OUTLINE • of ULTRA-VIOLET THERAPY By / A. J. PACINI, M. D. » ' * Second Edition 1923 Poole Bros. Chicago Copyright 192/, by A. J. PACINl/M. D. Oak Park, III. Curare, Cito, Tuto, etJucunde Contents Page Introduction 5 CHAPTER I General Principles 7 CHAPTER II Air-Cooled Lamp 23 CHAPTFIR III Water-Cooled Lamp 34 CHAPTER IV Regional Actinotherapy 47 CHAPTER V Regional Actinotherapy 67 CHAPTER VI Fractional Actinotherapy 77 CHAPTER VII General or Systemic Actinotherapy .90 CHAPTER VIII Intensive Actinotherapy 123 CHAPTER IX Bactericidal Actinotherapy 138 CHAPTER X Abiotic Actinotherapy. 156 CHAPTER XI Actinotherapy in Metabolism 169 Introduction STATURAL history is everywhere replete with cf ? indisputable evidence that there exists always s|!J a mutually reciprocal relation between an SsJlj organism and its environment. On the basis of these mutual relations Darwin propounded and defended the theory of evolution that has done much to reorganize the scientific attack in the study of the prob- lems of life. It is not unnatural to suspect that there must be an influence that accrues as a result of a constant immer- sion in the actinic photosphere that envelopes our planet; and if we observe the many phenomena that are in constant progression about us, we can see at once innu- merable and striking examples of what Loeb has so beautifully termed “slavery to light.” With the perfection of methods for producing ultra- violet energy there has come a correspondingly great increase in the purposeful clinical application of the same; and there exists today a rather tangible science that indicates with reasonable clinical accuracy the unusual therapeutic benefit that can be derived from ultra-violet usage. As in all scientific endeavors, there are some few individuals who stand* out pre-eminently conspicuous in this field; and I may mention Professor Wm. Bayliss, Professor Robert W. Wood, J. E. Barnard, the officers identified with the office of the Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service, Dr. Janet Clark, Dr. Alfred F. Hess, Dr. P. G. Shipley, Dr. E. A. Park, Dr. G. E. Powers, Dr. Geo. M. MacKee, Dr. Geo. C. Andrews, and Dr. W. T. Bovie. To all of these I have applied 5 6 Introduction directly or indirectly for scientific assistance which I have obtained through personal communications and through the study of their scientific memoirs; and I take this opportunity of expressing to them my deep gratefulness for such of their work that is quoted verbatim in the accompanying pages. It is a difficult matter to present a subject that is so vast and so little organized as ultra-violet therapy in a fashion that pretends to logical sequel; but the nearest approach has been made, it is thought, by offering a discussion of the general principles involved; the qualities of the air-cooled or biologic ultra-violet energy; the qualities of the water-cooled or bactericidal ultra-violet energy, and the various broad divisions of therapy*, such as are everywhere practiced by those better skilled in the application of this radiation. Wherever it has been possible to include a statement of the principle underlying therapeutic application, this principle has been men- tioned; for, if these principles are well understood, any condition not mentioned in the pages but similar to some such as are mentioned, may be attacked with ultra- violet therapy with a degree of confident expectancy that results from a knowledge of the modus operandi. I would be ungrateful if I failed to mention the fact that my association with the scientific personnel of the corporation with which I am identified has done much to stimulate my efforts in the scientific pursuit of the value of ultra-violet in its biophysical application. Oak Park, Illinois October, 1922 Chapter I GENERAL PRINCIPLES UARTZ LAMPS: Quartz lamps represent, (simply, a mercury arc in a vacuum contained in a quartz generator. They are supplied for clinical use in two quite distinct forms: an air-cooled lamp and a water- cooled lamp. Perhaps the most important part of the modern quartz lamp equipment is the tube, which in its modern form has assumed a high degree of engineering perfection. A diagrammatic representation of the modern uviarc is as follows: Anode end C#1* bod* mntf. An oetm e/H/ Fig. A. Air-Cooled Tube Cathode and Fig. B. Water-Cooled Tube Diagrammatic Explanation of Construction of Both Types of Uviarc 7 8 Ultra-Violet A. Quartz stem of seal structure B. Connection of quartz stem and seal grading C. Connection of seal grading and seal coating D. Tip of seal coating K. Anode seal guard (air-cooled tube) F. Tungsten electrode (air-cooled tube) G. Cathode mercury pool H. Anode target J. Cathode chamber M-N. Luminous portion O-P. Level of mercury during operation (air-cooled tube) X-Y. Level of mercury when cold (air-cooled tube) These modern uviarcs represent a marked accom- plishment in the construction of ultra-violet generators, and the important relation that these tubes bear to the progress of ultra-violet therapy is in every way similar to the acknowledged progress that was made possible in the field of X-ray endeavor through the advent of the Coolidge hot cathode X-ray tube. Essentially, the uviarc is a direct-current device, and must be supplemented by whatever means that will insure a direct current when operated on an alternating- current supply. It is possible to construct the uviarc that will operate on alternating current without the use of rectifiers; but for clinical purposes the expense of such tubes, and their unusual electrical limitations, make them relatively inefficient for general adaptation. Air-Cooled Lamps: In its most recent form the air- cooled mercury vapor lamp assumes the appearance indicated in the accompanying illustrations, the first of which shows an outfit for operation with direct current, and the second, an outfit for operation with alternating current. T h e r a p y 9 Rotary Casing Type, counterweighted, with RHEOSTAT control for DIRECT current In the direct-current outfit there is supplied a ballast resistance which must always be included for its steady- ing effect on the light. In the alternating outfit, in addition to the ballast resistance there must be furnished a means for rectifying the alternating supply. This is accomplished through use of a tungar rectifier which, together with the ballast resistance, is included in a separate unit as indicated in the illustration. 10 Ultra-Violet Rotary Casing Type, counterweighted, with RECTIFIER control for ALTERNATING current Water-Cooled Lamp: Water-cooled mercury vapor lamps are similarly built for operation on direct or alter- nating supplies, and are illustrated below. In order best to appreciate the important difference that distinguishes the qualities of radiation which issues from the air-cooled and water-cooled type of quartz lamp, it is important briefly to review some of the char- acteristics of lamp operation together with a statement of the inherent properties of ultra-violet. Therapy 11 Water-Cooled Outfit, mounted on adjustable floor stand, with extension truss. RECTIFIER control for ALTERNATING current Ultra-Violet Generation: To produce ultra-violet energy the burner is tilted so that the mercury cathode flows to the tungsten anode and thereby produces an electric contact. This initial tilting is a deliberate short circuit of the current supply, so that the supply line should be heavily fused in order to avoid troublesome experience (at least 30-ampere fuses should be used). Immediately the arc is broken by allowing the burner to assume its original position, the electric current, 12 Ultra-Violet Water-Cooled Outfit, mounted on adjustable floor stand, with • extension truss. RHEOSTAT control for DIRECT current instead of flowing through the metallic mercury, con- tinues to flow through the mercury vapor. Since the mercury vapor is at first cold, the resistance is quite high; and the light that is emitted fills the entire diameter of the generating tube and emits a low intensity of luminant. In a short time the mercury vapor becomes hotter and permits a greater voltage to be accepted by the tube. Three things are observed in this stage of Therapy 13 energy transformation; First, the voltmeter is seen to rise, indicating a greater voltage acceptance. Then, the luminant issuing from the tube is increasingly more brilliant. Finally the stream of illuminant in the tube shrinks away from the quartz walls of the generator, assuming the appearance of a narrow filament in the position of the central axis of the tube. These changes are collectively known as the “building-up” period, and represent certain characteristics in the effort for the entire electrophysical system to attain an equilibrium. During the building-up period, when the voltmeter reads between 20 and 40 volts, it is sometimes possible to discern a clicking sound issuing from the tube. This click is the result of a mercury hammer, and repre- sents the part in the building-up characteristic when the conditions are least stable. After forty volts is past the click usually subsides and the lamp promptly assumes its complete equilibrium. The final voltage assumed by the burner is dependent upon many factors; but the most important of these factors is the amount of resist- ance included in electrical series with the tube. The total building-up period requires from five to ten minutes; so that a lamp has not reached its equilibrium, which means its maximum clinical efficiency, until it has been lighted about ten minutes. Care of Burner: Mercury vapor burners are really complicated instruments of precision. They are fragile. They enclose a rather high vacuum that contains a quantity of metallic mercury which is easily shaken about in the tube. For these various reasons they demand intelligent usage, and it is fitting and proper that the prospective therapist become thoroughly familiar with the instructions issued by the manufacturer for the care and use of tubes. 14 Ultra-Violet Above all, it is decidedly significant to observe that the final equilibrium of the operating lamp depends upon a neat adjustment of resistance, voltage, amperage and adequate ventilation. Failure to maintain this neat adjustment results in damage to the tube, just like failure to observe the characteristics demanded of an X-ray tube will result in unfortunate experience with its use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter. Ultra-Violet Radiation: Under proper operating conditions the brilliant illumination emitted by the mercury arc furnishes a peculiar spectrum which may be divided into three portions, as follows: SOURCE INFRA- RED LIGHT ULTRA- VIOLET 1. Mercury Vapor 52% 20% 28% 2. Sunlight 80 13 7 3. Arc Lamps (such as carbon).. . . 85 10 5 4. Incandescent Lamps 93 6 1 From the comparison submitted, it is observed that the quartz lamp provides a distribution of energy richer in ultra-violet than sunlight, other forms of arc lamps and incandescent lamps. Therapeutic Spectrum: The relative position that the quartz lamp occupies in the therapeutic spectrum of the clinician is revealed in the accompanying diagram. Therapy 15 Ott? X'RM IHtXXft \JU1KR X- EM5 X-KM x-W Rf\\K0-TH6F(VPY VV-TCR-V lOUtf U<*h1 UC,H1 Evtcffco- C0RC,ULRT>OH mF*R- oi^1h«ky Ri?e.c“T^un 16 Ultra-Violet Ultra-violet is intermediate between visible light and X-rays. It is customary to speak of radiant energy, which is energy transmitted by wave motion, in terms of units introduced by the physicist, A. J. Angstrom, and there- fore known as Angstrom units. The Angstrom unit is a measure of length and is one ten-millionth of a millimeter; or, as it is more often called after the suggestion of Stoney, a tenthemetre. The better to gain a concept of the relative figures for energies that are familiar, a table showing the approximate wave lengths of the various colors, near and far ultra-violet and of X and deep X-rays is given: Table Showing Approximate Relative Wave Lengths in Angstrom Units ANGSTROM UNITS Red 6980 - 6630 Orange 6600 - 6000 Yellow 5830-5620 Green 5440 - 5000 Blue 5000 - 4570 Indigo 4490 - 4340 Violet 4280 - 3920 Near Ultra-Violet 3920 - 3000 Far Ultra-Violet 3000 - 2000 X-Rays 6-2 Ultra X-Rays (deep therapy) 1-0.1 Quartz Lamp Spectrum: Quite accurate studies of the wave lengths issuing from the modern quartz lamp are now available. One of the most valuable charts, indicating the complete spectrum as it issues from the quartz lamp, is the one furnished by the Cooper Hewitt Electric Company, reproduced on opposite page: Therapy 17 18 Ultra-Violet The student of ultra-violet therapy should become more and more familiar with these individual bands. Each spectral band will be found to have a clinical significance and to convey an effect different from its adjoining band. It seems definitely established that one of the great future strides in the development of ultra-violet therapy rests with the biophysical elucida- tion of the individual merit of each spectral ultra-violet band; or, in the language of radiotherapists, selective filtration. Ultra-Violet Absorption: As a beam of ultra- violet energy is permitted to fall upon a quartz prism and the ultra-violet spectrum projected upon a fluores- cent material, the various bands indicated in the above figure can be clearly visualized. During this visualization materials placed in front of the light before it reaches the prism will show their effect on the absorption of ultra-violet. By this means it has been definitely proved that near ultra-violet, or the region included between the wave lengths 4000 and 3000, is relatively more penetrating than far ultra-violet, which is the region between 3000 and 2000 Angstrom units. Janet Clark, in her “Physiological Action of Light” shows how the decreasing wave lengths present an increasing absorption. She combined the findings of Glitscher and Hasselbalch and presents the following curve, where it is seen that as the wave length approaches 3000 Angstrom units, the absorption becomes less and less. These findings may be expressed in the form of a law as follows: that materials transmit less ultra-violet in proportion as the wave length diminishes. From the findings of Clark, Glitscher, Hasselbalch and others, and Therapy 19 on the basis of the law propounded, near ultra-violet may be designated as relatively penetrating; and far ultra-violet as superficial in its effect. Distinction Between Air and Water-Cooled Lamps: It has been generally taught that the air-cooled type is used for systemic irradiation, and the water- cooled type for focal or cavity work. A brief consideration of the fundamental physical principles involved will serve to make apparent a distinct differentiation between the two. When the electrical energy passes through the mercury vapor there is created a central stream of luminescence from which ultra-violet energy is emitted. This trans- 20 Ultra-Violet formation of energy, like many transformations, is accompanied with the evolution of much heat. The heat volatilizes the liquid mercury in the cathode reser- voir and gives rise to a dense cloud of mercury vapor which envelopes the central luminescent beam; so that the rays must first be filtered through a mercury vapor mantle before passing the quartz in the air-cooled lamp. Remembering that the short ultra-violet wave lengths are less penetrable than the longer ones (just the reverse to the conditions that obtain with X-ray energy) it is obvious that the air-cooled lamp furnishes a dominantly long wave length spectrum. In the water-cooled type, the mercury mantle is quickly condensed, leaving the ultra-violet energy free to issue from the quartz without previous filtration through mercury vapor; so the spectrum from this type of lamp is relatively richer in short wave lengths than the corresponding air-cooled lamp. On the basis of this physical difference, and from the findings of Ward, Sidney Russ, Ritter, Herschel, Bec- querel, Draper and others, the comparison of the two energies shows: Ultra-Violet Energy (Mercury Arc) AIR-COOLED LAMP WATER-COOLED LAMP 1. Near ultra-violet intensity Far ultra-violet intensity 2. Biologic (dominantly) Abiotic * (dominantly) 3. Chemically oxidizing Chemically reducing 4. Relatively penetrating Relatively superficial 5. Metabolic synergist Metabolic depressor *Abiotic-bactericidal. T h e r a p y 21 References 1. Luckiesh, physicist of the Nela Research Laboratory, conveniently divides the visible spectrum into near and far ultra-violet regions. The air-cooled equipment furnishes a dominant excess of near ultra-violet 'inten- sity; the water-cooled equipment furnishes a relative preponderance of far ultra-violet intensity. 2 and 4. Browning and Russ reported in the “Proceedings of the Royal Society of London” that near ultra-violet intensity has no marked germicidal action but pene- trates much skin (biologic effect) and far ultra-violet intensity has marked germicidal action but is much less penetrable. 3. Ritter, Herschel and Becquerel propounded a law that has been accepted since 1872, that long wave lengths (near ultra-violet intensity) exert an oxidizing action as opposed to the reducing action of short wave lengths (far ultra-violet intensity). 5. Rideal and Taylor in their “Catalysis in Theory and Practice” show that reactions by radiant energy may be either accelerated or retarded. Near ultra-violet intensity is an accelerator and acts as a metabolic synergist. Far ultra-violet intensity is a retarder or metabolic depressor. With this newer and biophysically established con- cept of the qualities of the ultra-violet regions, it is at once apparent that the empirically introduced standard of systemic and focal lamps for the air-cooled and water-cooled types has made for profound confusion and possibly injudicious application in the clinic. More properly, the lamps are biologic and bactericidal, and each one should be used systematically or focally, depending upon the pristine pathology of the lesion treated. 22 Ultra-Violet Ultra-Violet Therapy: Ultra-violet therapy implies the application of air-cooled and water-cooled equip- ment for the derivation of certain clinical manifestations. Knowing the fundamental qualities that are a property of the wave lengths dominantly emitted by each lamp, and reviewing the great bulk of literature that has accumulated in this country and abroad on the clinical use of ultra-violet, it is possible to present certain out- lines of procedure that are accepted as efficient in accom- plishing clinical success. Chapter II AIR-COOLED LAMP HROPERTIES: It has been pointed out that the air-cooled lamp furnishes an energy char- acterized as: e=======_J 1. Near ultra-violet 2. Dominantly biologic 3. Chemically oxidizing 4. Relatively penetrating 5. Metabolic synergist These are its general effects obtained, presumably, by the action of the long ultra-violet rays that attack: (a) The surface cells, particularly their nucleus (b) The capillary blood (c) The capillary lymph (d) The nerve filaments distributed in the region When the energy is played upon a skin surface, it affects the structures just enumerated. As a result, two objective phenomena are observed: 1. A hyperemia 2. An erythema That a profound alteration of the capillary network is established promptly is determined as follows: Stroke the skin of the area treated as if eliciting the so-called “adrenal” reflex (Sargent’s white line). It will be noted that the skin blanches more or less promptly; then the streak appears red, and sometimes raised (dermographia). Expose the same surface to the air- cooled lamp, and while the exposure is in progress, re- elicit the adrenal reflex (so called). At first, one finds that the reaction time between the initial blanching (vasoconstriction) and ultimate reddening is markedly 23 24 Ultra-Violet lessened. This is the period of vasodilatation. But as the exposure is continued, it will be seen that the redden- ing quickly disappears and is again succeeded by a blanching. This is the second reaction, or period of vasoconstriction. That is to say, short, mild exposures under the air- cooled quartz lamp are vasodilatory. Longer and more severe reactions are vasoconstricting. How purposefully to utilize these effects clinically will be discussed in the section on cardiovascular diseases. In addition to the changes in the capillary blood supply, which appear immediately, there occur also certain objective changes in the skin. When the exposure is brief and subintensive, a faint reddening appears; w'hen longer and more intense, a scarlet reddening; and when prolonged exposure and accentuated intensity is supplied, a reddening accompanied by blisters and des- quamation. These changes are accompanied by a certain amount of skin tenseness due to edema. It has been found that the degrees of reaction produced, called ery- thema, correspond to definite histological changes in the skin; so that the reactions are classed as: REACTION DESIGNATION 1. Mild reddening 2. Scarlet reddening 3. Blistering Stimulative erythema Regenerative erythema Desquamative erythema These objective changes, the hyperemia and the ery- thema, are guides in the clinical application of the energy, and all therapeutic procedures orient themselves around these fundamental reactions. Therapy 25 However, in addition to the objective findings, certain subjective findings are likewise present, and these differ according to whether the erythemic reactions are produced: (a) Quickly (b) Slowly When the erythema is produced too quickly, the sub- jective findings are few. When the erythema is produced slowly, the subjective findings are many. In clinical work there are occasions when it is desirable to minimize the subjective findings and rely entirely upon the ery- themic reaction for the result. This is so especially in the focal treatment of skin lesions. Here, the effect desired is focused upon the superficial lesion. Since in this type of treatment one aims to produce given histo- logical changes in the cellular pathology of the skin lesion, this is best obtained by the use of a focal technic which we have elsewhere described as intensive. The characteristics of this form of treatment are: 1. High intensity of ultra-violet 2. Short tube-skin distance 3. Short exposure time There are several ways in which this may be accom- plished. One method is to use: Volts 90 Uviarc-skin distance. . 10 inches Time depending upon reaction sought, and reactivity of individual The determination of the individual’s reactivity is difficult. Many factors affect it; but particularly, they are: 26 Ultra-Violet 1. Endocrine type (light or dark) 2. Sex 3. Age 4. Part rayed Speaking generally, light people respond more promptly than dark; females more than males; the young sooner than the old; and the regions usually protected from the light and of high nervous sensibility, quicker than other parts. But these factors are so variable as to preclude any definite statement of exposure time. From a large experience, it is found that the reactivity to the rays increases in the following order for the parts named: Part Relative Sensitivity Chest 1 Abdomen 1 Back 1 + Groin 1 + Anterior arm 1 Posterior arm U/4 Posterior leg IK Anterior leg 2 Dorsum of hands 5 Palms of hands 15 Sole of feet 25 To the right is given a figure expressing a rough estimate of the relative sensitivity of the part. For example, an exposure that will produce in one minute a stimulative erythema upon the chest, will require, on the soles of the feet, 25 minutes. On the basis of this study, and similar ones, a very approximate exposure guide, for intensive technic would be: T h e r a p y 27 Intensive Irradiation Air-cooled lamp: Volts, 90; tube-skin distance, 10 inches; central ray strikes surface at right angles; average approximate exposure values, in seconds. Erythema STIMULATIVE REGENERATIVE DESQUAMATIVE ' LIGHT DARK LIGHT DARK LIGHT DARK Infants 5 8 10 12 15 20 Children 8 10 15 20 25 30 Female adults... 15 20 20 30 40 60 Male adults. . .. 20 25 30 40 60 75 These values are for surfaces whose sensitivity is designated “I” in the chart showing relative sensitivity of anatomic regions. For regions less sensitive, multiply the above figures by the relative sensitivity factor. For example: dark type, female adult requires 30 seconds’ exposure for regenerative erythema over chest, abdomen, back and groin. For dorsum of hand, this would be 5 times 30, or 150 seconds. It is often desirable to focalize the rays even more circumscribed than the area obtained by chamois screen- ing. When this is desired, certain adapters and local- izers, which should form part of the equipment, are used. The more common air-cooled lamp accessories, and their uses, include the following: 28 Ultra-Violet These metal localizing tubes present various diameters. They attach directly to the casing of the air-cooled lamp. The central ray issues from the localizing tube in the direction of the long axis. They may be used completely to cover smaller superficial lesions such as naevi and keloids; or in the treatment of orifices that have been dilated, using a speculum with the localizing tube intro- duced into the speculum. These obturated specula are designed usually for ori- ficial insertion. It will be observed that the angle of one is obtuse, so that the light issuing from this instrument strikes the surface at 45 degrees. As compared to the speculum with the round end instead of the oval end, because of the acute angulation (cosine law) the exposure time must be increased by V3. That is, what will be produced in two minutes with the round-end speculum will require three minutes’ exposure with the oval-end speculum. Therapy 29 From the discussion presented, it is seen that inten- sive focal air-cooled lamp technic is useful especially in superficial skin lesions, other than superficial infec- tions. It must be said, however, that when superficial destructive action is wanted, though the air-cooled lamp will suffice, the very abiotic or coagulative qualities (upon which the bactericidal property of the water- cooled lamp depends) of the water-cooled lamp are more efficiently used. The water-cooled lamp is always oper- ated at from 50 to 60 volts; and since, in skin work, it is used for its abiotic or destructive effect, the exposure time can be about five or more minutes, depending upon the part. So that we may use in dermatologic practice: For stimulative erythema—air-cooled lamp For regenerative erythema—air-cooled lamp For destructive erythema—water-cooled lamp In addition to the intensive technic, the air-cooled lamp (and the water-cooled lamp) is used for systemic effect. By systemic effect is meant the purposeful production of desired subjective changes useful in cor- recting the effects of certain forms of pathologic invasions. Systemic raying may be: 1. Regional 2. Fractional 3. General Regional systemic raying means the irradiation of a given anatomic section of the body for the purpose of inducing remote or derived effects in viscera correlated to the skin surface by nervous and blood relations. By fractional raying is meant the irradiation of the body in fractions, usually fifths, divided as follows: First day: The front and back of the feet, below the ankles 30 Ultra-Violet Second day: The front and back of the legs, from the knees down Third day: The front and back of the legs, from the iliac crests down Fourth day: The front and back from a point on the level with the ensiform cartilage down Fifth day: The front and back from the neck down Levy and Gassul seem to have proved that intensive irradiation over the entire body at one sitting may lead to such reflex engorgement in all the viscera as to bring on hemorrhage if pathology coexists (as in pulmonary tuberculosis). Rollier appears to have realized this; and in America, LoGrasso at Perrysburg insists, with reason, that fractional heliotherapy is imperative in the success- ful control of tuberculopathies. By general irradiation is meant the exposure of the entire anterior and posterior surfaces of the body. In all these forms of systemic treatment—regional, fractional and general—-the effect sought is not confined to the skin. It is the biologic uplift that is induced by the rays. So that erythemic reactions are to be mini- mized. A low intensity treatment is obviously desired, and may be had by using: 1. Low voltage 2. Long tube-surface distance 3. Long exposure time An excellent routine for this type of raying is to use: Volts 70 Tube-skin 40 inches Time Depending upon individual Of course, the same rules of individual reactivity hold fast. But a good summary is: T h e r a p y 31 General or Systemic Irradiation Air-cooled lamp; volts, 70; tube-skin distance, 40 inches; central ray strikes at right angles; average approximate exposure values, in seconds. Erythema Stimulative Regenerative Light Dark Light Dark Infants 15 20 30 40 Children 20 30 40 60 Female adults 50 60 90 120 Male adults 60 90 120 150 It is important to know that the rays must strike the surface at right angles. If less than a right angle is used, an increase in time must be allowed, according to a basic law, which says that the incident intensity varies as the cosine of the incident energy (for ultra-violet). When other than a right angle is used, the following table is used to compensate for the loss of intensity due to angular incidence of the energy: Angle of Incident Ray Fractional Increase of Time Required 90 0 75 1/10 60 1/5 50 1/4 45 2/5 30 1/2 Example. A light-type child requires a stimulative erythema (systemic treatment). At right angles the time would be 20 seconds. At 45 degrees incidence, the time is 20 + % of 20, or 28 seconds. As the exposures are applied, the tolerance of the patient increases; so that each subsequent exposure must 32 Ultra-Violet be increased in time to compensate for the tolerance established. Rule: The tables furnished give the initial exposure time. Each subsequent exposure is increased by an amount equal to the original exposure time. In mathematical expression, exposure time is increased arithmetically. Example. First exposure, intensive focal treatment in a light-type, male adult is a regenerative erythema requiring 40 seconds. Second exposure will require 80; third, 120; fourth, 160, etc. There are certain fundamental requisites that must be observed in the treatment of any given individual. 1. Study the pathology of the case under consideration. 2. Determine the type of lamp required to meet the issue best. (Air-cooled biologic, or water-cooled abiotic.*) 3. Having determined the necessary lamp to be used, conceive the effect sought-. 4. If focal, set the lamp for the given characteristics: Volts '. .90 Tube-skin distance 10 inches 5. If general or systemic, determine if the raying is to be: Regional Fractional General and set the lamp at Volts 70 Tube-skin distance 40 inches 6. Study the time required, which may be roughly approximated by weighing: *Bactericidal. T h e r a p y 33 (a) Type of individual (light or dark) (b) Part rayed (c) Sex (d) Age and may be gathered from the tables furnished. 7. Build up the lamp to the required characteristics by: 1. Tilting 2. Adjusting rheostat control or rectifier control until proper voltage is reached 8. Expose for the necessary time using an interval timer. The eyes of the patient and operator should be protected against the rays by the use of goggles. No clothing must be worn on the part treated. Immediately following the treatment, explain to the patient that a reddening should appear. The time required for the erythema to develop depends upon the reactivity of the patient, as does also the time that it persists. So long as the reddening is developing, addi- tional ultra-violet treatment is not necessary. But at the moment it begins to disappear, its physiological action is spent. That is the time for the second treat- ment. Therefore, have the patient carefully observe the development of the required degree of erythema and when he observes it to disappear, have him report for the second treatment. The rule is, initiate a reaction; then maintain it. By this means, the patient’s sensitivity becomes its own guide for treatment frequency. In general, with ultra-violet therapy, small doses often repeated are infinitely more effective than large doses applied at long intervals. Chapter III WATER-COOLED LAMP HROPERTIES: 1. Far ultra-violet 2. Dominantly abiotic (bactericidal) „ 3. Chemically reducing 4. Relatively superficial 5. Metabolic depressor The radiation issuing from this type of lamp is relatively more intense in short wave lengths than is the air-cooled lamp. This holds true only providing that the lamp is operated at a proper voltage—best 50, never more than 65. Free and continuous circulation of clear water is imperative; continuous circulation to insure adequate cooling for the complete condensation of the mercury vapor mantle that filters out the short wave lengths; and clear water, because the stream passes in front of the uviarc so that any contained impurities will act as filters. When these precautions are observed, namely: 1. Low voltage (50-65) 2. Constant circulation of water 3. Clear water (and clean lenses on the lamp) The lamp then furnishes an intense, far ultra-violet spectrum rich in abiotic wave lengths. Otherwise not. Of course, the best known property of far ultra-violet, or water-cooled lamp energy, is its bactericidal capacity. When operated under the conditions named, organisms 34 Therapy 35 exposed at a distance of 200 millimeters from the lamp are killed in the following time intervals: Diplococci Seconds Required to Kill Gonococci 6 Meningococci 6 Staphylococci Pyogenes albus 10 Pyogenes aureus 12 Streptococci Viridans . 14 Hemolyticus 18 Mucosus 25 Pneumococci Group 1 25 Group II 20 Group III 25 Group IV 15 Bacillus Influenzae 18 Diphtheria 10 Tubercle 12 Leprae 15 Colon 18 Typhoid 18 Dysentery types 20 (For colonies grown from clinically obtained materials. The organisms were suspended in clear, sterile water.) There is an interesting fact in connection with the treatment of water with ultra-violet rays, as follows: If to a sample of water that has been sterilized with the rays, fresh live bacteria are added, within an hour’s 36 Ultra-Violet time practically 90 per cent of the organisms are killed. The action is called “residual effect.” It has found important clinical usage and is a unique finding that merits study and research. In living tissues and when the organisms are imbedded, the effect of the rays in destroying bacteria is indirect; but when the organisms are superficial, the effect is direct. The indirect destruction of bacteria is an action involv- ing certain immunity changes which affect: 1. The serum 2. The white cell count 3. Focal inflammatory defenses That is, the serum (much like water irradiated with ultra-violet) acquires a higher germicidal capacity which it retains for some time following the exposure. The white cell count is affected, according to Janet Clark, depending upon the wave lengths of the energy, about as follows; Wave Length Leucocytic Response 4000-3000 (near ultra-violet) Leucopenia 3000-2000 (far ultra-violet) Lymphocytosis The inflammatory changes induced focally by far ultra-violet are the classic ones—rubor, tumor, calor. A large amount of blood is conveyed to the irradiated focus so as to produce a solar inflammation. It must be remembered that far ultra-violet is a protein coagulant; so that if an infected mucosal membrane is too strongly irradiated, an incrustation of coagulated protein is formed which serves to retain any purulent products underneath. Therefore, in raying mucosal surfaces for bactericidal effect, use only the shortest effective exposures that will insure bacterial destruction, but not tissue coagulation. This applies to the membranes of the nose, sinuses, T h e r a p y 37 genital tract and rectum. In treating infections that are superficially situated, it is, therefore, infinitely best to rely implicitly on the adage, “small doses often repeated.” On this basis, and using the actinic death points given for the various organisms, it is obvious that at distances of 200 millimeters, or less, the maximum exposure time necessary to kill the most resistant organ- ism listed (pneumococcus) is about 30 seconds. This time varies with the applicator used, and the amount of variation has been calculated from studies elsewhere presented (Hirsch’s “Urology”). It depends upon the applicator, and is about as follows: Applicator Use and Exposure Time for Bactericidal Effect Tubular localizers confin- ing the radiation to a circum- scribed area equivalent to the diameter of the localizer, y2 inch, Y*, inch and 1 inch. In connection with specula these localizers are used also for introduction into orifices. In this connection they find a field of utility in the treat- ment of cervical uterine in- fections and suppurative dis- charges. The tube has been recommended by some for gingivial irradiation in checking the purulent dis- charge of infected dental structures, and in pyorrhea. Coefficient, 30 seconds. 38 Ultra-Violet This obturated speculum represents a convenient design for use in connection with the treatment of pros- tatic inflammation when in- troduced rectally. Owing to the angular orifice of the instrument, 90 seconds are required as a maximum ex- posure for bactericidal effect. Used, like the above specu- lum, for rectal and vaginal irradiation. The light is emitted at right angle and therefore requires only 60 seconds for bactericidal effect. A 45-degree tipped quartz rod. Coefficient, 60 seconds. 120-degree curved. Coeffi- cient, 30 seconds. Curved and flattened for an oval dispersion of energy in post pharyngeal irradia- tion. Coefficient, 30 seconds. Therapy 39 A short, blunt, pointed rod of high light intensity trans- mission used in connection with rhinitis, hypertrophied turbinates, ozena and allied pathologies. Coefficient, 20 seconds. An ovilary tip quartz rod for urethral application. Coefficient, 60 seconds. An ovilary tip, fine focus pencil applicator useful espe- cially in focal pathologies of the eye, including ulcers, pannus, etc: Coefficient, 60 seconds. A spatulate flattened quartz applicator for distrib- uting the light laterally over mucous membranes of the turbinates. Coefficient, 30 seconds. A tonsil applicator, used also in pharyngeal irradiation for acute infections and for infection carriers. Coefficient, 90 seconds. A full-curved applicator used by some for attacking dental pathology from the buccal aspect. Coefficient: 60 seconds. 40 Ultra-Violet A laryngeal and pharyn- geal applicator. Coefficient, 60 seconds. When the water-cooled lamp is used for direct bac- tericidal effect, it is imperative that the energy reach the surface. It must make what has been properly called optical contact. Several expedients may be used to insure a maximum optical contact. An excellent expedient is to coat the mucous surface by spraying with a photosensitive material, such as: Gentian violet Methyl violet Fuchsine Methyl blue Methyl green The dyes may be dissolved in water or in glycerin; both solvents have a high ultra-violet transmission. About one part of dye in 1000 of solvent is ample. For a discussion of photo-sensitization, see “Principles of General Physiology,” by Bayliss. . Nascent halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) and oxygen are quite powerful disinfectants. These acidic ions are readily set free from their basic association by the action of far ultra-violet. Experiment: Procure a quartz flask. Half fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Set the flask and its peroxide in front of the water-cooled lamp window and ray the solution. Free or nascent oxygen is liberated which collects as bubbles on the walls of the flask. It is a wise practice to utilize this conjoint action in sterilizing a mucosal surface. For this, use: Therapy 41 1. Far ultra-violet energy 2. Hydrogen peroxide 3. Nascent oxygen given off by the peroxide under the action of the lamp Each of these agents is in itself highly bactericidal. Together, they offer a most cogent attack against any infection. In addition to the bactericidal action of the water- cooled lamp there is, also, a metabolic action contrary to that exerted by the air-cooled lamp. This has been discussed* under the title of Ultra-Violet Energy as a Metabolic Pacemaker, as follows: “When we come to the discussion of exactly how ultra-violet energy governs the chemical mechanisms of animal physiology, it is quite certain that at present the only scientific course is to admit that we do not know. But, considering the chemical action of the living machine in its broadest aspect, there seems to be no doubt that we may regard it as divided into two opposed processes. First, a group of synthetic reactions by means of which the products assimilated by the economy are converted into extremely complex carbohy- drates and proteins; and, secondly, the decompositions and changes which convert the carbohydrates and pro- teins into simpler substances. It has been customary to speak of the first group of reactions under the generic physiologic term ‘anabolism;’ and, similarly, the second group as ‘katabolism.’ Both together, anabolism and katabolism give us ‘metabolism.’” This building up and breaking down that takes place in the body is subject to certain fundamental principles of energetics; from the study of which we may conclude *Victor Service Suggestions for July, 1922. 42 Ultra-Violet that the synthetic reactions involve the absorption, and the analytic reaction, the liberation of energy. Expressed diagrammatically, in the case of protein “metabolism,” we have: CO2 + H20 + NH3 Amino-acids Polypeptides Peptones Albumoses PROTEINS Albumoses Peptones Polypeptides Amino-acids C02 + H20+ nh3 Synthetic Energy Absorbed Analytic Energy Liberated Now, under usual conditions of laboratory experiment, a chemical reaction such as is represented above involves the liberation of much heat; and it is a dominant charac- teristic of “living” chemical reactions that they are not accompanied by much heat. This restraint in the liberation of heat is designated “chemical resistance;” and when the chemical resistance of the economy is lessened (as in disease) the chemical reactions furnish heat expressed objectively as pyrexia. So that chemical resistance determines the velocity of chemical reactions in the body. And the mechanism operating the reactions, for want of a better definition, may be called chemical force. Metabolism may in this manner be reduced to a chemical mathematical expression involving: 1. Chemical force, or Fc 2. Chemical resistance, or Rc 3. Chemical velocity of reaction, or Vc T h e r a p y 43 In which we understand chemical force to represent the energy that builds up and breaks down; the resistance is the tissue tolerance that averts too hasty consumma- tion of the reaction, and the velocity is the speed of change representing the sum of the metabolic processes. They bear to each other the following relation: • F c Vc = Rc (1) Fc = Vc x Rc (2) from which And it is this equation in which the actinotherapist is fundamentally interested; that chemical force is the product of chemical velocity times chemical resistance. Such terms as constructive energy, chemical energy, used synonymously with ultra-violet energy, show an empiric attempt to describe the peculiar property of ultra-violet radiation; that of influencing chemical activity. For the therapist, it is highly scientific to regard ultra-violet energy as chemical force. And it is interesting to see how an increase in the value of chemical force influences the remaining factors of equation (2). Suppose values are assigned to the terms in the equation, as follows: Fc = Vc x Rc 8 = 4x2 Let this represent, arbitrarily, a clinical metabolic state; a velocity of four units acting against a resistance of two units. Increase the chemical force to twice the amount, say by adding ultra-violet energy (systemic irradiation). If the chemical force under these conditions becomes doubled, then one or all of three things may happen: 44 Ultra-Violet 1. The value for the velocity may increase 2. The value for the resistance may increase 3. Both values may increase. In figures, if Fc = Vc x Rc '= 8x2 = 2x8 = 4x4 16 It is not at all strange that this purely mathematical derivation should find clinical proof in the application of ultra-violet energy. Wherever metabolism is at fault, which means a perversion of the velocity (hypermeta- bolic) or resistance (hypometabolic) of the chemical reactions of the body, the chemical force can be purpose- fully modulated so as normally to rearrange the distribu- tion of energy in the economy; or in clinical language, to correct metabolism. In general, the long ultra-violet wave lengths (as derived from the air-cooled lamp) have to do with the acceleration of chemical velocity; the shorter wave lengths (as derived from the water-cooled lamp) increase chemical resistance. Hence the classification elsewhere pro- pounded*; that the energy of the air-cooled lamp is a metabolic synergist, and that of the water-cooled lamp, a metabolic depressor. From this basic premise the chemical pathologist at once visualizes the great applicability of this strange energy in the clinical service of the internist. When the metabolic transformation of any given class of foodstuff (such as fat, mineral salt, carbohydrate, protein') fails properly to complete its synthetic and analytic cycle, there is present, clinically, a metabolic disease: obesity, diabetes mellitus, amino-acid diatheses, rickets. This *Service Suggestions, Ultra-Violet Energy. Vol. XXII, No. 6, June, 1922. T h e r a p y 45 cyclic failure may arise from a number of pristine causes, all leading to a perverted balance of reaction velocity and resistance. And by correcting the balance through the intelligent selection of the proper quality of chemical force (ultra-violet energy), the cycle is in each instance brought to a satisfactory conclusion, which physiologi- cally expels the disease. Great is the truth of Sheppard’s eternal aphorism: “We are only at the beginning of the conscious utilization of the powers of light as distinct from the unconscious enjoyment of them.” A new era of therapeutic accom- plishment lies sealed in the secrets of biophotochemistry. Short ultra-violet wave lengths are quickly absorbed by whatever material. Even air, in thick layers, hinders their transmission. So that when the water-cooled lamp is used for its systemic action, the raying, to profit from the short wave lengths, must be at close range. Rule: Water-cooled lamp systemic raying must be at distances less than seven inches from the window of the lamp. As for the air-cooled, so for the water-cooled lamp, the dosage is governed by the erythema produced. We have established the bactericidal dose at 30 seconds. The systemic dose would be about as follows: Water-cooled lamp; volts, 50-65; tube-skin distance, 7 inches; each area covered by the distribution of illuminant at this distance receives the following time: Erythema Stimulative Regenerative Desquamative Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark Infants 3 4 6 8 10 15 Children 5 6 8 10 15 20 Female adults . .. 10 15 20 25 30 40 Male adults 20 25 30 40 50 60 46 Ultra- Violet Finsen observed that the relative exsanguination of a part made for increased tolerance to actinic radiation. Blood quickly absorbs ultra-violet and makes for a prompt erythemic reaction. There are two general methods of relieving the part of blood; by the use of adrenalin (useful in mucosal surfaces) and by the use of quartz lenses, such as are shown in the illustrations. When the lens is used, it is pressed firmly against the tissue so that obvious blanching is produced. The method is generally designated as “compression.” By a method of gently sweeping a lens over the surface of a part, a technic known as “ironing” has been intro- duced. It is not so good. Rays do not act accumulatively; so that the effect produced by keeping a lens in steady contact for 30 seconds is not the same as the effect produced by sweeping or ironing the part for the same length of time. There is another practice, in connection with water- cooled lamps, that demands critical comment: the use of special cobalt filters. Filters cut off short wTave lengths, so that when the blue glass is used, the direct bacteri- cidal quality of the rays from the water-cooled lamp is lost. Only the deeper penetrating wave lengths (or bio- logic fraction) come through the filter, which had, there- fore, better be used with the air-cooled outfit. REGIONAL ACTINOTHERAPY Chapter IV S' Y REGI0NAL ACTINOTHERAPY is meant the irradiation of a definite body region of the skin, which, through vascular and nervous ====_== channels, is in intimate relation with a given viscus. Regional actinotherapy is, obviously, indicated in the pathology of pain, and plays a tremendously important clinical role. According to its origin, pain may be subjective or objective. Subjective pains have no discernible physical cause. They arise as a product of mental action from changes affecting the co-ordinating centers of the sen- sorium. A variety of conditions disclose subjective pain; emotional states, hysteria, depressions, compulsions and allied psychic and psychoneurotic disorders. Subjective pain is an indication for systemic actinotherapy, and will therefore be discussed under that section. Objective pain is the result of a demonstrable pathology and may be produced: 1. In the centers, as in the brain or cord 2. In the nerves, as the trunk or its terminations There are on the body surface certain well-defined zones which are related to visceral diseases; they were described first by Head, who, wdiile working in the London Hospital, observed that in different diseases of the viscera, zones of cutaneous hyperalgesia occur that coincide closely with the areas of distribution of herpes. Head had already shown that herpes was due to a disease of the posterior root ganglion. He therefore concluded that in the ganglion certain stimuli must be transmitted from the visceral fibres to those going to the 47 48 Ultra-Violet somatic areas, and produce an irritation of these fibres, so that even very light stimuli give rise to pain. With only slight modifications, these areas are acknowledged as correct today. To localize the viscus causing the hyperalgesic zone, the following analysis is pursued: 1. Determine if in connection.with the viscus suspected of disease there is an associated hyperalgesia (by drawing a sharp point lightly over the skin and observing if hypersensitiveness is manifested). 2. Outline the limits of the hyperalgesic zone and orient it with a cord segment. 3. Ascertain what organs are suppl ed by this cord • segment. 4. Examine the organ (or organs) for disease (X-ray, physical diagnosis). 5. See if pain is intensified by manipulation of the organ. Therapy 49 TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord: Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes Q Small muscles of the neck. Rotation and exten- sion of the head. C2 and C3 1. Muscles of the neck; M. sternoclei- domastoideus. 2. M. trapezius. 1. Flexion and rota- tion of the head. 2. Elevation of the shoulders. C2 Occiput; narrow strip along lower jaw; part of external ear. C3 “Sternomastoid zone.” C4 1. Mm. scaleni; dia- phragm (N. phreni- cus). 2. M. levator anguli scapulae. 1. Costal and abdom- inal breathing. 2. Elevation of scap- ula. (Head’s sternonuchal zone.) 1. Dorsal part, quadrangular area of regionuchae. 2. Ventral part, lateral region of neck; infraclavicular region, upper part of deltoid region, and part of suprascapular region. Dilatation of the pupil on pinching the skin of the neck (C4-7). c5 1. M. supraspinatus; M. infraspinatus; M. teres minor; Mm. rhomboidei. 2. M. deltoideus. 3. M. biceps; M. coracobrachial is; M. brachialis internus; M. brachioradialis. 4. M. supinator. 1. Lateral rotation of upper arms. 2. Lifting upper arms. 3. Flexion of fore- arm. 4. Supination of forearm. Small triangular area near the lower cervical spine; lateral surface of upper arm. 1. Dilatation of pupil (C4-7). 2. Scapular reflex (Cg-ThJ. *For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is'given. **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. 50 Ultra-Violet TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) • Segment of Spinal Cord: Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes c6 1. Mm. pectoralis major and minor; M. latissimus dorsi. 2. M. teres major; M. subscapularis. 3. M. serratus anti- cus major. 4. M. pronator teres. 5. M. triceps. 6. Thenar muscles. 1. Abduction and depression of upper arms. 2. Medial rotation of upper arm. 3. Fixation and rotation of scapula. 4. Pronation of fore- arm. 5. Extension of fore- arm. Small triangular area near lower cervical spine; radial surface of forearm and hand, including digits I-111. 1. Dilatation of pupil (C„-7). 2. Scapular reflex (C.-ThJ. 3. Triceps reflex (C6-7). c7 Extensors of hand and fingers. Flexors of wrist. Thenar muscles. Flexion and exten- sion of the wrist. Small triangular area near lower cervical spine. Radial side of forearm and thumb; a small strip on the flexor surface of the forearm, and a longer strip on the dorsal surface lateral from the axial line. 1. Dilatation of pupil (C4-7). 2. Scapular reflex (C.-Th,). 3. Triceps reflex (C6-7)._ 4. Periosteal- radial reflex. C* 1. Long extensors and long flexors of the fingers. 2. M. pronator quad- ratus. 3. Hypothenar mus- cles. Extension and flex- ion of the fingers. Most of the hand and fingers (except the thumb on the volar surface, and the ulnar side of the little finger on the dorsal sur- face); small strips on front and back of wrist and fore- arm. 1. Scapular reflex Cc-Th,). 2. Palmar reflex C/Th,). 3. C i 1 io - spinal reflex (efferent fibers) (Cg-ThJ. *For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. ♦♦The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. T h e r a p y 51 TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILlTY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) SEGMENT OF SPINAL CORD: SPINAL NERVE ROOTS Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes Thj 1. Hypothenar mus- cles. 2. Mm. interossei. 3. Mm. lumbricales. (CgandTh,). Move- ments of the thumb and lingers. Medial surface of upper arm and ulnar edge of fore- arm and hand; part of little finger, the ring finger, and ulnar margin of middle finger. “Dorso-ulnar zone.” 1. Scapula reflex (Cg-Thj). 2. Palmar reflex (Cj-ThJ. . 3. Cilio-spinal reflex (efferent fibers) (Cs-Thj). Th2-Thl2 1. Muscles of the back. 2. Intercostal mus- cles (Th3-Th„). 3. Muscles of abdominal wall (Thj-Lj). 1. Movements of spine extension and rotation. 2. Respiration. 3. Prelum abdom- inis; rising from recumbent position. Th2. Skin over thorax below the cervico-thoracic limiting line (between second and third rib) lat- eralward to include the upper medial part of the arm; behind, to seventh cervical spine. “Dorsobrachial zone.” Th3. In front between third and fourth rib; behind, below the spina scapulae. To a slight extent in the axilla and upper medial arm(?). “Scapulobrachial zone.” Th4. In front, region of nipples above the inter- mammillary line; behind, as low as fifth thoracic spine. “Dorso-axillary zone.” ' ‘For plurisegmental innervation ot muscles see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. 52 Ultra-Violet TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES {From, L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord: Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes • Th5. Area just below the nipples. “Scapulo-axillary zone.” Th6. In front, crosses xiphoid; behind, a little above eighth thoracic spine. ‘‘Subsea pulo-infra- mammary zone.” ThT. In front, tip of xiphoid. “Sucscapulo-ensiform zone.” Thg. In front about mid- way between nipple and navel. “Mid-epigastric zone.” Th9. In front above the navel; behind, just above first lumbar spine. “Supra-umbilical zone.” Upper abdominal reflex (ThB-9). ♦For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. ♦♦The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. Therapy 53 TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord: Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes Thl0. In front, level of navel; behind, between first and second lumbar spines. “Subumbilical zone.” Thj,. In front, below the navel. “Sacro-iliac zone.” Th12. In front, lowermost adomen, above the direc- tion-line separating the trunk from the lower extremity. “Sacro-inguinal zone.” Lower abdominal reflex (Thl0-12). L, 1. Lower abdominal muscles. 2. M. quadratum lumborum. 3. Mm. psoas major and minor. 1. Prelum abdom- inis. 2. Lateral flexion of spine. 3. Flexion of thigh. Skin of the groin. “Sacrofemoral zone.” Cremaster reflex (L.-J. l2 1. M. ileopsoas; M. sartorius. 2. M. cremaster. 1. Flexion of thigh. 2. Retraction of testicle. Most of anterior surface of thigh; sensation in testicle and spermatic cord. “Gluteocrural zone.” 1. Cremaster reflex (L,-2). 2. Knee-jerk (L2-J. *For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. 54 Ultra-Violet TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes l3 1. M. ileopsoas. 2. Adductors of the thigh (L2-4). 3. M. quadriceps (L2-J. 1. Flexion of the thigh. 2. Adduction of the thigh. 3. Extension of leg on thigh. Region of the knee. Knee-jerk (L2-4). l4 1. M. q uadriceps (L2-4) 2. Lateral rotators of thigh. 3. M. tibialis anti- cus. 1. Extension of leg on thigh. 2. Lateral rotation of thigh. 3. Dorsal flexion of foot; elevation of medial margin. Medial surface of leg. 1. Knee-j erk (L2-4). 2. Gluteal reflex (L4-J. L. 1. Mm. gluteus med. and min. (L4-S4). 2. M. semimembra- nosus; M. semitendi- nosus; M. biceps femoris. 1. Adduction and medial rotation of thigh. 2. Flexion of leg. 1. Narrow triangular area in front of ankle, extending to dorsum of foot. 2. Narrow triangular area over tendo-Achilles and heel, extending to planta pedis. “Fibulodorsal zone.” 1. Gluteal reflex (L4-B). .. 2. Achilles-jerk (L8-S2). s* 1. Mm.gluteusmaxi- mus (L4-S)2. 1. Fixation of pelvis on thigh; extension of thigh. 1. Narrow zone extending from the dorsum pedis up behind the fibula, on the lateral surface of the foot and leg. 1. Achilles-jerk (Ls-S2). *For plurise'mental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. • **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. T h e r a p y 55 TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord: Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes 2. M. pyriformis; M. obturator inter- nus; Mm. gemelli; M. quadratus femo- ris. 2. Lateral rotation of thigh. 3. Dorsal flexion of the foot and toes. 2. Narrow zone extending upward from behind the lateral malleolus; it extends in a spiral direction over the calf to reach the medial condyle of the femur. “Soleal zone.” 2. Plantar reflex (S,-2). 3. M. tibialis anti- cus. Mm. peronei; Mm. extensor digitor longus and brevis. s2 1. M. gastrocnemius; M. soleus. 1. Plantar flexion of foot. Lateral part of buttock, and most of posterior sur- face of thigh and upper lateral calf (anesthesia has riding breeches shape). Lateral surface of leg; lateral margin of foot; sen- sibility of bladder and rec- tum. “Sciatic zone.” 1. Achilles-jerk (L5-S2). 2. M. flexor digit, comm.: M. flexor hallucis. 3. M. tibialis posti- cus. 2. Flexion of the toes. 3. Adduction of foot, with elevation of its medial margin. * 2. Plantar reflex (S,-2). 3. Ejaculation center (S2-3). *For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. 56 Ultra-Violet TABLE OF CORD SEGMENTAL REPRESENTATION OF MOTILITY, SENSIBILITY AND REFLEXES (From L. F. Barker) Segment of Spinal Cord; Spinal Nerve Roots Muscles* Movements Cutaneous Sensibility** Reflexes 4. Small muscles of foot. 4. Flexion, adduc- tion and abduction of toes. S3* . 1. Perineal muscles. Voluntary starting and stopping of uri- nation and defeca- tion; erect ion; second phase of ejaculation. 1. Most of gluteal region. 1. Ejaculation center (S2-3). 2. Voluntary muscle of genito-urinary organs and rectum. 2. Perineum, scrotum, penis. 3. Uppermost part of medial surface of thigh. 2. Erection cen- ter (S3). 3. Bladder center (S3-4). 4. Rectal center (s3-4). s4-s + coccyg. 1. M. levator ani (S3-4). 2. M. sphincter ani externus (S3-4). 3. M . coccy ge u s (S3-coccyg.). Voluntary starting and stopping of uri- nation and defeca- tion. * 1. Anal and perineal regions. 2. Medial sacral and coccygeal regions. 1. Bladder cen- ters (S3-J. 2. Rectal centers (S3-4). 3. Anal reflex (Sr, + coccyg). *For plurisegmental innervation of muscles, see preceding table; here only the dominant segment is given. **The names of the zones in quotation marks are those used by Head. Therapy 57 Just as the irritation produced in the viscus as the result of visceral pathology causes a pain to be referred to certain areas, so does stimulation of these areas also refer back reflex changes that affect the viscera. This is the basis of regional actinotherapy; and though used in painful diseases of the viscera, it is to be noted espe- cially that regional actinotherapy may be used for the correction, at least in part, of visceral disease that fails to produce pain. DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH The more common lesions of the stomach causing pain, and for which regional actinotherapy is useful, are: 1. Gastralgia (?) 2. Hyperchlorhydria 3. Cardiac or pyloric spasm 4. Acute dilatation 5. Acute gastritis 6. Chronic gastritis 7. Gastric ulcers 8. New growths 9. Perigastric adhesions Pains induced by these lesions involve: (a) The epigastrium (b) The back between the posterior borders of both scapulae (c) The hyperalgesic areas include the sixth (when the esophagus is involved), the seventh, eighth and sometimes ninth dorsal (study table and see cut). 58 Ultra-Violet Stomach (Left Half) Gall Bladder Kidney Cecum and Appendix Ovary and Tube Ureter Fig. 1—The general location and outline of the zones of cuta- neous hyperalgesia for some of the abdominal viscera. Anterior view. The maxima are deeply shaded. Only the left half of the gastric zone is given. The ureteral zone consists of a series of maxima (dia- grammatic). Gastralgia A sensory neurosis of the stomach that induces, reflexly, a pressure-pain sense in the epigastrium. Regional A ctinotherapy: The individual rests on a table. Draw a bed-sheet, or equivalent covering, over the face and upper part of the chest so as to cover all above a line that connects both nipples. Draw a second sheet over the legs and pelvic region to a level with the Therapy 59 -10th Dorsal Spine -1st Sacral Fig. 2—The general location and outline of the posterior parts of the zones (diagrammatic). umbilicus. This leaves an area in front exposing the hyperalgesic regions. Adjust the lamp over the patient so that the uviarc is directly over the median line of the individual, and in the same direction as the median line. Open the casing sufficiently wide entirely to cover the exposed area. The lamp must show an operating voltage (voltage across the tube) of 70. Apply a regenerative erythema, as follows: From the American Journal of The Medical Sciences, Vol. CXXXVI, No. 5, November, 1908. 60 Ultra-Violet Light Type Dark Type Female adult 90 seconds 120 seconds Male adult 120 seconds 150 seconds With the sheeting in the same position, have the patient turn so as to expose an equivalent area on the back. Repeat the radiation on the back. The erythema should develop in 6 to 10 hours, and in its acute form, last one or two days. When it begins to disappear, if the pain is not entirely relieved, a second application in identical manner is used, but increasing the exposure time because of the established tolerance. Second Exposure Light Type Dark Type Female adult 180 seconds 240 seconds Male adult 240 seconds 300 seconds Comment: If the pain is due to gastralgia, excellent recovery follows the first treatment. A second exposure is seldom required. If the pain persists, restudy the case bearing in mind the possibility of gastric ulcer. Practically immediate amenability to actinotherapy is a distinguishing diagnostic symptom of gastralgia. HYPERCHLORHYDRIA A secretory neurosis of the stomach that produces pain (as distinguished from all other secretory neuroses). Regional Actinotherapy: Since, in hyperchlorhydria, the pain is diffuse, and extends over the entire abdomen, the region treated is the whole back and front above the waistline, two exposures to a treatment (back and front). Frequently repeated doses of stimulative ery- thema are better, it appears, than fewer doses of regen- erative erythema. Initial exposure: Therapy 61 Light Type Dark Type Female adult 50 seconds 60 seconds Male adult 60 seconds 90 seconds Each subsequent exposure is increased by the same amount as the original, viz.: Female Male Light Dark Light Dark 1st exposure 50 sec. 1 min. 1 min. 1% min. 2d it 1% min. 2 U 2 a 3 3d U 2% U 3 u 3 u 4% “ 4th U 3 % u 4 u 4 u 6 5th u 4 % u 5 u 5 u 7% “ 6th a 5 u 6 a 6 u 9 7th u 5H u 7 u 7 a 10% “ 8th u 6% u 8 u 8 u 12 “ 9th u 7A “ 9 u 9 u 13% “ 10th u 8H u 10 u 10 u 15 11th u 9 H u 11 u 11 u 16% “ 12th u 10 u 12 u 12 u 18 “ 13th u 10% u 13 a 13 u 19% “ 14th “ 11% u 14 u 14 a 21 15th u 12% u 15 u 15 “ 22% “ Comment: Since hyperchlorhydria is generally asso- ciated with (1) mental fatigue and overwork, (2) gas- trointestinal atony with chronic constipation, or (3) indiscretions in food, coffee or tobacco, these must be attended to promptly. One must be cautioned not to overlook the possibility of gastric or duodenal ulcer, or reflex causes of hyperacidity such as cholelithiasis, chronic appendicitis or ileal stasis. Hyperchlorhydria, of what- ever origin, yields under a course (six to fifteen treatments, every second day) of ultra-violet therapy; but when due to other than secretory neurosis, the surgical possibilities should not be neglected. Cardiac or Pyloric Spasm Like other hollow abdominal viscera, the stomach is subject to colic; but the parts of the stomach chiefly 62 Ultra- V'i o l e t affected are the pylorus and cardia. The pain and hyper- algesia is epigastric. • Regional Actinotherapy: The mechanism here is to excite, by stimulation, the nerve filaments that are in the epigastric skin region. This, by reflex, relieves the spastic reaction of the pyloric or cardiac sphincters. Minimum exposures to the epigastrium are sufficient. Overexposure is contraindicated because of the hyperemic temperature created; and, as Schmidt has shown, cold is borne better than heat. Direct the rays to the epigastrium. The back need not be exposed. Use a broken stimulative dose, about as follows: Female Adult Male Adult Light Dark Light Dark Initial dose 10 sec. 12 sec. 12 sec. 18 sec. 15 minutes later 10 “ 12 “ 12 “ 18 “ 30 minutes later 10 “ 12 “ 12 “ 18 “ 45 minutes later 10 “ 12 “ 12 “ 18 “ 1 hour later 10 “ 12 “ 12 “ 18 “ Total 50 “ 60 “ 60 “ 90 “ Comment: A stimulative dose, broken in five fractions, gives a splendid nervous reaction that usually diverts the sphincteral spasm. Each fraction follows the preced- ing exposure after a 15-minute interval. The sum of the fractions, at the end of one hour, equals the stimulative dose time. Excellent results in pure spasms of the stomach. Acute Dilatation Usually a post-operative sequelum when there has been much handling of the viscera. A relaxation of muscle tone. The discomfort-pain is epigastric, which should be rayed heavily, during or after immediate gastric lavage. Actinotherapy does not relieve the stomach of its con- tents. It increases, by reflex, the muscular tone. T h e r a p y 63 Regional Actinotherapy: Regenerative erythema over the epigastrium. Female Adult Male Adult Light Dark Light | Dark Regenerative erythema 90 sec. 120 sec. 120 sec. | 150 sec. Comment: When not the result of operative han- dling, it is generally a less severe situation. If exposed viscera are irradiated during operation, many think that acute dilatation is completely aborted. This is an inter- esting speculation worthy of investigation. In post- operative dilatation, depend upon immediate and complete lavage for relief; and upon actinotherapy, to maintain the gastric tone for precluding possible repe- tition. Acute Gastritis A painful reaction of the stomach occasioned by inflam- matory pathology. When the inflammation involves the walls of the stomach, the immediately adjacent lym- phatics become affected. The distribution of pain and hyperalgesia is the same as for gastralgia; but the pain seems to run right through to the back, so that pain between the shoulders is also felt. Morphine must sometimes be used. Regional Actinotherapy: Regenerative erythema from the nipple line to the umbilicus level, over front and back. Prepare with sheets as for gastralgia. Exposure, over each region (back and front): Female Adult Male Adult Light Dark Light Dark Initial 2d exposure U \x/i min. 3 “ 2 min. 4 “ 2 min. 4 “ min. 5 3d a 4K “ 5 6 “ 6 “ m “ 10 4th u 8 “ 8 “ 5th 6th u “ 8 “ 10 “ 10 “ 12H “ 15 “ u 12 “ 12 “ 64 Ultra-Violet Comment: The radiation should relieve the tension of the recti muscles, which, particularly on the right side, are generally contracted. In proportion as this tension is reduced, the pain of the gastritis yields. Chronic Gastritis Usually not painful. Only a feeling of discomfort. Regional A ctinotherapy: Stimulative erythema in a course of exposures. Useful particularly in the atrophic forms where pains resembling the gastric crises of tabes are occasionally present. Actinotherapy is a most useful auxiliary measure. Exposure course: Exposure Female Male Light Dark Light Dark Initial 50 sec. 1 min. 1 min. 1% min. 2d 1% min. 2 U 2 U 3 U 3d 2% U 3 i< 3 if 4% a 4th. 3 % if 4 u 4 u 6 a 5th 4 % u 5 a 5 a 7% u 6th 5 u 6 u 6 a 9 a 7th 5% a 7 u 7 it 10% u 8th 6 % u 8 u 8 a 12 u 9th 7% u 9 u 9 u 13% u 10th 8% u 10 u 10 a 15 a 11th 9% a 11 u 11 u 16% u 12th 10 u 12 u 12 u 18 u 13th 10% iC 13 u 13 a 19% u 14th 11% u 14 a 14 u 21 u 15th 12% u 15 u 15 a 22% u 16th 13% u 16 u 16 a 24 if 17th 14% u 17 u 17 a 25% if 18th 15 u 18 u 18 a 27 i( 19th 15% u ' 19 u 19 a 28% a 20th 16% u 20 u 20 a 30 a Comment: Primary forms of chronic gastritis, resulting from dietetic errors, hasty eating, faulty mastication, T h e r a p y 65 lack of exercise, are benefited much; more especially is the mental depression, usually a prominent feature of the condition, dispelled. Secondary forms, where the chronic gastritis accom- panies various organic diseases, such as cancer, severe anemia, tuberculosis, renal disease, arterial sclerosis, car- diac insufficiency or portal obstruction, yield less readily unless, obviously, the major pathology is at the same time attacked. Gastric Ulcers It appears that the mechanism of pain production in gastric ulcer is much similar to that obtaining in gastritis; excepting that the circumscription of the ulcer more defin- itely focalizes the pain area on the skin. Increased acidity of the gastric juice is usually present, though its absence by no means rules out gastric ulcer. There is some ques- tion as to whether the increased acidity induces the pain attack. Regional Actinotherapy: Irradiate the epigastrium, using a regenerative erythema, as follows: Female Male Light Dark Light Dark Initial 134 min. 2 min. 2 min. 234 min. 2d 3 4 “ 4 “ 5 3d 434 “ 6 “ 6 “ m “ 4th 6 8 “ 8 “ 10 5th 734 “ 10 “ 10 “ 1234 “ 6th 9 12 “ 12 “ 15 7th 10 34 “ 14 “ 14 “ 17 H “ 8th 12 16 “ 16 “ 20 9th 13 34 “ 18 “ 18 “ 22 H “ 10th 15 20 “ 20 “ 25 66 Ultra-Violet The interval between each treatment should be about two days. After the tenth treatment, stop the ultra- violet therapy. Wait an interval of two weeks without treatment. Then begin again the course above outlined. Comment: The treatment is long, but commendable. Hematemesis is soon checked, as can be determined by the silk thread test. Complications are aborted. Pain is dispelled. Under X-ray, the gastric spasm usually elicited is found to disappear. Hyperchlorhydria is dim- inished, the acidity of the gastric juice reaching a normal value. Clinically, at least in so-called “medicinal” ulcers of the stomach (so small as to contraindicate surgical inter- vention) most encouraging control follows actinotherapy. Be certain to distinguish from (1) carcinoma (especially ulcus carcinomatosum), (2) from duodenal ulcer (right- sided hunger pain, especially at 2-4 a.m.; vomiting less common; periodicity of symptoms more marked; X-rays); (3) from gallstones and cholecystitis (absence of occult blood and of hypomotility; occasionally, urobiligenuria; character of pain; sometimes icterus; X-rays); (4) from appendicitis in a high appendix; (5) from nervous epigas- tralgias (absence of occult blood, and of a definite relation of pain to the ingestion of food; introduction of 100 c.c. N /10 HC1 through a tube may cause no pain); (6) from gastric crises of tabes (pupils; knee jerks); and (7) from epigastric hernia (relation of pain to exercise rather than to food; palpation). It is wise to rule out, in addition, (8) renal stone, (9) .intestinal parasites, and, in women, (10) pelvic disease. Chapter V REGIONAL ACTINOTHERAPY viewP°int of gynecology, referred 51 pains are important in connection with the treatment of certain disorders of the female genitalia, particularly the uterus, the tubes and the ovaries. The area of distribution of cord segments involved in uterine, ovarian and tubal diseases includes: 1. For the uterus; tenth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal 2. For the cervix; third and fourth lumbar, sometimes also the first and second sacral segments 3. For the ovaries; the tenth dorsal 4. For the tubes; eleventh and twelfth dorsal, and first lumbar segments So that the region involved in pelvic visceral disorders is from the level of the free borders of the ribs to halfway between the hip and the knee in front, and the corres- ponding area in back. It must be recalled that involve- ments of the female genitalia are capable of producing local, referred, reflected, transferred and sympathetic pains; and that this multiple effect taxes the diagnostic acumen of the surgeon. Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation presents certain clinical varieties, such as: 1. Neuralgic 2. Congestive 3. Mechanic 4. Membranous 5. Ovarian 67 68 Ultra-Violet For the neuralgic type, in which the pain is usually most severe just before the onset or during the early hours of the flow, regional actinotherapy is useful, particularly when combined with the supportive treatment demanded by the case (colchicum or salicylates in the gouty; iron, arsenic and strychnine intramuscularly administered in the anemic). The actinic erythema required over the region of hyper- algesia depends upon the severity of the pain when Mild or Moderate Stimulative erythema Intense Regenerative erythema Exposure factors are: Stimulative Regenerative Light Dark Light Dark Initial 50 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 120 sec. 2d 1% min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 3d 2K “ 3 “ . 4H “ 6 “ 4th * 3K “ 4 “ 6 8 “ 5th 4/4; “ 5 “ 7'A “ 10 “ 6th 5 6 “ 9 12 “ 7th 5 H “ 7 “ ioA “ 14 “ 8th 6% “ 8 “ 12 16 “ This generally relieves the pain during the acuity of the attack. In the course of the intramenstrual period, a complete survey of the pelvic organs should be made and the underlying pathogenesis of the dysmenorrhea cor- rected. Congestive dysmenorrhea is treated with a regenerative erythemic reaction over the pelvic area as outlined previously. Therapy 69 Light Type Dark Type 1H 3 min. 2 min. 2d u 4 u 3d 4H 6 u 6 u 4th u 8 u 7V2 9 a 10 u 6th u 12 a 7th 10 Yt 12 u 14 u 8th u 16 u 9th 13M 15 a 18 u 10th u 20 u Scheme By stimulating the capillary requirement of blood, which the erythema accomplishes, the related internal viscera are correspondingly “decongested.” If there is some leucorrhea between periods, suspect a tumor or uterine displacement. Saline cathartics should always preceed decongestive actinotherapy. Ovarian dysmenorrhea is similarly treated, using regen- erative erythemic applications as for congestive dysmen- orrhea. Avoid alcoholic stimulants and morphine. Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia One, menorrhagia, is an increased menstrual discharge; the other, metrorrhagia, is a discharge occurring at times other than the normal period. These conditions may arise as primary affections of the uterus, such as: (a) Endometritis (especially granular form) (b) Interstitial or submucous fibroid tumors (c) Para, or peri, metritis (d) Secundines, retained (■e) Subinvolution (/) Malignant disease (g) Chronic inversion 70 Ultra-Violet or they may arise from conditions which secondarily affect the uterus, such as: (a) Diseases of the tubes and ovaries (b) Renal, hepatic, or cardiac diseases; tuberculosis, continued fevers, etc. (c) Fecal impaction (d) Hemophilia (e) Ectopic gestation Pain is relieved by actinotherapy, when pain is a distinguishing symptom. Beyond this, the pristine cause must be sought and corrected. For the pain, a stimulative erythema is ample, repeating frequently, say daily or at most every second day. This same exposure refiexly influences the tone of the uterine musculature, and is therefore a splendid measure. Pain due to disease of the Fallopian tubes may result from: 1. Distension of the tubes 2. Inflammation 3. Adhesions These are collectively realized as forms of salpingitis, which may be acute or chronic. Pozzi gives an anatomical and clinical classification wTich is quite serviceable, as follows: Fallopian Tubes 1. Noncystic salpingitis (a) Acute catarrhal (b) Acute purulent (c) Chronic parenchymatoses (d) Pachysalpingitis (a) Hydrosalpinx (b) Pyosalpinx (ic) Hematosalpinx 2. Cystic salpingitis Therapy 71 Salpingitis is usually secondary to a gonorrheal or puerperal septic endometritis. Taking cold during the menstrual period, excessive excercise, tuberculosis, syphi- lis or eruptive fevers are also causal. Throbbing pains are usually due to hyperemia; when there should be given a regenerative erythema over the pelvic region. Dull aching pains are due to chronic inflammation, generally, and yield best to stimulative erythema over the pelvic region of hyperalgesia. When the indications are not such as to indicate operation, there being only slight pain and moderate menorrhagia, regional actinotherapy furnishes an excel- lent palliative treatment. Rest in bed and saline purga- tives should be prescribed. Exposures Stimulative Regenerative Light Dark Light Dark Initial 50 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 120 sec. 2d 1% min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 3d 2K “ 3 •“ ' “ 6 “ 4th 3K “ 4 “ 6 8 “ 5th 4 % “ 5 “ “ 10 “ 6th 5 6 “ 9 12 “ 7th 5M “ 7 “ ioA “ 14 “ 8th 6K “ 8 “ 12 “ 16 “ Pelvic Inflammation Pelvic inflammation is a clinical concept that includes pelvic peritonitis and pelvic cellulitis. It would appear, at first hand, that the two conditions might readily be separated; but the difficulties of differential diagnosis are sometimes so great as to preclude any absolute dis- tinction until after an exploratory operation. 72 Ultra-Violet Pelvic Peritonitis Definition: An inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum. Etiology: Most usually pelvic peritonitis arises as a result of an extension to the peritoneum of inflammations involving the uterus, ovaries or tubes; and in the great majority of the cases, inflammation of the tubes. First, there may be an endometritis; then a salpingitis; and then a peritonitis. When the course of infection takes the avenues described, the pristine disorder may be traced to infection of the genital tract, such as that incident to: (a) Gonorrhea (b) Introduction into the genital tract anywhere of septic materials, as from instrumentation. Or the infection may extend by way of veins and vessels from the uterus into the broad ligament, omitting the intervening tubes. Pathology: At first the peritoneum becomes hypermic, its luster is lost and exudation forms and accumulates. According to the quantity and character of exudate, pelvic peritonitis may be: 1. Adhesive: In which there is scarcely any serum exuded; the inflamed area being coated with fibrin and adhesions form which bind together the pelvic organs and intestines. 2. Serous: In which the exudate consists mainly of serum and lies either free in the peritoneal cavity or is encapsulated by adhesions. 3. Purulent: In which there is a severe exudate, and when especially septic, the exudate is almost wholly purulent. T h e r a p y 73 Pelvic Cellulitis Definition: An accumulation of serous exudate with or without fibrin and white cells, involving principally the cellular structures of the peritoneum. Etiology: Pelvic cellulitis arises as the result of two causes, summed up by Cragin in the words traumatism and sepsis. Traumatism may come from labor, abortion or cervical operations; or.from impaired physiological integrity of the individual cells of the pelvic structure (physiologic trauma). At one time, pelvic cellulitis was considered common; but the experience gained through exploratory laparot- omies teaches that masses and thickenings are most frequently found to be salpingitis and peritonitis. So that although pelvic cellulitis exists, its occurrence is fairly infrequent. Pathology: Serum, fibrin, and white cells accumulate. This exudate may resolve; it may form new connective tissue; or it may suppurate, and often does. When it suppurates the pus may point above the tubes, or it may rupture into any of the adjacent structures, as the vagina, bladder, rectum or uterus. Secondary Pathogenesis In cellulitis, as in peritonitis, two distinguishing patho- logic phenomena are resident. The first is the presence of a pathogenic organism; the second is a lowered thresh- old of physiologic integrity on the part of the individual cells in the region invaded by the organisms. Too little attention is paid to the topic of cellular contribution in the process of infection. It is generally summarily dis- missed by referring to it as “immunity” or “resistance.” The accumulation of exudate is a significant index point- ing to an impaired metabolism, and therefore alters the 74 Ultra-Violet exchange existing between blood supply and cellular activity. It seems that we could include pelvic cellulitis and peritonitis under the general term of pelvic inflamma- tion; both being clinically related and being different manifestations of the same pathologic process. They differ only in the virulence of the attacking organism and in the anatomical orientation that the infection assumes. So that we may refer to the infectious character of these effects as the pristine pathogenesis of pelvic inflammation, and to the inhibited cellular physiology that leads to exudate formation as the secondary pathogenesis. The secondary pathogenesis of pelvic inflammation is' a factor that can be corrected through the proper administration of ultra-violet exposure. Stimulative erythemas are applied over the back and front of the nude individual (it is sufficient generally to expose from the waist up). The stimulation produced increases cellular metabolism in the surface structures. The radiations induce a change in the assimilative constant of the blood, making it more readily available for cells that are below par. This is another way of saying that systemic expo- sures to ultra-violet ray raise the resistance or immunity of the individual. Treatment of Pelvic Inflammation: Primary pathologic factors, such as endometritis, fibroids, chronic salpingitis and similar infections must be removed by operative interference if the potential cause for pelvic inflam- mation is to be eradicated. In the acute stages of infection the amount of exudate reaction is an index of operative treatment; if the reaction is purulent and the exudate accumulates rapidly, drainage is indicated; if the reaction is fibrinous and goes on to chronic course, it is better to resort to measures that increase immunity and that will make for resorption of plastic exudation. Therapy 75 Regional Actinotherapy In all cases stimulative ultra-violet radiations are indicated, whether or not operative interference is premeditated. When the attack is of non-operative virulence, this treatment may alone suffice to restore normalcy to the pelvic tissues. Dose scheme: Stimulative Regenerative Light Dark Light Dark Initial 50 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 120 sec. 2d 1% min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 3d 2K “ 3 “ 4K “ 6 “ 4th 3K “ 4 “ 6 8 “ 5th 4M “ 5 “ 7 Yi “ 10 “ 6th 5 “ 6 “ 9 12 “ 7th 5% “ 7 “ ioy2 “ 14 “ 8th 6% “ 8 “ 12 16 “ The treatment must be begun and maintained, allowing only minimum intervals to intervene between applica- tions, usually 36 hours apart. When the primary patho- logic focus is of intra-vaginal origin, usually bactericidal, the conjoint use of the bactericidal lamp is at the same time indicated. General Comment: There has been a tendency to over- treat, with actinotherapy, in gynecologic conditions. Use stimulative and regenerative erythemas, regionally ap- plied, with intelligent discrimination; the stimulative being much more useful, as a rule, than the regenerative. When combined with glandular extracts, corpus luteum, ovarian, and other organotherapeutic agents, actinother- apy furnishes a splendid gynecologic aid. Infection of 76 Ultra-Violet the urogenital passages is a bactericidal entity that will be discussed when the water-cooled lamp is considered. Be careful of the diagnosis; use the radiant agent as a palliative measure, and complete the treatment, when necessary, by removing the prime cause. Ultra-violet may in many instances be of itself sufficient; but its capacity for doing clinical good must be judiciously assayed in terms of how the good is accomplished. Avoid empiricism. Chapter VI FRACTIONAL ACTINOTHERAPY ■Y FRACTIONAL actinotherapy is meant the irradiation of the body in fractional portions for the purpose of establishing a strong toler- ance to the rays in order that a more or less prolonged attack upon a general systemic condition can be made.. Those of us who are familiar with heliotherapy realize full well the entire significance of Dr. Rollier’s teaching and practice; the gradual exposure of the nude body to the sun’s rays as distinguished from an immediate thrust of the entire body into a highly active chemical environ- ment such as actinic rays represent. In our own country, Lo Grasso, at Perrysburg, subscribes completely to the necessity for fractional irradiation (he uses heliotherapy) in the treatment of tuberculosis; and insists that a very great measure of the successful handling of surgical tuberculosis by actinic energy is resident in the use of the fractional method. It is known that the limit of ultra-violet wave lengths reaching us from the sun is about 2900 Angstrom units. Spectographic measures show, also, that the usual glass of window panes does not transmit shorter wave lengths than 3022 Angstrom units; and that heliotherapy, to be successful, cannot be employed behind windows, but rpust be in open light. In other words, glass filters off the ultra- violet wave lengths of sunlight that are essential in the treatment of tuberculopathies (and rickets). Reproducing the wave lengths of the important bands of the biologic mercury vapor spectrum, we find: 77 78 Ultra-Violet Angstfom Units 4000 3907 3821 3752 3663 3650 3544 3391 Average limit of visible violet Limit of Canada balsam transmission.. 3342 3126 3022 Limit of usual glass transparency Limit of cobalt glass transparency 2967 2925 2894 Extreme limit of sunlight ultra violet. . So that, obviously, the bands responsible for the actinic influence of ultra-violet in the treatment of constitutional states (tuberculosis, rickets and kindred aberrancies that will be discussed) are included between the limits of glass transparency and the sun’s shortest ultra-violet wave lengths, or: 3022 2967 2925 2894 Observe particularly that the sun s ultra-violet spectrum ends at the region ithere skin absorption of ultra-violet ends! The problem of the treatment of surgical and medical tuberculosis through the use of ultra-violet therefore resolves itself into: 1. Duplication of sun’s spectrum 2. Fractional treatment 3. Proper adjuvant measures Therapy 79 Tests point out that the spectral region indicated is at its clinical best when the air-cooled lamp operates at 70 volts; but that at this voltage there aie present also certain wave lengths shorter than 2894 Angstrom units that may reverse the biophotophysical effect of the longer rays. These, however, are practically nullified by increas- ing the distance which separates the tube from the skin to 40 inches. Hence, the most efficient results are to be expected with: 1. Air-cooled lamp 2. 70 volts 3. 40-inch tube-skin distance 4. Tangential (right angle) irradiation 5. Fractional irradiation On this basis, the chart on following page is con- structed, which serves as the method for treating every form of surgical or medical tuberculosis. First day: The patient, with eyes protected from the rays (colored glasses or towel) is rested upon a table or couch. The feet are exposed anteriorly for one minute under the air-cooled lamp; then for one minute poster- iorly. Second day: The patient is covered over the head, chest, abdomen and knees, and exposed to the lamp for one minute from the knees to the feet; the sheet is then drawn down to the ankles and the exposure continued another minute over the feet. The same technic is pursued with the patient turned over so as to expose posteriorly over corresponding fractions. Third day: The covering comes only to the level of the acetabula. Expose from here to the feet, anteriorly, one minute. Draw sheet to knees and expose one minute 80 Ultra-Violet VICTOR RIR COOLED QURRTZ. LRMP. TRHCfEHTJRL ILLUMINRTlON; TUBE-5K.IH DISTRNCE, RBOUT 40 INCHES; INTENSITY,LOW (RBOUT 70V0LT5) &BCK RNO FRONT TRERTEP RT ERCR SESSION USING IDENTICRL PROGRESSION RFTER THE F1FTHEENTH PRY COMPLETE \RRRDlRTlON OVER THE FRONT RHP BRCK FROM HECK TO FOOT £ HOUR RT ERCH TRERTMENT EVER/ THlRP PRY VST I2.ND |3RP |