NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Reference Division SOURCES FOR HEALTH INSTRUCTION MATERIALS. A list of organizations, publications, etc., supplementing the information provided in the following article: Steinhaus, A. H. aid Fant, K, E. Sources of supplementary materials for health instruction, American Journal of Public Health, 19U9,39: 1107-1116. Compiled by Miriam Hawkins Since the information in the article by Steinhaus and Fant has proved useful in answering requests from school children and laymen who need the type of information provided in pamphlets distributed by many orgaiizations, this supplement has been prepared to furnish information about additional agencies and the material they distribute. Washington, D. C, October 1, 1956 ny-ch , WA 5H0 ,1/52,5 risk c.JL - 1 - Part I, CHAN .;S OF ADDRESS OF AGENCIES LISTED IN Steinhaus, A. H. and Fant, K. E. Sources of supplementary materials for health instruction, American Journal of Public Health, 19li9,39: iiao-iui2, ■ ~~ 5. American Automobile Association. 1712 G Street, N. W., Washington, D, C, 6, American Can Co. 100 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 7. American Cancer Society. 521 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. 10, American Diabetes Assn. Inc, One East 1*5th Street, New York 10, N. Y, 15. American Heart Association. UU East 23rd Street, New York 10, N. Y. 16, American Institute of Baking. L;00 E, Ontario Street, Chicago 11, Illinois, 35. Bristol-Myers Company. Educational Service Dept, Ii5 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N, Y. Ul, Child Study Association of America. 132 East 7i|th Street, New York 21, N, Y. i;2. Child Welfare League of .America, Inc. 3^5 East I;6th Street, New York, N, Y. U7« Commonwealth Fund. One East 75th Street, New York, N. Y, ^9 • Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Fourth Street and Independence Avenue, S. W„, Washington 25, D. C. 67. Illinois Society for Mental Health, Inc, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago 2, 111. 103. National Recreation Assn. Eight West 8th Street, New York, N. Y. 10ii. National Safety Council. I;25 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago XL 111. ' 105A, National Society for Medical Research. 208 North Welk Street, Chicago 6, 111* ~ 2 ~ 121. Pnper Cup and Container Institute Inc. 250 Park Avenue, Now York, N. Y. 125* Society for Visual Education, Inc, - 13U5 Diversey Parkway, Chicago lli, 111, Film strips only, 131. Tampax, Inc. 161 East U2nd Street, New York, N. Y, 1U2, Woman1 s Home Companion. 6J|0 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., - 3 ~ Part II. ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR HEALTH INSTRUCTION. 1U6. American Eugenics Society. 230 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. 1U7. American Foundation for Allergic Diseases. 27k Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y, 1U8, American Home Economics Association. 1600 20th Street, Washington 9, D. C. 1U9. American Parents Commission. 52 Vandcrbilt Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. 150. American Public Welfare Association. 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago 37, 111. 151. Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. 535 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. 152. Association for Childhood Education International. 1200 15th Street, N. W., Washington 5, D. C. Distribution to teachers only. 153. Association of Casualty and Surety Companies. Accident Prevention Dept. 60 John Street, New York 35, N. Y. 151;• Bauech aid Lomb Optical Company. 635 St. Paul Street, Rochester 2, N^tS* 155. Children1s Medical Center. Public Relations Department, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass. 156. Columbia University Press. Center for Mass Communication. 1125 Amsterdam Avenue, New York 25, N. Y. 157. Continental Baking Company. 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. 158. Employers Mutual of Wausau. 115 West Wausau Avenue, Wausau, Wis. 159. Fleischmann Division. Standard Braids, Inc. $9S Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. 160. Health Information Foundation. U20 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. 161. Health Publications Institute. 216 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, N. C. 162. International Council for Exceptional Children. 1201 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6, D, C. 163. Johnson and Johnson. 19U0 George Street, New Brunswick, N. J. -U- 161;, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. 175 Berkeley Street, Boston 17, Mass, 165. Maternity Center Association. U8 East 92nd Street, New York 28, N. Y. 166. McKnight and McKnight Publishing Company. Market aid Center Streets, Bloomington, 111. 167. Mental Health Materials Center. 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. 168, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington 25, D, C. 169. National Association for Music Therapy. Box U, Lawrence, Kan. 170, National Association for Retarded Children. 99 University Place, New York 3, N. Y. 171. National Epilepsy League, Inc. 130 N. Wells Street, Chicago 6, 111. 172-.-. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 270 Park Avenue, New York, F. Y. 173;.- National Nephrosis Foundation. Iii3 East U5th Street, New York 16, K. Y. 171;. National Rehabilitation Association. 1025 Vermont Avenue, N. V* Washington 5, D. C, 175. National Science Teachers Association. 1201 16th Street, N, W. Washington 6, D. C. 176. New York City Department of Health. 125 Worth Street, New York, N. Y. 177. Pamphlet Distributing Co, 313 West 35th Street, New York, N. Y, 178, Prudential Insurance Company of America. 763 Broad Street, Newark, N, J. Att, Public Relations and Advertising Department. 179. Public Affairs Pamphlets. 22 East 28th Street, New York 16, N. Y. 180. Royal Bank of Canada. 36O St, James, Montreal, Canada, 181. Scott, Foresman and Company. 120 East 23rd Street, New York, N, Y, 182. Scripps Foundation for Research in Population Problems, Oxford, Ohio. -5- 182a. Society for the Rehabilitation of the Facially Disfigured. Clinic for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Face, 210 East 6Uth Street, New York, N. Y. 183. Society of Legislative Information Service. 13U6 Connecticut Avenue, Washington 6, D. C. 18U. Stevens Publications. 139 East 52nd Street, New York 22, N. Y. 185. Sunkist Growers. Consumer Service Division. Box 2706 Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 5U, Calif. 186. Town Hall Inc. 123 West l;3rd Street, New York, N. Y. 187. United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, Inc. hi West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. 188. University of Chicago Round Table. 5801 S. Ellis Street, Chicago 37, HI. 189. Woods Schools. Langhorne, Pa. 190, Yale University News Bureau. 2061 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. ~ 6 ~ Part III. ADDITIONAL SUBJECT HEADINGS. Accidents, lOU, 105, 153, 180, 181;: Statistics, lOU, A~ed, 179, 180, 186, 188, 190. Allergy, 81, 137, 1U7 Anemia, 59. Blood, 75, 179. Children, Abnormal and backward, 170, 189. Diseases. Common diseases of childhood, 81, 178. See also names of specific diseases. Health Insurance, 120, 160, 188. Hepatitis, 59. Hospitals, 18, 190. Lead poisoning, 59a. Leukemia, ^9* Medical care, 150. Cost 120, 160, Mental Disorders, 120, 179, 186, 191. Multiple Sclerosis, 173u Music therapy, 169. Ne/hrosis, 173** Physicians, Choice of, 18. Distribwtion, 18. Pregnancy, 81, 179, 190. Respiration, Artificial, 2. Race, 179. Research, 18, 175, 18U, 190, 105A. Sterility, 190. Tapeworm, ^9. Virus Diseases, 177* - 7 - "DI1T0NAL SOURCES FOR INFORMATION ABOUT MATERIALS OR AGENCIES RELATED TO PUBLIC HEALTH. Alexander, J., editor. Sources of information and unusual services. A guide to organizations and agencies which are sources of information of general and national interest ... 3d ed. New York, Informational Directory Co,, 1951;-55. ^>k p. "Credit Lines" which appears in issues of American Journal of Public Health reviews free and low cost material available""" from numerous agencies. Material reviewed is listed under the subject heading "Credit Lines" in the annual indexes but is listed primarily by title rather than by subject. Halton, Henry, comp. American health directory. Washington, Public Affairs Press, 1952. 96 p. and others. Irwin, L. W,. ~ J Methods and materials in school health education. St. Louis, Mosby, 1956. Sources of health education materials and information, p. 313-332. Johnson; Wendell .and others*, Speech-handicapped school children. Rev. ed. N. Y., Haroer, 1956. Agencies and organizations, p. 5U2-5W;. Kansas. State Board of Health. Health education services cfilms, posters, exhibits, literatures. 5th ed., cTopeka, 1951;= • Pamphlets available from various agencies, p. 60-65. Larson, L. A. and others. Problems in health, physical and recreation education; procedures for the systematic identification and solution of problems. New York, Prentice-Hall, 3U0 p. Ch. 7 is a guide to the literature. Lowenfeld, Berthold. Our blind children. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, 1956. List of organizations serving the blind, p. 198-200. Michal-Smith, Harold. The mentally retarded patient. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1956. Bibliography, p. 169-18U. List of state and private institutions caring for the mentally retarded child in the U. S.: p. 185-200. Ralya, Lynn L. and Ralya, L. L. Selected sources of free and inexpensive information concerning vocational rehabilitation; a bibliography. 1953 (?)• The compilers, 907 Fourteenth Street, Santa Monica, California. - 8 ~ "Technical Publications" appears in most issues of Public Health Reports and lists all new Public Health Service publications and selected new publications on health prepared by other Federal Government agencies. Includes publications prepared for the layman. Ue S. Department of Health, Education aid Welfare. Reading on cancer: an annotated bibliography. (Public Health Bibliography Series no, llj.) 1955. Books, pamphlets, reports, and articles in popular periodicals and professional journal s are included. Major emphasis is given to information from nontechnical sources, A section entitled "Related Reading" lists references on such subjects as atomic energy, medical research, popular science and science- health careers. After each entry the letter "E", "M", or "D" appears, showing whether the material is easy, moderately difficult or difficult. Sources of cancer information are given. U. S. Public Health Service. Mental health pamphlets and reprints available for'distribution. (Public Health Bibliography Series no. 2). 1950. Includes materials prepared and distributed by more than 100 Federal, State, aid voluntary organizations. In the Introduction the statement is made that"the National Institute of Mental Health will keep listings current. Vertical file index; a subject and title index to selected pamphlet material. New York, H. W. Wilson Company. cFormerly Vertical'file service catalog.a Published monthly. Cumulated annually. Waldo, M. and Mickelson, J. M» Sources of free and inexpensive materials in health education, rev. ed. 1; p. 195U» The authors, Curriculum Laboratory, Temple University.