- MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF M a. 1VNOUVN 3NOI03W JO AHVaBIT TVNOUVN 3NIOIC]3W JO AaVa9IT -o 2 5 EDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF t IVNOIIVN 3NOia3W JO AaVHSn TVNOUVN 3NIOIQ3W JO Aava3IT o a. I -a c o \EDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NOUVN 3NOIQ3W JO AUVagH TVNOUVN 3NO103W JO Aava8M 3NI0I03W jo ANvaan IVNOIIVN a0ST0££9€ 5681 &W68 00£ 3/V\ NLM051779869 3NOia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn >*} ,-" T V f*L 3nidi03w do Aavaan tvnouvn / 'l\t\ "ii*" OUT AND ITS CURE J. COMPTON BURNETT, M. D. i"is, was die Exkretnente macht, was die Faces im Leibe niacht, Du Humores heissest, dieselbe sind nicht die Krankheit. Das ist : Krankheit, die dasselbe macht, dass es also wird. Wer seihet sselbe ? Niemand. Wer greift es ? Niemand. Wie kann denn lArzt in humoribus die Krankheit suchen und ihren Ursprung ;lden aus denselben, dieweil sie von der Krankheit werden boren, und nicht die Krankheit von ihnen ? "—Hohenheim. PHILADELPHIA: BOERICKE & TAFEL. 1895- ,\ Ay -\fV WE 300 COPYRIGHTED BY BOERICKE & TAFEL, I895. >-, £ *rv7'<* A*-?* NOTICE AFTER CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF THE INNER MARGIN AND TYPE OF MATERIAL WE HAVE SEWN THIS VOLUME BY HAND SO IT CAN BE MORE EASILY OPENED AND READ. PREFACE. For the successful treatment of Gout it is necessary to have a clear idea of what constitutes its various parts; notably must we differentiate between its pre-deposit symptoms and its post-deposit symptoms, for much of the want of success in its cure is due to a mixing-up of the two sets of symptoms. The symptoms that precede and lead up to the uric acid retentions in the blood are a series by themselves; those due to the uric acid in the blood and which lead up to the gouty deposit as an attack, or as chronic deposits, are a second series. The former really spell arthritic caco- pepsia, while the latter are synonymous with uric acid poisoning; in the one we deal with the producing power, in the other with the product. 4 Preface. This differentiation being made, we proceed on two lines with the treatment,— the one to get rid of the gouty attack and the deposits, and the other, the more im- portant, to deal with that which leads to the production of the uric material. The following pages are intended to set forth the writer's method of procedure. J. COMPTON BURNETT. 86 Wimpole Street, W., January, 1895. GOUT AND ITS CURE. 'HpHK various conditions known or thought to be manifesta- tions of gout lie on either side of every medical path, and most medical practitioners have to deal with them in some form or another. Gout in this country is so common, that not a few persons are in the habit of treating their gouty attacks with their family doctor's favorite preparation of Colchicuni, aided, or supposedly aided, by a liver-pill and alkalies, such as lithia, potash, or soda. Most of us have our own A 2 Gout and its Cure. notions of the right diet for the gouty; and as to drinkables, a smart lady in the North once remarked to me (on hearing me tell my patient to drink Scotch whisky well diluted with water), "Oh! I see you are a Sco tch- whisky doctor. It seems to me that the only difference between you gout doctors lies in the kind of whisky you order; you order Scotch, and Dr. Moore used to order Irish. I often tell papa that if I were he I would drink both, and then he would be sure to be right." The sting of the remark lay in the fact that I had the local reputation of being strongly opposed to alcohol in any and every form, notably in the treatment of gout, and the partial modificatiou of my views Gout and its Cure. 3 came about in this wise:—I was once attending a country squire for an inflamed knee, when his aged father-in-law, the late Sir Edward X., then over 80 years of age, came over to see him. While there on a visit, he had a smart attack of gout, which I was called upon to treat, but my Aconite and Bryonia did not help either him or me. Col- chicuni I would not give, and, more- over, I did not allow him any alcohol at all. I had been taught that alcohol made gout, and so I felt it to be my duty to get rid of the cause first, and then the feverish- ness was met by the Aconite, and the pains and swelling by Bryonia (pains worse from movement). All that seemed simple enough; only Sir Edward got worse, and told me 4 Gout and its Cure. very plainly that he did not believe in my new-fangled treatment of gout at all, exclaiming, " My little doctor always gets me round in a week or ten days." Said little doc- tor was telegraphed for, and sure enough he had Sir Edward out driv- ing in the park in about a week. What was the little doctor's treatment? Port wine! Said he to me: "You see, Sir Edward's not really a strong man and never was, although he has held on a pretty big span ; still he is really a weak man, and he never could stand anything unless you stoked him up a bit." How long has Sir Edward been your patient? Gout and its Cure. "Forty years." Have you always "stoked him up" as you say? " Oh yes, always." Why? " Because I found I never could get him well of anything without plenty of port wine." Do you treat many cases of gout? "Oh no, very few; people in my district are too poor to get the gout; they work too hard. I get it occasionally myself." Do you take plenty of port wine yourself? "No, no; it would kill me." But you cure Sir Edward with port wine and yourself not; what do you take yourself? 6 Gout and its Cure. " Oranges, if they are to be got." Oranges ? "Yes, I eat two oranges three or four times a day; drink plenty of clean cold water; avoid game and beef; live on plenty of green stuff, particularly salads; keep my skin clean and active, and I soon get rid of the enemy." And what about alcohol ? are you a teetotaler ? " No, not a bit of it, except when I am gouty; then I go on oranges and plenty of cold water, and I soon wash out the gout, and then I go on as usual and take whatever is going; with my big country practice, long distances, and small fees, I cannot be bothered with diet; bread and cheese, beer, and Gout and its Cure. 7 bread and milk, bacon and eggs, or bread and butter and eggs, are what I usually get at my patients' homes." The little doctor could give me no guiding rule as to the best diet in gout, viz., when to give plenty of port wine, or when to rely upon oranges and plenty of water. But from subsequent observation I have been able to arrive at the following conclusions, viz.:— i. People who have descended from ancestors long accustomed to the use of stimulants generation after generation, these need stimu- lants in their debilitating illness, and therefore in their attacks of gout. They also need a certain amount of building up. If they are dieted too severely and deprived 8 Gout and its Cure. of their alcoholic stimulants they get weaker and weaker, and their gout gets the entire mastery; whereas with a sustaining diet and i reasonable amount of stimulant, chey get well and thrive on their ancestral constitutional basis. 2. In certain brain-wrorkers (and in their immediate descendants) whose nervous systems are ex- hausted, if you take away their stimulants they are apt to fare very badly. 3. This exhaustion gout, when produced by abstemiousness, can be cured by better diet and stimulants. I knew (socially, not professionally) an eminent Q.C. who had been for many years a total abstainer, lived very sparingly, but who was Gout and its Cure. 9 a martyr to chronic gout, and eventually died of it about 60 years of age. He was a great brain- worker, and of strong constitution. He was often asked to take some stimulants, but strenuously re- fused. 4. A gouty patient, who after- wards came under my care, was dieted by a famous anti-fat doctor, and in a week or two he developed a terrible attack of gout that com- pletely broke his seemingly power- ful constitution. During the fast- ing experiments of certain persons at the Royal Aquarium here in London, frequently done during the past few years, the fasters had, over and over again, attacks of gout, though water only was partaken of. So I conclude that food and io Gout and its Cure. stimulants per se are not neces- sarily the cause of gouty attacks. The thing presents itself to my mind thus:—Just as in the case of a smoky chimney almost any kind of fuel will fill the room with smoke, so in gout almost any kind of food will produce gout; but the real fault lies, not in the fuel, but in the chimney; not in the food, but in the organism. I call these cases of gout Ex- haustion Gout, and certainly they need stimulants. I have reason to believe that Sir James Paget holds a view some- thing like this, though he may possibly express it differently; for I once ordered a gentleman who consulted me for what I considered Gout and its Cure. n exhaustion gout, to take two glasses of sound port daily with his dessert after dinner, but he refused compliance, and walked out of my consulting-room straight over to see Sir James Paget, telling Sir James nought of having been to see me. Oddly enough Sir James also ordered him a stimulant (though I forget what), and on his objecting to take any stimulant on the ground that it would increase his gout, Sir James said, "Never mind your gout; get up your strength, and then you will be better able to master your gout." Clearly in these cases of exhaustion gout we have to do with a very different affair to that which yields to oranges and cold water. 12 Gout and its Cure. SURFEIT GOUT. I call surfeit gout that which is cm-able by abstemiousness either as regards food or stimulants, or both. In such cases I have knowm an attack of gout to be brought on by a single bottle of beer or a pint of even the driest champagne, and on one occasion from eating goose- berries ; in such cases all alcoholic stimulants, and certain foods, yet in different degrees, act like oil on a fire; they set up a blaze. In exhaustion gout alcoholic stimulants act like oil on troubled waters: they calm the waves. Gout and its Cure. 13 EXHAUSTION GOUT AND SURFEIT GOUT IN THE SAME INDIVIDUAL. There are, further, cases of gout that seem to partake of both qualities —exhaustion and surfeit—and here the question of stimulants is very difficult to decide; on the whole, I have obtained my best curative results by changing the kind of stimulant instead of allowing them to stick to one kind. Thus I have rather a penchant for allowing a small quantity of dry champagne for dinner once or twice a week, the same quantity of a sound claret once or twice a week, and whisky and water, or whisky and soda-water, on other days. Allowance must always be made for hereditary proclivities, B 14 Gout and its Cure. habits, and modes of life. We must ever keep before our minds that in the treatment of gout we are dealing with adults and not with children; our concern is not to dictate an ideal dietary for the normal indi- vidual under hypothetically perfect conditions, but we have to do with sufferers from gout, whom it is our business to get well, and keep well and vigorous as long as possible. In other wTords, rearing children requires a very different regimen and dietary to what experience may find best for maintaining gouty adults. Neither is it desirable to limit a gouty man or woman to the barest necessaries of life, and say, it is possible to live on bread, fruit, and clean water, therefore you must eat Gout and its Cure. 15 nought but bread and fruit, and drink only the ale that Adam drank. Taken in its simple elementary forms, we may regard the exhaus- tion gout and the surfeit gout as respectively inherited or acquired. In the most simple form the heredi- tarily gouty may get gout on al- most any diet. Surfeit gout is self- produced by excessive input or in- adequate output; too much is put in, too little is put out, and hence the ureal smoke and soot which is the gouty product. A gouty father begets a child while he is actively gouty; like begets like, and hence the offspring is of necessity gouty on any diet whatsoever; such children pass grit and gravel as soon as they get away from the pure milk diet. A milk cure for 16 Gout and its Cure. gout echoes all down through time. But active, middle-aged men in the full swing of daily life com- monly find a milk diet inadequate if they keep at work. " It does not seem to satisfy me," say they; or " even when I am full of milk I seem to be empty." The fact is, milk is food for the very young— calves and babes. GOUTINESS. Gout is an acute disease, and shows itself paroxysmally, though the word also expresses the con- stitutional crasis or state; and so frequently is this latter the case, that I have time and again heard patients exclaim, "Oh! everything is gout with the doctors now! " Gout and its Cure. 17 When we say " gout" we really mean that the individual lives goutily, whether such individual gets attacks of gout or not; thus the child of a gouty father may teethe goutily and have gouty ur- ticaria, and here the gouty qual- ity cannot be eliminated by gum- lancing or soothing ointments. Assuming that both parents of a given individual are pronouncedly gouty, how should the offspring be other than gouty ? In the painful menstruation of young ladies I have over and over again cured the dysmenorrhcea by treating the pain- ful affection as of gouty quality,— in fact, as gout. It would be better to restrict the term gout to the form of disease that occurs in attacks of paroxysmal arthritis, and use the 18 Gout and its Cure. word goutiness to designate the more or less hereditary quality of the constitutional crasis. In fact, I would use the words goutiness and gout to indicate the same rela- tion which consumptiveness bears to consumption. But in this mat- ter of terminology custom will fix our words for us, no matter what we say or do. WHAT IS GOUT? It would take more time than I have to spare to enter upon the subject of what gout really is, by going over the innumerable theories that have been advanced from the year one until now. One line of thought, however, runs right through most of them, viz., some reference is made to the urine or to Gout and its Cure. 19 one or other of its constituents, ac- cording to the terminology current at the time, such as tartarus, stone, gravel, grit, urea, uric acid, urate of sodium. The names of the disease have very little interest, because gout in its ordinary paroxysmal manifestation, quoad its habitat, will always be a podagra, a cheir- agra, which says but little. Deriv- ing gout from gutta via goutte is etymologically not/without interest, but clinically of no value, whereas the names that refer to its uric or urinous nature do roughly indicate the nature of its product. My own notion of the nature of gout may be expressed in a very few words: The gouty product is the uric smoke and soot of the human economy,—that is, the pure paroxysmal affection com- 20 Gout and its Cure. monly manifesting itself as pod- agra, and more or less in many varities of goutiness. The thing presents itself to my mind thus:—Given the human or- ganism, it takes up its food, uses it, and then gets rid of the products of its vital phenomena, first by way of the bowels and then by way of the skin and kidneys. Where the renal excretion is such that some of the uric matter (urea, uric acid, urate of sodium) remains in the blood, it is deposited in certain of the tis- sues, and when it culminates in, say, the big toe, we get the classic gouty attack. I am for the moment not concerned with the precise form of the urea as so deposited, nor yet whether due to one cause or an- other, but with the simple elemen- Gout and its Cure. 21 tary conception of the substantive material nature of the gouty prod- uct,—in other words, gout, for me, is ureal poisoning. Of course I part company with all those who regard gout as merely uric acid deposits, and who maintain that the uric acid is the disease. I grant that the uric acid produces the sufferings, but I maintain that the disease gout is that which produces the uric acid, —in fact, the Paracelsic motto on my title-page expresses exactly my philosophy. Pretty well all the phenomena of gout square well with this conception of its nature. It seems to me, further, that gout stands in some relation to the spleen as well as to the kidneys and sweat glands. It does not appear to me that gout has so much to do with 22 Gout and its Cure. the liver or its functions, and stir- ring up the liver to increased action and purging the bowels do not, so far as I have been able to discover, aid in the very least in the cure of gout, acute or chronic, unless a primary liver affection be its prime cause in the organopathic sense. Of course gout may further affect the liver and bowels as well as any other part; what I mean is, that these do not necessarily conduce physiologically to the production of gout. And why I feel so satisfied of the relatively unimportant par- ticipation of the liver and intestine in the production of gout is because I have many times had to treat severe cases of gout in which pur- gation had been thoroughly carried out with no advantage whatever, but rather the contrary ; and, more- Gout and its Cure. 23 over, it is by no means an uncom- mon thing for very gouty people to suffer from habitual looseness of the bowels, and yet the gout does not diminish. On the other hand, as before remarked, I am strongly of opinion that the spleen is very intimately concerned in the pro- duction of gout. There does not exist, to my knowledge, any treatise on the homoeopathic treatment of gout, and the treatment of gout is, I be- lieve, not the strongest point of the homoeopathic school. This is very likely not true of individual homoeopathic practitioners, whose successes in gout may have been many and mighty; but speaking generally, the homoeopathic litera- ture of gout is not brilliant. And this I believe to be due to the fact 24 Gout and its Cure. that gout is very difficult to cure dynamically, because we have be- hind the symptoms the uric de- posits; and remedies that are ho- moeopathic to the symptoms of the gouty patients from the deposits are not necessarily homoeopathic to the state productive of such deposits; and it must be mani- fest that remedies, to be really cur- ative of arthritis, must be hom- oeopathic to the state productive of such deposits of urates within the tissues. It is not enough to cure the symptoms due to the urates: to be the remedy of the case, not only the uric deposits must be included within the simillimum, but the state which produces such deposits. Whether any one remedy can be expected to be homoeopathic to the Gout and its Cure. 25 state productive of gouty deposits, and of such deposits themselves, may be a debatable point. The production of deposits of urates of sodium in pigeons by Ebstein and others by injections of bichromate of potassium is not what I mean exactly, for the gouty state takes time to be produced, and does not consist merely in the deposition of urate of sodium into the superacid tissues. However we here need more knowledge. It is just this point that has not received due at- tention in the homoeo-therapeutics of gout, and hence it has come to pass that our literature on the sub- ject is so very poor. No doubt the clinical work of our school is better than our hereto relative literature, for some of our best clinicians do 26 Gout and its Cure. not write; still our literature ought to be the register of our best work, and in this register outsiders should be able to find ample proofs that the homoeopathic principle is use- ful, and workable also in such a substantive disease as gout in its acute form. It is not enough to affirm that the principle of similars is workable: we must prove it; and this can be done. Now, so long as I kept to the ordinarily commended homcepathic remedies for gout, so long were my results mostly only tedious recov- eries ; cures they could not be fairly called. One thing only could I boast of in the simply symptomatic homoeopathic treatment of gout: my patients recovered—slowly and tediously, it is true—but still they Gout and its Cure. 27 recovered completely, with undam- aged constitutions and unharmed organs, and the gentle treatment not only ended thus in integral restitution, but subsequent attacks became milder and less frequent, so that even that was, I think, a fair record. But we can do more than that, as I will show. Not a few mighty men have expressed the opinion that the proper role of the physician is merely to pilot the patient from the sea of sickness into the harbour of health. Still, my own ambition is never satisfied with such a role; my constant strivings are ever directed to being the master of disease, and I am not satisfied unless and until I deem myself the victor, always within the limitations of " thus far and no further." 28 Gout and its Cure. In genuine gout we have to deal with the attack: this is the moun- tain of difficulty. I was very early in my career warned against the use of Colchicum in the cure of gout, because of its deleterious effects on the kidneys. " Rely upon Colchicum in gout, and you will get plenty of Bright's disease," was the advice to me given by a most experienced clear-headed physician, and hence it has come to pass that I have myself no experience of Colchicum in gout, good or bad. I do not remember ever having prescribed it a single time. And hence the gouty on- slaught has always been, for me, a difficult task. For there can be no doubt, judging by the clinical records of Colchicum, that of all Gout and its Cure. 29 known remedies used thus far, Colchicum has far and away the greatest influence over the gouty manifestations. My own suspicions are to the effect that Colchicuni is homoeopathic to some of these external manifestations which it effectively gets rids of, but leaves the uric deposits in the blood and tis- sues. The outside symptoms are gone, the inside disease remains. Is it not an oft-told tale that "X, got the gout; he took Colchicum and was much relieved, but—he was later on seized with great pain in the chest and died." Natrum muriaticum, 6 trit., has helped me in some cases of acute gout very satisfactorily; the urine thickened and deepened in color, and the attack was broken up. It is still used by me in gout pretty c 30 Gout and its Cure. considerably where prominent Nat. mur. symptoms are present, and specially where the patient has taken much quinine, or is chilly, or his gouty attack is apt to be stirred up by a visit to the seaside. I use 6 grains of the 6th trituration every two or three hours, and ex- pect the urine to deepen in color and thicken within two days simul- taneously wherewith the gouty manifestations usually abate. I have no faith in gout cures unless they thicken the urine. If the heart is weak or atheromatous I commonly rely on Gold: and it is a veritable friend in need and indeed. If the skin is fairly normal I use iheAurum muriaticum 3* five drops in a tablespoonful of water every three or four hours. If the skin is very wet and patient sweats unduly Gout and its Cure. 31 I give Aurum muriaticum natur- atum 3X, in the same dose as the simple muriate, and am generally not disappointed with the results. I have also usedfaborandi and its al- kaloid Pilocarpine with good results. In the treatment of acute gout it is sound practice to keep an eye on the stomach first, the heart next, and collaterally on the reciprocal rela- tions, topographic and pathologic, of the heart and liver and spleen respectively; and this because the heart, with liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys, are really the " inter- ested parties " in acute gout. When I speak of stomach I really mean the epigastrium, and more precisely speaking, the solar plexus—to which aether, zincum, and hydro- cyanic acid will bring prompt and efficient help. 32 Gout and its Cure. HAVE WTE A REMEDY OR REMEDIES ESSENTIALLY HOMOEOPATHIC TO THE GUOTY ATTACK ? To this I think an affirmative answer can now be given. I propose to show that Urtica urens, the common stinging nettle, is such V a one, and I thinkNatrummuriati- cum has strong claims to be so con- sidered also. But Nat. mur. is a classic remedy in homoeopathy; it is well known and much used by such as have gripped the true inwardness of homoeopathic drug-action. As I will presently relate, I have used Urtica urens a good deal for some years in ague and spleen affections, and thus it comes to pass that I have had ample opportunities of becoming intimately acquainted Gout and its Cure. 33 with its powers. Patients under the influence of small material doses of Urtica will often pass quantities of gravel. The first occasion of my observing this in a striking manner was in a middle-aged maiden lady, who came over from Germany to place herself under my care, who smelled so strongly of nettles that it nauseated me when- ever it was my duty to examine her. She had, amongst many ailings, an enlarged spleen, and for this splenic enlargement I gave the mother tincture of 6 rtica urens. I was led to use it from the burning pains as well as the odour. This lady passed a very large quantity of gravel by the urine while under its influence. I did not attach very much importance to this, as patient was in the habit of passing consider- 34 Gout and its Cure. able quantities of gravel with her motions, localised abdominal pain generally preceding such an occur- rence by a number of days. She was in the habit of indicating a spot just under her spleen as her "gravel-pit." But when I observed others who, being under the influ- ence of Urtica urens, passed grit and gravel pretty freely for the first time in their lives, I came to the con- clusion that the Urtica possesses the power of eliminating the urates from the economy. And it slowly be- came clear to my mind that Urtica might be the very remedy I had long been in quest of, viz.,aquickly- acting,easily-obtainedhomceopathic remedy for the attacks of gout, or some of them, for of course we, of experience, never expect uniform results an}' more than we expect all Gout and its Cure. the trees in a forest to be of the same height. I subsequently be- came aware that Urtica urens is contingently capable of producing fever, as some subsequent experi- ence will show. The fever of the gouty attack is not great, but still feverishness is a part of such at- tacks, and I should not feel sure of of the homceopathicity of a remedy thereto did it not possess the symp- tom "fever" in its pathogenesis. I then proceded to employ the Urtica urens in the classic attacks of genuine gout, and that with very great satisfaction indeed. Within a few hours after beginning its use the urine becomes fairly free, of a high colour, and the bottom of the vessel is often found more or less covered with urates in the form of grit and gravel, and simul- 36 Gout and its Cure. taneously herewith the gouty attack begins to subside.* I call the dis- covery, of this gravel-expelling power of Urtica, great; well, it has been great to me in my clinical work, and my patients are generally of the same opinion as myself,—so much so that one or two of the com- mercially minded among them have over and over again urged me to bring it out as my gout medicine; but I have no respect for nostrums or nostrum-mongers, and am quite content to make it known as a most valuable remedy in the treatment of acute gout, as it cuts short the attack in a safe manner, viz., by ridding the economy of the essence ■An allopathic neighbour tells me that ( rtica was much used in olden times for gout—nil novi sub sole ! Gout and its Cure. of the disease product, its actual suffering-producing material. I call it a homoeopathic remedy because I believe it to be such, though it may be just an organo- pathic remedy and simply act as a splenic, for Urtica is undoubtedly a powerful splenic, as I have often clinically demonstrated. The provings of Urtica have thus far been only elementary, and its mode of action has yet to be studied; but if time permit I will argue the point at length later on. It is my sheet- anchor in both gout and gravel. In gravel it facilitates and accelerates its passage, and ends by curing the colic casually. My usual mode of administering it is by giving 5 drops of the mother tincture in a wineglassful of quite warm water, frequently repeated, say every two 38 Gout and its Cure. or three hours. Only yesterday morning I was called to see a gen- tleman 78 years of age suffering from "his old enemy," viz., pains in his left kidney region. I prescribed ' Urtica every two hours, and called again late in the evening. . . . " Oh! the pain is gone, and I have passed a lot of gravel." In my practice this is an oft-told tale. In the treatment of gout and gravel it may be of importance to remember that the nettle is not an uncommon plant, and that nettle-tea acts just as well as the tincture of which I make use. The nettle is a very curious plant, that appears to follow man the world over. I have read that its original habitat is some- where in Asia, whence supposedly started the wanderings of the peo- ples. As we all know, it dies down Gout and its Cure. 39 in the winter and shoots out again in the spring. Certain it is that it follows man wherever he goes. I lately inquired of a gentleman resi- dent in Western Australia whether there was any nettle indigenous to that region, and received a reply to the effect that he knew of no Aus- tralian nettle, but that the English nettle sprang up everywhere near human habitations. Last year, when in the country for my holi- days, I searched about to find out where the nettles best throve, and found that the plant was most flourishing in and at the sides of ditches which carried off the fluid sewage from the cottages, and thus possibly living to some extent on urinous food. This point is some- what interesting and suggestive. 40 Gout and its Cure. STORY OF THE NETTLE AS A MEDICINE. Although nothing to do with my present thesis, except in so far as it gives an account of my first acquaintance with the nettle as a medicine, I am nevertheless con- strained to give a history of the nettle as a medicine in gout, ague- cake, and gravel; I mean, of course, my history of the nettle. Twenty years ago I was treating a lady for intermittent fever of the mild English type, when one day my patient came tripping somewhat jauntily into my consulting-room and informed me that she was quite cured of her fever, and wished to consult me in regard to another matter. I at once turned to my Gout and its Cure. 41 notes of her case, and inquired more closely into the matter of the cure, in order to duly credit my prescribed remedy with the cure, and the more so as ague is not always easily dis- posed of therapeutical^. "Oh!" said the lady, " I did not take your medicine at all, for when I got home I had such a severe attack of fever that my charwoman begged me to allow her to make me some nettle- tea, as that was a sure cure of fever. I consented, and she at once went into our garden, where there are plenty of nettles growing in a heap of rubbish and brickbats, and got some nettles, of which she made me a tea, and I drank it. It made me very hot. The fever left me, and I have not had it since." Homage to the charwoman of nettle-tea fame! 42 Gout and its Cure. The thing escaped my mind for years, but one day being in difficulty about a case of ague, I treated it with a tincture of nettles and cured it straight away, and my next case also, and my next, and almost every case ever since, and with very nearly uniform success. Some of my cases of ague cured with nettle-tincture were most severe ones, invalided home from India and Burmah. And quite lately a patient living in Siam, to whom I had sent a big bottle of nettle-tincture, wrote me:—" The tincture you sent us has very greatly mitigated the fever we get here. Please order us another bottle!" I say almost every case has yielded to Urtica urens; every case, of course, has not. Gout and its Cure. 43 THE GOUTY ATTACK. Two years since a middle-aged gentleman of position was down with an attack of gout that had relapsed over and over again, and he had then been in and out of these attacks for nearly six months. He had been swamped with alkalies and Colchicum, and mercilessly purged and lulled with narcotics most alarmingly. He thought he would "try homoeopathy," and sent for the writer. I put him on Urtica urens as already described, and he was out and about in a fortnight. In a couple of days of the treat- ment his urine became dark, plenti- ful, and loaded with uric acid gravel. His enthusiasm knew no bounds, and he declared that no remedy he 44 Gout and its Cure. had ever taken (and he had had attacks of gout over and over again, and had taken pretty-well all known gout medicines) had really touched his gout like the Urtica. With him and his club intimates I became known as Dr. Urtica. A gentleman of 50 odd years of age, now resident in London, con- sulted me for gout in the fall of the year 1890. He had long lived in India and suffered much from malaria. After a few weeks of Urtica, 10 drops in a wineglassful of water night and morning, he was free from gout, and " My diarrhoea has gone, my gout also; my digestion is better than for long, and my skin is much cleaner." Gout and its Cure. 45 At the end of the year 1893 the wife of a country squire in North- umberland wrote me in great haste that her goodman was down with a severe bout of gout, and would I send him medicine forthwith. I ordered him ten drops of the tincture three times a day, and this rather large dose as he is a very big man, of a somewhat thirsty disposition. I heard no more of the matter ; but three or four months later the lady consulted me on her own account here in London, and incidentally remarked, "That medicine soon cured my husband's gout, and he has not had any since." As before remarked, there is fever with the gouty attack, and a remedy to meet it homoeopathically should show its power of producing fever. Urtica D 46 Gout and its Cure. urens, in my hands, has produced fever over and over again. In most cases in which its administra- tion was followed by febrile symp- toms there was, at least, an ante- cedent history of malarialism, or actually of recent or remote ague, but this was not invariably the case. Moreover the same thing obtains in regard to China. Hahnemann had had ague before he proved the bark on himself and found out its fever- producing power, on which such a huge superstructure has been so solidly erected,—i. e., homoeopathy. THE PATHOGENETIC FEVER OF Urtica urens. On October 3, 1893, a mother of a family, pretty strong, 42 years of age, came under my care for flatu- Gout and its Cure. lent dyspepsia. No history of ague or malaria. She complained of left- sided pain, with coldness and chilli- ness, which led me to prescribe Urtica urens 0, 10 drops in water, night and morning. She reported : " I cannot go on with this medicine; it sets all my pulses beating, makes me terribly giddy,* makes me feel as if I were going to topple (for- wards) in my bed, and then a bad headache comes on, and when I take it at night it makes me very feverish, so I am leaving it off." Just nine months later I saw this lady, and inquired if she re- membered the very first remedy I gave her. " Oh ! yes ; it made me terribly giddy, and when I took *I have several times cured vertigo with Urtica.—]. C. B. 48 Gout and its Cure. it at night it brought on fever, so I could not go on with it; and, in- deed, I still have some of it left at home now." When she took the Urtica in the morning she did not observe that it caused any feverish symptoms, only when she took it at night. The fever of gout gen- erally comes on at night. 11. A middle-aged Indian officer suf- fering from Scinde boils consulted me at the end of September 1893 for said boils, that were growing worse rather than better, although he had been home on their account on leave for five months. He re- ceived from me Urtica #,12 drops in water night and morning, be- cause I regarded it as of malarial Gout and its Cure. 49 nature, for he had had ague years ago, and was still in the habit of taking quinine off and on for fear of its returning, since almost any cold would bring it back. The taking of the Urtica was followed by a furious outburst of fever, so severe that patient's condition caused his friends considerable anx- iety. He, however, made a quick and complete recovery. in. Another case was also that of an officer invalided home from India suffering from " liver" and mal- arialism, and to whom I gave 10 drops of Urtica urens twice a day for his general condition. This, too, was followed with very severe fever with unusually long stages, 3&9D2Z 50 Gout and its Cure. from which he recovered under Natrum muriaticum, 6 trituration, 6 grains every two hours. The subsequent report being—"Those powders cured the fever, but he was very much pulled down." It is distinctly curious to note the remarkable effects of Natrum muriaticum and Urtica urens in gout, as well as in ague and mal- arialism. Urate of Sodium in THE TREAT- MENT OF GOUT. I have used Urea, Uric acid, and Urate of sodium in gout, and they are of distinct value ; they have helped me most and best where the deposits persist: they stir up the lazy deposits, so to speak, and help to eliminate them. Gout and its Cure. 51 Daphne Mezereon and Physalis alkekengi have been used by me in gout off and on with a certain amount of benefit. So have Bryonia, Rhus, Pulsatilla, and Bacillinum, and many others, each in its own sphere, in accordance with the indications and data of homoeopathic pharmacology, as well as with my own clinical experience. And Aconite has helped me up to a certain point many times : notably in the stiff- nesses that remain after gout have I found Aconite 3X or 3, given night and morning, of positive avail. Bellisperennis does distinct good in the after-gout debility of the limbs ; and Cypripedium pubescens (and also the powder Cypripedinum 52 Gout and its Cure. 3X) is its equivalent in the sphere of the nerves in the after-gout ady- namia and neurasthenia. Where there are actual calculi that require solution before they can be passed, Piperazinum purum bulks up very imposingly, and I think no thera- peutist can afford to ignore it after the record following. I take it from the Therapist, July 14, 1894 :— " AN AGGRAVATED CASE OF NEPH- RITIC CALCULI SUCCESSFULLY TREATED WITH PIPERAZINE. By S. W. C. Brown, Surgeon to Trinidad Hospital, Colorado. "The author having been a sufferer from nephritic calculi dur- ing the past seven years, and helped at last by Piperazine after all other remedies had been tried Gout and its Cure. 53 without relief, brings his own case before the profession in the some- what deficient state of literature. " His trouble commenced about seven years ago with a sudden attack of nephritic colic, accom- panied by the passage of urate crystals, so sharply defined and so numerous that the mucous mem- brane was cut by them. They increased in number until half a teaspoonful was passed with each evacuation of the bladder, generally accompanied by haematuria. The body-weight at this time was 260 lbs.; urine of normal specific gravity, containing pus corpuscles, blood, and epithelial cells. Shortly after this attack eight calculi were passed, five being unusually large, and all exceeding painful, unconsciousness 54 Gout and its Cure. supervening in the case of four from three to fifteen hours. " During the past seven years every sudden jar or jolt produced intense pain over the region of the left kidney, and although eighteen months ago the symptoms suddenly ceased for a time on taking Herba delvey, a local remedy of great re- pute amongst the Mexicans, they return again within three months, whilst during the treatment an enlarged prostate and exceedingly irritable bladder were probably due to the remed}-. " In October last a very violent haemorrhage took place from the bladder or kidney, continuing for four weeks with intense pain, con- stant catheterisation being required. Gout and its Cure. 55 The incessant pain was localised over the left kidney, and necessi- tated a hypodermic injection of 8 grains Morphia daily. " About this time the author's attention was called to Piperazine, although having been on all sorts of treatment without relief, he was rather sceptic as to its value, and did not take to it very readily. The condition was then—Weight 170 lbs., pulse 60, profuse dia- phoresis, very feeble, confined to bed ; examination of urine showed pus, albumen, blood, only 9 ounces daily, which required to be drawn off by catheter, and large amounts of urates. " The author commenced taking 15 grains Piperazine daily in one 56 Gout and its Cure. quart of water. On the third day the urine had increased to 39 ounces, and continued to gain in quantity until the normal quantity was reached, which has continued to the present time. The most satisfaction was, however, afforded by the fact that on the fourth day the intense pain began to grow less, and continued to do so until it entirely ceased. The Morphia was gradually decreased, and Phenocoll hydrochloride in 10-grain doses taken in its place. At the present time weight is increasing at the rate of 4 lbs. per week, appetite is very good, urine perfectly normal, and business capability restored. The urine examined from time to time whilst under Piperazine treat- Gout and its Cure. 57 ment showed the passage of excess- ive quantities of urates, but they were always in solution and gave no trouble in voiding. " In conclusion, Piperazine has certainly shown itself in this case a very prompt and powerful solvent of uric acid calculi, and one of very great value in those cases where the knife has hitherto been of doubtful value. (Notes on New Remedies?)" It is true that weighty men declare that Bicarbonate of soda is more than equal to Piperazine, but this I much doubt. However, I have no intention of dealing ex- haustively with all the gout re- medies, but merely glance at the outer world just to see what they 58 Gout and its Cure. are doing and thinking in regard to gout. And having, so to speak, gone round the show, I find but very little progress, if any, in the old school's ways of thinking and acting. That is to say, the morbid product of the disease only is re- garded, the patient is lost sight of. Thus we find matters stand at the Eleventh International Medical Congress, held in Rome, 1894. Dr. C. Mordhorst, of Wiesbaden, there read a paper entitled "Die bei der Behandlung der Gicht und Harnsaureconcremente in Betracht kommenden Mittel und ihre Wirkungsweise," and there defines gout as the uric acid diathesis, and the gist of the whole thing consists in using alkalies to render Gout and its Cure. 59 the superacid gouty ones alkaline! Here we again stumble against the fundamental principle of curative medicine,—Whether are diseases best treated by contraries or by similars ? That the gouty do be- yond question derive temporary benefit from Piperazine and the alkaline treatment admits of no manner of doubt; they render the superacid fluids of the organism for the time being alkaline, whereby the superacidity is got rid of and a transitory cure is effected; but the cure is ephemeral only, it does not last. Mordhorst says (p. 25)—"The only question to consider in the effective treatment of the uric acid diathesis is to render the fluids 60 Gout and its Cure of the body as alkaline as possible." Now this I deny absolutely. It is not possible to cure the uric acid diathesis with alkalies, inasmuch as the alkalescence thus produced is only chemical, and not vital; as for the alkalescence thus set up, to be rendered permanent it is requisite to continue unceasingly the input of alkalies. This Mordhorst him- self admits, and, indeed, proves; and the raison d"1 etre of his paper at the International Congress is the recommendation of the Weisbaden Gichtwasser, which he says is the best of all anti-arthritic waters. And what is this best of all anti- gout waters capable of effecting? Let Dr. Mordhorst answer (p. 46): —" The more Gichtwasser is Gout and its Cure. 61 drunk the sooner the sufferings are relieved; if as much as three bottles are daily consumed, it takes from three to five weeks before amelioration sets in ; if only one or two bottles are daily drunk, it may take months to get rid of the sufferings, but eventually all the troubles disappear, and this con- dition remains permanent so long as the prescribed mode of life is not too often sinned against, and from half a bottle to a bottle of the water be daily drunk" !! This is posi- tive and honest: after the best anti-gout treatment by mineral waters and alkalies plus dietetic and mode-of-life modifying restric- tions, the permanent condition is one of ever-continuing restrictions, and daily drinking of mineral water. E 62 Gout and its Cure. Dr. Mordhorst is himself very gouty, and he gives his own case as one cured by the Wiesbaden Gichtwasser (pp. 48-9), and he thus describes his own case:— "I belong to a very gouty family. My father suffered, my three sisters still suffer from gout. An elder brother of mine died at the age of 46 years of uric acid renal calculi. Already four or five years ago I at times felt a painful sensation on pressure in my left leg along the course of the sciatic nerve. About a year and a half ago I discovered on the inner side of my left knee several small tophi, which at times pain on pressure, and inconvenience me in walking. I have also dis- covered gouty nodes in several other parts of my body, but these are but Gout and its Cure. seldom in evidence. Whenever I get pains in these affected parts, I drink, for four or five days, two to three bottles of Gichtwasser every day, to get rid of them. The urine becomes strongly,and the cutaneous secretions faintly, alkaline. A small gouty tophus in the flexor pollicis longus of my left thumb, that re- mained from a slight acute attack, disappeared, all but slight traces, after a prolonged course of the Gichtwasser." Note well that this is the cured state. It must, therefore, be manifest that the mineral water, the alkaline treatment of gout (and the piper- azine cure must be reckoned to the alkaline) is a cure, more or less, 64 Gout and its Cure. of the gouty products, but has little or no influence upon the gout disease itself in the sense of the uric acid diathesis. The products are got rid of; the power of pro- ducing remains unimpaired. The grit, gravel, tophi, and, with Pipera- zine, perhaps even calculi, can be eliminated by the chemical treat- ment, but the diathesis remains untouched. But do I maintain that when the gouty attack is got rid of with the aid of Urtica or Natrum muriaticum or other homoeopathic remedies, do I maintain that the uric acid diathesis is mended ? No, I do not altogether. What I do, however, maintain, is that after this treatment the attacks of gout are milder and much less Gout and its Cure. 65 frequent; but whether this greater mildness and infrequency be due to the influence of the remedies exclusively, or to the greater subse- quent care in living, is not easily determined. Perhaps alittleof both. Earlier on in these pages I said that gout, for me, is the smoke and soot of the organism, resulting from its combustive activities: this is, 01 course, a figure of speech; my real meaning is practically identical with the data of science in regard to the uric acid diathesis. Only I part company with scholastic physicians where they stick fast at the uric acid deposits and their accompanying super-acid state,—these are, indeed, my "smoke and soot," but neither is the ailment itself. The gouty individual is like a smoky chimney: 66 Gout and its Cure. his organism does the carrying-off imperfectly, and as in the case of the smoky chimney it does not suffice to get the sweeps, but the services of a chimney-doctor are needed to remedy the defect, so in the gouty person this uric acid may be got rid of by Gichtwasser, alka- lies, Piperazifie, or Urtica, but the real cure has not been effected; the smoke and soot only have been cleared away, the products are gone, the power of further production re- mains ; only the sweep has done his work not the chimney-doctor; heitis whose services have now to be invoked. Gout and its Cure. 67 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CURE OF THE GOUTY STATE BY MINERAL WATER AND ALKALIES AND BY HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Essentially the cure of the gouty state by mineral waters and alkalies is mainly chemical, viz., they set up a condition of alkalescence, and the uric concretions are thus rendered soluble, and the mass of fluid drunk washes them out, while in the homoeopathic treatment the organism itself becomes its own sweep and turns them out. In the former case the urine becomes clear, while under the homoeopathic action of the remedies the urine becomes dark and visibly charged with gravel. This difference is 68 Gout and its Cure. essentially great and important, for while both end in the washing out of the deposits, the same begin forthwith to accumulate almost as soon as the remedies are left off; on the other hand, under the homoeo- pathic remedies the organism has itself done the work, and at least a certain time elapses before new deposits take place, so that one has time to enter upon a real cure of the diathesic quality. Only in the case of large portions of gravel, and in the case of actual calculi, does the Piperazine and Gichtwasser treatment seem to me to be prefer- able, inasmuch as in this latter case the organism itself cannot possibly do the work until the concretions have been disolved. In ordinary manifestations of gout it is the Gout and its Cure. 69 organism itself that requires to be called up homoeopathically to do its own work; usually there are no concretions of any great size present, as, for instance, in the acute attack of gout. I have previ- ously stated that homoeopathic literature, so far as it is known to me, has not won any great laurels in the matter of gout. Moreover, I formerly felt the homoeopathic treatment of gout to be very tedious and unsatisfactory, and now I will proceed to explain why that has heretofore been the case; at least, so it seemed to me. THE TRUE HOMCEO-THERAPEUTICS OF GOUT. In a given case of gout the 70 Gout and its Cure. symptoms are not those of the individual himself, but of the gouty matter, of its material presence in the individual: the pain, the swell- ing, the redness, the tenderness, the fever, the restlessness—these are produced by the gouty material, which we see from the fact that they disappear as soon as this material is washed out; so that what we require are remedies that are homoeopathic to the state of the patient which preceded the gouty deposit into the tissues, inclusive of these deposits. In fact, the pathol- ogy of gout must be considered, in prescribing adequately, homoeo- pathically. Our anti-arthritic rem- edies must be capable of producing a state that leads up to a deposit of gouty material, and not be merely Gout and its Cure. 71 homoeopathic to the symptoms produced by the material itself The process, together with the product, must be within the patho- genesis, or else a real totality of the symptoms is not obtained. In fine, the gouty material is the stop-spot of the action of the remedies thus far mostly employed in the homoeo- pathic treatment of gout. I have been severely taken to task for claiming that pathology must be considered in a homoeopathic pre- scription in order to ascertain the stop-spot of the action of each remedy, but I beg these esteemed colleagues to note that I did not say morbid anatomy, but pathology, two widely different things. Morbid anatomy we study in the deadhouse; that may or may not have to be 72 Gout and its Cure. considered as throwing some light on a given subject, but pathology is the doctrine of the disease in the living,—the actual pathic biology of the diseased individual, which ends where the morbid anatomy begins. Do my esteemed colleagues really mean that this pathic biology of the patient enters not into the homoeopathic equation ? I trow not. ATTACK OF GOUT CURED BY Urtica urens. Lord X. had an attack of gout three years ago, and it fell to my lot to treat him for it. It was the classic podagra. I gave Urtica urens #, five drops in a wineglassful of warm water, every three hours, and Gout and its Cure. jt, his lordship was about as usual in ten days. In another attack since then the same remedy acted with equal promptitude, and to the patient's great satisfaction. His lordship has had quite a number of attacks of gout, and has had the advantage of the services of the very greatest authorities on gout in London, and, moreover, he has been to the leading spas for gout, and hence his opinion is of value, and this runs thus—" I have never taken any remedy that has done so much for me as Urtica; there is no doubt about that." GOUTY OPHTHALMIA. A very gouty city gentleman Just turned 50 years of age, came on 21st October, 1892, to consult me 74 Gout and its Cure. for a slight attack of gouty oph- thalmia of his left eye. I ordered Urtica urens Q ten drops in water, night and morning, and this cured the ophthalmia within a week, amelioration setting in already with- in twenty-four hours. I have been in the habit of seeing this gentleman for a number of years for gouty manifestations, amongst which was a very obstinate gouty eczema. Dr. Holtz* maintains that the fever of gout, as observed by him in hundreds of cases, rarely exceeds about half a degree, whereas the fever of rheumatism commonly runs high, and this he regards as an essential difference between the two processes. This is, no doubt, *Das Wesen und die hygienische Behand- lung der Gicht. Detmold, 1894. Gout and its Cure. correct; still there is some fever, and at times there are distinct rigors. There is often, as Tanner points out, uneasiness in the left rib region, with inability to lie on that side, so that, with this symptom added, I think I may fairly claim that Urtica is a true simile to gout. It has— i. Fever, heat and cold, flushes. 2. Passage of grit and gravel. 3. Uneasiness of left rib region. 4. Great restlessness. We will now go on to the next point in the treatment of gout. That much of the gout we meet with is more or less produced by alcohol, is amply manifest. It becomes,therefore, a question worth considering whether the effects of alcohol per se can be homoeopathi- 76 Gout and its Cure. cally antidoted, and if so, by what remedies. ON A REMEDY HOMOEOPATHICALLY ANTIDOTAL TO THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL- For some years past I have been acquainted with a renied}^ that antidotes the effects of alcohol very prettily, as I will now proceed to show. I enter upon the subject in this place, because it deserves to be made widely known, and also be- cause, in the treatment of gout, the alcoholism not infrequently bars the way. The remedy I refer to is the distilled spirit of acorns— Spiritus glandium quercus. My first account of it will be found in my "Diseases of the Spleen," Gout and its Cure. where this Spiritus glandium quercus is dealt with as a spleen medicine. I speak of set purpose of the homoeopathic antidote, because alcoholism is a disease, and as such must be met by specific medication. Some of Rademacher's patients complained to him that while taking his acorn medicine they felt in their heads somewhat as if they were drunk; but as Rademacher did not believe in the law of similars— indeed, knew but little about it— their complaint had no ulterior significance to him, but still it struck him as worthy of record; and he accordingly did record it in the following words (see Erfah- rung sheillehre, p.209,i.):—"Einige, aber wenige Menschen, bemerken gleich nach dem Einnehmen ein F 78 Gout and its Cure. eigenes, kaum eine oder zwei Minuten anhaltendes Gefuhl im Kopfe, welches angeblich der Berauschung aehlich sein soil." Turned into English:—"A few, but not many, of those who take it, immediately feel a peculiar sensa- tion in the head, which they say is like they feel when they are drunk, the sensation lasting only a minute or two." Now, in the light of the homoeopathic law this symptom is eminently suggestive, but whether anyone besides myself has ever noticed this symptom I am not aware. But it made a lasting impression on my mind years ago. Rademacher had previously re- lated the following brilliant cure. . . . He says that in order to get a clear idea of the action of the Gout and its Cure. remedy, he caused to be prepared a tincture of acorns, of which he gave a teaspoonful in water five times a day to an almost moribund brandy toper, who had long been suffering from a spleen affection, that at times had caused him a good deal of pain, and who, at the time in question, had severe ascites, and whose lower extremities were dropsical up as far as the knees. Our author was of opinion that the affection was a primary disease of the spleen, and reasoned that if the tincture of acorns cured the spleen, the kidneys would duly resume work, and the ascitic and anasarcous state would dis- appear. He soon found he was right; patient at once began to pass more urine, but he complained that every time he took a dose of the medicine 80 Gout and its Cure. he got a constriction of the chest, and this Rademacher ascribed to the astringent quality of the acorns, and to avoid this he had the tincture of acorns distilled. The administra- tion of this distilled preparation was not followed by any unpleasant symptom, the quantity of urine passed increased still more, the tension in the praecordia slowly lessened, and this inveterate drunk- ard got quite well, much to the amazement of everybody, Rade- macher included, for he did not at all expect him to recover. Now, it must be admitted that a remedy that can cure an old drunkard of general dropsy and restore him to health deserves closer acquaintance. And when we Gout and its Cure. 81 regard it first from the pathogenetic side as producing, of course, con- tingently, a cephalic state resem- bling alcoholic intoxication, and then from the clinical side as having cured an abandoned drunkard, it looks very much as if we had a remedy homoeopathic to alcoholism. I may add that Rademacher no- where hints that the Spiritus glandium quercus stands in any relation to alcoholism; he regards it merely as a spleen medicine, specially indicated in dropsy due to a primary spleen affection. At first, I regarded it merely in the same light; but when I really gripped the significance of the pathogentic symptoms just quoted, I thought we might find in our common acorns a notable homoeo- pathic anti-alcohlic. 82 Gout and its Cure. Now let me give some of my clinical experience on this point, so that my readers may be able to judge for themselves whether this be so. THE Spiritus glandium quercus HOMCEPATHICALLY ANTIDOTAL TO THE ILL EFFECTS OF ALCO- HOL. I. OBSERVATION. Colonel X., aged 64, came under my observation on January 15,1889, broken down with gout and chronic alcoholism, and pretty severe bron- chitis. Heart's action irregular; liver and spleen both elarged; and he complained bitterly of a gnaw- ing in the pit of the stomach. His gait was unsteady and tottering, his hands quivered, and altogether he Gout and its Cure. 83 was in a sorry plight. The poor fellow had lost his wife, and had for a good while tried to rub along with the aid of a little Dutch courage, in the shape of nips of spirits, for which he was always craving. Severe windy spasms ; no sugar, no albumen. R Spiritus glandium quercus 0, 10 drops in water, three times a day. January 22.—On this day—a week from his first visit—he walked briskly into my consulting room, and brightly exclaimed, " Well, I think you have worked a miracle;" and the curious thing was that his craving for spirits was notably less, he having consumed only one-third of a bottle of whisky in the week, instead of two bottles, which was his usual allowance. The windy 84 Gout and its Cure. spasms had ceased, and his foul breath had become sweet; and finally, his spleen had gone down in size very notably. To leave off the Quercus. February 5.—So little craving for whisky that he offers to leave it off; much less phlegm in chest; no spasms; altogether quite a dif- ferent man, but is depressed. R Spiritus glandium quercus 0, 7 drops in water, three times a day. February 19.— He is chirpy again, and has no craving for whisky. The remedy was repeated in May, and I learned some months afterwards, from his daughter, that the colonel continued in fair health, and partook of stimulants "like Gout and its Cure. 85 other people," and without any "craving." II. OBSERVATION. A London merchant, 57 years of age, came under my care on October 16, 1888, for necrosis of all the nails of his right hand, and most of those of the left hand, and of nearly all his toe-nails; severe arcus senilis, rushes of blood to the head, buzzing in both ears. I dis- charged him cured at the end of the summer of 1891, so that he was under my very careful treatment for nearly three years. He was a candid, dutiful patient, and had his reward in being really and radically cured. He first had Vanadium 5, 5 drops in water, night and morning, and after one month of this his 86 Gout and its Cure. arcus senilis had notably dimin- ished, and "I do not get so tired, and my hands do not tremble so much." The Vanadium was con- tinued for a second month. " Much better in himself; can now do a day's work; trembling all gone; noises nearly well of the left ear, no better of the right." Thuja and many remedies followed, with steady amelioration, but something seemed to bar the way to a perfect cure, when he confessed that he thought he took too much sherry in nips. Like the colonel, he was never intoxicated—never, in fact, morally intoxicated, but still never free from the effects of his nips. R Spiritus glandium quercus®, 10 drops in water, night and morning. This brought out a good deal of Gout and its Cure. 87 gouty eczema of scalp, poll, and backs of hands. It took me ten months to really cure this eczema, and then I had him back to the Quercus, which he took, altogether, for three months ; and then I find, at the end of my record of his case, in my case-book the word well III. OBSERVATION. The wife of an officer of position wrote to me some two years ago— "... I am not at all satisfied with my husband's appearance. We have had a shooting party, and I am sure he drinks too much. I can always tell by the look of his eyes; they are so yellow, and puffy underneath. I wish you would send him something to put 88 Gout and its Cure. him right; he says he is all right, but I am sure he is not, from his breath." After a month of Quercus, I heard this : " . . . My husband looks wonderfully well." IV. OBSERVATION. A noble Nimrod, about 40 years of age, a very free liver, and plagued with attacks of gout, came under my observation in the spring of 1891 for varicose veins of the lower extremities, starting originally, it seemed to me, from an enlarged spleen, which was seemingly left after typhoid fever. Knowing his mode of life, and on account of the spleen, I gave him Quercus for a month, 10 drops at bedtime, and then noted: "He likes his medicine, Gout and its Cure. 89 as it keeps his bowels very regular." May 15, 1891.—Veins better; fewer rings under his eyes. R Petroleum 5. July 22.—"He feels his feet hot, and would like the first medicine [Quercus), as it seemed to make him feel so well. R Spiritus glandium quercus 0, 10 drops in water, at bedtime. September 8.—In rude health. V. OBSERVATION. The following case is very strik- ing, and greatly impressed me :— A country squire, from the shire of Moon rakers, bachelor, 60 years of age, was accompanied to me on October 3, 1893, by his brother, resident in London. This gentle- man was so very ill that his case 90 Gout and its Cure. was regarded as quite hopeless. He was not capable of stating his own case, and hence his brother did it for him. Patient was flushed, and in much pain over the eyes and in both rib regions. Stooping caused very great pain, worse in the left hypochondrium. Both liver and spleen notably enlarged. He is ex- ceedingly nervous, very depressed, glum, taciturn, and moved to tears by almost anything. He could not walk without support, on account of his great giddiness. His breath was in the highest degree disgust- ingly stercoraceous (merdeux), so much so that I very nearly vomited when examining him. He was personally unknown to me, and I had no history of him, but that smell of breath is an unmistakable Gout and its Cure. 91 sign of the chronic tippler. I sub- sequently ascertained that he was quite a sober-living man, but took frequent nips, particularly when confined to the house by wet weather. But quite apart from this, the Quercus was manifestly homoeo- pathic to the case. 1. Pain in the left side. 2. Giddiness. 3. Flushed state. So I ordered Spiritus glandium quercus 0, 10 drops in water, three times a day. October 10.—Less fluttering; giddiness a little better; the tender- ness of the rib region much di- minished ; breath normal! He returned home in six weeks perfectly well. A prettier direct- art cure I think I have never" seen. 92 Gout and its Cure. VI. OBSERVATION. Three months ago a city mag- nate, about 70 years of age, came to me for giddiness, flatulent dyspepsia, depression of spirits, a flushed face, and "altogether below par." His conjunctivae were yel- lowish, his tongue foul, and his breath the same as in the last- narrated case—stercoraceous and nauseous. Under the Quercus the patient made a rapid recovery, his breath becoming sweet within four days. This stercoraceous smell is pathognomonic of undigested al- cohol in the primes vi<^,and is readily perceived two yards away from the patient's mouth, and quite unbear- able within a foot or two. Where this smell is present, there is no need to make irritating inquiries as Gout and its Cure. 93 to the imbibitionary habits of the individual,—Quercus is indicated. It does not, of course, follow that the Quercus is indicated only in the alcoholic state. I have used it in the cases of total abstainers where giddiness and spleen trouble co- exist. I name this lest I prejudice the legitimate use of Quercus, and motive it by narrating the following little episode :— Years ago I was attending the wife of a certain bishop, Lady Sarah X. She had incipient malig- nant disease of the tongue, and while inspecting the part I recalled to my mind the experience of Baron Storck and the state of his tongue, and that of his famulus. At the time I knew next to nothing of homoeopathic literature, and in G 94 Gout and its Cure. my naivety I prescribed Conium for Lady Sarah. On my next visit I found her ladyship in a fearful tantrum, and, on inquiring, she screeched at me—" I have not taken your medicine, not a single drop of it." "Why not?" " Why not, indeed? It is Coniu?u, and you prescribed it because I am and old woman ! " In vain I protested.* DOES the action of the Spiritus glandium quercus EXTEND TO THE LIQUOR HABIT? I think I must answer this very largely, though not entirely, in the *To the uninitiated I may explain that in the homoeopathic '' little books " it is stated tinder Conium that it is good for the complaints of old women. Gout and its Cure. 95 negative. Its action antidotes the alcoholic state promptly and effect- ively, and the craving is at times greatly lessened, and in here and there a case cured altogether; but speaking broadly, it stops short of the liquor habit. Just as Urtica urens will not cure the gouty dis- position, except in a small degree, only helping the organism to cast out the gouty product itself, and so leaving it strengthened, so the Glandes quercus will not cure the liquor habit beyond a very limited degree. But inasmuch as the Urtica gets rid of the uric acid through and by the organism, so it is a homoeopathic remedy, and not either chemical, mechanical, or allopathic. And this is seen from the fact that an attack of gout got 96 Gout and its Cure. rid of by the aid of Urtica does not return so readily as when got rid of chemically through the artificial productions of alkalescence of the juices. That the action of Urtica is vital may be further seen from the fact that it by and by loses its action as the individual ceases to react to its stimulus, whereas the chemical cure can be repeated al- most at will in the same individual. And reverting now for a moment to the influence of the Glandes quercus in the liquor habit: although it does not touch this where the habit is autochthonous, still where the habit is a liking for drink produced by drink purely and simply, and thus not autochthonous, but foreign, I have found that it does reach even the liquor habit itself. Thus Gout and its Cure. 97 in the case of the colonel which I have narrated, the Spiritus glan- dium quercus did cure the liquor habit. And how so? Surely it might be said, your distilled spirit of acorns either does, or does not, cure the liquor habit. It is in this wise: the colonel had no initially autochthonous liquor habit; his wife died, and he began to nip out of loneliness ; when the action of one nip was on the wane a new7 nip followed, and so on in a circle. With the lapse of time that lonesomeness became less ; time had caused the wound to heal up, or, at any rate, to skin over, but the drink-begotten habit of drinking remained. The acorn spirit cured the effect of the drinking, i. e., the acquired liquor habit; to this it is homoeopathic, 98 Gout and its Cure. but it is not homoeopathic to the liquor habit when due to other causes (such as when a symptom of consumptiveness, as it often is) ,and will therefore not reach the habit, but only the effects of the habit around the alcohol. It is very necessary to iterate and reiterate this point, viz., what I have else- where termed the stop-spot of homoeopathic influence (see the pre- liminary chapter in my Curability of Tumors by Medicine). I per- ceive our critics have not touched upon this, but here and there a thinker has gripped the idea. It is difficult, somewhat abstruse, and takes a little time to filter through the mind and come out clear. I do not, as some aver, think little of symptoms or of symtomatology. Gout and its Cure. 99 What I say is this: We must not only take the symptoms and cover them; we must also take the whole pathology, both of the disease and of the drug, and juxtapose the two processes, and then get in behind the symptoms and see whether in addition to the sympto- matic similarity there is also coincidence of the drug pathology with the disease pathology, both running from start to goal. The reason why Urtica cannot cure the gout disease, but can only cure the gouty attack, is because its patho- logy goes only up to the product, and stops short of the production. In regard to the question as to whether and how far the Spiritus glandium quercus reaches the crav- ing for drink, the following letter ioo Gout and its Cure. from the wife of a gentleman to whom I had sent the remedy, is of a certain interest:— "Dear Dr. Burnett,—To begin with my husband. He took the drops for a week, and then, as he caught a chill and was very poorly, and in the doctor's hands, I stopped the drops until he was a little bet- ter. He has now finished them about three weeks. He says his feet are not half so tender, and he can walk with more ease and comfort. He has not been feeling very well, rather limp, and tired easily. He has, however, slept well and quietly, and while he was taking the drops he drank less, both with and before his meals. The last week or so he is again taking sherry before meals Gout and its Cure. 101 and beer at meal time, so I fully expect a bilious attack, especially as he is not as sweet-tempered as usual. He has been eating better, and has come to bed earlier. He has had B. and S. in the morning before breakfast. So please do give him something to stop this craving for pick-me-ups. Air and exercise he has in plenty, so if only his craving, sinking feelings for something can be stopped, he would be as well as possible. I think his hands look less swollen; they were decidedly swollen a little while ago. He looks a little yellow in the eyes, and the skin a little dry and wrinkled. We all notice that he drinks less than he used to, and are all thankful for that; so in time, perhaps, he will be quite right." io2 Gout and its Cure. THE COD-LIVER OIL CURE FOR GOUT. In the early part of this century, cod-liver oil was, in many parts of Europe, the most common cure for gout amongst the people, so it is highly probable that it has some therapeutic virtue in painful affec- tions of the extremities. And since then it has been revived by the Faculty, and has again gone out of fashion. I know of no indications for its use, and though I have never ordered its use in gout, I have occasionally consented to its being used. THE HOT-WATER CURE OF CADET DE VAUX. The cure of gout by drinking quantities of hot water was much Gout and its Cure. 103 in vogue in the early part of this century, and it has been revived again within the past few years, and at the present time is again much in vogue. It went out of fashion long ago, because of its real or supposed ill-effects upon the con- stitution. So far as my own experi- ence goes, the hot-water treatment is indicated in the aged, and in those whose tissues are tough, dry, and cold. In the young and middle- aged, in the tender and in the sappy, the hot-water treatment is distinctly harmful. It attacks and hurts the tender tissues, and may not be used by the young at all. The middle-aged may use it occasionally, when there is much acid in the intestines, and digestion is at a standstill. At the present 104 Gout and its Cure. time, the Salisbury treatment— living on hot water and finely minced meat—is quite the rage, notably since a noble duke has stood godfather to it. So far as I have been able to judge, it is only a disagreeable way of starving. A lady tried it for some time— I think seven weeks—and from being a comely person, only some- what stout, yet in full vigour, she lost most of her flesh and all her strength, and the uterine tumour, for which the treatment was under- taken, alone throve, and waxed greater; the patient herself became so weak that she frequently fainted. She was unable to stand from weakness, and would certainly have died had it not been given up. The case was observed by Gout and its Cure. 105 myself, and is not heresay. I know a gentleman, about 50 years of age, who has been doing the Salisbury treatment for some months past; he is naturally thin and wiry, and he is very enthusiastic about the cure, although he confesses that he is very weak, and can only just drag himself slowly about. He adopted the treatment for oxaluria and great depression of spirits, and maintains that he now passes no oxalates, and is light-hearted, and feels wonderfully well, so far as his feelings go, notwithstanding the bodily debility. "The Salisbury treatment," said he to me the other day, " is a grand thing to get rid of all superfluous tissue." Of course; no one questions that we all can get rid of our tissues by starvation. 106 Gout and its Cure. The art is to keep plenty of good tissues, and therewith remain in good health and vigour. I have tried many dietetic experiments on myself, and thus have often lessened and increased my bulk almost at will, and what I have invariably found is this: you cannot make a foxfire with a.small quantity of fuel; that is impossible. Consume, as a general thing, very little, and you can 011I3' spend a very little in energy; you cannot get much out of little. Of course, you may get too bulky, and thus waste much energy in mere locomotion. That is a question of being overweighted; and when some of this overweight is got rid of 03' diet, there is, ap- parently, more energy developed on less food, but this is only « Gout and its Cure. 107 apparent and not real. For here we have two factors to consider:— First, the overweight is lessened, and less energy is required for loco- motion; and, secondly, the over- weight that is got rid of must be added to the food taken, inasmuch as the dieted individual has himself consumed a portion of himself: his organism has used up some of its stored fat. But if the diminished import of food be continued too long, deterioration and debility must ensue. This is where the fallacy comes in: stored food is used, and so the quantity of fuel is not less, whereas the bulk to be carried is less, and so the initial state of the spare diet process is very commonly accompanied by a feeling of well- being and lightness; they feel so io8 Gout and its Cure. much lighter, and get about so much more easily. Of course they do. But as soon as the stored-up food is gone, weakness supervenes if a too spare diet be persisted in. Therefore, in all dieting we must stop a little before the fatty reserve store is all used up; for if we go on we just consume ourselves, and as far as this goes it is death. This brings us along to the question of diet in gout and diet for the fat. Fat people are not necessarily gouty, and gouty people are not necessarily fat; still gout and obesity touch one another so closely that they in a certain number of cases, are not easily separated in practice. Let us consider, first, food and zuork, and then height and weight. Gout and its Cure. 109 FOOD AND WORK. In considering the qustion of diet we rarely find people take due cognizance of the mode of life of the individual who is to be fed, and yet in the case of horses, for instance, every horse-keeper feeds his horses according to what he expects them to do. I formerly, very frequently, went to a country house, four miles from the railway station, to see a patient suffering from a grave malady. For some weeks the ordinary carriage horses were sent to take me to the patient's abode, and so long as this was the case the hills offered no impediment, and I found myself transported rapidly; and this was very satis- factory to me, for a doctor's time is H no Gout and its Cure. his capital. Patient's malady was, as before stated, a grave one, and his belongings were very anxious to get me to the house as quickly as possible, so good-conditioned horses were put into the carriage. But after a while patient got better, and then I found that a fat old pony was sent to the station to meet me, and it took us nearly an hour to reach the squire's mansion. On the way back to the station I inquired of the coachman how it was that "Shaggy" seemed so pumped out with' such a short journey. Said he: " Well, you see, Sir, she is out at grass in the home- park, and gets no oats or dry food at all." Now, the coachman's explanation of "Shaggy's " weakness gives us Gout and its Cure. in the clue to what I desire to say in regard to diet in general. When anyone asks—What am I to eat and drink? the answer must duly reckon with the mode of life of the questioner, and the amount of work which is required of him. As a rule, no work whatever was required of " Shaggj7:" she just ran about in the home-park, thriving beautifully on grass and water, and on this diet she seemed exceedingly happy and plump and sleek, and when spoken to would gallop away in fine style, the picture of health, strength, and happiness. Yet a three or four miles' run, in a very light cart, was a severe trial for " Shaggy." It is not different with human beings ; if they do nothing but j ust loll about- turned out to grass, so to speak— ii2 Gout and its Cure. bread and water, with fruit and vegetables, amply suffice; but if they work, they need the equivalent of oats and dry food. I am here not giving expression to mere theory, for I have tried numerous experi- ments on my own person and proved the point over and over again ; and I emphatically affirm that you cannot get much work out of little food, any more than you can make a very big fire with a very little fuel. Whether the authority be Salisbury, Canter- bury, or York, I care not; you cannot get much work out of a spare diet. And now as to HEIGHT AND WEIGHT. I go a little out of my way to point out the common fallacy under- Gout and its Cure. 113 lying almost all the data given as to what the normal weight of a person of a given height should be. If my reader will consult the tables, he will find that the assumed basis is faulty in a very important particu- lar. Let me explain. Place a dozen persons of a given height—say 5 ft. 9 in.—side by side in a row, and as they are all of the same height, the tops of their heads will be in a line, but their hips will be at very different heights. In fact, it will be seen that the height of an individual is no sure guide to his bulk, and therefore not to his weight. In some a long neck makes an inch or more difference, in others it is a very long thigh bone that gives the greater height; but in both cases the weight is not determined by the ii4 Gout and its Cure. length of the neck or of the legs, but rather by the relative length of the trunk. There are many big people who stand at 5 ft. 6 in., and there are a good many small people who stand about 6 feet high. There is a saying amongst the people that little women make the best mothers; but these so-called little women are really big women, only they are on short legs. When examined very closely I find they are large in the trunk and have fine pelves, while big women (so-called) are really smaller in the capacity of their trunks and pelves, and hence less adapted for the duties of motherhood. The neck carries the head, the legs carry the trunk, and certainly Gout and its Cure. 115 heavy heads and heavy trunks are more safely carried on supports not too long in the perpendicular. This being so, all the data given in our tables of how much you ought to weigh if you are of a given height require to be revised; for any one whose attention has been called to the subject can readily see that there are many little people who are tall, and very many big people who are short. There are, of course, a few people—very few, really—who are both big and tall. As a rule, very tall people are not of great constitutional power, though some tall thin people are very tough and wiry, and exceedingly vital. What have height and weight and their relative merits to do with gout ? Just this: every little n6 Gout and its Cure. medico thinks he knows all about the diet suitable for this ailment and that, and is so very sure that a person of a given height should only weigh so much, and that a big gouty individual may be safely and profitably starved till his height and weight proportion tallies with the table published in his text-books, but which tables are based entirely on false data. In fine, in j udging of the diet suit- able to a person, keep in view the amount of work he has to do; and before you determine the proper weight of an individual, do not merely consider his height from crown to sole, but rather have greater regard to the diameters of his trunk. What first led me, twenty odd Gout and its Cure. 117 years ago, to think more closely of what should be the criterion of a person's weight, was the fact that a friend of mine, commonly called little, i.e. short, sat at table higher than another friend who was usually considered a big, i.e. tall, man. And from many observations, I have long since come to the conclusion that the big may be short and the tall small. Also that the power of an individual is in proportion, not merely to his height, but to all his measurements, and these must be carefully considered before a true conclusion can be arrived at. HOHENHEIM ON THE NATURE OF GOUT. Paracelsus' conception of the true nature of gout wtrue to Nature, and n8 Gout and its Cure. tallies exactly with my own. He says {Tract, iv., De origine morb. ex tartaro; and in Erfahrungsheil- lehre, p. 95):—" Each organ has the power to separate the hurtful from the harmless, and when in this faculty it goes astray, there we get tartarus;" and thus, for Paracelsus, tartarus is that which ought to have been excreted, but is not, and remains in the body as hurtful material, producing mechanical irri- tation. Thus stone in the kidneys, bladder, liver, lungs, intestines, under the tongue, or in other regions, is tartarus, and also acidity in the stomach and bowels. Now, put the word gout in the place of tartarus, and we clearly see that Paracelsus knew as much of the true nature of gout as we of to-day Gout and its Cure. 119 who talk of the uric acid diathesis and the like. Moreover, he knew how to dissolve stone in the living body, at which the scholastic wise- acres have been laughing all my life, and yet they now howl at those who question the power of the much advertised Piperazine to do the same. RADEMACHER'S TREATMENT OF GOUT. Our author claims that gout may be caused by a primary disease of any given organ or part, or of the entire organism, and maintains that in the former case it is curable by the appropriate organ remedy, while in the latter case it is curable by one of the three Paracelsic universal or catholic remedies, i.e. nitre, iron, 120 Gout and its Cure. or copper. So that in this latter case gout may be of nitric, cupric, or ferric quality. CASE OF GOUTY GASTRALGIA OF THIRTEEN YEARS' DURATION cured by Urtica urens. Not long since a gentleman of 60 years of age, who had lived many years in a sub-tropical country, came under my observation for gastralgia extending right up through the chest. Although he had lived in parts where ague is very common, he is not aware that he has ever had ague himself. He has many gouty deposits all over his body, mostly in the neighborhood of the joints. His throat is gouty, and also his left conjunctiva. There is a Gout and its Cure. 121 good deal of bronchial catarrh, The gastralgia yielded quickly and completely to Urtica urens, much to the amazement of the patient, who has been under fully a score of physicians in different parts of the world for this gastralgia, but in vain ; and when I first saw him he was j ust back from Aix-les-Bains, which had also done his gastralgia no good. THE TREATMENT OF THE CONSTI- TUTIONAL BASIS OF GOUT: THE URIC ACID DIATHESIS. The gouty attack being disposed of, we now come to the real problem, viz., to the cure of that in a given constitution which ends in the deposit of the urate of sodium in the tissues. The problem is very 122 Gout and its Cure. complex and varied, and it is not easy to explain to the uninitiated that yon constitutional anomaly, which we now call the uric acid diathesis, may require very different remedies according to the individual patient. And here it is not a question of the comparative merits of homoeopathy and of allopathy, for allopathy offers us no help, even in theory, for the diathesis. When it is merely a question of the morbid product of the gouty attack, allo- pathy has a pretty big word to say, either with the Gichtwasser or the alkaline treatment,of whose tempor- al efficacy there can be no doubt, just as there can be no doubt that allopathic remedies open people's bowels ; but the alkalies do not cure the gouty constitution any more Gout and its Cure. 123 than do opening medicines cure con- stipation. To cure constipation, we must have homoeopathy, and so we must correct the gouty diathesis. The only efficacious plan is to begin by making a diagnosis of the constitutional wrong, and curing that. It may lie in the liver or spleen, or in the kidneys or bowels.* The hepatics often ren- der the very greatest aids : Cheli- donium, Chelone, Carduus, Myrica ceiifera, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Cholesterinum; often pancreatics render eminent services, such as Iris versicolor, Nux vomica, Pulsa- tilla, Mercurius, Iodine, Jaborandi, and Pilocarpine, used as they may be called for. * See Rademacher. 124 Gout and its Cure. Bryonia, too, is often indicated, as also Sulphur and Hepar sulphuris. We also find, as very frequently indicated, the commoner splenics, such as the already many times mentioned Urtica urens, the Persi- caria urens, the Rubia tinctoria, the Spiritus glandium quercus, and the like. In the renal sphere we may need Coccus cacti, Coccinella, Solidago znrga aurea, etc. Going over the notes of some of my cases I find that Sulphur, Thuja, Sabina, Pulsa- tilla, Bryonia, Rhus tox., Lyco- podium, and Antisycotic nosodes are most commonly to the fore. But, which of all these? In ultimate court of appeal there remains the priceless Repertory to lead us to the correct choice of the Gout and its Cure. 125 remedy. With me, personally, the Repertory has always been my reserve force, to be called out only in case of need; but, for all that, I feel and know full well that, with my Repertory in reserve, I am never quite beaten. The acids in the treatment of gout I have used much and often— of course in repeated doses—Uric acid itself (and also Urea, Urate of Sodium), Citric acid, Nitric acid, Hydrochloric acid, and Lactic acid. Acids are almost universally con- demned in the treatment of gout; but, for all that, acids and not alkalies are capable of curing cer- tain cases of gout, only, of course, they must be homoeopathically ad- ministered, or you merely add fuel to the flames, and this simple lesson 1 126 Gout and its Cure. is so hard to learn. Most medical authors, in treating of oxaluria, were against the use of sorrel, rhubarb, and gooseberries, as con- taining Oxalic acid. But these authors might readily observe that although the consumption of a dish of stewed rhubarb is followed by a notable increase in the oxalates, a very notable decrease in the same immediately follows. IS FRUIT GOOD OR BAD FOR THE GOUTY ? I have myself cured gout over and over again with grapes taken in bulk; and several of my patients, who were formerly sorely plagued with gout, have entirely ceased to be troubled so long as they have partaken freely of grapes. Gout and its Cure. 127 I may say the same of oranges. In fact my standing advice to my gouty friends runs thus :—Eat plenty of fresh, ripe, uncooked fruit, and drinkplenty of fresh cold water. But this advice needs to be some- what elaborated, for a violent attack of gout may be produced by fruit, particularly wrhere it has been long eschewed; and severe gouty head- aches and bilious attacks may like- wise be called forth by partaking of fresh fruit. How, then, can we commend fruit to the gouty ? It is in this wise: fresh fruits stir up the gout and often render its manifestations more active; but, at the same time, its tendency is to diminish gout, and, finally, to get rid of it, in some cases, altogether. 128 Gout and its Cure. A very little fruit, in a very gouty individual who is unaccustomed to it, will punish the patient very severely, as the numberless stories related by the gouty amply testify. " If I eat one gooseberry only, my inside is like a hot cauldron, and all my gouty joints smart fear- fully." " I ate half an apple, and writhed in agony half the night." And so forth. All this is quite true, and is indeed within my own profes- sional experience, but at the same time I emphatically state and main- tain that fruit is very good for the gouty, for the more fruit they eat , the less gout they will (by-and-by) have. Only I will recommend the fruit-eating to be begun with cau- Gout and its Cure. 129 tion, and slowly increased till it becomes not only a harmless but a most beneficent anti-gout habit. The same remarks apply to gouty eczema, which I have often cured; and I am in the habit of telling my patients that I do not consider a case of gouty eczema wholly and radically cured till they can eat fruit freely with impunity. How often do we hear, " Oh, I dare not touch fruit, or I immediately get eczema ?" Fruit does not produce gout, it stirs it up and drives it out; fruit does not produce eczema, it stirs it up and drives it out; and, pray, where is it safest to have gout and eczema ? Surely not inside. DO VEGETABLES AND FRUIT CONDUCE TO LONGEVITY ? I am much disposed to answer 130 Gout and its Cure. this question in the affirmative, though my experience and knowl- edge are not sufficient to supply me with facts and arguments to prove the proposition. Some years since I knew a gentleman who regarded all fruits and vegetables as poison. He died of pure senile decay at 60 years of age. For many years he had eaten neither fruits nor vegetables, but plenty of meat. A few years previously I knew a West End physician who likewise condemned fruits and vegetables as rubbish. He died suddenly about 60 years of age. And altogether I have long been of opinion, from observation, that those who partake of no vegetables or fruit do not, as a rule, attain to Gout and its Cure. 131 any great age. Oddly enough, I was arguing this question only a few weeks ago with a gentleman of 62 years of age, who had remarked to me that he never ate either fruit or vegetables. Two days thereafter he suddenly expired in a hansom cab while driving across London. His tissues were in a sad state of senile decay. That the tissues of those who eat neither fruit nor vegetables show grave signs of senility already at or about middle life is,for me,almost beyond question ; but whether the want of the vegetable causes the decay, or whether the decay is due to a morbid cause resulting in a dislike for fruits and vegetables, as well as in senility, I am unable to say. 132 Gout and its Cure. IDIOSYNCRASY. In all questions of diet certain personal peculiarities are to be respectfully regarded. We do not know everything. I have lately been told of a gentleman who gets severe glossitis from even a spoonful of oaten porridge ; certain people cannot eat mussels, apples, strawberries, pork, and so on. Those idiosyncrasies must be re- garded. ON THE INFLUENCE OF GONORRHOEA ON THE PRODUCTION OF THE GOUTY DIATHESIS. The question of the influence of gonorrhoea upon the constitution has often occupied the minds of Gout and its Cure. i thoughtful physicians. At the beginning of this century the Trip- perseuche, in the German medical thought world, was fairly in the enjoyment of medical citizenship, and it really constitutes the third member in the tripartite pathology of Hahnemann—viz., his sycosis; and Grauvogl's Hydrogenoid Con- stitution is another way of putting the same thing. With the advent of the era of Ricord in venereal affections, the Tripperseuche was entirely banished, covered with ridicule. However, it survived in the homoeopathic school more or less waningly till a few years ago, when it came very near death, except with a certain few of the Hahnemannians. Then all at once, not so long ago, the Tripperseuche 134 Gout and its Cure. was rediscovered by a New York German physician, who took it back with him on his return to the German fatherland, whence it has spread afresh in thin lines the world over; and in France the view that gonorrhoea is a grave constitutional disorder is at the present time fash- ionable. The fact is, Eisenmann's Tripperseuche will be quite orthodox again shortly if the present-day rediscoveries go on much longer. I have held with Eisenmann, Hahnemann, Grauvogl, Wolf, Goullon, these twenty years, and I will just say here that I believe the malady in question has a very decided influence on the organ- ism, being contingently capable of generating a constitutional state which cannot be distinguished from Gout and its Cure. 135 the uric acid diathesis. My con- ception of the thing is that the gonococcic virus so poisons the organism that acid dypepsia is set up, and then we have what cannot be distinguished from the uric acid diathesis. So often have I seen this state set up in the wake of the gonorrhceal infection, that I have almost come to the conclusion that the typical gouty attack is a child of gonorrhoea. Thus I explain to myself the curious fact that it is principally men who get the typical gouty attack. And it is in this line of thought that I have met with my greatest success in the medicinal eradication of the uric acid diathesis. But this is a subject by itself which I may one day work out; however, in case 136 Gout and its Cure. I should not do so, let my advice to the initiated be to this effect: — Regard the uric acid diathesis as originating (at least very frequently) in the Tripperseuche, and in its medicinal treatment stick to the antisycotics, and always remember its autoison in very high potency at considerable intervals. Let it be well understood that I am here speaking of the uric acid diathesis, and not of the uric acid deposits. It is of the very highest importance always to keep in one's mind the diathesis separate from the gouty attack and the gouty tophi. The homoeopathicity of the remedy to the diathesis is mainly historic ; the homoeopathic- ity of the remedy to the attack is mainly present and actual. It is Gout and its Cure. 137 just because these two are con- sidered together that the homoeo- pathic literature of gout is so poor. And that others have thought of the sycotic nature of arthritis may be inferred from the fact that Thuja occidentalis has been recommended as an anti-arthritic; but clearly it was so recommended for the arthritic dyspepsia, and not for the arthritic attack; and hence we are not surprised to find that, having used it in the attacks without benefit, they have written of Thuja as useless in gout. In the attacks it is indeed useless; in the arthritic dyspepsia it is a princely remedy. CASE OF CHRONIC GOUT IN THE FEET AND ANKLES. In the spring of t 1891 I was 138 Gout and its Cure. requested to go some distance into Surrey to see a lady of 60 years of age who was bedridden for many months from gout in her feet and ankles. It had started, so it was said, from a chill caught while sitting at a railway station waiting for a train. The feet were swelled, very hot, reddish, stiff, and so pain- ful that the patient swooned when I pressed them but gently. There was persistent insomnia and great depression of spirits. After a year's treatment she was discharged quite well, and has since so remained, and with rather unusual activity of limb. The fact is, having been for a time deprived of the use of her feet, and recovered the same only by slow degrees, she set greater value on her power of loco- Gout and its Cure. 139 motion than ever before in her life. She had the following remedies, in the order named—Urtica urens 0, Cypripedium pub. 0, Apis mel. 3X, Menyanthes trifoliata 3X, Bellis perennis 0, and Viscum album 1, and after the use of the last named, patient walked from two to four miles a day, with comfort, pleasure, and satisfaction. And the cure holds good to date. GOUTY INSOMNIA. A gentleman, 80 years of age, formerly in the army, came under my observation on February 17, 1893, for insomnia, distinctly due to his being full of gout. " I can- not get any sleep without chloral; as soon as I lie down at night I get hot, burning, and itchy." His 140 Gout and its Cure. gouty eczema he had got a little under with the aid of sulphur baths. I ordered him Urtica urens 0, 10 drops in water, three times a day. March 3.—" This medicine has done me an immensity of good, but has given me nettle-rash!" And apropos of nettle-rash, every- body knows that the name of the rash is due to the power of the nettle to produce just this kind of rash ; those who question this can readily put it to the test of practical scientific experiment by handling a few nettles with gloveless hands. I have very often cured nettle-rash with the nettle-tincture, as so many others have done before me. It seems to me that if any honest enquirer is reaily desirous of putting Gout and its Cure. 141 the truth of homoeopathy roughly, yet readily, to the test, he need only handle a few nice nettles with gloveless hands, when he will find that nettles really do produce nettle- rash ; and then if he will treat a few cases of nettle-rash, occurring as a disease, with some nettle-tea or tincture, he will find that the nettle really does cure the disease nettle- rash ; . . . and, if that is not homoeopathy, pray what is it ? GOUTY FISTULA. Although fistula is not frequently primarily due to gout, still I have met with some cases of fistula dis- tinctly of a gouty nature. In the month of January, 1893, a gentleman, 30 odd years of age, sought my advice in regard to a K 142 Gout and its Cure. fistula in ano—external and incom- plete—that had started with an abscess about a year before. After treating him for some time on the same lines which I commonly fol- low in the treatment of fistula, I found there was a something present barring progress towards a proper constitutional cure. And just when I thought we were at the end of our task, the fistula suddenly inflamed, and it was not until patient had had a course of Urtica for a while, and finally, after taking Spiritus glandium quercus for some six months with interruptions, that he reported himself as quite cured. He had what might very properly be called fistulitis from indulgence in drink, and each time it yielded very speedily to Quercus. Patient Gout and its Cure. 143 himself soon found out which of the remedies did the good, for on one occasion, being at a distance, he telegraphed for this particular medi- cine. The fact is, the bouts of acute fistulitis followed immediately on certain champagne breakfasts and lobster suppers. The Spiritus glandium quercus has helped me promptly in several other cases of fistula in which the fistulas had become constitutional issues for the excess of alcohol taken into the economy. There are certain cases of fistula that are due almost solely to alcoholism, and these fistulas are simply issues. Woe to the patients if these fistular issues are cured (?) by operation. 144 Gout and its Cure. THE HEART AND KIDNEY AFFEC- TIONS FOLLOWING IN THE WAKE OF GOUT. Having gone over some of the main points in the treatment of the gouty attack and the gouty diathesis, We come now to a consideration of those affections of heart and kid- neys that follow in the wake of gout; and indeed it is here that we have the most difficult duties to perform and the most complicated problems to solve. I mention the heart and kidney affections as being of primary and vital importance; but in truth there is no single part of the economy that remains in a really sound condition, for with cardiac deterioration there is, pari passu, also a degraded state of the Gout and its Cure. 145 arteries certainly, and perhaps of the veins, and in equal step with this the liver is inadequate, the digestion is painful and laborious, the bowels constipated, the throat may be relaxed and catarrhal, and attacks of angina pectoris, gas- tralgia, and " spasms " are far from infrequent. The skin, too, is almost sure to show signs of malnutrition, eczema being very common ; and vascular naevi, senile warts, and the like are very often met with. It necessarily lies beyond the scope of this volume to discuss the treatment for all these ailments, but a short glance at the main medicines will not be out of place. A very frequently indicated remedy is gold—Aurum, either the 146 Gout and its Cure. Aurum metallicum, the Aurum muriaticum, or the Aurum muri- aticum natronatum. And this remedy is all the more frequently called for on account of the past history of some of the wrorst cases of post-arthritic heart affections. Strophanthus—I generally use the first centesimal dilution — helps much, notably where the mischief lies as between and concerning the liver and the right side of the heart. Where fatty decay is a prominent feature Phosphorus does good, but Vanadium is here my sheet-anchor —it meets the atheroma of the areries of brain and liver to a nicety, and thus fills a unique place as being a real remedy of this organic change, and, as an alternate Gout and its Cure. 147 remedy,Bellisperennis is a princely medicine. Vanadium 5 and Bellis 0 month about (with an intercurrent hepatic or two) have in my hands, time and again, restored veritable physical wrecks to health. Digitaline2* (Keith's) ever holds its own as a cardiac tonic. Conval- laria majalis, too, is a sure friend in the gouty heart, and the same may be affirmed of Cactus grandi- floris. The liver, pancreas, and spleen lie physically between the heart and kidneys, and must be con- comitantly considered in some cases. The gouty dyspepsia having had its hearing, the kidney troubles proper loom large in the graver cases, and need the very greatest attention,as in them lie the ground causes of so many constitutional 148 Gout and its Cure. upbreakings. Above all things in this regard we must take into account the state of the arteries as leading up to the shedding of the epithelial cells and the exudation of albumen. Where there is grit and gravel present, I have had cause to be satisfied with Urticus urens 0 and Coccus cacti 0 in alternation at the beginning of the treatment, but their action is not very deep-going. Where the urine is muddy, pea- soupy, the ancient Solidago virga aurea 0 soothes the kidneys gently —I had almost said sweetly—5 drops in a tablespoonful of water is my usual dose. But Solidago is also a not very deep-going remedy. Coccinella septempunctata acts very like it, but goes down a little deeper Gout and its Cure. 149 and stands midway between it and Cantharis, which fits the hot con- gestive quality of nephritis, but the dose must be infinitesimal. Where there is renal bleeding, Terebinth (not lower than the 3X) has classic claims on our attention. Phosphoric acid—about No. 1—is very sooth- ing to the kidneys when the urine is notably phosphatic In Bright's disease a past grand master in therapeutics has all his work cut out, and he will need all his knowledge, however great, of climate, diet, raiment, and thera- peutics. The remedy which, taken by itself, has done most in my hands in chronic Bright's disease is Mercurius, about the third tritura- tion. A tincture of cloves, in the same strength, wall bring down the 150 Gout and its Cure. quantity of albumen excreted very frequently, and concomitantly there- with there is a rise in patient's feeling of well-being. Considering that cloves cause albuminuria, their use as a condiment should be con- demned and forbidden. But the more gentle renal remedies, such as Solidago, Coccinella, and Coccus cacti, are very soothing and helpful in alternation with these deeper-going remedies capable of inducing, and curing, organic change. It is often veryhelpful in chronic gouty kidney to consider the patient in his or her entirety, and not forget the patients while studying their kidneys. We shall often find that the kidneys are spokesmen for themselves first certainly, but for the liver, heart and arteries, and skin, and, Gout and its Cure. 151 indeed, I would affirm of the organ which we call the kidney, and of the organism, that the organ speaks for the organism and the organism speaks for the organ, each one " for self and partner." GOUTY ECZEMA. This is an affection on which I claim to speak with authority, as I have seen a good deal of it, and know how to cure it. For my general views of the nature of cutaneous affections I refer my readers to my small book, entitled Diseases of the Skin. In general, it will be found that gouty eczema is of a twofold nature, and, not infrequently, of a threefold nature, which can be very prettily 152 Gout and its Cure. demonstrated during one's clinical work, provided the sufferers are patient, which is not always the case, for patience is not commonly an attribute of your gouty person. Your thoroughly gouty individual may have himself well in hand, and always stop to dot his i's and cross his t's and make no use of unscrip- tural expletives, but he is at best a pent-up volcano. He ma}r be very suave and gentle, yielding and complaisant, but that is from principle, or training, or pride; au naturel he is a wild creature, and his subject state is the result of taming. He particularly wants his gouty eczema cured quickly; the nasty thing must be got rid of right away, and hence he falls a ready prey to the skin doctors, who know Gout and its Cure. 153 so little and are so dangerously shallow that they can confidently and conscientiously tell you that the skin affection is a merely local affair, which lanoline or ichthyol, with a due proportion of carbolic, will readil}^ cure. These medi- cators really believe that a new fat is a medical discovery of the first magnitude, and yet, in very truth, neither ichthyol, nor lanoline, nor vaseline is one whit more of a cure for skin diseases than the good old pig's lard or a tallow candle. We have had a vaseline era in dermatology, then came the era of lanoline, and at present we are basking in the full glory of the era of ichthyol, and it is all as inane as we can well imagine. 154 Gout and its Cure. To cure gouty eczema we require patience and perseverence of no ordinary kind,and all the resources of a scientific pharmacology. Thanks to one Samuel Hahne- mann, we have a scientific pharma- cology, and its data may be found in Allen's Encyclopedia of Materia Medica Pura. How long does it take to cure gouty eczema ? Speaking for nn'self, I may say that I rarely succeed under a 3rear or a year and a half, and it is often longer, and sometimes much longer, but then I really cure. The first principle in the treat- ment of gouty eczema is negative: use no external applications what- ever, for the affection is not only constitutional, but it is also mostly Gout and its Cure. 155 compound and complex in its nature; and, I declare most em- phatically, that the external treat- ment of gouty eczema is most dangerous—nay, I would say that it is positively idiotic. Surely, if we have a disease it is better outside than inside, and it, in the end, does not help us to lay the flattering unction to our souls that our family blood is faultlessly pure when it is not. "There is no disease in our family," one often hears ; but is it so? Certain breeds are stronger than others, and given families in their blood-lives are relatively less impure than certain others, but people of absolutely clean, pure blood / have never known. Our family taints are printed in our skins in very bold type indeed,— 156 Gout and its Cure. only, happily, not every one can read the record. Where the gouty eczema has become the cutaneous outlet for the constitution, its uric nature has to be borne in mind, and, in such cases, Acidum uricum 6, Urea 6, and Acidum lacitum 6, render not- able service. Where there is much irritation I have used Persicaria urens 6, 12, 30, with much benefit. Where the whites of the eyes are dirty-looking and lustreless, Euony- mus taropurp., Diplotaxis 0, and other hepatics are great favourites of mine in gout3' eczema. Where there is a demonstrable sycotic taint, I use all the antisy- cotis — such as Thuja, Sabina, Acid, tiit., Cupressus, Medorrh.— Gout and its Cure. 157 with a free hand, but mostly in high and higher potencies at infre- quent intervals. And every organ disease must be put right by its appropriate organ remedies. Mercunus, Hepar, and Rhus ven. are also frequently indicated. Occa- sionally, when the wetting ooze dries up in layers, Castor equi has helped me. When the skin is brown, or has brown patches, Sepia, Iodium, and Bacillin and Choles- terin are friends indeed and in- deed. The ultimate court of appeal is the Materia Medica Pura; and the Repertory shows the way to discover the right remedis. As a very needful check on aimless wanderings in this field, however, we find an accurate knowledge of the pathology—the morbid bio- L 158 Gout and its Cure. logy—of the case in point, and if to this we add the fundamental principle, that in scientific thera- peutics the curative range of a given remedy is fixed by its patho- genetic powers and possibilities, we are pretty sure to reach the goal. You cannot, however, hit the target a mile off with a gun that only carries fifty yards—no remedy is therapeutically greater than is the drug pathogenetically. INDEX. ----»o;*;o«.---- Acid, nit., 156. Aconite, 3, 51. Acorns, distilled spirit of, antidotal to alcohol, 76. Alcohol, on a remedy homoeopathically antidotal to the effects of, 76, 82. Alkaline treatment of gout, 59, 63. Alkalies, their effect on gout mainly chemical, 67. " use of, 43. Antisycotic nosodes, 124. Apis mel. for gout in feet and ankles, 149. Aurum metallicum for heart and kidney affections, 145. " muriaticum natronatum as used for gout, 31, 146. Bacillinum as used for gout, 51, 164. Bellis perennis as used for gout, 53, 145, 153- Bicarbonate of soda, opinion of its value by weighty men, 57. i6o Index. Boils, Scinde, in Indian officer, cured by urtica, 48. Brain-workers and their use of stimulants, 8. Breath, stercoraceous, cured by spiritus glandium quercus, 89, 91. Bright's disease, remedy for, 149. Brown, S. W. C, his case of nephritic calculi, 52. Bryonia, 3, 51, 124. Cactus grandifloris for gouty heart, 147. Cantharis, 149. Castor equi, 157. Chelidonium, chelone, carduus, cholester- inum, often of very greatest aid in gout, 123, 157. Citric acid, use of, in gout, 125. Coccus cacti, coccinella, 124,148, 148, 150. for grit and gravel, 148. Cod-liver oil cure for gout, 102. Colchicum, a family doctor's favourite remedy, 1. its effects on the kidneys, 28. its influence over the gouty manifestations, 29. Index. 161 Colchicum, use of, 43. when not suitable for gout, 3. Conium for malignant disease of tongue, 94- Constipation requires homoeopathy for cure, 123. Convallaria majalis for gouty heart, 147. Cupressus, 156. Cypripedium pubescens as used for gout, 5i, 139- Daphne mezereon, use of, in gout, 51. Digitaline, Keith's, as a cardiac tonic, 147. Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 123. Dysmenorrhcea treated as gout, 17. Eczema, gouty, 151. " see Dr. Burnett on Diseases of the Skin. Euonymus atropurp. diplotaxis for gouty eczema, 156. Epstein, his experiments, 25. Exhaustion gout and surfeit gout in the same individual, 13. cured by better diet and stimulants, 8, 10. 162 Index. Fasting experiments apt to produce gout, 9- Feet and ankles, case of chronic gout in the, 137. Fever of gout, 74. Fistula, gouty, 141. Food and work, 109. Fruit and vegetables, do they conduce to longevity, 129. Fruit, is it good or bad for gout, 126. Gichtwasser of Wiesbaden as a remedy for gout, 60, 62, 66. useful in the cure of uric acid and gravel, 68. Gold as a remedy in gout, 30. Gonorrhoea, its influence in producing gouty diathesis, 132. Gout, case of chronic, in *the feet and ankles, 137. " case of city magnate, 92. Colonel X., 82. country squire, 89. " cod-liver oil cure for, 102. " cured by urtica urens, 72. '' fever of, 74. Index. 163 Gout followed by heart and kidney affec- tions, 144. " homoeo-therapeutics of, 69. " hot-water cure for, 102. '' is fruit good or bad for, 126. '' treatment of constitutional basis of, 121. " what is it, 18. Goutiness an acute disease, 16. Gouty attack, case of middle-aged maiden lady, 33. description of various cases of, 43. have we a remedy or remedies essentially ho- moeopathic to the, 32. " diathesis as influenced by gonor- rhoea, 132. " eczema, 151. see Dr. Burnett on Diseases of the Skin. " fistula, 141. " gastralgia of 13 years' duration cured by urtica urens, 120. " insomnia. 139. 164 Index. Gouty ophthalmia, case of, cured by urtica, 73. '' state, differences between the cure by mineral water and alkalies and by homoeopathic treatment, 67. Gravel expelled by urtica urens, 33, 36, 38. " piperazine and Gichtwasser treat- ment preferable for, 68. Hahnemann and Homoeopathy, 46. Heart and kidney affections succeeding gout, 144. Height and weight, 112. Hepar sulphuris in gout, 124. Hepatics are often valuable in gout, 123. Herba delvey a remedy among the Mexicans, 54. Hohenheim on the nature of gout, 117. Holtz, Dr., on the fever of gout, 74. Homoeopathic literature of gout is not brilliant, 24. remedies preferable to mineral water and alkalies in cure of the gouty state, 68. treatment of gout cures com- pletely, 27. Index. 165 Homoeo-therapeuticsofgout, the true, 69. Hot-water cure of Gout, 102. Hydrochloric acid, use of, in gout, 125. Idiosyncrasy, 132. Insomnia, gouty, 139. Iodine often of great aid in gout, 123, 157- Iris versicolor often valuable in gout, 123. Jaborandi used for gout with good re- sults, 31, 123. Kidney and heart affections following in the wake of gout, 144. Lactic acid, use of, in gout, 125. " valuable in gouty eczema, 156. '' Liver '' and malarialism in Indian officer cured by urtica urens and natrum muriaticum, 49. Lycopodium, 124. Malarialism and '' liver '' cured by urtica, 49- Materia Medica Pura, 157. Medorrh., 156. Mercurius often valuable in gout, 123, 157. 166 Index. Milk diet as prescribed for gout, 16. Mineral water, its influence on gout, 63, 67. Mordhorst, Dr. C, of Wiesbaden, his paper on gout, 58. Morphia, hypodermic injection of, pre- scribed, 55, 56. Myrica cerifera often of great aid in gout, 123. Menyanthes trifoliata, 139. Natrum muriaticum as used for gout, 30, 33. 64. '' as used for '' liver'' and malarialism, 49. Necrosis of the nails, case of, cured, 85. Nettle, story of the, as a medicine, 40. Nettle-tea acts as well as the tincture of urtica, 38. Nettle, the common stinging, 33, 38. Nephritic calculi, aggravated case of, suc- cessfully treated with piperazine, 52. Nitric acid, use of, in gout, 125. Nux vomica, 123. Ophthalmia, gouty, case of, cured by urtica urens, 74. Index. 167 Oranges as used for gout, 6. Oxalic acid, use of, in gout, 127. Paget, Sir James, his treatment of ex- haustion gout, 10. Paracelsic motto on title page expresses author's philosophy, 21. Paracelsus on gout, 117. Pancreatics often render eminent services in gout, 123. Persicaria urens as used for gout, 124. " for eczema, 156. Petroleum as used for varicose veins, 89. Phenocoll hydrochloride, 56. Phosphoric acid very soothing to the kidneys, 149. Phosphorus for fatty decay, 146. Physalis alkekengi as used for gout, 51. Pilocarpine often of eminent service in gout, 123. used for gout with good results, 31. Piperazine and alkaline treatment, 59, 64, 66. Piperazine and Gichtwasser treatment in gravel, 68. i68 Index. Piperazine successful in aggravated case of nephritic calculi, 52. Port wine as used for gout, 4. Pulsatilla as used for gout, 51, 123, 124. Rademacher, his treatment by acorn medi- cine, 77. his treatment of gout, 119. Repertory, 125, 157. Rhus as used for gout, 51, 124, 157. Rubia tinctoria as used for gout, 124. Sabina, 124, 156. Salisbury treatment of gout, 104. Sepia for eczema, 157. Skin, see Dr. Burnett on Diseases of the. Solidago virga aurea, 124, 150, 151, 152. Spiritus glandium quercus antidotal to alcohol, 76, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87. Spiritus glandium quercus, case of country squire cured by, 89. Spiritus glandium quercus, case of gentle- man having craving for drink, 100. Spiritus glandium quercus, case of giddi- ness, flatulent dyspepsia, etc., cured by, 92. Spiritus glandium quercus, case of vari- Index. 169 cose veins and enlarged spleen cured by, 88. Spiritus glandium quercus, does it ex-; tend to the liquor habit ? 94. Spiritus glandium quercus, in gouty insomnia, 139, 140. Spiritus glandium quercus regarded by Rademacher as a spleen medicine, 81. Spiritus glandium quercus, used for necrosis of the nails, 85. Spleen, case of enlarged, 88. "Spleen, Diseases of the," by Dr. Burnett, 79. Stimulants, when required for gout, 7. Storck, Baron, his experience, 93. Strophanthus, its use in gout, 146. Sulphur, use of, in gout, 124. Surfeit gout curable by abstemiousness, 12. '' and exhaustion gout in the same individual, 13. Terebinth for renal bleeding, 149. Thuja, 124, 156. '' as* used for case of necrosis of the nails, 86. 170 Index. Tongue, case of maligant disease of, 93. Tripperseuche, in German medical thought world, 133. " Tumours, Curability of, by Medicine," by Dr. Burnett, 98. Urate of sodium, urea, and uric acid, in treatment of gout, 50, 125. Uric acid and urea, valuable for gouty eczema, 156. Uric acid diathesis as affected by homoeo- pathic remedies, 64. '' defined by Dr. C. Mord- horst as gout, 58. in connection with gon- orrhoea, 135. may require very dif- ferent remedies in individuals, 122. Uric acid may be got rid of by Gicht- wasser, urtica, etc., without real cure, 66. Urtica urens, almost every case has yielded to, 42. a powerful splenic, 37. a remedy for gout, 32. Index. 171 Urtica urens capable of producing fever, 35, 46. '' case of a gentleman, aged 50, long in India, cured by, 44. '' case of country squire cured by, 45- " case of "liver" and malarial- ism cured by, 49. " " case of Lord X.' s attack cured by, 72. " case of middle-aged gentle- man, cured by, 43. '' case of Scinde boils cured by, 48. " " cures gouty gastralgia of 13 years' duration, 120. " cures the gouty attack, 99. " " for gouty insomnia, 139. " " for grit and gravel, 148. " " gets rid of uric acid, 95. " " has great gravel-expelling power, 33, 36, 38. " " in case of chronic gout in feet and ankles, 137. 172 Index. Urtica urens in case of gouty ophthalmia, 73- '' in case of middle-aged maiden lady, 33. " is a true simile to gout, 75. '' pathogenetic fever of, 46. Vanadium as used for cure of necrosis of the nails, 85. for fatty decay, 146, 147. Varicose veins, case of, 88. Vegetables and fruit, do they conduce to longevity? 129. Vertigo cured by urtica, 47. Viscum album as used for gout, 139. Whisky as prescribed for gout, 2. Wiesbaden Gichtwasser as a remedy for gout, 60, 62, 66, 68. X., Sir Edward, as treated for gout, 3. KXAMINER PRINTING HOUSE, LANCASTER, PA. (?« 7' Si^ US Dep US DeparlmenI ol rs? ^ r£ ^r> f&. _W> f&~ ,L LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL I w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3noio3w Q a. 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