QrOO OQrC&0l I Surgeon General's Office 9; ANtfRv Sfe N< JW~Lf/ QOQaQOQ>GQj(3Q®Q*3QOQOQt3Q®Q&e THE USE OF BRANDT AND SALT, p AS A REMEDY FOR VARIOUS INTERNAL AS WELL AS EXTERNAL DISEASES, INFLAMMATION AND LOCAL INJURIES; CONTAIN IN (3 AMPLE DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING AND APPLYING IT. Sllturtcatett an* ISfcplafnetr bjj t&e Mscobetec, WILLIAM LEE, ii BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY C. C. P. MOODY, 52 WASHINGTON ST. 1855. we 8 80 L.4S2xa< JS55 ADVERTISEMENT. About four years since, a gentleman who had experienced great benefit from the use of Salted Brandy, actuated by feelings similar to the original discoverer of this remedy, pro- cured the publication of a thousand copies of this little book, that he might give greater publicity to what he conceived a valuable dis- covery. Since then, numerous calls for this work have been made to the publisher, accom- panied with various statements of the bene- ficial effects resulting from a use of the article of which it treats. The remedy is pronounced simple, safe, and efficacious; and, from the naseousness of the preparation, there is not much danger that any person will drink it from the love of it, so that the strictest teeto- taller need not fear, from its use, any harm to the sacred cause of temperance. Boston, Aug. 1855. PREFACE. By the publication of the following little work, to give increased publicity to the remedy of Brandy and Salt, I am actuated by a desire to benefit my fellow men, and to do what in my power lies to alleviate the distresses of suffering humanity. Hav- ing myself experienced the beneficial effects of this simple but powerful remedy, and having seen it in numerous cases prove an antidote to many of the common ills of life, I am most anxious that the good thus effected should be generally known, that the afflicted may have the opportunity of reaping such advantages from it as their respective circumstances may require, believing it, as I do, the greatest dis- covery in medicine in modern times ; and its adop- tion, if not attended by any efficacious results, will yet be accompanied by no deleterious consequences. This pamphlet, though simple, like the remedy of which it, treats, would be as a family book of refer- ence in cases of sickness, in my opinion, one of the most useful ever laid upon a table, and I write from the experience of ten years of the use of this remedy. [J^=- Be sure not to sliake the salt up when you use the remedy, as it must be quite clear, and never take it without being diluted in hot water, except for Worms and Paralytic attacks. INDEX. Page. Abstinence from intoxicating liquors,.......... 17 Affection of the Ureta,....................... 68 Ague,..................................... 23 Application of the remedy,................ 16 Asthma,..................................31, 61 Bilious complaint and indigestion............ 37 Bite of mad dogs,.......................... 34 Bites of musquitoes, gnats, and rarious other insects,............................. 37 Bites of poisonous reptiles,.................... 34 Boils and abscesses,........................ 38 Bowels, inflammation of.................... 24 Brandy and Salt, how to be prepared,......... 15 Brandy—French only to be used,............. 13 Bruises,...................................32, 50 Burns andscalds,............................ 26 Cancer,................................28, 46, 62 Cases cured by the remedy,.................. 42 Chilblains,............................... 26 Cholera,............................'•..... 23 Cholera Morbus,........................... 61 Cholic.................................... 23 Colds and coughs,.........................31, 69 Consumption, and inflammation of the lungs,... 30 Cuts,.................................... 38 8 Deafness,..............................• 22 Determination of blood to the head........... 19 Diabetes,.............................. 69 Directions for use,.......................... 4 Dizziness in the head,....................... 18 Dysentery, ...............................32,61 Earache,................................. 2* Eruptions,.................................. 22 Erysipelas, or St. Anthony's Fire.............35, 54 Eyes, inflammation of,....................... 21 Fevers,.................................. 29 Fits,...................................... 60 Gall Stones,................................ 41 Gout...................................... 25 Gravel,.................................. 26 Gum-boils,........."........................ 22 Headache,.................................. 19 Heartburn,................................ 58 How to administer the remedy to a child....... 16 Inflammation,.............................. 45 Inflammation of the Lungs.................... 30 Indigestion,.........................• •.. .41, 58 Indurated tumours,.......................... 52 Inflammation of the eye...................... 20 Inflammation of the brain,.................... 21 Insanity,................................... 27 Itch,....................................... 33 Jaundice..................................39, 55 Liver complaints,..........................39, 67 Lumbago,.................................. 39 Mortification,............................... 38 Nettle-rash................................. 60 Opening medicine,.......................... 17 9 Open sores,................................. 49 Pains in the side,........................... 24 Paralytic Attacks.........................33, 53 Pregnancy, .............................. 34 Plague,.................................... 37 Palpitation of the Heart,..................... 60 Piles..................................... 66 Pulmonary Consumption,.................... 66 Quinsey, or sore throats,....................24, 65 Rheumatism...........................25, 53, 62 Ring Worms................................ 33 Sprains,............................... 32, 47, 51 Scurvy,.................................... 32 Scrofula,..................• •..............36, 71 Sores of long standing........................ 40 Stings of Wasps, Bees, &c.,- •................ 34 Spinal Complaints,......• •.................. 42 Spasms,........• •.......••....••........... 59 Sickness at Stomach,........................ 70 Tic Doloreux,.............................. 36 Those to wbom it does no good,.............. 45 Tooth-ache, • •..............................21, 64 Teeth preserved........................... 22 Worms.................................... 29 Whitlow, .,................................ 39 Yellow Fever,.............................. 41 1* CERTIFICATES. Liberty has been granted to refer to the fol- lowing gentlemen, who will give information in regard to various cures which have been ef- fected by the use of Brandy and Salt, as here- in prescribed. H. S. Bradvey, Haverhill, Mass. He had an affection of one of his eyes: had been to the Eye Infirmary, and received more relief from Salted Brandy than any other medicine. Samuel Bigelow, of Cambridge, was re- lieved in a case of vertigo. His daughter also had a very troublesome cough, which was re- moved by the use of this remedy. John Benson, Boston, was afflicted with dispepsia, inflammatory rheumatism and ver- tigo. Has also used it successfully for diar- rhoea and dysentery, burns, scald?, and inflam- mation generally. Has found it very benefi- cal in all such cases. Richard Ward, teller in the Atlantic Bank, can give more information in regard to the good effects of Salted Brandy, than any other person in this vicinity. Hundreds of Individuals, who have ex- perienced relief in numerous cases of disease, can testify to the inestimable value of Salted 11 Brandy, as a simple, safe and efficacious remedy. One individual told the publisher that he would not take a thousand dollars for the good effects of this remedy in a severe attack of the rheumatism. His legs were badly swollen, and drawn up at the kaees so that he could not straighten them out. By a thorough and continued application of the Salted Brandy for a week or ten days, he was able to straighten his legs, the swelling sub- sided, and he soon got well. Otherwise, he said he should have had to resort to crutches to get about. The man is now well and active. Another case of a similar kind is mentioned of a lady in Cambridge, who for some time was unable to be about house, in consequence of her swollen limbs. At the time she commenced using the remedy, she was obliged to sit with her feet elevated in a chair, so painful were her feet and legs that she could not put them to the floor. By the use of the remedy, she has entirely recovered, and now walks to meeting with perfect ease. An old man in Dorchester has sent a similar testimony of the good effects of Salted Brandy. The remedy has been known to be very effi- cacious in severe cases of the piles. The subscriber would say, in addition to the above remarks, from his experience of five years, that his confidence has been increased in the article of Salted Brandy from year to year. 12 A few among the many causes why it is not almost universally used is, first, from a lack of confidence, there being so many humbugs; second, that poor Brandy is used; thirdly, that it is not used profusely when needed, and continuing the use without other medicine. The genuine article may be had, with a book of directions, and all the information gained by the use of the article for five years, by addressing a note to the subscriber, 105 State Street, Boston. JOHN BENSON. I, the subscriber, of Watertown, Mass., was violently seized with the rheumatism, being in very great pain, unable to obtain my rest by sleep ; by the use of Salted Brandy, taking it internally and bathing the parts affected, using as hard rubbing as I could bear, using some more than two gallons, was able in two weeks to visit my place of business, and in four weeks to resume my usual labor, with as good health as I have ever had. LEONARD WHITNEY. April, 1855. THE USE OF BKANDY AND SALT, AS A REMEDY FOR VARIOUS INTERNAL AS WELL AS EXTERNAL DISEASES, &c. USE FRENCH BRANDY ONLY. The inquiry has often been made of me whether gin, rum, or spirits of wine, will not ■do as well as brandy, or if British brandy is not as good as French brandy. With regard to the first three, gin, rum, or spirits of wine, I should recommend all such to make the ex- periment for themselves; for myself, I have always been content with French brandy. But with regard to whether British brandy is as good as French brandy, I will relate an occurrence which took place in a neighboring town in this county:—Two gentlemen, from the perusal of one of my letters in the Intelli- gencer, agreed to make use of the remedy, for the same complaint; I believe, the rheumatism. They mixed and used it according to the pre- scription. After a few days, they compared notes, when it was found that one of them 14 was almost cured, whilst the other wa3 not at all better. They then spoke of the manner they had mixed and used it, of the kind of brandy, &c.} when it came out that the one cured used French brandy, and the other British brandy. If they had both used British brandy, they would have come to the same conclusion that one of the faculty of Leeds came to, when my first letter was published, that what I stated was all lies,—but upon much better grounds, though equally untrue. When my first communication was published in the Leeds Intelligencer, it was so pronounced to be; but as I suppose, this gentleman spoke more by his wishes and his interest, than actual knowledge, though I believe that he is clever in his profession, and a worthy man, I think he ought to be excused; only it shows the necessity of men being careful before they accuse another of publishing lies, lest, in so doing, they speak untruths themselves. And this brings to my mind a suspicion which is entertained by some, as it was spoken of in a society where I was, that as I live in France, and possess an estate there, I recommend it from interested motives, having, no doubt, a manufactory of brandy on the estate. This idea may have great weight with many, for there are large numbers in society, who, seeing that most things turn upon self-interest, think that it is not possible that any one should act from anything but interested motives. But to all such I would say, neither my estate, nor 15 the village attached to it, nor the country near it, has, ever since I possessed it, though it is now fifteen years, in all that time produced as much brandy as I give away every week upon an average, one week with another; indeed, it has never produced, I believe, one table- spoonful ; therefore, the suspicion that I have ever had any interested motives is erroneous and unjust. In conclusion, I beg leave to say, that as a remedy it is unrivalled; whether it is used internally or externally, it is equally efficacious, and for both, or either, there cannot be found its equal; therefore, as a remedy, it is almost perfect. As a discovery, I cannot but think it stands unrivalled also, at least in medicine, as there is nothing made public which is equal to it as an universal specific. It cures com- plaints which have hitherto been deemed in- curable. This has been thought to be an objection to it; but let these objectors apply it according to the rules laid down in this treatise, and I think they will blush at their want of caution. As a remedy, which is easily made, I do think it cannot be exceeded; all that is wanted is to apply a sufficient quantity of salt to the brandy, shake it together, and it is ready for use as soon as it is clear. METHOD OF MAKING THE REMEDY. Add to a bottle of brandy as much salt as it is capable of dissolving; cork and shake 16 well together. When mixed, let the salt settle to the bottom, and be particularly careful to use it when clear, the clearer the better. Many persons have made a great mistake in shaking it up just before it is used. The efficacy is not near so great, and to open sores the application is much more painful, from the particles of salt which are not dissolved in the brandy; but the salt and brandy should remain together, and when all the brandy is used off more may be added to the salt. Though it is ready for use in twenty minutes after it is put together, it is good at any time after; and it is a perfect medicine, as it has the rare quality of being greatly efficacious in either internal or external application. GENERAL RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN USING THE REMEDY. Begin with taking one table-spoonful, mixed in a little hot water or tea, an hour before breakfast, and gradually increase, if the stom- ach will bear it, to two. The remedy must always be taken in water as hot as the patient can drink it, except in cases of worms and paralytic attacks, and in those two .cases to be taken pure. For children from two to ten years of age, one half of the quantity here prescribed will be sufficient, and increase it according to the age above those years. In all cases where the head is directed to 17 be rubbed, it should be done so all over, from the back to the front, and the hair made very wet, with the remedy pure ; the more hair the better. The operation should be continued for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour before going to bed, and the head should then be covered with the cap only. For pain in any part of the body except the head, bind the parts affected with linen saturated with the remedy. Abstinence from Intoxicating Drinks.—To insure success it is absolutely necessary that, during its application, whether internally or externally, the patient should strictly abstain from all stimulating and exciting drinks, except the Brandy and Salt. This is a rule which can never be departed from with safety. Opening Medicine.—The bowels must be kept open at all times, but especially when the patient is using the remedy. The kind of opening medicine which I recommend and use myself, as I find it answers best, is the fol- lowing:—Four ounces of Epsom salts, dissolved in half a pint of hot water; then add half a pint of cold water, and one tea-spoonful of the essence of peppermint. A wine-glassful to be taken when required, on going to bed. It is better to add half a table-spoonful of brandy to each dose. I subjoin the following as the line of conduct I followed in my case, and which I extract from my former pamphlet, published in Octo- ber, 1839, as it may be of considerable service. 18 I found it very efficacious to wet a piece of fine linen with the remedy, and bind it on my leg, which I kept moist by pouring a few drops on the linen; the more frequently I did so the better. This I strictly attended to for about three weeks, and though my leg had been very bad for many months, and bid defiance to the best medical aid I could procure, which caused me to give up all hopes of recovery, to my great surprise the inflammation was entirely gone, the wounds healed, and the leg well in a month. This I publish for the benefit and encouragement of the afflicted, as the cure it wrought upon me was so astonishing to myself and others; had not this been the case, thia pamphlet would never have been re-published by me; but with great gratitude to the Giver of all good, and thanks to the discoverer, I have complied with his request in making it as public as possible, both by newspaper and pamphlet. I am glad to hear and to see that this remedy is doing good to numbers, for both internal and external complaints. Any person receiving benefit from the application, would do well to let me know, as it may stimulate others; but let no one expect to be cured without perseverance. DISEASES AND MODE OF TREATMENT. Uizziness in the Head Is cured by washing the crown of the head with the remedy pure. It ought to be rubbed 19 for half an hour, even when the dizziness is removed. Sometimes it feels cured during the operation; sometimes in an hour after; and even it has not been removed until after retiring to bed. There are instances of this complaint returning several times, but it is easily subdued by the manner of applying this remedy. Determination of Blood to the Head, Which, by the regular mode of practice, is sought to be cured by bleeding with leeches about the temples, though it does not always cure, generally brings the patient to the borders of the grave. This complaint is greatly abated, and very often cured, by rubbing the crown of the head with the remedy. Some- times it is removed very soon, and generally by one operation; if not, it may be repeated once, in which case it is necessary that the afflicted should take two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with six or eight table-spoonsful of hot water. The rubbing of the head is always the best on retiring to bed, and the dose should be taken in the morning, about an hour before breakfast, and repeated several times. Head-aches Are removed by rubbing the head with the remedy, in the same manner as for Determi- nation of Blood to the Head. I have applied it in hundreds of instances, and always with success; but in case the Headache proves 20 obstinate, it should be repeated, and two table- spoonsful, with six or eight table-spoonsful of hot water, should be taken; but it is generally cured by rubbing once. Inflammation in the Eyes. Before I speak of the manner in which it is cured, I would say that this remedy, if it only cured this complaint in the manner it does, is beyond all price. There is no occasion for dark rooms; no occasion to desist from the ordinary occupations of the afflicted; no cau- terizing of the eye, which very often causes the afflicted to lose their sight; no distress in families. It is cured by the patient wetting the corner of his handkerchief five or six times each day, with the remedy, pure, when he is at work, when he is walking, when he is riding, when he is buying or selling his mer- chandise ; and rubbing it each time well into his eye. The pain is very trifling, and the cure certain. How different this is from the usual treatment. A friend of mine was shut up in a dark room for ten weeks. He had his eye cauterized several times, besides having several operations performed upon him, and after all his eye is not so well cured as it would have been by this remedy in a fortnight, if it had been taken in time ; but in that case he perhaps would have said the inflammation was not severe. 21 Inflammation of the Eyes. The eye to be bathed two or three times a day with a portion of the* remedy diluted in an equal quantity of water. If the eye be much inflamed, add a white bread poultice on going to bed, placed between two cloths. Inflammation in the Brain Is cured by rubbing the crown of the head with the remedy until the pain is removed. There are several instances in which very valuable lives might have been prolonged by the use of this remedy. Malibran, whilst at Manchester, fell a sacrifice to it; and I am confident that if it had been applied as above, her life would have been spared. Tooth-ache Is cured in a manner which I discovered my- self. It is simply by filling the ear on that side of the head where the pain is with the remedy pure, and letting it remain in the ear for ten minutes, in most cases sufficient to remove the pain. I have seldom known it fail. For any other than decayed teeth the cure is generally permanent. For decayed teeth it may return again upon taking cold; it should remain in the ear from five to ten minutes. Ear-ache Is cured the same as the Tooth-ache, by filling the ear with the remedy. This is rather a pleasant operation, and calculated to do great good in other respects. 2* 22 Deafness Is greatly relived, and very often cured, by the same method,•filling the ear with the remedy. I have known it to be of great use in several instances; and since I have filled my ears with it, I can hear with greater clear- ness. The best time is upon retiring to rest. Fill first the ear which is the least affected with deafness, and let it remain in for ten min- utes ; after which fill the other ear, and let^t remain in the ear all night. It conduces very much to sound sleeping. Teeth are Preserved By putting a little of. the remedy, once each week or fortnight, upon the tooth brush when it is used. This will also remove any soreness which may be in the teeth from eating sour fruit, or any other cause. Gum Boils Are cured by saturating a piece of fine linen with the remedy, and applying it to the part, betwixt the gums and the cheek. The best time is upon retiring to rest, and letting it re- main the whole of the night; this will remove the most violent pain. But the same operation requires to be repeated several nights to re- move the boil and prevent the teeth from be- coming loose. Eruptions upon the Face and Head Are generally removed by rubbing the part with the remedy. If they are of a cancerous 23 nature, and of a few weeks' standing, the reme- dy gives no pain, and the cure is effected with surprising facility; but to all other descriptions of eruptions it gives pain. Ague, or Intermitting Fevers, Are cured by rubbing the head once, on retir- ing to rest, and next morning taking two table- spoonsful, diluted with six table-spoonsful of hot water for a man, and half the quantity for a female, an hour before breakfast. It should be repeated for twelve mornings, or until the disorder is subdued. Cholic Is generally cured in four or five minutes, by taking two table-spoonfuls of the remedy, di- luted with hot water. If it is not cured by the first operation, it ought to be repeated, and the dose made stronger. It seldom requires re- peating more than twice, though I have known it repeated three times. Cholera Is cured by rubbing the head once or twice, or as often as the pains in the head return, and by taking two or three table-spoonsful, diluted with hot water. This should be repeated several times each day, if the attack is very strong, at short intervals; and if the skin is discolored, the part ought to be rubbed with it until the complaint is subdued, which will be known by the removal of the pain. 24 Quinsey, or Sore Throats, Should be grappled within every possible way, first by gargling with the remedy pure, second by filling each ear with the remedy pure, one after the other, and letting it remain in each ear ten minutes. I have found great relief from this method, and the best time is upon retiring to rest. Then a little linen, saturated with the remedy, should be wrapped round the neck, and kept moist; these methods are gen- erally successful; but if not the danger from the sore throat becoming something worse is greatly reduced. This is one of those com- plaints which require great perseverance, and even the use of leeches may be necessary af- ter all; but such cases will be very rare. Inflammation in the Bowels Is cured by taking two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water, repeatedly, and at short intervals, until the pain is remov- ed. It is also well to rub the exterior, and apply warm flannel to the part, which may be kept warm, or even hot, by applying a warm- ing pan to the flannel. I have found great benefit from this operation. Pains in the Side, Which are often the forerunners of Pleurisies and other Fevers. After the crown of the head has been rubbed, the side should be well rubbed with the remedy until the pain is re- moved. If this does not succeed it will be 25 necessary to take a piece of linen, about half a yard square, and double it several times, un- til it becomes six inches square; saturate it well with the remedy, and apply it to the part; it should be kept moist. It has been of great use in numberless instances, and generally re- moves the pain in less than an hour, and very often prevents fever. It will also be well for the patient to take two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water. Rheumatism Is always relieved, and often cured, by rubbing with this remedy upon the part afflicted. But it ought to be continued for several days, or even weeks, once or twice each day, and there are cases in which it is necessary the patient should take two table-spoonsful, mixed with hot water, once a day, for twelve or fourteen days. This is one of the most stubborn com- plaints in existence, and requires great patience and perseverance; but even this has been obliged to yield to the remedy, though the use of a brush is sometimes necessary. A great many instance? might be adduced of persons afflicted with this complaint who have been obliged to pass their winters, in great pain, within doors, but by its application have been able to enjoy themselves during the whole of the year. Gout and Rheumatic Gout. These painful disorders being in the blood, it will be necessary that the person afflicted 3 26 should have his or her crown of the head well rubbed with the remedy, once, on retiring to rest; the morning after take two table-spoonsful mixed with hot water, an hour before break- fast, which should be repeated for twelve or fourteen days, and the part inflamed, or where the pain is, touched with something soft, per- haps a feather, until the patient can bear to rub it with the finger. These are complaints which require great perseverance. Gravel. Take a table-spoonful (diluted) three or four times a day. Burns and Scalds Are very soon cured by this remedy. The part affected should be rubbed with the pure liquid. The first application is painful, but not of long continuance, and each application is less painful. The sore is soon cured, but sometimes it is necessary to apply something to soften the sore ; tallow or hog's lard is good, or anything else of a softening nature. Chilblains Are cured by the application of this remedy ; but care should be taken that the part affected should be rubbed until perfectly dry. There is also another cure, which is simply washing the hands or feet in a strong ley of salt and water, and let it dry upon them. 27 Insanity, Or what is called Affection of the Nerves, which produces lowness of spirits, may be almost always prevented by rubbing the crown of the head twice or thrice with this remedy. But it ought to be well rubbed each time for ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour; and I think, in order to confirm the cure, two table-spoonsful should be taken for twelve mornings, fasting, diluted with hot water. Children of the age of four years, and under, are cured by rubbing the crown of the head only once. I have had so many proofs of it that I can speak with great confi- dence. There is only one case in which it was not successful, and that was an eruption on the skin ; in all other complaints, whether illness or weakness, it has been successful. There are many instances in the village near my castle; and those children are far more healthy and handsome than those who have not had their heads rubbed with the remedy. I happened to call at one of my farms, and found three children in the ague; they were in a state of great perspiration: the eldest was nine years old ; the other two under three; they were all rubbed upon the crown of the head. During the operation every one was better, and before I left the house they ap- peared free from pain. I did not see them after, but I inquired very often, and their father said they had never had any return of the fever. The surprising effects of this 28 remedy, from rubbing the crown of the head, particularly in infants, lead me to doubt the generally received opinion that headaches are caused by the state of the stomach; and I am convinced, by observation, that the state of the head not only acts upon the stomach, but upon all other parts of the human frame. This, I think, has been a mistake among pro- fessional men; and no doubt they will be offended at me for venturing to question the generally received opinion ; but as my opinions are founded upon close observation and facts, I beg of them to turn their attention (with a proper allowance that even the most generally received ideas may be erroneous) to the in- vestigation of this great truth. But let them come to what conclusion they may, they can- not throw a doubt on the fact that children are cured by rubbing the crown of the head with this remedy. Cancers. I have had such great success in the cure of them that I thought it never failed, and that merely by rubbing or washing the sore. There are at present some doubts whether it cures those of a very long standing or not, but there is not the least doubt that it will cure those which have been in existence for a year, and it may be easily known whether the sore is of a cancerous nature or not by the application of the remedy. If it is so, the application gives no pain, and the cure is rapid; to all other sores it gives pain. For cancers of long 29 standing, I recommend that the crown of the head shpuld be well rubbed with the remedy, and that the patient should take two table- spoonsful, diluted with hot water every morn- ing. The sore ought to be washed with the remedy, and soft linen saturated with the rem- edy applied, and kept, if possible, constantly to it. In all cases, if this method is followed, it will be a great relief, and generally a cure ; and, for the future, there will be very few bad cancers, if the remedy is applied in their early stage. Worms. Take two table-spoonsful of the remedy pure, an hour before breakfast; for a child, Irom five to seven years of age, half the quantity is sufficient. Fevers. In all cases of fever, and there are several kinds, rubbing the crown of the head with the remedy should be the very first operation, and immediately after the patient should take two table-spoonsful, diluted with hot water; this should be repeated at intervals of from an hour to three hours, according to the nature and violence of the attack. No amendment can be hoped for until the inflammation is re- duced, and nothing will reduce it so soon as this remedy, and that without bleeding and bli>tering; but all complaints are the most easily cured at their commencement. 30 Inflammation of the Lungs Will generally be relieved by washing the crown of the head, and taking two table-spoons- ful, diluted with hot water. But it should be taken several times each day, and a piece of linen, several thicknesses, saturated with the remedy, put upon the part where the pain is. Consumption. I have not the least doubt but the majority might be cured by an application of this rem- edy, in its earlier stages, and that without con- finement, by first rubbing the crown of the head once, and taking one or two table-spoonfuls of the remedy diluted with hot water, every morn- ing, an hour before breakfast: it will be well to rub the chest once each morning. There are two cases of its almost wonderful effect, one at La Ferte Imbault, and the other in the Isle of Man.* As the remedy is a new discovery, the •Brandy and Salt.—Our last number contained a long ac- count of a novel yet simple medicine, (a mixture of brandy and salt) strongly recommended by its discoverer, as a powerful rem- edy in several dangerous maladies which afflict the human race. As the article in question was Dot the puff for a quack nostrum, but written by a gentlemen with aview to benefit his fellow crea- tures, we readily gave it insertion, and are now glad of having been the means of increasing its publicity, as we have since had an opportunity of witnessing its efficacy in a case wherein the life of the patient seemed to be in imminent peril. A young man, who had resided for some time in thU Island, went to South Caro- lina three years ago with the intention of settling in that state, where all his friends reside ; but a southern climate not agreeing with his constitution, he returned to Douglas about a month since, apparently laboring under a confirmed consumption, in the hope of benefiting under a change of air. Having read a de- scription of the above named medicine, he began to give it a tri- al, and after persevering according to the prescription for nearly three weeks, all the consumptive symptoms vanished, and he be- came so greatly improved both in health and appearance, that he is now actually preparing for his return to America; but with the design of fixing in a more salubrious part ef that flourish- ing country.—Manx Liberal. 31 cases of its cure of this complaint are not many 5 but only let it be properly and generally used, and I have no doubt but millions will derive benefit from it each year. Asthmas Are greatly relieved by rubbing the crown of the head once, before retiring to rest, and tak- ing one or two table-spoonfuls diluted with hot water, for several mornings. The sister of the curate of our Parish, in France, had been long afflicted with asthma, and, after repeated recom- mendations, she had been induced to try it; her brother always said, to any inquiry, that she was well since she had used the remedy, therefore I hope that it will do good in all cases, and cure in some. Colds And Coughs Are greatly relieved by the application of this remedy to the part affected. If in the head, the head should be rubbed ; if in the throat, the the ears should be filled, one after the other, and let remain for ten minutes, the throat gargled, and the neck and breast rubbed with the rem- edy. They are oft very tedious, and require great perseverance, and even with all this it is necessary to apply leeches. If the chest is attacked, the patient should apply a piece of soft linen, of several thicknesses, to the breast, saturated with the remedy, and kept moist. The effect of this application is sometimes very striking. 32 Dysentery, If violent, should be treated first by rubbing the crown of the head with the remedy once, and immediately taking one or two table- spoonsful diluted in hot water; this should be repeated three or four times each day. The disorder must be very bad if it is not subdued in two or three days ; but perseverance is ne- cessary. Sprains Are easily cured by this remedy; sometimes by merely rubbing; but if that does not suc- ceed, by taking a long piece of linen, about two inches broad, and wrapping it several times round the part, after it has been saturat- ed with the remedy, they are generally cured in a day or two ; but the linen should be kept moist with the remedy the whole of the time, until a cure is effected. Bruises Sometimes require to be several times rubbed with the remedy. At other times once or twice suffices ; but it is always well to perse- vere until the cure is effected. The applica- tion gives no pain; but sometimes bruises are rather tedious in being cured. Scurvy Only requires lo be rubbed with the remedy several times until the complaint is subdued. But if the person afflicted considers his blood to be any way bad, he will do well to have the crown of his head rubbed with the remedy, and 33 take, one or two table spoonsful, diluted with hot water, each morning before breakfast, for twelve mornings. It will generally purify the blood in that time. Itch, I believe, may be cured by this remedy, by washing or rubbing with it till the complaint is subdued. But this is often tedious, and requires perseverance and great cleanliness. Ring-Worms, Upon children's heads, are easily cured by rub- bing the head with the remedy. It very sel- dom takes a week to cure the complaint, and nothing can be done which conduces more to the general health of children than rubbing the head. Many schools are broken up by this teasing complaint, which might be avoided by the master or mistress using it for the children. I believe that its infecting qualities are remov- ed by the first application. Paralytic Attacks, Should be attended to the same moment as the attack commences ; and this will show the ne- cessity of all families being provided with a bottle ready prepared. The crown of the head should be well rubbed with the remedy, and at the same time the patient should have two table-spoonsful for a woman, and three table- spoonsful for a man given, diluted with hot water. Another person ought to be employed in rubbing the part affected with the remedy. 34 Perhaps it may be necessary to give the pa- tient more than one dose ; but this must be left to the discretion of his friends. It is sure to do good in repeating it. Pregancy. Pregant women ought to take one table spoonful diluted with hot water, once a week or fortnight, but not oftener, during their pre- gancy. It renders the child more healthy, and the delivery is effected with greater ease. Bites of Poisonous Reptiles Are easily cured by rubbing the parts bitten with the remedy. It neutralises the poison, and heals the sore in a very short time ; but it is well to do it immediately after the bite has been given. Bites of Mad Dogs, Or any other dogs Are easily cured by rubbing well the part bitten with this remedy. I believe no uneas- iness may be felt by the person bitten, if it is rubbed the same day ; but it is always best to do it immediately after, and it ought to be rubbed several times, and a piece of soft linen, saturated with the remedy, applied to the parti This is one of those cases which I have not proved by fact, not having come under my notice; and I have not had occasion to prove it upon myself. Stings of Wasps, Bees, Ac, Are cured by rubbing the part immediately after being stung; the relief, a,s well as the at- 35 tack, is instantaneous; but I do not think it does much good if the part is suffered to swell', therefore the application should be prompt. Erysipelas Is cured by rubbing the part with the remedy. A clergyman in the North has had the kind- ness to communicate a case which I will give in his own words :^-"The patient was a woman. Having occasion to call at the house on busi- ness, one morning about ten o'clock, I found the poor creature more dead than alive, from violent pain, and a sensation of burning heat in her arms and hands, which were red with in- flammation from the fingers to the elbows. She was in perfect misery, she said, having been unable to sleep a moment for two nights. Some aperient medicine had been given her, but there had been no external application to the parts affected. I asked her if I might try to relieve her;—'she replied, I might do anything I liked. Accordingly, with this permission, I sent to my house for a cupful of the remedy, which I kept ready prepared ; and with this I proceeded to bathe both hands and arms for about ten minutes. The effect was almost miraculous, and the poor creature laugh- ed for joy. This, as I have said, was about ten o'clock, A. m. About noon I called again. to see whether things were going on right, when the patient was fast asleep and comfor- table. In the evening she was still better, hav- ing bathed herself again. In short in forty- eight hours exactly, the cure was completed. 36 Not only was all pain removed, but the limbs had recovered their usual appearance and every trace of discoloration on the skin had vanished." This will show how much good may be done, with a little trouble, by ministers of the Gospel; and it is really part of their work to promote the health of their parishioners and hearers; therefore I hope that all such will make them- selves acquainted with the contents of this little publication, and apply them where they may be useful. Tic Dolorcux. This painful complaint may be greatly re- lieved by the use of this remedy ; perhaps cured if it is in the face. The crown of the head should be well rubbed with the remedy; after which the ear on the side of the head next it should be filled with the remedy, which should remain for ten minutes. After, the part affect- ed should be rubbed with the remedy. If these fail effecting a cure, I should recommend that the patient should take two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water, each morn- ing before breakfast, about an hour, for fourteen days. Scrofula Must be very difficult to cure ; but as it is in the blood, that ought to be purified, which is easily effected, by first rubbing the crown of the head once with the remedy, after which the patient should take one or two table-spoons- ful of the remedy, diluted with hot water, an hour before breakfast, every morning for at least 37 a month; and the sores should be covered with soft linen, saturated with the remedy. It will also be well to apply something softening to the sore. I know of nothing better than tal- low. I do not say that this will cure, but I do say that it will alleviate the pain of the suffer- er, and change a life of pain and misery to one of compartive comfort and ease. Bilious Complaints Are cured by rubbing first the crown of the head once before retiring to rest, and next morning taking two table-spoonsful of the rem- edy diluted with hot water, an hour before breakfast, for twenty mornings. Before half of that time is passed the good effects of the application will be seen in the face of the pa- tient, which, from sickly yellow or white, will become fair and ruddy. But this is a small part of the benefit, as the afflicted will ac- knowledge. Bites of Musquitoes, Gnats, and other Noxious Insects, May be cured by only rubbing the part bitten with the remedy. Plague Being an inflammatory complaint, I hope may be cured, by the same method as others of the same description ; that is by first rubbing the crown of the head, and immediately after giv- ing the patient three table-spoonsful, diluted with hot water, which ought to be repeated every ten minutes, if the patient can take it, 4 38 until the complaint is subdued. I wish this could be introduced into the Turkish empire ; many valuable lives would be spared if it were successful, of which I have very little doubt. Mortification Is almost as easily stopped, and the cure effect- ed, if I may judge by the only case which has come under my observation, as any other sore. It was of the person who had his hand crushed by a cart, mentioned in my last year's address, and who had a part of one of his fingers taken off. It was applied as to any common sore, by wrapping a piece of soft linen, saturated with the remedy, upon the sore and kept humid, by wetting it several times a day. Boils and Abscesses Should be covered with a piece of soft linen, saturated with the remedy, and kept wet. By this means though it does not prevent or re- tard the bursting of the boil or abscess, it very much relieves the pain by removing the in- flammation. Cuts. As a tincture, I do not think that this remedy has its equal, giving very little pain when first applied, and curing in a short time. Any per- son will know that the application should be made by saturating a piece of linen in the remedy, and wrapping it round the part cut, which must be very severe if there is occasion to remove the linen till the cure is effected. But it should be kept always moist by adding a little of the remedy several times each day. 39 Whitlow May be cured by either holding the finger in the remedy, or saturating a piece of soft linen with it, and wrapping it round the sore. But it should be kept wet until the cure is ef- fected. Lumbago Though comprised under the head of Rheumat- ism, it is well to observe, is generally removed by rubbing the part. But if it cannot be re- moved by that means, or it returns again, I should recommend the patient to have the crown of the head well rubbed once, on retir- ing to rest, with the remedy, and then taking, several mornings, an hour before breakfast, two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water. Jaundice, I believe, may be cured by rubbing the crown of the head once, on retiring to rest, and tak- ing two table-spoonsful, diluted with hot water, for several mornings, an hour before breakfast, until the complaint disappears, which I expect it will do in eight or ten days. Liver Complaints and Affections of the Heart Can only be removed by putting the intestines in healthful state, which may be effected by rubbing the crown of the head once, on retir- ing to rest, and each morning taking two table- spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot wa- ter, an hour before breakfast; perhaps it re- 40 quires to be taken for months before the com- plaints are cured. But prevention is always better than cure, therefore the intestines should be kept healthy, and the blood pure. Sores of long standing Are relieved, and very often cured, by this remedy, by saturating soft linen with it, and applying it to the sore. After three or four applications it always relieves the pain ; and the most obstinate setfasts are removed, and that without pain, in a few days, and the sore becomes clean, not only from that, but all other impurities. How many poor creatures pass lives of misery from incurable sores, who will be relieved by the use of this remedy! There are many instances of persons who have not been able to sleep for weeks, who have slept the very first night after its application; and all, let their case be ever so bad, may have the same consolation if they apply this simple remedy. A gentleman of Hull says, " I found it very efficacious myself, to wet a piece of fine linen with the remedy, and bind it on the diseased part, which I always kept moist, by pouring a few drops upon the linen. The more frequent the application of the remedy the better. This I strictly attended to for three weeks, and though my leg had been bad for months, and bid defiance to the best medi- cal aid I could procure, and caused me to give up all hopes of recovery, to my great surprise the inflammation was entirely gone, the wound was healed, and well in a month." 41 Yellow Fever, Which often terminates in the Black Fever, called the Black Vomit, is, I suppose, much of the same nature as the Plague; therefore it must be treated in the same manner. I have no doubt but a great many lives may be pre- served by that method. Gall Stones Are no doubt produced by the intestines being in an unhealthy state: therefore it is well to keep them always healthy, which may be gen- erally effected by rubbing the crown of the head once, and taking the remedy, each morn- ing for a week or ten days, an hour before breakfast, diluted with hot water. A beloved sister suffered, and was confined to bed, for several months, by refusing to use it as above. After the Gall Stones are formed, I do not think they can be removed by any other than the ordinary method, but the pain may be greatly alleviated by the application of this remedy; the pain ought to be attacked in every possible way, by rubbing the exterior, and applying fomentations to the part nearest the pain. Indigestion May be easily corrected by rubbing the crown of the head once, and taking one or two table- spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water, every morning, until the complaint is removed; as a corrective, this remedy is very efficacious. 42 Spinal Complaints, I believe, have their source in the head; therefore it will be well first to rub the crown of the head with the remedy,, on retiring to rest, after which, next morning, the patient should take one or two table-spoonsful of the remedy, diluted with hot water, an hour before breakfast, each morning, for twelve mornings, or till the complaint is removed. Soft linen, of several thicknesses, saturated with the remedy, should be applied to the part where the pain is, if rubbing does not remove it, and it should be renewed several times a day if the spine is very painful, and always kept moist. Application, in this manner, for two or three days, is sure to reduce the pain, though it may not cure the complaint so soon. Through Mr. V., of Hull, who has received great benefit himself in the cure of a bad and inflamed leg and rheumatism, I am enabled to add many well authenticated cases : the whole of thoses persons are now living in his neigh- bourhood, therefore those benefited may be seen, and I am given to understand that they will answer any questions which may be put to them:— 1. A Lady at Grimsby cured of rheuma- tism in the arm. 2. A Gentleman at York cured of violent rheumatism in his hands, which had been of long standing. 3. A Gentleman at Hull cured of lumbago. 43 4. Two Women were cured of violent sore throats; but they lost their husbands of the same complaint, because they would not use the remedy; they were of that class to whom it does no good. 5. Mrs. Williams, Finkle-street, cured of in- flammation in the throat and lungs. 6. Mrs. Harrison, 41 Saville-street, cured of spasms and indigestion. 7. Mr. Craggs, Dock-street, cured of pain in the side. 8. Ann Banks, Myton-street, quite cured of a paralytic stroke, though she had lost the use of one side, called at Mr. Vallance's shop and gave him her own account of the cure, which she attributed solely to the remedy of Brandy and Salt. She took as much as two glasses full each day. 9. Captain Plumb, of the vessel Ann, Ked- dy's Wharf, rheumatism in the head and all over the body. He appeared very near death. Mr. V. recommended the Brandy and Salt. He rubbed his head ,and took it according to prescription ; on the fourth day he called with a smile on his countenance, and said he was much better. He continued to recover, and is now quite well. 10. Mrs. Hodgson, My ton-Gate, sore throat cured. 11. Mrs. Wardle, Bishop-Lane, violent pain at the heart, who had been unwell for several months, and was given up by three physicians. Her complaint was removed in a few weeks, 44 and she is now able to attend to her domestic concerns, though she has a family, and keeps a public house. 12. Mrs. Brown, Labour-in-Vain public house, cured of violent pains in the head. 13. A man at Flambor', cured of a white swelling in the knee. His wife of a bad leg also. 14* Mrs. Bealby, cured of a bad leg, 15. Mr. Easton, Hull and Brigg carrier, cured of a bad leg of twenty-two years' stand- ing. 16. James Calvert, Agnes-Place, cured of an abscess in the lungs and consumption. 17. John Crowest, Pilot, Manchester-Place, in the last stage of a consumption, cured. This person and James Calvert, applied to Mr. V. at the same time. The application of the rem- edy caused them to throw off the stomach, by coughing, an immense quantity of corrupt mat- ter, mingled with blood and phlegm, for sev- eral nights ; but after it was discharged, their coughs ceased entirely, and they thought them- selves quite well. From gratitude they called to thank Mr. V. who went with them to the doctor. He was surprised at^ the cure, as he thought it an impossibility, their deaths hav- ing been considered inevitable. Calvert was captioned not to take cold, as one half of his lungs was gone. He said, "I never was better in my life, except a little weakness in my legs." 18. ■ Robinson, a poor man, very bad of Rheumatism, not able to walk, driven 45 about the streets of Hull in a carriage drawn by two dogs, quite cured in a few weeks, and able to walk and attend to his business. 19. Mrs. Hardy, near Waltham Street Chapel, cured of a large tumor upon the neck. 20. A boy had his foot severely bruised by a shutter falling upon it; was cured in a week by the application of the remedy. Those to whom it does no good. There is a large class in society to whom it does no good—they are those who will not use it; but I have no doubt they are daily dimin ishing in number, for after any one has applied it to any complaint, the benefits are so manifest that it would be to suppose them not endowed with common sense not to apply it again in case of need; it only requires very little reflection to know how to apply it to any com- plaint, whether external or internal, and there is not the least fear of any bad effects from it. Experience of several years has convinced me that it has never yet done any harm, but its efficacy is much more certain when it is used clear. Inflammation. I saw it stated in a newspaper that a pro- fessional gentleman had published a treatise to prove that complaints of all kinds are caused by inflammation ; this coincides with my opin- ion and observation ; and such being the case, it is not surprising that this remedy has cured 4* 46 almost every complaint to which it has been properly applied, or has greatly relieved them ; but the universality of its efficacy has been thought by some a great objection to it. A lady to whom it was recommended said—" I have no faith in it, for you say that it cures so many complaints ; if you said it cured only one, I could use it for that; but as you say there are so many, I will not use it for any." This may be wisdom; but, as I have known it cure the head, ear and tooth-ache, inflammation in the eyes, ague, cholic, pains in the side, chilblains, burns and scalds, cancers, and sev- eral other complaints, and some of them scores of times, I should be wanting in my duty if I did not not recommend it for them. Cancers. It has been applied in six cases of cancer, five of which it has cured, and that without pain; even the first application did not give pain, but relief; three of these were very severe, and had been of long continuance ; the other two were at the commencement, and to the sixth it was applied but once, which brought on a great bleeding, which I believe was necessary, as the patient was much better for it; but it alarmed his friends, they called in his medical advisers, (he being a wealthy man, he had the best the place could afford,) they were much offended by its application, and said they would not come again if he con- tinued to use it; he therefore promised he 47 would not use it again, and I believe he kept his promise, as he died in less than twelve months after; and judging from the others, I have no doubt that he would have been cured if he had not been prevented from applying it. The other five are all poor, and are cured and living at present, or were a short time ago ; the rich was not cured, and is dead. I wish this had been otherwise, as he is said to have been a worthy man. Sprains. Many persons suffer from sprains for months, who might be cured, by fomenting the part with this remedy, in a few days, and some of them in a few hours. I have known several who have suffered for weeks, though under very able doctors, cured in a very short time with it. A respectable individual informed me that an acquaintance of his, a commercial traveller, who one evening had unfortunately taken the brandy without the salt, happened, as he was ascending a stone staircase, to stumble, and in failing, to bring his head in contact with the edge of one of the steps. In consequence of this, a great portion of the skin was rubbed off his forehead. There being Salted Brandy in the house, he had the courage to apply it to the raw surface! The accident occurred on the Friday evening, and the embrocation was continued till Sunday night, and on Monday morning the wound was sufficiently healed to 48 i admit of his wearing his hat and entering on his journey. The Cashier in a gentleman's office in Liv- erpool accidently received a very smart blow on the back of his left hand, from the edge of a door opened hastily by one of the workmen, who was not aware that any one stood in the way. The injury was followed by such in- flammation as completely deprived him of the use of his fingers. He instantly applied the Salted Brandy, which so reduced the swelling that he obtained the perfect use of his hand in about three hours after he had received the blow. This account I had from his own lips, in the presence of his employer, who confirmed the statement. A gentleman told me of a case of violent inflammation in the chest, in which he admin- istered a dose of this remedy in the evening, and the following morning found the patient relieved. I Was informed that the physician in attendance was not over-pleased with my friend having, with the usual kindness of his disposition, and in the simplicity of his heart, interfered on the occasion. A farm-servant had some swelling on the side of his face, which was probably the Mumps, of such intensity that he could not possibly open his mouth. My advice having been asked by the gentleman who communi- cated the case, and in whose service he lived, I recommended the Salted Brandy to be given internally, through a quill, in the prescribed 49 dose, twice a day, and a piece of linen, several folds thick, thoroughly saturated with the pre- paration, to be applied to the tumor, and to be kept constantly moist. This recommendation was complied with on, I believe, the Sunday evening; and his master told me afterwards that the man resumed his work on the follow- ing Thursday. The above instances of the efficacy of Salted Brandy as a sedative of inflammation, I consider as sufficient in this place, especially as, in this respect, its powers will necessarily be brought under notice in the course of what I shall detail under other heads of injuries and diseases, with all of which it will, more or less, be found to be essentially connected. I would here only further remark, that I am quite convinced that it might be used with the hap- piest effect in attempts to reduce inflammation attending the fracture and amputation of limbs. Open Sores. In all cases coming under this head, such as chapped lips and hands, ulcers and excoria- tions, this preparation will be found very effi- cacious in allaying the inflammation, arresting the progress of proud flesh, and in healing the part affected. A lady told me that the hands of a servant maid and lad in her employ were so chapped that they could not use them. She had re- course to the Salted Brandy, which, after the third pr fourth application, so reduced the 5 50 inflammation, as to restore the use of the fingers, and in a short time it completely healed the sores. A similarly happy effect attended its application to a severely chapped hand of a lady of my acquaintance, to whom I had the pleasure of recommending it. A brother clergyman had an abscess in his right breast. It had been opened in the month of April, but it continued to discharge matter (though repeated attempts had been made to heal it,) till the following October, when I became acquainted with him, and told me of the obstinacy of the ulcer. I recommended a trial of Salted Brandy, and he very kindly put himself under my care. I therefore directed him to take the remedy internally once a day, and to keep it constantly applied to the wound. He did so, and in the course of three weeks or a month it was perfectly healed. Bruises. A lady residing in the eastern part of Liverpool, informed me that a sailor lad, in the employ of a captain of a vessel belonging to the above port, had the misfortune to bruise one of his fingers so severely that his master thought it would be necessary to have it cut off, lest mortification might ensue, as the in- flammation had continued unabated ever since the accident had happened, which was the period of a fortnight; therefore, on the cap- tain's coming ashore, he asked his wife to what surgeon he should send the boy, either for the 51 amputation or cure of his finger. She replied by desiring him to send the lad to her. He did so. She commenced her operations by washing the bruised finger with the Salted Brandy; she then enveloped it in several folds of linen, which were saturated with the above preparation, and directed the boy to come to her on the following morning. He came accordingly, and on her asking him how his finger was, he said that the last was the only night since he met with the injury, in which he had enjoyed any sleep, and that the pain had nearly ceased. She repeated the former treatment, and, having continued it for a few days, succeeded in effectiiig a perfect cure of this little sufferer's finger. Sprains. The landlord of a respectable hotel in Liverpool detailed to me the following case: A gentleman who was staying at his house happened to sprain his ankle, and was in con- sequence unable to move his foot. He caused the injured ankle to be embrocated with Salted Brandy during the remainder of the evening, and received so much benefit from the embro- cation, that he was able to go out on business the following morning. Salted Brandy, how- ever, is not only of great service when applied to a sprain immediately on its occur- rence, but it is also very beneficial in cases of injured muscles, from sprains long since received. 52 Indurated Tumours. The following case was communicated to me by a friend, in the presence of a physician, who was also acquainted with it. A person had an indurated tumor on the back of one of his hands, in consequence, I suppose, (for my friend did not assign the cause which produced it,) of some external injury. The country surgeon completely failing to reduce it, the patient went up to London, where he entrust- ed the treatment of the tumor to one of the most eminent surgeons there; but after he had submitted to it for some time, he returned to the country, having experienced no benefit whetever. He again called in the service of his former medical attendant, and while under his care, he heard of Salted Brandy, and applied it as an embrocation to the part affected. Resolved to give it a fair trial, he entirely discontinued the liniments sent him, and did not tell his surgeon what he was using ; but, after he. had tried it for some time, he showed him his hand, and he pronounced it to be advancing towards a cure. The patient then acknowledged what course he had adopt- ed, and being encouraged to persevere in it, lie. in a short time afterwurd, sue- eeded in completely reducing the tumor and recovering the perfect use of his hand. A gentleman living in Chester had a nodule or tumor on his face, which very much dis- figured it. He perseveringly emb.oc:red it with Salted Brandy, and entirely reduced it. 53 Ere I quit this part of my subject, I would suggest the probability of Salted Brandy prov- ing efficacious for the reduction of wens, bron- chocele, or, what is properly called, goitre. Paralysis. A worthy friend of mine told me that he prevailed on an acquaintance of his in Ireland, one of the sides of whose body was so par- alyzed that he could neither walk nor do any- thing else without assistance, to take the Salted Brandy internally, and also to cause the side, of which he had lost the use, to be well rubbed with it twice a day. He commenced this course immediately, and my friend hap- pening to call on him a week afterwards, found his patient, to his great but agreeable sur- prise, hobbling about unattended in his gar- den. Rheumatism. A military captain, residing in Liverpool, to whom I was introduced, was so afflicted by the rheumatism as to be confined to his bed. He had availed himself of the services of the faculty, and had applied various embrocations, but with no decided benefit. He complained of being very weak in body. This I could easily believe; because rheumatism of itself will cause much debility, and as the strong sudorific medicines which are generally admin- istered in this disorder, as well as those of a drastic nature, cause much exhaustion, and, consequently, weakness, there can be no doubt 54 of a rheumatic subject being weakened by the ordinary course of medical treatment. I talked to him about Salted Brandy, and suc- ceeded in persuading him to take it inwardly, and to apply it externally to the parts affected. The happy result was that, in the course of three weeks, he was enabled to rise from his bed and to use his right hand, with which he had not been able to write for several years previously, and he was considerably improved in his general health. I have it in my power to communicate several other cases of rheumatic subjects whose limbs have been restored to their usual offices, and whose health has been greatly benefited by their taking this medicine ; but I consider the case above detailed to be suf- ficient evidence in favor of the salutary effect of Salted Brandy in rheumatism, whether chronic or acute — whether affecting the hip joint, and then given the appellation of sciatica, or the region of the loins, and there- fore called lumbago. It may be right also to remark, that this remedy might be used with, perhaps, good effect in cases of stiff knees, and other joints similarly affected. Erysipelas. The case of a complete cure of erysipelas was lately communicated to me by a friend, whose brother was the individual troubled with it. The seat of the disease was the leg, (it being that kind of erysipelas which is con- 55 fined to 'an affection of the skin, but which does not pervade the system,) and it had been of two year's standing. Its progress had been formerly arrested by other remedies; the enemy, however, was not subdued, but was only repulsed for a season. It would return after a time, and would renew its ravages ; and a total defeat of the foe and a complete cure of the disease were not accomplished until the Salted Brandy had been internally taken, and, at the same time, had been extern- ally applied. I have successfuly administered it to little children, not seven years of age, who were laboring under the effects of this distressing disorder. Jaundice. This is a most unpleasant malady ; and the method adopted for its removal, namely, a course of smart and continued purgation, is not only tedious, but calculated to weaken the body, and in some kinds, or rather stages, of this complaint, to endanger the life of the patient, not as a direct but as an indirect con- sequence, because the above treatment renders the body (especially when under the effect of the blue pill, frequently, but, I think, very improperly given in this disease) very suscep- tible of cold ; and cold caught in the jaundice has not unfrequently been the cause of death. But the patient need have very little appre- hension of taking cold while under a course of Salted Brandy ; because this medicine, acting 56 as a powerful diaphoretic, makes the body less susceptible of cold than it is otherwise, and especially when affected by drastic medicines. About four years ago, I had a very severe attack of jaundice, of which I was not cured by the ordinary mode of treatment in leas than two months' time. I relapsed into the disorder every subsequent spring and autumn, and I had recourse to the same medicine as had at first removed it. I continued subject to these relapses till the autumn of the year 1839, when I found my health worse than ever I knew it to be from the effects of this sickly enervating disease ; and, having persevered in the use of several remedies prescribed for its restoration, and finding it still unimproved, I began to despair of long surviving such a state of illness as I then experienced. Happening one day to be in the office of a friend in Liverpool, one of his oldest servants, having observed to me how ill I appeared, asked (on my answering that I was very ill, and that I could not meet with anything which would cure me) whether I had ever heard of Brandy and Salt? I said that I had heard of such a preparation, but that I had no more faith in it than in ditch water. He then told me that he had been labouring under tightness in the chest, a sore throat, and an inflamma- tion in the bowels, all at once, and that the Salted Brandy had cured him of all the three. This was my first introduction to this remedy, and the above report induced me to make a 57 trial of its powers. I immediately commenced taking it; yet I was not actuated on the occa- sion by any confidence I had in its efficacy, for I felt not any. I persevered, however, in us- ing it, (though I cherished no other hope of its curing me than a drowning man really has of bis being saved from a watery grave when he catches at a straw,) and in the course of a fort- night I(. found that I was completely set to rights, the liver doing its duty, and my health and spirits entirely restored. As, however, I expected a relapse in the ensuing November, iu which in the year preceding, I had sustain- ed an attack, I continued to take the remedy till the expiration of that month. In order to be clearly understood, I ought to state that, from November 1838, till the period of my be- ing cured, in 1839, I was almost constantly subject to the disorder; yet, November being the month in which I used periodically to re- lapse, I considered it advisable to continue tak- ing the Salted Brandy in order to break the force of an attack, in case I should again sus- tain one ; but I experienced no relapse in No- vember, and continued, till the beginning of July free from the effects of the disease, and was enabled to pass the whole of the winter without putting on a great coat, which I had been constantly obliged to wear for the prev- ious fourteen years of my life. In the begin- ning of last July I relapsed again ; but having again had recourse to this medicine, I had not to wait a month or five weeks for my recov- 5* 58 ery, but I was restored to perfect convale- scence in eight or nine day's time. Having received §o much benefit from this medicine, so providentially brought under my notice, I considered that it was my duty, after I had obtained all the information within my reach, and had, to the best of my ability, rea- soned respecting it, to recommend it to other*. I had not long to wait for an opportunity of so doing, for a very excellent young man, a mem- ber of the congregation to which I had the privilege of a share in ministering, was, shortly after my* own recovery, attacked with jaun- dice. I prescribed him Salted Brandy, and thereby cured him in Jive days ! To another individual, a tailor, who had labored under this disorder for a very long time, and had derived no benefit from the usual mode of treatment, this remedy was recommended by a friend of mine. At first he was quite disinclined but was subsequently persuaded to try it. In his case, which was a very inveterate one, its ope- ration was very slow ; but it eventually proved to be sure. Indigestion. It will be sufficient, under this head, to ob- serve that I have ample grounds for asserting that a more speedily efficacions medicine than Salted Brandy cannot be administered for the removal of dispepsia, or indigestion. Heart-S urn. This is an unpleasant heat or buining sen- 59 sation in the stomach., and will be much sooner and more effectually corrected by Salted Brandy, than either by carbonate of soda or magnesia. Spasms. A great variety of nervous disorders comes under this head; but, as this work is written more especially for the use of the lower classes of society than for the edification or entertain- ment of the learned, and so puts forth no pre- tensions to a scientific or professional treatise, the word used as an introduction or heading to this paragraph, is to be taken in the common- ly received acceptation of it. A lady, who was staying in Liverpool a short time, and had apartments in the liouse in which I lodged, was subject to such violent spasms as occasionally produced alarming ap- prehensions. The landlady told her of the Salted Brandy, and of the great benefit which I and others had received from taking it. She in consequence requested an interview with me, which I felt most happy to afford her. I prevailed on her to try this medicine, and I mixed h«r a bottle of it, which she took with her. In the course of three weeks or a month after she had joined her family, her husband wrote to a common friend to say of what essen- tial service the Salted Brandy had been to her, and to request the transmission of the newspa- per which contained an account respecting it, with a view to the dissemination of the knowl- edge of this extraordinary and excellent reme- 60 dy in his parts of the kingdom. In the cholic, also, it will be found most serviceable. Palpitation of the Heart. In this disease the medicine in question, or rather beyond all question, will be found very serviceable. It should be taken internally, as well as externally applied to the part affected. INeitle-Kash. I cured a lad of about thirteen years of age, who was labouring under this complaint, with Salted Brandy. It was taken internally ; and it* application to the wheals or bumps, which sometimes (and did in this case) accompany this disease, and are attended with a very troublesome itching, caused them in a very short time to subside, and the itching to cease entirely. Fits, whether Hysteric or Epileptic. To a young lady,who was very subject to fits, I prescribed the Salted Brandy. She took it for a fortnight or three weeks, and experi- enced, not only a cessation of these attacks, but a decided improvement in lit r general health; and she continued for several months free from the recurrence of a single *it. I also heard of this medicine having been administered with promise of success in the case of a gent'en^n who used to be .seized by several epileptic fits in the course of the day. 61 Dysentery. A friend informed me that the master of a vessel belonging to Liverpool cured several of his crew, who had been attacked with dysen- tery and Havana. He also cured, by means of the same medicine, two fellow master-ma- riners^ one of whom, a young man, was alarm- ingly ill. This gentleman says that he needs no other remedy in his medicine chest save Salted Brandy. Asthma. , Another friend communicated to me the case of a respectable farmer in Cheshire, who laboured under the effects of this disease to such a degree, that he was obliged to sleep in an erect posture, having been enabled, after taking a pint of Salted Brandy, in the pre- scribed doses, to lie down to rest without in- convenience. The principal of a respectable firm in the corn trade in Liverpool, who had for many years suffered from an obstinate asthma, was induced to try Salted Brandy for its removal. He made the preparation accordingly, and took the dose in the manner prescribed, and he very soon experienced great benefit from the medicine. This individual spoke in the high- est terms of its virtues, and wished that they might be universally known. Cholera Morbus. I have been creditably informed that Salted Brandy proved quite a specific in the above 6 62 awful disorder; and I feel perfectly convinced that not only in this, but in every other inflam- matory and spasmodic complaint, this remedy may be used with the greatest safety and the most beneficial results. In my own case, I took the prescribed dose three times in one day for a violent inflammation with which I was attacked in the bowels, arnl completely succeeded in a short time in stopping the diar- rhoea, and in allaying the pain; which was a sure sign of my having subdued the inflamma- tion. Cancer. I know of a case of this disorder having been cured, by the use of Salted Brandy, in a woman who is nearly sixty years of age, and on whom the operation of the excision of the diseased breast had been performed, but to no purpose; for, after the wound had been healed up, she was professionally informed that the cancer had not been eradicated, and that to ef- fect its entire removal a second operation would be necessary. Subsequently to her having been sent home from the Infirmary, she be- came so much worse, and was apparently so near her death, that she was prayed for in the church ; about which time a neighbor told her of Salted Brandy, as reported to have proved efficacious in curing cancer, and recommended her to try it. She did so, and in the course of eight or nine days from her having commenced using this medicine, which she took internally twice a day, and kept constantly applied to the 63 part affected with pain, by means of a piece of folded linen saturated with the preparation— in the course, I say, of eight or nine days, she told me that she experienced what she had not felt for twenty years previously, namely, an appetite for food. She daily improved in health and strength, and she appeared, the last time I saw her, to have taken, as the saying is, a new lease of her life ! Another woman residing not far distant from the village in which lives the subject of the above notice, and having a cancer in her breast, has found considerable benefit from the use of the remedy in question. When she began taking it, she could neither eat nor sleep well; but within a fortnight of her having commenced this course of medicine, she recovered her ap- petite and enjoyed sound sleep. She informed me that, a short time before she was advised to try this remedy, leeches had been applied to her breast, but that they could get very lit- tle blood, the color of which was very un- healthy: but that upon her again applying them, in about ten days after she had com- menced using Salted Brandy, they drew the blood copiously, and that its color was greatly improved. Her husband said that, during the forty years in which he and his wife had lived together, he had never known her sensibly perspire; but she perspired profusely after she had for some days used the Salted Brandy. From the foregoing communication 1 ascer- tained two particulars, namely, that this medi- 64 cine tends, as I had maintained previously, to purify the blood, and acts as a powerful diaphoretic. Toothache. A respected friend communicated to me a case wherein Salted Brandy had proved of essential service in allaying the agony of this distractingly painful affection. In, however, cases of pain supposed to arise from a carious tooth, I would caution the patient against too readily concluding that the pain proceeds from the nerve of a decayed tooth; because, in many instances, violent pain in the maxillary part of the face, in persons of delicate fibre, and women, during the period of pregnancy, has been known to exist where no defect in any tooth was the exciting cause. The teeth are such important instruments, that I would advise every person suffering from pain in the region of the jaws, and supposing that it must arise from a decayed tooth, to obtain the clear- est proof that such is the cause of the painful affection, ere the resolution be taken to have the tooth extracted. Before taking leave of this head, I would observe that the soundness of the teeth may be best secured, and, in con- sequence, much pain avoided, by cleansing them with a brush and cold water just before bed-time; and that, if the pain in the face should proceed from some other cause than that of cariousness in any tooth, I would dis- suade patients from using those narcotic pre- parations so generally recommended and un- 65 fortunately adopted for tic-doloreux, and sim- ilar affections ; because such remedies often prove more prejudicial than the evil they are intended to remove; for, instead of curing, they lay the foundation of fresh suffering, and not unfrequently render the cure ultimately impracticable. The course, therefore, which I would recommend the patient to pursue, should be an attempt to strengthen the system by avoiding everything having a tendency to induce debility, taking Salted Brandy inter- nally for a couple of months at a time, and using, if practicable, as much exercise in the open air as possible. This, I believe will be found the most effectual means of removing pains in the face or elsewhere, originating in nervous debility. Sore-throat. I have had frequent opportunities of prov- ing the efficacy of Salted Brandy in this com- plaint. It should be used in its undiluted state as a gargle, and as an embrocation to that part of the throat where the inflammation appears to be seated. Its effect will be con- sidered truly surprising, if other patients re- ceive the same immediate benefit from it which I have received in the case of sore- throat. My throat has been so inflamed, about an hour before I went to preach, that deglutition was most painful; yet, within that hour, I have succeeded, by garling and embro- cating with Salted Brandy, in entirely reduc- 66 ing the inflammation. Almost similar success has attended the use of this sedative by a very worthy friend of mine, who has been occasion- ally troubled with soreness of the throat. Piles. A case was lately communicated to me in which this medicine had been of signal service in affording relief. In this instance, as in all others of an inflammatory character, no error can be committed by using the remedy both internally and locally at the same time. Pulmonary Consumption. A lady favored me with the communication of the following case. She said that her ser- vant maid had such a distressing cough, such profuse perspirations, and such other symp- toms of a consumption, that she contemplated expressing, in as delicate a manner as possi- ble, her apprehensions to the poor girl, and recommending her to go home to her parents ; but that, happening, when she was on the point of adopting the above course, to hear of the Salted Brandy as much talked of for the cure of this insidious and flattering disorder, she thought she would try it and await the result, before she should take any farther steps. The consequence was that the youn« woman soon experienced benefit from its use. The cough ceased, her health was entirely restored, and she is still in this lady's service. Subsequently to my having written the foregoing case, my attention was directed by a 67 respectable friend to the following statement, which appeared in the Northumberland Ad- vertiser. "Brandy and Salt. — A most remark- able cure has been effected of a decided case of consumption, in the last stage, at Barnards- castle, in the person of Mr. Thomas Thomp- son, whitesmith, by the use of Brandy and Salt. Mr. T. has been for months attended by one of the first surgeons in the above town, and had gradually become worse, till there re- mained by his family no hopes of amendment; he, however, had recourse, lately, to Brandy and Salt, and he now is as strong as he ever was in his life." I have it in my power to produce several other well authenticated cases of the cure of pulmonary consumption by this remedy. Liver Complaint. A person in the employ of a friend of mine in Liverpool had been for some time in ill health, and in consequence was obliged to leave his work for three months, in order to see what benefit he might receive from medi- cal aid and a change of air. The former, of which he had the advantage for about two months, was the means of partially restoring his health; but in a few weeks afterwards he had a relapse into his old complaint, and he was forced at intervals to leave off working. About this period I became acquainted with the very indifferent state of his health. He looked wretchedly ill, and appeared rapidly G* wasting away. I strongly advised and pre- vailed on him to try Salted Brandy. At first it made him so sick at stomach that he was afraid to repeat the dose; but on my saying that I was glad it had acted as an emetic, and that I was confident that the sickness would shortly cease and no injurious consequences ensue, he again commenced taking the medi- cine I had recommended. In the course of a fortnight he experienced considerable benefit, manifested in the improved appearance of his countenance, in the restoration of his health, and freedom from pain. He now seems to be quite well; at all events, he has not been under the necessity, for the last eleven months, of leaving his work for more than a very few days on account of ill health. Affection of Che Ureter. A respectable man of the name of Peter Shaw, residing in Liverpool, personally com- municated to me the following case, which I detail under the above head, being at a loss for any other designation of it. His case was this. He used to be occassionally seized with a most intolerable pain in the left loin. This he had suffered for thirty-three years ! For a great length of time he had been under medical treatment; from which, however, fail- ing to receive any relief of his sufferings, he had at last recourse to Salted Brandy. He did not apply it externally over the part where existed, as was supposed, the cause of 69 the pain, but he took it only internally, and he assured me that it produced the happiest effect; for in one month it proved the means of completely removing the pain with which he had for so many years previously been afflicted. As he seemed to wish that his name should appear in connection with the statement of his case, I allowed myself in this one instance to deviate from my original de- sign, which was to give no names of persons whom I reported as having received benefit from the use of Salted Brandy, deeming such a course perfectly unnecessary. Diabetes, A case of this nature was communicated to me as having been successfully treated by the use of Salted Brandy, from a quarter which could leave no doubt on my mind as to the cure having been effected by this medicine; for the experiment was made by a profession- al gentleman on my suggestion. Colds. What is properly called a cold, is nothing else but a mild species of, or an infant fever, which, if not immediately put to death by starvation, may so rapidly attain maturity and such strength, that is expulsion and execution may prove a very difficult and possibly a doubtful matter. " Stuff" a cold and starve a fever," is a proverb which has been perverted from its original form and import, by those to whom pampering the stomach was a greater 6* 70 concern than the preservation of the health, and it seemed soon enough to give over their gluttony when the cold had begun to assume the serious appearance of a fever; in all prob- ability the original proverb was, or ought by right to be, If you stuff a cold, you will have to starve a fever ; which evidently implies that iudulgence to a cold would terminate in a fever, which nothing short of the most deter- mined exertions and self-denial would be able to subdue and extinguish. I have purposely dilated on the subject of colds, because from them may be dated the rise of a great many diseases which send thousands into eternity, ere they have lived out half the number of their days on earth! Salted Brandy will generally be found most efficacious in removing a cold, whether it be confined more particularly to the head or to the chest, or whether it pervade the whole body, by allaying the inflammation, and restoring to the obstructed perspiration a free passage through its accustomed channels. Sickness at Stomach. Salted Brandy will be attended with very good effect in cases of nausea or disordered stomach ; and might, therefore, prove highly beneficial to pregnant women, who are gener- ally troubled in the above manner during some, or the greater part, of the period of ges- tation. I know of its speedy effect in remov- ing nausea ; but as this is a nauseous subject, I shall not enter into any detail of cases, nor 71 offer any further remarks on it, except to sug- gest the possibility, (can I venture to add the probability ?) of this preparation being of ser- vice to the patient seized with *Sea-sickness ! Scrofula. " A highly respectable and much esteemed friend communicated to me the efficacy of Salt- ed Brandy in this disease. ' We gave,' says he, " the remains of a bottle of this mixture to a poor woman laboring under scrofulous affec- tions, last spring. She is perfectly cured." The following observations are extracted from a recent publication : " Many entertain a prejudice against the use of Brandy as a medicine, and so do I; but the Brandy is a very different thing taken by it- self, from what it is when impregnated with Salt. As I never take ardent spirits, and my general beverage is water, what I am about to state may be considered worthy the greater at- tention. For the sake of experiment, I have taken two table-spoonsful of Brandy in as much hot water, and the consequence was a most un- pleasant burning sensation in my stomach and flush in my face ; whereas no such result fol- lowed the prescribed dose of medicine in ques- tion, nor did I feel, after the lapse of a minute from taking it, as if I had received a^ent spir- its into my stomach ; whence I concluded that the Salt had such an effect on the Brandy as to remove the usual deleterious effect of the ar- dent spirit. 72 "Some medical gentlemen have, but with all due deference I think without proper con- sideration, cautioned their patients against the preparation in question, on the ground of its liability to produce inflammation; but it ap- pears to me most surprising that it should be productive of internal inflammation, seeing that, when applied as an embrocation it acts as a most powerful and speedy sedative ; and that such it proves in cases of internal as well as external inflammation, is evident from its won- derful efficacy as a gargle for a sore throat. These gentlemen hesitate not to prescribe Brandy and Water, sweetened with sugar, as a tonic to very week patients : why, thereforr ^ should they consider diluted Brandy and Sak so dangerous, the alteration being the substi- tution of Salt instead of the sugar ? If this preparation has an inflammatory tendency, let them prove that it has this effect; but I be- lieve that they would not enter the lists with me in this contest. The diluted Brandy and Salt has over the diluted Brandy and Sugar not only a medical but a moral advantage; because a too great fondness may be engen- dered for the latter, while there need be no apprehensions whatever that such a habit for the former will ever be contracted, notwith- standing the old proverb, that habit is a second nature. M*.« < .y. ':-^'-x ?&, Krfrfjp'i Si ->v> ■■t.±.4*i*& (