WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR LOWER-EXTREMITY AMPUTEES WAR DEPARTMENT JZ/iVE 1946 WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL T M 8 - 293 This manual supersedes TB MED 122, December 1944. PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR LOWER-EXTREMITY AMPUTEES VAR DEPARTMENT JUNE 1946 United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1946 This manual contains copyrighted material. WAR DEPARTMENT Washington 25, D. C., 14 June 1946 TM 8-293, Physical Therapy for Lower-Extremity Amputees, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [AG 300.7 (18 Jan 46)] order of the Secretary of War: Official : DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER Chief of Staff EDWARD F. WITSELL Major General The Adjutant General Distribution : AGF (5); Dept (1); Arm & Sv Bd (1); Tech Sv (2) except SGO (24); Tech Sv (Tng Div) (2); SvC (1); SvC (Surg) (1); SvC (Tng Div) (1); Named GH (8); RH (1); SH (1); ROTC (1); SvC Lab 8 (1); AAF Sta (Cont) (1); A (5); A (Surg) (1); CHQ (Surg) (1); D (Surg) (1); AF (Surg) (1) O & E 8-580 (2); 8-581 (2). For explanation of distribution formula see FM 21-6. Acknowledgment is made to the American Physiotherapy Association for the use of Table 11, Comparative Muscle Grading Table. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Paragraph Page Section I. General. Purpose 1 1 Scope 2 1 II. Administration. Personnel 3 2 General procedures 4 2 CHAPTER 2. BANDAGING. Section I. General instructions. Bandaging technique 5 4 Care of bandagqs ; 6 4 //. Special instructions. Thigh stump 7 5 Leg stump , 8 11 Self-bandaging 9 11 CHAPTER 3. MUSCLE AND POSTURAL EXAMINATION. Section I. General. Body mechanics examination chart 10 14 11. Flexibility and contracture tests. Forward flexibility test 11 14 Extensibility test 12 15 Contracture test 13 18 111. Muscle strength tests. Comparative muscle-grading table - 14 19 Gluteus medius muscle, posterior portion, 15 19 “Upper” and “lower” anterior abdominal muscles 16 19 IV. Posture tests. Plumb-line tests 17 22 Plumb-line test for anteroposterior alignment IS 22 Plumb-line test for lateral alignment 19 24 CHAPTER 4. PREPROSTHETIC EXERCISE PROGRAM. Section I. General. Purpose of exercises 20 26 Selection of exercises 21 27 11. Stump exercises. Strengthening weak muscles 22 28 Stretching existing contractures 23 28 111. Posture exercises. Typical posture faults 24 31 Section IV. Exercises for unilateral amputees. Purpose 25 37 Bed stage 26 37 Ambulatory stage 27 39 V. General exercises. Purpose 28 40 Exercise for oblique abdominal muscles 29 40 Exercise for lateral abdominal muscles 30 40 Exercise for upper anterior abdominal muscles 31 41 Exercise for lower back muscles 32 42 Breathing exercise 33 42 Exercises contraindicated 34 42 Paragraph Page CHAPTER 5. INDIVIDUAL WALKING INSTRUCTION. Section I. General. Administration 35 43 Apparatus 36 43 Teaching technique 37 43 Classification 38 45 11. Unilateral amputees. Beginners class 30 46 Intermediate class 40 48 Advanced class.. 41 52 111. Tilting-table amputees. Exercise program 42 53 Walking 43 53 Sitting 44 53 Rising.. 45 53 IV. Bilateral amputees. General 1 46 54 Beginners class 47 54 Intermediate class 48 55 Advanced class 49 57 CHAPTER 6. CAUSES AND CORRECTION OF LIMPS. Recognition of limps 50 58 Analysis of limps (A/K unilateral amputees) 51 58 This manual supersedes TB MED 122, December 1944. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section I. GENERAL 1. Purpose This manual is concerned with the role of physical therapy in “manage- ment” of amputees. Management encompasses more then surgery, healing processes, restoration of function, and fitting of artificial limbs. It also takes cognizance of the number of persons who have lost limbs, the dramatic circumstances surrounding the injuries, the psychic trauma of amputation, and the necessity for physical and social adjustment. For this reason treatment for amputation is not considered as specific, but rather as a continuous process which begins on the battlefield or scene of injury and concludes with discharge of the patient from an Army hospital after he has been properly fitted with an artificial limb and educated in its use. The purpose of this manual is to present a standardized program for physical therapy management of lower extremity amputations. 2. Scope a. The objectives of physical therapy in the treatment of amputa- tions are: (1) To shrink and toughen the stump. (2) To give muscle and postural examinations to determine existing defects in regard to muscle weakness, contractures, and faulty segmental alignment of the body as a whole. (3) To maintain or restore normal range of motion and muscle strength of the affected extremity. (4) To correct the existing defects before the amputee is fitted with his prosthesis. (5) To instruct the lower-extremity amputee in correct technique of walking, making turns, climbing stairs, picking up objects, etc. b. Bandaging and therapeutic exercise have been invaluable in accomplishing these objectives. Other forms of physical therapy such as massage, hydrotherapy, thermotherapy, ultra-violet irradiation, and common ion transfer have been employed extensively at times, but they must be individually prescribed and administered. Bandaging and therapeutic exercise, on the other hand, are applicable in the case of nearly every lower-extremity amputee; therefore they will be dealt with in detail in this manual. 1 Section 11. ADMINISTRATION 3. Personnel For the very reason that treatment for amputation is a continuous proc- ess, the utmost cooperation must exist among the several persons and departments interested in management of a patient. The medical officers, ward personnel, physical therapists, occupational therapists, various members of the reconditioning service, and the technicians from the artificial limb shop must work together closely if the program is to succeed. 4. General Procedures To further cooperation in the course of treatment certain procedures must be agreed upon and adhered to: a. Except in emergencies, furloughs will not be granted a patient until it can be certified that he can satisfactorily manage his prosthesis (graduation from Intermediate Walking Class). This will insure that no important treatment is interrupted. b. No amputee should begin walking with his prosthesis until approval has been given by the chief of the amputation section and the physical therapy section. c. When a prosthesis has been finished it should be delivered to the physical therapy section and kept there until the patient has com- pleted the beginning phase of walking instructions and has been checked by the chief of the amputation section, or some person he may designate. Only then is the patient allowed to keep his prosthesis on the ward. d. All walking instruction will be under the supervision of the physi- cal therapy section. (1) A record system showing the current status of every amputa- tion case in relation to the walking program will be maintained in the physical therapy section. (2) Cases will be divided into four groups for instructions; unilateral below-knee amputee (B/K), unilateral above-knee amputee (A/K), amputees fitted with tilting-table prostheses (tilting tables; this cate- gory includes patients with disarticulation of the hip joint or thigh amputation too short for fitting with an ischial bearing thigh bucket, that is, stumps less than 3 inches long), and bilateral amputees. The instruction groups will be as small as possible so that instruction may be given on an individual basis. Classes 30 minutes in length will be conducted by physical therapists especially trained for the program. Each patient will receive a proportionate share of instruction. e. Arrangements should be made for a designated time every 2 days when a qualified orthopedic mechanic SSN 366 (limb fitter) can meet with the physical therapist in charge of walking instructions and patients whose prostheses need readjustment. 2 /. A 16-millimeter movie camera with projector, screen, and other necessary photographic equipment should be assigned to the physical therapy section. Sufficient technical personnel from the local Signal Corps or other photographic unit should be placed at the disposal of the physical therapy section so that moving picture shots can be taken showing each emputee at the beginning of his walking program and recording his progress thereafter. About 100 feet of film should be exposed at each photographic record- ing to demonstrate: (1) Full figure walking toward the camera, executing a turn, and walking away from camera. (2) Lateral full figure with each side toward the camera in turn. (3) Close-up of lower extremities during walking. (4) Standing for lateral and posterior plumb line tests. The physical therapist will analyze these pictures, then show them to the amputee, at the same time pointing out defects in posture, co- ordination, or walking; noting improvement; and insuring that the pictures are utilized as much as possible from the instructional viewpoint. g. No amputee will be discharged from the service until he has com- pleted the walking program outlined for him. 3 CHAPTER 2 BANDAGING Section I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 5. Bandaging Technique a. Correct bandaging of a stump is an important part of the physical therapy treatment in insuring proper healing and shrinkage. After exercise, the stump must be bandaged firmly with as many bandages as necessary to give even pressure throughout. Bandaging must he repeated several times daily for the patient to derive maximum benefit. The bandage is worn continuously until the patient is fitted with his prosthesis; and for 5 or 6 months after fitting, whenever the prosthesis is removed. Incorrect bandaging will harm the stump. Common errors to be avoided are: (1) Exerting a constricting effect. This may produce edema distal to the site of the compression. (2) Undue general tightness, especially at the edges of the bandage where there is less elasticity than in the center. This error rfmst be especially guarded against by beginners who in striving for neat appear- ance of the bandage cause constriction. (3) Bandaging unhealed stumps too snugly. Bandaging should be less snug than for healed stumps. Persistence of this error will delay healing. b. The bandage stump should have a smooth, even contour without bulges. Four safety pins placed or spaced in diamond shape to secure the cross- wrappings of the hip spica (par. 7) at the lateral side of the hip should prevent a certain amount of shifting or crawling of that part of the bandage. 6. Care of Bandages Because of their elastic qualities, ace type bandages are most suitable for bandaging stumps. These bandages contain no rubber, but are made of a soft, porous-weave cotton which must be laundered carefully to retain the elasticity necessary for proper application. The bandage should be washed with mild white soap and water. All soap particles should be removed by through rinsing. Since the bandages will lose their elasticity if hung, they should be spread on a clean, flat surface until dry, than rolled evenly and firmly without stretching. 4 Section 11. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 7. Thigh Stump Application of bandages in thigh amputations is especially difficult and requires patience and practice in technique. a. Two 4-inch ace bandages sewed together end to end make a satis- factory bandage for the average thigh stump. The 6-inch bandage is recommended for larger stumps. h. A firm, even pressure must be maintained throughout the whole bandaging procedure. The bandages should be applied as firmly as the patient can tolerate without pain or circulatory interference. Appli- cation is slightly tighter at the distal end of the stump than at the proxi- mal end. c. The bandage is applied as follows (see FS 8-85): Figure 1. (1) Begin with the bandage at the groin where it is held by the pa- tient’s thumb. (See fig. 1.) 5 Figure 2. (2) Proceed over the end of the stump to the upper thigh, posteriorly, where the bandage is held by the patient’s fingers. (See fig. 2.) Figure 3. (3) Return bandage over end of stump, laterally. (See fig. 3.) 6 Figure J+. (4) Again over end of stump, medially. Each recurrent is held like the first. (See fig. 4.) (5) Having completed three recurrent turns, begin the anchoring turn by drawing the bandage laterally from the posterior aspect to the lateral side of the stump. (See fig. 5.) Figure 5. 7 Figure 6. (6) Encircle, carrying the bandage high in the groin. (See fig. 6.) Figure 7. (7) Begin spiral to stump by carrying the bandage from the lateral thigh toward the medial side of the stump. Continue spiral, encircling stump twice. Then turn patient on his side. (See fig. 7.) 8 Figure 8. (8) From the posterior thigh, carry the bandage over the lateral side of the hip, and continue over the crest of the ilium, across the abdomen. (See fig. 8.) Figure 9. (9) Continue around lower hip. (See fig. 9.) 9 Figure 10. (10) Return to stump. (See fig. 10.) Figure 11. (11) Encircle stump, completing first spica. Begin second spica, following the course of the first. Return to stump and continue spirals to complete bandage. (See fig. 11.) 10 Figure 12. (12) Bandage is completed. (See fig. 12.) 8. Leg Stump Apply and anchor the three recurrents as demonstrated in figures 1 through 6 for the thigh stump. Then secure the bandage by passing it to one side above the patella, encircling the lower thigh twice, and returning on the opposite side of the patella to the stump. The patella is left exposed. 9. Self-Bandaging Each patient should be taught to bandage his own stump as soon as possible. All amputees who are ambulatory and who are going to the physical therapy section should be bandaged once a day under the guid- ance of the physical therapist and be instructed to reapply the bandage themselves as often as necessary. Group instruction may be given to save time. Someone must secure the bandage for the thigh amputee when he does recurrent turns over the end of his stump in applying his own bandage. He should be taught to elevate his pelvis with his good leg so that his stump is held in extension when he applies the spica to his waist. 11 Table I. Name | Ward number Height j Weight | Age Site of amputation j Right, left, or bilateral Handedness | Date physical therapy started PART I. PRE-PROSTHETIC AND POST-PROSTHETIC TESTS Tests for Flexibility Pre-op. Date Post-op. Date Post-Pros. Date Forward Flexibility (Record in inch string or back Extensibility Test- (Normal, fair, or y Test: __ _ es) (If limited, note whether ham- muscles). poor) LEFT Tests for Contractures {Record in Degrees) Gastroc-soleus RIGHT Post-Pros. (Date) Post-op. (Date) Pre-op. (Date) Pre-op. (Date) Post-op. (Date) Post-Pros. (Date) Hamstrings Hip flexors. Hip abductors . Pectorals (si. mod. or mark.). Tests for Muscle Strength {Record by Percentage) “Upper” anterior Ab- dominals: (Trunk-rais- ing test). “Lower” anterior Ab- dominals: (Leg-rais- ing test)*. Hip flexors. LEFT RIGHT Post-Pros. (Date) Post-op. (Date) Pre-op. (Date) Pre-op. (Date) Post-op. (Date) Post-Pros. (Date) Hip ext. rotators Hip int. rotators Tibialis posticus Long toe flexors Gluteus, medius (post. part). Hip adductors Hip abductors . Lateral abdominals Hip extensors Hamstrings. _ Back extensors Quadriceps _ Signature of physical therapist Date * If test performed with prosthesis, record results with asterisk. BODY MECHANICS EXAMINATION CHART FOR LOWER EXTREMITY AMPUTEES 12 Table I—Continued PART II. POST-PROSTHETIC TESTS Tests for Posture Segmental alignment: _ .Normal alignment _ _ Lordosis Pronated foot Forward head . _ Int. rotated femur Kvnhosis Other defects. _ _ Lateral pelvic alignment: Level High on.. side. Plumb Line Test for Anteroposterior Alignment (Hung in line with point anterior to lateral malleolus). Normal Body ant. to Plumb line Good except Lordosis Pelvis ant. to Plumb line Good except Forward Head _ Other deviations Plumb Line Test for Lateral Alignment (Hung from point midway between heels placed 3" apart). Normal _ Displacement of trunk to right _ _ .. Scoliosis _ . . Displacement of trunk to left Test for Causes of Improper Gait Limp Type Cause Recommendation for Correction: Special exercises Summary Note. For classification of amputees into special groups for Physical Therapy treatment 1. Patient shows no defects in body mechanics and is ready for walking . 2. Patient requires special exercise to correct: Muscle weakness . Special Walking Instruction . Prosthesis Correction ..Shoe Correction / .. Contractures Fanltv nosture Limp Signature of physical therapist Date 13 CHAPTER 3 MUSCLE AND POSTURAL EXAMINATION Section I. GENERAL 10. Body Mechanics Examination Chart This chart is used to record findings in preprosthetic and postprosthetic tests of muscle strength and contractures, and postprosthetic test of posture. It is largely self-explanatory (table I), but detailed directions are given in paragraphs 11 through 19 and in paragraphs 50 and 51 in order to explain the standardization of some of the tests, as well as meth- ods of recording test results. Section 11. FLEXIBILITY AND CONTRACTURE TESTS 11. Forward Flexibility Test This is a means of checking forward mobility of the lower back. In the test position, the patient sits on a plinth with legs extended forward and tries to reach his toes. (See fig. 13.) Extent of limitation is re- corded as the number of inches by which he fails to touch his toes. If the patient shows much limitation, this test should be followed by the straight-leg raising test to determine whether any hamstring tightness exists. (See fig. 14.) Figure 13. Normal forward flexibility test. The ■patient is able to touch fingertips to toes with knees straight and with well-rounded contour of entire spine. 14 Figure 14• Straight-leg raising test for hamstring tightness. This patient shows marked restriction due to tightness in hamstring muscles. Normal length of hamstrings would permit flexion of the hip to about 85° with the leg in full extension, as required in this test. a. When the patient reaches forward, the contour of his lower back should be noted. The hamstring muscles may be relaxed and allow more than normal hip-joint motion; the upper back may be more than normally flexible or it may be in a definitely kyphotic position so that the patient is able to touch his toes even though his lower back is con- siderably limited in flexibility. h. Low back flexibility cannot be determined accurately when the test is given with the patient in a standing position. Any rotation of the pelvis (clockwise—forward on the left; or counterclockwise—forward on the right) will necessarily be accompanied by rotation of the lumbar spines. This, in turn, will limit trunk flexion from a standing position. When the patient is sitting on a plinth with his legs extended forward, the pelvic rotation usually disappears (except in cases of structural rotation); thus, trunk flexion becomes a more accurate index of the limi- tation of low back flexibility. 12. Extensibility Test This is a means of checking general ability to extend hips and knees, flatten lumbar spine, and raise arms overhead. (See fig. 15.) The patient should be able to lie supine on a plinth with knees and hips ex- tended,’ lumbar spine flat on the plinth, and arms raised directly over- head. Findings are recorded as N (normal), F (fair), or P (poor). 15 Test Percentages Letters Numerals Neurological ratings Combination ratings Full range of motion against gravity with normal resistance, repeated several times without signs of fatigue. Contracted or hy per- trophied. 100 95 Normal-}- (N-b) Normal (N) Normal — (N —) 5 13 12 11 0 + + + + Normal (N) 9 Normal— (NM) 8 Normal. Increase against re- sistance but quite normal. Beginning power against added re- sistance. Full range of motion against gravity with medium amount of resistance, repeated several times without sign of fatigue, but tires quickly or is unable to complete range of motion with normal resistance. 90 80 70 Good + (G-f-) Good (G) Good- (G —) 4 10 9 8 1 + + + Good-}- (GP) 7 Full range of motion against gravity, mini- mum resistance. Full range of motion against gravity, no resistance. May tire after 3 to 6 move- ments. 60 50 Fair-}- (F+) Fair (F) 3 7 6 2 + + Good (G) 6 Well-defined control over gravity or friction. Almost full range of motion against gravity. _ 40 Fair— (F —) 5 Beginning motion against gravity or com- pletion of arc of motion with gravity eliminated, either against friction of table or with minimum resistance. 30 Poor-}- (P+) 4 Good- (GM) 5 Beginning action against gravity or friction. Table 11. Comparative Muscle Grading 16 No motion against gravity but completes 20 Poor (P) 2 3 3 + Fair 4- (FP) 4 Beginning action range of motion with gravity eliminated of joints but not (no friction). against gravity or enough to overcome friction of table. Partial range of motion with gravity 10 Poor- (P-) 2 Fair— (FM) 2 Definite muscle ac- eliminated. t i o n without much influence + on the joint. Palpable or visible contraction of muscle, 5 Trace (Tr) 1 1 4 Action weak 1 Definite muscle but no apparent movement of part. (AW) contraction. Be- tween IA and AW is fibrella- tion or question- able contraction. No contraction felt in muscle ._ 0 0 0 0 5 0 Inactive (IA) 0 N o appreciable motion. 17 Figure 15. Normal extensibility test. Above patient would be rated normal. 13. Contracture Test a. Limitation of motion due to contractures in gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstrings, hip flexors, and hip abductors is tested and recorded in degrees. In testing limitation of motion due to contractures in the hip flexors, the patient lies on a plinth as illustrated in figure 16. The patient tries to extend his right thigh while holding his pelvis flat on the table; all motion is, therefore, true hip joint motion alone. Figure 16. Position of patient for measuring degree of hip flexion contracture. Op- posite thigh is flexed on chest to help keep lumbar spine flat on table. The above patient shows a hip flexion contracture of approximately 30°. h. The normal state of extensibility of the pectoral muscles is illus- trated by the position of the arms in figure 15; the amount of tightness 18 in pectoral muscles should be recorded as si. (slight), mod. (moderate), or mark, (marked). Section 111. MUSCLE STRENGTH TESTS 14. Comparative Muscle-Grading Table Muscle strength tests of the lower extremity and abdominal muscles are to be recorded in percentages accorded to table 11. Detailed in- structions for testing particular muscles are given in paragraphs 15 and 16. 15. Gluteus Medius Muscle, Posterior Portion In this test the patient lies on his side with his trunk and pelvis in straight alignment. (See fig. 17.) His upper leg is placed in position with leg extended and thigh in abduction, slight extension, and slight external rotation. The patient holds against resistance which is applied to his ankle in a downward and slightly forward direction. Figure 17. Testing strength of posterior portion of gluteus medius 16. “Upper” and “Lower” Anterior Abdominal Muscles Percentage Test 100 (1) With hands clasped behind head, roll pelvis backward and “fold” to sitting position. Legs are not supported until trunk flexion is complete, but may be supported as soon as the pelvis should nor- mally begin flexing on the thighs. (See fig. 18® and @.) (2) With hands clasped behind head, roll pelvis backward and hold lumbar spine flat on table as legs are raised and lowered. (Leg raising tests are modified for unilateral amputees with prosthesis by resting prosthesis on normal leg.) (See fig. 19.) These muscles are tested and graded as follows 19 Percentage Test 80 (1) With arms folded on chest, roll pelvis backward and “fold” to sitting position. (2) With hands clasped behind head, roll pelvis backward to flatten lumbar spine. Your legs are then raised at a 40° angle to the table by the examiner; try to keep back flat on table and at same time retain legs in raised position. 60 (1) With arms down at side (but with no assistance from hands or elbows), roll pelvis and “fold” to sitting position. (2) With hands clasped behind head, roll pelvis backward to flatten lumbar spine. Your legs are then raised at a 60° angle to the table by the examiner; try to keep back flat on table and at same time retain legs in raised position. 50 (1) With arms down at side, roll pelvis and lift head and shoulders about 4 or 5 inches from the table. (2) With hands clasped behind head, roll pelvis backward to flatten lumbar spine. Your legs are then raised at a 75° angle to the table by the examiner; try to keep back flat on table and at same time retain legs in raised position. 20 ® Legs are not supported during movement of flexion of thorax on pelvis. ® J.s trunk-raising continues by flexion of pelvis on thigh, legs are held down on table by examiner. Figure 18. Testing strength of “upper” anterior abdominal muscles. Above figures show position of arms for 100% (normal) trunk-raising test. See paragraph 16 for positions in 80 percent and 60 percent trunk-raising tests. 21 Figure 19. Testing strength of “lower” anterior abdominal muscles. Strong action of anterior abdominal muscles keeps lumbar region fiat on table as weight of legs is raised and lowered. Test may be modified for unilateral amputees who have been fitted with prostheses, as above, by placing prosthesis on normal leg to keep knee of prosthesis extended. Above patient shows 100 percent {normal) strength for these muscles. Section IV. POSTURE TESTS 17. Plumb-Line Tests There is one standard reference point in all postures, the base, where the feet touch the floor. To determine variations in posture, a plumb line is suspended from a stationary point above the patient’s head to the fixed reference point at his feet. When a patient has correctly balanced posture, his body will coincide with the plumb line at several points above the normal base; when he has faulty posture, there will be a lack of normal alignment. In the test for anteroposterior alignment, the plumb line will coincide with the frontal plane of the body in normal posture; in the test for lateral align- ment, it will coincide with the sagittal plane. 18. Plumb-Line Test for Anteroposterior Alignment To assume the test position, the patient steps up to the plumb line and places his feet so that the plumb-bob hangs in line with a point just anterior to his lateral malleolus. (See fig. 20.) If his posture is correctly balanced, the patient’s body will coincide with the plumb line at the following points above the normal base: a. Posterior to the patella. h. Through the hip joint (anterior to the greater trochanter). c. Midway between abdomen and back. d. Through the shoulder joint. e. Through the lobe of the ear. 22 ® A bove patient shows good postural alignment except that his head and shoulders are slightly forward. ® A bove patient shows faulty postural alignment with pelvis slightly displaced marked lor- dosis and head forward. {Note clockwise rotation of pelvis and trunk; compare with figure 21®.) Figure 20. Plumb line test for anteroposterior alignment. 23 19. Plumb-Line Test for Lateral Alignment To assume the test position, the patient stands with the inner border of his heels 3 inches apart and equidistant from a line which coincides with ® Above patient shoivs good (but not perfect) postural alignment, and good weight distri- bution over both legs. @ Above patient shows faulty postural alignment. Displacement of pelvis, trunk, and head toward right shows that more weight is being borne on the normal leg than on the prosthesis. Figure 21. Plumb line test for lateral alignment. 24 the tip of the plumb-bob. (See fig. 21.) (Bilateral amputees should stand with heels as nearly 3 inches apart as possible.) Weight should be distributed evenly on both feet. If his posture is correctly balanced, the midline of the patient’s body will coincide with the plumb line. 25 CHAPTER 4 PREPROSTHETIC EXERCISE PROGRAM Section I. GENERAL 20. Purpose of Exercises The purpose of this program is to correct defects in body alignment and to establish muscle balance and normal range of motion before fitting with prosthesis. This will insure that the body and prosthesis function together with maximum efficiency. a. Before the patient is ready for the postprosthetic program of walking, stair-climbing, turns, etc., he must accomplish the following objectives of the preprosthetic program: Figure 22. Anterior pelvic tilt due to hip flexion contracture. 26 (1) Increasing muscle strength of extremity involved, including correction of existing contractures when condition of patient permits. (2) Correcting defects in muscle balance and body alignment. (3) In cases of unilateral amputation, improving weight-bearing strength and balance of normal leg. (4) Maintaining general muscle tone. h. When an amputee is measured for his prosthesis before correction of defects in body mechanics, the limb-fitter will necessarily fit the prosthesis to the deformity. As a result, the patient tends to be held in the position of deformity despite subsequent efforts to correct his postural defects. For example, if an abd'uction contracture exists in the thigh stump at the time of the fitting, the patient will stand in a position of lateral pelvic tilt; if a hip flexion contracture of the stump is present, the patient will stand in a position of anterior pelvic tilt (lor- dosis), and his prosthesis will fit and tend to hold him in this position. (See fig. 22.) If defects are corrected by exercise before measuring and fitting takes place, the need for constant alterations in the fit of the prosthesis will be obviated. 21. Selection of Exercises The preprosthetic exercise program may be divided into two stages: the preoperative (before final surgical revision), and the postoperative (after final surgical revision). This division into stages does not necessarily influence the over-all selection of exercises, since the need for a particular exercise continues until the defect of the given muscle group is corrected. Some exercises may have to be discontinued temporarily during the early postoperative stage, but their essentiality will undoubtedly be increased by the interruption. The stages through which a patient progresses, however, will influence the administration of the exercise program in several ways: a. Preoperative Stage. Exercises of involved part are not usually given during the healing phase following the initial guillotine ampu- tation. As soon as the stump is healed, exercises may be given upon the approval of the ward officer. However, since the surgical revision is usually accomplished shortly after the stump has healed, this period is not very long. h. Early Postoperative Stage. The intensity of some exercises given in the preoperative stage may have to be decreased from an active or resistive movement to a movement of static contraction; other ex- ercises may have to be omitted temporarily. c. Preoperative and Postoperative Ambulatory Phases. Nor- mal leg balance exercises in standing can be added. 27 Section 11. STUMP EXERCISES 22. Strengthening Weak Muscles a. After the initial postoperative period, hip extension, hip adduction, and quadriceps exercises (for B /K’s) are usually best performed with pulley weights. Care must be taken to insure pelvic fixation in the first two of these exercises. Exercises for the remaining muscles of the involved extremity are usually best performed against resistance pro- vided by another person. The governing principle in all of these exercises is to increase resistance progressively as muscle strength improves. b. Occasionally, tests reveal weakness of the muscles involved in contracture. The contracture may be due to changes in joint capsules, ligaments, or soft tissues. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the de- formity before instituting exercises to strengthen these muscles. 23. Stretching Existing Contractures a. Hip Flexion. The choice of the exercise position may depend upon the condition of the patient, available apparatus, or other factors. Figure 23. Stretching contracted hip flexors with patient in supine position. Note that the normal thigh is in a comfortably flexed position, the lumbar region is flat- tened, and the pelvis is fixed firmly by the strap. The stretching of the contracted • hip flexors is a passive procedure accomplished by the physical therapist's steady pressure on the anterior iliac crest and the distal half of the thigh stump. (In prac- tice, the physical therapist stands on the side of the amputation.) The patient assumes the above position only when he cannot assume the preferred position in figure 25. 28 Regardless of what position is employed, however, the technique must include firm fixation of the pelvis to prevent anterior pelvic tilt while pressure is being exerted to stretch the hip flexors. (1) The standing position is not recommended because of the diffi- culties encountered in fixing the pelvis. (See par. 116.) (2) In the supine position (with or without the extension table), a strap is used in addition to the force exerted by flexion of the normal thigh in order to fix the pelvis. When the pelvis is fixed by a strap, the normal extremity need not remain in such extreme flexion while the hip flexors of the opposite thigh are being stretched; it can rest on the table in knee-bent position. (See figs. 23 and 26.) (3) See figure 24 for the prone position. Figure 24- Stretching contracted hip flexors with the patient prone and with his legs over the end of the plinth. Note that the patient leans as far forward as possible with comfort. He grasps the sides of the plinth for support. The physical ther- apist maintains stabilization of the thigh of the patient’s normal extremity by coun- ter pressure of her left knee. This stretching is a passive procedure accomplished by the physical therapist’s applying traction on the distal half of the stump and, simultaneously, pressure over the gluteal region. The above position is ordinarily employed only when the position shown in figure 25 cannot be used. (4) See figure 25 for the sitting position. b. Hip Abduction. (1) Side-lying position. The extension table may be used as in hip-flexor stretching. (See fig. 26.) The patient lies on the side of his normal leg with his knee and thigh flexed about 45 ° to 29 60°. The pelvis is fixed to the table by a strap. The weight pulls downward to stretch the stump abductors. Figure 25. Stretching contracted hip flexors and hip abductors in the sitting position. Note that the patient is sitting flat against the railing of the frame with his normal leg extended as fully as possible. The strap fixes his pelvis still further; and the weights (not shown) are exerting traction in the direction in which his thigh is ex- tended. The patient is making no active effort at movement of the right hip joint. The use of the radiant heat infra-red lamp, as illustrated, facilitates relaxation of muscle spasm. Since the single application of traction, as above, usually pulls the thigh in abduction as well as extension, the abduction component is negated by secondary traction. This, in turn, pulls the thigh in adduction-extension. This appears to be the most satisfactory arrangement for simultaneously stretching con- tracted hip flexors and contracted hip abductors. (2) - Supine position, or prone position with pillow under abdomen. Fixation of the pelvis is essential in order to localize stretching to the stump abductor muscles. Without pelvic fixation, the pelvis tends to ride upward on the side of the normal leg. A wide belt should be fastened around the pelvis and attached to the table by a strap which will pull the pelvis down on the side of the normal leg. (3) Standing position. This position is not recommended unless the patient can stand with his pelvis fixed by a pelyic-grip apparatus. (4) Sitting position. See figure 25. c. Using Weights to Stretch Hip Flexors or Abductors. It must be strongly emphasized that a weight must be kept on long enough and be heavy enough to overcome the ability of the muscle to pull against 30 it. Otherwise, the weight will act like a resistance stimulus and will increase the strength of the muscle instead of stretching it. (1) The amount of time will usually be a 15- to 30-minute period. (2) The amount of weight will vary with the individual patient—the length of his stump, the degree of contracture, and his tolerance. The maximum amount of weight should be used immediately (without gradual increase); it should be sufficient to produce a definite feeling of relaxation in the muscle within several minutes. Immediately after this exercise, the patient usually complains of temporary pain in the “hip joint” (actually the hip flexors) and of difficulty in flexing his thigh. He should be told to expect such reaction and reassured that the symptoms are not serious. Figure 26. Use of the extension table in stretching contracted hip flexors. Section 111. POSTURE EXERCISES 24. Typical Posture Faults Individual examination of patients will determine individual variations in exercise. However, since postural defects tend to assume the same pattern in most patients, it is possible to establish a general corrective exercise program which will apply in most cases. The following chart outlines conditions of muscle imbalance which usually accompany (as a cause of, or result of) typical faults in adult posture. It also prescribes exercises to correct muscle imbalance and posture defects: 31 Posture fault Muscle weakness Muscle tightness Exercises and other corrective procedures for muscle imbalance a. Lordosis. “Lower” anterior abdominals. Low back erector spinae. Strengthening “lower" anterior abdominal muscles: (External oblique and Ilio psoas. Supine position: rectus abdominis.) Other hip flexors. (1) Roll pelvis until back is flat on table by pulling up and in with lower abdominal muscles. Hold low back Hamstring muscles and flat on table and breathe in and out to relax upper gluteus maximus, less abdominal muscles. frequently than ab- (2) With hands up beside the head, knee bent, and foot dominal muscles. flat on table, roll pelvis until back is flat on table by pulling up and in with the lower abdominal muscles. Hold back flat on table and straighten leg by sliding heel down along table. Keep pelvis rolled and return knee to bent position. Stump remains ex- tended on table. (See fig. 27.) Stretching tight low back muscles: Sitting position: With knees slightly bent and arms extended forward, pull up and in with lower abdominal muscles to roll the pelvis back. Then bend upper trunk forward to round lower back, and reach toward toes. Strengthening abdominal muscles and stretching low back muscles (combined exercise); Supine position: With arms at sides, palms up, and knees flexed on chest, lift hips a few inches from table to flex pelvis on thorax (but not to point of dorsal flexion). 32 h. Kyphosis. Stretching hip flexors (see par. 23); Supine position: Keep low back flat on table by flexing normal leg (Knee to chest) with aid of hands around thigh. As assistant presses stump down toward table, help with active hip extension. (See fig. 23.) Prone position: With legs over end of table and trunk resting on table, fix pelvis by pressure against normal leg. At the same time, extend hip joint on stump side to stretch hip flexors. (See fig. 24.) Sitting position: See figure 25. Supine position (with extension table): See figure 26. Dorsal erector spinae. Pectorals and “upper” anterior abdominal Strengthening dorsal erector spinae and middle and lower trapezius: Middle and lower trapezi- muscles (internal ob- Sitting position; us. lique and rectus ab- On stool with lower back against wall (or on floor with legs dominis). extended forward, and with back to wall), hands up beside head—keeping low back against wall, straighten upper back, trying to touch entire back to wall. Then press elbows and head back toward wall, keeping chin down and in. (See fig. 28.) Stretching tight pectorals: Sitting position: Starting with arms in an abducted and externally rotated position, move arms backward and slightly upward. Physi- cal therapist aids arm movement and stabilizes upper back by pressure of her knee. (See fig. 29.) 33 Posture fault Muscle weakness Muscle tightness Exercises and other corrective procedures for muscle imbalance c. Forward Head. Anterior neck flexors (an- Cervical spine extensors, Strengthening and stretching (combined exercise): (This position is usually terior-vertebral cervi- including upper Supine position: compensatory for a de- pressed chest; its cor- cal spine flexors). trapezius. Knee is bent and foot is flat on table, arms are in “inverse T” position, | | (arms elevated to shoulder level, hands rection will greatly de- pend on correction of faulty chest and upper back positions.) Sternocleidomastoid, up beside head). Raise chest (without arching back) and depress chin in direction of flattening cervical spine. (This exercise is somewhat comparable to flattening of lumbar spine in cases of lumbar lordosis, except that patient is not expected to touch entire cervical spine to table.) Sitting position: On stool with lower back against wall (or on floor with legs extended forward and with back to wall), hands up beside head—keeping low back against wall, straighten upper back, trying to touch entire back to wall. 1’hen press elbows and head back toward wall, keeping chin down and in. (See fig. 28.) d. Pronated Foot. Tibialis posterior and long toe flexors. Peroneals In preweight hearing stage—foot exercises for tibialis posterior and for toe flexors: Supine positions: With toes gripped, turn foot in a position of inversion in plantar flexion. In weight-bearing stage: Postural strain on weak tibialis posterior and toe flexor should be relieved by placing an inner border wedge on the heel, or a Thomas heel on the shoe (of normal leg in case of uni- lateral amputees), if the ward officer so recommends. 34 e. Internally Hip external rotators, Tensor fascia femoris In preweight-bearing stage—exercises for external rotators (if Rotated particularly posterior examination shows them to be weak): Femur. portion gluteus medius. Supine position: With lower extremities in normal alignment, perform an outward axial turn. Side-lying position (fig. 17): As in test for strength of posterior portion of gluteus medius (par. 15), keep trunk and pelvis in straight alignment. Place upper leg in position with leg extended and thigh in abduction, slight extension, and slight external rotation. Hold against resistance which physical therapist applies to ankle in a downward and slightly forward direction. In weight-bearing stage: Strain on external rotators should be relieved by placing an inner border wedge on heel, or Thomas heel on shoe (of normal leg in case of unilateral amputees), as for pronation, if the ward officer so recommends. With the knee in extension, the hip joint and astragalo- navicular joint act together as a universal joint; the pro- nation of the foot results in internal rotation of the femur, and vice versa. 35 Figure 27. Exercise to strengthen ‘'lower” anterior abdominal muscles. Figure 28. Exercise to correct faulty positions of upper hack and head. (Directions in paragraph 2Jfb must be followed exactly.) 36 Figure 29. Position for stretching contracted 'pectoral muscles. Section IV. EXERCISES FOR UNILATERAL AMPUTEES 25. Purpose This section prescribes exercises for strengthening and improving balance on the normal leg. The number of repetitions or amount of resistance offered a patient in particular exercises increases in direct proportion to the return of muscle strength. 26. Bed Stage Exercises Purpose Position and movements a. Foot Exercises. Dorsiflexion Maintaining tone and strength of dorsiflexors and offsetting tendency toward gastrocnemius soleus contracture. Supine position: Pull foot upward (toward body). Inversion __ . Maintaining tone and Supine position: (Exercise is done in strength of tibialis an- Pull foot upward and both dorsiflexion and terior and tibialis pos- slightly inward. plantar flexion, where latter is not contra- indicated by a con- tracture in that po- sition.) terior muscles. Push foot downward and slightly inward. 37 Exercises Purpose Position and movements Toe flexion .. Strengthening both long Supine position: and short flexors of toes, and preventing contracture of toe extensors. Grip toes, strongly flex- ing all toe joints. Foot circling .. . Maintaining general Supine position; (Not to be performed strength of leg and Beginning with foot where contraindi- cation in the form of contractures of gas- trocnemius, soleus, peroneals, or or other muscles foot muscles. turned inward, describe a complete circle. With toes gripped, de- scribe a complete circle, beginning with foot turned inward. exists.) b. Knee Exercises. Quadriceps “setting” Preventing atrophy and maintaining tone and strength of quadriceps muscle group. Supine position: Contract quadriceps mus- cle without moving knee joint, by tensing . muscle and exerting up- ward pull on patella. Knee extension _ Preventing atrophy and maintaining tone and strength of quadriceps muscle group. Supine position (pillow under knee); Raise lower leg to straight- en knee. Emphasize complete ex- tension of leg. c. Hip Exercises. Hip extension.. Preventing atrophy and maintaining tone and strength of hip extensors. Prone position: Keeping knee straight, extend hip fully. (Back must not arch during movement.) Hip abduction _ Preventing atrophy and maintaining tone and strength of hip abduc- tors, with particular attention given to gluteus medius muscle. Side-lying on stump side: Place leg with knee straight in abduction, slight extension, and outward rotation; hold against resistance. (Same movement as test for gluteus medius, pos- terior portion.) (See fig. 17.) 38 Exercises Purpose Position and movements d. Combined Exercise. Strengthening muscle Supine position, with hands groups particularly up beside head, elbows subject to weakness resting on bed, and knee because of position and slightly flexed over pillow: lack of use in bed. Components of following exercise are performed simultaneously: (1) Pull foot upward and slightly inward. (2) Press knee and hip downward. (3) Pull up and in with lower abdominal mus- cles, flattening lower back. 27. Ambulatory Stage Exercises Purpose Position and movements a. Balancing on Normal Leg. Developing coordination of standing balance. Standing on normal leg, near bed footrail or other support: (1) Stand with hand light- ly on support and main- tain good postural align- ment. (Use minimum support.) (2) Stand unsupported. (Progression may be marked by length of time (number of counts) for which po- sition can be held.) b. Hopping on Normal Leg. Developing coordination of standing balance. Standing on normal leg near object of support: Hop lightly on foot. (Shock of impact should be absorbed in foot, ankle, knee, and thigh.) c. Deep Knee Bend- ing. Developing coordination of standing balance. Standing position (fig. 30); Perform deep knee bend, raising arms forward. 39 Figure 30. Deep knee bending exercise to strengthen normal leg. (Note value of exer cise in sitting and rising from a chair.) Section V. GENERAL EXERCISES 28. Purpose This section describes exercises for muscles which have not previously received specific attention in this manual. 29. Exercise for Oblique Abdominal Muscles Supine position: Raise trunk to half-sitting position, twisting to right and reaching with left hand toward right thigh, keeping legs flat on plinth. Repeat exercise on opposite side. 30. Exercise for Lateral Abdominal Muscles a. Lateral Hip “Hiking.” Supine position: “Hike” hip up on right side (draw hip toward shoulder). b. Lateral Trunk Raising. This exercise should not be given to lateral abdominals on involved side where there is an abduction contracture of the thigh. Lying on right side with legs supported by operator: With body in straight alignment, raise trunk sideways up from plinth. 40 (See fig. 31.) Repeat exercise on opposite side. Figure 31. Exercise to strengthen lateral abdominal muscles. 31. Exercise for Upper Anterior Abdominal Muscles Supine position; Roll pelvis to flatten lower back on plinth. With arms extended, raise head and shoulders from plinth. Do not attempt to come to a sitting position, but raise upper trunk as high as back will bend—about 8 inches. (See fig. 32.) Figure 32. Head and shoulder exercise to strengthen upper anterior abdominal muscles 41 32. Exercise for Lower Back Muscles Prone position, with legs supported by operator: With hands clasped behind back, raise trunk upward, arching back; draw shoulders back, keeping arms free from body. 33. Breathing Exercise Supine position: Breathe fully and deeply in through nose and out through mouth. (Aim for intercostal expansion and diaphragmatic contraction. Guard against raising the shoulders and mere elevation of the chest by arching the back.) 34. Exercises Contraindicated Exercises for sternocleidomastoid, pectoral, and hip flexor muscles have been‘omitted in this section because ordinary supine bed positions and movements of the head, arms, and legs in the forward plane of the body provide sufficient use to maintain their tone. Frequently, these muscles are over-used and even necessitate corrective measures such as stretch- ing and lengthening. 42 CHAPTER 5 INDIVIDUAL WALKING INSTRUCTION Section I. GENERAL 35. Administration The general procedures in establishing and managing the instruction program are set forth in paragraph 4; a more detailed discussion of classi- fication, apparatus, and teaching technique is set forth below. 36. Apparatus A well-equipped room for conducting walking and exercise classes should include: a. Parallel Bars (standard item P 010230, bars, parallel; two sections)—about 20 feet long, 3 feet high, and 2 feet 2 inches apart, with lines inches wide and 5 inches apart painted on the floor between bars (measurement taken from inner borders of lines). h. Mirror (standard item P 504550, mirror, postural training: triple, full length)—6 feet high and 10 feet wide, composed of portable posture mirrors. c. Lines on Floor at Right Angles to Mirror—20 feet long, V/2 inches wide, and 5 inches apart (measurement taken from inner borders of lines). d. Stairs—each step 11 inches wide; six low steps 5 inches high on one side; four high steps 73i> inches high on other side. Rails on both sides of steps, about 2 feet 8 inches high. e. Walking Ramp—about 10 feet long, 1 foot 9 inches wide; height is 1 inch at low end and graded to 18 inches at the upper end. Rails on each side of ramp, 36 inches high. Three 6-inch steps leading from upper end of ramp to floor. /. Phonograph and Slow Fox-Trot and March Records. g. 16-mm Projector, Screen, Viewer, and Editing Equipment. 37. Teaching Technique It is imperative for amputees to appreciate the goal of walking classes and the necessity for adhering to their established sequence. Patients must be made to realize that merely learning to get around on a pros- thesis is not enough—a patient does not achieve maximum utility from his prosthesis until he has learned to walk as normally as possible. Three components of excellent walking with a prosthesis are balance and muscular coordination in motion, smoothness of walking rhythm, and steps of equal length. These components should be taught to the patient as follows: 43 a. Maintaining Walking Balance. Balance is achieved by equal distribution of weight above a center of support. Therefore, in order to obtain walking balance an amputee must walk with his feet under the weight-bearing axis of his body in such a way that he attains equal weight distribution during his walking stride. Helpful exercises are con- sidered in paragraphs 39, 40, and 47. h. Keeping Soles and Heels Close to Ground During Walking. In order to duplicate the normal stride with the prosthesis, as nearly as possible, it is imperative to adjust the travel pattern of the prosthetic foot so that it will duplicate that of the normal foot. Time and travel distance with the prosthetic foot must be synchronized with that of the normal foot. Before a patient can do this, he must understand the mechanics of both the normal and the prosthetic legs. Table 111. PHYSICAL THERAPY ACHIEVEMENT TEST FOR LOWER-EXTREMITY AMPUTEES Name Ward number Type of amputation Date of final surgical revision Handedness Date walking began Date walking completed Gradings , . r-, . (Check one) Poor! 1 Fair! 1 Good! 1 Excellent! 1 Achievement Beginners Intermediate General posture Advanced Balance.... .. . . . _. Forward walking. , .... Stair climbing Ramp walking . . . . Turns: 180° 90° 45° Walking on straight line Prosthetic foot close to floor. . . . _ . . Eoual length stens _ _ „ _ . Walking rhythm . _ . .... Backward walking _ Sideward walking _ _ . Sitting on chair _ . .... . . Rising from chair. . _ .. _ .... Sitting on floor: ... . . .... Rising from floor. . __ Picking up objects. . ... Balance on prosthesis. ... Curb, stepping on and off.. .. ... Walking on rough terrain Walking on grass, sand, etc Hill climbing . -Z. .. Signature of physical therapist Date 44 In the normal gait, the sole and heel are carried as close to the ground as possible from the point at which the foot leaves the floor to the point at which it returns in forward position. With this kind of movement, the foot covers the shortest distance between these two points in the least amount of time, and with the least possible effort. The normal knee is slightly flexed when the leg is in its forward walk- ing position, whereas the prosthetic knee is completely extended in that position. Because of this variance in mechanics, the length of stride with the prosthesis tends to be slightly longer than the stride with the normal leg. This tendency can and must be minimized to avoid the typical “amputee gait.” Exercises developing the proper kinesthetic sense for carrying the sol and heel of the 'prosthetic foot as close to the floor as possible are considered in paragraphs 39 through 41. c. Achieving Uniform Stride. Among the common causes of longer stride with the prosthesis than with the normal leg are: (1) prosthesis longer than normal leg, (2) hyperextension of knee joint, (3) swinging prosthesis in abduction, (4) excessive hip flexion, and (5) elevation of pelvis on side of prosthesis. (The last two result when the prosthetic foot is carried too high above the floor.) Keeping in mind that the prosthetic leg and the normal leg differ in length of stride because of variance of mechanics, it is very important to check the above-knee prosthesis for hyperextension at the knee joint; each 5° of hyperextension will increase the length of stride by about inches. Exercises to promote uniform stride are set forth in paragraphs 40 and 48. 38. Classification Within each of the four groups described in paragraph 4 (unilateral A/K, unilateral B/K, tilting-table, and bilateral amputees), there are three distinct classes (or grades) in walking instruction through which patients progress according to their walking ability: Beginners, Inter- mediate, and Advanced. (As many of each of these classes are con- ducted as are necessary for individual instruction, each class period lasting 30 minutes.) With the exception of bilaterals, all amputees remain in the beginners class until they are able to walk comfortably at a normal walking speed without such aids as crutches or canes. Thereafter, as soon as they can accomplish all the activities prescribed for a class, they progress to the succeeding class. The Physical Therapy Achievement Test for Lower Extremity Am- putees (table III) will be used to record progress in walking and related activities. This record should represent average performance through- out the walking program. 45 Paragraphs 39 through 41 include exercises for unilateral amputees. In general, these exercises apply to A/K, B/K, and tilting-table cases; however, certain modifications are necessary for the last group. For example, patients with disarticulation of the hip joint and loss of con- tiguous muscles obviously cannot have the same degree of balance and control over the prosthesis as persons without such defects. These patients should not be required to perform the check balance exercises. Special instructions or modifications of a particular exercise for one of the three groups are called to the attention of the instructor. Paragraphs 42 through 45 describe problems of sitting and walking which are peculiar to tilting-table amputees because of the mechanics of the prosthesis. Paragraphs 46 through 49 include exercises for bilateral amputees. In general, these exercises apply to A/K, B/K, and tilting-table cases. Where modifications or special instructions are necessary for a particular group, they are called to the attention of the instructor. Section 11. UNILATERAL AMPUTEES 39. Beginners Class a. Objectives. In the beginning phase of walking instruction, emphasis is placed on acquiring balance and a normal walking speed of about 120 steps a minute. For example, the instructor requests the amputee to walk with his heels between lines 5 inches apart, but does not attempt to influence the patient’s walking stride by insisting that he synchronize the time of both feet. Such insistence upon form in the early stage will only hinder the patient’s progress. The ability to judge the position of the prosthetic foot with respect to the floor is a prerequisite to correction of walking technique. A/K amputees must learn to swing the lower portion of the prosthesis at a speed which will produce sufficient momentum to develop this kinesthetic sense of position in the stump. (The amputee must have this ability before he is ready for Intermediate Class exercises which require him to scrape the foot of his prosthesis on the floor or to carry it as close to the floor as possible.) A certain amount of momentum is also necessary before the amputee can move his prosthetic foot without lifting the pelvis on the side of the prosthesis. Therefore, speed and balance, rather than form, are the objectives in the Beginners Class. b. Exercises. (1) Pelvic Tilt. Roll pelvis by action of abdominal muscles pulling the pubic symphysis toward the sternum. Note. Instructor checks patient for good body mechanics in upright position, placing special emphasis on lateral and anteroposterior alignment. (2) Balance Exercise I. Stand with feet Bto 10 inches apart, balanc- ing with aid of crutches or canes. Stand erect and hold crutches or canes off floor. Balance—first on one leg, then on the other. Hold weight for same length of time on each leg, keeping both feet on the floor at all times. 46 (3) Balance Exercise 11. Place prosthesis in forward walking posi- tion with weight on normal leg. Take full step forward with normal leg, placing inner border of normal foot in line with inner border of prosthetic foot. Take backward step with normal foot, passing it as close to prosthetic foot as possible. Repeat exercise about 10 times without interruption. (When exer- cise is properly executed, a feeling of proper walking balance over the prosthetic leg is experienced. No lateral motion of the body should exist during the exercise.) Note. Instructor should emphasize importance of exercise and explain to amputee the necessity of keeping feet together to maintain balance. Amputee should be requested to conduct the following experiment regarding improper walking balance; Stand in front of mirror with feet spread about 12 inches apart. Take step directly forward with normal foot. Take step directly backward. Repeat exercise, noting development of lateral motion and feeling of being off balance. Compare with feeling in balance exercise II above. (4) Forward Walking Exercise. Walk between parallel bars, or on crutches, with feet not more than 5 inches apart. Always advance normal leg first. In accomplishing a forward step with the prosthesis, be sure to obtain sufficient speed to break the knee so as to clear the foot from the floor. Check the forward swing of the prosthesis by quickly extending the hip in order to extend the knee. Note. Instructor should warn patient that unless there is sufficient speed, the prostethic foot will drag on the floor and the consequent buckling of the knee may cause him to fall. Patient may develop faulty walking habits when he tries to overcome fear of falling by raising pelvis on side of prosthesis, or by abducting the prosthesis to maintain knee in extension. (5) 180° Turns (Walking or Standing). Place normal foot forward, shifting body weight to ball of normal foot, and pivot toward prosthesis. This leaves prosthetic foot in forward position at completion of the turn and normal leg in position to take forward step. (6) Stairs (For A/K, B/K, and tilting-table amputees in beginning phase). Place normal foot on first step. Shift body weight over normal leg. Bring prosthetic foot to a position beside normal foot. Repeat. Note. Tilting-table amputees may be taught to ascend two steps at a time. To descend: Place a minimum of three-fourths of the prosthetic foot on lower step. Shift body weight to prosthesis. Bring normal foot to a position beside the prosthetic foot. Repeat. To ascend: 47 c. Late Stage of Beginners Class. One of the required activities is walking the ramp. When walking up or down an inclined plane, the amputee shortens his stride in order to maintain maximum walking balance. The reduction in the length of his stride is proportionate to the angle of the incline. He uses the same technique in breaking the knee as A/K amputees use in descending steps alternately, as required by the Intermediate Class exercise, Steps. (See par. 406 (7).) d. Photography. Each amputee’s walking form will be recorded on on 100 feet of motion picture film as soon as he can walk without crutches, canes, or other aids. 40. intermediate Class а. Objectives, In this class, the amputees develop uniform stride and rhythm and learn the more common walking procedures. Each amputee views motion pictures of his walking form along with his instructor. The instructor points out imperfections in form, and clearly explains reasons for the faults and means of correcting them. Posture is under constant supervision during this period. б. Exercises. (1) Balance Exercises I and 11. See paragraph 396 (2) and (3). (2) Balance Exercise 111. Place prosthesis in forward walking position. Take a full step with normal leg, forward and backward. Take a full step forward with normal leg. Take a full step with prosthesis; then step forward with normal foot, stopping in that position. Rock back on prosthesis. Return normal foot to its backward position. Continue with remainder of exercise, as outlined above. (3) Corrective Walking I. Walk between lines 5 inches apart for at least 10 minutes of each class period, until principles of good walking technique described in paragraph 37 are mastered. (4) Standing Turns. 45° or 90° Turns (right or left). Stand with feet about 6 inches apart. Without lifting feet from floor, execute turn as follows: Pivot to left by turning on heel of left foot and ball of right foot (pivot to right by turning on heel of right foot and ball of left). 180° Turns. Place normal foot forward about 6 to 8 inches. Shift body weight to ball of normal foot, and pivot toward side of prosthesis. (5) Walking Turns. 45° Turns. Pivot on either foot. 90° Turns. When turning toward prosthesis, always pivot on prosthetic foot; when turning toward normal leg, pivot on either foot. 180° Turns. Shift body weight over normal leg when it is in a forward walking position, and pivot toward prosthesis. 48 (6) Stooping to Pick up Objects. B/K Amputees. Place prosthesis forward, lean forward from waist, and pick up object from floor. A/K Amputees: Placing feet slightly apart, weight on normal leg; flex both knees and bend from waist; or Placing prosthesis back, weight on normal leg; flex both knees and bend from waist. (7) Steps. B/K Amputees. Ascend and descend steps as in Beginners Class (par. 39) until discomfort is no longer experienced. Stairs may then be taken alternately, in the normal manner. There should be no difficulty in guiding the placement of the pros- thetic foot on alternate steps. A/K Amputees: To ascend steps, follow procedure outlined in paragraph 396 (6), but take two steps at a time instead of one. To descend steps, place hand on rail. Place heel of pros- thesis on edge of step and transfer weight to prosthesis. Move normal foot to alternate step, at the same time breaking knee of prosthesis before the normal foot actually touches the step. Do not try to descend with any portion of the prosthesis other than the heel on the step. Note. Instructor should explain to the amputee that his prosthetic knee will break automatically as he shifts his weight forward to bring the normal foot to a lower level. (See Training Film “Sky is the Limit.”) (8) Balance Exercise IV. Start with feet Bto 10 inches apart. Face parallel bars, grasping rail for support. Shift body weight over prosthesis. Remove normal foot from floor. Hold normal leg and arms in abduction to help maintain balance. Balance away from rail. Shift weight to normal leg and balance. Continue exercise until it is possible to balance on either leg without any assistance. (9) Balance Exercise V. To develop a finer sense of the fundamental principles of walking, practice walking on a straight line as follows: Place prosthesis on line. Walk forward, placing normal foot on line in front of prosthesis. Walk length of line; abduct arms, if necessary, to maintain balance. (10) Sitting and Rising from Chair. Sitting: Approach chair from front. Step close to chair with normal foot about 4 inches in front of opposite corner of chair. Turn 180° toward prosthesis. 49 With weight on normal foot, bring prosthetic foot back to same level. Lean slightly forward, place both hands on knees, and lower body into chair. Rising: Place normal foot near chair and prosthesis slightly forward. Lean forward, at the same time lifting body weight out of chair with normal leg and placing hands on knees to assist. Shift weight to prosthesis and step out on normal foot. (11) Sitting and Rising from Floor. (In the following exercise, the body is visualized as in the center of a clock face and facing a position of 12:00 o’clock.) Sitting (Directions below are for left prosthesis): Feet are 6 to 8 inches apart laterally, with prosthetic foot 6 to 8 inches forward. Shift weight to normal leg. Flex both prosthetic and normal knees, stoop, and place right hand on floor at position 4:00 o’clock. Place left hand at 8:00 o’clock and lower body to floor. (An amputee with a right prosthesis places the left hand on the floor first, in above exercise.) Rising (Directions below are for left prosthesis): Place right hand on floor at position of 4:00 o’clock. Flex right leg with foot flat on floor. Swing left hand across body and place in position of 1:00 o’clock. At the same time rotate body to right, bearing weight on right leg and hands. Stand, bearing weight on normal leg. Shift weight to prosthesis and step out on normal foot. (An amputee with a right prosthesis follows the same direc- tions as above, except that he pivots to the left, instead of the right.) (12) Bach Step. A/K and Tilting-table Amputees. If backward steps are neces- sary, be sure they are short; never lift the feet from the floor. Keep legs straight and slide feet over floor. B/K Amputees. Walk backward in the normal manner, lifting feet from floor. (13) Side Step. Right Step: Shift weight to left side. Abduct right leg and take side step, transferring weight to right leg. Slide left foot over floor to position of normal stance and repeat exercise. Left Step: Reverse procedure given above for right step. 50 (14) Walking Up and Down Steep Incline. A/K and Tilting-Toble Amputees. Go up sideways, with the normal leg nearest the top of the incline; or walk up diagonally, with the normal leg on the uphill side. Descend with normal leg nearest top of incline. B/K Amputees. Walk up and down in the normal manner. (15) Curbs. Step-Up. Approach curb and place heel of prosthetic foot on it without looking down; keep knee completely extended. With a strong push-off, step on the curb with the normal foot. As skill develops, it is possible to learn to step up on curb with either foot. (Tilting-table amputees, however, of necessity place the normal leg on the curb first since there is no hip joint motion on the side of the amputation.) Step-Down. Place prosthesis down first in stepping off a curb. (16) Proper Carriage of Prosthetic Foot. A strongly recommended and practicable way of learning to carry the sole and heel of the foot as close to the floor as possible is the following “scraping-toe” exercise. Practice this exercise until the prosthesis can be controlled with the highest degree of proficiency. Walk at normal walking speed, lightly scraping the toe of both the prosthetic foot and the normal foot, in turn, on the surface of the floor. Immediately upon scraping the toe, place the heel upon the floor in such a position that both heels come in contact with an imaginary line 2 inches in width. (17) Development of Uniform Stride. In performing the following exercise, keep the feet together and soles and heels as close to the floor as possible: Walk slowly. Look down and study the angles of both feet with relation to the floor as they are successively placed in forward position. If their stride is uniform, the angle of the prosthetic foot will be comparable to the angle of the normal foot. However, if the stride with the prosthesis is too long, the angle of that foot to the floor will exceed the angle of the normal foot. In order to walk slowly and keep the sole of the prosthetic foot close to the floor, the stride with the prosthesis must be shortened to a point where it will duplicate the stride of the normal foot. This exercise should be practiced 15 minutes a day until a uniform stride has been developed and all of the foregoing exercises can be per- formed with a fair degree of proficiency. Then the amputee can be graduated to the Advanced Class. c. Music. Music may prove beneficial in developing rhythm and relaxation in walking if records are carefully selected. d. Photography. At the completion of this class, motion pictures should be taken of each amputee’s walking form. 51 41. Advanced Class a. Objectives. In this class, walking technique should be per- fected. With this as a goal, the instructor and amputee will view to- gether the motion pictures taken at the end of the Intermediate Class (and any other pictures which may have been taken). The instructor will point out errors and outline the amputee’s advanced training ac- cordingly. Faults to be corrected are: (1) Walking. Stepping off with prosthesis first. Limp of any type. Abduction of the stump. Lifting prosthetic foot too high from floor. Placing feet too far apart during walking stride. Lateral pelvic motion. Rigid walking posture. (2) Awkward Turns. (3) Stairs. Inability to descend steps without aid of railing. Improper placement of prosthetic foot on step. b. Exercises. The following check exercises should be given at the beginning of this class (these exercises should not be required of tilting table amputees): (1) Check I (to determine walking balance): Walk at normal speed. Stop at command of instructor and balance on the leg which is bearing the body weight at the time. Inability to perform this exercise is the result of improper place- ment of the feet during the walking stride and hence unequal distribution of body weight. (2) Check II (to determine efficiency of control over prosthesis): Walk at normal speed, conforming to the fundamentals of good walking technique set forth in paragraph 37. Scrape the toe of the prosthesis on command. Above exercise should be practiced until it can be accomplished successfully. c. Requirements for Discharge from Advanced Class. (1) Proper walking balance with no detectable fault in gait. (2) Walking with soles and heels as close to the floor as possible. (3) Uniform stride. (4) Walking with ease, arms swinging freely. (5) Passing achievement test. (See table III.) 52 Section Ml. TILTINC-TABLE AMPUTEES 42. Exercise Program As explained in paragraph 38, the exercises for tilting-table amputees are, in general, the same as those described for unilateral A/K amputees in paragraphs 39 through 41. Obviously, the tilting-table prosthesis presents special problems in control and balance which may require modification of the program for individual cases. Paragraphs 43 through 45 describe problems of walking, sitting, and rising which are peculiar to tilting-table amputees because of the me- chanics of the prosthesis. 43. Walking The technique is the same employed by A/K amputees except for the following points: a. Since there is no movement of the prosthesis at the hip joint, forward flexion of the entire prosthetic leg is produced by a movement of quick flexion of the pelvis, rather than by ‘‘hiking” the hip and ex- tending the trunk on the pelvis. The last two movements are commonly seen, but result in an ungainly, awkward gait. h. The normal leg of tilting-table amputees tends to take a longer stride than the prosthetic leg, contrary to the case of A/K amputees. This is because of the anatomical and mechanical difficulties in bringing the prosthesis forward in a long step. c. After a patient acquires skill in controlling his prosthesis, he is permitted to unlock the knee, so that knee flexion is possible (assuming that the knee is mechanically arranged for flexion in walking). Walking with knee motion contributes materially toward a more normal appear- ing gait. 44. Sitting Unlocking the hip and knee joints must be incorporated into the techni- que used by A/K amputees. The knee joint is unlocked first, when the patient has turned and is ready to sit. The weight is then shifted to the normal leg, the hip of the prosthesis is unlocked, and the patient sits down, still bearing his weight on the normal leg. The technique should be practiced until the patient unlocks the prosthesis automatically. 45. Rising The weight is borne on the normal leg. As the patient assumes the erect position, the hip joint locks automatically. The knee is then locked normally, the weight is transferred to the prosthesis, and the patient steps forward with his normal leg. 53 Section IV. BILATERAL AMPUTEES 46. General The problem of learning to balance is more difficult for the bilateral amputee than for any other type of amputee because he has no normal leg upon which to support himself. In general, the B/K bilateral amputee is taught the same walking tech- niques used by unilateral A/K amputees; however, variations may be necessary to meet individual needs. 47. Beginners Class a. Objectives. The exercises in b below are designed to develop a sense of balance and should be continued until the patient can walk with the support of canes. Then he is ready for the Intermediate Class. h. Exercises. Patients who take these exercises with pylons must repeat the routine upon acquiring full length prostheses. (1) Balance Exercise VI—Between Parallel Bars. Stand with feet as close together as possible. Tighten abdominal muscles to correct anterior pelvic tilt. Shift body weight laterally over one prosthesis, theji over the other. Keep the body in good postural alignment. Note. “Pelvic roll,” as such, is not desired because it is almost always accompanied by a marked feeling of instability of the knees. (2) Balance Exercise VII—Between Parallel Bars. A/K Amputees: Stand with feet no more than 6 inches apart, if possible. Hold pelvis in correct alignment. Bear weight on one prosthesis, flex opposite thigh, and bring second prosthesis forward. Shift weight to second prosthesis and hold briefly. Then assume original position by bringing first prosthesis forward. Repeat exercise, alternating prostheses. Tilting-Table Amputees (with disarticulation). Follow above directions, alternating prostheses, but walk forward. (This will provide the momentum necessary for walking with tilt- ing-table prostheses.) (3) Walking Exercise I—Between Parallel Bars. Stand with feet no more than 6 inches apart, if possible; and with hands on bars. Shift body weight to right prosthesis and left arm and hand. Advance left prosthesis and right hand. Shift weight to left prosthesis, advancing right prosthesis. Continue moving forward. 54 48. Intermediate Class a. Objectives. Amputees should acquire the technique of walking with canes and of encountering ordinary obstacles. When a patient has developed a uniform stride, is walking with all of his weight on the prostheses, and can perform the exercises in 6 below with a fair degree of proficiency, he progresses to the Advanced Class. At the completion of this class, 100 feet of motion picture film is taken of each amputee’s walking form. h. Exercises. (1) Walking Exercise I. Follow directions in para- graph 476(3), using two canes. Do not support all of the body weight on the canes or walk with canes ahead of the body. Try to get into the habit of swinging the arms as the walking technique improves. (2) Sitting and Rising from Chair. The following directions are for the A/K amputee; however, a patient with disarticulation uses the same technique, making sure the hip is unlocked. Sitting: Approach chair from side. Turn trunk and face chair. Place one hand on back of chair and the other on the arm or seat of the chair. Shift body weight to arms; flex hips, and swing into chair. Rising: Place right hand on the back, arm, or seat of chair (using position which feels most stable). Place left hand on arm of chair (if cane is used, place well forward). Extend left leg and lock knee in extension; raise body out of chair, bearing weight on hands and on left prosthesis. Turning body toward right side, thrust weight over left prosthesis. Extend and lock right prosthesis. (It makes no difference whether the right or left prosthesis is extended first in rising, as long as the same sequence of events is followed.) (3) Turns. An A/K amputee or a patient with hip disarticulation can make no pivots. Instead, he must move one leg laterally pivoting on the heel slightly, and then bring the second leg toward it; or he must walk in a small circle. (4) Stairs. Ascending: (a) A/K Amputee (assuming left railing is used). Place left hand and forearm on rail, and right hand on cane. Place foot of left prosthesis on step. Pull weight over left prosthesis by pushing off with cane and pulling up on rail. Bring right foot to position beside left foot. 55 An alternate method is to— Stand facing railing. Place hands on railing. Swing left (right) foot up on step and lock knee. Pull upon railing and swing (left) foot back and up on step behind the first foot, assuming stride position; and lock knee. Rock back on right (left) foot and swing the other foot to the next higher step. Continue up steps. (h) Bilateral Tilting-Table Amputee. Place one hand on railing and other hand on cane. Put weight on hands, extend elbows and, at the same time, swing prostheses through to step. Descending (the more advanced walkers may be taught to descend stairs facing in forward position): (a) A/K Amputee. Using one railing and one cane; or, if the steps are wide, using two canes: Place left (right) hand on railing and right (left) hand on cane. Lower cane to step and grasp rail. Place heel only of left (right) foot on edge- of step so that the knee will break. At the same time, lower the locked prosthesis to the next step, beside the cane. (The knee of the left (right) prosthesis should break simultaneously with the placing of the right (left) heel on the edge of the next lower step.) Using two canes: Lower left (right) cane to step below and place left (right) heel on edge of step from which descending. Lower right (left) foot to step below, carrying weight on left (right) cane. Lower left (right) foot and right (left) cane. Note. The two techniques which follow are less stable, but practicable: Lower left (right) cane and left (right) foot together; then right (left) cane and right (left) foot together. Lower both canes together and swing feet to lower step. (b) Amputee with Tilting Table Prostheses. Place both hands on railing. Extend elbows to lift body weight; at the same time swing prostheses to lower step. (c) Amputee with One A/K Prosthesis and One Tilting Table Prosthesis. Descend, as in (a) above, but lower tilting table prosthesis first. (d) Amputee with One B/K Prosthesis and One Tilting Table Prosthesis. Descend as in (a) above, but lower tilting table prosthesis first. 56 (5) Walking the Ramp. In order to maintain balance, shorten the stride proportionately to the angle of the incline. Use the same technique for breaking the knee as unilateral A/K ampu- tees use in descending steps alternately, as required by the Intermediate Class exercise, Steps. (See par. 406(7).) (6) Sitting and Rising from Floor. Sitting: Stand with feet apart and bend at the waist until the fingers almost touch the floor. Walk forward on hands to a point where it is possible to pivot to a sitting position. * Rising: Lock knees. Using one heel as a pivot, cross other leg over and turn 180 °. Take weight on hands and side of pivot foot. Walk back on hands until hips are flexed to more than 90°. Come to standing position with aid of cane. Note. This technique is not recommended for patients with bilateral disarticulation. 49. Advanced Class a. Objectives. Walking technique should be perfected to the point where the amputee no longer feels completely dependent upon his canes even though he continues to carry them for reasons of security. With this as a goal, the amputee and instructor view together the motion pictures taken at the end of the Intermediate Class. The instructor points out errors and outlines advanced training accordingly. Faults to be corrected are; (1) Abduction of stump. (2) Lifting feet too high from the floor. (3) Placing feet too far apart during walking stride, (4) Lateral pelvic motion. (5) Rigid walking posture. b. Requirements for Discharge from Advanced Class. (1) Proper walking balance with no detectable limp or lateral motion. (2) Walking with soles and heels as close to the floor as possible. (3) Uniform stride. (4) Walking relaxed, with arms swinging freely. 57 CHAPTER 6 CAUSES AND CORRECTION OF LIMPS 50. Recognition of Limps Certain factors influence the motion of a step, causing an awkward gait. Other factors influence the weight-hearing phases of the step, with re- sultant body “lists” and changes in the level of the pelvis laterally. Types of limps are best distinguished in relation to the component parts of a step. If a step were broken down by slow motion, four im- portant parts could be recognized: a. Weight bearing on the prosthesis. b. Motion of step with normal leg. c. Weight bearing on normal leg. d. Motion of step with prosthesis. (Actually a and b above occur simultaneously, as do c and d. However, for the purpose of determining the defect which is responsible for a patient’s walking difficulty, each component should be considered separately.) 51. Analysis of Limps (A/K Unilateral Amputees) The following chart is used by instructor to determine causes of limps and means of correcting defects: 58 Limp Probable causes Explanation of gait Tests to determine cause accurately Correction a. Abduction of (1) Contraction of hip Contraction of the abduc- Test for degree of hip abduc- Exercises for stretching out prosthesis abductors o n tors necessarily causes tion contracture. contracture in hip abduc- IN MOTION. stump side. abduction of leg during forward motion of step with prosthesis. tors on stump side. (2) Crotch pressure. Patient abducts prosthetic leg in motion to relieve (a) Observe areas of redness on the upper inner part Checking for fit of socket and alignment of prosthesis. crotch pressure. of the thigh following attempts at walking. Note presence of roll of flesh over inner flange of prosthesis and pres- ence of sebaceous adenites. (b) Have patient stand with weight on prosthesis. (c) Have patient stand with body weight inclined forward (to increase the pressure on anterior crotch), balancing by holding on to stall bars, bars, or chair. Patient will complain of pain due to pressure in tests (6) and (c) above. 59 Limp Probable causes Explanation of gait Tests to determine cause accurately Correction (3) Weakness in glu- Weak gluteus medius on Test for strength of gluteus (a) Checking length of legs by tens medius on normal leg causes pelvis medius on normal leg (iso- height of anterior su- normal leg. to tilt down toward op- posite side during weight bearing on normal leg. This pelvic tilt creates an apparent lengthening of • the prosthetic leg; in order to raise leg from floor, patient must ab- duct it. lating the posterior portion). perior iliac spines to determine whether pros- thesis is shorter and, hence, causing a con- s t a n t weight-bearing strain on normal leg gluteus medius. (b) Checking for advisability of inner border wedge on heel or Thomas heel on shoe of normal foot. (c) Special exercises for nor- mal leg gluteus medius— indicated only if the muscle is not subjected to weight-bearing strain. (4) Weakness of lower Lack of anterior pelvic fix- (a) Test for strength of lower Special exercise to strengthen anterior ab- ation throws an excessive anterior abdominal the lower anterior abdomi- dominal muscles load on hip flexors in per- muscles. nals; and to stretch out the (particularly i f forming the forward mo- (6) Test for contractures in tight low back and hip i n association tion of step with prosthe- hip flexor and low back flexor muscles in order to with low back and hip flexor contracture). sis. If, in addition to the abdominal weakness, the hip flexor muscles are contracted to the extent that their range of action is very limited, muscles. reestablish free range of motion of pelvis in relation to femur and lumbar spine. 60 (5) Fear of knee the patient cannot raise the leg forward sufficient- ly to lift the foot from the floor. Patients tend to substitute by using later- al abductor muscles to raise foot from floor. Patient may be afraid that Test to rule out other causes (a) Practicing correct balance buckling. he will not be able to ex- of abduction (as listed and fundamental walk- tend the knee after “breaking” it in the for- ward motion of a step. As a result he keeps the knee straight and ab- ducts the leg to bring it forward. He may also fear that the toe will catch and prevent ex- tension of the leg. above). ing techniques. (&) Developing reassurance. 61 Limp Probable causes Explanation of gait Tests to determine cause accurately Correction h. W E I G H T 0 N (1) Weakness of hip Stump adductor weakness Test for strength of stump Exercises for stump adductors. prosthesis; adductors is frequently mentioned adductors. PELVIC DROP DOWN ON SIDE OF PROSTHESIS. on stump. (2) Prosthesis too short. (3) Stump sinks into prosthesis in weight- ing. as a cause of abduction of prosthesis in motion. Actually adductor weak- ness does not cause such abduction, because the thigh can be carried in the forward plane by the hip flexors despite such weakness. However, the effect of adductor weak- ness becomes apparent in the phase of weightbear- ing on the prosthesis; the stabilizing ef f e c t which these muscles nor- mally give in fixing the pelvis to the thigh is lost and the pelvis shifts with a drop on the side of prosthesis. Pelvis drops on side of prosthesis as in cases of short leg. Prosthesis may be fitted for ischial weightbearing; but if pelvis tilts in walk- ing, the ischium sepa- Measure length of prosthesis while patient is standing with weight evenly distrib- uted on both feet. To detect an up and down motion, place hand between ischial tuberosity and sock- et while patient stands Lengthening of prosthesis at direction of responsible medical officer. (а) Checking with responsible medical officer regard- ing fit of prosthesis. (б) Checking for advisability 62 (4) Abduction contrac- rates from point of con- tact with prosthesis and allows a “piston action” of the stump in the pros- thesis. (Note. A slight “piston action” is nor- mal.) and transfers weight from one foot to the other. of additional stump socks. (c) If prosthesis cannot be corrected, patient should consciously tense mus- cles of stump just before taking weight on pros- thesis. This muscle “setting” tends to less- en tendency of stump to sink down into the prosthesis. Contracture of the abduc- Test for contracture of ab- Exercises for stretching thigh c. Weight on ture of stump. tors places a strain on the adductors with re- sultant lack of fixation of the thigh to the pelvis as in actual adductor weakness. Pelvis shifts with drop on side of the prosthesis. ductors on stump side. abductors. Stump abductor Lack of sufficient lateral fix- Test strength of abductors on Exercises to strengthen stump prosthesis: PELVIC DROP DOWN TOWARD SIDE OF NORMAL LEG. weakness. ation between pelvis and femur causes wider sepa- ration of attachment at this point, as demonstrat- ed by the tilt of pelvis down on the opposite side in a standing position. stump side. abductors. 63 Limp Probable causes Explanation of gait Tests to determine cause accurately Correction d. Weight on Abductor (particularly See explanation of pelvic (a) Test strength of gluteus (a) See a(3) above. NORMAL LEG: PELVIC DROP DOWN ON SIDE OP PROSTHESIS. gluteus medius) weakness on normal leg. drop under a(3) above. medius on normal leg. (&) Test for balance with weight on normal leg, while patient is hold- ing pelvis level. (h) Practicing balance on nor- mal leg. e. Weight on prosthesis : UPPER TRUNK “sinking” DOWN TOWARD SIDE OP PROSTHESIS (fig. 21®). (1) Short stump. (2) Generalized weak- ness of stump muscles, particu- larly abductors or adductors. This trunk motion tends to “lock” the upper trunk on the pelvis, and the pelvis on the amputated extremity, in order to compensate for instabil- ity at the hip joint. Test strength of all stump muscles. (a) Exercises for strengthen- ing stump muscles. (b) If stump is too short to produce effective lever- age on the prosthesis, the limp will be difficult to correct. Work to correct faults of body mechanics generally so that best balance is achieved with least mus- cular effort. /■.Weight on Usually a substitute Rising on toes of normal Check to determine defects Correction of any muscle de- NORMAL LEG: gait to avoid leg ab- foot “suspends” the pros- in muscle action which fects and instruction in RISING ON TOES duction or to over- thesis and makes it easy make it difficult to raise correct walking, with em- OF NORMAL FOOT AT THE BEGIN- NING OF FOR- WARD MOTION OF PROSTHESIS. come difficulty in raising prosthesis forward in step. for prosthesis to swing through in the forward motion of a step. This creates an up and down motion of body. Such a gait is common for pa- tients with thigh stumps shorter than 6 inches. prosthesis from floor and bring it forward. phasis on pelvic flexion. 64 g. Transfer of Pear of knee buckling The gait resembles that of (a) Test strength of hip General correction of body WEIGHT ONTO plus weakness o r a patient with residual extensors. and prosthesis mechanics. PROSTHESIS ; poor functional use quadriceps paralysis fol- (b) Check knee of prosthesis TRUNK IN- CLINED FORWARD AS KNEE EX- TENDS. of hip extensors. lowing anterior poliomye- litis. The body is in- clined forward to force the knee backward in extension. A prosthetic knee which must be forced into hy- perextension for stability of the artificial leg will produce the same gait. for hyperextension. h. Body “bobbing up Too long a step with If the stride is longer on (a) Have patient walk with This limp is purely functional AND DOWN.” prosthesis. one side, the body drops in height with each step on that side. There is a temptation to lengthen the forward stride with the prosthesis because this makes the normal leg maintain weight and balance for a longer time. Note distinction between this defect and that of / above. equal length stride for both legs. (b) Rule out drop due to stump sinking into prosthesis. —not due to defect in body mechanics. Patient should shorten stride. ☆ U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1946 692201 65