Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND MINERAL THERAPY By Walter Bryant Guy, M. D. ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA Published by W. Roy Huntsman Philadelphia, Pa. Printed by The Record Press Rochester, New Hampshire U. S. A. Copyright By Walter Bryant Guy, M. D, St. Augustine, Florida 1934 INTRODUCTION This little book has been written to answer the many letters that have come to the author, inquiring how, what and when to use hydro- chloric acid and potassium salt solution. That this acid solution, with or without the addition of minerals, has an undoubted and valuable place in therapeutics, the many and at times seemingly miraculous reports abundantly testi- fy- The manner of its action is still most mys- terious and the writer has step by step in the succeeding chapters endeavored to dissipate this mystery, and at the same time show how the medical world may go forward to greater vic- tories than before considered possible. The author also has attempted to link togeth- er certain well-known laws in the vegetable kingdom with the animal and human; to show how these proven truths may be profitably ap- plied in the treatment of the many uncontrolled diseases of senile years as well as those in earlier life, to illustrate how all the varied as- pects of the degenerative diseases are in reality but the varied symptoms of one underlying cause. Ill Introduction This work brings up to date the writer’s ex- periences of the past five years in the use of hydrochloric acid combined with the various mineral salts found in human tissues, and is written particularly for the country doctor, away from the help of hospitals and labora- tories. It attempts to show what can be done in the field of pure research without the aid of laboratory or even hospital, without studies on lower animal life, just the common opportuni- ties of the family doctor. After all is said and done, clinical results are the determining factor that give the final answer to all researches and theories of therapeutics. As but well-known and well-tested chemicals were used, dosage known and recorded, there is in reality no need of sacrifice of animal life in such investigations. The writer hopes by the publication of these studies and this new yet old therapy to stimu- late others to similar adventure and if possible to unite the liberal physicians who today are using this acid mineral therapy, so that by mu- tual reports and experiences in different fields of disease and different parts of the world con- trol of these intractable diseases may be stim- ulated, and above all else recorded so that noth- ing may be lost, but rather that each discovery may be properly proven, filed and made avail- able for all mankind. IV Introduction The author wishes that those whose work has been helped, whose control over disease has been increased, whose courage to go forward has been made stronger, will report their vic- tories and failures so that in some future edi- tion or pamphlet all may go forward united in a common aim by a free exchange of clinical re- ports and records both of success and failure, so that the underlying truth concerning the therapy of hydrochloric acid combined with the mineral salts present in the chemistry of the human body may be made evident to all. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Ill Chapter I Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Ther- apy in varied aspects of disease ... 11 Chapter II Lymphatic Therapeutics — Showing the role of the lymphatic system in health and disease and its anatomi- cal structure 15 Chapter III Lymph Stasis—Describing the varied effects on health and the different tissues when the lymph channels be- come obstructed 22 Chapter IV Lymph Stasis Caused by Absorption of Aluminum Salts—Linking up the vegetable world with the human, showing effects of stoppage of sap flow in corn by absorption of alu- minum 27 Chapter V Potassium Deficiency—Showing how a potassium deficiency in corn causes absorption of iron and block- age, also varied growths of rots and moulds in corn production 31 VII Table of Contents Chapter VI Page Lymph Stasis in Alkalosis—Showing how an alkaline reaction of tissues causes a precipitation of waste prod- ucts and salts, causing lymph block- age 36 Chapter VII Lymph Stasis from Septic Infection— Showing how the lymph channels are blocked by bacterial toxins and need of treatment to restore normal lymphatic circulation 43 Chapter VIII Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Salts —-How such treatment restores a normal lymphatic circulation; who first injected this acid into the veins and results thereof 48 Chapter IX Acid Mineral Therapy in Tuberculosis —Showing that an underlying fac- tor feeds tuberculous bacilli, and how this factor can be destroyed .. 54 Chapter X Acid Mineral Solution in Diabetes— Showing the role of hydrochloric acid in normal digestion, and its need and action in the treatment and relief of this wide spread disease .. 60 VIII Table of Contents Chapter XI Page Acid Mineral Therapy in Circulatory Diseases—Shows how cells in ar- teries, heart and other organs may be diseased by lymph stasis, and re- sults of relieving this stasis in vari- ous organs 66 Chapter XII Acid Mineral Therapy in Prostatic Disease—Showing how this com- mon affection is helped or cured by its use and the reason why 75 Chapter XIII % Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer— Showing a possible relationship to a potassium deficiency as seen in corn production, also effect of solution in lymph stasis, preceding malignancy 79 Chapter XIV Acid Mineral Solution in Diseases of the Skin—How the use of it causes cure of septic conditions, relieves intolerable itching of erythema, etc. 90 Chapter XV Acid Mineral Solution—Its formula, shows how it can be modified at will, how other minerals may be added, and hopes for success in intractable degenerative diseases 95 IX Table of Contents Chapter XVI Page Treatment of Varied Diseases—Show- ing its use and need in all chronic conditions; difference of young and old to drug action and how other medical treatment may be activated by its administration 100 Chapter XVII Neoplastic Diseases—Gives results to date, prospects for future. How any obscure and country doctor may take part in this research. What to apply in the open sores and lesions of advanced external can- cerous growths 112 Chapter XVIII Further Testimony—The explanation and result of an injection of the acid mineral solution in a severe case of jacksonian epilepsy 120 Conclusion 127 X Chapter I HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND MINERAL THERAPY Hydrochloric acid, long known to be the nor- mal acid found in the gastric juice or digestive fluid of stomach, has too long been thought to be innocuous and of little therapeutic potency. Recent investigations, notably those of Dr. Burr Ferguson of Alabama, who seems to have been the first to inject it in weak solution into the venous circulation with most startling heal- ing results, and those of Dr. De Witt Colby, who administered it in allergic diseases such as asthma and hay fever with similar effects, has brought it to the notice of the medical profes- sion, who in spite of alarmist cries by reaction- aries in high places, here and there all over the world, our medical confreres are reporting mi- raculous recoveries from its administration, either by mouth, vein or by intra-muscular in- jection. When we consider, however, that this normal acid is the only normal, true acid in the human economy, that all other acids are but transi- tory, or waste products to be eliminated or broken down as quickly as possible, that too, the acid base equilibrium (or ph) is absolute- ly dependent on its presence and normal con- 11 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy tent, we can dimly begin to realize its great value. The theory advanced by Dr. Ferguson that its therapeutic value consists solely by stimu- lation of the white corpuscles into activity, therefore an increased phagocytosis, this teach- ing of Eli Metchnikoff, in the writer’s opinion, falls far short of a full explanation of its mani- fold inherent therapeutic possibilities. We are far from a full knowledge of the chemistry of plasma blood and cells, yet some reports by biological chemists point to the strong possibility that the ph of the cells and of lymph and plasma varies, that the cell is of a lower ph or, in more simple language, is slight- ly more acid than its surrounding media. If this statement be true, and life itself seems to bear out this hypothesis, the difference be- tween the ph of cell and its media would ex- plain the nature of the vital force or life prin- ciple, as a magnetic aura must be present if such is the case. Therefore, it necessarily follows if this acid- ity of cellular life is diminished by disease reac- tions or other depressing causes, an intravenous or intra-muscular injection of dilute hydro- chloric acid would result in renewed vital activ- ity, not alone of the phagocytes, but of all the affected cells of the organism. A striking scene is recalled when a few 12 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy months ago the writer found a young negro in a dark shack, illumined by a smoky, broken kerosene lamp, almost unconscious from syphi- litic coma. Here an intravenous injection of dilute hydrochloric acid with potassium salts, in less than three hours, brought back a nor- mal mentality. As lactic acid replaces a diminished or absent normal acid in gastric secretion, so too an in- crease of lactic acid in body tissues, so notably present in malignant disease, shows a deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the chemistry of the body. Lactic acid when broken down gives off carbonic acid to be eliminated by respiration. This acid retained gives rise to carbonates causing one form of alkalosis. Not long ago a physician, thinking that hy- pertension of arteries was caused by a mental disturbance, gave a group of such cases dilute hydrochloric acid with their meals. Eighty- four per cent were greatly helped, their arterial pressure was reduced by its administration, and he most unwisely reported that as this normal acid is quite innocuous, that these people were but hypochondriacs, yet the obverse side of this picture is seen when, with shaking hands and fear in their hearts, Dr. Ferguson and his as- sistant first gave their acid injections into the veins of two negro youths with the happiest re- sults. 13 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy Laboratory biochemists, years ago, reported how microbic life changes into different forms by modifying the nutrient media in which they grow, so doubtless, ere all is said and done, we shall discover, that by modifying the media of the human organism by injection of hydro- chloric acid and mineral salts, we shall likewise control the life cycle of varied infective organ- isms and symptoms of disturbed metabolism we now call disease. Before going into details, the searcher for therapeutic truth must first of all discard his or her old conceptions of disease and treatment, free his mind from tales of past and exploded theories, stop the treatment of names, and its empiricism, and grasp firmly and surely the role of the lymphatics, their anatomy, physiol- ogy—realize it is not the blood stream that di- rectly nourishes, cleanses and heals the cells of the human organism but rather the lymph which, coming from the blood plasma through capillary walls and papillae, passing through the lymph spaces, vessels, lymphatic glands which, with their protecting phagocytes, stand ever on guard at the gates of life. Also that stasis of this nutrient lymph, by various causes, is the foundation of the multitudinous disorders we call disease;—therefore, in our next chap- ter we shall briefly describe this lymphatic sys- tem, ere taking up in greater detail the subject of this book. 14 Chapter II LYMPHATIC THERAPEUTICS A larger and a more comprehensive knowl- edge is necessary of the lymphatic system and its circulation, also its role and relationship with the circulation of the blood, ere control and mastery of the varied and complex forms of acute and progressive disease can be at- tained. Let us then, before going into details, first of all see what is known of the lymphatic vascu- lar system, its anatomy, physiology and the gen- eral laws concerning its relation to nutrition, growth and repair and above all else, victory over what we loosely call infectious and degen- erative disease. Structure We find in Gray’s Anatomy this description: “The lymphatic system is an appendix to the blood vessels, the latter, especially the capil- laries, supplying the oxygen and food to all the tissues, the former carrying off most of the waste products, and also acting as absorbents. The lymphatic vessels arise in several ways. One is in lymph spaces of the connective tis- sues. Another is in the lacteals, vessels in the intestinal villi, which begin by blind or closed extremities. A third origin of the lymphatics 15 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy is in the perivascular and peritoneal neural spaces. These exist especially around the smal- ler blood vessels of the nerve centres, the bones, the retina, liver, and under the sheath of the optic, and some other nerves. A fourth origin is by stomata or openings between the endothe- lial cells, lining the walls of the large serous cavities. These serous cavities, the arachnoid aqueous chambers of the eyes, the tunica vagi- nalis oculi, the labyrinth of the ear, the pleura, the pericardium, the peritoneum, and tunica vaginalis testis, are all, therefore, lymph sacs, hence their great absorbing power.” Here we have an anatomical description of how the lymphatic vascular system arises in several varied tissues of the body. First in perivascular spaces and villi—or papillae—then into larger vessels, next into the lymphatic glands, with cortical and medullary tissues placed at strategic places as in neck, groins, etc., where hosts of white blood corpuscles ever lay ready on guard to attack and destroy inimi- cal germs and substances injurious to the well- being of the organism, then on to the main channels through liver or thoracic ducts and other large lymphatic vessels draining the head and arms of the body, finally to empty the lymph fluid again into the blood stream for further use. 16 Lymphatic Therapeutics Function of Lymph The role of the lymph must ever be borne in mind if we are to treat successfully the various and multitudinous symptoms of disorder we call disease. The nutrition of all tissues is carried on by this fluid which exuding from the capil- lary walls into little papillae, flows through the tissues of the human or animal organism. Even the cells of the blood vessels and heart tissues are fed by this all-necessary fluid, likewise by this lymphatic vascular system the organism takes up food supplies through the lacteals and villi of the digestive vegetative tract. Here we have the connecting link in the evolutionary process between the vegetable and animal king- doms, the lymphatic system absorbing food sub- stances as in vegetable organisms, like leaves and roots of plants, and supplying the animal tissues with their required pabulum. Nature of Disease When the circulation of this all-important lymph is upset, grave results must ensue. We can divide the causes of lymph stasis or block- age into many divisions, such as toxic, from within or without, as venoms, as from snake bites, toxins as from diphtheria, or in food, poisons ingested, or inhaled such as carbon monoxide, toxins from bacteria in body as in sepsis, or malarial or other parasites, from in- 17 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy fection through the insect world. Also the writer wishes in this paper to particularly em- phasize lymph obstruction by internal causes, through mineral excess and deficiencies, and show this relationship to the varied forms of chronic progressive disease. Malignant Diseases Before going further let us read carefully the following description by Doctor W. Samp- son Handley of London, England, of obstruc- tion of a papillary lymphatic, and its effects, published in the contributions to cancer by Adair. “The papilla is a little physiological engine. From its capillaries there exudes into its connective tissue spaces a constant nutri- tive stream of diluted blood plasma, at a certain pressure. The excess of fluid is removed, and the equilibrium maintained by the drainage ac- tion of the central lymphatic. Block this lym- phatic, and what will happen? The first ef- fect will be a rise in the pressure in the intracel- lur spaces of the papilla, and on ordinary hy- draulic principles, the papilla will increase in size until the intercellular pressure is equal to the pressure in the capillary blood-vessels. A second effect will be ovgr-nutrition, and conse- quent proliferation of the papilla itself and of the overlying epithelium. But the most im- portant effect of all for our present purpose re- 18 Lymphatic Therapeutics mains to be considered. In the normal papilla, a constant stream of blood fluid, along with lympocytes, is exuding from the capillaries, and passing away by the lymphatic. “As soon as the lymphatic is blocked, stasis occurs, and the flow of fresh blood fluid, through the papilla, is arrested, or greatly retarded, even though just as much blood may be passing through its blood capillaries. Two conse- quences are inevitable: the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the papilla, to its epithelium as well as to its connective tissue, will be much reduced; furthermore, the supply of hormones, to the cells of the papilla, will be cut off or greatly diminished. In this connection, I use the word ‘Hormone’ perhaps somewhat loosely, to signify those products of the rest of the cells of the body which are necessary to the well- being of the papilla we are considering. Here I think we approach the crux of the problem. “Local lymphatic stasis brings about a defin- ite rupture of the contract in virtue of which the unicellular organism, originally forswore its egotism, and became a social unit. Or in terms of biochemistry, the epithelium covering the papilla is deprived of the supply of grow in- hibiting substance; which in a well conducted cell community is circulated to every cell. “I have shown that local lymphatic obstruc- tion must seriously reduce the supply of oxygen 19 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy to the epithelium of the blocked papilla. It would not be surprising if, in the course of years, the affected epithelium, adapting itself to meet this difficulty, should acquire a type of metabolism in which oxygenation played a rela- tively subordinate part. Warburg has recently brought forward strong evidence that the car- cinoma cell, as compared with the normal epi- thelial cell, is an anaerobe, deriving most of its energy from the hydrolysis of sugar into lactic acid, and relatively little from oxidation. This remarkable fact is in exact accord with the theory of the origin of cancer which I am pre- senting to you. It must not be forgotten that in dealing with such a complex matter as the origin of cancer, direct proof is, in the earlier stages, not to be expected. All that can be hoped is to fit together the isolated facts into a coherent pattern.” The above extract of Dr. Handley is certain- ly a big step forward to a better knowledge of lymph blockage, yet it ignores completely the effect of this stasis and therefore loss of func- tion of the nerve terminals involved which have to do with sensation, also cell inhibition and cell production and metabolism. A striking symptom in this suggestion is the lack of pain or sensation in the early formation of cancer nodules. Although this theory of Dr. Handley is par- 20 Lymphatic Therapeutics ticularly upon causation of warts and papillo- mata, yet there are, as the writer hopes to show, many kinds of lymph blockage arising from va- ried factors and causes, each cause producing a different symptomatology and varied aspects of disease. Therefore in our next chapters we shall take up these different factors of lymph blockage or stasis, endeavor to show their relation to the disease symptoms and later in book, how these varied aspects of lymph stasis may be treated and alleviated. 21 Chapter III LYMPH STASIS Before taking up the consideration of lymph stasis, the reader to fully appreciate and under- stand, must realize, if he has never done so be- fore, one universal law or truth, viz., there is but one fundamental emanation pouring into all manifestations of life, whether it be mineral, vegetable, animal or human. This emanation from the centre of all things, that some call na- ture, and others more devout call God, is that force that brings together into harmonious re- lationship the protons, electrons, atoms and molecules of the mineral world; this emanation constructs, sustains, and its upward urge ever works for more perfect organisms. As, however, any force or energy, which manifests itself, no matter in what kingdom it appears, it necessarily becomes polarized and divided into opposite qualities. This law is the basic law of the universe: therefore, in tak- ing up the study of disease, life and death, we must take into consideration this pair of op- posites, making manifest the life force or ema- nation that is in itself the cause of all phenom- ena. Construction and destruction, life and death, health and disease, order or disorder, and so on. We live by dying and die by living. 22 Lymph Stasis We also must realize that man, the highest form of this evolutionary urge, comprises in one organism four kingdoms, the mineral, vege- table, animal and human. There is still one more for man to attain to, namely the spiritual, and although this last kingdom is beyond the limits of our sense organs, it too, must be considered in its proper place ere our mastery over progressive degenerative disease is at- tained. We shall see ere this book is ended how harmonious relations between these five kingdoms must be acquired, their laws un- derstood in relation to each other and how dis- harmony is one of the vital causes of sickness and premature death. There is both in vegetable and animal or- ganism a fluid that carries on the metabolism of cell life. In the vegetable kingdom it is called the sap, in the animal, lymph. In low forms of animal life this is the medium of life: as evolutionary forces evolved higher forms of consciousness, it became necessary to create blood to keep this lymph supplied at all parts of the organism. The blood flow through its channels is of a much higher velocity than that of the lymph, permitting the higher organism a much greater freedom of movement, also a much more complex vehicle of consciousness. There are varied aspects or forms of lymph blockage, for instance the massive stasis found 23 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy in oedema, anasarca, ascites, cysts, hydrocele, also in skull and thorax. Another form of lymph stasis is seen from infectious diseases, injuries, fractures, pelvic in- fections as in milk leg following childbirth, and thyroid insufficiency. A third form of lymph stasis most subtle of all is found in mineral unbalance, deposits of pathological salts as seen in arthritis and gout, as well as many other degenerative diseases in- cluding cancer in its multitudinous aspects. It is to these last two varieties the reader’s atten- tion is chiefly called, as a moment’s considera- tion is all that is necessary to make one realize that in nutrition of cellular life, whether mas- sive or microscopic in size, if waste of cell life is not removed, if oxygepation is reduced, if terminal nerve endings both sensory and mo- tor, sympathetic and vasa motor, are impaired or inhibited from their normal function, there in that group of cells the normal life slows down or ceases, and abnormal metabolism be- gins—the constructive emanation changing into the destructive, life into death. It is, too, plainly evident that as in asthma, where the difficulty of respiration is not of tak- ing in air, but rather a difficulty of expulsion, so in most forms of lymph stasis, especially so in the massive collections found in anasarca and ascites, the trouble is like that of asthma, a 24 Lymph Stasis blocking of the outlets or afferent spaces. There is then plenty of nutritious plasma but in it an accumulation of waste products—a lowered ox- ygen content, and also necessarily impairment, especially so in malignancy of nerve control over cell reproduction. This change in the nu- tritive fluid bringing about in certain form of lymph stasis marked differences in the mitosis of cells. In fact some research workers have found that even the chromosomes lose their specific number for human cells, those cells too in many cases taking on a non-specific embry- onic formation. In our next chapter we will take up what is known of the various forms of lymph stasis and endeavor to show how disturbances of the mineral content produces a blocking up of the lymph channels as well as specific toxins found in the various infections of the human body. It should be borne in mind that all inflamma- tory or eruptive diseases caused by both animal and vegetable microbic life, with few excep- tions, as the elephantiasis seen in filarisis, is an allergic reaction, as seen for instance in hay fever victims, who are sensitized to various pollens and animal proteins. We must not visualize a stoppage of the lymph spaces by the bodies of germs but rather an inflammatory process or an irritation set up by the foreign proteins or toxins causing a 25 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy poisonous reaction, thus requiring treatment to aid the natural recuperative forces to promote destruction of these irritating foreign proteins and absorption thereof, also to open up again the blocked lymph channels to carry off waste materials and allow normal nutritive lymph again to circulate through the hitherto blocked and congested tissues. 26 Chapter IV LYMPH STASIS CAUSED BY AB- SORPTION OF ALUMINUM SALTS It is fortunate for humanity that so much re- search work on this subject has been accom- plished in the agricultural world, the presence of this metal found in various plant structures, its disease symptoms, and above all the means to remedy this absorption found and applied. A great deal of interest has been aroused in various places by claims of illness from absorp- tion of aluminum from cooking utensils made of this metal, also injurious effects have been claimed from the use of aluminum salts in some baking or rising powders used in cooking, and much research has been done to test these claims. Aluminum has been found in small traces in various vegetables used for food, also cereals and fruits, and it has been decided that a very small amount in animal or human tis- sues is necessary for normal metabolism. On the other hand, large amounts are de- cidedly injurious to health. A case of alu- minum poisoning came to my notice two years ago. A middle-aged woman prepared her cook- ing and drinking water by boiling artesian wa- ter from a nearby flowing well in an aluminum kettle, and allowing it to cool and stand in kettle until consumed. As the artesian water in this 27 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy city of St. Augustine, Florida, is strongly im- pregnated with calcium sulphate and hydrogen sulphide gas, severe effects developed. These were acute and painful; a digestive distress, al- so severe neuralgic pains in region of brachial plexus and over scapula. When another kettle was substituted for the aluminum one, these painful symptoms gradually disappeared. When last seen she was free from above symptoms but skin on hands and arms, although smooth, was decidedly thicker than normal. The world at large is much indebted to George Hoffer, of Purdue University Agricul- tural Experiment Station and of U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, for his patient and splen- did research work on rot diseases of corn (maize). For several years he and his assist- ants labored to find the cause of this rot which attacked both roots and stalk and finally it was discovered and the remedy therefore applied to soil successfully. There were two causes, one which we will take up in the following chap- ter, the other was the absorption of aluminum salts into the nodes of the plant, cutting off the circulation of the sap between roots and leaves permitting various moulds to grow luxuriantly and cause rotting and finally death of the plant. By slowly injecting aluminum salts in a one per cent solution into the stalks of healthy plants, the same phenomena was attained. 28 Lymph Stasis Caused by Aluminum Salts When, however, sufficient phosphorus was applied to the soil, no longer was this metal ab- sorbed and plants grew to their normal size. Dr. Ernest E. Smith, who studied the effects of aluminum salts in baking powders and bread, also showed that when, as is customary, sodium acid phosphate is added to baking powder, no poisoning effects were noticeable. Absorption of aluminum therefore is quite possible in human tissues, indeed the writer has found it repeatedly in urine from cancer and other diseases, but that it causes the lymph stasis that precedes neoplastic growths is not proven. That, however, it may produce a lymph blockage in human tissues, as in the corn plant, is quite possible, as this metal is present in many forms of vegetable foods and if phos- phorus is deficient in human tissues, the cells will take up this metal in place of phosphorus, and as in corn bring on a lymph stasis and disease symptoms. It is the writer’s practice to prescribe bran and whole wheat bread in all cases of chronic disease, knowing that phosphorus itself is too poisonous to give steadily, also that phos- phates, whether hypo or glycero combinations, are difficult of absorption. Bran contains this mineral as well as other valuable salts. In these days of demineralized flour, such food is necessary. The meals and flours of early pioneer days that contained the pericarp 29 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy and life germ of corn and wheat, that today is eliminated from our food, by reason of its tend- ency to grow rancid, may yet be again available by reason of a recent discovery at the United States Agricultural Bureau—that when these complete meals and flours are put into bright green containers this tendency to go rancid is largely overcome, and they then can be kept long enough for interstate commerce. Aluminum kettles, sauce pans, etc., should be rigidly excluded from the home. Fruit acids, salts and alkalies, present in almost all forms of food, undoubtedly cause small amounts of this metal to be absorbed by food. When we consider how in George Hoffer’s tests a one per cent solution was found to be actively poison- ous to corn, causing rotting and death, it is easily realized how even much smaller amounts may set up lymph blockage in human tissues, thus giving a favorable condition for microbic life and infective bacteria to produce their re- spective phenomena which we call disease. On the other hand, such utensils as aluminum coffee pots or percolators seem to be unaffected by their contents. In doubtful cases the urine of patients can be readily tested for this metal by a simple chemical test in any doctor’s office; this test will be described in latter part of this book. 30 Chapter V POTASSIUM DEFICIENCY Mention was made in the previous chapter of the dire results from absorption of aluminum salts by corn stalks; how the channels of the sap were blocked by it; also how, when the soil in which corn was grown was supplied with phosphorus, this diseased condition no longer appeared. But to George Hoffer’s dismay, the application of phosphoric acid failed to satisfy all the needs of these plants. Although certain sections of the corn area with this addition to the soil came back to full fruition, in other areas corn plants became sick and, covered with moulds, failed to come into fruition. Still other troubles came, for sweet corn canners had their product dumped back upon their hands because of black specks in the canned corn; which soon were found to be particles of iron. Cans were blamed, and consternation reigned. The story as told in the bulletins of the U. S. Plant Industry Bureau is intensely interesting and should be read carefully by all students of biological chemistry, for if but one creative ema- nation is manifest through all forms of life, it must be that as in corn life so in human life, the same dynamic laws apply, and as today we learn 31 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy many laws of nutrition and dietetics by study of the lowly mouse and guinea pigs, so too, if we will, many truths can be found in the vege- table world to lead us onward toward the mas- tery of degenerative disease and premature death. Finally the cause of iron absorption was found. At Terra Ceia, North Carolina, where in an acid peat soil it was found impossible af- ter the first year or so to grow corn success- fully, when potassium sulphate was applied to the soil, all signs of this deficiency disease dis- appeared, the corn grew tall and strong, hor- rible moulds and rots no longer attacked ear and roots and iron was absent in abnormal amount in the nodes (shall we say lymph nodes) of the plants. Let me quote some of George Hoffer’s own words and in reading them, in- stead of visualizing corn, think of human tis- sues instead, and see now a tremendous vision of possible malnutrition disorders open up be- fore our inner eyes. “The effect of the accumu- lation of iron compounds in the tissues, is to break down, either by precipitation, or coagu- lation, the contents of the cells.” “The move- ment of sap through the vessels in the vicinity is seriously affected.” “Under conditions of deficient potassium many plants die premature- ly.” What is the picture that Hoffer presents to us in a few words? Simply this—whole 32 Potassium Deficiency fields of rotting corn, ears and roots covered with horrible and various fungi, deposits of iron salts at nodes—blocking flow of sap between leaves and roots, also iron deposits in kernels of corn in ears, causing black specks when canned for human consumption. The remedy therefor —viz., Potassium', the cause: a potassium de- ficiency. As civilization goes onward and crops are grown upon the same land year after year, cer- tain necessary minerals in the soil must become exhausted. This is necessarily reflected in the animal organisms that feed upon these prod- ucts, and should be one explanation of the in- crease of various degenerative diseases, in- cluding neoplastic growths, that constitute to- day such a tremendous challenge to the medical profession. Do a large number of people suf- fer from a potassium deficiency, and if so in what forms of disease does this deficiency mani- fest itself? Another question necessarily arises; can this deficiency be determined by a blood analysis? In the writer’s opinion, at present, for a physician in active practice this is practically impossible. Therefore only by clinical research (and this is the only final, true and reliable test) can this deficiency be proven. In the study of corn the supplying of this hy- pothetical potassium caused healthy growth of corn where but sickly corn grew before; and 33 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy in human life we shall later see healthy patients who have recovered from varied ills by reason of the administration of this same metal, who were seriously diseased ere it was added to their food intake. Every day the public reads of cases, young and old, victims of mineral unbalance, calcium deposits or deficiency, muscular atrophies, sleeping sickness, progressive deformities, ut- terly beyond the control and mastery of pres- ent day therapeutics. We have already men- tioned lymph stasis, or blockage of areas, pre- ceding cancerous growths by Dr. Handley. Let us go further as outlined and see a second cause for lymph blockage. In the previous chapter we saw how alumi- num can block lymph channels; in this chapter we see how iron in potassium deficiency can also be precipitated. As there is but forty-five grains of iron in the average person, chiefly in the hemoglobin of the blood, any excess soon be- comes a poisonous factor if not speedily elim- inated. In the bulletins previously mentioned, pictures are shown of iron precipitated into lymph nodes of corn. In secondary anemias of tuberculosis and can- cer where no iron has been administered, a very rapid rise of the color index of the blood has been repeatedly noticed following the intrave- nous injection of potassium salts in a weak hy- 34 Potassium Deficiency drochloric acid solution. This result indicates that the iron precipitated from the red blood corpuscles had been reabsorbed by them when this deficiency was overcome. In one case of advanced breast carcinoma the index rose to ten points above normal. Precipitation of iron has been known to exist for years, especially so in tissues of victims of pernicious anemia, Dr. Edward J. Stieglitz stat- ing that such deposits of iron through accumu- lation, cause injury to the kidneys, yet is seem- ingly unable to state why iron is so precipitated. The treatment today of the varied aspects of anemia is woefully inefficient: iron, liver ex- tracts, infusions, blood transfusion, all at times fail—and if potassium deficiency is the under- lying cause, such methods must fail until this metal is supplied to the starving organism. So far, when given as described above, no bad ef- fects have been reported; on the other hand miraculous results at times are seen. Some of these happy results will be quoted in the suc- ceeding chapters, where as far as possible the explanation therefor will be given. In the next chapter another form of lymph stasis will be discussed, which form perhaps is the most com- mon at all ages, and causes the most varied diseases and symptoms. 35 Chapter VI LYMPH STASIS IN ALKALOSIS Acidosis, the bug bear of modern therapy, is greatly misunderstood, and, because of the real truth underlying its symptoms, modern therapy has seemingly gone insane to correct a hypo- thetical condition, that as far as progressive de- generative diseases are involved, does not even exist. Physicians are bombarded by mail and agents, describing the virtues of this form of chemicals or that, that are best adapted to de- stroy this supposed acidosis, when all the while our people everywhere have instead an alkaline reaction in their tissues. Such treatment but hastens senile decay and other more fatal diseases. Eminent biologists have stressed, for in- stance, the presence of alkalosis in all forms of cancer early and late in life. One has emphat- ically stated that there can be no cancer with- out the presence of alkalosis, but there can be alkalosis without cancer. Let us for a while get away from laboratory terminology and hypothetical surmises, and just see what we really do know about the ph or chemical balance of animal tissues. First of all we know that hydrochloric acid—one part to two or three thousand in gastric fluid—is the 36 Lymph Stasis in Alkalosis only normal acid in the human body. Other acids such as lactic, ascetic, carbonic, uric, amino acids, etc., are all intermediate or waste products to be eliminated or broken down as quickly as possible. If, however, this normal acid is lacking or greatly diminished in quantity, this breaking down or elimination is seriously affected. We shall have, for instance, an accumulation of lac- tic acid, a retention of carbonic acid, of uric acid and its salts as in arthritis, this is the condition in a few words which is termed acid- osis, and for which alkaline minerals are pre- scribed. What must happen if such is the case, when as is so often the case the dyspeptic takes con- stantly large doses of sodium bicarbonate, when the arthritic takes his alkaline formula so care- fully compounded by the wise physician? I say again what happens? Does not all such alka- lies create salts, we call them gouty deposits, in joints? But what of the minute lymphatic spaces in all tissues—such alkaline therapy in presence of lactic, uric and other waste acids must cause a precipitation as salts into any or all the tissues of the body. If we call to mind that our cells are not nourished directly by the blood, but instead by the lymph stream, even the cells of heart and blood vessels, we can be- gin to dimly see why an alkalosis, present or 37 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy acquired, can be but the beginning of grave se- nile changes in any or all the tissues of the body. Again, we are told that cancerous growths give off lactic acid—also that an increased amount of blood sugar is present in this disease. In fact the two facts are but one for when lac- tic acid is broken down or oxidized carbonic acid is given off, and glycogen is again reformed to nourish tissues; yet this condition of cancer is declared to be a condition of alkalosis. In other words, people with excess of lactic acid plus cancer are alkaline; others without cancer, with same excess are termed acid—and are giv- en alkalies. How are we to prescribe under such contra- dictory assertions ? A simple test, however, is readily available. Practically all cases of se- nile diseases have some form of dyspepsia at times, even the doctors themselves; a burning distress in stomach between meals is very com- mon. Let the reader then when this distress is present, take three drops of dilute hydrochloric acid in a tumbler of water. If the distress is due to an excess of normal acid, the burning should increase; if due to a failure of the nor- mal acid to break down lactic or other abnor- mal acids present, thus causing the pylorus to refuse egress to the duodenum, quick relief should ensue. Relief from acid distress is ob- tained almost invariably. 38 Lymph Stasis in Alkalosis The next step to consider is, why lack of hy- drochloric acid—and therefore alkalosis. In text books of physiology we are informed that the two antagonistic metals, viz., sodium and potassium, are found in the tissues: Sodium chiefly in the fluids and potassium in the solids. Sodium is excreted chiefly as sodium chloride through the kidneys—potassium in the faeces. When hydrochloric acid is deficient in amount in the gastric fluid, a condition known as hy- pochloridia is present—especially so among town or city dwellers. Grave changes then be- gin in the chemistry of the body. First, in- complete digestion and assimilation of the min- eral content of food; next we find two defi- ciencies set up, namely potassium and free chlorine. Deficiency of potassium creates a vicious cycle—as the greater this deficiency the less able is the gastric mucosa to secrete hy- drochloric acid, for from the potassium ion in the acid cells this acid is derived—indirectly from the sodium chloride of the blood, but di- rectly from the potassium chloride of the solid tissues. Accompanying this dual deficiency, va- rious forms of impaired metabolism appears. The deficiency of free chlorine gives rise to sep- tic processes; in such people we find pyorrhea or septic teeth, diseased tonsils, appendicitis, fe- runcles, abscess, also a tendency to allergic con- ditions such as asthma, hay fever, and in gen- 39 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy eral a lowered immunity to all infective and communicable diseases. Sometime ago the writer saw a young woman with almost con- stant asthma who was sensitized to many kinds of proteins, feathers, eggs and others. In ad- dition she had become sensitized to adrenalin solution so, though she could not seemingly live without it, yet every injection caused great dis- comfort and induration, and her hips were sep- tic from its administration. By taking the HC1 acid potassium solution she was greatly relieved—also the adrenal solution no longer in- jured her tissues. The lowered normal acidity or alkalosis is the one great cause of the varied degenerative diseases. In normal balance, the waste prod- ucts are in solution and are freely excreted; in alkalosis they become precipitated as salts chiefly in form of sodium biurate. When this salt is in excess calcium carbonate from retained carbonic acid derived from the lactic acid cycle may be deposited also. This condition is read- ily discovered in the swollen fingers of these patients also in arthritis, where these deposits in the lymph spaces and vessels in the joints cause impaired nutrition and excretion of tox- ins, also a sepsis chiefly due to the streptococ- cus group of germs and at last ankylosis. But no tissue is exempt from these sodium biurate deposits. The same conditions in other 40 Lymph Stasis in Alkalosis patients bring on arteriosclerosis, impaired nu- trition of cardiac muscles as in myocarditis and angina pectoris, diabetes, senile charges of brain and spinal nerves, keratosis, etc. All or- gans can be involved in this blockage of lymph excretion and consequent toxemia. A recent case of a man 84 years, who had had three cancer growths removed previously from base of tongue and cheek, is most illuminating. A history of a loose cough for thirty years, a marked degeneration of myocardium, a severe keratosis of skin—the back of his neck greatly thickened and fissured, a nephritis with albu- men and pus in urine, a diseased prostate and very frequent urination at night. In addition there was discovered a large sarcoma of left elbow. After one year’s treatment chiefly with the hydrochloric potassium solution, later to be described, skin, heart and elbow are normal, he is quite adtive, cough no longer distresses, and he has some relief of urinary disorder. An in- travenous injection of above solution was given once weekly, none but good results noticed. All signs of sarcoma have disappeared and his skin is smooth, and mentality good. If we were to name all the diseased conditions consequent to blockage of the lymph channels, we would name the multitudinous diseases of all organs and tissues. If, however, the read- er, when treating chronic degenerative diseased 41 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy conditions, can visualize an impaired nutrition, a retention of toxins or waste products, caused by lymph obstruction, then in place of treating a name with empirical methods, he would in- stead, endeavor to open up the lymph channels and restore normal metabolism, much better results would be obtained. In our next chap- ter we will take up lymph blockage by septic infection although in fact the cause is but one. 42 Chapter VII LYMPH STASIS FROM SEPTIC INFECTION In the previous chapters we have visualized how the lymph channels become blocked by a chemical unbalance, how aluminum, iron or the urate salts, are precipitated, causing various phenomena and clinical symptoms. We have described how as in corn production with a potassium deficiency in soil, rotting fungi or moulds appear, so in man iron deposits and lack of potassium in tissues may be the under- lying factor of the varied fungous infections, probably cancer itself. Yet we have still to consider the reactions set up by infections of various forms of microbic invasion. With but one or few exceptions, the inflam- matory process is not due to the stoppage of the lymph channels by the bodies of these varied invading germs, but rather to the toxins gen- erated by them. It is also rare to find a pure culture of any infectious microbe but much more common to find instead, a mixed infection. The lowly Nazarene once said that when a devil entereth into a man, he invites other dev- ils worse than himself to enter also. This is particularly true of infective germs, as for in- stance in gonorrhea, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, 43 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy etc., and these added infections are ofttimes worse than the first invading germs. In fact the ordinary germs found in infectious diseases are usually described as the scavenger microbes, and appear in site of injuries, bruises and in- fected tissues. We shall think, however, of these inflamma- tory lesions, not as collections of germ life, al- though it is quite correct so to do, but rather as the result of an allergic reaction to the tox- ins generated by the infectious organisms. They are nature’s reaction and chemical changes in her struggle to destroy the infective process. They are the two life forces in manifestation, destruction and construction, the germ life en- deavoring to propagate at the cost of death to the host; the host endeavoring to destroy the infection and its toxins to preserve its life. It is not the purpose of this book to enter in- to discussion of immunology, nor into the subtle question of vaccines, antitoxins or anti-bodies but rather to consider the role of hydrochloric acid in the war against microbic invasion. These infections are common, also most disastrous in persons who have the condition known as hy- pochloridia, or a diminution of hydrochloric acid in the gastric fluid. We will take up this question again more fully when we consider the curative action and biochemical properties of this acid. Ere resolution or recovery from sep- 44 Lymph Stasis from Septic Infection tic lymph blockage can be attained, destruction of the allergic reaction must take place. The presence of hydrochloric acid in the tissues brings about this result whether by stimulation of the formation of this normal acid in the stomach by use of tonics and so forth, or by the ingestion of the acid itself or by the introduc- tion of the dilute acid directly into vein or muscles, the result is the same, allergic action is controlled and neutralized. So far guanidine has been isolated and found to be the most poisonous of the toxins in ani- mal bodies. It is closely allied to urea and to carbonic acid and is the product of the chemi- cal breakdown of nitrogenous products in the body. This substance, when injected into ani- mals in small amounts, produces a marked ele- vation in blood pressure, while larger amounts produce convulsions and death. Again, if we add to methyl guanidine a small amount of as- cetic acid, we get the formation of creatine, a substance, not a poison but a food product, nec- essary for life. Is it any wonder then, that when a diluted hydrochloric acid is put into the circulation that such marvelous results that have been recorded appear? Destruction of allergic reactions, of toxins, consequent re-opening of blocked lymph channels, followed by drainage of con- gested areas, both large and microscopic, nu- 45 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy trition re-established, and phagocytosis set up, and the constructive powers again re-estab- lished on the seat of life. The case of a negro treated two years ago comes into mind as this is written—a young man who had been shot in gluteal crease and bullet extracted three weeks before, six miles away in the country, was car- ried in a truck to our office. We still can see him as he crawled on hands and knees into the house; his left buttock projecting at least six inches beyond his right. Laid on operating table, a hard massive swelling was seen, at no place was a pointing or softening discovered. High fever and much pain, or misery as the negroes call it, was present. Six ounces of a two per cent of hydrochloric acid was given him in a bottle, and he was told to take a teaspoonful in a tumbler of water every two hours. With bottle in hand he crawled out to the waiting truck; no other treat- ment was given to him. What happened? Eight days later he re- turned, walked into office in perfect health. This is his story: “That lemonade you gave me was great stuff—that first night I slept for first time in three weeks, two days later it busted and two quarts run out of me and now I am well.” He was, for examination showed com- plete repair. Another illustration of how hydrochloric acid 46 Lymph Stasis from Septic Infection causes increased metabolism occurred at same time. A man was operated upon for a chronic diseased appendix; after three weeks he failed to show the least sign of healing. The wound, although aseptic, failed to heal. Five days la- ter, after administration of hydrochloric acid by mouth, complete repair of wound had taken place. Further consideration of this remedy, old, yet strikingly new, must be left for another chapter. The points which the writer wishes here to establish are: that this acid—normal to the body—is nature’s weapon to destroy body toxins, to neutralize poisons, to keep in perfect balance the ph of the tissues, to desensitize al- lergic reactions no matter what their origin, whether from within or without, and to open congested lymphatic spaces, blocked by the se- cretions and excretions of disease reactions. In short, hydrochloric acid is nature’s own weapon in its fight against the destructive powers of the creative emanation. 47 Chapter VIII HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND MINERAL SALTS Much experience in cases of acute and chron- ic disease is necessary ere the realization of the immense therapeutic value of a solution of hy- drochloric acid containing the salts of potas- sium, silicon, arsenicum, and other remedies (if deemed necessary as for instance quinine in malaria) can be acquired and understood. It is but a few years since Dr. Burr Ferguson of Birmingham, Alabama, and his assistant, with trembling hands gave their first injection of this acid into two negro youths, then kept them two hours in their office, to see if perchance they might die from its results, but instead two weeks later to see these two colored boys regain health so as to be able again to resume their employment. So in writer’s experience, not at that time knowing of Dr. Ferguson’s experience, he gave intravenously a solution of iron and adrenalin in same acid to a woman far advanced with cancer of abdomen with ascites, with tremen- dous distention of abdominal walls. The result was most satisfactory, for when found she was unable to get off her bed. After a few more intravenous injections, this woman went off on 48 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Salts a fishing trip, and although she later died from presence of fluid in the pericardium, yet the re- sults of this treatment were so spectacular as well as in other cases, as to induce him to make a profound study of this method of treatment. At first he thought that the improvement in such cases was due to iron and adrenalin but step by step it was proven otherwise, that these two were not only unnecessary but in fact were most injurious and that the atoms of hydro- gen and chlorine were the real therapeutic agents that were truly remedial in cancerous and other degenerative diseases. In the previous chapter on alkalosis, men- tion was made that hydrochloric acid is the only normal acid in the human economy, also that it is probably the factor that enables the chem- istry of body to break down lactic acid—not only in the gastric contents, but in the lymph itself. Let us for awhile consider this acid made by the combination of two gases, hydro- gen and chlorine—first of all in relation to al- kalosis. This condition so little understood is much easier to grasp if we take it up in a sim- pler fashion. If oxygen is absorbed we have al- kalinity. If oxygen is thrown off, we have acidity. For instance, when lactic acid is bro- ken down, carbon dioxide is given off, and su- gar retained. If the CO is thrown out by the respiratory process we have a normal ph of tis- 49 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy sues; if retained as in diabetic coma we have an acidosis. When, however, the normal supply of hydrochloric acid is present, the carbon diox- ide is not retained; we have therefor a mis- leading paradox and may therefor wisely con- clude as before stated, that a retention of lactic acid or carbonic acid in the lymph and blood is not really a true acidosis but instead an under- lying alkalosis. Just how hydrochloric acid enters into the body fluids must be left for another chapter where we shall again take up this subject in relation to the treatment of diabetes or gly- cosuria and the almost miraculous results ob- tained by the administration of hydrochloric acid solution and mineral salts. In regard to the chlorine ion of this acid, there is no other greater germicide in all the realms of nature; it deodorizes, it destroys mi- crobic life, it desensitizes tissues, it keeps not only the ocean sterile but also organic tissues, and its depletion must mean nought but a tend- ency to septic invasion, and loss of immunity not only to disease germs but also foreign pro- teins, as seen in allergic manifestations. Much interest was aroused by a recent report in the daily press of a man dying from overdose of an anesthetic who was speedily revived by an injection of a weak solution of hydrochloric acid into his veins. Pearl Moorman in Joplin, 50 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Salts Missouri, has repeatedly proven this by means of rabbits. That this report is a universal law even in the vegetable kingdom is an easily proven truth. The writer recently took some cut flowers, greatly wilted, washed their stems, and placed them in water containing a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to the pint. In a few hours they became reinvigorated and regained their pristine beauty. Changed each day to a fresh supply of acidulated water, this bunch of honey- suckle goes on blooming and is still quite fresh and vigorous. Why is this ? Simply the acid waste products are broken down, the moulds and decaying bac- teria are destroyed, also the nutrient minerals are again made available for plant life. Doctor Beszedits of Guerrero, Mexico, has reported this same phenomena, in the Medical World 1933, how hydrochloric acid injected into site of snake bites, scorpion stings, rapidly con- trol and destroy their venomous paralyzing tox- ins, also its wonderful effect in the lymph stasis and toxemia of leprosy, elephantiasis and per- nicious malarias, etc., of that tropical country. (See Medical World) In George Hoffer’s experiments on disease rots of corn, well worth studying, he tells how he injected growing corn with various solutions of minerals and acids about one per cent in 51 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy strength. Although the solutions of iron and aluminum produced the diseased conditions he was studying, such as the rots and decaying roots, leaves and ears, the solutions of acid, phosphoric, malic and particularly hydrochloric produced no harmful effects whatsoever. All these isolated reports and facts bear out that one basic law governs all manifestations of or- ganic life; therefor when this acid—with its hydrogen and chlorine ions—is in normal bal- ance with the other mineral constituents of the body the life cycle is in normal activity. When depleted by worry, anxiety, grief and despair of the spiritual or fifth kingdom of nature, then in such conditions disharmony reigns and the har- monious balance, this equilibrium we term health is destroyed. Somewhere in the com- plex vehicle of the life consciousness, in some tissue or organ, the destructive force overcomes the constructive, and decay begins. Ere closing this chapter, mention should be made of the local use of chlorine, as in Dakin’s solution where minute amounts of chlorine gas is given off when applied to septic wounds with pronounced curative results. Similarly when free chlorine is introduced into the blood or lymph by the intravenous or intramuscular in- jection of a solution containing hydrochloric acid; similarly free chlorine is given off. No 52 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Salts wonder then that such miraculous results as sometimes appear are reported. The question may be raised here, “Why min- eral salts if hydrochloric acid solution is cap- able of doing all that has been claimed ?” The writer not long ago asked a venerable professor of Cornell, who had used this acid freely in his long practice, if he had ever seen a case of acid- osis caused by its administration. He replied, “No, it seems impossible to produce an acidosis by its use.” Why? Because if it is given too freely nature or the regulatory mechanism of the gastric secretion will produce less. Never- theless we are concerned not so much in reliev- ing the symptoms of disease but rather in bring- ing back the normal production of the gastric fluid. If a potassium deficiency from varied causes exist, causing the deficiency of normal gastric acid, only by its presence can the normal secretion be restored. In fact it would be just as foolish to try to restore normal gastric acid- ity by giving hydrochloric acid as it is to en- deavor to cure diabetes by insulin, as we shall later see. 53 Chapter IX ACID MINERAL THERAPY IN TUBERCULOSIS Scarcely more than fifty years have passed since Robert Koch, by long research and exper- imentation with aniline dyes, discovered and later proved beyond doubt that the cause of tuberculosis is a bacillus that could be identi- fied, cultured, injected into various animals, causing their death by tuberculous disease, re- found, recultured and so on until all doubt of its identification and role was impossible. But all attempts to manufacture a vaccine that would immunize animals or man against its invasion was and is still futile and disas- trous. A progressive infection like tuberculo- sis or syphilis, that produces no immunity, has no limitation to its progress, that sensitizes the tissues of the host, and makes them still more liable to further infection by the invading germs, can never be controlled by serums or cultures of killed bacilli. Although tuberculosis in its manifold varie- ties is seemingly decreasing, this decrease is not due primarily to any known method of treat- ment, or medicine, but rather to a higher stand- ard of living and of diet; in spite of slum dwell- ings in our larger cities, yet the slums of today are far superior to those of fifty years ago. In 54 Acid Mineral Therapy in Tuberculosis the writer’s opinion, the chief cause of this de- cline and death rates, from tuberculosis, is due to purification and sterilization of the milk sup- ply, also to control of this disease in milk pro- ducing animals. Yet in spite of these measures tuberculosis is still unconquered; still there are huge sanatoria with beds filled with emaciated victims hoping week after week, month after month, for re- covery; still thousands die yearly all over the world from arctic ice to tropical jungle of this dire disease, and so far, no specific remedy against its ravages has been found, or if dis- covered, is not generally known. Tuberculosis, syphilis, pneumonia, influenza and other non-immunizing diseases, seems to be the group that is particularly the field for hy- drochloric acid and mineral salts therapy. The study of tuberculosis from a chemical standpoint by Professor Esmond R. Long is of great value for he has laid bare the most vul- nerable point of attack, and repeated cases of tuberculosis whether it be of lungs, bones or brain, has proven the correctness of his claims as well as the undeniable results of the acid mineral treatment, for every case, young or old, responded quickly and favorably to this rem- edy. Professor Long has shown that tubercle ba- cilli, whether in or out of the body, demand a 55 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy certain form of food for sustenance and growth, and that this is chiefly glycerol commonly known as glycerine. He writes that “Glycerol is always present in the human body. Body fat contains five per cent but only potentially and not immediately available. The availabil- ity of free glycerol in the tissues accounts for some of the differences in people in susceptibil- ity to tuberculosis.” As is well-known that fats in an alkaline medium also in presence of steam give off this substance, we may readily visualize how a high temperature, as in fever, and an alkaline reaction of human tissues may hasten, if not cause, this breaking down of the fatty acids so as to liberate glycerol in appre- ciative amounts. Another factor, however, must be recognized ere we attempt to explain the curative action of the acid mineral solution. Professor Long further states that “tuberculosis is one of those diseases in which the patient becomes sensitized to the cause of the disease, in this instance the tubercle bacillus.” This really means that when this disease is present in the organism, its protein poisons cause other tissues or organs other than the part diseased, to become in- flamed and otherwise prepared for lodgement of the invading bacilli. A case now under treatment gave a very good example of this phenomenon. A young woman losing weight, 56 Acid Mineral Therapy in Tuberculosis tired, with slight cough, complained of bimonth- ly menstrual periods. Examination showed no lesion perceptible in pelvis but instead an ac- tive congestion at apex of her right lung. As soon, however, as she received her first injec- tion into veins of the acid mineral solution, also by mouth, this menstrual disorder disap- peared. After the fourth weekly injection the apex cleared up, cough ceased and soon all signs of the disease will have disappeared. Why is this so? To the writer it seems so simple, for does not this normal hydrochloric acid with its minerals desensitize, does not its chlorine sterilize, does not this solution destroy alkalosis? This is why results are so prompt and so uniform. No longer need these victims lie for months in beds, no longer need tired out people fret or worry over loss of weight, loss of income or loss of friends—for this treat- ment is no longer the art of medicine but its science. It is not the purpose of the author to relate and describe case after case, for this would be indeed egotistical and wearisome. What the medical world needs is knowledge, the why and wherefore, so all may understand and surge forward to wipe out this disease from among men. Nearby lives a little eight-year-old girl with golden hair, who a year and a half ago came from West Palm Beach to live in this city. 57 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy She had coughed night and day for nearly two years—both asleep and awake. Her family his- tory was tuberculous for three generations back. Before any treatment was ordered she was X-rayed at a nearby hospital, and the film showed lesions throughout the lungs and inter- spaces, and case looked absolutely hopeless. The parents were told that the usual treatment of bed and forced diet will be of no avail in view of the large area involved—therefore shall not advise it. “Keep her from school, feed her what she can eat freely of, let her run about all she wishes, also give her this solution six times daily.” What happened—within twenty-four hours the fever subsided. Cough gradually lessened and in four months all signs of ill health have vanished. The child has gained sixteen pounds in weight, and a recent film taken shows many calcifying areas in lungs. Also mother and grandfather of this child who, too, had tubercu- losis, have been brought back to normal health by this same solution. Ere closing this chapter a few words on chest diseases other than tuberculosis is in order. A recent case of a very septic man with a suc- cessive pneumonia three days apart involving both lungs, has been saved by daily intravenous injections of our solution. Syphilis of lungs, hitherto fatal in writer’s hands, is now easily 58 Acid Mineral Therapy in Tuberculosis controlled when this solution is added to the specific treatment. In short, we find that this remedy reduces congestion, opens up the blocked lymph channels, desensitizes, destroys the toxic protein poisons, sterilizes the tissues, its potas- sium content feeds the cardiac muscles and acts as a food to the enfeebled organs of the body, as we shall later see in cardiac lesions. Ere closing, mention should be made of a little boy, pale and emaciated, with tubercu- lous lesions of bones of both feet, who was treated by specialists, in a hospital for months in an institution in central Florida, given spe- cial shoes, but all to no avail. This boy, after all had been done that was possible in our pres- ent day therapeutics, was given this acid min- eral solution. A few weeks later the boy was running about barefooted seemingly in perfect health. When comparison is made between the usual methods and this new therapy its true value becomes strikingly manifest, for the cost of this true specific is almost nil; while on the other hand, cost of treatment in sanatoria or far off in the wilds of Arizona, away from work, friends and home, is ofttimes beyond the financial ability of the ordinary individual. Only by actual observation can these claims be accepted, yet when studied, tested and the pa- tients seen months after in perfect health, its wonderful value becomes confirmed beyond all question. 59 Chapter X ACID MINERAL SOLUTION IN DIABETES Before taking into consideration why the acid mineral solution is so effective and help- ful in diabetes, it is necessary to first of all re- new our knowledge of normal digestion and assimilation, otherwise we shall fail to learn just why this acid mineral solution, when ad- ministered by vein and mouth, brings about the cures or ameliorations reported by most if not all of its proponents. In a normal stomach after food has been re- ceived the gastric juice is excreted by the cells, lining the stomach walls. This juice, besides mucus and pepsin, contains hydrochloric acid —about two to three parts per thousand. This secretion by a churning movement is thorough- ly mixed with the food contents. Certain changes take place, the ptyalin of the saliva acting on the starch—slowly disappears, the lac- tic acid in food, present when eaten, or gen- erated by the lactic acid bacilli in stomach con- tents, is slowly destroyed by this stronger nor- mal hydrochloric acid. When the contents near the pyloric outlet is acceptable to its nerve control, this outlet opens and the chyle is passed in successive amounts 60 Acid Mineral Solution in Diabetes into the upper intestines. The entire process should not take over three and one-half hours. As the hydrochloric peptic mixture contacts the walls of the duodenum and upper intestines, several functions occur; chiefly a flow of bile and pancreatic juice through the common duct, which gradually neutralizes the chyle and later renders it alkaline. However, there is another function occurring ofttimes overlooked, viz., the hydrochloric acid penetrates into the walls of the intestines, and passing through, sets up two actions, the first being the formation of secre- tion, the second of giving its acid to the lymph stream thus keeping up the acid balance of chemistry of the body. Secretin, the first hormone ever discovered, stimulates the bile ducts and pancreas to great- er activity and passing by the blood stream into the body of the pancreas, causes insulin to be formed from cells in tail of the pancreas to con- trol amount of blood sugar, allowable in the blood itself about 0.15 per cent. In a case of true diabetes, now so increasing- ly frequent, we must have several changes from the normal digestion. We find a deficiency of insulin production also a hypochloridia or, in plain English, a lack of hydrochloric acid. This diminution of normal acid means a shortage of secretin—what else we ask?—there must nec- essarily follow, an excess of lactic acid in tis- 61 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy sues, a retention of carbonic acid in blood, also a lymph congestion or stoppage in the tissues of the pancreas. The pathology of diabetes tells of cirrhosis, induration and atrophy of pancreatic cells, therefor it is easily visualized that ere these terminal changes found after death occur, there must have been a lymph congestion and stop- page before these gross pathological changes had taken place. Quite a few cases of diabetes have been treated by the acid mineral solution, with un- varying good results. One or two seemed to have been diabetic from early childhood, those were relieved but still remained sugar present but much reduced in amount. Other cases be- came, after several months’ treatment, sugar free. The first change invariably noticed af- ter the solution is given, is that within a very few days the thirst disappears also itching of body, so that it becomes often necessary to in- sist that these patients must drink at least eight tumblers of water daily. A sense of well-being also appears and if a rigid diet is observed and kidneys are not too badly damaged, the glyco- suria in time disappears. The treatment must be kept up for several months, to bring about the following changes, viz., restoration of the normal acidity of gastric juice, normal production of secretion, to relieve 62 Acid Mineral Solution in Diabetes the congestion and lymph stoppage in body of pancreas, to restore a normal ph of the tissues, to repair the insulin cells and damaged kidneys. A case was seen last year in Maryland of a middle-aged woman who had had diabetes four years, caused she claimed, by injections of glu- cose into veins of her legs for varicosis. She had been taking insulin daily and was on a strict diet. When seen she seemed well nourished but complained of muscular spasms night and day for four days. It was evident that the parathyroid glands were at fault, but it could not be a lack of cal- cium, but rather a lack of its availability and it was argued, if her supply of hydrochloric acid was increased, this acid would also increase the available supply of calcium in her blood. So it proved, for the acid mineral solution, given in small doses six times daily, gave her relief from the muscular twitchings in less than forty- ‘ght hours, also lessened amount of urinary sugar so that doses of insulin could be reduced in amount. Other cases with gangrene of feet beginning to appear have been made free from discom- fort although treatment was discontinued for months. When we remember that sugar is not a for- eign body, but a necessary constituent of the blood, that in this disease kidneys are often 63 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy damaged and fail to retain the sugar but pass it through with urine, we can readily feel that the chief danger in diabetes is the accumulation of lactic acid, of carbonic, of acetone bodies such as acetone, acetoascetic acid, oxybutyric acid— and these we believe are impossible when a nor- mal supply of hydrochloric acid is secreted by the acid gastric cells. To treat diabetes alone by insulin and diet, and overlook the function of the normal acid and secretin, must be foolish—for the more in- sulin is given the less will the pancreatic cells secrete—and it is just as foolish to give hydro- chloric acid alone for the acid cells will in time lay down and secrete less. Back of all the de- generative phenomena we call by so many and various names is a lymph stasis, behind lymph stasis there is present a tissue alkalosis, and back of all we shall find a potassium deficiency. Hydrochloric acid can be derived by the chemistry of the acid gastric cells from either sodium or potassium chloride salts. Potassium when taken in excess or too long invariably makes the tissues too acid. Sodium, on the contrary, causes tissues to be soft and flabby and too alkaline. If it is true as we are taught that sodium is chiefly found in the fluids and potassium chiefly in the solid tissues, a potas- sium deficiency must be reflected in amount of hydrochloric acid available. It is known that 64 Acid Mineral Solution in Diabetes if the diet is free from sodium chloride, this acid will disappear, but it is also evident that the sodium and chlorine ions are set free by process of gastric digestion leaving the chlorine ion to unite with other minerals. The writer would today not think of treating glycosuria by any other method, and has seen no need for the injection of insulin with its expense and dan- gers. At times he uses a Pansecretin tablet in addition to the acid mineral solution, to assist and carry on nature’s function while repairs are being made, and the lymph circulation restored to the diseased pancreas. The writer has no desire to minimize in the slightest degree the splendid work of Dr. F. G. Banting and Dr. Best, who first made insulin available and proved its extreme value in dia- betic coma and in surgical operations on dia- betic patients. Mention should be made, how- ever, of the instability of insulin in an alkaline solution, and it may well be that alkalosis of tissues, masked by the presence of the acid waste products, is at least one of the under- lying causes of this disease. 65 Chapter XI ACID MINERAL THERAPY IN CIRCULATORY DISEASES Hitherto we have shown results of lymph stasis in the pancreas, and other organs, we are now to consider the effects of this same lymph stasis in the heart and blood vessels—including arteries, veins and the tiny capillaries. As these lymph channels penetrate all organs, we shall not attempt to place our results in any particular category, but try in a few words to illustrate the importance of recognizing the role of lymph in the varied disorders of the cir- culatory blood system. First of all, let us remember what has been written before that the cells that make up the varied structures of this system, be it heart, arteries or veins, are all fed, their waste elim- inated, by and through the lymph flow. No matter how small the capillary, or how large the nutritive blood vessels of the heart, the law is the same; the blood does not feed the cells directly, only indirectly through the lymph channels. Also we must remember that the nerves are also involved—the vaso motor sympathetic, and spinal nerves from both anterior and posterior horns of the spinal cord—and these nerve cells 66 Circulatory Diseases are also fed by the lymphatic fluid. Therefore it necessarily follows wherever lymph stasis occurs, degeneration of cell life and cell struc- ture inevitably appears. Pathological histology tells us of hyaline de- generation, sclerosis and deposition of calcium salts; it does not teach us of dying nerve end- ings nor of the changes that bring on these de- generative processes. In a previous chapter it was brought out how an alkalosis of tissues would tend to cause a precipitation of sodium and urea into the tissues. This precipitation of biurate of soda may occur at any age and will bring on premature senility of our blood ves- sels. Also, as is well-known, syphilitic infec- tion, infected teeth, tonsils, etc., are also in- jurious factors, especially so if the lymph chan- nels of the kidneys are involved. The writer has seen quite a few cases of in- fected ankles from septic teeth that still per- sisted after teeth were extracted, and were only relieved after the acid mineral solution was prescribed. Varicosed veins in the legs are often but another example of this infective lymph stasis. So too the heart. A few months ago the writer examined a man of 45 years of age, a government employee of Washington, D. C., who was near death from an agonizing angina pectoris. The least exertion caused blood pres- 67 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy sure to rise, with greatly increased pain. He had been treated at various hospitals and by noted specialists to no avail. If our claims are true, this case should be a good example of its vir- tue. If the waste of the cells in diseased heart could be carried off and nutrition restored, he should recover from this desperate condition. He was given the acid mineral solution to be taken in fifteen-drop doses six times daily. The results from its use were most interesting. The third night following its administration he commenced to pass copious bilious stools which kept him, to his great alarm, up all night. He was assured, however, this was the best that could happen and he continued the treatment in fewer doses. After six weeks he had fully recovered—and the last information of him was that he was working at Muscle Shoals in good health and giving this remedy to his brother afflicted with the same trouble. All other treatments, such as nitroglycerine and heart stimulants, were stopped at beginning of treat- ment. A recent letter from a physician in Texas tells of a man “literally snatched from the jaws of death” by use of this acid mineral solution. Is it any wonder then that those who have thoroughly proven this lymph stasis treatment, make the so-called extravagant claims. An- 68 Circulatory Diseases other case still under treatment is of great in- terest and will illustrate its action. A small stout woman about forty years of age was found near death with cardiac asthma, adrenalin solution was given with morphine. Next day she was examined carefully and a large aneurysm in right chest was discovered; a syphilitic degeneration of heart muscle well developed, pulse 140, blood pressure below 100. She was given weekly injections of bismuth combined with naphthaline and iodine, also the acid mineral solution, with a mixed treatment tablet three times daily. Once a week her chest was painted with Tincture of Iodine—and she was told to put animal fat over the iodine when she reached home. The result was very satis- factory, for week by week the area of the aneurysm grew smaller and today, three months later, although pulse registers around 120 per minute, her health is greatly improved and the asthmatic attacks no longer appear. Although apoplexy, usually a hemiplegia, is usually classed under nervous disorders by rea- son of its injury caused by the blood clots in the brain tissues, we wish to include it in this chap- ter, as primarily it is caused by disease of the cranial arteries, and under the customary treat- ment but little relief can be given. I will quote from another letter recently re- ceived from a specialist in Houston, Texas, who 69 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy has used this acid mineral solution extensive- ly in many cases and diseases with the happi- est results. He writes, “Success in another type of case will probably interest you. A man age 56, apoplexy, a year ago. A complete paral- ysis of R side and loss of speech—evidently a hemorrhage in vicinity of Brocca’s area. Re- covered sufficiently to enable him to walk by dragging R foot and leg along. R arm almost powerless, jerky palsied movements continuous- ly, speech almost incoherent. Three weeks ago I put him on A.M.S. mxx orally t.i.d. and mxii intravenously daily for one week, then every other day to present date. Today he walks with only a slight limp, can execute almost any manual movement with R arm and hand, works in his garden, and speech is almost perfect. No other treatment that I have heard of has ever done this. Results in a definite long standing gastric ulcer are equally good, clinically cured. My results in a fairly long list of diseases have been so striking, that I feel sure we are stand- ing at the threshold of a new era in medical therapy.” Can we not visualize what happened in the brain tissue of this case of hemiplegia—the lymph channels engorged with broken down blood were opened, the waste products carried away, nutrition of brain cells restored, also blood vessels repaired. 70 Circulatory Diseases A less striking case of a Portuguese fisherman of Fernandina, Florida, is also interesting: age 57—syphilis twenty years before—was brought in a car eighty miles to this office and carried in and laid helpless on table. Examination showed a slight paralysis of facial muscles, complete paralysis of right arm and left leg. An intravenous injection of the acid mineral solu- tion was given, also by mouth four times daily with a mixed treatment tablet. One week la- ter he was brought back and this time with aid of two sticks he proudly walked in alone. Two weeks later and present date—arm is nearly normal and leg much improved. This case is of five months’ duration. What other treatment has the medical world to offer these victims of diseased arteries? Af- ter thirty-six years of practice we realize that if only such cases could be helped back to nor- mal health, a triumphant and glorious victory has been won. Before closing we wish to mention another case, its diagnosis or causation obscure yet suf- fering from an undoubted stoppage of lymph in brain cavity. It was a man nearly sixty years of age, who fell, dizzy and helpless, and was brought home in a truck. Examination showed no paralysis except in facial muscles and tongue but did show a hernia of spinal cord about the sixth cervical vertebra, which could be pushed 71 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy back to reappear, after pressure of finger was removed; very unstable on feet. A lymph sta- sis of cranium was diagnosed with high cere- bral pressure. The acid mineral solution was given by mouth; at the end of three weeks pa- tient was normal. One year later, the same condition only worse returned. Again the same treatment and same results occurred. The rem- edy was continued four months and so far this man remains normal. Other cases could be quoted: enough has been written to prove that degenerative changes in the lymphatic system are the cause of manifold diseases and clinical phenomena. We see it in nephritis, cardiac diseases, arteriosclerosis as well as plebus sclerosis, blocked capillaries as in the gangrene of the diabetic, and doubtless if we searched we should find it to be the under- lying factor in nearly all cases of the insane, neurotics and also the victims of endocrine un- balance. When nutrition is impaired and waste is re- tained, nerve terminals no longer function nor- mally—tissue cells degenerate and die and white connective scar tissues, which we call sclerosis, take their place—and condition is then beyond repair. To see beyond the names, to restore nutrition and lymph circulation, to forget germ infection for awhile, but rather to open up 72 Circulatory Diseases lymph channels and allow the recuperative im- munizing powers to assert their full sway, this is the duty of the true physician. This is the action of the acid mineral solution, to restore mineral deficiencies, chemical balance, and free circulation of the lymph stream, and not to sup- plant any specific treatment that has been found reliable and effective, but rather to add to its efficiency and power. The potassium salts act as a food to the cardiac muscle. Dr. Robert A. Hatcher of Cornell University Medical College states, “It has been obvious from early times that the blood supply is essential for the normal functions of the heart, but it is only within re- cent times that we have come to understand the importance of extremely small amounts of cer- tain salts of the blood and the influence exerted by even slight changes in its composition. Small amounts of potassium salts are essential for the heart-beat, large amounts are poisonous. It has been found recently that under certain con- ditions, the behavior of the heart toward potas- sium is an index of its behavior toward thera- peutic doses of drugs of the digitalis group, and those hearts which do not respond to potassium are incapable of benefiting by the use of digi- talis.” (Chemistry in Medicine) On the other hand, the writer has proven that it is those hearts that have a pronounced degen- eration of the myocardium with valves intact 73 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy that the acid mineral therapy is most effective. It is these hearts that are so dangerous, so hard to diagnose, and so unfit for digitalis treatment that respond so completely to its therapeutic action. A few months ago a gray haired wom- an with arythmia, blue finger nails, and quite easily exhausted, was given the acid mineral solution by mouth. At the end of two months’ treatment, all signs of cardiac disturbance had disappeared. If we visualize the lymph chan- nels opened and cleaned, the muscles fed with the needed salts and the alkalinity destroyed, we no longer wonder why such reports, at first so unbelievable, are so frequently reported by other proponents of this new form of therapy. 74 Chapter XII ACID MINERAL THERAPY IN PROSTATIC DISEASE The treatment of enlarged and swollen pros- tates is another field of therapeutics where ordi- nary methods are woefully inefficient, but es- pecially satisfactory when this acid mineral solution is given by mouth and by intravenous administration. This common condition so prevalent, especially in aged men with its re- tention of urine, frequent and distressing mic- turition, its alkaline ofttimes septic ammoniacal urine, its tendency to involve kidneys and ad- jacent organs, is one that defies the best efforts of medical science. Yet on the other hand reports come in, veri- fied by the writer’s own experience, that by giving these victims of prostatic disease fre- quent intravenous injections of either simple solutions of hydrochloric acid or better still com- bined with potassium and other mineral salts, most gratifying therapeutic results have been obtained. Prostatic hypertrophy is a complete picture of lymph blockage. The gland slowly but sure- ly becomes more and more congested by the blocking of its nutrient canals, and as normal gland cells become diseased and atrophy, the ubiquitous connective or scar tissue cells gradu- 75 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy ally cause the affected gland to become hard, its natural contours changed; and no longer able to harmonize with the sphincters of the bladder. We find enlargements of its lobes, median bars and involvement and displacement of the trigon in cystic neck—therefor retention and residual urine, with all its consequent dis- tressing symptoms. At last ammoniacal urine appears and a persistent leaking so that the pa- tient becomes a nuisance to himself and others. For this condition, two treatments are in use. First, prostatic massage—this at times reduces the lymph engorgement and is valuable in early cases, but cannot open up again the blocked lymph spaces and vessels. Secondly, operative measures either from within the prostatic ure- thra or removal from without with their inevit- able distress and dangers. Just what effect can be expected from the hydrochloric acid min- eral solution? First of all, and most impor- tant, is the change of the chemical reaction of the urine. Ammoniacal fumes soon disappear, a normal acid secretion taking its place. This alone gives great relief to the distressing symp- toms of this affection. As before illustrated in other diseases, the blocked lymph channels are slowly opened, the irritating waste products are drained away, and the healing, nutritive lymph once again flows through the gland tis- sues—this our confreres of past generations 76 Prostatic Disease called the “vis naturae” which sounds big but explains nothing. Only experience in such cases with this acid treatment can convince one of its value. Adjuvant treatment, massage, gland therapy may be indicated, also remedies tried and valuable such as buchu digitalis, etc., may be needed. The writer sees no need of urotropin or dye antiseptics as the change in the chemical re- action, the sterilizing power of chlorine when liberated into the blood stream is most effective. Dr. Burr Ferguson has reported most grati- fying results from the use of hydrochloric acid alone, one to one thousand solution. The writer prefers to use the acid mineral compound for two reasons; first that the acid content can be increased to one part to five hundred of dis- tilled water, as it is buffered by the admixture of mineral salts, and secondly he believes the ad- dition of potassium to the solution enables the organism to secrete more of its own normal acid, tones up the body to renewed vigor, and thus obviates the need of constant administra- tion of hydrochloric acid. The administration of the acid mineral solu- tion then in short is so satisfactory, so effective, that the writer no longer dreads such cases but can go forward with utmost confidence of a therapeutic victory, with no need of danger or shock from operative surgical measures. He 77 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy does not mean, however, that if strictures are present they should not be dilated, either in man or woman, he does not mean that prostatic massage is not valuable, or that any adjuvant treatment is not advisable, or that residual contents of bladder should not be cathertized off or that a cancerous involvement should not be removed. Rather the opposite. What he does mean is, that taken early enough this form of therapy is so effective that other measures are unnecessary, and that even in ad- vanced cases, great relief from frequent mic- turition, constant dribbling and urinary dis- tress can be gained. Ere closing this chapter, the writer wishes to say that this same therapy is likewise indi- cated in the chronic cystitis of elderly women. A case of a woman nearly seventy years of age comes to mind who came to him several years ago. She had had a cystitis for many years and had gone the rounds of hospitals and other physicians to no avail. Speedily the acid min- eral treatment relieved her and she took it off and on for three years. Now she has entirely recovered—showing its superiority over blad- der lavage and ordinary remedies. With this treatment came not only relief but a renewal of vigor and health also protection, to be dis- cussed later, from other forms of degeneration so present in senile people. 78 Chapter XIII ACID MINERAL SOLUTION IN CANCER All over the world anxious people are eagerly awaiting news that cancer is curable, not only victims, or their relatives, but also physicians trying in vain to save their too many patients that succumb to this mysterious fatal malady. Letters pour in to the writer and they must be answered—is cancer curable? Cancer every- where in multitudinous forms and variety, some apparently innocuous, others deadly and rapid- ly fatal. No parts of the body are immune, for eyes, brain, skin and mucous membranes, digestive organs, bones and sexual organs, all are pos- sible sites for its appearance, invasion and de- struction. From youth to old age, no one is sure of immunity, and when once it appears, removal or destruction of its initiatory lesion does not insure its non-appearance in situ or some other part of the body far removed from its first manifestation. In vain except for a miserable percentage, the instruments of medi- cal art have been hurled at this invasion. Huge machines to force heavy radiation of the fa- mous X-rays, the burning ions of radium, are called into play at a tremendous outlay of 79 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy wealth. We read of solutions of adrenal cor- tex in hydrochloric acid solution, others have claimed discovery of a specific microbe, yet still an increasing number die year after year and day after day. Has the hydrochloric acid therapy anything to offer? Such are the questions that come. Be- fore answering this query—and if this could be answered in the affirmative, but little will have been gained. What science needs to know is, why cancer, its laws, its causation; why when for instance two persons live together, breathe the same air, eat the same food, sleep in the same bed—why should “one be taken and the other left.” Why does one become rotten and the other is seemingly immune? Studies in genetics fail to answer; heredity, according to Maud Slye, seems to be a factor in mice, but when applied to humanity fails to prove its theory. Genes and chromasones are said to be the field of causation, but no one has seen a gene or counted the chromasones in ovum or sperm; but very, very few. The field of endocrinology has been duly explored—this and that ductless gland has been claimed to be the cancer factor, but to no avail except as has been shown that the in- jection of an anterio pituitary solution but ac- celerates the cancerous growth. 80 Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer Is there yet one field of research that might bear fruit in this campaign that must be won, ere this scourge be wiped from mankind, a field that might yield the secret of immunity for if this were found—it would be of far more value than any specific remedy, which could but re- lieve in early cases—too few and far between as seen in clinical practice. The underlying cause has not been found in diet nor glands, in environment or heredity, in water or soil, in air or genetics. Let us then for awhile study an- other field of possibility and see if we can dis- cover a clue in the underlying kingdom of or- ganic life. The Mineral Kingdom Instead of considering the animal and hu- man organisms, we shall go back for awhile to the soil of the earth for a possible clue to this too common enemy of mankind. In early pio- neer days, the soil was in little need of manures, fertilizers or plant food. The rich, deep loamed prairie lands of the middle western states seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of the necessary minerals for plant sustenance. But as the years rolled by and year after year crops were grown on the same fields, in spite of ro- tation of crops, here and there fields failed to respond with ample crops as they had in the past. 81 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy Wilts, moulds and other diseases appeared and farmers were in despair. The wilts and moulds could not be corrected nor killed for their habitat was in the soil itself and no one could even imagine such wholesale sterilization. Bad enough to sterilize the beds of soil in green- houses, but impossible to do so in the endless miles of farm lands. Yet why, for instance, does corn in one sec- tion grow free from moulds or fungi, and in another ears and roots, stalks and leaves are rotted and decayed—why? Is it not a similar problem which the medical world faces today in its war on malignant neoplasma? Like the soil of the earth, the air we breathe is simply impregnated with multitudinous microscopic and ultra microscopic organisms. Microbes, yeasts and other fungi are constantly inhaled at every breath, no one is immune to these ubiqui- tous microbes, and here is the mooted question, unless his or her soil or body tissues have a nat- ural protection against them, or in other words is he or she an infertile field for their growth and reproduction. Why did some fields of corn, for instance, show moulds and rots, another field of corn be free from same infection, although these same organisms were present in its soil? The explanation was given in the preceding chapters, the only point we wish the reader to consider is that the result of mineral deficiency 82 Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer was in these plants—lymph or sap blockage— by precipitation of aluminum or ferric salts in the nodes and leaves of these plants. Atten- tion should be now called to the second chapter in this book, where the quotation from Doctor Sampson Handley, the noted specialist of Eng- land, most emphatically states in unequivocal language that cancer growth begins in cells af- fected by a lymph stasis, no matter how small an area may be involved. We have shown in corn that such lymph stasis is caused by a pre- cipitation of aluminum or iron, and in animal tissues also by precipitation of urea salts, also that an alkalosis, ere cancer begins, must seem- ingly also be present. That gouty deposits, also aluminum, are prob- ably not the decisive factor, seems to have been borne out by clinical observation. It has also been stated by the writer that a deficiency of potassium, causing an excess of sodium in the tissues, is seemingly the main cause of alkalo- sis. The writer has proven on himself—which is good proof to him at least—that taking potas- sium salts too continuously causes an acidosis, and that a true acidosis, it is claimed, cannot be created by hydrochloric acid in therapeutic doses. Although conclusive proofs are still lacking, we do know this, that lymph stasis, whether from insufficiency of phosphorus as in aluminum deposits or insufficiency of potassium 83 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy in iron, plants are subject to moulds and rots, and man, too, must be likewise. Another common form of lymph stasis long believed in, now being investigated and tabu- lated by various research workers, is the claim that cancer can be caused by injuries of various kinds. Dr. William S. Bainbridge of New York has gone into this aspect of cancer causation most thoroughly and he is quite convinced that trauma is a frequent predisposing factor in many cases. He writes that Du Bois is convinced that it is an established fact that repeated traumatism may give rise to cancer and also that a single accidental traumatism may result in a new formation in the absence of all precancerous affections. He “realizes, naturally, that all blows do not result in cancer, and that all can- cers at the sites of injuries may not be the re- sults of the traumas, but in numbers of the cases which he has observed, where there are definite steps from the injury to the tumor, it is his opinion that the finger of proof points directly to the trauma as the cause of the sub- sequent malignancy.” We see that in tumors in mice or guinea pigs set up by repeated application of tar or unsatu- rated hydrocarbons to their skin is another method of producing a local lymph stasis. 84 Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer All contusions as from a fall or from a blunt instrument cause crushing and other injuries to the lymphatic channels and fractures of bones likewise. If the detritus, such as blood and inflammatory products caused by irritation or trauma, remain unabsorbed there is set up a lymph stasis; if an alkalosis is also present in that location, be where it may, there cancer begins. Cancerous disease then may be divided into two divisions, one easily controlled, the other only by surgical or other methods of destruc- tion; the first lymph stasis, the second where some unknown mould or rot has invaded the lymph blocked tissues. Two cases of the former which the writer treated will illustrate best the first division or simple lymph stasis preceding malignancy or infection by unknown mould or fungous invasion. A white woman, age 42 years, seven years before had her fallopian tubes removed for Neisserian infection. Four years ago the writer opened an abscess in her left labia from same cause. On December 31, 1933, she came in complaining of a painless swelling at the same location. Examination disclosed a large soft mass with two small indurations the size of peas near site of previous incision. A diagno- sis was made, although no inguinal glands were involved of early cancerous disease, and a week- 85 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy ly intravenous injection of the acid mineral solution was given, also same by mouth. By the end of the following month all signs of growth had disappeared and health was per- fect. Another case of a man, aged 63 years, came in on September 2, 1930. He had had a supra- pubic operation one year before for removal of a large calculus in bladder. Examination showed a hard mass size of an orange in site of scar in bladder wall. Similar treatment was given, and within a month tumor had melted away, no return to date although he needs treatment at times for cystitis. Such and other similar cases are evident- ly but a lymph stasis, that precedes malignan- cy. Can we prove or disprove that malignancy is caused by an unknown fungous or an invisible organism? I think not—yet who can doubt its presence? Surely not one who has contacted advanced cases for instance of breast carcino- ma, the rotten, decaying tissues, the character- istic fetid, penetrating odor, the metastases, the toxic condition of patient and so forth. The attention of the reader at this point may be called to other diseases of unknown origin, for instance the mosaic disease of plants where so far no infecting organism can be found, yet where the virus of this disease is transmitted to offspring of aphi by their parents, and these 86 Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer carry this infection to other plants. Let us again consider an animal disease, the foot and mouth disease of cattle, sheep, deer, pigs, etc., what is this virus? It is filterable beyond the vision through the best of microscopes, it does not stain with any known dye, its deadly viru- lency can only be controlled by complete de- struction, burning of carcasses, and deep burial of all infected herds and animals. What is this virus? Some years ago, the writer was talk- ing with an expert on this disease in the Agri- cultural Laboratory of Washington, D. C., and this question was raised—What is this virus? We replied, “It is an organism." The question came right back, “How do you know?" The writer replied, “Because life without a vehicle to manifest in would be undifferentiated." The answer was most conclusive. Therefor this virus of cancerous malignancy is life in a ve- hicle, unseen, unknown, uncontrollable, for as Dr. James Ewing has written to this writer, and his word is conclusive. “No case with malig- nancy fully established has been known by me to recover." Our conclusion is inevitable, that all research on mitosis and change of cancer cells is futile and lost. It is not lack of nutrition, for in a case of a malignant hopeless case of a breast cancer removed but the other day, not less than one hundred blood vessels had to be ligated. Not 87 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy by infection or contagion, only through lymph stasis is this disease acquired. When this lymph blockage occurs, not all be- come cancerous, very few in fact, but the writer believes if we have a blockage by iron precipita- tion from the hemoglobin of the red blood corpuscles, an alkalosis present by deficiency of potassium salts, then such lymph blocked tis- sues become sensitized and favorable fields for this unknown malignant organism to become manifest. So far the injection and administration of the acid mineral solution gives great relief and at times, especially so in the growths so inacces- sible in the stomach and intestines, seems to bring curative results, yet the fact remains that surgery—removal of the malignant lesions if possible—must be done. The acid mineral therapy, however, should be given to clear up any unseen lesion, to prevent recurrence, to de- stroy the alkaline reaction of tissues, to pick up precipitated iron deposits, thus enrich the blood and increase its oxygen carrying powers, and increase the normal acid of the gastric juice to its proper balance with the ph of the body chemistry. If extensive research proves these conclusions to be true, then, as in the fields of corn destroyed by rots and moulds, a potassium salt added to the sodium chloride of our food should be a 88 Acid Mineral Solution in Cancer simple, effective prevention of this dread dis- ease. If, however, as science goes onward, these hypothetical microbes of malignancy were found, isolated and cultivated, humanity would still be but slightly benefited, for as is shown in tubercular disease no immunity can be es- tablished. Only through starvation can the in- vading bacillus be destroyed, so similarly, by causing the human tissues to be an infertile soil can cancer be controlled. 89 Chapter XIV ACID MINERAL SOLUTION IN DISEASES OF THE SKIN This book would not be complete without some reference to skin affections that respond to the acid mineral solution, especially so af- ter all other forms of medical therapy have been proven futile. If we can visualize, as the writ- er does, how in normal digestion the hydro- chloric acid contained in the gastric contents, that this chyle as it enters the intestinal tracts, impacts itself upon the digestive mucosa, stim- ulates the secretin hormone formation, and passing through enters the lymph stream, plays its part in the ph chemical balance, at the same time stimulates the biliary and pancreatic or- gans to carry on their digestive functions, an entirely new viewpoint of skin disease is ac- quired. In impaired and lessened secretion of this acid, however, these activities are greatly modified and give rise to conditions that favor skin as well as other diseases. First, an inabil- ity to break down organic and waste products. These acids before mentioned are at times ex- creted through the pores of the skin, giving rise to various disorders. Here in the South is fre- quently seen what is called heat rash, which causes an intense erythema, sometimes a vesicu- lation, also a terrible itching. A case treated 90 Diseases of the Skin last summer is a good example. A white man, who peddled vegetables in the hot sun all day, came in for relief. He had large areas of ery- thema of a vivid red color covered with abra- sions from a comb with which he scratched himself continuously all night. An intravenous injection of the acid mineral solution was giv- en him, and same by mouth four times daily. Two days later he reappeared asking for a sim- ilar injection which had given him so great a relief. As stated before, this remedy is not to take the place of any reliable specific in any disease, but rather to augment and assist either by elim- inating or breaking down of waste products, be they organic acids or precipitated salts. In all cases of eczema and other forms of chronic skin diseases, including syphilis, the writer uses it to assist and augment the usual treatment. Recent- ly a penniless white woman came in covered with the secondary eruption of syphilis, with all its accompanying lesions, mucous patches, loos- ening hair, bone pains, fever, etc., with the venereal crown quite well developed. As she had no money even for medicine, a six-ounce bottle of the acid mineral solution was made up, one-half ounce of the solution to six ounces of water, also a one-grain tablet of corrosive sublimate was added to it. Dose, one tea- spoonful, well diluted, six times daily. After 91 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy a few weeks’ treatment with this solution all symptoms had nearly disappeared. The solu- tion has been used to desensitize people with allergic phenomena with good results. The second aspect of skin diseases—the sep- tic form—is a little better field for its use. In this city many shrimp fishermen make their headquarters during the winter months. These men are peculiarly subject to an eruption of feruncles or boils on hands and arms, which they call fish poisoning. They persist week af- ter week, sometimes twelve or more boils will be present at the same time. If these boils are incised, grave consequences may ensue and an incurable diseased condition may be set up. The results in these fishermen of an intra- venous injection of the acid mineral solution, also by mouth, is seemingly miraculous, for the lesions immediately dry, fall off and disappear; no local treatment is necessary; indicating that this fish poisoning is really an allergic reaction. Reports have been sent to the writer of chronic abscesses of feet, running sores and so forth of years’ duration that disappear after its administration. One case the writer treated had a diseased foot for over eighteen years, horny growths underlaid with pus, that com- pletely regained her health by taking the acid solution for a few months. This condition, this woman thought, originated from a pyelitis of a 92 Diseases of the Skin kidney, which too became normal. The tre- mendous and varied field of skin diseases has scarcely been touched, other progressive physi- cians doubtless will investigate its value, and demonstrate its true field in the many aspects of chronic skin diseases. Dr. D. de Beszedits of Mexico has reported in the columns of the Medical World most sat- isfactory results by the injection of hydro- chloric acid solution into snake bites and the painful scorpion stings. This report we be- lieve demonstrates the claim that hydrochloric acid, when brought into contact with foreign proteins, has the power to break them down in- to simpler chemical combinations. The Vaughn Brothers, many years ago, fully demonstrated that the virus from snakes and scorpions, from diphtheria and tuberculosis, etc., contain a pri- mary protein that is identical in all toxins. Men- tion has been made of guanidine, how quickly its toxic property is destroyed by ascetic acid, so in these snake and other venoms, the protein poisons of syphilis and tuberculosis, are vul- nerable to the destructive action of hydro- chloric acid—this is also nature’s own weapon, put into our bodies by the creative power man- ifest in the upward evolutionary process. No wonder then that reports from so many places indicate its wondrous, manifold therapeutic and curative properties. 93 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy Well is it with that physician who, laying prejudice aside, will take up the study so briefly and imperfectly outlined in these chapters, and not only give it to others but still more impor- tant test it on himself as our Mexican brother did, who, when in despair, sick unto death with pernicious malaria, tropical dysentery and gas- tric ulcers, his drug supply destroyed by fire, the only thing salvaged a bottle of hydrochloric acid and mineral salts, surrounded and impor- tuned by victims of leprosy, filariasis and still other worse diseases, forced by uncontrollable circumstances he diluted this bottle of acid mineral salts and injected and gave it by mouth to all, including himself. We see it but as an epic event, for all these people and he too, days away from railroad and help, speedily recov- ered. No one should fail to read his report in March, April and May, 1934, numbers of the Medical World. Time alone will prove or disprove this epic story but still the fact remains that the Great Creator has put into the chemistry of our body this peculiar acid—composed of chlorine and hydrogen ions—to digest, sterilize, preserve and repair its tissues. We, the servants of man- kind, cannot do better than follow nature, seek to unfold her mysteries, use her weapons and, submissive to her laws, win a glorious victory over disease and premature death. 94 Chapter XV ACID MINERAL SOLUTION Five years have passed since the search for relief and cure of degenerative disease was first begun. One by one the mineral constituents of the human tissues were studied; first of all they were dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and tested in clinical cases, as well as on nor- mal bodies. One by one, as failure to restore diseased tissues to health was evident, they were eliminated from the solution. Today we have in our formula for progressive degenera- tive disease, the following list of minerals, viz., arsenicum, potassium both the chloride and sul- phate, and silicon, in a ten per cent solution of hydrochloric acid. Arsenicum This metal, though not a normal constituent, has been included, though in but a minute quan- tity, because of its tonic effect, its power to stimulate formation of the red blood corpuscles and growth of tissue cells. Potassium Potassium, as has been discussed before, is undoubtedly the chief mineral that is probably deficient in so many people: that as land de- cays people too decay, and civilization grows 95 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy effete. When this metal is supplied to the soil, its crops often increase two to three hundred per cent as well as in vigor, also an immunity to plant disease. So too, in clinical practice, when this acid mineral solution is given, the sick become strong and well and immunity against disease is restored. Hearts with a de- generated myocardium beat with renewed vig- or, blue finger nails become pink and all or- gans take on new life. Precipitated iron is re- stored to the blood as hemoglobin, therefore the anemias disappear and need no longer worry the physician if treated by this new yet old form of therapy. However, just as in the agri- cultural world no real decision has been made as to the merits of potassium chloride over the sulphate, so in therapy it seems impossible to decide which salt is most effective. The chlor- ide tends to an increase of water in the tissues, therefore is best adapted to emaciated patients, the sulphate is drying, therefore best for the obese. As the acid mineral solution can be modified at will, or made to order, this variation is of little moment, and it has seemed best to include both salts in the standard solution. Silicon Another mineral included is that known as silicon and in this solution in form of silicic acid. This mineral is found in the human tis- 96 Acid Mineral Solution sues in but small amount, in hair, bones and teeth, also the bile. Little is known of its function in the human economy. In clinical work its poisonous property is seen in cases of silicosis from inhalation of stone dust by quar- ry men and stone workers. These victims be- come emaciated, have pus laden sputum, with silica dust particles contained within it. As silicosis symptoms are quite different from those found in coal miners with carbon dust in lungs and other forms of pneumoconiosis, it is supposed that silicon has other properties than that of a simple irritant. Medical records have shown it to have been used successfully in bone diseases, in chronic constipation, also tuberculosis. As the acid mineral solution is especially de- signed for progressive disease, silicon has been included to combat the changes in bony tissue that are so prevalent in old age. It has been claimed that silicon gives strength and rigidity to plant stalks, as in wheat, so that they remain erect and strong in wind storms, and its pres- ence in bones may be of a similar nature, one to give strength and freedom from fracture, it may be to prevent ankylosis of joints and de- struction of teeth. Too many senile women fall lightly, yet suffer from broken femurs; as both calcium and the phosphates are brittle, this fragility of senile bony tissue may be due to a 97 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy silicon deficiency. So too, we see senile deaf- ness everywhere, the latest reports are that all treatment for this malady, both local and con- stitutional, are futile. It is much too soon to report results, yet to date some evidence has come in to indicate that silicon does help in senile deafness, falling hair and constipation. Its presence in the solution seems harmless to other diseases. Only a minute quantity of sil- icic acid can be combined with the solution, yet as but traces are present in human tissues, this small amount is probably sufficient if required. The rule the writer has followed in his in- vestigation is that the body can throw off, by kidney and intestines, what it does not require, but cannot make up a deficiency. Even if these deficient minerals are contained in food sup- ply, they may not be assimilated if the normal acid is lacking in the digestive system. First to feed missing or deficient minerals, next to restore normal digestion and assimilation, then these patients will no longer need treatment. Some cases need the acid mineral solution for many months, especially so if advanced in years, others in a few weeks are restored to health. The formula used at this date by the writer is as follows: 98 Acid Mineral Solution Rx Solution of Potass Arsenite cc. or Grm 1. or m xv Solution of Potass Chloride 10% 8. o ii Solution of Potassium Sulphate 10% 12. or 3 iii Saturated Solution of Silicic Acid in Acid Hydrochloric dilute qs ad. Grm 30. or i Dose of above well diluted is 5 to 25 drops one to six times daily. For intravenous injection: Take of above solution eight c c add to water distilled q s c c 120. Dose 5 c c to 10 c c—intravenously, or intramuscularly. 99 Chapter XVI TREATMENT OF VARIED DISEASES The first principle to be realized is that the acid potassium solution is not so much a medi- cine or drug but rather a mineral food. It should be regarded more in the light of the mineral waters as found and used in the various Spas, especially so in Europe. Though taking a leading place in therapy, it can be also an ad- juvant to other treatments. All old practi- tioners realize the difference of action of reme- dies given to either young or old, vigorous or debilitated. The reason is, that the young and vigorous have normal digestion and ample free hydrochloric acid. In such patients, the reme- dies given are acted upon by the free acid of the gastric juice and thus made into chlorides. One remembers readily how carefully calomel is given to avoid formation of corrosive sub- limate in the digestive organs, yet how elderly people, especially so here in the South, take it ad libetum with no bad effects. This is the first point to be never forgotten, viz., never give calomel when administering the acid mineral solution by vein, muscles or mouth. As this solution tends to restore normal youthful di- gestion, it necessarily follows that remedies 100 Treatment of Varied Diseases that have failed in cases such as cystitis, syph- ilis, malaria, etc., regain their curative poten- cies. This is well illustrated by the story of Dr. D. de Beszedits previously quoted, who sat- urated daily with quinine yet had severe daily chills and fever, who when he had taken the acid mineral solution, by injection and by mouth, all of his distressing ills promptly dis- appeared. Another point to consider is, just what is needed by patient under treatment. Diabetes For instance, in diabetes, we require restore ation of not only the normal acid of the stom- ach, but also relief of lymph stasis in the tis- sues of the pancreas, so as to regain the nor- mal activation of the insulin cells. In such cases, a sugar-free diet is given, and the acid mineral solution by mouth both before and af- ter eating—usually nine drops in a tumbler of water. Also an intravenous injection once or twice weekly. Invariably as the normal acid begins to break down the lactic and other waste products, the toxic acidosis disappears, also thirst and itching so often present is relieved. If patient is taking insulin the glucose test for urine and blood must be taken every day. In fact the writer prefers not to use insulin, but rather a gland treatment such as pansecre- 101 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy tin, as such treatment does not need careful watching or is in the least dangerous. As in these cases a mere disappearance of sugar for a day or so is of little consequence, what, however, is required is that the normal secretion of secretin and insulin by intestinal mucosa and pancreas shall be regained. The writer has watched cases for years who have their pancreas and kidneys badly impaired by this disease, cases who came to him with gan- grene of feet well begun, yet who in spite of glycosuria, still by an occasional treatment in the acid mineral solution remain in fair health and vigor. It must be remembered always that as glu- cose is a normal constituent of the blood, the diseased products are not. If these acids are kept under normal control by the normal secre- tion and absorption of hydrochloric acid, as out- lined in a previous chapter, the presence of a glycosuria, which may be due at times to in- jured kidney tissue, can be overlooked and ig- nored; as cases improve, although sugar is al- ways inhibited from diet, yet honey and a larger amount of carbohydrates, especially fresh fruits, are permitted. Tuberculosis Before this treatment is studied, the reader should be conversant with that written in Chap- ter XVI on this ubiquitous disease. 102 Treatment of Varied Diseases The treatment is the same no matter whether in brain, eyes, lung, skin or bones, etc.; the point to be aimed at is to change the ph of the cells so that the fatty acids will no longer give off glycerol. As quoted from an unimpeachable authority in a previous chapter, tubercle bacilli must have for sustenance and reproduction glycerol (or glycerine) or (the same authority states) glucose. Both these substances are acted upon by the acid mineral solution. As in diabetes just mentioned, the quantity of glu- cose in the lymph and blood is reduced to nor- mal. Also by the administration of our acid mineral solution, the occult alkalosis of body cells is destroyed. This stops the formation and excretion of glycerol, thereupon the tubercle bacilli disappear from lack of sustenance. Again an increase of free chlorine in gastric fluid with its sterilizing property must not be overlooked, and its tonic effect on appetite, digestion and assimilation of food is most evident. No won- der then that case after case, whether by in- jection into vein as described by Dr. Burr Fer- guson and others, or by mouth, of this acid mineral solution, rapidly recover. In all chronic cases of disease, search should be made for a tuberculous lesion. It may be present in cancer, gastric or duodenal ulcers, etc., for if this disease is present, its toxins in the circulation will prevent the healing of any 103 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy other diseased tissue until this underlying in- fection is eliminated. A case of a man, age 32 years, under treat- ment at a local hospital for past five years for a pyloric ulcer, will best illustrate this point. He had been most carefully treated, by the Sip- py diet, strained food, and so on but all to no avail. Examined four weeks ago, an indura- tion was found at pylorus, but an active infec- tion was also found at the apex of right lung extending down to the fifth rib. He also had a loose cough, and was sallow and readily tired, with a family history of tuberculosis. The acid mineral solution was given by vein and mouth. At this date he is greatly improved and evidently will soon recover from both le- sions. Here in this case, the toxins from an ac- tive tuberculosis probably caused the pyloric ulcer and until this infection was eliminated, healing was impossible. Prostatitis This condition and its accompanying symp- toms in the elderly male is still chiefly relegated to the surgeon whose percentage of cures is still much too small, yet this annoying condition we are glad to state is most easily relieved by the acid mineral treatment. Ere going into de- tails we must go back to our thesis that this enlargement and engorgement is not that of the blood, but is necessarily a lymph stasis, 104 Treatment of Varied Diseases with all that it implies; it is not a true neoplasm, although it sometimes, alas, becomes so, but the prostatic tissues fail to get rid of their waste products, fail to get enough oxygen and nutri- ent fluids. As swelling increases, an irritation from a residual urine sets up a cystitis which ascending through the ureters often involves the kidneys in the septic process. Case upon case could be quoted, not alone by writer but by others, where this distressing condition is con- trolled. It stands to reason that if the present lymph stasis is relieved, the alkaline and often ammoniacal urine restored to normal, the septic bacilli destroyed through the blood stream, great relief and improvement must necessarily follow. If strictures are present they must be dilated so as to insure free evacuation. This is true in cystitis of the female: too often such strictures in the urethra are overlooked by the practitioner. It is best in such cases to give an intravenous injection daily, if possible, until the urine has regained its normal acidity. Sev- eral cases with bright blood in their urine, in- dicating a possible malignancy, have been treated with complete relief in a few weeks of all symptoms. It is the writer’s method to treat acute di- seases with doses repeated say every hour or 105 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy two, also daily intravenous injections. One case of growth in pylorus, with complete stop- page of food and great distress, was given five drops of the solution every half hour until re- lief was obtained, which appeared in about five hours, the pylorus then opening permitted the stagnant contents of stomach to pass through. In chronic diseases, especially so in arthritis and myocarditis, care must be taken to make haste but slowly. An intravenous injection is given but once weekly, and dose by mouth should not be over nine drops after meals and at bedtime. It is very easy to set up an acido- sis or give amounts greater than the cells can readily absorb. Here in such an acidosis the patient will complain of increased pain in af- fected joints or great muscular prostration and fatigue. Reduction of dosage or treatment with sodium bicarbonate will soon relieve these symptoms. In skin and ca/ncerous affections, calcium in any form must not be given to patient. In erythemas it will increase their distress; in cancer it decidedly aggravates the disease. All cases should have amount of sugar in diet strictly limited, but honey seems to be well tol- erated and may be substituted in its place. 106 Treatment of Varied Diseases Mix equal parts of clear urine with official dilute hydrochloric acid. Add solution of aqua ammonia forte to neutralize acid. A white pre- cipitate of aluminum hydrate shows presence of aluminum. Test for Aluminum The question is often asked, “What is the best method of administering the hydrochloric acid mineral solution? Shall it be given by mouth, by vein or by intramuscular injection?” All methods are in use. It is the author’s prac- tice, in cases that need prolonged treatment, who are at home and can be seen but once or twice weekly, who are not in serious condition, or, on the other hand, near unto death, by rea- son of a profound toxemia, to give it solely by mouth. The dose should be small; the average not more than nine drops, usually six times daily—well diluted. In such diseases as tuberculosis, diabetes, arthritis or pus infections, in abdomen or else- where, this can be supplemented by a weekly or bi-weekly injection. The writer has found that in diseases of chest, in heart or lungs, or skin affections, that intravenous injections act most quickly. For instance, a case of angina with cardiac degen- eration will often experience relief of pain dis- 107 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy tress or cardiac anxiety (we use this word to indicate the condition that is often present in such cases) in less than ten minutes after the injection is given. Intramuscular injections, on the other hand, put the solution directly in- to the lymphatic system. In cases of periton- itis present for instance in pyosalpingitis, the writer has been more than surprised over the increased efficiency of the solution injected into gluteal muscles as compared with similar in- jections into the same individual by the venous route. There are few conditions more spectac- ular than this class of cases when treated by the acid mineral solution. If all diseased symp- toms were but congested or blocked lymph chan- nels, it must follow then that injection of the solution into the lymphatic system by the intra- muscular method should be, on the whole, most efficacious. What should be the strength of the hydro- chloric acid? Dr. Ferguson recommends one part to fifteen hundred or one to one thousand; one minim of dilute hydrochloric acid added to ten or seven cubic centimeters of distilled wa- ter. This solution is about twice the strength of acid content of the gastric juice. If four cc or one drachm of the formula given in Chap- ter XIV be added to four ounces of distilled wa- ter, we get approximately one part of acid to one thousand of water. 108 Treatment of Varied Diseases How strong can this acid be given? The above strength has been given repeatedly into gluteal muscles but it is quite painful, and one part of acid to one thousand is quite strong enough and not too painful, especially so when buffered by the addition of the potassium and other minerals. Some two years ago, while treating a severe case of neisserian infection with pus tubes in a young woman, the writer, by mistake, tried to inject the dilute official hydrochloric acid in- to the patient’s vein. She let out a shriek, then we discovered our mistake. The pain soon wore off, however, and she made a rapid and complete recovery. The author usually injects ten cc into veins or muscles but this may be reduced if necessary in children or in beginning of treatment. The potassium and other mineral content is too small to cause need of worry over toxic action. The use of the potassium salts, the author be- lieves is most necessary, if a complete relief is wanted. Like the soil of the earth, so the peo- ple feeding on the fruits of the earth, are too often depleted of this metal. His conclusion is, after these years of investigation, that an insufficiency of potassium is the chief cause of alkalosis with its toxic overlying acidosis. The main purpose of above treatment is to restore the normal ph of the body tissues, by causing 109 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy the formation of a normal acid gastric secre- tion. When this is done, the therapeutic action of this normal acid will often cause the com- plete recovery from disease present. That the administration of hydrochloric acid alone, will not bring about this normal gastric secretion, is self-evident as mentioned before and when a mineral deficiency is present, this condition must be overcome by supplying the needed minerals in a form that is readily avail- able for assimilation. Given as chlorides or in a chloric solution, this is readily accomplished— given as lactates or phosphates, failure often ensues. In the anemias, iron is deposited into the lymphatic channels and the red cells are de- pleted. When the acid mineral solution is giv- en, the iron deposits are dissolved and the red blood cells regain their iron content. In potassium deficiency of corn, this iron pre- cipitate is readily proven; also it was brought out how susceptible of rots, moulds and other septic infections, these corn plants become. Likewise this is doubtless true of human life with a similar potassium starvation. The solution by vein should be injected slowly, using a twenty-five gauge needle. For intramuscular injection an eighteen or twenty gauge needle may be used. The needle should be long enough to penetrate through the over- 110 Treatment of Varied Diseases lying fascia into the muscular tissue. Whatever strength of acid solution is used, burning will be complained of but it should subside in about fifteen minutes. If we can but look upon this form of treat- ment as supplying needed mineral food rather than the giving of drugs or medicine, we shall be able to understand the action of this form of treatment. Today, as expectations fade away for relief of degenerative disease from use of vaccines, serums, vitamins and endocrine glandular products, we see more clearly that prejudice in the past against copper in canned peas, preserv- atives such as boron and benzoin in preserved foods, were unjustifiable and useless. The min- eral kingdom has untold possibilities yet to be unfolded, and these minerals even if but traces may be found in human tissues, all have a part to play in health and immunity against infec- tive and senile diseases. 111 Chapter XVII NEOPLASTIC DISEASES In this controversial field of disease, the writer holds fast to the theory of Dr. S. Hand- ley that where tumors and lesions occur there is present, even if but microscopic in size, a lo- cal lymph stasis. Whether or not these benign and malign lesions are ofttimes due to a block- ing of the lymph spaces by iron deposits, as seen in corn, when a deficiency of potassium salts is present in the soil or in some cases due to deposition of aluminum salts, in a deficiency of phosphorus, or caused by a precipitation of urates in presence of a basic alkalosis of tis- sues by trauma, or local irritation, only further research will disclose. The innumerable va- rieties of neoplastic growths seemingly indicate a varied cause and origin. While surgical meth- ods are well adapted to benign tumors, they are lamentably helpless in malignant growths, to prevent metastases, recurrence and to remove the underlying cause that must be eliminated ere victory is won. The acid mineral solution, with its power to open blocked up lymph chan- nels, is admirably adapted for this purpose, and if used ere malignancy—or what may be termed infection by an unknown mould or microbic or- ganism has occurred, most satisfactory and curative results are attained. 112 Neoplastic Diseases In malignant growths of inaccessible organs, especially in the digestive tract, such cases for instance as the adeno carcinomas, repeated vic- tories have been won, also in sarcomas of bones. Too often, however, we are confronted with broken down breast cancers, foul and mal- odorous, where surgical operation is seemingly impossible and the doctor is seemingly helpless in these horrible cases. What can be done for such cases? Let us go back for awhile to the vegetable kingdom and see if we cannot get a clue from certain laws recognized in the agricultural world. Shortly after the great war had broken out, all importation of potash salts used in fertilizers was stopped. The government and other concerns attempted to supply this need by potassium salts from American sources, and these were added to the farmer’s fertilizers. Some of us still remember what the result was. The ground to which this potassium was applied became sterile! Examination by chem- ical analysis showed these potassium salts to contain a small quantity of boron. Can this boron or boracic acid be used to advantage in malignant breaking down cancerous sores? The two following cases of cancer will best serve to illustrate how extreme malignancy has been controlled. First of all let us recapitu- late the points to be emphasized. 113 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy First lymph blockage, and later a parasitic growth of tissue cells beyond control of the nerve centers of the organism. Secondly, an unknown virus termed malig- nancy that causes benign tumors to become malignant. This virus, unknown, unseen, has definite characteristics, such as a characteristic odor, as in necrosing breast cancer, it sets up metastases, causes debility, emaciation, anemia and early death. It has not been discovered by microscopic procedures, does not stain, it is not contagious or infectious, therefor must be pres- ent in every person but awaiting a favorable medium or soil to propagate itself. It is this virus that differentiates benign tumors from malignant growths and ofttimes appears in be- nign tumors. Some laws are recognized con- cerning it. According to the late Dr. Willy Meyer, it is present only in alkalosis of tissues. Therefore we have two factors to bear in mind —first tumor formation with changed cells, mi- tosis, and an alkalosis. As it is possible to transfer these tumor growths from mouse to mouse, it does not necessarily follow that mal- ignancy has been transferred also. In fact it is said that mice with ingrafted tumors some- times die of old age. A large cancer may be but slightly malig- nant; on the other hand, a recent, tiny wart may destroy life in a few weeks. The cases to 114 Neoplastic Diseases be described are two patients, both hopeless, the breast cancer more malignant than the one with pelvic involvement. Both these cases were treated with the two above-mentioned factors in mind—viz., alkalosis and a hypothetical virus invasion. The results are so impressive, that instead of awaiting outcome for months or years, they are included in this volume, in order that others too, may test out, relieve at least these unhappy victims of fate, and who knows, may win a victory over cancer disease and death. The antiseptic used in one case was boric acid, in the second one both benzoic and boric acids were combined. As alkalosis has to be combatted, only acid germicides may be em- ployed, and both the alkalosis and virus must be treated simultaneously. M. J., married, age 36 years, no children, pus tubes and ovaries removed eight years be- fore, weight 125 lbs. A lump in right breast was discovered by her in January, 1932. First seen May 1st, 1934. A very large necrosing cancer of right breast was found, an axillary gland size of small egg was present. A local surgeon kindly consented to remove the decay- ing mass, and in so doing many blood vessels had to be ligated, showing extreme malignancy. Five days later she was sent home with wound gaping, stitches pulling through and the char- 115 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy acteristic cancer lymph discharging profusely. Here then was an opportunity to prove or dis- prove the presence of a cancer virus; the axil- lary gland had not been removed, just the de- caying tissue. Intravenous injections of the acid mineral solution were given every third day, also six times daily by mouth, the wound was packed every three hours with boric acid powder. On the fifth day improvement was noticeable, and boric acid was added to the solution by vein and by mouth and healing took place. October 10, 1934. This colored woman is in good health, has gained fourteen pounds in weight, the scars have become keloids, and the infected axillary gland is hard to find. She continues the acid mineral solution with boric acid, and time alone will tell the outcome. The results so far are so satisfactory as to be worthy of trial by oth- ers seeking to learn the mysteries and truths hidden in the hydrochloric mineral solution. The next case is too recent to be of special merit yet so spectacular in curative results, when all hope had fled, that it may, the author hopes, inspire many others to at least alleviate even if cure is seemingly impossible. Case of E. B., white, age 56 years, four chil- dren, two dead. Twenty-two years before had a pus tube removed. Five years ago a com- plete hysterectomy for cancer was performed. 116 Neoplastic Diseases February, 1934, operation for removal of gall stones and repair of an operative hernia. Since that time rectum has been occluded, faeces pass- ing out through vagina. October 3, 1934, ex- amined by writer, vulva one mass of squamous carcinoma, intestinal blockage, severe digestive disturbance, unable to sit up or lay in comfort; no evidence of tumor in abdomen. Treatment: A solution of acid mineral solu- tion with boric acid and benzoic acid was given by mouth six times daily; also the local lesions were packed with a solution of boric acid con- tinuously. Results: In one week patient was up walking and sitting in comfort, appetite re- turning, digestion much improved, cheerful al- though rectum still occluded; no intravenous injections so far have been given in this case. This patient pronounced utterly hopeless, for even amelioration, by other physicians, proves at least the value of our treatment and possibly how malignancy may be overcome, thus open- ing a wide horizon, and a tremendous field for further adventure on this line of attack, for if after surgical removal of cancerous growths, a reliable method of preventing recurrence can be used, how far ahead in this cancer warfare may not the army of the medical world go. The writer expects, ere this book is available to the profession, to have a reliable company prepare, for those who desire them, a supply 117 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy of ampoules and solutions, with or without boron, at a moderate price. Only by a large number of tests and cases, in many places, by many physicians can the truth be ascertained and proven so, that all mankind may benefit thereby. It is also necessary that the solutions be carefully prepared and stand- ardized so that each one, if he so desires, may use a definite formula, which may be modified at will, and at the same time feel that no unto- ward result by impure distilled water or in- gredients may ensue. This company can also function as a clearing house for reports and letters; and as more information comes in, it can be shared by all who care to give and re- ceive and take part in this clinical research that so far promises so much for the ills of mankind. The author applies hydrochloric acid c. p. locally for small papillomata in vagina or mouth carefully every other day: for small lesions on face or skin of body it can be applied directly; or where lesion is deep seated, involving the cutis vera, a piece of gauze is fastened over lesion and the acid on gauze allowed to remain at least one hour. If skin is broken boric acid solution is used freely, applied as often as nec- essary. Novocaine 2 per cent can be injected to alleviate the burning pain of the hydrochloric acid. Very effective and permanent curative 118 Neoplastic Diseases results have been obtained by this method, in some cases superior to radium or surgery. In all cases of lymph stasis, causing the man- ifold variations from the normal, we term dis- ease, whether to pick up foreign metals such as iron, zinc, aluminum, lead or precipitated waste products, such as sodium urate; whether caused by allergic reactions as in asthma, or to combat and starve out tubercle bacilli, to re- store a normal ph balance, to eliminate end products or to break down lactic or other waste acids, to restore a deficient secretion of hydro- chloric acid from gastric mucosa and supply a deficiency of potassium or silicon to the cells, the acid mineral solution will be found invalu- able and worthy of great study and intensive application. As it increases acidity of the urine, it may be used to advantage in dissolv- ing renal calculi, and given before meals in hot water will relieve congestion of gall bladder and pancreas. Many senile diseases of brain need such a cleansing agent, to reduce pressure in cranial cavity and restore nutrition to cerebral cells. Case after case from our own files and other physicians could be cited, but only its intelligent use can prove these statements to be true and make the reader conscious of its inherent cura- tive properties. So simple, so universal, and so scientifically, completely true! 119 Chapter XVIII FURTHER TESTIMONY Many letters have been received by the au- thor, telling of good results by the Acid Min- eral Therapy, and as they take up conditions not spoken of in the previous chapters, brief extracts of them are quoted here. From a physician in Maryland who writes: “Thinking perhaps you would appreciate com- munications relative to the use of your acid and chloride formula, I am writing to say that I am using it frequently with the most gratify- ing results. This summer I have had more than the usual number of children’s summer diar- rheas, and I have been using it in ordinary diar- rheas, as well as in entero-colitis, and invari- ably my patients recover promptly. Recently I had a baby four days old that came down with enteritis, temperature 103°, greenish stools, with undigested milk; two drops of the solu- tion every four hours cleaned up the condition in twelve hours.” P. L. G., M. D. From New Mexico we received the following extract: “I am treating a case of mammary car- cinoma. Have been using your acid mineral Rx on her both intravenously and by mouth; 120 Further Testimony the improvement of the cancer under this treat- ment has been wonderful. . . . Have a case of pellagra, the thought struck me to use this treatment on her; gave her ten drops, four times a day. This case cleaned up in about 35 days.” H. P., M. D. The following extract from a physician of eighty-four years still in practice in Arkansas is worthy of inclusion, for it demonstrates how readily the acid mineral solution relieves lym- phatic congestion in heart muscles and legs. He writes: “I have been taking the solution in five- to twenty-drop doses for quite a long time, and I tell you, nothing has done so much good as your prescription. I had much swelling and a discolored condition of my legs from my knees down. I could not control my equilibrium, was fearful of falling, could find no doctor who could diagnose my case. Now, after taking your prescription, my legs are normal and I go with ease wherever I desire. My wife, too, who has had a gastric ulcer for a long time, is taking the prescription with me and is nearly well.” Dr. F. M. K. From Kansas, we find the following: “I had the acid mineral solution made up. I have 121 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy been giving it to stomach and gall stone cases, or rather gall bladder cases. Does it help these cases! The last was a case of blood poisoning. Fever at 104°. Two other cases died. My case has made a good recovery.” H. M. B. The following letter from Wm. H. Ross, M. D., Houston, Texas, who has kindly per- mitted me to use his name, is most encourag- ing. He writes as follows: 4-5-34. “Dear Doctor Guy: You have asked me to say a few words on the subject of treatment with your formula of HC1 and pot. salts. I had rather write the book and leave to you the task of relating a grand experience in a few well chosen words. Your articles on this epoch making therapy first came to my notice about a year ago. The idea of injecting HC1 into the veins of a living patient seemed then so radical and devoid of hope that I became almost morbidly curious to see how far astray enthusiasm could lead a sane man. I read several of your articles at one sit- ting and vaguely decided to try it some day. After a few days the opportunity came. How vividly I recall my mental reactions on that oc- casion! I was called to relieve a bedridden man of 88 years suffering intensely from card- 122 Further Testimony iac asthma; weak and weary from lack of sleep and cough. I decided to give him 8 drops of the solution very slowly into the vein. I remember watching anxiously for signs of air- hunger and for the iris to disappear upward. Neither occurred, but he passed into a fairly comfortable sleep instead within 30 minutes. He then received the same dose daily for three days with 15 drops orally t. i. d. and lived in moderate comfort for several weeks. The next case was a woman of 40 years, seen for the first time. I found her propped up in bed gasping for breath, a heart case of years standing. Hair and body soppy with a cold perspiration, cyanotic, anasarca, moderate oedema of feet and legs; lungs congested, bad cough; anything swallowed caused vomiting; pulseless at the wrist; heart very feeble and in- termittant. Death seemed imminent. The question came, what can I do? Relief was ur- gent. Morphine would have been fatal, while water or drugs were promptly vomited. Fortu- nately I had some acid mineral salts with me and lost no time in giving her 10 drops intra- venously. The urgent symptoms gradually abated and she rested fairly well during the rest of night. I then gave eight drops intra- venously daily for a week and twelve drops orally t. i. d. Thereafter for many weeks she received bi-weekly injections and ten drops 123 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy orally t. i. d. She is today in better health than she has had for years and cares for the home with help. This is one of the most remarkable cases that I have ever known, because I have never before seen such a case recover. Becoming bold I moved on to an old gastric ulcer case diagnosed by X-ray; a woman of 35 years, suffering and weary of life. My fame was beginning to travel abroad. How success builds self-confidence! She said pathetically, “Doctor, I am so tired of pain and being sick. Can you help me?” My mind spoke more elo- quently than my words for I merely looked straight into her eye and said, “Yes” with a smile. That woman is living today in com- fort and eating everything fit to eat. The medicinal treatment was the same as in the heart case except that I gave fifteen drops orally in a full glass of hot water to be sipped after eating—or drinking rather for the diet consisted in orange juice diluted, and milk and cream alternately, no alkalies. More recently, a unilateral case of buboes of six weeks’ duration following a small non- specific sore on prepuce. Young man could not accept position with large manufacturing con- cern on account of rigid examination require- ments. Glands were large and hard, would neither resolve nor suppurate under treatment 124 Further Testimony of another doctor. Same treatment as out- lined previously with result that the glands re- turned to almost normal in fifteen days and the patient passed his examination and went to work. I will conclude with a severe sub-acute lar- yngitis of about four weeks’ duration and no sign of improvement. Soreness and aphonia in early morning merging into an underworld gutteral as the day wore on. Had had vaccine, tonics, gargles, and purgatives by another doc- tor. In addition to acid mineral solution in- travenously and orally I prescribed the same solution to be used undiluted as a gargle (but patient did not know it). It makes an admir- able gargle. Except for vocal tiredness the laryngitis was completely cleared up in ten days. I could extend this greatly and include the striking results obtained in pneumonia, pul. tuberculosis, “athlete’s foot” by local applica- tion, a spastic paralysis following hemiplegia a year ago restored to almost normal, not to mention the rheumatic and gouty tophi that are slowly but surely being absorbed. To those who may doubt these assertions I can only say, Unburden your minds and try it. I suspect that the greatest obstacles to the acceptance of HC1 and pot. salts will be found in its extreme simplicity, inexpensiveness and 125 Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy great variety of uses. But the latter is more apparent than real when the identity of the underlying cause of many diseases is given due consideration. The two outstanding results of my use of HC1 and pot. salts are these: I am now cur- ing, or greatly relieving, classes of patients that formerly died or drifted away from me; and patients now remit cheerfully and with a smile instead of begrudgingly or not at all. A suffering public is anxiously and patiently awaiting a brand new deal in medical diagno- sis and therapy. Yours sincerely, Wm. H. Ross, M. D. Houston, Texas” 126 CONCLUSION The time has come to close these records. The author hopes some of the mystery of the re- sults of giving hydrochloric has been dispelled, yet at times to him it yet seems most mysteri- ous. For instance, but yesterday a boy of ten years old was brought in from the country, in intense epileptic one sided convulsions, that had been increasing in severity for two hours. He had received a skull fracture one year previ- ously which caused the same kind of convulsions for nearly twenty-four hours. As he lay on the table, the left side in constant spasms, the other side quiescent, he seemed a hopeless case. What could be done! Why the acid mineral solution, of course. Ten c c one part of HC1 acid to five hundred of distilled water, plus the potassium salts was injected into his right hip. We said, “It will take ten minutes for this rem- edy to reach his brain.” So we timed the in- jection and in ten minutes the spasms ceased. It would be well in conclusion to try and visual- ize just what occurred after the injection of the solution of hydrochloric acid and if we can but grasp the full picture, we believe the whole mystery will be solved. 127 Conclusion The following points must be remembered: First, the lymph is in constant circulation the same as the blood stream but slower in velocity. If an obstruction occurs, stasis or blockage takes place. If this stasis is in the brain or spinal canal, pressure will rise until it equals the pres- sure in the arteries. Have we an analogy else- where? Yes. If for some reason the pylorus, really a valve in outlet of stomach, refuses to permit egress of the gastric contents, acute in- digestion, sometimes death occurs. Here, as has been mentioned before, the acid mineral solution, frequently given, soon causes relief. Likewise if the lymph circulation in the cranial cavity is stopped, this stasis will cause increased pressure and therefore convulsions. Also it must be recalled to mind that toxins, such as guanidine, will cause this condition; but these toxins are very easily broken down by an acid. So in the case just quoted. As soon as the acid solution contacted the toxins in this boy, like the pylorus, the blockage was relieved, the pressure reduced and convulsions ceased. The picture of the boy’s father, holding the boy on the table with watch in hand counting the minutes, one by one, watching to see if my promise would come true, has left an indelible picture on memory’s scroll. 128 Conclusion What more can be said ? Surely enough has been written to encourage others to at least test out these seemingly extravagant claims, hy- potheses and cases. Therefore the author leaves this record in the hands of his medical fra- ternity to take its place for good or ill in the field of medical literature. W. B. Guy, M. D., St. Augustine, Florida. 6-15-34 129