FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE TITLE II—MILITARY-MEDICAL OPERATIONS COURSES PREPARED BY BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL h'AVPERS 10839 MARCH 1949 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE TITLE II—MILITARY-MEDICAL OPERATIONS COURSES PREPARED BY BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL MARCH 1949 NAVPERS 10839 PREFACE This text is designed to acquaint medical officers who have had no previous training in aviation medicine with the problems that arise in that field. These problems are numerous and complex, and a detailed discussion of all of them has not been attempted. For the most part they are con- cerned with the physiology and psychology of flight, and with dynamics, pharmacology, and pathology. The human being, in his natural evolution, became adapted to the environmental conditions found upon the surface of the earth. However, now he has been called upon to work in a different environment, without benefit of evolution. Aviation medicine works hand in hand with aviation engineering to compensate for his many deficiencies in this new environ- ment. A better understanding of human physiology at high altitudes and high speeds has led to the development of mechanical devices, etc., which make pilots efficient and comfortable while flying in this new air age. This book has been prepared by the Aviation Medicine Division of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery and the School of Aviation Medicine and Research, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, with the coopera- tion of the Naval Reserve Training Publications Project of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Note.—Explanation of superior figures used throughout this book will be found in the bibliography at the end of each chapter. CONTENTS Chapter 1.—The Beginnings of Aviation Medicine 1 Chapter 2.—The Problem of Reduced Barometric Pressures. ... 7 Chapter 3.—The Problem of Acceleration 35 Chapter 4.—Ophthalmology in Aviation Medicine 49 Chapter 5.—Otolaryngology in Aviation Medicine 87 Chapter 6.—The Cardiovascular System in Aviation Medicine, . 116 Chapter 7.—Aviation Psychology 125 Chapter 8.—The Psychology of Adjustment 142 Chapter 9.—Neuropsychiatry in Relation to Aviation Medicine. . 160 Chapter 10.—Aviation Physical Standards and the General Physical Examination 189 Chapter 11.—Aviation Dentistry 205 Chapter 12.—Operational Problems in Aviation Medicine 208 CHAPTER 1 THE BEGINNINGS OF AVIATION MEDICINE * When the Wrights launched their contrap- tion of sticks, wire, and fabric for a 12-second flight on a gray December day in 1903, they started something—something nearly as far- reaching in its ultimate effect on the social order as the sputtering little engine with which James Watt ushered in the Industrial Revo- lution of the Eighteenth Century. The public took but casual interest in what was going on at Kitty Hawk. There is nothing to indicate that anyone in the medical profession took any more interest in it than the rest. Yet there was to be “an indissoluble linking of medical science and the art of flying,”1 as we shall see. While people in this country were still think- ing of the flying machine as a sporting proposi- tion, useful only in giving the daredevil a new way of breaking his neck, the Europeans began to see possibilities in it, military possibilities. No one envisioned aircraft capable of carrying sufficient payloads to be commercially worth- while; but the thing might serve a purpose in obtaining that crucial component of any mili- tary operation—information. Spies, scouts, pa- trols—these were slow, laborious, uncertain ways of getting information about what the enemy was up to. If this new machine could give a man a chance for a quick look from above, and get him back, that would be dis- tinctly worthwhile. Then there was the matter of artillery fire. Some long range guns were being developed, and it was difficult to make sure the shells were falling in the right place. Here again, a quick look at the right moment would be worth a lot. The Germans appear to have been the first to take these matters seriously enough to do much about it. And they were also the first to recognize that flying—unnatural human en- deavor that it is—would require some help from the medical department. Armstrong reports that as early as 1910 the Germans had formu- lated minimum physical standards for aviators, and by 1915 had a medical service for aviators2. Meanwhile, World War I had come along. The Allies still had much to learn about the use of aircraft and about aviation medicine. Much of it they learned the hard way. There was a great spirit of camaraderie among those early airmen. It is said that enemy aviators gave each other the grand hail- ing sign when they happened to pass close aboard, as they went about their business of scouting each others’ lines. Presumably the ground troops objected to this scouting with such gunfire as they could bring to bear, but that was all perfectly legitimate—a chance one had to take—and had nothing to do with the good fellowship among flying men. No one seems to know who started it—prob- ably each side blamed the other—but it is said that one day somebody carried aloft a pistol and took a pot shot at a friendly enemy in the air.f He didn’t know it, but he changed things al- most as much as had the Wrights. He demon- strated that the airplane could be used as a striking weapon. There followed the whole trend of develop- ment aimed at giving the man operating this new weapon an advantage over his adversary. Speed, maneuverability, range, fire power, rate of climb, ceiling; all these things became mat- ters of rapid competitive development. With these developments came a host of problems that had to be solved by the medical officer; problems of accelerative forces, anoxia, fatigue, * Prepared by Captain Wilbur E. Kellum, MC, USN t The writer has not been able to document this. It came to him from some of those pioneer aviators who were there. Per- haps the first offensive act was dropping a bomb or two. The significance is the same but it’s not quite such a good story. 1 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 1-1.—F9F Panther. psychological stress, and others. These prob- lems developed swiftly—there was no time for leisurely investigation. It will be instructive to examine the British experience. James L. Birley, a pioneer in aviation medi- cine, had this to say in 1920: “Up to this time (two years after the beginning of the war) officers were still being accepted as pilots and observers on the flimsiest medical examination or even on none at all, while those who were systematically examined were adjudged on standards which were originally laid down from the point of view of the ability of the candidate to march and to shoot from his right shoulder. It happened, accordingly, that a prospective candidate might be accepted with a blind left eye, or rejected because of flat feet. This anomaly was corrected by the institution of a central board for the examination of all candidates for the flying services.”3 Dr. Birley went on to indicate that a field organization was necessary. Suitable medical officers were obtained for duty with the squad- rons with a view to learning about the duties expected of fliers and the conditions under which they were performed, to acquiring de- tailed personal knowledge of the fliers, and to gaining their confidence. A number of beds were reserved in a convenient hospital for the study of flying personnel whose disability ap- peared to be directly related to their peculiar work. In the last 16 months of the war nearly 2,000 flying officers passed through this unit. Of these, 40 percent were deemed to be suffer- ing from “the fatigue inseparable from active service (flying in the combat zone).”* The intelligent interest of commanding officers was stimulated by encouraging them to visit this unit. Birley states that many of them became extraordinarily astute psychological observers. Lieutenant Colonel E. G. Seibert, one of the American pioneers in the field of aviation medi- cine, stated in 1919: “The experience gained by the British and French service was accomplished at the ex- pense of many wrecked lives and smashed aero- planes. The onrush of the German hordes in 1914 gave no time for investigation. Every man of England, France, and Belgium was called upon to give his last ounce of energy to the service. At the end of the first year of the war the result of the stress was shown in the appalling individual inefficiency developed by the Royal Flying Corps. Sixty-five percent of the total strength of the corps was unfit for duty. Because of demands of other services, replacements were difficult to make. A remedy was sought, and attention was at- * The term "operational fatigue” had not been discovered, that convenient category was to be a development of World War II. 2 Chapter I. —THE BEGINNINGS OF AVIATION MEDICINE tracted to medical efforts to conserve the effi- ciency of flying men. Concentrated effort was made during the following year to bring about changes in the care of these men and apply certain principles believed to be needful be- cause of changed conditions. The end of this year showed the inefficiency of the corps re- duced from 65 to 20 percent, and in the third year of the war, a further reduction to 12 per- cent.”* It would be incorrect to imply that this im- provement was due entirely to better care of the flier. We know that methods of selecting candidates for training were being improved and, certainly, commanding officers were learn- ing how better to conserve the usefulness of their flying officers. It is fair to say that the medical men who were pioneering the field of aviation medicine had much to do with all of this. When the United States entered the war there was a considerable body of experience to guide the development of medical services in the Army and Navy. During the winter of 1917-1918 Major T. C. Lyster and Major Isaac H. Jones visited the allied forces in England, France, and Italy.5 Their experiences and observations are reported at length in the vol- ume titled Air Service Medical published by the Government Printing Office early in 1916.6 In a recent personal communication to the writer Dr. Jones states, “They were making pilots out of tired soldiers. Also, they used them until they didn’t come back. Hence we created the flight surgeon, for the need was obvious (more obvious, naturally, to us visitors than to those right in the midst of it).” Meanwhile a “medical research board” had been appointed to study all conditions which affected the efficiency of military pilots, and to consider all matters pertaining to their phy- sical and mental fitness. The board immedi- ately, January, 1918, established the Air Serv- ice Medical Research Laboratory. In May 1919, a section of this laboratory was estab- lished as the “School for Flight Surgeons”. Through a series of changes, during which the Air Service Medical Research Laboratory was abandoned (1920), this school has survived as the present Air Force School of Aviation Medi- cine at Randolph Air Base, San Antonio, Texas. The discussion thus far has indicated how the idea of a special medical service for mili- tary aviation evolved from an imperative need. Figure 1-2.—F2H. 3 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE The creation of the flight surgeon has been reported, and it has been indicated that his work was early concerned with both the selec- tion of candidates for flight training and the care of the flier. Inherent in the situation which brought forth the new specialty of aviation medicine is a new philosophy of the function of the military officer. Up to this period the medical officer had been primarily concerned with the treatment of the sick and wounded and with the protection of the physical health of the military unit. “The experienced soldier, not without reason, con- sidered his credentials for knowing ‘what his men could stand’ at least as good as those of his medical colleague. He argued to himself that a doctor was in his element when he had someone ill to attend to, and consequently out of it when dealing with fit men. This criticism had a great deal of truth behind it. We were, to put it frankly, ill equipped to answer the co- nundrums with which we were confronted.”3 From this point onward the problem of the specialist in aviation medicine was to learn as much as possible about the work of the avia- tor, to study the psychological, physical, and physiological stresses involved in military fly- ing, to find ways of selecting for training those who could best endure these stresses, and means of conserving the efficiency of those who had been trained. To understand these matters and, equally important, to command the confidence of the flier, it was early recognized that the medical officer must participate as fully as pos- sible in all types of flying. Out of this partici- pation has developed a close mutual under- standing and community of effort which is unique in the history of relationships between the medical and the military professions. The flight surgeon became a member of the team. He did not confine his interests to the clinical care of those who came to the dispen- sary for it. To be sure, he was there for sick call but his interests and activities ranged far beyond that. He was interested in flying. He actively participated in the operations of his outfit. He worked, flew, played, lived with his fliers. He knew each of them better than did the commanding officer, knew the commanding officer better than did any of them. Usually he had the respect and confidence of all. He knew the conditions under which the pilots flew. He concerned himself with their problems, which ranged from small personal or family situations to ways of improving oxygen equipment, what to do about blackout (the Navy was pioneering dive bombing then), and eventually to such larger problems as cockpit design and instrumentation. At the same time he knew the problems and troubles of the com- manding officer, the operational plans and schedules, the personnel problems. His field of interest was broad. It encompassed some- thing of several medical specialties, reached across certain of the basic sciences. Ophthal- mology, cardiology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, general medicine; these were instruments of daily use. Physiology, psychology, physics, aer- ology—these, among others, were areas in which he was at home. The flight surgeon’s job had many facets, endless opportunity. The story of aviation medicine during the ten years after World War I can be told briefly. Public interest in armaments, in all things mili- tary, dropped off sharply. The war to end all wars had been won; no one knew the peace was to be lost. Aviation suffered as seriously as the rest. It had a future in commerce, but at first this was not recognized; that depended upon further improvements of design and per- formance, and money was not available for the necessary research. Progress in aviation was slow during this decade. Aviation medicine kept pace with it. The decade is marked by only a few highlights which should be remembered. Figure 1-3.—EK-J9. 4 Chapter I. —THE BEGINNINGS OF AVIATION MEDICINE By 1926 the gradual increase in civilian fly- ing reached a point where the need of some control was necessary. Airplanes, even then, were no respecters of state boundaries. Con- trol, to be effective, must be federal. The Bureau of Air Commerce was formed in the Department of Commerce. It was to pass through a series of changes to become the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the present, but included a medical section from the beginning. Dr. D. A. Myers, an Army flight surgeon, had begun his studies on the physiology of instru- ment flying, which was to constitute one of the outstanding contributions to the technical ad- vancement of aviation. Then, in 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh made his historic flight, and sud- denly the whole country was air-minded. In the same year Pan-American Airways started its far-flung development. By 1929 there were enough physicians asso- ciated with aviation, civil and military, to estab- lish the Aero Medical Association. A year later this organization started publishing the Jour- nal of Aviation Medicine. A glance at the litera- ture of aviation medicine indicates that the few items which appeared in this decade were the results of observations or studies made during World War I, Two important trends of develop- ment started during this period. Following the lead of Longacre at the Army School for Flight Surgeons, flight surgeons in the Army Air Corps and in the Navy began to experiment with the study of personality as a means of im- proving selection of prospective aviators. Mash- burn, at the same school, developed a reaction- time apparatus. The former trend led to in- tensive studies in the field of pencil and paper psychological tests for selecting candidates for training. Mashburn’s invention was followed by developments in the field of psychomotor tests (apparatus tests) for the same purpose. Both types of tests were to be used by the Army and Navy during World War II, with enormous savings of time, effort, and cost. Aviation medicine appears to have received its first official recognition in the Navy in 1921, when five medical officers were ordered to the Army School for Flight Surgeons. One of these, Lieutenant Victor S. Armstrong, was ordered to the Naval Medical School at Washington to organize courses in aviation medicine. However, the Navy continued to send most of its pros- pective flight surgeons to the Army School until 1938. After completing the course of formal in- struction at the Army School these medical offi- cers were usually sent to Pensacola for a period of flight training and indoctrination. The decade before World War II saw swift developments in the field of aviation medicine. To recount them adequately is beyond the scope of this book. It will be possible to indicate only the more significant. General Armstrong has tersely outlined the developments in aviation to which aviation medicine made a large contribution: “From 1930 on, the developmental work of the military services, and the demand for larger, faster commercial planes, resulted in an increase in size, weight, speed, and maneuverability of air- craft to a remarkable degree. By 1939 aircraft engines were developing three times the horse- power that they had had only a few years previously. Operating speeds had changed from 100 to 200 miles per hour and military aircraft were attaining speeds in excess of 375 miles per hour. Commercial airlines were carrying thousands of tons of mail, freight, and express, and their passenger lists had passed the million mark in 1937 ”2 It now became evident that consideration of the human element in further developments of aircraft performance would require a lot of study. Planes were being built that were too much for the human being to handle. Cock- pits were becoming too complex. Ceilings of operational altitude were such that better oxy- gen supplies and better protection from cold were essential. Accelerative forces were of such magnitude that thorough study was im- perative. The problems of adapting man to his newest machine and of adapting the machine to man were legion. Research laboratories were required. The first of these to be established in this new era was the Army Aero Medical Research Laboratory at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio (1934). This laboratory has a splendid record of achievement. In 1939 the Navy established the Naval School of Aviation Medicine and Re- search Center at Pensacola, Florida. Two years later the Army Air Forces activated a research 5 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE section at its School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Field, Texas. for the Navy at the Naval Air Station, Pensa- cola, Florida, in close cooperation with the Training Command and the Naval School of Aviation Medicine. Much of the results of all this will appear in subsequent chapters, as will a good deal of what was learned by research during the Second World War. Most of the work done after the beginning of that war was classified and is only now being made public. It is generally appre- ciated that aviation medicine saw vast develop- ments in that period, but the history of the period has not been written: we are too close to it. Note:—Appreciation is expressed for the assistance of Dr. Dean Brimhall, Director of Research of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, for making avail- able some of the original sources referred to in this chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Wilmer, W. H. Aviation Medicine in the A.E.F. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1920, 2. Armstrong, H. G. Principles and Practices of Aviation Medicine. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1943, Second Edition. 3. Birley, J. L. The Principles of Medical Science as Applied to Military Aviation. A lecture delivered before the Royal College of Physicians. Lancet, 29 May 1920. 4. Seibert, E. G. Medical Studies in Aviation. Washington Medical Annals. 18:46-49, 1919. 5. Jones, I. H. Flying Vistas. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1937. 6. Air Service Medical. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1919. Concurrently with these developments in the Army and Navy there evolved an increasing in- terest in civilian institutions. In 1938 the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota, arranged to conduct annual physical examinations for pilots of some of the airlines. This activity developed into extensive researches, which culminated in the construction of a special research labora- tory in 1942. In Germany, all medical students were receiving training in aviation medicine by 1938. In 1939 George Washington Univer- sity established a graduate course in aviation medicine and the University of Cincinnati of- fered courses in the subject to undergraduate medical students. With the advent of World War II an increas- ing number of medical schools began teaching in the field of aviation medicine, and many civilian medical research laboratories turned their attention and efforts to the study of prob- lems in this field. Two committees of the Na- tional Research Council played important roles during this period: the committee on aviation medicine exerted considerable influence by stimulating research in civilian laboratories. The committee on selection and training of aircraft pilots actively directed an enormous amount of research in the fields delineated by its title. Some of this work was done at various universities but a good deal of it was done 6 CHAPTER 2 THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES* The physiological effects of reduced baromet- ric pressure, and the methods and means by which flying personnel are provided with a normal or near normal environment at high altitude, are briefly discussed in this chapter under the following subject headings: 1. The physics of the atmosphere. 2. Anoxia. 3. The expansion of body gases at altitude. a. Intestinal tract, middle ear, and para- nasal sinuses. b. Aeroembolism. 4. Oxygen equipment in aviation. 5. Temperature variants in aviation as a problem. 6. Noxious gases in aviation. 7. Pressurized equipment and explosive de- compression. THE PHYSICS OF THE ATMOSPHERE No adequate understanding of the function of the human body can be made without an understanding of its environment. This is par- ticularly true in regard to an adequate under- standing of the bodily reactions in flight. The lower regions of the envelope of gases surrounding the earth make up the environ- ment of all mankind; however, there is a spe- cial state of this environment for those who fly in the upper reaches of the atmosphere. It is for this reason that we shall discuss the .at- mosphere of the earth with respect to the physics of the air in relation to human physi- ology. We shall concern ourselves with atmos- pheric composition, pressures, temperature, and density at sea level and at various altitudes. The earth is surrounded by an envelope of a mixture of gases and water vapor, which is held close to it by the force of gravity. The depth of the mixture of the gases is quite vari- able, but it is generally considered to be, roughly, 100 miles. This layer of gases con- tains about 78 percent of nitrogen and 21 per- cent of oxygen, and the remaining one percent contains traces of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. We are primarily concerned with three components of the air exclusive of water vapor, namely, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Each is important for a different reason. As you well know, oxygen is essential for the combustion of body fuels (foodstuffs) and the release of body energy. Nitrogen has no particular value for living processes, but is important because, as an inert gas comprising almost 80 percent of the atmosphere, it figures prominently in aeroembolism. The role of carbon dioxide is well known to you. It is insignificant in per- centage of the atmosphere, but comprises about 5 percent of the expired breath. A definite amount of carbon dioxide is necessary in the blood for control of breathing and heart ac- tion, but too great a concentration in an air sample is incompatible with life. The composition of the atmosphere has been evaluated by the collection of air samples by various means, including pilot balloons and high altitude aircraft flights, at altitudes rang- ing from sea level to 50 miles above. More re- cently the use of rocket missies for investigat- ing the upper atmosphere has given us more extensive information. The lower portion of the atmosphere, being more easily analyzed, displays a constant percentage composition of * Prepared by Cdr C. F. Cell, (MC). USN 7 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE gases. Water vapor of the atmosphere varies in the cloud areas, but averages about 1.2 per- cent. The percentage of water vapor gradually decreases until the air above 35,000 feet is practically dry. This is evidenced by the lack of clouds in the stratosphere. Briefly, we recall that there is a relationship between the volume, temperature, pressure, and density of a gas. To examine the atmosphere in respect to its pressure, temperature, density, and so on, it is important to review the Gas Laws, which are the physical laws to which gases conform in their behavior. Since air is a mixture of gases, its behavior will conform to the gas laws. Take a gas-filled cylinder with a tight-fitting piston; the greater the pressure exerted on the piston, the smaller the volume— and if heat is applied the gas will expand and occupy a greater volume. Of course, when pres- sure is reduced the volume is increased, and when the piston is cooled the volume is de- creased. In more technical language, we state the gas laws as follows: 1. When the temperature remains constant, volume of a gas varies inversely as the pres- sure; that is, the greater the pressure the smaller the volume and, conversely, the less the pressure the greater the volume (PV-P‘V* (1) ) is the form in which this law is stated by the physicist. 2. When the pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas varies directly as the tempera- ture ; that is, the warmer the larger the volume, or conversely, the colder the smaller the volume. (Physicists combine these as the gas law: PV = P'V'. T T 3. Since the atmosphere is a mixture of gases (02N2C02NeKr, etc.), another gas law, Dalton’s Law, is relevant. It is the law of partial pressures, and states: The pressure of a mix- ture of gases in a given space is equal to the sum of the pressures which each gas of a mix- ture would exert by itself if confined in that same space. In other words, each gas in a mixture of gases exerts a pressure proportional to the percentage of the whole which it occu- pies. 4. Another characteristic of gases which is important, especially in understanding the physics of the air in regard to physiology, is density. Density of a gas is the weight of a standard unit of volume of gas, and can be visualized as the number of particles (mole- cules) per unit volume. The greater the density the greater the number of molecules per unit of volume. The density of air (dry) is 1.293 kg. per cu. meter. (A kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds; a meter is roughly a yard.) This measurement must be made under standard conditions, 15° C. and 760 mm. of mercury pressure. Bearing in mind the gas laws, and the fact that air is a mixture of gases, we will examine the atmosphere. Since air has density (weight) it exerts a pressure. In order to measure this pressure we employ a barometer. A simple barometer is made by filling a glass tube, which is sealed at one end, with mer- cury, and then inverting the tube in an open dish of mercury, so that the open end of the tube is below the surface of the mercury in the dish. The column of mercury in the tube will fall to a height dependent upon the air pres- sure. At sea level (standard conditions) the column will be 29.92 inches, or 760 mm. high. In other words, the atmospheric pressure is great enough to support a column of mercury 760 mm. high. As a matter of fact, the weight of a column of air 1 inch square, from sea level to the uppermost reaches of the atmos- phere, is about 15 (14.7) pounds. The weight of 14.7 pounds per square inch is designated as one atmosphere. Let us return to our mercury barometer (there are other types, too) and start studying atmospheric pressure. If we begin a trip start- ing at sea level and climb up to a mountain peak, we notice that after we have climbed up 1.000 ft. the column of mercury has dropped (gradually) from 760 mm. to 732.9 mm. At 5.000 ft. above sea level the column is only 632.3 mm. At 10,000 ft. the barometric pres- sure has dropped to 522.6 mm. We see clearly that as the altitude increases the atmospheric pressure decreases. This relationship has a significant and strik- ing aspect; namely, at 18,000 ft. the pressure has been reduced to 380 mm. (1/2 atmos- phere) ; at 34,000 ft., to 190 mm. (1/4 atmos- phere), and at 42,000 ft. to 128 mm. (1/6 8 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES atmosphere), so that 5/6 of the atmospheric pressure (read density) is concentrated in the lowest 8 miles of the 100-mile atmosphere. With the decrease in barometric pressure as the alti- tude increases there is a corresponding decrease in partial pressure of oxygen. Eventually, the partial pressure of oxygen gets so small that sufficient oxygen necessary for life is not avail- able. This is true because the partial pressure of each component of a mixture of gases is the product of the percentage composition times barometric pressure, and while at sea level (760 mm. Hg.) the partial pressure of oxygen in atmosphere is 157 mm. (or an equivalent oxygen percentage of 20.93), at 18,000 ft. (380 mm. Hg.), the partial pressure of oxygen is 79.3 mm. (or an equivalent oxygen percentage of 10.45). Therefore, the passage through the lungs, into the blood, of the required amount of oxygen essential for living tissue is deter- mined by the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere, and cannot take place above cer- tain altitudes. So, in order to maintain suffi- cient oxygen pressure, the percentage of oxy- gen in the inspired air must be increased (P 02 = % 02 P Air), until finally 100% oxygen must be used at high altitudes. The table shows the relationship between al- titude, barometric pressure, oxygen pressure, and oxygen percentage equivalent. approximate relationship is true until 35,000 to 36,000 ft. is reached, whereafter the tempera- ture remains rather constant, varying between —55° to—65° C. The constant temperature zone is called the stratosphere, and this region of the atmosphere is free from vapor (and, con- sequently, icing problems). The extreme cold of high altitude has a direct bearing on physio- logic function and will be discussed later. Below is listed information concerning vary- ing altitudes: Altitude Data 380.000. .. .Maximum rocket flight—normal trajectory. 360.000. .. .Lower limits of the aurora borealis and australis. 300.000. .. .“Shooting Stars”. 270.000. .. .Stratopause—lower limit of ionosphere. 250.000. .. .Noctilucent clouds—upper limit of propa- gation of sound in air, since molecules are so rare and far apart. 132.000. ... Sounding balloon flight. 106.000. .. .Maximum ozone concentration. 72.000. .. .Record balloon ascent by Captains Ander- son and Stevens. 63.000. .. .Total atmospheric pressure 47 millimeters of mercury standard vaporization of fluids takes place. 34.000. .. .Upper limit of normal oxygen saturation of blood breathing 100 percent oxygen. 32.000. .. .Tropopause—average. Gasoline boils at —54° C. 30.000. ... Sky appears purple. 29.000. .. .Peak of Mt. Everest. 18.000. .. .Highest human community. 10.000. Level at which human begins to show signs of oxygen lack, breathing ambient air. ANOXIA Anoxia may be defined simply as a condition of oxygen deficiency in the human body. You are all familiar with the classical classification of the etiology of anoxia outlined as follows: 1. Anoxic anoxia. 2. Anemic anoxia. 3. Stagnant anoxia. 4. Histotoxic anoxia. A more recently advanced classification has been promulgated by workers in this field, to point out more clearly the etiological factors responsible for anoxia. This classification is shown as follows: 1. Environmental anoxia. 2. Pulmonary anoxia. 3. Circulatory anoxia. 4. Histotoxic anoxia. Altitude (Feet) Barometric Pressure (mm. Hg.) Oxygen Pressure (mm. Hg.) 02 Percent Equivalent 0 760 159.0 20.96 3,281 670 140.4 18.40 6,562 593 124.5 16.40 9,842 524 109.8 14.50 10,300 506 105.9 13.00 16,404 410 85.9 11.30 18,000 380 79.5 10.00 22,966 320 67.0 8.80 28,000 253 53.0 6.90 34,000 187 39.0 5.16 40,000 149 32.0 4.20 42,000 128 26.7 3.52 50,000 90 18.8 2.40 The study of the structure of the atmos- phere reveals an interesting relationship be- tween the altitude and the air temperature. Roughly, there is a decrease in temperature of 2 C° for every 1,000-foot rise is altitude. This 9 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Both anoxic anoxia of the old classification and environmental anoxia of the new are de- scriptive of the etiology of the anoxia existing under conditions of decreased atmospheric pressure. There is simply not enough oxygen concentration in the environmental atmosphere to sufficiently oxygenate the arterial blood, re- sulting in an incomplete oxygen saturation of the hemoglobin. The reduction of the arterial tension of oxy- gen is more serious than the lack of oxygen saturation. The velocity of oxidative processes has been determined by experimental methods to be proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen. Also, the increased respirations in- duced by this lowered oxygen pressure wash out the carbon dioxide of the arterial blood and, because of this fact, much reduce the dissocia- tion of oxyhemoglobin. In fact, the tissues of the body are hampered in three ways in this type of anoxia: The rate of oxidation is dim- inished because of the lowered partial pressure of oxygen in the blood; there is less oxygen in the blood than normal; the low carbon di- oxide pressure hampers the dissociation of oxy- hemoglobin. This is the type of anoxia in which we are most interested in aviation, because it is this type which our flight personnel will have to combat and which we are attempting to help them overcome. A further classification of anoxia of the an- oxic or environmental type may be shown as follows: Fulminating anoxia.—This is rapidly induced by sudden ascents to extreme altitudes without oxygen, as in explosive decompression, or in breathing high concentrations of inert gases, as sometimes happens in our dirigible crashes when personnel are caught in high concentra- tions of escaping helium gas. Unconsciousness may develop in 45 to 90 seconds. This type of anoxia resembles asphyxia, but asphyxia is not anoxia. Acute anoxia.—The difference between this type and the above is that the acute anoxia is not developed as quickly and is not as severe. This is the type of anoxia which you see every day in the low-pressure chamber when the sub- jects are over 10,000 feet without oxygen. While every organ in the body is presumably affected in this type of anoxia, the central nervous system, the respiratory, and the circu- latory systems appear to be affected the most. The nature of the effect of this type of anoxia will be studied in detail later. Chronic anoxia.—This is a condition which results from long exposure to high altitudes, and even in the acclimatized individual there is a dyspnea on exertion. The symptomotology of this condition may be stated briefly as prin- cipally fatigue. Fatigue develops much faster than at sea level and recovery is much slower. This condition may also produce degenerative changes in some organs. Chronic anoxia is rarely seen in aviation because of the infre- quency of exposure to predisposing factors and universal use of oxygen equipment. The effect of anoxia on the blood has been studied for many years, and by many different investigators, and from this mass of work the following conclusions may be drawn. In acute anoxia, such as we are dealing with, there is some evidence that the number of red blood cells is increased rather rapidly in most sub- jects—in the matter of an hour or so—and probably as a result of contraction of the spleen forcing a larger number of the cells into the blood stream. The effect of anoxia on the heart and cir- culation in acute anoxia results in the follow- ing changes in the blood vascular system. The pulse rate increases, as does the contraction of the heart, until the percentage composition of oxygen in the alveolar air falls to below 9 per- cent. After this critical level the rate may remain stationary or decrease, but the minute volume output of the heart rapidly falls until that time when the anoxia affects the heart muscle, when the rate falls rapidly and a cir- culatory collapse occurs. There is no real evidence that the blood pressure changes to a significant degree. In cardiac failure one explanation is that the in- tramuscular pressure is responsible for the maintenance of venous pressure and, conse- quently, the venous return to the right side of the heart. In the circulatory collapse, accord- ing to this theory, the intramuscular pressure falls first, followed by the failure of the venous return and consequent deficient filling of the heart and decrease in the amount of blood the heart is able to put into circulation. This is 10 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES then followed by a fall in blood pressure, and the fast, thready pulse which we are so ac- customed to seeing in shock. The pallor and sweating are a result of the contraction of the peripheral arterioles in an attempt to return the peripheral blood to the circulation. The respiratory system is profoundly affected by lowered partial pressure of oxygen. There is a fall in the alveolar carbon dioxide pressure, which is due to the increased rate and depth of the respiratory movements. The increased rate and depth of respiratory excursions washes the carbon dioxide out of the alveolar air. This results in a fall of 4.2 mm. Hg. of carbon di- oxide pressure for each fall of 100 mm. Hg. of barometric pressure. (This is disputed by some workers.) In acute anoxia there is an increase in the rate, the depth, and the minute volume of the respiration. The respiratory center is evidently one of the most sensitive areas to the lowered oxygen partial pressure. It is believed by some workers that with the decrease in oxygen the respiratory center becomes more sensitive to the carbon dioxide; which would explain the increased rate and depth of respiration. After anoxia has progressed to the point where the cells of the respiratory center have a markedly reduced excitability, respiration may cease. Other effects on the respiratory system in acute anoxia are a slight depression of the respira- tion, while the body recovers from the loss of carbon dioxide and while the bicarbonate is being reformed in the blood. Some subjects, when in the stage of acute anoxia, show a change in the pattern of respiration, a periodic breathing which resembles the well-known Cheyne-Stokes Syndrome. The vital capacity is decreased approximately 10 percent at an altitude of 15,000 ft. This is probably due to the dilatation of the alveolar blood vessels. Another system which alters its function dur- ing anoxia is the central nervous system. Ner- vous tissue is the least capable of withstanding oxygen want. In anoxic anoxia the blood ves- sels which supply the brain dilate early, but because of the lowered oxygen pressure the brain has a deficient oxygen supply. At a simu- lated altitude of 28,000 ft. experimental studies have shown cortical cell changes. Some of these changes may be irrevocable. Studies of the survival of nervous tissue completely de- prived of oxygen, even for a matter of minutes, show the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex are most sensitive, the cerebellar cells next, followed by the medullary centers and spinal cord, in that order. The spinal fluid pressure is increased, as is the intracranial pressure. The mechanism for producing this pressure is not known, but may be due to the increased permeability of the capillary walls. The entire nervous system is affected ir anoxia: the finer judgments and discrimina- tions are lost first, followed by a train of events, such as increased reaction time, loss of initia- tive, and slowness of neuromuscular coordina- tion. The after-effects of anoxia are headache, fatigue, and slow recovery of finer judgment sense. The other organs of the body are also affected, but the changes just examined become so profound that death would result before secondary changes. The type of anoxic anoxia which is most common in aviation is, of course, that which is associated with altitude. The decreasing atmos- pheric pressure, with resultant decreasing par- tial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air, re- sults in a lowered oxygen tension in the ar- terial blood. Obviously the degree of anoxia is directly related with the degree of lowered oxygen tension; which in turn is related to the altitude. At an altitude of 10,000 ft. there is a moderate or mild degree of anoxia which has no telltale effects for the first 4 or 5 hours. There are, however, definite subclinical effects and the finer, or higher, brain functions are dulled. With increase in altitude there is a more marked anoxia of such a degree that from 12 to 15 percent of healthy adult personnel will faint or become unconscious within a half-hour at 18,000 ft. As far as aviation personnel is concerned, anoxia, even though it be of low grade and not severe enough to cause unconsciousness, is a very important condition. Low-grade anoxia will affect the nervous system, causing complete lack of critical judgment, a lack of motor co- ordination, and a false feeling of well-being. Overcoming the effects of anoxia forms the basis of a very valuable practice in aviation medicine, namely, the utilization and training 11 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-1.—Demonstration of anoxia in a lew pressure chamber at the Naval School of Aviation Medicine. The sub- jects are in an anoxic state at 18,000 feet. The subject to the left is apathetic. Center subject has fair control of his faculties. Subject on the right can no longer complete the co-ordination test. in the use of accessory oxygen equipment at altitudes over 10,000 ft. The natural lowered partial pressure of oxygen is increased artifi- cially by the use of such oxygen equipment. Thus, by the use of accessory oxygen equip- ment, aviation personnel can go from sea level to high altitudes day in and day out without any deleterious effects of anoxia. The importance of anoxia in aviation is so great that it is worth our while to reiterate salient points in the above discussion. Aviators are required to use accessory oxygen equipment at all times when flying at or over 10,000 feet above sea level, except for short emergency periods. Anoxia becomes progressively more profound as we ascend above 10,000 feet, and at 15,000 feet the blood oxygen saturation drops off to as low as 77 percent, and rarely exceeds 87 percent. Within this range one finds considerable handicap in the performance cf any physical or mental activity. Headache, slight dizziness, a slight feeling of nausea, sluggishness, and a general feeling of heaviness may be present; vision is slightly dimmed, and a feeling of confusion may exist. The individual is partially cyanotic; that is, the nails, lips, and 12 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES Figure 2-2.—Progressive anoxia at 18,000 feet. Demonstration in a low pressure chamber at the Nayal School of Aviation Medicine. The subject no longer writes his name as instructed, but merely scribbles on the pad. ear lobes may range from a light blue to a deep purple. As is true in all degrees of anoxia, judgment is impaired. Above 15,000 feet symptoms of anoxia persist and may be intensified; the vision is further dimmed and the cyanosis is increased. The general feeling may be altered from that of weakness and sluggishness to a feeling of well- being and gaiety much akin to that associated with certain stages of intoxication. Progres- sive increase in anoxia results, of course, in severe taxing of the body with an increasingly degree of malfunction, weakness, stupor, coma and death. An important condition associated with pro- longed flying at 9,000 to 10,000 feet is the chronic low-grade anoxia. Flying personnel who experience long missions at an altitude of between 8,000 and 10,000 feet find themselves extremely fatigued, irritable, suffering from in- somnia, loss of appetite, and a general insidious weakness. This picture does not present itself 13 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-3.—Demonstration of anoxia at 30,000 feet in a low pressure chamber at the Naval School of Aviation Medi- cine. Subject is increasingly dull and no longer recognizes the playing cards as he turns them ever. 14 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES Figure 2-4.—Subject in low pressure chamber at the Naval School of Aviation Medicine wearing aviator's positive pressure oxygen breathing equipment. Type 13 mask, positive pressure regulator and bail-out bottle. 15 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE when personnel use oxygen on prolonged mod- erate altitude flights, since by using oxygen the accumulated effects of this low-grade, undetect- able anoxia are prevented. The most efficient method of increasing the altitude to which one may safely ascend is through the use of supplemental oxygen in the inspired air. This oxygen replaces a portion of the unnecessary nitrogen, thus increasing the oxygen percentage of the air inspired. Using one hundred percent of oxygen one is able to maintain a normal 96 percent oxygen saturation- up to 34,000 feet. Beyond this alti- tude, total barometric pressure is so low that, regardless of the amount of oxygen in the in- spired air, the partial pressure necessary to drive sufficient oxygen from the alveoli into the blood and maintain normal saturation is too small. At 42,000 feet, breathing pure oxy- gen, a man is approximately as well off as when he is at 18,000 feet breathing ambient air. The recent introduction of pressure breath- ing equipment (figure 2-4) has increased the ceiling of the aviator to even greater heights. For many years most physiologists believed that under no circumstances must positive pres- sure be applied to the inspired air. It was be- lieved that damage to the alveoli would inevit- ably result. Through actual experimentation in recent years by those engaged in aviation phys- iological research, it has been demonstrated that the average healthy young male adult can withstand positive pressure (to the extent of 10 to 12 inches of water pressure) for an in- definite period. As a result of these findings, positive pressure breathing equipment has been devised which permits an increased oxygen flow into the mask, and at the same time in- creases the resistance to the flow of expired air from the mask. This system results in an increase in the oxy- gen pressure in the mask, which is transmitted through the respiratory passages to the alveoli, bringing about an increase in the oxygen trans- mission through the alveoli and a consequent increase in oxygen saturation of the arterial blood. Positive pressure oxygen equipment, properly adjusted, permits an individual to maintain an arterial oxygen saturation of ap- proximately 87 percent at 43,000 feet, which is sufficient to maintain normal body functions. Above 43,000 feet even with 100 percent oxygen and pressure breathing, one rapidly becomes anoxic, due to an insufficient oxygen pressure in the inspired air. We may safely say, then, that the accessory oxygen equipment that is now standard in aviation, the absolute safe operational ceiling is 43,000 feet. The solution to further increased ceiling is the use of pres- sure cabins, cockpits, or suits. EXPANSION OF BODY GASES Gases in the body are present in free and dissolved states. Free gases are those present in such body cavities as the gastrointestinal tract, the paranasal sinuses, and the middle ear. The problem of the expansion of free gases in the paranasal sinuses and the middle ear is covered in the the chapter on aviation otorhi- nolaryngology. The expansion of dissolved gases in the body at altitude will be discussed under the subject heading of aeroembolism. The gas found in the intestinal tract is largely that which results from the swallowing of air; however, some of it is produced by the decomposition of ingested food. The variable amount of gas present in the gastrointestinal tract is always maintained at a pressure ap- proximately equivalent to that of the atmos- phere surrounding the body. Intestinal gases, like all other gases, behave according to the gas laws. Therefore, as the individual ascends in the atmosphere, the volume of his intestinal gas will increase. It has been stated by Arm- strong1 that, because they are saturated with water vapor, the gases in the intestinal tract do not expand, (with ascent), in exact pro- portion to the decrease of barometric pressure; however, we can safely assume the change in relative volume at various altitudes as conform- ing to the following table: Altitude Relative volume of gas 0 ft. 1 volume 18.000 ft. 2 volumes. 28,000 ft. 3 volumes. 33,000 ft. 4 volumes. 38,000 ft. 5 volumes. 42,000 ft. 6 volumes. The degree of difficulty encountered by the expansion of gases in the gastro intestinal tract 16 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES depends upon the amount of gas present and the rate of ascent. If the ascent does not exceed 300 feet per minute, there will be only a feeling of moderate abdominal distention at 12,000 to 16,000 feet, with associated sensations of the movement of gas. Belching and the passage of flatus will begin and tends to continue as the altitude in- creases. Slow ascent rarely causes incapacitat- ing abdominal discomfort, inasmuch as the expanded gases can be passed through the tract and eliminated. With rapid ascents of 2,000 feet per minute, or more, the gas expands rap- idly and tends to remain localized in the in- testinal loops—thus increasing abdominal dis- tention—and abdominal cramps of varying severity may be experienced. The abdominal distention may also be great enough to cause upward pressure on the diaphragm and embar- rass respiration; it may be of such severity as to distract the man from his task or incapaci- tate him. A primary type of shock, caused by pain stimuli from abdominal distention, has been observed in the operation of low-pressure chambers. A major factor determining the amount of gas in the intestinal tract is the quality and quantity of food ingested. The following is a list of “Diet Don’ts” for flying personnel, par- ticularly before engaging in high altitude flights: 1. Don’t gulp food or fluid. 2. Don’t eat excessively. 3. Don’t eat gas-forming foods, such as beans, cabbage, raw apples, cucumbers, greasy meats, and spice. 4. Don’t drink carbonated beverages, such as coca colas, gingerale, etc., or whipped drinks, as malted milks, milk shakes, etc. In mild cases, passage of gas, or descent will ordinarily relieve the distress immediately. In severe cases, it is not unusual for the cramps to last for 24 hours after descent to sea level pressure. Vague, undefined gastro-intestinal complaints, (with the attendant abdominal dis- tention), have been described as a result of re- peated ascents. AEROEMBOLISM The tissues of the body contain a quantity of dissolved gas, held either in a physiochemical combination with certain elements or in a pure physical state. There are three main dissolved gases in the human body: oxygen, carbon di- oxide, and nitrogen. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are found to be held both in physical and chemi- cal combinations, with the greatest amount being bound chemically. Nitrogen, being an inert gas, is held in solution in the body purely by physical pressure. Since nitrogen consti- tutes approximately 80 percent of the gas dis- solved in the body tissues, and since the amount varies with changes in the gaseous tension of the environmental air, this gas is most im- portant in the problem of dissolved gases in the body when large changes in atmospheric pressure occur. In discussing the cause of this condition it is helpful to use an analogy. Almost everyone is acquainted with the machine that makes the common soda water in soda fountains. It consists essentially of a cylinder with piston, ordinary water, and a tank of compressed carbon dioxide. Water is put in the bottom of the cylinder and some of the carbon dioxide is allowed to flow into the space above the water. The piston is then depressed, and with the increase in pressure the carbon dioxide dis- solves in the water. As long as this pressure is maintained, the carbon dioxide will stay in solution. However, if the pressure is decreased, either by lifting the piston or by letting the soda water flow into the outside air, the carbon dioxide comes out of solution. This release of pressure is what accounts for the formation of bubbles, and the foaming up of carbonated drinks, when the bottle cap is removed. Now, how does this apply to the human body? The human being lives constantly in an at- mosphere made up of 80 percent nitrogen and 20 percent oxygen, at a total atmospheric pres- sure of about 15 pounds per square inch. Using our example above, we may compare the human body with the water in the bottom of the cylinder, and replace the carbon dioxide with the nitrogen and oxygen of the atmosphere. The “piston” (atmosphere) is set to exert 15 pounds of pressure per square inch. Under this pressure a certain amount of nitrogen and oxy- gen is dissolved in the human tissues, in a manner similar to the solution of carbon dioxide in water. Since the body uses the oxygen in 17 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE metabolic processes there is little of this gas existing in the free and uncombined form. Insofar as the body is concerned, nitrogen is an inert gas and exists in the dissolved, un- combined form. As the body is taken to alti- tudes where the absolute pressure of the at- mosphere is decreased or, as in our analogy, the piston is raised, the nitrogen comes out of solution from the body tissues and fluids in the form of nitrogen bubbles. (Thus, at sea level pressure, the tissues of the body are always saturated with atmospheric nitrogen.) It is of interest that nitrogen is more soluble in fats and oils than in water and, likewise, in the body the fats dissolve five to six times as much nitrogen per unit of mass as does the blood itself. The following is the sequence of events in aeroembolism. During ascent in aircraft, or in any other situation in which the atmospheric pressure is decreased, the partial pressure of the body nitrogen is greater than the partial pressure of the alveolar nitrogen. The nitrogen from the blood diffuses into the alveoli of the lungs; the nitrogen of the tissues enters the blood stream, and thence into the lung. Thus, the body tends to rid itself of its excess (ex- panded) nitrogen. If the ascent is slow, and the nitrogen in the body can be eliminated through the lungs as fast as it comes out of solution, no unusual symptoms occur. If, how- ever, the pressure is decreased rapidly to at least one-half the original pressure, the nitro- gen gas will come out of solution with such relative rapidity that bubbles will form in the tissues, blood, and body fluids. The most likely site for bubble formation is body tissue, which has high fat content and meagre capillary circulation. When bubbles become large enough they block off capillaries, which causes a de- creased local blood supply. This blocking of blood circulation interferes with the normal functioning of the local parts, and provokes various symptoms. The symptoms of aeroembolism are conven- iently grouped according to the affected site, as follows: 1. Skin and mucous membranes. 2. Bones and muscles. 3. Respiratory system. 4. Semicircular canals. 5. Central nervous system. The skin and mucous membrane symptoms are popularly known as “The itch". These symptoms may be classed as paraesthesias, and presumably are caused by collections of nitro- gen bubbles beneath the skin which irritate the sensory nerve endings. These symptoms mani- fest themselves in various ways. There may be a sandy sensation between the eyelids and the eyes. Frequently small bubbles may be seen beneath the conjunctiva. There may be sensa- tions of cooling or drying of the eyes. A generalized itching of the skin may occur, but it is more common for one area, (usually near a large, subcutaneous deposit of fat, as around the waist or on the buttocks) to be affected. Scratching is only of temporary relief, since the nitrogen bubbles are pushed from one area to another. The sensation of ants crawling over the body is not uncommon. The sensations of excessive sweating when in reality the skin is perfectly dry, and of hot and cold flashes, also fall in the general group of paraesthesias in aeroembolism. In some individuals, bubbles of varying sizes may be felt or seen beneath the skin and mucous membranes, particularly beneath the palmar skin of the fingers and beneath the ocular conjunctiva. In most cases the symptoms disappear immediately upon reaching lower al- titudes (increased external pressure). A small percentage of cases retain subcutaneous indura- tion and erythema for several days. None of these symptoms is incapacitating, but they are annoying. The occurrence of these dermal symptoms indicates the onset of aeroembolism, and should warn of the possibility of the de- velopment of more severe symptoms. Symptoms of the joints and muscles are commonly referred to as “the bends". Some observers believe the pain in the bones and muscles is due to the blocking of capillaries supplying the area involved, while others be- lieve it is due to the gas (nitrogen) pressure on or under the periosteum or the insertion of tendons about the joint. While movable joints are most commonly affected, pain is frequently felt in the region of the biceps and the poster- ior thigh muscles. The pain has been grouped into four arbitrary types, as follows: 18 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES Type 1. An aching in one or more areas, which is noticeable but not severe or incapaci- tating. Type 2. Pain is more severe than type 1, and of such a degree that the subject restricts his movements. Although this pain is not in- capacitating it definitely lowers a man’s efficiency. Type 3. Pain is more severe than type 2. The person is unable to move the member affected; he becomes pale, clammy, and if not relieved will become unconscious. It is definitely incapacitating. Type 4. Pain appears with dramatic sud- deness, and is very apt to render a man un- conscious in a very short time, unless he is given immediate relief. The bone and muscle symptoms are the most common causes of incapacity from aeroembo- lism. It is obvious that a pilot or crew member who is unable to move his leg or arm is a se- rious handicap to any mission. Descent to low altitude (greater pressure) effects immediate relief in most instances. Although there may be some residual effects after recompression they are not common. The involvement of the lungs in aeroembo- lism, popularly known as “the chokes”, is due to the collection of nitrogen bubbles in the cir- culation of the lungs. These bubbles irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cause burning, substernal pain, an un- productive and difficult cough, and a sensation of choking. The “chokes” have also been de- scribed as “like mixing a bromoseltzer in the lungs.” The symptoms increase the individual’s apprehension, and may lead to collapse. It is definitely incapacitating and relief must be pro- vided as soon as possible to prevent serious re- sults. Fortunately, the “chokes” are much less common than the two groups of symptoms described above. Immediate relief without residual effect is gotten by descent. A condition, popularly known among deep sea divers as “the staggers”, may occur in aviators. The individual is completely confused in regard to position and movement, and be- haves, accordingly, much like an intoxicated person. This condition is very incapacitating and the symptoms may persist for days, but fortunately its occurrence is rare in aviation. Divers’ “paralysis” is probably due to the blocking of cerebral or spinal capillaries, with a resultant ischemia to a certain area of the brain or spinal cord. Some believe it may be due to the direct pressure upon the nerve roots of nitrogen bubbles in the spinal fluid. It will result in paralysis of that part of the body controlled by the part of the brain or cord affected. Nitrogen bubbles have frequently been demonstrated in the spinal fluid at altitude pressures equivalent to that found at 18,000 ft. Since the spinal fluid has no direct connection with the circulating blood it is probable that the nitrogen is not rapidly eliminated. This has led some investigators to believe that most of the symptoms are due to pressure (from these bubbles) on the central nervous system. Fortunately, divers’ paralysis is extremely rare in aviation. In the early days of high altitude bombing in the last war, a fairly large percentage of the bombers had to return to these bases without completing their mission, because personnel developed incapacitating symptoms of aeroem- bolism. There were three methods open to correct this situation: the service could em- ploy men for high altitude flying who were resistant to the effects of low atmospheric pressures (bend resistant) ; the physico-chemi- cal state of the body of those who were suscep- tible to aeroembolism could be altered to render them less susceptible; or, the environment of the individual could be controlled so that he would not be exposed to low pressures, even though flying at high altitudes. To aid in the selection of bend-resistant personnel, low pressure chambers were oper- ated for the classification of individuals accord- ing to their ability to withstand the effects of low atmospheric pressures, with particular ref- erence to the development of the symptoms of aeroembolism. Composite test data revealed that the younger the individual the less suscep- tible he is to the bends. Men in the older age groups, who have their valuable experience, need not, however, be eliminated from high altitude flying (except fighter craft), since by altering the physico-chemical state of the body a person can become more resistant to bends. By breathing 100 percent oxygen, the partial pressure of alveolar nitrogen is greatly reduced, 19 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE with a resultant diffusion of nitrogen from the blood and tissues and a reduction of the nitro- gen stores of the body. This is the principle of the process of denitrogenation, or, as it is sometimes called 'preoxygenation. According to the best available evidence, the elimination of about 50 percent of the body nitrogen before ascent to high altitude gives most people pro- tection from serious or incapacitating symp- toms of aeroembolism. Fifty percent of the body nitrogen can be removed by breathing 100 percent oxygen for one hour. Since denitrogenation also occurs during ascent to high altitudes, and when 100 percent oxygen is breathed from the ground on up, the degree of nitrogen removal is greatly in- creased. Denitrogenation, however, is practical in only certain types of combat flying, namely, sched- uled missions. Bombing and observation plane personnel who are scheduled to fly at a certain time can begin breathing oxygen long enough before that time to insure sufficient denitro- genation. Fighter pilots, however, who may have to fly at any time, and who must climb at maximum rates, find denitrogenation im- practical, since it would entail their breathing oxygen for long hours while at the ready. Therefore, for fighter pilots the first and third alternatives only are applicable, that is, choice of personnel or alteration of environment. By maintaining the body within an atmos- pheric pressure more nearly that at sea level, even though the plane may be flying in a very high altitude, the development of aeroembolism can be prevented. That, of course, is the prin- ciple applied to the use of the pressure suit or the pressurized cabin plane. However, neither method is sufficiently developed at present to be practical for large scale combat flying. Although it is known that nitrogen bubbles form in the tissues, and in the spinal fluid at 18,000 ft., it is rare to encounter any symptoms considered incapacitating below 30,000 ft. Prac- tically, then, so far as aviation is concerned, aeroembolism is a disease that occurs only above 30,000 ft. The probabilities of developing symptoms de- pend upon the rate of climb to the altitude and the length of time at that altitude. (Thus, a person might be able to tolerate 35,000 ft. for an hour, and yet become incapacitated with bends after 1 hour and 5 minutes. Also, an individual might be able to tolerate 35,000 ft. for several hours and yet develop incapacitating symptoms shortly after reaching 40,000 feet.) They further depend upon the amount of mus- cular movement, and the degree of protection from cold. Too much movement, and chilling both abet the onset of the bends. The general physical condition, with special regard to fatigue, alcohol, and food, is also a factor. OXYGEN EQUIPMENT IN AVIATION The development of oxygen equipment in aviation has kept pace with the constant im- provement of design in modern aircraft. The picture in the past has been one of continuously increasing efficiency and ceiling in aircraft, with a concurrent intensification of physiologi- cal difficulties requiring further improvement in oxygen equipment. The lack of physiological data necessary for the development of aviators’ oxygen equipment in the earlier days proved a major difficulty to flight surgeons and others engaged in aeromedical work. It is only in recent years that sufficient knowledge has been accumulated of the requirements of man at altitude, and that fairly satisfactory accessory oxygen equipment has been developed. The first oxygen equipment used at altitude was that taken along by Tissandier, Croce, and Sivel in their historic balloon flight. This con- sisted of a container of oxygen with a tube and mouthpiece attached. The deficiency of this equipment was quite apparent for Tissandier’s companions succumbed to anoxia. This tragedy of insufficient knowledge and unsatisfactory oxygen equipment has recurred many times in aviation since then. The earliest standard oxygen equipment used by the Navy consisted of a high-pressure cylinder containing oxygen at 1,800 lbs. per square inch, with a reduction valve (that re- duced the high pressure to 50 lbs. p.s.i.) leading to a pipestem through a rubber tube. This type of oxygen supply was very wasteful and, in general, unsatisfactory. Inasmuch as only a very small fraction of the oxygen was used in actual respiration, and because the oxygen 20 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES flowed constantly during the expiratory as well as the inspiratory phase of respiration, the oxygen was depleted rapidly at altitude. The pipestem itself was messy and the method pro- moted undue salivation. Earlier aviators re- ferred to the pipestem as the “slobber tube.” Later, in an effort to render the oxygen system more economical and sanitary, a face mask was devised (replacing the pipestem), and a reservoir breathing bag was introduced for economy. This rebreather conserved the oxygen breathed out from the upper respira- tory dead air space and so created greater economy. Until better equipment was developed it served aviation during the early part of World War II as an oxygen-administering device. Another modification of the constant flow principle has been made by using a reservoir system composed of a series of check and relief valves. By this method, oxygen can be trapped in a reservoir during the expiratory phase of respiration, and then can be used as a source of supply during inspiration, resulting in greater economy. The constant flow system of oxygen supply is more economical at increased altitudes, and so the rate of flow of such a system must be calibrated with that in mind. This is an appli- cation of Boyle’s Law. As pressure drops with increasing altitude, the oxygen released occu- pies a greater space because of the decrease in atmospheric pressure. The increase in volume of the gas, with a drop in ambient pressure, alters considerably the minute volume respira- tory requirements. Thus it is seen that a res- piratory pattern at altitude, compared to a similar pattern at sea level, will actually receive an increasingly reduced quantity of oxygen (al- though the sea level volume requirements will be constantly met), since the oxygen expands when released at ambient pressures. As the economy of oxygen became more and more important, it was necessary to find new methods of administering oxygen. This was necessary because of the weight and space oc- cupied in aircraft by oxygen equipment. Both of these factors were and still are critical in aircraft design. Two types of apparatus were designed to increase the factors of economy. One was called the rebreather. This device is a closed circuit oxygen system similar to that used in a basal metabolism machine, and prac- tically the only oxygen used by the wearer of this device is that which he actually consumes in his body. The chief difficulty with such a device (which proved to be its downfall in aviation) was the danger of air entering into the system, and the accumulation of carbon dioxide within the rebreather. Although this device offers the greatest economy, the dangers in its use were such that its military application was obviated. The other alternative in increasing the econ- omy of oxygen supply systems for aviators was to make a device which would administer oxy- gen only during the inspiratory effort, and only in sufficient quantity to keep the individual normally supplied with oxygen. This meant the development of a demand type of system which caused the oxygen to flow during inspiration only. Since the demand-type system furnishes 100 percent oxygen at all altitudes, there was still considerable wastage of oxygen. To correct this waste factor a device was in- corporated in the demand oxygen regulator permitting air to be sucked in and mixed with the oxygen in varying amounts, depending upon the altitude. This meant the development of an automatic control for diminishing the air dilution and increasing the oxygen percentage as altitude was gained, and a reserve procedure as altitude was lost. Such a device was devel- oped and used by the Army Air Forces and Navy aviation during the greater part of World War II. This device is still being used, but has been modified several times to improve it func- tionally, decrease its weight, and increase its reliability. The standard aviators’ oxygen breathing equipment used in the Navy at present is a system utilizing a diluter-demand regulator at ambient pressures, and a system that will, when necessary, deliver oxygen under positive pressure. The diluter-demand system as now used in the Navy (figure 2-5) consists of a high-pressure oxygen cylinder supply, connected to a diluter demand regulator that has a reduction valve as one of its integral parts. The regulator is designed for use in high altitude flight. It automatically mixes varying quantities of air 21 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-5.—Diluter-demand regulator, oxygen flow indicator and pressure gauge, with type 14 mask attached to quick release disconnect. 22 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES assembly consisting of an oxygen cylinder (either 295 cubic inches or 96 cubic inches), a diluter-demand regulator and a carrier to unite and support the components. The advan- tages of this system are: 1. Its flexibility. The oxygen may be readily provided, when needed, for personnel aboard an aircraft without a permanently installed oxy- gen system, or for extra passengers in planes with limited oxygen provisions. 2. Its weight-saving feature, since practi- cally all of the oxygen equipment may be re- moved when flights to oxygen altitudes are not contemplated. As has been previously stated, it is necessary to breathe oxygen under pressure if altitudes of 43,000 feet are to be reached and if the flier is to be normally supplied with oxygen. Pres- sure-breathing modifications were incorporated in the basic demand regulator, as well as in the oxygen mask: they included the construction of a constant flow attachment in the regulator, for use above 34,000 feet, and a variable re- sistant expiratory valve in the mask. Modifica- tions are still being made in the present day pressure-breathing oxygen equipment. Even with the use of pressurized cabins and cockpits, it is necessary to equip aircraft with oxygen equipment, to be used as a safety device should pressurization suddenly be lost at high alti- tudes, and to permit lower pressurization. The positive pressure demand oxygen system used in the Navy consists of the following articles, (figure 2-9) ; namely, 1. Type 13 oxygen mask. Figure 2-6.—Schematic diagram of a diluter-demand oxygen regulator. and oxygen, the ratio depending on the altitude, and delivers the quantity demanded upon in- halation. The mixing device may be cut out and 100 percent of oxygen delivered on inhala- tion, or the entire valve may be by-passed by an emergency by-pass and 100 percent of oxygen delivered at a continuous rate. The diluter- demand type delivers oxygen at the ambient air pressure; therefore, above 30,000 feet, 100 per- cent oxygen. The standard Navy mask used with this type of equipment is the type 14 oxygen mask. In certain passenger, cargo, bomber, and patrol airplanes, there is a definite need for an individualized oxygen system utilizing the standard diluter-demand oxygen regulator, and permitting rapid installation and removal where flights to oxygen levels are made only occasionally. There is available a compact 23 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-7.—Type 14 oxygen mask for use with standard dilufer-demand aviator's oxygen equipment, 2. The positive pressure demand oxygen regulator with the attached bail-out interlock. 3. The high pressure oxygen reducer. 4. The bail-out assembly. The type 13 oxygen mask (figure 2-10) differs from the type 14 oxygen mask (now in current use in the Navy) in its method of suspension and also by having oxygen inlet check valves and a compensated exhalation valve. The two inlet check valves are small rubber flapper valves placed over each of the oxygen inlet ports. These valves function in such a manner that upon exhalation they are closed, thus shutting off the flow of oxygen into the mask from the regulator. The compensated exhalation valve is a valve 24 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES which permits exhalation from the mask. This valve is so designed that, in ordinary demand use, upon exhalation the valve opens, allowing the gases to escape from the mask through the exhalation port, as in the ordinary demand oxygen masks. When positive pressure is being used this valve, through a communication with the oxygen inlet tube, requires the wearer to exert (during exhalation) a slightly greater amount of pressure within the mask than the Regulator Setting Thousands of Feet Pressure Inches of Water 35 1 40.5 2 41 4 41.5 6 42.5 8 43 10 These settings should be used at the altitudes Figure 2-8.—Standard Navy Aviator's portable oxygen equipment, 205 eu. inch and 96 eu. inch oxygen bottles, positive pressure being delivered to the mask by the regulator. In this manner the pressure in the mask is kept fairly constant both in inhalation and upon exhalation. The positive pressure demand oxygen regula- tor (figure 2-9) is a chest-worn type of regula- tor and acts as any other demand regulator if the pressure setting on the dial is maintained at the off position. It will be noted that on the control knob of the regulator there is a scale which gives pressure settings for certain alti- tudes. These regulator settings deliver pres- sures to the mask and lungs as follows: indicated, and if the pilot does not feel properly protected with this pressure setting he may in- crease the setting to the next higher setting. This regulator is suspended from the neck by an adjustable strap, and this strap should be so adjusted that the smaller strap at the bottom of the regulator may be placed around the cross-chest strap of the parachute harness. In this manner the regulator is kept from swing- ing around the body, on movement. It should be remembered that when the dial reads in the off position the regulator functions as a normal demand oxygen regulator. 25 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-9.—Navy positive pressure oxygen breathing equipment for high altitude use. Equipment consists of the type 13 oxygen mask, positive pressure regulator, bail-out bottle and test valve for the bail-out bottle. 26 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES Figure 2-10.—Type 13 oxygen mask for use with positive pressure oxygen systems for aviators. Attached to the bottom of the regulator is the “bail-out” interlock assembly. This inter- lock permits disconnection of the regulator from the oxygen supply of the plane; upon such disconnection the “bail-out” cylinder auto- matically provides oxygen, without necessity for any other action on the part of the pilot. In other words, by merely disconnecting from the airplane supply the flow is continued auto- matically from the “bail-out” cylinder. The “bail-out” bottle assembly (figure 2-9) consists of a 30.5 bottle containing oxy- gen at 1,800 p.s.i., a reducer and a high pres- sure gauge, and also a quick disconnect fitting. The entire assembly described is held in a con- tainer which permits carrying of the assembly on the thigh. Because there are hazards in the use of oxy- gen equipment, certain precautions must be taken to avoid its faulty operation. It is neces- sary that the oxygen be dry, for if it were moist condensation might take place in the fine orifices of the oxygen regulator; and since the upper atmosphere is cold, freezing might take 27 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-11.—Navy high pressure oxygen bottles for use In aircraft oxygen systems. Bottles are S04 cu. inch, 205 eu. inch and 96 cu. inch capacity. place with a cessation of oxygen flow through the regulator. There is also considerable con- densation of moisture from the expired air which collects in the oxygen mask. This con- densation, at low temperature, might cause the masks to freeze and thereby close the inlet ori- fices, stopping the oxygen flow from the regula- tor into the mask. The expiratory valve might also freeze, preventing exhalation of air from the mask. The mask must also be properly fitted to the individual face, to avoid the danger of inboard 28 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES leakage of outside air into the mask; this would dilute the oxygen concentration of the inspired air. Such inboard mask leakages are not im- portant until an altitude of 30,000 feet has been reached. Since the total atmospheric pres- sure, and hence the partial pressure of oxygen, becomes so low at altitudes in excess of 30,000 feet, any dilution with outside air would prove dangerous. Oxygen regulators must be care- fully checked, at frequent intervals, to insure their delivering the proper concentrations of oxygen at all altitudes. Care must also be exer- cised in the upkeep of the mask. The mask should always be kept clean, and should be re- placed when it has lost its original shape and proper fit. We have spoken only of one type of oxygen source being carried in aircraft, that of gaseous oxygen under high pressures in metal cylinders (figure 2-11). The standard Navy high-pressure cylinders are shatter-proof, as demonstrated throughout the War. The Air Force uses low- pressure containers of the magnitude of 400 to 500 pounds p.s.i. in shatter-proof bottles. These have the advantage of lightness, but are con- siderably greater in volume. There is another source of oxygen, for use in aircraft, which permits both economy and a decrease in space and weight of the oxygen source. This is oxy- gen in liquid form, which can be readily con- verted into gaseous oxygen in an airborne con- verter and then conveyed through the usual oxygen systems to the regulators. Since one liter of liquid oxygen, when converted, will furnish 800 liters of gaseous oxygen, consider- able space and weight may be saved by using it. The development of liquid oxygen has not yet reached the stage where it is practical for use in all aircraft. Its tendency to “flash off” while stored in a converter causes considerable loss of oxygen, whether the system is in use or not. In its present stage of development it is most suitable for the multiengine type of air- craft. If the handling of the liquid oxygen can be timed so that it is placed in the aircraft converter just before the take-off, then one could take advantage of its space, weight, and duration economy. TEMPERATURE VARIANTS IN AVIATION AS A PROBLEM The temperature range to which a man may be subjected, when flying at various altitudes and in different climates, may extend from 140° to minus 70° F. Since the production of heat and the regulation of body temperature are essential for normal living, environmental tem- perature becomes of great concern in aviation. As stated earlier in this chapter, there is a decrease in temperature of 2° C. for every 1,000 foot rise in altitude until the 35,000 foot level is reached, whereafter the temperature remains rather constant, varying between—55° to —65° C. The problem of cold, therefore, becomes a real one when flying at extreme alti- tudes. The loss of heat to the human body occurs through the physical means of radiation, convection, and conduction, and a small amount through respiration. The heat loss rate is fre- quently accelerated by wind blasts from open hatches or ports in the aircraft. The proper use of clothing is man’s main method for con- trolling heat loss. Because of the above-men- tioned factors and because of the wide range of temperatures encountered in aviation, ade- quate clothing for flying personnel is an im- portant consideration. There are two types of clothing worn by aviation personnel. One is the unheated, heavy, bulky type, which has both good and bad points. It requires no source of heat energy other than that produced by the body itself. If a man is forced down in cold climates, he continues to have adequate protec- tion. On the other hand the excessive weight of such clothing, when worn on the ground be- fore flight, is apt to cause perspiration, which may increase the sensation of cold at high altitudes. Because of its bulk, movement is restricted and flying efficiency is lowered. The other type of clothing is electrically heated. This clothing consists of a light leather or cloth coverall, with electrical heating ele- ments in the lining. For heat production, this clothing requires an external source of energy, which comes from the electrical system of the aircraft. It is light and therefore does not restrict movement in the air or cause preflight overheating. The fault of this type of clothing 29 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 2-12.—Subjects receiving instruction in the handling of oxygen equipment during a chill run in a lew pressure chamber. Navy standard aviator's cold weather shearling clothing is being worn. lies in the possibility that power failure will eliminate the source of energy for heating it. Too, should the aircraft be forced down in a cold climate, the individual would be inade- quately protected for survival. Cold has certain physiological and psycho- logical effects upon the individual. The drop in environmental temperature brings about an increase in metabolism, muscular tone, and muscular activity in the form of shivering. The early chilly sensations, as the exposure to cold becomes more severe, change to a definite sensation of discomfort as the compensating mechanisms prove inadequate. This sense of dis- comfort results in a decrease in touch sensitiv- ity, in muscular reaction, and in coordination. The muscles assume a state of tonic contrac- tion, which hampers the free movement of the extremities. Peripheral circulation decreases in the extremities because of vasospasm, and with severe vascular changes one may encounter tissue anoxia, resulting in tissue destruction. The lower temperature increases the oxygen consumption. This factor, together with the diminished oxygen supply, increases the tend- ency for tissue destruction. Anoxic failure may result from the establishment of a vicious cycle wherein the body reaches higher and higher altitudes and demands more and more oxygen, and at the same time enters an environment which has a diminishing partial pressure of oxygen. 30 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES A flier’s emotional state is also affected by cold. Muscular incoordination, which limits his ability to control his aircraft properly and the psychological reaction to physical discomfort, result in a loss of morale. With the deteriora- tion of physiological responses of the body, panic, indifference, and finally stupor may result. Frostbite.—Actual destruction of tissues, as seen in cases of frostbite, have in the past been common among aviation personnel. It is neces- sary to keep the extremities warm and pro- tected from the cold wind blasts to avoid ischemia, that results from vasospasm. In- doctrination to the hazards of low temperature and frostbite, together with first aid proce- dures, is necessary for all flying personnel. The environmental temperature, especially that at high altitudes, must be taken into ac- count in the use of oxygen equipment. Caution must be exercised and constant checking car- ried out to avoid freezing of equipment, particu- larly since expired breath is always vapor- charged. The problem of extremely high temperatures has so far been fairly well controlled only at the lower altitudes. In a cockpit the pilot is quite well protected from external ambient temperature, but with a large canopy he be- comes subjected to increased radiant heat. Where suitable cooling methods were not avail- able, cockpit temperatures as high as 150 de- grees F. have been reported, which resulted in the blistering of the pilot’s hands when at- tempts were made to operate the controls. Cooling systems involving the rapid expansion of compressed air have been installed to control this rise in temperature due to radiant heat. These systems have their drawbacks, especially in regions where high humidity prevails. Here the expanding air may condense the vaporized water and deliver it to the cockpit as a small snowstorm, with a consequent reduction in visi- bility. The protective element of the atmosphere in absorbing radiant energy decreases markedly as greater altitudes are reached. In a closed cockpit this may result in considerable increase of heat in the plane. Skin friction produced by the higher speeds reached by present day air- craft is another source of heat. Aircraft en- gineers estimate that the skin friction tempera- tures generated by newer aircraft will be in excess of the melting point of all known plastics. Temporarily, this will necessitate a return to glass for canopies and windshields, constituting a step backward in the matter of pilot safety in the case of an accident. The present temperature problem is, as discussed in this chapter, a twofold one; protection from ambient cold at high altitudes and protection from radiant and frictional heat. NOXIOUS GASES IN AVIATION The noxious gases that are exhausted from an operating internal combustion engine create an important problem in aviation medicine. The most important and deadly constituent of en- gine exhaust gases is carbon monoxide. Other gases and particles in exhaust vapors are present in such small quantities and are so much less toxic than carbon monoxide, that they are of little practical importance. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, butylene, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, water, and various aldehydes including acrolein, methyl, ethyl aldehydes, and paraformaldehyde. Carbon monoxide varies from 1 percent to 7 percent in exhaust gases, with an average of 3 percent. The amount varies with the octane rating of the fuel, the fuel air ratio, the throttle setting, and the altitude. Since, as stated above, carbon monoxide is the most deadly constituent of exhaust gases, the major portion of this discussion will be on the physiological effects of this gas. The hazard of carbon monoxide contamination is much greater in the single-engine plane than in the multiengine plane. This is due to location of the engine in the single-engine plane directly in front of the fuselage, where the propeller blast forces the exhaust gases under and about the cockpit. Earlier single-engine planes with- out exhaust collector rings were completely en- veloped in a cocoon of exhaust gases, as demon- strated when a smoke-producing oil was in- jected into the carburetion system. With the advent of exhaust collector rings the exhaust gases were deflected to the sides and below the fuselage. There is a constant danger of con- tamination, however, in single-engine planes AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE should the sealing of the cockpit be unsatis- factory. The cockpit air is generally at a slightly negative pressure to that of the air surrounding the plane. Consequently, exhaust gases will seep into the cockpit and remain there if the cockpit is closed, but incompletely sealed. A major source of cockpit contamina- tion in the past was from exhaust gases seeping through the tail-wheel opening, thence through the fuselage and into the cockpit through cracks around the fire wall in back of the pilot. Proper sealing of the single-engine cockpit eliminates the danger of exhaust contamination. In the multiengine plane, exhaust contamina- tion remains a danger because of the possible entry through wing passages, ventilating air scoops, and other design features. Exhaust cabin heaters are also a possible source of contamination if leakage occurs. The danger of exhaust contamination is less in pressurized cabins provided the carbon monoxide is not recirculated by the ventilating system. The toxic action of carbon monoxide is essentially through its effect on the blood, where it produces a deficiency of oxygen in the body. Unlike most poisons, carbon monoxide in lesser concentrations does not have a direct effect on the cells of the body, but in high con- centrations it has a toxic effect on the respira- tory enzymes of the cells. In the concentration generally encountered the effect is primarily on the red blood cells, actually interfering with the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. If elimination is soon enough and the concentration not too great, permanent damage does not result. The hemoglobin molecule takes up carbon monoxide in the same way that it does oxygen, forming carboxyhemoglobin. At body temperature its affinity for carbon monox- ide is 210 times greater than oxygen. To make the situation more serious, the presence of carboxyhemoglobin tends to make the remain- ing hemoglobin bind to its oxygen more ten- aciously, so that it does not give it up to the tissues readily. The variables that determine the quantity of carbon monoxide taken up by the blood are: the concentration of the carbon monoxide, the duration of exposure, and the degree of activity of the individual. Obviously, the first two need no explanation. There is a more rapid absorp- tion of carbon monoxide, with an increased respiratory and circulatory rate, from increased activity. The initial effects of carbon monoxide poison- ing are produced by the developing anoxia. These are insidious and consist primarily of inattention, reduced concentration, slight mus- cular incoordination, and sleepiness. While these symptoms are not permanently injurious to health, they are dangerous to flying person- nel and may result in serious accidents. Head- ache is the most prominent symptom up to 30 percent concentration, and beyond 30 percent concentration the impairment of behavior is generally quite extreme. Symptoms: Percent COHb: 0-10—No subjective symptoms. Visual im- pairment by objective tests. 10-20—Tightness across forehead, slight head- ache, dilatation of cutaneous blood vessels. 20-30—Headache with throbbing in temples. 30-40—Severe headache, weakness, dizziness, dimness of vision, nausea and vomiting, col- lapse. 40-50—Same as preceding, but more severe. 50-60—Loss of consciousness, irregular res- piration, rapid pulse, coma, with intermittent convulsions. 60-80—Coma, convulsions, depressed heart ac- tion, respiratory failure, and death. Under normal conditions the time required to reduce the carbon monoxide in the blood is a matter of hours. In a man at rest, the average time for the percent of carboxyhemoglobin to fall one-half its value is 4 hours. Breathing pure oxygen reduces the time from 4 hours to 40 minutes. Combining 5 percent of carbon dioxide with the oxygen produces an even more rapid elimination of carbon monoxide because of its stimulation to respiration. Rate of carbon monoxide elimination at sea level. 30 to 25 percent 1 hour 25 to 20 percent 20 to 15 percent 2 hours 15 to 10 percent 10 to 5 percent 3-5 hours 30 to 5 percent Flight crews who suspect the presence of carbon monoxide or any exhaust gases should 32 Chapter 2. —THE PROBLEM OF REDUCED BAROMETRIC PRESSURES breathe 100 percent oxygen by turning off the diluter-demand feature in their oxygen equip- ment. The maximum allowable limits of carbon monoxide in aircraft has varied in the Navy from .002 percent to .01 percent, depending upon the wartime exigencies. Most physiolo- gists agree that the maximum should never ex- ceed .0025 percent. Since carbon monoxide does nothing but harm to the body, 0 percent is the ideal maximum. Other harmful noxious gases present in avia- tion are: 1. The vapors from oil after contact with heated parts of the engine. These may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract and result in headache, nausea, and vomiting. 2. Hydraulic fluids sprayed from breaks in lines may cause similar symptoms, 3. Gasoline vapors absorbed through the lungs may effect the nervous system in a man- ner similar to alcohol, 4. The exhaust gases from jet assisted take- off units contain carbon monoxide and a fairly large percentage of hydrochloric acid. The elimination of noxious gases as a danger- ous factor in aviation may be outlined as fol- lows : 1. Aircraft designed so that exhaust gases do not enter the cockpit or cabin. 2. A system of regular inspections for breaks in firewalls, exhaust heaters, gasoline heaters, etc. 3. The training of flight personnel to realize the possibilities of exhaust contamination, and the instruction of flight personnel to put on their oxygen equipment, with the diluter off, immediately upon suspecting such contamina- tion. PRESSURIZED EQUIPMENT AND EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION In present-day and future aircraft design the intention is to attain altitudes in excess of 43,000 feet. If human beings are to fly in aircraft at such altitudes, they will need addi- tional protection from decompression. The na- ture of the protection to be afforded centers around the application of increased air pres- sure in the immediate environment of the human being. Devices for such protection are pressurization of the cabin or cockpit in which the individual flies or a pressurized suit. By the use of such devices, it is possible to maintain pressures higher than the ambient atmospheric pressures found above 43,000 feet. If the cabin, cockpit, or suit is pressurized to the extent that the environmental pressure about the human being is equal to an altitude of less than 10,000 feet, extra oxygen is not necessary. If the pressures are less than that corresponding to an altitude of 10,000 feet and range from 10,000 to 43,000 feet, then extra oxygen must be supplied and precautions taken against the occurrence of decompression illness. In the construction of an aircraft the instal- lation of a positive pressure cabin or cockpit entails added weight to the aircraft and numer- ous technical difficulties in design and con- struction. This added weight may modify the performance of aircraft both in its duration of flight and performance during flight. The seal for the cabin or cockpit must be such that the pressurizing equipment will be able to maintain given pressure and ventilate such spaces at a proper rate. There is always the danger of a large leak, produced by damage to the seal of the compartment, which makes it impossible for the pressure to be maintained. A sudden loss of pressure results in a change of baromet- ric pressure to the individual which is spoken of as explosive decompression. Such a rapid decompression may result in serious symptoms if it covers a fairly wide range of pressure. The dangers of explosive decompression in- volve the areas of the body in which there are large quantities of air. These areas are the intestinal tract, the lungs, the sinuses, and the middle ear cavity. Since the middle ear and the sinus cavities have free access to open air, little if any injury would result in these areas. If the glottis is open and the individual is breathing in the expiratory phase of respira- tion, the expanding lung air as a result of sudden decompression would vent itself easily to the outside. However, in the inspiratory phase of respiration, or with the glottis closed, serious damage might result to the parenchyma of the lung by the sudden expansion of the intrapulmonary air. The sudden expansion of intestinal gas might be painful and produce 33 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE a shock-like reaction if the individual was un- able to permit the escape of the expanding gas. There might also be a sudden thrust against the diaphragm, pushing it upward (simulating a sudden violent expiratory effort). Since the expansion of the air in the lungs would simulate a sudden violent inspiratory effort, these two conflicting events would bring about apnea. If one is suffering from lack of oxygen during such an explosive decompression, the superimposed apnea would increase the anoxia. Actually the hazards of explosive de- compression are not great, and in experiments with human beings as well as with animals, explosive decompression from sea level or a low altitude to a pressure altitude of 50,000 and 60.- 000 feet has been well tolerated as long as 100 percent oxygen under pressure is furnished to the individual. If aviators are to be safeguarded against anoxia as a result of explosive decompression, aircraft should have available for the use of occupants pressure-breathing oxygen equip- ment or pressure suits in the event of such decompression. Such devices would safeguard the individual and bring about a greater chance of survival at altitudes in excess of 43,000 feet, should cabin or cockpit pressure be lost. To maintain the pressure in pressurized cab- ins, and at the same time to provide fresh air for ventilation, the usual procedure is to pump air into the cabin continuously and allow the excess to escape through a valve. This valve is set to open only when the internal pressure— or when the difference between internal and external pressure — reaches a predetermined level. The amount of air pumped per minute then depends on the requirements for ventila- tion. In a closed space, such as exists under these circumstances, it is important that the condi- tioning of the air be adequate for physiological efficiency. If a system such as that described above, (in which air is continually pumped in and allowed to escape), is used the volume of air needed per minute depends mainly on the quantity required for maintaining proper hu- midity. This requirement is greatly in excess of the ventilation needed to compensate for the rate at which oxygen is used up, or to wash out carbon dioxide, cabin and body odors, and so forth. The inlets for air to the pumps must be carefully placed to avoid contamination with carbon monoxide from engine exhaust gas. QUESTIONS The following review questions on problems of re- duced barometric pressures should be helpful: 1. What are the physical characteristics of the at- mosphere that limit flying to relatively low altitudes ? 2. Explain Boyle’s Law. Dalton’s Law. 3. Outline the symptomatology encountered in the relative stages of anoxia at 10,000, 15,000, 25,000 feet. 4. What are the limits of positive pressure measured in inches of water which may be applied to the lungs of the average young adult and how much added ceiling will this pressure give him? 5. Explain the problem of free gas expansion in the body at altitude. 6. How may disability due to free gas expansion be avoided ? 7. Above what altitude is aeroembolism a major physiological factor? 8. Explain preoxygenation for aeroembolism pro- phylaxis. 9. Explain the principle of the diluter-demand oxy- gen regulator, 10. Why does anoxia become progressive even when 100 percent oxygen is used above 34,000 feet ? 11. What is the temperature in the stratosphere and above ? What is the rate of progressive decrease in temperature ascending above sea level ? 12. What are the two types of cold weather clothing used in naval aviation ? 13. Explain why carbon monoxide is a danger in aviation ? 14. What is the desired maximum allowable limit in carbon monoxide concentration in aircraft? 15. Describe a pressure cabin. 16. What is the major danger to personnel in ex- plosive decompression to 50,000 feet? BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Principles and Practice of Aviation Medicine. Armstrong. 2. Human Factors in Air Transport Design. McFar- land. 3. Anoxia; Its Effect on the Body. VanLiere. 4. Compendium of Aviation Medicine. Ruff and Strughold. 5. Naval aircraft oxygen equipment handbooks and publications. 34 CHAPTER 3 THE PROBLEM OF ACCELERATION * The term acceleration as applied to aviation medicine requires the consideration of several factors, including the kind of acceleration, its magnitude, duration, and direction. The kinds of acceleration are linear, radial, and angular. Linear accelerations of greatest concern to aviation medicine are of very short duration and high magnitude, as evidenced in aircraft crashes. Radial accelerations are encountered in the turning and maneuvering of aircraft or in the tumbling of ejection seats or capsules upon re- lease from the aircraft. Radial accelerations are of lesser magnitude generally, of longer duration, and are of interest principally be- cause of the effect of the resultant forces on the fluid elements of the body. In this connec- tion, the position of the pilot’s body is very important and the terms positive, negative, and transverse are used respectively to designate whether the force is acting from head to foot, from foot to head, or at right angles to the long axis of the body. Angular accelerations are of low degree and long duration and involve rotation about the long axis of the body, with resultant stimula- tion of the vestibular system; thus, they may confuse and disorient the pilot. To understand the physiological effects of acceleration, and thereby the accelerative stresses developed in aviation, a brief review •of the physics of acceleration is of value, ft Velocity (V) = —1. As long as V is uni- sec. form no apparent changes are developed within the body. This is best demonstrated by the fact that as a part of the earth we, as individuals, travel through space around the sun at about 18 miles per second. In so doing we experience no particular sensations referable to such trav- el. Acceleration, by definition, is a change in velocity. Since velocity, however, is a vector quantity, this change may be one either of magnitude, or speed, or direction. For a body in constant motion, acceleration either in speed or direction requires the application of a force to the body. In its simplest form this force may be defined as F — mx their failure to conduct research in the air; and (4) their failure to develop trustworthy methods for rating or measuring flight performance so that the value of tests in selecting aviators could be determined. Where tests had been used there had been too much dependence upon their “reasonableness,” upon what is sometimes called face validity, and there had been a parallel failure to de- termine experimentally the actual value of these tests in selecting flyers. To quote further: “By 1941, when the United States entered World War II, a well-organized program of aeronautics research was under way, and there * Prepared by Cdr. Alan D. Grinsted, MSC, USN. 125 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE were at least 100 psychologists who had ob- tained direct experience in such research. This development was largely traceable to the sup- port given since 1939 to psychological research in aviation by a Federal agency, the Civil Aero- nautics Authority (now called the Civil Aero- nautics Administration). “In the fall of 1939 this authority embarked on a program of training 10,000 civilian pilots, chiefly among the undergraduate personnel of American colleges and universities, as part of a wide-scale effort to develop the light plane industry by encouraging private flying. Through the efforts of its director of Research, Dean R. Brimhall, a fund was set aside for psycho- logical research in the selection and training of civilian aircraft pilots. This fund, increased as the civilian pilot training program expanded, was allocated to the National Research Council, which established a Committee on Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots to plan and super- vise research. Included in this was an executive subcommittee of psychologists and representa- tives from aviation medicine, civilian flying as- sociations, air arms of the services, and com- mercial air lines. , . . “The research program of this committee naturally included the selection and classifica- tion of pilots. However, from the beginning, the importance of training problems was rec- ognized, and attention directed at once towards the investigation of the learning processes and of other factors involved in the acquisition of pilot skill. Rating scale technique and litho- graphic and photographic methods of recording were developed, the aim being to procure reli- able measures of pilot performance during flight. Problems of tension and fatigue, the ef- fects and treatment of motion sicknesses, and similar maintenance problems were likewise investigated. Moreover, these problems were studied, not alone in the laboratory, but in the cockpit of the plane under actual flight condi- tions. . . . Such investigations produced signifi- cant findings which were employed in connec- tion with the military effort during World War II.” The program thus described represented the first really comprehensive and systematic ap- proach in this country to problems of aviation psychology. Not only was the scope broadened to embrace the training and maintenance of flyers as well as their selection; the program also stressed for the first time the need for reliable measures of flight performance, investi- gations under actual flight conditions, and ex- periments to determine the validity of tests of flight performance. There was an attempt to overcome these faults in the program launched in 1939, conducted by cooperating psychologists under the general direction of the Committee on Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots. To a large extent Navy aviation psychology originated in work sponsored by this committee as a part of this program. Many of the civilian investigators eventually accepted naval com- missions, and the work expanded as the pres- sure of the war emergency increased. However, naval psychology, as related to medicine, was not limited to activities concerning aviation, as is apparent when Jenkins states as follows: “More than 200 psychologists were commis- sioned under the auspices of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, divided approximately equally between programs in neuro-psychiatry and aviation psychology. . . . The program of commissioning psychologists was begun in the Navy as early as July of 1940, followed by calls to active duty in that same year.” At first a few psychologists had been pro- cured for assignment to training facilities under the conviction that they could be of help in giving tests “and in other ways.” The test program had been developed; the “other ways” represented the conviction that psychologists, since they dealt with human nature, must be able to do something besides administer tests. As indicated in the quotation above, they were used in two major programs and found im- portant roles in both. We are here concerned primarily with psychology in aviation medicine, and no attempt will be made to review the work of those in the neuropsychiatric program. Nevertheless, the clinical aspects of the psy- chologists’ contribution cannot be entirely ignored, for the aviation psychologist spent much of his time as a counselor to the student aviators, and his work in many ways supple- mented that of the flight surgeon. In fact, in many activities shortage of medical personnel made it necessary that the services of the stu- 126 Chapter 7.—AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY dent advisory officer, as the psychologist was often called, be utilized in functions that would otherwise have fallen to a neuropsychiatrist. Consequently, the psychologists who were first procured with the vaguely formulated idea that they could help with selection “and other things” had, by the end of the war, been as- signed a fairly definite role in the program for training flight personnel, which role included some clinical counseling of individuals in addi- tion to duties more specifically related to train- ing problems and research. In order to understand the role that the psy- chologist has played in aviation medicine, it is probably necessary to consider, at least briefly, the background of psychology as a science, and some of the problems it has had to face. In the first place it is young as sciences go. Eighty years ago there was as yet no such thing as a psychology laboratory. Psychology was, in both the academic and popular sense, a fit sub- ject for armchair dreaming. Even today there are still some small colleges who teach some- thing they call psychology in their philosophy departments. Psychology has only just suc- ceeded in finding recognition as a science. Then, in the second place, psychology has suffered from a certain unwanted popularity. Simply because it concerns itself with prob- lems of human nature, everyone who has ever felt curious about his fellow humans feels justi- fied in thinking of himself as a pschologist of a sort. Furthermore, this natural interest has been exploited by popular writers, fortunetel- lers, mind readers, and many others who have found profit is claiming a right to the title “psychologist.” The loose use of the words “psychology” and “psychologist” has done much to confuse the average person regarding their true meaning. The consequence of these problems has been that the scientific psychologist has been rather more inclined than he might otherwise have been to put heavy emphasis upon strict adher- ence to the scientific method. In addition, the very nature of his subject matter has been such as to cause him to analyze himself and his own methods. Knowing something of the frailties of human beings he has tended to be unusually skeptical of those who make gen- eralizations about human data, even to the point of being skeptical about himself, his own observations, and his own results. He knows that no one individual can ever expect others to interpret the universe just as he does. He also knows that he can never assume that his interpretation is any more certain to be cor- rect than that of another person unless he makes use of many and crucial checks on what he perceives. In order to avoid giving cause to any who might confuse him with the arm- chair theorist or the fortunetellers and others who make false claims to an understanding of their fellow humans, the scientific psychologist has disciplined himself rigorously in adherence to scientific procedure and has forged ahead in the shaping of tools and techniques for the ac- curate measurement and controlled manipula- tion of data concerning problems of human be- havior. Thus it is that in the relatively new and fast- growing field of aviation medicine psychologists have found a welcome. The clinically-trained man of medicine found his interest in and knowledge of human problems neatly supple- mented by the trained psychologist’s interest in and technique for inquiring into some of those problems. Psychologists who at first were procured to help administer tests and “other things” found themselves, by the end of World War II, working with problems in many fields. Their acceptance into the naval aviation medi- cine family was finally signalized by the crea- tion of regular Navy billets for psychologists in 1947, and training in the scientific applica- tion of psychological techniques has become a regular part of the training of the naval flight surgeon. WHAT IS SCIENTIFIC PSYCHOLOGY? The movies and radio have created in the popular mind the idea that all a person needs to do to be a scientist is to don a white coat and stand behind a table covered with test tubes and beakers. Few people seem to take the time to try to analyze the meaning of the word science which is so commonly used and so often misused. What is science? Is it a white coat? A set of instruments? A body of knowledge? Science is much more than these. It is, first and fore- 127 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE most, a way of searching for the truth. It is a method, a type of approach to problems, and it is fundamentally the same whether used by the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the physicist, the physiologist, or the psycholo- gist. It is a method of investigation, and he who uses that method is a scientist. Science involves, first of all, the objective attitude. This attitude is that of the open mind. The scientist must train himself to view his data without bias or preconceived notions, and to concern himself more with the exactness of data and the validity of his conclusions than with any possible personal value so far as he is concerned. For the true scientist must be im- personal and skeptical, even toward himself. The non-scientific observer often finds this a very hard attitude to maintain. When one is dealing with persons, it is difficult to be im- personal. And when you are one of those per- sons the difficulty is multiplied. The easy way is always to accept the traditional or popular notions. “Common sense” so often furnishes a “reasonable” answer! And yet “common sense” has led to many false answers and has long lulled mankind into complacent acceptance of ignorance that might easily have been dis- pelled by a little skepticism leading to experi- mentation. Folks might still be blaming malaria on the dampness of the night air if it weren’t for a little healthy skepticism. Yes, the scientist must dare to doubt the ready answers of tradition and ancient author- ity. He must have uppermost in his mind the questions, “What is the evidence? How do I know this to be true?” In addition, he must also ask himself these questions about his own conclusions. He must be able to recognize valid evidence when he meets it and know how to remove the disguise from the phoney “facts” that sometimes slip by with the appearance of truth. In order to do this he cannot always trust his own observa- tions. He knows that two people seeing the same thing often report quite differently on what they see. So, he doubts his own observa- tions. That means that he is forced to resort to various techniques that will make it possible for others to check his results. He must ob- jectify his data and, if possible, gather his in- formation in such concrete form that no one can say, “That’s just what you think.” Of course, objectivity is relative. A certain amount of subjective judgment is inevitable, if only in the interpretation of our objectively gathered data. In some psychological or physio- logical experimentation the subjective judg- ments play such an important role that it is necessary that the scientist compare many ob- servations. His own observations will vary with themselves, observations between observ- ers will vary, and variation will occur even in the conditions observed. The only answer is found in numerous observations systematically controlled. Finally, the scientist must adhere to certain rules of the game. One of the rules is that he must be logical. Perhaps he need not have studied formal courses in logic, but if he as- sumes that all redheads make good pilots be- cause he once knew a redhead who was a high- flyer, he is not likely to contribute much to the world of science. To be a scientist, a man must think clearly, state his problems in a meaning- ful way, and then follow the so-called scientific method. This procedure has four steps: First, there is the accumulation of existing data or evidence; second comes the classification of this evidence in orderly fashion; third, the scientist draws a generalization (and this is where the ancient philosopher used to stop, thinking that he had arrived at the truth; modern loose thinkers like to stop here, too—it often saves them from changing their opinions) ; and fourth, the scientist, recognizing his generaliza- tion as being only a hypothesis (a good guess), proceeds to put it to every conceivable test to discover its truth or determine its limitations. This last step is crucial. Without it there is no true science. The way in which a scientist tests his hypo- theses varies with the circumstances. The ideal method is the experiment in which quantitative measurements are obtained under conditions so carefully controlled that a repetition of the ex- periment in the same manner by another scien- tist can be expected to yield the same data. Scientific method in aviation psychology is in no sense different from scientific method ap- plied to aviation medicine as a whole. Actual experimentation is the ideal method of verify- ing our hypotheses, but is not always practi- 128 Chapter 7. —AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY cable when dealing with human beings. Much successful experimentation has been done, es- pecially in the sensory fields as they are affected by conditions of flight. Problems surrounding the states known to aviators as vertigo furnish a neat illustration of the kind of psychological experimentation that has been profitably car- ried on in the past and that is continuing. As a result of the strict application of scientifically controlled procedures, more and more light is being thrown into this no man’s land of fears surrounding disorientation, autokinesis, and kindred perceptual confusions attendant upon the pilot “lost” in space. The primary difficulty in any scientific ap- proach to psychological problems has always been to find means of obtaining accurate meas- urement of the variables under consideration. How dizzy is a pilot after two slow rolls? As dizzy as the blonde next door? How can you tell? Or, how hot is a “hot pilot”? Can you figure a way to measure this kind of heat? Well, there are plenty of measurements that we would like to get that are so far inacces- sible. Nevertheless, much headway has been made in the measurement of many character- istics of the human individual who was con- sidered a few decades ago to be beyond the reach of any scientific yardstick. Navy psy- chologists have not yet figured out how to meas- ure accurately the feelings of a man who falls from a plane without a parachute, but by use of tests, that have been developed, they can name the odds on a man’s chances of passing flight training. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES If the Navy receives delivery of a thousand new airplanes of a certain type we may be rea- sonably sure that they will be uniform in con- struction and ability to perform. But to find the pilots who are able to fly these planes with satisfactory and uniform degrees of skill pre- sents a major problem. That identical machines vary in production when under different opera- tors has long been recognized in industry. Folks differ by nature as well as training, and of two workers on the same job, one may be found two or three times as efficient and productive as the other. A job that is boring to one worker may prove satisfactory to another and too difficult for a third. Consequently, the industrial world is placing increasing emphasis on the placement of each individual on a job for which he is suited, both in ability and temperament. The Navy, likewise, has learned that many of the problems of aviation depend upon selection of the right man for the job, and probably no- where has recognition of individual differences paid higher dividends. The whole idea of scientific selection is based on the fact that no matter what charac- teristic of mankind we measure, the measure- ment obtained will be found to be distributed in the population according to a certain pat- tern. It doesn’t matter whether we measure physical traits like height or thickness of toe- nails, mental characteristics like intelligence or ability to memorize telephone numbers, person- ality traits, emotional stability or what have you; the resulting measurements are always found to be distributed in the population in the same general way. Suppose we have measured the heights of a large group of men. Now let us arrange the men in lines, standing all those of the same height in the same line. With these lines ar- ranged in order of height, the short men on the left and the tall men on the right, the columns would form an arrangement somewhat like Figure 7-1. If some measurement other than height had been obtained, the individuals would not fall in the same columns, but the pattern of the lines would be similar. As indicated, half the group falls in the middle range. These are the average or near-average individuals in regard to the trait measured. Measurements above and be- low this middle range are fewer and fewer, so that the lines become shorter and shorter as we move away from the average in either di- rection. We can picture the same thing by drawing a smooth curved line, such as would include the contour of the figure above. In such a graph the height of the curve at any point would represent the number of times the various measurements plotted on a baseline were found to occur in the group measured. This is an example of the normal probability curve for 129 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 7-7. individual differences. It is characterized by its bell shape, and is symmetrical about its center, which is the average or mean. Such a distribution curve is of value in many ways. Most important perhaps, is the fact that it enables us to judge the importance of a measurement or score in relation to other meas- urements or scores. For example, if we find that a certain man in a gun factory can turn out 100 parts per hour, the information is relatively meaningless until we find that this is better than 9 out of 10 men do, which fact indicates his superiority. Let us suppose that you need a crew of men to copy long lists of names and you have 100 men to choose from. In order to get those who can do the job the fastest, you have each write Wadek Gyzinski and time him as he writes. When you have timed all 100 men, you may well find yourself with a very confusing accumula- tion of figures. In order to analyze such numerical data adequately, you will do well to systematize it in the form of a frequency distribution. With all of your time records converted to the nearest number of whole seconds, you might get some- thing like Figure 7-1. Score (Number of sec- onds required to write Wadek Gy- zinski) Tallies (Each tally represents one man who took the cor- responding number of sec- onds to write Wadek Gy- zinski) Frequency (The number of men who took the correspond- ing number of seconds to write Wadek Gyzinski) 3 1 1 4 mi 4 5 im im im jm mi 24 6 M mi im im im im im i 36 7 im im am im mf in 28 8 im i 6 9 i 1 N = 100 130 Chapter 7. —AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY Such a frequency distribution makes it easy to draw a graph of the results, with the scores arranged along the horizontal axis (abscissa) button is usually treated as normal in making computations, however, unless the skewness is extreme. Such extremely skewed distributions have a noticeable “tail” when pictured in a graph. This is because of a few atypically high or low scores. If unusually low scores oc- cur at the left, the distribution is negatively skewed; if at the right the distribution is posi- tively skewed. Our distribution above is not noticeably skewed. Now suppose it is desirable to represent the above data in a sort of simple shorthand. Then a measure of central tendency will give the typical performance of the group. The meas- ure of central tendency most often used is the arithmetic mean or common average. It is obtained by adding all the scores in the series and dividing by the number of scores. Thus, if we add all the scores made by the men writing Wadek Gyzinski, we find that it took the 100 men a total of 608 seconds, which gives us an arithmetic mean of 6.08 sec. In common par- lance, it took the average man 6.08 seconds to write Wadek Gyzinski, This method of com- puting the mean can be used satisfactorily when there are only a few scores. However, a shorter method is available for computing the mean from large numbers of data grouped into fre- quency tables. Another measure of central tendency is the median. When the measurements are arranged in order of size, the median is the point that divides the series of scores into two equal groups. It may be the middlemost case or it may be a score that lies half way between the two middlemost scores. The median of our distribution would be 6.58 seconds, which can also be computed from the frequency distribu- tion. One other measure of central tendency occasionally used is the score occurring most frequently, and this is called the mode of the distribution. The mode of our distribution is six seconds. Distribution may also be bimodal, with two points of high frequency; or mul- timodal, with many such points. Each of these measures of central tendency has its place. Wherever accuracy is important, and if it is not misleading, the mean should be used. Extreme scores, however, may be such as to render the mean a poor measure of cen- tral tendency. For example, if in our illustra- Figure 7-2. and the frequency with which each score oc- curs indicated on the vertical axis (ordinate). In this case there are 100 subjects, so that the vertical axis gives us both the number and percentage of men for each score. A graph in terms of percentage is often useful. If we had a large number of cases, our fre- quency polygon might be expected to approach the shape of a normal probability curve. Such curves are determined by so many factors that they are sometimes called curves of chance. In- deed, even the number of heads turned up when 10 coins are tossed many thousands of times will arrange themselves in approximate ac- cordance with the normal probability curve or curve of chance. Of course, the perfect sym- metry of the normal probability curve is never actually attained, although there may be a close approximation to it. Sometimes, on the other hand, the distribution is skewed; that is, the scores are more numerous above than below the peak of the curve or vice versa. The distri- 131 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE tion mentioned above, one man with an emo- tional disturbance kept trying for three hours before he succeeded in writing Wadek Gyzinski, inclusion of his time in our calculations would give us a mean of nearly 8 seconds, a grossly misrepresentative figure. On the other hand, the median would not have been greatly affected by such an extreme case. The median is usually more representative than the mean when there are few scores in the distribution, and particu- larly when atypical measures are included. It also has the advantage that it is easily com- puted. The mode also can be arrived at easily by inspection of the frequency distribution or a graph, but it is a crude measure, useful as a rule only for making a quick appraisal of the central tendency of the distribution. Unfortunately, it is often not enough that we know the central tendency of a distribution. Two distributions may have exactly the same mean and yet be very different. A much clearer picture of a distribution is obtained when the average is stated along with some measure of dispersion or scatter of the measures about that average. For example, in our illustration above, if we know only that the average man took 6.08 seconds to write Wadek Gyzinski, we do not know whether all 100 men took the same length of time or to what extent some were faster than others. The most easily understood measure of such variability is the range of distribution, which is simply the distance between the highest and lowest score (six seconds in our illustration). Where statistical detail is desired, however, the range tells too little about the pattern of the distributed scores. Another and infrequently used measure of variability is the mean deviation or average deviation which is obtained by calculating the amount by which each score deviates from the mean, then adding all the deviations, and find- ing their average. There are mathematical ob- jections to the use of this measure. The standard deviation is the most commonly used and most accurate. It is obtained by find- ing the square root of the mean of the squared deviations taken from the arithmetic mean of the distribution. In large distributions the nec- essary processes involved here would be long and tedious. However, simpler, short-cut meth- ods have been evolved for arriving at the same answer. (The probable error is a similar meas- ure being used less and less). The standard deviation (SD) or o tells us to what extent the scores in a distribution deviate from the mean; or to put it another way, it shows how near the mean is to being typical of all the scores. The smaller the S.D., the more typical is the mean, because the size of the S. D. is reduced as the scores cluster closer, and it becomes larger as the scatter of the scores increases. The S. D. also serves another useful purpose; it furnishes us with a means of stating the posi- tion of any given measurement or score in re- lation to its fellows. With a knowledge of the mean, we can say that such and such a score is above average or is below average. But, how much? A knowledge of nothing but the mean will enable us to tell almost nothing about the extent of deviation of any particular score. The standard deviation furnishes us with a scale for measuring such deviation through the calculation of what are known as standard scores (also called z-scores). The standard score is simply a statement of the deviation of a given score from the mean of the distribution expressed in S. D. units. If, for example, a score of 165 occurs in a distribution with a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 30, this score may be said to fall 0.5 units above the mean. This (0.5) is, then, the standard score equivalent for the “raw” score of 165, and is calculated simply by subtracting alge- braically the mean from the raw score and di- viding by the standard deviation. If the raw score is below the mean, this is indicated by the use of a minus sign. The use of the z-score enables us not only to state more clearly the position of any score within a distribution, but also makes it pos- sible for us to compare a man’s standing in various measures and equitably combine sepa- rate measures into a composite score, which combination would have been statistically un- desirable, using raw scores alone. The z-score also makes it possible for us to make a more nearly accurate comparison between the per- formances of two men where the tests for the two men are similar but not the same. This latter use is sometimes practically necessary al- 132 Chapter 7.—AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY though inadvisable, and can be employed only where the tests have given to comparable popu- lations. For example, we may wish to know which of two men is the faster on a job of as- sembling small gun parts, but while they do similar assembly work, they work in different departments and the jobs they do are not identical. In such a case, we may know that Jones produces 57 units per hour on his job and Smith produces 79 units per hour on a slightly different type of assembly job. Since the jobs are not just the same, we cannot assume that Smith is the faster worker. Here, then, z-scores may prove helpful. If we know the average rate of production on both jobs and the standard deviations, we can calculate the z-scores, and we may find that Smith’s standard score is only 1.2, whereas Jone’s score is 2.0, indicating that in comparison to others doing similar work, Jones is the faster The z-score, therefore, has many important uses. It is impossible here to go into great detail concerning statistical procedure in use in avia- tion psychology today, but some understanding of the concepts employed may be gathered from the discussion presented here. SELECTION* Two men want to enlist in the Navy. They are both healthy looking 18-year-olds, both enthusiastic about leading the Navy life. They both have good ears, good eyes, good teeth, and good hearts. But when they take one of the Navy’s paper-and-pencil tests, one passes, one fails. The one who fails is turned down. He cannot get into the Navy because he cannot answer a few questions on a sheet of paper. Twenty-five years ago this sort of procedure would have seemed the height of foolishness to many seasoned fighting men. Even today there are people to whom paper and pencil tests con- stitute adequate cause for a raise in blood pressure. But such tests are now standard Navy procedure and will likely remain so. Psy- chological tests have proved their usefulness. The fact that a man fails to make certain marks at the right time at the right place on the right sheet of paper means that he will not be accepted for general Navy training. What sort of justification is there for such a procedure? How does it make sense that we turn down a likely looking future navigator or gunner or radioman or aviator because he can’t answer a few questions? We have seen how men differ. Even if all men were born equal, they would get over it almost immediately. Every man differs from every other man. Every man has his own pat- tern of abilities, aptitudes and traits. That basic fact is fifty percent of the justification for selection. The other half of the justification is found in the differences among jobs. Jobs differ among themselves probably just as much as do individuals. Each job demands its particular sort of muscular movements, its particular sort of sensory keenness, of perception, of coordina- tion, of endurance, of intelligence. Modern industry and modern warfare are highly specialized activities. Neither in the armed forces nor in civilian production can we gain personnel efficiency without doing a decent job of finding specialized men to do these spec- ialized jobs. Perhaps any man can be taught to operate sonar, to make precise judgments about the time, pitch and loudness of sounds, to tell the differences between neutral flounders and enemy cruisers. But when one man is gifted with unusual ears, and this job can use unusual ears, it is wasteful not to get the job and the ears together. The man with the high quality ears will be likely to learn sonar skills sooner, likely to out-perform the man who lacks the basic auditory abilities. Once you have decided on selection, your selection pays off in proportion to your choosi- ness. If you have a large number of applicants and a selection procedure that is known to measure their potential usefulness for the job, the way to get the best performance, obviously enough, is to select only the very best men. The AAF conducted an unusual experiment during the war to show just how this economic factor works.** The AAF had a systematic and extensive program for selecting pilots. Before a man was * This section has been condensed and adapted from Naval Leadership, Book II: Psychology for Naval Leaders, Ch. VI, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1948. ** From a report entitled Stanines, selection and classification for air crew duty prepared by: The Aviation Psychology Program, Office of the Air Surgeon, Headquarters, Army Air Forces. 133 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE accepted for training he had to pass medical, psychiatric, and psychological examinations. To check on the economy and effectiveness of this program after it had been set up, the AAF people let one thousand unscreened youngsters into their training program. This group had to meet the minimal medical requirements, but otherwise the group was composed merely of a thousand young men who wanted to fly. These aspirants were mixed in with the normal AAF trainees and given the same course of prepara- tion for flying. Careful records were kept, and this group was compared with groups that had been given the works — medical, psychiatric, and psychological examinations — and who had been allowed to go on to flight training only if they met certain standards. A good number of the unselected men suc- ceeded in winning their wings. But their train- ing was expensive business. The results showed that for each hundred of them who got through training, 297 of them fell by the wayside. So, to end up with 100 pilots, 397 men had to be entered into training. These men dropped out at various stages. Let’s say the average washout was dropped halfway through his training, and let us suppose that it costs $25,- 000 to train a pilot. On the basis of these assumptions, the cost of producing 100 pilots from this unselected group would be $6,202,- 500. Each pilot from this group would cost, then, $62,125. A second group was admitted to flight train- ing on the basis of (1) passing a psychiatric check, (2) making slightly below average scores on the AAF qualifying exam, and (3) making average scores on the AAF battery of aviation-selection tests. The results for this group show that for every 100 successes there were only 102 failures. To get 100 pilots, 202 men must be started in training. Using the above assumptions about cost, the total ex- penditure for 100 pilots in this group was $3,- 775,000, This gives a figure of $37,750 per pilot. A third group was more highly selected. They (a) passed the psychiatric exam, (b) obtained a slightly below average score on the AAF qualifying exam, and (c) obtained better• than average scores on the pilot-selection ex- amination. The results on such a group show that for each hundred men getting their wings only 56 wash out. This means that the training of a hundred pilots costs $3,200,000. or $32,000 a pilot. This represents a hypothetical saving, as compared with the first groups, of $3,012,500 per hundred pilots, or $30,125 per pilot. When you multiply the latter figure by the number of pilots in the AAF during the war, the total is something quite impressive even in an age when a billion dollars does not particularly im- press the taxpayer. MEASURING MAN'S ABILITIES There have been many techniques for “know- ing” men. Obviously enough, one good way to see whether a man can do a job is to watch him do it for a few years. His performance will give the best evidence as to what his even- tual performance will be like. But this proce- dure of getting a sample of work has serious drawbacks. In the first place it takes time. In the second place, it is often dangerous and ex- pensive to let an inexperienced man try his hand at running an intricate machine — like a $100,000 airplane or a 16-inch gun. In the third place, the sample of work tells only about present performance. It does not give clear information about how good the man will be after a period of training. We need a procedure that (a) does not take much time, (b) that is not expensive or danger- ous, and (c) that enables us to predict future performance. Aptitude tests, now available in many forms and for many purposes, meet all three criteria for a good selection procedure. They do not take much time. They are not dangerous (ex- cept when badly administered or interpreted). They are economical. And, when properly used, they allow a prediction about what we are most interested in — the future. At the beginning of World War II a group of psychologists undertook the job of building tests that would select naval aviators. The first step these men took was that of learning at first hand what a naval aviator had to do. They investigated the cadet’s ground school courses, poked into the things the aviator needs to know about navigation, communication, aerology and engineering. They studied the flyer’s move- 134 Chapter 7. — AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY ments while in a plane, observing the number and variety of his coordinations, the number and variety of things he has to attend to, and how rapidly he must learn new ideas and new skills. All this intimate knowledge of the job served to give the psychologists hunches about what sort of measurable abilities and interests might differentiate — in advance — between the suc- cessful and the unsuccessful flight trainees. When hundreds of such hunches are combined with information gathered in previous research and are combined with the ideas of experienced pilots, the basic raw material of the test is at hand. Suppose our hunches led us to think that the following two questions would help in selecting men for aviation training: 1. Which one of the following planes has two motors? a. The spitfire. b. The Hurricane. c. The Lightning. d. The Typhoon. e. The Kittyhawk. 2. The speed of outboard motors is often controlled by: a. Changing the pitch of the propeller blades. b. Advancing or retarding the spark. c. Changing the angle of the propeller on the stern post. d. Raising or lowering the propeller. e. Loosening or tightening a brake on the flywheel. The correct answer to the first question is “c.” The correct answer for the second is “b.” Our problem now is to see, by actual experi- mental trial, whether these and hundreds of similar questions are answered any more cor- rectly by successful then by unsuccessful avia- tors. So we give our hundreds of questions to a thousand applicants for flight training. We record their answers and file the papers away for a few months. When flight training is com- plete, let’s say that five hundred of our cadets had won their wings and five hundred had washed out into gunnery school at Great Lakes. We now have a way to see which of our ques- tions have something to do with aptitude for flying. If the successful flyers answer a ques- tion one way and the washouts answer it an- other, the question is clearly related in some way to a man’s chances of winning his wings. Take question No. 1, above. Let us say that of the 500 who passed flight training, 320 an- swered the question correctly, and of the 500 who failed, only 102 knew the right answer. The question looks like a good one to include in the test. If you bet that a man who knows the answer will get his wings, it looks like you have 320 chances out of 500 of winning. The man who does not know the answer is a longer shot. He has, if the odds hold up, only 102 chances out of 500 of winning his wings. Not all questions, based on hunches, turn out so fortunately. Let’s suppose that of our 500 who passed flight training 420 got the question right, and that of the 500 that failed, 415 knew the answer to the question. The question ob- viously does not do much to distinguish between passers and failers. We forget that question. It will do us no good at all. Just as with specific questions, the whole test must be put through its paces before we know how much good it will do us. Do people who make high scores in the test perform better on the job than do people who make low scores? Suppose we were required to find tests that would pick good machinists, that would tell us in advance the chances that any given man will do well in the machinists’ training and at machin- ists’ work. We may have to create our own test or tests for this job of selection. We would save a good deal of time, however, if we could use tests already constructed. The procedure would be to select available tests which seem likely to have something to do with being a good machinist. We may select a test of intelligence, a test of mechanical aptitude and a test of manual dexterity. Our hunches may say that these tests get at abilities the machinist needs. But before anyone can know whether these tests work, the tests must pass a test. Are scores on intelligence tests related to perfor- mance as a machinist? Does manual dexterity, as tested by our test, relate to the machinist’s performance? There is no way to answer these questions except to have a good look. We give our tests to a group of potential machinists, file the scores away, come back a year or so later, measure the machinists’ performance, 135 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE and compare the test scores with performance. If good performers got higher scores on any or all of our tests than did the poor performers, we have a potentially useful procedure for se- lecting machinists. VALIDITY When we talk about the relation between performance on a test and performance on a job, we are talking about the validity of the test. However good our items appear to be, however much sense the test or the battery of tests seem to make, we must always ask and answer the hardheaded questions, “Does the test do what it is supposed to do?” The validity of a test is a statement of the degree to which a test predicts (or measures) what it is sup- posed to predict or measure. The validity of a test (or battery of tests), the extent to which it does what it is supposed to do—is measured in terms of the relation between scores on the test and performance on the job. If all men who make high scores on a mechanical aptitude test have good records of performance as machinists, and low scores go with poor performance, the test obviously has, for the purpose of selecting machinists, good validity. If high scoring men and low scoring men do equally well on the job, the test has no validity and hence is useless for this sort of selection. It is important for many reasons to know precisely how valid a test is. It is necessary to determine the exact relation between scores on the test and actual performance on the job. This means we must not only score the test quantitatively, but we must find some way of measuring performance. The latter problem is often a difficult one. Human performance is hard to measure, particularly on intricate jobs. The problem of measuring performance is the problem you will hear test-constructing people refer to as the “problem of criteria.” There must be a criterion of performance before we can measure the relation between our tests and what our test tests. If we want to see whether or not we have picked good machinists or gun- ners, we must have a way of recognizing a good machinist or gunner when we see one. And it would be better if we could measure precisely how good. Often it is necessary to say a ma- chinist is good, if he received high grades dur- ing training or if his supervisors on the job rate him as good. Sometimes we have to say a man is good if he passes his training course. In selecting naval aviators, for example, the good men were defined as those who passed training, the bad as those who failed. The aviation selection tests were evaluated in terms of their ability to pick men who passed and to reject men who failed in flight training. These tests were validated against a pass-fail criter- ion. Whether the criterion is a matter of rat- ings by competent judges, of grades received in training, of precise measurement of perform- ance, or of over-all passing or failing in train- ing, there must be a sound criterion or we will never be able to tell whether the test is doing the job. The relation between test scores and the criterion is stated in terms of coefficients of cor- relation (or coefficients of validity, when re- ferring specifically to problems of validation). CORRELATION There are several sorts of coefficients of cor- relation. But the principle is essentially the same for them all and can be illustrated by the simple rank-order correlation coefficient. Sup- pose fifty people took a college entrance exam- ination. And suppose the college grades for these fifty were also available. To obtain a measure of the relation between the test and the performance you would first rank the in- dividuals from 1 to 50 on the basis of their test scores, with the highest scorer being given a rank of 1; the second highest, 2; the third highest, 3; and so on. Then you can compare the rank of each individual in one list with his rank in the other. Now, if it turns out that the man who scores first on the test also scores first in grades, that the man who scores second on the test scores second on grades, and so on throughout, a perfect correspondence of rank maintaining for each person, we get a perfect positive correlation. If we were sure that such a correlation were not accidental, we could then predict from the test exactly what a man’s grade standing would be. If there were a perfect reversal of ranks, with the first man on one being fiftieth on the 136 Chapter 7.—AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY other, the second man on one being forty-ninth on the other and so on through the list, we would have a perfect negative correlation. A high score on the test would always mean a correspondingly low score in grades. The pre- diction would still be perfect but with a nega- tive sign. Such perfect correlations (expressed as co- efficients of plus 1.00 or minus 1.00) rarely happen. It is much more likely that the man who ranks first on the scholastic test would be near the top in academic grades, and that the man who scores at the bottom on the test would be near the bottom in grades. By some fairly simple computations, based on the differ- ences in rank for each individual, it is possible to reach a precise numerical description of the relatedness of the test scores and the grades. These coefficients of correlation are expressed in plus or minus decimals falling somewhere between plus 1.00 and minus 1.00. A coeffi- cient of .90 would indicate a high degree of relatedness, a good chance of predicting grades from test results. A coefficient of .60 would indicate a sizable relation, with definite but limited prediction, A coefficient around zero would mean that the test and grades have no relation and there is no way of predicting from the test what the man will do in the classroom. In actual experience with aptitude tests, a validity coefficient of .30 sometimes means the test can be useful. But the usefulness of the test increases as its validity goes up. A validity coefficient of .60 is considered good, one of .80 or above is generally regarded as excellent. There are many tests now in use which are still essentially unvalidated. Some have been validated against doubtful criteria. Often it is possible to defend unsatisfactory validated tests on the grounds that they are at least better than unguided intuitions. But we can never be cer- tain a test will do its job unless we have precise figures concerning its validity. THE VARIETY OF TESTS In the last 25 years psychologists have con- structed a wide variety of tests for a wide variety of purposes. There are a large number of intelligence tests; there are mechanical, musical, clerical, scientific and scholastic apti- tude tests; there are dexterity tests and tests of motor function; there are personality tests and interest tests. When confronted with the as- signment of selecting men for a specific job, the psychologist can often use a group of tests already available. For any specific job, how- ever, he must know in advance the precise re- lation between scores on any test he uses and performance in the job he is interested in. He can gain this knowledge only through a thorough investigation of the validity of the test for his particular criterion. It is not pos- sible to know how any test or battery of tests will work in a particular job of selection until the tests are tried out specifically in that job. THE ACTUARIAL NATURE OF SELECTION TESTS We have seen that a psychometric selection program cannot function unless there are more applicants for jobs than there are jobs. Tests always select from among. We saw also that tests generally select some men who are poor, who will fail, and eliminate some who would do well at the job. This is just another way of saying that no test or battery of tests has perfect validity. But usable tests have known validity. That means that we know when we use a test what betting odds we are fooling with. We know, given the test’s coefficient of validity, that, say, of the thousand men who make this particular score, 840 will give satis- factory performance on the job. And we know that of the thousand that score below a certain minimum, only 220 will perform satisfactorily on the job. Given such information we would have no doubt about which thousand we would hire or accept for enlistment or send to a spe- cial school. But test results do not give us the basis for making precise prediction about the single individual. Psychometric methods are actuarial methods. The insurance company never knows when any given policy-holder will die and become a drain on the company treasury. But the in- surance company still makes money by know- ing pretty precisely the life expectancy of all men, say, 25 years of age. They can bet that a certain small percentage will die this year, a certain percentage 10 years from now, a cer- tain percentage 50 years from now. They hope 137 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE any new policy holder will live to grandfatherly health, but they cannot predict anything about him except his chances. He has so many chances in one hundred of living to be 80, Psychometric tests work the same way. The individual who scores at a certain level on a certain test has, as far as we can tell, seventy chances out of a hundred of succeeding at the job. He has thirty chances out of a hundred of failing. That is all the test can tell us. If we knew all about the man, we might be able to predict with complete certainty what he will do. But tests are not yet that good. The actuarial nature of tests means that the man who interprets tests must not be surprised if tests make errors. And the administrator should not bet on any individual beyond the limits of safety indicated by the test. No test wins all the time. But in the long run and with large numbers, tests with a satisfactory validity will pay off handsomely. NAVAL AVIATION CADET SELECTION TESTS There are now three tests in use for selecting cadets in naval aviation. These tests were intro- duced in the first place only after it had been demonstrated that they would consistently and reliably differentiate between those who ulti- mately passed and those who ultimately failed in naval aviation training. These tests now in use represent the most effective combination re- maining of more than forty that were tried out. Each test was given to a large number of applicants, the results not being used to select in this case. Then the scores were kept in “cold storage” until those tested had either passed or failed flight training. Then the tests were checked against actual performance in terms of pass-fail data, and were retained for further study only when they significantly dif- ferentiated passers from failers and did not duplicate other promising tests. The three tests now in use were finally retained after a series of cross-checks had eliminated all the rest. Such tests are of no value unless information concerning their content and the manner of scoring them are kept inviolate. Their value is also diminished when they are used in a manner that deviates from that employed during the original standardization process. For these rea- sons the responsibility for the custody of these tests and for their proper administration ac- cording to prescribed procedures rests in the hands of the flight surgeon or aviation medical examiner. These tests were standardized in terms of the relative percentages of men failing in flight training at each score level, and figure 7-3 shows how some of this original data for two of the tests shaped up. Since then, the Aviation Psy- chology Branch of BuMed has maintained con- tinuous surveys of the effectiveness of these tests, measured in these terms. THE FLIGHT APTITUDE RATING This is computed, according to a simple for- mula, from the combined scores on the three tests. The Flight Aptitude Rating (FAR) in- dicates the probability that a cadet having a given score-combination will ultimately pass the flight training course and be designated as naval aviator. These probabilities are stated in the following table, which is based upon long- term studies of large groups of entrants with an over-all attrition rate of about 30 percent: Percent Actually FAR Failing in Training A 0-6% A— 7-12% B 13-18% B— 19-24% C 25-31% C— 32-37% D 38-43% D— 44-49% E ,-.... 50% or more THE AVIATION CLASSIFICATION TEST This is essentially a test of general intelli- gence, worded to have a Navy flavor. Men who score low on this test tend to have serious diffi- culty in understanding complicated instructions or orders. The test is especially suited to the prediction of success in ground school. For ex- ample, in one group of 5,408 men who went through training in 1943-44, 5.6 percent failed in ground school. Most of these failures were men who had scored low in the Aviation Clas- sification Test, The following table shows the percentage of each letter-grade group which failed in ground school : 138 Chapter 7. — AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY PERCENTAGE OF FAILURES FOR IB. L AND M.C.T. COMBINATIONS THIS CHART IS BASED ON 3294 CASES WHERE TESTS WERE NOT USED IN THE ORIGINAL SELECTION SHADING INDICATES THAT THE PERCENTAGE OF FAILURES IN THAT CELL IS NOT STATISTICALLY RELIABLE NOVEMBER I, 1942 D.W f - WA S Figure 7-3 ACT Letter Percent Failing Grade In Ground School A 0% B 1% C 5% D 14% E 21% THE MECHANICAL COMPREHENSION TEST This test (the MCT) deals with the ability to handle the familiar, simple mechanical con- cepts of everyday life. Scores on this test have been found consistently to bear a direct and positive relationship to ultimate success or failure in flight training. For example, a tabu- 139 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE lation involving the records of 7,685 cadets, shows that for each letter-grade, the following percentages failed in flight training for any and all reasons: terests. Research has determined that each scored answer bears a quantitative relationship to ultimate passing or failing in flight training. No single item is heavily weighted. Certain total patterns of response have, however, been found to be associated with high washout rates in training, while others normally accompany low washout rates. The following table, based upon the records of 7,744 men starting train- ing in 1943, shows the actual percentage fail- ing at each letter-grade: MCT Letter Perecentage Failing Flight Grade Training for any Reason A 27% B 36% C 47% D 62% E flight training) Percentage Failing BI Letter Grade in Training A 29% B 33% C 41% D 50% E 58% The table shows that a man scoring D on the MCT was more than twice as likely to be dropped from the pilot training course as a man scoring A. Notice was taken of this fact, and directives were later issued to reject men who scored D as well as those who scored E. The above table gave figures on attrition in the pilot training course for all reasons, including flight failure, ground school failure, disciplin- ary action, or other causes. The selective value of the MCT becomes even more marked, how- ever, if consideration is given only to those men who were dropped for flight failure. This is shown in the following table: Test standards can be raised or lowered— with known effects—to comply with the supply- and-demand situation at any given time. When applicants are plentiful and billets are few, the passing score can be set high enough to admit only the very best risks. If it should ever become necessary to admit almost all the applicants, the passing score could be lowered to a point at which only the very worst risks would be eliminated. TEST SCORES AND PERFORMANCE IN COMBAT The tests were set up to accomplish one thing—to designate at the Selection Board those men most likely to wash out in training. The tables given show that the tests accom- plish this in reliable fashion. They make it possible for the Navy to train more men in less time than would be possible in dealing with unselected groups. Computations show that the savings run into millions of dollars and, pos- sibly more important in wartime, into many thousands of hours of training time. While this situation was favorable, it still left one major question unanswered. It was at least theoretically possible that, by selecting men who would do well in training, the Navy was tending to select docile, well-behaved men who would not be outstanding in combat. Put in other words, there was a theoretical possibil- ity that the tests, while positively related to performance in training, were more or less MCT Letter Percentage Dropped for Grade Flight Failure Only A 7% B 14% C 19% D 30% Thus, when flight failures only are consid- ered, a man who scores D on the MCT is more than four times as likely to wash out as a man who makes an A. THE BIOGRAPHICAL INVENTORY Flight surgeons have long sought to appraise a candidate’s personal history, interests, and attitudes in attempting to predict his probable performance as a pilot. The Biographical In- ventory, based upon statistical analyses of thou- sands of pilot records, does with mathematical precision what the flight surgeon sought to ac- complish on the basis of professional skill, ex- perience, and intuition. The Biographical Inventory is a non-time- limit questionnaire, containing questions on the applicant’s personal history, attitudes, and in- 140 Chapter 7. — AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY negatively related to performance in combat. The answer could be obtained only by getting appraisals of combat performance on some hun- dreds or thousands of men for whom test-scores were available. In 1944, DCNO(Air), in collaboration with Chief BuMed, made it possible for the Aviation Psychology Branch to send specialists into the advanced areas to obtain individual combat ap- praisals. By the end of the war, approximately 6,000 individual appraisals had been obtained from pilots in the war zones. While a detailed description of this work is not in order here, it may be said that a review of these records of- fers assurance that the use of the FAR in selecting pilots does not reject undue propor- tions of good combat men when it designates men who will do well in training. Indeed, while the difference does not meet conventional standards of statistical significance, there is a slight tendency for men rated as high in combat performance to make higher FAR’s than men rated low in combat. Furthermore, it has been established that the use of the tests, including possible rescoring of the BI, can be made to increase the proportion of good combat pilots and reduce the proportion of poor combat pilots. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. An Historical Introduction to Aviation Psychology. Prepared by National Research Council Committee on Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots. Report No. 4. Washington, D. C. Division of Research, Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1942. 2. Bingham, W. V. S., Aptitudes and Aptitude Test- ing. New York. Harpers and Brothers, 1937. 3. Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Part I, Defi- nition of Titles. Prepared by United States Employ- ment Service, Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1939. 4. Hull, C. L., Aptitude Testing. Yonkers-on-Hudson. World Book Co., 1928. 5. Jenkins, John G., Naval Aviation Psychology. I. The Field Service Organization. Psychological Bul- letin, 1945, 42(9), 632. 6. Maier, Norman R. F. Psychology in Industry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1946. 7. Munn, Norman L. Psychology, the Fundamentals of Human Adjustment. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Com- pany, 1946. 8. Peatman, J. G. Descriptive and Sampling Sta- tistics. New York: Harpers & Brothers, 1947. 9. Tiffin, Joseph. Industrial Psychology. New York. Prentice-Hall, 1946. 10. Tinker, Miles A. Introduction to Methods in Ex- perimental Psychology, (2nd Edition). New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1947. (Chapters 1, 3, 4, 15, 21). 11. Viteles, M. S. Industrial Psychology. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1932 141 CHAPTER 8 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT * “Adjust or die” is the first law of life. All organisms, from amoeba to man, are constantly busy internally and externally adjusting to the needs of the moment. The only organism that is not adjusting is the dead organism, for the processes of life are the processes of adjust- ment. Every medical officer has been impressed with the need for constant adjustment on the biological level. The fact that the organism is also constantly adjusting psychologically is not always so apparent. The purpose of this chap- ter is to point out the nature of these processes insofar as modern science has made that possible. THE NATURE OF HUMAN NATURE Science and its matter-of-fact methods have only very recently been turned to a study of human behavior. The results of the scientific approach to the doings of people have led to what may be called an enlightened confusion. Scientists are not yet agreed about the best way to explain human behavior. But every day the ability to understand and predict man is in- creasing. And scientists strongly agree that we will understand better and predict more precisely only if we adhere to two basic scienti- fic principles: (1) behavior is caused and, re- lated; and (2) behavior is to be accounted for in terms of natural causes. Scientists insist that human behavior makes sense. Behavior happens because things make it happen. Behavior is never an accidental, wayward, inexplicable process. It is amenable to cause-and-effect analysis. Although what people do may seem mysterious and adventi- tious, their actions are always caused and hence are ultimately predictable. SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS The scientist accounts for what he observes in terms of scientific constructs. All the scien- tist can see is facts. He never sees an explana- tion. He observes facts and creates explana- tions. He creates a picture in his head of the processes going on behind the events he ob- serves. If a man were unable to open a watch to see what went on inside, but could observe only the movement of the hands, the response to winding and the ticking, he would soon create for himself some picture of what the entrails of the watch were like. If he observed the watch long enough and under enough dif- ferent conditions he could come out with a con- struct, a picture, of the dynamics of the watch. The construct, if it accounted for all the be- havior of the watch and if it were the simplest possible explanation, would be accepted as an explanation of the watch’s behavior. In explaining human behavior, the same pro- cess takes place. The psychologist observes what people do and creates constructs to ac- count for observed events. His main construct is the construct of need. NEED-CONSTRUCTS If you observe closely the behavior of a friend along about 1130 or 1200 of a typical day, you will probably note something like this: he becomes increasingly restless; the subject of food becomes of more and more conversa- * Prepared by Cdr. Alan D. Grinsted, MSC, USN. This chapter, with the exception of the last section, has been condensed and adapted from Naval Leadership, Book JJ: Psychology for Naval Leaders, Chs. I, III, IV: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1948. 142 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT tional interest; incidental things around him remind him of something to eat; and sooner or later he will make overt and direct move- ments toward the place food is to be found. You will conclude, with easy influence, that he is hungry. You haven’t seen his hunger. You’ve seen nothing but behavior. You read a need into your friend. You use a construct to explain his behavior. This construct is a picture in your head—a picture of processes going on behind the behavior you see. The need in this case stands for some com- plicated and unobserved goings-on in the vis- cera of your friend. You the observer, create the notion hunger to stand for these back- ground processes. If you say your friend has a sex need, or a need to dominate, or a need for social status, what you are doing is imagining something to go behind behavior. And you use this something, this construct, to explain his behavior. No one ever saw hunger or thirst or gregar- iousness or any other need. All any one can see in looking at people is people’s behavior. Sometimes we are successful, through the use of special instruments, in seeing some of the physiological or neurological processes that lead up to overt behavior and in such cases (hunger) we can be quite comfortable about using the need-word. We feel we are on solid ground. The word hunger stands for certain fairly well-known physiological processes. But sometimes we have no detailed informa- tion as to what processes may be behind behav- ior. In the case of gregariousness, for example, no one has ever found a muscular contraction or a pattern in the nervous system that can serve as the basis for the apparent need to be with people. Some people still go on behav- ing, however, as if they needed to be with people. In the case of hunger, the internal ten- sions lead to overt behavior, which leads to the taking aboard of food, which quiets down the internal tensions. In the case of gregarious- ness, a man may behave as if he had a similar built-in tension. He may be restless if he is not around people. Once there, he gives some evidence of feeling better. So we endow him with a need to be with people. A gregarious need is something he acts as if he must have. If we can predict his behavior tomorrow and next month by assuming he has a need to be with people, then the construct is a good one. It serves a useful purpose. Since no one ever saw a need, and since needs are products of the mind of the man who needs something to account for the be- havior of his fellows, the making of need-con- structs is anybody’s business. The layman makes up constructs and uses them to account for his own and other people’s behavior. He explains inexplicable behavior in terms of God or stupidity or astrological disharmonies or bad luck or accident or evil spirits. The psycholo- gists do some better, but even among psycholo- gists there is no complete agreement as to what are the most useful constructs to use in making sense out of behavior. But as psychol- ogy has grown in age and stature, the con- tinual process of experimentation, observation, and thought has distilled a group of constructs widely agreed upon as useful conceptual tools for thinking about human behavior. DEFINITION OF NEED Psychologists pretty well agree that we can use the construct of need in accounting for be- havior (some prefer the term “drive” or “mo- tive,” but the basic notion is the same). In using the term need, we will not go far wrong in conceiving a need to be a tension a man car- ries around with him. It is a tension which will, under the proper circumstances, lead to observable “seeking-behavior.” Under the in- fluence of an activated need a man will keep going until the need is satisfied. He may use behavior patterns he has found to be adequate in the past. Or he may simply thrash about at random. Or he may go in for what he would recognize as intelligent, problem-solving be- havior. At any rate, he keeps going until he finds something to satisfy the need. When he finds that something, seeking-behavior ceases. PRIMARY AND DERIVED NEEDS The classification of needs according to their dependability helps considerably in our attempt to come to grips with the nature of human nature, but it is not the only useful way of viewing them, not the only way of slicing the 143 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE cheese. Needs are frequently classed as pri- mary or derived (secondary). Primary needs are the needs rooted in physio- logical necessities and conditions. This cate- gory includes all the needs in the “most depend- able” class described above, with sex, obviously based on physiology, thrown in. We know more about these needs, in a way, than about the more elaborate needs. We have some informa- tion about the physiological mechanisms in- volved in the arousal and satisfaction of these needs. Because there is something solid for the constructs of hunger, thirst, and sex to rest on, some people are much happier in talking about these needs than about such needs as gregar- iousness or aggressiveness. They try to ex- plain human behavior in terms of these pri- mary tensions. Most psychologists agree, how- ever, that you can’t really do an adequate job of explaining a man’s fervent desire to become a big shot by referring directly to his need for food or love. Life is not to be so simply dealt with. Most of the primary needs can be regarded as vital needs—needs that must be satisfied if the organism is to survive. Oxygen, food, water must be taken into the body. The organism must rest sometime. But it can survive for its allotted years without any sexual satisfaction. The organism will often regard itself as un- happy if there is no sexual activity in its life, and sexual deprivation may result in peculiar maladjustments. But sex isn’t necessary—for survival. DERIVED NEEDS Most of the tensions people carry around with them are derived. Instead of being in- ternally connected with physiological neces- sities or preferences, they are social. They are learned needs, presumably derived, through elaborate learning processes, from the primary needs. The derived needs, as we have seen, may be relatively dependable. Gregariousness, for example, is a need found in almost all people. Most people like to be with people and are vastly unhappy when isolated from people. But while the majority is learning to like being with people, a minority is learning to dislike being with people. Like hermits. The needs that account for the human be- havior around us are mostly derived needs. The same derived need may be found in a vast majority of human beings. But that does not mean the need is a necessary part of man’s nature. It means instead that many men have gone through similar learning processes and have learned to need the same things. CULTURE AND NEEDS Man comes equipped with very few needs. But by the time he has lived a dozen or so years his needs appear so numerous and varied that we have a hard time even classifying them. The instinct psychologists used to maintain that man’s needs became more numerous and varied as he grew up because many of his na- tive propensities unfolded or matured only as the organism developed. A more sensible ex- planation, and one that fits the facts more closely, is that man learns his needs. Living in a certain school environment, he becomes needy in the ways his environment dictates. If this is true, his needs will vary from one social en- vironment to another. Such, indeed, is the case. Each individual is born into a culture. People around him have certain established ways of going about life. They know what is good, what is bad, what is success and failure. They have definite notions about morality. They possess established habits of work, play, cleanliness, lovemaking and eating. They revere certain institutions which they have created to meet common problems and common needs. These habits, values, assumptions, morals, customs, and institutions vary tremendously from one culture to another. The social climate in New Guinea is not the same as that in Tokyo, Kala- mazoo or Delhi. The individual must make peace with the culture into which he happens to be born. The process of making this peace is largely a process of learning the culturally endorsed needs. With respect to 'primary needs, the cultural pattern into which a person is born has a tremendous influence. Take hunger again. We can depend on it that a man will eat. But when, how often, and what he will eat we never can tell until we know how the man’s digestive 144 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT processes have been trained. In some cultures man experiences hunger three times a day. In others, people’s stomachs contract only twice a day. The American Indian warrior, as is well known, sometimes did not eat for many days. (We do not know whether he was really hungry during the time, of course.) When we come to what people eat—what they want to eat— the variation from group to group is tre- mendous. The Algonquin Indians consider skunk a delicacy. The English like sole and flounder. In Newfoundland sole and flounder are regarded as fit only for fertilizer. In Eng- land clams are thrown away or used for bait and mussels are saved for the table. In America clams are eaten and mussels spurned. Horse meat in most of Europe is standard table fare. In America the suggestion of eating horse causes some people to gag. In the case of sexual desire, the same sort of thing obtains. You can generally count on people to be interested in sex. But the questions of what sort, when, under what circumstances, and with whom can only be answered if we know something about the culturally deter- mined prohibitions and preferences the individ- ual has learned. The individual’s physiological needs are timed and trained by the daily routine of his tribe, his class, his nation, his culture. Little of the behavior stemming from pri- mary needs is free of drastic cultural influence. In the cas6 of derived needs—social needs— the role of culture is even more complete. Cul- ture determines the needs themselves and also has a determining influence on the where’s, when’s, and how’s of the behavioral results of the needs. THE NEEDS OF THE INDIVIDUAL Individuals in the same culture, even in the same family, differ enormously in the strength and variety of their needs. One man has a constant, burning desire to increase his profes- sional or military status. The need to get ahead is his paramount need, flavoring all his activi- ties, helping determine who his friends will be, whom he will marry, how much he will work, his relations with his superiors and his in- feriors. Another man may have such a strong need for sociability that he chooses friends in- stead of success, that getting ahead is relatively unimportant. One man needs food or sex much more often and in greater quantities than does another. One man spends a life seeking eco- nomic security while another hunts for adven- ture and variety. A knowledge of human needs in general will help somewhat in understanding the single in- dividual. But to make real predictions about an individual we must find out what needs will account for his behavior. The process of estab- lishing needs for the individual is the same as the process employed in settling on the needs of mankind in general. We observe the man’s behavior and create in our own minds a con- struct that will account for his behavior. If the observation is good and the construct is clear-headed, we can predict what he will do in a future situation. Take this example: if, on the basis of careful study, we conclude that a particular CPO has a strong need to dominate, we will not, if we can avoid it, put him im- mediately in charge of a first class petty officer who violently hates to be dominated. We can predict certain unfortunate behaviors in such a situation. THE WORKING OF NEEDS Later we will consider what happens when needs are blocked or when they conflict with one another. At the moment, however, our thinking about needs will probably be clarified if we get a picture of multiple interesting needs operating to produce behavior. Very infrequent- ly, if ever, can we account for a person’s be- havior by naming a single need—even if we have been forced by observation to create that need. Needs interact. Several needs may be operating at the same time. The man who is hungry, sexy, status-seeking, and gregarious at the same time will behave, if he can (which is rare) in such a way as to satisfy with one adjustment all his tensions. If these needs are all strong and persistent, his general way of life will tend to be a resultant of these needs— an elaborate course of action growing out of the many interacting tensions. The point to remember here is that human behavior occurs in something analogous to a field of forces. A pattern of tensions leads to resultant behavior. 145 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE To understand and predict human behavior we must contend with something more than single needs and simple cause-and-effect relations. CONFLICT In some situations the satisfying of a need is a simple process. A man with a strong need for food or rest may almost automatically perform those acts found in the past to be useful in sat- isfying his needs. In a very simple way the need leads to familiar patterns of behavior which very simply lead to satisfaction. Every- thing is fine—until the need becomes strong again. Then the same habitual sequence trans- pires again, sometimes almost identically, some- times with negligible variations to take into account minor changes in the environment. When the individual can turn on adequate re- sponses, when the need-satisfying behavior is all ready to go when the need-signal is given, life is simple. Very rarely does human behavior happen in such a simple way. We have seen that at any one time the individual is moved, not by a single need but by plural needs—maybe a few, maybe many. In such a case his behavior will be a resultant of his interacting needs. The behavior that grows out of an interacting pat- tern of needs is sort of a compromise. No single need can have its way entirely. It must give in at least a little to the demands of its fellow needs. This sort of process makes the satisfaction of needs an intricate affair. It also makes it next to impossible, in any realistic life situation, to satisfy all needs. Sometimes a man may adopt a course of action that will partially satisfy all of his needs. Sometimes he behaves so as to satisfy his needs one at a time, holding some in check while others are being gratified. Sometimes he may deny one need in order to satisfy a number of others. Some- times his needs are diametrically opposed, and the satisfaction of one means that the other will be permanently ungratified. When a man is caught in a situation where his needs push him in opposite directions, where he wants to eat his cake and have it too, he is in conflict. In such a situation he will do things that may be judged as peculiar but which are very human. THE NATURE OF CONFLICT The individual is almost continually getting himself into situations where he must choose between eating his cake and having it too. The conflicts vary from highly charged ones, where strong needs are involved, to mild little conflicts where an easy choice comes immediately. Our pattern of needs is so complicated that only rarely can we react wholeheartedly to one of life’s situations. Almost anything we do or seek has its advantages and disadvantages. “I’d like that . . . but . . .” is the characteristic feeling about a majority of the things we seek or think about seeking. That “but” is an in- troduction to the disadvantages. TYPES OF CONFLICT We can roughly classify conflict into several types. The first type is exemplified by the sex dilemma of the individual whose thoughts make the brothel attractive and repulsive at the same time. In our daily lives this sort of conflict is very frequently encountered. We want to suc- ceed in our chosen career but succeeding in that career means hard and often disagreeable work. We want to marry but wives mean re- sponsibilities. We want sea duty but sea duty may mean long absence from many friends. We like to drink but drinking means hangovers. In many—maybe most—life situations we have to take the bad along with the good. Such con- flicts become serious, leading to real indecision, only when the goods and bads are strong—and approximately equally strong. A second type of conflict occurs when we have to choose between two equally attractive courses of action. Shall we go to the dance or go to the movies? Shall ve marry Mary or Marie, both of whom are ready, willing, and attractive? Shall I spend my extra money on a Cadillac or a yacht (or on a coke or a root beer) ? Having to choose between two equally pleasant courses of action is the most desirable sort of conflict to get into, of course, but it still can interfere, at least momentarily, with the smooth and effective flow of behavior. Then there is the less agreeable sort of situa- tion where we must choose between two unat- tractive courses of behavior. Since my uniform hasn’t come from the cleaners, shall I get it 146 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT and report to duty late but pressed, or shall I report on time and unpressed? REACTIONS TO CONFLICT When an individual is caught in a conflict situation the smooth and adaptive flow of be- havior is interrupted. Various sorts of things happen. Paralysis.—If the conflict is severe, the in- dividual may simply “freeze.” He is unable to do anything. The story is told about the jackass who found himself exactly half way between two piles of hay. Unable to decide which to eat, he starved to death. This sort of paralysis does happen in everyday life—though rarely is it connected with the choice between two equally attractive courses of action. It is likely to occur when there is ambivalence—where something is attractive and repulsive at the same time. Many cases of so-called laziness are probably explainable as paralytic reactions to conflict. The lazy man, if he is studied carefully, often turns out to be the man who is in conflict. He wants to achieve, but the road to achievement looks very tough and thorny. Or he may fer- vently desire success but at the same time feel that his chances of failure are so great that he is afraid to try. Hard work is good in that it may lead to success. But it is bad in that it will probably lead to failure. In such a con- flict a man is likely to just sit, being miserably unhappy and, to the common-sense observer, lazy. This sort of conflict often has a lot to do with personal efficiency. Most men will work as long as work promises to get them some- where. They will not work when work promises to bring failure, or only small rewards, or downright punishment. During the war a group of officers became in- terested in morale among naval aviation cadets in intermediate training. In anonymous inter- views the cadets were asked this question: “At one time or another in your life you have prob- ably had a job at which you worked with great enthusiasm and efficiency, where you felt you were working at your best. If you rate your best work efficiency at 100 percent, what would you say your present work efficiency is?” The cadets appeared to have no difficulty in under- standing the question and the interview situa- tion was staged so that honest answers were likely. They put their present efficiency any- where from 40 to 100 percent with the average around 65 percent. This means that the average cadet was performing at what he judged to be 35 percent below his peak. There was no doubt that these cadets were anxious to get their wings, and most of them appeared genuinely to want combat duty—to “get out where men are men.” Why, then, were they not working with peak efficiency toward their goals? There were probably several fac- tors. But in accounting for personal inefficiency in seeking a highly desired goal, a likely place to look for reasons is in the promises held out by hard work. Does it promise success and rewards? Or does it promise failure and pun- ishment? In this case, what factors are there driving the cadet away from hard work? Inten- sive interviewing suggested two related nega- tive factors: (1) the pervasive fear of failure, and (2) a fear of unfair evaluation of work. Failure in flight training was a traumatic thing to the average cadet. Many flight-failures were practically ready for suicide. And the possibility of failure was kept continually up- permost in the minds of cadets. Instead of being a chance to learn, to demonstrate skill, to get on toward the goal, every flight, every hour of ground school, became a fearsome chance to flop, to fail, to get a down. This pervasive fear of failure was enhanced by the cadet’s feeling that success or failure was often an accidental matter. In such a situation, real efficiency is highly unlikely. Every hour of work involves high- level conflict. The cadet desperately wants to succeed. He desperately fears failure. If at any moment, the possibility of failure seems equal to or greater than the possibility of success, a man just cannot get wholeheartedly involved in work. Of course, any time he tries to succeed at something he must take the bad with the good, he must suffer some, he must run some risk of failure. If the suffering and risk seem greater than the rewards of success, however, no effort will happen. If the disagreeable as- pects of work are too strong, if it looks to him as if the reward, instead of fitting the effort 147 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE and the performance, is a matter of luck, his behavior will be continually jittery, inefficient, conflictful. If the chances of success are reason- ably good, if it appears that success is not ac- cidental but fairly and inevitably dependent on high effort and good performance, personal morale will be high and work will be efficient. The hardships of work will be taken in stride. In less involved situations, where individuals are caught in a paralytic conflict, the flow of behavior may be only momentarily interrupted. We have all had fleeting moments of indeci- sion arising out of small conflicts. We generally have little trouble in reaching a decision. What happens is that one need becomes stronger than the other and behavior—as always—follows the strongest need. There are those of course who will continue to say that the conflict-bound individual is just lazy. And they say that so-and-so, being lazy, needs nothing so much as a good swift kick in the bosom of his britches. Such a diagnosis is never adequate and such a treat- ment, while it may produce activity of some sort, will hardly result in enthusiastic work. Work happens when work promises rewards to the many needs of the worker. Work will not happen if it promises frustration and unpleas- antness. Generally speaking, the more reward- promising the work, the more enthusiastic the worker. If the rewards outweigh the handi- caps, the handicaps will be taken in stride. Alternation.—A second reaction to conflict is alternation. The person in conflict may try one course of action a while, then turn to the other. The hungry rat who can only get food by cross- ing an electric grill that shocks him pretty viciously will often go toward the food ’til he gets close to the grill. Then he retreats from the grill. This alternate approaching and re- treating may go on until hunger gets strong enough to make the shock a thing to be taken in stride. At a considerably more complex level there is the example of the man in serious conflict about morals and religion. One week he was strictly a churchman, strictly a moralist. The next week he would become a confirmed rounder. In everyday situations we encounter less dra- matic instances of alternation. With respect to the sort of work-conflict we have been talk- ing about, for example, the person may alter- nately work with great zest and loaf with com- plete flaccidity. Escape.—The person in conflict frequently behaves in such a way as to avoid having to make a choice. If I stay in this billet I am likely either: (a) to get in trouble with my men, or (b) to have to be relentlessly hard- boiled with them. Both courses of events are distasteful to me. I will request a change of duty. This is an easy escape from conflict. Sometimes this sort of escape from the arena of conflict is very wise. Doctors who recom- mend a change of scene, such as a summer in the mountains or a trip to Europe or a winter in Florida, are often simply arranging for the patient to escape temporarily from a situation that throws him into a tense and debilitating conflict. Physical escape from the conflict situation is frequent and often adaptive. There are psy- chological escapes, too, and these may not be so conducive to the maintenance of mental health. The individual may dream up for himself a fantasy existence wherein the harsh realities of a conflictful world fade away. This and other sorts of escape reactions will be treated in more detail later. Problem Solving.—Instead of coming down with paralytic inactivity, instead of alternating between one response and another, instead of physically or mentally escaping the conflict, the individual may find a way to resolve the con- flict so he can, in effect, have his cake and eat it too. This, of course, is the smart way out of a conflict. Actually a physical escape from the conflict situation is a solution—of a sort. The only trouble with it is that it is likely to be tempor- ary. The emotionally upset individual who re- quests sea duty to escape a conflictful home situation may be playing ostrich. He sticks his head in the sand and his conflict ceases. But he has to come up for air sometimes. When and if he does, there is the conflict again. He hasn’t solved his problem. He has only ignored it a while. Perhaps, by virtue of some rest and change of scene, he will return to it with greater ability to wrestle intelligently with it, but the problem is still there. 148 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT A lot of conflicts, once a choice is made, tend to solve themselves. Perhaps, while young and inexperienced, a young man is equally attracted to West Point and to Annapolis. Suppose he is fortunate enough to be able to choose which he will attend. He finds decision impossible. He flips a coin. It sends him to Annapolis. Once he takes steps toward Annapolis, West Point probably loses its attraction for him. Once he makes a decision and begins to act on it, the opposing interest falls into the back- ground. He identifies with Annapolis and rarely will he have regrets involving a comparison of the Severn and the Hudson. (P.S. If the coin had fallen the other way, he would have been ultimately just as happy. Either course of ac- tion satisfies the basic needs involved. Such a conflict is a conflict of means, not of ends.) In many conflicts, particularly those involv- ing choice between two good things, any choice is a good solution. In other conflicts, however, no choice is really a good choice. Compromise is a necessary and unsatisfactory course of action. The man who wants sea duty but violently fears seasickness, applies for duty involving only in- shore patrol. The man who is fascinated by air- planes but fears to fly seeks a position as ground-school instructor or aviation mechanic. Much of our lives we live by compromise. We cannot have our cake and eat it too, so we figure out clever ways to have some and eat some. If we can’t eat our cake, we find some- thing else almost as good to substitute for it. We cannot expect to avoid conflicts. Life is full of them. We can hope to (a) diagnose our con- flicts properly, and (b) go intelligently about the business of finding the best possible solu- tions for them. Where do conflicts come from? The more im- portant conflicts result from our acquiring in- compatible needs or incompatible behavior mechanisms. Some conflicts, however, arise out of the way the human organism is equipped at birth. It is impossible, for example, to flex and extend a limb at the same time. It is very diffi- cult to rub your stomach with one hand while patting your head with the other. Exerting maximum grip with the right hand seems to prevent maximum grip with the left, and you cannot, of course, look to the right and to the left at the same time. The structure and functioning of the body and nervous system make certain small-time behavioral conflicts inevitable. But the conflicts that tie us in emo- tional knots are the ones growing out of our derived needs. It has been observed that our modern culture is particularly likely to breed conflicts in in- dividuals. Conscience vs. Old Adam.—The sort of con- flict that the psychiatrists and psychoanalysts make much of is the battle between our primi- tive desires and our consciences. We are born with needs for food, sex, etc. Through learning, we develop a conscience whose function is to guide us into socially acceptable ways and means of gratifying our basic needs. In many of life’s day-by-day situations, the learned pro- hibitions and restrictions of conscience do bat- tle with the primitive unlearned animal needs. Conscience, in most of us, wins fairly consis- tently, When conscience is very strong, con- flict, at least at the conscious level of tempta- tion, rarely happens. If conscience is very weak or non-existent, the Old Adam is pretty free to express himself, and there is not much con- flict in such a situation- either. But when our needs are just about as strong as conscience, conflict can be severe. In our particular culture such conflicts be- tween needs and conscience are very often centered around sex. In most men sex is a strong need. It is probably made stronger and more important by the standard attitudes to- ward it. The parents who deliberately or other- wise teach their children that sex is a nasty, hush-hush affair are incidentally teaching their children that it is a fascinating business. The devices intended to control sexual behavior often work to make sex harder to control. But, however strong our sexual needs, our culturally engendered conscience is usually able to exer- cise control. When the control weakens, how- ever, highly charged conflict results. Out of these conflicts grow such things as impotence or frigidity, guilt feelings, anxieties, and com- promise perversions. Our culture sets the stage for sexual con- flicts by teaching a set of prohibitory rules designed to control primitive needs. It also tends to teach us goods that are sometimes mutually exclusive. “A wife and a family are 149 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE fine things,” says the culture, “but don’t get married until you can afford it and be careful that your family doesn’t take up time you ought to be spending at your proper business of get- ting ahead.” The individual who has learned to need a family and learned to need success has something of a conflict on his hands. He must wait, compromise, and often suffer in order to meet these two needs. If he goes whole- heartedly after establishing a family, he will not have time to compete successfully with his fellow succeeders. If he is wholehearted in plying a profession, he will neglect his family. He must evolve for himself some halfway pat- tern of life that enables him to have some cake and to eat some. The culture teaches us many of these “but” propositions, each containing a built-in conflict, each demanding some complex problem-solving adjustment if we are to avoid extreme emo- tional difficulty. FRUSTRATION The environment we live in is by no means tailored to the needs of any one person. When a complex individual wrestles with a complex life, it is inevitable that he will be thrown into conflicts. It is also quite certain that many of his needs will be thwarted. He will want things that he cannot, for one reason or another, have. Frustration, in modern life, is frequent and un- avoidable. Frustration occurs when need-directed be- havior is blocked. In the simplest case of hu- man behavior we have seen how a need arises, adaptive behavior patterns are turned on, sat- isfaction is achieved, and the need-tension dis- appears. But we have seen, too, that only rarely is life so simple. Conflicts interfere with the basic natural process. More cluttering is introduced if some barrier arises to keep the organism from going where it wants to go and doing what it wants to do. When a man wants something he can’t get, whether that something is as trivial as a lost pencil or as all-important as pre-eminence in his profession, he is frustrated. And when he is frustrated, the simple directness of his be- havior disappears. He characteristically be- comes quite emotional. And his reactions, though they serve a psychological function, may get him nowhere at all. To the casual outside ob- server, the behavior of a frustrated man may make no sense whatsoever. But frustrated be- havior is very human behavior and the man who is going to predict and control human beings will do well to understand something about it. THE BARRIERS WE MEET The people, objects, and situations that get in our way as we struggle to satisfy our needs are almost infinite in number and variety. But we can talk about them in terms of six general types: Strictly impersonal barriers.—The man who is in a hurry to go out but is unable to get his apartment door unlocked presents a good picture of frustration. He may try various alternate ways of getting out and if none of them work, he can be counted on to become agitated and angry. The cancellation of a sched- uled airline flight, the reddening of a traffic light, physical distance, fences, walls, busy telephones, malfunctioning engines, low tides and thousands of other impersonal objects can be counted on to interfere with the day-to-day attainment of our goals. People as people, frustrate us.—People, prob- ably more often and more disturbingly than in- animate objects, hem us in and obstruct the attainment of our goals. People, of course, facilitate our goal-seeking behavior too, but when each person has his own needs to worry about, it is inevitable that people are going to get in one another’s hair. We can expect al- most any human association—even friendship or marriage—to be frustrating at least some of the time. Friends and wives are quite often good things to have around. They satisfy many needs. But friends and wives are people. They have their own needs. And when a friend’s needs or a wife’s needs run counter to our own, somebody is going to be frustrated. And since marriage and friendship are fifty-fifty affairs, the friend or the wife can’t be expected to bear more than half the load of frustration. People, as enforcers of rules, frustrate us.— When any group of people live together— whether as a culture, a nation, a Navy, or a 150 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT crew—there have to be certain rules about who shall do what when. These rules are ex- pressed as morals, taboos, laws, and regula- tions. The completely civilized man wants to live in the way the many rules and regulations suggest. But few, if any, of us are so com- pletely civilized that the rules, laid down for the long-term welfare of the many, do not seriously interfere with what we, as indivi- duals, want. These rules are enforced by people. There are policemen, upholders of morality, standers - for - the - right, commanding officers. These people deliberately or unintentionally en- forcing the rules the group lives by, sometimes block the personal inclinations of the individual member of the group. Being frustrated by a person, whether that person is merely an individual trying to get along or a symbol of law, order, and propriety, is generally more disturbing than being blocked by an inanimate object. In the first place, peo- ple are harder to figure out than a door that won’t open. In the second place, they are sup- posed to be more sympathetic and understand- ing than inanimate objects. We expect them to be reasonable and kind; when they aren’t, our frustration may be increased. In the third place, if we do what comes naturally under frustrating circumstances and attack the bar- rier, the human barrier can fight back. It can hurt us physically or professionally, make us feel guilty, make us ashamed of ourselves. We can kick a door in the shins without any seri- ous psychological hangover, but any venting of anger on a human being is likely to produce a very complicated aftermath. Our inabilities frustrate us.—Sometimes we seem to be our own worst enemies, for our de- sires are now and again blocked by factors we carry around with us. One built-in frus- trating factor is plain inability—plain lack of physical or mental capacity to do what we want to do. Think of the healthy man who loses an arm or a leg or some other frequently em- ployed anatomical appendage. He is bound to experience frustration. The boy who wants to be a college athlete but under no circumstances can get his scales to read more than 125 pounds is very likely to suffer almost excruciating frus- tration and defeat. Mental incapacity also pro- duces frustration. Every year thousands of young men enter American universities, opti- mistically heading for law or medicine or en- gineering, but discovering sadly, after a few months of realistic exposure to life and higher education, that they just do not have the neces- sary ability to reach their professional goals. In many situations the individual’s plans and expectations overreach his abilities. Through the influence of doting parents, or through an unrealistic self-appraisal, he hitches his wagon to a star. When his wagon turns out to be too rickety for the journey, defeat, bitter and dis- turbing, is upon him. When an individual’s level of aspiration is too far above his level of achievement or his level of abilities, frustration is the result. Conflicting positive motives lead to frustra- tion.—We have seen that in situations involv- ing conflict the individual must often choose one course of action and deny another. Or he must achieve a compromise which partially de- nies both of his conflicting needs while partially gratifying each. The partially or wholly denied need cannot be counted on to disappear. It stays around, sometimes with great insistence. If a course of action gratifying the first need makes gratification of the second impossible, the second need is frustrated and influences the organism’s behavior accordingly. We have seen that often when a man makes a choice between two attractive things, the denied attraction loses potency the farther he gets away from it. The man who decides to go to Annapolis instead of West Point is not often frustrated by not being at West Point once he is involved in life at Annapolis. But this really is a fairly superficial conflict. The basic needs involved (status, perhaps) can possibly be satisfied equally well be either of the two courses of action. But when we put a man in a situation where strong basic needs are in diametric conflict, one need will be frus- trated. The man who finds that he can bring about the sort of status he needs only by achiev- ing priesthood, but who, on the other hand, has strong primary needs for worldly things, is in highly charged conflict. If he dons the cloth, his red-blooded needs are going to be frus- trated. If he adopts a way of life wherein red- bloodedness is more possible, his needs for a high religious status will be forever blocked. 151 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE He’s in for a tough and troublesome life what- ever he does. A positive need vs. a negative one produces frustration.—Here again, conflict leads to frus- tration. The case of laziness comes again. The man who wants to lick the world, but is locked in inactivity because of fear of failure or fear of unfairness of competition or fear of his own inabilities is a frustrated man. His behavior, what there is of it, will more than likely be characterized by a tense, dissatisfied grumpi- ness. Often the negative needs in positive-negative conflicts are needs flavored with fear. The fear of what people will say, the fear of being caught and punished, the fear of making a fool of oneself. These blocks can frustrate positive needs, often more effectively and more disturb- ingly than any impersonal or external barriers yet invented. Closely related to the barriers of external social pressure are the conscience-barriers that the average man possesses. When any highly desired course of action conflicts with a man’s code or conscience, or with the role he pictures for himself, frustration is likely. If, in time of temptation, the person’s conscience is stronger than the conscienceless need, there will be no real conflict and no severe frustration. Or, if conscience is very weak, a man may steal, cheat, or rape with equanimity. But when con- science and need are both strong, something is going to be frustrated. If the man steals, he has the money, but he has a guilty conscience, feelings of shame, and remorse. If he follows his code, he hasn’t the material rewards of sin- ning. The man who gets to be a success by ruthless competition may have a large income, but at the same time he feels the sort of uneasy guilt that makes him into a showy philanthro- pist. The man who refuses to play according to ruthless rules may have a clear conscience and a frustratingly small bank balance. In our society—in any society—the rules, regulations, disciplines, and institutions estab- lished to make it possible for people to live to- gether without too much friction will often block the private needs of the single individual. When the rules, regulations, standards, and values of a society become a part of the in- dividual’s conscience, the blocking of needs still happens. If the individual’s conscience and code become very strong, he may experience no conscious conflict with his baser motives. But there is some reason to believe that in many cases the individual with the most iron- clad conscience still is influenced by his frus- trated primary needs. This is a point we will need to consider again later. REACTIONS TO FRUSTRATIONS When an individual on his way to a goal confronts a barrier—whether it be of an im- personal or of a built-in, personal nature—his first behavior will generally be of a problem- solving variety. He will scratch around to find some way to circumvent the obstruction. If his attempts to be smart about his problem all lead to failure, behavior soon moves out of the intel- ligent, problem-solving category and becomes emotional. The child who is placed in a room where he can see a bunch of fascinating new toys but is kept from them by a fence, will first seek a way around or over the fence. When he fails at this, frustration continues and the be- havior that ensues becomes emotional and, to an outside observer, strictly strange. There are a variety of reactions to frustrating situations : Aggression.—Probably the most frequent re- sponse to frustration is one of anger and attack. The child, in the situation above, may charge angrily into the fence. Or his aggression may be of the nondirected type you can often see in children’s (and sometimes in adults’) temper tantrums—a wild and angry and ineffective slashing away at any object within reach. If the frustration is produced by a person, the attack may be directed at that person. If the frustration is due to the individual’s own in- capacity, the aggression is turned inward—the person will think and say derogatory things about himself and may devise ways to make himself suffer for his shortcomings. Aggression may take several forms. In chil- dren, the direct frontal attack involving physical blows at the object or person, is fairly fre- quent. In adults, such crude aggressions are often refined into verbal substitutes. The adult will sometimes kick a bothersome chair in its shins or pommel a person who gets in his way. Fist fights, wife-beating and such physical ag- 152 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT gressions do happen in adult society, but most often we aggress—particularly against people —by more intellectual devices. We call names, or we ruin character, or we spread scuttlebutt, or we withhold approval, or we play practical jokes, or we haze. Man has a pretty complete collection of subtle devices for making his fel- low man suffer—when his fellow man frus- trates him. Aggression may not always be a direct at- tack on the object or person that is doing the frustrating. There is such a thing as misplaced aggression. The man who comes home after a day during which his CO has strongly disap- proved of his work, his fellows have demon- strated a definite coolness to him, and his every attempt to achieve belongingness and effective- ness at his job has met with failure, can be counted on to go in for fairly bearish behavior. He may walk in the house, kick the cat, damn the dog, slam his coat on the floor and belittle his wife’s ability as a cook. The pent-up steam of aggression is vented upon things and people who had nothing to do with the frustration that produced the aggressive tendencies. This sort of misplaced aggression is fre- quent. It often has serious consequences. The aggression may be misdirected because of two reasons: (1) the individual may not be able to diagnose and understand what is frustrating him; and (2) the individual may know what is frustrating him, but also knows that it is very unwise to attack the frustrating object or per- son. There are many frustrating situations in which he cannot understand what it is that’s causing our trouble. In time of depression, for example, though frustration is widespread, we are unable really to appreciate the complicated and interlocking economic factors that cause the distress. And even if we did understand, there would be no way of attacking an eco- nomic cycle or overexpansion or excessive in- ventories. The frustration is concrete, never- theless, and our tendency to aggression is pres- ent and strong. So we very often find something or someone to blame. The President is a handy person to blame; Congress, too. And in hard times the President and Congress, who prob- ably have only a negligible part, if any, in causing our troubles, are viciously berated in the press, in drawing rooms and in pool halls, and very often they are turned out of office. During war, when frustrations are plentiful and hard to diagnose, the aggressions of the people are turned on all sorts of concrete get- at-able and relatively blameless stimuli. The President and Congress are always there as lightning rods to catch our aggressions, and there’s the Navy, the Army, the Jews, the mu- nition makers, the Negroes. All these, in time of national duress and frustration, catch more hell than they deserve. Aggression will out. If we can’t put our finger on the causes of our troubles, we’ll pick on something or somebody else. The well-known phenomenon of scapegoating is accounted for in terms of misplaced aggres- sions. When frustration is extreme and the source of frustration is either unknown, un- available, or unsafe to attack, there is a ten- dency to pick a “goat” to visit our aggression upon. In any group, the scapegoat phenomenon can be expected to occur if the situation is right. If the members of a crew are frustrated, they may pick a certain member of the crew or oc- casionally a junior officer to focus their aggres- sion upon. The officer or man who becomes scapegoat will usually be one who (1) is get-at- able, (2) cannot fight back successfully, (3) is “different” from his fellows, and (4) appears, at least superficially, to deserve ill-treatment. Any crew in the Navy is trained to bear up under certain necessary frustrations. But in any circumstance where the crew is denied too many satisfactions—if liberty is too long re- stricted, if pride in the unit is impossible, if conditions of work lead to uncertainty, insecur- ity, and a feeling that rewards and punishments do not make equitable sense—aggressive atti- tudes can be expected. And, conversely, when the crew or any of its members becomes em- broiled in group or private aggression, you can profitably start an immediate search for frus- tration. The aggressions of a frustrated crew may take the form of recalcitrance in the presence of officers, the choosing of a scapegoat, outbursts of fighting on board or ashore, gen- eral surliness, and refusal to work. We have seen that aggressiveness is a wide- spread form of human behavior. We have also seen that it is not a universal form of human 153 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE behavior. Evidence indicates pretty clearly that aggressive behavior happens only as a result of frustration. While frustration may produce other than aggressive behaviors, aggressive be- havior—whether in the group or in the in- dividual—can always be traced back to frustra- tion. This generalization is one of the most helpful the leader can learn. It will guide him on numerous occasions in the diagnosis and control of human behavior—his own included. Regression.—The child who sees lovely and unobtainable toys on the other side of an im- passable barrier may first attack the barrier. Then, experimental observations have shown, he is very likely to go in for play activities that characterize a much younger child. He re- gresses. In the face of frustration he adopts patterns of behavior that he used years ago. Children, of course, are not the only people who regress. Some shell-shock patients regress to infancy and must have their diapers changed and their bottles equipped with nipples. More normal instances of this sort of behavior occur every day. Often in tough and frustrating situa- tions, adults will behave childishly. The temper tantrums in adults may be regarded as an at- tempt to use a procedure once adaptive in hand- ling troublesome parents. Adults, when confronted with frustrations, also go in for other childish symptoms. They sometimes pout. They sometimes cease think- ing and go in for broad, emotional, childish generalization. They feel and articulate a de- sire to return to the “good old days.” When any adult starts wishing for the bygone days, the days when life was simple, you can gener- ally bet he is finding his present problems a little beyond his ability to solve. Apathy.—The frustrated individual, hemmed in by barriers and confronted with continual failure may sink into a state of hopelessness and apathy. He gives in, quits trying, con- vinces himself he doesn’t care. This sort of apathetic resignation has been observed in such people as prisoners of war, Europe’s displaced population, the chronically unemployed, the hopelessly crippled. It is an attitude of com- plete surrender. The individual, unable to work out any sort of adjustment to a bitter and hos- tile environment draws into himself, quits try- ing, becomes passive, gives up. The mental patients classified as involutional melancholias have reached an extreme stage of apathy and depression. In normal cases, we encounter a sour and pessimistic view of life, a depressed expectation of nothing good. Fixation.—Sometimes the individual reacts to frustration by falling into repetitive, stereo- typed patterns of behavior. This sort of reac- tion is known as fixation—a compulsive contin- uation of behavior that apparently doesn’t get the organism anywhere. A rat, if put into a problem situation where no answer is possible, but where some sort of answer is strongly needed, may resort to such maladaptive fixa- tions as bumping his head repeatedly against a cage door without even trying the next door, one that would let out his dilemma. Human beings do the same sort of thing. Probably the most interesting sort of human fixations occur on the intellectual level—in the thinking of people. The man who fixates in such a fashion is not the man who meets new problems with an open mind and a vigorous optimism. He resists new problems. He will not even listen to new solutions to old problems, for objective listening would demand objective evaluation, a process he finds psychologically painful. He already knows. He accepts new information only when it agrees with what he knows. He has what Wendell Johnson has called the “Maginot Line Mentality.” Repression.—When conscience does battle with conscienceless needs, the resulting emo- tional stew is highly flavored with guilt and shame. If conscience is strong, the need, of course, is frustrated. But because the individual is ashamed to admit that he could have such a need, the frustration is different from other sorts of frustration. The man who esteems him- self as highly honorable and respectable is seriously disturbed if he realized he is strongly tempted to steal, to rape, or to commit some act equally foreign to the complimentary pic- ture he has painted of himself. In such cases he can restore his self-esteem only if he can forget the temptation, pretend it never hap- pened. Very often in such cases of conflict be- tween the Old Adam on one hand and self- esteem on the other, the basic need is not only frustrated, but is also repressed, is shoved out of conscious memory. 154 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT This notion of repression is strange to most people, but to give it credibility, all we have to do is to observe the convenient way our memories work. How much more often do we remember incidents of which we are proud then we do incidents of which we are ashamed ? The former sort of event we keep fresh by tell- ing people about it. The shameful incident we let slide into oblivion by not even telling our- selves about it. Eventually it may be lost en- tirely to memory. When the shame and guilt are multiplied, the tendency to forget, to re- press, is magnified. The needs thus repressed, though no longer recognized consciously by the individual, do not cease to influence behavior. Needs do not disappear, tensions do not dissipate, simply because we prefer they not exist. According to one theory (the psychoanalytic theory) re- pressed needs live on in the realm of the un- conscious and not only influence later overt behavior, but reveal themselves in fantasy life and in the elaborate symbolism of dreams. These distasteful needs, the theory goes, are often projected into other people. We tend to see in other people those unseen and disagree- able repressed needs we ourselves have. This, in simplest terms, is the old notion that it takes a thief to know a thief. It has often been ob- served that people who expect the worst of their fellow men, who see sin where other people do not, are people with the most strait-laced con- sciences. The man who busies himself with other people’s morals, who combines suspicion with a puritanical code of behavior, may be the man who has done the most repressing of his own wayward needs. Often, too, the man who crucifies the sinner most unmercifully, usually in the name of religion or ethics, is, by punishing the transgressor, at the same time telling himself that his own repressed needs are horrible things and had better stay repressed. The too obvious, the too blatant, the too in- tolerant conscience, according to the psycho- analysts, is a good sign of extreme and un- healthy repression of normal tendencies con- cerning sex, elimination, or aggression. Substitute goals.—The frustrated individual, denied one goal, may cast about for something almost as good. The man who wants to be a naval aviator but who washes out of flight training may enter aerial navigation and at least partially satisfy his needs. The man who wants to play football may, after a season of sitting on the bench, turn his energy to soccer or lacrosse where his abilities are more ade- quate. Such adjustments to frustration gener- ally make good sense. Certainly the reflection of energy into constructive and compatible paths is more rational than scatterhead ag- gression or apathetic resignation. Where the frustration is due to some physical or mental disability, the original energy some- times appears greatly increased, and when turned loose on substitute goals leads to great accomplishment. This is called compensation. Theodore Roosevelt is one of the best known examples of this reaction to frustration. A puny child, he conditioned himself unmercifully until he became the rough-riding picture of virility. Then there is the homely girl who be- comes an excellent conversationalist, or the pimply-faced boy who develops great skill in ballroom dancing. And there’s the officer who fails miserably at shore-based administration but who becomes remarkably proficient as a destroyer skipper. The basic need in most cases, of course, is the need for status and acceptance. When one road to status is blocked, the adaptive thing to do is find another way. When the second way is found, the travelling thereon seems more ener- getic by virtue of having encountered a few rocks on the first. Escape.—The individual who meets with fail- ure in his attempts to satisfy his needs may, as in the case of conflict, seek to escape. Es- capist activity can be physical or it can be psy- chological. The person may physically hie him- self away from the frustrating situation or he may psychologically do the same thing by cre- ating for himself an imaginary world where all is serene and he reigns supreme. Some highly active people, when caught in the throes of frustration, appear prone to get physically away from the predicament. They go to California, or quit their jobs, or catch a plane for Reno, or go home to Mother, or join the Foreign Legion, or sign on as a deckhand on an Oriental freighter, or they go a.w.o.l. Other individuals appear to prefer psycho- logical escape into realms of rich and satisfying 155 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE fantasy. Daydreaming is an almost universal pastime. We all meet frustrations; we all, at least occasionally, dream up wishful fantasies in which we may play the role of the destroyer skipper stuffing mattresses in the shell holes and bringing his battered ship back to port, thereby winning the acclaim of the nation. Such imaginal activity is perfectly normal and some observers even believe it to be helpful occa- sionally in suggesting solutions to our problems. Fantasy becomes pathological only when the person begins to believe his fantasies and deny the real world. Then, fantasies become delu- sions. The misunderstood Napoleons in our in- sane asylums are people who live their lives in their private fantasy worlds. Commercialized fantasy is an interesting phenomenon in modern civilization. The movies, magazines and books-of-the-month are, for the most part, little more than standardized day dreams. Pay your money at the box office or at the rental library and you are afforded an hour or three of delightful escape from the humdrum realities of a frustrating life. Emotional exhaustion or neurasthenia.—A protracted emotional battle with frustration sometimes simply exhausts the individual. He develops a chronic fatigue, insomnia, restless- ness, irritability, a pervasive lack of enthu- siasm. This sort of reaction may, in extreme cases, develop into a complete physical and psy- chological collapse. It then becomes nervous breakdown. In the services it is one form of combat fatigue. Hysteroid reactions.—Prolonged emotional stress has definite effects upon the physiological workings of the body. The emotional factor in stomach ulcers is well-recognized. But the severely frustrated or conflictful individual may also develop symptoms that look medical in na- ture but for which the medical profession is un- able to prescribe. These symptoms are called functional or hysterical symptoms. The aviator with a mortal fear of flying may attempt to solve his problems by coming down with diar- rhea or severe stomach upsets while flying. The seaman may escape the fear of fighting by de- veloping a functional paralysis of a leg or a functional anesthesia of an arm or a functional blindness. Shell-shock patients often show such symptoms. To the individual the symptoms are real, but no bodily basis can be found for them. FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE In the process of growing up most of us learn that needs cannot all be satisfied immedi- ately. We learn to work before we achieve. We learn to deny ourselves today so we can enjoy ourselves tomorrow and next year. We learn, most of us, to delay gratification of our needs. And, with the inevitability of frustration in our complicated lives, this is a very handy lesson. Some people, however, never learn to tolerate frustration. The inability to delay gratification may be due to long practice at being a “spoiled brat.” Nobody really knows much about the genesis of this aspect of personality, but the theory that frustration tolerance is learned has a certain plausibility. The child who is not frustrated enough, whose every wish is grati- fied easily by very lenient parents, may go through life expecting the good things to fall into his lap if he is merely cute or pleasant. On the other hand, the child who is frustrated excessively may get more than a healthy amount of practice at adopting maladaptive re- sponses such as fantasy, aggression, repression, or regression. He, too, may be unable to sustain realistic effort in the face of frustration. Frustration tolerance is a pretty essential attribute for anyone who must absorb extensive training before he can assume the responsibili- ties and regards of an established position in life. The man who hopes to be an officer in the Navy, for example, who strongly wants the status, responsibility, and income of high rank, must tolerate a salutary frustration for quite a while. Not until long after his formal train- ing is completed will he really begin to gratify his needs. The “spoiled brat” would never be able to take it. SYMPTOMS AND CAUSES The doctor who treats the fever and ignores the virus, who cures the cough while the lungs disintegrate, will soon find himself without many patients. The psychiatrist who moralizes over the sins of his patients and clucks at their shortcomings will probably produce more neu- roses than he cures. And the ordinary human 156 Chapter 8.— THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT being, priding himself on his common sense, who treats the symptoms of conflict and frus- tration while remaining insensitive to the causes, will hardly achieve the utmost as a handler of men. He will punish laziness and expect it to disappear. He will call aggressive behavior “meanness” and deal with it is if the aggressive person deliberately intends to be mean. He will diagnose regression as stupidity, fixation as stubbornness, escape as a “yellow streak.” He will attack these symptoms and sometimes he will succeed in making them dis- appear—temporarily. Sometimes his beating on the symptoms will seriously aggravate the disease behind his symptoms. Common sense diagnosis and common sense treatment of people’s behavior is not all it has been cracked up to be. Behavior is caused. Normal, everyday be- havior is caused. To understand normal be- havior, to control it, we must get beyond symp- toms and deal with the psychological factors producing the symptoms. The present treat- ment of conflict and frustration has been de- signed to help the leader see some of the dy- namics of behavior so that his understanding of it and his controlling of it will rise a little above the common sense level—the level of lazi- ness, stupidity, mulishness, and meanness. THE MEDICAL OFFICER'S RELATION TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Most of the reactions to conflict and frustra- tion are strictly normal phenomena. They occur every day and must be dealt with every day. Such reactions as neurasthenia and hys- teria are statistically rarer and, though they have normal counterparts, are generally re- garded as pathological. Extreme behavior in any of the nine directions we have talked about is classed as neurotic or psychotic. The medical officer should be able to recog- nize abnormal behavior when it occurs in his unit. Since the abnormal is almost always merely an extreme form of the normal, .the study of everyday behavior should aid in recog- nizing the serious departures from the every- day. The medical officer’s first job with respect to abnormal behavior is to recognize it and see that it receives treatment. The medical officer’s second job is to maintain an objective attitude toward mental illness. We have seen that behavior is caused. People do what they must do in any situation. The man who vomits at the thought of actual contact with the enemy, or the aviator who has dizzy spells during every flight should not be re- garded as a weak or cowardly or willful slacker. To regard them in such moralistic terms is to ignore the basic scientific point of view. Men with such symptoms are sick. They behave as they do because they must behave as they do. They need treatment if they are to be restored to usefulness. Only rarely, if ever, will accusations of “yellowness” be effective treatment. A vigorous “eating out” may re- move a symptom, but will not touch the cause of the symptom. If one symptom is “cured” an- other can be counted on to show up. To understand and control human behavior, either normal or abnormal, we need to deal with it on the level of causal dynamics rather than in terms of superficial common sense. THE READJUSTMENT OF MALADJUSTMENT Maladjustments come about as a result of conflict and the psychologically inadequate at- tempt to fulfill one’s needs. It should be em- phasized that such maladjustment or misad- justment is common in the lives of all of us, and we are often able to correct our mis- takes and bring about a satisfactory settlement of the problem that had earlier confused us. However, problems vary in complexity, and hu- mans vary in their skill at solving them. Con- sequently, physicians in general private prac- tice, naval flight surgeons, psychologists, psy- chiatrists, ministers, college deans, industrial personnel workers, and many others spend much of their time attempting to help people who are in trouble. Sometimes the help that is given is primarily environmental in nature. The physician recom- mends that the harassed business man take a month’s trip to Florida. The industrial per- sonnel worker arranges to have the worried worker transferred to another department where the foreman is more congenial. Or the flight surgeon has a talk with the jittery pilot’s skipper in an attempt to bring about more un- 157 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE derstanding. Such manipulation of the environ- ment may bring about temporary relief from the tensions of the moment and may even make it possible for the person needing help to work out a solution to his deeper problems. There are many cases, however, where en- vironmental therapy is of little promise, and correction of the maladjusted person’s own attitudes seems called for. Such treatment, though known by many other names, is most commonly referred to as psychotherapy or counseling. Since a large part of the flight surgeon’s services fall in this category, it seems worthwhile to discuss briefly some of the prob- lems involved. Because of the wide range of persons who have commonly been called upon for help of this sort, there have been many methods of treat- ment employed, some probably worse than no treatment at all. Even in the hands of those who would have liked to know better just what to do in each case, psychotherapy was for a long time an art that varied according to the personality of the psychotherapist. To a de- gree, this is still true. However, there are signs today of a science of psychotherapy arising to replace the art of the past. No longer is it claimed that psychotherapeutics is beyond the reach of investigative techniques. Today, the use of phonographic recordings of interviews, with subsequent analysis of the techniques in- volved, is a regular part of certain units in clini- cal research, and follow-up programs help to evaluate the methods used. It is impossible here to go into detail con- cerning accepted procedures. However, certain basic notions have evolved that should be men- tioned. Perhaps the most important principle that is generally recognized by those trained in this field is that to interfere in anyone’s life is a serious proposition, and that the wrong kind of counseling can be worse than none at all. Many old-fashioned approaches toward helping others are in ill favor and on their way out. For example, it is generally felt today that ex- hortation, sometimes with threats, is ineffec- tive, and that pledges and promises as a result of such exhortation cannot be expected to effect any deep-seated change. The dean of men who reprimanded the delinquent student, assured him that he could do better, threatened him with dismissal if he didn’t improve, and finally exacted from the student promises to do better, was probably wasting his time so far as any real help to the maladjusted student was con- cerned. His threats might conceivably have increased the student’s awareness of his own danger, but if the student was already under undue pressure and nervous tension an in- crease in his fears could hardly be of help. So it has come about that many ideas of counseling have been laid aside, and even the once widely accepted techniques of reassuring and encouraging are now recognized as often inducing a person to ignore his problems in- stead of facing them and solving them in wholesome fashion. In fact, the question has now arisen as to when a counselor or psycho- therapist should, if ever, attempt to solve a client’s problems for him. Even the time- honored phrase “If I were you” has come to be less and less used as the idea has grown up that “I” can never be “you”; neither can “I” ever completely “put myself in your place.” When the counselor tries to solve his client’s person- ality problems, we know now that he may be solving only his own. The psychotherapist may tell another person how his life should be lived, but what the client needs is to grow up emotion- ally to the point where he can live his own life without dependence upon anyone for such advice and guidance. Consequently, the giving of advice or the use of persuasion to induce behavior to the liking of the psychotherapist may succeed in bringing about the alleviation of symptoms, but will probably have no bene- ficial effect upon the causes of those symptoms. What is perhaps the opposite extreme in viewpoint has been presented as “nondirective” counseling. It is based on the following ideas expressed by Rogers: “Effective counseling con- sists of a definitely structured, permissive re- lationship which allows the client to gain an understanding of himself to a degree which enables him to take positive steps in the light of his new orientation. ... All techniques used should aim toward developing this free and permissive relationship, this understanding of himself in the counseling and other relation- ships, and this tendency toward positive, self- initiated action.” 158 Chapter 8. —THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT Considering the type of problem and the intelligence of the subject that is most likely to be encountered by the flight surgeon, this ap- proach seems to hold great promise. In the majority of cases the flight surgeon is unlikely to have sufficient background and training to be justified in employing such techniques as hypnotherapy, narcosynthesis, psychoanalysis, or definitely directive methods of counseling, but proper use of the nondirective technique would be relatively safe, and might be expected to give definitely beneficial results, BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Barker, R. G., Kounin, J. S., and Wright, H. F., editors Child Behavior and Development. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1943. (Chapter 26.) 2. Dollard, John, Doob, Leonard W., Miller, Neal E., Mowrer, O.H. and Sears, Robert R. Frustration and Aggression. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939. 3. Heggen, Thomas, Mr. Roberts. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1946. 4. Homey, Karen., The Neurotic Personality of Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1937. 5. Hunt, J. McV. (editor) Personality and the Be- havior Disorders. New York: The Ronald Press Com- pany, 1944. (Volume I, chapter 14.) 6. Maier, Norman, R. F., Psychology in Industry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1946. 7. Rogers, Carl R., Counseling and Psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1942. 8. Ruch, Floyd L., Psychology and Life, 3rd Edition. New York: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1948. (Chapters 13, 14.) 9. Shaffer, Laurance F., The Psychology of Adjust- ment. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936. 10. Snyder, William U., Present Status of Psycho- therapeutic Counseling. Psychological Bulletin, 1947, 44(4), 297-386. 159 CHAPTER 9 NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE * The subject of neuropsychiatry is hereby presented in what amounts to a brief outline of the course as given by the Department of Neuropsychiatry in the School of Aviation Medicine, U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. A basic knowledge of psychiatry is as- sumed. Certain psychoanalytic concepts and the psychobiological point of view are related as they are applicable in the work of the naval flight surgeon. From the resident course of 40 lectures and 20 seminars, selected subjects are presented here for the information of medical officers who are not themselves engaged in the practice of psychiatry. Resident students at the School of Aviation Medicine, in addition to the didactic work mentioned above, also re- ceive supervised clinical work on the wards of the U. S. Naval Hospital, Pensacola, Florida. In order to achieve brevity in this presenta- tion, liberal use is made of references, to which it must be assumed the medical officer will have access. LECTURE NO. 1 Introduction to neuropsychiatry in aviation: 1. Why study psychiatry? 2. What is the psychiatric role of the Flight Surgeon ? 3. Relation of psychology and psychiatry, 4. Discussion of the course to be given. a. Reference and textbooks. b. Collateral reading. c. Seminars. d. Patients. e. Hospital clinics. f. Vocabulary. Since aviation medicine is a specialized form of industrial medicine, wherein personal rela- tionships, attitudes, and the effect of emotions on the individual are of primary importance, it is obviously necessary for the flight surgeon to be conversant with modern psychiatric thought. Personal, social and emotional problems are as great a cause of non-effectiveness in aviation as hernia, ulcer, or fever. Psychiatry is pre- sented as an intelligent approach to our every- day relationships with people, in that we deal with behavior, one’s relationship to his environ- ment, and to his fellow man. The neuropsychi- atric problem in the Navy is the responsibility of all medical officers; in aviation, it is the responsibility of the flight surgeon. It is not intended that a flight surgeon should be a qualified neuropsychiatrist nor psychiatri- cally conscious over all his other duties. Cer- tainly he should not pose as a specialist or at- tempt to psych his shipmates; but he should be psychologically minded and practice modern medicine for the benefit of his men. He should be able to comprehend the dynamic formulation of the doctor-patient relationship, should be familiar with normal personality development, the meaning of psychoneurosis, the common manifestations of psycho-pathology, the effect of emotions in altering physiology, and the more simple methods of treating emotional dis- orders. Psychology is presented as the working of the normal mind, the inter-relation between organism and environment; whereas psychiatry places emphasis on the mind that has failed to establish harmonious adjustment, or where this adjustment has been disrupted in the inter-re- lation between organism and environment. * Prepared by LCdr Philip B. Phillips, MC, USN. 160 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE Psychiatry is no longer primarily interested in the end products, but its emphasis has shifted from an interest in what to why. Em- phasis is placed on the concept that the term “normal” includes a wide range of reactions, depending on the individual and environment. Normalcy referring to mental health exists only when the efficiency, the physical and emotional wellbeing, the social behavior, and/or the in- dividual’s thinking remain within the socially accepted limits of a specific situation. Emphasis is placed on the body-mind rela- tionship and the necessity of dealing with men- tal and emotional problems both from the psy- chological and the organic viewpoint. The flight surgeon is concerned with two cardinal factors: the personality of the individual and the en- vironment in which that individual finds him- self. References :* (E)—pages 53-146. (P)—pages 9-13. (S)—chapter I. LECTURE NO. 2 Development of the mind and personality: 1. Psychosomatic relationships. a. The influence of the mind on body functions, and vice versa, 2. The origin of the mind. a. The levels of the psyche: (1) Tropism. (2) Reflex. (3) Instinct. (4) Intelligence. 3. Influence of environment on personality (body—mind). 4. Requirements for an organism to func- tion at the level of intelligence. 5. Fields of concern regarding relationship to one’s environment. 6. A balanced personality. 7. The four-square man. The constant influence of the psyche on the soma and vice versa is pointed out. In fear, the physical accompaniments of tachycardia, dry mouth, dyspnea, and often nausea and ver- tigo occur. The reverse is also true, for if one suddenly experiences one of the latter symptoms, apprehension or fear is the result. Thus it is held that the body-mind relationship is a con- stant and dynamic one. Apparently the mind has developed in order that the organism may be able to solve the in- creasingly complex problems faced and survive. The four levels of the psyche are: (a) the level of tropism, where behavior is governed chiefly by physical and chemical laws; (b) the level of reflex, where a constant stimulus gives a constant response, illustrated by the actions of an earthworm touched by an electrode; (c) the level of instinct, which is a series of reflex ac- tions, fixed, stereotyped and inelastic, but which may become complex; and (d) the level of in- telligence. Here stimuli are received by the cerebral cortex and selectively distributed, and the response and behavior follows no fixed pat- tern. Another dynamic relationship exists between the individual and the environment, and illus- trations may be readily brought to mind demon- strating the variation of behavior under vary- ing environmental conditions. The requirements for an organism to func- tion at the level of intelligence are: (a) the ability to form abstractions logically and cor- rectly; (b) the ability to comprehend what others understand and explain; (c) the ability to combine information logically and correctly; (d) the ability to so act as to obtain the desired goal. The cardinal fields of concern regarding the relationship to one’s environment are: (a) feel- ing; (b) thinking; (c) acting. A balanced personality has been compared to a four-legged chair, the legs being love, work, play, and worship. Any leg out of proportion or missing results in an unbalanced personality. The four-square man is an illustration given by Cleeton and Mason in their book, “Execu- tive Ability”, wherein they state that the “area” of a man’s success is determined by the square enclosed by the four sides: (a) ability (men- tal) ; (r) reliability (spiritual) ; (e) endurance (physical) ; and (a) action (integration of all factors). References: (D)—pages 17-33. (J) —pages 11-17. (K) —pages 3-18. (S) —pages 6-10. (T) —pages 1-8. * All references and seminars referred to by numbers in paren theses will be found on pages 186-188. 161 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE LECTURE NO. 3 The structure of the personality: 1. Instincts: a. Where they exist (the Id). b. The pleasure principle. c. Aim and object of the instincts. 2. Need for new personality factor to con- tact reality and adapt to its demands: a. Origin of the ego. b. Its function, c. The reality principle. 3. Need for permanent retention of certain demands and ideas of reality: a. The super ego: 1. Its origin and role. 2. Manner of acting. 3. Ego-ideal. Instincts are held to exist in the portion of the personality known as the Id. They follow the pleasure-pain principle: that tendency of instincts to seek release of tension and avoid the pain of tension. They have no regard for morals, codes, or persons, and disregard logic, time and comfort of others. Their aim is to dissipate the charge of energy which is produc- ing tension, and their object is some thing or person in the world contact which will fulfill the aim of instincts as an avenue of release for tension. Undisciplined instinct gratification cannot last; the growing child must be made aware that some control of expression of desire must be brought about to adapt to social life. A new factor of the personality develops for the purpose of contacting reality and adapting to its demands. This ego part of the personality arises from the Id and is developed to act as mediator be- tween two forces, the forces of the instincts and the forces of reality. The reality principle is the capacity of the organism to forego im- mediate pleasure in order to insure pleasure and avoid pain in the future. A third portion of the personality, the super ego, develops for the permanent retention of certain demands and ideas of reality. Repeated parental prohibition gradually is incorporated into this portion of the personality, the super ego. It affects the ego by making it feel fear, shame, disgust, etc., indicating unacceptable Id desires have been stimulated. Parental limita- tion and imitation both are included in the super ego, which besides its punitive role also includes the ego ideal, so that the super ego embraces both necessary social prohibitions and higher cultural strivings. Recapitulating, it is held analytically that there are three parts to the personality. The driving forces of the instincts exerting them- selves through body and mind, demanding love and comfort, make up the Id. Being dependent upon others for this love and comfort, a part of the psyche differentiates itself, taking cog- nizance of the environment, and begins to hold the instincts to what the environment will toler- ate in the way of satisfying instinct tensions. This is called the ego. To save excessive anxiety with each new danger, a third part of the psyche is differentiated, which automatically makes decisions and controls behavior. This is the super ego. References: (A)—pages 21-34. (D)—pages 29-68. (H)—pages 80-125; 294-342. (K)—pages 26-29; 35. LECTURE NO. 4 The psychosexual development of the child: 1. Environmental adaptation problems: a. Genitalization of the libido. b. Finding external object. c. Redirection of excess energy. 2. Genitalization of the libido; a. The physical body and its constituents (psychologically) : (1) Organs of metabolism. (2) Organs of internal integration. (3) Organs of external integration, b. The intellectual capacity. c. Instincts. d. Erotogenetic zones. e. Pleasure-pain principle. f. Repetition compulsion. Ages in the normal psychosexual develop- ment to maturity: Oral 0 - li/2 Anal 11/2- 3 Genital 3-6 Latency 6 -12 Pubertal or adolescent 13 -on 1. Homosexual 13 -15 2. Heterosexual 16 -? 162 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE DIAGRAM OF DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES (The Theoretically Normal Development.) A. Libidinal Localization B. Aim, or Mode of (erotogentic zones). Pleasure-Finding. C. Libidinal Object-Finding. INFANCY PERIOD Pregential Period Infantile sexuality Auto- Narcism Alio- erotism* ’erotism 1. Oral stage: a. early oral Sucking, swallowing at first Oral (incorporating) * * object- less object- choice b. late oral Biting, devouring (destroying, annihilating) Primary Narcism Oral- sadistic object- choice 2. Anal stage: a. early anal Expelling / looking (rejecting) 1 exhibiting (destroying)! handling < inflicting Retaining J pain (controlling)! submitting Anal and anal- sadistic object- choice Early genital period: (possessing) \ to pain (phallic stage) Touching, rubbing, exhibit- ing and looking at geni- talia investigating, com- paring, questioning, phan- tasying (tender affection) Parent object- choice Oedipus- phantasies LATENCY PERIOD No new zone Repression Further Dimin- Develop- Reaction-formation decline ished ment of Sublimation of auto- Narcism social Affectional trends erotism feelings ADOLESCENT OR PUBERTAL PERIOD Late Genital Period Reactivation of modes or Revival Fresh Revival of Revival of zone sen- aims of infancy period of auto- wave of Oedipus sitivity of infancy erotism Narcism object choice period Later, functioning of Emergence of adult mode of Homosex- vaginal zone pleasure-finding > f ual object- choice Heterosex- ual object- choice * Not synonymous with masturbation. ** The words enclosed in parentheses refer to Ego attitudes and trends arising on the basis of Id impulses. 163 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE 3. Polyvalent 16 -21 4. Monovalent 21 - Maturity 21 - In making a satisfactory adaptation to the environment, the young human being faces problems involving localization of pleasure-giv- ing zones to areas useful to the adult and race, finding an object external to the individual through whom the function of reproduction may be carried out, and redirecting the excess energy away from the primary function of re- production and making it available for other purposes in the struggle for existence. References: (J) —pages 18-51. (K) —pages 20-29. (P)—pages 15-307. (H)—page 110. LECTURE NO. 5 The oral and anal stages: Oral stage: 1. Stimuli on newborn child: a. External. b. Internal. 2. Response to stimuli. 3. Learning of first year: a. Gratification by sucking. b. Gratification by biting and chewing. 4. Psychological requirements of this period. Anal sadistic: 1. Factors involved. 2. Relationship to mother. 3. Development of super ego. 4. Important behavior concepts established. 5. Concept of ambivalence. At birth, the child is exposed to two groups of stimuli which cause discomfort, inducing him to use his energy in their removal to regain a tensionless state. External stimuli include cold, light, loud noises, changes in skin humid- ity, etc.; while internal tensions are those aris- ing from his inner physiological needs. Arousal of instinct causes a production of energy which seeks an outlet; if there is no outlet the indivi- dual feels fear, directly proportional to the un- expended energy; whereas fear is lessened by an effort to expend the energy. Through this process the ego becomes aware of one of the salient principles of life: discom- fort or danger will cause fear unless the indivi- dual directs his bodily energy toward removing the cause or himself from the vicinity. The oral stage of development is touched on briefly, constituent parts pointed out, and the necessity that this stage be traversed without the child being too frequently unsatisfied or too abund- antly treated. Anal-sadistic stage is described as the stage of infancy wherein bowel and blad- der control is being gained and the child ex- periences the variable feelings of the parents regarding his excretory activities. He must learn to control some of his instinctive pleas- ures to meet the demands of the mother. The process of toilet training lays the basis for certain important behavior concepts to come later: (a) to please the loved one, we must give to the loved one, relinquishing pos- sessions we would like to retain. He may take over a hostile mother’s attitude of dislike and repudiation of the value of his gift and come to consider it worthless or contemptible. He learns gifts can be given to express derision and antagonism; that is, he can retaliate to the mother by giving his gift in inappropriate places. The child may develop a feeling he is more powerful than the mother, and that he can master her by anal activities. The instinct of aggression thus becomes con- nected with anal functions. The child is now faced with opposing feelings in that he can love and hate the same person at the same time. He may become ambivalent. For his future development it is important these con- flicting feelings and opposing activities be syn- thesized and that the ambivalence be replaced by true object love unmixed with hate; that part of the hate be changed to aggressive ac- tivity toward the love object in order to possess and master, part be changed to aggressive ac- tivity tempered with sympathy and understand- ing toward other human beings, and part be changed to aggressive action against the dan- gers and difficulties of the physical world. The method of toilet training has farther-reaching consequences than the attainment of cleanliness, because so many important ideas are connected with it in the child’s mind; therefore the meth- ods used by the parents are important in the formulation of his super ego and ego reaction pattern. 164 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE References: (H)—pages 168-189. (J) —pages 21-35. (K) —pages 21-25. (P)—pages 15-70. LECTURE NO. 6 The genital, latent, and adolescent stages: 1. Displacement to genitals. 2. Oedipus complex (parental rivalry). 3. Latent period. 4. Adolescence. The importance of the genital stage of psy- chosexual development during the pre-school years, and its effect upon later personality for- mation, are discussed. In this the oedipus con- flict is described in essence as a libidinal striv- ing taking the form of unconscious desire for sexual satisfaction with the parent of the op- posite sex. The latent period, the period of beginning educability, with the repression of desire for the parent of the opposite sex and the sublima- tion of aggressive impulses toward the father being the psychological basis for combative games with playmates in the boy and this same process in the girl manifesting itself with playing house, with dolls, etc., continues the normal development of the individual. Two new situations confront the child, dealing with the school and teacher, an authoritarian father figure, and with playmates and other children. His reactions will depend largely on how his relations with his parents were, and upon what modes of behavior he adopted in dealing with them. The stage of adolescence, beginning with the prepubertal period and encompassing the marked expansion of the sexual instincts, is discussed both from the normal and the patho- logical view. The possible retreat of the libido from genitalization to earlier stages in the face of a strict Super Ego is pointed out, as are the difficulties which develop from inadequate early genitalization, wherein the child becomes self- centered, seclusive, lacks interest in the outside world, etc. The ego’s mechanism of relieving Id tensions through allowing direct expression, towards objects permissible to the Super Ego, and by changing the mode of expression, is dis- cussed. The adolescent anxiety resulting from attempts to close all outlets to particular im- pulses is related to earlier feelings of anxiety. The development of reaction formation where- by Id impulses are expressed in behavior ex- actly opposite to their direct expression is also discussed. References: (J) —pages 44-51. (K) —pages 25-26. (P)—pages 71-307. (R)—pages 74-118. LECTURE NO. 7 The unconscious, pre-conscious, and the con- scious : Unconscious: 1. Definition. 2. Main attributes of unconscious (Freud). 3. Jung’s views. 4. The content. 5. Reason for a belief in a dynamic un- conscious. 6. Chief advantages from accepting the dynamic concept. Pre-conscious; 1. Definition. Conscious; 1. Definition. 2. Content. 3. Dissociation of consciousness: a. Normal. b. Abnormal. The unconscious is that vast quantity of mental life which either never was in con- sciousness or, previously in consciousness, has been repressed. The elements are active con- stituents of mental life. The somatic and emo- tional effects are more powerful than those emanating from consciousness. It is dynamic and capable of affecting conscious ideational or emotional life without the individual’s being aware of this influence. Jung sees the uncon- scious as consisting of both a personal un- conscious and a collective or racial unconscious. The unconcious contains mental processes en- tirely beyond the realm of voluntary recall. It is the reservoir of past experiences of the in- dividual, having begun shortly after birth of the person and continuing to grow with him. Reasons for believing in a dynamic uncon- scious are: the post-hypnotic carrying out of suggestions held in the unconscious; the evi- 165 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE dences found through discovering the latent meaning1 of dreams; the discoverable bases for common slips or errors of speech, memory, and action; the small amount in consciousness at any one time in comparison to the latent content of the mind. The advantages to be derived from accept- ance of this concept are: an understanding of what the individual may be trying to express by his behavior; an understanding of the causes of various forms of behavior; and un- derstanding that the difference between the normal and abnormal mental processes is quan- titative in nature, and an understanding of the forms of psychotherapy which may advantage- ously be employed in a given case. The pre-conscious is defined as that part of mental life which in appropriate circumstances, either through an effort of the will or stimu- lated by an associated idea, can be brought up into consciousness. Consciousness is that part of mental life proportionately infinitesimal of which the in- dividual is aware at any given time. It repre- sents the upper stratum of life. It developed later to meet the demands of adaptation to the external, real world. It includes only those mental processes concerning which there is awareness at a given moment. Normally, con- sciousness is an invisible whole or stream of thought toward a given end. It can be broken up into independent fragments not coordinated to common ends. This is called dissociation of consciousness. This may be normal when it is temporary, partial in nature, and under the control of the individual, to be abandoned at will. It is abnormal when these latter criteria are not met. The Id is entirely unconscious, the ego is largely unconscious but includes pre-conscious- ness and consciousness, the super ego includes consciousness, the pre-conscious, and a large portion of unconscious material, and has direct access to the Id. The ego constitutes the greater portion of the personality’s contact with the outer world, although the super ego participates in this. References: (D)—pages 35-39. (H)—pages 22-57. LECTURE NO. 8 The fundamental problem of life: 1. Fundamental problem—adjustment to the environment. 2. Goal of behavior—peace of mind. 3. Peace of mind: a. Happiness. b. Love. c. Self-esteem. 4. Personality-Environmental struggle: a. Three fundamental urges: (1) Self preservation. (2) Race preservation. (3) Communal preservation, 5. Factors bearing on Personality-Environ- mental struggle: a. Constitutional. b. Developmental environment. c. Precipitating: (1) Emotional deprivations. (2) Threatened insecurity. (3) Physical or physiological causes. 6. Introduction of conflict. The fundamental problem of life which all individuals face is that of adjusting to the environment. The environment includes more than the physical surroundings, for it involves all those things which go to make up a person’s life situation. It is through solution of this fundamental problem that the individual seeks to attain the goal of all behavior, which is peace of mind. Peace of mind has three constituent parts: happiness, in which there must be an element of hope; love, wherein the individual must feel security, that he is wanted, cared for and will be protected; and self-esteem, wherein he must feel no persistent doubts regarding his own capabilities. The individual who solves his problems so as to attain these three com- ponents attains the primary goal, peace of mind, and would be considered well adjusted to his environment. In the personality-environmental struggle, the three fundamental urges are as given. Of the factors bearing on this personality-environ- mental struggle, the constitutional factors are probably less important than the developmental- evironmental factor. In the latter, the good or bad results of emotional relationships, train- 166 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE ing, and education predispose to good or poor capacity for adjustment. Freud has said that a child who is loved by his mother until he is 5 cannot help but be a success. The child’s attitude toward men and women is conditioned by his early attitudes towards his parents. The details of his early developmental period are important in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of possible later difficulties. In this early period, he learns to be trust- worthy or deceptive, to love or to hate, to be dependent or independent, lazy or industrious, uncomfortable or at ease with people. The precipitating factor is seldom the real cause of the mental reaction. The margin of toler- ance varies markedly with different individuals. In the functional mental illnesses the causes are often internal stresses brought to light in the form of symptoms. These come from emotional deprivation, parental rejection, lack of approval, recognition, parental love, ego gratification, etc. There may be threatened insecurity in new situations, changes of jobs, moves, promotions; and there may be physical or physiological causes such as exhaustion, exposure, injury, systemic diseases, etc. These factors introduce a situation called conflict in the personality versus the environment struggle. This includes the conscious and the unconscious wants, vs. what the individual can have or can get. Frus- tration of instincts and difficult conformation to herd tendencies are particularly frequent in military environment. Many conscious conflicts are solved readily every day, though the deci- sions are often made on a basis unconscious to the person. References ; (K)—pages 30-39. (d) —pages 13-40. (S)—pages 16-21. (U)—pages 13-16. LECTURE NO. 9 The solution of conflict: Unconscious conflicts: 1. Ambivalence. 2. Direct compensation, 3. Around sex. Cultural conflict: Chief sources of internal stress in military environment: 1. Emotional deprivation. 2. Threatened insecurity. 3. Physical burdens. The solution of conflict: 1. Definition of complex: a. Conscious or unconscious. b. Emotional, not logical thinking. c. Psychic energy involved. d. Emotional tone troublesome and re- pressed. e. Disproportion between stimulus and reaction. Mental anguish: 1. Tension. 2. Deprivation or frustration—results in aggression. Mental mechanisms: Complexes: 1. Good and bad. Conflicts may be conscious or unconscious, and there may be a conflict between conscious desires and other unconscious, incompatible de- sires; between reality, ideals, morals, etc. Am- bivalence is often a factor. There may be a discrepancy between one’s ideal picture of oneself and one’s own past deeds. These con- flicts may affect one’s behavior. Certain cul- tural conflicts exist between inconsistent or conflicting trends. Among these are man’s attitude towards women, towards women doc- tors, towards a wife’s career, towards killing, towards sex, etc. Strong, flexible characters can and do adjust; the weaker ones are apt to crack under the strain. In a military environment, some of the chief sources of internal stress are separation from home, new occupations, increased responsibili- ties, physical fatigue and exposure, the imper- sonality of the environment, regimentation, loss of personal liberties, accountability for be- havior, and anticipation of injury or death. These all fall under either emotional depriva- tion, threatened insecurity, or physical bur- dens. A conflict involves persistent, automatic attempts at solution. The psychic energy asso- ciated with a desire for gratification, threat to self-esteem or fear of injury, when denied an outlet, results in mental anguish, exaggerat- ing the demand for solution. Complex is defined as a group of related ideas vivified by strong emotional tone and demand- ing expression in consciousness. The action is 167 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE related to the amount and kind of emotion present, and these complexes may be manifest by character traits, slips of the tongue, man- nerisms, and forgetfulness. They may be con- scious or unconscious; they involve emotional rather than logical thinking; there is usually a marked disproportion between the stimulus and the reaction. When a biological threat or danger faces the organism, tension results, and the autonomic nervous system responds either with a fight or a flight reaction. Tension is always present in a waking state and is manifest as tonus, or the ability or readiness to react. A psycho- logically sick person shows tension out of pro- portion to the apparent problems facing him. His problem, however, may be unconscious to him. Chronic tension wears one out somatically. With deprivation or frustration, either par- tial or complete, aggression results. This may be direct, against the frustrator, or indirect, against a symbol. With the aggression, there is accompanying fear and anxiety. To rid him- self of the mental anguish and in response to its dynamic urges, he attempts to solve the conflict. The mental procedures or processes employed in this solution are called mechan- isms. As the goal is peace of mind, these mechanisms may be thought of as a procedure by which the individual strives to adjust to his environment. Complexes may be either good or bad. The former accomplish something useful and are associated with such things as patriotism, fami- ly honor, politics, religion, and hobbies. Bad complexes are ones which have a destructive effect on the individual or environment. References: (K)—pages 122-151. LECTURE NO. 10 Mental mechanisms: 1. Definition and purpose. 2. Types; a. Daydreaming (fantasy). b. Rationalization. c. Compensation. d. Sublimation. e. Projection. f. Identification (introjection). g. Displacement. By mental mechanisms is meant the habitual manner in which an individual works out his problems, what he does when confronted with difficulties and mistakes. Mental mechanisms not only shape the functional symptoms but disguise their real purpose. Through mental mechanisms the individual rids himself of un- pleasant emotional tone or mental pain arising from the dynamic urges of the conflict. The ob- ject of solution is to obtain peace of mind. Mental mechanisms may be thought of as means of striving to adjust to the environment. “ . . . abnormal mental mechanisms differ in kind very little or not at all from the normal. The same mental processes are observed in the socially well-adapted person as in the malad- justed psychoneurotic. It is considerably more a matter of degree.” Among the types of mental mechanisms em- ployed in the solution of conflict are: 1. Daydreaming or fantasy formation. 2. Rationalization, or the necessity for find- ing a reason or explanation for every pheno- menon, This has been called self-deception through adventitious reasoning. 3. Compensation, an attempt to make up for real or fancied deficiencies by appropriate al- terations of thought or behavior (this may be conscious and deliberate as well as unconscious and automatic). 4. Sublimation, a mechanism by which en- ergy from undesirable or unattainable ideas or desires is drafted off into a channel which is thought not undesirable or unattainable, or a redirection of energy. 5. Projection, wherein one condemns in others faults to the commission of which one himself has a conscious inclination; seeing one’s own faults in others without recognizing them to be our faults. 6. Identification, whereby the individual identifies himself with another individual, real or imaginary, in order that he may derive strength from the other individual to help him attain certain unconscious desires. Award- ing ourselves someone else’s virtues. 7. Displacement, wherein the emotion aris- ing through conflict is transferred to another person or object by substitution. 168 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE References: (D)—pages 42-68. (S) —chapter 5. (T) —pages 91-100. (V)—page 705. LECTURE NO. 11 Psychiobiology and 'psychobiological constitu- tional and reaction types: 1. Origin of the concept of psychobiology: a. Definition. b. Subject matter. 2. Comparison with other schools: a. Freud. b. Adler. c. Jung. d. Behaviorist. e. Gestalt. The concept of psychobiology was introduced by Adolph Meyer and regards the individual as a whole or functioning unit, any part of which may break down and influence the func- tions of the total individual. It views the in- dividual in the long section of life, taking into account all important life happenings, somatic and emotional. It is the science of personality function. According to Meyer, it is the science of understanding how and why the integrated unit or person made up of organs and parts works together, not in the sense of a mere summation of parts and part functions, but as an integrate in inter-relationship, to produce what we call a live man, capable of living, grow- ing, reproducing, acting, talking, feeling, un derstanding, remembering, anticipating, hav- ing desires, ambitions, special appetites and traits, which single him or her out as a par- ticular one of the zoological entities specified by the term man. Psychobiology deals with the meanings of things in the life of a person. It notes the occurrences of the life history and makes an estimate of their significance in producing a psychoneurotic or psychotic maladjustment. Freud reached the conclusion catharsis was sufficient. Free association developed into psychoanalysis. He felt psychic phenomena were uniformly present, determined by the in- dividual’s mental motives, even though out of awareness. He postulated the unconscious by reason of his findings in free association, mis- takes, and dreams. He also introduced the concept of repressed infantile sexuality. Adler postulated organ inferiority, and de- veloped the idea that most emotional disorders grow out of a striving for power, indulged in an effort to compensate for feelings of in- adequacy and inferiority. He felt neuroses were all on a basis of inability to meet goals, a face-saving dodging of social responsibility. Jung introduced analytic psychology and the concepts of the personal and collective or racial unconscious. He felt neurosis was a failure in an attempt at adjustment to life, and that symptoms resulted because not all of the nat- urally adaptable materials were used. He laid the groundwork for the ideas of Introvert and Extrovert. The Behaviorist School of Pavlov and others was wholly objective, threw heredity to the winds, developed a stimulus-response psychol- ogy, disallowed the subconscious. The Gestalt School dealt with configuration and contrasted the meaning of an idea with its structure and content. It advanced the con- cept of the human brain as an energy system possessing the power of will, and held that the whole is not built by coordination of parts, but that parts are derived by differentiation or individuations from the whole. Psychobiological constitution and reaction types is a study of the relationship between human form and human nature. Sheldon’s classification of endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph is undoubtedly familiar to readers. Kretschmer’s classification of the pyknic, asthenic, athletic, and dysplastic physiques is also well known. Sheldon classified tempera- ment as viscerotonic, somatotonic, or cerebro- tonic. These classifications may be related in that asthenic or ectomorph is by personality more often schizoid, introvert, and cerebro- tonic, and tends towards anxiety or schizo- phrenia if mental illness develops; whereas the phynic or endomorph, cycloid, extrovert, vis- cerotonic tends toward hysteria and manic de- pressive disease if mental illness develops. References: (D)—pages 69-93. (S) —pages 29-32. (T) —pages 9-25. (X)—pages 4-48. 169 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE LECTURE NO. 12 Broken personalities: 1. Somatic type (physical illness person- alities) : a. Physically crippled personality. b. Illness-prone personalities. c. Diseases with first symptoms physi- cal; later, disorders of perception, thinking, feeling, behavior. 2. Hypophrenic (stupid) personalities. 3. Isolation type (lonely) personalities. 4. The schizoid type—queer personalities. 5. The cycloid type (moody personalities). 6. The neurotic type (frustrated person- alities) . 7. The anti-social type (perverse person- alities). The core of the human personality is con- stitutional, and largely genetically determined. This can be influenced environmentally, and life’s experiences may be thought of as build- ing stones which go into the construction of the completed personality. Building is never finished, however, since this is a dynamic pro- cess continuing unto death. The degree of mental health depends both on the constitu- tional core and the way life’s experiences are built into the structure. In our dealing with people as adults we are prone to categorize individuals into certain type of personality. Menninger, in his text “The Human Mind,” has given a practical and descriptive outline of the personality types which are prone to have unusual difficulties under adaptational strain. It is important that the Flight Surgeon recognize these various types of personality. Menninger, in his text deal appropriately with each type as he serves his group. First is the somatic type, or physical illness personality, who gives somatic evidence of his psychological difficulties. Various sub-types are recognized, including those prone to asthma, constipation, peptic ulcer, hypertension, etc. A second type which will have difficulties in adap- tation is the hypophrenic, or stupid personality. These individuals of limited intellectual capacity can succeed only under favorable conditions. They frequently get caught for crimes smarter people get away with; they are prone to follow simple, though tedious, tasks. Ninety percent of these people are peaceful, law-abiding citizens. A third type, the isola- tion, or lonely personality, is marked by seclu- siveness, eccentricity, unsociability. Some of these are the temperamentally unsocial who prefer to be left out of things; and others are the wistful outsiders who long to enter social activities and either don’t know how or are held back by fears. These people rate particu- lar attention from the flight surgeon. A fourth type, the schizoid or queer personalities, show a common tendency, their inability to get along well with other people. By sub-types, they may be the seclusive, the hardboiled, the artistic, the grouchy, or the radical. Their adaptation is particularly diffi- cult. A fifth type, the cycloid or moody per- sonalities, are those who show mood swings not provoked by the environment. In the up phase, they do a prodigious amount of work, are full of pep, and often participate in fistic or legal fights from encountering unsuspecting irritants about them. In the down phase, they show no interest, no enthusiasm, are apathetic, self-deprecatory, are in need of help. Another type, the neurotic, or frustrated personalities, are those whose childhood devel- opment was such that the conflicts between their instinctive tendencies and the environ- ment were never resolved in a way wholly satisfactory to the ego, and who are therefore constantly impelled to indulge in behavior which gives them a needed satisfaction at an exorbitant cost. This type always contrives to defeat its own aim, to spike its own guns, and lay its own pitfalls. Their primitive sexual and aggressive instincts have been modified to meet social requirements only with painful difficulty. In- decisiveness is marked. They substitute neu- rotic symptoms for instinctual gratification. Another type, the antisocial or perverse person- alities, are those often called psychopathic personalities. Perverse is a good word. These people play at the game but break’the rules. Their defectiveness is in their emotional and volitional functions; they cannot keep out of trouble. Rather than symptoms, they show be- havior abnormalities, and the environment suf- 170 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE fers. They may be troublesome, even danger- ous; yet they themselves suffer worst of all. They have no place in naval aviation. References: (A)—pages 34-158. LECTURE NO. 13 Psychosomatic relationships: 1. Definition of psychosomatics. 2. Effect of emotions on structural changes. 3. Emotional contacts and exposures. 4. Commonest emotional components of structural disease: a. Infantile reactions (regressive in na- ture) . b. Repression of hostility. c. A stepped-up pace of life. In association with this lecture, a movie is shown which beautifully illustrates the influ- ence of emotions on bodily function and vice versa. All emotional reactions have certain physical accompaniments. With fear, tachy- cardia, palpitation, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms result. Similarly, a physical sensation such as severe acute abdominal pain results in the emotional manifestation of apprehension or fear. An in- dividual cannot be sick only in body or only in his mind. This relationship between mind and body is a constant and dynamic one. Psycho- somatics is a point of view rather than a body of knowledge. We must abandon the dualistic concept that the disorder is either functional or organic. Terminology may often be a strait jacket to our thinking. An aviator who is frustrated by his responsibilities and tasks, and who gener- ates excess acid may develop acute abdominal pains and eventually get enough erosion of the gastric mucosa to produce an ulcer. If we diagnose this peptic ulcers, we automatically think of treatment by diet, powders, or surgery. If we formulated the case into the total person terms, we might appropriately think of man- agement by changing the job situation or re- ducing the emotional tension. A diagnostic formulation such as “worry over job, fear at competition, panic at jeopardy of his status and living standards resulting in excess gastric acidity” would be more helpful in our thinking than a simple diagnosis of ulcer, although ad- mittedly no hospital record committee would accept it. We must understand that emotions can and do produce structural changes through affect- ing the tonus, secretion and circulation of tis- sues and organs. If we admit that a single severe emotional experience can produce a transient rise in blood pressure, why can’t we accept the thesis that nagging, prolonged frus- tration can and does produce a prolonged or permanent hypertension. We must also recognize the result of emo- tional contacts, particularly in the early de- velopmental years of an individual’s life. Later emotional exposures are also important. One man is exposed to the bacteriological trauma of a roommate with active tuberculosis; whereas another man has a roommate with heart disease, who lives in constant contemplation of sudden death. Certainly both are real exposures. The commonest emotional components of structural disease are: (a) infantile reactions (regressive in nature); repression of hostility, and (c) a stepped-up pace of life. The doctor must be able to assay the environmental forces acting on his patient and be able to manipulate these for the patient’s welfare. He must also be able to modify the patient’s own goals, ambitions, and demands in a realistic way. References: (Y)—pap:es 251-277. LECTURE NO. 14 Events which precipitate a neurosis; and emotions and their effect on the body. Crises at which vulnerable personalities tend to break down: 1. Puberty. 2. Leaving school. 3. Love affair. 4. Marriage. 5. Bearing or fathering a child. 6. Vocational or financial disappointments. 7. Loss of a loved one. 8. Threats from environment. AGE OF ADULT NEUROSIS Nature of adult deprivation: 1. In single people. 171 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE 2. Married women. 3. Married men. 4. Financial insecurity. 5. Need for aggression. 6. Disappointment in loved object. 7. Career women. 8. Discussion regarding real illness and neuroses. 9. Appendix removal. 10. Approach of involutional period. There are crises in every life, and at these points the vulnerable personality tends to break down. (See outline). In the past we have been prone to think of a neurosis as resulting from a major catastrophe. It is true that such events may precipitate a neurotic outbreak, but many begin without any such event in close relation to the onset. It is usually a culmination of events and forces, often difficult to piece to- gether, which precipitated the final break. Most adult neuroses break out between late adolescence and 35 years of age, when in a period of increasing responsibilities an effort is being made to establish oneself socially, economically and with his sexual instincts. This is a period with frustrating and disappointing experiences, many of which are similar to the original ones in childhood. In single people, a neurosis may occur gradu- ally following a second marriage of a parent. This may reawaken and disappoint an oedipal attachment. Married women may gradually de- velop a neurosis when their fantasied desires in marriage are not fulfilled. Some women ex- pect the impossible in marriage. When they can verbalize their feelings, they often realize that their partner is not enough like some childhood image, usually the father. An unwanted pregnancy may lead to anxiety, depression, and G. I. symptoms because the patient is too psychically immature to want a child. At a deeper level, it may represent a long- desired yet feared competition with her mother and arouse much guilt. A married man may become neurotic because his wife is not enough like the mother, because he cannot have the dependent role he wishes as he is temporarily dislodged from his wife’s affection by the birth of a child, or by slow failure to reach a desired goal or a position of prominence which is seen unconsciously as a thwarting from a superior. The human psyche is not an area of harmony; it is a continued battleground of conflicts and trends, mostly from the dynamic instincts of sex, self, and herd. Usually the respective de- mands are in conflict with each other and are often irreconcilable. The friction of emotional conflict cannot be continued forever, nor can it remain in status quo. The emotional cross-pur- poses must be relieved or compromised, even if the compromise be a pathological one. Every pathological solution of the emotional conflicts gives rise to psychoneurotic manifestations. Basic patterns of emotional conflicts are end- lessly repeated, filled with disappointments, marital difficulties, rejections in love life, eco- nomic reverses, etc. These and many other life situations tend to bring on anxiety, which over a long time takes a heavy toll of the mental resistance and often disrupts the personality. In aviation medicine, having decided the ill- ness of an individual is psychosomatic, the flight surgeon’s next step is to locate the source of emotional difficulty. Sometimes it is apparent in the life situation of the patient; at other times it is not so simple and may lie buried in the unconscious of the patient, who will not know anything about it except as it produces a chronic feeling of uneasiness or anxiety. The flight surgeon may then rightfully refer the patient to a psychiatrist. References: (J)—chapter 14. (S)—pages 18-21. (X)—pages 511-529. LECTURE NO. 15 Neurasthenia: Outstanding complaints: 1. Fatigue. 2. Somatic discomforts. 3. Mild mood disturbances. Objective findings. Etiology and structure. Illustration of investing objects with libido. Differential diagnosis. Prognosis. Treatment and management. Neurasthenia is a term of Greek derivation, literally meaning lack of nerve strength, first used by Beard in 1869. It now has a more limited meaning than formerly, although all 172 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE psychiatrists do not agree on its being a separ- ate entity. Generally it covers the three out- standing complaints of fatigue, various poorly defined somatic discomforts, and mild mood disturbances. The fatigue is the most constant and usually the first symptom mentioned. It may be tiredness after minimal exertion or con- stant fatigue independent of exertion. It makes him think himself organically ill. The somatic discomforts are many and varied, may be recited glibly, and include palpitation, anorexia, post-prandial discomfort, gas forma- tion, constipation, headaches, sensation of pres- sure on top of the head, a bandlike constricting sensation, dizziness, spots before the eyes, etc. The most common mood distubances are irrit- ability and mild depression. Patient is gloomy, introspective, unable to concentrate. He lacks self-confidence; problems in the sexual sphere are common, including impotence, frigidity, and disgust, all of which are indicative of general maladjustment of the love life of either sex. The objective findings include loss of weight, low blood pressure, vasomotor lability, the mood reflected by the facies or posture; while ex- amination of the body systems reveals normal function. The etiology is defective personality development permitting conflicts. While over- work has been blamed, we rarely find a neuras- thenic who is ever overworked. Those who do not accept psychogenic origin seek some somatic or organic pathology to explain what is seen, and often pounce upon some minor deviation and over-treat this, with no result save discouragement for the patient and the doctor. What is the etiological structural pathology in neurasthenia, or how do we get the present- ing complaints? We recall that in the discus- sion of libido development, we recognized the infant’s early interest in himself. Later, after the narcissistic stage, comes an interest in others, which is more or less sexually tinged. The interest and sexual component cannot be separated successfully; consequently if the sexual interest is frowned upon, rejected or punished, it finds only limited gratification in these love objects and returns with itself. With curtailment of outside interests, self- interest grows proportionately; and this fact of self-preoccupation has long been stressed in the neurasthenic. When the capacity to choose, or no desire to choose an external object exists, the fantasy life absorbs libido, resulting in in- activity, poor concentration and dissatisfaction. Perverted organ function, fatigue, and symptom formation may result. Added tension comes from the frustration and self-preoccupation. The individual feels vague needs are unsatis- fied. A differential diagnosis must include psy- chotic depression, schizophrenia, early paresis, early arteriosclerosis, early tuberculosis, hypo- thyroidism, various blood dyscrasias, ulcer, neoplasm, and, rarely, Addison’s Disease. Once the diagnosis of neurasthenia is made, we must recognize we have a serious problem. The prognosis is variable. It is better in acute cases with a sudden appearance of symptoms. In longer standing cases, treatment is much more difficult. Certain neurasthenias approach psychoses in psychic structure. The most suit- able treatment is probably psychoanalysis. When this is impossible, less intensive psycho- therapy along the lines of recognition that no infectious or structural changes exist to ac- count for the symptoms, that the difficulties exist in the psyche and that concentration upon these problems may result in improvement, is taken. The more the patient can be helped to see where emotional satisfactions are to be gained in the outside world, the less psychic energy there is left to stagnate in the body to produce discomfort. References: (A)—pages 138-141. (F)—page 32. (J)—pages 194-208. (X)—pages 534-540. LECTURE NO. 16 Anxiety Hysteria: Anxiety hysteria: Types. 1. Primary. 2. Ego. 3. Mutilation. Clinical manifestations: 1. Sudden feeling of discomfort and ap- prehension. 2. Somatic manifestations. Phobia. 173 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Etiology and psychopathology. Differential diagnosis. Prognosis. Treatment: 1. Psychoanalysis. 2. Primary requisites: a. Knowledge of the structure of neurosis. b. Time. c. Cooperation on patient’s part. This is probably our most common neurosis today. The three types of anxiety are: primary, or the anxiety incident to psychic helplessness in early life; ungratified hunger needs lead to this anxiety. Ego anxiety occurs later, when the life situation threatens a return of early psychic helplessness. Mutilation anxiety, or fear of bodily harm, is a retaliation for aggres- sive fantasies of a sexual or other nature. This awakens early fears based on the childhood be- lief in retaliation. The clinical manifestations include a sudden feeling of discomfort and apprehension, intense mental suffering, sometimes definite fears of insanity or impending death. Somatic mani- festations include palpitation, sweating, dizzi- ness, dyspnea, trembling, nausea, “terrible all- gone feeling,” etc. These may occur either night or day. They are very incapacitating; attacks last a few minutes with gradual subsidence. The patient gradually modifies his activities in such a way as to attempt to avoid the attacks. This attempted avoidance is termed a phobia. Some common phobias are fear of going alone in the streets, fear of crowds, of riding in pub- lic conveyances, of closed spaces, open spaces, of dirt, etc. These enlarge to increasingly cur- tail healthy activity. If primary anxiety in the infant is too fre- quent or too overwhelming, unconscious memor- ies of it remain to show themselves later when the individual perceives a warning of impending helplessness. Early childhood disappointments and frustrations lead to aggressive hostile fan- tasies which stimulate a fear of retaliation or punishment, and anxiety results. Every adult anxiety hysteria is considered a replica of a childhood experience. The phobia projects an inner danger outward, so that the ego is in the middle, between the dangers of instinctual demands and the dangers of the outside world. The unsolved oedipus complex is considered the kernel of the neurosis, in that the child’s fear of the dreaded rival parent is displaced, so the child can go on living with and loving the parent by avoiding the substitute. It is im- portant to realize that the phobias are in them- selves results of the process of substitution, and that one must look beneath the surface for the causative agent. Anxiety hysteria must be differentiated from a cardiac crisis, G. I. dysfunction, and schizo- phrenia. Some familiarity with the syndrome will make it readily recognizable. The prognosis is not as good as for conversion hysteria, but better than neurasthenia. The earlier in life it is treated the better. These patients are very adept at self-defense. The prognosis depends on the length of time the attack has been going on and the skill of the physician. References: (R)—pages 193-215. LECTURE NO. 17 Conversion hysteria: Symptomatology: 1. Sensory phenomena. 2. Motor phenomena. 3. Convulsive seizures. 4. Visceral phenomena. 5. Vasomotor disturbances. 6. Psychic phenomena. 7. Somnambulism. 8. Dual personality. 9. Hysteric catalepsy. 10. Hallucinations. 12. Occupational neuroses. 13. War neuroses. Etiology and psychic structure: Psychological occurrences in genesis of at- tack. Differential diagnosis. Prognosis. Treatment. There are few symptoms of organic disease that this complex medical entity cannot simu- late. It was one of the first neuroses to be studied widely, and the French school, includ- ing Charcot, Bernheim, and Janet, worked in- tensively with hysterics. Mood and character changes as well as physical or somatic altera- tions are prominent. Traumatic neuroses or 174 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE traumatic hysteria, which were loosely called war neuroses, are important to the flight sur- geon. Shellshock, concussion neuroses, exhaus- tion neuroses, etc., belong in this category. It is difficult to evaluate the results of actual tissue injury and the results of fear, fright, and threat to the organism’s integrity. In these so-called traumatic neuroses, there is a prepond- erance of headache and dizziness, with mental symptoms of headache, depression, and impair- ment of memory. Terrifying dreams may occur. Often an ele- ment of compensation plays a large role in the continuation of symptoms. One sees many cases where seemingly more could be gained by get- ting well than by holding out in this way for compensation; yet the patient prefers to over- look his future adjustment and tends to con- centrate too much on the immediate problems of restitution. Charcot called hysteria a psychosis produced by ideation and responding to suggestion. It is not currently considered a psychosis but rather a neurosis, and it was Freud who showed the importance of unconscious conflicts and of early sexual trauma. He considered it the dis- torted expression of unconscious mental con- flicts, the symptoms being attempted defenses against instinctual desires which threaten to break through. The character of the hysteric is infantile. The patient demands a great deal of attention, and is sensitive to the necessary daily frustra- tions of life. He has feelings of inferiority, a great craving for expressions of love, is change- able in his affections, and lacks the capacity to love in an adult, altruistic way. He is an open personality who can quickly make friends, even strong attachments, but eventually his friends disappoint them, since their demands are so great. The psychological occurrences in the genesis of the attack are, according to Pearson and English: 1. Deprivation with resulting anxiety. 2. Introversion or withdrawal of libido and failure to retain contact with the environment and maintain relationship with people. 3. Regression to earlier mode of reaction. 4. Return of the repressed oedipal wishes. 5. Symptom formation as the solution of conflict. In differential diagnosis, a suspicion that hysteria exists should not preclude any reason- able examinations that would reveal organic disease. One distinctive factor in hysteria is la belle indifference. The prognosis, while good, still must recognize that a disturbance in the personality of considerable magnitude exists. Treatment may be lengthy, and to be success- ful must depend largely on understanding the forces at work in the condition. Modification of the environmental conditions, plus modifi- cation of the patient’s attitude, is essential. References: (J) —pages 210-237. (K) —pages 47-54. (R)—pages 216-235. (X)—pages 540-560. LECTURE NO. 18 Psychopathic personality: Cause. Distinction from other personality disorders: 1. Psychoneuroses. 2. Mental defective. 3. Ordinary criminal. General picture: 1. Superficially attractive. 2. No irrationality, marked nervousness, or other symptoms of psychoneurosis, 3. No sense of responsibility. 4. Total disregard for truth. 5. Accepts no blame—employs mechanism of projection. 6. No sense of shame. 7. Offensive conduct without apparent cause. 8. Lack of interest in financial success. 9. Most outstanding trait—inability to profit from experience. 10. Egocentricity. 11. Poverty of affect. 12. Lack of insight, 13. Alcoholic indulgence—peculiar pattern. 14. Peculiar sex life. 15. Not prone to suicide. 16. Inability to follow life plan consistently. 17. Striving for failure. Borderline psychopathic personality; 1. In Naval service. 2. In aviation medicine. Psychopathic personality in the military serv- ice. This is a vague diagnostic category covering 175 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE a wide variety of maladjusted people who can- not be classed either as psychotic or psycho- neurotic, but who do have inadequacies of per- sonality structure resulting in their being so- cially maladjusted persons. When lifelong ab- normal behavior is antisocial, egocentric and unaltered by experience, the diagnosis of constitutional psychopathic inferiority is ap- propriate; whereas if the outstanding charac- teristics are not primarily antisocial, but rather those of inadequacy coming on around adoles- ence, the diagnosis of personality disorder is more appropriate. The psychopath exhibits a particular type of emotional immaturity, with strong drives for immediate satisfactions and pleasure without regard for the future. This condition must be distinguished from psychoneurosis, wherein, the patient is anxious, unhappy, or obsessed with thoughts he recog- nizes as absurd. The psychopath shows none of the usual neurotic picture, he tends to act out his conflicts, with resulting suffering and unhappiness for those in his environment, but with little conflict or guilt feeling. He is hard, in contrast to the sensitivity of the neurotic. The mental defective is obviously stupid, and his follies may be readily understood as result- ing from his lack of intelligence; the ordinary criminal works consistently towards his own ends; the psychopath seldom takes advantage of what he gains, and almost never works consistently in crime or anything else to achieve prominence. The criminal’s end can usually be understood by the average man. The psycho- path’s end is not so readily understood. His antisocial actions are incomprehensible and often for no material gain. His general picture is given in the outline above. In the naval service, the borderline psycho- path presents perhaps a greater problem than the true psychopath, particularly in regard to the magnitude of the problem. These people prove inadequate to the complete fulfillment of their duties and must be considered both by medical and disciplinary authorities. The borderline psychopathic personality ac- counts for a large portion of our maladj ustmenst in the naval service. Many of these maladjust- ments are incidental to the service and actually extend back years prior to entrance, resulting primarily from a personal inadequacy. In civilian life these people were sufficiently pro- tected by their families, and their communities, to prevent serious difficulties in their daily routine. In service, they are deprived of this protection and immediately begin to experience difficulties. The majority are disloyal to any organization, are easily suggestible, and as a result are in constant difficulty. They lower efficiency and impair morale. They form a large number of absentees, the discontented, the in- efficient, the inmates of the brig, and the frequent visitors to sick bay. They are useless to the service. References: (C) —all of this reference. (D) —pages 504-520. (X)—pages 495-510. Article by Bloom in Cosmopolitan Magazine, February 1948 issue. LECTURE NO. 19 The psychiatrist in a dispensary ; Psychiatry as a medical science really began in the latter part of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century, when such men as Kraepelin, Prince, Freud, Meyer, and White began their memorable contributions to the study of the human mind. Thirty years ago, many first-class medical schools did not provide their students, internes, and residents with any systematic psychiatric training. In the past three decades, there has been a rapid development and extension of the field of psychiatry. An important step forward was the child guidance movement beginning in 1920 under the influence of Dr. William Healey. As early as 1909, the Surgeons General of both the Army and the Navy accepted the in- vitation of the Superintendent of St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Washington, D. C. to assign medical officers to that institution for instruction and study. This was the beginning of graduate training in psychiatry for the armed services. Recognition must be given to Colonel Thomas W. Salmon, MC, U. S. Army, and to Dr. William A. White for their scholarly contributions to military psychiatry during World War I. In the past 10 years, the field of psychiatry has made further progress, both in its con- tribution to the health of the nation and its acceptance by the general public. Psychiatry was placed on the same plane with medicine 176 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE and surgery by the military forces in the late war, and the opportunity was thus provided for psychiatry to take its proper place as a major member in the constellation collectively known as the healing arts. The establishment by the Veterans Administration and by our larger American cities of mental hygiene clinics to provide the necessary out-patient care to the emotionally handicapped veteran and the troubled citizen has been another step forward in the emancipation of the specialty from the cloistered State hospitals to the place it should have in the community. Concurrent with the spread of psychiatry to the general public, there has been increased emphasis on prevention rather than custody, and therapy rather than diagnosis and disposi- tion. With the appropriate shift in emphasis to prevention has come increased acceptance of the specialty by the public and a decrease in the hesitancy of the individual to seek psychiatric assistance. Naval medicine has long provided competent, well-trained psychiatric personnel for the major naval hospitals, prisons, and training stations. The Navy has been ahead of its civilian count- erpart in that almost all naval hospitals have had a psychiatric service as an integral part of the organization. The drive to have such a service in all large civilian hospitals is making progress, but much yet remains to be done to achieve this undeniably desirable goal. Keyes, Bookhammer, and Kaplan, writing in the American Journal of Psychiatry, August 1948, reported a study of the consultations done by a psychiatric service in a six-months period at the Jefferson Medical College hospital. They found that 81 percent of the patients referred for study consisted of psychosomatic disorders or psychoneuroses. It is believed that in the large dispensary such as one finds at our naval air stations there is an even greater opportunity for service by medical officers trained in psychiatry than has heretofore been recognized. Captain Francis J. Braceland has pointed out that wartime experience in the field of psychiatry in the Navy showed that the neuroses and psycho- pathies in general made up more than 90 percent of the neuropsychiatric problem during the war; while hospitalized psychotics amounted to one per thousand personnel per year, and represented less than ten percent of the hos- pital psychiatric problem, to say nothing of the over-all psychiatric picture. General Menninger, in discussing the Army’s experience in psychiatry during the war, stated that the neuroses, psychopathic personalities and mental defectives constituted 93 percent of the admissions to hospital psychiatric services; and further stated that for every psychiatric patient hospitalized, three or more were seen in facilities other than hospitals for psychiatric help. He went on to point out that the vast majority of psychiatric cases seen in the Army were mild maladjustments and neurotic reac- tions; whereas the major portion of the civil practice had long been with psychotics. Let us now look at the role of the psychia- trist serving outside a naval hospital. In any naval community, problems are constantly aris- ing wherein psychiatric help would be useful. Among these, consideration may be given to the young enlisted man fresh from training camp who finds difficulty in integrating himself to service life. Many of these apparently mal- adjusted young men would profit from psychia- tric study and counsel. In this manner the work of the personnel officer and the command may be lessened by the avoidance of the ad- ministrative problem the misunderstood misfit becomes as he fights his conflicts through ir- regular behavior. Those obviously inadequate, inapt, immature, and those suffering from longstanding person- ality disorders which militate against successful service, can be readily identified and should be eliminated by administrative discharge. This saves both time and money for the service by avoiding unnecessary hospitalization. Admiral Dallas G. Sutton, long active in the field of psychiatry in the Navy, corroborates this point when, writing in the Naval Medical Bulletin, he states: “Under normal conditions the loss of man days attributed to the study and hospitalization of psychiatric cases is very considerable.” Many of the new men with adaptational problems are salvageable through understanding advice and proper placement. Personnel officers are quick to cooperate with the psychiatrist in these matters, for a well- adjusted man reduces their problems and con- 177 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE tributes to the over-all efficiency of the com- mand. Another field of service is with the psycho- somatic illnesses. The concepts of inter-reaction of mind and body in the production of sym- ptoms have long been established. Strecker, Weiss, English, and others state that from 50 percent to 75 percent of all patients appearing in the offices of the general practitioner have illnesses with a large emotional component. The experienced naval medical officer would readily agree that elimination of the traumatic cases would leave the percentage ever higher. These men come in with real complaints of illnesses known so often to be functional: headache, nausea, vomiting, asthma, diarrhea, epigastric pain, and certain skin conditions. They merit more attention than the brief encounters they sometimes get from the medical officer. Quickly- ordered and dispensed standard remedies do not always suffice in these cases. Many of these functional complaints can be relieved only by psychiatric treatment. Marked improvement in efficiency and saving in manpower can be effected when such treat- ment is available. This is not to imply that all non-psychiatric medical officers are ignorant of the more common psychotherapeutic procedures; but in these days of understaffed dispensaries and harrassed, overworked medical officers, there is often not sufficient time available to handle such cases in the manner the medical officer himself may recognize as necessary. It is main- tained here that the availability of a psychia- trist will enhance the quality of medical care, and at the same time improve the morale of the medical staff. Another field for the psychiatrically trained medical officer is in the study of men facing disciplinary action. The responsibility for the punishment of the offender in the naval service lies with the command. More and more, com- manding officers are showing not only their willingness but their desire to have these men studied by psychiatrists in an effort to de- termine the forces at work in their anti-social or delinquent behavior. A life history from the longitudinal view- point, a psychometric and attitudinal study, and an estimate of the strength of the various forces at work in the personality will shed light on the conflicts of the man and his failing adaptation. Such information and advice to the responsible officer or court martial enables con- sideration of important and appropriate factors before action is taken. In a similar manner the psychiatrist can aid both the command and the individual patient in cases of suspected or actual sexual deviation and of alcoholism. Still another area where psychiatric aid is necessary is in the care of dependents. These patients will be found to constitute a large part of the total number of patients served. They present problems which vary from requests for advice concerning “problem” children or mari- tal maladjustment, through the various mild somatic and psychic manifestations of tension states, to the frank psychoneuroses and psy- choses, Although it is the policy of the Navy to provide medical care for dependents of naval personnel, as yet no steps have ben taken to furnish hospitalization for psychiatric patients in this category. It is certain that the avail- ability of psychiatric help can be an asset to the mental health of the naval community and prevent in some cases the actual personality disruptions which necessitate hospitalization. Experience has shown that adaptation to the military environment, with its attendant regi- mentation and reduced opportunities for indi- vidual expression, works a hardship on the feminine members of the service, perhaps in a greater degree than on their brothers-in- arms. On the other hand, it is to the credit of the opposite sex that so many were able to make the transition to military life during the past war, often with an efficiency and sense of personal satisfaction not previously achieved in civil life. It is felt that psychiatric assistance plays a role in continuing the successful in- tegration of women into the naval service. Marital and family problems of both officers and men frequently arise wherein services are needed that neither the chaplain nor the legal officer can provide. Medical officers who are trained to appreciate the variations in per- sonality organization, and the psychological needs of the individual, can often assist patients to understand and solve the conflicts which arise in the family circle. In so doing, they are contributing not only to the mental and social health of the community, but to the efficiency 178 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE of the naval personnel involved. It is the writer’s opinion that a psychiatrist should be available at all large dispensaries. A relatively large naval community may be served on an out-patient basis by one medical officer so trained. Dr. Morris Levine, in reference (M), discusses some 40 methods of psychotherapy for the mentally or emotionally ill patient. Study reveals that 35 of these techniques are suitable for use on an office or out-patient basis. Dispensary psychiatrists could, and should be, looked upon in a sense as engaged in preventive medicine. They should be seeing patients who are in the incubation stage of emotional illness while tension is the predomi- nant etiologic factor, and before the appear- ance of such disorders as ulcers, hypertension, asthma, and chronic gastro-intestinal dysfunc- tions, which would necessitate hospitalization. Keeping men on the job both prevents lost manpower and lessens the patient load for the hospital staff. We know that wartime experi- ence conclusively showed treatment near the front lines to be more effective than treatment in the rear areas. In like manner it is main- tained that treatment while the patient is still on the job is much more effective than after he has been hospitalized. In addition, we can thus avoid the psychic contagion often seen in hospital wards when the medical discharge of one or two patients results in other poorly motivated personnel becoming “survey happy.” Admiral Swanson, our Navy Surgeon General, speaking to the Reserve Naval medical officers at a recent meeting of the American Psychiat- ric Association, firmly supported these ideas when he said: “Let me say most emphatically that, as I see it, the responsibility of psychiatry in the armed forces is by no means one solely of eliminating the obviously unfit; psychiatry can be of great significance in assisting our training officers to discover the spark of posi- tive motivation in new recruits, and to point the way of fanning this spark into the flame of effective, responsible personnel; and beyond all this, we must explore the possibility of a really preventive psychiatry in our training centers and schools, and in operational and combat units.” Commander Thomas A. Harris called the attention of the American Psychiatric Associa- tion to the role of the psychiatrist in the future. He pointed out the devastating psycho- logical effects of atomic warfare on initiative and personal effectiveness through demoralizing hysteria, and expressed a hope psychiatrists could prepare the civilian population to cope with these tendencies. Aviation activities offer an unusual opportun- ity for the services of a psychiatrically trained medical officer. Here, in an environment where even the routine daily training activities pose a constant threat to the safety of the individual flyer, tension states of varying degree present an ever-present problem for the Medical De- partment. It is an impossible goal to expect selection processes to eliminate these hyper- reactive individuals, and it is not necessarily a desirable goal. It is felt that any aviation activity of appreciable size should have a psychiatrist who is also a flight surgeon as an important member of the medical staff. Other places where a psychiatrist can be efficiently and effectively utilized are at the larger naval schools, with task groups, and with fleets. It is suggested that the assistant staff medical officer of major air commands, both training and operational, should be a medical officer with graduate training in psychiatry. It is perhaps appropriate here to suggest, too, that the addi- tion of a psychiatrist to the teaching staff of the General Line School would be a definite step forward in the general orientation of the younger line officer. This would enhance his understanding of the dynamics of inter-per- sonal relationships, and thus would contribute to his over-all ability as he progressed to com- mand rank. The type of medical officer best qualified to discharge the duties outlined in this paper is one in the intermediate ranks who has had a good general medical background with graduate training in the field of psychiatry. It is not necessary that the men in these billets be certified by the American Board of Psychiatry, although such added qualification is desirable. Flight surgeons have in general had a better grounding in psychiatry than the general serv- ice medical officer, and in many instances would 179 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE be qualified to serve in such a billet as outlined, providing at least one, preferably two, addi- tional years of graduate training in psychiatry, either in naval or civilian facilities, was afforded. In order to avoid the assumption of a label as a “specialist” too early in their service careers, these medical officers should stand all regular watches and collateral duties. Care of . gynecological, pediatric, urological, E.E.N.T., and general medical cases on watches is considered a necessary part of the profes- sional experience of these medical officers. In this manner they do not sacrifice their all-round medical ability, which has long been a source of personal and professional pride to the career naval medical officer. At the large stations a psychologist who can serve as an assistant to the psychiatrist is considered an invaluable colleague. This is in line with the experience in the military services during World War I, when they cooperated both in the selection and training of personnel. Furthermore, this follows in part the team idea, which proved to be so satisfactory in the hospital care of psychiatric patients during the past war. Since the cardinal mission of the Medical Department is to maintain the health of the service as well as to promote morale and to plan for increasing efficiency, it is maintained that the assignment of psychiatrists to dis- pensaries and the other extra-hospital func- tions is a desirable step forward toward the goal of providing mental hygiene clinics for service personnel. Certainly it must be recog- nized that the provision of such facilities for service people is a progressive step in the field of preventive medicine and fully as important as is the role of Veterans Administration or community mental hygiene clinics. For, to quote Dr. William A. White, “the production and maintenance of morale is a psychiatric problem that affects the whole nation at arms—the worker and the farmer, the parent and teacher, civilian administrative personnel, the executive department and the entire military and naval establishment. The protection of morale, of concentrated motivation, and of solidarity, are much more economical than are remedial efforts after disastrous failures,” SAMPLE EXAMINATIONS FOR THE STUDENT OFFICER S PRACTICE FIRST NEUROPSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION Answer any six. Time 50 minutes. No. Value QUESTION Score: Question value indicated. 1. (15) Discuss the reasons a flight surgeon should know something of neuro- psychiatry. 2. (15) Discuss the body-mind reciprocal re- lationship. 3. (15) Discuss the influence of environment on personality. 4. (15) Outline the psychosexual development of the individual. 5. (10) Identify and discuss briefly your ideas of Id, Ego, and Super-Ego and their relationships. 6. (10) Discuss the psychoanalytic concept of “fixation” and its possible influ- ence on personality in later life. 7. (10) Distinguish between conditioning and precipitating factors in the etiology of emotional illness. 8. (10) List several sources of internal stress in military environment. Which two or three do you consider the more important? 9. (10) Define and illustrate: a. Complex. b. Rationalization. c. Projection. d. Delusion. e. Identification. Take any six questions. 1. (15) Discuss briefly the development of the personality as seen by the psychobiological adherents. 2. (10) Mention five important points in his- tory-taking and six headings for the direct mental examination of a psychiatric patient. 3. (10) Indicate the three major headings under which psychoses may be con- sidered and illustrate with two ex- amples of each group. 4. (10) Discuss the constitutional psycho- pathic inferior. 180 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE 5. (10) List several types of possible trau- matic reactions and discuss the im- portance of an appreciation of these reactions in Aviation Medi- cine. 6. (15) Define a psychoneurosis. List three types and illustrate the basic symptomatology in each. 7. (15) What is meant by psychosomatic medicine ? Illustrate by a brief hypothetical case. 8. (15) Identify a chronic alcoholic, give the etiology and your approach to treatment. To answer the following 20 questions make a + (true) or a — (false) for each question in the left-hand margin opposite each number as appropriate: 1. The chronic alcoholic is a neurotic drinker. 2. A girl usually undergoes one more stage than the male in the solution of the Oedipus Complex. 3. Conversion hysteria is the only neurosis which does not show some impairment of sexual function. 4. The personality type usually seen in the obsessive-compulsive neurosis is serious, and intolerant of human foibles. 5. Emotional Problems of Living was written by Strecker and Appel. 6. Progressive deterioration is an incidental finding in organic psychoses. 7. Adolph Meyer introduced the concept of psychobiology. 8. In infancy instinctual tensions are mostly from internal physiologic needs. 9. Instincts do not follow the pleasure-pain principle. 10. The superego shows no expression of the influence of the parents. 11. Many principles of psychotherapy are con- trary to religious teachings. 12. There are psychotherapeutic procedures which are not time-consuming. 13. Cases of accidental homosexuality will rarely be seen by the naval medical officer. 14. Secondary gains are a large factor in trau- matic neuroses. 15. The rule that a person who is afraid of insanity does not become insane is true. 16. The person who claims he will commit suicide is more likely to do so than the depressed patient. 17. Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disease is usually unsuccessful. 18. Action is a good outlet for anxiety. 19. All unusual or bizarre thoughts indicate psychoses or abnormality. 20. Daydreaming is a dangerous activity. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. You are asked by the air group com- manding officer to recommend a man to him to fill the following billets. Choose people in column 2 to match the billets in column 1 so that the man best suited by personality gets the proper billet. Air group historian. Engineering officer. Entertainment officer. Air combat intelligence officer. Athletic officer. A. Extroverted, husky, popular single man. B. Syntonic, popular, salesman type. C. Schizoid, erudite, literary college graduate. D. U. S. Naval Academy graduate, class 1948-B. E. Older, calm, sincere officer with degree in business administration. F. High school graduate disinclined to exert self. G. MIT graduate, with degree in mechanical engineering. H. Passed-over lieutenant inclined toward ir- responsibility. 2. You are at sea beginning a six-months cruise with a newly commissioned air group. Underline the cases you would be able to handle successfully aboard the carrier for at least six weeks: a. Mild anxiety state precipitated by financial worries. b. Acute alcoholism. c. Paranoid state. d. Personality disorder (immaturity). e. Catatonic schizophrenia. f. Petit mal. g. Old paretic showing some deteriora- tion. h. Acute transient tension state with headache. 181 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE i. Obsessive-compulsive state (klepto- mania) . j. Meningioma with acute symptoms. 3. The universal goal of people is: (Under- line.) a. Financial success. b. A home, wife, and family. c. Peace of mind. d. Promotion. 4. The dissimilar term in the following is: (Underline.) a. Projection. b. Disintgeration. c. Introjection. d. Rationalization. 5. A psychiatrically trained medical officer can be of most service: (Underline.) a. Aboard ship with an operational squadron. b. At the college where midshipmen get their two years’ study. c. On major commanders’ staffs’. d. At the primary training level. 6. Underline the word which is dissimilar: a. Libido. b. Anal sadistic. c. Latent content. d. Anergasia. 7. Reassurance, desensitization, pentothal interview, education, and routinizing are all forms of: a. Hospitalization. b. Psychotherapy. c. Analysis. d. Psychobiology. 8. Elation, flight of ideas, circumstantiality, and increased psychomotor activity are seen in: a. Hypomania. b. Frontal lobe tumor. c. Arteriolosclerosis cerebri. d. Psychomotor equivalent. 9. Underline the dissimilar word: a. Pinel. b. Jones. c. Charcot. d. Freud. e. Strecker. f. Weir Mitchell. g. Bleuler. h. Breuer. i. Herschkowitz. COMPLETION 1. Burlingame likens a balanced personality to a four-legged chair and maintains that any leg out of proportion causes an unbalanced per- sonality. The legs in such example are: 1 2 3 4 2. The personality consists of three portions, according to the psychoanalytical school. These are: 1 2 3 3. One of the great foundation stones util- ized for the structure of psychoanalysis is the concept that mental processes actively function on what may be thought of as different strata or levels. These are called: 1 2 3 4. Three essential constituents of peace of mind are: 1 2 3 5. Three fundamental urges or instincts are those of: 1 2 3 6. A group of related ideas bound together by and striv- ing for action is collectively called a 7. Disguises employed by repressed ideas and desires seeking reentry to consciousness are known collectively as Examples are: 1 2 3 8. Kretschmer classified people into four anthropological groups: 1 2 3 4 182 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE While Sheldon in a somewhat similar manner classified people into three classes by physique: 1 2 3 and matched these by three temperament types: 1 2 3 9. According to Menninger some of the type personalities prone to have unusual difficulties under adaptational strain are: 1 2 3 4 10 Some of the more important symptoms of anxiety hysteria are: 1 2 3 11. Some of the outstanding diagnostic cri- teria regarding the psychopathic personality are: 1 2 3 4 12 Manic-depressive reaction, involutional melancholia, and psychotic depressive reaction are all classed as disorders, 13. Some of the major psychoneurotic dis- orders, according to the new nomenclature, are: 1 reaction 2 reaction 3 reaction 4 reaction 14. Illustrative somatization reactions are: 1 reaction 2 reaction 3 reaction 15. One of the most severe mental diseases without known organic patholgy is DISCUSSION 1. A pilot in your air group begins to louse- up his landings. You note he is becoming ir- ritable and moderately aloof. You try to be friendly and offer to help if you can. He tells you to “mind your own G - - D business, Doc; I’m all right.” Briefly discuss what action on your part might be appropriate. SECOND NEUROPSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION 1. It is obligatory that any doctor practicing medicine, either in the civilian or military set- ting, must have: a. Maximum psychiatric information. b. No psychiatric information. c. A minimum of psychiatric informa- tion. 2. The brain was declared to be the organ of the mind by: a. Hippocrates. b. Pythagoras. c. Galen. 3. Chains were removed from mentally ill patients, and they were considered as patients rather than criminals, first by; a. Charcot. b. Jung. c. Pinel. 4. In the field of psychiatry, there are numerous sub-specialties. Among these are: a b c d e 5. In the daily practice of medicine, a large segment of functional sickness is seen. It has been said that such cases make up over percent of a doctor’s practice. 6. Scientific research has still not isolated the specific etiological factor in such diseases as and 7. Neguchi and Moore are best remembered for having demonstrated the in the of 8. In regard to psychiatric illnesses, some of the more important predisposing causes are: a b c d e f 9. Exciting causes of emotional disorders may be either preponderantly or 183 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE 10. activate and energize behavior. 11. Strecker classifies mental diseases as be- ing in one of the following three groups: a —— b : c Under a, some examples are: Under b, two examples are: Under c, two examples are: 12. Behavior in schizophrenia is best de- scribed as being or The schizophrenic’s emotional life is strikingly Schizophrenia is usually classified in the following four sub-groups: 13. Pyknics tend to be : or predominantly outgoing people, while the leptic type tends to be or predominantly ingrowing in personality. 14. A psychiatric examination includes not only a physical examination but a. examination. Under the latter, the following headings should be considered: a b c d * e f 15. Flight of ideas is a symptom most often seen in disease. 16. Insight is the capacity of the patient to look at himself and his symptoms and that he is mentally sick. 17. In organic psychoses, there is progres- sive deterioration of: a b c 18. Paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia is also known as Manifestations of this illness are considered under the headings of , and 19 is a progressive 19 is a progressive degenerative disease of middle life entailing severe dementia and in which inheritance plays a significant role. 20. Prominent disturbances of sensorium and consciousness varying in degree from mere clouding to a full-fledged delirium with marked motor activity, complete disorientation and a vivid illusory and hallucinatory content, are symptomatic of psychoses. 21. A Philadelphia Cocktail, consisting of the intravenous administration of 100 cc. of 50 glucose, 100 mgm. of thiamin chloride and 30 units of insulin, is used in the treatment of , which is a delirium encountered in patients who use to excess. 22. In bromide intoxication, a blood bromide concentration above mgm, is danger- ously high. The important aspect of therapy is the administration of 23. Shellshock is actually , and the conflict is between the instincts of and the expectations and demands of 24. Regression, rationalization, repression, projection, and introjection are examples of 25. A spike and dome EEG tracing is char- acteristic of 26. In the depressed phase of manic depres- sive psychosis, the thoughts become sluggish and are expressed with the greatest difficulty. This is known as In involu- tional melancholia, however, there is marked useless activity, and the depression is said to be an one. 27. Hallucinations may occur in every psy- chosis except 28. Delusions which are self-accusatory or in which the patient feels he has committed an unpardonable sin are most often seen in disease and in 184 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE 29. A thought which dominates the mind and personality of the patient and which can- not be put out of consciousness is known as an 30. A person who cannot correctly relate himself as regards person, time, and place is said to be 31. An important factor in aviation medi- cine, which may be responsible for marked behavior deviations, is 32. An acute infectious disease which like- wise may cause marked behavior problems is 33. The illness in which there is memory loss but fairly good appreciation of immediate impressions, and in which there is confabula- tion with falsification of memory, is known as 34. A drug which is usually smoked in cig- arettes and which may produce serious mental disturbances, chiefly a manic-like delirium, is 35. , more often unconsci- ous than conscious, is a vital and dynamic con- ception and considered basic as to psycho- pathologic mechanisms. 36. The neurosis in which fatigue is so marked, and in which the patient may become hypchondriacal, even though she is organically sound, is known as 37. An effective but pathologic device which enables the neurotic patient to escape the dis- approval of his own self-ideal and the con- demnation of the herd by so camouflaging unworthy motivations that even to that stern- est critic, his own ego, they appear satisfactory, even praisworthy, is 38. Possibly the most serious disease menace of modern civilization is 39. The disease in which delusions of perse- cution are prominent, and contact with reality is largely lost, and in which latent homosex- uality plays a definite etiologic role, is known as 40. The type of schizophrenia which offers the poorest prognosis is 41. is one of the main clinical territories of the spe- cial fears or phobias. It is important to remem- ber these phobias represent a for deeply-hidden psychopathologic material, and that the phobias exist in order to keep out of consciousness submerged complexes which the personality of the patient cannot face. 42. thinking may re- main ruminative and not eventuate in compul- sive behavior. 43. One of the most essential factors in treatment of functional emotional conditions is to keep the patient 44. A life-long history of emotional in- stability, occupational inadequacy, impulsive conduct, absence of ethical and moral consid- erations, disregard of truthfulness, decency and social responsiveness, is justification for a diagnosis of 45. The most important place for the psy- chiatrist relative to his service in a military organization is at the early stages of 46. Whereas in World War I the common neurosis was a relatively simple, somewhat naive conversion hysteria, in World War II the preponderant psychoneuroses were 47. In his personality traits, the alcoholic is more apt to be preponderantly an than an 48. The person who cannot face reality without alcohol, and yet whose adequate ad- justment to reality is impossible so long as he uses alcohol, is known as a 49. A return to a former somewhat primi- tive and rather childish type of behavior which has as its object the domination by the in- dividual of some life situations, is known as 50. Flight into reality with destructability and accentuated psychomoter activity is char- acteristic of 51. A disorder characterized by transient de- lusions of persecution, without the bizarre fragmentation and deterioration of the schizo- phrenic, is called 52. A severe depression with self-blame and suicidal trends, but without the constitutional or recurrent tendency of true manic depressive disease, and in which the mind of the patient there is clear cause and effect connection be- tween the environmental vicissitudes and the depression suffered, is known as a 185 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE SEMINARS Seminar No. 1: Navy Film—The Neuropsychiatric Patient. Illustrat- ing the proper approach to the care of a mental case. Seminar No. 2: Psychiatric experiences in World War II. Presen- tation of articles and discussion. Reference: (Z) —complete article. Seminar No. 3: Combat fatigue. Discussion of appropriate method of handling. Reference: (AA)—Complete article. Seminar No. U: The technique of the neuropsychiatric examination. Reference: (T)—Pages 39-62. Seminar No. 5: Schizophrenia: 1. Schizophrenic Dynamisms. 2. The pattern of schizophrenia. 3. Varieties of schizophrenia. 4. Case presentation. References: (K)—pages 67-80. (Q)—section II. (X)—pages 407-450. Seminar No. 6: Manic depressive disease: 1. Etiology, psychopathology, and symptomatology. 2. Causes and symptoms. 3. Manic states. 4. Depressed and mixed phases. 5. Depression. 6. Physical symptoms, course, prognosis, and treat- ment. References: (BB)—Pages 130-136; 137-157; 166-175. (D)—Pages 396-426. Seminar No. 7: Navy film—Combat Fatigue, Psychosomatic Disor- ders. A dramatic presentation of patients suffering these disorders. Seminar No. 8: Written examination on Fundamentals of Psychiatry by Dr. Strecker. Seminar No. 9: Head injuries and cranial trauma: 1. Concussion and contusion. 2. Intra-cranial hemorrhage. 3. Treatment. 4. Complications. Seminar No. 10: Alcoholism. Speaker from Alcoholics Anonymous with group discussion. References: (DD) —complete. (EE)—complete. (X)—pages 236-255. References: (D)—pages 202-209; 272-288; 290-300; 323-330. (X)—-pages 182-195. (FF)—page 298. Seminar No. 11: Organic psychoses and epilepsy: 1. Epilepsy; phychoses with epilepsy. 2. Psychoses with cerebral arteriosclerosis and cir- culatory disturbance. Senile psychoses. 3. Psychoses with epidemic encephalitis; psychoses with brain tumor; phychoses with organic change of central nervous system. References: (D)—pages 61; 511, 512. (J)—pages 286-310. (M) —complete. (R)—pages 554-589. (T)— pages 176-187. (Y)—pages 323-331; 368-406. Seminar No. 12: Psychotherapy Reports on current practices in the use of electro- shock, insulin shock, electronarcosis, hypnosis, pento- thal interview, etc. Seminar No. 13: National Film Board of Canada films: The Feeling of Rejection. The Feeling of Hostility. Seminar No. H: Neuropsychiatric evaluation of prisoners and failing flight students. The role of the flight surgeon in evaluating prisoners for courts and retraining commands, and the flight surgeon’s study of the student aviator having ground or air difficulties; discussion by the legal officer of the types of naval courts and the role expected of medical officers. References; (GG)—complete. Seminar No. 15: U. S. Army film, Shades of Grey. Seminar No. 16: Test of diagnostic ability with pseudo-dramatization of cases by instructor. Seminar No. 17: Journal reports. References: As listed under Journal References. Seminar No. 18: Case presentation of homosexuality: References; (HH)—pages 610-666. (R)—selected references. (H)—page 400, plus other references. (A)—pages 258-295. (J)—pages 276-285. (G)—pages 50; 143; 148; 226; 238. Seminar No. 19: Original cases for diagnosis. Each student is requested to prepare three hypotheti- cal psychiatric cases to be presented for diagnosis. Each abstract should be 300 to 600 words in length, present sufficient details for diagnosis, but not make the case too obvious. The goal is the preparation of 186 Chapter 9. — NEUROPSYCHIATRY IN RELATION TO AVIATION MEDICINE succinct summaries, and the ability to make rapid diag- nosis on the possession of critical factors. REFERENCES—NEUROPSYCHIATRY A. The Human Mind, Karl A. Menninger, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1946. B. Peace of Mind, J. L. Liebman, Simon and Schus- ter, New York. C. The Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley, M. D., The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Missouri, 1941. D. Modern Clinical Psychiatry, Arthur P. Noyes, M. D., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1940. E. Men Under Stress, Roy R. Grinker, Lt. Col., MC, Army Air Forces, and John P. Spiegel, Major, MC, Army Air Forces, Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1945. F. Psychosomatic Medicine, Edward Weiss, M. D., and O. Spurgeon English, M. D., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1943. G. Freud’s Contribution to Psychiatry, A. A. Brill, M. D., W. W. Norton Co., Inc., New York, 1944. H. The Structure and Meaning of Psychoanalysis, William Healy, M, D., Augusta F. Bronner, M. D., Anna Mae Bowers, A. B., Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1946. I. Lectures on Psychoanalytic Psychiatry, A. A. Brill, M. D., Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1946. J. Common Neuroses of Children and Adults, O. Spurgeon English, M. D., and Gerald H. J. Pearson, M. D., W. W, Norton and Co., Inc., New York, 1937. K. Principles of Dynamic Psychiatry, Jules H. Mas- serman, M. D., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1946. L. Psychoanalytic Therapy, Franz Alexander, M. D., Thomas Morton French, M. D., The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1946. M. Psychotherapy in Medical Practice, Maurice Le- vine, M. D. The MacMillan Co,, New York, 1946. N. A History of Medical Psychology, Gregory Zil- boorg, M. D., W, W. Norton, Inc., New York, 1941. O. The Neurotic Personality of Our Time, Dr. Karen Homey, W. W. Norton, Inc., New York, 1937. P. Emotional Problems of Living, Pearson and Eng- lish, W. W. Norton, 1945. Q. The Biology of Schizophrenia, R. G. Hoskins, M. D., W. W. Norton, 1946. R. Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, Otto Feni- chel, M. D., W. W. Norton, 1945. S. Outline of Neuropsychiatry in Aviation Medicine, Army Air Forces, School of Aviation Medicine, Ran- dolph Field, Texas. T. Fundamentals of Psychiatry, Edward A. Strecker, M. D., J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1943. U. Outline of Neuropsychiatry in Aviation Medi- cine, War Department Technical Manual, TM 8-325. V. A Textbook of Clinical Neurology, Israel S. Wechsler, M. D., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1943. W. Orientation to Psychosomatics, Major Henry A. Davidson, Medical Reserve, U. S. Army. X. Practical Clinical Psychiatry, E. A. Strecker, M. D., and Franklin G. Ebaugh, M. D., The Blakiston Co., Philadelphia, 1940. Y. Outline For Neuropsychiatric Examination in Aviation Medicine, Captain E. L, Caveny, MC, USN, Chief of Neuropsychiatry, U. S. Naval Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Z. Psychiatric Experiences in World War II, Ameri- can Journal of Psychiatry, March 1947. AA. Combat Fatigue, BuMed News Letter 18 Au- gust 1944. BB. A Textbook of Psychiatry, D. K. Henderson and R. D. Gillespie, Oxford University Press, New York, New York, 1943. CC. Injuries of Skull, Brain, and Spinal Cord, Samuel Brock, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1940. DD. Alcoholics anonymous, Works Publishing, Inc., New York, 1947. EE. Alcohol—One Man’s Meat, Edward A. Strecker and Francis T. Chambers, Jr., The Macmillan Company, New York City, New York, 1945. FF. Gallinek in Journal of Mental and Nervous Diseases, Vol. 108, No. 4, October 1948. GG. BuPers Itr Pers-5212-AJA, P13-10, dated 15 December 1944, HH. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1948. JOURNAL REFERENCES “ ‘Experimental Neurosis’ resulting from Semi-Star- vation in Man”—Schiele, in Psychosomatic Medicine, May-June 1948. “The Role of Motivation”—Hawley, in American Journal of Psychiatry, June 1948. “Patient-Physician Relationship in Psychotherapy”— Coleman, in American Journal of Psychiatry, June 1948. “Psychiatric Problems of Adolescence”—Mohr, in Journal of the American Medical Association, 28 Au- gust 1948. “The Use of Ergotamine Compounds in the Treat- ment of Acute Simple Anxiety States”—Kelley, in American Journal of Psychiatry, April 1948. “Psychoses Occurring among Psychopathic Person- alities”—Ripley, in American Journal of Psychiatri/, July, 1948. “The Problem Soldier and the Army”—Caldwell, in American Journal of Psychiatry, July 1948. “The Infantile Personality”—Ruesch, in Phychoso- matic Medicine, May-June 1948. “Personality Types in Soldiers with Chronic Non- Ulcer Dyspepsia”—Rosen et al, in Psychosomatic Medicine, May-June 1948. “The Effort Syndrome and Low Back Pain”— Moloney, in Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, July 1948. “The Flight Surgeon—His Role in Student Pilot Training”—Cummings, in The Military Surgeon, May 1947. 187 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE “Treatment of Hysterical Amnesia by Pharmacology” —Myerson, in New England Journal of Medicine, 29 May 1947. “Emotional Problems of a Flight Surgeon with an Air Group”—Requarth, in Naval Medical Bulletin, March-April 1947. “Camptocormia, or the Functional Bent Back”— Psychosomatic Medicine, May-June 1947. “Psychogenesis and Psychotherapy in Ulcerative Co- litis”—Psychosomatic Medicine, May-June 1947. “Psychosomatic Medicine—Somatization Reactions” —Psychosomatic Medicine, March-April 1947. “Brief Psychotherapy in Psychosomatic Problems”— Psychosomatic Medicine, March-April 1947. “Ocular Manifestations of Psychosomatic Disorders” —Harrington, in Journal of the American Medical As- sociation, 133-669. “Central Angiospastic Retinopathy”—Zeligs, in Psy- chosomatic Medicine, March-April 1947, “Emotional Factors in Urticaria”—Kay win, in Psy- chosomatic Medicine, March-April 1947. “The Psychological Component in a Case of Herpes Simplex”—Schroeder, in Psychosomatic Medicine, Janu- ary-February 1947. “Psychosomatic Aspects of Dermographia and Pruri- tus”—Dengrove, in Psychosomatic Medicine, January - February 1947. “Herpes Simplex and Second Degree Burn Induced under Hypnosis”—American Journal of Psychiatry, May 1947. “Psychological Factors in Men with Peptic Ulcers”— American Journal of Psychiatry, March 1947. “Neuropsychiatric Manifestations during the Course of Malaria”—Brookes, in Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, July 1947. 188 CHAPTER 10 AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND THE GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Editor’s Note.—Consult a currently corrected copy of the Manual of the Medical Department, U. S. Navy, for the aviation physical standards, because changes are made from time to time. The following general provisions and stand- ards for physical examinations are taken from the Manual of the Medical Department, section XXV, aviation: 21137.—Object.—The object of the aviation examination and the instructions incident thereto is to select for flying duty only such officers and enlisted men as are physically and mentally qualified for such duty, and to remove from flying duty those who may become tem- porarily or permanently unfitted for such duty because of physical or mental defects. Physical qualifications shall in general conform to the standards prescribed in previous sections. In addition, properly authorized applicants for duty involving actual control of aircraft shall qualify on psychological tests described in tech- nical memoranda and directives issued by the Bureau. 21138. CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL REQUIRING THE EXAMINATION 21138,1.—Aviation personnel are divided in- two classes: Class 1.—Aviation personnel engaged in ac- tual control of aircraft, which includes naval aviators, student naval aviators, naval aviation pilots, student naval aviation pilots, naval avia- tion cadets, lighter-than-air-pilots, student lighter-than-air-pilots, and student flight sur- geons. Class 2.—Aviation personnel not engaged in the actual control of aircraft, which includes naval aviation observers, naval aviation navi- gators, naval flight surgeons, combat aircrew- men, and other persons ordered to duty involv- ing flying. 21138.2— Class 1 is considered regular flying personnel and shall take the complete physical examination for flying. For this purpose, Class 1 is further divided into flying service groups, based on the age of the aviator and other conditions, for which special physical require- ments are prescribed in paragraph 21141. 21138.3— Class 2 shall meet the standard physical requirements for the general service with such additional requirements as are pre- scribed in paragraph 21141.2. 21138.4— When submitting a Standard Form 88 (Report of Physical Examination for Fly- ing), flight surgeons and aviation medical ex- aminers shall state whether any defect noted is considered disqualifying. 21138.5— The examination for flying shall be limited to members of the aeronautical organi- zation and properly authorized applicants for this service. Applicants shall be given a pre- liminary physical examination by the local medical and dental officers to eliminate those who obviously cannot meet the physical require- ments for aviation, 21139 RESTRICTIONS UNTIL PHYSICALLY QUALIFIED 21139.1— No person shall be assigned to duty involving actual flying until he has successfully passed the physical examination for flying pre- scribed herein, and, except as authorized in paragraph 21139.4, until official notification has been received from the Bureau that such person is physically qualified for that duty. 21139.2— All applicants, commissioned or en- listed, including those in the naval aviation 189 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE college program for aviation training shall suc- cessfully pass the physical examination for flying. The examination must not antedate the application by more than six months. When an applicant for aviation training is not in the vicinity of one of the ships or stations where the physical examination for flying can be made, he shall be examined in accordance with the instructions governing the examination of candidates for commission and shall be expected to meet the standards set forth as acceptable for a commissioned officer. Before being as- signed to duty involving flying under training as a pilot, he shall be given the complete physical examination for flying at the station to which he may be attached for training. 21139.3— Pilots of the Naval Reserve who apply for permission to pilot naval aircraft shall be subjected to the examination prescribed herein unless they present satisfactory evi- dence that they have passed such an exami- nation within six months of the dates on which flight is desired. 21139.4— Pending receipt of the approved copy of the record of physical examination (par. 21146), or certificate from the Bureau that the record of the physical examination has been approved, personnel may be considered physically qualified if an authorized medical examiner (par. 21145) certifies that the appli- cant has no physical or mental defect that would disqualify him for flying. 21140. POLICIES ON SERVICE GROUPS FOR PILOTS OF NAVAL AIRCRAFT 21140.1—The following policies shall, in gen- eral, be followed in the assignment of pilots of naval aircraft to flight duties: Service group I: Pilots under 40 years of age. Unlimited. Service group II: Pilots of 40 to 50 years of age, or younger pilots who, for other reasons, are not qualified for unrestricted flying in serv- ice group I, but who are so qualified for unre- stricted flying in service group II, shall not be assigned to fighter, bomber, or torpedo squadrons. Service group III: Pilots over 50 years of age shall normally be expected to perform flights in executive or broad command status. Solo flying shall be performed in such basic types of naval aircraft as may be prescribed by the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Air, as believed commensurate with their physi- cal and service qualifications. Pilots of younger age groups who for physi- cal or other reasons are not qualified for un- restricted flying in their service group, but who are physically and otherwise qualified for flying in service group III, may be so employed when sufficiently justified by other considerations. Normally the assignment of pilots below the rank of captain to service group III shall be restricted, and shall be limited to individuals recovering from illness or injury or to individ- uals not physically qualified for other service groups whose flying experience and the needs of the service sufficiently justify their employ- ment in a limited pilot status. 21140.2— The physical requirements em- ployed in determining the above service groups are provided in paragraph 21141. 21140.3— Should any pilot fail to meet the physical requirements prescribed for unre- stricted flying in his service group, such failure shall be set forth in the Standard Form 88 (Report of Physical Examination for Flying), and the report forwarded to the Bureau. The Bureau will submit its recommendation to the Bureau of Naval Personnel via the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air), and the pilot shall be disposed of as follows: 1. Permitted to continue unrestricted flight status in his Service Group subject to waiver of defects by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. 2. Restricted to flight duties of the next service group, that is, from I to II, or from II to III. 3. Restricted to flight duties of lessened tempo commensurate with present temporary physical condition (pilots recuperating from in- juries or illness). 4. Restricted to flight duties of service group III, requiring the presence of a copilot quali- fied in service group I or II. 5. Dropped from flight status. 21141. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AVIATION PERSONNEL 21141.1—Class I.—Aviation personnel en- gaged in the actual control of aircraft.— (a) 190 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION Service group I (pilots under 40 years of age, unrestricted flying). The physical requirements for these personnel shall be those set forth in paragraphs 21149 through 21165 below. Service group II (pilots 40 to 50 years of age, or younger pilots who for other reasons are not qualified for unrestricted flying in service group I but who are qualified for un- restricted flying in service group II, not to include fighter, bomber, or torpedo squadrons). Physical requirements for unrestricted flying in service group II shall be the same as those prescribed for service group I, with the follow- ing exceptions: 1. Visual acuity shall be not less than 10/20 for each eye unaided by glasses, provided that when visual acuity is less than 13/20 for either eye, it shall be corrected by lenses to 20/20 and the correction shall be worn while flying. 2, Variation in depth perception shall not exceed 35 mm. with the aid of glasses. 3. Accommodation below the requirements for age is permissible, provided that ac- commodation for each eye shall be not less than 3 D without correction. Whenever accom- modation is less than 3 D, it shall be corrected to a minimum of at least 3 D by lenses, which correction shall be placed in the lower section of lens only (bifocal or lower half of lens) and be available for use at all times when flying. 4, Moderate defects of hearing may be per- mitted, but shall not exceed the minimum of 7/5 whispered voice, binaural. Service group HI (pilots over 50 years of age, who will normally be expected to perform flights in executive or broad command status). Physical requirements for unrestricted flying within service group HI shall be the same as for service group I, with the following excep- tions : 1. Visual acuity shall be not less than 8/20 for each eye unaided by glasses, provided that when visual acuity is less than 13/20 for either eye, it shall be corrected to 20/20 by lenses and the correction worn while flying. 2. Variation in depth perception shall not exceed 35 mm. with the aid of glasses. 3. There shall be no muscle imbalance (phoria) of sufficient degree to result in di- plopia within 50 cm. of the central position of the tangent curtain. 4. Accommodation below the requirements for age is permissible, provided there shall be not less than 3 diopters of accommodation for each eye with the aid of glasses and the cor- rection shall be placed in the lower section of lens only (bifocal or lower half of lens) and be available for immediate use at all times when flying. 5. The diastolic blood pressure shall not regularly exceed 100 mm. Hg. The systolic blood pressure shall not regularly exceed 165 mm. Hg. 21141,2—Class 2.—Aviation personnel not engaged in actual control of aircraft: (a) Naval aviation observers.—Candidates shall normally be expected to meet the standard physical requirements prescribed for the gen- eral service with the following additional re- quirements as prescribed for naval aviators; namely, accommodation of the eyes, circulatory efficiency, and the neuropsychiatric examina- tion. Reports of examinations shall be made on Standard Form 88, as provided in para- graph 21146. In each case that a Standard Form 88 is forwarded to the Bureau appropri- ate entries shall be made on the NavMed-H-9 (Aviation Medical Abstract) of the individual’s health record. Naval aviation observers (navigation or tac- tical) .—Candidates shall be physically qualified and temperamentally adapted for duty involving flying in accordance with existing standards for candidates for flight training leading to the designation of naval aviator or naval aviation pilot, except that the ACT, MCT, and BI tests are not applicable, and shall not be adminis- tered. Reports of examination shall be made on Standard Form 88 as provided in para- graph 21146. In each case that a Standard Form 88 is forwarded to the Bureau appropri- ate entries shall be made on the individual NavMed-H-9 (Aviation Medical Abstract) of the individual’s Health Record. Naval aviation observers {radar).—No sne- cific physical standards beyond those for the general service shall be required. Candidates shall be examined physically to determine their fitness to engage in aerial flights, with the ex- amination relating primarily to the circulatory system, neuropsychiatric stability, and patency of the eustachian tubes. The purpose of such 191 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE an examination is to eliminate those individu- als with physical defects likely to be aggra- vated by duty involving flying, or to constitute a hazard when performing such duty. The result of the examination shall be entered on the NavMed-H-9 of the individual’s health record, and his commanding officer shall be notified as to his physical qualifications. No report of these examinations shall be made to the Bureau. Naval flight surgeons and aviation medical examiners.—When ordered to duty involving flying (not in control of aircraft), naval flight surgeons and aviation medical examiners shall meet the physical requirements prescribed for naval aviation observers. Reports of examina- tion will normally not be made to the Bureau. In the case of physical disqualification, how- ever, the report of examination shall be regu- larly prepared on Standard Form 88 and for- warded to the Bureau. When a Standard Form 88 is forwarded to the Bureau appropriate en- tries shall be made on the NavMed-H-9 (Avia- tion Medical Abstract) of the individual’s Health Record. Student naval flight surgeons.—Physical re- quirements for student naval flight surgeons are those prescribed for qualified naval flight surgeons; provided that for the purpose of flight indoctrinal training, in order to be physi- cally qualified to solo elementary type aircraft, vision shall be not less than 15/20 in each eye, unaided by glasses, and depth perception shall not exceed 30 mm. Failure to meet the special requirements of the eyes shall serve to disqualify only for solo flying, but shall not disqualify for other indoctrinal training in- volving flying, leading to the designation of flight surgeon. Reports of examination will normally not be made to the Bureau. In the case of physical disqualification, however, the report of examination shall be regularly pre- pared on Standard Form 88 and forwarded to the Bureau. When a Standard Form 88 is for- warded to the Bureau appropriate entries shall be made on the NavMed-H-9 (Aviation Medi- cal Abstract) of the individual’s Health Record. Combat aircrew personnel.—The physical re- quirements for combat aircrew personnel are in general the same as those prescribed for the general service with the following additional special requirements: Height.—Maximum height shall not exceed 72 inches (waived in the case of lighter-than- air aircraft machine gunners (Art. 5313(7), Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual). Weight.—Maximum weight shall not exceed 185 pounds (waived in the case of lighter-than- air aircraft machine gunners (Art. 5313 (7), Bureau of Naval Personnel (Manual). Heart and lungs.—A normally functioning cardiorespiratory system in which the blood pressure does not persistently exceed 150 mm. Hg., systolic or 90 diastolic, is a requirement. The Schneider index test shall be conducted only in special cases when so indicated. It alone shall not be cause for rejection. Eyes.—No abnormality shall be allowed which will interfere with the wearing of gog- gles or the use of the eyes while in flight. Vision shall be not less than 20/20 in each eye, unaided by glasses. Color vision shall be as prescribed for the general service. Accommo- dation shall be not less than 3 diopters in each eye, unaided by glasses, as determined by use of the Prince rule or the Jaeger test type. Nose and ears.—Defects of hearing are al- lowable, provided such defects are not of suffi- cient degree as to interfere with radio per- ception. The eustachian tubes shall be patent. There shall be no evidence of manifest or latent disease of the middle ear or of the accessory sinuses of the face and head. Nasal obstruc- tion shall not exceed 50 percent of total venti- lation on either side; a distinction shall be made as between transitory turgescence and anatomi- cal deformity. Central nervous system.—Applicants shall be examined to determine their freedom from disease of the central nervous system, or evi- dence of psychic instability of sufficient nature and degree as to disqualify. Equilibrium.—Equilibrium shall be normal as determined by the self-balancing test. Speech.—Applicants shall have clear diction for normal spoken voice, with no impediment of speech which will interfere with radio com- munication. Reports of the physical examination of com- bat aircrewmen shall not be made to the Bureau; entries on the NavMed-H-9 (Aviation Medical 192 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION Abstract) of the individual’s Health Record will serve for this purpose. Commanding Offi- cers shall be officially informed concerning the result of the examinations. Other nonflying personnel.—When ordered to duty involving flying, for which specific physical requirements have not been prescribed, personnel shall, prior to engaging in such duties, be examined to determine their physical fitness for aerial flights. The examination shall relate primarily to the circulatory system, equilibrium, neuropsychiatric stability, patency of the eus- tachian tubes, with such additional considera- tion as the individual’s specific flying duties may indicate. The examination and its evalua- tion shall be of a practical nature. The result of the examination shall be entered on the Nav-Med-H-9 (Aviation Medical Abstract) of the individual’s Health Record and the com- manding officer officially notified. Reports of these examinations shall not be submitted to the Bureau. 21142. REEXAMINATION FOR PHYSICAL INCAPACITY 21142.1— A reexamination of any individual shall be made whenever considered necessary by the Bureau, the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Air, or by the commanding officer, to determine his physical fitness to continue flying duty or flying training. 21142.2— Upon recommendation by the flight surgeon, the commanding officer may relieve from flying duty, or suspend the flying training of, any individual reported physically incapa- citated. When the individual is reported physically fit again by the flight surgeon, the commanding officer may authorize resumption of such duty or training. 21142.3— Aviation personnel of class 1 (par. 21138), upon reporting for duty at a new ship or station, or upon reporting for duty following absence due to serious injury or illness, or upon return to duty from a protracted leave of ab- sence, or when otherwise indicated, shall be given such physical examination as may be re- quired to determine their physical fitness to resume their flying duty. 21142.4— When certified as fit for duty by a board of medical survey, a naval aviator or naval aviation pilot shall be examined by a board of flight surgeons as prescribed in para- graph 3323. 21143.—Annual physical examination.—All aviation personnel engaged in duty involving actual control of aircraft (par. 21138.2) shall be required to undergo the complete physical examination for flying. Other aviation person- nel (par. 21138.3) on their prescribed annual physical examination shall be required to meet the specific physical standards for their classi- fication. Such examinations shall be recorded on Standard Form 88 in the case of those on duty involving actual control of aircraft. These Standard Form 88’s shall not be forwarded unless some disqualifying abnormality exists, but are retained in the activity and the results entered on NavMed-H-8’s (Medical History Sheets) of the Health Records. In the case of combat aircrewmen and personnel in class 2 (par. 21138.3) ordered to duty involving flying, but not assigned particular flight duties, the results of their examinations shall be recorded in the Health Records on NavMed-H-9’s. 21144. —Examination, where made.—Equip- ment and personnel for .conducting the physical examination for flying have been established aboard aircraft carriers and the large aircraft tenders, at fleet air bases, and within certain flag commands to which staff flight surgeons are attached; and at naval air stations, Navy and Marine Corps air bases, Naval Reserve aviation bases, and at other shore activities and commands within the several naval districts to which flight surgeons or qualified aviation medical examiners are attached. 21145. —Examiners qualified.—The physical examination for flying shall be made only by medical officers who, after a special course of instruction, are qualified to conduct such an examination. The dental examination shall be conducted by an officer of the Dental Corps, if available. There are two groups of medical officers qualified to conduct the physical ex- amination for flying: flight surgeons, who have qualified by taking the basic course in aviation medicine followed by additional indoctrinal flight training; and aviation medical examiners, who have qualified by taking the basic course in aviation medicine but have not received in- doctrinal flight training. 193 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE 21146. RECORDS 21146.1— A record of the physical examina- tion for aviation duty shall be made on Standard Form 88. Reports on qualified personnel shall be forwarded in accordance with instructions on the form. 21146.2— The following procedure shall be observed in examining and reporting upon in- dividuals found not physically qualified or tem- peramentally adapted for duty involving flying. Original examination of applicants for flight training—When, on original examination for flying, an applicant for flight training is found physically or psychologically disqualified for the performance of such duty, the report of ex- amination (Standard Form 88) shall be sub- mitted, via the commanding officer, in accord- ance with existing instructions. Abnormalities disclosed in the neuropsychiatric examination shall be included in the report of examination. Examination of designated personnel.—Stu- dent naval aviators, aviation cadets undergo- ing regular flight training, student aviation pilots, qualified naval aviators, qualified naval aviation pilots, and qualified navigators who, on physical examination for flying, are con- sidered not qualified for the performance of their flying duties shall appear before a board of medical examiners, of which at least one member shall be a flight surgeon, for the pur- pose of establishing the nature of their defects and their qualifications for performance of (1) duty involving flying or (2) general duty not involving flying. In the event the defects dis- closed as the result of such examination are considered sufficient to disqualify for the per- formance of general duty not involving flying, the examinee shall appear before a board of medical survey in accordance with instructions in part III, chapter 3, of the Manual of the Medical Department. Personnel temporarily disqualified.—These provisions are not intended to apply to flying personnel who may be disqualified for the per- formance of their duties because of disabilities considered as temporary (par. 21142). Commanding officers shall recommend direct- ly to the Chief of Naval Personnel the disen- rollment of any naval aviation college program student who fails to maintain the required physical standards. Such recommendations shall be accompanied by Standard Form 88. Assistance may be requested for the physical examinations from the Commandant of the naval district. 21146.3—Naval aviators, naval aviation pi- lots, student naval aviators, and aviation cadets, on being surveyed to duty following a serious illness or injury, shall appear before a board of flight surgeons, or flight examiners, to deter- mine their physical and temperamental quali- fications for return to flight duty. Standard Form 88 shall accompanjr the survey to the Bureau (Par. 3323). 21147. —Transfer of records.—Whenever an individual is transferred from one ship or sta- tion to another, the certified copy of his current Standard Form 88 shall be forwarded to the medical officer of his new ship or station. 21148. —Inspection of records.—The physical examination records of aviation personnel in Class 1 (par. 21138.1) shall be inspected by the medical and dental officers annually at the end of January. If a medical or dental record is missing or incomplete in any particular, the medical or dental officers shall so inform the commanding officer, who shall direct the individual to report to the medical or dental officers for the necessary examination to com- plete his records. 21149. THE EXAMINATION 21149.1— Except as modified by the provi- sions of this paragraph, the general physical examination and general physical standards shall be the same as those prescribed for the general service. 21149.2— Properly authorized applicants for duty involving actual control of aircraft who fail to attain the qualifying scores on psycho- logical tests as specified in technical memoranda and directives of the Bureau shall be disquali- fied and shall not proceed to the flight physical examination. 21149.3— A history of any of the following shall be considered as disqualifying: syphilis, repeated attacks of hay fever or asthma, recent attacks of malaria, paroxysmal tachycardia, any organic heart disease, recurrent attacks of any of the rheumatic group, recent renal calcu- 194 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION lus, encephalitis lethargica, or any illness ac- companied by diplopia and lethargy. 21149.4—Height and weight.— (3) The mini- mum height is 66 inches. The maximum height is 76 inches. No specific minimum weight is established. In general the maximum weight shall be 200 pounds, below the age of 40 years, except that applicants weighing in excess of 200 pounds may be accepted without waiver if such excess weight is due to heavy bone struc- ture and musculature and is not due to obesity. Individuals shall be well proportioned. Marked disproportion in the physical proportions is a cause for rejection. (b) Chest.—Any condition that serves to im- pair respiratory function may be cause for rejection. The examinee, if an average-sized individual should normally have not less than three inches of chest expansion. A variation of one half inch is allowable if the individual is otherwise acceptable. (c) Cardiovascular system.—Cardiac arrhy- thmia or heart murmur or other evidence of cardial abnormality shall be the cause of care- ful study, including recourse to an electro- cardiographic examination when indicated. Evi- dence of heart disease shall be cause for rejec- tion. Blood pressure and pulse rate.—In consider- ing the blood pressure, the examiner must give due regard to the age of the candidate and to physiological causes such as excitement, recent exercise, and digestion. The condition of the arteries, the tenseness of the pulse, and the degree of accentuation of the aortic second sound must be taken into consideration, as must also the relation between the systolic and diastolic pressures. No examinee shall be re- jected as the result of a single reading. When the blood pressure estimation at the first exam- ination is regarded as abnormal, or in case of doubt, the procedure shall be repeated twice daily (in the morning and in the afternoon) for a sufficient number of days to enable the examiner to arrive at a definite In conducting the circulatory efficiency test (Schneider index), the examinee shall be af- forded every opportunity to relax. Loud noise, conversation, and other disturbing influences which may serve to excite or adversely affect the examinee, are to be avoided. The test should not be taken within two hours after a meal. Smoking, fatigue, and intercurrent infections will affect the score. Before taking the test, the subject reclines in a quiet environment for not less than five minutes, after which the examina- tion proceeds as follows: METHOD Heart rate is counted for 20 seconds. When two consecutive counts are the same, the 20- second rate is multiplied by three and recorded. The systolic pressure is taken by auscultation and recorded. Two or three readings should be taken to be certain. The subject then rises and stands for two minutes to allow the pulse to assume a uniform rate. When two consecutive 15-second counts are the same, multiply by four and record. This is the normal standing rate. Standing pulse minus the reclining pulse gives the increase on standing. The systolic pressure is taken as before and recorded. Timed by a stop watch, the subject steps upon a chair 18 x/i inches high, five times in 15 seconds. To make this uniform, the subject should stand with one foot on the chair at the count of one. This foot remains on the chair and is not brought to the floor again until after the count of five. At each count he brings the other foot on the chair and at the word “down” replaces it on the floor. This should be timed accurately so that at the 15-second mark on the stop watch both feet are on the floor. Start counting the pulse immediately at the 15-second mark on the stop watch and count for 15 seconds. Multiply by four and record. Continue to take pulse in 15-second counts until the rate has returned to the normal stand- ing rate. Note the number of seconds it takes for this to return and record. In computing this return, count from the end of the 15 sec- onds of exercising to the beginning, of the first 15-second normal standing pulse count. If the pulse has not returned to normal at the end of two minutes, record the number of beats above normal and discontinue counting. Check up points and enter final rating as indicated in the table. If after repeated tests the circulatory efficiency rating is seven or less, 195 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Table for grading cardiovascular changes B. Pulse rate increase on standing / ■ A. Reclining pulse rate —' 0-10 11-18 19-26 27-34 35-42 f N beats. beats. beats. beats. beats. Rate Points points points points points points 50-60 3 3 3 2 1 0 61-70 3 3 2 1 0 —1 71-80 2 3 2 0 —1 —2 81-90 1 2 1 —1 —2 —3 91-100 0 1 0 —2 —3 —3 101-110 — 1 0 —1 —3 —3 —3 D. Pulse rate increase immediately after exercise C. Standing pulse rate 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-5(N / ——— \ beats. beats. beats. beats. beats. Rate Points points points points points points 60-70 3 3 3 2 1 0 71-80 3 3 2 1 0 0 81-90 2 2 2 1 0 —1 91-100 1 2 1 0 —1 —2 101-110 1 1 0 —1 —2 —3 111-120 0 1 —1 —2 —3 —3 121-130 0 0 —2 —3 —3 —3 131-140 —1 0 —3 —3 —3 —3 E. Return of pulse rate to standing normal after exercise F. Systolic pressure. standing. compared with reclining Seconds Points Change in mm. Points more . . . . 3 2 1 0 Fall of 2-5 0 . —1 After 120: 11-30 beats above normal. . —2 it is considered sufficient to disqualify. Enter history of case, including amount of sleep, amount of smoking, kind of work (out- door or indoor, active or sedentary, etc.), time since last meal, any personal worries, or any pathological condition which might affect the condition of the subject. INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS Blood Pressure.—If the examinee is a candi- date for flight training, the systolic blood pres- sure shall not persistently exceed 135 mm., nor the diastolic pressure exceed 90 mm. In the case of qualified pilots, if the examinee is over 25 years of age, the systolic blood pressure shall not persistently exceed 150 mm. If the exam- inee is 25 years of age or younger, the systolic pressure shall not persistently exceed 140 mm. A systolic blood pressure of less than 105 mm. disqualifies. A diastolic blood pressure persis- tently above 95 mm. is disqualifying. Abnor- mally low diastolic blood pressure should be viewed with concern, particularly with regard to its effect on vasomotor tone while flying. In such cases, the underlying cause should be de- termined if possible. The condition, if suffi- ciently marked, may be considered as disquali- fying. Circulatory index.—This index shall be re- garded as a valuable check on the physical con- dition of the examinee. An index below eight shall be regarded as unsatisfactory. No in- dividual shall be rejected because of a single failure to pass the test satisfactorily, but shall be recalled for further observation and study. When the index is persistently below the ac- ceptable limit and is indicative of neurocircula- tory asthenia, or other abnormalities of the cir- culatory system, the examinee shall be disquali- fied. Teeth.—Evidence of marked malocclusion, especially when associated with a weak or defective dental arch, or with evidence of ex- tensive caries or loss of teeth, shall be cause for rejection. Neuropsychiatrical examination.—Following the completion of the general examination, the 196 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION examiner shall make a careful study of the examinee’s family history for evidence of in- sanity, familiar traits of psychoneurotic mani- festations, degenerations, and inherited defi- ciencies. The candidate’s personal history shall be searched for significant factors which relate to the formative years that affect his person- ality trend. The infantile period shall be searched for evidence of retardation. Consider- ation shall be given to examination of the fam- ily life, play life, school life, sex life, and a careful search for epileptic equivalents. Deter- mine the family attitude toward flying and the examinee’s reaction to the stresses of life and his general emotional response and control. The object of the examination shall be to determine the individual’s basic stability and capacity to react favorably to the special stresses en- countered in flying. This phase of the examina- tion shall be performed routinely only on ap- plicants for flight training who are otherwise physically qualified. N eurological examination.—A careful neuro- logical examination shall be made, attention being given to the following examinations and report of findings: Pupils.—Regular, irregular, equal, unequal, do or do not react to light and accommodation. Deep sense {Romberg).—Negative, slightly positive or pronouncedly positive. Deep reflexes.—Patellar, biceps, etc.—Absent (o), diminished (—), normal (-f-), hyperactive (H—h)> and exaggerated (-j-H—h)- Superficial reflexes.—Abdominal, cremas- teric, etc.—Any abnormalities found. Sensory disturbances.—Any abnormalities found. Motor disturbances.—Evidence of muscle weakness, paresis, or any other abnormality. Trophic disturbances.—Evidence of atrophy, compensatory hypertrophies, or any other ab- normality. Tremors.—State whether fine or coarse, and name parts affected. Tics.—Specify parts affected. Cranial nerves.—Examine carefully for evi- dence of impaired function or paresis. It should be remembered that some of the cranial nerves are subject to frequent involvement in a num- ber of important diseases, such as syphilis, meningitis, encephalitis lethargica, and injuries to the cranium. Psychomotor tension.—Ability voluntarily to relax. This shall be tested by having the ex- aminee rest forearm upon palm of examiner and then testing the tendon reflexes of the fore- arm with a percussion hammer. The flight surgeon should keep himself informed regard- ing all indications of staleness in order to recog- nize the earliest manifestations of that condi- tion. Peripheral circulation.—Examine for flush- ing, mottling, and cyanosis of face, trunk and extremities. Question as to the presence of localized sweating (armpits and palm) and cold extremities. Any abnormalities disclosed on the neurological examination should be care- fully studied and an opinion expressed as to their cause and significance and whether they are sufficient cause for rejection. 21149.5—After the examination has been completed, the examiner shall make an assess- ment of the individual’s qualifications for fly- ing, based upon the physical findings and the result of the neuropsychiatric examination. While no individual will possess all good traits, or all bad ones, the examiner shall summarize his impressions of the individual’s aeronautical adaptability, which shall be recorded as favor- able or unfavorable. When an individual is found to be physically qualified but his aero- nautical adaptability is regarded as unfavor- able, the entry of findings on Standard Form 88 as finally recorded, shall be “Physically qual- ified but not aeronautically adapted.” When an individual is found not aeronautically adapted, sufficient comment and information shall be furnished to justify such a conclusion. 21150. VISUAL ACUITY 21150.1—Apparatus.—The apparatus for testing visual acuity consists of five Snellen test charts, each with a different arrangement of letters and a blank card about 6x9 cm. Four test charts are cut off so that the 20-foot and successive smaller rows of letters are used. The central chart is left fully exposed. The five charts are arranged in close formation against a neutral-colored wall at the end of the exam- ining room and each is numbered. The numerals 197 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE must be distinctly visible at a distance of 20 feet. Two 100-watt daylight Mazda lamps with reflectors are installed about four feet above and in front of the test charts to provide uni- form illumination. A single 200-watt daylight Mazda lamp in a suitable reflector may be sub- stituted for the above. The switches controlling these lamps and the spotlight used with the phorometer trial frame should be located on the side wall, where they can be reached easily by the examiner as he stands beside the ex- aminee’s chair. All windows and other sources of light located in front and to the side of the examinee are shaded during the examination. Other standard appliances acceptable to the Bureau for testing visual acuity may be used in lieu of the apparatus described. 21150.2— Procedure.—Upon entering the room, the examinee occupies a chair facing the test charts exactly 20 feet away. In order to prevent study of the letters, the test is begun promptly. The examiner stands at one side of the examinee, using the 6x9 cm. blank card to cover the left eye while the right is being tested. Designating one of the small charts by number, the examiner instructs the examinee to read as many letters as possible. When the best vision for the right has been obtained, the card is shifted to cover the right eye and the left eye is tested on one of the other small charts. The large (complete) chart is used only when the vision is less than 20/20. The row of smallest letters read correctly determines the numerator of the fraction used in recording visual acuity. The number of smaller letters read in the next line is added to this fraction following the plus sign; for example 20/20 -(- 4. 21150.3— Precautions.—Every possible safe- guard is thrown around the test to prevent memorizing the charts. Examinees awaiting their visual acuity test are not permitted to re- main in the room within sight of the test let- ters or where they can hear them read aloud. When the examinee is suspected of having memorized the charts, the examiner will select letters in the doubtful lines and have the exam- inee name them. The small charts should be given a different arrangement from time to time in order to prevent memorizing the letters according to the position of the charts on the wall. One eye is completely screened from the letters while the other is being tested. The use of the hand or of an opaque disk from the trial case as a screen does not insure a monecular test. 21150.4 — Interpretation of findings. — For candidates for flight training, the minimal vis- ual requirement for each eye is 20/20. For qualified and experienced pilots, visual acuity of not less than 15/20 for each eye unaided by glasses may be permitted when the pilot’s ex- perience is sufficient to compensate for this departure from normal vision. 21151. DEPTH PERCEPTION AT SIX METERS 21151.1— Apparatus.—Depth perception ap- paratus may be obtained from the Naval Medi- cal Supply Depot on approved requisition. The apparatus shall be installed in such a manner as to receive adequate illumination without the examinee being subjected to the direct glare of the light. 21151.2— Procedure.—The rods in the box are widely separated by the examiner, and the examinee is required to manipulate the two cords so as to bring the movable rod beside the fixed one in such position that both appear to be the same distance from him. The test is repeated several times, the rods being widely separated before each trial. The examinee’s estimation of depth difference is read in milli- meters directly from the scale and entered on the record. The test shall be conducted at a distance of 20 feet. 21151.3— Precautions.—No information con- cerning the results of the successive trials shall be given the examinee until after the test is completed. The examinee is required to hold his head straight and not to one side or the other. Care shall be taken by the examiner to avoid casting a shadow on the background, to avoid placing the hands so as to give the exam- inee information as to his error, and to avoid any facial expression from which the examinee might gain information as to the result of his efforts* 21151.4 — Interpretation of findings. — An average depth difference of more than 30 mm. in five readings disqualifies. An erratic result shall necessitate an examination the following day and if still erratic shall disqualify until consistently below 30 mm. 198 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION 21152. THE MADDOX-ROD SCREEN TEST AT SIX METERS 21152.1 — Apparatus. — A photometer trial frame equipped with a pair of multiple Maddox rods and a pair of Risley rotary prisms, a blank card about 6x9 cm., which serves as a screen, and a blank card about 13 x 20 cm., with a 3-cm. hole in its center, shall be used. 21152.2—Procedure.—Before beginning the test, determine the examinee’s fixing eye. For this purpose the 13 x 20 cm. card is employed. The examinee, seated, facing the spotlight six meters away, grasps the card by the long sides with both hands. While looking intently at the light, he slowly raises the card at arm’s length and locates the light through the hole without closing either eye. Only one eye can see the light through the hole, and the eye selected for this purpose is the one used habitually for sighting or fixing. The photometer trial frame is now properly leveled and adjusted closely in front of the examinee’s eyes. One of the multiple Maddox rods is swung into position before the non-fixing eye. A rotary prism is placed before the same eye. The sight- ing or fixing eye must have an unobstructed view of the spotlight. For the measurement of esophoria or exophoria, the Maddox rod is ad- justed before the nonsighting eye to give a vertical line of light. The rotary prism is ad- justed also before the nonsighting eye for the measurement of lateral deviation and set four or five prism diopters off the zero mark. This gives enough deflection at the first reading to detect an examinee who has been coached to say the line passed through the light. The 6x9 cm. card is moved from one eye to the other a few times to ascertain if the examinee sees both line and the light. If the line is not seen readily, the Maddox rod is readjusted by centering it carefully in front of the pupil. Some further darkening of the room may be necessary to render.the rod clearly visible. When the examinee sees the line with one eye and the light with the other, the examiner holds the card or screen in front of the nonfixing eye to shut out the image of the line. The examinee now sees only the light. After he has fixed it for several seconds, the screen is removed for an instant and quickly replaced. In that brief interval the examinee will be able to see the line and locate it in ref- erence to the light. After one or two such exposures, he will say that the line is to the right or left of the light or possibly through it. He is instructed to grasp the milled head that rotates the prism and turn it to bring the line directly into the light. To enable him to do this, the screen is removed from the eye at intervals and quickly replaced. Finally, the examinee will have ro- tated the prism enough to cause the line to pass through the light every time the screen is re- moved. The number of prism diopters neces- sary to do this is read from the scale of the rotary prism. This is entered on the record as esophoria if the prism is base out, and exo- phoria if the prism is base in. For the measurement of hyperphoria, the Maddox rod before the nonfixing eye is read- justed to give a horizontal line of light. The rotary prism is also readjusted before the same eye to measure vertical deviation. The screen is used exactly as before to give an occasional glimpse of the line. The number of prism diop- ters read from the scale is recorded as right hyperphoria if the prism is base down before the right eye, or base up before the left. It is recorded as left hyperphoria if the prism is base up before the right eye or base down be- fore the left. In testing for hyperphoria, the Stevens’ frame which is normally a part of the phorometer mechanism, should be used instead of the larger prisms. The Stevens’ frame at- tachment is composed of weaker prisms which are calibrated in tenths of a diopter and there- fore permit more accurate readings for hyper- phoria. 21152.3— Precautions.—The Maddox rod and the measuring prism are always used together before the nonfixing eye and never before the fixing eye. The test gives an inaccurate result if the examinee is permitted to see the line for a longer time than is allowed by the momentary flash exposures described above. 21152.4— Interpretation of findings.—Eso- phoria of more than 4 D., if associated with a prism divergence of less than 4 D., disqualifies, 199 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE even though the red lens test shows no evidence of diplopia. Esophoria of more than 10 D. dis- qualifies even if unassociated with any other visual defect. Exophoria of more than 5 D. disqualifies. Hyperphoria of more than 1 D. disqualifies. 21153. PRISM DIVERGENCE 21153.1— Apparatus.—The phorometer trial frame and the rotary prism with a spotlight 1 cm. in diameter at a distance of 13 inches from the eyes shall be used. 21153.2— Procedure.—The procedure shall follow paragraph 2124C. 21153.3— Interpretation of findings.—A prism divergence of less than 12 diopters is disquali- fying. An excessive amount of prism divergence (above 22 diopters) should be accompanied by a disqualifying amount of exophoria. 21154. RED LENS TEST 21154.1 — Apparatus. — A spectacle trial frame, a red lens from the trial lens case, a small light such as an ophthalmoscope without head, and metric rule or tape shall be used. 21154.2—Procedure.—The examinee is seated in the darkroom facing the dark wall or tan- gent curtain at 75 cm. distance. The spectacle trial frame is adjusted into position and the red lens from the trial lens case is placed in one cell of the trial frame. With the examinee’s head in a fixed position, the small lamp is held directly before the dark tangent curtain at 75 cm. distance from the eyes. The presence or absence of diplopia in this position (primary) is noted. The light is then slowly moved from the central position toward the right for a dis- tance of 50 cm. in the horizontal plane. In the same manner the light is moved in the remain- ing five cardinal directions, up and to the left, to the left, down and to the left, and down and to the right. The presence or absence of diplopia in any of these positions should be noted. Normally, diplopia * should not occur in any meridian within 50 cm. of the primary or cen- tral position. In the presence of diplopia, no- tation should be made as to whether it is crossed, honomomous, or vertical, and the dis- tance in centimeters from the central position that diplopia occurs should be recorded. When diplopia is suspected and the examinee has been coached to deny its presence, a prism of 3 or 4 D. may be placed, either base up or base down, in one cell of the trial frame, and if diplopia is still denied, the statement is obvi- ously untrue. 21154.3— Precautions.—The head of the ex- aminee must remain fixed and the movement of the light followed only by the eyes. No tilting or rotation of the face shall be permitted. 21154.4— Interpretation of findings.—Diplo- pia within 50 cm, of the primary position, in any meridian, disqualifies. 21155. TEST OF ASSOCIATED PARALLEL MOVEMENTS 21155.1— Apparatus.—A pin with a white head 2 mm. in diameter shall be used. 21155.2— Procedure.—The examinee stands near a window where good illumination falls on both eyes. The examiner holds the white headed pin about 33 cm, directly in front of the exami- nee’s eyes and directs him to look at it steadily. Nystagmus in the primary position is to be noted at this stage of the test. The examinee is then instructed to hold his head still and watch the pin as it is moved slowly to his right. The pin is not carried beyond the field of bin- ocular fixation, but is held motionless for a moment near the lateral limit of the field. Each eye is inspected to discover any failure in fix- ing the pin. The lagging or overaction of either eye is noted. The pin is then carried slowly to the extreme left, up and to the left, straight up, up and to the right, to the extreme right, down and to the right, straight down, and down and to the left. The lagging of either eye in any of these eight cardinal directions is due to underaction of at least one of the extrinsic ocular muscles. The underaction is recorded by stating which eye lags and in which direction the lagging is ob- served. In the same way any overshooting of either eye is recorded by stating which eye is involved and in which direction. If any under- action or overaction is revealed by this test, the final diagnosis shall be made on the tangent curtain by means of the red lens test. 21155.3— Interpretation of findings.—The ex- 200 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION aminee is disqualified if the underaction or overaction of any of the extrinsic ocular mus- cles results in heterophoria at six meters in excess of normal limits, or produces diplopia within 50 cm. of the primary position in any meridian as determined by the red lens test. 21156. INSPECTION OF THE EYES 21156.1— Procedure.—Whenever possible, the eyes are inspected by bright daylight. Every pathologic condition and congential anomaly is recorded. The following conditions may be found by this procedure: 1. Lids: Ptosis, blepharitis, trichiasis, en- tropion, ectropion, and chalazion. 2. Tear Sacs: Imperfect drainage. 3. Lower Puncta: Failure of contact with bulbar conjunctivae. 4. Conjunctivae: Trachoma and old scars. 5. Corneas: Scars, pannus, and pterygium. 6. Pupils : Unequal size, irregular shape, and failure to react to light or accommodation. 21156.2 — Interpretation of findings. — Any pathologic condition which may become worse or interfere with the proper functioning of the eyes under the fatigue and exposure of flying disqualifies. 21157. TEST FOR ACCOMMODATION 21157.1— Apparatus.—The Prince rule, a small millimeter rule, and a card with several rows of small letters shall be used. 21157.2 — Procedure. — Accommodation is measured from the anterior focus of the eye, which is about 11.5 mm. in front of the cornea. Using the millimeter rule, make a pencil mark on each side of the examinee’s nose 11.5 mm. in front of the right and left cornea respective- ly. In measuring the accommodation of the right eye, lay the flat side of the Prince rule against the right side of the examinee’s nose, with the end of the rule at the pencil mark. The rule is held horizontally and extends directly to the front, edge up. The card of test letters is held not more than 5 cm, in front of the examinee’s right eye. His left is screened from sight of the letters by the flat side of the rule. The card of test letters is now carried slowly away from the eye and the examinee instructed to begin reading the letters aloud as soon as they become legible. The card is halted the in- stant he begins to read the letters correctly and the point on the rule opposite the card is read off in diopters. This is the measure of accom- modation of the right eye. To test the left eye, change the rule to the left side of the nose and repeat the above procedure, using a different line of letters. 21157.3 — Precautions. — The examinee is placed with his back to good light, with the card well illuminated. The card is started from close to the eyes and carried away from them. The letters on the test card are read aloud. The same line of letters is not used for testing both eyes. 21157.4—Interpretation of findings.—The following table gives the mean values of ac- commodation in diopters from 18 to 50 years of age. Accommodation may be regarded as with- in normal limits provided it is not more than 3 D. below the mean for the examinee’s age. The examinee is disqualified if his accommo- dation falls more than 3 D. below the mean for his age, but before an examinee is disqualified, his accommodation shall be taken on three suc- cessive days and an average of the three find- ings determined. Accommodation may be af- fected by fatigue, staleness, or other debilitat- ing conditions. Age Diopters Age Diopters Age Diopters Age Diopters 18 11.9 24 10.4 30 8.9 36 7.1 19 11.7 25 10.2 31 8.6 37 6.8 20 11.5 26 9.9 32 8.3 38 6.5 21 11.2 27 9.6 33 8.0 39 6.2 22 10.9 28 9.4 34 7.7 40 5.9 23 10.6 29 9.2 35 7.3 45 50 3.7 2.0 21158. ANGLE OF CONVERGENCE 21158.1—Near 'point of convergence (PcB), —The Prince rule and a pin with a white head 2 mm. in diameter shall be used. The distance to the near point of convergence is computed from the base line connecting the centers of rotation of the eyes. The end of the Prince rule is placed, edge up, at the mark on the right side of the nose, 11.5 mm. in front of the cornea. The white-headed pin is held 33 cm. 201 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE away in the median line above the edge of the rule and the examinee is instructed to look at it intently. If both eyes are seen to converge upon the pin, it is then carried in the median line, along the edge of the rule, toward the root of the nose. The examinee’s eyes are care- fully watched and the instant one is observed to swing outward the limit of convergence has been reached. The point on the rule opposite the pin is then read in millimeters. This test is repeated until a fairly constant reading is obtained. To this reading 25 mm. is added, which will give approximately the distance from the near point of convergence to the base line, PcB. Both eyes must converge upon the pin at the start of the test. The examinee’s observation of the onset of diplopia is not relied upon to determine the near point, although he is asked to state when he sees double. The near point of convergence, unlike the near point of accommodation, varies little with age. Its measurement is of value only in computing the angle of convergence. Examinees are not quali- fied or disqualified on this measurement, but on the angle of convergence. 21158.2— Interpupillary distance (Pd).—A small millimeter rule is used. The examiner stands with his back to the light, face to face with the examinee. The rule is held in the ex- aminer’s right hand and laid across the exam- inee’s nose in line with his pupils, as close to the two eyes as possible. The examiner closes his right eye and instructs the examinee to fix his eyes on the open left eye. With the eyes in this position, a predetermined mark on the rule is placed in line with the nasal border of the examinee’s right pupil. The rule must be held steadily in this position while the ex- aminer opens his right eye and closes his left. The examinee is then instructed to look at the open right eye. The point on the rule in line with the temporal border of the examinee’s left pupil is read in millimeters and the exact difference in millimeters between the two points on the rule is the interpupillary distance. 21158.3— Computing the angle of conver- gence.—The following formula is used for com- puting the angle of convergence: a i * i/2PdX100 Q Angle of convergence = — - + 3 An angle of convergence of less than 40° is undesirable, but is not disqualifying unless as- sociated with excessive exophoria, or diplopia on the tangent curtain. Diplopia in the extreme positions on the tangent curtain shall not be considered disqualifying. 21159.—Central color vision.—Color vision shall be tested by means of the American Opti- cal Company Pseudo-Isochromatic Plates for Testing Color Perception, 1940. The examinee is placed with his back to good light (natural light is preferable) in such a manner as to insure that the plates of the chart are illumin- ated and free of shadow. The plates are ex- posed to the examinee, who is required to call the numbers or letters indicated in the colored chart. The examinee may be permitted to tilt or alter the position of the charts to improve the light. The instructions in the A. 0. C. chart book shall be followed, and the require- ments of paragraph 2125.3 as modified by Bu- Med Circular Letter No. 46-177 shall apply. 21160. FIELD OF VISION 21160.1— The examiner faces the examinee at a distance of 2 feet. He instructs the examinee to close his left eye and to fix his right eye on the examiner’s left eye, the examiner’s right eye being closed. The examiner then brings his moving fingers in from the periphery mid- way between them. The examinee is instructed to say when he sees the fingers, and how many. He should see them as soon as the examiner, if normal. The fingers are brought in from all cardinal directions. The test is then repeated for the left eye. Any evidence of abnormality should be given detailed study on the peri- meter. 21160.2— The field of vision for each eye shall be normal as determined by the finger fixation test. When there is evidence of ab- normal contraction of the field of vision in either eye, the examinee shall be subjected to perimetric study for form and color. Any con- traction of the form field of 15° or more in any meridian shall disqualify. 21161. REFRACTION 21161.1—Refraction of the eyes shall not be required on original or routine examination, 202 Chapter 10. —AVIATION PHYSICAL STANDARDS AND EXAMINATION but shall be performed in special cases only, when so indicated. An electric retinoscope, or a plain retinoscope and a wall lamp, a trial case and trial frame, Snellen test type, and a cycloplegic shall be used. 21161.2— The tension of both eyes must be taken by palpation and found normal before in- stilling a cycloplegic. The fundus of both eyes must also be examined with the ophthalmo- scope, and if evidence of glaucoma are found a cycloplegic shall not be used. One drop of a 4 percent homatropine solution is placed in each eye every 10 minutes until four instilla- tions have been made. At the end of one hour from the time of the first instillation, the ex- aminee is ready for refraction. Retinoscopic examination is conducted in the darkroom and the results of the refraction are then verified by having the examinee read the Snellen charts. The minimum correction required to enable the examinee to read 20/20 each eye is re- corded, together with the true correction as determined by retinoscopy. 21161.3— The examinee is disqualified if he requires more than 2 D. total correction in any meridian in order to read 20/20 each eye with the accommodation paralyzed. Of this allowable correction not more than a total of 0.5 D. shall be due to any form of myopia or astigmatism or any combination thereof. 21161.4— After the use of a cycloplegic the examinee must wear dark glasses until the effects have disappeared. The instillation into each eye of a 1 percent solution of pilocarpine hydrochloride in distilled water will contract the pupil and thus relieve the photophobia. 21162. OPHTHALMOSCOPIC EXAMINATION 21162.1— The examination shall not be re- quired on original or routine examination, but shall be performed in special cases only, when so indicated. The examination must not be made before the refraction is completed. In exam- ining the macular region of the retina, the light should be reduced and the exposure made as brief as possible. 21162.2— Any abnormality disclosed on oph- thalmoscopic examination that materially in- terferes with normal ocular function disquali- fies. Other abnormal disclosures indicative of disease, other than those directly affecting the eyes, shall be considered with regard to the importance of those conditions. 21163. EAR 21163.1— General.—The external auditory canals and membranae tympani are examined by means of a speculum and good light. Wax interfering with a good view of the tympanum must be removed from the external auditory canal. If internal to the bend of the canal; the canal should be filled with a bland oil and blocked with cotton. The following day thor- ough washing of the external canal with a solution of sodium bicarbonate will remove the wax. The external canal is then examined throughout. Any serious permanent blocking of the canal or diseased condition which threat- ens trouble later, such as the impairment of hearing, disqualifies. The membranae tympani are then examined. A perforation or evidence of present inflammation disqualifies. The pres- ence of a small scar, caused by trouble several years previously which has not recurred and with which there is no deficiency of hearing and no evidence of other inflammation, does not disqualify. Marked retraction of a drum mem- brane, following chronic ear disease, disquali- fies. 21163.2— Hearing tests.—Hearing should be normal for each ear. To determine this the following tests shall be used. A quiet room is essential. Whispered-voice test.—The examinee should stand 15 feet from the examiner with the ear being tested turned toward him, the other ear being covered or closed. The examiner, after full expiration, will whisper a number or word and require the examinee to repeat it after him. Each ear shall be tested in turn. If the examinee is unable to hear at 15 feet, the ex- aminer shall approach until he is able to distin- guish the words or numbers the distance being recorded in feet with 15 as the denominator. Clock test.—The clock test should be made using the standard ward desk clock, Stock No. 7-754-700, Catalog of Navy Material, BuMed Section according to the instructions of para- graph 2130. The distance in inches at which the clock is heard by the examinee, with eyes 203 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE closed and opposite ear occluded, is taken as the numerator and the distance the clock should be heard as the denominator. Hearing by this test should be equivalent to 40/40. Coin-click test.—An assistant closes the ear not under examination. The examiner, 20 feet back of the examinee, then clicks two coins softly together and the examinee is directed to count, aloud, the number of clicks each time. The other ear shall then be tested in a similar manner. If the candidate is unable to hear the click, the examiner will approach until he does hear, the distance being recorded in feet. Hear- ing by this test should be equivalent to 20/20. 21163.3—If the examiner is convinced from the results of the several tests that definite im- pairment of hearing exists, he shall reject the examinee if he is an applicant for aviation training. In case of a qualified flyer, however, due allowance shall be made. 21164. NASO-PHARYNX In the examination of the naso-pharynx the examiner shall, in general, be guided by the instructions and requirements prescribed for the general service as outlined in paragraphs 2148 and 2149 of this chapter. Any abnormality disclosed on examination indicating an esti- mated 50 percent or more of nasal obstruction, acute or chronic sinusitis, acute or chrome tonsillitis, nasal blockage, mechanical obstruc- tion to drainage of accessory sinuses, occlusion of one or both eustachian tubes, or other ab- normalities which may seriously interfere with normal function, shall be cause for rejection. 21165. EQUILIBRIUM (VESTIBULAR) TESTS 21165.1—Barany chair test.—The nystagmus and falling after turning are tested, when prac- ticable, on original examination and when otherwise indicated. Where facilities are not available, or circumstances do not permit of the test, then the examination shall be limited to the self-balancing test as outlined below. Inasmuch as the self-balancing test is in effect a modified Romberg test, all examinees shall undergo that test as a regular part of their examination. 21165.2— Nystagmus.—Examinee’s head is inclined 30° forward, so that the tragus of the ear is on a horizontal line with the external canthus of the eye. The examinee is then asked to fix his eyes on a distant point and the chair turned slowly from side to side in order to note whether or not spontaneous nystagmus is present. Then turn the examinee to the right, with eyes closed, 10 times in exactly 20 seconds. The instant the chair is stopped, click the stop watch; the examinee opens his eyes and looks straight ahead at some distant point. There should occur a horizontal nystagmus to the left of 26 second duration. A variation of 10 seconds above or 12 seconds below is allow- able. 21165.3— Falling.—The examinee’s head is inclined 90° forward, resting his forehead on his upper fist, his fists being placed one above the other on his knees, which are brought close together. He should then be turned to the right, five times in 10 seconds. On stopping, the examinee raises his head and should fall to the right. This tests the vertical semicircular canals. The examinee should then be turned to the left, his head forward 90°; on stopping, he raises his head and should fall to the left. 21165.4— Self-balancing test.—The applicant stands erect, without shoes, with heels and large toes touching. He then flexes one knee to a right angle, being careful not to support it against the other leg, closes his eyes, and endeavors to maintain this position for 15 seconds. The test is then repeated on the other foot. The findings are recorded as Steady, Fairly Steady, Unsteady, or Failed. The appli- cant should be instructed that this is the equi- librium test. There is no objection to his as- sisting his balance by moving and bending back and forth, 21165.5— Interpretation of findings.—Inabil- ity to pass the tests for equilibrium satisfac- torily shall be cause for rejection. 204 CHAPTER 11 AVIATION DENTISTRY * Aerodontalgia is the term applied to dental pain resulting from a decrease in atmospheric pressure. In dealing with pain, it is necessary to dis- cuss the part responsible for its action, namely, the dental pulp. The dental pulp may be defined as the connective tissue occupying the central cavity of a tooth. It is composed of embryonal connective tissue which is more closely related to the tissues occupying the spaces of cancel- lous bone than to any other tissue. So we have as the structural elements of the dental pulp the odontoblasts, connective-tissue cells, intercellu- lar substance, blood vessels, nerves, and lym- phatic vessels. Pain registering on the teeth is carried to the brain by the fifth cranial nerve. All of the maxillary teeth are supplied by the second or superior maxillary division of this trigeminal nerve, which further branches into the poster- ior superior dental, middle superior dental and anterior superior dental nerves. The mandibu- lar teeth are supplied by the third or mandibu- lar division. The functions of the pulp are the formation of dentin, the main bulk of a tooth—in the embryonic developmental stage—the reproduc- tion of a limited amount of dentinal material for the protection of the pulp in various de- structive conditions such as dental caries, and sensory function responding to thermal and chemical change and traumatic irritation. The sensory function of the pulp resembles an internal organ in that in its normal condi- tion it is always inclosed in the cavity of a tooth. If a situation could be created where by only the pulps of the teeth on one side of the median line of both the maxillary and mandibu- lar arch were exposed and a stimulus applied to the pulp of one tooth, it would be impossible for the patient to say which pulp had been touched. This creates a difficult problem in diagnosis, particularly in conditions where there may be complications between the maxil- lary teeth and the maxillary sinus, as in locat- ing the tooth producing the pain when it is not clinically obvious. The pulp is an extremely vascular tissue and the arrangement of the vessels, the structure of their walls, and the nature of the intercel- lular substance through which they run render the tissue especially susceptible to the patho- logical conditions associated with alterations in the circulation. This is due primarily to the very minute foramina in the apex of a tooth. In other parts of the body, when damage has occured there is always some room for the tissues to swell and make room for increased flow of the repair vessels, but in a tooth all repair is limited to the size of the apical fora- men which is a calcified structure not amen- able to any pathologic condition. Therefore, any traumatic pressure sufficient to cause swell- ing or severance of the vessels in the apex of the tooth will cause the tissue to die. Although, many of these chronic devitilized. teeth are painless at sea level barometric pres- sure they will liberate gas and cause pain at low pressure. Other causes of aerodontalgia have been at- tributed to: carious teeth; recently filled teeth; teeth filled with insufficient insulating base ma- terial when in close proximity to the pulp. Radiographic examination will reveal many of these potential causes to the dental officer. As stated above, because of the relation of the maxillary teeth to the maxillary sinus, in * Prepared by Cdr. E. E. Jeansonne, D.C., USN. 205 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE some cases the apices of the posterior teeth ex- tend the floor of the sinus upward and there can be doubt as to where the pain and infection is located. Cases of aerotitis media have been attributed to abnormalities of the temporo-mandibular joint. These conditions, such as impaired hear- ing, stuffy sensation, and dull pain in the ears have been attributed to a loss of intermaxillary distance or over closure of the mandible. The posterior teeth and the muscles of mastication maintain the normal distance, but where there has been a loss of teeth or loss of tooth struc- ture from excessive wear or malocclusion the intermaxillary distance is changed. This will produce some change in the position between the condyle of the mandible and the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone. Usually the condyle moves upward and backward, possibly causing pain from pressure on the auriculo temporal nerve. Loss of maxillary distance may cause com- pression of the eustachian tubes by relaxation of the external pterygoid muscle producing excessive tissue in the region of the tubes. Costen has stated, “when this is done manually the tensor veli palatine muscle bordering the membranous anterior edge of the eustachian tube and the adjacent sphinomeniscus muscle are seen to wrinkle and crowd the eustachian tube, closing it firmly. During the act of swal- lowing the tensor veli palatini muscle should be tense and effect a temporary opening to the tube. This function cannot occur during over- closure and the result is derangement of intra- tympanic pressure”. A study of aviators with overclosure cases with correction by prosthetic interdental splint was made by Lowery at N.A.S., Pensacola in 1939. The statistics of his report of 540 avia- tors showed that 83, or 15 percent, had loss of vertical dimension. Thirty-three, or 39 percent of the 83 persons with loss of vertical dimension gave histories of faulty ventilation of the tym- panum. This was 6 percent of the 540 exam- ined. The 33 cases with loss of vertical dimen- sion gave symptoms of discomfort and inability to readily equalize pressure on the tympanum, pain tinnitis and impaired hearing. Splints to lengthen the vertical dimension were construct- ed for 31 of the 33 cases, two did not wish them. After becoming accustomed to wearing them they were used in actual flight from six months to one year. Twenty-six persons sub- mitted written reports on the effectiveness of the splints, five made no reports. The reports showed nine persons, or 34 percent, relieved of all distressing ear symptoms, 14 persons or 53 percent benefited by its use, three derived no beneficial results. An observation made on “Toothache and the Aviator” at N.A.S., San Diego by Joseph and others over a period of six months revealed an incidence of toothache in 1.2 percent of cases. They found that tooth pains had no particular relationship to specific altitude, be- yond the fact that the greatest number of pain reactions occurred at the highest altitude reached. Fifty-seven percent of cases exper- ienced pain at 28,000 feet, 23 percent at 18,000 feet and the remaining twenty percent at 10,- 000 feet or below. About half of the men re- ported their toothache as a sharp pain, while the other half complained of a dull ache. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dental Histiligy and Embryology—Noyes, F. B. A Syndrome of Ear and Sinus Symptoms Dependent upon Disturbed Functions of the Temporomandibular Joint—Ann, Otol, Rhin and Laryng. 43:1 (March) 1934—Costen, J. B. “Loss of Intermaxillary Distance: Effect on Avia- tors and Relief by Interdental Splint,” U. S. Nav. Med. Bui. 37:367-380 (July) 1939—Lowery, R. A. Toothache and the Aviator—Joseph, T. V.; Cell, C. F.; Carr, R. M.; Shelesnyak, M. C. “Experimental Investigation of the Referred Pain of Aerodontalgia”—Journal of Dental Research. Febru- ary, 1947—Hutchins, H. C.; Reynolds, O. E. QUESTIONS 1. Name the structural elements of the dental pulp. 2. Why does the dental pulp fail to recover under- most pathologic conditions? 3. Describe the effect caused by overclosure of the mandible at low pressure. 4. What is the percentage incidence of aerodont- algia? DENTAL STANDARDS Summarized from BuMed Circular Letter No. 48-131, 23 November 1948, are given below: Standards for enlistment and reenlistment in the regular Navy and class V-(i Naval Reserve: 206 Chapter II. —AVIATION DENTISTRY Applicants must be well nourished and have good musculature, be free from gross dental infections and have a minimum requirement of an endentulous upper and/or an edentulous lower jaw corrected or correctible by a full denture or dentures. Standards for qualification for appointment as com- missioned and warrant officer, USN and USNR, = Manual of the Medical Department U. S. Navy para- graph 2150.2 (formerly standards for enlistment) and paragraph 2151: Applicant must have a minimum of 18 vital, service- able, permanent teeth and must have sufficient teeth in functional occlusion to insure satisfactory incision and mastication. The applicant must not require immediate dental prosthesis. Since a change in status from enlisted to officer grade is an appointment and not a promotion, medical examining boards may not find candidates physically qualified on the basis of ability to perform the duties of the grade for which examined when requirements for commission are not met. It is proper, however; for boards to certify that the candidate’s inability to meet the required dental standards is not sufficient to disqualify, and to recommend him for appointment, when the candidate, in the opinion of the board, has other qualifications which are notably higher than aver- age (Secs. 864 and 867, Naval Courts and Boards). Standards to qualify for appointment as midship- man, USN, for the U. S. Naval Academy, midshipman and contract student U. S. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, midshipman Merchant Marine Acad- emy, and other officer training programs: paragraph 2152.2 Manual of the Medical Department, U. S. Navy; A candidate for appointment as midshipman must have a minimum of 20 vital, serviceable, permanent teeth including (a) 4 molars. Of this number, 1 upper and 1 lower molar on the right side, and 1 upper and 1 lower molar on the left side must be in functional oc- clusion; (b) 4 incisors. Of this number, 2 should be in the maxillae and 2 should be in the mandible in such position as to enable the applicant to incise satisfac- torily. The teeth must be free from dental caries, restorations must be of high quality, and the peridental tissues must be free from disease. A candidate should not be acceptable who has teeth missing in the anterior part of the mouth which have not been replaced and which result in an unsightly space. Any deviation from normal occlusion should be minor, and good func- tional occlusion as well as absence of interference with speech must be demonstrable. Candidates should not be considered qualified for appointment when orthodon- tic appliances are attached to teeth for the purpose of continued treatment. Orthodontic retaining appli- ances such as are used after the completion of treat- ment are acceptable provided they are not an oral health hazard. Standards for enlistment or reenlistment in the Marine Corps—paragraph 2150 Manual of Medical De- partment, U. S. Navy: The teeth and mouth shall be examined by a dental officer, if one is available. To be accepted for enlistment an applicant must have a minimum of 18 vital, serviceable, permanent teeth and must have sufficient teeth in functional occlusion to insure satisfactory incision and mastication. The applicant must not require immediate dental prosthesis. In order to be accepted for enlisted as a bugler, trumpeter, or musician playing a wind instrument, an applicant, as well as meeting the standards in 2150.2 must have, in serviceable condition, the six upper and the six lower anterior teeth; namely, right and left central incisors, right and left lateral incisors, and right and left cuspids, none of which may be markedly out of alignment or rotated sufficiently to present other than a labial surface of the lip. The explanation of standards in paragraph 2153 shall apply in interpreting the above requirements. General Examination for Aviation; Instructions and Requirements. Paragraph 21149.4 (e) Manual of the Medical Department, U. S. Navy: Candidates shall conform to the following standards: Teeth.—Evidence of marked malocclusion, especially when associated with a weak or defective dental arch, or with evidence of extensive caries or loss of teeth, shall be cause for rejection. 207 CHAPTER 12 OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE * This chapter deals with problems encountered by the flight surgeon in aviation operational activities. The solution to these problems is characterized by the necessity of close liaison between the flight surgeon and the aviator. Discussed in this chapter are the following subjects: (1) air-sea rescue and survival, (2) air transportation of patients, and (3) aviation safety. AIR-SEA RESCUE AND SURVIVAL RESCUE ORGANIZATION Mission of an Air Sea Rescue Organization.— The primary mission of air-sea rescue is to render emergency assistance to aircraft and vessels in distress and to rescue survivors thereof. It includes assistance and rescue oper- ations, distress communication procedures and distress flight control, survival methods and equipment, and the indoctrination of personnel in these matters. Corollary missions are: 1. To save manpower valuable to the mili- tary services. The rescue of one highly trained airman saves not only his life, but also the time and expense required for his replacement. 2. To improve the morale of airmen and seamen. Nervous tension decreases consider- ably when airmen feel that should they be forced down at sea, there is a maximum chance of their being rescued. 3. To relieve training and operational units of such search and rescue operations as may interfere with or divert them from their pri- mary missions. Necessity for Organized Operations.—Where over-water flying is limited in amount and local- ized in nature, it is generally true that locally furnished rescue facilities are adequate. If the volume and extent of over-water aircraft operations increase in a particular area the need for an organized air sea rescue service becomes imperative. In those areas where air sea rescue organizations are established statis- tics show a considerable increase in the per- centage of lives saved. Elements of Operational Organization.—Air- sea rescue organizations established by the Army and Navy vary in detail but all have the common element of centralized control. How- ever, for purposes of illustration, the basic ele- ments of a typical air-sea resuce organization are outlined: Rescue Operations Center: To centralize information To exercise emergency flight control when necessary To direct primary rescue facilities To coordinate secondary rescue facilities. Communication Net; To receive and relay distress and crash information To expedite and direct rescue operations To establish position of aircraft or vessels in distress To facilitate emergency flight control. Rescue Craft, Surface and Air, including — Primary facilities — established and main- tained for the primary purposes of engag- ing in rescue operations. Secondary facili- ties — any other units which may be available for air-sea rescue as an inci- dental mission. Rescue operations center.—A rescue opera- tions center may be any office where distress information is pooled, communications are handled, and rescue operations are directed. It is land-based where practicable, but in ocean * Prepared by Cdr, M. T. Martin. (MC), USN. 208 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE DIAGRAM OF IDEAL AIR SEA RESCUE OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION Army - Navy Commands OPERATIONS CENTER i Operations - Surface Control Air Control Rescue Control Weather Central Land Lines Direction Finders Radar Nets Communications Land Lines Base Radio Command Wires Command Radio Rescue Craft- Secondary Rescue Craft (Surface) 1. Fleet Units 2. Patrol Vessels 3. Merchant Ships Secondary Rescue Craft (Air) 1. Local Crash Facili- ties 2. Transient Aircraft Primary Rescue Craft (Air and Surface) 1. Planes 2. Vessels 3. Blimps areas may be on board a ship underway. Gen- erally, rescue operations can be run best from an existing centralized command or operations center having adequate communication facili- ties. That is, a rescue operations center should be an integral part of an organization having full knowledge of all air and surface operations in the area. Air control maintains a current record of aircraft in flight throughout the area for tacti- cal reasons and for purposes of instituting res- cue proceedings promptly where an aircraft is overdue, and diverting aircraft which may be of possible assistance in an emergency. Air control, when required, exercises emer- gency flight control of aircraft lost or potenti- ally distressed, utilizing all available radar and direction finder facilities. Surface control maintains a current. record of all surface ships and submarines operating in the area. This plot is to provide immediate information on locations of vessels which may be of assistance in rescue operations. Rescue control should be close to air control, preferably part of the same office. If rescue control cannot be incorporated within air con- trol, rapid intercommunication between the offices is provided. Rescue control should: Maintain a location and availability board showing all primary and secondary rescue fa- cilities. Receive and evaluate all distress informa- tion and take positive action toward rendering assistance. Plot the position of all distress incidents and the tracks of all assisting planes and vessels. Direct and coordinate search and rescue operations. Keep posted on weather and sea conditions and other factors affecting rescue. Communication nets.—Air Control keeps complete and adequate communication lines with all military and civil air fields in the area, for rapid transmission of flight plans and distress information. This circuit usually consists of teletype command telephone, CAA 209 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE inter-com, and radio. Air control has cogni- zance over all direction finder and radar net- works, including coverage on medium and high frequencies, VHF, and radar. Surface Control should have direct telephone- teletype connections with all surface operating bases in the area, as well as a base radio for communication with vessels at sea. Rescue control must have direct communi- cations, preferably telephone, with all rescue craft at their bases, for standby purposes; also a command radio for controlling rescue craft in activated status, and for coordinating rescue operations. Rescue craft.—Primary rescue craft are spe- cially equipped air and surface craft, main- tained in constant readiness, on full-time air- sea rescue duty. Lighter-than-air craft are also specifically designated for rescue purposes. Other vessels may be specifically detailed and assigned to air-sea rescue. Secondary rescue facilities may be: Local air base, ready planes, and crash boats; Tran- sient aircraft suitable for rescue missions; fleet units; patrol vessels; and merchant ships and private vessels. Rescue crcaft designated as primary facili- ties are deployed throughout the area to pro- vide adequate coverage, and to minimize time required for arriving at a particular distress position. Planes and boats must be manned and equipped to carry out rescue missions ex- peditiously, and to function as a team, utilizing each other’s capabilities with regard to speed, range, methods of search, and rescue. It is essential that planes and boats be organized and dispatched collectively as rescue squadrons or task units to facilitate standardization of procedures, equipment, and training. Air-land rescue organization.—In land areas where flying is concentrated, the same principle of centralized control of rescue forces is in- dicated. On the coasts it is advantageous to exercise direction over both land and sea rescue facilities from the same point, since aircraft, amphibious vehicles, and other equipment fre- quently can be used interchangeably. Air-land rescue facilities are composed of highly trained mobile units, located at strategic spots, and capable of being moved by air to the locality where such facilities are needed within a given area. RESCUE PROCEDURES Principles.—Basic principles of successful rescue operations require planned methods for: anticipating distress incidents when operations permit; promptly reporting and relaying dis- tress information; promptly dispatching ade- quate assistance; and following through rescue operations to completion. Delivery of distress information requires an adequate communication system. The dispatch- ing of assistance is a matter of doctrine; usu- ally at least one rescue plane and one rescue vessel should proceed immediately, notwith- standing any othev action which has been or will be taken. Speed is paramount throughout. Rescue aircraft and vessels operate as a group to accomplish a common mission, and the essence of successful operation is close teamwork. The primary purpose of the planes is to locate survivors, drop equipment to sustain them, and direct the boat to the scene. Ordin- arily the boat is to pick up survivors, provide first aid, and deliver them ashore. Offshore landings by rescue aircraft are not made when rescue can be accomplished by other means without jeopardizing the lives of the survivors. Occasionally rescue pilots, in their efforts to help fellow aviators, have landed unnecessarily, with disastrous results. How- ever, there are unusual circumstances wherein the pilot of the rescue plane will determine that an open sea landing is necessary, as when a survivor is injured or suffering from ex- posure, when darkness is approaching, or when the nearest surface vessel is too far away. In such cases, the rescue pilot bases his decision on his knowledge of the situation, the capabili- ties of his aircraft, and the calculated risk to his own crew. Rescue pilots are given broad discretion and are instructed that in cases where communica- tions fail or emergency action is indicated, they are expected to act immediately on their own best judgment. In any case the final decision as to the feasibility of making an open sea landing can be made only by the rescue pilot. 210 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE Cycles of rescue operations.—A probable cycle of rescue operations will be as follows: A plane in trouble, or an accompanying plane, indicates potential or actual distress by radio and/or IFF signals (radio identification sig- nal). Receiving stations then relay the infor- mation to the rescue operations center. The rescue operations center utilizes all available communications and direction finder facilities. It maintains plot of action, dispatches primary (and secondary when necessary) rescue craft, follows through all incoming and outgoing re- ports, monitors radio communications, when possible, arranges fighter support when re- quired, keeps informed on weather, and desig- nates “on scene” commander, who may be: senior officer present at scene, or commanding officer of the first air or surface craft to arrive on scene. Rescue craft proceed, conduct search, and locate survivors. Survivors are then picked up, given medical attention, and landed ashore. Aircraft distress procedure.—Rescue can be accomplished most expeditiously by the intelli- gent cooperation of personnel involved in a distress incident. It is important that the first step in effecting a rescue be taken by the pilot who experiences an emergency or who observes a distress incident. The pilot in trouble must: Immediately switch on his emergency IFF signal. (All aviation personnel must be famil- iar with this equipment in order to insure its positive use when needed and to prevent its misuse when not needed.) Immediately transmit distress messages by radio to his own base if possible, or to any shore station, vessel or aircraft, giving identity and position, (An accurate position is impor- tant, but an approximate position reported promptly is preferable to delayed exact posi- tion.) Plain language should be used, if local regulations permit. Voice should be used in preference to CW (Code) whenever practicable. Indicate that an emergency exists by any available visual means—flares, lights, hand sig- nals, etc. If time permits, transmit the following ad- ditional information: Altitude, course and speed. Nature of distress. Intentions (such as ditching, bailing out, etc.) Rescue Operations Procedure.—The next step is taken by the base (or ship) which receives a message concerning distress. This base im- mediately should dispatch such assistance as may be available locally (if the distance is not too great) and notify rescue operations center. A form for such reports might be as follows: 1. Exact location: By a known geographic point or bearing and distance therefrom. By latitude and longitude. By the operating area grid position. 2. Time of crash. 3. Source of information. Name of informant. Address (or service and command). Telephone number. 4. Type of plane and designating number. 5. All information known as to personnel. Number involved. Whether ditched or bailed out. Whether known to be afloat, whether they are wearing life vests, whether in a life raft. 6. What search or rescue has been instigated locally. By what agency. What equipment available. Obviously, all the above information is sel- dom available immediately but 1, 2 and 3 should in every case be included in the first report in order that intelligent action may be started. Additional information should be the subject of amplifying reports, as available. Rescue operations center dispatches rescue aircraft and vessels as circumstances require, and delivers to them sufficient information to describe the situation and indicate the neces- sary action. Instructions to proceed, whether given directly or by radio, should inform rescue craft as to: Type of aircraft and number of personnel. Whether personnel ditched or parachuted, whether in sea with life vests or in life rafts. Position (preferably in bearing and distance from land, or latitude and longitude). Craft present at scene or proceeding. Any other available basic information. Subsequent information is reported to rescue craft by radio immediately upon receipt. Rescue Plane Procedure.—When a search aircraft is dispatched on an emergency rescue 211 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 12-1.—Rescue operation by PBY. mission, it immediately establishes communica- tion with rescue operations center. During the search all possible observation points for lookouts should be filled by aircrew members. The lookout or searcher who makes a sighting' reports immediately to the pilot on the interphone, giving the relative bearing. The pilot immediately drops a float light or, if avail- able, a radio marker buoy. Float lights can best be dropped when carried in flare chutes. The pilot should glance at his compass when he makes the drop so that he may combine plane heading and relative bearing to get the compass bearing of the survivor from the marker. The pilot should not delay dropping the first marker until directly over the survivors, but should use the bearing and distance of the sur- vivors from the marker for relocating them. Without this step—particularly if the survivors are in a heavy sea—the danger of losing them is very great. When survivors are seen by pilot, he should: 1. Fly directly toward them, keeping them always in sight, and when passing over the survivors, he should drop a drift signal and dye sea marker directly alongside. Dye marker never should be dropped any great distance away from survivors, since it lasts a consider- able time and may result in misleading other searching aircraft. Float lights are used when- ever desired since they last only a few minutes and are recognized as having come from air- craft and not from survivors. 2. Switch on emergency IFF signal. 3. Report situation to controlling ship or station as soon as possible, and transmit hom- ing signals for rescue craft. Under ordinary circumstances this report will include: The position. Number and condition of survivors. State of sea. Location of nearest surface vessel. Plan of action. 4. Remain on scene until relieved, recalled, rescue is accomplished, or fuel is running low. 5. Facilitate rescue: To facilitate rescue, the rescue plane pilot may: Drop flotation, sustenance and communica- tion equipment, Life raft (multiple unit as- 212 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE sembly or airborne lifeboat if available), if survivors are without flotation aids. Ration kits and/or shipwreck kits, if it is apparent that rescue will be delayed. Communication equipment and night marker signals, if near nightfall, or if forced to leave scene without being relieved. 6. Direct a rescue aircraft, boat, or other surface vessel to the scene. 7. Land and effect a rescue. 8. Request further assistance from rescue operations center. None of these actions pre- cludes the use of any other. There are several ways in which surface vessels can be led to the scene by a rescue air- craft : 1. The plane can drop float lights or fire pyrotechnics. 2. The plane can transmit homing signals for the ship. 3. The plane can zoom the survivor’s posi- tion (preferably across the line of sight from the ship to the survivor. 4. The vessel can follow IFF signal and radar reflection. 5. If the vessel is not equipped with DF (direction finder), the homing procedure can be reversed: the plane can take a bearing on a signal from the vessel and give a course to be steered. 6. The plane itself can divert and convoy a vessel to the scene by the standard method provided that at least one aircraft is left with the survivor. When leaving scene, for any reason, pilot must switch off the emergency IFF signal. Unnecessary aircraft should leave the scene, as directed by the “on-scene commander.” Cas- ual aircraft should keep clear once survivors are located. Rescue Boat Procedure.—The officer-in- charge of a rescue boat should consider his vessel as a component of the rescue team and be prepared to perform his mission as follows: 1. Proceed with all practicable speed to-the distress scene. 2. Establish and maintain communication with rescue control and rescue aircraft. 3. Monitor proper frequencies on DF equip- ment for homing on orbiting aircraft, “Gibson Girl” or radio marker buoy signals. Figure 12-2.—Rescue operations by AVR, 4. Conduct search operations in cooperation with rescue aircraft. 5. Locate and pick up survivors. 6. Render first aid to survivors as neces- sary. 7. Transfer seriously injured survivors from boat to plane and other surface vessel. 8. Buoy location of wreckage when practi- cable and when it does not interfere with as- sistance to survivors. The plane or vessel effecting a rescue should report the following information to rescue op- erations center as promptly as possible: 1. Total number personnel rescued. 2. Total number personnel injured. (If seri- ously ill or injured give name, condition, treat- ment rendered and effect thereof.) 213 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 12-3.—Rescue craft, AYR and lighter-than-air craft. 3. Total number personnel dead or missing. (Give names if available.) 4. Destination to which proceeding and esti- mated time of arrival. Rescue craft.—No airplane available today has been designed especially for rescue pur- poses, and no existing airplane possesses all the necessary requirements. However, several types of military aircraft are being used for rescue operations, and these are satisfactory if their limitations are borne in mind by operat- ing personnel. Important characteristics in a rescue seaplane are: 1. Good visibility, for aerial search. Ade- quate communication and search equipment. 2. Suitable bomb bays and hatches for car- rying and dropping equipment. 3. Rugged design, for rough water work. 4. Low wing loading and favorable power- weight ratio. 5. Good maneuvering and taxiing qualities on the water. 6. Suitable hatches and hoists for passing survivors. 7. Adequate facilities for berthing and treat- ment of survivors. 8. Moderate cruising speed. 9. Reasonably long range. The Catalina airplane is common to all U. S. services in rescue operations. Where rough- water work is required, the seaplane type is preferable to the amphibian because of its lighter weight. 214 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE The Mariner has come into extensive use as a rescue aircraft. The Coronado has been used for long-range search and for carrying rescue equipment. Where operating conditions permit, rescue seaplanes can be stripped of all equipment not directly essential to rescue, to lighten the plane and thereby improve its possibilities in rough- water work. Removal of such items as heaters, oxygen equipment, torpedo racks, machine guns, self-sealing fuel tanks, etc., will reduce considerably the gross weight. Rescue Landplanes.—Where water operation is not required, the landplane is of major value in air sea rescue as a search plane and carrier of droppable rescue equipment. Land-based fighter planes have been used and carrier-based fighters are being used more and more extensively for rescue operations of limited range. Fighters are extremely valuable for getting to a survivor’s position quickly and directing surface craft to the position. A group of such planes can sweep a large search area in minimum time. Rescue boats.—Rescue Boats may be separ- ated into four categories: Self-sustaining offshore type. Offshore, shore based type. Inshore type. Shallow-water type (swamp gliders, etc.). Features of a rescue boat which must be considered in selecting a boat for use in a par- ticular area are: 1. Maximum practicable delivery range un- der own power. 2. Lifts and weights involved in deck load- ing for delivery. 3. Fuel, oil and water capacities and rates of consumption. 4. Ease of maintenance. 5. Size of crews required. 6. Seaworthiness. 7. Communication equipment. 8. Casualty handling facilities. 9. Endurance range. 10. Speeds, maximum and cruising. Lighter-than-air craft.—The lighter-than-air craft are used when available as rescue craft. The non-rigid airship has certain peculiar ad- vantages including: Ability to cover any area with a balance between area searched and thoroughness of search. In covering a well-defined area, an LTA (Lighter-than-air) can cruise slowly at low altitude and make use of its steady search platform and excellent visibility. It can hover in moderate winds, when it is desired to ob- serve a particular position, or remain over a survivor. Ability to assist in coordinating res- cue action on the scene. After a survivor has been located the LTA frequently can establish and maintain visual and verbal contact with him to determine his condition and situation. Ability to drop or lower survival and rescue equipment with more accuracy than heavier- than-air craft (except helicopters). Ability to conduct night search at slow speed with the use of search lights. Ability to rescue survivors by means of lowering a harness similar to the chestpack parachute harness. (However, this maneuver is difficult even for experienced lighter-than-air pilots and requires a moderate wind.) Helicopters.—The helicopter is in use in cer- tain areas for limited operations. Difficulties experienced in present operational models are being overcome as rapidly as possible. Improved models are in design and at such time as they are placed in large scale production they will probably figure prominently in rescue opera- tions. SURVIVAL Life raft drinking water.—Under conditions of minimum water loss, an individual consum- ing 75 to 125 grams a day of a food constituted of carbohydrate and up to 20 percent fat will not become severely dehydrated for at least 8 days if supplied with 500 cc. of water a day. Given the same amount of food, a water supply of 800 cc. a day will provide for water needs indefinitely under these conditions. In the pres- ence of complete starvation, the water require- ments are slightly augmented. It seems likely that loss may be maintained at a minimum in all tropical ocean areas by observing the following procedures: 1. Preventing vomiting. 2. Minimizing evaporative water loss by: a. Refraining from unnecessary exertion. 215 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE b. Exposing the body, adequately pro- tected against sunburn, to the breeze as much as possible. c. Shading the body from the sun, with- out simultaneously cutting off the breeze. d. Keeping the clothing wet with sea water in the daytime. Procedures 2 b. through 2 d. should be dis- continued when sensations of chilliness inter- vene, since cold and consequent shivering ex- pedite exhaustion and cause water to be lost from the body unnecessarily. There should be made available on life rafts, from all sources, a minimum of 500 to 800 cc. of water per man per day of the estimated maximum number of days before rescue. Rain catchment equipment should also be provided. As regards the proper procedure for ration- ing water, uninjured survivors should drink no water the first day. Thereafter, if the supply is limited, water should be consumed at the rate of 500 cc. per man per day until the supply is exhausted. When finally no water remains, individuals can survive several additional days, providing that from the very start the survivors maintain unnecessary water loss from the body at a minimum by using the procedures recom- mended in an earlier paragraph. Producing drinking water at sea.—Three particular methods of producing drinking water at sea have been developed. They are: 1. Removal of salts from sea water by addi- tion of chemicals. 2. Distillation of fresh water from salt water by small fuel-burning stills. 3. Distillation of fresh water by “Solar Stills”, using sun alone. Chemical desalination is not based upon a new principle. Patents relating to this method were taken out as early as 15 years ago. The Navy desalination kit occupies the same space as one 12-ounce can of water, weights 2 pounds, and contains 6 briquets which will render 6 pints of water. Fuel stills for distilling fresh water from sea water are not new in principle either, many of them have and are being used. But develop- ment of small portable stills designed for use in lifeboats and rafts is recent. The Navy ob- tained some 8 pounds safety stills for use in rafts on large patrol aircraft. The solar still is the most recent of the three water producing methods. This still, which is standard equipment for single or multi-placed life rafts, can produce more than two pints of fresh water a day. Although the still needs direct sunlight to operate best, it will work to some extent if the overcast is not too heavy. It will not work at night or on very dark days. When the still is inflated it floats in the water alongside the raft. Sea water is poured through the funnel in the top of the still. The removal of salt from the water is accomplished by distil- lation. The sun’s rays heat the sea water that drips on the black evaporator cloth stretched in the center of each still causing evaporation. Vapor condenses on the sides of the plastic cover in little beads which run down to the fresh water trap below the ballast tube. The salts do not evaporate, but remain in the black cloth. This salt is washed out through the drain in the bottom of each still. They are self clean- ing and never require washing. Life raft rations.—Because of limitations of space, no more than a fraction of the approxi- mately 2,000 calories per day needed by a cast- away can usually be provided in an emergency ration. A daily intake of 75 to 125 grams of a food constituted of carbohydrate and up to 20 percent fat effectively spares body water and tissue and hence should be included in raft kits. Up to 125 grams per day of such a ration is more than its weight in water. On the basis of the information now avail- able, and for several practical reasons, it would seem inadvisable to include more than 25 per- cent fat in a ration for use on lifeboats and rafts. Except as a matter of palatability, pro- tein should not be contained in an emergency ration for these craft. Addition of protein in order to increase palatability is at the expense of the more physiologically economical carbohy- drate. The concentration of any flavor should be minimal and a variety of flavors should be provided, if possible. The vitamins available in the rafts today merely stimulate the morale so far as castaways at sea are concerned. The emergency ration now contained in Navy life rafts consists primarily of carbohydrates. They replaced the former emergency ration which consisted of chocolate, malted milk, and “pemmican”. The new ration was designed to 216 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE Figure 12-4.—First - evacuation flight by Navy. AIR TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS Not until after World War I was aerial trans- portation accepted as a method of transporting patients. The first known Navy transportation of a patient by air was-at Key West in 1919 when one patient was transported in an H-l boat. Prior to World War II patients were transported by air only on rare occasions. It was not until after the beginning of World War II that air evacuation became an organized pro- gram and this was the result of necessity and not of choice. An example of situations present- ing such necessities was the air evacuation from Guadalcanal in 1942. These experiences in the movement of casualties with practically all de- grees of wounds and illnesses proved that air evacuation was both safe and reliable. In 1942, R4D planes were being used, aboard which approximately 12 to 16 patients were be easily edible and physiologically compatible when the water supply is limited, to provide a variety of items, and to be compact and easily stowable in parachute back pack kits. This emergency ration is packed in a 3 by 2 by 1 inch key opening tin container and con- tains the following items: Number Item 5 ........ Sucrose-citric acid tablets. 10 Sucrose-lipid-citric acid tablets. 8 Sucrose-malted milk tablets. 2 Multivitamin tablets. 2 Sugar coated gum tablets. 1 Waterproof cellophane bag. 2 Clips for closing bag. At present three of these cans are supplied per man in parachute seat type and multiplace rafts. A survivor consuming one half a can a day will derive about 190 calories daily. 217 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 12-5.—Evacuation from Okinawa. 218 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE transported. By 1945 the planes in use were USD’s which transported 30 to 34 patients. Then in 1947 the JRM (Mars) planes began transporting 100 patients (84 litter and 16 am- bulatory) per trip between Honolulu and Ala- meda, California. Now, of course, we have planes which can transport much larger groups of patients. Advantages of transportation of patients by air.—Transportation of patients by air has many advantages over surface transportation. Some of these are: (1) Greater morale building factor for men in combat to know that if they are injured or become ill that they will soon be moved by air out of combat area to rear area hospitals. (2) Conserves medical personnel and equipment in that movement by air is accom- plished in a few hours, thus usually requiring only a flight nurse and flight corpsman. Slower means of transportation such as by ship re- quires much longer periods of time, necessitat- ing the presence of doctors, additional nurses etc., and much more medical equipment. (3) Patients better tolerate short trips by air and so arrive in better physical and mental condi- tion than they would if transported by slower means, such as by ship or train. (4) It is more economical to transport patients by air than by ship. Studies show that three R5D planes can move the same number of patients between two points that can be transported by a hospital ship. Three planes can operate much more economically than a hospital ship. (5) Some cases tolerate air travel whereas it is highly questionable whether they could tolerate a long sea voyage. Examples are cases of leukemia and metastatic carcinoma with marked anemia. For humanitarian reasons the policy of the Navy in such cases is to return them to the Naval hospital nearest their home before they expire. This is accomplished by giving the patient several blood transfusions and then transporting him by air to the desired hospital. Such a procedure would be most difficult, if not impossible, by surface transportation in cases of long distances such as from China or the Phillipines to the United States. Numerous cases such as these have been successfully transported by air. At the beginning of the program in 1942 medical personnel were not specially trained for air evacuation work but as the program progressed a special school was established to train flight nurses and flight corpsmen. This school gave them special training in the care of patients aboard aircraft. Very soon after the beginning of the air evacuation program it was found that the pa- tients could be better cared for if they were observed and studied in the hospitals by the flight medical teams before they were taken aboard for transportation. This procedure is referred to as “screening” the patient. In time it became the policy for each plane load of patients to be screened by the flight nurse and flight corpsmen who were to accompany them and also to be seen by the flight surgeon at- tached to the unit. The flight surgeon, after visiting the patients would advise any special care which was indicated for the patients on the flight. Practically all types of cases have been suc- cessfully transported by air. A general rule to follow in determining whether or not a patient should be transported by air is to deter- mine whether or not he will be adversely af- fected by altitude. The type patients generally not acceptable for air transportation are as fol- lows : 1. Patients in such poor physical condition that the successful completion of their evacua- tion is doubtful, unless potential lifesaving measures are available at the destination hospi- tal which are not available at the point of origin. 2. Patients with fatal prognosis in moribund or semi-moribund state. 3. Patients whose illnesses present a health menace. These cases include quarantinable diseases (small pox, typhus, plague, cholera, yellow fever, leprosy) and other contagious or communicable diseases where adequate caution to prevent spread is impracticable or not fea- sible, 4. Patients in shock. 5. Patients with coronary occlusion or an- gina pectoris, if an attack has occurred within thirty days. 6. Patients with severe anemia. Severe an- emia is defined as corresponding to a red blood count of 2.5 million or less and/or a hemoglobin of 50% or less. 219 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE Figure 12-6.—One hundred patients transported on Mars. During a hospital flight a complete record is kept of the patient. The flight nurse does this by use of a special form on which is recorded any changes in the patient’s condition, medica- tions given, etc. This record, with the patient’s other records, accompany him to the hospital. Experience has shown that mental patients tolerate air travel better than any other type of transportation. This is due to the fact that they can be sedated in the hospital and kept sedated during the flight. Sedation is not prac- tical for other means of transportation because of the lengthy periods involved. Cases of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis present a problem to air transportation in view of the fact that it is highly questionable how well they will tolerate altitudes at which flights are usually made. This problem has been solved by loading a plane with such cases and then making a special flight at low altitude. Such a procedure has been quite successful. Other special type cases which have been successfully handled by air transportation are cases of poliomyelitis with respiratory paralysis which require a respirator. This is accom- plished by use of a portable respirator which operates either directly from the ship’s current of 24 volts or from a current of 110 volts. In case of emergency the respirator can be oper- ated manually. These portable respirators are readily available upon request to the Military Air Transport Service, The medical personnel in the air evacuation program greatly assist in the overseas trans- 220 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE portation of dependents because medical as- sistance is often necessary on such flights. This is due to the fact that there are often a number of pregnant women and small children aboard. A Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Circular Letter (No. 47-143) describes the procedure for requesting transportation of patients, trans- portation requirements, instructions, etc. AVIATION SAFETY The interrelationship between human factors and the type of aircraft is especially pertinent in an analysis of accidents because neither the operating characteristics of the plane nor the performance of the pilot can be considered as completely separate variables. Only in iso- lated cases is it possible to apportion the causes of an accident to specific faults rather than to an accumulation of contributing factors. Many accidents that have been attributed to pilot error may have resulted from excessive de- mands on the air crews. While training and selection procedures may be improved, it is unlikely that human limitations in operating aircraft can be appreciably altered. The aero- nautical engineer may, however, be able to simplify the duties of the pilot and thus reduce the likelihood of error. Methods of Accident Analysis and Preven- tion.—There are three main classifications that might be conveniently used to describe the methods of accident analysis. The first includes post accident studies which attempt to allocate the blame for what happened and to suggest subsequent corrective measures. This method has been most widely used and lends itself read- ily to statistical treatment. The second is the study of near accidents and the third an advance analysis of all possible causes. The two latter methods place greater emphasis on preventive thinking and on the correction of faults as they are brought to light before an accident. They should be given primary consideration. Post-accident analysis.—This method in- volves the tabulation of the various contribut- ing factors believed to have caused an accident, although they rarely occur as single events. The tendency of certain basic causes of acci- dents to repeat themselves in a general way makes the tabulation of frequency distributions of some significance. Many breakdowns re- lating to causation have been proposed, but the following one is representative of the majority now in use and indicates briefly the usual distribution of responsibility: 1. Human factors.—By far the greater per- centage of accidents is attributed to such human limitations as errors of judgment, inadequate training, poor technique, loss of emotional con- trol, disobedience of orders, and exhibitionism. Some studies of accidents in air operation at- tributes 75 to 85 percent of the causes to human failure in one form or another. There are many shortcomings to this classification, not only because it presupposes a perfect pilot, but be- cause there is a tendency to place the responsi- bility on errors of judgment when no other obvious cause is present. This category also includes errors made by the flight crew, main- tenance personnel or supervisory personnel. 2. Weather and meteorological factors.— Poor visibility, extreme turbulence, icing, snow, hail, lightning, precipitation, static, and heavy rains are occasionally given as the direct cause of an accident. Some of these hazards may act in combination with poor weather-proofing of the windshield or ineffective deicing systems to increase the danger to a flight. Weather may occasionally be a factor in ground accidents; e.g., gale winds may upset an aircraft, 3. Material failures.—The most important cause of accidents in this classification is mal- functioning of the power plants, propellers, landing gear, or such accessories as hydraulic, electrical, and fuel systems. In addition, there may be structural failure of the airframe itself but this is rare unless the aircraft is placed under extreme stress. 4. Poor flight characteristics.—The aircraft may be well built structurally but have certain deficiencies in operation which involve both the performance of the plane and the ability of the pilot to compensate for them. It is well known that some models may have dangerous flight characteristics, such as the dropping of a wing on landing, excessive loss of altitude on turns, or inadequate warning of the onset of a stall. 5. Airport and ground facilities.—Many air- ports have inherent defects that may cause ac- cidents. Runways may be inadequately lighted 221 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE or marked or too short for the type equipment being flown. Some airports even have embank- ments, levees, ditches, or other obstacles at the end of runways; e.g., they may be so laid out as to prevent a desirable field of view or to expose aircraft to perennial cross winds. 6. Miscellaneous.—This category includes the freakish types of accidents such as those caused by bird strikes or by temporary blinding with bright flashes of light from unexpected sources. Considerable progress has also been made by the services in systematizing the study of accidents through standardization of accident- investigation procedures. A survey of the scene of the accident can be made and the relative positions of various parts of the wreckage studied. Very often the flight path of the air- plane can be deducted by an examination of ground scars and of trees or brush broken by the propellers, landing gear, or wing tips. In this way the angle and attitude in which the plane struck the ground can be determined. For example, if the wreckage is confined to a small circular area, it may have dived directly into the ground. By similar projection analysis, it can sometimes be established whether the plane spun in, hit the ground in low level flight or was completely out of control while on in- struments. There are many uncertainties and inadequacies in such methods, and great care must be exercised in attempting to reconstruct the sequence of events, particularly if there has been a fire and it is necessary to determine whether it started before or after the impact. Photographs, sketches, maps, and evidence from witnesses are often helpful for the permanent records and later study. Closer liaison between engineers and medical officers has contributed greatly to post-accident analysis, especially in correcting defects in the design of the seats, cockpits, and instrument panels. The nature of personnel injuries in relation to a study of the wreckage will often reveal whether the seats and safety harness were adequately stressed or whether protruding objects in the cockpit or on the instrument panel were con- tributing factors. When a large number of accidents occur, as during the World War II, it is possible to put all available information on cards for use in automatic tabulating machines. Frequency distributions obtained by this procedure may be of significance in showing which variables have greater implications for safety. If a large number of crashes occur at night during ap- proaches and landings, or because of failures in any one part of the plane, it may be possible to establish a single causative factor. Through such studies it has been possible to make no- table progress in the safety program by chang- ing the regulations to diminish the likelihood of the reoccurrence of any given type of acci- dent. The fundamental weakness of this ap- proach, however, lies in the possibility that the data may have been inadequately selected or improperly tabulated on the punch cards by someone who is not familiar with aircraft operation and that questionable inferences have been drawn from them. In many instances when there are no survivors and the plane is completely destroyed the accident must be re- constructed from circumstantial evidence alone, introducing additional sources of error. Analysis of near accidents.—A study of near accidents is of more importance to the safety of operations than information about those that have already taken place because it is possible for the flight crews and engineers to suggest corrections in design or in operating procedure before a real mishap occurs. The greatest draw- back in this method is the difficulty in enlisting the complete cooperation of the flight crews, for they might be reluctant to give evidence implying negligence on their part. When com- plete confidence is obtained between flight groups and management and when there is less readiness to assign an accident to human fail- ure alone, this approach may be very productive of constructive criticism of both the operation and design of the aircraft and the performance of the air crews. Pilots have grounded them- selves because of excessive fatigue, poor health or inadequate training on a particular type of aircraft; this cooperation was possible because complete confidence existed between the flight group, the operations officer, and the medical officer. Numerous illustrations can be given in which pilots have reported near accidents due to poor operating procedures, faulty design features in aircraft or defective airports. When corrective measures are not carried out, sooner 222 Chapter 12. — OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS IN AVIATION MEDICINE or later severe accidents occur. Near-accident analysis, however, places less emphasis on pre- ventive measures than does the approach out- lined below, which stresses advance analysis of all aircraft operations and aircraft design. Advance analysis of accidents.—An effort should be made to prevent the occurrence of accidents by an advance analysis of possible contingencies that might arise while the plane is in flight. This method involves a study of (1) mistakes that the air crews may make and (2) every possible fault in the design of the aircraft itself. The point of view represented by the word defect or fault may be more fitting to use in this approach than accident. The im- plication is that it would be more fruitful to determine the predisposing factors leading up to a crash or near crash by studying the design and flight characteristics of the plane, as well as the limitations of the pilot and what may reasonably be expected of him. For example, it might be questioned whether the probable cause of an accident lies in the pilots failure to compensate for a plane’s tendency to drop a wing in a turn or in a defect in the design of a plane. It would be appropriate to consider whether such a basic fault in flight character- istics could not have been corrected at some stage in the design and construction of the air- craft. If such a defect is present, it is only a question of time before some pilot “fails” and crashes the plane. Accidents occurring in naval aircraft are reported and studied in accordance with Avia- tion Circular Letter No. 97-48 through the use of a “Medical Officers Report of Aircraft Acci- dent”. These reports are now required on each accident resulting in injuries (treated or not), deaths, and all bailouts and ejections (includ- ing those resulting in no injuries). The flight surgeon or unit medical officer should submit this form direct to Chief of Naval Operations, Attention: Flight Safety, in accordance with instructions thereon. An example of the “Medi- cal Officers Report of Aircraft Accident” is shown in Figure 12-7. Protection of crews and passengers against high deceleration during impact.—When an air- craft strikes the ground at a sharp angle at high speed in crash landing, its structure col- lapses suddenly and the passengers are un- likely to survive. In extreme impacts there is a complete disintegration of plane and bodies. In many crashes, however, the angle and the force of impact are not extreme, and a sub- stantial portion of the cockpit or cabin remains intact. This type of crash may be termed “marginal” and injury or fatality may not occur. In marginal crashes, injuries largely result because the occupants are thrown against those portions of the plane that remain intact. The decelerations that the human body can tolerate vary greatly with the position of the body at the time of impact and with the dura- tion and distribution of the impact force. A study that is directly applicable to the influence of the positioning of the body has been reported by Henchke. Human subjects assumed various positions on the platform of a large swing that could be stopped very suddenly. The maxi- mum force in g which the human body can withstand in any given position was determined by the onset of headaches or other symptoms of cerebral concussion. The duration of the decelerative force for all positions was 0.01 sec. One position is of particular interest in aviation since it corresponds most closely to that of a person in a seated position and wearing a safety belt. The values of g were somewhat high since they probably referred to the decel- erative forces on the swing rather than on the body and also because the duration was limited. It can be concluded from this study that safety belts, seats, and other items with which the subject is in contact at the time of impact should be stressed to withstand forces of at least 34g and preferably 40g to insure an ade- quate safety factor. The importance of a proper distribution of pressure forces over the body during sudden impact has been demonstrated by DeHaven in a study of survival after falls from heights of 100 to 150 feet. He estimated that in some of the accidents that he has studied approxi- mately 200g has been imposed on the body with- out serious results. This investigation was then extended in to the field of light aircraft acci- dents and an analysis has been made of the injuries incurred. The most important impli- cations of these studies are that (1) the force of many accidents now fatal is well within physiological limits of survival, (2) needless 223 AVIATION MEDICINE PRACTICE MEDICAL OFFICERS REPORT OF AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT OP-REP-59-11 ■AVAEN->>{« (REV. D-Ni) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AVIATION CIRCULAR LETTERS 1. This report shall he filed »* the eveut of any and all aircraft accidents rssulting in tn>wr««* to plane occupants, treated or not, regardless of extent or tyPee, and ALL bailouts, injured or not. 3. Completion of the form shall be the responsibility of the flight surgeon serving as an sx officio member of the Aircraft Accident Board. He shall be assisted by the medical officer first report- ing to the scene of the accident, or tn tkt event no suck officer reports to the scene, by the officer supervising treatment of the injured. j. This form shall he Prepared in duplicate, the copy be tug turned over to the Aircraft Accident Board and the original nailed di- rect to Chief of Baval Operations tPLIGBT SAFETY). Hvy Depart- ment, Washington 35, D.C., within 96 hours following first