-PITY A person affected by this degrading phase of emotional self- indulgence presents the miserable, haggard, negative appearance of a consumptive. The victim of self-pity assumes that he is being unjustly dealt with by Providence, by fortune and by his fellowmen. He considers himself a martyr, enduring undeserved 47 hardships, privations and injustice. This results in resentment, gloom and depression. It effectually kills cheerfulness, ambition and virile initiative. ENVY Envy represents a combination of the moods of anger and self-pity. Anger may be inspired by the thought that somebody else possesses the thing which we covet, and self-pity because we are deprived of the thing we desire to possess. Envy, therefore, consumes and wastes the body, mind and soul of its unhappy victims by the combined effects of psychological combustion and psychical phthisis. Jealousy is a mixture of fear, anger and self-pity. We fear that somebody may take from us that which rightfully belongs to us, and anger results from such real or imaginary injury or injustice. Such fear and anger in turn provoke self-pity at the thought of the real or imaginary loss or injury. Thus we are torn alternately or all at once by the most powerful destructive emotions of the human soul. No wonder the victims of the "green monster" suffer the tortures of hell, that overcome by passionate resentment and the desire for revenge they commit unjust and cruel crimes against the innocent as well as the guilty. These terribly destructive emotions, even when seemingly justi- fied, will never right a wrong, but only magnify its destructive effects upon ourselves. JEALOUSY THE REMEDY The only remedy for these consuming diseases of the soul is self-control. OPERATIONS-STOP-LOOK-READ During the past twenty years operations have been popular both with the doctor and the laity. The excuse the doctor gave for operating when this "Reign of Terror" commenced was that it would cure headaches in the female, that is, by removing the ovaries, holding that all headaches which could not be cured by drugs, were caused by ovarian trouble. Not one of the laity thought of criticising the doctor for this act, for was he not a member of a learned profession, having a knowledge of which we knew nothing? 48 The doctor's advice was the same as law, simply unques- tioned, and unfortunately this is still true in many cases. Hence, thousands of women were unsexed to appease the doctor's pock- etbook. In many cases the patient was a strong, healthy woman and was able to stand the operation pretty well, which induced many other women to have their ovaries removed, which operation relieved them of the responsibility of childbirth. This particular operation became a craze among the well-to-do and aristocratic families, so much so that the much talked of "Race Suicide" resulted and Mr. Roosevelt, as President, felt called upon to call the attention of the public to the question. Mr. Roosevelt, like others, was perhaps ignorant of the cause which resulted in the great falling off in births, as are many of our men high in state who know nothing of the measures which they are called upon to endorse. However, statistics show that the medical profession, through unnecessary operations and by unsexing women and other blundering treatment, has prevented two hundred thousand births each year, or five million in the past twenty-five years. Let us consider further the subject of operations on women. Following the craze of removing the ovaries, which in time fell somewhat into disfavor, another reign of terror came and is still upon us, this time a surgical operation for the removal of the appendix for all pelvic disorders, which was a broader field for the doctors, as it includes men as victims as well as women. There have been thousands of women with tumors who would have lived long and useful lives, unconscious of their af- fliction, ignorant even of the growth, if doctors had not made the discovery for them. Many women have been operated on for tumors and have lived through it and managed to live in fair health for a few years afterwards, but there have been many more who did not live through the operation and still more who never recovered their former health as a result of the operation. The word tumor is now used to frighten women into need- less operations, as diseased ovaries and appendix have been used in the past and, indeed, still are used. Many women have been told by reputable surgeons that they have fibroid tumor and as a result suffered with gas in the stomach and bowels caused by food not digesting because of fear of a fibroid tumor, which in 49 fact they never had. The surgeon tells the patient that there is no possible hope or help except in an operation and this frightens the victim still more and causes the supposed fibroid tumor to form quickly, or in other words impairs the digestion and causes gas to form in the bowels, which in turn causes pressure on the organs in the pelvic region. In this way the medical profession builds artificial fibroid tumors and breaks down the health of their unsuspecting patients and forces them into an operation for something that does not exist. Not one in a thousand fibroid tumors require a surgical oper- ation. There is no excuse for wholesale butchery of women except that it is a surgical craze. Operations do not cure disease. The cause of the disease still remains in the subject. Nature, if given a chance, unaided by the knife, is able to relieve herself of accumulations in abscesses, if the bad habits of life are corrected. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID "Be fruitful and multiply, but eat not of the forbidden fruit." Childbirth is not a disease; it is just as natural as the act of conception. This book ought to be read by every man and woman in the world. The tree of knowledge is still standing in the garden of our earthly paradise. Learn what this forbidden fruit is that is wrecking the lives of the women of our land. There is a truth contained in this book which may astonish, but which should fill with joy the right thinking, judicious man, because he now finds it in his own power to be happier in future -to remain longer in Paradise, if he so wishes. See page 144. HUSBAND UNKIND AND BRUTAL The husband and father is unkind, harsh, often even brutal toward his wife and children, toward those whom he loves. Later he is filled with remorse, not knowing that only his nerves have been overheated by poisons in his body. A YOUNG WOMAN BECOMES A VIXEN The young girl who entered wedlock with the fairest qual- ities and a good heart, an angel, becomes a vixen. But do not reproach her, poor thing, for the unnatural life which married people almost always lead bears fruit and demands as its first victim the wife. Read page 144. 50 MEN AND WOMEN, WE ALL HAVE OUR PART TO DO IN FIGHTING VENEREAL DISEASES Read Every Word of This Article The civilized world has shown its abhorrence of the wanton ravage of innocents. Against the iron and steel militarism which could decree the starving and sinking and burning and rape of unoffending noncombatant villagers, patient peasant mothers, harmless children and helpless old men, the civilized human fam- ily has risen in wrath. Ravage of Innocents Must Stop But the ravage of innocents is not ended. In the villages and cities of our own country there remain destroyers of women and children whose toll of victims in the long years of peace is greater and more terrible than the victims of German madness. These enemies of civilization are the venereal diseases-gonor- rhea and syphilis. The germs of syphilis are small-so small that they can be seen only through the microscope-but they are none the less dangerous and treacherous in their attack. They attack not only those men and women guilty of immoral sexual relations. Such people are largely responsible for the spread of syphilis, but its victims are often blameless wives and helpless children. It in- vades the home and is carried from the husband to the wife and other members of the family. An innocent woman or child may be betrayed to the enemy by a kiss. Syphilis is often very hard to detect even when it is transmissible and a husband may expose his wife entirely against his wishes and without the knowledge of either one of them. If uncured, it enters the blood stream of man, woman, or child and there intrenches itself for an attack on the vital organs years later. Then it may cause repulsive ulcers and eat away the bone and flesh. It may attack nerve centers and the brain, causing locomotor ataxia, paralysis, paresis (softening of the brain), and insanity. Sometimes in the earlier stages when it could be most readily cured it is least visible and apparent. A germ enemy intrenched in the nation's blood is worse than a human enemy intrenched on the nation's borders. But terrible as are the effects of uncured syphilis transferred to an innocent wife, the most devastating ravage of this arch- 51 enemy disease is its transmission from the mother to the child before birth. In this way it takes a tremendous, secret toll of human life in the form of miscarriages and stillbirths. Worse still, children with syphilis in their blood come into the world to lead a brief, miserable existence. Those that survive go through life with permanent handicaps. Others fill our homes for the dependent and insane. Are the ravages of Belgian women and children more terrible than this? Wounds on the battlefield do not carry physical poison to the wife and children at home. Gonorrhea, the other venereal disease enemy, nearly always attacks the human body by invading the walls and tube passages of the male and female reproductive organs. Direct blows at the vitality of the race are thus delivered. In both man and woman it may cause, in a variety of ways, sterility, or inability to have children. Transmissible mainly by sexual relations, it is often passed unknowingly to wives. It is as if an enemy should place secret agents especially to attack pregnant women. It causes miscarriages, operations, chronic invalidism among women whose strength is of such vital importance for the proper care of children. In man, if uncured, it may lead to stricture, rheuma- tism, and serious organic trouble. As treacherous as syphilis, it may lie dormant for months and years to spring up again and be passed unknowingly to another person, as for instance, from the mother's body to the baby's eyes at birth.* Gonorrhea, innocently acquired through contact with in- fected persons or articles, often occurs among little girls. With these victims the disease is cruelly persistent and hard to cure. As secret and treacherous and heartless are these enemies as is the submarine. The Casualty List We do not see the wounded victims nor do the newspapers display the casualty lists of the dead from these ravages. But the casualties are there, hidden among the death notices, and many more unrecorded victims, destroyed before birth or dead at birth. The wounded victims fill to the doors our institutions for the insane, the blind, and helpless. These are real casualties, people dead, bodies wounded, minds destroyed-not heroic vic- tims adorned with gold chevrons, but victims as innocent as the refugees of France and Belgium! In our homes, hospitals, and *Gonorrheal blindness in new born babies may be prevented if the physician will use a certain solution at birth. 52 public institutions this year there will be more injured and killed victims of these diseases than the United States lost in France during the entire war. Allies of the Enemy There are, among us, human allies of this enemy of Amer- ica's civilization. The quack doctors and the venders of patent medicines who prey upon their victims with "quick" cures that do not really cure, the person with one of the diseases who ex- poses another, the man or woman who directly or indirectly promotes the business of commercialized prostitution-such persons are giving aid and comfort to the foes of American civ- ilization. So, too, he who whispers to the youth that gonorrhea is no worse than a bad cold, or spreads the lie that there is a sex neces- sity for unmarried youth that must be gratified by sex inter- course, is an agent of insidious enemy propaganda. And the people who suppress all publication of facts and warnings re- garding the enemy diseases are unwitting dupes, betraying the cause of healthy manhood and womanhood. Education Every mature man and boy in the United States must be taught the truth about his sexual nature. He should learn that continence before marriage is entirely compatible with health and that promiscuous sexual intercourse is a constant danger to health because practically all loose women are carriers of ve- nereal diseases. He should learn the very serious consequences of venereal diseases to his own body and the danger of passing them on to his future wife and children. Women and mature girls should learn of the havoc wrought by gonorrhea and syphilis. All parents should know the facts of sex hygiene and physi- ology necessary for instructing their own children and for im- parting to them the ideals of a chivalrous spirit, clean mind and body-a sure protection against venereal diseases. All are needed in the citizen army. Civic organizations and clubs, physicians, teachers, lawyers, ministers, nurses, mayors, police chiefs, prosecutors, judges, councilmen are needed in the fight to make the American family safe for future generations. 53 The Parents' Part The most important preventive against vice and venereal disease is the proper education of children with regard to sex. Your part as parents in this campaign, then, is to instruct your own boy and girl. You can not exempt yourself from this re- sponsibility. Do you think that while the neighbor's children may need some such information, your own children will never have any such need? It is no longer possible for you to choose whether your child will learn about sex or not. The only question you have to decide is whether he or she will learn from you or from someone else. If there ever was any justification for the hope that a boy or girl could grow up entirely innocent of all knowl- edge of sex matters, that hope is forever gone. For better or for worse, the prudery and the silence connected with love, passion, temptation, marriage and vice are being replaced by an abun- dance of discussion and interpretation in literature, drama, espe- cially in the "movies." From these sources-or from the much worse and unreliable gossip of companions, advertisements of quack doctors and patent medicines-your boy and girl will re- ceive their sex information unless you yourself offer them some- thing better and truer. You would, furthermore, by your very silence and evasion of the subject be giving the wrong kind of sex education. You would be indicating unmistakably to your child that sex is some- thing nasty or vulgar and not to be discussed with you. You are cutting off his confidence on this most important problem and condemning him to secret and unreliable channels. It is not natural for your children to be uninterested in the vivid drama of the renewal of life they see about them. Only an abnormally dull child fails to be curious about such things. If your child remains silent about these matters or fails to ask any questions, in nine cases out of ten it is getting information from other people. If you have refused to answer your child's natural questions about these matters, you can be assured that these same questions are asked and answered from sources of which you would be ashamed. Sex education includes the study of the whole process of reproduction and the nurture of children, the meaning of mar- riage, prostitution, venereal diseases, illegitimacy, and the Your Responsibility 54 hygiene of sound recreation. These can not be taught at any one time or place. The co-operation of the homes, the churches, the schools, the press, clubs, and societies in your community is necessary. But you as parent must always be the most important and effective adviser of your children in sex matters. Your home is the natural place for satisfying their early curiosity, directing their adolescent energy and building up habits of self-control. Indeed, all that other agencies can do to give your children ac- curate knowledge and a wholesome point of view will be nullified if you fail to do your part. Your Preparation The first and principal requirement of you as parent in teach- ing your children the facts of sex is that you be truthful. The principal defect of mothers and fathers in the past has been that they have not told the plain truth, that they have practiced deceit of one kind or another and lost forever the confidence of their children. To keep the line of communication open between you and your children through all their youthful struggles is the best guarantee that they will be properly informed. But you destroy this easy approach if you fail to be honest with them when they come to you. In the second place it is necessary that you have the right at- titude yourself on the subject of the relation of the sexes. If you think of sex as something vulgar and nasty you will be very likely to pass on this dangerous viewpoint to torment another genera- tion. From the very first the child should be made to feel the sacredness of parenthood. He will naturally think of it in this way if you do not interpose a foolish embarrassment or taboo. To know about sex truly is to realize that it is intimately con- nected with the mental, physical, and moral welfare of the indi- vidual and the race, and that it is a subject full of purity, noble- ness, and health. Do not pass on to your daughter the prudery and repressed feelings which will result in needless worry and misunderstanding for her years later when she marries. This frankness in the home will not prevent you from teaching your child that it is perfectly proper to discuss with you many things about which it is improper to speak to others. In the third place it may be necessary to prepare yourself by reading some reliable book or pamphlets on the subject. Do not underestimate your own ability, however. The average adult 55 knows enough facts to satisfy the chihf's curiosity in every es- sential way. It is not necessary to know the facts of biology as an expert or to have a medical knowledge of venereal diseases. The simple truths you know are what the child needs. Do not mystify the child by using words ne can not understand. Plain, simple language should be used here as in everything else you explain to him. The mystery of the process of the renewal of life itself is sufficient to give the subject dignity without addi- tional use of allegorical words. Some books on this subject are not reliable and parents should be careful about the ones they choose. Instruction of the Child Before Puberty Your task in the instruction of the child before he reaches the age of puberty is a comparatively simple but very important one. Puberty is the period when bodily sexual development is especially noticeable. It begins with girls at 11 to 13 years of age, and in boys at about 13 to 15 years. Before this time your chief problem is answering questions. Your responsibility here is great. The first thing you do get the book as advertised on page 146 of this work and begin teaching your children things that will save them untold misery and suffering in years to come. Get the facts about venereal diseases-gonorrhea and syph- ilis. Gonorrhea in men, gonorrhea in women and children, gon- orrhea and marriage, syphilis primary and second stages, syphilis and marriage, and the treatment of these diseases. You should warn your boy and girl against handling the sex organs except for the purpose of cleansing them. Tn the case of your boy you should see that the sex organ is kept free from irri- tating substances beneath the foreskin. Circumcision may be necessary to decrease the irritation and assist him in keeping clean. Your boy should understand that seminal emissions at night generally begin at about fifteen or sixteen, that they are normal and that no attention need be paid to them unless the occurrence is oftener than two or three times a month. He should also un- derstand that the external sex glands manufacture a secretion which is absorbed by the blood, thus contributing greatly to the vigor of manhood. Boys should not be frightened by exaggerated statements regarding the effect of self-abuse, but they should understand that such a habit interferes with the development of 56 the many qualities they are all ambitious to possess. The preva- lent idea that it is healthy to exercise the sex organs should be corrected. The common sense and idealism of a life of continence before marriage can be emphasized at this time. It is highly important that girls, before their bodies show signs of change, should be told about menstruation. Make your daughter understand that this is a normal function; that she will have no pain and practically no discomfort if her body is healthy, her muscles firm and well developed, her blood and digestion as they should be. During early adolescence, if it has not been done before, explain to her the reproductive system and the method of reproduction. It is in such explanations that the girl learns once and for all the danger of illegitimacy connected with irregular sexual intercourse. As your boy associates more and more with his companions and men outside the home, he has a right to some definite knowl- edge of venereal diseases. When the girl enters industrial or business life or is subjected to the dangers of questionable com- panions, she should also be told of the seriousness of these dis- eases. Here more than anywhere else you must regulate the amount and kind of information to suit the individual boy and girl. It is necessary that you have accurate knowledge of the seriousness and prevalence of these diseases. The description of them as one of many contagious germ diseases is a convincing way of handling the matter with normal boys and girls. Girls should be guarded against the exaggerations which would lead them to believe that all men have exposed themselves to these dangerous diseases. Order this book Venereal Diseases at once and start edu- cating yourself, as well as your children, on this very important subject. Find out what to tell your boy and girl 16 to 19 years of age. See page 146. WHAT ACID STOMACH IS, AND HOW YOU MAY BANISH IT Excessive acidity of the stomach is one of the most common of human ailments. This condition is spoken of in various ways. Sometimes it is called "heartburn." At other times it is called "Hyperacidity." "Acidosis" is another name applied to a gen- eral acid condition of the body, including sour stomach. 57 A certain acid known as "hydrochloric acid," is a normal and necessary ingredient of the gastric or stomach juices. With- out it digestion would be seriously impaired. When it is present in too large quantities all the uncomfortable symptoms of hyper- acidity come to trouble the victim. Sour stomach is due, then, not to fermentation of food in the stomach, but to an over supply of the acid contents of the stomach fluids. Certain foods are capable of increasing the quantity of hy- drochloric acid in the system. One of these is an excessive diet of salt. Common salt, or chlorine, is one of the constituents of this acid. The more salt you take the more chance you have of hyperacidity. If you are subject to sour stomach you should avoid candy. Sugar has the property of increasing the production of acid in the stomach. Excessive meat eating and the excessive use of tea and coffee increase the acidity. Constipation is one of the chief factors of hyperacidity. It is useless to attempt its cure without removing the constipa- tion. One of the interesting things about this subject is that con- stipation frequently is present when the victim is unaware of its existence. Because he has a bowel movement every day he thinks he is normal. As a matter of fact the large intestine may be packed full of fecal matter, and through its center there may be enough of a passage to permit the exit of a considerable quantity daily. At no time, however, is the bowel free or any- where near clear. In Bright's disease and in diabetes, acidity of the stomach is a common symptom. A lot of people carry soda mints all the time. They take one or two after each meal. Because there is temporary relief of the sourness they are content. Needless to say hyperacidity will never be cured by taking soda. On the contrary, the ultimate result is harmful. Nature generates still more acid to neutralize the soda. If you have chronic sourness of the stomach study your indiscretions of diet, leave off the foods which disagree, and correct the constipation. Don't eat between meals. Never eat till you are hungry, and then do not crowd the stomach with a lot more food than you need. 58 MAN IS BEGINNING TO THINK At last men have begun to realize that the human body is a machine, and the proper working of that machine is health; its derangement, disease and its stoppage-death. Disease comes not from without, but from within; nothing but a derangement of that complex machine called the human body. Disease is the eflfort of the body to throw oflf retained waste matter. Of the food taken into the body a certain part is con- verted into tissue, blood, muscle and bone. The remainder be- comes waste matter, then the body itself is constantly breaking down, and this total waste of wornout tissue and food must leave the body at once. There are four avenues of escape, the skin, the lungs, the bowels and the kidneys. The retention of this waste in the body is the cause of all disease. That is why no person can be healthy and be constipated. There is but one dis- ease, although it has thousands of names, just the eflfort of the body to throw oflf accumulated waste matter. Keep the body clean inside and out, drink plenty of water, eat the right kind of food, and breathe the fresh air that God gave you, and you will have health. A full bath once a day is an absolute essential to health, as well as to cleanliness. Only by this method can the daily accumulation of dust, dried perspira- tion, dead cells, etc., be properly removed. In every walk df life, men are suffering from deterioration before their natural time. A man ought to be in his prime be- tween his 40th and his 60th years. Instead of that, we too often find him a sufferer or a wreck. Dyspepsia appears and brings its torments. Hemorrhoids begin to sap his strength and destroy his comfort. His bladder gives him trouble. Neuralgia, headaches, insomnia, diabetes, Bright's disease, asthma, stone in the bladder and other afflic- tions may attack him. A vital man is at all times thoroughly alive. A vital man is enthusiastic. He cannot avoid being ambitious. And conse- quently success comes to such a man. But you cannot be vital, enthusiastic or ambitious if your body is being poisoned by con- stipation. 59 FOR THAT TIRED FEELING Here is a prescription for "that tired feeling" that is guar- anteed to relieve or no pay. When yon feel tired, whether it is from brain work or from muscular work, or auto-intoxication, try this remedy: Drink slowly a large glass of water; go to an open window, inhale and exhale slowly, three or four large breaths, holding the chin up, the shoulders well back and the chest forward, and depressing the diaphragm with each inhala- tion. Then clinch your fists tightly and open quickly three or four times, roll your shoulders around from front to back, rise two or three times, first on the toes, and then on the heels; and take three or four more deep breaths. You will go back to your work rested and feel renewed vigor and energy. This prescrip- tion is a real boon to the tired, overworked housewife, and to the busy office man. Try it. What is the theory? Fatigue is merely the presence of pois- ons in the blood, toxins and waste material, breathing deeply charges the blood with an abundance of oxygen to 1 urn up these toxins. Flexing your muscles, sets in motion the burning process, and the water flushes the kidneys and carries the poisons off after they are burned. This is one way to relieve fatigue by removing the cause, and a much better way than the temporary relief of a cup of coffee or any of the so-called fatigue-relieving decoctions served at the soda fountain. Remember fatigue is always due to waste material and toxins in the blood. Muscular fatigue will be cured by a good night's sleep, Na- ture's remedy. The more common form of fatigue is brain fatigue. Just here our prescription is of unusual value. Exercise and fresh air in smaller or larger doses, relieves the brain congestion, exercises the underused muscles, and carries off the poisons due to the lack of muscular exercise, that goes with mental overwork. And now we come to the most common sort of fatigue, auto- intoxication fatigue. This is the sort of fatigue that gets you up as tired in the morning, or more so, than when you went to bed : the sort of fatigue that makes you tire out by noon, even in the days when you have "done nothing;" the sort of fatigue that's always relieved by eating, but not relieved to any extent by resting. Right here, our prescription is of double value, but it should be taken in double doses. And for this sort of fatigue eat less meat, bread and potatoes; cut out all frivolous foods, and cat plenty of vegetables, both cooked and raw. 60 Let us remember that the man who eats carefully, under modern conditions of work, rarely gets tired; his body is not overwhelmed with food poisons, his body sewers are not choked as a result of excessive eating. The man who eats right rarely ever gets tired. We are now consuming more habit-forming drugs than all Europe combined. Our consumption of opium is far greater, per person, than that of China, long looked upon as the worst of all drug-sodden countries. During the past ten years there has been an annual importa- tion and consumption in America of four hundred thousand pounds of opium-57 per cent of which is made into morphine. In addition to opium we use one hundred and fifty thousand ounces of cocaine. And still further to swell the total, we use tons of other nerve deadening drugs. LAW OF LIFE 'I here is a universal law in organic life, be it vegetable or ani- mal, all of which tendencies are toward health. It is as natural to be well as to be born. If a plot of grass has sunshine, warmth, moisture, and the right kind of food (earth), there is health and growth. If food, warmth, moisture or air be taken away, there is sickness; and if continued there is death. No medicine is needed to secure a restoration of health and vigor to the plant that has thus been made ill; all that is neces- sary is to supply any or all of the lacking elements of nutrition, light, air, moisture and warmth, and there is health again. The same with the human body, as long as there is plenty of pure air going to the lungs , two or three quarts of water a day going into the body, a little sunlight on the outside, and the right kind of food to nourish our body, there will be health, but let any of these be lacking and there is sickness. Whenever and wherever the normal conditions of healthy life have been interfered with, and weakness, lassitude, or any of the symptoms of ill health appear, as soon as the conditions natural to the organism are restored, a movement toward health is always sure to follow. Dr. Abernathy, a century ago, declared that the three rules for health are: keep the feet warm, keep the head cool, and keep the bowels open. 61 Do you know, dear reader, that if these three rules are fol- lowed, with a total abstinence from food, and by drinking plenty of water, that a sick person is sure to get well, be it measles, typhoid fever, smallpox, or any other ailment. The feet must be kept warm to insure a good circulation of the blood; the head must be kept cool to know that the fever is down, and the bowels must be kept open or there never will be health. It would seem that how to keep well, or how to make well is a very simple thing according to this. It is, all that is needed is a little common sense. A SICK PERSON AND THE DOCTOR A sick person is one who has been overeating, and whose system has become clogged by a failure of the skin, kidneys and bowels to throw off the residue, after perhaps a more than usual hard day's work who, when there is little vital force left to grapple with digestion, eats a more than usual hearty dinner. In a few hours there is complete stagnation of the digestive organs, great pain in the region of the stomach and bowels, the extremities be- come cold, the pulse rapidly increases, and a doctor is hurriedly summoned. The patient pleads with him for something to ease the pain, feeling sure that death is threatened unless something is done at once to alleviate it. They do not seem to realize that this pain is a warning from nature that some law has been broken, and they do not try to right that condition. What do they do? The physician looks wise, and as often as not administers opium ; the nerves of sensation are paralyzed by the drug, and the patient no longer feels the pain. Not because anything has been done to remove the cause of the illness, but because the fire- alarm, so to speak, the warning signals of nautre have been by the drug prevented from ringing, and the exhausted patient falls to sleep. Now nature has an additional difficulty to deal with ; before it was bad enough, but it was only the result of a bad habit of life and an extra unwholesome dinner; now there is added the doctor and his drugs. The patient, who under the proper hygienic treatment would have been out of all pain in a few hours, and about his work in a day or two, is lucky if he gets out of the doctor's hands in a 62 week or a month, if indeed he recovers at all; and when he finally palls through, with several weeks' loss of time, a considerable doctor bill and a damaged constitution, he feels under great obli- gation to his physician for having skilfully saved his life. Nor is the patient alone in his delusion; usually the doctor, equally with his patient, is ignorant of the damage he has wrought. On the other hand, had the same patient known enough to apply hot water bottles to the region of pain, to swallow a half pint of water every five or eight minutes until either the pain was relieved or the contents of the stomach ejected by vomiting, and had then thoroughly cleansed the bowels with the Internal Bath the patient would have quickly recovered. After cleansing the bowels, see to it that the feet are kept warm, that he is well covered in bed, with the windows wide open, and that he abstains from all food for a couple of days, calling no doctor and using no drugs. Under such treatment, this patient would have been up and at work in a day or two, feeling all the better for the enforced rest of himself and his stomach. What follows these circumstances? The doctor and all the friends of the patient would feel quite sure that he-was not really ill, since if he had been-such mild methods could not have cured him. This failure on the part of the physician and the patient to understand that all illness and pain is only an effort on the part of nature to rid the system of disease, is the cause of all the trou- ble. Remember that a tendency toward recovery and health is the natural part of life. In February, 1917, one physician employing methods here given, had a number of cases of measles and every child was prac- tically well in three days. Measles should not be dangerous, and would not be under proper treatment. The same with typhoid fever; under natural method of treatment they will be on the way to recovery in seven days. BEAUTY Tf you wish to be beautiful, which is the wish of all women, be your own beauty doctor in this way. Beauty, you must under- stand, is not found in the cold cream jars, rouge pots, and powder puffs, but in health, obtained by right living, diet, exercise, and 63 the use of pure water, both as the outward bath and the internal bath. Constipation is the cause of ugly skin, dull, listless eyes, bad breath and thin hair. TO EVERY SUFFERER OF DISEASE Read this letter and then read it again, and it will save you many hours of misery, and a great many dollars. Dear Doctor:- I am in continual pain most of the time. The parts which suffer most are my heart, stomach and head. My head has in it a continued ringing, roaring, etc. This is not a ringing at the ears, but seems in the head itself. My head feels very large, heavy and congested. On stooping over it feels as if it would burst. At times I am so dizzy that I cannot stand or walk; at others, I have severe headaches in front, sides or back of the head. My heart beats loudly and rapidly all the time. There are also strong pulsation and nerv- ous twitchings in various parts of the body. I suffer very much from sharp pains and dull aches in the region of the heart. The pulse is often very slow and full. The stomach is in an acid condition most of the time. The slightest touch in the region of the stomach is very painful. On rising in the morning there is a copperish taste in the mouth. The acid arising from the stomach at times is so sour as to set the teeth on edge. All food disagrees, nothing digests, at times I will vomit hours after eating. There is hot burning in stomach and throat, and hot fluids arise so sour as to be almost unendurable. My tongue is white, badly coated and full of little red sores. My face is covered with pimples and blackheads. My hair is very grey, and I am a young man of twenty-seven. My eyes are bloodshot. I have doctored for four years, have taken great quantities of medi- cine. In spite of all this I have grown steadily worse, until now my condition has become such that I don't care how soon it is all ended. If there is any help for me, I will be very grateful for any advice or help that you may give me. I remain, Very truly yours, M. V. M. In the past five years I have met thousands of such cases. It is often difficult to make these patients understand that all these varied and alarming symptoms are the result of undigested food and accumulated waste in the alimentary canal. But that is just where the whole trouble lies, so right that condition and all of the above symptoms will leave. It requires very little to keep the body in health, and a very little to put it into the grave with almost any ailment known. It is actually a sin for a person to be sick, as the natural tendencies of the body are toward health. 64 TEMPERATURE OF THE BODY The temperature of the body is about 98.4 degrees and re- mains about the same through winter and summer. HEALTH MAKES LIFE JOYOUS A healthy man finds pleasure in living. The mere fact that he is alive is a source of joy to him. For him the sun is always shining. No matter how many clouds may obscure the sky, there is sunshine in his heart, there is joy in his soul, every task is a source of pleasure. Life to such a man is a delightfully pleas- ing experience, every day and all day. To be sure, when you are able to secure rewards of this nature, there must not only be harmony in the physical functions, but there must be a proper mental balance. Many persons whose physical functions are normal have not the ability to possess themselves of the joys described, but this is due entirely to their mental outlook. Life is what you make it, physically and also mentally. You get out of life to a large extent what you put into it. In a figura- tive sense it is like a bank-it pays interest on the capital invested. Authorities on heredity tell us that we don't inherit acquired characteristics. That means that we don't inherit the diseases of our fore- bears. We don't inherit our father's education or his acquired skills. Neither do zve inherit his wooden leg or his gout. If he was an athlete, we don't inherit his muscle; if he had appendicitis, we don't inherit that. When we are born, Nature opens up a nezv account book zvith us; and, as a general thing, she doesn't charge us with our parents' blunders and sins. We have the opportunity to start fresh, to stand or fall by zvhat zve do, not by what somebody else did. That is a fortunate thing for us. Let's make the most of it. FIVE MILES A DAY The average persons requires exercise to the equivalent of a three to five mile walk daily. 65 TEETH BUILDING FOOD The teeth must have good building material, and this is found in whole wheat bread. The use of white bread means starved teeth and therefore decayed teeth. Brushing the teeth is taught in the schools, but children will continue to suffer in this respect until they have also been taught the necessity for whole wheat bread and until their parents have been sufficiently edu- cated to provide same. HOW TO DOCTOR Rule 1. Whenever anyone is taken ill, partake of no food during forty-eight hours ; after that time continue an absolute fast from food until the patient has pronounced natural hunger. Few realize the simple fact that during the acute stages of disease the secretions of the digestive juices stop, and that food taken at such a time, works great harm, and cannot be digested : what is the result? It must putrefy within the stomach and in- testines, forming poisons which are absorbed into the system until every organ is deranged. You should be made to understand this; that the weak and delicate person can digest very little, and that the acutely sick person can digest no food at all. You notice any animal when it is sick, you cannot force food down it. Why cannot human beings have as much sense? When you are sick nature is making an effort to clean out the body of pois- ons and waste matter. The action of hot water at such times tends to wash out the stomach, encourage perspiration, provoke a movement of the bowels, and stimulate the action of the kid- neys, therefore- Rule 2. Administer frequently a glass or two of hot water; that is found very helpful whether the patient feels thirsty or not, and after a day or so if the patient prefers it, cold water may be given, especially if the temperature is high. Nothing is to be add- ed to the water, as water alone requires no digestion, and not only stimulates excretion, but whatever portion may be needed by the body is absorbed into the circulation, and causes no strain upon the vital powers. Rule 3. See that the feet are kept as warm as possible ; why? When one has fever or any acute attack of illness, there is conges- tion of blood in the brain and withdrawal of blood from the ex- 66 tremities. If in such cases heat be applied to the feet, there is induced relaxation of the blood vessels, a freer circulation ensues, blood enters the feet and is withdrawn from the head; therefore see that the feet are kept warm. Rule 4. Apply cold cloths to the head ; these cloths should be changed as often as the skin becomes heated. Rule 5. If patient is suffering pain in any portion of the body, apply hot applications to the surface of the body nearest the seat of the pain. This is best done with a hot water bottle made of rubber, as it will withstand boiling water and easily adjusts itself to any part of the body. And it works magical benefits in a very short time, and is of priceless value to the sick. Don't be with- out one for a minute. Rule 6. Whenever a person is taken with a pain in the region of the stomach or bowels, let him take a glass of hot water every five or eight minutes until there is relief. Pain arises from an obstruction to some of the normal activities of the body. The drinking of large quantities of hot water not only tends to wash out the stomach and intestines, but stimulates to an increased activity all the vital organs. The presence of so much water calls for increased activity of the kidneys; the water also helps for- ward a movement of the bowels. If the pain has arisen from un- digested food in the stomach the oft-repeated drings of hot water will produce vomiting, and the contents of the stomach will be ejected, a matter of great importance in itself. Rule 7. This is the most important part of the treatment. Use Internal Bath one to three times a day; this will keep the Colon clean, and this is of the utmost importance, no matter what the disease may be. In some cases, like pneumonia, it should be used six to twelve times a day, and it will prove a saving treat- ment. See page 94. Don't use drugs of any kind; while in some cases they give a temporary relief, they will do more harm than good. Natural methods will effect a complete cure, and will never do harm. Rule 8. When a person is taken sick the circulation of the blood is disturbed. In health the normal number of pulsations of an adult is usually from 60 to 70 a minute. If a fever is threat- ened and the patient is suffering from headache, cold feet, a chilly feeling and like symptoms, the pulsation is likely to be 90, 100 or even as high as 120 and still no serious attack need necessarily be feared. If the pulsations rise much above the last named figure 67 the condition of the patient is more serious. Very little practice will enable any person to count the heart's pulsations with ac- curacy. The best place to do this is the wrist at the base of the thumb, the large artery. The normal temperature of the blood is 98.4 Fahrenheit. It is one of the wonderful provisions of nature that this temperature is the same in all climates. As soon as there is any acute attack of illness it will be found that the temperature is raised above normal. If the thermometer shows the temperature to be as high as 103 a novice may know that there is considerable fever; and while this degree of heat is found in conditions not at all danger- ous, or even serious, it is still a grave symptom and one to be fully noted. Beyond this point each degree of heat increases the grav- ity of the situation. And when a temperature of 105 or 106 is reached it can almost certainly be set down to be .the result of a very serious attack. Above all things see that the feet are kept warm and the bowels open, with the Internal Bath. Rule 9. Sleep must not be neglected ; an invalid needs all he or she can get. Let the sleeping room be kept as quiet as possible, with plenty of pure, fresh air, with at least two windows wide open. Don't you see after all that how to doctor is a very simple matter; that if you will follow these few simple rules you will save many a dear, sweet life? The death rate of children should be less than one per cent, and it is over forty per cent. The premises from which this work is deducted cannot be stated too often. It is: that it is as natural to be well as it is to be born ; that the illness that is seen on every hand and in every household is the result of the transgression of natural law. When there is a tendency on the part of your child to sleep with mouth open, gently press the lips together and so arrange the head that it is propped a little forward. How much suffering might be saved if this wise precaution were adopted by mothers with their infants. Mouth breathing is the cause of a great many ailments of mankind; when the mouth is closed during sleep, a secretion of saliva takes place which floods and cleanses the teeth and gums, greatly aiding thereby to maintain them in a healthy and unim- paired condition. But when the outer air is permitted direct in- gress to the mouth continuously for hours, the mucous membrane becomes dry, the flow of saliva is suppressed, and both the gums 68 and teeth suffer deterioration. Premature decay and loss of teeth are no doubt largely the outcome of this habit. The eating of fruit tends to stimulate the activity of the liver and bowels, and purify and cool the blood. It matters not whether we scrutinize the beasts of the field and wood, the fishes of the sea, or the birds of the air; the pre- vailing condition is health and vigor. If you find a bird or other animal ill or lame, you know at once that there has been an ac- cident, a combat, or an inadequate supply of food. Now look at man ; he is generally out of health, and perfect health is the rarest thing in the world today, and it is something that we all ought to have. A careful farmer has no difficulty in rearing all the young horses, cattle, sheep and the like born on his farm. Yet statistics show that about one-half of the human race die before the age of five is reached. Animals of all kinds live to an average of five times their growth; man does not finish his growth until he is twenty; five times twenty is 100, yet the average life of man is about 47 years. We don't live to twice our growth, and wrong eating and consti- pation are the cause. MEAT Meat will give strength to the lions, tigers, and other carniv- orous animals. But meat does not give strength to the bull moose, a better fighter than the lion, nor to the elephant, a stronger ani- mal than the tiger. Every day is meatless for the bull moose and the elephant. Man is not a carnivorous animal and every day should be meatless. The food consumed by the livestock of our country would support 500.000,0000 human beings. Meat is an unscientific food for man. The man who eats three big meals daily, smokes and sleeps in a room with little or no ventilation, is only half at work during working hours. EDISON Edison eats about one-third as much food as the average person, and does about three times as much work. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the world" and lose his health. 69 CATARRH CAN BE CURED By R. L. Alsaker, M. D. Catarrh-What is it? Why is it? Why is it almost uni- versal? Is it a dangerous disease? Is it truly curable? Is it a germ disease? How can it be overcome? These are some of the questions frequently asked about a dis- order that afflicts millions in this country, and hundreds of mil- lions all over the world. A family without one or more members suffering from some form of catarrh is almost a curiosity. Catarrh, to the average individual, is a disease of the nose and throat. This is the most common form of the trouble, but catarrh can be found anywhere in the body where there is a mucous membrane. Catarrh of the stomach and of the intestines is rather common. But in this article we shall confine ourselves to catarrh of the respiratory tract, because catarrh of the nose, throat and bron- chial tubes is the most prevalent kind. It is a kill-joy to him who has it as well as to him who is forced to see and hear its mani- festations. The most interesting question-Is catarrh curable? will be answered first. It is curable. Children and young adults can rid themselves of it in a short time. Those who are middle age find it more stubborn. Those past middle age find it ever more difficult to vanquish. But catarrh can be cured in every instance, if the individual has a fair amount of vitality and will power, and if the trouble has not advanced so far that the mucous mem- brane is badly deteriorated. When the mucous membrane is ruined, there can not be a complete cure, but even here the suf- ferer can be made comfortable in most instances. Fortunately, it takes years to ruin the mucous membrane. Let us illustrate the subject with cases from infancy to old age. As you read these stories from life you can pick up pointers to help yourself or your loved ones who suffer from catarrh. Little Elsie was just two years old when she came under ob- servation. Being the only child in the family she was idolized, and her mother and grandmother had given her what they be- lieved to be the best of care. She showed signs of catarrh when she was onlv a few weeks old, and she was under the constant care of physicians until her second birthday. They used various drugs, and prescribed five or six meals a day, including broth, 70 and toward the last meat at least once a day. As a result of this treatment the little girl suffered from indigestion, irritation of the bladder, poor rest at night, and catarrh of the entire respira- tory tract. Her chest rattled, that is, she was developing bron- chitis. At night she was a mouth breather, and she was devel- oping the thickened upper nose common to children suffering from adenoids. We took meat away from her, also all cereal mushes, such as oat meal and breakfast foods made of boiled wheat products, also white sugar. We reduced the meals to three a day, but al- lowed an apple or an orange if she became unduly hungry at four o'clock in the afternoon. Instead of giving mushy cereals we gave her crisp dry biscuits, that she had to insalivate and masti- cate before swallowing; in place of white sugar we gave her such foods as sweet prunes, raisins, figs and dates. Instead of meat we gave her a glass of milk. Instead of puddings and cakes we gave her plainly cooked fresh vegetables, and cooked and raw fruits. She got milk three times a day. Crisply baked bread- stuffs, such as toast or thin crisp biscuits, she got twice a day. The meal in which she got no breadstuff's we gave her baked potato. But we fed only two or three kinds of food at any one meal. These were the results: The third night she slept well and she continued to sleep well thereafter, for she had no more blad- der irritation. The indigestion disappeared within a week, and so did the rattling in the chest. The catarrhal discharge had en- tirely disappeared within fourteen days, and it has not returned. Results do not always come as quickly as this, but the rule is that if young children of good vitality are properly cared for they rid themselves of catarrh within a few weeks. It is also interesting to know that this little girl had been con- stipated since she was about two months old. Under correct feeding the constipation vanished in ten days. A hy did Elsie have catarrh ? Because they were overfeed- ing her, giving her foods not fit for one of her age, such as meat and oat meal, and they were giving her too elaborate combina- tions for a small child. The wrong feeding first produced indi- gestion. 1 he indigestion caused gas, poison formation in the in- testinal tract, and an excess of acid. 1 hese products of indigestion were partly absorbed into the blood, which reduced the alkalinity of the entire body, and in the 71 end caused general hyperacidity or acidosis. Then the organs of elimination tried to throw this excessive amount of poison out of the body, but the kidneys, the bowels, the lungs, and the skin were not equal to the task, and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract tried to help. As a result of this abnormal de- mand made on the mucous membrane, it started to protect itself by throwing out the lubricant called mucus, and when the mucus secretion became excessive it became known as catarrh. If you have followed the facts closely you will realize that catarrh in itself is not in the beginning a disease. It is an at- tempt to throw poisons out of the body and to protect the mucous membrane; it is a sign that the blood is overburdened with waste. And the condition is generally based on wrong eating, followed by some form of digestive disturbance. The indigestion may be of such a nature that the sufferer does not notice it. Often the catarrh is so bad that the other signs of disease are overlooked. For the second case we shall select Agnes, a high school girl of fifteen. She had been subject to colds since early childhood, and for several years had had nasal catarrh at all seasons. She frequently coughed, and her parents were fearful of tuberculosis. She had pasty complexion and pale lips and was anemic. For three years she had been under the care of physicians who gave her tonics and advised overfeeding of milk, eggs and beef. As she gradually grew worse under this treatment, the parents be- gan to give her patent medicines for tonic purposes, also catarrh remedies. The cough and the catarrh gradually grew worse during the patent medicine year. This girl was pampered and petted. The mother could refuse her nothing. Agnes daily indulged in brown Hour gravies, rich desserts, and heavily seasoned foods. She refused to partake of vegetables. She had chocolate candy every day. Her digestion was badly disordered but this had escaped notice, because par- ents and doctors were concentrating on effects, that is, the res- piratory disturbances. The cause, atrocious mode of living, was overlooked. The mother came to me with a long tale of Agnes' delicate constitu- tion. She could not do this and she could not do that, and Agnes did not like this and Agnes did not like that. Finally I asked the mother why she came to me with such a silly tale. "You are 72 killing your daughter by letting her have her own way, although it is not called murder when it is done in this way." The mother returned, bringing her husband along, and they agreed to follow directions to the letter. This is what we did : The girl had to discard the debutante slouch and she was re- quired to take deep breathing exercises with her mother twice a day. fl hree times a day she had to take bending exercises and arm calisthenics. Automobiling was strictly forbidden for the time being, the purpose being to make her walk more. Medica- tion was stopped; so was the candy. She got three meals a day, and between meals she was allowed to help herself to all the fresh air and all the water she desired. But she had no milk, no eggs, no candy, no food, either liquid or solid between meals. The foods were plainly cooked and simply dressed, and we omitted all pastries, flour gravies and strong seasonings. The girl was sent to bed before nine o'clock every night. When she had completed two months of this routine she had red lips, good complexion and a good appetite, and she was thank- ful to get fresh fruits and the fresh vegetables that she had prev- iously spurned. The cough and the catarrhal symptoms had vanished. The next winter she had no colds and no catarrh. In- cidentally we cured the mother of the silly habit of being her daughter's slave. Why were our results so satisfactory and last- ing? Because the family was taught to live so as to have health, and they did not return to their previous disease-building ways. Bet us travel into the next decade and observe what doctors usually call "an interesting case." Mr. M. was a school teacher, twenty-two years of age. He had had nasal catarrh from infancy, and the catarrhal condition had continued to spread until both bronchial tubes were affected. For about seven months each winter he had what is called a "cold in the chest," and at times his breathing was labored. To use his own words: "The dis- charge from my nose and throat is so profuse that I use four handkerchiefs or more every day, and they are so soiled that I am ashamed to put them in the wash." Mr. M. had been under the care of nose and throat special- ists for about four years, but there was no improvement. His habits of drinking, breathing and exercising were good, but, as he expressed it, he "had taken enough dope to float a battleship." ■ He had also used nasal ointments and sprays. He had also had three nasal operations, involving two turbinates and the septum 73 Why did he have catarrh? Because of his eating habits. Meats were cheap then and his mother served them at every meal. Sugar was then selling for about five cents a pound and the young man used great quantities of it. lie had rich desserts both at noon and night, and sometimes he would eat a big wedge of pie for breakfast, in addition to fried potatoes, fried eggs, fried bacon and hot biscuits with syrup. 11 is digestion was good and the foods were well absorbed, but the body was unable to elim- inate through the natural channels the excessive amount of waste produced by such gluttony. The result was catarrh. We allowed him. meat once a day, plenty of fruit two or three times a day, plenty of fresh vegetables once or twice a day, a reasonable amount of whole wheat bread with butter. But we strictly limited his intake of sugar, and for the time being cut out all desserts. His recovery was so rapid that the time will not be given here. It was difficult for me to believe it, but the evi- dence was plain enough. At the end of two weeks he discarded his glasses. He also discarded the pimples on his back and chest. This happened over seven years ago. and Mr. M. told me last week that he has had no catarrh since, in fact, he has not been ill since he was educated out of catarrh. The reason he remains well is that he learned to live so as to have good health, and be- ing a sensible and ambitious young man he has used the knowl- edge. All the cases so far mentioned are individuals living in the damp Mississippi Valley, which is supposed to be favorable to the development of catarrh. But climate has very little to do with it. I saw about as much catarrh in dry Colorado as 1 have seen in the Mississippi \ alley. In arid regions the catarrh is apt to be the dry kind; in damp climates the moist catarrh is most prevalent. For the fourth case we shall select a business man, thirty- four years of age. who lives in New Jersey, within view of the Atlantic Ocean. He was raised in a family that believed in "good living," which in this case consisted of the choicest of meats at least twice daily, coffee with sugar and cream two or more times per day, fine liquor with every dinner, also rich desserts. He exer- cised spasmodically. He said he had always had catarrh. When Mr. W. came under observation the nasal catarrh was rather extreme, and the catarrh of the throat was so bad that his 74 right ear was out of commission and he had about fifty per cent hearing in the left ear. We got him to breathing and exercising more, and eating less, especially of the animal foods. He was given specific directions to take care of his body, and this is what happened: Within two months the nasal catarrh had almost vanished, and the hearing in the left ear was normal, so the patient said. The right ear was much improved. - After following directinos for six months this was the report: "My nasal catarrh is cured. 'The left ear is as good as new. The right ear is almost all right, but the hearing there is not as acute as in the left ear." This incident brings out the cheerful fact that in young in- dividuals catarrhal deafness is generally curable. Those who have had catarrh for more than twenty or thirty years may have reached the stage where this affliction can not be remedied, but the general rule is that catarrhal deafness in the young can be vastly improved or completely remedied ; in elder individuals the trouble can often be improved and the progress of the deafness stopped, but in cases of long standing where the ear structures have become tough and have degenerated the hearing does not improve. I H9 Case number five was Mr. N., thirty-nine years old when he decided to get well. He is a banker, and being prosperous, has enjoyed the so-called good things of life.| But he failed to avail himself of walks and exercise and deep breathing. His worst bad habit was overeating of bread, potatoes and pastries. He was another pie hound, often indulging his taste for it three times a day. At the early age of thirty-nine he had acquired a blood pressure of 190. This was what he wished to correct. Before two months had elapsed his blood pressure was un- der 140, and he was surprised to find that the catarrh of the nose and throat which had troubled him for years had also dis- appeared, and the tonsils no longer bothered him. The reason he still had his tonsils was that the surgeon did not like to operate while the blood pressure was so high. When the pressure re- turned to normal there was no need of the operation. This shows how various diseases go hand in hand. In this instance the remedy was to put the individual on a balanced diet which contained about one-fourth of the sugar and the starch that he had been eating, and three or four times as much of the fresh fruits and the fresh vegetables as he had been 75 accustomed to. Alcohol was eliminated, and so was tea. As soon as the blood pressure was under 150 he was instructed to take bending and stretching exercises in moderation, and as the blood pressure was further reduced the exercises were increased. Those who have high blood pressure should not take strenu- ous exercise. Reduce the pressure first, and then prescribe the exercises. This fact was forcibly brought to my attention this past month, for 1 had to deal with a woman whose blood pres- sure was 220. Another physician had prescribed very vigorous exercises, and the lady almost lost her life. One should use a little bit of sense, even in practicing the healing art. Mrs. McM. was forty-four years old. She had had catarrh of the throat for over twenty years and it was customary for her to have three or more attacks of tonsilitis every winter, the at- tacks being so severe that she was laid up for about a month each time. She was a wealthy woman and has had plenty of servants. She has always been inclined to inertia-if it were not for her pleasant smile I should call it laziness. She was about fifty pounds overweight. This woman was used to flattery from professional sources. When she came under my observation we had a very frank talk in which I did not flatter her in the least, but told her that her manner of living was awful and she deserved all her sickness. 1. pointed out to her that gluttony is one of the most disgusting of vices, and then I told her that if she would reform comfort and health would come. She agreed, so we gradually increased her walking and her exercising. She started to take deep breathing exercises three times a day. She stopped tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate, and she substituted plain water. She stopped eating between meals. According to directions she reduced her intake of fats, oils, sugar, and starches. Until her throat cleared up we omitted meat. Her diet in the beginning was all kinds of fresh fruits, all kinds of fresh vegetables, both cooked and raw; milk once or twice a day; potatoes and bread in great moderation. Inside of four months she was normal in weight, she had overcome her catarrh and her throat felt all right. She has not spent a day in bed for over five years, she informs me. Some- times she gets careless and then she gets a queer sensation in the throat, which is a warning that she has done wrong. Then she acts as follows: Takes an enema, takes a hot bath to equalize 76 the circulation and produce free perspiration, drinks eight or ten glasses of water a day, and goes without food for a day or two. If she were prudent all the time her throat would not bother her, but she does love the fleshpots. However, she now knows die cause of her trouble and what to do about it, and she is wise enough to put on the brakes before anything serious happens. Perhaps the financial end of her case would be interesting to you. Before being educated into common sense living she spent over $1,000 a year for doctor fees, to say nothing of large drug bills. The past five years her expenditures for health maintenance have been nil. Yes, nature keeps us well free of charge, if we permit it. Mr. O. was a business man, fifty-five years old. He had had catarrh as long as he could remember, and he knew that nothing could be done for that! But he also had rheumatism (arthritis) in four of the large leg joints, and as this interfered with his walking he wanted to get rid of it. His catarrh was of that hor- rible kind known as ozena, the odor often being so bad that it is a sore trial to be near the sufferer. The sense of smell is often impaired, but that does not help the family or associates. On a diet almost exclusively vegetable the rheumatism cleared up rather quickly. This was expected. But the catarrhal reaction brought the surprise. Within four months the stench was gone, and there was no more excretion of pieces of dried mucous, no more pellets of decaying material expelled from the sinuses bordering the nasal cavities. The sense of smell partly returned. You can imagine the delight of the patient, faithful Mr. O. Let us skip into the eighth decade and visit Mrs. T. She was seventy-five years old before she had the truth presented to her. She had had asthma and bronchitis, with accompanying difficult breathing, for over forty years. She could not remember being without nasal catarrh. She had tried mental, chemical and physi- cal "cures" without benefit. At the age of seventy-five she had great difficulty in breathing from early fall until late spring, spending most of her time in bed. Her chief diet was cake and tea, fried bacon and creamed potatoes. We convinced Mrs. T. that night air is the only kind of air to be had at night, and that foul air is as bad at night as in the day time. This resulted in proper ventilation. Instead of the de- vitalizing foods she had eaten we gave her fresh milk, fresh 77 vegetables, and the mild fruits but not the very acid ones. We replaced her fancy cake with plain bread thoroughly crisped in the oven. On acocunt of her weakness and her age the improvement was slow, but the nasal catarrh ceased troubling her within five months. When she was seventy-six years old her bronchitis bothered her for about three weeks instead of the seven months as in the previous years, and it was less severe. She had no asthma that winter. She is now in her seventy-ninth year living in comfort. It is both useless and foolish to take drugs for ordinary catarrh. The cause of the trouble is wrong mode of living, liv- ing contrary to natural laws, and drugs can not remedy that. Nor can sprays and salves cure poor quality blood and disordered digestion. The remedy is to discard the bad habits and acquire good ones. Catarrh is not a germ disease. It is a blood and digestive disease, that is, it is builded on poor quality of blood, and poor blood is caused pirncipally by abnormal digestion plus poor elim- ination. Of course, bacteria are present by the millions in catarrh. But the excessive number of bacteria is the result of the catarrh, not the cause. The ordinary catarrh is the chronic form, but there is. also acute catarrh, usually known as a common cold in the head, or technically as coryza. A common cold is actually a form of fever with mucous membrane irritation or inflamma- tion. Most people take cold several times a year. Many gradu- ate from the acute catarrh class into the chronic catarrh class. Through the use of a moderate amount of will power it is easy to prevent and cure ordinary colds. The prevention may be given in a few lines: Keep the bowels normally active: breathe deeply; exercise freely enough to have good surface circulation and keep the blood from congesting in the chest and abdomen ; drink sufficient water to flush the waste out of the body; eat less of the concentrated staple foods, such as bread, meat, potatoes, and sugar; eat more freely of the fresh fruits and the fresh vegetables; do not spoil the fruits by doping them with sugar, and do not ruin the cooked vegetables by draining off the juices in which they are stewed, and then adding starchy gravies. The quickest, surest and best cold cure is this: Immediately when the individual feels that he is taking a cold he should clean 78 out the intestinal tract; taking a piping hot bath until the perspi- ration comes freely, cool off gradually ; drink all the water, warm or cold, that is desired; and miss a few meals until the stuffy catarrhal feeling is gone. If this is done as soon as one feels the cold coming, it is remarkably effective. If there is compromise and waiting before it is put into practice, it may not work at all quickly. Do it at once. The evil effects of catarrh are numerous and serious. Catarrh causes deterioration of the mucous membrane; then the air is im- properly prepared for the lungs, so that many irritants that should be excluded enter; irritation of the lungs ensues, which results in local deterioration of the lung structures. As a conse- quence the lungs are weakened and easily fall victims of pneu- monia, tuberculosis and bronchitis. Bronchitis may be called a form of catarrh. Also the blood does not get its due amount of oxygen, and this adversely affects the entire body. Catarrh and constipation, the two most common of human ills, go hand in hand. Sometimes catarrh helps to produce con- stipation, and very often constipation is one of the chief causes of catarrh. Most of the time these two ailments are allies, work- ing together to shorten life and to produce'other discomforts and ills so long as life lasts. Neither one is a disease in the begin- ning, but merely a symptom showing that the waste elimination of the body is abnormal. Catarrh is a disease that fills life with woe ; it makes men and women inefficient; it decreases the earning capacity; it makes the sufferer, in many instances, both a public and private nuis- ance, for it is very unpleasant, especially at the table, to have to associate with some one constantly being compelled to clear the throat; it leads to other diseases; it decreases the joy of living; and it often shortens life. Why be handicapped by this trouble, which is so easily overcome in the average case? Inquiry is frequently made if an individual can through self help rid himself of catarrh. That depends on the individual. If he is the kind who can take the truth from the printed page and persistently apply it, he can get well by himself. If he is the kind who has to be coached and encouraged to persist, then he will need expert supervision for a while. Unfortunately a large part of humanity belongs to the second class. Here are some of the most important pointers in ridding the body of chronic catarrh: 79 1. Train the bowels to function satisfactorily at least once a day. 2. Breathe more deeply. Get the habit of having the chest out and the belly in. Have the bedroom well ventilated all night through all seasons. 3. Exercise every morning and every evening so as to keep good circulation in the limbs. Overcome that tendency to cold hands and feet. 4. For the purpose of maintaining normal surface circula- tion, spend at least five minutes every day giving the whole body, from neck to soles of feet, a thorough dry rubbing. Use the flesh brush or a coarse towel for the rubbing. Do this rubbing your- self even if you are worth a billion dollars. Also get the habit of "bellying in" several times a day to overcome the tendency of the blood to stagnate in the large abdominal vessels. Draw the abdominal wall in and up, as if you were going to pull it under the ribs. 5. If you are a victim of the domestic drugs-tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol-the sooner you quit them the better. Also avoid all medicines, whether patent or prescribed by physicians. Drugs will not help, but if they are freely used they will injure. 6. Water is the best beverage; it is the drink which most effectually helps to cleanse the blood. Coffee and tea both help to poison the blood. 7. Most important of all, learn to eat in a balanced way. Many food hints are scattered through this article, but we shall enumerate a few which need repetition: Eat more of the fresh fruits and the fresh vegetables, both cooked and raw. Eat less of such concentrated foods as potatoes, bread, sugar and meats. If a vegetarian eat moderately of the mature legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts). Green peas and string beans are all right. Masticate all food well and eat slowly. Take only two or three meals a day, and between meals nothing but water. Remember that in ridding the body of catarrh, you are also toning it up so. that it can with difficulty take any other disease. Long ago Seneca said: "Man does not die: he hills himself." Catarrh is one of the things that assists mightily in the almost universal suicide. This complete article was taken from the Physical Culture Magazine. This magazine can be bought at any news stand and you will find some good article in every issue. See page 111. 80 YOU MUST EAT LIME Familiar as we are with whitewash on the walls of barns, stables, and cellars, we never stop to consider that the chief in- gredient of this sweetening, freshening application is also the chief ingredient of man's solid structure, and a very important and indispensable ingredient of his soft tissues, blood and in- ternal secretions. Without lime not only would there be no human race on this planet, but there would be no single living thing in the form of animal or vegetable. Yet lime, which we shall hereafter call cal- cium because that is what the "scientists" call it, is one of the most tragically neglected and foolishly abused essentials of life. Approximately 99 per cent of the calcium consumed by the young animal goes to its bones and teeth. An abundance of cal- cium for the growing bones is thus needed. In its mother"s womb the growing child derives its calcium from the mother's food, provided the calcium has not been re- moved through refining processes from her food before she eats it. When that happens, as it always does on a diet consisting largely of white bread, polished rice, modern corn meal, sugar, glucose and meat, the mother's bones and tissues, including her blood, are called upon to make good the deficiency. The laws of Nature are inexorable in this respect, and that which the mother does not receive from her food she is obliged to contribute from her own being, at her own expense, to the un- born. This deficiency of food calcium, with the appalling re- sults on the future health of the mother, is entirely preventable and wholly uncalled for. Natural, unrefined food not only guards against a calcium deficiency, but actually makes such deficiency impossible. White bread, biscuits, crackers, cakes, farina dishes, cornstarch pud- dings, and all other forms of denatured grains, refined sugar, literally destroy mother and child before their time, or so rob them of normal vitality as to make their lives burdensome and miserable. Refined sugar and glucose are calcium free. The tis- sue salts of the cane are rich in calcium, as is the kernel of corn from which glucose, by chemical processes, is manufactured. This calcium is processed out of the finished sweet just as it is sifted and bolted out of the white flour foods. 81 Prescribe foods, robbed of their calcium to the child, and in addition recommend the generous use of refined sugar and candy in the child's diet, and America's 15,000,000 physically defective school children, as reported by the Bureau of Mortality Statis- tics, Washington, D. C., wil grow into 10,000,000 physically de- fective men and women, while the other 5,000,000 will journey to the cemetery in little white caskets. Undenatured grains and whole grain breadstuffs, with pars- nips, carrots, turnips, egg yolk, greens and pure milk, provide the richest calcium foods. Of special importance is calcium to the worn-out body suffering from low resitance and threatened with tuberculosis. Tuberculosis if taken in time, with the aid of food calcium, can be cured. What, then, is society's justification for permit- ting tuberculosis to develop in a healthy body? There is no combination of foods, if consumed as nature gives them to us, which can fail to fortify the growing child against the ravages of tuberculosis. All food, if unrefined, is good food. Let there be no mystery about that. Food unprocessed by man, contains all the elements necessary to a successful journey through the human body. God put them there for a purpose. Any combination of nautral foods, unrefined, which you can think of, will place at her disposal the raw materials needed by Mother Nature not only in her process of curing tuberculosis, but in her function of protecting the body against it. God in 11 is wisdom neglected nothing, left nothing to chance, but rather from His infinite Providence provided for every human need, heeding not alone the requirements of the new born infant at its mother's breast, but also the requirements of the adult, if the adult will but bend his knee and bow his head, accepting without question the dispensation of his Creator's love instead of breaking in upon them, disordering, changing, improving, re- fining, destroying them. Pure food not only endows the child with disease-resisting vitality, but it promotes and controls its normal growth and de- velopment, and fortifies maternity against the many preventable evils that beset the sublimest episode of life. Pure food is designed to keep the cradle filled and to stand the grave off to its proper time. It is designed to erase the hor- 82 rible records of childhood mortality and to substitute for them the cheering fruits of health. At the last Olympic games at Antwerp, Belgium, August, 1920, the entire world was amazed by the extraordinary showing of twenty-four Finnish athletes who competed for first place. There were nearly 1,000 athletes assembled, representing Italy, Greece, England, Sweden, France, Belgium, Egypt, Canada, the United States, Chile, Czecho-Slovakia, Norway, Denmark, Aus- tria, South Africa and Japan. There were nearly 200 American contestants, with a similar number from the United Kingdom. There were only twenty-four Finns in the entire contest, yet the Finns, in spite of their small representation, came out with the second highest number of points scored against the entire world. They came out first in throwing the javelin and discus, in putting the shot, in the hop, step and jump, in the cross country run of ten miles and in the marathon of 26 miles, 386 yards. Four Finns actually broke the world's record in javelin throwing. No American has ever thrown the javelin farther than 200 feet. In fact, no American has ever equalled 200 feet. Yet four of the Finns threw the javelin from 209 to 220 feet. The diet of the Finns consist chiefly of black bread, porridge, fish, milk and root vegetables, all abundant calcium providers. ASTHMA CAN BE CURED By Senator H. J. Riley, of Pittsburgh, Pa. My parents were born in England, of sturdy English stock- strong, healthy and robust. My elder brother and sister were born in England, and eight other children were born in this coun- try. All the children inherited vigorous constitutions from the parents, with no taint or tendency to disease in any member of our family. When I was admitted to the bar of one of the large cities of Pennsylvania, I was considered quite a fine specimen of manhood from a physical standpoint, and up to that time I had enjoyed splendid health. At the age of thirty-five years 1 began to get stout, and though it was at this period that the clouds of disease were gathering, even my medical associates told me that I was looking splendid. They mistook bulk for health. At forty-five years of age I was pushing in front of me quite a bay-window; my 83 breath was short, and the comfortable easy-chair began to hold considerable attraction for me. My weight increased to over two hundred and thirty-eight pounds. I became nervous, irritable, cross and disagreeable. My lips and veins became very dark in color. When I went to bed at night my head hardly touched the pillow before I would experi- ence the most terrible smothering sensation, resulting in gasp- ing and fighting for breath, after a few minutes of which I would be compelled to jump out of bed lest I smother altogether, and pass the rest of the long, dreary night in an easy chair in the library. And oh, how endless and dragging are nights under such trying conditions! I now began to be alarmed over my condition. I consulted many physicians, but received little or no benefit, and not much encouragement. The great doctors in whom 1 had placed un- limited confidence seemed to fail me in the time of my greatest need. My experience with those dignified and learned gentlemen was a sad and expensive one, and a great disappointment indeed. 1 will relate one. By appointment I called upon a noted specialist in one of the large eastern cities. After a clear statement of my case, I in- formed him that I had never dissipated in any way that I knew of during my life except smoking, and that 1 had never smoked until I was twenty-eight years of age. After a thorough physical examination he requested me to call the next day, and probably the day after for further minor examinations. He said he though that in a few days after that he would be able to tell me just what conclusion he had come to about my condition. You can imagine with what great anxiety I passed the next few days. At the appointed time 1 was ushered into his private office and he began the delivery of his opinion by using many medical and technical phrases. However, that did not awe me in the least, for I was more or less familiar with this phase of the profession, but my great confidence in doctors and their alleged skill had been growing less for some time. When he had concluded his learned and dignified discourse on my case, I replied. "Doctor, your opinion, to my mind, is about as clear as mud. Let us cut into this thing and use simple, plain English. You state that none of my vital organs are really diseased, but they are in very bad condition, more or less clogged up. You also state that I may drop dead any moment 84 by a stroke. You do not know how I got into this dreadful con- dition. You do not know of any remedy or medicine that will restore me to a healthy condition. You can not give me any hope or encouragement, except temporary relief/' He replied that that about summed up my case. I threw upon his desk a check for a large fee, which had been agreed upon in advance, and with considerable temper intimated very strong- ly that he should remove his sign from the building at once, as he was receiving money under false pretense. For me the outlook surely was dark, and I was in the prime of life as the years are counted. A few days after my return home from seeing this great physician, a friend called to see me one morning. As he entered my private office, he remarked: "Senator, I thought you might be interested enough to read an article in this magazine," and placing a copy of Physical Culture upon my desk he closed the door and left the office. I picked it up, and an editorial headed "Nature Cures Disease" attracted my attention. The first paragraph hit me like a sixteen-inch shell. Every word weighed a pound and every sentence weighed a ton. I had never in all my life read anything on the subject that appealed so forcibly to my judgment as that article. I read every article in that magazine and then sent for other copies. In some were references to "Fasting" as a cure for certain ail- ments. I had never heard of such a ridiculous poposition as fast- ing-starving-why, it was really a crime. But as I continued my investigations along these lines, I began to lose my faith in medicine altogether. I now call it "dope." I also began to cut down my food, missing a meal occasionally, and as it did not kill me, began to miss two meals in succession ; then I would eat three light meals for two or three days and then abstain from food for a whole day or two. I felt no evil results by so doing, but rather thought I felt a little improvement in my condition. I concluded by this time that I understood quite well the philosophy of fast- ing, and I made up my mind that I was going to give it a fair chance and abide by the consequences, no matter what the result might be. So, on June 1, 1908, I cut out all food and entered upon an absolute fast that ended on the morning of June 24th. Only pure water and air passed my lips during those twenty-three days. I drank about three quarts of water a day. I also took an enema three times a week. During my fast I walked every day to my office, a 85 distance of four good miles, and walked home, eight miles each day, and I frequently took the Mount Troy road, which was a greater distance and very steep. No horse could pull a wagon up that road. Climbing the Troy Hill Road gave me a good sweat and tried my wind. On the third night of my fast I had a delightful surprise- instead of the dreadful smothering sensation spoken of, I fell asleep almost as soon as my head was laid on the pillow and slept all night through like a healthy baby. The desperate struggle for breath- which no words can describe-was a thing of the past. Oh, the sweet, peaceful and refreshing sleep of that night and the following nights I never can forgot, and I may say that a fast of a few days will relieve and cure those suffering from that terrible disease called "asthma" when no medicine in the world will or can effect a cure. On the fourth day of my fast I had battle royal with habit or hunger. All the devils of hunger were raising hell. They wanted to know if my throat was cut; that made me know in no uncertain language that they were not stuck on water, but I stood firm. Finally Mother Nature came to my assistance and relieved me of my hunger, virtually saying: "It is no use calling for food, neither is there any necessity for it, for we will now turn in and clean house. We can live thirty, forty or fifty days very well, and after we are through cleaning up this body I will return his desire or hunger for food. And, if he does not respond to my call, I will kill him within a few days thereafter by starvation." My wife and relatives were greatly distressed and alarmed about my fast. On the tenth day of my fast my wife requested that I accompany her and call on Doctor C-, a very good physician and a dear friend of ours. She was entitled to that satisfaction and I gladly consented. The doctor knew nothing of my fast. His first remark was: "Why, what's wrong?" "That's what I'm here to find out." He looked at my tongue, it was badly and heavily coated and the breath was foul. He thumped and pounded my chest, lis- tened to the heart action and felt my pulse. "Do you have a cough?" "No." "Do you sleep well?" "Yes, like a baby." "Do you have an appetite?" "No." "What did you eat for breakfast?" "Water and atmosphere." "What did you eat for dinner last evening?" "Well, doctor, I changed my menu for dinner last evening and dined on atmosphere and water." "When did you eat last?"' "Ten days ago, doctor." "Good God, man," he exclaimed, "what is wrong?" "Simply a fast, giving nature a chance to do what you doctors can- 86 not do." To make a long story short, the doctor found my heart strong and acting splendid, not missing even half a beat. My lungs were in fine shape, and my pulse was strong. He was astounded! He never had seen a case like it and was greatly interested in the result of the fast so far, and requested me to call two or three times a week during the remainder of the fast, which I did. 1 learned afterwards that the doctor had put some of his patients on short fasts with good results. The first three or four days of my fast 1 lost between three and four pounds each day; after that about a pound per day. 1 reduced my waist measure- ment about eighteen inches, my neck, which had required an eighteen-inch collar faded away until I could wear a fifteen-inch collar. About the twentieth day of my fast I had another pleas- ant surprise. My teeth were always rather dark in color, my dentist informing me that my teeth were very hard and that teeth of that character were never very white. Nevertheless on the morning I speak of, after taking my bath and while brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and to my great surprise found that my teeth were as white as snow. They had changed from a dark yellow to very white over night. A few days before my fast ended all my pains and aches, shortness of breath and smothering had passed away with my superfluous weight, and I felt as though I had renewed my youth. I was very careful in breaking my fast. I used the juice of half an orange strained and taken every half hour, for six hours, sipper; then half a glass of milk, sipped. The next morning for breakfast I ate a small piece of toast with one soft boiled egg. Several hours after I had a little ripe fruit. I kept this light diet up for a week. The fast renewed my health and almost my youth. I have not had any sickness or even a cough or cold for the la'st ten years. I walk on Sundays from ten to fifteen miles over country roads, and jump out of bed the next morning feeling like a two-year-old thoroughbred. And I am not as young as I used to be, for I am crowding three-score very hard. It makes me sad when I recall the great number of my broth- er members of our Bar that have answered the final summons to a "higher Court" within the last few years. All of them passed over the "Great Divide" in the vigor and flower of their man- hood, just in the prime of life, and while they were in love with life. It only adds to my gloom as T now believe that they all died 87 premature deaths. They were successful, prosperous and noble men. One of my dear friends after attending a banquet had taken his car for home, and as he stepped out at his door, fell to the ground dead-only forty years of age. A stroke, the doctor called it. Another dear friend-a judge-just as his charming daughter called, "Goodbye, Tapa," as she ran out of her beauti- ful home on her way to school, stepped into his bath room, reeled and fell dead. Indigestion, the doctor called it. He was only fifty years of age. One of the most handsome members of the Bar and one blessed with the most pleasing personality of any man I ever met, fell dead just as he entered his home at 5 :30 P. M., on a beautiful summer day. He was possessed of and surrounded by everything that makes life desirable, and was Lieutenant-Governor of the State at the time of his death. He idolized his charming wife and family. He died without a moment's warning when only fifty- three years old. Apoplexy, the doctor called it. Another friend, a lawyer of national reputation, an orator who swayed his audiences just as he wished; one of the most polished of men, Vice-President of the United States at the time of his decease, died within a few moments after leaving the ban- quet table. He had attended thirty banquets for thirty consecu- tive nights in Washington, D. C. Again the doctor said apoplexy. If my friends that are now sleeping in the quiet city of the dead had only known the virtue of a simple diet or the blessings of a short fast, I am convinced they would be with us today. I thank God there is one man that is making this great-truth known to the world by and through the Physical Culture Maga- zine. Every month it contains a message of "Glad Tidings and Great Joy" for the weak, ailing and sick. Personally I am of the opinion that I am living today and enjoying splendid health by following ts teachings and doctrine. See page 105. STOP FOOD POISONING AND CURE "NERVES"-I DID By Thomas Clark Hinkle, M. D. Since I "came back" nearly nine years ago from "nerves" I have seen a good many people in the shape I was. And when T see one, I know exactly what they are up against and I think about the days when I wandered about in a blind pocket for two and a half years doing everything but the right thing. 88 When a person with "nerves" came to me years ago 1 used to do just as all other doctors did. I would say to the individual, "rest." And I might just as well have said to a Kansas jack- rabbit with a half dozen greyhounds at his heels, "Rest-what you need is rest!" And if he had had time to make reply it would likely have been: "Good heavens alive, man, Rest!-how the devil can I?" The thing is, most people have to work to live and mothers for the most part have to take care of their little children. These things are not set forth here for people who can simply wish their diseases away. If they can I'm mighty glad of it. Some of us can't. We've got to go along with our bodies, and our minds are in about the same shape they are. Now at the outset, let me say it good and hard that "nerves" are absolutely due to physical reasons and I'll prove it. And then I'll tell you how to get well and go right along with your work. Unless you live in a dark cellar you can get well prob- ably in sixty days-over eighty per cent of one thousand con- secutive cases did, and the others (save two, and I will tell you about them) got well in 90 days and kept working. The sad thing about it is that some people haven't courage enough to stay by the simple regimen for even sixty days! Then they can't get well. I won't say they are not worth saving be- cause I pity a dog with this, affliction. And sometimes I feel that when a man gets well of this thing and has a good friend who is in the same fix he was, that he ought to go to him and tell him that he is not going crazy, but that he ought to if he will not stick to the thing sixty or ninety days that will make him well as sure as little apples were made. I have waited nearly nine years since my own trouble left me and 1 am as certain of my ground here as I am of the morn- ing sun. You who have never had "nerves"-you do not, you cannot know how the other-1 had almost said the other half-■ lives. And no matter who you are, how rich or how poor you are there is no assurance that this "thing" will not hit you. I have just had a letter from an author of international fame who writes me that "I have had to give up all my correspondence be- cause of some kind of nervous trouble. My physician says I must rest until midsummer and maybe until fall. I seem to be unable to work at anything." Poor devil! You bet he'll have to rest and rest some more and he may never be himself again unless he hits the right trail. 89 And let me make it as strong as T can, that the person who gets well of nerves by merely resting is in great danger of going to pieces again if he has not learned the cause. It is extremely doubtful if hard work ever broke a man down. Did you ever stop to really wonder what it was that made them do it when you read in the paper the next morning that John Williams or Bessie Adams committed suicide? Sometimes they shoot themselves while sitting on a park bench, sometimes they jump from a bridge into the dark waters of death below. I say, did you ever stop to figure it out, just what particular brand of ''poor health" (that's always the explanation given) it is? In forty-nine cases out of fifty, these people are not insane and wouldn't become insane if they lived out their natural time. Some of these people actually take their own lives because they think they are going insane. Just a bad case of "nerves." If I had my way about it I'd give every medical student in his senior year one good hard dose of "nerves." A month, not more, then cure him and show him how. Then, when a woman who thought she was going crazy, called him she'd have a real doctor. And he'd tell her how to get well. You see, it's mighty easy for a doctor to clear up his throat powerfully and make people think he knows when he knows he doesn't. I've been there: I know. One of the best surgeons I ever knew said to me: "I used to say that when people had 'nerves' there was nothing the matter with them. I've changed my mind about that. I know there is, but hanged if I know what it is!" When a doctor or anybody else gets in that frame of mind he is learning. We were discussing the case of a broken down mother. And I want to repeat here that these women are the most pitiful of this group of cases. And 1 am sure that cases where no cure can be brought about are very rare if the person will do the thing necessary for a cure. And before I set forth specifically what the cure is I want to say that I am afraid of one thing', that is, that it will be devi- ated from just one jot or tittle and so fail utterly. How tremend- ously important are these seemingly little things! And how ut- terly foolish to fail in the least and expect results. And now here it is: The cause of "nerves" is the over-assim- ilation of proteid foods and sugar. In all of these cases, not com- plicated, there is a highly acid urine and what has been termed 90 a "pigment ring'' occurs instead of the "Heller's Ring'' in Brights disease. And if the person afflicted takes into his body that food which will cause the "pigment ring" to disappear-presto! the gloom is gone-he is well. One thousand cases, consecutive cases, were cured by this test and only two (both women) took longer than sixty or ninety days. One of them was cured in six months and one of them in a year. But look at the 998! Over eighty per cent were cured in sixty days and the rest ninety days and went right on with their usual work. If you want to get well of "nerves" here is what you must do, and especially if you want to stay well. 1. Quit all meat and eggs, absolutely. 2. Quit sugar, absolutely. 3. Chew all your food into a cream before swallowing it. 4. Eat three meals a day, but eat sparingly. Always quit while you want more. Try to be out-of-doors at least three hours a day. 5. Eat fruits and vegetables every day-uncooked fruits, no sugar. Do not eat fruits with starches. At the starch meal eat cooked and uncooked vegetables only. People have said to me when I mention diet, "Oh, I have tried that and it's no use. But never in a single instance have they complied with the above rules with absolutely no deviation for even sixty days! I have pinned them down and I know. And do as I did. Say you don't believe it. Go at it mad if you want to, but do it. Mother Nature will hammer you in shape and you can't help it. You see a thing is either susceptible of proof or it isn't. This one is. You can get in "cheerful surroundings" and try that cure until the sun turns green, but unless you quit the things that .are poisoning you, you can't get well and stay well. I know there are a few with this trouble who can get well on a spare diet alone, but most of them have to hew straight to the line as I have stated previously. And if you are going at it at all you better underscore every word and make up your mind to stay at it without deviation. Notice.-Every word of this article is true. Dr. Thomas Clark Hinkle, the author, has written nine books for the Rand McNally Publishing Co., and I only hope that all persons suffer- ing with "Nerves" will follow the treatment and be cured. 91 HOW TO BE AN OLD MAN AT 40 OR A YOUNG MAN AT 60 AND LIVE TO REACH 100 Do you want to be an old man at 40, or would you like to live in health to 100? It's up to you to decide, to make your own health and longevity record. Physically speaking, you are the master of your fate. Dr. Charles E. Barker, of Washington, D. C., is an efficient expert on health. Tie was former President Taft's health adviser during the four years at the White House. Doctor Barker also has been health advisor for Frank A: Vanderlip, Henry P. Dav- ison, and other noted Americans. In Dr. Barker's lecture on How to Live 100 Years, he says: "If you want to be an old man at 40, a man with lowered vitality and hardened arteries, the first thing for you to do is to eat large quantities of red meat. Nothing is better for hardening the ar- terial walls. "Another way to make yourself old at 40 is to drink lots of booze, cocktails and highballs. And smoke from six to twelve cigars every day. Twelve are better than six for lowering vitality. "To continue the prescription don't take any exercise. Al- ways make it a point to ride to and from your work. Remember that if you walk you will get daily exercise which may interfere with your growing old quickly. Stay out late at night, and don't forget to worry as much as possible about your business and do- mestic affairs. By following this program you can be almost sure of lowering your vitality and hardening your arteries until you are physically an old man at 40." Within the last few years science has discovered that there is no reason why a man may not get his body into such magnifi- cent condition that he will be practically immune from disease of any sort and only die of old age. "No less a person than Doctor Victor Vaughn, former presi- dent of the American Medical Association and an authority on the prevention of diseases and the lengthening of life, says that by a proper amount of sleep, moderate and regular eating and the habit of cheerfulness, with some systematic daily exercise, disease practically can be avoided. Dr. Barker says :* "A man can be actually young at 60 and can have expectation of at least 40 years or more of life if he will follow certain simple hygienic rules. 92 "First, he must eat moderately and intelligently. If he is the average man, he should cut down the quantity of his food about one-third. In three months he will feel immeasurably bet- ter. Eat meat but once a day, drink plenty of good pure water, chew your food slowly and never-eat between meals. The amount of sleep necessary depends on the individual. For the average man seven to eight hours is necessary to keep the nerve batteries replenished. "Every man should take moderate exercise daily in a form which exercises the muscles of the chest and abdomen. Deep breathing, and bending exercises are what you need with plenty of walking." Hudson Maxim, the inventor of smokeless powder, Maxi- mite, and other high explosives, says of cigarettes: "It is a maker of invalids, criminals, and fools, not men." Mr. Luther Burbank, the great plant wizard of California, says: "No boy living would commence the use of cigarettes if he knew what a useless, soulless, worthless thing they would make of him." Thomas A. Edison says that no man or boy who smokes cig- arettes can work in his laboratory. He says that even men who smoke one cigar a day cannot be trusted to do some of his work. There are no three names more familiar in America among scientists than those of Edison, Maxim and Burbank. These men do not make wild statements, nor make assertions that are not based on facts. Cigarette smokers are not wanted in business; they are barred from athletics. With these facts in front of you it seems strange that men and boys would indulge in them. "I have seen children sick with eruptive fevers, such as measles and scarlet fever, relieved of fever in a few hours by giving them warm water enemas without doing anything more. It teaches that fevers are caused by filthy bowels, and by washing the bowels fever subsides and the system recovers.'"-Elmer Lee, M. D. SICK CHILDREN Two or three days of no food except fruits and green vege- tables will cure the most obstinate spring cold. 93 CONSTIPATION IN INFANCY You take a baby of three months, it may be constipated, don't give it a laxative, give it more water to drink, warm water about 98 to 102 degrees, use a little baby syringe about once a week, washing out its little colon and instead of drugs give two or three tablespoons of sweet orange juice without sugar; avoid all other fruit juices for a baby. Do this and your baby must have health. DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING THE INTERNAL BATH For Infants-Use a common baby syringe; it can be pur- chased at any drug store for twenty-five cents, and holds about one-half cup of water; have the water nice and warm. Inject the water and hold the baby so the water will flow to all parts of the Colon. Never allow your baby to go a day without an ac- tion of the bowels; keep your baby from being constipated and you will always have a healthy child. Using the water in this way can never harm ; in fact, it is the most natural way known to move the bowels. For Children-(Two to six years of age) Same directions as for adults, except use one pint of warm water. For Children-(Six to twelve years of age) Use one quart of warm water. Never allow your children to become constipated. If there is any time in our lives that we should be free from Con- stipation it is when we are children and growing. If your chil- dren become Constipated it will stunt their growth by keeping their blood impure all the time, causing them to be sickly and pale, to lack memory, etc. But if you will keep them from ever be- coming constipated it will keep their blood pure all the time and you will always have bright, healthy children, and their tonsils will never bother them if their stomach and bowels are kept clean. Don't you think it worth while to see that this is done? Never give them a laxative of any kind as it will do harm instead of good in every case. For Adults-Get a two-quart fountain syringe, like the one on page 115 which can be purchased at any drug store for 50c to $2.00. (No home should be without one.) Use two quarts of warm water, just as warm as you can bear the elbow in ; hang the bag about four feet from the floor and get in position No. 1 as shown on next page. 94 No. 1 Insert the rubber tube into the rectum and allow the water to flow into the colon ; you will notice that by getting in this po- sition the water is running down hill. You won't even know when the bag is empty, as soon as the two quarts of water has been re- ceived get in position No. 2 as shown below. No. 2 While you are lying in this position the water is in the trans- verse section of the colon ; notice picture of same on next page and While in this position massage this section of the colon two or three minutes. As you are massaging with the water in the colon, you are breaking up any waste matter and preparing it for elimination. Next turn to the right side as shown by illustration No. 3 on next page. 95 No. 3 You will notice by this cut that you are lying on your right side; this will allow the water to flow to the.ascending section of the colon. You will notice that the appendix is on this side, and if this side is kept clean you will never have appendicitis. Now while you are on your right side massage the ascending section of the colon for two or three minutes and then turn to the left side as shown below. No. 4 This is the last position. This will allow the water to flow back to the left side or descending section of the colon so that when yon get to your feet the water is all ready to leave the body. While in this position massage the descending section, or the left side, for two or three minutes; then get to your feet and stand until the water is ready to leave the body. It may be five or ten minutes in some cases, but you will feel a hundred times better as soon as you are rid of this waste matter. 96 VERY IMPORTANT-READ READ every word in this book before you begin taking any of the following treatments. There is nothing vague, intangible or supernatural connected with the treatments that follow. They appeal to nothing but the hardest kind of common sense, and that is the kind most needed when one is suffering. That is the kind that will make one understand one's self, and one's disease, its causes, cure and prevention. The following treatments are in- tensely practical and scientific, based on simple, natural laws, easily understood and obeyed. TREATMENT OF DISEASES-DYSPEPSIA, INDIGES- TION AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES Nature never intended us to have stomach trouble of any kind, and if we had lived as nature intended we never would have such a thing. No case of stomach trouble can be cured as long as we are constipated. Constipation causes an undue re- tention of food in the stomach, which causes it to sour and fer- ment, and is an irritation to the stomach. The causes of stomach trouble are constipation, fast eating, eating of rich pastries, etc., and taking of purgatives. To cure this trouble read this treatment and the treatment for indigestion and sour stomach. Take an internal bath every night until you are having at least two good free movements of the bowels daily. Drink a glass of hot water a half hour before eating, and plenty, of water during the day. Never eat in a hurry, never eat when worried, never eat when you are not hungry. Eat only such foods as agree with you and chew every mouthful thoroughly. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds, except beans and dried peas. It will be far better for you if you will leave meat alone. Use no drugs or stimulants of any kind. This includes tea, coffee, alcohol, etc. Never take laxatives as they only irritate the stomach. People who have had chronic dyspepsia for years expect a cure in three days. Let me tell you that you will not get a cure in three days and you may not get it in three months. But if you will use the following treatments you will effect a cure. (See Page 128, under "Oat Meal Water.") Indigestion is the most widespread of all diseases, and medi- cine will never cure this trouble. Inappropriate foods and too INDIGESTION 97 much of them are the cause. It is not a disease in one sense but merely the natural result of errors in diet, and all the medicine in the world will never correct it. The word indigestion denotes, not a disease, but an admonition. It is the language of the stom- ach telling you that the wrong foods are going there, but you con- tinue to ignore these warnings until you have something far worse than indigestion. Few realize the simple fact that during the acute stages of disease the secretions of the digestive juices stop and that food taken at such a time will work g'reat harm. They cannot be di- gested; what is the result? It must putrefy within the stomach and intestines, forming poisons which are absorbed into the sys- tem until every organ is deranged. You should be made to understand this, that the weak and delicate person can digest very little; and that the acutely sick person can digest no food at all. You notice any animal when it is sick, you cant force food down it. Why can not human beings use as much sense as an animal? In treating indigestion, don't drink till food is chewed. Eat very slowly, and chew each mouthful thoroughly. Remember that the longer your food stays in the mouth, the less time it will stay in the stomach. Avoid very hot or very cold food. Over- eating is the great sin of the day and the prime cause of all dis- ease. Very few people ever starved to death, but millions have killed themselves-from over-eating. Try and rest for a half hour before eating, and never eat when excited or fatigued. (Read treatment for sour stomach). Stomach acidity is due to the excessive use of starchy foods, over-eating, or the wrong combination of food, sweets, etc. These foods ferment in the stomach and bowels and generate large quan- tities of lactic and butyric acid. In addition to this they set up an irritation of the entire intestinal tract, and frequently, an over activity of the hydrochloric acid glands in the stomach. Regard- less of the length of time your disease has been standing, if you will cut down your starchy food until the gas disappears in the bowels entirely, avoid sweets altogether, eat plenty of vegetables, and mildly acid fruits in your diet, you will in due time, over- come your disease entirely. STOMACH ACIDITY 98 SOUR STOMACH If foods sour in your stomach you are eating too much and too many combinations, and perhaps the wrong combination of food. You may have a craving for food that you cannot control, but this is not hunger. Stop eating for two days, and drink a pint of hot water every hour during the day. Wash out the bowels twice daily during these two days. Put juice from one-half lemon in part of the water you drink, using juice from, say two lemons, during each of these two days-no sugar. Ordinarily this would be too much acid to put in the stomach in so short a time. If you taste of any food, even a mouthful, you will spoil results. Refrain from tasting or eating anything; remember you are after a cure. You may have a headache, but let it ache; it will pass off in due time. It is not hunger that brought it on; you would have had it anyway. On the third day after the fast, confine your diet to the following: Breakfast All the hot water you can drink with juice of half a lemon in it. Drink this one-half hour before eating, and see that it is not less than a pint. Eat a small dish of soaked prunes, say about four prunes with their juice. Chew them well. Eat nothing else. The prunes should be prepared by washing, then pour over them hot water and allow to soak for thirty-six hours-no sugar. Dinner A small sauce dish of some vegetable, any except dry beans or potatoes. Beans are not a vegetable, but some consider them as such, so mention is made of them for fear they might be eaten. Do not put .any fancy dressing on the vegetable, such as thick- ened milk, but eat it straight. Then shave a little raw cabbage and half a raw apple, chopped fine. Over this pour a dressing made of a well beaten raw egg with lemon juice and sweetened with honey. A small dish of this, not a big bowlful. This is enough for your dinner-eat no more. Supper A baked apple and kernels from ten pecans, well chewed- nothing else. Do not use any cream on the apple. And don't think yon are going to starve to death, but you are going to cure stomach trouble ; remember that, and your whole system will be better for the treatment. The above outline is only a sample. I will give you one more as follows, for the second day. 99 Breakfast-(Second Day) Half an hour before eating drink at least a pint of hot water, into which you have put juice from half a lemon. Eat one biscuit made of graham or whole wheat flour with butter and honey. Chew well and eat nothing else. Dinner A small dish of some vegetable, any except beans or pota- toes. Also a bowl of vegetable soup. This must not have rice, potatoes, barley or beans in it. You may eat one egg-nothing else. Use no crackers in soup. This egg should either be raw or hard boiled for at least an hour. Supper One glass of milk and a dish of fresh apple sauce-nothing else. You can overcome sour stomach, or stomach trouble of any kind if you will stop making a swill tub of your stomach. In either of the two outlines given you will obtain all the food the body in its present burdened condition can assimilate, perhaps more than it can assimilate in its weakened condition. You have been abusing your stomach for years or you would not have sour stomach. CATARRHAL CONDITION OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS If you have inflamed condition in stomach or bowels you must avoid all meats, all gravies thickened with flour and all sweets, (this means jam, jellies, sugar, candy and syrups). You must not eat anything made of white flour. You must omit beans and potatoes. A milk diet is best. Drink a pint of hot water half an hour before each meal. When treating for stomach trouble of any kind leave tea, coflfee, etc., alone. If you wish a hot drink you will find Postum a good substitute, and it will do you no harm. There is one reason why I advise, and am continually insist- ing on the daily use of fresh uncooked fruit and vegetables. People who undertake to live without raw fruit and vegetables, and who live entirely on cooked vegetables, refined flour, and meats, be- come dyspeptic; they are pale; their breath is bad ; they not only 100 lack iron in the blood, but they lack soda, potash, magnesia, phos- phorus, etc.; they lack everything that helps a man to stand up and look like health. Disease is what people buy, and pay for with health, for eating sugar, candy, cake, bread, meat, doughnuts, preserves, coffee, tea, and the foods ordinarily placed on the family table. The people who eat in this way are the people who often say they cannot eat fruit-that fruit never agrees with them. When people get pale, the doctors say they need to take iron or phosphates. The medical men seldom think of correcting the lives of the patients by giving them the proper food, but they send them away with a prescription for phosphates, and often some- thing to make the heart a little more active. Drugs can do noth- ing; they cannot cure wrong eating and bad habits. If such peo- ple would refuse to take drugs, and add fruit and a combination salad to their menus, within a week they would feel better. Excessive thinness usually means decreased digestive power, due to over-feeding. NERVOUSNESS Nervousness is the rampant epidemic of the day. Practically every one suffers more or less from nervousness. Few, even among those considered thoroughly healthy, are free from it. It is a run down condition of the vital system that can be blamed for this trouble, or in other words the body is producing less energy than it uses. The main point to consider in the treat- ment is to correst errors of diet. One of the main causes of nerv- ousness is the taking of food excessive in quantity or variety. Very often the mere work of digesting a quantity of food, far in excess of the needs of the body, is the cause of the nervousness. Lack of ventilation, or lack of pure air day and night, and in- activity of the bowels and kidneys are the main cause of nervous- ness through permitting the accumulation of retained waste in the body. Another common cause is worry; worry is a mental disease; cure it at once. Worry is simply a useless, pernicious, and absurd mental habit. To cure nervousness remove the cause,-constipa- tion, worry, and wrong eating. Take an internal bath every night, and a tub bath every morning for three or four weeks, or longer, if necessary. Get plenty of sleep and eat plenty of fresh 101 fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, and get plenty of pure fresh air in the sleeping room at night, and plenty of sunshine during the day and your trouble will soon disappear. Drink no tea, coffee, coca- cola, or stimulants of any kind. BETTER THAN PHYSIC Internal bathing for constipation is far better than taking drugs, but it must be remembered that the internal bath by itself is not a cure for constipation. The internal bath cleanses the colon thorough- ly, where drugs fail. But to cure constipation one must resort not only to the internal bath, but to the eating of plenty of laxative foods, water drinking and exercise. The best known exercise for consti- pation is the daily practice of the familiar forward bending, finger-to- floor movement. This done twenty times daily makes for increased activity in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, lungs, stomach and intestines. Massage in the region of the bowels for about two min- utes morning and evening is a fine thing to do, and by following these rules a cure can in time be realized. Meat is one article of diet that should not be eaten. You will find that my "Perfect Health Cook Book" as advertised on page 147 will be of great value to you in the cure of this trouble. For Constipation It should be understood that chonric constipation may be pres- ent even though there is a regular movement of the bowels daily. Phe causes of constipation are many and varied. Perhaps the most common cause is an insufficient amount of fluid in the system. The human body is about three-fourths water and needs from two to three quarts of water daily to keep it in proper working order. Few people get this much and constipation is one of the many evil effects of this water starvation. Another common cause of constipation is neglect to evacuate the bowels promptly whenever you have that call from nature. To cure constipation drink plenty of water, leave white bread and white flour products alone, eat graham bread or that made from the whole wheat, rye, barley or corn. Salads of various kinds not only have a great value as a food for the nerves, but also a mild laxative effect. All cooked green vegetables will likewise be helpful, and fruits are of even greater value for their laxative qualities. One should use them daily for the food value alone, but especially when suffering from constipation; prunes and figs are of great value in 102 the treatment of this disease. Cheese is very constipating and should be avoided. Cathartics are always to be condemned. Take the internal bath only when needed before going to bed. To begin with if there is marked constipation, with hardened and packed feces in the colon, a cup of molasses and two tablespoonfuls of glycerine should be added to the water. This will cause a more thorough cleansing than the most powerful cathartic. And please re- member that this treatment can do you no harm; drink plenty of water daily, hot water in the morning and cold water during the day. If you will keep the stomach and bowels clean you will avoid all the ills that flesh is heir to. And water will do the work better than all the drugs in the world. Never take a purgative of any kind, as the taking of laxatives will cause constipation. FLOATING KIDNEY Did you ever hear of a floating stomach or a floating bowel? There are just as many cases of these as there are of floating kidney. In fact, the kidneys never float, neither do the stomach or bowels. If your case is so diagnosed it is done for the purpose of inducing you to submit to an operation. When the stomach, bowels or kid- neys become weakened through overwork, the muscles supporting them also become weak or relaxed and fail to do their work of holding these organs in place; the result 'is, they will fall or drop or become prolapsed. And this is called floating kidney, and an operation will never cure it. A renovation of the entire system and a right line of diet will. Take treatment for stomach trouble, con- stipation, and kidney trouble. KIDNEY TROUBLE What is the cause of kidney trouble? Irritation. Irritation of the kidneys may be brought about by anything that puts extra work upon these organs. The liver becomes inactive, and the blood is charged with poisons which the kidneys try to get rid of. You are constipated and the blood is loaded with poisons, and again the kid- neys are called upon to do overwork. You catch cold and the mil- lions of pores of the skin are closed up; and the kidneys bear the burden of this sin. What is the result of all this overwork, or irri- tation? First congestion, then chronic or acute inflammation, and then degeneration of the kidney cells. And remember that you and you alone are responsible for this condition. Get the liver, stomach and intestines into working order, and thus cease to make the kid- neys do overwork. In flushing the colon with hot water, the liquid 103 passes directly in front of both kidneys, so that the influence of the heat on the kidneys is direct. It cannot fail to stimulate them to action-without, at the same time, irritating them. Again the kid- neys can be washed out by going to bed with one quart of water in the colon, after taking the internal bath; this water will pass through the kidneys in about three hours, washing the kidneys and bladder and doing them at lot of good. Read pages 38-40 about tomatoes, onions, asparagus, and potatoes. Take an internal bath every night for six weeks, or, until cured. Drink plenty of hot water in the morning and plenty through the day of hot or cold (not ice water). If you wish a cure do not drink tea, coffee or alcoholic drinks of any kind. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and nuts. Take a hot bath every night, so hot that you will perspire freely, then follow with a cold sponge, and you will sleep fine all night. Take a sponge bath every morning. See page 119. RHEUMATISM The diet in rheumatism should be very simple-all animal foods, meat, cheese, milk, cream, eggs, etc., should be avoided. In severe cases of acute articular rheumatism a fast of from three to eight days has invariably resulted in complete relief. Dr. A. Casey Wood reports that out of forty cases so treated none failed of rapid and complete cure. Dr. Wood believes that rheumatism is merely a form of indigestion, and the result of this treatment in his hands, as well as in my own, go far toward proving such to be the case. At the same time, and in fact all the time the patient should drink freely of pure cold water. At least two quarts a day should be taken. This amount of water flushes the kidneys and bowels, ac- celerates the action of the skin and lungs and increases the activity of all the vital functions. One of the most valuable measures in rheumatism, either articular or muscular, is the hot bath. A sweat bath may be taken every day during the acute stage of the disease, except in cases where there is heart involvement. To cure this trouble take treatments for sour stomach and kid- ney trouble. Your form of living must be changed; and the diet must be changed. Rheumatism can be cured, but not with medicine. Drink a pint of hot water one-half hour before eating and about the same amount before going to bed at night, also a good sweat bath daily (except as above stated). Eat. the same as for stomach trouble, and if you wish a cure do not touch tea, coffee, tobacco, or alcoholic drinks, but drink plenty of water. Nature is sure in all 104 her cures and if you will follow the advice given on this page you will have your reward. Poor nutrition is at the bottom of rheum- atism, and only improved nutrition can cure it. DIARRHEA The cause of diarrhea is eating foods that are difficult to digest; eating when we are sick, eating too heavy foods in hot weather, or drinking ice water with meals. Simple attacks of diarrhea would pass off in a few hours if properly treated, but when treated by drugs to "check," the bowels are converted into long drawn out attacks, often followed by chronic diarrhea. When the poisons of diarrhea are locked up in the system and multiplied by frequent feeding to keep up the strength, high fever, prostration and long unnecessary illness with possible damage to the kidneys and chronic diarrhea are'the result. The diarrhea will cease of its own accord as soon as the poisons have been elimi- nated and this will be quite soon, providing of course, the formation of the poisons is not kept going by feeding during the attack. If nature's wishes are carried out she can be depended upon to stop the diarrhea as soon as it is no longer needed. Don't check diarrhea. Diarrhea is an effort on the part of the system to carry poisons out of the body which are dangerous to health, and it can be seen at once that any plan to "check" the diar- rhea is in oposition to nature's plan and is a decided detriment to health. To check diarrhea is to lock the poisons in the system. This causes the absorption of these poisons through the system. Attacks of diarrhea treated with the internal bath and a total abstinence from food, yields in a surprisingly short time, with no danger. This treatment carries the poisons out of the body in the shortest possible time, and prevents formation of added poisons, and with no danger to the vital organs. Therefore the treatment is plain. Stop eating, and drink all the hot water you can, and take internal baths twice a day and you will soon be all right. MALARIA, BILIOUS FEVER AND CHILLS Take internal bath daily, and treat same as for typhoid fever. This treatment will cure an ordinary case of bilious fever in three or four days. Don't take medicine of any kind and no food until nature calls for it. 105 THE WET SHEET PACK The wet sheet pack has been found to be of great value in cases of fever of all kinds. The treatment should be given as follows: Wrap patient (after all clothing has been removed) in a sheet which has been wrung out of cold water; then cover body with about two or three comforts and put hot irons to the feet; also have patient drink plenty of cold water; have cold towel on the head. Remain in pack as long as comfortable. Patient will soon perspire freely, and that is the end desired. Have room well ventilated. BILIOUS ATTACKS Twenty years from now, it will be just as disgraceful to be bilious as it is now to be drunk. Biliousness is an intoxication or poisoning of the system due to over indulgence on food, and over indulgence on food, just as over indulgence in drink, is bad, both morally and physically, possibly not to the same degree, as over indulgence in drink. A bilious attack is a process of elimination. It is a house cleaning, if you please, it is an occasion upon which the body gets rid of poisons that have accumulated to the degree that they threaten health. The term bilious attack, is applied by different persons to include a rather wide variety of more or less similar disturbances of various degrees of severity. But, in different persons there are similar characteristics and the symptoms vary largely only in the severity. Those who are subject to bilious attacks of the severe variety usually notice that a day or two before the explosion there is some change in the bowels, usually more or less constipation, and gas in excess of the usual amount. Usually the day preceding the attack, the appetite is excessive, the person craves considerable food and foods that are not good for him. About this time he may feel better than usual, have apparently more strength and vigor. The actual attack usually begins with a headache, over one eye, though often in the back of the head. As the headache becomes more severe nausea follows and the nausea is often ac- companied by vomiting, first of the stomach contents, then of bile. The attack usually lasts for a few hours, but in some persons several days are required to clear up the attack entirely. After a severe attack the person usually feels weak and depressed for several days. 106 Between the attacks, the victim of biliousness is eating a little more food than his physical activities will permit him to use up and is usually eating foods that are hard to digest. He often uses coffee and tobacco, the soda fountain habit, eating be- tween meals, and the midnight lunch habit are all closely akin to biliousness. As a result of this sort of eating the candidate for the bilious attack keeps up a constant fermentation and putrefaction of unusued food in the bowels. The poisons that are formed here, probably accumulate in the liver, and when the time comes that they actually threaten health, they are destroyed by means of the bilious attack. What are the bilious foods? An excess of any food will cause biliousness in those whose tendencies lie in this direction. Even too much meat, potatoes and bread, and especially the mix- ture of these foods will cause biliousness. Usually, however, sweets such as candy and pastry, soda fountain decoctions and rich foods generally, have more to do with bringing about bil- iousness than the simple foods, even when eaten in excess. Coffee to some persons is a particularly bilious article of diet. Many victims of biliousness have been cured by omitting coffee. It is Ikely that the coffee causes biliousness by affecting the kidneys so as to prevent the proper elimination of the food poisoning formed in the intestine from unused food. When you notice yourself getting bilious, notice on rising in the morning that your mouth is a little dry, your tongue is coated, and that you are dizzy, cut off the source of the poisoning by leaving off your breakfast, and take in its stead the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of hot water. If you are not feeling de- cidedly better by noon, take only a fruit lunch; and if necessary, take at night only a salad and two or three green cooked vege- tables ; omit all of the heavy food. In addition you should be certain that the bowels are cleaned out thoroughly with the internal bath. In those who have warning of a bilious attack, this simple treatment will usually avert the attack. However, if a bilious attack comes on without warning, it is still the part of good treatment to- clean out the intestinal tract as quickly as possible and to keep it empty until nature has destroyed the accumulated poisons and the body equilibrium has been restored. A hot bath and frequent doses of bicarbonate of soda will help to relieve the nausea and also the headache. Of course, the real cure of biliousness must be accomplished by treatment between the attacks. The diet must be changed in 107 such a way as to stop the stream of poisons pouring into the liver, from the stomach and intestines. Those who are afflicted with biliousness will find the two meal a day plan much better than the usual three meals. Care should be taken, however, not to eat the three meals at the two sittings. Milk and cream should be eaten sparingly, while sweets should be almost entirely omitted, and coffee cut out altogether. Meats should also be eaten sparingly and care taken in regard to the combination of foods as well as to their cooking. It is bad cooking and bad mixtures that have as much to do with bringing about bilious attacks as anything else. Biliousness means food poisoning. During the actual attack the body is destroying poisons that are generated between the attacks from unused food. While sweets, pastry, soda fountain decoctions, and rich foods generally have much to do with bil- iousness, over-eating on plain foods and indiscriminate mixing and bad cooking will do it quite as well. Two meals a day of simple food rightly cooked, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, will clear up practically every case of biliousness. FEVERS With natural methods any fever can be broken in forty- eight hours. Omit all medicines. A fever is heat inside the body, and when it gets very intense it shows up outside. All wastes must be removed from the inside and for this use the internal bath with water very warm every two hours until fever is broken. Wring a towel out of cold water and lay over the abdomen next to the skin, repeat this as often as it gets warm. This brings the fever to the surface. Do not use any nourishment as long as there is any fever. Let patient drink lots of water, three or four quarts a day. Continue with the internal bath and cold cloths as long as there is any fever. You will soon have it under control. There will be no danger of the bowels becoming punctured or of having a hemorrhage of the bowels, if you will leave medicine alone and follow these directions, to- gether with keeping the pores open by keeping the outside of the body clean. TYPHOID FEVER Dr. J. H. Tilden, M. D., says in "Philosophy of Health," June issue, 1918, page 59: "Suppose we consider typhoid. What does 'regular,' exact therapeutics do for such cases? Kill twelve 108 to fifteen per cent, and keep those who get well down for three weeks to three months, and land many in chronic invalidism for life. Whereas, correct nursing and feeding will control all cases in from seven to fourteen days, and there will be no deaths. In "The Story of Bacteria,'' by Dr. T. Mitchell Prudden, director of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, (chapter 8, page 85), we find: "The typhoid germ attacks the body through the intestinal canal. When it gets into the intestines, if in sufficient quantities, and the conditions are favorable it multiplies and enormous num- bers of the germs are thus produced." Every person should bear this in mind, that it is impossible for a person who is clean both inside and out to take typhoid fever, there being no facilities for the germs to breed. The man or woman who is to fall a victim of typhoid fever during the late summer or early fall, begins to get ready for the disease many months before by over-eating and by allowing himself to become constipated. Fever germs always attack the body through the intestines. It is in the intestines that the germs breed, and to prevent or cure this condition it is of the utmost importance that the in- testines be kept clean. To give a laxative to a typhoid fever patient is a great mis- take. Instead of assisting Nature, it does harm. Common sense tells us what to do; first we must remove the waste matter from the body, so the germs will have no place to breed, and we must begin the treatment by giving the patient a pint of hot water to drink and repeat every ten minutes until the contents of the stomach have been vomited, then let the patient rest for about an hour, giving small drinks of cool water. Then use the internal bath with water just as hot as patient can bear; in thirty minutes repeat the internal bath and this time have pa- tient retain water as long as possible-that is, ten minutes at least. Next the patient should have a sweat bath to open the pores of the skin and for this purpose the wet sheet pack should be used as given on page 106. While taking the wet sheet pack have hot irons at the feet and a cold towel on the head. Give plenty of cold water to drink and see that the patient has plenty of fresh air. Give a cold water bath daily or a cold sponge while the fever is high, and use internal bath daily. Give no food until 109 the body is free from fevei. hollow the above and health will be restored very quickly. The following is a list of diseases from which meat is ex- cluded from the diet of those who have them in one of the largest hospitals in New York: Uraemic Poisoning, Ulcer of Stomach, Cancer of Stomach, infectious fevers, gastric catarrh, Bright's disease, high blood pressure, diarrhoea, hardening of arteries, rheumatism, diabetes, neuritis, obesity, gout. If meat proves harmful in the diet for those who have these diseases is there not reason to believe that meat is a primary fac- tor contributing to the cause of them? CASE AGAINST MEAT By taking injections of hot water in a kneeling position, the hot water and the position of the body both favor the flow of the blood from the blood vessels at the rectum, and thus relieves the congestion of the hemorrhoids. Under this treatment I have seen large hemorrhoidal tumors grow smaller day by day until in a few weeks they were nothing but little tabs of skin. Piles is the enlargement of the blood-vessels at the rectum, due to congestion, which congestion is due to sluggishness of the liver, as a rule. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS PROTRUDING PILES Constipation is usually the cause of this condition, but whatever the cause, you must cure constipation before you can cure piles of any kind. So take an internal bath daily until you know you are cured of constipation and after taking the in- ternal bath inject one quart of cold water into the colon in a sitting position, and retain this water in this position for about ten minutes. If it is a very bad case use this treatment morning and night. This will take out the soreness and the rectum gut will go back into place, and Nature will do the healing. Con- tinue this treatment daily until cured. ITCHING PILES Itching piles are usually caused by small pin worms that breed in the large intestine or colon, usually in the sigmoid flexure, an S-like turn of the colon, just before it joins the 110 rectum gut. The cure is very simple-take internal bath until the colon is clean and the trouble is ended. BLIND AND BLEEDING PILES Read this whole page and then follow treatment as given in each and you will accomplish results, that is sure. Take in- ternal bath morning and night, using water as warm as you can stand : allow water to flow into the colon very slowy and retain it in a kneeling position for about five minutes. Hot water is nature's cure and never fails. If you will continue this treat- ment your trouble will soon disappear. CATARRH Neither germs nor climate cause catarrh. Catarrh is due to improper eating, so are asthma and hay fever, and these condi- tions can be prevented and cured through right eating. 'The right kind of food properly eaten, makes pure blood and produces health, vigor and strength. The right kind of food builds a sound body, puts catarrh, coughs, colds, asthma and hay fever to flight, and paints roses on the cheeks. Catarrh, asthma and hay fever can be conquered, surely and permanently. It has been done in thousands of cases. If you have catarrh you have eaten your way to it. You can cure your- self-you can eat your way out of disease into health, and while you are losing your catarrh you will rid yourself of other physical ills. It is marvelous what the common foods do for the sick, when properly combined and intelligently eaten. Dr. Alsaker is a regular medical graduate, a physician in active practice who has proved his knowledge in guiding the sick back to health. See page 70. (By R. L. Alsaker, M. D.) ASTHMA There are several types of asthma. Just the ordinary bron- chial asthma-catarrhal asthma-can be corrected very easily by correcting the food supply. Stop eating until breathing is free. Go to bed without anything to eat. That late supper that many eat, and over-eating, are all wrong and must stop. If asthma is present in the morning,.do not take any breakfast, and do not take anything to eat until breathing is free. If the disease has 111 a deep hold, it may be necessary to stay away from all food for a month. But the results obtained will more than pay you for the trouble. Asthma can be cured in this way. See page 83. ASTHMA, CATARRH AND HAY FEVER Read next article on hay fever. These three ailments can only be cured by a general upbuilding of the entire system. If you will follow the treatment given it will effect a cure in from two to seven months. You have been years in getting these trou- bles and you cannot get rid of them in a day. But if you will follow the treatments for indigestion, sour stomach, constipation, and kidney trouble, you will get relief in a very short time. These three treatments work into one very nicely. See pages 70 and 83. HAY FEVER The cause of hay fever is chronic indigestion; of this there is no doubt in my mind. Hay fever may well be looked upon as the stepbrother of asthma, as both of them have the same parent, bad digestion, which has persisted for a long time. As in asthma, the curing of the digestive trouble cures the hay fever. To understand the connection of stomach trouble with hay fever we must remember the unobstructed passage from the stomach to the mouth, and from here to the nose and to the inner ear, and from the nose to the eyelids and the frontal cells, which are cavities in the bone under the eyebrows. All these are lined with mucous membrane. If volatile, irritating acid gases are formed in the stomach these will rise, enter all the passages and irritate and inflame them. The passage from the nose to the eyelids carries the dis- charges from the eyes to the eyelids and also the tears, and these passages are called the tear canals. The opening of these canals is in the inner corner of the lower lid and can be seen as a small dot. Sometimes before the attacks of hay fever the patient feels generally weak and is disinclined to work, has a disturbed appe- tite, feels rather cold and likes to be in warm places and to dress himself warm ; he may also have palpitation of the-heart and a sensation of choking, suffocation and constriction, and there is also noticed a general itching of the body and the appearance of eruptions like a nettle rash. He soon begins to feel an itching, 112 pricking, smarting and burning sensation in the eyes, as if there were sand in them. There is a tingling, tickling sensation of the roof of the mouth, a fullness and tightness across the bridge of the nose, fulness in the head, pain in the forehead and behind the ears. The patient rubs at the inner angles of the eyes, because here he has the most irritation. The back of the throat and the tonsils are red and swollen, and he has difficulty in swallowing. The irritation spreads to the larynx, down into the bronchial tubes and lungs, and the patient gets hoarse. Soon all these inflamed surfaces begin to discharge a clear fluid; the eyes look swollen and watery and the discharge runs into the nose through the tear canals. The combined discharge from the eyes and nose may become so great that patients have been known to use up two or three dozen handkerchiefs a day. The irritation of the nose causes violent spasms of sneezing, which may produce swelling and puffiness of the face and some- times some blood vessels may rupture under the skin. Both daylight and artificial light hurts the eyes, which be- come red and puffy. The senses of taste and smell are interfered with, and thus the disease runs its course for a few weeks, to reappear the next season. Lucky is the one in whom the hay fever does not ultimately lead to asthma-hay fever and asthma being so closely connected. The same treatments as given for asthma and catarrh will cure this trouble. HEADACHE Are you one of its victims? Have you been subject to what is called sick headache, bilious, or nervous headache? If you read every word of this article, and then follow the treatment given, you will be freed from this terrible condition. You remember how it comes on. You awake in the morning not feeling just as you should, and you don't know whether you want any breakfast or not; yet you eat it; and feel worse after you have. There is no headache, only a dull feeling in the brain, just as a warning of the coming storm. You say to yourself, "I am afraid I am in for a siege of head- ache." And despair siezes you when you remember the horrors before you, yet you have hope that it will not be as bad as usual. 113 You get your cup of tea, or something else-no use, struggle as you will, it gradually settles upon you. You wish to see no one; you are cranky, and the pain com- mences. Just a little at first, and you try to throw it off-no use. Now the pain gets more and more intense. Some little imp is digging about among the roots of the nerves. Or, a small tool is being driven into the brain over the left eye; or the whole top of the head is being crushed in under a brick. And then a strange feeling comes over you apparently from the stomach. It makes you sick to think of eating, and you are sick at the stom- ach-of that you are sure. If death would only come, and come quickly! After hours of torture, the storm begins to lull; you fall asleep, and oh, what sweet rest it is; it is surely Heaven after one of those sick head- aches. Do not take medicine for headache. It can be asserted that there is not one "headache cure" sold at the drug store that is not dangerous. Many of these nostrums weaken the heart, and to exchange a chronic headache for chronic heart disease is a poor trade. The best cure for headache is to correct the habit of living. When people learn how to eat, exercise, and take care of the bowels they do not need drugs or mind cures. Headaches are preventable by using common sense in eating and drinking. To cure this trouble follow the treatments as given for kidney trouble, stomach trouble, and constipation, and you will cure this trouble very quickly. CANCER Cancer is seldom found among negroes. Cancer is preceded by disease of the stomach and intestines. It occurs in the latter half of life, sometimes earlier. Cancer is the result of gradual self-poisoning. Food and drink that is unfavorable to man will lay a foundation for cancer. It induces a cancerous condition of the cells. Tobacco, liquor, coffee, tea, help in the development of a bodily condition favorable for cancer. Flesh eaters are more subject to cancer than those who live vegetarian. I incline to regard cancer as a condition of low vitality due to anything and everything unfavorable to health, but especially due to imperfect foods and misuse of hygiene in the continuous care of the body, day by day, year after year. Low vitality, due to malnutrition, is back of every case of cancer. 114 The best plan of treatment is dietary and hygienic. No diet- ary will be better than that which is composed of fruit and veg- etables, with enough fresh ground cereal mush, and a liberal use of lettuce, to correct acidity in the system. A combination of fruit and vegetable, with green leaf vegetables offer a hope for a cure Of cancer superior to anything artificial, drug, serum, Knife, or what not. Cereals most suitable are Scotch oats and wheat meal, to be made into mush. The best fruit for fall and winter is the apple. All fruit is useful in season. See page 147. GALLSTONES AND DRUGS Question. What do you think of "Fruitola," a remedy for st mach trouble and gallstones? Answer. According to the Indiana State Board analysis, Fruitola is olive oil and seidlitz powder. This combination will form a fair imitation of gallstones in the human intestines. It will remove no "gallstones" other than those which it manufactures. The Journal of the American Medical Association terms it a fake. The best natural treatment for gallstones is taking the in- ternal bath every night until the stones have passed away; the drinking of half a cup of olive oil every night will hasten the cure. DON'T TAKE PATENT MEDICINE-WHY? The State Board of Health of Vermont issues the following warning: Seven Reasons Why You Should Let Patent Medicines Alone. 1- There may be any one of a hundred things the matter with you. You can't tell which trouble you have. 2- There are a hundred different concoctions advertised. You can't tell which one you need. This again is guesswork when life and health are in a balance. 3- In either case, if you guess wrong, positive injury is done; for any medicine strong enough to do good work when needed will do harm when not needed. 4- A remedy useful in one stage of a disease may be posi- tively injurious at some other stage of that disease. With patent medicines there is no discrimination. 5- Because you get well after using a certain preparation, is no reason you get well because of it. When you are sick there are fifty chances to one that you will get well anyhow, and 115 if you take a patent medicine, the chances are that you recover in spite of taking it, and not because of taking it. 6- The recuperative powers in the body are the natural ten- dency to throw off disease, readjust our physical machinery, and get things back in good order; these are your greatest helps in getting well again, and a drug which is not needed by your sys- tem hinders and checks these recuperative powers. And if you use patent medicines, there are a hundred chances to one that you will get a drug that is not needed for your particular malady and your particular stage of that malady. 7- Right living will make it unnecessary to drug yourself except at very rare intervals, but if you do get sick enough to really need treatment, do not take a concoction of drugs pre- pared by a man who probably has no medical training, has never seen you, and knows nothing of your case, and whose mixture has ninety-nine chances of missing you to one of hitting. WORMS The meats of three ounces of pumpkin seeds well chewed and swallowed at night, with three ounces of castor oil next morning, also with the use of the internal bath every three hours will bring the tapeworm head and all. PELLAGRA NOT CONTAGIOUS Pellagra is a disease caused by improper diet. It is not a germ disease, and consequently not contagious. About ten years ago we began to hear of pellagra in the Southern states. It was a new disease in America, though long known among the peasants of Italy. In 1907, the U. S. Health Service began collecting data of pellagra. The disease increased, and in the following five years, a total of 16,000 cases were reported in eight Southern states, nearly 40 per cent, of which terminated fatally. Pellagra is recognized by four groups of symptoms: Digest- ive disturbances, skin eruptions, nervous disorders, and mental degeneration. It was a disease chiefly of the poorer classes. It was a disease from which women suffered three times as often as the men. It was a disease of the late winter and spring. After in- vestigating the condition for years, it was discovered that poor 116 diet caused the disease and that the right diet would cure the trouble. The Government investigators say it is a lack of protein. They could have said with as much reason, a lack of mineral salts. For the corn meal, fine flour, and fat pork diet that caused pellagra is deficient in these salts. The addition of milk, eggs, and fresh vegetables, will correct the diet, and by taking the internal bath daily and drinking hot water in the morning, noon, and night, before every meal, keep- ing the stomach and bowels clean and dieting, the disease can be cured. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; take a bath daily. WARNING AGAINST THE WHOLESALE REMOVAL OF THE TONSILS Don't have your tonsils cut out too quickly, even the medical profession is no longer unanimous in advising the removal of these parts. It is rare that a tonsil needs to be removed. Many children while growing rapidly have enlarged tonsils which do no harm but return to a normal condition. When people are taught to keep elimination sufficiently active, enlarged glands disappear. A poisoned blood is the essential underlying factor in tonsil en- largement and inflammation. Eliminate waste substances from- the blood and there will be no enlarged tonsils. "If any public service corporation, for instance a telephone company, cut holes in as many beautiful shade trees on the public streets and lawns of any community as our specialists cut holes in the throats of helpless children there would be such a howl of protest as would awaken the laziest official from his civic sleep." These were the startling words of warning uttered by Dr. Royal S. Copeland, of New York City, in a paper read be- fore the American Institute of Homeopathy, in a warning against the wholesale removal of tonsils. Keep the bowels clean with the Internal Bath, drink plenty of water each day, and a glass of hot water the first thing in the morning. Eat plenty of fruit and fresh vegetables in a raw state, and the trouble will soon disappear. Skin diseases of all kinds are caused by the impurities and poisons of the blood, and in trying to rid itself of these poisons ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN DISEASES 117 through the pores of the skin eruptions of all kinds occur. Con- stipation causes impure blood, and impure blood causes skin dis- eases, so to cure the disease we must remove the cause, and get the impurities out of the blood and skin. To do this: Take internal bath every night for six or eight weeks, and then twice a week until your skin is perfectly clear again. Drink hot water every morning before you eat, and plenty of water during the day. Take a hot tub bath every three days for two months (using- no soap). Have the water hot so you will perspire freely, and then sponge oft with cold water. The hot bath is important, as the impurities must be gotten out of the skin. Do not take medicine of any kind, but eat plenty of fresh fruits and vege- tables, nuts, etc. Do not eat meat. Do not drink tea, coffee, or adulterated drinks of any kind. GAS IN THE STOMACH This trouble will be cured by taking the internal bath until you are cured of constipation, and by the drinking of hot water in the morning and plenty of cold water during the day. GRAVEL Gravel, either of the kidneys or the liver, consists of hard- ened albuminous waste from the blood, and by lessening the con- sumption of milk, eggs, and meat, less albumin enters the system. To remedy this condition, take internal bath every night for twenty nights, and take a fruit fast for ten days, that is- eat nothing but fruit for that length of time, and for the next ten days live on just fruits and vegetables except beans and po- tatoes. Follow the above treatment and the gravel will be dis- solved and eliminated from the system with the bile and urine. MEASLES This is not a dangerous disease, but a disease peculiar to chil- dren. The first thing to do is to bring out the rash, and this is accomplished by the use of the internal bath twice a day, and the giving of hot drinks every little while; giving no food of any kind until rash is out. When the eruption is out, use the internal bath once a day and see that the outside of the body is kept clean with a daily bath; use warm water and guard against taking cold. The following is a case of measles treated by a New York doctor: 118 "Muriel, a child of three, had measles, a hard case, with high fever and vomiting. Prior to my treatment she had been treated with drugs. The case becoming alarming, I was asked to take it. I gave warm water enemas a few times; copious, green, foul discharges followed, and in three days the child was per- fectly well. "Elmer Lee, M. D., New York City." WHAT TO DO FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE Government vital statistics for 1914 show that over one hundred thousand persons die of Bright's disease, or nephritis, each year. This means that every twelfth man is dying of kidney disease, therefore it behooves us to look well to the safety of the kidneys. When we consider the function of this organ, that its purpose is to remove wastes from the body and prevent self- poisoning, that it is one of the most important organs of elimina- tion, then perhaps we can discover a reason for the difficulties it encounters. Evidently it is called upon to remove too large an amount of poison. Now if poisons are taken in the food and drink, these must add to the burden of the kidneys. Such poisons we find in alco- holics, tea, coffee, and tobacco, also in the excessive use of eggs and meat. Constipation always means an extraordinary burden thrown upon the kidneys. There is one other item that we might speak of, wherein the kidneys are greatly abused; that is in the excessive use of table salt. Now just a word with reference to the management of Bright's disease, which is a general term for all kidney affections. It becomes apparent that if certain things are factors in the pro- duction of kidney diseases, the careful elimination of those factors is the first aid to the kidneys. The first aid to the kidneys in nephritis is to stop all fermentation and putrefaction in the ali- mentary canal; hence it will be necessary to watch food combina- tions. For instance, avoid milk and sugar together, and do not eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. Partake of acids and acid fruits at one meal, and starches and starchy vegetables at another. We also discover that in dropsical conditions due to the kidney affections, if salt is entirely excluded from the dietary, the dropsy will disappear. See page 103. Many persons starve to death every year, but it is the kind of starvation that goes with a full stomach. 119 PILES Piles are easily and quickly cured. Don't let them run on for years; they are very dangerous-the little touches of piles that we have over a period of many years, are an invitation to the development of that deadly enemy, cancer in the lower bowels, resulting from chronic inflammation. See pages 110 and 111. PNEUMONIA AND PLEURISY In "The Health Culture Magazine" of March, 1920-the first article in that issue is "Pneumonia-Cause, Prevention and Cure," by Dr. Elmer Lee. The doctor states the following: "Any pneumonia, however slight, is a call for warm enemas, frequently administered, to keep the intestinal way clear, clean and free from gas. "A purgative is too slow, too irritant and harsh. Warm enemas are immediate and can be repeated at will and act with- out disturbing the stomach and small intestines. In extreme cases an enema can be administered as many as a dozen times a day with safety and good effect. "Next to enemas the most important part of the treatment is giving of little drinks of water, warm or cold. Little drinks every little while, and little enemas, in themselves almost com- prise the saving treatment in pneumonia; also pleurisies. "Pleurisy is almost always a complication of pneumonia, or pneumonia a complication of pleurisy." The above treatment is just what I would recommend. I only wish I had the space to give the whole article on the subject as to diet, nursing, etc. CONSUMPTION OR TUBERCULOSIS No person with a good pair of lungs and a clean colon ever got consumption. Do not get it into your head that consumption is inherited, for it is not. Consumption is due to poor nutrition. If you breathe a mil- lion consumption microbes a day, they will do you no harm as long as your nutrition is good. To cure this trouble it is important that you have plenty of fresh air, live in the open as much as possible, and sleep in the open air, or see that every window is open in the sleeping room. Take internal bath daily for six or eight weeks, and bathe the body daily. Eat plenty of good nourishing food, such as 120 fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts, milk and raw eggs. And practice the habit of deep breathing to strengthen the lungs. Consumption is lung starvation, and poor nutrition. Drink all the hot water you can in the morning, and plenty of cool water during the day. Do not drink tea, coffee, alcohol, beer, soda water or adulterated drinks of any kind. By Dr. J. H. Robinett. APPENDICITIS "Appendicitis is an inflammation of the Vermiform Ap- pendix. According to modern pathologists, inflammation of the appendix is the same as inflammation of any other part of the body. There is no specific type of inflammation in the appendix, and under proper treatment an inflammation of this structure in the great majority of cases can be cured without the use of the knife the same as inflammations are cured in other structures of the body. The chief cause for appendicitis is constipation. The disease is about four times as common in males as in females, and the larger per cent, of cases are in individuals between fifteen and thirty years of age. The only way appendicitis can be cured is by the removal of the obstruction and permitting the abscess to drain into the colon. In acute cases, hot or cold packs will be of value in the relief of pain. If fever precedes pain it is not appendicitis. If vomiting precedes pain the chances are that the condition is not appendicitis." Appendicitis is caused by constipation. You will notice the illustration on page 32; notice the location of the appendix at the beginning of the large intestine-the colon ; it is waste mat- ter at the opening that causes it to become inflamed. Remove this waste and the trouble will disappear. To cure this trouble, take an internal bath every night until you know you are completely cured. Remember it is the right side of the colon that needs to be kept clean, so get in position No. 1 to receive the water; then position No. 2, and then to posi- tion No. 3 on the right side, and hold the water in the right side for about five minutes and massage gently around the ap- pendix. If this treatment is followed, pain and inflammation will soon disappear, and you will find an operation is unnecessary. VAGINAL DOUCHE It is absolutely necessary to speak here of the value of the vaginal douche. It has been taught for centuries, and it is 121 practiced by the majority of civilized women with the same regularity that they use the tooth-brush. Yet there are undoubt- edly women to whom that very statement will come with surprise. Women who, because of lack of early teaching, or because of that strange, false delicacy that makes them avoid all preach- ments on the subject, are, more or less unconsciously, actually unclean all their lives. Fortunate are they if they do not suffer because of it. Let such women consult with a physician or a wiser sister. They will learn that a syringe is as essential to bodily purity as is a sponge, a tooth-brush, or a towel, and in fact, a thousand times more so. Bodily purity always means bodily health. As for Indelicacy, there is no indelicacy as bad as uncleanliness, and no delicacy that will atone for it. The vaginal douche not only promotes cleanliness, but it alleviates pain, reduces inflammation and their 122 constant secretions, regulates the menstrual periods and often acts as a general invigorator and tonic to the entire system. Nearly all female troubles are fought and cured by the syringe alone, and they can all be guarded against by its use. Surely this is an appliance that deserves the best that can be said of it and deserves the respect and attention of all women of refinement. FEMALE TROUBLE A B Effect of Lacing on the Organs of Chest and Abdomen A-Normal position of organs. B-Position of organs after lacing. I only wish that every woman in the world would study the above cuts one hour every day of their lives. Is it any wonder that nearly every woman has female trouble, stomach trouble, kidney trouble, displacements, menstrual troubles, diseased ovaries, etc.? You will never be healthy in the world as long as you wear tight clothing, and you do not deserve to. God never intended us to disfigure our body in any such way. To correct this trouble, wear loose clothes and take plenty of exercise of the right kind. Take the "Physical Culture Magazine" and follow its teachings and you will have a perfect form and health. Eighty-five per cent, of all cases of female trouble are caused by constipation and wrong eating. An enlarged colon will cause menstrual troubles, displacements, diseased ovaries, etc. Rut re- gardless of the cause the same treatment is to be used. Perhaps you are not adhering to the old-style methods of tight lacing, but you must admit, on your part, that a corset 123 and skirt bands prevent the free movement of the abdominal muscles back and forth with every respiration. You would ap- preciate the importance of this free movement of the abdominal muscles more if you knew that with each movement of these muscles in breathing, the plevic organs in natural condition rise and fall. Every time the abdominal muscles move outward the pelvic organs rise; every time these muscles are drawn in in expelling the breath the organs fall. This natural rise and fall takes place twenty times per minute, twelve hundred times per hour, all day long. But when you put a constricting band around the waist, and hold the muscles of the abdomen still, the organs fall and stay fallen; there is no more rise until night, when the clothes are removed. So you see that such habit of dress tends to cause displacement of the pelvic organs. In time the natural supports of these organs become permanently stretched, and then the organs fail to rise even when the clothing is removed. And sooner or later you are bound to have "womb trouble'' and there is no drug known, when taken into the blood, to lift these organs into place and hold them there. But it can be done by natural methods, if you are willing to take the time and trouble. And if you are not willing to do this, all I can say is, you deserve to be sick. You have caused this condition, and you must right it. We may be thankful that tight-lacing is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The first thing I want to impress upon your mind is the one fact that female trouble can be cured. I have thousands of walk- ing advertisements to that fact. There are a few exercises that you can follow in your own home, that in a few weeks will cause the natural rise and fall of these parts again as nature intended. There is a certain position for you to lie in for about two hours during the middle of the day, and practice abdominal breathing. This increases the pump-like action of the stomach, which in turn causes the displaced organs to fall and rise. There is a certain position for you to lie in while sleeping, and there are five other simple rules for you to follow besides the eating and drinking advice I give you. You will find the treat- ments very easy to follow, and they are worth thousands of dollars to every woman in the world that is suffering from a dis- placement or female trouble of any kind. TREATMENT 124 The following of this treatment will strengthen the supports holding the displaced organ and it will only be a short time until they will return to their position nature intended. Remember that at least 98 out of every 100 can be cured entirely. In November, 1916, I had a case of a woman in the follow- ing condition. Not only was the flow too long continued, but it was too frequent. Before she had fully recovered from one period, another came on. The result was that the drain on her strength kept her in a weak condition all the time. Theffreatment as given in my book affected a complete cure in five weeks. I could name hundreds of like cases and a great many worse ones. I will name one more as follows: A mother of three children, the youngest of whom was four years, had extreme pain at the monthly period, and this pain had increased in the last two years so that it was almost unbearable. In fact at times she would become unconscious from the terrible suffering; about the worst case I have ever seen. She started the treatment as given in my book, and in 18 days her monthly period came on with very little pain; the next month she experienced no pain whatever, and today she is a well woman. In order to give this treatment and give it so that you would get the value from it, would require a number of pages as it is thorough, is all that is needed, and it is the only thing that will right this condition. I do not have room in this book to give the treatment as I wanted you to have it, so I have had a special book written on this subject and also the subject of childbirth, which should be almost painless. For future mothers this is a wonderful book. See page 144. NEURALGIA The term Neuralgia is taken from two Greek words and means nerve pain. The most important symptom is pain. This may last for several moments or for several days. It may be simply a dull ache or it may be a pain so severe and lasting as to utterly exhaust the patient's strength. The cause of neuralgia is defective nutrition of the nerves or in other words, neuralgia is the cry of a starved nerve for healthly blood. It is usually accompanied by derangement of the digestion. The excessive use of tea, coffee or tobacco is frequently a cause of neuralgia. 125 Neuralgia may also occur from an external injury, or from pressure of a tumor or some misplaced bone or ligament upon the nerve trunk. And if it should be caused from a misplacement see a good Osteopath doctor at once. Treat same as for rheumatism and you will get relief very quickly, and be sure and leave tea, coffee, and stimulants of all kinds alone. TOBACCO HARDENS THE ARTERIES, OVERTAXES THE HEART AND SHORTENS LIFE Says Dr. Connor, formerly of Johns Hopkins Hospital: Hun- dreds of thousands of men who smoke and chew and who believe themselves healthy are suffering from progressive organic ail- ments. They would never have been afflicted had it not been for the use of tobacco and most of them would soon get well if they would only stop the use of tobacco. The best known habit forming principle of tobacco is nico- tine, but the most deadly and demoralizing is furfural. Both are deadly poisons, which, when absorbed by the system slowly, but surely, affect the nerves, membranes, tissues, vital organs and vitality of the body. The harmful effect of tobacco varies and depends on circum- stances and the individual. In some it causes general debility, others catarrh of the throat, indigestion, constipation, extreme nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of memory, lack of will power, cowardice and fear, mental confusion, etc.; in others it causes heart disease, bronchial troubles, hardening of the arteries, pal- pitation of the heart, tuberculosis, blindness, cancer and the com- mon affliction known as tobacco heart. See pages 137, 138, 143. OUR NEW BOOK-"VENEREAL DISEASES" This book is written for men, women, and children. There are a number of things you ought to know, that I did not think best to put in this book. So I have had a special book written taking up venereal disease-Syphilis, Gonorrhea. Do not be deceived by the lying advertisements of unprincipled quacks- that any drug can cure you. Read pages 51 to 57 of this work and see special offer on page 146. VEGETABLE DIET BEST Vegetarian diet is the purest and best because vegetables contain more nutriment than an equal amount of dead flesh. It 126 should be remembered that dead flesh can never be wholesome because decay commences at the moment when the creature is killed, and products are formed in this process of retrograde change which are poisonous. In the Scripture of the Hindus only three diseases existed, one of which was old age, but when people began to eat flesh, 78 new diseases appeared. Man is not naturally carnivorous, and flesh food is not suited to him. Men are stronger and better on a vegetarian diet. I know people say: "You will be weak if you do not eat flesh,'' which is untrue. There is not a meat eater in the world who has the strength, vitality, and endurance, of a man or woman who does not eat meat, if they will only eat the right kind of foods. Get my Per- fect Health Cook Book; it is worth its weight in gold. See page 147 for special offer. DOCTORS Doctors would starve to death or go to work at some other work if the people of this country would follow the teachings of the National Health Bureau. No! I am not fighting doctors, or any one else. I am only doing what I can for suffering humanity. I see clearly how lack of knowledge of our physical condition is the cause of all organic troubles-and why? For the want of applied common sense, and too much faith in Allopathy, our asylums and hospitals are crowded with organic imbeciles and victims of appendicitis and other popular ailments, all of which are easily cured and pre- vented by assisting nature and without operation. Doctor Osler was formerly Professor of Materia Medica at the Johns Hopkins University, of Baltimore, Md., and until his death held the professorship at Oxford University, England. His books on medical practice are in use in almost every university and medical school in all English-speaking countries. Dr. Osler states that most drugs have no effect on the disease for which they are administered. Also the following: "Almost every virulent poison known to man is found in allopathic prescriptions; these poisons have a tendency to accumulate in the system, to concentrate in certain parts and organs, and then to cause continual irritation and actual destruction of tissues. By far the greater part of chronic diseases is created or complicated through the suppression of 127 acute diseases by means of drug poisons, and through the de- structive effects of the drugs themselves." Dr. Schwenninger, the medical adviser of Prince Bismarck, and later of Richard Wagner, the composer, condemns poisonous drugs and surgery. Dr. Treves, the body-physician of the late King Edward, of England, was no less outspoken in his denunciation of drugging than Drs. Osler and Schwenninger. OATMEAL WATER This is a raw food and may be used in stomach and bowel troubles. It is a complete food. It may be taken alone at one meal, or alone for all meals three times a day, or, in a weakened condition of patients, take less and oftener than three times a day. To prepare, place some rolled oats in a dish and cover with water and allow to soak for thirty minutes, then with a spoon stir or beat until it becomes milky. Add some water and strain through wire strainer and drink slowly. If you wish it sweet add a little honey; this makes a delightfully refreshing as well as nourish- ing drink. Let your patient live on this. It is cooling and heal- ing and will make new blood rapidly. This can be retained in the stomach when exerything else is refused. It is heavy and rich in food. Do not overfeed patient. HOT AND COLD BATHS Cold baths are chiefly tonic in effect; hot baths mainly puri- fying. The true hot bath is one at a temperature above that of the blood, and may be anywhere from 102 to 110 degrees Fahren- heit. The most important fact about hot baths is not that they are externally cleansing, but that they are internally cleansing. Wastes and poisons in the system are rapidly eliminated through the pores in a hot bath. The skin thus substitutes for the kidneys to a marked extent, and Bright's disease victims are sometimes kept alive by this treatment. The hot bath is best followed by a cool sponging or cold spray. It is the best thing in the world to break up a cold, espe- cially if you are vigorous enough to take it quite hot, 108 to 112 degrees, and avoid consequent chilling. It relieves chronic catarrh wonderfully. It is a blood purifier of the most active type in any disease requiring the elimination of poisons and not 128 marked with fever. Drink water freely before getting into the hot bath. It is the most effective treatment for convulsions in children, in uremic poisoning, kidney insufficiency, etc. THE ABUSE OF THE MARRIAGE RELATION There is a belief that woman's nature has been formed by the Creator to be weakly, sickly and changeable. How foolish! Is woman's nature really so constituted, that these evils are in- separably connected with her? The observer of Nature cannot under any circumstance grant this, for it would mock all laws of Nature. Woman resembles a plant which, as a rule, grows more than one blossom, and the time that she conceives and bears children is her time of blossom, for only blossoms are fructified and ripen to fruit. And just in this period occur the combined symptoms called Hysterics, which make of woman a problem. With the beginning of matrimony, commences, with most women, the period of all suffering; the blossom fades with astonishing rapidity, and the husband, who in conjunction with his wife should verify the con- ception of a perfect "human being," has only the sorry satisfac- tion that it was he who has deflowered this tender blossom. THIS MYSTERY IS FULLY EXPLAINED-SEE PAGE 144. BALDNESS The hair does not die when we do, but frequently grows long after death. This means that to a certain extent it has a life of its own, which is independent of the life of the body. If you wish your hair to grow, see that your head gets about five minutes massage every night before you retire, do not wear a tight hat hand; expose your hair to the air and sun whenever you can. Shampoo at least once a week in summer and once a month in winter, using nothing except a pure cocoanut oil soap, a cheap but a good soap for the purpose. DANDRUFF For Dandruff nothing is better than frequent washing to keep the scalp clean; then massage freely both morning and night, adding a little sunshine to your scalp daily. This is the best tonic in the world. 129 MID-SUMMER HEALTH HINTS 1. Don't drink ice water. 2. Drink plenty of water between meals. 3. Alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and too much food are the prin- cipal cause of heat prostration. 4. If you are going to eat ice cream and ices and take cold drinks, do so on an empty stomach. 5. Most of our summer stomach and bowel disorders are caused by overeating of heavy foods, drinking ice water, and flooding the stomach with water while digestion is under way. --UJWUUB- X 'aMMHBC.,4 "• am*-. n I1W-HI ■ * ill ■ nwwx 6. Don't forget that the real cause of much of our hot weather discomfort is an excess of meat, bread, and potatoes which the body must burn up, and which generates more or less excess heat. 7. Summer is fruit time; if you would keep cool, eat more fruit and less of other foods. To put it in plain English, smallpox is a complication of symptoms resulting from retained waste matters, lowered vital resistance, and a general impure atmospheric condition. No person with a clean colon, kidneys working right, body properly nourished with food and plenty of pure water and fresh air could ever get smallpox. One can render himself immune to smallpox as well as other diseases by taking measures to prevent the retention and accumulation of waste in the body, and by maintaining the vital force at the highest possible point. The proper action of the skin, lungs, bowels, and kidneys is essential. Free water drinking is the most important influence in regulating the action of kidneys, bowels, and skin. To cure this trouble, abstain from food of all kinds through- out the few days of the acute stage, take an internal bath daily with cool water, free drinking of cold water, treatment of the skin several times daily by cool sponge baths, to control the tem- perature and to maintain the activity. Add to this plenty of pure air, freedom from worry, and we are in possession of a curative method which robs smallpox of its terrors, and registers another triumph for common sense methods of treatment of disease. SMALLPOX 130 The point of attack is generally one of the small joints, as of the hand or foot. The first joint of the big toe is a frequent joint of deposits. There is great pain, with redness and swelling of the joint and excessive tenderness. There is usually a rise of temperature and disturbance of the heart action, as well as indi- gestion, headache, fever, and dizziness. All of the above as well as the gout itself is due to the one cause-retention of waste mat- ter and poisons in the system. Follow the treatment for rheuma- tism and you will get relief very quickly. GOUT A vein is varicose when it is permanently enlarged. The most frequent places for varicose veins are the lower extremity, the rectum, and the testicles. Causes are lack of nourishment, over- feeding, and pressure upon the veins from outside or inside. Therefore constipation is the one great cause; tight garters are also a bad thing to wear. All obstacles to circulation should be removed, and cold applications are of great value when applied to the leg, the rectum or the testicles. These latter parts, if ef- fected, can be relieved by the douche, or by immersion of said parts. The cold sitz bath for ten minutes is of great value for varicocele or hemorrhoids, and you must cure constipation above all things. Attention to general health, with the free drinking of water will right the condition. Follow treatment for indiges- tion and for constipation with the treatment given above. VARICOSE VEINS DIRECTIONS FOR SITZ BATH Fill a small tub about one-third full of cold water and sit in same for about 10 or 15 minutes. For all inflammations of the generative organs or of the rectum, in fact of any of the abdom- inal viscera, this bath is of the greatest value. In the so-called female troubles the coM sitz bath has preserved many sufferers from the surgeon's knife and would save many others if used. The cold sitz bath is also of great value as a general tonic. INFANTILE PARALYSIS Infantile paralysis, or, as it is technically called, poliomyelitis, is a disease which occurs almost entirely in children between the ages of one and four years, usually in those about eighteen months old; occasionally it attacks older children, and rarely adults are affected. 131 Infantile paralysis is apparently an innocent disorder; it comes on much like an ordinary attack of indigestion in children. It is preceded usually by one day of disinclination to play and a desire to be left alone; then follows one day of fever with vomit- ing. Then about the third or fourth day it will be noticed that the child is paralyzed. So you can see the necessity of quick treatment. You will notice that infantile paralysis attacks the child at the age when it is first taken to the table and fed anything and everything, foods that were never intended for an infant. It must be remembered that a child can digest very little except milk and fruit until after it is four years of age. And there is no doubt that the feeding of wrong kinds of foods, which ferment and putrefy in the stomach and intestines are the direct cause of this as well as other diseases of children. If you want to prevent this disease see that the child is fed on just fruit, green vegetables and milk, no white bread, in fact no white flour products of any kind; no meat, remember this, no meat. See that the child drinks plenty of water (not ice water) and no tea and coffee, and above all things see that the bowels are kept open with the internal bath at least twice a day. Some physicians say it is contagious, while others maintain it is not. Statistics of 1916 show that only one out of every one- hundred and sixty-six that were exposed acquired it. Can a dis- ease be termed contagious when only fourteen persons out of two thousand and seventy directly exposed to it afterwards acquired it? Fear is unquestionably a devitalizing agent. It takes away one's courage. Under its influence one frequently gives up. We should understand this much, that we should not fear any disease. No child in splendid health, with bowels and kidneys normal, could possibly acquire infantile paralysis. It has its origin in disease of the stomach or bowels. Bowel diseases exact a fearful toll of child life. Derangements of the alimentary canal are the primary cause of infantile paralysis. It is the prevention we are after-not the cure; one prevention is worth a hundred cures. If the suggestions are rigidly followed as given for the prevention of this disease, you need not have the slightest fear of your child acquiring this much dreaded complaint. See that your child is out of doors as much as possible, and that there is plenty of fresh air in the sleeping room; don't let 132 your child overeat, don't let him eat between meals, see that he eats plenty of fruit and drinks plenty of water. Be careful of sweet milk unless you are sure it is above suspicion. And see that the child has a daily bath. Epidemics occur in infantile paralysis principally during the summer, just why it is hard to explain. But every doctor that has a grain of common sense knows that it is not caused by bac- teria, virus, micro-organisms, or germs. Symptoms of infantile paralysis are identical with constipation; stagnated colon and auto- intoxication. Internal bath should be used daily. Dr. Simon Flexner, director of the Rockefeller Institute lab- oratories, may be said to be the foremost authority on infantile paralysis in the United States today. Dr. Flexner says that sani- tation, cleanliness and protection of food are the best infantile para- lysis foes. OBESITY Obesity is a disease, caused from eating more food than the digestive juices can convert into the right kind of tissue building material. And the eating of the wrong kind of food and too much of it causes a low grade tissue to be formed and deposited. This is a brief, but plain, statement of the cause of obesity. Treat as follows: The main thing is the diet; arrange a diet of plain, simple foods, just enough to sustain the body. Try a breakfast of just fruit; for dinner a good meal of fruit or vegetable salads, greens, celery, let- tuce, tomatoes, whole wheat bread and peanut butter. Supper about the same as breakfast. Avoid meat, eggs, cheese, sugar, salt and butter. Take internal bath daily, drink glass of hot water a half hour before each meal, and see that you drink not less than two quarts of water each day, but not with your meals. Drink more and eat less. Follow the above and you will effect a cure. COLIC Apply heat over the seat of the pain with hot water bottle, and give hot water to drink every five minutes, if the child is old enough. If over four years of age, use internal bath at once. If an infant,- use the baby syringe so that the bowels will move at once. Same treatment as for colic, except let the patient draw a deep breath and hold it as long as possible; keep repeating this. HICCOUGH 133 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE It has been only in the past few years that the public has heard of high blood pressure. This is because only recently have instru- ments been devised to compute easily the blood pressure. High blood pressure is a disease as old as man; but its far-reaching effects are just being recognized. The big insurance companies have done much to increase our knowledge of this disease. By means of the blood pressure they can foretell with reasonable certainty the ap- parently healthy men who may drop dead or develop serious disease, in the prime of life. The blood is kept at a certain pressure at all times, at a pres- sure which moves the vital fluid at a rapid rate through the larger blood vessels, and which forces it through the smaller capillaries and even through the minute spaces between the individual cells. In the body this blood pressure is maintained, for the most part, by the big pumping station, the heart. Here is a simple rule for blood pressure: Up to the age of twenty the blood pressure should be between ioo and 120. Between the ages of twenty and forty it should not exceed 130. After the age of forty it should not increase more than one point added to 130, for each two years. The big robust man, overweight, overfed, and overstimulated, is usually the man in whom high blood pressure occurs. As the cele- brated Dr. Osler says, "High blood pressure is found most often among the big, robust men who eat a good deal, smoke a good deal, and drink a good deal." Occasionally it occurs in thin, nervous per- sons. High blood pressure rarely develops early in life. The pres- sure begins to rise between the age of thirty and forty, and has reached the excessive, often dangerous, point between forty and fifty. High blood pressure is simply an increase of the pressure of the blood in the arteries and smaller vessels. The increase may be any- where from two or three points to one hundred points or even more. A blood pressure of over 200 is dangerous, although any increase over normal is decidedly undesirable. At first an increase in the blood pressure acts as a powerful stimulant often leading to an unnatural exhilaration. However, the gradually increasing pressure over- strains the arteries and gradually brings about their degeneration. It also overworks the heart, leading to degeneration of the heart The Cause and Treatment of This Disease 134 muscles. Likewise it brings about more or less degeneration of the kidneys. High blood pressure lowers the disease-resisting powers: influenza and pneumonia are particularly fatal in the presence of this disease. There are four fatal terminations of high blood pressure. One is apoplexy or rupture of a degenerated vessel in the brain. While the first attack is not always fatal, unless something is done at once to lower the pressure and to keep it lowered, the second attack in a year or two usually terminates life. The second result of high blood pressure is heart failure due to heart overwork in maintaining the excessively high pressure. At post mortems following sudden death from blood pressure the heart walls are found actually torn apart as a result of a degeneration of the muscle fibers and the tremendous pressure exerted against them. Bright's disease, or de- generation of the kidneys, is another frequent result of high blood pressure and the factors which cause it. Many cases of obscure disease in persons past fifty are also due to the degeneration of the arteries caused by excessive blood pressure. High blood pressure is due to toxins circulating in the blood. These toxins affect the nerves controlling the millions of the smallest of the blood vessels so as to cause a constant contraction of these vessels; in this way the heart is obliged to increase the blood pres- sure in order to force the blood through the narrowed vessels. It is true that high blood pressure often develops in high-strung men who lead the strenuous life, who work on their nerve force. However, much of the ill effects of the so-called "strenuous life'' are really the result of too much food, too many smokes, late hours, and a bad body care generally, rather than the result of hard work. Auto-intoxication always makes the highstrung man more nervous. From observations in hundreds of cases the toxins that cause high blood pressure and accompanying degeneration of the vital organs, are food toxins. The man who develops high blood pressure has overeaten for a good many years; has taken considerably more food than he has needed. Usually he has had an excellent digestion, "everything agrees with him;" much of his pleasure of life comes from eating, and he can see no harm in eating what he wants. Nevertheless, he has kept his body overfilled with food toxins, and his kidneys and other organs of excretion constantly overworked. Sooner or later these organs begin to lag in their effort to keep the body clear of waste, then the toxins accumulate and a gradual in- crease in the blood pressure takes place 135 Added to the excessive waste material in the blood from digested food, we usually have in the high blood pressure case, the toxins generated from unused, undigested food in the bowels. In nineteen cases out of twenty of high blood pressure there is intestinal gas, indican is found in the urine, and in addition all the other evidences of fermentation and putrefaction of unused food in the bowels are present. Added to these food toxins we often have the poisons of tobacco, coffee, liquor, drugs, and syphilis. Germ poisons from chronic infections such as diseased tonsils, pyorrhea, or other tooth infections, may also assist in keeping up the toxemia which increases the blood pressure. However, the principal cause of high blood pres- sure is food-poisoning due to wrong eating, which means eating in excess of one's needs, and eating foods that are indigestible or dif- ficult to digest. This is the one most important cause of high blood pressure. What are the symptoms of high blood pressure? Very often, especially in the ultra robust, there are no alarming symptoms. With a gradual onset the person may become accustomed to the gradual increase until he goes on to the day of his death with apo- plexy or heart failure without having realized that he is really in a dangerous condition. High blood pressure is often discovered by accident at a life insurance examination. However, in the majority of cases there is ample warning. In fact, in persons of a nervous temperament, an increase in blood pressure of even fifteen points may bring on a multitude of nervous symptoms. The usual symptoms of high blood pressure are a feeling of full- ness in the head, often with a sensation of a band around the head or a hot spot on the top, headache, often intense, nervousness, in- somnia, more or less nervous irritability, often with a fear of impend- ing danger; one or more of these are usually present in increased blood pressure. There is often loss of memory and the inability to concentrate mentally. Shortness of breath, weakness, especially upon physical exertion, and dizziness are also usually symptoms of in- creased blood pressure. To cure high blood pressure it is necessary to reduce the food to just what the person needs, to what he can actually use up, and for the time being to a little less. In addition to this the food should be cooked and combined so that it can be easily digested. Only in this way can the stream of poisons from the fermenting food in the intestines be cut off and the waste materials of the body eliminated. The majority of cases of high blood pressure have been put upon two meals a day with only fruit, or a glass of buttermilk, or a glass 136 of malted milk, or a dish of ice cream at noon. The breakfasts usually consist of cantaloupe or one of the fruits containing very little acid, cereals and well baked bread. Coffee is omitted. Coffee, pastries, rich desserts, candy, and fried foods must all be eliminated from the diet of the man who has developed high blood pressure and who wishes to bring it down and to keep it so. Like- wise, tobacco and alcoholic drinks must be avoided. The man with high blood pressure should stimulate elimination through the lungs by an abundance of fresh air both day and night. He should also keep the skin, the great body sewer, active by taking a tepid sponge bath each day. He must also keep open the principal body sewer, the bowels; this is usually accomplished by the diet necessary to reduce the blood pressure. Of course, the man having high blood pressure should learn to avoid mental strain, learn to do his work easily and without exhausting his nerve force. Follow treatment as given for constipation, stomach trouble, and kidney trouble. Nature is sure if you will give her a chance. CRAMPS Bathe the parts affected in hot water, containing a little salt. EARACHE Apply cloths wrung out of hot water to the seat of the pain, give hot drinks, moisten a bit of cotton with sweet oil and put in the ear. WOMEN AND TOBACCO The woman who permits herself to drift into the cigarette habit soon loses self-control and goes the limit, and it is only a mat- ter of time, which depends upon her physical constitution, how long she will last. There is nothing she can do that will so surely bring about her mental and moral ruin as the use of tobacco. It changes her mental attitude towards life and she lets down the last bar of reason and seeks and courts congenial companionship among the unfortunates of her class and in time it degrades every- thing in woman that is worth while. In short while the lovely, devoted, clean wife and mother be- comes negligent of her womanly duties and responsibilities, and if an alcoholic history has not previously existed, in time she will also acquire that vice. Can you picture a more disgusting human being than an alcoholic and nicotine-poisoned woman? You may think there are only a few women that have this habit, but listen, friends, there are thousands upon thousands of them; 137 that is why this article is written. When women begin to dissipate they travel faster and farther than do men. There is no real man who, even though he uses tobacco himself looks with favor upon a woman using it, and I have never seen a real man indulging in the use of tobacco with women. I f the young women who use tobacco knew the mental estimate m which men hold them, there would be few tobacco users among them. They are immediately associated with the morally low; it makes no difference what their breeding or social standing may be. They are looked upon with suspicion, and time, place, and cir- cumstances permitting, they sooner or later have to defend their vir- tue or lose it. No worse case of drug habit has ever come under my observa- tion than that of the confirmed female tobacco user. There is noth- ing that she can do that is going to so surely rob her of her good looks, and of everything in her life and make-up that is pleasing and fascinating to men-and the men who tolerate their smoking are the first to kick them aside for those who are younger and prettier, when the tobacco has worked its irreparable havoc. Women, there is a positive cure for the tobacco habit; the prin- ciple part of the treatment is following the advice I give as to foods and drinks. 1 have studied this condition for the past five years and I now have the treatment where it is a success. I want every woman to have it. I want every man to have it. I want every boy and girl to have it. Your children should have this book to read, as it will open their eyes to conditions that they are in ignorance of. Remem- ber the only prevention is knowledge; see that they have it. This wonderful book-"The Tobacco Habit and How to Cure It''-will be sent to any address for 50c. See page 143. WARNING! Don't use tobacco unless you want to be thin, nervous and dyspeptic. MEN, BOYS AND TOBACCO In ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred you get the reply, "It does not hurt me." Does not hurt you! Wait and see. In years to come, when you ought to be in your prime, you will be poor, nervous, irritable, nerve dried creatures. Your hands will tremble, your head will ache, your sleep will be fretful and disturbed, your digestion impaired-in short, the pleasure you get from the use of 138 tobacco on one side, will be more than counterbalanced by the dis- comfort and misery on the other from using the dirty weed. The end of all science is to secure long life and good health to the individual and the race, and it ought to be a part of the rational creed of every good man and woman to abjure the use of tobacco, and to keep others from falling into the vice. Nicotine-the most active drug in tobacco-is very powerful; it gains a peculiar hold upon its victim, a hold stronger than alcohol. You may think that tobacco is doing you harm; oh! if I only had the space to give you what I know about the harm it is doing in this little world of ours. To begin with, tobacco is a poison and a deadly poison at that; one that gets you into a spell that just makes you believe you just must have it. The tobacco habit kills; yes, it has killed more men than pneumonia, diphtheria and typhoid fever put together. Not only that, but tobacco causes insanity and blindness. Tobacco poisons the entire system, and is never harmless, never was and never will be. Tobacco causes general weakness and apoplexy, loss of memory, paralysis, heart failure and hardening of the arteries. And oh! men if you only knew how it is reducing your efficiency, you would never smoke another cigar or cigarette as long as you live. And as for a woman that will smoke a cigarette, as Billy Sunday says: "She will do anything." Men, I have studied these conditions for the past five years; T have been experimenting for the past three years, and I now have a complete cure for the tobacco habit. Space will not permit me to give it in this book, but it is given in my book entitled The Tobacco Habit and how to cure it. I want you to have this book; if you do not need it yourself, get it for a friend; you will be doing him a world of good. If you have any children be sure that you have a copy of this book in the home, it will put them wise to a lot of things they never knew, as knowledge is the great prevention for children. This wonderful book will be sent to any address for 50 cents. It is a very valuable work, and ought to be in every home in the world. See page 143. It is the hope of the author that you will not only read this page, but every page in this bookit is written for your help and the author has made a study of these conditions for a great many years, and the writings in this book are from actual experience, and they are worth thousands of dollars to you and yours. 139 HOW TO WELL AND HAPPY AFTER FORTY To begin with, every woman looks forward to several years of ill health when she reaches the neighborhood of forty. She is educated to expect it. It is all wrong. That is, you can make it all wrong, by making it all right. You are supposed, after forty to take a toboggan slide down Old Age Hill, but you need not if you are wise; you may instead, take a very delightful journey that will last many years. And perhaps some day we will learn how to grow younger after forty, instead of older. If you wish to get through the forties enjoyably, ease up for a year and let your body catch up its over-spent vitality. At this time the body has not only its regular work to do, but the extra work of adjusting the new conditions, and it needs extra vitality. And beware of congestion in any of the body's departments, especially the alimentary canal. Take a food rest, meat about half the usual amount; arrange the menu with less solid foods; eat more fruit and drink more cold water; and hot water in place of tea and coffee. When you have passed pleasantly through the forties keep right on with this menu, for you cannot grow old safely on too much food or stimulants. After the body has reached its growth very little building material is needed to keep it renewed; it is quality that counts. A woman never knows physical freedom until after forty. She cannot attain her normal health and strength until after forty. She is not fitted for any work outside the home. When from necessity or choice she does go outside, it is at a great disadvantage. Some day woman will attain her normal development, then she will be free without waiting for forty to arrive. Until then, forty is the bright goal to which she may look for freedom. Having passed safely through the forties, many years of devel- opment, accomplishment and enjoyment follow. As the body grows stronger the mind grows clearer and more active. The first half of a woman's adult life--if she marries and has a family, is crowded with domestic occupations-the begetting, caring for and bringing up children. If she attempts to add anything to this work she is over-burdened. After forty she is released from at least half of these duties, and she feels as though she had actually been given the wings of a dove, and could fly away and be-wherever she might choose. 140 And now is the time for the woman to choose the work she loves. There is nothing like love for the blossoming of youth, and the woman begins to grow young. But the woman who has no chosen work, no interest in anything, simply retires from active life, will go to pieces by the express route. After forty make a specialty of something even if you have no choice, make yourself take an interest. If you are still bound to necessary work, add to it some work you love, or some course of study or reading. At least, take an interest in things. Take an interest in people and things outside the family; or if you already have the interest, be sure to maintain it. There is nothing so disintegrating to the body as an empty mind. Beware of dropping one interest after another, because you are "getting on;" you are at the beginning of your independent life and the world is full of many interesting things. And make new friends; relatives and friends vanish, one by one, and there are aching voids in the heart. Pass on to the newer genera- tion; beware of dropping out. Some of the happiest experiences of your life are ahead of you, and some of the dearest friends. We are sent here to grow, and it is not meant that we should stop grow- ing midway of life's journey. If you can lose your expectation of being ill during the forties, if you can gain an expectation of good times ahead, and think on your blessings instead of your sorrows and disappointments, if you can take things easy, mentally and physically before you quite get to the forties, if you will maintain a right diet of simple wholesome natural foods and drinks, and take plenty of outdoor air and exer- cise, you will hardly know that you are passing through that period, and may actually enjoy better health than previously. Forty means opportunity; new opportunities; greater phys- ical health and mental development. We need not dread the period of the forties, but rather should welcome it. A man nearing fifty may profit by these same suggestions. The all-important thing is to conserve vital energy. His health and often his life depends upon this. That's the whole story-conservation of vitality. 141 Important Special Notice to All You will find it of the greatest importance that you read every word on pages 142 to 148. You will find listed there books that are of priceless value to every family. Such books as the following: Perfect Health Exercise Book .Price $2.00 The Abuse of the Marriage Relation .. .Price 1.00 Perfect Health Cook Book Price 1.00 Venereal Diseases Price 1.00 Cure of Constipation by Right Eating Price .50 The Tobacco Habit and How to Cure It Price .50 Diseases of Infants and Children Price .50 Special Book for Women ..Price .50 Total - Price $5.00 SPECIAL OFFER No. 5-We will send all SEVEN of the above books postpaid to any address for $3.00. SPECIAL OFFER No. 6-We will send all SEVEN of the above books and a copy of our book Perfect Health postpaid to any address for $4.00. Address all orders to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette, Indiana 142 Cure of Constipation BY RIGHT EATING PRICE 50c I HIS is one book that ought to be in every home. Constipa- tion is a terrible condition. It can be prevented, it can be cured, and it can all be done by eating the foods that nature has sup- plied for that purpose. We will send you a COPY POSTPAID for FIFTY CENTS. 7he Tobacco Habit and HowitofCurefit PRICE 50c A book that is worth its weight in gold to every Man, Wom- an, or Boy that is in the toils of the tobacco or cigarette habit. This wonderful book ought to be in every home in the world. If you do not need it yourself, get it for a friend; you will be doing a world of good by so doing. The treatment as given in this book will CURE the TOBAC- CO HABIT and the information as given is worth many times the price of the book. Address all orders for this book to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette. Indiana 143 SPECIAL Book for Women J No woman in the world ought to be without this book. It only costs you a few pennies and is worth many dollars to you and yours. This book will give you the treatment for female troubles, written in a way that you can understand it. The treatments are very simple and easily followed, but they are effective. It also contains a wonderful article on childbirth, which con- dition should not be as it is today, and future mothers should be sure to get this book. It will save you much pain and suffering, if you will follow its advice. PRICE 50c The Abuse of the Marriage Relation Explaining the Origin of most Chronic Diseases, especially the Chronic Diseases of Man and Woman The Almighty God said, "Be fruitful and multiply, but eat not of the forbidden fruit." This eating of the forbidden fruit acts most perniciously upon the nervous system, and disturbs the blood circulation of the wife. With the husband, it reacts upon the digestion. All the evils that a woman today is subject to, are results of the false, degrading, low social standard that has been accorded to her. This is one book that every man and woman should read ; the knowledge contained in this work put into practice would save the women of the land untold suffering. It is worth a hundred times its price. PRICE $1.00 Address all orders to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette, Indiana SPECIAL OFFER ON PAGE 142. 144 Diseases of Infants and Children PRICE 50c Nearly one-half of all children born die before the age of five is reached. Think of this terrible death rate. It should not be over one per cent. Children should be born healthy; children should live in health all the time. It is a very simple thing to keep them in perfect health, and it only takes a little of the wrong kind of treatment to put them into the grave. This is a wonderful book about the care and feeding of in- fants, and all mothers should read and study this. You may be the mother of a number of children, but remember this, it is the wrong care and wrong feeding that kills 98 per cent of our children. This book takes up the different diseases of children and gives the treatment for them. The principal thing is the caring for them while under four years of age, and this is taken up in full. You may think you are qualified, but don't judge until after you have read this book. Give your child the benefit of the doubt. Address all orders to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette, Indiana SPECIAL OFFER ON PAGE 142 145 Venereal Diseases PRICE $1.00 You may not know it, but there are thousands of people in our country that are suffering from venereal diseases of all kinds, and in a great many cases these diseases are contracted through ignorance. Knowledge is always the best prevention. This is one work that should be read by men, women, and all children after the age of 14 years. Do not be deceived by the lying advertisements of Unprincipled Quacks, as to the curing of these diseases. Read in this book what the United States Public Health Service has to say about the treating of these diseases, such dis- eases as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, etc. Remember that Syphilis can be cured and the info- mation as given in this book should be in the hands of every man and boy. We think it is our duty to give young men and girls such knowledge as will protect them against the physical evils of Venereal Diseases. We believe it is an injustice to allow our boys and girls to go without this precious knowledge. This book is written for that purpose; it is worth a great deal to you and we have made the price very small. "VENEREAL DISEASES" WILL BE SENT POSTPAID EOR ONE DOLLAR. Address all orders to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette. Indiana SPECIAL OFFER ON PAGE 142. 146 Perfect Health Cook Book PRICE $1.00 THIS IS A WONDERFUL BOOK-IT IS A BOOK OF 1,000 FACTS You will find it well worth your time to sit down and read this book through carefully. It is full of useful and valuable in- formation for housewives, not generally known. Your neighbors will all want this book. It is a ready knowledge of hundreds of facts concerning the home and kitchen that will save you many dollars. It is the only book of its kind we have ever seen. It gives you about 300 very valuable dishes that will make any meal a pleasure without meat. There are hundreds of nice dishes that will take the place of meat. If you have this book, you can prepare such dishes as VEG- ETABLE SAUSAGE, MOCK STEAK, NUT ROAST, VEGE- TABLE ROAST, MOCK ROAST TURKEY, NUT SAUSAGE, PEANUT ROASTS, ETC. This is only a sample of the many dishes you can fix to take the place of meat. It will tell you how to make your own breakfast foods by preparing the whole grain. It is much better and cheaper than the prepared foods. Twenty kinds of bread, egg and cheese dishes of all kinds, 50 of the best vegetable dishes you ever ate, 20 kinds of soup, 12 of the best SALADS on record, four salad dressings, and hundreds of other things you ought to know. You may be the best cook in the world, but you have been cooking with meat all your life. Learn what nice dishes can be prepared without meat. We will send you a COPY POSTPAID for $1.00. Address all orders for this book to THE NATIONAL HEALTH BUREAU OF AMERICA, LaFayette, Indiana SPECIAL OFFER ON PAGE 142. 147 Perfect Health Exercise Book THIS IS A BOOK ON SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT WITH EXERCISES AND BASIC FOOD VALUES PRICE $2.00 Special Offer on page 142 when ordered with other books. This book gives eleven exercises that will help in building up every part of the body. You will also find a complete list of the Health and Body Building Foods. A complete list of Health Destroying Foods. A complete list of the Dangerous Foods. A complete list of the Acid and Base Forming Foods, showing the right and wrong combinations that will either build up or destroy the body. You will find a corrective diet for one week showing you what to eat at each meal, also a corrective diet in all acute and chronic diseases, diet for aged people, etc. A complete treatment for Gall Stones, also Aute and Chronic Appendicitis. The complete treatment of Constipation; twelve wonderful pages worth a thousand dollars to any sufferer of this terrible condition. The last chapter in the book shows you how to Strengthen Weak Eyes, which is of great value to every man, woman and child. 148 Extract from PERFECT HEALTH EXERCISE BOOK.-See page 148. The National Health Bureau's Corrective Diet FIRST DAY BREAKFAST Juice of two oranges. Plain omelet cooked in butter. Two slices of whole wheat bread toasted. LUNCHEON Lettuce and tomato salad. Cream cheese sandwich. (Whole wheat bread.) Sliced orange and banana. Glass of good milk. DINNER Cream of potato soup with slice of whole wheat toast. Asparagus tips on toast with drawn butter. (Whole wheat bread.) Fruit salad wiwth chopped nuts and sweetened with honey. Glass of milk. SECOND DAY BREAKFAST Dish of stewed prunes. Buttered toast made from whole wheat bread. Medium boiled eggs. Glass of milk. LUNCHEON Baked potatoes with creamery butter. Lettuce salad with cottage cheese balls and salad dressing: Peas with cream sauce. Hot graham muffins. Glass of milk. DINNER Baked bananas. (Should be baked with skins on.) Spinach with hard boiled egg. Celery and apple salad. Whole wheat muffins or bread. Glass of milk. 149 Extract from PERFECT HEALTH EXERCISE BOOK.-See page 148. 150 Extract from PERFECT HEALTH EXERCISE BOOK.-See page 148. Exercise No. 2 This is the most valuable of any exercise the National Health Bureau has given to the public. It is a great exercies for the muscles of the stom- ach and bowels, the neck, back, legs and arms; in fact, the whole body receives a great benefit by this exercise. Seemingly it is somewhat difficult to learn, but if you practice it until you get it right you will be well paid for the trouble of learning it, and if it is followed correctly the waist line is soon lost and a fat stomach is quickly reduced. First place the hands behind the back and clasp the fingers together, then bend over, knees stiff, raise the hands high from the back, fingers still locked, then bend over with a quick motion until the head touches the knees. You may have to do it several times before you have accomplished it, but do it and do it before an open window or in the open air, and try to do it twenty times or more. You will not need any adjustments by a chiropractor if you follow this wonderful exercise. 151 Extract from PERFECT HEALTH EXERCISE BOOK.-See page 148. 152 Extract from PERFECT HEALTH EXERCISE BOOK.-See page 148. Exercise No. 10 This is a very fine exercise for stimulating the muscles of the whole body. To do this lie flat on floor, arms stretched high above head and resting on floor and thumbs hooked together, then raise body to sitting posi- tion and with thumbs still hooked and knees stiff, stretch arms from body until your finger tips touch toes. Then lie back on the floor and repeat the first motions. Do this many times daily. 153 Perfect Health 7 Prevention or Cure (Dr. Woods Hutchinson) 8 Will Medicine Cure Constipation? 9 Nature, The Great Physician 9 Startling Increase of Disease 10 The Bowels 11 Laxative Drugs, Purgative Oils, Cathartic Salts, Etc 14 Constipation and Its Effects 15 Water 17 The Heart 22 The Lungs 23 The Blood 24 The Stomach 26 The Liver 27 The Kidneys 28 The Spine 29 The Brain 30 Syphilis 31 Description of the Digestive Organs - 33 A Perfect Diet 34 Of What Is Man Made? 35 Salt, Candy, Vinegar 36 Radishes, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Carrots, Celery, Cabbage, Parsley, Onions, Spinach, Asparagus, Potatoes, Wild Greens, Water Cress 37 How to Prepare Vegetables 41 Raw Foods 42 Morphine and Patent Medicines 44 Acid Forming and Base Forming Foods 45 A Terrible Habit (Laxative Drugs) 45 Fear, Anger, Self-Pity, Envy, Jealousy 46 Operations 48 Venereal Diseases 51-57 What Acid Stomach Is, and How You May Banish It 57 Man Is Beginning to Think 59 INDEX 155 INDEX For That Tired Feeling .. 60 Law of Life 61 A Sick Person and the Doctor . 62 To Every Sufferer of Disease 64 How to Doctor 66 Catarrh Can Be Cured . 70 You Must Eat Lime 81 Asthma Can Be Cured 83 Stop Food Poisoning and Cure "Nerves" 88 How to Be Young at 60 and Live to Be 100. .. 92 Directions for Taking the Internal Bath 94 Treatment of Diseases-Dyspepsia 97 Indigestion , 97 Stomach Acidity 98 Sour Stomach-Breakfast, Dinner and Supper 99 Catarrhal Condition of the Stomach and Bowels .100 Nervousness 101 Constipation .102 Floating Kidney .103 Kidney Trouble ....103 Rheumatism 104 Diarrhoea 105 Malaria, Bilious Fever and Chills ..105 The Wet Sheet Pack 106 Bilious Attacks ...106 Typhoid Fever 108 Piles or Hemorrhoids ' 110 Protruding Piles .110 Itching Piles .110 Blind and Bleeding Piles .Ill Asthma, Catarrh and Hay Fever .112 Headache 113 Cancer i 114 Gallstones and Drugs 115 Don't Take Patent Medicine (Seven Reasons) 115 156 INDEX Worms 116 Pellagra 116 Warning Against the Removal of the Tonsils (Dr. Copeland) 117 Eczema and All Skin Diseases 117 Gas in the Stomach 118 Gravel 118 Measles ...118 Pneumonia and Pleurisy .120 Consumption or Tuberculosis 120 Appendicitis .....121 Vaginal Douche (For Women) 121 Female Trouble .123 Neuralgia 125 Tobacco Hardens the Arteries, Overtaxes the Heart and Shortens Life 126 Doctors 127 The Abuse of the Marriage Relation 129 Smallpox ; 130 Gout 131 Varicose Veins 131 Sitz Bath 131 Infantile Paralysis 131 Obesity 133 Colic, Hiccough, Cramps, Ear Ache ...133 High Blood Pressure 134 Women and Tobacco 137 Men, Boys and Tobacco 138 How to Be Well and Happy After 40 .140 Printed by Haywood Press, La Fayette, Ind. 157 THOMAS A. EDISON SdyS» "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, and in the cause and prevention of disease." LIVE 150 YEARS Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and other scientists, declare, as a result of their researches, that there is no physi- ological reason why human beings can- not live 150 years.