The Science of Personal Magnetism and The Art of Its Application for the Treatment of Disease Including a Treatise on Massage and the Diet By DR. E. L. SWICK, S. T. S. P. IM 3926 ANGELINE STREET SEATTLE, U. S. A. Copyrighted 1923 by DR. E. L. SWICK, S. T. S. P. Seattle, Wash. Press of Pigott Printing Concern, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 3-8 Introduction 9-12 SECTION I. Chapter I. Magnetism 13 Cures Felon—Ignorance and Superstition Have Ever Been Its Drawback—Common People Practice It—An Early Experi- ence—Steps on a Nail—First Personal Efforts—Later Efforts —Apoplexy—A New Field of Thought—New Discoveries. Chapter II. Magnetism Is Not a Form of Suggestion 21 Evidence of a New Law—No Theory of Mind Can Explain— Agreement Not Necessary—Positive Proof—Not a Faith Cure —Faith Not Essential for Results—Faith Supplanted by Fear Controls Cicrulation—Headache and Eye Trouble—Unex- pected Results—Wrongfully Applied. Chapter III. Almost Incredible Cures 30 Badly Burnt Eye—Blind Baby Cured—Glucoma—Minister’s Wife Saved. Chapter IV. Magnetism As a Vital Force 35 Magnetism Produces Heat—Value of Magnetic Heat—Superior to Hot Water Bottles—Magnetism Must Be Applied Accord- ing to the Condition of the Patient—Produces Relaxation— Results of Treatments. Chapter V. Value and Effect of Passes 40 Passes Remove Trouble—Convinces the Editor—Passes Are Al- ways Helpful—Must Use Caution—Value of Passes. Chapter VI. Should the Well Sleep With the Sick? 44 Sleeping with the Sick Is Beneficial—Animal Heat—Baby Cries for Its Mother—No Substitute for Natural Things. II Page Chapter VII. Superiority of Magnetism 48 It’s Harmless—Saves a Life—Bright’s Disease—High Percent- age of Cures—Superiority of Magnetism—Meets Man’s Needs. Chapter VIII. The Mystery of Magnetism 53 The Use of Water in Treating—Left Handed People—Positive and Negative—Polarity of the Hands—How to Test Your Hands—The Value of This Test—Knowledge Brings Results —How to Increase the Strength of Your Hands. Chapter IX. Lie Still After Treatment 59 Chapter X. The Length of Time to Treat 61 Chapter XI. The Magnetic Breath 63 Chapter XII. Magnetism a Universal Remedy 65 All Use it Correctly—Boy Cures Girl. Chapter XIII. Magnetism Reveals Cause of Disease 69 Produced New Symptoms—A Remarkable Experience—Old Trou- bles Return—Value of Water in Treating. Chapter XIV. Do Not Treat Chronic Troubles When Treating Acute Cases.. 75 Injured Eye—Acute Trouble Made Worse—Keep Your Eyes Open—Symptoms of Improvement. Chapter XV. A Doctor In Every Home 79 Magnetism Is a Money-Saver—Prevents Long Suffering—Com- mon People’s Remedy. Chapter XVI. Prominent Men Indorse 82 Magnetism Indorsed by Prominent Doctors. Page III A Flesh Reducer 84 Sick Headaches. Chapter XVIII. Quick Cures 87 Chapter XIX. Magnetism at the Time of Death 89 Smoothing the Road. Chapter XX. Jesus Has Dignified Magnetism 92 Fountain of Health. Chapter XVII. IV SECTION II. Page The Application of the Various Phases of Magnetism in the Treatment of Disease and the Alleviation of Pain and Suffer- ing. Chapter XXL Rheumatism 97 Cause No. 1—Results of Diet—Cause No. 2—Mental Conditions Govern—Cause No. 3—Treatment—Caution No. 1—May Affect Heart—Caution No. 2—Fruit Juices—Diet—Feeding After Fever Is Gone—Do Not Treat Swollen Parts—Believed Mag- netism Was Evil—Time of Recovery—Demand Time. Chapter XXII. Headaches 110 Remove Congestion—Cause No. 1—Congestion at the Base of the Brain—Cause No. 2, Liver—Cause No. 3, Stomach Trou- bles—Locate the Cause—Cause No. 4, Eyes—Cause No. 5, Nervousness—Cause No. 6, Over Stimulation—Cause No. 7, Reflex Headaches—Protein Poisoning—Cause No 8, Bilious Headaches. Chapter XXIII. Hay Fever 116 Sexual Influence—Influence of Generative Organs. Chapter XXIV. Prostate Gland 120 Improves Eyesight—Treatment—Affects Sexual Powers. Chapter XXV. Paralysis 124 New Theory for Paralysis—An Interesting Case—Surroundings —Effects of Mind. Chapter XXVI. Asthma 130 New Cause for Asthma—Liver Trouble—Nearly 100 Per Cent Cures—Change of Climate Never Cures Asthma—Mental Con- ditions—Power of Thought. Chapter XXVII. Eyes 137 Inflamed Eyes—Growth on Eyes—Magnetism Controls Circula- tion—Cataracts—Blindness—Interesting Cases—Eye Strains. V Page Epilepsy 143 Impurities Produce Epilepsy—Epilepsy Can Be Cured. Chapter XXIX. Tuberculosis 149 Rich Poods to Be Avoided—Nature’s Remedy—Effects of Bear- ing Children—Proper Feeding Essential. Chapter XXX. Cancer 156 Cancer Product of Impurities—Cancer of the Face—Cancer of the Navel—Cancer Disappears—Cancer of the Breast—Saved After Operation—Cancer of the Lip—Cancer of the Stomach —Uterine Cancers—Impossible to Cut Out Disease—Cancer of the Liver and Bowels—Cancer Patients Need Blood—Spe- cial Suggestions. Chapter XXXI. Appendicitis 166 But Few Cases of Appendicitis—Diagnosis—Simple Treatment Effective—Treatment—One Hundred Per Cent Success. Chapter XXXII. Liver Trouble 172 Liver Produces Asthma—Magnetism Diagnoses Case—Influence of Female Organs—Reflex Conditions—Special Notice—Effect of Caffeine. Chapter XXXIII. Babies 180 Treat the Abdomen. Chapter XXXIV. Convulsions 182 Causes of Convulsions—An Interesting Case—Applied Hands Differently—Treatment Produced Pain. Chapter XXXV. Children Cases 188 Subnormal Child—Castor Oil Harmful—Calomel. Chapter XXVIII. VI Page Chapter XXXVI. Startling Discoveries 193 Cause for Ear Trouble—Curvature of the Spine—A Peculiar Case. Chapter XXXVII. Bad Tempers .199 Chapter XXXVIII. Worms 201 Chapter XXXIX. Pneumonia In Children 202 Special Notice—Child’s Liver Must Function. Chapter XL. Heart Troubles 205 Effects of Tea and Coffee. Chapter XLI. Stomach Trouble 209 Pneumo-Gastric Nerve Important. Chapter XLI I. Obesity 212 Complete Fast Helpful. Chapter XLIII. Eczema, Rash and Pimples 215 Eczema in Babies—Eczema—Drying up Eczema Dangerous— Psoriasis—Convulsions with Eczema. Chapter XLIV. Typhoid Fever 223 Massage Helps Nose-Bleed—N u r s i n g—Special Notice—Care When Convalescing. Chapter XLV. Pneumonia 228 Treatment—Breaking Pneumonia—Bilious Fever. Page VII Female Troubles 231 The Generative Organs—Abdominal Muscles Weak—Falling of the Womb—Treating “Hopeless” Cases—Change of Life— Change of Life Not Dangerous—Hot Flashes—Benefits From Fasting—Suppressed Periods—Magnetism Stops Flooding —Miscarriage—Magnetism Prevents Miscarriage—Blood Poi- son, Miscarriage — Magnetism Woman’s Friend — After Pains—Pregnancy Vomiting—Influence of Generative Sys- tem—Goitre — Leucorrhoea — Treatment Simple and Effect- ive—Ovarian Abscesses—A critical Period—Care of the Girl as She Approaches Womanhood—Unnecessary Sorrow—Pains in the Side—Displacement of the Womb—Avoid Douches. Chapter XLVII. Gall Stones 261 Abscessed Gall Bladder—Instant Relief Given. Chapter XLVIII. Yellow Jaundice 266 Frequent Baths Help. Chapter XLIX. Enemas 268 Benefits of the Enema. Chapter L. Accidents and Bruises 270 Wounds Successfully Treated. Chapter LI. Varicose Veins 273 Chapter LI I. Old Sores 275 Old Sores Eliminated. Chapter LIII. Constipation 279 Piles Usually with Constipation. Chapter LIV. Diarrhoea 282 Persistency and Patience Needed. Chapter XLVI. VIII Page Erysipelas 284 Fasting and Sweats Assist. Chapter LVI. Ears 286 Easing the Pain Simple. Chapter LVII. Colds : 288 Improper Living Contributes—Flu and Grippe—Drugs Not Nec- essary; Rest Is. Chapter LVIII. Diabetes 292 Bright’s Disease Will Respond—Bright’s Disease. Chapter LIX. Teeth 295 Abscesses of the Teeth—Good Food vs. Dental Bills. Chapter LX. Blood Poisoning 298 Bad Cases Successfully Treated. Chapter LXI. Insanity 301 Sane Treatment for Insane Patients. Chapter LXI I. Venereal Diseases 304 Drugs Impotent with Syphilis. Chapter LXIII. Scattering Diseases * 307 Observe Rules; Retain Confidence. Chapter LXIV. Seeing of Spirits 310 Illusions of the Brain. Chapter LXV. Neuralgia 313 Chapter LV. Page IX Pleurisy 315 Chapter LXVII. Bladder Trouble ....317 Chapter LXVIII. Lumbago and Sciatica 319 Chapter LXIX. Piles 321 Itching Piles—Protruding Piles—No Need for Operations. Chapter LXX. Ptomaine Poisoning 324 Chapter LXXI. Locomotor Ataxia 325 Chapter LXXII. Catarrrh 327 Chapter LXXIII. Water Drinking 329 Bathing—Clean Feet for Health—Foot Bathing. Chapter LXXIV. Night Sweats 332 Cold Sweats—Clean the System—Sweating Feet. Chapter LXXV. Cross-Eyes 334 Child’s Eye Straightened. Chapter LXXVI. Stammering 337 Chapter LVII. Nose-Bleeding 339 Treatment. Chapter LXVI. X Page Contagious Diseases 341 Measles—Quick Relief Given—Mumps. Chapter LXXIX. Coughs 344 Chronic Coughs—Symptoms Resemble Tuberculosis. Chapter LXXX. Tonsilitis , 346 Prevent Future Attacks. Chapter LXXXI. Treatments Produce Sweating 349 Chapter LXXXII. Boils and Carbuncles 350 Chapter LXXXIII. Anaemia 351 Chapter LXXXIV. Practical Suggestions 353 Number One, “Selling Health”—Number Two, Time of Treat- ment—Optimism Always Helps—Number Three, Teach Cause—Number Four, Destroying Hope—Number Five, Watch- ing You Treat—Number Six, Patient’s Confidence—Create Confidential Relation—Number Seven, Why Disease Returns— Number Eight, Patients Dictating Treatment—Number Nine, Treatment of Patient—Be Tactful—Number Ten, The Effects of Treatment versus The Effects of Disease—Number Eleven, Evidence of Progress—Number Twelve, Refuse Credit— Patient’s Memory Bad—Number Thirteen, Forgetting Con- ditions—Number Fourteen, Establish Confidence—The Need of Wisdom—Number Fifteen, Take Time—Number Sixteen, Be Wise—Number Seventeen, Evade Some Questions—Num- ber Eighteen, Keep Patient Cheerful—Watch Symptoms— Number Nineteen, Look for Mental Troubles—Number Twen- ty, Teach Your Patient—Number Twenty-One, Feelings Do Not Cure—Number Twenty-Two, Magnifying the Disease— Contagion Not Likely—Number Twenty-Three, Do Not Be Afraid—Number Twenty-Four, Advise Deep Breathing—Num- ber Twenty-Five, Adverse Suggestions Harmful. Chapter LXXVIII. PREFACE In the writing of this book we recognize magnetism as a common people’s remedy; that it is God’s provision for the work of repair in the human body. When once under- stood it will bring a reformation in every home and in every person’s life. The fear of disease will be eliminated, as you become conscious of a power that is ever at your command. By the presence of this power you have something that is equal to any emergency that might rise, except in major accidents that may call for surgery, and even in these cases it will be found a great aid in produc- ing a rapid recovery. In writing this work we have had the common people in mind, therefore we have used only such terms as can be grasped by all people, and have therefore purposely eliminated every element that would make any subject difficult to understand by anyone able to read the English language. We endeavor to make it extremely brief and to the point. We have attempted to eliminate every unnecessary sentence to give clearness. We recognize the fact that it does not contain all that could be written upon these subjects, however, it includes all that is needed to treat practically all diseases successfully. We hope it will serve the purpose of a hand-book because of its brevity and simplicity. We have endeavored to com- pile these facts in as condensed form as possible and yet preserve clearness. 6 PREFACE Our conclusions have been drawn, not upon the few illustrations we have mentioned, but from hundreds of cases. Those which we have mentioned were the cases which served best to illustrate the point we were making. It is the principle and the application we desire to establish in the minds of all who read this book. We would appreciate any suggestions from any source as to the lack of clearness on any subject. We trust that all who read this work will try these principles as we have described them before disputing my conclusions. I realize one of the great difficulties in having work of this kind accepted, is the fact that the critics may base their acceptance or rejection upon theory instead of practice. If we are to progress we must explore new fields. Our forefathers and our teachers may have been right in what they taught, but it does not imply that they had all of the truth to teach. We usually reject new things because we are taught that certain things are right, and therefore will not listen or give a new idea a fair trial. Our preconceived ideas are our greatest hin- drance to advancement. No doubt our greatest minds have predicted the utter failure of many inventions that are now a perfect success. All I plead for in this work is a fair trial. I care nothing about what science has said, or will say, concerning this treatise. I do care what the common people will say when they try its application. They are to be the judges. In your efforts to investigate the truthfulness of the contents of this book I ask you not to expect perfect re- PREFACE 7 suits to follow your first efforts. You may succeed, but if you do not, remember that it is not due to the law, but to your failure to accurately diagnose the case to which you are trying to apply this law. Remember, some cases are harder than others, and there may be complica- tions of which you, as an amateur, may not see, or if you did you might not appreciate their effect and their part in the case. If you should make an attempt, and do not effect a complete cure, but are successful in producing favorable results on the case, be generous enough to admit what you have done, for that proves the existence of the law. Your success is governed wholly by what you put into the case, your accurate diagnosis and your accurate appli- cation of the laws to the case according to your diagnosis. If you should fail entirely do not get discouraged, as this is the history of all new undertakings. I am conscious of the fact that many people will not have the courage to attempt the handling of a thing so serious as blood poisoning or typhoid fever but would call a medical physician, and at the same time attempt to cure some old chronic ailment in which the medical men had utterly failed and abandoned. By doing this you are attempting to accomplish that which all science has failed to perform. Why not try the new method for the acute disease, such as blood poisoning and fever, which I have taught in this work? These things will show quick results. And again I recognize that if perfect success does not attend the first treatment one will become discouraged and 8 PREFACE abandon all efforts. This principle will never bring you success. Had the Wright brothers been disposed to have stopped at their first failure, flying machines might not have been in existence today. The failure to fly as they desired at the first did not disprove the law, but proved their lack of a sufficient knowledge of the law. Persistency will bring you experience; that will mean knowledge which will open a new world of thought and practice. In writing this book I have endeavored to give you a little insight to a new world of thought that will enable you to be of greater service to mankind and enable you to help relieve the suffering of friends and loved ones, also strangers and those that are unfortunate. All we ask is a fair trial before you reach your conclusion concerning the contents of this book. DR. E. L. SWICK. 9 INTRODUCTION U A PURPOSE accomplished; a duty done,” was my comment, as I read this manuscript, that so - clearly and completely gives to the public a most useful discovery. True, others have used “Magnetism” as a healing agent, but all others have treated it as a something myste- rious, religious or superstitious. For the last twenty years I have known that Dr. E. L. Swick has planned, at some time, to reduce magnetic healing to a science. He did not try to sit down at first and write about it, proving theories by argument, but he tested it for many years in daily practice as a physician, also by teaching mothers how to use their own hands to stop the baby’s cramps, remove the boils, stop headaches,—in fact, test- ing what he believed to be a law by actual use in every way possible. Years ago I was fully convinced that he had definitely proven that there is an actual “Magnetic Current” present in the human body and that by applying it understand- favorable results would be obtained. My education had been in other methods of healing, and it was with skeptical interest that I watched Dr. Swick “holding on hands,” but I saw rheumatics, cancer cases, abscesses, tuberculosis, fevers, liver and stomach disor- ders—in fact, almost every known body ailment—re- spond to Magnetic Treatments. All the while Dr. Swick 10 INTRODUCTION was working on the theory of the polarity of the hands, on the basis that the right hand held at a point would stimulate and that the left hand would soothe. At last I was convinced that the polarity theory was correct and began trying it in my practice and found that it really worked. Reading this manuscript, I was surely surprised and delighted to see its completeness and thoroughness. Here is the experiences of years expressed in such clear, force- ful, and concise manner that anyone can easily understand and apply. This book will not only be a very valuable text for every drugless physician or healer to have in his library, but it is so plainly written and so simple in appli- cation that any father or mother can save many a call for the family doctor by turning to this book, where he can learn how to handle, not only the emergency, but also the chronic, ills of the members of the household. In working out the science of Magnetic Healing, Dr. Swick has not traveled an easy path. He has suffered ridicule, in fact at many times actual persecution, by those who ignorantly condemned and those who for their own protection did not want a system of healing taught to the public that did not have to be written in Latin and filled at the drug store. But in spite of almost insurmountable difficulties Dr. Swick constantly said, “Some day I will write a book that will become a text on Magnetic Heal- ing.” I am sure that everyone who reads this book and tests the method of healing, so clearly explained herein, will INTRODUCTION 11 be really thankful that the author undauntedly stuck to his purpose and so thoroughly worked out this new sys- tem. I say “new,” for while history shows it to be the oldest healing art known to man, yet the scientific appli- cation as set forth by Dr. Swick is new and is distinctly his, and it is highly gratifying to see that in this book a long-planned ambition has been so finely achieved. I have tested his theories in actual practice for many years and I know that the simple methods set forth in this book will do all claimed by Dr. Swick and are usable by anyone who has the patience and perseverance to try. DR. EMERY C. WILLIAMSON. 13 SECTION I. CHAPTER I. MAGNETISM IN attempting to write upon magnetism I am con- scious of the fact that I am writing on a sub- ject that has long been repudiated by science and the larger part of thinking men. At various periods there have been numbers of magnetic healers appearing in dif- ferent parts of the world, but their work has never received public recognition, but, instead, has been ridiculed by the masses. By many it is known as mesmerism, named after Dr. Mesmer (1753-1815), who attracted much atten- tion with his great cures by magnetism. Many medical men investigated his work and pronounced it a fake; he was ostracized from the whole medical world and died in disgrace. Yet Mesmer’s name lives today, while his persecutors have long been forgotten. From that time on there have been many people in various civilized parts of the world who have healed the sick by the laying on of the hands. How they did it differs according to the person performing the cure. Everyone has his own theory, nevertheless multitudes of people have been cured by these so-called magnetic healers. Why the work of these people has never been honestly investi- gated I do not know, other than that of prejudice against anything new. Some believed that it was the work of the devil, and shunned those who styled themselves 14 PERSONAL MAGNETISM magnetic healers; others believed that the power to heal by the laying on of the hands was due to the departed spirits giving them this power. This has kept many a person from making an honest investigation. It is also true in late years. Anyone practicing magnetism is looked upon as a spiritualist. The very mention of the word magnetism brings you into more or less question in the minds of everyone who hears of your work. Dur- ing my twenty years of practice I have come in contact with a great many people who have known much about magnetic healing. They have come in contact with a number of people in various parts of the United States that have performed wonderful cures, yet these persons never did anything to spread magnetism. They saw its simplicity; they saw its effectiveness, and in many cases have received its benefits—and yet many were ashamed to tell how they were cured. Many will come to you and request that it be kept a secret that they are taking magnetic treatments. This feeling concerning magnetism and magnetic treatments is one of the main reasons why it has never spread. The recipients of its power and blessings very frequently tell of it, yet those who do hear of it refuse to believe that it had anything to do with effecting their cure. Others believe that mag- netism is only a form of mental healing. It is so classed by all the medical world as being only another form of suggestion. Let this be as it may, the fact remains that many have been cured and many have been able to per- form cures considered no less than marvelous. CURES FELON 15 IGNORANCE AND SUPERSTITION HAVE EVER BEEN ITS DRAWBACK The use of magnetism in the past has been confined usually to the extremely ignorant and illiterate, which has always hindered the advancement of this work. Paul Caster of Iowa is known to tens of thousands for the great works that he has done with magnetic healing, yet it was said that he could not write his own name. It has been my privilege to meet a number of these magnetic healers, but without exception they were people of ex- tremely low mentality. One man, living in the Ozark mountains of Missouri, told me in a conversation over thirty years ago that he had never found a felon that he could not cure by holding his hand upon it for thirty minutes. He had practiced a number of years with per- fect success until he was thoroughly convinced that it was the work of the devil, after which he never again used it. I once met an old colored man in Oklahoma who was well known throughout the whole town and country for the wonderful cures he had made, yet the old man could not read one word. It was my pleasure to spend an hour with this old colored gentleman and to hear the story of his cures, which were vouched for by prominent citizens of that town. COMMON PEOPLE PRACTICE IT There is scarcely a community without someone that can perform cures with the simple heat of their hands. 16 PERSONAL MAGNETISM It is one of the common practices of many people to stroke heads downward when the head aches, and boast of the fact that they have never seen a headache that they could not cure. Many nurses will tell you that by gently stroking the patient’s forehead they have produced sound sleep and rest for the patient. People who dis- covered that they can do these things were of great value in many communities in the earlier days. The possessor of this wonderful power was usually sent for in all cases of sickness in the neighborhood. The wonderful results which they accomplished have never yet caused the sci- entific world to make an honest investigation. There are so many of these cases that space and time would not permit mentioning all. AN EARLY EXPERIENCE My attention was first called to this work when I was pastor of a little Baptist Church in Eureka, Kansas. There was a regular attendant in my congregation who had in- formed me as to the wonderful things he could do by the laying on of the hands. I had no reason to question the brother’s word, for he was a man of honor and integrity. Later I met with a misfortune by stepping on a nail, which penetrated the sole of my shoe and my foot so deeply that it had to be pulled out of the foot. Within a few hours my limb was badly swollen and very painful. All ma- terial remedies had been applied, with no avail. The swelling increased, as well as the pain. It was rapidly STEPS ON A NAIL 17 assuming the nature of blood poisoning. After having endured this for some time, I decided to let the old man try his power of “laying on of the hands,” knowing he could do no harm, and it did not interfere with anything else that we were doing. After the old gentleman arrived he asked for a basin of water in which he moistened his hands and placed the palm of the right hand on the nail hole and the left on the opposite side. With this position he maintained a gentle pressure for possibly thirty minutes or more, after which he made many passes down over my limb and out over the toes. To my surprise, after one hour of such a procedure there was no swelling or soreness in the foot. This never made much of an impression on my mind, not enough that I even told of it. It never entered my mind that I might do the same thing if I would only try. Time went on and it was almost entirely forgotten. A number of years passed and the subject of healing by the laying on of hands never entered my mind again. FIRST PERSONAL EFFORTS One day I was invited to go to the hospital to visit a man very sick from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. On reaching the hospital I found the man very set against religion. He had no use for preachers, and was rather abusive, and his conversation was every- thing but a credit to a gentleman. Nevertheless, I re- turned the next day, only to find him more bitter and 18 PERSONAL MAGNETISM abusive than ever because I was a minister of the Gospel. While I remained in the room he became very sick and vomited violently, after which he would become almost unconscious. The sister picked up an arm and rubbed it and I picked up the other. I ran my hand under the gown and stroked his back, hoping to relieve his suffering. He at once became drowsy and remarked how very soothing it was, and soon fell asleep. He did not know when I left. On my return the following day I found him waiting, but in an entirely different spirit, which was a surprise to me, for he had been so bitter before. He informed me of the wonderful benefit he had received from my strok- ing his back. I was unconscious of having done anything special the day before that was demonstrating a great law. It meant a complete turning point in my life. He asked me to repeat what I did the day before, which again pro- duced the same results. I visited him every day, and finally he asked me to hold my hands over the incision, which I did, and the recovery was nothing less than mar- velous. I thought nothing of what I had done, other than to relieve his suffering. He was so grateful for what I had done for him he became one of my most ardent admirers. LATER EFFORTS A few days following this incident at the hospital I was called over to see one of the members of my church, an old soldier, who had a stroke of apoplexy and had been APOPLEXY 19 taken home in a taxi. I was telling the family my experi- ence with the man at the hospital of a few days before, when the wife asked me if I would do the same to her husband, as it did that man so much good. I readily granted the request and did for him daily the best I could, with the result that in three weeks’ time he was able to return to his carpenter’s bench. Following this experience, another old soldier, hav- ing heard of what I had done in the case just mentioned, phoned and asked me if I would not come and do the same thing for him, as he was troubled with cramps in his limbs and had been unable to sleep for years without having to be up three or four times during the night. A NEW FIELD OF THOUGHT My experience in this case was something entirely new. It never dawned upon me that I had done any- thing in the other cases, but this gentleman was much impressed with what he could feel from my hands. The results of this treatment led me into a field of thought that the others had not, for while treating this case, those cramps which had so long attacked the groins each night, seemed to leave and create a pain down the limb. As I moved my hands downward very slowly, one on each side of the limb, the pains would immediately shift to a new place ahead of my hand, until they reached the end of the toes, and there disappeared. The old man died about three years afterwards but never had another cramp during this time. 20 PERSONAL MAGNETISM This caused me to think that there was some virtue in the hands. Why should that position of the hands cause a pain in the limb? As I pushed my hand down- ward, why should the pain immediately move ahead of my hands down the leg and then disappear, never to return? A number of other cases came to me at this time, all being chronic and, seemingly, hopeless, but were quickly and completely cured. NEW DISCOVERIES The word soon passed around the city, and during the following three years I remained as minister of the First Baptist Church of Olympia, Wash., there were hun- dreds that applied for treatments. I did not at that time call them treatments. And as I continued to lay my hands upon each one I discovered many different symp- toms following the application of the hands. Some would produce pain, and some would destroy pain. In those cases where I produced pain I soon learned to readjust the hand, and by so doing was able to relieve pains, when the former position made it worse. These experiences, which were many, taught me that there was a virtue in the application of the hands. 21 CHAPTER II. MAGNETISM IS NOT A FORM OF SUGGESTION I know it is a common belief that magnetism is only a form of suggestion. I could easily believe so myself had I not had eighteen years of practice to dispute the theory. I can safely say that those who are preaching the fact that magnetism is only a form of suggestion are those who have never practiced it; or if they have prac- ticed it and not had these experiences, it is due to the fact that they have seen, but never recognized them as a result of their treatment, but rather a result of the disease. My reasons for believing that magnetism is not sug- gestion, but as distinct a law as the law of gravitation, is based wholly upon my years of practice, and not upon theories. I can see how mind can produce almost any phenomena, but I cannot see how mind can produce the experiences that I have had during my long practice of magnetism. How anyone could make my experiences the results of thought is more than I can understand. For they were so many and so uniform that I know when I do certain things I am going to get certain results. I also know that if certain conditions exist I am going to get certain results, whether I know anything about the existence of these conditions or not. 22 PERSONAL MAGNETISM EVIDENCE OF A NEW LAW Rev. , a returned minister from India, was brought to me by his presiding elder for treatments, stat- ing that his case was so serious it was not believed pos- sible for him to live. Quantities of blood and pus passed from his bowels constantly, producing extreme weakness and sickness. His case had baffled all of the medical fraternity whom he had consulted. They were confident that there was an abscess in the intestines. I proceeded to treat him with that idea. I believed that it was an intestinal trouble. But, to my surprise, when my right hand re- mained quiet over the gall bladder for a few minutes there immediately developed a heavy drawing sensation. This showed me without a doubt that the abscess was not in the intestines, but in the gall bladder. This diagnosis, made by the aid of magnetism, led to the treatment of the gall bladder entirely. The result was that his trou- ble quickly and permanently disappeared. NO THEORY OF MIND CAN EXPLAIN Now if it was the mind that made the drawing, why would it not do the drawing in the intestinal region, where we expected it, if there was an abscess? 1 treated the intestines and expected a cure by that treatment. He expected it also, but no results were accomplished. No progress was made until the discovery of the abscess in the gall bladder. I have had many patients who had ut- AGREEMENT NOT NECESSARY 23 most confidence in my ability to treat their cases success- fully. 1 also had equal confidence in my ability to cure them, believing I understood their cases perfectly. Now here we have a perfect agreement between two minds, and a perfect expectation in both minds. We also are agreed as to what is wrong and have agreed how it shall be removed, and upon treatment of that case, according to our preconceived idea, find that it makes the patient worse, and we have to give an entirely opposite treat- ment from that which we had planned. This treatment, which was entirely contrary to our expectation, quickly produced results. To explain an experience of this kind upon any theory of mind one must surely indulge in men- tal gymnastics. POSITIVE PROOF Another evidence of magnetism has been the fact that on treating certain cases there have been revealed other conditions, of which we knew nothing, that led to the discovery of the cause. Mrs. had suffered from intense pains and cramps in the stomach. The doctor had injected four hypodermics of morphine into the pit of her stomach with no relief. After several days of this kind of treatment I was called to attend the case. Agreeable to my theory, I used my left hand on the pit of the stomach and right opposite on the back. After about fifteen minutes of this treatment, to my surprise the pain entirely disap- 24 PERSONAL MAGNETISM peared and showed itself in the right ovary. I then pro- ceeded to treat the ovary the same as the stomach. After a few minutes the pain returned to the stomach. I then proceeded to treat the stomach again, and the pain shifted into the female organs, and there remained during her entire illness, but never returned to her stomach. The woman knew her pain was in the stomach. The medical doctors knew it, and gave treatments based on this knowledge. I believed the same thing. Yet the application of the hands revealed the fact that this pain was only reflex, and the real trouble was in the ovaries and uterus. This, to my mind, is conclusive proof that magnetism is more than mind. Or if it should not be, then mind works in a way of which we have absolutely no knowl- edge. The same thing is true in the drawing of a boil or the treating of blood poisoning. You will not secure the same results by holding the left hand on the boil and the right on the opposite side as you will by holding the right hand on the boil and the left on the opposite side. Now if that is due to mind, what difference does it make which hand you hold on the boil? Furthermore, if magnetism is only an agreement between two minds, then you must have a perfect agreement before you can get results. But this is not the case, as you can treat a man who has no belief in your system and must be held down by force while being treated. NOT A FAITH CURE 25 FAITH NOT ESSENTIAL FOR RESULTS Mrs. brought her boy, who was suffering with asthma. He was seriously ill, and had been for many months, to the extent that the medical doctors had or- dered him to be taken South to a warmer climate as the only hope of saying his life. When he began treatments with me he was bitterly opposed to them, and had to be held by force while I administered the treatments. As a result, within two weeks’ time his asthma was entirely gone, and it never returned. FAITH SUPPLANTED BY FEAR Miss , about twenty-two years of age, came to the office for treatments for hemorrhage of the bowels. She had been through all medical treatments and spent much time in the hospitals, all to no avail. She was ex- tremely pale and emaciated and was a nervous wreck. I believed the hemorrhages were due to the irritation of the intestinal region, and proceeded to treat with the right hand in front and the left hand on the back, and finished the treatment by making many passes from her head downward over the abdomen, extending to the end of her toes. I left the room as soon as the treatment was finished and within a few minutes I heard her crying and moaning as she remained on the treating table. I immediately entered and found her in great distress, sitting up, hold- ing her head and exclaiming that she had never felt like 26 PERSONAL MAGNETISM that before in her whole life and she was sure she was going to die. I at once saw what I had done and had her lie down again and made a number of passes from her abdomen up toward her head, just opposite the way I made the passes at the close of the treatment. I contin- ued this for two or three minutes, after which she became absolutely quiet and normal. If it was her mind that produced this last condition in her body, then how did her mind produce the first con- dition? We were in perfect harmony and expected good results, while in the last treatment, which quieted her, she was afraid to have me do anything, as it might make her worse. Yet it produced perfect results. The next few treatments were given just the oppo- site from the first. I began by using the left hand in front and the right in the back, for a period of about twenty minutes, and then placed the left on the back and the right at the base of the brain for five minutes, then the left at the base of the brain and the right on the top of the head, and finished with a number of passes upward over the abdomen and chest, over the back of the neck and over the top of the head. And never again did that same thing occur. These treatments lasted for a period of thirty minutes. I have had many similar experiences which would fill a whole book, showing that as you apply magnetism you control the circulation of the blood. In this case just mentioned, there was a congestion of blood in the intestines, and when I used the right hand on the abdo- CONTROLS CIRCULATION 27 men and the left on the back it drew more blood into the intestines, which meant an absence of blood from the head. This condition produced the sensation of dy- ing. And when I gave the opposite treatment and took the blood toward the head I readjusted the circulation and the abnormal sensations of the head were quickly removed. This experience, and many others, has taught me that there is a positive law, and for convenience we call it magnetism. When this law is obeyed or disobeyed you will get results accordingly, independent of what your thoughts may be. HEADACHE AND EYE TROUBLE Another interesting experience occurred during my early work as a magnetic healer: When I was invited in to relieve a violent headache of Mrs. , of Olym- pia, she had been suffering for nearly a month with a badly inflamed eye. It was so swollen that it protruded nearly even with the nose, and the pain was almost un- bearable. The doctors had turned back the lid, which was so inflamed and swollen, and scraped it, thinking there might be some foreign matter concealed, which they had not found. Two osteopaths had worked on the case for nearly two weeks, all to no avail. A medical doctor told the sister that there was no hope for her and that she would not recover. They decided to try magnetism, the hus- band as well as the wife being very skeptical, because it seemed too simple to apply after all of the knowledge of 28 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the medical men had failed. To my surprise, within twenty minutes from the time of this treatment, the head- ache disappeared, and never returned. UNEXPECTED RESULTS The case progressed very rapidly, the swelling dis- appearing and inflammation lessening and she was soon able to be out of bed. One day when I called to treat her I found her sitting in a chair by the stove. I treated the head and eye while she sat there, and for some reason unknown to me, after about five minutes’ treatment she began to chill and was soon in a very serious condition and had to go to bed at once. I was somewhat amazed that the treatments should bring on such a condition and could not think why it produced this chill. I could do nothing to stop it. They rushed and got a hot water bottle to put at her feet and then covered her up, hoping to break the chill, but all to no purpose. I felt very much put out at the loss of this patient and my inability to do anything or to know what I had done. As I stood looking at her I threw back the covers and made passes from the head to the feet, and in one minute she was entirely warm. To tell me then that this was brought on by mind, when I saved her from the grave and restored her to health so that she could be around the house, is utter folly. I fully believed that I could complete the cure, and yet my treatment given that day produced this serious result and when the passes were made which were WRONGFULLY APPLIED 29 contrary to the treatment given, the chill rapidly disap- peared. These are a few of the things that make me believe in the positive and absolute law governing magnetism. If you will see its greatness and usefulness you must study and learn to apply the laws that govern it. I have found not one single case in my experiences that mind had any- thing to do with the application of magnetism in produc- ing these strange results, although I recognize mind as a great factor in all cases. 30 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER III. ALMOST INCREDIBLE CURES There has been no one thing that has marked my experiences more than surprises that have come to me in the way of cures. Many cases come to us for help that seem almost mockery to attempt curing. In many cases I have given the treatment only because of their request, and not because I had any faith that anything could be done. And yet while giving this treatment magnetism would reveal certain conditions existing that were un- known to them and myself. And then by treating this condition it produced a recovery that was nothing less than incredible. BADLY BURNT EYE Mr. , thirty-three years of age, came to the office with his left eye badly burned by the exploding of some hot babbit. As he was pouring this babbit it exploded and four or five pieces entered his eye, settling between the eyeball and the lower lid. These pieces cooled in this place. He became suddenly blind for a short time from the shock. The other men at the mill at once administered first aid and removed these particles of babbit. They were very small, with the exception of BLIND BABY 31 one piece nearly a quarter of an inch long and cooled to fit the curve of the eyeball. No words are needed to describe the condition of the eye when he reached my office. The pain was very intense and almost unbear- able. It looked to me like mockery to attempt to handle a case like that with magnetism. However, with the great faith which I have in magnetism, I proceeded to treat him. The results of the treatment were nothing less than marvelous. All suffering was removed by the first treatment, so that he went home and never lost an hour’s sleep the first night after the accident. He returned to my office the next morning, the whole eye being one solid blister below the pupil, and apparently about to burst. I was afraid to touch it for fear this would occur and destroy the eye. However, I proceeded to treat it twice daily, and to our surprise after five days nothing more than a bloodshot condition remained, which quickly dis- appeared. In this case he had never met me and knew but little about my work. It was a condition I had never seen, and the seriousness of it would be apparent to anyone, yet magnetism, correctly applied, was able to remove all suffering and quickly restore the eye to a normal condition. BLIND BABY CURED Rev. in 1914 brought his three-year-old baby girl, who had become totally blind, to the office and asked 32 PERSONAL MAGNETISM me what I could do for her. The history of the case was very interesting, as she was troubled with a tubercular gland which was discharging. An epidemic of pinkeye prevailed in the city and the child soon became infected, resulting in the gland ceasing its discharge and all of this poison being apparently discharged through the eye, which resulted in the child becoming blind. She had all kinds of medical treatment, which only added to her suf- fering. The parents were informed that she might regain her sight after a few years. Two weeks of magnetic treatments restored the sight and left the girl completely healed. It seemed like an absurdity to attempt to cure his case, which was a case of pinkeye plus a tubercular condition. GLUCOMA Mrs. , an old lady seventy years of age, had suffered for many months with a condition called glucoma, or hardening of the eyeball. It had lost all appearance of an eye, resembling nothing but a piece of raw meat. Both eyes watered so freely that a handker- chief was saturated every few minutes. Specialists had treated her for many weeks. It had grown continually worse, until she was informed that there was no way of saving the good eye without remov- ing the diseased one. She was an avowed skeptic as to even receiving any relief. No member of the family had any confidence in magnetism, and treatments were taken SAVED FROM OPERATION 33 only with the thought of trying something. The first treatment stopped all watering of the eye and the pain, so that she was able to sleep soundly the first night, this being the first sleep she had for three days and nights. After a course of treatments this eyeball became per- fectly clear and all symptoms of her glucoma completely disappeared. The specialists insisted that they were wrong in their diagnosis because they knew there was no remedy for glucoma. Such is the attitude of science. Many of these kinds of cases have marked my years of experience, and when you remember that all these parties were absolute skeptics, and their cases seem- ingly foolish to attempt, and yet were cured, then to have someone pronounce magnetism as a mind cure, or to have it alluded to as only another form of suggestion, is beyond my power of comprehension. MINISTER’S WIFE SAVED Rev. brought his wife to me from Tacoma, Wash. She had been treated by a so-called magnetic healer, with no results. Each treatment had made her worse, until the husband said that she would go insane if she took another, as each treatment increased her nervousness. He made several visits to my office to learn whether or not I could treat her without producing this state of nervousness as were the results of the other magnetic treatments. 34 PERSONAL MAGNETISM When he informed me that the treatments had made her much worse I at once believed it was due to the fact that the healer had not applied magnetism correctly. I found that he had used the left hand on the front and the right on the length of the entire spine. This constituted his application of magnetism, which resulted in a high state of nervousness following each treatment. After a few weeks of debating as to whether they should attempt another magnetic healer, he brought her to my office in Seattle. I gave the opposite treatment to what the other doctor had given. Now, remember, she was filled with fear, and all she knew about magnetism had been of suffering, and her mind had naturally op- posed the treatment and she did not expect favorable results. The treatment was given with the left hand on the spine and the right on the front, and to her surprise, but not to mine, she fully recovered, with no more ner- vous symptoms following my treatments. The results of this healer’s work was no argument against magnetism, but rather an argument for it, as it showed there was the presence of the power in the “lay- ing on of the hands’’ and results were determined by method of right or wrong application. 35 CHAPTER IV. MAGNETISM AS A VITAL FORCE In trying to answer the question as to what is mag- netism, one is lost for an explanation that would be accepted by all. We know that it exists, and all we know about it is how to use it to get results. Some medical writers have termed it a Vital Force. I know of no better name, and accept it as being very practical and truthful, for one cannot conceive a magnetic treatment without being convinced of the aptness of this name, Vital Force. This brings up the question, so long discussed: Is there any power that leaves the body of the operator and penetrates the patient? The opponents of magne- tism contend there is not, and that it is only a form of sug- gestion. The magnetic healers are unanimous in the belief that there is a force. It would be very difficult to convince the patients that there is not a something that is transmitted from the hands of the healer to the body of the patient. It is hardly worth while to argue with those who have never practiced it, for they cannot appre- ciate the evidence or know what awaits them, as it is acquired only by practice. MAGNETISM PRODUCES HEAT There is practically no patient but who is con- scious of a heat that leaves the hands of the healer 36 PERSONAL MAGNETISM and penetrates his body. From whence comes this heat? The temperature of the healer’s body is no higher than that of the patient. Yet when contact is made and a circuit is formed there is a consciousness of a heat which penetrates the body, and in many cases goes from one hand to the other. What is this heat? That it is really a vital force is not denied by any except those who have never received it. Its power over the circula- tion, over the poisons of the system has never been fully appreciated nor measured and never will be. All we can know is that when this force is applied in a certain manner certain results are produced. If you want to learn of the truthfulness of this fact have some- one stroke your eyes sometime when you are suffering from a headache or your eyes are heavy and drowsy. Let the operator stand behind you with moistened fingers and stroke gently from the inner corner of both eyes to the outer corners. Continue this for a period of five minutes, making the passes from the eyes over the forehead, over the top of the head and down over the neck, always throwing the hands outward at the finish of the pass. Repeat these many times, and I am quite sure you will need no further argument to convince you of the virtue of this something which we call Vital Force. Your eyes will be opened and great relief will be ex- perienced when such treatment has been given. VALUE OF MAGNETIC HEAT 37 SUPERIOR TO HOT WATER BOTTLES Another evidence of the presence of some force in our bodies which we call magnetism, and others call Vital Force, is the results that we produce in the person receiving the treatment. This is very plainly demon- strated in the case of one very seriously ill. I have been called in on a number of cases where the patient was close to death and complained of extreme coldness. Hot water bottles had been applied with no avail, yet with the proper application of magnetism these people without any exceptions became absolutely warm after a few minutes’ treatment, and would remain so until death claimed them several days later. And never in the meantime was there any need of the use of hot water bottles. If there is not a vital force how can we explain the feelings and experiences of these people at such times? They declare they are conscious of a force entering their bodies and producing a condition that leaves them abso- lutely easy and free from coldness. MAGNETISM MUST BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE CONDITION OF THE PATIENT Another evidence of the existence of magnetism as being a vital force is seen in the giving of too long a treatment to a person who is highly nervous or extremely weak. The result observed is one of extreme relaxation 38 PERSONAL MAGNETISM and weakness, sometimes producing fright, as he believes your treatment has weakened and injured him. Not a few times have people refused to take more treatments, believing that they were weakening. The very fact of their recognizing its power to produce this supposed serious condition is evidence of the existence of some law having been applied to them. This is one very interesting and valuable point that must be observed by all magnetic healers, namely, the length of the treat- ment to be given the patient. It is very difficult to give every patient what he needs. They will measure the length of the treatment and conclude that they are getting more or less than the other person if you should treat longer or less than the other person, not realizing that they are not buying your time any more than they are buying a certain size dose of medicine. PRODUCES RELAXATION I have had many experiences that have taught me the folly of treating for a certain time simply to satisfy the mind of the patient. Every healer should know his busi- ness and know when to stop. Another evidence of mag- netism being a vital force is the fact that some people, when once having received a number of treatments, and have come through a long period of sickness, suffer with weakness when the treatments are stopped suddenly. These are usually cases of extreme weakness where the patients were virtually living on the strength of the RESULTS OF TREATMENTS 39 healers as in the case of old people and delicate babies. In such cases the treatments should not be discontinued suddenly, if preventable, reducing the number accord- ing to the condition of patient. In numbers of cases where the treatment was stopped suddenly weakness fol- lowed, but would immediately leave when given another treatment, showing they were simply living on the healer’s strength. Other experiences have shown differ- ent results and conditions. In numbers of cases the patient apparently remained weak during all the treat- ments, and strength came rapidly after the treatments ceased. All of these things prove that some vital force leaves the body of the physician and enters the body of his patient. The conditions produced in the body are governed wholly by the conditions found in the patient. There is no standard by which one can judge as to what his treatment will produce in any patient. The treat- ment may reveal many things which he and the patient knew nothing about. It may produce symptoms and several conditions that will be a surprise to both. Nevertheless these are evidences of a law which we term vital force that exists and can be applied with great benefit when once understood and applied correctly. 40 CHAPTER V. VALUE AND EFFECT OF PASSES Passes should be given in most cases up over the fore- head, back over the top of the head, back of the ears, around in front and over the shoulders, down the whole length of the body, ending at the toes. These passes should be made with a gentle pressure against the body, keeping the hands moistened. The sensations that the passes will produce will be very apparent by the time they reach the toes. In some people no sensation is noticeable. These passes are of great value to the one who suffers from too much blood pressure in the head or from extreme nervousness and restlessness. In case the face is white then all such passes should be given upward, and never downward. After such passes the patient should remain quiet for ten or more minutes. The value of these passes can hardly be estimated until you observe their power to relieve pain and create a condition of health and strength. Rev. , of Seattle, came to me for pains in his stomach and abdomen. The left hand was used on the abdomen and the right on the back. The pain immediately left the abdo- men and collected at the back and settled down in the limbs. He returned the following day, complaining about a great weight in his back and limbs. The abdomen PASSES REMOVE TROUBLE 41 was entirely free. That day I concluded the treatment by laying the patient on his face and made passes with both hands, one on each side of his spine, down over his back, hips and limbs to the ends of his toes. These passes completely removed all the trouble that he had been suffering from in his former treatment. He expressed the feeling of great weight in his limbs. After a number of these passes he affirmed that the weight had entirely disappeared and would never allow me to give a treatment without concluding with a num- ber of passes being made over the whole body, ending at the toes. CONVINCES THE EDITOR So deeply was he impressed with the existence of some force entering his body and drawing the poisons from one place to another that he often referred to this occasion in public speeches when discussing the many laws of which we know but little. I well remember when I once desired to run an advertisement in one of Seattle’s largest dailies it was rejected because they believed it was purely a fake. The editor asked me to come and see him and give him evidence that it was not a fake advertisement. I referred him to a number of prominent people with whom I knew he was acquainted, and among them was this pastor. In his inquiry as to the truthfulness of my claims in this advertisement, the pastor offered to pay for a treatment if the editor would 42 PERSONAL MAGNETISM come and allow me to treat him once, and if he was not convinced that there was reality in magnetism he would pay for the treatment. This was sufficient for the editor and the advertisement was taken without question. Many a case has refused to respond to any and all kinds of magnetic treatments and has responded quickly when the treatment consisted of nothing but passes over the affected parts. This experience has occurred in a great many cases, and every healer will find great help by the free use of these passes. Their full effect and value can never be measured. PASSES ARE ALWAYS HELPFUL It is questionable if any treatment should be ever given without concluding with a number of these passes made over the entire body according to existing condi- tions. The passes have served to convince a great many people of the existence of magnetism. The exhilarating, soothing and quieting effects are quickly noted by the masses of people, especially as the passes reach the lower parts of the body, or are given over the head in the time of extreme attacks, where the face is violently red, or over a part where the congestion produces a great amount of pain. MUST USE CAUTION The only word of caution is that they must not be made downward if the patient be anaemic and pale, but VALUE OF PASSES 43 always upward. In this, like other things, you must use your own judgment in determining which way they must be made. If there should be extreme pain, then all passes should be made downward over the affected parts as this will draw all of the impurities away from the heart or any other vital organ of the body. It is very difficult to give an accurate method of treat- ment that will apply to all cases. We have given the principles. You can practice and apply them, but your own judgment must enter into the majority of all cases. If at any time after having made passes over the patients they should experience any unpleasant sensa- tions, then immediately reverse and make some passes the opposite way, which will remove all these sensations. The experience you will soon gather from this line of treatment will convince you that there is something well worth terming a vital force. The exhilarating feeling, the relaxed feeling, the in- creased circulation, and the nerve force that is experi- enced after these passes will be convincing to the most skeptical. 44 CHAPTER VI. SHOULD THE WELL SLEEP WITH THE SICK? The old theory that the mother should not sleep with the baby, that the well should not sleep with the sick because they draw their strength from them, is well known to everybody. Upon this theory the doctors have prohibited the mother sleeping with the baby and the well with the sick. Everyone is familiar with this teaching. Whether this is right or wrong, it does prove a very interesting point—the admission and the recogni- tion of the existence of a law which operates from one person to another. Whether we have correctly inter- preted it or not is not the question, but the fact that there is a power, recognized and observed by our medical fra- ternity, is of great value in this discussion. SLEEPING WITH THE SICK IS BENEFICIAL What really takes place is not that the well draw the strength from the sick, but instead, too much of the vital force emanates from the body of the well person and enters the body of the sick person producing too great a relaxed condition, which is more or less detrimental. This is true in some cases, but not in all. This is governed wholly by the condition of the patient. Many a case has been greatly helped on the road to recovery ANIMAL HEAT 45 by sleeping alone. Many a case has been greatly helped by sleeping with someone for an hour each night, and then sleeping alone the remainder of the night. This contact of the two bodies has charged the body of the sick person with the vital force from the well one, and when a sufficient quantity has entered the sick body, and the patient has then slept alone the remainder of the night, excellent results have been secured. In other cases where there seemed to have been no remedy avail- able, quietness and comfort, ease, health and strength quickly returned when the sick person could be taken in the arms of some strong, red-blooded person and held for a period of time once a day. BABY CRIES FOR ITS MOTHER Nurses inform me that the new-born babies, whom we do not accuse of having any knowledge of these new ideas, often cry for hours at night, yet the temperature of the room is perfect and their baskets are comfortable, and their bodies warm. They are not hungry, yet nothing is able to quiet them until the nurse takes the crying child to bed and hugs it up to her body. What quieted the child? It is too young to know anything about the absence of its mother. It has not been spoiled, as it has never slept in any bed but the basket. That cry was nothing but nature calling its natural need, the heat of its mother’s body. Nurses tell me many times they have taken a baby to bed with them when nothing 46 PERSONAL MAGNETISM could quiet it, and in a few moments the child would hush its crying and sleep soundly all night. How could that tiny infant know the difference? There is but one answer: That infant knew what rightly belonged to it. It is a cry difficult to hush save by the gratifying of its needs. Is it not natural that all young seek the strength and heat of the mother’s body? Observe the habits of the animals and fowls in regard to their young. Notice how the young nestle up to the body of their mother. Why, if it was not for the soothing, stimulating and strength- ening influence of that something that leaves the body which we call heat? I believe I am safe in saying that one of the great causes of the death of so many babies is the erroneous theory of science that the mother takes the strength of her child, and must not be allowed to sleep with it. Mothers long for their babies. That little innocent baby longs for the heat of its mother’s body. But science says they must be kept apart. Anyone can quickly determine which is right: science or the longing of that mother and of the child. God has placed these laws within our bodies, and instinctively we seek to use them. When we substitute man’s laws for God’s laws we need not be surprised at the results. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR NATURAL THINGS One of the things that makes the raising of babies difficult is the substituting of artificial for natural food. HAS NO SUBSTITUTE 47 True, in many cases this must be done, and the child may thrive; nevertheless, no man can substitute a food as perfect as that provided by the mother. If nature pro- vides a perfect food for the child, why could she not pro- vide a perfect heat? If the substituting of the food is more or less injurious and dangerous, why would not the substituting of hot water bottles and furnaces be just as dangerous and unsatisfactory? All of these things prove the virtue of something which we term magnetic or vital force. Where is the woman who has been sick, tired and nervous, and who has not appreciated the heat from the husband’s body as he takes her in his arms at night and she is able to sleep soundly? Who is it that does not know the difference in the heat when sleeping with a person or with a number of hot bricks and hot water bottles? In the light of this fact, is there any wonder that the child cries for the heat that naturally be- longs to it? I trust that any young prospective mother who should ever read this page will not allow any would-be scientific man to rob her baby of the strength it should receive from the heat of her body, by substituting hot water bottles. 48 CHAPTER VII. SUPERIORITY OF MAGNETISM The value of any remedy is not measured only by the good it can do, but by its harmless effects if it should fail to do good. One of the great charges made against drugs is the deadly effect upon the human system, and especially so when it proves to be the wrong drug given, which is often a fact. IT’S HARMLESS This much is true of magnetism: It never injures. It is nature’s own remedy. It is superior to drugs, because it puts no poison into the system. It is superior in heal- ing because it is the electrical forces of the body, and therefore on a level with the body. It never shocks nor injures. It is superior to all other systems. No one is ever too low to be treated by it. There is no condition conceivable to which magnetism cannot be applied. There is no person that cannot receive it. He may be blind or deaf; he may not be able to understand your language; he may be unconscious. Nevertheless, magne- tism can be applied, and applied intelligently and effectively. This cannot be said of any other system. SAVES A LIFE 49 BRIGHT’S DISEASE Mrs. , a woman forty-two years of age, had been abandoned by several medical physicians and chiroprac- tors. Her condition was serious, being that of Bright’s Disease. Her whole body was badly swollen and she was passing practically no urine, was spitting great quanti- ties of blood, and she frequently had convulsions and was compelled to sit up continually. The swelling had reached the heart. She was about to be confined, but was unable to give birth to her child because of this condition. Medicine had no effect. Osteopaths could not give a massage because of her swollen and serious condition. Chiropractors could not give her adjustments. She had been notified of the fact that she could not live. Under these conditions I was again invited to apply magnetism to this so-called hopeless case. In this case the right hand was used in the front over the abdo- men and liver and the left over the kidneys. The results were highly satisfactory. In one week she was reduced to almost normal size and gave birth to her child with but little labor. Such cases as these prove the superiority of magne- tism over all other systems. HIGH PERCENTAGE OF CURES The system that is not big enough to treat under all conditions and at all times is not big enough for man’s 50 PERSONAL MAGNETISM needs. A system to meet man s needs must be one that can be applied to the insane, the unconscious, the skeptic, the avowed disbeliever, the deaf, the dumb and the infant, as well as the believer. There is no system that will come as near meeting all of these conditions and producing results as that of magnetism. In maintaining the superiority of magnetism as a system for the cure of human ills, I believe I am not making an exaggerated claim, for my many years’ ex- perience have been accompanied by almost incredible re- sults, most of them being cases that had been abandoned as hopeless by all other methods of healing. This is made much greater when you consider the fact that most of these cases had not only been injured by the disease, but by many methods of treatment, such as drugs, operations, and adjustments. Notwithstand- ing this condition or class of cases, we are safe in say- ing that eighty-five or ninety per cent of all patients, if not cured, are greatly helped. Of the other ten or fifteen per cent, the failure for a cure or for help in many cases is not due to the ineffectiveness of magnetism, but to the impatience and unwillingness of the patient to give it a fair trial. Because the system is new, and the results have been so great, the average person is not patient, and expects you to perform a miracle within the first or second treat- ment. And if the results are not instantaneous, many people will refuse to take more than a few treatments. SUPERIORITY OF MAGNETISM 51 All anyone will have to do to prove the superiority of magnetism is to practice it on others, or have it prac- ticed upon yourself when other remedies have failed. Its superiority can be seen in the quickness of relieving al- most any suffering. MEETS MAN’S NEEDS It is a well-known fact that there has never been a remedy found for Typhoid Fever. The medical world says that the fever cannot be broken, but must run from three to six weeks. This is not true with magnetism, as a decided change is noticeable after the first or second day, and the fever is entirely destroyed after five or six days, and in many cases sooner. The same is true in many other diseases, such as blood poisoning, pneumonia and all acute cases. The superiority of magnetism in these cases is so pronounced that it refutes the theory that disease has to undergo cer- tain processes in order that the body may be rid of it. Magnetism, when once understood, will reveal a new cause of disease. It will open up a new field of thought and practice that will bring light and hope to every suf- ferer, so that he will not have to wait and watch his sys- tem fight the battles alone. In magnetism, man will find his greatest companion, his ever-ready remedy in the time of greatest need. It can allay practically all inflammation and suffering, and bring peace and quietness to the entire nervous system when all drugs have failed. Its after ef- 52 PERSONAL MAGNETISM fects are not to be deplored. It leaves the system clean, strengthened and invigorated. It increases the circula- tion. It feeds the nervous system and establishes an equi- librium of life’s vital force in every part of one’s body. It makes one conscious of an abiding force within the body which responds to the touch of the magnetic healer. By this one will soon recognize the superiority of magnetism over any and all other systems of treatment. 53 CHAPTER VIII. THE MYSTERY OF MAGNETISM You will find many people to give you a definition of magnetism. They can tell you all about it, but you will only be impressed with how little they know, because such people’s opinions are usually based upon theory, and not upon practice. There are many things that you cannot understand, neither can you explain, and one of these is the fact that the heat emanating from your hands will penetrate the body of the person being treated. What is this heat? From where does it come? The temperature of your body is no higher than that of the one you treat. What is that something that leaves the hands and penetrates the entire body of the patient? What makes that heat? These are some things you will never be able to un- derstand, but their existence is real. This, with many other mysterious things, you will find if you continue to practice. You will ever be going into fields of intense interest because of the mysterious things that you will find as you continue to use this wonderful and mysterious law. 54 PERSONAL MAGNETISM THE USE OF WATER IN TREATING I have always found it very helpful to keep the hands moistened in all treatments. The reason for this is bet- ter experienced than described. The hands usually be- come very hot if there is a feverish condition of the body. The heat closes the pores of the hands, preventing the heat leaving the hands and entering the body of the pa- tient. Sensitive patients can easily detect the difference in the effect of the heat from the hands when they are moistened or when they are dry. I keep my hands moistened in the treatments of all cases unless the patient’s body should be moist, which furnishes the moisture for the hands. LEFT HANDED PEOPLE The principle of magnetism is the same concerning right or left-handed people. My experience has been that left-handed people shall use the left hand wherever right- handed people use the right. I have had several nurses who were left-handed and all had to use the left hand where the right-handed person used the right. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE There is more science in the application of magnetism than in giving a drug. Do not think for one moment that you are handling something unscientific. Every law God POLARITY OF THE HANDS 55 ever made is absolutely perfect, therefore the law of mag- netism is perfect, and the successful use of it depends up- on the knowledge of it. To know that there is a positive and negative in your hands is absolutely necessary, if you would acquire the best results. We do not know our hands as such in treating, for then we usually speak of them as the drawing hand, which is the right, and the soothing hand, which is the left. You will not apply magnetism many times until you will be convinced of the difference in the application of the hands. This application produces different sen- sations in the body in many cases where the per- son is very sensitive, which proves that one hand will do one thing and the other hand another. The same principle found in electricity is to be found in your body. HOW TO TEST YOUR HANDS There is no way to tell which is positive or negative in your case except by your experiences. As a rule your right hand is positive, or for convenience we will call it the drawing hand, and the left is the negative, or the sooth- ing hand. If you would test this for your own satisfac- tion, place the palm of the right hand gently on a boil and the left hand opposite. Hold in this position for several minutes, and in most all cases it will produce a very heavy drawing pain. Then you know that your right hand is the drawing hand. It would be well for your satisfaction to use the left hand also on this boil and the right on the opposite side, 56 PERSONAL MAGNETISM and the patient will quickly note the difference in sensa- tions. Sometimes it will get easy within a few minutes, and if it has just started this treatment will scatter it. You should apply the right hand, if it is of several days standing and it will draw the boil to a head. These experiences will teach you the value of one hand over the other. The same thing is true as described in the chapter under Liver Trouble and Gall Bladder Trouble. If you would use the point of the right fingers on the gall bladder and the left on the back of the body, it will likewise produce a drawing sensation if there is any abscess in that region. Reversing of your hands will cause the drawing to stop and will be replaced by a sooth- ing sensation. This test is valuable, not only to show you the dif- ference in your hands, but by so doing, wherever you find a drawing sensation made by the right hand, you know that there is some condition tending to pus, which will aid you in diagnosing many cases that have long baffled all physicians. THE VALUE OF THIS TEST We know by these tests that the right hand draws and the left hand scatters. If I wish to draw the blood into a place I must use the right hand, and if I want to draw the blood away I must use the left. This is absolutely essen- tial in the treatment of many cases, in fact practically all cases. If there is a congestion, inflammation, soreness or an atrophied condition it is essential that the correct hand KNOWLEDGE BRINGS RESULTS 57 be used, so as to restore the affected parts to normal. With this knowledge of the power and use of your hands, giving you a definite remedy to apply, you can secure the result you are seeking. If you should desire to treat a sore that is old and chronic, the one principle underlying that treatment must be to produce a perfect circulation through that sore. By this process the blood will carry the material in for repair and at the same time absorb and carry away the impuri- ties. To accomplish this, the right hand must be used in all cases. If the case should be one of extreme inflammation and swelling produced by a bruise, then you want to get the blood out of the place by using the left hand on the af- fected part. In some cases it is very beneficial to alter- nate, using first the right, drawing blood in, and then the left to draw the blood out. You may alternate a number of times during the treatments of many cases, which would aid in creating or establishing a perfect circulation. HOW TO INCREASE THE STRENGTH OF YOUR HANDS The method for increasing the flow of magnetism is found only in the increase in the quantity of blood in the hands. The hotter the hands the stronger the magnetic current. To produce a stronger flow of blood into the hands briskly rub them together, or clinch the fists, and strike outward, opening the hand as you straighten the 58 PERSONAL MAGNETISM arms, also swing the arms in a circle backward and for- ward for several times. These movements are valuable and will aid you in securing a larger flow of blood to the hands, which means increased strength in magnetism. Whatever may be said of magnetism this one thing is true, that power which emanates from the body is im- measurably greater when a person possesses a perfect cir- culation. 59 CHAPTER IX. LIE STILL AFTER TREATMENT It is always well after giving these treatments to insist that the patient remain lying down for fifteen or twenty minutes, and in many cases for a half hour or longer. If not, you may be surprised at some results that will follow your treatment and receive somewhat of a shock. Many persons, after taking a full magnetic treatment, cannot rise without finding themselves extremely dizzy, in many cases experiencing severe headache or nose bleeding. This can all be avoided by leaving the patient reclining after each treatment, and if there is any dizziness or if the pa- tient cannot possibly remain the required time, it can be overcome by making a number of passes from the feet to the top of their heads. Do this at least ten or fifteen times, and that will overcome the dizziness that is pro- duced by arising immediately after a treatment. This annoyed me greatly when I first began my work. The third person I ever treated became very much frightened, believing I was injuring the heart because of the dizziness following the treatment. I did not know that it was pro- duced by the rising suddenly and believed that the treat- ment was really affecting the man’s heart and I advised him to go to a doctor and secure a heart tonic, which he did without delay. I later discovered that it was not due to the treatment, but due to magnetism having some pe- culiar influence over the circulation, which produces diz> ziness if the person arises too quickly. 60 PERSONAL MAGNETISM This can be prevented and save yourself many shocks if you will insist that the patient remain quiet for some little time. I have had a number of patients who would faint en- tirely away on arising immediately after a treatment. I have had others who would not faint, but would suffer from an intense headache, and in some cases a severe nose bleeding attack, and others who would have to lie still as long as an hour after a treatment. My own eyperience is that I must lie still twenty or twenty-five minutes after taking a half-hour’s magnetic treatment over the liver and kidneys. Otherwise there is a peculiar feeling I can- not describe, which is not there if I remain quiet for fif- teen or twenty minutes. 61 CHAPTER X. THE LENGTH OF TIME TO TREAT So many people think they are buying your time and that they are being cheated if they are not given as much time as the other doctors give them. Instill this point in your patient’s mind, that they are not buying your time, but your service, any more than they are buying a certain size dose of medicine. They take the medicine for what it will do, regardless of the size of the dose, so you must give a treatment for what is needed, regardless of time. Many people are offended if you treat someone else longer than you treat them, whereas they probably have only one ailment and the other one might have several. The length of the treatment must be governed by the na- ture of the disease you are treating, also by the condition of the patient. If the patient is extremely weak, too long a treatment would porduce too great a relaxation, which would frighten him. Practice will soon teach you the length of treatment. A beginner should treat nothing less than thirty, forty or fifty minutes. But the length of treatment must be governed by the condition of your patient. If you were drawing a boil to a head and it was very painful and ex- hausted the patient you could not think of giving a long treatment. Treat and then let the patient rest for a few minutes, then repeat a number of times during one treat- ment. 62 PERSONAL MAGNETISM There are some cases where a high state of nervous- ness requires a long treatment to thoroughly relax. If you treat too long and scatter too much poison from some old chronic sore you may produce a very unfortunate condition, for this poison may set up a condition which will be claimed was due to your treatments. It will only be the poison in the system, but nevertheless they will say it was the treatment that did it. With many such patients it is folly to attempt any instruction on these points. In these cases short treatments should be given, especially at the point of sickness or ailment, followed by plenty of treatment of the liver and kidneys to produce elimination. The question of the length of treatments must be gov- erned wholly by your judgment. In the light of what I have given you your judgment must be the sole determin- ing factor in the length of the treatment. I can only teach you the principles. It is utterly impossible for me to give a definite method for every case. I have only attempted to give the prin- ciples of treatments and a wide range of cases in which I have applied them and you must use your own judg- ment or reason. No book can give these to you. Books are only to teach principles and their use and you must use your own judgment in applying them to specific cases. It is purely a matter of your own natural ability. 63 CHAPTER XI. THE MAGNETIC BREATH Some of the most astonishing things in one’s life is to find the things with which he has played to be of the greatest value. This is especially true in our school days when we used to blow our breath through the woolen shirt sleeve of some other boy until he would yell because of the intense heat. Little did we dream of the great val- ue of the heat produced by that process. I am not prepared to say that this can be used in al- leviating suffering to any great extent, but I do know that it has been of great value in treating such things as ab- scessed ears in babies, the removal of pain from the eyes during extreme headaches and the stopping of internal pain when all other remedies failed. It is applied by placing a thin woolen cloth or a hand- kerchief folded over the affected part and then blowing a long, hard breath through this cloth. You will soon learn when the cloth is right in thickness to get the best results. Open the ear well, place the cloth over it, and blow the hot breath through the cloth into the abscessed ear. This will usually produce great relief. The same results can be procured by placing a cloth over the eye in cases of pain, and if not wholly curing, will greatly relieve and produce astonishing results in most cases. I have used it with great success, and in some cases where I seemed to get but little results from the heat of the hands. 64 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Here is a great field for experimenting, and I trust someone who reads this article will conduct an extensive investigation as to the effects of the hot breath. When your hands have failed, then try the hot breath, and note carefully which hand you hold on the body to complete the circuit. It is difficult to do, as a long-contin- ued blowing produces dizziness in the operator. When the experiment is made one hand should be upon the body in order to make a complete circuit. Note well your ex- periences when the hands are changed. It might lead you to great fields of thought and usefulness in alleviating the suffering of mankind. 65 CHAPTER XII. MAGNETISM A UNIVERSAL REMEDY The one question usually asked by all is, “Does every- one possess this power?” Others seem to think that it is a gift from God who has given it to some, but not to all. During these twenty years I have had a great many questions asked and have heard a great many opinions stated concerning magnetism. There is little need to state but few of these were ever based on actual exper- iences, but only on theory. And belief not based on ex- perience has no great value. I have told a great many people how to treat certain ailments, and, without a single exception, all reported success when they persisted in following the directions I had given them. The reason for believing that it is a uni- versal remedy is that it is a law of the body and a product of the blood. Magnetism is to be found only where there is blood. Cold hands throw off but little or no magnetism. The more blood, the more magnetism. The life is in the blood; the power is in the blood. Therefore, everyone possesses this power, for everyone has blood. True, some have magnetism in larger quantities than others, never- 66 PERSONAL MAGNETISM theless, everybody has it in large enough quantities for home use. Many believe this is God-given, and that only those whom God has given this power can do these works. A discussion of this subject could be made to cover many pages, for it can be made a religious subject. The question of divine healing can largely enter into the dis- cussion of all healing. Jesus commanded His followers to lay hands on the sick. Why this physical contact, if it was not to utilize some law? Why would He not tell His followers to simply speak the word, and the sick would be healed? Or why would He not tell them that they should pray for the sick and they would be restored to health? Instead, His commands contained the solemn injunction, “They shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall be healed.” Jesus did nothing inconsistent. He never gave any orders just to exercise His power of authority, but, instead, every teaching and practice is based upon some common sense and reason. And when He gave the order to lay the hands upon the sick it was for a definite purpose. And in so doing one cannot com- ply with this command without utilizing the great uni- versal law commonly known as magnetism. This commandment, like a great many others, has been ignored because of religious belief. All one has to do to prove that there is virtue in this commandment is to try it. No one can comply with this command without getting results, showing that by so doing a law is utilized which is universal. Many a fevered brow has been cooled by the gentle hands of the nurse. Many a person has removed head- ALL USE IT CORRECTLY 67 aches by gently stroking the forehead. Many people boast of the many headaches they have been able to stop. They do not know how it is done, other than they gently stroked the forehead, and making passes over the head and down over the body. So universal is the law that those who use it seldom if ever use it wrongly. Why do you always stroke the forehead back over the top of the head? Why do you not rub it forward? Why when petting a child do you not rub up on the face instead of down? Why when you stroke a bruised place on your arm or body do you never think of rubbing upward but always down? These little things have always been overlooked and ignored, but they indicate the presence of a law which we obey unconsciously. Many are surprised to find that they had the power of healing, having believed that it was a special gift from God. They have become very enthus- iastic upon learning its use. So universal is the law of magnetism that 1 have my first person to find who could not relieve pain and suffering when he applied the law corr ectly. BOY CURES GIRL I well remember in the days of testing these points of taking a girl who was troubled with abscessed ear and compelling a boy of about twelve years of age to apply his hands, as I directed, to the ear for a period of thirty minutes, resulting in a complete stopping of the discharge. 68 PERSONAL MAGNETISM This was done contrary to the wishes of both the boy and girl, yet the results were perfect. I have directed treatments given by people, pale, ema- ciated and anaemic, and found them securing excellent results. 69 CHAPTER XIII. MAGNETISM REVEALS CAUSE OF DISEASE Magnetism has revealed many strange and startling facts in the treatment of the sick. It has revealed an en- tirely new cause for sickness. So strange has been many of the experiences of my practice that in rehearsing them to medical men they all declare that it is something of which they have never heard and that it is entirely new. A few of these cases would better illustrate the point than I could possible describe. Mrs. , about fifty years of age, came to me with a case of deafness. I was able to remove this condition and restore her hearing, which would last but a few days or weeks, and then return. A few treatments would again restore her hearing, but only for a short time. I then de- cided that there was some other cause creating this com dition and that her deafness was only an effect. I then proceeded to treat the liver, which I found to be very sore. I gave her the usual treatment of a half hour, using the right hand in front, and the left in back. After a few treatments the results attained were especially surprising. These treatments produced an extreme sick- ness, resulting in vomiting, chills, extreme paleness and sleepiness, to the extent that members of the family urged her to take no more treatments, as they thought the treatments were injuring her. Her reply was, that if she were taking medicines they would say it was simply tak- 70 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ing effect. So sick did she become that she could return to the office but once a week, and the treatments could be given for only fifteen minutes, through all her clothes. This would produce a condition that would last her fully a week, and when she was conscious that it had worn away she would return for the next treatment. Did magnetism make her sick? Was magnetism too severe for her condition? Should she have ceased her treatments, as advised? Magnetism did not produce this sickness directly, but indirectly. Magnetism was not too severe, but what it did was this: It stirred up a poison which was so deadly that throwing it into the life stream produced this serious condition, and thus magnetism re- vealed the character of the poison that was making this woman sick. These treatments were continued for many weeks until I was able to give her an ordinary treatment on the flesh, as I did other patients, without producing any ill effects. I do not know of any other system that would reveal such a fact. When the liver conditions changed, her hearing became normal. This experience has been very common among my patients, and therefore it is never wise to treat some pa- tients too long, for by so doing you scatter that poison, which has so long been settling in one place. Throwing it back into the blood stream in many cases will cause a severe fever, lasting sometimes for several days. I well remember having one case of a lady who was blind and suffered a great deal of pain in her eyes. After a few treatments to relieve her the pain entirely disap- peared, but was followed by an apparent case of grippe, PRODUCED NEW SYMPTOMS 71 accompanied with high fever for several days, but the pain in the eyes was gone. To treat such cases wisely and not produce this condition, which might frighten them, and lose the case to a medical doctor, who will de- clare you have injured the patient and discredit your work, you should give short treatments at the beginning. Endeavor to scatter just the amount of poison that the system can eliminate without creating other symptoms that might frighten the patient. A REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE A most remarkable experience came to me soon after my discovery of magnetism. A Mrs. , the wife of one of our state legislators, whose husband had become acquainted with me and my work while I was chaplain of the House of Representatives in Olympia, Washington, came with her husband, to Olympia to be treated. The results had been highly satisfactory and she returned home. Later she returned for more treatments for a trouble which had been of thirty years’ standing, brought on by an accident at the age of thirteen. While playing she slipped from the top of a haystack to the ground and landed on her toes, spraining the muscles in her right groin, which resulted in several days of very painful suf- fering; it finally wore away and left apparently no bad results. A few months later a severe neuralgic pain made its appearance in the left temple. This pain day by day settled down over her face and then traveled downward 72 PERSONAL MAGNETISM over her left side, settling in the left groin, and suddenly leaving, it appeared in the right groin, and produced such a serious condition she was compelled to remain in bed for many weeks, suffering severely all the time. Finally, the pain disappeared but left the limb, when standing erect, so that only the toes touched the floor. This condition had remained for over thirty years. She was so impressed with the results of the first treat- ments she came the second time, believing I could straigh- ten this limb. The treatments were given daily over a period of two or three weeks of one hour each, with the right hand to the groin and the left hand on the back. This resulted in weakening the limb, but, as far as we could tell, nothing had been done toward straightening it. She had decided to return home the following day. On awakening the next morning she was surprised before arising to find the return of the old pain in the groin which she had during her attack thirty years before. She recognized it as the old pain which had caused her pre- vious suffering. This pain was very intense and severe, but quickly left the groin and traveled up her right side and settled in the right arm, making it completely help- less. She was somewhat excited over her condition and was unable to call for help. She remained in this con- dition for a couple of hours, believing that it would grad- ually wear away, which it did, traveling downward over her right side and settling in the limb, leaving the arm per- fectly natural, but producing a completely helpless con- dition in the limb. This condition remained for several OLD TROUBLES RETURN 73 hours, when she phoned for me. This was a new exper- ience to me. The treatment I gave her was different from those usually given to patients, but was very effective. VALUE OF WATER IN TREATING i placed the helpless foot in a basin of water, and on the nude body I used my right hand in front and the left in back, gradually drawing it downward over the limb un- til my hands reached the water. This, she said, produced a sensation like a ball going before the hands, and this would disappear as the hands reached the water. I con- tinued this for two hours, until no more sensation was noticeable by this process. All pain had disappeared and her limb was absolutely normal. This was the beginning of her recovery, and she was able to journey home the next day. The limb rapidly straightened, until she could walk almost normally. These experiences prove to us some very important points in the question of disease and its cause. What was that which traveled down the left side of the body and located in the injured groin? What was that that moved out of this groin thirty years later and pro- duced results as before described? What was it that con- tracted those cords and muscles in that groin and drew the limb and held it so firmly for these thirty years? There is but one answer, namely, nothing but the poisons of the system settling on these muscles, causing the contraction which shortened the limb. The magnetic treatments were PERSONAL MAGNETISM 74 able to scatter this poison back into the system. And as it was completely scattered from its long resting place these muscles relaxed, and the limb became straighter until it reached almost normal condition. The one great lesson I have learned from this and many other similar experiences is that sickness is due to the accumulation of poisons in some vital organ produc- ing a condition which prevents that organ from function- ing, and any system that can remove that poison which prevents that organ from functioning will be able to pro- duce health and bring relief to all suffering mankind. Magnetism has been the means that has revealed this principle to me, and when any treatment given upon this principle is applied according to the laws of magnetism, it will be rewarded by results that will be satisfactory in any case, provided they will give you time and co-opera- tion. The one principle underlying all treatments is the scat- tering of poison and throwing it back into the blood stream, and then treating the liver, kidneys, and all elim- inative organs, to assist in eliminating this poison from the system. I cannot understand any system that does not have this for its basic principle in treating the sick. If you will ever be watchful you will find these same things as a result of your treatments. You will not find such well defined cases every day nor every week, but in the course of a few months or a few years you will have numbers of experiences that will corroborate all the statements I have made. 75 CHAPTER XIV. DO NOT TREAT CHRONIC TROUBLES WHEN TREATING ACUTE CASES I well remember having a Miss , who had for many years been an invalid with an abscessed hip, being confined to her bed practically all of her life. The other limb was now paining and threatening to abscess the same as the diseased one. I was called to treat her to prevent the forming of this new abscess. The treatments were a success, and the pains soon disappeared. She was so impressed with the success of magnetic treatments she insisted that I treat the chronic abscess, which was discharging, and very painful. In those days I did not understand the cause of dis- ease and granted her request, treating to scatter the poi- son from the chronic place. As a result much of the pain and suffering was overcome in the chronic hip, but the result was that the acute condition which I had treated in the other hip again became worse, which I could not re- lieve. She at once believed I had made her condition worse and dismissed me as her physician. The truth of the matter is, this treatment should not have been given in this way. I should not have treated the old chronic sore when I was treating an acute condition, because by so do- ing I scattered that deadly poison that had been gathering for many years in the chronic hip and threw it back into 76 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the blood stream, and it settled in the acute trouble, and I was never again able to scatter it. Therefore I lost my patient, and the credit that was due magnetism. I have learned this lesson: When 1 have an acute ailment to treat I never treat a chronic ail- ment at the same time. INJURED EYE Mrs. , about thirty years of age, met with an ac- cident while removing tacks from the carpet, one striking her with its sharp point in the pupil of the right eye. This produced a very serious condition. The eye became quickly inflamed and was very painful. For many days she had to remain in total darkness, as nothing which the doctor did allayed her suffering. Finally it was decided to remove the eye in order to save the other eye. It was at this time that I received the patient. The first treatment succeeded in removing all the suffering, which did not return. I treated her daily for possibly a week, both eyes returning to normal con- ditions, and apparently all trouble had disappeared. I saved not only the good eye, but made it possible for her to see fairly well out of the injured one. While treating she remarked that she had for four years a constant pain in the back of the liver, which had never left since a serious spell of sickness four years be- fore. Not knowing anything about the law of which I am writing now, I proceeded to remove that pain. I treated so as to scatter the pain, and succeeded perfectly. The ACUTE TROUBLE MADE WORSE 77 pain never came back to her side, but within twenty-four hours the injured eye again became very painful. The pain was as severe as when the eye was first injured. It was almost as difficult to treat and remove the pain as it was the first time. Then the question came to me, why should this eye begin to hurt after having been well for nearly a week? This time conditions were entirely dif- ferent, although the eye pained as severely as ever, while the other eye was not even inflamed. The injured eye was not even red. What caused this new pain in the injured eye? Now I know that it was nothing less than the scattering of the poison from the old chronic ailment that she had in her side throwing it back into the blood stream and it settled in the injured eye, where there was an acute condition, although free from its past suffering. It took a number of treatments, covering a period of two weeks, to remove the pain permanently from her eye. One treatment would remove it entirely for several days and I would think she was well, but soon it would return. Another treatment would be given and the same exper- ience would follow. This continued for a couple of weeks or more, and finally disappeared, and the pain never re- turned in her side nor her eye. This strange experience, with the others, has taught me never to treat an old chronic ailment when treating an acute condition. If you do it will give you trouble, which may result in your losing your patient unless you can explain it sufficiently, thus gaining time to effect a cure. It is better, however, 78 PERSONAL MAGNETISM to treat only one trouble at a time, when one is acute and the other chronic. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN The one great principle that should be obeyed by all magnetic healers is the question of being observant. Ob- serve all symptoms and be able to distinguish those pro- duced by your treatments and the ones produced by the disease. Many a healer has lost the value of his treatments and his usefulness because of his failure to distinguish between the symptoms that arise from the effect of his treatment and those produced by the disease. Scattering these poisons through the system creates new symptoms in many cases which causes the patient to believe your treatments are making him worse. He will often remark that he had not been so and so until you began the treat- ments. With a clearer understanding as to what mag- netic treatments will do, and teaching the patient what to expect from the results of your treatments, you will gain his confidence in the power and virtue of your method. SYMPTOMS OF IMPROVEMENT Another important result of treatments is the sensa- tion of lightness that accompanies magnetic treatments. After a number of treatments patients are conscious of the loss of a dead, heavy feeling through their whole body, and especially in the limbs. Possibly no one thing is more quickly noticeable than their feeling of lightness and that a burden seems to have left their body. 79 CHAPTER XV. A DOCTOR IN EVERY HOME One of the most important things concerning mag- netism is the fact that the remedy is ever at hand. Many a person has suffered untold agony while waiting for the arrival of the doctor, all of which could be prevented if the parents in that home understood the law of magnetism. Relief could be given while waiting for the physician. There are but few, if any, pains that magnetism will not overcome. If it had not other value in your home or life than stopping pain it would be worth all the efforts that it would cost anyone to learn of its use and application. There is nothing more soothing, quieting and refresh- ing that will produce a sounder sleep than a magnetic treatment. It will take the place of opiates, and in many cases during my many years of experience I have been called in to quiet pain and to allay suffering where morphine had utterly failed. By understanding the use of magnet- ism it prevents disease from becoming chronic. Here is one of the most important uses of magnetism. Diseases are permitted to run on and on, because there is apparently no remedy, or the remedy applied has failed of its purpose, and in due time the disease fastens itself upon the victim and he becomes a chronic sufferer. This could all be avoided if magnetism had been applied in the beginning of the case. If they had understood the appli- 80 PERSONAL MAGNETISM cation of laws governing the body, disease would never have a chance to become chronic. Chronic disease exists only because the medical science has found no rem- edy to apply during its acute stages. This being a fact, one can appreciate the value of magnetism as a home remedy. MAGNETISM IS A MONEY-SAVER One cannot appreciate the value of magnetism as a home remedy until he counts the cost of treating diseases by other systems. When unable to conquer these diseases in the acute stages they fasten themselves upon the sufferer and con- tinue year after year, increasing in severity and serious- ness and accompanied by many new attacks. It results sometimes in long protracted illnesses and terminates in a serious operation, which means many hundreds of dol- lars in medicine, nurses, hospital and doctor bills, which could have all been avoided had they only known the power of magnetism and applied it at the beginning of the ailment. One of the greatest pleasures that has come into our life has been the teaching of these principles to fathers and mothers who have spent almost their entire income in doctoring a family of four or five children, then watch them apply magnetic treatments and see health return at once to their family and their bank account grow. In writing this book we trust that it will bring that blessing, light and liberty from doctor bills, drugs and operations PREVENTS LONG SUFFERING 81 that have so long hung over so many homes. We know it will do this if you will only be patient, faithful and per- sistent in studying and learning to apply the simple laws which God has given. No man has ever tried this and found it untrue. The opponents of this great doctrine are to be found only among those who have never tried, or if so, only slightly and with no heart or spirit. COMMON PEOPLE’S REMEDY It is the only law known to man for the repair of the body that belongs to the common people. It is the only system that does not require a college education to prac- tice. It is the law that people use, whether they know it or not. The universality of the law makes it a common law and common remedy. God has put these great laws, which are simple and yet effective, in the hands of the common people, and they would be equal at any time to all of their needs if they once learned to use these simple laws which God has made. PERSONAL MAGNETISM 82 CHAPTER XVI. PROMINENT MEN INDORSE Thomas J. Hudson, one of the greatest students of psychic phenomena, says, “There is a mystery connected with the laying on of the hands that is difficult to explain upon any theory of the mind.” It does not need explan- ation. Conforming with that one great command, “Lay your hands upon the sick,” is all that is needed to con- vince anyone of the truthfulness of that command made two thousand years ago. MAGNETISM INDORSED BY PROMINENT MEDICAL DOCTORS Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, has given a description of magnetic healing in his book, “The Art of Healing,” which reads as follows: “Animal magnetism differs in its nature from all other curative agents. This remedial power, the existence of which is often denied, is imparted to the patient by the touch of a well-disposed person, exercising the full strength of his will. It acts in part homeopathically, by exciting symptoms similar to those of the disease to be cured, and is applied for this purpose by means of a single pass or stroke of the hands held flatwise over the body, and carried during moderate exertions of the will, from the crown to the tips of the toes; this process is efficacious in uterine hemorrhages, even when death is imminent. The PROMINENT MEN INDORSE 83 application of magnetism also serves to distribute the vital force equally throughout the organism, when it is abnor- mally active in some parts, and deficient in others; e. g., in cases of rush of blood to the head, and sleepless, anxious restlessness of debilitated persons, etc., where it should also be applied by means of a single, but more powerful pass of the hands. It is also capable of impart- ing vital power, and of supplying deficiency of the latter directly to a single debilitated part, or to the entire organ- ism. This object is not reached with the same degree of safety and certainty by any power, except that of mag- netism, which obviates the disturbances arising from other kinds of medical treatment. An effect of this kind is obtained in a single part of the body, by applying the hand or tips of the fingers, and directing a strong effort of good will upon the part suffering from inveterate debility, where an internal chronic evil has established its local symptoms. Many sudden cures, performed in all ages by men endowed with great natural power, belong to this category.” Herbert A. Parkyn, M. D., principal and founder of Chicago School of Psychology, says, in “Suggestive Therapeutics,” page 274: “It is impossible to prove that magnetism does not exist, and I should be very foolish to say that magnetism plays no part in the healing process.” 84 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XVII. A FLESH REDUCER Another very important symptom that will accom- pany practically all magnetic treatments, if given proper- ly, is the reduction in size of the patient. Many times patients declare that they are losing flesh when the scales reveal practically no reduction. This possibly is one of the most common symptoms accompanying your treat- ments. It also reveals some very important things con- cerning disease and conditions that exist of which the pa- tient has no knowledge. When the liver and kidneys are treated over a period of two or three weeks almost all patients, both men and women, but not so frequently with the men, will discover the fact that their shoes are larger, and at once will think that they are losing weight. It is a very wise plan to mention this to all patients, es- pecially women, and tell them to watch the size of their waistline, and also the tightness of their shoes. These facts will have the effect of making them realize the virtue of magnetic treatments. The reducing of flesh is a very simple matter when the cause of its existence is once understood. Many have the opinion that the flesh is good because it is solid. Pos- sibly no one belief has fastened itself more firmly in the minds of patients than that their flesh is healthy because it is solid. That which makes the flesh solid is not its healthy condition, but the piling up of a mass of im- purities. SICK HEADACHES 85 Mrs. , a woman of thirty-eight, has been an intense sufferer of sick headaches for many years, yet fleshy and in all appearances the picture of health. Treat- ments were given at the base of the brain with magnet- ism, with the left hand on the top of the head and the right at the base of the brain, for five or more minutes, then the left hand was used at the base of the brain and the right at the small of the back over the kidneys for a similar length of time, and followed with the right in front and the left over the small of the back, making the whole treatment cover from thirty to forty-five minutes. This treatment, which covered a period of a month, brought apparently little improvement. Unlike some patients, she believed that it would finally remove her headaches. During the second month’s treatment she was not disappointed. This treatment reduced her ab- domen eight inches and all other parts of her body ac- cordingly. Her attacks rapidly and entirely disappeared, as well as an ugly varicose ulcer. Many cases of this kind could be cited, but this case serves the purpose of calling attention to some import- ant facts in the reduction of flesh. Why did not the first month’s treatment bring results? Why did the second month bring results? The answer is simple. Her living had so badly clogged the eliminative organs that it took one month’s treatments before they returned to normal conditions and were able to function properly. As soon as they returned to a healthy condition they quickly cleansed the system. 86 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Some other points were very noticeable in this case that is well worth remembering by any one who is reduc- ing or attempting to reduce someone else. During this second month, when she lost a large amount of flesh, she became extremely weak, due to the loss of impure flesh. She felt perfectly well while remaining quiet, but on attempting to work found no strength or endurance. The thing which should be remembered by all is that of the care to be given the patient during this reduction period. You can easily injure yourself and retard your efforts by attempting to work because you feel well. Rest is one of the essential elements in the nursing of these patients. No system will bring greater results in your efforts to reduce and remove superfluous flesh than that of magnetism. One could well afford to specialize if he so desired on this one line, for there is no one that may not reduce if properly treated with magnetism, nursed and given the proper diet, which should be governed according to the patient. 87 CHAPTER XVIII. QUICK CURES It is seldom if ever advisable to tell of your quick cures, as some will expect to be cured in unusually short time. As a matter of fact, these quick cures are all exceptions to the rule. Nature must have time to effect a cure. She must have time to clean up the system. Any attempt on your part to perform miracles will result in seriously crippling your influence, because you cannot perform these quick cures in many cases. They do not expect it of other systems, which are accorded abund- ance of time. It is also wise never to take patients who simply want to try a treatment. Tell them you have no sample treatments; one sample dose would not pro- duce results in the medical system of treatment. The recovery of a patient lies in one thing only, and that is eliminating the poisons from the system. You will lose practically every patient who takes a trial treatment. They must give this system of healing time, as well as they give other systems. Explain to them the principles of magnetic treatment, what it does and how, and then they will not expect you to perform miracles. Make your patient feel responsible for remaining well. Do not allow him to feel that the future condition of his health depends upon your treatment, but upon his method of living. It was his living that broke the laws govern- 88 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ing his body and produced disease. It is his living that must obey the laws if he would remain well. Do not allow patients to blame you if they do not remain well. The one question they invariably ask is whether the results of these treatments are permanent. Repudiate this idea that they are to receive results from treatments that will last indefinitely, but that your treatments are only to help clean up the system, and remaining clean depends upon their living. By so doing you have not only taught them the object of treatments and their place in the patients’ lives, but you have taught them the cause of their illness and how they can prevent a recurrence of the condition so that they will no longer look to the doctor for the retaining of health, but to their living. 89 CHAPTER XIX. MAGNETISM AT THE TIME OF DEATH It is impossible to tell the full extent of the value of magnetism. It is impossible to know all that magnetism will do and the blessing it contains for mankind. No man has ever tested and been disappointed in the value of any commandment or law which God has made and given to man. I have seen magnetism perform the incredible: effect cures where there was not apparently one ray of hope, and bring back health and happiness where it seemed to have fled forever. To relieve suffering where all opiates had lost their power is a common thing for magnetism. Yet there is no place where the wonders of magnetism are so plainly manifested as in its ability to lessen the sufferings of those about to pass to the great beyond. Many times dur- ing my twenty years’ practice have I been asked in, not to cure, but only to relieve the suffering of the patients during their last hours. If magnetism had no other value, but to accomplish this one result, it would be well worth all we have to say for it. During these years a number of requests have come that I should attempt to relieve the suffering of those in the last hour when morphine had ceased to have its effect. Mr. — sent for me to come and see his wife, who had been operated upon for cancer of the stomach, which was not removed because of its condition, being 90 PERSONAL MAGNETISM so far advanced that its removal would have been fatal. She was a woman, possibly sixty-five years of age. Her suffering was intense, as are all of these cases in the last days. In this case a week’s treatment relieved all of the suffering from that large growth and let her go down to her long sleep in peace. Mr. , a man about seventy years of age, had been operated upon for a cancer of the stomach and he, too, was opened but the cancer was not removed because of its size, and he was sent home to die. His condition, like others, was intensely painful. In this case the third treatment removed all of the pain and suffering and he passed away without any distress whatever. It so sur- prised the medical attendants that they insisted that it could not have been a cancer, because cancer patients never died without suffering, although five physicians witnessed the operation and pronounced it cancer. Mrs. , mother of a prominent family in West Seattle, had been confined to her bed for many months with a large growth. She had never undergone an opera- tion, but had been under the constant care of the family physician. This growth was as large as a fist and was extremely painful. She was possibly eighty years of age. Morphine, in this case, as in others, was rapidly losing its effect, and all I was asked to do was stop her suffering. Magnetism proved itself efficient and the old lady passed away by simply going to sleep. You can imagine the gratitude of the daughters as they saw their mother pass away quietly. For days they had watched her with in- SMOOTHING THE ROAD 91 tense agony, realizing what their mother would suffer when the morphine lost its effect. Space will not permit me to mention the number of cases in my twenty years’ experience that I have seen magnetism cure or relieve. It has proven itself equal to the needs of man up to the very last moment that his spirit remains in the body. 92 CHAPTER XX. JESUS HAS DIGNIFIED MAGNETISM I realize in writing this article upon magnetism that it means to invite the scorn, ridicule and laughter of those that are taught to think along a certain line. During these twenty years, many times have I been snubbed, insulted and oftentimes humiliated because of the inso- lent remarks of those who thought themselves very wise. But, dear reader, as you have read these words no doubt many thoughts have passed through your mind, and 1 trust that if you should be prompted to attempt the use of this force to alleviate the suffering of mankind, the jeers and sneers of those whom you really believe lespect you will have no effect upon you. Remember that in the use of this wonderful power you are comply- ing with the request made by the Teacher of all men, Jesus of Nazareth, who said to go into the world and lay the hands on the sick and they would be healed. They laughed at Him, and even put Him to death. Why should you care, if the world should laugh and ridicule as long as you obey the commandments of “Him who sitteth on the right hand of our heavenly Father?” Re- member that Christ has dignified this law by giving it to us. Realize you are not using a toy, but one of the most wonderful, the most sacred, and yet one of the most far- reaching laws with which man has even been blessed. There awaits for you blessings, joys and happiness that FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH 93 have never descended upon you if you will be but of open mind and allow yourself to be used by Him who would lead all men to the paths of truth and helpfulness. There will come to you that joy, that peace that passes all understanding, to know that you have placed your life in His hands and are being led in the great work of alleviating the suffering of mankind. There will come to you that peace and assurance, that while man may laugh, God will bless, and victory is yours; and the con- sciousness that in all your endeavoring to fulfill your mis- sion in life, by obeying the commandments of Him who is the Commander of all men, you are doing right. True, you will fail in cases. True, you will find things that discourage you. You will find obstacles, and times of great disappointment, but in such times remember that He who led you into this great work sees all of this and only asks that you keep the other command, “Be thou faithful unto the end.” Remember also friend, that failures are not due to the law, and I trust they shall never be due to you, but to him who is sick, for he has not given you time, or has not cared very much nor re- spected the laws that govern his body, and expects to be repaired perfectly and, in most cases, instantly. Do not claim that you perform the wonderful. Do not claim that you can do that which is impossible and call yourself a great healer, but be obedient, only claim- ing to do what God has said, “Lay your hands on the sick and they shall be healed,” and trust God will bless His law and keep His promise. 94 PERSONAL MAGNETISM In the work which shall follow, I have endeavored to give you my heart’s experiences. I have many that I have never recorded, and paper cannot record the heart- aches made by those who thought they were doing right in ostracizing me. To take up this work means the rejection of yourself by many so-called friends. It means to step out boldly and say to the world, “I am going to follow God and His commands.” It means to draw a line between yourself and many friends. They will say that you have become a fanatic, that you have become insane and that you are throwing your life away. But remember, friends, in preparing and practicing this great law you are making the world acquainted with one of its greatest needs at the present time. The world is searching for a fountain of health, be- lieving that it can find it in some spring, the top of some mountain, or the digging it from the hills, when it should turn its eyes within, where God has placed the fountain of eternal youth. It is your business as a magnetic healer to teach these principles. It is one thing to heal, but that is not your whole mission. You must be a teacher. The real, true, honest healer will go forth, teaching the way of truth and the way to live and obey laws that govern the body, so that they will know that health is not to be purchased or found. Health is a thing that must be lived. Health is the conforming to God’s laws. SECTION II. The Application of the Various Phases of Magnetism In the Treatment of Disease and the Alleviation of Pain and Suffering 97 CHAPTER XXI. RHEUMATISM You will find a great many diseases called rheuma- tism. Practically all pains in the joints and muscles, especially in the lower part of the body, are classed as rheumatism. In this treatise we do not desire to differentiate be- tween the different kinds of rheumatism. They are many, each one attacking the patient in an entirely different form. For the purpose of this treatise it is well enough to class them all under one head and one form of treat- ment. In all rheumatics we recognize only one cause and when that cause is removed all rheumatic conditions re- gardless of their nature will entirely disappear. There has been as many causes given for the different kinds of rheu- matism as there have been different kinds of schools of healing. This much is a fact and must be recognized by all who think along these lines: that the old system of treatments for rheumatism has completely failed, as have some of the new systems, in a great many cases. We recognize the fact that all systems have helped in many cases, and in other words they have given temporary relief. These same persons, who were supposed to have been cured, found themselves its victims once or twice a year. This proves something seriously wrong with the system that was supposed to have cured them. 98 PERSONAL MAGNETISM When any system of treating disease does not teach the patient the cause of his attacks, that system has not rendered just service for the money that has been taken. The reason why these systems have given relief only for a short time, as they will recur again and again, they did not reach the cause of these attacks. True, by their packs and massages and various other means they were able to scatter this condition, called rheumatism, from the places where it has settled, and throw it back into the blood stream and the eliminative organs eliminated it from the system. They did not teach the patient the cause, or they could have avoided the recurrence of the disease. Until the physician teaches the patient the cause of these attacks, and shows him how he can avoid it by his method of living, he will never save the patient from future attacks. CAUSE NO. 1 The part diet plays in rheumatism is very plain to any- one who is looking for a cause that is not a germ. The diet of all rheumatics is universal. It consists usually of meat, white flour products, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, dumplings, polished rice, mashed and fried potatoes, tea, coffee, sugar, and an abundance of rich pastries. I do not believe I have seen a case of rheumatism that was not pre- ceded by this kind of diet for many months and more often years. These are purely acid-forming foods. The eliminative organs have been worked to their ut- most capacity, and found themselves utterly incapable of RESULTS OF DIET 99 handling the mass of material sent into the system, which deposited it according to the nature of the poison, in some cases in the tissues, and others in the joints. One will produce excruciating pain by moving a muscle, others will cause swelling, some cases will be accompanied by extreme fever and a multitude of other symptoms peculiar to each individual. These conditions are supposed to be due to uric acid in the blood. The patients were given freely of deadly drugs to neu- tralize these acids. Occasionally they succeeded and after a period of time the patient recovered but frequently was troubled with a serious heart condition which the doctors said was the result of rheumatism. Patients were looked upon with sympathy and pity as they were left victims of their disease when in reality the condition was not the product of the disease but of the deadly drugs given dur- ing their illness. CAUSE NO. 2 Another prominent cause of rheumatism is found in the fact that the diet mentioned in Cause No. 1, contains no real material or food for the body. This diet did noth- ing but clog the system which spent its energies in trying to eliminate the great quantities of useless material. Not receiving any material to aid it in this great work of repairing, it is forced to draw its supply from the re- serve of the system. This supply in time becomes ex- hausted when not replenished, and very frequently the 100 PERSONAL MAGNETISM system breaks because of the exhausted supply of miner- als which the system must have for its work. This is seen plainly in the fact that nearly all rheumatics are anaemic. Their line of diet contains no iron, therefore there is no material from which the system can replenish its blood. This is just as true of lime, sulphur, potassium and all other vital elements needed by the system for its daily work. This second cause is due to the lack of these minerals because of their absence in the diet consumed by all rheu- matic patients. In many cases quick recovery can be pro- duced if the patient would be given these elements in large quantities. This would strengthen the organs of the body and enable them to do the extra work placed upon them by the over-supply of acid forming foods that are con- sumed daily. The one under-lying principle of all rheumatic condi- tions is the fact that they have not only polluted their sys- tems with this food but they have robbed it of all body building material which it possessed, and thus denied its demands for new material. Examine the diet of all such patients. You will find it practically void of all body-build- ing material and consisting largely of that which is destruc- tive. When wrong foods have been consumed, extra work has been placed upon the eliminative organs which soon become weakened and impoverished and rheumatism is sure to follow. Anything that will pollute the system will produce rheumatism. Anything that will pour a mass of MENTAL CONDITIONS GOVERN 101 poison that corrupts the blood stream will cause you suf- fering sooner or later. The patient must be made to un- derstand that this condition is due to his living, and if he ever hopes to escape it and remain absolutely free, his method of living must be changed. CAUSE NO. 3 Mental conditions do a great deal to bring about many attacks of rheumatism. Many rheumatics are people who worry, who have undergone great mental strain, and whose lives have been filled with sorrow. Some have been victims of bad temper. It is not infrequent to find these cases great sufferers from rheumatism. As to how the mind can produce rheumatism is another subject for discussion. (See book on “Subconscious Mind and How to Tap It.”) I well remember having Mrs. as a rheumatic patient. She had never had an attack of rheumatism un- til after spending three months of grief over the death of her husband. Rheumatism rapidly followed and left her a cripple. The same condition is to be found here, as in those who eat incorrectly. This mental condition poured a stream of poison into the blood stream that located in the knees and drew them to an angle of about 45 degrees. PERSONAL MAGNETISM 102 TREATMENT The treatment for all rheumatic cases is the same in principle. Clean up the system. Any method of treat- ment that does not seek to bring about this one point is an utter failure in all such cases. Many cases could be cited to prove this point. My only success has been when I sought to clean the system rather than to stop the pain. Treatment should be given over the liver and kidneys daily. A thorough massage of the whole spine and the base of the brain to aid the system in creating a perfect circulation, to stimulate the eliminative organs and to bring about a healthy condition in the entire body as rapid- ly as possible is the main thing in all treatments. I would treat the liver and kidneys with the right hand in front and the left on the back. In some cases I have found it advantageous to use the left hand in front over the abdomen and the right over the kidneys, applying it first over one and then the other, also extending the right hand up and down the entire spine. Many passes may be made down over the entire body. Special passes are of great value when made over the inflamed parts. It is well in most cases to place the feet in a basin of water while giving the treatment over the body and making the passes. CAUTION NO. 1 Great caution must be used in treating rheumatic cases as an attempt to treat the parts affected will only scatter MAY AFFECT HEART 103 the poison from that part, throwing it back into the blood stream, and it may settle around the heart, pro- ducing a serious condition. I have had several cases of this kind which taught me the lesson never to treat rheu- matism locally, only in extreme cases of suffering and then it should be given only by passes made down over the affected part toward the extremities. If the patient is in bed a wet towel can be wrapped around the feet, as the poisons will always go toward water the same as in giving an electric treatment. CAUTION NO. 2 In case the treatment should scatter the poisons and they should settle around the heart, the same treatment must be given the heart. The left hand must be held directly over the heart and the right hand over the back just a little below the left. In many cases it is wise to make the hands exceedingly hot by friction and apply them over the seat of the pain. This treatment should be given indefinitely or until the pain has subsided. Many passes should be made with the hands held in the same position as held during the treatment. If you have dis- covered a tendency for these conditions to set themselves up in the region of the heart, it is always wise to treat the heart a few minutes at the beginning of every treatment given to such patients. This will prevent any unpleasant experiences. 104 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Mr. , an old soldier, came to me from the Old Soldiers’ Home at Port Orchard, Washington. He walk- ed with the aid of two crutches, his ankles and knees be- ing badly swollen. He expected me to treat his knees, as was the rule of the old systems of treatment, and was surprised that I did not treat the affected parts, but I pro- ceeded to treat the liver and kidneys with the idea of as- sisting the system in eliminating the poison that was creat- ing the rheumatic condition. While I was at my office, the nurse with her sympa- thetic heart, thought she was doing him a favor, not know- ing anything about drugless methods, by applying hot tur- pentine cloths all afternoon to his knees. On my return to the sanitarium at night I found the old soldier very jubi- lant because the nurse had so marvelously relieved his rheumatic condition. His rejoicing lasted but a short time, as the scattered poisons from the knees soon settled around his heart and became so serious that we almost despaired of his life for twenty-four hours. Treatment was given as described under Caution No. 2, which suc- ceeded in again scattering this same poison which later settled in his hands and fingers. The old man never again asked us to apply local treatments for his rheumatism. Two weeks’ magnetic treatment with the left hand in front and the right hand on the back over the kidneys complete- ly removed all of his rheumatic condition. My last knowl- edge of the old gentleman, having received a letter from him a year or so later, was that his rheumtism had never returned. FRUIT JUICES 105 DIET The diet should be one of almost a complete fast if the patient can be induced to take one. This should last for several days. In the place of foods there should be given freely of fruit juice, oranges, lemons and grape fruit, cider, grape juice, pineapple juices and the juices from any other fruits. During the continuance of the fever no food should be given whatever. Food will only add to the fever and continue it indefinitely. Fruit juices will not only neutralize but will be very cooling and destructive to the fever. Give them all they desire. Mix the juices of two oranges and one lemon without sugar or water unless it should be too strong and then add water to suit the taste. FEEDING AFTER FEVER IS GONE Begin with the vegetable waters. Boil a kettle of vege- tables, such as carrots, turnips, parsnips, greens, water cress or any other green vegetable that will not cook to pieces. Cook these for one and a half hours, drain and give the water freely to the patient. This should be given hot and if desired a little butter or milk may be added, but no salt. This is both nourishing and body building. It rapidly replaces in the system what it has so long needed. After the rheumatic condition begins to disappear combination salads can be given freely. By this line of diet you will replace the mineral salts, the absence of which has been one of the main causes of the trouble. Whole wheat bread may be eaten with solid foods. Roman 106 PERSONAL MAGNETISM meal mush for breakfast will soon take the place of all pills. During this attack the bowels should never be allowed to go over one day without moving. Use no pills of any kind. Enemas should be given daily until the effects of the roman meal and other foods can produce a natural movement of the bowels. You will find the need of the enema will soon cease as soon as you have used several meals of this mush. If there is much trouble with the bowels a quantity of bran added to this mush will be very helpful. DO NOT TREAT SWOLLEN PARTS You will better understand the meaning of this when you have had experience in handling a rheumatic case. I well remember being called to see a lady who had been confined to her bed for many months with inflammatory rheumatism. Her hands and feet were badly swollen and very painful. I was only invited in to see her as I was going to visit another patient. While sitting and diagnos- ing her case I gave a very short magnetic treatment to the affected knee and relieved her pain. She was so elated that she insisted that I give the same treatment to the other knee. This I foolishly did, then nothing would satisfy her but that the same treatment must be applied to her hands. This quickly relieved the pain and enabled her to use them quite freely. She was much surprised at the quick response and in- sisted that I should come the following day and give her BELIEVED MAGNETISM WAS EVIL 107 a treatment. But before the hour arrived for me to go and give the treatment I was notified by phone that I was not wanted. I later learned the facts that in giving these treat- ments I had done as mentioned before in this article— stirred up the poison that had settled in these joints and threw it back into the blood stream and it settled around the heart. This so frightened her that she believed that I not only possessed a great power but was positively dangerous and was afraid to have me again use it as I might kill her. These patients never stop to consider that it would be much easier to remove an acute attack than the old chronic one. She again sent for the medical doctor who had been treating her for months with no results. This condition was all brought about by applying magnetism to the affected parts and anyone who will persist in such practice is going to find serious and disastrous results following his treatments. Especially if there is any tendency for a rheumatic condition of the heart. The use of hot packs, magnetism or massage upon the affected parts is contrary to nature. Nature has deposited this surplus poison out of the way from the vital organs, by placing it in the extremities where it does the least damage, and to do anything to scatter this from these places means to throw it back into the blood stream there- by making it possible to settle in some more serious place and produce more serious conditions. One of the great troubles you will find in all of this work, is that it is absolutely new to your patient. Many 108 PERSONAL MAGNETISM will not give you time to explain or to teach them its uses but will become extremely afraid of you, believing that anyone with such power is positively dangerous. The fact that I could scatter the rheumatism from the old lady’s fingers and knees greatly impressed her but when by so doing it created other conditions that were more serious than those removed, she became fright- ened and thought it was due to evil power which I possessed. Reason did not enter into her mind or she might have known that by the same power that scattered it from the hands it could be scattered from the heart. Instead of inviting you back to complete your work, and instead of strengthening you in their opinion, you may create a condition that causes them to call in a medical man who will declare that your treatment almost killed the dear sister. Patients are slow to take up with these new ideas, thinking them positively dangerous. TIME OF RECOVERY This depends largely upon the nature of the attack, whether it is sudden or chronic, also the age of the person, the general condition of the health, the cause of the at- tack, the occupation, the environment and care, and many other things entering into the question of recovery. Do not promise quick results as the condition that produced this attack was not made in one day. Teach the principles set forth in this chapter. Illness is due to methods of living, to a corrupted blood stream, to filth, DEMAND TIME 109 and the only salvation for him is to be found in clean- ing his system. Make him believe this and he will give you time, or he will not let you begin your treatments. Have your way in the treating of the case as it is abso- lutely essential if you desire to produce results worthy of the name. Be slow in making promises as to how quickly you will effect the cures. This does not gain anything. You may not be able to keep your promise. You do not know how difficult a case you have undertaken. In many cases you may be able to produce ease and relief in one treatment but this does not mean you have effected a cure. Patients remain absolutely quiet and give the system every opportunity to eliminate poisons. Sweat baths are very beneficial as they can be given in all such cases. It is wise to soak and rub the feet daily to remove all of the dead cuticle and poisons that are deposited in the feet at this time. This will be a surprise if you have never tried it. One cannot imagine the mass of impurities thrown from the body through the feet at this time. Keep every pore open, aid the eliminative or- gans in every way possible and you will soon find results in all these cases. 110 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XXII. HEADACHES There is no form of illness more common than that of headaches. Many have become reconciled to suffer all their lives, believing that there was no cure. The use of headache tablets and anti-pain pills by the medical profes- sion is evidence of their inability to handle these cases. All such treatment tends only to overcome the effect and leave the cause unremoved. The taking of all opiates is simply hushing the cry of your system for relief. It is the overcoming of the guard. It is covering the signals of danger. So lightly do we look upon headaches that the remark is often made that “it’s only a headache; I will be alright in a short time.” These conditions will never be permanently overcome until you learn the seriousness of the cause and remove it. They will never be learned or removed until we have a different theory of disease. This is what has made all drugless methods so successful, and has roused the ire of the medical people. We have found the cause and removed it, thereby curing the cases of long standing which the medical men have often said could not be cured. The one principle to be observed by all victims of headache, is ceasing the use of all opiates, espe- cially aspirin, as its effects, as a rule, are very injurious to the heart. REMOVE CONGESTION 111 CAUSE NO. 1 CONGESTION AT THE BASE OF THE BRAIN This is revealed by the amount of soreness you will find when massaging the base of the skull. Sometimes this soreness is not to be found until after a few treat- ments have been given, when it becomes exceedingly sensitive and almost impossible to be touched. Patients insist they never had this soreness until you treated them. To them it is true, they never felt any sore- ness and were entirely unconscious of the condition that existed. The truth is that your treatment did not cause the soreness but simply brought it to the surface. The congestion was confined to the deeper muscles and was concealed from the person being treated until the massage brought it out. If your treatments caused soreness then it would get worse as you continued to treat this place, but this is not a fact. Continued treatment will soon overcome all soreness and you can massage as vigor- ously as you desire with no punishment to the patient whatever. This congestion interferes with the flow of blood from the brain, causing an over-supply of blood to remain in the head, producing the trouble. Sometimes this conges- tion impinges a nerve which terminates in various parts of the head and produces the pain. When treating the base of the brain oftentimes you reproduce their old chronic headaches. This shows that you have touched the place that is responsible for the 112 PERSONAL MAGNETISM headaches. Others have always treated the part which pained, when in reality that was only an effect, while the cause was at the base of the brain, and remained untreated. This treatment has stopped and permanently cured nearly all headaches, where there were no other serious complications. Sometimes it is well to make passes down over the head and body. Other times it is well to let the head lie in the two hands held at each side of the base of the brain, but not touching each other in the back. This will relax the muscles, quiet the nerves and produce a nor- mal condition, which will aid materially in overcoming the headache. CAUSE NO. 2. LIVER If the face is very red, it is always advisable to ex- amine the liver to see if there is an enlargement or any other trouble. If this should be found to exist there is but one treatment to be given, and that is the regular treat- ment at the base of the brain to remove whatever condi- tion you find, and then treat the liver as directed. (See Treatment for Liver.) CAUSE NO. 3. STOMACH TROUBLES Gas on the stomach is one of the most common causes and usually follows a meal. For all chronic cases there is only one remedy, stop the gas-producing foods. When that is done there is no trouble in stopping the headaches. Sour stomachs, filled with the most rank acid, will dis- tend the stomach or abdomen and produce many head- LOCATE THE CAUSE 113 aches that can never be remedied by treating the head. True, temporary relief may be given and should be if pos- sible, but the important thing in these cases is the correc- tion of the patients’ diet. CAUSE NO. 4. EYES Eye strain is one of the common causes of headaches. Many a person is suffering from headaches which a pair of glasses would completely remove. No one should force his eyes to labor if it produces such conditions. Visit the oculist at once. If treatments can be given to overcome this condition and strengthen the eyes so that glasses are not needed, then this should be done, but not force the eyes to work without glasses if they are needed. CAUSE NO. 5. NERVOUSNESS Many persons are subject to extreme headaches pro- duced by a state of nervousness, worry, excitement and anger. The only treatment for this is to remove the cause as near as possible and give a general treatment with magnetism to quiet the nervous system. A massage at the base of the skull and the whole spine will help. Make many passes over the whole body. Complete rest will do as much as anv other treatment for headaches caused from nervousness. CAUSE NO. 6. OVER STIMULATION This means that something has caused too much heart stimulation. It is your business to locate this cause 114 PERSONAL MAGNETISM and to remove it. It is usually found in something eaten or drunk. It is usually coffee or tea, or both. They affect the heart which sends a large quantity of blood to the head causing the headache. Sometimes, headache is caused by the absence of these stimulants, their use hav- ing become habit. This is very noticeable in those who try to stop the habit of using these stimulants. They are frequently ex- treme sufferers from attacks while making this fight for freedom. In some cases the effects are so serious that the tongue and lips will swell and extreme weakness and ex- haustion nearly overcome them. They must be allowed a small portion of their old stimulant while you are treating to overcome these evil effects. A general treatment is very essential in all such cases. If anyone questions the evil effects of either tea or coffee let him read our book entitled “Food Facts and Values.” CAUSE NO. 7. REFLEX HEADACHES This class of headaches are usually caused by a female trouble. A misplaced uterus or extreme suffering through the generative organs will often produce severe head- aches. If treatment can be given to bring temporary re- lief it is always better to give it, but for permanent relief the treatment of these organs is the only hope. (See Chapter on Female Troubles.) PROTEIN POISONING 115 CAUSE NO. 8. BILIOUS HEADACHES These headaches are usually detected from other headaches by the coated tongue, bad taste in the mouth, yellow complexion, blues and despondency. One often despises himself and everybody else. Fever may accom- pany these conditions. This condition is nothing more or less than a case of protein poisoning. The first thing to do in all such cases is to eliminate all animal foods, in- cluding eggs and milk. The liver should be well treated with the right hand in front and the left on the back for at least a half hour or longer each day. The whole spine should be thoroughly massaged. The colon should be cleansed daily with an enema, a complete fast will do as much to bring about a quick cure as any other treatment given. If there should be an over secretion of bile then it is well to use the left hand in the front over the gall bladder and the right on the back. In all of these cases one must use his judgment as to the form of treatment for it is very difficult to find any headache that has not a number of different causes back of it. Look well into the method of living, also the conduct and environment, there you may find a cause that has never been detected, when removed a permanent cure will be effected. 116 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XXIII. HAY FEVER This disease, like asthma, has been very difficult to cure. The medical profession has seen nothing but the discharging nose, the watery eyes, the sneezing. They ac- cuse the pollen of the flowers and weeds and the dust from animals as the reason for this condition, when in fact these things never have, and never will produce a case of hay fever. We must look beyond such causes. The same cause that is found in asthma is found in many cases of hay fever. There are other causes in connection with hay fever that are not found in connection with asthma. In all cases similar to that of asthma we would refer you to the chapter on asthma concerning treatment and diet. The new cause which we believe to be of importance, which we mention specifically in this article, is the influ- ence of the prostate gland. This may at first seem too far from the trouble to play any part in such a disease. There has never been found a cause for hay fever and I maintain that the reason for the failure is that doctors have always treated symptoms. So-called hay fever is only an effect and is not curable by any local treatment as the experiences of multitudes will verify. Many experiences are at hand to convict the prostate gland as being the real cause in many cases. My reason for believing that it plays one of the most active parts in SEXUAL INDULGENCE 117 hay fever in all cases, is because of the wide influence it has, especially over the face. What may cause this gland to become affected is quite another matter. It may have been injured by venereal diseases in earlier life or it may have been weakened through self abuse or by over sexual indulgence. In all male cases that I have ever investigated, I found that their hay fever was worse the morning after having indulged in intercourse the night before. Their recovery has been rapid when they refrained from all sexual indul- gences and were treated to strengthen or to quiet if this gland was irritated and inflamed. I have found in the giv- ing of enemas, many will sneeze violently, and the nose discharge freely, showing that when some pressure or irritation is placed upon the gland the nose responds freely. All are familiar with the influence of these generative organs on the voice of the male at the time of entering manhood. How soon the beard begins to grow, the voice and expression of the whole face changes. What has done this? Nothing but the influence of the generative organs undergoing a change. I would not attempt to give you a complete discussion of this subject, but only mention the above to show you another cause, and a center for treatment that has worked wonderful results in many cases. It is worth your time to give it some study and observation. It can do no harm to treat these organs in such cases. The treatment should be the same as that of piles or the bladder trouble. If there is extreme soreness the left big finger should be in- 118 PERSONAL MAGNETISM serted with the right hand on top of the abdomen. A thorough massage of the muscles at the base of the brain and the whole spine will be very helpful. Treat the liver and kidneys as you would in cases of asthma. Remove all acid forming foods. A fast of a few days will greatly help. All stimulants, such as coffee, tea and condiments of all kinds must be eliminated. Insert the right big finger into the rectum nearly full length and press upward toward the front, there you will feel this gland. Hold the hand in an upright position with the palm toward the top of the body. Sit at the right side of the patient who will be lying on his back. Continue this treatment for about thirty minutes daily for an in- definite length of time. In some cases it is wise to treat with the left hand internally and the right on top, especial- ly if it should be swollen or tender. It is wise to make many passes down over the body as described in chapter on passes. Give special attention to the eyes and nose, allow nothing to irritate them. Keep the patient quiet as pos- sible and away from all conditions that would excite the sexual organs. They are easily congested as a result of excitement, and when the patient comes in contact with anything of this character, it seriously affects his recovery. They are overly sensitive and nothing should be allowed to excite them. The treatment as described, with the diet, described for asthma, will quickly relieve the sensitive condition of the nose and eyes and produce a cure if you will persist INFLUENCE OF GENERATIVE ORGANS 119 in your efforts. Here, as in all other cases, you must in- sist on time, as that is one of the main factors in all cures. It is well to remember that all we have had to say about the effects of the generative organs over the face and nose in the male, is just as true with females. In all cases of hay fever in women it is well to treat the female organ to remove all tenderness or soreness. Our experi- ences with women have been the same as with men. Many cases could be cited to show how quickly discharges from the nose and eyes ceased when the womb and ovaries were treated. This truth is made clear to all when they recall the fact that women’s eyes water freely before or during the menstrual period. 120 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XXIV. PROSTATE GLAND There are many ailments that have called for many different kinds of treatment, but none has been more baffling than that of the prostate gland. The mission of the prostate gland, its effect and in- fluence over the body has possibly never been fully un- derstood. The many different symptoms it can produce in various parts of the body has never been fully realized. My experience in treating this gland has been a revel- ation in many cases. There have been numbers of occa- sions to treat this gland because of the consciousness, on the part of the patient, of its diseased condition, and to my surprise as well as the patient’s to find other ailments rapidly disappear. This is made very plain in the case of chronic lumbago, or pain through the top of the hips and down the limbs which is usually called lumbago or sciatica. All kinds of treatments have been given to the lumbar vertebrae and muscles and nerves. Chiropractors have adjusted their spines, and osteopaths have massaged, med- ical doctors have rubbed on their ointments, but all to no avail. When magnetism was applied to this gland it was interesting to see how rapidly the so-called chronic lum- bago and sciatica disappeared. The same thing is true of locomotor ataxia. This is well known to be an incurable disease in the most cases, yet I have seen it fade away under two or three weeks’ IMPROVES EYESIGHT 121 treatment by magnetism. Its far-reaching effect over the body, when once understood, may cause a revolution in our treatment of many other diseases. We can not un- derstand why certain conditions exist and all treatments applied have failed. It is possible that this gland may be producing these conditions, and like many other cases we have devoted all our time to treating an effect. One of the most astonishing things that I have dis- covered in the treatment of the prostate gland has been the rapid improvement of eyesight. How it affects the eyes I do not know. The same is true in cases of hay fever and catarrh, the discharge rapidly ceased. I do not need to produce much evidence to prove to you that this gland materially affects the face, involves the throat, eyes and nose. When does the voice of the young boy change, when does the beard start to grow, when does his whole face take on a complete change and he begins to look like a man? It is when these generative organs undergo a complete change. See how quickly the masturbator marks his face. Sexual dissipation dulls the eye, droops the shoulders and marks its lines of old age on the entire face. I believe it is one of the most important glands in the whole body. I believe that one is old or young, strong or weak, vigorous or lifeless in keeping with the condition of this prostate gland. It is a source of much aggrava- tion and annoyance to many men in their later years. Its location is such that it interferes with the free passage of 122 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the urine. As this gland becomes swollen, as it does in many cases, it impinges the neck of the bladder and pre- vents the free passing of the urine which results in the use of a catheter in a great many cases. Many cases of blad- der trouble are nothing but cases of inflamed prostatic gland. You make no mistake in treating this gland for any disease of the hips, small of the back, face, throat, eyes and nose. TREATMENT The treatment is very simple. If it should be extreme- ly sore, the left finger should be inserted in the rectum against this gland, holding the right hand on top of the abdomen a part of the time and the remaining time on the back. In other cases where it seems to be atrophied the opposite treatment should be given with the right big finger inserted, using the left on the abdomen or the small of the back. Sometimes these glands become very hard and will require a large amount of massage to soften. Always be gentle, and only massage a short time. The magnetic treatment can continue for twenty or thirty minutes. Care must be exercised or you will produce injury to the rectum and create piles, which will prevent you from treating internally. In such cases let the patient rest for a few days or reverse your hands and seek to remove the soreness from the rectum. One of the first results that is usually noticed as a product of your treatment is the effect it has upon one’s AFFECTS SEXUAL POWERS 123 passions. It will either increase or decrease it. There are many cases where the party thinks he is very strong sexually, when it is due to an irritation of this gland. The proper treatment given will quickly remove this irrita- tion and the passion will cease. In many of these cases the patient will think you have injured him. It is your business, understanding this fact, to instruct him as to the truth concerning these things. In other cases they will note a rapid increase in sexual powers. In the first case the patient will become blue and despondent, while in the last case they will become extremely jubilant and must be warned against sexual indulgence at that time. They must be taught the necessity of complete rest and if they desire good and permanent results they must refrain from all sexual relations until these organs have regained their normal strength. PERSONAL MAGNETISM 124 CHAPTER XXV. PARALYSIS Paralysis is another of the diseases which is so dreaded by old people, and which belongs particularly to old age. Every person feels that the end is near when he becomes its victim, yet many paralytics live several years and die with some other trouble. The teachings of all systems have been that the presence of paralysis implies the deterioration and breaking down of the arteries. They make the cause due to deteriorated arteries, and that the break in the brain, producing the paralysis, was due to the condition of these blood vessels. It is very interesting to note that these so-called de- teriorated blood vessels do not break in other parts of the body as they do in the head. If they are so deteri- orated, why do they not break in the hands where great strain is placed upon them? Why does breaking usually take place inside of the brain? But in this lies the real secret of the cause of paralysis. True, it is due to the clot of blood on the brain, but that which made the artery break is the cause that must be found if we are to cure or prevent a stroke. You can easily see the effect or the condition change in the hand or foot if a string be tied around the upper part of the limb. This string pre- vents the free flow of blood from these parts, causing a congestion in the limb that is very noticeable, and if NEW THEORY FOR PARALYSIS 125 persisted in long enough will produce a bursting of the blood vessel or some other serious condition. Here is my theory as to one of the main causes of paralysis: Something has interfered with the free exit of blood from the head. This condition is produced by some congestion or contraction that prevents the blood from leaving as rapidly as it enters. This is usually due to the congestion found at the base of the skull. That which has marked my practice with the greatest success in paralytic cases has followed the removal of this con- gestion. Many cases could be cited. A whole book could be written to prove the truthfulness of this conges- tion being one of the main causes of paralysis. Mr. , seventy years of age, came to me. He was unable to walk, except by the aid of a person on each side and with two canes. Doctors had pronounced his case hopeless and that it would be only a short time until he would have a fatal stroke. Hardening of the arteries was the main cause given. He had two or three sinking spells daily and the family expected him to soon pass away. He weighed about 275 pounds. The first treatment at the base of the brain was accompanied by a period of unconsciousness or sinking which lasted several minutes. This treatment removed all of these attacks. Treatments were given daily, with a thorough massage of the spine and a treatment of the liver and kidneys, by magnetism, with the right hand in front and the left on the back. The head was well treated with magnetism, with the left hand on top and the 126 PERSONAL MAGNETISM right in back, and then the left hand was applied to the back of the neck and the right at the small of the back. Many passes were made down over the whole head and body. Later, numbers of electric blanket sweats were given. His diet was controlled as far as possible as he was a very hearty eater. His recovery was rapid and complete. Later he spent two years in the shipyards in Seattle, and was enjoying the best of health. Mr. — was stricken with paralysis. His left side was absolutely helpless. The blood had settled down over the top of his right eyelid, leaving it heavily blood- shot, showing the fact of an actual break of a blood vessel. This condition was quickly removed by massage and magnetic treatments, as mentioned above, and in less than ten days he was able to use his hand and foot per- fectly. Dr. —, a man of seventy, was stricken with par- alysis on the right side, which involved his speech. Three weeks’ treatment, as described above, put the doctor back in his office, where he has been entirely free from all symptoms of paralysis at the writing of this article, five years later. Mr. , who was paralyzed and unable to use his right hand, and dragged his limb badly, was quickly cured by the same treatment, with the exception of the bulk of the treatment being placed over the liver, where a large growth, which had formed and interfered with the flow of the blood to the extremities, sending it to the AN INTERESTING CASE 127 head, produced this condition. As the lump disappeared his paralysis likewise disappeared. One of the most interesting cases that I have ever had was that of a lady in middle life, who was paralyzed and confined to the hospital at Chehalis, Washington. She weighed possibly 200 pounds or more. Upon the request of her sister I went to Chehalis to help bring her to our sanatarium in Seattle. I found her in the condi- tion described and, in addition to this, she was delirious, not even knowing her sister. Her left hand and foot were tied to the back of the bed to keep her from falling on the floor. The medical attendant did not know that I was a phy- sician and proceeded to show me where the trouble was located in the brain, and the possibility of an operation, but with the chances much against her. His advice was that she should be taken to Steilacoom, the insane asy- lum, and there kept until her death. She was placed on a stretcher and taken to Seattle. We began applying our treatments according to our theory as to the cause of paralysis. The base of the brain was well treated with magnetism and massage, but the majority of the treatment was given over the abdo- men, which was very large and distended, and caused her great pain. The recovery was nothing less than marvel- ous to all who knew the case, for within three weeks’ time she was able to walk down stairs to the dining room and never had a return symptom up to the time she was killed in an automobile accident several years later. 128 PERSONAL MAGNETISM The one universal law, employed in all of these cases, was that of removing the cause that kept this large quantity of blood in the brain. There have been few cases that we have not been able to cure. The diet given these patients has been universal. All solid food was removed and large quantities of fruit juices or vegetable waters given freely. Enemas were given daily to insure cleanliness of the colon, to remove any possible weight or obstruction from that source. Plenty of water was given at all times. All stimulants such as tea, coffee, salt, pepper or any other spices or condiments were withheld. When food is given it may consist of vegetable soups, combination salads, fruits, nuts, whole-wheat breads, soaked prunes and figs, uncooked and unsweetened, dates and raisins or any other fruit that is desired. SURROUNDINGS All excitement must be absolutely avoided. Nothing must be permitted that will produce any degree of worry, and everything should be done to remove any worry that might be existing. Caution must be taken not to oppose them or produce any temper as it might be serious. The necessity of this was very clearly demonstrated by a Mr. , who had a stroke in the afternoon. I was sent for in the evening and found he was not in bed, but sit- ting in a chair with his right side helpless and speech gone. After getting him to bed, we endeavored to treat him and he objected. He was one of those men who was all-wise, no one else knowing anything. However, EFFECTS OF MIND 129 we prevailed upon him to take the treatment. Speech rapidly returned. After the second treatment his hand became perfectly normal, as well as the speech. On at- tempting to give him the third treatment he protested and swore violently and became extremely angry. Needless to say, the treatment was not given, his reasons being that he was well and did not need any more doctors, al- though his right limb was still helpless. I had left the place only a few hours when he received another stroke and died soon after. This shows you the necessity of absolute quietness and caution in the care of a paralytic. 130 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XXVI. ASTHMA All are familiar with the symptoms of asthma. Noth- ing can be more annoying, and punishing and yet be accompanied with as little danger, as asthma. It num- bers its victims by the tens of thousands. It has baffled all medical science. No honest medical physician ever claimed to have any remedy for it. The best that can be done is the inhaling of certain smokes and fumes that will relax the air passages. Possibly no disease has more remedies advertised in various papers. Its victims are easy prey for those who would impose upon such suf- ferers. This, like all other diseases, is nothing but an effect, and all treatment applied to the air passages is only treat- ing an effect and doing nothing to remove the cause. This will explain why no remedy has been found. When we can learn that this wheezing or asthmatic condition is only an effect and look elsewhere for the cause, we will not be long in discovering a remedy. The cause will be visible and of such a nature that the remedy will be easily discovered and applied. While I recognize the various causes taught by the various schools of healing, I have found that about two causes constitute the reasons for asthma in the larger majority of cases. The chiropractors insist upon adjust- ing the vertebrae, others will insist upon various other NEW CAUSE FOR ASTHMA 131 causes, but in my practice I have found that nearly all cases can be classed under two distinct causes. LIVER TROUBLE The liver plays an active part in a great mass of cases. When you once realize how the liver can produce this condition your examination of the liver will be the first thing considered when you are called to see an asth- matic patient. I have found the larger percentage of all such cases suffering from a very large, swollen or con- gested liver. This condition, by pressing back against the descending arteries, preventing the free flow of blood to the lower extremities, retains the blood in the upper part of the body, the lungs coming in for their share of the over supply. This sets up a congestion which soon makes the air passages over-sensitive to all cold air, dust, various pollens from the vegetable kingdom, and a multi- tude of other conditions. This furnishes the explanation why asthmatic patients suffer more at night than during the day. This is the reason why they suffer less in a warm climate than in a cold one. The cold air is more irritating to them than the milder air; the air passages, being over sensitive, become easily inflamed, soon creating an acute condi- tion which causes the difficult breathing. All treatments to relax and remove this inflammation of the air passages have failed to produce a permanent cure. The reason is they have not found what has made these air passages congested and inflamed. Our theory, 132 PERSONAL MAGNETISM as stated above, is that congestion of the liver, or any other cause that would distend the abdomen and shut off the free flow of blood to the extremities, will produce this condition, and when this cause is removed asthmatic sufferers will soon find permanent relief. All anyone must do to prove the truthfulness of this theory is to witness the sufferings of an asthmatic patient, note the distended blood vessels in his forehead, note the congestion in his hands and oftentimes the flushed face as well as his cold feet and limbs. Note the position in which he sits to get the most relief. Examine the right side and note the extreme soreness and tenderness that exists. The treatment of such cases is the same as given in the chapter for liver trouble. The right hand should be applied to the liver and the left on the back unless in cases of extreme suffering and soreness, the opposite treatment should be given, until all soreness and suffering has ceased. These treatments should be applied daily, and if the case is serious, twice daily. The diet should be almost a complete fast. If the patient should insist upon food then give freely of orange and lemon juices, or the vegetable waters that have been drained from vegetables cooked at least an hour and a half. No bulky substance must be given as this would add to the crowded condition of the abdomen and increase the already existing troubles instead of diminishing them. If possible a thorough massage of the base of the brain and NEARLY 100 PER CENT CURES 133 the spine is of great value. An enema should ge given daily. » Hot applications should be applied to the feet or do anything else that would assist in drawing the blood to the lower part of the body if you desire quick results. All stimulants should be removed, including tea, coffee, and chocolate. These serve to excite the heart and to clog the liver which means prolonged suffering for the patient. In fact a complete fast will be of great value to the patient for one or two days or longer if in condition to sustain it. Asthmatics should be kept absolutely quiet. The room should be filled with pure air, but warm at all times. Never allow a patient who has any trouble of this nature to breathe cold air, as it only irritates the parts that are already seriously inflamed. If you will adhere closely to the above method of treat- ment you will usually find excellent results within 24 hours and possibly sooner. Continue these treatments daily or twice daily as the case may need, until the liver is absolutely normal and all signs of the asthma has dis- appeared. I have never seen this fail in any case of asthma where there was a large liver or a distended abdomen. CHANGE OF CLIMATE NEVER CURES ASTHMA Change of climate never cures asthma. What it does is to remove the thing that produces the irritation to the al- ready over sensitive air passages, but it never removes the cause that makes the air passages sensitive. True, they 134 PERSONAL MAGNETISM may change climate and be absolutely free from asthma until they supposedly wear out the climate. This is the reason why many patients can be absolutely free while living in a new place, but can never return to the old place without again suffering from asthma. If he were well of asthma in this other climate he could go back and be free from it in the place where he once had it, but his change did not cure him. It only removed the irritation of those parts, and as soon as he goes back to his former abiding place his asth- ma returns, showing that the same sensitive condition re- mains and all it needed to show itself was something that would produce an irritation to the always over sensitive air passages. Mrs. who has been suffering from asthma for a number of days, decided upon drugless methods and I was sent for. Upon examination I found every condition as I have described in the beginning of this article. She was sitting up in bed, feet and limbs cold to her body, arms cold to her shoulders, and in a very serious condition. The treatments were given as described above and within three days she was absolutely easy and out of bed, having found great relief after the first treatment. I have had many cases of asthma but found no exceptions to the above rules where there was an enlarged liver or a dis- tended abdomen. MENTAL CONDITIONS Space will not permit me to give an extensive treatise on the subject of mental treatments for asthma, however, POWER OF THOUGHT 135 it is essential that you should have some conception as to the mind being one of the great factors in producing asth- ma. True this work does not belong rightly in a treatise on magnetism, but that the possessor of this book might be better qualified to handle all cases coming under his observation, we include this small article on the subject of mental treatments. Possibly no disease is more easily produced by sugges- tion than asthma. It would be very difficult to make any asthmatic believe that he was the victim of thought. It would not be wise to attempt such a thing if you desire to keep his friendship. Nevertheless, it is just as true whether he is informed of the fact or not. A number of very interesting cases have come under my observation in which suggestion proved to be the only remedy ever applied that produced permanent results. Rev. came to me from Yakima, Washington. For 25 years he had been a continuous sufferer of asthma. He was induced by his pastor to try suggestive treatments, but had absolutely no faith whatever in the system. It is sufficient to say that after six suggestive treatments his asthma entirely disappeared and has never returned. Later on his wife, while visiting in Seattle, came to my office to thank me for what I had done for her home, in not only saving her money, but ridding her home of smoke and ashes. Mr. , who with his wife were attending my lec- tures given in a certain town in Western Washington where I was teaching these principles. Mr. had been 136 PERSONAL MAGNETISM suffering from asthma for many years and was forced to leave their home in the care of his wife and spend most of his time in Montana, because of his asthmatic condition. One night while lecturing upon the subject of sugges- tive treatments, I offered to treat someone to demonstrate the method of applying suggestion. Knowing that this gentleman was a great sufferer of asthma, I requested that he come forward as the subject to receive the sample treat- ment. This was repeated for three nights in succession before the class. I have been in touch with the gentleman for a number of years and to my knowledge he has never had another attack of asthma after the first treatment. (See book on Subconscious Mind and How to Apply It.) Many cases of this kind could be repeated, but this is sufficient to show you the necessity of an understanding of the power of suggestion in handling many cases of asthma. With a combined knowledge of suggestion and magnetism along with the proper diet, there are but few if any cases which will not respond to your treatment. Patience and persistency will win you success if you can succeed in impressing the patient, with his part in making the cure permanent. Show him that his living has produced this condition in his liver, and if he would make the benefit of these treatments permanent, and would be forever rid of that which has haunted his life like a ghost, he must forever obey the laws that govern his body. 137 CHAPTER XXVII. EYES There is no portion of the body that is as delicate and must be treated with more consideration than the eye. Magnetism has proved to be one of the most valuable methods of treatment, because of its mild yet penetrating nature. There is no remedy known that can treat the back of the eye ball. This is the reason why magnetism is so extremely beneficial in all eye cases. There is no inflamma- tion that magnetism will not remove. The condition of the eye must govern the application of your magnetism. It is very difficult to describe accurately how every case should be treated, as the conditions underlying the various cases may be vastly different. Some of the great- est surprises of my many years of practice has been the results that have followed the treatment of eyes. INFLAMED EYES In various parts of this work there are references as to how I treated numbers of cases of inflamed eyes. There are but few ways to treat inflammation. Employ the use of the left hand on the eye and the right hand at the back of the head, and in some cases on the top of the head. Keep the hands well moistened and treat all highly inflamed cases daily or more often if the case should be extremely severe. Sometimes it is of great importance to use the tips of the fingers made very hot by friction and 138 PERSONAL MAGNETISM place them, while still hot, on the inflamed part of the eye. In case this does not stop the pain in a short time it is wise to use the right hand for a short time on the eye and then return to the use of the left. This is extremely profitable in the treatment of in- flamed eyes due to an irritation from some particle that has cut and irritated the delicate lining of the eye-lids. One treatment will usually bring perfect relief, not how- ever, instantly, but a few hours after the treatment has been given. Always give your treatment time to take effect. This is very essential as you will not secure in- stantaneous results in many cases. GROWTH ON EYES Mr. was injured by a cinder from a threshing machine striking the left eye-ball over twenty years be- fore. The accident caused a growth, beginning from the inside corner of the left eye and extending over the en- tire pupil. This growth was so thick that it could be pinched with the fingers. Treatment given in this case was by the use of the right big finger on this growth and the left on the back of the head. This treatment was continued daily for fifty days; during this time the change was very noticeable. The growth becoming thinner. At the end of fifty days it had entirely disappeared and his vision was restored to normal. During the treatment of this case there was a very interesting feature that was never noticeable in any other case. After treating him a MAGNETISM CONTROLS CIRCULATION 139 number of times the eye-ball would become exceedingly red during each treatment, and one day while treating he remarked that all the pictures on the wall appeared to be red each day I treated; finally everything appeared red. This, to my mind, proved conclusively that magnetism actually drew blood into the part being treated. This is of great value to prove the power of magnetism to affect the circulation. No one can disbelieve in the power of magnetism to control the circulation except those who have never experienced it. In this case there was no pressure placed upon the eye that should have caused this redness, there was no massage, nothing but the contact of the finger with that piece of flesh, yet this simple method entirely removed that which had for twenty years obstructed his vision. CATARACTS Cataracts are very difficult to cure as it takes much time. It is not wise to begin any of these extreme cases when they will not agree to give you two or three months time. If you can produce a cure in that time, or less it is alright, but if you cannot it is all wrong to take them for a trial treatment. This principle is true in nearly all cases but especially so in cataract. It means the drawing of the blood into these parts to absorb the deposit which has formed the cataract. It means the restoration of a perfect circula- tion through the eye. This treatment I would give by holding the fingers 140 PERSONAL MAGNETISM of the right hand, and in many cases making it exceed- ingly warm by friction, on the affected eye, and the left hand on the back of the head. I would also massage well the whole base of the brain, removing any congestion found in that region. It is always advisable to use a magnifying glass at the very beginning to learn the real condition of the cataract and be able to note any change in its appearance. It is also advisable for several to see the eye at the first so they can confirm your statements as to its improvements. All such cases should be treated daily, and, if possible, twice daily. The general health should be cared for by treating the liver and kidneys. The diet should be along the lines as those mentioned for all other diseases. BLINDNESS I have been asked to treat a number of cases of blind- ness. There have been but few that have not responded. This, like any other disease, you are asked to treat when all other systems have failed. If you are not able to bring results in a few treatments they declare your sys- tem is a failure. Mrs. had been blind in both eyes, following a case of confinement, one eye having regained its normal condition, but the other eye four years later was still sightless. Six weeks’ treatment with the right hand on the eye and the left at the back and part of the time re- versing, every other day treatments brought the eye back to normal. INTERESTING CASES 141 Mrs. —, who had been blind for one year and a half from over consumption of wood alcohol, came to me for treatment. The treatment was given daily with the right hand in front for several days and then the left on the front, for thirty minutes each, completely restored her sight in ten days. Mr. was totally blind in his right eye with the exception of a faint ray of light that entered from the corner of the eye. It showed no sign of cataract and the reason for his blindness was unknown to all specialists who had examined him. One month’s treatment, given twice a day, restored the eye to almost normal condition. This was given by applying the right hand twice daily in front, and the left on the back. Miss , a school teacher, had a hemorrhage that clouded the optic nerve, making it possible only to see one word in a line or one finger on her hand. By the application of magnetism this blood clot was dissolved and the entire vision restored. This covered a period of daily treatments for six weeks by applying the right hand over the eye and left on the back. Some cases it is well to reverse the hands occasionally. EYE STRAINS There is no one treatment I have found that has been more beneficial to the eyes than that of the application of the big finger and thumb held at the base of the nose, pushed up well underneath the eyebrows in the inner 142 PERSONAL MAGNETISM corners of the eyes, and the left hand on the soft spot of the head. The fingers and hands should be kept well moistened in all of these cases. By this system of treatment I have been able to remove a great many very distressing feel- ings, headaches and bad conditions of the eyes. Sometimes the treatment must be given just the opposite as here described, using the right hand where you had the left and the left where you had the right. Sometimes many passes with the moistened fingers from the corners of the eyes out over the outer corners back toward the ears produces a very soothing effect. If there is any tendency to blurred vision one of these two treatments will be found very helpful. 143 CHAPTER XXVIII. EPILEPSY Epilepsy, like many other diseases, is classed as in- curable. Its victims feel their helplessness. No hope is held out to the unfortunate ones. Medical doctors never have been able to locate the cause of these attacks. We believe the reason why it has never been success- fully handled or treated is due to the fact of their failure to locate the cause. All their efforts have been made toward effecting the brain, therefore they have resorted to the use of bromides and heavy drugs to prevent these attacks. My experience with these cases has convinced me of the truthfulness of the theory that the cause is not in the brain, but that some condition exists which affects the circulation through the brain, producing these con- vulsions. Many a person is living under the thought that there is something wrong with his brain because of the pres- ence of epilepsy, when in fact there is nothing wrong with him, except gas on the stomach or intestines, or intestinal irritation of some character. Some people have various intestinal troubles and the brain is the first place affected. This is seen in babies. It does not imply that that baby has brain trouble because it has a convul- sion. Why should it imply that an adult has brain trou- ble because he has convulsions? 144 PERSONAL MAGNETISM I once purchased an old people’s home, to be con- verted into a sanatarium, and in making this purchase we assumed the care of several old people. Among them was an old Methodist preacher, 85 years of age, who had been subject to epilepsy most of his life. As soon as we took charge of the place we at once inaugurated our system of diet and they were fed accord- ingly. The old gentleman was having these attacks fre- quently; suffered from constipation, and as a result was taking epsom salts three or four times a week. His body was covered with eczema. The changing of the diet was very soon noticeable in his general condition of health. There was no more occasion for his frequent doses of epsom salts. While we remained in this institution, which was nearly two years, the old gentleman never suffered with another attack and never took another dose of purgative medicine. Some might say that this was just a coincidence, if the story ended here, which it does not. The place was sold and the other parties took charge, assuming the re- sponsibility for the care of the old people. This man had no faith in any of our theories of diet. We visited the place four months later, only to find the old man again suffering with his epileptic fits. Coffee had been re-added to the menus as well as the white flour products and other acid-forming foods. The old gentleman soon passed away, which I believe was due wholly to the food given him. IMPURITIES PRODUCE EPILEPSY 145 Another very interesting case of epilepsy was that of a young girl about ten years of age. This case, like all others, proved to the unbiased mind that epilepsy is only a product instead of an effect. They moved into Eastern Washington and lived out upon the irrigating ditches. The weather was hot. The drinking water was bad and conditions were not favorable to sustain good health, especially to those moving from Puget Sound, where they knew no extremes in climate. The girl soon became infected with something which the doctors termed itch. She suffered for many months, although using all applications imaginable with little or no avail. This condition became very bad on her fore- arms, the doctor pronouncing it eczema. After several months of this condition they succeeded in drying it up. Immediately following its disappear- ance, large blue boils appeared on her limbs, which were very painful. Several of these were lanced, but there was very little discharge. After several months the boils grad- ually disappeared and with their disappearance her con- vulsions followed. She had been a sufferer from epilepsy for several years. This case was extremely interesting, owing to the rapid succession of these ailments. After she had eczema and itch, and they were driven back into the system, was it not the same poison which produced what she had later? Why should the heavy, blue boils follow the drying up of the eczema? Why should the blue boils be followed by convulsions? There is only one explanation: her system 146 PERSONAL MAGNETISM was so filled with this position that it sought every possible avenue for elimination but failed. They succeeded in driving it back into the system each time. At last it finally settled upon the liver and intestines and produced a highly inflamed condition of these organs. When anything was eaten that would irri- tate these already over-sensitive parts convulsions would soon follow to the extent of four or five a day. This case was easily and quickly handled by a treat- ment of the liver and abdomen and removing all irritating and acid-forming foods. Her gain in weight, appearance, strength and condition of her nervous system was very rapid. Another case of epilepsy in a young woman, possibly thirty years of age, came under my observation, which was very interesting. This was the story she told me as to the cause of the convulsions and what she could do to ward off these attacks: She had been in the habit of taking calomel and when- ever she felt any tendency to a sluggish condition or any other symptom she could interpret as a possibility of an approach or attack she would take heavy doses of calomel. All sj/mptoms would disappear and she could con- tinue to control her epileptic attacks by the continued use of calomel. She recognized the fact that an active liver and a thorough purging of her bowels would prevent their recurrence. Here we have in this patient that which has marked practically all cases I have ever been asked to treat. The EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED 147 cause lies in the region of the liver and intestines. Any treatment that will produce a normal condition of the bowels, a normal purging of the system, will cure the majority of cases. If anyone who is a victim of this disease should read this chapter, I trust he will not look upon himself as being the victim of a brain disease, but as one who has a bad liver or an intestinal trouble, or both, and will banish the thought from his mind that his brain is affected. I realize the depressing and crushing effect of such a thought held by anyone. I trust that they who read this book will let these facts drive forever from their horizon such clouds of threatening storms as they may have pic- tured for their future. You can be absolutely cured of epilepsy if you will eat the foods your system needs, and with the proper use of magnetism to aid the organs in their mission of assim- ilating and eliminating. Remember this, that your road to health lies in your method of living. While calomel may produce a purging and give you temporary relief, you are only again remov- ing the effect and every time you apply this deadly method you are only weakening these organs that are already diseased. Three things should never be used in your method of cure. They are calomel, epsom salts and castor oil. Many convulsions have followed these purgatives, and they never have been charged with the deed. (See Chapters on Convulsions and Calomel.) They have no place in 148 PERSONAL MAGNETISM your system and the effects, while apparently helpful at the time, are extremely destructive when you persist in their use. In your efforts to rid yourself of the disease never use a remedy that will establish another condition worse than the one from which you are trying to free yourself. 149 CHAPTER XXIX. TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis, like cancer, is one of the dreaded enemies of mankind. With all their science physicians have not dis- covered a medicinal remedy. Every cough, every bad complexion and emaciated condition suggests to its posses- sor the possibilities of tuberculosis. The one fear that hangs over multitudes of people is that of tuberculosis. Millions have died with it; millions have it at the present time, and millions will continue to have it until they adopt new methods of living and treatment. The reason for their failure in finding a remedy is due to the fact that they have not yet an established theory as to the cause for tuberculosis. Until that is established, there never will be found a successful remedy. Civiliza- tion is waiting and anxious for any information on this subject that will lead to the discovery of a remedy. In this treatise we will give our experience and the method of treating this disease. If it brings any light, hope and health or relief we will be glad to make this con- tribution for the benefit of those who are seeking freedom from its blighting effects. Our theory has been based wholly on our experiences, which have produced results that have been highly satis- factory in practically all cases. The method of treatment has been based wholly on a new theory as to the cause of tuberculosis. We maintain that tubercular germs will not 150 PERSONAL MAGNETISM live in pure flesh; that they exist as friends of man endeav- oring to destroy the impurities in his system instead of trying to kill him. The very fact that the germs are present is an evidence of corruption in his system. In the treatment of tuber- culosis, the method sought to destroy this germ has, to the present day, been a complete failure. The method that is to be the successful one must be based on removing the condition that has made this germ possible. When this condition is removed the germs will soon disappear or be destroyed. These conditions might be many. In some it might be a life of dissipation, a breakdown of the whole system. In others it might be the lack of proper foods or the over-consumption of the wrong kinds of foods. I believe the one underlying principle of tuberculosis is mal-nutrition, or mineral starvation. The treatment that is to cure tuberculosis, based upon these theories, will pro- duce astonishing results in so-called hopeless cases. My experience has taught me that it is useless to fight the germ, but necessary to clean up the system and the germ will have nothing to live on and therefore rapidly disappear. Feed the system material that will increase the blood and raise the resisting powers of the body. Aid and help the eliminative organs by taking away all foods that clog the system or over-work these organs, thereby weak- ening, and preventing them from purifying the system. A few cases and the method of treatment will illustrate these points better than anything else I might write: Mr. , age thirty-five years, now discharged from RICH FOODS TO BE AVOIDED 151 the United States Army on account of tuberculosis, draw- ing a total disability pension, was in a government hos- pital without hope of recovery from his trouble. His case was pronounced fatal; he was given no more than six months or a year to live. He was emaciated; his com- plexion very bad, had a heavy cough and an extremely sore liver. His diet consisted of everything that he wanted to eat, the richest gravies, coffee, tea, meats, pastries and other acid-forming foods. We completely changed his diet from the acid-forming foods to our special foods for blood- building. We treated the base of the brain well with magnetism and massage, treating the liver with the right hand in front and the left in back for about half an hour each day. His progress was very rapid. His complexion quickly changed; the cough soon disappeared and strength re- turned. These results were obtained by treating the dis- ease from this new theory. The thing that was well marked in this case, and in a large majority of others, has been the part that the liver plays in producing the so-called tubercular cough. The thing that has surprised me the most has been the rapid cessation of the cough upon proper magnetic treatment of the liver and a diet free from animal protein. It is a well-known fact that a diet free from protein and one that is supplied with lime and other mineral salts, not from burnt rocks but from the vegetable kingdom, is the only diet for a tubercular case. 152 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Port-mortem examinations have revealed the fact that multitudes have had and recovered from tuberculosis with- out even knowing that they had it. The lungs of these people revealed what is called a calcified lesion, which means that the blood corpuscles have gathered from the system some material and com- pletely encased the tubercular germs so that they were never able again to give any trouble to the person posses- sing them. NATURE’S REMEDY How did these people cure themselves of so deadly a disease and not know it? If we can learn how this was done we have found the secret of treating tuberculosis. The remedy is very simple and plain to those who would see. Nature has taken some material and imprisoned all tubercular germs so that they have not been able to again affect that person’s life. What is the material the system has taken to conquer and imprison the germs and free that person from their deadly results? If we can learn what the system used to accomplish this result, and can give the system the material needed, we have found a natural cure for tuberculosis. The material used is known to all physicians to be nothing other than lime, and the calcified lesions are well known to all of the medical profession. The system used lime to conquer those germs and by so doing forever pro- tected the person from their effect; therefore we must conclude that if the system is given sufficient lime to use, EFFECTS OF BEARING CHILDREN 153 and time to repair, it will not only build a healthy condi- tion but destroy all germs or imprison them. Lime is the one thing the system must have if it is to successfully fight tuberculosis. Go through the diet of the average family and find anything that contains practically any lime. Inquire into the diet of every tubercular patient and you will find it almost totally lacking in lime, but instead the diet has been one of acid-forming, refined, demineral- ized, adulterated, manufactured or patented foods, or vegetables cooked and drained and their minerals thrown down the sewer. These truths are very plainly seen in the case of the young mother’s first child. How many women after the birth of their first baby are complete physical wrecks? Why should such a condition exist? Why should a mother lose so many teeth during pregnancy? Why should so many women go into a tubercular condition after their first, second or third child? Why should the bearing of one or two children produce a tubercular con- dition and the third be almost fatal to the mother ? There is but one answer. The building of the child’s body so seriously depletes the mother’s body and system that there is no resistance left, and she is subject to the attack of any germ. Her body has not been nourished. Her sys- tem is so weakened, her constitution so shattered, no mat- ter how strong before, she is a fit subject for any disease, helpless, unable to resist the germs that are always wait- ing for an opening. This same condition exists in the young girls that are 154 PERSONAL MAGNETISM not given the proper foods. They are not given food that will build blood nor strengthen the generative organs. The system starves for real body-building material. In this bloodless condition menstruation is almost an impossi- bility. Painful periods are the experience of the mass of women. The generative organs are depleted, the vitality is lowered until the menstrual flow almost ceases. I have seen but very few cases of tuberculosis among women whose period, if not already stopped, had been materially reduced six months to a year prior to the first appearance of tuberculosis. They had been conscious of a lowered vitality, a weakened body and a general run-down condi- tion. After a year or so of this depleted condition, tuber- culosis claims them for victims. Then our fight begins against the germ, when the whole method of treatment should be one of increasing the blood supply, replenishing the system’s need of minerals. Build up the system and it will take care of the germs. The method of treatment of all such cases has been that of our special food for building blood. The con- suming of large quantities of green foods, salads, plenty of deep breathing, fresh air, the elimination of all acid- forming foods, including eggs and milk. The protein can be supplied by the use of nuts, peas and beans, whole wheat bread, and fresh fruits. Complete rest and recrea- tion are essential. The liver in all such patients is usually badly inflamed and sore. The treatment of the right hand on top and the left hand on the back for about a half hour daily, will soon PROPER FEEDING ESSENTIAL 155 reduce all soreness. Massage well the base of the brain and the whole spine. If the patient is not too weak an electric blanket sweat is very helpful. The frequency of these can be determined according to the strength of the patient. It is also well to give the entire body a thorough massage, when moist, to remove all dead cuticle from the skin. High enemas should be given frequently at first. All assistance should be given the eliminative organs in their efforts to clean the system. No purgatives should be given. Roman meal, cooked with about one-fourth bran added, would be wise to give until the constipation is better. Eat it liberally once or twice daily if necessary. Nothing but the whole wheat flour should be used in cook- ing. Vegetables, if cooked, must never be drained. (See Scientific Cooking for Health, Special Foods for Building Blood.) Give all the vegetable water and fruit juices in various combinations to suit the taste. 156 CHAPTER XXX. CANCER Possibly no one disease is more dreaded than cancer. It is true that there is no disease where so little progress has been made in treatments for the prevention or cure as cancer. It is also true that it is a disease of life and old age. It is also true that it is a product of civilization. Where civilization does not exist cancer is almost un- known. It is also true that the idle rich are greater vic- tims than are the poorer classes. It is also true that wherever you find cancer, in poor or rich, it is preceded by similar conditions in its victims, namely, uniform diet of acid-forming foods and mineral salts starvation. This has marked every case that has come under my observa- tion. Diet that has robbed the system of the minerals needed, or has polluted it with a vast amount of material that the system could not use and thereby clogging up all eliminative organs, has created such a condition that it is commonly called cancer. In the treating of cancer, if you desire to handle it suc- cessfully and produce a cure, you must correct the diet of the individual. You will usually find constipation accompanying cancer. This alone would show you the need of correcting the diet for there is no hope of curing any cancer case unless you can overcome constipation. The patient who will not abide by a strict diet need not expect to recover. The system of treatment that does CANCER PRODUCTS OF IMPURITIES 157 not give proper attention to diet will be useless in the hope of a recovery. If, in spite of this, a cure is accom- plished, the patient need not expect to remain well until the question of diet has been perfectly adjusted. The one underlying principle of cancer is a corrupt system. No one can feel that he is permanently cured of cancer, regardless of whatever method has removed it, unless his system has become clean. This is made evident by num- bers of cancers that have been removed with the knife and other methods only to return in a short time to some other part of the body. Why should it return if the cancer is removed? There is but one answer. It is a condition of the blood. It is a well-established fact that cancer is not a germ disease; neither is it inherited; neither is it con- tagious, and my many years of experience has convinced me that it is due to a system filled with impurities and starvation. A lady came to me with a large cancer which had destroyed a portion of the nose. Her eyes were almost swollen shut and her face was badly inflamed. Her whole body was a wreck, limbs badly swollen and in a very seri- ous condition. She had X-ray treatments to no avail. Death seemed to be the only relief. While treating her with magnetism the bowels became very active, moving from ten to fifteen times a day, producing a great state of weakness. As the bowels continued to move the sore became less and began to heal, and in a short time disap- peared. This has been my experience in many cases. So frequently has this occurred that I am convinced that the 158 PERSONAL MAGNETISM underlying principle in the treatment of cancer is the cleansing of the system, and pure blood will soon take care of the cancer. CANCER OF THE FACE A lady sixty years of age applied for treatment for a cancer which had formed on the side of her nose. Doc- tors had refused to cut it because of its serious condition. Her health was very poor, she having been constipated for many years and in the habit of taking a pill of some kind every day. Her diet consisted mostly of coffee, white breads, meats and other acid-forming foods. We began treatment by the application of the right hand on the cancer and the left on the opposite side of the nose, continuing this treatment for about thirty minutes, also treating the liver, kidneys and abdomen, with the right hand in front and the left in back, and massaging the base of the brain and the whole spine. 1 corrected her diet by removing both the acid-forming and animal foods, and substituted our special foods for building blood and moving the bowels. (See Book on Scientific Cooking.) The results were, that within three weeks after, every sign of her cancer had disappeared. Her bowels were normal, and she has been well ever since, with no sign of its return. CANCER OF THE NAVEL Possibly no case of cancer that I have ever treated responded as quickly as that of Mrs. , fifty-three years of age. For two years she had been confined to her CANCER DISAPPEARS 159 bed with heart disease, and cancer of the navel. Her abdo- men was twice or three times the normal size—so large that when sitting in a chair she had no lap. Her heart was in such a condition she spent the larger part of two years in bed and during this time had only twice been out of the house to walk the distance of half a block and return. They had long expected her death from heart trouble. The doctors saw nothing but the missing beats and palpitating heart. She was in too serious a condition to be operated upon, therefore nothing but stimulants had been administered for her heart, while the cancer, large abdomen and great over-weight went unnoticed and un- treated. These were the conditions we found when called to treat her. The treatment was the one given to the average case, massaging the base of the brain, treating the liver with the right hand in front and the left on the back. These treat- ments were given for a period of six weeks. After the first two weeks of treatments she became seriously ill with a high fever and cough, and was confined to her bed for several weeks. The treating of the navel, which was discharging freely all the time, scattered the poison into the system, creating this feverish condition. She per- spired profusely at night, coughed most of the time, and was exceedingly ill in every respect. The same treat- ment was continued through the whole period of time, resulting in the rapid reduction in size of the abdomen, the disappearance of the cancer. The patient regained an 160 PERSONAL MAGNETISM excellent condition of health, and later was forced to remove nine inches from each of the two seams of her skirt. She continued to go down, and enjoyed the best of health for several years afterward. CANCER OF THE BREAST Another lady, a nurse by profession, about forty years of age, came to us for treatment for a cancer of the breast. She, like all other cancer patients, had been liv- ing on the wrong kind of foods. We placed her on the same foods as the before-mentioned cases and treated her as follows: The left hand on the lump in the breast and the right hand on the back, a little below the left hand. This was done for the purpose of drawing the poison away from the breast and to scatter it through the system. The treatment was continued for several weeks, about a half-hour each day. The base of the brain, and the whole spine was well massaged. At the end of three weeks the lump began to disappear and was scattered through her system, resulting in many large boils. By the time they were gone the cancer had also disappeared, never to return. This experience is worth a great deal to prove the fact that cancer is nothing but an accumulated mass of poison, which is of such a character that it destroys the tissues wherever it collects, whether it be in the breast in the form of a cancer, or upon some other part of the body, in the form of a boil, for it was the so-called cancer of the breast that produced the boils. SAVED AFTER OPERATION 161 CANCER OF THE LIP An old lady, eighty years of age and very feeble, with a large rose cancer on the under lip, which formed a growth as large around as your finger, applied for treat- ment. Growth was removed by magnetism alone, with the use of the right hand over the sore and the left on the back of the neck. This treatment was repeated for about a half-hour every day and in about three weeks the cancer had entirely disappeared. CANCER OF THE STOMACH A Swedish man, about forty-eight years of age, was in bed from an operation for cancer of the stomach. The doctors opened him up and, seeing the size of the cancer, decided not to remove it. He was sewed up and sent home. They told his wife he would not last over sixty days at the most. He was suffering intensely, but did not know anything about his condition or the decision of the doctors. Treatments with the left hand over the lump and the right on the back quickly removed all pain. After that, I applied the right in front and part of the time the left in front with the idea of drawing the blood out and into it, thus absorbing the cancer. At the end of sixty days, when the doctors had said he would not be alive, he was able to walk around Green Lake, in Seattle, a dis- tance of several miles. Since then he has purchased a large farm and has enjoyed the best of health. His diet, during these two months’ treatment, con- sisted mostly of vegetable waters. His bowels were kept 162 PERSONAL MAGNETISM open by the use of Veronica water, a natural mineral water that can be secured in almost any drug store, and is of great aid in such cases where you cannot give suffi- cient food to move the bowels, and the patient is too weak or sore to be given an enema daily. We could add many cases of this kind to show you the effectiveness of magnetism in the treatment of can- cers. Many people are victims of operations for cancers, who could easily have been saved before the operation if they could have been properly dieted and treated with magnetism. One principle, which every person who uses mag- netism for the treatment of cancer must observe, is careful treatment of the liver and kidneys and correc- tion of the diet to purify and build new blood, if he expects to get permanent cures. Persistence, patience and care- ful treatment will bring you astonishing results. UTERINE CANCERS Possibly the one dread of every woman’s life is, “Will I have a cancer? My mother, my sister, my aunt or my cousin had one; will I?” When you realize that cancer is not a germ disease, neither is it contagious nor inherited, then such a thought should never enter your mind. Remember that all diseases have to be lived; laws have to be broken in order to produce disease. Therefore, if you would avoid this condition, remember, you must live right, and obey such laws as will prevent such a condi- IMPOSSIBLE TO CUT OUT DISEASE 163 tion coming upon you. You will not be a victim of cancer unless you make it possible by improper living. A misuse of the generative organs, a failure to feed the system with the proper material needed for the repair of the body, and the consuming of large quantities of acid-forming foods, coffee, tea and other stimulants, will make the cancer welcome. Possibly there is no mental agency more potent to frighten women into operations than the fear of uterine cancer. They are taught that every pain, discharge or soreness may evidence the beginning of a cancer and the organ should be removed as the only preventative. A little thought on the part of the patient will obviate many such operations, and not only prevent much suffering and possibly death, but restore one to normal and healthy conditions. Why should you cut out an organ because it is inflamed or sickly? You would not amputate your finger or your hand when inflamed; why remove the uterus or the ovaries? When you once learn the cause of disease, and that health comes by removing this cause instead of cutting off the effect produced by that cause, you will never look to the removing of an organ as the road to health, but will seek the cause of the sore- ness of the uterus and ovaries and remove that and all fears of cancer will be entirely dispelled. Another very serious thought that exists in the minds of a great many women, is the fact that they must live and die with cancer because many of their relatives have suffered and died in that manner. 164 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Mrs. , a woman about fifty years of age, came to me with cancer of the uterus, but came only to please the family, believing fully that she would never recover. She was confident that she would die with this cancer because five cousins had passed away with the same dis- ease and she remarked that she had been waiting and expecting the appearance of this cancer for over twenty years. She refused practically all aid because she knew she had to die with this dreaded disease. Possibly no practice among women is more deadly and destructive than the teaching to the children that they are liable to suffer and die with the same disease as their parents. Volumes could be written upon this subject but would not belong to the realm of magnetic treatments but that of suggestion. (See Book on Subconscious Mind and How to Use It.) The treatment of uterine cancer should be the same as given for any other inflamed condition of the uterus. (See Chapter on Female Troubles.) The diet should be the same as in the treatment of any other cancer. (See Chapter on Cancer.) CANCER OF THE LIVER AND BOWELS The same treatment for cancer of liver and bowels should be given as in any other case of cancer. If the bowels or liver are extremely sore or painful the left hand should be used in front to relieve the suf- CANCER PATIENTS NEED BLOOD 165 fering but as soon as possible use the right hand to draw the blood to the part that is affected. Sometimes it is very profitable to reverse your hands part of the time, using the left hand in front and the right on the back, and then reverse after five or ten minutes with the right hand in front and the left in back. This should be gov- erned wholly by the condition of the case. Some cases will call for more of one form of treatment than another. In all cases your own judgment must be brought into play, keeping before you the one idea, removing the in- flammation, and drawing the blood into the affected part. The diet should consist of fruits, fruit juices and veg- etable waters. I would eliminate all animal foods, such as meat, milk, eggs and cheese. In many cases it is wise to fast for a few days or partially so. Special Suggestions All cancer cases are marked by anaemic conditions, a loss of the red blood corpuscles. A fast for two or three days with a high enema each day would do much to clean up the system, but should not be continued long, in but few cases, as the system is suffering for ma- terial to make blood. Follow the directions for blood building in “Scientific Cooking for Health.” Let all of your eating be with the idea of producing an increase of blood. 166 CHAPTER XXXI. APPENDICITIS Possibly no one disease has given us more occasion to worry than that of appendicitis. We have always been taught that there was not a cure for it by treatments, but that an operation was the only method that could prevent a recurrence of the trouble. The dread of an operation hangs like a pall over the lives of a great many people because they are subject to frequent attacks of pain in the right side of the abdomen. They are ever living in constant dread of the knife. There was a time when everybody believed that the only relief from an attack was the use of the knife, but the newer systems of healing have brought to light new methods of treatment, that have successfully handled practically all cases of appendicitis. The medical doctors would make you believe that if the appendix were not removed quickly it would very likely burst and cause in- stant death. This fear has rushed many to the hospital, then the operating table, resulting often to a life of in- validism or death. It has always been a puzzle to me to know why it is that practically all cases of appendicitis were pronounced by the attending physician to be in the last stages and that the appendix were about to burst. Why do the med- ical doctors get all of these abscessed appendixes? Why do they never break for the drugless physician? The BUT FEW CASES OF APPENDICITIS 167 answer is to be found usually in the fact that the scare of bursting created in the mind of the patient will quickly convert him to the idea of an operation. He will easily submit to the operation and be relieved—of a couple of hundreds of dollars. My experience with appendicitis over a period of twenty years has brought to light some facts I trust will be of value to the reader in his own personal life and in his efforts to help his fellow men. DIAGNOSIS Do not accept the statement that all pain in the right side is appendicitis. The diagnosis is very simple. There are only about four factors involved. One is the liver, the others the appendix, an abscess in the ovary, the fallopian tubes, or uterus. The first thing to do in examining the patient is to ascertain whether or not the pain comes from the appen- dix, which is to be found about half way between the point of the hip and the navel. Make an examination by a gentle pressure on the surface, and if it is found to be extremely sore then continue your pressure upward to- ward the ribs to ascertain whether or not it becomes more sensitive as your examination moves away from that region. If it does it is a sure thing that the appendix is not the seat of the pain; for if it were, then the soreness would decrease as you leave that point. My 168 PERSONAL MAGNETISM experience has been based upon the success of this form of examination. There are very few cases of appendicitis that have been anything more than a congestion or enlarge- ment of the lower part of the liver, which sends its pains down through that region, giving rise to the suspicion of appendicitis. Another thing that I have found prominent in so many cases, where the patient has been told she had chronic appendicitis, it was nothing more than a misplaced uterus. This misplacement has served to stretch the nerves and ligaments that run from the back around over the top of the hips to the ovaries and uterus, creating a severe pain in many cases. The same thing is true of an abscess in either the right ovary or the fallopian tube. During my practice I have found very few cases of appendicitis. During the last thirty years appendicitis has become one of the most commonly diagnosed dis- eases, and the removal of the organ has become almost a routine practice with every surgeon who has opened an abdomen. Why that little organ should be blamed for such a multitude of disorders has always been a mystery. Its location is such that it is perfectly protected from all external injuries. It is embedded in the deep layers of fat and other soft tissue, and is protected by the strong bones of the pelvis. It is probably as well protected as any part of the human anatomy, as far as blows or tem- perature changes are concerned. It has no known activ- ity, either muscular or functional. SIMPLE TREATMENT EFFECTIVE 169 Vomiting is supposed to be one of the most important symptoms of its infection. Remember that it is over twenty odd feet removed from the stomach, yet this vom- iting is credited with being a reflex symptom. The logical cause of the vomiting is at least a thousand times more likely to be within the stomach or liver than in the ap- pendix. However, if there should be any conclusive evidence that the appendix is inflamed, which is possible, the drugless method of treatment herein described will bring relief if you will persist in observing a few simple rules. TREATMENT If your careful examination should reveal it is the liver see chapter on Liver, or if it should be one of female trouble see chapter on Female Trouble. The first and most important thing in the treatment of all cases of ap- pendicitis is withholding of food. Do not give any pur- gatives of any kind. These two rules must never be disobeyed. If you continue to give food you are only adding fuel to the flames. Wherever you find an inflamed appendix you will find it is not due to the appendix but to the clogging of the bowels at this point. If any food is taken, it cannot go beyond this point and must necessarily add trouble to the patient’s condition. Any purgative given only means the creating of a greater peristaltic action of the bowels, which means sending all the material in the small intestine on its journey through the intestines only to find that it cannot PERSONAL MAGNETISM 170 make its escape and adds to the already congested con- dition of the intestines at the appendix. The increased accumulation at this point causes a distension of the in- testines that will create a great amount of pain. The appendix is therefore credited with the trouble. In this congested condition the abdomen may be largely dis- tended in that region symptomic of a large abscess, but remember that it is due to the fact of continued eating after the first attack and also the effect of the purgatives which has passed all the contents of the small intestine down to this point, causing a bulging in the intestines. I have always treated such cases with the right hand in back and the left in front, thereby removing the pain and soreness. After this treatment has been given, which should be for a half hour or so each day, you will usually find relief with enemas which will aid you in re- moving the trouble. Repeat this treatment twice a day if the attack is severe. Do not massage the abdomen but treat it thoroughly with magnetism and give the treatment time to take effect. If you will follow the advice as given in this you will have no difficulty in handling any case of appendicitis. I have never yet found a case that has not responded quickly to this treatment. You would have some peculiar experiences if you were engaged in the practice of healing the sick. Sometimes you would be called to treat a case and find the patient packed in ice. In such cases I re- move the ice and treat with the right hand in front and the left hand in back until the patient becomes thorough- ONE HUNDRED PER CENT SUCCESS 171 ly warm. This will probably produce a great deal of pain but continue it long enough to overcome any of the ill effects of the ice, then use your left hand in front and the right in back as described above and as soon as the suf- fering has been reduced give an enema and the results will be highly satisfactory. After an attack extreme caution should be used in eating. The coarsest food should be consumed to assist the bowels and treatments given occasionally at the point of soreness, as it is possible for a prolonged congestion and inflammation at this point to produce a chronic con- dition that might become serious. Continue treatments until tenderness is entirely gone. The one great cause of attack of appendicitis is to be found in chronic consti- pation. Correct and overcome this condition by correct foods, remove all tenderness by magnetism and the pa- tient need not worry about its recurrence. The writer could cite many cases treated by the above described methods, with a hundred per cent success. Again I repeat that practically all cases of so-called ap- pendicitis have been cases of female or liver trouble. 172 CHAPTER XXXII. LIVER TROUBLE The liver is the largest organ of the body and has many important duties to perform. Many of our diseases which have so long baffled practitioners of all systems could easily be handled if they would look to the liver as one of the great causes. The most astonishing discovery I have made has been the part that the liver plays in the large majority of our ailments. I am aware that it is not popular to even suggest liver trouble as a cause of our ailments. When we realize the size of the liver and the multitude of duties that it is forced to perform we can see how easy it is for the liver to give a great amount of trouble. There is no subject in this work, that I would consider in your treat- ment of diseases, more important than that of a thorough understanding of the liver and its functions. This article will not deal with the various works or the mission of the liver but will endeavor to show you how it plays an important part in the great majority of our diseases. There has been no discovery that has brought the universal success in my work as the part the liver plays in creating diseases. Asthma has long been a disease for which there never has been known a remedy. Why? Because they have always treated the effect instead of the cause. My theory of asthma is that it is only an effect and not a cause. The LIVER PRODUCES ASTHMA 173 cause is in the liver in the large majority of cases. This organ becomes enlarged and presses against the descend- ing blood vessel leading from the heart, thus preventing the free flow' of blood to the lower extremities, thus caus- ing a congestion in the upper part of the body. This congestion often inflames the air passages and the bron- chial tubes. The head, and in fact all the upper parts of the body becomes congested or inflamed. All treatments in the past have been applied to these parts. The victim of asthma inhales his smoke, the victim of bronchitis uses his syrups and the one suffering from headaches uses aspirin and many other remedies, all to no effect. The reason for the failure of these remedies is very evident when you find an enlarged or inflamed condition of the liver. Practically all of the cases of asthma, bronchitis and abscesses in the ears, especially in the cases of children, have quickly responded when I have sought to reduce the size and restore the liver to normal conditions. There are very few sick persons who do not possess an enlarged or inflamed or congested liver or some other trouble of this organ. In this con- dition it cannot prepare the blood for the system as it should. With its work only half done the blood is only one-half prepared for the needs of the body. This will cause many conditions to arise in the system that will and have baffled all methods of diagnosis and treatment. Mrs. came to me suffering from sugar diabetes, was very thin, weak, with sallow complexion; passing 174 PERSONAL MAGNETISM from the bowels large quantities of blood and mucus, and a large per cent of sugar in the urine. Upon examining her body, the liver was found to be extremely sore in the region of the gall bladder. I treated this with the ends of all four fingers of the right hand placed firmly against the gall bladder and the left hand on the back. I continued this treatment for about a half hour daily. This treatment caused a very severe draw- ing sensation all over the chest and the abdomen at times. It produced a very free discharge of blood and mucus from the bowels, which I believe came from the liver. This produced a great deal of weakness and continued for some time but after a continuation of a few weeks’ treatments, the drawing ceased and her strength began to return. Of all the treatments she had received from all schools of healing, no one ever suspected the liver, therefore it received no attention. The loss of the sugar through the urine was the only symptom apparent. If on examining a patient, I find the liver sore, I treat with the left hand in back and the right hand in front over the liver, with the idea of drawing the blood into that organ to stimulate it to activity. By this process I often discover conditions which lead to giving certain treat- ments which have brought relief when all other methods fail. Treating the liver has often revealed conditions that we never knew existed. Magnetism served its purpose in diagnosing many cases when it has been applied over the liver and gall bladder. I always examine the liver of MAGNETISM DIAGNOSES CASE 175 every patient regardless of what his ailments may be. A thorough treatment of the liver has in many cases re- moved ailments for which there had never been found any relief and the liver was never suspected. Reverend , returned missionary of India, came to me suffering from some unknown ailments which caused a large amount of pus and blood to pass from the bowels, causing a serious condition of health. He was quickly cured by the applications of the right hand over the ab- domen, liver and gall bladder and the left on the back. This produced a drawing sensation when treated over the gall bladder. His condition had baffled all physicians for years, and all hope for his life had been abandoned. After the discovery of the condition of the gall bladder all other treatments were stopped and the entire attention directed to that part. After this discovery, a treatment was given every day for two or three weeks of an half hour each, his condition began to change. As the treatment contin- ued the drawing subsided, the blood and pus quickly dis- appeared and never returned. It has been my observation that the liver has been the cause of multitudes of ailments and some other part of the body has received the treatment. The one thing that must mark your efforts in diagnosing all cases is locating the cause. You will make no mistake in examining the liver. There may not be soreness but there may be a sluggishness or hardening, which is just as serious a con- dition. Whichever the case may be, you can never make a mistake by treating the liver thoroughly as directed. I 176 PERSONAL MAGNETISM have seen a number of cases in which there was no sore- ness or any other condition noticeable, but while I con- tinued to treat the patient for other ailments I always gave the treatment with the right hand in front and the left hand on the back, and in many cases the liver has become extremely sore. Mrs. had been taking treatments two months for various troubles. During this time there had been no soreness or sensitiveness in the liver. However, I believed that much of her trouble was due to her liver and con- tinued to treat it daily with magnetism. After two months’ treatment the liver became extremely sore and sensitive. What produced this condition? No massage was given. Her diet was well guarded, yet the liver be- came extremely sensitive. The action of magnetism on the liver, producing a perfect circulation, restored it to a normal condition. This showed that the liver had been lifeless and inactive, and as it returned to life and activity, became very sensitive. Her troubles rapidly disappeared as the liver became sore, which soon passed away by the same treatment that pro- duced the soreness. The treatment for such conditions should be the same as you were giving when it became sore. Remember, the soreness is due to its renewed condition and not to a disease. In all chronic cases where there is extreme soreness, use the left hand over the point of soreness and the right on the back to draw the soreness away. Passes may be INFLUENCE OF FEMALE ORGANS 177 made down the side to help remove the acute condition, then continue as soon as possible with the right in front and the left in back, which has always given the best re- sults. REFLEX CONDITIONS One of the most peculiar things that I have dis- covered in the treatment of the liver, has been the influ- ence of the female organs. It is a well known fact that these organs greatly influence the liver and stomach dur- ing pregnancy. I have always gone upon this theory, that if pregnancy could affect the liver and produce an overflow of bile, anything else that would affect the same nerve centers would likewise affect the liver. In many cases where the liver has refused to respond to treatment of all other systems I have found excellent results by treating the womb and ovaries well with magnetism. (See Treatment for Female Troubles.) It is also bene- ficial in all liver cases to massage the spine well back of the liver when possible. This should be repeated until all soreness is removed. The part the liver plays in many baby troubles has been very conspicuous. In practically all baby cases, such as ear aches, abscesses of the ear, coughs, sore throats and many of the upper part of the body, trouble can be traced to the liver. With but few ex- ceptions I have treated the liver of all babies with the right hand in front and the left in back, producing quick results. You will find in the large per cent of baby cases that all trouble above the waist line is caused by a dis- 178 PERSONAL MAGNETISM tended abdomen, usually produced by an enlarged liver or improper food. The question of diet is a very import- ant one where the liver is inflamed. In nearly all cases where this organ is affected the patient has been a con- sumer of large quantities of proteins, sugars, starches and coffee. It is well in these cases to withhold all these foods, giving the liver as much rest as possible. When advisable, I would always prescribe a fast for several meals. Where it is not, I would confine the diet to one of vegetable waters and fruit juices. I would also use enemas, during this period of partial fasting and a light diet, to assist in cleansing the system. After this has been continued for several days with the magnetic treatments I would begin with the coarse foods (See Chapter on Constipation) and eliminate practically all an- imal foods, confining the diet to one of vegetables, large quantities of fresh fruit salads, prunes and figs, served without sugar. SPECIAL NOTICE Some very interesting cases have come under my ob- servation that are well worthy of mention to prove the influence of the liver over the upper part of the body. A number of severe cases of sore throats and hacking coughs have revealed extremely sore and sensitive livers, and upon proper magnetic treatment these conditions have quickly disappeared. Two of the most harmful of foods, I believe, are coffee and eggs. The elimination of these two articles from the diet of people who are suffering EFFECT OF CAFFEINE 179 from liver conditions has aided much in their rapid re- covery. The effect of the caffeine in the coffee has al- ways been destructive to the liver. The large amount of protein consumed by those eating quantities of eggs, meats and milk, produces a serious congestion of the liver. This is the reason why the great mass of tuberculars, who are fed on eggs and milk, never get well. They have so gorged themselves with such foods that there is no chance for the liver to handle all the protein and keep the system clean. The method employed to fight the tubercular germs really assists them in destroying the body. In the treatment of liver cases remove all animal foods, including milk and eggs. Feed exclusively on fruit juices, lemons, raw vegetables, and combination salads. Treat well daily with magnetism as described, and the results in a great many chronic ailments which have baf- fled all treatment and all methods will be nothing less than marvelous and incredible. 180 CHAPTER XXXIII. BABIES The treatment of babies is one of the most perplexing problems that confront a physician. It is nearly all a matter of guesswork, because the baby cannot tell the physician anything concerning its troubles. It is a well- known fact that most any old grandmother is the best physician for the baby, because her remedies are simple and harmless. Babies, as a rule, respond very quickly to magnetic treatment. When you once learn the effect- iveness of magnetism you need never worry about any serious disease fastening itself upon your child. During my twenty years’ experience, I have seen but few failures when magnetism was given a fair chance. The quick response is the astonishing thing in the treatment of children with magnetism. This is very plainly seen in the cases of fever. The same principles apply in the use of magnetism with babies as in that of adults; that is, the applications of magnetism at the seat of the cause. Here again is the one great question—a proper diagnosis. With the case properly diagnosed you are able to apply magnetism intelligently. In the case of fever with babies the one important cause is usually to be found in the abdominal regions. Nearly all fevers can be traced to intestinal conditions. This intestinal irritation is often productive of many ser- TREAT THE ABDOMEN 181 ious conditions in the child. Its temperature will rise quickly, pulse become rapid, and convulsions and other serious conditions may appear suddenly. You seldom, if ever, make any mistake in treating the intestines. My experience has been of such a universal character that it favors the treatment of the abdomen for practically all baby troubles. 182 CHAPTER XXXIV. CONVULSIONS There is nothing that will cause a mother to do some- thing radical and often times injurious, than seeing her child in a convulsion. If the mother can be taught that the cause is usually an intestinal condition, or irrita- tion, she will not be so frightened, and will know what to do when such a condition exists. CAUSES OF CONVULSIONS Possibly no one cause of convulsions is more common than castor oil. It produces such a violent peristaltic action of the bowels that convulsions very frequently follow a short time after the giving of the oil, or just be- fore the movement of the bowels. The first thing to do in such cases is to give the child an enema which will cleanse the colon thoroughly and quickly. This should be followed as soon as the convul- sion is ended by a treatment with magnetism, with the moistened left hand in front over the abdomen and the right hand on the back. This should be continued for at least half an hour each day for several days. No purgatives of any kind should be given, but an enema used daily to keep the bowels open. Food should be withheld, with the exception of fruit juices and the water from figs and prunes. All fruit juices should be given without sugar, but water may be added if it is too AN INTERESTING CASE 183 strong. Prunes and figs should be soaked at least forty- eight hours in cold water, or, if needed quickly, twenty- four hours in warm water, and given the child in liberal quantities. This kind of food should continue for several days, or as long as there is any evidence of fever. If the child is old enough to consume solid foods, the removal of sugars, candies, starchy foods, meats, etc., is impera- tive. Confine the diet to vegetables and vegetable waters and soups for several days, or until all danger is past. I have seen many cases of convulsions in children, and practically all responded to this treatment. It is not always certain that the left hand should be used in front and the right on the back, but if there is irritation, inflammation or fever, I would always apply the left hand first. One of the most interesting cases of convulsions or epilepsy that has ever come under my observation was that of a boy nine years of age. For four or more years he had been a continual sufferer of epilepsy. These spells would come at different times, lasting three nights. The first night there would be an intermission of possibly an hour between each convulsion, but they would continue during the entire night. The second night he passed almost continuously from one convulsion into another. The third night resembled the first night. These convulsions were followed by sloughing away of that which appeared to be the lining of the intestines. Nothing had ever brought any relief. Bromides were 184 PERSONAL MAGNETISM given, but to no avail. He was pale, thin, and emaciated. His eyes were lifeless and dull. They were afraid to let him eat anything for fear he would have another convul- sion. He was never allowed to be out of their sight and the light in his bed room was never extinguished. When I began the treatments I used the right hand over the intestines, believing these convulsions were not due to a condition of the brain, as is usually supposed to be the cause of epilepsy, but to the irritation of the intes- tines. This sloughing away produced an extreme intes- tinal irritation which caused the convulsions. I used the right hand in front and the left on the back, and also treated the head with magnetism, using the left on top and the right at the base of the brain. We cor- rected his diet and gave him the food for building blood that would be non-irritating to the intestines, and yet be nourishing. The child seemed to respond. I was con- vinced that the thing needed in this case was the drawing of blood into the intestines, so as to prevent this sloughing. I noticed peculiar symptoms coming on the child from day to day as I treated him. One night the mother phoned and asked me to come out to the house, as the child was in a convulsion. I sent a party who was study- ing with me, to treat the case. He failed to break the convulsion, but in time the convulsion passed away and the boy became absolutely quiet. He returned to the hotel, only to be called back again in a short time, as the child was in another convulsion. He went again, and after this convulsion had passed, returned to his room, APPLIED HANDS DIFFERENTLY 185 only to be called back the third time. This time I advised him to change the treatment, applying the left in front and the right on the back. This convulsion was short and soon passed away. He remained in the home the bal- ance of the night, but no more convulsions occurred. The parents were very much excited, as usual at such times, and urged that this young doctor come back and stay the following night, which he did. Before the child went to bed he was thoroughly treated, with the left hand in front and the right in back, just the opposite of all other treat- ments, and then given suggestions to remove all fear of what he had been accustomed to on the second night. The child was put to sleep in this condition and remained asleep the whole night without another sign of returning convulsions. The third night the same thing was repeated and no sign of any convulsion appeared. It has now been six months since this experience and I have received several letters from the mother and the boy, stating that he gained much weight and is feeling fine, and no symptoms of convulsions have manifested themselves, although a small quantity of sloughing had occurred, but had not caused a convulsion. The mother continued these treatments several months, and at the writing of this article advised me as to the progress of the case, stating that the child now eats anything he wants, with no sign of the trouble returning. Here we find the distinct difference between the ap- plication of the two hands. All treatments from that time 186 PERSONAL MAGNETISM on, even by the mother, were given with the left hand in front and the right on the back. These treatments were given for a half hour daily. One of the very important factors in this case was removing the fear of the return of these convulsions, in the minds of the parents as well as the boy. To let that boy live under the thought held by the parents, that he was liable to have a convulsion any time, was very depressing to the child. He was always conscious of being watched. Every- thing they did and said kept the idea ever before him, “You are liable to have another convulsion.” He was not allowed to go down town, to be out playing, or to sleep alone. He knew the light was not extinguished so that they could watch him. One of the important factors in this case was that of assuring him that we were not treating convulsions, but the cause of them, and the removing of that cause. When parents realized that the convulsion was an effect, and not a cause, and that when we stopped treating the effect and treated and removed the cause, we took the atten- tion from the effect and brought it to the proper place, the cause, which kept the thought of convulsion from them. Another case that came under my observation was that of a child who had as many as eight or ten convul- sions, and nothing seemed to check them. I used my left hand in front and the right in back with no results, but they grew harder and closer together. I then reversed my hands, using the right in front and the left in back, and the convulsions ceased almost instantly. TREATMENT PRODUCED PAIN 187 This case was an exception to the rule, but it only shows that there was a different condition existing in those intestines which needed the drawing hand to overcome it. This one principle must mark the treatments of every magnetic healer: If one way does not produce the desired result after a fair trial, then reverse the hands. The last case mentioned was very interesting because of the fact that except for illness I was never able to treat the child with the left hand in front and the right in back without its crying, showing that it produced painful condition. A reversing of the hands caused the child to become abso- lutely quiet, showing that that method of application was soothing, and soon caused improvement, and later a com- plete cure. Wherever you find convulsions you may rest assured there is something wrong in the child’s diet. Correct the diet according to our teachings and treat to relieve the in- testinal irritation and you will be successful in most all cases of convulsions in children. 188 CHAPTER XXXV. CHILDREN CASES No one responds to magnetic treatment more quickly and perfectly than a child. Here you have nature ready to assist in the work, not only of repairing, but of build- ing, a body. Its system has not been polluted with deadly drugs, neither has its body been broken because of long violations of the laws of living. The difficulty in treating a child lies in the fact that it can give you but little assistance in diagnosing its case. This is especially true of very young children. Therefore it is very easy to give a wrong treatment, it being easy to misjudge or wrongly diagnose the ailments. Some methods of treatment, therefore, will do the baby a great deal of harm, and especially is this true in the administra- tion of deadly drugs. If the drug given is the wrong one, then the child has to fight not only its original ailment, but the poisonous drug as well. For this reason grand- mothers are especially successful in the treatment of baby cases. Their teas and poultices and the various remedies they apply are harmless and simple, even though some- times accomplishing no good. There is no harmfulness in magnetism. It does not leave the child’s system filled with poisons, adding to its already existing troubles. Possibly nothing is more puzzling to the scientific world than the solving of the problems that are presented to it in children’s cases. Nothing is more difficult than to find SUBNORMAL CHILD 189 the reason for a child not being able to learn, and yet be apparently bright in practically all other things. Nothing produces more sadness in the hearts of parents than to find one among their children who cannot learn. Mr. and Mrs. brought to me their boy, seven years of age, who could not learn. They had consulted many specialists, who, with the school doctors, had pro- nounced it sub-normal and let it go at that; just another case of being “not all at home.” The teacher of the grade in which this child attended gave me some very interest- ing facts concerning the case. One day he could count to a hundred perfectly. The next day he could count only to twenty-five, the next day to a hundred, and then the next day he could not go beyond ten or fifteen with ac- curacy. He could not remember any of the lessons he had had the day before, and the next day could remember them well. The boy had a bright expression in his eyes and was a fine looking little fellow. The teacher also informed me that he did much better in the morning than in the after- noon, and when his memory was poor his face was very white, and when his memory was good his face showed color. I went upon the theory that the failure or inability to remember was not due to the boy's make-up or to his de- ficiency of brain matter, but due wholly to the circulation through that brain. I began to treat upon that basis, with the hopes of creating a perfect circulation in the brain. The results were nothing less than marvelous. In about 190 PERSONAL MAGNETISM two weeks, his work in the forenoons was nearly perfect, and he appeared normal in every way, but by afternoon he began to break. This was overcome, as we induced the mother to have the child lie down during the noon period and had her massage the base of the brain. This worked miracles in the boy’s learning ability, and the last account I had of the boy he was doing splendidly. The same teacher informed me of another puzzling case of a pupil in her room suffering from the same con- dition. I believe this will explain the reason for a large num- ber of children being slow to learn. It is not due to the structure of the brain, but to a physical condition obstruct- ing the flow of blood through the brain preventing its being nourished. In the case of the boy I corrected his diet and put him on non-acid-forming and blood-building foods containing an abundance of the mineral and vege- table waters, and treated the liver and intestines, that there might be a perfect assimilation. Many children today suffer from these troubles. Like all other ailments, doctors have only seen the inability to remember and study, therefore looked wise and said, subnormal, when the cause was not in the brain or in the nervous system, but was a question of assimilation, and lies back in the system and circulation. In other words, the child is suffering from a lack of food, yet eating plenty. CASTOR OIL HARMFUL 191 The treatment of children is like that of babies. You will never make any mistake in treating well the liver and abdomen. Guard their diet, giving them material needed to build the body, removing all diet that would clog their systems and overwork the eliminative organs and leave the system impoverished for the want of real food. CASTOR OIL One of the old and reliable remedies for babies has been castor oil. Its effects are sure. Many a mother has wondered what has thrown her child into a convulsion and has had to call the doctor. In many cases serious con- ditions have existed for many hours, and sometimes days. The cause of the convulsion has always remained a mys- tery to the mother and she lives in constant fear of its repetition. It is a shock she never forgets. The truth of the matter is that the child’s convulsions were not a product of its disease, but a product of the dose of castor oil. Castor oil has no place in the life of a child or anyone else. More convulsions have followed the movement of the bowels of children after having taken a dose of castor oil than from all other causes combined. By no means give castor oil to your child, as it means too severe a purg- ing of the bowels in a few hours of a quantity of effete matter that normally takes about forty-eight hours to pass. The oil produces a movement which is too drastic for the system and the bowels to stand, thereby producing the convulsion. PERSONAL MAGNETISM 192 CALOMEL The same thing is true of Calomel as is true of castor oil, with the exception that it does not produce convul- sions. Being a product of mercury, therefore it is very destructive to the system and very injurious and ruinous to the vital organs. Some of the most pathetic sights that I have ever seen have been of babies to whom the doctor had administered calomel in the regulation doses. The children were stunted physically and mentally. There is no warning that I can give a parent which would be of greater value than that against calomel, in any form or size doses, and its evil effects on children. 193 CHAPTER XXXVI. STARTLING DISCOVERIES In the treating of baby cases, where other doctors have treated and failed to secure results, I have been astonished at their inability to see the real cause of the baby’s trouble. In these cases, as in all others, they see nothing but the effect, and proceed to treat it. This is better illustrated by the citing of a few cases. Mr. wanted me to come and see his baby, which was suffering with pneumonia. The child coughed constantly, yet had no fever. The head perspired so freely that the mother had to change the pillow four or five times a night. In this case the doctor was treating for pneumonia and insisted on giving castor oil. The mother objected, which enraged the physician. After this had continued for two weeks the child grew no better, but worse. Upon examining the child I found the abdomen very much distended and sore. I at once be lieved this cough was not due to lung trouble, but to a reflex condition, caused by an enlarged liver interfering with a free flow of blood to the extremities, therefore caus- ing congestion in the upper part of the body. I began treatment on this principle, using the right hand in front over the liver and abdomen and the left on the back. After the first treatment the child’s cough stopped almost entirely, and after the second treatment 194 PERSONAL MAGNETISM there was neither cough nor sweating of the head, and the abdomen materially decreased in size. After three treatments all symptoms entirely disappeared. Another case is of a baby, about four months of age, which had a very high fever, reaching 105° in the day- time and never below 101.5° to 102° at four and five in the morning. The family physician was treating for pneu- monia. After a week’s treatment the child lapsed into a state of coma. In this condition he requested that a baby specialist be called, who, upon arriving, declared that the baby had an abscess in the ear, instead of pneumonia, and proceeded to treat the abscess. During this time the bow- els were very loose and the excretia was of a dark green character. His treatment continued for a week, with no results, and all seemed hopeless when I was called to see the case. In this case, as in all others, they had only seen the effects, instead of the cause, which was very evident from my theory of diagnosing disease. The baby’s greatly distended and sore abdomen proved to be the cause of the trouble, and I proceeded to treat with the right hand over the abdomen, which pro- duced a great deal of pain and caused the child to cry very hard. I reversed the treatment and it became quiet and easy. This treatment was given about noon and was followed with another treatment at about nine o’clock that night. The next morning the child’s temperature was almost normal. The bowel condition rapidly disappeared. Within three days the fever had entirely subsided and the baby was free from all symptoms of pneumonia and abscesses CAUSE FOR EAR TROUBLE 195 Here again, as in other cases mentioned, the cause which the medical men had treated proved to be the effects of the abdominal trouble and not the cause itself. Nine treatments completely restored the baby to health. Mr. called me to visit his baby, which had been treated for pneumonia and abscessed ear. The child cried constantly, refusing all food. This case, as in others, the doctors had treated for pneumonia and abscessed ear, while ignoring the large, distended and swollen abdomen and liver. Four treatments on the liver and abdomen with the right hand, and the left on the back for a period of half an hour, brought complete relief from any symp- toms of abscess and pneumonia. Many other cases could be enumerated, but this is sufficient to prove several points. One is the folly of treating symptoms, and the second, the necessity of finding the cause, which I have found in practically all children’s cases to be in the abdom- inal regions. Any treatment given to children through the abdo- men will never be harmful. I care not what the trouble might be, this treatment will always be helpful, and in most cases will reach the real seat of the trouble. CURVATURE OF THE SPINE One of the most perplexing troubles to handle is that of curvature of the spine. Of all things that have been cruel and positively criminal, the worst has been the prac- tice of placing children in plaster-paris casts. This can all be avoided by our theory of diagnosis and treatment of 196 PERSONAL MAGNETISM children. We have had some very interesting experiences, showing that curvature of the spine was, like all other troubles, only an effect, the main cause of which usually is lack of lime and potassium. The only treatment to be given for such cases is the diet that will give the system the minerals which it so badly needs. If the child is lack- ing in lime, it usually is lacking in all other chemicals. In every case of curvature of the spine that I have ever seen the child usually has been fed upon an acid- forming diet, consisting mostly of candies and pastries. Mrs. brought her little girl of four years, who was suffering from a double curvature which caused her to walk almost at a right angle. She had not matured nor had she any ambition to play like other chil- dren. True to our principle, we have always believed in looking at the abdomen for the trouble. Treatment with the right hand on the liver and the other on the back and a correction of the diet brought astonishing results. At the end of a week her bowels moved nine times in one day, the passage resembling that of ground-up liver. This produced some fever, but noth- ing serious. Following this the child began to take on new life and ambition, and after two months’ treatment she walked nearly straight. It is well in many of these cases to see that the child has an abundance of lime and potassium. In most cases of curvature of the spine it is well to treat the whole spine with the right hand, and the left hand on the front, with the idea of drawing an abundance of A PECULIAR CASE 197 blood into these muscles to strengthen them. I do not believe that the spine curves of its own accord, but that the muscles are not able to hold it straight, and therefore it curves. The weakness of these muscles is no doubt due to the character of the food. Another interesting case was with a family in Vancouver, B. C., whose baby was eleven months old. The size of its head and the length of its body was the same as a two-year-old child, but the size of its limbs, arms and neck were those of a six-months-old baby. It was unable to hold up its head. The mother sought me to treat the baby that it might have the muscles in the back of the neck strengthened so that it could control its head. This I refused to do, believing that the condition of the muscles was due to the lack of chemicals in the system. She questioned seriously the wisdom of my treat- ments and continued only on account of the pleadings of friends. The treatment consisted of the application of the right hand over the liver and the left on the back, until it grew worse day by day, having a severe cold and appa- rently losing much flesh. Its appetite disappeared and the mother was much discouraged. The child cried hard during every treatment while I was using the right hand on the liver and the left on the back. I decided to reverse this treatment and use the left in front and the right in back. The child made rapid progress and never again cried during treatment. In a few weeks it was able to hold its head up. The mother was instructed to boil 198 PERSONAL MAGNETISM parsnips and take the water and put a few tablespoonfuls in its milk at each feeding. The mother was given large quantities of the same liquids to drink, so that the child would get the benefit of these minerals by nursing. It is very difficult for one to comprehend the rapid progress made in this case. It had been abandoned by all special- ists, and all who knew the baby believed that it had only a few weeks to live. Such is the wonderful results of magnetism and food when properly applied. 199 CHAPTER XXXVII. BAD TEMPERS One of the greatest problems that all parents have, whether they realize it or not, is to distinguish between the result of sickness and the effect of the child having been spoiled. Some very interesting cases have come under my observation, that have baffled all treatments, which illus- trate this point. A lady brought her boy of eight years of age for treatment. His was a peculiar case, inasmuch as he was neither a good, nor a bad, boy. At times he was extremely vicious, cruel, disobedient in the home and at school, gloried in causing suffering and had great inventive powers. At other times he would be extremely affectionate and sympathetic and was a regular little gen- tleman; had a good appetite, slept soundly and was very obedient and successful in school. His condition had become so serious that he had to be taken from school. They had taken him to numbers of specialists, and all had failed to change his disposition. Although eight years of age, he wore the clothes of a boy of only six. The question was, should he have been punished when these bad spells were upon him? Was he sick, or was he mean? These are questions that confront all parents who find this dual nature existing in their children. On investigation I learned that when his bad disposi- 200 PERSONAL MAGNETISM tion manifested itself, his face was extremely white and expressionless. When he was good his face was normal and had a healthy color. In this, the same as in other cases, I believed there was a reason for the face not having the normal condition or complexion. This reason I believed to be due to the fact that something interfered with the circulation through the brain. The treatment consisted of massaging the base of the brain and magnetic treatments by both hands being held at the base of the brain for fifteen minutes, followed by a fifteen or twenty-minute treatment with the right hand over the liver and abdomen and the left on the back. The results were nothing less than astonishing. His disposi- tion rapidly changed and he began to grow. In a short time he had gained the normal size of an eight-year-old child. I have seen similarities, not only in children, but in many adults. Bad tempers are sometimes just as true a sign of sickness as are headaches or pains in other parts of the body. There is no reason for a child to be cross and irritable. If he should be, then there is a physical dis- order, and a treatment for such will usually change the character or disposition of such children. (See book on “Subconscious Mind.”) 201 CHAPTER XXXVIII. WORMS Nearly every mother, during the care of her children, is confronted with the question of what can she do for worms. The treatment is very simple, for the fact that worms never live in anything but impurities and filth. If there are worms, then there is something radically wrong with the diet, or the colon is clogged, or both conditions exist. I would eliminate all animal foods. Sugars, pastries and sweets of all kinds should be omitted. Confine the diet to one of raw vegetables, as far as possible; if cooked, do not drain them. Also an abundance of fruit, plenty of coarse cereals, such as roman meal and bran mixed, whole wheat bread or any of the whole grain products. Worms do not live in this kind of food. A high enema daily should be given for a number of days to thoroughly cleanse the colon. In some cases it is very helpful to give vermifuge, or any other worm medicine, to get rid of the worms on hand. A diet, as described above, will, in time, overcome the trouble. Remember that worms live only in filth and if they are present, then there is some filth on which they are living. Clean up, and keep clean, and there will be neither worms nor germs to trouble your children. 202 CHAPTER XXXIX. PNEUMONIA IN CHILDREN One of the problems of handling children with cases of this kind is to ascertain the exact nature of the illness, and locate the region affected. The mother or nurse usually knows where the congestion is. If it is a baby, treat the whole chest and lungs well, with the left hand in front and the right in back, as the congestion is usually in the front. If you cannot tell, and if that treatment does not bring results quickly, then place the palms of your hands under each armpit, and after a reasonable length of time reverse your hands. Make many passes downward over the chest and abdomen, with one hand on one side and one on the other. This will usually bring quick re- lief to all pneumonia cases in children. SPECIAL NOTICE One thing that has marked practically all cases of pneumonia in children has been an enlarged and congested liver. I have been called to treat many cases of pneu- monia in babies and young children and, almost without exception, have found a very serious liver condition, the abdomen being very much distended. This condition prevents the free flow of blood to the lower extremities, resulting in an over-supply in the upper part of the body, causing a congestion which results in CHILD’S LIVER MUST FUNCTION 203 pneumonia, abscesses in the ear, or other troubles above the waist line. To my surprise, when I have paid but lit- tle attention to the so-called pneumonia cases and treated the liver well, with the right hand in front and the left in back, also treating the abdomen for at least a half-hour, once or twice daily, the pneumonia or abscessed ear quickly disappears. The same nursing and care given to an adult should be given to a child. If it should be liver trouble, as sug- gested, then continue to treat the liver for some time after the disappearance of fever and remove all animal foods. Give the liver time to recuperate and regain its normal ability to function. Again I emphasize this fact, that many cases that have come under my observation, and that have been given up by other doctors as hopeless, have responded at once when treated on the theory as mentioned above. Whenever you find a baby with a cough or a baby with flushed cheeks, examine its abdomen and see if there is extreme tenderness and distention. If so, this is sufficient evidence to warrant your placing the larger part of your treatment on the liver and intestines. True, if the child should be suffering intensely, the treatment as above described can be used, but the other must not be omitted, if you want to remove the cause. Volumes could be written upon babies’ and children’s troubles, showing why children have been subject to so many attacks of different diseases; why they are no sooner cured of one condition than another arises; why some chil- 204 PERSONAL MAGNETISM dren are continually suffering from some form of ailment. An examination of these children will show a serious liver condition and a diet that is almost entirely composed of animal foods, sugars and starches. 205 CHAPTER XL. HEART TROUBLES No one organ in the body can give you more uneasi- ness than your heart. Possibly no one organ is more abused or misjudged. If it should miss a beat or palpi- tate, or become weak, or go too rapidly, at once attention is given the heart. I believe that the heart seldom, if ever, goes wrong of its own accord. Something must interfere with its action or deprive it of its nerve and blood force, or it must be given too much work to perform before it can possibly become diseased. I am of the opinion that when we realize that the masses of so-called heart troubles are only a reflex or sym- pathetic condition, or are the result of the action of some other organ, we will be able to properly handle many cases of so-called heart trouble. My experience has been so overwhelmingly convinc- ing that the liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys can so affect the heart that it is given all the attention. This is only an effect, the real cause goes unnoticed. If you read well the chapter on liver trouble you will see the foundation of my belief. The enlarged liver, a distended stomach and filled colon can interfere with the heart pumping the blood to the lower extremities. This forces the heart to pump the blood against an obstruction, which retains the blood in the heart, causing a distention or an enlargement and many other serious conditions and 206 PERSONAL MAGNETISM causes havoc in general with the heart’s action, which is the only thing seen. Many people have palpita- tion of the heart at night, or shortness of breath and other troubles when they lie on their back or on one certain side, but they can lie on the other side without any disturbance and sleep soundly all night. This is evidence that the trouble is not with the heart, but with the weight of the liver, stomach, or possibly a full colon that crowds the descending blood vessels, thus causing trouble. In nearly all such cases a treatment of the liver and stomach, to relieve the soreness and congestion, and a massage of the base of the brain, neck, upper part of the spine and shoulders, will produce an instantaneous im- provement, showing that the trouble was not in the heart, but in some other organ that affected it. I have also found that intestinal irritations will pro- duce a serious disturbance of the heart. It is advisable in cases of heart trouble to treat and remove any inflam- mation or irritation that might be in the abdominal cavity. I have also learned that over-consumption of certain kinds of food will create an intestinal irritation that manifests itself quickly in the heart action. Oatmeal, bran, shredded wheat biscuits, as valuable as these foods are, have in many cases produced an intestinal condition that disturbs the action of the heart. In such cases it is well to remove all such foods, or greatly reduce the quantity eaten, and treat to remove the irritation and tenderness of the bowels. In other cases, in which the breath is short and the heart action bad, I have brought great relief by removing EFFECTS OF TEA AND COFFEE 207 all congestion at the base of the brain and in the neck, also between the shoulders, by massage. I could cite many cases of so-called heart trouble that I have quickly and completely cured by following the prin- ciples and ideas set forth in this article. In very few cases do I ever attempt to treat the heart. Another very com- mon cause of heart trouble is the free and unlimited use of tea and coffee. I believe it is utter folly to treat heart trouble and continue the use of either. The effect of tan- nic acid and caffeine on the system is so great that no part of the body escapes its evil effects. Space will not permit me to give the number of cases of so-called serious heart troubles that have disappeared when treated, as above described in this article. With but few, if any, exceptions, I have treated the heart merely as an effect, and not as a cause. If there is a tendency to a sour stomach, foods fermenting after eating, instant relief may be had by the use of common baking soda, or something that will pro- duce a vomiting, to rid the stomach of that acid, as this acid condition of the stomach will produce very annoying heart symptoms if you are not conscious that it is a reflex condition. In all heart cases examine closely the method of living and correct all bad habits. You will soon note a rapid im- provement in the heart action. Be careful in the use of heart stimulants as they are extremely dangerous. Mr. , editor of one of our papers in the state of Washington, was almost incapacitated because of so- called heart trouble. He was able to walk but a block or 208 PERSONAL MAGNETISM two. He was very large and fleshy and suffered from high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. This condition was entirely overcome by the treatment at the base of the brain with magnetism and massage, removing all congestion of the entire spine. Treatment by mag- netism was with the right hand in front, over the liver, and the left in back. One week’s treatment and he was able to walk as far as he pleased without any inconven- ience from his heart. Mrs. , sixty-eight years of age, had been given up to die with heart trouble many times, and was suffering with extreme dizziness, fainting away numbers of times when attempting to rise from her bed. This condition was quickly overcome by the same treatment as described in the above case. Coffee and tea and all foods that were stimulating and acid-forming were excluded from the diet. A treatment of the liver and kidneys was given in this case, as in the one above mentioned, and five years later, to our knowledge, the trouble had not returned. 209 CHAPTER XLI. STOMACH TROUBLE No organ of the body is more abused than is the stom- ach. A recent report of a prominent physician showed that out of several thousand so-called stomach cases there were only a few that were really stomach troubles. Al- most every organ of the body, when affected, produces an effect upon the stomach. It seems to be the central station for all troubles and it will never become affected of its own accord. You abuse it by not thoroughly masti- cating your food, by putting into it a mass of foods that ferment, by crowding it or by keeping it over-worked, or by making it work when you are in an improper mental condition, such as worry at meal times, or over-eating, or eating in haste or when you are too tired. All these conditions will affect the stomach, and then you pour into it a mass of chemicals for dyspepsia. The fact is, the trouble lies in your mode of living. This is the reason why so many people are sufferers from their stom- achs. That is why they have not found relief. They have sought all methods of treatments when the only thing needed has been the changing of their method of living. After correcting this they will find the stomach ready to perform its functions properly and easily. One of the most common causes of stomach troubles is found in the disturbance of the pneumo-gastric nerve. This is one of the most important nerves in the system. It is the disturbance of this nerve that produces dizziness and 210 PERSONAL MAGNETISM light-headedness and sometimes affects the eyes. It feeds and supports the lungs and the entire upper part of the body, including the stomach. Any disturbance of this nerve, which has its seat in the center of the head, will cause a serious disturbance in the lungs, heart or the stom- ach. This is plainly to be seen in the case of seasickness. The head swings and you become very pale and sick, and sometimes vomit as a result. Nothing has touched the stomach, yet the swinging of the head has disturbed the equilibrium of the nerve which terminates in the stomach. You can see at once the folly of taking medicines and why they have always failed to overcome seasickness. The swinging of the head has disturbed this nerve, and the stomach shows the results. The same principle is seen in a tree dying at its top- most branches, when we know that there is nothing in the branches producing it. The cause is at the base of the tree. We never think of going to the top of that tree to stop those branches from dying, but we treat the base and remove the cause, and no more branches die; but they live and produce. Not so with the stomach. We see the stomach in its various troubles and proceed at once to treat it, when it is only the end of this great pneumo- gastric nerve system. When we learn that it is only the end of the branch, and cease treating the end and go back to the base, we will be able to remove a multitude of stom- ach cases which have long baffled all physicians. This treatment has brought astonishing results in a great many cases where all other systems have failed: PNEUMO-GASTRIC NERVE IMPORTANT 211 Treat the base of the brain with massage and magnetism, and also place your well-moistened big finger in each ear, pressing it in gently, but firmly. This will produce intense heat, penetrating the ear and entire head. As the mag- netic current flows from one finger to the other, it will soon affect the pneumo-gastric nerve and produce quiet- ness, and overcome vomiting and many serious stomach ailments, also dizziness, light-headedness and ailments that accompany annoying stomach troubles. This nerve secretes the gastric juices of the stomach, which govern the successful digestion of your food. If gastric juice is not properly secreted the question naturally arises, “Why?” There is but one answer: This nerve is not properly supporting the stomach. Give this treatment daily, as I have described, and you are getting at the base of the tree to remove troubles that you see in the topmost branches. This is the reason why those who give food, and then pump the stomach to learn its deficiencies, and then try to supply those deficiencies by giving the patient medicines, tonics and chemicals, pro- duce little or no permanent relief. During your treatment of any case of stomach trouble remove all work possible from the stomach and give the very lightest diet the patient can be induced to take. Vegetable waters and fruit juices will pass through the stomach and nourish the patient, with very little exertion on the part of the stomach. The line of diet should be one of a non-acid-forming class. It is advisable, if there is a serious condition, to remove all solid foods, and in many cases, a complete fast is very beneficial. 212 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER XLII. OBESITY How to reduce is the one great problem of all heavy people. Overweight is usually looked upon as a great joke, when in reality it is very serious. When the system must carry this oversupply of weight every organ is forced to overwork. The whole system is overtaxed and it is no wonder there are so many sudden breaks. Anyone who had a perfect system of treatment for this trouble would find multitudes waiting for his services. A few sugges- tions are never out of place to all who are afflicted with this trouble. It is true that what will reduce one may not reduce another. The causes of obesity may be vastly dif- ferent in different people. It is usually due to a lack of exercise, overeating, eating wrong foods, and, in some cases, is caused by all three. The possessor of it usually knows what it is in his case. If it is gluttony, then stop it. If it is inactivity, then get busy. If it is due to sweets and starches, then change your diet. You should know better than anyone else where the trouble lies. Many persons troubled with this condition insist that they are well because their flesh is so solid, when in fact the solid condition of the flesh is only an accumulation of poisons and impurities that have gathered for years and that have gradually entered into this condition. People COMPLETE FAST HELPFUL 213 believe this to be a product of old age and expect to get stout as they get older. The treatment for this is very simple, as it lies wholly with the individual. About all that you can do is massage the entire spine, treating well daily the liver and kidneys by magnetism, with the right hand in front and the left on the back. Correct and change the whole method of living. Do not make a radical change suddenly, as it might be of serious consequence to your patient. Remove all foods containing fats, starches and animal proteins. If the patient is willing, a complete fast will do more than any form of treatment. However, treatments during a fast for this purpose are very essential to assist the system in elimination. In this condition the patient will find that he has many ailments annoying him, such as heart troubles, etc., and will seek treatments for these symptoms. It is only a waste of time and simply a mockery of nature to try to overcome these symptoms when such condition exists. Many a person is seriously troubled with this condition and yet will live almost wholly on a vegetable diet. In such cases, or in many cases, of this character, you will find a serious liver condition which has prevented the sys- tem from eliminating waste material. It is also true that obesity may be accompanied by some other trouble that has had much to do with creating this condition. In such cases, treatment of these various organs must be given most careful attention. Many persons, neither gluttons nor inactive, suffer from obesity. 214 PERSONAL MAGNETISM But there is help for practically everyone when proper diet, exercise and magnetic treatments are applied at the vital organs of the body and proper elimination is estab- lished. One of the most characteristic results of all mag- netic treatments has been the reduction in size of nearly all patients after a few weeks of treatment. Many times the patients would think that they were really worse from the treatment because of the loss of flesh which follows the treatments. Remember this, that magnetic treatments never cause the patient to lose an ounce of healthy flesh. If your patient should become thin through treatments, then this loss was not good flesh, but an accumulation of impurities, and when you stimulated the eliminative organs they were then able to eliminate the poisons from the system, leaving the body much smaller, but cleaner and healthier. Possibly there is no one thing that marks the treatment so much as that of the change in the size of the waist, limbs and feet. Possibly no one thing is a big- ger surprise to the average patient than to find that he was bloated. They will not believe it at the beginning of your treatments, but after a few weeks they are convinced that such a condition really existed. These patients usually feel lighter. Their weight seems to have left their limbs, and they can walk and move more easily. Do not look upon obesity as something of which to make a joke, but as a serious condition and disease, which deserves your utmost care and attention. 215 CHAPTER XLIII. ECZEMA, RASH AND PIMPLES Nothing is more embarrassing than having a face cov- ered with pimples. Neither is anything more annoying than to have the body covered with eczema and have to be smeared with salves all the time. Nothing will make people question the cleanliness, and oftentimes the morals, of your life, more than the condition of your skin. Your skin may tell a story plainer than words. It is for this reason that women resort to large quantities of pow- der and creams, and also paints, to prevent the appearance of their skin telling the story of the condition of their blood. Many a man is ashamed to go in bathing because of the condition of his skin. Many children are shunned at school because of the pimples on their faces. Many a woman has been subject to all forms of medical and serum treatments to remove the pimples that have so long em- barrassed her. Why have not drugs cleared these skins, giving them a fair complexion, removing that which has been a great hindrance in their social life? This, like all other things, shows how we have sought health by rubbing on salves and ointments and pastes, closing up the pores and not allowing them to speak to us. We have thought health came by covering up nature’s signals. In this, as in all other diseases, if the sufferer would be freed, and remain 216 PERSONAL MAGNETISM freed, he must learn that health must be lived, not bought. The many cases that have come under my observation have been extremely pathetic. Their suffering mentally, as well as physically, has been intense. They have re- sorted to every remedy that ever existed, with no perma- nent relief. What we have to offer in the following has brought relief to every one who has ever tried it. There have been no exceptions. And if you are suffering from eczema, pimples or rash you can become absolutely free from them when you stop endeavoring to cover up nature’s danger signals and begin to remove the rubbish that makes it necessary for your system to warn you in the form of rough skins, pimples and such conditions over the surface of your body. There has not come under my observation a single case of eczema, rash or pimples where the patient’s diet has not consisted of a large percent of starches, sugars and animal foods, being practically minus all of the minerals needed by the system. If the case be that of an adult a complete fast with the exception of fruit juices for several days will produce a rapid change in the system. If fever should be present no food should be given and an enema given at least once daily. If it is a chronic case the removal of all acid-forming foods and supplying an abundance of green vegetables, fruits and salads, whole wheat products, is the one sure road to health. The treatment should be one of a general nature, massaging the base of the brain and the whole ECZEMA IN BABIES 217 spine well, and the treatment of the liver and kidneys with magnetism with the right hand in front over the abdomen and the left hand on the back. This treatment should be given daily. In all of these cases, examine the liver thoroughly, and if soreness should be found special treatments should be given to remove it. Eczema in babies is more difficult to handle. It is more difficult to control the diet, because all eczema in babies is entirely different from that found in adults. It might be due to what the child has been eating, or it might not, but to the condition of the blood. In the large major- ity of cases you will find the mother ate nothing but acid- forming foods during the period of nine months. She suffered constantly from sour stomach. This fermented food had to pass through her system and furnish the material from which that baby’s body was builded. After the baby is a month or so of age the rank poison is eliminated through the pores, and eczema is the name given to it. Salves and ointments are then used to dry it up. Often the doctor has succeeded in applying salves that dry up this trouble, instead of allowing it to come through the pores, only to find that the baby has an attack of abscesses in the ear, boils, fevers, pneumonia, sore eyes, and various other ailments. The truth of the matter is, he has only prevented the system from eliminating its impurities through the pores and forced it to attempt elimination through other avenues. If this poison should be carried to the lungs, pneumonia results; or in the ears, abscesses; or in the intestines, diarrhoea; or into the liver, a congestion follows, producing constipation and many 218 PERSONAL MAGNETISM other ailments that apparently baffle the best physicians, and the child is often left a wreck or a cripple because of their efforts to prevent nature from eliminating the im- purities through the pores. Place the right hand on the abdomen and the liver and the left hand on the back, unless extreme soreness should be found, then use the left hand in front and the right in the back. If the child is being given foods that con- tain too much sugar or starch the practice must be stopped at once, and the child be given as little food as possible, until this condition has passed away. Enemas should be given freely to prevent any ill effects of constipation. The feeding and treatment must be governed by age and condition. Seek to purify the blood and give the system body-building material. Any sufferer of these diseases will find not only a relief, but a permanent cure. ECZEMA Mrs. brought her nine-months-old baby to the office. Its face and body were covered with eczema, and had been since it was three months old. Various appli- cations had succeeded in driving the bulk of the eczema from the body, leaving the cheeks and ears almost one solid scab. No application of ointments had any effect upon the face until someone advised her to use sulphur and lard. This had stopped the discharge and there was evidence of its healing. The mother was very jubilant over the fact that there were prospects of curing the face. DRYING UP ECZEMA DANGEROUS 219 It was in this condition that the child was brought to me for treatment. Two things were very noticeable as I began to treat this case. One was, that a cough had developed since the beginning of the application of sulphur and the drying up of the eczema. So serious was this that the child was threatened with pneumonia. It required several treat- ments to overcome the effects of the sulphur driving the eczema back into the system, which was the cause of the threatened pneumonia. The other thing noticeable was the odor of the urine, which was so offensive at first that it was almost impossible to give a treatment. This condi- tion quickly disappeared and the urine became normal after the first treatment of the kidneys and liver. The child rapidly improved. The diet of the mother was cor- rected, as well as the child’s. The former specialist had put the child on an almost exclusive diet of farina and cream of wheat. These were all removed and vegetable waters, fruit juices, water from soaked prunes and figs, given freely. PSORIASIS Mr. , who had been troubled for over nine years with this form of eczema, had been pronounced in- curable by all physicians whom he had consulted. No physician any longer attempted to give him any remedy. So bad was his condition that he would not go in bathing in the presence of anyone. 220 PERSONAL MAGNETISM A saucer of scales would be collected from his under- clothes once a day. When I was invited to treat the case he was suffering from a severe attack of inflamma- tory rheumatism. My treatments were based on the theory of cleaning up the system. The liver and kidneys were given a gen- eral treatment, as well as the whole spine and the base of the brain, with massage and magnetism. In this case the patient was laid on his face and treated with the left hand on the front and the right over the kidneys, first over one and then the other, and then applied the length of the en- tire spine. This treatment was given daily for a month. His diet was one in which all sugars, starches, meats and stimulants were excluded. He lived almost exclusively on combination salads, whole wheat bread and vegetables. His diet before this had been mainly of coffee, sandwiches, doughnuts, pie, etc., which covered a period of about nine years, while he was expressman on the Great Northern railway. After a change from this latter diet to the one first mentioned his condition rapidly disappeared, and at my last knowledge of him, which was several years later, it had never returned. Mr. , sixty-two years of age, had recovered from an attack of grippe, and after taking a bath broke out with a severe rash all over the body. This became worse, until from the navel to his knees he was absolutely raw. He had resorted to all kinds of solutions and oint- ments ; a number of specialists had been consulted, but no CONVULSIONS WITH ECZEMA 221 relief had been found. The family had been informed that he could last but a few days longer, as he would soon go into convulsions and pass away. The wife had in- formed me she had seen him become rigid three times as he sat in his chair, and had thought he was going. In this condition I was asked to apply magnetism. He had not slept for three weeks, except for a few moments while in his chair, and the remainder of the time was spent in walking the floor. After the first treatment he remained on the treating table and slept soundly for one hour. His diet, like that of all other eczema patients, had been mainly of fried potatoes, white breads, meats, starchy and acid-forming foods, pastries, etc. His diet was changed to one of almost a fast, and he was given nothing but the vegetable waters. His recovery was rapid. All such cases are the products of two conditions: one, the oversupply of acid foods; the other, lack of the proper foods containing the mineral required by the body. Mr. was brought to me from British Colum- bia, Canada. He was about forty-eight years of age and suffered from a case of eczema that was as bad as any I had ever seen. He was one solid scab from the toes to the top of his head. Fingernails and toenails had sloughed off and all hair was gone. His eyes remained filled with pus and he could see only as the nurse would wipe it out every few minutes. He was the most loathsome-looking human being I had ever seen. He was kept wrapped in an oiled 222 PERSONAL MAGNETISM sheet. During the night scabs would form and crack and peel off. He suffered intense pain and would cry out as these would crack and peel. He would beg us to shoot him to put him out of his suffering. He had been in this condition for over eighteen months, and all treatments had failed to bring any relief. Two months’ treatment of magnetism restored him to nearly normal condition. The treatment was given through the sheet with the right hand in front and the left in back, and at times reversed. Every morning when the sheet would be removed and shaken out on the floor there was enough scabs to fill a dustpan. These cases only show you the superiority of mag- netism over all other systems. He could not have been treated by chiropractors, nor by osteopathy. Drugs had no effect, so his last appeal was to magnetism, which did not disappoint him. 223 CHAPTER XLIV. TYPHOID FEVER Typhoid fever, like many other fevers, is supposed to run a course of from three to six or more weeks. The old methods of treatment never attempted to break the fever, but only to properly nurse and care for the patient during this period, and if the system was suf- ficiently strong it eventually overcame the typhoid germ and the patient recovered. To make anyone believe that this is not necessary and that they do not have to suffer a certain number of weeks is almost an impossibility. Such is a fact when the patient is properly treated with magnetism. Typhoid fever is not always suspected in the beginning, as it is very slow in showing itself. For a period of several weeks the patient has a tired, exhausted feeling, and is at times con- scious of a slight fever. The tongue gradually becomes coated in the center and bright on the edges, nose-bleeding being very frequent during this time. There is usually a slight rash on the abdomen, and in many cases a tendency to sleep most of the time. The fever will be noticed to be higher in the afternoon and to subside as evening comes on. The theory for the fever lasting so long is that the typhoid germ has entered the system and embedded itself in the intestines, which condition creates the fever and exhaustion, and that it reaches its zenith PERSONAL MAGNETISM 224 in from three to six weeks, depending upon how soon the system of the patient overcomes and destroys that germ. The convalescing of the typhoid patient is one of the most dangerous periods of all. If he is given food too quickly, or anything that irritates the intestines, or an enema that distends the colon, there is danger of a hem- orrhage, which is liable to cause death. This is the course of typhoid fever when treated by any of the old methods, but when treated by magnetism none of the above-men- tioned conditions will be present. Treatments of magnetism should be given daily, with the right hand over the intestine and the left on the back. The right hand should be moved over the whole abdomen during the period of treatment, sending the magnetism through all the intestines. The results will be nothing short of marvelous to the one who will apply this treat- ment as here described. As a rule the second or third treatment has always destroyed or checked the fever, and a rapid drop of the temperature in the afternoons will be noted after two or three days, and will continue to recede until the fever is entirely gone. If the head should ache severely a gentle massage at the base of the brain should be given daily before giving the magnetic treatment. If there is any tendency to dizziness the treatment should conclude with passes made upward from the eyes, over the top of the head, down behind the ears, extending downward over the body to the toes, throwing the hands outward at the close of each pass. This should be done a number of times if there is any tendency upon the MASSAGE HELPS NOSE-BLEED 225 part of the patient to suffer from fever. The nurse should be instructed to make these passes frequently between each treatment. This will prevent the need of ice packs. But whatever is done, the treatment of the abdomen, as before described, must be the main treatment given in all cases. I have never found an exception to this rule. Do not be misled by small symptoms as the one thing needed is the drawing of the blood into the intestines to destroy the germs. Here lies the cause of your fever, of your nose-bleed- ing and all other conditions. The quicker this condition is changed the more quickly will the nose-bleeding and other symptoms disappear. If there should be nose-bleed- ing, a massage at the base of the brain should be given first. Ice packs will never be needed if proper treatment is given your patient. The ice is harmful and tends to hinder, instead of aid, the cure. Out of twenty years’ experience I have found no exceptions to the above-stated facts. The longest run of fever that I have ever seen in any case was ten days, and that was accompanied by a severe attack of bilious fever. The average case will be free from all fever within four to five days, unless accompanied by complications or set- backs due to improper care and nursing. NURSING The nursing and care of typhoid patients is very simple. Complete quiet and rest are essential. All food should be omitted, with the exception of a liberal 226 PERSONAL MAGNETISM supply of a mixture of lemon and orange juices, or prune juice and any of the fruit juices, which are very beneficial and please the palate of the patient. A generous supply of water, bathing daily, or more frequently if possible, is very helpful. The use of an electric blanket sweat is extremely beneficial if given in the morning, when the fever is not high. Enemas should be given every day, but with great care. SPECIAL NOTICE Enemas should be given with the utmost caution if the patient has been confined to the bed several weeks before the magnetic treatments were given. In this case the patient has had time to become very weak, and a large enema might produce a hemorrhage. If he has been con- fined for several weeks, give only a pint or two of water at a time, and it would be best not to give any enemas until after you had treated two or three days, unless con- ditions warranted you to give it sooner. If you should give an enema and distend the intestines, thus causing a breakage, death would inevitably result. This condition would never exist if magnetic treatments were given at the beginning of the case, as the disease would not have time to seriously affect the intestines and endanger the life of the patient. He should be kept in bed for at least a week or ten days after the fever has gone, in order to give his system plenty of time to recover. Beware of a relapse, which can be produced by a very small mistake. One young man whose fever was entirely CARE WHEN CONVALESCING 227 gone after a few days, could not walk across the room without bringing on a fever. He felt strong and well, yet was compelled to remain in bed for ten days before this condition disappeared. 228 CHAPTER XLV. PNEUMONIA Pneumonia fever usually comes with a sudden on-rush and with little warning. Pain is usually severe, accom- panied with chills, coughing and very high fever. There is not much trouble in diagnosing a case of pneumonia, as the patient is usually able to tell you where the point of congestion exists. The care of pneumonia is practically the same as all other fevers. Remove all food, giving a high enema daily (See chapter on Enemas), also a sweat daily with an electric blanket if possible. This should be given in the morning, when the fever is lowest. If that is not pos- sible, give plenty of hot lemonade, or do anything that will produce a sweat, such as hot packs, bottles, or any- thing else. Do not use stimulants of any kind, as they only serve to excite the heart and send in more blood to the lungs, where it is already over-congested. TREATMENT Massage the base of the brain, and the whole spine, if possible. Apply the left hand over the point of conges- tion or in the region of the pain, and the right opposite it. Do this for at least a half-hour or longer, daily, treating the liver and bowels well with the right hand in front, or left hand if the liver should be extremely sore, and the BREAKING PNEUMONIA 229 right hand on the back. Follow this treatment with many passes down over the chest with the hands in the same position as when treating the lungs. Hot applications should be applied to the feet if they are cold, in order to draw the blood from the upper part of the body as much as possible. Use passes freely over the head if there should be headaches. Three to four days of treatment, as described above, will break practically any case of pneumonia. Great care must be taken during convalescence, that being one of the most critical times. The setbacks are always more diffi- cult and serious than the fever itself. The patient should not be permitted to leave the house for a week or more after recovery from a serious attack. BILIOUS FEVER The treatment for bilious fever is very simple. When you once understand its cause you will have no trouble in effecting a cure. This, like all other diseases, quickly disappears when you remove the cause. Biliousness is simply a case of protein poisoning, the partaking of foods that disturb the functioning of the liver. All animal foods should be removed, including eggs and milk-—in fact, an almost entire fast for several days will bring exceedingly quick results. A free use of lemon and orange juices— in fact, all fruits—constitute the best food for all such cases. The treatment by magnetism should be confined almost wholly to the liver. If there is extreme soreness, apply the left hand on the liver and the right on the back. 230 PERSONAL MAGNETISM In some cases it is well to treat as described for a short time, and then reverse the hands. If there is constipation, give an enema daily. As soon as the patient begins eating the coarser foods, such as roman meal, whole wheat mush and the patented brans, bran breads, and prune and fig juices may be used freely for the movement of the bowels. If there should be other symptoms give general treatment, which includes a massage of the base of the brain and the entire spine. 231 CHAPTER XLVI. FEMALE TROUBLES The term, “female troubles,” covers a great field and gives us no definite idea as to the nature of the trouble. There are many forms of female trouble which often affects the entire body, producing conditions that often lead the doctors astray, and instead of treating the cause the effect is noticed and receives all the treatment. Female trouble exists where it is least suspected, and for this reason the cause is never treated, and the patient wonders why her case is so puzzling and so difficult to cure. The trouble is not in the seriousness of the case, but in the failure to ascertain the cause. When you once learn the influence of the generative organs on the whole body you have made a great step for- ward in the treatment of human ailments. This is just as true in men as in women. We know that these organs undergo changes which the various parts of the body quickly show. As a boy comes into manhood the beard starts upon the face, the voice changes and his whole disposition and character seem to undergo a change. The changes in this period are as visible in girls as in boys. This being the case in the early period of life, why would not those organs continue to influence various parts of the body, especially when they become affected? 232 PERSONAL MAGNETISM I realize the fact that in discussing such a subject with patients, they often fail to understand, and feel that it is not a fit subject to discuss with anyone. Nevertheless, your bodily conditions, your health and your success de- pend not alone upon your ideals and morals, but upon the relation of one part of your body with the other. Misuse of the generative organs quickly produces a destructive influence to the whole life. This is seen in the case of immoral women. It is said that about eighty per cent of our sporting women die with lung trouble. Why lung trouble? Why not affect other organs of the body? It only shows the influence of the generative organs over the lungs. If a patient should come to you suffering from lung trouble, and all treatments upon these organs have failed, why should you continue to treat them? Seek another cause. If this condition exists in the immoral women, why did not that condition exist in our mothers and wives? It matters but little how the organs are depleted, whether legal or illegal, it is the fact of their being depleted that causes the trouble. I believe here we have one of the great causes of tuber- culosis in women. My whole theory is based on my experience. Upon treating the womb, as I will describe later, I have seen so-called lung trouble, cough and all signs of a sallow complexion rapidly disappear and health return. I also have seen liver troubles that have baffled all treatments, also stomach ailments, where the patient could not retain his food, entirely disappear when properly treated at the cause, the generative organs. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS 233 Why this has not been taught, why specialists and physicians do not so teach, I do not know, yet everyone knows of their influence on the stomach and liver during pregnancy. This affection is not due to the actual fact of the presence of a child in the womb, but to its influ- ence on some nerve in or near that organ. If any other cause should affect that same nerve why will it not pro- duce the same condition in the liver and stomach? It will. You will be surprised how quickly the majority of lung, liver and stomach cases will respond when the generative organs are properly treated with magnetism. These experiences have shown me a new cause for these troubles and when treated accordingly have brought marvelous results to practically all cases. From this center radiates life, energy and the great forces that are vital to every organ of the body. When these nerve centers are depleted and they fail to generate energy, which is necessary, then the body is depleted and weakened. Whole volumes could be written on this subject but I trust that these few points will start you to thinking along the line as to the value and importance of the generative organs in their normal conditions. In eating, these organs are never given a single thought. We eat to replenish our blood, to repair our bones. We hear of nothing but iron and lime, but these organs live on phosphorus. Find the average table that has one element of phosphorus on it. The idea of eating to replenish these organs would be considered by many 234 PERSONAL MAGNETISM as immoral, but we must rise above the thoughts of such people. God has given these organs and it is our sacred duty to keep them at one hundred per cent efficiency at all times. When we learn to eat proper food, which will repair the generative organs as well as the blood, we will have gone a long way toward bringing back vitality and energy. One of the most pathetic sights that meet the atten- tion of the student of health today are the wrecks among our women. You so often hear, “I have not had any health since my first child was born.” Why should this be? It is not true of the females of the animals nor of lower, uncivilized races, yet it is true of our women. There is but one answer. Their line of food has been so robbed of the necessary material, and the body is so filled with useless foods that the average woman is no more than a shell, and when any strain comes upon her genera- tive system, she becomes a wreck. When we learn to look upon these organs with a true idea of their importance in life we will rise above much of our conception of modesty. We will rise above our present ideas, and children will be taught the mission of the generative organs, as well as being taught the mission of the liver, stomach and other organs, and until this is done we can never hope to have a healthy generation. When our children are taught that their primary duty is the propagation of the human race and that the suc- cessful functioning in this line depends upon the condi- tion of their bodies, then bodies will be builded for this ABDOMINAL MUSCLES WEAK 235 purpose which will mean a sufficient amount of energy to carry them through every duty that life demands of them. FALLING OF THE WOMB One of the most common ailments of our women is that of falling of the womb. It usually means a tipping back or forward or to the side, or sometimes dropping down. There are only three things to make this possible. These you must consider in all treatments of women’s troubles. One is the muscles of the abdomen are too weak. This is often found among women with large abdo- mens, in which the intestines drop and push the womb out of place. These muscles need strengthening. There are many cases in which the womb is pushed down and, in some cases, entirely out into the world. In cases of this kind there is but one thing to do: treat to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and if the abdomen is too large, treatment should be given to reduce its size. If this con- dition is not due to the size and weight of the intestines and abdomen, then it is merely a case of weaking of the whole abdominal and intestinal muscles and the womb is not to blame for its fallen condition. In such cases vegetables, especially parsnips, ought to be cooked for about an hour and one-half and drained, and about three glasses of this water given daily to drink in order that the potassium may be given to the system to strengthen the muscles. Treat the abdomen well with the right hand, using the left hand on the back. This 236 PERSONAL MAGNETISM should be done for at least half an hour daily, and massage well the whole spine. A general treatment will produce astonishing results by reducing the size of the abdomen. The diet should be one in which starch, sugar and fats are eliminated, and in their stead plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and raw salads substituted. Another cause is that the womb, being too large for the ligaments to hold, causes them to stretch and produces this condiiton. The ligaments are built to hold a certain weight and when that weight is doubled they are not able to hold it. A treatment to reduce the uterus is the only solution. This is given by inserting one or more of the left largest fingers, well lubricated, against the mouth of the womb and the right hand against the back. This posi- tion should be maintained for fifteen or twenty minutes and then the right hand placed over the liver and abdomen for a similar time. This treatment should be given daily with a general treatment if needed. After the soreness has been removed it is often helpful to reverse your hands and use the right finger against the womb with an idea of drawing in the blood to carry away the poisons which caused the con- gestion. In some cases it is profitable to treat first one way and then the other, in order to produce perfect circulation through these parts. Falling of the womb oftentimes produces serious pains in the various parts of the body. Mrs. , about thirty years old, had been treating for a long time for cancer of the stomach, accompanied by intense pain and TREATING “HOPELESS” CASES 237 considerable vomiting. Her case had been given up as hopeless after having tried all forms of medical treat- ments. I proceeded to treat as 1 have above described, which quickly removed the soreness from the uterus. I was then able to lift it from the spine, where it had settled, caus- ing chronic constipation. To the woman’s surprise, her vomiting ceased and the pains also quickly disappeared, never to return. This case was very important to me as a proof of my theory. She came to me once and I tried to explain to her that she did not have a cancer but female trouble. She became very indignant and left the office in disgust because I told her she had female trouble and not a cancer. Later she returned, and after a few treatments given the womb, as before described, her so-called cancerous condition and constipation and stomach trouble were entirely overcome. After such a treatment as this, if the womb has fallen backward, shutting off the action of the colon, it can be gradually lifted up from this position as the soreness dis- appears. It is of no advantage to forcefully lift this womb from its position as the weight will soon cause it to settle back to its old position. In the above-mentioned case it had settled back so long and so far that it was impossible to lift it off the spine through the vagina. By turning her on her face, and having her take the knee-and-chest posi- tion, and inserting the well-lubricated finger into the rectum, I was able to easily push the womb forward from 238 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the spine, causing her much less suffering than by lifting it up. After this her constipation entirely disappeared. There has been no one thing that has marked my work so much as my method of treating female troubles. Magnetism is woman’s benefactor. There is no female trouble that magnetism will not correct. It is only a ques- tion as to how to apply it and not expecting results too quickly, as chronic cases require time. CHANGE OF LIFE No one period causes more anxiety to a woman than that of the change of life. This may occur any time in a woman’s life, usually from forty to fifty years of age. It may take from one to ten years. There is nothing gov- erning this time. In this period women find their greatest danger and look toward it with dread. They are taught that this period is accompanied with a great amount of suffering as the system undergoes this change. They are taught many things in which there is but little truth. To teach that anyone must suffer in obeying the laws of nature is to teach an absolute untruth. God never made any laws that were painful or punishing to obey. It is due to the misuse of our bodies so that they are not able to function at such a time. For all such cases a general treatment should be given which should be governed according to the condition that exists. In such cases there is weakness and flooding; in others, congestion and irregularity, and in other cases a great amount of hot flushes and dizziness. Dropsical CHANGE OF LIFE NOT DANGEROUS 239 condition, bad heart, tumors, insanity and almost any- thing to which human flesh is heir, manifests itself during this period. There is no woman that has a good reason for looking forward to this period with fear and trembling, unless she has violated the laws governing her body. This vio- lation may have been consciously or unconsciously, ignor- antly or intentionally done—results are the same. Such serious conditions are avoidable if a few simple rules will be observed, and magnetism properly applied. The diet should be one filled with an abundance of phosphorus. This phosphorus abounds in vegetables and especially raw vegetables. Little or no meat should be used. Teas, coffees and all condiments should be omitted. The base of the brain should be thoroughly massaged, also the whole spine. The liver and kidneys should be well treated to aid the system in elimination. If any tendency to flooding or irregular periods should exist, the treatment as described in chapter, “Female Troubles,” should be used. One should be regular in habits, obtaining plenty of sleep and be free from all excitement. In many cases total abstinence from sexual intercourse is imperative, especially if it is followed by long periods of flooding or weakness. If the above-mentioned rules are observed and prac- ticed, no woman need have any fear concerning her wel- fare during this so-called critical time. PERSONAL MAGNETISM 240 HOT FLASHES No one thing annoys women more during the change of life than hot flashes. They have been told that this is a part of the change and must not be surprised at its pres- ence and that nothing can be done to relieve them. Some are even informed that they are good symptoms and therefore to be prized rather than try to overcome them. Sometimes they become so frequent and hard that the possessor is incapacitated a large part of the time. These do not belong to a woman any more than a case of flooding belongs to her. They are only the prod- ucts of some abnormal condition and when such a condi- tion exists in your body, or anything lowers your effi- ciency or vitality or your ability, one cannot accept it as the workings of nature. It does not belong to a woman and is not a symptom that must necessarily be endured. Therefore, hot flashes have no part nor place in your life. You will find that they usually accompany the change of life, and are due, partly or wholly, to suppressed periods, liver and kidney troubles. Such conditions usually disappear quickly upon treat- ment of the base of the brain and whole spine with mas- sage, afterwards applying magnetism, with the right at the small of the back, for an equal length of time, changing the right hand over the liver and the left at the small of the back, will finish the treatment. A treatment of the womb, with the right hand internally, is always helpful. After this treatment has been completed a number of BENEFITS FROM FASTING 241 passes should be made from the head downward over the body to the feet. The whole treatment should cover thirty to forty-five minutes or longer if the case may require it. The diet should be almost a fast in all such cases. The bowels should be well cared for and all excitement should be avoided. All stimulating drinks must be omitted, as well as salt, pepper and spices. The diet should be one of plain, simple foods, consisting as much as possible of com- bination salads, fruits and vegetables. SUPPRESSED PERIODS No more critical time ever occurs in a woman’s life than when some physical condition has disturbed the menstrual periods. They simply mean life or death. A free monthly flow means life and an obstructed flow means disease and eventually death. To find what is the exact cause in every case of sup- pressed periods is a very difficult matter. If this could be learned it would be a small matter to reestablish the per- iod. Some cases might be due to the lack of blood. Other cases due to extreme congestion, exposure, fright or any sudden shock. Whatever the cause may be, something has interfered with the functioning of these organs. If the cause is known the only natural remedy is to remove that cause. If it should be a shock it cannot be removed. The treatment must be given to overcome the effect. The general condition should largely govern your opinion 242 PERSONAL MAGNETISM as to the cause of this existing condition. If the patient is emaciated or anaemic then it is a question of rebuilding the whole system. If this is not a fact and the patient is large and apparently healthy, then it is due to some sudden or acute condition in the system. If it should be the former, then give proper foods to re- build the blood, as described in Chapter on Tuber- culosis. There is but little or no difference in the treat- ment as this condition surely means tuberculosis in the most cases. Or if the latter cause exists then it is not a question of blood but a question of stimulating those organs to assist them in their efforts to function. Treatment of the base of the brain and the spine with massage, and with magnetism through the ovaries and uterus with the right hand, and the left hand on the back is very beneficial in many cases. Treatment given to run the blood into the lower parts of the body should be the object of all treatments as in such cases the blood has usually gone to the upper part of the body, causing a red face and hot flashes, headache and many other distresses. Soak the feet in hot water; sitz baths are also very help- ful in many cases. Give a general treatment every day. In many cases where it is possible insert the right finger against the uterus and the left on the abdomen or back for a period of twenty to thirty minutes daily with a light massage of the clitoris. This has in many cases produced marvelous results. A continued treatment of magnetism over a period of a few weeks will reestablish almost any case of sup- pressed periods. MAGNETISM STOPS FLOODING 243 FLOODING Here as in all other cases, magnetism has proved itself equal for the occasion. If the flooding should be due to extreme weakness the treatment should be given with the right finger inserted against the womb and the left hand on both nipples if possible for a period of twenty to thirty minutes, also a gentle massage of the clitoris is helpful. This must be done with great caution. If flooding should be due to extreme congestion then the opposite treatment should be given using the palm of left hand held firmly against the clitoris and the right hand externally on the back or over the abdomen or the nipples. I have had many cases but have never found any case of flooding that has failed to respond to one of these two treatments. The only difficulty you have is that of con- vincing your patients of the efficiency of such a treatment. Success has attended every case I have ever had. The same will attend you if you will be wise and tactful. There is no need for the use of packing and correct- ments in any such cases. By all means correctments should never be given. Many a woman has been seriously injured by some ignorant physician, resorting to a correct- ment to stop a hemorrhage. The same thing is true in trying to start a period. Many a doctor will resort to a correctment to reestablish the suppressed period. The evil effects of this practice is seen many months later when the womb has become enlarged and fallen. Many a 244 PERSONAL MAGNETISM woman can date her first female trouble back to this so- called minor operation. Magnetism will not disappoint you if you will apply it faithfully and carefully. Much more could be written, but I have given you the principles. You must vary their application to suit the case. I recently had a case where I used the left big finger against the womb and caused a relaxation that continued the flowing. I was unable to give another treatment for a couple of weeks and the patient flowed all of this time. A treatment with the left palm against the clitoris for a period of thirty minutes brought immediate relief. MISCARRIAGE The prevention of miscarriage is one of the most dif- ficult things in the practice of every physician. Many a woman desires to be a mother but finds it impossible because at certain periods of conception miscarriage always takes place. These are always accompanied by extreme suffering, which endangers not only her health but her life. Every woman knows, better than the physi- cian can tell, the anguish that these occasions bring to her life. Pitiful are the multitude of wrecks that exist because of the methods practiced to prevent miscarriage. My experience with such cases has been almost uni- versally successful. I have never yet found a threatened case of miscarriage that magnetism has not been able to prevent, even to the extent of stopping a case in which labor had already begun. All such cases are usually MAGNETISM PREVENTS MISCARRIAGE 245 accompanied with extreme soreness through the abdomen. A proper application of magnetism will relieve this con- gestion and soreness, and as a natural result, all tendency to a miscarriage will disappear. The treatment for such a case should be governed largely by the circumstances. If it should be due to weakness, then the treatment of the right hand over the abdomen to strengthen those parts or if it should be due to congestion, then the left hand in front and the right in back should be given. Observe carefully the instructions on womb trouble and treatment described herein. Such cases should be treated with great care. All excitement must be removed and the patient remain abso- lutely quiet. A general treatment should be given at least once a day for several days to tide them over this critical period. A continuation of these treatments at least once a week or more for an indefinite time will be found a guaranteed remedy against miscarriage. The diet should be one consisting of fruit juices, vegetable waters and and other acid-forming foods. 246 PERSONAL MAGNETISM BLOOD POISON, MISCARRIAGE No one thing creates as much fear concerning miscar- riage as that of blood poisoning. The treatment for this should be the same as for any other inflamed condition of the uterus. Study well the Chapter on Female Troubles and you will find the prin- ciples to be applied in such cases. Treatment should be given at least twice a day if the case is serious. The liver and kidneys must be treated well, all food removed and the patient kept perfectly quiet. There is no need of any one ever dying from blood poisoning, let the cause be whatever it may, if you will have the courage to trust magnetism. It is very difficult to give you specific treatments for each case but the prin- ciples as heretofore laid down are sufficient. Remember always that if one application does not get results after a time try different applications of your hands. In such cases as this I would especially treat with the right hand internally and the left over the abdomen above the uterus. Never scatter blood poisoning through the system. MAGNETISM WOMAN’S FRIEND 247 AFTER PAINS This, like pregnancy vomiting, is supposed to be a natural consequence and women are supposed to endure it and say nothing. There is no medicinal remedy for these pains. The proper use of magnetism with the left hand over the uterus and the right hand on the back the next day after confinement will usually bring instant relief and prevent all after-pains. One or two treatments the following day is all that is necessary to bring about relief. This treatment need not interfere with a doctor’s care of the mother or anything that he is doing. It may be given by the nurse or by the husband. If you will give this treatment of magnetism for twenty or thirty minutes or longer, you will find instant relief and the results abso- lutely satisfactory. It will be found very helpful to continue these treat- ments for several weeks after the confinement. This will assist nature in restoring the womb to a normal condition. This is one of the most important treatments, as any fail- ure of the womb to return to normal size will result in a fallen womb or other troubles. It may be wise to use the right hand internally to strengthen the womb and gener- ative organs. 248 PERSONAL MAGNETISM PREGNANCY VOMITING It is a common idea that all pregnant women must vomit for at least three months from the time of concep- tion. This is one of the most erroneous ideas and is one of the most common beliefs of today. There are very few women who do not suffer during the first three months. This can be overcome in practically all cases by the proper use of magnetism. A treatment should be given through the uterus or the lower part of the abdomen to remove whatever soreness or other troubles may be found. A treatment also through the liver to relieve whatever congestion or soreness is also very essential. If the face should be white, treat to run the blood to the head as described in other cases. If red, then give the opposite treatment to run the blood from the head. This will usually bring relief in all cases. I have never during my many years experience in practice found any case of pregnancy vomiting that did not respond to magnetic treatments and bring instant relief to the prospective mother. Remove all acid-forming foods. Give liberally of fruit juices if there is a craving for them. If there should be any tendency to sour stomach stop all starchy food, all sweets and acids. In some cases fruit juices will produce sour stomach. In obstinate cases treat through the ear to affect the pneumo-gastric nerve, which will be found very beneficial in many cases. If the face is white give this treatment at the close, as it will draw the blood to the head. INFLUENCE OF GENERATIVE SYSTEM 249 GOITRE The treatment of goitre is very difficult. My success has not been very great, but like many other ailments, patients will not give you time. The cause of goitre has never been fully understood by any school of healing. Therefore it is rather difficult to treat for you might not be treating the cause. This much is to be said concern- ing goitre; it appears mostly in women, and during three important periods of their lives: as they come into woman- hood, during pregnancy, or as they go through the change of life. This gives the impression that the cause must lie largely in the generative system. I do not believe that this is the sole cause, but I do believe that here is to be found one of the great causes of goitre. The generative system in both male and female has a direct influence over the throat. This is apparent by the change of the voice as youth comes into manhood or womanhood, and by the change of the facial expression. On the male a beard starts, older expressions are noticed. We know it affects the vocal chords and changes the voice, why should it not affect the thyroid gland? We know it does during pregnancy, as it is a common experience for women to have goitre during this time and to have it leave as soon as the child is born. It is very difficult to give any specific treat- ment. However, I would treat well the base of the brain and massage gently the thyroid gland. I would use the left hand on the gland and the right on the back of the neck for one-half hour daily, keeping them 250 PERSONAL MAGNETISM well moistened. I would give a diet that was rich in iodine. It is a well known fact that one of the causes of enlargement of this gland is due to lack of iodine. Con- ditions in the stomach or in that region also affect the thyroid gland. I recently had a case, and while treating a growth in the pit of the stomach the goitre entirely disappeared. No one will make any mistake in following the above advice, adding to that any other treatment that the case might seem to call for. I do not see why, if the enlarge- ment of the liver is very pronounced, and the upper part of the body is congested, the thyroid gland would not come in for its share of the congestion, therefore produc- ing a so-called goitre. Here again, as in any other case, the healer must use his own judgment as to what the possible cause could be and treat accordingly. LEUCORRHOEA A great many women suffer severely and constantly from leucorrhoea. About the only treatment ever given has been douches, which have never been satisfactory. I would treat this disease as I would catarrh. (See Chapter on Catarrh.) I do not believe there is any difference in prin- ciple. 1 would avoid all douches. If there is extreme soreness I would use the left finger, well lubricated, in the vagina and the right on the back. Sometimes this will produce a severe backache, and in case it does, use the right in front over the abdomen and part of the time TREATMENT SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE 251 over the liver. If the extreme soreness has disappeared sometimes it is very beneficial to reverse the treatment by using the right finger inside and the left on top to draw blood through these parts and thus heal them. Strict attention must be given to the diet. Omit all acid-forming foods, such as sugar, starchy foods and meats. Teach the patient to watch the effects of certain foods on the discharge. By this they can often learn the foods responsible for the condition. (See Chap- ter on Catarrh.) OVARIAN ABSCESSES The treatment for this is very simple and yet extremely effective. If the abscess should be in the left ovary you would insert your big left finger, well lubricated with vaseline, into the vagina as far as possible holding your right hand on the nipple of the left breast. If the abscess should be in the right ovary, give the same treatment using the right breast. It is also well to place the right hand on the small of the back for twenty to thirty minutes, or in some cases use the right hand on the liver while treating internally. The diet in this case, as in others, should be well guarded, as described for other abscesses. In case your patient is very sensitive, or a delicate, nervous woman, or where such a treatment could not be given, as in a young girl, then the treatment should be given with your left palm over the ovary and the right on the back. The fingers of your left hand might be used 252 PERSONAL MAGNETISM after making them very hot by rubbing them together and pressing them firmly against the inflamed ovary. This treatment should be continued for about a half-hour, or until you have given relief. Sometimes it takes several treatments to entirely reduce the pain. Passes can be made while the patient is lying on her right side. With the left hand in front and the right in back make many passes over the inflamed parts. These treatments should be given daily and in extreme cases twice daily. I have never known this treatment to fail in reducing inflammation of these organs. Persistency and patience, judgment and tactfulness are all that are needed in sav- ing your friends and loved ones from operations. After the above treatment is given for several days, it is wise in many cases to reverse the methods of treatment. A CRITICAL PERIOD 253 CARE OF THE GIRL AS SHE APPROACHES WOMANHOOD Possibly no period in a girl’s life is more serious than this. If parents could be made to realize the im- portance of this period, many a child’s life would be turned into different channels, and would be one of hap- piness and health instead of one of suffering, weakness and disease, as is so often the case. Many a woman is an invalid today and unable to fill her place properly as a mother because no attention was given to her at this period. The time to prepare for menstruation is years before it is time for its appearance. The ordinary method of living in the American home is not conducive to health and strength. The ordinary diet upon the average American table has but little in it for the girl who is seeking to build a body that will fit her system for approaching womanhood and motherhood. As you view the average table you will find it is usually filled with nothing but an acid-forming quality of foods, in which there is practically no food for the generative organs. These organs must be given an abundance of phosphorus. The girl’s system must be given a lot of material that she may prepare to function as nature has ordained. This is the reason why so many of our young mothers are complete wrecks after the first or second child is born. These organs were never fed; they never matured nor 254 PERSONAL MAGNETISM developed into organs of strength. Her menstruations are a drain on her system instead of a help. One of the greatest curses that has befallen our meth- ods of living has been the consumption of large quanti- ties of fancy candies and pastries that serve only to pollute the blood stream with acid-forming material, which settles on these vital organs, causing our young girls extremely painful periods, which leads to artificial means, such as drugs, to produce a painless menstruation. The girl at this period should be given large quanti- ties of green foods, rich in phosphorus, foods that are non-acid-forming and that are blood and nerve building so that the system may store away a great quantity of material for its own needs and then have plenty to spare for the building of the body of the baby. In this way there will be a foundation for the building of other bodies when nature makes her demands. The time to store her body with this material for the future is in the earlier days. It cannot be done success- fully during the time of pregnancy. Girls should be taught that the one great mission in their lives is the bearing of children. They should be taught that this is the highest and most supreme object of their existence. To fulfill this mission properly they must have bodies equal to this work and occasion. These bodies cannot be built in a day. They must be grown and matured. This work belongs to the period of youth. Unless they are properly cared for during this period our girls are going to be wrecks as they come into woman- UNNECESSARY SORROW 255 hood and motherhood. This could all be avoided, lives saved and health preserved if we would take the same care of the bodies of our girls as we do for the young animals that are to bear young. We trust the parents who read these pages will con- sider seriously what they have read. It is one thing to give away in your home life to please your children and see them revel in pleasure and indulgences. It is another thing to see that a girl reaches womanhood and finds her unable to function as a woman and mother, and to see her a physical wreck when her body has been called upon to function as a mother. These are too often days of great anxiety, suffering and sorrow. Lives are wrecked and homes are ruined all because of the mother’s inability to bear children and maintain her health at the same time. It is a more lasting and durable pleasure to refuse them some of the so-called pleasures and luxuries of youth and build a body, than it is to grant them their whims and then spend many years in worrying over the future of your daughter and your grandchildren alike. 256 PERSONAL MAGNETISM PAINS IN THE SIDE The importance of this subject cannot be overesti- mated. Many a woman has been the victim of an opera- tion for appendicitis because she had a severe pain in her right side. She was told that appendicitis was the trouble, and unless operated upon immediately her appendix was liable to burst. If it is on the left side they say it is an abscess in the ovary or fallopian tube and that she must be operated upon. In many cases these organs are removed. My experience has been that neither of these two con- ditions is true of the great mass of cases. The truth of the matter is, that the trouble is not to be found in the condition of the female organs, but to the position of them. No woman could do more for her protection or for the protection of her daughter than to study and learn the position of the female organs. When this is clearly understood, she will not be easily frightened by every pain that she might have in either side, regardless of its severity or its frequent recurrence. The study of these organs will reveal the fact that they are supported by ligaments and nerves running from the spine, extending up over the top of the hips to the ovaries and womb. Whenever the womb is tipped to one side or the other, or backwards or forwards, it stretches these nerves and causes extreme pain in many cases. If it should be on the right side, and extremely bad, then that is the argument for appendicitis. If it should be on the left side it is called an abscess. DISPLACEMENT OF THE WOMB 257 If patients would only stop and use a little thought they would avoid serious operations, as well as much suffering and danger of life. Many times this condition comes on by turning over in bed at nights, producing excruciating pains, fear of operations, when it is noth- ing but the displacement of the womb. If such should be your experience you will find that you can lie more easily on one side, or in one position, than another. This will reveal the fact that a certain position lets the womb tip back, removing the pressure or the stretching of the nerve, stopping the pain instantly. This should prove to you that it is not an abscess. If a medical doctor should be called at this time he has but little or no trouble in convincing the patient of the need of an immediate operation. An examination of the womb usually will reveal the displacement as above de- scribed. An examination will quickly determine whether or not this organ is causing any part of the pain. If it should be extremely sore and enlarged you will not be able to replace it at once, nor tell how much it is dis- placed. The very fact of the sudden pain is sufficient to assure you of its displacement. Treatment should be given internally, with the left finger, well lubricated, and the right on the back or on the abdomen to remove the soreness, which will enable you to make a thorough examination of the womb. This treatment will usually bring quick relief. As soon as possible, lift the womb from its fallen position. 258 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Knowing that this is not appendicitis you can then quiet the fears of the patient, and they will give you abundance of time to remove these conditions and pre- vent a serious operation. The art of replacing a misplaced womb is rather del- icate and particular. The abdomen and the whole vaginal tract may be extremely sore, but not necessarily due to inflammation but to stretching of the nerves. I have seen many cases of extreme soreness of abdo- men, that would at once be declared appendicitis by a medical man, that has entirely disappeared within a few minutes after the womb has been replaced. This sore- ness was not due to inflammation but to a stretched and irritated nerve, due to the fallen position of the womb. Great caution must be exercised in attempting to replace the uterus. Sometimes it is very painful and the patient is almost unable to endure the replacement. If it should be suddenly tipped backwards, in many cases the only way to replace it is for the patient to take the knee-and-chest position, and with the right big finger, well lubricated, insert into the rectum and you will soon detect the trouble and the womb can be pushed forward and instant relief will follow. All of these things must be done cautiously, modestly and easily because the patient is suffering intensely and your treatment should add just as little pain as possible. It might require quite a few treatments to reduce the inflammation or soreness that may exist. Get the patient in as comfortable a position as pos- AVOID DOUCHES 259 sible, and absolutely quiet. Treat this womb daily as described in chapter on “Falling of the Womb.” Gentleness must mark every action as you can easily disgust the patient or punish her so that she will not con- tinue treatments. Possibly no one thing has disgusted women more than the treatment from doctors for these troubles. Doc- tors, as a class, are very rough and reckless. Thought- fulness, tactfulness, gentleness, modesty and judgment are very essential and any woman is sensible enough to be treated wisely if you do your part. DOUCHES One of the universal practices among women is the use of douches. This I have found to be extremely harmful, and I be- lieve this practice is one of the causes of leucorrhoea. A great many women feel that they are not clean inside unless they are using a douche frequently. Why should these parts be washed out constantly? Nothing else God ever made needed it and neither do women, except in extreme cases. The practice of douches is extremely harmful. It keeps washed away the natural lubricants of these parts, setting up an inflammation that produces serious results. The use of water in these parts injures the glands so that they cannot furnish a normal secretion, therefore many women find themselves in serious conditions and 260 PERSONAL MAGNETISM wonder why those parts are so extremely dry and sore. The douche has been one of the primary causes in the majority of these cases. Where such a condition exists a treatment with the right finger, well lubricated, in these parts, and the left on top or back, has always brought quick results to practically all cases. 261 CHAPTER XLVII. GALL STONES The treatment of gall stones is almost the same as that of liver trouble. If there should be a stone in the gall blad- der it is there because of some reason. The removing of that reason will prevent the forming of other stones and at the same time remove the gall stones that have formed. The reason for the existence of gall stones is found in the abnormal temperature of the gall bladder. This abnormal temperature causes a settling of the lime that is in the bile, thus forming gall stones. When the fever or temperature is removed the bile itself will be able to dis- solve the larger part of gall stones. The treatment for gall stones is simple. Apply the left hand directly over the gall bladder, or the point where the pain exists, and the right opposite on the back. Con- tinue this for about one-half-hour daily, until all soreness has disappeared. All foods that tend to excite the liver and produce an oversupply of bile must be withdrawn. In all cases of gall stones, or supposed gall stone attacks, it is well to treat as above described. Treat the base of the brain with massage, and follow with ten or fifteen minutes of magnetic treatment by placing the left hand on the back of the neck and the other on the top of the head, also one large finger in each ear for ten or more minutes. This treatment stimulates the pneumo-gastric nerve, which so often produces an abnormal condition of the stomach, 262 PERSONAL MAGNETISM creating a pain similar to the passing of gall stones. In all treatments of gall stones the above-mentioned treat- ment should never be omitted. Mrs. came for treatments for gall stones. The attacks were so severe that it took three hypodermics to produce unconsciousness while the supposed gall stones were passing. These attacks were regular and became more severe as she became older. She had been urged to have an operation, but refused. She had also been warned that death was inevitable, but she chose to die rather than submit to an operation. The first treatment given, as described above, over the gall bladder, at the base of the brain, and through the ears, resulted in completely removing all the noises in the head, preventing future attacks of gall stones. We never found a case of gall stones that has not quickly responded to the treatment, as described above. Mrs. suffered for three weeks with an intense pain in the region of the gall bladder. During this time one physician insisted on operating for appendicitis, another for stoppage of the bowels. She was taken to Spokane on a stretcher, where another specialist was con- sulted, who insisted on operating for gall stones. She had grown very weak, having vomited almost continually for the three weeks. She had not been able to retain any water during the entire period. They wired my office and asked if I could cure gall stones. She was brought to Seattle and kept in the Differ hotel. ABSCESSED GALL BLADDER 263 The first treatment, given over the gall bladder, did not bring relief. The following treatment was given inter- nally on the womb. The pain left at once and within twenty-four hours all vomiting ceased. My reasons for treating the womb were due to my belief in its influence over the stomach and gall bladder. I used the right hand internally and the left over the pain. This removed the irritation, which had produced an abscess in the gall bladder. It opened without any pain and her recovery was complete in a few days. Her gall stone, appendicitis and stoppage of the bowels all showed themselves in the form of an eight-pound boy about eight months later. Mrs. had been an extreme sufferer from fre- quent attacks of gall stones, which usually caused her to remain from ten to fifteen hours unconscious while the supposed gall stones were passing. Her side was very sore and painful. I was invited in to see the case as she was coming out of one of these long periods of suffering. The treatment was successful in drawing the soreness away from the gall bladder by use of the left hand in front and the right hand on the back. The following day she came to the office. The second treatment was given similar to that of the first, which resulted in producing a severe pain in the back of the liver. This increased in severity to the extent that she was not able to go home for several hours. I left her reclining on the table and returned and treated her several times during the afternoon, only to 264 PERSONAL MAGNETISM find the pain increasing and beginning to move down and across to the left side of the body. That same night she was brought back to the sanatarium suffering with intense pain and a swollen ankle. This pain had traveled down her body and located in the ankle, causing swelling and much suffering. She remained in the sanatarium for possibly two weeks or more with a case of inflammatory rheumatism. The strange thing about this case was that she never had another symptom of gall bladder trouble. She had been urged to have an operation to remove these stones, but had delayed the operation from time to time. If she had gall stones in that gall bladder she had them in her ankle, for the same thing that made the pain in the gall bladder moved out of the gall bladder and forever left her free from that condition, but produced a severe case of inflammatory rheumatism. If that was rheumatism in the ankle, it was nothing more nor less than the same thing in that gall bladder. The treatments were given to eliminate the poisons of the system, which soon overcame the inflamed and swollen ankle. The diet for this should be one of an abundance of green vegetables, combination salads and free from foods of acid-forming content, such as the starches, sugars and meats. It is advisable in all such cases to massage the base of the brain thoroughly and treat, with the large finger moist- INSTANT RELIEF GIVEN 265 ened, through the ears to stimulate the pneumo-gastric nerve, which directly affects the action of the stomach. In a great many cases of gall stones this treatment has brought instant and permanent relief. I believe in many cases it is nothing less than a contraction of the duodenum which prevents the escape of the gastric juices from the stomach. The action of the stomach causes a crystallizing of the acids and as they pass through the contracted duodenum produce a sharp, cutting pain resembling the passing of a gall stone. This treatment relaxes the duo- denum and lets the acids pass out quickly. If there should be gall stones, no harm is done in giv- ing this treatment, but if it should be only an inflamed con- dition of the gall bladder, it will aid in effecting a complete and permanent cure of this trouble. The pains are identi- cal with the passing of a gall stone, and no one can detect which is creating these pains. It is never out of place to treat as above described, and you will seldom, if ever, find the necessity to abandon 266 CHAPTER XLVIII. YELLOW JAUNDICE The cause of yellow jaundice is due to something stop- ping the flow of bile from the gall bladder to the intes- tines. This may be due to gall stones or to an inflamma- tion in the duct, forcing the bile back into the liver where it is absorbed and carried through the system, creating the yellow condition of the skin and eyes. In all such cases of extremely sore liver or gall bladder relief can be given by treating with the left hand over the sore spot and the right on the back. This will remove the inflammation which is preventing a free flow of bile. The whole treatment should be given through these parts. Sometimes it is well to give a reverse treatment and in some cases it is advisable to treat ten or fifteen minutes one way and then the same length of time the other way, the object being to remove the congestion and soreness. A few things are very essential to remember in the treatment of yellow jaundice; namely, that it means de- struction of the red blood corpuscles; the diet should con- tain a liberal supply of vegetable waters, potato peeling water, and bran water for the purpose of adding iron for the making of blood, also vegetables and combination salads. The bowels should be kept open with an enema daily. The kidneys should be well treated to aid them in elim- inating the bile. The patient should be taught the neces- FREQUENT BATHS HELP 267 sity of fresh air and deep breathing to aid in eliminating this poison. After recovery, caution should be used in the diet. No animal foods should be given, such as eggs and meat. Plenty of baths during such a time, to open the pores to assist in the elimination, are very essential. 268 CHAPTER XLIX. ENEMAS The giving of an enema is very simple and effective. A great many people declare they cannot take enemas as they cannot retain a sufficient quantity of water long enough to accomplish results. The average person takes an enema sitting upright. This is positively injurious and should not be practiced. The water is forced uphill which means the distention of the lower colon, injuring it if indulged in too frequently. The more reasonable and practical methods are not only absolutely non-injurious but beneficial. The syringe should be filled with water a little above the temperature of the body, 105° to about 1 07°. If there is no thermometer by which the temperature of the water could be tested, it should be of a heat in which you can hold your hands comfortably without burning. Before inserting the tube, all cold water should be let out of the syringe, so the first injection of water is warm. If this is not done and the cold water enters first it will produce a contraction of the sphincter muscle, preventing the water entering freely into the upper part of the colon. The patient should lie on the right side. If there is any tendency to piles, the tube should be well covered with vaseline; the syringe should hang about three or four feet above the body. The water should be permitted to enter the bowel slowly. This can be done by pinching BENEFITS OF THE ENEMA 269 the tube, and at any time there is a desire to expel the water the tube should be pinched, stopping the flow of water. The abdomen should be kneaded or shaken gently to aid the water in passing up along the colon. If the bowels should be well filled with effete matter and cannot retain the whole syringe of water, one should arise and expel it and then refill the syringe and again fill the bowels. With a little patience and caution you will soon be able to retain a full syringe of water without any inconvenience or suffering. The great mistake made in the giving of the average enema is due to the water not being warm enough and the failure to empty the tube of the cold water before inserting. A little practice will soon teach one how to successfully take an enema. There are some cases that cannot take an enema in this position. In the case of a fallen uterus, or something that obstructs the flow of water through the colon, this position would not be the very best. These cases can be given an enema by having them take the knee-and-chest position. While injecting the water and after filling the colon, it is often helpful to gently massage the whole abdomen. 270 CHAPTER L. ACCIDENTS AND BRUISES Nothing has been more surprising in the application of magnetism than to find its wide field of use. I do not know where it can be applied without profit. A few more cases will illustrate its wide field of usefulness. I was standing in the door of the police station one evening, talking with some of the officers, when the police judge came walking in from his room, with a steel paper weight hanging suspended from his forehead where it had entered the skin at the base of the nose and extended for possibly an inch up underneath the skin next to the scalp. One policeman, seeing the condition, jerked it out. Anyone can at once readily realize the seriousness of this accident. That old, dirty piece of wire would carry every possibility of a case of blood-poisoning. Some wanted to get a medical doctor, believing that they have the only preventative of blood-poisoning. Others wished to apply carbolic acid, and others turpentine, to stop danger of blood-poisoning. I succeeded in quieting their fears nad then made my hands extremely hot and placed the heated right hand on the point of the wound, and the left at the back of the head. This I did for fifteen or twenty minutes. The next morning one of the policemen, uneasy about the accident and fearing that if blood-poisoning WOUNDS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED 271 should result, it would be fatal, being so close to the brain and in so critical a place, went to his home to learn his condition, but to his surprise, and to that of the judge, the face was not even swollen, nor was there the least trace of soreness. Again I believe I am safe in saying that there is no other system on earth that could have saved this from becoming badly swollen and painful. I leave the reader to judge if I am not justified in reaching such conclusions. Another case as to the superiority of magnetism was seen in the case of my janitor, who was about seventy years of age. One night in a storm he fell and struck his eyebrow, cutting a gash over one and one-half inches long. This quickly swelled to an immense size. In a case of this kind no one would think of using adjustments of the spine or massage; nothing but two or three stitches would have even been suggested. How- ever, I decided to try the virtue of magnetism and he was perfectly willing. The wound was washed and a damp cloth laid over the open incision. The heated right hand was applied over the wound for possibly a half-hour, after which all swelling was entirely removed. The edges were then drawn together, some adhesive tape applied to hold in a firm position and the head bandaged, after which the old man went to bed. I treated it daily for four days, during which time it neither swelled nor became sore. He never suffered any pain nor lost any sleep. 272 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Again I ask the reader if there is any other system which could produce such a result? I have successfully applied magnetism to broken bones, that have been set, or while waiting for repair to take place. Magnetism will remove all congestion and soreness, create a perfect circu- lation through the injured parts and effect a cure in a great deal less time than when left untreated. In this, like in other troubles, space will not permit giving a full account of my many experiences in treating wounds and accidents. But I have never found mag- netism fail to remove soreness and pain and bring relief to the sufferer. 273 CHAPTER LI. VARICOSE VEINS The treatment of varicose veins is very difficult as the cause is usually in the method of living. When the aid of the patient can be obtained it is possible to secure excel- lent results, if not a permanent cure. In this disease, like all others, the patient must be taught that health is a thing lived, and not bought. If you correct the habits of the patient it is possible to remove a large percentage of these troubles. Diet, I believe, is one of the great causes of varicose veins. Patients coming under my care have found excel- lent relief by eliminating all animal foods, starches, sugars, tea and coffee, and living largely upon vegetables and uncooked foods, such as combination salads, fruits, nuts, whole wheat products, etc. Reduce the quantity of food to the smallest amount possible at each meal. These changes cannot be brought about suddenly, but must be gradual, and if persisted in, will bring surprising results to anyone in from three to six months after starting. A general treatment should accompany all such cases. Massage the entire spine and the top of the hips until all congestion is removed. Magnetic treatment of the liver and kidneys, also the abdomen, is very helpful to stimulate the eliminative organs. Mrs. was an intense sufferer from varicose veins and wore a rubber stocking which covered her limb 274 PERSONAL MAGNETISM from her hip to her ankle. She was able to walk only a short distance, and that produced much suffering. She eliminated all animal protein, with the exception of butter, and lived upon vegetables for years, and found much relief. Her husband and she finally decided to eliminate all cooked foods. They were eight months changing from a cooked to an uncooked diet. They had nothing cooked but their bread, which they ground in a hand mill and baked in the form of a johnny cake in their own oven. The husband worked in a sawmill, doing heavy labor daily, and after eight months of such diet their troubles were entirely gone. Her varicose veins and female trouble had also entirely disappeared, and the bloom of youth was upon the cheeks of both. They are a living testi- monial to the fact that varicose veins can be cured when one lives so as to thoroughly cleanse the system. Another friend, Mr. , sixty-two years of age, had varicose veins of the limbs removed. The operation was a failure and he suffered intensely. He decided to live differently, and proceeded to confine his diet to one of vegetables, both cooked and uncooked, with a preference to the uncooked. In a couple of years he was entirely well from his troubles and did not have the appearance of a man over forty. He had a complexion that any school girl of sixteen could well envy. This is only another case proving the fact that health is lived, and not bought. 275 CHAPTER LII. OLD SORES Magnetism in the treatment of old sores has proved itself to be very superior to any other method of treat- ment. There are many who are suffering from the loss of a limb or have submitted to a serious operation which could have been avoided had they known of magnetism. During the past years there have come to us a number of chronic cases. A few I have failed to heal, but the masses have responded, and in those cases where failure was reported, it was largely charged to the persons them- selves, as they would not obey the laws that governed their bodies. Many people insist upon your healing them, or buying health from you, when the facts are that you do not have health to sell, but only aid and assist nature in her work of repair. This is especially true of old sores. When you can once get the patients to realize that every disorder of the body is due to a violation of some law, and get them to cease these violations, they are at once on the road to recovery. A few things mark the causes of old sores. Usually it is impurities that have filled the system, and for some reason have broken out at a certain point and form what is called a sore. It is often only an attempt of the system to rid itself of that which the eliminative organs cannot 276 PERSONAL MAGNETISM do. And in many cases, if the sore should be healed with- out a cleansing of the system, it would only mean that other and more serious ailments would follow. Do not seek to heal the sore, but seek to cleanse the system, and nature will soon do the healing. Mrs. had been troubled with a large sore upon her foot for three years. The sore was an inch and a half wide and three or four inches long. All treatments before had failed. There was plenty of evidence that the patient was going into a tubercular condition. This sore was quickly cured, without any treatment applied directly to it. She had not menstruated for over five years. After about six weeks of daily treatment of the spine, small of the back, the liver, abdomen and the ovaries, her monthly period was again established and the sore healed without any attention to it whatever. Mrs. , about forty years of age, had a large sore in the small of her back, about six and a half inches long, four inches wide and two inches deep. This was accompanied with a high fever and convulsions. Four inches of her spine was bare. She had been a glutton, weighed two hundred or more pounds, and was ailing in many other ways. Treatment in this case was applied to the liver and kidneys for stimulation, using the left hand. The right hand was applied directly to the sore by folding a thin piece of cloth, moistened, treating through it. This treatment continued for nearly six months, during which time she lost fifty pounds and the sore completely healed. OLD SORES ELIMINATED 277 The magnitude of this sore could not be grasped. Words could not picture it as it really was. A photograph, which we have, speaks for itself. Mr. came to me with a large sore upon his leg. He had submitted to three operations, the bone had been scraped and some parts removed. The fourth operation was suggested, in which the leg would be amputated. This sore had incapacitated him for eighteen months. His leg was swollen until it was the same size from the knee to the ankle. The sore was three inches long and an inch and a half wide, filled with a gangrene-colored substance. Two months’ treatments with the right hand on the sore, and the left opposite, completely removed this condition and healed it. The treatment was given with the idea of drawing the blood into the sore. After the six weeks’ treatments he was able to throw his crutches away and return to his work. In this case no general treatment was given as the sore was not due to the system, but to the treatment by the surgeon who set his limb when broken. In this case the cause was purely local. His general health was good. The diet in all of these cases should be one in which the animal proteins have been removed. The free use of fruit juices and vegetable waters should be adopted. If there is any evidence of anaemic condition potato water and bran water should be given every day. (See book on Scientific Elating.) In many cases of old sores, some electric blanket sweats, or any other form of sweats, are advisable. 278 PERSONAL MAGNETISM In the treatment of all sores it is well to cover the sore with a moistened thin cloth. It should be moistened in some antiseptic solution. I have found benetol to be of great service in cleansing or dressing any sore. One very interesting point to be observed in the treat- ment of old sores by magnetism, is the fact that it never forms a scab. None of the sores I have treated have formed a scab, but would fill in from the ends and bottom and rapidly change from one of an old condition to one of a bright red, showing the increase of circulation, and after the new flesh had grown and healed over the sore, it was left completely clean and without a scab. 279 CHAPTER LIII. CONSTIPATION Possibly there is no disease among civilized people so common as constipation. Like the list of other ailments, it is not a disease in itself, but is simply a product of a cause. The reason why so many who have taken treat- ments for this have failed to be cured is because they have never sought to find the cause. All methods of treatments have been directed toward the bowels, such as purgatives and enemas. Newspapers and drug stores are filled with advertisements of remedies for constipation, and still mil- lions continue to suffer. The only reason for the failure of these treatments lies in the fact that they have done nothing to remove the cause, but treat only an effect. Constipation cannot be cured by treating the bowels. The trouble lies back in the liver, diet, method of living, or all three. If the liver does not secrete the bile sufficiently to create a peristaltic action, there is no hope of producing a permanent cure. If the diet is one that is composed of refined foods, starchy substances, or acid-forming foods, you can never hope to be free. If the life is one of inactivity you must expect constipation. If it should be the liver, then eliminate the great mass of starch proteins and coffee. Treat well the liver, with the right hand in front and the left in back, that you may produce a free flow of bile. If it should be the diet, then remove all starchy foods and sweets, and 280 PERSONAL MAGNETISM substitute large quantities of vegetables, cooked and un- cooked, fresh fruits, prunes, figs, combination salads, raw vegetables, whole wheat, roman meal, bran and the bread made from them, and oatmeal cooked with about one- third bran added, as the diet for this kind of trouble. If it should be due to your life, the regular exercises that develop the abdominal muscles must be taken with often- times a heavy massage of the whole abdominal cavity, which will materially aid in bringing back to life normal peristaltic action. Many people continue to take purga- tives when they have changed to this line of diet and living. One lesson that they must learn is that they can never be free as long as they continue to take purgatives. It is often wise for those who change their whole method of living, to quit the use of purgatives and substitute an enema for a few days, which will empty the colon. This should be continued for several days while the foods are taking effect. Then quit the enemas, or use less each day, and soon they will find no need for it, as the coarse foods will give you results that are entirely satisfactory. There are some cases of constipation that this treat- ment will not remove, but in reality they are not cases of constipation, but are due to some stoppage in the lower colon, such as a misplacement of the uterus, shutting off and preventing its functioning. Where the above-men- tioned treatment does not overcome constipation, it is well to ascertain whether such conditions exist. If it should be, you no longer need treatments for constipation, but the removal of that which has been found to be the cause. (See chapter on “Female Troubles.”) PILES USUALLY WITH CONSTIPATION 281 In many cases of chronic constipation there will also be found bad cases of piles. The treatment for these should be given at the same time as for constipation. (See chapter on Piles.) If the piles are sore and painful, a small quantity of water should be injected into the rectum at every bowel movement. Do not allow them to be injured or torn, which can be prevented by using a pint or so of water at the beginning of the action of the bowels. 282 CHAPTER LIV. DIARRHOEA In this, like in every other ailment, diet of the patient should be examined carefully and the cause ascertained. In chronic cases of diarrhoea you will frequently find an oversupply of bile that creates this condition. If such be a fact, treat the liver and gall bladder well with magnetism, according to its needs. If they should be sore, painful and congested, it is well to use the left hand, or many times it is well enough to use the points of the left fingers, pressed firmly against the sore spots or the gall bladder, holding the right hand on the back. This will allay the inflammation and cause a decrease in the flow of bile. This is true if the diarrhoea is due to a condition in the intestines. The left hand should be used over the entire abdomen and the right on the back. Continue this treat- ment for a half hour. It is not wise to check the bowels too suddenly; give them a little time. Two treatments daily are suffi- cient if the case is severe, and once a day in moderate cases. If this should close the bowels too suddenly, re- verse and use the right hand in front and the left in back. Stop all foods in all acute cases and give nothing but fruit juices. This is true in the treatment of both babies and adults. Possibly more babies die from bowel trou- bles than from all others. It is true that they die from other ailments, but you will find they have their origin in PERSISTENCY AND PATIENCE NEEDED 283 the bowels. Oftentimes it is well in such cases to use the left hand in front and the right on back until all soreness is gone and the bowels appear to be normal, and then fol- low with a number of treatments with the right hand in front and the left in back. If there should be any sign of an irritation, do not give this last treatment. Here, as in other cases, you must be governed by conditions as you continue the treatments. Magnetism has been almost a guaranteed remedy for this trouble in babies. In cases of fever in babies, accom- panied with bowel trouble, pay little or no attention to it, but continue to treat the bowels. I have had many experi- ences in such cases, but have never had one that did not respond satisfactorily to the above treatment. If you will be persistent and patient, and apply your magnetism and control the diet, as described in this article, there is no need of ever losing a baby with bowel trouble. Sometimes there are cases which call for the opposite treatment, as I have described in the first part of this chapter. This work can only give you the principles. It cannot give you the particular treatment of every case, no more than a medi- cal school can give the exact size of the dose to give to certain patients. Here comes the need of judgment, of reason and keenness of observation. If a treatment is given a number of times without satisfactory results, always find some other application for your hands. The first treatment should produce a change in nearly all cases. The power is there, and it depends upon your judgment in the application of it. You will never be disappointed if you use it correctly. 284 CHAPTER LV. ERYSIPELAS This is usually considered a germ disease and is treated with great caution by the medical doctors. True, it is very serious and deserves careful attention and treatment. This, like other diseases, has been treated only to remove the effect, and not the cause. I do not believe that which we call erysipelas is a disease, but is a product of a condition in the system. The many cases with which I have come in contact have been those that have first been treated with medical treatments. In one case I well re- member, the physicians were applying medicines. They saw nothing but those swollen limbs, with the water ooz- ing through the pores. In this case I did not treat the limbs at all, but treated the kidneys and the whole spine thoroughly. I used my hands over both kidneys, with the patient lying on his face, applying the right hand on the right kidney and the left hand on the left kidney, then reversing for a period of fifteen or twenty minutes, following with a treatment of the whole spine with massage and magnetism, by using the right hand on the entire spine, and the left in front. As a result the urine became very white, thick and ropy after a few days’ treatment. The patient was also badly affected with inflammatory rheumatism. After a few days of this treatment the urine began to change, and as it changed the inflammatory rheumatism FASTING AND SWEATS ASSIST 285 and all symptoms of erysipelas changed also, and disap- peared within ten days. I recognize the danger when it should be in the face or head, as it would gradually go entirely over the scalp and produce a loss of the hair. In such cases I would treat well the base of the brain and apply the magnetism over the scalp, making passes back over the head and down over the body to draw the poison away. Treat the liver and kidneys daily. Plenty of water should be drunk to flush the kidneys. Hot water is always the best, unless the patient prefers cold. The diet should be almost a complete fast, as such conditions only indi- cate a great mass of corruption seeking an exit from the system. Give an enema daily. Use fruit juices freely. The aid of a sweat by the use of an electric blanket is very helpful. The patient should remain perfectly quiet and in bed if any signs of fever are present. This, as in all other cases, gives your treatment time to take effect, and in a few days you will be amply rewarded by good results. 286 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER LVI. EARS In the treatment of ears I have found the same general causes underlying ear trouble that I have found in many other ailments, namely, that the ear was not to blame for becoming abscessed. In the treatment of all such diseases it is advisable to ask the question, why should this trouble exist? Why should an abscess come in so delicate a place as the ear? This will lead you to look for, and find, a cause which, when removed, will quickly remove the ear trouble. True, there are some cases that have existed so long as to produce a condition in the ear that may never be cured. In abscesses of the ears in children, I have found here, as in many other cases, the trouble is due to an enlarged liver or to gas-filled intestines and stomach preventing a free flow of blood to the extremities, thus retaining an oversupply in the upper extremities. This soon produces congestion, and in many cases results in abscessed ears. I have been called in to treat many cases of abscessed ears and pneumonia, and sometimes both in one case, only to find when the liver, intestines and abdomen have been treated and the congestion or distention of the abdomen removed the abscesses or pneumonia has disappeared, without my having treated either the ears or the lungs. In case the ear must be treated, I would use the right big EASING THE PAIN SIMPLE 287 finger in the ear that is abscessed or aches, and the left in the opposite ear. Be sure to keep the finger well moist- ened. If this is too painful, then use the left big finger for a time in the abscessed or painful ear and the right in the opposite. Sometimes it is helpful to make many passes down over the abscessed ear after massaging the base of the brain. You may find any treatment painful. These should be given only a few hours apart if the case is severe. Much relief can be given to children by placing a thin woolen cloth over the ear and blowing the warm breath through the cloth and into the ear. This will often give relief when other methods fail. This requires little prac- tice, but is extremely effective when applied correctly. If drawing the abscessed ear to a head with the right hand should cause too much pain, if the patient be an adult, let him rest frequently, making the treatment of about ten minutes’ duration, or whatever the patient can stand. Allow a rest of a few moments, then repeat the treatment, and in this way you will often be able to draw the abscess to a head at one treatment. Examine the whole body, also the diet. The very fact of an abscess shows something is wrong in the system and calls for a general treatment. 288 CHAPTER LVII. COLDS Many people treat a cold too lightly and often remark, “Oh, it’s only a cold.” When you really grasp the mean- ing of the word “cold” more care and attention will be given to such a serious condition. On the other hand, many people give, not too much, but the wrong, attention to colds, believing that a cold is contracted from other persons possessing the same trouble. This theory pre- vents a rational treatment of a cold. Many people cannot be made to believe that they do not catch a cold, because it is a common belief that a cold goes through the whole family or through the whole school. The facts are, that all members of that family have been living in the same rut and violating the same laws. They have indulged in the same practices. There- fore that violation which produced a cold in one also pro- duced it in the other. But the time of taking the cold and its severity depends upon the power of resistance in the system. The very manner of treatment of colds by all systems should convince one that a cold is not a germ disease. All systems of treatment seek to bring about perfect elimina- tion, therefore the medical people resort to purgatives and sweats. Other systems do the same thing and add fasting or certain neutralizing fruits or fruit juices. IMPROPER LIVING CONTRIBUTES 289 This whole method of treatment given by these various systems show that it is not a germ disease, but one of impurities, and the remedy is elimination. The question naturally arises, “Why does the system become so contaminated suddenly if it is not a germ disease?” The truth is that the system does not become suddenly contaminated, but the condition has gradually been accu- mulating ; the eliminative organs have been working overtime and the pores are doing their best to assist the liver and kidneys, and when we come into some sudden draft or change of temperature the pores are closed and the escape of the impurities is prevented and a condition which we call a cold arises. A fever starts to get rid of that which could not be eliminated otherwise, or the poison settles on various glands, such as the nose, creating a free discharge. Often- times it goes to the intestines, producing a severe bowel condition. Another evidence that this is true is the fact that most of our severe colds and similar conditions arise after our holidays or big feeds. If it is a germ disease, why would it become bad after these occasions? Here we have the reason why a cold goes through a family that have all eaten the same food and lived in the same stuffed rooms, breathing the same impure air. As a result their systems break down about the same time. Another cause of colds is due to improper dressing. When the exterior of the body is kept cold, the blood is driven from the surface of the skin, causing congestion 290 PERSONAL MAGNETISM in the internal organs thus stopping the elimination through the pores. This can be largely overcome and pre- vented by proper clothing and exercise that will keep up a perfect circulation. It is always proper in the treatment of all cases of colds to inquire into the quantity and kinds of food that have been eaten for some time past. Remove all foods for a few meals, with the exception of fruit juices. Use a high enema once or twice daily. Give plenty of water to drink, especially hot water or hot lemonade. Give electric blanket sweats if possible. Massage the whole spine thoroughly and treat the liver and kidneys well with the right hand in front and the left on the back to aid in elimination. Remember that your success in treating colds de- pends upon how quickly you can produce an elimination of the waste matters that have clogged the system. Anything that you can do to produce elimination will be helpful, as this is your sole remedy for the overcoming of colds. Teach the patients where and how they have clogged up their systems, and by so doing you teach them how to avoid colds as well as to cure them. FLU AND GRIPPE The treatment for flu or grippe is practically the same as for colds. The tendency of these troubles is to produce pneumonia. This can be avoided if the patient can be induced to observe a few simple rules. The flu or grippe seldom kills anyone. The large number of deaths is the result of improper care while recovering. In this weak- DRUGS NOT NECESSARY; REST IS 291 ened condition, whether from cold, flu or grippe, they en- deavor to engage in work. The disease has so ravished the system, and depleted the strength and energy, that the heart is unable to perform its functions, causing a relapse, often terminating in pneumonia or heart failure. These conditions are much more serious than the original trouble, as the system is already depleted and there is not the vitality to resist a severe attack. Whether the flu is or is not a germ disease is not of any importance in its treatment. The treatment given in chapters for Colds will serve in practically all cases of flu. It is a well- known fact that the drugless healers lost but few cases of flu or grippe. The above-described treatment contains the principle used by all drugless healers, differing in details only. But I would emphasize one point in the care of these cases, and that is, absolute rest. The patient should be forced to go to bed and remain until all symptoms have disappeared, and remain in the house for a number of days afterwards, as these are the critical days. 292 CHAPTER LVIII. DIABETES The main purpose in the treatment of diabetes is to stop the loss of sugar through the kidneys. The great mass of diabetic patients are starving to death because of this loss. The big problem in the past has been to take away all sugar from the patients and yet give them all the food they need. This is very difficult and serious, as the system must have sugar. We believe this is like all other diseases: they do not treat the cause, but only the effect. I have examined a number of diabetes patients, and without any exceptions have found an extremely sore liver in each case, which I believe was back of all their troubles. In all of these cases I have treated with one idea: the cleansing of the liver and enabling it to function properly. By this the sugar is neutralized and is never permitted to reach the kidneys. Treat with the right hand or tips of fingers pressed up under the ribs in the region of the gall bladder, and the left hand on the back of the liver. This will often cause a drawing sensation, showing the condition that exists may be the cause of the liver and pancreatic glands failing to function properly. Treat the liver as directed in chapter on Liver Trouble. I would remove all animal foods and confine the diet to one of vegetables, combination salads, nuts and those BRIGHT’S DISEASE WILL RESPOND 293 foods that would feed and nourish the body with as little work on the liver as possible. I would remove all sugars and starchy foods, and if possible give whole wheat bread, for here you will find some starch which the system can convert into sugar for the needs of the body. A little honey may be used, but should be given with care. All tea, coffee and salt should be eliminated from the diet. The vegetable waters and fruit juices can be given freely, and plenty of bathing if the patient should be large and fleshy. The general treatment of the body with massage and magnetism should be given to all of these cases. I believe that the larger portion of diabetic cases are only the product of the failure of other organs to function properly. Treat the entire system and aid it in its efforts and I believe the results will justify the work; you will find that all such cases can be treated successfully if taken in time. Give all treatments daily until symptoms disappear. If there should be any tendency to weakness, reduce the length of the treatments or treat every other day. BRIGHT’S DISEASE Bright’s disease is another very complex one, owing to the fact that the cause of it has never yet been discov- ered. But, like diabetes, the trouble lies back in some other part of the body. Probably the kidneys have become overworked and have become clogged and the poison has aided in producing the destruction of the kidneys. In the treatment I would follow the same line as that 294 PERSONAL MAGNETISM of diabetes, treating the liver and kidneys well. Place your hands over each kidney for about fifteen or twenty minutes, and then reverse them. The whole spine should be massaged and then the left hand should be applied over the kidneys, first one and then the other, while the right hand is held over the liver. These cases are usually found in older people or in persons whose systems are completely broken. In all of these cases you can well afford to examine their methods of living to discover the laws they have broken, caus- ing this condition. The diet should be one in which all acid-forming foods, especially proteins and sugars, are removed. Seek to destroy the acids of the system with neutralizing foods, such as combination salads, fruit and vegetables. Have them eat as little as possible. A fast is often very bene- ficial. Many times sweats are of great value. This treatment should be continued for several weeks and possibly several months. They should be given daily for several weeks and then two or three times a week until all symptoms have disappeared. 295 CHAPTER LIX. TEETH The care of the teeth is very simple. Many teeth are extracted and destroyed because of certain conditions in our life for which there has been no remedy known to medical science. It is very common for a patient to have all of his teeth extracted because of pus at the roots. This is one of the greatest evils of the time, and many a person has lost good teeth because of this condition, believing that this pus is the origin of rheumatism and other ailments. It is said to be the cause of a great many varieties of ailments. It is very strange that such conclu- sions should be drawn, as the question is never asked as to what causes the pus. That pus never would have gathered if there was not a bad condition of the blood. Therefore the question of diet is very important in the care of the teeth. The reason for the accumulation of this pus can be found due to the congestion of the nerve centers that feed these teeth. This center is located at the base of the ear at the back of the jaw. Massage until the congestion is removed, which will stimulate the nerves and produce a perfect flow of blood to the teeth. No tooth can become decayed or affected if it has a perfect quantity and quality of blood and nerve food. The teeth require a great amount of lime and fluor- 296 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ine. These elements are found in the vegetable kingdom, and cannot be supplied by giving lime water. If a tooth is too much decayed a dentist should be visited at once. Do not allow a decayed tooth to remain untreated, for it can be very injurious to your system. ABSCESSES OF THE TEETH If the abscess is in a bad condition it should be treated by placing the right big finger on the root of the tooth that is abscessed and the left hand on the back of the neck, or at the base of the ear, or opposite the abscess on the outside of the jaw. In most cases this will draw severely, and after a few treatments will draw it to a head. To scatter, use the left hand inside, on the abscessed tooth, and the right on the back of the neck or base of the ear; or use your hands just the opposite from what you did when treating to draw it to a head. An abscess should never be scattered unless it is very small. Food is the largest element in the care of the teeth. If tartar should be present on the teeth a dentist should be visited and the tartar removed. The proper foods will prevent a great part of this tartar from forming. No one can expect to have good teeth and live on an acid-forming diet. This is the reason of the condition of teeth in children. The mother who insists upon giving her children white bread, macaroni, rice, candies and syrups without an abundance of green foods and vege- tables can never expect to have children with perfect GOOD FOOD VS. DENTAL BILLS 297 teeth. It is much easier to give the child good food for the teeth than to pay dental bills. The teeth are so important that the foundation of many a person’s ailment can be traced to the condition of his teeth. If the mastication of the food is improper, stomach trouble develops and other ailments rapidly follow. 298 PERSONAL MAGNETISM CHAPTER LX. BLOOD POISONING Blood poisoning is a condition, the treatment of which has baffled all medical science. About the only thing ever used is the knife. The results are well known to all. Some suffer the loss of limbs and others lose their lives. In the treatment of this disease, like all others, medical science has made little or no headway. Yet with a treat- ment of magnetism it has responded so rapidly and com- pletely that results are almost incredible to all who would doubt. The treatment of blood poisoning is one that is very simple and can be practiced by any one who will exercise a little patience. The diagnosis of blood poisoning is easy as compared with other diseases. It is due to an infection and the point of infection, of course, is always known. A badly swollen part, with its red streaks extend- ing out from it, and its rapid development make it impos- sible for anyone to mistake it, or its possibilities. The treatment should be as follows: The palm of the right hand over the point of infection; the left hand should be placed up the limb as far or nearly as far as the swelling or the red streaks extend. The hands should be kept moist and gently applied with a moderate pressure, the right hand on the point of infection. This BAD CASES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED 299 treatment should be continued according to the nature of the case. In some cases the drawing of the right hand will pro- duce so much pain that the patient can endure it only for a few minutes at a time. In these cases the patient must be allowed to rest for a few minutes, and then repeat the treatment as before and continue for at least a half hour, or longer, according to the condition of your patient. The following cases will give you an idea as to the appli- cation of magnetism. Miss came to me with a bad case of blood poisoning in the middle joint of her little finger. I placed the palm of my right hand over the point of infection and the left far up the arm. This gradually drew the swelling from the arm down into the hand. I continued to move the left hand down the arm as the swelling subsided. At last the swelling was confined to the finger only. I then used the points of my fingers of the left hand on the knuckle and the ends of fingers of the right hand on the bottom over the point of infection, which quickly drew it to head and was opened, discharging freely. This gives you the idea as to the relation and use of your hands. If it does not draw shift your hands to other positions. The above-mentioned treatment has never failed to cure every case of blood poisoning ever tried in the twenty years of practice. With the above-mentioned principle you can apply magnetism wherever the infection might be. My results, 300 PERSONAL MAGNETISM with the use of magnetism in blood poisoning, has been such that I have always offered to treat it for nothing if 1 could not remove all pain and fever by one or two treat- ments. Mr. , a man about fifty-five years of age, cut himself with a meat axe on the base of the thumb. After a week or more blood poisoning set in, accompanied by severe chills and a high fever. After applying the above- mentioned method of treatment for thirty minutes, all chills and fever had gone entirely and the soreness was out of the hand. There is no reason why one should endanger his life with a case of blood poisoning, if he knows of magnetism and its proper application. 301 CHAPTER LXI. INSANITY One of the saddest conditions that can befall any human being is insanity. Insanity, like a multitude of other ailments, has never been successfully treated by the medical profession, as is proven by the multitudes in asylums. It is needless for any lengthy discussion upon the subject of insanity. The symptoms are too well marked to need any explanation as to what constitutes insanity. There are numbers of different kinds of insanity, but there is usually one common cause back of all, barring old age and accidents, namely, a system filled with impuri- ties. I could cite many cases that have come under my treatment in the past that would prove this theory. The response to the treatment has been nothing less than mar- velous in most cases. Some cases have taken more time than others, which was due to the severity of the cause, usually a major operation. The thing that has brought me the greatest influence as a physician has been the curing of a number of prom- inent people of insanity. In all of these cases one general method of treatment has been predominant. It must be governed more or less by the cause. If it should be one of a major operation on the female organs, then the treatment should be to remove all irrita- 302 PERSONAL MAGNETISM tions from those parts. Treatment should be given to the liver and kidneys to strengthen and assist the eliminating of the poisons which those organs are no longer able to do. The whole spine should be well massaged and in the case of emaciation and anaemia a diet of vegetable waters should be given. Magnetism should be applied in all cases to the base of the brain, after the massage, to release and permit a free flow of blood through the brain. In all cases of insanity special treatment must be given to pro- duce a perfect circulation of blood through the brain. If the face of the patient is white, blood should be gotten into the head, and if red, the blood should be gotten out. Remove any and all congestion in that part of the body. Electric blanket sweats should be given if the condition of the patient is such that it will permit of them. This is especially true of violent cases. Nothing will relax and quiet them more than a good sweat. Treatment must be governed by the condition of the patient. In some cases you cannot give the treatment which you know is right, then in such cases give as nearly right as you can. The patient must be treated with consideration. Do not talk before him about his condition being insanity. He hears, understands and knows everything you say to him and about him even though he is mentally unbalanced. To him he is doing what is exactly right, and you are the one that is wrong and cannot understand him. Work in harmony with him as far as possible. One of the scars left upon the minds of many insane people, after their recovery, is caused by people SANE TREATMENT FOR INSANE PATIENTS 303 constantly remarking upon the fact that they were insane. The treatment they received during this period made such a deep and lasting impression that it was almost impossible for them to forgive when they again became sane. The diet should be one of the most simple and in many cases entirely without food. Judgment should be used as in all other cases. The bowels should be kept open and perfect rest should be given. There are so many forms of insanity that it is impos- sible in this treatise to thoroughly describe all. However, the simple directions given here will save many a person from the asylum if taken in time. Mrs. , a woman forty-eight years of age, was brought to me in such a state that friends decided to take her to the asylum as she was very difficult to handle. One treatment at the base of the brain and a general treatment over the whole body brought complete sanity within twenty-four hours. This has been true of a great many cases, and if it should ever befall your lot to be present where such cases are, follow the above method described, unless the case is extremely severe, and you will be sur- prised to find rapid results rewarding your efforts. Pos- sibly no class of disease in my experience has been marked with more wonderful results than that of insanity. 304 CHAPTER LXII. VENEREAL DISEASES Great caution must be exercised in the handling of these cases. Many unscrupulous men prey upon the ignorance of our young men and extort great sums of money from them for treatments which leave them many times worse than they were in the beginning. A word of warning to anyone, and to all who read this article, is that the use of mercury, “606” and other deadly chemicals in such diseases should be carefully avoided as these rank poisons produce worse results in the body than the disease which they seek to cure. It is a firm conviction of the masses of people that many of the cases of locomotor ataxia are the product of mercurial treatments. Many cases of sores, paralysis and other troubles immediately follow the injection of “606.” These sores and paralysis sooner or later produce death and the passport reads: “Victim of syphilis.” The sores are often photographed to show the evil effects of syphilis when in the mass of cases it is due to the deadly drugs put into the system of the victim. Such has been my observation and that of many others. I have seen paralysis follow within twenty-four hours after an injection of “606.” Many a young man is led to believe that he can go out and sow his wild oats and reap the harvest and get DRUGS IMPOTENT WITH SYPHILIS 305 rid of it by a few simple injections of some deadly drug. Such is the teaching over all our land by the medical sys- tem, but it is absolutely false. He might get rid of his disease but he has created another condition that is many times worse. Drugless methods have cured many cases of syphilis. Mr. — came to me with a case of syphilis which had been abandoned, stating that he could live but a couple of weeks at the longest. He suffered with extreme vomit- ing ; his left side was entirely paralyzed, and he was almost unconscious with a constant headache. The body was covered with pimples. Doctors had given him two weeks to live. With proper diet, non-acid-forming, and a daily sweat with an electric blanket, he was well within two months and all symptoms of his trouble gone. I will not attempt to give any definite treatment in this work for these dis- eases. Suffice to say that the hope of recovery from its effect lies not in the injections of deadly poisons into the system. Many a young man and woman is frightened into taking these treatments by what is known as the Wasserman test. Unscrupulous men report these tests as positive and frighten the victim into taking these deadly treatments. They can number their victims by the tens of thousands, which alone is evidence of the inefficiency of their system of treatment. I believe with proper dieting, sweating, nursing and proper treatment it is possible to handle practically any 306 PERSONAL MAGNETISM case of syphilis. Many cases have been cured without the aid of drugs in any form. It is well to remark that it is not a well-established fact that syphilis is a germ, but rather a filth disease, and any treatment that seeks to cleanse the system is striking at the foundation of this terrible affliction. If magnetic treatment is to be given while there are sores and pimples covering the flesh, it should be given through a sheet. This will prevent any possibility of be- coming infected. The treatment given should be the same as in eczema or any other filth disease. It is best never to handle such patients as it will keep many others away from you, through fear of contracting the disease from your hands. Never take such cases unless you keep it secret, or as a last resort to save a life. It is also true that many believe they are suffering from syphilis when they are but the victims of doping with drugs or an acid-filled system. Such patients need your help and it should not be withheld unless you would be injured by treating them. There are cases that do not deserve curing. If you did it would only mean to repair them to return to a life of shame and possibly an early recurrence of the same trouble. By curing them you are really aiding them in a life of dissipation and shame. 307 CHAPTER LXIII. SCATTERING DISEASES Many times you are asked why you could not scatter disease, such as boils, abscesses and all congestion, instead of drawing them to a head. Many persons have refused to take treatment for certain ailments because it would draw that condition to a head and eliminate it from the system. To have treated these cases and scattered these ailments through the system might have been fatal. A few illustrations, for example, will give the healer a clearer conception as to the power of magnetism and the cause of disease and how to meet it than anything else I might write about it. A young man came to me with a large, hard ridge around his entire abdomen. His case had been declared hopeless by doctors. This ridge was extremely hard, increasing the size of the waistline by ten or twelve inches. It was in the earlier days of my practice, and by this kind of cases I learned my many lessons. The patient insisted upon long treatments, as they did not produce pain he felt that he got more for his money when I treated him longer. He was anxious to go to work and insisted that the quicker I removed the condition the quicker he could go to work. In those days I was entirely ignorant upon the point of which I am now writing and I granted his request, treat- 308 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ing him for an hour and an hour and a half daily. At the beginning of the treatment he was strong and able to take care of himself. After one week’s treatment this ridge began to soften and decrease in size, and continued to do so until it was entirely gone. We were very jubilant at the results of magnetism overcoming the condition which medical doctors said was fatal. Our rejoicing was premature for as that ridge around his waist began to soften and decrease in size he became weaker and his heart action became very serious. Medical doctors were invited in. Strychnine was injected to support the heart, but the patient died within a few days. Some may say magnetism killed this man. No. What it did do was this: It showed the ability of magnetism to scatter that which had collected around his waist. It showed the character of poison that had accumulated and when magnetism had scattered that poison back into the blood stream faster than the blood and system could elim- inate it, the heart could not function and death followed. This shows the wonderful power of magnetism. It also shows the character of his ailment. His trouble was noth- ing but an accumulated mass of poison and impurities. This was a wonderful demonstration of the powers of magnetism, yet, because of the death of the man, mag- netism and its power was not recognized. This taught me the mistake of scattering poisons through the system. Whenever it is possible, bring that poison to a head and form an opening as it is much wiser and is always safe. Unless this is strictly observed, you may produce fatal or OBSERVE RULES; RETAIN CONFIDENCE 309 unfavorable results and lose the confidence of the patient because of your inability to prove to him that he is not getting worse and that your treatments are not harmful. In all such cases, if you treat to scatter the poison, let the treatment of the affected part be very short. Much attention must be given to the liver, kidneys and bowels at such times. Use enemas during this time if there is tendency to constipation. The diet should be plain, non- acid-forming foods, as before described. Sweats should be given if possible to help nature in the elimination of the poisons which you scatter. Nothing is more common when you become accustomed to different symptoms, than to observe the effects of treating some old trouble a little too long and scatter much poison through the system at a time. It is not always fatal, nor serious by any means, but may set up a fever, cold, grippe or aches and pains that will be a constant annoyance to the patient until the system eliminates it. Many times you will have trouble in holding your patient’s confidence, he believing that the treatment is making him worse. The treatment only revealed the condition and the poison in that system which caused their ailments. 310 CHAPTER LXIV. SEEING OF SPIRITS Possibly no condition can come upon a person that is more perplexing or puzzling than that of seeing and hearing spirits. I do not refer to the psychic experiences that many persons have, but to those that are had by people in delicate condition of health. A few illustrations would make my meaning clearer. This is not a treatise on spiritualism—neither for it nor against it. It is dealing with the great mass of patients who are sick and do not know it. I would not have any- one believe that this has any reference to spiritualism, but there has come under my observation, and for treatment, numbers of cases that have been extremely pathetic and serious, and would have ended in the asylum had it not been for the value of magnetism. Mrs. (Doctor) was brought to me, in a very critical condition. She had some wonderful psychic ex- periences, or thought she had. She was suffering from vio- lent headaches, her face was extremely white and drawn. She was emaciated and in a serious physical condition. These turns came on her only in the afternoon and evening, and left her immediately after lying down. This condition had existed for a couple of years. She was in a serious condition and her friends were fearful of having to take her to the asylum. ILLUSIONS OF THE BRAIN 311 The question naturally arose, why did these “noises” and “sights” leave her when she would recline? A treat- ment at the base of the brain, to produce a perfect relaxa- tion and establish a perfect circulation through the brain, brought color to her face and drove away all sights and sounds. A general treatment was given which restored her to normal conditions, and to my last knowledge of her there had never been any return of these experiences. Reverend brought one of his members who believed she had a revelation from God and talked to Him and He to her all day long. In this case, like the above, the revelation ceased the moment that she retired. The face was white and she was extremely anaemic, showing that these conditions were the result of bad circulation through the brain. Rev. brought a lady who was suffering from the same troubles, with the exception that she saw no sights and heard no voices only when she was lying in bed at night, therefore she was unable to sleep or secure any rest whatever. This case was just the opposite of the other two women. Her face was violently red, and when she was lying down the congestion was worse than when sitting up. It was in this condition of extreme congestion she saw her spirits and communicated with them, but saw nothing when standing. This condition, like that of the other cases, quickly disappeared when the congestion was entirely removed from the base of the brain and perfect circulation established. Here are some very interesting facts. These women 312 PERSONAL MAGNETISM were all in the change of life. Their systems were not functioning properly. The circulation disturbed the equi- librium of the brain and these sights and sounds were made possible. But in each case they entirely disappeared when a normal condition was established in the brain. I have had many cases of this kind that I might recite, that would be of great interest, but these are sufficient to give the foundation for treatment of such cases. If it should ever be your lot to treat such a case, remember the one principle: produce perfect circulation through the brain. In all of these cases that I have examined, one position or another of the body would completely change the visionary powers and their so-called spirit friends would leave. All these cases should be treated for similar trouble with the idea of strengthening the generative organs as they go through this change. The diet should be well guarded. They should have complete rest for they are in a serious condition and deserve the best treatment and nursing. 313 CHAPTER LXV. NEURALGIA The term neuralgia or neuritis is usually applied to the pain in the face and arms. Nearly all pain in the upper part of the body, where there is no swelling, is called neuralgia. This trouble is very punishing and, like many other troubles, no medicinal aid, other than opiates, has been found. Warning should be given to all patients against the use of opiates for this trouble. They are dangerous and should be avoided. Most of our sudden deaths are due to their use. The cause of neuralgic pains is a con- tracted muscle impinging the nerve which creates the pain at its terminal. If we would remember that pain is usually sent to the end of the nerve we would not be misled and put our treatments at the location of the pain but learn the point of impingement and there give our treatment. This is well illustrated in the case of neuralgia or neu- ritis of the arms. Many people are great sufferers with pains in the arms and hands which are usually relieved by massaging the base of the brain and between the shoulders along both sides of the spine and on the face of the shoulder blades. Massage these daily until all congestion is removed and you will be surprised at the rapid recovery of many cases that have resisted all treatment. 314 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Mr. , an organist, had been compelled to give up his profession entirely because of the great pain in his arms whenever he attempted to use the keyboard. One week’s treatment, as described above, was given and his condition entirely disappeared. Many other cases, which are needless to cite in detail, have quickly responded to this theory and treatment and got permanent relief. In all of these cases the chiropractor had adjusted the vertebrae with no results. This shows that the impinge- ment was not due to displacement of the vertebrae, but to a contraction of the muscles and a gentle massage of them produced a relaxation and removed the congestion and soon effected a cure. It is always advisable in such cases to remove all congestion and soreness found in any of the afflicted parts. 315 CHAPTER LXVI. PLEURISY Nothing is more punishing and severe than an attack of pleurisy. This, like all other pain, is caused by some contraction or impingement of a nerve. In this case the contraction has affected the pleural nerve. Anything which moves the chest aggravates this con- dition and causes a great amount of suffering to the patient. This condition is often found in connection with pneu- monia and is called pleural-pneumonia. It may become very serious by causing a large amount of fluid to collect in the pleural cavity. This is usually treated by the medical men by draw- ing off this fluid with large hypodermic needles or, in some cases, removing a rib. This, like many other meth- ods of treating disease, is oftentimes fatal to the patient. What has caused the forming of the fluid in this cavity? What has made this extreme pain and suffering? It is usually due to a contraction of the muscles along the spine, impinging the pleural nerves. Whatever the cause, this much is true: a gentle mas- sage along the spine on the side of the attack of pleurisy, with a thorough treatment of magnetism, with the use of the left hand over the point of the pain and suffering and the right hand on the back, will usually bring quick results. The treatment should be about the same as that for 316 PERSONAL MAGNETISM pneumonia. The diet and nursing should be along the same line. All foods should be withheld, especially if there is any temperature. In all of these cases a fast for several days with the exception of fruit juices, is always extremely helpful. Complete rest is essential if the patient desires to reduce his suffering. These treatments should be given daily and if the case is severe, with a tendency to pneu- monia, the treatment should be given twice a day. Electric blanket sweats would be very beneficial and if possible should be given daily. Many passes should be made downward over the point of suffering, with the left hand in front and the right in back. A few treatments of this kind will usually bring complete relief from these attacks unless there are other complications that greatly aggravate the condition. 317 CHAPTER LXVII. BLADDER TROUBLE There are many different kinds of bladder trouble but the same treatment can be applied to the large majority of these cases. It matters but little what the cause may have been; if the bladder is inflamed and the patient can- not retain his urine, or it causes pain in passing, there is but one treatment to be given and that is the removing of the inflammation. The most common cause in men is due to the inflammation of the prostatic gland; in women, to the pressure of the womb against the bladder, regard- less as to what the primary cause may have been. The swelling of the prostate gland is the cause for the difficult passing of urine in older men. The treatment should be given to reduce this gland and by so doing make it possible to either retain the urine or empty it at your will. The treatment should be the same as in prostatic gland trouble. Insert the big finger, well lubricated, in the rectum, while the patient lies on his back, holding the opposite hand on top of the abdomen over the bladder. This should be given daily, at least fifteen or twenty minutes or possibly longer as the case may require. The hand to be used is governed by the condition. If it is wise to draw in blood to stimulate and heal, the right hand should be used and the left on top. If it is inflamed 318 PERSONAL MAGNETISM then the left internally and the right on top. It might be wise in some cases to gently massage the gland but only for a few minutes. This must be done with great caution and care as it is possible to injure the patient instead of helping him. It is also true that you must be very careful entering the rectum so often as it is possible to produce a condition that would bring on piles or cause a great amount of soreness that will prevent you treating internally. In case this is so, then use the left hand to draw the soreness away from the rectum after which you can enter and give the treatment internally. (See chapter on Piles.) It is wise in all such treatments to enter the rectum very slowly, giving the muscles time to relax. This will avoid much suffering and soreness. 319 CHAPTER LXVIII. LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA Lumbago and sciatica are afflictions that are known to nearly all people. The symptoms are very plain and unmistakable. They come with a sudden onrush and any movement of the body will often produce sudden and severe pain in the small of the back. This is due to the contraction of the muscles of these parts pinching the nerves. If the contraction is great enough the sciatic nerve will be affected, producing pains down the limbs. The cause for this condition is the same as given in the chapter on Rheumatism and is needless to repeat here. The poisons have settled on these parts and the treatment must be given to scatter it and throw it back into the blood stream. Continue the treatment until the system eliminates the poison to produce a permanent cure. The point that we would make known in this chapter is the fact that many supposed cases of lumbago and sciatica are not lumbago and sciatica but are the effect of the prostate gland. (See chapter on Prostate Gland.) My years of practice have found many cases of chronic lumbago and sciatica that have failed to respond to massage or adjustments, yet upon treating the pros- tate gland, as described in chapter for the treatment of this gland, many have found almost instant relief from their so-called long-standing cases of lumbago or sciatica. 320 PERSONAL MAGNETISM It is always well, regardless of what the cause may be, to massage thoroughly the whole spine. The heated right hand may be placed over these regions, holding the left hand on the front. It might be wise to reverse this treat- ment which should cover a period of a half hour to an hour, especially if the case should be severe. The patient should remain in bed at all times if very bad, as a complete rest will do much to hasten a cure. This will take all strain off the lumbar muscles, which is essential for a quick cure. The diet should be the same as in all other cases of rheumatism. A high enema of hot water, as described in chapter for Enemas, will be found extremely helpful and should be given daily. 321 CHAPTER LXIX PILES There is no trouble that gives physicians more diffi- culty in handling than piles. Multitudes of different remedies have been concocted but have never proven to be of any great value except in few cases. Every doctor has had his troubles with them and at last usually recommends an operation. This is uncertain, punishing and very dangerous. Many are as bad after the operation as before and many are made much worse. The causes for the con- dition of piles are varied. Itching Piles If they should be of the itching character then the left big finger, well lubricated, should be used against the rectum and the right over the abdomen and sometimes on the back. This treatment should be given daily unless extreme conditions exist, then it should be given twice daily. Protruding Piles Protruding Piles may be due to several causes. There may be a congestion of blood forming a great weight at this part. Constipation usually accompanies these con- ditions, and with every movement of the bowels this condition is forced outward, causing a great amount of suffering. 322 PERSONAL MAGNETISM In all such cases where there is a great amount of inflammation and protruding, the left big finger well lubri- cated placed against the protruding piles, with the right on the back or on the abdomen, held in this position for at least one half hour daily will remove all soreness after a couple of treatments. The left finger should be gently placed against the protruding parts and as the soreness recedes, press the protruding parts back into the body gently. This will require a little tact and patience, but you will be well rewarded for your efforts and surprised to find how quickly practically all cases of piles can be reduced in soreness and in volume, and be replaced without any great suffering to your patient. Another cause for their protruding may be due to the weakness of all the abdominal muscles. The intestines sag and push these parts out into the world. Soreness may not be present but the condition is due to the weak- ness of all the abdominal muscles and of the muscles of the rectum. In such cases it is wise to use the right hand the same as you used the left in the other for about the same length of time after which it is wise to keep the left hand on the back and to treat the abdomen well with the right hand strengthening the muscles of the abdomen to assist in holding the intestines in their place. The treatment needed in these cases is one to be decided by your own judgment. If there should be constipation then it is wise to advise NO NEED FOR OPERATIONS 323 the patient to use a syringe and to inject a small quantity of water into the rectum at every movement of the bowels. This will do no harm and will make it possible for the bowel movement to be much easier and thereby affect these parts just as little as possible. These treatments should be given over a number of weeks if the case should be chronic. I have never found a case of piles that has not re- sponded to the above treatments! Many cases could be cited but would add nothing to the plainness and simplicity of the method of treatment. Follow the above advice and you will have njo occa- sion to resort to the knife or ointments, as a permanent cure will soon be effected, provided the patient will live the life that he should live to overcome constipation and other conditions that might be present. The diet is a very important factor in all of these cases. See book on “Scien- tific Cooking for Health.” 324 CHAPTER LXX. PTOMAINE POISONING It is not difficult to tell when you have a case of pto- maine poisoning. It usually follows within a few hours after eating and is accompanied by severe pains and cramps, also diarrhoea, and possibly vomiting. It is very serious and must receive immediate attention. The same line of treatment must be given as in any other abdominal trouble. Stop all food and if there is no diarrhoea give an enema. Treat well with the left hand on the abdomen and the right on the back. Use the left hand over the whole abdomen. A good massage of the spine is always helpful. I have had a number of severe cases of ptomaine poisoning and every one responded quickly to the above treatment. Treatment should be given at least two or three times a day if the patient is serious. Passes should be made down over the abdomen with the left in front and the right in back. The patient should remain absolutely quiet and in bed. I have seen one treatment like this remove all pain within thirty minutes, when the patient was practically uncon- scious to begin with. Plenty of water should be given but no solid food until all symptoms have disappeared. Then begin with liquids for a few days. 325 CHAPTER LXXI. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA The cause for this disease has never been definitely known. The results of known methods of treatment have never been satisfactory. This, as in many other troubles, I believe to be due to the fact that the right cause has never been found. It may also be a fact that it might be the product of some medical or surgical experiment. It is quite sure that in many cases it is the product of one’s living. A number of these cases having come under my ob- servation has led me to form a few theories concerning its cause and cure, that might be very beneficial in the treatment of those cases which have been considered hopeless. That which has been the most noted cause for this trouble is that of the prostate gland. The treatment consists of the right finger, well lubricated, inserted into the rectum until you reach the gland which is only a short distance in, and the left hand held at the small of the back. Continue this treatment for about a half hour or more each day. If there should be extreme pains in the back it may be well to reverse the treatment, using the left hand within and the right on the abdomen or back. 326 PERSONAL MAGNETISM I do not claim a universal cure for locomotor ataxia, but this treatment given one-half an hour daily for several weeks has brought some excellent results and in some cases a complete cure. Great care must be used in such a treatment as you are liable to produce injury to the rectum. The insertion must be made gently and grad- ually. The diet should consist wholly of one that is meat- less and all other acid-forming foods should be omitted, including tea, coffee, salt and spices. During the treat- ment of this disease the patient should lead a life of sexual abstinence. (See chapter on Prostate Gland.) 327 CHAPTER LXXII. CATARRH Catarrh is made the scapegoat for many troubles. If there is a discharge of mucus it is usually passed over lightly and declared to be only a touch of catarrh. As long as catarrh is treated lightly, and as a distinct disease, its possessor will never be free from it. Catarrh is only an effort of the system to rid itself of certain poisons by carrying them to these glands and en- deavoring to eliminate them in this way. This, in time, may affect the glands through which this poison is being eliminated until a serious condition exists. The only suc- cess which I have ever had in handling this trouble has been one based on the treatment of the system. A general treatment of the entire body with special attention given to the part affected should be given. If it should be in the nose, then treat at the base of the brain and spine with a massage around the base to the ears, with a strict adher- ence to a non-acid-forming diet. The diet should be very limited, consisting of only such foods as will really feed the body and furnish no sur- plus. The kidneys and liver should be treated with mag- netism and be kept open with coarse foods. The pores should be kept open with daily baths. The elimination of all salt and other condiments in all cases is advisable. Usually one food is more injurious to the patient than another. By experimenting, the diet question can be 328 PERSONAL MAGNETISM easily determined. As a rule, the animal foods, including eggs and milk and butter, are the foods that produce this catarrhal condition. Sugars and syrups are also among the main catarrh-producing foods. Eliminate all such foods and substitute a diet of raw vegetables, nuts, whole wheat products and fruits which should be used exclusively. It is almost impossible to give the exact diet for every case of catarrh, because of the different conditions of each system, but if you will follow these ideas you can soon learn the diet that will reduce the discharge, and when you once find that, persistency will win you complete freedom from this dreaded malady. 329 CHAPTER LXXIII. WATER DRINKING The question which is often asked is, “How much water shall I drink?” This is just as difficult to answer as to how much food shall be eaten. Many books upon this subject give the exact amount that each person should consume, and there are many people suffering from kid- ney trouble that have depended on these instructions in drinking. The amount of water cannot be determined for each person. An oversupply of liquid will overwork the kidneys just as a supply of too much food will overwork the liver. When you once learn how to eat and drink accurately you have learned one of the greatest secrets of living, but for any man to attempt to tell another person how much to eat or drink is to attempt the impossible. Conditions of the system differ. The kind of food consumed is en- tirely different. A man who lives upon a starchy diet requires much more liquid than he who lives on a liquid diet. One consuming large quantities of salt in his food will drink more than one who does not use salt. When following the line of diet that we have given in all this work, the elimination of the starch, sugar, and salt, one will find the desire for water decreasing when he has lived on raw vegetables and an abundance of fruit. A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and combination salads will supply the larger part of liquid needed in the system. A very few glasses of water daily, with the right diet, will be sufficient. The fact of a large desire for water would 330 PERSONAL MAGNETISM imply the wrong kind of eating or some serious physical condition, such as fever or an abscessed liver or gall bladder. Do not use boiled water. It should be pure, but boiling destroys its vital parts, and this should not be practiced. BATHING The one question asked by all patients is, “How often should I bathe, or will cold baths be beneficial?” This, like the question of drinking water, should be governed by the persons and their condition. I have found many persons who were greatly helped by the eliminating of many of their baths. Some people bathe every day and complain about being extremely weak. If such is the con- dition of the patient, eliminate all baths with the exception once a week. I have found this aided materially in the recovery of many patients. The question as to cold baths should be left to the individual. If cold baths are too shocking and the body does not glow with improved circulation but, instead, re- mains cold and weak, then they are harmful. A great many people find weakness following morning bathing. In such cases all baths should be taken at night. This same principle is true in babies. Many a baby is sickly and delicate because of too frequent bathing. The baby is given a bath every morning, with the idea that the child is not clean unless it has its daily bath. This in many cases produces extreme weakness in babies, and when the fre- quent bathing is reduced to once or twice a week the baby will quickly recover. The question of bath must be decided by the patient. CLEAN FEET FOR HEALTH 331 If overweight, daily bathing is extremely beneficial. If underweight, then I would reduce them to once a week. FOOT BATHING Possibly there is no habit that should be indulged in to a larger extent, and with more benefit, than foot bathing. When one realizes the work of the pores of the feet he can readily understand the necessity of frequent foot bathing. The feet are nothing more nor less than the scavengers of the system. This is easily seen by the quantity of material collecting on the feet, especially dur- ing sickness. It is said that this is the reason of the healthful condi- tion of the feet of the Orientals as they soak and wash their feet daily. The system throws the impurities from every part of the body into the feet. It is an effort of the system to rid itself of its poison by placing it in the extremities where it can do as little harm as possible to the machinery of the body. The sweating of the feet is of great annoyance to many. It is an effort of the system to rid itself of im- purities and should be a warning as much as is pain. We usually look with disgust upon the one with feet that continually have a bad odor, but it is not the feet, it is not that the person is unclean, but it only shows that the condition of the system is not what it should be. It shows that the eliminative organs are not able to handle the waste of the system and nature deposits it in the feet, far away from the vital organs, to prevent serious con- ditions. 332 CHAPTER LXXIV. NIGHT SWEATS Night sweats indicate the same conditions of the system as sweating feet, and nothing should be done to stop them. It is only an effort of nature to aid the elim- inative organs in its work of cleansing the system. When the body is asleep nature opens the pores and attempts to rid the system of the waste material which cannot be eliminated through the natural channels. This all indicates a serious condition, caused by weak- ness of the kidneys or a great mistake in the diet. The general treatment to be given for this should be the stimulating of the entire spine and kidneys and a cor- rection of the diet, aided by sweats, and if necessary, any- thing else that will aid the eliminative organs in their work of throwing off the poisons. COLD SWEATS If the patient is bothered with cold sweats it is due oftentimes to extreme weakness and low vitality and calls for attention to be given the heart. In such cases massage the spine between the shoul- ders. Also give special attention to the base of the brain and the neck, thereby stimulating the heart. Sometimes it may be found necessary to stimulate the heart with a cup of tea or coffee, or anything to tide it over the crisis. CLEAN THE SYSTEM 333 Never hesitate to use any remedy to tide your patient over a crisis. The patient should be watched carefully after a long period of sickness, as that is the time its vitality is lowest and the greatest danger exists. The use of an electric blanket to stimulate is of great value in all such cases and at such times. SWEATING FEET It is positively wrong to use powders and washes that will prevent the feet from sweating. In doing so you are working directly against nature in her endeavor to rid herself of the body’s poisons. It may become very un- pleasant to the possessor of the feet, nevertheless, it is nature’s way of correcting certain conditions, and we fail to appreciate her efforts, and resort to powders and washes to close up the pores, instead of assisting the sys- tem in other ways to get rid of these waste materials. The only treatment to be given for these unpleasant conditions is to clean up the system. It is not an uncom- mon experience to find a severe attack of rheumatism and other ailments following when you have succeeded in stopping the feet from perspiring by the use of various drugs. 334 CHAPTER LXXV. CROSS-EYES The treating of cross-eyes brings us in contact with a class of patients who suffer no pain. Therefore they oftentimes will not give you the time required to success- fully treat such cases. When one is not suffering he is not willing to spend the time to remove ailments that do not cause him inconvenience and suffering. I have been called upon to treat but few cases of cross-eyes. These, however, have responded quickly and permanently. Mrs. , eighty years of age, was badly afflicted for forty years with a condition of the left eye which turned it almost entirely underneath the nose, shutting off all sight. This condition was accompanied by other ailments, such as violent headaches, biliousness and a general weakened condition of the system. There are only two causes which can produce such conditions. The muscles on the side toward which the eye is drawn may contract and draw the eye around, or the muscles on the other side of the eye may become relaxed or weakened, and let the eye turn away from it. If there is any way to determine which, treat that muscle. This is very difficult to determine in many cases. You will make no mistake by treating the eye with magne- tism, by applying the tips of two or three of your fingers of the right hand, in the corner towards which the eye is CHILD’S EYE STRAIGHTENED 335 drawn. Continue this for ten, fifteen or more minutes, with the left hand on the back of the head, after which the same treatment can be given to the opposite side of the eye. In either case by this treatment the blood is drawn into the eye, and it would relax the muscles that might be contracted, or would strengthen the muscles that might be weakened. It is also well to massage thor- oughly the base of the brain. In the above-mentioned case the lady suffered with severe bilious headaches for forty years. It was strange to note that her eye began to turn at the time her bilious headaches began, and as her headaches increased in severity her eye continued to grow worse. In this case we treated as aforementioned, adding a treatment to the liver for biliousness. The re- sults were nothing less than astounding, and in about two weeks’ time her eye began to improve as her bilious- ness and headaches disappeared. So complete was the recovery that she brought her sewing to the office and threaded her needle and sewed without the aid of glasses, which she had not done for a period of forty years. Mrs. brought to the office her three-year-old child, with the left eye badly turned toward the nose. At the same time she brought a typewritten report from a specialist whom she had visited previously. This report stated that the eye had turned because of paralysis of the outer muscles. A complete diagnosis of the child’s whole body was given and the report concluded by saying that there was no hope for the child. This case was treated with the fingers of the right hand, made very hot by fric- 336 PERSONAL MAGNETISM tion, and placing on the muscle said to be paralyzed, holding the left hand at the back of the head. This soon brought results, and after three weeks’ treatment the child’s eye was entirely straight and she was much im- proved in general health. I am sure that this principle applied to cross-eyes will relieve a great many cases. There are other kinds of cross-eyes that I have never been called upon to treat, but I would treat with the idea of drawing the blood into the muscle that is affected, to strengthen the eye. If there should be any one condition wrong with the body I would seek to correct that, because of its possible influence over the eye. It is always well to look after the general health of the patient. 337 CHAPTER LXXVI. STAMMERING Treatment of stammering is very difficult. The cause may be so concealed that it is almost impossible to give an intelligent treatment. This, like all other diseases, should be traced to the cause. The element of mind enters into the cause of stammering to such an extent that suggestion is supposed to be almost a universal cure. Auto-suggestion plays a very important part in the cause of the trouble. The patient is so conscious of the impediment in his speech that it often aggravates the condition and makes it much worse. Many books writ- ten by prominent medical men report great success in treating stammering by suggestion. My own experi- ence has not been very extensive in this line. Mrs. brought her two-year-old baby for con- sultation. The baby was very nervous and stammered badly. I advised the mother concerning the diet to be given the child to remove the nervousness. This diet consisted of nothing less than the removal of all acid- forming foods, and substituting body-building foods. I then taught her the simple art of treating her child by suggestion, when asleep, also how to give a general treat- ment with magnetism. About three or four months later she reported that her child was entirely well and all symptoms of stammering had entirely disappeared. (See book on Subconscious Mind and How to Apply It.) 338 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Miss , eighteen years of age, applied for treat- ments for headaches and bad eyes. Apparently the girl was well, with the exception of her eye trouble and head- aches. She was not able to see well enough to attend school and to do her domestic science work over half the time, even with the aid of glasses. This case was very peculiar in more than one way. Every way I tried to hold my hands on the eyes caused a severe pain. When I used my left hand on top of the spot and the right thumb and big finger at the base of the nose, pushing well up under- neath the eyebrows, the pain began to lessen, and after nine treatments all symptoms of her headaches had dis- appeared. She was able to do all of her domestic science work without even her glasses, and, to my astonishment, when these disappeared her stammering left also, show- ing that the inflammation of that part of the nerve centers had spread back through the head and affected the speech center, which lies only a short distance back of the left eye. If there should be any evidence of eye trouble in any stammering case you might apply your treatment to the eyes with an idea of curing that. If this is accom- plished it might cure the stammering. 339 CHAPTER LXXVII. NOSE-BLEEDING Nose-bleeding might become very serious, but as a rule it is a great blessing. It does not signify that the patient is liable to die from loss of blood, but instead sig- nifies a head filled with blood which cannot escape, and to release it is almost a sure preventive of paralysis, espe- cially in old people. The fact of one being subject to nose-bleeding is only an evidence of the wisdom of nature in relieving the brain of that pressure. All chronic nose- bleeders suffer more or less with a fullness in the head, and are conscious of too much blood. Many tell you that they feel so much better after an attack of nose-bleeding. The reason for this is that something has prevented a return of the blood from the head. Nature opens a blood vessel in the nose and lets it escape. Nose-bleeding should be looked upon as a blessing, and not a calamity, for while the patient is losing the blood in this way he is not subject to a stroke of paralysis. TREATMENT There is but one treatment to be given, and that is, massage well the base of the brain, removing every trace of congestion. This massage must be continued from day to day and become deeper each time until there is absolutely no congestion around the base of the skull. This massage must be given until the deepest muscles 340 PERSONAL MAGNETISM are relaxed. The left hand should be held on the top of the head and the right in the back of the neck, from fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. Then use the left at the back of the neck and the right at the back opposite the liver. Then place the right over the liver and the left in the small of the back. This treatment should be given daily for a number of days, until all contractions and congestions are removed from the base of the brain. All stimulating foods must be removed, as well as all acid-forming foods. Massage the whole spine well, making strokes and passes from the top of the head down over the spine to the end of the toes. Turn the patient on his back and make passes up over the top of the head, down the back of the neck, around in front of the shoulders, down over the body and to the ends of the toes. I have never known this to fail to cure a chronic case of nose-bleed. If it should not cure it, it is due to the fact that you have not removed the deeper congestion found at the base of the brain. In doing this deeper massage work it requires more or less skill and strength of the fingers to give these treatments perfectly and requires time to develop the fingers and the art of mas- saging. Persistency will cure all of these cases. It is well to add that in this disease, as in all others, the liver again is often the one cause of too much blood in the head, and if it should be very sore and enlarged, it should be given a full treatment, the same as in any other case. 341 CHAPTER LXXVIII. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES One should be very careful in the treatment of con- tagious diseases. The laws are very strict concerning these cases and you have the question of obeying the health departments to consider. It is better to report such cases to the health department for treatment by a licensed physician. It is better to refrain from treating such cases, because people will be afraid of you, and therefore your practice will be injured. But in case you are forced to treat such cases a few rules are very essen- tial. Diphtheria and scarlet fever are throat diseases, and should be given the same treatment as tonsilitis. Treat the whole throat, instead of the tonsils. Treatment of the kidneys and liver, with the right hand in front and the left in back, is very essential. All foods should be removed and the care should be the same as for other fevers before described. It will be well to treat the throat at least twice a day, or oftener if case is severe. A mas- sage at the base of the brain and a treatment of the throat with magnetism, also making passes over the head and throat, will bring relief and quickly terminate the trouble. Treatments should be continued for a number of days after the acute conditions have disappeared. The after- effects of the disease are oftentimes very serious. Trou- bles, such as dropsy, weak kidneys, or settling in the eyes and ears and many other organs, sometimes cause life 342 PERSONAL MAGNETISM complaints from these contagious diseases. This can all be avoided if you will treat the liver and kidneys well. A few sweats in an electric blanket will aid greatly in these cases if the child is old enough to take them. MEASLES The same principles are true as in other contagious diseases. Give a thorough treatment to the spine and base of the brain and the liver and kidneys, by both massage and magnetism. If there is any tendency to pneumonia treat as described in chapter on Pneumonia. Treat to draw the inflammation and fever away from the eyes with passes over the eyes and over the top of the head by hold- ing the left hand in front of the chest and using the right hand up and down the whole spine, making it very hot by rapid rubbing. This will prevent inflammation settling in the eyes, which in some cases causes blindness. Keep the patient in a dark, but warm, room. If these treat- ments are followed closely measles will amount to noth- ing and the patient will soon recover. As with all other contagious diseases, caution must be used. The diet should be the same as in all cases of fever. Plenty of liquids, such as hot lemonade, should be given to help bring out the measles. A good sweat is of great value, but should not be too long nor too hard. One of the most important things to remember is the care of the patients as they are convalescing. This will prevent all serious after-effects, which usuallv do more harm than the measles. QUICK RELIEF GIVEN 343 MUMPS Mumps, like many other contagious diseases, are supposed to run their course. My experience in mumps has been very limited, but yet very successful. I have never treated a case in which results were not almost instantaneous. A treatment of thirty minutes with the heated right hand on the swollen gland and the left on the opposite side will bring relief. After a while try reversing, with the left hand on the swollen gland. Continue this treat- ment for a half-hour and then follow with a number of passes over the inflamed gland and down over the body. This has always resulted in instant relief in all cases. Rev. came to the office for treatment of a case of mumps on Friday. He was treated as above de- scribed, and on Saturday there was scarcely any trace left. Another treatment removed all of the remaining signs of the disease, and on Sunday he was able to fill his pulpit. I have given this treatment with perfect success in every case. If you will follow the above advice very closely I am sure there is no occasion for any child or other person to remain home for weeks and endanger its life with a simple case of mumps. In many cases it might be well to give a general treatment after the disappearance of the mumps. The treatment consists of a massage at the base of the brain and spine, also the liver and kidneys, with magnetism. 344 CHAPTER LXXIX. COUGHS In the treatment of coughs you must always consider the possibility of a reflex condition. There is no diffi- culty in distinguishing an acute cough arising from catch- ing a cold in your throat and that of a chronic nature. The acute coughs are easily treated. The treatment usually given for coughs is massaging well the base of the brain and around the base of the ear, underneath the base of the jaw and finishing with a general massage of the spine. These places will usually be found very sore, which usually means the cause of the cough. They should be well treated daily until entirely rid of all soreness and conges- tion. Massage the top of the shoulders and the spine between the shoulders wherever you find congestion. If there is much soreness in the chest use the left hand over the part that is sore and the right in the back. Con- tinue this magnetic treatment from fifteen to twenty minutes. At the conclusion of the treatment make a number of passes down over the head and throat, or wherever the cough is located. Many coughs may arise purely from an inflamed con- dition of the tonsils. If so, see chapter on Tonsils. CHRONIC COUGHS My experience has been that practically all chronic coughs have been of a reflex nature. The cause of these coughs is usually found in the liver, stomach or female SYMPTOMS RESEMBLE TUBERCULOSIS 345 organs. It is always well to treat these organs, as described in other chapters. Many cases supposed to be tuberculosis, accompanied with a cough for several years, have per- manently improved when the soreness has been removed from the liver. The same is true of similar troubles. Any irritation of the generative organs may produce a continual cough. Many come to the belief that they have tuberculosis and are fearful of becoming its victims. When the irritation of these organs has removed the cough quickly subsided. A reflex cough, caused by the liver, stomach or any other organ, may continue long enough to create a condition in the lungs that will often- times produce a secretion having every appearance of a tubercular cough. Mrs. came to me for treatment for tuber- culosis. She had coughed long and hard. There seemed to be no help for her. Ten days’ treatment removed the soreness from an inflamed side, from which an ovary had been removed, and the cough quickly disappeared. The treatment given was the same as in any other case of inflammation. The diet for such patients should be governed accord- ing to the nature of the cough. If it is known to be due to colds and is purely acute, then remove foods with the exception of fruit juices. If it is found to be due to the chronic condition of the liver, then give foods according to directions as given in chapter on these troubles. 346 CHAPTER LXXX. TONSILITIS The treatment for tonsilitis is usually one of an opera- tion. Practically no treatment is offered to the sufferer of tonsilitis other than the removal of the tonsils. Many accept this as the only cure for enlarged, diseased and inflamed tonsils. It is the teaching of the whole medical profession. It is the teaching of our nurses, of articles on health, and daily newspapers and magazines. It is the teaching of the school nurse, who is placed in the schools by the medical system. Children are sent home daily with a note stating that the tonsils must be removed. The question naturally arises, “Why should we remove an organ just because it becomes inflamed?” We do not think of removing a finger or a hand or a foot for the same reason. Why remove the tonsils? This is like the treatment of all other diseases. They only seek to cut off the effect. In your treatment of your children’s tonsils, why not seek to locate and remove the cause, instead of treating the effect? The cause is not to be found within the tonsils. It is to be found in the system, in the circulation of the blood through that tonsil. When we realize that an inflammation is due to im- purities in the system settling in some weak place, setting up this inflammation and causing our trouble, then we have discovered the foundation of multitudes of diseases. PREVENTS FUTURE ATTACKS 347 The following treatment for tonsilitis brought relief in a very short time in all cases. Remove all acid-forming foods, which form the diet of nearly all people suffering from rheumatism, tonsilitis and similar diseases. In this, as in all other troubles, if it be severe, remove all foods, with the exception of fruit juices. If there should be no fever, remove only the acid-forming foods, but con- tinue to give them fresh fruits and vegetables cooked, but not drained. Massage the base of the brain well, also beneath the base of the ear. Treat these places well. They will be- come exceedingly sore, but the following treatment should be given lightly and gently, increasing in vigor as the patient can stand it. Place the left big finger on the right tonsil and the left thumb on the left tonsil, massag- ing them gently, holding the right hand on the back of the neck. Continue this for about twenty to thirty min- utes after the massage at the base of the neck. This treatment should be given daily except in acute cases, then twice daily. A continuation of this treatment for some time after the subsiding of the fever and the congestion will strengthen the tonsils, and in a majority of cases, reduce them to normal size, and forever cure chronic tonsilitis. The one astonishing thing in the treat- ing of cases of tonsilitis has been their freedom from future attack when they have been treated and reduced to normal size. Tonsils have been considered incurable without an operation, but the above described treatment will reduce them to normal, with no return of acute 348 PERSONAL MAGNETISM attacks, if you will only give the treatment time to take effect. In this, as in all other cases of acute diseases, the bowels should be kept open, the diet should be guarded and the liver treated. All eliminative organs should be assisted in their efforts to eliminate the poison scattered from the tonsils. Such treatment will save many a mother anxious hours of watching and many dollars in operations. 349 CHAPTER LXXXI. TREATMENTS PRODUCE SWEATING Another interesting thing in the use of magnetism is that of sweating. Some patients will perspire fre- quently the first treatment you give them, and continue to perspire but gradually less, and finally remain abso- lutely dry while taking the treatment. Others will have no tendency to perspire at first but the longer you con- tinue treatments the more moist they will become, until they perspire very frequently during every treatment given. These are interesting symptoms to note in connection with magnetic treatments. I do not know how to explain it; I offer no explanation, but these are peculiar results that have accompanied treatments in multitudes of cases. Because one does or does not perspire it does not imply that he is getting more or less good from the treat- ment. Another thing very noticeable as the result of mag- netic treatments had been the fact that many people have never been able to perspire during hot weather or work- ing where it is hot, but perspire freely at the least exer- tion after taking treatments. This seems to have some action on the pores that causes them to open, greatly aiding elimination by those parts that have so long been inactive. 350 CHAPTER LXXXII. BOILS AND CARBUNCLES The treatment of boils is very simple. If the boil is just beginning apply the left hand over it and the right opposite with the idea of scattering it. The treatment should be given once or twice a day, but if it should be of several days’ growth, then use the right hand, with an idea of drawing it to a head. This should always be done, rather than attempt to scatter, unless it is only starting or is on someone who is very delicate or on a tiny child that could not endure the pain caused by drawing it to a head. Sometimes it is well in such cases to treat first with the left hand to scatter it for a short time and then change and use the right for the balance of the treatment. This in many cases will draw it to a head without any pain. As a rule it only takes a few treatments to draw any boil or carbuncle to a head. The presence of boils and carbuncles indicates a bad condition of the blood. Boils indicate the consumption of too much animal foods, usually pork, also sugar and starchy foods. These should all be eliminated and the patient placed on a strictly vegetable and fruit diet, and as much raw salads as possible. Carbuncles oftentimes indicate bad conditions of the kidneys, which should be treated well after having treated the carbuncles. It is always advisable in all eruptions of the skin to treat the liver and kidneys thoroughly. 351 CHAPTER LXXXIII. ANAEMIA Possibly nothing has hindered the medical science in its work more than its failure to overcome anaemia. What destroys the red corpuscles of the blood? What can be done to replace them? These are questions that have not as yet been solved by the medical world. The giving of iron in large quantities has not only been a failure, but has destroyed many teeth. Now that has been abandoned and iron is given hypodermically, but still the blood does not return. Iron is the element of which blood is made. Why does not the giving of iron in large quantities produce the desired result? Here again we are forced to see that the system cannot take elements from the mineral world and make them suit our needs. It must come up through the vegetable kingdom to be assimilated by the system. When iron is given in large quantities through the veg- etable kingdom it is not a failure in producing blood. We must look to nature’s method of aiding and we will never be disappointed. The reason fo an anaemic condition is usually to be found in one or two things. The patient has not consumed any food that gives iron, but instead has been given acid-forming foods that destroyed the blood. This condition has so clogged the liver that it has added its part in destroying the blood corpuscles. In all of these 352 PERSONAL MAGNETISM cases the liver and spleen must be well treated with the right hand, and the left hand in the back. The diet should consist of green and raw vegetables and a special prepara- tion of waters from potato peelings which have been boiled, drinking a small glass of it once a day. (See Book on Scientific Cooking.) When this prescription is care- fully followed and the treatment given there are very few cases that will not respond. 353 CHAPTER LXXXIV. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Number One “SELLING HEALTH” Never leave the impression that you are selling health, neither are you selling your time to your patients. In your treatment you are only making an effort to aid them to harmonize with the laws of nature. Teach your pa- tients that health is not in you but wholly in themselves. So many will want you to guarantee a cure. This you cannot do. You have them for thirty minutes and they have themselves for twenty-three and a half hours during the day. They may break all laws that govern their body and make it an utter impossibility for you to do the best for them. Teach your patient that health is within himself, and you are only helping him to get his system to function properly and harmoniously. The inability to guarantee a cure is based upon the fact that you do not know any- thing about the conditions that exist in his system, and possibly they are many times worse than he knows. His vitality may be very low compared with some other pa- tient, and because you cure another patient of the same disease you have no assurance that you can cure him of the same ailment. The cause may be vastly different that 354 PERSONAL MAGNETISM has produced his condition, and your mission in treating him is only to aid him in his efforts to regain his health. Any man who guarantees a cure is either dishonest or ignorant. Number Two TIME OF TREATMENT Time is another very important element in treating. They expect you to do the miraculous. You may expect it yourself for you may have gotten some wonderful results in many cases and cannot understand why you did not get it with the others. There is only one explanation, conditions are entirely different. These cases that are apparently hard and difficult respond just as completely if you will give your treatments time. Where one person can be treated in a week another may take a month or longer. Do not hold out the miraculous side of your work. Give your treatment and then give it time to take effect. Do your work thoroughly and then be patient. Nature will do her part. Some of the biggest surprises I have ever had are those cases where I thought I had completely failed, only to find the patient completely recovered after a short time, stating that they began to get better a short time after the treatment and continued so until com- plete recovery was effected. OPTIMISM ALWAYS HELPS 355 Number Three TEACH CAUSE One thing you owe to your patient and that is to teach him why he is sick. Unless you do this you cannot give an intelligent treatment. You cannot get coopera- tion. This is made plain in the treatment of people who cannot talk your language. Let them become intelligent and when you have taught them the cause and have aided them to overcome it you have taught them to remain well. Number Four DESTROYING HOPE Destroy hope and you have made it almost impos- sible to handle the great majority of cases. Whatever you may do before your patient, never destroy his hope of ultimate recovery. Never be guilty of crushing a hope in anyone who aspires to better things. It might not be along your idea but if it will bring him or help him to a state of health you must not destroy it. You may believe he is wrong—and he may be wrong—but if you destroy his hope you may not be able to give him another hope to take its place. It is a serious thing to destroy one’s faith. 356 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Number Five WATCHING YOU TREAT One of the most embarrassing things is to treat in the presence of other people. There are some times when it is impossible to object. As a rule I would never treat a patient in the presence of anyone unless it be an intimate friend or relative who is in absolute sympathy with you, and then I would never give the treatments as described under Female Trouble, unless it was by the request of the patient. The very fact of a skeptic sitting and watching your treatment is embarrassing to both you and your patient. It affords that skeptic material to ridicule and destroy the hope that the patient has in you and your method. Advise your patients against talking much with dis- believers and skeptics concerning your method. It pro- tects your patient against those who would rather see you fail in the case than see you succeed and give credit to a new system. The presence of someone while treating may prevent your patient from relaxing and from telling you or confiding to you many things that are very essential about their case. Number Six PATIENT’S CONFIDENCE Never betray the confidence of a patient. Make the patient feel that he can confide his heart’s innermost CREATE CONFIDENTIAL RELATION 357 secrets. Build up this feeling between yourself and the patient. It is possible that one of the greatest ailments of many patients is the longing for someone to whom they can unburden their heart, or to find someone that can help them to bear their burden or to give them timely advice. Respect their confidence. Number Seven WHY DISEASE RETURNS One of the conditions you will meet in your practice is the fact that the patients’ ailments are constantly return- ing. The fact that it does return shows two things: One, that the doctors did not know the cause and therefore could not remove it; the other, that they did know it but could not remove it. Teach your patient that there is no hope of permanently removing the cause and effecting a cure unless they will obey certain principles. This is im- perative if disease is not to return. Number Eight PATIENTS DICTATING TREATMENT One of the most trying experiences you will have in some cases is that some patients insist upon dic- tating the character of their treatments and how often they are to be given, and expect to get well. As a rule these patients cannot be instructed concerning the cause 358 PERSONAL MAGNETISM of their ailments. They know all about it because some “specialist” has told them what was wrong. In all such cases use your judgment as to the procedure. To refuse to treat as they insist may create a mental condition that will prevent you from doing much good. Employ a little tact, making them believe they are getting their way and yet you are giving your own treatment, will help to keep the good will and feelings of your patient. Be tact- ful, remember your patient is sick. Number Nine TREATMENT OF PATIENT Nothing has come to me with greater force than the “treatment of the patient.” Numerous patients have ex- pressed their bitterness towards doctors who failed to con- sider their feelings. If there is any one thing that marks a successful healer, it is being always gentle and treating the body with care and respect. Making physical exam- inations should be done with the greatest of consideration for the patient. It is his body that does the feeling and therefore should be considered. Never unduly expose the patient’s body. Modesty should be in evidence in all your treatments of women. Nothing that a woman dreads so much, as acts of an immodest physician who disregards her feelings and rights. She is not a machine and should not be so treated when she comes to your office. Consider her feelings. They are fine and delicate, and should be BE TACTFUL 359 respected. If she should be a grosser type you should still carry out the same ideas and thereby leave the impres- sion that you possess these qualities whether your patient does or not. Number Ten THE EFFECTS OF TREATMENT versus THE EFFECTS OF DISEASE One of the great problems that will meet you in your work is to distinguish between the effects of your treat- ment and the effects of the disease. It is imperative for every healer to eternally watch for symptoms, and note the progress of his cases. Many a healer has believed his patient has been getting worse and has become discour- aged, when in fact the new symptoms were only the prod- ucts of his treatments. Number Eleven EVIDENCE OF PROGRESS Many will not admit progress unless every pain is gone. What will be evidence to the healer is often not accepted as evidence by the patient, but that does not alter the fact. If a pain has decreased or shifted, it shows you 360 PERSONAL MAGNETISM are master of that pain. If the tongue is clearing, if the complexion is changing and the expression of the eyes is brighter, then these denote a change of the whole system, which is more vital than the decrease of certain pains. This is made very plain in many cases where there is a bloated or dropsical condition. The abdomen may de- crease in size, the waistline and limbs become smaller, yet the pains and weaknesses may apparently be the same and in some cases worse, yet the decreasing in the size of these parts shows progress, as these are the things which should determine the nature of your treatments rather than the gratifying of the feelings or removing of pains. Remem- ber that when the system becomes clean it will adjust all things. Number Twelve REFUSE CREDIT Another very interesting thing that has been very noticeable, has been the failure to receive credit for my work in many cases. If the patient takes one single pill or applies any liniment or does anything else while taking treatments, they will give that the credit for their improve- ment instead of the treatment. Therefore it is never wise to mix anything of a medicinal nature with your treat- ments. Magnetism is sufficient if you will be persistent and patient. As a rule they have taken all kinds of medicine before PATIENT’S MEMORY BAD 361 coming to you. If it has done no good before, why did it become so effective as soon as you started treatments? One of the most peculiar things about the treatment of many patients is their great desire to attribute their improvement to something besides your treatment. They usually declare they have their good spells, or they will give credit to the weather or something they have done or have eaten, or some minor event in their lives. If they should have taken a single pill and felt better they do not hesitate to declare that the pill is the cause of their im- provement. It seems almost impossible in the great many cases to get them to admit the treatment has done them any good if they can find any other reason. Mr. was taking treatments for ailments which I concluded would be helped by placing his feet in a basin of hot water while treating. This produced a free perspira- tion of the whole body. I believed it was due to the treatment, but the patient declared that he always per- spired freely when the feet were in warm water. The next day no hot water could be obtained and cool water was used. He perspired just the same. This convinced him that the perspiring was due to the treatment other- wise he would have never given magnetism the credit for producing the perspiration. Number Thirteen FORGETTING CONDITIONS One of the most characteristic traits to be found in most patients is the fact of their ability to quickly forget 362 PERSONAL MAGNETISM their ailments after they have been removed. If they had fifty ailments and you removed forty-nine they would continue to talk about the one condition left and forget the forty-nine. It is always a good plan to keep a complete list of the ailments that one gives when you first diagnose the case. This has a very valuable use in the successful treatment of many patients. As each symptom disappears it should be checked off the list. By this method the patient can be deeply impressed with the progress he has made and be forced to rejoice over what has disappeared instead of bemoaning over the troubles that still remain. Number Fourteen ESTABLISH CONFIDENCE Make your patient feel your ability to handle his case. When the patient comes to your office, or you are called to his room, you must use your judgment as to the best way to begin your work. The method of treatment is new to him and possibly he has no faith in it, and has only submitted to it as a last resort, or possibly at the earnest request of friends. You must first acquaint yourself with the situation. The appearance of the room, his condition—whether it is dangerous or not—his face and general appearance— all this must be seen and considered at a glance. If you should misjudge his face, and approach him as you would a patient who is very jolly and warm-hearted, and he should prove to be of a cold, reserved nature, you are THE NEED OF WISDOM 363 likely to make a wrong impression on him. In other words, you must cultivate the art of knowing how to rightly approach your patient. Number Fifteen TAKE TIME Do not be in a hurry to feel the pulse of the patient, or make an examination of any kind, until you have questioned him concerning his sickness; as to the length of time he has been sick, and how it has affected him, and where it affects him at the present time, what has been done to relieve the condition, and if you think best, what doctor he has had, what the doctor has said about the case. Under no circumstances dispute what the doc- tor has said. It would add nothing to your standing with your patient, but instead is likely to disgust him with you at once, for the doctor who has been treating him may have been his family physician for years. Inquire well into the cause of the illness to find if it is mental, or the result of an accident, or the result of some other illness, or is hereditary. Whatever you do, be sure to show a sympathetic interest. Allow the patient to tell you all the little de- tails of the case, for he will want to do so, and it will relieve his mind to do it. 364 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Number Sixteen BE WISE If symptoms are bad, do not tell him how bad. Rather tell him that he could be a great deal worse; that you know he is very sick, but, as a rule his kind of trouble responds very easily to treatment; that he must not be- come impatient or be in too big a hurry, as your treat- ment is Nature’s remedy. Just as soon as Nature has had time, she will rebuild the affected parts and remove the trouble. Number Seventeen EVADE SOME QUESTIONS If the patient should insist on knowing what is the trouble and it is something that it would be best for him not to know, you can answer him satisfactorily by telling him that there are so many things that cause the same symptoms that it is quite hard to tell at first. By this you never put yourself in the embarrassing position of having them know that you have made a mistake in diagnosis and thereby exposing your ignorance. Number Eighteen KEEP PATIENT CHEERFUL Whatever you do, let your face and whole attitude be such as to cheer the patient and make him feel that WATCH SYMPTOMS 365 he is going to get well. If you have done this in your first visit, half, if not more, of the battle is won. Get the patient always to look on the bright side of things. Show him the evil effects of despondent feelings. Number Nineteen LOOK FOR MENTAL TROUBLES Look for the cause of all nervous diseases, such as paralysis, neuralgia, and in fact almost all diseases, in the mind. Ascertain the fact as to whether the patient has had a period of despondency, worry, grief, anxiety, or anything of a mental nature. If this cause still exists, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to relieve the trouble until the cause is removed. Get the patient to magnify his strength instead of his weakness. If there is a point of improvement, con- tinually magnify that point to him. Get him, when speaking to his friends about his condition, to talk of being better rather than to continually repeat his old troubles. Number Twenty TEACH YOUR PATIENT Disabuse the mind of the patient of the idea that he has certain diseases because his parents had them. So 366 PERSONAL MAGNETISM many people believe they cannot be cured of a disease because their father and their grandfather had the same trouble and died with it. Therefore they must also die with it. Number Twenty-One FEELINGS DO NOT CURE Be careful about telling the patient what sensations he will feel while you are treating him, for the treatment might not produce those sensations, and then you will have lost his confidence. Tell him that some feel certain sensations while being treated, while others do not. The feeling is not what cures them. As a rule, people feel the warmth from your hands, which is only the magnet- ism caused by the blood flowing through them. Number Twenty-Two MAGNIFYING THE DISEASE Some people think that their disease is very uncom- mon and no one ever had anything like it. After they have told their story, make them feel that their malady is very common and that you have known of many cases like theirs which have been cured. The effect on the mind of a patient is surprising. He thinks, of course, if those people get well so can he. CONTAGION NOT LIKELY 367 Number Twenty-Three DO NOT BE AFRAID Do not be afraid of taking their diseases. The prob- ability of your doing so is very slight indeed. It is al- most wholly in your mind. One of the most common occurrences will be the meeting of people who insist that it is possible for one person to take a non-contagious disease from another person and will cite instances where this has occurred. We do not doubt that there are instances where a person who has been much with an afflicted person, has felt pain similar to, or identical with, that of the suffering person. But it has been be- cause of an over-sympathetic nature. The mind has created a similar condition in the body. Indeed, we have personally known of such cases. Number Twenty-Four ADVISE DEEP BREATHING Give advice to your patient concerning deep breath- ing, exercises, drinking an abundance of fresh water, and having plenty of fresh air in the bedroom. Number Twenty-Five ADVERSE SUGGESTIONS HARMFUL I seldom if ever treat in the presence of any one except those who are nursing or members of the family, and in some cases even these should not be admitted. 368 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Illustration:—I had one case which I was able to handle and quiet the child in every treatment. But the person who nursed the child through the night was much opposed to my work. This time to which I refer he was present during the treatment, and stood behind me, look- ing over my shoulder at the child. The child was rest- less and fretful and I could not quiet her in any manner. There was the impression made from some source upon my mind that if that nurse would leave the room condi- tions would be altered. I continued my efforts to quiet the child, but to no avail. I finally asked him to leave, which he did, and within five minutes the child was fast asleep. Never treat in the presence of anyone who is opposed to your method of work. Watch the environment. You cannot control those who visit a patient in your absence, but if they should be adverse to your method of treatment and would make adverse suggestions as to your power to handle the case, it may have a bad influence. But if you have perfect control of your patient you can turn their evil sugges- tions into good. If there has been any improvement in the patient tell him that when they say these things for him to constantly affirm that he is better and better, and constant affirmation will have the desired effect upon his sub-conscious mind, and therefore influence their evil suggestions for his improvement. All treatments should be given on the nude body when possible.