mmmmwm mMlL.ilhLi^J_____^ii_._,i'^illiiSi WB 15 A512n 1872 31910070R NLM DSIMTTST 3 NLM051497593 *-A NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES REPORTS MAJORITY AND OF THE MINORITY OF THE COMMITTEE THEREON. PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AT THE MEETING HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, MAY, 1872. .<* £f<3N GEi\U~"'-'' 5>v, <^ PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1872. 15 \87'Z V\ NOTICE. In issuing, by direction of the American Medical Association, a large number of extra copies of the report on "A Nomenclature of Diseases," presented at the last annual meeting of the Association, and in inviting the criticism of the Medical profession thereon, it is proper to state that a similar distribution was made in 1869 of the Nomenclature of Diseases published by the Royal College of Physicians of London, accompanied by a similar invitation, but that very few proposals for amending the scheme were received from any quarter; and that such of these as appeared judicious are embodied in the present report. As, however, the proposed American system differs from the English in several of its prominent features, and in very many of its details, and as it is desirable to have all its parts improved as far as possible by suggestion and criticism, it is re- quested that communications upon the subject should be addressed at the earliest day to FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., Chairman of the Committee on Nomenclature, 1504 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. Dr. Francis G. Smith, of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Com- mittee on a Nomenclature of Diseases, reported as follows:— In accordance with instructions given to them by the Association in 1870, the committee have prepared a Nomenclature of Diseases, to be recommended to the medical practitioners of the United States for adoption and observance. It will be remembered that the com- mittee appointed at New Orleans in 1869, to determine what alter- ations, if any, are necessary, to adapt the Provisional Nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians of London to general use in the United States, reported at Washington, that the English Nomen- clature was not adapted to this end, and recommended the appoint- ment of a new committee to prepare a Nomenclature of their own. This committee are now prepared to submit the results of their labors. The system of Nomenclature offered is based upon that of the Royal College of Physicians of London, with such additions and modifications as in the judgment of the committee were needed. The general divisions of that work have been adopted, although the order of their succession has been materially modified, and the whole is preceded by a general nomenclature of morbid condi- tions, such as do not constitute special diseases. It must be re- membered that the Nomenclature adopted by the Royal College is strictly provisional, and that provision was made for its modifica- tion, as necessity might demand. It was expressly set forth, not as .possessing absolute scientific accuracy, but as a contrivance for securing the use of the same name for the same disease, and "for 6 perfecting the statistical registration of diseases, with a view to the discovery of the laws which determine their causes, phenomena, and results." The same may be said of that which your com- mittee present; it also is provisional, and must be subject to such alteration and revision as experience may prove desirable. In selecting Latin equivalents for English names of diseases, the committee have frequently departed from the example of the English Nomenclature, in which, as far as possible, Latin terms of classical authority have been employed. Their reasons for doing so are briefly these:— 1. A large number of diseases now commonly recognized were totally unknown to the ancients. 2. The language of medicine, like that of law, abounds in tech- nical Latin terms of mediaeval or later origin, and these are the only terms by which the things signified by them are generally known. 3. To express the ideas of modern science in classical Latin often involves the use of periphrases which tend to obscure, instead of making them clearer. In the Nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians of London, precedence is given to the Latin over the English names. Your committee have reversed this arrangement, believing that wherever English names exist, they should be preferred, because they are more intelligible to the greater number of practitioners, and because the tendency is everywhere increasing to use vernacu- lar idioms in naming diseases. Latin synonyms for them are, however, annexed, which have a definite meaning for the medical profession in all civilized nations. The committee have been engaged for two years in the prepa- ration of its Report, and have held nearly fifty meetings. What- ever defects, therefore, it may present, cannot, they think, be laid to a want of industry or care. They have to deplore, with many others, the loss by death of a valued member of their body, Dr. Samuel Henry Dickson, who, by his extensive learning, wide experience, and cultivated intellect, gave great aid to their labors; and, although his failing health pre- 7 vented his being a constant attendant on the meetings of the com- mittee, his sympathies were always with its work, and his counsel was promptly and cheerfully given. In common with this com- munity in which he lived, and with this Association, we mourn his loss. In order to expedite and facilitate the work devolving upon them, the committee was early divided into sub - committees of Practical Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics, to each of which was assigned the study of a special department, the results of which were reported to the general committee for approval. By invita- tion of the general committee, Dr. J. Ashhurst, Jr., was added to the sub-committee on Surgery, and Dr. W. Goodell to that on Obstetrics. To each of these gentlemen, the committee desire to express their thanks for the valuable assistance which they rendered. In concluding this brief report of their labors, the fruits of which are seen in the printed matter now presented to the Association, the committee respectfully offer the following resolu- tions:— Resolved, That the Report of the Committee on the Nomenclature of Diseases be referred to a special committee of five members, to be appointed by the President, who shall examine it, and report upon its final disposition, at the present meeting of the Association. Resolved, That on the favorable report of such committee it shall be referred back to the Committee on the Nomenclature of Diseases, for the preparation of an Index to be published with it in the forthcoming volume of the Transactions. FRANCIS G. SMITH, Jr., Chairman. GEO. B. WOOD, of Philadelphia. ALFRED STILLE, of Philadelphia. W. S. W. RUSCHENBERGER, of U. S. Navy. J. ASHHURST, Jr., of Philadelphia. WM. GOODELL, of Philadelphia. T. PARVIN, of Indiana. R. F. MICHEL, of Alabama. WM. M. McPHEETERS, of Missouri. L. P. YANDELL, of Kentucky. 8 Dr. J. J. Woodward, of the U. S. Army, offered a minority re- port, as follows:— A minority of the Committee on Nomenclature have the honor to report:— That while they entertain the highest respect for the abilities and learning of those members of the committee whose residence in Philadelphia has enabled them to attend its meetings and aid in the production of the report which has just been submitted, they nevertheless feel it a duty to express their earnest conviction that the adoption of a Nomenclature and Classification by this Associa- tion is a matter of too great importance to be acted upon hastily, before the members have had any opportunity to examine for them- selves the Nomenclature and Classification proposed. The minority of the committee have had no opportunity to ex- amine the proof-sheets of the work until since the commencement of the present meeting of the Association, and the time since then has been far too short for them to form an opinion as to details. They do not, therefore, wish to be understood as criticising the work done in any way, but simply ask, as a measure of justice and wisdom, that it may be submitted to the judgment of the profession before it is acted upon by this body. They have the honor, therefore, to offer the following resolution as a substitute for the resolution offered by the majority. Resolved, That the Nomenclature and Classification just sub- mitted by the committee be published in the Transactions; that one thousand extra copies be printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the profession, and that the question of the adoption of the pro- posed Nomenclature and Classification by this body be postponed till the next annual meeting. Signed, A. B. PALMER, of Michigan. J. J. WOODWARD, of U. S. Army. GEO. A. OTIS, of U. S. Army. AUSTIN FLINT, of New York. On motion of Dr. A. B. Palmer, of Michigan, both reports were accepted. The resolution attached to the report of the minority was adopted. NOMENCLATIVE OF DISEASES. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 1. Irritation. Irritatio. A morbid increase of action in a part, short of inflammation; 2. Inflammation. Inflammatio. A morbid increase of action in a part, with altered nutrition, gene- rally accompanied with increased heat, redness, pain, and swelling. 3. Suppuration. Suppuratio. A state of inflammation characterized by the production of pus. 4. Ulceration. Ulceratio. A state of inflammation in which there is loss of substance on a free surface. 5. Abscess. Abscessus. A cavity containing pus. 6. Depression. Depressio. A morbid diminution of action. 1. Debility. Debilitas. Syn. Asthenia. Morbid deficiency of power. 8. Degeneration. Degeneratio. Degradation of structure. 9. Mortification. Mortificatio. The dying of a part. 10. Gangrene. Gangraena. The death of a part. 11. Atrophy. Atrophia. Morbid diminution of structure. 12. Hypertrophy. Hypertrophia. Morbid increase of structure. 1 2 nomenclature of diseases. 13. Congestion. Congestio. Syn. Hyperaemia. Morbid accumulation of blood in a part. a. Active congestion. Congestio activa. Congestion with increased activity of the circulation. b. Passive congestion. Congestio passiva. Congestion from impediment of the circulation. 14. Hemorrhage. Haemorrhagia. Abnormal loss of blood. 15. Dropsy. Hydrops. Morbid effusion of serous fluid into the areolar tissue or serous cavities. 16. Fever. Febris. An acute affection of the system, with increased heat and derange- ment of all the functions. IT. Cachexia. Cachexia. Chronic disease, in which, with various disturbances of the func- • tions, there is a special morbid state of the blood. 18. Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis. A morbid state of the system in which there is a disposition to the formation of tubercle. 19. Scrofulosis. Scrofulosis. A morbid state of the system in which there is a disposition to a peculiar low, chronic, and obstinate inflammation, with or without the formation of tubercle, or matter resembling it. 20. Rickets. Rachitis. A constitutional disease of early childhood, manifested by curva- ture of the shafts of the long bones, and enlargement of their cancellous extremities. 21. Cretinism. Cretismus. A condition of imperfect development and deformity of the whole body, especially of the head, occurring in the valleys of certain mountainous districts, and attended by feebleness or absence of the mental faculties and special senses, and often associated with gSitre. 22. Melanosis. Melanosis. A morbid state of system, in which there is a disposition to the de- posit of a peculiar black matter. 23. Carcinoma. Carcinoma. A morbid state of system in which there is a disposition to a certain malignant growth, denominated carcinoma. 24. Zymosis. Zymosis. A morbid state of system, in which there is supposed to be a fermentative process going on in the blood, or which is believed to result from the action on the system of substances undergoing a species of fermentation. GENERAL DISEASES. 3 25. Parasitic disease. Morbus parasiticus. Disease arising from the presence in the system of parasites of vege- table or animal origin. GENERAL DISEASES. MOBBI CORPORIS UNIVERSL 26. Intermittent fever. Febris intermittens. Syn. Fever and ague. 21. Pernicious intermittent fever. Febris intermittens pemiciosa. A malignant form of intermittent fever. 28. Remittent fever. Febris remittens. A malarial fever of indefinite duration, characterized by regularly returning exacerbations. 29. Pernicious remittent fever. Febris remittens perniciosa. A malignant form of remittent fever. 30. Yellow fever. Febris flava. An epidemic continued fever, characterized by yellowness of the skin, and accompanied in severe cases by hemorrhage from the stomach (usually in the form of black vomit) and from other parts. 31. Febricula. Febricula. Simple fever of not more than three or four days' duration. 32. Simple continued fever. Febris continua simplex. Continued fever having no specific character, of more than four days' duration. 33. Relapsing fever. Febris recidiva. A continued fever, characterized by an abrupt relapse, after an intermission of about a week. 34. Enteric fever. Febris enterica. Syn. Typhoid fever; Enteric typhus; Abdominal typhus. A continued fever, characterized by the presence of rose-colored spots, chiefly on the abdomen, and a tendency to diarrhoea, with specific lesions of the small intestines and mesenteric glands. 35. Typhus fever. Typhus. A continued fever, characterized by prostration, and a general dusky, mottled rash, without specific lesion of the bowels. 36. Cerebro-spinal fever. Febris cerebro-spinalis. Syn. Epidemic cere- bro-spinal meningitis; Epidemic meningitis; Spotted fever. A malignant epidemic fever, often attended by painful contraction of the muscles of the neck and retraction of the head, and fre- quently accompanied by a profuse purpuric eruption. Lesions of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes are generally found on dissection. 4 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 31. Plague. Pestis. A specific fever, attended with bubo of the inguinal or other glands, and occasionally with carbuncles. 38. Smallpox. Variola. a. Distinct smallpox. Yariola discreta. Syn. Discrete. All the pustules separate. b. Confluent smallpox. Yariola confluens. Pustules running together over the greater part of the body. c. Modified smallpox. Yariola modificata. Syn. Yarioloid. With pustules modified in their development by previous vaccina- tion, smallpox, or other cause. 39. Yaccine. Yaccinia. Syn. Cowpox. 40. Chickenpox. Varicella. 41. Measles. Morbilli. 42. German measles. Rubeola Germanica. Syn. Rotheln. Distinguished from measles by the somewhat earlier appearance of the eruption, its lighter red color, its more regular outline, and by not protecting against the occurrence of measles. 43. Scarlet fever. Scarlatina. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Anginose. Anginosa. A form of the disease with redness, swelling, and ulceration of the throat. c. Malignant. Maligna. A malignant form of the disease, in which the rash is either absent or but partially developed, and when developed is of a purplish hue. 44. Erysipelas. Erysipelas. A specific fever, accompanied by an inflammation of the integument tending to spread, and characterized by an irregularly defined margin. a. Phlegmonous erysipelas. Erysipelas phlegmonodes. b. Erratic erysipelas. Er}rsipelas erraticum. Very superficial and tending to spread indefinitely. 45. Dengue. Denguis. Syn. Break-bone fever. An ephemeral fever, with frontal headache and severe pains in tha limbs and trunk, and in some cases an eruption resembling that of measles. 46. Diphtheria. Diphtheria. A specific febrile disease, with pseudo-membranous exudation on a mucous surface (generally of the mouth, fauces, and air-passages), or occasionally on a wound. 47. Influenza. Catarrhus epidemicus. GENERAL DISEASES. 0 48. Glanders. Equinia. An inflammatory affection of the nasal mucous membrane, produced by contagious matter from a glandered horse. 49. Farcy. Farciminum. An inflammatory affection of the skin and of the absorbent system, produced by contagious matter from a horse having farcy. 50. Grease. Equinia mitis. A pustular eruption, produced by contagious matter from a horse affected with the grease. 51. Puerperal fever. Febris puerperalis. A continued fever, communicable by contagion, occurring in con- nection with child-birth. 52. Rheumatism. Rheumatismus. a. Acute rheumatism. Rheumatismus acutus. Syn. Rheumatic fever. A febrile disorder, characterized by non-suppurative inflammation of the fibrous tissues of the joints. 6. Subacute rheumatism. Rheumatismus subacutus. c. Muscular rheumatism. Rheumatismus muscularis. Lumbago. Lumbago. Stiff neck. Torticollis. Pleurodynia. Pleurodynia. d. Gonorrhceal rheumatism. Rheumatismus gonorrhbicus. An analogous affection associated with gonorrhoea. e. Chronic rheumatism. Rheumatismus chronicus. 53. Gout. Podagra. a. Acute gout. Podagra acuta. A specific febrile disorder, characterized by non-suppurative inflam- mation, affecting especially the smaller joints, and generally ap- pearing first in the large joint of the great toe, and attended with excess of uric acid in the blood. b. Chronic gout. Podagra chronica. A persistent gout, with little or no fever, characterized by stiffness and swelling of various joints, with deposits of urate of soda. c. Nervous gout. Podagra nervosa. Syn. Irregular gout. 54. Chronic osteo-arthritis. Osteo-arthritis chronica. Syn. Rheu- matic gout; Rheumatoid arthritis. An affection characterized by pain and stiffness, with deformity of one or more of the joints from alteration of the bony structure. 55. Syphilis. Syphilis. a. Primary sjqphilis. Syphilis primaria. Syphilis while limited to the part inoculated and the lymphatic glands connected with it. 6 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 6. Secondary syphilis. Syphilis secundaria. Syphilis when it has affected the system. c. Hereditary syphilis. Syphilis hereditaria. Constitutional syphilis of the child, derived during foetal life from one of the parents. 56. Diabetes. Diabetes. Syn. Diabetes mellitus. 5*7. Beri-beri. Beriberia. 58. Cancer. Carcinoma. A malignant disease, characterized by a growth which tends to spread indefinitely into the surrounding structures and in the course of the lymphatics of the part affected, and which is fre- quently developed in other parts of the body. a. Scirrhus. Scirrhus. Syn. Hard cancer. Cancer characterized by hardness of the primary tumor, and by a tendency to draw to itself the neighboring soft structures. When ulcerated, the sore is commonly deep, uneven, and bounded by a thick everted hard edge. b. Medullary cancer. Carcinoma medullosum. Syn. Soft cancer; Encephaloid. Cancer characterized by a smoothly-lobed surface, soft, irregular consistence, great vascularity, and usually rapid growth and re- production. When ulcerated it protrudes in large masses, which bleed copiously. Fungus haematodes. A form of medullary cancer, characterized by interstitial hemor- rhage. c. Epithelial cancer. Epithelioma. Syn. Cancroid. Cancer characterized by its frequent occurrence in parts supplied with epithelium, and by the resemblance of its cells to those of epithelium. d. Osteoid cancer. Carcinoma osteoides. Cancer usually occurring in bones, containing a large proportion of bone, and followed by similar or by ordinary encephaloid growths in the glands and viscera. e. Colloid cancer. Carcinoma collodes. Syii. Alveolar cancer. A cancerous growth, a great part of which is formed of transparent or gelatinoid substance. NON-MALIGNANT TUMORS AND CYSTS. TUMOBES NON MALIGNI. CYSTES NON MALIGNA. Note.—In reporting cases of non-malignant tumor, the organ or region in which the growth occurs should be specified. 59. Fibrous tumor. Tumor fibrosus. Syn. Fibroma. A growth, which in its structure resembles fibrous tissue, and which is circumscribed, or, in other words, does not invade surrounding structures. NON-MALIGNANT TUMORS AND CYSTS. 7 a. Fibro-cystic tumor. Tumor fibro-cysticus. A fibrous tumor containing cysts. b. Fibro-calcareous tumor. Tumor fibro-calcareus. A fibrous tumor containing earthy matter. c. Fibro-muscular tumor. Tumor fibro-musculosus. Syn. Myoma. A fibrous tumor containing involuntary muscle, as in the uterine fibroid. d. Fibro-fatty tumor. Tumor fibro-adiposus. A fibrous tumor containing fat. e. Neuroma. Neuroma. A fibrous tumor developed on or between the fibres of a nerve. /. Painful subcutaneous tumor or tubercle. Tumor subcuta- neus dolens. A painful fibrous tumor in the subcutaneous tissue. 60. Fibro-cellular tumor. Tumor fibro-cellulosus. A growth which in its structure resembles areolar or connective tissue. Note.—When the fibro-cellular tumor occurs as a pendulous out- growth from a mucous surface, it constitutes a common variety of Polypus. 61. Sarcoma. Sarcoma. Consisting chiefly of cells, and resembling embryonic connective tissue. 62. Myxoma. Myxoma. Resembling the mucous tissue of the umbilical cord. 63. Glioma. Glioma. Containing numerous small round cells, and originating in the neu- roglia of the brain, auditory nerve, or retina. 64. Fibro-nucleated tumor. Tumor fibro-nucleosus. A tumor composed of fibrous tissue mixed with elongated nuclei. 65. Fibro-plastic tumor. Tumor fibro-plasticus. A tumor composed chiefly of fusiform or spindle-shaped cells. Note.—The fibro-nucleated and fibro-plastic tumors are also called Spindle-celled sarcoma; and, when recurring after repeated re- moval, Recurrent fibroid, Sarcoma fusocellulare, Tumor fibro- sus recurrens. 66. Myeloid tumor. Tumor myelodes. Syn. Colossal-celled or giant- celled sarcoma. A tumor occurring usually in connection with bone, and containing a large proportion of many-nucleated cells like those found in foetal marrow. 67. Fatty tumor. Tumor adiposus. Syn. Lipoma. 8 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 68. Osseous tumor, or bony tumor. Tumor osseus. a. Osseous tumor of bone. Tumor osseus ossis. Syn. Exostosis. Ivory-like. Eberneus. Cancellated. Cancellatus. Diffused. Diffusus. Syn. Osteoma. b. Osseous tumor of the soft parts. Tumor osseus partium mollium. 69. Cartilaginous tumor. Tumor cartilaginosus. Syn. Enchondroma. a. Fibrocartilaginous tumor. Tumor fibro-cartilaginosus. 70. Glandular tumor. Tumor glandulosus. Syn. Adenoma; Adenoid tumor; Adenocele. A tumor growing in or near a gland, and more or less perfectly re- sembling it in structure. a. Lymphoid tumor. Lymphoma. Composed of corpuscles resembling the cell-elements of lymphatic glands. 71. Vascular or erectile tumor. Tumor vasculosus. $yw.Angeioma. a. Aneurism by anastomosis, or Racemose aneurism. Aneurysma racemosum. b. Nsevus. Naevus. c. Lymphatic vascular tumor. Tumor lymphaticus vasculosus. 72. Molluscum. Molluscum. 73. Warty tumor and warts. Tumor verrucosus et verrucae. 74. Condyloma. Condyloma. 75. Keloid or Cheloid. Tumor cheloides. 76. Villous tumor. Tumor villosus. Syn. Papillary tumor; Papil- loma. 77. Polypus. Polypus. A pedunculated tumor growing from a mucous surface. 78. Simple or barren cysts. Cystes simplices sive infoecundse. a. Serous cyst. Cystis serosa. b. Synovial cyst. Cystis synovialis. Syn. Bursal cyst. c. Mucous cyst. Cystis mucosa. d. Suppurating cyst. Cystis suppurans. e. Sanguineous cyst. Cystis sanguinea. /. Hemorrhagic cyst. Cystis hsemorrhagica. g. Aneurismal cyst. Cystis aneurysmica. h. Oily cyst. Cystis oleosa. LOCAL DISEASES. 9 i. Colloid or gelatinous cyst. Cystis collodes sive glutinosa. k. Seminal cyst. Cystis seminalis. 79. Compound or proliferous cysts. Cystescompositceswefcecundse. a. Complex cystic tumor. Tumor cysticus multiplex. Complex cystigerous cyst. Cystis cystigera multiplex. With vascular intracystic growths. Intus innascente materia morbida vasculosa. b. Cutaneous proliferous cyst. Cystis cutigera. Sebaceous tumor or cyst. Tumor sebaceus sive cystis sebacea. Cholesteatoma. Cholesteatoma. Piliferous or dermoid cyst. Cystis pilosa sive dermatodes. c. Dentigerous cyst. Cystis dentigera. LOCAL DISEASES. MORBI PARTIUM SINGULARUM. ARRANGEMENT OF LOCAL DISEASES. ORDO MORBORTTM. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. MORBI APPARATUS DIGESTIONIS. DISEASES OF THE MOUTH. MORBI ORIS. 80. Harelip. Labrum leporinum. 81. Stomatitis. Stomatitis. Syn. Inflammation of the mouth. 82. Ulcerative stomatitis. Stomatitis exulcerans. 83. Vesicular stomatitis. Stomatitis vesiculosa. Syn. Aphthae. 84. Gangrenous stomatitis. Stomatitis gangrenosa. Syn. Cancrum oris; Gangraena oris. 85. Diphtheric stomatitis. Stomatitis diphtherica. 86. Thrush. Stomatitis parasitica. Syn. Muguet. An exudation dependent upon or connected with a parasitic growth.* 87. Mercurial stomatitis. Stomatitis mercurialis. Syn. Ptyalismus mercurialis. * Oidium albicans. (Link.) 10 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 88. Stomatorrhcea. Stomatorrhcea. Excessive flow of liquid from the mouth. 89. Hemorrhage of the mouth. Stomatorrhagia. 90. Rauula. Ranula. DISEASES OF THE GUMS. MORBI OINOIVARUM. 91. Gingivitis. Gingivitis. Syn. Inflammation of the gums. 92. Atrophy. Atrophia. 93. Gumboil. Abscessus gingivarum. 94. Epulis. Epulis. DISEASES OF THE JAWS. MORBI MAXILLAR UM. 95. Adhesions of the jaws. Maxillarum adhaesus. 96. Abscess of the antrum. Abscessus antri. 97. Cyst of the antrum. Cystis antri. Syn. Dropsy of the antrum. 98. Tumor of the antrum. Tumor antri. 99. Alveolitis. Alveolitis. Syn. Inflammation of the alveoli. 100. Alveolar abscess. Abscessus alveolaris. 101. Necrosis of the alveoli. Necrosis alveolorum. 102. Caries of the alveoli. Caries alveolorum. 103. Exostosis of the alveoli. Exostosis alveolorum. 104. Dentigerous cyst of the alveoli. Cystis dentigera alveolorum. 105. Atrophy of the alveoli. Atrophia alveolorum. 106. Rheumatism of the jaws. Rheumatismus maxillarum. 107. Phosphoric inflammation and necrosis of the jaw. Inflammatio et necrosis maxillae ex phosphoro. AFFECTIONS OF THE TEETH. MORBI DENTIUM. 108. Teething. Dentitio. 109. Irregular dentition. Dentitio inordinata. Note.—Under irregularities are included time of appearance, posi- tion, number, form, and development of temporary and permanent teeth. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. 11 110. Caries. Caries. 111. Necrosis. Necrosis. 112. Exostosis. Exostosis. 113. Atrophy. Atrophia. 114. Inflammation of the dental pulp. Inflammatio medullae dentium. 115. Inflammation of the dental periosteum. Inflammatio periostei dentium. 116. Chronic thickening. Crassitudo chronica. 117. Rheumatic inflammation. Inflammatio rheumatica. DISEASES OF THE TONGUE. MORBI LINGUA. 118. Glossitis. Glossitis. Inflammation of the substance of the tongue. 119. Ulcer of the tongue. Ulcus linguae. 120. Tongue-tie. Lingua fraenata. 121. Hypertrophy. Hypertrophia. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. MORBI FA UCIUM ET PAL ATI. 122. Angina. Angina. Syn. Sore throat. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the fauces. \ 23. Elongated uvula. Uvula elongata. 124. Perforation of the palate. Palatum perforatum. 125. Cleft palate. Palatum fissum. 126. Tonsillitis. Tonsillitis. Syn. Inflammation of the,tonsils. 127. Suppurative tonsillitis. Tonsillitis suppurans. Syn. Quinsy; Cynanche tonsillaris. 128. Enlarged tonsils. Tonsillar amplificatae. 129. Ulcerated throat. Angina ulcerosa. Syn. Ulcerated sore throat. 130. Malignant sore throat. Angina maligna. Syn. Putrid sore throat; Cynanche maligna. 131. Diphtheric angina. Angina diphtherica. 12 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE PHARYNX. MORBI PHARYNGIS. 132. Pharyngitis. Pharyngitis. 133. Abscess of the pharynx. Abscessus pharyngis. 134. Ulcerative pharyngitis. Pharyngitis ulcerosa. 135. Malignant pharyngitis. Pharyngitis maligna. Syn. Pharyn- gitis gangrenosa. DISEASES OF THE (ESOPHAGUS. MORBI (ESOPHAGI. 136. Oesophagitis. Oesophagitis. 137. Stricture of the oesophagus. Strictura oesophagi. 138. Difficulty of swallowing. Dysphagia. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. MORBI VENTRICULI. 139. Gastritis. Gastritis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. 140. Chronic ulcer of the stomach. Ulcus chronicum ventriculi. 141. Hemorrhage of the stomach. Haemorrhagia gastrica. 142. Perforation of the stomach. Ventriculus perforatus. 143. Dilatation of the stomach. Ventriculi dilatatio. 144. Cancer of the stomach. Carcinoma ventriculi 145. Stricture of the cardia. Strictura cardiae. 146. Stricture of the pylorus. Strictura pylori. 147. Gastric fistula. Fistula ventriculi. 148. Hernia of the stomach. Hernia ventriculi. Syn. Gastrocele. 149. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. 150. Gastralgia. Gastralgia. Syn. Gastrodynia. Neuralgic pain of the stomach. 151. Spasm of the stomach. Spasmus ventriculi. 152. Pyrosis. Pyrosis. Sijn. Water-brash. 153. Heartburn. Cardialgia. Burning pain in the region of the stomach, without inflammation. 154. Vomiting. Vomitio. 155. Vomiting of blood. Haematemesis. DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 13 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. MORBI INTESTINOR TIM. 156. Duodenitis. Duodenitis. Syn. Inflammation of the duodenum. 157. Enteritis. Enteritis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestines. 158. Typhlitis. Typhlitis. Inflammation of the caecum, or appendix vermiformis. 159. Dysentery. Dysenteria. 160. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea. 161. Cholera morbus. Cholera morbus. Bilious vomiting and purging. 162. Epidemic cholera. Cholera epidemica. Syn. Asiatic cholera; Malignant cholera. An epidemic disease, characterized by vomiting and purging of a liquid resembling rice-water. 163. Cholera infantum. Cholera infantum. Syn. Summer complaint. Cholera in children, dependent upon irritation or inflammation of the mucous follicles. 164. Ulceration of the intestines. Exulceratio intestinorum. 165. Perforation of the intestine. Intestinum perforatum. 166. Fecal abscess. Abscessus stercorosus. 167. Fistula. Fistula. A fistulous opening of the intestine. a. Fecal fistula. Fistula stercorosa. Syn. Artificial anus. 168. Vesico-intestinal fistula. Fistula vesico-intestinalis. 169. Hemorrhage of the intestines. Haemorrhagia intestinorum. 170. Melaena. Melaena. 171. Obstruction. Obstructio. a. From substances in the bowels. E contentis intestinorum. b. From tumor. Ex tumore. c. From stricture. E strictura. d. From intussusception. Ex intussusceptione. e. From twisting of the intestines. E volvulo. /. From internal strangulation. E strangulatione interna. Mesenteric. Mesenterii. Mesocolic. Mesocolii. By a band or adhesions. Ex habenula, sive adhaesibus. 14 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 172. Hernia. Hernia. a. Reducible. Reponendi patiens. b. Irreducible. Reponendi non patiens. c. Obstructed. Obstructa. Syn. Incarcerated. d. Inflamed. Inflammata. e. Strangulated. Strangulata. Diaphragmatic. Diaphragmatica. Epigastric. Epigastrica. Ventral. Ventralis. Umbilical. Umbilicaris. Lumbar. Lumbaris. Inguinal. Inguinalis. Scrotal. Scrotalis. Femoral. Femoralis. Syn. Crural. Obturator. Obturatoria. Perineal. Perinealis. Pudendal. Pudendalis. Vaginal. Vaginalis. Ischiatic Ischiadica. 173. Cancer. Carcinoma. 174. Intestinal Worms. Vermes intestinales. 175. Colic. Colica. a. Flatulent colic. Colica e flatu. b. Bilious colic. Colica biliosa. Colic with disordered action of the liver. c. Lead colic. Colicaexplumbo. Syn.Colica Pictonum; Paint- er's colic. 176. Constipation. Alvi astrictio. 177. Ulceration of the rectum. Exulceratio recti. 178. Ulceration of the anus. Exulceratio ani. 179. Abscess of the rectum. Abscessus recti. 180. Fistula in ano. Fistula in ano. 181. Recto-vesical fistula. Fistula recto-vesicalis. 182. Recto-urethral fistula. Fistula recto-urethralis. 183. Recto-vaginal fistula. Fistula recto-vaginalis. DISEASES OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. 15 184. Hemorrhoids. Haemorrhoides. Syn. Piles. 185. Hemorrhage from the rectum. Haemorrhagia e recto. 186. Fissure of the anus. Fissura ani. Syn. Painful ulcer of the anus. 187. Prolapsus ani. Prolapsus ani. 188. Stricture of the rectum. Strictura recti. 189. Warts of the anus. Verrucae ani. Syn. Condyloma. 190. Cancer of the rectum. Carcinoma recti. Cancer involving the rectum or anus, or both. 191. Neuralgia of the rectum and anus. Neuralgia ani et recti. 192. Spasm of the anus. Spasmus ani. 193. Itching of the anus. Pruritus ani. DISEASES OF THE PERITONEUM. MORBI PERITONEI. 194. Peritonitis. Peritonitis. a. Chronic peritonitis. Peritonitis chronica. b. Tubercular peritonitis. Peritonitis tuberculosa. c. From perforation. Ex perforatione. 195. Ascites. Ascites. Syn. Dropsy of the peritoneum. DISEASES OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. MORBI APPARATUS ABSORPTIONIS. DISEASES OF LYMPHATICS AND LYMPHATIC GLANDS. MORBI VASORUM LYMPHIFERORUM ET GLANDULARUM LYMPHALIUM. 196. Inflammation of the lymphatics. Angeioleucitis. 197. Inflammation of the glands. Adenitis. a. Syphilitic bubo. Inguen syphiliticum. Syn. Multiple indu- rated bubo. b. Chancroidal bubo. Inguen virulentum. Syn. Virulent bubo. 198. Hypertrophy of the glands. Hypertrophia glandularum. 199. Atrophy of the glands. Atrophia glandularum 200. Lymphatic fistula. Fistula lymphalis. 16 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 201. Obstruction of the thoracic duct. Ductus thoracis obstructio. 202. Obstruction, obliteration, and varicosity of lymphatics. Vaso- rum lymphiferorum obstructio, obliteratio, et varicositas. 203. Bursting of lymphatics. Vasorum lymphiferorum ruptio. DISEASES OF MESENTERIC GLANDS. MORBI GLANDULARUM MESENTERIL* DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. MORBI SANGUINIS APPARATUS. DISEASES OF THE HEART. MORBI CORDIS. DISEASES OF THE PERICARDIUM. MORBI PERICARDII. 204. Pericarditis. Pericarditis. 205. Adhesion of the pericardium. Pericardii adhaesio. 206. Dropsy of the pericardium. Hydrops pericardii. DISEASES OF THE ENDOCARDIUM. MORBI ENDOCARDII. 207. Endocarditis. Endocarditis. 208. Valve-disease. Morbi valvarum. a. Aortic. Aorticarum. 6. Mitral. Mitralium. c. Pulmonic. Pulmonalium. d. Tricuspid. Tricuspidum. Varieties. Vegetations. Excrescentia. Fibroid thickening. Crassitudo fibrosa. Fatty degeneration. Degeneratio adiposa. Syn. Atheroma. Calcareous degeneration. Degeneratio calcarea. Syn. Ossification. Aneurism. Aneurysma. Laceration. Laceratio. * See Diseases of the Blood-making Glands. DISEASES OF THE BLOODVESSELS. 17 Simple dilatation of orifice. Dilatatio simplex ostiorum. Malformations. Deformitates congenita?. 209. Fibrinous concretions of the heart. Coagula cordis fibrinosa. Syn. Heart-clot. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR STRUCTURE OF THE HEART. MORBI MUSC UL OR UM CORDIS. 210. Myocarditis. Myocarditis. 211. Abscess. Abscessus. 212. Hypertrophy. Hypertrophia. a. Of left side. Lateris sinistri. b. Of right side. Lateris dextri. 213. Dilatation. Dilatatio. a. Of left side. Lateris sinistri. b. Of right side. Lateris dextri. 214. Atrophy. Atrophia. 215. Fatty heart. Cordis pinguitudo. 216. Fatty degeneration of the heart. Degeneratio cordis adiposa. 217. Fibroid degeneration of the heart. Degeneratio cordis fibrosa. 218. Aneurism. Aneurysma. 219. Rupture of the heart. Diruptio cordis. 220. Disease of the coronary arteries. Morbus arteriarum coronarium. 221. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 222. Angina pectoris. Angina pectoris. 223. Syncope. Syncope. 224. Palpitation and irregularity of the action of the heart. Palpi- tatio et tumultus cordis. DISEASES OF THE BLOODVESSELS. MORBI VASORUM SANGUIFERORUM. Note.—The vessel affected should in all cases be specified. DISEASES OF THE ARTERIES. MORBI ARTERIAR UM. 225. Arteritis. Arteritis. 226. Fatty degeneration of the arteries. Degeneratio adiposa arte- riarum. Syn. Atheroma. 2 18 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 227. Calcareous degeneration. Degeneratio calcarea. Syn. Ossifi- cation. 228. Narrowing and obliteration of an artery. Arteriae coarctatio et obliteratio. 229. Occlusion of an artery. Arteriae occlusio. a. From compression. Ex compressions b. From impaction of coagula. Ex impactis coagulis. Thrombosis. Thrombosis. Local coagulation. Embolism. Embolismus. Coagula conveyed from a distance. 230. Dilatation of an artery. Dilatatio arteriae. 231. Aneurism. Aneurysma. a. Fusiform. Fusiforme. b. Saccular. Sacculatum. c. Diffused. Diffusum. Sac formed by the surrounding tissues. 232. Rupture of an artery. Diruptio arteriae. a. From disease of the artery. Ex arteriae vitio. b. From disease external to the artery. Ex morbo extraneo. 233. Dissecting aneurism. Aneurysma dissecans. 234. Traumatic aneurism. Aneurysma ex vulnere. 235. Arterio-venous aneurism. Aneurysma arterio venosum. 236. Aneurismal varix. Varix aneurysmicus. a. Traumatic. Ex vulnere. b. Spontaneous. Spontaneus. 237. Varicose aneurism. Aneurysma varicosum. a. Traumatic. Ex vulnere. b. Spontaneous. Spontaneum. 238. Cirsoid aneurism. Aneurysma cirsoides. Syn. Arterial varix. 239. Aneurism by anastomosis. Aneurysma ex anastomosi. 240. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 241. Cyanosis. Cyanosis. 242. Contraction or obliteration of the commencement of the de scending aorta. Coarctatio vel occlusio capitis aorta? de- scendentis. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 19 DISEASES OF THE VEINS. MORBI VENARUM. 243. Phlebitis. Phlebitis. Syn. Inflammation of the veins. 244. Phlegmasia dolens. Phlegmasia dolens. Syn. Milk-leg. 245. Fibrinous concretions in the veins. Coagula venarum fibrinosa. 246. Obstruction of the veins. Obstructio venarum. 247. Obliteration of the veins. Obliteratio venarum. 248. Phlebolites. Phlebolithi. 249. Varicose veins. Varices. 250. Vascular naevus. Naevus vasculosus. 251. Parasitic disease. Morbus parasiticus. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. MORBI APPARATUS RESPIRATIONIS. 252. Catarrh. Catarrhus. 253. Summer catarrh. Catarrhus aestivus. Syn. Hay asthma. Periodical catarrh, occurring in certain individuals annually, usually in the summer season. 254. Influenza. Catarrhus epidemicus. 255. Whooping-cough. Pertussis. DISEASE OF THE NOSTRILS. MORBUS NARIUM. 255a. Coryza. Coryza. Syn. Nasal catarrh. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. MORBI LARYNGIS. 256. Epiglottitis. Epiglottitis. 257. Ulcer of the epiglottis. Ulcus epiglottidis. 258. Laryngeal catarrh. Catarrhus laryngis. 259. Laryngitis. Laryngitis. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 260. Catarrhal croup. Laryngitis spasmodica. 261. Pseudo-membranous croup. Laryngitis pseudo-membranacea. 20 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 262. Laryngeal ulcer. Ulcus laryngis. 263. Laryngeal abscess. Abscessus laryngis. 264. QMema of the glottis. QMema glottidis. 265. Necrosis of the cartilages. Necrosis cartilaginum. 266. Stricture of the larynx. Strictura laryngis. 267. Tuber. Tuber. Syn. Warty growth; Tuber verrucosum. 268. Polypus. Polypus. 269. Cyst of the larynx. Cystis laryngis. 270. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 271. Aphonia. Aphonia. 272. Paralysis of the glottis. Paralysis glottidis. 273. Spasm of the glottis. Spasmus glottidis. 274. Laryngismus stridulus. Laryngismus stridulus. Syn. Crow- ing disease of children. DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. MORBI TRACHEJE ET BRONCHIORUM. 275. Tracheitis. Tracheitis. 276. Necrosis of the tracheal cartilages. Necrosis cartilaginum tracheae. 277. Bronchial catarrh. Catarrhus bronchialis. 278. Bronchitis. Bronchitis. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. c. Capillary. Capillaris. 279. Bronchial ulcer. Ulcus bronchialis. 280. Dilatation. Dilatatio. 281. Stricture. Strictura. 282. Tumors. Tumores. 283. Parasitic disease. Morbus parasiticus. 284. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 285. Asthma. Asthma. DISEASES OF THE LUNG. 21 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. MORBI PULMONIS. 286. Pneumonia. Pneumonia. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 287. Abscess of the lung. Abscessus pulmonis. 288. Gangrene of the lung. Gangraena pulmonis. 289. Active congestion. Congestio activa. 290. Passive congestion. Congestio passiva. 291. Pulmonary apoplexy. Apoplexia pulmonalis. 292. Haemoptysis. Haemoptysis. 293. ffidema of the lung. GMema pulmonis. 294. Cirrhosis of the lung. Cirrhosis pulmonis. 295. Emphysema of the lung. Emphysema pulmonis. a. Vesicular. Vesiculare. b. Interlobular. Interlobular^ 296. Atelectasis. Atelectasis. Imperfect expansion of the lung, in a new-born child. 297. Collapse of the lung. Collapsus pulmonis. 298. Acute pneumonic phthisis. Phthisis pneumonica acuta. 299. Chronic pneumonic phthisis. Phthisis pneumonica chronica. 300. Acute tuberculous phthisis. Phthisis tuberculosa acuta. 301. Chronic tuberculous phthisis. Phthisis tuberculosa chronica. 302. Millstone-makers' phthisis. Phthisis fabrum molariorum. 303. Grinders' asthma. Asthma cultrariorum. 304. Miners' asthma. Asthma metallariorum. 305. Parasitic disease. Morbus parasiticus. 306. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. MORBI PLEURA. 307. Pleurisy. Pleuritis. 308. Chronic pleurisy. Pleuritis chronica. 309. Tuberculous pleurisy. Pleuritis tuberculosa. 310. Empyema. Empyema. 22 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 311. Hydrothorax. Hydrothorax. Dropsy of the pleura. 312. Pneumothorax. Pneumothorax. 313. Tumors. Tumores. DISEASES OF THE MEDIASTINUM. MORBI MEDIASTINI. 314. Abscess of the mediastinum. Abscessus mediastini. 315. Tumors. Tumores. DISEASES OF THE BRONCHIAL GLANDS. MORBI GLAND ULAR UM BRONCHIALIUM. 316. Inflammation of the bronchial gland. Inflammatio glandularum bronchialium. 317. Abscess. Abscessus. 318. Enlargement. Amplificatio. 319. Cancer. Carcinoma. 320. Tubercle. Tubercula. 321. Anthrakosis. Anthrakosis. Syn. Carbonaceous deposit. DISEASES OF THE SECRETORY SYSTEM. MORBI APPARATUS SECRETIONIS. DISEASES OF THE LACHRYMAL GLAND.* MORBI GLANDULES LACHRYMALIS. DISEASES OF THE PAROTID GLAND. MORBI GLANDULE PAROTIDIS. 322. Parotitis. Parotitis. Syn. Parotid bubo. 323. Mumps. Cynanche paroticlea. Syn. Contagious parotitis. 324. Abscess of the parotid gland. Abscessus parotidis. 325. Salivary fistula. Fistula salivosa. DISEASES OF THE SUBMAXILLARY GLAND. MORBI GLANDULE SUBMAXILLARY. 326. Inflammation of the submaxillary gland. Inflammatio olandulae submaxillaris. 327. Abscess of the submaxillary gland. Abscessus glandulce sub- maxillaris. * See Diseases of the Eye. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. 23 DISEASES OF THE SUBLINGUAL GLAND. MORBI GLANDULE SUBLINGUALIS. 328. Inflammation of the sublingual gland. Inflammatio glandulae sublingualis. 329. Abscess of the sublingual gland. Abscessus glandulae sub- lingualis. 330. Salivary calculus. Calculus salivosus. DISEASES OF THE PANCREAS. MORBI PANCREATIS. 331. Pancreatitis. Pancreatitis. 332. Abscess of the pancreas. Abscessus pancreatis. 333. Calculus of the pancreas. Calculus pancreatis. 334. Cancer of the pancreas. Carcinoma pancreatis. DISEASES OF THE LIYER. MORBI HEPATIS. 335. Perihepatitis. Perihepatitis. Inflammation of the investing membrane of the liver. 336. Hepatitis. Hepatitis. 337. Chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis chronica. 338. Abscess of the liver. Abscessus hepatis. 339. Acute atrophy of the liver. Atrophia acuta hepatis. 340. Congestion of the liver. Congestio hepatis. 341. Cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis hepatis. 342. Fatty liver. Hepar adiposum. 343. Fatty degeneration of the liver. Degeneratio hepatis adiposa. 344. Lardaceous degeneration of the liver. Degeneratio hepatis lar- dacea. Syn. Amyloid disease of the liver; Waxy liver. 345. Fibroid disease of the liver. Morbus fibrosus hepatis. 346. Cancer of the liver. Carcinoma hepatis. 347. Tumors of the liver. Tumores hepatis. 348. Cyst of the liver. Cystis hepatis. 349. Hydatid cyst of the liver. Cystis hydatica hepatis. 24 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 350. Malformations of the liver. Deformitates congenitae hepatis. 351. Jaundice. Icterus. 352. Obstruction of the portal vein. Venae portarum obstructio. DISEASES OF THE HEPATIC DUCTS. MORBI DUCTUUM HEPATIS. 353. Inflammation of the hepatic ducts. Inflammatio ductuum he- patis. 354. Perforation of the hepatic ducts. Ductus hepatis perforati. 355. Biliary fistula. Fistula biliosa. 356. Obstruction of the hepatic ducts. Obstructio ductuum hepatis. 357. Cancer of the hepatic ducts. Carcinoma ductuum hepatis. 358. Biliary calculi. Calculi biliosi. 359. Hepatic colic. Colica hepatica. Painful passage of gall-stones through the duct. DISEASES OF THE GALL-BLADDER. MORBI VESICULJE FELLIS. 360. Inflammation of the gall-bladder. Inflammatio vesiculae fellis. 361. Perforation of the gall-bladder. Vesicula fellis perforata. 362. Biliary fistula. Fistula biliosa. 363. Biliary calculi. Calculi biliosi. 364. Cancer of the gall-bladder. Carcinoma vesiculae fellis. DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTEM. MORBI URINES APPARATUS. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. MORBI RENUM. 365. Nephritis. Nephritis. Inflammation of the substance of the kidneys. 366. Pyelitis. Pyelitis. Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney. 367. Perinephritis. Perinephritis. Inflammation of the investing membrane. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 25 368. Renal cachexia. Cachexia renalis. Syn. Bright's disease; Albuminuria. a. Acute desquamative nephritis. Nephritis desquamans acuta. Syn. Acute Bright's disease; Acute albuminuria. b. Chronic desquamative nephritis. Nephritis desquamans chro- nica. Syn. Chronic Bright's disease. c. Granular kidney. Renes granulosi. Syn. Contracted granu- lar kidney; Gouty kidney. d. Fatty degeneration of the kidney. Degeneratio adiposa renis. e. Lardaceous degeneration of the kidney. Degeneratio larda- cea renis. Syn. Waxy kidney; Amyloid disease. /. Fibroid degeneration of the kidney. Degeneratio fibrosa renis. 369. Hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis. Syn. Dropsy of the kidney. A dilatation of the pelvis and glandular substance of the kidney into one or more cysts, by retained secretion. 370. Hypertrophy of the kidney. Hypertrophia renis. 371. Atrophy of the kidney. Atrophia renis. 372. Cancer of the kidney. Carcinoma renis. 373. Cyst of the kidney. Cystis renis. 374. Tubercle of the kidney. Tubercula renis. 375. Parasitic disease of the kidney. Morbus parasiticus renis. 376. Calculus of the kidney. Calculus renis. 377. Nephritic colic. Colica nephritica. Painful passage of a calculus through the ureter. 378. Malformations of the kidney. Deformitates congenitae renis. 379. Renal haematuria. Haematuria renalis. Syn. Hemorrhage of the kidney. 380. Suppression of urine. Ischuria renalis. 381. Diuresis. Diuresis. Syn. Excessive secretion of urine. 382. Floating kidney. Ren mobilis. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. MORBI VESICAE. 383. Cystitis. Cystitis. Syn. Inflammation of the bladder 384. Acute catarrh of the bladder. Catarrhus vesicae acutus. 385. Chronic catarrh of the bladder. Catarrhus vesicae chronicus. 26 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 386. Ulceration of the bladder. Exulceratio vesicae. 387. Mortification of the bladder. Mortificatio vesicae. 388. Vesico-intestinal fistula. Fistula vesico-intestinalis. 389. Recto-vesical fistula. Fistula recto-vesicalis. 390. Hypertrophy of the bladder. Hypertrophia vesicae. 391. Dilatation of the bladder. Dilatatio vesicae. 392. Sacculated bladder. Vesica sacculata. 393. Inversion of the bladder. Inversio vesicae. 394. Extroversion of the bladder. Extroversio vesicae. 395. Hernia of the bladder. Hernia vesicae. 396. Cancer of the bladder. Carcinoma vesicae. 397. Fibrous tumor of the bladder. Tumor fibrosus vesicae. 398. Villous tumor of the bladder. Tumor villosus vesicae. 399. Stone in the bladder. Calculus vesicae. a. Uric or lithic acid. Acidum uricum vel lithicum. b. Urate of ammonia. Ammoniae uras. c. Uric oxide. Oxidum uricum. Syn. Xanthic oxide. d. Oxalate of lime. Calcis oxalas. Syn. Mulberry calculus. e. Cystic oxide. Oxidum cysticum. /. Phosphate of lime. Calcis phosphas. g. Triple phosphate. Phosphas triplex. h. Fusible calculus. Calculus fusilis. i. Carbonate of lime. Calcis carbonas. k. Fibrinous calculus. Calculus fibrinosus. I. Urostealith. Urosteatoma. m. Blood calculus. Calculus sanguineus. 400. Vesical haematuria. Haematuria vesicalis. 401. Paralysis of the bladder. Paralysis vesicas. 402. Irritation of the bladder. Vesica- irritatio. Syn. Irritable bladder. 403. Spasm of the bladder. Spasmus vesica?. 404. Neuralgia of the bladder. Neuralgia vesica?. 405. Incontinence of urine. Urinae incontinentia. 406. Retention of urine. Urina? retentio. DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE GLAND. 27 407. Stillicidium of urine. Stillicidium urinae. Syn. Stillicidium from distention; Overflow or dribbling of urine. 408. Rupture of the bladder. Vesica rupta. DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE GLAND. MORBI GLANDULAE PROSTATA. 409. Prostatitis. Prostatitis. a. Acute prostatitis. Prostatitis acuta. b. Chronic prostatitis. Prostatitis chronica. 410. Prostatorrhoea. Prostatorrhoea. 411. Abscess of the prostate gland. Abscessus glandulae prostatae. 412. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Hypertrophia glandulae prostatae. 413. Atrophy of the prostate gland. Atrophia glandulae prostatae. 414. Non-malignant tumors of the prostate gland. Tumores glandulae prostatae non maligni. 415. Cyst of the prostate gland. Cystis glandulae prostatae. 416. Cancer of the prostate gland. Carcinoma glandulae prostatae. 417. Tubercle of the prostate gland. Tubercula glandulae prostatae. 418. Calculus of the prostate gland. Calculus glandulae prostatae. GONORRHOEA AND ITS COMPLICATIONS. GONORRHOEA ET ADDITAMENTA GONORRHOEA. 419. Gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea. 420. Balanitis. Balanitis. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the glans and prepuce. 421. Herpes of the prepuce. Herpes preputialis. 422. Phimosis. Phimosis. 423. Paraphimosis. Paraphimosis. 424. Gonorrhoeal bubo. Inguen gonorrhoicum. Syn. Sympathetic bubo. 425. Lacunar abscess. Abscessus lacunarum. 426. Epididymitis. Epididymitis. Syn. Gonorrhoeal orchitis; Swelled testicle. 427. Abscess of the testicle. Abscessus testiculi. 428. Abscess of the spermatic cord. Abscessus funiculi seminalis. 28 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 429. Warts. Verrucae. 430. Gleet. Gonorrhoea chronica. 431. Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia. Ophthalmia gonorrhoica. 432. Gonorrhoeal iritis. Iritis gonorrhoica. 433. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Rheumatismus gonorrhoicus. DISEASES OF THE MALE URETHRA. MORBI URETHRA! VIRILIS. 434. Urethritis. Urethritis. 435. Stricture of the urethra. Strictura urethrae. a. Organic. Organica. b. Traumatic. Ex vulnere. c. Spasmodic. Spasmodica. d. Inflammatory. Ex inflammatione. 436. UlGer of the urethra. Ulcus urethrae. 437. Urinary abscess. Abscessus urinalis. 438. Urinary fistula. Fistula urinalis. 439. Recto-urethral fistula. Fistula recto-urethralis. 440. Extravasation of urine. Extravasatio urinae. 441. Impacted calculus. Calculus impactus. 442. Malformations of the urethra. Deformitates urethrae congenitae. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. MORBI CUTIS. 443. Erythema.* a. Erythema laeve. b. Erythema fugax. Syn. Volaticum. c. Erythema marginatum. d. Erythema papulatum. e. Erythema tuberculatum. /. Erythema nodosum. 444. Intertrigo. * Where one name only is given, that one should be employed. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 29 445. Roseola. a. Roseola aestiva. b. Roseola autumnalis. c. Roseola symptomatica. d. Roseola annulata. 446. Urticaria. Syn. Nettle-rash. a. Urticaria acuta. b. Urticaria chronica. c. Urticaria febrilis. d. Urticaria evanida. e. Urticaria perstans. /. Urticaria conferta. g. Urticaria subcutanea. h. Urticaria tuberculata. 447. Pellagra. 448. Acrodynia. 449. Prurigo. 450. Lichen. a. Lichen simplex. b. Lichen pilaris. c. Lichen circumscriptus. d. Lichen agrius. e. Lichen tropicus. Syn. Prickly heat. f. Lichen lividus. 451. Strophulus. Syn. Red gum; Tooth-rash. a. Strophulus intertinctus. b. Strophulus confertus. c. Strophulus candidus. 452. Pityriasis. Pityriasis capitis. Syn. Dandruff. a. Pityriasis versicolor. 453. Psoriasis. a. Psoriasis vulgaris. b. Psoriasis guttata. c. Psoriasis diffusa. d. Psoriasis gyrata. e. Psoriasis inveterata. 30 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 454. Lepra. 455. Miliaria. a. Sudamina. 456. Herpes. a. Herpes phlyctenodes. b. Herpes circinatus. c. Herpes iris. d. Herpes zoster. Syn. Shingles ; Zona. 457. Pemphigus. Syn. Pompholyx. a. Pemphigus acutus. b. Pemphigus chronicus. 458. Eczema. a. Eczema simplex. b. Eczema rubrum. c. Eczema impetiginodes. d. Eczema chronicum. 459. Impetigo. a. Impetigo sparsa. b. Impetigo confluens. c. Impetigo figurata. d. Impetigo larvalis. 460. Rupia. a. Rupia simplex. b. Rupia prominens. c. Rupia escharotica. 461. Ecthyma. 462. Acne. a. Acne punctata. b. Acne indurata. c. Acne rosacea. d. Acne strophulosa. Syn. Strophulus albidus. 463. Sycosis. Syn. Mentagra. 464. Steatorrhoea. a. Steatorrhoea simplex. b. Steatorrhoea nigricans. / DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 31 465. Ichthyosis. a. Ichthyosis vera. b. Ichthyosis cornea. 466. Scleroderma. Syn. Scleriasis. 467. Leucoderma. Syn. Vitiligo. 468. Albinismus. Syn. Albinism. 469. Chloasma. 470. Canities. 471. Melasma. Syn. Bronzed skin. 472. Lentigo. Syn. Ephelis ; Freckles. 473. Silver stain of the skin. Macula argentea. Discoloration produced by the internal use of salts of silver. 474. Chilblain. Pernio. 475. Frostbite. Ambusta ex frigore. 476. Ulcer. Ulcus. 477. Fissures. Fissura?. 478. Boil. Furunculus. 479. Carbuncle. Carbunculus. Syn. Anthrax. 480. Malignant pustule. Pustula maligna. A spreading gangrenous inflammation, commencing as a vesicle on exposed skin, characterized by peculiar hardness and fetor, and derived from cattle similarly diseased. 481. Onychia. Inflammation of the matrix of the nail. 482. Onychia maligna. 483. Whitlow. Paronychia. a. Thecal abscess. Abscessus tbecarum. 484. Gangrene. Gangrasna. 485. Phagedaena. A condition of wounds or ulcers in which they spread with a slough- ing surface. 486. Hospital gangrene. Phagedaena putris. Syn. Sloughing phage- dasna. A severe form of phagedaana in which the slough extends deeper than the surface. 487. Hypertrophy of the skin. Hypertrophia cutis. 32 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 488. Corn. Clavus. 489. Elephantiasis Arabum. Syn. Barbadoes leg. 490. Elephantiasis Graecorum.. Syn. Leprosy. 491. Atrophy of the skin. Atrophia cutis. a. Linear atrophy. Atrophia linearis. b. Alopecia. c. Atrophy of the nails. Atrophia unguium. 492. Fibro-cellular tumor of the skin. Tumor fibro-cellulosus cutis. 493. Fatty tumor of the skin. Tumor adiposus cutis. 494. Nffivus. Syn. Port wine stain. 495. Naevus pilaris. Syn. Mole. 496. Sebaceous tumor. Tumor sebaceus. a. Steatoma. Steatoma. 497. Horns. Cornua. 498. Warts. Verrucae. 499. Condyloma. 500. Molluscum. 501. Keloid. Tumor cheloides. 502. Yaws. Frambcesia. 503. Delhi boil. Furunculus Delhinus. 504. Aleppo evil. Malum Aleppense. Syn. Aleppo button. 505. Lupus. A spreading tuberculated affection of the skin, usually of the face, tending to destructive ulceration. a. Simple lupus. Lupus non exedens. b. Corroding lupus. Lupus exedens. Characterized by the rapidity, depth, and extent of the ulceration, and by appearing, in rare cases, on other parts than the face. 506. Rodent ulcer. Ulcus erodens. A destructive ulcer characterized by the extent and depth to which it spreads, and by the absence of preceding hardness and consti- tutional infection. 507. Ingrown nail. Unguis involutus. 508. Cicatrices. PARASITIC DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 33 509. Pruritus. Pruritus. 510. Ephidrosis. Ephidrosis. Local perspiration. 511. Anidrosis. Anidrosis. Deficient perspiration. PARASITIC DISEASES OF THE SKIN. MORBI CUTIS PARASITIC I. 512. Tinea tonsurans. Syn. Ringworm; Parasite, Tricophyton ton- surans. 513. Tinea decalvans. Syn. Alopecia areata; Porrigo decalvans; Parasite, Microsporon Audouini. 514. Porrigo favosa. Syn. Favus; Parasites, Achorion Schoenleinii; Puccinia favi. 515. Pityriasis versicolor; Parasite, Microsporon furfur. 516. Plica polonica; Parasite, Tricophyton sporuloides. 517. Mycetoma. Syn. Madura foot; Parasite, Chjonyphe Carter! 518. Itch. Scabies; Parasite, Sarcoptes scabiei. 519. Phthiriasis. Phthiriasis. Syn. Lousy disease; Parasite, Pedi- culus tabescentium. 520. Irritation. Irritatio. Caused by— a. Head louse. Pediculus capitis. b. Brow louse. Pediculus palpebrarum. c. Body louse. Pediculus corporis. d. Crab louse. Pediculus pubis. e. Chigoe. Pulex penetrans. /. Tick. Ixodes ricinus. g. Flea. Pulex irritans. h. Bed-bug. Cimex." i. Harvest-bug. Leptothrix autumnalis. k. Wasps, bees, and other stinging and poisonous insects. Cra- bones, apes, aliaque insecta aculeata et venenosa. 1. Nettles and other stinging plants. Urticae, aliaeque plantae aculeatae. 3 34 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE CELLULAR TISSUE. MORBI MEMBRANA CELLULOSA. 521. Inflammation of the cellular tissue. Inflammatio membranse cellulosae. 522. Diffuse inflammation of the cellular tissue. Inflammatio dif- fusa membranae cellulosae. Syn. Cellular erysipelas. 523. Abscess of the cellular tissue. Abscessus membranae cellulosae. 524. Inflammatory induration in the newly-born. Sclerema neona- torum. 525. Sloughing of the cellular tissue. Sphacelus membranae cellulosae. 526. Obesity. Obesitas. 527. Tumors of the cellular tissue. Tumores membranae cellulosae. 528. Parasitic disease of the cellular tissue. Morbus parasiticus membranae cellulosae. 529. Emphysema of the cellular tissue. Emphysema membranae cel- lulosae. 530. Acute anasarca. Anasarca acuta. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, AND OF THE BLOOD- MAKING GLANDS. MORBI SANGUINIS ET GLANDULARUM SANG UIFICA TION IS. 531. Purpura. Purpura. An acute disease, not usually attended by fever, characterized by purple spots of effused blood. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Hemorrhagic. Haemorrhagica. The disease when accompanied by hemorrhage from a mucous surface. 532. Scurvy. Scorbutus. A chronic disease, caused by a deficiency of vegetable food, and cha- racterized by sponginess of the gums, and by the occurrence of hard, livid patches under the skin. 533. Haemophilia. Haemophilia. The hemorrhagic diathesis. 534. Plethora. Plethora. Increase of the blood, or in the proportion of its red corpuscles 535. Anaemia. Anaemia. Deficiency of the red corpuscles in the blood. DISEASES OF THE MESENTERIC GLANDS. 35 536. Leucocythaemia. Leucocythaemia. Excess of white corpuscles in the blood. 537. Pyaemia. Pyaemia. A morbid condition attended usually with the formation of puriform deposits in the viscera and other parts. 538. Chlorosis. Chlorosis. Syn. Green sickness. DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. MORBI LIENIS. 539. Splenitis. Splenitis. 540. Abscess of the spleen. Abscessus lienis. 541. Congestion of the spleen. Congestio lienis. 542. Fibrinous deposit in the spleen. Deposita fibrinosa in bene. 543. Hypertrophy of the spleen. Hypertrophia lienis. a. Miasmatic hypertrophy of the spleen. Hypertrophia mias- matica lienis. Syn. Ague cake. Hypertrophy produced by miasmatic disease. b. Splenic cachexia. Cachexia splenica. Syn. Splenic leucocy- thaemia. 544. Lardaceous spleen. Degeneratio lardacea lienis. Syn. Amyloid disease; Waxy spleen. 545. Cancer of the spleen. Carcinoma lienis. 546. Tubercle of the spleen. Tubercula lienis. 547. Parasitic disease of the spleen. Morbus parasiticus lienis. Syn. H}7datid of the spleen. DISEASES OF THE MESENTERIC GLANDS. MORBI GLAND ULAR UM MESENTERII. 548. Inflammation of the mesenteric glands. Inflammatio glandu- larum mesenterii. 549. Abscess of the mesenteric glands. Abscessus glandularum me- senterii. 550. Hypertrophy of the mesenteric glands. Hypertrophia glandu- larum mesenterii. 551. Non-malignant tumors of the mesenteric glands. Tumores non maligni glandularum mesenterii. 552. Tabes mesenterica. Tabes mesenterica. Syn. Marasmus. 36 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. MORBI GLANDULARUM CMC ARUM. DISEASES OF THE THYROID GLAND. MORBI GLAND ULAJ THYROIDIS. •553. Inflammation of the thyroid gland. Inflammatio glandulae thyroidis. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 554. Goitre. Bronchocele. Enlargement of the thyroid gland, endemic in certain mountainous districts, but not limited to them. 555. Cyst of the thyroid gland. Cystis glandulae thyroidis. 556. Exophthalmic goitre. Bronchocele exophthalmica. Syn. Graves' disease. Enlargement, with vascular turgescence, of the thyroid gland, ac- companied by protrusion of the eyeballs, anaemia, and palpitation. 557. Pulsating goitre. Bronchocele pulsans. DISEASES OF THE THYMUS GLAND. MORBI GLAND ULAJ THYMI. 558. Hypertrophy of the thymus gland. Hypertrophia glandulae thymi. DISEASES OF THE SUPRA-RENAL CAPSULES. MORBI CAPSULARUM SUPRARENALIUM. 559. Supra-renal cachexia. Cachexia suprarenalis. Syn. Addison's disease. A disease with a disorganized condition of the supra-renal capsules, and a bronze-like discoloration of the skin. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. MORBI GENITAL1UM. DISEASES OF THE MALE GENITALS. MORBI GENITALIUM VIRILIUM. DISEASES OF THE PENIS. MORBI CO LIS. 560. Inflammation of the penis. Colis inflammatio. 561. Abscess of the penis. Colis abscessus. DISEASES OF THE SPERMATIC CORD. 37 562. Gangrene of the penis. Colis gangraena. 563. Warts of the penis. Colis verrucae. 564. Venereal sores of the penis. Ulcera colis venerea. a. Chancre. Ulcus venereum durum sive syphiliticum. Syn. Hard, syphilitic, or infecting chancre. Syphilitic bubo. Inguen syphiliticum.* b. Chancroid. Ulcus venereum molle. Syn. Soft or non-infecting chancre; Simple sore. Chancroidal bubo. Inguen virulentum.* c. Phagedenic sore. Ulcus phagedaenicum. d. Serpiginous sore. Ulcus serpiginosum. Syn. Creeping ulcer. 565. Phimosis. Phimosis. 566. Paraphimosis. Paraphimosis. 567. Hypertrophy of the prepuce. Prasputii hypertrophia. 568. Cancer of the penis. Carcinoma colis. 569. Malformations of the penis. Deformitates colis congenita?. 570. Priapism. Priapismus. DISEASES OF THE SCROTUM. MORBI SCROTI. 571. Inflammation of the scrotum. Scroti inflammatio. 572. Abscess of the scrotum. Scroti abscessus. 573. Gangrene of the scrotum. Scroti gangraena. 574. Elephantiasis of the scrotum. Scroti elephantiasis. 575. Epithelial cancer of the scrotum. Scroti carcinoma epitheliosum. Syn. Chimney-sweeper's cancer. 576. Malformations of the scrotum. Deformitates scroti congenita?. DISEASES OF THE SPERMATIC CORD. MORBI FUNICULI SEMINALIS. 577. Hydrocele of the spermatic cord. Hydrocele funiculi seminalis. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Encysted. Cystica. c. Diffused. Diffusa. 578. Varicocele of the spermatic cord. Cirsocele funiculi seminalis. * See Diseases of the Absorbent Glands. 38 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 579. Tumors of the spermatic cord. Tumores funiculi seminalis. 580. Neuralgia of the spermatic cord. Neuralgia funiculi seminalis. DISEASES OF THE TUNICA VAGINALIS. MORBI TUNICJE VAGINALIS. 581. Inflammation of the tunica vaginalis. Inflammatio tunica? vaginalis. 582. Hydrocele. Hydrocele. a. Congenital. Congenita. b. Acquired. Non-congenita. c. Encysted. Cystica. Syn. Spermatocele. 583. Haematocele. Haematocele. 584. Loose bodies in the tunica vaginalis. Corpora libera in tunica vaginali. DISEASES OF THE TESTICLE. MORBI TESTICULI. 585. Orchitis. Orchitis. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. Syn. Simple sarcocele. 586. Epididymitis. Epididymitis. Syn. Swelled testicle. 587. Abscess of the testicle. Abscessus testiculi. 588. Protrusion of the tubuli of the testicle. Procidentia testiculi tubu- lorum. Syn. Hernia testis; Fungus testis. 589. Atrophy of the testicle. Atrophia testiculi. 590. Syphilitic disease of the testicle. Morbus testiculi syphiliticus. Syn. Syphilitic sarcocele. 591. Tuberculous disease of the testicle. Morbus testiculi tuberculosus. Syn. Tuberculous sarcocele. 592. Cancer of the testicle. Carcinoma testiculi. Syn. Malignant sarcocele. 593. Non-malignant tumors of the testicle. Tumores testiculi non maligni. 594. Cystic disease of the testicle. Morbus testiculi cysticus. Syn. Cystic sarcocele. 595. Malformations of the testicle. Deformitates testiculi congenita?. a. Dermoid cyst of the testicle. Cystis testiculi cutigera. 596. Malposition of the testicle. Positura testiculi prava. DISEASES OF FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 39 597. Spermatorrhoea. Spermatorrhoea. 598. Impotence and sterility. Virilitatis inopia atque sterilitas. 599. Neuralgia of the testicle. Neuralgia testiculi. DISEASES OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION IN THE UNIMPREGNATED STATE. MORBI LOCORUM VIRGINALIUM. DISEASES OF THE OVARY. MORBI 0 VARII. 600. Ovaritis. Ovaritis. 601. Abscess of the ovary. Abscessus ovarii. 602. Hemorrhage of the ovary. Haemorrhagia ovarii. 603. Atrophy of the ovary. Atrophia ovarii. 604. Hypertrophy of the ovary. Hypertrophia ovarii. 605. Cancer of the ovary. Carcinoma ovarii. 606. Fibrous tumor of the ovary. Tumor fibrosus ovarii. 607. Encysted dropsy of the ovary. Hydrops cysticus ovarii. 608. Complex cystic tumor of the ovary. Tumor cysticus multiplex ovarii. Syn. Cystosarcoma. a. With intracystic growths. Innascente materia morbida. 609. Cutaneous or piliferous cyst of the ovary. Cystis cutigera, sive pilosa, ovarii. Syn. Dermoid cyst. 610. Dentigerous cyst of the ovary. Cystis dentigera ovarii. 611. Tubercle of the ovary. Tubercula ovarii. 612. Parasitic disease of the ovary. Morbus parasiticus ovarii. 613. Dislocation of the ovary. Ovarium luxatum. a. Transplantation. Ovarium translatum. 614. Hernia of the ovary. Hernia ovarii. 615. Malformations of the ovary. Deformitates congenitae ovarii. DISEASES OF THE FALLOPIAN TUBE. MORBI TUBI FALLOPIANI. 616. Abscess of the Fallopian tube. Abscessus tubi Fallopiani. 617. Dropsy of the Fallopian tube. Hydrops tubi Fallopiani. 40 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 618. Stricture of the Fallopian tube. Strictura tubi Fallopiani. 619. Occlusion of the Fallopian tube. Tubus Fallopiani occlnsus. 620. Cancer of the Fallopian tube. Carcinoma tubi Fallopiani. 621. Cyst of the Fallopian tube. Cystis tubi Fallopiani. 622. Tubercle of the Fallopian tube. Tubercula tubi Fallopiani. 623. Dislocation of the Fallopian tube. Tubus Fallopianus luxatus. 624. Hernia of the Fallopian tube. Hernia tubi Fallopiani. DISEASES OF THE BROAD LIGAMENT AND INTRA-PELVIC PERITONEUM. MORBI LIGAMENTI LATI ET PERITONEI INTRA-PEL VIC I. 625. Inflammation. Inflammatio. a. Pelvic peritonitis. Peritonitis pelvica. Syn. Perimetritis. 6. Pelvic cellulitis. Cellulitis pelvica. Syn. Phlegmona pelvica; Parametritis. (526. Abscess. Abscessus. 627. Cyst. Cystis. 628. Hydrocele of the round ligament. Hj-drocele ligamenti teretis. Syn. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. 629. Peri-uterine or pelvic haematocele. Haematocele circum-uterina, sive pelvica. DISEASES OF THE WOMB, INCLUDING ITS NECK. MORBI UTERI, CERVICISQUE EJUS. 630. Catarrh of the uterus. Catarrhus uteri. Syn. Uterine leucor- rhcea. a. Hydrorrhea. Hydrorrhoea. 631. Physometra.' Physometra. 632. Metritis. Metritis. a. Parenchymatous inflammation of the body of the womb. Metritis corporea. b. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the body of the womb. Endometritis corporea. c. Cervicitis. Cervicitis. Parenchymatous inflammation of the neck of the womb. d. Endocervicitis. Endocervicitis. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the neck of the womb 633. Granular inflammation of the neck of the womb. Inflammatio granulosa cervicis uteri. DISEASES OF THE WOMB. 41 634. Abrasion of the cervix. Uteri cervix abrasa. 635. Ulcer of the cervix. Ulcus cervicis uteri. 636. Rodent ulcer of the cervix. Ulcus cervicis uteri erodens. 637. Abscess of the neck of the womb. Abscessus cervicis uteri. 638. Utero-vesical fistula. Fistula utero-vesicalis. 639. Stricture of the orifice of the neck of the womb. Strictura oris uteri. 640. Stricture of the canal of the neck of the womb. Strictura canalis cervicis uteri. 641. Occlusion of the orifice of the neck of the womb. Os cervicis uteri occlusum. 642. Occlusion of the canal of the neck of the womb. Canalis cervicis uteri occlusus. 643. Hypertrophy of the neck of the womb. Hypertrophia cervicis uteri. a. Elongation of the cervix. Cervix uteri producta. Of the supra-vaginal cervix. Cervix supra-vaginalis pro- ducta. Of the intra-vaginal cervix. Cervix intra-vaginalis pro- ducta. 644. Atrophy of the womb. Atrophia uteri. 645. Cancer of the womb. Carcinoma uteri. a. Scirrhus. Scirrhus. b. Medullary cancer. Carcinoma medullosum. c. Epithelial cancer. Carcinoma epitheliosum. 646. Non-malignant tumors of the womb. Tumores uteri non maligni. a. Fibroid tumor. Tumor fibrosus. Syn. Myoma. S ubperitoneal. S ubperitonealis. Interstitial. Interstitialis. Submucous. Submucosus. b. Polypus. Polypus. Note. — Under this head are included all pedunculated tumors growing from the cavity or neck of the uterus, whether mucous, cellular, or fibrous. 647. Tubercle of the womb. Tubercula uteri. 42 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 648. Displacements and distortions. Uterus luxatus vel distortus. a. Anteversion of the womb. Uteri anteversio. b. Retroversion of the womb. Uteri retroversio. c. Lateral version of the womb. Uteri lateroversio. d. Anteflexion of the womb. Uteri anteflexio. e. Retroflexion of the womb. Uteri retroflexio. /. Inversion of the womb. Uteri inversio. g. Falling of the womb. Uteri prolapsus. h. Protrusion of the womb. Procidentia uteri. i. Hernia of the womb. Hernia uteri. 649. Malformations of the womb. Deformitates uteri congenitae. DISEASES OF THE VAGINA. MORBI VAGINA. 650. Vaginitis. Vaginitis. 651. Leucorrhcea. Leucorrhoea. Syn. Vaginal catarrh. 652. Abscess of the vagina. Abscessus vaginae. 653. Cicatrix or band of the vagina. Cicatrix sive habenula vaginae. 654. Vaginal fistula. Fistula in vagina. 655. Vesico-vaginal fistula. Fistula vesico-vaginalis. 656. Recto-vaginal fistula. Fistula recto-vaginalis. 657. Urethro-vaginal fistula. Fistula urethro-vaginalis. 658. Hernia of the vagina. Hernia vaginae. a. Cystocele. Cystocele. b. Rectocele. Rectocele. 659. Tumors. Tumores. a. Polypus of the vagina. Polypus vaginae. 660. Cyst of the vagina. Vaginae cystis. 661. Laceration of the vagina. Laceratio vaginae. 662. Malformations of the vagina. Deformitates vaginae congenita? DISEASES OF THE VULVA. MORBI VULVA. 663. Vulvitis. Vulvitis. Syn. Inflammation of the vulva. 664. Pruritus of the vulva. Pruritus vulva?. AFFECTIONS CONNECTED WITH PREGNANCY. 43 665. OEdema of the labia. QMema labiorum. 666. Abscess of the labium. Abscessus labii. 667. Gangrene of the vulva. Gangraena vulvae. 668. Hypertrophy of the vulva. Hypertrophia vulvae. 669. Occlusion of the vulva. Foramen vulvae occlusum. Syn. Atre- sia vulvae. 670. Imperforate hymen. Membrana vulvae impervia. 671. Vascular tumor of the meatus urinarius. Tumor vasculosus meatus urinarii. 672. Mucous cyst of the vulva. Cystis mucosa vulvae. 673. Malformations of the vulva. Deformitates vulvae congenitae. FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. VITIA FUNCTIONUM LOCORUM VIRGINALIUM. 674. Amenorrhoea. Amenorrhcea. a. From original defective formation. Ex defectione partium congenita. b. From want of development at the time of puberty. Ex incre- menti inopia. c. From mechanical obstruction. Ex occlusione. d. From temporary suppression. Ex suppressione. 675. Scanty menstruation. Menstrua exigua. 676. Vicarious menstruation. Menstrua vicaria. 677. Dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhcea. Syn. Painful menstruation. 678. Menorrhagia. Menorrhagia. Syn. Excessive menstruation. 679. Hemorrhage. Metrorrhagia. 680. Chlorosis. Chlorosis. Syn. Green sickness ; Pallor luteus. AFFECTIONS CONNECTED WITH PREGNANCY. MALA GRAVID IS INCIDENTIA. DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. MALA NERVORUM APPARATUS. » 681. Neuralgia. Neuralgia. a. Odontalgia. Odontalgia. b. Cephalalgia. Cephalalgia. c. Mastodynia. Mastodynia. 682. Chorea. Chorea. 44 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 683. Convulsions. Convulsio. 684. Hypochondriasis. Hypochondriasis. 685. Mania. Mania. DISORDERS OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. MALA SANGUINIS ET EJUS APPARATUS. 686. Varicose veins. Varices. a. Of the lower extremities. Membrorum inferiorum. 6. Of the labia. Labiorum. c. Of the rectum. Recti haemorrhoides. Haemorrhoids. 687. Serous effusion. Profusio seri. a. Of the brain. Profusio in cerebro. Syn. Serous apoplexy. b. Oedema of the lungs. CEdema pulmonum. c. Ascites. Ascites. d. GMema of the labia. CEdema labiorum. e. QEdema of the lower extremities. Oedema membrorum in- feriorum. 688. Syncope. Syncope. 689. Palpitation. Palpitatio cordis. 690. Anaemia. Anaemia. Syn. Hydraemia. 691. Leucocythemia. Leucocythemia. DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. MALA RESPIRATIONIS APPARATUS. 692. Dyspnoea. Dyspnoea. 693. Orthopnoea. Orthopncea. 694. Cough. Tussis. DISORDERS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. MALA DIGESTIONIS APPARATUS. 695. Salivation. Salivatio. 696. Depraved and capricious appetite. Cupiditas cibi prava. Syn. Pica. 697. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea et vomitus. 698. Cardialgia. Cardialgia. Syn. Heartburn. 699. Pyrosis. Pyrosis. 700. Intestinal cramp-colic. Tormina. 701. Constipation. Alvus adstricta. DISORDERS OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM. 702. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea. 703. Jaundice. Icterus. DISORDERS OF THE URINARY SYSTEM. MALA URINA APPARATUS. 704. Albuminuria. Albuminuria. 705. Dysuria. Dysuria. 706. Incontinence of urine. Incontinentia urinae. 707. Retention of urine. Retentio urinae. DISORDERS OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM. MALA GENITALIUM APPARATUS. 708. Metritis. Metritis. Syn. Hysteritis. 709. Hydrorrhea of the womb. Hydrorrhoea uteri. Discharge of watery fluid from the uterus. 710. Rheumatism of the uterus. Rheumatismus uteri. 711. Hysteralgia. Hysteralgia. Syn. Metralgia. 712. Cramps and spurious pains. Spasmi et clolores nothi. 713. Catarrh of the vagina. Catarrhus vaginae. 714. Sanguineous discharge. Profiuvium sanguineum. 715. Hemorrhage. Haemorrhagia. 716. Displacements of the uterus. Uterus luxatus. a. Prolapsus. Prolapsus. b. Hernia. Hernia. c. Retroversion. Retroversio. 717. Pruritus of the vulva. Pruritus vulvae. 718. Warts of the vulva. Verrucae vulvae. 719. Abortion. Abortus. 720. Premature labor. Partus intempestivus. 721. Extra-uterine gestation. Extra uterum graviditas. 722. Uterine mole. Mola uterina. 723. Cystic disease of the chorion. Morbus cysticus chorii. datid mole. 724. Diseases of the placenta. Morbi placenta?. 725. Inflammation of the placenta. Placentitis. 726. Degeneration of the placenta. Degeneratio placentae. a. Fatty degeneration. Degeneratio adiposa. b. Calcareous degeneration. Degeneratio calcarea. 46 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. AFFECTIONS CONNECTED WITH PARTURITION. MALA PARTURIENTIBUS INCIDENTIA. 727. Atony of the uterus. Resolutio uteri. 728. Over-distention of the uterus. Uterus supra modum distentus. a. From excess of liquor amnii. Ex immodico liquore amnii. b. From twins, triplets, etc. Ex geminis, trigeminis, etc. 729. Mechanical obstacles to parturition. Impedimenta partus. a. From occlusion of the os uteri. Ex oris uteri occlusione. b. From rigidity. Ex rigiditate. From rigidity of the os uteri. Ex oris uteri rigiditate. From rigidity of the vagina. Ex vagina? rigiditate. From rigidity of the perineum. Ex perinei rigiditate. c. From cancer of the cervix uteri. Ex carcinomate cervicis uteri. d. From narrowness of the vagina. Ex vagina? coarctatione. e. From cicatrix or band in the vagina. Ex cicatrice vel habenula in vagina. /. From vaginal cyst. Ex cyste vaginali. g. From prolapsus of the bladder. Ex vesicae prolapsii. h. From stone in the bladder. Ex calculo vesicae. i. From distended rectum. Ex distentione recti intestini. k. From prolapsus of the rectum. Ex recti intestini prolapsu. I. From tumor. Ex tumore. Uterine. Uteri. Ovarian. Ovarii. Pelvic. Pelvis. Of external parts. Partium exteriorum. m. From polypus. Ex polypo. n. From fractured pelvis. Ex fractura pelvis. o. From exostosis. Ex exostose. p. From distorted or contracted pelvis. Ex distortione vel constric- tione pelvis. q. From dislocated lumbar vertebra?. Ex luxatione lumborum ver- tebrarnm. Syn. Spondylolisthesis. r. From anchylosed coccyx. Ex anchylose coccygis. s. From diminutive pelvis. Ex pelve parva. t. From extreme anteversion of the uterus (from pendulous abdo- men). Ex abdomine pendenti. AFFECTIONS CONSEQUENT ON PARTURITION. 47 u. From excessive size of the foetus. Ex fcetu praegrandi. v. From malposition of the foetus. Ex fcetu male locato. w. From malformation of the foetus. Ex deformitate foetus. x. From enlargement of the foetus from disease. Ex fcetu morbo adaucto. y. From thickness of the foetal membranes. Ex crassitudine mem- branarum foetus. z. From shortness of the funis. Ex brevitate funis. 730. Hemorrhage. Ha?morrhagia. a. From placenta prasvia. Ex placenta praevia. Syn. Unavoida- ble hemorrhage. b. From accidental detachment of the placenta. Ex placenta casu separata. Syn. Accidental hemorrhage. c. From thrombus of the cervix uteri or labium. Ex thrombo cervicis uteri vel labii. 731. Rupture or laceration of the uterus. Diruptio vel laceratio uteri. 732. Rupture or laceration of the vagina. Diruptio vel laceratio vagina?. 733. Rupture or laceration of the urinary bladder. Diruptio vel lace- ratio vesica?. 734. Rupture or laceration of the perineum. Diruptio vel laceratio perinei. 735. Retention of the afterbirth. Retentio secundarum. Syn. Retained placenta. a. From atony of the uterus. Ex resolutione uteri. b. From irregular or hour-glass contraction. Ex contracto sine ordine utero, vel ad similitudinem horologii. c. From preternatural adhesion. Ex adhesu praeter naturam secun- darum. 736. Inversion of the uterus. Uteri inversio. N 737. Convulsions. Convulsio. Syn. Eclampsia. a. Apoplectic. Apoplectica. b. Epileptic. Epileptica. c. Hysterical. Hysterica. AFFECTIONS CONSEQUENT ON PARTURITION. MALA PUERPERIS INGIDENTIA. 738. Post-partum hemorrhage. Haeraorrhagia post partum. 739. Secondary hemorrhage. Haemorrhagia prorogata. 48 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 740. Puerperal ephemera. Ephemera puerperarum. Syn. Weed. 741. Puerperal hyperaesthesia. Hyperaesthesia puerperarum. 742. Milk fever. Febris lactantium. 743. Puerperal fever. Febris puerperarum. 744. Metro-peritonitis. Metro-peritonitis. Syn. Puerperal peritonitis. a. Metritis. Metritis. b. Peritonitis. Peritonitis. 745. Phlebitis. Phlebitis. 746. Phlegmasia dolens. Phlegmasia dolens. Syn. Milk-leg. 747. Pelvic cellulitis. Parametritis. 748. Iliac and pelvic abscesses. Abscessus iliorum et pelvis. 749. Sloughing of the cervix uteri. Sphacelus cervicis uteri. 750. Sloughing of the vagina. Sphacelus vaginae. 751. Sloughing of the perineum. Sphacelus perinei. 752. Sloughing of the bladder. Sphacelus vesica?. 753. Sloughing of the rectum. Sphacelus recti intestini. 754. Utero-vesical fistula. Fistula utero vesicalis. 755. Yesico-vaginal fistula. Fistula vesico vaginalis. 756. Recto-vaginal fistula. Fistula recto vaginalis. 757. Inflammation of the female breast. Mammitis. 758. Abscess of the female breast. Abscessus mamma?. 759. Puerperal mania. Mania puerperarum. a. Connected with parturition. A partu. b. Connected with lactation. Lactantium. 760. Puerperal convulsions. Eclampsia. 761. Puerperal tetanus. Tetanus puerperarum. Syn. Tetany. 762. Sudden death after delivery. Mors repentina post partum. a. From shock or nervous exhaustion. Ex concussu vel nervorum vi exinanita. b. From impaction of coagula in the heart and pulmonary artery. Ex impactione coagulorum in corde arteriaque pulmonali. Thrombosis. Thrombosis. Embolism. Embolismus. c. From entrance of air into the uterine sinuses. Ex introitu aeris in venas uterinas. DISEASES OF THE FEMALE BREAST. 49 763. Premature birth. Partus intempestivus. 764. Sub-involution of the uterus. Uterus sub-involutus. DISEASES OF THE FEMALE BREAST. MORBI 31 A 21 MM F(EMINEM 765. Mammitis. Mammitis. Syn. Inflammation of the breast. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 766. Abscess of the breast. Abscessus mammae. Syn. Gathered breast. 767. Eucysted abscess of the breast. Abscessus mammae sacculatus. 768. Sinus of the breast. Sinus mammae. 769. Fistula of the breast. Fistula mammae. Syn. Milk-fistula. 770. Galactorrhoea. Galactorrhoea. 771. Deficiency of milk. Inopia lactis. 772. Milk-tumor. Galactocele. 773. Lacteal calculus. Calculus lacteus. 774. Hypertrophy of the breast. Hypertrophia mammae. 775. Atrophy of the breast. Atrophia mamma?. 776. Depressed nipple. Papilla depressa. 777. Chapped nipple. Papilla scissa. 778. Ulcerated nipple. Papilla exulcerata. 779. Cancer of the breast. Carcinoma mamma?. 780. Nou-malignant tumors of the breast. Tumores mamma? non maligni. 781. Cyst of the breast. Cystis mammae. a. Serous cyst of the breast. Cystis serosa mammae. Syn. Sero- cystic tumor; Hydrocele of the breast. b. Complex cystic tumor of the breast. Tumor cysticus multiplex mammae. Syn. Sero-cystic sarcoma. 782. Parasitic disease of the breast. Morbus parasiticus mammae. 783. Hyperaesthesia of the breast. Hyperaesthesia mammae. 784. Mammalgia. Mammalgia. Syn. Neuralgia of the breast. 4 50 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE MALE MAMMILLA. MORBI MAMMILLM VIRILIS. 785. Inflammation of the male mammilla. Inflammatio mammillae virilis. 786. Hypertrophy of the male mammilla. Hypertrophia mammillae virilis. 787. Cancer of the male mammilla. Carcinoma mammilla? virilis. 788. Non-malignant tumors of the male mammilla. Tumores non ma- ligni mammilla? virilis. 789. Cyst of the male mammilla. Cystis mammilla? virilis DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. MORBI NERVORUM APPARATUS. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRANES. MORBI CEREBRI MEMBRANARUMQUE. 790. Encephalitis. Encephalitis. Inflammation of the brain or of its membranes. Note.—This term is to be used only when the precise seat of the inflammation has not been ascertained. 791. Meningitis. Meningitis. Inflammation of the membranes of the brain. a. Inflammation of the clura mater. Inflammatio durae matris. b. Ossification of the dura mater. Ossificatio durae matris. c. Arachnitis. Arachnitis. Inflammation of the pia mater and arachnoid. d. Tuberculous meningitis. Meningitis tuberculosa. Syn. Acute hydrocephalus. 792. Inflammation of the brain. Cerebritis. 793. Red softening of the brain. Cerebri mollities rubra. 794. Yellow softening of the brain. Cerebri mollities flava. 795. Abscess of the brain. Abscessus cerebri. 796. Congestion of the brain. Congestio cerebri. 797. Apoplexy. Apoplexia. a. Serous apoplexy. Apoplexia serosa. b. Sanguineous apoplexy. Apoplexia haemorrhagica. Syn. Cere- bral hemorrhage. c. Meningeal apoplexy. Apoplexia meningealis. DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. 51 798. Sun-stroke. Solis ictus. 799. Chronic hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus chronicus. 800. Hypertrophy of the brain. Hypertrophia cerebri. 801. Atrophy of the brain. Atrophia cerebri. Diminution of brain-substance without softening. 802. White softening of the brain. Cerebri mollities alba. Syn. Atrophic softening. 803. Syphilitic disease. Morbus syphiliticus. 804. Cancer. Carcinoma. 805. Fibrous tumor. Tumor flbrosus. 806. Osseous tumor. Tumor osseus. 807. Tubercle of the brain. Tubercula cerebri. 808. Parasitic disease. Morbus parasiticus. 809. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 810. Diseases of the cerebral arteries. Morbi arteriarum cerebri. a. Fatty degeneration. Degeneratio adiposa. Syn. Atheroma. b. Calcareous degeneration. Degeneratio calcarea. Syn. Ossi- fication. c. Aneurism. Aneurysma. d. Impaction of coagula. Coagula impacta. Syn. Thrombosis and Embolism. DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS MEMBRANES. MORBI MED ULLA SPINALIS MEMBRANARUMQUE EJUS. 811. Spinal inflammation. Inflammatio spinalis. Note.—This term is to be used only when the precise seat of the inflammation has not been ascertained. 812. Spinal meningitis. Meningitis spinalis. Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord. 813. Myelitis. Myelitis. Inflammation of the substance of the spinal cord. 814. Spinal hemorrhage. Hemorrhagia spinalis. Syn. Spinal apo- plexy. 815. Spinal atrophy. Atrophia spinalis. Syn. Locomotor ataxy; Tabes dorsalis. 816. White softening of the spinal cord. Medulla? mollities alba. 52 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 817. Cancer. Carcinoma. 818. Non-malignant tumors. Tumores non maligni. 819. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. 820. Spinal dropsy. Hydrorachis. DISEASES OF THE NERVES. M ORBI NER VOR UM. 821. Neuritis. Neuritis. 822. Atrophy. Atrophia. 823. Cancer. Carcinoma. 824. Neuroma. Neuroma. A tumor of innocent nature growing on or between the fasciculi of a nerve. 825. Paralysis. Paralysis. m. General paralysis. Paralysis generalis. Syn. Paralysis of the insane. b. Hemiplegia. Hemiplegia. c. Paraplegia. Paraplegia. d. Locomotor ataxy. Ataxia motus. e. Progressive muscular atrophy. Atrophia musculorum in- gravescens. /. Infantile paralysis. Paralysis infantilis. g. Local paralysis. Paralysis localis. h. Facial paralysis. Paralysis faciei. i. Scrivener's paralysis. Paralysis notariorum. k. Diphtheric paralysis. Paralysis diphtherica. I. Lead palsy. Paralysis ex plumbo. m. Paralysis from lathyrus. Paralysis ex lathyro. FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. MORBI APPARATUS NERVORUM ACTIONUM NATURALIUM. 826. Tetanus. Tetanus. 827. Hydrophobia. Hydrophobia. 828. Infantile convulsions. Convulsio infantilis. DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. 53 829. Epilepsy. Epilepsia. 830. Convulsions. Convulsio. 831. Muscular spasm. Spasmus musculorum. 832. Laryngismus stridulus. Laryngismus stridulus. Syn. Spasm of the glottis ; Child-crowing. 833. Shaking palsy. Paralysis agitans. 834. Chorea. Chorea. Syn. St. Vitus's dance. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 835. Hysteria. Hysteria. 836. Catalepsy. Catalepsia. 837. Neuralgia. Neuralgia. Principal varieties. a. Facial neuralgia. Neuralgia faciei. Syn. Tic douloureux. b. Frontal neuralgia. Neuralgia frontis. c. Hemicrania. Hemicrania. d. Intercostal neuralgia. Neuralgia intercostalis. e. Sciatica. Sciatica. f. Irritable cicatrix. Cicatrix irritabilis. 838. Hyperaesthesia. Hyperaesthesia. 839. Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 840. Hypochondriasis. Hj-pochondriasis. DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. AFFECT US MENTIS. 841. Mania. Mania. a. Acute mania. Mania acuta. b. Chronic mania. Mania chronica. 842. Melancholia. Melancholia. 843. Monomania. Monomania. 844. Dementia. Dementia. a. Acute dementia. Dementia acuta. b. Chronic dementia. Dementia chronica. 845. Idiocy. Amentia. 846. Imbecility. Imbecilitas. 54 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE ORGANS OF THE SPECIAL SENSES. MORBI SENSUUM SINGULARIUM APPARATUS. DISEASES OF THE EYE. MORBI OGULORUM. DISEASES OF THE CONJUNCTIVA. MORBI CONJUNCTIVA. 847. Conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis. Syn. Ophthalmia. 848. Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis cum catarrho. 849. Pustular conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis pustulosa. 850. Purulent conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis purulenta. 851. Purulent conjunctivitis of infants. Conjunctivitis infantium purulenta. 852. Scrofulous conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis strumosa. Syn. Stru- mous ophthalmia. 853. Gonorrhoeal conjunctivitis. Ophthalmia gonorrhoica. 854. Chronic conjunctivitis. Lippitudo. Syn. Blear-eye. 855. Granular lids. Trachoma. 856. Chemosis. Chemosis. 857. Pinguecula. Pinguecula. 858. Pterygium. Pterygium. 859. Fatty tumor of the conjunctiva. Tumor adiposus in conjunc- tiva. 860. Parasitic disease of the conjunctiva. Morbus parasiticus in conjunctiva. 861. Metallic stains of the conjunctiva. Maculae metallica? in con- junctiva. a. From nitrate of silver. Ex argenti nitrate. b. From lead. Ex plumbo. DISEASES OF THE CORNEA. MORBI CORNEA. 862. Keratitis. Keratitis. 863. Chronic interstitial keratitis. Keratitis interior chronica. 864. Keratitis with suppuration. Keratitis suppurans. Syn. Onvx. DISEASES OF THE CHOROID AND RETINA. 55 865. Ulcer of the cornea. Ulcus cornea?. 866. Opacity of the cornea. Cornea opaca. Syn. Leucoma; Albugo. 867. Conical cornea. Cornea cacuminata. 868. Hydrophthalmia. Hydrophthalmia. 869. Arcus senilis. Arcus senilis. 870. Staphyloma of the cornea. Staphyloma corneae. 871. Parasitic disease in the anterior chamber of the eye. Morbus parasiticus cavi oculi citerioris. DISEASES OF THE SCLEROTIC. MORBI SCLEROTICA. 872. Sclerotitis. Sclerotitis. 873. Staphyloma of the sclerotica. Staphyloma scleroticae. DISEASES OF THE IRIS. MORBI IRIDIS. 874. Iritis. Iritis. 875. Traumatic iritis. Iritis ex vulnere. 876. Rheumatic iritis. Iritis rheumatica. 877. Gouty iritis. Iritis arthritica. 878. Syphilitic iritis. Iritis syphilitica. 879. Scrofulous iritis. Iritis strumosa. 880. Gonorrhoeal iritis. Iritis gonorrhoica. 881. Sequelae of iritis. Consequentia ex iritide. 882. Prolapsus of the iris. Prolapsus iridis. 883. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. DISEASES OF THE CHOROID AND RETINA. MORBI CHOROIDIS ET RETINA. 884. Choroiditis. Choroiditis. 885. Retinitis. Retinitis. 886. Choroidal apoplexy. Apoplexia choroidea. 887. Embolism of the central artery of the retina. Embolismus arte- riae centralis retinae. 888. Amaurosis. Amaurosis. 56 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. n89. Impaired vision. Visus cleterior. 890. Albinism. Albitudo. DISEASES OF THE OPTIC NERVE. MORBI NERVI OPTICI. 891. Optic neuritis. Neuritis optica. 892. Cupping of the optic papilla. Excavatio papillae opticae. DISEASES OF THE VITREOUS BODY. MORBI CORPORIS VITREI. 893. Synchysis. Synchysis. 894. Musca? volitantes. Muscae volitantes. 895. Various morbid deposits in the vitreous body. Deposita varia morbida in corpore vitreo. DISEASES OF THE LENS AND ITS CAPSULE. MORBI LENTIS CAPSULAQUE EJUS. 896. Cataract. Suffusio. a. Hard. Dura. b. Soft. Mollis. c. Fluid. Liquida. 897. Parasitic disease of the lens. Morbus lentis parasiticus. 898. Malformations of the lens. Deformitates lentis congenita?. a. Congenital cataract. Suffusio congenita. 899. Traumatic cataract. Suffusio ex vulnere. GENERAL AFFECTIONS OF THE EYE. AFFECTUS OCULI UNIVERSI. 900. Inflammation of the entire eyeball. Panophthalmitis. 901. Glaucoma. Glaucoma. 902. Sympathetic ophthalmia. Ophthalmia sympathetica. 903. Cancer of the eye. Carcinoma oculi. 904. Scrofulous deposit within the eyeball. Struma oculi interior. 905. Total disorganization of the eye from injury. Oculus funditus in- juria convulsus. 906. Malformations. Deformitates congenitae. DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. 57 VARIOUS DEFECTS OF SIGHT. DEFECTIONES VARIA VIS US. 907. Short sight. Myopia. 908. Long sight. Hypermetropia. 909. Faulty perception of colors. Dyschromatopsia. Syn. Color-blind- ness. 910. Hemeralopia. Hemeralopia. Syn. Night-blindness. 911. Nyctalopia. Nyctalopia. Syn. Day-blindness. 912. Astigmatism. Astigmatismus. DISEASES OF THE LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. MORBI LACHRYMARUM APPARATUS. 913. Lachrymal obstruction. Obstructio lachrymalis. 914. Abscess and fistula of the lachrymal sac. Abscessus et fistula sacci lachrymalis. 915. Dacryolites. Dacryolithi. 916. Diseases of the lachrymal gland and ducts. Morbi glandulae lachry- malis et ductuum ejus. DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. MORBI PALPEBRARUM. 917. Inflammation of the eyelids. Inflammatio palpebrarum. 918. Stye. Hordeolum. 919. Abscess in the Meibomian glands. Abscessus glandularum Meibo- mianarum. 920. Epicanthis. Epicanthis. 921. Entropium. Entropion. 922. Ectropium. Ectropion. 923. Trichiasis. Trichiasis. 924. Distichiasis. Distichiasis. 925. Madarosis. Madarosis. Syn. Loss of the eyelashes. 926. Tarsal ophthalmia. Ophthalmia tarsi. 927. Blepharospasm. Blepharospasmus. 928. Ptosis. Ptosis. 929. Hare-eye. Lagophthalmus. 58 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 930. Symblepharon. Symblepharon. 931. Ankyloblepharon. Anchyloblepharon. 932. Cyst of the eyelids. Cystis palpebrarum. 933. Tumors of the eyelids. Tumores palpebrarum. 934. Rodent ulcer of the eyelids. Ulcus erodens palpebrarum. Syn. Jacob's ulcer. 935. Malformations of the eyelids. Deformitates palpebrarum congenita?. DISEASES WITHIN THE ORBITS. MORBI PARTI UM INTRA ORBIT AS SIT ARUM. 936. Abscess in the orbit. Abscessus orbita?. 937. Strabismus. Strabismus. 938. Protrusion of the eyeball. Procidentia oculi. Syn. Exophthalmos. 939. Tumors in the orbit. Tumores orbitae. 940. Parasitic disease in the orbit. Morbus parasiticus orbitae. 941. Affections of the orbital nerves. Affectus nervorum orbita?. DISEASES OF THE EAR. MORBI A URIS. DISEASES OF THE AURICLE. MORBI AURICULA. 942. Gouty deposits in the auricle. Deposita in auricula ex podagra. 943. Haematoma auris. Ha?matoma auris. 944. Tumors of the auricle. Tumores auricula?. 945. Malformations of the auricle. Deformitates auriculae congenita?. DISEASES OF THE EXTERNAL MEATUS. MORBI MEATUS EXTERN I. 946. Otitis. Otitis. Syn. Inflammation of the meatus. 947. Otorrhcea. Otorrhoea. 948. Abscess of the meatus. Meatus abscessus. 949. Accumulation of wax in the meatus. Ceruminis in meatu accretio. 950. Aural polypus. Polypus auris. 951. Tumors of the meatus. Tumores meatus. DISEASES OF THE NOSE. 59 952. Parasitic disease of the meatus. Morbus meatus parasiticus. 953. Malformations of the meatus. Deformitates meatus congenita? DISEASES OF THE MEMBRANA TYMPANI. MORBI MEMBRANA TYMPANI. 954. Myringitis. Myringitis. 955. Ulceration of the membrana tympani. Membranae tympani exul- ceratio. 956. Perforation of the membrana tympani. Membrana tympani per- forata. 957. Calcareous deposits in the membrana tympani. Deposita calcarea in membrana tympani. DISEASES OF THE EUSTACHIAN TUBE AND TYMPANUM. MORBI TUBI EUSTACHIAN! ET TYMPANI. 958. Obstruction of the Eustachian tube. Tubi Eustachiani obstructio. 959. Disease of the mucous membrane of the tympanum. Morbi mem- brana? tympani mucosa?. 960. Disease of the ossicles. Morbi ossiculorum. 961. Disease of the mastoid cells. Morbi cellarum mastoidearum. DISEASES OF THE INTERNAL EAR. MORBI AURIS INTERIORIS. 962. Organic disease of the internal ear. Morbus auris interioris inhaerens. 963. Necrosis of the petrous bone. Ossis petrosi necrosis. 964. Deafness. Surditas. a. Functional or nervous. Naturalium actionum vel nervorum vitio. b. From organic disease. Ex morbo inhaerente. c. Deaf-dumbness. Mutorum. 965. Malformations of the internal ear. Deformitates auris interioris congenitae. DISEASES OF THE NOSE. MORBI NASI. 966. Hypertrophy of the nose. Hypertrophia nasi. Syn. Lipoma. 967. Wart of the nose. Verruca nasi. 968. Sebaceous cyst of the nose. Cystis nasi sebacea. 60 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 969. Epistaxis. Epistaxis. 970. Coryza. Coryza. 971. Ozasna. Oza?na. 972. Ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane. Membrana? Schneider- iana? exulceratio. 973. Abscess of the nasal septum. Abscessus septi nasi. 974. Perforation of the nasal septum. Septum nasi perforatum. 975. Hypertrophy of the Schneiderian membrane. Membranae Schnei- deriana? hypertrophia. 976. Nasal polypus. Polypus nasi. a. Soft or gelatinous. Mollis sive glutinosus. b. Hard or fibrous. Durus sive fibrosus. 977. Naso-pharyngeal polypus. Polypus nasi et pharyngis. 978. Tumors of the nasal septum. Septi nasi tumores. 979. Cancer of the nostril. Carcinoma naris. Syn. Malignant polypus. 980. Rhinolites. Rhinolithi. Syn. Nasal calculi. 981. Malformations of the nose. Deformitates nasi congenita?. 982. Loss or perversion of the sense of smell. Anosmia vel odoratus perversus. DISEASES OF THE ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. MORBI ORGANORUM CORPUS MOVENTIUM. DISEASES OF BONES. MORBI OSSIUM. Note.—In all cases the bones affected must be specified. 983. Periostitis. Periostitis. a. Nodes. Nodi. 984. Diffuse periostitis. Periostitis diffusa. Syn. Acute sub-periosteal abscess. a. Acute necrosis. Necrosis acuta. 985. Ostitis. Ostitis. 986. Osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Suppurative. Suppurans. c. Gangrenous. Gangraenosa. DISEASES OF JOINTS. 61 987. Chronic abscess of bone. Abscessus ossis chronicus. 988. Caries. Caries. 989. Necrosis. Necrosis. a. Dry. Sicca. b. Moist. Humida. Syn. Mephitic gangrene of bone. 990., Mollities ossium. Mollities ossium. Syn. Osteomalacia. 990a. Fragility of the bones. Fragilitas ossium. Syn. Sathyrosis. 991. Hypertrophy of the bones. Hypertrophia ossium. 992. Atrophy of the bones. Atrophia ossium. 993. Spontaneous fracture. (The cause, if known, should be stated.) Fractura sponte orta. 994. Syphilitic dis«ase of the bones. Morbus ossium syphiliticus. 995. Cancer of the bones. Carcinoma ossium. 996. Non-malignant tumors of the bones. Tumores ossium non maligni. 997. Cyst of bone. Cystis ossis. 998. Rickets. Rachitis. 999. Tubercle of the bones. Tubercula ossium. 1000. Osteoid aneurism. Aneurysma osteoides. 1001. Parasitic disease of bone. Morbus ossium parasiticus. 1002. Malformations of the bones. Deformitates congenita? ossium. DISEASES OF JOINTS. MORBI ARTICULORUM. Note.—In all cases the joint affected is to be specified. 1003. Synovitis. Synovitis. a. Acute. Acuta. b. Chronic. Chronica. 1004. Arthritis. Arthritis. Inflammation involving all the structures of a joint. 1005. Gelatinous arthritis. Arthritis gelatinosa. Syn. Scrofulous or strumous synovitis. Arthritis accompanied by gelatiniform or pulpy degeneration of the . synovial membrane. 1006. Ulceration of cartilages. Exulceratio cartilaginum. 1007. Abscess of a joint. Abscessus articuli. Syn. Pyarthrosis. 62 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 1008. Ankylosis. Ankylosis. a. Deformity from ankylosis. Deformitas ex ankylose. 1009. Dropsy of the joints. Hydrops articulorum. 1010. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Rheumatismus gonorrhoicus. 1011. Chronic osteo-arthritis. Osteo-arthritis chronica. Syn. Rheu- matoid arthritis. 1012. Degeneration of cartilage, and of the articular surfaces of bones. Degeneratio cartilaginis et summorum ossium articularium. 1013. Perforation of joints. Articuli perforati. 1014. Loose cartilage. Cartilago libera. Syn. Loose body in a joint. 1015. Relaxation of the ligaments of a joint. Resolutio articuli ligamen- torum. 1016. Dislocation of the semilunar cartilages. Cartilaginum semiluna- rium luxatio. 1017. Knock-knee. Genua introrsum flexa. 1018. Bow-leg, or out-knee. Genua arcuata. 1019. Tumors of the joints. Tumores articulorum. 1020. Neuralgia of a joint. Neuralgia articuli. Syn. Hysterical joint DISEASES OF THE SPINE. MORBI SPINA. 1021. Ulceration of ligaments and cartilages of the spine. Exulceratio ligamentorum et cartilaginum spina?. 1022. Caries and necrosis of the vertebra?. Caries et necrosis vertebrarum. a. Spontaneous fracture of the odontoid process. Fractura sponte orta processus odontoidis. 1023. Psoas, lumbar, and other abscesses. Abscessus psoadici, lumbares aliique. 1024. Angular deformity of the spine. Deformitas angularis spina?. Syn. Cyphosis. 1025. Lateral curvature of the spine. Curvatura ex transverso spina?. Syn. Scoliosis. 1026. Anterior curvature of the spine. Curvatura in frontem spina?. Syn. Lordosis. 1027. Rickety curvature of the spine. Curvatura spina? rachitica. 1028. Ankylosis of the spine. Ankylosis spina?. 1029. Chronic osteo-arthritis of the spine. Osteo-arthritis spinoachronica. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 63 1030. Non-malignant tumors of the spine. Tumores spina? non maligni. 1031. Cancer of the spine. Carcinoma spina?. 1032. Parasitic disease of the spine. Morbus spina? parasiticus. 1033. Malformations of the spine. Deformitates spina? congenita?. a. Spina bifida. Spina bifida. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. MORBI MUSCULORUM APPARATUS. Note.—In all cases the affected muscle or muscles should be named. DISEASES OF THE MUSCLES. MORBI MUS C UL OR UM. 1034. Myositis. Myositis. Syn. Inflammation of muscle. 1035. Abscess of the muscles. Abscessus musculorum. 1036. Gangrene of the muscles. Gangraena musculorum. 1037. Atrophy of the muscles. Atrophia musculorum. 1038. Progressive muscular atrophy. Atrophia musculorum ingravescens. 1039. Fatty degeneration of the muscles. Degeneratio musculorum adi- posa. 1040. Ossification of the muscles. Ossificatio musculorum. 1041. Syphilitic disease of the muscles. Morbi.s musculorum syphili- ticus. 1042. Cancer of the muscles. Carcinoma musculorum. 1043. Non-malignant tumors of the muscles. Tumores non maligni musculorum. 1044. Cyst of the muscles. Cystis musculorum. 1045. Infantile paralysis. Paralysis infantilis. 1046. Parasitic disease of the muscles. Morbus parasiticus musculorum. a. Trichinosis. Trichinosis. 1047. Spasm of the muscles. Spasmus musculorum. 1048. Exhaustion of the muscles. Exinanitio virium musculorum. 1049. Scrivener's palsy. Paralysis notariorum. 1050. Diphtheric paralysis. Paralysis diphtherica. 64 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. DISEASES OF TENDONS. MORBI TENDINUM. 1051. Inflammation of a tendon and its sheath. Teno-synovitis. Syn. Thecitis. 1052. Thecal abscess. Abscessus thecarum. 1053. Adhesion of tendons. Tendo adhaerens. 1054. Tumors of tendons. Tumores tendinum. 1055. Ganglion. Ganglion. a. Diffused palmar ganglion. Ganglion palmare diffusum. 1056. Contraction of tendons, fasciae, or muscles. Contractio tendinum fasciarum, aut musculorum. 1057. Club-foot. Talipes. a. Talipes varus. Talipes varus. b. Talipes valgus. Talipes valgus. c. Talipes equinus. Talipes equinus. d. Talipes calcaneus. Talipes calcaneus. e. Talipes calcaneo-varus. Talipes calcaneo-varus. /. Talipes equino-valgus. Talipes equiuo-valgus. Syn. Flat-foot; Splay-foot. 1058. Club-hand. Manus curta. 1059. Contracted palmar fascia. Arcus palmaris contractus. 1060. Wry-neck. Torticollis. DISEASES OF BURSiE. MORBI B YRSARUM. 1061. Enlarged bursa patella?. Byrsa patella? amplificata. Syn. House- maid's knee. 1062. Enlargement of other bursas (specify which). Byrsarum aliarum amplificatio. 1063. Bursal tumor. Tumor byrsa?. A solid tumor, the result of old enlargement of a bursa. 1064. Bursal abscess. Abscessus byrsa?. 1065. Bunion. Bunion. INJURIES. 65 INJURIES. INJURIM GENERAL INJURIES. INJURIM IN CORP ORE UNIVERSO. 1066. Burns and scalds (including explosions). Ambusta. 1067. Lightning stroke. Fulminis ictus. 1068. Multiple injury. (The cause and extent to be stated.) Injuria multiplex. 1069. Apnoea. Apnoea. Syn. Asphyxia. a. From drowning. Ex submersioue. b. From hanging. Ex suspendio. c. From strangling. Ex strangulatione. d. From obstruction of air-passages. Ex obturatis spiritus itine- ribus. , e. From overlying. Ex corpore superincubante. / From crushing. Ex compressu. g. From gaseous poisons. Ex vaporibus pestiferis. 1070. Privation. Fames. Syn. Starvation. 1071. Exposure to cold. Frigus. 1072. Infant exposure. Infantium expositio. 1073. Neglect. Incuria. LOCAL INJURIES. INJURIM SING ULARES. Note.—In all cases of injury, specif ij whether accidental, judicial, homicidal, self- inflicted, or received in battle, and, in cases of wound, specify the weapon. INJURIES OF THE HEAD AND FACE. INJURIA IN CAPITE ET FACIE. A.—OF THE HEAD. A.— IN CAPITE. 1074. Contusion of the head. Contusum in capite. a. Cephala?matoma. Cephalaematoraa. 1075. Scalp-wound: bone not exposed. Vulnus capitis cutis, osse non nudato. 5 66 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 1076. Scalp-wound: bone exposed. Vulnus capitis cutis, osse nudato. 1077. Concussion of the brain. Concussio cerebri. 1078. Fracture of the vault of the skull. Fractura calvaria? superioris. a. Simple, without depression. Simplex, osse non depresso. b. Simple, with depression. Simplex, osse depresso. c. Compound, without depression. Foras patens, osse non depresso. d. Compound, with depression. Foras patens, osse depresso. 1079. Hernia cerebri. Hernia cerebri. Syn. Fungus cerebri. 1080. Fracture of the base of the skull. Fractura basis calvaria?. 1081. Wound of the skull. Vulnus calvaria?. 1082. Laceration of the brain without fracture of the skull. Laceratio cerebri sine fractura calvaria?. 1083. Injuries of the cerebral vessels. (Specify which.) Injuriae vasis cerebri illatae. 1084. Injuries of the cerebral nerves. Injuria? nervis cerebri illatae. • B.—OF THE FACE. B.—IN FACIE. 1085. Contusion of the face. Contusum in facie. 1086. Wound of the face. Vulnus in facie. 1087. Injuries of the vessels of the face. (Specify which.) Injuria? vasis faciei illatae. 1088. Foreign bodies in the ear. Corpora adventitia in aure sita. 1089. Foreign bodies in the nose. Corpora adventitia in naribus sita. 1090. Foreign bodies in the antrum. Corpora adventitia in antro sita. 1091. Foreign bodies in the soft parts. Corpora adventitia in partibus mollibus sita. 1092. Fracture of the facial bones. Fractura ossium faciei. 1093. Fracture of the lower jaw. Fractura maxilla? inferioris. 1094. Dislocation of the jaw. Maxillae luxatio. 1095. Injuries of the teeth aud alveoli. Injuriae dentibus alveolisque illatae. INJURIES OF THE EYE. INJURIA IN OCULO. 1096. Contusion of the eye. Oculus contusus. 1097. Contusion of the eye, with rupture of the sclerotic. Contusus oculus, rupta sclerotica. Syn. Ruptured globe. INJURIES OF THE NECK. 67 1098. Contusion of the eye, with dislocation of the lens. Contusus oculus, lente luxata. 1099. Contusion of the eye, with hemorrhage into the globe. Contusus oculus, cum haemorrhagia interiore. 1100. Foreign bodies in the cornea or conjunctiva. Corpora adventitia in corneam vel conjunctivam recepta. 1101. Foreign bodies in the cavity of the eye. Corpora adventitia intra oculum recepta. 1102. Wound of the eyelids. Vulnus palpebrarum. 1103. Wound of the conjunctiva. Vulnus conjunctiva?. 1104. Wound of the sclerotic. Vulnus sclerotica?. 1105. Wound of the cornea. Vulnus cornea?. 1106. Wound of the lens. Vulnus lentis. 1107. Wound of the iris. Vulnus iridis. 1108. Dislocation of the globe of the eye. Luxatio oculi. 1109. Wounds and injuries of the parts within the orbit. Yulnera vel injuria? intra orbitam accepta?. 1110. Chemical injuries of the eyelids and eye. Injuriae chemicae palpe- bris et oculo illatae. 1111. Burns and scalds of the eye. Ambusta in oculo. INJURIES OF THE NECK. INJURIA IN CERVICE. 1112. Contusion of the soft parts of the neck. Contusum in cervicis partibus mollibus. 1113. Fracture of the hyoid bone. Fractura ossis hyoidis. 1114. Fracture of the cartilages of the larynx. Fractura cartilaginum laryngis. 1115. Rupture of the trachea. Diruptio trachea?. 1116. Dislocation of the hyoid bone. Ossis hyoidis luxatio. 1117. Wound of the neck. Vulnus in cervice. a. Superficial. Non-penetrans. b. Penetrating. Penetrans. Syn. Cut-throat. c. Gunshot. Sclopeticum. d. From the mouth. Ex ore. 1118. Injuries of the cervical vessels. (Specify which.) Injuriae vasis cervicis illatae. 68 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 1119. Burn or scald of the larynx. Ambusta in larynge. 1120. Foreign bodies in the air-passages. Corpora adventitia in spiritus itineribus. 1121. Foreign bodies in the pharynx. Corpora adventitia in pharynge. 1122. Foreign bodies in the oesophagus. Corpora adventitia in ceso- phago. 1123. Injury of the pharynx and oesophagus by corrosive substances. Injuria exedentium in pharynge et cesophago. INJURIES OF THE CHEST. INJURIA IN THORACE. 1124. Contusion of the chest. Contusum in thorace.' 1125. Fracture of the ribs or costal cartilages without injury to the lung. Fractura costarum vel cartilaginum costalium illaeso pul- mone. 1126. Fracture of the ribs or costal cartilages with injury to lung. Frac- tura costarum vel cartilaginum costalium la?so pulmone. 1127. Fracture of the sternum. Fractura sterni. 1128. Wound of the thoracic parietes. Vulnus laterum thoracis. 1129. Perforating wound of the chest. Vulnus perforans thoracis. 1130. Penetrating wound of the pleura or lung. Vulnus penetrans pleura? vel pulmonis. 1131. Wound of the anterior mediastinum. Vulnus mediastini prioris. 1132. Wound of the pericardium and heart. Vulnus pericardii et cordis. 1133. Injuries of thoracic vessels. (Specify which.) Injuriae vasis tho- racis illatae. 1134. Rupture of the heart or lung without wound or fracture. Dirup- tio cordis vel pulmonis citra vulnus aut fracturam. INJURIES OF THE BACK. INJURIA A TEUGO. 1135. Contusion of the back. Contusum a tergo. 1136. Sprain of the back. Stremma a tergo. 1137. Wouud of the back. Vulnus a tergo. 1138. Fracture and dislocation of the spine. Spina fracta et luxata. 1139. Injury of the spinal cord without known fracture. Injuria ii medulla spinali sine cognita fractura. INJURIES OF THE PELVIS. 69 INJURIES OF THE ABDOMEN. INJURIA IN VENTRE. 1140. Contusion of the abdomen. Contusum in ventre. 1141. Contusion of the abdomen with rupture of muscles. Contusum in ventre ruptis musculis. 1142. Contusion of the abdomen with rupture of viscera. Contusum in ventre ruptis visceribus. • 1143. Wound of the abdominal parietes. Vulnus abdominis. 1144. Wound of the abdominal parietes with protrusion of uninjured vis- cera. Vulnus abdominis cum prolapsione viscerum illa?sorum. 1145. Wound of the abdominal parietes with protrusion of wounded vis- cera. Vulnus abdominis cum prolapsione viscerum laesorum. 1146. Wound of the abdominal parietes with wound of unprotruded viscera. Vulnus abdominis cum vulnere viscerum in sede manentium. 1147. Wound of abdominal viscera without wound of parietes. Vulnus viscerum sine abdominis vulnere. 1148. Injuries of abdominal vessels. (Specify which.) Injuria? vasis ventris illata?. 1149. Foreign bodies in the peritoneal cavity. Corpora adventitia in peritonaeo sita. 1150. Foreign bodies in the stomach. Corpora adventitia in ventriculo sita. 1151. Foreign bodies or concretions in the intestine. Corpora adventitia vel concreta in intestinis sita. 1152. Abdominal fistula from injury, and artificial anus. Fistula abdo- minis ex injuria, anusque nothus. INJURIES OF THE PELVIS. INJURIA IN PELVI. 1153. Contusion of the pelvis. Contusum in pelvi. 1154. Wound of the male perineum, scrotum, and penis. Vulnus perinei masculi, scroti, colisque. 1155. Wound of the female perineum and vulva. Vulnus perinei fceminei vulvaeque. 1156. Wound of the vagina and internal female organs. Yulnus vagina? partiumque interiorum in fceminis. 1157. Wound of the rectum. Vulnus recti intestini. 70 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. 1158. Wound of the anus. Vulnus ani. 1159. Wound of the bladder. Vulnus vesicae. 1160. Rupture of the bladder without external wound. Diruptio vesicae sine vulnere aperto. 1161. Rupture of the bladder from fracture. Diruptio vesica? ex frac- tura. 1162. Injuries of the pregnant uterus. Injuriae utero gravido illata?. 1163. Injuries of the pelvic vessels. (Specify which.) Injuria? vasis pelvis illatae. 1164. Foreign bodies in the vagina. Corpora adventitia in vagina sita. L165. Foreign bodies in the rectum. Corpora adventitia in recto intes- tino sita. 1166. Foreign bodies in the bladder and urethra. Corpora adventitia in vesica et urethra sita. 1167. Fracture or dislocation of the pelvis. Fractura vel luxatio pelvis. 1168. Fracture or dislocation of the pelvis, with rupture of the bladder or urethra. Fractura vel luxatio pelvis, cum diruptione vesica? vel urethra?. INJURIES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. INJURIA IN MEMBRIS SUPERIORIBUS. Note.—The particular part affected is to be specified. 1169. Contusion. Contusum. 1170. Sprain. Stremma. 1171. Wound. Vulnus. 1172. Wounds of joints. Vulnera articulorum. 1173. Injuries of vessels. Injuria? vasis illata?. 1174. Foreign bodies imbedded. Corpora adventitia inhaerentia. 1175. Separation of epiphyses. Diductio epiphysiura. 1176. Greenstick fracture, or bending of bone. Fractura surcularia, sive flexura ossis. 1177. Fracture. Fractura. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Compound. Foras patens. Fracture of the clavicle. Fractura clavicula?. Fracture of the scapula. Fractura scapula?. INJURIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 71 Fracture of the humerus. Fractura humeri. Fracture of the radius and ulna. Fractura radii et ulna?. Fracture of the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges. Fractura carpi, metacarpi, phalangiumque. 1178. Ununited fracture, or false joint. Fractura non coiens, sive articu- lus nothus. 1179. Dislocation. Luxatio. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Compound. Foras patens. Dislocation of the sterno-clavicular joint. Luxatio clavicula? a parte sterni. Dislocation of the acromio-clavicular joint. Luxatio clavicula? a parte scapula?. Dislocation of the shoulder. Luxatio humeri. Dislocation of the elbow. Luxatio cubiti. Dislocation of the wrist or carpus. Luxatio carpi. Dislocation of the thumb. Luxatio pollicis. Dislocation of the phalanges. Luxatio phalangium. INJURIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. INJURIA IN MEMBRIS INFERIORIBUS. Note.—The particular part affected is to be specified. 1180. Contusion. Contusum. 1181. Sprain. Stremma. 1182. Wound. Vulnus. 1183. Wounds of joints. Yulnera articulorum. 1184. Injuries of vessels. Injuria? vasis illatae. 1185. Foreign bodies imbedded. Corpora adventitia inliaerentia. 1186. Separation of epiphyses. Diductio epiphysium. 1187. Fracture. Fractura. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Compound. Foras patens. Fracture of the femur. Fractura femoris. Fracture of the cervix femoris. Fractura cervicis femoris. a. Intracapsular. Intra capsulam. b. Extracapsular. Extra capsulam. 72 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. Fracture of the great trochanter. Fractura processus majoris. Fracture of the patella. Fractura patella?. Fracture of the tibia and fibula. Fractura tibia? et fibula?. Fracture of the bones of the foot. Fractura ossium pedis. Ununited fracture, or false joint. Fractura non coiens, sive articulus nothus. 1188. Dislocation. Luxatio. a. Simple. Simplex. b. Compound. Foras patens. Dislocation of the hip. Luxatio femoris. Dislocation of the patella. Luxatio patella?. Dislocation of the knee. Luxatio genu. Dislocation of the head of fibula. Luxatio fibulae capitis. Dislocation of the foot (at the ankle). Luxatio pedis. Dislocation of the foot at calcaneo-astragaloid and scapho- astragaloid joints. Luxatio pedis inter calcaneum et as- tragalum et inter os scaphoides et astragalum. Dislocation of the astragalus. Luxatio astragali. Dislocation of the calcaneum. Luxatio calcanei. Dislocation of the other tarsal bones. Luxatio caeterum tarsi ossium. Dislocation of the metatarsus and phalanges. Luxatio meta- tarsi et phalangium. INJURIES OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. INJURIA IN ORGANIS ABSORBENTIBUS. 1189. Foreign bodies or concretions. Corpora adventitia vel concreta. 1190. Wound of lymphatics. Vulnus vasorum lymphiferorum. ■ INJURIES NOT CLASSIFIED. INJURIM NON IN CLASSES DISTRIBUTM. 1191. Rupture of muscles. Diruptio musculorum. 1192. Rupture of tendons. Diruptio tendinum. 1193. Foreign substances in the cellular tissue. Corpora adventitia in membrana cellulosa. POISONS. 73 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSARILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DISEASES. CONDITIONES NON EX NECESSITATE CUM MORBIS CONJUNCTM SIVE CORPORIS UNIVERSI SIVE PAR- TIUM SINGULARUM. 1194. Still-born. Partus emortuus. 1195. Premature birth. Partus intempestivus. 1196. Old age. Senectus. 1197. Debility. Debilitas. POISONS. VENENA. METALS AND THEIR SALTS. METALLA ET SALES METALLIC!. 1198. Arsenic. Arsenicum. 1199. Mercury. Hydrargyrum. 1200. Lead. Plumbum. 1201. Copper. Cuprum. 1202. Antimony. Antimonium. 1203. Zinc. Zincum. 1204. Silver. Argentum. 1205. Iron. Ferrum. 1206. Bismuth. Bismuthum. 1207. Chrome. Chromium. 1208. Cyanide of potassium. Potassii cyanidum. CAUSTIC ALKALIES. ALCALIA CAUSTIC A. 1209. Potash. Potassa. 1210. Soda. Soda. 1211. Ammonia. Ammonia. 1212. Alkaline salts. Sales' alcalini. 71 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. METALLOIDS. METALLOIDEA. 1213. Phosphorus. Phosphorus. 1214. Iodine. Iodinium. ACIDS. AC IDA. 1215. Sulphuric acid. Acidum sulphuricum. 1216. Nitric acid. Acidum nitricum. 1217. Muriatic acid. Acidum muriaticum. 1218. Phosphoric acid. Acidum phosphoricum. 1219. Oxalic acid. Acidum oxalicum. 1220. Tartaric acid. Acidum tartaricum. VEGETABLE POISONS. YEN EN A VEGETABILIA. 1221. Savin. Sabina. 1222. Croton oil. Oleum tiglii. 1223. Elaterium. Elaterium. 1224. Colchicum. Colchicum. 1225. Black hellebore. Helleborus niger. 1226. White hellebore. Yeratrum album. 1226«. Green hellebore. Veratrum viride. a. Veratria. Veratria. 1227. Squill. Scilla. 1228. Ergot. Ergota. 1229. Opium. Opium. a. Morphia. Morphia. 1230. Indian and American hemp. Cannabis Indica et Ameri 1231. Alcohol. Alcohol. 1232. Ether. ^Ether. 1233. Chloroform. Chloroformum. 1234. Ilyoscyamus. Ilyoscyamus. Syn. Henbane. VEGETABLE POISONS. 1235. Belladonna. Belladonna. a. Atropia. Atropia. 1236. Stramonium. Stramonium. Syn. Jamestown weed. 1237. Prussic acid. Acidum hydrocyanicum. a. Oil of bitter almonds. Oleum an^gdalae amara?. b. Laurel water. Aqua laurocerasi. 1238. Nitro-benzole. Nitro-benzoleum. 1239. Woorara. Curara. Syn. Wourali. 1240. Conium. Conium. Syn. Hemlock. 1241. Aconite. Aconitum. a. Aconitia. Aconitia. 1242. Digitalis. Digitalis. a. Digitalin. Digitalinum. 1243. Tobacco. Tabacum. a. Nic6tia. Nicotia. 1244. Hemlock dropwort. CEnanthe crocata. 1245. Nux vomica. Nux vomica. a. Strychnia. Strychnia. b. Brucia. Brucia. 1246. Upas tieute. Upas tieuticum. 1247. Upas antiar. Upas antiaricum. 1248. Calabar bean. Physostigma. 1249. Fool's parsley. JEthusa cynapium. 1250. Water hemlock. Cicuta virosa. 1251. Camphor. Camphora. 1252. Cocculus Indicus. Cocculus Indicus. 1253. Darnel. Lolium temulentum. 1254. Lobelia. Lobelia. 1255. Laburnum. Laburnum. 1256. Yew. Taxus baccata. 1257. Poisonous fungi. Fungi venenosi. a. Mouldy bread. Pan is mucidus. 1258. Poisonous grain. Grana venenosa. a. Lathyrus. Lathyrus. 76 NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES. ANIMAL POISONS. VENENA ANIMALIA. 1259. Cantharides. Cantharis. Syn. Spanish flies. 1260. Decayed and diseased meat. Caro rancida et morbida. 1261. Poisonous meat. Caro venenosa. a. Sausages. Botuli. 1262. Poisonous cheese. Caseus venenosus. 1263. Poisonous milk. Lac venenosum. 1264. Poisonous fish. Pisces venenosi. a. Mussels. Musculi. GASEOUS POISONS. VENENA AERIA. 1265. Ammonia. Ammonia. 1266. Nitrous acid vapor. Acidi nitrosi vapor. 1207. Chlorine. Chlorinium. 1268. Carbonic acid. Acidum carbonicum. 1269. Carbonic oxide. Oxidum carbonicum. 1270. Coal gas. Carbonis vapor. 1271. Cyanogen. Cyanogenium. 1272. Sulphuretted l^drogen. Hydrogenii sulphuretum. 1273. Putrid and morbid exhalations. Exhalationes putridae etpesti- ferae. 1274. Other noxious effluvia. Alia? exhalationes noxiae. MECHANICAL IRRITANTS. CORPORA IRRITANTIA. 1275. Pounded glass. Vitrum contusum. 1276. Steel filings. Ferri ramenta. POISONED WOUNDS. VULNEllA VENEXO INFECT A. Wounds inoculated with foreign matter, producing general symptoms of poisoning, or propagating inflammation to other parts of the body. 1277. By venomous animals. Ex animalibus venenosis. a. Snakes. Serpentibus. POISONED WOUNDS. i I b. Scorpions. Scorpionibus. c. Stinging insects. Insectis aculeatis. 1278. By animals having infectious disease. Ex animalibus morbis contagiosis afflictis. a. Glanders. Equinia. b. Farcy. Farciminum. c. Grease. Equinia mitis. d. Malignant pustule. Pustula maligna. e. Rabies. Hydrophobia. f. Cowpox. Vaccinia. 1279. By dead animal matter. Ex corporibus animalium mortuorum. 1280. By morbid secretions. Ex humoribus morbidis. 1281. By vegetable substances. Ex materia vegetabili. a. By poisoned arrows. Ex sagittis venenatis. b. By subcutaneous injection. Ex infusione hypodermica. 1282. By mineral substances. Ex materia minerali. APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. OPERATIONES CHIRURGICM OPERATIONS ON THE EYE AND ITS APPENDAGES. OPERA TIONES CIR CA OCUL UM APPENDICESQ UE OCULI. OPERATIONS ON THE EYELIDS. OPERATIONES CIRCA PALPEBRAS. For entropium. Adversus entropion. For ectropium. Adversus ectropion. For symblepharon and anchyloblepharon. Adversus symblepharon et anchyloblepharon. For trichiasis. Adversus trichiasim. For tumor of the eyelids. Adversus tumorem palpebrarum. OPERATIONS ON THE OTHER APPENDAGES OF THE EYE. OPERATIONES CIRCA CATERAS OCULI APPENDICES. For strabismus. Adversus strabismum. For pterygium. Adversus pterygium. For fistula lachrymalis and lachrymal obstruction. Adversus fistulam lacrymalem et obstructiouein lacrymalem. For diseases of the lachrymal gland. Adversus morbos glandulae lacry- malis. OPERATIONS ON THE EYEBALL. OPERATIONES CIRCA IPSUM OCULUM. Artificial pupil. Pupilla factitia. Iridectomy. Iridectomia. Solution of the lens. Solutio lentis. Depression of the lens. Depressio lentis. APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. 79 Extraction of the lens. Detractio lentis. Extraction of opaque capsule. Detractio capsula? opaca?. Extraction of foreign bodies. Detractio corporum adventitiorum. Laceration of opaque capsule. Laceratio capsula? opaca?. Puncture of the globe. Punctio oculi. For staphyloma. Adversus staphyloma. Excision of the eyeball. Excisio oculi. a. Partial. Ex parte. 6. Total. Ex toto. c. With the rest of the contents of the orbit. Cum reliquis partibus intra orbitam sitis. Removal of tumors from the neighborhood of the eye. Detractio tumorum oculo circumjacentium. OPERATIONS ON ARTERIES. OPERATIONES CIRCA ARTERIAS. Note.— The artery should be specified. Ligation. Deligatio. Temporary constriction. Constrictio temporaria. Acupressure. Acupressura. Torsion. Torsio. OPERATIONS ON ANEURISMS. OPERATIONES CIRCA ANEURYSMATA. Note.—The seat of the aneurism should be specif ed. By compression of the artery. Compressio arteriae. By ligation of the artery. Deligatio arteria?. By incision of the sac. Sectio sacci. By artificial coagulation of blood. Coagulatio sanguinis artificiosa. By manipulation. Contrectatio. By flexion of the limb. Flexio membri. OPERATIONS ON VEINS. OPERATIONES CIRCA VENAS. Ligation of veins. Deligatio venarum. Obliteration of varicose veins. Obliteratio varicum. 80 APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. Obliteration of varicocele. Obliteratio cirsoceles. Venesection. Venesectio. OPERATIONS FOR HEMORRHAGE FROM MUCOUS CAVITIES. OPERATIONES ADVERSUS HAMORRHAGIAM EX C A VERMS MUCOSIS. Plugging of the nostrils. Obturatio narium. Plugging of the vagina. Obturatio vagina?. Plugging of the rectum. Obturatio recti intestini. OPERATIONS ON JOINTS. OPERATIONES CIRCA ARTICULOS. Note.— The joints should be specified. Reduction of dislocations. Reductio luxationum. Extension of stiff and deformed joints. Extensio rigidorum et deformium articulorum. Incision of joints. Sectio articulorum. Excision of joints. Excisio articulorum. a. For injury. Injuria? causa. Primary. Expedita. Intermediate. Non-expedita. Secondary. Prorogata. b. For disease. Morbi causa. c. For deformity. Deformitatis causa. Removal of loose bodies. Detractio corporum liberorum. OPERATIONS ON BONES. OPERATIONES CIRCA OSS A Excision of bones. Excisio ossium, a. For injury. Injuria? causa. Primary. Expedita. Intermediate. Non-expedita. Secondary. Prorogata. b. For disease. Morbi causa. APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. 81 c. For deformity. Deformitatis causa. From the head. Ex capite. Trephining. Terebratio. From the trunk. Ex trunco. From the upper extremities. Ex membris superioribus. From the lower extremities. Ex membris inferioribus. Operations for ununited fjacture. (Specify which bone.) Operationes adversus fracturam non-coieuntem. Refracture of bone. (Specify which bone.) Refractura ossium. AMPUTATIONS. AMPUT4TIONES. Amputation for injury. Amputatio injuria? causa. a. Primary. Expedita. b. Intermediate. Non-expedita. c. Secondary. Prorogata. Amputation for disease. Amputatio morbi causa. Amputation for deformity. Amputatio deformitatis causa. Amputation of the scapula and arm. Amputatio scapula? et brachii. Of the shoulder-joint. Humeri. Of the arm. Brachii. Of the forearm. Antibrachii. Of the hand. Mauus. At the wrist-joint. A carpi articulo. Of parts of the hand. Partium manus singularum. Of the fingers. Digitorum. Of the hip-joint. Ad sinum coxa?. Of the thigh. Femoris. Of the knee-joint. Genu. Of the leg. Cruris. Of the ankle-joint. Articuli talaris. Across the foot. Pedis transversi. Of the metatarsal bones. Ossium metatarsi. Of the toes. Digitorum pedis. 82 APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. REMOVAL OF TUMORS. DETRACTIO TUMORUM. Note.—State whether by knife, liyatvre,e'cra«eur, caustic, or galvanic cautery ; specify the locality of the growth; and arrange according to the list of tumors (page 6). REMOVAL OF FOREIGN BODIES. DETRACTIO CORPORUM ADVENTITIORUM. Of loose cartilages. Cartilaginum liberarum. Of balls. Glandium plumbearum. Of other imbedded or impacted substances. Aliarum rerum penitus con- ditarum vel inha?rentium. REMOVAL QF CALCULI. DE TRA C TIO CA LCULOR UM. Of salivary calculi. Calculorum salivosorum. Of biliary calculi. Calculorum felleorum. Of vesical calculi. Calculorum ex vesica. a. By lithotomy. Lithotomia. Supra-pubic. Supra pubem. Lateral. Ab alterutro latere. Bilateral. Ab utroque latere. Median. A media parte. Recto-vesical. A parte recti intestini. b. By lithotrity. Lithotripsis. c. By dilatation of female urethra. Dilatatio urethrae foemineae. d. By extraction of fragments. Evulsio fragmentorum. INCISIONS. SECTIONES. Note.—If subcutaneous, to be so stated. Neurotomy. Neurotomia. Laryngotomy. Laryngotomia. Tracheotomy. Tracheotomia. Removal of foreign bodies from the windpipe. Evulsio ex gutture corporum adventitiorum. G3sophagotomy. (Esophagotomia. Gastrotomy (opening the stomach). Gastrotomia. APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. 83 Abdominal section (exploratory operation on the intestines). Sectio abdo- minis. Colotomy. Colotomia. a. Inguinal. A parte inguinis. b. Lumbar. A parte lumborum. For hernia. Adversus herniam. Note.—The nature of the hernia to be stated. a. For strangulated hernia. Adversus herniam strangulatara. Opening the sac. Aperieudo velamento. Without opening the sac. Illaeso velamento. b. Radical cure. Restitutio in integrum. For stricture of the rectum. Adversus stricturam recti intestini. Incision of the sphincter ani. Sectio sphincteris ani. For fistula in ano. Adversus fistulam in ano. For anal fissure. Adversus fissuram in ano. For ulcer of the rectum. Adversus ulcus recti intestini. External urethrotomy. Urethrotomia exterior. Internal urethrotomy. Urethrotomia interior. Sudden dilatation or rupture of stricture. Dilatatio prompta vel diruptio strictura?. Ovariotomy. Exsectio ovarii. Ca?sarean section. Sectio Caesarea. Removal of fcetal remains. Detractio reliquiarum foetus. Tenotomy. I'enontomia. Myotomy. Myotomia. Vaccination. Vaccinatio. REPARATIVE OPERATIONS. OPERATIONES REFICIENTIA. For chronic ulcer. Adversus ulcus vetustum. For abdominal fistula. Adversus fistulam abdominis. For cicatrices. Adversus cicatrices. a. Of the nose. Nasi. b. Of the eyelids. Palpebrarum. c. Of the lips. Labiorum. 81 APPENDIX. SURGICAL OPERATIONS. d. Of the neck. Cervicis. e. Of the limbs. Membrorum. For recto-urethral fistula. Adversus fistulam recto-urethralem. For recto-vaginal fistula. Adversus fistulam recto-vaginalera. For utero-vesical fistula. Adversus fistulam utero-vesicalem. For vesico-vaginal fistula. Adversus fistulam vesico-vaginalem. For perineal rupture. Adversus perinei diruptionera. For protrusion of the tubuli of the testis, or fungus testis. Adversus fun gum testiculi. For deformities. Adversus deformitates. a. For harelip. Adversus labrum leporinum. b. For cleft palate. Adversus palatum fissum. c. For phimosis. Adversus phimosim.* OPERATIONS NOT CLASSIFIED. OPERATIONES NON IN CLASSES DISTRIBUTA. Tapping. Paracentesis. a. Tapping the head. Paracentesis capitis. b. Tapping a spina bifida. Paracentesis spina? bifidse. c. Tapping the chest. Paracentesis thoracis. d. Tapping the pericardium. Paracentesis pericardii. e. Tapping the abdomen. Paracentesis abdominis. f. Tapping an ovarian cyst. Paracentesis ovarii. g. Tapping the bladder. Paracentesis vesica?. Above the pubes. Supra pubem. Through the rectum. Per rectum intestinum. h. Tapping a hydrocele. Paracentesis hydroceles. i. Tapping fluid tumors. Paracentesis tumorum fluidorum. Transfusion. Transfusio. Artificial respiration. Respiratio artificiosa. Resuscitation of drowned persons. Restitutio anima? in demersis. Resuscitation of hanged persons. Restitutio anima? a suspendio. * For other deformities, see the list at page 88. APPENDIX. HUMAN PARASITES. 85 HUMAN PARASITES. Note. — The parasites are to be returned under local diseases. SUBDIVISIONS. 1. Entozoa. 2. Ectozoa. 3. Entophyta and Epiphyta. ENTOZOA. CLASSES. a. Ccelelmtntha. Syn. Hollow worms. Worms with an abdominal cavity. b. Sterelmintha. Syn. Solid worms. c. Accidental Parasites. Internal parasites, having the habits, but not referable to the class, ofentozoa. Class a. Cgelelmintha. 1. Ascaris lumbricoides. (Linnaeus.) Habitat: Intestines. 2. Ascaris mystax. (Rudolphi.) Habitat: Intestines. 3. Trichocephalus dispar. (Rudolphi.) Habitat: Intestines. 4. Trichina spiralis. (Owen.) Habitat: Muscles. 5. Filaria Medinensis. (Gmelin.) Syn. Dracunculus Medinensis; Guinea worm. Habitat: Skin and subcutaneous tissues. 6. Filaria oculi. (Nordman.) Sijn. Filaria lentis. (Diesing.) Ha- bitat: Eye. 7. Strongylus bronchialis. (Cobbold.) Habitat: Bronchial tubes. 8. Eustrongylus gigas. (Diesing.) Habitat: Kidney; intestines. 9. Sclerostoma duodenale. (Cobbold.) Syn. Anchylostomum duo- denale. Habitat: Duodenum. 10. Oxyuris vermicularis. (Bremser.) Syn. Threadworm. Habitat: Rectum. Class b. Sterelmintha. 11. Bothriocephalus latus. (Bremser.) Habitat: Intestines. 12. Bothriocephalus cordatus. (Leuckart.) Habitat: Intestines. 13. Taenia solium. (Linnaeus.) Habitat: Intestines. 86 APPENDIX. HUMAN PARASITES. 14. Cysticercus of the Taenia solium. Syn. Cysticercus telae cellu- losa1. 15. Taenia mediocanellata. (Kiichenmeister.) Habitat: Intestines. 16. Ta-nia acanthotrias. (Weinland.) Habitat: Intestines. 17. Taenia flavopuncta. (Weinland.) Habitat: Intestines. 18. Ta?nia nana. (Siebold.) Habitat: Intestines. 19. Taenia lophosoma. (Cobbold.) Habitat: Intestines. 20. Taenia elliptica. (Batsch.) Habitat: Intestines. 21. Cystice^cjus of the Taenia marginata. Syn. Cysticercus tenui- ■ ' f^ollis. 22. Echinococcus hominis, or Hydatid of the Taenia echinococcus. (Siebold.) 23. Fasciola hepatica. (Linnaeus.) Habitat: Liver. 24. Distoma crassum. (Busk.) Habitat: Duodenum. 25. Distoma lanceolatum. (Mehlis.) Habitat: Hepatic duct; intes- tines. 26. Distoma ophthalmobium. (Diesing.) Habitat: E3-C 27. Distoma heterophyes. (Siebold.) Habitat: Small intestines. 28. Bilharzia haematobia. (Cobbold.) Habitat: Portal and venous blood. 29. Tetrastoma renale. (Delia Chiaje.) Habitat: Tubes of the kidney. 30. Hexathyridium venarum. (Treutler.) Habitat: Venous blood. 31. Hexathyridium pinguicola. (Treutler.) Habitat: Ovary. Class c. Accidental Parasites. 32. Pentastoma denticulatum. (Siebold.) Habitat: Liver; small intestines. 33. Pentastoma constrictum. Habitat: Liver. 34. QEstrus hominis. (Say.) Syn. Larva of the gad-fly. Habitat: Intestines. 35. Anthomyia canicularis. (A. Farrc.) Habitat: Intestines. ECTOZOA. 36. Pediculus pubis. (Leach.) Syn. Crab-louso. 37. Pediculus capitis. (Xitzsch.) Syn. Head-louse. 38. Pediculus palpebrarum. (Le Jeune in Guillemeau.) Syn. Brow- louse. APPENDIX. HUMAN PARASITES. 87 39. Pediculus vestimenti. (Nitzsch.) Syn. Body-louse. 40. Pediculus tabescentium. (Burmeister.) 41. Sarcoptes scabiei. (Latreille.) Syn. Acarus. Itch-insect. 42. Demodex folliculorum. (Owen.) 43. Pulex penetrans. (Gmelin.) Syn. Chigoe. Habitat: Skin and cellular tissue. ♦ ENTOPHYTA AND EPIPHYTA. 44. Leptothrix buccalis. (Wedl. Robin.) Syn. Alga of the mouth. 45. Oidium albicans. (Link.) Syn. Thrush fungus. Habitat: Mouth in cases of thrush, and certain mucous and cutaneous surfaces. 46. Sarcina ventriculi. (Goodsir.) Habitat: Stomach. 47. Torula cerevisiae. (Turpin.) Syn. Cryptococcus cerevisiae. (Kiitzing.) Syn. Yeast-plant. Habitat: Stomach; blad- der, &c. 48. Chionyphe Carteri. A cotton fungus occurring in the disease called Mycetoma. Ha- bitat: Deep tissues, and bones of the hands and feet. 49. Achorion Schonleinii. (Remak.) Habitat: Tinea favosa. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 50. Puccinia favi. (Ardsten.) Habitat: Tinea favosa. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 51. Achorion Lebertii. (Robin.) Syn. Trichophyton tonsurans. (Malmsten.) Habitat: Tinea tonsurans. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 52. Microsporon Audouini. (Gruby.) Habitat: Tinea decalvans. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 53. Trichophyton sporuloides. (Von Walther.) Habitat: Tinea polonica. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 54. Microsporon furfur. (Eichstiidt.) Habitat: Tinea versicolor. Note.—To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. 55. Microsporon mentagrophytes. (Gruby.) Habitat: Follicles of hair in Sycosis or Mentagra. Note.__To be returned amongst the parasitic diseases of the skin. The foregoing list might be extended by the addition of various para- sitic vegetations, which have been reported under the names of Alga?, Fun«-i, Mycoderrns, Leptomiti, &c, but the characters or the exist- enceVf which are still the subject of inquiry. 88 APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. DEFORMITATES CONGENITA,. MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM INCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT OR GROWTH OF PARTS. DEFORMITATES CONGENITA EX RUDI EVOLUTIONE VEL IXCREMENTO PARTIUM EXORTA. OF THE BODY GENERALLY. CORPORIS UNIVERSI. Head absent, or rudimentary. Caput aut nullum aut rude. Cranium defective. Calvaria curta. Lower jaw absent or defective. Maxilla inferior aut nulla aut curta. Upper and lower extremities absent. Defectio partium extremarum superiorum et inferiorum. Lower extremities absent. Defectio membrorum inferiorum. One lower extremity absent. Defectio membri inferioris alterutrius. Hands and feet articulated to scapula? and pelvis. Manus pedesque scapularum et coxarum ossibus inserti. Fingers and toes deficient in number. Manuum pedumque digiti numero deficientes. OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. NERVORUM APPARATUS. Brain absent. Defectio cerebri. Brain rudimentary or incompletely developed. Cerebrum rude vel minus absolutum. Spinal cord absent or imperfect. Medulla spina? aut nulla aut inchoata. Continuity of nerves with nerve-centres incomplete. Nervorum cum centris suis imperfecta commissura. OF THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. SENSUUM SINGULARIUM APPARATUS. Eyes absent. Defectio oculorum. Eyes imperfect. Oculi curti. Eyelids incomplete. Palpebra? imperfecta?. Eyelids remaining united. Palpebrarum perpetua conjunctio. External ear absent. Defectio auris exterioris. APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. 89 Pinna adherent. Auricula adhaerens. Meatus externus closed. Foramen auris clausum. Internal ear imperfect. Auris interior curta. Nose absent. Defectio nasi. Nose imperfect. Nasns curtus. Nose resembling a proboscis. Nasus proboscidi similior. OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. SANGUINIS APPARATUS. Heart absent. Defectio cordis. Cavities of heart deficient in number. Cava cordis numero deficientia. a. One auricle and one ventricle.. Singula auricula cum singulo ventriculo. b. Two auricles and one ventricle. Binae auricula? cum singulo ven- triculo. Septa incomplete. Septa imperfecta. a. Auricular. Septum auricularum. b. Ventricular. Septum ventriculorum. Orifices obstructed or imperfect. Ostia obstructa vel imperfecta. a. Right auriculo-ventricular aperture. Ostium dextrum auriculam inter ventriculumque. b. Pulmonic aperture. Ostium pulmonale. c. Left auriculo-ventricular aperture. Ostium sinistrum auriculam inter ventriculumque. d. Aortic aperture. Ostium aorticum. Foramen ovale prematurely closed. Foramen ovale praemature clausum. Ductus arteriosus prematurely closed. Ductus arteriosus pra?mature clausus. Origins of aorta and pulmonary artery transposed. Capita aorta? et arte- riae pulmonalis inter se transposita. Origin of ascending aorta from left ventricle and of descending aorta from rio-ht ventricle, through the ductus arteriosus. Aorta ascen- dens a sinistro ventriculo orsa, descendens a dextro per duc- turn arteriosum. Commencement of descending aorta contracted or obliterated. Caput aorta? descendentis coarctatum vel obliteratum. Foramen ovale persistent. Foramen ovale a partu patens. Ductus arteriosus pervious. Ductus arteriosus a partu pervius. 90 APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. Cardiac valves imperfect. Valva? cordis imperfecta?. Pericardium absent. Defectio pericardii. OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. RESPIRA TIONIS A PPARA TUS. Lungs (one or both) absent. Defectio pulmonum (alterutrius vel utrinsqne). Pulmonary lobes deficient in number. Pulmonum lobi numero deficientes. Larynx and trachea absent or imperfect. Larynx et trachea aut nulla aut inchoata. OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. DIGESTIONIS APPARATUS. (Esophagus impervious. Oesophagus impervius. Intestine impervious, or deficient in various regions. Intestina impervia vel deficientia in variis partibus. Anus impervious. Anus impervius. Anus in unusual situations. Anu3 in alieno situ. Liver preternaturally small. Jecur praeter natnram exiguum. Gall-bladder absent. Defectio vesiculae fellis. Biliary ducts impervious. Ductus jecinoris impervii. Urachus patulous. Urachus patens. Vitelline duct patulous. Ductus Vitellinus patens. OF THE URINARY SYSTEM. URIXA APPARATUS. Kidney (one or both) absent. Defectio renum (alterutrius vel utriusque). Kidney lobulated. Renes multifidi. Ureters absent or impervious. Ureteres aut nulli aut impervii. Urachus persistent. Urachus perstans. OF THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. GEXITALIUM VIRILIUM. Penis diminutive, resembling a clitoris. Coles pusillus, clitoridi similior. Prepuce abbreviated—elongated. Praepntiura justo brevius—justo longius. Testicle (one or both) absent. Defectio testiculorum (alterutrius vel utri- usque). External organs absent. Defectio partium exteriorum. APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. 91 OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. GENITAL I UM MUL1EBRIUM. Ovary (one or both) absent. Defectio ovariorum (alterutrius vel utriusque). Uterus absent. Defectio uteri. Vagina absent. Defectio vagina?. Vagina impervious. Vagina impervia. Vagina a cul-de-sac. Vagina in sinum desinens. External organs absent. Defectio partium exteriorum. MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM INCOMPLETE COALESPENCE OF THE LATERAL HALVES OF PARTS WHICH SHOULD BECOME CONJOINED DEFORMITATES CONGENITA EX PARUM COEIJNTIBUS AB UTROQUE LATERE PARTIBUS DIMIDIIS, QUA DEBUERAXT CONJUXG1. A.—ON THE ANTERIOR MEDIAN PLANE. MEDIARUM REGIONUM A PRIORI PARTE. Fissure of the face. Fissura faciei. Fissure of the iris. Fissura iridis. Syn. Coloboma. Fissure of the lip. Fissura labri. a. Single harelip. Labrum leporinnm simplex. b. Double harelip. Labrum leporinum duplex. Fissure of the palate. Fissura palati. a. Hard palate. Palati duri. b. Soft palate. Palati mollis. Fissure of the nose. Fissura nasi. Naso-buccal fissure Fissura nasi et buccarum. Fissure of the sternum. Fissura sterni. Fissure of the diaphragm. Fissura diaphragmatis. Fissure of the abdominal walls. Fissura abdominis. Fissure of the pubic symphysis. Fissura commissura? pectinis. Extroversion of the bladder. Vesica? extroversio. Epispadias. Epispadias. Hypospadias. Hypospadias. Fissure of the scrotum. Fissura scroti. 92 APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. B— ON THE POSTERIOR MEDIAN PLANE. MEDIARVM REGIOSUM A TERGO. Fissure of the skull. Fissura calvaria?. Fissure of the spinal column. Fissura vertebrarum in spina. Syn. Spina bifida. a. Complete. Ex toto. b. Partial. Ex parte. Cervical region. Cervicis. Lumbar region. Lumborum. Sacral region. Sacri. Fissure of the spinal cord. Fissura medulla? spinalis. MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM COALESCENCE OF THE LATERAL HALVES OF PARTS WHICH SHOULD REMAIN DISTINCT. DEFORMITA TES CONGENIT^ E EX COEUXTIB US AB UTROQ UE LA TERE DIMIDIIS PARTIBUS, QUA DEBUERAXT IN PERPETULM DISSO- CIARI. Lower extremities conjoined. Membra inferiora commissa. Syn. Syren- iform fcetus. Fingers or toes conjoined. Digiti cohaerentes. Cyclops. Unoculus. Syn. Monoculus. Double kidney. Renes in unum conjuncti. MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM THE EXTENSION OF A COMMIS- SURE BETWEEN THE LATERAL HALVES OF PARTS (CAUSING APPA- RENT DUPLICATION). DEFORMITATES CONG EXITJE EX LATIUS PATENTE COMMISSURA DI MIDI ARUM A LATERIBUS PARTIUM (DUPLICATA OMNIA RE- PRESENT A NTES). Double uterus. Uterus duplex. Double vagina. Vagina duplex. MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM REPETITION OR DUPLICATION OF PARTS IN A SINGLE FCETUS. DEFORMITATES COX G EXIT A EX REPETITIS IN DUPLUM PARTIBUS iSlXG UL OR UM FCETU UM. Supernumerary fingers and toes. Superantes numero digiti. Supernumerary cavities of the heart. Superantia numero cava cordis. Supernumerary valves of the heart. Superantes numera valva? cordis. APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. 93 MALFORMATIONS RESULTING FROM THE COALESCENCE OF TWO FG3TUSES, OR OF THEIR PARTS. DEFORMITATES EX COIIARENTIBUS IXTER SE BINIS FCETIBUS, SIVE EX TO TO SIVE EX PARTE. Foetus, more or less perfect, contained within another foetus. Foetus, plus minus absolutus, alio in fcetu inclusus. Foetus, more or less perfect, constituting a tumor covered by integument. Foetus, plus minus absolutus, tumorem repraesentans cute obductum. Double foetus. Foetus duplex. a. One perfect. The other an appendage. Altera pars integra. Altera appendix tantummodo. b. Both more or less perfect. Utraque pars plus minus integra. The middle parts united. The upper and lower distinct. Par- tes media? continentes. Superiora et inferiora discreta. The upper parts united. The lower distinct. Superiora conti- nentia. Inferiora discreta. The lower parts united. The upper distinct. Inferiora conti- nentia. Superiora discreta. CONGENITAL DISPLACEMENTS AND UNUSUAL POSITIONS OF PARTS OF THE FCETUS. MUTATIO LOCI ET POSITURA IXUSITATA IX FCETU COXGEXITA. Transposition of viscera. Viscera inter se transposita. Hernia or ectopia of the brain. Hernia sive ectopia cerebri. Hernia or ectopia of the heart. Hernia sive ectopia cordis. Hernia or ectopia of the lungs. Hernia sive ectopia pulmonum. Hernia or ectopia of the intestines. Hernia sive ectopia intestinorum. Varieties. Through the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic hernia. Hernia dia- phragmatica. Through the abdominal walls. Abdominal hernia. Hernia abdomi- nalis. Through the umbilicus. Umbilical hernia. Hernia umbilicalis. Extroversion of the bladder. Vesica? extroversio. Testicle retained in the abdomen. Testicnlus in ventre retentus. Testicle retained in the inguinal canal. Testicnlus in foramine inguinal! 91 APPENDIX. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. DISEASES MANIFESTED AT OR AFTER BIRTH. MORBI A PARTU IPSO VEL POST PARTUM APPAREXTES. Premature birth. Partus intempestivus. Stillbirth. Partus intus emortuus. Imperfect expansion of air cells. Atelectasis pulmonum. Jaundice. Icterus. Idiotcy. Amentia. Dumbness. Infantia lingua?. Deaf-dumbness. Mutorum surditas. Congenital cataract. Suffusio congenita. Cephala?matoma. Cephalaematoma. Syphilis. Syphilis. k"-».T.Y.< .-;:MH»i ■u; • . Irtit WB 15 A512n 1872 31910070R NLfl 051^751 3 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ♦ * i • » t * »;»,.,. ■ifiiii-j;??! > !M'i|!!::i'.;l:!i:-'i;-.!,'-,.;,!;ri:,i . '..,;'.v;;-,::..:;v^;.....:':t ■;i:-mw I "ii NLM051497593