EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DISEASES OF -££i_K MILITARY IMPORTANCE IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES INCLUDING THE IDENTIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ARTHRO- PODS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE NAVMED I33 (This manual includes only the areas formerly under Dutch administration. It does not take into account Portuguese Timor, British New Guinea, and British Borneo) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1944 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 26, D. C. • Price 40 cents FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to present a summary of medical information concerning the Netherlands Indies as it pertains to epidemiology and other phases of pre- ventive medicine. The bulk of the information has been obtained from the medical journals and other publications of the Netherlands Indies. The information recorded is the result of a perusal of about 5,000 pages of material and a more hasty study of several thousand additional pages. The principal general sources have been the two fine Netherlands Indies medical journals, Geneeskundig Tijd- schrift voor N e der lands ch-Indie and Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Folksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-lndie, the official organ of the Netherlands Indies Public Health Service. Much of the material on malaria and its trans- mission was derived from the monograph of Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt, Die Anophelen von Niederlandisch- Ostindien supplemented by numerous more recent papers. Much of the entomological information comes from the pages of Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Statistics In gen- eral come from the Indisch Ferslag, the official statistical organ of the Netherlands Indies Government. The num- erous other references to the literature which have been employed are given in the bibliography. It is necessary to bear in mind that this manual is of necessity essentially a non-critical compilation although every effort has been made to check the accuracy and authenticity of the source papers. Because most of the information comes from the work of individuals who have many years’ experience in the Netherlands Indies one feels definitely inclined to regard it as fundamentally sound and accurate. Several publications and reports are available which would be of value as a supplement to this compilation. Mosquito Atlas, Part II by Ross and Roberts contains many illustrations of medically important anophelines of this area. Keys to the Anopheline Mosquitoes of the World, by Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone contains keys for the identification of Anopheles. The excellent report com- piled by Dr. I. Snapper for the Surgeon General’s Office, United States Army, contains much valuable information. The text-book of de Langen and Lichtenstein contains useful information, primarily clinical. A translated edi- tion by Dr. A. H. Hamilton is available. The War Department’s Technical Manual, Emergency Food Plants and Poisonous Plants of the Islands of the Pacific, prepared by Dr. E. D. Merrill, is the best available source of information on this subject. Reference may be made also to Doris M. Cochran’s Poisonous Reptiles of the World (Smithsonian Institution War Background Studies, Number 10) and to Dr. Ray- mond Kennedy’s Islands and Peoples of the Indies (same series, Number 14). In allocating space to various subjects emphasis has been placed on diseases of importance in operations and primarily those which are not normally encountered in temperate climates. As a result the greater part of the manual is devoted to malaria and other insect-borne diseases. Many things, such as nutritional deficiencies and diseases, of importance to the Indies have been pur- posely omitted because they are relatively unimportant from the standpoint of naval personnel and operations. Certain diseases such as leprosy, yaws, and the venereal diseases are extremely prevalent. However the space devoted to these has been much reduced because, as problems to naval personnel, they are no different in the Netherlands Indies than elsewhere. Many individuals have rendered invaluable assistance in preparing this manual. Dr. Alan Stone, Division of Insect Identification, Bureau of Entomology and Plant IV V Quarantine, assisted in preparing the material on mosqui- toes. Dr. Maurice T. James also of the Division of Insect Identification supplied notes on the muscoid flies of medical importance. Dr. E. A. Chapin, Curator of Insects, National Museum, arranged for laboratory space and other facilities. Dr. Paul Bartsch, Curator of Mollusks and Cenozoic Invertebrates, National Museum, prepared the notes on the molluscan intermediate hosts of human trematodes. Miss Doris M. Cochran, Curator of Herpetology, supplied information on the poisonous snakes, and Dr. E. Schwartz supplied information on rats. Dr. I. Snapper, Consultant, Division of Preventive Medicine, United States Army, made available his notes on skin diseases, leprosy, leptospirosis, as well as other Information and bibliographic references. The biblio- graphic files of the Division of Zoology, Bureau of Animal Husbandry, were an invaluable source of references on parasites. Dr. H. Elishewitz, Naval Research Institute, has supplied information on ticks. Captain Paul W. Wilson (MC) USN; Captain T. J. Carter (MC) USN; Commander Omar J. Brown (MC) USN; Commander V. C. Tipton (MC) USNR, Lieut. Commander E. H. Hudson (MC) USNR; and Lieut, Commander E. M. Bingham (MC) USNR have read the manuscript in part or its entirety and have given valuable suggestions. Lieut, Commander D. F. Smiley (MC) USNR has assisted in the planning and compilation and has critically exam- ined the entire manuscript. Mrs. E. K. Noice has checked the bibliography and geographical locations and has edited the entire manual. The statistical compila- tions have been made by Miss A. M. Danhakl. D. S. Earner, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Division of Preventive Medicine, Section of Epidemiology. Ensign, H-V{S), USNR. CONTENTS Page Chapter I. Introduction 1 II. Malaria 10 III. Filariasls.. 52 IV. Dengue 76 V. Other Insect-Borne Diseases 80 VI. Rickettsioses 82 VII. Plague and Leptospirosis 90 VIII. Enteric Diseases 100 IX. Respiratory Diseases 109 X. Miscellaneous Infectious Diseases, Skin Diseases, Leprosy, Yaws, Venereal Diseases 115 XL Helminthiases (Other than Filariasis) 125 XII. Animals and Plants of Medical Importance 130 Bibliography 144 APPENDICES Appendix A, Keys to the Identification of the Anopheline Mosquitoes of the Netherlands Indies 161 B. Check List of the Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies 177 C. Distribution of Malaria Vectors in the Netherlands Indies 181 D. Check List and Keys for the Identification of Culicine Mosquitoes in the Netherlands Indies.. 204 E. Check List and Keys for Identification of Ticks of the Netherlands Indies 213 F. Tables for Identification of Trombiculid Larvae of the Netherlands Indies 223 G. Notes on the Climatology of the Netherlands Indies 239 H. Intermediate Hosts of Trematode Parasites of Man in the Southwest Pacific 246 Chapter I INTRODUCTION The Netherlands Indies are a sprawling chain of hun- dreds of volcanic islands extending for 3,000 miles from the Malay Peninsula eastward to include the western half of the island of New Guinea. The width of the archi- pelago is approximately 1,200 miles. The islands vary in size from small uninhabited volcanic rocks to the giant islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and New Guinea. In the cases of Borneo, Timor, and New Guinea only the Dutch portions of these islands are to be considered in this report. The climate of the Netherlands Indies is tropical, warm and oppressively humid. Because of the insular nature of the area generalizations except in the broadest sense are apt to be erroneous. Braak (1931) describes the climate as the “rainiest in the world.” The entire archi- pelago is under the influence of the monsoon winds and much of the seasonal climatological changes are dependent on these winds. The transition between the monsoons occurs ordinarily in April and November with variation according to latitude. In the South the East Monsoon usually has begun by April whereas in the North the south and southeast winds are not prevalent until May. In the Lesser Soendas (Sundas), Java, Sumatra, and New Guinea the winds of the East Monsoon blow from the east and southeast whereas in Borneo, Celebes, and the Molukkas (Moluccas) the wind directions in the East Monsoon are south or southeast. During the West Monsoon wind directions are west-northwest and northwest on Java, East Sumatra, and the Lesser Soendas, and north, north- 1 2 FIG. I Principal Islands and Cities of the Netherlands Indies 3 east and northwest on New Guinea, Molukkas, and Celebes. The transition to the West Monsoon occurs in November. However, there is considerable variation due to latitudinal differences. In Batavia the absolute maximum temperature is 38.8° C.; the absolute minimum is 18.3° C. In East Java, Lesser Soenda, Celebes, southern Molukkas, Timor, and Aroe there is a dry season associated with the East Monsoon in July and August which is somewhat cooler. In general it can be said that mean maximum temperatures vary from 28.8° C. to 32.6° C., depending on the time of year and the station. The mean minimum temperatures vary from 20.5° C. to 23.6° C. Temperature decreases about 2° C. per 1,000 feet increase in altitude. Annual rainfall of 150 inches or more occurs in the mountains of Java, on the north coasts of Banka (Bangka) and Billiton, in the mountains of South and East Borneo, and at Ambon (Amboina) and Saparoea in the Molukkas. Jasaredja in Middle Java has the greatest annual rainfall, about 275 inches. Because of the importance of cli- matological factors, particularly rainfall, in malaria and filariasis control a more detailed discussion is given In Appendix G. Geologic origin and history of the islands of the Nether- lands Indies have resulted in a peculiarity in faunal geography. The eastern portion of the archipelago, including New Guinea, the Molukkas, Soela Islands, Aroe Islands, Tanimbar Islands, and Babar Islands, because of its recent continuity with Australia and its long isolation from Asia and the Asiatic islands possesses a characteristi- cally Australian fauna (fig. 2). On the other hand the Greater Soenda Islands (Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, and Java) and adjacent islands, as well as the Lesser Soenda Islands, because of their relatively recent continuity with the Asiatic mainland and their long isolation from the 4 FIG.2 Faunal Regions of the Netherlands Indies • • • • Approximate area of overlap of Australian and Asiatic Faunae. 5 Australian Islands, are inhabited by typically Asiatic species. The boundary of these two faunal groups is usually regarded as coincident with a line passing from north to south between Halmahera Island and Celebes, between Soela and Banggai, and between Leti and Babar. This is known to zoogeographers as Wallace’s line.1 In the case of many species it is more accurate to speak of a transition zone extending from 120° to 130° east longitude in which there is an intermingling and gradual transition between the two faunae. Also there are certain hardy ubiquitous species whose distributions show no relation- ship to this concept and which cannot be assigned to any particular faunal group. An excellent example of such a species is A'edes aegypti whose distribution is world-wide in the tropics and semitropics. Nevertheless the concept of Wallace’s line is useful. It has ready application in the distribution of malaria vectors. For instance, the most important vector in New Guinea is Anopheles punctulatus moluccensis, an Australian species whose westward range extends only to Wallace’s line, whereas in the western part of the archipelago the most important vector is the brackish- water breeder, Anopheles sundaicus, whose range extends eastward to Wallace’s line. This characteristic distribu- tion holds true for all of the important malaria vectors in the Netherlands Indies, Hence the type of control and precautionary measures to be employed must depend to a considerable degree on whether one is in the Australian or Asiatic Zone. Further applications of this are found in the distribution of Wuchereria malayi and its vectors as well as in the distribution of poisonous snakes and plants. The population of the Netherlands Indies according to the 1930 census was 60,727,000. The population of Java and Madoera alone was about 42,000,000, The estimated 1 The line of division proposed by Wallace, and hence in reality the true Wallace’s Line, passed between Celebes and Borneo. In recent years it has become obvious that the more easterly line, as used here, is perhaps a more accurate division. 6 population in 1937 for the entire archipelago was about 65,000,000. It is therefore obvious that the population density varies tremendously from crowded agricultural Java to Borneo and New Guinea with their vast expanses of uninhabited jungles. These differences are amply illustrated in a tabulation of population by political subdivisions. Table 1.—Population and population density in the Netherlands Indies Area in square miles Population 1930 Population density inhabitants (square miles) Java and Madoera 51,000 41,718,000 817.5 West Coast (Sumatra) 19,219 1,910,000 99.4 Tapanoeli (Sumatra) 15,000 1,042,000 69.1 East Coast (Sumatra) 36,500 1,693,000 46.4 Benkoelan (Sumatra) 10,100 323,000 31.9 Lampongs (Sumatra) 11,100 361,000 32.5 Palembang (Sumatra) 33,300 1,098,000 33.0 Djambi (Sumatra) 17,400 245,000 14.1 Atjeh (Sumatra) 21,300 1,003,000 46.9 Riouw-Lingga Archipelago 12,200 298,000 24.4 Bangka 4,610 205,000 44.5 Billiton 1,900 73,000 39.3 Borneo, West District 56,600 803,000 14.2 Borneo, East and South Districts 151,600 1,020,000 9.0 Menado (Celebes) 34,200 1,139,000 33.3 Dist. Celebes (Celebes) 38,800 3,093,000 79.7 Amboina (Molukkas and New Guinea) 75,800 401,000 5.3 Ternate (Molukkas and New Guinea).. 115,800 493,000 4.3 Timor Archipelago 24,449 1,657,000 67.8 Bali and Lombok 4,510 2,052,000 453.7 The populations are predominately native Malayans (Javanese, etc.) with Europeans, Chinese, Hindus, Arabs, and others as small minorities. This is illustrated by the following table prepared from the 1930 census. 7 Table 2.—Population groups in the Netherlands Indies in 1930 Eu ropeans Natives Chinese Others 192,000 48,000 40,891,000 582.000 651.000 53.000 63.000 18,247,000 240,000 59,138,000 1,233,000 116,000 The bulk of the population throughout the archipelago is concentrated in small native villages, kompongs. In Java, in spite of the tremendous population density, only 4.5 percent of the inhabitants live in cities of more than 50,000. In the other islands this percentage is still lower. The largest cities, Batavia (438,000), Semarang (218,000), Soerabaja (337,000), Bandoeng (163,000), and Djokjakarta (137,000) are in Java. The largest cities in Sumatra are Medan (75,000) and Padang (52,000). Makassar on Celebes has a population of 87,000. Borneo’s largest cities are Pontianak (46,000) and Samarinda (11,000). Up to the time of the invasion, the Netherlands Indies maintained a large and efficient Public Health Service, Dienst der Folksgezondheid (DVG), which functioned in cooperation with the Military Medical Service, Militair- Geneeskundig Dienst (MGD) as well as with missions and local administrative bodies. According to Indisch Ver- slag (1939), statistical organ of the Netherlands Indies Government, there were, in 1938, 472 physicians in the Public Health Service (including part-time and semi- official appointments and military physicians) and 765 cooperating with the Public Health Service in private practice. These were distributed according to table 3. These data include native as well as European physicians 8 Table 3.—Physicians in the Netherlands Indies in 1938 Government physicians Physicians in private practice 240 63 S 102 101 34 11 20 s 21 7 31 13 5 1 11 0 472 765 In addition there were about 1,500 trained nurses, and 1,500 trained assistants of various types (malaria assist- ants, vaccinators, plague assistants, technicians, mid- wives, pharmacists, etc.), with a proportionate geographic distribution. There were 142 dentists. There were at the time of the invasion two medical schools with eight-year courses and a dental school. According to Indisch Verslag (1939) there were 625 hos- pitals, government, private with government subsidy, and private, in operation in 1938. The geographical distribu- tion of these is shown in table 4. Number Number of beds 228 29,271 22,143 183 57 2,648 1,304 2,007 1,738 757 921 32 40 43 24 18 625 60,789 Table 4.—Hospitals in the Netherlands Indies in 1938 9 Throughout 1937 and 1938 these hospitals were filled within 98 percent of capacity. In spite of the efforts of the Public Health Service, health and sanitation among the natives is grossly unsatis- factory. De Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) refer to “the terrible hygienic condition in the native villages” and further “* * * that the truly terrible hygienic condi- tions in the native quarters of the towns and native villages are a danger not only to the natives themselves but to the Europeans. * * * The natives are averse to cleanliness and fresh air.” Because of the concentration of the general population as well as of medical personnel and facilities on Java and Madoera, an overwhelming majority of the available medical information concerns these islands. Information from the outer “provinces” (entire Netherlands Indies except Java and Madoera) consists largely of fragmentary from physicians, surveys, and special research projects. Information from the interior of Borneo and New Guinea and from the Molukkas and some of the Lesser Soenda Islands is particularly meager. It is necessary to bear this in mind in considering medical and health problems in the Netherlands Indies. In many instances misleading or even incorrect conclusions could be reached by assuming conditions elsewhere in the archi- pelago to be the same as those in Java. Chapter II MALARIA Malaria is unquestionably the most Important disease in the Netherlands Indies. Although it is the cause of more deaths than any other single disease it has its great- est reflection in the general health of the population rather than as a primary cause of death. Its incidence Is great- est among the natives but it is, nevertheless, a constant hazard to Europeans. Because of its prevalence and be- cause most cases do not come to medical attention, reli- able statistics on morbidity are not available. The data in table 5 are from the compilations of Indisch Verslag II (1935-1940). Year Number of hospitals Total number of admis- sions Malaria admis- sions Percent malaria admis- sions Case fatality, percent Percent deaths due to malaria 1934 221 207,325 15,510 7.5 3.1 1935 185 201,597 15,898 7.8 ' 3.6 4.4 1936 - 190 223,469 16,942 7.6 3.7 4.6 1937 176 239,163 22,771 9.5 3.6 5.7 1938 167 238,960 23,177 9.7 4.4 6.7 1939 176 255,552 23,933 9.3 4.3 6.2 Table 5.—Hospitalized cases of malaria Most of the hospitals from which data in table 5 were obtained are in Java. It must be re-emphasized that only a minute portion of the malaria cases are hospitalized. Perhaps the importance of malaria is indicated more clearly by the calculations of Overbeek and Stoker (1938). These authors state that the crude mortality rate In rural Java is about 20:1000. In areas of chronic endemic ma- 10 11 larla the rate is 25-50:1000 per year and in regions with epidemic malaria the crude mortality may become as high as 400:1000 per year. Spleen indices in areas of chronic endemic malaria usually vary from 80 to 90 per- cent. According to the statistics of the annual report of the Medical Laboratory {J aarverslag van het Genees- kundig Laboratorium over 1935) the malaria mortality rate in the Tjilatjap (Java) area, where an epidemic pre- vailed in 1935, was about 50:1000 per year. This repre- sents a typical epidemic mortality rate. The Importance of malaria is further emphasized by the fact that the Netherlands Indies Public Health Service has maintained a separate malaria bureau with labora- tories at Soerabaja and Batavia, The function of this organization is confined exclusively to the indentification of mosquito larvae and imagoes, examination of blood smears, determination of natural infection of vectors, etc. In 1937 more than 365,000 analyses and determinations were performed in these laboratories. This bureau has also conducted schools for malaria assistants (malaria mantris). These assistants are carefully trained in the collection and identification of anopheline mosquitoes, adults and larvae, as well as in the preparation and ex- amination of blood smears and other useful technics. In 1939 there were nearly 200 of these assistants engaged in malaria control work in various parts of the archipelago. Although infections by Plasmodium vivax, P. falci- parum, and P. malariae occur, the majority of the cases are either tertian or subtertian. As in many other areas the distribution of P. malariae is very sporadic. It is said to be common in Bali, at Poerwaradi (East Java), Belawang, the port city of Medan (Sumatra), and in some of the villages around Toba Lake in Sumatra. In the Netherlands Indies Army, 0.4 gm. quinine per day is the standard suppressive measure. Quinine tablets have 562282—44 2 12 been issued to the natives by the Public Health Service and by plantations for many years. In recent years the therapeutic use of atabrin has become more and more popular among Dutch and native physicians. Malaria Vectors More than 60 species and subspecies of the genus Anopheles are known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. Of these about a dozen are recognized as vectors of varying degrees of importance. The vectors are sharply divided geographically between the Asiatic and Australian faunae. Vectors belonging to the Asiatic fauna (Indo-Malaysian) are Anopheles sundaicus, A. aconitus, A. minimus, A. maculatus, A. kochi, A. hyrcanus “group”, A. leucosphyrus, and A. umbrosus. Australian vectors are Anopheles bancroftii, A. punctulatus punctulatus, and A. punctulaius moluccensis. The degree to which the Australian and Asiatic species overlap on the Molukkas, eastern Lesser Soendas, and other islands in this region is not well known at the present time. It is important to bear in mind the possibility of the spread of some species beyond their present ranges due to war conditions and rapid wartime transportation. The principal sources of information on anophelines for this area are the monographs of Swellengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932), Christophers (1933), and Weyer (1939). Important information also comes from the papers of Overbeek, Stoker, Rodenwaldt, Brug, de Rook, Walch, Soesilo, Schiiffner, Mangkoewenoto, and others. In general the Dutch adhere to the nomenclature of Swellen- grebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) which differs considerably from that in general use in English-speaking countries. The names used here are those of the accepted American nomenclature which adheres closely to Christophers’ (1933). However, the Dutch synonyms are included 13 parenthetically to avoid confusion in consulting Dutch literature and in any collaboration with Dutch ento- mologists and malariologists. In general it can be said that there is good information on the distribution of mosquitoes in Sumatra and adjacent islands, Java and adjacent islands, and the western Lesser Soenda Islands. Hundreds of collections have been made on these islands. Information from Celebes and the eastern Lesser Soendas is somewhat fragmentary as is that of the Molukkas. Reliable information from Borneo, particularly the interior, and New Guinea is extremely meager. In reference to New Guinea and the Molukkas, however, it can be assumed that the distribution of A. punctulatus punctulatus and A. punctulatus moluccensis as given in this compilation is essentially correct. Neverthe- less it is necessary to bear in mind the variability in the knowledge of mosquito distribution in the various parts of the archipelago as outlined in this paragraph. 1. Anopheles sundaicus (=ludlowi var. sundaicus). This Is the most important vector in the western part of the archipelago. There are two morphologically indis- tinguishable forms with different breeding habits. The fresh-water form has a limited distribution in the moun- tains of Sumatra whereas the brackish-water form occurs quite generally in coastal regions throughout the western part of the archipelago. The brackish-water form breeds primarily in barrier lagoons near the mouths of streams, salt-water fish ponds, and other bodies of stagnating brackish water. The optimum salt concentration according to Weyer (1939) and Overbeek and Stoker (1938) is 12 to 18 gm. NaCl per liter. The upward limit appears to be about 40 gm. NaCl per liter. The breeding optimum according to Weyer (1939) is a mixture of about 1 part of sea water to 20 parts of fresh water. The larvae thrive only in water exposed to sunlight. According to some authors this 14 accounts for the fact that this species is not found on coasts with virgin mangrove forests. According to others its absence in these areas is due simply to the absence of accumulations of salt water among the mangroves. The larvae are further dependent upon the presence of fila- mentous green algae such as Enteromorpha, Chaetomorpha, Spirogyra, Oscillatoria, Oedogonium, Lyngbya, etc., as well as bottom aquatic plants. In general, ponds, lagoons, etc., which do not have filamentous algae do not have sundaicus larvae. However the water can be stagnant or turbid without affecting the occurrence of the larvae. The larvae of A. subpictus are frequently found with sundaicus larvae although the subpictus larvae can tolerate a higher salt concentration and the absence of the vegetation which is necessary for sundaicus. The sundaicus larvae, according to Overbeek and Stoker (1938), are never found in flowing water or in tidal water. Swellen- grebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) are in agreement with this and suggest that it is the tidal influence which accounts for the absence of sundaicus in mangrove forests. In regions where the lagoons are periodically connected with the ocean the occurrence of larvae is in harmony with this periodicity, i. e., lacking during periods of connection. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) cite unpublished data of de Nooy and Soesilo in speaking of the occurrence of the brackish-water sundaicus in fresh water in the hill country around Semarang, Java, in stagnating back- waters of rivers in East Java, and in fresh-water fish ponds in Bali. This agrees with some observations made in British India and is not to be confused with the fresh- water sundaicus of Sumatra. The fresh-water sundaicus breeds almost exclusively in the fresh-water fish ponds in the long valleys of the Barisan Mountains in Sumatra. It has been reported from Greater and Lesser Mandailing (Rau, Panti, Padang IS Sidempoean) at altitudes of 1,500 to 3,200 feet. The larvae also occur occasionally in the rice fields which are allowed to lie flooded after the harvest. In these regions about 50 percent of the fresh-water fish ponds do not have sundaicus larvae. An explanation of this anomalous distribution does not exist. The presence of aquatic vegetation and particularly rooted aquatic plants seems to be an essential requirement for the fresh-water sundaicus larvae. The adult sundaicus is a persistent house mosquito. On the south coast of Java about 60 percent of all mos- quitoes found in houses are A. sundaicus and A. aconitus. Walch (1932) found that 86 percent to 96 percent of all sundaicus adults captured in houses contained human blood. In general the coastal sundaicus is numerous in June, July, and August with the numbers decreasing between September and November depending upon the season. This is correlated with the beginning of the dry season and the consequent increase in salinity in the ponds and lagoons. The adults are capable of flights of 1 to 3 kilometers (0.6 to 2.0 miles). The rate of natural infection in adult mosquitoes varies considerably depending among other factors on the amount of human malaria present in the particular area. During severe epidemics natural Infection of the mosquitoes may be as high as 20 percent or even 30 percent whereas normally it fluctuates from 1.0 to 10 percent in endemic areas and during light and moderate epidemics. Kuipers and Stoker (1934) found 46 percent in an epidemic on the north coast of Java, The potential (experimental) index of infection, i. e., percent infected under optimum ex- perimental conditions, is high. Swellengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932) state that it is 100 percent with Plasmodium falciparum, 80 percent for P. vivax, and 20 to 25 percent for P. malarias. It is a rule of thumb that wherever sundaicus occurs so also does malaria. 16 Because of differences in nomenclature there is some difficulty in ascertaining the exact status of the northern limits of the range of Anopheles sundaicus. According to Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) it occurs on the coasts of Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands (except in mangrove areas) as well as on the coasts of all of the Lesser Soenda Islands. In recent years it has extended its range northward to southern Celebes and adjacent islands where in replacing suhpictus it has caused severe epidemics. Overbeek (1940) reports a severe epidemic in Celebes with sundaicus 54 perent infected. The distribution in Borneo Is not well known. It is said not to occur wherever there are mangrove forests. Nevertheless, because of the present lack of adequate information, its possible occurrence on this island must be constantly borne in mind. Walch and Soesilo (1929) described a form from the east coast of Borneo around Balikpapan which they state is inter- mediate between A. sundaicus and A. ludlowi of the Philippine Islands. A. ludlowi is known to occur on Ceram In the Molukkas. It is necessary to emphasize again that, although there are numerous vectors in the western part of the archi- pelago, Anopheles sundaicus is without a doubt the most dangerous (fig. 1, Appendix C). 2. Anopheles suhpictus.—The breeding habits of this vector are somewhat similar to those of A. sundaicus although it is much more ubiquitous. Larvae can be found in habitats varying from rice fields to brackish-water bodies with salt concentrations as high as 85 gm. NaCl per liter. Because of this toleration for a wide variety of habitats the larvae of this species are numerous. The adults are also extremely numerous. Next to sundaicus it is the most abundant species captured in houses. However, it seems to prefer to bite livestock. The status of suhpictus as a vector is a matter of contro- 17 versy. According to Soesilo (1928) the index of experi- mental infection is 40 percent. Natural infection appears to vary from 0.2 to 1.2 percent (mean, about 0.3 percent). Walch (1932) found only 15 percent of the females with human blood. Christophers (1933) is inclined to believe that it is not a vector. However, his conclusions are based largely on experience in British India. In the Netherlands Indies it is difficult to obtain good evidence because subpictus usually occurs simultaneously with other vectors. Dutch malariologists are in agreement that because of its large numbers it can at times be a dangerous vector in spite of its low natural infection. In southern Celebes in areas where it has not been replaced by A. sundaicus it is re- garded as an important vector. Anopheles subpictus is known to occur generally on Java, Sumatra, Riouw, etc., the Lesser Soendas, Moluk- kas, Celebes, New Guinea, and adjacent islands. Al- though there are only two records from the east coast of Borneo it may be well to assume that its distribution on this island is much more extensive (fig. 2, Appendix C). 3. Anopheles aconitus.—This species occurs in the plains as well as in the mountains. Larvae are found in such places as fallow flooded rice fields (after the harvest), fresh-water fish ponds, poorly maintained irrigation ditches, and to a lesser extent in flowing water such as in small brooks. Rice fields and fresh-water fish ponds are the most common breeding habitats. The larvae are seldom or never found in brackish, turbid, or dirty water. Although this species is a house mosquito and the females bite humans there seems to be a preference for livestock. In regions with few livestock, 60 percent of the mosquitoes were found by Walch (1932) to contain human blood. The flight of adults seems to be limited to less than 600 yards from the breeding places; aconitus is a nocturnal flier. There is a definite periodicity in the 18 aconitus population. The aconitus season frequently co- incides with the rice harvest if water is allowed to stand in the fields where the rice straw is not removed. After the harvest the “aconitus season” seems to decline. There is some disagreement concerning the role of this species as a vector. Nevertheless there can be no doubt that at times in the Netherlands Indies it is a vector of importance and the cause of severe epidemics. Experimental infections of 46 percent with P. falciparum are reported by Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) who give its natural infection as 0 to 7.3 percent (mean, 1.7 percent). Overbeek and Stoker (1938) reported an epidemic natural infection of 17.8 percent. Although aconitus is abundant in many areas in Sumatra it has usually been found uninfected except on the east coast of Tapanoeli and in Djihara in South Sumatra. The Dutch are inclined to regard this species as a potentially dangerous vector capable of producing severe epidemics. Because of the difficulty in distinguishing this species from A. minimus the exact distribution is not known. Perhaps it is best to accept the statement of Weyer (1939) who says it occurs everywhere in the Netherlands Indies between the altitudes of 1,200 and 2,500 feet, and some places up to 3,000 feet. It may be best to assume that this is also true for Borneo although there are no records to support this assumption at present (fig. 3, Appendix C). 4. Anopheles minimus.—This species is very similar to Anopheles aconitus. Actually certain differentiation can be made only by examination of the larvae. (The aconitus larvae have branched or frayed clypeal hairs; the clypeal hairs of minimus are not branched or frayed. The aconitus imagoes usually have a fringe-spot at vein 6 whereas the minimus imagoes usually do not.) The exact status of the Netherlands Indies minimus is uncertain. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) merely refer to it 19 as A. minimus. Overbeek and Stoker (1938) regard it as A. minimus flavirostris (=minimus var. flavirostris), the Philippine form. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) state that Anopheles varuna ( = minimus var. varuna) occurs in Sumatra although Overbeek and Stoker (1938), Weyer (1939), and Christophers (1933) do not agree. For practical purposes it appears most advisable to speak merely of Anopheles minimus until the taxonomic rela- tionships are more apparent. According to Christophers (1933) flavirostris is indistinguishable from minimus. Actually, if necessary in malaria control, aconitus and the minimus forms can be dealt with as a single problem. Anopheles minimus breeds primarily in flowing water although there is a certain degree of adaptability in its breeding habits. Larvae are found in brooks, creeks, bays in rivers, and springs—particularly where there is abun- dant aquatic vegetation. They also occur in irrigation canals, ponds, and even in rice fields. The water In which they occur is usually clear, clean, cool, standing or flow- ing, and slightly shaded or exposed to sunlight. Larvae are never found in turbid or cloudy water, nor in water with surface algae, with iron oxide, or abundant bacteria, nor in brackish water. This species is restricted, to a certain extent, to the mountainous country. In irrigated country minimus may persist in great numbers after the rice fields have been drained and aconitus has all but dis- appeared. This is due to the fact that the water does not disappear as quickly from the irrigation ditches. A. minimus is a house mosquito with a distinct prefer- ence for human blood. Because of the confusion of this species with A. aconitus there is not much reliable infor- mation on its role as a malaria vector in the Netherlands Indies. It has been found at Minahassa (Celebes) with 3 percent natural infection. In India, however, it is re- garded as an extremely dangerous vector. Overbeek and 20 Stoker (1938) state that it was found infected in Celebes, Tjipandani, and on Poeloe Laoet near Borneo. Because of this confusion between A. minimus and A. aconitus both should be considered provisionally as vectors of impor- tance. The distribution of minimus is not clear because of con- fusion in differentiation from aconitus. However it can be said with a considerable degree of assurance that minimus occurs on all the islands west of Wallace’s line although virtually nothing is known of its distribution on Borneo (fig. 3, Appendix C). 5. Anopheles varuna (=minimus var, varuna).— This species is reported by Swellengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932) from Sumatra although Weyer (1939), Over- beek and Stoker (1938), and Christophers (1933) do not agree. Weyer (1939) and Christophers (1933) are in agreement that its status as a vector is doubtful although obscured because of its similarity to A. minimus. If it does occur in the Netherlands Indies it certainly is not numerous and therefore not to be recognized as a vector of any consequence (fig. 3, Appendix C). 6. Anopheles maculatus.—This is a species of the hill and mountain country where it is found up to altitudes of 3,200 feet. Normally it breeds in rapidly flowing mountain brooks and streams in blind pockets, behind stones, or wherever whirlpools occur. However larvae are found sometimes in ponds, springs, open wells, marshes where there is fresh water, and even in rice fields and water tanks. The presence of macroscopic aquatic vegetation is apparently unnecessary in the breeding habitats. Sun- light and clear water, rich in oxygen, appear to he the prin- cipal requirements of the larvae. In Java this species breeds rather frequently in rice fields along with A. aconi- tus. This species rarely occurs in virgin forests unless the natural cover on the banks of the streams is removed. 21 Removal of this cover exposes the water to sunlight mak- ing it ideal for maculatus larvae. The maculatus imagoes are nocturnal fliers and usually bite between 9:00 p. m. and 2:00 a. m. During this time they will enter dwellings to bite humans. However they do not remain in the dwellings and are rarely captured there. Infected females can be taken along stream banks during the day. There is considerable disagreement among the various investigators as to whether this species is primarily zoophilic or anthropophilic. In the Nether- lands Indies however it appears to be zoophilic although it will attack man vigorously in regions where there is little livestock. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1933) report an artifi- cial infection of 47 percent although Weyer (1939) cites much lower indices. Natural Infection is about 2 per- cent in the Netherlands Indies although in Malaya para- site indices as high as 11 percent have been recorded. Most maculatus malaria is “man-made” by the removal of the jungle shade from the banks of small streams. This situation is particularly true in the tea plantations in Java. It is also regarded as a vector in the Riouw Archi- pelago, Banka (Bangka) Islands, Nias Island, and Suma- tra. It is troublesome on many of the rubber plantations. This species has been reported from Sumatra and many of its adjacent islands, Java, many of the Lesser Soendas, Celebes, Buton (Boetoeng), and East Borneo. Because of its distribution in mountainous areas its exact range is certainly not well known at the present time (fig. 4, Ap- pendix C). 7. Anopheles hyrcanus.—Swellengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932) include six forms in this species. They are A. separatus {=hyrcanus separatus), A. hunteri {=hyrcanus hunteri), A. hyrcanus nigerrimus { — hyrcanus typicus var. niggerima), A. hyrcanus pseudopictus {—hyrcanus 22 typicus var. pseudopicta), A. hyrcanus sinensis (=hyrcanus typicus var. sinensis), and a form which these authors call A. hyrcanus peditaeniatus. Its exact status is difficult to ascertain from the literature. Gater (1934) regards Walch’s identification as incorrect and believes the form to be A. montanus (= albotaeniatus var. montanus of Swel- lengrebel and Rodenwaldt). The pseudopictus of Swel- lengrebel and Rodenwaldt is regarded by Weyer (1939) and Gater (1934) as synonymous with hyrcanus nigerrimus. The picture, however, is further confused by the reference of Dutch authors to hyrcanus X from Celebes, Java, and Borneo supposedly a distinct form. Venhuis (1939) has studied the hyrcanus group exten- sively. He believes that most of the hyrcanus of Java and Celebes, at least, belong to a hitherto undescribed form which he refers to as hyrcanus X. It is described as similar to A. hyrcanus williamsi of Malaya. Venhuis (1939) gives the following key to the separation of hyr- canus X from sinensis and nigerrimus: key to separation of hyrcanus x from sinensis and nigerrimus Larva. 1. Sutural hairs with 2-12 branches, antenna slender, and evenly yellow (like in A. barbirOsiris') A. hyrcanus sinensis or nigerrimus 2. Sutural hairs 13-23 branches; antenna swollen, clear and transparent or In basal half dark brown A. hyrcanus X Pupa. 1. a. Outermost plumose hair on posterior margin of segment III 8-38 branches 2 b. Outermost plumose hair on posterior margin of segment III 48-80 branches A. hyrcanus X 2. a. Spine on segment VIII 8-30 long branches. A. hyrcanus sinensis b. Spine on segment VIII 1-7 short sidehairs. A. hyrcanus nigerrimus Adult. 1. a. Dark spot on stem of vein 5 short, while tarsal bands on hind leg narrow, tarsal segment 4 basally dark A. hyrcanus sinensis b. Dark spot on stem of vein S long 2 23 key to separation of hyrcanus x from sinensis and nigerrimus— Continued Adult—Continued. 2. a. Dark spot on middle of vein 6 longer than apical one A. hyrcanus nigerrimus b. Dark spot on middle of vein 6 shorter than apical one A. hyrcanus X The importance of the differentiation of these groups lies in the fact that Venhuis is quite certain that hyrcanus X is the important vector and that nigerrimus and sinensis are uncommon. According to him previous identifica- tions (such as those recorded on the maps in Appendix C) are in error and that these are probably hyrcanus X. All forms in the preceding paragraphs are dealt with collectively in this paper as the Uhyrcanus group.” This usage is employed not alone because of the confusion in the taxonomic literature but also because of their similar breeding habits and further because most of the Dutch records do not distinguish the various members of this group. In malaria control it has been common practice in the Netherlands Indies to deal with this group as an entity. Mosquitoes of the hyrcanus group are typically swamp and rice field breeders of open country. The larvae are rarely found in stagnating water and there is but a single record of brackish-water breeding. Larvae are found in large numbers only in the presence of an abundance of aquatic vegetation. Breeding habitats are frequently created in clearing operations in low land. According to Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) the adults have a strong preference for the blood of livestock and hence there is less danger from this group in areas where livestock is abundant. However Overbeek and Stoker (1938) describe it as a house mosquito with a pref- erence for human blood; Walch (1930) speaks of areas in 24 which 80 to 90 percent of the females contained human blood. There is considerable disagreement as to the im- portance this group has in the transmission of malaria. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) cite natural infec- tions of 0 to 11 percent (mean, 1.7 percent). The group is regarded by some as an important vector in Java and Sumatra although Soesilo (1935) regards it as unimportant in Java. The heterogeneity of the hyrcanus group may well account for the disagreement concerning its role in malaria transmission. There are records of hyrcanus mosquitoes from most of the islands west of Wallace’s line. However, it is probably not numerous on the Lesser Soendas (fig. 5, Appendix C). 8. Anopheles kochi.—In the Netherlands Indies the larvae of this species are found breeding in places with turbid water, In puddles on roads, buffalo hoof-prints, puddles with decaying leaves, etc. Larvae have also been reported from mountain brooks, springs, rice fields, and fresh-water ponds. The females prefer the blood of live- stock to that of man. Experimentally, according to Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) it can be infected to 50 percent with P. falciparum and 7 percent with P. vivax. In the Netherlands Indies natural infection varies from 0 to 5 percent (mean 0.85 percent). In general kochi is an unimportant vector. During the rainy season when its numbers increase tremendously it may be the cause of small epidemics. It is distributed quite generally over the entire archipelago west of Wallace’s line (fig. 6, Appendix C). 9. Anopheles leucosphyrus.—A. leucosphyrus leuco- sphyrus (=leucosphyrus) and A. leucosphyrus hackeri (=leucosphyrus var. hackeri) are recognized. However, be- cause these forms can be distinguished only by examina- tion of the adult females the species will be treated as a whole. Larvae are found in shaded water. The amount 25 of vegetation and the temperature of the water does not seem to be of consequence. Springs, puddles, and buffalo hoof-prints are typical habitats of leucosphyrus larvae. Natural infection is about 1 percent. In general it is not to be regarded as an important vector in the Netherlands Indies. However Goelarso (1934) has shown it to be an important vector in East Borneo. It may be of impor- tance elsewhere in Borneo. Recent Investigations by Venhuis (1942) indicate that its importance as a vector in Java may be greater than previously assumed. There are records of this species from Riouw Archipelago, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, and Buton (Boetoeng) Island (fig. 7, Appendix C). 10. Anopheles umbrosus.—In the Netherlands In- dies the larvae of this species are found in clear water with or without aquatic vegetation in such places as springs, old water tanks, puddles, ponds, and brooks. In brackish water they are found in grassy puddles among nepah palms, coconut palms, or mangrove trees. The brackish- water form may be a separate subspecies. Usually um- hrosus breeds in shaded habitats although the larvae are frequently found in water exposed to sunlight. Adults often occur in dwellings. Natural infection in the Nether- lands Indies appears to be about 2 percent. Walch (1932) demonstrated that this species is strongly anthropophilic. Goelarso (1934) reported umbrosus to be a dangerous vector on Banka (Bangka) Island. It may also be a vector of importance on Borneo. Elsewhere in the Netherlands Indies it does not appear to be as important. There are records of umbrosus from Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra and adjacent islands, and Boeroe Island (fig. 8, Appendix C). 11. Anopheles punctulatus moluccensis ( = Punctulatus typicus var. moluccensis).—The two subspecies of Anopheles punctulatus, punctulatus and 26 moluccensis, are the important malaria vectors in the Australian part of the Netherlands Indies, i. e., New Guinea, Molukkas, and adjacent islands. The important characteristic of all breeding places of moluccensis is expo- sure to open sunlight. Actually this seems to be the only common factor in the habitats of the larvae for they are to be found almost without exception in water exposed to sunlight. Consequently much of the moluccensis malaria is “man-made” due to clearing operations and the result- ing exposure of pools, puddles, etc., to sunlight. Repeat- edly preliminary surveys of jungle areas have shown them to be of low endemicity before the beginning of mining or plantation developments only to have severe epidemics, break out following the clearing operations. De Rook (1938) describes epidemics at Tanah Merah caused by this sudden appearance of moluccensis following the establish- ment of a gold-mining camp. The moluccensis larvae are found in all bodies of water exposed to sunlight including brooks, drainage ditches, mud puddles, ponds, in brackish- water puddles in coastal regions, along the grassy banks of the Digoel River (perhaps in other rivers), buffalo hoof- prints, bilge water in boats, springs, etc. The presence and type of vegetation appear to be of little Importance. When larvae occur in the larger streams such as the Digoel River they are to be found, according to de Rook (1938), near the banks among aquatic plants as well as in seepage pools and cut-off pools with no direct connection with the stream. According to Swcllengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) moluccensis is second in importance as a house mosquito in New Guinea only to A. bancroftii. However Overbeek and Stoker (1938) regard moluccensis as the most numerous house mosquito. Walch (1930) has shown that it feeds exclusively on human blood. Swcllengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932) describe moluccensis as “decidedly” a noc- 27 turnal flier. Natural infection in moluccensis has been reported as high as 13 percent although the mean is perhaps about 7 percent. All Dutch malariologists agree that A. punctulatus moluccensis is a vector of prime importance in New Guinea, the Molukkas, and adjacent islands. However, Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt describe an anomalous situation in the Molukkas where both punctulatus punctu- latus and punctulatus moluccensis occur. Here in spite of the presence of these vectors malaria is not corre- spondingly prevalent. Nevertheless, the importance of moluccensis as a vector cannot be overemphasized nor can the ease of creating “man-made” malaria by providing breeding habitats for this subspecies be considered too seriously. A. punctulatus moluccensis occurs throughout Dutch New Guinea both on the coast and in the interior up to altitudes of 3,500 feet wherever there are suitable breeding habitats. Because of its occurrence on the Molukkas, Ceram, Soela Islands, Aroe, Japen Island, Batjan Island, Misool, Saparoea (South of Ceram), Boeroe, etc., it is to be assumed that this form occurs on all of the islands east of Wallace’s line. There is a single record west of Wal- lace’s line from the Banggai Islands off the east coast of Celebes (fig. 9, Appendix C). 12. Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus. — In many ways this subspecies is similar to moluccensis so that their control is reduced to a single problem. The larvae of punctulatus like those of moluccensis are to be found in all types of accumulations of water exposed to sunlight. Water-filled hoof-prints, gutters, ditches, water tanks, water barrels, bilge water in boats, tin cans, coconut shells, etc., are mentioned specifically. The type of water, whether clear or turbid, and the presence or absence of aquatic vegetation appear not to be factors. According to 562282—44 3 28 de Rook (1938) it differs from moluccensis in that it does not breed in flowing water; it is possible that statements concerning the occurrence of punctulatus larvae breeding in brooks in the Molukkas are the result of confusion with moluccensis larvae. The larvae are also found in water accumulations in stands of Sago palm. Because this subspecies requires sunlight in its breeding habitat it is often, along with moluccensis, the vector in “man-made” malaria. The imago is nocturnal. Very few appear before nine o’clock in the evening. The female hums very little and its bite is quite unnoticeable. Consequently personnel can be attacked when unprotected by netting. This danger is increased by the fact that punctulatus adults frequently occur where there are very few mosquitoes of other species present and therefore when adequate protection is not being practiced. This is sufficiently obvious to have given rise in New Guinea to a proverb which in translation is: “Where there are few mosquitoes there is much malaria.” In Tanah Merah on the upper Digoel River in New Guinea this subspecies occurs with moluccensis but it is not as numerous. Here it is definitely seasonal, appearing in small numbers in March and becoming numerous in June. It is not known whether or not this periodicity exists elsewhere. There can be no question of the importance of punctula- tus punctulatus as a vector even though the observed natural infection 1.5 to 5 percent is lower than that of moluccensis. According to Walch (1930) it is exclusively anthropophilic. However, there are places, according to Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) where this sub- species is very numerous without a proportionate amount of malaria in the population. The geographical distribution of punctulatus punctulatus is practically coincident with that of moluccensis (fig. 9, Appendix C). 29 13. Anopheles bancroftii (=barbirostris ban- crofti).—Elsbach (1938) first discovered the breeding habitat of this species in New Guinea. The larvae were found in partially shaded lakes with macroscopic aquatic plants and clear water. Occasionally the larvae are found in back waters of rivers but this is not a typical habitat. The exact status of bancroftii as a malaria vector is a matter of controversy. This is due to the fact that bancroftii rarely occurs apart from punctulatus punctulatus or punctulatus moluccensis, making its role difficult to ascertain. Also there has been taxonomic confusion with A. barbirostris {—barbirostris typuns') and A. pseudobarbi- rostris {—barbirostris bancrofti var. pseudobarbirostris). Brug (1925) regarded bancroftii as an important vector in New Guinea. However, de Rook (1938) regards it as secondary in importance. He reports a natural infection of 4.3 percent at Tanah Merah. According to Walch (1930) bancroftii is anthropophilic. It is a nocturnal flier. The exact distribution of this species is unknown. Larvae have been found in the interior and on the south coast of New Guinea, De Rook (1938) reports that it has been found at Kloofbivak on the Lorentz River, in the Merauke region, Etna Bay region, and at Prauwenbivak. He states that it does not occur on the north coast of New Guinea. Nevertheless it appears safest to expect to en- counter this species throughout New Guinea, the Molukkas, and adjacent islands (fig. 10, Appendix C). Brug (193 7) has reported bancroftii from Celebes, where, according to him, it is not anthropophilic. Later (1938) he described the Celebes form as a separate subspecies, A. bancroftii barbiventris. Since he records it only at Karwari and the adjacent area and since it is apparently not a vector it has not been included on the maps in this manual. 30 Doubtful vectors.—Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) cite natural infections of 0 to 0.5 percent for A. barbirostris which occurs commonly throughout the archipelago (fig. 11, Appendix C). Because the indices are very low it is doubtful that this species is of more than occasional importance as a vector. Machsoes (1939) describes an epidemic at Tempe Lake in Celebes in which barbirostris was the vector. In Malaya barbi- rostris is a vector of some importance with natural infec- tions of 1.0 to 7.5 percent. For this reason it must be considered as a potential vector in the Netherlands Indies. A. pseudobarbirostris is regarded by some entomologists, such as Weyer (1939), as possibly synonymous with A. bancroftii. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) regard it as a subspecies of bancroftii whereas Christophers (1933) regards it as a good species in the Netherlands Indies on Celebes. Its status as a vector is uncertain. A. punctulatus novaguinensis and A. amictus are possible vectors although evidence is completely lacking at the present time. Weyer (1939) mentions A. aitkenii as a possible vector, especially on the Molukkas. A. karwari can be infected experimentally with considerable ease. However, there is no evidence that it has a role as a vector. A. tessellatus, A. annularis, and A. vagus have been found infected. A. pallidus is a vector in India but has been reported only from a single locality in Sumatra and is therefore not considered a vector in the Netherlands Indies. 32 SYNOPSIS OF MALARIA VECTORS Vector Geographic distribution in Netherlands Indies Breeding habitat A. sundaicus Java and adjacent islands, Sumatra and adjacent islands, Lesser Soenda Islands, south- ern Celebes. Salt-water lagoons, salt water fish ponds (in fresh-water fish ponds in mountains of Suma- tra). A. subpictus Most islands west of Wallace’s line. Similar to sundaicus but more ubiquitous. A. aconitus Everywhere west of Wallace’s line between altitudes of 1,200 and 2,500 feet. Flooded fallowed rice fields, fresh-water fish ponds, ditches, etc. A. minimus All islands west of Wallace’s line. Primarily in flowing water with abundant aquatic vegetation. A. maculatus Mountain and hill country of islands west of Wallace’s line. Primarily in mountain streams; sometimes in rice fields. Sunlight is necessary. A. hyrcanus group. Most of the islands west of Wallace’s line. Primarily in swamps and rice fields. A. kochi Generally distributed on islands west of Wallace’s line. Small collections of water such as hoof-prints, puddles, etc., also brooks and rice fields. A. Uucosphyrus... Known to occur in Riouw, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Cele- bes, Boetoeng; doubtlessly on other islands. Small bodies of water. Shade is required. A. umbrosus Known to occur on Borneo, Celebes, Java, Borneo, Suma- tra and adjacent islands. Usually in shade although some- times in water exposed to sunlight. Ponds, puddles, tanks, : tc Brackish and fresh water. A. punctulatus New Guinea and other islands In all types of collections of moluccensis. east of Wallace’s line. water, fresh or brackish, standing or flowing. Sun- light is required. 33 IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Habits of adults Natural infection Importance as a vector Remarks Anthropophilic. Per- High (1-10%) Most important May be periodic sistent house mos- vector in western where there are quito. Netherlands In- dies. dry and wet sea- sons. More zoophilic than Low (usually less Occasionally of im- Adults are very anthropophilic. than 1%). porta nee. abundant. Probably more zoo- Moderate (mean, A dangerous epi- philic than an- thropophilic. 1.7%). demic vector in the interior. An anthropophilic house mosquito. Generally low Uncertain Known to be a vector in epidem- ics in Borneo and Celebes. Enters houses tem- Generally about An important vector Vector In “ man- porarily and bites 2%. on rubber and tea made” malaria humans. plantations. caused by remov- ing cover from mountain streams. Anthropophilic to a Moderate (mean, Important in Java considerable de- 1.7%). and Sumatra. gree at least. Primarily zoophilic.. Low (mean, 0.85%) Unimportant Low (mean, 1%) Unimportant except possibly in Bor- neo. Adults occur in dwellings—an- About 2% Important in Bor- neo and Banka. thropophilic. Exclusively anthro- pophilic. High (mean, 7%).. Very important in eastern part of archipelago. 34 SYNOPSIS OF MALARIA VECTORS IN Vector Geographic distribution in Netherlands Indies Breeding habitat A. punctulatus Same as moluccensis Same as moluccensis except that punctulatus. it is said not to breed in flowing water. A. bancroftii Probably the same as moluc- In small shady dear-water lakes censis although less common throughout its range. with aquatic vegetation. 35 THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Habits of adults Natural infection Importance as a vector Remarks Exclusively anthro- Not as high (mean, Very important in Adults frequently pophilic. Has no 3.5%). eastern part of occur where there “hum”; bite is painless. archipelago. are no other adult mosquitoes. Anthropophilic Probably lower than A. p. punc- tulatus. Exact status not known. Must be regarded as a vector. 36 Geomalariology of the Netherlands Indies Malaria occurs on all of the inhabited islands from sea. level to altitudes of 4,000 to 5,000 feet. The occasional vague references to “malaria-free” islands seem to be without exception unfounded. The notes on the geo- graphical distribution of malaria are derived largely from Overbeek and Stoker (1938), Rodenwaldt (1939), Swellen- grebel and Rodenwaldt (1932), Walch and Soesilo (1929, 1938), reports of the Malaria Bureau in Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-Indie, and miscellaneous papers in recent volumes of Mede- deelingen van den Dienst der Folksgezondheid in Neder- landsch-Indie and Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- landsch-Indie. Endemic malaria is common in the Netherlands Indies. Where endemic malaria does not occur there are epidemics at varying intervals. The Dutch have employed modern and ingenious methods of control at tremendous financial expenditure for many years. In spite of this endemic malaria still exists in uncontrolled areas and epidemics appear sporadically even in those areas with rigid control. It is to be assumed that the control programs, many of them expensive and intricate in manipulation, have broken down following the Japanese invasion and occu- pation. In spite of the universal occurrence of malaria in the entire archipelago information on its geographical aspects is of value, frequently a necessity, because of the rela- tively large number of vectors, with vastly different habits, requiring different types of control. Information on the geographical distribution is con- tained in the discussions of the vectors and in more detail in Appendix C which contains maps and collecting records. 37 Two approaches to geomalariology appear to be useful; (1) The geographical situations which are conducive to malaria i. e., rice fields, fish ponds, etc., and the conditions and vectors involved; (2) the general island-by-island picture in so far as information is available. It is im* portant to emphasize that the following notes on the geography of malaria (from both approaches) are frag- mentary and incomplete. It should be re-emphasized that malaria is widespread on all of the islands of the archi- pelago. By use of the maps in Appendix C, the description of the vectors, as well as consultation of geologic and geo- graphical information, malaria problems can be antici- pated to a certain extent. Malaria in Relation to Certain Geographical Features. Brackish-water lagoons.—Lagoons are found on the southern coasts of Java and the Lesser Soenda Islands as far east as Roma due to the action of the surf caused by the prevailing southerly winds. Dilution of sea water in these lagoons by rains results in saline concentrations optimum for subpictus and sundaicus larvae. The former are adaptable to a much higher concentration of salt than the latter and also are able to live in water which is virtually free of aquatic vegetation. Fortunately sub- pictus because of its lower index of natural infection, is much less important as a vector than sundaicus. Par- ticularly dangerous are those lagoons which are fed by streams because the salt concentration is almost certain to be within optimum range for sundaicus larvae. Similar lagoons with sundaicus larvae are found on the west coast of Sumatra as well as certain sectors on the coast of Celebes. There are brackish-water lagoons on the Molukkas which are breeding places of punctulatus moluc- censis whose larvae can tolerate a considerable degree of salinity. 38 All areas with brackish-water lagoons must be regarded as areas of endemic malaria. Mangrove forests and malaria.—Dutch malariolo- gists, as well as Strickland (1936), seem to be in agreement that the low muddy coastal areas which are covered with primitive mangrove forests are generally free or partially free of malaria. This is associated with the lack of breed- ing places suitable for sundaicus larvae. Because of the nature of the tidal wash in the mangrove there are very few accumulations of water and those which do exist have salt concentrations too high for sundaicus larvae. How- ever, umbrosus larvae may occur. The east coast of Sumatra and most of the Borneo coast are muddy and covered with mangrove and are therefore relatively free of malaria. There are a few such areas on the north coast of Java. Palembang, a city of more than 80,000 inhabi- tants in South Sumatra, Pontianak, and Bandjermasin in Borneo although located in swamps and near rivers are practically free of malaria because of the proximity of mangrove and favorable tidal fluctuations which keep the saline concentration of accumulations of water too high for anopheline larvae. On the other hand Batavia and Soera- baja which do not enjoy favorable tidal action and the proximity of mangrove forests are notorious centers of endemic malaria. In general mangrove forests are disagreeable because of hordes of pestiferous culicines and other diptera, as well as dense underbrush, high humidity and temperatures. Any obstruction to the natural drainage of the mangrove forest such as caused by the construction of roads, footpaths, drainage ditches, or felling of trees allows the accumula- tion of brackish water and breeding by sundaicus or subpictus or both. The eastern part of Semarang in central Java and Tegal on the north coast of Java are examples of endemic malaria areas caused in this manner. 39 Any type of operation in mangrove areas can therefore result in “man-made” malaria unless proper precautions are taken. Salt-water fish ponds.—Pisciculture is extensive in Java and Madoera. Many of the ponds have been con- structed near the coast and contain brackish water. They provide excellent breeding places for sundaicus not only by obstructing the natural drainage but also because it is believed by the natives that the surface of the ponds must have floating filamentous green algae (Enteromorpha, Chaetomorpha, Spirogyra, etc.) in order to secure the best growth among the fish. It is among these algae that the sundaicus larvae are found. The principal fish cultured in the salt-water fish ponds is the bandeng (Chanos chanos). Probolinggo and Banjoewangi on the east coast of Java were centers of “fish-pond” malaria until the ponds were connected with the ocean. Occasionally rice fields near the coast become brackish, creating a problem similar to the salt-water fish pond with sundaicus as the vector. Fresh-water fish ponds.—Special mention should be made of the chronic endemic malaria of the long valleys of the Barisan Mountains (Mandating) In Sumatra. The vector is the fresh-water form of sundaicus whose larvae are found in fresh-water fish ponds and lakes. A. aconitus is also a vector of some importance in these regions. Rao (Rau), Panti, and Padoeng Sidempoeam are located in the region of “fresh-water sundaicus” malaria. Fresh-water fish ponds are used for culturing carp (Cyprinus) and more frequently gorami (Osphromenus olfax). Here also the natives believe that a growth of green algae on the surface is essential for the growth of the fish. Many of the fish ponds are temporary i. e,, ponds made by flooding rice fields after the harvest and without removing the straw. This results in an abundant growth of green algae and an excellent habitat for an- 40 opheline larvae. In addition to the fresh-water sundaicus which occurs only in the Barisan Mountains in Java other anophelines breed in fresh-water fish ponds. A. aconitus sometimes occurs in fish ponds in Java and Sumatra, especially in those in rice fields. A. hyrcanus breeds in fresh-water fish ponds especially on the plateau in southern Sumatra. Rice-field malaria.—Fortunately there are no vec- tors in the Netherlands Indies which breed extensively in the rice fields during the time at which the rice is growing. In general anopheline larvae do not appear in appreciable numbers until after the rice harvest and then only in flooded fields in which the straw has not been removed. It is common practice among the natives to leave the straw in the fields and to allow them to remain flooded after the harvest. The Dutch have eliminated much malaria by preventing this. The principal rice-field breeding vectors are aconitus and hyrcanus, the former being the most dangerous. Occasionally maculatus, kochi, and minimus larvae are also found in rice fields. A. aconitus and maculatus may be found breeding in rice fields at altitudes as high as 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Malaria due to clearing operations.—The removal of the virgin forest and underbrush frequently re- sults in the exposure of water to sunlight thereby creating breeding habitats for the anophelines whose larvae are “sun-loving.” In the western part of the archipelago the “sun-loving” species is maculatus which breeds in moun- tain streams and occasionally in springs and marshes. Removal of the primitive cover from stream banks in- variably leads to malaria transmitted by this species. This has been a special problem on the plantations. Clearing operations in mangrove forests obstruct the natural drainage and create sundaicus habitats. This is an important control problem in the regions where virgin mangrove still exists. 41 In New Guinea, the Molukkas, and adjacent islands the “sun-loving” vectors are punctulatus punctulatus and punctulatus moluccensis. Endemic malaria centers become established in a very short period if proper control measures are not taken. The punctulatus hazard in operations requiring clearing cannot be overestimated. Irrigation ditch malaria.—Poorly maintained Irri- gation ditches may harbor maculatus, hyrcanus, aconitus, minimus or fresh-water sundaicus (Sumatra only) larvae creating local malaria problems. Occurrence of adult vectors along streams.— Recently Venhuis (1942) has studied the natural daytime resting places of some anophelines. His results show that adult maculatus, aconitus, and minimus flavirostris are more apt to be found in greater numbers during the day hiding along stream banks than in dwellings and stables. Furthermore it was found that the index of infection of the mosquitoes captured from stream banks is invariably greater than the indices of those taken in dwellings and stables. In this way it was possible to account for epi- demics in East Java in which the anophelines captured in dwellings had unusually low indices of infection. This investigator regards stream banks as the natural daytime shelter for maculatus, aconitus, minimus flavirostris, kochi, leucosphyrus, tesscllatus, and' vagus adults. On the other hand barbirostris, hyrcanus, annularis, and subpictus are seldom collected from stream banks and are assumed to have other natural daytime resting habits. Although these experiments were made in Java it appears that the con- clusions are applicable to other islands. Venhuis (1942) emphasizes the importance in surveys of collecting from stream banks as well as In dwellings and stables in order to secure reliable information on maculatus, aconitus, and minimus flavirostris. Swamp malaria.—A. hyrcanus and aconitus are the species most likely to be found breeding in swamps in the 42 western part of the archipelago. The punctulatus sub- species, in the eastern part, breed in swamps when exposed to sunlight. “Salt-making” malaria.—Salt-making activities east of Makassar (Celebes) and on Madoera obstruct the natural drainage and result in the breeding of subpictus and sundaicus and consequently severe epidemics. Rodenwaldt (1939) lists some of the more fortunate aspects of malaria In the Netherlands Indies. There is no true “rice-field” vector i. e., one that breeds during the rice growing season; none breeds in water collected in palm leaves, plant axils, etc., or in coconut shells, small vessels, crocks, or chinks in masonry. It is possible that the punctulatus subspecies may occasionally constitute exceptions but as yet there is no incriminating evidence. Notes on Malaria in the Various Islands. The notes in the ensuing paragraphs have been gleaned from the above mentioned authors and reports and are recorded according to islands. Although they do not present a complete picture of any of the islands they do indicate the type of problems to be encountered. Java and Madoera.—Because the population of Java and Madoera Is greater than the combined populations of the other islands much more is known and much more has been written about their malaria. The principal hazards in Java are the brackish-water lagoons of the south coast and the salt-water fish ponds both of which are breeding places for sundaicus as well as subpictus. The latter species is not very important as a vector in Java. Because the optimum salt concentration for sundaicus larvae is 5 to 15 parts per thousand there is a periodicity in sundaicus populations dependent upon the periodicity in rainfall. From January to March when there is much rain in Java the salt concentration in the fish ponds de- 43 creases due to dilution by rainwater and becomes optimum for sundacius larvae. There is then a corresponding in- crease in the adult sundaicus population. In August, because of the drier season, the salt concentration increases because of evaporation, sundaicus larvae decrease in num- bers and eventually disappear between August and Sep- tember, whereas suhpictus may become sufficiently numer- ous to be a vector of importance. Particularly severe epidemics, with sundaicus as the vector, occur at Tandjong Priok in West Java. The severity of these is reflected by the fact that scarcely a year passes without at least one paper in the Dutch medical journals concerning the Priok epidemics. Most of the northern coast is endemic because the removal of mangrove has resulted in the formation of sundaicus breeding habitats. Kuipers and Stoker (1934) described an epidemic on the north coast with sundaicus with a natural infection of 46 percent. Tjihea Plain, an area of 140,000 acres in West Java, constituted a serious malaria problem until the regulation of the flooding of rice fields and other control measures were begun in 1919. The rigid control program resulted in a reduction in spleen index from 88 percent in 1919 to 12 percent in 1935, The vector involved is aconitus whose larvae are found in flooded rice fields after the harvest. Because the control program is difficult and expensive to administer it is best to assume that the control system has broken down under Japanese occupation. Tjiandjoer Plain, 30,000 acres, presents a similar problem although complicated by fresh- water fish ponds, both temporary and permanent, which harbor aconitus larvae unless properly controlled. Here also regulation of planting and flooding have been enforced thereby reducing malaria appreciably. A. aconitus, because of the large numbers of rice fields in Java and Madoera, is second in importance only to sundaicus. 562282—44- 4 44 very part of Java has recorded aconitus malaria epi- demics. A. maculatus is an important local vector in the moun- tains of Java especially on the plantations where the cover has been removed along the mountain streams. The role of hyrcanus in Java is difficult to ascertain. Soesilo (1935) believes that hyrcanus sinensis is not im- portant as a vector although Overbeek (1940) reports epidemics at Lamongan, Soerabaja, and Bodojonero in which aconitus and hyrcanus were the vectors. Venhuis (1942) believes hyrcanus X to be the hyrcanus vector in Java. A. minimus and kochi are at the most of local importance in Java and Madoera. The recent work of Venhuis (1942) indicates that leucosphyrus may be of some importance. Sumatra and adjacent islands.—The most impor- tant vector here also is sundaicus. As previously men- tioned, there is in Sumatra a fresh-water form of sundaicus in addition to the brackish-water form. However its distribution is limited to the long parallel valleys of the Barisan Mountains particularly around Rau, Panti, and Padoeng Sidempoean where it breeds in lakes, ponds, and fresh-water fish ponds. Malaria is endemic along the southwestern coast of Sumatra where sundaicus breeds in the brackish-water lagoons. Salt-water fish ponds are not as numerous as in Java. Because of the muddy man- grove coasts on the northeast of Sumatra sundaicus is not numerous and the coastal mangrove strip is relatively free of malaria. The principal rice field vectors are aconitus and hyrcanus. The latter occurs commonly on the al- luvial plain on the southern part of the island where it is an important vector. A. umbrosus is well distributed in northern Sumatra. In spite of the fact that it is an important vector in Malaya and Bangka no mention is made of it as a vector in Sumatra. In the mountains 45 maculatus is a vector wherever suitable streams have become exposed to sunlight. The Dutch literature con- tains little information on the relation of kochi, minimus, and subpictus to malaria in Sumatra and it is therefore assumed that they are of no more than local importance. At Soendetar in West Sumatra leucosphyrus is periodic with large numbers appearing in December and January as the breeding places become dry. Here it is definitely a vector. It has also been found infected at Kisaran on the east coast of Sumatra (1.7 percent) and at Loeboek- Linggan, South Sumatra (15 percent). Riouw Archipelago, Lingga Archipelago, and adjacent islands.—There is little information on malaria in these islands in the Dutch literature. According to Boumiester (1934) sundaicus is the vector in the severe endemic malaria of the coastal areas. This has been controlled on some of the islands at least. The extent of these endemic coastal areas is not discussed. A. hyrcanus sinensis is fairly abundant and difficult to control; how- ever, its status as a vector is uncertain. A. maculatus may be a vector in the mountains. At Tanjong Pinang, principal town in Riouw, it breeds in brooks, irrigation ditches, and marshy fields and is a vector of some im- portance. There are also records of the occurrence of kochi, subpictus, umbrosus, and leucosphyrus, although there is no information concerning their relation to ma- laria. It is well to bear in mind that umbrosus is an im- portant vector in Bangka and in Malaya. Although there are no records for aconitus and minimus this does not necessarily preclude their occurrence. Bangka, Billiton, and adjacent islands.—Infor- mation is very meager. Again sundaicus is the important coastal vector. Most malariologists mention umbrosus as an important vector on Bangka where there is a natural infection of 5 percent. There are records of subpictus, 46 kochi, maculatus, and hyrcanus but no information is available on their relation to malaria on these islands. Borneo.—The sparse population, the mangrove-cov- ered coast, and the extensive jungles make the malaria situation in Borneo considerably different from that of the other islands. There is also less information available than for any other island with a possible exception of New Guinea. Malaria is not prevalent because there are so few people. Pontionak and Bandjermasin are virtually free of malaria because of their location in mangrove areas. Tarakan Island (coast of West Borneo) has a very low incidence of malaria. A. sundaicus is uncommon because the coast is covered with mangrove forests. It must be assumed that this species may become numerous and important as a vector when mangrove is removed or when the natural drainage is obstructed. A. leucosphyrus has a rather general distribution in Borneo and is regarded by Stoker (1934) as a vector of some importance. He found natural Infections as high as 6 percent at Boelongan and Poeloe Laoet. A. umbrosus which will breed in the drier parts of the mangrove forest in brackish water as well as in shady fresh-water bodies Is regarded as a vector of possible and potential importance. It is widely dis- tributed in the island. A. kochi has an extensive distribu- tion in Borneo but there is no information on its relation to malaria. There are a few records of aconitus, maculatus, and subpictus but no further information. Lesser Soenda Islands (as far east as Roma).—The coastal areas of these islands frequently have endemic malaria due to sundaicus similar to that of Java, The salt-water lagoons which are said to occur on most of these islands particularly on the southern shores are the breed- ing habitats. These lagoons are said to be best developed in those islands with an open exposure to the southerly winds. Rodenwaldt (1939) states that there is endemic 47 malaria in the coastal areas of “many of the Lesser Soenda Islands.” Further information does not appear in the literature. Collecting records show that subpictus, kochi, minimus, aconitus, and maculatus occur on many or most of these islands. There is no information as to their abundance or relation to malaria. Celebes and adjacent islands.—Makassar in Celebes is occasionally reported as relatively free of malaria. Whether this is a natural condition or due to control measures cannot be ascertained. Certainly at times malaria is prevalent there. Until recent years the princi- pal coastal anopheline has been subpictus. However, sundaicus has now become established in southern Celebes and adjacent islands where it is the cause of severe epi- demics. How rapidly this species is extending its range northward is not known, A. minimus flavirostris has been found infected at Minahassa although there is no further information concerning its role as a vector. Brug (1937) has reported bancroftii from Celebes although he states that here, in contrast to its habits In New Guinea, it is not anthropophilic. In 1938 he described the Celebes bancroftii as a taxonomic entity, Anopheles bancroftii barbiventris. A. subpictus because of its large numbers is frequently involved in epidemics. Its low potential in- fection prevents it from becoming as serious a vector as sundaicus. The roles of leucosphyrus, umbrosus, kochi, and aconitus in malaria transmission in Celebes are not discussed in the literature. The Molukkas and adjacent islands (including Soela and Ceram).—On all of these islands the important vector is punctulatus (punctulatus and moluccensis) which as described elsewhere in this report is an ubiquitous sun- light breeder. However these islands are in the transition zone between Australia and Asiatic fauna hence some of the Asiatic vectors also occur. A. umbrosus has been 48 reported from Boeroe; kochi from Boeroe, Halmahera, Ambon, and Soela; and suhpictus from Boeroe, Halma- hera, Ambon, Soela, and other islands. The typical ludlowi of the Philippines has been reported from Ceram. All of these species may be of some importance as vectors although the principal problem is punctulatus. New Guinea and adjacent islands.—Although infor- mation is somewhat meager it can be emphasized with certainty that the important vectors, both on the coast and in the interior, are punctulatus punctulatus and punctulatus moluccensis. The role of bancroftii is uncertain. De Rook (1938) has discussed extensively the prevalence of malaria in New Guinea on the basis of available informa- tion. According to him the entire north coast of New Guinea is an area of high endemicity; spleen indices vary from 30 to 100 percent, with 60 to 80 percent in most localities. The same is true for the entire coast, north and south, of Vogelkop (“the Birdhead”). In general along MacCluer Gulf and Argoeni Bay on the south shore of New Guinea malaria is prevalent although not to the same extent as on the north shore; spleen indices of 30 to 70 percent are recorded. At some places between Kaimana and Atoeka on the southern coast the incidence is very low The spleen indices at the mouth of the Atoeka River were 3 to 4 percent in 1932. According to de Rook, “The small amount or complete lack of malaria in some villages on the southwest coast is probably associated with local conditions such as the ebb and flow of the tide which do not allow suitable breeding places.” Nevertheless the danger of “man-made” punctulatus-borne malaria is always im- minent in any kind of operations. Spleen indices for Frederik-Henrick Island vary from 9 to 14 percent. Benign tertian malaria is prevalent in the Mamberamo River Valley and in the Upper Digoel region. The im- mediate region 'of the Mamberamo River is highly en- 49 demlc. Little is known of malaria conditions in the moun- tains although malaria is known to be endemic as high as 3,500 to 4,000 feet. Tenah Merah, formerly highly endemic, has been improved by elimination of punctulatus breeding places. Malaria Control in the Netherlands Indies, The Dutch have employed extensive and ingenious methods of control in their antimalaria program. Whether or not these controls are still in operation during the Japanese occupation is a matter of speculation. Although most of the methods employed are not applicable to mili- tary operations nevertheless the possibility of their use prompts the inclusion of a brief discussion of them. They are the products of many years’ experience in malaria control in these areas. The principal problem has always been the control of the breeding places of sundaicus i. e., salt-water fish ponds and brackish-water lagoons (also fresh-water ponds in Sumatra). Brackish-water lagoons.—Apparently the most suc- cessful control has been obtained by connecting these lagoons with the ocean thereby raising the salt concentra- tion and bringing the water under tidal influence both of which are detrimental to sundaicus larvae. Oiling has been unsuccessful because of wind action. Filling has been practical only to a limited degree because of the expense involved. Salt-water fish ponds.—These ponds normally have a surface flora of filamentous green algae which harbors sundaicus larvae. Here again connecting to the ocean has been practiced successfully on the same basis as in control of brackish-water lagoons. A further measure when practicable is the monthly drainage system (“hygienic control”). During the period of drainage the fish remain in a specially constructed circular moat around the edge 50 of the pond. During this time the algae die in the sun; complete drainage is not necessary since sunlight is lethal to the algae in shallow water. When the pond is refilled there are no surface green algae and the sundaicus larvae population is reduced. In the meantime a bottom flora of blue-green algae has developed which provides food for the fish without harboring sundaicus larvae. Zon (1939) states that 70 to 99 percent of the sundaicus larvae can be eliminated by this method. Flooding and drainage is accomplished by the use of tidal flood gates. Rice fields.—The Dutch have enforced simultaneous planting and harvesting and have required immediate drainage of the fields after the harvest. In addition there has been strict supervision of the irrigation and drainage systems. This program has given good results since it prevents the breeding of aconitus and hyrcanus. Its application is difficult in localities where the fields are used as temporary fish ponds after the harvest. Periodic drying (nine days watering and two days drain- ing) is also employed during the growing season in some localities. Fresh-water fish ponds.—If rice fields are used as temporary fish ponds the best control has been found to be the removal of all straw or at least the stacking of it in large piles before flooding and the keeping of the banks free of vegetation. Walch and Soesilo (1935) describe the introduction of herbivorous fish which feed on the filamentous green algae and the introduction of the larvivorus species, Panchax panchax, which feeds on the larvae when they are unable to take refuge among the algae. The punctulatus problem.—Control of the two subspecies of punctulatus has been based on the habits of the species and consists of the elimination or control of all bodies of water exposed to sunlight. 51 Malaria control among the natives is difficult to prac- tice because of their objection to the use of screens and netting. Also the walls of the native dwellings frequently are not mosquito-proof. Blackwater Fever Blackwater fever occurs sporadically throughout the archipelago. It has been noticed particularly among Japanese fishermen who have been in the area for a rela- tively short period of time. There are reports of cases from Celebes, Flores, Lombok, New Guinea, Sumatra, and Java. Chapter III FILARIASIS Two species of human filarial worms, Wuchereria ban- crofti and Wuchereria malayi, are known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. The best sources of information on filariasis in this area are the papers of Brug who originally- described the microfilariae of malayi and who has written extensively on the geographical distribution of both species. He has also discussed the clinical aspects of filariasis in the Netherlands Indies. According to Brug (1931) there is an interesting differ- ence in the nocturnal periodicity of the two species. The ratio of microfilaria in the peripheral blood during the day as compared to night is about 1:15 for malayi as compared to 1:100 in bancrofti. The relation of malayi and bancrofti to the clinical aspects of filariasis is not well understood. Brug (1933, 1937) states that in general malayi infections result in elephantiasis of the limbs whereas bancrofti infec- tions are more apt to cause hydrocele and genital elephan- tiasis. There is also no consistent correlation between microfilariae indices and the clinical manifestations of filariasis. Some areas with high malayi indices have a high incidence of elephantiasis, whereas other areas with similar indices may have a low incidence of elephantiasis. Some surveys show that the actual cases of elephantiasis may have a higher microfilaria index than the general population although more frequently the opposite appears to be true. In general filariasis appears to be primarily a disease of the plains although there are numerous exceptions to this. 52 53 FIG.3 Filariasis Surveys in the Netherlands Indies Microfilaria Index greater than 10% Microfilaria Index less than 10% Microfilaria Index negative Isolated records 54 Table 6.—Summary of filariasis surveys compiled from Brug {1931), Brug and de Rook {1933) and other sources Locality Number examined malayi Index of bancrofti nfection Not deter- mined Total 83 4% 5% 8% Leumpotong Rajoet (Atjeh, Sumatra)— 81 12% 3% 16% 26 8% 4% 12% 87 6% 13% 18% 1,300 1% 1% 23 43% 43% Tapa Toean (Atjeh, Sumatra) 42 0 0 0 0 21 29% 29% 101 18% 18% 62 32% 1% 32% Simaloer (Atjeh, Sumatra) 34 0 0 0 0 60 3% 3% Roedeng (Atjeh, Sumatra) 56 >12% <27% 27% 39% Lipat-Kandjang (Atjeh, Sumatra) 40 >10% <7% 7% 17% 32 1% 1% 50 14% 14% 88 40% 40% 11 36% 36% 271 18% 18% 64 6% 6% 146 8% 8% 13% Mentawei E. (West Coast Sumatra) 151 0 0 0 0 Padang (West Coast Sumatra) 100 0 0 0 0 Aer Proekan and Dermajoe (Benkolan, 131 54% 54% 84 37% 37% 780 8% 8% 37 8% 8% me stly bancr ofti 44.1% 519 18% 18% 70% 70% Goenoeng Pajoeng (Benkoelen, Su- 12 58% 58% so 6% 6% so 18% 18% 47 17% 17% Ketaun Plain (Benkoelen, Sumatra) 1,789 2% 2% 226 1% 1% 1,482 5% 5% 701 3% 3% Java (no locality given).. 100 0 0 0 0 291 1% 1% Weltevreden (Java) ? + f 55 Table 6.—Summary of filariasis surveys compiled from Brug {1931), Brug and de Rook {1933) and other sources—Continued Locality Number examined malayi Index of bancrofti nfection Not deter- mined Total 145 3% 3% Soemenep (Madoera) 56 0 0 0 0 Sampang (Madoera) 30 0 0 0 0 21 33% 43% 52% 121 23% 23% 140 33% 33% 24 2% 2% 188 48% 48% 104 23% 23% 200 35% • 35% 104 29% 29% 54 35% 35% 104 10% 10% Makassar (Celebes) 263 o'" 0 0 0 Makassar (Celebes) .. 300 0 0 0 0 69 12% 12% Coast of Madjene (Celebes) 240 0 0 0 0 222 18% 5% 20% 808 27% 27% 35 17% 17% 42 42% 42% IS 40% 40% 68 15% 1% 16% Kawata Tampango (Malili, Celebes) 118 28% 28% Posso & Parigi (Celebes) 130 0 0 0 6 Minahassa (Celebes) 117 0 0 0 0 21 57% 57% 123 60% 60% 10 20% 20% 668 62.1% 62.1% North Paloe Plain (Celebes) 266 12.7% 12.7% 97 14.4% 14.4% 160 11.8% 11.8% 62 58.0% 58.0% 545 *1.8% 1 8% 305 24.2% 24.2% 457 20.9% 20.9% Kamaroe (Boetoeng Island) 7 4 cases barter ofti Ereke (Boetoeng Island) 8 6 cases bancrofti Bave Bave (Boetoeng Island) 39 0 0 0 0 28 7% 7% Kesar, Leti, Sermata 223 0 0 0 0 ♦This survey includes several villages with indices varying from 0 to 32 percent. 56 Table 6.—Summary of filartasis surveys compiled from Brug (1931), Brug and de Rook (1933) and other sources—Continued Locality Number examined malayi Index of bancrofti nfection Not deter- mined Total 96 29% 29% ns 38% 38% 54 6% 6% 70 10% 10% 17% 582 20% 1% 20% 213 10% 3% 13% 359 7% 6% 13% S3 11% 2% 11% 107 20% 9% 22% 60 2% 35% 35% 55 7% 55% 55% 90 17% 21% 27% 28 11% 11% 72 25% 8% 28% 36 3% 31% 36% 32 3% 6% 9% Biting Ketjil (Coast, Flores) 32 6% 34% 37% L. Badjo Ketjil (Coast, Flores) 46 0 0 0 0 26 villages (1,000-3,000 ft., Flores) 860 0 0 0 1% Limboer (Alor) IS 4 cases, undifferentiated 25 20% 20% 832 51.8% 51.8% 95 8% 8% 56 2% 20% 22 73% 73% Warasiva (Ceram, Molukkas) so 0 0 0 6 44 14% 14% Ceram—North Coast from opposite 1394 fO-62% |0-62% \(12%) 1 (12%) 91 16% 4% 20% 63 35% 35% 79 1% 1% 37 16% 16% 216 11% 11% 145 4% 4<7„ 32 25% 25% 36 42% 42% 23 61% 61% 23 61% 61% 95 45% 45% 75 33% 33% Saosar - 63 35% 35% 57 Table 6.—Summary of filariasis surveys compiled from Brug (1931), Brug and de Rook (1933) and other sources—Continued Locality Number examined Index of infection malayi bancrofti Not deter- mined Total Seged . 140 73 93 64 251 33 83% 4% 13% 6% 50% 58% 20% 48% 4% 13% 6% 50% 58% 20% It is apparently safe, and certainly most advisable, to assume that all of the islands harbor vectors for malayi or bancrofti or both. However, the incidence of filariasis and its geographical occurrence can by no means be explained entirely by the geographical distribution of the vectors. Compilation of survey data from Brug (1931, 1933, 1937) and others (table 6, p. 54, and fig. 3) gives a general concept of the geography of filariasis although the picture is incomplete because of unsurveyed areas. The known geographical occurrences of malayi and bancrofti are approximated in figure 4. According to Brug (1931) 'malayi probably occurs throughout the archipelago except on New Guinea and adjacent islands; bancrofti is prevalent in the eastern part of the archipelago and sporadic else- where. Although the data arc fragmentary it is possible to designate certain areas as endemic. Atjeh in north- western Sumatra is a notoriously endemic area. Wucher- eria malayi is the more abundant species although some bancrofti cases are reported. Benkoelan, Djambi, and Indragiri in Sumatra are endemic areas from which malayi only has been reported. Nias, off the west coast of Su- 58 FIG. 4 Distribution of Wuchererio boncrofti and Wuchererio moloyi • • • • moloyi known to occur boncrofti known to occur bo+h species known to occur neither species or informotion locking 59 matra, is highly endemic. Surveys on Simeuloee and Siberoet have given negative results. Filariasis is only sporadic in Java except on the Serajoe Delta where it is endemic. Surveys on Madoera have been negative. The literature contains no references to filari- asis in Lombok, Bali, and Soembawa. Since these islands are heavily populated and have been carefully studied it seems logical to assume that if filariasis were present to any degree it would be recorded in the literature. In the eastern Lesser Soenda Islands filariasis is prev- alent. There is a transition from the mixed.bancrofti and malayi indices of Flores and Soemba to the exclusively bancrofti indices of Wetar and Roma. The Lesser Soenda Islands from Flores eastward should be considered endemic or potentially endemic areas. Filariasis is apparently highly endemic in the eastern Lesser Soenda Islands. Extensive surveys in South-East Borneo have revealed filariasis to be very prevalent; malayi is widespread whereas bancrofti is sporadic. There is no other information from Borneo except records of elephantiasis (jnalayiT) from West Borneo. Filariasis is very prevalent on most of Celebes; the vast majority of the cases are malayi with very little bancrofti. Makassar and Menado (City) have been reported free of filariasis. The prevalence in the Residency of Menado (northern peninsula) is probably low. The island of Kabaena south of Celebes is highly endemic (bancrofti) and filariasis is also prevalent on nearby Boetoeng where only bancrofti has been reported. In the Molukkas, Ceram, especially the northern coast, is reported to be highly endemic; only malayi has been found. The Wai-Apo Plain on Boeroe is also a region of high endemicity although only bancrofti has been reported here. Elephantiasis has been reported as prevalent in Ambon. There is no information from Halmahera and 562282—44 5 60 adjacent islands. Reports in the Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch Indie (1927) indicate that filariasis occurs in the Soela Islands as well as in the Tanimbar Islands. All surveys on New Guinea and adjacent islands have reported high indices of bancrofti; malayi has never been reported. Although reports are fragmentary it appears that all of New Guinea and its adjacent islands should be regarded as highly endemic areas. Filariae Vectors The subject of filariae vectors in the Netherlands Indies as in other areas is difficult. The literature is confused because of the failure of some authors to detect whether or not larval development was complete in designating a mosquito as a vector. Furthermore, much of the infor- mation in the literature is based on experimental infec- tions and it does not necessarily follow that species which can be infected experimentally are actually natural vectors. However careful correlation of microfilaria indices in the population and larval indices in the mosquitoes have given good results In some instances. The role of culicines in filariasis is best summarized by Bonne-Wepster and Drug (1937) and the anopheline vectors of filariae by Brug (1937, 1938). Nevertheless the filariae vector situation is suffi- ciently unclarified to prompt Brug (1937) to state that until the vector is definitely incriminated in an area that it may be best to control all species of mosquitoes which are known to attack man. Furthermore, the information on the geographic distribution of the filariae vectors is not as extensive as that for the malaria vectors. In general only references to islands are available with no data as to the distribution or abundance on the island. Above all it is necessary to remember that there is still much to be learned about the transmission of filariae in 61 this area and that the information compiled here will with- out a doubt ultimately prove to be fragmentary. Wuchereria malayi Vectors. Mansonia (Mansonioides).—Several species of this subgenus are known to be vectors. The imagoes of this group are easily recognized by the broad asymmetrical erect wing scales. The wings, except in papuensis, are distinctly light and dark mottled. All species are of medium size except papuensis which is rather small. The abdomen of the female is turned up at its distal end with only 6% segments visible in the dorsal view. The apical segment of the male proboscis is turned downward; the penultimate is turned upward. The male has the 8th abdominal segment entirely retracted and the hind margin of this segment bears closely set strong teeth differing in the various species. The male hypopygia all have a peculiarly modi- fied basal lobe, a simple mesosome and tenth sternites with strong teeth at the apex. The larvae and pupae live with their peculiarly modi- fied breathing tubes attached to roots or sometimes to the leaves of water plants. Formerly (Bonne-Wepster, 1930) the Dutch believed the only host plant to be Pistia, princi- pally striatioles. However English investigators also indicate Lemna as a host plant and more recently Bonne- Wepster (1937) has added Eichhornia erassipes. The breathing tubes penetrate into the tissue of the roots and during larval and pupal life oxygen is obtained from the tissues of the host plant. To find the larvae it is necessary to collect a large number of Pistia plants and shake each one vigorously in clean water. In this way the larvae and pupae can be detached and caught. Normally the pupae become detached only just preceding the emergence of the imago. The female deposits the eggs on the leaves of the host plant in a rosette-shaped figure. 62 From the standpoint of control it is important to bear in mind that Mansonioides species are restricted in their distribution to the distribution of the host plants, Pistia, Eichhornia and possibly others, and that ordinary survey methods will not detect the presence of the larvae and pupae. Pistia and Eichhornia are floating aquatic plants. They are found in ponds, lakes, and slowly flowing streams. They are abundant throughout the tropics. 1. M. (M.) annulata.—According to Bonne-Wepster (1937) the females of this species have been found in great numbers where there are no Pistia plants. There- fore it is possible that another host plant is involved. The larvae have not been found. The adults enter dwellings in tremendous numbers and attack man. On rainy evenings particularly they are attracted to lights where they are frequently killed in large numbers. Ac- cording to Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) malayi larvae develop completely and become infective in this species and therefore it is to be regarded as an important vector. In the Netherlands Indies it has been reported only from restricted areas on Sumatra and Celebes (fig. 5). Bonne- Wepster and Brug (1937) state that it is the most numerous mosquito at Dermajoe (Benkoelen, Sumatra). 2. M. (M.) Indiana.—This species is known to breed on Pistia only. It is strongly anthropophilic. Bonne- Wepster and Brug (1937) describe it as a good vector of malayi. Rodenwaldt (1934) mentions indiana and annu- lifera as the filariae vectors on the Serajoe Delta in Java. This species has been recorded from Sumatra, Bangka, Java, Flores, and New Guinea (fig. 5). Specimens from Upper DIgoel have less white on fore and middle femora. 3. M. (M.) uniformis.—Pistia and Eichhornia have been reported as host plants for this species. Bonne- Wepster and Brug (1937) describe the complete develop- ment of malayi larvae in this species and state that it is 63 FIG. 5 Distribution of Mansonioides mosquitoes in the Netherlands East Indies’ * • Islands where uniformis is known to occur Islands where indiono is known to occur Islands where lonoiDalois is known to occur Islands where annulifera is known to occur M.(M.)onnulqto Is known only from limited oreos m Sumotro and Celebes. | M.(M.)oopuen«is.New Guinea, ond bonneoe.Borneo.ore rare tpeciee and not known to be vectors of Wuchererio moloyl 64 a good vector. M. (M.) uniformis is the most common of the Mansonioides species. Kariadi (1938) reported uniformis numerous at Marta- poera (Borneo) where malayi indices are high. It is reported by Scheepe (1935) as one of the vectors in Indragiri (Sumatra). In the Netherlands Indies it has been found in Sumatra, Simaloer, Nias, Riouw, Java, Borneo, Ceram, Boeroe, and New Guinea (fig. 5). 4. M. (M.) longipalpis.—The breeding biology of this species, so far as known, is the same as that of annu- lata. Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) describe longi- palpis as an important vector of malayi. It has been reported in Sumatra, Nias, Bangka, Verlaten Island, Java, Borneo, Tarakan Island, Celebes, Boeroe, and Halmahera (fig. 5). 5. M. (M.) annulifera.—This mosquito also has been reported only from Pistia. It is strongly anthropophilic and according to Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) a good vector of malayi. This species as well as uniformis was reported by Kariadi (1938) as abundant at Marta- poera where filariasis is prevalent. It is also one of the vectors in Indragiri (Sumatra) according to Scheepe (1935). M. (M.) papuensis and M. (M.) bonneae are rare species and nothing is known of their relation to filariasis; papuensis has been reported only from New Guinea and bonneae only from Borneo and Malaya. The same is true for M. (M.) negrochracea and M. (M.) memorans also known only from New Guinea. Myzorhynchus series.—At least three members of this group of the subgenus Anopheles are vectors of malayi. These are A. barbirostris, A. hyrcanus sinensis, and A. hyrcanus X of Venhuis. 6. Anopheles barbirostris.—This is the most im- 65 portant anopheline vector of malayi. The larvae are ubiquitous in fresh water but are seldom found in brackish water. They are most commonly encountered in rice fields but also are found in slowly flowing rivers and creeks (near the banks), fish ponds, marshes, ditches, springs, and buffalo wallows. They are found in clear as well as stagnant and turbid water. Sunlight and shade do not seem to be factors. The species occurs both in the moun- tains and near the coast. In general the adults are not numerous around dwellings and are said to be primarily zoophilic. However Brug (1937) reports the harbirostris at Kalawara (Celebes) to be very anthropophilic. Rodenwaldt and Swellengrebel (1932) report it as a house mosquito in a village near a marsh on Soemba. It is also reported to be a persistent house mosquito on Wetar and at Tegal (Java). Walch (1930) reported 12 percent to have human blood where livestock is abundant and 31 percent elsewhere. Brug (1937), Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937), Machsoes (1939), Jurgens (1932), and Kariadi (1941) all describe harbirostris as a good malayi vector. It is especially important on Celebes where it is so persistently anthro- pophilic. Anopheles harbirostris is known to occur on Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Mentawei, Siberoet, Bangka, Riouw, Bali, Moena (Raha) Sangihe, Salajar, Wetar, Kisar, Flores, Alor, Soembawa, and Soemba (fig. 6). 7. Anopheles hyrcanus sinensis.—The taxonomic status of hyrcanus and closely related species is discussed in the section dealing with malaria vectors (page 21). The information on the larval habitats as well as the habits of the imagoes as given in the discussion of the hyrcanus group are in general applicable to hyrcanus sinensis. This subspecies is essentially a rice field and swamp breeder although larvae have been recorded from a variety of 66 other fresh-water habitats. This subspecies has been reported as a vector In China (Brug, 1937) and has been reported once as naturally infected in the Netherlands Indies. It can be experimentally infected with the filaria larvae, with complete development of the larvae to the infective stage. Because of the confusion in taxonomy of the hyrcanus group in the Netherlands Indies the exact distribution of sinensis is not known. The only accurate records are from Java and Sumatra although it may be of wdder distribution (fig. 6). 8. Anopheles hyrcanus X.—This form is mentioned in the recent Dutch literature as occurring in Borneo in the region around Martapoera. It has been described by Venhuis (1939) who states that it occurs in Java and Celebes as well as in Borneo. As yet it has not been described as a separate taxonomic entity. Kariadi (1941) reported it to be a malayi vector at Martapoera where filariasis (malayi) is highly endemic. Whether or not this form has a wider distribution than the region around Martapoera and in Java and Celebes is not recorded in the literature (fig 6). Other members of the series Myzorhynchus, subgenus Anopheles, known to occur in the Netherlands Indies, are A. hyrcanus nigerrimus, albotoeniatus, barhumbrosus, ba7i- croftii, hunteri, montanus, novumbrosus separatus, and umbrosus. None of these have been reported as vectors. Wuchereria bancrofti Vectors. 1. Culex fatigans (=quinquefasciatus).—This species is universal in its distribution In the tropics and subtropics and ubiquitous in its breeding habits. Larvae are found in all sorts of artificial accumulations of water such as tanks, wells, pits, water barrels, toilets, fountains, cisterns, ponds, springs, canals, and ditches. Generally they breed near dwellings. The larvae can withstand a salt 67 FIG. 6 Distribution of Mvzorhvnchus (subgenus Anopheles) onophelines Known to be vectors of Wuchererio molovi in the Netherlands Indies Islands where A barbirostris is known to occur. Islands where A hvrcanus sinensis is known to occur. Region where A hvrcanusX has been reported. 68 concentration of one part per thousand. Stagnant water is preferred. This species does not occur in the jungles and uninhabited areas. Although standard textbooks such as Stitt, Brumpt and Manson regard Culex fatigans {—quinquefasciatus) as a foremost vector of filariae Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) do not feel that that is true in the Netherlands Indies. They support their conclusion with the well established observation that filariasis is primarily a dis- ease of the plains and rural areas whereas fatigans occurs most abundantly in villages and cities. Furthermore de Rook (1930) has shown that Culex fatigans (=quinquefas- ciatus) does not occur in areas in New Guinea where filariasis (bancrojti) is very prevalent. He believes that A. punctulatus is the most important vector in New Guinea and that the role of fatigans is relatively minor. Bonne- Wepster and Brug (1937) strengthen their argument by showing that there is no relation between the geographical distribution of filariasis and the distribution of fatigans. Brug (1938) has also shown that frequently the index of infection of fatigans in endemic areas is not sufficiently high to warrant designating it as the most important vector. However in some endemic areas in the Netherlands Indies it is the only vector known to Occur. It seems best therefore to regard it as an important vector but not with the degree of importance attributed to it elsewhere. Culex fatigans (=quinquefas ciatus) has been found on Sumatra, Simaloer, Nias, RIouw, Bangka, Java, Edam, Madoera, Karimar, Djawa Island, Borneo, Tarakan, Poeloeh Laoet, Celebes, Taland Island, Banggai Archi- pelago, Boetoeng, Bali, Soemba, Flores, Adonare, Alor, Timor, Ceram, Ambon, Saparoea, Vanda, Aroe, and New Guinea (fig. 7). 2. Culex vishnui.—This species has been reported once by Brug (1938) to be infected with bancrofti larvae. 69 F1G.7 Distribution of Culex fotiaons and Culex vishnui in the Netherlands Indies Islands where fotiaons is known to occur. Islands where vishnui is known to occur. 70 This index of infection of 1.5 percent was found in Kabaena Island near Celebes. Brug (1938) also was able to infect the adults experimentally. It has been reported as a vector in India. Culex vishnui breeds in various types of habitats but only those which are surrounded by earth such as lakes, river backwater, small streams, drainage ditches, flooded grass land, irrigation water on rice fields, lagoons, etc. It breeds infrequently in brackish water. The adults are anthropophilic and begin biting as soon as it is dark. Apparently this species is not to be regarded as an important vector in the Netherlands Indies until there is further evidence. There are reports of its occur- rence on Sumatra, Riouw, Nias, Bawean, Borneo, Celebes, Flores, Soemba, Alor, Timor, Ambon, Sangihe Islands, and New Guinea (fig. 7). Brug (1938) has been able to obtain experimental infections and complete development of bancrofti larvae in C. fuscocephalus, C. whitmorei, and C. annulirostris. His papers indicate that C. tritaeniorhynchus, bitaenior- hynchus, and sitiens may possibly be experimental vectors. None of these species has been found naturally infected. 3. Anopheles punctulatus moluccensis.—This sub- species is regarded by de Rook (1930, 1938) and Taylor (1939) as a good bancrofti vector. De Rook regards it as the most important vector in New Guinea. Backhouse (1934) reported good experimental infections with it. Elsbach (1939) states that moluccensis is the important vector in southern New Guinea. The breeding habits and distribution of moluccensis are described in the section concerning malaria vectors (p. 25 and fig. 9, Appendix C). 4. Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus.—This sub- species is also reported as a bancrofti vector by Taylor (1938). Backhouse (1934) reported successful experimen- tal infection with it. Elsbach (1939) regards punctulatus 71 punctulatus as “probably” a vector in southern New Guinea. The breeding habits and distribution of punctulatus punctulatus have been described in the discussion of its role as a malaria vector (p. 27 and fig. 9, Appendix C.) 5. Anopheles Bancroft!!.—De Rook (1938) reported this species as a vector in New Guinea. Information on its breeding habits and distribution are given elsewhere, (p. 29 and fig. 10, Appendix C). 6. Anopheles leucosphyrus hackeri.—Brug (1938) found 3 out of 37 specimens of this subspecies infected in Kabaena Island. This is the only information on its relation to filariasis. Its breeding habits and distribu- tion are discussed in relation to its role as a malaria vector (p. 24 and fig. 7, Appendix C). 7. Anopheles aconitus.—Brug (1938) also found this species naturally infected on Kabaena and obtained suc- cessful experimental infections. He does not express an opinion on its role as a vector. For information on its habits and distribution the section on malaria vectors should be consulted (p. 17 and fig, 3, Appendix C). Soewadji Prawirohardjo (1939) has reported experi- mental infection in A. sundaicus, subpictus, annularis, barbirostris, vagus, and tessellatus. There are no records of natural infection in these species. Taylor (1938) reports A. amictus which occurs in New Guinea as a possible vector. Heyden (1931) had previously reported it as a vector in Queensland. A. hyrcanus nigerrimus has been reported as a vector in Malaya, and hyrcanus sinensis in India. A. philippinensis, pallidus, and varuna have also been reported as vectors in India. Brug (1938) obtained experimental infections in A. barbirostris and “probably” maculatus. A'edes scutellaris was regarded as a vector in the Nether- lands Indies by Flu (1921, cited by Brug, 1938). How- 72 ever Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) do not regard it as such. It is a bancrofti vector in the Fiji Islands where the microfilariae appear in the peripheral blood during the day. In the Netherlands Indies it has a wide distribution and breeds in all sorts of habitats including brackish water, crab holes, puddles in coral reefs, depressions in old lava flows, etc. It has been reported from New Guinea, Ceram, Ambon, Boeroe, Saparoea, Sanana, Aroe Islands, Tanimbar Islands, Alor, Adonare, Soemba, Celebes, Sangihi Islands, Boetoeng, Kleiner Paternoster Islands, and Sumatra. Aedes vigilax has been reported as a possible vector In Australia. This species has a general distribution in the Netherlands Indies. It breeds in fresh water, brackish water, and even undiluted sea water. The adults can fly 10 to 20 miles and even 40 to 50 miles. Although it is very anthropophillic in Australia Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) state that this is not true in the Netherlands Indies. In the Netherlands Indies it has been recorded from Krakatau, Verlaten Island, Java, Edam, Madoera, Celebes, Flores, Aroe Islands, Tanimbar Island, and New Guinea. None of the Mansonioides mosquitoes Is a bancrofti vector in the Netherlands Indies. 73 SYNOPSIS OF THE KNOWN NATURAL FILARIASIS VECTORS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Vector Geographic distribution in Netherlands Indies Breeding habitat Mansonia annulata Limited areas on Sumatra and Celebes. Probably associated with Pistia as well as other aquatic plants. Associated with Pistia. Java, and New Guinea. Widespread from Sumatra to New Guinea. Throughout the archipel- ago. Associated with Pistia and Rich- hornia. Associated with Pistia. Widespread from Sumatra to the Molukkas. All islands west of Wallace’s line. Similar to annulata. Anopheles barbirostris . Ubiquitous fresh-water breeder. A. hyrcanus sinensis Sumatra and Java; perhaps elsewhere. Known from S. E. Borneo, Swamps, rice fields, and other fresh-water habitats. Primarily in swamps and rice Java, and Celebes. fields. Culex fatigans (= quinquefasciatus). Throughout the archipel- ago. All kinds of artificial water near dwellings. Widespread from Sumatra to New Guinea. New Guinea, Molukkas, and adjacent islands. New Guinea, Molukkas, and adjacent islands. New Guinea; probably Mo- Lakes, rivers, small streams. A. punctulatus moluc- censis. Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus. drainage ditches, flooded grassland, irrigation water, lagoons, etc. All types of habitats, fresh or brackish, standing or flowing. Sunlight is necessary. Same as moluccensis except that it is said not to breed in flow- ing water. Small dear-water shady lakes A, Uucosphyrus hack- eri. lukkas and adjacent is- lands. Reported from Celebes, Borneo, Sangihe Is. and Kabaena Is. Everywhere west of Wal- lace’s line from 1,200- 2,500 feet. with aquatic vegetation. Small bodies of water. Shade is required. Flooded rice fields, fresh-water fish ponds, ditches, etc. 74 SYNOPSIS OF THE KNOWN NATURAL FILARIASIS VECTORS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Habits of adults Species of filaria Importance as vector Remarks Strongly anthropophil- ic. Phototropic at night. Very numerous at Dermajoe (Ben- koelen, Sumatra). Strongly anthropophil- ic. Strongly anthropophil- ic. Strongly anthropo- philic in Celebes; at- tacks man less fre- quently elsewhere. An important vector An important vector A very important vec- tor. ? (Reported only once as a natural vector.) Most numerous of the Mansoni- oides mosquitoes A vector in China. malayi bancrofti Strictly a house mos- quito. Never found far from dwellings. Anthropophilic. Anthropophilic, be- gins biting as soon as dark. only at Martepoera (Borneo). An important vector. Probably not as im- portant in Neth. Indies as other areas. Probably unimportant. Only one record of natural infection. A vector in India. Exclusively anthropo- philic. Important vector in New Guinea. Exclusively anthropo- philic. No “hum” as it attacks. Probably a vector in nea. Anthropophilic and zoophilic. ? (Reported only once as natural vector.) Probably more zoo- philic than anthro- pophilic. f (Reported only once as natural vector.) See following page for list of probable and doubtful vectors of filariae in the Nether- lands Indies. 75 List of Probable and Doubtful Vectors of Filariae in the Netherlands Indies The following have been infected experimentally with bancrofti (with development of infective larvae) in the Netherlands Indies; Anopheles sundaicus A. subpictus A. annularis A. barbirostris A. vagus A. tessellatus A. maculatus (?) Culex fuscocephalus C. whitmorei C. annulirostris C. bitaeniorhynchus (?) C. tritaeniorhynchus (?) C. sitiens (?) The following which occur in the Netherlands Indies have been reported as bancrofti vectors elsewhere: Anopheles amicius (Australia) A. hyrcanus nigerrimus (Malaya) A. philippinensis (India) A. pallidus (India) A'edes scutellaris (Fiji Islands) A. vigilax (Australia) Chapter IV DENGUE Dengue is endemic throughout the Netherlands Indies although it has not occurred in epidemic proportions since 1901. The dengue-like fever described by van der Scheer from Batavia and now known as the five-day fever of van der Scheer has the same symptomology as dengue and differs from it only in the duration of the fever. It is also known as endemic dengue. According to de Langen (1936) it is widespread over the East Indies and should not be differentiated from other dengue-like fevers of different duration. In Batavia there are cases of dengue- like fever varying in duration from 2 to 10 days. Further- more Snijders and Binger fed A'edes aegypti and A'edes albo- pictus on endemic cases of dengue in Medan (Sumatra) and sent them to the Colonial Institute in Amsterdam where they were refed on volunteers. All of the volunteers developed dengue but it was shown that the same virus produced different types of fevers in different individuals. The typical endemic dengue of the Netherlands Indies is characterized by de Langen (1936) as a disease with a sudden onset of fever with chills and shivers. The face is red and swollen and the conjunctivae infected. The fever shows definitely a remittent character. Often three stages are recognized: (1) Original rise in temperature to 102° to 104° F. (2) Remission followed by intermittent attacks of 99.3° to 101.3° F. (3) A rise in fever on the next to the last day in which the temperature may become as high as in the original attack. Following this the tern- 76 77 perature returns to normal on the next day. Newcomers to the region are particularly susceptible. According to Bonne-Wepster and Brug (1937) the vec- tors of dengue in the Netherlands Indies are Aedes aegypti and albopictus. Mertens has shown that aegypti is a better vector than albopictus. Aedes aegypti is world-wide in its distribution between 40° N. and 40° S. latitude. More is known of the habits of this species than of any other mosquito. Its habits are no different in the Netherlands Indies than elsewhere. Larvae can be found in all types of artificial accumulations even in minute volumes. Typical breeding places are rain barrels, tanks, cisterns, tin cans, urns, as well as water accumulated on leaves and in plant axils. It is almost exclusively a house mosquito and is rarely found more than 1,500 feet from dwellings. It is strongly anthro- pophilic. The younger adults are daytime fliers until a meal of blood is secured and thereafter nocturnal. It is said to prefer the blood of white races to that of the dark races. In the Netherlands Indies there are definite records of its occurrence on Sumatra, Poeloeh Weh, Billiton, Bangka, Anambas Islands, Java, Edam, Karimendjowo (Kariman Djawa), Borneo, Tarakan Island, Kleine Paternoster Is- lands, Poeloeh Laoet, Celebes, Buton (Boetoeng), Soem- bawa, Flores, Alor, Timor, Tanimbar Islands, Halmahera, Ternate, Ceram, Ambon, Saparoea, Banda, and New Guinea (fig. 8, p. 78). It doubtlessly occurs on other islands also. Aedes albopictus is a common mosquito. It was shown to be a vector in the Netherlands Indies by Schiiff- ner and Snijder (1931). It breeds near dwellings in habitats similar to those of aegypti. Larvae are found in water tanks, tin cans, cisterns, plant axils, rain barrels, etc,, but rarely in ponds, ditches, and mud puddles. It 78 FIG.8 Distribution of Dengue Vectors in the Netherlonds Indies* Islands where Aedes ge.gyp.ti is known to occur. Islands where Aedes olbopictus is known to occur. These species are also potential yellow fever vectors. 79 is strongly anthropophilic and its bite is more irritating than that of aegypti. It Is widely distributed throughout the Netherlands Indies with definite records from Sumatra, Poeloeh Weh, Simaloer, Siboroet, Nias, Mentawei Islands, Doerian, Billiton, Java, Karimendjowo (Kariman Djawa), Borneo, Tarakan Island, Kleine Paternoster Islands, Celebes, Buton, Kabaena, Bali, Lombok, Soemba, Flores, Alor, Timor, Ceram, Ambon, Saparoea, and New Guinea (fig. 8). Chapter V OTHER INSECT-BORNE DISEASES Yellow Fever Yellow fever has never been reported from the Nether- lands Indies and is assumed to be nonexistent there. However Aedes alhopictus and aegypti which are good vectors of yellow fever in other parts of the world are common mosquitoes throughout the archipelago. Brug (1938) points out that the introduction of yellow fever into the Netherlands Indies with these vectors so widespread and numerous and with the nonimmune native population might be extremely tragic. The Netherlands Indies Public Health Service has been extremely vigilant in preventing the importation of any yellow fever cases or cases of suspected yellow fever. Furthermore a statute, with severe penalty, forbids the importation of yellow fever virus even for scientific research. De Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) point out the interesting fact that the monkeys of the Netherlands Indies possess a fair degree of immunity to yellow fever when compared with the immunity in the same species elsewhere. Whether this is the immunity acquired from infection by a closely related virus is a matter of sheer speculation. There is no information on the resistence or immunity of the Netherlands Indies population to yellow fever. It is therefore only safe to assume that introduc- tion of yellow fever would result in its becoming wide- spread. This should be considered as a distinct possibility in view of rapid wartime transportation which could result 80 81 in the introduction of either human cases or infected mosquitoes. Furthermore, it must be assumed that the rigid quarantine procedures of the Dutch have probably broken down thereby increasing the hazard of importation. There is also even the remote possibility of its use by the enemy as a combat weapon. Arthropod-borne Diseases (Other Than Yellow Fever) Which Do Not Occur in the Netherlands Indies Sleeping sickness has never been reported. This is because the genus Glossina does not occur. Although Triatoma rubrofasciata is common in the Netherlands Indies it apparently is not a host to any pathogenic trypanosomes which probably accounts for the absence of Chagas’ disease. Also there have been no autoch- thonous cases of kala-azar. Whether or not kala-azar can become established in the archipelago is difficult to say Until there is more definite information on its transmission. All cases of dracontiasis prove to be imported in spite of the fact that the Cyclops of the Netherlands Indies can be easily infected with the larvae of Dracunculus. Brug (1938) suggests that the absence of Loa loa and Onchocerca in- fections can be attributed to the relatively small numbers °f Chrysops and Simulium. There are no authentic records of any cases of tick-borne fevers. Relapsing fever has been confined to a few imported Chinese cases. Brug (1938) believes that this is because of the absence of the body louse due to the scanty clothing worn by the natives. There are no authentic records of louse-borne typhus. Chapter VI RICKETTSIOSES There has been much confusion in the literature concern- ing the rickettsial infections of the Netherlands Indies. Recently Kouwenaar (1941), who has done much work on rickettsioses in the Netherlands Indies, has presented ample evidence to prove that in reality only two diseases due to Rickettsia exist here. These are: 1. Sumatran mite fever and Malayan scrub typhus, the same disease with different clinical manifes- tations; probably the same as Malayan tsutsugamushi and kedani. 2. Shop typhus, doubtlessly identical with endemic murine typhus. These two rickettsioses can be differentiated with the Weil-Felix agglutination reaction using B. proteus strains, OX-19 and OX-K. Although these strains probably have no relation to the diseases or to the Rickettsia which cause them they are agglutinated characteristically by the serum of infected individuals. Shop typhus Sumatran mite fever, Malayan scrub typhus OX-19 + + + OX-K + + + Table 7 contains a tabulation of some of the names used in describing these diseases in the Netherlands Indies. 82 83 Table 7.—Rickettsioses of the Netherlands Indies: Tabulation of some synonymous terms Mite fever-scrub typhus {OX-K) Murine Typhus {OX-19) (a) With primary lesion mijte koorts mite fever Sumatran mite fever pseudotyphus of Sumatra pseudotyphus of Deli ♦tsutsugamushi (of Malaya) ♦kedani (of Malaya) shop typhus urban typhus ♦♦tropical typhus (b) Without primary lesion scrub typhus rural typhus ♦♦tropical typhus * It is suggested that the mite fever-scrub typhus of Sumatra and Java because of its lower case mortality is somewhat different than the Japanese tsutsugamushi. ** Because of the absence of the primary lesion scrub typhus and shop typhus were formerly grouped together (as tropical typhus). “Pseudotyphus” as used by Schiiffner (1908) included cases with and without the Primary lesion and is therefore analogous with the modern concept of the identity of scrub typhus and mite fever< Sumatran Mite Fever—Malayan Scrub Typhus Mite fever and scrub typhus were formerly distinguished from each other because of the development of a primary lesion and swelling of lymph glands in the former and the absence of these symptoms in the latter. However it is interesting that Schiiffner (1908) who first described the disease in Sumatra as “pseudotyphus” did not make this distinction but regarded all cases as “pseudotyphus” regardless of presence or absence of a primary lesion. The identical Weil-Felix reaction to OX-K and the identical epidemiology of the two have led Kouwenaar (1941) to conclude that they represent merely different clinical mani- festations of the same disease. The exact relation with tsutsugamushi and kedani is not certain although they are obviously similar if not identical. Kouwenaar (1941) feels that mite fever-scrub typhus is the same as tsutsugamushi of Malaya but that it is a milder disease than that of Japan and Formosa. In support of this he cites the 20 percent 84 case mortality of Japanese tsutsugamushi as compared to 5 percent or less in Sumatra, Also he states that there is less leukopenia in Sumatran cases than in Japanese tsutsugamushi. Kouwenaar (1940) described the pathology of scrub typhus and mite fever. In an extensive review of the rickettsioses of the Netherlands Indies (1941) he describes his clinical observations on mite fever and scrub typhus as follows (in translation): In mite fever a primary ulcer develops in the area of the mite bite. The primary ulcer is most likely to appear where the skin is thin, such as in the skin folds on the neck, in the axillary or genital regions. The ulcer consists of a skin necrosis, 5 to 10 mm. in diameter around the bite; occasionally there may be two or more of these ulcers. The ulcer is red at first but is seldom observed in this state. Its appearance is very characteristic and once observed will always be remembered. The skin then reddens and large red or red-brown macules or exanthematous maculopapules develop which seldom unite before the end of the first week. These macules or exanthematous maculopapules are most nu- merous and obvious on the extremities and on the trunk. The lymph nodes in the region of the primary ulcer become swollen and sometimes painful. Those further away are not affected. The pulse early In the course of the disease is somewhat retarded and full. In severe cases the rate increases slightly and the beat becomes progressively weaker and sometimes irregular. If the pulse rate becomes higher than 120 beats a minute, prognosis Is bad. Enlargement of the heart Is infrequent. Some cases become cyanotic; sometimes there Is myocarditis; pericarditis is rare. Infrequently gangrene develops in the extremities. Vomiting, diarrhea, obstipation, meteorism, or occasional intestinal hemorrhages may occur. Frequently there Is bronchitis and in all fatal cases, pneu- monia. The spleen enlarges and the liver is usually swollen, smooth and soft and not painful. There are headaches, insomnia and infrequently coma and delirium. There may be infections of the conjunctiva. The patient may become hard of hearing which accompanies encephalitis. A slight leukocytosis develops and infrequently (10 to 20 percent of the cases) leukopenia. In the second or third week a lymphocytosis develops. Eosinophils decrease In number but usually do not disappear. The urine gives a strong positive diazo as well as a urobilin reaction. Usually there is febrile albuminuria with leukocytes and epithelial elements in the sediment. Bacteriological investigations give positive results. Weil- Felix is positive to OX-K. A weak agglutination occurs in many cases. 85 It is only when the titer reaches a strength of 1/250 or higher that a posi- tive diagnosis can be made on this basis. In addition to the strength of the titer there should be a gradual increase during the course of the disease. Case mortality in scrub typhus and mite fever is about 5 percent among Europeans and higher among the natives. Death is usually due to circulatory inadequacy along with the development of pneumonia. Death may come after the fever has subsided. Tachycardia, spasms, and palpitations may persist for months after recovery. Recovery is usually slow. The Immunity acquired from infection Is of short duration. Differential Diagnosis.—Mite fever and scrub typhus as they are now recognized differ from each other only In the fact that mite fever develops a primary ulcer. These can be differentiated from classical typhus by the Weil-Felix reaction. As yet the therapy of scrub typhus and mite fever is purely symptomatic. No specific drug is known. Prophylaxis consists of avoiding mites and possibly ticks. Immunity Is brief. As yet there is no good prophylactic vaccine. The epidemiology of mite fever and scrub typhus presents a very interesting picture. Their identical epi- demiology has been described by Kouwenaar and Wolff (1936). Cases are confined exclusively to plantation workers, soldiers, hunters and others who work in the jungle grass or bush especially where the jungle reed, Imperata cylindrical is abundant. Walch (1923) and Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) have concluded, largely on epidemiological observations, that the vectors are the hexapod larvae of trombiculid mites. Their in- fection experiments are not entirely conclusive. Pre- viously Japanese workers had incriminated, also largely on epidemiological data, the larva of Tromhicula akamushi as the vector of tsutsugamushi. Heaslip (1941) believes the T. deliensis larva to be the vector of tsutsugamushi in Queensland. However he rightly points out the fact that the evidence concerning the trombiculid larvae as vectors is still largely circumstantial and that ticks have not definitely been eliminated as possible vectors. Some Dutch physicians have thought that perhaps the vector in scrub typhus was a tick whereas the vector in mite 86 fever was a mite thereby accounting for the presence and absence of the primary lesion. However there Is no evidence In the literature to support this. Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) concluded that the deliensis larva was the important vector and that the schiijfneri larva was of secondary importance. The tend- ency now appears not to regard schuffneri as a vector (de Langen and Lichtenstein, 1936). Epidemics are usually characterized by a rather high percentage of cases in exposed groups. Schiiffner and Wachsmuth (1909) described epidemics In which there were 158 cases in a group of 7,700 and 53 in a group of 900. Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) described 111 cases in a group of 250 coolies engaged in clearing operations in East Sumatra. A typical epidemic is that described by van der Schweff (1941) in Atjeh (Sumatra) where clearing was undertaken for a new agricultural development. Twenty-nine cases of mite fever (with primary lesion) and 48 cases of scrub typhus (no primary lesion) were recorded among those working in the jungle grass. Plantation physicians in Sumatra recommend the use of a mixture of 0.8 parts of cajeput oil and 18 parts of coconut oil as a repellent against mites. It is stated that it keeps down the Incidence of mite fever and scrub typhus. Scrub typhus and mite fever have been most prevalent in Sumatra, especially on the plantations in Atjeh and East Sumatra in the region of Deli. A very small number of cases have been reported from Java by Wolff and de Graaf (1939) and in the reports in the Mededeeling van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid. Bessem (1935) reported a case from Borneo. Kouwenaar (1941) speaks of a disease in Celebes, without reference to its prevalence, which he describes as intermediate between Japanese tsutsuga- mushi and the Sumatran disease. Mite fever has not been reported from Dutch New Guinea. However 87 Heaslip (1941) describes a tsutsugamushi from Queensland and it has also been reported from Australian New Guinea. Hence the occurrence of a mite fever in Dutch New Guinea is a probability. Vectors of Mite Fever and Scrub Typhus It is reasonably certain that vectors of mite fever and scrub typhus are the hexapod larvae of certain jtrombi- culid mites. As mentioned previously, Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) believed that the Tromhicula deliensis larva was the important vector with T. schuffneri having a secondary role. It now appears doubtful that schuffneri has any role whatsoever in transmission. Adult trombiculids are believed to feed on decaying vegetable material in loose, moist surface soil, preferably humus, where there is undisturbed wild vegetation. Eggs are deposited on the ground during the summer and autumn. The hexapod larvae soon emerge and attach themselves to various mammalian and avian hosts. When they become engorged with blood they drop off the host and make their way into the soil where, following a quies- cent stage, they metamorphose into nymphs or adults. It is believed that the larvae do not change hosts. If this is true it means that the Rickettsia are probably carried from generation to generation through the ova of the mites. The larvae of the trombiculid mites are very minute, barely perceptible to the human eye. They are usually bright yellow, orange, or red. Like all other acarid larvae they have six legs and no antennae. The taxonomy of the genus Tromhicula is muddled be- cause many of the species are known only as larvae. Several species are described from the Netherlands Indies. The T. deliensis larva, which has been reported from Java, Sumatra, and Malaya is orange-red to yellow. It is 88 common on rats of various species in Sumatra. Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) found it on two species of cuckoo-like birds, Centropus javonicus and Rhinorthra chlorophaea. It is possible that they are Important in its dispersal. T. deliensis is probably the only vector of mite fever and scrub typhus although this has not been defi- nitely established. The larva of T. schuffneri is red. It is common in Sumatra. Regarded by Walch and Keukenschrijver (1923) as a vector this now seems to be doubtful (de Langen and Lichtenstein, 1936), The T. pseudo-akamushi larva is bright red. These larvae are ubiquitous in Sumatra on many birds and mammals. The larva of T. oudemansi is yellowish-white and is common on the rats and mice of Java and Sumatra. The larvae of T. acuscutel- laris and densipiliata have both been reported from Su- matra. Both are red. The former is said to occur com- monly on rats. T. rara larvae have also been reported from Sumatra. T. zvichmanni larvae are the “gonones” of Celebes. They are primarily parasites of the Crown Pigeon (Goura sp.) but also attack man. On New Guinea the larvae of T. vandersandei also parasitize man and are known as “gonones.” A complete tabulation of the trombiculid larvae reported from the Netherlands Indies is recorded in the section on Animals of Medical Impor- tance. It is important to note that the deliensis larva, the vector of mite fever, is the only orange-red to yellow larva found thus far on man. A table of morphological details to aid in identification is given in Appendix F. Shop Typhus According to Kouwenaar (1941) it has never been con- clusively proved that shop typhus is the same disease as endemic murine typhus. Nevertheless he points out that there can be little doubt of it because the Weil-Felix 89 reaction as well as the epidemiology of shop typhus and endemic murine typhus are identical. As yet no arthropod vector has been definitely incriminated. However it is assumed that the vector is the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, although there is the possibility of other fleas being in- volved also. Shop typhus is primarily a disease of the larger cities although there are, according to Kouwenaar (1941), a few cases recorded from plantations. It is not an important disease in the Netherlands Indies. Louse-borne typhus is not known to occur. Chapter VII PLAGUE AND LEPTOSPIROSIS Plague In recent years plague has occurred only in Java where it was first recorded in 1911. The last record of an epidemic in the Netherlands Indies outside of Java was in Makassar in 1922. The last epidemic in Sumatra was in 1920 at Palembang. The epidemics at Makassar and Palembang were both of short duration. However in Java the disease is enzootic in the rat population in which it occasionally reaches epizootic proportions. In the regions of Java where housing is of such nature that the natives come into intimate contact with the rats, the rat plague epizootics are reflected as epidemics of human plague. The papers of Otten who has developed a live bacillus plague vaccine, and of Rosier, who has been charged with the plague control program, are the best sources of infor- mation on plague in the Netherlands Indies. An idea of the importance of plague in Java may be obtained from a tabulation (table 8) of the recorded cases as given by Rosier (1941). Plague was originally most prevalent in East Java. However in recent years the great majority of the cases have been reported from West Java. Rosier (1938) listed the following as plague regions: Malang (East Java), Djok- jakarta (Central Java), Prahoe (Central Java), Slamet (Central Java), Pekalongan (northern Central Java), a 90 91 large area in West Java including Priangan, Cheribon Tjiremai, Tjikoerao, and Tangkoebanprahoe. Year East Java Central Java West Java Total 1911 2,155 1 1 2,157 1912 . 2,276 1 1 2,278 1913 11,384 2 1 11,387 1914 15,751 5 1 15,757 1915 . 4,831 1,406 1 6,238 1916 596 592 1 1,189 1917 202 219 1 422 1918 . . 221 513 1 735 1919, . .... . 196 2,785 1 2,982 1920 . . 248 8,891 13 9,152 1921 257 9,501 5 9,763 1922 137 10,819 1 10,957 1923 73 8,323 271 8,667 1924 157 12,547 349 13,053 1925. . 260 12,969 1,275 14,504 1926. 71 6,829 871 7,771 1927 219 6,364 1,172 7,755 1928 35 3,741 824 4,600 1929 . 73 2,210 1,812 4,095 1930 3 3,282 1,695 4,512 1931.. .. .... .. . 30 3,031 1,478 4,539 1932. .. 5 2,071 4,366 6,442 1933. 8 1,685 15,188 16,881 1934.. . 2 2,668 20,569 23,239 1935 1 2,687 10,307 12,995 1936. 4 1,693 4,490 6,187 1937 44 1,156 2,614 3,814 1938. 20 616 1,447 2,083 1939 IS 403 1,123 1,541 Table 8.—Reported cases of plague in the Netherlands Indies Plague ip Java is now primarily a disease of the high- lands above 1,500 feet where the climate is humid and subtropical. This Is probably due in part to the “better housing” program which has eliminated rats from dwell- ings in many parts of the island and in part to the fact that Xenopsylla cheopis tends to be more prevalent at higher altitudes. 562282—44 7 92 All age groups and races are affected uniformly. There are no sex differences. Generally the maximum number of cases occurs at the beginning of the rainy season (Decem- ber-January), whereas there is a remission during the dry monsoon (July-August). About 8 to 10 percent of the cases are pneumonic; these frequently occur in family groups. The case fatality in the bubonic type is 60 to 70 percent; in septicaemic about 90 percent; and in pneu- monic, about 100 percent. The biology, distribution, and ecology of the rats of Java as well as their role in plague has been thoroughly studied and discussed by Kopstein (1931). The principal rodent reservoir Is the Malayan gray-bellied house rat, Rattus rattus diardii. In the mountains when this species dies in sufficient numbers, it may be replaced in dwellings by the lesser Malayan bush rat, R. r. ephippium, normally an outdoor species. The Norway rat, R. r. norvegicus, and the lesser Malay house rat R. r. concolor, may also enter dwellings in the absence of diardii particularly in the lower country. The rice-field rat, R. r. argentiventer, may also enter houses when there is no diardii and then can be important in transmitting plague. Infected rats are transported from place to place in rice shipments. Xenopsylla cheopis is the important flea vector. In general it is thought that X. astia and Pygiopsylla ahalae (=Sti- vialis cognatus) are of minor importance as vectors. The Dutch do not regard Pulex irritans as a vector. The control measures employed by the Dutch have been (1) isolation of pneumonic cases, (2) ship quarantine, (3) vaccination, and (4) housing improvement. Housing improvement has been subsidized by the government. Since 1911 more than a million and a half dwellings have been improved or rebuilt. As a result the house rat population in many areas has been sub- stantially reduced or eliminated. 93 Vaccination has been almost exclusively with the live bacillus vaccine developed by Otten (1930-1940). He has summarized his work in an extensive paper (1941) which describes both the production and use of the live vaccine. The Jive plague vaccine was first shown by Otten to be effective in controlled vaccination in which families were partially vaccinated i. e., within each family some were vaccinated and some were left as unvaccinated controls. When this showed favorable results the vaccine was used on a large scale. Mass vaccinations were begun in 1935 in the midst of a severe epidemic. In order to have reliable information on its effectiveness tabulations were made of the numbers of cases among vaccinated and non- vaccinated groups. From the number of cases in the nonvaccinated group Otten calculated the number of cases that would have occurred had no vaccinations been made. In this way it was possible to show the effective- ness of the vaccination program. His calculations are as follows: Year Percent popula- tion vacci- nated Plague deaths Reduction due to vaccina- tion Actual Calculated 1935 90 1,310 5,200 75% 1936 85 1,729 5,800 70% 1937 85 985 5,700 83% 1938. 80 454 4,000 89% 1939 .. .... 80 489 5,000 90% 1940 80 115 3,000 96% Otten (1941) concludes on the basis of these data that the live vaccine is effective in controlling plague. He states that in 5 years’ control more than 2,500,000 people received a total of more than 10,000,000 vaccinations and revaccinations without any harmful effects. 94 It is difficult to speculate on the effect that the invasion may have on the plague situation in Java. Previously epidemics have occurred at approximately 10-year inter- vals (1913-14, 1922-26, and 1933-35). Whether or not this is ample basis to assume the occurrence of another in 1943-1945, cannot, of course, be ascertained. Further- more there is no way of knowing whether or not the vac- cination program of 1935-40 could prevent a reoccur- rence of a human plague epidemic in 1943-45 assuming that vaccination has been discontinued. It is possible that it may break out in the nonvaccinated areas. Finally there Is the possibility of the reappearance of plague on Sumatra and Celebes where it has been recorded in the past; the likelihood of this is increased if the rigid Dutch quarantine regulation has broken down. Rats in Relation to Plague. Probably all rats are susceptible to plague. However it is those species which enter dwellings that are important from the standpoint of epidemiology. The important species to consider in Java, the only island where plague has occurred in recent years, are Raitus rattus diardii, norvegicus (local in distribution), concolor, argentiventer, and ephippium. R. r. roquei is a wild rat and may be of importance as a reservoir from which other rats become infected. (See Synopsis, p. 96.) There has been much confusion concerning the taxo- nomic relationships and nomenclature of the rats of Java. In order to avoid as much of this confusion as possible a compilation of synonyms has been made. The nomen- clature is that employed in the Notes on Tropical and Exotic Diseases of Naval Importance, Naval Medical School, 1943 (table 9). 95 Table 9.—Synonyms. Rats of Java. Accepted nomenclature* Nomenclature of Otten Other names Rattus rattus diardii Mus rattus grisiventer Rattus rattus argentiventer Mus rattus diardii Rattus rattus brevicaudatus (of Kopstein). Rattus rattus norvegicus Mus norvegicus fRattus rattus decumanus. [Rattus norvegicus. Rattus rattus roquet Mus rattus rufescens Rattus rattus concolor Mus concolor (“harbor R. concolor otteni (of Kop- concolor”) stein). Rattus rattus ephippium Mus concolor (“moun- tain concolor") *Notes on Tropical and Exotic Diseases of Naval Importance. U. S. Nava! Medical School, National Naval Medical Center, 1943. R. r. diardii occurs on Java, Sumatra, and all of the Lesser Soenda Islands. The house rat of Celebes is mindanensis. R. r. frugivorus is established on Ceram, Soemba, Babar, and Moa. R. r. argentiventer occurs on Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Molukkas, and the Lesser Soenda Islands; raveni is found in Celebes, wichmanni on Flores, and vitiensis on New Guinea. Chinese junks and other native vessels of this area have a characteristic rat fauna which may be oriental in origin. It is suggested that the keys in Ernest Schwartz, Identification of Domestic Rats of Medical Importance (Notes on Tropical and Exotic Diseases of Naval Importance), Naval Medical School, 1943, be used for identification and general information on rats of this area. 96 Species Body length Tail Color Foot Mam- mae Habits Rattus rattus diardii (Malayan gray- bellied house rat). 140-190 mm.. Longer than body and head. Cinnamon above, slaty or tawny beneath. Mean 34 mm 2/3 The important reservoir of plague because of intimate contact with man. Rattus rattus norve- gicus (sewer rat or Norway rat). 16O-2S0 mm.. Shorter than body and head. Brownish gray (rarely black) above, whit- ish gray benleath al- ways with white un- derfur. Mean 40-62 mm. Max. 46 mm 3/3 A port rat. Local in dis- tribution. Records from Batavia, Ladjamajoe, Cheri- bon, Pekalongan, Semarang, Soerabaja, Parsavean, Vedin, Tulangagoeng, Probollingo, Banjoewangi. Rattus rattus argen- tiventer (rice-field rat). 140-190 mm.. Slightly shorter than body and head. Brownish grey white beneath. Mean 34 mm Max. 36 mm 3/3 A rice-field rat. Will enter homes when diardii dies off. Rattus rattus concolor (Lesser Malay house rat). 110-140 mm.. Longer than body and head. Dark brown above blu- ish gray beneath. Mean 21 mm Max. 25 mm 2/2 It may invade houses when the other species die off. Occurs only in North Java. Rattus rattus ephip- pium (Lesser Ma- lay bush rat). 110-125 mm.. Slightly longer than body and head. Brown above buffy be- low. 24—26 mm 2/2 A small rat. Primarily a bush frat in the higher country. May enter dwell- ings. Rattus rattus roquet (common tree rat). 140-150 mm.. Longer than body and head. Cinnamon above white or buff on belly. No dark underfur. About 34 mm 2/3 The wild (rat. Very occa- sionally enters dwellings. May serve as reservoir for plague. SYNOPSIS OF THE RATS OF JAVA IN RELATION TO PLAGUE 97 Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is more prevalent in the Netherlands Indies than in other parts of the world. The best sources of information are the papers of Esseveld, Collier, Moch- tar and their co-workers (1937-41). In general, lepto- spiral infections in the Netherlands Indies are mild; fatal cases are rare and jaundice is observed in only about 10 percent of the cases. The actual number of cases reported is small. For instance Sardjito (1938) points out that only 3 cases were reported in Batavia in 8 years and that only 9 cases were reported in Semarang in a single year. How- ever, because of the mild nature of the disease it can well be assumed that the majority of the cases never come to medical attention. Recent reports from hospitals in Sumatra indicate that many cases formerly diagnosed as influenza (colds with fever) are in reality leptospiroses. The bulk of the cases of leptospirosis have been observed in the Asahan area of the east coast of Sumatra where the mortality is higher than elsewhere. Mochtar and Esse- veld (1939) compiled information on the known Incidence of leptospirosis for the entire archipelago. They record epidemics and cases from the Deli Valley (1922); Bang- kinang Central Sumatra (1928-30); Makassar; Tarakan Island near Borneo; Singkawan, West Borneo; Banka; Billiton; and Java. They state that leptospirosis occurs throughout Sumatra and that “some cases,” including Weil’s disease, have been observed on Java, A special focus of leptospirosis occurs on the Island of Noesakam- bangan opposite the city of Tjilatjap on the south coast of Central Java. A great deal of attention has been given to the isolation of leptospirae. From 1932-38 Walch-Sorgdrager, Bol- amder, Schiiffner, and Wolff (1940) state that 426 strains of leptospirae were isolated. According to Mochtar and 98 Esseveld (1939) only four different strains have been isolated from human cases. The Rachmat type which is probably the same as the Japanese L. autumnalis (=aki- yani) has been reported from human cases in Java and Sumatra. The Salinem type is similar to L. icterohae- morrhagiae but serologically distinguishable from it. It also has been found in human cases in Sumatra and Java. L. hataviae has the widest geographical distribution having been reported from human cases in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bangka, Billiton, Tarakan, and Celebes. L. icterohae- morrhagiae has been reported in humans from Java only. In addition to these four types recorded by Mochtar and Esseveld (1939), Sardjito (1910) has reported 2 cases of human leptospirosis in Central Java from which he iso- lated type 2 R 173, A very few human cases due to L. hehdomadis and several unknown strains (L. djasiman, L. nadm, L. sarmin) have been found. On Noesakambangan in 1940 there were 12 Rachmat cases, 17 bataviae cases, and 5 icterohaemorrhagiae cases. This variety may be due to the fact that the island has 4,000 to 7,000 chain gang prisoners from all parts of the archipelago. Considerable attention has also been given to the reser- voir hosts of leptospirosis. Sardjito, Mochtar, and Wirasmo (1937) showed that R. r. argentiventer, the rice- field rat, can harbor several strains pathogenic to guinea pigs and possibly pathogenic to man. They regard R. r. norvegicus as a normal reservoir of icterohaemorrhagiae. In Makassar R. r. norvegicus was found with javanica. R. r. argentiventer has also been found to harbor javanica, which is practically nonpathogenic. Most investigators regard the Norway rat as the most dangerous reservoir in Java. In Batavia about 50 percent are infected with leptospirae, mostly with the hataviae type. L. hehdomadis has been found in dogs in Sumatra. Cats have been found 99 infected with bataviae, javanica, and icterohaemorrhagiae. Dogs in Batavia have been found with bataviae whereas hogs were found to harbor pomona which is only slightly virulent to guinea pigs and mice. Synopsis of leptospirosis of the Netherlands Indies Human cases Norway rats Field rats Dogs Sumatra; Deli L, salinem No L. salinem—. L. javanica L. hebdoma- dis. Central and South Java. L. hebdomad is (wry rare).J L. bataviae. * L. javanica L. bataviae (very rare). L. javanica. L. salinem (very rare) “L. R 173” (very rare). L. javanica. Middle Java: (a) Semarang.. {b) Mageland (f) Noesakam- bangan. L. rachmat (rare).. L. hebdomadis (very rare). L. pomona (?). L. icterohaemor- rhagiae. L. salinem 1 L. bataviae /rare “L. R 173”J L. bataviae. L. icterohaemor- rhagiae. L. rachmat. L. bataviae, L. icterohaemor- rhagiae. L. hebdomadis. L. javanica L. iclerohemor- rhagiae. L. pomona.• L. bataviae. 1 L. rachmat identical with L. autumnalis or L. akiyani. 1 L. hebdomadis, L. pomona never causes jaundice. L. hebdomadis and L. pomona are non virulent for guinea pigs. • L. pomona has been found in hogs in West Java. < L. bataviae has been found in adult cats. (Prepared by Dr. I. Snapper, Surgeon General’s Office, U. S. Army) Chapter VIII ENTERIC DISEASES Because of improper disposal of sewage, unsanitary water supplies, unhygienic handling of food, lack of control of flies, and the generally poor hygienic conditions in the native villages, all communicable enteric diseases are prevalent. Bacillary Dysentery Bacillary dystentery occurs on all of the inhabited islands. There are no reliable morbidity figures because most cases do not come to medical attention. The disease is both endemic and epidemic. Table 10 sum- marizes the hospitalized cases of dysentery for 1935-39 (from Indisch Verslag, 1936-40). These figures Include all cases diagnosed as dysentery. Table 10.—Dysentery, hospital admissions Year Number of hospitals reporting Total admissions Number dysentery admissions Percent dysentery admissions Dysentery case fatality (percent) 1934 221 207,325 4,488 2.2 8.4 1935 185 201,597 4,355 2.2 10.4 1936 190 223,469 (*) 1937 176 239,163 (♦) 1938 167 238,960 5,826 2.6 10.3 1939 176 255,552 6,391 2.5 11.5 ♦Dysentery cases not recorded separately. 100 101 The following reports of cases of bacillary dysentery were made to the League of Nations by the Netherlands Indies Public Health Service: 1936 1937 1938 Java and Madoera .. 623 190 354 Other Islands 2, 280 7,449 5,813 1 Since 1931 the Eijkman Institute Laboratory has recorded data on types of dysentery bacillae from the dysentery cases for which it has made laboratory diagnoses. These records are summarized in table 11. About 70 per- cent of the cases were Flexner group (mostly Y); 13 percent were Sonne and 13 percent Shiga. Table 11.—Summary of dysentery analyses at the Eijkman Institute, Batavia* Year Total exami- nations No aggluti- nation Flexner group Sonne Schmitz Shiga Total posi- tive Per- cent posi- tive 1931 813 40 160 16 2 114 292 36.5 1932 .. 1,547 1,215 1,308 2,459 3,579 4,576 4,616 3,563 120 260 36 9 79 384 25.6 1933 57 188 40 6 49 283 23.6 1934... 57 270 60 6 42 378 29.0 1935 141 422 100 4 30 556 22.2 1936 S3 501 90 3 49 643 17.9 1937 29 436 124 8 39 607 13.2 1938 45 537 88 6 45 676 14.7 1939.. 78 412 79 10 78 579 16.0 Total 23,676 620 3,186 573 54 525 4,398 73% 13% 1.2% 13% ♦Practically all of the cases were from Java. All racial groups appear to be approximately equally susceptible to the Flexner group. There is a tendency 102 towards a greater incidence of Sonne among Europeans and a greater incidence of Shiga among the natives (table 12). Table 12.—Bacillary dysentery morbidity, 1931-39 Euro- peans Percent Chi- nese Percent Natives Percent Total Per- cent 418 69.8 577 73.9 1,323 239 69.5 2,318 467 70.3 136 22.7 92 11.6 12.5 14.2 6 1.0 17 2.3 26 1.2 49 1.5 39 6.5 96 12.4 322 16.8 457 13.9 599 100.0 782 100.2 1,910 100.0 3,291 99.9 Dinger et al. (1940) studied bacterial dysentery in a “city study unit” in Batavia. They concluded in this city, which has a sanitary water supply, that the majority of the cases were due to direct contacts. Of 149 bac- teriologically analyzed cases, 112 were Flexner, 30 were Sonne, and 4 were Schmitz. Wolff (1940) studied the occurrence of Sonne dysentery on the East Coast of Sumatra from 1925 to 1936, during which time 676 cases were diagnosed bacteriologically. Only 7 percent were Sonne. The ratio of Sonne to Flexner varied from 5:100 to 13:100. Sonne infections were much more prevalent In Europeans than among the natives. The reports of the Public Health Service in the Mede- deelingen van den Dienst der Volksgewndheid contain some records of epidemics in recent years. There was an epidemic in Makassar in 1936 in which 68 cases were bacteriologically analyzed; 50 were Flexner, 13 were Shiga, and 2 ■were Sonne. There was also an epidemic with 448 cases at Tandjong Priok in Java and another in East Coast, Sumatra with 460 cases. Also in 1936, 473 cases were reported from the Molukkas, 346 from KIsar Island, and 115 from Danar Island. In 1938, 103 366 cases were reported from Tanjong Priok in Java and 235 cases, with 78 deaths, from Madang, also in Java; 1,900 cases were reported from the Molukkas, 472 from Menado (Celebes) and 325 from East Coast, Sumatra. There was an epidemic in Makassar in January and Feb- ruary 1938; of 862 cases, 600 were Shiga, 231 were Flexner, 25 were Sonne, and 6 were Schmitz. In 1938 there was also an epidemic in Bantam (West Java) with 1,287 cases and 133 deaths. There were also, in 1938, 285 cases in Menado (Celebes) and 361 cases in Timor, Amoebic Dysentery According to de Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) amoebic dysentery is endemic throughout the archipelago and is transmitted by flies, direct contact, and water. They cite survey figures which indicate that 10 to 17 percent of the natives have amoebiasis. The data com- piled from stool examinations by the Eijkman Institute show much lower percentages. However this may be due in part to the selectivity in sampling since examinations by the Eijkman Institute would be of Europeans in a considerable degree (table 13). Table 13.—Intestinal protozoa, examinations at the Eijkman Institute Percent 1936 1937 1938 1939 2.1 2.3 3.5 3.i 4.7 7.9 9.1 10.2 .4 .2 3.5 .6 .1 .2 3.9 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.2 1.1 .5 2.1 4.7 .1 .1 .1 _ 853 751 430 250 104 Other Intestinal Protozoa Table 13 shows in general the intestinal protozoa known to occur in man in the Netherlands Indies. In addition to those tabulated there have also been records of Balantidium coli, although it is uncommon in man. It must again be pointed out that the data in table 13 are from a selected group in Java and are not typical for the native population. Typhoid Fever Because of the unhygienic condition of the native vil- lages and the unsanitary methods of fecal disposition typhoid fever is prevalent. No reliable general mor- bidity figures are available. The number of hospital admissions (1934-1939) for typhoid fever (and para- typhoid) are tabulated In table 14. These data are largely from Java. Table 14.—Typhoid fever, hospital admissions Year Number of hospi- tals re- porting Total ad- missions Number of admis- sions Percent of total ad- missions Case fa- tality, per- cent 1934 «„ - 221 207,325 2,284 1.1 17.5 1935 1 - 185 201,597 2,959 1.5 18.4 1936 * 190 223,469 3,713 1.7 16.9 1937 2 176 239,163 3,904 1.6 18.0 1938 2 167 238,960 4,158 1.7 12.7 1939 2 176 255,552 3,727 1.5 18.1 1 Typhoid fever'only. 2 Typhoid and paratyphoid. The following reports of typhoid cases were made by the Public Health Service to the League of Nations: 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 Java and Madoera 2,688 107 3,390 491 4,235 488 4,468 549 4,625 672 105 Naturally these statistics are entirely fragmentary. Surface waters in the more densely populated islands invariably are severely contaminated with intestinal organisms. This is verified by the investigations of Schaeffer (1940), Mom (1940), Dinger (1937), and Dinger et al. (1939). In general the sewage of the Netherlands Indies cities, according to Mom (1940) and Schaeffer (1941), has a much higher concentration of bacteria than the sewage of European cities. Dinger et al. (1939) found 0.2 percent of the population of Batavia to be typhoid carriers. These authors feel that the natives of Java possess a certain degree of immunity to typhoid perhaps because of constant exposure through their water supplies. This is not true of children. Dinger et al. (1939) regard typhoid fever as a “sporadic endemic disease with a considerably higher incidence in the younger age groups.” These authors also feel that the heavy pollution of the surface waters with intestinal organisms explains the high degree of typhoid immunity which the natives appear to possess. They consider food contamination, flies, and direct contact as more important in the spread of the disease among the natives. However, for nonimmune white populations water supply in the Netherlands Indies is always a potential source of typhoid infection. In general typhoid fever in Java is nonseasonal although Dinger (1938) has shown that there is a slight correlation between rainfall and typhoid incidence which he states is perhaps due to the abundance of flies. Excerpts from the Reports of the Public Health Service (Jaarsverslag Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch- Indie) and of the Eijkman Institute give some idea of the occurrence of typhoid fever in recent years. In 1936 Batavia reported 572 cases, Semarang (Java) 258, and Soerabaja (Java) 379. Menado (Celebes) reported 148 cases and East Coast (Sumatra) 83. These were the 106 principal foci in 1936. In 1937 Batavia reported 653 cases, Semarang 450, and Soerabaja 622. Medan (Sumatra) reported 73, Makassar (Celebes) 71, and Menado 79 cases. The 1938 reports recorded 503 cases from Batavia, 329 from Semarang (Java), 646 from Soerabaja, 87 cases from Medan (Sumatra), 15 from Makassar, and 71 from Menado. Paratyphoid Fever Paratyphoid A is much more common than para- typhoid B. Indeed records of paratyphoid. B are almost nonexistent, consisting of only five cases in Java in 1938. Recent reports by the Public Health Service give some idea as to prevalence of paratyphoid A compared with records of typhoid cases. The following data are from Java and Madoera only. Deaths are given in paren- thesis. Typhoid Paratyphoid A 1935 3,390 (575) 4,325 (729) 4,468 (752) 4,625 (747) 323 (3) 582 (29) 922 (29) 708 (37) 1936 1937 1938 One third of the 1937 paratyphoid cases were in Batavia (314 cases with 10 deaths). In the same year Semarang had 150 cases with seven deaths, and Soerabaja 56 with two deaths. Batavia had 149 cases and 14 deaths in 1938; Semarang reported 75 cases with two deaths while Soer- abaja reported 56 cases with two deaths. Reports on paratyphoid cases from the other islands are meager. There were 24 in 1937, and 44 in 1938. Other Salmonelloses The status of the knowledge regarding other members of the Salmonella group in the Netherlands Indies does not 107 allow any accurate estimate of their prevalence. Consid- erable research has been done in the Netherlands Indies. This has been summarized by Erber (1940) who states that, up to 1940, 18 species of Salmonella (including para- typhosus A and paratyphosus B) have been isolated. These (excluding paratyphoid A) have been isolated from 81 studied cases. Erber’s list is as follows: Salmonella parat. A S'. parat. B (Schottmiiller) S. parat. B var. Java. S. typhi murium S. Stanley S. heidelberg S. hrandenburg S. derby S. parat. C. sub-type “East Africa” S. cholerae suis S. thompson S. bareilly S. newport S. enteriditis S. dublin S. panama var. S. anatum S. senjtenberg There were more than 64,000 deaths from cholera in Java and Madoera in 1910. Since then the disease has decreased steadily. Prophylactic inoculation was started in 1926. No autochthonous cases have been reported in recent years. However there is always the hazard of importation from Malaya and China. In September and October 1937 an epidemic of a disease closely resembling cholera broke out in Southwest Celebes in some of the native villages on the coast and on nearby Cholera 562282—44 8 108 islands about 36 miles north of Makassar. This epidemic has been described in detail by de Moor (1939) as well as by others. In January, February, and March 1938 it was found also in some inland villages about 6 miles south of Makassar as well as in villages north and south of the original area of infection. Two cases also occurred in the city of Makassar. The organism involved was probably the El Tor vibrio. The epidemic was very similar to cholera and might easily have passed as such. De Moor (1939) describes the situation as follows (in translation): Whereas clinically and epidemiologically the diagnosis of cholera asiatica was unquestionable, some difficulties were met with in the identification of the vibrios isolated. These vibrios appeared not to differ from the real vibrio cholerae in the common diagnostical-bacterio- logical examination. Even when they were inoculated on agar with sheep’s blood the culture produced only digestion of the blood and showed no trace of haemolysis, the same as the cholera vibrio. If these vibrios however were inoculated in broth with sheep’s blood the culture showed haemolysis as early as within 24 hours’ incubation, the same as the vibrio El Tor. So this closer investigation after Kraus’ method showed immediate haemolysis, which would be absent in the real cholera vibrio. Some investigators consider it a matter of absolute fact that the cholera vibrio is not haemolytic or will at most after 48 hours’ incubation show late haemylosis in bloodbroth. Other investi- gators doubt the absolute certainty of this fact. At first the diagnosis of the vibrios isolated was therefore taken pending. Where however in cases such as this an immediate and categorical statement is desired (or Is at least hard to avoid) the scholastic conception of the incapa- bility of vibrio cholerae to give prompt haemolytic reaction was accepted and, though reluctantly, the diagnosis of vibrio El Tor was reported. Further investigation proved this diagnosis to be the correct one. There were about 50 reported cases with a case fatality of 65 percent. The Dutch have studied the El Tor vibrio extensively since that time. Otten (1939) refers to the vibrio of the Celebes epidemic as to V. Celebes and thinks that it may be slightly different from the El Tor vibrio. Chapter IX RESPIRATORY DISEASES As In the information on other diseases reliable morbid- ity data do not exist for respiratory diseases. The best information comes from hospital reports, laboratory reports, and special investigations. Table 15 shows the proportion of hospital admissions for respiratory infections (tuberculosis not included) from a selected group of hospitals as compared to total admission in the same hospitals. Table 15.—Respiratory diseases*, hospital admissions Year Number of hospitals reporting Total ad- missions Number of respiratory admis- sions Percent of total admis- sions Case fa- tality, percent 1934 221 207,325 201,597 223,469 239,163 238,960 255,552 9,691 11,056 7,021 7,743 7,822 4.7 18.5 1935 185 5.5 18.6 1936 190 3.1 25.2 1937 176 3.2 24.7 1938 167 3.3 24.6 1939 176 9,471 3.7 22.9 •Tuberculosis not included. Pneumonia According to de Langen and Lichtenstein (1934) pneumonia, especially lobar pneumonia, is prevalent throughout the archipelago. In table 16 statistics on hospitalized cases of pneumonia have been compiled. These, of course, are a select group, largely from Java. 109 110 Year Number of hospitals reporting Total ad- missions Number of pneumonia admis- sions Percent of total admis- sions Case fa- tality, percent 1934. .. 221 207,325 4,776 2.3 32.2 1935 - 185 201,597 5,458 2.7 32.8 1936 190 223,469 4,739 2.1 33 .2 1937 176 239,163 5,300 2.2 32.9 1938 167 238,960 5,384 6,523 2.3 32.2 1939 176 255,552 2.6 30.2 Table 16, .—Pneumonia, hospital admissions Information on the types of pneumococci isolated from cases of pneumonia has been assembled by the Netherlands Indies Public Health Service in a report to a League of Nations conference in 1937 (National Rapport van Neder- landsch-Indie voor de Intergouvernementeele Conference van landen in het verre oosten voor landelijke hygiene, 3-13 Augustus 1937). The data from this report are tabulated in table 17. Table 17.—Pneumococcus types in pneumonia cases Place Number of cases Year Percent of Group or Type Number of times examined I II III IV Java and Sumatra 100 1929-31 42.0 26.0 0 32.0 1 Java 83 1930-31 44.4 13.9 12.5 29.2 1 Java 341 1932-35 28.0 7.0 0 57.0 1 Java 113 1932-34 42.5 9.0 0 48.5 . 1 Java 64 1935 38.0 8.0 0 54.0 3 Java 62 1936 58.0 8.0 1.5 32.0 3 Netherlands Indies 807 1929-37 36.4 10.9 1.6 47.8 1,570 36.6 10.8 1.5 47.5 United States 1 5,779 ? 28.4 12.2 11.9 52.5 United States 2 3,066 1928-35 23.6 8.3 9.7 58.4 i Cecil. 1937. 2 Bullowa, 1928-3S. Ill Kirschner and Schijveschuurmder (1939) have compiled the statistics on lobar pneumonia from the records of the Netherlands Indies Army. These are given in table 18. Tablk 18.—Pneumonia in the Netherlands Indies Army Year Morbidity per 1,000 soldiers Mortality per 1,000 soldiers Fatality per 100 cases European Non-Euro- pean European Non-Euro- pean European Non-Euro- pean 1903-29 2.3 6.2 0.24 0.59 9.1 10.6 1930 2.0 9.5 - .96 — 10 1931 1.7 4.6 - .40 — 9 1932 1.7 4.3 - .70 — 16 1933 1.5 4.7 .13 .92 8 19 1934 1.2 5.9 - 1.30 - 22 1935 .8 6.3 .13 1.13 17 18 1936 1.5 5.4 .13 1.40 8 26 1937 1.1 3.3 .20 .60 22 19 Mean 2.1 6.0 .20 .66 8.6 12.1 These are the most reliable and usable data available. Influenza Influenza is said to be quite prevalent. The number of hospital admissions per year for influenza is about the same as that for pneumonia. Because of differences in diagnostic nomenclature it is doubtful that any very reliable comparisons can be made with statistics of other countries. The data from Netherlands Indies hospitals for a period of 6 years are recorded in table 19. Year Number of hospitals reporting Total ad- missions Number of influ- enza ad- missions Percent of total admis- . sions Case fatality, percent 1934 221 207,325 4,665 2.3 1.2 1935 185 201,597 6,502 3.2 0.8 1936 190 223,469 7,603 3.4 0.9 1937 176 239,163 8,608 3.6 1.0 1938 167 238,960 6,878 2.9 0.8 1939 176 255,552 7,344 2.9 0.9 Table 19.—Influenza, hospital admissions 112 De Rook (1938) states that influenza is fairly common in New Guinea especially on the north coast. Spirochaetosis Bronchialis According to de Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) this disease is fairly common. No morbidity statistics are available. It is caused by Treponema bronchialis. These authors state that two forms, acute and chronic, occur: ‘.‘In the acute form there is a high fever, coughing of an abundance of sputum which is often sanguinopurulent.” The chronic form may start independently or arise from the acute form. The chronic form is frequently con- fused with tuberculosis. Fever is exceptional although frequently there is weakness and anemia. Prognosis in both forms is favorable. Tuberculosis Again reliable statistics are not available. The largest numbers of deaths due to tuberculosis are said to occur among the Menadonese in northeastern Celebes, among the Bataks around Toba Lake (Sumatra), and among the Javanese of Central Java. For the period, 1932- 1936, the mortality rate due to tuberculosis in the army was 0.6 per thousand as compared with 0.7 per thousand for lobar pneumonia and 0.5 per thousand for all other infectious diseases. The Netherlands Public Health Service estimates that 10 percent of all deaths in the archipelago are due to tuberculosis. Table 20 contains statistics on hospital admissions with tuberculosis. Recent Public Health Service Reports {Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch- Indi'e) mention specifically as areas where tuberculosis is prevalent, South Borneo, East Borneo, Ceiitral Java, East Coast (Sumatra), Atjeh (Sumatra), Lombok, Bali, Nias, Riouw, Bangka, and Celebes. In the Molukkas 113 tuberculosis is described as sporadic except on Saparoea where it is prevalent. According to de Rook (1938) the extent and incidence of the disease in New Guinea is unknown. Year Number of hospitals reporting Total ad- missions Number of tuber- culosis ad- missions Percent of total admis- sions Case fatality, percent 1934 221 207,325 7,547 3.6 20.4 1935 185 201,597 8,271 4.1 20.1 1936 190 223,469 8,669 3.9 19.1 1937 176 239,163 8,495 3.6 20.6 1938 167 238,960 9,409 3.9 18.8 1939 176 255,552 9,950 3.9 19.1 Table 20.-—Tuberculosis, hospital admissions In recent years the Public Health Service has taken steps to combat tuberculosis. However there has not been enough time to evaluate the results. Because it has been only recently that a real consciousness of the tuberculosis problem has developed data from chest examinations and Mantoux tests are too scanty to give a reliable picture. Diphtheria Diphtheria is a fairly common disease throughout the archipelago. Hospital admissions for diphtheria in recent years have been recorded in table 21. Table 21.—Diphtheria, hospital admissions Year Number of hospitals reporting Total admis- sions Number of diphtheria admis- sions Percent of total ad- mis- sions Case fatality, percent 1936 190 223,469 272 0.1 26.5 1937 176 239,163 316 .1 22.2 1938. 167 238,960 349 .1 23.8 1939 176 255,552 411 .2 21.4 114 Cases reported to the Public Health Service are recorded in table 22. It is difficult to estimate the percentage of cases which are actually reported. Probably it is smallest in sparsely populated areas. Table 22.—Cases of diphtheria reported to the Public Health Service Year Java and Ma- doera Other islands Total Case fatality, percent Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths 1935 - SSI 62 S9 610 1936... - 477 59 129 IS 606 74 12.2 1937.... 676 81 315 38 991 119 12.0 1938 882 81 170 29 1,052 110 10.4 Batavia reported 66 cases in 1935, 67 in 1936, 103 in 1937, and 140 in 1938. Semarang reported 82 in 1935, 67 in 1936, 155 in 1939, and 148 in 1938. Soerabaja reported 96 in 1935, 75 in 1936, 83 in 1937, and 120 in 1938. Chapter X MISCELLANEOUS INFECTIOUS DISEASES Smallpox.—Although complete morbidity statistics are unavailable it appears that the disease Is well controlled and that cases are rare. No epidemics have been reported in recent years. The following are the cases reported to the League of Nations, 1934-1938: 1934 193S 1936 1937 1938 Java and Madoera, 4 10 1 1 9 Other islands . __ 5 33 79 0 3 De Rook (1938) states that there have been no epidemics in New Guinea since 1917 although the status of the disease in the interior is unknown. An extensive vaccination program has been maintained since 1920. The statistics on the program are tabulated (from Indisch Verslag) in table 23, The population of Java is about 42,000,000 and that of the other islands about 23,000,000. Hence it appears that no serious epidemics of smallpox should occur for the next few years assuming, of course, that the vacci- nation program continued up to the time of the invasion and occupation by Japanese forces. However it must be borne in mind that probably a very small portion of the natives of the interior of Borneo and New Guinea have been vaccinated. 115 116 Java and Madoera Other islands Year Number of vaccinations Controlled (observed) Successful Percent successful Revac- cinations Number of vaccina- tions Controlled (observed) Successful Percent successful Revac- cinations 1920 782,741 1,108,250 1,279,401 1,284,482 1,430,254 1,416,244 1,411,597 1,375,366 1,376,109 1,157,342 1,384,072 649,807 884,968 1,035,052 1,051,528 1,173,692 1,166,903 1,168,615 1,139,417 1,133,388 935,078 1,113,871 637,288 828,641 1,019,947 1,038,786 1,161,435 1,154,420 1,146,102 1,125,763 1,112,140 920,341 1,100,387 98.0 2,655,189 329,559 153,569 141,830 92.3 611,608 1925 93.6 1,843,712 378,634 134,601 122,110 90.7 775,317 1930 98.5 2,528,154 396,683 239,592 225,508 94.1 737,764 1931 98.7 2,490,779 428,484 262,685 247,409 94.2 817,563 1932 98.9 3,872,679 428,784 257,107 242,063 94.1 998,966 1933 98.9 4,675,937 420,195 254,781 241,267 94.6 1,077,703 1934 98.1 4,841,982 4,042,015 472,273 304,079 287,287 94.5 1,174,617 1935 98.8 474,173 314,117 298,489 95.0 1,118,649 1936 98.0 4,706,489 502,537 330,152 311,915 94.4 1,146,973 1937 98.4 4,103,502 513,188 335,286 318,079 94.8 1,297,067 1938 98.7 5,060,559 558,649 371,793 350,807 94.3 1,349,116 From Indisch Versing. Table 23.—Summary of vaccination program 117 Measles, mumps, scarlet fever, and chickenpox.— These diseases are not reported to the League of Nations by the Netherlands Indies Public Health Service. Ac- tually the Public Health Service compiles no records of them except for hospitalized cases. There are about 200 to 500 recorded hospitalized cases of measles per year with a case fatality of about 5 percent. Recorded hospitalized whooping cough cases vary from 200 to 400 per year with 4 to 8 percent case fatality. There are practically no hospitalized cases of scarlet fever and chickenpox. Poliomyelitis.—A few cases are reported each year. In 1936 nine were reported from Java of which four cases were at Soerakarta. Soerakarta reported one in 1937. Tarakan Island (near Borneo) reported five cases in 1936 and two in 1937. Medan (Sumatra) had two in 1937 and two in 1938. Poerworedjo (Java) reported one in 1937 and one in 1938. Bandoeng (Java) reported one case in 1938. Later statistics are not available. Cerebrospinal meningitis.—Nine cases were re- ported for 1936, four for 1937, and nine for 1938. These were widely scattered throughout the archipelago. Rabies.—Rabies Is fairly common although the Public Health Service has not compiled statistics of its actual prevalence. Pasteur treatment has been used since 1895. Table 24 summarizes the number of treatments given at the Rabies Division of the Pasteur Institute at Bandoeng. It is probable that most, if not all, of these cases are from Java. The rabies research program was for many years guided by Mrs. Otten-van Stockum whose work has been sum- marized In a posthumous publication (1941). The data in table 24 which show a higher mortality than the French figures are, of course, actually not a reflection on the 118 efficiency of the serum but rather of the difficulty of bringing the cases to treatment in sufficient time. Year Total ad- missions Complete treatments Deaths 1930 1931 _ 874 813 790 741 6 9 1932 522 377 5 1933 607 516 6 1934 527 458 3 1935 778 726 3 1936... 768 706 3 1937 753 696 6 1938 90S 811 10 Table 24.—Rabies treatment at Pasteur Institute in Bandoeng Cases of rat-bite fever have been reported but the disease is certainly uncommon. There are occasional cases of undulant fever as would be expected because contagious abortion is prev- alent in cattle. Tetanus has a prevalence similar to other tropical areas. Anthrax probably occurs on all of the islands. There are occasional epidemics preceded by epizootics in the water buffalo. Melioidosis pseudo- malleus (Whitmore’s disease) a glanders-like dis- ease, occurs as a chronic pulmonary form or as a skin affection although recorded cases are rare. There are no records of tularaemia. Trachoma.—Trachoma is prevalent especially in Java where examinations of school children in some areas show as many as 70 percent infected. The poly- clinic in Tegal treats 50,000 cases of trachoma each year and the polyclinics in Brebes treat about 100,000 per year. Much of the treatment is performed by specially trained native nurses. Although the disease occurs throughout the archipelago little statistical information is available. 119 Skin Diseases Skin diseases are very prevalent. Admissions for skin diseases (in percentages of total hospital admissions) for 1936 through 1939 were 12.37 percent, 12.38 percent, 12.22 percent, and 11.66 percent. The percentage admissions for malaria for the same years were 7.58 percent, 9.52 per- cent, 9.70 percent, and 11.66 percent. Ambulatory cases at dispensaries and polyclinics are extremely numerous and account for the majority of the cases which come to medical attention. The following notes are from de Langen and Lichten- stein (1936) and from the notes of Dr. I. Snapper, Surgeon General’s Office, United States Army. Secondary infections of all skin ailments and abrasions are extremely numerous. Scabies is prevalent especially where water is less available; secondary infections are common. Furunculosis is common especially among Europeans. Tropical ulcer (Ulcus phagedenicum tropicum) is a common ailment. It occurs most frequently on the an- terior surfaces of the legs. It is most prevalent in New Guinea where it affects practically all Europeans. Throughout the archipelago it is one of the most frequent ailments treated at hospitals and polyclinics. Fungus diseases of the skin are also prevalent. Tinea imbricata also known as Dyak itch, Dajaksche schurft, and Dyak schurjt is found throughout the archipelago although it is most prevalent in Borneo and on the Molukkas. This infection is also known as Tokelau ring- worm. Tinea albiginea is common among the natives on all of the islands. It tends to be localized to the palms and soles. Eczema marginatum, also known as epider- mophytosis, Hongkong foot, and dhobi itch, is another common skin disease. It occurs chiefly in the groins and 120 between the toes and occasionally in the axillae. A few cases of mycetoma (Madura foot) have been recorded. Prickly heat (miliaria papulosa) occurs frequently among Europeans in the coastal areas when the humidity is high. Pemphigus contagiosus, also known as monkey pox and impetigo bullosa tropica, is also common especially where it is warm and humid. Piedra with black nodules surrounding the hair is frequent among the Indonesians in Batavia where it is much more common among men than among women, and among the Dyaks of North Borneo where it is also common among women. Europeans are said to become infected very easily. Piedra with white nodules is rare in Batavia. Red-bug dermatitis caused by hexapod trombiculid larvae is common, especially in New Guinea and Celebes. De Rook (1936) discusses an acute dermatitis caused by “some plant substance” which occurs in the Upper Digoel country. He suggests that the plant involved is Glutea hengha (L.) or Mangifera caesia (Jack). The swelling of the face may be sufficient to prevent opening of the eyes. Infections of foot wounds are frequent and must receive special attention. Leprosy Leprosy occurs throughout the archipelago. In 1936 there were 42 leper asylums. Since that time however there has been a change in policy on the part of the Public Health Service as described by Theunissen (1936). The use of leper asylums is relegated to secondary importance, with emphasis on effective local isolation, reporting and regis- trations by physicians, and strict supervision of treatment. On the basis of reported cases a compilation of the Inci- dence of the disease has been made in table 25. This is in part from the report of the Public Health Service (1937) to the League of Nations Conference on Rural Hygiene and in part from more recent data. 121 Island Lepers Lepers per 1,000 population 5,708 1,748 350 3,268 2,601 4,232 373 2,601 0.14 1.61 .50 .38 .70 1'.07 .20 1.10 .30 Table 25—Prevalence of leprosy in the Netherlands Indies In Java leprosy is particularly prevalent at Lamongan and Blora. Kapitan (1936) reports an incidence of 3 per thousand to 9.3 per thousand on the Kei Islands. De Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) speak of North Sumatra and the Molukkas as regions of high incidence. Yaws Yaws, known as patek in Java and poeroe among the Malayans, is a common disease in the Netherlands Indies. It occurs to a greater or less degree on all of the islands of the archipelago. Recent reports by the Public Health Service state that it is very prevalent in Denak, Kediri, Tegal (19 percent of natives infected) and other areas in Java; Bali, Lombok and the other Lesser Soenda Islands, West Borneo, South and East Borneo, Madoera (about 10 per cent of the population infected) South Celebes, and the Molukkas. De Rook (1938) describes it as a prevalent contagious disease in the lower parts of New Guinea except in those areas occupied by the Marindanese. Mass treatment with neosalvarsan was started in 1919. In recent years about 1,250,000 Injections per year have been administered. The Dutch have employed an interest- 122 ing propaganda system in order to induce the natives to submit to treatment. Infected individuals were selected from families containing several cases and taken away for treatment. Treatment would be staggered so that on return to the village all stages from the first effects of neosalvarsanto complete treatment could be demonstrated. In this way it was possible to induce a large portion of the cases in a village to submit to treatment which was then conducted within the village. Mass therapeutic use of neosalvarsan has had two difficulties. In the first place there is a tendency for natives to stop coming for treat- ment as soon as there is some improvement but before complete cure has been effected. Also the Dutch physi- cians have found that some cases became refractory to neosalvarsan after several injections. Nevertheless the Public Health Service feels that mass treatment with neosalvarsan has effectively reduced the Incidence of yaws. Venereal Diseases Venereal disease is prevalent especially in the cities. Simons (1941) has summarized the situation on the basis of the results of surveys. He concludes that 10 to 50 percent of the population between the ages of 18 and 50 in Java and Madoera are infected with venereal disease. The frequency is higher in the cities. About 50 percent of the cases never undergo treatment; 75 percent of the cases submitting to the first treatment do not continue it. Brothels flourish in the large cities. There are many quacks and quack medicines are used extensively. There is an old adage about curing native diseases with native drugs which is exploited by quack practitioners. The Netherlands Indies Public Health Service Reports in Indisch Verslag for 1934-1940 show that about 7 per- cent of all hospital admissions are for venereal diseases. The case fatality averages about 1.5 percent. Naturally, 123 hospitalized cases represent a minute portion of the total numbers of cases. Annually about 18,000 cases, about 8,000 of which are syphilis, are treated by government dispensaries and polyclinics. The prevalence of venereal diseases apparently is not as great in less densely populated areas. De Rook (1938) states that syphilis and gonorrhea are very uncommon in New Guinea except in the port cities. Special mention should be made of venereum granuloma which has been reported only in New Guinea. The disease was described by de Rook (1938) as uncommon in Netherlands New Guinea except in the region of Merauke. It is more common in British New Guinea. The occurrence of this disease in New Guinea has been watched carefully by the Public Health Service. The results of its surveys are given in its Annual Report for 1937 (Mededeelingen*van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1939) and are tabulated in table 26. Table 26.—Venereum granuloma in New Guinea Region Percent 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Koembe River O.S 2.5 6.0 4.0 2.0 4.5 2.0 2.0 1.7 Boelaka River - - 7.5 — 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 Merauke River - 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.0 - .8 1.0 .8 Bian River Coast, Merauke to 3.0 4.5 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.4 Bian Coast, Merauke to — — — ““ .1 .1 .3 Kondomiraf 2.0 — 5.0 .5 .5 1.0 .5 .6 .5 Janggandoer area Eastern Frederick — — — 3.5 2.5 2.0 Hendrick Island.. Western Frederick — — — 4.5 3.5 2.0 Hendrick Island.. ~~ ““ 8.0 14.0 “ 2.5 3.0 [Cases per 100 persons] 562282—44 9 124 Only on the South Coast is venereum granuloma prev- alent In Dutch New Guinea. No cases have been found in the Diogel region. Most of the cases are re- ported from Frederick Hendrick Island and along the Kali Bian, Kali Edi, and Boelaka rivers. Chapter XI HELMINTHIASES (OTHER THAN FILARIASIS) Hookworm Because of soil pollution by human feces and the bare- foot habits of the natives, ankylostomiasis is extremely prevalent in the Netherlands Indies. Actually there are more people with ankylostomiasis than with any other single disease. About 90 percent of the worms are Necator americamis and 10 percent are Ancylostoma duodenale. In recent years the Public Health Service has conducted a campaign for the construction and use of latrines among the natives. This has resulted in the reduction of ankylostomiasis in many areas. According to de Langen and Lichtenstein (1936) it has been com- pletely eliminated from the army and from many of the plantations. However among the native villagers ankyl- ostomiasis continues undiminished. In its report to the League of Nations Conference on Rural Hygiene, the Public Health Service states that the incidence of hook- worm among the natives in villages is 80 to 90 percent. One must bear in mind also that 90 percent of the popula- tion resides in villages. This report states that in 1924 it was found that the average number of worms per man Was 81 and the average number per woman 62 and further that an investigation some years later revealed counts averaging 50 percent lower. Because of the small number of worms harbored per person most of the natives do not appear to be seriously affected. The best summary of the geographical distribution of 125 126 hookworm is that of Amm (1933). He states that in- fections are particularly prevalent in Java and Sumatra (80 to 90 percent). However the greatest incidence is in Flores where the natives live under extremely unsanitary conditions in large family groups of 20 to 100 all in a large single-room house. Infection here is 100 percent and the number of worms per person is higher than elsewhere. Amm (1933) states that at altitudes of 3,500 feet, where there is no malaria, anemia is severe; hemoglobin readings indicate an average about 60 percent of normal. Two- fifths of the children die of ankylostomiasis on Flores. Since the time of Amm’s investigation attempts have been made to remedy the situation. De Rook states that there are endemic centers of ankylostomiasis at Manokwari, Miei, Amberbaken, Sorong, FakFak, Merauke, and Tanah Merah in New Guinea. Elsewhere in the archipelago hookworm is prevalent although in general it is subclinical. Ancylostoma brazilense, an intestinal parasite of cats and dogs, is prevalent. Occasionally it causes cases of creeping eruption in man. Ascaris lumbricoides.—A scans infections are very numerous, according to some sources almost as numerous as hookworm infections. This is again correlated with improper disposal of feces and generally unsanitary condi- tions. Records of fecal examinations show 3 to 20 percent infected. It is stated that a careful survey would reveal a higher incidence at least in some areas. Ascari- asis in the Netherlands Indies is usually subclinical. Trichuris trichiura.—Apparently this worm is a common parasite in the Netherlands Indies. About 16 percent of the stool samples examined at the Eijkman Institute have trichurid eggs. Doubtlessly the incidence is greater than this in many areas. Other Roundworms 127 Enterobius vermicularis and Strongyloides ster- coralis also occur although there is no information on their prevalence. Trichinella spiralis is known to occur although in- formation is meager. Trichinosis has been reported among the Bataks in Sumatra and elsewhere in rats. Cestodes Bonne (1940) has summarized the information on the cestodes of the Netherlands Indies. Taenia saginata is the most common tapeworm. It Is most prevalent among Europeans and less common among the Chinese; it is not found among the natives. Taenia solium is very un- common. Most of the Infections have been among the Chinese. Dipylidium caninum is uncommon in hu- mans. Hymenolepis nana is also described by Bonne (1940) as uncommon in man. Bonne (1940) in another paper has described a single case of infection with Bertiella studeri; Bonne and Mreyen (1940) also described an in- fection with Raillietina madagascariensis. Sparganosis has also been discussed by Bonne (1937). He states that a considerable number of rice- field workers around Batavia have been found infected. It is believed that the definitive host is the cat and per- haps some other mammals. Cyclops is the first inter- mediate host. The second intermediate host is a frog or, accidentally, man (producing sparganosis). Man is in- fected by drinking water containing Cyclops with procer- coid larvae. Trematodes According to Bonne (1941) four Echinostomidae known to parasitize man occur in the Netherlands Indies: 1. Echinostoma ilocanum is quite common es- pecially in asylums in Java. Sandground (1939) has studied this species in Java and reports that the first 128 intermediate host is a planorbid snail, Anisus convexi- usculus. The cerceriae are reported to leave this snail and encyst as metacercariae on other species of snails, chiefly Lymnea rubiginosa brevis, Vivipara javanica, and Pila conica. He was able to obtain laboratory infections in white rats with the snails of these species bearing the metacercariae. The rice-field rat, Rattus rattus argentiventer, is a common host of Echinostoma ilocanum. Sandground treated 11 cases with tetrachlorethylene; 13 to 270 worms per person were passed. 2. Echinostoma lindoensis, formerly thought to be E. ilocanum, is abundant in the region around Lindoe Lake in the Celebes. Bonne and Sandground (1939) report one village in this region with 96 percent of the inhabitants infected with Echinostoma lindoensis; two other villages had infections of 44 and 24 percent respectively. It is stated that the intermediate host is a viviparous planorbid snail whose identity is not known (probably Gyraulus and Viviparus). Attempts to find reservoir hosts among wild birds and mammals have been unsuccessful. Laboratory rats and mice have been experimentally infected. This fluke has been reported only from the Lindoe Lake region of Celebes. 3. There has been a single record of infection by Echinostoma malayanum. 4. There is one record of Echinostoma recurvatum. It is rather common in the field rats. There are no autochthonous records of Clonorchis sinensis although there are some cases among imported Chinese coolies. According to Brug (1936) several genera of snails known to be intermediate hosts elsewhere occur in the Netherlands Indies. He feels that the fact that the natives seldom or never eat raw fish accounts for the absence of autochthonous cases. There also are no records of autochthonous cases of 129 Paragonimus westermani In the Netherlands Indies except possibly in New Guinea (Brug, 1936), There is no reliable information on the presence or absence of Inter- mediate hosts. Since the natives do not eat raw crayfish it Is improbable that Paragonimus will become estab- lished. Fasciolopsis buski occurs in hogs but no human cases have been reported. Schistosomiasis Prior to 1937 no autochthonous cases of schistosomiasis had been reported. In that year Muller and Tesch (1937) reported an autochthonous Infection of Schistosoma japonicum from Celebes. Subsequent investigations by Bonne et al. (1942) revealed the disease to be endemic in a considerable area around Lindoe Lake. S. japonicum adults occur not only in man but also in hogs and in deer. The worms in the deer attain a length of 3 mm. Natives infected in this area have enormously enlarged livers and spleens. Chronic peritonitis resulting In many adhesions is common. These authors were unable to reach any conclusions concerning the Intermediate hosts. (See Appendix H.) Chapter XII ANIMALS AND PLANTS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE Diptera The role of mosquitoes (Family Culicidae) in the trans- mission of malaria, dengue, and filariasis has been dis- cussed previously. Many mosquitoes, mostly culicines are of importance primarily as pests. (See List in Appendix D.) Several genera of biting midges or punkies (Family Heleidae) are known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. Culicoides, Lashiohelea, Leptoconops, and Stylconops attack man. Culicoides species are frequently particularly an- noying in mangrove swamps. Several species of black flies, Simulium spp., which attack man also occur. Several species of sand flies, Flebotomus, are present and may be potential vectors of kala-azar although Brug (1938) states that they are not sufflciently numerous to become vectors. The most important genera of Taba- nidae from a medical standpoint are Chrysops, Tabanus, and Chrysozone. Thus far their medical importance has been only that of biting species although the Chrysops spp. must be regarded as potential vectors of onchocerciasis. At least five species of houseflies (Mused) are known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. The domestic fly, Musca domestica, probably occurs only in the sea port cities where it has been introduced. It is unnecessary to discuss its role as a mechanical transmitter of disease. M. sorbens is probably the common housefly. Its habits are similar to domestica and it presents the same health hazards. M. vicina and nebulo also occur in the Netherlands Indies; 130 131 their habits are similar to those of sorbens and domestica. M. vetutissima is found throughout the archipelago and is the only species of Musca of medical importance known definitely to occur on New Guinea. Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable fly or biting housefly, occurs throughout the archipelago. It can also be a mechanical transmitter of bacteria and protozoa. Several species of the Family Caliphoridae of medical Importance are recorded from the Netherlands Indies. Chrysomyia megacephala breeds in carrion and feeds on human feces. It is attracted to meats and sweets and can be an important mechanical transmitter of disease. It is also important in intestinal and wound myiasis. Chrys- omyia bezziana attacks living tissue and is important in all types of myiasis. Three species of Calliphora, C.fulviceps, C. malayana, and C. paradoxa, have been reported from the western part of the archipelago; C. augur and tesselata are known from New Guinea. All five of these species breed in carrion and feed on feces and are potential mechanical transmitters of infection. They are rarely the cause of myiasis. The bottle flies Lucilia papuensis and porphyruni, have the habits of houseflies and may be of medical importance. In the family Sarcophagidae, Sarcophaga perigrina (= fuscicaudd) has habits similar to the houseflies. S', dux is a cause of tissue myiasis and S. hisiipes may contami- nate milk and food. S. ruficornis is very important in wound myiasis. Siphuncula funicula is a small nonbiting species. It is frequently referred to as an important cause of conjuncti- vitis. It may also be a transmitter of skin infections. Siphonaptera {Fleas) Information on fleas in the Netherlands Indies is some- what scanty. The relation of fleas to typhus and the plague has been discussed previously. Xenopsylla 132 cheopis, the oriental rat flea, is common in the Nether- lands Indies. It tends to be more numerous at altitudes higher than 1,000 feet. It is the important plague vector and doubtlessly the important typhus vector. X. astia rarely bites man. Its distribution has a tendency to be the greatest in the low country. Information of its geo- graphical distribution and relation to disease in the Nether- lands Indies is meager. Pygiopsylla ahalae {=Sti- valius cognatus, mistaken identification) probably plays a minor role as a vector from rat to man but may be of importance as a rat-to-rat vector. It can be safely as- sumed that wherever there are rats (on practically all islands) rat fleas, cheopis at least, occur. Ctenocephalides felis, the cat flea, which occasionally bites man probably has a general distribution wherever cats are found. On the other hand, the dog flea, Cieno- cephalides cants, is thought not to be found in the Nether- lands Indies. There are records of Pulex irritans although no indication as to its distribution and abundance. It is probably uncommon. Anoplura (Lice) Information on lice is likewise not abundant. Accord- ing to Brug (1938) the body louse, Pediculus humanus corporis, is rare. This is said to account for the fact that there are no records of louse-borne typhus and relapsing fever. Brug (1938) explains the absence of body lice as due to the small amount of clothing worn by the natives. On the other hand head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis, is apparently common. The pubic louse, Phthirus pubis, is said to be uncommon among the natives because of the sparsity of pubic hair. Bedbugs No precise information has been found on the distribu- tion and prevalence of bedbugs. However in the Nether- 133 lands Indies as in other tropical areas, the native bed- bug is Cimex hemipterus (—rotundus) although Cimex lectularis has been introduced with the white population and occurs principally in the ports. Mites Information on the trombiculid mites (harvest mites) is very fragmentary. The taxonomy is confusing because most species are known only as larvae. The complete life history is not known for any of the Netherlands Indies species. The papers of Walch (1922, 1923, 1927) as well as the excellent account of Oudemans (1903) are the principal sources of information. Adult trombiculids are believed to feed on decaying vegetable material in loose, moist surface soil, preferably humus where there is undisturbed wild vegetation. Eggs are deposited on the ground during the summer and autumn. The hexapod larvae soon emerge and attach themselves to various mammalian and avian hosts. It is believed that the larvae do not change hosts. A complete meal of blood is obtained from the first and only host after which the larva drops to the ground and meta- morphoses into the octopod adult. The species which have thus far been described are tabulated in table 27. These data are from Walch’s observation in Deli, Suma- tra, (1922, 1923), in the Lampong Districts, in Sumatra (1927), and in Celebes (1927). No trombiculids were described by Walch as parasitizing humans in Celebes although others have shown that T. wichmanni, primarily a parasite of the Crown Pigeon, will attack man. Only T. deliensis is believed with certainty to be a vector of mite fever although schiijfneri may possibly be a vector also. Several of the species are important in red-hug itch. 134 Species Known hosts Color Islands where known to occur Remarks Referen ' i Man, rats, some birds.. Walch (1922, 1921 1927). T. pseudo-akamushi ... Man, rats, many other Bright red Sumatra, Celebes.... Very common in Suma- Walch (1922, 1923, mammals, birds. tra. 1927). Red Very common on rats.. Walch (1922, 1923, 1927). Red Only a single record Walch (1927). Sumatra. Sumatra, Celebes Walch (1922, 1927). muris). Walch (1927). Walch (1922, 1923, white. 1927). Walch (1927). ? Walch (1922, 1923), T. densipiliata Rats Red Table 27.—Trombiculid larvae known to occur in Netherlands Indies 135 ? One record only Walch (1927) Red “Gonone” Walch (1927). Man, Crown Pigeon Red Celebes, New Guinea “Gonone”. . - . Walch (1922. 1923). T.schufneri (=Neoschongasa ti schufneri). Red Very common at Deli Walch'(1922,l923). (See Appendix F for table of morphological details useful in identification.) 136 The itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, is common. Its presence and the occurrence of scabies can be correlated directly with the scarcity of water and bathing facilities. No information could be found concerning the occur- rence of the follicle mite, Demodex folliculorum, although it appears safe to assume that it does occur. Ticks Krijgsman and Ponto (1932) conducted an extensive survey of the Netherlands Indies tick fauna. These authors recorded several species known to attack men. These are listed in table 28. It is very likely that many of these species have a wider distribution than that indi- cated in the table. At the present time no tick-borne diseases of man are known to occur. Table 28.—Ticks reported to attack man in the Netherlands Indies Species Hosts Known geographical distribution Avgas persicus Birds, some mammals in- cluding dogs and man. Java, Soemba. Boophilus annulatus australis Man and various other large mammals. Western New Guinea, Tanimbar Island, Halmahera, Kariman Djawa. Rhipicephalus sanguin- eus Many species of mammals including man. Soemba, Java, Madoera, Timor, Alor Island, Saparoea, Ambon, Sumatra. Rhipicephalus haema- physiloides Many species of mammals including man. Sumatra, Java, Madoera, Soem- bawa, Soemba, Timor, Aroe Island, Celebes. Amblyomma Ustudina- rium Cattle, buffalo, man, wild hog. Sumatra, Bali, Lombok, Borneo. In addition Krijgsman and Ponto (1932) list 9 species of the genus Haemaphysalis which are parasites on mam- mals although none have been known to bite man. At 137 least seven species of Amhlyomma, other than testudina- rium which is known to attack man, occur on various mammalian and reptilian hosts. Hyalomma aegyptus has been reported only from cattle in Java, The two species of Aponomma occur only on reptiles. Dermacentor auratus has been recorded only from wild hogs and bears. D. atrosignatus which is known elsewhere to attack man has been found in British New Guinea. In general Ixodes is uncommon. I. eichhorni has been reported from British New Guinea as a parasite of man. There is also a single record of I. holocyclus from the Kei Islands near New Guinea. Nothing is known of its habits there. However in Australia it attacks man as well as many other mammals and birds and is known to be a vector of tick paralysis and Q fever. Minning (1934) has rearranged the ticks of Boophilus annulatus australis into three species: B. (Uroboophilis) rotundiscutatus, longiscutatus, and krijgsmani. For prac- tical purposes, however, the classification according to Krijgsman can still be used. Schultze (1937) recorded an undescribed Boophilus sp. from Soemba. Appendix E contains the keys of Krijgsman and Ponto (1932, translation) as well as a list of ticks known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. Other Arthropods Several species of blister beetles of the genera Epicauta and Mylabris are poisonous when eaten. These beetles are well known to the natives who refer to them variously as “wengwong,” “areng-areng,” “ireng-ireng,” “endol- endol,” “sopi,” “wereng,” and “sepihi,” According to Kopstein (1932) at least 10 species of scorpions are known to occur in Java; none are poisonous. Brug (1938) states that there are no truly poisonous 138 scorpions in the entire archipelago. The same is true for spiders, millepedes, and centipedes. Bites of these animals usually cause nothing more than local inflamma- tion and swelling. Leeches Terrestrial bloodsucking leeches are found in the humid jungles and are not only pests but on occasion definite hazards. They are able to work their way through clothing in order to attach themselves and suck blood. Enormous numbers of them may become attached to the legs and feet. Because of the anticoagulent in the saliva of these leeches the wounds heal slowly and are easily Infected. According to Engelen (1935) the common leech in such attacks is Haemadepsa javonica although doubtlessly other species are involved. Abu Hanifah (1935) reports that not only is cutaneous hirudiniasis common but that cases of rectal, nasal, and vaginal hirudiniases are by no means uncommon. Other Invertebrates of Medical Importance According to Kopstein (1932) some species of the molluscan genus Conus occur in the Netherlands Indies and are poisonous. Clench and Yoshio Kondo (1943) describe the bite of Conus as painful and occasionally fatal. It is caused by teeth on the radula which detach on penetration or withdrawal. Poison is produced by a gland in the mouth. Kopstein (1932) states that the medusae (jelly fish) of Physalia utriculus and Dactylomeira quinquecirrha are dangerous to swimmers and fishermen. Contact with the tentacles of these species results in the discharge of their poisonous nematocysts. Chiropsalmus quadrigatus has not yet been reported from the Netherlands Indies al- though it is common in the Philippines. 139 Poisonous Snakes Numerous species of poisonous snakes are known to occur in the Netherlands East Indies. However none of these species is abundant. Scientists who have traveled through these islands on expeditions are almost unanimous in reporting that poisonous snakes are difficult to find even when one is looking for them. Kopstein (1932) points out that in 1924, 171 hospitals reported only 132 snake bite cases and only 2 of these were fatal. He cites the statement of Mohnike who spent 25 years in travel and research which kept him in the jungles most of the time. During this period he observed only 3 fatal cases of snake bite. Nevertheless the danger does exist and it therefore seems advisable to mention the poisonous species most likely to be involved. The taxonomy of snakes is complex and difficult. There is no simple key to the identification of the species. Fre- quently there are no common names. Whenever possible in this report both the common English and native names are included. There is no rule of thumb (size, color, markings, etc.) for distinguishing harmless from poisonous species. For practical first aid purposes, unless there is definite evidence to the contrary, all snake bites should be considered as poisonous. The rule that all poisonous bites have two fang penetration marks does not always hold in these regions. In general the snakes of New Guinea and the adjacent islands are Australian species whereas those of the other islands (west of Wallace’s Line) are Asiatic species. Several species of pit vipers (Family Crotalidae) are found on the islands west of New Guinea (Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Borneo, etc.). All are poisonous. The bamboo viper (Trimeresurus gramineus) is arboreal with green coloration and a prehensile tail. It is mildly poisonous. Several species of this genus are found in the Netherlands 562282—44 10 140 Indies. Another pit viper, known among the natives as “ular biludak,” “ular tanah,” “ular gebuk,” “ular bando- tan bedor,” and “oraj lemah” {Agkistrodon rhodostoma), occurs in Sumatra and Java. This species is gray or reddish brown dorsally with large dark brown pairs of dorso-lateral spots; it is very poisonous. The most dangerous snakes are the cobras and kraits (Family Elapidae). The Indian or spectacled cobra {Naja naja) and its closely allied species also known as “ular sendoq,” “ular bedul,” “oraj sinduk,” “oraj bobi,” “ular biludah,” “hantipeh pura,” and “tedong naga” is the most deadly of the snakes of the archipelago. It is a nervous and irritable snake and strikes with a forward sweep of its body with an accompanying hiss. The king cobra (Naja hannah) is the largest of the poisonous snakes; it has an average length of 10 to 12 feet and a maximum length of about 18 feet. The native names are “ular tendong selar,” “ular anang,” and “oraj totok.” It is found in the deep jungles of Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and Celebes. It is an aggressive species and will attack man. It is yellowish or olive-green apparently with black rings on the body. Three species of kraits also occur in Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, the Lesser Soenda Islands, and other islands west of Wallace’s Hue. All are distinguished by transversely enlarged scales along the vertebral column. The poison is very virulent. Kraits are not aggressive although they have a habit of lying In the dust near paths where they may be stepped on. The common krait {Bungarus candidus) known by the natives as “ular weling” and “oraj weling,” is lustrous black above with narrow white bands across the back. It is pearly white ventrally. This species is commonly found near human habitations because of its fondness for rats as food. The banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus) prefers jungle environments and is more sluggish. It is yellow above with broad 141 black rings. The yellow-headed krait (Bungarus flaviceps) is black with a red or yellow head. Pseudelaps mulleri and Micropechis ikaheka are members of the Australian fauna and are found in New Guinea. These species are po- tentially harmful. The death adder (Acanthophis an- tarcticus), a short clumsy snake, occurs in New Guinea and on the Molukkas. It varies in color always resembling the ground on which it lives. Several pythons (Family Boidae) are found in the Netherlands Indies. Although these snakes are some- times harmful as constrictors and biters they are never- theless nonpoisonous. Several species of sea snakes (Family Hydridae) live in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Usually they are found near the coast although sometimes they are observed far from land. They do not bite unless forcibly restrained. An interesting fact to be noted is that the flesh of all snakes is edible regardless of whether they are poisonous or harmless. The following is a list of Crotalidae and Elapidae known to occur in the Netherlands Indies: Crotalidae. Occur only in Greater and Lesser Soenda Islands (Asiatic Region). Trimeresurus gramineus Trimeresurus puniceus Trimeresurus monticola Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus Trimeresurus wagleri Agkistrodon rhodostoma Elapidae. (a) Greater and Lesser Soenda Islands (Asiatic Region). Bungarus fasciatus Bungarus candidus Bungarus flaviceps Bungarus javanicus 142 Naja naja Naja hannah Malic or a hivirgata Maticora intestinalis Callophis gracilis (b) New Guinea and adjacent islands (Australian Region). Acanthophis antarctic us Micropechis ikaheka Pseudechis scutellatus Pseudechis papuanus Pseudechis australis Aspidomorphus (Pseudelaps) mulleri Pseudapistocalamus nymani Apistocalamus loriae Apistocalamus pratti Apistocalamus grandis Apistocalamus lonnbergi Ultrocalamus preussi Toxicocalamus Stanley anus Glyphodon tristis Demansia (=Diemania) psammophis Demansia (= Diemania) olivacea Poisonous Fish Fish may be poisonous in two ways: By having toxic substances in their flesh thereby causing poisoning when eaten, or by producing poisonous substances which can be introduced by means of barbs or spines. Various species of puff toads or swell fishes (Tetraodon- tidae), known to the natives as “ikan boental”, are poisonous when eaten. There have been many cases of fish poisoning on Nias Island (near Sumatra) due to Clupea {=Harangula) perferata or Clupea fimbricata, species closely related to the herring, Clupea venosa, a common salt water species in the waters of the Nether- lands Indies, is also poisonous when eaten. Synaeia verrucosa, known among the natives as “ikan neve” or “ikan laper” has special poison glands in con- 143 nection with its dorsal fin rays. It lies concealed in the sands where it may easily be stepped on thereby adminis- tering a foot wound. Local pain, swelling, lymphangitis, gangrene, fainting, and vomiting usually result. The The spines may also be contaminated with tetanus bacillus. Inland in lakes and streams the best known poisonous fishes are the “catfish”, Clarius and Plotosus, which may cause with their barbules, wounds which develop gangrene and necrosis. These species are known to the native as “ikan leleh” and “ikan semailang,” They are common in rice fields. Poisonous Plants For information on poisonous plants in the Netherlands Indies reference should be made to the manual prepared by Dr. E. D. Merrill, “Emergency Food Plants and Pois- onous Plants of the Islands of the South Pacific”, War Department Technical Manual TM 10-420. Special attention is called to the physic nut (Jatropha curcas), castor oil plant (Ricinus communis), tree nettles (La- portea spp.), cowhage (Mucuna spp.), and Semecarpus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abu Hanifah, 1935. Over hirudiniasis. G. T. N. I., 75 (23): 1987-1992. Amm, H., 1933. Die geographische Verbrietung der Hakenwurmkran- kenheit und ihre Bedeutung fuer tropische Wirtschaft-Verhaltnisse. (Geographical distribution of ankylostomiasis and Its significance in household relations.) Inaugural Dissertation. Wurzburg, 125 pages. Assien Tahar, S., J. W. Eerkens, Djoehana, and Sardjito, 1940. Een geval van Kala-Azar. (A case of kala-azar.) G. T. N. I., 80 (6): 347-350. Braak, C., 1931. 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Statistisch Jaarverzicht van Nederlandsch- Indie over het Jaar 1936. 68-83. Indisch Verslag 1938. II. Statistisch Jaarverzicht van Nederlandsch- Indie over het Jaar 1937. 70-85. Indisch Verslag 1939. II. Statistisch Jaarverzicht van Nederlandsch- Indie over het Jaar 1938. 70-87. Societe des Nations. Organisation d’Hygiene. Rapport Epidemiologique Annuel. Statistiques Corriges des Maladies a Declaration Obligatoire 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939. Reports of Dienst der Volksgezondheid and Eijkman Institut. G. T. N. I., Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. M. D. V. N. I., Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-I ndi'e. T, v. E., Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. ABREVIATIONS USED Appendix A KEYS TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES These keys are translations, with some revision, of those of Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932), “Die Anophelen von Niederlandisch-Ostindien.” They were chosen be- cause they are the only keys available which have been prepared from Netherlands Indies material by entomolo- gists with extensive experience in this area. In translation every effort has been made to use precise English equiva- lents. Terminology and nomenclature have been made to conform with Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone (1943). Whenever necessary diagrams, photographs, specimens, descriptions and other keys were consulted. However some disadvantages due to translation probably still exist. Of possibly further disadvantage is the fact that the Dutch use somewhat different characters in their keys than are used by entomologists in this country. Practice should eliminate this difficulty. It is recommended that Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone (1943), “Keys to the Anopheline Mosquitoes of the World” be used as a complement to the keys of Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt. In using the former, the keys for the Australian region should be used for material from New Guinea, the Molukkas, and adjacent islands whereas the Malayan key should be used for the western part of the archipelago, i. e., the Greater and Lesser Soenda Islands. The disadvantages of the keys of Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone are that they have been prepared primarily from Australian, Malayan, and Indian sources, keys and de- scriptions and are not as readily adaptable to the Nether- lands Indies, 161 162 Key to the Identification of Male Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies 1. Wings not spotted 2 Wings spotted 7 2. Light yellow wings A. immaculatus (This form is regarded by Christophers (1933) as synonymous with A. vagus. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) regard it as a variety of A. sundaicus.) Brownish wings ‘ 3 3. 2nd marginal cell very short (about }i of petiole) or lacking 4 2nd marginal cell of normal length 5 4. 2nd marginal cell very short Bironella gracilis 2nd marginal cell lacking; the 2nd branch of the 1st vein present only at apical end papuae group. See Key A. 5. Palpus very short, about % the length of the proboscis. Antennae as in females (not plumose) B. travestitus Palpus slightly shorter or the same length as the proboscis 6 6. Large mosquito (about 5 mm.) with bright forked scales on the head and tufts of scales on the prothoracic lobes , Anopheles brevipalpis Small mosquito (about 3.5 mm.) with narrow forked scales on the head. Prothoracic scales lacking A. aitkenii. See Key B. 7. Six ventral tufts of black scales projecting from the abdomen. Proboscis usually pale in its distal portion. (Some of the tufts of scales may be lacking.) One distinct tuft of scales Is actually sufficient A. kochi Ventral abdominal tuft of scales lacking or if such are present, the proboscis, with the exception of the labella, is dark 8 8. Apical portion of the femur of the hind leg with a broad tuft of very long white scales which is fused with a somewhat smaller black subapical tuft A. annandelei No tuft of scales on the posterior femur 9 9. The distal end of the tibia which is often somewhat swollen and the adjacent basal part of tarsal segment of the hind leg are pale and appear as a wide pale area on the otherwise dark colored leg A. leucosphyrus and A. I. hackeri. See Key C, The tibio-tarsal joint of the posterior leg either not apparent or marked only by a small pale ring. 10 10. Tarsal segment 5 of the hind leg entirely white 11 Tarsal segment 5 of hind leg in every case partly dark 17 11. Tarsal segments 3-5 of hind leg entirely white 12 Tarsal segment 3 of hind leg partly dark 13 163 Key to the Identification of Male Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies—Continued 12. Femora and tibiae of all legs and hind tarsal segment 1 spotted A. ramsayi Legs not spotted, at the most with scattered pale scales fuliginosus group. See Key I. 13. Tarsal segments 4 and 5 of hind leg entirely white 14 Only tarsal segment S of hind leg entirely white 15 14. Wing predominately pale. The costa shows from the base to the apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 at least 4 distinct pale areas. (Include the apical pale area at the 2nd vein.).. A. schufneri Wings, especially the costa, dark. The latter shows no more than 3 pale areas A. hyrcanus pseudopictus (The apical tarsal segment at its joint is somewhat brownish; the 4th tarsal segment may have a brownish band.) 15. Legs spotted A. maculatus Legs not spotted 16 16. Palpus black with no more than indistinct small brown rings. Costa to apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 with only small pale spots A. albotaeniatus and montanus Palpus with distinct wide yellowish white areas; costa with at least 4 pale areas A. karwari 17. The costa from its base to the apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 with at least 3 pale areas 18 Costa with more than 4 pale areas 21 18. The light areas at the tip of the wing only at the apex of vein 3 or lacking T 19 In the same place a pale area which extends at least across the apices of the 2nd branch of vein 2 and vein 3 1 hyrcanus group. See Key D. 19. Two wide pale areas near the base and at the middle of the costa A. gigas sumatrana Basal and median pale areas either lacking or small 20 20. A pair of non-projecting groups of white scales on the II-VII abdominal segments ventral median or lateral. Whenever these are lacking there should be found on the posterior thoracic pleural sclerites at least 3-4 white hairs, usually there occur also from 3-20 white scales barbirostris group. See Key H. White scales on the ventral side of the abdomen and white scales as well as hair on the posterior thoracic pleural sclerites completely lacking A. umbrosus 164 Key to the Identification of Male Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies—Continued 21. Veins 3 and 6 with no more than 3 spots 22 Vein 3 and usually 6 with at least 4 small spots. Usually the num- ber of spots on veins 2-6 larger and therefore each spot is smaller than in other mosquitoes giving the wings a speckled appearance which is more apparent in female. The legs are distinctly spotted. There is a possibility of confusion in the differentiation between A. sundaicus and A. parangensis on one hand with A. tessellalus and A. longirostris on the other. For the other members of this group (A. leucosphyrus with white tibio-tarsal bands and A. punc- tulatus with white scales on the mesonotum) the danger of con- fusion does not exist punctulatus group. See Keys C and E. 22. Legs with small bands often imperceptible or almost lacking and also on the fore tarsus Myzomyia group. See Key F. Fore legs with obvious broad tarsal bands r 23 23. Wing with 9-10 fringe spots not only at or near the apices of the veins but also between the branches of vein 5 and between veins 5 and 6 A. parangensis Wing with 7-8 fringe spots at or near the apices of the veins Pseudomyzomyia group. See Key G Key to the Identification of Female Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies 1. Wings not spotted 2 Wings spotted 7 2. Pale yellow wings ' A. immaculatus (This form is regarded by Christophers (1933) as synonymous with A. vagus. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) regard it as a variety of A. sundaicus.) Brownish wings . 3 3. 2nd marginal cell very short (about }i the length of petiole) or lacking 4 2nd marginal cell of normal length S 4. 2nd marginal cell very short Bironella gracilis 2nd marginal cell not developed; posterior branch of second vein present only at apical end papuae group. See Key A. 5. Palpus very short, about % the length of the proboscis. B. travestilus Palpus at least % the length of the proboscis 6 165 Key to the Identification of Female Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies—Continued 6. Palpus about % the length of the proboscis. Large mosquitoes (about 5 mm.) with broad forked scales on the head. Tufts of scales on the prothoracic lobe Anopheles brevipalpis Palpus almost as long as proboscis. Small mosquitoes (about 3.5 mm.) with narrow forked scales on the head. Prot’horacic scales lacking A. aitkenii. See Key B. 7. Abdomen when viewed dorsally with 6 tufts of lateral scales pro- jecting from each side A. errabundus These tufts of scales not present 8 8. From a lateral view 6 tufts of black scales extend ventrally from the abdomen. When the basal half of the palpus is mostly yellow or brown and only a small black ring is apparent, and also the distal end of the proboscis is pale, there may be fewer than 6 tufts of scales (possibly only 1) A. kochi Black tufts of scales are lacking on the abdomen or only a single tuft is present near the posterior end. Then, however, the palpus Is entirely black or with a small pale ring and proboscis is dark with the exceptilon of the labella (specifically in A. barbirostris and A. hyrcanus). 9 9. The apical portion of the femur of the hind leg has a broad tuft of very long white scales which fuse with a subapical tuft of black scales which are somewhat less broad A. annandelei No tufts of scales on the posterior femur 10 10. The distal end of the tibia which is frequently somewhat swollen and the adjacent basal part of hind tarsal segment 1 are pale and stand out as a broad light spot in contrast to the rest of the dark colored leg. The wings are of the punctulatus type. (See couplet 22).A. I. leucosphyrus and A. I. hackeri. See Key C. The tibio-tarsal joint of the hind leg is entirely dark or with only a small pale ring 11 11. Hind tarsal segment 5 is entirely white. (N. B. Particular attention should be given as to whether or not the base of hind tarsal segment 5 is black for that occurs only in A. kochi which is characterized by the ventral tuft of scales) 12 The hind tarsal segment 5 Is partly dark in every case 18 12. Tarsal segments 3-5 of hind leg entirely white 13 Tarsal segments 5 or 4 and 5 of the hind leg entirely white 14 13. Femora and tibiae on all legs and hind tarsal segment 1 with pale spots on dark background. The pale area on the margin of the 166 Key to the Identification of Female Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies—Continued wing at the apex of the second branch of vein 2 reaching to vein 3 A. ramsayi Legs not spotted. At the most light scales are scattered among the dark. No light area at apex of posterior branch of vein 2 fuliginosus group. See Key I. 14. Tarsal segments 4 and 5 of hind legs entirely white., 15 Only tarsal segment 5 of hind leg entirely white 16 15. Wings predominately light colored. At least 4 pale spots on costa before apex of posterior branch of vein 2 A. schiiffneri Wings, especially costa, dark; at most with 3 distinct pale areas A. hyrcanus pseudopictus (probably A. montanus) (N. B. The tarsal segment 5 may have at its joint some brown pigment and segment 4 may have a brownish band.) 16. Legs spotted (femora, tibiae and tarsal segments 1). Apical quarter of the palpus light, with a black band in the middle of the light portion A. maculatus Legs not spotted, palpus not as described 17 17. Palpus black without apparent pale rings; costa up to the end of vein 2 with only 2 small pale spots.. A. alhotaeniatus & montanus Apical % of the palpus pale with two black rings within the pale area. Costa with at least 4 pale areas A. karwari 18. Palpus entirely black 19 Palpus with pale rings on a dark background (the light tip of the palpus is regarded as a ring) 20 19. Palpus because of thickly set scales appear very thick and shaggy. The ventral tufts of scales apparent on abdominal segment VII from lateral view. Scales are apparent on the posterior thoracic pleural sclerites barbirostris group. See KeyH. Ventral abdominal tuft of scales and scales on the posterior sclerites of the thoracic pleura lacking: palpus thinner and less shaggy. _ A. umbrosus 20. Palpi with 3 pale rings and with black tips. The costa with 3 pale areas of which the basal is the broadest extending from 1st to 4th vein forming a wide basal pale area.. A. gigas sumatrana Tip of palpus light 21 21. The costa to the apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 with at the most 3 pale areas. Palpus with 3 or 4 pale rings. (The pale tips are counted as rings.) However, only the apical and subapical are readily noticeable hyrcanus group. See Key D. 167 Key to the Identification of Female Anophelines of the Netherlands Indies—Continued Costa to the apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 with at least 4 dis- tinct pale spots 22 22. Veins 3 and 6 with not more than 3 spots. Palpus with 3 pale rings 23 Veins 3 and 6 with at least 4, usually 5 or 6 small spots. Palpus with more than 3 pale rings. Usually the number of spots on veins 2-6 is greater and therefore the individual spots are smaller than in other anophelines giving the wing a speckled appearance. The palpus with narrow black bands at bases of segments 4 and 5. Legs speckled punctulatus group. See Keys C and E. 23. The pale tip of the palpus is divided into two approximately equal parts by a dark band. The dark dividing band is either some- what wider or usually narrower to much narrower than one of the 2 light parts; it may be reduced to a few dark scales. The proboscis frequently shows a more or less apparent light apical portion (labella, however, is always light). Legs entirely dark or with very small light bands at the joints Myzomyia group. See Key F. Light tip of palpus divided with a black band so that the light part beyond the black band is 2-6 times as wide as the black band while the light part before the black band is significantly smaller than the apical light part 24 24. Wing with 9-10 fringe spots not only at or near the apices of veins but also between branches of vein 5 and between veins 5 and 6 A. parangensis Wing with 7 or 8 fringe spots at or near the apices of the veins Pseudomyzomyia group. See Key G. Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies 1. On all of the abdominal segments there are large anterior tergal plates (i. e., the tergal plate encloses the disc-shaped sclerotized plates which are found on the midline in the middle of each segment and usually entirely separated from the anterior tergal plates) . 2 No anterior tergal plate of this size on the abdominal segments, at the most one on segment VIII (papuae group and B. gracilis) or the 168 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued tergal plates appear on all segments only somewhat (slightly) larger than normal (Birondla travestitus) 4 2. Small branched hair on the inner side of the antenna. The inner clypeal hairs are close together. Prothoracic hair no. 1 is pal- mate A. aitkenii palmatus No branched hair on the inner side of the antenna. The inner clypeal hairs are separated from each other. Prothoracic hair no. 1 is branched and with a thick stem 3 3. Inner clypeal hair with side hairs, posterior clypeal hairs branched. A. aconitus Inner and posterior clypeal hairs bare and unbranched A. minimus and varuna 4. Small or large branched hair on inner side of the antenna 5 This hair is lacking 15 5. The hair on the inner side of the antenna is small, bearing a few branches i 6 This hair is large, bearing many side branches and arises from the antenna half way or more from the base 7 6. One pair of thoracic palmate hairs A. aitkenii. See Key B. Two pairs of thoracic palmate hairs papuae group. See Key A. No palmate hairs on the thorax 6a 6a. No palmate hairs on the abdomen A. brevipalpis Well developed palmate hairs on abdominal segments III-VII A. gigas sumatrana 7. Two pairs of palmate hairs on the thorax 8 One pair or no palmate hairs on the thorax 9 8. Outer clypeal hairs with 4-6 branches. Prothoracic hairs nos. 1 and 2 slightly branched B. gracilis Outer clypeal hairs branched at the most near the tip, prothoracic hairs 1 and 2 considerably branched B. travestitus 9. Bases of inner clypeal hairs apparently far apart. _ A. albotaeniatus Inner clypeal hairs very close together 10 10. No palmate hairs on thorax and abdomen 10a Well-developed palmate hairs at least on abdominal segments IV and V 11 10a Outer clypeal hairs with many, branches 50-60 A. umbrosus similissima Outer clypeal hairs with few, 5-16 branches 10b 10b. Outer clypeal hairs with 11-16 branches A. separatus Outer clypeal hairs with 5-8 branches.. A. umbrosus and A. hunteri 169 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued 11. Well developed palmate hairs only on abdominal segments IV and V. They are lacking on abdominal segments VI and VII and on thorax A. novumbrosus Well developed palmate hairs on abdominal segments III-VII__ 12 12. Prothoracic hair no. 1 unbranched or at the most branched once or twice near the tip 12a Prothoracic hair no. 1 branched,. 13 12a. Outer clypeal hairs with 5-6 branches A. peditaeniatus and A. alhotaeniatus Outer clypeal hairs with 50-60 branches. . A. hyrcanus. See Key D 13. Inner clypeal hair without side hairs 14 Inner clypeal hair with side hairs, often thick and long A. bancroftii and pseudobarbirostris 14. Outer clypeal hairs strongly branched A. ba.'birostris Outer clypeal hairs weakly branched A. barbumbrosus 15. Short but stout spines on the inner side of the antenna. Protho- racic hair no. 1 bulbous in the stem with radiating palmate hairs A. longirostris No such stout spines on the inner side of the antenna. Prothoracic hair no. 1, if well developed never palmate 16 16. Posterior clypeal hairs are unusually long and extensively branched A. longirostris annulata Posterior clypeal hairs are not as long and therefore not as strongly branched 17 17. The frontal hairs are unbranched; at the most the outer frontal hairs are forked. The inner frontal hairs are very short r-A. annandalei All frontal hairs of about equal length, plumose ... 18 18. Outer clypeal hairs definitely plumose or branched . . . (Not to be confused with A. hyrcanus or A. barbirostris which have an an- tennal hair and whose inner clypeal hairs are close together).. 19 Outer clypeal hairs not as extensively branched 21 19. Inner clypeal hair with strong lateral branches _•A. schuflneri Inner clypeal hair without lateral branches 20 20. Posterior clypeal hair almost as long as the inner clypeal hair A. incognitas Posterior clypeal hair }i as long as Inner 20a 20a Posterior clypeal hair with three branches. Inner occipital hair unbranched. Bases of the prothoracic hairs fused. The filament 170 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued of the well-developed palmate leaflet almost as long as the body of the leaflet A. fuliginosus. See Key I Posterior clypeal hair with 5-8 branches; inner occipital hairs with 2-4 branches; bases of prothoracic hairs not fused; the filaments of the well-developed palmate leaflets as long as the body of the leaflet A. philippinensis 21. Prothoracic hairs nos. 1 and 2 with well-developed bases 22 Base of prothoracic hair no. 1 small 25 22. Bases of the prothoracic hairs fused 23 Bases of the prothoracic hairs not fused 24 23. Inner and outer clypeal hairs with side haifs, the latter are at least half the length of the former A. punctulatus moluccensis Inner clypeal at the most with fine side branches, outer clypeal hair short and entirely bare.. A. leucosphyrus and hackeri. See Key C 24. The palmate leaflets pointed A. maculatus The points appear as though cut off; the end of the leaflet is con- sequently blunt A. karwari 25. Palmate leaflets with pointed ends but not drawn into filaments. 26 Palmate leaflets with obvious filaments 28 26. Middle and inner frontal hairs strongly branched A. punctulatus punctulatus Middle and inner frontal hairs weakly branched 27 27. Slightly pigmented yellow larva, occipital hairs long, unbranched or unforked. Prothoracic hair no. 1 light, about half the length of no. 2, with about nine branches. Antennae not pigmented A. kochi Dark larvae, occipital hair short, usually with three 6r four branches. Prothoracic hair no. 1 dark, about % the length of no. 2, with 2-6 branches. Antenna mostly dark A. tessellatus 28. Outer clypeal hair with four long branches A. amictus Outer clypeal hair unbranched; at the most, forked 29 29. Posterior clypeal hairs short, nearer each other than the distance between the inner clypeal hairs; situated near the inner clypeal hairs (sometimes almost between them) A. vagus Posterior clypeal hairs long, situated more posteriorly; distance be- tween them about equal or greater than distance between inner clypeal hairs 30 Prothoracic hair no. 1, with obviously pigmented base and numer- 30. ous (15) lateral branches. One of the long mesopleural hairs is 171 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued branched A. parangensis Prothoracic hair no. 1 with unpigmented small base and few (about 11) branches. Both long mesopleural hairs unbranched A. sundaicus and subpictus KEY A 1. Basal arm of the male hypopygium long 2 Basal arm very short and compact with 4-5 toothlike setae on the end B. soesiloi 2. Lower half of the basal arm broad, apical half attenuated ending in a head not covered with hair B. derooki Basal arm extended, cone shaped, covered with hair 3 3. Basal arm with four long lancet-like processes at the apex_ B.papuae Basal arm without these processes B. papuae brugi papuae group KEY B A. aitkenii etc. 1. On the abdominal segments of the larvae there are tergal plates as in aconitus and minimus which cover about % of the segment A. aitkenii palmatus No such dorsal abdominal plates on the larvae 2 2. Palmate leaflets notched so that the filament is separated sharply from the body of the leaf. Inner clypeal hairs branched or with side hairs or both 3 Palmate leaflets only superficially notched so that there is no sharp division between filament and body. Inner clypeal hairs close together, unbranched and without side hairs A. insulaeflorum 3. Inner clypeal hairs unbranched and with side hairs A. aitkenii Type I Inner clypeal hairs forked and with side hairs A. aitkenii Type II Inner clypeal hairs bifurcated or trifurcated, without side hairs A. aitkenii Type III Inner and outer clypeal hairs forked five or six times A. aitkenii Type IV (Jbengalensis) 562282—44 12 172 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued key c A, leucosphyrus etc. 1. Tibio-tarsal joint of the posterior leg of the female and male marked with white. Female palpus with small light rings 2 No “white heel” in the male and female. Female palpus with 2 or 3 small black rings on Its distal half 3 2. Rings on the palpus of the female very distinct, apical segment light for % of Its length. In the female the proboscis is only slightly longer than the palpus A. leucosphyrus leucosphyrus Palpal rings not distinct in the female; apical segment light for less than half of its length. The proboscis of the female is much longer than the palpus A. leucosphyrus hackeri 3. Abdominal segments II-VIII apparently covered thickly with scales dorsally and ventrally A. amictus Abdominal scales at the most only on segments VI-VIII A. punctulatus and other species of punctulatus group KEY D hyrcanus group 1. Light apical fringe spot on the wing extending from a point slightly basal the apex of the 1st branch of vein 2 to apex of vein 3. Two small light rings nearly at the tip of the palpus of the female and very close to each other. Ventral tufts of scales on the VII ab- dominal segment of the female. Larvae with palmate hairs. .3 The above mentioned fringe spot extends only from the apex of the second branch of vein 2 to apex of vein 3. The above mentioned apical and subapical palpal rings are fused together into one. No ventral tufts of scales on VII abdominal segment of female. Larva without palmate hairs 2 2. Wings with broad pale costal are as at the apex of the subcosta. Phallosome with leaflets. Outer clypeal hairs of the larva with 11-16 branches; outer occipital hairs with 5-6 branches A. separatus Wings with small pale costal areas at the apex of the subcosta. Phallosome without leaflets. Outer clypeal hairs of the larva with 1-2 branches A. hunteri 173 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued KEY D—Continued hyrcanus group—Continued 3. Outer clypeal hairs of the larva with few (about 6) branches A. peditaeniatus Outer clypeal hairs of the larva with 50-60 side branches 4 4. Hind tarsal segments 4 and 5 entirely or almost entirely white. A. hyrcanus pseudopictus (See note in female keys concerning this subspecies.) None of the hind tarsal segments white or whitish 5 5. Wide white apical bands on the hind tarsal segments 2, 3, 4, and basal white bands on hind tarsal segments 4 and 5. Pale costal area at apex of subcosta small and not reaching vein 1. Long spot at base of stem of vein 5 A. hyrcanus nlgerrimus Hind tarsal segments 2-5 with small white bands, only apical. Above mentioned pale costal area broader and reaching to vein 1. Spot at the base of vein 5 short A. hyrcanus sinensis KEY E punctulatus group 1. Thoracic scales only on the anterior margin and lateral. Prothoracic lobe at the most with a few scattered scales. Abdominal scales only on the VIII segment. The second palpal segment of the female pale apically without black or yellow apical ring 2 Thoracic scales on the entire mesonotum and scutellum. Prothoracic lobes with tufts of scales. Abdominal scales on segment VI- VIII. The second palpal segment of the female apically pale but in this apical pale part there is a subapical or apical black or yellow band 5 2. Proboscis of the female very long; about one-half again as long as the palpus. In the male the posterior legs including tarsal seg- ments spotted 3 Proboscis of the female of normal length. In the female the poster- ior legs only including tarsal segments spotted 4 3. Tarsal segments 1-4 of middle leg are brownish yellow. Hence the apical yellow bands of these segments are not apparent. Poste- rior clypeal hairs of the larvae short and nonbranched A. longirostris 174 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued KEY E—Continued punctulatus group—Continued Above mentioned tarsal segments black, the apical yellow bands showing conspicuously. Posterior clypeal hair of the larvae long, thick, and with 7-9 branches A. I. annulata 4. Palmate leaflets of the larvae serrate A. Ussellatus Palmate leaflets of the larvae small with smooth edges A. t. orientalis 5. Proboscis of female often (with exception of the labella) entirely dark. Base of the no. 1 and 2 prothoracic hairs of the larva well developed and fused A. p. moluccensis In the female the distal two-fifths of the proboscis is often pale col- ored. The prothoracic hair no. 1 of the larva has slightly devel- oped base which is not fused with no. 2 A. p. punctulatus KEY F 1. All clypeal hairs of the larva unbranched and without side hairs. Proboscis either entirely dark with exception of the labella or only the apical third is pale on the ventral side. Vein 6 with two elongated spots. Vein 3 with a basal spot. Margin of wing without pale area at the apex of vein 6 2 Inner and outer clypeal hairs of the larva with side hairs, posterior clypeal hairs branched 3-S times. Apical half of the proboscis is pale. Vein 6 with three short spots. Vein 3 without a basal spot. Fringe of the wing with a pale area at apex of vein 6_ A. aconitus 2. Female palpus with two (apical and subapical) pale rings separated by a single smaller dark ring. Basal third of the costa black, broken by pale areas. Three small spots on the stem and second branch of vein S (basal, tip, and bifurcation; the latter may be lacking). On the 1st branch of this vein there are 3 small spots. A. minimus minimus Above mentioned white rings of the female palpus not broader than the intervening ring. Basal third of the costa black without intervening light areas. Spots on vein 5 especially the one at the apex of the 2nd branch are longer A. minimus varuna Myzomyia group 175 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued KEY G Pseudomyzomyia group 1. Wings unspotted, pale yellow A. immaculatus (See note, couplet 1, female key.) Wings spotted 2 2. Legs spotted ; 3 Legs unspotted 4 3. Spot on the 1st branch of vein 5 covers at least half of the branch. Beneath the second large costal spot (counting from the base of the wing) lie two spots on vein 1, Tip of the palpus of the female consists of a pale yellow apical and a black subapical part, both of about the same width A. sundaicus Biological Form I. Fresh Water. Inland In Sumatra. Biological Form II. Brackish Water. Throughout the range of the species. Spot on the 1st branch of vein S covers about a third of this branch. Beneath the second large costal spot (counting from the base of the wing) there are 3 spots on vein 1.. The apical pale part of the female palpus is many times wider than the subapical black spot. (Breeds widely in fresh water) A. ludlozvi 4. In the male the white ring at the joint between fore tarsal segments 3 and 4 is very small. In the female there is a very small pale spot or ring on the proboscis basad the labella. The tip of the palpus consists of a wide pale apex and a small subapical black part the width of the pale part). Larvae with short outer clypeal hairs (% the length of the inner clypeal hairs). The posterior clypeal hairs are short, close together and placed quite far anteriorly, almost between the inner clypeal hairs__ A. vagus In the males there is a broad pale band on the joint between tarsal segments 3 and 4 of the anterior leg. In the female the proboscis with the exception of the labella is entirely dark. The outer clypeal hairs of the larvae are about the length of the inner clypeal hairs. The posterior clypeal hairs are far apart and situated well to the posterior S 5. Tip of the palpus of the female with white and black parts of the same width A. subpictus The width of the white part is at least twice that of the dark sub- apical part A. subpictus malayensis 176 Key to the Anopheline Larvae of the Netherlands Indies—Continued KEY H barbirostris group 1. Outer clypeal hairs of the larva with few, 17 or less, branches. Adult cannot be separated from Anopheles barbirostris A. barbumbrosus Outer clypeal hairs of the larvae with at least 40 branches usually many more (about 60) 2 2. The usual pale area of A. barbirostris at the apex of vein 3 is lacking. On the other hand such areas occur at the apices of one or both branches of vein 4. The femora and tibiae as well as all tarsal segments of all the legs show spotting due to scattered white scales. The inner clypeal hair of the larva with side hairs 3 Light area at the apex of vein 3 but not at the apex of vein 4. Legs not spotted. Inner clypeal hair bare A. barbirostris 3. Fringe spots at apices of veins 1, 1st branch of 2, both branches of 4, and vein 5 A. bancroftii Fringe spots only at apices of vein 1, 1st branch of 2, and 1st branch of 4 1 A. pseudobarbirostris KEY I fuliginosus group 1. In the male and female the bifurcation of vein S black. Hind tarsal segment 2 with white apex, % of the length of the segment. The inner occipital hair of the larva usually unbranched A. fuliginosus In the male and female the bifurcation of vein S is not black. Hind tarsal segment 2 with white apex almost half as long as the seg- ment. Inner occipital hair of the larva with 3-7 branches 2 2. White scales scattered on the ventral side of the abdomen. Palmate leaflets of the larvae with long filaments A. pallidus No white scales on abdomen. Palmate leaflets of the larvae with short filaments A. philippinensis Appendix B CHECK LIST OF THE ANOPHELINES OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The following list of anopheline mosquitoes has been compiled from Overbeek and Stoker (1938), Brug (1938), and Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932). It represents a consensus of opinion of Dutch investigators and is prob- ably as accurate a check list as can be prepared from the literature at the present time. The nomenclature is that used by Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone (1943) which ad- heres closely to that of Christophers (1933). The accepted Dutch names as given by Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) are included parenthetically when they differ with those of Russell, Rozeboom, and Stone (1943). Australian Species Anopheles (Myzomyia) meraukensis Venhuis, 1932. A. {M.) amictus Edwards, 1921. A. (M.) longirostris Brug, 1928 (— punctulatus longirostris). A. (M.) punctulatus punctulatus Doenitz, 1901 (—punctulatus typicus). A. (M.) p. moluccensis Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920 (= punctulatus var. moluccensis). A. (M.) p. novaguinensis Venhuis, 1933 (= punctulatus typicus var. novaguinensis). A. (M.) incognitus Brug, 1931. A. {Anopheles) bancroftii hancroftii Giles, 1902 {—barbirostris ban- crofti). A. {A.) stigmaticus stigmaticus Skuse, 1888. Bironella travestilus Brug, 1928 {—Anopheles travestilus). B. papuae (Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf), 1920 {—A. papuae typicus). 177 178 B. soesiloi Strickland and Chowdhury, 1931 (=A. papuae soesiloi). B. derooki Soesilo and van Slooten, 1931 (=A. papuae de Rooki). B. gracilis Theobald, 1905 (=A. bironelli). B. walchi (Soesilo) 1932 (= Brugella zvalchi). B. papuae brugi (Soesilo and van Slooten) 1931 (=A. papuae typicus var. brugi) and A. (M.) longirostris annulata Brug, 1930 (= punc- tulatus longirostris var. annulata) are of uncertain taxonomic status. Asiatic Species Anopheles (Anopheles) hrevipalpis Roper, 1914. A. (A.) gigas formosus Ludlow, 1909 (= gigas var. formosus). A. (A.) gigas sumatrana Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt, 1932. {A.) aitkenii aitkenii James, 1903. A. (A.) aitkenii palmatus Rodenwaldt, 1927. A. (A.) insulaeflorum (Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf), 1920 (= aitkenii var. insulaeflorum). A. (A.) separatus (Leicester), 1908 {= hyrcanus separatus). A. (A.) baezai Gater, 1933. A. (A.) umbrosus Theobald, 1903. A. (A.) novumbrosus Strickland, 1916 (= umbrosus var. novumbrosa). A. (A.) hunteri Strickland, 1916 (=hyrcanus hunteri). A. (A.) montanus Stanton & Hacker, 1913 (= albotaeniatus var. montana). A. (A.) albotaeniatus Theobald, 1903. A. {A.) barbumbrosus Strikland and Chowdhury, 1927 (== barbirostris var. barbumbrosus) A. {A.) bancroftii barbiventris Brug, 1938. A. (A.) barbirostris van der Wulp, 1884 (= barbirostris typicus). A. (A.) pseudobarbirostris Ludlow, 1902 (= bancrofti var. pseudo- barbirostris). A. (A.) hyrcanus sinensis Wiedemann, 1828. A. {A.) h. nigerrimus Giles, 1900 (= hyrcanus typicus var. nigerrima). *A. (A.) h. pseudopictus Grassi, 1899 (= hyracanus typicus var pseudopicta). A. {A.) annandalei Baini Prashad, 1918 (=annadalei var. djajasa- nensis). A. (Myzomyia) karwari James, 1903. (Occurs in New Guinea also.) A. (M.) kochi Doenitz, 1901. A. {M.) tessellatus Theobald, 1901 {—punctulatus tesselatus). A. (A.) leucosphyrus leucosphyrus Doenitz, 1901. 'Probably A. montanus, mistaken determination. 179 A. (Af.) I. hackeri Edwards, 1921 (= leucosphyrus var. hackeri). A. (Af.) minimus minimus Theobald, 1901. A. (Af.) m. flavirostris Ludlow, 1914. A. (Af.) aconitus Doenitz, 1902. A. (Af.) schufneri Stanton, 1915. A. (A/.) annularis van der Wulp, 1884 {—fuliginosus typicus). A. (Af.) pallidus Theobald, 1901 (—fuliginosus pallidus). A. (A/.) philippinensis Ludlow, 1902 ([=fuliginosus philippinensis). A. (A/.) vagus Doenitz, 1902. A. (A/.) subpictus Grassi, 1899. A. (Af.) sundaicus Rodenwaldt, 1926 (\=ludlowi var. sundaicd). A. (Af.) ludlozvi Theobald, 1901. (Ceram only.) A. (Af.) parangensis Ludlow, 1914. A. (A/.) maculatus maculatus Theobald, 1901. A. (A/.) errabunidus Swellengrebel, 1925. A. (Af.) ramsayi Coveil, 1927. A. (Af.) flavescens Swellengrebd and Rodenwaldt, 1921 is a form of uncertain taxonomic status described by Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) as similar to sundaicus and by Christophers (1933) as a possible synonym of sundaicus. A. (Af.) immaculatus James, 1902 is also of undetermined taxonomic status. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) consider it as close to sundaicus whereas Christophers (1933) considers it synonymous with vagus. Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932) record A. {M.) tessellatus orientalis Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920 (= punctulatus tesselatus var. orientalis) from Celebes, Ceram, and Boeroe. This was originally described as a variety of punctulatus. Appendix C DISTRIBUTION OF MALARIA VECTORS IN THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The maps and data in this appendix have been compiled largely from the monograph of Swellengrebel and Roden- waldt (1932). A note of caution must be injected concern- ng possible extension of some species since the writing of this monograph, such as the expansion of sundaicus into Celebes. Further it must be emphasized that the maps and lists include only the positive collecting records of the species i. e. collecting localities where a given species was not found have not been recorded on the maps as such. Nevertheless, with the exception of Borneo, these maps do give a fairly reliable picture of the distribution of the important vectors. Localities listed and given on the maps are those stations where the given species has been collected and is known to occur. Naturally they do not represent the only places where the species will be found. Areas where the various species have been recorded as definitely infected are shown with hatching. These data are compiled from various sources and are incomplete. It is only safe to assume that any one of these species is at least potentially a vector throughout its range in the Netherlands Indies. 181 182 1. (Appendix C.)—Anopheles sundaicus. Localities where specimens hare been collected. Areas where Infected specimens have been collected. 183 ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, South Bantam, North Bantam, Batavia, Tandjong Priok, Serang, Wijnkoops Bay, Sindangbarang, Genteng, Kepetakan, Cheribon. Middle Java: Tjilatjap, Babakan, Noesa kambangan, Gombong, Tegal, Semarang, Demak, Solo, Margaredjo. East Java: Toeban, Coast of Madioen Residence, Kediri Coast, Soerabaja, Pasoreosan,Probolinggo, Kraksaan, Besoeki, Panaroekan, Banjoewangi, Coast along Madoera Strait, South coast of Loemadjang, South coast of Djember, Coast of Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Kotaradja, Meulaboh, Smgkel, Tapatoean, Lho Soekon, Olehleh, Sigli, Lho Seumawe, Tjalang, Bireuen, Kroengradja. East Sumatra: Coast of Deli, North coast of Lake Toba, Lao Balang, Belawan (Deli) Samosir. West Sumatra: Sibolga, Padang Sidempoean, Greater Mandailing, Lesser Mandailing, Pan- goeroeran, Pahahi Plain, Rao, Angkola djoeloe, Fort v. d. Capellen, Lake Manindjau, Naras, Emmahaven. South Sumatra: Benkoelen, Lampongs. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Local variety In Koeala Sambodja near Balikpapan. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Bonthain. (Appareatly the range in Celebes is expanding.) OTHER ISLANDS; Poelau We, Simaloer, Nias, Siberoet, Enggano, Banjak Island, Anambas Island, Riouw Archipelago, Banka, Billiton, Edam, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa, Salajar, Flores, Alor, Pantar, Timor: (towns of Koepang, Wini, Atapoepoe) Wetar, Roma, Leti, Laboehan marege (Djampea group), Boetoeng. Anopheles sundaicus *Anopheles ludlowi immaculata ISLAND OF JAVA: Soerabaja. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Greater Mandailing, Deli. OTHER ISLAND: Soembawa. ISLAND OF CERAM: Piroe (Molukkas). Anopheles ludlowi ♦(Reported by Swellengrebel & Rodenwaldt (1932). Taxonomic status uncertain.) 184 2. (Appendix C.) Anopheles subpictus. Localities where specimens have been collected. Areas where infected specimens have been collected. 185 Anopheles subpictus ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, East Bantam, North Bantam, South Bantam, Tegal wangi, Tjikadoe, Serang, Batavia, Tandjong Priok, Soekaboemi, Tjiheha Plain, Djampang Region, Ban- doeng Plain, Soemedang, Cheribon, Kepetakan, Bandjar. Middle Java: Tjilatjap, Noesa kambangan, Babakan, Gombong, Tegal, Semarang, Margaredjo, Coast of Rembang Residence, Solo, Magelang. East Java: Coast of Madioen Residence, Coast of Kediri Residence. Modjowarno, Soerabaja, Coast along Madoera Strait, Pasoeroean, Probolinggo, Kraksaan, Besoeki, Panaroekan, South Loemadjang, South Djember, Banjoewangi, Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Kotaradja, Lho Seumawe, Lo- kop, Bireuen, Olehleh, Kroengradja. East Sumatra: North coast of Toba Lake. West Sumatra: Sidikalang. South Sumatra: Lam- pongs: (Uncertain) Kroe, Singkarak, Solok, Pahahi Plain, Mentawei Island. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Balikpapan. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Boekoekoemba, Balang Nipa, Kolaka, Bonthain, Makassar, Barroe, Parepare, 'Polewali, Madjene, Mamoedjoe, Boeol, Tolitoli, Leok, Kotamobagoe, Kendari. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Siberoet, Poelau We, Banka, Billiton, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa, Timor (Koepang), Alor, Panta, Wetar, Roma, Poelau Laoet, Djampea, Boeton, Moena, Bonerate, Salajar, Boeroe, Ambon, Haroekoe, Ceram, Gesar, Soela Islands, Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan, Misool, Goram Island. 186 3. (Appendix C.) Anopheles aconitus and A. minimus. T.—A. aconitus M.—A. minimus Vr.—A. varuna Localities where specimens have been collected. Areas where Infected specimens have been collected. 187 Anopheles aconitus and A. minimus T.—A. aconitus M.—A. minimus Vr.—A. varuna* ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, South Bantam, East Bantam, Tegal wangi, Tjikadoe, Serang, Batavia, Tandjong Priok, Buitenzorg, Soekaboemi, Wijnkoops Bay (T. M.), Djampang (T. M.), Tjiheha Plain (T. M.), Bandoeng, Soemedang, North Soemedang (T. M.), Bandjar. Middle Java; Tjilatjap, Noesa kambangan, Gombong, Tegal, Batoer, Semarang (T. M.), Oengaran, Kedong Kebo, Willem I, Magelang, Solo, Babakan. East Java: Inland and Coast of Madioen Residence, Modjowarno, Modjokerto, Kediri, Djatirogo, Soerabaja, Malang, Tambaksari, North Coast of Java along the Madoera Straits, entire South coast of East Java, South Loemadjang, Sitoebondo, Ban- joewangi, Island of Madoera. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Kotaradja (T. M.), Lokop, Belang kedjeren, Bireuen, Seulimeum, Tapatoean, Kroengradja (M.), Takengon, Kotatjane, Seroewai. East Sumatra: Coast of Deli, Deli Plain, Kisaran (M. T.), Lao Balang (M. T.). West Sumatra; Ang- kola djoeloe (T. M.), Padang Sidempoean (M. T.), Greater Mandailing (M. T.), Moeara laboeh (T. M.), Batang toroe (Vr.), Loeboek Sikaping (T. M. Vr.), Angoli (T. M.), Rao, Soendatar (T. M. Vr.), Pahahi Plain, Kajoetanam, Sidikalang, Fort de Kock, Padang Pandjang, Fort v. d. Capellen (T, M.). South Sumatra: Benkoelen, Ketahoen-Plain, Moeara aman, Tjoeroep, Lampongs. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Balikpapan. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Makassar, Rapang, Madjene, Toradja Region, Mandar, Paloe (M.), Boeol (M.), Paleleh (M.), Menado, Posso (M.), Palopo and Toma Plain, Kotamobagoe, Kolaka, Moeara Bay, Kendari. OTHER ISLANDS: Sabang (M.), Simaloer, Nias (M.), Bali, Lombok, Soembawa, Flores (M.), Soemba (M. T.), Alor (M.), Wetar (M.), Pantar, Timor (Koepang) (M.), Roma, Babar, Kisar, Sangihe (M.), Talisai (M.), Boeton, Moena. ♦Reported only by Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt (1932), Weyer (1939), Christophers (1933), and Overbeek and Stoker (1938) do not agree. Probably erroneous identification. 562282—44 13 188 4. (Appendix C.) Anopheles maculatus. Localities vhsre specimens have been collected. Areas where Infected specimens have been collected. 189 ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: East Bantam, Tjikadoe, Soeka- boemi, Djampang Region, Buitenzorg, Poentjak, Tasikmalaja, North Soemedang, South Soemedang, Bandjar. Middle Java: Batoer, Wonosobo, Bandjarnegara, Noesa kambangan, Semarang, Banjoe biroe. East Java: Madioen Residence, Soerabaja, Malang, South Malang, Kali Rawaan, South Banjoewangi, Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Takengon, Belang kedjeren. East Sumatra: Kisaran, Karoo Plain. West Sumatra: Sidikalang, Sibolga, Pandang Sidempoean, Greater Mandailing, Soendatar, Angkola djoeloe, Limau manis, Loeboek soelasih, Fort de Kock, Padangpandjang, Kajoetanam, Naras, Emmahaven, Angoli, Sawah Loento, Sandaran agoeng, Moeara laboeh. South Sumatra: Moera aman, Ketahoen Plain, Pager alam, Doerian. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Upper Mahakam. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Toradja-Lander, Watampone, Balang- nipa. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Enggano, Riouw, Banka, Natoena, Anambas, Boeton, Flores, Timor: (Koepang, Atamboea), Alor, (Aroe). Anopheles maculatus 190 Pd.—A. peditaeniatus H.—A. hunteri 5. (Appendix C.) Anopheles hyrcanus group. P.—A. hyrcanus pseudopictus Sp.—A. separatus Localities where specimens have teen collected. Areas where infected specimens have been collected. S.—A. hyrcanus sinensis V.—A. hyrcanus nigerrimus 191 Anopheles hyrcanus group S.—A. hyrcanus sinensis V.—A. hyrcanus nigerrimus P.—*A. hyrcanus pseudopictus Sp.~~.iL separatus Pd.—A. peditaeniatus** H.—A. hunteri ♦Probably hyrcanus nigerrimus. ♦♦Probably A. montanus. ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, East Bantam, South Bantam, Batavia (S. V. P.), Tandjong Priok (P.), Buitenzorg, Tjitjoeroeg, Soekaboemi, Tjiheha Plain, Bandoeng Plain, North Soeme- dang, Tjikadoe, Tegal wangi, Bandjar, Kepetakan (V. P.), Cheribon (V. P.). Middle Java: Tjilatjap (V.), Babakan, Gombong, Poer- woredjo, Tegal (V.), Pekalongan, Semarang, Magelang, Ambarawa (P.), Banjoe biroe, Solo. East Java: Madioen Residence, Lamongan, Mod- jowarno, Soerabaja, Probolinggo, South Loemadjang, Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA; Atjeh: Kotaradja (S. V.), Lho Soekon (P.), Lho Seumawe, Belang PIdie, Belang kedjeren, Talang akar, Takengon, Langsa, Meulaboh, Tapatoean, Kota Tjane, Lokop, Bireuen, Singkel (Sp.). East Sumatra: Deli Plain, Deli Coast, Kisaran, Karoo Plain, Tandjong Morawa, Bagan Siapiapi (Sp.), Rengat, Moeara Tebo, Laobalang. West Sumatra: Sidikalang, Toba Plain, Sibolga, Padang Sidempoean, Angkola djoeloe, Silindoeng Plain, Pahahi Plain, Greater and Lesser Mandailing (S. V.), Soendatar, Rao (P.), Fort de Kock (Sp. Pd.), Fort v. d. Capellen, Singkarak, Solok, Sawah Loento, Naras, Angoli, Moeara laboeh, Padang (Pd.), Pangoeroeran. South Sumatra: Ketahoen Plain, Kepahiang, Tjoeroep, Moeara amanj Aerprioekan (Sp.), Lampongs (P.), Kota agoeng. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Amoentai (Sp.), Sanggau, Singkawang, Barabay, Kendangan, Bandjermasin, Tajan, Tenggarong, Tandjong Redeb, Sankoelirang, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Boven Mahakam, Nan- gatajap. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Makassar (V.), Mamoedjoe, Palopo, Pampanoea, Parepare, Barroe, Paloe, Kotamobagoe, Sender. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Enggano, Riouw (H.), Natoena (Sp.), Banka (Pd.), Billiton, Krakatau, Karimoendjawa, Salajar, Timor (P.), Alor (P.), Ternate (P.). Unless indicated by the above key specimens were identified only as “hyrcanus group.” 192 6. (Appendix C.) Anopheles kochi. Localities where specimens have been collected. Areas where Infected specimens have been collected. 193 Anopheles kochi ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, South Bantam, Serang, Batavia, Tandjong Prlok, Buitenzorg, Soekaboemi, Poentjak, Tjimahi, Bandoeng, Bandjar, Tjiheha Plain, Tjikadoe, Tegal wangi, Kepetakan, Cheribon, North Soemedang. Middle Java: Tegal, Semarang, Magelang, Ambarawa, Tjilatjap, Noesa kambangan, Gom- bong, Solo. East Java: Madioen Residence, Modojowarjo, South Loemadjang, Bondowoso, Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Lho Seumawe, Lho Soekon, Meulaboh, Tapatoean, Lokop, Takengon, Kotatjane, Langsa. East Sumatra: Deli-Plain, Deli Coast, Kisaran, Laobalang, Moeara Tebo. West Sumatra: Sidikalang, Sibolga, Silindoeng Plain, Pahahi Plain, Padang Sidempoean, Greater Mandailing, Lesser Mandailing, Rao, Soendatar, Fort de Kock, Pajakombo, Padangpandjang, Fon v.d. Capel- len, Angoli, Kajoetanam, Naras, Emmahaven, Angkola djoeloe, Moeara laboeh. South Sumatra: Doerian, Martapoera, Moeara aman, Ket- ahoen Plain, Tjoeroep, Aerprioekan, Kepahiang, Lampongs. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Singkawang, Sanggau, Sintang, Ken- dangen, Balikpapan, Moeara Tewe, Samarinda, Tenggarong, Tarakan, Tandjong Redeb. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Paloe, Toli-Toli, Boeol, Menado, Posso, Kotamobagoe, Palopo, Watampone. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Poelau telo, Enggano, Simaloer, Riouw, Billiton, Banka, Batoe Island, Bali, Lombok, Soembawa, Soemba, Flores, Poelau Laoet, Soela Islands, Boeroe, Ambon, Ceram, Halmahera, Ter- nate, Aroe Islands. 194 — ' ' 1 ■ — I 7. (Appendix C.) Anopheles leucosphyrus leucosphyrus and Anopheles leucosphyrus hackeri. H.—Anopheles leucophyrus hackeri Localities where specimens have teen collected. Areas where infected specimens have heai collected. 195 Anopheles leucosphyrus leucosphyrus and Anopheles leuco- sphyrus hackeri H.-Anopheles leucosphyrus hackeri ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam. South Java: Tambaksari. East Java: South Malang. ISLAND OF SUMATRA; Atjeh: Langsa, Takengon. East Sumatra: Deli Plain, Deli Coast, Tandjong Balai, Kisaran, Moeara Tebo (H.). West Sumatra: Greater Mandailing, Soendatar, Kajoe- tanam, Sawah loento, Moeara laboeh, Angoli, Limau manis. South Sumatra:Benkoelen, Moeara aman, Aerprioekan, Doerian, Lampongs. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Sanggau, Balikpapan, Samarinda (H.), Tenggarong (H.), Tandjong Redeb, Tandjong Selor, Tandjong Palas, Tandjong Djoetar, Moeara Tewe, Upper Mahakam, Sekajam, Tajans Meliau, Tarakan, Sekadau, Nangatajap. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Madjene (H.), Mamoedjoe (H.), To- radjagebiet (H.), Tolitoli (H.), Paleleh, Posso (H.). OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Poelau Laoet, Boeton, Sangihe (H.), Talaud. 196 8. (Appendix C.) Anopheles umlrosus. Localities v&ere specimens have teen collected. Areas where infected specimens have been collected. 197 Anopheles umbrosus ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, Batavia, Tand- jong Priok, Sindangbarang, Bandjar. Middle Java: Noesa kamban- gan, Tegal, Semarang. East Java: Soerabaja, Pasoeroean, Tam- baksari. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Takengon, Singkel, Meulaboh, Lho Seumawe, Lho Soekon, Kroengradja, Olehleh. East Sumatra: Kisaran, Deli Coast, Deli Plain, Kateman, Rengat, Tandjong balai, Moeara Tebo. West Sumatra: Sibolga, Padang Sidempoean, Moe- ara laboeh, Greater Mandailing, Aerprioekan. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Sanggau, Simpang, Nangatajap, Balik- papan, Koeala Sambodja, Sekadau, Tandjong Redeb, Tenggarong, Tarakan, Upper Mahakam, Tini, Tandjong Selor, Sekajam. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Madjene, Posso. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Riouw, Banka, Billiton, Natoena, Boeroe. 198 9. (Appendix C.) Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus and Anopheles punctulatus moluccensis. P.—A. punctulatus punctulatus M.—A. punctulatus moluccensis n. d.-subspecies not determined Localities where specimens have been collected. Areas where Infected specimens have been collected. 199 Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus and Anopheles punctu- latus moluccensis P.—A. punctulatus punctulatus M.—A. punctulatus moluccensis n. d.—subspecies not determined. NEW GUINEA: Kokas (M.), Kaimana (M.), Fakfak (P. M.), Albatrosbiwak (P. M.), Meer Plain (P. M.), Batavia Biwak (P. M.), Pionier BIwak (P.), Prauw Biwak (M.)> Manokwari (n. d.), Merauke (n. d.), Tanah Merah (Digoel) (P. M.), Idora (P.), Schouten Island (P. M.), Sorong (M.), Hollandia (P. M.), Inland from Geelvink Bay (n. d.), Motor Biwak (P. M.). OTHER ISLANDS: Halmahera: towns of Sidangoli (P.), Tobelo (P. M.), Weda (P. M.), Maidi (P.), Gita (P.); Batjan Archipelago (P. M.), Poelau Salawati (M.), Misool (M.), Poelau Larat (P. M.), Japen Group (P. M.), Ceram (Piroe) (P. M.), Ambon (P. M.), Boeroe (P. M.), Ternate (P. M.), Aroe (P. M.), Soela Island (P. M.), Banggai Island (M.), Banda (P. M.), Saparoea (P.), Damar (P.). 200 10. (Appendix C.) Anopheles bancroftii and Anopheles pseudobarbirostris. B,—A. bancroftii Ps.—A. pseudobarbirostris Localities where specimens have been collected. 201 Anopheles bancroftii and Anopheles pseudobarhirostris B.—A. bancroftii Ps.—A. pseudobarhirostris NEW GUINEA: Pionierbiwouak (B.), Tanah Merah (B.). ISLAND OF CELEBES: Makassar (Ps.), Mamoedjoe (Ps.), Mad- jene (Ps.), Mandar (Ps.), Boeol (Ps.), Kotamobagoe (Ps.), Motoling (Minahassa) (Ps.), Menado (Ps.), Paloe (Ps.). 202 11. (Appendix C.) Anopheles barbirostris and Anopheles barbumbrosus. Bu.—A. barbumbrosus Localities where specimens have teen collected. Areas where infected specimens have heen collected. 203 Anopheles barbirostris and Anopheles barbumbrosus Bu—A. barbumbrosus ISLAND OF JAVA: West Java: West Bantam, South Bantam, North Bantam, Hinterland Bantam, Batavia, Buitenzorg, Tandjong Priok, Tjibodas, Poentjak, Tjiteureup, Djampang, Sindangbarang, Soekaboemi, Bandoeng, Tjiheha Plain, North Soemedang, Kepetaken, Cheribon, Tegal wangi, Tjikadoe, Bandjar. Middle Java: Tjilatjap, Noesa kambangan, Gombong (Bu.), Babakan, Maos, Banjoemas, Poerworedjo, Margaredjo, Tegal, Semarang, Rembang, Magelang, Djogja, Solo, Ambarawa. East Java: Toeban, Soerabaja, Lamongan, Djatirogo, Modjowarno, Wonosari, Madioen, Pasoeroean, Problinggo, South-Loemadjang, Malang, Banjoewangi, Madoera Island. ISLAND OF SUMATRA: Atjeh: Kotaradja, Takengon, Belang kedjeren, kotatjane, Sigli, Tapatoean, Lho Soekon, Bireuen, Lokop, Langsa, Meulaboh, Lho Seumawe, Singkel, Talang akar. East Sumatra: Deli-Plain, Deli-Coast, Kisaran, Moeara Tebo. West Sumatra: Sidikalang (Bu.), Sibolga, Silindoeng-Plain, Pahahi Plain, Padang Sidempoean, Greater Mandailing (Bu.), Lesser Mandailing (Bu.), Rao, Soendatar, Fort de Kock, Fort v.d. Capellen, Singkarak, Solok, Sawah loento, Padangpandjang, Naras, Kajoetanam, Moeara laboeh, Angoli, Angkola djoeloe. South Sumatra: Benkoelen, Kepahiang, Tjoeroep, Ketahoen Plain, Moeara aman, Kroe (Bu.), Lampongs. ISLAND OF BORNEO: Tandjong Redeb, Sanggau, Meliau, Samarinda, Tenggarong, Boeloengan, Bandjermasin, Rantau pandjang. ISLAND OF CELEBES: Makassar, Mamoedjoe, Toradja-Lander, Pampanoea, Parepare, Paloe, Pinrang, Madjene (Bu.), Rapang, Leok, Paleleh (Bu.), Tolitoli, Boeol, Kotamobagoe, Menado (Bu.), Sender, Motoling, Werot, Likoepang, Palopo, Posso (Bu.). NEW GUINEA: Kloof Biwouak, Fakfak, Sorong (Bu.), Noeseroe. OTHER ISLANDS: Nias, Mentawei, Siberoet, Banka, Riouw, Bali, Lombok (Bu.), Moena (Raha), Sanana (Bu.), Boeroe (Bu.), Sangihe, Talaud (Bu.), Salajar, Halmahera (Bu.), Ambon (Bu.), Soela Island (Bu.), Ceram (Bu.), Saparoea (Bu.), Haroekoe (Bu.), Timor (Bu.), Wetar, Kisar, Flores, Pantar (Bu.), Alor, Soembawa. Soemba. 562282—44 14 Appendix D CHECK LIST AND KEYS FOR THE IDEN- TIFICATION OF CULICINE MOSQUI- TOES OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE. List of Culicines of Medical Importance in the Netherlands Indies [Compiled with some revision from J. Bonne-Wepster and S. L. Brug, Nederlandsch-Indische Culicinen, Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- landsch-Indii, 77 {9/10), 1937.] In 1937, 238 species of culicine mosquitoes were known to occur in the Netherlands Indies. Since that time at least twelve additional species, none of which are of medical importance, have been recorded. The following list contains all species known in 1937 which commonly attack man in addition to some more common species which do not attack man. Armigeres {Armigeres) ohturbans (Walker), 1860 Armigeres {Armigeres) confusus Edwards, 1915 Armigeres (Armigeres) denbesteni Brug, 1925 Armigeres {Armigeres) lacuum Edwards, 1922 Armigeres (Armigeres) malayi (Theobald), 1910 Armigeres {Armigeres) moultoni Edwards, 1914 Aides (Stegomyia) albolineatus (Theobald), 1904 Aides (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse), 1894 Aides (Stegomyia) annandalei Theobald, 1910 Aides (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus), 1762 Aides (Stegomyia) scutellaris (Walker), 1859 (=variegatus) Aides {Ochlerotatus) vigilax (Skuse), 1901 Aides (Aidimorphus) vexans (Meigen), 1830 Aides (Aidimorphus) alboscutellatus (Theobald), 1905 Aides (Aidimorphus) caecus (Theobald), 1901 Aides {Aidimorphus) imprimens (Walker), 1901 Aides (Banksinella) lineatopennis (Ludlow), 1905 Aides {Aides) funereus ornatus (Theobald), 1905 Aides {Finlaya) niveus (Ludlow), 1903 Aides {Finlaya) albolateralis (Theobald), 1908 204 205 Aides {Finlaya) poicilius (Theobald), 1903 Aedeomyia venustipes (Skuse), 1889 Mansonia {Mansonioides) annulata (Leicester), 1908 Mansonia {Mansonioides) annulifera (Theobald), 1901 Mansonia (Mansonioides) longipalpis (van der Wulp), 1892 Mansonia {Mansonioides) indiana Edwards, 1930 Mansonia {Mansonioides) papuensis (Taylor), 1914 Mansonia {Mansonioides) uniformis (Theobald), 1921 Culex {Lutzia) fuscana Wiedemann, 1820 Culex (Lutzia) halifaxii Theobald, 1903 Culex {Culex) fatigans ( = quinquefasciatus) Wiedemann, 1828 Culex {Culex) mimulus Edwards, 1915 Culex {Culex) sitiens Wiedemann, 1828 Culex {Culex) annulirostris (Theobald), 1905 Culex {Culex) vishnui (Theobald), 1901 Culex {Culex) tritaeniorhynchus siamensis Barraud and Christophers, 1931 Culex {Culex) hitaeniorhynchus Giles, 1901 Culex {Culex) gelidus Theobald, 1901 ■ Culex {Culex) whitmorei (Giles), 1904 Culex {Culex) sinensis Theobald, 1903 Culex {Culex) fuscocephalus Theobald, 1907 Key to the Determination of the Genera of Nether- lands Indies Culicine Mosquitoes 1. (a) Proboscis strongly decurved; V-shaped thickening at the fork of vein 5 Megarhinus (b) Proboscis straight or slightly curved; no thickening as described in 1 (a) 2 2. (a) Tip of proboscis enlarged with very long hairs Harpagomyia (b) Proboscis normal 3 3. (a) Erect wing scales long and narrow, enlarged at the tip and end- ing in two points; small mosquities Hodgesia (b) Wing scales other than in 3 (a) 4 4. (a) Erect scales at various places giving the mosquito a moldy ap- appearance._ Aides (Mucidus) (Part of the Pardomyia group) (b) No erect scales or only a few limited to the abdomen and legs 5 5. (a) Dark clouds on wing membrane over cross veins; large orange colored mosquitoes Aides {Mucidus) (Pardomyia group) (b) No dark clouds as described in 5 (a) 6 206 Key to the Determination of the Genera of Nether- lands Indies Culicine Mosquitoes—Continued 6. (a) Occiput with shining, metallic, sky-blue scales; moderately large mosquitoes Tripteroides (In part) (b) Such scales not present on the occiput or when they are present, very small mosquitoes 7 7. (a) Occiput with a metallic area of silver scales; median broad silver stripe of broad scales on the mesonotum Topomyia (b) Mesonotum without median stripe, or if present formed of narrow scales 8 8. (a) Abdomen of the female upturned; wing scales very broad Mansonia {Mansonioides) (b) Abdomen or wing scales not as described in 8 (a) 9 9. (a) Microtrichia on the wings visible as dark points with magnifica- tion of 80 diameters 10 (b) No microtrichia visible with magnification of 100 diameters; „ small mosquitoes Uranotaenia 10. (a) Metallic scales on the mesonotum and abdomen; postnotum with hair Heizmannia (b) Not as described in 10 (a), (Armigeres flavus frequently has some hair on the postnotum but lacks the metallic colored scales) 11 11. (a) Postspiracular hairs present. _ Aides or Armigeres {Armigeres). {Armigeres {Armigeres): Large mosquitoes without markings on the feet, proboscis or dorsal side of the abdomen; the mesonotum has at the most a pale border. Aides: Members of this genus are usually smaller. Their markings vary con- siderably.) (b) No postpiracular hairs 12 12. (a) Antennae short, the apical segment obviously not elongate Aedeomyia (b) Antennae normal, the apical segment much longer than the basal segment 13 13. (a) Very large mosquitoes with speckled femora and tibiae and un- banded tarsi; a series of at least five hairs on the anterior margin of the mesepimeron Culex {Lutzia) (b) Obviously not large mosquitoes; not more than two hairs on the anterior margin of the mesepimeron 14 14. (a) Few pleural hairs; the uppermost sterno-pleural hairs absent; not more than two pro-epimeral hairs; but with spiracular hairs present Tripteroides (In part) 207 Key to the Determination of the Genera of Nether- lands Indies Culicine Mosquitoes—Continued (b) Uppermost sterno-pleural hairs present or more than two pro- epimeral hairs present; spiracular hairs lacking IS 15. (a) Pulvilli present in the female, most distinct on the fore and middle legs; small In the male Culex (b) Pulvilli absent or rudimentary 16 16. (a) Fore tarsal segment 1 longer than 2, 3, 4, and S together; 4 very short; wings spotted as in the anophelines; female palpus Yr-Vi as long as the proboscis Orthopodomyia (b) Fore tarsal segments not as described in 16 (a). Wings not spotted 17 17. (a) Postspiracular area mostly with black scales Armigeres (Leicesteria) (b) Postspiracular area without scales 18 18. (a) First forked cell about as long as the petiole Ficalbia (Mimomyia) (b) First forked cell about as long as the petiole 19 19. (a) Large or moderately large mosquitoes; yellowish brown in color; proboscis normal Mansonia (Coquillettidia) (b) Small mosquitoes; principal color neither yellow nor brown; proboscis of male with thickening at apex; proboscis of female with very slight thickening or none at all Other subgenera of Ficalbia. A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance 1. (a) Very large mosquitoes with metallic colors, a strongly decurved proboscis, almost angulate, which becomes thinner near the tip; a V-shaped thickening at the margin of the wing between the apices of the branches of vein 5 Genus Megarhinus (b) No metallic colors; proboscis straight or slightly curved; no “V” between the forks of vein 5 2 2. (a) Wings with light and dark scales 3 (b) Wing scales entirely dark, at the most with a few light scales at the base of the costa 14 3. (a) A large part of vein 1, i. e. at least the basal half, with light scales (in females a large part of vein 5 also). Mesonotum with broad yellow marginal stripes Aides (Banksinella) lineatopennis 208 A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance—Continued (b) Light areas or specks on the wing veins alternating with dark. Mesonotum not as in 3 (a) 4 4. (a) Two large pale areas on the costa and vein 1 and a smaller pale area at the apex of the wing Culex {Culex) mimulus (b) Wings with pale specks sometimes also with small pale areas. 5 5. (a) Wings with pale areas and specks; the pale wing scales are entirely or partly white 6 (b) Wings with only pale specks consisting of, at the most, a few scales; the pale wing scales are all yellow or yellowish 7 6. (a) Pale areas and specks on the wing entirely white. Abdomen dorsally with numerous small well-defined white spots on a dark background. Scales on the mesonotum small, and mostly dark Aedes {Finlaya) poicilius (b) Pale areas and yellow specks on the wings. Abdomen indis- tinctly marked with white, yellow, or light brown scales. Scales on the mesonotum broad, more light than dark Aedeomyia venustipes 7. (a) Erect wing scales long and narrow. (The erect scales near the apex of the wing may be broader than those near the base.) . 8 (b) All or nearly all of these erect scales are broad. Abdomen of the female short and turned upwards at the caudal end (Genus Mansonia, subgenus Mansonioides) 10 8. (a) A well-defined broad pale band at about the middle of the pro- boscis. Anterior %—% of the mesonotum with paler scales than the rest Culex {Culex) bitaeniorhynchus (b) Proboscis and mesonotum otherwise 9 9. (a) Proboscis when viewed from beneath is dark at the base and from there cream-colored for about half Its length with the rest dark. Anterior margin of the cream-colored portion Is well-defined. _ Aedes (Ochlerotatus) vigilax (b) Proboscis when viewed from beneath otherwise. Whenever it is partly cream-colored, this part Is not sharply defined anteriorly and often extends almost to the tip Aedes {Aedimorphus) vexans 10. (a) Mesonotum with two longitudinal stripes of greenish, pale scales. Mansonia {M ansonioides) uniformis (b) Mesonotum otherwise 11 209 A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance—Continued 11. (a) Strikingly pale-colored mosquitoes, yellow to light brown. Four silver-white areas on the mesonotum; scutellum with broad, silver-white scales Mansonia (Mansonioides) annulifera (b) Dark mosquitoes, brown to brownish black. Mesonotum other than in 11 (a) Scutellum with small scales 12 12. (a) Mesonotum with an approximate figure-8 of yellow scales. Bands and areas on the legs Mansonia (Mansonioides) annulata (b) Mesonotum without pattern or with areas of pale blue scales. Bands and areas on the legs white 13 13. (a) Very dark mosquitoes. Tibia of foreleg with six well-defined bands Mansonia (Mansonioides) longipalpis (b) Lighter mosquito; more brownish. Tibia of the foreleg with 10-15 scattered white specks Mansonia (Mansonioides) indiana 14. (a) Erect wing scales broad. Femora with dirty yellow areas Mansonia (Mansonioides) papuensis (b) Erect wing scales narrow. Femora other than in 14 (a) 15 15. (a) Proboscis with well-defined light band at about half its length, covering at least one-third of the proboscis 37 (b) Proboscis without such a band. (Proboscis sometimes pale for more than half its length.) 16 16. (a) Hind tarsus with pale bands 17 (b) Hind tarsus without pale bands 24 17. (a) Scales of the mesonotum form no well-defined pattern 18 (b) Mesonotum with well-defined markings of white scales on a dark background. (Genus Aedes, subgenus Stegomyia) 20 18. (a) Femora not speckled 19 (b) Femora speckled 9 19. (a) Integument of the pleura dark brown to almost black. Light bands on the hind tarsus conspicuous; the width of these bands on the first three tarsal segments Is greater than the diameter of the segment at the location of the band Aedes (Aedimorphus) imprimens (b) Integument of the pleura light brown. The pale bands on the hind tarsus not visible to the naked eye; they are not as wide as the diameter of the segment Aedes {Aedimorphus) caecus 210 A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance—Continued 20. (a) Mesonotum with so-called lyre shaped figure Aides (Stegomyia) aegypti (b) Mesonotum marked differently than in 20 (a) 21 21. (a) Mesonotum with broad silver-white area anteriorly Aides (Stegomyia) annandalei (b) Mesonotum with median silver-white stripe for its entire length or the greater part of its length 22 22. (a) Hind tarsus with three white bands Aides (Stegomyia) albolineatus (b) Hind tarsus with five white bands. (The fifth tarsal segment which is entirely white is counted as a white band.) 23 23. (a) Pleura with white spots Aides (Stegomyia) albopictus (b) Pleura with longitudinal stripes. _ Aides (Stegomyia) scutellaris 24. (a) Somewhat more than the anterior half of the mesonotum thickly covered with silver-white scales Aides (Finlaya) niveus (b) Similar to 24(a) but with a median broad black stripe on the mesonotum Aides (Finlaya) albolateralis (c) Mesonotum without the obvious silver-white markings 25 25. (a) Femora with pale specks. Large mosquitoes (Genus Culex, subgenus Lutzia) 26 (b) Femora without spots. Large or smal mosquitoes 27 26. (a) Abdominal tergites entirely dark ol at the most a few apical pale scales on the posteriorabdr ominal segments Culex (Lutzia) halifaxii (b) Posterior abdominal tergites with broad yellow apical bands; in the female posterior abdominal tergites frequently entirely yellow Culex (Lutzia) fuse ana 27. (a) Abdominal tergites with pale basal bands --Culex (Culex) fatigans (=quinquefasciatus.) (b) Abdominal tergites with pale bands transversely across the middle of the segments so that these have a dark apex and base. (Mesonotum with pale margin anteriorly and laterally; with dark spot surrounded by light in front of scutellum and a pair of submedian dark areas surrounded by light; a narrow median pale stripe faintly indicated.) Aides (Aides) funereus ornatus (c) Abdominal tergites without light bands 28 211 A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance—Continued 28. (a) Occiput with many forked scales and many small curved scales; broad flat scales only on the sides 29 (b) Occiput mainly with broad flat scales at the most a few forked scales near the neck and a few, usually Indistinct, narrow curved scales 30 29. (a) Scutellum, sparsely covered with narrow, curved, cream-colored scales. Pleura with two parallel, horizontal, unsealed dark stripes, anteriorly the light Integument shows between the parallel dark stripes; posteriorly the parallel dark stripes are separated by a stripe of flat white scales Culex [Culex) fuscocephalus (b) The entire scutellum covered thickly with broad, flat, silver- white scales (a very striking character). Integument of the entire pleura darker with a few areas of silver-white scales. _ Aides (Aedimorphus) alboscutellatus 30. (a) Scutellum with flat broad scales 31 (b) Scutellum with narrow curved scales (Genus Aides, subgenus Aides) 40 31. (a) Small mosquitoes. The ventral and lateral edges of the ab- domen dark or faintly marked by the presence of dirty yellow scales (Genus Aides, subgenus Cancaides) (b) Large mosquitoes. The ventral and lateral edges of the ab- domen with conspicuous markings of white or cream-colored scales (Genus Armigeres, subgenus Armigeres)_ 32 32. (a) Abdominal sternites II-VI entirely covered with white scales. 33 (b) Abdominal sternites II-VI with black and white bands 34 33. (a) Clypeus with white scales. Abdominal sternite VII entirely white Armigeres (Armigeres) malayi (b) Clypeus without scales. Abdominal sternite VII black Armigeres (Armigeres) confusus 34. (a) The white stripe on the outer margin of the hind femur is con- tinuous to the knee joint; abdominal sternites II-VII with a black band 35 (b) The white stripe on the outer margin of the hind femur does not extend to the knee joint 36 35. (a) Abdominal sternite VII almost entirely black Armigeres (Armigeres) denbesteni (b) Abdominal sternite VII almost entirely white Armigeres (Armigeres) obturbans 212 A Key to the Determination of Culicine Mosquitoes Primarily of Medical Importance—Continued 36. (a) Abdominal sternite VII entirely black Armigeres {Armigeres) moultoni (b) Abdominal sternite VII with a few subapical or apical white scales Armigeres (Armigeres) lacuum 37. (a) Abdominal tergites with apical bands. Anterior % of the mesonotum with cream-colored scales conspicuously con- trasting with the darker posterior / femora speckled Culex (Culex) sinensis (b) Abdominal tergites with basal bands or areas (at the most small apical band on tergite VII) 38 38. (a) Anterior % of the mesonotum covered with snow-white scales. 39 (b) Mesonotum without conspicuous marking although the scales are frequently not all of the same color 40 39. (a) The snow-white anterior portion of the mesonotum does not have extensions reaching almost to the posterior margin and is therefore separated entirely from the scutellum by a dark area. Basal T-shaped band on the abdominal tergites. . Femora not spotted Culex {Culex) gelidus (b) The snow-white anterior part of the mesonotum sends white extensions almost to the posterior margin of the mesonotum. Three-pronged pale basal bands or median basal areas on the abdominal tergites. Femora speckled Culex {Culex) whitmorei 40. (a) Middle femur speckled 41 (b) Middle femur not speckled 42 41. (a) Bases of forked cells approximately equidistant from the base of the wing Culex {Culex) annulirostris (b) Base of the anterior forked cells at greater distance from the wing Culex {Culex) sitiens 42. (a) Mesonotum with many cream-colored scales. Base of forked cells approximately equidistant from the base of the wing Culex {Culex) vishnui (b) Mesonotum, except the scutellum, with small, dark, narrow scales, no cream-colored scales among them. In the female the base of the anterior forked cell is farther from the wing base than the posterior forked cell. This is sometimes true also in the male although usually the base of the forked cells are equidistant from the base of the wing Culex {Culex) tritaeniorhynchus siamensis 213 Appendix E CHECK LIST AND KEYS FOR THE IDEN- TIFICATION OF TICKS OF THE NETH- ERLANDS INDIES Check List of Ticks Known to Occur in the Nether- lands Indies This list is based largely on that of Krijgsman and Ponto (1932) with some new records. In general doubtful records and synonyms due to mistaken identification have been omitted. It must be remembered that the tick fauna of the Netherlands Indies is still not well known and that many more species may subsequently be found. Genus Amhlyomma 1. A. babirussae Schulze, 1933 Distribution: Borneo, north Celebes, Minahassa Hosts: wild hogs, Sus babirussa 2. A. caelaturum perfectum Schulze, 1932 Distribution; Sumatra Hosts: reptiles 3. A. cordiferum Neumann, 1899 Distribution: Banda Is. (Molukkas), Krakatau Hosts: pythons and other reptiles 4. A. cyprium Neumann, 1899 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: reptiles, wild hogs, cattle, buffalo 5. A. dammermanni Warburton, 1927 Distribution: Java, Kei Islands Hosts: unknown 214 6. A. follax Schulze, 1932 Distribution: Sumatra Hosts: (?) 7. A. feuerborni Schulze, 1932 Distribution: East Java Hosts: reptiles 8. A. geomydae (Cantor), 1847 Distribution: Pinang Hills, Sumatra; British North Borneo Hosts: tortoise {Geomyda spinosa) 9. A. helvolum Koch, 1844 Distribution: Java, Borneo (Sarawak), Sumatra, Nordwachter (Java Sea) Hosts: Far anus salvator, Mobuia multifasciaia, and other reptiles 10. A. infestum borneense Schulze, 1936 Distribution: Borneo Hosts: wild hogs 11. A. papuana Hirst, 1914 Distribution: Southern Dutch New Guinea Hosts: unknown 12. A, robinsoni Warburton, 1927 Distribution: Komodo Island Hosts: giant lizard, Varanus komodoensis 13. A. sublaeve Neumann, 1899 Distribution: Sumatra, Java Hosts: Manis javanica 14. A. testudinarium Koch, 1844 Distribution: Sarawak, Borneo, Sumatra, Bali, Lombok, Soemba Hosts: man, cattle, water buffalo, pigs, wild boar, tiger Genus Ixodes 1. I. acanthoglossi Lucas, 1878 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: anteater 2. I. cordifer Neumann, 1908 Distribution: New Guinea, Celebes, Ambon (7. cordifer bibex Schulze, 1935), Waigeu Island Hosts: probably various mammals 3. I. granulatus Supino, 1897 Distribution: Java, Sumatra Hosts: various rodents 215 4. I. holocyclus Neumann, 1899 Distribution: Kei Islands Hosts: man (in Australia), dog, sheep, cattle, other mammals, domestic fowl 5. I. (Endopapiger) luxuriosus Schulze, 1935 Distribution: North New Guinea Hosts: rodents 6. 1. praematurus Schulze, 1935 Distribution: Timor Hosts: small birds 7. I. priscicollaris Schulze, 1932 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: flying phalangers 8. I. spinicoxalis Neumann, 1899 Distribution; Sumatra, West Java Hosts: small carnivores, rodents, shrews 9. I. steini Schulze, 1933 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: small marsupial mammals 10. I. trimaculatus Lucas, 1879 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: lizard, Varanus chlorostigma 11. I. kopsteini Oudemans, 1925 Distribution: Ambon Hosts: ? Genus Dermacentor 1. D. atrosignatus Neumann, 1901 Distribution; New Guinea, Australia Hosts: man, monkeys 2. D. auratus Supino, 1897 Distribution: Java, RIouw Archipelago, Soela Islands, Sumatra Hosts: deer, wild boar, bears Genus Aponomma 1, A. draconis Warburton, 1933 Distribution: Komodo Island Hosts: Uranus komodoensis 2. A. gervaisi (Lucas), 1847 Distribution: Java, Sumatra, New Guinea Hosts: reptiles 216 3. A. lucasi. Warburton, 1910 Distribution: Java Hosts: snakes (Coluheride) 4. A. oudemansi Neuman, 1910 Distribution: New Guinea Hosts: anteaters 5. A. traheatum Schulze, 1933 Distribution: North New Guinea Hosts: lizards 6. A. trimaculatum Lucas, 1878 Distribution: Sumatra, New Guinea Hosts: snakes, horses, cattle Genus Haemaphysalis 1. H. bispinosa Neumann, 1897 Distribution: Borneo (Sarawak), North Sumatra, West Java, East Soembawa, South and East Celebes, Kariman-Djawa Hosts: many large mammals, moles, domestic fowl 2. H. calvus Nuttall and Warburton, 1915 Distribution: British North Borneo Hosts: water buffalo (Bos huh alii) 3. H. cornigera Neumann, 1897 Distribution: British Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, East Soembawa, Kariman-Djawa Hosts: large mammals. 4. H. leachi (Audouin), 1827 Distribution: Sumatra, West Java, Borneo (Sarawak) Hosts: large mammals. 5. H. hystricis Supino, 1897 Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak), Celebes, Riouw Archipelago Hosts: large mammals. 6. H. monospinosa Krijgsman and Ponto, 1932 Distribution: Riouw Archipelago—east of Sumatra Hosts: dwarf deer, Tragulus kanchil. 7. H. novae-guineae Krijgsman and Ponto, 1932 Distribution: Merauke (Southern New Guinea) Hosts: wild hog. 8. H. papuana Thorell, 1882 Distribution: Java, Borneo, Sumatra, New Guinea, Sanghii, Ambon, Soembawa, Soela, Halmahera, Alor, Saparoea Hosts; large mammals. 217 9. H. toxopei Warburton, 1927 Distribution: Boeroe (Molukkas) Hosts: bats. 10. H. Wellington. Nuttall and Warburton, 1908 Distribution: Borneo (Sarawak), South Sumatra, Java, New Guinea Hosts; water buffalo, dog. 1. R. haemaphysaloides Supino, 1897 Distribution: Sumatra, Java, Roti, Madoera, Soembawa, Celebes, Soemba, Sawoe, Timor, Alor, Southeast Borneo Hosts; man, many other large mammals, rodents. 2. R. intermedius Neumann Distribution: Sumatra Hosts; Tarsius spectrum. 3. R. sanguineus (Latreille), 1804 Distribution: world-wide distribution, everywhere where dogs have penetrated. Java, Soemba, Sumatra, Madoera, Timor, Alor, Ambon, Saparoea Hosts: man, dog, cattle, buffalo, goats, and many other mam- mals. Genus Rhipicelphalus Genus Boophilus 1. B. annulatus australis. Distribution: widely distributed throughout the Netherlands Indies: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Boetoeng, Soela, Lombok, Timor, Tanimbar Islands, New Guinea, west Ceram, Ambon, Madoera and all of the innumerable little islands of the archipelago where cattle are found. Hosts: cattle, buffalo, horse, goat, deer, Bos sundaicus. Note: The Netherlands Indies specimens have been arranged into the three species listed below. 2. B. (Uroboophilus) rotundiscutatus Minning, 1934 Distribution: Celebes, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Soemba, Timor, Ambon, Bali. Hosts: cattle, buffalo. 3. B. {Uroboophilus) longiscutatus Minning, 1934 Distribution: New Guinea, Soela Island Hosts: cattle. 4. B. (Uroboophilus) krijgsmani Minning, 1934 Distribution: Sumatra, Soela, Bali, New Guinea, Soemba, Celebes, Borneo Hosts: cattle. 218 Genus Hyalomma 1. H. aegyptium (Linnaeus), 1758 Distribution; West Java Hosts: cattle. Note: Introduced into Java from British India with imported cattle. Has not spread and may have died out. Genus Argus 1. A. persicus Oken, 1812. Distribution: West Java, Soemba—also world-wide, wherever chickens are raised. Hosts: birds (domestic fowl), mammals, occasionally man. Keys to the Identification of the Ticks of the Netherlands Indies These keys are translations, with some revision, of the keys of Krijgsman and Ponto (1932) which are the only ones available for this area. Since the time when these keys were compiled several additional species have been found (see check list), a fact to be borne in mind when the keys are used. However in view of the amount of time devoted by Krijgsman and Ponto to the study of the Netherlands Indies ticks it can be assumed that their keys deal with all of the more common species. a. Capitulum ventral, not visible dorsally. Peritremes at the level of the third intercoxal space Argasidae (A. persicus) b. Capitulum on the anterior margin of the body. Peritremes posterior to the 4th pair of legs Ixodidae Ixodoidea 219 Keys to the Identification of the Ticks of the Netherlands Indies—Continued Ixodidae Anal groove lies anterior to the anus, its arms bend posteriorly. Ixodes Anal groove absent or lying posterior to the anus with arms bending anteriorly 1 1. Anal groove and festoons present 2 Anal groove and festoons absent Boophilus (B. annulatus) 2. Basis capituli (from dorsal view) hexagonal Rhipicephalus Basis capituli with 3, 4, or S sides 3 3. Palpi long. (Second segment much longer than wide.) 4 Palpi short. (Second segment not as long or only slightly longer than wide.) 6 4. Eyes present S Eyes absent Aponomma 5. 2nd palpal segment much longer than 3rd Amhlyomma 2nd palpal segment about as long as 3rd Hyalomma 6. Scutum ornate, eyes present Dermacentor (D. auratus) Scutum not ornate, eyes absent Haemaphysalis Males Rhipicephalus a. Innermost pair of anal plates elongated, pear-shaped with only slightly concave inner margins R. sanguineus b. Innermost pair of anal plates sickle-shaped with strongly concave inner margins R. haemaphysaloides Females a. Scutum clearly longer than broad with fine punctuations, body mod- erately covered with hair R. sanguineus b. Scutum about as long as broad and covered with coarser punctuations, body densely covered with hair R. haemaphysaloides Haemaphysalis Males Coxa IV with two long spurs H. cornigera Coxa IV with one short spur 1 1. Scutum almost twice as long as wide 2 Scutum shorter 3 562282—44 15 220 Keys to the Indentification of the Ticks of the Netherlands Indies—Continued Haemaphysalis—Continued 2. The dorsal posterior margin of the third palpal segment with a spine H. novae-guinea* The dorsal posterior margin of the 3rd palpal segment without a spine H. leachi 3. Marginal grooves well developed, long ! 5 Marginal grooves poorly developed, visible only near the peritremes. 4 Marginal grooves absent ; 6 4. Cornua weakly developed. Small spur on ventral side of 3rd palpal segment H. papuana Cornua well developed, very large spur on ventral side of 3rd palpal segment . H. monospinosa 5. Cornua well developed, cervical groove poorly developed (short and shallow) H. bispinosa Cornua poorly developed, cervical groove well developed (long and deep) H. Wellington 6. Festoons on dorsal side longer than wide. Scutum with dots mixed with larger spots H. hystricis Festoons on dorsal side wider than long. Scutum with many fine dots only H. toxopei Females The cervical groove reaches the posterior margin of the scutum H. toxopei The cervical groove does not reach the posterior margin of the scutum 1 1. The third palpal segment with spine on dorsal side 2 Third palpal segment without spine on dorsal side 3 2. Cornua absent H. Wellington Cornua present 4 3. Second palpal segment bears dorsally on the lateral surface a broad 3-sided protrusion which points posteriorly H. leachi No such protrusion 5 4. Peritremes approximately round, cornua short and blunt, scutum oval in shape. Cervical grooves converge first, then usually bend abruptly outwardly H. bispinosa * H. novae-guinea of Krijgsrnan and Ponto, 1932 is preoccupied by H. novaeguinae of Hirst. 1914. 221 Keys to the Identification of the Ticks of the Netherlands Indies—Continued Haemaphysalis—Continued Peritremes pear-shaped, cornua well-developed, scutum round. Cervical grooves form deep grooves at distance from anterior margin of the scutum and then become shallow and bend toward the margin H. hysiricis 5. The second palpal segment with a well-developed lateral protuber- ance; the scutum has a feather-like margin H. cornigera The second palpal segment without a well developed lateral protu- berance; margin of scutum not feather-like. H. papuana Amhlyomma Males Festoons on dorsal side not visible _* H. papuana Festoons on dorsal side easily visible 1 1. Basis capituli from dorsal view triangular. Legs with shiny green flecks dorsally at the joints A. robinsoni Basis capituli from dorsal view quadrangular 2 2. Scutum ornamented. 3 Scutum not ornamented..., A. sublaeve 3. Second palpal segment twice as long as third 4 Second palpal segment less than twice as long as third A. cyprium 4. Scutum no longer than 3 mm,, ornate with seven clearly marked pale flecks one of which lies in the middle A. helvolum Scutum S mm. long or longer, ornated differently 5 5. Scutum gold-yellow with dark brown ornaments. Legs light brown with pale rings at the joints. Coxa I with two spurs of unequal length A. testudinarium Scutum dark brown with pale ornaments. Legs dark brown and dorsally with a few pale flecks A. caelaturum Females Scutum with pale flecks 1 Scutum without pale flecks 7 1. Scutum with only three distinct pale flecks on each side 2 Scutum otherwise 4 2. Second palpal segment three times as long as third, basis capituli forms an approximate trapezoid (with its base anterior). A. caelaturum Second palpal segment is less than three times as long as the third, basis capituli different than in caelaturum 3 222 Keys to the Identification of the Ticks of the Netherlands Indies—Continued A mblyomma—Continued 3. Coxa II with two spurs, peritremes in shape of equilateral triangles A. robinsoni Coxa II with a spur, peritremes comma-shaped A. helvolum 4. Basis capituli clearly triangular A. geomydae Basis capituli otherwise S 5. Marginal grooves developed A. testudinarium Marginal grooves undeveloped or absent 6 6. Scutum triangular, posterior angle acute, hair long A. cyprium Scutum more heart-shaped, posterior angle blunt, hair short A. dammermani 7. All coxae have two spurs each A. papuana Not all coxae have two spurs each 8 8. Coxa I and II each with two well developed spurs, innermost spur on Coxa III reduced to a small knoblet, marginal grooves absent A. cordifer urn Coxa I with two broad flat blunt spurs, the other coxae each with one broad flat blunt spur; marginal grooves present A. sublaeve Males Ixodes Basis capituli quadrangular I. holocyclus Basis capituli five sided ' 1 1. Posterior margin of Coxa II with two spurs /. cordifer Posterior margin of Coxa III with one spur I. granulatus Females Coxa I with a very long spine on the inside of the posterior margin I. spinicoxalis Coxa I with a weak spine on the inside of the posterior margin 1 1. Arms of anal groove converge considerably, legs yellow-red I. holocyclus Arms of anal groove diverge, legs dark brown I. granulatus Appendix F TABLES FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF TROMBIGULID LARVAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES Larvae of Trombiculid Mites The tables in this appendix have been adapted without modification from Walch (1922, 1927) and are the most complete descriptions available in the literature. Actu- ally because of lack of specimens in this country there is no way of ascertaining their accuracy and usefulness. It should be remembered that in so far as can be ascertained in none of the species known to occur in the Netherlands Indies have the adult mites been found. Furthermore it is quite likely that hitherto undescribed species may be encountered which will complicate the use of the tables. Nevertheless it appears that the material compiled in these tables should at least serve as a starting point in the identification of these larvae. 223 224 Points for differentiation T. muris T. oudemansi n. sp. T. acuscutellaris Color: Deep red. Red. Macroscopical aspect Y ellowish-white Yellowish-white, sometimes orange. Scutum: T .1 /• • -i 36 SO 68. 54 . 72 - 77. Relative position of sensory hairs Posterior lateral hairs 10 micra Posterior lateral hairs 12 micra Posterior lateral hairs 9 micra and posterior lateral hairs. behind the sensory hairs. behind the sensory hairs. behind the sensory hairs. Length of anterior lateral hair 17 27 42. (in micra). 39 77. Length of sensory hairs (in micra). 24.. Morphology of sensory hairs Clubshaped; with distinct hairs. Clubshaped. Oblong. Hairs Long and slender; distal part (measurements in micra). Length of stem 7; length of very distinct; length of stem with 2-3 spines and 8-9 hairs body 17; width of body 6. 8; length of body 31; width nearly all on external side; - of body 9. ratio about 2:3. Eyes: Anterior eye much bigger than Size: Refractiveness Probably anterior eye>posterior Anterior eye> posterior eye. An- eye. terior eye more refractive the posterior one. than posterior one. Hairs of trunk: Number of hairs (average): 24 38 + 8 on posterior border of 19. Dorsal surface 32 or 34 body. 30 24. SPECIFIC DETERMINATION OF TROMBICULAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES 225 Situation of dorsal hairs in trans- verse rows. Length of dorsal hair (average) (in micra). Number of lateral branches of dorsal hairs (first and second row): Convex side (in each of both rows). Concave side (in each of both rows). Number of hairs on coxae: First pair 10,6,6,4,4,2(10,6,6.6,4,2)... 20 8,8, 8,4,2 (2,6.6,2,6,6,2) 22 8,6,6,4.2. 60. 10-13. 6-7. 3-6 2-S 2-3 2-3 Second pair Third pair Palp: Number and kind of hairs; Genu 1 feathered hair, 2 plain hairs. plumose). Tarsus (appendiculum) 4 feathered hairs (3 with only 1 6 feathered (1 very conspicuous). 8 feathered hairs (one very con- branch), 3 plain hairs, 1 seta. 1 plain hair, 1 seta. spicuous), 1 seta. 2 2 3. 20 32 43. micra). Rat (Deli). 226 SPECIFIC DETERMINATION OF TROMBICULAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued s Points for differentiation T. schuffneri T. deliensis T. pseudo-akamushi Color: Red Orange-red, sometimes yellow- Deep red. Red. ish-white. Scutum: 55 - 37 anterior lateral hairs, 60. 84 - 74 99. Relative position of sensory hairs and posterior lateral hairs. Length of anterior lateral hair (in micra). Length of sensory hairs (in micra). Morphology of sensory hairs (measurements in micra). Eyes: 61 behind the sensory hairs. 39 behind the sensory hairs. 46. 29 61 60. Clubshaped with very minute hairs; length of stem 7; length of body 27; width of body IS. Anterior eye> posterior eye Long and slender; distal part within total 9 hairs; ratio of proximal (naked) and distal part about 1:1. Anterior eye>posterior eye. Long and slender; distal part with 6-9 hairs on the external side; ratio about 1:1. Anterior eye>posterior eye. Hairs of trunk: Number of hairs (average): Sometimes the anterior eye is more refractive than the pos- terior one. 227 Dorsal surface 42 28 . 20. 12 (13). 8, 6, 4, 2 (8, 6, 2. 4). Ventral surface 30 21 Situation of dorsal hairs in trans- 10, 10, 8, 8, 6 (with slight varia- 10, 6, 6, 4, 2 verse rows. tion). Length of dorsal hair (average) (in micra). 30 42 (large individual variation)... 44. Number of lateral branches of dorsal hairs (first and second row): Convex side (in each of both 6-8 9-12 7-8. rows). Concave side (in each of both 2-4 3-6 3-S. rows). Number of hairs on coxae: First pair Second pair Third pair Palp: Number and kind of hairs: Trochanlero-femur 1 feathered hair. 1 plain hair. 1 feathered, 2 plain hairs. Genu.... 1 feathered hair, 2 plain hairs 1 feathered, 2 plain hairs (1 of the latter on ventral surface). 7 feathered hairs, 1 rod shaped seta. 7 feathered (one of them very conspicuous), 1 plain hair, 1 Number of prongs of claw 2 2 (3) seta, 2. Chelicerae: Length of hook (in micra). S3 23 42. Galea: Hair Unfeathered. Swine; man; fowl (Deli). Host: Kind of host 228 SPECIFIC DETERMINATION OF TROMBICULAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Points for differentiation T. pseudo-schuffneri T. glabrum T. globulare Color: 34. 61. Posterior lateral hairs 3 micra in front of sensory hairs. 43. 25. Clubshaped with very minute hairs. Length of stem 6, length of body 19, width of body IS. Pseudostigmata very close to each other. Anterior eye>posterior one An- terior eye more refractive than posterior one. 41-38+7 on posterior. Scutum: Pentagonal with anterior mar- gin; longer than lateral margin. 49 . The 2 halves of the posterior margin meet one another at a sharp angle. 49 76 SO Relative position of sensory hairs and posterior lateral hairs. Length of anterior lateral hairs (in micra). Length of sensory hairs (in micra). Morphology of sensory hairs (measurements in micra). Eyes; Posterior lateral hairs 6 micra in front of sensory hairs. 67 Posterior lateral hairs 17 micra behind the sensory hairs. 28 - 36 29 Clubshaped with very minute hairs; length of stem 10; length of body 26, width of body 13. Anterior eye>posterior one. An- terior eye more refractive than posterior one. Clubshaped, with distinct hairs. Length of stem 4; length of body 25, width of body 13. Probably only 1 eye present, perhaps none. Hairs of trunk: Number of hairs (average): Dor- sal surface. 229 Situation of dorsal hairs in trans- verse rows. Length of dorsal hair (on an average) (in micra). 12, 6, 6, 4, 4 (with slight indi- vidual variation). 4.D ... 8 6, 6, 2 With individual variation, eg. 10, 6, 6, 8, 6, 2. 33. Distinct Very distinct. Number of lateral branches of dorsal hairs (first and second row: Convex side (in each of both rows). Concave side (in each of both rows). Number of hairs on coxae: 7 9 6-8 9-12. 3-4 7-8. 1. 1 1. 2. Palp: Number and kind of hairs: 1 feathered hair. 1 (long) plain hair 1 feathered hair. _L. 3 plain hairs 3 feathered hair. 6 feathered (one of them very conspicuous), 2 plain hairs. 5-6 feathered hairs (1 of them very consplscuous), 1 plain hair? _ T ! f _ f 1 2. .Number ot prongs ol cisw....... Chelicerae: Length of hook (in micra). 32 23- - 30. Unfeathered... Slightly feathered. Man, rat (Lampong districts, South Sumatra). Rat (Lampong districts).. Rat (South Celebes). 230 Points for differentiation T. densipiliata T. vandersandei T. wichmanni Color: Red Red. Red. Scutum: Nearly hexagonal. The an- terior margin is the longest one; posterior border slightly curved inward. Resembles that of T. pseudo- akam., only the posterior margin is curved inward in middle. 51 81 Relative position of sensory hairs and posterior lateral hairs. Length of anterior lateral hair (in micra). Length of sensory hairs (in micra). Morphology of sensory hairs (measurements in micra). Eyes: behind the sensory hairs. SI sensory hairs. 45 Long and slender; distal part with 1 spine and three rows of hairs (4, 5, 5), ratio about 4:3. Anterior eye much bigger than the posterior one and much more refractive. 58 Clubshaped; with very minute hairs. Long and slender; distal pan with about 5 hairs. Hairs of trunk: Number of hairs (average): Dorsal surface SO 24. SPECIFIC DETERMINATION OF TROMBICULAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued 231 35 42 14. 6, 6, 6, 6 (newly hatched larvae). Situation of dorsal hairs in trans- verse rows. Length of dorsal hair (on an aver- age) (in micra). Number of lateral branches of dorsal hairs (first and second row) Convex side (in each of both rows). Concave side (in each of both rows). Number of hairs on coxae; 10,9, 12, 11,6,4, 4,2 12, 10, 10, 10, 8 SO 7-9 3-S... Palp: Number and kind of hairs; Tibia 1 hair with 1 branch, 2 plain 1 feathered hair, 1 plain hair 1 feathered, 2 plain hairs. hairs. spicuous), 1 seta. 2 plain hairs (1 of them is short). 3 2 2. 44 micra). forest. New Guinea. 232 SPECIFIC DETERMINATION OF TROMBICULAE OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Points for differentiation Leeuwenhoekia australiensis SchGngastia salmi Color: Macrbscopical aspect Scutum: Form In the middle of the anterior margin there is Posterior part slightly corrugated. Length (in micra) a forwardedly directed, elongated process (length 27 micra). 86 60. 10S. Relative position of sensory hairs and Posterior lateral hairs 4 micra in front of Sensory hairs half way the line connecting the posterior lateral hairs. sensory hairs. anterior and the one uniting the posterior Length of anterior lateral hairs (in micra). lateral hairs. Equal to the distance between the two anterior Length of sensory hairs (in micra) Morphology of sensory hairs (measure- 61 Long and slender distal part with 4 or 5 side- lateral hairs. Clubshaped (resembling those of T. vander- ments in micra). hairs, ratio of proximal (naked) and distal sandei, T. schuffneri, etc.) with very minute part about 2:3. hairs. Pseuodostigmata widely apart, hidden in a body falx. Eyes: Anterior eye much larger than posterior one, Anterior eye>posterior one... also much more refractive. Hairs of trunk: Number of hairs (average): Dorsal sur- 64+6 on border 116+12 on border. face. 233 Situation of dorsal hairs in transverse rows. Length of dorsal hair (on an average) (in micra). 8, 14. 8, 10,8, 6,4 48 14, 12, 10, 10. 10. 10, 10, 10. 10. 10. 10. Number of laterial branches of dorsal hairs (first and second row): Convex side (in each of both rows).. Concave side (in each of both rows).. Number of hairs on coxae: 10-12 2-8 2 . 1. 1 1. 3. 1 Palp: Number and kind of hairs: Tibia 2 feathered hairs and 1 plain hair or 3 feath- ered hairs. 3 1 3. Chelicerae: Length of hook (in micra) S3 Galea: Hair Unknown (Java)i Name of species Kinds of hairs T. schufneri T. deliensis T. pseudoakamushi T. muris Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines First leg: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s s s |S or 1 » 4 3 1 4 2 1 4 3 1 1 4+ 4 1 3 1 8 2 1 8 2 1 8 2 1 8 2 1 20 3 1 1 21 3 1 1 21 3 1 1 21 2 1 1 Second leg; 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 J6+ or I 7+ 14 3? I 6 segment 17 1 1 1 1S-17 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 234 NUMBER AND KINDS OF HAIRS ON THE LEGS OF TROxMBICULIDS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES 235 Third leg: 1 segment 1 1 1 1 2 segment 2 2 2 2 3 segment 3 3 3 3 4 segment 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 S segment 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 segment 14 (*) IS 13 (•) 112£ 1 (, or 14 1 6 One very long. 562282—44 16 236 NUMBER AND KINDS OF HAIRS ON THE LEGS OF TROM- BICULIDS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Kinds of hairs Name of species T. oudemansi T. acuscutellaris 7\ densipiliata *c3 xs T3 o c V X3 £ J5 CO *c PQ V OS *-> 1) T3 V a rt -C p2 5 e 'a CO *«s Xi 1) fi B *-> V U* CO JJ *s PQ V a T3 O a TJ & CO V .2 ‘a CO JS T3 1) fa B U3 ci ao B Tj *C PQ V rt 13 a & 8 .2 *a CO First leg: i Is 4 8 22 1 I6 3 6 16 1 3 6 14 i {1 4 8 21 {i 3 6 16 {i 3 6 14 1 1 s 4 8 22 1 2 4 3 6 15 1 2 3 3 6 14 2 2 3 1 i i 0(1?) 4 segment 5 segment 6 segment--- Second leg: 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 i i i 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 6 segment Third leg: i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 (*) 1 1 { One very long. * 237 NUMBER AND KINDS OF HAIRS ON THE LEGS OF TROM- BICULIDS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Kinds of hairs Name of species T. vandersandei4 T. tvichmanni* T. pseudo-s chuffnerx J-s -o V V JS ft V U-i jj V ft *d V a ft -G *d & V C ‘a CO CO c -a *d g ♦-» V *c CQ ft *•» V *d a e« -d 8 a *a co c3 'O g ja ft V fC0 *c M 05 d V *d a c* -g *d 0 09 V G *a CO First leg: 1 1 5 4 8 18-21 1 2 4 3 6 16 1 2 3 3 6 14 i 3 1 i i i 3 2 3 i i i i i 1 — i Second leg: 1 1 i i i 1 2 1 1 .... i i i Third leg: 1 I i i (•) 1 1 « * After A. C. Oudemans. I suppose that Dr. Oudemans had not the intention to give a list of all the plain hairs, but only of those he considered to be a kind of sensory hairs; so we cannot compare his account with ours without further explanation. I have added his figures though, in order to give as much information as possible about the Trombidia, that Dr. Oudemans has described already nearly 20 years ago. 5 One very long. 238 NUMBER AND KINDS OF HAIRS ON THE LEGS OF TROM- BICULIDS OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES—Continued Name of species / T. glabrum T. globulare Leeuwenhoekia traliensis aus- Kind of hairs Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines Feathered hairs Bristles Rod-shaped setae Spines First leg: 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 5 J 4 2 1 4 1 i 4 2 1 8 2 1 8 2 i 8 2 1 19 3 1 1 20 3 1 i 23 2 1 1 Second leg: 1 1 1 1 2 I5 5 4 3 2 1 3 1 4 1 6 2 1 6 2 6 2 16 1 1 1 17 1 1 i 16 1 1 Third leg: 1 1 1 2 segment !is | 2 |4 1 3 i 3 1 3 1 4 1 6 6 1 >6 1 16 IS » 13 * One of which is short, thin and possesses only one side hair. • Two of them very long, with only a few side hairs at the base, ending > One of them as described for the long hairs of the fifth article. as a whip. Appendix G NOTES ON THE CLIMATOLOGY OF THE NETHERLANDS INDIES The following notes have been extracted from the rather extensive treatment by Braak (1931) on the climatology of the Netherlands Indies. Sumatra.—Sumatra has a typical wet, humid, tropical climate. On the west coast the annual rainfall is 110 to 155 inches, although this figure is exceeded in some local- ities. In general all of coastal Sumatra and its adjacent islands have a very similar climate characterized as very rainy with but traces of the monsoon winds